HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA676ll~"nt ;:,11,. lAD OOKAlfCBE DISSOLVID RlnDG!JII StuDT 11110 ' ..11 P .O.10.23 tlIU1uo.V...hl!lCtoft 9827' lco10Jic&1 Au,l,..t••Inc. 2150 JohD ChlUll Drb. CODcor4.Califor1l.u 94'20 Jun.1982 l,.,~• "'"e TIC E :~:i-l AI:.... , ('~I ...",.... Nitrolen aaa i o the d eep v ater of I re.eno ir _y be Ililbtly lupar-ut u rl t e d due to the hydro-Itltic:pr l "Uri of t he o"erlyinl v au r (We u e l .1975).Therefore _ter floviDI freM I d_with I d aep iDtake _y C:DD tl1D I l uper-••turlt_eeeeee- t ration of rai troleD .If tbi.asc:a••ni troaln al.b Dot r apidl y relel.ed reee the I bIO lphere.i t _y clu. e nitro aaD I••b ubbl e d i •••••io fbh re.idinl b elow the d _outf.ll (Cooroy aDd Ber.ur..1970). A .tlldy _.c:ODduc:ted.I t Lab CoIIaDc:he 0....Holtelu.nl 11vlr.Califorou..to dIU~D.the .f U ci enc:y of the Boveol l -IQDI.r V.lv. ill.r_viDI l uper -I.tur.tad di nol.ed Di trol . o.(82 )fro.the d_·.tailv.tlr . Th••Il.el .prlY outfall _t.r ioto eeeeeeee c o ndui t.b ef or e r .lea.io.l t he v . t er to the .t r....Thi.va .o b••n ed.and p hot oar lphad at Lake eo-.Dche 0..on 28 Hay . 1981.It ..flow of 4000 ct.iDto th.MoIt.lueDI I1v.r (a_.CCOliplDyinl photo.). Thl.e eeee••a t urbul ent and ...rlted.flov with the pu rpo.a of facUttatial llIit rol.1lI I ••r ll_••t o t he I r.o. ph.r•• I y ._pUoIll Ditr OS.1lI I"ila th.r ••ervoir Dor the iDtake .aod .t .evaral locl t i on. belov the outfall .al••••th••fficiency o f th.v al..."I.obtlin.d . IlETIIODS t il.ord.r to d.t.niDe D.1trol_...c:oocea.trltlolll I t ••r l ou l dapths i ll.t he r ••ee- .oir.v .tu -..pl••_r.c o ll. c t lll in ~...eo-DChe .pprOJl:1aataly SO a f ro.t he d_d irect ly ov lr t b.r b er c:hano . l o n 28 Hay 1982.AVID Doro lottl.VI .l ove rad fro.I ~t to c:ol1 ac t v .ter .-pla.I t d .pth.of O.10 .20.30 .aDd 38 .4 a .,.. report.d b y !aa;t lay ~icipal Utility Dut ric:t t b.d_intlke "I.It a deptb o f 38.4 •(l'!6 ft)I t tbe t~of the l..,l1q. ODca taIleD a board .e lch ....,1.v . a poured witb ailIiem b1 rbuleoc.iDtO I ll.lirtiabt bo ttle aDd upped in I __r tbat laft DO a1t bubbl.1 1D t be bo ttla.Bottla. _r .p lac id i ll. I cooler for trl1Ulpo rtitioo to thl l i b.S tudt.1 cooductacl by Stave Wilhl laa o f t hl Hyd rl u lic La bo r .tory.O.S.u.y Wat.rway lxp .r ~Dr Star ion. Vi c:kaburl.tu..1a d ppi (paraoaal ~lcl t lOD)indiuta that bri.f apoaura of dllp vltar ~lal to I e-apher ic c:oodirl00.a hal 11rtll .(fact DO Ditr011tD..1. C:DD C:IDUl tl0D8.a-var.b.hal found t hat pe r iod.of expDaur.to I tao.ph.ric all'bubbl••durll1l nall.port.atlOD call auae .1111111c&llt.chaDl••1.11 a.ltroleD I.s concelltratlons,h~ce the n.ed for rftlOvla.1 all all'bubblea before tranaport.atlon . bcea.vater r-..l1l11l.1 l n t.he Vall DaTIl Iottl••va._&.Sll r ed fo r t .-perature.The ac.oapherlc pre . au:re -.-.ured on s l t a at tbs U_o f ...p lllll vaa 751 _. At t.bs uU-..ter be lov t.bs d_.vat.ar _a collecUd by ~rS1.ll1 tha ...,le bottle. uDdar tha _tel'aDd capplDI t.h_111.•_lIDer tb.et left 11."1 all'bubble.11l the botth•• S..,le._re taken at.t.he out.fall,100 •below the outfall.aDd ZOO •below t.he out- fall.Water ttaparature...re ulLeD at each of tha..l ocat1oDa .Iottl••_re pl.~ed 1 11.a cool.r for t.ralUlportatloll t o the lab.At the tUie of ...pllng.t.he outfall flov va.4,000 cr..ne ae.-o.pbsrlc prealSUre _a 753 _. The _t.er collected _.anal)'ud f or Dit.ro,.,a.(N2 )aDd OX)'JeD (02 )111 a Cal1forata State Certified W.ter lab ualill •Carle Hodel 8700 ladc ea.Oara.ato- 11'_ritb a tbet'aS1 conducUvity conductor ....eral hour.after collectlon . USlJ1.rs .,0 ,Depth r_perac:u.,,~...l.!L <0<:).1!I!!l Satunt l oa .1!I!!l utllU tlon ....~tr 0 22 .0 14 .'101 ..,10''0 14.S 17 .0 100 '.J 90'0 13.2 17 .3 ..10.0 "J O 11 .0 17 .'..10 .2 "3'.4 10 .0 18.'101 '.J "DiuI r atl_lu'" At Val..,10.2 17 .7 97 11 .1 "100 •dOW!lllUa.,10 .'17.3 "11 .2 ..200 •'OWUIU·••0 11 .S 17.'.,10 .9 .. I Conroy.D.A••aDd a .L .aetUG.Tatbook.of Fbh Di....es.1970 .t.F .H . Public.tioaa.Jer••,Cit,.Mev Jar..,..302 pp. Vend .a.G.19".UaDolOO.~.I.SauDdera c:c:.p.ey .Phlbdelpb1a . 743 pp .