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A FORECAST OF INDUSTRIAL AND OCCUPATIONAL EMPLOYMENT IN ALASKA PREPARED FOR MAN IN THE ARCTIC PROGRAM INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC,AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA PREPARED BY HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE SEATTLE,WASHINGTON APRIL 1974 Standard Book Number:88353-018-X Library of Congress Catalog Card Number:74-620091DKu_ ISEGR Report S~ries Number:43 Published by Institute of Social,Economic and Government Research University of Alaska Fairbanks,Alaska 99701 1974 Printed in the United States of America PREFACE The research in this report was carried out by Human Resources Planning Institute (HRPI)as part of the Man in the Arctic Program (MAP),a major research program funded by the National Science Foundation at the Institute of Social,Economic and Government ~esearch (ISEGR),University of Alaska.MAP is a long-range research effort intended to develop a basic under- standing of the forces of change in Alaska and to apply this understanding in dealing with the critical problems of social and economic development.The principal objectives of MAP are to: •Measure and anaiyze basic patterns of change in the economy,population,and environment of Alaska. •Identify significant interactions between outside economic and social forces and Alaska conditions and institutions. •Identify specific problems associated with these interactions and analyze policy alternatives for dealing with them. •Provide information and analysis to assist decision makers in solving critical economic,social,and environmental problems of concern to both state and nation. The objectives of MAP are defined on an ambitious scale,and necessarily so,given the breadth and magnitude of th~problems and policies with which it is concerned. As part of MAP,ISEGR contracted with HRPI to construct a forecast of industry and occupational employment in Alaska through 1983.Particular attention was to be given to the methodology by which the demands for specific occupational categories were linked to industry employment levels. Although intended primarily to provide information to a larger research program,the HRPI study has produced results which seem useful in their own right.ISEGR has,therefore,elected to publish this work,essentially as received from HRPI,in-the belief that the information is of immediate relevance and potential usefulness to many persons and agencies in Alaska. The results of the HRPI have not been subjected to detailed critical review nor have they as yet been integrated into the larger MAP research design.The results are presented here to contribute to informed public discussion of the matters involved.ISEGR cannot,however,confirm or refute the validity of the specific projections developed by the HRPI study. David T.Kresge Director,MAP Victor Fischer Director,ISEGR June 1974 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION . . PART I -SUMMARY OF FINDINGS. SECTION 1 -STATEWIDE EMPLOYMENT AND POPULATION Introduction.. . . 7 7 7 Part 1:Forecasts of Labor Force,and Population 10 Part 2:Forecasts of Employment in Alaska's Basic Industries . Part 3:Forecasts of Employment in Alaska's Non- Basic Industries . Part 4:Tables and Figures of the Statewide Fore- casts. ·14 ·30 ·38 SECTION 2 -REGIONAL EMPLOYMENT AND POPULATION Anchorage Region. Fairbanks Region. Southeast Region. Southcentral Region Southwest Region. Northwest Region. Northern Region . Tables and Figures of the Regional Forecasts. SECTION 3 -OCCUPATIONAL EMPLOYMENT . Professional,Technical and Kindred Workers 59 62 •64 •67 •69 .'.71 •73 •74 •76 •97 ·98 i ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Managers and Administrators,Except Farm..107 Sales Workers . • • • • • • •.109 Clerical and Kindred Workers..111 Craftsmen and Kindred Workers .113 Operatives,Except Transport Workers..117 Transport Equipment Operative .119 Laborers and Farm Workers .120 Service Workers • • •.122 Tables and Figures of the Occupational Forecasts..126 APPENDIX •• • • • • • . • • • . • . • • • • . . . • • •165 PART II -THE STRUCTURE OF ALASKA'S LABOR MARKET.. • . • • • • • . •167 SECTION I -ECONOMIC BASE MODEL OF ALASKA..169 Theoretical Background.. • • • • • •.169 The Statewide Model.• •178 The Econometric Analysis 183 The Population Indicator 187 Seasonal Effects in Alaska 190 Lagged Relationships • • •192 Noncategorized Employment.192 Unemployment Equation.194 Operation of the Model 195 The Regional Allocation System 197 Regional Impact Matrices " •198 Limitations on the Allocation System 200 Calculating the Regional Allocation Matrices 205 TABLE OF CONTENTS Sources of Data. Other Sources of Data. The Occupational Model BIBLIOGRAPHY ..... 208 211 212 219 iii LIST OF FIGURES PART I -SUMMARY OF FINDINGS FIGURE 1 -Man in Arctic Project Study Regions By Labor Market Statistical Area . . . FIGURE 2 -Alaska Employment Forecast -Mining 3 43 FIGURE 3 -Alaska Employment Forecast -Manufacturing.44 FIGURE 4 -Alaska Employment Forecast -Communications, Utilities 45 FIGURE 5 -Alaska Employment Forecast -Federal Government.. . .. • . .46 FIGURE 6 -Alaska Employment Forecast -Total Construc- tion 47 FIGURE 7 -Alaska Employment Forecast -State and Local Government ....48 FIGURE 8 -Alaska Employment Forecast -Retail Trade 49 FIGURE 9 -Alaska Employment Forecast -Wholesale Trade.50 FIGURE 10-Alaska Employment Forecast -Finance,Insur- ance,Real Estate . . . . . . . . . .51 FIGURE 11-Alaska Employment Forecast -Transportation .52 FIGURE 12-Alaska Employment Forecast -Services . . . .53 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 13 -Alaska Employment Forecast -Noncategorized."54 FIGURE 14 -Alaska Employment Forecast -Total Employment.55 FIGURE 15 -Alaska Employment Forecast -Unemployment.56 FIGURE 16 -Alaska Employment Forecast -Labor Force 57 FIGURE 17 -Alaska Employment Forecast -Total Population.58 FIGURE 18 -Regional Total Employment -Anchorage.90 FIGURE 19 -Regional Total Employment -Fairbanks.91 FIGURE 20 -Regional Total Employment -Southeast.92 FIGURE 21 -Regional Total Employment -Southcentral 93 FIGURE 22 -Regional Total Employment -Southwest.94 FIGURE 23 -Regional Total Employment -Northwest.95 FIGURE 24 -Regional Total Employment -Northern 96 FIGURE 25 -Alaska Occupational Employment -Professional, Technical and Kindred.127 FIGURE 26 -Alaska Occupational Employment -Managers and Administrators,Exc.Farm. FIGURE 27 -Alaska Occupational Employment -Sales Workers . 128 129 v LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 28 -Alaska Occupational Employment -Clerical and Kindred Workers..130 FIGURE 29 -Alaska Occupational Employment -Craftsman and Kindred Workers..131 FIGURE 30 -Alaska Occupational Employment -Operatives, Exc.Transport .132 FIGURE 31 -Alaska Occupational Employment -Transport Equipment Operatives .133 FIGURE 32 -Alaska Occupational Employment -Laborers, Exc.Farm..134 FIGURE 33 -Alaska Occupational Employment -Farm Owners Mgrs.and Workers..135 FIGURE 34 -Alaska Occupational Employment -Service Workers,Exc.Prvt.Household..136 FIGURE 35 -Alaska Occupational Employment -Private Household Workers . PART II -THE STRUCTURE OF ALASKA'S LABOR MARKET FIGURE 1 -Man in Arctic Project Study Regions by Labor Market Statistical Area.. . FIGURE 2 -Alaska Statewide Employment Model. FIGURE 3 -Sample Regional Impact Matrix.. . ..137 3 .196 .199 LIST OF TABLES PART I -SUMMARY OF FINDINGS TABLE 1 -Basic and Non-Basic Industries ..9 TABLE 2 -Employment Estimates for Pipeline Construction. TABLE 3 -Employment by Industry for the Historical Period (1966-72). TABLE 3a -Employment by Industry for the Forecast Period (1973-83).. TABLE 4 -Total Employment by Region. TABLE 5 -Alaska Employment by Industry and Regional Shares,1972 ... · .39 · .40 41 76 78 TABLE 6 -Alaska Employment Forecast -.1973 79 TABLE 7 -Alaska Employment Forecast -1974 ·80 TABLE 8 -Alaska Employment Forecast -1975 ·81. TABLE 9 -Alaska Employment Forecast -1976 ·82 TABLE 10 -Alaska Employment Forecast -1977 ·83 TABLE 11 -Alaska Employment Forecast -1978 TABLE 12 -Alaska Employment Forecast -1979 TABLE 13 -Alaska Employment Forecast -1980 . . . ·84 ·85 · .86 vii LIST OF TABLES TABLE 14 -Alaska Employment Forecast -1981. TABLE 15 -Alaska Employment Forecast -1982. 87 88 TABLE 16 -Alaska Employment Forecast -1983.. ...89 TABLE 17 -Al~ska Oc~upational Employment by Category 126 TABLE 18 -Forecast of Occupational Employment in Alaska for 1983 ....138 PART II -THE STRUCTURE OF ALASKA'S LABOR MARKET TABLE 1 -Basic and Nonbasic Industries 182 TABLE 2 -Seasonal Binary Variables.184 TABLE 3 -Nonbasic Industry Equations from STEP-WISE Regression Program 185 TABLE 4 -Historical Data Comparison Report 203 TABLE 5 -Historical Data Comparison Report 204 TABLE 6 -Matrix of Transfers and Transfer- Coefficients for 1972 ..207 TABLE 7 -Matrix Segment -Industry Correspondence 214 TABLE 8 -Correspondence Between Major and Minor Occupational Categories.216 viii A FORECAST OF INDUSTRIAL AND OCCUPATIONAL EMPLOYMENT IN ALASKA PART I SUMMARY OF FINDINGS . 1 INTRODUCTION As part of a multi-year,National Science Foundation supported research program,the Institute of Social,Economic and Govern- ment Research,University of Alaska,contracted with Human Resources Planning Institute (HRPI)to conduct a forecast of industry and occupational employment in the state of Alaska through the year 1983. Under its contract,Human Resources Planning Institute staff of Theodore Lane,Eric Swanson,and Marc Reeder developed a disaggregated economic base model l for the state of Alaska. Next,HRPI obtained the occupational employment statistics (OES)tape for the state of Alaska from the Bureau of Labor Statistics,U.S.Department of Labor.The OES tape was developed from the 1970 Census and presents a matrix giving the number of persons employed in each of the 227 industries for 440 occupations.HRPI developed the necessary programs to convert the OES matrix into a matrix of occupations and industries for which employment forecasts could be generated. Finally,the HRPI models were modified to gener~te both a "most probable"forecast and an uncertainty envelope (95% confidence)around that forecast. IThe disaggregated base model is a refined and updated ver- sion of the model developed by Human Resources Planning Institute as a subcontractor to Mathematical Sciences North- west in studying the impact of the Alyeska Pipeline under a master contract let by the Alyeska Pipeline Service Company .• The study effort is presented in two parts _ Part I:Summary of Findings, Part II:The Structure o£Alaska's Labor Market. The first report is a summary discussion of the results of the study.Statewide forecasts are presented for 12 indus- try categories as well as for total employment,civilian labor force,and total population.Historical data are pre- sented for the period 1966-1972 and forecast data are pre- sented for the period 1973-1983.Regional forecasts of employment are also discussed for the seven Man in the Arctic study regions shown in Figure 1: 0 Anchorage; 0 Fairbanks; 0 Southeast; 0 Southcentral; 0 Southwest; 0 Northwest;and 0 Northern. The first report concludes with a presentation of expected occupational employment in 440 categories for the year 1983 and a discussion of the trends in occupational employment during the decade,1973-1983. 2 FIGURE 1 MAN IN ARCTIC PROJECT STUDY REGIONS BY LABOR MARKET STATISTICAL AREA l.Anchora~e 4.Southcentra 1 5.Southwest Cordova Bethel 2.Fairbanks Valdez Kuskokwim Palmer Wade-Hampton 3.Southeast Seward Prince'of Wales Kenai 6.Northwest Ketchikan Kodiak Barrow Wrangell Aleutians Kobuk Sitka Bri stol Bay Nome Juneau Lynn Canal 7.Northern Yukon-Koyukuk Upper Yukon for c1.:lss1fication of data b}'laborr::.arket statistiC':ll 3reas 'Within election district: 3 .I 4 Part II is a technical discussion of the methodology used to generate the results presented in Part I.There is a section on the economic base model used to make the state- wide and regional forecasts of industry employment.The forecast equations derived through linear regression analysis are presented,and the approach used to make occupational employment forecasts is discussed.There is a mathematical ~presentation of the sensitivity analysis used to derive the uncertainty (errors)envelopes accompanying the statewide forecasts of industry and occupational employment. The second report concludes with an outline of the system of computer programs developed by HRPI for the Man in the Arctic Program.The interaction of programs within the system, the input data each program requires and the results pre- sented on the various output tables are discussed in this section. Throughout the course of this study,the entire Man in the Arctic Program (MAP)staff at the Institute of Social,Economic and Government Research at the University of Alaska offered continuing advice,comment,and suggestion.In particular, we would like to extend our thanks to Mr.Dave Kresge and Mr.Neville Beharie of ISEGR.Bob Richards and Vince Wright of the National Bank of Alaska provided us with many helpful comments.In addition,they were of great assistance to us in making contact with many business and industry leaders for discussions of their particular industry trends.Paul Engleman of the Alaska State Department of Economic Develop- ment gave us substantial assistance,as did Larry Heppenbach of the Alaska State Department of Revenue.We would also like to thank Naomi Smith of the Research Division of the Alaska Department of Labor for providing special data which otherwise would not have been available. . 5 SECTION 1 STATEWIDE EMPLOYMENT AND POPULATION Introduction This section of the report will discuss forecasts of Alaskan employment for the decade running through 1983.These fore- casts were generated by an economic base model,the struc- ture and operation of which will be covered in a Volume II of the report.The following topics will qe covered in this section: l.Forecast of labor force,and population; 2.Forecast of employment in Alaska's basic industries; 3.Forecast of employment in Alaska's non-basic indus- tries;and 4.Tables and graphs of the statewide forecasts. At the close of this section,tables and graphs supporting the discussion are presented.The forecasts of statewide.. industries include an uncertainty envelope surrounding the path of the "most probable"employment.This envelope represents the region containing 95%of the errors accumu- lated by the economic base model.These errors came about because of uncertainty assigned by the economist to each basic industry forecast.Additional uncertainty arisep due to the fact that equations used to make the non-basic forecasts were generated by linear regression analysis and thus were "best estimates"of the future,base on the trends 7 8 of the past.The details of how the uncertainty envelopes were determined are discussed in a section called Sensi- tivity Analysis of Forecast Results in Volume II.The main thing to keep in mind here is that these errors represent the range of forecasts possible given the basic assumptions nf the economic base model and should not be interpreted as a measure of the integrity of the basic assumptions themselves. The graphs included at the end of this section show trends in annual employment averaged from the quarterly forecasts of the base model.The quarterly equations used in the base model are presented in Table 4 of Volume II.Annual ver- sions of these equations are presented with their respec- tive graph.Variable abbreviations are explained in the Time Series Variable List given in the Appendix to this volume.Input data for the annual equations should be the average of the four quarterly values for each independent variable.The operation of the quarterly equations as a system is discussed in Section I of Volume II. Table I presents the basic and non-basic industries to be discussed in this section. 9 TABLE 1 BASIC AND NON-BASIC INDUSTRIES Basic Industries Mining Petroleum mInIng Other mining Construction (pipeline)* Manufacturing Food Products Forest Products Other Manufacturing Communications and Utilities (including public utilities) Federal Government Non-Basic Industries Construction (Total)* Transportation services Wholesale Trade Retail Trade Finance,Insurance,and Real Estate Services State and Local Government Non-categorized,including agriculture SIC Code 10 -14 13 la,12,14 15 -17 19 -39 20 24 -26 48,49 91 15 -17 40 -47 50 52 -!)9 6-0 -69 70 -89 92 -93 01 -09,and other *Construction has both a basic and a non-basic component. Pipeline construction is basic and determined exogenously. All other construction is non-basic and,determined within the model.Total construction is the sum of both co~ponents. 10 Part 1:Forecasts of Labor Force,and Population Total Civilian Employment (Figure 14) Forecasts of total civilian employment is derived from a simple summation of employment in the basic and non-basic industries.The industry employment will be discussed in Parts 2 and 3 of this section. Total employment in the state of Alaska is expected to increase over the period 1973 to 1983,inclusive,from approximately 113,000 workers to approximately 217.5 thousand workers -an increase of 104.5 thousand workers or 92%. Approximately two-thirds of this increase will occur between the years 1973 and 1976,inclusive,when the major impact of the construction of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline will be felt. The growth rate is expected to slow down somewhat between the period 1976 and 1980 and rise more sharply during the period 1982 to 1983. This forecast of total employment includes the assumption that the Trans-Alaskan pipeline will begin construction during the second quarter of 1974 and that a gas pipeline will be constructed immediately following completion of the oil pipeline.It does not,however,include any estimated impacts that might result from the construction of either a second oil pipeline or a second gas pipeline. 11 ,.- ; Unemployment (Figure 15) The rate of unemployment was estimated at 10%of the labor force in 1972 and is expected to decline to approximately 9.5%by 1975.Within the range of uncertainty the unemploy- ment rate in 1975 could fall anywhere from a low of 8%to a high of 11%.After completion of the Trans-Alaska pipe- line unemployment is expected to rise somewhat reaching a high of approximately 11.5%in 1980 and declining slightly to approximately 11.3%oy 1983. Despite the fact that the rate of employment is expected to decline during the pipeline construction and increase thereafter,the total number persons who will be unemployed is expected to increase steadily throughout the period. In 1972,an estimated 13,300 workers were unemployed.This number is expected to increase to 17,300 workers in 1975 and 27,700 in 1983.Despite the fact that the number ~f persons who are expected to be unemployed will more than double over the 11 year forecast period,the labor force will also be rising sharply.Consequently,ch~nges in the rate of unemployment will be moderate. The concept of unemployment which is being measured i~ these forecasts conforms to that used by the Federal and state departments of labor.This means that to be unemployed, a person must be out of work,able to work,and actively 12 seeking legitimate employment.It a person is either incapacitated or has stopped actively seeking work,that person is no longer considered part of the labor force and,therefore,is not considered unemployed. Civilian Labor Force (Figure 16) The labor force is the summation of the-total number of civilian workers and the total number of unemployed per- sons in the labor market.Consequently,with both the number of persons employed and the number unemployed rising, the labor force also rises very significantly between the years 1973 and 1983,inclusive.In 1972,the civilian labor force was estimated at 126,000 persons.By 1976, it increases to 203,000 workers,an increase of 77,000 persons or 64%. Military Population Estimates of future military activity in Alaska are diffi- cult to make.During the historical period military employ- ment (active duty personnel)declined steadily from 33,200 in 1966 to 26,500 in 1972.In addition,there were 29,600 military dependents in Alaska in 1972.Without a valid means to second-guess the Department of Defense,the 1972 military population of 56,100 was applied to forecasts of total population throughout the 1973-1983 forecast period. 13 Total Population (Figure 17) Total population is the summation of civilian labor force, civilian dependents,active duty military personnel,and military dependents.Alaska's population was an estimated 313,600 persons in 1972.By 1983,the population is expected to increase to a level of 546,300 persons.This figure includes a civilian labor force of 245,200,245,000 civilian dependents,26,500 active duty military personnel and 29,600 military dependents.This represents an increase of 232,700 persons or almost 75%.Uncertainty in the population esti- mate,could allow population to rise as high as 575,000 by 1983. Underlying the population forecast is an assumption that the civilian dependency ratio (total population over civilian labor force)will decline from 2.04 to 1.99 during the fore- cast period as dependents become workers.This represents a slight increase (about 2%)in the proportion of all • civilian persons in the population who are actively partici- pating in the state civilian labor market.The major factor underlying this assumption of ~declining civilian dependency ratio is the increasing number of women who are expected to participate in the labor force.An additional 4 assumption,mentioned above,is that military population will remain at the 1972 level through 1983. 14 Part 2:Forecasts of Employment in Alaska's Basic Industries Construction (Pipeline)* During the 1970's construction employment is expected to show some dramatic changes.The greatest of these changes will occur as a result of construction of the Trans-Alaska pipeline.Assuming that pipeline construction begins by the end of the 2nd quarter of 1974 and requires three years of continuous effort,pipeline construction employment is expected to rise to approximately 4,200 average annual workers in 1974 and a second quarter peak of 11,000 workers in 1975. There will be a decline of approximately 1,600 workers in the construction industry between 1975 and 1976,and by 1977 pipeline construction employment will have dropped to a forecasted level of 800 average annual workers. This forecast of construction activity on the Trans-Alaska pipeline is based upon the latest "Manning schedule"available from the Alyeska Pipeline Company.It is significantly higher than the original Manning schedule contained in the impact study published by Mathematical Sciences Northwest.At the time of the original analysis,the Alyeska plans contained a three-phase work plan.The first phase had oil flowing at approximately 0.6 million barrels per day;the second phase, *Pipeline construction is the exogenous component of total construction which is discussed with the non-basic indus- tries in Part 3 of this section. 15 oil throughput was increased to approximately 1.2 million barrels per day;while the third phase would increase the throughput to approximately 2 million barrels per day.The new work schedule apparently calls for a two phase work plan.Phase one will have the oil flowing at approximately 0.6 million barrels per day for a 30-90 day period which will act as the "shakedown period"for the pipeline.Immediately following the shakedown period the throughput will be increased to 1.2 million barrels per day.As a result of this collapsing of the work schedule,the storage capacity and terminal facilities at Valdez will have to be brought up to the original phase two level during the initial three year construction period. Alyeska also anticipates construction of an additional three to four pumping stations along the pipeline route.As a result,the number of workers employed by Alyeska during the three year construction phase has been increased substantially from a quarterly peak of approximately 8,000 workers to a new forecasted peak of approximately 11,000 workers~.. We are forecasting that a natural gas pipeline will be con- structed with completion scheduled for 1979.wi are fore- casting that the first natural gas pipeline to be constructed will be the McKenzie Valley pipeline route currently being .if proposed by the Alaska Arctic (Canada Arctic)Pipeline Con- sortium.This pipeline will run from the north slope of Alaska *Recent press releases from Alyeska forecast peak employ- ment as high as 12.500. 16 through the McKenzie Valley and across Canada into the gen- eral area of Chicago.It will probably be a 48"diameter pipe with a carrying capacity of approximately 3-3.5 billion cubic feet of natural gas per day.An estimated 275 miles of the gas pipeline construction will occur within the state of Alaska and this will give rise to an estimated average annual employment in the range of 2,000 to 3,000 workers (with a peak quarterly employment during the third quarter of 1978 of about 6,300 workers).It is our feeling that the proposed El Paso pipeline (which would parallel the TAPS route)is of doubtful economic feasibility at the present time.This is particularly true because it would require the construction of a liquified natural gas (LNG) terminal (including a plant and storage area)requiring a minimum of 640 acres for its construction.A LGN plant of sufficient capability to accommodate the capacity of the proposed El Paso pipeline would cost an estimated half a billion dollars a year to operate (in addition to requiring an estimated one million horsepower compressor capacity). Also the building of one or two LGN tankers would add significantly to the costs of the projects. The forecasts of employment in pipeline construction dis- cussed above are summarized in Table 2 at the end of this section. 17 Total Mining (Figure 2) Total mining is the sum of oil and gas mining and other mining.A discussion of these components follow. Oil and Gas Mining Upon the initiation of construction activity for the Trans- Alaska pipeline system,a resurgence 'of oil and gas explora- tion activity is expected to begin.During the 1974-1975 winter seasons it is expected that at least 19 exploration rigs will be active in the North Slope area.Of this num- ber,16 will probably be wildcat rigs employing between 60 and 80 workers per rig while three will be development rigs employing approximately 40 workers per rig.The explora- tion will probably occur to the east and west of the exist- ing field and there will be,in addition,some off-shore activity.Over the next few years,several oil companies currently which have Federal leases on fields which lie to the south of the Prudue Bay area must complete..their exploratory activities on these properties because their leases will be running out.Consequently,exploration activity is expected to rise to a hig4 of approximately 2,500 workers by 1975 and remain at that level through 1977.Thereafter the time pressure for exploration ac}ivi- ties will be reduced somewhat causing a slight initial decline and a stable longer term level of employment at 2,400 workers.Many of the workers employed after 1978 18 will be in the lower Cook Inlet,North Slope,and Gulf of Alaska exploration areas. Other Mining Other mining activity in the State of Alaska has been declin- ing steadily since 1963 employing an estimated 300 workers in 1972.These workers are all employed by small firms; at the present time there is no mine operating in the state of Alaska which employs over ten workers.Most of the employment in this sector is by small mines operating with a work force of two to five men,or else is produced by the employment of geologists and other exploration crews who are seeking to determine the existence of mineral resources within the state. While the development of Alaska's mineral resources (parti- cularly copper resources in the Kennicott region of the Wrangell Mountains)may have strong potential in the long run,it is doubtful that activity in this sector will in- crease significantly over the forecast period.By 1983, it is expected that total employment in the other mining sector will be equal to 500 workers. 19 Total Manufacturing (Figure 3) Total manufacturing is the sum of logging,lumber and pulp; food processing;and other manufacturing.These components are discussed below. Logging,Lumber,and Pulp The forest products industry has two major components.the production of pulp and the production of lumber.These two components of the industry,however,are quite closely related in their production pattern.~Both the production of pulp and the production of lumber are centered in south- east Alaska where there are currently four timber "working circles".One of these working circles is centered around Ketchikan,another around Sitka,another around Juneau, and a fourth around Wrangell.As a result of a suit brought by the Sierra Club,the creation of a fifth working circle (and the entry of Champion U.S.Plywood Pulp Mill)in south-. east Alaska has been stopped;and,for purposes of the forecast,it is assumed that no further working circles will be developed. The vast majority of both the pulp and lumber output of Alaska is sold to Japan.A significant segment of the~pulp output,however,is marketed primarily in the eastern half of the United States.These marketing patterns are expected to continue throughout the forecast period. 20 Representatives of the lumber and wood products industry see a growing shortage of timber as a result of the issues raised by (a)the filing of environmental impact statements and (b)the requirement for sustained yield harvesting. Consequently,they see limited U.S.Forest Service timber sales in the future.While the demand (primarily foreign demand)for Alaska forest products has been high,particu- larly during the last year,this is not expected to produce any new boom period for the long term growth of the industry. Japan buys forest products from Canada,Russia,Asia,and the western part of the lower United States -as well as from Alaska.There is some evidence that the Japanese demand is price sensitive and,consequently,the recent devaluation of the U.S.dollar should help the competitive position of the Alaska forest products industry.However,two factors act to mitigate this trend.First,Japan is sufficiently scarce of.resources that in the past it was willing to purchase all forest products that were available to them. Thus the relative price advantage of U.S.forest products will not produce any sharp increase in the demand for the Alaska forest products in international markets.Second, over the next several years Japan is expected to feel the adverse effects of the international energy crisis.If this results in a slowing down of the rate of growth of the Japanese economy (as is probable)this will result in a lessening of the Japanese demand for Alaska forest products. For forecasting purposes,the long term trend evidenced by the Alaska forest prcraucts industry over the decade of the 1960's is expected to continue throughout the forecast (through 1983). The continuance of the ten year trend of the Alaska forest products industry results from the net effects of several trends.First,both the state of Alaska and the U.S. Forest Service require that the harvesting of timber from Alaska forests "working circles"be limited to that which can be maintained on a sustained yield basis.As a result, the ability of the pulp and lumber mills to obtain increas- ing amounts of standing timber is limited.Counter~ balancing this tren~howeve~is the development of better logging techniques which will increase the sustained yield limit capable of being harvested from the existing working clrcles.This is mainly the result of improved techniques for moving the cut timber from otherwise inaccessible sites to the mills -thereby opening up stands of timber which were not available for harvesting until very recently.At .JJ this time,existing plants are consistently instituting 21 22 small technological changes which have the affect of increas- ing plant capacity with existing plant size.Additionally, the development of improved mill techniques is leading to better utilization of logs an~the production of products from what had been considered waste materials of the milling process. These increases in plant capacity,and the better utilization of logs at the mills,have the overall effect of reducing the capital labor ratio in both the pulp and lumber mills and thereby producing slightly increased employment and output within the industry. It is expected that employment in the logging,lumber,and pulp industry will decline slightly from its forecasted 1973 annual average of 3,300 workers to approximately 3,100 workers by 1974.The '74 employment level is expected to be constant through 1975 and to increase by approximately 150 workers by 1976.Thereafter,the industry is expected to show a steady long term pattern of growth (an estimated 100 workers per year)reaching a high of 4,000 workers by 1983. Food Processing Food processing in Alaska is mainly involved with the 23 ~-, processing of seafood.During the 1960's,the food pro- cessing industry showed a general upward trend.However, employment tended to fluctuate quite significantly around that trend.Though a sharp rise in employment occurred be- tween 1969 and 1970 and was sustained during the period 1970 and 1971;employment within the industry declined by approximately 300 workers between 1971 and 1972 and is expected to show an only slight increase of approximately 150 workers between 1972 and 1973.Between 1973 and 1975, employment in the industry is expected to be very stable. This will result from several factors. A number of the food processing plants and their related fishing fleets,as weJl as independent fishermen,are expected to develop larger vessels capable of harvesting seafood from areas as far away as the Bering Sea.The shellfish industry (shrimp and crab)is expected to be . strong and steady throughout the period.However~the harvesting of red salmon in the Bristol Bay area is expected to remain depressed.This will act as a downward, pressure on employment in the food processing industry.The situation in Bristol Bay is expected to continue £or the next four to five years before improved harvests are 4 eVident.The situation in Prince William Sound is highly unstable.The impact of large oil tankers moving in and out of the Sound,in order to ship oil from the southern 24 terminus of TAPS at Valdez,is not known at this time. The strong demand for fisheries production generated by foreign (particularly Japanese)markets appears to be causing a shift in the composition of the industry's out- put.Preliminary reports of 1973 .production indicate the total pack of canned salmon will be the lowest since the turn of the century.However,the 1973 record export of fresh and frozen salmon to Japan from the U.S.was a major factor in 1973's record breaking production of frozen and cured salmon in Alaska (the old record -set in 1970 - was exceeded by almost 50%). Finally,the recent devaluation of the U.S.dollar should increase the demand for food products of all sorts produced in the state of Alaska.At the current time,the United States imports approximately two-thirds of its fish products from other countries.As a result of devaluation,the price of fish products inported into the United States will rise.This should lead to some redirection of U.S.demand away from imported fish products and to domestically produced ones.Part of this redirection is expected to benefit Alaska's food processing industry. Beginning in 1977,it is expected that the food pro- cessing industry will show a long term pattern of slight 25 employment increases (averaging 100 workers per year) reaching a high of 4,500 workers in 1983. Other Manufacturing Other manufacturing is a catch-all category into which are lumped all of the manufacturing firms in Alaska which are too small to be separately classified under their own individual industry codes.An SIC definition of the workers involved in the transmission of oil and natural gas would place them under the category "transportation services" not in the "other manufacturing"category.However,in our model the transportation services category is treated as an induced (or non-basic)industry.The impact of the workers related to the production and transmission of oil and natural gas clearly represent an autonomous (or basic) increase in emplo)~ent and should be treated as part of the basic employment sector.Consequently,we have chosen to include the oil pipeline and gas pipeline workers,once production begins,in the "other manufacturing category" recognizing that this constitutes a violation of the SIC coding system. It is expected that by 1976 oil production will begin and .iI that by 1977 the "other manufacturing"category will have increased by approximately 400 workers -all of whom will be related to production and transmission of oil,including 26 the maintenance and operation of the terminal at Valdez. The production and transmission of natural gas is expected sometime during 1979,thus the other manufacturing categpry will increase by another 100 workers who are related to the maintenance of the gas fields and the operation of the pumping stations for the natural gas pipeline. Excluding the major jumps in other manufacturing related to oil production between 1976 and 1977 and gas production between 1979 and 1980,the other manufacturing category is expected to increase by a long term trend of approximately 100 workers per year reaching a forecasted high of 3,150 workers by 1983. Communications and Utilities (Figure 4) The communications and utilities industry was exceedingly stable throughout the 1960's fluctuating at or around 2,500 workers throughout the period.Between 1970 and 1971,how- ever,there was a massive increase in industry employment jumping from 2,600 workers to 3,700 workers.This shift occurred on January 10,1971 as a result of the transfer of workers from Federal payrolls to RCA payrolls when RCA took over the Alaska Communications System from the military.The institution of certain operating economies subsequently led to a slight reduction of 100 workers between 1971 and 1972.The 1972 level is expected to be constant through 1973. 27 .~ ; After 1973,several divergent trends are expected in the industry.First,the RCA company,the largest single company in this industry,is expected to show a stable or slightly declining employment.This will result from the institution of direct dialing systems throughout all of Alaska which will reduce the demand for operators.The subsequent development of automatic number identification (ANI)equipment in local areas which will further reduce the demand for operators.For example,Anchorage now has an estimated 35-40%of its telephones with ANI equipment and within two years will have gone to 100%.ANI equipment. is expected to be instituted in Juneau within the next three to five years and in the rest of Alaska within the next ten years.Secondly,RCA plans to shift from its current micro-wave systems to satellite communication systems within the next ten years.This will act to re- duce the number of engineering staff required,and will. further provide some downward pressure on emplo~ent patterns within the industry.Other parts of the communications segment of this industry,particularly the radio and television segments,are expected'to grow as a result of increasing population growth throughout Alaska.In addition,employment in private utilities 4 throughout the state is expected to show some slight increase.This increase might be significantly affected 28 if there is developed a private transit system within Alaska.At the present time,however,it is expected that any transit systems which are developed will be municipally or state-owned and operated and consequently would not be part of this industry. Gvera11,employment in the industry is expected to grow by approximately 40-50 workers per year over the forecast period beginning in 1974 and reaching a forecasted high ~f 4,000 workers by 1983. Federal Government (Figure 5) Throughout the 1960's,Federal government employment (ex- cluding military employment)was highly stable -fluctuating in the range of 16,500 workers to 17,500 workers.During the last four years (1970 through 1973 inclusive)employ- ment fluctuated within the range of 17,000 to 17,300 workers. In the future,Federal government employment is expected to grow very slowly to a level of 17,800 in 1983. The stability in Federal government employment will result from several counterbalancing patterns expected in Federal activity.First,the amount of civilian,military related employment is expected to diminish somewhat throughout Alaska during the forecast period.In addition,the civilian 29 employment by the Federal government in such ar~as as the Public Health Service and the Natives Health Service are expected to diminish during the forecast period as a result of more aggressive action taken by state and local govern- ments (including the Native Corporations)in the area of delivering social and health services to the Alaska popula- tion.At the same time,administrative employment in Alaska is expected to increase upon completion of the Federal admin- istrative buildings and courthouse complex in Anchorage. Bureau of Land Management personnel will probably be either constant or increasing slightly during the period as a result of continued action in the withdrawal and settlement of lands between the Federal government and state of Alaska,and between the Federal government and the native corporations.Finally, some Federal employment is expected to increase as a result of inspection and related activities generated by the con- struction and operation of the Trans-Alaska oil pipeline and the subsequent natural gas pipeline across the northern part of Alaska. 30 Part 3:Forecasts of Employment in Alaska's Non-Basic Industries Total Construction (Figure 6) Total construction in Alaska was estimated to employ 7,500 persons in 1972.During the peak of pipeline construction, 1974, 1975,contract construction employment is expected to increase to a high of approximately 18,300 workers. Immediately following the comp~etion of the Trans-Alaska pipeline,construction will decline significantly to a low of 14,000 workers and will bounce upward again to just under 17,000 workers in 1978 as a result of construction of a gas pipeline.Upon completion of the gas pipeline,and under the assumption that no other pipelines are built,construction employment will decline to approximat~ly 14,400 workers in 1980 and then after rise to a 1983 high of an estimated 15,700 workers. The growth of construction employment is,·of course,heavily influenced by construction of the oil and gas pipelines (pipe- line construction employment is discussed separately under the Basic Industry Section).However,another major determinant of construction employment is the growth of popuiation in the state.The building of an increasing number of residences required to house the state's growing population,coupled with the construction demands that will be exerted as a result of increasing population densitities*will act to keep non-pipeline *For example,the construction of water systems,sewage systems, schools,paved streets and roads,etc. 31 ,. r construction strong throughout the forecast period.Additionally, should the state of Alaska elect to use a significant portion of its oil revenues in an aggressive program of capital improve- ments throughout the state,the construction employment fore- cast could move closer to the top of the uncertainty envelope (see Figure 6)than to the "most probable"forecast. State and Local Government (Figure 7) State and local government in Alaska employed 22,400 persons in 1972.By 1980,state and local government employment is expected to rise to approximately 50,200 workers and is expected to increase by another 6.4 thousand workers between 1980 and 1983,inclusive.This represents a total growth of just over 150%in state and local government employment between 1973 and 1983,inclusive. The increase in state and local government employment is expected to occur primarily as a result of the in~reasing demands for service generated by Alaska's growing population and the expected increase in state tax revenues.Several Alaskan economists have expressed doubt that state and local government employment will rise as rapidly as our forecast during the period 1974 through 1976,inclusiv~. They feel that the limitations on state revenues and the unwillingness of the state to go into debt during the period of pipeline construction will combine to reduce the rate of growth which we are forecasting.Should this occur,however, 32 we would expect that the backlog in the demand for state and local government services created during the period of pipeline construction will be made up for during the period immediately following construction thus when oil revenues begin corning to the state,state and local gover~­ ment should grow rapidly,matching HRPI forecast by 1980. Additionally,several Federal agencies,such as the Department of Labor and the Department of Health,Education and Welfare have scheduled significant increases in Federal expenditure going into the state of Alaska to help alleviate problems caused by the pipeline construction period.Such Federal participation in Alaska will most probably be made through the granting of funds for special pipeline impact programs in the state.Consequently,the increased Federal activity in Alaska during the period of pipeline construction will act to support increases in the employment of persons by state and local governments. Retail Trade (Figure 8) Reflecting the increase in the state's basic employment and its increase in population,retail trade is expected to grow rapidly with employment rising from 12,900 persons in 1972 to a level of 23,000 persons in 1976 -an increase of slightly 33 ,-; over 78%in four years.After the oil pipeline peak in 1976 retail trade is expected to remain fairly strong and then show another period of growth during the gas pipeline construction.Thereafter it is expected to grow at a steady rate somewhat approximating the growth pattern which was evidenced during the period 1966 through 1972,inclus- ive. During the last several years,the growth of retail trade activity has reflected the growth of tourism as an import- ant industry in Alaska.This factor is implicitly incor- porated into the regression analysis which went into the forecast.Consequently,significant changes in the pattern of tourist growth as a result of the energy crisis are not incorporated into this analysis.Because of the rela- tively large number of factors that affect the growth of retail trade,the uncertainty interval around the "most probable"forecast is quite large and,by 1983,t~~interval encompasses as much as plus or minus 5,000 workers. Wholesale Trade (Figure 9) Paralleling the growth of retail trade,wholesale trade is expected to increase rapidly over the forecast period.~The industry's employment is expected to increase from a 1972 level of 3,200 to a 1976 level of 5,900.After 1976 its growth rate is fairly steady reaching a high of 7.3 thousand workers in 1983. 34 The growth of wholesale trade in Alaska is primarily deter- mined by the growth of retail trade.However,a significant relationship also exists between wholesale trade employment and employment in the mining (including petroleum mining) industry.As a result of this interaction,wholesale trade is expected to increase more rapidly than retail trade during the period between 1974 and 1976,as the oil pipeline is completed. The uncertainty interval around the "most probable"forecast is quite large for wholesale trade.It represents a range of about one-fourth of the "most probable"forecast. Finance,Insurance and Real Estate (Figure 10) Finance,insurance and real estate which grew from less than 2,500 workers in 1966 to a level of 3,500 workers in 1972 is expected to grow to a high of 6,100 workers by the year 1976.Significant increases are expected to occur in the real estate component of this industry although both financial,and insurance institutions are expected to show strong growth also. After 1976,the growth in this industry is expected to be moderate rising by 1,000 workers to a level of 7,100 in 1980, and reaching an employment of 7,800 workers in 1983.While the growth of several basic industries was important for the growth of the finance,insurance and real estate industry, 35 the most important relationship existed between this indus- try and the growth of Alaska's population.Consequently, industry growth strongly approximates the pattern of popula- tion growth. Transportation (Figure 11) The transportation industry was found to have a significant relationship with employment levels in the construction, m.ining (including petroleum mining),manufacturing and with state and local government.Because all of these in- dustries are exhibiting growth throughout the forecast period,the transportation industry also exhibits a period of steady growth.Particularly influenced by the growth of construction activity and the predicted increase in state and local government employment,the rate of growth for this industry is greatest between 1973 and 1976,inclusive. The industry employed approximately 6,400 workers in 19'2. It is expected to double by 1976 and reach a level of 12,800 workers.The uncertainty interval however is quite large and it is possible that the transportation industry could employ as many as 15,300 workers during the period of peak pipeline construction. After pipeline construction is completed,the industry will decline slightly and begin increasing again so that by 1980 ,. r 36 the level of employment will be the same as it was.in 1976. The "most probable"1980 forecast is 12,800.Between 1980 and 1983,inclusive,employment is expected to grow again reaching a 1983 high of 13,800 workers. Services (Figure 13) Service employment is expected to more than double between 1973 and 1976,inclusive,going from 13,000 to 27,100 workers.Thereafter,the growth in service employment is expected to be much more moderate,increasing to a level of 31,100 workers in 1980,and reaching a high of 34,700 workers in 1983.After 1976,however,the uncertainty in- terval becomes significantly larger for the service employ- ment forecast.Business services of all sorts are expected to remain strong throughout the forecast period.Personal services will show a very strong growth during the period 1973 to 1976,inclusive,and growing somewhat more slowly thereafter. Non-Categorized (Figure 13) Non-categorized employment consists of workers who are not classified in the other industry categories.The category includes workers who are employed,domestic workers,unpaid family workers,and workers in the agriculture,forestry and fishing industries.Data on this group of workers is difficult to interpret and,in effect,our forecast represents a continuation of past time trends.Consequently,any possible expansion in the number of non-classified workers as a result of the pipeline is not incorporated in the forecast. 37 .~ ; 38 Part 4:Tables and Figures of the Statewide Forecasts List of Tables and Figures Included A.Employment estimates for pipeline construction,Table 2. B.Employment by industry for the historical period (1966-1972),Table 3. C.Employment by industry for the forecast period (1973- 1983),Table 3a. D.Graphs of statewide employment in basic industries for 1966-1983,Figures 2-5. E.Graphs of statewide employment in non-basic industries for 1966-1983,Figures 6-13.* F.Graphs of total employment,unemployment,civilian labor force and total population (1966-1983),Figures 14-17.* *Each graph presents an annual equation that can be used to generate the forecast.The equations are discussed briefly on page 7 of this section and in detail in section I of Volume II.The abbreviations given for the variable names are explained in the Time Series Variable List,given in the appeu- dix to this volume. 39 ; TABLE 2 EMPLOYMENT ESTIMATES FOR PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION 1974 Q1 0 1977 Q1 1100 Q2 5900 Q2 1000 Q3 5900 Q3 700 Q4 5300 Q4 400 Average 4Z'(j(j"Average "8]0 1975 Q1 4000 1978 Q1 900 Q2 11000 Q2 4400 Q3 9500 Q3 6400 Q4 4300 Q4 1400 Average 7200 Average TIllO 1976 Q1 4200 1979 Q1 1900 Q2 6500 Q2 2900 Q3 7800 Q3 3400 Q4 4000 Q4 1200 Average 5'61iO Average 2300 The above estimates are for the Trans-Alaska oil pipeline (1974-1976)and the Alaska-Arctic gas pipeline (1977-1979). At this time there are no forecasts of pipeline const~uction for the period 1980-1983. TABLE 3 Em>LOnlENT BY J:NDUSTRY FOR THE HJ:STORJ:CAL PERJ:OD (1966-72) State & Federal Local Total C01ll1llunications Retail Wholesale Year Govern.Govern.Construction Xfrg.Xining Utilities Trade Trade 1966 17500 13300 5800 6600 1400 2700 8700 2100 1967 17400 14400 6000 6600 2000 2400 9400 2400 1968 16900 15300 6000 6900 2500 2500 10000 2500 1969 16500 16900 6600 7000 3500 2300 11000 2900 1970 17100 18400 6900 8000 2900 2700 12000 3200 1971 17300 20700 7400 7800 2500 3700 13000 3200 1972 17200 23200 7900 8000 2100 3600 13800 3300 Finance Civilian J:nsurance Non-Total Labor Total Year Real Est.Transportation Service Categorized Employment Unemployment Force Population 1966 2300 4500 7900 11400 84600 8400 93200 276100 1967 2300 5000 8700 11600 88000 8400 96400 283700 1968 2500 5300 9300 11300 91100 9100 100200 290500 1969 2700 6300 10500 12400 98700 9400 108200 301800 1970 3100 6400 11400 12600 104900 12000 116800 313000 .j:> 1971 3200 6100 12500 13000 110600 12200 122700 319900 0 1972 3700 6400 14000 14200 117600 13600 131200 313600 TABLE 3a EMPLOYMENT BY INDUSTRY FOR THE FORECAST PERIOD(1973-83) State &Finance Federal Local Total Communication Retail Wholesale Insurance Year Govern.Govern.Construction Mfrg.Mining Utilities Trade Trade Real Est. 1973 17000 24800 7700 8800 2100 3700 13800 3400 3700 1974 17200 28500 12300 8700 2600 3700 15700 3900 4200 1975 17500 36000 18200 8800 2900 3700 19800 4900 5200 1976 17500 41700 18300 9000 3000 3700 23000 5700 6100 1917 17500 44500 14000 9500 3000 3800 24300 6000 6400 1978 17600 46400 16800 10000 2800 3800 25000 6200 6600 1979 17600 49000 16500 10300 2900 3800 26400 6500 6900 1980 17700 50300 14400 10700 2900 3900 26900 6600 7100 1981 17700 51600 14600 11000 2900 3900 27300 6700 7200 1982 17800 53900 15100 11300 2900 4000 28400 7000 7500 1983 17800 56600 15700 11600 2900 4000 29700 7300 7800 TABLE 3a (Continued) EMPLOYMENT BY INDUSTRY FOR FORECAST PERIOD (1973-83) Civilian Total Labor Total Year Transportation Service Non-Categorized Workers Unemployment Force Population 1973 6800 14300 13400 119600 13300 132900 328500 1974 8500 17300 13600 136300 14100 150400 363600 1975 11300 23300 13800 165600 17300 183000 427800 1976 12500 27100 14100 181600 21400 203000 467300 1977 12200 28000 14300 183600 23500 207100 475000 1978 12800 29400 14500 191900 23800 215600 489900 1979 13100 30900 14700 198600 25100 223800 504800 1980 12900 31100 15000 199400 25900 225300 506400 1981 12900 31700 15200 202800 26000 228800 513500 1982 13300 33000 15400 209500 26700 236200 528200 1983 13800 34700 15700 217500 27700 245200 546300 -----------------------------~--- 4 INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT SERVICES UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE SEATTLE,WASHINGTON MARCH,1974 3 2 ..z... ~1o "'"Q, ~... FIGURE 2 ALASKA EMPLOYMENT FORECAST MINING (MING) ----... Historic Period (Actual) Forecast Period Uncertainty Envelope (95%Confidence) 66 68 70 72 74 YEAR 80 FORECAST EQUATION:MING is an exogenously forecasted basic industry. 15 INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA ---- 10 ..... ,WIooo to-5 Zw ~ ~...a. ::c....FIGURE ~ ALASKA EMPLOYMENT fORECAST MANUFACTURING (MFRG) Historic Period (Actual) Forecast Period Uncertainty Envelope (95%Confidence) HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE SEATTLE,WASHINGTON MARCH,1974 66 68 70 YEAR 72 4 76 78 80 83 FORECAST EQUATION:MFRG is an exogenously forecasted basic industry. 5 . INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE SEATTLE,WASHINGTON MARCH,1974 ...... '"ooo ...z... ~>-o..a. ~ III 4· 3 2 FIGURE 4 ALASKA EMPLOYMENT FOR~CAST COMMUNICATIONS)UTILITIES (COMU) '" ----- -_._- "."...,.......---"" --,..,..,....,.--,-~......-'" Historic Period (Actual) Forecast Period Uncertainty Envelope (95%Confidence) 808764o6872 YEAR FORECAST EQUATION:COMU is an exogenously forecasted basic industry. •'66 21 INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA 20 19 18 ~ 0 0 17~.. C ill E 16>. 0 0. E '"15 14 FIGURE 5 ALASKA EMPLOYMENT FORECAST FEDERAL GOVERNMENT (FEDL) .---.Historic Period (Actual) .._....Forecast Period Uncertainty Envelope (95%Confidence) HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE SEATTLE,WASHINGTON MARCH,1974 136.1.6--'~--6-i181---t--7-+b--I1---7+12---+--7~1---+--7-t~--f--7i-18----t----,.8""'IO--+---l812-:--~81~3- year FORECASTED EQUATION:FEDL is an exogenously forecasted basic industry. HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE SEATTLE,WASHINGTON MARCH,1974 .----.Historic Period (Actual) e----e Forecast Period Uncertainty Envelope (95%Confidence) FIGURE 6 ALASKA EMPLOYMENT FORECAST TOTAL CONSTRUCTION (CONS) INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA t I I { /}< il[>/ I I 15 • 20-- -In 0 10 •0 0 I- Z w ~>-0 -Ia. :'E 5w 66 68 8 30 YEAR FORECAST EQUATION:CONS =-13480.4 +.034313 POPL-l +.59379 FEDL.+PIPELINE CONS. INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE SEATTLE,WASHINGTON MARCH,1974 Historic Period (Actual) Forecast Period Uncertainty Envelope (95%Confidence) --...-- /.. /;//.;/. ///./;;......:/....:'1 --'';:';''~ FIGURE 7 ALASKA EMPLOYMENT FORECAST STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT (STLO) 50 20 60 ...'Ut 40 oo 9...z w ~ ~30.... II. ~w 10 66 68 70 72 74 76 YEAR FORECAST EQUATION:STLO =-15055.0 +.092922 POPL-l +18.2519 STEX 78 80 82 83 '10 . 35 INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA 30·- 25 ~., ·0 o 20 -o 10 FIGURE 8 ALASKA EMPLOYMENT FORECAST RETAIL TRADE (RETL) e----o Historic Period (Actual) __....Forecast Period Uncertainty Envelope (95%Confidence) HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE SEATTLE,WASHINGTON MARCH,1974 -- .66 74 YEAR FORECASTED EQUATION:RETL =_11451.0 +.362468MFRG +.180601MING +.064513 POPL-l +15.1 TIME 9 INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA e--_-Historic Period (Actual) Forecast Period Uncertainty Envelope (95%Confidence) HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE SEATTLE,WASHINGTON MARCH,1974 FIGURE 9 ALASKA EMPLOYMENT FORECAST WHOLESALE TRADE (WHOL) 7 8 5 4 3 6 2 YEAR FORECAST EQUATION:WHOL =-160.6 +.143862 MING +.236687 RETL. 66 68 8 80 U1 o --~---~----------------_._-------~._---------- 9. 7- 8- Historic Period (Actual) Forecast Period Uncertainty Envelope (95%Confidence) HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE SEATTLE,WASHINGTON.MARCH,1974 ---- INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA FIGURE 10 !o ALASKA EMPLOYMENT.FORECAST FINANCE)INSURANCE)REAL ESTATE (FIRE) 3· 2- ... Z LU ~ >-o.... a. ~... ?oo-2.5 ·66 68 4 YEAR 80 20 INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA 15 . ?g 10" ~ FIGURE 11 ._--0 Historic Period (Actual) Forecast Period Uncertainty Envelope (95%Confidence) ALASKA Er~PLOYr~ENT FORECAST TRANSPORTATION (TRAN) HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE SEATTLE,WASHINGTON MARCH,1974 6'6"'""'I~In-i~o-~l-..--~-1~1~.....-.../"718·-·:=~"8'!C;~,~~~"~"=,,,~,:·n ..=.8~3'"'"~ YEAR FORECAST EQUATION:TRAN =+901.0+.162967 CONS +.713466 MING +.174706 MFRG +.256229 STLO -87.3'9 TItlE. -------Historic Period (Actual) Forecast Period ---Uncertainty Envelope (95%Confidence) INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA 35 40 30 ~250 0 S ...20 FIGURE 12z LII ALASKA EMPLOYMENT FORECAST:E>-SERVICES (SERV)0...15Co :E w lO .66 68 70 72 74 76 78 YEAR FORECAST EQUATION:SERV =-1680.5 -49.27 TIME +.64438 RETL +.16094 CONS +.34271 STLO. 20- INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA '15· --.. VI 0 0 0 --' f-lO-:z I.:J ~ ~... 0 _J t'L. ~ ttl 5·-FIGURE 13 ALASKA E~1PLOYMENT FORECAST NONCATEGORIZED (NONC) -----.Historic Period (Actual)_-_4t Forecast Period Uncertainty Envelope (95%Confidence) HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE SEATTLE,WASHINGTON MARCH,1974 year FORECAST EQUATION:NONC =+10288.2 +2481.6 DUM-1965 +56.81 TIME. 300 INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE SEATTLE,WASHINGTON MARCH,1974 g 200 ~.. C 41 E>-o a. E QI 100 FIGURE 14 ALASKA EMPLOYMENT FORECAST ~ TOTAL EMPLOYMENT (TEMP) -..--Historic Period (Actual) Forecast Period Uncertainty Envelope (95%Confidence) 74 76 78 80 83 tJ1 year FORECAST EQUATION:TEMP =FEDL +STLO +CONS +MFRG +COMU +RETL +WHOL +FIRE +TRAN +SERV +NONC INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE SEATTLE,WASHINGTON MARCH,1974 30 ~ '0 o !:,20-... r; iii 8 >~o Il. I: oU t: :::i 10 - FIGURE 15 ALASKA EMPLOYMENT FORECAST UNEMPLOYMENT (UNEM) .....--Historic Period (Actual) Forecast Period Uncertainty Envelope (95%Confidence) year FORECAST EQUATION:UNEM =-964.4 +.060214 TEMP -21445.4 DELTA TEMP +.576633 UNEMT1.' INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA 250 -.011 0 0 0........200 w V at 0 "- Co! 0 FIGURE 16In ~150 ALASKA EMPLOYMENT FORECAST... z LABOR FORCE (LABF) ~ =::v 100 '. .---.Historic Period (Actual) ....-...Forecast Peri od Uncertainty Envelope (95%Confidence) HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE SEATTLE,WASHINGTON MARCH,1974 68 year 78 80 83 FORECAST EQUATION:LABF =TEMP +UNEM. 600 500 --.. ,Ill ooo '-.J 400 Zo l- e:(.... :;)a.oa. ....300 COl:...o... FIGURE 17 INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA e----e Historic Period (Est.) ..-...Forecast Period Uncertainty Envelope (95%Confidence) ALASKA EMPLOYMENT FORECAST TOTAL POPULATION (POPl) HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE SEATTLE,WASHINGTON MARCH,1974 66 68 o 72 74 year 76 78 80 FORECAST EQUATION:POPL =(CDRA LABF)+MILITARY (CORA =Civilian Dependency Ratio) SECTION 2 REGIONAL EMPLOYMENT AND POPULATION The geographic regions discussed in this section are aggre- gations of Alaska's statistical labor market areas (SLMA) which have been previously defined in Figure I presented in the introduction to this volume. 59 ; The regional employment forecasts contained in this section were generated from the same equation set which was used to produce the statewide forecasts.Consequently,the sum of the forecasted employment and population for all of the regions will always add to the forecast of statewide employ- ment and population.The distribution of the employment and population by region is primarily affected by the loca- tion of the indepdent forecast of basic industry employment and the manner in which each region responds to these basic industry demands. For example,a relatively underdeveloped region such as Northern Alaska cannot supply most of the services demanded by the work force residing within the region.Therefore, employment demands generated in Northern Alaska will ~ve important effects on the employment of persons in Fairbanks and Anchorage.A full discussion of the way in which the 60 statewide forecasts were allocated to the regions is con- tained in Volume II of this study.* Overall,the Anchorage region is expected to maintain its dominance within the state of Alaska.In 1972,the Anchorage region contained approximately 45%of total statewide employ- ment.**During the pipeline construction period,Anchorage's share of statewide employment is expected to fall to a low of approximately 44%but will rise after the period of pipeline construction to an estimated 46%by 1980.The Fairbanks regions,on the other hand,is expected to gain in both absolute and relative terms over the fore- cast period.In 1972,Fairbanks contained appruximately 14.7%of the state's total employment.By 1980,this share is expected to rise to 15.3%. The southeast region will follow a pattern very similar to that of Anchorage declining slightly from its 1972 per- centage of 18.5%to a 1975 level of lZ.7%.Thereafter,it will increase rising to a level of 18.6%by 1980.The southcentral region,on the other hand is expected to rise from 1972 share of total statewide employment of 13.1%to a high of 14.4%in 1975.Thereafter,it is expected to decline reaching a low of 12.5%by 1980. *The structure of Alaska's labor market,Volume II. **Regional shares of total employment are also presented in Table 4 at the end of this section. The remaining three regions of the state (Southwest,Northwest, and Northern)are all very small -none of them containing more than 3.1%of the state's total employment.The Northwest region is expected to show some slight relative growth both during the pipeline period ~nd thereafter while the Northern region is expected to show the greatest change in its relative share during the period 1978 as a result of our assumed construction of a gas pipeline.across Northern Alaska and into the McKenzie Valley All of the regions,however,are expected to show absolute increases in employment with the greatest increase occurring in the Anchorage region (up 46,000 workers)and the southeast region (up 18,600 workers)..The Fairbanks region is expected to increase by an estimated 15,900 workers between 1972 and 1983,inclusive,while the Southcentral region is expected to register a net growth of employment of 11,800 workers over the same period of time.~ Tables and figures of regional employment supporting the discussions which follow are included at the end of this section.Table 4 shows total employment by region expressed as a percent of total state employment.Table 5 shows~ regional shares of statewide employment in each.industry category for the year 1972,the year upon which the regional allocation was based.Tables 6 through 16 show the regional 62 forecasts for each industry,one table for each year of the forecast period (1973-1983).Figures 18 through 24 are plots of total employment for each of the study regions over both the historic period (1966-1972)and the forecast period (1973-1983). Anchorage Region (Figure 18) Between 1972 and 1983,inclusive,total employment in the Anchorage region is expected to increase from 51,700 workers to 99,900 workers.As a result of this increase in employ- ment,and labor force,population is expected to increase by slightly over 75%-going from an estimated 1972 level of 143,200 persons to a 1983 level of 251,000 persons.The greatest employment increases over the 11 year forecast period are expected in service employment and state and local government employment.Service employment is expected to more than double between 1972 and 1976 and to grow steadily thereafter reaching a high of 19,100 wDrkers by 1983.State and local government employment is expected to grow somewhat more slowly during the period 1972 to 1976,inclusive,but to increase more rapidly thereafter also reaching a high of 19,100 workers by 1983.Most of this growth (an estimated two-thirds of the total change)is expected to occur in local government employment.This should be the product of several forces.First,the growth of population in the 63 Anchorage area will require increasing employment at both the city and borough level.In addition,it appears that both the borough and city of Anchorage will be expanding the scope of services provided to the population as well as increasing employment as a result of more people to be served.Secondly,the increasing movement toward federal reven~e sharing will mean that the city/borough of Anchorage will be increasingly designated as a "prime grantee"for the administration and delivery of various services heretofore provided by either the Federal government or the state government.Consequently,even though the mix of services which are delivered to the population remains the same the employment of persons will be shifted increasingly to the city or borough level. Retail trade is also expected to increase quite rapidly rising from a 1972 level cf 7,000 workers to an estimated 1983 level. of 16,200 workers.The greatest rate of inctease will occur during the period 1972 through 1976,inclusive,when employ- ment in retail trade is expected to increase by approximately 5,600 workers.Thereafter,employment will gro~at a slower, but steady,rate increasing by approximately 2,100 workers between 1976 and 1980 and by an additional 1,500 workers Jl between 1980 and 1983. 64 Other industries expected to show rapid gains in employment over the forecast period are wholesale trade (up from a 1972 level of 2,300 workers to a 1983 level of 5,300 workers) and finance,insurance and real estate (up from a 1972 level of 2,200 workers to a 1983 level of 5,100 workers)and transportation services(up from a 1972 level of 2,800 workers to a 1983 level of 6,100 workers). The employment of workers by the federal government is expected to remain relative~y constant over the entire forecast period as is the employment of workers in the mining industry and the communications and utilities industry. Fairbanks Region (Figure 19) Total employment in the Fairbanks regions is expected to increase sharply between 1972 and 1976,inclusive,rising from a level of 16,600 workers to a level of 27,200 workers.Thereafter,total employment is expected to increase by 3,300 workers between 1976 and 1980,inclusive,and by an additional 3,400 worker5 to reach a level of 33,900 workers in 1983.As a result of these increases in employment,and labor force,the total population of the Fairbanks region is expected to increase from its 1972 level of 53,600 persons to a 1983 level of 65 91,100 persons.*Over half of the total increase in popula- tion is expected to occur over the four year period 1972 through 1976,inclusive,when population will increase by 24,100 persons. As with Anchorage,the most rapid increase in total employ- ment will occur among state and local government workers - an increase of 6,500 workers over the 11 year forecast.This increase in state and local government employment is expected to be balanced between state government and local government with much of the pipeline impact growth occurring between the 1972-1976 period related to state employment.Thereafter, the growth of city and borough government employment will become increasingly important.Construction industry employ- ment is expected to increase by approximately 1,200 workers between 1972 and 1976,inclusive,and then to decline by approximately 200 workers by 1980.However,by 1983 the construction industry's employment will rise again to teach a level of 2,400 workers. Employment in the manufacturing,mining,commun:i;cations, and utilities industries will continue to be relatively low and quite stable,all of these industries showing changes Jlof200orlessemployeesoverthe11yearforecastperiod and none of them employing more than 600 total workers. *These estimates of total population include'15,500 active duty military personnel and their dependents. 66 Retail trade employment in the Fairbanks region will in- crease steadily throughout the forecast period rising from a level of 2,000 workers in 1972 to 3,600 workers in 1976 and 4,800 workers in 1983.Because of its close linkages to retail trade employment,wholesale trade employment will also increase throughout the forecast period rising from a level of approximately 400 workers in 1972 to a level of 900 workers in 1983.Although the absolute change in employment is only 500 workers,this sector will show an impressive rate of growth exceeding 100%over the 11 year forecast. Finance,insurance and real estate workers (FIRE)will increase from approximately 500 in 1972 to 900 in 1976.Thereafter, FIRE employment will increase by a moderate 200 workers between 1976 and 1980 and an additional 100 workers between 1980 and 1983 to reach a high of 1,200 workers. Employment in transportation services is expected to double between 1972 and 1976,inclusive,rising from a level of 900 workers to one of 1,800 workers over that period.Thereafter, transportation employment is expected to be virtually constant, increasing by only 100 workers over the eight year period 1976 to 1983,inclusive. 67 r Service employment,on the other hand,is expected to grow very rapidly throughout the forecast period.This industry employed 2,200 workers in 1972 and is expected to increase by more than 100%over a five year period to reach a level of 4,600 workers in 1976.Service employment will increase by an additional one-third between 1976 and 1983 increasing to a high of 6,100 workers by the end of the forecast period. Southeast Region (Figure 20) Total employment in the southeast region is expected to increase by 19,400 workers over the forecast period rising from a 1972 level of 21,000 to a 1983 level of 40,400.As a result of this growth in total employment,and labor force, total population in the region is expected to increase from the 1972 level of 48,400 persons to a level of 92,300 persons by 1983 -an increase of 91%over the 11 year forecast period. The rapid period of population growth in the region will occur between 1972 and 1976 when total population is e~pected to increa~by 26,600 persons or 55%. The most rapid growth of employment in the Southeast region is expected to occur in the state and local government sector where the number of workers will increase from a 1972 level ~ of 5,600 to a 1983 level of 14,200.Most of the increase in state and local government employment in the southeast region 68 will be in state government employment and will be centered in the Juneau area.*Most other forms of basic employment are expected to show moderate employment gains with construc- tion increasing by approximately 1,100 workers and manufac- turing increasing by 1,000 workers over the total forecast period. Other non-basic employment is expected to show significant increases also.Retail trade will increase from a 1972 level of 2,100 workers to reach a 1983 high of 4,700. Transportation services will also rise rapidly with most of the growth occurring between 1972 and 1976 when employ- ment is expected to rise by 1,500 workers to a high of 3,100.Thereafter,transportation employment will remain relatively constant increasing hv only 200 workers over the eight year period from 1976 to 1983 to reach a forecasted high of 3,400. Service employment will rise rapidly during the period 1972 to 1976 and will maintain a substantial rate of increase thru 1983.Service employment in 1972 was 1,600 workers. It is expected to rise to 3,300 workers by 1976 and 3,800 workers by 1978.Another 500 workers will be added to reach a level of 4,300 in 1983. *rhis is under the assumption that the state capitol will not be moved as a result of the referendum which is being held in ~ovember,1974. 69 r Southcentra1 Region (Figure 21) The southcentra1 region is expected to grow very rapidly over the period 1972 to 1976,inclusive,as a result of pipeline construction -particularly the construction of terminal facilities in the Valdez area.As a result,total employ- ment is expected to increase from a 1972 level of 14,900 to a 1976 level of 25,400 workers.Over the five year period from 1976 through 1980,inclusive,employment is expected to decline by approximately 500 workers to a level of 24,900. After 1980 it will begin rising again to reach a 1983 level of 27,200.Because of these fluctuations in employ- ment,population is also expected to rise quite rapidly between the period 1972 to 1976,inclusive,growing from a level of 43,700 to a 1976 level of 65,600.Despite the fact that total employment will be declining slightly between 1976 and 1980,total population in the Southcentra1 region is expected to be virtually constant over the same period of time with the difference being made up by inc~easing unemployment.Between 1980 and 1983,population will begin rising again,as a result of employment increases,and will reach a forecasted level of 70,600 workers by 1983. The greatest fluctuation in employment in the SouthcenJra1 region will occur among construction workers where employ- ment is expected to rise from a 1972 level of 900 persons 'I'\ i'lII 70 to a 1976 level of 5,000.By 1980,construction employ- ment is expected to decline to 1,700 workers (a loss of 3,300 jobs)and then rise moderately to a level of 1,900 workers by 1983. As was true elsewhere in Alaska,state and local government employment is expected to show steady employment gains throughout the period rising from a 1972 level of 3,000 workers to a forecasted 1983 level of 7,700 workers.Most of these gains are expected in the area of local government as a result of the growth of local government services provided through such communities as Valdez,Cordova,Seward,etc. Manufacturing employment in the Southcentral region,particularly employment in fishing and forestry,is expected to show moderate but steady gains in employment rising from an estimated 2,400 workers in 1972 to a forecast of 3,700 workers by 1983.This growth of manufacturing employment occurs at a steady rate of approximately 100 workers per year throughout the fore- cast period.Mining employment is expected to increase in the Southcentral region rising by approximately 50%from a 1972 level of 600 workers to a 1976 level of 900 workers. After 1976,however,the forecast shows that mining employ- ment will be constant in this region. 71 Among the non-basic industries,the retail trade employment in the Southcentral region is expected to increase moderately rising from a level of 1,100 workers in 1972 to a high of 2,600 workers in 1983 - a growth of 1,500 workers over the 11 year forecast.Wholesale trade,responding to the growth in retail trade will also grow but will remain relatively small in size employing only 600 workers by 1983.In a similar manner,finance,insurance and real estate employ- ment is expected to increase significantly in percentage terms but will remain a relatively small industry growing from a 1972 level of 200 workers to a forecasted 1983 level of 500 workers. Transportation employment is expected to double between 1972 and 1980,inclusive,rising from 500 workers to 1,000 workers.Between 1980 and 1983,however,transportation employment in the region is expected to be constant.~ervice employment is expected to more than double between 1972 and 1976 growing from 1,200 workers to 2,500 workers.There- after,it is expected to increase moderately tOea level of 2,800 workers in 1980 and 3,200 workers in 1983. Southwest Region (Figure 22) The Southwest region had a total employment of only 3,600 workers in 1972.This total is expected to rise moderately 72 over the entire forecast period,but by 1983 the region's total employment will still be only 6,300 workers.Reflecting this moderate rate of growth in employment,and labor force, the region's population is expected to grow from its 1972 level of 9,800 workers to a forecasted 1983 level of 15,800 workers.Most of this growth will occur during the period 1972 to 1976 ,inclusive. In 1972 the only industries in the Southwest region to employ more than 750 workers were Federal government and state and local government.Federal government employment is expected to remain virtually-constant throughout the forecast period while state and local government is expected to be the region's "growth industry"-rising from a level of 800 workers in 1972 to a level of 2,000 workers in 1983. This growth of state and local government could very well be high for the Southwest region.The general lack of population in the area would seem to indicate a much slower growth rate in the state and local government sector.Con- sequently,it is most probable that the growth of state and local government employment in this region is related to the inability of our regiDnal allocation system to deal with such small employment levels as are evident in the Southwest. With respect to non-governmental parts of the economy,employ- ment throughout is expected to be highly stable with some 73 r slight growth occurring in the service,transportation, finance,insurance and real estate,and retail trade sectors. In none of these industries,however,will employment be increasing by more than 400 workers over the 11 year fore- cast period. Nor~hwest Region (Figure 23) Total employment in the Northwest region was 3,600 persons in 1972.This is forecasted to increase to 6,600 workers by 1976 and to 7,300 workers by 1978.Reflecting the growth of employment,and labor force,population in the Northwest region is expected to climb from its 1972 level of 9,100 persons to a 1983 level of 17,200 workers.Eighty percent of this growth of population is expected to occur between the period 1972 and 1976 with most of it attributable to the growth of construction employment and local government employment.As was discussed above with respect to the Southwest region,the growth of state and local government emple/ment mo~t probably results from the inability of our regional allocation system to deal with such slightly populated regions as the Northwest.Consequently,the region may not grow nearly as rapidly as the forecasts indicate.On the other hand,the forecast for mining 4 employment shows an increase of 400 workers between 1972 and 1976 and a decrease of 100 workers thereafter to reach a 1983 level of 700.There has been some speculation that 74 hard rock mining will develop in the Northwest region.If it does,it could cause significant increases in employment in the mining sector and could cause population and employ- ment in this region to grow more rapidly. Northern Region (Figure 24) The Northern region is the least densely populated region throughout Alaska.In 1972,its employment level was 1,800 workers and its population level was 5,700 persons.By 1976,the total employment in the Northern region is exp~ced to grow to 3,700 workers and its population is expected to increase to 9,200 persons.Approximately 58%of the total growth in employment between 1972 and 1976,inclusive, results from the addition of 1,100 workers in the construction industry.This growth of construction employment in the region is related to the growth of the Trans-Alaska pipeline and the subsequent forecasted construction of an natural gas pipeline across Northern Alaska. By 1980,the pipeline construction is expected to be over and construction employment will decline from its 1976 level of 1,100 workers to a 1980 level of 100 workers -all of whom will be employed as maintenance workers under con- tract to one or the other pipeline companies.As a result, total emplo)~ent in the region is expected to decline 75 r from its 1976 level of 3700 workers to a 1980 level of 3000 workers -and this will produce a drop in population of approximately 500 persons to a level of 8700 in 1980.Between 1980 and 1983,both employment and population are expected to increase moderately with employment adding an additional 200 workers to reach a level of 3200 and population to increase by 200 persons to reach a level of 8900. State and local government is expected to rise between 1972 and 1976,inclusive,by 400 workers to reach a high of 800. Thereafter,it is expected to grow moderately reaching a level of 1100 workers in 1983.Almost all of the growth of state and local government employment is expected to occur at the local government level as a result of increased employment by the North Slope Borough. g;e~, TABLE 4 TOTAL EMPLOYMENT BY REGION %%%% Year Anchorage State Fairbanks State Southeast State Southcentra1 State 1966 (Historical)36000 42.5 13300 15.7 16300 19.3 12500 14,8 1967 37100 42.2 13400 15.3 16800 19.3 14100 16.1 1968 38200 41.9 14000 15.4 17500 19.2 14700 16.2 1969 42500 43.1 15500 15.7 17700 17.9 14500 14.7 1970 47100 44.9 16100 15.4 18900 18.0 13800 13.2 1971 51000 46.1 16300 14.8 19600 17.7 15000 13.6 1972 51700 45.8 17300 14.7 21800 18.5 15400 13.1 1973 (Forecast)54100 45.3 17700 14.7 22600 18.9 15800 13.2 1974 60500 44.4 20200 14.8 24800 18.2 18100 13.3 1975 72900 44.0 24900 15.0 29300 17.7 23800 14.4 1976 81200 44.7 27200 14.9 32400 17.9 25400 14.0 1977 84000 45.7 27900 15.1 33700 18.4 23500 12.8 1978 86700 45.2 28800 15.0 34900 18.2 23700 12.3 1979 90200 45.4 30000 15.1 36300 18.3 24600 12.4 1980 91500 45.9 30500 15.3 37000 18.6 24900 12.5 1981 93100 45.9 30900 15.2 37700 18.6 25400 12.5 1982 96200 45.9 31900 15.2 38900 18.6 26200 12.5 ...., 0- 1983 99900 45.9 33200 15.3 40400 18.6 27200 12.5 TABLE 4 TOTAL EMPLOYMENT BY REGION (Continued) %%% Year Southwest State Northwest State Northern State 1966 (Historical)2500 3.0 2100 2.4 18'00 2.1 1967 2500 2.8 2300 2.6 1600 1.9 1968 2600 2.8 2600 2.8 1600 1.7 1969 3000 3.0 4000 4.1 1500 1.5 1970 3400 3.3 3900 3.7 1500 1.5 1971 3400 3.1 3500 3.2 1600 1.5 1972 3700 3.1 3700 3.1 1800 1.5 1973 (Forecast)3700 3.1 3800 3.1 1900 1.5 1974 4100 3.0 4800 3.5 3900 2.0 1975 4700 2.8 5900 3.6 4100 2.5 1976 5200 2.8 6600 3.6 3700 2.0 1977 5300 2.9 6400 3.5 2800 1.5 1978 5500 2.9 6800 3.5 5700 3.0 1979 5700 2.9 6900 3.5 4900 2.5 '"1980 5800 2.9 6700 3.4 3000 1.5 1981 5900 2.9 6800 3.4 3000 1.5 ''''''''1982 6100 2.9 7000 3.4 3100 1.5 'I;, ,".......:1....., 1983 6300 2.9 7300 3.4 3200 1.5 TABLE 5 /!LASKA EMl?LOl:XENT BY INDUSTRY AND REGIONAL SHARES,1972 Total Share of ANCH FAIR SE SC SW NW N Alaska Total Emp. Federal Government .54 .17 .11 .07 .05 .04 .02 17200 .14 State &Local Govern..34 .18 .25 .13 .04 .04 .02 23200 .20 Construction .54 .15 .14 .12 .01 .03 .01 7900 .07 Manufacturing .15 .03 .44 .30 .07 .01 *8000 .07 Mining .38 .05 .03 .30 .02 .17 .05 2100 .02 Communication,Utilities .47 .15 .12 .10 .01 .03 .12 3600 .03 Retail Trade .55 .15 .16 .09 .02 .02 .01 13800 .12 Wholesale Trade .72 .13 .07 .08 ** * 3300 .03 Finance,Insure,Real Est..65 .15 .12 .06 .01 .01 *3700 .03 Transportation .44 .14 .25 .07 .04 .05 .01 6400 .05 Service .55 .17 .12 .09 .03 .03 .01 14000 .12 Non-Categorized .40 .12 .19 .23 .03 .02 .01 14200 .12 Total Workers .46 .15 .18 .13 .03 .03 .02 117400 LOO Unemployment .37 .15 .15 .19 .07 .05 .02 13600 Civilian Labor Force .45 .16 .18 .14 .03 .03 .02 131200 ...., 0::> *Less than 0.01 TABLE 6 INSTITUTE OF SOCUL,ECCNCNIC HO GOVERNNE~T ~ESEARC" U~IVERSnY CF 'L'S~A COLLEGE,AL'S~A A L AS'A E N P LOY~E~T FOREC'ST FREFAREC BY HUHAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE·SOTTLE,N'SHnGTO~ ANNU'L ,VERAOE FO~1913 FOREe-ST,RUN 30 NHOH 191~ 10T.6l ANC"OR'OE FAIRB,lINKS SOUTHE'ST SOUTHOENT SOUTH NEST NO~THNEST NORTHERN ALASK,I FEDERAL GOVERNMENT 9200 2~DO le50 1200 e50 100 350 11000 STATE +LCCAL GCVERNHENT 8~00 ~500 6250 3350 ':00 liSO 500 2'4800 CONSTRUCTION lTCULI ~150 1150 1100 9150 100 250 50 7700 H,lINUFACTURING 130G 250 3liSO 2E!:O !HiD 100 8eOQ MINING 100 ISO 50 100 50 300 200 2100 CCHHU '"leAl IO~,U1 ILIllES 11C0 550 ~50 350 50 100 ~50 3100 RETAIL TRADE 1550 2150 2200 1200 300 300 100 13800 WHOLESALE TRADE 2450 ~50 250 250 3ltOO FINANCE,INSURE,RE,IL EST 2~00 550 ~50 250 50 50 3100 HANSPO~UTION 3000 1000 1100 500 250 300 50 6800 SERVICE te50 2450 1150 1300 350 050 ISO 1~300 NON-CnEGCRIZEO 5350 1E50 2600 3100 350 250 100 13~00 TOTAL HCRKEPS 5~100 11100 22600 15800 3100 lEOO 1900 119600 L,lIECR FeHeE AND PCFULnIO~O.TA ut.eHPLOYHENT 6100 1950 2450 1750 '00 oDD 200 13300 CIVILIAh L,IlBOR FO~CE 60Z l 0C l13EOO 25000 17600 4200 HOD 2100 132900 CIVILIAh OEFENOEN1S 63300 20600 26300 USDa ~~00 ~~OO 2200 139500 CIVILIAP..POPULAlICN 123500 '."0200 SHOO 36000 8500 !EOO ~200 272400 HILITARY EI'l.FLCYHENT 12200 7300 600 ~~OO '00 ~00 800 26500 ..... MILITARY DEPENDENTS 13600 8200 600 5000 liDO ~OO 900 29600 <.0 HILITARY PCPULATICN 25800 15500 1200 9~00 IE 00 '00 1100 56100 '....~ ".""'< TOTAL PCPUL'TIO~1~9300 55100 52500 ~5500 10200 9~00 5900 328500 EFFECTIVE OEPEHCE~CY RUles IFCPUL'TIC~/LABOR FORCEI EXCLUDING HILn'RY 2.05000 I~CLUDING t'UU,IAY •2.0ISlE! TABLE -7 INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOHIC ANO GOVE~NHEH ~ESEARC~ UNIVERSIT~CF AL_SKA CQlLEGE,AUSfCI1 ,L ,S K A E N F LCTNENT FOREC'S PREPUEO 8Y tlUtlUI RESCUHES PLANNING INSTITUTE·SEHTLE,WASHINGTON ANNUAL 'VE~AGE FO~197~ FORECAST,RUN 3D NA~C~19H TCHl ANCNOR_CE FAIRBANKS SOUTHE_ST SOUTHCENT SOUTHWEST NORTHWEST NCRTHERN ALASKA FEDERAL GCVERNNENT 9tH 2950 HOD 1200 HO !50 350 11200 STATE.LCCH GCVERNNENT 13E50 5150 7200 3850 1100 1100 550 28500 CONSTRUCTICN ITCT AL I ..850 tHO 1250 1900 100 500 1900 12300 H_NUFACTURING 1~01 250 3150 Usn !50 100 8700 HINUG e50 1'50 50 !OO 50 550 150 2600 CC HHU h ICAT I ON ,UT IL rTIE S 1701 550 ~50 350 50 100 ~50 3700 RETAIL TR_OE 8&01 2~50 2500 I~OO 350 350 100 15700 WHCLESAlE TRADE zest 500 250 300 3900 FINAfrlCE,I ~SURE,RE.al EST 2700 650 SOD 250 50 50 ~200 TRANSPC~HTION 3750 HOD 2100 650 300 ~00 50 11500 SERVICE 9550 2950 2150 1600 ~50 550 150 17300 NeN-CATEGORIZED 5 ..50 tHO 2600 3150 HO 250 100 13600 fCTAL HORKERS 60500 20200 2iteoo 18100 ~IOO HOD 3CiOD 136300 LHC~FCRCE _.0 PCHLATIO.DHA Ut.EHPLCyHE.NT Hl'.iC aDO 2E50 1HO ~50 ~50 150 Iltl011 CIVILIA~ueCR FO~CE 6"7'000 22300 2HOO 1«;900 11500 HOD ~OOO 150ltOO CIVILlAfri DEPENDENTS 7070C 2~200 2~OOO 20600 ..eoo SItOD 2 ..00 157100 CIVILIA~PCPULATICN 137700 "6"00 H500 1tC5CO 'EJDO 10EOO EItOO 3tl1501i MILITARY E!"'PLCYf'nl !C200 1300 600 r.ltOO !OO ~OO '00 26500 co MILITARY DEPENDENTS 1360C 8200 600 5000 «;00 ~OO 900 29600 0 flHITARY PCPULAlICh 25'00 15500 1200 9"00 HeD .00 1700 56100 TOTAL PCPULATIOt-163500 62000 57600 50000 10900 11!:00 IUOO 3~3600 EFFECTIVE CEPENCEllC'Y R_TlC!(FCFULA1JC~/LABOR FCRCEI EXCLUOING HILIT'RY II:2.0'4"'51 I~ClUINC I'UIURY 2.C55U TABLE 8- IhSTITUTE OF SCCIAL,ECChONIC AhO GOVERNNEh1 RESEARCH UHVERSITT CF 'LAS.A COLLEGE,'USte:, A L ASIC'A E N P LOTNENT FORECAST FREFAHC BY HUNAh RESOURCES FL.NNING nSTlTUTE -SEITTLE,WASHHG10~ UNUAl AVERAGE FOR 1975 FCREC'ST,RU!'i 30 I'AfiC'"1974 1C1H ANCHORAGE FAIRBANKS SOUTHEAST SOUTHCHT SOUTHWEST NORTHWES1 NCRTHERN AL.Ste:A FEDERAL GOVERNMEN1 9C!SC 3000 1':50 1100 c.:OO 'liDO 500 17500 STATE •LCCAL GCVERNHEhT 1220C 6500 9050 4900 1300 1400 700 JEDDO CONSTRUCTION fTCULJ 6300 2700 1600 5200 100 700 1700 18200 N'~UFAC1URING 14CC 250 JeOO 28!O HO 100 e80C NINING COO 100 50 850 50 750 250 2900 CC"f'lUN leAl I ON ,U 1 Il IT I ES 1750 550 450 350 50 100 450 3700 RETAIL 1RAOE 10!50 3100 3150 1750 "5n \50 100 19800 W"'OlESALE TRADE JEOO 600 350 400 /tC;:OD F INA NeE .1 t-.SURE,RE"l EST 3 ..00 800 600 380 50 50 5200 TRANSPORTATIOt.5000 1600 2800 850 400 550 100 11300 SERVICE 12e5G 3QSO 2850 211:10 EOO 100 200 23300 NCN-C,IT EGOR 12EO 555e 1700 2E50 3200 JSO 250 100 13800 rQfl1l HCRkERS 7ZC:OO 2"900 29300 23800 4100 5'::00 "100 1E5600 LAeoR FCRCE ANC PCPUUTIOt-.aATA Uf<lEHPLOYHENT 7,1OC 2600 3100 2300 SOD eoo 500 17300 C]VIllAt.lABCR FORCE 8060e 21500 32 ..00 26200 5200 6500 4600 1153000 CIVILIU OEPHOENTS 811500 2uaD 3 ..1100 2!:7DO 51i00 eeoo 3400 188800.. 16S 10t-CIVILIA~PCPULATIOi SEEaO 6Elt00 51900 10100 13100 eooo 371700 I1ILIURY Ef'FLCYf"Et.T 122"7300 eoo 1i1i00 100 _00 600 2E!00 00 MILITARY DEPENDENTS 13EC 0 1200 EOO 511110 ~oo _00 ~oo H600 f-' MILITARY POPULATICN 256"1S500 1200 ~4tOO HOD 800 1100 HUG ......t", TOTAL FCPUlATIOt.190CillO 72200 67600 61300 12300 14000 ':600 427800 EFFECTIVE OEPENCHeY Rnte!.FCPUl At JCh/l.eOR FeRCEI nCLUCING rllIURT •2.GaUlt INClUOUG "UIT lAY •2.0"282 TABLE 9 nSTITUTE OF SCCIoGL,ECCHtllC He GOVERNI'H T HSEARCfO Ut.IVERSITY CF ~LASI<A COLLEGE,AUSlCti A L ASK A E H P LOYHENT FORECAST FREF'HC 8Y ,"ut'!,u F(ESCl:f;CES FlUt.HG H'SlITUTE -SEtlTlE,)USHIHTC~ ANNUAL J1VERAGE FOR 191E FCRECAST,RUN 30 t'Af;Ctl HHI.j TCTH AtlCHQRAGE FURB.6NkS SOUTHEAST SOUTHCEt-T SOUTHWEST NOiiHIHEST NCf<THERN ALASKA FEDERAL GOVERNMENT 9ZSC 3000 1~50 1100 900 c;DO 500 17500 STATE +LCCAl GCVERNHENT lItl0n 7HO 10500 5650 1500 1£00 800 "1700 CC~STf;UCTIC"(leHU HOD 22!;O uoo HOD 150 eoo 1100 UJOC H,ll~UFACTURING 11f5C JSQ JeOO 2900 .50 100 ~OOO HINltoG 750 100 50 e50 50 HO 250 3000 COMMU"leA TI eN,U1 Il IT I e s 1750 550 '50 350 50 100 .50 3700 RETAIL TRADE I2Ett 3EOO 3E50 2000 550 sao 150 23000 WHOLESALE TRADE 4HO 700 .00 450 5700 F INA NeE ,I NSURE,REAL EST 3t:50 ':00 700 350 50 50 6100 TRANSFOIHAlIn 55C t HOO 3100 ~50 4S0 EOO 100 12500 SERVICE lit c;~0 HOD 3350 2450 700 eoo eso 27100 NCN-CATEGCRIZEO 5EO!1750 2700 3300 ~'5 0 eSO 100 14100 TOTAL HCRKER$81200 27200 32400 25400 SeOO EEOO 3700 181600 UEOR FCRCE AND PCFllATIOt.D.eU UHI1FlCyHHT ~5'5 0 3200 HOD 3000 EOO 750 '50 21 ~00 CIVIL IJ1tI L.eecR FCHE 90ec 0 30400 3E200 28400 se 00 7~00 4200 203000 CIVIlIJ1tI DEPENDENTS 94:::DC 31800 37EOO 27800 6000 7400 3400 208200 CIVIlIH FCFULATICN 185000 62200 73800 56200 11100 14eoo 7500 411300 MILITARY El"PlCYHt-T 12200 7300 EOO 4400 eoo _00 800 U500 00 MILITARY CEPENDENTS IHOD 8200 EOO 5000 ':00 400 ~OO 29600 tv HIL 11 ARY PCPULATICfrI 2'5600 15500 1200 ~400 1600 800 17110 56100 TOTAL FCPULATIOt-210600 77700 75000 65EOO 13400 15Eao '3200 ItE7300 E:FFECTIVE DFPFNnFNr:v tl=l":l=lll f111r:.."I.6AnD 1=nDt!1='1 NTI TT.II.DY '"..,.,,.TAClv _ TABLE 11 INSTITUTE OF SCCIAL,ECC~CHIC A~O GOVERNHENT RESEARC~ L~IVERSITY OF ALASNA COllEGE,AtASIlA •L •S N •E H P LOY.E~T FOREC'ST FREFHEt BY HU"AN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE -SEnTlE,W'SHIHTC~ At-NU,IL ,OVERAGE FO,"1l37e FCRECAST,RUN 30 I'4ARCIol 1971( TOTAL ANCHORHE FURBAhlCS SOL Tt4EIIST SCU1HCEPiT SOUT!'iWEST NCF<1tHl'EST NcnllEf;Pi .LASteA FEDERAL GQVERNI'4EtH CJi1!C 3000 H5D 1100 ~oo 'iDa 500 17600 STATE +LeCH GCVEfHoi"HT 15£50 8"00 l1E50 6300 tHO seoo 500 "e ..oo CONSTRUCTICN neTAl)14H 2000 11;50 tESO 150 700 2950 16800 HAPiUFACTURING 1700 .00 4000 3300 .50 100 50 10000 HINING 70t 100 so 850 50 eoo 250 2800 CCiHMUNICATION,UlI LI TI es 1750 550 .50 400 SO 100 450 3800 RETAIL TRUE 13700 3C:OO "000 2200 550 Bo 150 C500C HfolOlESALE TRADE ....5C eoo 400 500 E200 FINANCE ,INSURE,RUt EST 14300 1000 750 .00 50 50 HOD TRANSPORT ,lITICN SESU 1850 3150 550 .50 Eoo 100 12800 SERVICE 16200 5000 3EOO 2£:50 750 Ciao 250 29400 NDN-CUeGCl;rZEO 5800 18110 aoo 3400 ;!!D 250 100 14500 TOTAL HOR ICERS 86700 28800 34900 23700 5500 6700 5700 151500 LASCR FORCE AND POPutnIOPi OllTA U","EHPLOyHENT 10ese 3600 ..350 3000 700 r50 1450 23800 CIVILUH LABOR FORCE 57500 32400 3C::~00 2E700 6200 HOD E1DO 215E00 CIVILIA"DEPENDENts 99"00 3,.300 39900 27200 E300 7EOO 3500 218200 CIVILIA"PCPULATICN 196900 6E600 79100 53800 12500 15200 9700 ..33800 MILITARY Et'PLOY"'ENT 12,OC 1300 EOO .400 eoo 400 800 26500 co MILITARY DEPENDENTS 13E00 8200 600 5000 500 .00 C::OO 2Ci600 ..,. MILITARY POPUUTICN 258tO 15500 HOD ~1400 iEOO eoo 1700 5E100 TOTAL PCPULA7I0~222700 82200 80300 63300 1 ..,00 tEOOO 11300 ..89900 £FF£CTYV[O[P[NC[Nl':Y RITI[~IFl"'FULITTl"'k/LIAnR ~nRr.F')tfTI TT.llDY ..T),lt'lllnT ..r.IIITI TTIIDY --_._------------------------------- TABLE 12 nSllTUTE QF SOCIAL,ECCNCHIC HC GOVERNHENT RESElRCH UNIVERSITY OF lLlSKl COLLEGE,ALASk. l L II S '"II E ~P LCY~ENT FOREelST PREFlREC SY HUHlH RESOUHES PL.eHhUG nSTITUTE •SEHTLE,'USHltiGT~lI ANNUAL AVERAGE FOI(1979 fORECIlST,RUN 30 "'ARCH 19H TtT.- ANCHORAGE FURSlNKS SOUTHE lST SOUTNCENT SOUTHWEST NOFiTHtHST NORTHERN AL"~I<,D FEDERAL GOVERNMENT ~2H 3000 lCiSO 1100 SOO ':00 500 1 i600 STATE +LeCAl GCVERfI,HUT 16S5C 8eso 12300 EE50 1750 HOD 950 "9000 CCNS1RUCTICN nCTAl)HOO 2100 2050 1100 1150 no 20!D 11:500 H.eNliFACTURING usc 400 4100 3 ..00 "50 100 50 10300 MINING 700 150 50 SOO 50 750 250 2900 CC~HU~ICAnOh,UtILITIES !eOG 550 450 400 ~O 100 HD 3800 RETAIL TRACE 1 ....50 &tl00 4200 2300 EOO 550 150 2Hao HHOLESAlE TRADE ..700 800 450 500 &500 F I NA NeE,I PI SURE,REA L EST ItSOC 1050 800 400 ~O ~O ESOO TRANSPOR,.elrON 5eeo 1900 3250 1000 '50 EOO 100 IJI00 SERVICE 170.00 5250 3800 2800 EOO '=50 300 JOSOO NON-CA TE GOR lIED 5':00 1800 2850 3450 .00 300 100 1.700 TCTlL HCRIl'ERS 902CC 3D000 JlJOO 24EOO 5100 EliDa 4900 1geEDO L,/IeO~FCRCE AND PCPl'lHrOfrl:OUA ut-EHFLCYH£t.,T Ihoo J800 £1550 IlOO 100 c,:oo E5D 25100 CIVILIAN LliBOR FORCE 10HOt 3 ~e00 ..OliOO 27700 EltOO ?EOO 5600 2~J81111 CIVILIl"DEPENDEN1S 102700 351110 41300 28000 HOD HOD 3700 225000. CIVILIAN POPULATICN 20C.~C(HellO 82200 55E DO H~OO 1Hoo C;30o ..lte700 MILITA~Y Et'FLCYt',EPil 1220C 7300 EOO "00 800 '00 800 2E500 00 I1ILIlARY OEF£!o;OENTS 13EIIO 8200 EOO 5000 SOO '00 ~OO 296110 U1.HILITARY POPUlAlION 25EOO 15500 1200 -;..00 lEOO 800 1700 5611111 ·.....'t'i_ TOTAL PCPULATIOfrl 23010C 8""00 83 ..00 65100 111500 16C.tO 11000 504800 EFFECTIVE CEPENCUCY RHICS lFCFULHIC./LABOR FCRCEI EKCLUDHG MILIUAY •2.00!36 IhCLUDI.C ~ILIHRY •2.01750 TABLE 13 HSTITUTE OF SQCloAL,ECCNCHIC AhD GOVERNI'!EH FiESE,ARCfoI UNIVERSITV OF ~L~S>~COLLEGE,ALASKA ~L fA S K fA E t!F LCV_E.T FOREC~ST PREF~RED 8V HUN~N RESDUHES PlAHt-.UG nST1TUTE -SEATTLE,.~SHINCTDN ANNUAl AVERAGE FOIi 1980 FCRECAST,RUN 30 !'AliCH 19111 TOTAL ANCt'ORAH F~IR8~N.S SDUTHBST SDUTHCENT SOUT~)IE S1 NORTHWEST NCRTHERN ALASK' FEDER~l GOVERNNENT qJOO 3000 2000 HOO HO ~00 500 17700 STATE +lCC~L GCVERNNENT 17000 9100 12650 6800 1800 H50 1000 50300 CCNSTRUCTION nCTAll 7800 2150 2050 1750 150 450 100 14400 H.eNUFACTURIHG 1C.:~0 450 4300 3450 500 HO 50 10700 HINIIIIG 700 150 50 900 50 750 250 2900 C(HHUNICA nON ,U1It nIES HOD 600 450 400 SO 100 450 3500 RETAIL TR,AOE 1&1100 4200 1t300 23!O EOO EOO 150 26900 WtlOLESHE TRADE 'teoo 850 450 SOD 6600 FINANeE ,I tiSURE,Re,L EST 4600 1050 850 450 50 50 7100 TRANSflOfiTATION 5700 1850 HOD 950 HO EOO 100 12900 SERVICE 17150 5300 le50 2e50 eoo ~50 300 31100 NCN-C.lTEGCIHZEO EOOO tHO HOD 3500 \00 300 100 15000 TOTAL \llCRKERS 91500 30500 37000 24500 5800 E700 3000 1994 DO L.ABOR FO~CE AND PCPUL,l'IOfrl DUA UHMFLOVHefH IleaD 3950 "'50 3200 750 c:ou 550 25900 CIVIlI.6N LAE!OFi FORCE 103300 3 ....00 ..1800 28100 6500 HOD 3500 225300 CIVIlIAt.DEPENDENTS 103ao 34400 41700 28100.6500 1600 3500 225000 CIVILIA"FCPULATIet;cOESOC 68800 83!!00 5E200 13COO 1!JOO 1000 4S030C HIlITAI<Y Ef"FLCYI'n T 12200 7300 EOO 4400 eoo 400 800 26500 00 MILITARY OEPEfo;OENTS 13EOO 8200 EOO 5000 c.:oo 400 900 2c;600 0- I'4IllTAI<Y PCFUlATICt-.2S80C 15~OO 1200 9400 HOO eoo 1700 SEIDD TOTAL PCPUl~TIO'232300 84300 84700 65700 14700 16100 8100 SOEIIOO EFFEC7nE DEPENCENCV RATIeS CFCFULAlJCN/lABOR FORCE)EXClUDIhG MILITARY 1.liCi~00 INClUOHG f(ILIT ARY z 2.111173 ~-~---~-~----------------------- TABLE 14 INSTITUTE OF SOCI IL,ECCNCMIC UO GOVERNMENT RESEIRCH UNIVERSITV CF ILIS'A COLLEGE,ALIS", ALASKA E M P LCV'ENT FORECIST FREF,lIIiEt BY HU"'N IiESOUIiCES FLA""IttG nSlITUTE ..SEUTLE,WISNHCTON ANNUIL IVERAGE FCR 1981 FCRECAST.RUN 30 .ARCH 197~ lCTH Al\ttlORHE FURUtlKS SOUTHEAST SCUTHCENT SOUTlHIE S1 NOfi.THWEST NCIOTtlE"N ALlSIC,lI FEDERAL GOVERNMENT ClJOe 3000 2000 1100 C30Q C;:OO 500 17700 STATE +LCCIL GCVERNMENT 17~50 9J~O 13000 7000 U50 2000 1000 51GOO CCNSTRUCTICN lTeTH)7C300 2150 2100 1750 150 450 100 1 ~6 CO H,oNUFACTURH:G 2100 350 &iIIOO 3550 500 100 50 111100 HltHt-G 750 200 50 «;l00 50 700 200 2900 CCHHUNICA TION.U11 LIT IES 1850 GOO ~50 ~oo 50 100 ~50 3900 RETUL lR,IOE 111c;50 4250 ~350 2400 EOO EOO 150 27300 WHOLESALE TRADE ..eSQ 850 ~50 500 6700 F HUCE ,I "SURE,REAL EST 'tHO 1100 850 ~50 50 50 7200 TRANSFOIiTHION SHe 1!!!O JCOG c;so 1450 EOO 100 12~00 SERVICE 171450 5400 3':00 2900 eoo HO 300 31700 NC h-C ATEGCR IZEO fiDO leSO 2CiSO 3550 400 ~00 100 15200 TOTAL HCRlCERS Q3100 JOC;OO 37700 25400 5':00 feOD 3000 202600 L,oBOR FeRCE AND FCPULnIOfr,DUA .1.. Ut>EMFlCYHHT 11':50 ..000 ..eoo 3250 750 ~oo ~oo 26000 CIVIL ill'ueCR FCfiC£10S0Q~3 ..~oo ..2EOO 26700 EEOO 7100 3Lj(lO 2266(10 CIVIL !All DEPENDENTS 10"~OC 3 ..eoo ~2500 2116tlO EEOo 7700 3400 22!600 CIVJLUto PQF'ULATJCN 20~c.:OO 69700 05100 51300 13Z00 15.00 6800 1t57"00 HILITARY Et"PlOYMEt\l 1220t 7300 eoo ....00 eoo '00 eoo H51l0.......~ 00MILITARYDEPENDENTS13EOt8200EOO5000900~ao ~oo 29GOO "MILITARY POPUlAlICN 25eoo 15500 1200 9 ..00 HOD eoo 1700 56100 TOTAL PCPUlATIO.,235700 85300 aE200 GE700 l ..4iOO lEaD 0500 513500 EFFECT!VE DEPENDEN CV RHICS (FCFULnICN/LABDR FORCEt EXCLUOING tlILITARY =1,li94iOO INCLUDING fl'JLITARY 2.01155 TABLE 15 IhS1I1UTE OF SOCIAL,ECCNCNIC AhD GOVERNNENl RESBRCH UhIVERSIlV CF .L.S'.COLLEGE,U.S •• •L •S • E H P LOVNEhl FOREC.Sl FREF.~EC BV HU",H RESCU~CES FL.NhIhC HSnlUlE •senTLE,M.SHIhC1C. ANNU.L .VER.GE FOR 1982 FCRECAST,f;iUN 30 ~Af;C~197,. TCTIIL .NC~OR .CE FliIRBA"KS SOU1HE.ST SCU1HCEH SOUTHWEST NOR1HMESl NORTHERN ALASKA FEDERAL CCVERNHENl 9~00 3000 2000 1100 t;OD liOO 500 17800 STATE +lCCH GCVER~"EtoT H20C 9750 13550 7300 11350 2050 1050 53900 CCNSTRUCTICN CTCUU 8150 2250 2150 UlOO 150 !SOD 100 15100 MANUFACTURING 2150 350 ~~50 3650 550 100 100 11300 HINHG 750 200 50 ~OO 50 100 200 2500 COMHUN I CA lION ,U Ttl IllES 1850 800 ~50 ~OO 50 100 ~50 ~OOO RETAIL TR.GOE 15500 ....00 "500 2500 E50 EOO 150 zeltOD WHOLESALE TRADE 5050 900 500 550 TODD F I~A"CE ,I ~SURE,REH ESl 4e5(:1100 Ciao ~50 100 50 75011 TRANSFCFiTHION SHe HOD 3300 1000 "50 E50 100 13300 SERVICE 18HC SEaD ~05 0 3000 850 lCDD 300 :!3DOD Ne N-C AlEG CR IlEO 815C HOD 2l!50 3EOO ~00 :!oo 100 15~00 TOTAL ,",tRKERS 96200 31900 38900 2E2DO 6100 7000 3100 209511D LABOR FORCE AND PCPUL"ID.D." UfrlEHPLOYHENT 12250 It050 ~950 3350 150 liOO ~OO 26100 CIVILU.l,llBCR FeRCE 108&tCC 3EOOO ~3500 21.:500 6liOQ 7c;OO 3500 23ECOO CIVILUN DEPENDEN1S 108300 3EOOO ~3800 2C1SDO EliDa 71100 3500 235900 CIVILIAh PCFULATICt.:216 eoo 72000 e770D 55100 13800 HeOD 70110 "72100 HILIlARV e"PLCY"'HT 12l:Dt 7300 EOO 'tltOO EOO \00 800 21:1500 I1ILITARY DEPENDENts 13600 8200 800 5000 900 ~DO 900 29800 ou oc HILIURV POPULATlCh 25EOC 15500 1200 c:ttOO 16 DO eco HOD H100 TOTAL flCPULATIOt.2ltCEOC 87500 8e800 6UOO 15~00 16700 HOD 52820C EFFECTIVE OEPENOENC,Y RHICS lFOFULHICh/LUOR FORCE I EkCLUDINC !'ILIlARY •1.139900 INCLUDINC f'ILIT,I1RY 2.01120 TABLE 16 INSTITUTE OF SCCUL,EceNCMIC APIO GOVEANt1Ef\T RESEARCH UNIVERSITY CF H~S'~COLLEGE,H_SfC_ A l ASK A EMPLOYMENT FORECAST FREFAREt BY HUMAN RESOURCES PLUt.;HG nSTITUTE -SE,lIlTlE,W~S~HCTON At<iNUAL AVERAGE FOR 1983 FORECAST,RUN 30 "'He ..19714 TOTAL A"CI-ORJHiE FURS,oNKS 50U'I-Ie ,tIST SCUTHCHT SOUT~kEH NOIlTHHEST NCRT~ERN AUISIC,Il FEDERAL GCVERN!'4ENl 'illite 3000 2000 1100 ':100 «;00 500 17eoe; STATE +LeCAl GCVERNHEt<iT 1':1!SC 10250 14250 7700 2050 2200 1100 56600 CONSTRUCTlct.(leuu escc 2300 2250 11300 150 500 100 15700 H,6NUFAC1URING 2UC 350 4550 3750 EOO 100 100 11600 MINING 150 200 50 900 50 700 200 2900 COHHUNICA TION,UTIL IllES HOD 600 500 400 50 100 500 4000 RETAIL 1RllOE 1EHO "EOD -.750 HOD 700 ESC 150 Zc;7DO Wt-OLESALE TR.4DE SeSO 900 500 550 7300 FINA"Cf,INSURE,REAL EST 505 C 1200 900 450 100 100 7eOD TRANSPOHIITICN 6100 2000 3400 1050 500 HO 100 13800 SERVICE 1«;iCC 5':100 4:!OQ 31S0 «;00 1050 300 JIj 700 NON-CATEGORIZED 6250 1900 3000 3HO 400 300 100 15700 TCTAL WCRKERS 913lEOC 33200 ftOftOO 27200 EJOD 7HO 3200 217500 LABOR FORCE ANO PCPULATION DATA UHI"FLCYMft,T 12?H It,SO 5150 3450 000 lE50 400 ,7700 CIVILUt.UBOR FC,"CE 11200 [37500 45£00 30HO 7100 8200 3000 245200 CIVILIAI\OEFENOENTS 112500 37400 4'5500 30600 1100 e200 3EOO 245000...CIVILIH FCPULATIet.22520C 74':00 91100 &1200 114JOO lEHO 7300 "~0200 MILITARY el"PLOYH"'l lHoe 7300 000 4400 000 400 000 USDD (» MILITARY DEPENDENTS 13EOO 8200 600 5000 lEOO 400 900 29&00 \D.HILITARY PCPULATICh 2!HOe 15500 1200 c;ltDD HOD 000 1700 SEiOO '..'·'·t, TCTAl FQPUlATIOt.251000 90400 CJ2JDO 70600 15':00 17200 l!CjOD 540300 EFFECTIVE OEPENCEHY R~TIe~lFCFUUTICt./lABCR FCRCEI EXCLUDING MILI1~RY :c 1.~C:c;oO l.clUDINl ~llIHRV 2.0107': REGIONAL TOTAL EMPLOYMENT ANCHORAGE FIGURE 18 Historic Period (Actual) Forecast Period....--....- /~...... .../,.,.....------// /"" ....'"/',,'"r / / / / I / I I I / I ) / / / INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA 80 90 70 _Ill 0 0 0 60... Z.... ~50>- 0.... a. :;E w 40 30 HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE SEATTLE,WASHINGTON MARCH,1974 ''----.J.I--I---+--4--.1........-.I--....Ji------l---!-L--II--oI--..J--~_~...l --~--l--+-'<0.-66 68 70 i2 74 r 76 78 aTo 8'3-"" YE.AR 35 INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA 25 ~ ., 0 0 0 20 - FIGURE 19 REGIONAL TOTAL EMPLOYMENT FAI RBANKS Historic Period (Actual) Forecast Period...----.- 15 10 30 w 5 HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE SEATTLE,WASHINGTON MARCH,1974 .'6~--6+~--+--:j+O--j-.--7~12--I74 8 1 0 YEAR .------0.Historic Period (Actual) ..._--_Forecast Period FIGURE 20 REGIONAL TOTAL EMPLOYMENT SOUTHEAST INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA 30 40 ~I/I 0 0 0 20 I- Z LU ==>-0... 0- ~10LU HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE SEATTLE,WASHINGTON MARCH,1974 '---I---1--~-....j.--:J~-~~±---'---±:---I--:Jb--+---:±---1---:*=--+---II-~:':;-~66 68 70 74 76 78 80 83 YEAR SOUTHCENTRAL FIGURE 21 REGIONAL TOTAL EMPLOYMENT 30 III~o 0 0 ...20 Z w :E >-0 -' 0- ~ w 10 INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA ------",""""-.........--_.......--~.... ,.".'"......__-..--,..... I / / / I / ",'" ",'" ~Historic Period (Actual) ___..Forecast Period HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE SEATTLE,WASHINGTON MARCH,1974 <e,'t "'-646---1~-61-8--1---7"""O--*---17:"2--1---7.j.4--l---7+6---4---I71-8--1---8.j.O --l---+--I83;:....··~ YEAR 7 INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC ANQ GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA ~I/lo o o ...z w :E >-o... a. ::E w 6 5 4 3 2 FIGURE 22 REGIONAL TOTAL EMPLOYMENT SOUTHWEST .------01 Historic Period (Actual) ----0 Forecast Peri od HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE SEATTLE,WASHINGTON MARCH,1974 66 68 70 72 74 YEAR 8 80 8 6 7 NORTHWEST FIGURE 23 REGIONAL TOTAL EMPLOYMENT ~Historic Period (Actual) 0---_.Forecast Peri od INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH ~. UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA .............. ."",,,,,-..............-.......--.....'",,'", /,..................." / f/ I I I I I I, I I / I I 5 4 3 ... Zw ~ >-o ..J 0. ~ w 2 •IIIo o o HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE SEATTLE,WASHINGTON MARCH,1974 66 I 63 I 70 In.I 74 I76 I 78 I80 i ""lD 83 YEAR ~- INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA 6 Historic Period (Actual) Forecast Period.---...- t\I , I \. I '\ I \I \ I \ .............,I \r...."I \ I ."I \ I \I \ I \I \----\\---I \J ...-- I I I I 5 r--.~1II FIGURE 240 0 REGIONAL TOTAL EMPLOYMENT8 NORTHERN... Z 3 w ~ >- 0...2a. ~ w HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE SEATTLE,WASHINGTON MARCH,1974 a.-~~--I--+--+--±--I--~~-l----I~-lr--~f---,I--t-I--lo---.:-II-:---lf---l-__.+:-l-tD 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 83 0- YEAR SECTION 3 OCCUPATIONAL EMPLOYMENT The industry employment forecasts generated by the statewide economic base model and discussed in Section 1 were used to estimate future employment in 440 occupational categories. The basis of the occupational forecasts was the industry- occupation employment mix reported in the 1970 census.The Bureau of Labor Statistics has released a magnetic tape file of census manpower tallies for each state.The data on this tape is also referred to as the occupational employ- ment statistics (OES)matrix.The Alaska tape file is described with some detail in Section 3 of Volume II.Basi- cally it gives statewide employment for 440 occupations in 227 industries by 12 workers categories,all reported in the census of April,1970.At the current time,the Employment Security Division,Alaska Department of Labor, is using survey research techniques to update tha_matrix to reflect changing patterns of occupational employment with- in each industry.At the time this report was prepared, the updated information was not available.Consequently, the forecasts presented below were made under the implicit assumption that the occupational distribution within e~ch industry would remain constant over the forecast period. The computational approach was to develop a matrix of indus- try-occupation employment coefficients from the census data 97 I and to apply these coefficients to employment forecasts in the 12 industry categories available from the economic base model.A detailed discussion of the methodology used to generate the occupational forecasts is presented at the close of Section 1 of Volume II. Tables and figures supporting the discussion which follow are included at the close of this section. Professional,Technical and Kindred Workers In 1973,there were an estimated 23,300 professional, technical,and kindred workers employed in the state of Alaska.This number is expected to increase by 20,900 additional workers to reach a 1983 level of 44,200 -an increase of 90%. Not all of the 124 occupations classified as professional, technical,and kindred will grow at the same rate.The employment of accountants is expected to increase by over 1,000 workers during the 11 year forecast period going from a 1973 level of 1,300 workers to a 1983 level of 2,300 98 1.1 workers.Accountants are employed in a wide variety of businesses and industries throughout all sectors of.Alaska's economy and,consequently,their increased employment is a general reflection of the overall increase in economic activitiy expected within the state.While there will he 99 a slight spurt in the employment of accountants during the construction of the Trans-Alaska pipeline,the general increase in their employment is expected to be quite steady throughout the forecast period. Computer specialists and computer systems analysts will both increase by over 100%during the forecast period.However, the employment of these computer related professionals was at a very low level (approximately 110 workers)in 1973 and the rapid percentage increase still implies a total employ- ment of such workers at under 250 jobs by 1983. Engineers of all sorts will increase in employment between 1973 and 1983.The greatest gains are expected in the area of civil engineers,increasing by over 700 workers,mechanical engineers,increasing by over 110 workers,and engineers,nec.* increasing by over 130 workers.Petroleum engineers are expected to increase by an estimated 32%w~th almost all of this increase occurring during the period 1973 through 1977, inclusive. There will be substantial increase in the employment of judges and lawyers over the forecast period with these categories ~ increasing from approximately 560 workers in 1973 to approxi- mately 1,000 workers in 1983.It is expected that there will be between 140 and 150 additional judges required in the *Not elsewhere classified. 100 Alaska (including Federal)judicial system and there will be an additional employment of approximately 300 practicing attorneys.Since most of the new judges who will be employed by 1983 will be drawn from the ranks of practicing attorneys, the total demand for practicing attorneys should increase by almost 450 workers by the end of the forecast period. The number of librarians employed in Alaska will more than double over the 11 year period rising from an estimated 230 workers in 1973 to an estimated 490 workers in 1983 -an increase of 260 librarians.At the present time,there are a large number of persons acting as volunteer workers at libraries in small communities throughout the state of Alaska.Part of this growth in the employment of librarians is expected to occur as local government finances are in- creased and many of the persons currently spending time as volunteer workers will become paid employees in local government. The number of persons employed in occupations classified as·scientists will increase very moderately over the fore- cast period.The greatest increase will occur among geolo- gists where occupational employment levels are expected to rise from a 1973 level of 270 to a 1983 level of approxi- mately 450 -an increase of 173 workers.Professional, 101 technical,and kindred personnel classified as biological scientists will also increase by approximately 200 workers in the period rising from approximately 220 workers in 1973 to 420 workers in 1983.In percentage terms,however,the increase in employment of natural and biological scientists will be less than the overall increase in the professional and technical category by about one-third. The employment of physicians,pharmacists,dentists,and other related health practioners will increase only moderately during the forecast period -with the highest percentage rate of increase occurring among pharmacists.The number of pharmacists is expected to increase by approximately 80%. However,this forecast is made under the assumption that the level of medical service available in Alaska will be the same in 1983 as it was in 1973.In 1973,the avail- ability of medical care in the state was very low.A large number of Alaskans regularly go outside of the state f~r major medical care.In large part,this appears "to be the result of the unwillingness of physicians to locate in the state of Alaska and the fact that the University of Alaska does not have a medical school.At the current time Alaska is participating in the Washington -Alaska-- Montana -Idaho joint medical program for the trainin~of physicians.If this program is successful and the supply 102 of physicians to Alaska increases,our forecast will un- doubtedly be on the low side.In a real sense,this part of the forecast is conditioned by a bottleneck in the supply of medical personnel rather than a low level of demand for medical service. Also related to this shortage of health practioners in the state of Alaska,the forecast indicates a rapid growth in the employment of health technicians of various sorts through- out the state.It appears that this rapid growth of health technicians (most of the occupations will be increasing by more than 100%)reflects a substition of technical and paraprofessional personnel to compensate for the lack of fully trained professional and technical workers in the health sciences.The growth of registered nurses is particularly dramatic,rising from a level of 1,200 persons in 1973 to a level of 2,500 persons in 1983 -an increase of 110%,or 1,300 additional workers. The growth of population coupled with the expected increase in state and local government are both reflected in the increased employment of urban and regional planners,re- creational workers,and social workers.All three of these occupational categories are expected to more than double with an estimated additional 40 planners being employed by 103 i 1983.Social workers will rise by an estimated 520 addi- tional workers growing from the current occupational level of 500 to a 1983 level of 1,020,while recreational workers are expected to increase from their current employment of approximately 100 workers to a 1983 level of 210 workers. The employment of teachers of all types,and at all levels, is expected to increase substantially in the state of Alaska over the forecast period.At the level of college and university teaching,the total increase is expected to be in excess of 850 additional persons employed between 1973 and 1983.A substantial amount of this college and university increase is expected to occur in the Anchorage area where the growth of college and university education will be furthered by the increasing concentration of persons of all ages.This will be f4rther reinforced by a growing tendency (noted throughout the United States)of persons over the age of 30 to participate in college or university educa- tion.However,much of this adult education wili-'occur in the areas of supplementary training or other "non-degree related"education.It is further expected that the Alaska State Community College system will grow significantly over the next decade following a pattern evidenced in other states in the west during the last ten years.This s~ould lead to some dispersion of college and university teaching, 104 although the greatest growth of the community college system will probably occur in the Anchorage area.The University of Alaska at College is expected to grow in total enrollment, and consequently in faculty.However,it is not expected to be one of the leaders in the growth of college and university employment of professional and technical workers. At the level of kindergarten through 12th grade education, very rapid increases are expected in the area of pre-kinder- garten,kindergarten,and elementary school employment.Be- tween 1973 and 1983,employment of pro.fessional and technical workers in these areas is expected to increase from an esti- mated 1973 level of 4,100 workers to a 1983 level of 9,100 workers -an increase of 5,000 additional pre-kindergarten, kindergarten,and elementary school professional and techni- cal workers.This forecast is based upon the implicit assump~ tion that the ratio of pre-kindergarten,kindergarten,and elementary school teachers per thousand students will remain roughly the same throughout the forecast period.This assump- tion implies that sufficient financing will be available to local governments to allow for the expansion of their school systems to reflect the growth of local populations.Perhaps a more realistic assumption is that the level of service (as measured by the ratio of teachers to students)will de- cline during the rapid growth of population associated with the construction of the Trans-Alaska pipeline.However,it 10S~ is expected that any reductions in the level of teaching services in local areas will be more than compensated for during the post-pipeline construction period when oil revenues begin to flow and there is a realistic expectation of state shared revenues going to local communities.Consequently, the growth of employment in these occupations is expected to be somewhat slow during the initial years of the fore- cast period but is expected to grow rapidly during the latter half of the 1970's and the beginning of the 1980's to reach the forecasted levels. Over the 11 year forecast period,the employment of secondary school teachers is expected to climb from its 1973 level of 2,000 teachers to a 1983 level of 4,600 teachers,a growth of approximately 2,600 additional workers.This increase of almost 125%is expected to occur by the 1983 time period but is expected to be affected by the same reasoning dis- cussed in the paragraph above. It is expected that there will be a rapid growth of such engineering support occupations as draftsmen and surveyors during the forecast period.Draftsmen are expected to increase from a 1973 level of 390 workers to a 1983 level ~ of 760 (an increase of 94%)and surveyors are expected to increase from a 1973 level of 310 workers to a 1983 level 106 of 640 workers (a growth of 104%).The growth of both of these occupations will be exceedingly rapid during the period 1973 through 1977,inclusive,and thereafter will grow at a very moderate rate.However,the construction of additional pipelines not taken account of in our forecast would affect these occupations and would cause them to grow more rapidly than the forecast discussed here. Finally,the expected growth of activity in all forms of air transportation services,and particularly the continued growth of the Anchorage International Airport,will cause the increased employment of airplane pilots,air traffic controllers,flight engineers,and radio operators.The number of employed airplane pilots is expected to grow most rapidly showing an increase of approximately 600 additional workers employed by 1983.This sector is expected to grow particularly with respect to the use of air taxi services, charter airline companies,and other related activity.Pipe- line and pipeline related activity is expected to cause a significant increase in the number of pilots employed in the state of Alaska;and consequently an estimated 75%of the total increase in airplane pilots is expected to occur during the period 1973 through 1977,inclusive.Thereafter,the growth of airpline pilot employment is expected to slow down significantly growing at just a moderate rate during the latter part of the forecast period. 10~ r Managers and Administrators,Except Farm The number of non-farm managers and administrators in the state of Alaska is expected to grow approximately 75%during the forecast period rising from a 1973 level of 14,300 workers to a 1983 level of 25,000 workers. A significant increase in the employment of bank officers, bank managers,and financial managers is expected to occur with this occupational category rising from approximately 600 workers in 1973 to approximately 1,220 workers in 1983, inclusive.This increase reflects the expected rapid growth in the state's finance,insurance,and real estate sector. The growth of local government will also contribute significantly to the overall increase in this occupational category with the employment of local public administrators, assessors,and officials in public administration,nee., increasing from a 1973 level of approximately 1,600 wo~kers to a 1983 level of 2,800 -an increase of approximately 1,200 additional workers.Once again,this forecast is predicated on the assumption that sufficient funds are available to local government to allow for the increase in service that would seem to be indicated by the growth of 4 population in cities and towns throughout the state of Alaska.It may well be that the growth of this occupational employment area will be less than the forecasted amount 108 during the period 1973 through 1977,inclusive,as a result of financial limitations placed upon state and local govern- ment.However,it is expected that the employment in this occupational area will increase with sufficient rapidity from the period 1978 through 1983,inclusive,to allow the forecast to be achieved. Reflecting the growth of teachers,at all levels,discussed above,it is expected that the employment of elementary, secondary,and college school administrators will increase from the 1973 level of approximately 460 workers to a 1983 level of 1,030 workers -an increase of 570 additional workers.The possible financial limitations imposed on state and local government during the construction of the pipeline may also cause a slow rate of growth in this occupational category through 1973.After 1978,it is expected that the availability of funds to local government, including state shared revenue,will cause this category to increase rapidly and achieve its forecasted level. Finally,the expected rapid rate of increase in all forms of retail trade throughout the state of Alaska will produce a substantial increase in the number of managers and adminis- trators in such areas of restaurant,cafeteria,and bar management;and variety stores,department stores,and other forms of retail trade.Overall,the number of retail trade 109 managers and administrators is expected to climb from a 1973 level of 900 workers to a 1983 level of 1200 workers - an increase of 500 persons.This will be supplemented by a further increase of almost 400 workers classified as pur- chasing agents,retail buyers,etc.who are related to the retail trade sector. Sales Workers The growth of total economic activity throughout Alaska's economy over the next ten years is reflected in the increase of approximately 5,900 additional sales workers (93%increase) who are expected to be employed in Alaska between 1973 and 1983,inclusive. Over half of the total increase in sales workers (55%)is expected to be accounted for by the growth of retail sales workers -an occupational category which employed approximately 3,300 workers in 1973 and which is expected to employ ~pproxi­ mate!y 6,600 workers by 1983 -an increase of approximately 3,300 workers during the forecast period. The growth of the finance,insurance and real estate industry is also reflected in the growth of sales workers with insurance .if agents,brokers,and underwriters expected to increase from a 1973 level of 370 workers to a 1983 level of approximately 110 750 workers - a growth of approximately 380 additional workers. Also reflecting the growth of the same industry is the increase in the number of real estate agents and brokers whose numbers are expected to grow from a 1973 level to 440 workers to a 1983 level of 760 workers - a growth of 320 additional per- sons employed. Sales workers in the areas of services and construction are expected to increase by approximately 360 workers (97%) going from a 1973 level of 370 to a 1983 level of 730. During the early part of the forecast period most of this growth is expected to occur among sales workers in the area of construction activity;"while this occupational category is expected to increase most rapidly in the area of sales workers connected with service activities in the latter part of the forecast. A substantial growth of approximately 690 additional workers are expected to be employed as sales representatives among wholesale trade firms in Alaska.The 1973 level was esti- mated at 700 and the 1983 level is estimated at almost 1,400 workers.Most of this increase is expected to occur during the first five years of the forecast period with growth being somewhat moderated during the latter part of the 1970's and the early 1980's.It should be remembered,again,that the forecast has the implicit assumption that the state of technology with respect to the occupational distrjbution of lU r each of the industries in Alaska is constant.There is some evidence that the growth of a wholesale trade infra-structure will occur in Alaska as the level of economic activity increases. If this occurs,the number of wholesale trade representatives classified as sales workers will increase beyond that indicated in the forecast. Clerical and Kindred Workers There were an estimated 21,600 clerical and kindred workers in Alaska in 1973.By 1983 this number is expected to rise to 39,500 workers -an increase of approximately 17,800 additional workers.This represents a growth of 82%in the employment of clerical and kindred workers over the forecast period. The most rapid growth in clerical and kindred occupations will occur in those jobs associated with office work.The number of general secretaries in the state of Alaska is expected to increase from a 1973 level of 4,300 workers to a 1983 level of 8,300 workers -an increase of approximately 400 additional persons employed in this occupation.In addition,another 340 persons are expected to be employed as either legal or medical secretaries with almost three- ~ quarters of the total occurring in the employment of legal secretaries. 112 An additional 2,200 workers are expected to be employed in bookkeeping occupations with the total increasing from a 1973 level of 2,600 to a 1983 level of 4,800.The employ- ment of cashiers,primarily cashiers who are related to retail trade activity,is expected to increase substantially from its 1973 level of 1,050 workers to a 1983 level of 2,100 workers - a growth of 1,050 additional workers employed. The only other clerical and kindred occupation which is expected to increase by a 1,000 or more workers over the forecast period is that of typists where the number of persons employed in 1973 (1,700 workers)is expected to rise by 1,200 additional persons to reach a 1983 level of 2,900. Reflecting the growth of finance,insurance and real estate, the number of bank tellers in Alaska is expected to increase from an estimated 400 persons in 1983 to a forecasted 803 persons in 1983 -an increase of 432 workers or 110%.The employment of counter clerks and accepting clerks employed in eating and drinking places,is expected to increase by 500 workers Tising from its 1973 level of 410 to a 1983 level of 910 - a growth of 123%percent over the forecast period.Also growing by approximately 500 workers over the 11 year forecast period is the occupational classification of receptionists which grows from an estimated 450 workers in 1973 to a forecasted 950 workers by 1983. 113 Because the employment of clerical and kindred workers occurs throughout all sectors of the economy,these occupations are expected to grow in a fairly smooth pattern throughout the 11 year forecast period.There will be some exceleration in the growth of these workers during the early part of the forecast period as a result of the excelerated economic pace related to pipelireconstruction.However,the incre- mental gains in occupational employment for virtually all clerical workers will continue over the entire period 1973 through 1983,inclusive. Craftsmen and Kindred Workers In 1973 there were an estimated 18,400 craftsmen and kindred workers employed in the state of Alaska.By 1983,the number of persons employed in this occupational category i~expected to rise to 31,300 -a growth of 12,900 workers or an increase of 70%over the forecast period.Approximately two-thirds of the total growth of occupational employment in the c~afts­ men and kindred worker category is expected to occur during the period 1973 through 1977,inclusive.This reflects the expected major increase in the employment of craftsmen as a result of excelerated construction activity related both directly and indirectly to pipeline activity.From 1978 ~ onward,employment in this occupational category is expected to grow quite slowly with a growth of only 4,200 additional persons employed over the six year period 1978 through 1983, inclusive. 114 The craft and kindred occupations which are expected to increase by 1,000 or more workers over the forecast period include carpenters,construction foremen,and automotive mechanics.The number of carpenters employed in 1973 was approximately 2,100 and the number expected to be employed in 1983 is approximately 3,700 - a growth of approximately 1,600 additional workers.Just under three-quarters of this total increase (72%)will occur in the period 1973 through 1977,inclusive.From 1978 onward,the increased employ- ment of carpenters is expected to proceed at a very moderate pace increasing by only an additional 440 workers over the six year forecast period 1978 through 1983,inclusive. A similar pattern of rapidly increasing employment during the early years of the forecast period is also experienced for construction foremen.This occupation is expected to increase from an estimated 1973 level of 2,230 workers to a 1983 level of 3,660 workers -a growth of 1,430 workers.However,of the total increase,66%or 943 additional workers,are expected to be employed between 1973 and 1977,inclusive.From 1978 to 1983,inclusive,this occupation is only expected to in- crease by an additional 480 workers. This same pattern is true for the additional employment of automotive mechanics.This o,Cuprtti 0 n is expected to increase 11 The employment of electricians is expected to rise by an estimated 530 workers to a 1983 level of 1,310.Most of this increase will occur during the early part of the fore- cast period and is relateq to the growth of electricians employed in the construction industry.However,the employ- ment of maintenance electricians and electricians related to the residential home construction industry is expected to stay moderately strong even after the construction of the Trans-Alaska pipeline is completed. Because of the expected rapid growth of the air transportation services industry,the number of aircraft craftsmen,particularly aircraft and engine mechanics,is expected to rise by an estimated 600 workers to reach a 1983 level of 1,400.Most of these workers are expected to be employed by air taxi services,fixed base operators,and other general aviation related activities.However,there will be some increase in the employment of craftsmen in the aircraft o~cupa{ional category as a result of the expected growth of aircraft activity among scheduled carriers within the state of Alaska. Rplated primnril,to the growch of e~ploy~ent and the~forma­ tion of additional households throughout the state of Alaska,it is expected that there will be an increase of 116 approximately 280 additional persons employed as radio and television repairmen by 1983 -this occupational category increasing from its estimated 1973 level of 3,700 to an expected 1983 level of 7,400. In a similar manner,the number of telephone installers and repairmen is expected to increase by approximately 290 workers -growing from a 1973 level of 470 workers to a 1983 level of 760 workers.Most of this increase will be related to the installation of telephones produced by the expected growth in Alaska's population. Finally,it is expected that an additional 240 stationary engineers and 440 plumbers and pipefitters will be employed in the state of Alaska over the forecast period.The growth of employment in the stationary engineer category will bring this occupational category to a level of 750 workers by 1983. Most of the employment growth in this occupation will occur in the early years of the forecast period with occupational growth after 1978 being very slow.With respect to plumbers and pipefitters,growth of employment in this occupation will cause total employment to rise from its 1973 level of 780 workers to a 1983 level of 1,220 workers.While the substantial part of this growth will be during the period 1973 through 1977,inclusive,there is expected that there 117 will be an ongoing demand for plumbers and pipefitters in the state of Alaska as a result of increasing residential home construction throughout the forecast.Consequently, while this occupational category is expected to decline in its growth rate after 1978,it will maintain a reasonably strong demand throughout the forecast period. Operatives,Except Transport Workers The occupational employment of non-transportation operatives is expected to grow from its 1973 level of approximately 7,400 workers to a 1983 level of approximately 12,000 -an increase of 4,600 workers or 62%over the 11 year forecast period. Reflecting the increase in the general level of consumer and business services which will be demanded throughout Alaska,the occupational employment of garage workers and gas station attendents is expected to increase from its estimated 1973 level of 290 workers to a 1983 level of~620 workers -an increase of 330 workers or 116%.The majority of these workers will be employed in providing garage and gas station services directly to consumers and this occupa- tional category is expected to increase throughout the fore- cast period roughly in proportion to the state's growth and ~ population.In a similar manner,the number of persons employed in the occupational category laundry and dry 118 cleaning operators is expected to increase from its esti- mated 1973 level of 430 workers to a forecasted 1983 level of 820 workers -an increase of 390 workers or 92%.Similarly, meat cutters,except for the employment of meat cutters in the food processing industry,are expected to increase by slightly more than 200 workers reaching a forecasted 1983 level of 440 persons. The number of persons classified as welders and flame cutters is expected to increase by approximately 290 persons over the period 1973 to 1983,inclusive,to reach a level of 800 workers employed by 1983.This forecast excludes specialized pipeline welders who will be brought into Alaska specifically for the purpose of welding on the construction of the Trans- Alaska pipeline.Nonetheless,this occupational category grows most rapidly during the early part of the forecast. With approximately two-thirds of the total increase being registered during the period 1973 through 1977,inclusive. An additional 250 operatives are expected to be employed in the occupational classification sailors and deck hands causing this classification to double over the forecast period reaching a high of 500 persons by 1983.Part of this increase will probably be related to the employment of Alaska residents as sailors and deck hands aboard the tankers which will be used to transport oil from Valdez to the 119 "Lower '48".However,a substantial part (at least half) of this increase in employment is expected to occur among persons who are employed in off-shore and intercoastal ship- ping and through continued growth of the Alaska Marine High- way System. Transport Equipment Operative The total number of persons employed in transport equipment operative occupations is expected to increase by 3,000 workers to reach a ,forecasted 1983 level of 6,730 persons.Slightly over three-quarters of this total increase in the transport equipment operative category will occur in three occupations. The largest increase will occur among truck drivers who are expected to increase their employment from an estimated 1973 level of 1,480 persons to a 1983 level of 2,700 persons - an increase of 1,220 workers.Over two-thirds of this increase will occur during the period 1963 through 1977, inclusive,with the rate of growth of truck driver empley- ment slowing down appreciably in the last six years of the forecast period.However,it is expected that many of the truck drivers who are employed in construction related activities which are connected with the building of the Trans-Alaska pipeline will also find ongoing employment as .JI a result of the general growth of trucking activity related to increased population and increased wholesale trade activity in the Alaska economy. 120 The other two major categories where occupational increases will occur are in the employment of bus drivers and the employment of delivery and route men.Bus drivers are expected to increase from their estimated 1973 level of 440 workers to a 1983 level of 910 workers -an increase of 470 workers or a more than doubling of the occupational work force.Underlying this forecast is the assumption that with the growth of population in Alaska,there will be a parallel growth of urban bus services such that the level of bus service available to residents of Alaska will either be at the level it was in 1970 or greater. The growth of delivery and route men between 1973's level of 730 workers to the 1983 forecasted level of 1,400 workers - an increase of 670 workers or 92%-will occur primarily in the Anchorage and Fairbanks area.This increase will relate to the growth of the urbanized population and the expected parallel increase in wholesaling activities. Laborers and Farm Workers The employment of non-farm laborers is expected to increase from approximately 7,180 workers in 1973 to a level of 11,850 workers in 1983 -an increase of 4,670 workers or 65%.The employment of farm workers,including farm owners and mana- gers,is expected to increase from its estimated 1973 level 121 of 590 workers to a 1983 level of 730 workers -an increase of 140 workers or 24%. The greatest increase among laborers is expected to occur among construction laborers and among stock handlers.Construc- tion laborers are expected to increase from their estimated 1973 level of 830 workers to an estimated 1983 level of 1,640 workers -an increase of 820 persons.This increase does not include construction laborers who will be employed during the early part of the forecast period by Alyeska Pipeline Service Company in construction of the Trans-Alaska pipeline. It is expected that there will be an additional five to six thousand construction laborers,of all classifications, employed directly on the pipeline work.Consequently,as pipeline employment phases out it is expected that there will be a substantial surplus of per~ons trained as construction laborers who will not find similar employment available once the pipeline construction period is over. The employment of persons in the stock handler occupation is expected to grow from its 1973 level of 830 persons to a 1983 level of 1,700 persons -an increase of 870.The stock handlers will primarily be employed as stock boys ~in the retail and wholesale trade industries in the state. Because these industries are expected to grow significantly lL2 and be located primarily in the population dense areas of the state,this form of labor is also expected to grow throughout the forecast period and be primarily concentra- ted in the more urbanized areas. Service Workers Service workers are expected to increase their employment from a 1973 level of 15,400 persons to a forecasted 1983 level of 31,000 persons -an increase of 15,600 persons - as a result of the overall growth of population and the increase in economic activity between 1973 and 1983,inclu- sive.In addition,it is expected that approximately 1,820 additional persons will be employed as private household workers by 1983 -with this occupational category increasing from its 1973 level of 1,300 persons to a 1983 level of 3,100 persons. Among private household workers,approximately two-thirds of the total increase will occur in the area of child care workers employed within the household.With the overall increase in economic activity and the increasing availability of employment for skilled and trained persons throughout the economy,it is expected that an increasing number of women will enter the labor force and an increasing number of households with young chi1dlcn will have two persons 123, employed.This will cause the increased employment of per- sons whose primary source of income is from private house- hold child care.This occupation is expected to grow from its estimated 1973 level of 910 persons to a forecasted 1983 level of 2,200 persons -an increase of 1,300 workers. In the non-private household category,two of the most rapidly growing occupations are those associated with eating and drinking places.These occupations are part of the retail trade category.The employment of cooks is expected to increase from its 1973 level of 1,940 workers to a 1983 level of 3,770 workers -an increase of 1,830 persons employed.At the same time,the number of waiters is expected to increase from 1,480 workers to 3,150 workers an increase of 1,660 persons.Additional occupations which are affected by the same category of employment,but which are expected to increase less rapidly,include bus boys (increasing by approximately 100 workers to a level of 180), bartenders (increasing by 640 workers to a level of 1,340), dishwashers (increasing by 390 to a level of 720),and food counter and fountain workers (increasing by 220 to a level of 420). Service workers in the delivery of health services are also expected to grow in employment with the number of nurses aides, orderlies,and attendants increasing from an estimated 1973 level of 540 persons to a 1983 level of 1,060 persons -an increase of 520 persons.Practical nurses are expected to find increased employment within Alaska with their numbers growing from an estimated 1973 level of 240 to a 1983 level of 460 -an increase of 220 workers. Paralleling the growth of household child care workers, institutional child care workers are expected to increase by approximately 85%with an additional 460 persons employed by 1983 to reach a level of 1,000 workers in the state of Alaska.If there is passage of some of the legislation currently pending in Congress for Federal support of child care centers,this estimate could be on the conservative side. Reflecting the growth of population in the state,and the need to extend various local services to this growing population,the employment of both firemen and policemen is expected to grow rapidly over the forecast period.The employment of firemen is expected to grow from an estimated 1973 level of 520 workers to a 1983 level of 1,020 workers - an increase of 500 workers or slightly less than a doubling of this occupation.The number of policemen and detectives employed is expected to more than double over the forecast period going from a 1973 level of 700 workers to a 1983 level of 1,530 workers -an increase of 830 persons employed or 119%. 124 lZ~ Finally,reflecting the growth of population and the increase of availability of personal services in the Alaska economy, the number of hairdressers and cosmologists is expected to slightly more than doubl~growing from an estimated 1973 level of 490 persons to a 1983 level of 1,000 persons -an increase of 510 persons employed.Most of this growth of hairdressers and cosmologists is expected to occur in the urbanized parts of the state with the most rapid growth being evidenced in the Anchorage and Fairbanks metropolitan area. TABLE 17 ALASKA OCCUPATIONAL EMPLOYMENT BY CATEGORY OVER FORECAST PERIOD (1973-1983) 1973 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1-Professional,Technical and Kindred 23300 31700 36700 39600 41000 44200 2.Managers and Administrators,Exc.Farm 14300 19400 21300 22900 23300 25000 3.Sales Workers 6400 8600 10200 11000 11400 12300 4.Clerical and Kindred Workers 21600 29400 33300 35900 36800 39500 5.Craftsman and Kindred Workers 18400 27200 27100 29700 29300 31300 6.Operatives,Exc.Transport 7400 9700 10300 11100 11300 12000 7.Transport Equipment Operatives 3700 5400 5800 6300 6300 6700 8.Laborers,Exc.Farm 7200 9700 10200 11000 11100 11800 9.Farm Owners,Mgrs.and Workers 590 620 660 680 700 730 10.Service Workers,Exc.Prvt.Household 15400 21600 25500 27700 28600 31000 11.Private Household Workers 1300 2100 2500 2800 2800 3100 50 INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA FIGURE 25 ALASKA OCCUPATIONAL EMPLOYMENT PROFESSIONAL,TECHNICAL AND KINDRED CATEGORY 1 .----.'Forecast Period Uncertainty Envelope (95%Confidence) HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE SEATTLE,WASHINGTON MARCH,1974 40 ? 0 0 -£, ....z w ~>-0... a.20 ~ w 73 75 77 YEAR 79 ·...··\.1. f-' 81 83 N..., 30 INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA -- I- Z LLI ~ >-o... CL :E LLI 20 10 FIGURE 26 ALASKA OCCUPATIONAL EMPLOYMF.~IT MANAGERS AND ADMINISTRATORS,EXC,FARM CATEGORY 2 Forecast Period Uncertainty Envelope (95%Confidence) HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE SEATTLE,WASHINGTON MARCH,1974 73 75 7 YEAR 79 81 ...... 83 ~ 15 ...10 Z Ul ~ >-o.... Do :E Ul 5 INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA FIGURE 27 ALASKA OCCUPATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SALES WORKERS CATEGORY 3 _-_,Forecast Period Uncertainty Envelope (95%Confidence) HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE SEATTLE,WASHINGTON MARCH,1974 73 75 77 YEAR 78 80 81 50 INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA 40 'Vi'oo ~ I- Z w 30~ ~.... 0- ~ III 20 FIGURE 28 ALASKA OCCUPATIONAL E~PLOYMENT CLERICAL AND KINDRED WORKERS CATEGORY 4 Forecast Period Uncertainty Envelope (95%Confidence) HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE SEATTLE,WASHINGTON MARCH,1974 L..-----~3-----"":7=':5:------"""':7!::7~-----:7~9;;-·-----";;8~1------8~3 ~ YEAR ..... ~111 0 0,g...20 Zw :E>-0 ." 0. :Ew 10 ------_.._---- INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA FIGURE 29 ALASKA OCCUPATIONAL EMPLOYMENT CRAFTSMAN AND KINDRED WORKERS CATEGORY 5 .------..Forecast Period Uncertainty Envelope (95%Confidence) HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE SEATTLE,WASHINGTON MARCH,1974 73 75 77 YEAR 79 81 13 INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA 11 ..... ~I/l 0 0 0 10 to-z FIGURE 30IoU ~>-ALASKA OCCUPATIONAL EMPLOYMENT09-I Q.OPERATIVES,EXC,TRANSPORT~ CATEGORY 6IoU •Forecast Peri od8 Uncertainty Envelope (95%Confidence) HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE 7 SEATTLE,WASHINGTON MARCH,1974 '------~3------7~5~-----....71-7------7o±·8~----.-.,.,8!------8+,:S YEAR 8 7 INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA 6 u; "50g FIGURE 31 I-ALASK4 OCCUPATIONAL EMPLOYMENTzw::4 TRANSPORT EQUIPMENT OPERATIVES>-0 CATEGORY 7... l1.:: w 3 2 -Forecast Period Uncertainty Envelope (95%Confidence) HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE SEATTLE,WASHINGTON MARCH,1974 73 75 YEAR 77 79 81 12 INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA 11 10 9 FIGURE 32-~1Il ALASKA OCCUPATIONAL EMPLOYMENT0 0 ~LABORERS)EXC.FARM I-8 Z CATEGORY 8w :E>-0 1... 0. :Ew 6 -Forecast Period Uncertainty Envelope (95%Confidence) 'HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE 5 SEATTLE,WASHINGTON MARCH,1974 -------*3-----~8~-----::1::1-....----:7:!9::-----~8~1------k-83 ~ YEAR .8 .7 INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA .6 .5 FIGURE 33 ALASKA OCCUPATIONAL EMPLOYMENT FARM OWNERS,MGRS.AND WORKERS CATEGORY 9 .-----.Forecast Period Uncertainty Envelope (95%Confidence) HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE SEATTLE,WASHINGTON MARCH,1974 3 5 YEAR 77 9 81 40 30 Vi "0g ....20Z 1&1 ~>-0... I:l. ~..... 10 INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA FIGURE 34 ALASKA OCCUPATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE WORKERS,EXC,PRVT,HOUSEHOLD CATEGORY 10 .-----.Forecast Period Uncertainty Envelope (95%Confidence) HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE SEATTLE,WASHINGTON MARCH,1974 73 15 YEAR 19 81 4 INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA 3 ........ ~Vl 0 0 S 2... Z IoU ~>-0 ,.Ia. ~ IoU '. FIGURE 35 ALASKA OCCUPATIONAL EMPLOYMENT PRIVATE HOUSEHOLD WORKERS CATEGORY 11 .---.Forecast Period Uncertainty Envelope (95%Confidence) HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE SEATTLE,WASHINGTON MARCH,1974 73 75 77 YEAR 9 81 '~,~1-1 83,~ FC~ECAST CF OCCUPATIONAL EMPLOYMENT IN ALASKA FOR 1~83 6.8 6.5 15.0 6.2 PERCENT ERROR .9 <;.8 3.6 :..4 6.4 2.1 10.3 1-;5---·-8.1- 87.7 5.~ 20.0 5.5 14.7-----·.7.1 11.7-4.5 0.0 -0.0 5 C.l - 17 .2 2X STO ERROR 6 20 19 83 207 381 263 739 361 132 1606 EMPLCY~Etn ---------------58---:1-;2---5.6-·· CHEGORY 1 OCCUPATION 3.CCMPUTER PROGRAMMERS 1.ACCOUNTAhTS -2.ARCHITECTS INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA,COLLEGE,ALASKA 11.~ECHANICAL ENGINEERS iZ ..HETALLURGICAL AND HATERIAlS ENG-·----.--.._----"..------ TABLE 18 138 F~EPARcG er HUHAN RESOURCES PLANNING I~STITUT£-SEATTLE,WAS~I~GTO~-3/12/74 18.FCRESTERS AND CONSERVATICNISTS ----------:----;=-;-:-;-;=------------4.COMPUTER SYSTEMS ANALYSTS 147------a.-1----S·.-S-· ~5.COMPUTER·SPECIALISTS,N.E.C. 6~AERONAUTICAL ANO ASTRONAUTICAL ENG 7-;--CtiE·H IUi-E-N-ci INEi(;fs 8.CIVIL ENGINEERS 9.ELECTRICAL AND·ELECTRONIC ENGINEERS iO-;-·ti'OUSTRfAC-ENGINEERS··-····----------------------.-.2C7- 259 21.LAWYERS 22.LIBRARfA~-S;--------------------li36---27.8----5;7 -19.-HOME-MANAGEMENr"ADVISORS ---------------- 20.JUDGES ·n~~TNfNG HGINtE'Rs 14.PETROLEUM ENGINEERS --.--,.--.----.~..---- 1'.SALES ENGINEEPS lS:-ENGINEERS-;N:t-;-C'.-------------------334------16-;-3-----4.9-- 17.FARM MANAGEMENT ADVISORS 139 TABLE 18 (Continued) INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA,COLLEGE,ALASKA __________I'O_~~~~ST_OF__OCCl!.P_~_T_I_O~~_l:..E~P_L~Y~_E.!!T~AL_A~K_'~!.!!~_1~8~. _ PREPAREO BY HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE -SEATTLE,WASHINGTON-3/12/7~ OCCUPATION EHPLOYHENT 2X STO ER~OR PERCENT HRCR 23.A~CHITEC-TS AND CURA10RS·-·-----·------------·29 2.5 8.5 -2~.ACTUA~IES 0.0 -G.O 25.HATHEHATICIANS 2&1.8 &.8 27.AGRICULTURAL SCIENTISTS lSl 11.1 5.8 28.ATMOSFHERE ANO SPACE SCIE~TISTS 30.CHEMISTS H.GEOLCGISTS -3Z:-r ~R I ~CS-CfE Nfts·is------ ~~7 2E.0--·--5.8 -1.1-------lD.D --·0;0------O.G 11-33.PHYSICISTS ANO ASTRONOHERS 3~.LIFE ANO FHYSICAL SCIENTISTS.N.E~C. -i5-;-CPERAnoKs--Alfo-sYSTE~-S-RESO"C-HERS----------69----,J--.3,----~-;7- ~&.PERSCNNEL AND LABOR RELATIONS -WORKE~S----··_------1310 -Sa,.8 ~.5 37.CHIROP~ACTORS 39.O?TO~ETRISTS 40.PHAR~ACISTS ~~--p~y5icfAKs;HEbICALANOOSTEOP-AiFiIc­ ~2.PCOIAT~ISTS ~3.VETERINARIANS -';-4~·-HEAL THPifACfHToNERS"-,"'N-.E"'.C".------------~-..-----,,-,.----=- 140 TABLE 18 (Continued) INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA,COLLEGE,ALASKA __________f Oil~9_A.?_T__0.F._OC_CU-"_"--TJONA.L_E_~~L C_YWI1:_.!.1i_AL~~~A _£.C~_19_83 _ PREPAREO BY HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE -SEATTLE,WASHINGTON-3/1E/74 CCCUPATICN EHPLCYHENT 2X STO ERRCR PERCH T ERRCR 45.DIETITIANS 46.REGISTERED NURSES 5.910.618047.THERAPISTS ----.;s;--ci-iNlCALLABORATO"'R"Y"'T"E"C"H:;--------------318---28-;-3----8;-9- 49.DENTAL.HGIENISTS 27 :!.5 12.7 5.7 9.9 15.0.7 E.O 5.8 5 58 10~ 5Q.HEALTH RECORD TECH -§I:""RI10 tOL aGfc-TECH 52.THER~PY ASSISTANTS 53.HEALTH TECH N.E.C. 5~--;--CLERG 'Wff'-----------------------------------11-00 180 17.2-9.6 123 7.0-----5.7 -0---0;-0----[;.C- 59 ~.O 6.8 0.0 G.o ----72----4-.9----6.6 29 ~.2 7.E 1017 5E.8 5.6 59.SCCICLDGISTS -6u."'URB ANftf'OREG-f aNAL-pi.:/;imERs 58.PSYCHOLCGISTS El.SCCIAL SCIENTISTS,N.E.C. 55.RELIGICUS WORKERS,N.E.C. 56.ECONGYISTS -5i-;-Ffl:ITfcALsc-fENnSTF<S~------- E2.SCCIAL HORKERS --E :i";-RECREA t IOJ<--WORKERS----------------------------211 -------14;7---7;0 6~.AGRICULTURE TEACHERS 65.ATM,EARTH,MARINE,SPACE TEACHERS "6-r;;-i!fOL.CGY TEACHERS 21 12.7 TABLE 18 (Continued) INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA.COLLEGE,ALASKA ______F~~Ec.A~~~_f_OCCUPA_!lO_N_~L__E~PL..2_!~.E_N..!__!!!.AL ASKA _.!"..!JR_1 g~~_ FREFAREO BY HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE -SEATTLE,WAS~INGTON'3/12/7~ CCCUFH TCN EMPLOYMENT 2X S-TO ERROR PERCENT HRCR E7~CHEMISTRY TEACHERS 33 2.2.· 68.PHYSICS TEACHERS 36 6.8 E9.ENGINEERING TEACHERS -7 Q-~--HAT HE MjI rfcs-t EA CHERS- 71.HEALTH SPECIALTIES TEACHERS 72.FSYCHOLOGY TEACHERS 0.0 -0.0 ----31---------2;5-------7.'1 7.1 -- 5.9 6.8 10.1 - 31 15----1-;9-,--12-;7- --0;0-------0.0 16 172 20 --32 - ---------------------- eQ.ECUCATICN TEACHERS 75.HISTORY TEACHERS 76.-SOCICLCGY TEACHERS 81.ENGLIS~TEACHERS 74.ECONCMICS TEACHERS 77.SCCI~L SCIENCE TEACHERS,N.E.C. 7B.ART,DRAMA,ANO MUSIC TEACHERS- --79~--C CAG fiE S-ANO-p;r;--TnCffERS eJ.HOME ECONCMICS TEAC~ERS 84.LAW TEACHERS 1.1 c.o 6.8 -c.o 6.8 -0.0 tr;O----o;u- 0.0 c85.-THEOLOGY-rEACHEflS----- e6.tRACE,INDUS,AND TECH.TEACHERS e7.MISC TEACHERS,COLLEGE ANO UNIV 33 ~.2- -8a.-TEAcHElis-;-cbITA-NouNTv;SOiiJNT-SPE/<C--------~45~-5·-.~5---6;3·_· 142 TABLE 18 (Continued) INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA,COLLEGE,ALASKA FO_R5CA_S.LQLCCC\J£,}TIO}!.~LEM~LCY"-ENJ__I..t!_~~SK.-A _ECR 1983 PREPAREC BY HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE -SEATTLE,WAS~I~GTC~-3/12/74 CCCUPATION EMPLCY~ENT 2X STO ERROR PERCENT ERRCR 8527 --es."iOULTECUCATION-TEA"CHRS -------------- 9a.ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS-532.5 5.9 6.022.7375 59191.PREKINCERGARTEN ANO KINO.TEACHERS --9Z~ECONCARTsCHiJOL-TEACHERS---------------'-456"8---",2n~9---6-;3-- -93.TEACHERS,EX COLL AND UNIV,N.E.C. 94.AGRIC AND SIOLOG TECH,EX HEALTH 96.CRAFTSMEN 71 760 4.5 5.3 97.ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENG TECH 983 99.MEC~ANICAL ENGINEERING TECHINICIANS loa.MATHEMATICAL TECHINICIANS --lOI-;--SURVE-YORS 102.ENG ANO SCIENCE TECHNICIANS,N.E.C. 103.AIRPLANE PILOTS 427 1328 0.3 0.0 192.S -0.0 -0.0 104;2---15.0 - 105.HBALMERS 15 1.9 12.7 --22-;3 ---------6 •4 106.FLIGHT ENGINEERS 107 ;--Iffliic-CPERATORS 108.TOOL FRCGRAHMERS,NUMERICAL CONTRCL 109.TECHNICIANS.N.E.C. 29 26 te7 1.7 11.3 17.0 -6.3 143 f TABLE 18 (Continued) INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA,COLLEGE,ALASKA ________F...QllE(;A_S}__~.F_O.c_Cy?JJ"IO~AL __~t:'I'_LCY~E~l_~_LISKA_FO~1~~~_ PREPARED BY HUHAN RESOURCES PLAN~ING_INSTITUTE ~SEATTLE,HAS~INGTON-3/12/74 ___C-!!.I~.,-,R-,Y_-",1__P:....:.:.R=-0,-,FE=-S=-.~.!..9!!AL,TECHNICAL A~D KINDRED CCCUP~T ICN EHPLOY~E~T 2X STO--PERCENT ERROR ERRCR -111.-ACTORS 112.ATHLETES ~N~-KINORED ~ORKERS 13 67 113.AUTHORS 114:-D-ANCERS 115.OESIG~ERS 116.EDITORS A~O REPORTERS 176 355 11.5 6.6 118.P~I~TERS AND SCULPTORS 174 1<."------7.1 11~.P"OTCGR~PHERS 12 (j";-p -R HE-~--ANii-pusCfcIT rw RITER-S 121.R~QIO ANO TELEVISIO~ANNOUNCERS -------~_.-_.-------~_.~.-10~ --------------------73-------4-;4-----6.0 - 2207 44216TCTALFOREC~STED EMPLOYMENT,CATEGORY 122.HRITERS.~RTISTS,ANO ENTER,N.E.C. --123-;-RESURCH--iloRkERS-~-NCTSPECIFIED-----------'3777---"-1"C"~-."8---"'5::-.~2 124.PROF.TECH,AND KINORED--ALLCCATEO 144 TABLE 18 (Continued) INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA,COLLEGE,ALASKA _____'JC!flEcA_~,'!_.fF_,C.cCUPAEq~~L"g~FL,C!_'::ENJ,.!.~,.J.,L~,SKA .~OR.19a3 PREPAREO BY HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE -SEATTLE,HASHI~GTON-3/12/7. eCCUFATION EMPLOYMENT 2X STO PERCENT H.OR E.RCR 125.ASSESS,CONTROL,TREAS,Lec FUS ~CMI~ 126.BANK CFFICERS ANO FI~ANCIAL ~ANAGERS 1218 112.0 '9.2 127.EUYERS ANO SHIPPERS,FARM PReOUCTS 0.0 -0.0 1<8.BUYERS,kHOLESALE ANC RETAIL TRAD;·E~-----------'2't5---22."''----'9.9- 6 •• 6.8 10.0 15.0 51.6 21.3 .9' 2a.2 9 315 279 771 13'+ 613' 135.OFFICE MANAGERS,N.E.C. 136.CFFICERS,PILOTS,A~O PURSERS,SHIP 129.CREDIT ~E~ 130:FYNERAL DIRECTORS -iJi-;'t'EALii':·ADHfNI'STRATOiiS·',---------------·rtiO---'.:!~----10.5- 1~2.CONSTRUCT INSPECTORS,PUBLIC AOHI~ 133.INSPECTORS;EX CON;PUB AOMIN -1'3";-MANAGERS"AND'SUPfR;-'sutn ING-'" 330138.eFFICIALS LODGES,SOCIETIES,UNIO~S -i3i-;-QFFtcfArS-AN(fToHtN~PUB-A'D,-'N-;E.C-.---------.,2:;f~nr.-3"'----6~'+­ 12.7 8.1 15.0 e.6 233 106 139.FCST~ASTERS AND RAIL SUPERINTENCENTS -i'"jl~'P'URCHASING-AGENT'S AND BUYERS;'N-;-E~C.---------·932·'--'-....5~3---4.9· 1.1.RAILRCAO CONDUCTORS 1'+2.RESTAURANT,CAFETERIA,AND BAR MANAG j,i;3-;-'SALES'i'j('NAG ANi!O'EfHEADS,-REl·TRADE------ 144.SALES ~ANAGERS,EXCEPT RETAIL TRAOE 1.5.SCHOOL ACMINISTRATORS,COLLEGE --i.6.SCHoor-AOHIN,ELEMENTARY-AND'SECC~D 853 58 75.0 3.5 8.8 6.1 145 r TABLE 18 (Continued) INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA,COLLEGE,ALASKA ~~__"F_OIl~_~~J:_.0i..-Q.C.(;l!.P.!TIa.NA~_E~PLOYMENT IN ALAS~A...!OR 19~_3 " _ FREPAREO BY HUHAN RESOURCES PLAN"~ING.INSTITUTE -SEATTLE,HAS ..n.GTC~·3/12/74 CAT~GORY 2 OCCUPATIO" HANAGERS AND ADHINISTRATORS,EXC FARM EHPLCYHENT 2X STD ERRCR PERCENT E.RCR "147.MANAGERS'AND ADHINISTRATCRS;""N~E.C~" 148.NANAG AND "ADNIN,EX FARH--ALLCCATED TCTAL FORECASTED EHPLOYHENT,CATEGORY 2 "12482 967 24963 1088.4"4.10 146 TABLE 18 (Continued) INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA,COLLEGE,ALASKA FOREC~.?L9f_(lI:;CUF'E.I.Q.h~~_~M?LCYHE.N LJ.!l_3_~.!\~~~£9~1 ~.Il.3_~. PREPAREO 8Y HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE -SEATTLE,WAS~INGTON-3/1,/7~ OCCUPAlIOh EMPLCYMENT 2X STD ERRCR PERCHT ERRCR -----_.-1~9.ADVERTISIhG AGENTS AND SALESMEN 12 1.6 12.7 173 20.2 11.7 368 ~q.3---13;-4-- 745 7~.6 10.0 61 7.7 12.5 150.AUCTIC~EERS 15~.HWSBOYS 153.IhSUR AG.BROKERS,LNOERSRITIERS 151.DEMCNSTRATORS 152.MUCK sri:RS Aj;iiJ-PfOOL ERS;---------------~ 15~.STOCK ANO BONO SALESMEN 157.SALES REPRESENTATIVES,MANUFAC INC 158.SALES REP~-HMOLESAL~TRAOE 159.SALES CLERKS,RETAIL TRACE lEO.SALESMEN,RETAIL TRAOE -Y61~SACESt'EN-·6F-S E~V ICES·-ANO CONST~UC T 173 1<1.2 11.1 186 23.3 12.5 ._--~~_._.----_.._--~--._-1392 _. 2,~.5------16.1 5287 6~~.5 16.0 1287 18<;.5 1~.7 162.SALES .CRKERS--ALLOCATEO TOTAL FORECASTED EMPLOYMENT,CATEGORY -3 10 ~7 12276 10~.3 12~3.0 10.0 -10.1 147. TABLE 18 (Continued) INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA,COLLEGE,ALASKA ______-'-Ff~_ECAST OF_q_~Cl!.PATIO~A.!-_§.!P_LCY~E'!I_~N~.!,~~~_££~9~3.:.-_ P~EPAREO BY HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE -SEATTLE,WASPlhGTON-3/1217' CAT EGCRY,--,'"---,C",L"E,,Ro..:I CAL ANO I<INO"-~",E,,,O,,--,W,-,C,-,R,-,K,-,E,-,R:.:S,--_ CCCUPATIC~ 1&3.BANK TELLERS IE'.BILLING CLERKS EMPLOYMENT 828 330 2X ST~PERCENT ER~CR HRCR 10.2 5.2 '771lE5.BCOKKEEPERS -ff,"6-;-aSHIElis-----------------------2'0 88-~3e-;-g--11;'- 1&7.CLERICAL ASSISTANTS,SOCIAL WELFARE 1&8.CLERICAL SUPERVISORS,N.E.C. 1"9-;-COL LEeTe RS;'-8ILLANO-"ACCOUNT 170.CCUNTE~CLERKS,EXCEPT FOCO o D.C -0.0 10.7 171.DISPATC~ERS AND STA~TERS,VEHICLE 17 2~--E ~U~ERH CRS··AND-INTERVIEWERS 173.ESTIMATCRS AND INVESTIGATCRS,N.E.C. '313 927 ...2e;1-----9.0 2 a.9---10-;-5"- 43."'--·'---".7 174.EXPEOITERS AND PROD CONTRCLLERS 175.-FILCCLERKS---------· 17&.INSURA~CE AOJ,EXAMINERS,HVEST 177.LIBRARY ATTENDANTS A~O ASSISTANTS ··-178~~HL ·CARRIE~S;·POST-··OFFICE· 714 32.1 4."6- 147 -1~.0;-----9.3 393 .22.8 _._--5.8 179.~AIL HANDLERS,EXCEPT POST CFFICE 18J.~ESSE~GERS AND CFFICE eoys -'fa i-;-~ETEICREAOERS,-UT leI rtc:s 182.BCOKKEEPING AND eILLING MACHINE OP 298 186 ----'Z 15' ·...7 10.2 --16183.CALCULATING HACHINE OPERATO~S -Iel;';C-t-Mf'ufER-Aifli-PERfj:>HE-RATEaun-~E"TOl"---------Z"1°C1.------,lnQr,.""""'Jf---""/i-•..- 148 TABLE 18 (Continued) INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA,COLLEGE,ALASKA _,EI)_R_ECA_S·L()F_I)CCUP~_T.IONA_,l,_IMPtC:r~NI._IN_At A~~~()1l19,83 _ PREPARED BY HUMAN RESOURCES PlANNING INSTITUTE -SEATTlE,HASHI~GTON-3/1Z17~ ____~A!~GjlRY I, CCCUPATION 185.DUPlICATING MACHINE OPERATORS 186:~EY FUNCH OPERATCRS 187.TABUlATING MACHINE OPERATORS 18S.CFFiCEI'Ai:HINEOFER~foRS,N.E.C. 189.PAYROll AND TIME~EEFING CLER~S 5.568 19a.FCSTAl CLERKS --191~P';ioOFRE;lOERS'-----------------------2;;--~~---12.!l 192.REAL~STATE APPRAISERS 193.RECEPTIONISTS --194~SECRETARIES,LEGAl 195.SECRETARIES,MEDICAl 9~3 -----~-----~57 155 73.5 12.1 4.8 5.720.6 30.4 .--- 3~1.~ 632 361 6341'196.SECRETARIES,N.E.C. --rr7-;-sHpPINGjjNiJ-RE:CElvtKG--CCE:Ri<S--------------,326'~E_;g_S.2- ---HS;-STATIST fCAl CLERKS ------,------------.----.---- --19'30 STENCGI;AFHERS -f~O;-STOCi(-C-CE-RKSIfNOSTOREKEEP ER S 2ij1.SCHOOl AIDES,EXCEPT SCHOOL HONITORS 202.TElEGRAPH HESSENGERS Z03:-TELEGRAP-~I5PERATORS­ 204.TElEPHCNE OPERATORS 2~5.TIC~ET,STATION AND EXPRESS AGENTS' ~TYpisWs 608 3~.3 5.& 5 .7 15.0 --36 ------:l;5----.-9.1 . 1291 61.3 6.3 108&17E.7 1&.3 2914---fS-9-.2 5;-'-- 149 TABLE 18 (Continued) INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA,COLLEGE,ALASKA CCCUP~TION EHPlonE~T 2X-STO-PERCENT ERRCR ERRCR -_._--------------2C7.WEIGWERS- 208.HISCEll~NEOUS ClERIC~L-HCRKERS-1211 17~0.639484TCTAlFOREC~STED EHPlOVHE~T,CATEGORY 4 2C9.NCT SPECIFIED CLERICAL HCRKERS ----_..2189 99~2 4.~ 2~CITRTc~l ANO KINlfRE·(j--ACCCCJ\Tfo.------------2'3 63------r2KO-.z:6----5~.·1­ 4.4 150 TABLE 18 (Continued) INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA,COLLEGE,ALASKA _________~FQJ~_E_c:~~LQLO~C_U£'!!_ION~~E~,O_.!~~t!!~_AI,AS~.£Q~_l"83 _ FREPAREC BY HUHAN RESOURCES PLA~hING INSTITUTE -SEATTLE,WASHINGTON-3/1~/74 __~__~C~AT~E~G~C~R"Y~~5~_C~R~A~F~T~S~H~,A~N~ANOKINDREO WORKERS CCCUPATION EMFLCY~ENT 2X STD ERROR PERCENT EilRCR 211.AUTOHCEILE ACCESSORIES INSTALLERS C12~'BAKERS' 213.SLACKSMITHS 214.BCILER~AKERS 215.'eCOKBINDERS --216~SRICKHASCNS AND STONEMASONS -i1i-:-rj'j;ICK~S CN-i\ND-STONE HASOr<A'P-PRENTiceS------------- 489 34 121 8.0 -0.0 589 51.9 6.6 92 7.2 7.8 '3679 37,.6'---'''10.2''- 0.0 ,-,-0.0 128 ".7--7.5 218.9ULLOtZER OPERATCRS' 219.CABINETMAKERS' 221.CARPENTER APPRENTICES '222.CARPET INSTALLERS -Z23;-CEHENnNO-CONCIl'ETCF I-NI SFER~---------------93~'S-;O---16';5-- 224.COMPOSITORS AND TYPESETTERS 122 1U .8 12.4 -0.0c.o lE.2131 225.PRINTING TRADES APPREN,EX FRESSHEN -22~-CRANEMEN-;OERRtC'K~Er;-;-ANiJ-HCIST-NEN'------------'81----27;Q----7.1 - 227.OECORATORS ANO HINDCW DRESSERS 228.DENTAL LABORATORY TECHNICIANS 10.1 --Z29;-ELECTRICIANS------'---,----'------'---------'-----13~7---'--124-.8-'----9.5 ,- o--'-----.r~----o ;0-' 230.ELECTRICIAN APPRENTICES 231.ELECTRIC POWER LINEHEN ANa CABLE HEN -2~Z-;-ECECT~CTyPERS-ANDSTEREdTYPER'S 43 383 7.9 18.2 151 TABLE 18 (Continued) INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA,COLLEGE,ALASKA _________i.Q!lF;c:.~~~.~_O_G._CU!'._A!}.Il~_A':_~l'_L.!l_YMENTIN ALASKA FOR 1.9:.::...83=---_ F"EPAj;EG BY HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING.INSTITUTE -SEATTLE,WASHIHTOK_-3/12/74 CCGUPATIC~EHPLCnEhT 2X STO ERRCR PERCHT EN RC R 0.0 -C.O lUG 153.7 8.0 92 7.1 7.7 3655----r9'.l.9 5;3- 0.0 -0.0 63 ~.1 8.0 4'0---'.7 11,;3- 2J8.FURNITURE AND WCOO FINISHERS 2J7.FORGEME~AND HAHMER~EN 233.E~GRAVERS.EXCEPT PHOTOENGRAVERS 234."CAD ~ACHINE OPERATORS,EX BULLDOZER --23eJ~fliRRI'E~S'------------------------ 235.FLOOR LAYERS.EXCEPT TILE SETTERS -2T6~FCREMEN;-N-;E-;·C·. 11224~.GLAZIERS 241.~EAT TREATERS.ANNEALERS.AND TEMP -~'i;'2~--hsp ;-Sc'ilLERS;-G-RjfoER'S~UMeER 14;1---"12.6 ..··0.0----0.0 ----10·1>-----nl.·z----9;S - a.~--~._-8.210.. 249 ·-··-..-·----·--~-·-117 243.i~SPECTCRS,N.E.C. 244.JEWELERS AND WATCHMAKERS -Zi;'5';-Jc-S -A~O'O fCSETT ERS-;-META'L---------------O'----O~.~O 246.LCCOHCTIVE ENGINEERS 17.01&247.LOCCHOTIVE FIREMEN' 24 i,;'HACHIi"IS TS --------------------335-----U-;y----5.0 - 24Q.~ACHI~E APPRENTICES -0.0 25J.AIR CC~OITIONING,HEATING,AND REFRIG -251.""AIRCRPFT 252.AUTCMOBILE BODY REPAIRHEN 253.AUTC~CEILE MECHANICS 301 25.9'-8.6 -2367 ...169;3--7.2 .If 12 2.2 17;~ 152 TABLE 18 (Continued) INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA,COLLEGE,ALASKA ______.....!:F.J!O~Rf&~LO_f_qCCUPAT!O~AL ~~il1.t:t.E!'lL~~~~KA~£OR 1 9_83 ~._~_ p.EPA.eC BY HUHAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE -SEATTLE,WASHINGTC~-3/12/7~ CATEGC.Y 5 CRAFTSHAN AND KINORE~O~W~O~R~K~E~RS~_---~~--~~~~--~~- CCCUPATION ~EHPLOYMENT 2X SID ERROR PE.CENT ERROR e.l 9.2 ;!.G 17.8 102.6 ~.5 16.0 6~-t:- 0.0 -0.0 10.6 10.3 E6 17 245 2288 258.HOUSEHOLD APPL INSTALLERS AND HECH 255.DATA FROCESS!NG HACHINE REPAIRHEN ·256~FARH IHPLEHENT 257.HEAVY EQUIPHENT··HACMANICS~~INC~OIESEL .26'1.OFFICE ",ACHINE _....-.--------.1;)3 261.~RilOfOC-A-NDTELEVIfioN'-----------------64"----~f_;,------6.,.- ~·2S9.LCOH FIXERS 2E2 ••AILROAO ANO CAR SHOP 263.ttECHA~IC,EXCEPT AUTO'~-'AFPRENTICES --.---..-------- 99 27 -26..:-~iiIs~CEi.L.A-NEOUS-HE·CHAN~IC-S-ANO--R-EP~jfIRHEN------------270~ 2E5.NCT SFECIFIED HACHANICS ·ANOREPAI.HEN~---·--------~~~·3E2 ~·15.2-----5.& 26~~7-.rl--~10~3-- 2E6.~ILLERS-GRAIN;-FLOUR;ANO FEEO 267.~ILLWRIGHTS o.o·-·--~-0.0 -0.0 0.0 0.0 --0 ~-- ~0 2E8.HOLOERS;-HETAL 2E9.HOLDER APPRENTICES 270-;-HDrI'CNi>IcTORCpiiOJECTIilKIST.-------------n---~;3---12;7-- --------------------1:2-----1.0---12;r--~ 271.CPTIVIANS'rLENS GRINOERS,POLISHERS 272.FAINTERS.CONSTRUCTION AND HAI~, -273~-pjHifTER-APPRENTICES----- 59 671 10." 55.6 17.E 8.3 27 ...PAPEP}ANGERS 17 .17.8 -c.o275.PATTERN AND HODEL HAKERS,EX PAPER 2~76-:-P~oiO-EN-G-RAVERS"'ANiiLnHilGRAPHE-RS·---------- 0.0· 1 O-----r-."'>2-----12·;5 -- TABLE 18 (Continued) INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA,COLLEGE,ALASKA _______'-..:FoRECAS.:r~_O~_CUPHIO~A_LEHPLCYHENT IN ALASKA FOR 198-=.3 _ PREPAREO ey HUHAN-RESoURCES PLANNIN~_INSTITUTE_~SEATTLE,WASHINGTON-3/12/7" CATEGCRY 5 CRAFTSHAN AND KINDRED WORKERS CCCUPATION EHPLOY~ENT 2X SlO ERRCR PERCENT - ERROR 0.0 -0.0 278.FLASTEftERS··-----_.._-_..1 .. -c.o0.0279.FLASTERER APPRENTICES ~PLlitiBEiisANOPIPCFITTERS-------------121~---r"2~---10;E- --12;0-----7.0 <3t-----e.s 7.1- 0.0----·-Q.O ---0 .0-------·0.a -------109------19-;0---17;"-·- 281.PLUHBER AND PIPE FITTER APPRENTICES 282.PDHER STATION OPERATORS -.nf3~-oiiE SSHEI'AND ·pLA TCF RTNT E-RS-;-PRIN"T ING -2e ...PRESS~E~APPRENTICES 2e5.ROLLERS A~D FINISHERS,HETAL -t86-;--RCOF-ER S-JrfliOSLA TERS------- 287:SHEETHETAL WORKERS AND TINSMITHS 101 242 11." 10.3 17.2 ".3 ---0.0-----0.0-------_._----------------a288.SHEETMETAL APPRENTICES Z89-;-S-ifIP[Ii:tERS,,-----------------------172---~1r.'"5-----'1,..,2.S- 290.SHOE REFAIRHEN ,,91.SIGN PAHTERS AND LETTERERS------- 30 0_-c .0---0.0 293.STONE CUTTERS AND STeNE CARVERS 0.0 -0.0 2£...STRUCTURAL HETAL CRAFTSHEN lS0 31.1 4.8 --2"S5:--TAILORS--------·--------------22---~3-.r----14~2­ 765 297.TELEPHCNE LINEHEN AND SPLICEHEN --2 S-8-;-TII.E-·SETTERS 154 -6.7--4.3 .if 2.0--18;2-- 154 TABLE 18 (Continued) INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITV OF ALASKA,COLLEGE,ALASKA ________£..£8E(:A_~:L..QL09_CUPATlQNAl EMPLOYMENT IN AlAS~OR H~~J _ FREPAREO BY HUHAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE -SEATTLE,HAS~INETON-J/1Z/7~ OCCUPH ION EMPlCYMENT 2X STD ERROR PERCENT EfiROR 299.TOOL ANa OlE HAKEnRS;;------------------"---·O'-•..,O.----=--·O~lf- 300.TCOl AND DIE HAKER APPRENTICES ~01.UFHOLSTERERS 3C2.SPECIFIEO CRAFIAPPRENTic·ES,N.E.C. 303.NeT SPECIFIED APPRENTICES a 99 7 e.7 -0.0 6.8 3t~.CRAFTS~EN AND KINDRED HORKERS,N.E.C~ 305.FCR-H·ER ~E~BERSOF HEARt':EO-FCRCES,---------- 165 10.9---··-··6.e-- 30&.CRAFTS~EN AND KINOREO--ALLOCATED TCTAl FORECASTED-EMPlOYMENT-,CATEGORY 5---·--~-----31261 251.9 17a3~8--·- 8.~ 5.7 155 TABLE 18 (Continued) INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA,COLLEGE,ALASKA ______________~F~C~R~ECAST OF OC~yPAIIONAL EMFLCY~ENT IN ALASKA FCR 1,8~3 ___ ....PREPAREC BY !lI,lIjA.N RESOURC.E.S FLA.NNIN~.INSTI.lUTE ..-SEAlTLE,WASHnGTON-3/12174 CATEGORY £>OPERATIVES,ETC.TRANSPORT OCCUPATION .EHPLOYMENT 2XSID ERIiOR PEIiCENT HROR 55 74 8.7 9.1 $..9 15.2--- 25 67 208 '185 . ·----------51~-;7'-:•.,,4c----11_;2-· 317.DRY WALL INSTALLERS AND LATHER~ 309.ELASTEIiS AND POWDER~EN 310.ecttLIN~o-CANNIN'~OPERATIVES '311.CHAIN.1i0D,AND AX,SURVEYING 312.CHECKEIiS,EXAM INSPEC-HANUFAC 128 14.9-11.6 ~13.CLo'tIiIKi;TR6ri1fRSANO-P·RESSE'R·S,.---------------~2 8r----3·1r -.S"----'lr.r- .'314.CUTTING CFERATIVES,N.E.C..,-,,---..'141 13;4-----9.4 315.DRESSMAKERS AND SEAMS,EX FACTORY -3n--;-tnl'ILLERs;ElillTH o------o~·o-----··...o.0 .-. '''--0.11----C.O ' -;f:[9~FT[ERS_;r>Ol.lSHER·S;S·A'ijOE·Rs,eOFHR··"'S----------88----..7-.SO----,,8.8- 320.FURNACEHEN,SHELTER~EN,AND FOUIiERS-'----'----'" 16.8.'104.6-- q---~."---12.S-- 11 ~.O .11.8 0.0 -0.0 819----80.5 9;8-- 441 5E.a .12.1 154 1'.3....12.5 Jf 121 21.3 1'1';'0- 621 324.HEATEIiS,~ETAL 32'S.L AUNCR'li\NOORycIEAJ;;CPER",-'N-'."'E~."'C-.----------­ 326.~EAT CUTTERS,EX MANUFACTURING ._-._--..-..--_._.~ 321.GARAGE HORKERS ANO GAS STATION ATTEN -iZZ;-GRAO ER'S"A ND"S ORTERS-;-HANUF A'CTURING 323.FROaUCE GRADERS.EX FAC AND FARH 327.~EAT CUTTERS.HANUFACTURING 328~EAT-"j;'Rjip'P'ERS,RETAIL TRACE 156 TABLE 18 (Continued) INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA,COLLEGE,ALASKA ___.__-....£.LR.ECAST OF Ol;!=CPATIONAL E~PLCYMENT IN ALASKA FCR 1,,9:..::8:..::3'-_ P.EPAREO BY HUHAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE -SEATTLE,WASHINGTON·3/12/7~ CAT EGO R-,Y_-"&_--".OP,--,,-E,,R=.AT'-".IV"'E"'S,_,'-'E=-T:..:C"'.:......:T'-'R"'A"'N"S-'P-"O"'R'-'T ._ CCCUPH IOh J2X STD·PE.CEhT ER.O_R___HRCR 7.2 6.8 12.5 -- e... 1.5 z... 531 35- 125 12 ·-12 523 ~33.OILERS AND GREASERS,EXCEPT AUTC 3~1.~INE CFERATIVES,N.E.C. ~32.~IXIhG CPERATIVES--------------------~·&r-----,5~.~1.---CT12~- 33& -3-2-9-.-HET:-A:-L-,P"'L-,A"'T:-:E:-:Rc::S,---------------------,..---....O.'0.------·-..-0.0-:- 33~.~ILLINERS 33~.FACKERS,EX HEAT AND PRODUCE -j~5-;-PAIN -T E~s-;-i1 ANUF tiCTU.Er-iii/TitLES 33&.FHOTCGRAPHIC PROCESS WORKERS 331.O.ILL FRESS OPERATIVES· -.-0.-0--··-·-0.0-- --O;-O----·-O.G -. o_._---.---_.-._----339.LAT~E ANC HILLING HACHINE OPERATIVES ·3 ..0.PRECISICh HACHINE OPERATIVES,N.E.C;-- 3~PUNC-HA~-OSTAHPtNGPRt~fs--OPER-ATTIiES------~-----n,----,2r•."or---'12-;5- 3..2.·RIVETERS AND FASTENERS ··0.0·--'--G.1l 3..3.SAILORS AND DECK~ANCS ai;;;;-SIiWYERS 3 ..5.SEWERS AhD STITCHERS 279 3 ..6.S~OE~AKIhG HACHINE CPERATIVES 0.0 -0.0 341:-SCLOE~EKS----------- 3..8.STATIChARY FIRE~EN -0.00.03..9.C~RDING,LAPPING,AND ·COHBIhG OPER 35j.--"~·ITfERS;UFPERs;A"OTOPptRS.--------------·0-----Q-;~..;0;0- I I 157 TABLE 18 (Continued) INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA,COLLEGE,ALASKA _______-:..F-=0c..;RECAsT OU~C.UPATI.~~~..I:..~FLCHENT IN__AL!.~J<.~.!,~R_!983::._ __._P~EPARED _~Y HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNINGINSTITU.TE ...-SEATTLE,WASHIHTO~-3/12174 ____~C~A~T~E~G~C~R~Y_~&~~O:~P~E~R~A~T~I~VES,ETC.TRANSPORT CCCUFATICN ...EMPLOnE~T 2X '~TD ····PERCENT ER~CR EfiRCR SPINNERS.TWISTERS,AND WINDER~0.0 -0.0 353.TEXTILE CPERATIVES,~.E.C. --jS4.HELOE~S~~D-F[AH~CCTTERS 7 1.1 15.0 779 80.4 10.3 143---1-1-;2 7.a- 1174 1?1.L;7.£: 321 15;1-"4.7 358.MISCELLANEOUS OPE.ATIVES 355.WINDING CPERATIVES,~.E.C. ~59.NCT SPECIFIEO OFERATIVES '-36 Ii'~-'-CFER~TIVES;-'E)CTRANSFOki-~A[{O'CAfEO --..-··--····--------16"67------O;z----,;·;O 35&.~ACHINE OPERATIVES,MISC SPEC -'3~7;-'HACHfNiCCPERA"TIVES,'N'Or-SF'ECrfrEIi TcTAL FORECASTEO EMPLOYMENT,CATEGORY -----~----'&12029 158 TABLE 18 (Continued) INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNJVEHS/TV OF ALASKA,COLLEGE,ALASKA _____,F,CREc:,A.-§LCF_OCCUPAn_O,~,AL!H!'.h~.'f!..E!'lI,~~!_~~I<.A f,9~_1~e_!'C....._ pREFAREC 91 HUMAN RESCURCES FLA~NING INSTITUTE -SEATTLE,HAShI~GTON-3/12/7~ TRANSPORT Ea~IPHENT OPERA~IVES CCCUPATICN EHPLCYMENT 2X STD PE~CENT ER~CR E~RCR ~eCAT~Eh AND CANALHEN-----------------~7"'"1----3.-.9 ;-;~.. ~E2.BUS DRIVERS 363.CCNO ANC MOTORMEN,URBAN KAIL TRANSIT 91U 18 ~1.;10.1 3.1'17.0 3E5.FCRK LIFT ANU (U~~IGiUR OPERATIVES ----'0'--'--0-;0---·0.0 - 3E6.~,OTORHE~;-HINE,FAC,LOG'CAMC,ECT. ·'3 EY.-i'~RKI~-Gtin EN DAN,S 13 10.0 3€8.~AILRCAC ERAKEMEN 87 e.2 3E9.RAILRCAO SWITCHHEN 37l)-~---1 AX ICAC"tRIVC:RS -A"NO CI-iAUfFERS--~-~----------- ~71.TRUCK CRIVERS 9 &53 269 86.3----13.2 207.0--'....7.7 5.2,29.1'--'559~72.TRANSFeRT EQUIP CPERATIVES--ALLCCATEO TciALTiJifEOsTro-EMPCoy:1ENr.-cAn:GORy--7---------6734~",,--'--0;6- 159 TABLE 18 (Continued) INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA,COLLEGE,ALASKA ________-'-"Fo-'!_;J!~~U.._OCCUPAJ:JOl<..A_L_~~E!_CY~ENT IN ~L_AS~~__".E_~_1_9~~_'___ PREPAREC BY HUHAN RESCURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE -SEATTLE,WAS~INGTC~'3/12/7~ ___---'C'-'A'--'T--"E"'G"'C-"-R_YL----'8"-~L~A~B~O~RE.E_"_R~S,ECT.FA'-'.RH"--_ OCCUPATION E~PLOY~ENT PEIiCENT EIiROR 116 5.6 4.8 86 4.8 5.6 16~5 221.C 13.4 1472-----141.8 9.6-- 1203 10~.1 8.7 181 e.8 4.9 ---373:-ANI~Al-CARETAKERS,EXCEPT-FAR~­ ~7~:-CARPENTER-HELPERS- 375.CONST LABORERS,EX CARPENTER HELP --v~ISHEIii'E-Kj'NO-OYSTER~EN----------- 377.FREIG~T ANO HATEK!Al HAhClERS 378.GARBAGE COLLECTORS -319---;-ITRofNE RS---;-GRoUtlOSKEEPERS ~-EjCF ARH 38G.-LONGSI'OREHEN AND STEVEDOIiES ~81:lUHBERHEh,RAFTSHEN,AND WOCGCHOPPERS 383.TEAHSTEIiS ...384.VEHICLE WASHERS AND EQUIP CLEANE~S ---,-----------.-- 541 1061 -~6 -312 ---- 11.2 9.6 ------------~'88-----5'-'3---""7'.1- 386.HISCELLANEOUS LABORERS 398 27.~6.9 5.1 5.3861 -11849 ~87.NOT SPECIFIES LAeORERS Je 8.LABORERSc;-EXCEPT-FARH--ALLO-CATE"D--------------.iH2--------5 O-;-~4.3 TCTAL FoRECASTEO EHPLOYMENT,CATEGCRY 8 .II 160 TABLE 18 (Continued) INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA,COLLEGE,ALASKA _________F;C_~ECA.:U~F_.OCCl!P~T.I!lNAl__gf!.~y_,,-EN_!...l~AS~A £O~!9_a.!._._ F~EPA"EC BY hu~AN RESOURCES FlANNING INSTITUTE -SEATTlE.WAS~INGTON·3/1~/7~ CATEGCliY 9 OCCUPATICN FAR~C~.N";'~S,HGRS.AND WOliKERS EMPlCYHENT 2X STO PEliCE~T ERIiOR EliReR 389.FARHHS (OWNERS AND TENANTS)------------.lau--~1~8·.0---1-li~0· 390.FARM ~ANAGERS 22 2.2 10.0 3~1.FARMERS A~O fARM HANAGERS--ALLOCATEO ~-~~Ri<-FCliE~EN 69 6 3~3.FAR~LABCliERS,WAG~WORKERS 394.FAR~LABCRERS,UNFAIO FAHILY WORKERS -395~FARi1-SEfi·iiICE -LA·B-ORERS-;-SELf~EHP[bYEO-------- 396.FARM LABORERS AND FARM rOREHEh--ALLCC TCTAL FORECASTEO·EHPLOYME~T,CATEGORY· 317 11 128 703 ~3.4 1.1 12.8. 7.4 10.0 10.C 8.7 161 TABLE 18 (Continued) INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA,COLLEGE,ALASKA F:_C1.R~Gl\.?_I_J!F_Jl_C_C__UPATI.Q.!l__AI,EHPLOYHEt'!.!.....!!l_AL.A_~~_FO~__1g~3 _ P~EPARED BY HUNAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE -SEATTLE,WASHINGTCN-3/12/7~ ___CATEGCRY 1~SERVICE WORKERS,EXC.PRVT.HOUSEHOLD CCCUP~TIc.__EMPLCYMENT 2X STO------PERCENT ERHR HRCR 3S7.Cl-lAH8ERMAIOS AND HAlOS,EX-I-IOUSEHGLO---·--·--·-_o • 3ga.CLEANERS ANO CHARWOMEN 1025 113~ 11~.9 11.2 -1337-----164-;1---12.3 -- 3g9.JANITO.S AND SEXTONS -''-C--a--;-STRTENDER--S 531&262.1 ~.g ~e1.SUSBDYS ~02.CCOK,EXCEPT PRIVATE HOUSEHOLD --~(;3 :-t--is~\ips t'E~S -~o~.Fooe CCUNTERS ANO FCUNTAIN HoRKERS ~C5.WAITERS 179 3772 265.5 10.7 7.& ~07.CENTAL ASSISTANTS 229 ---226----------lg ;5 -----a.6 , 15 1.9 1"2~7- o.ij,------~O.O--- 10&5 62.&-----5.9 460 ------37;5 a.l- 105 15.7 ----1~.9 231 12 .2------5.3 ·~71 15;5 ,;7- 4~~.S 10.2 29&-23 ;1----7.8 .If 47 16.8 10-;1 ~13.AIRLINE STEHAROESSES 411.NLRSI.G AIDES,C.CERLIES,ANe ATTENe 410.LAY MIO~IVES 417.EARBHS ~18.8CARlj"I~G-A-NjiL(HlGTNGHOUSE-K-EEPERS----------- 40a.HEALTH AIDES,EXCEPT NURSING --itt 9-;--HEALT"H--YRA I NEES ~1~.ATTENeANTS,RECREATION AND AMUSEMENT "j5~-AtTENCAN-TS~-PERSliNACSERVICE;""""N."r.c.-­ ~1&.eAGGAGE PORTERS AND BELLHCPS 162 TABLE 18 (Continued) INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA,COLLEGE,ALASKA _________---!F:.oC~R~~,~,~,LO.F_Qf:.!=.Yl'!!I.O.!'!'.UM~l,CYHE:i'iLINAlA~~...£Q':L1_9.8,-"3c__ PREPARED BY HUHAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE -SEATTLE,WASWINGTON-3/12/7~ OCCUPATION ~19.BCOTBlACKS ~20.C~ILO CARE HORKERS,EX HOUSE"OLO ~21.ElEVATCR OPERATORS ~22.HAIRDRESSERS·ANO-tOSH"ETDlCGii;i's '~23.PERSC~AL SERVICE APPRENTICES ~2~.HOUSEKEEPERS,EX PRIVATE HOUSEHCLO ----,;-Z-5:-SCHGo'L-,;cNIrciRS·-- '~26.USHERS;RECREATIC~AND A~USEHENT ~27.HELFARE SERVICE AlOES -"Zo-;-cTciSSING-GUARDSANO BRIOGE leNDERS ~29.FIREMEN,FIRE PROTECTION ~30.G~ARDS AND HATC~~EN EMPLCYHENT B3 ,----,,--,-'0 101B 1035 2X STO ERROR 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.2 4~.0 PERCENT ERRCR 6.5 -c.O -0.0 6.2 5.B' ~.7 432;FCLICEMENAND DETEC TIVES 16 1532 433.SHERIFFS AND BAILIFFS ~3~.SERVICfHclfKERS~X HousEHOCO.:.:ALCOt------- TCTAL FORECASTED EMPLOYMENT,CATEGORY 10 3342 30961 0.0 178B.1 -0.0 5.8 163 TABLE 18 (Continued) INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA,COLLEGE,ALASKA .!.i-R.-Ef.~ST CF ~CUI'~_1J:O_~~I,_~_!__~YHEN~~!~~~J~~_1..~~_3=____ PREPARED BY HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING.INSTITUTE_.-SEATTLE.WAS~INGTO.N__3/1211'+ ___-"C.::A-'-'TEGO IiY:..-"-l1"----'Pc.:R:..I~V'_'A"_T'_'E'___'H."O'_'U'oS'_'E"_~_"C"'L:=Dc...:;W-'C."R"'K-'=E"'R"'S _ CCCUPATIO~EMPLCYHENT 2X STO PEIiCENT ERIiOR-EliRCR 2200 27S ...-·---12.7 "36.CCOKS,PRIVATE HOUSEHOLD 27 3~5-'-12.7 -----If-----O;O---.;C;O - "37.~CUSEKEEPERS,PRIVATE HOUSEHOLD -4~8.LAUI\'i:'RESS-ES;-PRIVATE 'HOUSEHOLD 13..17.1 12.7 12.721.. 519..39.HAlOS AND SERVANTS,HOUSErOLO ....0.PRIVATE HOUSEHOLD WCRKERS--ALLOCATEO ---niTALFORECHTEO EHPlOYHEii'r--;cnEGOlfY 11;---------3D94~9"-~"'.Q'----12;7- 164 TABLE 18 (Continued) INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL,ECONOMIC AND GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA,COLLEGE,ALASKA _____--'f'9_R.~J:"~1._O_F__qC_CU!'_".!.!_O'~A.L EHP~_~':~~~..A.I0~~...£()~_198_~_ PREPAREO ey HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING INSTITUTE -SEATTLE,WASHI~GTON'3/12/74 Oi;CUPATIO~EMPLOYMENT 2X SiO ERRCR PERCE~T ERRCR TOTAL FORECASTED EMPLOYMENT,ALL CATEGORIES 21"76"0-0--91;60.6 APPENDIX SL\TE TnlE SERE~S YARIABLE LIST ""tr tr tr " " tr Jl "tr Log Seasonal Switch for Quarter 1 """tr tr 2 ""tr "3 ""tr tr tr 4 Not in use Ratio of Total Population to Civilian Labor Force I.AIRT 2.BUSI 3.CO~lU 4.CONS 5.FEDL 6.FIRE 7.FOOD 8.GOVT 9.HOTL 10.LABF II.LOCL 12.LUMB 13.lvIEDL 14.MFRG 15.MING 16.OMFG 17.OMIN 18.OSER 19.OTRN 20.PIRS 2I.PETR 22.RETL 23.SERV 24.STAT 25.TEMP 26.TRAD 27.TRAN 28.TRCD 29.UNCL 30.UNEM 3I.K<l.GE 32.WHOL 33.TIME 34.MILT 35.STLO-GP 36.STEX 37.Sl 38.S2 39.S3 40.S4 4I.LSI 42.LS2 43.LS3 44.LS4 45.BLANK 46.RATIO lA Air Transportation Business COQmunications and Utilities Construction Federal Finance,Insurance,Real Estate Food Processing Total Government Hotel,Motels,Lodges Total Civilian Labor Force Local Government Logging,Lumber and Pulp Medical Services Manufacturing Mining Other Manufacturing Other t-lining Other Services Other Transportation Personal Services Petroleum Mining Retail Trade Services State GovernQent Total Employment Trade Transportation Transportation,Communications Utilities Miscelleanous and Unclas~ified Unemployed 0" Non-agricultural Wage and Salary Wholesale Trade Quarterly Counter (1 in 1960 Qt.1) Military Population State and Local Gross Product (10 Mil.$) State Expenditures (million dollars) Seasonal Switch Function for Quarter 1 If fI "tr "2 3 4 STATE T DIE SERIES VARIABLE LIST (Continued) 166 47.Rl\TIO 4A Retia of Total Population to Total Errcployment 48.RATIO lB Ratio of Civilian Population to Civilian Labor Force 49.RATIO 4B Ratio of Civilian Population to Total Employment 50.POPL lA Total Population Based on RATIO Ii\. 51.POPL 4A Total Population Based on RATIO 4i\. 52.POPL lB Civilian Population Based on RATIO lB 53.POPL lB Civilian Population Based on R.UIO 4B 54.BLANK Not in Use Note:Lagged values,\;hich use the value for the preceding quarter,have abbreviations followed by -1,e.g., POPL-l,TEMP-I,UNEM-l. AFORECAST OF INDUSTRIAL AND OCCUPATIONAL EMPLOYMENT IN ALASKA PART II THE STRUCTURE OF ALASKA'S LABOR ~ARKET A TECHNICAL DISCUSSION OF THE METHODOLOGY USED TO DEVELOP THE RESULTS 169 SECTION 1 ECONOMIC BASE MODEL OF ALASKA Theoretical Background Our model of the Alaskan economy can be classified as a dis- aggregated economic base model.The phrase economic base model is widely used by researchers into regional and urban problems.The purpose of a base model is to uncover the basic or underlying elements of an area's economy in order to better understand its functioning and to forecast its future trends. E~sentially,the construction of an economic base model invol- ves the following logic: 1.The level of output in a region is determined by its level of aggregate demand. 2.A region's aggregate demand can be divided into two sources:that which originates within th~region and that which originated outside of it. 3.The final demand generated within a region stems from the consumption needs of its inhabitants and is functionally related to the region's total level of economic activity. 4.the final demand generated outside a region is unrelated to levels of,or changes in,the region's economic activity. S.A change in the level of a region's non-local Qemand will cause a change in its output and income;and this initially will cause consumption to change in the same direction,but by a fraction of the change in income. 170 6.Consequently,any change in a region's non-local (basic) aggregate demand will produce a multiple change in its level of income employment and output. Explicitly,economic base studies treat an area's economy as two sectors:the exogenous and the endogenous.The exogenous sector consists of those final demand components which are independent of short run changes in the area's level of economic actiVity.It is usually defined to incude exports,government purchases,and gross private investment.The endogenous sector consists of those final demand components which are functionally related to the area's level of output and income. In most cases,this is defined as total consumer demand.The total income generated in any region (or state)is equal to the sum of the income generated by these two sectors,or Y =Y +Yexen (1) where Y represents total income,Yex exogenous income,and Yen endogenous income.Since the components of exogenous income are determined by factors not affected by short run' fluctuations in an area's level of economic activity,it is specified as a constant with respect to changes in Y,or Yex (2) The generation of endogenous income depends upon the level of total consumer demand (by local residents)in the area.If 171 such demand were reduced to zero,endogenous income would also be zero.Consequently,endogenous income is taken to be a linear function of current consumption expenditures made by local residents whose intercept is zero;or Yen =hC (3) where h represents the fraction of total consumption expendi- tures made by an area's residents which results in the genera- tion of local income. A clearer picture of the workings of a "base"model can be gained by comparing it with a standard macroeconomic model. To do this,let Y represent the value of an area's output and income (in current value terms)for any given period of time;C the value of current consumption;I the value of gross private local investment;G government purchases of goods and services (at all levels of government);and F net foreign investment.Then, Y C +I +G+F (4) Net foreign investment equals the difference between exports (X)and imports (M),or so that F X M (5) Y C +I +G +X - M (4a) 172 From the definition of an area's exogenous income,we know that I +G +X Combining (1)and (6)we can write (7) or Y Yex +C C M M (8) which states that endogenous income is equal to the value of total consumer expenditures minus the value of imports by consumers.Gross private local investment is assumed to involve only locally produced goods and services requiring no imported materials;this is also true for government purchases. Since, Yen we can define has, C -M hc (8a) M h =1 -C (9) In effect,then,an economic base model conceptually divides household consumption into categories:consumption of locally produced goods (L)and consumption of imported goods (M);or C L +M (10) Dividing through by C gives 173 1 L M C +C (lOa) L h=C M 1 -C (lOb) Consequently,h is equal to the ratio of households'consump- tion of local goods over total household consumption. The set of equations (1)through (3),inclusive,used to describe the structure of an area's economic base is incom- plete,however.The system requires one more equation to complete it.The additional equation is the consumption function. Assuming an absolute income hypothesis,the fourth equation becomes C =a +bY (11) where C and Yare defined as before,a is the function's positive intercept,and b is its slope (both are assumed to be constants.)The value of "a"is greater than OIW,and the value of "b"ranges between zero and one.* *It is in this form that economic base studies have tradi- tionally treated the consumption function. 174 The system of equations (1)through (3)and (11)can be combined to give the equilibrium condition for an area's economy; which is equal to Y Y +baex 1 -bh (12) The terms in the numberator of equation (12)are autonomous; and hence,a change in the level of government purchases, gross private local investment,exports,or autonomous con- sumption expenditures will produce a change in an area's level of total income.The magnitude of the change in total income produced by a change in any of the autonomous demand sectors is obtainable by differentiating equation (12)with respect to any of the autonomous terms (the results are the same for all of them;or dY ~x I 1 -fifi /:,Y ex (13a) The increase in total income will be distributed between the exogenous and the endogenous sectors in the following manner. The change in exogenous income equals the value of the initial change in autonomous spending (/:'Y ex )and the change in endog- enous income equals the increase in household consumption expenditures minus that part of household consumption which grew for imports.The total change can be represented by /:,Y +/:,Yex en (14) A numerical example may give a clearer picture of the operation of the income multiplier.Assume that each consumer spends 90%of his income on consumption expenditures.Then, b =.9 175 And assume that,as is typical of a small regional economy, only 50%of consumption expenditures are made locally.Then, by (lOb), h =.5 From (13a)the change in income due to change in Yex is given by Y 1 1 -.45 '/:'Yex From (14)the change in Yen is seen to be O.82./:,Y ex In the literature of economic base studies many names have been used to describe this relationship.Commonly the ~atio /:'Yen//:'Y ex is referred to as the "regional base multiplier". In the example above the regional base multiplier has a vall: of .82. The same conceptual framework may be used in a model where the unit of account is employment instead of income.~gain exogenous expenditures,measured by employment in basic industries,are assumed to determine the level of activity, measured by employment,in non-basic jndustries.Although 176 the multiplier is conceptually the same,whether income or employment is used to measure aggregate demand;numerically, the results will differ due to differences in productivity (and hence,wages)among workers in different industries. Thus a person employed in a basic industry may spend only 45%of his income locally;but this,in an extreme case,may be enough to employ a full workers in a non-basic industry. Since the non-basic employee also spends 45%of his income locally,the regional base multiplier will be somewhat greatel than 1.0. Total employment in the regional economy can be derived from equation (12)where E's have been substituted for l's and a =b ,and 1 -bh total employment is given as (15) ,or (16) 8 is the regional base multipler,and we can write an equa- tion which gives employment in the non-basic,or endogenous, sector as a linear function of employment in the basic or exogenous sector: If there are several exogenous inputs then, (17) 177 +•• Een,n where n rEen,i i=l Een. Equation (17)presents the fully developed base model as used in Alaska.Levels of employment in each endogenous industry are determined by a constant a,the sets of coeffic- ients,e,and the level of employment in each exogenous industry.Given estimates of the a's and S's and forecasts of each exogenous industry,the model can be used to derive predictions of employment in each non-basic industry.Tpe next sections describe the estimation of the a and·~terms and presents the full Alaska base models. The Statewide Model The paucity of data for individual regions and the observed interdependence of the regions prohibited the specification of separate regional submodels.Therefore,a statewide model was first specified and estimated.The statewide model was then applied to each region and the differences between model predictions and actual employment in regional industries were reconciled by a set of regional allocation matrices.The allocation process is described later. The statewide model follows the conceptual framework des- cribed in the preceding section.Basic and nonbasic indus- tries were disaggregated to the extent data permitted.Like all other base models,the present one makes several assump- tions about the behavior of the economy.The assumptions most crucially affecting its development are: 1.The level of demand generated in the economy"can be supplied,i.e.,there will be a sufficieht expansion in economic activity for all industries so that the demand exerted by consumers will be satisfied by an expansion on the supply side of the economy. In this sense,our forecast of employment has an 178 179 f underlying assumption that the quality of service* will not be reduced as the demand for services increases.While this appears to be a viable assump- tion for the private economy,there are strong indi- cations that changes will occur in the quality of ser- vice,and the techniques of delivering service,in the public sector. 2.The relationships found to exist in the past will continue to exist in the future and differences from past behavior are transitory and random.This is a rather sweeping assumption,but a necessary one before analysis can begin.The Alaska model is essentially an impact model and not a growth model.An impact model assumes that the basic structure of the economy, including its inter-industry relationships and its consumption function,remain constant.That is,~ an impact model deals in the short run and-assumes that any new growth factors,such as the development of new industrial complexes or the growth of entirely new industries,will not appear during the forecast period. Because the impact of the pipeline operation wi~ be small compared to the impact of its construction and small compared to the state economy,it was not *Where service is defined as economic activity generated per unit of consumer demand. 180 felt that these assumptions were violated by known plans of the pipeline owners.It also appears that while construction will be on an unprecendentedly massive scale,the impact will be qualitatively similar to previous construction projects.While a full growth analysis of Alaska's economy certainly seems warranted,such an analysis lies beyond the mission of this project and outside the scope of our model as it has been developed. For the purposes of an economic base analysis,basic industries are defined as those whose demand is determined exogenously to the local economy.Hence,changes in local demand will not affect levels of employment in the basic industries. Industries which sell most of their product outside the state are clearly indicated as basic.In Alaska the most important members of this category are the wood products,food process- ing,other manufacturing,and mining industries.In addition, those industries whose activity is determined over long planning horizons,or by other factors not immediately tied to the level of demand in the state economy,were treated as basic indus- tries.In this category are federal government employment, and the communications and public utilities industries. 181 The nonbasic industries are defined as those industries which respond to endogenous demand.We defined the following as nonbasic industries:construction,wholesale trade,retail trade,finance,insurance,and real estate (FIRE),services, transportation services,and state and local government and non-categorized.Only transportation service is believed to contain a significant basic component.Ideally,employees serving international carriers stopping in Anchorage and Fair- banks would be treated as basic employees,but that detail was not available. Table 1 summarizes the basic and nonbasic industries as defined for the purposes of our model.Their Standard Indus- trail Clarification code is indicated at the right. 182 TABLE 1 BASIC AND NON-BASIC INDUSTRIES Basic Industries Mining Petroleum mInIng Other mining Construction (pipeline)* Manufacturing Food Products Forest Products Other Manufacturing Communications and Utilities (including public utilities) Federal Government Non-Basic Industries Construction (Total)* Transportation services Wholesale Trade Retail Trade f-inance,Insurance,and Real Estate Services State and Local Government Non-categorized,including agriculture SIC Code 10 -14 13 10, 12,14 15 -17 19 -39 20 24 -26 48,49 91 15 -17 40 -47 50 52 -59 60 -69 70 -89 92 -93 01 -09,and other *Constructlon has both a basic and a non-basic component. Pipel inc construction is basic and determined exogenously. All other construction is non-basic and determined within the model.Total construction is the sum of both components. 183 The Econometric Analysis Employment forecasts generated by the model are based on linear equations which express employment in each nonbasic industry as a function of certain basic industry employment variables, total employment,total state population,and a set of dummy variables which capture the unique effects of seasonal fluc- tuations in the Alaska economy.In addition,selected non- basic industry employment,computed as the dependent variable in previous equations,become independent variables in the equations of certain other non-basic industries.For each non-basic industry an individual equation was specified and estimated using ordinary least squares regression analysis.* Each binary variable takes on a value of one in its appropriate quarter;it is zero in the other three quarters.The complete set of binary variables is shown in Table 2.Notice that in this formulation the constant term performs as 54'In addi- tion to the seasonal binary variables,a time vari-ablc \lIas used in the equations for Transportation,Services,:ll1d Non- Categorized.The time variable takes the value of I at the .if*Regression analysis is a technique for finelin}:coefficients for a linear equation which minimi ze the sunl II r t he ~"Pl;1 red residuals (error terms.) 184 start of 1960 and increases by 1 in each quarter.It repre- sents an autonomous time trend found in these industries. TABLE 2 Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 $1 1 0 0 0 $2 0 1 0 0 $3 0 0 1 0 The coefficients were estimated using ordinary least squares regression.l Table 3 shows the estimated coeffic~ents,t- statistics,and R2 statistic.An equation for unemployment was also estimated as shown. Numbers in parentheses after variable names (eg.POPL (-1)) indicate quarterly lags;(-1)indicates that the value of POPL for the preceding quarter was used.Where no lag is indicated, the current quarter value was used. The numbers in parentheses beneath the regression coefficients are t-statistics.The t-statistics are used to test whether the regression coefficient differs significantly from O. lThe time series regression programs developed by Prof.Potluri Rao for use on the University of Washington's CDC 6400 computer were of great value to us. TABLE 3 NON-BASIC INDUSTRY EQUATIONS FROM STEP-WISE REGRESSION PROGRAM UNEMPLOYMENT R2·.95127 0=654.474 1961:1 ->1972:IV lJF=41 DW=1.68 S~ATE &LOCAL GOVERNMENT It =.987 0=542.8 1961:1 ...1972:IV DF=42 DW=1.43 TRANSPORTATION R2=.956 0=218.0 1961:1 f 1972:IV DF=39 DW 1.42 RETAIL TRADE R2=.979 0=385.2 1961:1 ->1972:IV DF=4l DW=.95 SERVICES R2=.995 0=203.9 1961:I ->1972:IV DF=40 DW=1.I9 WHOLESALE TRADE R2=.965 0=98.7 1961:1 ->1972:IV DF=4'2 DW=1.32 -3895.8 +4283.1S1 +5934.8S 2 +1507.9S 3 +.0602134 TEMP *(-3.91)(10.40)(4.13) (1.15) (4.15) -21445.4 DELTA TEMP +.576633 UNEM-1 (-4.0820 )(5.4856) -16496.3 +1544.7S1 +2758.6S 2 +1461.8S 3 +.092922 POPL-l (-6.3438)(3.8830)(5.933)(7.0217)(8.7514) ;.18.2519 STEX (7.0217) +684.8 +237.4S.-16.4S +643.8S,+.162967 CONS (1.5094)(1.259b (-.09h)(-1.5791)(2.6985) +.713466 MINe:+.174706 MFRG +.256229 STLO 87.39 TIME (9.5832) (1.9291) (5.8953)(-4.8491) -12039.8 +1220.651 +1487.0S 2 -352.6S 3 +.362468MFRG. (-12.5)(7.8) (3.5)(-.35)(2.25) +.I80601MINC +n64513 POPL-I +15.1 TIME (1.96)(11.1) -1926.8 +783.3S I +482.2S 2 ...280.1S 3 -49.27 TIME +.64438 RHL .(-4.85)(4.57)(5.73)(-1.71) (-3.64)(7.04) +.16094 CONS +.34271 STLO (3.179)(7.18) -217.7 +134.6S 1 +61.7S2 +32.0S 3 +.143862 MINe:+.236687 rU~TL (-3.26)(3.26) (1.51)(.78)(5.38)(26.6) *Figures in ( )under the coefficients are T values SUMMARY OF REGRESSION RESULTS (Continued)TABLE 3 CO~STRUCTION (TOTAL) R2':.948 0=559.2 190:I -,1972:IV DF=42 DW=1.16 FINANCE,INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE R2=.967 0=127.68 1961:I ->-1972:IV DF=41 DW=.86 -14067.6 -1415.3S1 +1046.3S 2 +2719.0S 3 +.034313 POPL-1 (-6.91) (-5.77)(3.89)(10.4) (9.80) +.59379 PEDL +PIPE (4.20) -3742.7 +423.881 +399.3S 2 -174.1S3 +.229743 COMU (-11.60)(7.26) (2.54)(-.67)(4.12) +.107405 MFRG +.016999 POPL-1 (2.00) (8.43) NONCATEGORIZED R2=.884 0=625.03 1961:I ->-1972:IV DF=42 DW 0.60 Seasonal Switch Functions +9717.0 -903.2S1 +649.1S2 (35.8)(-3.53)(2.54) +56,81 TIME (8.62) +2538.9S 3 +2481.6 DUM-1965 (9.95) (7.53) Sl 1 in first quarter,= 0 in all other quarters 8 2 =1 in second quarter,= 0 in all other quarters 8 3 = 1 in third quarter,= 0 in all other quarters Special Functions DUM-1965 = 1 in 1965,= 0 in all other years DELTA TEMP (TEMP-TEMP-1)/TEMP-1,PIPE =PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION Lagged Values POPL-I,UNEM-1,etc.are lagged one quarter I-' 00 'J\ 187· r The Population Indicator Our analysis of the Alaskan economy led us to believe that changes in population should have an effect on employment levels in each nonbasic industry.This effect may be viewed in two complementary ways.First,growth in population means growth in market size and diversity.As markets become larger there will be a tendency for firms to locate in Alaska which had previously exported their goods and services from the "lower 48"or abroad.Thus there is an autonomous shift in the nonbasic sector associated with the general development of the Alaskan economy.Second,population is a measure of total spending units.One might expect that a population of only single men would exhibit a different spending pattern than a population made up of family units,retired people, and so forth.Therefore,the population variable serves as a demand indicator. Our analysis showed that inclusion of a population variable improved the R2 in all regression equations and in several cases improved the t-statistics associated with other coeffi- cients.Although we have reservations about its operation, discussed below,we decided that its inclusion was justified both statistically and in terms of the models operat~on. The difficulty with population is that data are not available at the same detail and level of accuracy as are employment ' data,·Only annual estimates are made for intercensal years; 188 and these estimates are not broken down by age or ethnic group--characteristics that might significantly affect the analysis.Therefore,we have constructed a population indicator which is meant to serve in the place of a true quarterly population figure.Several formulations were attempted but the one discussed below was chosen as being the best compromise. The population variable is estimated within the model using the models quarterly labor force forecast,a worker depen- dency ratio,and an autonomous forecast of military personnel and dependents in Alaska.*POPL,the population indicator is given by the following equation: POPL =D(LABF)+MILT Where D is the workers dependency ratio and MILT are military personnel and dependents on active duty in Alaska,and LABF is the number of people in the labor force. D was calculated by dividing the annual population estimate by the actual annual labor force figure.Therefore,it *Origlnally,ml1itary personnel were included as a "right hand"variable in the regression equations but little correlation was found.R.C.Haring found a decline in the multiplier of federal military expenditures as early as 1966,and our results are in keeping with his.Both military and non-military expenditure do affect non-basic employment through the population variable.cf.Robert C.Haring, "The Employment MUltiplier Impact of Defense Spending in Alaska,"1966 Papers of the Regional Science Association, Western Sector,pp130-l34. represents an average dependency ratio for each year.D was found to be declining over the period 1960-1969.From 1969- 1972 it has remained around 2.1.This indicates 1.1 depen- dents for each member of the labor force. D is the reciprocal of what is commonly called the labor force participation rate.A participation rate measures the pro- portion of the population in the labor force.In most economies the participation rate exhibits some seasonal fluctuation in addition to cyclical change associated with the level of out- put in the economy.This is particularly true in Alaska which experiences high summer employment levels.During periods of peak employment people,such as students and housewives, enter'the labor market and they subsequently drop out as employment opporutnities decline in the winter.At the same time an unknown number of people immigrate in search of work. These people may be expected to have fewer dependents Jhan the resident labor force.All of this means thaC if we could calculate D for each quarter we would probably find that it delinces in the summer and rises in the winter.There would also be some variation from region to region. Because D is an annual average figure,the population ~figure generated by the equation above can be expected to overpre- diet population in the high employment months and underpre- diet correspondingly in the winter.The general movement 190 of the population indicator probably follows actual popula- tion which rises in the summer and declines in the winter,but no absolute significance can be attached to its quarterly values.When averaged over the whole year,however,the in- dicator produces a good estimate of population. Finally it ·should be noted too that data on military personnel and dependents are available only on an annual basis.The number and distribution of the military population was assumed to be constant for each quarter over a year. Seasonal Effects in Alaska The Alaskan economy shows strong seasonal fluctuations.The precise pattern varies with each industry,but all show a de- cline in the winter quarter (quarter I)and a strong advance in the summer (quarter III).As the term seasonal suggests this is a recurring phenomenon tied to the weather,the length of the day,but perhaps even to custom and the expec- tations of workers and businessmen in Alaska. An average seasonal fluctuation was incorporated in our fore- casts of the basic industries.For each industry the quarterly deviation from the annual average was calculated and averaged over the past five years.These rough seasonal coefficients were then applied to the projected annual averages.These forecasts,then,implicitly embody the assumption that the relative magnitude of the seasonal fluctuation will remain 191 ; constant over time. Seasonal variations in the nonbasic industries are simulated through the use of the seasonal binary variables described above.Because of the nature of the regression analysis,the fluctuations in these industries had to be treated as additive rather than multiplicative constants.Therefore,the nonbasic forecasts assume that only the absolute magnitude of the seasonal fluctuation will remain constant.As an industry grows,this specification will result in smaller relative fluctuations. Over the short run the difference between an additive and a multi~licative model will not be great,but the limitations inherent in each should be kept in mind.It seems likely that in Alaska the introduction of new techniques,particularly in the basic sector,will result in smaller seasonal fluctua-. tions.In this case the additive model is closer to the truth, since it assumes in effect that marginal increases will have no seasonal component.On the other hand the severe conditions encountered in most of Alaska during the winter months will continue to influence the behavior of businesses and consumers: larger expenditures for fuel,decreased mobility,and~injury or sickness due to cold are all examples of seasonal effects. If the factors affect new as well as old parts of the economy, then a multiplicative model,possibly showing declining seasonal coefficients,is indicated. 192 Lagged Relationships Lagged values of the independent variables were used in several of the regression equations.Theoretically a lag would be used whenever it is suspected that there is a lapse of time between the onset of some activity and the effect stimulated by it.In practice it is hard to know whether a lag of one week or one month or one quarter is appropriate.Since the model deals in units of quarters,it was decided to specify all lags by quarters.The specification resulting in the highest R2 statistic was used whenever the inclusion of a lag also met a general test of reasonableness. In the case of the population indicator the use of lagged relationships was analytically necessary.Because the popula- tion indicator is derived from the forecast of labor force each quarter,it is not possible at the same time to use it in equations for the constituent parts of the labor force. Therefore a variety of lags for the population variable were tried in each equation and the best fit was selected.In most cases the lagged version produced a better fit with the historical data than did the current version. Noncategorized Employment A large but fairly stable fraction of the Alaska labor force is engaged in activities not covered by the state unemploy- ment insurance laws.These people are mostly engaged in fishing or agriculture,family businesses of one sort or 193 another,or are unpaid workers for charitable institutions. Because little data is available on this portion of the economy and because,with the exception of fishing,its impact on the rest of the economy seems relatively minor,noncategorized employment does not enter as an independent variable into any of the equations.It does enter as part of total employment.Because this is a residual category,defined, in effect,by the Department of Labor,changes in the coverage of the unemployment insurance system may effect its size and characteristics.Note of this should be made if more current data is introduced to the model in the future. 194 Unemployment Equation Unemployment is estimated in the same way as non-basic indus- try employment,through a linear equation generated by regres- sion analysis techniques.It was found that unemployment is a significant function of both~otal employment (TEMP) and the rate of increase in total employment (DELTA-TEMP).l The rate of increase is expressed as a proportion of total employment lagged one quarter,TEMP(-l): DELTA-TEMP =(TEMP -TEMP(-l))/TEMP(-l). In the equation the coefficient on TEMP is positive and the coefficient on DELTA-TEMP is negative.Thus as the magnitude of total employment grows,the TEMP component of unemploy- ment grows also.However,during periods of rapid increase in total employment (as is usual between spring and summer quarter)the negative DELTA-TEMP component tends to decrease unemployment.There is an opposite effect during rapid decreases in total employment (as is usual between fall and winter quarter). The two effects can be summarized as long term and short term. The long term effect is due to increasing employment oppor- tunities inducing people previously not looking for work lThe full equation:UNEM =-3895.8 +4283.151 +5934.85 2 +1507.953 +0.576633 UNEM(-l)+0.0602l4TEMP -21445.4 DELTA-TEMP. 195 (and thus not classified as unemployed)to enter the labor market to seek employment.Here,growth in unemployment parallels growth in total employment.The short term effect is usually due to seasonal adjustments.Workers are drawn from the ranks of the unemployed during periods of rapid increase in total employment.Workers become unemployed during periods of rapid decrease in total employment.The net effect is that unemployment grows along with total employment but that short seasonal spurts in total employment tend to temporarily decrease the ranks of the unemployed. Operation of the Model The operation of the statewide model is outlined in Figure 2 The model is iterated for each quarter's forecast;four quar- ters are summed to produce an annual average.The same model is applied to each region,with constants scaled in propor- tion to the region's basic industry employment and Fopu~ation. The regional forecasts are discussed below in the section on the regionalized model. 196 FIGURE 2 ALASKA STATEWIDE EMPLOYMENT MODEL H i Accumulate Total i Employment For Period I I Forecast Unemployment I_,~ve N-B II _ForecastsiFor I LI~F-=e::::ed~b~a::.:c:.:'k~J r Data:~I Data: Start-up tSiC Industr Values Forecasts rILaggedValue~_.__. Seasonal Forecast: Dummies,Non-Basic Time Industry i Employment I 1 i i Re-Set Lagged Values r----'--------, Forecast I Civilian Labor Force 1 [ I fL __-1 "---'-----. Start Next I :Forecast Period,j-.----------------i Total Increment I i Population Time !L--.-_ !Data: I·Military Population I, (Data:Civilian I Dependency Ratio I Table: I Save All !Forecasts--l L~~ 197 The Regional Allocation System The allocation procedure is a sub-system of the main model. The model generates forecasts of demand in each region,mea- sured in terms of employment.During the allocation procedure these demands -really employment forecasts -are redistributed by a set of regional impact matrices containing coefficients of transfer.A region supplying demand in another region is referred to as an exporter;the demanding region is an importer. These terms are used figuratively and do not indicate physical relocation of workers.A worker is exported when he is employed in one region to satisfy the demand arising in another.In many cases the demand comes to him,as when people from the hinterland come into urban centers to purchase goods and ser- vices. Basic industry employment is distributed autonomously by the model user to each study region.The regional allocation pro-. cedure is applied to each nonbasic industry.It.is basic industry employment which determines the gross demand for nonbasic employment in each region.The equations used to determine demand in the regions are those applied to the State as a whole.Hence,a fundamental assumption of the regionalized model is that the demand functions in each region are jdenti- cal.In other words an employee in the Northern region will require the same amount and kinds of goods and services as an employee in the Southeast,although the Northern employee may have to go outside his region to satisfy his demand. 198 After nonbasic demand has been reallocated to supplying regions,employment in each region is summed,unemployment is estimated,and from this,a total labor force forecast. results.Finally,the population variable in each region is derived.The population variable is used in subsequent quar- ters as an input to the regional demand forecast. Regional Impact Matrices At the heart of the regional allocation system are the regional impact matrices.The results of our investigation of regional trade patterns are incorporated in the matrices.In effect each matrix states what proportion of a region's demand for a particular industry's output can be supplied by that region and what percentage will be supplied py each of the other re- gions.These proportions are referred to as coefficients of transfer.The coefficients for any region must sum to 1.0. The matrices are 7 x 7 with one column and one row per region. There are eight matrices for each year,one matrix for each nonbasic industry.A generalized sample matrix is shown in Figure 3. Data on employment in each region over the period 1966-1972 was used as the basis of the regionalized model.Without using the regiona1ization sub-system the model was used to generate demand forecasts for each region for 1966 through 199 FIGURE 3 SAMPLE REGIONAL IMPACT MATRIX (f)oc:: >-l::c: tTl>-(f) >-l (f)oc:: >-l::c:n tTl Z >-l ::<:l>-t"' (f) oc:: >-l::c:::;;; tTl (f) >-l zo ::<:l >-l::c: tTl ::<:l Z ANCHORAGE FAIRBANKS SOUTHEAST SOUTHCENTRAL SOUTHWEST NORTHWEST NORTHERN 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0'.00 o.00 .13 .01 .86 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.oe .46 .01 0.00 .53 0.00 0.00 D.oe .39 .01 0.00 0.00 .60 0.00 o.oe .24 .01 0.00 0.00 0.00 .75 o.oe .66 .01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .33 SUPPLY The elements on the principle diagonal are the proport~on of self supply for each region.Thus Anchorage supplies 100% of its own demand for this hypothetical industry,and Northern supplies 33%of its own.Entries in the remaining cells of each row are the proportion supplied by the region correspond- ing to the particular column.Anchorage is shown as .Jf supplying 66%of Northern's demand,while Northern supplies no other region but itself. 200 1972 using actual employment data.The model was run over the historical period using as inputs actual basic industry employment data and the true value of the population variable. The resulting predictions of nonbasic employment were com- pared with actual data in each industry.Regions having more workers present than the model predicted were identified as "surplus"regions while those with fewer than predicted were identified as "deficit"regions.Totals were normalized so that the sum of actual workers equalled the sum of forecasted workers.These data became the basis for calculating regional impact matrices.Details of the procedure used to calculate the regional allocation matrices follow. Limitations OR the Allocation System There are many ways to approach the calculation of the regional impact matrices.However most methods involve a great deal of arbitrary judgment and do not lend themselves to a consistent algorithm of the type needed in a computer- ized model.This is not to say that it might not be desir- able to generate the regional impact matrices by "hand" ap.plying economic judgment at every step.However such a "hand"generated method has been used in past regional studies done by HRPI and was found to be tedious,time con- suming and yielding results still subject to some question, and thus,perhaps,not justifying the effort required.One 201 significant problem is that certain regions change from being supplying to being demanding regions during the his- torical period for some industries.It became quite difficult to estimate when similar reversals would occur during the forecast period,but it seemed quite probable that there would be a few reversals and it would be wrong to ignore them.This presented a difficult judgmental problem. The approach used for this study was a compromise.It is straight forward and easily adapted to a standard algorithm. Workers are transferred from each region to every other in proportion to the percent of the total state workers actually in the receiving region for a given industry in each year of the historical period.Trends of coefficients computed in this manner were examined for each industry and found to be small.Therefore the 1972 matrix was applied to the entire forecast period. The matrices are not interactive with the forecast model. This means that changes in employment levels generated by the model will not affect the matrix coefficients.This limita- tion is in keeping with the treatment of this model as an impact rather than a growth model.~ 202 Since the matrices were derived from annual data they do not embody seasonal changes in interregional trade patterns. Consequently,quarterly employment estimates made using the regionalized model contain a larger error than the annual average forecasts. The regional impact matrices can only claim to be an educated guess at Alaskan trade patterns.They were constructed so as to bring the model results into line with the historical data. This was accomplished "perfectly"for the annual average data in that the errors shown in the Historical Comparison Report between actual and predicted data exactly matched the Total State annual average errors,i.e.,the errors inherent in the regression generated equations.This is shown in Tables 4 and 5:typical regional and total state Historical Compari- son Reports based on the 1972 Regional Impact Matrix.Note that the errors for the quarterly data were not as small as for the annual average data.In fact,they remained un- acceptablely large.However,this is to be expected since the Regional Impact Matrices were based on annual rather than quarterly data.Thus,the quarterly regional forecasts are questionable and have not been included in the report. A further ref·inement of this approach to determining the regional impact matrices would be to apply some simple trend- ing :to the historical trade patterns and thus compute one matrix for each forecast year.This was considered,but not undertaken at this time. TABLEf HISTURIC'L CPTA CC~PDRISON REFO~T 203 I~OUSTRV=RETAIL TRADE ___________.2__ YEAR erR PER ACTUAL P~OJECTEC -1-cj6"r-,---------------~-------------------------~----------------------------------------------- 1 21 4D06 3~~2 -54 -1.35-------Z-Z2----4igc.-_----4~23--------129----------3 :C-g--- 3 23 4301 4715 414 9.E2 4 24 454D 4E~8 118 -----2:e:C- A 42EG 4412 152 3.55----------- -------3-~5------8:19- lCE 2.33 107 2.16 -93 -1.811:[li---------2-;-lf~ 44~3 4ESE 4790 4807 5067 5373~---;5-~4;:-;!'''",----..,S-2£-~~--- 4~99 S04~2 _ 20~4.52 17 .35- _3u3 5.9847-------.9~-- 142 2.91 5148 _5113 -_:rs -.6-8- 545D 5480 3~.55~--i5Ec;-5------s-<;E-5..-----~2·911-------~5'-!P~- 6q26 5912 -114 -1.90 -,--'-----5-~e::l S-lO ::-2-----4 3 •n,-- 1 37 5748 E12E 378 E.58 2 3 8 6311 6-~~3 2"2 --;3s"~- '-'--.-_~3(3 §_~3_9 ~_e~L ~~g_~3_~_~5 4 4G 68g0 E475-415 -6.il3-- A 6397 6451 54 .84 _-1.'372-~------·------------------------------- _1 45 69g3 EEE8 -325 -4.65----------2 4C-----n-E"5------------7tl7S-:2SQ -----------3-~9-4:-- 3 47 7745 7722 -23 -.30 -------4--48----79S"7-----77 CE-----------;;,2'OT-----.:-3-.6-3- A 7525 72'03 -232 -3.GS TABLE 5 204 I~OUSTRY=RET~IL T~~DE REGIC~=TOT~L AL~SK~ YEAR eTR PER %CF ACTlAL _________J ~_:I,]5~_:J.8 Q!;f !S]-1---!-3._8_ 2 22 88S2 8847 -5 ~.U6 __3~_23 9153 Sf,I!8 4~5 5.41 4 24 89~~9S~1 595 6.66 A 8717 9p28 311 3.2L -.·C-3 .31 2.73 2.43 -7.18 .22 1.49 -1'-51 2.iZ- --~------- _____--:2.D5 2.50 2.33 77--------=-~-----.::.-94.76 1 25 8267 8861 594 2 26 93~2 S·C:·21......... 3 27 1ri052 1(1)83 31 4 28 9830 100S5 2E5 A 9370 9598 228 1 29 8938 9390 452 2 30 9852 9849 -3 3 31 111783 11004 221 4 32 lU58E B8S:i.2E5 A 10G4!)10273 234 1 33 9959 10107 148 2 34 10998 10e32 -H6 3 35 115es 11831 246 4 36 11577 UHE 1Oe: A 11030 11114 84 1908 -LS£},_'_ 1970 1971--------1---4y-----fie?3------T{~-6S-------------:.:5Te---4;2-7-- 2 42 12841 121£5 ~64E -5.n3-----3 43----13S4-i 13252--------------391i--------------2~8fi-- 4 44 13~45 13GES -276 -2.07 -------A fi925 12-47iJ------------·::l;-55----------~3__;5l-- 1 45 125C5 121E8 -317 -2.53---------2---46---i:f6Dl--------T29~2----------------~6ES ----------;'4~92 3 47 14=2u 14115 -LtC5 -2.79 -----------4--48----T4-3~---i4i:e7 -3t-g---------2.1 s- A 13755 13331 -42S -3.ne: 205 Calculating the Regional Allocation Matrices 1.Run the model for each region using actual data each year for the independent variables.The annual average predictions of nonbasic employment for each region are considered to be the demand generated in the region for each industry. 2.Normalize the predicted employment in each non-basic industry so that the total state demand equals actual employment in the industry.The actual employment in each region is considered to be the supply available in that region to satisfy demands arising within or without the region. 3.Workers are transferred from each region to every other region in proportion to the percent of total state workers actually in the receiving region for a specified industry.This procedure is repeated for each non-basic industry. 4.Calculate the regional impact coefficients.The co- efficients of transfer are calculated as the proportions of a region's demand satisfied by each of the~seven regions,including itself. 5.The above procedure was repeated for each year of th~ historical period (1966-72).Regional trends were examined and found to be small.Therefore,the 1972 matrix was applied to the entire forecast (1973-83). Table 6 shows a typical table produced by the computer program generating the Regional Impact Matrices. 206 HATRIX OF rPANSFERS ~NO TRAN~Ft~-COEFFICI~NTS FOP L97~INOUSTRY-RETAIL TRADE MODE-1 ACTU~l 7,2J;2137 ...'MECAS,o.D 5699 20Ql ___5JJEelJJ'L_.....e... .OEF Ie IT 1 ~:'!5 46 2194 .. 2544... o . 1210 2270 314 522 o 3.99 75 231 .0 13755 ...1.3755. ..1872 .._.... 200 .0880 4%224.1595'··__·········.08SG 55 14;0218 ·-----;00 5S·-----1;-00 u6-·----- 12 .0 C55 1.0000 3 ,I}055 1.00"0 2 ._-;0 055 1.0000 1 .0055 1.000 C .._-_.'._-- 75 13755 "'''t 1.0000 1.00ilO 31 •a0 55 11 .0055 45 •0 :!18 124 •0 218 49 .0218 9 .0218 11 .0218 5 .0216 9 "lJ228 130 .0 '!26 52 .0228 12 .0228 5 .0228 58 .0228 ~5 .0850 ~!O .0850 501 .0880 184 .0880 334 .1tjQr, 909 .~59tj •37 .159;:; RF.G.ION ..r~()~:_ ANCHO~J\tJ[311"B~6 .5471 .1554 .._------_... n loq AN~S 114 ',1?5 .5Hl .1 !3tJ4, SOI!I.HF A~T l~qt ..-3Q5 .5\71 .1554 ~nUTHr;r.NT 1242 353 S~71 .1r:S4 sour H'.'S T 2f\lj 81 .5~71 .1r.;SIt ________N_QR_T.H'P'ST.?1~C",- •5~71 .1554. NORTH::''''10 12~:1& .547,1 •t 5SI. ~._-_._-_.._-.---- Toti-i -TRA~Jf)FC::;)S 75~5 '!137 208 Sources of Data Employment rather than income was chosen as the unit of account because of the ~vailability of accurate regional accounts of the same sort that are maintained for the United States.Although data on wages paid in industries covered by Unemployment Insurance legislation are available,estimates of non-wage income,proprietor's and rental income,dividend income and other "unearned"income are unreliable or unavail- able. The main source for the employment data was the Employment Security Division of the State Department of Labor.The Employment Security Department collects monthly data on the number of establishments,number of employees,total payroll by Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)code and prepares estimates of unemployment and total labor force. The Employment Security Division collects employment data by SIC categories from the quarterly reports of the employers subject to the State unemployment insurance law and quarterly reports of Federal agencies made in connection with the State administered program for unemployed Federal workers.These data are published in the "Statistical Quarterly"series of the Employment Security Division.In this series data are presented for non-agricultural wage and salary employees, but employment in certain segments of activities,such as self-employed persons,unpaid family help,domestics,and aost 209 persons engaged in agriculture,forestry and fisheries sec- tors of the economy are excluded.The total civilian labor force and unemployment is estimated by the Employment Security Division and is published yearly (by months)in "Alaska Work- force Estimates by Industry and Area". The state level employment data in the "Statistical Quarterly" is presented for the most part at the two digit SIC level. In some SIC divisions,employment at the three digit levels are also available,depending upon the number of establish- ments occurring at each SIC level.The problem here is that the Federal disclosure laws prohibit publishing of employment data if from such publication it would be possible to identify a particular employer unit. There are 24 LMSA's in Alaska,and in the 1960-72 quarterly series they where coterminus with the Alaska election districts. The employment data,for more populated LMSA's such as Anchorage, Fairbanks and Juneau,can be obtained at the two-digit level for most of the SIC divisions.However,in a number of less populated LMSA's (e.g.Kuskowim,Upper Yukon,etc.)due to the disclosure rules,employment data is not available even at the one digit level. To circumvent the problems of disclosure rules,the Consul- tants requested the State Department of Labor to provide employment data at the SIC two-digit level by five Alaska 210 Manpower Outlook (AMO)regions.This was completed for the years 196( through 1972.An additional two regions were created for the MAP study by extracting the data for the Anchorage and Fair- banks LMSA's from their respective AMO regions.Employment for these two additional regions was compiled from Alaska Department of Labor's Statistical Quarterly and Industry and Area Workforce Estimates. Given the employment data by AMO analysis areas,the "Statis- tical Quarterly"series,"Alaska Workforce Estimates by Indus- try and Area",and such specific studies as the State Depart- ment of Economic Development's "Alaska Industrial Surveys", the consultants were able to create an estimate of employment for the 1966 through 1972 period by MAP Study Regions. 211 Other Sources of Data Other pertinent publications found useful in the building of econometric model and regiona1ization of data include: 1.University of Alaska,Institute of Social,Economic and Government Research "Review of Business and Economic Conditions"monthly. 2.University of Alaska,Institute of Social,Economic and Government Research ISEGR Reports.Occasional. 3.State of Alaska,Department of Education and Labor. Alaska's Manpower Outlook -1970's,1972. 4.Tuck,Bradford H.An Aggregate Income Model of A Semi-Autonomous Alaskan Economy prepared for the Federal Field Committee for Development Planning in Alaska,1967. 5.Overall Economic Development Programs.Prepared by various towns and cities for Economic Development Administration,various dates. 6.Federal Field Committee for Development Planning in Alaska.Community Inventory,1971. 7.State of Alaska Department of Economic Development. Standard Industrial Surveys,1970 and 1972.~ 8.Alaska State Housing Authority.Comprehensive Plans for various communities,various dates. 9.Alyeska Pipeline Service Company.Summary:Project Description of the Trans Alaska Pipe11ne System,1971. 212 The Occupational Model The industry employment forecasts generated by the statewide economic base model were used to estimate future employment in 440 occupational categories.The basis of the occupational forecasts was the industry-occupation employment mix reported in the 1970 census.The Bureau of Labor Statistics has released a magnetic tape file of census manpower tallies for each state.The Alaska tape file is described with some detail in Section III,Programming Notes.Basically it gives statewide employment for 440 occupations in 227 industries by 12 workers categories,all reported in the census of April, 1970. The computational approach was to develop a matrix of indus- try-occupation employment coefficients from the census data and to apply these coefficients to employment forecasts in the 12 industry categories available from the economic base model.To make the coefficient matrix compatible with the industry forecasts the census data was compressed from the original 440 x 12 x 227 breakout,to a new 440 x 12 employ- ment matrix.Note the 12 in the original matrix refers to workers categories (e.g.,male,female,unpaid,etc.)while the 12 in the compressed matrix refers to industry categories of the economic base model.This process was a simple aggregation done on a digital computer by Prcgram SQUEEZE. The correspondence between the 227 census industry categories 213 f and the 12 industry categories of the base model for the 12 matrix segments is shown in Table 7 A list of the 440 occupational categories and the 227 industry categories are attached at the end of this report. From the compressed 440 x 12 employment matrix,E ..(i=l,12;1J j=l,440),a matrix of coefficients was developed.Each coefficient,Cij ,represents the ratio of employment in a given industry for a given occupation to the total occupational employment in the given industry,Ei'where: E·1 EE·".1J J j=l,440. Thus,Cij represents the proportion of employMent in the i-th industry devoted to the j-th occupation: Total employment in each occupation was estimated by summing the occupational contribution of each of the 12 industry categories.Thus,the industry forecasts,Ii,for a given year were multiplied by industry-occupation coefficients,Cij , and the resulting employment summed for 12 categories.The result is an estimate of employment in the j-th occupation, .J< F j >for that same year: EC·.I.,i 1J 1 i=l,12. 214 TABLE 7 MATRIX SEGMENT-INnIJSTRY cm~RESPf)l\JT)ENCE Correspondence of data entries on the state manpower tallies (census)tape and the l2-industry categories of the economic base model. The following correspon~ence applys to matrix segments 1-2 only (private employees ): Base Model Categories 1.Non-Categorized 2.Mining 3.Construction 4.Manufacturing 5.Transportation 6.Communications and Utilities 7.Wholesale Trade 8.Retail Trade 9.Finance,Insurance,Real Estate 10.Service 11.Federal Government 12.State and Local Government Census Categories 2 1 - 6 7 -11 12 -16 17 -101 102 -110 111 120 121 -138 139 -167 168 -173 174 -222 223 -224 225 -22·7 The following correspondence applys to matrix segments 3-12 for all 227 census industry categories: Matrix Segment Base Model Category 1 3-4 Male and Female -Federal Government Employee 11 5-6 Male and Female -State Government Employee 12 7-8 Male and Female -Local Government Employee 12 9-10 Male and Female -Self Employed 1 11-12 Male and Female -Unpaid Family Worker 1 lMale workers (odd matrix segments)and female workers (even matrix segments)are aggregated into total workers before applying above correspondence.. 2Category names are listed in attachment B. 215 ( The results of the occupational forecast are presented as tables of employment in 440 categories for each year of interest,selected over the period 1973-1983.Each table includes sub-totals for 11 major occupational categories aggregated from the 440 minor categories.Table 8 shows the correspondence between the major and minor categories. Accompanying the employment entries on each table are estimates of uncertainty (errors)in the forecast of each occupation and each major category sub-total.The method- ology for these uncertainty estimates are covered at the end of Section II:Sensitivity Analysis of Forecast Results. Limitations in the occupational model arise from the fact that the matrix of industry-occupation coefficients could not be trended to show shifts over time in the occupational struc- ture within each industry.The census manpower tallies,al- though now four years old,represents the most definitive data available on the detailed structure of occupationil employment in Alaska.There are presently no comparable data sources more recent upon which to base a trending of the coefficients.Little is known of how fast or even in what direction the coefficients of occupational employment implied by the matrix are changing.In most cases the ~ assumption that over the long run the changes are slow may be a good one.Although shifts in the occupational structure may well be significant in a few occupations,the.vast majority of the 1970 occupational coefficients still represent the 21b TABLE 8 CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN MAJOR AND MINOR OCCUPATIONAL CATEGORIES Major Categories 1.Professional,Technical and Kindred 2.Managers and Administrators,excluding Farm 3.Sales Workers 4.Clerical and Kindred Workers 5.Craftsmen and Kindred Wor~ers 6.Operatives,excluding Transport 7.Transport Equipment Operatives 8.Laborers,excluding Farm 9.Farm Owners,Managers and Workers 10.Service Workers,excluding Private Household 11.Private Household Workers Hinor *Categories 1 -124 125 -148 149 -162 163 -210 211 -306 307 -360 361 -372 373 -388 389 -396 397 -434 435 -440 *List of 440 occupational names are given in Attachme~t C. 217 ( best available indicator of future industry-occupation employment mix.The forecasts produced by the occupational model do,however,show trends.This is because the economic base model is predicting different rates of growth in each of the 12 industry categories. This is not the place to review the Census's methodology, but it should be pointed out that the matrix tabulations are based on a sample and therefore can be expected to con- tain small random errors,and that the classification of each respondent into a particular industry-occupation cell is not perfectly certain.Not only is the judgment of the census tabulator involved,but the industry designation of a particular firm may change abruptly.Similarly indivi- duals do not possess only one skill:they may work mostly in occupation A,but also in occupation B.The census only records the industry which most of a firm's products fall in and the principal occupation of each person.The results of the occupational forecasts should be interpreted accord- ingly. 219 BIBLIOGRAPHY The Economic Base Model of Alaska Aurousseau,M.,"The Distribution of Population:A Construc- tive Problem,"Geography Review,1921. Alexander,"The Non-Basic Concept of Urban Economic Functions," Land Economics,Feb.,1956,pp.69-84. Hochwald,Werner,"Conceptual Issues of Regional Income Estimations,"in Re ional Income,Studies in Income and Wealth,XXI (Princeton Unlverslty Press,1957,-34. Isard,Walter,and Kuenne,Robert,"The Impact of Steel Upon The Greater New York-Philadelphia Urban-Industrial Region," Review of Economics and Statistics,XXXV (November,1953), 289-301. Leven,Charles L.,Theory and Method of Income and Produce Accounts for Metropolltan Areas -(Ames,Iowa State College, 1958)mlmeographed. Moore,Fredrick and Peterson,James,"Regional Analysis: An Interindustry Model of Utah,"Review of Economics and Statistics,XXXVII (November,1955),368-380. Moses,Leon,"Interregional Input-Output Analysis,"American Economic Review,XLV (December,1956),803-832. Thompson,Wilber R.,A Preface to Urban Economics (Balfimore John Hopkins Press,1965),pp.27.