HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA673C! . ~ p./;:;::-·· ~-- R & :.1 c~'nsti1tants, LvttL'r from n. Bl:'tlVL'l' R .;. ~1 CPnstll tants tn I~ • .Gutt.•l·a (Xovember 9, lY83) . I /I )) .{ .. ~~ ;;.~~ .. ' .) E ( i~rJ ~ ·-~ ··-·· -----·->:->t""""~"""t . ...-.---·-~~-----~-----·.:·~· o I_ ~I ·I ~- . . a ..... . . I I I I I i -· . ,_ I J I I I I I ~-' I AlASKA PCWEB AU1BORITY RESECN3E 10 AGEhCY CCMM~N1S C~ LICENSE APPLICA1ICN; FrfEBEnCF TC CCMM:EN~ (S): B. 19 ~GM CONSUL.TANTS, INC. <,l);o~ C:OROOVA • DOX t-087 • At.Ct•OUAr.r AIA~II.A ""'·.:1,• • '"'H Coo~ '•'·' i: •' C Nr.INCr A!. OEOLOOI~T!;, P\.ANNrA~io !':.l..t~vrvnR!~ Nov3mber 9, 1983 Envirosphere Company 1617 Cole Boulevard, Suite 250 Golden, CO 80401 Attention: Mr. Don Beaver R&M No. 352333 Re: Susitna Hydroelectric Project, Slough Groundwater Studies Dear Don: I r\;:cently reviewed your report, Sf~ptember 1983 Site Visit and FY 1984 Plan of Study. In this report you requested the follovvi ng 1983 data: 0 0 0 0 Water levels and temperatures from wells . Slough and mainstem stage and discharge measurements. Seepage meter and piezometer data. Slough temperature and water quality data, 1. Water levels and temperatures from wells. This data is not yet complete ~nd will be forwarded when possible. We are awaiting reduction o:: Datapod chips. 2. Slough and mainc:tem stage and discharge measurements. Enclosed are: a. Water discharge records for the Susitna River at Gold Creek for water year 1982 and provisional 1983. -b. Water discharge records for 1983 for Sloughs BA, 9, and 11 (provisional). 3. Seepage meter and piezometer data. Enclosed are: a. Seepage meter program summary. b. c. d. . "·~ .. .. "' Seepage meter field data collected Sloughs SA, 9, 11, and 21. Plots of data in "b" above. Comments on seepage meter dat3. this summer in ·--------·----------------·* I ( I I . I I , ' ' ' i ·---\--.. -- November 9, 1983 Mr. Don Beaver Page 2 4. Slough temperature and water quality data. a. Selected portions of ADF&G report ''Winter Aquatic · Studies (October 19S3 May 19S3). Covered in this report are intragravel and surface water temperatures for Sloughs SA, 9, 11 and 21 for the period August 1982 to May 19S3, and results of an incubation study which measured various water quality parameters of upwelling groundwater. b. A short revtew of ADF&G Preliminary lntergravel Temperature data fo· ... Skughs SA, 9, 1, and 21 covering the period June 1983 to 1-!..u~ust 19S3. Data that needed for groundwater analysis, 0ut not yet reduced includes: 0 0 0 Precipitation for 1983 at Sherman. Specific mainstem water surface elevations at discharges in the areas of Sloughs SA, 9, 11, and 21 data). Results of further ADF&G incubation studies. Water levels and temperatures from wells. varbus (ADF&G The above will be forwarded as available. questions or desire additional data. Please call if you have Very truly yours, R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. Robert Butera Staff Civil Engineer RB/kys cc: Dr. John Bizer ~-Wayne DyoE) ----·-·-·-----------~~------------------------------------------------ I If II -! rJ ~ -' • II ~ ~ j\ t.ltlll ... --.__, __ ._..._ ...... _,...., ...... """"-.......... __ ~·-· ... ·-~.,. ...... ___ .... _ ........ --····-. ··--·--..... -<1/1. ....... ~·-·-··-····· .. •• ................. ___ .... ,...,. __ ....._ ___ .,, _____ __ • -------·-·----- T• J..~-.. -\1.-~ 1 ... ~"'-l \.. !t 1.4_!-~~~~~ .... sk~~ .... b_~f.c.~~:.. • ..-__ -.. ·--.-.. ~-: --:: ____ -e.LI-.et·~.J:i.~~_.:.!,;~-·~~W-;_·1~·"3" ~0~.8.:·,-;: ;,_~h:J.,.P.__s._;h .:.~_&d_l,.r__ _____ ----· , ~:~.:..!'.:...'--------·------__;;;-.. ~ v--e(! ~ /~ 1~ e."T~a. 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