HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA962 This electronic document contains the February 1983 version of Task 3, Hydrology. Field Data Index. It is the third revision of the text issued in loose-leaf format in July 1981. This revision was also issued in loose-leaf format, though the entire text was printed in its entirety. The map plate appears at the end. ~--------~~~--------------------------------------------------------- ENGINEERS GEOLOGISTS PLANNER S SURVEYORS R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 5024 CORDOVA • BOX 6087 • ANCH O RAGE . ALASKA 99 5 02 • PH . 907 ·279 -0483 • TLX . 090 -25280 June 25, 1981 R&M No. 052302 The Hydrologic Field Data Index for the Susitna River Feasibility Study has just been updated for 1981. There is a change in format for this new index. It is now enclosed in a 3-ring binder so that future updates can be made by the replacement of only a few pages. These updates will be forthcoming approximately every six months. The index covers most aspects of hydrologic field data for the Susitna River Basin, including both ongoing and historical. It should prove useful in locating data. If there are any additions or corrections which you feel should be made, please notify R&M Consultants, Inc. Very truly yours, R&M CONSULTANTS, INC:. Stephen Bredthauer, P.E. Senior Civil Engineer SB/kbw ANCHORAGE FAIRBANKS JUNEA U R&M CONSULTANTS, INC:. 5024 CORDOVA • BOX 6087 • ANCHORAGE. A LASKA 9 9502 • PH . 907-279 -04 83 • TLX . 0 90-25280 ENGINEERS GEOLOGISTS PLANNERS SURVEYORS February 28, 1982 R&M No. 052302 To Users of the Susitna Hydrology Field Data Index: Enclosed herewith are the pages of the first revision to the July 1981 Field Data Index. Please discard the outdated pages and replace them with the revised ones. The list on the following page identifies which pages have been revised. In addition, each new is identified at the bottom with the note 11 (Revised 2/82)11 • If you are a first-time recipient of the Index, the revised pages should have already been inserted in their proper places. If there are any additional additions or corrections which you feel should be made, please notify R&M Consultants. The next revision to the Index is expected to be released in July 1982. Sincerely, R&M CONSULT ANTS, INC. Jeffrey H. Coffin, P. E. Senior Civil Engineer/Hydrologist JHC/kbdd Enclosure IRVINE CALIFO RNIA ANCHORAGE ALASKA FAIRBANKS A LASKA JUNEAU A LASKA SA LT LAKE C ITY UTAH R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 5 0 2 4 CORDOVA • BOX 60 8 7 • ANC H O R AG E . ALASKA 99502 • PH . 90 7 -2 79 -0483 • TL X . 0 90 -25280 ENGINEERS GEOLOGISTS PLANNERS SURVEYORS July 30, 1982 R&M No. 252302 To Users of the Susitna Hydrology Field Data Index: Enclosed are the updated pages for the second revision of the July 1981 Field Data l ndex. Please discard the old pages and replace them with the corrected sheets labeled at the bottom of each page with 11 (revised 7/82)11 • The second page of this letter contains a listing of all sheets to be replaced in the Field Data Index. If you have received a copy of the Field Data Index for the first time, the revised pages should have already been inserted. If there are any additions or corrections you would like to suggest, please notify R&M Consultants. The next revision to the Index is expected to be released in January of 1983. Very truly yours, R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. Jb!i& 1(/ ~' //t1 Lisa M. Fotherby V · Staff Civil Engineer/Hydrologist LMF/kjxw IRVINE CALIFORNIA ANCHORAGE ALASKA F AIRBANKS ALASKA JUNEAU ALASKA SALT LAKE CIT Y UTAH R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 5024 CORDOVA , BOX 6087 • ANCHORAGE . ALASKA 99502 • PH . 907 ·279 ·0483 • TLX . 090·25280 ENGINEERS GEOLOGISTS P LANNERS SURVEYORS March 7, 1983 R&M No. 351302 To Users of the Susitna Hydrology Field Data Index: Enciosed is a complete revised edition of the Susitna Hydr·oiogy Field Data Index. This is the third revis_ion of the Juiy 1981 version. Single-spacing has been used through most of the current version, which has consolidated severai of the chapters and permitted deleting of several of the original pages. A list of all the pages which were revised in content is attached t:·:J this I ette r. To avoid users having to sod the few unrevised pages, all have been reproduced (except for Appendix I), and the complete revised set is enclosed. The enclosed pages replace the old pages and should be inserted into the binder of the previous edition. If you are receiving a copy of this Field Data Index for the first time, the pages will already be inserted in the binder. If there are any additions or corrections you would like to suggest, please notify the Hydrology Department at R&M Consultants. The next revision ~o the index is expected to be released in January of 1984. Very truly yours, R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. Robert F. Butera Staff Civi I Engi neer/Hyd rologi st RFB/rma lV IN C,-JCHORAG ' ALASKA -AIRBAN~' ALASKA S t SA l ;KE r AH .. ~ March 7, 1983 To Users of Field Data Page 2 Title Page 9998 (Table of Content) 9999 1 2 (new page) 0100-1 0100-2 0100-3 0200-1 0200-2 0200-3 0200-4 0200-5 0200-6 (deleted) 0300-1 0300-2 0300-3 0300-4 0300-5 0300-6 0300-7 (new page) 0400-1 0400-2 0400-3 0400-4 0400-5 0500-1 0500-2 0500-3 0500-4 0500-5 FIELD DATA INDEX Pages Revised 2/83 0500-6 1600-2 0500-7 ·1700-1 0500-8 1700-2 0600-1 1700-3 0600-2 1700-4 0600-3 1700-5 0600-4 1700-6 0600-5 A-1 0600-6 8-5 (deleted) 0600-7 (deleted) B-6 (deleted) 0700-1 C-1 0800-1 C-2 0800-2 C-3 0800-3 C-4 0800-4 C-5 0900-1 C-6 1000-1 C-7 (page no. only) 1000-2 C-8 (page no. only) 1000-3 C-9 (page no. only) 1100-1 C-10 (page no. only) 1100-2 C-11 (page no. only) 1200-1 C-12 (deleted) 1200-2 C-13 (deleted) 1200-3 C-14 (deleted) 1300-1 C-15 (deleted) 1300-6 G-1 1300-7 G-2 1400-1 G-3 1400-2 G-4 ' 1500-1 G-5 (new page) 1600-1 H-1 H-2 H-3 H-4 H-5 (new page) Plate 1 s 3 - FE 1 p T E IN 1 E E H 5. 6. F in in the Sus remes re s River r r in e Summary" ured R the Sus ver Basin iN us F ra ) WATER RESOURCES DATA COLLECTED .. iN. THE SlTSlTf\fA-RTVER BASIN. 01 STREAMFLOW CONTINUOUS GAGING n ily discharge and/or annual maximum flood peak dischar·ge data have been cc)lfected by the U.S. Ge:ological Survey (USGS) & R&M sultants ( H&M) at several locations within the Susitna River Basin. stations for which this information is available and thE~ period of reco each location are listed below. Unless indicated by agency name rentheses following the period of record, all data has been collected e USGS. All data listed in this section are on file at R&M Consultants according to index number and name. additional continuous strea1n gages are included under Section 1700 S~ough Observations. Therefore ey have not been listed a9ain in this section. Description 0110 Susitna River near Denali -USGS Station 15291000 (Rrvi 290. 7) ~v1ean Daily Dischar9e Records: May 1957 -September 1966; July 1968 -Present n nual Instantaneous Peak Flow~ 1957·-1963, 1965, 1967, 1967 -Present 15 Maclaren River near Paxson -USGS Station 15291200 n ily sch a rge Rc :;ords: June 1958 -Present Susitna River near ntwell -USGS Station 15291500 ( n ily Discharge Record: 1 -September ; May 1980 -Present Susi a River near Watana -1 ( 182.1) n ily Discha s: July 1 -p iver-near 15292000 ( 1 n ily Di : August 1 ( ) Chulitna River near ·ralkeetna -USGS Station 15292400 Mean Daily Discharge Record: February 1958 ·· September 1972 May 1980 -Present Annual instantaneous Peak Flow: 1958-1977, 1980 -Present 01 -ralkeetna River near Talkeetna -USGS Station 15292700 Mean Daily Discharge Recor·d: June 1964 -Pre!sent 0160 Susitna River at Sunshine -USGS Station 15292780 (RM 83.8) Mean Daily Discharge Record: May 1981 -Present Miscellaneous Discharge Measurements: 1965, '1971, 1977 016 Deshka River near Willow -USGS Station 15294100 Mean Daily Discharge Record: October 1978 -Present 0162 Vviilow Creek near Willow -USGS Station 15294005 Mean Daily Discharge Record: June 1978 -Pr·esent 0163 Deception Creek near Willow -USGS Station 15294010 l\t1ean Daily Discharge Record: May 1978 -Present Mean Daily ust 1959 -Present tna River near Susitna -USGS 1 n ily Di a r 1 -Pres 01 Susitna River near Susitna Station - USGS Station 1 (RI\t1 25. Mean ily scharge October 1974 -Present ) STREArv1FLO\tV PARTIAL RECORDS II data coilect~~d relating to river stage or water discharge for Susitna River sin not previously fisted under Section 0100: Streamflovv Continuous Gas~ing are included below. his section includes all records from crest stage gages, staff gages or fragmentary data. Agencies collecting the data include: U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), R Consultants ( R&M) and National Weather Service (NWS). l 1 he agency responsible for data collection at each site is indicated by the agency name 1n rentheses following the per·iod of record. It should be noted that National Weather Service stations collect river stagE:! data which can be obtained from the NWS Alaska Rivt~r Forecast Centt~r on a daily basis. las Departrnent of Fish and Game has additional data on stage and water discharge of selected tributaries and fresh-water slou9hs in the Susitna River Basin for 1981. Appendix C includes location and period of record for the~ data available. Additional flow measurements, staff and l:re gages, have been included under Section 1700 Slough Observations. r·· refore they have not been listed again below. data given below are on file at R&M Consultants accordin9 to index number and location, unless marked by an asterisk following the period of record. Index Description 0201 Raft Creek near Denali -USGS Station 15291000 1 US! nnuai Maximum Discharge from Crest-Stage Gage: -1977, 1979 -Present (USGS) Susitna River at Denali Highway ( RM 290. 7) Gage: 19tH (R&M) Sus a River n Creek R R ( 181.9) Crest-G us River G 1980 -Present ( R ) na u - 1 ( .. R is CSR-8 ( ) ite): (R ) 1 . 1) 11 2 5 8 Sus ite ( 1 G (1 {R Sus River at Devil ( 161. Stage Gage: 1981 -Present ( R&M) Sus a River above Devil nyon -R CSR (RM 153.2) rest-Stage age (1-! mi upstream D.C. datms 1980 -Present (R&l'w~) Susitna River below i I nyon (RM 1 . 7) (1 le ..... ""' ............ ._ of . C. damsite): Susitna R 1980 -p Sus a River at n -R c 1980 - p Sus - R 1 - p Sus G 1 p s a Ri r at u rry ( 1 -R 1 1 cs ( &M) CSR-6 (RM 148.8) (R ) ( ( R 4 (R ( (R (1 ( ' 130. 124. ) . 5) (U S) (U S) Sus near 1 1 a-u uence - c 1 (R a River ka Rail B rtial Record: ) ( ) keetna at Alas B 1976 -p ( Sus Sunshine ( rtial arge l na near 1 1 1 1981 ( ) na c r ) Goose Cree near s 1 -1 1 S) near ) (U ) .5 nea .s uence 1 ( ) 1 ( nea - 1 - p ) B u F (U S n r s neous ) Creek T USGS Station 15294008 Flow Partial Record. 1 (USGS) Creek at Parks H hv1ay near Uow - 15294012 Flov"· Partial Record: 1 -Present (USGS) reek Parks hway near Wit I Stage Recore· 1973 -Present ( NWS) Creek (h~ad of Deshka USGS Station 15294020 Low-Flow Partial Creek near Talkeetna 1 near Peters CreE~k (USGS) Station 15294025 Partial Record: 19721975; 19781979 (USGS) scha 'I (USGS) CrestStage Gage: 1972 Present (USGS) Pet~ers near lie USGS Station Pa Record: 19751 1 978 ( ) n Creek U S f 1 1 tJ s 2 F 1 S) ER QU Ll lected by U.S. icaJ Su ( R at several sites in the Sus which is information is available the have been sulta locations each s ically the are give!1 Since measu are fie A li number of measuremen , timing and rs measured va year year at an given water qual pa that have been measu by the S in the measured in is p Appendix B. Water qual rameters are in uded in dix F. i icated by name in rentheses following the ............ -,..,. ..... .,...., data have been by the USGS. 10 13 5 the Alas Department of Fish are all included in i'efore, they have not listed in this li in this section are all on file numbe~r and name, except where of the are also available usitna R r near Denali -USGS Record: 1 -1966, 1 reek near ali -U S rd: 1 of Reco 1958* R near xson - U S rd: 1 1 1 R Consu according ar·e marked by an aste k rough the U.S. Geological '15291000 ( 290.7) 1 1 p 152911 1 200 -1 ' 1975 Susitna River near Cantwell (Vee Canyon) - USGS Station 15291500 (RM 223.0) Period of Record: 1962-1972, 1980 to 1981 1980 : J u n e 19 August 8 September 5 September 17 October 17 1981: January 13 May 20 June 18 June 30 August 2 August 3 September 15 October 7 1982: February 4 ( R &f\4) (R&M) (R&M) ( R &fv1) ( k &f\.1) ( R&f¥1) (R&M) (R&M) ( R &rv1) ( R&~A) ( R t .. tv1) (R&M.J (R&M) ( R &f\.1) 0330 Susitna River near Watana Damsite -R&M \VQ-1 (Rr\~ H~4 .. 3) Continuous Water Quality Monitor Period of Record: October 1980 -December 1981 (Station destroyed December 1981) (Parameters monitored are listed in Appendix F.) 0335 Susitna River above Portage Creek near Gold Creek - USGS Station 624941149221500 riod of Record: 1977 Gold reek at Gold Creek -USGS Station 6246061491412500 riod of Record: 1977* Susi a River at Creek -USGS Station 15292000 (RM 1 .6) of 1 1 -1 1 1962 1 1967-19681 1 Present ) f 1 R u of 1 1980: May 2 August 8 (R&M) August 19 October 1 October 14 ( R ) 1981: Janua 14 (R&M) nuary 16 Februa 12 March May (R a USGS) June 30 (R&f\4) June July 1 (R&M) July 21 A gu 2 (R&M) ugust 3 ( R&M) Augu 8 (R&M) 1982: January 20 30 May 27 6 ( R&M) June 10 ( R&M) June 16 (R ) June ( &M) July 1 ) ) .5 0361.1 2 .3 Creek near Hie USGS 623545150435600 Period Record: 1 hui River near Talkeetna -USGS Station 15292400 of 1958-1959, 1967-1972 I keetna River near I keetna -U S Station 1 riod Record: 1954, 1966-Present Susitna River at Sunshine -U S Station 15292780 ( R.f\1 . 8) of Record: 1971, 1975, 1977, 1981 -Present Montana reek near Montana -USGS Station 15292800 Sh USGS Pe riod of rd: 1971-1 near \Vii 50024300 : 1 Creek near Caswell -U S Station 15293000 of : 1972 a River near Willow - 55351 riod 1 1 -Present in No. Description ·--___.__ 0362.1 Willovv Creek below Canyon near Willo\v - USGS Station 614607149552000 Period of Record: 1972 . 2 Wiilo\lv Creek at Parks Highway near Willow (USGS Station 15294012) 0362.3 Period of Record: 1972, 1979, 1980 Willow· Creek at Upper Bridge near Willow - USGS Station 614522149401700 Period of Record: 1972 .4 VJillovv Creek at Hatcher Pass Road near Willow - USGS Station 15294002 Period of Record: 1978-1979 Deception Creek near Willow -USGS Station 15294010 Period of Record: 1978-Present . 1 Deception Creek at Mouth near Willow - USGS Station 614552150021000 Period of Record: 1972 .3 Deception Creek Tributary near Houston - USGS Station 15294008 : 1978-1 1 1980 Trib near ston ·~ U S 1978-1 , 1980, 1981 ( ) su of Record: 1979-1980 s River near Skwentna -USGS Station 15294300 Yentna River near Skwentna - U S Station 58151 070000 Record: 1 River near s itna Station - U S Station 15294345 Sus .7) Period of Record: 1981: May June 11 July 13 July 14 11 1 I 1 Rver Sus a 1 1 1 1 1 July 13 11 •r~-.-..,.,......""",.... 6 - u s -p 1 0 16 1 {Rtv1 1981: ua 13 April 21 June 12 Ju 15 Augu 12 September 17 1982: April 9 May 19 June 12 July 14 Augu 12 October 5 ( \'VATER T PERATURE Water temperature data have been collected by the U.S. ,'Jeoiogical Su (U S), R&M Consultants (R&M), and Alaska Department of Fish a Game ( t=&G) at many locations within the Susitna River Basin. The locations !ch this information is available and the period of record at each s are given below. Continuous water temperature records are avail le for open-water months only, but the length of reco1rd will vary for each site year to year. Descriptions of the data coliected by F&G for 1981 have been included in Appendix C. Additional rmograph sites installed in 1982 for the slough observations can be found in Section 1700. Therefo both sets of data have not been li in in this section. It should also be noted that instantaneous rature measurements have been taken and may be found ir the water quality r·ecords published by the USGS. Unless indicated by agency name in parentheses following th1e period of reco , all data have been collected by the USGS. The data li in this section are on file at R Consuttants according tn number and name, except the most recent data collected by the U S and Talkeetna River data from 1954. Index No. 0 Susitna River near D~nali -USGS Station 15291000 (Rfvl 290. 5 X Water Temperature Record: 1974 -Present Temperatur'e Cross Sections: 1980: May 21 June 24 July 22 ,L\ugust 26 October 1 1981: May 19 1 June 24 July 21 ugust 25 September aren River naar Paxson -U S Station 1 1 s neous r T res: 1980 1 ( ev ) us R nea 1 re ross Sus R near a ( 1 1 ( dest 1 } Sus R 1 ( Water re 1 1 - p re Cross s: 1980: 14 July 2 1982: neous res: an Sus r r hase s u u near re re ross eo us re re i"'"OSS 1 1 1 1 1 1 near Sunshine - re re ross k near Wil 1 s re - 4 1 1 . " 1 ( 1 0490 Su~>itna River at Susitna Station -USGS Station 15294350 ( 25. Temperature Record: 1975 -1981 Temper·ature ross Sections: 1980: rl1 ry 12 March 12 June 16 July October 10 1 Janua 13 ril fV1ay 21 June 12 July 15 August 12 September 17 1982: ril 9 19 June 12 July 14 August 12 October 5 X { ) s T H RGE ration (rng/1), su sediment s S. G I Su (USGS) and at seve tes within the Susitna River Basin. nts cooperated in 1981 on measu ranC~£;111'"11 tran as a fu di ributions t. hree measu (Tal River.. a Su in been col I,....,.. ... -_ ........... Unless ind ; all 0 Su in by ver near Denali -lJ iment Con scha 1 1 1 1 Size Ana!y is: 1 most data renth eses fol u 26 1 15291 ren ver nea -u s 1 -1 ) ng ( 1 dex " ---- Su Su Concentration and scharge: 1 1 1 1975 s An sis: 1958-1 1 1975 near Ca I -USGS Station 15291 ( HM 223. iment Concentration and scha 1 1 (USGS), 1 rticle 1 5 (R Ol""!o"FOI'T'Iii""\J::t.r 17 ( R 18 (R ) 1981: Janua 13 ( R&M) May (R June 30 (R&M) ust 2 (R&M) 3 (R ) 15 (R 1 June 4 June 30 July al a Size a sis: 1 d 1980: -2 1 f 1 Creek near ( 148. 9) -USG 19 7 6 (R ( p ( &M) p Creek - 1 ( 1 Present ) Index 0540 Susitna River at Gold Creek· (continued) sus 1981: January 14 (R&M) January 16 Febr~ua ry 12 March 24 May 27 ( R&f\t1 and USGS) J u n e 30 ( R &M) June 23 July 21 July 1 (R&M) August 2 ( R&M) August 3 (R&M) August 27 September 14 ( R&M) 1982 January 20 Mar·ch 3 March June 10 (R ) June 16 ( R &M) July 1 August 19 September 16 in sediment and bedload sampling site relocated to approxi- matedy four mi!es upstream from confluence river mile 101. rticle Size Analysis: 1953, '1955-1957, 1962, 1974 -Present Bedlfoad Sediment Sampling: 1981: July 22 ust Susitna River at 1 1982: June 3 June 8 June 15 June June July 8 July 14 July July - 3 10 18 ( index No. Description August 25 August September 19 0545 Chulitna River near Talkeetna -USGS Station 15292400 si Se~diment Concentration and Sediment Discharge: 1967 -1972, 1980 Present 1980: May 21 June 3 June 23 July 17 September 1 September 30 October 22 1981: January 14 February 10 March 25 May 18 June 23 July 20 ugust 24 September 1982: l\1a rch 2 April 8 June 29 Size Analysis: 1967-1972, 1980 -Present and Su Sed Sampling: 1981: July 22 August September 29 1 June 4 June 9 June 16 June July 7 July 13 July July ugust 3 u 11 ) August 17 August September 1 September 18 0555 Talkeetna River near Talkeetna -USGS Station 15292iroo SUS I Sediment Concentration and Sediment Discharge: 1966 -Present 1980: January 17 April 1"1 fV1ay 15 July 3 ugust 20 October 8 1981: January 17 February 11 March 26 May June 24 July 22 Augu 23 September 28 1982: June 9 June 16 June 23 June 29 Ju 2 A u 20 September 17 October 14 Size Analysis: 1 -Present Sediment Sampling: 1981 : J u I y 21 1 June 2 June 9 June 16 June June Jul 7 iy 1 ( r 29 ' j Sus River n 1 e Size na 1 1 July July -USGS Station 1 2 9 June June 10 June 17 June June Ju 2 Ju 6 1 1 1 ( ndex 17 na near na -USGS 1 and 1 Anal s: 1 1 1 1 near now-15294010 and iment s a River near S a -Station 15294300 Concentration and .Discharge: -1 , 1 1975, 1980, 1 1 June 12 1 11 rticle Size alysis: 1967-1 1 1 1 a near Sus a Sed a 1 6 1 sus ( sed ) Index Size A iver near Sus a 1 (RM 1 1981: u 1981 p Februa 12 March 1 June 16 July ua 9 21 June 12 July 15 Augu June 1 June 12 Ju 14 10 13 12 ugust 12 October 5 17 H1 rough s 7 Sus s e an e R. ina f"' ~ a n Bg son e son ** I R R us R R R ve (see p i:t so ava a * 1 1 an -p -· Present -p res 5) ross a s 1 1 1 - p - p ? _, summar~y - 1 8 u na h ly 9 velocity g occurrence Januar·y ATURE Pta ( 1 to 12 s ( 1 3 ) ps (16 s ) Ch ADF Fish us - 5 once n are rectly from the s in p - p - p un ) ln FR RAIN NO ICI the measurement (ice buildup on transmiss R Consu ar·e measured operated Watana s II be on file name. Desc 10 Denali (Sus a Freezing r·ain 12, 1 na In- October rain r·ain and in In counter· of time. Consu s instal s tn s 1n us in now u.s cross r-enee s J• u on n as is in Snow Su Su A ka tt issued June r ce. snow course from R su ( ) R R 1.( ) R ( Sus R s ) Sus L k ) R s @ R G. @ R .2 ) Cross 2 ( s s ( ) s ) ne ( ) s s s 2 1G 5 chosen e on Tsusena u.s. Alas . , R DEVI NYON ( 1 ) ( ) FR p R R ICE the f in October and photos of ice.. jams, ice wer~e I from R Consulta ts on te and may be obtained A s s 1 0 10/1 r Sus a 1 1 1 101 10/16 - 1 1 1 3 1 - 11/1/80 .i 01 1 11 1015 11/4/80 1 11/11 1 7 11/1 8 1/19 - 11 1 sus Oblique I photographs from Talkeetna to Devil Can Yentna River to Susitna G~acier a Vee Ca Tal a to Oshetna River lique aerial photos th discontinuous coverage from Talkeetna to il Canyon . Bridge: Kosina Cr. rtical aerial photography from exanJer Creek to Devil Creek Creek to na Cook inl 1na r. a to ver S rvEy of ice cover fo Tal a to Devil Creek 1 - 1 IS is C. rage, J. n B. I L. G s T. Lavender, (Acres) B. D J. Coffin J. Coffin L. Griffiths, L. , Nicholson, H. n B. D ' J. n J . Coffin, 8. 8 J n B. Drage J. Coffin B. D F L. G L s ) A 1 lkeetna J n 1 1 of cover L. G s Cur & s 1 1 1 Su of ice cover L. SJr ra near Gold Cr·eek 1 1 Talkeetna to C. F L. 1 1 Cook Inlet na J. n, B. 1 10/29/81 Cook inlet to S. Bredthauer, L4 1 11 lkeetna to na J. Coffin, C. 1030 11 Cook Inlet to na B. B ra, L. 1 1 Cook Inlet to na I' B. B 1 1 ·rsusena Creek to Tyone C. I' B. B 1 1 1 lkeetna to na c. 1 1 1 lkeetna To n Cr. c. 1 1 1 Talkeetna il Can Schoch 1 lkeetna to ii Ca c. 1 1 Sus a Can c. 1 1 Sus Can c. 1 1 Tal a il C. Schoch 1 1 s nshine to 1 11 a to n c. 11/1 a a Cree J. n s 1 ( ) ( resu 1 .5 1115 1 6 WINTER Rl R ICE BSERVATIONS 3/6/81 1 period and ility, of annel and ice cover cond R personnel freeze-up and field rvations thickness, work have simulations been u pre-p also in Tal a Po n a a to 1 - 1 ( s on e rough the prior to ument open the hydraulic and p ironmental Susitna River winter s ring brea e extent areas in n e studies proJ assess J. Coffin c. Schoch J. c. c. Sc ) Index Number Date Area of ~ Observations Obse rs 1117 Talkeetna to Watana Camp J. Coffin 1118 3/31 -4/2 'Talkeetna to Denali J. Coffin Schoch 1119 4/1/81 Measurement of ice thickness Jo Coffin at Watana stream gage site G. laggett C. Schoch 1120 4/13 -Devil Canyon Survey of ice, J. Coffin 4/14/811 water surface, water R. Buter·a velocities, and bottom profi c. Schoch 1121 1 Talkeetna to Glaciers s. Bredthauer 1/7/82 J. Coffin 11 2/3/82 Talkeetna to Glaciers s. Bredthauer R. Buter·a 1 1 3/10/82 Talkeetna to Watana Camp R. Butera L. Fotherby 11 ( ) 1200 B ~<UP Rl Rl E OBSE s by assess the n annel, of floodi ificance and era I will raulic and n II du f'"ing field vviU on R s 1 1 cover Creek. 1 18 -Summa B. 1 5 Aerial recon J ( 7 ( sus 1 1 su f"" C reE~k. 1 t~"'om a Devil su I s sites. 1 su 1 I mm ae p Bell I slar·d Cu 1 ali, 1 naissance from the to e e River 1 a iver sus 1 - 2 8. L. L~ L. ' I...· L. H. H. L R. H. J. s s G s s s G. K shnan ( res) L J.B. Cook In 1 to na USi 1 ( \. ) L. R L. ERI PHO-tOG p This , sin. s, the scale and location the area a ese agencies. u 1 s 1 r1 BW index or Contracting Susitna Discha 1310 19l,l9-51 Susitna River Basin -1:40000 BW USCE EROS Data Center Cook Inlet to Devi I canyon 1 311 1951-Dena I i Highway ~ West 1:40000 B\-1 liSCE EROS Data Center from Mac 1 a ren River 1312 1951-54 Yentna R iVt9r ... 1:40000 BW USC£ EROS Data Center Chelatna take 13 'i 3 1951 Ta 1 ~<.eotna 1: l~OOOO BW USCE EHOS Data Cent a r 1 31 t.s 1961 .. 62 ,:;oo ~< Inlet to Wi I low 1: 15840 BW ADL ADL (Project symbol GL) East of Sus i tna River 1315 1961 ... 52 Coo~\ Inlet, Mt. Yenlo 1:20000 BW BLM BLM (Project Symbol GP 103, West of Susitna River GP 120) 1316 Delta Islands "1: 20000 BW BLM BLM (Project Symbol GP 105) 13 7 1962 Ta 1 keetna 1:20000 BW ADL AOL (Project Symbol TAK) 131 3 Susitna Va I ley 1:158140 BW AOL ADL ( p t Symbol SUS) 320 r Susitna Va I I e~t, 1:15840 BW ADL ADL (Project Symbol Sl5TP) I itna River 1325 Lake Louise Area 1 2!!000 c SPP ADL (Project I Lk. Lou.) 3 197l~ Devi I Canyon 1: ~JOOOO BvJ DOT NPAS •.t 1971~ Susitna River Basin 1:500000 BW I~ ASA EROS Data Center· "" 13:~2 19/Li Cool~ Inlet to Tat keetna 1:63360 BW esse NPAS 1 33 1 Wi I low Basin 1:24000 HW&C esse AOL (ProJect Symbol WIL) BW or Cont r·ac t i ng 1334 1 :'~76 79 St4 itna R ver Basin ·1: 5ooooo BW NASA EROS Data Center 1 ~ 000000 BW EROS Da Center 'I 3 Susi na R1ver 1: '120000 c .... tR BLM IJLM G.C. 19,700 Gr,ld C!'eek to Gl ac i rs G.C. 19 900 336 918 Susitna River 1: 18000 BW USCE NPAS 1337 1978 Susltna River 1:72000 BW USCE NPAS 38 Susitn~ R var '1: 60000 C·~ I R BLM BlM s.s. :::: Cook Inlet tc Talkeetna '1: 120000 BW BLM BLM s.s. ., 339 1·1/80 r Susitn.a River 1:60000 c ... !R BLfvl BLM G. C. 22,600 '1/80 sin 1: 120000 B'rl BUJ! BLM .c. = 31,100 1:)I.J0 Oevi! c~~nyon Reservoir 1: 2i.t000 c R&M NPAS G. C. ::::. 35,800 1341 Watana Reservoir 2L~OOO c NPAS G. C. = ,800 134 Alternative ~\ccess 1:24000 c NPAS G. C. ·-35,800 Corr·idor ... Susitna 1 3 LCJWC:'l r~ Susitna River· 1 h8000 BW R&M NPAS ..... ,... u.v# 18,000 s.s. 119,000 341~ 11/1!~ Susitna Rivor -Dt~ Ita 1 : B\-1 R&t-1 R&M (35 mm Photog raph;y) G. C. :::: 3,520 Islands to \..fa tana Creek s.s. = 14,000 13•45 Susitna Hiver , .. Cook 1:24000 BW R&f"'i R&M (35 mm r·a lee effects @ gages Inlet to \..Ja ta na Creek 1 Susitna River -Bell ., :21 .. 000 B\4 R&tll R&M (35 mr11 Photog raph;y) Ice ..., cove n~d Island to \~a tana Creek. BW index 0 Y' Contracting Sus i tna Discha 1347 Sus,tna River ... Bell 1 • ')h£\(H) l'll.J O!U\Jl Oo.M 1 ·.:u:. mm photography) ,..,. .... -"'lin l"\.1'"\1"'> I"' L'""'1'"''\J\.IV un 1\UJI'i ncc1•1 \J-.J u.u. tu,uuv Island to Curry s.s. ::::: 70_,000 1348 South I nter't ie -1:30000 BW H&M NPAS Same as above Pt. l\1ack.enz i e to ~Ji I I 0 1rl 1.349 5/1 North lntertie ... Healy 1:30000 sw H&M NP1\S N/A to Fairbanks 1350 5/26/81 /J1I tv rna t i ve Access 1: 2L,OOO c R&M NPAS G. C. --13,800 Corridors "1351 5/26/81 Ea st··~west i nte rt i e 1.24000 c R&M NPAS Same as above 1.352 Susitna River -Cook 1:36"000 c R&M TES G. C. -33,400 !niet to Devi 1 Canyon s. ::::: 74,700 (for Vegetation Studies) s.s. ::::: 130,000 1353 ''! 1 Susitna River ... Coo~~ 1:60,.000 BW R&M R&M (35 mm photography) G. C. ::: 6,810 Inlet to Ta I ~,eetna, s. ? (not operating) 5 m !es up Chulitna, s.s. = 30,700 5 mites Up Upper Susitna For Definition of Low ter Channe I ) 135!~ 4/26/82 Susitna River ... 1:,2000 BW R&M NPAS Ice -covered Talkeetna to Watana. Three sets of photos; morning, noon, evening. (For Shadow Study) '1355 5/31/82 Susitna River ... selected 1:48000 BW H&M NPAS G. C. ::::: ? (not operating) locations between s. = l,~ 1, 700 Ka shw i tna and Devi I Canyon s.s. ::::: 110,000 (for Slough Studies) s1 r4 1356 1358 1359 1360 J 30Q _ _A[R I AL PHOTOGRAPHY 3 6/1 Alternate Access Corridors Band Between Sherman and Watana 1:24,000 Susitna River-Talkeetna 1:12,000 to Oev i I Canyon (For Slough Studies) 19/82 Assorted Sloughs 1:4800 11/17/82 Susitna River-Sunshine 1:12,000 12/23/82 ~usitna River-su~shine 1:12,000 to Dev i i Canyon B\rJ or Color BW BW B\r.! BW BW Contracting __8gency _ R&M AOf&G R&t"l R&M NPAS NPAS NAP AS APT APT location of Negativ~,::...:-s;:::___ * from USGS streamflow records: G.C. -Gold Creek, S.S. -Susitna Station, and S. = Sunshine. Susi Discha G.C. -? (not operating) s. ::: 41,700 s.s. = 110,000 G.C. = ? (not operating) s. = 149,000 s.s. = 120,000 G.C. = 13,300 s. = 40,700 s.s. :;;: 138,000 Part i a I I y ice cove red Pa r·t i a I I y ice cove red G.C. = 2,900 s. = 5300 aska (AD Forest, Land and '""''"" .... .,.....,.. 4th Avenue aska U.S. l"'tment Bu re~au of Land Federal Buildi 701 ''C" Street as 99501 I Site Selection ( SC) Alaska (DOT F) Pacific rial Surveys ( N ) "B" Street ncho as sultants, inc. (R ( ) 0 (U 7 ised ) HYD p s are In add , run from also su keetna) ~ 1 PHIC SU n morphology and floodplain cha have Consultants Susitna in s from h by Alas included as is are on 1 -1 survey, plot showi ral descriptions of le I the main n iscellaneous cross- the Lower Sus a us du therefore has R&M accordi n Index No. Dates 1416 7/8 - 9/20/82 1 7 1418 s si 9/20/82 7/8 - 9/20/82 Location Tributary stability analyses Selected slough and side channels from Portage Cr. to Talkeetna ~Aainchannel cross sections from the 3 rivers confluence area to Sherman 1 -2 ( Description 19 pr·ofiles and cross sections on selected Susitna tributar- ies to assess th~e potential of perching 68 cross sections defining slough morphology and flow regirnes. 35 cross sections to and in refining the HEC-2 model of the Susitna Riv~er. ) ) 1500 G IAL 0 E IONS dies were begun Consu nts and the Univers during 1 The program is ide~ntify a peculiar the ex i ce of in the Su a Basin~ assesf. ether s nificant in r Oi... SE~d is oriented is yie1d rd a g reg or H lake du exist a a! observation and study program. on all major e reka visual was not consi the Sus the cont and of Sus a Glacier, Upper Sus Basin Study of the aerial raphy. contributor to the therefore was omitted or IS surveys on e West rkey Glacier and Glacier, ributary G r. velocity su repeated ly' throug Sept,ember, du ng 1981 and a in mass balance and glacier n rmine as an lacial snow for u were in sitna and a Sus supported by hi I Susitna in, as well as aren Rivers. uisition ana e ( from cl iment 1600 GLACIAL LAKE OBSERVATIONS To determi:.e the effects of a large impoundn1ent of glaciai water.. such dS the Watana or Devil Canyon reservoir, upon a stream system, a gLaci Jake study was besJun in the spring of 1982. On April 16 R&IV1 Consultants, in conjunc~ion with ~.e\DF&G, visited four glacial lakes in south-central Alaska; Kenai, Skilak, Tustumena and Eklutna. They measured temperaturE~s profiles and turbidity at each lake. It was then decided t:h a mor·e intense study of one glacial lake would be a preferred approach. Eklutna ke was chosen as an easily accessible glacial reservoir, and it is also le to the proposed Watana reservoir consideri the followi criteria:. 1. Residence time of water in lake 2. Percent of drainage area covered by glaciers 3. Ratio of live storage to total storage Continuous discharge and temperature data are being collect~~d from the main inflow glacial streams by R&M Consultants. Daiily outflow temperatures and flow releases from the tailrace of the powe~r plant are also mc)nitored, by Alaska Power Administration personneL ke quality profiles are being developed from sampling at fix.ed locations on a bivveekly schedule during the sumrner, and at longer inter·vals during the wi Profile data may inciude temperature, conductivity, turbidity and/or transm1issivity. Measurement of li penetration in the Ia was also under k~en. Dates of the lake sampli trips are listed belo'.IY. station was installed on the southern end of the reservoir in rameters recorded every 15 minutes include air temperature, a direction, peak wind ust, relative humidity, shortwave precipitation. Longwave iation measurement w<~s 1n concerni the iment the lake were also collected, sediment incl i rticle s s1 concentration and rticle size distribution ... distribution and minerology. data can found on file at R&M Consu!ta ing tri have conducted on e following dates: 1 J ne 8, 1 June 17 and 18, 1 July 1 a 2, 1 Ju 1 a 5, 1 Ju 1 1 ( "' ) Augu 10-12, 1 8-10, 1982 1 1 1 November 4, 1982 nuary 11 and 13, 1 1 ( River Mile .~QUATI H BITAT BSERVATI H) study p Game since for of on I , on below site is this is ravel rib Trib B ( an 0.6 4.0 1 .3 zone s " J R 1 1 . 5 1 Slough 16 (a) ( (c) (d slough down island next slough N. E., r near N. bank .E., near R.R. tracks s h R R R F F 1 .. 8 , . 0 1 .5 1 113. 111 1 .0 (d) reek I ian River (a) ( (c) ( ) (b) ( (a) s t .R. ~ sh s _., tnear s ear h gh 11 ( r R h, R R n R R R s h .. II . ) IS a ) R River 1 0 s 1 ( s ) R R s) 1 : gh ) R Fl 1 in (2) s1 ( River Site Description NITROGEN SUPERSATURATION STATION 150.2 Mouth of I Canyon F 1 .8 Creek 1 .9 Jack Long reek R&l\1 1 .5 Indian ver R &i\11 1 .6 Gold reek 1 .0 Fourth J ly reek R 1 .5 Cu nstem R 116.8 Ken Creek R&iVI 113.6 Lane Creek R 1 ) u su AG R AN \V.f\ TER R FOR THE SUSI NA RIVER IN rtment of Fish & arne Road Iaska 99502 s on ineers 0 is I Info alysis 1 lncl Ca1rolina 0 lima tic ern aska udes: Snow Su re ) APPENDIX B WA.TER QUALITY PARAMETERS THAT HAVE BEEN SAMPLED BY THE USGS WITHIN THE SUSITNA. Rl\lER BASIN Site Parameters Available Date Time each sarnple I nstatntaneous Stream Flow (cfs) Occasion;ally available for sample Sampling Depth ( ft) Stream Width ( ft) Percent of Total Depth Sample Location in Cross Section (ft fr~om left bank) Physical Pararr1eters (P~atinum -Cobalt Units) nesSi (mg/1 as CaC03 ) !1es:s1, Noncarbonate (mg/1 as Ca Methylene Blue Active Substance pH Solids, ved (tons/ day, tons/ ac ~ ft) Sol is Residue at 105°C (rrtg/1) issolved Residue at 180°C (rng/1) , Suspended idue at 180°C (mg/1) Conductance (tv1icromhos/ centimeter) Instantaneous (°C) kson Turhidity Units) kalinity ( I as as n ) ) Bicarbonate (mg/1 as HC03 ) Boron, Dissolved (ug/1 as B) Cadmiurr!~ Dissolved (ug/1 as Cd) Cadrniurrt, Total Recoverable (ug/1 as Cd) Calcium, Dissolved (mg/1 as Ca) rbon Dioxide, Dissolved (mg/1 as C02 ) Carbonate (mg/1 as co 3 ) hloride~; issolved (mg/1 as Cl) romiun1, Dissolved (ug/1 as Cr) Chromium, Dissolved Hexavalent (ug/1 as Cr) Chromium .. Suspended Recoverable (ug/1 as Cr) Chromiun1, Total Recoverable (ug/1 as Cr) Cobalt, Dissolved (ug/1 as Co) Copper, ssolved ( ug/1 as Cu) Copper, Total Recovet"able (ug/1 as Cu) Cyanide, Total (mg/1 as Cn) Fluoride, issoived (mg/1 as F) I ron ( ug/i as Fe) I ron, Diissolved ( ug/1 as Fe) J ron, ·r<,tal Recoverable ( ug/1 as Fe) Lead, Dissolved (ug/1 as Pb) Lead, Total Recoverable (ug/1 as Pb) Lithium, Dissolved ( ug/1 as Li) nesium, Dissolved (mg/1 as rv1g) Mangane~se (ug/i as Mn) ngane:se, Dissol (ug/1 as Mn) n nese, Total Recoverable ( I as Mn) Mercury, Dissolved (ug/1 as Hg) Mereu ry.. Total Recove e ( ug/1 as ) Molybdenum, Dissolved (ug/1 as l\r1o) Molybdenum, I Recoverable (ug/i as Mo) Nickel, ssol (ug/1 as Ni) Nic , Total Recoverable (ug/1 as Ni) N s ( I as N, mg/1 as NH 4 ) N ssolved Nitrate (mg/1 as N, mg/1 as N03 ) Nitrogen, Nit ·l-Nitrite ( as N) Nit ; as N03 ) N , ( as N) N + Organic ( N " ( I as N, I as N) as N + Nitrite ( as N) ( I as N) ic ( I as N) I , as P) ) Seleniurn, Dissolved (ug/1 as Se) Seleniurn, Total (ug/1 as Se) Silica, Dissolved (mg/1 as Si02 ) Silver, Dissolved ( ug/1 as Ag) Silver, suspended recoverable (ug/1 as ~~g) Silver, total recoverable (ug/1 as Ag) Sodium Adsorption Ratio Sodium, Dissolved (mg/i as Na) Sodium, Per'cent Sodium + Potassiun1, Dissolved (mg/1 as Na) S t ron ti u m, Dis so I v ed ( u g/1 as S r) Sulfate,. Dissolved (mg/1 as SO 4 ) U rani urn., Dissolved -Extraction ( ug/1) Uraniun1, Dissolved -Direct Flourometric (pci/1) Zinc, Dissolved (ug/1 as Zn) Zinc, T'otal Recoverable (ug/1 as Zn) prganic _Par·arneters ldrin, Total (ug/1) ldrin, Total in Bottorn Material (ug/kg) Biochernical Oxygen Demand, Five Day (mg/1) Chlordane, Total (ug/1) Chlordane, Total in Bottom Mater·ial ( ug/kg) 2, D, Total (ug/1) 2,4-, Totai in Bottom Material ( ) 0 , Total (ug/1) ODD, Total in Bottom f\r1aterial (ug/kg) ODE, T'otal (ug/1) DDE, T'otal in Bottom rvlaterial ( kg) DDT, l~otal (ug/1) , I in Bottom Material (ug/kg) azinon, Total (ug/1) Dieldrin, I (ug/1) drin, Total in Bottom ~v1aterial (ug/kg) Endosulfan .. Total (ug/1) Endosu~fan, Total in Bottom Material (ug/kg) Endrin, Total (ug/1) E rin, Total in Bottorn riai (ug/kg) Ethion, Total (ug/1) , Total in Material (ug/kg) Heptachlor"., Total (u I) lor., I in Bottom al (ug/kg) hlor., Total ( Heptachlor., Total Epoxide in Material (ug/ ) (ug/j) al (u kg) Mirex, Totai (ug/i) Napthalenes,. Total Polychfor (ug/1) Parathion, Total (ug/1) Parathion, Total in Bottom f\1ateria! (ug/kg) Parathion, Total ~ilethyl (ug/1) Parathion, Total Methyl in Bottom Material (ug/kg) PCB, Total (ug/1) PCB, Total in Bottom Mater·ial (ug/kg) PCN, Total in Bottom ~"'1ateriai ( ug/kg) Perthane, Total ( ug/1) Phenols ( ug/1) Silvex, Tota! (ug/1) Silve~: .. Total in Bottom Material (ug/kg) 2,. 4, 5 -T, Total (ug/1) 2, 4, 5 -T, Total in Bottom ~/iateriar (ug/kg) Toxaphene, Total (ug/1) Toxaphene, Total in Bottom Material (ug/kg) 1-rithion, Totai (ug/1) Tr·ithion, Total in Bottom Material (ug/kg) Trithion, Total Methyl (ug/1) Trithion .. Total Methyl in Bottorn Material (ug/kg) Vanadium, Dissolved (u I as V) Radioactive Parameters Alpha, Dissolved Gross (pci/1 as U-NAT, ug/1 as U-NA ·r) Alpha, Total Suspended Gross (pci/1 as U-NAT· .. pci/g a1s U-NAT, ug/1 as U-NAT) Beta, Dissolved Gross ( pci/i as Cs -137, pci/1 as S r/Yt ·-90) Beta, Total Suspended Gross (pci/1 as Cs-137, pci/ g as S1r/Yt -90, pci/g as Cs-137) Radium 226, issolved -Random t"1ethod (pci/1) Coliform Bacteria susi Coliform, Coliform, Coliform i Coliform, Coliform, Col rm, Fecal -0.45 -MF (Cois./100 mi.) Fecal -0. 7 UM-~,1F (Cols./100 mi.) Streptococci Fecal (Cols./100 mi.) reptococci Fecal -KF Agar (Cols. /100 Tota! -Delayed (Cols./100 mL) Total -lnimediate (Cols./1 B - ) • J m!.) APPENDiX C COLLECTED LASKA DE RTMENT F FISH GA~AE F ) IN THE SUSIT RIVER BASIN F 1974 -1978, 1 , quality and water re data have Alaska Department of Fish and Gume at a number of Susitna River Basin. Since the measurements have lly, the number of measurements, timi a specific measured vary from year to year at any given station. avail from the Alaska Department Fis and Game has be:en below. These reports are aH on file at R&M Consultarts. , Bruce 1974. assessment study of e lations in the Upper Susi a River watersh Canyon and the Chulitna River. k Inlet Data Iaska Department of Fish a Game. sion of Fisheries;. 56 pp. gure 10: Pr·ofile of Susitna September 4 -11 Fishwheel Camp. u re 1'1 : Profile bank fis temperatures Creek and i's res ily 1975. Preauthorization assessment of anadlromous the Upper Sus ver rs in the Devil's Canyon roelectric project§ 2. ka of sh Game - . 1 10: s in Indian River, Lane r·eek 11 . alysis of Water Cond s in indian ase Creek, 1 ~ 1 12: nal is s at raek, 1 -1 1 : Parks H s s u -1 { re 1: ure re 9: e 1 " 1 0 16:: 18 .. 19.: us Fish a u ;"Sis ver ( res r Sus 1 s s s near 1 : 2: 4: s 11 13 6: 14 & s s 1 & 17 8: s s & 19 9: frorn s 0· 21 3: e 4: s ( Table 1 ~6 · Table 1 1 ~3: le le Tab 1-able Table e '1 : is, James 8: s ily max Susitna September ily maximum and Creek~ June 26- Slough 8 cross sections a s 10 cross sections and Slough 11 cross sections a s h ·13 cross sections a s h 14 cross sections s h 15 cross sections a s 16 cross sections a s h 17 cross s s h 18 cross s a 19 cross sand s h cross sections and Slough 3C cross s a Chase cross sections uta ese, Sus il's Ca Fis , 1976. . , a Game .. reek, res in the June temperature~;; in informa1tion. gage i nform1atk)n ~ inform1ation. r·mlation e gage inform1ation. stage gage i nform1ation. inforr.11ation. infor·m1ation $ gage info qual from s b ver,. 1 ( ) 10: Table 11: IX II Table 2: 3: 4:, Table 5: 6· us u Water flows of Montana, Rabideu K a f\1ay through November·, 1 ily maximum n \Vater ilow C ll"'es Susitna at the Parks Highway 1 June 27 - 12, 1977. quality data from sloughs a tributaries of the Susitna ver, June 14 1 ~ ily roax Rabideux Creek, and n water 25 ~ October , 1 res Daily max a temperatures Montana reek, May \!'later quality data frorn Rabideux Creek, October 27, 1977. 25 qual data iV1ontana CreekJ' June 7 Octobet~ 1 1977. 5 ( in in WATE TEfv1PERATURE, WATER QUALil~Y AND STAGE DA.T A COLLECTED BY THE AILASKl~ DEPARTMEN OF FISH AN GAl'V1E DURING 1981 extensive~ program of collection was undertaken b~f the Alaska ............. ,.'"rta1ent of Fish and Game (ADF&G) during 1981 ~ The data coli are presented in: a uatic Habitat and I nstream Flow Project," Susitna ro Subtask 7 .10, Volumes 1 and 2, by the ADF&G, 1981, and analyzed a summari~~ed in "Phase 1 Final Draft Report, uatic Studies Program", Sus ro Subtask 7. 10, ADF&G, 1982. Phvsiochernical Data for Each Gener~l Habitat Evaluation Stud_y_ Site ssoi oxygen, pH, water and air tetnperatures, turbidity and specific conductance were fneasured twice rnonthly at each general habitat evaluation study site, except in the impoundment reach, where these parameters 'Arere measured monthly. The data are presented for s in a g I format versus specific points in time and in ular form. For !ocations~r see the above referenced report. Water temper·ature data wer·e continually recorded at 29 sites in the stu area ( C~1~ foilowing) using Ryan f\l!odel J-90 therma:graphs. The \tt~ere converted into daily means, calculated as the mean of 12" two hour point temperatures. The temperature data for each thermograph s are pr·esented as a function of time. ·vvere collected each lo\ver-sites (Ta e C-2, lovving). sus u three Adu ver i gene raw adromous Fisher·ies habitat evaluation ) Table c-1 Location and period of record for thermographs installed in Susitna River drainage& Summer 1981 .. LOCATION 1. exander Creek 2o Alexander Creek 3.. Yentna River 4@ Above Yentna River 5.. Deshka Rivet .. 6.. Above Deshka River 7.. Little Willow Creek 8 .. Above Little Willow Creek 9.. Kashwitna River .. Above Kashwitna River 11.. Montana Creek 12.. Above Montana Creek 13o · ine (Park 1 S Bridge) Cache Slough @ 1 keetna River 160 Chulitna River 17. Talkeetna Camp l8o Fourth of July Creek 19o Fourth of July Creek 20.. Go ·1 d Creek 21m Above Gold Creek 22 .. I ian ver 23.. I ian River 0 Slough (Intrag ) 25.. Slough 0 Slough 21 (Intragravel) .. Slough 21 Creek no collected o~L = River T~RJ~ .. = ver le R .. M .. 10 .. 1 lQol 30 .. 1 32 .. 3 40 .. 6 40 .. 6 50 .. 5 50 .. 5 61.0 61 .. 2 77 .. 2 77 .. 5 "8 .,5 .. 0 98 .. 0 103 .. 0 131 .. 3 131 .. 3 1 .. 8 136 .. 8 138 .. 7 .. 7 do .. 0 .. 0 142~0 .. 8 .,8 C-7 (Revised 2/ ) PERIOD OF TsReM. RECORD 0 .. 5 2 .. 0 1 .. 2 1 .. 0 0 .. 2 1 .. 0 6/9-10/9 . 6/6-7/15 6/5-9/14 6/6-10/9 6/10-10/9 --* 6/24-9/30 6/24-9/29 --* 8/30-9/27 6/12-9/30 6/12-8/29 6/2-7/14 --* 6/21-10/2 6/20-10/6 6/20-10/7 --* 6/16-9/28 7/24-8/15 7/24-9/29 7/18-9/29 7/19-9/23 8/27 15 8/27-9/29 8/29-9/29 7/17-10/3 GEOGRAPHIC CODE 15N07WOSCBC 15N07W05CDB 17N07W01CAB 17N06W07CDB 19N06W26CBB 19N06W35ACA 20N05W23CBC 20N05\~27BAC 21N05W13AAA 21N05Wl3ABA 23N04W07AAB 23N04W06CAA 24N05Wl5BAD 26N05W35ADC 26N05W24BDA 26N05Wl5DAA 27N05W26DDD 30N03W03DAC 30N03W03DAB 31N02W20BAA 31 3 31 31Nl 31 N 11 ~11 0 DBB 31Nl1W02AAA 31N1 32N01W25CAC 32N01W25CDA Table C-2 Location of staff gages installed in the Susitna River drainageQ Summer 1981 .. STAFF RIVER LOCATION GAGE # MILE GEOGRAPHIC CODE ---------------------------------------------- Fish Creek Alexander Creek Site A Alexander Creek Site B exander Creek Site C Anderson Cre~:k Kroto Slough Mouth d-Kroto Slough instem Slough ka ver Site A ka River Site 8 Desh River Site C r Delta Island Little Willow Creek stic Wilde·rness s River C-8 YEOllA 7.0 15N07W27AAC YE021B 10.1 15N07W06DCA YE021A YE031A lOal YE041A 10~1 YE041B YE042A YE051B YE051A YE052A YE061A YE061B YE061C YE061D YE071A YE071B YE072A YE081A YE082A YE083A 18 YE082B YE083A YE091A YE091B YE092A YE092B YE101A YElOIB YE101C lD YElllA YEll YE112A YE121A YE122A YE123A YE124A YE13 132A YE133A SUOllA SUOllB SUOllC i ) 23 .. 8 30.1 36.,3 31.0 40.6 40.6 40,.6 44.0 .0 45.0 45$0 . 5 50~5 50.5 58 .. 1 61.,0 16N07W32CCB 16N07~J30ACD 17N07W29DDD 17N07W01DBC 18N06Wl6BBC 17N06W05CAB 19N06W35BDA 19N06\~268CB 19N06Wl4BCA 19N05W19ACB 19N05t~l 19N05Wl7BCD 19N05Wl7BCB 29N05W23CBC 29N05t~27BAC 21N05\~2 21 Table C-2 (Continued) STAFF RIVER LOCATION GAGE # MILE GEOGRJ~PHIC CODE Ca. ·>~e 11 Creek SU031A 63.0 ~21 N04W06 BOO SU031B SU031C Slough West Bank SU041A 65 .. 6 22NOSW27ADC SU041B SU041C Sheep Creek Slough SU051A 66 .. 1 22N04W30BAB SU051B Goose Creek (Lower) 1 SU061A 72a0 :23N04W31BBC SU061B Goose Creek (Lower) 2 SU071A 73 .. 1 :23N04W30BBB SU072A SU073A SU072B SU073B SU073C instem West Bank SU081J\ 74 .. 4 :23N05W13BCC SU081B SU081C Montana Creek SU091A 77 .. 0 :23N04W07 ABA SU092A SU093A ideux SU101A 83 .. 1 :23N05Wl6DDA ins 1 TAOllA 84 .. 0 :24N05WlODCC TAOllB shine TA021A 85.7 :24N05Wl4AAB TA021B Birch Creek Slough TA031A 88o4 :25N05W25DCC TA031B Bitch Creek TA041A 89e2 25N05W25ABD TA041B Creek Slough TA051A 95.5 26N05W35ADC TA051B i skers Slough TA071A 101.2 26N05W03AOB TA071B TA072A Whiskers C r·eek TA081A 101~4 26N05W03AAC TA081B Slough TA091A ll2e3 28N05~~ 13CAC TA091B TA092A ne C TAlOlA 113 .. 6 28N05Wl2ADO ns 2 1 .4 C-9 ( i Tab 1 e c-2 (Continued) STAFF RIVER LOCATION GAGE # MILE GEOGRAPHIC CODE ------·--------------------------------------· Mainstem Susitna -Curry GCOllA GCOllB Susitna Side Channel GC021A GC021B Mainstem Susitna -Gravel Bar GC031A GC031B GC031C Slough 8A GC041A GC042A Fourth of ly Creek GC051A GC051B GC052A GC052B Slough 10 GC061A GC061B GC061C GC061D Slough 11 GC071A GC072A GC07 Mainstem Susitna = Inside Bend GC081A GC081B GC081C I an River GC091A GC091B GC091C GC091D GC092A GC0928 GC092C GC092D Sl 20 GC101A GC 18 GClOlC 102A GC102B instem Susitna -Island GClllA c ( GC112A GC112B GC112C GC112D GC12 GC121B 121C GC1210 GC121E GCl 122B 122C 1 i 120.7 29N04W10BCO 121.6 123.8 125 .. 3 131.1 133.8 138 .. 6 140 .. 1 14609 e8 29N04WllBBB 30N04W26DOD 30N03W30BCD 30N03W03DAC 31N03W36AAC 31 N02\~19DDD 31N02W17CDA 31N02W09CDA 31N02Wl1BBC 32!'J 1 0\~27DBC 32NO Table C-2 (Continued) STAFF RIVER LOCATION GAGE # ~1ILE GEOGR~lPH I C CODE Sunshine Base Camp Fishwheel E:B 1 SBOllA 79.0 24NOSW368DC SB012A SB012B Fishwheel 2 SB021A 81.0 24N05W25BAO Fishwheel WB 2 S8031A 81 .. 0 24N05~J26Bl\A Fishwheel WIB 3 SB041A 81.0 2~4N05W23CCA Talkeetna Base Camp East Bank Sonar TBOllA 101 .. 0 2~7N05W26DDA Upper East Fishwheel T8021A 101 .. 0 2~7N05vJ26DDD Upper West Fishwheel TB031A 101 .. 0 2~7N05~126DAC Lower East Fishwheel TB041A 101.0 2~7N05W35AAA Lower West Fishwheel TB051A 101 .. 0 West Bank Sonar TB061A 101.0 2~7N05W26DDB Curry In Front of Camp CBOllA 120.0 2~7N04Wl6DBA CBOllB CBOllC CBOllD Lower East Fishwheel CB021A 120.0 CB021B Bank Fishwheel CB03 120 .. 0 2~9N04WlOBCC APPENDIX D CLiMATOLOGiCAL PARAfv1ETERS \NHICH APPEAR IN THE NOAA REPORTS ENTITLED 'LOCAL CLI~v'tATOLOGICAL DATA, ANNUAL SUMMARY WITH COMPARATIVE DATA" 1. Meteorological Data For The Current Year SUS! Average Daily Maximum, for each month. Average Daily Maximum, for the year·. Average Daily Minimum .. for each month. Average Daily Minimum, for the year. Average, for" each month. Average, for the year. Highest, and Date of Occurrence, for each month. H hest, and D~te of Occurr·ence, for the year. Lowest, and Date of Occurr--ence, for each month. Lov1est, and Date of Occurrence, for the year. Degree Days (Base 65°F) Number of Heating, for each month. Number· of Heating, for year. Number of Cooling. for each month. Number of Cooling, for the year. Precipitation (inches) Total Inches of Water Equivalent, for each month. Total Inches of Water uivaient, for the year. Gr·eatest Amount of Water Equivalent in 24 hours and the Date of Occurrence, for each month. Gr·e2test Amount of VJater Equivalent in 24 hours a the Date of rrence, for year. T Inches of Snow and/or Ice Pellets, for each Inches Snow and/o; Ice Pellets, for the year. Amount of Snow a ice Pellets 1n rs a of Occu~rence, each month. D - Mi neous v Amount Snow Occurrence, for Humidity (Percent) Humidity urnidity Relative Humidity Relative H Humidity at H at H H Sunshine, Sunshine, , tenths, sun .0 inch or Ice Pel r. r 0200, r 0200, 0800, r hour hour hour hour with 1. n or rnore Snow in hours month. for , for Ice N 1 , 1 N re \\cas re was n re was N re F re was F re was F PressurP r remes ( ) * re p s v p n ( J ) iy occurrence. es Equ Ui r U£ ce s a ce lets in 24 t"s~ a <.. Snow Ice Pet in H rrence rrence: neous unnse eac p n !S N y re .0 s s n 0. or more~ or more Snov1 1.0 or more s 1/ or sib I re X Dai1 re n re n re is n a. res 4. annual amou p { n ) are given record t:;. v. eati re!e s e the annua number· ree annual amou of U are g us LOGICAL PARAMETERS IN E NOAA REPORTS L CLIMATO ICAL S iV1ean Temperature, for Tempe re Temperature for Temperature for month. re for each month. year. Total Degree Total ree High Temperature a H Tempet~ature and Temperature a Date ratu re and Date of rrence, r-rence, rrence, Occu ,-renee, N X re vvas Nu s en e ximum e r. f\lu e x1mum ure \VaS mon N en e X:lffiUr.1 re was r. N e inimu ratu re was s en e n m ratu re vvas e r. N e n murn re was eac year. F .a F and F .a oc ! ~. 4 dn· ..... OF a F a Nu r s w e n mu re was F a r e year E OV'I G G G sus {I es) Amou Total Amou cf P rec~pitation, Precipitation, r. of Precipitation n t11onth. hours an r. p Snow a Snow of Snow a a E in an r S 2 or more or more or more or more or more or more rs of of Occurrence, rrence rrence, (1) Iron 1 G n renee Dr. yne k ) (2 r. Bill ea nit Dr I G ) .J Alaska Department of F sh a 2207 Spenard Road , Alaska Attention: Copies) Tom Tr-ent Ch n her Estes . Woody Trihey Alaska Department of Natural Resources 323 East Anchorage, At"':ention: Ms. Esther Alaska Power Autho West Anchorage, A (4 ies) Cook l r. ion , I n c . "C'' Street, Su Anc aska nnicke E , Director Blunck Dave ~Vozniak . Robert n mes & Na rver ( lais l) . J Peder~son Depa Env ronmen serv 0 A. 1 n r. G -2 ( u.s. Set~vice I Service : ~Js. A r. iJ rces D 1s Attent:on: r Ex as ka Mu 99703 ts n /y ( l\t1r. r son H Harri Drive D,.. Dr. R . . ~ . I • G 3 susi LGL, 1nc. 1577 C Street, Suite 305 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Attention· Dr. Robin Sener LGL, Inc. P.O. Box 80607 Fa i n k s i' A I as ka 99 708 Attention: Mr. Steve G. Fancy Peratrovich, Nottingham, and Drage 1506 W. 36th Avenue, Suite 101 Ar .orage, Alaska 99503 Attention: Mr. Brent Drage R&M Consultants, Inc. P. 0. Box 6087 Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Attention: r. Stephen tS Soil Conservation Service uer 2221 E. Northern Lights Blvd., Rm. 129 Anchorage, Alaska 99504 Attention: r. George Clagett U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as ka strict p. 0. 7002 chorage, Alaska 99510 Mr. Vern Thompson U.S. Fish and 4tr r. Don kay ( ) APPENDIX H BIBLIOGRAPHY OF AVAILABLE DOCUMENTS RELATED TO THE HYDROLOGY AN CLIMATE THE SUSITNA RIVER BASIN Alaska Department of Fish and Game ( F&G). 1981. lnstr·eam Flow Phase 1 nal Draft Subject Report. Hydr·o Aquatic Studies Program. Anchorage, Alaska. ADF&G 1981. Procedures ManuaL ADF&G Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies Program. Anchorage, Alaska. DF&G 1982. Phas 1 Final Draft Report. ADF&G Susitna Hydro Studies Program. Anchorage, Alaska. rr·ett, Bruce 1974. An sessment Study of the nadromous Fish Populations in the Upper Susitna River Watershed bet'\hreen Devil Canyon and the Chulitna River: Alaska Department of Fish and Game!, Division of Commercial Fisheries, 56 pp. Bilello, Michael 1980. A Vv'inter Environmental Data Survey of Drainage Basin of the Upper Susitna River, Alaska: CRIREL Spe~ial Report 80-19, 30 pp. Bishop, Dan.. 1974. A Hydrologic Reconnaissance o:f the Sus belovv Devil's Canyon: fo1· , U . S . Department 69 PIP. Friese, Nancy V. 1975. Pre-Authorization Assessment of An Populations of the Upper Sus a River Watershed in of ·t. :e Proposed Devil nyor. Hydroeiectr!c Project: Department of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries, 1 H. Company. 1 Reassessment Report on the Upper K R R u sus ver Hydroelectric Development for the <::.tate of Alaska. K. G., & Lon n, . S. the Susitna River Departrr ·nt of re, , Inc. 1 r u a 1983, J u i y 1 1978. Geomor·phology & s1n ~ for Soi Conservation 53 ised Ju 1 Inc, 1 Data for Channel Geometry, _____ at Devil Canyon. a , Inc. 1 L -1 ) R R R R R R R R R s ' Inc. 1981 June. sult:ants, nc. 1981. I l nc. 1 , !nc., 1 Inc. , Inc. 1981. inc. 1 Inc. 1 Inc. 1 1 • 1 1982. rch. 1 1 1 1981. . D. 1981. Susitna Water ua and 2 R su R u , R su nts, R R su R R R s, is is, u.s. sus Inc., 1982. Inc. , Inc., 1982. and 1 t nc., 1 Inc., 1 son, 1 Glacial Report. Decernbet"'. Studies the Fisheries Prelimina & and 1 River ity and & Game, of se of the U r Sus Ju 1 USCE 1972. Flood Plain Information. Talkeetna River -Susitna River - Chulitna River. Prepared for the Matanuska Susitna Borough. Junet 1972. USCE. 1975. Southcentral Railbelt Area, Alaska. Upper Susdtna Basin. Hyd1'"opower and Related Purposes. Interim Feasibility Report 1975. USCE. 1978. Southcentral Rail belt Area, Alaska. Upper Susitna Basin. Hydropower and Related Purposes. Supplemental Feasibility Report 1978. USCE. 1979. National Hydroelectric Power Resources Study. Preliminary Inventory of Hydropower Resources, Pacific Northwest, July 1979. USCE. 1980. Environmental Analysis of the Upper Susitna !River Basin usin~g Land~at Imagery: CRREL Report 80-4. USCE. 1980. Expanded Flood Plain Information Study for the Willow Cree:k Basin, Willow, Alaska. U.S. Depart1ment of Agriculture. 1980. Pre~ipitation and \~\later Yield, Alaska Rivers Cooperative Study, Willow and Talkeetna Subbasins, May 1980. U.S. Department of interior (USDI). 1952. Reconnaissance Report on the Potential Development of Water Resources in the Terr--itory of Alaska: Bureau of Reclamation, January 1952. USDI. 1952.. A Report on the Potential Development of VJater· Resources in t:he Susitna River sin of Alaska: Bureau of Reclamation .. August 1952. USDi. 1960.. Devil's Canyon Project Alaska Feasi lity Report:: Bureau of amation. USDI. USDI. 1 Hyd u .. il's Canyon Project nsitration. Inventory Type ectric Projects in A s las s Alas Calculations SomE~ Potential ska Power Admini ration. Uy, D. R. 1977. Surface aska (through r 30, u s 1 p rces Data Alas r Year . through Present. sus USGS -R.D. 1979. Flood Characteristics of Alaskan ~treams. U S -Still, P.J. 1980. Index Streamflow and Water Quality Records September 30, 1978. Southcentral Alaska. u s. 1980. in, si r Resources (Surface and Su urface) 1980. ( ) Inlet susi15/t ( 1) River Stage* (2) River* Discharge (3) River Crest {Susitna River) SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Subtask 3.03 -Hydrology Field Observation log Susitr1a River near Watana Damsite Susitna River near Watana Damsite Susitna River @ x -Section 53 and @ Portale~Cr Type of Instrument Used Date of Installation Scientific lnstr. Co. 6/20/80 Manometer Steven~ Water Level Recorder Teledyne-Gurley Price Cur·rent MetP.r Marsh-McBirney Flow Meter N/A Susitna-Chulitna Crest-stage recorder 6/26/80 Confluence (LRX-4) (b) Chase (LRX-9) Crest-stage recorder 7/31/80 (c) <."·rry (LRX-24) Crest-.,tage recorder 6/26/80 (d) Section 25 Crest-stage recorder 6/26/80 (lRX-28) {e) Sherman (LRX-35) Crest-stage recorder 6/26/80 (f) Portage Creek (LRX-62) Crest-stage r·ecorder 6/25/80 Observation Frequency Continuous Unscheduled Unscheduled Unscheduled Unscheduled Unscheduled Unscheduled Unscheduled Dates of Observation Type of Observation 7/10-12/1/80 Scheduled 4/15/81-12/2/81 5/29/82~ 8/20/80 B/21/80 9/3/80 9/18/SO 10/20/80 4/01/81 5/24/81 6/2/81 7/3/81 4/16/82 3/11/82 6/17/82 7/31/80 7/27/81 8/31/81 11/2/81 12/2/80 7/27/81 11/2/81 7/31/80 7/27/81 8/31/81 11/2/81 7/31/80 7/27/81 8/31/81 11/2/81 7/31/80 7/27/81 8/31/81 '11/~/f11 I li ( "-f liJ I 9/6/80 11/11/80 Event Event Event Event Event Event Event Event Event Event Event Event Event Event Event Event Comments Instrument functioning normally. Stage-discharge rating curve and table have been prepared from fie~d measure- ments. Obsen , ems are made at recorder following floo J events. Water surface elevations are recordt::-:1 periodically at most of the crest gage sites. susi15/t 2 Parameter Station Location (3) River Crest Devil Canyon Stage* Upper (Susitna River) (Continued) (h) Devil Creek (URX-121) (i) Watana Dam ( URX-106. 3) (j) Deadman Creek (URX-101) (4) River Stage* (a) Devil Canyon (Susitna. River) SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Subtask 3.03 .. _......_...__""""------......... --~--"" 1121181 Type of Date of instrument Used Installation Crest-stage recorder 6/25/80 Crest-stage recorder 5/24/80 Crest-stage recorder 7/30/80 10/01/80 Crest-stage recorder 7/30/80 Staff Gauge 3/25/81 Observation Frequency Unscheduled Unscheduled Unscheduled Unscheduled Unscheduled 11/2/81 Dates of Observation 7/31/80 5/24/81 5/31/81 7/31/81 9/3/81 9/17/81 7/81/81 9/3/81 11/2/81 7/28/81 9/3/81 11/2/81 7/28/81 9/3/81 11/2/81 3/30/81 4/14/81 5/1/81 5/8/81 5/14/81 5/24/81 5/31/81 6/2/81 6/6/81 7/27/81 7/31/81 8/5/81 8/6/81 8/10/81 8/12/81 9/3/81 9/4/81 9/17/81 Type of Observation Event Event Event Event Event Comments ----- Observations are made periodically by fieid personnel. susi15/t 3 Parameter (4) River Stage (Susitna River) ( Continu,ed) (5) Water Quality ( 1,2)* Watana Damsite (c) Denali Susitna River near Watana Damsite Susitna River· near Cantwell (Vee Canyon Site) SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Subtask 3.03 -Hy:drology Field ObservaticU£9. Type of Staff Gauge Staff Martek Water Quality Data Logger VWR pH Meter YSI DO Meter YSI S-C-T Meter Van Dorn Sampler Imhoff Cones Date of 4/16/81 5/31/81 10/23/80 N/A Observation Unscheduled Daily Continuous Summer: monthly Winter: 2-3 month~ Oates of 5/7/81 5/21/81 6/1/81 6/3/81 6/9/81 6/10/81 7/28/81 8/5/81 8/12/81 6/17/82 10/23/80- 4/16/81, 5/21/81- 7/2/81 8/5/81, 12/2/81 6/19/80 8/8/80 9/5/80 9/17/80 10/17/80 1/13/81 S/20/R1 6/30/81 2/4/82 Type of Observation Event Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Sched/Event Scheduled observations by personnel of the Denali· Mining Company. Damage to cable caused toss of aH but temperature data ;. ,. period to 7/2/81. Station destroyed in Summer high ... flow smnolled by helicopter). Summer low·ffow Right after heavy rainstorm {post-peak). During river Winter :rn •• tnt·\-•r·a .. ~,,.. ....... ~ .. ..,,,.. After Ice breakup, Summer hydrogr•aph .. limb. Winter Discontinued after 1981 Season susi 15/t Par·ameter (5) Water (b) Susitna River near Cantwell (Vee Site) (c) Susitna River at Gold Cree~( Type of Same as at Vee Canyon SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Date of Installation N/A Observation Summer: monthly Winter: 2-3 mo.,ths Weekly Beginning Summer of 1982 Dates of 8/2/81 8/3/81 8/3/81 9/15/81 10/7/81 2/4/82 8/8/80 10/14/80 1/14/81 5/27/frl 6/30/81 7/1/81 C/2/81 S/3/81 9/14/31 9.' "'/81 10/8/81 2/6/82 6/10/82 6/16/82 Type of Event Event Event Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Sched/Evc:1t Sched/Event Event Event Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Summer hydrograph rising limt Summer hydrogr a ph • Summer hydrograph - falling timb. Summer low~flow period. During river ft"eeze-up. Summer high-flow period (sampled by helicopter). During river freeze-up. Winter through-ice sampling. After ice (Sampled same day by Summer hydrogrl'lph -peale Summer hydrogr·aph - falling Hmb. Summer hydrograph - Summe•· hydrograph .. falling limb. Summer low~flow period. Samples taken for quality .. contr·ol check of .,...,,,~ .... ,.t,.,. ... During river freeze-up. Winter susi15/t 5 Parameter (6) Sediment Discharge ( 6) Suspended Sediment Discharge (7) Climate (3)* (a) Susitna River near Cantwell (Vee Canyon Site) (a) Susitna River near Cantwell (Vee Canyon Site) (b) Susitna River at Gold Creek (a) Watana Camp (b) Devil Canyon SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Subtask 3.03 -Hydrology Field Observation Log Type of Instrument Used Point-integrating Suspended Sediment Sampler · Same as at Vee Canyon MR I Weather Wizard Date of Installation N/A N/A 3/13/80 Observation Frequency Summer: monthly Winter: 2-j months Summer: monthly Winter: 2~3 months Continuous (15-min.) Dates of Observation 9/5/80 9/17/80 10/18/80 1/13/80 5/20/81 6/30/81 8/2/81 8/3/81 8/3/81 9/15/81 10/16/80 1/14/81 5/27/81 6/30/81 7/1/81 8/2/81 8/3/81 9/14/81 4/8/80~Present Type of Obser~ Scheduled Summer towqflow period. Sched/Event Right after heavy rainstorm (post-peak). Scheduled Scheduled Schedul~d Sched/Event Event Event Event Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Sr ·~duled ~ched/Event Sched/Event Event Event Scheduled Scheduled During river freeze-up. Winter through-ice sampling. After ice break-up, spring. Summer hydrograph ~ falling limb. Summer hydrograph .. rising limb. Summer hydrograph ~ peak. Summer hydrograph falling limb. Summer low-flow period. During river freeze-up. Winter through-ice sampling. After ice br·eak~up, spring. Summer hydrograph -peak. Summer hyJrograph - failing l:mb. Summer hydrog,·;,pit • ~eak. Summer hyd1·ograph .. falling limb. SUill~•er low-~low period. ** MR I Weather Wizard 7/17/80 Continuous (15-min.) 7/17 /SO-Present Scheduled ** -:..,·, Occasional gaps in data records due to mechanical or eh~ctronic malfunctions or other field problems. Data swrunaries prepared by HlU for period to 7/1/81. 3ummaries for more recent data are being prepared by R&H. susi15/t 6 Parameter f B; Snow Density and (4)* ' SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT (c) Kosina Creek (d) Tyone River {e) De::nali (Susitna Lodge) (f) Susitna Glacier ( 11} Sherman MR I Weather Wizard MR I Weather Wizard MR I Weather· Wizard Mf: · Weather Wizard MR I Weath<Jr Wizard Date of 8/25/80 8/27/80 Removed 5/13/82 7/18/80 Removed 6/29/82 7/20/80 5/15/82 (,:!) West Fork Glacier Car·penter Machine 8/26/30, Snow Course Works Snow 8/R1 (b) Susitna Gldcher Snow Cour'Sti I\ it Aerial Snow Markers Same as at Wast Fork 8/28/80', 9/4/80, 8/81 Observation Dates of Continuour~ (15-min.) 8/25/80-Present Scheduled Continuous ( 15-min.) 8!21 /80-5/13/82 Scheduled Continuous( 15amin.) 7/18/80-6/29/82 Scheduled Continuous 7 /20/80-Pr~~ent Scheduled ( 15~rnin. or 30~min.) Continuous ( 1S~min. ) 5/15/82-Prestmt Scheduled Winter: mor~thly Wir~er: snonthly 01/07/81 2/2-2/3/81 3/6/81 4/2/81 4/30/81 1/6/82 ?/5/82 3/12/82 4/'14/6?. 5/12/82 '1/7 /81 2/2 .. 2/3/81 3/6/81 4/2/81 4/30/81 1/6/82 2/5/82 3/10/82 4/14/82 Scheduled Scheduled ' ** ** ** ** Three aerial mat·kers on and around the Three aer•iat markers on and around the (three of ~lx markers mov~d to Jocat.ions in 8/81). susi 15/l 7 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Subtask 3. 03 -Hydrology Field Observation Log Parameter Type of Date of Observation Oates of Type of Instrument Used Installation Fr·eguency Observati .. m Observation Comments (c) East Fork Gtacier Same as West 9/4/80, Winter: monthly 1/7/81 Scheduled Five aerial markers on and Sno~.>,; Course Fork 8/81 2/2-2/3/81 ar·ound the glacier (including 3/6/81 two additional marke, s 4/2/81 placed on the ice in 8/81). 4/30/81 1/6/82 2/5/82 3/12/82 4/14/82 5/12/82 (d) Butte Creek Pass Aerial Snow Markers 9/11/80 Winter: monthly 2/2/8'1 Schedufed One aerial marker in 3/6/81 vicinity of Butte Creek 4/1/81 Pass (two of original three 4/30/81 markers removed and used 1/6/82 elsewhere). 2/5/82 3/12/82 4/14/82 5/12/82 (e) Denali Snow Carpenter Machine 10/81 Winter; Monthly 1/5/82 Scheduled Snow course next to climate Course Wurks I Snow 2/5/82 station Kit 3/10/82 4/14/82 5/12/82 (f) Tyone Snow ~ Jme as at Dena I i 10/81 Winterj Monthly 1/4/82 Scheduled Snow course next to Course 2/3/82 climate station 3/12/82 4/12/82 5/13/82 {g) Kosina Snow Same as at Denai I 10/81 Winter; Monthly 1/5/82 Scheduled Snow course next to Course 2/3/82 climate station 3/12/62 4/12/82 5/13/82 susi15/t 8 (9) Ice Buildup during Precipitation* (10) In-Cloud Icing (Ice on Transmission lme)* (10) In-Cloud Icing (Ice Buildup on Transmission Line)* (11) Snow (h) Watana Snow Course ( i) Devil Canyon Snow Course {a) Watana Camp (b) Denali (Susitna Lndge) (a) Watana Camp (b) Denali (Susitna Lodge) (a) Watana Camp SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Sub task 3. 03 -Hydrology Field Observatic.·~ Type of Instrument Used Same as at Denali Same as at Denali Steel Plate Steel Plate Short Section of Transmission Line Short Section of Transmission Line Dillon Dynamometer Section of Trans- mission line Tower Date of Installation 10/81 10/81 11/80 11/80 9/10/80, 10/16/80 9/11/80~ 10/20/80 2/26/81 Observation Freguency Winter; Monthly Winter; Monthly Unscheduled Unscheduled Unscheduled Unscheduled Winter: monthly Dates of Observation 1/4/82 2/3/82 3/13/82 4/12/82 5/10/82 1/7/82 2/6/82 3/10/82 4/16/82 5/11/82 Same dates as any winter trip to Watana Camp Same dates as Denali climate station runs Same dates as any winter trip Watana Camp Same dates as Denali climate station runs 3/6/81 3/16/81 4/1/81 10/2/81 1"1/'a/£!1 ' w I...,,""' t 12/2/81 6/16/82 Type of Observation Scheduled Scheduled Event Event Event Event Scheduled Comments Snow course next to climate station Snow Course next to CHmate Station Measurements to be made during or immediately after freezing rain. No observed freezing rain to date. Same as at Watana Camp. Measurements to be made during or immediately after icing conditions. No in- cloud icing has been observed to date. Same as at Watana Camp. Installed on a south-facing stope about 2 miles west of Tsusena Butte. susi15/t 9 Parc.meter· (12) !ce Thickness and Competence* SUSITNA HYORO't:lECTRIC PROJECT Subtask 3.03 -Hydrolc,gy Field Observation Log (b) Devii Canyon Susitna River and Tributaries (5) Susitna River (6) Type of I nst ·ument Us>ed Dillon Dynamometer Section of Trans- mission Line Tower Ice Auger Measuring Tape ice Auger Survey Rod Susitna @ X-Section 53 tee Auger and Portage Cr. Date of Observation Installation Fr·eguency 2/25/81 Winter: monthly N/A Winter NA Winter N/A Winter ( 13} Extent of Ice SusH:na River SLR Camera N/A Daily or weekly during Freeze-up and Break-up Cover, locations of Ice Jams* Type of Dates of Observation Observation Commen_t_s ____ _ 3/5/81 3/16/81 3/31/81 10/2/81 11/3/81 12/3/81 Scheduled Installed on a north-facing slope near the Devil Canyon climate station. Distroyed 12/81 2/27/81 4/1/81 3/11/82 3/13/82 4/16/82 Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled 10/80 Event 11/80, 12/80 1/81, 2/81 3/81, 4/81 5/81 10/2/81, 10/6/81, 10/29/81, 11/6/81, 11/18/81, 12/14/81 1/4/82, 2/3/82 3/10/82, 4/12/82 4/26/82, 5/10-15/82 5/27/82 Ice thickness surveys were conducted at all CSR locations, except at Section 25 and the Susitna-Chutitna confluence. See parameter (3). Adjacent to Watana Stream gauge and in conjunction with "through-ice discharge measurements. Deadman Cr. & Watana Dam Devil Cr., Portage Cr., Gold Cr. and Curry In conjunction with through-ice discharge measurements. Black & white aerial photos taken 11/14/80, 12/5/80, 4/27/81, 5/6/81. susi15/t 10 Parameter ~ , ') Glacial and MovemE.nt (6)* (15} Evaporation ( 17) Bedload Susitna Glacier, West Fork Glacier, Turkey Glacier, West Fork Susitna Glacier Watana Camp Watana Camp (a) Susitna River @ Gold Crefdk 1982-RM 232 (b) Talkeetna River near Talkeetna (c) Chulitna River near Talkeetna (d) Susitna River near Sunshine SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Subtask 3.03 -Hydrology Field Observation log Type of Instrument Used Survey Equipment SLR Camera Aerial Photography Monel, Class A Standard Weather Bureau Evaporation Pan Rosemount Ice Detector with electronic counter Helley-Smith Sampler Helley-Smith Sampler Helley-Smith Sampler Helley-Smith Sampler Date of Installation 5/17- 5/18/81 5/30/81 5/7/81 12/5/80 Observation frequency Monthly through July, August, September Daily, May-Sept. Continuous Unscheduled Ur.scheduled Unscheduled Dates of Observation 5/81 7/30/81 8/11/81 9/2/81 6/9/82 6/18/82 1/7/81 2/3/81 3/6/8'1 3/31/81 4/30/81 6/1/81 7/22/81 8/26/81 9/28/81 7/21/81 8/25/81 9/29/81 7/22/81 8/25/81 9/29/81 -;J"lfi"'J.JO<'t If C.C.f 0 I 8/26/81 9/30/81 Type of Observation Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Event Event Event Comments Velocity points, camera mounts and thermocouple were installed. Horizontal control net establish and initial survey conducted. Extensive snow depth and density studies through- out glacier network were conducted. Daily observations recorded by camp personnel. Any interruption of A.C power is recorded as one count. Counter observed during site visits. No significant amount of icing has been recorded to date. Station discontinued after 1980-81 season. *** *** *** *** 15/t 11 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Date of Observation Oates of OM-2 Camera film} in 1981 was done jointly and in cooperation with the USGS. The one at intermediate of Susitna River flow level and the September at a USGS exclusively. In 1982 the Gold Cr. bedload sampling site was to river mile 1 12/5/80 4/27/81 5/6/81 8/24/81 10/19/81 was done at a low flow. , near chase. Event Event Event Event Event Event Freeze-up, Delta Island to Watana Creek. Freeze-up, Cook Inlet to Watana Creek. , Bell Island to Watana Break-up, Bell Island to Curry. Medium flow. Cook Inlet to De·•il Canyon, for Vegetation Studies. Low flow, Cook Inlet to T a! keetna for Morphology Studies. high flow level, the August 1982 is done o& a weekly basis by susi15/t 12 SUSlTNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT asterisk after a parameter in column one (1) indicates that the entry for that parameter has been altered from the last log•s entry. (1) measured continuous water monitor: water temperature, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, , and oxidation - (2) in the field: disso~ved oxygen, water temperature, conductivity 1 , alkalinity, settleable and free carbon parameters measured each station: air temperature, average wind speed 1 wind direction, wind gust, relative humidity, and solar radiation. Snowfall amounts will be measured in heated bucket at Watana only. Prior to 4/30/81, data at thirty minute intervals at the Susitna Glacier station and at fifteen (15) minute intervals at aU the other stations. Since that a 15-minute interval has been used at aU stations. (4) of installation refer to aerial snow survey markers. The actual snow courses are located at one of the markers ~.t each of the three a::u.~cl!er·s. Ther·e is no snow course at Butte Creek Pass, an aerial marker. Snow surveys are conducted at all the climate with the of the Susitna Giacier ,.;;;:.-.,.1!-i ............ where the snow course is at a mo1 .. e suitable location nearby. ( 5) Several sites the main stem of the Susitna and a few sites on the tributaries are to be observed. Dates of installation refer to snow survey markers. (7) last of ·s2/15/81.