HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA977i\_) ;;('" 3 l h'hito :;J'rucc tract of approxiv:rttc2y 4,000 acre:; clso hurr.-::<1 in 1926. HcveJrcation resulted ln dense even-aged sprue~ sta~d. It co~currently &~v~l a good br~t~c stand of willow, hirch ~nri aspen and was heavily :Jscd until 1950. RchaJ)itation \•!Ork clone in rccr:nt ycar~7 by n:cchanical means .'!,:s 2;rought Lack ;_;ome of the areu to a J710l'C favorable Lro:··sc condi t_f,Jn., /~.'>-e1;~t 20,000 acres of Uw bcnc,'1land bct:4ecn ,C:kilar: anrl Tu:otarY:na Lahcs LurJ:~.-:'(? ( ~,-·th'c:·cn 1885 und 1890~ This area c~ont:inue:;_~ to snr::r~ort J-?r:a\/9 t-:illoh' uro>iill that; hz/s w,f{;](f COI;({J;LJCd -}Jr(J:,•sing to 4 to 5 [ect. S_FLlCC im·asion has {)ee;; slo:; hut is incrc.1sinq. This area has support.crJ the .'Jcrris of large l,ul.,!s t':at: .'iC.'>l'C L•Cen t),e prize since the 1-"cnai lJecarne fam..IUS. ~ :~e Chickaloon River arva burL6d abouc 2,000 Ls a poor l>'.inter rarige hut does contain sonre veuetaUon with some st.·wds of alder. ~:~c::1 es .. tro~nd ]~~~a~ T.l-;_-is e..rea rnoosc .. !flack sr.ruce is the main A 10,000 acre >vhite s:;.::;ce-birch stand near Bedlam Lake burned arount 1920. It re ted heavil~7 to birch with sparse stockings of spruce and provided a :·>iqnifiicant winterir.~; s.ite during t;he 1930's and 19401s, Much of the birch c;TCb' out of reach and :>~-y longer supports broh'Se gr0\¥th of importance. A ;>ort.ion of the 1947 >:.u·n reburned in 1963. This burn contained about 400 acre:>. This does sur.r-,irt some '!TOOSe at the rresent but is too small to llave fliuch .i rportance. In ~9(;? a campfire on t.he SJ.<'anson River started a 83,000 acre fire. This fir.-:: hurncr? the same type c--; timber that was burned in 1 q47. It is apparent: at this ti.>c:::C' that the rcy(.'nera:::ion from this hurn <vi.Il el'entnally orovide browsq similar to 1.·at of the 1947 bt.:.::n. ;1 r<:cent timber sale, salvaging the remaining wcx>d from the 1969 burn, has some r)rn;;:J.ccp .in providing ~-:-:xxl broV?se. Removing the slash J"essens the ai:JOUnt of .s.';a·k and t.''·" loggin<;_.· ac:ari[ies the soil enouqh to a.Zloto/ for seed qerm.ination. Tn surr;n-;aru bur·ns have rr~·;de qul t:e a change in the vegetation of the Yen11i; hu Veqeta tj O{!,, i tends to favor ately following a hurn is determined hy the previous stand ha rdv.•oods. .. ·~ ~ i:C n:i xed stand of }JCJrdv.roods is more favorable for moose forage th?J.n a pure st .. ::::n~l .. _)., /.fter many years, probably 20 plus 9ears, the stand wi 11 have a tendancy to co to snruce .. 4 .. :'ffter burning in <t boreal forest, under ::;uitable conditions, there is a od cxtend_i.ng frc'"' 5 to 20 tU:>nrs when moosF:: forage conditions az:e the JTJOst f.1vcrable. -J