HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA1100I ,~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·~ D- IMPLICATIONS OF ESTABLISHING A NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE ARCHEOLOGICAL DISTRICT WI THIN THE SUS I TNA PROJE c:r AREA \ -· ·.-... J:·.· -. '' m f' ~~ I I I I I I I m IMPLICATIONS OF m T ABLIS HING A NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE ARCHEOLOGICAL DISTRIC! WITHIN THE SUSITNA PROJECT AREA Prepared by Harza/Ebasco J. V. for the Alaska Power Authority Februaey 1984 __ .,. ' lJ l I . IJ I ,, r ~ f1 I] 4 As part of the licensing effort for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project~ the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission iG required to comply with section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. Section 106 requires FERC to obtain the comments of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation regarding the effects of issuing a license on properties on or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NR). FERC has delegated the responsibility for identifying previously unknown historic properties whiCh may be NR eligible to the license applicant~ the Alaska Power Autnority. Eadh historic property identified (either through checks of listings of known sites or through field investigations) must be evaluated to determine if it meets NR eligibility criteria described in 36 CFR 60. '!he Secretary of the Interior is the sole authority for determining whether a property does or does not meet the criteria, although both FERC and the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) must supply their opinions about the property to the Secretary before a final determination will be made. Existing regulations do allow FERC to request ACHP comments befo~e receiving formal notification of NR eligibility if both they and the SHPO agree that the property, or properties, meet NR eligibility criteria. This, however~ does not absolve FERC from the responsibility for seeking determinations from the Department of the Interior; it only means that they may request ACHP comments before DOl actually renders a decision regarding the NR eligibility of historic properties WhiCh will be impacted by th~ project. Requests for determinations of NR eligibility may be submitted in several forms. Requests may be made for eaCh individual property which will be affected by a ~roject or~ in the case of multiple properties which are in some way related~ the request may be made in the form of a district encompassing more than a single property. The formal distinction between a site and a district is as follows: 1 5595g il i ! . ;.·J f l r t I 1 I 1 I I l I l ! l l ! J ' ' I ' I I I ~ i ~ ! tt j ~ ~ 11 1 J1 '! -j ~ I J") I ··! I -~ Jl ~-~ ' '1 ') I -:, } ~ I Jl l!i ·t l l:i r1 ;j [~ LJ D v Site: District: A site is the location of a significant event, a pnahistoric or historic occupation or activity, or a building or structure, whether standing, ruined, or vanished, when! the location itself maintains historical or archeological ~·:1lue regardless of the value of any existing structuna. (36 CFR 60.31) A district is a geographically definable area ••• possessing a significant concentration, linkage, or continuity of sites, buildings, structuxes, or objacts united by past events ••• o A district may also be composed of indiv.tdual elements separated geographically but linked by associa.tion or history. (36 CFR 60a3d) A description of the level of documentation which must accompany a request for a determination of eligibility is contained in Appendix A. It should be noted that the level of data required for a district determination is only minimally greater than that required for an individual property. Implications of seeking a determination of eligibility for the archeological sites within the Susitna project area in the form of a district as opposed to individual properties are as follows: A. Requesting determinations of National Register (NR) eligibility for individual sites within the Susitna project area will require that approximately 300 individual requests be prepared for submission to, and review by FERC, the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO), and the Department of the Interior (DOI). While the administrative burden of preparing 300 requests need not result in delays to the p:-oject, if sufficient manpower is made available, the time required for review by FERC and the SHPO may be extensive. (DOl must respond within either 10 or 45 days depending upon whether or not FERC and SHPO agree or disagree about the potential eligibility of a site.) By comparison, a request for a determination of eligibility for a district, or several districts which may include most or all of the 2 5595g -- i ;- I i i f t ' l j I I I I I ~ ~ ~ l ~ . t ~ ~-~ ~ t\ :; ~ J~ 'i ,-1 ·I ') ~ r~ ' @ J\ '1 J ,~ s ,{ .rt .. (1 l :.1 (j 0 ~;....... G P ~·---.. ~~-"--~: ... _._, ... ~...::.._----.,_~, _ ... __ ,_.:;. .. ____ , ____ ~~~~,......,., ... _..,.'"____ --- archeological. sites identified to date, will require considerably less time and eff'ort. A request of this type is certain to be reviewed in a more timely manner by all agencies. B. At the present time the amount of data available about the majority of arCheological sites identified by the University of Alaska Museum does not (in the opinion of Harza/Ebasco) satisfy the standard requirements set forth in Appendix A to 36 CPR 63. Data gathering (fieldwork) beyond that originally estimated by the University of Alaska Museum may be required. If individual requests are submitted to the regulatory agencies with the existing (or anticipated) amount of data, they may be returned with requests that missing data be supplied. This may result in e.rcheological fieldwork having to be conducted so late in the licensing sChedule that delays in the start of construction could reault. However, it should be noted that it appears that the SHPO will agree with the position of the University of Alaska Museum that all of the sites that have been identified to date are potentially eligible for the National Register. Requests for additional data from that agency are therefore not likely to occur. If FERC agrees with the SHPO~ the provisions of the 36 CFR 63.3 apply and DOI will have 10 days to respond. Several scenarios are possible at thia point: a) DO! will not respond because of the inability to review 300 requests in 10 days~ and all sites will be . considered eligible for the National Register: b) DOI will request additional data. whiCh may necessitate more fieldwork and cause project delays. c) DOI will rule on the eligibility of each site. In the opinion of Harza/Ebasco a large percentage (perhaps a majority) of the sites identified by the University of Alaska Museum may be found not eligible for the NR. (Although DOl is generally reluctant to overrule an SHPO they can and have done so in the past). or d) DOI may direct FERC to resubmit the request in the form o£ a district. 3 5595g l I l I I I I I I l I ! I l ' ll ,_ ' ll J1 1-·_; q 'f ~ J c. ,_, --~~ .. ---~.,._...._,.,~_ ............. __ _..,....,_ ----,--~---~~~--~----· In contrast to the above. a request for a deten1ination of NR eligibility for an arCheological district requires that the significance of all sitea within the district be considered jointly. 'lhe result of this is that the eligibility threshold of eaCh individual site is reduced. A site that is not eligible individually. may be eligible as part of the district. A corrollary of this is that the total amount of data needed to support the NR eligibility of a district containing a large number of sites is substantially leas than that required if eaCh site were to be considered separately. It iu possible that fewer NR eligible archeological sites would wind up in the Susitna project area if individual eligibility requests were made as opposed to a district request. However~ this is not necessarily as advantageous to the Alaska Power Authority as it might at first appear. An archeological district has a considerable advantage over individual sites in terms of mitigition planning. If individual eligibility requests are submitted. individual mitigation plans may be required for each site. In contrast a mitigation for an entire district is allowed to consider the relative importance of individual sites within the district to eaCh other and to the district as a whole. This means that no mitigation may be requested at those sites Which a) have only relative minor significance. b) contain data which are duplicated .in sufficient quality at other sites to render collection of additional data statistically insignificant. or c) contain data of a type and quality which is better represented at other sites. The net result is that less data recovery (excavation) is likely to be required for a district than for the total of all individual sites combined. In addition. in the event that DOI does not rule that many of sites in the project are not NR eligible (either because they do not respond or because of a reluctance to overrule the SHPO) it is almost certain that a greater amount of data recovery will be required during mitigation8 At present it is anticipated that the general archeological mitigation plan for the Susitna project will include provisions for archeological surveys to be conducted after the issuing of the 4 5595g 1 J .; f wwwwa ==I··· \ l I l l I I I I l I l I l l \ I l 1 l ! ! l I l 1 l l l I 1 \ ! I l ~ i l I I I I 1 / I I I I I w '' : I J ~ ~ 1 1 ~ " ~ ~-~ ~ ~·· .~ l~ ,, j 11 ... 1 J1 d ., r, 1 ~~~ r~ J r~ .\ ~·· ( 1 '' :j ',::_ project license. This is necessitated by the fact that tne exact locations of some direct impact areas will not be known until after the issuance of the license (e.g.~ borrow areas). Any archeological sites found within the boundaries of an NR eligible district can be evaluated in terms of the aignificance criteria already established for the district. In the absenc.e of a district any aites found after the issuance of the project will have to be evaluated individually. This is likely to result in the need for more excavation~ both for site evaluation and for data recovery~ D. The boundaries of an NR eligible arCheological district could conceivably coincide with the entire Susitna project area. However~ arCheological districts almost always are defined in a way that specifies tha·t only those areas within the district boundaries which actually contribute to the significance of the district are subject to the provisions of the National HistQric Preservation Act. Therefore~ the designation of a district. as opposed to numerous individual sites. will pose no additional preservation obligations or responsibilities upon the Alaska Power Authority. In Summary: 1. Determining NR eligibility for a district will be easier from an administrative point of view and will result in quicker agency review than determining NR eligibility multiple individual sites. 2. A mitigation (data recovery/excavation) plan for a district may be less costly than separate mitigation plan for individual sites. 3. Sites included in a district are more likely to be determined eligible for the National Register than are individual sites. However~ in the case of the Susitna project it is possible that all sites will be determined NR eligible in any case. 5595g --"""' -0 l ~ 5 l ! I I l I I \ I j j l t i I 11 tl ~ 'i • J J"j ij .j Jd ,f J ,-~ I ·I " [j ' [' I I I ' J IJ r1 f Jl ~ •. i J.l J I' ---~: c ,-._ . o. ~·· 4. Establishment of a district will su&plify dealing with arCheological sites whiCh may be located after issuance of the project license, and 5. Designation of district should not result in any additional obligation for the Alaska Power Authority beyond those associated with individual archeological sites. 6 5595g --·· --'*~;· ... •»;~¥~; ti;'''"·[•;;·-cc;~;;•:; .• j ,: ·~ . i . ~ . . .. I, . 1 l'l_. w" 1·-.·_,_· ~ \ ' I; [ ·,· J] ' ' ·: . . J • \ t • A ~ .J J ... i d .fiGiift DtPARTMEN 1• OF THE INTER10R Nation:~! rarh Service NATIONAL R£GISTI:R Of H'STORlC PI..AC[S Publir.ation Guidelines for LPVol of Ooeu· m!'ntaUQn fo Accompany Requests few D·"'\runinallons n! Elir•l>tlity for lnclu• •ion in Nati.onal f<t'gi•tor AOt~NCY: !,llaUonal PArk Service, In· t.erlor. ACTION: Uuldclincs for Level o! D.xu- menL.'\Uon. SUMMAR'&": These guldcllnr!'; pr~vide fnformat.lon on the lcvrl of documcnt.:•- Llon lo accompr.ny rcqur.~Lc; for rlrt~rml· nnllon.~ o! el!mbillty tor lnclu-;ton tn t.he NnUonal Re!P~er o! lllstoric Places. Ef'FEC"''lVE: Immcdlntcly. ADDnE'SS: For :rurth~r Jnfornmtion contnrt. Dr. Willlr~m J. Mul'tn{!h. KQ{'l>er of thP National Rerrlstcr. omcc of Arche- ology and Historic Prt:servntlon. Nnllonal· Park Service, Dcpartmt'nt of thr. lntc· rlor, Wushlngt.on, D.C. 20240 (202-523- 6065l, SUPPLE!\fENTARY lNV'0RMATJON: Th£'.c;c lnlldelim-s arc b~inu: published contemporancou.'51Y wit.ll the tntt'rim ntlf.'mnk;ng tor 36 CPR PnrL fo3-Na- t.lonf\l Register of Hil>toric Ph1rcr.. De- t<>rmination.s of 1 .ibll!Ly for Int'lu!=ion in i.h~ National Registrr. Th('!>e guide- lint's were Issued initially ns APPt'11dircs A ft.nd B o! t.heo proposed 36 CFR Pnrt G3, v.·hir.h was publi.c;llfxi in the Fr.rn:n.-.L n r.c- tsTER for comment on April :!7, l!'liG. Comments were received ou the draf~ rcgu!a t.ior..s nnd tho!;C commcntl' fire dis· cus.c;eu in the introdnrllon t.o the final rult'Inaking !or 36 ern I'nrt !i3. Comments reecivcd 011 t.h(' guiclclines concC'mcd the amount. of infonun t1on rcquhed for the Department CJf t.hc In· tcrlor to mal:e a detcrminn.lion of t'ligi- hlliiY on a property. ,\ clctcrminnt ion of eli(:%ibillty is made on tht: bn..c;i,c:; of B de- scription, statement of slgniiirancc, maps. Rnd photol!rnnhs o[ a property. Al- thou~h these guiuclmcs tJrovicl~ a ~rnrrnl stnmlnrd for cvnlunl1n~: properties !l~nln"L Nntional Rcgi~tcr crllcrln.. R de- Lcrminn.Uon .cnn l>e nuHir on lhr bn!'ls or Jcs~ h•fornmtlon tho.n i:; r<:rommrndrd in thc.:;c {!Uidclincs Jn some c.,srs. An Jntro- durlor~· expl:umlion has been nrldrd to thr. b'1tidel1nt's 1ll'hirh E"mph~sl.'.!'S that, nlU1um~h enC'h entct:tory or luformntion is nrcrl\'\llr~· to cvnlunte rroprrt.ic~. mnny ttt.lNwries requirt' only n \'i:·r~-brirf ~t.,t.c· mt'nt. In odctition, murh o! thL' nri\'iC'e conrrz ning document nllon OlJPih•s fo B spcclnr. rlnl',c;lflcnlion tlf prupcrflrc;. Ji'or exnmplc, !or nrrhcolo~lt:nl sit!'~. the dc- licrlplion (VII> rcQuirrd wonhl rontntn only the Information in vn.n. rcnrrnl e~ctu~tl'.s ahould nlso coordinn lr. rlt,~t:lY with Stnt~ Hll\t~nc: l'rr~f'n'nhon om.•ct-s rorwt-rnhlft th~ kine!!; nnd dCillh uf m- formnUon neccs~aiY to e·;nhmte Jll\lP• ertlc\ . Comment& em Almcndlccs f. nnd H h:wc bt>~n co•uldcrcd 1\nd lncorpornte'd n!ll np- proprlat.e. 'nle DcJmrtnwnt of the Int.c· rlor h:t.S determined tlmt lhC'l\t' gulclcltnes NOTICES Mould be I'Ubli .... hcd In UlC FFD&:RAL n~:a­ JSttl to o.c;stst Federal ngencies in idcn• tl!ytng lUld documcntmi: hist.orie prop .. ert.ica u pn.rt of their responsibilities under t.he National Historic Preser\'ation Act. of 19G6, n.co amended. 16 u.s.c. 470 <a> CH (19'70 cd.>, Exccuuvc Order 119!)3: the Environmcntn.l Policy Act o! 1969 (Pub. L. il-291; 16 u.s.c. 491 n.-1>. The Department or the Interior reconunenca that Federal n~cncic.s ~e these gwde- hnes ln documcntin~: hiStoric properties and in requesting determmntions of el1- gibilit.y a.s pn.rt or t.helr project or pro- ~:rnm plannint: responsibilltics. Bccau::e the Department. hn.s determined thnt they nrc guidelines, and not regulations. they '\\ill appear in t.hc 1:-EDEKAL REClSTEJt but not in the Code o! Federal Rcguln- t.ions. These guidelines arc developed under the general auU1ority oi the National Rt:gist.er o! Ht.storic Plac~ pro:;rnm a.s it appears at. section 2<k> ot the Hist.o1·ic Sites Acto! 1035, 16 U.S.C. 4G4<k> (1970 ed.>. and section lOHa> U> o! the Na." tionn.l Historic Preservation Act of 1966, llS amended. 16 U.S.C. 470<a.> <1> <1!.!70 ed.> and sections 3<b> and 3<!> of Exccue tive Order 11593. Otr.tli.LtNF.S roa LEVEL OF Doct7t.IE:O."TA.TlON TC\ ACCO~PA.Nl' REQUl:STli 1"0& DETUMlN,.TlOMS oF Eucun.n-r roa 1Nc::Lt7SION IN THE NA· TlON.U. R&GIS1T.Jl These regul~Uon" provide stnndn.rds to v.·hlcb. Fedcr&l ~senctes DaJ' re!cr 1n the preparnt.lOD ot tho bllt:i1C documen!lltlOn (de!i.:ript.ion, fit.atenumt O! ilgni!'\Cill\CC. mo.ps 1me1 pbotosi'o.phs, and the opinion o! the State Historic Preservntloa Officer) nece'!Snry to evn.luata the ellglb111toy !or tl!e Nr..t~onnl Register o! dlst.rlcts, s1!.es, bu1ldln~. str\\C• tures. nnd objects. Where possible this docu- mcnts.tlon should be pr('pn.red b: pro.fc:;ston· _!!,111 in the ftClds O! h!story, archltC:Ct\tral hi!':• tOry, archl\,cetur~. u.ad nrchcotogy. AlthO\tgh 1n some co.ses 11. det(!rrnlnnt1on o! clJ;;;bU1t.y c:m be made ou less informl!.iio!l, tlle Dc- pa.nment o! the Int.crlor recomn1cnda t.)leso gutdeliucs a.s a general stand:~.rd !or t.hc amount 11.nd kinds or documentnl.!oa ueccs· sarr to evaluo.t.o properties ·~r.tnst the l'a- t.Lon~ Register c:rlterla. The catcborlc!l o! In· !onnatloa hero are thou required t~ noml- uat.lon o! properties to the Nallonl\1 Rc~t~;­ tcr. Documcnta~lon submitted w1Lh de1.er• ·mlnl\Uon of ell~lb!Uty rcqut:sL& may bo rc· t'Clrdcd on NQt.lona.l Reglstcr nCJmluattou !orms. although 11uch forms arc not rC"~ qutrrd. If the ln!ormntloa on th.., property t.lll' been complied through a a\lr\'ey, th~ 1\gl'ncr Khould submit the sur\'ey rcpo:t M part or t-he document.nt.loll. In!ormnt.ton lr.· cludl"d 1n the survey report or 1n other ma.terla.l need not be recorded 1n the ror- tnl\t suggested Ill t.hcso gutdellnt"s. AA long ~ the ba.sle C:l.t('gOrlcS or 1n.forma.t10J: :ue provided, the ~ency mn.J use any tormn t tof »Uhml!.tiDif thLI documeat.ntlon \\'hlch tt fmda con\·enlel~t. E~cb category should b(• provided: I. Requnt. tor dct'!rmlnaUon. II. Property nBme. Ill. Location. lV. Cl~'\lficatlc.n: cllat.rlc~. ille, tmlldlng, atructure, or objcc1.. V. Ownerahlp. Vl. RcpreN'ntAUon to Ellat.1DJ Survey.. .vn. Dcterlptlon. VIU. Sl~nlnrrmce. IX. nlbUo~tllllhf. X. C\.at;rl\phlcal Oat&', M35Ja, anc1 Acreo,;t. XI. l:t'C~otJrapha. APPENDIX A XII. lndh·idual(a) compmo: document&• tlnn. Xll.(. Op!nlon or t.ho StBt.e U!.llcrle I'rucr• n1.1on or.u:er. Many ot the!io c:&t<lll;ortcs reqv,lro only a very brlof statement. 2:ipcetal At.tentloa &hould bo ~tl\'en t.o VII. Dc;>{.rlptlon "nd \'1 & ;. SIL'ntncnnee. Much or the ~uldr.nce \:n:l··r \'II Alld Vlll lljJjllle:. t.o A ipcclflc Cl&\k.,l:.c·c\• t.IOD Cl! rc.ourt(:. !'tot. all Lhta 1n!orm;Lllun h nqutred IC~r t:llch clalt"lr1t::ltton (iJul:utl.~. alte, dU.t.rlc,, auuctur~. object) .• l. RZQV~T FO~ 0ETr.&'-11NATION OF ELICl.Dll.tTY The name and address of the AS"ncy 11111\ the ngcncr omcln.l mnittng t.he request !lhoulct appear In tbe letter or rcq\tcst. or o.a p:Lr:. c.r tho doem:nentn.t.lon. C'ommuntti('S nq\i, •. : • 1ng dr.t.crmtnt\t.lous ot cllr:ttllllt.y In ht c:;~:l '9.'1Lh the •·Envlronmcntnl ncvlcw T'Tocl·Ch;:• .. tor Community Dovr.lopmcnt. Dhx:lt 0:·.1:.~ Pro!;rnm" (24 CF'It 6U) r.hould ccru~y t:.;,t the request i.t lniUJC 8£ pU\. or plnunlUV fvr a community development. blCick (;rnn~ pru,• eet. . II. Pae>PDTY NA~Ii: A. Historic Name. 1. Orlsln~l owner c:- buUd('r. 2. Sl~zul!c;:.nt pe:rsons or events &!aao.::intcd with the property. 3. Inno"'"t.ive or Ullusur;.l cho.ractcr1•tlcs or the pr..Jjlerty, 4. Accepted pro!essl:lnoJ, scicntlftc, teel~ nl- co.l, or tradltlonr.l unmrs. B. Common Name. This 1s \ho name by "''hlch Lhe ptopert.y !:; 1-'.nown locally. c. Archeological Sttc Same. Archcoln:!\C':\1 sHes nre :;cnerully named !or the project, n nt-n.rby gcosraphic !c:Mure, na ~c;pcc1. or cui· tural slp;ntacance. the owner "t the prop.z1 ;.:;, e~. For a:J. archt-ologtcnl &Ito w1tll no urun'·· u!ic the nurnbcrln~ toy:.tem 1n use Ia the Stnt.c. The Sla~e sa.c mtmbcr r.!'lould hl.~o uc appended to the dc::t:.:n:~.Uon ot a ntAmed 51to !or cross·re!erence purposes. Ill. UX:ATiiJN Include the number und the n.:lmc of u.o stre<:t or road on whlch tlle p. apcrtr Lo:; lo• cAt.cd. It the road hM " numb<!r ro.thcr t~l:\:1 a name, indle:~ot-o whether It Ia a F(;(..l't.d, State. or couhtry rond. :r n prop,•rt.>' co.:·$ w·:. hnvc n spcel1lc nc!dr~. gh·c t.ho numcs o! t:tc ncntr::st rond.s. Fof rural prupcrtt('S nnu ut :;~:··:; w1th::~ut. s~c!tic strc~:t. actdrc:.c."cs, prec:JS<' 1.:.,•,,. ttou may be &pccif!co by lndt~·a.t.~n;; the ~<ill~ o! tl.e ro~d (North. Sou~n. EA-St, or Wf•.,tl Dond exact diStance-!rotn ncu.;-est lnt~·:-.e,·~ ton (:-iorth. South, r''\St, or \'.'('51.). H G jl!'wJI< ;"l ,. 1s rural and in u.c vlclnltj' o~ & t.own C'r l'l' .-. this GllO\tld bo 1ntllrntcd.ln thv Cl\f.f' u! n ;I • • torlc district or tmnllnrlr ~omp!lcutc.:tl Jl!'~'l'" erf.y, 1nchl."ll\'e st.rc('t nd\trrr.s numb<"r5 ~.1r n:l the properties wttbln the dlst.ttct 11hc:mlw IJt' sl\·cn. IV. CLASSlFICA'tiON A. Catcogorie$, Clltllstry t!1e propt'rty In t:.e apprrJprln.tl.' cntr~:o:-r 1f poss1bio. l! lt t,; \In• elcnr whl\t .::atcgot y ls approprl:l.t<-, tll1a shC'Juld be 1nc11cntcd. Af!cnctca mny, for ClCJ\Ih• J>lc. request assl:.tnnre ln. dr.tl.':'mlntu.: wlu.•ther propcrLtcs should bo con:.ldert'<.l 111· divldually or f.\)Ct'thcr ns a dl!a'.rlct. 1. A ''d1!tr1ct.•• is a ~ro;;rn.rhh.:nlly dcfm:,hil' ar""· urban or rurn.l. pos:-:t'!'·-'•ltlg 1\ a.l}-;nl!l• u.t conecntrALlon, llnl:a..:~: ~r ccmtluult.Y ot tatr: •• bulldll\j:t!, atruct.urcs, or ohjcct.s whle:1 1\rl.' unllrd h)''j)L<;t. C\'t'IIIS or 1\t'~~hl'tlrnll)' U)' pl:oll or ph:·slrlt: de\'~lopnwn t. A dtstrh:t. nHw :u •\l be C(unpr~"i of 1r.d1vlciunl elements whl. h "ra lt!p:'lr&\.f<1 ceoHrnphlcnl!y b\\t nrt' lwi\,•:i bf t.s50C1At.lo~ or hlstorr. · 2. A "il~" Ls the locAt.lou o! a st~nllt•',l:•t. evrmt, a preblstorle or historic N'cupnllul\ ur actt\'lty, or A bullchn~ or st1 uc~ure v.·lw\l,N atAndln,, ru1ntd, or v:l:u:.hrd, 'tl.'l\core u~e h''·\· f!D[Ul IIIEGISTU, VOL. 42. NO. U:J-WEDNtSDA1', $EPTEM1El 21, 1977 , ... r I I l f ' t • I ~ ~ .. 'l . -~· . .. ~ j ; ! : 1 . ~ . ,: . . ':. r '" j ~ ~ . i ~ ll ~·~ ~ j [ ' . !l ' j 1:~ J'1 1 ~' :~ ~~ ,.~ I{ . ' 4 J: 'J l:~ . .. l .. . ·: . t . . ' "'' . ... ... .. . . . , ·: 4 •!.' .. : .. ~ -· ·~ I ,. •. . " ~ .. • .. . . 1 "' ,., .. .. , .. ~· .. : .. . .. tlon Jl.sc'H n,nlJJinir.!. hl'lt11rlcni ''" ftr<'heo- 1u!"trn'' Ul\18 r€'j;:l.rtli~l'a or tho \'l\lllt' ot &nJ uto:tlr.'l(! atruct urrs . · 3 J\. "bulltl1n..:" h 1. a true~ nrP <'I 1':\tl'd \.0 t~llrtu•r nny form Cit humnn activity ~w·h M a hn;o• t•, hnrn. church, hot~l. or o:tuut.~r litrtlC• 11 11 ,. 'Twl:dllt~~oo" um:: refr-r trt 1\ ht:·torlt'l\11}" 1 rta • ,.d rumplcx, ~·•ch u ;:. cum 111nuo:c aud J·' 11 ttr a hou:-,. Rlld b:Hn • " .'\ "Jolrll\'tun·" Ill 1\ \',f'rk m:ul•• •·p '"r In· tr '"····•·utl"'u' nucllnt-:-:relntecJ part" lu "rll'll• ullr• J':\\h.·rn or url,:oUIII•Unu. Cunf.li'\H tNI by m:m. u. 11 etten ~n en~:lnctt tne pruJI'cl. lnri~ lu I·• air-. e .. An "object'" IS" matr-111\l thlllct Clf !unc- Unnnl, aesthetic, cultural. hlstortr:LI, nr &el• f'H!Ifir \'lllue that. ms:,. bt', hr n:\t\11 t' or de· ~l.:n, mo,·abte yet. rt-l:lt.cd to 11. I'!Jt't'll:e S<:'ltlng N c-nnronment . 8. ~'•UlO propcrl.lt'S lllny b! nll".d Jlrl"'pCrly rl.ll~ .. ifird 'll.'lthln two c: mnre o£ tilt" C"tt!t·~orJcs fl\'t'l\ 1\bo\"C, 1', OWNrJISJti'P · r:h·~ lllc nnme of t!'1o O\\'llrr or lh~· prop- P:-t.y. Juulcato "muttlplo ownership'' for dlo;trlc;~:~. Yf. P.f.l'aESENTATJON IN I:~O.iTtllG f:t:n\ f"Y S ldrntl!y locnl. Stntc. or Fc·dcrnl ht<:t"rlc rr-- IOtltcc F:tln·cys that. ln!:ltH.Ie N' rt'frr to t-he flrop•·rt·; In questl('ln. Includr IH\111" of ,:uncr, di\1 C', 1\IHl pcr~vn or on;anJ;·ntton tlu•.t. rnn- thtr • rfl 1 he .!'Ur\'ej'. l"t'dC"rnl sttrvry" oth~;>r t hnn the N:L'Ionnl Rec:istt'r !nclnd<', b"t. 1\t" uot lim!tcd to, the HistoriC' A~1CliC'.11l nPildlnt:~ Sunt')', tho lllsto~lc AmerJr;~n Fltj:l"""tln; RH·crtl, nnd the !\ntlon:tl S\ln·p·; of JJ!~tnrlc 8lt<'!-an!l Dulldlngs (Na•.trm:,t Ht-;to1l~ J.,nc.l· m·,, '<s I'rocr:un). vn. fll!.'i:'lUPTlCI!:i: De-:~,.!ption or th~ pby:>let\1 n,>J><'nr::nrr nnd eondltl•·•1 or ,. proprrty 1" lll'IJ'-"t·tunt tn mnktnr:; nn nct'urn te a.•Frc:c:m~'nt nr lt.<~ ;Jr:n t- tlrnnrr. To be u.r;eful. ::.1e tlMrrlptli'n nf t!,e proper~: c:holtld w:~ np,,:·o!''"lnt-e pror""~ll":ifll t~!'mlno''·C:Y nncl ~uoulrl be rent·!•(', flll''ftt:ll, drl1.Jlc•J. :mel v;rll orpnl;oNJ. J. BuFtl'n!Jl, Jtrur-turrJ, or obi••r(.r.. 1'h0'11d h~ dr~n 1 bcd In drtnll. ~hrctt-s \','hi!Tcn·::. ''.Amrrlc·Ht Archit.('rtm~ ~lnr.· liD!': :\ c;•tl!lc to th~ Strlcs" ('I'ht' ~u T. f'rr~. C'nm'·rh'::.c, Hlti9) provide;'! 1\ r;!.:cldnrd r11ldl'l (t'l A•Hrr- lcnn 1\rchl!ectur:t.l ~t:."lrc: :t.nd r.hCI\11:1 '":' C'"ll· ~till ret "hC'n que;.thons c.r term I nntc-,·v nt•!.c". If local tnrms or st.\'lt'~ :~.re \l~rct. th"V l'!ln'll•l he n:-t t·mpnnlc<1 by·" d"~··rtptlon ~r i·:-.pl:wn- tlon. t'lllft\1.:! dctn!l;. or m:m•u:l! f! n•lln..i ~hNllct br polutect out !'lid ~ho~tlcl ht' \ J<:Jhlc In •tH• nt·compnnytnr photor-rarh~= Thr flr- l!rrlptlnn or 1\ '"~tllcltn;: ::h,.."lll l:1~1'tt!c tl.~ fr>lJo•,•:l••~ kinds C\C lllfnrm:dlon Wht'IC 1\J'- plh•o ·,i,.: 1. Km:l of strurturc (d'."Pll!IH~. 1'1\ltr.,l,, tnt••nwrrl:ll. c!r). 2 Dltlldinf: plnccmt'n: ldt'tnrhrd, r"'·'~'· ~t<'.l. 3. GNlt•rnt C'hnrnrtt'ri,.llr~: 1\. O\·rrnll ahap~ or pllln (~t'ctnnr.l!', c11, ttr.l, b. NtiiHhtr or ltorl('.$, t' 11\un:K·r ol vrrtlcnl dlvl!'lun'l or bn}·~. d. f'tm:! rurtton mntl'rl=-lo: lhrlr-lt. frru""· atont', ri•· I 1\nd v;alJ llu!'h lfYJ'" of h•••tcl, rnur.•tur:. '''lnr.lt, t'!C'.I. t. Jtnof •·h•Jlf' 1~:\hlt. hljl. •hNI. f'tt·.l. 4 PJ'rrll\t" f'l'l\tttrc•t:--J,.•;· :!·m. nttmi<Pr. nntl aJ'pl"l\1 Ill\•'" 0(: ( n) f'Nr"11'r~ ( \ Nnll'fn~. I!U"J'I', 1\tf"t"hed Phtd", C't('.), (})I ~·ltttlmt·•: ("I •1<'<11".~: tr11 rhlnm":~ ••I clnlml't'l (. ltllpN:nnt dt'C'I'I I'!• I' t'fr f!U0 111!. r.. f"trnlll~"an'-lntcriCir fi."Aitll'"1, '1. Nun•''l'r, t''f'f'. 11ncl lnrnttnn t1l l'lltt• tHil!tllt•rt:, ""well"'~ .l.,:t ... tf '<no"' n. II Otltl'f n\nnnuutt t>ll'lllt'lill ( rnnd\\ R'.'lf, ('N\Irtttt•·: I :1r~ atru:-tllft"S, 11\llll:it'llpl"S l·n· tht•l•·(l 'A l'lllt\ the art'n). 0 Jnt:-rmatlon o:\ mCI\'f'd N"l'trt!l'"! (nl D:\lr.-til ntn\·e: (b) d~erll'll•m,, ol ori~lnnl f"JOTICES and prel'ient loc:\llons; (c) tx;)JI\nAUon of \.he etrect of t.ho mon on tho hlai.Qrlc in- te~rlt.y ot the propt•rt.y. 10. Xnown al:.eratlOil.'l ar ehAngea t.o t.ho propert.y ovtr t!mc sncl dill.t':l lt avr.llAblo. A rc:l>U.rnt.lon u con!;tclered a.n a.ltcr.l.l.lon e\•cn 1t an l'l.t.ttmpt. hna ~en rn.'lcJo to re!o~orc :.he property to Ito." orlt=lnr.i form. In cw.rll ln- volvln~; numt'rous a.lt.eratlc.m:; 11 • .,.·oul<.l te helpful to Include a. 1loor pla.c wll.h t.he auu- hlL<..'iiOn • 11. Guldrmee ln c..-:.mplllng ln!orma~lon Qll Jndus~rl:\l or tn~l:leertnt: Cl.l'lto. .. ~w·oa :o:nny bl! obtalnt'd by eon-;ultln~ loho }I~~t<.:Jc AmeriC~\ll Enr;lncer1nJ; Record, !'Ia tlo:-tn! P1~rk Service, Dtopa.rtmcnt ot U:eloterlc.r, W<&Shlngton, D.C.:. 202-tO. .B. Archc~!ogicaZ lite dcscrlpt.imu lhoulu Jncludo the tollowtn~ 1n!orr..:\t.tou: 1. Slto type (e.[:., midden, rocl:nhclter, fl:lko sc::1 t.ter, h!~l.cJrlc !ncLory, e>,.c.). 2. A description o! tho 5lt.c lncludlnb it.! lmmedlnte tn\'lronm~n t, ustn~ 51..a..ncbrd arebeoiOf:!lcnl 1..cru:lnolot;y. I! lOC:\1 tcrnu :1re ual!d, they shoulci b~ defineu. '1'!1o !ollowins data ahoulu bo included. a. Do.undnrlcs ot th~site and methods by which the~e boundaries hnvc been dcftnecl. · b. The tmmct!tu.t.c:r ~>urrour.tll!l:; environ- ment. both aa U. prc.;l:~biy WIU whe.u the site was 1n u.o;~ nncl M lt. 1s t.oU:l.j. c. Any c.llsnlptlng l.nfiucnr.ts (urb:l.%1 dcvel· opment, roac.ls. l'l;;rlculture) &t work on or 1mmtd!Ol.ICIY lOfOUml the SiU:. d. D"scrlptlons (or summ:l.rlcs) ot known data on tutcrn:l.l charactcrls~!c.s: stnt!r,"'l"a• pby, ~nl:nct. clasoes a.nd 1.he1r d.Jstrlbutton. ~truct.ural remains, etc. «!'. Extent nne! nature of nny e:tC::l.\'at!on. teating, aur!nce co!ltct1ng, etc. t. Descriptions ot nny stanc.llllg or ru!ncd structures or buildings tha.t mJ~;bt be o! archltectur&l or hl!>t.orlc lnlporuncc. 3. A list or pertlllt'l1t prt\'IOUS 1r.\'€'Stlt;:\• tions & th& site, i! nn}', indlca.tln:; dll.tes, in· ctitutlons, or orc:mlzntlons responsible, and blblio~rl\phlc rc!erc:cces. 4. Quaht}' and lnt.ensity or sur,·er that re- aulte::t 1n recort!in~ the s1ta; n:r.r l!mttnUons thls may tmpo~ on the clntn anulnblc tar purposes O! C\':\)Ut:I.10ll. c. llisloric site descriptions should 1nchtde dll'\Cusston ot t-he prcst'nt eonctttlon or tho site nnd lUI elwlrCit<ment. 'l11e lnte;rltr ot thu .slte-the dc~rce to which the setting 18 a \'l~ual reminder ot the e\·ent.s ar.d netlvltics thn.t toolc pince there-Is \'Cry lmportnnt and ~>houlu be thorout;hl:r <11scussec1 ln 1.hc sub- mission. D. D1strfrt-1. Arclt !teet ural and historic di.,trict descriptions sbould include the !ol· lov.·lnr;: klucls or ln!urm:~.tlon, As npproprta.tc: n. Cicncr011 dc$crlpUou or the nat\n'i\l and ml\nmn.de elt1nent& ot the cll~trlct: struc- turt~. buildings, a!tC's, cbjecta, promhlt'Ht ~rosraphlc3l features, dcnsl1.y of dC\'Clop- mcnt. b. Ocncral description of tl'Pt'l'l, l'tylts, or pcrloda or architecture rt'pre!:entcd In t.he district: scnle, proportions, nlntct•lals, eolor, dceorl\tlon, workmnnshlp, dc . .;lr,n Cl\lnllty . e. Oent'rAl phy!ICAl reiiHionshlp~~J or build· lnss t.o uch other and to the en;.·tronmenr.: fncnde II!Jt!l, at rtet pinus, squnrc.s, open 11pnt'01 &tnlctural denstty, planuag!l, tmpor· tant nat\lrnl featu:-t's; chAIH:cs tn the rela- \lonshtps oYer t!me Some ot thlli turorm11Uon Jl\1\)' be provanet.l on " sketch m.tp. d. Oenr.rnl dt~crlptlnn or the district d\tr• lnr. the pertOd(sl when u achle\'Cd atsnUi- ""nceo, e. Bulldln~ tr~ found ln district: eonl· mcrclal, re~ttlcntlal, cte.: prt~tent llnu orl6:tn&1 Ulfl of l:mlldtn~;a And land. t. Ornt'rnl con~U.IQD ot bu!ldln~s: r~tora­ tlon or rt'lu~bllltatlou &Ctl\'1 Uts, !&Hcr~tlon.'l. f:. Approlltm•te number ot bullulurs In d:a- trtct Ol' a A;OOQ Sndlcatlon oC 111.0 tJ! d~-;Lrlr.t. h. lntru!uona: Include ratto &!a~ Jtze of lntruaiCIIl'l comp•ued to the n11mbc~ Q! build· lure Wlthln \he d11trle,, ·17GG7 2. Qualltlt!S tbaL made the dlstrlet tl~sUnl!t. !rom 1&.5 aurrounclu•:s. J. A Uat of r;!(:nllicllnt pl\·obl bualcl:n 1·•. "'ltllln t.he dll.lrlc~. ~·tth snort. ci~!.cra,t.tlum:. where approprlute. lt. Prec:a:..e vcrbnl bound:u-y de!enp!lcm: flt:-t·ct.'S, propeny lll.es, 1nclwuvo .. tn:cl. lUI· Cl:'I'!>Sl'"• ceCJt~rnphiCI\i ft•atures, et.c., \\'a,J••h tAO parl'.tt! t.be cJ:• :.r:ct. from 1 t.a i\lrrounct;a;; .,_ 1. I! the d~Ltlct. aho t,:~~; quall:le:f, or :.11 an:i"oi"OI.~lcal nnt:Jrc, \he tn!orm:.t.lcm lnt!1· cntcc1 111nder 4 below shr.mld be fJi"n\'!lh:ct. 2. lt~t11Uirtt.~l tfulr1ct C:cst'rlj>t.lons, In aC:cll- t.lon ''o the lntorma.uon h.:ti.Cd •ilo~.lu 111· clucJc:: a. ICieoeral dcscrlptlon or the incl\;~~:i:l! ncth·ltlel' And pruce:.sel': taktns plnce '' .tl.m Lho dl::trlet, Jmport.nnt nn.tur:l.: nr.iJ ~co­ gr:lphlcnl !c:~oture.;, powe:r snurce;;; b. General dcr.c:-lpt!OJ~ o: o:-lr,ll:r.l m:-•• chin.cry still 1n u::c; a.nd-'c.r e. Gcner:\1 dcsca·lptton o! llnf'i\r ~·.-··~<"~:~-. wt'!.hin dist:-:c: ( cannl". railronu'l. ro:1u.o~ :L:~•l their te:-mlnnl poln!.'f ~·lth ::.ppro~un:.~c length 1\0Q W1dlh Ot 1\fC:\ tO be ~nC'Olllf>:'\~·:o>I'Cl in cJ;str1c:t. 3. Rural district drset'!pttons, In nd.:i:Unt~ to t.hc ln.!'ormatlon llsted nbo\·c • .shon:d m- t:l'uc.lc: n. Citnernl dt'!:crlpt'lon o! t;'!'O~"TIIJ'll~:,· r.1:ll topo:::raphlcal !catures (vntlcys, \'i~tns. etc l thnt. eo:n-cy a. te:.sc ot COIH'!HV('n!:'!'o;: nne! r.r b. Oener:11 desc:-lptlon or t.n<! outbul:t!m: • a.nd ather cxamplc'3 o! vcrnaculn:-r.:r:-.1 :.:- cbltccture wlth1n (}Jstr!ct hound:t.:i .. r. 4. Archcoto!J:CuZ district cJcscr1pt:~.~~ should Include: t\. Ocnernl dCl>Crlptlon or the n:\tUT.\1 :mn manmnue clcme"nts of the dist:1ct: stn:.·- tures, bulldlnt;s, sl~es. ohjt'.::t.!, prom11::-.:\. [;€'O~rlph1c:ll !cattu·cs, density ot dc\'c:c:·;i- mrnt. b. A stn!emront of the d:t.tt', l«!\'C~. :md }~!nr! C~r nrchcolo&lcru survey thllt hns bt'en <1:".1" 111 the dlltrlet. .::. A 115! or nrchco~O!;le~l pr1.,pcrtlt-~ w! · !:!:1 the cliS~r1Ct, lnC!UCtln; ~}1('!!' !vCl\tJ~:I)S. r 1' ~ on lndlvlclunl sites. n..s rN•~t!r .. ·d h\' ~,·:r:· :t VIT. B, l>UOUld be nppC'ndrd. • rl. A Mntemr.nt ot the .:Uittlrnl, hl:>l• :·ft: C'T other rrlatlonshtpo; :lln\JI'\~ the sttco; w.; !·.all tho dlstrlet ti'lnt m:tkc the dJst:-lct n cv!.r:;:\'\' lin! t to:-ln\'CStiC'l\llc',n. ~. A summnry o: the nat1:'" nnu lt·"r:l ,,r dnmnse the sites wlthtn the tll~t::l~: l."we :c· Ct'l\'t'd or nre tect'l\'ln~. t. A statement r.r tl~l:' r-xtcnt t~ wh'r,l ~:1r t:-~tcrsltc rc!~:.lonshlp!i l'~n: g!\"C" t.;e d;r~r:,:.. Jts cohe-;lon remain inL:.c:. ' Vli%. StCNITtC'A:<:rr. l\ .• r:umm(lry str.tc'ilh'TI~ r·f .-:~/tl,.'iloiiiC'" .\ !:l;Hrnwnt o! ~<lrnla,·a:.cr" ldr1.~:;n•s rpta!;;,,,., ot the property that. m:\y :;;::!:!} lt €'il;.:al.!l' r•·: lihlint; ln the N.Lt:onnl Rc~htl:'r A co:;:·:'~' r•pcnlnz parl\grnph ~>ttu.m:lrt:•lng the fl'" ,!Ill,. hilp<J: tnnce ot thc f•I'C•pcJ·t~· bclng-co:;'ill1.':-ct! 5hnt.ll1 uc totlowt!d b;: n mur~ dct:llh·d a\.'- ~c-~trtt of the e\'CiHS. Jlt":sonahtlcs, prellJ.,tnl t-· vr historic OCCltpnllons. or nctlvl~lcs 1\•$0• •· ntNl with rhe prtJpcny, 1'1ds conc1 ..... hl\l,.·r~· oi tho property should he tllrectt'd to n \\ l.o:e> property, rathtr th:\11 some !un.·t:onnl !'C~­ mcut. Th\1'1, It l.i lnnnpwrmatt. to d•~•'tl• · a mnuncl nnd not nn n: 'uctnh.'<i vl!;a.:e. lnu .. 1.: t1n•n. etc., or to suumtt "' J:ot1~~ n •• u :lot the as.o~::atl"d outbulltltu1:s, etc. A ~l:\tcm<'nt or ~lr nlflc:Lr.ce .-1-.ottlc! attempt. to rc~:ne the pro)'lrrt}' tr, n 1-t'onct hl'lt~;·tral, nrrh ltrrtural, :nc:hf'olc•.;lc::ll, or e111 fltrnl C"':.- \t'.'tt.: loc::al. re~1onn.L ~tid~. or n:\tiOn:l!. Fn:- t'X:\Infllr, lt & communtt~· h:~o n mlmbcr C'f nri..:huorbooc.ll With the $ame or ~rtn;~; \:' Cf\1.\h;IN •• the ont ~lnr: e\'l\!tt:ltl!l!, tJl;s ll~­ tarma tlon iihoUld ~ h:cl\td~d 111 th~· tlr•<ll· nli'IIHnth>n. Any ctumcd mntc1•1n1 wll:.·.~ nr;1r.u:> In thlJ sc,·!hm or the dC':c:-t;•t:N~ !'hO\olcl \)(.' toot.nl'tra. Q\IOIMUJil:i t,\!'t'<l 0\,t or C('lntr:ttt nl\1!;\ !ntth!utly rcprt><;ellt 1 ho' mr.\nm,~ \'t the nrlrtr.lll Murcu. ::iupp;ru;r:i- tAl ln!orul..t!on, "ll'h A.'l ucwapupcr arUdco;, FEDUAl UCiiSTU, VOL. Clt NO, Ul-WEDNE!DAY, 5EPT£Mitl 21, 1917 - Jf!t• ... nt trom prn!<',-;lonAl hlt!lnt"lnn~. 1\rr.hl• ~~~~. archlt~\.urnl hlat.ortAnfll, rr nrrheolo- ~t.;t.c;, etc .• maJ Al!40 be eubmlt.trd Rl\ llJI()C'D• prll\le, 'rJ\1 A tAl l'tnent Of llt.:ntnf'IIUC. tor '" ,.,peruea thl\t. &oro lt'fl6 t.hnn 60 l •·•~"' old: UI'J\'~d: recon!l\.ru~C"t~c; Cf'me! "l"h'l'l :uu1 ~ra'le , tt,.": hlrthplnres; prtmnrlly emumNnurn.l.i\'o In nature: or owJu-d or u~tt'ct h~· rt'lh:loua Sn• ''tl'tUonl ahould n.dcJre"!'t thf' o.;prdllr. ncef)• lltllll\ ... , torth h' \.bt ~~alluunl nf'glrot.er C'llt ('1'1&. H rt~od {I) cuad Art a ( s) o/ .dgnf.ltcaftt'e. J11ruUfy \hft 1\rel\(11) and rrrlntltlll w1Lh "'hlch \he property'" alr.nlfh'flllle"C' Is II!QIOCl• atrl't. Tbla mc.y mcn.n dnt~ oC r.on•.t.ruct.lon. ntt&jnr alt.eraUons. or Ar.<Welntlon with rm In· dl':ld\lal, e\'tmt, or culturr, rl~. Fur some arrhrolog1cal properties, n~l'lj:nmcnt to" very ~en,.ral \lmo pcrlocl or pt-rloda may b• aunlclent. 'the following 1\rcM of ""h~nln,.nnce aro U-.tf'rl on Nat.lonnl R<:gi)\t"r form!'!. At;cnciK may ftnc1 lt. helpful to r.on~IIJ•·r t.h!''-'! arcu In h.Jentlfyin~t nm! cvnlu!\t!ll!I propr1ltcs: ArcheoloJ::r-I>rt-hlslorll" ~ ·r he r.clent.lfie atudv of llfe o.nd cult.urr (Jf lntlll•enml~ pi.:Oo. pies before the ad..,.ent. of wrlttrn rr~ords. Arcbrology-HI!.tortc: the ,;rlrnttne studf tiC lifo and culture in the !.;ew World nfLer the ndvcnt Clf v•rlttcn records. As.>riculture: farming. 11vro;tock ralalng, and horttcult.urc. Archltcc\.urc: the stylt' nnd ron•:trurllon of bttlldln~r.t t.nd st.ruct.urt'~. Art.: concerning crent.lve work.~ nnd their prln,.lple!!: ~ne crt.s and r.rnflo:. Do no; in- etude Archlt.e<:turc, I;Culpturc. muc;ll". or lit.· tor!ll ure here: specific en tc.-gorll'R fit!' cstllb· llshed for t.ht'SC o.rcas. C"ommt'rce: production n.nc1 r'ic-h•1nge of goods ancl the social cnntrnriA thereby enCOl\1'1\!;Cd. Cnmmuulca.tions: Art or "cl«'il~e or trnnGc mit \lng 1nformn tlon. ('ommunltv I'lnnnins:: the tlr"ll!ll or com- nmnlllc. froin precJetermlncd principles. Consen·at.lon: officlnl mntntcu:uwo or auprn·islon of nl\tmnl or mnnmtlltl-' f~'i::'t\trCtS. Eronomlcs: the science thnt. rlc-nls vdth i.hG production, ctlstrlbutton, nnd consumpa tlon or wealth.' . NOTICES Selence: &li}'htemnt.le study of nnture. llculpt\lre: t.he ~~ort. of forming material Into \hrc:e-dinu:nlllonl\1 rcprescntnt.lon. not be derlvt>d from \he atudr 'or lndtvtd\l:ll proper~IM v.•lt.hln U.? c. A conet,;o 1st~tcsnent uplnluhlG tho r.t"l· onttnc 11nd/ur lnLerprot.lve yield or JlUt~ut;al or \.ho dll>\.rlct. In wrma ot tho culturnl a1.J nt.\.\trAi contexts or lntcrrelaUonshlp!i uc• acrlbeu ln VII. D. <l. d. SO<:IIAl/HumanlturJan: concerning humnn bttnga Uvlng wKct.hcr In & eroup or the pro- motion or \he V.'«:lfaro or hll:nlloilU.y. Theater: the arnmo.Uc art.s il.n4 t.he places whers tney are eonact.ecJ. TransporlllUOn: conecrr,tng t.he work or bustneha or nlUl\li or convoy.ln& pauea,IJ\er• or mat.erlal&. •C. Additional !~et.a to be Included on spe- etfte er.t~ortes or propt'rtlca, 'u' appropriate: 1. Buiidtf&91, structure.!, or objects. a. 'l'he arehlwct. or uullcicr, 1f known. b. Ht.-.torlcnllY algnltlcan1. events and/Or patterns of act1v1t.y. c. Data concerning tndivltluc.ls algntficn.ntlY u~cllltecl with the propcrt.y. d. Consideration o! ~~ony po.:slble archco- lo~tlCI~l &l!;nlhcnnce present. 2. SittS, t.. A stal.cmcnt. ot the klncls o! tnrorml\tlon known or t.hou(;ht Ukcly to bo present tn t.hc properl.y: type:~ or dllf..a. thnt might be re<:overet.l H the property were thorou[lhly lu\'estl;l\ted by o.rcheologlst&, art hlst.orlnns, a.rcllltcctural hlr;t.or11\ns, or other approprlat.e schol11rs. Some ea.togor1t'5 o! In• tormntlon wlll be directly observable; ot.heu c:~n be Inferred based on knowledge ot simi· lnr properties thl11. ha.vo been extcn.stvely tnvntlgliltcd.. Reasons for believing thn.t gi\'Cn categones c>t tnforma\.ton are present and have been prt~er\'ed In t.he projlerty &lloulcl be stvcn. b. A sta~ement or the rel~tlonship& b\!· tween th~ ln!ormatton believed to be preoeut ln the prllpcrty and topics t.hn.1. might bo at.udled thrre: i.e., ·what kinds of resenrch eo\tlcl be done using t.he in!ormRtion known or t.htn~ght t.o be present. in the property. 3. Archite~tural and historu: distrtcu. n. Concise sts.t~mcnt of why the cllstrlct mny be: slgnlflcr..nt. b. Orl~;ins and plstorlce.l development. o: the clistrlct: 1nclu.sive elates, architects, builders, designers, pl~nnera: rel3t.!onshlps ot district to historic development. o! the area. c. General anr.l;·sl~ o! archltecturnl styles or periods. If possible, relate the a.rchlicCt\u·o tn t.lle cllst.rlct to the nrchltecturo.l resource:; or the nren. d. Coll.c;ldc:rlll!on o! "ny pOMtb:!1 a.:-chllcc· tm·nl or hs'>w>rlc ~ol~utnc:mco pr<: .. cn 1. In ll~c dl'llltC:t, aW\'e "nc1 !Je)'ur.d !to value Cc.r lu-!ul'lh~~IOh plltl•v .. c:., -• ~ e: An' cxpttuuLttr.m ot how dbtr\c:t bom~d- llriNI were clu,..tn ... nould be lncl\ltlct.l. c, .. - lllderat.IOM may lnr.htc\e presence or A u:~.t \\J-1 !;C:Ograph1C btl.rricr, li\ICh U 0. river or dr:\lll· tlgO diYldCl; tl. project bounclll.r)' 'if lhb t.h·l· lneates a group o! rc:sourceti which con,orm tO the dennlt.lon or ~ dl.!.trict C1VeU uuc,·. t•: n1anmado Icat.ures ::.uch..,. a hlghwr.y or c.t:.tr 5tructure; or decline In settlement cJCih•t :. D. Feticnl "r.cnc:lrs shoulcl a.ttemp1. 1.<'> .l:•·· wer the tollowtn;; CjUt'l>t!ons when sP.c:<;:,t: w dot.crmtne whether ::1. propcrt.y mc·c!..-. Na~JIJII.u Register criteria. 1. Suildmg, structure, ouj~ct. r.. I! a. bu::J- In~ or atruc:turl! 111 tmbml\.\.~ tor Its a;-~ht· te<:r.ural qul\llt:t-s, uo~ It ret:-.ln cnouzh ,,! :·- slgn1Ucant dc:;icn, aspect, or tee11ut; to be :c··- ot;niZl\ble? I! no:. could t.he lmportnn t ~:;c • mt'nt6 of dc!:-lgn or o.ppcl'.rnnco bo rcst .. or.:u., (This d~ not mt-:-.n that bulld:n3:. wh:c.t ha\·e a.ddtttons or altcntlona 1\re not chr,l'u:~·. M they 01::1.1 reflect. la.ter olsn1f1ca.nt. st:ilc:, ancl dcslr;n). b. 1! a building or structure Is subtm~tr:l for hlstor!Ctl.l tiSSOCII!.tiOnS, dOC'S t·hD CXIStlt:; building have nn lden!.lha.blc reln1.1onl'llip ~" the history dc!>crtbed? Does It rctn.m su::.· clent tnt.c!;l"IW t.o convey the !ecllng or t!.<· hlst.oric.ilol pt'rlod. wr.en 11. ac!ue•;cd Slt,:nl:. • eance? c. If a buildlll!; or structure is ~>ltr.ulic:l!\~ bcc:I.UliO o! Its a:-::.ocia.t.lon v•tth nn 1ndinci\ ... : how long did \.hc.t mcth·idul\l ll\'e tllrrc. M how long was ho assoc!ai.Cd v:t~h the uu.:.:- tng, ancl clur111l~ vohD.~ period Clf hiS l!!t? A':-.! there o~hur propcn.tcs tn t.hn v~cmlt.:,· ..s.·::!~P nlso have strong ns:.<.~Cl<Lt.lons ,.,,,h the !.~fli­ v!dunl? Il so, ~he s!snlflcn.ncc o! th<> prC'•J'l''r: :: ln que11t.l0n should ))I) eomp~ed 1.0 1.he ~·:·· ntfic:mce ol tlH•:..o orhor proj)crtles. r:du<"ation: formnl schooling or the meth• ods nnd theories of t.cnrhln~ or lc-Rrnlnr,. r.n~inccrlng: the nppllc-ct Frl<'nt'C con• c:erned -..·lth \tllll7.1:1~ prf'lchH'Ir. nud ~rmrces ot powf'r !or supplrin~ hHtn'\ll Ill't'(\5 In \lle form of st.ructurcs, mnchltlC'1. r•..c. F.~ploraUon/SC'tllrnH•nt.: t''" ltl\'!'o:ll~ntlon of rt•glons f'rt"viously unknown: l.hr l'St.nb· l\!'luncnt of • ne-w colony or community. lnd\Hitry: C'lllNprll'«'!l produrlnn r;oot.la n.nd d. Slgntflc:mt p~ople or e\·cnts a!'SOCI~ted v.-ltt. the dl$trlct 1\.S a. wholn or w1th 1ndlv1d- ual elemenu within the district. e. Preservat.!on n.nd/or rrstoratlou actl\'i· t.les in the dLstrtct (1! con.s1cJered t.o contrlb· ute t.o 'I.-he signiflCI\llCe !1.>r wlllch \.he dt:itnct d. If A bulldm;;. ~:otruc:.url!, or ob~cct. 1-; )'0\;:,. mittecl for lt.s archeolor,lcn.l a.ssocit\tlon~. jif, It cou~ln n.tLrH)\<tC'Ii t.ha-:. t'rt' amcndal)ll' t•• study in order to cx~rac"i. lmpo:·:..:\nt ::\for:!: .• - tlon abOut history or prehistory? P0:-c~a:1. · ple, hM It been rchnll\. or Midcd. to lu w •.- thnt rcvcnl ch:lnt::m~ C"onccjlt<l or s::;ic v:- bc:ntLY? Docs It c~·~ltl\lli \.COls. er,u!pn.•···. rurnlt.ure. trn....,h or other matcrl:\1:-. wh~ ,. distributions could he ctudlcd. 1.0 lcMn •~:),,,,• t.ho socl!U oq;ant7.:&tton o! 11..:. oc-cuplults. t;,, .~ relations wt\.h o~li'!l' pc»p!u o.nd b"'~'•.Hlps. U1••1: sen·lcco;, Invent.lon: somrthlnr. orh;lu'll"d hy f'lt• pcrlment or ln(:cmJit.y. 1 Prof'lt'rtlr:: eonnt-cl.t'C1 ,...lth the lnvt'ntor-s lh"m"<'h'M 1\'0\llc:l be eln.~<lfiecl bcre.) l.nnd'>('npo Art·hltcctm«': the tul or pr1l~· tlcf' or plnnnln~ or ch:\tu::lnrt tnml ntlll wnt.er t'lt-mt'nt& ft~r \.he enhnm·cnH.:nt nl tile phyll• rnl N\\'lronmrn t. · l.llf'rn\mc: the ('r~du.-:tlon ot wrlt.lnl;s. .. ..,,,rrlnlly llH1Sl' C'l! nn tm:u::lnntl':" Ill\ I ~1re. MllltnrJ: C'OnrNnln(! Ute nnn"d f<1t r~"t and h1dl\•ldualantdiP.fll. Mu"IC'! the-ar~ at r.r;.mulnltH~ 'ntl\1 or ln• 111 rumtntalaound" or t•,ur~. l'hllO!'Ophy: IY!'tt'tn or rrll\t'll''<'" (C'If \he eoutlurt or Ute: thP thl'nry or 1\11:\ly!il~ of lht prll•c:lplt"ll lllltl••r h tnr. thunr.ht ur k I\ Ill\ lt"d{.:t" and Uat natut" c·llhr unl\·et.;r. l'(lllll\'l'I/Oo\'l'rnmrnt: •n t"l'tnhll"\u•ti S)'S• t('l\\ cf pollllml aclmlnl-.tr:ltlon \\f \\ hlth a u~t l'>n. t-;talt', c.ll'ltrlc:t., eot.e., Ia r.m·cra:ffi and \ttl' proceiiM'II 11:hlt'h drlrrmlue htH\' 1\. la w ht" t'(tl\dUCtcd, U••IIGIOn: £}'!tl rl\\:1 11nd l'~rrc•c.<~I.Cin1 or ~· llt'f In a auprr>h\lm"n JKlWtr thAt h.\te madl at nntl'lbuLh>n to th~ l>ftt tl•rn~ t'l t'll!t\u t'. Is aubmltted). f. Ettect of 1ntrus1ons on tllo 1nte~;rtty ot the cJist.rie~. p;. Expln.uo.t.ion of how dl~t.r\ct 'bot..ndnrlr~ Wf:tO chosen. Con.s\dC'r&tJOUb tni\V lnciuc!e t.IH' pr~ence ot a. naturul l.l::~.rrler o':' ~dse. :~ucll as a. hlJ:hWioJ or now de\·elopm.:nt, cllAllCI! In chilrr.ct.er ot tho area. or dcc:ane tn conrcn-tr~~oUon of &l;;nu1cnnt. propert!cs to the pvtnt where the hltct,'Tltf O( the district. has b.!Cll lost.. (You roi\Y wl~~ ~ rctcr t.o qu~ut.:ca dll-- cu.-..~ under Vli. D. 1. k.). I! the llrc.a. on which t.l1~ det.ermln~t.ton re.1m-st 1.& mt,tlo appci\U to bo onl; p1\rt or a lllrt:cr (l!st.:·h:t, thU. llhould U. uotc<l \\'1\.h an c"pu\nllt.lon (Cor f.'xample, th& proJcct. may attcc~ only part or the dlMtrlct.). 1! pot.sl'b!c. !ho rc-lllllt'n· r.hlp of Uua pa.rt or the dU,Lrlct. ~0 t.he whole ahouhi be 41XU113e<l. h. ConAid~r!ltlOn oi any pew~lblo arc;hcolog• leal sl~llficance prcscnt In t.he d~lrlct.. 4. Archtologicnl districtl. a. A t.un\mr.ry ~tntemPut. conc.ernln~ t.he a1;;nH\c:mce of \ll• dl\'h1\\n.l p1op~rues wtl.llltl i.he dl:!trlct.. (D'-Ala on mdlvtclual properties m~Ung tlle stAnd· artS-. Aet. forth tn \'In. c . .l). b .. A CCIIlCl'\t-alatcmcmt. oC Lho chllrl\cterl~· UC'a Lhll\. I"'' tho dAAtr\c1. cohnloa M a um1. hlr etuctr; wnM C'alt~\;-1e.~ or dl\ta ml~ht bO derh·ea trom •tuel)' oC t.ho <Ut~trli:t. Lht.l. woull1 dally 11\'t'S. el..C.? e. Doc• t.he bundtn~;. \St.rncture, or C"hl•'• t hnvc liln um:~uo.lly 1mport.anf. u:-:.ocl:>~h.•l' with 11.., locnt!on? f. If the bullulnc or z>t.ructme is no lom••·r :\t lts originAl loca.tlon, Are Lhc rc.u;on:> ••• ~ t.hc mo\'e fully explained? llow docs 1.hc lh';' IOCntlon a.rrccl. \.he hls\.OrlcM and nrci.:t '. · 1.ttrnl lntel:t'l\Y C•f the butlclmg or !lt.r\lctu~t !!· \Vhnt wn.:~ the ln1Udlnr:; or st.ruc\.nr<' u · ' ror clu:r1n; the ~lcriG<l " ac!lle\·cd hlslonl .• ; ~>l~ntnennce? 2 •• ~ite. !\. lit•"" docs the hilt' rt-lnte to l:•<-&lgnlr\c~nt, even~. occur.o.uon, or a.~uvtn· 1 n:.~ took plo.cc there? b. }loW btWC All~:!rD.llOIIS ( dcst.r\lCliOll C•f originAl bulldlli!OS, chRIISO tn lnntl \I'•". c:h~nhje& ln follaf:e or \<'tp~rnphy) P.lf ,•;'nl the tnttgrltY of thE sltt:? ('n1e sllc ot 1\ tn•,\1 alj:Oir,g whl.:h took pl14CC 111 & CI\•Cp W()\.)(1 • ;:. Jli"OUalllJ not. tll~lblc 1! •.he llJ't'~ Is nu·o~.· 1\ au bur ban dc\•clopmunt). c. If the alto ho.' l>C"t"l\ lml.lmlt.tl'Ct wr • " wchrol~lC't.l hl;;nli\cMICe, h"-1 the ,;1to \u:.· trlbuttd or dtlf'l' a hM'C a po~nt!.1l fur ,,,,,. \;lbut.tnc hl\lWl'\.:•nt. lnforltu\t!ou rc~nnl .. ,... UOEP.AL llEGI$TU, VN. 42. ~0, 113-WEDNESDAY, S£PUMIEI 21, \977 - J ~. iJ¥ ~c. ~ f . C: . . ·-:.1 ~-..... ...,.;_ ...... ·· ... ·-----·--.&._;__.,,._ .. __ ~··~--·· -·,~ -.~ ...... t.._.-.:~. ~~~ ........._ ~-.. ..----.----~-.,..-......-~----,_ ... -~~·-,,-.n-~·..,-...,.._..,.__,....___~---.----,~- NOTICES ·l7G!i9 .•. human tcorc.c:?. culture hl~t,r~. N r1111tsre Jllfw:"l'•-.1 \\,l.tt l• thr potf'ntlnl htlnttllntlon ) lf·ld nf tht' IIIli", n11d how dnc-1 thl'l htlut mn.• 11••11 pnrttnHnl rt'ln te t., thMtrlt·"· j)tllhlrm!l, a•1tt rr..,.arl"h qu ..... ur.u!l that enuht ht' r.r havo l!f•t•n llddt'P.!"M.•d Jn t.J1e re,rtnn or t·l··r•\ hrre? r:~·ltli!J'··~ $UJ)porun,: Uwse "''Jl)U:tflnno; or ~th:nrnnuwe folu.mJd I~ prn\'lrlell, tnrlncllns rdc '"""'"" to !,~ctnc .. r holarlv Ill\'(" t ll!n• h•n•. Sl.Atea Ctolor;lc:\l Survey mnp, St~te hl.:h~o~.·~y mftp, or other aultnble ml\p wm he acC'rpta- blto. l.atllude &.:Jd longltudr coordlnatt'a or U'l'~t ('Universal Trtttl.&\'Cfllo lfe:reo.tor) refer. ence pomts :1rr. Ulldlll In !dtntt!}'lnJ.: tJle geo- Jr:lphlenl locuuon or properttct. Pliotocoplc• ot mapll are acrC'pLQble provided they are clear and (\r:\perly rt'tcrrn~rd. 1! thc.property bl a dt!llrlct, ~ dct.."Llled sketc-h map ~>houle1 be lnrlnded. The aketch map nrNl not be pre· c~e In acale, but It ~houid lmltc:Mr.: ~ fJ po'I'Oible to tl\ke phot~raphs. Slto "tlhnl i ~­ !ilmu; must. include at lt'lallt one photo.:rnl>h, 1· !.J"'·cvrr, ah{J\I.'lnt; the ph~·t>Jeal en\'lror:m<':: t. und contlburaLtuu or the &He. F1 ~ '' llir•·<~ an uravatt'cl a!te ,.,. \In '"'"rt•re- th! '~tiut ur diU \he tufna·an .. u"'' )'ll"l•lf'd mlke a tnnd11mental rontrltntUnn Itt kllr>l\'l• trf~r of Amf!rtran eulturra, 1111:11 thnt 1 hr nr. Of ln;'rllfiJ;.,Uon couMitU\t'd 11 hiHinrtt" rnnt? su .. ~ alre:u.ly complei.(>J)' exe"''"tl'd n1 .... 11~1· bll' on!)' If the allhwt'ra t.o these titlrstlnll' .. nrc A. AU bull~!n~a. st.rucl.u"ea, or Jlttl in the dl!ttrlct.. C. JJi:;trtct.,, Ol!itl'lcts ~thould lie rcprt".,cn~ru Vl~ually In wlrcted :.Lrc:ct, ltutdsckpc, or acwu vh~ws. Inc:luclc: n~ mnuy pholo~rRJ'Ih!t n .. li<'C· t'!..·llry to \'lMwlly J'\.•latc the c:.r.ence or anct lho Vl\rh:LJ Included Jn the clbtrlcL. \'1two; ,,r lndl\•ldUO!!l atruct.urca m;ty not be ncce.,:;r,n· a.s atreeucape1 ortcn reveal the Archltl'CLtu·.1t (J\lnllt!cs or a di~Lrlct. better thnn ph.,w- grnphs ot lndtvldunl bullumo;s. Pl\'otnl Mnw· t.urcs, however, and element..l. which llelp tl••· j P"&l'ln•. • ' D. Ex~nt ot d1strlct. bound<l:Jcs, c:arctully dr1w.n. c. Street and place names, hieludln£' In· Chlll!le at.rcet uumbera. D. HJ~hway numbers. ~ . ~ 3. Dutf'lt't (In Addition to the qtu•,tlml" rm ln~h·Jdunl bulldtu~:'l, l'truetllrl'~. :l:ul ub-J':rto~.). 1\. now d~s the d!~trlct 1"1'111\'(·~· n r.l'lll't(! ot h15tnrte and archHccturnl c:uhr" t·.r·t•rM ft hrrm~:h dc,t;;n, lt~·ltln~;t, ntJ•I .. rmJo;, 1\• •rr.. hllll!$hiJ1. :t.uoclallon, etc.) Ill thll't Yrr.~<' r'C· J'rC'!.IHl In the llll\tcmwnt of .o;tiZultlrt~m·r? E. Al·chJtect.uro.l s~ylea or perloda, 1t ap- propriAte . . nne the quality or tho dls:rJct shou:d )J~ clcarJr 51\own. St.rcrtscape \'l~u·s lihOltlct Ill• clucle a.s znany buUcl!nt: t~·pes. ~;tyl(::;, r.nc.! \1~->~, as llccessary-to rcl:1.te the \'nrJcty 01' ~J.r c •. :- trlct.. PhotoHrllph~ o! hnport'lnt tC'lp•l~r:•p:.:­ cnl or t~p:.tlul ~Jcrucr.ts ~hc:.uld Lc mc.:tdt•,f. ,, well u.s rrprescntl.ltl\'e t::pcs c.! lntni!>I(Jr.s 111 their ~:ettln~-:s. It 1:. usc!nl to md:cat.: t•:. :;,,. lketcll map the loc,,~h"n anct d!rcrt!t.n ,,. \'lew or phot.aE:rnphs. \'1cw:; or nrchcoln .•. 1 tli::trlcts E>hould sl•ow ~I!: :1lfic.1n t. nn 1111 ·': anct/or cult.urs.l Al.p~·ct-. o! !he erwironn;C':.: and t.:;p1eal· sltex. Mructurc<~, bm!tlJn~-.. 0.1 .. : oiJjccts. ~ h. U•)\\' do DJ"t'hltM"tur.ll ~'l''lrc; nr rlcnu·nts "'II hln til'.• dlslrJct CCJU tr!htt l~ {I) the fr.rll ncr CJI time Mod pln.C'c? e. How hl\\'e slr,nllk:\!lt lndi\ lr!ll'd<: or e\·rnlll r::llnfrlbutcd tu the dC\'C'h•pnwut n: thP-d!s1rl,.t? F. Plvotnl atructures and tn~pcrt.'lut ap:1eea (p:lrk5, 11quare.s, cte.). . 0. Present type ot district. fmlxed, rest- dent.llll. eonuncrclal, public, e~c.}. H. Int.rUI'lOllS or ot.lier elcmrll t.$ not eon a • trJbutlnf: to the slsnlfrc::mcc ot the dlst.r1ct. I. Nonh Arrow (macncllc or tl'ue), 1t not printed on map. J. Approximate scale. ~ \ . d. Hnw hns the dlc;trlet 1\ITrrtC'!i thl' hlr.- tor lr:tl dcn•JC'Inmcmt ot the o\·er:llJ cnn•mu- nlt}'. n·r.inn, or Stnte? K. Lnnd lise h1 rur:ll dlstrlct.-woods, ftelcU, swamps, ett". XJl, INDIVIDUAl.($) CO:'otl'It.lNC: DOCV,.lENl'ATioJ:'-: ., ' ... r. .. , .4; '•i· • . ... r . . \ •. .. r . ! ' . ~ ~~· . ~ . r~ \ . . " r'. 't ' ~ . J := !' ~. . I ' ... f'. Whnt l'ITect. do lntn:,;Jon~ h:WC' on • he f•llrJ:rlly of the dlo;trl.:t? f, JID"'' "'ere distric-t bOIIUrlnrft''l C"hO~P1l? (C:nnslt!rrnUono; mAy ln:::lucte bounrl:mc•J; ~t spceln~ tim~! In history; ~he p .. e~ciiCC' nC B •·Jnunl b:nrler or cd;:c, Mlch n~ n rl\·rr. hl•!~­ wn \' or nc•\' dC\'t'lopmt'n t: chnn~(' In cl::~t rw- t.,r or the aren: or dt·C"IIne Jn c•mrclllmflnu r,l ~lj;nlnr~nt. propC'rttc.'l to UJt· point wllr·1r the lntcgrily ot the dl.,t:-kt. hns hc-rrt lm•• 1 L. Slgnlficnnt n.spccts o! tlle r.nturl\1 en- \'lronment, 1! approprllat~. Sketch nu.p:o should also be provided for 1:~-rge nclleolost- cnl site~. lndlcnt.ing sl~:nUkn~lt. C\tlturl\1 fea- ture5 and In tru.sicms. !'.1a ps · ot nrcheolo~lc3l dlstrlct.s t.hould clenrl:,· lndlc:ltc the areas wt:hin the district boundaries ... hlch hllve nct.nn.lly bC"cn aurveycd. II portions o! the di.o;- trlct.! hi\Vl' been Inspected usiltJ;" tltaerenc tcchnlqt1es or nt dl:Torem lc\·els or lntensay, this .Fhoulrt be lndlcatcc:1 on mnps. g. Arc the qunllllcs thnt ctfc:tJn""'''h tl'r dl~trlct fn•m Its surrountllncs ldC'n! lfirtl nnrt tiC's"rlln·d? h. If the dl~;trlct hn.'l bc('n 'illhmtt lee! [l'r Jlc: tC"f'Mch \'nine. do the sltro; or lndh·lcfvnl It'· liOUI'rC's h:1•:e cohesion as " tma' fur :-:t II! I\· Dr do nwr h:ne an Jtlcnlit'i:lblr r.cor:r:~phknl telnllcmsitlp? '~IIC!;tlono; on Jn!lf\·Jdn:~t rltt"' \lltrlr.r \'Jli. IJ. 2 1\IJO\'C should ftlsu be au- 5\'. erect ror d~sl r.lcu . J flnw th'C'3 the dlstriC't cornpnrc tn L'!hrr thnllur 11rens In the St :1 !c. rc;;IC>II. or lorn II 1 n .f. l'ttlt~ttrittl dl.,tricts ~In nthllt!on \C' 1i1e Q\u•;;tlfllls ubo\'r). n. How do lhe hHli! •• ';-l.tl ltmr:t low; r•r pror.cs.'5C'S rC'lntr to 1 h: bt·on•IC'r Jnd ll~trlnl ur t~ChUolot:ICal dtypJnp::lo:'lll:. oC t!Je conl'l'\'. tt'J?Ion, Slntt.>. or ~he Nr.tlon? ·b. lJCJw hnport.;mt nrl' the «'ntrrprrn"llt~. C'nrln<"rr'i, dNilgners, ann plnllrJrrl\ v:Jw run. I rlbllll'd tf') the dC'\'elnpmrn t. or ! he d l~:lt·H·t ~ 5. lll•rnl On adcilllo11 In the fJIII''! l•m!l nl;)n\'r). n llow Are th~ t'IC'tnf'tll'l or th~ rurnl di•.Lrkt linked h!Morkall\'. nrchltcc:turnll,. by C•mrllfln, or b)' rumm,;u C'thnlc or llo:-lai bnck~:rc•tmct? JlC, 8JIUOtlflArltY Tho hlhllw;raphr ~hould C'nn':lln rt u .. t c•t ~nurrt'.-. from •·hlch lnforma!lnn m1 thr prnp- (·"1 r "n" rnmpllt'd. OC'IIC'rnl tt•frrc.•nrl' \\ nrk111 nr· nrC'l•ltrt•fur<', nr<'hrol"r.)'. Nr, llhnuhl ll•ll lu• lllrllltlrd unlf'M Lhrr J>W\'Irh.• ~eprrlflr tn. fc•tttlntlnn "'hiC'h "" or 1\S!II:o;tan'"e In 1'\'nlunt- Ina: lht: Pt•'lte~rtr. Use atnndard hthllr•J:ropJ;f. cnl llt~·IC', ll~'ln~ author, full t.ltlt, dn!e 1\nd )CIC'I\ 1Ina or p!!h!lratlon, 1\Ud f\Uhllllhl'r. F(1r '"' rutt.·: ... ll•t the "'"':n·•t•lr or j'Jurnlll trom ¥. hlrh II ~·"" tJ\kl'n, ""l"l!IC'' 'lllnt.,Pr Anrl datr. J'or UliJH1 1 Jli~hl'd ftl&IHIM'IIjll.:1, IJ•dJrntJ:? \1-'ht•r, Q'"rl~l\ an ft.YAII:&bl~. lntc-n·le\1-·s chottld b-;o Jlo;tc-d lll'rP '' IUa the d:-tte or tntc-n·lew, X. C:rC'CitAa'IIJCAL DATA, )IAl'!l, ANn AC"rAr.r: A mnp ric· .~tiT lorl\ltng the j1U'IJ'Prt.y ... II htn • tlty <•r htt• .. •ler ronte~t mu~t. ar('t'nl(l,\1\f f'l\t"h li'•1Urct. A 7.~ or 15 mlnutr tt'rle1 Ullltt•<l Acrengc. The ncrcage o! the propertr 111 question ahould also be gl\•cn. XI. PHOTOC!UPH5 Alon~ wlth WT1ttcn documcnt.atiQn And map!', photogrnphs !onn the basla or the Sccretm·y of the llltCI'Ior·s dctcrminatiOil ot a propcrty'a ellalblllt.y !or lnclu~lon ~n the Nn.- 11Ctnnl Re~l~ter. z.·o: this reRson, pl.ot.1r,raphs liUIJmltted should t;lve nr. honest. \'isunl rep· rescmtntlon or the propc;-ty nnd ~lloulcl llltls· trate tho:;e qunlltil's d!SCII'iscd In the descrip- tion nnd statement ot sh.:n1!1cance. Photo-~r:l.phs e:hould be contemporn:-y t< •th the requl!.!lt for a determination ot ell~~blh,,; nnd should b~ Identified Jn dl'tnll. glvmg the nnme and Jocntlon of the proptrt)', view or detail lhown •. And di.re:::tton o! photo His· \oriel!.! photog1nph11 mny aleo be U!.etul but nre not req\Urcq. Dlack nncl \l.'hlte ~lo~w phot<lgrnpha are pret('rred stuce the::c nrc rc'- CtHit·cd for Nntlumal Reglstl!r nomh>n.tlons, but other photo !orrnn.ta r.re also LIC'CC'ptalllc, Xt'roxed coplc~ ot photo~nphl'i rnrclr provide ~tutnclent dctn11 to necurntely pcnuy a prop· erty ancs should t.hertfore be avoldl!d. The number oC photosrnphl'l required to1· a tleter- mlni\Uon varle1 Rccordln~ to the complexity or tho (\ropcrt.)': A. l'lfti1:trlual butldmg.•, !trurturrt, or ob- Jrrt.•. Inclucle onJ}· aa nt.lny photo~:rnpht; ns nrc nccl'SMry to cJeple~ the proJ>crty cll'nrly. <>ne or tho photo~raphs should sho•.~o• the en- ''tronment Qr eou~xt Jn \l.'hlch tllco property 1!'1 locMed. Additions. &lternUons. hnru.:-.tons. and dC'J)1!ndenelca should appl'ar In the phnt()r.raphs. It t.he alsnlfteanct-tar "'hlch thl!' J1TOJJ«!rty Is ~ubmltted lncludl'l Interiors or pnrtlt-ul~r d(•t.nua, reprucmtAth·o \'ln.·s "houJd bo lncludtd. n. Ar~htologlc'al Sfttt. Photo~raphs should documen~ th~ condition or the propt-a·ty a.nd, IC relc:-.·ant to U1e e\"IJ\Iatlon ot al,:nlncaure, r.hnw arUtac~ that. h;n·e been rl!'covl'rcd o.nd fl'aturt'a pr<'lleut In the lite. Drawln~, n'IAy bo uabllt.lt.ul.t'd tor photobraphs or artttnct. or other ft&turea where relt\'IUU at~d U 1t 1a not. Names t\nd qunUOc:,tiOJ:s o: pe:-sons tl:· fi!Ctly Involved Jn comr:un~; Jn!arlnn~lon on the pruperty should IJr ~uiJmm.eu, n~> this !J:- formn!ion may IJc of !l'-SI.,tanr.:e In t.ht: c·.·ah::\· Uun procoss. Add.rc:;!:cs nr.d phone 11\ll•lbc·-; nl'e also use!ul so that t.h,.;c lndl\'lduals I'll. v be C01J.SU)tcd If QU!!:.t:Oil.:i nrJso conret'lil:.~ the documentation. XUr. OP:I•UON OF' TBr. 5TAn: lllSTOniC PJ'lE&E&VATJON Ol'FlCER A stntement ot the opmlot1 o! the SLa~e HistoJ·ic Pr~crvat.lon Olr.ccr conel'rnl:lt: t IIC' ell~ll.Jillty or r. property !or inclu·;Jon In t:.c Nallonnl Register shouid ~t-tnc:uc!~d '' \th the req\IC'st, where po::slb:e. •rte !c•:;o,,·:r . .; s:1.mplu form lc:tt.cr mn::,• IJt> a C•)-:We::.~l~l !cl- mat. tor £tlbmitting O',is opinion. S.1mp!c !orm lt!ttcr !or: Statemt"nt ot tl1c oplnLn o! the ~r:,tc lJ.c • lot•ic PrC'o;cr\'nt!on O:!icer conccrn!nr; t h • cli~:ll>fllty or n property tor lnc1uslo11 111 toH' N.!Lion:~o! Hcglster. I understand that the ·-·----····-----, ... agency TNJtte5ting the opl~1ic.n o: the State !:tstr·:'IC' Frr.o,ervntJcn Officer concc:·nJI'f; the ellr:1h!!; t ·: or--------------·-to: lnrhtslon lu t:~e !\,1- pr('pert~· ( lcs) Unn;d Register nne! th;, t tny OJ'linlon n~:w ;,e :.ubmlttccJ to thl' ~cc•·c::,:-•; o! tile Il:t\'l'!tJr with n 1onnn1 request !Ctr n' de~c-rmllli\i.lon ro1 ·cllslbllltr on this propc·r'l}'. 'l'hto; SL:urmen~ connrml> thnt I h•wc l>l'rn "·"~ns~Jlt~o n-. p . .: L ot the ll•:tc·:-mlr...l.tlon ot c:l:~;tjf!lt.y p:-occ.!.s. -( 1) !n my opm1on, the property !'i eiJ:..I· ble for lnclu!olon In the !';a:!onal RegH.t<:r. Dl•l.ow ls n. JuatiOcatloa lor thlo; Opllllon. -(2) In my opinion, tho pa·op<'rt~· 1s not ~IIHilllr tor l:nclusloa tn the N~otlollal Rrr • .i- ter. l.leluw In A Jttstlficntlon !a:-this oplnlnn. -(3) 1111\\'«' no opinion nnd prefer !o dC'· fer to the o;unlon or the SecrHAI 'I or th.: lutcrlor. Jus~tficauon nnc1 c:ommenta; 51~1\C'd: ····--····-·--·-----------------•• State Historic Pref.cn·:nton Olltccr ----------DtlU Approved: June 10, 1977, EnNES'1' ALLEN CO:-iNALLY, A.ctw(] Diri'Uor, NatirJt:al Park Scrn~.·e. IFR DoC' 77-~72-16 },t!cd 0-:.!0.-77;8:"5 auuJ • flDUAl I[GISfrR, VOL. <42, NO. 183-WEDNISDAY, SEPT£MIU 21, 1977 1 ;\ - _:_-~t ·!· \ I ll 1-.· ·~ l 1·.·: J I' • J: 1'9" • • r. r'!l'"• .. • (\~ ~1"i~~uc-::z. ~·,~c~:o~er c .. · ~·=-J ~5\:a~~tic r ,r,.,._ ... ,.-r j\~,.~~l<~;;-~;.:;~,.."\ j~d.,~F!"' .. ' r '' ~f ~r"'f.. ~· t:"r." \ -u'U ~ti ~ 1ot iS 1: (..-.t w. t ~~ ~ L& ~ '~>-·.., a.i:.. ~.; ~,.1:.\.>~Wo;~~lii~ see instructions in How to Complete National Register Formr- Tvpe all entrics-com~lete e!Jpiicab!e sections ~~c__..,..,.,,_.. ,.._..., _ ..... I .......U-ik£E W'*' "'i 15 f\'1 et ~~ (.~ ,_ 0 ••a....:-=as:c r.:.- ··-· . - -•••• J '""-'"' ... -t: -. ., ...J I. ....... -~·~~--------·------------------------~----------------~--------=------------ historic St. Johns River Power Park Archaeological District and ·or :ommon ~--~--~-~--~--------~-------·--------------------------------------~~------·----------------------~--r.;. Q ~ ~ ~j .[\ ~ A l" ... .f ;::.; • ~ ;;..;;.• i.o!" ~ '.:dl ._.,lo. <> ~ --------------~---~-----~--~------------------~-----------~----------------~~~~ --~ street & number Island Drive city, town New Berlin stole Florida -· - Cat~gor1 _x_ district __ bullding(s} __ structure •• _ st.e __ ohj~ct Ownership __ public _x_ private __ both Publie Acquisition Lin process !.__ vicinity of congres.:;ional district code 8 county Duval Status occupied -x:-unoccupied __ work in progress Accessibla Pfesent Use __ being considered __ yes: re!?tricted L yes: unrestricted __ no __ agriculture __ commercial __ educat.ional __ entertainment __ government __ industrial -·military -_.._ .......... _1L not for pu!:llicaUcn code Du __ museum __ parlt __ private residence __ religious __ scientif;c __ trnnsport~tion --oth~r: Fo rp.t..Jm.d wetlands ~ Northshore Corporation ----------------------- street & number New York city, town New York __ vicinity of state ----~--------------------------------------~~-----------------------~----------~-~------~ courthouse, registry of deeds, etc. County Clerk street & number Duval County Courthouse city, town Jacksonville state Florida I Cultural resource reconnarssance of a propos~a coal-f~reCl power plant, Duval Co., Elor~cnr ~ .J l. title ha.s this property been determined elegib!e? ye! V no J . 2. a~~ting of eleven archaeological sites in the vicinity of a proposed power plant, Duval . ) -County, Florid~ 1980 -feder~l _state _x__ county _x_ local ~£_Osltory for survey records Florida Department of Archives, History and Records Management .J. i cl~_._to_w_n _____ T_a_l_l_a_h_a_s_s_e_e ________________________________________ ~·~~~t~e~_F_l_or_i_d_a __ . ______ __ .. , 1 -- \ ' \ -. -,..;'' ~""-........................ ...__;.., .... .:.-~-·-···---:-~"~·--~·----.. ·~~---.. ~-~----· ------------~~---..:__~-· =.:2~''l·. -=-------------------------------... -..:r----....---=-------.--..... ..,._ .... .._.......~-· ---·--a;; ~--. ~ ~ ,,.. N~ !"""\'':• ~ /'"~ 1'">1'\ A: A [ •·' \..dr .,.:: ~ l" li ·. 0' «< C \:.··• ,• ~ ~ Cc.ndition IJ .JL c~cellent _ deteriorated _lL ruins Check one __ linZ)Ite:-ed __ altered Cheer, one __ orig:l1al &:;o l good __ moved date ~ _x_ fair _x_ unexposed fJ [)~scribe the present and origin&JI (if ~nown) physic~J ap:')enranca Description The sites in the St. Johns River Power Park were located during a systematic cultural resource survey conducted by Southeastern Wildlife Services, Inc. for In EnvirosphereCo. as part of an environmental information document for the Jacksonville ~J Electric Authority. Subsequently, the sites were evaluated through a limited ... ~] archaeological testing program. Horizontal boundaries were defined through surface searching and subsurface testing methods. The vertical extent of the cultural deposits was determined using 29 test pits. Material cultural remains are pre- dominantly prehistoric ceramics, small shell and non-shell middens, and historic architectural remains. From the testing of these sites the Southeastern Wildlife Services, Inc. archaeologists conclude that the area was not oc~upied by prehistoric populations producing St. Johns type ceramics. Only two St. Johns period sherds were found, and these were associated with contemporaneous Savannah period ceramics. It is not known whether the presence of Savannah period ceramics is a result of migration, diffusion, or acculturation. ., ILJ The basic settlement pattern appears to be that of specialized fish and shell- fish gathering camps during the prehistoric period. These would be shor~-term occupations based on the limited horizontal and vertical extent of the shell deposits. The non-shell sites could have been locations for the exploitation of marsh fauna, other than shellfish, or small nut collecting camps. The presence of several sites of the S'ame time period can be ascribed to repeated occupation (Rudolph and Wood 1980). Environmental Setting These sites occur on sandy ridges adjacent to the marsh near a tidal creek which flows into Browns Creek. Vegetation consists of mixed hardwoods, cypress and hardwood swamps, and tidal salt marshes. Hardwood hammocks are located primarily on the southern boundary of the St. Johns River Power Park adjacent to the marshes and tidal creeks. The soils are Kershaw and Ortega, which are well drained, sloping ridges, containing mixed hardwoods. Present vegetation has been generally stable since 3000 B.C. (Rudolph and Wood 1980:5). At that time the vegetation in southern Georgia and central Florida shifted from dry oak forest to the familiar pine forest with hammock, bayhead, and cypress swamp vegetation. It is believed that the shift in vegetation resulted in the movement of prehistoric populations from the interior forest in central Florida to the riverine environment (Rudolph and Wood 1980:5). Archa<aological Investigations a.nd Integrity The eleven archaeological sites tested in the area were disturbed to varying degrees. One large site, 8Du634, has been severely disturbed by a borrow pit and erosion. Site 8Du669 is better preserved and lies directly to the north of 8Du634. Site Du634 may contain significant cultural features, particularly adjacent to and within the adjoining wetlands marsh where normally perishable wood, bone, fiber, and other artifacts are likely well preserved. The SHPO has recommended a 100-200 foot buffer zone on either side of the site's eastern boundary. - i I l I I I ( l I / f\ ) I l I ! i I I j J ! j 1 I I I ft " ~ -I l, :i ' -, ~-~ I +~ '! ~ .. , ' ,..... ._., -....... .._ ~ ~ ,_. "-- -~ . j ~ !of>.,~ ..J Item number 7 continued. Site Size ba Lithics 8Du634 12.5 1 8Du669 8.8 9 8Du670 0.94 4 8Du671 0.02 0 8Du672 Unk. 0 8Du673 1.3 8 8Du674 1.2 1 8Du675 0.01 3 8fu676 Unk. 1 8Du677 0.02 0 8Du678 .03 0 -'-------------------·-" -------~~-.. ~---------~-8 .. _5_"-------'-------····-----~---------------·---·-- ~ -' ~ _j ~! -~ !.~!~ b!~ ~ !5~ ~::!!!\ ~ @3 ~ Table 1. Site summary data. St. Johns River Power Park Archaeological District Shell Ceramics Occupation il Test Pits Vegetation Yes 227 700-1500 A.D. 7 Mixed hardwoods Yes 340 2000-1000 B.C. 7 Mixed hardwoods 700-1300 A.D. Yes 68 700-1500 A.D. 2 Mixed hardwo.;1s Mid-19th century Yes 20 700-1300 A.D. 2 Mixed hardwoods No 4 Unknown prehistoric 1 Mixed hardwoods Yes 258 2000-1000 B.C. 2 Mixed hardwoods 700-1500 A.D. Unknown prehistoric Yes 178 700-1300 A.D. 2 Mixed hardwoods No 65 700-1500 A.D. 1 Mixed hardwoods l~o 8 Unknown prehistoric 1 Mixed hardwoods Yes 7 Unknown 2 Mixed hardwoods No 48 Unknown prehistoric 1 Mixed hardwoods ~ ~ !!!!II Soil Series Ortega Ortega Kershaw Ortega . Ortega Kershaw Ortega Kershaw Ortega Ortega Kershaw ' ·~·· -·. ~"'"'. ~··--.,., ... , ........ """""'" _.~~ .,...,~..,..._-.. ..........,.._,.~-....-:~) .ot-... -~,..,.....,...._-0 ~ (.~, u (} w·. I; I ,. uJ ~ li! :-;.: v-JO:.·J (11-78) f}r~itc~: States Cepa;-trncru! of the h,f;crior Heritt:.g.; Cc·ns&i'Vatiar. and nccrea~zt;n S.:·rvice dni~ cni.:.::-c.t! C.ontinuntion sheet Item ''urnbzr 7 Pags ---·---w--=----·------------·----------------------------~~~~~-------------=---==----·--~--------- Item 7 continued 8Du699 is a large (8.8 ha) multicomponent shell village midden with two occupations: 2000-1000 B.C. and 700-1300 A.D. 8Du670 is a large (2.9 ha) habitation site with an aboriginal component (700-1500 A.D.) and a historic component. The site is relatively well preserved a~d its significance centers primarily on its association with site 8Du669. 3Du671 is a small subsurface shell midden dating to 700-1300 A.D. Its signi- ficance is its relation to site 8Du669. 8Du672 is a small disturbed artifact scatter area. 8Du673 is a multicomponent site (2000-1000 B.C. and 700-1500 A.D.) with a historic component dating to the late 19th -early 20th century. It is associated with 8Du669 and may have a wetlands extension • 8Du674 is a small (1.2 ha) midden located on a tongue of land between two unnamed creeks. This site contains a Savannah and a Wilmington period occupation in a relatively undisturbed condition. 8Du675 is a very small (100 m2l non-shell site and appears to be a single Savannah period occupation area. It is interpreted as r~presenting a single house site occupied fc·r a relatively short period; it is considered significant in terms of the information it could yield on similar units of isolated and mixed contexts. 8Du676 is a small artifact scatter area of undetermined aboriginal cultural affiliation. 8Du677 is a small (200 m2) shell midden site with a dense layer of oyster shell located 20-50 em below the surface. 8DU678 is a small (300 m2) non-shell site located near the bluff edge of a small tidnl creek. Its significance is its relationship to the whole concentration of sites. Table 1 contains archaeological site summary data. Boundary Ju~fication The district is in the northern St. Johns River valley between Browns Creek and San Carlos Creek. It in:lud~s 239 acres. The boundaries are defined to include all of the sites which the Florida SHPO has determined for preservation (see SHPO Figure lb). The southeastern boundary of the district can be delineated by the mean high water level. Figure la (Rudolph and Wood 1980) shows the location of the archaeological site and Figure lb (annotated SHPO) showsthe location of the sites recommended for preservation and the potential archaeological ~~etrict a~ determined by the Florida SHPO. ;-· t·~·-'>'-·~ ........ -., .. -... __ ""'"'"'1"'~·.~~ ... _.. ,, -~ 'l ' ' . . r ~. '\ ' \ ) _, •• •• I ·: ... ... - - --........ -........._----.........__. __ --- .. ······-··· -~~·-• • , ..1 •• .... --~-·~ . ,_ --1-. ,, -·- -~ ,_ ---..... _,._ . --... ... \ - -- -- -\ \ ....,. .... - II ,, " $ " .p " -.. :...: '·.t I ,. .. _ ..... \ - 1 ....... --\\ I ~ ...... ------# -- --DRIVE \\ e-.. ~ .... ,· -... -~ · ... " ..... ......___ •I --..._ • :1 \ --. " - •• -·-~ _,. . ·-=-~ -" --+- 1 Q 8 Ou 677 672 ., I I Ou 674 .-J.._/- .· - _., ...... TESTlNG OF !i!LEVEH ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES IN THE VICINITY OF A PROPOSED POWER PLANT DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA SOUTH.£ASTEftPI Wlt,CL.IF£ SI:AVICES. INC. Figure la. Archaeological site location map (Wood and Rudo.lph: 1980). ...... - ***= 4 ·\ \ r l I l I J I l / E J . \ n I. -• ·.· I - I ... .. J. ... .. l' ' .. ~ ... - .. ... ..... _ ... -· •a1'-,,: ·) ... , - \ , I - - -.'" "" ·- 0 (1,'~ ··.::::....--~_ ....... -.. .... _, • .k, -~ ·- --..... .... ---- .... ..... - .... :~ ... -~ " ) I SL.lNO \ .... on1 vE . _, --... ., . ... .. -. . .. ~ I ' ", =-=\"""":~;:.,..:.::==-.:.•-=-== .,\ . . ' .... ...... .. .) ... -· .... . . ,, "' ., •\ •I I •• • I ~ I .' . , ,,.· ~ ·~~~~------'--~~~ . ... ·---\ ""'";. -....... --I -.,... ---=-..,.... --- 'I"' •"' :' I I f C •• :" ll 'i I C.: i S, lloo t:, • • . . ' :·\ I ! j I I I I 1 f ! l I t Figure lb. Florida SHPO annotation potential a·rchaeological district. , ___ ~.. - .;r,"f~~l"i'; ·.·'ii'li\'"'"'~"'· ,~ /rn I O".i i J ! i L j } l ~ cd I ' ~·~ I fl' ! 1 J rr· ( \ ·' J ~: II 1.1 1.. . ...... .._.._ ... -..,.. ......... ·--------------~--------~t-*'-----4~-·-.. --.-· ..... ----- (") c .• Period _ pr:.'historie __ 141)\i-1499 _1!lOQ-1!j99 _160o-1G99 _170G-1799 _180o-1899 -__ 1SOQ- sr.a.--~..--~ .. ..._.-------· -·-----... ---...--- A!eas of Sigr'diicanco-Ch~ck and j:.sstify betow _ archeology-prehistoric __ community planning __ landscape architecture __ religion __ archeology-historic __ cot"'servat1on __ law __ science _agriculture __ economics __ literature __ sculpture __ architecture __ education __ military __ socia!/ _ art __ engine~ring __ music humanit~ria~ __ commerce __ exploration:settlement __ philosophy __ theater _communications __ industry __ pciitics/govcmment __ transportation __ invention __ other (sp~cify) Builder/Architect Stat~ment of Significance {in one ,PC]ragraph} The environmental setting of these sites contributes to the significance and the possibility that these sites contain information important to understanding environ- mental changes, human populations readjustment to changing habitat, and c.ultural interactions between the Georgia coastal tradition and the northern Florida or northern St. Johns culture area. Milanich and Fairbanks (1980:29) state that "there are still unresolved problems in the cultural evolution of the region'' and that ''eporadic instances of northern intrusions of the Deptford culture and later, other northern complexes appear, especially in the northern and western parts of east Florida." This cluster of eleven archaeological sites is significant because it occurs in a relatively unaltered environment and contains intact cultural levels and/or features. Essentially, the area was occupied during two major prehistoric periods. The sand ridges adjacent to the marsh contain Orange period and Savannah period components. The historic occupation centers on two small ridge tops overlooking the marsh. The tentative date range for the sites is 700-1500 A.D. with an earlier Orange period (2000-1000 B.C.) component. The most distinctive aspect of the archaeological survey and testing investigations was the absence of traditional chalky St. Johns ceramics characteristic of the northern St. Johns Archaeological Area (FDAHR:1980). The absence of early and middle Archaic sites is not unexpected since most Archaic sites are located at least 50 miles south of the area. The location of Orange peri~d sites along the marsh edge follows what is known about the settlement pattern (Rudolph, Gresham, and Wood 1980:61). 8Du634 has been SP-verely disturbed. The other large sites, 8Du669, 8DU670; 8Du573, and 8Du674, retain intact cultural levels and/or features. The smaller sites are primarily single component sites of limited horizontal and vertical extent. --·· -- IJ I . I ' . . ~ 1 . ' n~.: . 1 .. ~ .... ,. 1 : ~·-..t ·~_r ... ".~\··-.,~ .. *~~,~ !.J ·.:' • ..r. ·~·-·--•. t.. _ •• '-.,..~ .. , ., = -- Wood, w. Dean, Thomas H. Gresham, and Teresa Rudolph. 1980. A cultural resource reconnaissance survey of a proposed coal-fired power plant site in Duval County, Florida. Prepared by Southeastern Wildlife Services, Inc. for Envirosphere Company, Athens, Georgia. -_::&4a...... ··-· 1 e, Q~ @~~-PIJ?Ir 11 ~r~-n r:-.. ,...l'.,.. :~1. r-('A o l ~ Ill (• i ! : 'J ..J 1.: -(~ .• I -•• ,... • t. ( •] ' ~ 1'1 -!~ • !"''"" t ·~ •• ....C' -"""' L-:.1 \-..( ._. .. ----·-"'~ _..;"---..:..· --.. ---------------·-------------·~ .................... .. ..... ;o ..... Acre~!Je of nominated property __ -.::2:.....:4..:::.3 ____ _ Quadrangle scale 1: 24 ' 000 Quadrangle name Eastport, Florida UMT References A 11 1 7j 1414 18j5 14 ,~ Zone Easting c W 1414 1819 Jsl2J E j1 1_2j 14 14 17 f3 18 J£.1 Gl I I L I I I I Jj j3 !3 16 I 7 13 !6 I 0 I Northing ~.617 L112tOJ l3 ,3 I 6 I 0 I 0 ~~.3.1 I I I I LJ..J.J B l:J2J 14 14 ,s t:_, s, OJ L~t316,7 t.:L~ Zone Easting Nonhing 0 ~ t::_j4 J8 I? I ~~ 13 I 3j6 I 6j6 ~ I':.] F w 14 14 ? l~~ 13 I 31 6 I 5 L3 I 8 l G_j HW llr L11lltlr!, 1 I Verbni bound~ry descri;»tion ancl justHication The district is situated NW of Browns Island between Browns Creek and San Carlos Creek. It is bounded on the north by Island Drive and on the SW by the Seaboard Coast Line RR • The southeastern boundary is an unnamed tidal marsh and creek. See map. List all &tates znd counties for properties overlap~ing state or county boundaries state state code code ~in~ ~,,..!"~.·RI!~ r.::~ r-.= ~ ...... ~ ~'' ,~ f."n r-1 ~ 6 t.'" ~u b ..1 t; Li::..iw v;'.~CU.! U ~\l:~ !.:.::) \'1 county county code code 1! t.~ ------------------------------~----------------~------------------------- name/titl-e Ruthanne Mitchell, Assistant Cultural Geographer organization WAPORA, Inc. date 27 ·August 1981 ---------------------------------------------------~----------- street & number 59~0 Unity Drive, Suite F telephone 404 I 44 7-4433 city or town Norcross state Georgia The e~aluated significance of this property within the state is: _national _state _local ~ As the deslgnnted State Historic Preservation Officer for the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (Public Law 89-~ _, 665)~ I hereby nominate thts property for inclusion in the National Register and certify that it has been evaluated according to the ~riteria and procedures set forth by the Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service. ~ : State Historic Presevva1lon Officl.!r signatl.!re J· .1., I. tltte date For FCP.S u~c only I h~r ~by cer~ay ttn1t th!s ptal)::l·i.y !& incluc!ed in tho t1.::aii:m.::.J r,;;si:.Er data --------·:------- ~d: d~ ·-----------------------------------------------------·------------------~-----Chiaf of negislration . ! ! ' 1 I I I I Ln 1 I ! I l I I l I j I 1"11 IJ~ "1 lli n .. ! i fHA-&-3rJO (11-78) ~-'n!t~c~ S~ri ~!?S ~et:'artrn<=-nt af the E;1~~rinr No:-i\:r.:c;o Cl;ncorva'dc:n &&nd Recrc;at!on Sa1·vice o# :-• Page -•w------~=------------------------------~------------------------------------------·~---.·--------Continuation shoot Item number 9 Major Bibliographical References continued from item number 9: Florida Dept. of Archives, History and Records. 1980. Historical, architectural and archaeological survey of Duval County, FL. Milanich, Jerald T. and Charles H. Fairbank~ 1980. Florida archaeology. Academic Press, New York, ~Y. Wood, w. Dean and Teresa Rudolph. 1980. Testing of eleven archaeological sites in the Vicinity of a Proposed Power Plant, Duval County, FL. Prepared by Southeastern Wildlife Services, Inc. for Envirosphere Company, Athens, Georgia. Plates 1-5. Photographs illustrating the environmental setting and examples of test pit profiles (Wood and Rudolph:l980, Southeastern Wildlife Services, Inc.) • Cl(IW . ;;....' -...-.---., . -1 .. ,,. ..... · I • ~I . ' ' rr. IJ t, -§ 0 ....... -§ uo IV § CJ') (") > r .., (T1 0 § o- I 1'\.) ..s:.. §I § ;;It ;.'; 0 3: , .... , ::0 § ~ .... § "" ,., "' .... -• :a:-;: . Ill !J~ ,.. .. •'1 J: ;= "' z [I] w > 0 en 1\J 1\J -i 1J "' I 0 ~ :::u CXI .. -i -w 0 "T1 ...... ...... r {.n > . 0\. ~· ~ .. ; ....... ... .· -:.".-. .... .... .~=:t··· t I 1 I I 1.1' < ; I l ' l l I I l I I I i i I I I ~~. lt ~· .. ' . ·' ~ LJJ .• J 1 rr I u~ J uj I ;' : CQ ... ! I ."\ 11 ---·----------... ---...... ----~-.. -· ----------------·· ------------------· - Plate lo if"''-··· .li .· ·. . ....... '· • _ .. , -~-· ./ ... - ....... _ .... ______ .,.,. ____ ....... --·-·-----.. 8Du634, Test Pit 1: Profile (north wall) .. ____ ., - I 'I ' 1 '~ i ! '! l I I I ld ~ 1 i l I I I IIIIi'; r1 Li.l ~ '' ~.·~ .. lJ [1.·~ .. ' ' ' ·,~ -----·---· -·-« • ---· ---.... + ...... ------··-- ·----------- Plate 2. 8Du673, Test Pit 15: Chimney Fall (facing east). ___ ... I. - o.:, ·~-""">":'"·"" ; i : •• :' ''""> . -~-:·.··.:. ,·_: ~ • ~,¢ I I I --------.. -·-... ---~---------------·----·-.. ·----· ·-·-·-· .... --........ --- ~ ' i ! ' 't ' ' ' n f . l ' '~ ' i n~ j i 1 . o/ 0~ . J.: rr IT . [ Plate 3. 8Du669, View of environmental setting. D~ U' I u· l I ~· I ! I I ~· r I I ., ! ' 1 ~ I I I l. I.J ... I. I I --------.. , ..... - n'', I ' IT D"' '' Plate 4. 8Du634, View of environmental setting. n I ,/ - l I l I l I I 1 l I Ld 4 I I. rJ I 0 I o l I n i 1 ~~ j I 1 ' i I l n I ~. j L l. .------ 0 - ·----··--- -.... ~" ··-.. ,. ..... '· .. . ~~ ... ' .... -------·----------.a.--- - '\ . .. ... . -. , , .... ., Plate 5. View of marsh area from ~outhwestern portion of the district. - J I I D. ' 0 I ' ' 0 o· II o I ~ n ~ IT I I OJ I 1 l . { ! I D I u j u I I [ I I Advisory Council On Historic Pl)eservation 15t2 K Street. NW Washington. DC 20005 g 1982 • Mr. Charles R. Jeter Regional Administrator, Region IV Environmental Protection Agency 345 Courtland Street, N.E. Atlanta, GA 30365 Dear Mr. Jeter: Enclosed is the Memorandum of Agreement reflecting the agreement to mitigate the adverse effects o~ the St. Johns River Power Park Project on the St. Johns River Power Park Archeological District, Duval County, Florida, reached by the consulting parties. Please sign and date this Agreement and forward it to Mr. L. Ross Morrell, Florida State Historic Preservation Officer, for his dated signature. Thereafter, it must be returned to the Council for ratification by the Chairman~ The Agreement will become final 30 days after receipt by the Chairman or earlier if ratified by the Chairman. The ratified Memorand~~ of Agreement will constitute the Council's comments in accordcmc.e with 36 CFR Section 800.6 (c) (3) and completes your responsibilities under Section 106 of the National Historic Preser- vation Act and the Council's r~gulations. Thank you for your cooperation. (~f) J rdan E. Tannenbaum · ~ Chief, Eastern Division of Projeet Review Enclosure AP: - \. c \ \ I I I r I t I ; I I 0 ? !Q I l DI I , l I I 0 i 0 I ~ n I I 0 c n tl ~ • ! . f: Advisory Councll On Historic Preservation 1522 K Street. NW Washington. DC 2Q905 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposes to grant a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit for construction of the St. Johns River Power Park generating s~ation, Duval County, Florida; and, WHEREAS, pursuant the regulations of the Advisory Council on Historic Pr~servation (Council), "Protection of Historic and Cultural Properties" (36 CFR Part 800), EPA in consultation with the Florida State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) has determined that this undertaking will have an adverse effect on the St. Johns River Power Park Archeological District, a property eligible for the National Register of Historic Places; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended (16 U.S.C. Sec. 470(f)) and the Council's regulations EPA has requested the comments of the Council; and, WHEREAS, representatives of the Council, EPA, and the Florida SHPO have consulted and reviewed the undertaking to consider alternatives to avoid or satisfactorily mitigate the adverse effect; NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed that the undertaking will be implemented in accordance with the following stipulations to avoid or mitigate the adverse effects. Stipulations EPA will condition its permit on compliance with the following measures. A. Archeological Data Recovery 1. Prior to the initiation of any construction or other land-disturbing activities which could affect archeological sites 8 DU 669, 8 DU 677, the undiaturbed portion of 8 DU 634, or other sites in the Archeological District, a detailed data recovery plan, including a research design that addresses both .regional and aore general research problems, will be developed. The plan will be prepared in accordan,ce with previous archeological aurvey and testing results and with reference to the standards contained in th~ Council's Handbook, Treatment of Archeological Properties (Attachllent 1). ... -... .,._ .. ., ___ .. -·--...... --...... '--~-·--------.. ----··-_ .. _,,..._,__,,. __ "-'...,.,'"'_..,.._~----·· ... ---· .. - I r l I I I I l l I j ! I ' I I c 0 0 h u c c n Ll c u Page 2 Memorandum of Agreement Environmental Protection Agency St. Johns River Power Park 2. The plan will be submitted to the Florida SHPO and the Council for review prior to implementation. If neither party objects within 15 working days after receipt ~f the plan, the plan will be implemented; if either party object~ EPA will consult with the Florida SHPO, the Council, and the Jack;•onville Electric Authority in order to resolve the objections. B. Archeological Site Protection c. 1. ~PA will ensure that plans for protecting those portions of the St. Johns River Power Park Archeological District not directly affected by construction or other land-disturbing activities, including fencing and access restrictions, are developed and implemented in consultation with Florida SHPO. Transmission Line Corridors 1. Prior to the selection of the final transmission line alignment, archeological field survey(s) will be conducted in consultation with the Florida SHPO along any portions of the proposed rights-of- way previously identified as archeologically sensitive in "Site Certification Application--Environmental Information Document for Propose.f St. Johns River Power Park," Appendix K (1981). Survey work will be undertaken with reference to 36 CFR Part 66t Appendix B (Attachment 2). 2. Identified archeological resources will be evaluated in consultation with Florida SHPO. If there is any question as to whether a property meets the National Register Criteria (36 CFR Sec. 60.6), a determination of eligibility will be requested from the Secretary of the Interior in accordance with 36 CFR Part 63. Any archeological resources found to meet the Criteria will be avoided or preserved in place whenever feasible through minor .alignment shifts, tower placement, changes in construction methods, or other measure~. When this is not feasible, the Florida SHPO will be consulted and a treatment consistent with the Council's Handbook, Treatment of Archeological Properties (Attachment 1) and approved by the Florida SHPO will be developed and implemented. D. Additional Stipulations 1. All archeological work will be conducted under the direct superv1s1on of an archeologist(s) who meets, at a ainimum, the appropriate qualifications set forth in 36 CFR P~rt 66, Appendix C (Attachment 3). 2. 3. All archeological aaterials, along with field notes, maps, drawings, and photographic records, will be curated at a auitable repository agreed upon by the Florida SHPO, EPA, and the Jacksonville Electric Authority. Copies of the final reports of archeoloaical investigations will be supplied to the Florida SIIPO, the Council, and Interaaency Archeoloaical Services (lational Part Service, Departaent of the Interior. WaahiD&ton, D.C. 20243) for poaaible au~ssion to the Jational TechDieal IDfo~tion Service CITIS). I l - I 1 ( I I I ~ D D 0 0. I 0 0 ( 0 ! ~ l Ll ! i i 0 I o I ! 0 l i I . I I l I I l I I l \ .. . -~-~-.<. ,'' '" ."!. . (, i .r -.,Ji. . ;<: .: • ~ .... •' ' - Page 3 Memorandum of Agreement Environmental Protection Agency St. Johns River Power Park 4. In accordance with National Register precedures (36 CFR Part 60), docu.entation concerning the cond1tion and significance of the St. Johns River Power Park Archeological District will be forwarded within 2 years following the completion of data recovery so that nominations, boundary changes, and eligibility status will be kept current. 5. If any of the signat.ories to the Ag:r:eement determines that the terms of the Agreement cannot be aet, or believes a change is necessary, that signatory shall immediately request the consulting parties to consider an amendment or addendum to the Agreement. Such an amendment or addendum shall be executed in the same manner as the original Agreemen;. ,, (date) Executive Directo AdviJ;ory Council o (date) Environmental Protection Agency Region 4 (date) Flo:rida State Historic Preservation Officer Chairman Advisory Council on Historic Preservation - . • , • I • . . . . J "'... •• ... ' . . ..