HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA1049s 21 Ecological Effects of Forest Fires .A72 no.1133 letin No. 1133 MARC: 1956 U.S . DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Throughout the course of the investigations reported here, R. R. Robinson, Area Forester, Bureau of Land Management, U. S. Department of the Interior, was very cooperative. He and his staff assisted greatly in the successful completion of the studies, Officials of the Fish and Wildlife Service, U. S. Department of the Interior, also were very helpful. The University of Alaska generously furnished office space and living quarters during the time the author was completing the report. Various specialists identified . the plants collected in Alaska. Special recognition is given to their assistance, as follows: William A. Dayton, U. S. Forest Service-in charge of identification of the higher plants; Elbert L. Little-trees; Doris W. Hayd-most of the herbaceous plants except grasses; Carleton R. Ball (retired), U. S. Department of Agriculture-willows; Jason R. Swallen, Head Curator, U. S. National Herbarium-grasses; William C. Steere, Professor of. Botany, Stanford University-bryophytes; Alexander W. Evans, Emeritus Professor of Botany, Yale Uni- versity-Cladoniae; John W. Thomson, Jr., Associate Professor of Bot~ny, University of Wisconsin-various groups of lichens; and I. MacKenzie Lamb, National Museum ~f Canada-Stereocaula. I CONTENTS Page Page Introduction____________________ 1 Effect of fire on soils-Continued Interior of Alaska_______________ 3 Sqil productivity______________ 78 Geography___________________ 3 Effect of fire on hydrologic relations_ 78 Climate______________________ 3 Effect of fire on animalpopulations_ 79 Forests_______________________ 5 Fur-bearing animals___________ 81 History of forest fires in interior · Moose_______________________ 82 Alaska_______________________ 9 Caribou______________________ 85 Effect of fire on forests___________ 18 Effect of fire on economic develop- Trees________________________ 18 ment________________________ 87 Subordinate forest vegetation___ 26 Summary and conclusions________ 90 Succession after fire____________ 31 Literature cited_________________ 95 Effect of fire on soils_____________ 71 Appendix_______________________ 104 Humus layers_________________ 73 Check list of plant species col- Physical properties____________ 74 lected__ ___ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 104 Chemical properties___________ 77 Soil analyses __________________ 116 II ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FOREST FIRES IN THE INTERIOR OF ALASKA 1 ~y H. 1. ~JIIZ 2 Alaska Forest Research Center, Forest Service INTRODUCTION The area of Alaska is approximately 586,400 square miles (375,296,- 000 acres), including both land and water surfaces. Actual land area is approximately 572,555 square miles (366,435,000 acres). About 60 percent of the land area, or 219,861,000 acres, is in the interior.3 In this vast area tree growth is the dominant vegetation on most of the land below an altitude of about 2,500 feet. However, in flat exces- sively wet lowlands, variously designated as muskeg, tundra, or bog, tree growth is absent or very scanty. Nearly 120 million acres bear sufficient tree growth to warrant designation as forest land. ·This great, predominantly coniferous, forest is analogous to the 'taiga of Siberia; its ecological counterpart is found throughout the boreal forest of northern Canada, the Scandinavian countries, and northern Russia. It represents a tremendous potential source of cellulose. The forests of interior Alaska, as is true of all forests of the far north, are very susceptible to destruction by fire. Low precipitation, long hours of sunshine during the summer period, highly flammable ground cover, and coniferous forests, combine to make a high fire hazard. Most of the fires in the past were caused by man, who, in many parts of the north, tended to live a seminomadic life. Modern man appears to be even less careful with fire in Alaskan forests and as his numbers increase forest fires also increase. In addition, the forests of Alaska have also been subjected to fires caused by lightning. Once started, fires may burn for weeks or months, spreading over hundreds of thousands or even millions of acres. The reasons for the extensive spread of fires are numerous, among which may be mentioned lack of early detection, absence of effective natural barriers to spread, highly flammable fuel, inaccessibility, and insufficient man-power and equipment. The study reported here, was undertaken during the summers of _ 1949 to 1952 to provide a better understanding of the ecological effects ,f forest fires in the Alaska interior. The information sought related o 1rimarily to the effects of forest fires on vegetation, but effects on -.::t co C") C") C\1 t Submitted for publication May 13, 1955. 1 2 The author, Professor of ~ilviculture, Yale University School of Forestry, was mployed by the Forest ServiCe to carry ·out the study. It was sponsored jointly 'Y the Forest Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture, and the Bureau of Land T"" vianagement, U. S. Department of the Interior. The research was conducted 0 mder.the supervision of R. F. Taylor, Forester in Charge, Alaska Forest Research 0 Jenter. 1.0 3 See section on geography of the Alaska interior. I.C) ,..... C") C") r. 1 2 'l'ECHNICAL BULLE'l'IN 11 3 3, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICUL'rURE soils, fur-bearers, big game, and to some extent on hydrology were studied also. Field work extended from the Kenai Peninsula on the south to the Yukon River Valley on the north (fig. 1). Sample plots (usually 1/10 acre) and milacre quadrats were used to obtain information on species composition, size and age relations, density of cover, and successional trends in the various plant com- munities illustrative of the different stages of development following fires. Limited numbers of soil samples were collected and analyzed. These were obtained from recently burned areas and otherwise comparable areas long unburned. Tree stands were evaluated on 1/10- acre plots by tallying all trees 6 or more feet in height by diameter and height classes, and noting density of coverage for each height class or layer. At least five trees on each plot were measured for diameter and total height, and increment borings were obtained to establish age and rate of growth. Stand ages in the text and tables were determined at breast height. Most of the data were quantitative, but were supple- mented by qualitative observations on succession, browsing by animals, fire history, and site conditions. Subordinate vegetation, including mosses and lichens, and tree seedlings, was investigated on milacre quadrats. Individual species were tallied by size classes and density of cover. Comprehensive collections of all plants, including mosses and lichens, were submitted to specialists for identification. These collections included 375 species of higher plants, 4liverworts, 70 mosses, and 107 lichens. All together, data on 103 sample plots, 11 transects, and 860 milacre quadrats were recorded and analyzed. ALASKA '!m?J GENERAL l..OCATION OF STUDY AREAS 50 100 I~ FIGURE 1.-Map showing location of study areas. ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FOREST :FIRES IN ALAS:KA 3 INTERIOR OF ALASKA The region referred to in this report as the Alaska interior includes all, or nearly all, the area within the commercial range of white spruce 4 in Alaska. It embraces the vast country between the Brooks Range on the north and the Coastal Range, bordering the Pacific Ocean on the south. Two major divisions may be recognized, one south of the Alaska Range and the other north. Geography The Alaska Range, which sweeps northeasterly in a great crescent from the vicinity of Lake Clark on the west to the St. Elias Range on the east, forms the watershed between the Pacific drainage on the south and east and the Kuskokwim and Yukon Rivers on the west and north. It is 50 to 60 miles wide with many peaks exceeding 15,000 feet eleva- tion and with extensive glaciers and snow fields. Mount McKinley, in the northwestern part of the great arc, with an elevation of 20,300 feet, is the highest mountain in North America. · Theregion between the Alaska Range and the mountains along the coast consists principally of the valleys of the Susitna, Matanuska, and Copper Rivers, and their tributaries. All these rivers, fed by glacial melt water, are choked with sediment. The country north of the Alaska Range and south of the Brooks Range includes chiefly the valleys of the Kuskokwim, Yukon, and Tanana Rivers, and their tributaries. Mention may also be made of the Kobuk and Noatak Rivers, both of which drain into the Arctic Ocean. Brooks (20) 5 has described the Yukon and Kuskokwim province as a rolling upland "deeply dissected by well-developed drainage systems, with stream valleys and broad lowlands, and diversified by scattered mountain masses and isolated peaks that rise above the general level." In their courses through lowland areas the large rivers of the interior meander through numerous channels. With few exceptions they are heavily laden with silt derived from glaciers and from bank cutting. Information on transportation and communication facilities, population and cities and towns may be found in Mid-Century Alaska, published by the Office of Territories, U.S. Department of the Interior in 1951 (161). Climate The interior of Alaska has a continental climate with great extremes of temperature (table 1). During the winter much of the interior is characterized by relatively high atmospheric pressure and fair, cold weather. Aleutian low pressure systems may, however, move in over the Yukon Valley accompanied by southerly winds, moderated temperatures, and precipitation. Fair and unusually cold weather, with northerly winds, results when the Arctic p.igh pressure system builds up. In the summer the great land mass ef the interior heats up under the influence of the long days of high latitudes, and low atmos- 4 For scientific names of Alaskan trees see Check List of Plant Species Collected, p. 104. Common names of trees, if available, are used in the text. 5 Italic numbers in parentheses refer to literature cited, p. 95. 4 TECHNI CAL BULLETIN 1 i 3 3, tJ . S. DEPT . OF Acm r CULTttRE pheric pressure prevails. The weather b ecomes warm, and even .hot, with occasional precipitation. South of th e Alaska R a n ge t h e annual precipitation averages abou t 20 inch es, with approximately 14 inch es at Anchorage and 24 t o 30 inch es in t h e Susitna Valley. About on e-third of t h e prec ipitation falls dur ing t h e period Niay to August, most of it in July and Augu s t. The Janua r y m ean temperature is a r ouncl10° F . and t he July m0an is about 57°. In t h e winter the t emp erature may drop to abo u t -36° F. and in summ er attain a hi gh of 90°. The growing s eason i s u sually l ess t h a n 90 d ays. J orth of the Alaska Range, in the Yukon and Tan a n a River Valle~·s, t h e annual precipitation is l ess t h a.n 20 in ch es, commonly b etw0 en 10 and 15 inches. About h alf of it falls during May t o Au g u st, a nd within t his p eriod two -t hiTd s d uring July and August. January mean temperature varies considerably from place t o place; in some lo calities it is lower than -20 ° F. Mean temperature in July is about 60° F . In summer, temperatures as high as 100 ° F. are known and -in ,winter t h ey fall a s lo w a.s -78°. The growing season varies from a bout 60 t o 90 days. T A BLE 1.-T empera luTe and pTec1:pi talion i n th e Alas ka inleri01· (70) rrempc rn turc Precipitation Grow- Station Ja.n u-ing An-Se p-Length ary J ul y l\laxi -:Mini-sea-L2n gth nual 1\fay-tern-of rec-aver-aver-mum mum so n of rec-aver-Aug-ber-ord age age ord age ust 1 A pril ' ------------------ Y ears oF. oF. oF. oF. Days Y ears I nc hes Inches I nc hes So u t h of Alask a Range: Anchorage . ______________ 22 11. 2 57.0 92 -36 110 22 14.32 5. 35 8. 97 K ennecott_ _____________ -24 4. 5 52 .4 80 -39 91 20 21.60 8.04 13.56 Matanusk a._ _____ : _________ 19 12.6 57.7 D1 -36 19 15.61 r,, 43 9.18 Susitn a. __ -------------__ 6 9. 1 57 .7 86 -37 6 26.88 10.39 16.49 'l'alkeetna ____ -------_____ 19 7. 6 58.0 90 -48 72 18 30.03 11.38 18.65 N ortb of Alaska Range: Allakaket ________________ 24 -20.3 57 . 7 90 -70 54 25 13.10 6. 10 7. 00 D awso n __________________ 37 -21.0 59.3 92 -66 37 12. 69 5. 34 7. 35 F a irb anks _______________ -34 -11.6 60.0 99 -66 89 34 11.87 .). 89 5. 98 Fort Yukon ______________ 23 -21.6 61.2 100 -78 81 23 6. 88 3. 63 3. 25 Holy Cross _______________ 35 -0.4 56.5 93 -58 90 20 20 .06 8. 46 11.60 McKinley Park __________ 16 1.9 54.3 89 -54 63 15 15.28 8. 56 6. 72 N nlato ___________________ 13 -7.5 57.5 90 -62 13 16. 50 6. 46 10 .04 Ruby ____________________ 6 -7.5 57.5 98 -52 6 17.77 8. 38 9.39 rran ana __________________ 37 -12.5 58.3 91 -76 64 38 13.63 6. 94 6.69 University Expt. Sta _____ 34 -10.2 59.9 99 -65 34 11 .76 5.88 5.88 ' 'l'otal of average monthly precipitation. T emp erature and prec ipitation in interior Alaska are nicel y bal- anced. A substantial incr ease in either, without a comp ensating increase in the other , probably would l ead to l ess favorabl e growing condition s than ex ist today. Tab er (150) describ ed this as follow s: Th e abundance of vegetaLion on p er ennially froz en ground in Alaska is partly due to low pree ipitation; for with t h e low tem- peratures, if t h e prec ipitation were high enough, mo st of the smface would b e bmied under sno"-and i ce . Also , a ri se in temperature, r es ultin g in the thawin g of t h e grow1d , and t h er e- fo re b etter drainage, could conver t much of it into a semi-d eser t unless t h e prec ipit ation w ere also in cr eased. ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FORES'l' FIRES I N ALA SKA 5 Forests The forests of the interior of Alaska r epresent one of the greatest r en ewable rcsomces of the r eg ion. Po tential production of wood ce llulo se is ve r y gr eat . From th e air the pat te rn of for est and other vegetation is a eomplex mo saic of t~']JeS (fig. 2 ). In general, th e forest occ upie s t h e valleys, often appearing a s b elL s or ribbons along the str eam s, lower slopes, and low be nchlands. Throughout mo st of t h e area t h e timbe rline is comparatively low, b etwee n 2,000 aud 3,000 f ee t. Fire is on e of a number of fa ctors r es ponsible for t h e gr eat com- plexity of the vegetation pattern. Only when the influenc e of pas t fires is recogniz ed can one begin to account for t h e seemingly hap- h azard mosaic of vegetat.ion. Th e sharp boundaries between stands of asp en or birch and white spruce are the edges of bmns . The iso- lated stands of a few acres of whi te spruce, the upland s tringers, and even the scattered trees are r elic t s of extensive stands that have been d es troyed b y fir e. In many lo calities, areas that are n ow tree - l ess formerly supported full for est stands that were d estro yed b y fu ·e. Another influence that contributed to the diver sity of vegetation is the o cc urrenc e, in somewhat complicated pattern, of p ermafrost (permanently frozen ground). This phenomenon frequ ently r es ults in poor soil drainage and poor soil aeration, r es tricted root space, and co ld soil. Within the forest ed portions of the interior, either slow, impeded drainage (wh eth er associated with p ermafrost or not) or excessive drainage result in outstandingly poor si tes for tree F -477357 FIGURE 2.-View of t h e Copper River Valley, showing a mosaic of fore st types, white spruce, quaking aspen, and willo w. This pattern reflects the complex fire history of the area. 6 TECHNICAL B ULLETIN 113 3, U . S . DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE growth. Sharp boundaries b etween vegetation typ es ar e mo st fr e- quently c aused b y fir e whereas t hos e caused b y to pography and associated influ en ces are apt t o b e diffu se. The principal for ested areas south of t h e Alaska Range include t h e following drainages, from east to west: the Copper River and its man.\r l arge tributaries, t h e ::VIatanuska River , the S u sitna Kiv-er and i ts tribu taries, upp er Cook Inlet, including t h e west sid e of t h e K enai P eninsula, and t h e Iliamna L ake-Lake Clark a nd N ush agak River sec tions. The t wo l ast-men t ion ed section s drain in t o Bristol B ay and not in to t h e Pacifi c Oce an. North of the Alaska R angC', timb er occurs exten si ve!~-in t h e Tanana, Yukon , and Ku skokwim River region s . I t is no tewo r th y that consid er abl e areas of forest oc c_ur north of t h e Arctic C ir cl e, as along t h e Porcupine and i ts tribu- tanes, the Chandalar , the upper Ko) ukuk, and t h e Kobuk River s. Trees grow north of l atitude 68° N. on t.h e so u t h slop es of t h e Brooks R ange and a s far west as t h e N iukluk River, n ear Co uncil , on th e Seward P enin s ula; t his is t h e w esternmost occ urren ce of fore st growt h on the N ort h American continent. In 19 01 Collier (34) r epor ted that spruce trees in t his lo cation attained diam et ers of 12 inch es and h eights of 50 f eet . A treel ess b elt alon g t h e B ering Sea coast extends inland for as much as J 50 miles . Lo cally, however , trees exte nd to t h e coast; 'Voolfe (165) r eported findin g d ense gro.ves of s pruce within a qua r ter of a mil e of t h e sea at N orton Sound. They wer e 6 (.o 10 inch es in diam eter a nd not over 40 f eet in h eight. A ccurate data on t h e exten t of t h e forested area of t h e in terior will not b e available unt il s urveys ar e made . C urren t estimates ar e based on the opinions of ex p erienced observer s, rough maps prepared b y for es t er s and other s who h ave fl own over t h e country, a nd r eports of t h e G eologi cal Survf'y and o h er governmen tal agencies . According t o t h ese estim ates, about 120 million acres b ea r s uffi cien t t r ee grow t h t o warr ant d esignation as forest l and. Of t hi s acreage, some 40 million a m·e s are b eli eved to b e omm rcial or po tentially commer cial fores t l and. These l ands now s uppor t (or did support b efore d estruction by fir e) fairly d ense stands of white spruce, or s u ccess ion a l stages l eading t o t h at typ e. Some 80 million acres of t h e in terior b ear sp~rs e forests of op en woodl a nd . A ccessi bili ty a nd m er ch a n tabili ty are concepts t h at for esters h ave l earned to u se with caution . In a modern techno- log ical world both can change qui ckly and drastically . Judged b .v present conditions, however , i t may b e estima te d t h at a bou t 14 .million acres of t h e commer cial or po ten t ially commercial in terior for ests are presently accessible a nd more or l ess in u se . From t ime to tim e other es timates have b een m a d e on timb er resources in t h e interior. I n 1910 K ellogg (69) estimated that t h e interior for est north of t h e Alaska Range amounted t o some 80 million acr es . Thomas P. Riggs, Jr., early Go vern or of Alaska, who s p ent many yea.rs in the T erritory as a m ember of both the Alaskan Engi- neering Commission and the I nternational Boundary Commission , estimated t h at th er e w ere about 8 ,600 square miles, or 5,504,000 acres, of m er chan table sawtimber in t h e in terior and that t his would average not less t han 5,000 board-feet p er acre (56). Riggs' estimate, by drainages, was as follow s: ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FOREST F IRES I N ALASKA 7 JVIerchctntable sawtimber area River bas in : (square miles ) Y u kon Vall ey and s mall trib uta.ri es __________________________ 3, 000 Tanana Va ll ey and s mall t ributaries __________________________ 1, 000 Porcupine________________________________________________ 250 J{oyukuk _________________________________________________ 500 Nenana __________________________________________________ 100 Kant~hn a ________________________________________________ 200 Chan dalar _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 250 Sus~na ___________________________________________________ 300 Ku skok\\·im _______________________________________________ 1, 000 Kandik, Se ventymile, Charley, Birch, Beaver, Tolovana, C hena, D elta, Innoko, Idita rod , etc _______________________________ 2, 000 Rig·gs included onl:v one drainage (S u sitna) sout h of t h e Al aska Range. Guthrie (56) sta te d that "the forests of interior Alaska are estimated to comprise not l ess than 150 ,000 ,000 acres." The forests of the Alaska interior are analo gous to, if not synony- mou s with, the taiga of Sib eria . Hustich (64) stated that taiga was originally a Siberian word u se d for the boreal forest. H e wrote, "The north ern main for es t types in th e taiga seem to occur in the whol e boreal forest r eg ion, in Canada, Alaska, and Eurasia. We know t h at the arctic and s ubarctic plants are mostl~-the sam e in the whol e Arcti c a nd Subarctic . Also their sociological affinity to each other is the same." A cc ording to Nuttonson (103) the term taiga "implies a coniferous northern for es t with no admixture of non- coniferous sp ec ies save the birch a nd aspen." The principal for est typ es en counter ed are briefl y di scu sse d below and in d etail in the section on Effect of Fire on Forests . White spruce is the climax type on w ell-drained s oil s. When destroyed by fir e the same species may b e r eproduced at once but more commonly Alaska paper birch or quaking aspen comes in . These t wo species often occur in essentially pure stands bu t mix t ures are al so well known. A s su ccession progresses, white spruce enters the birch and aspen stands and finall y assumes a dominant position as the shorter li ved birch and aspen drop out. Balsam poplar, t h e common cottonwood of the interior, i s usually found on r ecent alluvium along streams and on flood plains. On poorly drained forest ed sites, black spruce is invariably dominant. Locally this species may appear on uplands, forming pure stands as a "fi re typ e." Some form erly forested upland ar ea s have been burned so sever ely and so frequ en t ly that they are now treel ess or nearly so. Close examination often disclo ses relicts of s pruce (c harred stumps, portions of boles, etc.) in areas now supporting only grass and fir eweed or shrubby willows . The view is sometimes expressed t h at t h e trees of the in terior are all small a nd scrubby, and that their growth is excessively slo w. This generaliz ation is wholly unwarran te d (fig. 3) and probably is based on obser vations along roadsides where burning has usually been most fr equ ent. Ther e are many r ef er en ces t o timber conditions in the r eports of early ex plorers in the T erritory, chiefly in those of the G eological Survey . A series of r eports o'n maximum sizes of spruce trees and on the position of the t imb erline h ave b een co mpil ed in table 2. The timber seen b y t h e early exp lorers was more indicative of potentialities than are th e modern for es ts, whi ch h ave suffere d sever ely 8 'l'ECHN ICAL BULLETIN 1133 , U. S . DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE F-47 7358 l<'rGURE 3.-A cross section of 6-inch d. b. h. whit.e s pruce, s howing 24 a nnual rings. The ring width shows r e markably good growth. Vicinity of Kas ilof, Kenai Peninsula, 1949. from fires during the past half centmy. Diameters of 18 to 24 or more inches were commonly reported by early explorers. Even north of the Arctic Circl e, on the headwaters of the Porcupine River, Robert Kennicott (33) found spruce 36 inches in diameter , and in 1901 Schrader (137) reported spruce exceeding 24 inches in diameter in the Chandalar-Koyukuk r egion. South of the Alaska Range, in a grove of spruce on the Kakhtul River (a tributary to the 1/fulchatna River) Schanz (135) in 1893 m easured nine trees , each of which was over 3 feet in diameter. Learnard (76) in 1898 , on his trip up the Susitna River, cut a tree that furnished s uffi cient lumb er for a boat 35 feet long and 5 fe e t wide at the bottom. He wTote, "At Croto Creek [now called Deshka River], where the boat was built, no difficulty was experienced in finding a spruce tree from which ten planks were sawed which ·were 35 feet long and average 11 inches in width. Many other trees were seen full y as l arge as the one cut for the boat." On 58 sampl e plots with spruce of merchantable size, the average volume per acre was 2,400 cubic feet (trees 5 inches in diameter and larger to a 4-inch top) or about 8,000 board-feet (trees 7 inches in diameter and l arger to a 6-inch top, Scribner rule). The average age ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FOREST FIRES h~ ALASKA 9 TABLE 2.-JI.!Iaximum spruce size and elev ation of timber line reported by various explo1 ·ers R eg ion South of Ahsk a R ange: Kakh tnl River_. ________________________ _ Mo unt Spurr_ ___________________________ _ Lo"·er Skwentna Ri ver_ ________________ _ Will ow Creek-Kash witna Rh•er_ ________ _ Chulitna Ri ve r __ ---------------------__ _ 'f alkeetna River ________ ----------------_ Tonsina Ri ver __________________________ _ Copper Ri ve r -----------------__________ _ )forth of Alask a R ange : Alask a R ange. __________________________ _ 'f'anana-\Yhi te Rivers ___________________ _ Upper T a na n a River_ __________________ _ Big Tok Ri ve r __________________________ _ Y ukon-Tan an a Rive rs __________________ _ Coal Creek . _____________________________ _ Fortymile River ________________________ _ Tatoudnk-Nation R eg io n _______________ _ Cbandalar·KoyuJruk R eg ion ____________ _ Shcenjek Ri ver ____ ··--------------------Porcupine-Y ukon Rive r__---------_____ _ H eadwaters of Porcupine Rive r_ ________ _ Kobuk River ___________________________ _ Y! mile from Norton So und ______________ _ N iukluk River, ncar Council , Seward Peninsul a. ll faximum siz e of s pruce Elevation Obse rver 1------,.---1 of w~~er· Diameter H eight I nches Feet Feet Sch anz (185)__________ 36+ ----------------------Cap ps (!!7)____________ 30 Ca pps (£9)____________ 24 Capps and Tuck (80).. 36 ---------- Capps (£6) ____________ ---------------------- Capps (£6)____________ 24 ---------- i\'foffit (98)--··-·-------____________ ---------- Schrader a ud Spen ce r 36+ ---------- (188). 2, 300 2, 000 I , 800-2,000 2, 000-2, 500 2, 000 3, 000 3, 000 Eldridge (4£) __________ ----------------------3, 000 Brooks (19)___________ 24 3,400 Pearson (111)_________ 18 ---------------------- Rice (1£9).____________ 24+ 100 ------------ i\ier tie (95) ____________ ----------------------2, 000-3, ()()() Osgoo d (107)__________ 19.7 80 ------------ Barnard (9)___________ 22 100 3, 000-3,200 Mertie (9 4L-----------______________________ 2, 500-3,000 Schrad er (187)_________ 24+ 100 ------------ iVIertie (98) ------------24 ----------2, 000-3, 000 Cairnes (1!8) .. _________ 18 2, 900 Kennicott (88)________ 36 ---------------------- McLenegan (88)_______ 24 ---------------------- \Voolfe (165)___________ 10 40 ------------ Collier (84l------------12 50 ------------ was about 120 years. · Rotation age might be about 160 years and at that time the average diameter of the trees would be 8 to 12 inches. At 160 ye ars t h e better sprp.ce stands would average perhaps 3,900 cubic f eet or 15 ,500 board-feet per acre. Indications are that at the rotation age suggested 80 p ercent of the trees in the stand would be 5 inches in diame ter and larger and 20 percent would exceed12 inches in diameter. Some of the trees would havG attained diameters of 18 to 20 inches. On the 40 million acres of commercial or poten,tially commercial interior forest land there is estimated to be a bout 32 billion cubic fe et or 180 billion board-fee t of white spruce, Alaska pap er birch, aspen, and cottonwood . Volumes on the 80 million a cres class ed as woodland are purely conjectural. Even if current estimates of timber acreage and growth and yield in the interior prove to be too high, the for est r eso urce will still be so tremendous and so important to the future ec onomy of Alaska that it must r ece ive full consideration in the national program of forest conser vation . HISTORY OF FOREST FIRES IN INTERIOR ALASKA Forest fires ar e welllmown throughout the ti¢bered regions of the far north. Their extensive and r epeated occ urrence in prehistoric, historic, and modern time (fig . 4) is well substantiated. The record of fire occurrence in prehistoric time can be read in t h e forests themselves; the journals and reports of explorers a!!-d travelers continue the r ec ord to modern time . 10 TECHNICAL B U LLETIN 11 33, U. S . DEPT. OF AGRICUL'l'URE FI GUR E 4.-Yankee-Ophir C ree k fir e, vY N w of McGrath in t h e Kuskokwim Rive r region. This fir e covered an a r ea of abo u t 175,000 acres , 1941. (Pho to b y Bureau of L and Management, U. S . D epartme n t of the Interior.) Forests of the north are es p ec ially li abl e t o d estru ction b y fir e. R elatively low precipi tation, long hours of s unshine during the sum- m er p eriod, and r emarkably high air· temperatures increase t h e fire hazard in for ests which, by their· very nature, are r eadily flammabl e. The northern for ests are characteristically coniferous with compara- t ively sm all trees, often s uppor t ir1g a h eavy growth of b eard li chens. FirP carries r eadily in d ense stands as it also do es in op en stands; in the latter th e trees r e tain t h eir· branch es to the ground and the inter- vening s paces are blanketed with a cover of mosses, li ch en s, and small shrubs, commonly m·icaceo u s. In the summer the mosses and li ch en s b ec ome extr em ely dry and tinderlike. In 18 8 9 B ell (11) d escrib ed fore st fire s in northern Canada as follows: The trees are crowded so clo sely together t hat t h eir· branches t ouch or intermingle . The ground is d eeply covered with dry moss. After prolonged hot weather and drough t the moisture b ecomes thoroughly dried out of the gummy leaves and branches , l eaving t he r es in and turpentine r eady for ignition . All the con- dition s are now present, and only awai t a spark of fir e to give rise to one of the wildest scen es of d estructio n of which the world is capabl e. When t h e fire has once started, the pitchy trees burn rapidly; the flames rush through their tops and 'high above them with a roaring nois e . Should the atmosphere b e calm, the as- cending h eat soon causes the air· to flow in , and after a time the wind acquir·es great velocity. An irT es istible front of flam e is soon d evelop ed, and it s weep s forward , d evouring the forest b efor e it like the dry grass in a running pra ir·i e fir e, which this r esembles, ECOLOG I CA L EFFECt'S OF F ORESt' FIRES IN ALAS K A 11 buL on a g igan t ic scale. The irregular line of fir e h as a h eigh t of a hundred f eet or m or e a bove t h e trees, or t wo hundred from the ground. Great sh ee t s of flam e app ear t o di sc onnect t h em selves fr om t h e fi er y t or r en t a nd l eap upward and explode, or d ar t for· ward , bridging over op en sp aces, su ch as l ak es a nd river s, a nd starting th e fir e afr es h in a d van ce of the m a in co lumn, as if im· p atien t of t h e slo wer p r og r ess which i t is m aking . Th ese imme nse sh oo t ing fl a m es a r e prob a bly clu e to t h e large qua n t i t ies of in fl am· m a ble gas evol ved from t h e h ea te d t r ee t op s just in a d van ce of a ctual combus tion , and th ey h elp t o acco un t f or the almost incredible s p eed of s ome of t h e l a r ger for est fir es, one of whi ch w as known t o run ab o u t 13 0 miles in twelve hours, or upward s of t en mil es an hour. B ell 's d escrip t ion was based on ex p erien ce gained during m or e t h a n 3 0 summer s s p en t in northern for ests. Ex te n s ive fir es in north ern fo rests are not p ec uli ar to Al aska . N or thern Russ ia and Sib eria h ave ex p er ien ce d t h e sc ourge of for est fir es clo wn through t h e years. M iclcl enclorff (96) in hi s 186 7 r ep or t of his famous journey t o n or thern and eas t ern Sib eria rep eatedly commen ted on t h e exte n sive fi res en counter ed and t h e even more ex ten sive eviden ce of p ast fir es. H e p asse d t hrough "hundred s and t hous ands of s qua r e versts which fir e h a d d estroyed " (ver st= 1.067 km . or 0 .662 9 mile). In 1917 Pohle (11 P) stated t hat in nort h ern Russ ia, as in Siberia, for est fi res occur year a fter year as a r es ul t of the car el ess n ess a nd imprude n t conduct of t h e p eopl e. Pras olo v (1 21 ), in discu ss ing t h e soils of the U r als and east Sib erian upla nd in 19 32, wrote as follow s: "The bo'gs and w ood ed s wamps ar e t h e princip al ob stacl es t o t r avel in t h ese nort h ern fo rests, t ogeth er wi t h t h e gr eat qua n t i ty of burnt f allen t imb er t h at cover s t h e groun d , t h e so-call ed gari. This f allen t imb er m a k es up t h e norm al l a ndscap e of t h e r eg ion ; it is diffi cul t to find a ny w ood untou ch ed by fir e." P erhap s t h e most r eadily access ible acco unt of for est fir es in S ib eria is that of Shostako- v i tch (1 1,.5) in 192 5. H e d escrib ed th e particul a rly b a d fires of 19 15 , which wer e estimated t o h ave d estro yed t he f or est over a n ar ea of 55,000 s qu are miles, a n a r ea equal t o a bout one-t hi rd of wester n Ew·op e (excludi ng Russ ia). Smo ke from t h ese fir es spread over a n area of s ome 2 ,632,000 s quare m iles, a bou t equal t o t h e w hole of Europ e and over f our t imes t h e ar ea of Al ask a. So m e of t h ese fi res in Russia a nd Sib eria r es ulted from lig h t ning but most wer e cau se d by man (1 1,.5). The fo rests in t h e nort h ern p arts of t h e Scand inavian co un tries have also ex p erien ce d r ep ea te d fi res . For example, Rubner (1 32) sta ted in 1927 t h at in nor t h ern Fin l and, almost all of t h e for es ts bore t r aces of fir e. C ondi t ions in no rth ern C a nada ar e similar t o t ho se in a l ar ge p ar t of Alas ka. In 1889 B ell (11 ) stat ed t h at "No twithstanding i ts immen se exte n t, i t m ay b e said that fir e has rlin t hrough ever y p art of it at one p eriod or a no t h er." The journals of1 S amuel H earne a nd Philip Tmn or, writ t en b etween 1774 and 179 2, included r epor ts of ex te n sive fir es in C a nada (1 58). On July 14, 1774 , H earne m a d e t h e follo wing entry in his journa l: "l\!I ost of the wo od s which we cam e b y for t h ese 2 D ays P ast have form aly b en set on fir e, as >var e a lso in many o t h er Par ts as w e came along ." On July 3 0, 178 1, Turn or 12 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 1133, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE wrote of "the Land rather bold with Woods now on fire." In 1843 Davies (36) expressed the view that "fires . . . have ravaged the whole country. Indeed, there can be but little doubt, that one time nearly, if not the whole, of the interior of Labrador was covered with wood, which has since been destroyed by fire." Various Canadian writers have regarded Indians as a major cause of forest. fires in earliest time. Davies (36) in 1843 and Low (83) in 1896 reported that Indians started fires for smoke signals and believed that the signal fires were responsible for burning much country. General carelessness of Indians with campfires, especially when not on or near their own h;unting grounds, was also regarded by Bell (11) in 1889 and Low (83) in 1896 as a major source of forest fires. But the full burden of responsibility for forest fires cannot be placed on Indians. Bell's list o£ those who share the responsibility is rather complete: "These include fur traders, missionaries, surveyors, ex- plorers, prospectors, etc. and, nearer to civilization, railway builders, common-road makers, lumbermen, bush-rangers, and settlers." Raup and Denny (126) reported that along the southern part of the Alaska. Highway stands that do not show some effects of fire are rare. Perhaps the earliest written record of a forest fire in Alaska is that of the Russian mining engineer Doroschin (37) who, in 1850, ascended the Kenai River in search of gold. He reported that he could not complete his investigations because of a forest fire that he encountered. In the years that followed acquisition of Alaska by the United States, exploration was extended and references to forest fires became in- creasingly frequent. · Allen (5) encountered extensive fires on the upper Tanana River. In 1885 he reported, Heavy smoke, caused by extensive timber fires, obscured the sun the entire day, so that an observation was impossible. This smoke had originated from signal fires which were intended to give warning of our presence in the country. When we first arrived at N andell's there was only an occasional smoke around, but as his guests departed for their different habitations each marked his trail by a signal fire. The prevailing wind was from the east and carried the smoke along with us. In answer to the fires on the south bank new ones started on the north, so that for nearly two days we barely caught a glimpse of the sun except through the heavy spruce smoke. Glave (49), on an extensive hunting trip, wrote in 1892 that "Miles and miles of blackened stumps marked the ravages of forest fires." In 1894 Schwatka (140) reported that "Evidences of conflagration in the dense coniferous forests were everywhere frequent ... " on the upper Yukon. He also stated that "Ahead of us there still hung dense clouds of smoke which seemed as if the whole world was on fire in tha.t. direction." • In 1898 Abercrombie (3) encountered large fires in the vicinity of the head of Klutina Lake. He stated, ' I noticed that there was quite a mound of petals under each spruce tree, the branches coming close to the ground. When a fire had eaten its way to one of these trees through the moss, the petals would ignite and the fire, rushing up the tree with a roar, would create a flame 150 feet high. This would send forth a shower of ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FOREST FIRES IN ALASKA 13 sparks that would start thousands of additional fires, each to repeat the operations of the first. The entire valley seemed to be on fire, which made travelling through the timber very dangerous, as the falling trees were liable to injure man or beast, if they did not stampede the entire pack train. On his journey to the Tanana River in 1898, Glenn (50) traveled through the country north of Bubb Creek, a tributary of the Tazlina River. He recorded, "We entered what we called the 'burned district,' which seemed to extend as far as the country is visible toward the Copper River, and to the northward almost to the Alaska Range." The statements quoted above were made by trained observers engaged in serious exploration. They supply indisputable proof that, even prior to the entry of white men in numbers, the forests of the Alaska interior were ravaged by fires. In earliest times fires were caused, as they are today, by lightning, but there can be little doubt that Indians were the major cause. The habit of using signal fires as a primitive means of communication was evidently widespread throughout the northern forests of America. References to this practice in eastern Canada by Davies (36) in 1843 and Low (83) in 1896 have already been cited. The practice was reported in Alaska by the following early writers: Schwatka (139, 14-0), Allen (.5), Glave (49), Haskell (57), and Learnard (76). Glave (49) in 1892 observed the practice in operation and wrote of his Indian guide, N anchay, "He began an incessant signalling by burning trees, and by and by the keen eyes of Tsook [the son of the guide] spied a faint curl of smoke creeping up from the wooded brow of a hill about ten miles away, which told of the wh.ereabouts of the missing family." In addition to the use of fire for signalling, the Indians also employed smoky fires to protect themselves from mosquitoes (49, 57). They set general :fires to drive mosquitoes and gnats out of the country (5, 140) and to burn out dense undergrowth so they could see large game as it passed over the burns (3). Carelessness with campfires must also be reckoned as an important source of fires in the early days. Bell (11) in 1889 remarked, "It gives them some trouble to put out a fire completely when they leave a camp, or where they may have stopped to cook a meal or gum their canoe by the way, and an Indian will seldom do anything except by necessity." · The tempo of forest destruction in Alaska was substantially in- creased after gold was discovered in the Klondike in 1896. The fabulous stampede that followed brought thousands of people to the Yukon and to Alaska. From 1898 on to 1939, when the Alaska Fire Control Service was organized within the General Land Office of the U. S. Department of the Interior, tremendous acreages of forest land were blirned nearly every year. The tragic record of resource waste during this period may be found in contemporary reports and on the face of nearly every landscape. It is not feasible to present here a detailed record of the destruction suffered by the interior forests since the gold rush, but attention will be directed 'to sample testimony. Those interested will find abundant material on forest fires, their causes, extent, and destruction in the writings of Rohn (130, p. 414), Brooks (19, p. 489; 20, p. 42; 21, p. 206), Moffit and Stone (99, p. 50), Kellogg (69), Graves (53), Guthrie (56), Drake (38), and Moffit (98). 14 TECHNICAL BULLE'l'IN 113 3, U. S. DEP'r. OF AGRICULTURE Few men have had the intimate personal knowledge of Alaska that was possessed by the late Alfred Hulse Brooks of the Geological Survey. This keen observer (21) stated in 1911: In the inland of the province the supply of timber at best is rather scanty but would probably be sufficient for local use were it not subjected to ravages by forest fires nearly every year. Such fires occur on both sides of the Alaska Range, but especially in the Yukon basin, where the semiarid eonditions often aJlow the forest fire to sweep over miles of territory until it is stopped by a water- eourse too wide to he crossed. It is no exaggeration to state that hundreds of square miles of timber have been burned off the Yukon basin during the last decade. This burning of timber is in part clone purposely by both whites and natives in order to get riel of insect pests or to improve the growth of grass near their habitations, and is in part due to carelessness. The writer has traced at least one forest fire to a native camp. But the amount of timber annually destroyed by the natives is small compared with that for which t.he whites are responsible. Many a white man has deliberately started a forest fire which swept over miles of country, solely that he might obtain a few acres of dry wood for winter use. If this willful waste does not stop, the time is not far distant when there will be a scarcity of timber even for local use. Timber grows very slowly in this northern field, and once destroyed it probably cannot be replaced for several genera- tions. It appears to the writer that at the present rate of con- sumption and destruction by forest fires the timber of the Yukon- Tanana region will not be sufficient for the plaeer-mining industry, let alone any possible development when this st.age has been passed. . Graves (53), after a visit to the interior in 1915, reported, "The interior forests of Alaska are being destroyed at an appalling rate by forest fires. Conditions existing in the western United States 25 years ago are repeating themselves in Alaska." Moffit (98), writing of the Tonsina district, mentioned several of the common reasons given for burning the forest. He concluded, "Yet in spite of any benefits that may have been involved in the practice, it is true that much of a valuable resource was destroyed beyond the hope of early replace- ment, for trees in the north country grow slowly." The acreage of forest land in Alaska burned annually from 1898 to 1939 is not known but it probably averaged more than 1 million acres. During single bad fire years, as for example 1915, several million acres were burned. Annual fire losses recorded from 1940 through 1945 by the Alaska Fire Control Service and from 1946 to 1954 by the Bureau of Land Management, U. S. Department of the Interior, are as follows: F . Forest land burned Ire Season: (acres) 1940 _________________ 4, 500,000 1941_ ________________ 3, 654, 774 1942_________________ 45~ 510 1943_________________ 66~ 773 1944_________________ 11~ 604 1945_________________ 117, 313 1946 _________________ 1, 438,963 .1947 _________________ 1, 431, 665 Fire season: Forest land burned (acres) 1948 ________________ _ 1949 ________________ _ 1950 ________________ _ 1951-----------~-----1952 ________________ _ 1953 ________________ _ 1954 ________________ _ 35, 190 18, 147 2, 063, 983 .221, 669 74, 690 472, 549 1, 430, 645 I ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FOREST FIRES IN ALASKA 15 Over this 15-year period the average acreage burned during each · fire season was approximately 1.11 million acres. During the first two years covered by the record, the Alaska Fire Control Service wns in the process of organization, assembling equipment and personnel. These were also years with dry fire seasons and mining was in progress throughout Alaska.· Fire prevention education was in its infancy. The marked decline in fires during the war years, 1942-45, is probably the result of a combination of circumstances. Mining activities ceased, nearly all civilian travel to the Territory was restricted and a large portion of the widely scattered population was drawn to con- struction centers. In 1946 and 1947 there was a return to civilian activities, a dispersal of the population, and an influx ofsettlers and others. The remark- ably small acreages burned in 1948 and 1949 reflect the wet conditions during the fire seasons of those years. The large area burned in 1950 was due primarily to the great fire of some 1,800,000 acres in the vicinity of Fort Yukon. Although drought conditions prevailed in the Ter- ritory in 1951, the acreage burned was relatively modest. This com-, mendable record evidently reflects the increasing efficiency of the fire control organization of the Bureau of Land Management. The following notes on some of the larger fires were made available through_ the courtesy of R. R. Robinson, Area Forester, Bureau of Land Management, U. S. Department of the Interior. 1893 A fire near the town of Knik burned about 135,000 acres. 1896 Fires started by miners in the local gold rush burned along the entire length of Canyon Creek (in the Sunrise area); 34,000 acres were burned. 1915 The Sourdough Hill fire, presumably set by sparks from the Copper River and Northwestern Railroad, burned from Chitina to the Kennicott River and from the Chitina River to the mountains on the north; 384,000 acres were burned. The Kennecott fire, presumably set on a windy day by one man using oil-soaked rags,' burned all the timbered country between the Kennicott and Nizina Rivers. This fire was reportedly set to kill the timber so as to provide fuelwood for sale at the Kennecott mine; about 64,000 acres were burned. 1920 Middle·Fork of the Chandalar River fire. This started on the East Fork and burned across to the Middle Fork, cover- ing a tract about 15 miles wide and 12 miles long; 115,200 acres were burned. 1922 Mosquito Fork Flat fire. This fire burned all of the Mos- quito Fork watershed; it started 6 miles west of Long Cabin on the old Valdez-Eagle trail on the divide between Permis- sion and Mosquito Creeks. The area covered was about 48 miles long by 30 miles wide; 921,600 acres were burned. Salinon Village fire. This fire burneg about 448,000 acres on the Black River and Porcupine River. 1924 Foraker Creek fire, Lake Michumina area.; 200,000 a.cies burned June 12. Birch Creek fire, Lake Michumina area; 150,000 ~teres burned June 13. 349169-56-2 l ./ 16 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 1133, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE 1926 Mile 17 Richardson Highway fire. Started by children who set a tree afire to drive out a squirrel; 38,400 acres were burned. Chatanika River area fire; started by construction crews; area· assumed to be in excess of 100,000 acres. 1927 Willow Creek fire, Copper River countr.)r. Started by con- struction crews. Burned between the Copper River and Tonsina River with the Richardson Highway as the western boundary. Area. burned, 128,000 acres. Columbia Creek fire, Fairbanks district. Presumably started by a rancher who set a fire to scare bears that were muddying the water hole used by his horses. Area bmned, 5,000 acres. 1930 Beaver fire. Started at Beaver and burned 15 miles east and 14 miles north; area covered, 134,400 acres. 1934 Henry Martin fire. .Area bmned, 144,000 acres in District 3. 1935 Kvichak River fire. This fire, started about May 20, ex- tended over about 640,000 acres. . Iliamna Lake fire. Over 1,900,000 acres. bmned. 1936 A fire started 10 miles east of the mouth of the Black River and burned to the head of Rat River; 288,000 acres bmned. 1937 Sheenjek River bmn. Started at Bootleg Bend on the Porcupine River, burned to the Sheenjek River, then north- easterly to Fortymile on the Coleen River. Believed to have been started from a smudge fire set by a rat trapper. Area bmned, 312,320 acres. 1940 Box Car bmn. This fire started at Eight Mile on the Porcu- pine River, burned to the mouth of the Sheenjek River and across to Christian River; 192,000 acres burned. Stevens Village :fire. . This fire bmnecl from Stevens Vil- lage 20 miles north and 10 miles south, averaging 10 miles in width; 192,000 acres were bmnecl. Ruby-Poorman fire. The area burned extended from Ruby to Poorman. It bmnecl all summer, from June to Au;;ust; .1,250,000 acres were burned. Other large fires in 1940 included the following: Stoney River, 750,000 acres; Candle, 450,000 acres; Tanana River, 192,000 acres; and Birch Creek, 640,000 acres. 1941 Eel Berg fire. Started 25 miles up Beaver Creek and burned across to Birch Creek and then between the two streams to Fifty Mile; 216,320 acres burned. Beaver fire. Extended from the East Fork of the Chanda- lar River to the Hodzana River, jumping the Hadweenzic River; 268,800 acres were bm·ned. Fishhook fire. Burned from Fishhook town to the Little Black River, thence down the Little Black for 10 miles and back to the Black River; 128,000 acres were bmned. Other large fires in 1941 included the following: Wood River, 252,800 acres; Porcupine River, 256,000 acres; Ruby (2 fires), 202,000 acres; Galena, 112,000 acres; Unalakleet, 1,000,000 acres; Selawik, 500,000 acres; Kobe, 136,640 acres; and Beaver Creek, 211,200 acres. 1942 Wood River fire. Burned 250,000 acres, ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF' FOREST FIRES IN ALASKA 17 1943 Two fires in the Fort Yukon district burned 224,000 acres, and on the Black River 179,200 acres were burned over. 1944 Birch Creek fire. Burned 96,000 acres. 1947 Among the large fires in 1947 were the following: Salcha River, 187,000 aeres; Dubli-Koyukuk, 192,000 acres; Kenai Peninsula, 421,000 acres; Tazlina, 125,000 acres. 1950 Approximately 1,800,000 acres were burned in the region east of Fort Yukon. · From the record it is clear that the forests of the Alaska interior have been subjected to extensive and repeated fires for the past several hundred years. Prior to the advent of the white man, the natives and lightning storms started fires that spread over large areas. There seems to be little basis for the view that the Indian, prior to contact with white men, was prudent in his use of fire. Fires were started intentionally by the Indians for signaling, and, to some extent, to make hunting easier. Carelessness with camp fires and smudge fires to combat mosquitoes was even more general and was certainly a major cause of forest burning. __ With the advent of white men in the Territory near the end of the 19th century, fires became even more widespread than previously. Particularly affected were those districts where gold placer deposits were discovered. A map of the Fortymile Quadrangle prepared by Barnard (9) shows that at that time (1900) only 3.6 percen~ (54 of 1,481 square miles) of the forest land had been burned over. Barnard wrote, "The entire area of this quadrangle is fairly well timbered to an altitude of 3,000 feet, save some areas which have been burned over ... " Since then most of the region has been burned. Railroad and highway construction also led to a rash of fires, many of them among the largest the Territory has suffered. The inroads that fire has made on the forest resources of the Alaska interior, especially since 1900, may be traced to two attitudes that are all too often encountered. The first is that fire is good for the country. This view was formally expressed in a letter written by an official of the Federal Government in 1915 (an exceptionally bad fire year), as follows:_ I have heard men who have lived in Alaska many years, who have the interest of the country at heart and who have no axe to grind, make the statement that the best thing that could happen to the Susitna and Tanana Valleys and similar locations in Alaska would be for the government to employ a force of men and at an opportune time in a dry season, burn off the whole business. In the Tanana Valley last summer there were many big forest fires and I could but notice the attitude of the different people I met remarking on it. Invariably the new-comer lamented the fact that so much timber was being destroyed. The old- timer said very little on the subject, but wore a smile of satisfaction. · 1 The second attitude, which certainly contributes to the occurrence of forest fires, is that they do no harm because the timber is worthless anyway; it eannot be converted into cash at the present time nor in the immediate future! Fires in "brush" (often stands of young 18 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 1133 , U. S . DEPT. OF AGRICUL'rUR~ sp ru ce or birch) are thought by many to be no cause for concern becau se Lhe "brush" has no value. These attitudes are not shared by the majority of Al askans. They are, however, expressed with sufficient frequen cy to cau se co n cern for t he future of t he forest resource. The reasons advanced for in tentional burning of for est lands are numerous but the most common are: (1) To increase moose feed, (2) to inerease grass (chiefly Ca lamagro sti s canadensis ) for forage , (3) to kill mosquitoes and other insect pests , (4 ) to make prospecting easier, and (5) to provide dead wood for fuel. U nintentional burning occ urs chiefly as a resul t of general carelessness with fu·e. Camp fires are l eft before they are extinguished, proper precautions are not taken when clearing l and or disposing of debris along rights-of-way, and smoking materials are discarded before they ar e out. There is need for an enl arged program to make the people in the Territory realize the value of the forest resource and appreciate the damage to that resource by wildfires. The attitude that fires do no harm to the forest b ecause "nobody owns it" should be r epl aced by a realization that each fire reduces the wealth of the Territory and its inhabi tants. EFFECT OF FIRE ON FORESTS Fires destroy forest co mmunities wholly or in part and usually result in changes in co mposition. Usuall y the stands which follow fires are composed of species different from those that previously existed on the areas concerned . This may be good or bad, depending on the utility of the stands that preceded and succee.ded t h e fires. Climax types or co mmunit ies tend to be replaced, as a result of fire, by types representing ea.rly successional stages. The new stands are usually composed of fewer species, and as a rule , species l ess toler- ant to shade than those d estroyed. The new forests tend to be essen- tiall y even-aged. Pioneer spe ie s that invade areas swept by severe fir es are fr equ ently shor lived in comparison with the long-lived climax s pecies . Anot.her common feature of pioneer species is that light easily disseminated seeds are produce d in tremendous numbers, thereby fa vor ing t h e en t ry into denuded tracts. Trees In one r es p ect all forest trees in the Alaska interior are simil ar; they are kill ed b)-severe fu·es. No species, with the possibl e exception of balsam poplar, has bark sufficiently thick to withstand the high temperatures that are generated, es p ecia l y around t he basal portions of the boles. This is confirmed by the fa ct that living trees with fire scars are uncommon. Only rarely are such trees encountered and then almost invariably they are lo cated at the extr eme edges of burned areas w here the intensity of the fu·e was low. Lacking also is the capacity for crowns killed by fu·e to regenerate from dormant buds . Further, most of the trees in the Alaska interior have very shallow root systems, which are severely damaged, ;f not completely d estroyed b y intense fir es . Ecological diff eren ces in the species occur, however, ~nd some of them are important from the standpoint of reaction to burning. ECO L OGICAL EFFEC'l'S OF FORES'l' FIRES IN ALA SKA 19 White Spruce ·whi te s pruce is very s usceptible t o destruction Ly fir e. The trees hav e t hin , easily damaged bark and the liv ing branch es of t h e crown commonly extend nearly to the ground . B eing very shallo>v rooted , whi te s pruce is severely affect ed b y slo wly burning, hot smf ace fir es in t h e d ee p for est floor. A severe fir e will burn li v ing roo ts as large as 8 to 9 inch es in diamet er , l eaving only stubs attach ed t o t h e stumps . JVIounds of spruce cone scal es 1 to 2 fe et in d ep th and 10 to 12 f eet in diameter around the bases of occasional t r ees (fig. 5) provide fu el for unusually ho t and p ersistent lo cal fir es. These mounds represent cone cach es a nd f ee ding station s of r ed s quirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus). The h eavy grow th of beard li ch en s (Alectoria jubata and Us nea comosa ss p. comosa chiefl y) on the trees in some stands is prob abl y also a f actor favoring th e s pread of fir e . F-47736 0 FIGUR E 5.-Accumulation of cone s cales around t h e base of an 18-inch d. b. h . white s pruce is t h e r es ult of squirre l activit y . The d e bris favors d ee p b urning at t h e bases of t r ees. 'iiVhite spruce is often at a d isadvantage in see di ng burned areas b ecau se it do es not bear seed at as early an age as mo st of its asso ciates. Furthermore , it i s often prese nt as an u n d er storYi under paper birch or quaking aspen and hence is not cap a ble of seed production . There are no data on the quantity of seed produce d b y white spruce in Alaska. It is pres umed, however, t hat its seed production may be similar to that of N orway spr u ce in northern Eur op e. Borg (16) reported that in northern Europe a N orway s pruce for es t of full density occasionally produ ces a seed fall of a bou t 4 million see d p er 20 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 1133, U. S .. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE acre. Kohh (73) stated that stands in Estonia having a crown density of 60 percent produced about 3 million Norway spruce seeds per acre. Hesselman (61) placed production in good seed years at around 2 to 4·million seeds per acre. It is possible that in favorable years, such as 1951, production of white spruce seed in Alaska is at least as high as the values cited for Norway spruce. Hesselman (61) pointed out an interesting relationship between the occurrence of forest fires and heavy seed crops of Norway spruce in Sweden. He found that warm summers and abundant seed production occur together and noted that forest fires are unusually common during warm summers. Thus, during periods with warm summers, in natural forests undisturbed by man, good seed years and extensive fire years tend to occur together. Renvall (128), studying tree seed production at high latitudes and elevations in Finland, concluded from his own studies and the work of others that the viability, total production, and the seed year recurrence interval decreases with increasing latitude or elevation. He reported that in Scotch pine stands in about latitude 69°30' N., along the forest limit, no reproduction had started in 60 years. The periods between earlier seed years were established to have been about 90, 110, and 75 years or, in round. numbers, about every 100 years. Renvall also pointed out that forest fires are a substantial evil in the far north where seed years may occur very infrequently. Infor~~tipn on the distances to which white spruce seed is dissemi- nated in Maska is not available, but the average· effective distance is probably much less than for paper birch, quaking a:spen, and balsam poplar. Heikinheimo (58) suggested that Norway spruce seed may often be scattered more than 300 feet from the parent trees and pointed out the possibility of drifting much greater distances over crusted snow. Holman (62), writing of conditions in the vicinity of Lesser Slave Lake, Canada, concluded that the distance from spruce seed trees where good reproduction can be expected (seedbed conditions being favorable) is not over 4 chains (264 feet) to leeward; to windward a distance about equal to the height of the seed trees . . Although white spruce is shade tolerant, able to slirvive for long periods under the shade of, and in competition with, overstory vege- tation, it reproduces well on bare mineral soil following fires, and makes good growth when exposed_ to full sunlight. Bedell (1 0) stated that in Manitoba white spruce reproduction does not readily establish itself on a heavy layer of litter and humus but will do so on exposed mineral soil. He quoted unpublished data of Tunstell who concluded that good white spruce reproduction occurred only on burned areas. During the present investigation no instances were seen where the ash residue inhibited germination and survival of spruce. However, Heikinheimo (58) found that ash of birch in- hibited germination of Norway spruce more than it did birch and alder. His germination studies were made in soil to which varying proportions of birch ash had been added. The occurrence of spruce seedlings on rotting logs and stumps under forest canopies has been observed repeatedly. Bedell (10) mentioned such occurrence in forest stands in Manitoba and suggested that "The presence of these seedlings on rotten logs is believed to be due to the greater amount of moisture available." Melechow (92) ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FOREST FIRES IN ALASKA 21 observed spruce seedlings developing on rotting logs in a forest on the Dwina River in Russia. He noted that various investigators had reported this as follows: Fabricius explained the occurrence on the basis ·of good aeration of the root space from the side. Tschermak mentioned the stable moisture supply and favorable level of nutrient materials. Melechow suggested that the seedlings· on logs are l!3i;;S subjeqt 'to injury from freezing and abrupt temperature ch~nges. Thus seedlings on logs are in a more favorable microclirpJtt~.;.;!illan those on the forest flo()r, ·1 ': • ""''"'~15;~ Fires are especially 'destructive to white spruce seed for, unlike black spruce, the cones:open at ~-!t!tll.l.:f~t~'~d the seed is disseminated. Following a fire in white spni'ce, · r~~eheration of the species must generally .come from seed blown in from adjacent unburned areas although some seed may be supplied from previously unopened cones th · ,aped destruction on the trees. Hesselman (61) said that some N orwa · pruce seed in the forest floor may live through a forest fire. This possibility exists also in white spruce but it is regarded as unimportant. In many localities white spruce appears to be a hardier species than black spruce. This is contrary1:;to the views of many writers, but agrees wit~h the observations of'Hustich .(6~). He pointed out that where the'two species grow together white spruce always grows at higher elevations and usually attains the form of a small, if stunted, tree where black spruce only creeps on the ground, reaching approxi- mately the height of the snow cover. Black Spruce Black spruce, when growing on upland soils, is as susceptible, or more .susceptible, to destruction by fire than white spruce. The factors which render white spruce liable to destruction apply equally to black spruce. Extensive upland areas of black spruce have been completely wiped out by fire. Even surface fires kill black spruce and burn off many of. the roots, resulting in early wind throw of the snags (fig. 6). On relatively wet lowland areas the lilmlihood of com- plete destruction is much less. Here individual trees, and trees in irregular groups or stringers, are likely to survive. This is important because a continuing source of seed is thus provided for restocking. Many, if not most, of the seedlings of black spruce on burned-over areas originate from seeds present in unopened cones persisting on the trees at the time of the fire. Seed production in the 'species appears to be earlier and more regular than in white spruce; total failures in seed crops seem to be infrequent. Gilmore (48) in 1925 discussed conditions in Newfound- land. He mentioned black spruce saplings bearing seed when 14 years of age. LeBarron (78) in Minnesota observed that there is substantially less fluctuation in annual seed fall than in annual seed production. Under normal conditions not all the seeds are shed from black spruce cones for 2 to 3 years following maturity. As a result, black spruce trees, at any given time, usually retain considerable amounts of viable seed. This supply, stored on the trees near their tops, is seldom completely consumed even in severe crown fires. The 22 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 11 33, U . S. DEPT . OF AGRICULTURE F-477377 FrGURE 6.-W indt hrown black s pruce, 3 year s after a s urface fir e t h at killed t h e t r ee3 and burned off rn any of t h e roots. Fire h azard will be high f or many years. Kenai P e nins ula , 1950. outer portions of the cone scal es may b e charred but the seed remains v ia ble and, in large m eas ure, accoun ts for the abundant r egen eration that usually develop s . The b ehavior of black s pruce following fir es is analogous to t hat of certain other "fir e species," notably jack pine, lodgepole pine, and pitch pine. R eel squirrels cl evom great quantities of black spruce seed , clipping off small branches with clus ters of cones from t h e upp er crown of t r ees. This practice is r es ponsible for the pruned stem segm ents so ch ara cteristic of black s pruce crowns. L eB arron (78) noted t his in- flu en ce and mentioned t h e resul ting bunchy appearance of black s pruce tops in Minnesota. The activity of reel s quirrel s in black spruce for es ts is furth er indicated b y the oc currence of l arge mounds of cone scal es wh ere cones h ave b ee n cached and the seeds eaten. Black s pru ce, like white sp r u ce, is relatively to l erant of shade and compe tition from other vegetation . However, regeneration is most a bundan t and seedli ng growth is most rapid on mineral soil r eceiving full , or n early full , sunlight. Under for est conditions black spruce r egen erates r eg ul arly b y l ayering of basal branch es, producing a groupwise distribution pattern , seen most dramatically from t h e air. An interes ting habit of black spruce (and p erhaps also white spruce) was describ ed b y Capps (28). On t h e north bank of t h e \Vhi te River , about 8 miles below Russell Gl acier, is a. bluff on which are growin g spruce trees with storied root system s. Capps (2 8 ) explained that spruce see dlings first d evelop shallo w, fiat root systems on b ec oming establish ed in t h e moss-covered organic matter that overli es the min- ECOLOGICAL EFFEC'l'S OF FOREST FIRES IN ALASKA 23 eral soil . As the mos s cover incr eases in thickness, the l evel of p enna- frost rises and caus es t h e trees to d evelop n ew and higher sets of roots. Trees with several sets of roots may b e seen . This f eature also has been d escrib ed b y L eBarron (77) in the Lake States. H e regarded the eventual r eplacement of old roots by n ew as a response to b etter aeration n ear the s urface of the soil . Paper Birch Alaska paper birch appears to · b e the most common t r ee birch in the interior of Alaska. On the K enai P eninsula , K enai paper birch is the principal species. In view of t h e fact that t h e form er variety is b y far the most wid es pread in i ts oc currence and t hat ec ologi cal diff er e n ces b etween varieties are not p erceptible , no further distin c tion will b e made . Young birch is readily killed b y fir e b ecause of t h e r el atively thin bark. In l ater life the bark b ec omes thick er bu t it is then also more flammabl e as it b egins t o exfoliate. The t inderlike quality of birch bark is well known. However , more birch trees s u rvive in burned -o ver areas than is the case wi t h white spruce. The principal r eason is t hat the for es t floor under birch trees and in birch stands is not ·a s d ee p as und er white spruce, so that s urface fires generate l ess h eat and are l ess p ers isten t. R egen era tion b y sprouting from root collars of fir e-k ill ed b ir ch es i s fr equent in y oung stands, but l ess frequent in middle-aged a nd old stands. The sprouts aris e from dormant buds around the base of the stump and contribute to r estocking . R egenera tion from t his source is not, howev er , as important as seedling reproduction. Birch es produce seed at an early age; H eikinheimo (58), in F inl and, r eported seed produced b y birch sprou ts 10 years of age. Kohh (73) investigated seed production in B etula verrucosa and B. pubescens in Estonia and stated that in a good seed year a 70-year -old stand on site I produced from 110 to 244 million see d s p er acre (average 200 million ). In his studi es of B etula alba in Finland , Kujala (7 4) reported t hat trees burned sufficiently to kill the cambium compl etely around t h e base still r etained a mantle of foliag e and y ielded an excess of ripe seed except on t h e lowest branch es . If this habit is general in birch it must have an important influen ce on reproduction following fir es. Birch seed is light and readily diss eminated b y t h e wind; thus t h e species is a rather highly mobile pioneer. Mineral s oil seedbeds and full sunlight provide favorabl e conditions for initial establishmen t and subsequent rapid growth (fig. 7 ). Splendid d en se stands of w ell-formed trees fr equently follow fir es if adequate supplies of see d a r e availabl e. Quaking Aspen Quaking aspen is killed b y hot fir es bu t in pure stands the fir es are characteristically ligh t. Conditions for d ecomposition of litter under aspen stands are relatively favorabl e; t h e l eaves tare no t particularly resistant to d ecay, and stand d ensity is generally low enough to permit adequate precipitation and sunlight t o r each the ground. A s a result, the accumulation of for est floor material i s u sually to o ligh t to carry a hot, p ersistent fir e , 24 'l'ECHNICAL BULLETIN 113 3, U . S. DE PT. OF AGRICULTURE F-477362 FIGURE 7.-Dense growth of Alaska paper birch seedlings on mineral soil in the Goose Ba.y-Knik a r ea. After the great burn of 1947 on t h e Kenai P eninsul a, g r ee n stands of as p en frequently rem ained , s urrounded b y areas in which t h e s pruce was co mpletely killed (fi g . 8). This does not m ean that aspen stands are immune t o damage b y fir e. Surface fir es do pass through t h e stands and trees are killed but seldom is d estru ction as complete as in s pruce or birch. Stump sprouts from fir e-kill ed aspen are unco m- mon bu t roo t su cker s ar e extrem ely a bundant. Areas t h at s up- por te d as p en prior to a fir e are almost certain to b e r egenerated with t h e sam e sp ecies as a result of root suck ers alo ne. R eproduction is striking in tracts where a severe fir e has swept through a spru ce for est with occasio nal as p en trees. Around the b ase of each d ead aspen tree, roo t s u ck er s arise abundantly, covering roughly circular areas whose diameters depend on t h e siz e a nd roo t s pread of the killed tree . I n t he L ake States i t was found that burning in uncut stand s of aspen stimulated h eigh t growth of as pen root s u ck ers (160 ). In the fir st year after burning the average h eight of root suckers on burned ar eas was 2.43 fe et, on unburned areas 1.97 f eet. Seedling reproduction of aspen is als o common. Seeds are borne in tr emendou s numbers a nd t h ey ar e admir ab ly adapted for wide·· s pread dissemination by wind . Kittredge and Ge vo rkiantz (71) indicate t h at t here are 2.5 to 3 million as pen see d s per pound . R eim (127) cal cul ated that in northern Emope during good seed years aspen stands produce 162 to 202.4 million seeds per acre (excluding those d estroyed by insects). A singl e g ood t r ee may produce about 54 million seed s . Quaking aspen is a pioneer s p ec ies . I t is intol erant of shade, char acteristically d evelops in even -age d stand s, and find s mineral soil exposed to full s unligh t favorable for establishment and s ubsequ ent devel opment, :IDCOLOGICAL EFFEC'l'S OF FOnES'!' FinES IN ALASKA 25 F -477363 FIGURE 8.-A 65 -year-old quaking aspen stand. The dominants are 6 to 11 inches d. b. h. and 65 feet tall. A light surface fire killed all u nderstory white spruce in 19 47. Kenai P eninsula, 1950. Balsam Poplar Balsam poplar is prob ably more resistant to destruction by fire than any other forest tree in t he in terior of Al aska. B ark thickness, near t h e base of the bol e, is often 4 or more incpes on mature trees . As in aspen stand s, surface fires in the balsam poplar type tend to be light because of t he r el atively thin accumul ation of fortlst -floor m ateri al. R egeneration by roo t su cker s is common in balsam poplar stands through which fire h as passed. Seedli ng r eproduction is also abund- 26 TECHNICAL BULLETIN li33, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTUR~ ant whenever mineral soil has been exposed and a source of seed is at hand. Like aspen, balsam poplar is intolerant to shade and produces tremendous quantities of seeds that are easily and widely disseminated by wind. The species is normally regarded as a pioneer tree on recently deposited alluvium along streams and river valleys subject to overflow. It is also present on upland areas where, as a result of fire, exposed mineral soil has provided an opportunity for the seeds to germinate. In fact, occurrence of balsam poplar in anything approaching pure stands on upland areas is practically contingent on the occurrence of fires. Subordinate Forest Vegetation Shrubs Shrubs, because of their low stature and small stems, are especially liable to destruction by fire, AB a group, however, they have a rather remarkable capacity for vegetative regeneration through sprouts aris- ing from stem bases and roots. Much of the reproduction following fires is vegetative. The establishment ofshrubs with fleshy or pulpy fruits is relatively slow on burns because these plants are dependent on animals for seed dispersal (7 4, 117). Animals are not abundant on burned areas, at least for several years after the fire.. On the other hand, the willows, which form the largest single group of shrubs in Alaska, produce minute hairy seeds admirably. adapted for wind dis- semination. Furthermore, they produce seed at a very early age; sprouts 2 to 3 years of age bear catkins. Therefore, the willows are usually well represented in the seedling regeneration of burned areas. Brief notes concerning the ecology of certain species follow: Arctostaphylos u·va-ursi reproduces following fires from protected seeds in the forest floor, as does Empetrum nigrum (134). A. uva-ursi reproduces more regularly than E. nigrum, presumably because of better germination of the seed. Kujala (74) included Arctostaphylos in the group of plants incapable of vegetative reproduction from underground parts; in his opinion it reproduces mostly around the edges of spots where burning was deep, to mineral soil. Empetrum nigrum reproduces from seeds that are buried in the forest floor, thus escaping damage by fire (134). Germination is slow and erratic, with the result that the seedlings come in gradually over a period qf 3 to 5 years. Aaltonen (2) regards E. nigrum as a species that is very susceptible to fire damage and spreads only slowly. To him it appeared that at least 20 to 30 years were required after a fire for E. nigrum to regain normal density. Following fir~!) Ledum palustre regenerates from rootstocks, according to Sarvas (134). 1\.u~ala (7 4) also listed it with species possessing underground reproductive organs. Townsend (156) quoted from George Cartwright's Labrador Journal, published in 1792, to the effect that when old spruce forests were burned, Indian-tea [Ledum groenlandicumJ was generally the first species to reappear. Vaccinium uliginosum reproduces after fires from protected rootstocks (134). Vaccinium vitis-~daea also reproduces from rootstocks (2, 7 4, 134). Herbaceous Plants It is impossible to generalize on the effects of fire on herbaceous plants because they differ so greatly in life form, seed habits, and other ecological characteristics. Regeneration in many instances is vege- tative, particularly in those species that appear earliest after fires. Reproduction by see'd is, however, more general and more important. Many, if not most, of the species that invade burned areas are those ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FOREST FIRES IN ALASKA 27 whose seed is easily disseminated by wind. In studies of burned areas on two islands in the archipelago east of Helsinki, Pettersson (117) noted that "the anemochores are represented in a manifest multitude." Vogler (162) investigated the alpine plants in Switzer- land and concluded that the younger a vegetation community the greater the percentage of plants whose seed is wind disseminated. On recently burned areas the scarcity of plants with fleshy fruits, noted by Kujala (7 4), is explained by Pettersson (117) as resulting from the fact that animals are not attracted to burned areas. Plant species that produce large quantities of easily disseminated seed at an early age have an advantage over those not possessing these characteristics. Seed supply is an important consideration in the revegetation of burned areas. Failure to evaluate the quantity of seed produced, its adaptations for dispersal, and the efficiency of the agents of dispersal often leads to erroneous conclusions on the significance of site factors. Absence of a species in a given area or at a given spot is not direct evidence that the habitat is unfavorable. Species invading recently burned areas tend to be those which develop best in full light. Often they are characterized by very rapid growth. Germination of seed and survival of seedlings is highest in areas or spots where mineral soil has been exposed. On the other hand, species that reproduce vegetatively from underground parts tend to come in best on areas where the fire burned less intensely. These differences in species, together with the heterogeneity of the pattern of burning-often more intense burning under spruce trees than in the intervening space between spruce trees-result in a mosaic of vege- tation. This mosaic is evident, on a grand scale, in the pattern of broad forest types and it is also evident, on a minor scale, in the occurrence of species and group societies of the subordinate vegetation. Brief notes as to the ecology of certain herbaceous plants follow: Calamagrostis canadensis is widely recognized as a species that develops abun- dantly in burned areas. Establishment of Calamagrostis following forest fires has been reported frequently, especially by explorers or hunters who employed pack animals. Festuca ovina reproduces after fires from basal buds as well as from seed (134). Epilobium angustijolium, the common fireweed of the north, has been referred to by Graff (51) as a pyrophilous plant. It grows in great numbers on practically all burned areas in the interior of Alaska (fig. 9). Skutch (146) quoted an old observa- : tion by Irmisch, "The primary as well as the secondary roots of the young seedlings develop buds freely, which sometimes give rise to plants in the succeeding year. The shoots from old roots may grow so fast that they bloom within a month. The roots are undoubtedly capable of persisting for several years in a dormant con- dition until the environment changes by clearing or burning the woods." Summer- hayes and Williams (149) noted that the species has extensive roots usually capable of producing adventitious aerial shoots. In addition to this remarkable capacity for vegetative reproduction, Epilobium angustijolium produces an abundance of seeds which are easily and widely disseminated by wind. The species is regarded, by Hesselman (59) and others, as a nitrate plant, indicating active nitrification in the soil of burned areas. Sarvas (134) noted that reproduction is particularly abundant on spots that have been burned deeply, exposin'g mineral soil. Linnaea borealis is completely destroyed by fire, acc6rding to Sarvas (134). Here and there unburned spots serve as centers from which the plants spread. Lycopodi-um complanatum has underground stems and reproduces from these after fires (7 4, 134). L. annotinum has shallower underground stems; consequently it is less frequently encountered where burning has been deep. Species of Pyrola are included by Kujala (7 4) in the group of plants that are able to reproduce from underground parts~ 28 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 11 33, U. S . DE P 'r . OF AGR I CULTURE F -47736 4 F rauRE 9.-A 110-year-old stand of black spruce 3 year s a fter a fir e. The vege- tation is la r gely fir e weed (Epilobium angustifolium). Kenai P eninsula, 1950 . Mosses occ ur ab un d antly in t h e forests of interior Al aska. They fo rm a ch aracteristic stratum in nearl.Y ever y stand and must b e r egarded as an integr al p ar t of t h e forest commun i t ies. P ersson (1 14) calcul ated t h at 85 .5 percent of t h e 592 s p ec ies of bry ophytes k nown in t h e Alaska-Y ukon r egion ar e als o found in Europe. Their impor t an ce is d u e princip ally to the fact t h at t h ey influ en ce soil temperature (and h ence t h e p os i t ion of t h e p ermafrost), s oil moisture rel ations, seedbed conditions, s oil erosio n, and h y drolo gic rel atio ns . The u sefulness of mosses to wildlife is very limited (9 1 ). Cap sules ar e reported t o b e eaten by t h e spruce grouse (Canachites canadensis) and by mice and l emmings; t h e plants ar e u se d b y s ome birds and m ammal s in nes t building. Mosses reproduce by s pores, bu t probably most of the r egener atio n after f orest fires is vegetative . Brief notes concerning t h e r eaction of cer tain moss sp eci es to fir es f oll ow : Ceratodon pm·pU?·eus is a fi r e species in t h e sen se that it com es in very ab un- d antly after fir es. Sum merhayes a nd W illiam s (149) r epor ted t h e appearan ce of Ccratodon in quantity 3 yea rs a fter felli ng a nd burning in a pine fo r est in Eng- l and. Sku tch (146) fo u nd it a n ab un d ant species 4 year s after a fi r e on Mt. D esert I sland, Maine. Sarvas (184) noted t h at it repr odu ces by rhizoids on burns. It also r ep roduces by sp or es at an early age and may thr ou gh them grow a complete cover in as little as 5 years. Dicranum ber geri, D . fuscescens, and D . maj1ts r epr odu ce vegeta t ively a fter fires, according to Sar vas (184), b u t do n ot attain g r eat impor tan ce on b urned a r eas. P leurozium schTe be1·i is a lm ost completely k illed by fires, b u t u s u a lly so m e parts capable of rep rod ucing remain. Sar vas (184) stated t h at soil con ditjons on burns are such, h owever , that these remnants u sually d o not regenerate. Only ECO LO GICAL EFFECTS OF FOREST FIRES IN ALASKA 29 afte r 3 0 to 40 years when a closed forest s tand has d e v el oped does the species begin to a ssume its previous importance. Pohlia milans is said b y Sarvas (134) to r egenerate by rhizoids after fir es and to produce s pores in about 5 to 10 years. Pol ytric hu m commune enters burne d areas early and may r e place speci es s u ch as Ceratorlon pu1·pw·eus. Skutch (14 6) r e ported P . comm1me a s l ocally ab undant in mois t s pots in a burn in Maine one year after a fire. Four years after the fir e it had s pread over considerable a r e as , r e placing the liverwort Nlm·chantia poly- mO?·pha. Comparable r eplacement of 1\llaTc hanlia by Pol ytric lwm was note d in England b y S ummerhayes and 'i'Villi ams (149). Polytrichum juniper i nwn and P. piliferwn hav e dee ply p e netrating r hi zo ids, \Yhich , followin g fir es, s erve to r e produce the s p e ci es (74, 1 .'3 1,.). Sarvas stated t hat s pec ies of Polyh·ichnm a r e mo t characteristic on areas 10 to 20 year s afte r a fir e ; th ey s uppress the earli er a ppear in g s pec ies of Cer alodon a nd Poh!ia and, in t urn , a r e them selves late r s uppre:;sed by oth e r mosses a nd liche n s . Aalto ne n (2), S kutch (1 1,6), an d Hus tich (6.5) a ll regarde d t hese s peci es of P o/yh·ichmn a s pioneer s o n burned areas . 1\llm·chantia polym01·pha is a live rw01·t b ut fo r conve nience it is mention ed at this point. It is s o common on d ee pl y burn ed areas that Graff (.52) r eferre d to its p y rophilous character aud Sar vas (1 84) referre d to it a s the class ical fores t fir e li verwort. M. polymoTpha e nter s burned areas whe r e mineral soil has been exposed, appearing within 1 to 2 year s after the fire . The early e ntry of the s p e ci es and its rapid and extensive s pread have bee n noted by Summerhayes and Williams (149) and Benson and Blackwell (15) in England, by Skutch (11,6) in Maine, by Graff (51 ) in the Rocky Mountain region, by Torrey (151,, 156) in New J ersey and Virginia, and b y others . It is s ucceed e d, within a f ew y ear s, by m osses and peltigeras . Lichens form a large group of plants, a number of which a r e highly important as food for caribou (Rangifer arcticus) and r eindeer (Ran giJ er t.arand·us ). Lichens are u s ually d estroyed whenever a s urface ilre sweeps over an area. The gen er al situation has been stat ed b y L ynge (84), a close student of th e group , as follow s: If a lich en vege tation has b een disturb ed or clriv eD away from its natural habitat it will in many cases r equir e a long time before it again can cover i t . This is best seen aft er fore s t fir es . I h ave seen gaps mad e b y old fore st fire , 50 year s or more old , where the range of t h e fir e cou ld be traced on the li chen vegeta- tion, Olaclon i a alpes tris was more scarce and l ess d eveloped there than outside the range of the fir e . Even quite small fir e gap s require an extremely lon g t ime before they will be cover ed wit h the sam e li ch ens again. I have seen ex p erimental fi elds, 1 s quar e m eter large in fin e Cladonia .fields wh er e no t r ace of Cl ado nia alpes tris was visibl e 5 to 6 years after the fir e, and Lapponian tent fire -places so old t hat even their smrounclin g st.ones were s unk into the earth wher e the place was reeogniz;ab l e on t h e vegetation. The original li eh en co ve r was g one, sometimes r eplaced b y mosses or b y other lichens, as P elti gera s puri a and P. a.phthosa, even if the near est s tation for t-hese plan ts was far dist ant . Kujala (74) expressed the v iew that fu·e Las a more d estructive eff ect on lich ens and mosses than on t.he vascular plantfl . R eproduction in lichens may b e either sexual m asexual. However , production of soredia and fragm entat ion appear to b e th e mo st common m eans of reproduction. A cc ording t o P er ez -Llano (11 3) a consid erable number of folios e lich en s, as well as a few cru stose and fruti cos e s p ec i es, seldom produce apothecia and spores . Those species which appear earli est on bmned areas are generally of low 30 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 1133, U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE stature and probably regenerate from subterranean parts and bits of unburned thallus. The taller fruticose lichens in the reindeer lichen group are likely to be exterminated by fire, and their return is generally slow. Hustich (65) stated that in the lichen woodlands of northeastern. Canada complete recovery of the lichen cover after a fire requires at least 40 years. He cited estimates from investigators in other coun- tries as follows: Itkonen, 40 to 50 years; Manning, ;jQ years; Sarvas, 30 to 40 years. Aaltonen (2) stated that in Finland lichens were still not abundant 20 to 30 years after a forest fire. Tengwall (152) meas- ured the rate of growth of the reindeer lichens and reported that the rate of development of small plants is about the same as that of large plants. Only when the lichens approach their maximum size does growth slow up. He noted that certain individual large lichens did not grow at all during the years that he carried on his observations; they had reached their maximum size of about 1.8 to 2.6 inches (45 to 65 mm.). The ecology of lichens, particularly as it relates to the effects of fire, is not well understood. Considerable information has been obtained by investigators in northmn Europe, however, and an attempt has been made to summarize this for certain species. Alectoria jubata and other beard lichens which hang in masses from the branches of trees are readily flammable when dry; they undoubtedly contribute to the spread of fire. ·· Cetraria islandica is a heliophilous species, especially abundant in dry situations (84). It is destroyed by fires and occurs almost exclusively in unburned areas (134). C. islandica grows more rapidly than Cladonia alpestris (84). Cetraria nivalis, usually .associated with C. cucullata was regarded by Lynge (84) as growing more rapidly than Cladonia alpestris. Cladonia alpestris is thereindeer lichen of the Scandinavian countries and grows very slowly (84). Sarvas (134) reported that 10 years after a fire numerous small plants may be encountered but that they attain full growth only after 30 to 40 years. Tengwall (152) calculated that 30 to 35 years were required for plants to develop to maximum size. Lynge (84) reported that the len,gth of time for recovery estimated by farmers and Laplanders in ·Norway varies from 10 to 40 years. He remarked, "We do not know the time for full development but it is hardly possible to mention a lower figure than 25-30 years under favor- able circumstances." Cladonia bellidiflora, according to Sarvas (134), attains greatest abundance 20 to 30 years after fires; it regenerates after fire from underground parts and unburned bits of thallus. Cladonia cariosa, according to Sarvas (134), attains greatest abundance 20 to 30 years after fires. Regeneration following fires is similar to that in C. bellidi- flora. · Cladonia coccifera is generally one of the first lichens to appear on burned areas (2). Lynge (84) regarded it as a rapid grower, having seen podetia nearly 0.6 inch (15 mm.) with a small corona of red apothecia in plants not over 3 years old, Sarvas (134) reported that it attains greatest abundance 20 to 30 years after fires. Regeneration is similar to that in C. bellidiflora. Cladonia cornuta, taller than C. coccifera, C. cariosa, and C. bellidiflora, is regarded by Sarvas (134) as more likely to be exterminated by fire. Aaltonen· (2) stated that it is one of the first lichens to appear on burned areas but Lynge (84) regarded it as a forest lichen. Cbdonia crispata was considered. by Lynge (84) as chiefly a forest lichen. Cladonia deformis was reported by Aaltonen (2) to be one of the first lichens to appear on burned areas. Sarvas (134) found that greatest abundance was attained 20 to 30 years after a fire. Regeneration is similar to that in C. bellidi- flora. Cladonia degenerans attains its greatest abundance some 20 to 30 years after fires (134). Regeneration is similar to that in C .. bellidijlora. ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FOREST FIRES IN ALASKA 31 Cladonia furcata var. racemosa is taller than C. cocci/era, C. cariosa, C. deformis, C. degenerans, and C. bellidiftora. Fire is more likely to exterminate C. furcata than the shorter species of Cladonia (131,.). Cladonia gracilis was found by Aaltonen (2) to be one of the first lichens appear- ing on burned areas. Lynge (84-) viewed it as primarily a forest plant. Cladonia rangiferina, one of the reindeer lichens, is readily destroyed by fire. Sarvas (134-) reported that 10 years after a fire numerous small plants may be found but that they attain full growth only after 30 to 40 years. Tengwall (152) calculated that 15 to 20 years were required for development to maximum size. Lynge (84-) pointed out that the species has rather high light requirements. Cladonia sylvatica is also a reindeer lichen. Some authors have interpreted e syl1Jalica broadly, evidently including much material that could be referred to C. mitis. Sarvas (131,.) noted that 10 years after a forest fire numerous small plants may be present but that they attain full growth only after 30 to 40 years. Tengwall (152) calculated that the maximum size was attained in 20 to 30 years. Lynge (84-) suggested that regeneration of C. sylvatica is easier than for C. alpestris because it reappears more quickly after great forest fires. As in the case of C. alpestris, Lynge wrote, "We do not know the time required for full development but it is hardly possible to mention a lower figure than 25.,-30 years under favor- able circumstances." Hustich (65), in discussing conditions in. Labrador, regarded Cladonia mitis as the first reindeer lichen species to invade burned lichen forest. He reported that near the coast of James Bay, C. mitis was only 1 inch high in a prime dwarf- shrub forest that had been burned 25 years previously. It appeared to Hustich that C. mitis has slightly broader ecological amplitude than the other reindeer lichens, often penetrating into dry tussocks on bogs. Cladonia uncialis is one of the reindeer lichens, according to Sarvas (131,.). He stated that 10 years after a forest fire numerous small plants appear but that they are not full grown until 30 to 40 years after the fire. . Cladonia verticillata attains greatest abundance 20 to 30 years after a fire (131,.). Following fires this species may regenerate from underground parts or unburned bits of thallus. · lcmadophila ericetorum tends to be concentrated on organic substrata-decay- ing wood and balls of humus material bared by forest fires (131,.). Nephroma arcticum reaches its best development in the forest (81,.). Sarvas (134-) regarded it as comparable to peltigeras from the standpoint of occurrence and reproduction following fires. · Peltigera aphthosa can endure more shade than most other lichens (84-). Sarvas (131,.) pointed out that the habit of growth (over the moss and lichen cover) renders this plant liable to destruction by fires. In burned areas it occurs on the most lightly burned spots or areas missed by fire and from these spreads out rather rapidly. · Stereocaulon paschale requires about 15 years to attain maximum size (152). Lynge (84-) referred to it as fast growing; it can produce full-grown thalli in 5 to 6 years. Sarvas (134-) noted that S. paschale and S. tomentosum grow close to the ground. The relatively strong principal axis is partly embedded in the soil and after forest fires ti).is may remain undamaged, thus serving for reproduction. Succession Mter Fire Forest vegetation development following fires in the interior of Alaska is neither a completely fortuitous, random process nor is it an invariable, highly orderly process closely directed by a mysterious, beneficent "Nature." Elements of the fortuitous do exist but there are also elements of order. In this respect, conditions in the forests of the Alaska interior are not fundamentally different from those in the forests of regions to the south. The writer does hot accept the view that ecological principles that apply ih the tem'perate zone are not applicable in the forests of the North. The colloquial dictum that "Alaska is different" need not cause the forest ecologist to discard his working tools developed in lower latitudes. 349169-56--3 32 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 113 3, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE In this study it was convenient to employ the concept of climax vegetation in the sense of self-perpetuating, terminal plant commu- nities of considerable stability. Two categories of climax vegetation are distinguished-climatic and physiographic. The climatic climax forest is regarded as the terminal stage of successional development on moderately well-drained uplands and the physiographic climax forest is regarded as the terminal stage on poorly drained, relatively cold areas. From the standpoint of stability there is little difference between a climatic climax and a physiographic climax-for practical purposes, both may be regarded as self-perpetuating, terminal com- munities. There is no implication that climax forests are desirable and that subclimax forests are undesirable. Utility must usually determine the vegetation type most desired; in some circumstances this type will represent an early or intermediate stage of succession and in other instances it will represent the terminal stage, here called the climax. · In the following pages the plant communities encountered in the forested regions of the Alaska interior will be described and the course of succession indicated. As an aid to understanding the succession leading to climax forest communities and the retrogression that follows repeated fires in the various forest types, a schematic representation is shown in figure 10. This figure represents a generalization of the course of events observed in the field. Aberrant successional stages and retrogressive changes may occur. Recently Burned Areas, Currently Regenerating Some areas were burned so recently that they could not be assigned to specific forest types or plant communities. They are in a stage of very rapid change, with the site only partially occupied and with new plants entering each year .. These burns usually were less than 10 years old. The two most important conditions that influence development of seedlings in recently burned areas appear to be (1) the presence of viable seed, and (2) exposed mineral soil. As mentioned earlier, many of the pioneer species produce abundant seed that is readily dissemi- nated by wind. The exposure of mineral soil is important from the standpoint of seed germination and seedling survival and growth. Mineral soil provides a more favorable seedbed than charred organic matter because the former has (1) a more stable moisture supply, (2) somewhat lower surface temperatures, and (3) a greater supply of readily available plant nutrients. The great importance of mineral soil seedbeds for seedling establishment was observed repeatedly. In the area swept by the gre~t fire on the Kenai Peninsula in 1947 the majority of seedlings developed where the fire had burned deeply, exposing mineral soil. Seedlings of all species were scarce in situations where the forest floor material was not appreciably reduced by the fire and the surface only charred. The extent to which mineral soil is exposed by fire will, of course, vary with time and place. In the recently burned spruce areas examined in the course of this investigation, the proportion of mineral soil surface exposed averaged about 85 percent but varied from about ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FOREST FIRES IN ALASKA 33 WHITE SPRUCE- ASPEN SPRUCE- BIRCH WHITE SPRUCE CLIMATIC CLIMAX WHITE SPRUCE SPRUCE- POPLAR OR BLACK SPRUCE PHYSIOGRAPHIC CLIMAX ON POORLY DRAINED AREAS BLACK SPRUCE j___ t . ~,J,:. t J ·~~iF~~ ASPEN ASPEN BIRCH WHITE SPRUCE POPLAR A single severe · fire BIRCH OR ASPEN, BIRCH, ASPEN POPLAR,BLACK SPRUCE, OR WHITE SPRUCE POPLAR ULTIMATELY HERBACEOUS (FIREWE.ED-GRASSl OR SHRUB COMMUNITIES BLACK SPRUCE BLACK SPRUCE FIGURE 10.-Changes in forest types following fire. 5 to 100 percent. Burning tended to be more intense on ridges than in valley situations, and slopes with south or west exposures com- monly had more mineral soil exposed after a fire than did slopes with north or east exposures. Fires are often unusu 1 dJly severe on rocky slopes or ridges. More noticeable than any influence of topography or exposure, however, was the effect of the trees themselves on the pattern of burning in the forest floor. This influence has been mentioned by Kujala (7 4) in his investigations of the effects of forest fires in Finland. 34 TECHNICAL BULLE'l'I N 113 3, U. S . DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE He stated (74, p. 35) that burning was more intense und er the trees than in the spaces between them. In the current study it was repeatedly observed that, in practically all fires , burning was deepest and most intense under trees; the periphery of a given deeply burned area approximately coincided with the crown projection of the tree concerned. This may be due to the following: First, and probably most important, is the fact t hat spruce trees have long , if narrow, crowns which must intercept much of the precipitation ·which fall s in light rains or in light snow storms . The driest places in a spruce for est must be immediately beneath t h e tree crowns. A second factor, which is l ess important but significant, is the accumulation of co n e scal es frequently seen around the bases of spruce trees in stands of seed -bearing age (fig. 5). In paper birch, quaking aspen, and balsam poplar stands burning is usually l ess intense than in spruce and consequently l ess mineral so il is eA.rposed. Density of vegetation on recent burns increases with the passage of time. The species that enter earliest spread vegetativel y and by seed and are suppl emented by later entrants. Spruce, paper birch, quaking aspen, and balsam poplar reproduction appears in burned areas within one year after a fire. On 21 areas examined, the average number of spruce, paper birch, and Populus species (quaking aspen and balsam poplar) s~ed ling s and sprouts per acre was 2,000, 8,000, and 5,000, respectively. Stocking with spruce ranged from none to 12 ,000 seedlings per acre; 25 percent of the plo ts contained no seedlings. In paper birch, stocking ranged from none to 131 ,000 per acre; 30 percent of the plots bore no seedlings or sprouts of the species. Populus seedlings and sprouts ranged from 500 to 18 ,000 per acre and were absent on only 5 percent of the plots. These areas had been burned from 1 to 10 years previously . With an average of 15,000 tree seedlings per a cr e already present and with the process of reg en eration continuing, n ew forest stands will follow those de- stroyed. This conclusion is substantiated b y the fact that in the interior of Al aska there are practically no barren areas resul ting from single burns. Vegetative reproduction following fires is l acking in the spruces, occasional in y oung and middle-aged paper birch, but very abundant in quaking aspen and balsam poplar (fig. 11). A series of milacre plots were examined along a transect 165 f eet in length, arranged so t hat it sampl ed the reprodu ction established under a fire-kill ed aspen 13.1 inches in diameter . Three years had el apsed since the fiTe occurred . The total numb er of seedlings and root suckers was 59,350 p er acre, of which 36 ,230 were root suckers and 23,120 seedlings. All root suckers exc eeded a h eight of 1 foot and 9 p ercent of them h ad attained a height of 2 .5 to 6.0 feet. The most heavily stocked milacre s upported 80 root suckers and 54 seedlings, the equivalent of 134,000 stems per acre (fig. 12). The spruces concerned are the white spruce, Porsild spruce, and black spruce. Tree birches are principally Alaska paper birch and Kenai paper birch. Of the poplars, quaking aspen is by far the most abundant, being present on nearly all plots. B alsam poplar is the co mmon cottonwood of the interior; black cottonwood is a coastal BCO LO GICA L EF'FEC'I'S OF' FO~ES'l' FIRES IN ALASKA 35 F-477374 FIGURE 11 .-A 110-year-old stand of black s p ruce with occa-ional quaking a s p e n, burne d in 1947 . N ote abundant gr owth of aspen root s ucke r s aro und fire - kill e d a s p en t r ee. K enai P eninsula, 1950. 14 0 ------ I ~I '. I .I 79.2 66.0 52.8 39.6 26.4 ~0 __ '3-.2~ 26.4 39.6 52.8 66.0 79.2 0 DISTANCE FROM BA SE OF FIRE-KI LL ED ASP EN (FEET) FIGUR E 12.-Aspen reproduction around a 13 .1-inch fir e -ki ll e d a s p e n . Ba:o;e d on · a transe ct 3 year a after t h e fir e . K e nai P e ninsula. I sp ec ies of limited occmrence on t h e Kenai P ef1insula, and p erhaps in the l ow er Su sitna River vall ey, bu t is unknown throughout t h e interior prop er . Shrub reproduction consists predomin antly of ·willows which, in their early years, are prac tically impossible to identify . Those 36 T·ECHNICAL BULLETIN 113 3, U. S. :DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE represented most abundantly in unburned areas adjacent to recent burns were Bebb willow, Scouler willow, littletree willow, and Barclay willow. Stocking with willow reproduction averaged, for all plots, 5, 700 seedlings and sprouts per acre, the numbers ranging from none to 53,000. · W'illow reproduction was lacking on 25 percent of the plots. Sprouting from fire-killed young willows is_ abundant but old suppressed willows produce few sprouts. Of the other shrubs, Cornus canadensis, Rosa acicularis, and Vaccinium vitis-idaea are the most abundant, being found on nearly all recently burned areas. Occa- sional are Ledum palustre ssp. decumbens, L. palustre ssp. groenlandi- cum, and Vaccinium cespitosum. SHRUBS, RARE Alnus sinuata A. tenuifolia Arctostaphylos alpina ssp. rubra A. uva-ursi Empetrum nigrum Potentilla fruticosa Ribes triste Shepherdia canadensis Vaccinium uliginosum Reproduction of shrubs other than willows in recent burns is for the most part vegetative, with some seedlings developing from seed stored in the forest floor. - Grasses enter recent burns promptly, usually appearing within 1 to 2 years after a fire. Three species, Agrostis scabra, Calamagrostis canadensis, and Festuca altaica, predominate on areas recently burned. These species have a relatively high frequency of occurrence, but the density of their cover is low, generally less than 10 percent. Other species occasionally encountered, and entering after the third or fourth year following the fire, are Arctagrostis latifolia, Calamagrostis pur- purascens, and Poa pratensis. Grasslike plants appear in sparse number 3 to 4 years following fires. Carex concinna, C. media, C. rossii, and Juncus castaneus are present. A number of species of £orbs are represented. Epilobium angusti- jolium is the most abundant plant, often attaining densities of cover of as much as 50 percent. It is present in practically every area that has been recently swept by fire. Species of Lupinus, chiefly L. polyphyllus, are likewise abundant but density of cover usually is not more than 5 percent. Linnaea borealis var. americana is widely distributed but densities are usually very low. Polemonium caentleum ssp. villosum and Pyrola secunda are common. Achillea borealis FoRBS, OccASIONAL TO RARE E. pratense Aster sibericus Astragalus alpinus Comandra livida Corydalis sempervirens Descurainia sophioides Epilobium adenocaulon Eq_uisetum arvense E. scirpoides Erigeron acris var. asteroides Galium boreale Gentiana propinq_ua Hedysarum alpinum ssp. ameri- canum Lupinus arcticus ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FOREST FIRES IN ALASKA 37 Mertensia paniculata Oxytropis campestris var. varians Pedicularis labradorica Primula cuneifolia ssp. saxifrag- ifolia Pyrola asarifolia_var: incarnata Silene williamsii Solidago oreophila Stellaria longipes Tojieldia coccinea Trientalis europaea ssp. arctica During the first 10 years no noteworthy changes were observed in the forb cover other than a gradual increase in the number of species represented and in density of cover. - Mosses are limited to a few species that become common to abundant on recently burned areas 3 to 4 years after a fire. Oeratodon purpu- reus is a fire species appearing 2 to 3 years after fires and spreading rapidly. Often it attains a density of cover approaching 100 percent on deeply burned areas where mineral soil has been exposed. Poly- trichum commune (and to a lesser extent P. juniperinum) enter with Oeratodon. The liverwort Marchantia polymorpha is also a fire species, entering burned areas within the first 2 years following a fire; locally it may attain a density of cover approaching 100 percent. These mosses and the liverwort are the only representatives that appear abundantly in burned areas during the first 10 years. From an ecological viewpoint they are of interest because they develop quicldy, forming a dense protective cover on exposed mineral soil. Either wind or water erosion of soil thus protected seems impossible. Lichens are rare in burned areas for the first 10 years. Occasionally Peltigera canina var. rujescens and P. canina var. spuria are seen after the fourth or fifth year. The fruticose reindeer lichens seem to be completely absent. Paper Birch Type This type represents a relatively early stage in forest succession, comparable to the quaking aspen type. It is of widespread occurrence on the uplands in the interior, being especially prominent on the Kenai Peninsula, in the Knik Arm area, in the Talkeetna Mountains, and in the Tanana Valley. Type boundaries are usually sharp, as would be expected in view of the fact that they generally mark the periphery of a fire. The forest tree composition in the paper birch type is shown in table 3. Characteristically it is a pure type but occasionally aspen, and rarely balsam poplar, appear in the main crown canopy. Scat- tered white spruce, occurring in the understory, are frequently en- countered in stands more than 80 years of age. Certain other trees, commercially unimportant, appear in the understory. These in- clude thinleaf alder and Sitka alder. Both of these species are most common in mature or overmature stands. Of the willows that attain small tree size, Bebb willow and Scouler willow may be mentioned. Both are occasionally encountered in stands less tl;tan 80 years of age. Initial stand density is very high; 3,000 to 6,000 (trees per acre is not uncommon at 20 years of age. There appears to be a reasonably good expression of dominance in paper birch with the result that mortality is heavy in stands of small-pole size. By the time the stands are 50 to 60 years Of age1 the number of trees has dropped to 38 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 1133, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE TABLE 3.-Composition of paper birch stands in interior Alaska: Number of tree.~ and basal area per acre, by stand age, species, and diameter (brea.~t high) group Stand age, plot number, and species Trees Diameter 2 inches and up Diameter 5 inches and up DiameterlO inches and up per' acre 1 inch 1---,---1---,,---11---,--- and up in diam- eter Trees per acre Basal area Trees per acre Basal area Trees per acre Basal area ------------------------------------ 20-year-old stand, P51-4: ~~~:is~~~~~-~~~~~~~:::::·::::::::::::::: Mountain hemlork .... ________________ _ Thinleaf alder ... ______________________ _ Bebb willow ____ --------------________ _ 25-year-old stand, P5l-6: Alaska paper birch ____________________ _ White spruce __________________________ _ Bebb wlllow --------------------------- 40-year-old stand, P5l-37: Alaska paper birch. ____________ , ______ _ Sitka alder ____________________________ _ 55-year-old stand, P5I-30: Alaska paper birch ____________________ _ Sitka alder_---------------------------- 80-year-old stands: P51-22: Alaska paper birch ____________________ _ Scouler willow_. ____________________ _ Bebb willow __________________________ _ Sitka alder ____________________________ _ P49--21: Kenai paper birch ___________________ _ Quaking aspen ________________________ _ White spruce ________________________ _ P49--22: Kenai paper birch ... ________________ _ Scouler willow_._---------____________ _ P49--23: Kenai paper birch ___________________ _ Quaking aspen ________________________ _ Scou!er willow_-----------------------· P49-20: Kenai paper birch .... _______________ _ Quaking asren ________________________ _ White spruce ________________________ _ Scouler willow _______________________ _ 90-year-old stand, P50-12, Alaska paper birch _______________________________ .. ___ _ 110-year-old stands: P51-35: Alaska paper birch ____________________ _ White spruce __________________________ _ P51-38: Alaska paper birch. ___________________ _ White spruce __________________________ _ Sitka alder ____________________________ _ 120-year-old stands: P51-39: Alaska paper birch ____________________ _ White spruce .... ______________________ _ Greenes mountain-ash----------------- Sitka alder. __________ ------------------ P51-40: Alaska paper birch ____________________ _ White spruce __________________________ _ P51-41: Alaska paper birch _______ ·-------------White spruce __________________________ _ Sitka alder ___ . ____ -"--________________ . I Basal area not determined. No. 2, 560 210 60 130 340 6,360 40 180 2,320 1,000 1, 090 40 430 4~0 20 580 430 100 10 600 10 400 340 10 280 290 10 10 510 330 130 280 70 330 140 25 75 530 400 90 130 50 240 No. 1, 320 110 10 30 2SO 2,140 0 60 1, 760 420 1, 090 10 430 290 10 190 430 100 10 600 10 400 340 10 280 290 10 10 510 320 120 250 60 110 125 25 15 195 320 90 120 50 0 Sq.ft. 51.1 4. 7 .2 (I) (') 75.0 0 (') 75.4 (') 130.2 (I) 86.2 (I) (I) (I) 72.5 21.4 3.5 81.7 (I) 60.2 48.9 (I) 64.5 49.0 4.4 (I) 127.2 105.6 13.5 140.1 12.4 (I) 53.6 7. 4 (I) (I) 106.7 18.9 62.1 11.6 0 No. 10 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 480 0 320 100 0 0 240 70 10 330 10 210 180 10 220 200 10 10 470 300 50 240 40 0 90 25 0 0 170 70 90 30 0 Sq.ft. 1.4 0 0 0 0 2. 7 0 0 2. 7 0 85.8 0 77.4 (I) 0 0 60.3 18.8 3.5 63.2 (I) 51.4 37.9 (I) 61.1 41.2 4.4 (I) 124.4 104.2 8.1 139.7 11.0 0 51.9 7.4 0 0 98.1 18.2 60.8 9. 9 0 No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 30 50 0 140 0 0 45 0 0 0 80 0 50 0 0 Sq.ft. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6. 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.5 0 0 0 22.7 33.2 0 105.2 0 0 38.1 0 0 0 74.7 0 50.3 0 0 around 1,000 per acre and by 80 years to about 500. After 80 years the decrease in numbers continues, but at a less rapid rate. After 100 to 120 years, the basal area of the paper birch appears to decline and that of white spruce increases. Defect, m the form of vertical cracks (frost cracks) m the boles of the larger trees1 and decay, ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FOREST FIRES IN ALASKA 39 apparently due chiefly to Fomes igniarius (Fr.) Kickx, become increasingly noticeable after the stands attain an age of about 100 years. Forest-canopy density decreases after the forest stand is about 100 years old; this decrease results from death of individual birches and all aspen. Subordinate vegetation occupying strata below a height of 6 feet usually has a density of cover amounting to 30 to 60 percent. Application of the concept of stratification of vegetation was attempted in the paper birch type but without notable results. Greatest density is seen in the layer from 0 to 2 inches in height, that 2 to 12 inches in height, and the central part of the main crown canopy of the trees. Maximum heights in the examples of mature or overmature stands that were examined seldom .exceeded 80 feet and more frequently were around 70 feet. Maximum diameters were seldom over 18 to 20 inches and usually were less. Most young paper birch stands are even aged but in the course of their development to maturity they become more uneven aged. Tree reproduction is scanty. The average number of birch, spruce, and aspen seedlings encountered was 185, 120, and 60 per acre, re- spectively. Willows also are poorly represented; the average number of seedlings per acre of all species combined was only 315. The most common willows are Bebb, Scouler, and Barclay. The most abundant shrubs, other than the willows, are the follow- ing: Cornus canadensis, Ribes triste, Rosa acicularis, Vaccinium vitis- idaea, and Virburnum edule. These occur in the majority of stands regardless of their age. From the standpoint of cover, Cornus canadensis and Vaccinium vitis-idaea are noteworthy. Less abundant, but still common, are Menziesia ferruginea, Rubus pedatus, and Vaccinium cespitosum. These species are more characteristic of stands older than 80 years than they are of young stands. SHRUBs, OccASIONAL TO RARE Empetrum nigrum Ledum palustre ssp. decumbens L. palustre ssp. groenlandicum Oplopanax horridus Ribes hudsonianum Rubus idaeus var. strigosus Sambucus callicarpa Sorbus scopulina Only one grass, Calamagrostis canadensis, is prominent in the paper birch type. It has a high frequency, as a rule occurring on more than 80 percent of the plots. The density of cover of this species (usually less than 10 percent) increases slightly as the stands become mature and start to open up. Poa pratensis was the only other grass en- countered in this forest type. Grasslike plants, especially the sedges, are practically absent. FoRBS, MosT ABUNDANT Dryopteris disjuncta Epilobium angustifolium Equisetum pratense Linnaea borealis var. americana Lycopodium annotinum (especially in stands more than 100 years of age) Pyrola asarifolia var. incarnata P. secunda ' Trientalis europaea ssp. arctica 40 TECHNICAL BULLE'l'IN 113 3, U . S. DEP'.r. OF AGRICULTURE FoRB S, CoMl\WN A1·enaria lat enflora (in s la.nd s le ss than 100 ~~ear s of ngr ) DryopteTis austtiaca (in s tands more than 110 years of ag e) Equise tum atvense E. sciTpoicles (in s ( ands lrss than 80 ~;ears of agr) H. s ylvaticum (in stand s more than 110 ~~ear s of age) FoRB s, Oc cASIONAL To R ARE Aconitum delphin1folium. Comanclm li ·vi da Comllothiza ttificla Goodyem re pens var. oph1:m·d es il1er tensia paniculata The most abundant mosses are Hylocomium splenclens, Pleutozium sc htebeti, and Polyttic hum commune. It appears that H. sp lenclens enters so m ewhat later than t h e other two speci es, fir st b ec oming prominent after the stands have passed an age of about 30 years. After paper birch stands have attained an age of about 100 years, specie s s u ch as D tepanoclaclu s uncinatus, Euthynchium. pmelong11m., and Hypnum ctista-casttensis may b e common. }/lossEs, Oc cAs ro AL TO R ARE Dicmnum juscescens D. ma,_ju s Plagioth eci um den ticulatum Polyttichum .iuniperinum Hypnum ctista-casttensis Lichens are uncommon in the paper birch type. Lynge (84) noted t h at they are also rare in t he B etula oclomta for ests in N orway. Fruti- cose lichens are especiall y scarce. The only li chens commonly en- co untered are Peltigera aphtho sa var. typica and P. aphthos a va.r. variolo sa. Rare are Claclonia cornuta f. cylinclrica, C. gmcilis var. clilatata , C. sc abriuscu la f. subl evis, Peltigera canina var. rujescens, and P. membmnacea. In the older stands on the K enai Peninsula and in the Su sitna River basin , Lobaria pulmonatia is frequently seen in large masses on trees. There are indications that the li chens (other than the peltigeras) de crease with increasing stand age. Paper birch, in essen tially pure stands, is a fir e type. The species seeds in on burned areas and even-age d forests res ult. Mel ecbow (92) reported that in burns on t h e Dwin a River in Russia, birch repro- ductio n came in over a period of about 14 years following fires ; estab- lishment of reproduction reached a peak about 11 to 13 years after burning . Seedbed conditions under full stands of paper birch appear unfavorable for germination and initial surviv al of seedlings of the species. It als o appears that there is insufficient sunligh t for seedling development under birch canopies. There w er e no indications that birch will follow birch in s u cc essive generations in t he absence of fire or other catastrophic disturbance . On the other hand, there is abun- dant evidence that white spruce seed is capable of germinating and that spruce seedlings c an develop, if slowly , in birch forests. Barring disturbances su ch as fire , paper birch stands are gradually converted into white spruce-p aper birch forests. Fires in birch fore sts tend to perpetuate the birch and reduce the representation of spru ce. Following fires ther e is u s ually s ome s prout- ECOLO GICAL EFFECTS OF F OREST F I RES IN AL AS K A 41 ing of birch stumps, but the principal r eas on for the d ecline in s pruce is the l ack of se ed of t h e s p ecie s. The propor t ion of s pruce which b ear s eed in birch s t ands is low b ecau se mos t of th e tr ees are in the under s tory a n d only a f ew h ave their t ops in a posi t ion t o r ecei ve direct s un ligh t. Und er these con di t ions spru ce r egen er ation ca n come on ly from see d blo wn in from adjacent unburned s tands. White Spruce -Paper Birch Type The white s pruce -p ap er birch typ e (fig. 13) r eprese n ts a s tage of s u cc ess ion comp ar able to the whit e spruce -quaking aspen type . It is more a d v anced in terms of success ion than either the paper birch ty p e, the quaking as p en ty p e, or the b alsam poplar type. It occ urs widely on the uplands , probably occ upy in g more ar ea than t h e paper birch typ e. T y p e boundaries ar e l ess well d efin ed than in. pure birch stands; t r an si t io n t o pure birch or pure s pruce is fr equ en tly found. F -47736 5 F I GUR E 13.-A >~·hite s p r u ce -Alaska paper b irch stand , app roximately 110 year s old . 42 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 1133, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE In the white spruce·paper birch type these species are invariably the dominants but the relative proportion of each varies considerably from stand to stand (table 4). This results partly from the fact that in some stands spruce became established at the same time the birch seeded in, whereas in other stands the birch came in first and spruce later developed under the tree canopy. In no instance did birch in- vade stands that were initially pure spruce. Quaking aspen is com- monly present as scattered individuals in young stands but is poorly represented in forests more than about 120 to 140 years of age. Species such as black cottonwood, balsam poplar, Bebb willow, and Sitka alder occur as minor species, chiefly in the understory in young stands. Initial stand densities are usually high with around 2,500 spruce and birch trees per acre at 25 years of age. Mortality, especial- ly in the birch, is high with the result that when the stands have at- tained an l},ge of around 100 years the number of trees has declined to around 500 to 700 per acre. The basal area of spruce, which tends to be lower than that of birch in young stands, gradually increases and finally exceeds that of birch after the stand attains an age of around 130 yeBTs. Defect due to decay in the birch is noticeable in stands around 100 years of age and becomes very prominent thereafter. Forest-canopy density is high in stands up to about· 100 years of age but thereafter it decreases. In the subordinate vegetation, density is greatest in the ground layer, up to 2 inches in height, where 50 to 75 percent of the surface is occupied. Density is least, usually less than 10 percent, in the layers from 1 to 2.5 and 2.5 to 6 feet in height. Maximum heights in the mature and overmature stands of white spruce-paper birch seldom exceed 65 to 7 5 feet for spruce and 60 to 70 feet for birch. Maximum diameters in spruce are usually less than 13 inches and in birch 15 inches. Young stands tend to be even aged but with the passage of time they become uneven aged due to the entry of more spruce and the gradual opening of the stands after 100 years. The birch is usually essentially even aged. . Reproduction of tree species was scanty. Only in the case of white spruce were as many as 40 percent of the plots stocked with seedlings; these were in stands less than 140 years old. Older stands were practically lacking in trees less than 6 feet in height. Willows too were scarce; Bebb willow and Scouler willow were the only ones represented. The most abundant shrubs, other than willows, are Oornus canaden- sis, Rosa acicularis, Vaccinium mtis-idaea, and Viburnum edule, which are found in every stand. All these species have a very high frequency (usually 80 percent or more) but have a relatively low density of cover (usually less than 10 percent). Rubus pedatus occurs commonly in stands.more than 140 years of age but is practically absent in younger stands. It was absent from paper birch forests less than about 120 years of age. Ribes triste is also relatively common. Occasional to rare are Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Empetrum nigrum, Ledum palustre ssp. decumbens, L. palustre ssp. groenlandicum, Menziesia ferruginea (only in stands more than 140 years of age), Sorbus scopulina (only in stands more than 140 years of age), and Spiraea beauverdiana. ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FOREST FIRES LN ALASKA 43 TABLE white birch stands in interior Alaska: 4.-Composition of spruce-paper Number of trees and basal area per acre. by stand age, species, and diameter (breast high) group Trees Diameter 2 Diameter 5 I Diameter 10 per acre inches and up inches and up inches and up Stand age, plot number, and species 1 inch I and up Trees Trees indiam· Trees Basal Basal Basal eter per area per area per area acre acre acre ------------------ 24-year-old stands: P51-2: No. No. Sq.ft. No. Sq.ft. No. Sq.ft. White spruce ___________________________ 440 270 10.0 0 0 0 0 Kenai paper birch 2,040 1, 420 64.2 60 10.6 0 0 Quaking aspen ____ ~~~:::::::::::::::::: 60 40 2.0 0 0 0 0 Balsam poplar _________________________ 10 10 .2 0 0 0 0 Bebb willow __ ----------_______________ 630 40 (') 0 0 0 0 P51-3: White spruce ___________________________ 1, 280 180 5.1 0 0 0 0 Kenai paper birch._ ._ 1, 200 600 33.7 20 5.4 0 0 Quaking aspen ________ ::::::::::::::::: 80 40 3. 7 20 (') 0 0 Balsam poplar _________________________ 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bebb willow---------------------------1,060 400 (') 0 0 0 0 Sitka alder _____________________________ 240 . 80 (!) 0 0 0 0 105-year-old stand, P51-7: White spruce _________________ ----------220 220 36.2 150 32.5 0 0 Alaska paper birch .. ____________________ 500 490 98.5 390 93.0 0 0 Quaking aspen _________________________ 20 20 8.8 20 8.8 0 0 110-year-old stand, P51-36: White spruce _________ ------------------300 300 101.9 250 99.4 50 38.9 Alaska paper birch _____________________ 180 180 34.6 150 33.0 10 5.5 Bebb willow------------------------___ 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 130-year-old stand, P 50-1: White spruce ___________________________ 860 830 115.8 350 90.0 20 12.1 Kenai paper birch __________ -----·-------300 300 29.5 90 19.5 0 0 Quaking aspen _________________________ 110 110 27.0 110 27.0 10 5.5 140-year-old stand, P50-2: White spruce ___________________________ 750 630 89.3 240 71.0 40 24.2 Kenai paper birch _____________________ 120 120 19.8 70 17.2 0 0 Quaking aspen __________ ---------------110 110 36.1 90 34.4 20 15.8 145-year-old stand. P49-18: White spruce_~-------------------------350 350 57.6 180 47.9 10 7. 9 Kenai paper birch. _____ ----------------210 210 91.7 200 91.2 80 50.7 Quaking aspen _________________________ 10 10 4.4 10 4.4 0 0 155-year-old stands: P49-16: White spruce ___________________________ 420 420 91.4 260 81.9 20 14.7 Kenai paper birch ______ ---------------- P49-17: 160 160 77.1 140 75.8 80 51.9 White spruce ________________ ----~------260 250 70.2 190 65.7 30 17.5 Kenai paper birch ______________________ 180 180 90.7 180 90.7 70 52.1 Black cottonwood _______________ -------10 10 6. 6 10 6. 6 10 6. 6 P49-19: White spruce ___________________________ 450 440 97.5 300 89.5 30 18.8 K~nai paper birch ______________________ 190 190 85.0 190 85.0 80 54.3 Quaking aspen _________________________ 20 20 7.0 20 7.0 0 0 190-year-old stand, P51-8: White spruce ___________________________ 210 210 67.2 190 65.4 40 23.0 Alaska paper birch _____________________ 250 220 I 66.6 140 62.0 50 38.0 ' Basal area not determined. Calamagrostis canadensis is the only important grass in white spruce- paper birch forests. It is absent or rare in young stands but appears in old stands when they begin to Dpen up. Grasslike plants are practically absent. The most abundant forbs are Comandra livida, Dryopteris disjuncta (especially in old stands), Epilobium angustifolium, Eq_uisetum arvense (in stands more than 140 years of age), Goodyera/repens var. ophioides, Linnaea borealis var. americana, Listera cordata (in old stands), Lycopodium annotinum, Pyrola asarifolia var. incarnata (especially in forests more than 100 years of age), P. secunda, and Trientalis europaea ssp. arctica. · 44 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 113 3, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICUL'l'UREl FoRns, Achillea borealis Arenaria laterijlora Equisetum pratense Lupinus nootkatensis L. polyphyllus OccASIONAL To RARE Lycopodium clavatum var. mono- stachyon L. complanatum Moneses unijlora Streptopus amplexifolius Mosses in the white spruce-paper birch forest are similar to those in the paper birch type. Hylocomium splendens, Pleurozium schreberi, and Polytrichum commune are by far the most abundant. Density of coverage is greatest for Pleurozium schreberi, 25 percent of the forest floor usually being occupied by this species. MossEs, Aulacomnium turgidum Dicranum juscescens D. majus Drepanocladus uncinatus OccASIONAL TO RARE Pohlia nutans Hypnum crista-castrensis Rhytidiadel ph us triquetrus The liverwort Ptilidium ciliare is also occasionally encountered. Lichens are poorly represented and poorly developed in the white spruce-paper birch type. The only species at all frequently encoun- tered is Peltigera aphthosa var. typica. LICHENS, OccASIONAL TO RARE Cladonia cornuta f. cylindrica C. uncialis C. gracilis var. dilatata Peltigera membranacea C. scabriuscula f. adspersa Stereocaulon tomentosum As in paper birch stands, there appears to be a decline in the lichen population, other than species of Peltigera, as the stands increase in age. White spruce-paper birch stands may develop immediately after fires or they ma.y result from gradual entry of white spruce into paper birch stands which originally were pure. The nature of the seed source available following fires appears to determine in large measure which of the two situations will prevail. Birch does not seem to be a very favorable nurse crop or associate for white spruce. Like all other forest species in the interior of Alaska, white spruce develops best when provided with mineral seedbeds and full or nearly full sunlight. Under birch canopies, light conditions are almost certainly below the optimum for spruce. The result is that juvenile growth of understory spruce is slow. As the spruce crowns gradually enter the strata occupied by the birch, another unfavorable influence is encountered. Crown friction is so great that the spruce is deformed, often beyond recovery. Birch crowns appear to be especially damaging in this respect. Young birch trees whip and sway and the branches in the crowns of the large birches also undergo much movement even in comparatively light winds. Although conditions are not very favor- able for development of white spruce in birch stands, they are even less so for birch reproduction. In the absence of fire or cutting, white spruce-paper birch stands gradually change to relatively open, essentially pure, white spruce stands. George Cartwright in his Labrador Journal, published in 1792 (156), described a closely parallel successional development involving replacement of birch by spruce and fir. ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FOREST FIRES IN ALASKA 45 Fires tend to perpetuate the birch and reduce the proportion of spruce, as explained for the paper birch type. Here, however, birch is not favored as much, and spruce is not repressed as greatly. The older, larger birch does not reproduce as well vegetatively as does younger, smaller birch, and in most of the white spruce-paper birch stands the spruce is more likely to have begun to bear seed. Quaking Aspen Type The quaking aspen type represents a stage of succession comparable to the paper birch type. The type is very widespread on upland areas in the interior of Alaska and is particularly common on relatively dry slopes with south or southwest exposures, and on other excessively drained situations. Raup (124-), while working along the Alaska Highway, repeatedly observed aspen on warm south-facing slopes; on these situations it appeared to him that the type tends to persist for long periods. · Excessive drainage, although evidently favoring quaking aspen more than white spruce or paper birch, generally leads to poor, slowly growing, rather open stands. Boundaries of the quaking aspen type are often very sharp, marking the peripheries of old fires. TABLE 5.-Composition of quaking aspen stands in interior Alaska: Number of trees and basal area per acre, by stand age, species, and diameter (breast high) group Stand age, plot number, and species 20-year-old stand, P51-15, quaking aspen_.------------------ 25-year-old stands: T5Q-7: Quaking aspen ___________________ ------------------____ _ Bebb willow _______________ c ____________________________ _ P51-25: Quaking aspen _____________________ ---------------------Bebb willow ____________________________________________ _ Scouler willow __________________________________________ _ 30-year-old stand, P5Q-22: Quaking aspen _________ ---------------.. ----------------- Alaska paper birch _____ ·-------------------------------- White spruce _______________ ----------------------------. Balsam poplar __________________________________________ _ Bebb willow--------------------------------------------Littletree willow ___ . ___________________ : _______________ _ Scouler willow ___________________________________________ _ American green alder ----------------------------------- 50-year-Oid stand. P51-1: Quaking aspen _________________ ------------------------- White spruce __________ ----------------------------------Scouler willow __________________________________________ _ 60-year-old stands: P51-14: Quaking aspen ____ -----------------------______________ _ Balsam poplar __________________________________________ _ · Bebb willow ____________________________________________ _ P51-27: Quaking aspen ___ ._----------------------------________ _ Alaska paper birch .. ___________________________________ _ Balsam poplar. ----------------------------------------- Bebb willow·---------------------______________ _ I No trees reached 10 inches in diameter. ' Basal area not determined. Trees II Diameter 2 I Diameter 5 per acre inches and up inches and up I linch and up in Trees 'l'rees diam-per Basal per Basal eter acre area acre area -------- No. No. Sq.ft. z..ro. Sq.ft. 6.120 1, 120 27.3 0 0 3, 750 1, 750 72.9 0 1, 350 0 0 () 3, 540 1, 380 4?.9 0 0 530 0 0 0 0 140 0 0 0 0 220 50 1.1 0 0 80 40 1.4 0 0 60 20 .4 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 290 20 (2) 0 0 380 40 (') 0 0 70 0 0 0 0 180 0 0 0 0 1,040 900 89.6 320 58.2 180 0 0 0 0 460 410 (') 0 0 2,800 2,040 85.9 60 9.4 480 1 440 32.6 60 9.4 60 i 40 (') 0 0 850 620 65. 1 270 42.2 70 60 5.8 10 1.4 20 0 0 0 0 50 30 (') 0 0 46 TECH.c~ICAL BULLETIN 113 3 , U. S . DEPT. OF AGRICU L1'URE Tree composit ion in the quaking aspen type is illustr ated in tabl e 5. Associated with the aspen are white spru ce, Alaska paper birch or Kenai paper birch, and balsam poplar . Representation of t h ese specie s is u su ally poor and b ears no discernible rel ation to site. O t h er associates , in understory position, are Bebb willow, S couler willow, li ttl etree willow , and American green alder . The willows are most common in young stands, l ess than abou t 40 year s of age. Initi al densities may b e very high, 3 ,000 to 6,00 0 stems 1 inch and l ar ger in diameter being found per acre in stand s aro und 20 to 25 years old (fig. 14 ). Even in stands 50 to 60 years old there are frequently 1,000 to 3,000 stems p er acre . Mortali ty of as p en is high in trees 1 to 2 inches in diameter, but new sprou ts continue to issue from the roots, particularly in young stand s. After stands are about 60 years old, decay becomes very common and t h ey start to open up as trees die. Forest-canopy density appears to decrease with increasing stand age . In the subordin ate vegetation t h e greatest density is found in the ground l ayer (0 to 2 inches) wh er e about 35 percent of the surf ace F-477368 Fra uRE 14.-A 20-year-old quaking a s p e n stand. The dominants are 2 to 3 inches d. b. h. and 25 to 30 fe e t tall. ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FOREST FIRES IN ALASKA 4 7 is occupied. Density is least in the layers 1 to 2.5 feet and 2.5 to 6 feet above the ground level. Vegetation density in these layers is usually less than 10 percent. Maximum heights in the oldest stands classified as pure aspen seldom exceeded 60 feet and maximum diameters were usually less than 10 inches. These values do not represent the maximum sizes attained by aspen in the interior of Alaska . With increasing age, size also increases (especially diameter) but the stands are then likely to be classified as white spruce-quaking aspen. Aspen stands are essentially even aged, but as they pass into the white spruce-quaking aspen type they tend to become uneven aged. Birch reproduction is almost lacking in aspen stands, and white spruce reproduction tends to be sparse unless a good seed source is near. Aspen reproduction averages around 1,400 individuals per acre, but these are mostly root suckers which soon die. Of the willows , Bebb willow is most abundant, especially in stands less than 40 years of age. Blueberry and Scouler willows are occasionally encountered. The most abundant shrubs, other than willows , are Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (present in every stand), Ro sa acicularis, Shephenlia canc- densis, and Vaccinium viti -idaea. SHRUBS, OccASIONAL '.ro RARE Arctostaphylos alpina ssp. rubm B etula glandulosa Cornus canadensis Empetrum nigrum L edum palustre ssp. gro en landicum Rubus idaeus var. strigosus Vaccinium cespitosum V. uliginosum Viburnum edule A wider variety of grasses is encountered in aspen stands than in the paper birch or white spruce-paper birch forests . Presumably this results from the more open canopies in most aspen communities. The most prominent grasses are Agrostis sca bra, Calamagrostis canadensis, and Festuca altaica. Of these the last two have the highest density, often 10 to 50 percent. Other occasional to rare species, which appear in relatively mature stands, are Bromus pumpellianus, Calamagrostis purpurascens, and Poa glauca. Grasslike plants are very rare in aspen stands . Occasionally species such as Carex concinna and 0. supina ssp. spaniocarpa are seen. Forb species represented are listed below. FoRBs , :MosT ABUNDANT Achillea bor ea lis Epilobium angustifolium Equisetum scirpoides Lupinus aTCticu s Pyrola secunda 349169-56--4 Linnaea bor ealis var. americana Mertensia paniculata FORBS , COMMON Zigaden us elegans 48 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 1133, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE FoRBs, OccASIONAL TO RARE Arenaria laterijlora Aster sibericus Bupleurum americanum Comandra livida Equisetum pratense Galium boreale Geranium erianthum Lycopodium annotinum L. clavatum var. monostachyon L. complanatum Pedicularis sudetica Polemonium boreale Pyrola asarifolia var. incarnata Saxifraga tricuspidata Solidago multiradiata Mosses do not attain the density of cover in aspen stands that they do in paper birch and white spruce forests. Density of cover in a given species seldom exceeds 5 percent. No species were found abundant. MossEs, OccASIONAL To RARE Aulacomnium turgidum Hylocomium splendens Bryum cuspidatum Polytrichum commune Camptothecium lutescens P. juniperinum Campylium stellatum P. strictum Drepanocladus uncinatus A liverwort, Ptilidium ciliare, is occasionally seen. The lichen population in aspen stands is considerably greater than in paper birch or white spruce-paper birch; perhaps this is because aspen forests are more open. The lichen cover appears to decrease slightly after the stands attain an age of about 30 years. No single lichen species is especially abundant or characteristic. Cetraria cucullata C. nivalis Cladonia alpestris LicHENs, OccAsiONAL TO RARE C. lepidota C. cariosa f. cribrosa] C. cenotea f. crossota C. chlorophaea f. simplex C. coccifera C. coniocraea f. stenoscypha C. cornuta f. cylindrica C. degenerans f. euphorea C. jurcata var. racemosa C. gracilis var. dilatata C. gracilis var. elongata f. laontera C. multiformis f. simulata C. multiformis f. subascypha C. squamosa f. muricella C. uncialis Nephroma arcticum N. expallidum Peltigera aphthosa var·. typica P. canina var. rujescens P. malacea Stereocaulon paschale S. paschale var. grande f. velutinum S. tomentosum Aspen stands develop following fires. Regeneration is from seed- lings and root suckers, with few, if any, stump sprouts. Abundant vegetative reproduction from root suckers almost invariably follows on burned areas formerly supporting aspen. In areas where aspen was absent or scarce in the previous stand, reproduction, if any, is of seed origin. Aspen seeds are borne in large numbers and are easily dis- seminated, but fairly close proximity to a seed source seems essential for the establishment of seedlings in quantity. Even-aged stands are characteristic. · :EC6LOGICAL EFFECTS 6F' FO:El.EST FI:El.ES IN ALASKA 49 In the absence of fire or other comparable disturbance, aspen does not follow aspen; a possible exception may be found on excessively dry slopes having a southerly or westerly exposure. On such sites, Stoeckeler (147) regards aspen as the climax. White spruce, which may have started with the aspen immediately after a fire or which more usually entered the stand later, gradually dominates the site. Aspen is an intolerant, short-lived species as compared with white spruce, which is relatively long .lived and tolerant. w·hite spruce is evidently subjected to less suppression and less deformation of crowns in aspen than in paper birch forests. Fires in aspen stands perpetuate aspen and destroy practically all the white spruce that may have entered the stands. Spruce is greatly handicapped in surviving fires because the living branches are close to the ground, the bark is thin, and the species is strictly dependent on seedling reproduction. In the Lake States, Stoeckeler (148) found that repeat burns in established aspen stands reduce site index from 6 to 25 feet. White Spruce-Quaking Aspen Type This type represents a stage of successional development directly analogous to the white spruce-paper birch type. It is widely repre- sented on the uplands in the interior, perhaps being most common on relatively dry slopes having a south or southwest exposure and on excessively drained outwash or delta soils. On the drier situations, entry of white spruce into aspen stands is slower, and subsequent de- velopment is less rapid than on sites with favorable moisture relations. In the white spruce and quaking aspen type these species are the dominants, but the relative proportion of the two species varies sub- stantially from stand to stand (table 6). This usually is due to com- position of the reproduction at the time the stand was established and to the rate of subsequent invasion of spruce. On sites of average or better than average quality, white spruce frequently comes in at the same time the aspen is established, that is, shortly after a fire. With a source of seed available, white spruce seedlings become established on good sites. On the poorer, dry sites, white spruce establishment immediately after a fire is difficult, and in such situ- ations spruce slowly reenters the area under the canopy of the aspen (fig. 15). This process is evidently very slow on steep slopes having a south or southwest exposure. Associated with white spruce and quaking aspen are balsam poplar and several. willows of which Bebb willow is usually the most important. As a group, willows are present to the extent of about 8,700 stems per acre; about 6,400 of these are Bebb willow. Other willows encountered are Barclay willow, in- cluding var. hebecarpa, blueberry willow, and Scouler willow. Initial stand densities are high, with 1,000 to 2,000 white spruce and quaking aspen stems per acre at 20 years. By the time the stands have at- tained an age of about 100 years, the number pf stems per acre has declined to around 400 to 600. White sprue~ gains in importance with increase in stand age whereas the importance of aspen declines (fig. 16). In one white spruce-quaking aspen stand 115 years old, there were 210 living and 690 dead aspen trees per acre in diameter classes above 3 inches. In this same stand there was essentially no mortality in white spruce, and the trees appeared thrifty. 50 TECHNICAL BU LLET IN 113 3, U . S . DEPT. OF AGRICU LTURE T A BLE 6.-Comp!lsiti m of white spruce-qu aking asp en starnds i n inter ior Alaska: Numb er of tree s arnd ba sal are a p er acr e, by stand ag e, species, and diameter (bre ast high) group Trees Diameter 2 I Diameter 5 I Diameter 10 per acre inches a nd up inches a nd up inches and up Stand age, plot numoer, and species 1 inch I a nd up rrrees rrrees I Trees in di am-Basal Basa l I B asal eter per area per area per area f. ere acr e acre ------------ 20 -year -old s tand s : N o. N o. Sq . ft . N o. ."q.}t. No . Sq.ft. P49-24 : White s pruce. ____________ --------------260 170 6. 9 0 0 0 0 Qua king asp en ____ ----------___________ 2, 040 850 18.1 0 0 0 0 B eh b willow __________ -----------------20 0 0 0 0 0 0 P 49-25: White s pru ce. _________ ---------------250 140 8.1 20 2. 7 Quakiny, aspen ___ -----------___________ 870 490 18.0 0 0 Bebb w illow ___________________________ 700 0 0 0 0 P 49-26: Whi te s pruce. _______________ ----------5i0 410 34. 5 120 19.5 Quaking asp en _______________________ --I , 610 710 20. 7 0 0 B lack cottonwood ... -------------------40 10 .5 0 0 P 49-27: White spru ce ____________ --------------760 550 47.5 130 25.4 0 0 Qua king aspen ___________________ ------170 90 2. 8 0 0 0 0 B alsam po pla r ___________ -----___ ----· 70 40 1.7 0 0 0 0 60-year -old stan d. P 51-13: 200 140 10.6 40 7. 3 0 0 Whi te spruee _______________ ------------ Qua k ing aspen _________________________ 450 450 96 .4 360 90 .0 10 5. 5 B alsam p oplar ------------------------· 10 10 3. 5 10 3. 5 0 0 B ebb w illow ___ ------------------------410 150 (I) 0 0 0 0 6&-year-old stand, P 50-4 : 59.1 0 0 White spruee _________ . -----------------990 820 87.2 290 Qua k in g as pen _________________________ 370 360 59.4 190 49.6 0 0 B alsam pop lar. ________________________ 10 10 2. 7 10 2. 7 10 2. 7 B ebb w illow ___________________________ 270 270 (I) 270 (I) 0 0 90-year-old stan d, P 50-I 3: White spruce ______________ -------------190 190 40.0 110 3-1.5 10 10.9 Qua king asp en . __________ --------------390 380 106.3 300 100.4 60 36.2 B a lsam p opla r. .. ----------------------130 120 25.0 80 21.9 10 11.0 B e bb w illow ___________________________ 90 10 (') 0 0 0 0 11 5-y ear-old s t and , P50-6: Whi t e s pruce ___________________________ 130 130 30.1 100 27. 9 10 11.0 Quaking asp en _________________________ 230 210 81.0 180 78.8 60 38. 7 B a lsam poplar. ________________________ 210 80 1.7 0 0 0 0 I B asal a rea not d e t ermined . Forest-canopy density tends to be low in stands of this t y pe, espe- cially when the aspen begins to drop out after about 100 years. In the subordinate v egetation, d ensity is greater in stands less than 60 years old than in older for ests . The ground lay er (0 to 2 inches in height) has the highest density, and the layers 1 to 2.5 feet and 2.5 to 6.0 feet in height have the lowest d ensity. Maximum heights in. the mature and overmature stands of white spruce-quaking aspen seldom exceeded 60 to 70 feet for spruce and 65 to 75 for quaking aspen . :Maximum diameters in spruce and aspen were seldom more than 10 to 12 inches. White spruce is uneven aged in most stands whereas the aspen is essentially even aged . The spread of ages in spruce increases with in- crease in stand age . Spruce reproduction is present in all stands, but the number of trees per acre is low, ranging from 200 to 6,800 per acre and averaging 1,100. Aspen root sucker s averaged about 1,600 shoots per acre. These shoots appear, live a few years, and then die. Birch reproduction is very scanty and balsam poplar is only occasionally encountered. It is obvious that, of these four species, white spruce is the only one capable of surviving and developing under ·the forest canopy. ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FOREST FIRES rcN ALASKA 51 F -477367 FIGURE 15.-A 65-year-old quaking a s pen stand with an under story of black spruce and white spruce. The dominant quaking aspen trees are 4 to 9 inches d. b. h. and 45 to 50 feet tall. The spruce trees in the understory are 2 to 4 inches d. b. h . and 25 to 30 feet tall. Arrows point to aspen barked by moose. Kenai Penins ula, 1950. MosT ABuNDAN'r SHRUBs, OTHER THAN THE WILLows Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Cornus canadensis Rosa acicularis Shepherdia canadensis Vaccinium vitis.~idaea .. SHRUBs, OccASIONAL TO RARE Arctostaphylos alpina ssp. rubra L. palustre ssp. gro enlancl?'cum Betula glandulosa Potent?:lla fruticosa Empetrum nigrum Vaccinium cespito sum Ledum palustre ssp. decumbens Viburnum edule The most prominent grass is Calamagrostis canadensis, which occurs most commonly in the young stands. Agrostis scabra and F es tuca altaica occm r arely. Grasslike plants are even more scarce than the grasses; Carex concinna was about the only species enco unter ed . FoRBs, :MosT ABUNDANT Epilob ium angustijolium Pyrola secunda Linnaea boreal?s var. americana ' Equisetum scirpoides Lupinus nootkatens1:s Moneses uniflora FoRBs, CoMMON Pyrola asarifolia var. incarnata T1 ·ientalis europaea ssp . arctica 52 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 11 3 3, U . S . DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE F-477369 FrG U RB 16.-A quaking a s p e n-\Yhi te s pruce stand in which t ho dominant quaking aspen t r ees are approximate ly 115 years of age, 8 to 12 in ches d . b. h ., a nd 60 feet tall . The white s pruce t r ee are 5 to 11 inches d . b . h. and 40 to 50 feet tall. :\Iuch of t h e quaking a s p e n is d ead or d ecad e nt. FoRBs, O ccASIONAL TO R ARE Achillea bor ealis Aconitum delphinifoli um Anna1·ia laterijlora Ca stilleja pall ida ss p . m exi ae Comandra lim.da Dryopteris disjuncta Eguise tum pratense E. sylvaticum Galium bor eale Hab enari a obtusata ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FOREST FIRES IN ALASKA 53 Lupinus arcticus Lycopodium annotinum lvlertensia paniculata P edicularis labradorica Pyrola viren s Sanguisorba stipulata S enecio integerrimus Stellaria longipes Fiola renifolia var. brainerclii 1v1osses are more prominent in the white spruce-quaking aspen type than in the pure asp en forest. The most abundant species are Drepanocladus uncinatus , Hylocomium splendens, and Polytrichum commune. P. commune is most prominent in young stands whereas H . splendens is most abundant in old stands. :MossEs, OccASIONAL To R ARE Ceratodon purpureus Climacium dendroides Dicranum clrummonrl ii D. fragilifolium D. fusc escens Ditrichum jlexicaule Eurhynchium praelongum Pleuro zium schreberi Pohlia nutans Polytrichum strictum Tom enthypnum nitens Of the lichens , Peltigera aphthosa var. typica and P. aphthosa var. variolosa are most abundant. In some y oung stands less than 25 years of age, Cladonia cenotea f. crossota and C. crispata var. injundi- bul1fera are common. LICHE NS, OccASIONAL TO RARE Cetraria islandica Cladonia cornuta f. cylindrica C. crispata var. virgata C. gracilis var. chordalis f. leuco- chlorea C. gracilis var. dilatata C. gracilis var. elongata f. laontera C. mitis C. pyxiclata var. pocillum C. sylva tica Stereocaufon tom entosum White spruce-quaking aspen communities may become established immediately following fir es but more c haracteristically they arise as a result of succession with the spruce gradually invading essentially pure aspen communities. Spruce seeds can germinate and the seedlings can survive and develop slowly under the aspen crowns. In the absence of fire or other devastating disturbance, spruce gradually replaces aspen and r elatively open spruce stands are the end result. Garman (47) stated that in central British Columbia the elimination of aspen from mixed stands becomes rapid after an age of 60 years is reached. Millar (97) reported that in the "clay belt" "in Ontario growth in aspen stands is balanced by mortality at about 100 years of age Mel from then on the aspen begins to disappear. The spruce, on the other hand, continues to grow. 1 Fires in the type are far more destructive of ' spruce than of aspen. The reasons for the selectivity of fire have already been m entioned for other types. They include principally such characteristics as thin bark, flammable foliage carried well down toward the ground, and imtbility of spruce to reproduce b y sprouting. The rapid height 54 TECHNI CAL BULLETIN 11 3 3, U. S . DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE growth and early seed production of aspen root suckers gives it an advantage over spruce in recovery from fir es. Severe fires in the white spruce-quaking as pen type usually lead to pure aspen stands with most of t,he r egeneration of root sucker origin . Balsam Poplar Type Balsam poplar in essentially pure stands is a forest type character- istic of recently d eposited alluvium and is found along most of the l arger rivers in the interior of Alaska. Many stands represent the first forest stage in a primary successional series. For reasons that are not apparent, balsam poplar is especiall y well adapted for reproduction on a lluvial bars. These are a common feature a long most of the Alaskan rivers that are fed by the melt water from glaci ers . Asp en , whi ch might be ex pected in these habitats, is a rare species. Occasionally b alsam poplar spread s from its characteristic stream vall ey habitat to adjacent upland sites that have been swept b y fir es. Forest composition in this t y p e is indicated by the few sampl es presen ted in table 7. Balsam poplar stands are often pure but in many of them white spruce b eco mes an important el ement, especially in old stands (fig . 17 ). Alaska paper birch is a l ess important and less common associate . Small understory species such as Sitka alder, American green alder, thinleaf alder, littl etree willow, f eltleaf wi llo w, and Scoul er willo w are oc casionally encountered. Initial densities are commonly high, with as m an y as 3,500 trees per acre at 25 years of age. D ensity tends to remain high even in mature fore sts . D ecay appears co mmon in old stands. Maximum h eights of balsam poplar in the stands studied did not exceed about 70 fe et, and maximum diameters about 36 inches. However , substantially larger trees occurred in some of the better stands in the Susitna basin. Thomas (153) s t a t ed that in his journey T ABLE 7.-Composition of balsam poplar stand s i,n i nterior Alaska: Number of tr ees and ba sa L mea per acre, by st and ag e, species, and diamete1· (bre a.s t high ) group Trees Diameter 2 Diameter 5 Diameter 10 per acr e in ches a nd u p inches and up inches and up Stand age, plot number, and species 1 inch a nd up in diam-Trees Basal Trees Basal T r ees Basal eter per are a per are a per ar ea acre acre ac re ------------ No. No . Sq .ft. No. Sq.f t . No . Sq.ft. 25-year·old stand, P51-10, balsam poplar ... 3, 480 360 8. 5 0 0 0 0 100-year -o ld stand, P50-17: Balsam poplar_ .. __________ . _________ .. 690 69 0 162.9 560 152. 3 20 10.9 White spruce ____ ----------------_______ 70 70 21.4 60 20.6 20 12.1 Sitka alder. .. ________ ---------... -----· 50 50 (1 ) 0 0 0 0 Ameri can green alder_ __________________ 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 Littletree willow----------------·------40 10 (1) 0 0 0 0 Feltleaf willow ________ ------------_____ 120 20 (') 0 0 0 0 150-year-old stand;P50-20: Balsam poplar _________________________ 510 510 171.4 500 170.5 110 74.1 Thinleaf a lde r __________________________ 320 100 (1) 0 0 0 0 Littletree w illow ____ -------------------40 40 (1) 0 0 0 0 200-year-old stand, P51-9 : I B a lsam popla r •. _______________________ 90 90 143.9 90 143.9 90 143.9 White spruce ___________________________ 250 250 84.0 200 81.8 80 56.1 Alask a paper b irch _____________________ 120 120 24.8 60 22.4 30 16.4 Sco uler w illow __ -----------------------10 10 (1) 10 (1) 0 0 I B asal area not d etermined. ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF F ORES'r FIRES IN ALASKA 55 F -477370 FIGURE 17.-A bals am poplar-white spruce stand. The oldes t poplars are 200 years of age and are nea rly 30 inches d. b. h . and 75 feet tall. The oldest white s pruce are 105 year s of age, 13 inches d . b. h., a ud 70 feet tall. On Matanuska River, near Palme r, 1951. along the Susitna River h e occasionally saw cottonwood trees from 3 to 6 f ee t in diameter. Balsam poplar stands are often even aged but ma_v also exhibit a considerable range in age. R eproduction within a stand is generally s parse with only oc casional white spru ce, balsam poplar, and rarely paper birch seedlings. SHRUBs, OccASIONAL TO R AH.E Alnus crispa Cornus canadensis Elaeagnus commutata L edum palustre ssp. gro enlanclicum Potentilla jrutico sa Rosa ac i cularis Salix arbusculoicles S. setche llian(L Shephe1·clia oanaclensis Vi burnum eclule Grasses appear to b e rare, the only one encountered being Calama- grostis pu1·purasc ens. Grasslike plants are practically absent. Of the £orbs , Epilobium angustifolium is p erhaps the most abundant . Actu- ally no species seems to b e outstanding. 56 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 11 3 3, . S . DE P T. OF AGRICULTURE FoRBS, Aquilegia bre vis tyla O ccAS IO NAL •ro R ARE ATtemisia aTctica Comanclra livicla Equisetum w ·vense Goocly em Tepens var . ophi oicl es H.abena1 ·ia obtusata H.ecl y saTum alpinum ssp. amel'?·- ·eanufm.·-: , , H. mackeni i?· 11{ertensia paniculata (Jxytropi s cam pes tris var. varians Pyrola asarijolia var. incaTnata P. se cuncla lVIo sses are not prominent in balsam poplar stands. Seldom do es a s p ec ies have a coverage of more t han 5 percent . N iossEs, O ccAsiO NAL TO R ARE Bryum caespiticium D repa11oc la clus U11C?·natu s Oe ratoclon pur pureus H.yp num re vo lutum D ic ranum clTummonclii H.ylo comium s pl enclens D . .fragilijolium Pleuro zium sc h1·ebe1·i D itrichum jl exic aule Lichens are ver y poorly represented. Only occasionally are t he fo llo wing speci es encountered: P eltigera canina var . 1'ufescens, Stereo - caulon paschale var. alpinum , and S. paschale var. alpinum f . gracil en- tum. As t h e stand s mat ure a nd as white spruce d evelops, P elti gera ap htho sa var. typica and P. membmnacea appear. The successional posit ion of t h e balsam poplar type is not entirel y cl ear . Characteristically i t d evelop s on recently d eposi ted bars along rivers but the p ermanen ce of t h e type is not known. On some areas white spruce is gradually a ttaining dominance and will even- t ually replace the balsam poplar. In other situations t h e poplar a ppears t o b e a self-p erp etuating co mmun i ty without any clear t r end t oward r eplacem ent b y s pruce or other species. P erhaps balsam poplar may occupy flood plain areas indefinit ely if they are subj ecte d to periodic overflow with d eposition of alluvium. Raup (1 25) r egarded willows and alders as pred ecessors of balsam poplars on flood plains in t h e southwestern Mack enzie r egion. Pulling (1 23) viewed t h e roo t system of balsam poplar as more or l ess fl exible but not adapted t o soils a s shallow as some of those in which white spruce can thrive . Fires occur in th e balsam poplar type but are no t nearly as common as in o t h er forest communities . Based on limited eviden ce, it ma)- b e said that following fir es the type r egen er ates b y m eans of root s u ck er s, a nd, t o a l esser exten t, from seed . In his r es p ect t h e s p ecies b ehaves in much t h e sam e way as aspen. White Sprztce Type The white spruce typ e is the climax forest community on upl and areas in the interior of Ala ska (fi g . 18 ). It is widespread and is respon- sible, more than any other fore s t. type , for the vegetational aspect of t h e l a ndscap e . The dark, almost black , forest m a ntle s o charac teris ti c of upland areas in t h e in terior is white s pruce . Only in reg ion s t hat have esc aped r ece nt fir es is the cover of s pruce forest complete; com- monly it is broken b y more or less exten sive areas of paper birch , as pen, ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FOREST FIRES IN ALASKA 57 F-477359 FIGURE 18.-Ciimax white pruce forest along t h e Nelchin a River, m a rked b y eroding bluffs. Along G lenn Highway, at mi le 143, lo ok in g eastward. 195 1. or types transitional between t hes e and pure s pr u ce . Boundaries are u s ually very sh arp , m arkin g the edges of fire s . These boundaries be- tween white spruce for est and as pen or p ap er birch forest are a co m- mon feature and appear as distinct lines t hat m ay b e seen for miles . Generally the white s pruce type is pure with only occasional rep- r esentatives of black s pruce, paper bir ch , and b al sam poplar (tabl e 8). The under stor y of small trees or l a rge s hrubs includes sever a l s p ecies of will ows and alder. B ebb willow i s t h e most abundant m emb er of t h e group, with 2 ,000 to 3,000 stem s 1 inch in diam eter , or l arger, p er acre in yo ung stands, t h at is, up to 20 to 30 years old. With incr ease in stand age, the number of stem s of B ebb will ow decreases 1.mtil t h ey b eco m e very s parse in stands older than 160 year s. O t h er will ows attaining diameters of 1 inch , or more, at breast h eight include li ttl etree willow , feltl eaf willo w, Sco uler willow, and Salix glauca var . aliceae. Like the B ebb willow , these s p ecies ar e most ab undant in y oung stand s and d ec r ease in numbers rapidly with incr easing stan d age , becoming scarce in stands older t han about 160 year s . The principal alder is Si t k a alder ; American gr ee n alder oc- curs occasionall y. Unlik e t h e willow s, t he alder is most common in t h e older stands, b ein g scar ce in for ests h aving an age of l ess than abou t 120 yeai's. t Initial densities are commonly high , with 2:000 to 3,000 stem s 1 inch and l arger in diameter per acre in stands from 20 to 25 years of age . fhe total number of stem s per acre de cr eases wi t h in cr easing age , but even at 160 to 180 years there are usually 300 to 500 p er acre. In stands around 160 to 18 0 year s of age, 100 to 150 trees p er acre h ave diameters of 10 inch es or more. BULLETIN 1133, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE of ·white spruce stands in interior Alaska: Number of per acre, by stand age, species, and diameter (breast high) 'stru:id age, plot numher, and species 20;year-old stand, P51-17: White spruOO------------------· -- Bebb willOWc-----------------------.... Littletree willow __________________ ---- Brili:c glauca var. aliceae. _______________ _ 35-year-old stand, P51-20: White spruce ____ . _____________ ---------- Bebb willow_-------------------------- Littletree willow.-----·---------------- 40-year-old stand, P5Q-24: White spruce ______________ ------------ Bebb willoW--------------------------- Littletree willow.---------------------- 55-year-old stand, P5Q-14:. White spruce--------------------------- Bebb .willow_---------______ ----------- 75-year-old stand, P51-18: White spruce ________ , ____ -------------- Bebb willOW--------------------------- 105-year-old stand, P51-31, white spruce __ _ 120-year-old stands: P5Q-10, white spruce ____________________ _ P5Q-18: White spruce--------__ -___ -------------.Balsam poplar _____________________ ,_ 125-~~l~p=~:-~~~~~----------------- Black spruce.------------. _______ ------Alaska paper birch ____________________ _ American green alder .. ________________ _ 130-year-old stand, P51-12: White spruce _____________ -------------- Bebb willow.-------------------------- Littletree willow -•--------------------- 135-year-old stand, P51-33, white spruce ___ _ 140-year-old stand, P51-34, white spruce __ _ 15o-year-old stands: P51-16: White spruce.---------_______ ---------. Bebb willoW---------------------------Srili:c glauca vat. aliceae ________________ _ Littletree willow----------------------- P5I-26: White spruce _________________________ __ Alaska paper birch ____________________ _ Black spruce __________________________ _ Sitka alder _______________ . __ ._. _____ ... Bebb willOW--------------------------- 160-year-old stand, P51-19: White spruce __________________________ _ ·Black spruce __________________________ _ Bebb willow __________________________ _ Littletree willow ______________________ _ Srili:! glauca var. aliceae ________________ _ 165-year-old stand, P5Q-3: White spruce ______________ ------------- Kenai paper birch _____________________ _ 170-year-old stands: P4!Hl: White spruce __________________________ _ Kenai paper birch _____________________ _ P5o-23: White spruce __________________________ _ Balsam poplar __ ------------------------Feltleaf willow----------__________ : ___ _ Little tree willow----------------------- 175-year-old stand, P49-2: White spruce __________________________ _ Kenai paper birch .. ·---------------____ _ Diameter 2 Diameter 5 Diameter 10 Trees inches and up inches aud up inches and up Pf~c~e 1------~-----1------------:-------------­ and up indiam~ eter No. a;oBo 2. 980 120 560 950 1,390 20 830 450 230 I, 620 490 3,040 20 2,210 920 I, 090 20 220 190 30 60 280 330 !50 I, 530 200 200 180 I, 240 90 385 55 15 llO 10 340 880 100 90 90 520 80 230 50 390 30 90 10 290 40 Trees per acre No. 120 0 0 0 780 190 0 570 0 0 1,240 180 2,400 20 2,150 850 I, 030 20 220 190 30 10 250 100 30 1,410 200 160 0 0 20 335 25 15 15 0 330 360 0 10 0 510 80 230 50 360 30 0 0 290 40 Basal area Sq.ft. 2.6 0 0 0 88.fi (') 0 75.3 0 0 94.1 (') 170.7 (') 224.9 140.4 353.2 8.9 79.5 38.4 II. 5 (') 171.7 (') (') 183.9 85.3 98.6 0 0 (') ll9. 7 1.8 5. 7 (') 0 69.0 47.4 o· (') 0 159.0 22.2 192.4 34.9 121.2 6.3 0 0 195.3 25.4 Trees per acre No. 0 0 0 0 360 0 0 240 0 0 220 0 400 0 I, 030 430 730 20 160 !50 30 0 250 10 0 610 175 !10 0 0 0 255 5 15 0 0 210 200 0 0 0 350 80 230 50 270 20 0 0 270 40 Basal area Sq.ft. 0 0 0 0 61.0 -0 0 62.7 0 0 48.8 0 73.6 0 165.3 ll8.6 337.4 8.9 76.4 35.7 II. 5 0 171.7 (') 0 141.0 83.5 97.3 0 0 0 ll6. 5 . 7 5. 7 0 0 62.2 39.3 0 0 0 147.0 22.2 192.4 34.9 ll4.5 5.5 0 0 193.9 25.4 Trees per acre No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 30 300 10 70 0 0 0 130 0 0 40 65 60 0 0 0 90 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 130 0 170 50 60 0 Q 0 210 30 Basal area Sq.ft. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17.5 0 0 10:9 0 0 0 0 16.4 220.8 5.5 50.1 0 0 0 131.8 0 0 23.0 52.6 79.7 0 0 0 68.2 0 0 0 0 18.8 0 0 0 0 18.1 0 171.0 34.9 50.4 0 0 • 0 177.1 22.7 ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FOREST FIRES IN ALASKA 59 TABLE B.-Composition of white spruce stands in interior Alaska: Number of trees and basal area per acre, by stand age, species, and diameter (breagt high) group---<Jontinued Trees Diameter 2 Diameter 5 Diameter 10 per acre inches and up inches and up inches and up Stand age, plot number, and species 1 inch and up Trees indiam-Trees Basal Trees Basal Basal eter per area per area per area acre acre acre ------------------ 180-year-old stands: P49-10: No. No. Sq. ft. No. Sq. ft. No. Sq.ft. White spruce _____ ------·----___________ 440 420 165.4 300 159.9 150 113.7 Kenai paper birch ______________________ 40 40 21.0 40 21.0 20 16.1 Sitka alder·-------------------_________ 500 170 (1) 0 • 0 0 0 Scouler willow-------------------------20 20 {I} 0 0 0 0 Quaking aspen _______ ----------·--_____ 10 10 .2 0 0 0 0 P50-16, white spruce _____________________ 570 550 183.5 360 174.9 180 126.1 185· year-old stands: P49-1: White spruce -------------------_______ 290 290 166.7 270 165.3 140 120.0 Kenai paper-birch ______________________ 50 50 23.9 50 23.9 30 17.5 Black cot~onwood ______________________ 20 20 28.4 20 28.4 20 28.4 P49-4: White spruce ______________ -------------260 260 162.3 240 161.0 140 .129. 5 Kenai paper birch .. ____________________ 20 20 12.3 20 12.3 10 7.9 P49-9: White spruce .... __ ---------------------520 510 194.5 400 188.4 170 120.5 Kenai paper birch ______________________ 40 40 16.0 40 16.0 20 12.1 190-year-old stands: P49-ll: White spruce ___________________________ 680 670 202.6 460 192.6 140 100.9 Kenai paper birch .. -------------------40 40 19.0 40 19.0 20 12.1 Sitka alder-----------------------------30 10 (1) 0 0 0 0 P49-12: White spruce ___________________________ 210 210 134.1 180 132.2 120 116.3 Kenai paper bircJL _____________________ 40 40 43.6 40 43.6 40 43.6 Sitka alder __ : ___________ ---------------50 40 {1) 0 0 0 0 200-year-old stands: P51-11: White spruce ..... ----------------------54 42 14.4 30 13.8 12 8.9 Black spruce ___________________________ 42 18 . 5 0 0 0 0 P51-24, white spruce _____________________ 860 840 202.5 640 191.6 70 41.8 215-year-old stands: P49-5, white spruce----------------------240 240 192.6 200 190.5 170 . 181.7 P49-14: White spruce ___________________________ 300 300 175.7 240 172.0 140 140.6 Kenai paper birch ______________________ 10 10 14.0 10 14.0 10 14.0 Sitka alder---------------------------·_ 380 250 (1) 0 0 0 0 220-year-old stands: P49-7: White spruce ... ________________________ 240 240 171.2 240 171.2 200 156.2 Kenai paper birch ______________________ 30 30 10.6 10 9.2 10 9.2 P50-9: White spruce ___________________________ 770 730 64.4 180 33.9 0 0 American green alder ___________________ 1,190 80 (1) 0 0 0 0 225-year-old stand, P49-13: White spruce.--------------------------410 410 226.0 370 223.3 180 157.5 Kenai paper birch ______________________ 10 10 4.4 10 4.4 0 0 Sitka alder-----------------------------230 l10 {I) 0 0 0 0 230-year-old stands: P49-8: White spruce. ____ ----__________________ 190 190 125.3 170 124.6 120 110.9 Kenai paper birch ______________________ 20 20 6.2 20 6.2 0 0 P49-15: White spruce ___________________________ 290 290 194.2 280 194.0 190 169.6 Kenai paper birch. _____________________ 10 10 6.6 10 6. 6 10 6. 6 P50-15: White spruce ________ ... : .. _____________ 270 270 132.6 240 130.8 120 98.0 Black spruce ________ ------------------_ 245 235 26.1 120 19.3 0 0 Sitka alder---------------_______ .• _____ 310 70 (1). 0 0 0 0 P50-5, white spruce----------------------600 580 210.6 440 203.1 140 113.9 260-year-old stand, P49-6: White spruce ... __ ----------------------370 370 225.4 270 221.2 170 195.9 Kenai paper birch-------------"·-------50 50 11.5 40 11.0 0 0 360-year·old stand, P51-21: White spruce ___________________________ 70 70 33.4 70 33.4 20 16.1 Black spruce _____ -----_________________ 700 380 14.6 10 1.4 0 0 1 Basal area not determined. 60 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 1133, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Forest-canopy density tends to decrease with increasing st~nd age; greatest density is usually encountered in forests less than 160 years of age. In the subordinate vegetation the gTeatest density of cover is found in the ground layer (0 to 2 inches) where values of 75 to 100 percent are usual. Lowest densities are found in the layers 1 to 2.5 feet and 2.5 to 6 feet above the ground where density is usually less than 10 percent. Maximum heights in the oldest spruce stands seldom exceed 85 to 100 feet and maximum diameters are seldom more than 20 to 24 inches. Average values are considerably less. White spruce forests may be even aged or uneven aged, depending on their histo_ry. Stands that seeded in burned areas are usually even aged whereas those that originated as a result of entry of spruce into other forest types, principally paper birch or quaking aspen, more commonly are uneven aged. In all cases the number of age classes increases with increasing stand age. Garman (4-7), working in central British Columbia, wrote as follows: "The open nature of the forest often found in the first generation after fire indicates that eventually there will be an uneven aged forest, as a result of ·the filling in process which will follow the elimination of aspen and birch by spruce, but as the stands become older the age differences will become less obvious." Tree reproduction in most spruce stands was predominantly white spruce. On the average there were about 3,700 seedlings per acre, with a frequency of occurrence of approximately 50 percent on the plots studied. Birch averaged about 600 seedlings per acre, with a frequency of 40 percent. Spruce was the only tree species that re- produced itself in numbers. Most of the birch seedlings and sprouts died after a few years unless they were located in openings in the forest canopy. In addition to the willows already mentioned (Bebb willow, Salix r;lauca var. aliceae, feltleaf willow, littleleaf willow, smooth littleleaf willow, and Scouler willow) several other species were encountered occasionally: Barclay willow, including var. rotundijolia, grayleaf willow, S. glauca var. acutijolia, blueberry willow, park willow, net- leaf willow, Richardson willow, and Walpole willow. MosT ABUNDANT SHRUBS, ExcLUSIVE OF WILLows Arctostaphylos alpina ssp. rubra Cornus canadensis Empetrum n1:grum R?bes tr?ste Rosa acicularis Rubus pedatus (in stands more than 160 years of age) Faccinium vitis-idaea Viburnum edule These species have relatively high frequencies but relatively low density of cover. An exception is Vaccinium vitis-idaea, which commonly has coverage values in excess of 25 percent. CoMMON SHRUBs Ledum palustre ssp. decumbens Shepherd1"a canadens1"s V accinium uliginosum ,. - ' ' .' i./· ~ ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FOREST FIRES IN ALASKA OccASIONAL To· RARE SHRUBS Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Betula glandulosa Cassiope tetragona Menziesia jerrug1"nea Potentilla jruticosa Rubus alaskensis R. chamaemorus 17 accinium cespitosum Menziesia ferruginea tends to occur only in the oldest stands. 61 Grasses are scarce in spruce stands less than about 120 years old. In general they are less well represented in spruce forests than in stands representing earlier stages of succession. Calamagrostis can- adensis is by far the most· prominent species, occurring widely but sparsely. Density of cover is usually less than 5 percent. GRASSEs, OccASIONAL To RARE Agropyron lat1"glume Agrostis scabra Arctagrostis latifolia Bromus arcth~us Calamagrostis purpurascens Festuca altaica F. ovina F. rubra var. lanuginosa Phleum alpin?tm Poa glauca P. pratensis Trisetum spicatum Carex concinna is frequently encountered in the w.hite spruce forest. GRASSLIKE PLANTS, OccAsiONAL To RARE Carex bigelo1Vii C. capillaris C. disperma C. media C. scirpoidea C. vaginata Eriophorum vag1:natum Juncus castaneus Luzula parviflora They are more often encountered in old than in young stands. Many species of £orbs are found in the white spruce type. FoRBs, MosT ABUNDANT Comandra livida Dryopteris disjuncta (in stands less than 160 years of age) Epilobium angustifolium Equisetum arvense (in stands more than 160 years of age) E. pratense E. scirpoides Goodyera repens var. ophioides Linnaea borealis var. americana Listera cordata (in stands more than 160 years of age) Lycopodium annotinum (in. stands more than 160 years of age) Mertens1:a paniculata Pyrola asarifolia var. incarnata P. secunda P. virens (in middle-aged stands) Trientalis europaea ssp. arctica ( FoRBS, OccASIONAL TO RARE Ach~llea boreal1"s Aconitum delphinifolium Androsace lehmanniana Arenaria laterijlora Artemisia arctica Aster sibericus Astragalus alpinus Boykinia richardsonii 62 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 1133, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE FoRBS, OccASIONAL TO RARE-Continued Castilleja pallida ssp. mexiae Dryopteris austriaca (in old stands) Equisetum sylvaticum Erigeron purpuratus Galium boreale Gentiana propinqua Hedysarum mackenzii Lupinus arcticus L. nootkatensis Moneses uniflora Orchis rotundifolia Oxytropis campestris var. varians Parnassia kotzebuei P edicularis labradorica Petasites jn'gidus Pyrola grandijlora Rumex arcticus Sanguisorba stipulata Saussurea angustijolia Senecio atropurpureus ssp . .frigid11s S. integerrimus Solidago multiradiata Stella ria longi pes Streptopus amplexijolius Tofieldia cocc~·nea T. pus~·ua V aleriana capitata Zigadenus elegans Mosses are characteristic of the ground cover vegetation in the white spruce type. Two species are especially prominent in stands over 50 years of age'; these are Hylocomium splendens and Pleurozium schreberi. Commonly one or both of these species has a· coverage of 25 to 100 percent. Dicranum juscescens is also an abundant species, usually appearing in stands between 50 and 200 years of age. Dre- panocladus uncina.tus is most prom.inent in stands less than 120 years of age, and Polytrichum commune and P. strictum occur most abun- dantly in stands more than 150 years of age. MossEs, CoMMON Aulacomnium palustre Brachythecium albicans Ptilium crista-castrens1's Mnium affine Rhytidium rugosum Tomenthypnum nitens MossEs, OccASIONAL TO RARE Brachythecium salebrosum Bryum caespiticium B. cuspidatum Calliergon stram~·neum Camptothecium lutescens Ceratodon purpureus Dicranella grevilleana Dicranum bergeri D. elongatum D. fragilijolium D. muhlenbeckii Ditrichum fiex~·caule Eurhynchium substrigosum Hypnum imponens H. lindbergii Leptobryum pyriforme Meesia uHginosa Oncophorus wahlenbergii Pohlia nutans Polytrichum ,juniperinum P. strictum Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus Sphagnum capillaceum S. girgensohnii Tetraplodon mnioides Thuid~·um delicatulum Timmia austriaca · Tortella fragilis The liverwort Ptilidium ciliare is encountered occasionally. The most abundant lichens in spruce forests are Peltigera aphthosa var. typica, P. aphthosa var. variolosa, and P. membranacea. They occur on the majority of plots. · · ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FOREST FIRES IN ALASKA LICHENs, CoMMON Cetr:aria cucullata C. nivalis Cladonia .amaurocraea f. celotea C. coccifera C. cornuta f. cylindrica C. gracilis var. dilatata C. gracilis var. elongata C. mitis C. rang~ferina C. sylvatica Stereocaulon paschale S. tomentosum .LICHENS, OccASIONAL To RARE Cetraria hiascens C. islandica C .. iuniperina C. tilesii Cladonia alpe~tris C. amaurocraea f. jasciculata C. amaurocraea f. oxyceras C. cariosa C. cariosa f. corticata C. cariosa f. squamulosa C. chlorophaea f. simplex C. corn uta f. scyphcsa C. dejormis C. degenerans f. cladomorpha C. degenerans f. euphorea C. degenerans f. gracilescens C. multiform~·s f. finkii C. pseudorangiformis C. pyxidata var. neglecta C. rangiferina f. stygia C. scabruiscula C. scabruiscula f. surrecta C. uncialis C. verticillata f. evoluta . Dactylina arctica D~~ploschistes scruposus Dujourea madreporiformis Nephroma arcticum N. expallidum Ochrolechia .frigida Peltigera canina P. canina var. rufescens P. malacea 63 C. jurcata var. racemosa f. corym- bosa C. gracilis var. chordal is Stereocaulon paschale var. alpinum f. gracilentum C. gracilis var. chordalis f. platy- dactyla In the older stands the beard lichens Usnea comosa ssp. r;omosa, Alectoria jubata, and Lobaria pulmonaria are commonly seen. Evi- ·dently about 40 years must elapse after a fire before the so-called reindeer lichens reappear. In general, species of Cladonia tend to be more common in stands less than 170 years old than in stands past that age. Lichens are, for the most part, plants that :flourish in relatively open habitats. Lynge (84-) mentioned the lack of lichens in dense Picea excelsa forests in Norway. Essentially pure stands of white spruce are regarded as the climax type on reasonably well-drained soils in the Alaska interior (fig. 19). This tree has all the attributes of a species characteristic of terminal, self-perpetuating (climax) communities. Various stages of succession to this climax may be observed. MacKenzie recorded what is probably the earliest observation of forest succession following fires in northwesterp America. On his journey down the river which now bears his name he made the follow- ing entry in his journal (87, p. 24-) in June 1789: The current is very strong, and the banks are of an equal height on both sides, consisting of a yellow clay, mixed with small stones; they are covered with large quantities of burned wood, lying on 349169-56-5 64 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 1133 , U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICU LTURE F-477373 FIGURE 19.-A 150-y ear-old climax white s pruce stand on a s outhwest slope. The dominants are 9 to 16 inches d . b. h. and 70 to 85 feet tall. the ground, and youn g poplar trees, that have sprung up since · the fire that destroyed the larger wood. It is a very curious and extraordinary circumstance, that land covered wi th spruce pine, and white birch, when laid waste by fire, should subsequentl y produce nothing but poplars, where none of that speci es of tree were previously to be found. The curious and extraordinary circumstance which l\1acKenzie so accurately observed was an example of forest succession now recognized as most common. In 1889 Bell (11), also writing of conditions in Canada, was even more explicit in his statement of vegetational changes occurring following fires. He wrote: The following is the course of events after a fire h~s run through a tract of the full-grown northern coniferous forest, the fires always occurring during the driest part of the summer: In the next spring weeds and bushes (raspberry, huckleberry, r ed elder, etc.) begin to spring up and partly occupy the blackened ground. These increase for two or three years, and as they die out are gradually replaced by the poplars, white birch, pigeon cherry, ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FOREST FIRES IN ALASKA 65 willows, etc., with a few conifers. The willows and pigeon cherrv are short lived. The poplars attain their full size and decay in about seventy years, and the white birch shows signs of old age in l ess than one hundred years. In the meantime the proportion of conifers is constantly increasing from new individuals springing up , so that by the time the deciduous trees have died out the ground h as become compl etely occ upied by the former. Chambers (31), in discussing the work of Dr. George M. Dawson in the MacKenzie Basin, wrote as follows: In its primitive state, the surface \<.ras probably covered with a dense and heavy growth of coniferous trees, principally the spruce (Picea en gelmanni and P. alba), but with scrub pine (P inus contorta) in some localities, and interspersed with aspen and cot- tonwood . These forests having been destroyed by fire , a second growth, chiefly of aspen, but with much birch in some places, and almost everywh ere a certain portion of coniferous trees- chiefly spruce-had taken its place. The aspen being a short- lived tree, whil e the spruce reached a great age and size, the natural course of events, if undisturbed, would l ead to the reestablishment of the old spruce forests. From descriptions of Nuttonson (103) and others, it may be concluded that forest succession in Siberia is similar to that in northern Canada and Alaska. Singl e light surface fires in a white spruce forest do not result in complete destruction of the stand. Openings are created, however , and birch, and occasionally willows and aspen , appear. Changes in forest composition thus induced are relatively small. Singl e light surface fires usually do not result in a complete change in the forest type. Saari (133) in Finland showed that the average damage per unit area of fore s t burned, or the absolute destructiveness of fires , is greatest in the spruce, because it is damaged very easily. He found, as might be expected, that complete destruction of the main stand was most common in young forests and, conversely, that in some instances the main forest stand was undamaged . Singl e severe fires generally result in compl ete destruction of the existing stands and replacement by communities of sub-climax species. The composition of the new stand is primarily dependent on the seed sources adjacent to the burn. If t h e area burned was extensive and if all white s pruce seed trees are killed, the reproduction will consist largely of aspen, paper birch, and cottonwood. These species are widely disseminated by wind . If aspen trees were present in the stand destroyed, the species will be heavily represented in the new stand because aspen reproduces abundantly by root suckers. Hol- man and Parker (63) regard light spring or early summer fires in the Prairie Provinces of Canada as less likely to result in good spruce reproduction than severe l ate summer or early fall fires. They stated: , Where fire or lo gging has oc curred and not removed moss , duff , or debris to a compact moisture-retaining seedbed no reproduc- tion has occurred [in Alberta], even though s ufficient see d trees have been left. ·where fire or lo gging has occurred and has re·· sui ted in the removal of moss, duff and debris, reproduction has 66 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 1133, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE always occurred, if an adequate seed supply was available. In late summer and fall fires the seed supply may be in the form of cones on the trees that have been killed, but even this appears in most cases to be adequate for the purpose of restocking. Black spruce may be strongly represented in the reproduction follow- ing fire in white spruce on upland areas. This migration of black spruce from its normal lowland habitat to fireswept uplands has al- ready been mentioned. Occasionally reproduction of essentially pure white spruce may become established following fires in the climax type. This occurs most frequently when the burned areas are rela- tively small and are surrounded by, or are adjacent to, living trees of seed-bearing age. Shortly after a severe fire has swept through a spruce forest, the dead trees begin to fall, creating a tangle of flammable material that is difficult to penetrate. The result is that the fire hazard is greatly increased. Fire-killed snags usually do not remain standing as long in theN orth as in regions to the south. The trees are generally shallow rooted with most of the roots in the forest floor and upper- most horizons of mineral soil. Fires burn most intensely and deeply around the tree bases with .the result that the prop roots are burned off. Following a fire the/ hazard due to fallen snags gradually in- creases for 5 to 10 years and then slowly decreases during the follow- ing 10 to 20 years. The rate of decay varies with aspect and ground conditions, as well as with the size of the material. In general, how- ever, snags do not constitute much of a hazard 20 to 30 years after a fire. Much of the timber killed by the great fire on the Kenai Pen- insula in 1947 is already on the ground. There the fire hazard will remain abnormally high for many years. The frequency of burning has an important bearing on the compo- sition of the plant communities that develop. Areas that once sup- ported white spruce have become treeless as a result of repeated fires. A dense cover of fireweed and grass (chiefly Epilobium angustijolium and Calamagrostis canadensis) now occupies areas that previously supported forests. The fireweed and grass, together with other herbaceous plants, often produce an unbelievably rank growth, fre- quently attaining a height of 5 to 6 feet. This presents an effective barrier to the re-entry of tree seedlings. In the spring, before new growth has started, the mat of litter representing the previous year's growth may be 6 or more inches in thickness. Beneath this mat may be found a layer of humus 8 or more inches thick, resting on mineral soil. The mineral soil in such situations sometimes exhibits the leached A2 horizon of a podzol profile developed under forest cover. Fireweed-grass communities when well developed appear to be relatively stable; natural reconversion to forest, where this occurs, evidently requires 100 to 200 years. Pohle (119), in his studies on the Kanin Peninsula in northern Russia, found that openings created in the forest by fires supporteP. a luxuriant growth of herbaceous plants. He pointed out that this growth may develop so early in the spring that its density prevents the development of tree seedlings. Another change in vegetation type is from a forest to a shrubby cover of dwarf birch and willows. This community is evidently not as stable as the fireweed-grass type. Re-entry of tree species, espec- ially spruce, seems to occur more readily, ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FOREST FIRES IN ALASKA 67 The effects of fire on forest vegetation are most severe on the poorest sites. In general, the change in vegetation is most profound and subsequent recovery most slow on steep slopes having southerly or westerly exposures and on rocky or ledgy areas where mineral soil is shallow or nearly lacking. Forest recovery from fire is dangerously slow at the upper a.Ititudinal and latitudinal limits of forest growth. Pohle (120) investigated the tree and forest limits in northern Russia. He stated that if the forest at its northernmost limits is opened up, tundra vegetation, which characteristically has high light requirements, may enter and flourish. The tundra vegetation can be held in check only if immediately following the disturbance to the forest there is a good tree-seed year, that is, only if a new stand of young trees again shades the ground: Prompt return of tree growth .in such areas, however, is probably the exception rather than the rule because near the limits of tree growth seed years occur very infrequently. Pohle observed that in the majority of cases the tundra vegetation becomes established as a relatively permanent community. Hustich (64) issued a warning relative to the care needed in managing the northern forests in Labrador, and referred to "the warnings expressed by North-European forest scientists against an exploitation of the northernmost forests, just because of their few seed years and slow regrowth." Fires in the northern forest have sometimes exercised a beneficial effect in providing conditions for· establishment of rapidly growing, healthy forest stands. Gilmore (48) stated that burned areas in Newfoundland support better stands of spruce than do areas of virgin timber where there has been no fire for a very long. time. He found the percentage of spruce higher and the rate of growth better on burned areas than where fires had not occurred. Rubner (132), in discussing forest conditions in Finland, remarked that those familiar with northern forest conditions recognized that fires may have favor- able effects; he stated that the best spruce and pine stands occur on former burns. After detailing the effects of fire in Scandinavia, Tamm (151) wrote as follows: "The forest fire with its consequences has thus in north Sweden usually been nature's own and very satis- factory method of regeneration, especially in respect of the Vaccinium forests but also of other forest associations." Recognition of possible past benefits of fire, whether in the Coast Douglas-fir region or in the white spruce forests of the high North, does not mean that uncontrolled forest fires can now be condoned. Fire is a-poor master but, under control, may be a good servant. Black Spruce Type Black spruce usually occurs in situations where drainage is poor and permafrost is close to the soil surface. Stands of this species are generally encountered in relatively fiat valley ,bottoms, on fiat to gently rolling land, and on cold slopes having! a north exposure. Raup (124), working along the Alaska Highway, thought that on the more or less level terrain there was a fair coincidence between the occurrence of black spruce and soils derived from clays or clayey glacial tills. The species may also invade upland areas normally oc- cupied by white spruce (fig. 20). This occurs following fires when a 6 'l'ECI:tJ\fiCAL BULLETIN 113 3, U . S . DEP'l'. OF AGRICULTURlil F -47736 1 FI GURE 20.-A 55-year-old stand of black s pruce . Domina.nts are 2 to 4 inche . .; d. b. h. and about 15 feet tall. Snags a r e r e licts of 2 fir e-kille d stands . The last fir e killed a pole stand of black s pruce and an earlier fir e killed a stand of white s pruce containing trees 10 t o 12 inches d. b. h . This is an example of black s pruce replacing white s pruce, following repeated fires. source of black spruce seed is available and white spruce seed is lack- ing . Black spruce is regarded as a fire species because it reproduces abundantly following fir es, mo stly from seed stored in t h e persistent cones. Tree composition in the black spruce type is shown in table 9. Characteristically, black spruce forms pure stands. Normally it grows in wet, poorly drained h abitats and competition from other tree species is slight. P erhaps eq ually important in accounting for the pure stands is the generally abundant supply of black spruce seed . L ess important is the ability of black s pruce to reproduce vegetatively by layering. Oc casionally one encounters individuals of ·white spruce and paper birch, but they form a very minor component in most black s pruce stands. Grayleaf willo w and littletree willow occasion- ally attain a diameter of 1 inch or more and a h eight exceeding 6 feet but their occurrence is limited. Stand densities are very high in young black spruce stands; there often are 5,000 stems 1 inch or more in diameter p er acre in stands 30 years of age and old er. Even in stands 100 years of age and older, there may be a total of 2,000 to 3,000 stems per aere with 200 to 300 trees 5 or more inches in diameter. Forest-canopy d ensity appears to d ec rease slightly after stands attain an age of about 200 years; in stands up to 100 to 150 years old, crown d ensity is high. In the s ubordinate vegetation, greatest d ensity of coverage is seen in the ground layer (0 to 2 inch es) where d ensities approaching 100 percent a r e us11al. Lowest densiti es are :ECOLOG ICAL EFFECTS OF FOREST FIRES IN ALASKA 69 encountered in the layers 1 to 2.5 feet and 2.5 to 6 feet where coverage is usually l ess than 5 p ercent. Maximum h eights in mature black spruce fore s ts u su a lly do not exceed 45 fe et and maximum diam eters are seldom more than 8 to 9 inches. Young black spru ce stands, originating following fir es, a r e u sually even aged . In stands past 100 y ears of age, however , they tend to b ec ome increasingly more uneven aged. T ABI,E 9.-Composition of black s pmce stands in interior Alaska: Nwn be1· of h ee>< and basal mea p er acre , by stand a ge, species, and diarneter (bre a s t high ) gro1tp St:1 nd age , plot numher, and specie s rr ree s per acre Diameter 2 inche' a nd up Diameter 5 inches and up ' 1 inch 1 --~---1 ---~-­and up in diam- eter rl'rces B asal J~~~ a r e~ T r ees B a sa l ~c~~ area ---------------------1--------------- 30 -yea r-old stan d s : P49-28, black spruce -------------------------------------- P.>L-2~: Black s pruce . __________________________________________ _ White spruce .... ----------------------------------------55 -yea r-o!d stand, T 50-5: Black s pruce . __________________________ ·---____________ _ White spruce . ___ , _____ ---------------------------------- 80 -year-old stand , P50-25: Black s pruce . _______________ --------------___ ------____ _ White 'pruce .------------------------------------------- Gray leaf willow. ______________ ------------------------- Littletree willow ____ ------------------------------------ 85-year-old stand , P51-23: B lack spruce . __ ._-----_-----__ -----____________________ _ White spruce. ________________ ------____________________ _ 100-year-old stand, P51-28: B lack s pruce . _________________________ ---------________ _ A lask a paper bir ch .------------------------------------- 200-ycar-old sta nd, P 50-19, b lack s p ruce ___________________ _ ' No t r ees r eached 10 inch es in diameter. No . No. 4, 900 2, 11 0 4, 64 0 44 0 20 20 1, 300 72.=) 25 2.1) 7~0 690 20 20 730 0 40 0 5, 960 3, 640 20 20 2, 910 1,8 10 20 20 1, 960 1, 825 S q.ft. No. Sq.ft. 82.9 40 G. 7 11 .3 0 1.0 0 20.8 1.2 Gl. 3 200 37. l 3. 5 10 2. 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 14?.1 20 2. 7 2. 7 20 2. 7 128. 6 300 51.2 1.0 0 0 122.4 195 28. 7 R epro duction is confined to black spruce. Practically all stands have reproduction es tablished, with an average of around 4,100 s ee dlings and l ayers p er acre . Willows of all kinds (l ess than 6 f eet in height) average about 4,700 stem s p er acre. No one speci es is pre- dominant, exce pt lo cally. The follo wing species are represented. Litt l etree willow , smoo t h B ebb willow, grayl eaf willow , its var. acutijoli a , and var . alic eae, blueberry willow, diamondleaf willow , n et- leaf willow, and Scouler willow. MosT ABUNDANT SHRUBs, O THER THAN WILLows Arctos taphylo s alpina ss p . rubra Empetrum nigrum L edum palustr e ssp. gro en la ndicum Ro sa acicularis V accinium ul·iginosum v. mtis-idaea S HRUBS, O ccASIONAL ·ro R A RE { B etula glandulo sa B. nana ssp. exi tis Oassio pe tetragona Oornus canadensis L edum palustre ss p . decum be11s Menziesia f erruginea Oxycoccus m icroc arpus Potentilla j ruticosa Rhododendron lapponicum Vaccinium cespitosum 70 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 1133, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Grasses are unimportant in the black spruce type. Arctagrostis latijolia is perhaps the most frequently encountered species. Oc- casional to rare are Calamagrostis canadensis, Festuca altaica, and Poa paucispicula. · Of the grasslike plants, the sedges are occasionally encountered but are not at all common. Carex lugens perhaps is seen more frequently than any other species. Carex canescens, C. vaginata, Eriophcrum brachyantherum, E. vaginatum, and Luzula rufescens are occasiona.l to rare. The grasslike plants appear to be slightly more frequent in stands more than 60 years of age than in young stands. The most abundant forbs in black spruce stands are Equisetum scirpoides, Petasites jrigidus, and Pyrola secunda. FoRBS, OccASIONAL To RARE Astragalus alpinus Chrysosplenium tetrandrum Epilobium angustifolium Equisetum arvense Linnaea borealis var. americana Mertensia paniculata Pedicularis labradorica Pyrola asarifolia var. incarnata Rumex arcticus Saussurea angustijolia Saxifraga hieracifolia Senecio integerrimus. Mosses are a characteristic component of the vegetation in the black spruce forest. They often completely cover the surface of the forest floor. Most common is Hylocomium splendens. MossEs, LEss CoMMON Aulacomnium palustre Dicranum drummondii Drepanocladus uncinatus Pleurozium schreberi Sphagnum rubellum Tomenthypnum m·tens Sphagnum mosses, practically lacking in other forest types, are characteristic of black spruce stands, especially in the older age classes. MossEs, OccAsiONAL TO RARE Aulacomnium turgidum Dicranum elongatum D. juscescens D. majus D. strictum ll.7Jpnum dieckii Polytrichum commune P. juniperinum P. strictum Sphagnum girgensohnii S. plumulosum Although a considerable variety of lichens occur in the black spruce type, they usually do not occupy appreciable areas of the forest floor. Coverage is usually less than 5 percent. LICHENs, MosT CoMMON Cladonia coccifera C. cornuta f. cylindrica C. degenerans f. euphorea C. gracilis var. dilatata C. mitis Peltigera aphthosa var. aphthosa ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FOREST FIRES IN ALASKA 71 Cetraria cucullata G. islandica Gladonia alpestris LICHENS, OccAsiONAL To RARE G. rangiferina G. amaurocraea" f. celotea G. amaurocraea f. oxyceras G. cenotea f. crossota G. crispata var. i'tlfundibulifera G. crispata var. V'irgata G. deform1"s G. degenerans f. cladomorpha G. gonecha G. rangiferina f. stygia G. scabriuscula f. sublems G. sylvatica G. unc1"alis Dactylina arctica Nephroma arcticum Peltigera aphthosa var. variolosa P. can1"na P. canina var. rufescens P. pulverulenta In the older stands, beard lichens such as Alectoria jubata and Usnea comosa ssp. comosa occur commonly on the trees. Black spruce represents a physiographic climax on cold, poorly drained soils in the forested region of the Alaska interior. Here it represents an essentially stable, self-perpetuating community, repro- ducing itself by both seedling growth and layering. The type also occasionally occurs on moderately well-drained uplands where, as a result of fires, it has replacedwhite spruce. In these situations it must be regarded as a temporary fire type which will, in the course of time, give way to white spruce. Fires in black spruce are often intense, completely killing the vegetation and consuming the forest-floor material. The high stand density and relatively low stature of the trees favor crown fires. The flammability is often increased by the presence of beard lichens (principally Alectoria jubata and Usnea comosa ssp. comosa) on the trees. These lichens are tinderlike when dry. The black spruce type usually regenerates itself following fires. Millar (97) reported this tendency in Ontario, Canada. He found that, following fires, the stands were not radically different from the climax. type. Repeated burning at short intervals may result in replacement of the black spruce by treeless communities such as sedge-rush-grass or low shrub. These may persist indefinitely because of the difficulty of establishment of spruce seedlings. In areas where the. ground water is close to the surface, destruction of forest vegeta- tion is lmown to result in a rise of the water table, producing swamp conditions (22, 55, 164). EFFECT OF FIRE 'oN SOILS In a region such as the interior of Alaska, where forest fires each year burn over extensive areas, it is natural that questions should arise as to influence of fires on soils. The problem has attracted attention in almost every country in the world. Investigators in the Scandinavian countries and in the United Sta1ies, particularly, have done much to improve our knowledge of the subject. The interior of Alaska has many kinds of soil, how many no man knows. Soil classification and inventory in Alaska are in their infancy. The principal reports on Alaskan soils are specifically designated as being of a reconnaissance character (12, 13) or of an 72 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 1133, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE exploratory nature (68). Nevertheless, certain statements may be made on the basis of present scanty information. In general the soils in the interior of Alaska are shallow, both in the sense of soil development and in a physiological sense; many are young. Under forest vegetation, soil temperatures are low, even above the frozen ground which, during August, may be encountei·ed at depths of as little as 1 to 2 feet. This is especially true in dense spruce forests having a well-developed forest floor. The low temperatures inhibit chemical weathering of the soil material, reduce to a low level the activity of soil organisms, and unfavorably affect physiological processes in plant roots. From the standpoint of mechanical composition, many, if not most, soils contain relatively little clay. This is probably a reflection of the slowness of chemical weathering and the youthfulness of the soils. Many of the soils possess upper layers with a high proportion of very fine sand and silt, fractions that appear to have been brought in by wind. The surface soil is often fluffy when dry; cohesion is weak, and aggregates, if present, tend to be small and soft. Weak platy aggregates are sometimes seen. Internal soil drainage, under natural conditions, is usually slow to poor. Frozen ground at shallow depths commonly produces, in effect, a perched water table. Some soils have developed over coarse gravelly or cobbly alluvium; these tend to be so excessively drained that natural vegetation such as quaking aspen and balsam poplar defoliates during the middle of the summer because of water shortage. In the majority of forest soils in the interior there appears to be relatively little leaching due to low precipitation, and the depth to frozen ground is relatively shallow. Leaching seems to be greater in soils south of the Alaska Range than to the north. Well-developed podzols occur in many places on the Kenai Peninsula, in the Susitna Valley, and in the Copper River Valley. North of the Alaska Range, podzols are weak and encountered only occasionally. The organic matter tends to be unincorporated with the mineral soil, resting on it as a mantle. Thickness of the unincorporated organic matter varies from 2 to 4 inches in birch, quaking aspen, and balsam poplar stands to 4 to 6 inches in spruce forests. Under old white spruce, and especially in black spruce, the layers of organic matter may be 12 inches thick. The general lack of incorporation of organic matter into the mineral soil appears to result from the scarcity of soil animals such as earthworms and large arthropods. In fact, no earthworms were found in undisturbed forest soils in the interior of Alaska. · The layers of unincorporated organic matter in undisturbed forests are moderately acid; pH values are often about 4.5 south of the Alaska Range. In sections where the precipitation is lower, values of around 6.0 have been found. An indication of the variation in Alaskan soils is found on an aspen-covered southerly slope near Sheep Mountain in the upper Matanuska Valley, where a gray or white zone of calcium carbonate accumulation may be plainly seen. The material effer- vesces vigorously when treated with dilute acid and has a pH of 8.32. Acidity commonly decreases with increasing depth in the soil body. In general,· the supplies of calcium are high. Potassium, phos- phorus, and nitrogen appear to be adequate for normal forest pro- ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FO!l-EST FIRES IN ALASKA 73 d'iiction. . As might be expected, most of the nitrogen and available phosphorus is associated with the organic matter. The available phosphorus content is relatively high in the organic layers, low in the mineral soil layers exploited by roots, and high in the subsoil below the main root level. This distribution probably results from absorp- tion of the element by plant roots in the upper mineral soil layers and its return to the humus laver in the annual leaf fall. Root devel- opment in most soils is shallow. Water relations are especially important in the forest soils of interior Alaska. If the topographic situation is such that the soils are sup- plied with an abundance of water, subject to only very slow lateral movement, unfavorable ecological conditions result. Frozen ground is likely to be encountered at shallow depths, a waterlogged condition exists, temperatures are low, and aeration is poor. Tree growth is slow, if trees occur at all. On the other hand, soils that are supplied with small amounts of water are likely to be excessively droughty. It must be remembered that precipitation is scanty in the interior. The most favorable conditions for tree growth are often found adjacent to waterways where the depth to frozen ground is several feet during the growing season, and where the ground water is moving, aeration is favorable, and soil-temperature is adequate for normal growth. Pohle (119) noted the occurrence of forests along streams in northern Russia and suggested that the width of the timbered strip was dependent on drainage. Drainage is better in relatively coarse-textured soil materials (and the width of the timbered strip is greater) than in fine-textured soil materials. Evidently the width of the timbered strip along waterways becomes narrower with increas- ingly high latitudes. Frozen ground is a common feature in soils of the Alaska interior. It is not present everywhere, however, and where it occurs its depth below the soil surface varies considerably influenced by drainage, topographic exposure, and vegetation type. Benninghoff (14) stated that seasonal thaw under spruce forests usually ranges from 2 to 6 feet. Thawing extends to greater depths under paper birch, quaking aspen, and grass. In general, it may be said that the existence of permafrost is a most fortunate circumstance. Thawing permafrost provides the vegetation with water that otherwise is not available because of the scanty rainfall. Without this water source large areas in.the Alaska interior would, in all probability, become desertlike. Humus Layers The effect of fires on the thickness of the layers of unincorporated organic matter varies with the intensity and frequency of burning. Light fires consume only the uppermost litter but severe fires may expose the mineral soil surface over all, or nearly all, of the burned area. Repeated light fires may be just as effect~ve in destroying the forest floor as single severe fires. Complete destruction of the un- incorporated organic matter was most frequently observed on well- drained rocky slopes or ridges where fuel and atmospheric conditions favor intense burning. It was also observed around the bases of spruce trees where the forest floor was dry because of interception of precipitation by the crowns (fig. 21). As explained earlier, accumula- 7 4 TECHNICAL BULLETIX 113 3 : U . S . DEPT. OF AGR ICULTURE F -477375 FIGURE 21.-D eep burning a round the bas e s of "·hite s pruce con s umed all unin- corp orated organic matter. The mineral s o il is covere d with a layer of nearl y pure a s h . t io n of co n e scales a nd other highly flammable debris around t h e bases of spruce t r ees is a factor favoring hot fir es . D estruction of t h e for est floor to mineral soil varied from 0 to 100 percent in different fir es and on diff er ent areas within a given burned tract. Examination of r ecen t burns indicated that de ep burning to mineral soil involved about 30 to 40 p ercent of th e surface, even in fires so sever e as to kill all t r ees . Physical Properties Temperature No m eas urements of temperatures attained during forest fir es are available for Alaska but indications are that they a re high. Living spruce roots up to about 10 in ch es in diameter have been burned off and high temperatures have reddened both surface soil and rock s . Following fires, minenJ so il temp eratures are generally incr eased b e- ca us e of the reduction or elimination of the uninco rporated organic matter. In undisturb ed co ndition, this material is eff ec tive insulation. Another r easo n for high er temp er atur es on burned areas is the fre- quently darker co lor of t h e so il caused by ch a r coa l. The higher soil temp er atures that occur following burning a r e a lmo st invariably re- flected in a downward retreat of t h e permafrost layer. Frozen ground often o cc urs at d epths of 12 to 18 inches under spruce fores t in mid- summer whereas in adj acent burned a.r ea.s the depth may be greater than that reached b y a 3-f oot soil auger. The increases in so il tem- p erature following fires a r e regarded as eco logically favorabl e although l ethal levels may b e r eac h ed at the so il s urface occasionally and tree see dlings may b e killed. ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FOREST FIRES IN ALASKA 7 5 Moisture Relations Complete destruction of the for est floor on steep slopes, particu- la rl y those with southerly exposures , increases surface runoff and con- sequently decreases the amount of soil water available to plants. Increased evaporation losses also reduce the amount of available water. Reestablishment of forest growth on such sites is slo w. On land with gentle topography and on fiat areas soil moisture rela- t ions do not appear to b e altered a pprecia bly by fires. The field capacity of the mineral so il layers , as judged by moisture equival ent values, is not much ch a nged. In burned areas the supply of moisture available to plants is more st-able, and hence more favorab l e, in spots where mineral soil h as b ee n exposed than where a mantle of charred organic matter remains. Organic matter on the mineral soil surface can hold large quantities of water, but this water is readily lo st t hrough evaporation. This results in wide fluctuations in moisture content that are very unfavorable to seedlings. Another considera- tion of ecological importance is the fa ct that a l arge proportion of the water held in organic m atter is so tightly bound that plants cannot remove it; thus the wilting p ercentage is mu ch higher in organic ma- terial than in most mineral soils. In many areas of interior Alaska the froz en ground contains bodies of ice in the form of l enses , veins, and blo cks. These ice masses are often l arge and o ccur under extensive tracts. When the natural vege- tation is removed , as in clearing land for farming, the ice melts and the settling and caving produce a n unstable, pitted surface. Mull er (100) and others employed the term thermokarst for irregular land surfaces thus produced by the m elting of ground ice. He r eported that "Thermokarst land forms a 1;e commonly produ ced by forest fires, grass fires, d efo r estation, and stripping of the surface by man. Removal of the vegetative cover results in a more intense so lar heating of the ground, melting the ground-ic e and causing settling and caving of the ground-" Wall ace (163 ) investigated cave-in l akes in the Nabesna, Chisana, and Tanana River valleys and r emark ed that "The effect of r emoval of the vegetal cover has been d emonstrated in many places where caving has taken place in ground that had b een cleared for construc- tion purposes . In nat ure the initiation of a lake could result from such an event as the overturning of a tree b y wind, with resulting uprooting of the vegetal mat." Forest fire s mu::t b e a far more com- mon cause of the melting of ground ice than windthrow of trees . Texture and Structure If any changes in soil texture occur as a result of fir es, the changes are slight. To al ter texture there would necessarily· have to be either fusion or baking of particles into l arger stable units or a break- down of particles into small er units . Only rarel5r does either happen. Mechanical analyses indicate that the surface soil material , often deposited by the wind, has undergone little change in particle size since its deposition . Structural changes in the mineral soil as a resul t of forest fires also appear to b e slight or lacking. Aggregate develop- 76 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 113 3, U . S. DEP1'. OF AGRICULTURE ment in most undisturbed mineral so ils is slight because of t h e lo w co ntent of organic and inorganic co lloid s. The aggregates tend to be both small and weak. Rtmo./J and Erosion Although quantitative information is lacking, i t a pp ears certain t h at runoff is increased on steep slop es that have b een severely burned. This r es ults from a combina tion of d ecr eased in£ltration rates and lo ss of t h e forest floor t h at reduces the rate of overland flow. This matter is examined in more detail in t h e section , Effect of Fire on Hydro- lo gic Relations. Erosion on burned-over forest l and is surprisingly small in s pite of the fact that the so il properties would l ea d one to conclude that they wer e eas il y eroded. Lack of extensive and severe ero sion may b e due to the low precipitation, t h e lo w intensity of rainfall in individual storm s, the long p eriod each year that the soil s ar e fro ze n and snow cover ed , and the rapidity of revegetation of burned l ands. Within a year or two following fires, mosses, liverwor ts, lich en s, and high er plants usually d evelop , binding the min eral so il and pro tectin g it from wind and water erosion. Stream bank slumping following forest fires has been observed in the N ort h by Preble (12 2), McKenna (86), and others. However, fir es are no t a major cause of bank slumping along northern rivers ; bank c u tting and slumping are common features on streams flowing t hrough country long lmburned (fig. 22 ). F -477376 FrG URE 22 .-Bank cutting along the T az lina River. Erosion of this type is very co:nmon and is not r elated to forest fires. It contri butes to the silt load of the rive r s. Vi e w upstream from a h igh bluff on t h e north s ide of the rive r, about V2 mile above the Richardson Highway crossing. .June 1951. ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FOREST FIRES IN ALASKA 77 Locally, steep slopes may be subject to landslides and slumping after the removal of forest vegetation. Muller (100) pointed out that a common cause of such mass movement ". . . is the concentration of ground moisture at shallo w depth, immediately above t he impervious permafrost or over the frost table prior to the complete thawing of the active l ayer." Safeguarding measures that Muller recommends include avoiding deforestation and the planting of trees and grasses. At least two areas of drifting sands are known to occur in Alaska, one in the Kobuk River Valley and one north of Tok in the Tanana Valley. Neither of these areas was examined. Consequently it is not possible to judge whether destruction of natural vegetation by fire may have been a factor in initiating the erosion cycle. Chemical Properties Soil acidity in the surface layers is invariably reduced by burning. Where the humus layers have been consumed and mineral soil exposed pH values of 6.5 to 7.5 are common. This results from ashing of the organic matter, which is relatively rich in the alkaline earths, calcium, and magnesium. Samples of pure ash from a burned white spruce forest had pH values of approximately 8.4. Reduction in soil acidity is a usual accompaniment of burning, as shown by the work of Eneroth (44), Isaac and Hopkins (66), Kivekas (72), and many others. Exchangeable calcium in the upper layers of the mineral soil is greatly increased by burning, the increase often being severalfold . This tendency is almost universal, having been reported by investiga- tors in nearly all parts of the world. Exchangeable potassium and readily available phosphorus in the upper mineral soil layers are also increased by burning and this, too, has been reported by many investigators. Nitrogen contained in organic matter that is consumed by fire is, of course, vol atilized and lost to the site. Consequently it is certain that immediately after a fire the total nitrogen capital shows a re- duction. However, all, or nearly all, evidence from northern forest regions points to an increased availability of nitrogen to vegetation following fires (59, 60). Burning usually induces nitrification in mor humus layers . Even total nitrogen may increase to l evels higher than before the fire. This may result from development of wild legumes with nodules containing symbiotic nitrogen-fixing organisms or it may result from increased activity of the free-living, non-symbiotic Azotobacter and Clostridium bacteria. The favorabl e nitrogen relations in most burned areas are confirmed by the dark green color of the plants, their vigorous growth, and the abundance of nitrate plants, such as fireweed and red raspberry. Fires quickly make available the nutrient materials bound in organic matter. Thus immediately after burning a large part of the nutrient capital of the site is concentrated in the ashes r on and in the upper mine:ral soil layer. A similar effect would result from adding fertilizer material. Microorganisms become active and seedlings which b ec ome established grow rapidly. Spruce seedlings established in burns may actually grow faster than seedlings of the same age in nursery b eds. 78 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 113 3, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Soil Productivity On most sites in Alaska, fire does not exercise a damaging effect on the soil. If it did, a large proportion of the forest soils in the Alaska interior would already be seriously damaged. Certa.in categories of site are, however, unfavorably influenced and the effects may be of a lasting nature. Rocky, ledgy sites, especially on steep slopes, may be seriously harmed. Here the forest that existed prior to the fire was rooted not in mineral soil but in humus that had been built up over a long period of time. Destruction of the humus means destruction of the soil itself. Following fires, steep slopes with southerly or westerly exposures become critical sites for tree growth. Surface runoff is increased, the p~rmafrost table is considerably lowered, surface soil and air temperatures are raised, and water losses through evaporation are increased. Such sites, for a long time, can support only the hardiest of plants. They may remain treeless indefinitely or bear open stands of slow-growing aspen. Re-entry of spruce is an extremely slow process even though spruce may have been the type present before the fire occurred. No possible justification of uncontrolled wildfires can be found in the realm of soil sc.ience. Such fires can never be justified or even excused on the basis of beneficial effects on the soil, despite the fact that fires may have favorable effects on certain properties. Con- trariwise, the writer regards uncritical allegations of d~:struction of the soil and deterioration of the soil as less than strong arguments against uncontrolled fire~. Occasionally destruction of soil by forest fires does literally occur but on the majority of burns destruction or deterioration of the soil would be impossible to prove. EFFECT OF FIRE ON HYDROLOGIC RELATIONS The relation of forests and other vegetation to hydrology in the interior of Alaska is poorly understood. Although quantitative data bearing on the subject are very scanty, vegetation probably exercises a considerable influence on the water regime. Runoff in rivers draining areas of permanently frozen ground represents a high proportion of the total precipitation. Alter (7) stated that discharge measurements made by the Geological Survey on the Yukon River indicate that the runoff exceeds 60 percent of the precipitation. Shimkin (14-3), in his report on the Fort Yukon area, remarked that "An outstanding characteristic of Arctic rivers draining areas of permanently frozen ground is that the runoff from their basin~ approximates 55 to 65 percent of the precipitation as opposed to 15 to 18 percent for rivers in tempera.te area~, such as the Missis- sippi." Shimkin noted that "This means that the flooding, eroding and silt-carrying capacities of these rivers . . . are nearly four times as great as might be indicated by normal experience." Removal of the vegetation mantle as a result of fire may be expected to increase the already high ratio of runoff to precipitation. Increased amplitude between high and low water stages may also be expected. The qualitative effects of vegetation removal may be anticipated even though quantitative information is not available. Ellswbrth and Davenport (4-3), in discussing the surface water supply in the Yukon-Tanana region, wrote as follows: · ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FOREST FIRES rN ALASKA 79 The moss that forms a heavy coating over most of the country probably regulates the distribution of the run-off during the summer as much as any factor. It is quite generally the opinion among the older residents of the country that the flow of the creeks does not hold up as well after a rain now as when work first commenced. That probably is due in part to the fact that the moss covering on the older creeks has been largely removed by fires and other agents. The same authors in their discussion of the Crooked Creek drainage basin in the Circle district observed that: The run-off from the area is less than from adjoining areas. The creeks are liable to a very low minimum discharge and, owing to the steep barren slopes, are flashy in character. Nearly all the timber in the headwaters has been cut off and much of the basin has been burned over. Marshall (90) in describing placer mining in the Koyukuk region, stated that the water problem was exceptionally serious because most of the creeks are small and their vohime of water has been decreased by removal of the forest vegetation. Marshall (90, pp. 173-174) quoted at some length the views of an old timer on the upper Koyukuk to the effect that carelessness with fire had resulted in widespread burning of the forest and that, with its destruction, water supplies for mining became scarcer. Tundra and bog vegetation, as well as forested areas, must exercise a regulatory influence on runoff. Auer (8), in his investigations of peat bogs in southeastern Canada, noted that "The burning off of the moss covering may have the effect that the surface of the peat bog is no longer capable of detaining water of sudden rain, but the water breaks through the peat bog in many places and flows away as rapid rivulets." The problem of water supplies in the Alaska interior will probably become more acute as population increases and the Territory is de-· veloped: With increased demands for water, it seems certain that increased attention will be given to the hydrologic role played by vegetation. EFFECT OF FIRE ON ANIMAL POPULATIONS One of the important resources of the Alaska interior is the wildlife, especially the fur bearers and the big game. From it both the white population and the natives derive very substantial economic benefits. As early as 1908 Osgood (1 06) recognized this fact and expressed himself as follows: In addition to its inherent values game is of great pecuniary importance to the country it inhabits on account of the money spent there by visiting sportsmen. Not only are substantial revenues derived through the direct sale ofihuntiJ;J.g licenses, but considerable sums are distributed in the payment of travelling expenses and in the employment of guides, packers, boatmen, and others. To Alaska and Alaskans such considerations are not without importance, for the development of this northern Territory will in the long run require the utilization of every 349169-56-6 80 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 113 3, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE resource. If lands unsuitable for mining or agriculture can, by reason of the wild game inhabiting them, be made a part of the permanent resources of the country, they have a substantial value. If properly husbanded the game becomes a perpetual source of pleasure and profit, whereas if ruthlessly sacrificed to immediate desires the region now made attractive by it will lapse into a comparatively uninteresting and useless waste. More recently, the Canadian Bureau of Northwest Territories and Yukon Affairs (25) published the following statement: As the fur trade has been and will continue to be the main support of the Indian population, and as forest-dwelling animals supply the Indian with meat, it is felt that one of the greatest values of the forests of the Northwest Territories lies in the habitat which they provide for game and fur bearing animals. The effects of fires on the wildlife resource are of vital importance to the future of Alaska and its citizens. The subject of forest fires in .relation to wildlife has many contro- versial aspects. Much of the controversy appears to stem from failure to distinguish between accidental wildfires, whose occurrence with respect to time, place, and intensity is largely fortuitous, and pre- scribed fires which may be used as a management tool. Although generalizations are admittedly hazardous, informed opinion seems to be that accidental fires, whose time of occurrence and geographic location is determined by a chance lightning strike, a cigarette disc. carded before it was out, or by the campfire of a careless individual, cannot be regarded with favor. In 1933 Aldo Leopold (81), the leading exponent of game manage- ment in the United States at that time, wrote, "Any fire, however light, of course makes a clean sweep of all ground nests and helpless young. This loss of .nests and young is undoubtedly the heaviest item in the direct mortality from fire. The peak of the fire season in most regions is the peak of the nesting and fawning season." In 1923 Leopold (80) stated that" ... fire does no good to ganie which forestry would not likewise do, and fire does enormous damage ·to game which forestry would avoid." The significance of this observation is not widely enough appreciated. In 1934, Dymond (41), in discussing the conservation of game and fur-bearing mammals, expressed the view that "The necessity of preventing forest fires is now universally recognized, but it may be worthwhile adding that fire not only destroys the forest as such, but eliminates the wild life and renders the burned area unsuitable for a long period as a home for many species of game and fur-bearing animals." Gabrielson (46) stated, Rapid running forest fires, particularly crown fires, may be very destructive to wildlife. If they occur in the nesting season of birds, the broods of the year and often the breeding stock are destroyed. Many parent birds, particularly those sitting on eggs that are nearly ready to hatch, 'will stay on the nests until suffocated or burned. . . . Generally speaking, however, on the basis of present knowledge, fire is so great an enemy of both wildlife and forests that there is an increasing amount of fire patrol, both on public and on private forest lands. This should in the long run be exceedingly beneficial to wildlife. ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FOREST FIRES IN ALASKA 81 Fur-Bearing Animals Fur-bearing animals in general appear to be adversely affected by most severe fires. This applies particularly to animals that are unable to take refuge in water and in situations where the fires are repeated. Small mammals, many of which serve as food for fur bearers, are killed when fires destroy their habitats (4-5). The marten (Martes americana) one of the most valuable fur-bearing animals in northern forests, probably is more menaced by forest fires than any other fur bearer. Seton (14-1, pp. 4-91-4-93, 4-97) regarded fires as especially damaging to marten and expressed himself as follows: "A forest fire of 100 square miles means the destruction of all martens within that 100 square miles. They cannot escape. The smoke pursues the fugitives, and overcomes them. Their food is destroyed in the stricken area." In 1922 representatives of one of the great fur-trading com- panies in Canada, presumably the Hudson's Bay Company (1) stated, It is a common complaint of the Indian that fires have crossed his 'marten,' or hunting grounds, with the consequent destruction of all such game as marten, fisher [Martes pennanti], fox [Vulpes julva], ermine [Mustela erminea], and lynx [Lynx canadensis]. This necessitates a 'change of venue' for his activities, or the confining of his attention to the trapping of beaver [Castor canadensis], otter [Lutra canadensis], etc., thereby reducing the numbers of these animals more rapidly. During the summer of 1950 the extensive fires northeast of Fort Yukon were frequently lamented by Alaskans because they destroyed the forests in what was reportedly some of the finest marten country in the Territory. Of particular interest in this connection is a report by Angus Brabant (18), Fur Trade Commissioner of the Hudson's Bay Com- pany, published in 1922. Brabant expressed the view that recurrent forest fires were a threat to the fur trade. He observed, Our returns from certain districts that have experienced the devastation of forest fires, over what is but a comparatively small part of the total area, have indicated a marked decline in fur production for many years after the occurrence of fires. These conflagrations have not only destroyed magnificent stretches of Ca-nadian forest, sweeping away valuable timber that will require a generation to reproduce, but they have wiped out the food supply and the shelter of the fur bearers. Brabant also stated, "The Company's experience is that the finest furs are obtained in the most densely wooded districts." This inter- esting observation is confirmed by others (1). Brabant (18) pointed out that "The appalling losses to the fur trade which are traceable to forest. fires affect a very considerable portion of our population, the many thousands who earn a living as trappers, traders, fur dressers and dyers, garment makers, merchants and salespeople." Exceptions doubtless occur but it seems reasonable to assert that the general effect of uncontrolled fires on fur bearers is unfavorable. 82 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 113 3, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICUL'l'URE Moose The opmwn is frequently expressed that forest fires create more favorable conditions for moose (Alces americana) by destroying climax stands of white spruce or stands of black spruce and permitting the establishment of subclimax communities of willows, aspen, and birch, together with other browse species. That changes in vegetation almost invariable follow fires is readily observed. It is not nearly so certain, however, that the species composition of the vegetation which follows wildfires will be that most desired. In 1953, Leopold and Darling (82), writing of Alaskan conditions, observed, "The mere passage of a fire through timberland does not necessarily create optimum conditions for moose. Some burns pro- duce a grassland stage; others come back in pure spruce; many pro- duce aspen with little birch or willow which are the most palatable and productive browse plants." Already it appears that the great burn of 1947 on the Kenai Peninsula, involving a net area of perhaps one-quarter million acres, will have a short-lived value as a wintering ground for moose because of the entry of spruce reproduction in quan- tity, the failure of willows to appear in numbers sufficient to with- stand heavy use, and the fact that most of the browse is aspen sucker growth, which does not successfully withstand heavy browsing. This situation is not unique. Although most often aspen and birch come in after fire as pointed out earlier it is not uncommon for burned areas to reproduce to essentially pure spruce forest. It should also be recognized that establishment of browse species following severe fires is not immediate; years may pass before burned areas again support an appreciable amount of food for moose (109). It is doubtful that moose can reproduce rapidly enough to utilize fully the browse in extensive burns before it grows out of their reach. This would be a problem in tree species such as aspen, birch, and the larger willows such as Scouler and Bebb. The studies by Cowan, Hoar, and Hatter (35) in British Columbia led them to the conclusion that it is desirable for moose to have access to " . . . older stands bearing well grown coniferous trees . . . " in order that they may obtain certain nutrients. These investigators reported that their study pointed "to the desirability of winter range for browsing ungulates upon which there is a variety of palatable species predominantly in an early stage of growth, but with an intermixturec_of stands of other ages including areas bearing sub- climax or climax associations, including palatable coniferous species. The most desirable winter range for moose will be one well diversified as to species composition and age of stands, but predominantly of new growth following deforestation." The preponderance of evidence favors the conclusion that moose are today common or abundant in some regions throughout the North where formerly they were rare or not known to exist. This has been repeatedly asserted with regard to the Kenai Peninsula, a region now famous for both the numbers and size of its moose. In 1901 Osgood (105) stated, "According to report the moose has but recently appeared in the Cook Inlet region; the older Indians say no moose were there when they were boys." Similar statements were made by Roosevelt and others (131), Niedieck (102), Osgood (104), Dufresne i: ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FOREST FIRES IN ALASKA 83 (39), and Camp (24). Dufresne (39) described the situation as follows: In the year 1883 a forest fire raged for months on Kenai Peninsula. Shortly thereafter the caribou herds vanished. Coincident with this rapid passing of the caribou appeared the moose which were practically unknown on the Kenai before the big fire. Today, not a single caribou exists on the Peninsula, but the place is famous for its moose herds. The explanation is riot complex. Fire destroyed the lichens on which the caribou feed; fire produced in its wake abundant growths of willow, birches, and cotton- woods r~lished by the moose. That moose were practically unknown on the Kenai Peninsula before the fire_ of 1883, mentioned by Dufresne, may be doubted. In the Tenth Census of the United States, 1880, Petroff (116) described certain delicacies served at a native feast in Chkituk (on the north side of the Kenai River, above the village of Kenai) and specifically mentioned dried moose nose. In addition, he stated, "The variety of native animals is very great .... The deer here is apparently a larger cousin of the reindeer, the woodland caribou. Moose, single and in family groups, can be found feeding through the low brushwood and alder swamps." Abercrombie (4), in his report of 1884, quoted Ivan Petroff, who was then in the Customs Service at Kodiak, as follows: "Forage can be gathered in the vicinity of Fort Kenai during the summer to keep the stock during the winter. The climate is not more rigid than that of Montana. Moose abound, furnishing an article of food preferable to beef." Petroff was familiar with the Cook Inlet region and must have written the above statement not more than a vear or two after the fire of 1883. Karr1s 1887 report (67, p. 237) included a map with the Kenai Peninsula labeled as supporting bear and moose. The Eleventh Census of the United States, 1890 (159, p. 70), only 7 years after the fire of 1883, contains a statement~ on the Kenai Peninsula, as follows: "The forests and valleys of this region are still filled with numerous droves of moose ... and furnish a rich hunting ground for the Tnainas of Nikishka and Kenai." That moose were actually present on the Kenai Peninsula at a very early date is demonstrated by the findings of Laguna (75) in her excavations on Yukon Island in Kachemak Bay on the south end of the peninsula. Moose bones were found in four layers (Period I, II, sub-III, and IV) representing four periods of habita;tion. · Fires, through their effect on vegetation, probably favor an increase in the population of moose, but there is no proof that burning was uncommon on the peninsula prior to 1883. Apparently the earliest written record of a forest fire in Alaska is that of the Russian mining engineer Doroschin (37), who ascended the Kenai River in 1850. He encountered a forest fire which prevented him from completing his investigations of the gold resources of the regi<jn. The available history of moose on the Kenai Peninsula was in- vestigated because the presence or absence of fires does not satisfac- torily explain the appearance and disappearance, or the existence of large or sparse populations of these animals. In this connection it may be pointed out that in the discussion of the paper by Chatelain (32) 84 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 1133, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Urban C. Nelson remarked, "I think probably the conclusion that the moose abundance there [on the Kenai Peninsula] is purely the result of burns might be open to question." Movements of moose into areas where they were previously rare or not known to exist has extended to sections not influenced by fire. Leopold and Darling (82, p. 87) stated, On the northern and western fringes of the Alaskan moose range, willow is not a secondary plant invader but rather it is part of the riparian climax vegetation, the uplands being tundra. The factor which governs the abundance of willow here is not fire, as in the central and southern spruce forests, but probably temperature. We" postulate that the recent spread of moose into predominantly tundra areas must be correlated with the gradual Holarctic warming that is known to have occurred in the past half century. Turner (157) recorded the killing of a moose in the vicinity of Pastolik, near Saint Michaels, in the early winter of 1876. This was said to be the first instance of moose occurrence, on the seacoast, north of the Yukon River. In 1887 Nelson (101) remarked that "[moose] lead a roaming life, and where they may be numerous one season none may be found the next. The fur traders and Indians claim that the moose has been found west of Fort Yukon only within the last twenty-five or thirty years, and that only within the last ten years have they been killed below Anvik and Mission, on the Lower Yukon." Evidently the movement westward and northward, into unburned country, is continuing at the present time. The movements of the moose, as they extend their range, are most perplexing. In the treatise on the deer family by Roosevelt and others (131), Andrew J. Stone prepared the section on moose. He offered an interesting explanation for the increase in the moose population in various areas, including the Kenai Peninsula, as follows: They are now numerous in a very large territory in northwest British Columbia, through the Cassiar Mountains, on Level Mountain, and throughout the head waters of the Stickine River, where thirty years ago they were unknown. They are now abundant on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, and in other sections of the North where at one time they did not exist. Acquisition of territory by so wary aJJ. animal as the moose can only be accounted for in one way. Many years ·ago the Indian tribes occupying these sections were very numerous and inimical to moose life, but, since the Indians have dwindled from thousands to insignificant numbers, the moose finds comparatively un- molested life. This I know to be the case on the Kenai and in the country referred to in northwest British Columbia; and there are many similar changes in conditions in other parts of the North, notably in the Nahanna River country, north of the Liard, where the entire tribe of Indians that once hunted the country have died out, to the very great increase of moose. Fires have, in numerous instances, resulted in the establishment of rapidly growing, healthy forest stands of desired tree species. Silvi- ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FOREST FIRES IN ALASKA 85 culturists in some regions have already learned how to use fire as a tool to achieve their objectives. The gradual recognition among foresters of the useful role that prescribed burning may play in forest manage- ment has been accompanied by increased attention to protection against accidental wildfires. The relationship between fire and game management is in many respects analogous to that of fire and forest management. In both fields fire may be used as a tool to favor establishment of new vegetation, to influence or control species composition, and for various other purposes. But neither in forest management nor in wildlife management can uncontrolled fires be justified. . The solution of the problem is one that requires a strictly objective approach. After the forester or the wildlife manager has ascertained that fire is the most economical and effective means of attaining the objectives of management, he should use it, and be prepared to accept the same professional responsibility for results as a silviculturist marking timber in a cultural operation or in a harvest cutting to obtain natural reproduction. Leopold and Darling (82, p. 89) stated, The wildfires of the past inadvertently improved many Alaskan ranges for moose at an exorbitant cost in timber, watershed cover, and caribou range. It is unthinkable that we can permit unregulated burning to continue. The ambitious, but sadly underfinanced fire control program of the Bureau of Land Management (Division of Forestry) is the first positive step to curb this destruction. Assuming that wildfire can be arrested in the future, there remains the opportunity for the controlled use of fire to improve selected winter ranges for moose where other values may be considered subservient. Caribou The problem of fires and caribou is in a category wholly different from that of fires and moose. Unlike the moose, which prefers pioneer plant communities or at least vegetation representing early stages of successional development, the barren ground caribou normally lives in environments characterized by climax plant communities, tundra, and forest-tundra transition. Movements of caribou exhibit some of the same vagaries noted in the movements of moose. In early times, for example, caribou were known on the Kenai Peninsula (116, 79, 6), but are not now present. Perhaps the last caribou observed in the region is that mentioned in 1912 by Shiras (144) who wrote "a good-sized stag was seen south of Benjamin Creek by a party of surveyors last July [1911 ?]." Dufresne (39) associated the disappearance of caribou from the Kenai country with a forest fire that burned in the region in 1883. Other reasons for their vanishing have been suggested by earlier writers. Daniel G. Elliott (131, p. 279) observed "On ~he Kenai Peninsula and surrounding districts head hunters, both white and red, have nearly exterminated the species, and the increased means of transporta- tion to and through their country, the large number of hunters, greatly added to annually, and the improved firearms, would seem to foretell the extinction in a brief period of this fine animal in the regions where he is accessible." 86 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 1133, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Allen (6), writing of the specimen of caribou that Andrew J. Stone collected on September 24, 1900, quoted Stone as follows: "Cari- bou . . . are already very scarce on the Kenai Peninsula, and will doubtless soon be exterminated, the region being greatly frequented by visiting sportsmen, while native hunters kill the moose and caribou for their heads, disposing of them at good prices for shipment to San Francisco." And Phillips (118) remarked that the caribou on the Kenai Peninsula "vanished as rapidly as the buffalo when modern rifles were sold to the natives by enterprising American traders." As late as 1898 large bags of caribou were at least occasionally taken. Thomas C. Dunn, President of the Murrina Alaska Gold Mining Co., in an account of a hunting expedition in 1898 of Harry·C. Lee (79), stated that Lee found game abundant between the head of Chugachik Bay (at the upper end of Kachemak Bay) and Tustumena Lake. Lee killed three caribou. It seems reasonably certain that the increased tempo of burning by forest fires in Alaska since 1890 unfavorably affected caribou popula- tions. Extensive forest fires, particularly in the lichen-rich forest- tundra transition or woodland areas, have without doubt destroyed large portions of the caribou range. Unlike moose browse, which in favorable circumstances may develop in a few years following fires, caribou range requires very many years for recovery after it has been damaged by fire or by overgrazing. Fruticose lichens of the Cladonia group, Cetraria spp., and Stereo- caulon spp., together with certain beard lichens such as species of Usnea and Alectoria growing on trees, form the principal winter food of caribou and reindeer (40, 2, 84, 142, 113, 65). These lichens are all readily killed by forest fixes and their recovery is extremely slow as already noted in the section Herbaceous Plants. Aaltonen (2) reported that even 20 to 30 years following fires the reindeer lichens in Finland (chiefly Cladonia alpestris, C. rangiferina, C. sylvatica, and C. uncialis) occurred only sparsely and attained heights of only a few centimeters. Lynge (84) noted that Cladonia alpestris and C. sylvatica grow very slowly inN orway; he estimated that they would require a minimum of 25 to 30 years for full development, even under favorable conditions. Lynge observed burned areas where, after 50 years or more, Cladonia alpestris was scarcer and less well developed than in adjacent unburned areas. In 1926 Palmer (108) stated, It may take a burned-over lichen area as much as 25 years to come back; or where so badly burned that the cover of humus is destroyed, the changed site conditions may result in a recovered stand of inferior species, or virtually in a permanent removal of the lichens, so far as practical grazing use is concerned. In view of the importance of the lichen areas for winter grazing, it is vital to all reindeer men to guard against fires; and because of the damage to game and fur animals and to tree growth, it is the con- cern of everyone that fires be prevented and fire protection sought. In 1945 Palmer and Rouse (11 0) expressed the view that "A de- pleted lichen range under complete protection requires from 20 to 40 years for restoration to the original density and height growth." These authors studied the recovery of tundra range after various treat- ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FOREST FIRES IN ALASKA 87 ments intended to simulate grazing by reindeer. In an unpublished report on burned woodland or timbered range, Palmer 6 stated, "A full recovery in lichen composition comprising chiefly short growth forms takes place in about 50 years, following destruction by fire. For full return to the original cover of tall growth lichens it is indi- cated that considerably more than 100 years will be required.." Manning (89) believed. that complete recovery would require 30 years in the country on the east side of Hudson Bay. Hustich (65) quoted. the following estimates of the length of time required for r~covery of reindeer lichens following fires: Itkonen, 40 to 50 years; Sarvas, 30 to 40 years. Hustich estirr:ated at least 40 years for recovery in northeastern Canada. Variations in estimates of the length of time required for redevelop- ment of the lichen vegetation after fires are influenced by differences of opinion of what constitutes recovery, by differences in the intensity and extent of fires, and by differences in site and microclimate. A conservative estimate of the usual length of time would appear to be 40 to 50 years, but in some instances it may be much more. A half century, more or less, is a very long time for caribou range to be out of production. Burned areas are avoided by caribou and, as Schier- beck (136) has pointed out in Nova Scotia, the return of lichens to such regions does not necessarily mean the return of caribou. Even though the caribou are great travelers it seems reasonable to suppose that they are adversely affected when their range is broken up into small, often isolated, fragments by recurring fires. It also appears probable that under these conditions excessive local overgrazing is more common than on more extensive, continuous range. The effects of severe fires on fur bearers may be summarized as generally unfavorable. The effects of most fires on moose are generally favorable, but caribou are adversely affected by all fires. Judgment of whether forest fires are good or bad must usually be based on a consideration of the sum total of values involved. These values are tl.mber, wildlife, soil, water, and aesthetic or recreational values. In management, priority may be given to one or a. combination of these values, but only after due consideration of the others. The principle of multiple use should be applied to the extent that it is consistent with efficient resource management. Uncontrolled wildfires have no place in either forest or wildlife management. The ultimate place of prescribed burning in Alaska. cannot now be stated.. Neither the forester nor the wildlife specialist in Alaska today has the requisite knowledge to enable him to use prescribed burning on anything more than a purely experimental basis. There is a great opportunity and need for research on this problem. · EFFECT OF FIRE ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT The available natural resources will, in the long run, determine the · economic development of the Alaska interior. ,Without reasonably complete information on these resources, prophecy on future develop- ment becomes particularly hazardous. 6 pALMER, L. J. CARIBOU VERSUS FIRE IN INTERIOR ALASKA. (A STUDY OF BURNED-OVER LICHEN RANGES.) U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 33 pp. 1941. [Typewritten report.) 88 TECHNICAL :BULLETIN 1133, U. S. i>EPT. OF AGRICUV!'UREl The nature and extent of Alaskan resources has long been a subject of warm dispute. Ivan Petroff (115), writing in 1880, prefaced his statement on the agricultural and pastoral resources of Alaska as follows: "So much has been said upon this topic, of frantic declamation on one hand, and indignant remonstrances on the other, that we shall be very cautious in our presentation of what we believe or know to be a fact." There is a tendency toward extreme views when Alaskan resources are under consideration. At one pole are the extreme pessimists who would "give it back to the Indians"; at the other pole are the extreme optimists to whom the expression "land of milk and honey" is a. fitting characterization of even the leanest of regions. More temperate and more realistic would seem to be the view that interior Alsska possesses important natural resources that will one day be a firm basis for economic development but that these resources are relatively modest and need to be carefully conserved and used. Among the resources that, wisely used, can support an economy in perpetuity, the forests, with their great potential production of cellulose, occupy an important place. They are of direct importance as a source of forest products and of indirect importance as a habitat for wildlife and as a feature of the tourist trade. The threat of forest fires to the economic development of Alaska has been recognized for years. The earliest and strongest condemna- tion of fires did not come from professional conservationists but from members of the Geological Survey. In 1911 Brooks (21) deplored the widespread forest fires that he saw every summer as follows: "It appears to the writer that at the present rate of consumption and destruction by forest fires the timber of the Yukon-Tanana region will not be sufficient for the placer-mining industry, let alone any possible development when this stage has been passed." In 1915, Ellsworth and Davenport (43) pointed out, "One of the determining factors in the mining industry is the timber supply, not only for fuel but for constructing flumes, mine supports, and buildings. So far demands have been fairly met by the local growth, but large inroads have been made by both legitimate use and by forest fires, and the distance timber has to be transported is gradually increasing with a corresponding increase in cost." · In 1915 HenryS. Graves, then Chief Forester of the Forest Service, visited the interior of Alaska. He was impressed with the appalling losses resulting from fires and in 1916 made the following state- ment (54): The value of the interior forests should not be gauged by the size and quality of the trees for lumber, or their place for possible use in the general lumber markets of the Pacific coast. They have rather an economic value as a local necessity-that can be measured by contrasting the developments that will take place with their aid, with the conditions that would exist without them and will exist if they are destroyed. Nor can the economic position of the forests be judged by their aggregate extent and total volume of wood and timber. In a country of vast distances, sparse population, high cost of labor, and meagre facilities for transportation, it is the presence of forest supplies immediately 1: ' . ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FOREST FIRES IN ALASKA 89 at hand that may make the development of industry and the estab- lishment of homes in a given locality possible. Drake (38), investigating the birch forests in the Susitna Valley, noted the slight value which the people of the region placed on the timber resources. In 1923 he observed, The attitude that the local forests are of little value is detrimental to the region's development, and public-spirited citizens should endeavor to bring before the public mind the necessity of con- serving the timber that will be needed for dwellings, farm build- ings, bridges, telephone poles, mine props and that will attract wood-using industries. . .. while no extensive market for this timber has been found to date, one will eventually be secured and steps should be taken to protect the forests until the time for this exploitation is at hand. What is needed is an awareness of the public that when uncontrolled fires sweep through forest stands damage is done to the community and Territory of which they are a part. What harms a country also harms its citizens. Interior Alaska simply does not have "timber to burn." Following a severe fire, a minimum of 100 years and an average period of about 160 years must elapse before timber suitable for sawlogs again develops on the burn. It is doubtful if the development of the Territory can wait that long! Occasionally uncontrolled fires are condoned because they burn in young timber not of commercial size or because they burn in areas supporting growth that even the most optimistic forester would admit had no present or future commercial prospect. Two obvious facts may be pointed out in this connection. First, young trees are always small and all large trees were once young. Second, fires show no respect for values; seldom, if ever, does an extensive fire burn solely in scrub growth. Some potentially valuable timber is destroyed in every extensive burn. The relation of uncontrolled fires to the wildlife resource has already been discussed. It seems apparent that the widespread burning that has occurred during the past half century or more has not resulted in a land teeming with fur bearers and big game. It may be doubted that more burning will produce such a result in the future. Many thoughtful observers believe that the tourist trade, based on recreational resources of all kinds, may well become one of interior Alaska's most important sources of income. Here, again, unburned landscapes are an asset and extensive burns are a liability. Few persons intent on developing tourist or other recreational facilitiel'i would choose a recently burned area. An extensive fire in the vicinity of an established lodge would certainly not be a business asset. The nuisance of forest fires extends far beyond the immediate limits of the area burned. Smoke, spreading over wide areas, is a source of annoyance to say the least; it may actu~lly disrupt air travel and become a hazard to human life. MacDonald (85) gave an eloquent description of the restrictions which smoke from forest fires imposes on plane traveL For three days his plane was grounded at Edmonton. In Alaska where plane travel is commonplace, smoke has more than once prevented normal operations. 90 'l'ECHNICAL BUL:LETIN 1133, D. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Of the land area of 366,435,000 acres in Alaska, about 60 percent or approximately 219,861,000 acres, is in the interior. In this vast area, tree growth is the dominant vegetation on most of the land below an altitude of about 2,500 feet. Nearly 120 million acres bear sufficient tree growth to warrant· designation as forest land. The Alaska interior has a continental climate with great extremes of temperature. Summer temperatures as high as 100° F. are known and in the winter temperatures as low as -78° F. have been recorded. Long days prevail during the short summer. Precipitation is light north of the Alaska Range, amounting to about 10 to 15 inches annually; south of the Alaska Range it averages around 20 inches. The growing season is usually less than 90 days. The forests of the interior present a mosaic of types resulting from the .effects of forest fires and from variations in site. The latter are associated with differences in water relations, permafrost conditions, and soil aeration. Of the 120 million acres of forest land, some 40 million acres are believed to be commercial or potentially commercial. Some 80 million acres of the interior bear sparse forests of open woodland. Sample plots indicate that at a rotation age of around 160 years white spruce stands may average about 15,500 board-feet or 3,900 cubic feet per acre. Indications are that at 160 years of age, 80 percent of the trees would be 5 inches in diameter and larger and that 20 percent would exceed 12 inches in diameter; some of the trees would then be 18 to 20 inches. On the 40 million acres of commercial or potentially commercial interior forest land it is estimated that there are some 32 billion cubic feet or around 180 billion board-feet of timber. The forest resource is · so tremendous and so important to the future economy of Alaska that it merits full consideration in the national program of forest conservation. Alaska has been subject during prehistoric and historic time to extensive and repeated fires. Northern forests are highly flammable when dry. The branches of dominantly coniferous trees frequently persist nearly to the ground and often support beard lichens, which have a tinderlike quality. The ground is commonly covered with lichens, mosses, and small shrubs that readily carry fire. Man is the principal cause of fires but lightning is also an important agent. An average of at least a million acres of forest land has burned annually for the last half century. -As a result of :fires, the climax white spruce stands on moderately well-drained sites have been replaced, over wide areas, by stands of paper birch and quaking aspen. Both of these species are shorter lived than white spruce, both have shorter pathological rotations, and their timber cannot be stored on the stump as it can in white spruce forests. Fires have had le&s effect in changing forest composition on the forested lowland areas where black spruce represents a physio- graphic climax. In the absence of repeated burns occurring at short intervals, black spruce tends to perpetuate itself. Revegetation of recently burned areas by forest trees is usually prompt. Few, if any, areas can be found that are literally barren as a ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FOREST FIRES ~ ALASKA 91 ·result of single fires even though the burning may be severe. Two conditions are necessary for restocking of burned areas by forest growth-supply of viable seed and exposed mineral soil. Both of these conditions are fulfilled on most of the burned· areas and paper birch, quaking aspen, or spruce-either pure or in mixture-are developing. , Only on critically dry sites, such as steep slopes with a southerly or westerly exposure, excessively drained alluvium, or rocky slopes without mineral soil, has natural reforestation failed in any important degree. In burned areas seedling reproduction tends to be restricted to exposed mineral soil; charred forest floor material represents a very poor seedbed, presumably because of the unstable moisture supply and high surface temperatures. The outstanding effects of fires are that vast amounts of existing timber are destroyed and that the subclimax types (principally quaking aspen and paper birch) are greatly increased at the expense of the white spruce type. Paper birch is an early stage in forest succession, comparable to the quaking aspen type. Paper birch produces large numbers of light, easily disseminated seeds and forms even-aged stands. By the time paper birch stands are about 80 years old, white spruce frequently becomes prominent as an understory component. At 100 to 120 years of age the paper birch declines and the spruce increases. Barring major disturbances, such as fire, paper birch stands are gradually converted to white spruce-paper birch forests. Fires tend to perpet- uate the birch and reduce the representation of spruce. Following fires, there is usually some sprouting of birch stumps, but the main reason for the decline in spruce is that seed of that species is lacking or in scanty supply. The white spruce-paper birch type represents a stage of succession comparable to the white spruce-quaking aspen type. It is more advanced than either the paper birch or quaking aspen types. White spruce-paper birch stands may develop immediately after fires or they may result from gradual entry of white spruce into stands that were initially pure paper birch. Spruce in mixture with birch suffers con- siderably from crown friction. Even so, spruce gradually develops into a dominant position. Defect becomes high in birch at about 100 years of age and the basal area of spruce is likely to exceed that of birch in stands over 130 years of age. In the absence of disturbance, white spruce-paper birch stands gradually change into essentially pure, relatively open stands of white spruce. Fires tend to perpetuate the birch and reduce the proportion of spruce. Here, however, the birch is not favored as much nor is spruce repressed as greatly as in young stands. The quaking aspen type is a stage of forest succession analogous to the paper birch type. Aspen regeneration after fires is often abundant, from both root suckers and seed. . 'fhe stands tend to be even aged. In the absence of fire or other disturbance, aspen occupies the land for one generation only except on excessively dry southerly or westerly slopes where it may persist indefinitely. White spruce, which may have started with the aspen immediately after fl. fire, or which usually enters the stand later, gradually dominates the site. White spruce in aspen stands is subjected to less suppression and crown deformation than in paper birch forests. Aspen is a short-lived species; decay is 92 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 1133, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE common in 60-year-old stands. Fires in aspen stands perpetuate aspen and destroy practically all the white spruce. The white spruce-quaking aspen type is a stage of development analogous to the white spruce-paper birch type. White spruce- quaking aspen stands may become established immediately following fires, but more characteristically they arise as a result of succession, with the spruce gradually invading essentially pure aspen communities. In the absence of fire, spruce gradually replaces the aspen, and rela- tively open stands of spruce result .. Elimination of the aspen is rapid in stands older than 60 years. Fire perpetuates aspen, largely because of the capacity of the species to produce root suckers. Balsam poplar forms essentially pure stands on recently deposited alluvium. Many stands represent the first forest stage in a primary successional series. Following fires, the species also invades upland areas adjacent to large streams. Evidently balsam poplar may occupy flood-plain areas indefinitely if they are subjected to periodic overflow with deposition of silt and other alluvium. On relatively stable sites, white spruce gradually assumes dominance, replacing the poplar. Fires are not as common in the balsam poplar type as in other forest communities but they are known to occur. Following fires, balsam poplar reproduces by both root suckers and seeds. In many ways the species behaves like quaking aspen. The white spruce type is the climax forest on well-drained lands in the interior. It is of widespread occurrence and is primarily responsible for the vegetational aspect of the landscape. Young stands are often essentially even aged but become uneven aged as they grow older. High density is characteristic of white spruce forests established immediately after fires. If the stands develop as a result of replace- ment of aspen, paper birch, or balsam poplar, they are likely to be relatively open. White spruce is probably longer lived than any other tree in the Alaska interior. Ages of over 300 years have been deter- mined. Diameters of occasional trees on especially favorable sites may exceed 36 inches, and total heights may exceed 100 feet. Single light surface fires in white spruce do not result in complete destruction of the stands. Such fires create small openings where seedlings of spruce, paper birch, and occasionally aspen and willows develop. Single severe fires generally result in complete destruction of existing stands and their replacement by subclimax communities, chiefly quaking aspen and paper birch. Occasionally stands of essen- tially pure white spruce develop following fires in the climax type. This occurs most frequently when the burned areas are relatively small and are surrounded by living trees of seed-bearing age. When the burns are extensive the light-seeded birch and quaking aspen are more likely to become established. Following fires, the fallen and standing snags constitute an increased fire haza:.:d for 20 to 30 years. As a result of repeated severe fires, areas formerly in white spruce may become essentially treeless, supporting herbaceous or shrub communities. Fireweed-grass and dwarf birch-willow may become so firmly established that it is difficult for forest-tree seedlings to become established. Natural reconversion of such lands to forest may require 100 to 200 years. Fires are most likely to result in replacement of white spruce forest by relatively permanent treeless communities at the upper altitudinal and latitudinal limits of fo.rest growt~ ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FOREST FIRES IN ALASKA 93 Black spruce is a physiographic climax on poorly drained situations, in relatively fiat valley bottoms, on fiat to gently rolling land, and on cold slopes having a northern exposure. It forms pure stands of usually small, slow-growing trees. Permafrost is commonly encountered at the shallow depth of 12 to 18 inches. In the absence of fire, black spruce is a self-perpetuating type, reproducing by layering as well as seed. Fires in black spruce are often intense, killing the vegetation and consuming the forest floor. Even so, black spruce usually regener- ates and another pure stand results. There is some evidence that severe fires in black spruce, repeated at short intervals, may lead to conversion to treeless communities such as sedge-rush-grass or low shrub. Re-entry of black spruce may then be a very slow process. The forest soils of interior Alaska are shallow in both a develop- mental and a physiological sense. Excessive drainage may result in deficient soil moisture in coarse-textured soils. On the other hand, fine-textured soils may retain large amounts of water and become poorly aerated and cold. Organic matter tends to remain unincor- porated in the mineral soil, for the most part resting on it as a mantle. Under old white spruce stands, and especially in the black spruce type, the forest floor may become as thick as 12 inches. The degree to which the forest floor material is removed by fires varies with the intensity of the burn. It varies from slight charring of the uppermost litter to complete consumption down to mineral soil. In the recently burned areas examined, mineral soil was exposed over only 30 to 40 percent of the surface, even after fires so severe that all trees were killed. Practically none of the organic matter in the mineral soil was destroyed. Partial or complete removal of the forest floor by burning leads to increased soil temperatures. In undisturbed condition, the moss and lichen cover is an effective insulator in the summer period. It is dry much of the time and effectively insulates the soil against the heat of the sun. Removal of this cover results in higher surface temperatures and a lower permafrost table. In general, the effects of fires on soil temperature are ecologically favorable. Moisture relations on steep southerly slopes are unfavorably affected by fires. In general, how- ever, soil moisture relations do not appear to be greatly altered. Soil texture and structure, so far as is known, are not changed by burning. Runoff from steep slopes is increased as a result of forest fires; the rate of infiltration apparently is reduced and the rate of overland flow is increased. Erosion by wind and water do not appear to be appreciably increased as a result of forest fires. The lack of extensive water erosion seems to be explained by the low total amount of precipitation, the normally low intensity of rainfall in individual storms, the long period each year that the soils are frozen and snow covered, and the rapidity of revegetation on burned lands. Chemical changes in forest soils resulting from fires appear to be ecologically favorable. Acidity is decreased, and exchangeable calcium and potassium and readily available phosphorus 1are increased. Al- though the total nitrogen capital of the site is reduced by fires that consume the forest floor material, the amount of nitrogen available to plants appears to be increased. Burning has an effect similar to fertilization. The nutrient capital in the forest floor, much of which may be regarded as a frozen asset, 94 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 11 3 3. U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE is liberated in available ·form for use by the new plant growth. On the majority of forest sites, the productivity of the mineral soil body does not appear to be reduced by burning. From the standpoint of the soil alone, fires may have a favorable effect on certain properties. Effects of forest fires on the hydrologic regime in Alaska cannot be stated with finality. Available evidence does point, however, to an increase in the normally high ratio of runoff to precipitation and to increased amplitude between high and low water stages. Watersheds having steep slopes, from which the vegetation has been removed by fire, have been reported to have very low minimum discharge rates and flashy runoff. The wildlife of interior Alaska is one of the important renewable resources of the region. From it both the white population and natives derive very considerable economic benefits. It is a resource which has great attraction for hunters and for the even larger number of tourists who merely wish to see and photograph wildlife in its natural environment. Exceptions may occur, but in general .the effect of uncontrolled forest fires on fur-bearing animals is unfavorable. This view is in agreement with those expressed repeatedly by many wildlife specialists. The effect of uncontrolled forest fires on the moose population is still not entirely clear. In certain areas following fires there has been an increase of the moose population. It is only natural that this re- lation be interpreted in terms of cause and effect., However, it is doubtful that the relationship is a simple case of more browse, more moose. There are extensive areas in the interior which have been burned repeatedly and which support much .browse but few moose. Moose in Alaska also have been moving westward and northward for over 75 years and this movement has taken the animals into areas where burning has not occurred. Thus the appearance and disap- pearance or the presence of large or sparse populations of moose are not to be explained simply and solely on the basis of fires or lack of fires. The possibilities of prescribed burning are recognized. The effects of fires on caribou are generally agreed to be harmful or even disastrous. This animal normally lives in environments characterized by climax communities, tundra and forest-tundra transition. Fruticose lichens of the Cladonia group, together with certain beard lichens (such as species of Usnea and Alectoria) growing on trees, form the principal winter food of the caribou. These lichens are highly flammable when dry and readily susceptible to destruction by fire. Recovery is excessively slow. The length of time required for full recovery varies with the extent and intensity of the fires and site and microclimatic conditions, but an average of 40 to 50 years appears to be a conservative estimate. Uncontrolled fires, sweeping over vast areas of the interior nearly every summer, place in jeopardy the future economic development of that portion of Alaska. The area involved is vast but the resources that can be used in perpetuity, even under wise management, are relatively modest-certainly there is no excess to be wasted. Po- tential production of cellulose on the better forest lands in the interior is considerable. On the 40 million acres of commercial or potentially commercial forest land, it is estimated that net annual growth is about 960 million cubic feet. Following a severe fire, a minimum of ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FORES'l' FIRES IN ALASKA 95 100 years and an average period of perhaps 160 years must elapse before spruce sawlogs can again be obtained from the burned area. The important wildlife resource and the rapidly developing tourist trade (whose potential can scarcely be judged at this time) are closely related to the forest resource. What damages the forests of the interior also damages these great economic assets. The destiny of Alaska can be a great one only if her resources are wisely used. Widespread destruction of forest and other vegetation by fire, with all its harmful effects, cannot be judged wise use. The citizens of the Territory have a serious responsibility to be good stewards if the future Alaska is truly to become the "Great Land." LITERATURE CITED (1) ANONYMOUS. 1922. FOREST FIRES THE PLAGUE OF THE FUR TRADE. Jllus. Canad. Forestry Mag. 18 (2) : 603-604. (2) AALTONEN, v. T. 1919. [UBER DIE NATURLICHE VERJUNGUNG DER HEIDEWALDER IM FIN- NISCHEN LAPPLAND, 1.] KANGASMETSIEN LUONNOLLISESTA UUDIS- TUMISESTA SUOMEN LAPISSA, I. Inst. Quaest. Forest. Finland, Commun. 1: 1-319, 1-56. [German summary, pp. 1-56.] (3) ABERCROMBIE, w. R. 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Buellia papillata (Sommer£.) Tuck. Cetraria cucullata (Bell.) Ach. 0. hiascens (E. Fries) T. Fries 0. islandica (L.) Ach. 0. juniperina (L.) Ach. 0. nivalis (L.) Ach. 0. richardsonii (Hook.) Tuck. 0. tilesii Ach. Oladonia alpestris (L.) Rabenh. 0. alpestris f. aberrans des Abbayes 0. amaurocraea (Floerke) Schaer. 0. amaurocraea f. celotea (Ach.) Vainio 0. amaurocraea f. jasciculata Kernst. 0. cimaurocraea f. oxyceras (Ach.) Vainio 0. bellidijlora (Ach.) Schaer. 0. cariosa (Ach.) Spreng. 0. cariosa f. corticata Vainio 0. cariosa f. cribrosa (W allr.) V ainio 0. cariosa f. squamulosa (Mull.-Arg.) Vainio 0. cenotea (Ach.) Schaer. f. crossota (Ach.) Nyl. 0. chlorophaea (Floerke) Spreng. f. simplex (Hoffm.) Arn. 0. coccijera (L.) Willd. . 0. coniocraea (Floerke) Spreng. f. stenoscypha (Stuckenb.) Sandst. 0. cornuta (L.) Hoffm. f. cylindrica Schaer. I l I I ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FOREST FIRES IN ALASKA 1 05 0. cornuta f. scyphosa Schaer. 0. cornutoradiata (Co em.) Sandst. 0. crispata (Ach.) Flot. var. injundibulifera (Schaer.) Vainio 0. crispata var. virgata (Ach.) Vainio 0. dejormis (L.) Hoffm. 0. degenerans (Floerke) Spreng. f. cladomorpha (Ach.) Vainio 0. degenerans f. euphorea (Ach.) Floerke 0. degenerans f. gracilescens Floerke 0. ecmocyna (Ach.) Nyl. var. nigripes (Nyl.) Evans O.jurcata (Huds.) Schrad. var. racemosa (Hoffm.) Floerke O.jurcata var. racemosa f. corymbosa (Ach.) Vainio 0. gonecha (Ach.) Asahina 0. gracilis (L.) Willd. var. chordalis (Floerke) Schaer. 0. gracilis var. chordalis f. leucochlorea Floerke 0. gracilis var. chordal is f. platydactyla (W allr.) V ainio 0. gracilis var. dilatata (Hoffm.) V ainio 0. gracilis var. elongata (Jacq.) E. Fries 0. gracilis var. elongata f. laontera (Del.) Arn. 0. lepidota Nyl. 0. mitis Sandst. 0. multiform is Merrill f. finkii (V ainio) Evans 0. multiformis f. simulata Robbins 0. multiformis f. subascypha (Vainio) Evans 0. pleurota (Floerke) Sc.haer. f. extensa (Ach.) Sandst. 0. pseudorangiformis Asahina 0. pyxidata (L.) Hoffm. var. neglecta (Floerke) Mass. 0. pyxidata var. pocillum (Ach.) Flot. 0. rangiferina (L.) Web. 0. rangiferina f. stygia E. Fries 0. scabriuscula (Del.) Leight. 0. scabriuscula f. adspersa (Floerke) Sandst. 0. scabriuscula f. sublevis Sandst. 0. scabriuscula f. surrecta (Floerke) Sandst. 0. squamosa (Scop.) Hoffm. f. muricella (Del.) Vainio 0. squamosa (Scop.) Hoffm. f. turjacea Rehm. 0. sylvatica (L.) Hoffm. 0. uncialis (L.) Web. 0. verticillata (Hoffm.) Schaer. f. aggregata (Del.) Oliv. 0. verticillata f. evoluta (T. Fries) Stein. Dactyl ina arctica (Hook.) N yl. Diploschistes scruposus (Schreb.) Norm. Dujourea madreporiformis (Wulf.) Ach. Ephebe solida Born. Evernia mesomorpha N yl. Fulgensia bracteata (Hoffm.) Ras. · Haemdtomma ventosum (L.) Mass. var. lapponicum (Ras.) Lynge Icmadophila ericetorum (L.) Zahlbr. Lecanora subjuscata Magn. Lecidea rubiformis Wahl. Lob aria lin ita (Ach.) Rabh. L. pulmonaria (L.) Hoffm. Nephroma arcticum (L.) Torss. N. expallidum N yl. 106 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 1133, U. S. DEPT~ OF AGRICULTURE Lichens-Continued Ochrolechia jrigida (Swartz) Lynge Parmelia alpicola T. Fries P. omphalodes (L.) Ach. P. sulcata Tayl. P. vittata (Ach.) Nyl. Parmeliopsis hyperopia (Ach.) Vainio Peltigera aphthosa (L.) Willd. var. aphthosa P. aphthosa var. variolosa (Mass.) Thoms. P. canina (L.) Willd. P. canina var. rufescens (Weis.) Mudd P. canina var. spuria (Ach.) ~chaer. P. canina var. spuria f. sorediata Schaer. P. malacea (Ach.) Funck P. membranacea (Ach.) Nyl. emend. Thoms. P. pulverulenta (Tayl.) N yl. Ramalinafarinacea (L.) E. Fries Stereocaulon paschale (L.) Hoffm. S. paschale var. alpinum (Laur.) Mudd S. paschale var. alpinum f. gracilentum (T. Fries) M. Lamh S. paschale var. grande H. Magn. S. paschale var. grande f. velutinum (Frey) M. Lamb S. tomentosum E. Fries S. tomentosum var. alpestre Flot. S. vesuvianum Pers. var. arcticum (Lynge) M. Lamb Thamnolia vermicularis (Swartz) Ach. Usnea comosa (Ach.) Rohl. ssp. comosa U. scabiosa Mot. Mosses Aulacomnium palustre (Web. & Mohr) Schwaegr. A. turgidum (Wahl.) Schwaegr. Brachythecium albicans (Hedw.) BSG. B. salebrosum (Web. & Mohr) BSG. Bryum caespiticium Hedw. B. cuspidatum (BSG.) Schimp. B. turbinatum (Hedw.) Schwaegr. B. uliginosum (Brid.) BSG. Oalliergon stramineum (Brid.) Kindb. Oamptothecium lutescens (Hedw.) BSG. Oampylium stellatum (Hedw.) Lange & C. Jens. Oeratodon purpureus (Hedw.) Brid. Olimacium dendroides (Hedw.) Web. & Mohr Oratoneuron jilicinum (Hedw.) Roth Dichodontium pellucidum (Hedw.) Schimp. Dicranella grevilleana (Brid.) Schimp. Dicranum bergeri Bland. D. drummondii C. Miill. D. elongatum Schleich .. D. fragilifolium Lindh. D. fuscescens Turn. D. majus Smith D. muhlenbeckii BSG. ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FOREST FIRES IN ALASKA 107 D. strictum Schleich. Distichium capillaceum (Hedw.) BSG. Ditrichum flexicaule (Schwaegr.) Hampe Drepanocladus aduncus (Hedw.) Warnst. D. jluitans (Hedw.)Warnst D. uncinatus (Hedw.) Warnst. Eurhynchium praelongum (Hedw.) Bryhn. E. stubstrigosum Kindb. Hylocomium splendens (Hedw.) BSG. Hypnum crista-castrensis Hedw. (syn. Ptilium crista-castrensis (Hedw.) De Not.). H. dieckii Ren. & Card. H. imponens Hedw. H. lindbergii Mitt. H. revolutum (Mitt.) Lindh. Leptobryum pyrijorme (Hedw.) Schimp. Meesia uliginosa Hedw. Mnium affine Bland. M. spinulosum Bruch & Schimp. Oncophorus wahlenbergii Brid. Paludella squarrosa (Hedw.) Brid. Philonotis fontana (Hedw,) Brid. Plagiothecium denticulatum (L.) Br. Sch. Pleurozium schreberi (Brid.) Mitt. Pohlia nutans (Hedw.) Lindh. P. wahlenbergii (Web. & Mohr) Andrews Polytrichum commune Hedw. P. juniperinum Hedw. P. piliferum Hedw. P. strictum Brid. Rhacomitrium canescens Brid. R. lanuginosum (Hedw.) Brid. Rhytidium rugosum (Hedw.) Kindb. Rhytidiadelphus trig_uetrus (Hedw.) Warnst. Sphagnum capillaceum (Weiss)· Schrank S. capillaceum var. tenellum (Schim.p.) Andrews S. fuscum (Schimp.) Klinggr. S. girgensohnii Russ. S. plumulosum Roll S. rubellum Wils. o S. teres (Schimp.) Angstr. Tetraplodon mnioides (Hedw.) BSG. Thuidium abietinum (Brid.) BSG. T. delicatulum (Hedw.) Mitt. Timmia austriaca Hedw. · Tomenthypnum nitens (Hedw.) Loeske Tortella fragilis (Hook. & Wils.) Limpr. Liverworts Lophozia porphyroleuca (Nees) Schiffn .. Marchantia polymorpha L. Preissia quadrata (Scop.) Nees Ptilidium ciliare (L.) Nees 108 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 1133, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Grasses Agropyron latiglume (Scribn. & Smith) Rydb. A. subsecundum (Link) Hitchc.-Bearded wheatgrass A. trachycaulum (Link) Malte--Slender wheatgrass Agrostis scabra Willd.-Bentgrass Alopecurus aequalis Sobol.-Shortawn foxtail A. alpinus J. E. Smith-Alpine foxtail Arctagrostis latijolia (R. Br.) Griseb. Bromus arcticus Shear-Arctic brome B. pumpellianus Scribn.-Pumpelly brome B. pumpellianus var. villosissimus Hult. Calamagrostis canadensis (Michx.) Beauv.-Bluejoint reedgrass C. inexpansa A. Gray.,-Northern reedgrass C. neglecta (Ehrh.) Gaertn., Mey., & Schreb.-Slimstem reedgrass C. purpurascens R. Br.-Purple pinegrass Deschampsia atropurpurea (Wahl.) Scheele-Mountain hairgrass D. caespitosa (L.) Beauv.-Tufted hairgrass Elymus innovatu.'! Beal-Fuzzyspilm wildrye Festuca altaica Trin.-Altai fescue F. ovina L.--Sheep fescue F. ovina var. brachyphylla (Schult.) Piper-_,;tipine sheep fescue F. rubra L.-Red fescue F. rubra var. lanuginosa Mert. & Koch-Hairyscale red fescue Hierochloe alpina (Swartz) Roem. & Schult.-Alpine sweetgrass H. odorata (L.) Beauv.-Sweetgrass Hordeum jubatum L.-Foxtail barley Phleum alpinum L.-Alpine timothy Poa alpina L.-Alpine bluegrass P. arctica R. Br.-Arctic bluegrass P. glauca Vahl-Greenland bluegrass P. interior Rydb.-Inland bluegrass P. paucispicula Scribn. & Merr.-Alaska bluegrass P. pratensis L.-Kentucky bluegrass P. stenantha Trin.-Trinius bluegrass Trisetum spicatum (L.) Richt.-Spike trisetum Grasslike Plants Carex aquatilis Wahl.-Water sedge C. bigelowii Torr.-Bigelow sedge C. canescens L. C. capillaris L. C. concinna R. Br. C. diandra Schrank C. disperma Dew. C. eburnea Boott C. garberi Fern. var. bifaria Fern. C. loliacea L.-Ryegrass sedge C. lugens Holm C. macrochaeta C. A. Meyer · C. maritima Gunn. (syn. C. incurva Light£.) C. media R. Br. ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FOREST FIRES IN ALASKA 109 0. membranacea Hoole 0. mertensii Prescott-Mertens sedge 0. podocarpa R. Br. 0. praticola Rydb. 0. rossii Boott-Ross sedge 0. rostrata Stokes-Beaked sedge 0. scirpoidea Michx. 0. supina Willd. ssp. spaniocarpa (Steud.) Hult. 0. vaginata Tausch. Eleocharis palustr·is (L.) Roem. & Schult.-Commori spikesedge Eriophorum brachyantherum Trautv:. E. scheuchzeri Hoppe-Scheuchzer. cottonsedge E. vaginatum L.·-Sheathed cottonsedge · Juncus alpinus Vill.-Alpine rush J. castaneus J. E. Smith · J. drummondii E. Meyer Luzula multiflora (Retz.) Lejeune' L. parvifiora (Ehrh.) Desv.-Millet woodrush L. rujescens Fisch. L. S'udetica (Willd.) DC. (syn. L. campestris (L.) DO. var. alpina Gaudin) -Sudetic woodrush L. wahlenbergii Rupr.-Wahlenberg woodrush Scirpus cespitosus L. var. callosus Bigel.-Oallous deerhair bulrush Triglochin palustris L.·-Arrow podgrass Forbs Achillea borealis Bong.-Arctic yarrow Aconitum delphinifolium DO. A. delphinifolium ssp. paradoxum (Reichenb.) Hult. A. maximum Pall. Actaea arguta N utt.-Western baneberry Androsace lehmanniana Spreng.-Lehmann rockjasmine A. septentrionalis L.-Northern rockjasmine Anemone narcissifiora L. ssp. interior Hult.-Narcissus anemone A. richardsonii Hook.-Richardson anemone Antennaria monocephala DC .. A. nitida Greene A. oxyphylla Greene Aguilegia brevistyla Hook.-Yukon columbine A.-formosa Fisch.·-Sitka columbine Arabis hirsuta (L.) Scop. var. pycnocarpa (M. Hopkins) Rollins- Common hairy rockcress A. holboellii Hornem.-Holboell rockcress A. holboellii var. retrofracta (Graham) Rydb. A. lyrata L. ssp. kamchatica (Fisch.) Hult. Arenaria laterijlora L.-Bluntleaf sandwort A. macrocarpa Pursh-Long-podded sandwort 1 A. obtusiloba (Rydb.) Fern.-Alpine sandwort ' A. rubella (Wahl.) J. E. Smith A. stricta (Swartz) Michx.-Rock sandwort Arnfca latifolia Bong.~Broadleaf arnica A. louiseana Farr ssp. jrigida (Meyer) Maguire 110 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 1133, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Forbs-Continued Artemisia arctica Less.-Arctic wormwood Aruncus dioicus (Walt.) Fern.-Sylvan goatsbeard Aster sibericus L. -Siberian aster Astragalus alpinus L.-Alpine milkvetch A. americanus (Hook.) M. E. Jones-Arctic milkvetch A. tananaicus Hult.-Tanana milkvetch A. yukonis M. E. Jones-Yukon milkvetch Athyrium filix1emina (L.) Roth ssp. cyclosorum (Rupr.) C. Chr.- Ladyfern Boschniakia rossica (Cham. & Schlecht.) B. Fedtsch.-Poque Boykinia richardsonii (Hook.) Rothr. (syn. Therofon richardsonii (Hook.) 0. Kuntze)-Richardson boykinia Bupleurum americanum Coult. & Rose_:_ Thoro wax Galla palustris L.-Wild calla Oampanula alaskana (A. Gray) Wight-Alaska bellflower 0. lasiocarpa Cham.-Behring bellflower Oardamine bellidifolia L.-Daisyleaf bittercress 0. umbellata Greene-Umbel-flowered bittercress Castilleja hyperborea Pennell-Paintedcup 0. pallida (L.) Kunth ssp. caudata Pennell 0. pallida ssp. mexiae (Eastw.) Pennell Oerastium arvense L.-Starry cerastium Chenopodium capitatum (L.) Aschers.-Blite goosefoot Chrysanthemum leucanthemum L. var. pinnatifidum Lecoq & Lamotte- Field oxeyedaisy Ohrysosplenium tetrandrum (Lund) T. Fries----:-Fourstamen goldsaxi- frage Oicuta mackenzieana Raup-Mackenzie waterhemlock Oircaea alpina L.-Alpine circaea Olaytonia sarmentosa C. A. Mey.-Alaska springbeauty Oomandra livida Richards.-Northern comandra Oonioselinum cnidiifolium (Turcz.) Pors.-Dawson hemlockparsley Oorallorhiza mertensiana Bong.-Paci:fic coralroot 0. trifida Chatelain-Early coralroot Corydalis sempervirens (L.) Pers.-Pale corydalis Orepis elegans Hook.-Hawksbeard · 0. nana Richards.-Tiny hawksbeard Oryptogramma acrostichoides R. Br.-American rockbrake 0. stelleri (GmeL) Prantl-Slender rockbrake Oypripedium passerinum Richards.-Canada ladyslipper Oystopteris jragilis (L.) Bernh. -Brittle bladderfern Delphinium brownii Rydb.-Browns larkspur D. glaucum Watson-Sierra larkspur Descurainia sophioides (Fisch.) 0. E. Schultz--:-Northern tansymustard Diapensia lapponica L. ssp. obovata (Fr. Schmidt) Hult.-Arctic diapensia Draba aurea Vahl-Golden draba D. borealis DC.-Northern draba Drosera rotundifolia L.-Roundleaf sundew Dryopteris austriaca (Jacq.) Woynar, Schinz, & Thellung-Spreading woodfern ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FOREST FIRES IN ALASKA 111 D. disjuncta (Ledeb.) C. V. Mort.-Oakfern D.jragrans (L.) Schott-Fragrant woodfern Epilobium adenocaulon Hausslm.-Sticky willowweed . E. anagallidifolium Lam. E. angustifolium L.-Fireweed E. latifolium L.-Red willowweed E. leptocarpum Hausskn. E. palustre L. Equisetum arvense L.-Field horsetail E~ pratense Ehrh.-Meadow horsetail E. scirpoides Michx.-Sedgelike horsetail E. sylvaticum L.-Sylvan horsetail E. variegatum Schleich.-Variegated horsetail Erigeron acris L. var. asteroides (Andrz.) DC.-Bitter fleabane E. lonchophyllus Hook.-Spearleaf fleabane E. peregrinus (Pursh) Greene-Peregrine fleabane · E. purpuratus Greene-Fleabane Fritillaria camschatcensis (L.) Ker-Gawl.-Kamchatka fritillary Galium boreale L.-Northern bedstraw G. triflorum Michx.-Sweetscented bedstraw · Gentiana acuta Michx. var. plebeja (Cham.) Wettst.-Northern gentian G. detonsa Rottb.-Gentian G. glauca Pall.-Bluegreen gentian G. propinqua Richards.-Gentian Geranium erianthum DC.-Geranium Geum macrophyllum Willd.~Largeleaf avens G. rossii (R. Br.) ser.-Ross avens Goodyera repens (L.) R. Br. var. ophioides Fern.-Creeping rattlesnake- plantain Habenaria dilatata (Pursh) Hook.-White bogorchid H. hyperborea (L.) R. Br.-Northern green habenaria H. obtusata (Pursh) Richards.-Bluntleaf habenaria Hedysarum alpinum L. ssp. americanum (Michx.) Fedtsch.-American sweetvetch H~ mackenzii Richards.-Mackenzie sweetvetch 'Heracleum lanatum Michx.-Common cowparsnip Heuchera glabra Willd.-Alumroot Hieracium triste Willd.-Hawkweed Hippuris vulgaris L.-Marestail Latlfyrus palustris.L. ssp. p-ilosus (Cham.) Hult.-Hairy ma.rsh pea- . vme Leptarrhena pyrolifolia (D. Don) Sk-Leather-leaf saxifrage Lesquerella arctica (Wormskj.) S. Wats.-.Arctic bladderpod Linnaea borealis L. var. americana (Forbes) Rehd.-American twin- flower Listera cordata (L.} R. Br.-Northern listera Lupinus arcticus S. Wats.-Arctic lupine L. ndotkatensis Donn-Nootka lupine L. polyphyllus Lindl.-Washington lupine Lycopodium alpinum L.-Alpine clubmoss. L. annotinum L.-Bristly clubmoss · L. clavatum L.-Runningpine 349169-56--8 112 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 113 3, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Forbs-Continued L. clavatum var. monostachyon Grev. & Book. L. complanatum L.-:-Groundcedar L. selago L.-Fir clubmoss Melandrium taimyrense A. Tolmatchev Menyanthes trifoliata L.-:-Common bogbean Mertensia paniculata (Ait.) G. Don-Panicle bluebells Mimulus guttatus DC.-Common monkeyflower Mitella pentandra Hook.-Fivestamen miterwort Moneses uniflora (L.) .A. Gray-Woodnymph Myosotis alpestris F. W. Schmidt-Alpine forgetmenot Myriophyllum exalbescens Fern.-Parrotfeather Nuphar polysepalum Engelm.-Rocky Mountain cowlily Orchis rotund if alia Banks-Roundleaf orchis Osmorhiza obtusa (Coult. & Rose) Fern.-Bluntseed sweetroot Oxyria digyna (L.) Hill-Alpine mountain-sorrel Oxytr()pis campestris (L.) DC.-Plains crazyweed 0. campestris var, varians (Rydb.) Barneby-Variable plains crazy- weed 0. maydelliana Trautv.-Maydell crazyweed 0. nigrescens (Pall.) Fisch.-Blackish crazyweed 0. scammaniana Hult.-8camman crazyweed 0. splendens Dougl.-Showy crazyweed 0. viscida Nutt. var. subsucculenta (Hook.) Barneby-Yellowhair crazyweed Parnassia kotzebuei Cham. & Scblecht.-Kotzebue parnassia P. palustris L.-Wideworld parnassia Pedicularis capitata Adams-Pedicularis P. labradorica Wirsing-Labrador pedicularis P. lanata Cham. & Scblecht.-Woollyspike pedicularis P. parvijlora J. E. Smith-Smallfiower pedicularis P. sudetica Willd.-Sudetic pedicularis P. verticillata L.-Whorled pedicularis Petasites .frigidus (L.) E. Fries-Arctic butterbur ("sweet coltsfoot") P. sagittatus (Pursh) A. Gray-Arrowleaf butterbur ("sweet colts- foot") Pinguicula villosa L.-Hairy butterwort Polemonium acutiflorum Willd. P. boreale .Adams-Arctic polemonium P. caeruleum L. ssp. villosum Brand.-Greekvalerian polemonium [>. pulcherrimum Hook.-Skunkleaf polemonium Polygonum alaskanum (Small) Wight-Alaska knotweed P. bistoria L. ssp. plumosum (Small) Hult.-Feathery European his- tort P. viviparum L.-Viviparous bistort Potentilla norvegica L. ssp. monspeliensis (L.) Aschers. & Graebn.- Montpelier cinquefoil P. palustris (L.) Scop.-Marsh cinquefoil P. pensylvanica L.-Pennsylvania cinquefoil P. pensylvanica var. strigosa Pursh Primula cunei:folia Ledeb. ssp. saxifragifolia (Lehm.) Hult.-Saxifrage primrose · _/ ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FOREST FIRES IN ALASKA 113 Pulsatilla ludoviciana Heller-American pasquefl.ower Pyrola asarifolia Michx. var. incarnata (Fisch.) Fern,-Alpine pyrola P. grandijlora Radius-Bigfl.ower pyrola P. minor L.-Snowline pyrola P. secunda L.-Sidebells pyrola P. virens Schweigger (syn. P. chlorantha Swartz)-Green pyrola . Ranunculus cymbalaria Pursh--Bhore buttercup R. occidentalis Nutt.-Western buttercup R. repens L.-Creeping buttercup. R. trichophyllus Chaix-Hairleaf watercrowfoot Rorippa palustris (L.) Besser var. hispida (Desv.) Rydb.-Hairy bog marsh cress Rumex arcticus Trautv.-Arctic dock Sanguisorba menziesii Rydb.--'-Menzies burnet S. stipulata Raf. Saussurea angustijolia (Willd.) DC.-Narrowleaf saussurea Saxijraga bronchialis L. ssp. funstonii (Small) Hult.-Funston saxi- frage · S. eschscholtzii Sternb.-Eschscholtz saxifrage S. hieracijolia Waldst. & Kit.-Hawkweed saxifrage S. oppositijolia L.-Twinleaf saxifrage S: punctata L. ssp. pacifica Hult. -Dotted saxifrage S. rivularis L. -Stream bank saxifrage S. tricuspidata Rottb. -Three bristle saxifrage Sedum rosea (L.) Scop. ssp. integrijolium (Raf.) Hult.-Roseroot stonecrop · Selaginella sibirica (Milde) Hieron. -Siberian selaginella Senecio atropurpureus (Ledeb.) Fedtsch. ssp. frigidus· (Richards.) Hult.-Arctic groundsel S. congestus (R. Br.) DC. var. palustris (L.) Fern.-Swamp groundsel S. integerrimus Nutt.-Lambstongue groundsel S. paucijlorus Pursh S. pauperculus Michx.-Balsam groundsel S. resedifolius Less.-Mignonette groundsel Silene acaulis L.-Moss silene S. williamsii Britt.-Williams silene Smilacina stellata (L.) Desf.-Starry solomonplume Solidago multiradiata Ait. S. oreophila Rydb. Sparganium angustijolium Michx.-Narrow leaf burreed Stellaria calycantha (Ledeb.) Bong.-Bongard starwort S. ciliatosepala Trautv. S. longipes Goldie-Longstalk starwort Streptopus amplexijolius (L.) DC.-Claspleaf twistedstalk Swertia perennis L.-Alpinebog swertia . Taraxacum·alaskanum Rydb.-Alaska dandelion T. lapponicum Kihlm.-Lapland dandelion Thalictrum sparsijlorum Turcz. -Meadowrue Tojieldia coccinea Richards. -Purple tofieldia i T. pusilla (Michx:) Pers.-Small tofieldia Torularia humilis (C. A. Mey.) 0. E. Schulz-Northern rockcress Trientalis europaea L. ssp. arctica (Fisch.)-Hult.-Arctic starfl.ower Typha latijolia L. -Common cattail .) 114 TECHNICAL l3ULLETJN 113 3, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE . Forbes-Continued Urtica lyallii S. Wats.-Lyall nettle Valeriana capitata Pall. V. capitata var. bracteosa (Britt.) Hult. Veronica wormsk.iotdii Roem. & Schult.-Wormskjold speedwell Viola adunca J. E. Smith-Hook violet V. epipsila Ledeb. ssp. repens (Turcz.) W. Bckr.-Creeping violet V. renifolia Gray var. brainerdii (Greene) Fern.-Brainerd violet Zigadenus elegans Pursh-Mountain deathcamas Trrt_es and Shrubs Alnus crispa (Ait.) Pursh-American green alder A. sinuata (Reg.) Rydb.-Sitka alder A. tenuijolia Nutt.-Thinleaf alder Amelanchier alnifolia Nutt.-Saskatoon serviceberry A. florida Lindl.-Pacific· serviceberry Andromeda polifolia L. -Bogrosemary andromeda Arctostaphylos alpina (L.) Spreng. ssp. rubra Hult.-Redalpine bear- berry A. uva-ursi (L.) Spreng. -Bearberry Artemisia alaskana Rydb. -Alaska sagebrush -A. borealis Pall.-Northern wormwood A. dracunculus L. -Tarragon A. frigida Willd.-Fringed sagebrush A. tilesii L~deb. var. elatior Torr. & A. Gray Betula Xeastwoodae Sarg.-Yukon bitch B. glandulosa Michx.--:-Bog bitch B. nana L. ssp. exilis (Sukatch.) Hult.-Dwarf arctic bitch B., papyrijera Marsh. var. humilis (Reg.) Fern. & Raup-Alaska paper bitch · B. papyrifera Marsh. var. kenaica (W. H. Evans) A. Henry-Kenai paper bitch Oassiope stelleriana (Pall.) DC.-Starry cassiope· 0. tetragona (L.) D. Don-Fitemoss cassiope Oornus canadensis L. -Bunch berry dogwood 0. stolonifera Michx.-Redosier dogwood . Dryas alaskensis Porsild-Alaska dryad D. drummondii Richards.-Drummond dryad D. hookeriana Juz.-Hooker dryad D. ·octopetala L.-Mt. Washington dryad D. punctata Juz. Elaeagnus commutata Bernh. -Silver berry Empetrumnigrum L.-Black crowberry Juniperus communis L. var. saxatilis PalL-Mountain common juniper J. horizontalis Moench-Creeping juniper Larix laricina (Du Roi) K. Koch-Eastern larch Ledum palustre L. ssp. decumbens (Ait.) Hult.-Sprawlirig crystaltea ledum · L. palustre ssp. groenlandicum (Oeder) Hult.-Labrador-tea ledum ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FOREST FIRES IN ALASKA 115 Loiseleuria procumbens (L.) Desv.-.Alpine-azalea Luetkea pectinata (Pursh) Kuntze-Luetkea Menziesia ferruginea J. E. Smith-Rusty menziesia Oplopanax horridus (J. E. Smith) Miq.-An:J.erican devilsclub Oxycoccus microcarpus Turcz. -Small cranberry Picea glauca (Moench) Voss-White spruce P. glauca var. porsildi Raup-Porsild spruce P. Xlutzii Little-Lutz spruce P. mariana (Mill.) B.S. P.-Black spruce P. sitchensis (Bong.) Carr. -Sitka spruce Populus balsamifera L. -Balsam poplar P. tremuloides Michx.-Quaking aspen P. trichocarpa Torr. & A. Gray-Black cottonwood Potentilla fruticosa L. -Bush cinquefoil Rhododendron lapponicum (L.) Wahlen b.-Lapland rhododendron Ribes hudsonianum Richards.-Hudson Bay currant R. lacustre (Pers.) Poir.-Prickly currant R. triste Pall.-American red currant · Rosa acicularis Lindl.-Prickly rose Rubus alaskensis Bailey-.Alaska bramble R. chamaemorus L. -Cloud berry R. idaeus L. var. strigosus (Michx.) Maxim.-American red raspberry R. pedatus J. E. Smith-Fiveleaf bramble · R. stellatus J. E. Smith-Nagoonberry Salix alaxensis (Anderss.) Cov.-Feltleaf willow S. alaxensis var. Zongistylis (Rydb.) Schneid.-Bluetwig feltleaf willow S. anglorum -cham.-Northland willow S. arbusculoides Anderss.-Little tree willow S. arbusculoides var. glabra Anderss. -Smooth littletree willow S. arctica PalL-Arctic willow S. arctica var. obcordata Ball-Bluntleaf arctic willow S. barclayi Anderss.-Barclay willow S. barclayi var; angustijolia Anderss. S. bardayi var. hebecarpa Anderss. S. barclayi var. rotundijolia Anderss. S. bebbiana Sarg.-Bebbwillow S, bebbiana var. perrostrata (Rydb.) Schneid. -Smooth Bebb willow S. commutata Bebb-Undergreen willow S. glauca L. -Graylea:f willow S. glauca var. acutijolia (Hook.) Schneid. S. glauca var. aliceae Ball · S. myrtillijolia Anderss.-Blueberry willow S. pseudomonticola Ball-Park willow S. pulchra Cham.-Diamondleaf willow S. pulchra var. palmeri Ball-Palmer diamoildleaf willow . S. pulchra var. yukonensis Schneid.-Yukon diamondleaf willow S. reticulata L. _:_ N etleaf willow S. reticulata var. subrotundata Ser.-Round netiJaf willow S. richardsonii Hook.-Richardson willow S. rotundijolia Trautv.~Least willow S. scouleriana B::~,i-r. ~Scouler willow S. setchelliana Ball~SetcheUwillow 116 'l'ECHNICAL BULLETIN 113 3, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Trees and Shrubs-Continued S. · sitchensis Sanson -8itka willow S. walpolei (Cov. & Ball) Ball-Walpole willow Sambucus callicarpa Greene -Pacific red elder Shepherdia canadensis (L.) Nutt.-Russet buffaloberry Sorbus scopulina Greene-Greenes mountain-ash Spiraea beauverdiana Schneid. -Beauverd spirea Tsuga mertensiana (Bong.) Sarg.-Mountain hemlock Vaccinium cespitosum Michx.-Dwarf blueberry V. uliginosum L. -Bog bilberry V. vitis-idaea L. -Cow berry Viburnum edule (Michx.) Raf. (syn. Viburnum pauciflorum La Pylaie)-Moose berry viburnum Soil Analyses Soil samples were collected from several of the plots on the -Kenai Peninsula in 1949 and subjected to laboratory analyses for various properties (tables 10-26). Mechanical analyses followed the method of Bouyoucos (17). The data are presented in terms_ of both the American and the International systems. Other analyses followed the methods-outlined by Peech et al. (112). · -- Soil horizons were designated by Arabic numerals, except as indi- cated, rather than by the commonly employed A, B, C terminology. This was done because the genetic relations of the horizons were not clear. In all cases the 10 horizon represented unincorporated organic matter that frequently was not separable into L, F, and H layers. Horizon 1 usually corresponded approximately to an A2 horizon and the deepest layer represented in a given· profile usually corresponded approximately to the C horizon. In several profiles from recently burned areas a supplementary set of samples were collected. In the records these are designated by Roman numerals. Layer I represented the uppe!'most mineral soil to the base of the A2 horizon; layer U, the upper part of layer I; layer III, the lower part of layer I; and-layer IV, the upper part 'of the B horizon. Horizon 2.0- 1.0 L--------'-0.10 2-----------.16 g ___________ .06 4 ___________ .39 5-----------.07 6 ___________ 1.10 TABLE lO.~Mechanical analysis of soil, Plot PIPJ-1 1 [Values represent percentages] American system (fractions mm.) I -International system {fractions mm.) I l.Q---0.5-0.25-0.10-005-1 <0.005 2.0-0.2--0.02-1 <O 002 0.5 0.25 0.10 0.05 o:oo2 <o.oo2 0.2 0.02 0.002 . ------------- 1. 72 9.44 15.20 9. 74 50.32 13.48 15.72 16.15 44.03 26.34 13.48 . 42 3. 45 12.38 12.90 59.97 10.72 16.40 7.42 48.44 3_3. 42 10.72 .23 3.00 13.57 11.44 58.90 12.80 16.15 6.68 51.36 29.16 12.80 .68 4.87 9.03 9.94 65.58 9. 51 15.92 9.08 53.71 27.70 9. 51 . 21 1-63 4. 54 9.12 74.93 9. 50 15;90 3.24 57.52 29.74 9.50 1.83 10.79 19. 71 9.03 42.10 15.44 19.90 21.42 44.05 19.09 15.44 I For information on the forest cover on this plot, see table 8. ;~; 0 ~ Horizon 1. .......... 2 ........... 3 ........... 4 ........... 5 ........... ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FOREST FIRES IN ALASKA: 117 2.o- 1.0 0.10 .05 .11 .11 4. 30 TABLE 11.-Mecha.nical analysis of soil, Plot P49-5 1 [Values represent percentages] American system (fractious mm.) International system (fractions mm.) 0.5-I 0.25-I 0.10-l.Q-0.05-<0.002 <0.005 2.0-0.2-. 0.02-<0.002 0.5 -~~-_!_~~~~ 0.002 0.2 0.02 0.002 0.28 3. 58 13.65 10.47 59.38 12.54 16.23 7.48 46.49 33.49 i2. 54 .33 3.33 9.30 13.60 63.58 9.81 15.78 6.22 56.65 27.30 9.81 .15 2.10 5. 70 8.03 69.12 14.79 19.58 4.12 49.22 31.87 14.79 .25 .45 1. 60 10~30 79.01 8.28 8.88 1. 06 67.85 22.81 8.28 6.33 14.43 16.89 11.43 31.30 15.32 18.95 30.97 37.98 15.73 15.32 I For information on the forest cover on this plot, see table 8. Horizon 2.0- 1.0 1. .......... 0.44 2 ........... 1.42 3 ........... . 54 4 ........... .34 TABLE 12.-Mechanical analysis of soil, Plot P49-91 [Values represent percentages] American system (fractions mm.) International system (fractions mm.) I r.o-I 0.5-0.25-1 0.1o-l 0.05-<0.002 <0.005 2.0-0.2-0.02-<0.002 ~~~~ 0.002 0.2 0.02 0.002 0. 65 6.48 14.89 8. 58 57.15 11.81 15.48 12.62 45.42 30.15 11.81 1. 93 6.44 13.53 10.46 54.09 12.13 16.94 13.92 46.14 27.81 12.13 .71 4. 89 12.60 9.03 60.28 11.95 17.72 10.35 47.19 30.51 11.95 . 51 2.02 7.83 7. 02 56.10 26.00 34.73 4.57 41.41 28.02 . 26.00 I For information on the forest cover on this plot, see table 8. Horizon TABLE l3.-111echanical analysis of soil, Plot PJ,9-12 1 I [Values represent percentages] American system (fractions mm.) International system (fractions mm.) 2.o-11.0-I 0.5-I 0.25-1 0.10-1 0.05-., <O 0021 <O 005 2.0-I 0.2-I 0.02-1 <O 002 1.0 0.5 0.21\ 0.10 0.05 0.002 . . 0.2 0.02 0.002 . L:::::::: 0:f! 0:~~ I n~ f~:&~ fU~ J~:gg fU~ iU~ ~:~ ~n~ ~~:8~ fr:8~ 3........... .10 .10 12.25 30.76 31.42 22.85 12.52 14.77 6.37 71.47 9.64 12.52 4........... -------2.18 40.04 35.06 14.38 8.34 10.58 7.35 77:80 6.51 8.34 L:::::::: 1.92 --1~12· 1:~ -i~:~~ ~~:~~ !&J~ 1~:~g 1~:8~ n~ ~U~ 2~:~~ 1~:~g 1 For information on the forest 9over on this plot, see table 8. Horizon 1. .......... . 2 .......... . 3 .......... . 4 .......... .. 2.0- 1.0 0.13 TABLE 14.-1\tlechanical analysis of soil, Plot P49-16 1 [Values represent percentages] I American system (fractions mm.) ·International system (fractions mm.) 1.0-1 o.5-0.25-0.10-1 o.o5-<:o 002 <o 005 .tl.o-I o.z.. 0.02-1 <o 002 0.5 0.25 0.10 0.05 O.D02 · · f 0.2 . 0.02 0.002 · . I --- .66 1. 23 6. 21 15. 44 14. 27 52. 50 9. 69 13. 48 12. 58 54. 99 22. 7 4 9. 69 ... I-;; '"' --;,;-.. M ~-;:;;--;;:;;--;;:~r:; u ---;_-;; .13 . 38 4. 50 13. 26 12. 04 59. 28 10. 41 13. 06 8. 59153. 86 27. 14 10. 41 .71 1. 34 4. 86 8. 34 5. 96 56. 35 22. 44 28. 10 9. 67 34. 93 32. 96 22. 44 1 For information on the forest cover on this plot, see table 4. ll8 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 1133, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Horizon !_ __________ 2----------- 3-----------4 ___________ - TABLE 15.-Mechanical analysis of soil, Plot P49-20 1 [Values represent percentages American system (fractions mm.) International system (fractions mm.) 2.0-1.0-0.&-0.25-0.10-0.05-<0.002 <0.005 2.0-0.2-0.02-<0.002 1.0 0.5 0.25 0.10 0.05 0.002 0.2 0.02 0.002 ------------------------- 0.03 0.04 4.03 15.44 10._54 58.45 11.47 16.79 8.48 49.95 30.10 11.47 -------.35 1. 85 9. 97 17.04 61.21 9. 55 11.83 3. 98 64.26 22.21 9. 55 .05 .12 2.13 8.90 11.74 62.40 U.66 17.96 4. 55 _52. 50 28.29 14.66 -------.54 5.02 20.30 21.59 47.31 5.24 8.46 10.22 70.04 14.50 5.24 ' For information on the forest cover on this plot, see table 3. Horizon l_ __________ 2 ___________ 3-----------4 ___________ 5----------- TABLE 16.-Mechanical analysis of soil, Plot P49-24 1 [Values represent percentages] American system (fractions mm.) International system (fractions mm.) 2.0-1.0-0.5-0.25-0.10-0.0&-<0.002 <0.005 2.0-0.2-0.02-<0.002 1.0 0.5 0.25 0.10 0.05 C.002 0.2 0.02 0.002 ----------------------- 0.05 0.39 4.93 12.61 11.34 60.81 9. 87 16.66. 10.03 46.57 33.53 9.87 -------.11 1.82 11.72 13.51 58.81 14.Q3 19.80 4.49 51.98 29.50 14.03 .29. 1. 05 9.08 21.82 10.48 44.09 -13/19 16.96 18.01 44.09 24.71 13.19 .15 1. 64 16.52 20. 5.1 5.26 37.40 18.48 25.41 27.77 27.92 25.83 18.48 1. 51 4. 70 40.46 42.97 4.26 2.48 3.62 5.22 68.05 24.72 3.61 3. 62 t For information on the forest cover on this plot, see table 6. Horizon l_ __________ 2 ___________ 3 ___________ 4 ___________ 5 ___________ Horizon l_ __________ 2 .. -----.---- 3-----------4 ___________ 5.---------- 2.0- 1.0 ';['ABLE 17.-Mechanical analysis of soil, Plot P49-29 [Values represent percentages] American system (fractions mm.) International system (fractions mm.) 1.0-0.5-0.2&-0.10-0.05-<0.002 <0.005. 2.0-0.2-0.02-<0.002 0.5 0.25 0.10 0.05 0.002 0.2 0.02 0.002 ----------------------- -------0.48 4.19 16.02 11.31 57.15 10.85 16.17 8.14 52.76 28.25 10.85 0.17 .34 .18 5.26 2.0- 1.0 0.08 .11 .16 .• 07 10.89 .29 2.63 11.40 8.40 65.05 12.06 15.39 5. 93 51.22 30.79 12.06 0 67 0 59 8.87 6.41 71.12 12.00 15.32 4.44 52.92 30.64 12.00 .42 1.03 2.56 3.37 82.66 9. 78 14.06 2.41 49.49 38.32 9. 78 6.12 13.22 18.12 11.45 '36.13 9. 70 12.93 30.27 41.25 18.78 9. 70 TABLE lB.-Mechanical analysis of soil, Plot P49-33 [Values represent percentages] American system (fractions mm.) International system (fractions mm.) 1.0-o.&-0.25-0.10-0.05-<0.002 <0.005 2.0-0.2-0.02-<0.002 0.5 0.25 0.10 0.05 0.002 .0.2 0.02 0.002 --------------------- 0.42. 3.18 13.17 9. 50 60.'73 12.92 17.63 6.51 49.62 30.95 12.92 0 72 3.41 10.80 8. 75 63.12 13.09 17.87 6. 76 50.85 29.30 13.00 .17 0 75 3. 78 4.39 80.90 9.85 14.58 2.18 52.86 35.11 9.&5 .35 1.00 2. 61 5.82 81.43 8. 72 13.38 2.07 56.58 32.63 8. 72 13.22 15.44 15.15 6.87 30.79 7;64 10.25 45.28 30.80 16.28 7.64 ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FOREST FIRES IN ALASKA 119 -------·-· TABLE 19.-Mechanical analysis of soil, Plot P49-37 [Values represent percentages] American system (fractious mm.) International system (fractions mrn.) Horizon 12.0-1.0- '-----------:::0 0.5 0.53 2 ----------1 .07 .42 3 .. _________ . 21 .85 4 ___________ .32 1. 35 5. __________ 1. 83 7.29 0.5-0.25--0.10-0.05-<0.002 <0.005 2.0-1 0.2-0.25 0.10 0.05 0.002 0.2 0.02 ----- 5.32 16.43 10.59 56.15 10.88 16.21 10.03 50.78 4.00 13.05 9.18 60.12 13.07 17.43 8. 67 47.55 4.96 10.95 7. 74 64.46 10.8:l 15.12 9.83 50.11 6. 51 9. 53 8.31 66.26 7. 72 13.40 11.92 51.73 30.18 27.94 7. 62 19.51 5. 63 7. 24 54.37 31.75 TABLE 20.-Moisture equivalents of soils [Values represent percentage of dry weight] Plot Horizon 0.02- 0.002 28.31 30.71 29.23 28.63 8.25 p 49-24 p 49--37 P49--33 <0.002 10.88 13.07 10.83 7. 72 5. 63 P49--~9 L .. ------------------------------------____ ----------------29.41 32. 88 27.30 33. 45 2----------------------------------------------------------· 32.52 32.22 26.40 37.08 3 ______________ ---------------------------------------------34. 22 24.32 22. 40 30. 10 4·----------------------------------------------------------53.74 18.76 17.70 24.06 5.----------------------------------------------------------3.15 S. 45 9. 53 11.40 I --------------------------------------------------------------------34.68 27.42-26.50 26.73 rr__________________________________________________________ __________ 48.15 21.42-24.78 21.12 III.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV---------------------------------------------.------------____ ._____ _ 29.88 27. 79-28. 68 30.92 'l'ABLE.21.-Hydrogen-ion concentmtion (pH) .of soils 1 [ Plot Horizon I . · ----P49--121~~1 P49-5 1~-=::=.J P49--161~9--20 I P49-241~9--371 P49--33 P49-29 lo ________ 4.02 4.57 4.64 4.44 4.30 4.49 4.44 5.03 4.31 4~87 1 .. --------4.21 4.68 .'i.09 4.47 4.31 4.53 5.42 4.93 4.96 4.81 2.--------5.38 li.45 5.16 5.25 5.47" 5.89 5.79 5.45 5.68 5.48 g_________ 5.77 5.68 5.82 5.70 6.14 5.94 5.90 5.61 5.55 5.93 4_________ 5.75 5.83 5.52 6.22 6.35 5.71 5.70 S.37 5.44 5.62 5_________ 5.81 5.82 5. 76 ---------------------------6.03 5. 79 5.62 5. 74 o_________ 5. 64 5. 77 ______________________________________________________________________ _ !_ ________ ---------------·------------ ------------------ --------- ---------6. 25 6. 43 6. 74 ~¥~====== =========!========= ========= ========r======r:::::::.::::::::: i: ~g u~ H~ ' For information on the forest cover on these plots, see tables 3, 4, 6, and 8. 110 TECHNICAL BULLETIN/1133, U. S~ DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE T ,;.BLE 22.~0rganic matt~r cont.~nt of soils i -. [Values represent loss-on-ignition, percent] Plot Horizon 1---------------.----,----,-------,-------,---.--- ---P49--121 P49--1 P49--5 P49--9 P49~16 P49--20 _ P49-24 P49--37 P49-33 P49--29 ln.-------64. 56 80. 23 83. 53 78. 82 .82. 50 61. 06 67. 24 38. 55 37. 52 35. 38 l_________ "8.98 5.47 6.35 9.74 9.58 11.24 8.56 12.83 12.16 10.96 2.--------14.96 9.28 13.77 8.58 10.60 7.19 7.57 8.13 6.14 12:29 3_.:______ 4.59 7.49 6.15 5.26 4.03 5.58 8.62 4.19 4.13 5.74 4_________ 3.4! 4.78 2.58 2.61 2.08 2.37 11.22 3.18 2.96 3.52 5_________ 2.80 4.77 1.97 ---------------------------1.52 1.75 2.2!\ 2.06 .6.......... 2. 71 3.02 --------- --------- ------------------ --------- --------------------------- 1 ........ --------- ------------------------------------------------------13.80 12.19 4.40 nr::::: ::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::: :::::::::!::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::: ~g: !g !: r~ r ~~ 1 For information on the forest cover on these plots, see tables 3, 4, 6, and 8. TABLE 23.-Total nitrogen content of soils I _[Values in percentage of dry weight] Plot Horizon 1-----,-------,----,------,-----,----c-----,---·--,----,---- P49--12 P49--1 P49--5 P49-9 P49-16 P49--20 P49--24 P49--37 P49-1l3 P49--29 1o........ 1.021 1.268 1.294 1.425 1.356 1.241 1.300 0.633 0.609 0.443 1. ....... : .162 .118 .109 .159 .162 .181 .161 . 267 .164 .197 2_________ .237 .145 .245 .121 .177 .104 .106 .133 .075 .. 275 3 ___ .______ .067 .125 .089 .078 .066· .079 .138 .057 .047 .075 4.~-------.045 (2) .003 \~) .022 .034 .234 .040· ,034 .046 5......... . 041 . 001 . 020 ------------------ ---------. 016 . 018 . 022 . 022 6_________ .028 .042 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1_ ________ --------- ------------------------------------------------------.034 .264 .083 rr________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ . 623 . 220 .094 IIL ...... ------------------ ---------.... c •••• --------- --------- ---------• 304 .115 .106 IY -------------------------------------~----------------------- ---------.163 . 086 . 069 1 For information on the forest cover on these plots, see tables 3, 4, 6, and 8; 'Trace. TABLE 24.-Readily available phosphorus content of soils I [Values represent parts per million of soil] Plot Horizon I-,-----,----------------,---,-----.-----.--:-,,--- · P49--12 P49--1 P49--5 P49--9 P49--16 P49--20 P49--24 P49-37 P49--33 P49--29 lo........ 131 205 258 227 375 272 115 71 65 75 l_________ 4 39-60 19 46 65 1 . 22 41 48 2_________ (2) (2) 38 (2) 6 2 (2) (2) 11 11 3......... 2 (2) 2 2 13 9 2 2 9 1 4_________ 6 16 1)5 147 274 76 3 11 14 7 5.________ 10 11 106 ------------------ ---------25 38 85 32 6......... 51 68 --------- --------- ------------------ --------- --------- ------------------ 1_ ________ ------------------_____ , ___ --------------------------- ---------248 172 60 II ________ ---------------------------··------------------------- ---------725 272 55 IlL ______ -----------------· ------------------------------------ ---------39 56 45 IV ....... ,---------~---------......... ·-----------------------------------4 10 2 1 For information on the forest cover on these plots, see tables 3, 4,-6, and 8. • Trace. ( ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FOREST FIRES IN ALASKA 121 TABLE 25.-Exchangeable potassium in soils I [Values are percentages of dry weight] Plot Horizon J----,----,---,---,---,----,----,------:----.---.--- P49-12 P49-1 P49-5 P49-9 P49-16 P49-20 P49-24 P49-37 P49-33 P49-29 1•--------0.0385 0.0494 0.0427 0.0700 0.1619 0.0566 0.0443 0.0337 0.0268 0.0340 L--------.0120 .0092 .0089 .0125 .0089 .0109 .0071 .0151 .0139 .0242 2_________ .0129 .0106 .0174 .0117 .0107 .0085 .0082 .0078 .0081 .0163 3---------.0104 .0140 .0122 .0095 .0091 .0072 .0102 .0062 .0088 .0098 4_--------. 0081 . 0123 . 0077 . 0038 . 0052 . 0063 . 0103 . 0063 . 0086 . 0098 5_________ .0099 .0097 .0048 ---------------------------.0036 .0055 .0066 .0060 6---------. 0067 . 0085 --------- --------- ------------------------------------------------------ L ________ ---------------------------------------------------------------.0252 .0276 .0364 II ________ ---------------------------------------------------------------.0316 .0340 .0331 IlL ______ -----------------·----------------------------------------------.0216 .0138 .0241 IV _______ ---------.------------------------------------------------------.0178 .0143 · .0122 ' I I For information on the forest cover on these plots, see tables 3, 4, 6, and 8. TABLE 26.-Exchangeable calcium in soils 1 [Values are percentages of dry weight] Plot Horizon J----,-----,---,-----,-----,---,-----,----,---,--- P49-12 P49-1 P49-5 P49-9 P49-16 P49-20 P49-24 P49-37 P49-33 P49-29 10--------0.1283 0. 2390 0.1933 0. 2685 0. 5072 0.1808 0.1924 0. 2915 0.1062 0. 2892 L ________ .0348 .0512 .0510 .0413 .0408 .0477 .0536 .0582 .0716 .0677 . 2 _________ . 1073 .0500 .0321 .0330 .0818 .0541 .0480 .0257 .0156 .0500 3---------.0329 .0315 .0266 . 0413 .0332 .0357 .0488 .0146 .0112 .0268 4 _________ .0229 .0425 .0167 .1664 .1044 . 0161 .0531 .0107 .0129 .0119 5 _______ :_ .0219 .0442 .0535 ---------------------------.0146 .0101 .0136 .0072 6 _________ .0675 .0270 ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------L ________ ---------------------------------------------------------------.3666 .2380 .0564 IL _______ ---------------------------------------------------------------. 7426 . 2623 .0763 IlL ______ --------------------------------------------- ------------------.2056 .0552 .0335 rv _______ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------------------------. 0643 .0326 .0182 I For information on the forest cover on these plots, sec tables 3, 4, 6, and 8. i 11. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE.: 1955 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents U. S., Government Printing Office, Washirigton 25, D. C Price 40 cents (