HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA909'-r 1969DECEMBER ~.,(:p!"',::.d;;:.-:d by th~.. C i.r h n :N (i H 0 ~S-l: (.-:.r :-~~·:i~::';·i~!.:;:;;;:_(1';":l~,-:-::'-'11;(,;'; ;r;{·;;;~"~.:ih".;.r 5prir'1~;f"-1c ·/6..22151 r.Jl.J f·~,biO.ilograpny senes no.14 UNITED ST;6.TES DEPARTMENT OF THE iNTER20R DEPARTMENTAL UBFfARY WASH J NGTON D ..d.20240 i, I I ! I f ! I ! I I I! F~RE I ! I Ir-"-·----'--'--_."--~_.._------.... -.,.....i I ',J. \----j .. ".' SD l..J~o.? L'67 \.. ~..... PREV IOUSL Y PldL 1SHLD e li'L ro:)GR;~r'Hr L S ;.. 81bJioa("aphif~s in tile D0rartnh~nta!Libr0ry l s seri(~sJ wi th t h~t;XCCP t ion _of rl(:fi:~)er,H;i,.<In:.(~,:,(.Ji 1at 1;:from the Ciearlnq!lJuse tor rc~t)";!"i)::.•CH:ntlrl.C and i€ch- nical Inf.:Jri'notion,Spriogfle1'.l"Vir9inia 2215i. i.Readings on Natur..:~i f3ei'lui:y .•by Si~Jne Ruh Ottersen.July 1St·?es lB2422 2.P~e Determination of WildliFe,by Ruth M. Macsen.AlJg~):;,t IS6i.P8 )02 /.;23 3.legal Perk<:iica1s in the United States Oepa,..t- ment of th~Int~rior Llorory~by Rebecca Fo~vJer.Au,:?ust 19(,7.f/8 182 421~ 5.Ofl Pollution of Marine Waters,by J.(.Yee. No..,..emlx::r 1967.FB 122 42(, R.eindeer in Russia a.r',j the 5C3f\dinavian Coun- tries,by LU(1;"r,ill,a ~'lQ:"'s,Nuvember 1S16i·. PH !82 ~?7 . £conom ic Dev c)opmcn t 0 f the Ame ri c an I nd I an and Csklmo from 1030 through 1957.by Marjorie P.Sr,odyass.Sept0r,ber'1968.AvaIlable from the U,S.Goverl\'[!Bnt Printing OffiC€:I Superi!1 t~ncl;'l)t 0 f Do\':i;ffiE;O t s,t\!r1s:1i.ngton ~ V.c.20~02 I 20.48 Ec/930·61 b • 7A.Cali fornia Condor (C.yrnnoqyps.cal i forn f anus). by'f~uth Hehfus.~I,~!luary i96U.PB ;82 1..29 4.Statistic~l M~th?CS !n ~sf~~Mark-~ecaPture for ""Oi)~1<}tl()n l;.~_;t~mQt!:.0n.by Esther £. Tepper.Ncv0nber 196?~PB 182 425 7.Public Lands Bibliography.Supp10nent Il~by RE:fcren(:(~Sectl(,:'l.J2.;r1uari 1968. PB i b2 L~28 9.Natural Resources i~Foreign CountrieS;a Contribution loward ~'Bibliography of Bib}iographics,by Mar·y AnglG<nyer. January 1968.PB 162 430 10. • ...c· •~~.7 1i.Autanatlon of Fish Prcces~fr.g i1nd He,mdllng: A Bib liography ..by G.'\r I ar,d L.Stanorod. february lS69.pa 183 Sf-a 12.A.merican Ivory-BlUed '1..o:)drecLer (Campcphilus p.pr!ncipalls);a BJbliography,by Ruth Rehfus.Sc-ptl;mber 1969.PB i85 ;'58 ·"'·C·'·~..'.""..'i --- 7 / i 1 - .1 .t f\ :".. 17,... ~)Rn'WLJ$LY PUBLIS!"E~D BlBLIOGR;'.PHIf~S (Conttmied from inside of front.cover) The Concern for Consel'vat i o~in the '':n !ted Stutes,;a selcct;!t1 b}bl iogr ..'l.phy.by J.E. Vee.Septenber 1969.pa 185 940 OTHER AVAILABLE PUBLICATIONS Index to federal Aid Publicatiops In Sport Fish and ~..:i 1dl i fe R.::s tor ,it i on and Se 1ec te~ Cooperative Research Proje:ct Reports .. March 1968.PH 183 430 !ndex of S,=1ec ted Outdoc"lr RE'~creatlon U t~r~ture .. prepar,::c by O(,;-)artrdcnt of H ..::Interior Bureau of Outdcor Recreation and Department of the Interior Libr2iry.v.1-3 ..1967-1969.Available fr'.>mth~U.S.Govl;:rnmcnt Printing Offi';e" Superintendent of Documents"Washington ..D.C. 20l~02 List of CatalogedSetials Currentl);Received. Spe~ial LIsting NO.1.June 1968.PB 183 427 Supplement ~:o.1.June 1969.PU 184 661 Master p(~rfo(:ica'i List ..1962-1968,P8 t83 428 Supplement No.1~E 162-1S69.PB 185 945 Population Trends and Environffientc.l Policy;a Natural Resources ~~formation Service. Issued mont!l1}'.$o.OO/year (subscription) PTEP 6901- .f1 u.S.DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR OFfIC[OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON,.O.C.20240 FIRE IN FAR NORTHERN REGIONS A Bib 1 iogr-.ph'f COMPILED BY SIGNE M.LARSON OEPARTMENTAL lIBRA~Y Bibliography Series No.14 O~cember 1969 This biblIography endeavors to include if possible all uspects and viewpoints of the subject as it 15 defined.Evaluation of the facts or theories pre- sented Is the province cf the individual scientific sped at is t. ·- '. .it • • TABLE OF CONTENTS Page PREFACE • • 0 •<>••..••••••• •••i SOURCES CONSULTED ••••••o.0 •••11 SIBl IOGR/4PHY.0 •<>..0 ••••••"••• SUBJECT INDEX •••0 ••C>•••27 ,A j 'j, .~ .la.1~ ~j ;,!.,j i j i ;.; f ~, ,}} I I J..~.~,1~\j!"if ~, ~j,;~, J f "!,<,.i~." t ~:•i ,~., ~..... ~>_::,, I .~: --.-- .'., •30•••o••••••• ~"- NAME INDEX. • .. -~. FIRE IN FAR NORTHL\N R£GIONSi its occurrence,ecolO<J1cal effects and methods of~ontrol i The cor;;j)i1er,who is indebted to many individuals for their a&:ice and ass'st~nce;wishes to express sincere appr'f;c iation to i-lll those who have contr ibuted to this work. ( '. · i ,' .. SOURCES CONSUlTtO Antarctic Bib1iograDhy.~'Jashington,Office of AntarctI c PrQgram~,~~ot leno I Sc ienc.e Foundat ion. Appl led Science and Technology Index.i..Jew Ycrk ..H.~\}. Wi 150nCo. Arctic Bibliograr;hy.\·Jas;lingtor.,Arctic InstitutE.of North.Ameri ca. Bibliographic Index.New York,H.W.Wilson Co. Biblio~~raphy of !-\griculture.Wdshin~lton,U.S.Department of Agriculture Library. Bibtiogt-aphy on Sno\AJ,Ice and frozen Ground with A0stracts, CRREL Heport 12.HanovE-r·,H.H...U.S.Cold Reg ions ReSf:arch and Engineer lng Labor"atory. Catalogue of the Library of the Arctic Institute of North fiJnerica.Boston,G.K.Hal i,1968.Lt vols. Oictionary Catalog of the Stef,)n~~son Collection on the Polar Region:;in th·.~Dc.',i-tinoutll Coliegf-~Library. Boston ..G.K.Hal~,1967.8 vals. Engineering Index.New York.Engineering Index Inc. Fire Research t:\b:;:,tr21ct~and Reviews.v·!ashl.ngton, National l~cachYolY of Sciences ...National Hesearcll f.oullcil. Library of Congress Card CatalQg. librar l of Congress CataL>g ..Books:SUbJects.Wash- ington,D.C ....U.S.Library of Congress. Monthly Catalog of United States Governnent Publications. waShington,D.C ....U.S.Goveri1ment PrL.ting Office. Polar Bibliography.~Jashingt(m,U.S.library of Congress. U.S.Departm.::nt of the Intedor Library Card Catalog • U.S.Governme:;nt Research and Development Reports Index. ~"ashin;;Jton,U.S.Clcadnghous8 for Federal 5cientlfl~and Technical Information. '..I···. , I i., i ,-r t.. ;.' ., '".' .t \ ~l.! \ --. \ ""'"'/' ,, ."_...• ':~..." ';--.-::. ,.-~-. ~---".,.....-..~~.:'.,',.~ Some issues of the following i~dexes ~~re not available for consultation. forest Fire Control Abstracts (formerly·published as Forest Fire Protection Abstracts) Canada.Department of Forestry,Fire Research Institute,Ottawa. References to $~ientffic literature I:lood,Engl and. (/. ._;--.....I.' ·······c····~·, /:..',- fIRE IN FAR NORTHERN P[GIOJ~ 2.Alaska hit hard by forest,tunGra fires. rzai:lk l-Jalton magazine,v.34,no.8,Sept. 1969:5. Amosov,G.A. Principles and prospects of flndinQ new chemic.)l rnean~of e;<tinguish~n;;f()rest fires • In Kurbatskii.N.P.,~.SOvIet progre!:s in forest fire control.N2W York,Con- su Hant 5 Bureau,l 9&4.r'·l3-5L~. In Engl1sh translatioll. Antsyshkin,S.p. Vse.Tterno ulucl1s~lat'okhranu lesov ot pozharov. [Forest fi re pre\len t i on must be improved by all mea.ns].Le~r'oe khoziaistvo.v.11,no.4, Apri 1 1958:5-8. Arctic fire fighting. U.S.Navy.Civil Engineer Corps bulletin, v.5,no.S5,June 1951:170-j72. B~M battles fire during 1959. Our public lantis,v.9,no.3.January 1950: 3,12. Galb(shev#I.N. Comparative firE.'.'resistance of trees in the Taiga zone.jn Kurbatskii.N.p.,£Q. SOViet progress in furest fire control. Nev~York.Consultants Bureau,i964.p.3-12. .In English translation. Balbyshev,I.N. Kharakter pozharov na Severe.[Feat~res of fires in the North]Lesnoc khozlaistvo • v.i7,no.11,November 1964:1.f5-50 • Banfie~d,J\.W.F. Prel iminary irrve5t iQ.z~t ion of the barren gruund caribou.'In ,-two parts.Otta\tJa, Canadian Wildlife Service,1954.79.112 P. (Canada.Wl1 dl i f'2 Servi ceo "Jl 1dl1 fe manage·· ment bulletin ..SCi'.I,n05.0.::.)0.':I.;lOB) ,.j'~laska.Division of Fire PrE.\'cntion. Anrrual report.In j.\lasK-'.:.Dept.of Public Safety.Annual n:.pc-.rt.iS51- Juneau,Alaska. 3. 4. 7. 6. 8. 9. ..,"."\._/ .:~: ..:I'~. .;. "r:-::.'..~.' 1 I ! I ! i 10,.Banfield.A.W.F ••and J.S.Tenpr. A preliminary study of the Ungava caribou. JOlJr!1al of mal11naL.)~y.v •.39#no.4~November 20 #1958:560-573. Forest and tundra fires:568-570#572. 11.Barney,Richard J. Buildup indexes fvr.interior Alaska l 1956- 1965.Juneau,Ala$ka,Pacific N0rth\~st Forest and Han~le (xp~riment Station,Forest Service,Insti~utE of Northern Forestry. 1967.49p. 2 12.Barney,Richard J. Interior Alaska wildfires 1956-1965.Juneau# Alaska,Pacif!;:North\'!est F..,rest ond Ranqe Experi/ilent Sta~ion.Forcs.t ~ervice,Institute of Northern Forestry,1969.47 p. 13.Barney,Richard J. N;-;tiortiJl fire danger rating system spread index and buildup index frequencies for Interior Al~sk~.Juneau,Alaska,Pacific Northwest Fore:;1:,:md l<ange Experiment St.::tiOli .. Forest Service,Institute of Northern Forestry, 1968.8 p. i4~Barney,Richard J. Root feeder suppresses fires.Fire control notes,v.30,no.3,Summer 1969:11-12. 15.Barr,J.A. BLM's Arctic fireguard.Our public lands, v.3,no."January i95~:5,14. 16.Barro\-JS,J.S. Control of 1 ightning fires ;n American forests. 1.n \·.'orld Forestry Con9res~:,5th,~eattlc,1950. 1'l"oceedings.[Seattle?19627]v.2.p.851- 856. 17~Beliakov,Mlkhal1 Fedorovich. NE::kotorye dannye 0 lesnykl-j pozharakh na Pri- pol1arnom Uralc.[Same data on forest fires in the near [western]Polar Ural].Priroaa. Leningrad.no.11,NovemLer 1946:88-g0.* ,' .'f"""~'"""C w'e,.,,"-"c '..'~"~""-",,-, f ~.. r~. J II:: '..'.-.:.•...:... '. ,.. :(:c) l~ .II.·····.··.:.·. -'. L .~"'•...J' t' :'I~.···.·'..·.•;··.'·. ",':1, '.'.~..,l.......•.,i.'•.'•.·<1 7 rl :',f,[ ,i t, r'-G-~'\ ,-~(..j ,j nr; c/ 20.Brady ..Terry. Alaskan wildfil"es.!.l.laska sportsman ..v.28 .. no.6 ...June 1952:12-]LJ,45. 18.Belo~sov..Aleksei {leksa~drovich. Lesnaia ~viatsiia.[Forest av!ation] Krylt ia rodiny.Moscow.v.8~no.3# March 1957:2-3.* Buckley.John L. Effects of fire on Alaskan wildlife.in Society of American Foresters.Proceedings [58th annual ~eeting]1958.Washington ..D.C ... 1959.p.123-126. .3 Cherepanov.F. Na okhrane taigi.[Protection or the taiga] Kryl l ia rodiny.Mo~cow,v.8"no,3~March 1957:.3.* ChuQunova.R.V. - K voprosu 0 klassifikatsii garel.[ClassifIca- tion of burned forest]AkadPJoiia nauk SSSR. Siblrskoe otdclenie.Nai..lchnye soobshcheniJa. vyp •.3"1960:67·-iO"-:--. 19.8ertschy ..A."IJ ..H.E.r~oran.and R.L.Ii,ve. Lithium chloride solution for fire eKtinqulsh- ers exposed to 1()\(j tempcl-atures.~'Ja5h ii1gton .. D ..C ...1956.[12]p.(U.S.tJaval Reseal'ch' Laboratory.NRL Report no.1~8:-3)* 21 •Sr ant.rn.J.C. fire extinguisher control syst~n provides re 1 i at>1e cold '.",eather operat ion.Huntsvi 1 J €" Ala ••George C.Marshall Space night Center, 1967.2 p,CU.S.National Aeronautics and Space Adrninistration.NASA tech brief 67- 10622) 23.Burt,John E. Fire control in Alaska's Interior.ln Alaskan Science Conference.5th l 1954. Proceedinss.Fairbanks ..Alaska.twerican Associat tOCi for the AdvanceHcnt of Scie:lce .. Alaska Division..1957.p.5-6. Abstract of paper presented at the Conference. 2 ').... 25. 24. Cu shwa..Charf es T. Fire:a summary of literatu~e in the United States from the Mid··1920 1 s to 1965. Ashevi~le,N.C ••U.S.Southeastern fOrE$t Experiment Station"1968.117 p. Cowan F Ian McTaggart. P1 ant succ.ess ion and wi 1 c..il1 fe manag':~'rnent. In ;:..1 askan Sc ience Cc;nferenc€.2d.1951. Proceedings.[College,Alaska]American As'Soc1dtion for the i\dv.:.lncE.1T!ent of Scier.'.-c# Alaska Oivisivn [J953j p.~22-327~ Craig ...James B. Alask.3 burns.American forc>ts.v.15 .. no.10 ..Octo~2r 1969:1-4.62-53. 26. 27. Craig.James B. Concern about Alas~a fires. ,American forests.v.75.no. I 1969:11. Edi tor i ;.I • la,October -c·,1- .. -=--=--=-~'t /," Darling..F.Fraser. Caribou,reindeer and moose in Alaska.Or-yx. v.~.nco 5.August.1954:280-285 • Darl !I.~~.F;Fraser.dnd f...Starker Leopo 1d. What-'s happening in Alaska.Animal kingdom .. v.55.no.6,December 1952:170-17l t.. .~ .', de Bondt.John. New Yukon forest protection program.No,-thern affairs bulletin.v.6.no.2,M'-ly-June 1959: 30.* Oe~ble.D.M••G.D.p.Smith,and A.M.Brown • Tests on building panels for structural strength and fire resistance.in Records of the Antarctic Treaty ryieeting of Experts on Logistics"Tokyo ..1968.·'fokyo ..Ministry of Education.1968.Part 2"p.178-195 •. Edwards,T.B. fire extinquishment with ice and snow. Fort Belvolr ..Va.,En9ineer Research and Development LaboratOries .•195i.21p.CU.S. Engineer Research and Development Laboratories, Fort Belvoir.Virginia.Report no.1210) 32. .:n. ../ , 39.Forest fires in Alaska.Alaska call"v.1,no.5. September 195'?:9-1O'~' 42.Gorbatova.N.G. Ca lor if ie vallie of certai n varlet j e5 of forest fuels.In Kurbatskii.N.P q ed.Soviet progress in fo/-est fire c0ntrol.New York" Consultants Bureau,1964.~.35-38. In ErigJish trailsiaticn. (lkins#G.H.J. Use of ·anti,;,freez(:in wB:er extir.:;;uisI1 ers. Fire,v.57,(.,21.7:6,fd...(uc:lry 196:';448,LJ56 c Embry,R.S. Prescri bed burn i nq for seedbed improvement. I n Alaskan Sc i enr..:e Cc,n fer ence.i 3 th ,:(~'62. Proceed!njs.(Co 11<::~JL~I ;\1 ar,ka].:.mer!c.:..n A5Sociation for the.Adv.:;KEfilent of Science" Alaska Division#1963.p.88. Abstract of paper presented at the Conference.. 35. 36. 37.tire in the woods. Our public lands#v.'7"no •.4"April 1958:3. 38.Flanders,H.r. Contributions of the GEW-Line in Arctic en0inf.'ering.fn J).laskan Science Conference. 8th,:957.PrncAedings.Colle~l€,Alaska, AmeriCan I\ssociaticfl for the A.dvance:'ent of ScIence,Alaska Division,1960.p.S3-6S. Frar.ssila,Matti. Kulovaaran Ja saatekijoiden valisEsta rlippuvuudesta.[Dependence of forest-fire d3n$8r on meteorQlogical factor$]Acta fores- tal l.a fenn!cCl,v.67,no.5~1959.26 p. S ummo r yin Eli 9 1 ish ~P •24;.25 • 41.Giles.Stuart,and I~on J.ZabloeH L Developinent of fire pt'otection for arc.:tic prefabricated but ldings.l.!J Symposium on fire Extinguishment Research and Engineering, U.S.Naval Civil Engineering Research and Evaluation Laboratory,Port Hueneme.Ca}lf., 1954.Proceedings.Port Huenem.e,U.S.Naval Civil Engineering f{esearch and Evaluation Laboratory [1954J .p.328-3~D. 40.'(~..'; .~.=-~ ,,-..----:" 5 .- ~'."' Grigor'ev#IU.V. Vellchina depressIi pozhara i ce vliianie na sostoianie pr,)vetrivani fa v ugol inykh shakhtakh KraineJo Severa.[F~re extinguishing and its effect on coal mine ventilation In the extrerne North]\kacJ.2rnila nauk SSSR.Sibirskoe otcielenie..Institut merzlotovedeniia. Tep iovyei mekhan icheskie protscssy pr! razra!)otke pol eznykh i skopaernykh.Gornye raboty v mi-lssive merzlykh po:'od.Moscow,1965. p.~9-82.* 6 Harri $.A.S. Ef fee.ts 0 f slash burr~ing on con i fer reDener a- ticn in southeast A12ska.June?u.Alaska, Northern'For8st Experiment Station.1965. 6p.(U.S.Northern Forest Experiment Station, Juneau.Research note NOR-18) 43. 44.Gruzdova,Evfaliia Platonovna. lorko okhraniaem lesa ot pozharov;na Severnoi baze okhrany lesov.[Vigilance aoainst forest fire~;at the northern forest- protec tior.base]lesnoe khozi aistvo#v.13.: no.1,January '960:68-69.* 45.Guthrie,John Dennett. Alaskd's int~rlor forests.Journ~l of forestry~v.20,no.4,April 1922:363-373. 46. 48.Hardy.Charles E.,and James W.Franks. Forest fires in Alaska.Ogden ..Utah.Inter- mountain Forest and Ran~e Experiment Station. i963.163 p.CU.S.:ntermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station.Ogden.Utah. Research paper INT-S) Guthrie.John Dennett. Some notes on th<:~forests of northern Russia. Journal uf forestry,v.22,no.2.february 1924:197-204. Forest fires:p.201-202. 47.Hall,John L. A keep green proqram for Alaska.l.n Alaskan Scle~c~Conference.9th.1958.Proceedings. College.Alaska.r~riferican Association for the Advancement of Science,Alaska Division [1960J p.50-61. Abstract of paper presented at the Conference. 49. J 52.!ernden,Paul C. Alaska;Summer 1969.Our public lands, \1.19,no.4,Fall 1969:11-5. 50. 51. Hegg,Karl M. Type idcntific.:1tion ::>n n::cently burned lands. In his A photo idcntificati0n guide for the land.and forest types of IntcriorAlaska. Juneau.Alaska.Northern Forest Experiment Station,1967.CU.S.Forest Service Research paper ~~Cf\-.3)p.9-11f. Helmers,A.£. Alaska forestry;a research frontier. Journal of for<:>stry,v.58,no.6,June 1960: 465-i l71. 7 Hoffrrlann.Edwc3l""d J. firE protection in Alaska.In Alaskan S("ienc~:Conference.i 2th,1<:;61.Procee'df nqs. College~J.Uaska,I',rncric.';tn .:"ssociaticn fer the Advancement of Science.Al2.ska 01v15.1on r 1962] p.110-11L Abstract of paper presented at ~~~ Conference • Honeywel1 6 Jesse M. The effect of wild fires on the forest environ- ment of ,1,J aska.Remarks before the Joint Conf~;rence of the American forestry lj.ssociation and the Pennsylvania Forestry AS~jociation. Bedford,Pennsylvania,October 13 6 1959. (U.S.Dcpartffient of the Interior.Press release.5 P.) Honeywe 11,Jesse r--,. Fires in Alaska.American forests~v.65, no.11,.November 1959:23,Sir -55. Hunt,.John Clark. BlJI'''ning Alaska.American forests 6 v.64,. no.8,August 1958:i2-15,40-42. 53.f ess,Dennis £••James 'vJ.Scot t,and Richard H. Lcdosquet. \rJ il df i res In t.\1as.ka.l\l':1er'!can fares ts.v.70 .. no.2,February 1964:24-27 ..70-72. Hi 11,Jcr.les E.and louis E.tUmc;rell. Fire pi'otection crit ...:ria--E..laska oil producing pL3tf:Jnns.rire tecr··,nology.v.l~,no.3, August 1968:214-220. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. I I,, i .j ..\ t ! f, ", I f I 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. Hutchison.O.Keith. Alask~ls forest resourCE.Juneau,Alaska, Inst i tute of r~ortht:rr.Fe'res 1:,..v,1967. 74 p.(U.S.Forest Service Rescurce bulle- tin PNW 19) Fire:p.16.2 i-l,37 Interior reports on 1959 fires.Journal of forestry, v.58,no.6,June iSGO:464. News note. Isaev,A.S.,and A.I.Utkin. Ni ~cvye pozhary v 1 istvenn ichnykh i esakh Vostochnoi Sibiri i znachen~e stvolovykh vreditelei v pcslepozharnom sostoianii c:-evosto!a.rUnderbrush fir.es in larch forests of east~rn Siberia and the effect of trunk-pests on the sl!bsequent COOlPOS i t ion of the stand]I'~kader.liia na"K SSSR.Sibirskoe otdelenie.rnstitut lesa i drevesinv. Zashchita lesov Sibiriot nasekomykp:"vreditelei. Moscow,1963.p.118-182. J,;,mes,G.A q and R.C.McGregor. Some forest regeneratio.:problems fol1o~</iri9 clear~lJttlng in Southe,~st Alaskc..In Alaskan 5cien e Conference.7th,1956. Proceedings.[Co11ese.A1~ska]Mnerican Association f0r the .c~dvancement of Science, Alaska Division [1959]p.12-17. Abs~ract of paper presented at the CG.,ference. '}:)hnson,L W. Cold weather tests of transportation ar.~fire- fighting equIpment.FortChurchl 11,Mani ~~ba, Canada,\'Jinter 1946-1947.Fort Belvoir, Virginia,1947.211 P.CU.S.Army.~ngineer Research and Development Laboratories.Report no.1009)* Johnson,Philip l"and lheodore C.Vogel. Vegetation of the Yukon flats Region;Alaska. Hanover,N.H.,1966.53 p.(\.:.:5.A.rmy Cold Regions Research and EngIneerino Laboratory.Research repcrt no.209)* Includes forest fires i bog succession • .,Joh nson,Von J. The chronolDyy and analysis of the Hughes fire, 1962.Juneau,Alaska,Northern Forest Experi- ment Station,1964.12 p.(U.S.Northern Fores t Expcr k,cr)t Stat ion,Junea~l.Research ilote NOR-8) 8 67.Kellogg,R.S. The forests ~f Alaska.washington,D.C., U.S.Governrr,ent Pdnting Office,i910. 24·p.CU.S.Forest Service.Bullet!n no.8!) Fires:(J.22. c'66.~Jolley,Theodore R.,(;Ind H.i~!.J(u~sell. Control of fires in inactive C()d"l d.::;::csits in western Ur,i tc j S;",tt·s,i W~i udi nc;i:h:ska, 04>J .r;"8 I.'C"'.'.-.r'r 1<"·-0 ........1~u-I::>:J.p.';l...>L •."'h;:.'Il,!.J •._.,..'-,...,.{~;p. (U.S.Departmc,;";t (y'tt,:;;Irterior.Bureau of Hines.Inform'-1ticl{l eire lJ.::r no./';,32) 68.Kelsall,John P., Continued barren-ground caribou stulies. OttaVJa,yueenis Printer,19:'>7.Pi5 p. (Canada,i'li 1 dl i fe Set"vice.\t/i Idli.-e mana~IGflient blll'lE-tin ..series 1,no.12) ~. i I. I 69. /0, 71 • 72. 73. Kel$al1,John p. Co-operative studies of barren-qround caribou 1957-58.Ottawa.Queen1s Printer, 1960.1145 p.(Can;Olda.IlJi 1dl i fe Serv ice. Wildlife manag0nent bulletin,series 1, no.15) Kelsa11 ~John P The migratory barren-ground caribou of Canada. [Ottawa;~ueenls Printer,196BJ 340 p. Forest fire:p.263-7.68. King,J.C. Packaqc:d automatiC fire protecticn systems for rE..'l1ote bui Idings.Port Hueneme,Cali- fornia,U.S.Naval CIvl J engineering Laboratory.1957.27 p.(NCEL Technical report R-520) Kochnev,I.,and r.Ishmaev. V usloviiakh Severa.[Fer northern conditions] Pozharnoe aelo,v.8,no.9,September 1962: 25. KorchZlgin,Aleksa/;dr Aleksandl-ovich. Usl~viia vozniknoveniiaoozharov I ocrlmost '1esc\'evropei skogo Severa.(Condi t fans for the !:.tar t aliO spreacli nq of fl resin forests of the Eur"Jpean North]Leningrad.Uni vers!tet. Uchenye zapi ski.SerJ.la geograficheskikh nauk:Ocherki po rastitei I nornu pokrovu SSSR~vyp.9,no.166,1954:182-.322.* 9 ,.,;,;, ,. 76.Krasavi~a,N.N.,and V.G.Lorberbaum. I"Mokraia"voda dlia tusheniia lesnykh torfianykil pozharov.pJate(t'-eoted wi th surfactants for control of forest fIres on peat~~ite5]Lesnoe khoziaistvo,v.3,March 1965:45-47. 77.KUdrlavtsev,A.I.,N.P.Kurbatskli,and N.N.Smertin. Neotlozhnye zadachi okhrany lesovSibirl. [Urgent tasks of protection of Siberian forests] Lesnoe khoZiaistvo,no.7,July 1967:61-63. 78.Kujala,Viljo Vllho." Untersuchungen uber den Einflus von Waldbrandcn auf die Waldvegetation in Nord-finnland. [Investigations on the influence o~forest" fires on the forest flora in northern FInland] He lsi ngfor 5.Hetsat 1etee 11 i rl.:=n tutk i lOu51 ai tos. JUlkaisuja,Yol.10,no.5,1926.4"1 p. 79 •Ku r ba t sk Ii.N.p. Bol 'she vnlmaniia okhrane lesoY Sibiri ot pozharov.[More.attention to forest-fire control in Siberia]Lesnoe khoziaistvo,v.17 r no.4, April 1964:51-53. 10 Kurnosov E.T. Borfba 5 lesnymi pozhara'Td boevaia zadaclia. [Control of forest fires is an urgent task] Lesnoe khoziaistvo.v.14,no.4~April 1961: 1-5. Law,Phil Hp. Techniques of livIng,transport and corm'il.lnicatior,. 1.n Hatherton,Trevor,.f.d.Antarctica.Ne\,,;York. Praeger,1965.p.;5-130. Critical danger of fire Is stressed, p.73-71..1. 74.Korchagin,Aleksandr tl1eks"cndrovich. Vliianie po~harov na ;esnuiu rastitel 'ncst' i vostcmovknie (;e po!>le po::hara na evropeiskom Severe.-The effect of fires on the forest vegetatlol,and its re-establishment after the fire in the European North]M~adcrniia nauk SSSR.Botanicheskii Institute"Tr Idy.Seriia 3,Geobotanika.1954."vyp.9.p.75-149. 75.Korn!l 'ev,N.V. Nizhne-Tungussklelesnye pozhary i osobennosti bor'by 5 nl~[.[Forest fjres in the Lower " Tunguska ~rea and features of their control] I zves t i :a 'Jyssh iktl uchebnykh zaveden ii.Hoscow. Lesnoi zhurnal,v.2~no."5,1559:30-34.* 80. 81. Lee,James £~ BLM 's flying firemen.OUI'"public lands, v.13~no.2.October J963:4-7. leopold,A.Starker.and r.Fraser D61rl Ing. Effects of land use on moose and c~rlbou in Alask..1Jl North ~'Ilerican wi ldl ife Conrerenceo 18th,1953 0 'Trdlfls~ctions.W.ilshington,D.C q Wildlife Man~gement Institute,1953.p.553- 560. Leopold,A.Starker,and F.fr.aser Darling. Wildlife in Alaska;an ecological reconnaissance. New York,Ronald Press,1953.129 p. Effect of fires:.55-59,.75-76,85-85, 95-96. Fire control:58~66"89,i 10"1130 USt0V ..A.A",a/ld W.S.!3or-odin. Lesnye pozhary v ArkhGing~l'skoi OJ::;1as t i • (Forest fires in ArkhangeJlsk Province] lesnce khoziaistvo,v.17,no.9"September 1964:56-60. Liutov.A. Novy!gidrant.[New hydrant)POzhzwflce d;.;/o, v.9,no.l~January 1963:5-6. Lutz,Harold John. Aboriginal man and white ma~as historical causes of fires in the boreai forest,with particular reference to Alaska •.'NeW Haven .. Yale University,1959.49 p.(Yale University. School of Forestry.Bulletin no.65) lu t·z ..Haro 1dJohil. Early forest conditions In the Alaska interior; an historical dccount with original source~. Juneau~Alaska.U.S.Northern Forest Experiment Station ..1963.74 P.. 83 .. 82. 84. 85. I 1 86. 87. 88. 89.lutz~Harold John. Ecological effects of forest fires in the interior of Alaska.rwashington ..D.C.,U.S.Government Printing Office]1956.121 p.CU.S.Depart- ment of Agriculture.Technical bulletin no. 1133 ) Al though this and the tlHO following pi'pers have the same title ..the articles,white similar,are not identical. ;:;.f. -r, \~~-=,' ~/ 90.Lutz,Harold John. EcoloQica~effects of forest fires in the interior of A~i.isf.'a.Juneau.l.\lasKa.LJ56. 36 p.(U.S.Alaska r"orest Research Center" Juneau.Stati.on paper no.1) 91.Lutz.Harold John. EcoloQical effects of forest fires in the InterIor of Alaska..La Alaskan Scjencc Conference.1st,1950.Proceedings.Washington, D.C ••Nati~nJl Academy of Sciences.National Research Council.1951.p.120 (National ~e$carch Council.Bulletin no.i22) 92.Lutz Harold John. Effects of fire on son~in northern tore~ts. In Aiaskan Science Conferenc~.3d.1952, Proce,~dings.Coliege.Alaska;American tissocla- tion for the Advancerent of Science,Alaska Division [1954J p.54-55.. Abstract of paper presented at the Conference. / ,. 93. 94. 95. 95. Lutz.Harold John. Fire as an ecoiogic~l factor'in the boreal forest of Alaska.Journal of forestry,v.58, r.o.6.June 1960:454-460. Lutz,Harold John. rore~t fires ir A~aska damage more than timber. June~u,hlaska ;orest Research Center~1950. 1 p.~U.S.AI~ska Forest Research Center. Juneau.Tcchni~al note no.5)* Lutz.~3rold Jo~n, Forest-site relations in the Alaska interior. 1.G Alaskan Science Conference,8th,i957. Proceedings.Col1eg~.Alaska,Americar: Association fur the Advancenent of Science, Alaska Division [1960]p.i20-122 . .Abstract of ~aper presented at the Corfer~nc~. lutz~Harold John. forest succ~ssion following fires in the Alaska Interio r •111 Socie~y of American Foresters I Meeting.55t~,1955.Proceedings.Washington. D.C.,1956.p.57-58. -j .-[ [ ! I i C,, 12 .. ,.... ~ .~ ·f ! i l 1~.. .;c •..... ~_: ;":: ~.';' .-i ·'-....~.. ·.". ..~." ·'",:. ;:l/·'---·.·..-.:..". '..- ·,"-'.--- 97.Lutz,Harold John History of early forest fires on the ~ena! Peninsula.lllJJ1:~H~sto"'y of the earl" occurr~nGe ot :nOQJe on the Kenaf Penin~uJa ?nd In other sectlo~s of Alaska.Juneau, AL~ska Forest Re~;C;jr(!l Cf'ntcr ...forest Sey'- vice,1-)60.p.10-1 1 •(U.$.~l.3ski~FCrf;st Re::jearch Cellt0r 1 JunE :lU.Hi sc~llan€ous p~blication no.1) 98.lutz,Harold John.and A.p.Caporaso, Ve~jetatlon and topogl",;:1ptl1c situation as indicators of forest land classes in air. photo Interpretation of the AI~ska interior. Juneau.Alasko,1958.31 p~CU.S.forest Service.AlaSKa Forest Research Center •. .Station paper no.10) I Effects of fires p.i.5.,10.15 ..26-27. 99.McGregor,R.C. fire weather measure~ents in Southeast Alaska ..1955.JunE;at/.Alaska ..1956.1 p. (u.S.Alaska Forest P,~sedrch Cent¢r,Juneau. Technical note nv~30)* 100.MalcQ1m ..J.E. De,~nstratlon ~ests of winterized carbon dio,dde fir·.::extir:guishers.Fort BelvGir t Virginia,Enghee r Research and Develo;';j":el1t U::borat(.rie~..1952.18 p.CU.S.~119ifl8el' Resec:rcll and De',elopment Labon.tod€s ..Fort Bclv(2-ir ..Virginia.R~port I):).1249)':%" 101.Maryland.University.Depanment of Cherni·;al Engineering. Research on water co.ddf dyes for fire fiohtin'.:I. M'~o.report.College Pal i<..Harrlar,d,"1954.'" 147 p.*- Report prepared by W.l.Monsen .. L.J.Refs and others. 102.Marylan,j ..University~Department of CLemical Engineering • R:~searcn on wa:er additives for fire fi~htinQ. Quarterly r~~port¥nO h 1-4 •.ii-me 15 1 195.>-- March lS,i954.College Park,Maryland. Hesearch reports pr"epared for the U.S. Army Engin~'er Rcsean:h and Cevelopment la.')oratori?s~Ft~Belvoir,V,J'6 on l.vater additIves to allow depression of freezina point of water to at least -65°f.- 13 '. I····.· 14 [Fi re dela. rC!OllOV. Pc~h0rnce 2···2.2. Me 1ek h OV,I.S. !zuchenie posharov v le~3kh Severa.[A study of f~res in the forEsts)f tt-..e I.orth]Lesnoe khoziaistvo~no.3,March 1S39:48-~2. Mcchev,;1. Avtotsisterna dlia scvernyk.h truck for northern r£gi0~s] v.5,no.2,February 1900: Musick.J.K.•and~.A.Grand. A solid-propella~t pressurizer for fire- extinguishing s)'stEmS in pOlar regions- ~'Jasnin9t()n.O.C.~U.S.Naval Research LaoxGl7.orV.1959.27 p.(NRL Report 5332) tl.t:ridged version with title.Fire- extinguishing sprinkler system for use at polar temperatures.appears in Naval research reviews,July 1959:7-13. Mokeev,G.A. Poznaro-opasnye poi asa i vraT:ia naibo 1ee s11 1 r.ogo iazvitiia lesnykh pozharov.[Fire hazard be1ts and the maximum frequency periods of forest fire]Lesn<)c khoziaistvo,V.14. no.G.August 1961:53-57. Honck in.V.N. Ustanovlenie pozhclt"oopasnykh periooov v Tiumel'lskoi oblasti.[Lstablisr.ing the fire- hazord per lads in Tyumen I PrGv Ince]Lesnoe khoziaistvo,v.17,no.5,May 1964;43-44. Nati::>nal Board of Fire Underwriters#and Pacific Fire Rating Bureau •. The Alaska earthquake.March 27#1964. New York,c1964.35 p. Nesterov#Valentin G. U.S.S.R.forest fire research and methods of fire controi.Fire control notes,v.26. no.ll.October-1965:12,14. ~05. 103. 104. 106. 107. 108. 110.Nosov.N.S.~and P.P.Berezln. ProtivoElozharnaia zashc;hita atomnogo ledokola "Lenin.I [Fire prevention measures on the a:ami.c icebreaker "lenin ll ]Sudostroenie. r-'\oscO'v-!.v.27,no.D#1961:39-I.fO.'':' 109. ,.- Fi re control 6 ...7. American foreSts~v.55, 8,57. I Paxton,t.D.,and L.D.King. Sky fire in Alaska--sum~er 1964. notes,\t.26 ..no.2,Apr i 1 1965: Pomeroy ...Kenneth B. Fares ter l S 110teb.ook. no.2,February 1959: 15 111.Novikov,F.IA. Tempe rat urny i rczh im gruntov p0d gorlashchimi terr ikon i karn i •[Teupe r:'ltu re r (:9 irne of the ground under burn i n0 was tc heCipsJ /..i.l<acerr.i fa nauk SSSR.Severnoe otdelcnie.Institut me~z1otovedeniI~.Trudy.no •.1,1960:98-107.* 113.Paxton ..F.D.,R.M.Bownall.and C.D.Johnson • .Problems in estai)lfs.hln9 fire-weather stations in Alaska.Fire ('.C:£itrcl notes,V.28 8 no.3, July 1967:3,14. 112.Oberle,f'1ark. Forest fires:suppressIon policy has its ecological drav...tJacks....>cience,v .165 .. no.3893,August 8,196Y:568-571. 1 14. 117.Po~eroy,Kenneth B. The expendables.~neric~n forests,v.65, no.8,August 1959:22-23 ,1~9-51. li8. 115.Po1ubelo'l,V.,and N.Shebeku. Opyt ekspluatatsif pozharnykh mashin v I~kutif. [Expel'ieric,;in fire truck upkeep in Yakutia] Pozharnor dele,v.4,no.2.Febru?ry 1958: 19-20. 119.Ponder,W.Frank. Fire security in desIgn of 3ntarctl~b~i~dings.In SympOsium on Antarctic lcgistics,Boulder ... Colorado,1962.[Papers and proceedings] \flashinS}ton ...Naticnal Academy :;f Sciences~ National R.€'searcl:Ccunei I,lY63.p~285-290. '16.Pomeroy,K~nneth B. An ~\Fj",fire DIan for Alaska.{werican forests ... v.65 ..no.g',SerY~emb€r 1959~12-13,55. ,. ; -'. p.9.13,28,34.40, Northern Manitoba,3;studies Montreal,1959.56 p. of North ~nerlca.Technical Ritchie,J.C. The vegetation of in the subarctic. (Arctic Institute paper no.3) Effects of fire: 54. Preventing hydnmt5 from rreezing--thawing frozen hydrants.IrJater \!\iOrJ.~s engineerlng#IJ.102, no.10»October 1949:927-928. R;;;;n sey,G.S• Bibliography of departm~ntal forest fire research literature.Ottawa#Cana.Ja,1966.(Canada. forest Fire Research Institute.Information re~~rt FF-X-2)Looseleaf. Repnevskii,V.V. Estestvennoe vOlObnovlenie v sosniakakh r~urmansKoi oblastL[Natural renewal of pine forests in Murmarlsk Province]Lesnoe khozlaistvo, v.i6,no.9,::.eptember 1963:11-16. Requa,L.E. U~]htning behavior in the Yukon.In Tall Til1ibBrs Fire Ecoiogy Conference.3d,1964. Proceedings.Tallahassee,Florida,Tail Timbers Research Station#1954.p.111-119. Pozc.',niakov#L.K. Lesa verkhnego techcniia IAny.[Forests of the upper reaches of the Yana River] Akademiia nauk SSSR.It.kutskii filial,Yakutsk. Institut !:',Iologi1.Tnldy.v.7,196i:162- 242.* 16 121'. 123 • 125. 126.Robinson,J.M. Permafrost and forestry.1n Canadian Regional Permafrost Conference,Ednonton.Alberta.1964. Proceedings.Otti)wa.1965.(National f<esearch Counci 1 of Canada.Techn leal memorandum no. 86)p.132-135. 127.Robinson,Roger R. For~st and range fire control In Alaska. Journal uf forestry.\<'4 58,no.6,.June 1960: 448-453. ·124. ·C.·~~/ 128.Robinson,Roger R. Forest management ~nd fire control problans in Alaska ..1D Alaskan Sdcnce COflference. 3d.1952.Proceedings.(Colleqe,Aldska] American Associatic,n for the {:dv.ancement of Science,Alaska Divisi<n [1954]p.52-54. 129.Robinson ..Roger R. ft rest management iAnd protection Oil the Alaskan public domain.lIt Alaskan Science Conference ..4th.i953.Proceedings. [College,Alaska]~~erican Association for the Advancanent of Science,Al<.iSka Division [1956J p.92-94. 130.Robinson.Roger R. In Alaska,borate squelches fire.Western conservation journal ..v.15,no.61'November- December 1958:24.38.67. 131.K0uinson,R00~r R. Ne ....·de-"€:lopments and pI ans fer fon~st and rarge fire control In Ala:s.ka.1.n Alaskan Science Conference.9th,1958.Proceedings. College,Alaska.American Association for the AdvanctiJent of Science,Alaska Division [1960] p.64-65. Abstract of paper presented at the Conference. 132.RobInson.Reger R. NeVi developments in fire control in Alaska. In Alaskan Sc ienceConferetlce.8th I 1957. Proceedings.College,Alaska,~nerica~ Association for the Advancement of Science:- Alaska Division [196G]P.124-125. Abstract of paper presented at the Conference. 133.Robinson.Roger R. .Protec t ion frontler-Ai aska.1n western Forestry Conference.51st.19tiO.Proceedings. Portland.Oregon;Western Forestry and Conser- vat~on Association [19611]p&25-30. 134.Robinson.Rogel'R. To fight a fire in Alaska.Our publfc lands, v.7_no.4,April 1958:B-9,14-15. 17 ;-~ .' ·c~.··.~/~ .2 135.Robinson.Roger R.. What is adequate for-est fire protection for interior Alasl<a and ,"",hat fjnanci.ng and organi- zation ",'Ou1d be needed to obtain it?In Alaskan Science Conference.6th.1955 • Proceedings.[College,Alaska]American Association for the hdvancementof Science, Alaska Division [1959]p.13-14. A~c:cract of paper presented at the COI"lference. 136.Rosberg,Johan Evert. En Lafhedbrand i norra Eoare.fA lichen fire ·in ~orthern Inari]Terra,v.19,1907; 101-102.* 137.Russell,Frank L. Water production in a polar ice cap by utili- zation of wast.e engine heat.Hanover.N.H.~ 1965.15 p.(U.S.Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory.Techni~al report no.i68)* 138~Scott,James W. Alaska fire danger rating.In Alaskan Science Conference.11th.1960.Proceedings.[College, Alaska]American Association for the Advance- ment of Science,Alaska Division [196']p,148~ 155. 139.Scott,JameS W. Fire danger rati09 in Alaska.Our public lands~ v.10,no.3~January 196t:LI-5.14-16 • 140.Scott,James W. fire logic and logistics.In Aiaskan Science Con ference •14th,1963..Proceed!ngs.Co 11 ege, Alaska,American Association for the Advance- ment of Science#.Alaska Division [196~] p.220. PD~tract of paper presented at the Conference. 141.Scotter,George WIlby Effect~of fire on barren-ground caribou and their forest habitat in Northern Canada~ln North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference.32d..1967.Transactions. Washington,D.C"Wildlife Manageme,t Institute, 1967.p.246-259.. 18 ! ., •·f molodykh gorouov.[In the land of young Pozharnoe delo.v.9,no.10.October 10-12. 142.Scotter.George Wilby. Effects of forest fires on the winter range of barren-ground caribou in northern Saskat- chewan.[Ottawa.t,)ue(;:n's Printer and Controller of Stat ionery.196i..;]11 I p.(Canada.vJi}d 1i fe Service.\r~i 1dl i fe management bUlletin.series 1 1 no.18) Semina.N. V kraiu to....rns] 1963 : 143. 19 144.Serbin.M. V usloviiakh Krainego Severa.[Under condi- tions 0 ....the filr North].Pozharnoe delo.v.7 1no.9.September 1961:26. 145.Shapkin,V. Otogrevatel'pozharnykh r!..Jkavo.....[Ff rehos€ heater]Pozharnoe deJo l v.6 1 no.12,December 1950:27. 146.Shebeko.N.o rabote nasosov pri nizkikh temperaturakh • .[Pump performance at low ternperatures] Pozharnoe delo.v.6,no.10,October 1960: 24-25. 147.<kalon,VasiliiNikolaevich. 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Arctic temperate and eq~atorial zone fire protection proble~s.In Symposi~m on Fire Extinguishment Hesearch and En~)ineer­ lng,U.S.Naval Civil Engineering Research and£v~1uation Laboratorv,Port Hueneme, Califonda,1954.Proceedings.F:)rt Huenene.U.S.Naval Civil Engineering Research and Evaluation Laboratory [1954] p.38-4L~. 159 •S u 11 i I an,VI ill i am G..Jr. \ntecedent precipitation as an inolca!or of J ightning fl rc SUSCel)t ib iIi ty in A1aska~ unpublished paper presented at the Fi~e v~eather Hcteorcl 09 leal Confer'ence,Pvrt 1and. Or9gon;March 24-26,1964.6 i 9 p. 160.Swore,Wayne. fire control planning in the Alaska region. nrc control notes ..v.21.no.2._C\pri 1 1960: 66-67. 161.Taylor,Raymond Franl<. Alaska forest research proble~ns and pl·ogr-am. In AI askan Sc i enc..e Con ference.1st.1950. Science in Alaska;selected papers.\vashington.- D.C ••Arctic Institute of North America, 1952.p.-11-19.. 162.Taylor",Raymond Frank. (orest res(:drch possibilities in .!Uaska's :nterior.In Alaskan Science Conference. ~d,1951.ProcEedings.College,.:Haska, A"lerican /\ssociat ion for the Advancernep.t of Science,1953.p.61-65. 163.Taylor,Raymond frank. The r01e of forest research in developing in Alaskan resource.In Alaskan Science Conference,4th,i953.-Proceedinss. College,Alasl<a,.American Association for the Advancement of Sc.ience.Alaska Division. 1956.p.97-105. 154.Thawing frozen hydrants.Water works engineering, v.102,no.11.November 191-49:1011-1012. 21 165.Thurston,,james ~v. Experlmental ~aradro)of tracked personnel carrier for use 0n i laccessible fIres. Fire ';ontrc:l notes,Y.26,no.3,July 1965: 9-10. 167.Tikhanirov,Boris Anatol 'eviCh. .Paly i ikh vi Uanie na estcstvE:nmdu kormovuill rastitel ina:::t'DVK,[Burning and its effect on the.natural food plants of the Soviet far Eost]In I:\kactemiii::l 00,)1< SSSR.Dal'nevostc,chnyi fi 1 ial.Tnldy> v.1,1935.p.159-170. .165.Tii<hofnirov,Boris i\.natol I Evich • .Ob okhrane .1esov Kr~~nE~~.o Severa.[Forest protection in the farN:;)rtilJ Priroda. Lenin'Jrad.v.46~no.12,Dec0liber 1957: 35-37.*. / 168.Trankle,Hans ·W. Smokejumping under the midnight sun. J.\merican forests,v.66,no.5,t4ay 1960: 14-1'),48,51. 169.Tribbett,V.A. Fire control in Alaska.Our public lands, v.2,no.1,January 1952:8-9. 170.Tri99,Wil1iern H ....and t\onan V.Noste. Summary and analysis ~f fire danger indexes for s01ected coastal Alaska station~. Juneau,Alask<:.~,Pacific Nort~l\t..est Fon,'st and Range Experiment Station,Institute of Northern Forestry,1969.21 p. 171.Uggla,Evald. Ecological effects of fire on north Swedish forests.Uppsala,Almqvi~t and Wiksel1, 1958.18 p. 172.Uggla~Evald.: Sko9sbrandfalt !·Muddus Natlonalpark. [Forest fire area in Muddus National Park] Uppsala,Almqvlst and \fliiksell,1958.116 p. (Acta phytogeoSjraph iea $U(c>(:iea ..no.41) Sumn-.ary in £ng1 ish p.99-109. The NatIonal Pork is situa!ed about za km north of the ,£',fctie Cil~cic. 22 / 173.U.S.Air Force.Air Proving Ground. Operational suit<;Il';ilit y tests of class 0-6.. 0-7 ..and 0-8 crash fire trucks and powdered dry Chffilical agent with related dispensing equipment.Final report.Eglin Air Force Base ..Florida ..1951.138 p.* 174.U.S.Air f~rce.Air Proving Ground. Service test (cold weather)of class 750 fire truck ..sedan body~by J.E.Colburn. Final report.£91 in Air Furce Base ..Fiorida.. 1950 •28 p.;l- 175.U.S.Air Force.Air Proving Ground Command. Operational ;uitability test of the type O-llA crash fire truck.Final reDOrt. Eglin Air force Base ..Florida.19~4.54 p.* 17fi.U.S.Air Force.Air Proving Ground Command. Operational suitabilftytest of type 0-10 crash fire truck.Final report.Eglin Air ForCe 8ase ..Florida..1952.74 p.* 177.U.$,Bureau of Land ~1anagernent. Annual fire report.1962-Washington .. D.C. Fire protection activities provided by BLM on lands locatl~d in 13 "Jestern statp~~nd Alaska.St~t!~tics. 178.U.S.Bureau of Land Mana$Cfiil?nt.BLN at \..ork in Alaska,1963.[WashIngton,1963J 23 p. Protection from fire:p.7-8. 179.U.S.Bureau of Land Managanent. The forest resources of Alaska.The significance of their conservation in the growth and development of Alaska.Report to the Secretary of the Interior from the Director ..Bureau of Land Management. [\vdshington]1958.22 ..7 p. In~ludes dIscussion of damage from forest fires and need for expansion of fire control operations. lS0.U.S.Bureau of Land M~nag'~l;ent. Public land statistics ..1962-Washington. This annual pUblicati9n,formerly the Statistical Pppendrx to th~Annual Report OC Director,Bureau of Lan.:..Hc.nagement, has a sectivn entitled,Protection-- fire and trespass. '...'. 23 181.U v S.Bureau of Land Mana9~ent. Sumnary of fire losses inA 1i'.:-:.ka.fire control notes,v.25.no.1.January 1964: 14. .~ 10 iUc.•1955. Yards NAVDOCKS u.S.Bureau of Yards and Docks. Fire problems in the cold 'reoiorls. Arctic engineering.\oJ35hingion,0 •. p.2-264 -2-269.(U.S.Bureau or and Docks.Technical publ !cat ion. TP-P~-J-1 1) 182. 24 185.U.S.Naval Re~earch La~oratory~ Fire extinguishants for Arctic usa.Washington~, D.C.,195~o 10 p.(NRL Report ;1'J.4353)* Repor,t orepared by A.F.An'ington, A.W.Bertschy and others. 186.UQ S.NOithern Forest Experiment S~at!on. Fire.lrLW.Annu;;:l.1 report 1963.Juneau. Alaska.p.7-8. 187.U.S.Northern forest Experiment Station. forest fire.1..1LJ...:t~Annucl report 1962. Juneau D ,,'\laska.po ,15-19. 183.U.S.Forest ServIce. Forest fire statistics.1944-1967.Washington, 1945-1968.Annual. With issue for 1968,title changed to Wi~dfire statistics~ 184.U.S.Forest Service. Wildfire statistics"1968-ItJashington,1969- Annual. Previously published as Fores'c fire So tat is tic s. 188.U.S.Office of Emerge(\cy Planning. Forest and grass fires;report to the Congress on investigative study of for~st and grass fires •••pursuant to Public la'",89-769,section 13. Washington.U.S.Government PrintIng Office# 1967.97 p~ Alaska:p.23-25. 189.Utkfn.A.I. Vliianle:0s;nia na prirvdu i fomdrov3riie listvennichnikov ts'~ntrallnoi Ulkutii.[Influ- ence of fires on th;~nature and oeve 1oprnent of larch forests in central Y~Kutia]Lesnoe klloziaistvo,v.18,no.1 ,January 1965;i~f)­ 50. I : ...... Kr-aillego Severa. North]Po,narnoe i 2-13. Vi;lSil lev,V. o proektilovanii v raionakh [Urb;.in plannin3 fer the Fa, delo~v.9,no.5,May 1963: 190" ALASKA RESOURCES LJBfiAR,y U.S.DEPT.OP INTERIOR 192.~~'al dhaus,Fred H.. !Srnokejumper and borate operations in intericf' A1aska.ltJ :.1 askan Science Conference.11th .. 1960.Pro~eedings.rColl~ge,Ala~ka] American Association for tile Advancement of Science,Alaska Dlvision [1951]p.146-147. Ahstrac~of paper pr~sented at the Conferenc.:e, 191.Veghte,.}.=:nes H.#and ~'JaHer W.t-1i I lat-d. .Acc'Jmulatioll of static electricity on Arctic clothing.·Fort wainwrlght,Alas~a,Arcti~ A~[om(>dical Laboratory,1963.11 p. (Arctic Aeromedical Laboratory.Technical documentary report 63-i2) 25 193.\/atITlr're,T.G. Thermal erosion probt ems in pi pel in in~.Peper presented at the Thi~'d Canadian Conference on Peni13frof(;hel d January i~69.Unpubl ishen. 19 p.,11 pl~tes. Inuvik--surface dam~e by t-ire:p.17- 19~p~ates 10,11. 194.~"'()h 1 fel d ..S1dney. Fighting fire on the DEW line.Fire engineer- ing~v.112~no.12.December.i959.1122-1123 .. 1156-1157,1105. 195.Z~blodil.R.J. Evaluation of haloget,ated hydrocarbon and alkali-earth-metal-s~lt fire extl~guishlng agents fo:",10w temperatures..Part Hueneme, California,U.S.Navai Civ;l Engineering Research and Evaluation Laboiutory.1955. 40 P.(~Cf.l Tec:hnic-,,\J memorand~m M-llJ8) 196.Zumv~lt..Eugene v. Economic aspects of wildland fire protect~on in Alaska.In Alaska~Science Conference. 6th.1955.Prcccedfnqs.rCCllege~Alaska) Americ~n Association for the AdvanCef,lEmt of Science.Ala5k~Division [1~59]P.16-1'i. Abs trac t of paper pr·es\~nted at the Confere;lce. -~.. \" '.:- .:...--. !i.-, 197. 198. Zumwalt#Eugene V.. File control on public domalnlands in Alaska.In Society of American Foresters. Proceedings.1955.p.162-164. Zu~~lt,Eugene V.. Importance of the forest resource to interior Alaska..lD.Alask4~n Science Conference.8th, 1957.Proceedings.College,Alaska,American Association for the Advancement of Science, Alaska Division [1960]p.127-128. Abstract of paper presented at the Conference. 26 r. 11-13,138 ..139"170 2 ..7,9,10;17.22, 25,26,30,3i,48, 50,56"57,59,6J. 64,68-70,74,78,63. 84,89-98,Il"112~ 123-i26;128,11~1,142$1 152.153, 152, 167, 169~171,172.179, 189,193 28,39~73~75,80, .85,87.104.153...179 .. 180.t 83 ~184"188 .108 ~9 ~1228lBLIOGRAPHY ALASKA EARTHQUAKE 27 SUBJECT INDEX All ntBrlbers refer to the /lumbered citations .. CAUSES OF FOREST FIRES--OTHER CAUSES OF FOREST fIRES--lIGHTNING 16,39.85~124~159~ 179~180~183&18t/." 187"188 CONTROLLED BURNING.S£f PRESCRIBED OR CONTROLLED 8URNING ECOLOGICt~EFfECTS or FIRE FIRE HOSES 63.145,146,149 FIRE DANGER RATING ~~~fIRE WEATHER SEASONS AND fACTORS FIRE EXTINGUISHERS 6.EXTINGUISHING AGENTS 19,21,34,35, 41.63,7 I.100-102. 107.11~"149,151" t 57,158 •173.185 • 195 .f,;,'t·- '~'.. C.-~-.~ .c' -- ~ F IRE HYDRANTS 86~12 i,164 15 B 40,48,61"73, 99,.104-105,109,1 13 , 1 14 ~127"150,160, 17 7..183,184,186, 197 S,4 1 ~63,72.,103 , 11 5 #144 ~158,165, 173-176 171t'172 2,6..14~·16,20,22, 23,27-29,.37~39~45, 47,48,50-53,55-~9, 64,65,67~$~,84~ 87-94,96-99,112-114. 1 16-1 18.127-i .3 5"138- i 40"152,159-j 6.3.165" 168,169,!77-181,18.3, 184,186-1&,'192,196- 198 . 3,4 ..7,8,17._18. 24,25,42,44,46, 61,.73-77,79,SO,85. 104~106.109,lL'O.123, 147,.148..150,155 /.' 156".166,189 10,32,69,5Q,/0, 122,124,1~6,~41, ·142rl("'~ fIRE TRUCKS FOREST AND TUNDRA f!RES--ALf~KA fIRE WEATHER SEASONS AND FACTORS FOREST AND TUNDR.l\fIRES··-CANAi),Q fOREST AHD TUNDRA FIRES--FINLAND FOREST AND TUNDRA FIRES--SWEDEN FOREST Arm TUNDRA f IRES--USSR .. i \.- t._. "'!'---,., FOREST FIRE STATIST!CS MINES--FIRES &FIRE PR£~fN~ION 12.L.8~52 ..50 ..73, 1 77,180 I 181..183 J> 1'34,188 43,66,ill OIL PIPfL INES &DRILLING PLATFORMS--f IRES cS.F IRE PREVENTION 54 ~143,193 ,.. ·C.··'.'-.-_.--_..--_..-' j'--:f 28 '....... ·1 I· I, j I1 >< ";" PRESCRIBED OR.CONTROLLED BURNING 35"49 ..62.83,93, 112..126.t 52.153" If.7,lil ...1721'189 POLA~7ACILITIES--FIRES &FIRe PREVENTION 1,33,38 ..41 .. S.Jik~"11 ..81 ..107#119 .. 137 ~143 #149 ..i51 .. 157"t 58..182"190 .. 1~1"194...i 95 t?3 Q 146.149"154 t 10 4 t ".7 t..107 22"25"26,30"48. SO"56"57.59,61. 62.64,,"68-70,74.78 r 83,84.89-9t ..93.96 .. 98"lZ3-125.141"142# 152.153"162"163" 171 ..172 PUMPS SHIPS~-FIRc.S &FIRE PREVENTION SPRINKLER SYSTEMS SUCCESS ION i :- "-- , i '-' N.l!-1£I ND£X ,, 7.8 9.10 11-14 15 16 17 18 110 19..185 85 ~Botanlcheskii institute 113 20 21 33 Bat b'Yshev,I ..N •• Banfi~ld,A.W.f., Barney ..Richard J •• Barr ..J.A... Bar r'ows •J..S., Bel1akovr.Mikhail Fedorov!ch" BeJouSQv,AJeksei Aleksandrovlch .. Be;rezjn,Po p •• Bertsi;hyr.A.W., Borodin"IU.S., Botan!cheskii Institut Akooem 11 a f.auk SSSR. Bowman.g R~M., Brady.Terry. Branul'l"J.C., Brown"A.M... All numbers refer to the numbered citations. 30 Air FrovJngGround See U.S.Air Force.Air Proving Ground Akadem Ii a nauk 5S ~C(.Botarl kl1esk ii ins t nut,71~ AkademiIa nauk SS:'R.Dal'ncvostochnyi fi 1 fal,167 Akademiia nauk SSSR.IAkutskii filial,Yakutsk,120 Akademiia nauk SSSR,.Severnoe otdelenfe. !nstitut merzlotovedenifa~.ttl Akademlia nauk SSS~.Sibirskoe otde1enie,25 Akacemiia nauk SSS~.Sibil'skoe otdelenie. Institut ·1esa i crevesiny,61 Akademiia naukSSS,~.Sibirskoe ot~lenfe~ Institut ~erzlotovedeniia.43' Alaska.Division of fire Prevention"1 Alaska forest Research Center ~. U.S.Alaska Forest Reseal"'ch Center kiflericar Association for the Advancement of Science. Alaska D1 vis ion see Alaskan Science Conference Alaskan Science Conference"23,26,35,38 ..47 ..55 .. 62,91 ..92 ..95 ..128 .. 129 ..131,132,135,138" 140 ..161-163:1~12.196,. 198 Almgren.louis E.,..54 American forestry Association,56 Amosov,G.A.,3 Antarctic Treaty Meeting of Experts on Logistfc~,33 Antsyshkin,S.p.,4 Arctic Aeromedical Laboratory ~u.s.A~ctic Aeromedical laboratory Armington,A.F...185 Arctic Institute 0;=North America ...125 ~~-.~~.•......•., .'.../. J ' ,-,, Oal 'nevostochnyl fi 1 lat ~ Akadc-rniia nauk SSSR.Da}lnevostochnyi fit tal. Darlin~;.F.r.-aser.30.31,83,64 deBondt,John t 32 DeMo1e,D.M.~33 22 23••• Buckley.John L,~ Bureau of •••~~ U.S.Bureau of Burt.John E." Edwards~T.6..34 Elkins.G.H.J..35 Embry.,R.Sq 36 Emergency Planning,Office of ~~ U.S.Office of Emergency Planning Engineer Research arid Development Laboratories ~ U.S.Engineer Research and Development laboratories CRR£L .s.~u.S.Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory Canada.For-est Fire P,esearch Institute.122 Canada.Wildlife Service. Canadian Conference on Permafrost.193 Canadian Regional Permafrost Conference,126 Cnerepanov.F..24 Chugunovd.R.V..25 Clvi 1 £njineer Corps ~ U.S.Civ1l EngineeY Corps Colburn,J.E..174 Col d Hegions Research and Engineering Laboratory ~ U.S.Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory Cowan..(an McTagger t.26 Craig.Janes B..27.28 Cushwa.Charles T.,29 fire Prevention Division ~ Alaska._Division of Fire Prevention. Fire Weather Meteorological Conference.159 Flanders,H.F._38 forest fire Research Institute ~~ C~nada.Forest fire Research Institute. Forest Service ~ U.S~forest Service F r ariks,Jcmes It'..48 Franssila_Matti.40 31 James,G.A.,62 Johnson.C.0.1 113 .Johnson.E.'vi..63 ~~hnson,Philip L.,64 Johnson.Von •.1 ..I 65 .Joint Conference of the American Forestry Association and the Pennsylvania forestry Association.56 Jolley.Theodore R ..I 66 41 . 42 43 44 45,46 152 47 48 49 81 50 51 52 53 54 55 56&57 58 59 67 68-70 71 11 .. 72 Aleksandrovich.73,74 32 Ke 11 ogg,R ~S.~ Kelsall#John P., King,.J.C~" King"L.O.II Koehnev.1.6Korchagin.Aleksandr IAkutskil fil fal ~ -Akademfia nauk SSSR.IAkutskii filial,YaKutsk. Institut lesa i drevesiny ~ AkademUa nduk SSSR.Slbirskoe otdelenie. Institut le5a i dreveslny. lnstitut merzlot'"vedeniia ~ AKademiia nauk SSSR •.Severnoe otdelenie. Institut m"rzlotovedeniia;~Al<ademiia nauk SSSR. S!birskoe «tdelenie.Institut merz}otovedf;nUa. lntermounta n forest and Range Experiment Station ~ U.S.Inte,mountain Forest and Range fxper1meot Station Isaev"A.S ,61 Ishmaev~I.72 Gil es~Stuar t, Gorbatova.N.G., Gr!gorlev~lU.V.. Gruzdova.Evl ali ia PlatonovnallGuthrie..John Dennett. Hakal a.John B., Ha 1 1,Jch n L., Hardy"Char}es E., Harris,A.S ... Hatherton.Trevor. Hegg..Karl "1 ... He lmel"'s,A.t... Herndon.Paul C•• Hess"Dennis E., Hi 11"James E.I' Hoffman.Edward J., Honeywe j 1.Jes se fJl ... Hunt"Joh n Clark .. HutChison"O.Keith, .~. \ 33 J 102 Center 75 76 77 78 3.7"42.77,79"150 SO lOS 106 . 101 19 107 81 53 82 73 31.83 ..84 86· 85 76 87-98 62,99 100 Kornil1ev,N.V•• Krasavina ..N.N •• KUdriavtsev,.A~I., Kujala,Viljo Vilho, Kurbatskii,.N.p~.. Kurnosov$E.T.~ "National Aeronautics and Space Administration ~ U.S ..Nat tonal Aeronautics and Space Admini;;tt~at!on National Board of Fire Unde,.wr1ter~1 108 : Naval C1v it En~ineering Laborator't ~ U.S.Naval Clvil Engineering Laboratory Naval Research Laboratory ~ U.S.Naval Research Laboratory Nes terov.Va!ell ti n G"S 109 North American WI ldl He and NaturalR~sources C0nference,.141 North AmerIc?"""i 1dl He Conference,83 of 153 Nor thern Fore5 t Experiment S tat!on .z...~ u ..S.Northern fores.t Exper iment Stat ion land r·lan.;g€l1Iefl t;Bureau of ~..e~ U....S.8ureau of Land Management .Low,Ph ill i p .. LedQsquet,Ri~hard H•• lee ..James E., leni ngr ad.Un i vers itet l Leopal d.A~Starker,. Liutov I A q L1stov,.A.A.,. lorberbaum,V.G.elutz,.Ha~old John,. McGregor,R.C., Malcoim~J~E"I Marshall Space Flight Center ~ U.S.George C.Marshall Space f110ht Maryland.University.Department of Chemic31 Engineering,.101. .~echev,.A...103 Melekho¥1 I.S...t04 Hi 11 ar d,.Wa 1 te r ~""...19 i Minesl<Bure,~u of ~....~ U.S.Bureau of Hines Mokeev ..G.A ... Manokin,8.N.., Monson,W"L o • Moran,.H.E~I Musick ...J.K., Nosov ~N.S ..~ Noste;Nonan V.~ Novikov,f ..IA .... 110 170 111 112 34 , ,.0 '. ", / 147 53.138-140 141"142 143 144 145 153 115.146 122 107 101 123 124 i25 126 127-1:!J j :;0 137 66 Ramsey ..G.S .... Rand;J ..A .. Reis,L.J .. Repnevsk i i ~V ..V ... Requa.L.E ... Rac.hie~J.C... Robinson,J ..M., Robinson,.Roger R•• Rosberg ..Johan Evert, ~us$eli ..Frank L.., Russell ..H.W•• Russian Academy of Sciences ~ Akademiianauk SSSR Pacific Fire Rating Bureau~108 Pacific NorthYtl€st Forest Experiment Station. Institute of Northern Forestry ~u.s.Instit~te of Northern Forestry Paxton~F..Oq .113 ..114 Pennsylvania forestry Association ..56 Polubelov~V.I IlS PCfileroy,.Kenneth 8.,.116-118 Ponder ..\oJ.Fran~~..119 Pozdniakov ..L.K.,120 Skaton~Vasilii Nlkolaevich" Scctt"Janes W., Scatter,George Wilby. Semina"N., Serbin,N., Shapkin,V., Shatelaln,Edward f ... Shebeko,N .., Sibfrskoe otdeienie ~ Akademlia nauk SSSR.Sibirs~oe otdelenle. Skvoretskil~V.Ic~148 Smertin.N.N.v 77 Smith,.G.O.P..33 ..149 So-:iety of American foresters..22.96"197 Sofr-onov ..M.A."150 Southeastern For-est Experiment Station ~.u.S.Southeastern Forest Exrerlment Station Soviet Committee on An'arctic Research~151 Soviet (orrrmunist Party~147 Spencer David L.~152,153 Spichak,M.154 S tadkc,\,G.F.s 155 Steiger,A.J.".156 Ston~ho :se,Bernard,157 Stump,t •D.,1 58 SuI 1 1v d',Wi i liam G.,i59 Sword,~ayne,160 Symposll.m on Antarctic loglstic~,i 19,149 ...151 Symposium on FIre Extinguishment Research and Engineering,41.,158 Tall TLnbers Fire Ecology Conferencejl 124,152 Tayior,Raymond frank"161-163 Tener,J.5.,10 Thurston,Janes W.,165 TikhQoirov.Boris Anatol'evich,166,167 Trankle.Hans W."168 Tribbett,V.A.,169 irfgg,William H.,170 Tuve,R.l.,19 Uggla;Evald,171,172 U.5.Air Force.Air Proving Ground,.73,174 U.S.Air Force.Air Proving Ground Command,175,17Fj U.S.Alaska Forest Research Center,90.94,97-99 U.S.Alaska fC1rest Research Cen~er ~,iL.~l~ U.S.Northern forest experiment Station U.S ..Arc ti c Aer-omedi cal Laboratory,191 U.S.Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory,64,137u.S~Bureau of land Management,177-181u.S~Bureau of Mines,66 U.S.Bureau of YarG5 and Docks,182u.S~Engineer Research and Development Laboratories,34. 63,100,i02 U ..S ..fores t Service,67"183,'184 U.S.George C.Marshall Space flight Center,21 U.S.Institute of Norther·"Forestry,11-13,59,170 U.s.!ntermoun i:ain fares t and Range Experiment Station .. 48 U.S.National Aeronautics and Spac0 Administration,21 U.S ..National AerOnaL!tics and Space ,{\cministratlon. Marshall Space flight Center ~ U.S.George C.Marshail Space Flight Center U.S.Na ....al CivU Engineering LalJOratory.71 U.So Nah:d Civil Engineering Research and Evaluation laboratcry"195 U.S.NCivll Research Laboratory,19,107"185 I:. ..... -' 'j,. .r-' u.S.Navy.Civil Engineering Corps_5 U.S.Northern Forest fxpe~lmen~Station#49,50,65,88, 186,137 U.S,Northern forest Experiment Station .s..es:.al~Q U.S.Alaska rorest Research Center U.S.Office of Emergency Planning,188 ~ U.S.Southeastern Forest Experiment Station,29 University of Leningrad ~ leningrad.Universitet •. ·University of Maryland ~ Maryland.University. Utkin;A.I.,.61,1.89 Vasit'ev,V~,190 Veghte,James H.,191 Vogel,Theodore C.,64 Wall dh.:~us,Fred H...192 Watmore,To G.,193 Western forestry Conference 133 Wohlfeld,Sidney,19.101 World Forestry Congress,16 Yale University.School of forestry ..87 Yards ami Docks,Bureau of H~f- U.·S.Bureau of Yards and Docks Zablodil g Ron ..J.,41 ..195 Zumwalt,Eugene Vq 196-198· 36