HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA916Volume XIV Project Progress Report Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Project \-1-17-5,Jobs 1.lR,1.2R,1.6R and 1.7R Persons are free to use material in these reports for educational or informational purposes.However,since most reports treat only part of continuing studies,persons intending to use this material in scientific publications should obtain prior permission from the Department of Fish and Game.In all cases,tentative conclusions should be identified as such in quotation,and due credit would be appreciated. r/L_r/.J GA~,EP,tJ U ARLIS Alaska Resources Library &Information Service Pu1chc:age,~Jaska ST U.D I ES ~1DflUiU(Y OF FISH ALASKA (Printed December,1973) HABIT ALASKA DEP STATE OF ALASKA William A.Egan,Governor DEPARTHENT OF FISH AND GAME James W,Brooks,Commissioner DIVISION OF GAME Donald McKnight,Research Chief DE P Pi RT f1 ENT J U rJ EA U, r'i 0 0 S ERE SEA RC PI.L ASK A l l l l l 1 l J 1 1 j J J ] I 1 J J J ., I"- LO l"- Nco I"- ooo LO LO I"- M M ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Many individuals from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service were involved in projects at the Kenai Moose Research Center. R.Rausch,K.Schneider and R.LeResche provided leadership assistance and were instrumental in accomplishing a smooth transition during personnel changes. Laboratory personnel in Anchorage and Fairbanks,including C.Lucier, K.Neiland,D.Harkness,D.Calkins and C.Nielsen,provided laboratory support necessary to accomplish the objectives. P.LeRoux and J.Davis were involved and assisted in many aspects of MRC projects. All personnel assigned to the Kenai National Moose Range provided support in their particular realm of activity to facilitate the MRC operation. J.Seal,Alaska Department of Administration,Computer Services Division,was most helpful with computer programming and interpretation. A special thanks to J.Oldenmeyer who was always willing to assist us both physically and mentally. Our sincere thanks to every group and individual above and to all the unmentioned who were involved in MRC projects. ARLIS Alaska Resources Library &Information Service~ Anchcrage,lJaska State:Alaska JOB PROGRESS REPORT (RESEARCH) ~!!Ji?:t.V. ,11(0 1 trr).;18b Cooperators:Albert W.Franzmann and Paul D.Arneson Project No.:W-17-5 Project Title:Moose Investigations Job No.:1.1R .Tob Title:Moose Productivity and Physiology Period Covered:July 1,1972 through June 30,1973 SUMMARY Productivity of moose lvas determined for populations in four one-square-mile pens at the Kenai Moose Research Center (MRC).Natality for this report period (c.3.lves born in spring,1973)was equivalent to 41.7 calves per 100 cows~In the spring of 1972 an equivalent of 34.4 calves per 100 cows was produced.There was no yearling recruitment in 1972 or 1973 due to total loss of calf crops in each preceding winter. The adult population declined by 8.9 percent,not considering experimental manipulation.The overall decline in the total population within the pens was the result of mortality in all segments of the population (calves, yearlings,and adults).Calf mortality was attributed primarily to time of occurrence ar-d depth of snow with corresponding lowered availability of food. All calves appeared to have ultimately died from malnutrition.Causes of adult mortalities were variable and complex in nature. Of 21 adult female penned moose examined from January through April, 62 percent were pregnant.Thirty-four moose examined outside the enclosures had a pregnancy rate of 76.5 percent. Whole body weights from 34 moose and measurements from 356 moose were obtained during this report period.The data will be combined with previously obtained data and statistically analyzed.Weight losses of moose during the winter within the pens appeared greater than those of moose outside the pens (8 to 15 percent versus 3 percent).The mean weight of eight enclosed adult female moose weighed from January through April was 316 kg.(697 pounds) and of 13 outside moose during this same period was 381 kg.(838 pounds). Whole blood and serum samples were collected from 356 moose during this report period.Results of the blood chemistry and electrophoretic patterns were stored and sorted by computer on the bases of age class,sex,month sampled,reproductive status,location and drug used for immobilizations. These classifications diluted the sample size and only age and sex classifications provided adequate sample sizes.Analyses of blood physiologic values will be reported with combined samples at a later date. Rectal temperature proved to be the most useful indicator of excitability in moose.Five rectal temperature classes were established so that samples of moose could be equitably compared without the influence of variable degrees of excitability of the animal at the time the samples were drawn.Excitability classes,based on subjective evaluation of the moose at time of handling,were significantly correlated (r =.796) with rectal temperature,indicating the usefulness of this evaluation. i ARLISA1MbRllourc:es Ub~&Information Serviceh LlbraIy Buildlllg.Suite 111 12U Providence Drive The base line rectal temperature taken from 109 Class 1 (not excited)and Class 2 (slightly excited)moose was 38.7 C (S.D.=0.42). The mean heart rate from 218 moose from all excitability classes was 85.4 beats per minute (SD =23.53)and the mean respiratory rate from 217 moose from all excitability classes was 31.6 breaths per minute (SD =19.11). There was no significant correlation between the subjective condition classification of 200 moose and selected blood physiologic values.The basis for this could be either an invalid condition classification or the inability of blood values to reflect condition.Until one or more physiologic parameters can be found that consistently reflect condition changes,no conclusion can be made. Hair samples from 316 moose were analyzed by atomic absorption for four macro elements (calcium,magnesium,potassium and sodium)and six trace elements (cadmium,copper,iron,lead,manganese and zinc).Seasonal fluctuations with peaks in the fall were noted for all elements except iron.Some deficiencies were noted when comparing levels to other domestic animal "normals".Hair values fluctuated in general with seasonal condition changes in the moose.Hair and blood values showed no significant correlation. Bone marrow fat values obtained from moose collected on the Kenai Peninsula and at the Moose Research Center varied with the source and time of collection.There was a marked difference between road-killed and winter- killed calves.Adult moose from the Moose Research Center had lower marrow fat percentages than moose from outside the pens and on other parts of the Kenai Peninsula.Marrow fat values of winter-killed moose were generally below 10 percent. i i CONTENTS Summary . . . . . . . Background.• • • • • Objectives •• Procedures. Kenai Moose Research Center Facility •• Productivity and Mortality ••• Weights and Measurements.• Physiology-Blood and Hair Excitability Evaluation • Condition Evaluation.• • • • • • • Findings.. • • • . • • • • • Productivity and Mortality ••••• Weights and Measurements.. • • • • • • Blood Values •••••••.••• Excitability Stress,Body Temperature and Blood Values. Base Line Heart Rate and Respiratory Rate • • • Hair.. . . . . . . Correlation of Hair and Blood Values •••••• Condition Class • • • • • Bone Marrow . . • • • • . • • • . . • • • . . Disease and Parasites • • • • • • • Recommendations • • • • . . • • • • Literature Cited.• • • • • • BACKGROUND i 1 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 7 7 23 28 39 39 41 51 51 53 53 56 56 The basis for investigations of moose (AZces aZces)productivity and physiology initiated at the Kenai Moose Research Center (MRC)was discussed by LeResche (1970)and LeResche and Davis (1971).These studies were continued during the past reporting period with some change in emphasis based upon the need to further standardize procedures to more efficiently utilize the moose as the most effective indicator of conditions in its dynamic environment. Background material contained in previous reports will not be repeated.The following background information provides additional information relative to active projects and changes in emphasis. The ultimate response of a population to its environment is its reproductive success or failure.This is the population's response to all forces acting upon it.Many factors (primarily density-dependent) have been theorized as principle population regulating mechanisms.Some of these are:inter-specific and intra-specific competition (Elton,1949), intra-specific competition (Nicholson,1954),climate (Andrewartha and Birch, 1954),crowding (Errington,1946),predation (Mech,1966),disease (Anderson,1972),genetics (Chitty,1960),behavior-physiology (Christian and Davis,1964),behavior (Wynne-Edwards,1965),territoriality (Brown, 1969),and food (Lack,1954).Under the conditions studied,each of these theories applies.The lesson from the diversity of thought on this problem exemplifies the potential of sampling from the ultimate benefactor or victim of these forces (the animal itself -the indicator). Since physiology is the study of function of an animal,it was essential that physiologic parameters of the moose be established.Past studies at the MRC have provided physiologic parameters from 520 moose.LeResche et al.(1973)reviewed the blood chemistry of moose relative to the problems, challenges and status of present knowledge. -1- Emphasis on present physiologic studies at the MRC is directed to blood value interpretive problems that are often confounded by excitability and stress at capture and during handling (Franzmann,1972;Franzmann and Thorne, 1970;LeResche and Davis,1971;LeResche et al~,1973;Seal et al.,1973; Gartner et al.,1969;and Gartner et al.,1965).Some physiologic parameters may be altered by handling,while others may not be.It is imperative to recognize these (Geraci and Medway,1973).To minimize these effects in interpreting blood chemistry values and facilitate excitability classification for a species it is necessary to establish rectal temperature classes at the time of handling (Franzmann and Herbert,1971).Heart rate (Smith and Hamlin,1970)and respiratory rate (Tenney,1970)are affected by excitability states and should be evaluated to facilitate excitability classification.A subjective classification of activity,prior to immobilization and handling, should be used to establish excitability classes (Franzmann,1972). The evaluation and classification of excitability stress in animals may be approached through analysis of intra-cellular enzymes,such as serum glutamic oxalacetic transaminase (S GOT)and serum creatanine phosphokinase (S C P K),whose presence in the circulatory system indicates tissue destruction of various degrees (Cardinet,1971).Tissue breakdown and subsequent release of these enzymes have been examined in pathologic conditions in domestic animals (Blinko and Dye,1958;Whanger et al.,1969).The influence of excitability on S.G.O.T.values from handling bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) was demonstrated,but no correlation with degrees of excitability was noted (Franzmann and Thorne,1970). Blood chemistry values respond to many influences (Coles,1967),and to utilize them to monitor animal populations these influences must be evaluated and standardized.In search for more stable material to utilize as a physiologic monitor,researchers in human medicine are investigating hair sampling from several aspects.Some are monitoring protein metabolism (Bradfield,1968;Bradfield et al.,1967;Bradfield and Jelliffe,1970; Crounse et al.,1970;Godwin,1959;Lowry et al.,1951;Sims,1968)while others are monitoring mineral metabolism (Hammer et al.,197l;Klevay,1970a; Klevay,1970b;Kopito et al.,1967;Schroeder and Nason,1969;Strain et al.,1972;Strain et al.,1966).The importance of protein metabolism related to wool growth has been determined (Drummond and Basset,1952; Marston,1955;Ryder,1958;Slen and Whiting,1952).Mineral metabolism malfunction has been related to skin and hair pathology in swine (Lewis et al.,1957). The search for physiologic parameters to assist in evaluating condition in moose is aided by applying known criteria such as femur marrow values. The percent fat of femur marrow,as an indicator af an animal's condition, has been reported by several authors (Cheatum,1949;Bischoff,1954, Greer,1968 and Neiland,1970).Greer (1969)stated that the marrow of elk (Cervus canadensis)in poor condition contained less than 10 percent fat.Some elk collected in the spring and winter-killed elk contained less than one percent marrow fat (Greer,1968).Neiland (1970),subjectively classifying caribou (Rangifer tarandus granti)as in poor condition by visual estimation,found their marrow to contain 3-34 percent fat. Subjective classifications of condition when accomplished by experienced individuals can provide another guideline in the total condition evaluation of an animal (Robinson,1960;and Franzmann,1972). -2- r-- L, r- I lJ r~: b f -~ -C.J l~ F~ b [ [ [_co L [, OBJECTIVES To measure natality,mortality and general condition of moose at the Kenai Moose Research Center. To establish baselines by sex,age,season,reproductive status, area,drug used,excitability,and condition for the following physiologic parameters in moose,and to evaluate their usefulness as indicators of nutritional and general status in moose: A.Blood Values for: 1.Calcium 2.Inorganic phosphorus 3 Calcium/phosphorus ratio( 4.Glucose 5.Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) 6.Uric acid 7.Cholesterol 8.Total protein 9.Albumin 10.Globulin 11.Albumin/globulin ratio 12.Alpha-I,alpha-2,beta and gamma globulins 13.Bilirubin 14.Alkaline phosphotase 15.Lactic dehydorgenase (LHD) 16.Serum glutamic oxalacetic transaminase (SGOT) 17.Hemoglobin 18.Hematocrit (PCV) 19.White blood cells 20.Differential cell count B.Hair element values for: 1.Zinc (Zn) -3- 2.Copper (Cu) 3.Magnesium (Mg) 4.Manganese (Mu) 5.Calcium (Ca) 6.Sodium (Na) 7.Potassium (K) 8.Cadium(Cd) 9.Iron (Fe) 10.Lead (Pb) C.Heart and respiratory rate D.Body temperature To establish excitability stress classifications for moose based upon appropriate and selected physiologic parameters mentioned above. To estimate browse production and utilization and to quantitatively and qualitatively estimate consumption of all plant materials by moose. To determine nutritional values and digestibilities of the more common moose forage species. The overall objective is to obtain more thorough and specific knowledge of how moose affect vegetation and how vegetation affects moose.The application of the indicator species concept to moose by gaining knowledge specific to moose function (physiology)is an integral part of this objective. PROCEDURES Kenai Moose Research Center Facility LeResche and Davis (1971)provided a thorough description of the facilities. During this report period,an additional trap was constructed in the northwest corner of Pen 4 and another is under construction in the northeast corner of Pen 4.A log building which will replace the trailer living facilities for personnel assigned to the Kenai Moose Research Center was started and nears completion.Two additional gates were purchased and will be installed to facilitate movement of equipment in the enclosures. Productivity and Mortality Mortality and natality within the pens were assessed by ground observations, periodic aerial observations (including intensive spring and fall helicopter surveys),trapping and radio-telemetry.Rectal examination of females after January 1 was utilized for pregnancy determination. -4- [ [ C' [ [J.~ -i •.J g P b [ [J [..; ; d Fi t.;;;;J [ [ [ [ [ Weights and Measurements Weights were obtained from trapped,immobilized animals utilizing a 4 x 4 truck with a long boom and winch when weather conditions permitted. A tripod was utilized when it was not possible to utilize the boom truck (snow and mud conditions).A heavy duty spring-scale was used. Physiology -Blood and Hair Blood samples were obtained from moose trapped within Moose Research Center enclosures,trapped outside of enclosures,killed during the January,1973 Fort Richardson hunt,and immobilized for marking on the Kenai Peninsula (Job 1.4R). Blood was collected from live animals by jugular vein puncture utilizing sterile evacuated containers.One vial contained heparin to provide a whole blood sample for hemoglobin determination at the MRC utilizing a Hb-Meter (American Optical Corp.,Buffalo,N.Y.)and packed cell volume (PCV)values utilizing a micro-hematocrit centrifuge (Readacrit -Clay-Adams Co.,Parsippany,N.J.).Three other 15 ml vials were filled with blood and centrifuged at the MRC to separate serum and blood cells.Sera were frozen and one sample was sent to Alaska Medical Laboratories,Anchorage,Alaska for blood chemistry analysis (Technicon Autoanalyzer SMA-12)and protein electrophoresis.The remaining two frozen serum samples have been retained for future analysis . Hair samples were obtained by plucking hair from the point of the shoulder (hump)on these moose.The samples were sent to Dr.Arthur Flynn at Case Western Reserve University,School of Medicine,Cleveland,Ohio, for analysis,utilizing an atomic absorption spectrometer. Excitability Evaluation The initial approach to this problem was to subjectively classify the captured moose on the basis of activity prior to and during handling. The state of excitement was evaluated on a 1 to 5 scale (1 -none,2 -slight, 3 -moderate,4 -excited,and 5 -highly excited).Seven ambient temperature classes were established (Table 1).Rectal temperatures of the moose were classified into five classes (Table 2).Respiratory rate and heart rate were determined for each animal handled and sampled.Blood chemistry values were evaluated for their ability to reflect excitability,and all possible useful parameters were tested for correlation. Condition Evaluation As an adjunct to better evaluation of the moose processed at Moose Research Center,a subjective evaluation of each moose's condition was made and graded (1 to 10)on the basis of the following criteria (adapted to moose from Robinson,1960): 10.A prime,fat moose with thick,firm rump fat by sight. Well fleshed over back and loin.Shoulders are round and full. 9.A choice,fat moose with evidence of rump fat by feel. Fleshed over back and loin.Shoulders are round and full. 8.A good,fat moose with slight evidence of rump fat by feel. Bony structures of back and loin not prominent.Shoulders well fleshed. -5- Table 1.Ambient Temperature Classes L Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Centigrade Below -20 -20 to -10 -10 to 0 o to 10 10 to 20 20 to 30 Above 30 Fahrenheit Below -14 -4 to 14 14 to 32 32 to 50 50 to 68 68 to 86 Above 86 fl l_, Table 2.Rectal Temperature Classes Table 2.Rectal Temperature Classes Class Centigrade Fahrenheit 1 Below 38 Below 100.4238to39100.4 to 102.2339to40102.2 to 104.0440to41104.0 to 105.8 5 Above 41 Above 105.8 -6- L'l -' C L C't~J U C-:-: --' [ [ [ [ [ l 7. fleshed. with some An lIaveragell moose with no evidence of rump fat,but well Bony structures of back and loin evident by feel.Shoulders angulari ty • ~.A moderately fleshed moose beginning to demonstrate one of the following conditions:(A)definition of neck from shoulders;-cB)upper fore leg (humerus and musculature)distinct from chest;or (C)rib cage is prominent. 5.A condition in which two of the characteristics listed in Class 6 are evident. 4.A condition in which all three of the characteristics listed in Class 6 are evident. 3.A condition in which the hide fits loosely about neck and shoulders.Head is carried at a lower profile.Walking and running postures appear normal. 2.Signs of malnutrition are obvious.The outline of the scapula is evident.Head and neck low and extended.The moose walks normally but trots and paces with difficulty,and cannot canter. 1.A point of no return.A generalized appearance of weakness. The moose walks with difficulty and can no longer trot,pace or canter. O.A dead moose,from malnutrition and/or accompanying circumstances. In addition to this subjective evaluation,physiologic parameters, as their usefulness was being assessed,were utilized to evaluate condition. Marrow fat analysis and an evaluation of visceral fat deposits were made on moose that died in the pens in conjunction with post-mortem clinical evaluations. During the winter months,many adult and calf femurs were collected from road kills,winter kills and miscellaneous mortalities both at the MRC and from many other points on the Kenai Peninsula by biologists from the Soldotna Office,Alaska Department of Fish and Game.With these samples,comparisons between the areas were made and the general condition of the Kenai moose herd can be assessed.In all cases,ft~urs were frozen and processed in the Anchorage Department of Fish and Game laboratory by the technique described by Neiland (1970).Times from death of the moose to femur collection and from femur collection to processing varied considerably.Femurs were collected as soon after the death of the moose as possible,but some may have remained frozen for up to 60 days before processing.This may have affected the results (Greer,1968). FINDINGS Productivity and Mortality Table 3 presents raw tagging,breeding and mortality data for moose within the enclosures from July 1,1972 through June 1973. total number of observations and times trapped are also included. -7- all The Due Table 3.Histories of individual moose in Kenai Moose Research Center enclosures,July 1,1972 through June 30,1973. PEN 1 Age Significant Observations No.Times No.Times Moose No.Sex (years)Date Event Circums tances Observed captured 3 F 10 July 14,1972 With no calf Observed 23 4 Apr.15,1973 Pregnant Helicopter capture June 18,1973 With 1 calf Observed 670 F 2 July 6,1972 With no calf Trapped 12 2 June 18,1973 With no calf Observed -helicopter 10 F 5 August 5,1972 With 1 calf Observed 14 1 Jan.3,1973 With no calf Observed June 18,1973 With 1 calf Observed -helicopter 35 M 4 Nov.14,1972 Antler spread -88 cm Trapped 23 9 June 5,1973 Antler spread -71 cm Trapped I 'F 40 F 4 July 24,1972 With no calf Observed 23 3 Oct.12,1972 Escaped into Pen 2 Observed Dec.1,1972 Driven back into Pen 1 Observed June 18,1973 With 1 calf Observed -helicopter 43 M 5 July 16,1972 Antler spread -102 em Trapped 42 2 Sept.15,1972 Escaped into Pen 2 Observed Jan.4,1973 Weight -398 kg.Trapped Feb.7,1973 Driven back into Pen 1 Observed 58 Aug.8,1972 Antler spread -75 cm Trapped 16 5 June 22,1973 Antler spread -65 cm Trapped R70-8 F 4 July 7,1972 With no calf Trapped 18 4 June 7,1973 With 1 calf Trapped 64 M 3 July 21,1972 Antler spread -69 em.Trapped 9 4 June 6,1973 Died.Weight -284 kg.Trapped Antler spread -45 cm rTJ Cl CJ ~:r---1 L.•..)['l ["uliJ r;----.L__.:_.~l CCJ)U~~J r----r--~l __.L...J' -,--., L C=:J r----;Cl. " Table 3.(Continued)Histories of individual moose in Kenai Moose Research Center enclosures,July 1,1972 through June 30,1973. PEN 1 Age Significant Observations No.Times No.Times Moose No.Sex (years)Date Event Circums tances Observed Captured 65 M 2 July 11,1972 Antler spread -545 cm Trapped 25 8 Oct.4,1973 Weight:330 kg.Trapped Dec.1,1973 Driven into Pen 1 with Observed #40 from Pen 2 Dec.5,1973 Weight:339 kg.Trapped Jan.3,1973 Weight:318 kg.Trapped Feb.5,1973 Died:weight -286 kg.Trapped 69 F 3 June 18,1973 With no calf Observed -helicopter 11 0 76 F 9 Sept.6,1972 With 1 calf Observed 22 3 I Oct.26,1972 Weight:366 kg.Trapped-.0 I Jan.29,1973 With no calf Observed Apr.6,1973 Pregnant Trapped June 18,1973 Found dead Observed -helicopter 93 M 3 Oct.11,1973 Escaped from Pen 2 Trapped 0 2 from Pen 1 Nov.14,1973 Died.Weigh t 350 kg.Trapped Antler spread -81 cm 96 M Calf Dec.22,1972 Released into Pen 1 -Trapped 2 1 Orphan,weight:145 kg Jan.23,1973 Found dead Observed Table 3.(Continued)Histories of individual moose in Kenai Moose Research Center enclosures,July 1,1972 through June 30,1973. PEN 2 Age Significant Observations No.Times No.Times Moose No.Sex (years)Date Event Circums tances Observed Captured 1 F 8 July 6,1972 With no calf Observed 29 4 Oct.6,1972 Weight:411 kg.Trapped June 18,f973 With no calf Observed -helicopter R70-4 F 5 July 7,1972 With no calf Trapped 15 2 June 18,1973 With no calf Observed -helicopter 36 M June 7,1973 Antler spread -72 cm Trapped 27 4 Raque1 F 3 Oct.2,1972 Released into Pen 2 Trapped Tame 11 for breeding I Nov.13,1972 Weight:373 kg.Trappedf-' 0 Dec.18,1972 Weight:384 kg.TrappedI Mar.27,1973 Weight:445 kg.Trapped June 11,1973 With 1 calf Observed Wally,Jr.M 1 Nov.13,1972 Antler spread:73-1/2 kg Trapped Tame 10 Dec.18,1972 Weight:298 kg.Trapped Feb.26,1973 Weight:320 kg.Trapped Antlers present June 4,1973 Freeze branded Trapped 45 M 5 Aug.1,1972 Weight:384 kg.Trapped 11 8 Oct.4,1972 Weight:386 kg.Trapped Dec.20,1972 Weight:393 kg.Trapped Feb.8,1973 Died:weight:357 kg.Trapped 52 F 4 Sept.6,1972 With 1 calf Observed 18 3 Feb.20,1973 With no calf Observed Apr.26,1973 Pregnant Trapped May 10,1973 Found dead Observed 61 F 10 July 14,1972 With no calf Observed 37 3 Sept.15,1972 Escaped into Pen 2 Observed Feb.13,1973 Weight:320 kg.Trapped June 18,1973 With no calf Observed -helicopter r-TJ ~r::l c-:-:'~ l ....J ~. \il...'L ..i.\L.JI L ...\C]L.:1 ..__J ~ Table 3.(Continued)Histories of individual moose in Kenai Moose Research Center Enclosures,July 1,1972 through June 30,1973. PEN 2 Age Significant Observations No.Times No.Times Moose No.Sex (years)Date Event Circums tances Observed Captured 73 M 3 June 12,1973 Antler spread -55 cm Trapped 12 4 right antler broken 77 F 6 Aug.23,1972 With no calf Observed 22 2 Dec.5,1972 Weight:402 kg.Trapped Apr.26,1973 Died:pregnant - 1 Trapped fetus 78 M 4 Aug.3,1972 Found dead Observed 2 ° 79 F 3 July 1,1972 With 1 calf Observed 82 F Calf Aug.10,1973 First marked Trapped 18 1 I Feb.20,1973 Found dead Observedf-' f-' I 83 M Calf Sept.6,1972 First marked Trapped 12 1 Feb.15,1973 Last seen;assumed dead Observed 97 M Calf Jan.24,1973 Released into Pen 1 Trapped °1 orphan R-70-7 F 8 July 10,1972 With 1 calf Trapped 36 3 Mar.11,1973 With no calf Observed Apr.26,1973 Not pregnant,condition 3 Darted from helicopter June 18,1973 Found dead Observed -helicopter Table 3.(Continued)Histories of individual moose in Kenai Moose Research Center Enclosures,July 1,1972 through June 30,1973. PEN 3 Age Significant Observations No.Times No.Times Moose No.Sex (years)Date Event Circums tances Observed Captured 27 F 5 July 12,1972 With no calf Trapped 8 4 Apr.4,1973 Pregnant Helicopter capture June 21,1973 With no calf Trapped 2870 F 2 Dec.5,1972 Weight:303 kg.Trapped 15 4 Apr.25,1973 Not pregnant Trapped 38 F 18 July 11,1972 With no calf Trapped 6 2 June 18,1973 With no calf Observed -helicopter 39 F 7 July 7,1972 With no calf Observed 23 4 Sept.18,1972 Weight:305 kg.Trapped June 18,1973 With 1 calf Observed -helicopter 72 F 2 June 6,1973 With 1 calf (no calf 1972)Trapped 17 5I..... N July 6,1972 12 2I75F3WithnocalfTrapped June 18,1973 With no calf Observed 80 M 3 July 14,1972 Antler spread:60 cm Trapped 11 1 ~iii CJ r--:,r----\~~)L ..J [~~_U [~rn f7~1 L ...'.;__..l c->:;--1. Table 3.(Continued)Histories of individual moose in Kenai Moose Research Center Enclosures,July 1,1972 through June 30,1973. PEN 4 Age Significant Observations No.Times No.Times Moose No.Sex (years)Date Event Ci rcums tances Observed Captured 7 M 3 Oct.11,1972 Rutting Observed 31 4 July 9,1972 With no calf Observed 22 F 7 June 18,1973 t.Jith 1 calf Observed -helicopter 27 1 July 9,1972 With no calf Observed 36 F 9 July 9,1972 With no calf Observed 23 1 June 21,1973 With no calf Trapped 37 F 3 July 13,1972 With no calf Observed 21 4 Mar.14,1973 Pregnant Trapped June 24,1973 With no calf Observed I 53 M 2 July 20,1973 Antler spread:62 cm Trapped 33 7I-' W Oct.12,1972 Escaped into Pen 2 from Observed, Pen 1 Nov.15,1973 Antler spread 73.5 cm,Trapped released into Pen 4 Mar.2,1973 Condition 4 Trapped May 10,1973 Found dead Observed 57 F 2 July 9,1972 With no calf Observed 22 1 June 24,1973 With no calf Observed 59 M 4 Nov.21,1972 Both antlers double Observed 22 1 spikes June 12,1973 Antler spread 45 cm,Trapped broken 71 F 3 July 6,1972 With no calf Observed 30 1 June 18,1973 With 1 calf Observed 81 F 3 July 19,1972 With no calf Observed 19 3 June 24,1973 With no calf Observed Table 3.(Continued)Histories of individual moose in Kenai Moose Research Center Enclosures,July 1,1972 through June 30,1973. PEN 4 Age Significant Observations No.Times No.Times Moose No.Sex (years)Date Event Circums tances Observed Captured 84 F 5 Sept.8,1972 First processed,no calf Trapped 21 3 June 24,1973 With no calf Observed 85 F 11 Sept.18,1972 Released into Pen 4 with Trapped 27 3 calf,condition 9 Jan.20,1973 With no calf Observed Jan.23,1973 Weight:385 kg Trapped condition 5,twin fetuses June 19,1973 Found dead Observed I t:86 M Calf Sept.18,1972 Released with mother into Trapped 13 1 I Pen 4 Mar.4,1973 Found dead Observed 87 F 11 Oct.26,1972 Released with calf into Trapped 28 5 Pen 4,weight:384 kg Jan.15,1973 With no calf Feb.5,1973 Pregnant:one fetus Trapped condition 4 Mar.19,1973 Found dead Radio-lo cated 88 M Calf Oct.26,1972 Released into Pen 4 Trapped 20 1 with mother Feb.13,1973 Found dead Observed 89 F 13 Nov.2,1972 Released with calf into Trapped 16 3 Pen 4,weight:407 kg Jan.24,1973 With no calf Observed Feb.13,1973 Not pregnant Trapped Mar.16,1973 Weight:355 kg Trapped June 18,1973 Found dead Observed -helicopter 90 F Calf Nov.2,1972 Released with mother Trapped 4 1 into Pen 4 Jan.26,1973 Found dead Observed r-:-r-:,~-,~,r-~C.J c=J CO ,-------,i-J r-__l.I '1.\L 'L ) Table 3.(Continued)Histories of individual moose in Kenai Moose Research Center Enclosures,July 1,1972 through June 30,1973. PEN 4 Age Significant Observations No.Times No.Times Moose No.Sex (years)Date Event Circums tances Observed Captured 91 F 10 Nov.11,1972 Released into Pen 4 Trapped 33 6 with calf,weight:414 kg Jan.5,1973 With no calf Observed June 18,1973 Found dead Observed -helicopter 92 F Calf Nov.11,1972 Released into Pen 4 Trapped 18 1 with mother,weight:166 kg Jan.31,1973 Found dead Observed 94 F Calf Dec.6,1972 Released into Pen 4 Trapped 6 1 orphaned,weight:149 kg May 9,1973 Found dead Observed I ~~95 F Calf Dec.6,1972 Released into Pen 4,Trapped 5 1V1 I orphaned,weight:166 kg Jan.31,1973 Found dead Observed 100 M Not yet rec'd.June 20,1973 First processed,released Trapped 0 1 into Pen 4 118 F 2 July 21,1972 With no calf Observed 13 2 Apr.13,1973 Collected for VFA Study Shot weight:273 kg,not pregnant 123 F 4 July 9,1972 With 1 calf Observed 24 8 Dec.4,1972 With no calf Observed Apr.13,1973 Collected for VFA Study Shot weight:261 kg,not pregnant 128 F Unk.July 9,1972 With no calf Observed 30 3 Nov.22,1972 Weight:366 kg.Trapped Jan.24,1973 Weight:330 kg.Trapped Apr.5,1973 Last seen Observed R-70-3 F 5 July 11,1973 With no calf Observed 23 1 Apr.26,1973 Died,not pregnant Darted from helicopter to total loss of calves and yearlings within the enclosures in the winter of 1971~72 and the total loss of calves in the winter of 1972-73, there was no natural recruitment into the population during this report period.The population within the enclosures on June 20,1972,totaled 51 moose (12.75 per square mile).Components of the population as of July 1, 1972 are tabulated in Table 4.The population within the enclosures on November 13,1972 totaled 62 moose (15.5 per square mile).Components of the population are tabulated in Table 5.Table 6 provides population composition information for April 1,1973.The population within the enclosures on June 19,1973 totaled 47 moose (10.5 per square mile).Components of the population are tabulated in Table 7.Tables 4,5,6 and 7 do not reflect natural population changes as additions were periodically made during the year,two escapements between Pens 1 and 2 were experienced, moose mortalities occurred during immobilization and handling,and moose were sacrificed for certain studies.These changes and mortalities are outlined in Tables 3 and 8. In November,1972,pen-born and and introduced calves comprised 19.4 percent of the population (Table 5)and in April,1973,0.0 percent (Table 6).This high calf mortality experienced within the }ffiC enclosures during the winter of 1972-73 was outlined and discussed by Johnson et a1. (1973).Some of the following discussion is taken from that report. Aerial survival counts in the area immediately outside the pens,which is in Game Management Subunit 15(A),were conducted on February 26 and 27, 1973 for comparison with the 100 percent mortality which occurred in the pens. The results of these two counts and those reported by Paul LeRoux and James Davis,Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Soldotna,for Units 7 and 15 are listed in Table 9. Survival percentages were lower in the area immediately around the pens (5.4 and 5.2 percent)than in the remainder of Subunit l5(A) (7.9,6.5 and 10.1 percent).Subunits l5(B)and 15(C)had higher survival percentages (16.1 to 16.3 percent)than Subunit 15(A),while the Unit 7 survival percent (7.1 percent)was similar to those reported for Subunit 15(A).Many factors may influence these disparities,including small sample size and distribution bias,but to relate to the poor survival within the enclosures and in the area immediately surrounding the pens, several other factors should be considered. Snow depth at the MRC in March,1973 was 60 cm.This was nearly as deep as experienced during the winter of 1971-72,when high calf mortality (90 percent +)occurred on the Kenai Peninsula.In the winter of 1972-73, snow depths varied considerably on the Kenai Peninsula.They decreased to the west and south of the MRC in the direction of movement of moose through thi,s area.At the time of our survival counts in the MRC area, the majority of the moose had drifted to the west and south into areas where survival appeared higher.In the area around the MRC we may have been observing stragglers from this drift which contributed to lower survival counts.The greater snow depths in the area of the MRC during the winter of 1972-73,could have influenced the drift as well as the poor survival, particularly when the moose are somewhat dependent upon ground forage for winter survival (LeResche and Davis,1973).This same reasoning could explain the total calf mortality within the 11RC pens where the moose were retained in the greater snow-depth area and where decreased availability of ground forage and considerable cratering activity were evident. The differences between Units and Subunits in percent survival cannot be completely explained on the basis of snow depth,but the influence of depth cannot be rejected.More intensive survival counts,to eliminate -16- r~ L_; f" r- L rl f' L [] fJ c [j D E C [ [ [ L L Table 4.Populations within Kenai Moose Research Center enclosures as of July 1,1972 Adult Adult FF Yearling Calves MM Total Pen 1 7 0 1 5 13 Pen 2 7 0 4 5 16 Pen 3 7 0 0 1 8 Pen 4 11 0 1 2 14 Total 32 0 6 13 51 (All Pens) ..-.-, -17- Table 5.Populations within Kenai Moose Research Center enclosures as of [jNovember13,1972 Adult Adult r~ l __ FF Yearling Calves MM Total r: Pen 1 1 0 2 4 13 'l Pen 2 8 0 3 6 17 Pen 3 6 0 0 1 7 Pen 4 15 0 7 3 25 Total 36 0 12 14 62 (All Pens) lJ f'tJ Table 6.Populations within Kenai Moose Research Center enclosures as of April 1,1973 Adult Adult FF Yearling Calves MM Total Pen 1 7 0 0 4 11 Pen 2 6 0 0 2 8 Pen 3 6 0 0 1 7 Pen 4 14 0 0 2 16 Total 33 0 0 9 42 (All Pens) ··18- c [ o E .L [ [ [ L [ Table 7.Populations within Kenai Moose Research Center enclosures as of June 18,1973. Adult Adult FF Yearling Calves MM Total Pen 1 6 0 4 3 13 Pen 2 4 0 1 2 7 Pen 3 6 0 2 1 9 Pen 4 8 0 2 2 12 Total (All Pens)24 0 9 8 41 Table 8.Hortalities ~ithin Kenai Moose Research Center enclosures (July 1.1972-June 3D,1973) Hoose's'ex Age Pen I Month Year Cause 6S H 2+1 Feb.1973 Immobilization in poor condition. 93 H 3+1 Nov.1972 Hyperthecia during trapping. 96 H Calf 1 Jan.1973 Winter (introduced orphan). 4S ~I 5+2 Feb.1973 Immobilization in poor condition. 52 F 6 2 May 1973 Unknown (followed immobilization). 77 F 7 2 Apr.1973 I~obi1ization in poor condition. 78 H 4+2 Aug.1972 Peritonitis from trocar experiment. 82 F Calf 2 Feb.1973 Winter (born in Pen). 97 M Calf 2 Feb.1973 Winter (introduced orphan). 53 H 3 4 tlay 1973 Winter (introduced into Pen 4). 86 H Calf 4 Har.1973 Winter (introduced with mother). 87 F Adult 4 .Iar.1973 Winter (introduced). 88 H Calf 4 Feb.1973 Winter (introduced with cother). 90 F CAlf 4 Jan.lSi)Winter (introduced with mother). 92 F Calf 4 Jan.1973 tUnter (introduced with mother). 94 F Calf 4 Hay 1973 Winter (introduced orphan). 95 F Calf 4 Jan.1973 Winter (introduced orphan). 118 F 3 4 Apr.1973 Collected for VFA study. 123 F Adult 4 A?r.1973 Collected for VFA study. R7Q-3 F 6 4 Apr.1973 Immobilization in poor condition. 64 U II 1.June 1973 Imaobi1ization in poor condition. 76 F 10 1 Hay 1973 UnknolJn 1l70-7 F 9 2 April 1973 Winter (poor condition). 85 F 12 4 April 1973 Winter (introduced). 89 F 14 4 April 1973 Winter (introduced). 91 F 11 4 .Iarch 1973 Winter (introduced). Unmarked Calf 1 Not found Assumed dead. l1ncarked Calf 1 Not found Assumed dead. Unm..rked Calf 2 Not found Assumed dead. Unmarked Calf 4 Not found Assumed dead. -19- Table 9.Survival counts from Game Management Units on the Kenai Peninsula,1973. Unit or Subunit Date Sample Size Calf %1 in Herd 15A2 Feb.26 202 5.4 15A2 Feb.27 77 5.2 15A Apr.24 304 7.9 15.\~,rav 10 HZ 6.5 15A May 16 149 10.1 15B May 11 92 16.3 15C Feb.22 289 16.3 15C Mar.30 37 16.2 15C May 11 149 16.1 7 May 8 56 7.1 1.Bulls were not distinguished in survival counts. 2.Counts made in the immediate area of MRC. -20- nl~~~ c:I ' [' r"'\ l J rl [' U fL1 .! u r1L...; .d- nl c [j LJ [; L L L t the distributional bias in areas of intensive management,should be conducted and the resulting data should be related to moose density. Adult moose populations in the enclosures experienced high mortalities during this report period (Table 8).Seven mortalities were attributed to handling and immobilization procedures.Five of these moose died from respiratory paralysis following immobilization,due to overestimation of their condition.All died in late winter or early spring when immobilizing doses are very critical.A total of 175 moose within the MRC pens were immobilized with an immobilization mortality rate of 2.9 percent during this report period.Sixty-three moose were immobilized in traps outside of the pens with one mortality for an immobilization mortality rate of 1.6 percent.The combined immobilization mortality was 2.5 percent for all moose trapped at the MRC. One moose died from hyperthermia (overheating)during trapping and one moose died from possible complications associated with a rumen trocar experiment (Job 1.6R).Two moose were collected for a volatile fatty acid (VFA)study in April.Both were in extremely poor condition.The remainder of the adult mortalities were from winter kill or unknown causes.Considering the poor condition of some of the moose that died of man-influenced causes, it is possible that some accidental or intentional mortalities may have preceded natural mortality.Not considering this possibility and excluding experimental alterations,there was an adult population change of minus 8.9 percent.LeResche and Davis (1971)reported overall adult population changes of plus 3 percent from 1968 to 1971 excluding experimental alterations. In comparison,estimates of moose numbers outside the pens based on random mile-square quadrant counts on the Kenai National Moose Range (Monie,1973)reflected a 28 percent drop in population from 1971 to 1973. The 1971 estimate was 7900 +1460 and the 1973 estimate was 5700 +--1348 moose.These figures reflect two successive heavy calf mortality winters (1970-72)on the Kenai Peninsula as does the calf mortality experienced at the MRC. Resident moose at the MRC that were accidentally or intentionally transplanted into another pen displayed behavioral patterns which may have contributed to the weakening of the animals through the winter period. These moose,with one exception,frequently paced the border nearest the pen from which they came. On September 15,1972 rutting bulls broke open the gate between Pens 1 and 2,allowing male number 43 and female number 61 to escape into Pen 2 from Pen 1.Until number 43 was released back into Pen 1 on February 7,he was observed 19 times near the border between Pens 1 and 2.On }f~rch 11,1973 number 61 was last seen at the border of these two pens, but she had been observed 26 times in that area in a three and one-half month period starting November 29. The gate was again broken open on October 12.At that time female number 40 and male number 53 went from Pen 1 into Pen 2 while female number 76 and her calf went the opposite direction. Between November 28 and December 1,1972 number four times along the fence at Pen 1.On the latter driven,along with male number 65,back into Pen 1. (November 15)released into Pen 4.He was observed -21- 40 was observed date,she was Number 53 was soon 15 times in the northwest corner of Pen 4 which was the closest point to his original home in Pen 1.He was also trapped four times in that area before being found dead on May 10,1973.Numb.er 76 (not classified a resident moose since she broke into Pen 2 from the outside the previous winter)did not pace the fenceline nearest Pen 2 as the other moose were doing.She was trapped along the Pens 1 and 2 border on April 6,1973 in poor condition and was found dead on June 18,1973. Number 65,who accidentally got into Pen 1,paced the border constantly (he was never observed anywhere else).He was observed 10 times and trapped 5 times along the border and died on February 5,1973 from overdose of an immobilizing drug due to his extremely poor condition. There apparently was territory preference by resident moose,as noted by LeResche and Davis (1971).The established moose in a pen preferred to be back in their original pen when displaced,as demonstrated by their pacing behavior.This pacing behavior appeared to interfere with feeding and resting activity as well as utilizing additional calories which contributed to the poor condition of these animals. Based on a helicopter survey flown on June 19,1973,the 22 cows in the enclosures produced nine calves.One cow was known to not be pregnant and one previously pregnant cow could not be accounted for.This equates to a ratio of 40.9 calves/100 cows or assuming that the one pregnant cow produced, the ratio would be 41.7 calves/IOO cows.Spring calf productivity counts are not frequently reported in the literature.LeResche (1968)reported 84.3 calves/IOO cows in the Palmer,Alaska area.There are more reports of cow/calf ratios in the fall,most of which show higher calf ratios than we found in the spring (Rausch and Bishop,1968;Houston,1968;Peek, 1962;and Stevens,1970).Considering possible spring to fall mortality as reported by LeResche (1968),comparative productivity was extremely low this spring at the MRC.The first consideration would be that all the calves were not seen,but this particular helicopter survey was directed toward locating calves and an intensive search was made near each female to find the calf.Nearly one hour of helicopter time was devoted to each square-mile pen.A good part of this time was devoted to searching for calves (see Job 1.6R this report).Continued observations and trapping will provide a check on our observations.A similar survey conducted on June 20,1972 and subsequent ground observations revealed a productivity ratio of 34.4 calves/IOO cows,a lower proportion than this year.Subsequent observations and trapping indicated that one calf was not observed during the helicopter survey. The cow/calf ratio as of June 14,1971 was 75.9 calves/IOO cows (LeResche and Davis,1971).The two successive years of low calf productivity do not necessarily relate to severe winters,as the winter of 1970-71 was a comparatively severe winter.The possibility of a delayed poor reproductive response to severe winters and its effect on the mooses'abi1ity'to recover should not be overlooked.A decrease in browse availability,production, composition and quality may be indicated by poorer reproductive success. Vegatative aspects of this study being conducted by John 01demeyer,u.S. Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife,are not complete and will be reported at a later date. The decrease in the adult population,excluding manipulation,of 8.9 percent may be a further indication of the MRC population's response to -22- n [ r' [I l-' rII L."' (' L [ c c c c ,RU [j C L --i -.".: -~--" [ l [ vegetative changes as well as to the effects of successive relatively severe winters.A cause and effect relationship cannot be established,as the many variables influencing a population are inherently ecologically related; however,the signs are evident that the MRC population as a whole has negatively responded and it can be assumed that the population was above carrying capacity for this period. From January through April,1973 all adult female moose trapped and processed both in and out of the pens were examined for pregnancy by rectal palpation (Table 10).Of a total of 21 moose examined within the enclosures,62 percent were pregnant as compared to 76.5 percent of 34 moose examined outside the enclosures.These pregnancy rates are lower than those found by most observers (Rausch,1959;and Rausch and Bratlie, 1965;Markgren,1969;Houston,1968;and Simkin,1965),were similar to those reported by Pim10tt (1959),and were higher than those reported by Edwards and Ritcey (1958).The small sample size of examined females during this report period precludes any conclusions or discussion of comparisons at this time.Due to the ease of palpating fetuses in January, we concluded that palpation for pregnancy should begin sooner,and earlier efforts will be made in the future. The pregnancy rates do not directly relate to productivity within the pens,as some of the cows examined died prior to parturition.Twelve cows that were previously determined to be pregnant were seen on the June 19,1973 helicopter survey.Two of these had no calves by their side as of June 19,1973.They were not likely to calve after that date and it can be assumed that their calves suffered late in-utero death or early post-partum mortality.One of these cows was a resident of Pen 4 where a wolf (Canis Zupus)was known to reside from June 7 to June 14,1973. It is possible her calf was taken by the wolf.No cows examined for pregnancy and found not-pregnant had calves by side. Weights and Measurements Table 11 lists 34 whole weights of moose from within the MRC pens and Table 12 lists 25 whole weights of moose trapped and immobilized outside the pens.Several "inside"moose were serially weighed and provide some evidence of seasonal weight fluctuation as represented in Fig.1.One adult female moose gained 0.9 kg./day (1.9 pounds)from June to October and another adult female gained 0.8 kg/day (1.8 pounds)from June to September.Two cows and two bulls showed weight losses during the winter.Cow number 128 lost 0.7 kg./day (1.5 pounds)from November through January.Cow number 89 lost 0.5 kg./day (1.1 pounds)from November to March.Bull number 65 lost 0.9 kg./day (1.9 pounds)from December to February.Bull number 45 was weighed every 60 days from August to February.It is interesting to note that he maintained his pre-rut body weight through the rut and did not begin losing weight until after December (Table 11). Table 12 does not contain serial weights on anyone individual.The weights of adult female moose outside the pens did not fluctuate as much from December through April as did the moose within the pens. Without serial sampling and with the small sample size the data are not statistically comparable,but they do suggest a possible added stress this past year on the enclosed moose.The mean weight of seven adult female enclosed moose from September through December was 352 kg. -23- Table 10.Reproductive status of moose at Moose Research Center based on rectal pa1pation.* Moose not %not Moose**Moose with Moose with Total %Examined Repro.Status Total Number Total Number Pregnant Pregnant Pregnant 1 Fetus 2 Fetuses Pregnant Pregnant Unknown Cows Bulls Pen 1 --4 --4 100 3 7 3 Pen 2 2 40 1 2***-3 60 3 8 6 Pen 3 1 25 3 --3 75 2 6 1 Pen 4 6 55 1 2 2 5 45 4 15 2 Total Moose Research Center 8 38 9 3 1 13 62 12 33 12 I N -l'" I Total Outside Moose Research Center 8 23.5 10 12 4 26 76.5 *** *** Data based on animal numbers and location during 1972 rut. During late pregnancy number of fetuses not determined. Raquel (tame moose)included. r-=~~~L_...J r---j [:!.'LIJ CJ c-J C"TiJ ~][=-:-J ,.--~,~!~l ![~c------, _.j -,.J. Whole 'beJy we\g\..ts 'or moV\.t~~"o ...dLlt f'II RC moos€.. (00 \ttl \;"e 5 CO""'le"t .se 6ve ",t.,,\W€ll~h .-t \..dIVI~V'>:\S)'Fl 6\}'I"~l. \<g 45 0 r 0=f~Md-\e •-:\'i\~\~ 400 3'50 I N VI I 300" 2$'0 o /' ~ ./ ,/ /' ./ /' J:)0 ,/ '\ '\.•-o o Q.co L ••· · • • • • • • • •« MOl JuY\e July A\)g Se'ft Oat ~ov Dec Ja.tl t:"eb Mov Rf'< Table 11.Whole weights of moose of known age,sex and reproductive status inside Moose Research Center pens (June 1,1972 -June 30,1973). Weight Moose Date Pen Sex Age (mo.)Reproductive Status and Remarks Kg.Pounds 73 6/5/72 2 M 36 In poor condition (5)239 525 1 6/22/72 2 F 96 With no calf 318 700 1 10/6/72 2 F 100 Gained .9 kg/day from June to Oct.411 905 39 6/23/72 3 F 85 With no calf.Poor condition.243 535 39 9/18/72 3 F 87 Gained .8 kg/day from June to Sept.305 670 3 6/24/72 1 F 120 With no calf.Poor condition (5)295 650 Wally 6/24/72 CP N 13 Castrated male -semi-tame 234 515 Wally 12/18/72 CP N 19 Supplemental feeding 298 655 Wally 2/26/73 CP N 22 320 705 Raque1 6/24/72 CP F 37 With no calf -tame 352 775 Raque1 11/13/72 CP F 41 Gained weight through winter on supplemental feeding.373 820 Raque1 12/18/72 CP F 42 384 845 Raque1 3/27/73 CP F 46 445 980 45 8/1/72 2 M 61 Maintained weight through rut,but lost 36 kg.in 50 days.384 845 45 10/4/72 2 M 63 386 850 45 12/20/72 2 M 65 393 865 I 45 2/8/73 2 M 67 357 785N 0-76 10/26/72 1 F 113 Wi th one calf 366 805I 79 11/10/72 2 F 41 With no calf -pregnant 311 685 128 11/22/72 4 F Unk.With no calf -pregnant 366 805 128 1/24/72 4 F Unk.Lost 36 kg.in 52 days.Nov.to Jan.330 725 93 11/14/72 1 M 41 350 770 65 12/5/72 1 M 30 Lost 52 kg.in 60 days,Dec.to FeD.338 745 65 1/3/73 1 M 31 318 700 65 2/5/73 1 M 32 286 630 2870 12/5/72 3 F 30 No calf -not pregnant 302 665 77 12/5/72 2 F 78 Pregnant 402 885 43 1/4/73 1 M 67 398 875 85 1/23/73 4 F 140 Pregnant 385 848 61 2/13/73 2 F 128 Not pregnant 320 705 89 11/2/72 4 F 161 Trapped outside,put into Pen 4 407 895 89 3/16/73 4 F 164 Lost 52 kg.in 133 days,Nov.to Mar.355 780 118 4/13/73 4 F 34 Not pregnant -poor condition (4)273 600 123 4/13/73 4 F 54 Not pregnant -poor condition (4)261 575 64 6/6/73 1 M 48 284 625 r--n r-:~nTJ CJ ill][jJ CJI]~L"""J L.m.J c:-:J [~r-J =:J L!I...J r _J Table 12.Whole weights of moose trapped outside Moose Research Center pens (June 1,1972 -June 30,1973). Weight Moose Date Sex Age (yrs)Reproductive status and remarks Kg.Pounds 87 10/26/72 F 11 With calf -introduced into Pen 4 384 845 89 11/2/72 F 13 With calf -introduced into Pen 4 407 895 91 11/11/72 F 12 With calf -introduced into Pen 4 414 910 92 11/11/72 F Calf Calf of #91 -introduced into Pen 4 164 360 94 12/6/72 F Calf Introduced into Pen 4 149 328 95 12/6/72 F Calf Introduced into Pen 4 166 365 96 12/22/72 M Calf Introduced into Pen 1 145 320 I 148 12/6/72 F 2 No calf seen 311 685 N 149 12/6/72 F 10 With one calf 380 835-..J I 153 12/7 /72 F 10 No calf seen 384 845 160 2/15/73 F 13 Not pregnant 389 855 161 2/15/73 F 4 Pregnant 348 765 164 2/26/73 F 7 Pregnant 389 855 167 2/28/73 F 6 Pregnant 386 85Q 171 3/5/73 F 11 Pregnant 434 255 173 3/6/73 F 15 Pregnant 366 805 174 3/7 /73 F 11 Pregnant 393 865 175 3/12/73 F 9 Pregnant 334 735 179 4/3/73 F 17 Pregnant 3%875 180 4/11/73 F 10 Pregnant 357 785 181 4/12/73 F 3 Pregnant,collected ~or yFA study 380 835 182 4/12/73 F 2?Pregnant,collected for VFA study 321 860 183 4/12/73 F 5 Pregnant,collected for VIlA s:tudy 382 840 184 4/13/73 F 7 Not pregnant,collected ~or VFA study 3%875 188 6/6/73 M Unk.275 6QS (774 pounds)and for five outside moose during the same period it was 403 kg.(866)pounds.The mean weight of eight adult female enclosed moose from January through April was 316 kg.(697 pounds)and of 13 outside moose during the same period it was 381 kg.(838 pounds).Again the sample size is small and not statistically comparable.Another factor confounding comparisons between inside and outside moose is that five of eight inside moose weighed in the January through April period were from Pen 4 where we purposely maintain high densities of moose (25/square mile in fall of 1972).This does indicate one of the possible effects of these high densities. Eleven weights from female moose over three years of age taken in February and March at Fort Richardson,Alaska by Bader (1968)averaged 372 kg.(818 pounds).This is similar to the mean of 381 kg.(838 pounds) for 13 adult female moose weighed outside the Moose Research Center enclosures from January through April,1973. Of the six moose from inside the pens for which serial weights are available,two adult cows showed 25 and 29 percent weight gains from summer to fall.Two adult bulls showed 8 and 15 percent losses,and two cows showed 15 and 24 percent losses in winter (Table 11 and Fig.1). These weight fluctuations are similar to the 15 to 24 percent reported by Verme (1970)on captive moose.No serial weights from moose outside of the pens are available.Therefore estimates of seasonal weight changes can be misleading,but the mean weights of outside moose went from 403 kg. (866 pounds)for the period from September through December to 381 kg. (838 pounds)for the January through April period,a decrease of only 3 percent. Morphometric measurements (total length,hind foot length,girth,height standing and ear length)were taken from nearly all moose handled.Antler measurements were made when applicable.These data will be analyzed in combination with previously obtained morphometric measurements and weight values when the computer program is completed. Blood Values The sources of 356 moose blood samples collected and analyzed during this report period are listed in Table 13.The data obtained were placed on a Game Biological Input Form (Fig.lA)and sent to the Computer Services Division of the Alaska Department of Administration where they were stored and programmed for retrieval with moose data previously obtained. Findings in this report are based only on data collected during this report -period. A potential of 72 parameters could be listed for each individual sampled.These were sorted by the computer based upon age class,sex and month sampled.Table 14 lists mean blood chemistry and electrophoretic values based on sex only and Table 15 lists these same values based upon sex and age class.Tables 16,17,18,19,20 and 21 further classify the blood values on the basis of month sampled.The standard deviation and sample size are listed in each of the tables.The problem of dilution of sample size with additional classification of samples is evident in Tables 16 through 21.Unfortunately even additional classification is necessary to effectively evaluate the applicability of these values to moose management. -28- r-; u [ [ n I' l ~ [ ru -0 [ c o [J c [ [ L~ [ [ Table 13.Sources of moose blood and hair analyzed from May 1,1972 to July 1,1973. Number of Specimens Source Serum Whole Blood Hair Trapping at MRC Pen 1 36 36 30 Pen 2 39 39 34 Pen 3 17 17 14 Pen 4 31 31 30 Calf Pen 24 24 19 Outside Pens 74 74 59 Helicopter Immobilizing at MRC Pen 1 6 6 7 Pen 2 8 8 8 Pen 3 6 6 6 Pen 4 7 7 7 Total Kenai Moose Research Center 248 248 214 Tagging -GMU 15 Benchland (1972)60 60 54 Fort Richardson Hunt (1973)44 44 44 Collected in GMU 15 4 4 4 Total 356 356 316 -29- .5S ~~U(Qj['S.U.N. ... =1 1~IOO'"U;~1C (HOLES-10 Tz:rn!'i;'.!II'1\IJ •~;",i1L(luii D"OS HelD irnOL pll0 -31 I H •lUI'i\..:I r\ ) I ·1 I .\I I , I I .1 I I I DEPnRTMENT or fISH AtD G~~( DATE L.A.-J Is~c:T rrl L.>-J TRG got----lIJIL<--J LJ-l f.....-)1!1 p',,\rn '.='.._.NUMBER nD D!\'fR ~0 2i;ui'lcJt..li U" 1,],R t""T::.3~o I ,I I I I I ,::=::J (j) 0- ~ D • - :0- ... ~ Go' C5'-o-G (J'-Q 7\ o-Gc::: "'\ ~ 5-7 GAME [IOLCGICAL INPUT fOR" ~!)LDr~~Hf:ART :z::.~ ~NTLtR ~NTL£R HE1GHTf:x.;-~._- ~lGHr G1RTH a::.\..:JL:~')T.:.SPREPtD sns£w~~f::r:\..J ILBS.IIC111IG111-u..J~[CM I lCM I---J ,-1 I I I \I I I I 1 ·1 I J ,- '1 :..~~LKR~lIlt ffi/Pf--lIL-,~ll1R11~11l LDH SGGT CPK="Tq :"'::i...-:::'~IlU ,I!Pl~j.~~110,111 ----l t::='c' .1 .1 I .1 1 I J I I I I I .,I [ELETE rDD PEVISION f ... 1715 5~AT£or ALASlm lIS 1 b' !\..')1\)....-- Q z:.\.>J ":'RGE TOif1L Hl~m I~..--;,;:.~:.:.'I\f]3<'.:lO(H nQi~." a H ,L£.NG TH rOOT0Lfl,LL a .,:.I"~!'rf-lS Iu:,!D,D 01-'.'\-II~'I lC"ll l011uI..' 1 i I I , I . I I I I ,I I . I Volo I "uf-'fR-fll£l.o • -'5 --0 ~-Y -ho '"60 J 56 :~Pl ~~BfGLGB RLD1\~P\!~'C"P1 11t RLPHR·j RLPHR·2 B[TR GRMMRI"•UUI 111 "_nUL I' :1 RAnG 2 2 2 2 2 2 .1 .1 1 ,.,'1 .,I ·1 ,.,I ·1 I .J :01-1 ..HERRT REC;P RECTAL VI AMB1ENf VI '--~\Jl \JlH"v ,-7 cr.cr...""-iT ,~C)RR 1£R~lE 1U1P .-.J TH1P.C-.Jx.w U U U .,I r I I !I ·1 I ., r I 0' I G' 0 ,:;:1~I~"""l ~:'1,·1 ';:::z WBC wn::"T'W l...~t.,',',J ,._uJ MCHC fiR flU:'i~~U.lI:''-':!'::. 0 :::.,_0:l-t...."..>::::;I MeV 0:. \..:J:::l:::.t;H [('il >-~ u W w ,>-0 'il ~~2 2 lrJ ;::--.J UJ 4' ..- I '.I I I I I .1 1 .\I .1I 1 .-~.;110m L ~Lr'l''''''!"l Pf\:I;iii !i'LPH~1 RLPHM·2 B[T,~r F~~ ;.:.:.I oro -E1~h G,)II H I~L :CJLlll In i It'\l 'I!! c:>I"I I mIl IGII I IGt'i1 1 ....,J 1 IGM 1 lG1C:::IGM :l ~!l"-' 3 t ·1 1 .J I .!1 ·1 I I I ·1 1_. ,.. .:>J K co rE PB I 1 1 .1 ·1 I I ·1 1 ·1 -J 0' ~I ZN CV MG MN CR NRs\ II1\1...:::I I .,1 I I :1 I I !1 I I .} ~Cl c---J C'J c-TI c--J [[JJ [clU c=J r--]LIL _I r=J ,..-----,:.~'C--O c----'] L._...J .J -----,~,, ,j • Table 14.Blood va1ues 1 based on sex from moose sampled May 1,1972 to June 1,1973. Female Male Mean S.D.N Mean S.D.N--- Calcium 9.9 1.6 231 9.6 1.3 98 Phos.4.6 1.7 231 5.0 1.5 98 Glucose 122 40 231 118 41 98 B.U.N.13 10 231 16 11 98 Uric Acid 0.4 0.2 231 0.4 0.2 98 Cholesterol 83 18 231 76 16 98 Bilirubin 0.4 0.2 231 0.4 0.3 98 A1k.Phos.56 61 230 89 99 96 L.D.H.321 96 231 338 110 96 SGOT 175 58 231 171 58 98 Ca/P Ratio 7.0 1.3 231 6.7 1.3 99 Total Protein 7.0 1.3 231 6.7 1.3 99 Albumin %56.7 5.4 231 55.1 6.1 99 Globulin %43.3 5.4 231 44.9 6.1 99 Alpha 1 %5.0 1.6 231 4.9 1.6 99 Alpha 2 %7.8 1.6 231 8.8 2.9 99 Beta %10.1 2.1 231 10.1 2.4 99 Gamna %20.4 3.9 231 21.0 4.8 99 A/G Ratio 1.34 0.3 231 1.27 0.31 99 1-Values expressed as mg./100 ml.,except as designated otherwise and total protein as gm./100 mI. -31- Table 15.Blood va1ues1 based on sex and age from moose sampled,May 1,1973 to June 1,1973. Age Class (Months) o to 12 13 to 24 25 to 36 37 to 96 97 to 144 144 + Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Hale Female Male N =11 N =11 N =11 N =14 N =31 N =26 N =93 N =39 N =60 N =7 N =25 N =1 Mean S.D.Mean S.D.Mean S.D.Mean S.D.Mean S.D.Mean S.D.Mean S.D.Mean S.D.Mean S.D.Mean S.D.Mean S.D.Mean S.D.---------------------- Calcium .8.7 3.1 8.9 1.6 9.6 0.7 9.4 1.7 9.6 2.2 9.2 1.4 9.9 1.6 10.1 .6 10.1 1.3 9.9 .3 10.4 .8 6.8 Phosphorus 6.3 3.4 5.3 2.1 3.4 1.4 5.9 1.5 4.9 1.7 5.0 1.8 4.9 1.8 4.7 1.1 4.1 1.2 4.9 1.0 4.3 1.0 4.1 Glucose 112 74 105 51 145 38 121 41 121 45 103 39 116 36 132 39 129 41 124 22 126 24 67 B.U.N.5.5 3.8 11.5 9.3 10.4 5.6 20.0 10.0 11.4 9.7 17.0 12.3 14.9 11.1 16.4 12.0 14.5 8.8 11.9 5.5 10.8 5.4 3 I Uric Acid 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.1 0.4 0.2 0.3 VJ Cholesterol 75 27 73 23 71 7 77 20 80 20 76 16 85 18 78 13 87 15 77 7 89 16 49N I Bilirubin 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.5 0~4 0.1 Alka.Phos.70 47 167 144 86 93 52 26 70 55 58 58 48 34 114 112 64 93 22 7 34 19 30 LDH 368 165 375 196 335 93 291 95 334 99 355 103 315 98 338 90 323 88 333 50 295 53 179 sGOr 198 67 211 82 207 56 124 50 163 46 191 55 165 57 166 45 192 63 161 42 164 40 92 Ca/P ratio 1.61 0.61 1.83 .57 3.42 1.70 1.66 .40 2.19 0.66 2.07 .73 2.29 1.03 2.29 .66 2.68 .93 2.23 .60 2.53 .63 1.66 Total Protein 5.0 1.9 5.3 1.8 6.5 0.6 6.6 1.4 6.6 1.2 6.4 1.2 7.1 1.3 7.2 .6 7.2 1.0 7.9 .5 7.3 .8 4.7 Albumin %58.0 4.8 55.6 8.1 60.5 5.8 54.9 6.1 57.9 4.2 56.5 4.7 55.2 5.6 55.1 5.5 57.3 5.3 47.9 6.9 57.2 5.3 62.0 Globulin %42.0 4.8 44.4 8.1 39.5 5.8 45.1 6.1 42.1 4.2 43.5 4.7 44.8 5.6 44.9 5.5 42.7 5.3 52.1 6.9 42.8 5.3 38.0 Alpha 1 %5.3 1.6 5.1 1.4 5.3 1.6 5.6 1.0 5.1 1.7 5.2 1.6 5.1 1.6 4.7 1.6 4.6 1.8 3.6 2.1 5.0 1.4 4.0 Alpha 2 %8.0 2.6 10.7 6.1 7.3 1.3 8.5 1.4 7.7 1.5 8.3 2.1 8.1 1.6 8.6 2.3 7.6 1.6 10.1 2.7 7.5 1.4 6.0 Beta %12.0 6.0 10.9 2.5 9.5 2.4 10.3 1.5 10.2 1.6 9.8 1.6 10.1 1.8 10.1 3.1 9..6 1.5 10.0 5.8 10.2 1.6 10.0 Gamma %16.8 2.9 17.6 4.1 17.4 3.9 20.7 .5.1 19.2 3.0 19.9 3.1 21.5 3.9 21.5 4.2 20.8 3.6 28.4 5.7 20.2 3.7 18.0 A/G ratio 1.38 0.3 1.31 .35 1.58 0.33 1.24 .28 1.38 .27 1.31 .27 1.27 .31 1.28 .32 1.37 .29 .95 .23 1.37 .32 1.61 1.Values expressed as mg./100 mI.,except as designated otherwise and total protein as gm./100 mI. r-r ,---rJ ~~rcTJ CO C.LJ t ....U rID L·...J c-:-J r---:,..-----" 1 l.'l~,J ~II Cl. Table 16.Mean blood va1ues 1 by month sampled from moose 0 -12 months old.(May 1,1972 to June 1,1973). HONTH JAJ.~.FEB.MAR.Al.'R.MAY JUNE JULY AUG.SEPT.OCT.NOV.DEC. F(7)*H(6)!~F M(l)F :1(1)F M F M F M F H F(l)H(2)F M F(l)~F(2)M(l) Calcium 7.8 7.9 8.5 10.8 11.2 10.9 10.6 9.6 9.0 Phosphorus 6.7 5.1 3.6 7.0 8.1 7.2 4.3 4.9 3.1 Glucose 88 80 63 137 170 189 135 157 98 B.U.N.3 6 19 15 10 17 10 8 25 Uric Acid .3 .4 .5 .5 .4 .5 .4 .4 .5 Cholesterol 65 59 60 90 120 106 90 78 87 Bilirubin .2 .4 .4 .5 .4 .7 .4 .5 .5 I Ak.Phos.49 138 300 77 164 296 140 59 45wwLDH337278236300700 675 277 355 570I SGOT 215 216 300 114 139 158 155 189 300 CalP ratio 1.42 1.72 2.36 1.54 1.38 1.53 2.47 1.97 2.90 Total Protein 4.2 4.1 5.6 7.2 7.2 7.1 6.9 6.2 6.4 Albumin %55.9 51.5 59.0 63.0 56.0 61.0 66.0 62.5 59.0 Globulin %44.1 48.5 41.0 37.0 44.0 39.0 34.0 37.5 .41.0 Alpha 1 %5.6 5.7 6.0 3.0 6.0 4.5 3.0 5.0 4.0 Alpha 2 %8.1 12.0 9.0 11.0 9.0 8.5 7.0 7.5 9.0 Beta %13.4 11.5 9.0 8.0 11.0 12.0 9.0 9.0 10.0 Gamma %17.0 19.3 18.0 14.0 19.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 18.0 AIG ratio 1.22 1.13 1.43 1.73 1.21 1.59 2.0 1.69 1.37 *Sample size 1.Values expressed as mg./100 ml.,except as designated otherwise and total protein as gm./100 mI. Table 17.Mean blood va1ues 1 by month sampled from moose 13 -24 months old.(May 1,1972 to June 1,1973). MONTH JAN.FEB.MAR.APR.MAY JUNE JULY AUG..s.En...QCL...NOV.DEC F(l)*M(3)F(2)M(l)F(3)M(l)F(2)M(J)F(3)!:!!.M(l)!.M(l)!.M(l)F M F M !.M(l)F M(2) Calcium 10.3 6.9 9.7 10.6 9.3 9.5 10.0 9.6 9.6 10.2 11.1 9.7 10.4 10.0 Phosphorus 3.1 4.8 3.5 7.4 2.6 6.3 3.9 4.7 4.0 6.2 7.4 6.2 7.2 6.8 Glucose 118 79 152 140 150 140 173 153 126 102 110 140 100 133 B.U.N.14 12 17 33 13 33 8 12 4 20 23 29 21 24 Uric Acid .5 .2 .3 1.4 .2 .1 .4 .2 .5 .5 .4 .5 .5 .5 Cholesterol 85 54 73 101 67 95 73 73 66 83 85 105 55 87 Bilirubin 1.1 .2 .7 .2 .4 .3 .5 .4 .2 .3 .2 .2 .4 .7 Alk.Phos.23 37 179 57 25 42 114 41 86 126 -78 40 47 I LOH 300 188 332 250 395 295 348 305 277 335 310 375 260 384w -l'-SGOT 156 142 260 77 234 95 214 148 157 90 98 95 90 158ICa/P ratio 3.32 1.49 2.86 1.4::,4.48 1.51 3.52 2.21 2.70 1.65 1.50 1.56 1.44 1.51 Total Protein 7.1 4.9 6.9 8.4 6.8 7.6 6.6 6.8 5.9 6.0 6.5 7.1 7.0 7.2 Albumin %64.0 53.0 64.5 43.0 54.3 57.0 62.5 55.0 61.7 61.0 61.0 51.0 53.0 60.5 Globulin %36.0 47.0 35.5 57.e 45.7 43.0 37.5 45.0 38.3 39.0 39.0 49.0 47.0 39.5 Alpha 1 %5.0 5.3 4.5 5.C 5.3 5.0 5.0 6.7 6.0 4.0 6.0 7.0 5.0 5.0 .A~pha 2 %8.0 8.3 6.5 11.C 9.0 8.0 6.5 8.0 6.3 7.0 8.0 8.0 10.0 8.0 Beta %7.0 10.0 8.0 10.C 11.3 10.0 9.5 11.3 9.3 12.0 9.0 10.0 10.5 9.0 Gamma %16.0 23.3 16.0 30.C 20.0 20.0 16.0 18.6 17.0 15.0 17.0 23.0 22.0 12.5 A/G ratio 1.73 1.17 1.87 .79 1.24 1.33 1.70 1.19 1.62 1.68 1.54 1.06 1.13 1.48 *Sample size. 1.Values expressed as mg./100 ml.,except as designated otherwise and total protein as gm./100 mI. r----:Cl r-~r:J ~J.J [."_d ..U ~....,...) r---n1l...__...,L1 L~c=J ~ J r---:~,..J .. Table 18.Mean blood va1ues1 by month sampled from moose 25 -36 months old.(May 1,1972 to June 1,1973). MONTH JAt\!.FEB.MAR.APR.MAY JUNE JULY AUG.SEPT.OCT.NOV.DEC. F(4)*M(6)F(l)M(l)F(2)M(2)F(5)11(2)F(3)M(l)F(2)M(4)F(2)M(3)F(3)M(l)F(3)!!F(4)M(4).£M(l)F(2)M(l) Calcium 6.9 7.4 10.0 9.1 10.0 9.0 11.0 9.8 7.1 9.2 10.1 9.9 10.1 10.1 9.2 9.6 10.7 10.5 10.0 9.6 10.3 9.8 Phosphorus 6.4 6.3 4.5 4.8 3.2 4.0 4.5 3.2 4.4 4.2 5.5 5.2 5.0 4.7 3.8 4.3 5.6 5.2 4.9 5.5 5.3 4.3 Glucose 66 75 176 86 124 91 104 115 118 122 138 91 72 102 111 90 182 169 155 135 113 97 B.U.N.4 8 15 29 10 30 4 12 4 6 31 32 20 23 22 31 21 7 8 8 6 9 Uric Acid .3 .3 .3 .6 .4 .6 .4 .5 .6 .6 .5 .6 .6 .6 .5 .6 .5 .5 .7 .3 .4 .5 Cholesterol 49 59 65 87 63 73 78 63 72 75 91 82 97 100 94 97 109 92 79 80 74 72 Bilirubin .2 .4 .6 .3 .3 .3 .3 .3 .2 .2 .7 .4 .6 .3 .5 .8 ;5 .3 .4 .5 .7 .5 A1k.Phos.57 28 50 32 42 36 66 49 45 20 95 63 113 183 171 142 66 37 27 35 35 35 I LDH 280 310 315 375 319 403 257 345 269 355 378 430 430 308 380 465 489 368 384 252 246 250 ...., V1 SGCT 175 188 204 243 197 259 168 274 168 220 177 185 156 137 106 160 166 133 173 160 202 163I Ca/p ratio 1.36 1.47 2.22 1.90 3.12 2.39 2.50 3.29 2.38 2.19 1.59 1.99 2.05 2.21 2.58 2.23 1.93 2.45 2.19 1.75 1.94 2.28 Total Protein 4.2 4.7 6.4 6.2 6.4 6.1 6.5 6.3 6.3 5.5 6.8 7.0 7.3 7.3 6.9 7.3 7.7 7.8 7.5 6.6 7.1 6.8 Albumin %55.5 54.3 67.0 57.0 65.0 61.5 59.8 60.5 60.3 55.0 53.5 58.0 57.0 54.3 54.3 50.0 58.0 54.3 55.7 61.0 60.5 57.0 Globulin %44.5 45.7 33.0 43.0 35.0 38.5 40.2 39.5 39.7 45.0 46.5 42.0 43.0 45.7 45.7 50.0 42.0 45.7 44.3 39.0 39.5 43.0 Alpha 1 %5.5 5.7 3.0 9.0 5.5 5.0 5.6 5.5 5.3 7.0 6.0 6.0 5.5 5.0 5.0 4.0 5.0 4.3 3.5 4.0 4.0 4.0 Alpha 2 %9.0 8.5 7.0 7.0 6.0 7.0 7.8 7.0 5.6 10.0 8.0 7.2 9.0 8.0 7.6 10.0 8.0 8.5 10.2 8.0 7.0 7.0 Beta %10.5 10.1 7.0 9.0 9.0 8.5 9.6 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.5 8.8 10.0 10.6 11.3 14.0 11.3 10.5 9.5 9.0 10.5 9.0 Gamma %19.3 21.3 16.0 18.0 14.5 17.5 17.0 18.5 19.3 19.0 22.0 19.0 19.0 22.3 22.0 22.0 18.0 22.8 18.5 18.0 18.0 23.0 A/G ratio 1.23 1.20 2.15 1.30 1.86 1.62 1.42 1.58 1.54 1.15 1.16 1.40 1.20 1.17 1.20 1.03 1.35 1.21 1.29 1.55 1.59 1.30 *Sample size 1.Values expressed as mg./100 ml.,except as designated otherwise and total protein as gm./100 mI. Table 19.Mean blood va1ues1 by month sampled from moose 37 -96 months old.(May 1,1972 to June 1,1973). MONTH DEC.J AJ.'<•FEB.MAR.APR.MAY JUNE JULY AUG.SEPT.OCT.NOV. F(16)*H(4)F(3)M(2)F(6)~F(16)M(4)F(3)~F(8)M(4)F(7)M(5)F(7)M(l)F(4)~F(15)M(13)F(4)M(5)F(4)M(l) Calcium 7.7 9.9 9.6 9.4 10.0 10.5 10.0 9.2 10.3 10.5 10.5 10.4 10.1 10.0 10.1 10.9 10.3 9.8 9.4 9.9 10.3 Phosphorus 5.9 4.1 4.8 5.6 3.7 4.5 4.2 3.2 5.4 4.3 5.2 5.4 4.5 5.3 4.3 5.4 5.1 5.3 3.5 3.9 5.1 Glucose 71 107 143 110 132 113 124 126 124 169 114 120 115 75 145 146 137 110 150 115 115 B.U.N.6 13 19 25 16 7 4 7 31 39 30 30 26 10 25 10 10 16 11 16 13 Uric Acid .3 .4 .6 .6 .4 .2 .3 .5 .6 .8 .5 .5 .6 .4 .4 .5 .6 .4 .3 .5 .5 Cholesterol 62 72 91 80 86 76 71 84 89 86 100 95 101 95 102 94 72 88 77 80 76 Bilirubin .3 .5 ..5 .5 .5 ;4 .3 .4 .6 .7 .5 .5 .5 .2 .5 .3 .4 .6 .9 .5 .7 A1k.Phos.46 83 39 284 49 40 85 33 90 196 69 275 61 275 37 44 31 20 68 26 200 LDH 300 322 261 306 303 270 260 310 380 408 341 411 446 342 360 347 331 268 342 284 218 I SGOT 184 201 194 199 226 172 186 207 147 161 126 156 134 123 161 134 139 164 201 194 158 ~Ca/P ratio 1.62 2.68 2.17 1.70 3.05 2.79 2.55 3.25 1.98 2.56 2.08 1.96 2.40 1.89 2.38 2.12 2.07 1.93 2.85 2.80 2.02 I Total Protein 5.5 6.7 7.4 6.7 7.1 6.7 6.2 6.0 7.5 7.6 7.6 7.8 7.9 7.4 8.3 7.9 7.4 8.3 6.9 7.6 7.6 Albumin %55.6 55.2 52.6 56.5 60.3 56.5 58.5 57.6 53.6 53.5 51.3 54.0 50.9 61.0 53.8 55.9 52.9 55.0 58.4 57.0 57.0 Globulin %44.4 44.8 47.3 43.5 39.7 43.5 41.5 42.3 46.3 46.5 48.7 46.0 49.1 39.0 46.2 44.1 47.1 45.0 41.6 43.0 43.0 Alpha 1 %5.3 6.0 7.3 6.0 5.0 6.1 7.0 5.0 5.3 5.3 5.9 4.8 5.1 4.0 4.8 3.6 3.7 4.3 3.4 5.3 5.0 Alpha 2 %7.9 8.0 8.0 7.5 7.1 7.4 7.2 8.0 7.3 8.0 9.3 8.4 8.7 7.0 8.8 8.6 10.0 8.3 7.6 7.5 8.0 Beta %9.9 8.5 9.0 7.5 9.1 9.2 9.2 12.3 10.4 10.7 10.4 11.0 10.3 10.0 11.3 11.3 10.0 8.5 12.6 9.0 7.0 Gamma %21.2 22.5 23.0 22.5 18.3 20.9 18.3 17.3 23.1 22.5 23.1 21.6 24.9 18.0 21.0 20.6 23.3 24.0 18.0 21.3 23.0 A/G ratio 1.27 1.21 1.11 1.29 1.55 1.34 1.50 1.46 1.18 1.16 1.06 1.33 1.04 1.61 1.19 1.31 1.17 1.34 1.45 1.35 1.30 *Sample size L Values expressed as mg./100 ml.,except as designated otherwise and total protein as gm./lOO m1. r---"~rJ n--:~CD CD [Mn L.,J CD L.LJ L.~JL 'l;,;.J ,----.--.,c--J c=-l. Table 20.Mean blood values1 by month sampled from moose 97 to 144 months old.(May 1,1972 to June 1,1973). MONTH JAN.FEB.MAR.APR.MAY JUNE JULY AUG.SEPT.OCT.NOV.DEC. F(8)*~F(S)M F(5)M F(6)M F(2)!i F(2)M F(4)M F(l)M F (4)M F(l7)M(7)F(4)M F(2)M Calcium 8.4 9.9 10.1 10.1 9.9 9.9 11.1 10.9 10.3 10.6 9.9 10.1 10.4 Phosphorus 4.1 4.4 4.1 2.7 3.1 4.5 4.7 4.7 4.0 4.8 4.9 3.1 4.1 Glucose 83 127 104 127 120 110 119 115 163 150 123 158 130 B.U.N.10 19 18 11 4 22 29 28 29 9 12 12 12 Uric Acid .3 .5 .4 .3 .7 .7 .5 .5 .4 .5 .4 .6 .2 Cholesterol 65 78 85 80 100 90 88 97 108 93 77 86 90 Bilirubin .4 .6 .6 .3 .4 .5 .5 .3 .6 .4 .4 .8 .7 Ak.Phos.25 110 40 37 38 208 57 56 219 44 22 28 90 LDH 324 321 277 320 222 342 305 400 400 344 333 277 347 I SGOT 204 254 232 348 138 121 138 130 171 179 161 177 179 ~Calp ratio 2.14 2.48 2.50 3.99 3.34 2.23 2.42 2.32 2.77 2.40 2.23 3.67 2.56 I Total Protein 5.6 6.8 7.2 6.8 7.0 7.3 7.9 8.5 8.2 7.7 7.9 7.6 7.0 Albumin %55.0 58.6 59.2 56.2 60.5 53.5 53.7 46.0 59.8 57.5 47.0 59.0 64.5 Globulin %45.0 41.4 40.8 43.8 39.5 46.5 46.3 54.0 40.2 42.5 52.1 41.0 35.5 Alpha 1 %5.8 6.6 4.2 5.3 6.0 4.0 5.8 5.0 3.3 3.5 3.6 4.5 3.5 Alpha 2 %7.0 7.2 6.0 8.3 7.0 9.0 7.0 8.0 7.0 8.5 10.1 7.8 7.0 Beta %9.5 8.2 8.8 8.7 8.5 9.5 10.7 12.0 11.2 10.4 10.0 9.0 8.0 Gamma %22.8 19.4 21.6 21.5 18.0 24.5 23.0 29.0 18.5 20.1 28.4 19.8 12.0 A!G ratio 1.26 1.36 1.48 1.29 1.53 1.17 1.18 .85 1.51 1.39 .95 1.49 1.88 *Sample size 1.Values expressed as mg./100 m1.,except as designated otherwise and total protein as gm./100 m1. Table 2l.1 (May 1,1972 to June 1,1973).Mean blood values by month sampled from moose over 144 months old. MONTH JAN.FEB.MAR.APR.MAY JUNE JULY AUG..:..SEPT.OCT.NOV.DEC. F(6)M(l)F(2)~F(4)~F(l)~F M F M F(l)~!~F(l)~FO)~F(l)~F(2)M Calcium 10.2 6.8 10.1 10.0 9.6 10.7 11.7 10.7 10.3 10.2 Phosphorus 4.8 4.1 4.7 3.9 2.3 4.5 5.2 4.7 2.9 3.3 Glucose 112 67 126 122 142 92 107 136 110 166 BUN 11 3 16 13 2 19 15 8 4 11 Uric Acid .3 .3 .5 .4 .1 .5 .5 .5 .4 .3 Cholesterol 82 49 78 77 77 100 105 104 83 83 Bilirubin .6 .1 .8 .5 .7 .2 .4 .2 .6 1.2 Alk.Phos.30 30 79 34 42 44 25 32 17 18 I LDH 270 179 332 276 282 323 255 330 240 294 w SGOT 172 92 214 196 161 102 110 132 152 20200Ca/p ratio 2.22 1.66 2.16 2.60 4.18 2.38 2.34I2.25 3.55 3.24 Total Protein 6.7 4.7 6.7 6.9 7.0 7.9 8.3 7.8 7.3 7.6 Albumin %57.7 62.0 60.5 60.5 58.0 51.0 54.0 52.7 58.0 65.5 Globulin %42.3 38.0 39.5 39.5 42.0 49.0 46.0 47.3 42.0 34.5 Alpha 1 %5.5 4.0 4.5 5.3 6.0 6.0 5.0 4.6 5.0 3.5 Alpha 2 %6.8 6.0 6.5 6.5 6.0 9.0 9.0 8.9 8.0 7.0 Beta %9.8 10.0 8.0 9.8 10.0 11.0 14.0 11.4 8.0 9.0 Ganuna %20.2 18.0 20.5 39.5 20.0 23.0 19.0 22.6 21.0 15.0 A/G ratio 1.39 1.61 1.54 1.57 1.41 1.03 1.13 1.12 1.35 1.94 'I<Sample size 1.Values expressed as mg.1100 ml.,except as designated otherwise and total protein as gm.1100 ml. rTJ Cl ~I r-;--: l,..__....J r:J [i"!]co c=JJ ~_...J LJ.IJ!Li._...J L....J ~l.__.~.------, _1 .----------,LJ. The blood values listed in Tables 14 through 21 are from this report period.Statistical analysis will not be done until all samples,previously collected,and those to be collected under this job are compiled.The compilation should provide adequate sample sizes for additional classification by reproductive status,location,rectal temperature class,condition class and drug used. Listing the values on the basis of month sampled (Tables 16 through 21)indicates periods of small sample sizes and provides a guide to assist in efforts to obtain certain classes of animals at certain periods of time to improve the distribution of sampling. Excitability Stress,Body Temperature and Blood Values Of the parameters used to reflect the influence of excitability related to trapping,capture,immobilization and handling of moose rectal temperature was most efficiently monitored.The utilization of body temperature for this purpose was known to be effective;however,other parameters such as heart rate,respiratory rate,and some blood physiologic parameters were investigated and correlations were made utilizing body temperature as the standard (Table 22). The lack of significant correlations between rectal temperature or rectal temperature classes and heart rate,respiratory rate,L D H, S GOT and blood glucose indicates that continued utilization of rectal temperature was our most reliable indicator of excitability stress in moose.The classification and use of rectal temperature classes (Table 2)should be a major criteria in classifying moose physiologic values. Each moose handled was subjectively classified into an excitability class from one to five.To assist in determining how accurately we were judging these individuals,excitability classes were correlated with rectal temperatures.There was a significant correlation (r =.796), indicating that our subjective evaluation was adequate,but could be improved. To obtain a base line value for the rectal temperature of the moose, only excitability class was used.Class 1 (not excited)and Class 2 (slightly excited)moose were sorted from the data.The resulting mean rectal temperature was 38.7 C (SD =0.42),based upon a sample of 109.The mean rectal temperature of 234 moose sampled,representing all excitability classes,was 39.2 C (SD =1.05).The "norma l"rectal temperature for moose,based on animals in excitability Classes 1 and 2,ranges between 3H.3 and 39.1 c. Base Line Heart Rate and Respiratory Rate The attempt to utilize heart rate and respiratory rates as possible excitability classification criteria,made it possible to establish base line values for moose under a variety of conditions.The mean heart rate of 218 moose was 85.4 beats per minute (S.D.=23.53)and the mean respiratory rate of 217 moose was 31.6 breaths per minute (SD =1911).Due to the lack of significant correlation of heart rate and respiratory rate with rectal temperature and excitability class, no further classification was attempted.The high standard deviation -39- Table 22.Correlations of body temperature and body temperature classes l with selected physiologic parameters. Independent Dependent Sample Correlation Variable (x)Variable (y)Size Coefficient Rectal Heart 135 0.384 Temperature Rate Rectal Respiratory 133 0.487 Temperature Rate Heart Respiratory 124 0.289 Rate Rate Rectal Temperature L.D.H.2 153 0.260 Class Rectal Temperature S.G.O.T.3 154 0.089 Class Rectal Temperature Blood 154 0.183 Class Glucose 1.Based upon Table 2 in this report. 2.L.D.H.=Lactic Dehydrogenase. 3.S.G.O.T.=Serum Glutamic Oxalacetic Transaminase. -40- [: [ r: c C L [ C t L fo' L L L L indicates considerable variability in both heart rate and respiratory rate.A subjective evaluation of the variability indicates that both are responsive to excitability and stress,but not in the same time relationship,and therefore are not directly correlated with each other or with body temperature.Both heart rate and respiratory rate are more responsive to external stimuli than body temperature and therefore are less usable as monitoring parameters for classifying excitability.The responsiveness of heart rate to environmental stresses would make it a useful criterion to monitor more discrete responses via radio telemetry.The utilization of heart rate and respiratory rate radio-telemetry would provide more useful base line values for each,as conditions at time of monitoring could be more critically evaluated. Hair From May 1972 to May 1973,316 hair samples from moose were collected and analyzed.The sources of these samples are listed in Table 13.Table 23 lists the results of these analyses by month collected,by location (MRC,outside MRC,and other),and by sex.This order of classification was selected,as it appeared that month sampled was the most influential source of variation.The small sample size,resulting from further classifying samples by location and sex,negated the possibility of statistically testing the resulting values for significant differences;however,it was possible to observe trends. The effect of seasons on the selected values is apparent and has been reported on a preliminary,basis from this study (Flynn and Franzmann,1973). Most of the values (Zn,Cu,Mn,Na,K,and Cd)peak in October (Figs.2, 3,5,7,8 and 9).Calcium peaks in August (Fig.6).and magnesium in September (Fig.4).Iron levels were highest in April (Fig.lO)~and lead peaked in November (Fig.11).Most of the values reflected the peak of condition of moose in the fall in a general way.It should be noted that the calcium peak in August was followed by a rapid decline when other values were high.Since antler development,with its high calcium requirements, is culminating in August,it was suspected that this was influencing the August peak;however,from Table 23 it is evident that the females also attained their highest hair calcium values in August.Magnesium levels followed a similar pattern to calcium with a peak in September.The pattern of iron values does not correspond to the other values and the significance of this is not known.Lead,being an environmental contaminant with no known physiologic function,has a seasonal peak corresponding to improved condition of moose,but on a delayed basis being in November. The mean values of all elements,except iron,dropped during the winter and early spring,with some variation in time along with monthly fluctuations.The low values did not occur during a particular month,as was experienced with the high values in October.If these values reflect condition of the animal,it would be expected that the low period would not be as consistent as the high period since moose would in general respond to good foraging,as the seasons provide,more uniformly than to the periods of poor foraging which introduces many more variables. Hair samples were collected nearly every month from our two tame moose (Raquel and Wally)who were receiving supplemental feed in the form of commercial calf pellets (18 percent protein).Table 24 lists the results -41- "Z h,, ., 1 ....· It. ,., •• -Zi]- ••• <L Lo\-z t.\:>\ J'O~.A~'-~~"ON !\"t'A·W of, (weld) ~Z os 0' ~L\)1 l.L'o\ ).W "'''W \\~t J\oM ~·S ~\t\t i"w :-1 l,_J U J 0\ ~l b(1.tb\ L.w "'.~"'~t'AON \.~'S !rt I·W L._____------··---------·-------==----L.-----t I 1"t i h, ~ ,1.10\~l'o\ 1qw A·W ~'l AIM ~·S ~\t\r I~W ,----0'[ 011 0' of. (weld)00' gw 01.\ O~\ 0'" 0\' Cf:L\iI\"tL'o\ A~W ,A·W '-~r AON ~J-s l\t\t ~.W ooC6 001- •001\ -i]i]- ~Lb' A.-W .A~W "'''t J\oN ~--•,• ~W~d) ~N 0 0 '1.1 oo~, ·~"1 dw ~$,\\,"0 1M A~c;a"l"'''...Ii .A~"'~n o0lt{•L a..\C\~'.:i l 'J '] ] 'J-,- R o J nd U [] J 00' oOl 00' ']•TD\JW~S ",\-"'OW ~~~~t\\""9J ""~'\aSQOW •~a~(\~'3 ~J ,L~\ AOM tJ.S ~V\\l.¥I .---,-----I---.-----.------ 1.' h·,-,. 0" 1..• ",., '" ·b boAl\~.~ "'tl.b\ "oN ~A.S A\ft\'A9W ---,.r----r---_-~.-'---T"---.------f 00 h 00' 00& 000' 001.' OOtll 00'" [J J u ] -9i]- ti:L b (-z.L.~' ~ow "'f~\A,t A'N ~J.S !\"('J..~ •, ., l a b 01 " h\ OL .~.\JW9S ~\"'O""A~..'"\"'.....~",~q,,\~"OQW.'0\Ml\'b'j Table 23.Mean monthly hair element values from moose at MRC and outside MRC.May,1972 to May,1973. Parts per million (PPM) Month Location ~Sample Size Zn Q!lJg .Mn.~.Jia .K .Q£.li Pb May MRC F 10 65.6 3.5 38.9 3.8 332.4 638.5 261.3 0.3 32.9 5.5 MRC M 1 63.9 1.9 35.7 1.9 360.9 562.0 219.0 0.1 39.5 7.1 Outside M &F 0 Total 11 61.0 3.4 38.3 3.6 335.0 633.5 257.5 .3 33.5 5.6 Winter kill calves (Kenai Peninsula)17 34.6 5.6 89.2 15.7 429.5 407.1 336.3 0.7 40.0 7.8 June MRC F 10 44.2 3.5 28.4 0.6 255.0 475.9 873.8 0.4 59.0 4.9 I MRC M 6 47.9 3.1 27.0 1.1 253.2 473.6 633.4 0.2 44.2 5.3"'""Outside F 0IOutsideM1 57.4 2.9 29.4 2.9 279.4 287.5 229.4 0.9 36.7 4.7 Total 17 45.6 3.2 27.9 0.8 269.6 475.0 783.7 0.4 53.5 5.1 July MRC F 11 38.6 3.0 25.3 0.1 216.4 595.6 911.4 0.3 50.5 8.0 MRC M 6 32.2 4.5 17.5 0.0 319.2 542.1 1084.1 0.2 53.2 8.9 Outside F &M 0 Total 17 37.8 3.5 22.5 .06 252.7 576.7 972.4 0.3 51.5 8.3 August MRC F 9 50.0 3.8 97.8 .06 763.1 382.3 794.0 0.7 32.9 5.5 MRC M 2 60.0 6.6 140.9 .1 688.5 459.9 1098.7 0.3 39.4 7.7 Outside F &M 0 Total 11 51.8 4.3 105.7 0.06 744.6 408.6 894.4 0.6 34.1 5.6 Table 23.(continued)Hean monthly hair element values from moose at MRC and outside MRC.Hay,1972 to Hay,1973. Parts per million (PPM) Month Location Sex Sample Size Zn Cu ~Mn Ca Na K Cd Fa Ph Sept.MRC F 11 80.4 i3.5 147.5 1.5 515.0 691.4 1683.9 1.2 41.6 9.2 HRC H 0 Outside F 1 66.1 11.7 171.2 0.0 521.4 964.9 426.1 3.5 44.4 8.0 Outside M 0 Total 12 78.4 13.3 174.5 1.4 515.5 714.2 1579.1 1.4 41.9 9.1 Oct.MRC M 3 74.6 15.0 86.2 6.9 192.8 1149.0 2251.8 1.5 48.7 7.2 MRC M 3 107.3 12.3 104.5 4.3 260.5 893.7 1708.5 0.4 56.0 11.8 Outside F 3 78.1 14.4 82.5 4.9 205.6 1267.5 2384.6 3.0 38.4 17.4 Outside M Tagging F 34 92.7 14.4 134.1 13.6 226.9 1295.4 2351.7 1.3 47.7 12.8 (Bench1and)M 24 77 .3 15.0 113.0 11.6 225.0 1217.9 1848.9 1.6 54.3 11.5 Total 67 89.1 14.7 120.S 12.6 225.4 1235.4 2090.4 1.5 51.4 12.3 Nov.MRC F 8 73.2 15.1 88A 5.6 210.8 1295.8 1095.7 0.8 39.8 16.8 I MRC M 6 68.8 8.9:-68.2 4.5 188.4 1006.8 79.8.4 0.6 43.5 8.7+:- 00 Outside F &M 0I Total 14 71.4 11.3 79.7 5.1 201.1 1172.0 968.3 0.7 41.4 13.3 Dec.MRC F 5 61.2 1.8 65.4 7S 212.1 1295.3 440.7 0.4 44.6 9.5 MRC M 3 64.3 2.4 56.5 6·.2 237.3 1230.3 349.1 0.2 67.0 4.3 Outside F 6 61.3 1.5 70.9 4.5:218.6 1308.4 602.8 0.4 49.8 13.5 Outside M 1 65.4 1.1 51.4 13.6 222.0 999.9 345.8 0.7 38.8 15.4 Total 15 64.5 1.4 62.3 6.5'220.6 1202.6 468.1 0.3 52.6 11.0 Jan.MRC F 7 66.0 4.·1 51.3 1.7 187.1 1319.0 332.9 0.0 62.8 5.0 MRC M 6 63.5 2.7 53S 2.0 245.8 976.8 296.6 0.0 52.9 3.7 Outside F 4 67.2 2.8 54.8 0.8 188.9 1228.1 388.5 0.0 49.1 2.8 Outside M 2 71.2 3.5 60.9_2.S 195.8 1051.4 338.2 0.0 61.1 1.8 Total 19 61.6 2.5 52.8 1.6 205.5 1080.4 315.6 0.0 55.2 4.0 Ft.Richardson Hunt Total F &M 44 65.2 7.1 76.1 1.6-280.4 1164.3 406.2 0.5 56.1 5.1 r--1 CJ ~rr1 CJ Ul.nLJ lL.J rr:;-~[~~,~--'1 r-----." I i J _J\.~L ...•..."...j Table 23.(continued)Mean monthly hair element values from moose at MRC and outside MRC.May,1972 to May,1973. Parts per million (PPM) Month Location Sex Sample Size Zn Cu ~Mn Ca Na K Cd Fa Pb Feb.MRC F 6 79.3 4.5 45.7 1.3 290.3 864.4 374.8 1.8 56.9 4.2 MRC M 6 81.9 4.5 53.0 0.5 305.8 776.4 401.0 1.6 52.9 6.2 Outside F 9 82.8 5.4 49.0 0.4 298.2 864.8 319.3 0.0 52.7 5.3 Outside M 0 Total 21 74.1 4.4 48.4 0.6 297.9 849.2 366.6 0.8 54.0 5.2 March MRC F 5 87.5 6.2 53.3 2.0 253.9 726.6 477.8 0.2 60.6 4.5 MRC M 2 55.6 7.5 54.3 LO 244.2 818.5 263.0 0.0 55.7 7.0 Outside F 13 82.1 8.3 48.3 1.~238.2 820.4 427.0 0.2 66.3 5.7 I Outside M 0.j>o \0 Total 20 76.4 7.8 49".8 1.9_240.1 802.6 428.2 0.2 64.5 5.5IWinterKill Calves 4 70.5 3.3 34.6-0.9.-224.5 666.7 305.1 0.1 54.1 5.1 April MRC F 16 79.4 7.8 47.6 1.9 283.4 628.7 440.3 0.1 70.6 5.9 MRC M 3 72.3 5.3 23.1 1.4 242.6 678.1 400.6 0.5 59.6 7.0 Outside F 7 66.8 ~.9:.45.0 1.4 223.6 606.2 420.2 0.1 66.7 4.2 Outside M 1 52.2 9...3 50.4 1.7 2g2.2 538.2 414.2 0.3 30.7 0.0 Total 27 74.2 8.1 44.8 1.8 252.4 639.1 433.0 0.1 66.8 5.6 Table 24.Mean monthly hair element values from tame moose at MRC.June,1972 to May,1973. Parts per million (PPM) Month Moose Zn Cu Mg Mn Ca Na K Cd Fe Pb June Wally 60.7 4.9 51.0 0.0 609.2 474.5 1135.9 0.1 58.3 7.3 Raque1 41.3 2.0 31.5 0.2 194.9 384.8 460.6 0.1 55.5 3.5 July Wally 71.4 2.7 90.7 0.0 645.6 1074.2 2035.7 0.1 40.7 16.5 Raque1 70.5 4.5 122.7 0.0 468.2 862.5 1506.8 0.0 43.6 10.5 August Wally 54.5 6.5 91.5 1.5 453.6 700.4 1510.9 0.0 42.2 18.3 Raque1 89.3 8.0 144.0 0.4 397.3 665.3 1064.0 0.0 38.4 14.4 I lJ1 0 October Raque1 83.7 14.6 99.9 2.9 301.3 809.6 401.7 2.5 49.8 14.2I November Wally 72.9 20.8 72.9 6.·9:161.1 1472.2 652.8 1.4 43.8 21.5 Raque1 73.8 16.9 103.4 4.2 164.6 1185.7 2305.9 0.8 51.1 12.2 December Wally 70.7 0.0 55.6 7.1 247.5 1414.1 320.7 0.0 60.6 9.1 Raque1 69.7 0.0 62.2 6.3 201.5 1278.6 417.9 0.0 59.7 16.4 January Wally 73.7 2.3 69:.1 0.9 216.6 1359:.7 300.0 0.0 70.5 5.1 Raque1 73.5 La 73.5 2.0 189:..8 1204.1 534.7 0.0 93.1 6.9 February Wally 75.0 6.4 63.4 1.0 201.7 1142.6 331.7 0.0 83.5 6.9 Raqlle1 76.7 0.8 78.3 1.8 336.6 1079.•3 494.0 0.0 91.4 9.2 March Wally 70.4 10.7 33.5 G.CI 247.0 839.9 344.8 0.0 65.3 8.4 Raque1 85.6 7.5 45.0 1.6 300.0 828.8 615.6 0.0 80.0 1.1 April Wally 52.3 0.9 58.9 0.2 192.5 992.4 396.4 0.0 60.9 5.5 Raque1 84.9 9.•6 65.7 4.2 234.6 820.5 610.6 0.0 94.3 2.0 r-----,r-J ~en ~[li0 Lt ...J 11,.._j L..j\~.C'J :---:c=J.!..-;)i .;L ........1 _J of these hair analyses.It is evident that seasonal patterns are present,but not as dramatic as in our composite sample.There are some unexplained fluctuations,but this would be expected from single samples. The supplemental feed apparently either did not contain sufficient quantities of the elements to obviate seasonal patterns or the patterns develop in spite of intake.Analysis of the feed for these elements and the forage consumed should provide insight into the source of the elements. The demonstration of definite seasonal variations in hair element values indicates the possibility of utilizing hair samples to monitor nutritional status of moose populations.The realization of this possibility depends upon additional research.There are no other data from moose, nor are we aware of data from other ungulates,to utilize for establishing base line values.Information on moose hair growth rates is not available,nor do we know the proportion and pattern of anagen (growing) hair follicles and telogen (quiescent)hair follicles.Knowledge of the source and availability of the various elements in moose forage and consequently soils would benefit this research approach.The obstacles are many but the advantages of hair sampling from populations versus other physiologic sampling warrant continued research into this approach. Correlation of Hair and Blood Values Ten hair element values (Zn,Cu,rig,Mh,Ca,Na,K,Cd,Fe and Pb)and ten blood chemistry values (Ca,P,Glucose,Cholesteral, Alkaline Phosphotase,LDH,SGOT,Total Protein,Albumin and Globulin)of 221 moose were tested for single and multiple correlation,ignoring other classifications.The highest single correlation was hair potassium with total protein (r =.42)and the highest multiple correlation was hair potassium with all blood chemistry values (r =.53).It should be noted that hair calcium values and blood calcium values showed no correlation (r =.08).It should also be noted that conclusions drawn from this are generally meaningless without further classification of samples on the basis of season,sex,age,location,reproductive status and excitability.The values were tested to determine if there was a possible high correlation disregarding any classification.The results indicate there was none. Condition Class Subjective condition classifications were made for 200 moose during this report period.These were correlated with blood physiologic values (Table 25).As readily discernable,with no single correlation coefficients higher than 0.376 and a multiple correlation of 0.485,none of the selected values appear to be useful to evaluate condition,given the premise that the subjective evaluation is correct.The assumption that the condition evaluation is correct is most likely the fallacy in the preceding statement and,until physiologic parameters that will consistently reflect condition can be established,no conclusion can be drawn.Several values not tested may prove more useful (packed cell volume and hemoglobin)but adequate samples were not available during this report period.Other nonhemat~logic physiologic parameters such as weight and body measurements may be better condition monitors in moose.Hair sampling,with its much more delayed response,may also prove to be useful for this purpose. The usefulness of the physiologic values,selected in monitoring moose, is not negated by the lack of correlation with condition,for reasons other -51- '. in Table 25.Correlations of condition classes with selected blood phY$iologic values. [ n L~ Blood Physiologic Parameter Calcium Inorganic Phosphorus Glucose Blood Urea Nitrogen Cholesterol Alkaline Phosphotase LDH SGOT Total Protein Albumin Globulin Multiple Correlation Correlation Coefficient with Condition Class 0.012 0.020 0.376 0.074 0.195 0.098 0.252 0.040 0.028 0.017 0.038 0.485 -52- [I [' rJ o c o o p~ b [~ ,. ~ L L L [ - ~ than the possiblity that the condition evaluation is not valid,Samples were taken in total with no additional classifications.It is possible that,without considering other classifications,we have overlooked one or more significant sources of variation.Again the indication is that we must obtain sufficient samples with adequate distribution throughout the influential classifications we assign to the values. Bone Marrow Although sample sizes were small,there was a difference in percent dry-weight between marrows collected from nonwinter-killed adult moose inside the pens and those collected from similar moose outside the pens and in other parts of the Kenai Peninsula (Table 26).Since few adult moose were winter-killed,a comparison of marrows of these animals is not possible.Among calves there was a marked difference between road kills and winter kills.Marrow fat in winter-killed calves from the three areas did not greatly differ.Marrows from road-killed calves in the winter of 1972-73,had higher percent dry weight than those from the previous winter.The winter of 1971-72 was much more severe on much of the Peninsula, so weakened calves were more apt to stay on plowed roads and be killed.No attempt was made to correlate percent fat chronologically through the winter because sample sizes were too small.It is not known how low the percent fat can be in mal-nourished moose and still have the moose recover.Of the marrow examined from winter-killed moose,one of seven adults and two of 67 calves had values of 10 percent or greater dry weight.It would appear that between 10-20 percent is the point of no return and when it drops below 10 percent,the animal succumbs. Disease and Parasites No specific disease syndromes were noted at the MRC during this report period other than those relative to malnutrition,anomalies and injuries. An anomaly that occasionally was observed on moose captured outside the enclosures was the long-hoof syndrome.A comparable occurrence of this was noted by Dr.Harold Davis,University of Florida (personal communication)in deer in Florida in areas of known copper deficiency.Other mineral deficiencies may be involved,but with the low copper hair values found during certain periods of the year (this report),this possibility cannot be eliminated. Further sampling of forage and soils in the area with selected hair and blood sampling of these individuals would substantiate or disprove this possibility. Fifteen moose pellet samples from the Moose Research Center were sent to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game Laboratory in Fairbanks and examined by Carol Nielsen (Table 27).Mrs.Nielsen's interpretation of findings was as follows:all eggs observed were similar in size (246 -264 x 103 -129 microns)and shape (oval),and contained less than 50 cells.They were clearly of the subfamily Nematodirinae (Nematoda:Trichostrongylidae),and we suspect they are the eggs of NematodireZZa ZongispicuZata.These are only general approximations of egg numbers because various factors (water content of feces,diet,daily and hourly variations in egg and fecal production)influence the count. While the egg content of fecal pellets gives some indication of the total worm burden,there is a more direct relationship to the number of female -53- Table 26.Mean percent dry weight of moose femur marrow at the Kenai Moose Research Center and other parts of the Kenai Peninsula,winters 1971-72,1972-73.(Sample sizes in parenthesis;NS =no sample). Road Kills or Miscellaneous Death Winter Kills Winter Kenai Peninsula Outside MRC Inside MRC Kenai Peninsula Outside MRC Inside MRC Adults 1971-72 73.9 (14)86.7 (4)23.4 (2)NS 5.5 (1)10.5 (5) 1972-73 85.1 (3)84.0 (5)51.5 (4)NS NS 4.9 (1) Calves 1971-72 18.3 (16)NS NS 6.9 (45)7.1 (2)8.1 (8) 1972-73 51.4 (4)NS NS 7.3 (1)7.6 (2)7.3 (9) I V1 ~ I r--:'I·l ..;,;c ~CT:':c-J [~.'Jn:.:D rr=J (Ll~'"")r,-=-, ll~':"'_,__.J L:SJ [.~.~__.~},i--=--<~:r----: L __-'-~ ~.\(_._..i\c-:J . Table 27 Results of fecal egg count determination by the McMaster's technique for 15 moose pellet samples from Kenai Moose Research Center. Label in Sample Bag 1973 1973 Date Results,Chamber No.Sex Date Examined 1 2 45 MRC M 8/2 22/2 1 nmtr.*1 nmtr. 45 MRC M 8/2 22/2 1 nmtr.2 nmtr. 47 MRC M 24/1 23/2 neg.neg. 53 MRC M 8/2 22/2 neg.neg. 53 MRC M 8/2 22/2 neg.neg. 85 MRC F 23/1 22/2 neg.neg. 85 MRC F 23/1 22/2 neg.1 nmtr. 91 MRC F 8/1 21/2 neg.1 nmtr. 97 calf MRC M 24/1 23/2 1 nmtr.neg. 128 MRC F >24/1 21/2 neg.neg. 141 MRC F 25/1 22/2 neg.neg. 157 MRC F 26/1 21/2 2 nmtr.neg. I 188 MRC F 26/1 22/2 neg.neg.VI VI 159 MRC F 7/2 23/2 neg. neg.I 396 (152 out) MRC F 24/1 22/2 .neg •...neg. Estimated Egg Content of Pellet Samples 100 nematodirids 150 nematodirids negative negative negative negative 50 nematodirids 50 nemadodirids 50 nemadodirids negative negative 100 nematodirids negative negative ....negative. Kind of egg found:nematodirid Number of positive samples:6 out of 15 (numbers 45,#45, #85, #91,#97,#157) Estimated egg count range:0-150 eggs per gram,i.e,very light to light-moderate infections. *nmtr.=nematodirid egg [J worms present.However,degree of host immunity,nutrition,and the age of the helminth infection also contribute to count variations. RECOMMENDAT IONS 1.More intensive survival counts in the spring should be made in areas of intensive moose management to minimize distributional bias. n Lj I~ l ~ c 2.Pregnancy examination of moose by rectal palpation should begin around the first of December,as the fetus is of adequate size at that time.fl1_j 3.Dilution of sample size when classifying moose to evaluate blood physiologic values necessitates extremely large samples.Continued sampling is necessary to achieve this goal. [ 4.A subjective c~ndition evaluation,based on a 1 to 10 scale, should be utilized and recorded with all sarnp.les obtained from moose. r"u LITERATURE CITED Anderson,R.C.1972.The ecological relationships of meningeal worm and native cervids in North America.J.Wildl.Dis.8(4):304-310. ~ Bishoff,A.I.1954.Limitations of the bone marrow technique in determining malnutrition in deer.Proc.Western Assoc.State Game and Fish Corom.,Las Vegas,Nevada 34:205-210. 5.The rectal temperature should be recorded from all live moose sampled for blood physiologic values to classify and subsequently compare values in the same excitability or rectal temperature class. f11..1N [j C o n.!.'LJ c c [I, E The distribution and abundance 782 p. Andrewartha,H.G.and L.C.Birch.1954. of animals.Univ.of Chicago Press. Bader,D.1968.Moose tagging program.A report on fish and wildlife conservation activities,Fort Richardson,Alaska,1968.Compiled and prepared by Post Engineer,Fort Richardson,Alaska. 7.Sampling of forage and soil for selected mineral levels and possible deficiencies should be investigated in areas relegated to intensive moose management. 6.The preliminary demonstration of seasonal fluctuations of hair element values indicates the need for continued investigation.Base-line values and deficiency levels for moose should be established.Research is needed to determine hair growth rate and patterns of growth. Blinko,C.and W.B.Dye.1958.Serum transaminase in white-muscle disease.J.An.Sci.17:224. Bradfield,R.B.1968.Changes in hair associated with protein-calorie nutrition.In Calorie Deficiencies,ed.by R.A.McCance and E.M.Widdowson,p.213.Little,Brown and Co.,Boston. -56- L t L ________~--o,M.A.Bailey,and S.Margen.1967.Morphologic changes in human scalp hair roots during deprivation of protein. 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Hair trace metal levels and environmental exposure.Am.J. Epidemiology 93:84. [ [' \~ i l r-' L---, c Houston,D.B.1968.The Shiras moose in Jackson Hole,Wyoming.Grand Teton Natur.History Assoc.Tech.Bull.1.110 p. Johnson,D.C.,P.D.Arneson and A.W.Franzmann. in orphaned and nonorphaned moose calves. lA-l.l.Fed.Aid in Wildl.Restoration. andG~. 1973.Behavior and survival Final Rep.Job Alaska Dept.of Fish [j [ Klevay,L.1970a.Hair as a biopsy material,I.Assessment of zinc nutriture.Am.J.Clinical Nutr.23:284. 1970b.Hair as a biopsy material II.Assessment of copper nutriture.Am.J.Clinical Nutr.23:1194. [ c Kopito,L.,R.Byers,and H.Shwachman.1967.Lead in hair of children with chronic lead poisoning.New England J.Med.276:949.E 1970.Moose report:Annual Progress Rep.Fed.Aid in ·Wildl.Restoration.Alaska Dept.of Fish and Game. Lack,D.1954.The natural regulation of animal numbers.Oxford Univ. Press.343 p. 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Mech,L.D.1966.The wolves of Isle Royale.Fauna Series 7.U.S. Dept.Interior.210 pp. Monie,J.B.1973.Population estimates by quadrat sampling method. Proc.Interagency Moose Meeting,Kenai,Alaska. Nei1and,K.A.1970. caribou femurs. Weight of dried marrow as indicator of fat in J.Wildl.~funage.34(4):904-907. Nicholson,A.J.1954.An outline of the dynamics of animal populations. Aust.J.Zool.2:9-65. Peek,J.M.1962.Studies of moose in the Gravelly and Snowcrest Mountains,Montana.J.Wildl.Manage.26(4):360-365. Pimlott,D.H. moose. 1959.Reproduction and productivity of Newfoundland J.Wildl.Manage.23(4):381-401. Rausch,R.A.1959.Some aspects of the population dynamics of the rainbe1t moose population,Alaska.M.S.Thesis,Univ.of Alaska.71 pp. ~and A.E.Bratlie.1965.Assessments of moose calf------:---production and mortality in southcentral Alaska.An.Conf. W.Assoc.State Game and Fish Commissioners.45:11. ______~--~.and R.H.Bishop.1968.Report on 1966-67 moose studies. 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Smith,C.R.and R.L.Hamlin.1970.Regulation of the heart and blood vessels.Pages 169-195 In M.J.Swenson,ed.Dukes'physiology of domestic animals.Cornell Univ.Press,Ithaca and London.f' D [ [ [~ [ l, [ 1970.Winter ecology of moose in the Gallatin Mountains, J.Wi1d1.Manage.34(1):37-46. Seal,U.S.,J.J.Ozoga,A.W.Erickson,and L.J.Verme.1973.Effects Qf im@obi1ization on blood analysis of white-tailed deer. J.Wildl~Manage.36~(4):l034-l040. Simkin?D.W.1965.~~~roduct~pn and productivity of moose in northwestern Ontario.J .Wilcii;"Manage.29 (4):"740-750. Stevens,D.R. Montana. Tenney,S.M.1970.Respiration in mammals.Pages 293-339 In M.J. Swenson,ed.Dukes'physiology of domestic animals.Cornell Univ.Press,Ithaca and London. Verme,L.J. Mammal. _____________.?Ud W.J.Pories,A.Flynn,and O.A.Hill,Jr.1972. element nutriture and metabo1ist through head hair analysis. In Trace substances in environmental health-V.Ed.by D.D. Hemphill,U.of Missouri,Columbia. 1970.Some characteristics of captive Michigan moose. 51(2):403-405. Whanger,P.O.,P.H.Weswig,O.H.Muth,and J.E.Oldfield.1969. lactic dehydrogenase,glutamic-oxalacetic transaminase,and peroxidase changes of selenium defecient myopathic lambs. J.Nutr.99:331-337. Trace J. Tissue D c D o [j Wynne-Edwards,V.C.1965.Self-regulating systems in populations of animals.Science.147(3665):1543-1548.[ PREPARED BY: Albert W.Franzmann and Paul D.Arneson Game Biologists [ [1 SUBMITTED BY Karl B.Schneider Regional Research Coordinator ctr~2-Wt~ Research Chief,Division of Game [ L -60- L State:Alaska JOB PROGRESS REPORT (RESEARCH) Cooperators:James L.Davis,Paul D.Arneson,Albert W.Franzmann,and Paul A.LeRoux Project No:W-17-5 Project Title:Big Game Investigations Job Number:1.7R Job Title:Kenai Peninsula Moose Population Identity Study Period Covered:July 1,1972 through June 30,1973 SUMMARY One hundred and sixteen moose were tagged with individually identifiable collars during the reporting period:43 outside the enclosures at the Kenai Moose Research Center,12 in the Big Indian Creek drainage,60 in the Tustumena Bench1and-Lower Funny River Airstrip area and one miscellaneous tagging. Nine hundred and eighty-three recoveries and resightings of tagged moose have been recorded since the inception of this project.Two hundred and seventy-nine observations of collared moose were made during the reporting period. Most of the moose tagged during the rut in the Big Indian Creek area wintered above timberline in the same area but possibly moved to lower elevations to calve. Moose rutting in the Lower Funny River Airstrip area and above timber- line in the Tustumena Bench1and area appear to be from separate populations. Resightings of tagged moose from the Lower Funny River group indicated that they wintered north of,or in the tagging area.Calving areas for the group have not been determined. Eighty percent of resightings of the Tustumena Benchland group occurred above timberline indicating that most of the moose winter in the original tagging area.These moose migrated to lower elevations in April and May, but calving areas were not determined. i CONTENTS ... i 1 1 2 . . • . . . 2 7 7 ... ..'.. Summary.. . . . . . . . Backgrotllld • • Objective. Procedures . Findings . Recommendations.. Literature Cited. BACKGROUND The effects of snow on wild tlllgulate behavior W2re first studied by Formozov (1946)and Nasimovich (1955).Until now,most research has been concerned with how the physical properties of snow affect tlllgulate movements (Des Meules,1964;Kelsall,1969;Kelsall and Prescott,1971; and Coady,1973). Snow depth is considered the most important factor for moose (Alces alces)(Coady,1973),because migration from summer range to winter range is influenced,activity may be reduced,and food becomes less accessible as snow depth increases.Little mention has been made of moose pawing through the snow for food,as do elk (Cervus canadensis)(Murie,1951),muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus)(Lent and Knutson,1971 and Tener,1965)and caribou (Rangifer tarandus)(Pruitt,1959 and Henshaw,1968).Des Meu1es (1964) stated,"Moose do not appear to have learned to use their feet to dig for food beneath or within the layer of snow ••••On two instances only, we have seen evidence of moose nuzzling through 8 or 10 inches of soft sno~to reach tlllderlying browse." The fact that moose are commonlv observed cratering in one area and not in another is probably due to habitat and feeding habit differences between moose heards.Moose frequently crater or paw for food through the snow on the Kenai Peninsula.These moose often crater above timberline for dwarf willows (Salix sp.)in sedge meadows for Carex and in scattered mature hardwood stands in the 1947 Kenai Burn for lowbush cranberry (Vaccinium vitis-ideae).LeReshe and Davis (1973)have stressed the importance of the nonbrowse lowbush cranberry in the winter diet of moose on the Kenai Peninsula.To our knowledge,nothing has been reported on the energy expended by moose digging craters versus the energy derived from the vegetation obtained. OBJECTIVE To evaluate the effects of snow conditions on moose feeding patterns and the related snow cratering activity of moose. The overall objective is to obtain more thorough and specific knowledge of how moose affect vegetation and how vegetation affects moose. The application of the indicator species concept to moose by gaining knowledge specific to moose ftlllction (physiology)is an integral part of the objective. -1- PROCEDURES Snow Monitoring and Crate ring Eight snow plots in Pens 1 and 2 were utilized.A plot is located in each of the following habitat types:dense hardwoods,thin hardwoods, sedge meadow,mature spruce,spruce regrowth,birch-spruce regrowth (thin), birch-spruce (dense)and spruce-ledum.At weekly intervals a trench was dug in each plot and the total depth,thickness and consistency of each snow layer was recorded.Depth of "sink"in snow of mans'foot was also measured.Presence of lowbush cranberry and other ground vegetation was recorded. Cratering activity by moose was studied and evaluated by observing both adults and calves,inside and outside the Moose Research Center enclosures.Observations noted were;number of paws per crater,time spent pawing per crater,time spent feeding per crater,total time per crater,number of craters for a period of time and forage utilized in each crater. FINDINGS Snow Monitoring and Crate ring The first snowfall of winter 1972-73 occurred on November 25 with a depth of 18 cm.Subsequent major snowfalls occurred on December 30, (18 cm),January 27-30 (18 cm)and March 12-15 (10 cm).Maximum depth was 60 cm in mid~March but it decreased rapidly after that (Table 1).Ground vegetation was visible until the second major snowfall and became visible again in late March and early April.Snow cover was present for approximately 135 days. Moose did not begin cratering until the second major snowfall. Until that time they nuzzled through the 15-18 cm of snow for ground vegetation.Cratering continued throughout the winter until nonbrowse plants again became visible;however,there·appeared to be less activity toward the end of winter. Emphasis on cratering activity studies this past winter was placed on effort and time expended cratering versus time spent at other activities. Tables 2 and 3 list the cratering activities of calves and adult cows, observed during daylight hours outside and inside the enclosures at the MRC.Much variation was noted in cratering efforts by both calves and adults.An enclosed adult cow and her calf dug 85 consecutive craters before browsing again in a maximum of 15 hours.The following day the same cow dug 12 craters in 40 minutes while her calf dug 35 craters in one hour and 45 minutes.Another cow dug 32 consecutive craters before browsing while her calf dug 20 craters.This is a greater cratering effort than the outside cow and calf near the cabin expended (Table 29).They were observed digging 7 and 25 craters,respectively,over an extended period.While observing several calves,Johnson et al.(1973) noted that 40 percent of their foraging time was spent cratering (20.5 hours cratering and 30.8 hours browsing),while the calf observed near -2- r: L__J [ [ [ [ [ [j o c c D [J c L c L L [ k I,j ll.cj"';l,l,.)1 k luiJ k "'!iW",;ll ,lJ 1...."J'];I III "J:li lht.ci"I..i,U,jj 1hi1,"H,i';;,.lI It"j',I ild b I...,'L_ Table 1.Snow depth (em)in each of eight habitat types,Kenai Moose Research Center.winter 1972-73. 1972 1973 Habitat type 11/30 12/7 12/13 12/20 12/28 1/3 1/10 1/17 1/26 1/31 2/7 2/14 2/21 2/28 3/7 3/15 3/21 3/28 4/4 4/11 Dense Hardwoods 13 11 11.5 12.5 12 27 25 23 24 36 34 35 32 34 33 40 36 25 19*0 Thin Hardwoods 16.5*15* 15* 16*16*33 34 28 29 46 44 48 48 47 47 53 49 38 24*12* Sedge 17**16**16**18**18**34 34 32 36 48 46 47 45 43 45 53 50 36 22**Tr** I If Spruce Regrowth 16*15*15*19*18*35 34 32 35 52 51 49 48 45 48 53 44 39*26*Tr* Birch-Spruce Thin 17*15'"16'"16*16*37 35 32 36 49 46 45 45 45 47 50 52 38*30*Tr* Birch-Spruce Dense 14.5*13*15*17*16*31 34 30 34 46 49 48 47 47 47 55 48 35*24*0 Spruce-Ledum 16*"''''16*"'*15***16.5***17***34 34 31 34 51 50 50 49 50 51 60 57 40 23*Tr* Mature Spruce 10.5 10 12 10 10 26 24 20 23 32 32 32 24 23 26 31 27 23 17*0 '"Vaccinium vitis-ideae visible. **Carex sp.visible. ***Ledum sp.visible. Table 2.Winter activities of an outside calf and adult cow moose,Kenai.Moose Research Center,1973. Total Time Observed %of Time No.of New No.of Old %of Time %of Time %of Time Date Sex/Age Hrs.Mins.Spent Cratering Craters Dug Craters Reused Spent Browsing Spent Resting Spent Misc.'" Feb.14,1973 Male calf"''''4:00 15.4 3 0 29.2 54.6 0.8 Feb.15,1973 Male calf 4:05 11.1 3 0 19.6 69.4 0 Feb.16,1973 Male calf 8:15 10.7 5 1 32.6 53.1 3.7 Feb.20,1973 Male calf 2:26 24.6 2 0 31.5 43.1 0.7 Feb.21,1973 Male calf 9:48 20.4 9 14 27.6 42.9 9.2 Feb.22,1973 Male calf 9:40 2.2 1 1 44.4 48.1 5.3 Feb.23,1973 Male calf 7:15 6.0 2 0 12.6 70.4 11.0 I .l:- I Total/Mean Male calf 45:59 11.4 25 16 29.3 53.7 5.7 ==========================================================================================================================================a========== Feb.15,1973 Feb.23,1973 Total/Mean Female adult 4:05 Female adult 7:49 Female adult 11:54 14.6 9.6 11.3 5 2 7 o o o 8.2 21.1 16.7 69.0 66.6 67.4 8.2 2.8 4.6 '"Walking,staring,listening,urinating,defecating,etc. "''''Calf died February 27,1973. r-J ~~[T"]rJ [11J L_J.J CJ]LL.:,.~_...U r=-:-TI [__J C:::J ~l,> ,----, J ~-----,,i l:l ,-----,c-J ,----, _.J ~ j ~ Table 3.Cratering effort by adult and calf moose at Kenai Moose Research Center,winter,1973. No.of Paws per Crater Time in Crater (min.) Sex/Age Craters Dug Mean Range Mean Range Male calf 18 82 5-208 11.5 1-31 Female calf 7 --6.6 2-14 Female adu1 t 3 31 10-55 19.7 14-24 Female adult (R70-7)6 --8.8 1-19 -5- the cabin spent 38 percent of its foraging time cratering.Despite the individual variation in effort,cratering for nonbrowse vegetation is an important aspect of winter foraging by moose in the 1947 Kenai Burn. During the "severe"winter of 1971-72,there was a 100 percent calf loss at the MRC plus several adult winter mortalities.The maximum snow depth that winter was 67 cm,but depths of 60 cm or less were present during most of the winter (LeResche et al.,1973). Movements of moose are not greatly impeded by 60 cm of snow (Nasimovich,1955 and Kelsall,1969),but depths at which cratering for ground vegetation is impeded is not known.Depths this past winter (1972-73)at the MRC reached a maximum of 60 cm,but persisted from 45-55 cm throughout the middle of winter.There was also a 100 percent calf mortality this past winter within the pens and apparently a comparable mortality in the vicinity of the enclosures.Flights were made in late February in the 1947 Kenai Burn near the MRC and several dead or weak calves were found.Assuming snow hardness to be relatively similar for the past two winters (hardness was not measured),it appeared that 50~60 cm of snow was detrimental to calves foraging for nonbrowse ground vegetation and 60 cm or more was detrimental to adults.Pawing through depths of these magnitudes possibly took more energy than that obtained from the vegetation.With this energy loss,the animals weakened or died if adequate vegetation was not reached either by migration or as a result of weather change which decreased snow depths. The male calf,observed near the MRC headquarters outside the enclosures,died of malnutrition/starvation two weeks after observations began.During that period he spent over 40 percent of the daytime observation time foraging (11.4 percent cratering).He appeared to be getting sufficient quantities of food until the last two days.Whether the cause of death was a negative energy relationship or poor quality vegetation or both is not known. Density and hardness of the snow did not appear to be critical factors during either of the past two winters.Man was able to penetrate all but a few centimeters of snow both winters at all snow plot sites by placing his weight on one foot and placing it on undisturbed snow. Moose,with foot loads much greater than man,penetrated the snow easily and were not hindered by hard crusts when cratering.The granular 'layer of snow nearest the ground surface increased in thickness as winter progressed and may hav~caused more caving in of the craters,requiring more effort by the moose to get at the ground vegetation.Extreme efforts of 208 paws per crater (Table 3)may be a result of this type of snow condition.In several craters no vegetation was reached either due to a lack of plant availability beneath the snow or so much caving in that the moose stopped pawing.Some moose frequently "nosed"the snow before starting to crater,possibly detecting the presence of suitable vegetation by olfaction. -6- n r1 [' nl; [ c o c c o E [-' -i [ F L [ l -, ~ ~ .. 'I .. 'll oJ " :j ~ i RECOMMENDATIONS 1.Additional observations of moose cratering activity are required to substantiate the preliminary conclusion of a negetive energy balance situation. 2.Continual monitoring of snow conditions at MRC is required to support current productiviey and behavioral studies. LITERATURE CITED " Coady,J.W.1973.Influence of snow on behavior of moose.Proc. Int.Symp.Moose Ecology.Quebec.(In press). Des Meules,P.1964.The influence of snow on the behaviour of moose. Ministere du Tourisma,de la chasse et de la peche,Quebec. Papport No.3:51-73. Formozov,A.N.1946.Snow cover as an integral factor of the environment and its importance in the ecology of mammals and birds.Moscow. Boreal Institute,Univ.Alberta,Edmonton,Occ.Publ.No.1 . 176 pp. Henshaw,J.1968.The activities of wintering caribou in northwestern Alaska in relation to weather and snow conditions.Int.J. Biometeor.12(1):21-27. Johnson,D.C.,P.D.Arneson,and A.W.Franzmann.1973.Behavior and survival in orphaned and nonorphaned moose calves.Final Rep. Job lA 1.1.Fed.Aid in Wildl.Restoration.Alaska Dept.of Fish and Game. Kelsall,J.P.1969.Structural adaptations of moose and deer for snow. J.Mammal.50(2):302-310. j and W.Prescott.1971. National Park,New Brunswick. Moose and deer behaviour in snow in Fundy Can.Wildl.Ser.Rep.Series 15.25 pp. j ~ .. jj .. ~ "' Lent,P.C.and D.Knutson.1971.Muskox and snow cover on Nunivak Island,Alaska.Proc.Snow and Fire in Relation to Wildlife and Recreation Symposium.Iowa State Univ.,Ames.p.50-62. LeResche,R.E.,Franzmann,A.W.and P.D.Arneson.1973.l~ose Research Center Report.Annual Proj.Progress.Rep.Fed.Aid in Wildl.Restoration . Alaska Dept.Fish and Game. ______________.arrd J.L.Davis.1973.Importance of nonbrowse foods to moose.on the Kenai Peninsula,Alaska.J.Wildl.Manage.37(3):279-287. Murie,O.J.1951.The elk of North America.Wildlife Management Institute,Washington,D.C.376 pp . -7- Nasimovich,A.A.1955.The role of the regime of snow cover in the life of ungulates on the USSR.Moskva,Akad.Nauk SSSR.103 pp. Translated from Russian by Can.Wildl.Serv.,Ottawa. Pruitt,W.O.Jr.1959.Snow as a factor in the winter ecology of the barren ground caribou (Rangifer arcticusJ.Arctic 12(3):159-179. Tener,J.S.1965.Muskoxen in Canada,a biological and taxonomic review. Queen's Printer,Ottawa.166 pp. [J [J [l [j [ [ o o PREPARED BY: p~bert W.Franzmann and Paul D.Arneson Game Biologists SUBMITTED BY: Karl B.Schneider Regional Research Coordinator -8- APPROVED BY: :~ 't)~.~Wt(~ Research Chief,Division of Game c F1I, b o D c [ c r L L [ JOB PROGRESS REPORT (RESEARCH) State:Alaska Cooperators:Albert W.Franzmann and Paul D.Arneson Project No.:W-17-5 Job No.:1.6R Project Title:Big Game Investigations Job Title:Evaluation and Testing of Techniques to Moose Management Period Covered:July 1,1972 through June 30,1973 SUMMARY Telemetric tracking utilizing radio-transmitters in the 30 megahertz (mhz)range was used to locate individual moose with good success. All transmitters operated but some produced better signals than others. Biotelemetry procedures were investigated and components were purchased to construct equipment for this purpose. Immobilizing drugs (Rompun and CI-774)were investigated but their usefulness to obtain physiologic data was limited due to the prolonged recovery time associated with use of these drugs.Succinylcholine chloride (Anectine)continued to be the drug utilized for free-ranging moose and M-99 (Etorphine)was preferred for captive moose.The dosages of each varied with season of use and condition of moose. Pellet-group counting of 160 plots in Pen 1 with known numbers of moose over a two-year period provided data to indicate that during the winter of 1972-73 moose deposited 26.6 pellet groups/day,and in the winter of 1971-72,28.4 pellet groups/day.This appears to be high and may reflect inadequate pellet group sampling procedures.The similarity of pellet groups per day for the two winters when pellet groups were aged at sampling indicates that the aging technique for winter moose pellets from one year to the next may be valid.An attempt to age summer group pellets was not valid. Habitat selection by moose based upon pellet groups per habitat type demonstrated an affinity of moose for birch regrowth areas (65.8 percent of groups in 1971-72 and 66.3 percent of groups in 1972-73 were in birch regrowth areas).Spruce regrowth areas for the winters of 1971-72 and 1972-73 contained 14.8 and 9.6 percent of the pellet groups, respectively. Rumen sampling with a stomach pump was more desirable than by the rumen trocar technique for recumbent immobilized moose. i A freeze branding technique utilizing Freon gas in pressurized cans was tested with variable success.Full evaluation of a resulting brand was not possible due to timing of this report. In June,1972,81 percent of known moose within the enclosures were observed by helicopter census with 196 minutes of observation time.In June,1973,95 percent of moose were observed with 238 minutes of helicopter time. Little difference in overall trapping success was noted between outside and inside traps,although there was much variability between traps.Differences in trapping success between pens are likely a function of density.When seasonal variations were considered trapping success differences between outside and inside traps was noticeable. Trapping success outside was highest during December and January and success inside was highest during the summer and early fall.Salting of traps to attract moose was effective in late spring and early summer for inside moose. An orphaned moose calf hand-raised in 1972 began to gain weight and overcame her digestive problems once she was free to browse.Her weight at over one month of age was equivalent to the one-week weight (23.6 kg)of a nonorphaned calf nursing the cow. ii CONTENTS Summary ••••••• Background • • Objectives • Procedures • • Findings . Telemetric Tracking. Biotelemetry • . • • • • • • • Immobilizing Drugs • • • Pellet-count Census. Rumen Sampling Via Trocar.• • Rumen Sampling Via Stomach Tube and Pump • Marking Techniques • • • • • Aerial Census ••• Trapping Success • • . • • • • • Raising Orphaned Moose Calf. Recommendations .•••••••••• Literature Cited ,• • • . • • • • • BACKGROUND i · 1 2 · 2 • • 3 3 · 4 4 .12 .18 •.18 .18 .19 •.19 •.27 .27 •.29 The Kenai Moose Research Center (MRC),with known numbers and composition of moose (Aloes aloes)and several tame moose for research,is an ideal facility for developing and testing techniques.Developments in many fields that produce drugs,equipment and procedures potentially applicable to moose management determine the thrust of activity under this job objective. Outlined techniques to be tested were;telemetric tracking,telemetric monitoring of physiologic parameters,use of immobilizing drugs,pellet group counting,rumen trocar,marking,and evaluation of aerial censusing. LeResche and Davis (1971)reported preliminary investigations in these areas and this report provides an appraisal of continuing studies. Telemetric tracking has many potential applications as demonstrated in Will and Patric'c (1972)bibliography on wildlife telemetry which lists over 450 references and 184 active projects utilizing telemetry.The use of telemetry in moose studies has been utilized at the MRC as outlined by LeResche and Davis (1971).Other moose studies utilizing telemetry include those published by Van Ballenberghe and Peek (1971)and Berg and Phillips (1972)and current studies in interior Alaska by John Coady (ADF&G). The potential of utilizing telemetric monitoring of physiologic parameters (biotelemetry),such as body temperature and heart rate to study estrus in female moose and excitability and stress from diverse activities, is unlimited as demonstrated by the space program.Unfortunately the gap between expertise available for the space program and wildlife physiologic monitoring is large and primarily economically based.The expertise and equipment are available that will provide the information,and much research in wildlife biotelemetry has been accomplished (Boyd et al.,1967;Slater, -1- 1963;Downhower and Pauley,1970;Folk,1968;Houseknecht,1970;Ko and Neuman,1967;Lonsdale eta1.,1971;Lord et a1.,1962;MacKay,1968; McGinnis and Southworth,1967;McGinnis et a1.,1970;Ostbye,1970;and Riley,1971).We are not aware of any biotelemetry studies of moose accomplished or underway at this time. LeResche and Davis (1971)outlined the qualities of an ideal immobilizing drug and as new drugs are developed,their application to moose should be be tested.Other techniques that may prove applicable to moose such as the pellet-count census,rumen sampling,marking,and aerial censusing should also be tested. A review of pellet-group techniques is provided by Neff (1968). Rumen sampling from elk (Cervus canadensis)and deer (Odocoileus sp.) utilizing a rumen trocar technique was reported by Follis and Spi1lett (1972). Rumen sampling utilizing a stomach tube and pump is a procedure regularly utilized in the practice of veterinary medicine.A method to obtain rumen liquor for in-vitro digestion trials in an efficient and effective manner without sacrifice of the individual was required. Aerial censusing.techniques were successfully tested at the MRC (LeResche and Rausch,in press)as a result of having known numbers of moose at the Center.With known sex and age composition at the MRC it is also an ideal situation to test observers'abilities at aerial composition counts.Rausch and Brat1ie (1965)outlined procedures to assess the dynamics of moose populations, and sex and age composition counts are an integral part of the procedure.Most agencies involved in moose management depend upon sex and age composition counts to evaluate the status of moose populations,and several studies have incorporated composition counts (Edwards and Ritcey,1958;Simkin,1965; Pim1ott,1959;Houston,1968;Peek,1962;and Stevens,1970.The testing of observers'accuracy in composition counts has not been tested and efforts to accomplish this have been initiated at the MRC. OBJECTIVES To test and evaluate techniques that are potentially useful for determinining population status,movements and other factors necessary for management of moose. PROCEDURES Telemetric Tracking The radio-transmitters in the 30 megahertz (mhz)range that were utilized by LeResche and Davis (1971)were used to facilitate behavioral studies of cow/calf relationships (Johnson et al.,1973).These transmitters were equipped with new batteries and incorporated into 13 new collars coded by color.Six of the collars were designed to fit calves and 7 were made for cows. -2- [-' [ [ [' l~ [ c [ c c c E [ [ [ L [ L Biotelemetry Investigations into equipment,procedure and application of biotelemetry equipment were accomplished with the assistance of Charles Irvine,Alaska Department of Fish and Game.Components and equipment necessary to initiate biotelemetry studies were purchased. Immobilizing Drugs New drugs tested at the MRC this period were a commercially available drug Rompun (Chamagva)and an experimental drug CI-774 (Parke-Davis). Succinycholine choride (Anectine,Burroughs Wellcome and Co.),an immobilizer extensively used in moose (Bergerud et al.,1964;LeResche,1970;LeResche and Davis,1971;and Houston,1969),was the principle immobilizer used and tested during this report period (274 moose were immobilized with Anectine). M-99 Etorphine (American Cyanamid)was tested on 33 moose within the enclosures. Pellet-Count Census Pellet-count census technique testing intitiated by LeResche and Davis (1971)was continued.One hundred and sixty plots in Pen 1 were counted and cleared in May 1973.Total moose days were established for Pen 1 and the area represented by the sample was established. Rumen Sampling Rumen sampling to obtain rumen liquor for in-vitro digestion trials was done by the rumen trocar and stomach pump methods. Marking Techniques Harking moose for identification is a continuing area of investigation. Color-coded collars,described by LeResche and Davis (1971),were utilized on moose outside the MRC enclosures for the Kenai moose population identity study.New collars designed by Jim Davis,Alaska Department of Fish and Game,were ordered as the supply of color-coded collars was depleted.The new collars are a color-code and number combination.Marking by freeze-branding was attempted using a new technique employing pressurized Freon gas. FINDINGS Telemetric Tracking The 30 mhz radio-transmitters utilized from November through April functioned with no major failures;however,some radios worked better than others.Two multi-frequency receivers were utilized with the major problem being related to antenna wire connections.For this particular study the telemetric tracking equipment performed satisfactorily and the equipment will be utilized for further studies requiring the location of specific animals. -3- New lithium batteries were purchased to test claims of longevity with smaller size.A transmitter powered by lithium batteries was placed on our semi-tame moose,Wally,Jr.,but a failure of yet an undetermined nature necessitated removi.ng the transmitter.Further testing of lithium batteries will be continued. Biotelemetry It was determined that long range biotelemetry could be accomplished by utilizing a receiver-transmitter attached to a collar that could relay the impulses from a miniature implanted receiver.This procedure could provide the temperature data required to monitor estrus,excitability and stress. No biotelemetric application has been installed or tested to date. Immobilizing Drugs Investigations of drugs utilized daily to immobilize moose continued and new drugs were tested &ld evaluated as they became available. CI-744 (Parke-Davis):This unnamed,experimental,mu1tispecies,parenteral, anesthetic agent was used to immobilize 14 Alaskan moose with variable results (Table 1).CI-744 is a 1:1 combination of two ingredients:ti1etamine hydrochloride (CI-634),a central nervous system (CNS)depressant which produces profound analgesia and cataleptoid anethesia,and a diazepionone (CI-716)which is a non-phenothiazine derivative tranquilizer. The uncertainty associated with establishing dosages for the Alaskan moose may be responsible for much of the variability.Initially dosages on the conservative side of those recommended for the bovine were used.The problems encountered with this low dosage were confounded by the extremely poor condition of the animals.As the condition of the animals improved, dosages were increased and somewhat better response was noted in the animals that went down.A high proportion of animals did not go down.Some of these may not have received the full dose from the 10 cc "Cap-Chur"syringe. The three animals which did not respond in July were not given supplemental doses since they were "heating up"due to high ambient temperature,and stress from trapping and our presence. There were several problems which necessitated terminating use of this drug. The first was the long period of ataxia experienced by animals during recovery,which required spending much time with the animal through the recovery phase.We also had problems concentrating the drugs sufficiently to incorporate an immobilizing dose in a 10 cc "Cap-Chur"syringe.A renewed attempt to evaluate this drug will be made when the moose are in prime condition and when the volume of drug required can be reduced. Rompun (Chemagro):This product,available for some time on an experimental basis,is now marketed in the United States by Chemagro,Division of Baychem Corporation,Kansas City,Missouri.Rompun is an analgesic, -4- fi [] [' n c c D D E w [ E [ [ [ Table 1-Results of Immobilization of Alaskan Moose at MRC With CI-744. ~ Total Dose Number Induction Time Return Animal Dose Weight per of Time Immobilized to Normal No.Month Mg Kg Mg Injections Min.Min.Min. 134 March 500 164 3.1 1 1 49 99 63 March 1300 443*2.9 3 35 18 68 64 April 1000 282 3.5 1 0.5 91 219 65 April 1100 296*3.7 4 42 87 342 '" 66 April 800 327 2.4 1 4 Animal died from injury "' 67 April 1450 300*4.8 2 20 103 328 j 43 April 2400 409*2.9 2 Did not go down ~Wally April 1130 214 5.3 3 26 15 89- ~78 June 1200 387*3.1 2 2 22 104 '"75 July 1000 296*3.4 1 Did not go down i 670 July 1000 273*3.6 1 Did not go down ~ ~12 July 1100 319*3.4 1 Did not go down ~35 July 2200 443*4.9 3 35 Had to hold down •Raquel August 1600 395 4.0 1 7 46 99 ~ ~*Estimated weight ~ ~ :iI -5- central nervous system depressant and a muscle relaxant.The drug has proven to be effective ~d reliable in the Bovidae and larger Camilidae (Rime and Jones,1970). Sedation and analgesia were produced in moose using dosages of 2.2 mg/kg body weight.The usefulness of this drug is limited for most moose processing applications at the MRC due to the prolonged period of ataxia experienced during recovery (up to 2 hours).Additional use will be made of the drug to further test its applicability. M-99 (Etorphine)and M 50-50 (Diprenorphine):As outlined by LeResche (1970),M-99 incorporates most of the desirable qualities of an immobilizing drug for moose.It has the added benefit of an available and effective antagonist (M 50-50). The dosage used by Houston (1970)on Shiras moose (AZces aZces shirasiiJ was 3 to 5 mg.(0.4 +0.7 mg/IOO pounds)for adults,3 to 4 mg. (0.6 to 0.8 mg./IOO pounds)for yearlings and 1 to 2 mg.(0.4 to 0.7 mg./IOO pounds)for calves.LeResche (1970)noted that the dosage varied by season and LeResche and Davis (1971)established ranges of doses from 4 to 5 mg.for 700 to 800 pound cows in the spring (0.6 mg./IOO pounds) to 6 to 9 mg.for 900 to 980 pound cows in the fall (0.8 mg./IOO pounds). During this report period,33 moose were immobilized using M-99 with M 50-50 as the antagonist.The dosages were higher on a weight basis than those reported by Houston (1970),and the doses for cows on a weight basis were similar to those reported by LeResche and Davis (1971). Results are summarized in Tables 2,3 and 4. Doses of M-99 for both adult and yearling moose were similar (0.72 mg./IOO pounds)while moose calf doses were higher by unit of weight (0.9 mg./IOO pounds). Succinylcholine chloride (Anectine -Burroughs Wellcome and Co., Inc.):This drug continues to be the most used for the reasons enumerated by LeResche and Davis:(1971).Tables 5,6 and 7 list the dosages used in concentrations of 10 mg/cc with and without the enzyme hyaluronidase (Wydase -Wyeth Laboratories,Inc.).Nine N.F.units of Wydase were used per milligram of Anectine.During the period January 1,1972 to June 30,1973 a total of 194 moose were immobilized with Anectine at the MRC.In Oc'tober,1972,80 free-ranging moose were immobilized via helicopter on the Kenai Peninsula.Four moose (2 percent)died at the MRC and eight moose (10 percent)died during helicopter tagging,all when Wydase was used. Induction times were over a minute greater for moose trapped outside the MRC than those inside.Possible reasons for this are that outside moose were in better condition and unaccustomed to trapping,thereby more excited.Immobilization times were about the same for inside and outside moose with means varying from 21 to 32 minutes.The percent of moose immobilized was somewhat higher for outside moose than for inside, possibly due to higher dosages normally used on the outside,yet no outside -6- [ [~., .J [ r r- I . I.~ r ., I \ [ [ c [ c E [~ [ [' [ L L Table 2.Results of immobilization of adult moose at MRC with M-99 and M 50-50 Induction Time Reversal Animal Total Weight Dose Time Immobilized Time (min) No.Sex Month Dose mg Pounds ~/10011 Minutes Minutes M 50-50 Raquel F Nov.5 820 .60 14 36 0.5 5370 M Nov.5 750*.66 19 44 1 Raquel F Nov.5 820 .60 6 32 1 Raquel F Dec.7 845 .82 7 32 2 45 M Dec.7 865 .80 5 31 1 Raquel F Jan.7 850*.81 7 26 2 **65 M Feb.7 630 1.10 1 91 10 87 F Feb.6 800*.75 5 40 1 ***53 M Feb.6.5 +3.0 725*1.30 34 63 1 91 F Feb.6.5 800*.81 20 58 1 Raquel F Feb.7 850*.82 17 49 1 53 M Mar.7 700 .71 8 33 2 91 F Mar.7 750*.93 9 29 1.5 84 F Mar.7 725*.96 5 20 1 176 F Mar.7 800*.87 13 94 4 177 F Mar.7 750*.93 9 50 2 Raquel F Mar.1 980 .72 8 35 10 Raquel F Apr.7 980*.72 8 28 2 52 F Apr.7 850*.82 13 14 Got up without M 50-50 72 F June 1 750*.93 9 33 1 37 F June 7 800*.87 10 19 1 1:J F June 7 750*.93 6 25 6 36 M June 8 825*.96 13 22 2 27 F June 7 750*.93 8 37 1 Mean 7 810 .82 10 35.8 2.1 *Estimated weight**Animal died about 2 hours later (was in extremely poor condition) ***Supplemental dose given.Assume first dose not complete Neither **or ***are calculated into range or mean values -7- Table 3.Results of immobilization of a yearling male moose at MRC with M-99 and M 50-50 Induction Time Reversal Animal Total Weight Dose Time Immobilized Time (min) No.Month Dose mg Pounds mg/lOOI!Minutes Minutes M 50-50 Wally Nov.5 600 .83 14 36 0.5 Wally Nov.5 600 .83 6 24 1 Wally Dec 5 655 .76 5 47 1.5 Wally Feb.6 705 .85 6 44 2.0 Wally Mar.6 750*.80 6 34 0.5 Wally Apr.6 750*.80 6 20 0.5 [ [ [ [ r-' f-' L" D r-l b Table 4.Results of immobilization of moose calves at MRC with M-99 and M 50-50 Induction Time Reversal Animal Total Weight Dose Time Immobilized Time (min) No.Sex Month Dose mg Pounds mg/lOOfl Minutes Minutes M 50-50 92 F Nov.3 365 .82 8 39 1.5 96 M Dec.3 320 .93 10 31 La 97 M Jan.3 325*.92 7 18 La Mean *Estimated weight Mean *Estimated weight 676.7 .82 336.7 .89 -8- 7.2 34.2 1.0 11.7 29.3 1.2 st:; rl b1 C E C [ E [ [ [ l L!1'leJ it!l!.I j lo.,,,I.l1 Table 5.Effects of Succinylcholine Chloride (Anectine)and Hyaluronidase (Wydase)administered to trapped moose within the Kenai Moose Research Center enclosures.January 1,1972 to June 30,1973.(Sample size in parenthesis.) Mean Induction Time (minutes)Mean Time Immobilized (minutes) Anectine Anectine &Wydase Anectine Anectine &Wydase Dose Milligrams Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female 13 0 8(1)0 6(1)0 10(1)0 14(1) 13.5 7.5(3)10.6(23)2.5(1)8.3(13)41.5 (3)20.4(23)22(1)34.4(12) 14 9.1(7)8.9(9)4.5(1)5.2(5)9.1(7)18.6(9)14(1)20(5) 15 9.7(3)9 (1)0 6(1)15.7(3)25(1)0 17(1) I 15.5 0 10.5(2)8(1)0 0 16.5(2)27(1)0\0 I 16 9 (2)0 6(1)0 26(2)0 21(1)0 17 6.3(3)0 0 0 19.3(3)0 0 0 17.5 0 0 0 9(1)0 0 0 21(1) 18 7(1)7.8(2)5.4(4)9.4(7)?21.5(2)79(1)31.5 (4) 18.5 0 0 8(1)0 0 0 39(1)0 19 6.5(2)7.2(6)6.5(2)8.1 (8)38.5(2)30.3(6)15(1)40.5(4) 20 7(1)11.3(4)3.8(3)4.3(4)30(1)22.9(4)32.3(2)34(4) 21 0 0 7.0(3)6.5(3)0 0 28(2)26(3) 21.5 0 0 4(1)0 0 0 44(1)0 Total Mean 8.2(22)8.2(48)4.8(18)7.5(43)25.1(21)20.9(48)31.0(12)28.4(35) Table 6.Effects of Succinylcholine Chloride (Anectine)and Hyaluronidase (Wydase)administered to trapped moose outside the Kenai Moose Research Center enclosures.January 1,1972 to June 30,1973.(Sample sizes in parenthesis.) Mean Induction Time (minutes) Dos e Milligrams Anectine Anectine &Wydase of Anectine Male Female Male Female-- 12.5 0 12 (1)0 0 13 0 12.8(5)0 0 13.5 10(1)13.3(3)0 15(1) 14 19(1)11.5(2)0 3(1) 15.5 0 0 0 9 (2) I 16 0 11(1)0 0......18 5(1)6(4)3(1)6.9(9)0 I 19 6(1)0 6(1)6.0(14) 20 0 8.5(2)8(1)6.1(11) Total Mean 7.5(4)9.7(18)5.7(3)6.4(38) Mean Immobilized Time (minutes) Anectine Anectine &Wydase Male Female Male Female 0 34 (1)0 0 0 22.4(5)0 0 37(1)12.3(3)0 23(1) 25(1)27(2)0 12(1) 0 0 0 14.5(2) 0 14(1)0 0 32(1)21.8(3)30(1)30.1(9) 35(1)0 27(1)31.6(13) 0 30.5(2)9(1)25.8(11) 32.3(4)26.1(17)22(3)24.7(37) r--:r=J ~L....l ..J c-J EJJ c=J LL._J EO ~L.,~_L..J l_J J~,~ I ~J i\-,-J '1 .3 - j ~ ':! J ~ - ] ~ Table 7.Effects of Succinylcholine Chloride (Anectine)and Hyaluronidase (Wydase)administered to free-ranging moose on the Kenai Peninsula October,1972.(Sample sizes in parenthesis.) Anectine with Wydase Mean Induction Time (Min.)Mean Time Immobilized (min.) (!!!:S.of Anectine)Male Female Male Female 20 9.2 (22)8.9(18)24.8(6)26.5(2) 21 9.3(4)8.7(20)43.5(2)18.5(4) 22.5 13.5(2)5.7(3)23(2)Unk. Total Mean 9.5(28)8.6(41)28.2(10)21.1(6) -11- mortalities were experienced. Causes for moose not becoming immobilized varied.Seasonal differences were obvious in that late winter and spring moose in poorer condition went down easily.Of the four moose mortalities experienced with Anectine immobilization,one died in February,two in April and one the first part of June.Bulls appeared more susceptible to problems with the drug in the spring,and smaller doses were given to them than to cows. After mid-June,doses were gradually increased again.Fall moose in prime condition were more difficult to immobilize.Layers of fat in the rump region may have prevented the drug from getting into the bloodstream as readily,consequently the animal would not respond.There did not appear to be serious problems when drugging rutting bulls as reported by LeResche and Davis (1971).All the free-ranging moose (see Tables 7 and 8) were darted in October and bulls were immobilized more easily and experienced lower mortality than cows. The site of injection also played a role in whether the moose became immobilized.Attempts were made to hit the moose in the rump region,but when bad hits (abdomen,thoracic cavity,low on leg)occurred moose usually did not go down.Darts bouncing off and substantial bleeding from the dart would also reduce chances of immobilization.Individual moose variation in susceptability to the drug must also be considered.It appeared that some moose responded well to the drug each time they were darted and others under like conditions did not respond at all. Wydase decreased induction time 9 to 41 percent and increased the percent of moose immobilized,but immobilization times were not altered significantly.Although mortality rates are higher with Wydase,it is useful when time must be saved as in helicopter tagging. Manual artificial respiration was administered to eight moose at the MRC.Four of these later died.A mobile artificial resuscitator may help reduce these mortalities. Pellet-count Census 2 Table 9 summarizes counts of pellet groups deposited in 160,17.9 m plots (192 square feet)in Pen 1.These were counted on May 10,11, 14 and 18,1973. The plots were cleared in June,1971 (LeResche and Davis,1971)and all groups were deposited between June,1971 and May,1973.The plots were not read in 1972.Separation of past year from present year groups was attempted on the basis of leaf and duff cover over pellet-groups, deterioration of pellet-groups and color and texture of these groups. Summer and winter groups were separated on basis of form.A fecal group made up of distinguishable pellets was classified winter and a soft or non-pelleted fecal deposit was classified as summer. Moose days were calculated for the winters of 1971-72 and 1972-73 based upon a 2l0-day (November 1 to June 1)winter period and known numbers of moose present (Table 10).The sample plots constitute 0.145 percent of the area utilized.Spruce-Zedum,grass,sedge and water areas were discounted for winter pellet groups as they are primarily summer -12- n [' [' rl l. D lJ_.J E D nu D r=.)f,~ L [] f: [ [" Table 8.Effects of Succinylcholine Chloride (Anectine)and Hyaluronidase Percentage Immobilized Moose Darted Anectine Anectine &Wydase Hale Female Male Female-- Trapped Inside 63 68 67 74 MRC (22 of 35)(48 of 71)(18 of 27)(43 of 58) Trapped Outside 80 67 75 81 MRC (4 of 5)(18 of 27)(3 of 4)(38 of 47) Free-ranging -- - 65 55 Kenai Peninsula (35 of 54)(45 of 82) I I-' W I (Wydase)on moose. Percentage Killed of Moose Immobilized Anectine Anectine &Wydase Male Female Male Female 0 0 11 5 (0 of 22)(0 of 48)(2 of 18)(2 of 43) 0 0 0 0 (0 of 4)(0 of 18)(0 of 3)(0 of 38) 6 13 (2 of 35)(6 of 45) Table 9.Pellet groups deposited from June,1971 to May,1973 on 160 plots by habitat type in Pen 1,Kenai Moose Research Center. NlDnber 1971-72 1971 Summer 1972-73 1972 SUDD11er of Winter Pellet Groups/Plot Groups /Type Winter Pellet Groups/Plot Groups/Type Habitat Type Plots 0 1 2 3 4 Tot %of Tot Tot %of Tot 0 1 2 3 4 Tot %of Tot Tot %of Tot Dense birch-spruce regrowth 25 7 9 6 3 0 30 27.8 3 27.3 8 14 1 1 1 23 27.7 6 27.3 MedilDn birch-spruce regrowth 26 9 11 6 0 0 23 21.3 1 9.1 13 7 5 0 0 20 24.1 3 13.6 Thin birch-spruce I regrowth 25 11 10 4 0 0 18 16.7 2 18.1 14 10 1 0 0 12 14.5 5 22.7 I-'.c- 1 Spruce birch regrowth 24 14 8 2 0 0 12 11.1 3 27.3 20 4 0 0 0 4 4.8 3 13.6 Spruce regrowth 20 17 2 1 0 0 4 3.7 1 9.1 17 2 1 0 0 4 4.8 4 18.2 Dense mature hardwood 20 14 6 0 0 0 6 5.6 1 9.1 14 6 0 0 0 6 7.2 1 4.6 Thin mature hardwood 20 12 3 3 2 0 15 13.8 0 0.0 11 6 2 0 1 14 16.9 0 0.0 Total 160 85 49 22 5 0 108 100.0 11 100.0 96 49 10 2 22 83 100.0 22 100.0 rJ c-J r-;~.c--:J I1TTl LJJ L_.J lL.J Q]~I_J ~-~J ~r-=J l.JL~"J .L...c.J L;_I _____J Table 11.Area measure of habitat types in Pen 1 at Kenai Moose Research Center. Vegetation Type Acreage Hectares Dense birch-spruce regrowth 113 45.7 Medium birch-spruce regrowth 95 38.4 Thin birch-spruce regrowth 69 27.9 Spruce-birch regrowth 89 36.0 Dense mature hardwood 54 21.9 Thin mature hardwood 46 18.6 Spruce-Ledum 35 14.2 Grass 9 2.0 Sedge 28 11.3 Water 35 14.2 Total 594 240.4 -15- use areas.Table 11 provides area measurements of habitat types in Pen 1 from which area utilized was extracted. From known total winter pellet-groups deposited for each winter (Table 9), total moose days (Table 10)and area represented by sample (Table 11), it was calculated that moose during the winter of 1972-73 deposited 26.6 pellet groups/day and in the winter of 1971-72 28.4 pellet groups/day. LeResche and Davis (1971)calculated deposition of 32.2 groups/day on plots in Pen 1 cleared the previous year.LeResche (1970)reported 10.3 groups/moose/day based upon pellet-count census and known numbers of moose.Several investigators have reported pellet groups/day for deer;Smith (1964)reported 13.2 groups/day,Rogers et al.(1958)reported 15.2 groups/day,Rasmussen and Doman (1943)found 12.7 groups/day and Eberhardt and VanEtten (1956) reported 12.7 groups/day.Neff et al.(1965)reported 12.5 pellet groups/day for elk.It appears that moose defecation rates from 26.6 to 32.2 groups/day are higher than those reported for other ungulates.This may indicate an inadequate pellet group sampling procedure.With established defecation rates per day for moose based on definitive observations,it would be possible to more accurately evaluate pellet-group census techniques for moose. The defecation rates of 26.6 and 28.4 per day based upon a two-year interval in reading plots substantiates the observers'ability to age winter pellet groups in this study.Aging of summer fecal deposits is apparently not valid,with a total of 11 summer deposits in 1971 and 22 in 1972. Habitat selection by moose,as indicated by pellet groups per habitat type (Table 9),demonstrates an affinity for birch {Betula glandulosa} regrowth (combined dense,medium and thin birch-spruce {Picea sp.}regrowth) areas.During the winter of 1971-72,65.8 percent of pellet groups were in birch regrowth and correspondingly,66.3 percent in 1972-73.Summer deposits also indicate a preference for birch regrowth areas with 54.5 percent of the deposits counted in these areas during the summer of 1971 and 63.6 percent in the summer of 1972.This does not necessarily imply that summer preference is birch regrowth since spruce-Ledum,grass,and sedge areas,which are observed to receive substantial summer use,were not sampled. Spruce regrowth areas (combined spruce-birch regrowth and spruce regrowth)for the winters of 1971-72 and 1972-73 contained 14.8 and 9.6 percent of the pellet groups,'respectiv~ly,indicating lower selectivitY. as would be expected. Mature hardwood areas (combined dense and thin mature hardwoods) contained 19.4 and 24.1 percent of the pellet groups for the winters of 1971-72 and 1972-73,respectively.Hardwood areas contain the greatest proportion of ground cover low-bush cranberry {Vaccinium vitis-ideae}.The relatively substantial use of hardwood areas,reflected by pellet group distribution,may further substantiate the importance of nonbrowse vegetation in moose diets in the area as reported by LeResche and Davis (1973). The use of hardwoods by moose in winter for protection,resting and relief from snow,may,however,be the reason for pellet group distribution in those areas.LeResche (1970),utilizing habitat-use indices derived from pellet-count data,demonstrated similar habitat use trends with some differences in rank of use between habitat types. -16- [ [ r-- r~ I l [ r~~ [J fJL_~ n I=J c c RlJ f~ t3 L c[~~, [ L L Table 10.Moose days in Pen 1 for winters of 1971-72 and 1972-73*. Moose Nwnber 3 670 10 Calf of 10 35 40 Calf of 40 43 58 R-70-8 Calf of R-70-8 69 64 65 76 Calf of 76 93 96 6 Calf of 6 Total *Based on 210~day winter period (November 1 to June 1) -17- Rumen Sampling Via Trocar A procedure to obtain rumen contents from elk and deer using a trocar is outlined by Follis and Spillett (1972).This procedure was used on a four-year-old male moose at the MRC on June 30,1972.The technique is easily accomplished and,with the moist rumen contents in June,it was easy to obtain a sample without the mechanical fingers.This particular animal experienced difficulties while immobilized and rolled on his side after being trocared and some leakage of rumen contents into the abdominal cavity was noted.The animal recovered from immobilization and was released back into Pen 2.The moose was seen on July 18,but was found dead on August 3.The condition of the carcass did not permit an autopsy to determine cause of death,but it is possible that the moose developed peritonitis from rumen contents spilled into the abdominal cavity. It is important,particularly in summer when rumen contents are more fluid,to retain the animal in sternal recumbancy or preferably standing position for the trocar procedure.The rumen trocar can be utilized when necessary to obtain rumen samples,but the use of a stomach tube and pump is preferred,particularly during the summer. Rumen Sampling Via Stomach Tube and Pump To obtain rumen liquor for in-vitro digestion trials a 9 foot by 1/2 inch (inside diameter)plastic stomach tube and a standard two-way veterinary stomach pump were used.With the dry compacted rumen contents during winter,it was necessary to pump water into the rumen and allow it to mix with the rumen contents for about 5 minutes prior to pumping the mixture back out. This method is preferred over the trocar method for our purposes as we have the moose immobilized and can devote the extra time involved with the stomach pump.Moose immobilized with M-99 for this procedure should also be given a tranquilizer (Acepromazine,Ayerst Laboratories, New York,N.Y.)due to the potential time involved. Marking Techniques The color-coded collars described by LeResche and Davis (1971)were utilized during this report period for marking outside moose trapped at the MRC and those immobilized via helicopter for movement study (Job 1.7R). New collars which combine color and numbers for individual identification were ordered to replace the depleted supply.The collars are made of canvas-webbing 15 cm wide with three 13 cm high numbers from 1 to 99 on each collar.Various color combinations of numbers and collar background will permit several series of numbers.A collar was placed on Raquel, our tame moose,and the colors and number were easily recognized from the air in a Supercub by Jim Davis,Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Freeze-branding with a spray-on refrigerant (Cryokwik,International Equipment Company)was attempted on March 27,1973.One area on the left -18- [ [, n r-", I •U FLJ c D 9bj 'Q t-, [ f: [ L. flank of Wally,Jr.,our semi-tame moose,was clipped and sprayed for 20 seconds.The right flank was sprayed for 20 seconds without clipping the hair,and an area on the rump was sprayed for 20 seconds after parting the hair.No adverse effects were noted,however,no brand resulted. A modified freeze-branding technique,as outlined by R.K.Farrell, Endoparasite Vector Pioneering Research Laboratory,Pullman,Washington (personal communication),was also attempted on Wally,Jr.The procedure utilized Freon 12 and Freon 22 gas in pressurized cans and stainless steel "cookie cutterll devices,one rectangular and one "L"shaped.The area to be branded was clipped and the "cookie cutters"were held against the skin on a horizontal area to produce a pool when sprayed with the Freon.The area was sprayed for a period of time and then quickly thawed with warm water.The procedure used is outlined in Table 12. Due to the timing of this report,no final determination on this trial was made,but preliminary observations indicate that Freon 22 for 30 seconds with a quick thaw and Freon 22 for five and ten seconds with no thaw (areas 4,5 and 6)provided the best brand.Areas 1,2 and 3 produced excessive scarring. Aerial Census Testing of observer success in aerial composition counts was planned for this report period;but,due to total calf and yearling loss in the winter of 1971-72 and total calf loss in the winter of 1972-73 at the MRC, there were no calf,yearling or 2-year-01d moose to classify. Helicopter surveys made of the pens on June 20,1972 and June 18,1973 to determine spring survival and production in known populations of moose are summarized in Table 13.The percent of moose observed in 1972 was 81 compared to 95 percent observed in 1973.The increase in percent of observed moose in 1973 can be attributed to increase in survey time (42 minutes) and increase in the observers'experience,as conditions otherwise were similar.One calf,not observed on the helicopter survey of 1972,was accounted for by subsequent ground observations.Five of six calves were observed from the air.The survey of 1973 revealed nine calves and one additional calf has subsequently been observed.This calf was believed to have been born after the survey. Trapping Success The layout of traps at the MRC was diagrammed by LeResche and Davis (1971).A new trap was built in the northwest corner of Pen 4 and put into operation in January,1973.Design for the traps was described by LeResche and Lynch (1973).Nine outside and 11 inside traps are now being used. Their relative success is shown in Tables 14 and 15. A processed moose was one that was immobilized and marked or had the standard physiologic procedures performed.MOose were released when they had been processed within the previous three to four weeks.Others were released -19- Table 12.Freeze-branding trial utilizing bottled Freon gas on June 4,1973. n [1 r"l , Area 1 2 3 4 5 6 Type of Gas Time (Sec.)Type of Thaw Freon 12 30 Delayed Freon 12 45 Quick Freon 22 15 Quick Freon 22 30 Quick Freon 22 5 None Freon 22 10 None n u C D o o F-": b C H L r : L -20-L Table 13.Helicopter surveys of known populations of moose at Kenai Moose Research Center. June 20,1972 June 18,1973 Helicopter Helicopter Pen Time Moose Moose Percent Pen Time Moose Moose Percent No.(Min.)*Present Observed Observed No.(Min.)*Present Observed Observed 1 49 12 9 75 1 43 10 10 100 2 49 14 11 79 2 51 7 7 100 3 49 8 7 88 3 30 7 6 86 4 49 13 11 85 4 114 13 12 92 I N ~Total 196 47 38 81 Total 238 37 35 95I *Total time only available -divided equally for each pen. Table 14.Trap effectiveness by individual trap and pen within the enclosures at the Kenai Moose Research Center, April,1972 to June,1973. Trap No.Trap No.Moose No.Moose No.Moose No.Malfunctions No.Malfunctions No.Moose Driven Trap No.Nights Processed Released Escaped (moose)(other)into Trap Success 1E 135 16 11 1 2 2 2 .21 1W 99 7 3 -2 -1 .10 IN 123 12 3 --2 -.12 2S 131 14 6 -7 1 -.15 2E 127 12 5 -6 2 -.13 I CP-2 87 11 3 2 -2 1 .18N N 3N 68 6 1 --1 -.10I3S10814321.16-- 4SE 90 10 4 -3 1 -.16 4S 96 5 3 1 1 1 1 .09 4NW 51 14 9 -5 2 1 .45 Pen 1 357 35 17 1 4 4 3 .15 Pen 2 345 37 14 2 13 5 1 .15 Pen 3 176 20 4 -2 2 -.13 Pen 4 237 29 16 1 9 4 2 .19 All Pens 1115 121 51 4 28 15 6 .16 c--"~.r---'[TJ r-J\UU ...J GCIJ L"_J Ln E]],""---"_..,.....J'L..__J Iil__,J l"-=t ~.~__..J ~.__J Table 15.Trap effectiveness by individual trap outside the enclosures at the Kenai Moose Research Center,April, 1972 to June,1973. Trap No.Trap No.Moose No.Moose No.Moose No.Malfunctions No.Malfunctions No.Moose Driven Trap No.Nights Processed Released Escaped (moose)(other)into Trap Success 10E 108 9 5 2 4 --.15 lOS 91 16 6 --3 -.24 lOW 71 6 ---2 -.08 10N 72 7 2 2 1 --.15 20N 72 3 -1 --2 .06 30N 65 6 4 3 -1 -.20 40S 89 8 -2 1 1 -.11 40E 91 13 3 4 -1 -.22 ~40W 107 6 5 -1 3 -.10 Vol I All Traps 766 74 25 14 7 11 2 .15 when they didn't respond to the drug,became overheated or were calves and processing was not desired.If more than one moose was caught per trap,one was released.Moose that escaped generally went over the top of the fence after it had been smashed down or between the gate and fence. When this happened the fence was reinforced or the gate readjusted to reduce loss.Escape was greatest during the winter on the outside when moose, not accustomed to entrapment,stood on approximately one-half meter of hard-packed snow.The fence barrier apparently was not as much of a deterrent at this time.A common source of malfunction was the trigger string.Monofilament line was tried because of its transparency,but proved too elastic and normally only triggered one gate before breaking. Malfunctions,other than those caused when moose were present,were largely caused by wind knocking the trigger loose on one gate.On separate occasions a brown (Ursus aretas)and a black bear (Ursus amerieanusJ triggered traps. Malfunctions that occurred during the day and went unnoticed,took away the subsequent trap night,since moose were normally trapped during their period of greatest activity near dawn (LeResche and Lynch,1973).We were able to drive some moose standing near a trap along the fence into the trap by snowmachine,truck or walking.The trap success was calculated by dividing the total number of moose caught by the number of trap nights. Little difference in overall trapping success was noted for outside and inside traps,although there was much variability between individual traps.Differences between pens are likely a function of density.Throughout this reporting period Pens 1 and 2 had 11-12 moose, Pen 3 had seven moose and Pen 4 had 20-25 moose. When seasonal variations were considered (Tables 16 and 17)trapping success differences between outside and inside traps were more noticeable. Trapping success was highest during December and January for outside traps but quite low for inside traps during the same months.A likely cause was that moose are migrating to winter areas at this time and are more susceptible to being trapped.During summer and early fall trapping was best inside the pens but outside there was little success.Effort was reduced outside at that time because of the lack of activity.There was little or no trapping effort in May both years because of breakup. Trapping success during this reporting period was lower than that reported by LeResche (1970)and LeResche and Lynch (1973).This may partially be due to moose inside the pens becoming accustomed to the locations of traps and avoiding those areas.They may also have learned to avoid triggering the trap.On 18 occasions moose inside the pens walked to the trigger string and either turned away or jumped over it.This could be told by tracks in soft ground or snow.Another possible cause of lower trap success was that effort was greatly increased in all months of the year to get a desired sample of moose both on the inside and outside (Job 1.lR,this report). An attempt was made to increase trap success during the spring and summer of 1972 by using salt blocks.Salt was placed under the trigger string in most traps and was quite successful in attracting bulls in early summer.One particular bull (#36,Pen 2)defended a salt block -24- [ c [ l [-~ r-" '---.J u o D [j D D 6 o [ t L u [ Table 16.Trap effectiveness by month for traps inside the enclosures at the Kenai Moose Research Center. No.Trap No.Moose No.Moose No.Moose No.Malfunctions No.Malfunctions No.Moose Driven Trap Month Nights Processed Released Escaped (moose)(other)into Trap Success 1972 April 170 4 -1 -2 1 .03 May 5 1 -----;.20 June 80 18 4 -5 3 -~8 July 100 21 17 1 5 3 -.19--, Aug.61 12 8 1 3 1 -.34 ,,~ Sept.35 11 2 -1 --.37 ' I Oct.47 5 1 1 4 1 .15N- V1 Nov.82 11 1 .13I---- Dec.68 4 1 -1 -2 .07 1973 Jan.78 6 4 -2 -3 .13 Feb.81 8 6 -2 --.17 Mar.137 5 1 -2 3 -.04 Apr.65 2 1 ----.05 May a June 106 13 6 -2 2 -.18 1115 121 51 4 28 15 6 .16 Table 17.Trap effectiveness.by .month..for.traps-..Qut.side ..the..enclosureu:r.at .the Kenai Moose Research Center. No.Trap No.Moose No.Moose No.Moose No.Malfunctions No.Malfunctions No.Moose Driven Trap Month Nights Processed Released·..Escaped·........(moose)........'"(other)......·into Trap·Success 1972,April 75 5 --....2 .....07 May 3 -- ----.00 June 31 2 1 -1 --.10 July 1 1 - - ....-...1.00 Aug.2 -- - ....--.00 Sept.38 5 ---3 -.13 Oct.137 7 10 3 ....1 -.15 I 4 .08NNov.50 ---....-0\ I Dec.57 10 1 2 1 ....-.23 1973,Jan.71 7 3 5 1 .........21 Feb.89 11 2 4 1 1 .....19 Mar.76 10 - - 1 4 1 .13 Apr.49 3 1 -....-1 .•08 May 0 - ----1 ... June 87 9 7 -2.-.....18 766 74 25 14 7 11 2 .15 rJJ c=J LJ 1_.I ..J ~Gd ..J ~J .....U [fl l..:.J rr:=J IT]c:=J IJ c~I.,~c:=J 1 J L_J ~ ~ l ~ j ~ j 1 J ~ .ii :i and displayed aggressively toward us and our vehicle when approached. Two cows and one calf also came to the salt frequently.As the summer iprogresssed,less use was made of the salt blocks.The blocks were removed to reduce influences on physiologic studies but enough had leached into the soil that some moose still licked the ground in the spring of 1973.No natural salt licks have been located in the vicinity outside the enclosures;however,outside moose were not attracted to salt blocks placed in outside traps. Raising Orphaned Moose Calf On June 21,1972 an orphaned moose calf was brought to the 11RC and held in the trap behind the cabin which was converted temporarily to a moose calf pen.The female calf weighed 15.5 kg.(34 pounds)and was estimated to be less than one week old.She was raised to supplement tame moose studies.Chronology of events related to raising the calf is presented in Table 18 and a popularized version of the events has been published (Franzmann,1973). The calf was allowed to browse freely outside the enclosures and feeding observations were made.The browse in order of preference was: willow (Salix Sp.),fireweed blossoms (Epilobium angustifolium)~ bunchberry ('Comus canadensis)and birch. Once the calf was free to browse (after July 1)she began to gain weight and overcame her digestive problems demonstrated by clinical diarrhea. Allowing her freedom to browse also permitted her to wander off.The calf was gone and on her own from August 19 to October 19,1972.When she reappeared she was quite thin,but appeared healthy.At that time, she was placed into Pen 1,but she has not been seen since,in spite of intensive searches.We assume that she died,but are unaware of the circumstances. A male calf born to our tame moose (Raque1)weighed 14.5 kg.(32 pounds) at birth and at one week of age weighed 23.6 kg.(52 pounds),gaining 1.3 kg.(2.86 pounds)per day during his first week.The orphaned moose in contrast was over one month old before she attained the one-week-01d weight of Raque1's calf. RECOMMENDATIONS 1.Biotelemetry investigations should be pursued based upon work in other fields and the availability of equipment and expertise. 2.Research to more definitively establish the number of pellet-groups deposited per day for moose and the timing of change to and from pellet and summer deposits should be accomplished . 3.Testing of observer success in aerial composition counts should be done at the Moose Research Center when the moose composition within the pens warrants it. -27- [ [j Table 18.Chronology of Events in Raising a Moose Calf. 1.Suckle,Albers Milling Co. 2.Don's Calf Starter Pellets,Alaska Mill and Feed,Anchorage. 3.Betalin Complex F.C.,Eli Lilly Co.,Indianapolis,Ind. 15.5 Body Weight (kg)Event I' l c [ c [ r~ l [' D D U G Calf scouring -given 1 cc vitamin injection3 daily for 1 week. Reduced consumption 3.79 liters (1 gallon)milk replacer given daily hereafter (8 hr. schedule).Calf browses daily, eats pellets. Broke to lead with halter. Began turning out daily to browse. Wandered away -missing for 2 months. Returned to area,put into Pen 1. Placed on 4 hr.schedule. Began browsing. Drinking from pan. Placed on 6 hr.schedule. Began eating calf pellets 2 16.4 19.1 24.6 27.3 35.0 39.5 Milk Replacer l Consumed Date (liter) June 21 .15 June 22 .47 June 23 2.07 June 24 1.33 June 25 1.66 June 26 2.46 June 27 3.32 June 28 4.98 June 29 4.74 June 30 2.84 July 1 3.79 July 12 July 26 Aug.3 Aug.10 Aug.17 Aug.19 Oct.19 [ -28- [ [ [ LITERATURE CITED Berg,W.E.and R.L.Phillips.1972.Winter spacing of moose in northwestern Minnesota.Trans.8th N.Am.Moose Conf.and Workshop,Thunder Bay,Ont.:166-176. Bergerud,A.T.,A.Butt,H.L.Russell and H.Whalen.1964.Immobilization of Newfoundland caribou and moose with succinylcholine chloride and Cap-Chur equipment.J.Wi1d1.Manage.28(1):49-53. Boyd,J.C.,W.J.L.Sladen,H.A.Baldwin.1967.Biotelemetry of penguin body temperature.1966-67.Anarctic U.S.2(4):97-99. Downhower,J.F.and J.D.Pauley.1970.Automated recordings of body temperature from free ranging yellow-bellied marmots.J.Wi1d1. Manage.34(3):639-641. Eberhardt,L.and R.C.VanEtten.1956.Evaluation of the pellet group count as a deer census method.J.Wi1d1.Manage.20(1):70-74. Edwards,R.Y.and R.W.Ritcey.1958.Reproduction in a moose population. J.Wi1d1.Manage.22(3):261-268. Folk,G.E.1968.Telemetry of physiological function of large carnivores. Proc.Workshop.Bio1.Bears.,Proc.AAAS (Alaska Branch)19:52-63. Follis,T.B.and J.J.Spi11ett.1972.A new method for rumen sampling. J.Wi1d1.Manage.36(4):1336-1340. Franzmann,L•.1973.My summer with Tillie - a moose.Alaska Magazine 39 (7):8,76-77. Rime,J.M.and D.M.Jones.1970.The use of xy1azine in captive wild animals.Proc.11th International Symposium on Diseases of Zoo Animals,Budapast,Hungary. Houseknecht,C.R. studies. 1970.Biotelemetry as a technique in disease ecology J.Wi1d1.Dis.6(4):414-417. Houston,D.B.1968.The Shiras moose in Jackson Hole,Wyoming.Grand Teton Natur.History Assn.Tech.Bull.1.110 pp. 1969.Immobilization of the Shiras moose.J.Wi1d1.Manage. 33(3):534-537. 1970.Immobilization of moose with M-99 etorphine.J. Mammal.51(2):396-399. Johnson,D.C.,P.D.Arneson and A.W.Franzmann.1973.Behavior and survival in orphaned and nonorphaned moose calves.Final Rep. Job 1A-1.1 Fed.Aid in Wi1d1.Restoration.Alaska Dept.Fish and Game. -29- Ko,W.H.and M.R.Neuman.1967.Implant biotelemetry and micro electronics. Science 156:351-360. LeResche,R.E.1970.Moose report.AnnualProj.Progress Rep.Fed.Aid in Wildl.Restoration.Alaska Dept.of Fish and Game. and J.L.Davis.1971.Moose report.Annual Proj.Progress------- Rep.Fed.Aid in Wildl.Restoration.Alaska Dept.of Fish and Game. _______and G.M.Lynch.1973.A trap for free-ranging moose.J. Wildl.Manage.37(1):87-89. and R.A.Rausch.In press.Accuracy and precision of aerial moose censusing.J.Wildl.Manage. Lonsdale,E.M.,B.Bradach and E.T.Thorne.1971.A telemetry system to determine body temperature in pronghorn antelope.J. Wildl.Manage.35(4):747-751. Lord,R.D.,Jr.,F.C.Bellrose,and W.W.Cochran.1962.Radiotelemetry of the respiration of a flying duck.Science 137:39-40. MacKay,R.S.1968.Biomedical telemetry:sensing and transmitting biological information from animals to man.John Wiley and Sons,Inc.,N.Y.388 pp. McGinnis,S.M.,V.A.Finch,and A.M.Harthoorn.1970.A radio telemetry technique for monitoring temperatures from unrestrained ungulates.J.Wildl.Manage.34(4):921-925. and T.P.Southworth.1967.Body temperature fluctuations in------the northern elephant seal.J.Mammal.48(3):484-485. Neff,D.J.1968.The pellet-group technique for big game trend,census and distribution:a review.J.Wildl.Manage.32(3):597-614. _____,O.C.Wallmo and D.C.Morrison.1965.A determination of defecation rate for elk.J.Wildl.Manage.29(2):406-407. Ostbye,E.1970.A new temperature gradient apparatus for use on terrestrial arthropods and small vertebrates.Norwegian J.Zool. 18(1):75-79. Peek,J.M.1962.Studies of moose in the Gravelly and Snowcrest Mountains,Montana.J.Wildl.Manage.34(1):37-46. Pimlott,D.H.1959.Reproduction and productivity of Newfoundland moose.J.Wildl.Manage.23(4):381-401. -30- [ [ [- f' [ [J ~[J C D o [J c [ H L [ L Rasmussen,D.I.and E.R.Doman.1943.Census methods and their application in the management of mule deer.Trans.N.Am.Wildl.Conf. 8:369-380. Rausch,R.A.and A.and A.Bratlie.1965.Annual assessments of moose calf production and mortality in southcentral Alaska.Ann.Conf. W.Assn.State Fish and Game Commissioners 45:140-146. Riley,J.L.1971.Frequency-to-voltage converter for recording animal temperature by radiotelemetry.J.Applied Physiol.30(6): 890-892. Rogers,G.,O.Julander and W.L.Robinette.1958.Pellet-group counts for deer census and range-use-index.J.Wildl.Manage.22(2): 193-199. Simkin,D.W.1965. Ontario. Reproduction and productivity of moose in northwestern J.Wildl.Manage.29(4):740-750. ~later,L.E.1963.Bio-telemetry.The use of telemetry in behavior and physiology in relation to ecological problems.Proc.Interdisciplinary Conf.N.Y.Pergamon Press,N.Y.373 pp. Smith,A.D.1964.Defecation rates of mule deer.J.Wildl.Manage. 28(3):435-444. Stevens,D.R.1970.Winter ecology of moose in the Gallatin Mountains, Montana.J.Wildl.Manage.34(1):37-46. Van Ballenberghe,V.and J.M.Peek.1971. moose in northeastern Minnesota. Radiotelemetry studies of J.Wildl.Manage.35(1):63-71. Will,G.B.and E.F.Patric.1972.A contribution toward a bibliography on wildlife telemetry and radio tracking.A joint contribution of New York Fed.Aid and Wi1dl.Restoration Proj.W-123-R and Rhode Island Agr.EXper.Station,Contribution 1439. PREPARED BY: Albert W.Franzmann and Paul D.Arneson Game Biologists SUBMITTED BY:. Karl B.Schneider Regional Research Coordinator -31- APPROVED BY: ~£.m~ame JOB PROGRESS REPORT (RESEARCH) State:Alaska Cooperators:Albert W.Franzmann and Paul D.Arneson Project No: Job No: W-17-5 1.2R Project Title:Big Game Investigations Job Title:Moose Behavior Period Covered:July 1,1972 through June 30,1973 SUMMARY Cratering activity was monitored in relation to snow depth,time spent cratering,time spent browsing,paws per crater and number of craters.The importance of nonbrowse food obtained through cratering activity was substantiated.The possibility of a negative energy balance situation resulting from cratering activities for forage with certain snow conditions was suggested. i CONTENTS Summary •. Background Objectives Procedures Findings • . • • • • • Big Indian Creek Populations Lower Funny River Air Strip -Tustumena Benchland Populations .. Recommendations •• Literature Cited ••••.••• BACKGROUND · i 1 · 2 • 3 3 11 .11 •.17 17 .., ~ :i :] .. ~ ~ -' Moose (Alces alces)in the lowland areas of the Kenai Peninsula have received considerable hunting pressure for many years.In late fall,moose herds in these areas are characterized by a relatively low bull-cow ratio (less than 20 bulls:lOO cows)and a higher calf-cow ratio than highland populations.Few large bulls are observed during fall in the lowlands prior to November when many highland bulls move downward.Calf-cow ratios recorded in November have ranged from 33 calves:lOO cows in 1970 to 41:100 in 1972.A sizable portion of the northern lowland area is seral birch (Betula gZandulosa)range--a product of the 1947 Sterling Burn.Although browse (primarily birch)is abundant throughout the area,substantial numbers of moose have died during severe winters.From November,1971 to May,1972,over 80 percent of the calves died in Game Management Subunit l5A and over 65 percent of the calves died during the same period in 1972-73.After two successive winters of heavy mortality,population estimates by personnel of the Kenai National Moose Range have dropped from 7,900 ~1,400 (90%confidence level)minimum north of the Kasilof River in early 1971 to 5,692 +1,348 (90%confidence level)minimum in early 1973.Although there is overlap in these population ranges,the change in means probably reflects a true population reduction. The moose traditionally using climax willow ranges in the highland areas,but wintering on the lowland areas,received little hunting pressure in the past.However,they have been gradually receiving more pressure as evidenced by declining bull-cow ratios.In Subunit l5B the ratio dropped from 44 bulls:lOO cows in 1964 to 31 bulls:lOO cows in 1972;in the Unit 7 highlands from 47 bulls:100 cows in 1961 to 17 bulls: 100 cows in 1972.Calf proportions have remained low in these groups. Increasing pressure on Kenai Peninsula moose and their habitat necessitated greater understanding of the moose resource.Data needs and their possible management application were summarized by LeResche and Davis (1971)as follows: With the formalization of moose management plans for the Kenai and the designation of certain areas as trophy,foothunting -1- and maximum sustained yield hunting areas,delineation of these various groups,their interactions,their seasonal movements,and their calving and breeding sites,has become imperative.Further, the proposed classification of more than one million acres of the area as wilderness,as well as the possibility of a limited access road bisecting part of the area,requires specific knowledge of the migrations of these moose.Descriptions of populations and their movements would,1)allow harvesting of desired portions of specified moose herds and prevent harvesting of trophy-class bulls while they are away from trophy-management areas (and often antlerless),2)prevent unnecessary restriction of activities (eg:by wilderness designation)in area~of key winter range,where habitat manipulation might someday become necessary,3)contraindicate development of small areas seasonally crucial to large numbers of moose (eg:during calving,rutting,or wintering)and 4)provide valid data relative to possible obstructions presented by future proposed highways and other projects. The literature contains few major studies of moose migrations and/or movements in North America.LeResche (1973)made a comprehensive review of existing literature and summarized moose movements as follows: Seasonal home ranges are typically small (5-10 km 2 ),and the same ranges are occupied annually by individual moose.Yearlings and rutting bulls in some areas have larger and less fixed home ranges. Movements between seasonal home ranges (migrations)may be classified along a continuum including Type A (short distance movements between two seasonal ranges with little change in elevation),Type B (medium to long distance movements between only two seasonal ranges with significant differences in elevation between higher summer-fall ranges and lower winter ranges),and Type C (medium to long distance movements between three distinct seasonal ranges with significant changes in elevation).Several types of movements may occur in one area,resulting in aggregations and segregations of population segments. Movements follow traditional routes,although timing may vary annually. Snow,forage and internal stimuli mediate seasonal movements.Physical and environmental distances between seasonal ranges vary,but generally the shortest migrations occur in flat habitat with little environmental gradient.Regular migrations of from 1 km to 170 km are reported from North America.Moose do disperse into new habitat,but the traditionality of home ranges and movement patterns impedes this dispersal.Many "dispersals"reported may in fact have been local population increases. Moose migrations provide optimal physical,biotic and social environments on a seasonal basis. LeResche suggested that the most definitive movement studies were those reported by Edwards and Ritcey (1956)in British Columbia,Knowlton (1960) in Montana,Berg (1971)and Van Ballenberghe and Peek (1971)in Minnesota, Houston (1968)in Wyoming,Goddard (1970)in Ontario,and LeResche (1972) in Alaska. OBJECTIVES To identify populations and key habitat areas and to learn seasonal patterns of movement by moose on the Kenai Peninsula. -2- r f" I , (- 1- L f~ L_J [] oL_) c [ u [J [ [ L [ [ [" PROCEDURES Moose were tagged using helicopters (Nielson and Shaw,no date)or fenceline traps (LeResche and Lynch,1973)and succinylcholine chloride in projected syringes.The enzyme,hyaluronidase,was added to the drug. Between July 1,1972 and June 30,1973,12 moose were tagged in Big Indian Creek,60 were tagged in the Tustumena Benchland-Lower Funny River Airstrip area,43 were tagged outside the enclosures at the Kenai Moosee Research Center (MRC)and one was tagged after being rescued from being mired in mud (Table 1).Figs.1 and 2 show tagging areas for all animals collared to date.All of the above-mentioned animals were tagged to be distinguishable from afar as individuals (an exception was several calves tagged at the MRC that were ear tagged only).They were made identifiable by color-coded canvas web (Table 1 and Fig.3)neck collars obtained from Denver Tent and Awning Co.,Denver,Colorado.The MRC tagged animals were marked with metal ear-tags (Salt Lake Stamp Co.,Salt Lake City,Utah) and silver Saflag (Safety Flag Co.of America,Pawtuket,R.I.)material in the right ear of females and the left ear of males.All other tagged animals were ear marked with Goliath Rototags (Dalton Supplies Ltd.,Henley- on-Thames,Nettlebed,England). Weekly reconnaissance or counting flights were attempted by Alaska Department of Fish and Game personnel to monitor movements of the 320 moose tagged prior to June 30,1972 and the 116 marked since then (Table 2).Additional sightings were made by U.S.Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife and Alaska Department of Fish and Game personnel during cooperative sex and age composition surveys and a random stratified population estimate count.Personnel of both agencies also contributed miscellaneous observations of collared moose.Resightings and locations of hunter-killed collared moose were reported by the public. FINDINGS Nine hundred and eighty-three recoveries and resightings of tagged moose have been recorded through June 30,1973 (Table 3).Based on the 413 recoveries and sightings of tagged moose accrued through June 15,1971, LeResche and Davis (1971)presented a thorough discussion of inferences of population identities,movements,and concentrating areas for groups tagged at Mystery Creek,Bottenintnin Lake,Kenai Moose Research Center and Moose River Flats.This 1971 discussion was based on an analysis of resightings by season,location and (tagging)group without benefit of resightings of identifiable individuals (except for resightings of four presumed identifiable individuals).Many resightings of identifiable individuals from the 1970 and 1971 Moose River Flats tagging and the MRC taggings have subsequently been made (Table 4).At present the resightings warrant little elaboration on population identity and concentrating areas of these groups.Resightings of individuals from the Big Indian Creek, Lower Funny River Strip and upper Benchland taggings have suggested rutting, wintering and spring-calving use areas for these populations.Since these were all rutting groups they are considered true populations (i.e.: randomly interbreeding groups). -3- Table 1.Moose tagged in Game Management Units 15 and 7)Kenai Peninsula,October 1968 -April 1973. Totals Tagging Location I ~ I Mystery-Dike Creek (highlands)October 1968 Bottenintnin Lake (lowlands)March 1970 Moose River Flats (lowlands)June 1970 Moose Research Center (lowlands) Moose River Flats May 1971 Skilak-Tustumena Bench April 1971 Big Indian Creek October 1972 Tustumena Benchland October 1972 Lower Funny River Airstrip Number Tagged Males Females Sex ?Calves Total 10 18 0 0 28 16 52 1 0 69 26 43 2 0 71 12 106 0 12 130 10 51 0 0 61 2 2 0 0 4 2 10 0 0 12 19 8 0 0 27 12 21 0 0 33 109 312 3 12 436 Identification Code Female Ear Collar Ear Pendant Left orange Red Righ t orange None Left orange White Righ t orange None Left green White Right green Red Al-AlOO Left silver White Right silver White 51-100 Left yellow Pink/red*Righ t yellow Red Cl-C100 Left yellow Radio Right yellow Red:"c"series Left silver **Right silver None White "Roto"**White "Roto"None White "Roto"**Whi te "Roto"None Male Collar Ye11ow/orange* YBWRP** YBWRP** YBWRP** Yellow Blue Blue Blue Yel1mv/orange* Mystery Creek Bottenintnin Lake Moose River Flats (1970) MRC (prior to March 1972) Moose R.Flats (1971) Skilak-Tustumena Benchland (1971) MRC (Post March 1972) Big Indian Creek (1972) Tustumena Benchland 1972 Area *Colored stripes on both sides of collar make the moose identifiable as individuals. **Collars comprised of 4 quarters (left front;right front;left rear;right rear)consisting of some combination of from 2 to 4 of the following colors make these moose individually identifiable:yellow,blue,white)red)pink. r-nL.,;,CJ r-'c:=J c-:J lCTI L~...jJ lL ...J rJ [LJ [~J ~:--I J ,-.-..-., J [----:J .~..; .-:'*',-S ig :;' Alpin.: L ,/' 'ldebeill ..~ ,.,....i?...~.'\.,'."':,,-j ~'~'~I_;;' ,/'G, r HARDll \ICE'ti'fEJ 1\'\,:dl\~;~'~","-.t.' _..-----';\.:1 ....J ....... Crevasses .__''\"...~''"..~., 'I'l 'OJ,,~.'<$;_,41 ? I CIq,.,p,. "~ ", 'ItdUln ,~~/ ~~ ")". LAKE / ""L /..~ ..",',..-......----..... 478{L:.~tll\!' c:";. \'.......~\~~:..l.iifi.z:v.--..,~~-;~.'..v',~~ ,('......"'"-.,"\'C : \'-\"..•.!/:._.~,,' "1 ~:(;-,o<""..',I..<",_.'./'V J ,, ''',"'-":..~-\...,.'\..,..-'""-..'.-;::;::...•:',..'if-:"'_')~':.",,,:-,~,';;-~, I \_-~I, / -;?....,../'---:-~.~,~.--. ,'--I,rr r'i'."..../.,:>I \]."~......1 1 ....... "\...,...~_,r-...';'--':-:-x~,:~f!tf:;". ...~-:..... .~._...:.' '>~i - """''P&fVU 1lIIJ -,...-.,,;ay'~.f,..'_...~ .... Rotrild L t"....'., <c.o;~ t~s "., " ';~"~'.E f"""',;.; ~l ...t:."..;..,-.:c-,.., '..~IG ".t,~ s \~~,'''(/.: i;".'Q..o.bln ~... 406" D 110 1< I" 1 !Ai'"I LaIrs ',\ ,. Tagging areas and associated geography for moose tagged from October 1968-Ju1y 1973. .;",.:~~-'\ ~ "?+ ~ -·.Cab;n-··-·-+-----:---~--+-~,,-,~\.., ".,-~~ ~" "~.:,-,' M .~(\j..ta~1 '. ~i'lWi'":_.oJ,·>,>k~ -"'""'q,,..,'" """,'. I :'Cablll Fi gure 1. ~,~~ ,:1-,. \I 'J>C'l'" />v <.5'/> v+ -<f>4> -? Caribou Island _Iik Cr: ll"".'I¥,;;,'l -.::.:-1-.--J'o.ri 11 t- + Bay Lake Slikok Lake Nikolai Bay ~-Coai Creek--'_.--:~._-- Lake 1"~~- /< •..T·AuPll'l .....;Jp .t:.Jnd,nr"'t"1 ~,zo A..a I H~I/arl<n\e,.i l.n/u ''"if",.I ..cabin T""lLake CdC .\'ikolai Lake '\~'~.~ Rug Lalif~:e.~ --"-~ C·....' o Jo~&".rl..- I!O Lake lifonsky I I ~,,...,"'''''-"l'-;"-''Q I ~1 ef!'j Ko'-",,~r--~__--,_'l",--~7...'do ".,v:.>=-:..::L I I ..~:.~~~~;;=:;;:;J .'c,}""'-""<' I,,~I \r~c~_'\'-'<>~\II:~I"... j ;~--.I .\)'\"".1,,1,/"--~_?-,-"~~o.o~<,d~ :1,'-?'--k..,'~",-::':'-:'t eI~'1,-/'r,.,~o "~'~'i;,"\~.~_. 11 ,).O~,,''-"II ~()•I A ~-.--.(,"\.'<7 <:g(..~_,-£'b;,t-\! .:'>~ I ,~.1 ~~~,"~....",~ '.>,i ,,R't W'!2r-'jf?:j),W:?I1""'..)'it I .1 I)'t ..•_.-...l.:.-..:....-.4 t.it Y.W ...., r J .;)"~.~ff ."!~,__.....:.~,~"1 I, .~l ,~'--I -~ :rj-":,/':--'t:'..:I "f;"'.II~~·..,·,I- .""~~"MOO~''••Hit'~-'".."1:'__~I""*~~.LAh -:":9..ongkong Bend rr:"lC/JilWn/'8t~r RflJ)ili..~La4'p ',."'. t '-n",""'- .,.;-_*'.==J!:;;-\]a~'/\'elic,)-;:Vi:/::.~ /I ~~I ;,.~~-.~~'.,~ I U1 I 3 ] 1o o ] o (J ,- "\S' (, ~ 0:t 'f .~.I \ , / .,, z ) ,,,n '1'",i, I:'! ./. (\.'..~.., \,''~:i ~' i··' .1·.~o'1.~~ ''''S ~J..'1 r.J..~ ...( tJJ CI)g, c+~g,g, to \.II to CI)g,o.::::s 0. -tot-s 111oi:Il ;::IV! L.; 0(') 0 ....• c+g, c """C'"';:7; rl!CL-s ~') ......CC 1.00 O'l~ CO-S\g,c...."o C.=> '< )/ ! Figure 3.Design of canvas web neck collars used to identify tagged moose as individuals. ~42"for cows ~ 52"for bulls ~ Panel 1 Panel 3 Panel 2 Panel 4 Panels consist of any combination of the following colors:red,yellow, blue,white,pink. -7- [ [ f' I r Table 2.Reconnaissance flights by Alaska Department of Fish and Game for collared moose.l Date 13 July '72 25 July '72 1 Aug.'72 21 Sept.'72 3 Oct.'72 17 Oct.'72 27 Oct.'72 14 Nov.'72 21 Nov.'72 27 Nov.-2 Dec.'72 21 Dec.'72 27 Dec.'72 17 Jan.'73 31 Jan.'73 1 Feb.'73 3 Feb.'73 9 Feb.'73 12-15 Feb.'73 20 Feb.'73 22 Feb.'73 26 Feb.'73 27 Feb.'73 9 Mar.'73 16 Mar.'73 21 Mar.'73 3 Apr.'73 16 Apr.'73 8 May '73 10 May'73 16 May '73 24 May '73 14 June '73 15 June '73 Total Area Tust.-Skilak Benchland 69 &47 Burn,Tust.-Skilak Lowlands 47 Burn &Kenai Mts. Kenai Mts. Kenai Mts. Tust.Benchland Kenai Mts. Lowlands Burns Lowlands Misc.-Sex &age composition counts Kenai Mts. Kenai Mts.&Lowlands Benchland &Lowlands Benchland Lowlands Kenai Mts. Lowlands Random strat.counts 47 Burn Benchland 47 Burn 47 Burn Kenai Mts. Benchland Lowlands Lowlands &Kenai Mts. Benchland Lowlands MRF -Lowlands Lowlands MRF Benchland MRF -Lowlands -8- Collared Moose o 4 FF o 4FF,lMM 12 FF,1 MM o 6 FF,2 MM 2 FF 3 FF 46 FF,15 MM 2 FF,1 MM 7 FF,2 MM 3FF,3MM 3 FF,2 MM 8 FF 10 FF,2 MM 4 FF 13 FF,4 MM 11 FF 6 FF 15 FF 1 FF 5 FF 4 FF,4 MM o o 16 FF 3 FF 11 FF,2 MM 6FF,lMM 10 FF,1 MM 3 FF,7 MM 4 FF,1 MM 222 FF,57 MM fJ c [ [ C pr. L", r~ 6 r L [ [ [ L -' Table 3.Recoveries and resightings of collared moose,Kenai Peninsula, through June 1973. Tagging Site Mystery Creek Bottenintnin Lake Moose Research Center MOose River Flats Tustumena Bench1and (1971-72) Tustumena Benchland-Lower Funny River Airstrip Area Big Indian Creek Not properly identified* Total Number of Recoveries and S igb tings 152 152 95 330 4 64 15 171 983 *Includes individuals that had lost part of their identifying marks, reports of moose with impossible markings and other irregularities. -9- Table 4.Resightings of individually identifiable moose through June 30,1973. Number of Times Relocated Number of Identifiable Original Tagging Site 1 2 3 4 5 6 Individuals in Group Moose River Flats 1970 20 12 7 1 71 %Ident.Indiv.Relocated 28.0 17.0 9.8 1.4 56.3%relocated No.of Times At least once Moose River Flats 1971 16 13 4 2 2 3 61 %Ident.Indiv.Relocated 26.2 21.3 6.6 3.3 3.3 4.9 65.6%relocated No.of Times At least once Upper Bear Cr.1971 1 4 %Ident.Indiv.Relocated 25.0 25%relocated No.of Times At least once Moose Research Center 26 6 1 1 53 %Ident.Indiv.Relocated 49.1 11.3 1.9 1.9 64.2%relocated No.of Times At least once Upper Benchland 7 6 5 27 %Ident.Indivi.Relocated 25.9 22.2 18.5 66.7%relocated 'No.of Times At least once Lower Funny River Strip 11 5 7 1 33 %Ident.Indiv.Relocated 33.3 15.2 21.2 3.0 72.7%relocated No.of Times At least once Big Indian Cr.5 1 1 12 %Ident.Indiv.Relocated 41.7 8.3 8.3 58.3%relocated No.of Times At least once 1--;r----, L _..~.J i [Il ~...'.,,J 'el-.---J [TI L_._U L.j EJJ o=J L_J [-J r-J ~~ _0 Big Indian Creek Population Sightings of Big Indian Creek moose plotted on a map (Fig.4)show that at least six marked individuals (both males and females)wintered above timberline in the general tagging vicinity.One female was observed wintering in the MRC vicinity.This cow remained in the area throughout February.She was sighted in May near Scenic Lake on the Moose River Flats.The relatively high percentage of individuals from this group that wintered above timberline in their rutting drainage differs from the wintering behavior previously described for the Mystery Creek population (LeResche and Davis,1971).Winter severity could account for differences in movements and distribution between years.Quantitative weather data are not available for the areas,but the 1972-1973 winter appeared to be less severe than the preceding two in this area.Because tagged individuals were observed wintering above timberline during November-March but none could be located during flights in April and May,we assume that they moved to lower elevations where cover concealed them.This inferred movement pattern,coupled with observations in the past of bulls from Mystery Creek remaining high well into winter but showing up on the Moose River Flats in spring,lends credence to the idea that moose move down in late winter or early spring to lowland areas because of advanced plant phenology in lowland areas.This may in part explain why bulls occupy or concentrate in "calving areas".No cows from this group have been sighted with calves so calving areas remain unknown. Lower Funny River Air Strip-Tustumena Benchland Populations It appears likely that the group tagged near the Lower Funny River Airstrip and the group tagged above timberline in the Tustumena Benchland have different patterns of seasonal distribution.Both were rutting groups of high density separated by as little as 2-1/2 miles of timber at the time of tagging.There were no significant physical barriers separating the groups.The Lower Funny River group was tagged below timber line (Fig.5)and 84 percent (27/32)of all resightings (December 1972-June 1973)occurred below timberline.Both males and females (5 males and 5 females)from the group moved north toward the Kenai River to elevations below 600 feet for wintering.Some moved as far as Robinson Loop Road (Sterling Area).However,5 females and 4 males were observed wintering near the tagging area.One cow was observed with a calf only several days old near mile 76 of the Sterling Highway.No other females from the group were observed with calves.The only other female from the group sighted during Mayor June was observed in June above timberline near the head of Bear Creek (elevation 2,600')without a calf thus confounding delineation of a single calving-spring use area for the group. In contrast to the Lower Funny River Airstrip group,80 percent (24/30)of all resightings of the Tustumena Benchland group occurred above timberline (Fig.6).Observations of only two cows and two bulls from this group were made in the area north toward the Kenai River from the tagging site and below 600 feet elevation.However,greater numbers of both males and females (10 males and 4 females)were observed throughout the winter in the original tagging area at elevations up to 3,000 feet.Determining proportions of the population exhibiting the localized versus migration to winter range tendencies is confounded by not having resighted most individuals.The probability of a resighting in the lowland area is much lower than in the alpine tagging area because of vegetational cover and the vastness of lowland area to reconnoiter.Nevertheless,52 percent -11- .5fJj)7'~lJl~.:J~;oj.Fi gure 4.Res i ghti ngs by month of i ndi vi dua lly i denti fi ab 1e,.//1~~·¥r~~:~~.;~,..,'~=.-...'·"'.J~h~..·A.~~.\\I\,\.,~~~~~-.j 1'--'~,moose tagged at Bi q Indian Creek -Octoher 197?-.(~~~~_.__----:,:.:,,<~~>':.~'-~~'~'\(l~.-:i P::.,c~:1:'::Tw.,":.'~~~....,.__.'/"-'~'~:';.;J''\-::--'.'-"'''''''~'./'."i'..'~~~::4~,·'f~:,\~'<'>::~;'..~t'''',~~.~:so';;::..:4-....J::,~.,.-,~'''....J O :"'1"')':"',()"l\I -'~"i ;Spyrl~""--~::"{t/.7'~'I~""',"',;'('I:--Cab;n t·;".~\.~:<'~c....~,:\,.\\~'\.\\::,.s.r-..~.""··';~·'l\'.~.--!J..1Ir""r,f.~~:'r'.,....,p ,~.~.1_,..-·.,l .---9iI""",'~'""~"o;:\!r ;"":o\.~\,,~,~..:J.;"'~'',\,\"'..".~,;"•.-s""";":,:,.-~-.r.:'·'·Lake··",iC"""''',.f ...~'~"~',.•&rabara \-.Ume..J.:.·1-')\9;,'\\'¥.2""'-,\'..."'-'.'."~.'Qul<;h"J'c---..:_'i.a~,,,,","....."'~·Lakw'1 'CfllflW 1":''':''1....,"'·,·'.-,.-fj",·c "),\1\\,''/-',',,,';..._'..J'.'...~'7,.,,~"'; .t,•"I'"r'~"\I'l'~.''")I..u 'o..C,-;-"•~•j,AUte t'.:J ).I ~..,......\ ,~"\...'.:"h,..._~•,__~~"I,'.....',.j..:J~jffeiuJad~".;'S~,.'v''L!,'.,oi',"':s~~t '~E·..w"ndtr WildenwN 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',..~ ;C1-ep,f -'r----- -t?'~l'z,) 7- .Cahin ~SIJ'flU..,.Lake--,E--." ,.\GJ!<,~..._.__.. ..',1 ......._:..~ ",:\\,\:-- .-.\" \' ( ........I....-'''~...J."'-".--...... ~&_o'R '=X---='"~t.r~G-~ T~~ (,'-, 6 ~@ .f -:.- + Harvey'>'". Lake !!_.__._•.1.••~,__ Rou"d L ..I /~-~.:..-- Resightings by month of individually identifiable moose tagged at Lower Funny River Airstrip vicinity -October 1972. E ~~,~~"':, Ti~erli~ c.'U.~~~~rl~ ..••_••4_... W'oitl.ri~;-~@:ee,f lAke s loOf' --~­ "\ \ \ \ ~ 'M";>~,.,.'-~~'~ .t',bin .~..?' <'-",\,. .5?"";·,,/c:~/~ •,../"i""\~I-;;\::'-'''-r~'-,~.-<---->', ...""'i~-')-..~'-'.'~:/-F ,,'"\~~-.I~!,~"'"(..y o 110 Fi gure 5. !Imnt i Lake' I I '1 ~?3 2,~...,.~\."~."f"'~.j .~. ,~ @\ ...:. "":-.Cab,n··-.-.--- M -:'0 1" .Cabln ,.,,~~~~_<"'~;f-. t'k ",@ "'....."J'...;.. t--.12 ;'L.i -;;~J2 Co",;?3 .~'-2 ~__"'~l~,@ _I£,\..',--'-"6 .,\'\-~'1 '\;'..'.'"~\, ,. " '·"Cabin-.'"::::, ® ._~.- ,~ \0 :~ -?>o ~.?> 0+ ~+ ""? ._.~~I "!'~'- ,":'!~< ~. + ':..~'~~. 1\. i I IBayf lAke taLil<C~I ofotc>···•.·'f<¥",J . .i .._~;J~--­ '..Wt ~ I Nikolai Bay Slikok 2 LaiiJ .,r.:iJ,p"n"~:I?:'';'>no;,.,lj.''T.....,"·""7''. lb'-~'"IHrod~w,,_~:....1i / Lake·'-V' -;1 'I'I \ '\ ._-~--,._.. Mi Cr~k ··La .C.bUl~o~'CaribouIsland Niko14i LtJ.UI' Trail'La!«- .Cab,,,. ~"-,r--_..-... " ----l "';;.' Berg .La./tf I v J f'':. I"~;'?.t I •_-I._--. I r ., t;/.r. I·..J ',:?&!..c..j .-.~.-~ .':'::~'::.=~'~~~~~J '-owm ~~~'~..'.+~_..:1.--""=_~~~~__~_,'l'L_~___--;-;-_.-; ~~-:';;;L?~_;::(0~;t 1Ak~'.~.)6;, .,::.-.'.1 \.N \:'~'"",,~,';','¥:,,~r..··'.."l ~~'-.;U~~','.\-_. .P ;.I~.'.-,' • " \tl'----"'~.'.,. (g-../""':?"I,r.'""l ,no ~----...',OIC"C~.'Cl~_.'~i'~'.-"-'~V.c'.II!'1,2,1,~=female by month\(".'.'\--.'en,~Q)=male by month~/eoo -eo.C'?1~'3~',_'"'.~\~O I Example:2 -male observed in Dec.,-.,-~4/",-,~.:""~""",,,,."':'..~,.".~..,.. /o,,,:?,~~,,,-1)£_,.'.'".".HP"~.,-J..,.,.",,\.11 F·,_.·'..'."I."Arrl".~~.----p -<:.--'>4 -.'::.',--..,\'::•••::-;\'..;...."-~'j~:.__,;l.r-:-/~-:.::~~,.'.'".'.~..':-..'. -'1f-'-"----.----..---];,,/(1' -:..i.J ..--.,",'r.,.~.'.I .,':,.\~.n \""i'C:"'"~'.'.Co"~C>tlm./':",__.'.'.'.'!lat,. 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'1 6 ~SI"Y/.rise • 0 2 . :.., A·,.f-itt I ;"Luke'.) :,.,,:GrWJ,'10' Wi'.~)~~f~k¥~~~~: ::..'~"'"I~'......._./ md :J i/--)---- -\:. '.",Lake -.:.>:._)0°'"----.;t - •\.:&~,,)Do:>"~'." 1·"."-".'""",\;......·o ..:v",.,,'~~c,-eo?·\a .....~........!j'."':'\ H_y..-....-;:,.-."S.terl~rlS -~-stERLI G ~.'-..,,--,"•.,.~4 __.__,HISHw. ....•.J.~\.II •~J.~tteninl";:eS ')pg,oun~<."f'""---.,'.' ("i'"-.:~.,'.~.L5~~("'")...~.')'. ('u '.'"._~(Cabin'_/'!I."'\--.'_...0 .C. '-K 'r-!-,(J.-'::'~'"""'" (".:r I~o ~......~(~~l[:~~~I'(lr~6~\'---"".~~"\:Qr.LClk.,,,-'" lI"f'~'.--.-=-s -.E '~,~-.!">~:.S:."'~.....i)"-'.d.?~,~~..-)~"bn .14'0 .,if .,.~c f \0 f ~\"'\Ka -t~·(;I i )'"-"'1 ')\'-':-'t-a Olroio L .\:;;.'~r \'""'c'~, .,,'\'"Fryonll Pan -;:..•Q _.,S ~'\.l\",~ISland~<S'4"/~\r ~~rlbou ~4 <I)"-l,'.,-(andsP.""'..4"~."\"E'~ll.).,~"'-,~,\'---:;-\.'~:~~"~ .'-.--. -.'~(\.~bi';'~'_".~\~SI&rn r tJ_.J .... i:1J.".1. ~ {j.,: '0'.,r-'," r""";I rr-~ .,.... '" .:;ot ne /zov ),~,.>'7 .' .... :~; continued.Resightings by month of individually identifiable moose tagged at Lower Funny River Airstrip vicinity -October 1972 • ";"'c, ~_.J S/i/':"k L"I."I. cn ,_. ..........----- Fi gure 5. c-J' ,.--'" .Sa"mo..aoc" r----'l._.~j u,.) ~c!!' j! East Foreland .. ~·'f'"¢J I..... ~ I ~. .... A i OrmQ :"ker p., u CrE:'1a .~ ,\\. "'-. 0; I-.. ~ ~o ~, \ ~-.t:R'es .7,,I ,:,'..:.: .~ if.. .Llt'E ..--/ ..--/ Alp!ne "L- ..--/ "feeberg 4J,Jce. ". ,BASE ..-:,..' -:;~,., ......:,.. ~'::::.. " ,/' S311;"~'-.. of;/. ~.,;- \'HARDING \ICEFIELD \ -'\ ,-,re...as~e~\~ ,..~......;.4J t Tu'm lAkes -;'" l G-I'".,.;P.... 'f? ". I..~~.-51---:~\, 6 1f/ifl fl .v.. '0;'(10""'3e-'I'\>~ 591' LAKE ,- Sheep Lair, UIU ~~.,j:a;TipgroUfU!_::~.__•..'~.lI '.J''G',~-,~,./"r'c .<T·.Jt~+~.".·.~.'~~J ';-;;i'~-":""'---r,.'",.....:;;;~I-,,'.'-i:'"~.'.~•,..,f ./,::---/\,:~~QJ~"-.~..•-\.'lC''!'.I!Sr",~)~(j ,~,~.~us!> .'",~~O...we;"\Go \Mti. ...",?'Bear.',Mtrt [)o.....hil\13"~( Lucas ~ Island ..\tvqdy '. -_.0-.--';"·2;~".,~;;';'~--.~.,.l;:..h.-\.",,~.'O~,-~~~~_..-,i l."'--,".•.;/-,~L ::1:..I.........~ .L'\~', --..:.:"\....1\0',)'"~ -.'.}~~ -\. ~/.<1 .f" ~/) ~>"lb 'eo...-.....'\..--_'. "Caribou Islands Q;~!. c (''~'::-:~---r"'"\:.....~.I Ji;-\\\\, \\\....;C"ee4-'>1 \), Bar/Jey /.::;.ILa~'..-!-..~ 6 Ro,,"dL " ~ ~.i ~'Cdh:n !.__••__,~__~;t._} ~",. :f-.,?' ".1'-;'i:t,~ I' i".......... ~~.'", J "r "".I '-...,~"~A"'.,'",~t~\r, -----_.'~'~'7~ '\.:'''\, -1;. ,>. "'... /10 '\ -'.-,~-,........~ It ~~-...."~."-"."\.. ~T,iitherlme 1 Qij'--;-''-',\-',~fAke ._~.."-.J i '- U Ii ~r .-,....""......"3 .,..~,....''"\'-;:-':~__..3 ~",~.','1'.>8JL~I"'Y . ------...':':...,-'2<':~--:'~~~..'\\. ..•--\- ,~,,,:C ,rj~K'I1_··woi~~;.~ee/iii\12.,-'I--Lake ..~~9 '. ~t .J ~:\Jb elY].';- LaIce -'':-,:I ..,.2 .~M(~¥;,G,'(D'~3'1 ,'-.''\--.f'i @2 .'J"!:--..• 'Cab"\.i '2 "",1i\1f\'1':1>'c<~~1.'!J /-C''I"--~:''-'~-~';.- ..•:--,~),.q ''''''7-<-.....,. •Cab'ns ,'~..',."-.".•~",. .I ~":-\'/,io",,>~.._'"'"'_~. ..-t .. ~ '\I··,J'·,I.·'"1-1141 ..;~. Q) <-"Y+ ~ Resightings by month of individually identifiable moose tagged in the Tustumena Ben ch 1and -October 1971. -·...Cab;n-• ~, ~.~, ~ '::l ....'s- .~, :iI:~1!> ·Cabin· ~--j -'Fo;--- fA"r f. ';»0 Q>.;» 0+ -<!'-<'J,> --? Caribou Island + Bay Lake ; 'i'lI'taHk Cr I C;,'ff>.~.".J .;';.. Nikolai Bay .Cabirr- Tra;l .Lake CaD'" ,'lilrolD.i.La~ .'._:" ,".:_' Berg '.Lake ;Q:. r' .~. I .Q~ ,~. ',',,,."i -'.j".I'P-.1 ...~Cr I -~.f:'I ~ <!'e Kolomin I:>I '{... -'--~-~..-.--'.-"-~T-··_···.-",,-.O~-r-;;;-L .~1r4."j>:IC:':~~~.'b'!',<-"\'--...',..:..;;,"!j,..f' ---..:?t·K<,':",c\'.'~,'. -'.l'-",..f •.'<""-..."~'" ,0&:'*'--."'0."----\"',-?7'-'-'-:'~_.-..."1 \\u-~",~0 .",~\~.t.:...'1,2,3,~=female by month "\(I),~®1 =ma1ebymonth ,e'•ch~'\--izr,P4\-.~.Example:1 =male observed in Dec.';--;x"~0r'''('=''*';/r'1",~"\A. o _....IJ.,'..I.lO "-nMl,_.',696 An-f".-~-._-~,~-' -~---.---~",_.1...._~.._.'.'_.'--....-Ir ."....;.I , ,~Laker'.,. . ,7'i't'tAl r'.'/?J'''~-j q,~I<VI..~..'.0..!.,•'-'0 '",-",,-8ti't ....l -:--!'-"l<>+.J..=" \I .._,'1 \~."teb_'".:;.,\I'"'55 .'"..~.......,\"'-~/'--.r \,")\", \.,.8 K ,C.l,.'I-"~1:':-<~...'-".',:-'\"\;"0:..'1;''..·<\'~-..."f'~~;..~f?,!!Z~-,.i-.~{_·,_':...._f~~.,°1 'J"''';~\l)~)."0"-0 .J~".,<e: '.~ ~' I· -~'._. -:::>....' o ~%.'..&rd.er....We ".,.1 ~,''---'--"""n~-:-;--~':'-~""'~~~-:Ld-;";B¥'~'~'l'I At.a #'_n "-,~~·'1 r;e Hmdquorter'~;a.•G~WeIl5 );~JAke ~Fl gure 6. /:.~."=.. !.I ' _/~:."';.,Jrr Slikok \..-.~.'Lake..'Jit'ol'lsky .~~~;.,~..r'j ~ .11 ",.> :j)\:.,!:0---~...~:~~=---t-J -_.........._~!ii). .~-.i!OJ Coal Creek :,.~~ Lake ,'"?~< K~~! .".11 I'd.If- •-K .r·.!.;.~1I_,.' '~"~"!:a~.: -$..-.::'".-1 _.ffiwen ~-TLah ~,-,}jongkongBend.-i'Star.->al"""'/....Lah Rapids· c:' East Forelanj ~ 0:.:t ~r,.----,------,~r----,~~ i :' <l ~'1-:- 0' ,----. ,~ , ';~.\,\,'-\ t"..•' J :. r------.~ I I'~ ;~ ~.., "? ",0$- ,' \.~,-'~I'-~.; ~, 0.:. ,~L ,U.-:---;,I,Le.:,.__._:j continued.Resightings by month of individually identi fiab 1e moose tagged i.n the Tustumena Benchland -October 1971. t.jJ Sli/",k La,/,,' 'c ,,~J'J Figure 6. Clr--JL!..~; .~._-~ .u. '''.'t1.l,j~Vvtll"Jl .;;~•.'.i:.~"o/'0 •.I..-. <~k . ;'..-.:.1Y iKklifonskv .~~._..._.{.F·;.J •...;jl'1 ..'IV"~',:.~)"t ! Bvul~el " '.. POInt '.~ ~7~ l<,,,,.~:'~i'/ Sa:mQ.R.J.·~ C"l o (j -<:: r~i I f-' (j\ I ~. '\.: ~~~:c (14/27)of the animals tagged in the benchland were located wintering near the tagging area.This suggests that a substantial portion of this population winters in its rutting area.Past observations by Alaska Department of Fish and Game personnel and U.S.Bureau of Sports Fisheries and Wildlife personnel (Bob Richey,viva voce)support the resident wintering idea.Browse form class in much of the area suggests extensive winter use in past years.Reconnaissance flights conducted from December,1972 to April,1973 revealed that most moose move into heavily timbered areas below 1800 feet elevation after snowstorms,but if winds occur and high areas are blown bare,within a day or two the animals will immediately move back to elevations up to 3,000 feet.Similar observations were made during flights conducted in late winter 1971.As was discussed with the Big Indian Creek population,May flights failed to locate animals in alpine areas where they were observed in all previous months (December- April),suggesting they were at lower elevations.In addition most sightings of bulls during late April and May were made at lower elevations than December-March sightings.Movements of three bulls that wintered above timberline,but moved lower in May,further substantiate this.All these observations indicate that to winter as high as possible then move lower in early spring may be a common pattern for many highland moose populations. Calving areas for the benchland group were not determined,as no Mayor June observations of females were made. RECOMMENDATIONS -Reconnaissance flights throughout Subunits l5A and l5B should be continued on a once per week minimum basis to derive maximum information from tagged animals.Monthly flights should be conducted in Subunit l5C to look for possible tagged animals from l5B and to locate concentrations of moose for tagging in l5C. The tagging program should be expanded to Subunit l5C.The first tagging effort should be in the Caribou Hills during September or October. Accrued results of the tagging program should be considered in formulation of forthcoming area management plans and other management decisions. LITERATURE CITED Berg,W.G.1971.Habitat use,movements,and activity patterns of moose in northwestern Minnesota.M.S.Thesis Univ.Minnesota (unpubl.)98pp. Edwards,R.Y.and R.W.Ritcey.1956.The migrations of a moose herd. J.Mammal.37(1):486-494. Goddard,J.1970.Movements of moose in a heavily hunted area of Ontario. J.Wildl.Manage.34(2):439-445. Houston,D.B.1968.The Shiras moose in Jackson Hole,Wyoming.Grand Teton Nat.Hist.Assoc.and NatL Park Sev.,U.S.Dept.Inter. Tech.Bull.1.110pp. -17- \ [, VanBa11enberghe,V.and J.M.Peek.1971.Radiotelemetry studies of moose in northeastern Minnesota.J.Wi1d1.Manage.35(1):63-71. I-- IL, ,-- ~ [ [ [ [ [ n L [ [ C [".--' l [ L'" .--:-~ ; Fed.Aid APPROVED BY: Cti-Drl z 1lt~_ Research Chief,Division of Game Moose research report. Vol.XII W-17-3. and J.L.Davis.1971. to Wi1d1.Rest.Proj.Seg.Rept. Albert W.Franzmann Game Biologists and G.M.Lynch.1973.1973.A trap for free-ranging moose. J.Wi1d1.Manage.37(1):87-89. 1973.Moose migrations in North America.Proc.Int.6ymp. Moose Ecology.Quebec.(in press). Nielson,A.E.and W.M.Shaw.No date.A helicopter-dart gun technique for capturing moose.Idaho Dept.Fish and Game Pub1.Mimeogr. 183-199pp.(In Soldotna office ADF&G files) LeResche,R.E.1972.Migrations and population mixing of moose on the Kenai Peninsula (Alaska).8th N.Am.Moose Conf.Thunder Bay,Ontario.185-207pp. SUBMITTED BY: Karl B.Schneider Regional Research Coordinator Knowlton,F.F.1960.Food habits,movements,and populations of moose in the Gravelly Mountains,Montana.J.Wi1dl.Manage. 24:162-170. PREP ARED BY: ARLIS Alaska Resources Library &Informat1<m Service~ Purrchcrage.fJaska -18- L [I f J