HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA1248I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT APPENDIX 8.8 RESERVOIR SEDIMEtJTATJON JANUARY 1982 I Prepared fer: ~~~· __ ALASK.L\ PO'NER IIRJ I ALJl-t-IORrfY ----·~-J -·----- ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ' APPENDIX 8.8 RESERVOIR SEDIMENTATION JANUARY 1982 Prepared for: ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED 1000 Liberty Bank Building Main at ·court Buffalo, New York 14202 Telephone (716) 853-7525 Prepared by: .. R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 5024 Cordova Street Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Telephone: (907) 279-0483 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT TASK 3 ... HYDROLOGY SUBTASK 3.07-CLOSEOUT REPORT-RESERVOIR SEDIMENTATJON TABLE oc: CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES 1 -PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF STUDY 2 -SUMMARY OF RESERVOIR SEDIMENTATION 3 -TRAP EFFICIENCY 3.1 -Factors Influencing Trap Efficiency 3.2 -Trap Efficiency Estimates 3.3 -Trap Efficiency during Reservoir Filling 4 -RESERVOIR SEDIMENTATION 4.1 -Sediment Load 4. 2 -Unit Weight of Deposited Sediment 4~3 -Volume of Sediment Deposits 5 -SEDIMENTATION PROCESSES AND SEDIMENT DISTRIBUTION 5,. 1 -Delta Deposits 5. 2 ~ Glacial Lake-Floor Distribution 5. 3 -Glacial Lake Temperatures 6 -RESERVOIR AND DOWNSTREAM TURBIDITY 6.1 -Pre-Project Turbidity 6. 2 -Factors Affecting Turbidity 6. 3 -Post-Project Turbidity 7 -PROJECTED RESERVOIR SEDIMENTATION REFERENCES APPENDIX A -SETTLING COLUMN STUDIES APPENDIX B -ANNOTATED BIBLlOGRAPHY -i .. PAGE n Hi 1-1 2-1 3 ... 1 3=1 3-2 3-3 4-1 4-1 4-2 4-2 5-1 5-1 5-2 5-3 6-1 6-2 6-3 7-1 LIST OF TABLES Number Title 3.1 Estimated Trap Efficiencies during Reservoir Filling -H - Page 3 .. 4 LIST OF FIGURES Number 3.1 3.2 4.2 5.1 5 ') . '· 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 6.1 6.2 A.1 A.2 0 Title Trap Efficiency Curves Turbidity at Inflow and Outflow Streams for Kamloops Lake, British Columbia Suspended-Sediment Rating Curves, Susitna River Suspended-Sediment Size Analysis, Susitna Riv.er Delta Formation at Lake Mead and Lake Lillooet Temperature and Turbidity I so lines, Kamloops Lake Schematic of Sedimentation Processes, KamJoops Lake Water Temperature Profiles, Bradley Lake, Alaska, and Kluane Lake, Yukon Territory Temperature Profiles, Malaspina Lake, Alaska, and dur'ing Strong Underflow, Lillouet Lake, B.C. Temperature Profiles, Garibaldi Lake 1 B.C. · Turbidity vs. Suspendea Sediment Concentration, Susitna River Average Annual Turbidity Pattern, Susitna River Turbidity vs. Time, Settling Column Study Suspended Sediment Concentration vs Time, Settling Column Sample (28,000 cfs) Suspended Sediment Concentration vs Time Settling Column Sample (17 ,200 cfs) -iii - Page g ... s 3-5 4-3 4-4 5-5 5-6 5-7 5-8 5-9 6-4 6-6 6-6 A-2 A-3 1 -PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF STUDY The purpose of this report is to present the resufts of analyses of sedimentation within the proposed Watana and DevU Canyon Reservoirs~ Analyses of the sedimentation were complicated due to the large percentage of very fine suspended sediment contributed by glaciers in the Susitna River headwaters, possibly making results from the usual analytical t€!chniques to be in error. The approach to analyzing the rf~servoir trap efficiency was to first analyze the trap efficiency of the reservoirs based on the capacity-inflow ratio. A I iteratur~e search was then conducted to determine the trap efficiency of natural glacial lakes and to gather information on their sedimentation processes. Settling column studies of suspended sediment s;jmples from the Susitna River were then conducted to gather empirical data. The information from these three information sources was then assimilated to project the reservoir sedimentation processes. The annual sediment load entering the reservoirs was estimated using the flow duration sediment rating curve method for the nearest gaging stations and v:.n estimated sediment yield for the area draining directly into the reservoirs. The unit weight and volume of the deposited sediments were estimated using standard techniques. Modelling of sediment deposition within the reservoirs was considered but was not deemed appropriate or necessary at this time.. The settling properties of the very fine 11 glaci.ai flour 11 are such that it remains in suspension for long periods of time.t affecting the reliability of the model. In addition, the estimated volume of sediment deposited in Watana Reservoir is Jess than 5% of the total volume of the reservoir. · A large proportion of the sediment will be deposited in the dead storage portions of the reservoir due to the slow settling characteristics of the very fine suspended sediments. Turbidity could not be assessed on a quantitative basiso However.r pre-project conditions were assessed, and ? qualitative analysis conducted of probable turbidity patterns in the reservoirs and downstream river. susi10/x 1-1 2 .. SUMMARY OF RESERVOIR SEDIMENTATION Trap efficiency estimates based on detention -storage time indicate that 95-100 percent of sediment entering Watana Reservoir would settle, even shortly after filling of the reservoir starts~ However, data from Kamloops Lake, British Columbia, a 3 million acre-ft. glacial lake confined in a narrow valley, indicates that up to on~-third of the incoming sediment passes through it. Median grain size at the lower end of Kamloops Lake is about 2 microns. For the Susitna River near Cantwell, about 15 percent of the susp~nded sediment is finer than 2 microns. Preliminary estimates indicate that between 70-95 percent of incoming sediment would be trapped in the reservoir, with particles smaller than 2 microns possibly passing through the reservoir. As Watana Reservoir is lons;er 1 deeper, and has a longer retention time than Kamloops Lake, it is possible that even smaller particle sizes may settle in the reservoir. Under the wcrst case sedimentation condition of 100% trap efficiency, an estimated 472 1 500 ac-ft. of sediment would be deposited in Watana Reservoir i_n 100 years. Devil Canyon Reservoir would have a slightly lower trap efficiency than Watana due to its smaller volume. However, most sediment will be_ deposited in Watana, the upstream reservoir. Assuming that both reservoirs have a 70% trap efficiency, an estimated 109,000 ac. ft. of sediment would be deposited in bevil Canyon Reservoh~ in 100 years. Three interdependent but distinct sedimentation processes occur in glacial lakes. These processes consist of: (a) delta progradation into the lake; (b) sediment density surges down the steep uppet' slope, depositing mclterial on the lake floor which had ·previously been on the delta slope; and· (c) river plume dispersion, which spreads the fine-grained material throughout the lake. The serliment-laden streamflow will initially spread through the lake either as surface flow, interflow, or underflow, depending on the relative densities of the lake water and the stream water. Tut'·bidity downstream of the reservoir will decrease sharply during the summer months due to the sediment trapping characteristics of the reservoirs. It is likely that the turbidity of water released in the winter months will be near natural conditions, as suspendeci sediment in near-surface waters should rapidly settle once the r~servoir ice cover forms and essentially quiescent conditions occur. susi10/c 2-1 3 -TRAP EFFJCJ ENCY Only a portion of the sediment. br~ought into a reservoir is normally trapped and retained, with tr,e balance being transported through and carried out of the reservoir by outflow water. The ability of a reservoir to trap sediment is known as its trap efficiency, and is expressed as the percent of sediment yield (incoming sediment) which is retained in the reservoir. 3.1 -Factors Influencing Trap Efficiency The trap efficiency of a reservoir depends on the sediment char- acteristics and the rate of flow through the_ reservoir. As stream- flow enters a reservoir, the cross-sectional area is increased, resu,ting in a decrease in velocity with a consequent decrease in sediment-transport capacity. The coarse-grained particles are dropped immediately near the head of the back water,-with the finer grains remaining in suspension until they are deposited farther into the reservoir or carried out of the reservoir in the outflow water.. The percent of total sediment trapped in the reservoir depends on the fall velocity of particles and the rate at which the particles are transported through the reservoir. The fall velocity of particles in water depends on a number of variables, including the size and shape of the particle, its chemical composition and the viscosity of the water. Eiectrochemical pro- cesses play an important role in determining the falJ velocity of fine particles less than 10 microns in diameter, such as clays or glacial flour. l n some areas, clays and colloids may aggregate into cluste.rs which have settling properties similar to larger particles, and conversely, highly dispersed particles may stay in suspension for long periods of time and trar)sported out of the reservoir. . - Although no mineralogic analyses of ·suspended sediment from the Susitna River are available, there are mineralogic analyses of suspended sediment from a number of surrounding glacial rivers. Clay minerals (montmorillonite) were absent from all samples except from the Knik -Matanuska Rivers, where less than 2 percent clay minerals were detected (Everts, 1979; Tice, et. al, 1972). The rate of flow of water through a reservoir determines the detention -storage time. The ratio of reservoir detention - storage time is influenced by the inflow volume with respect to reservoir storage capacity and the outflow rate. Watana Reservoir has a storage voiume of 9,650,000 acre-feet, and Devil Canyon Reservoir a volume of 1,092,000 acre-feet. Average annual inflow at Watana and Devil Canyon RE.~servoirs is 5,880,000 acre-feet and 6,630,000 acre-feet, respectively. Watana Reservoir will release approximately the average annual inflow each year, so that the average annual inflow to Devil Canyon should not differ susi10/d 3-1 significantly from pre-project conditions, The ratio of capacity to infiow for 'the two reservoirs is 1.64 fOI" Watana and 0 .. 16 for Devi1 Canyon. The size and location of reservoir outlets also influences the trap efficiency, with bottom outlets more effective in removing the higher sediment concentrations near the bottom~ Either multi-level outlets or single outlets at a depth of about 200 feet will be used. Neither type of outlet is near the reservoir bottom. Consequently, the effects of the location of the reservoir outlets will not be further considered in this study. > 3. 2 -Trap Efficiency Estimates Although several factors influence trap efficiency 1 the detention - storage time appears to be the controlling factor in many reservoirs. Brune (1953) developed the generalized trap efficiency envelope curves shown in Figure 3. 1, which relate trap efficiency to the storage capacity -inflow ratio. Using the Brune curve, the following range of trap efficiencies were estimated. Reservoir Watana Devil C~nyon ~pacity/ Inflow 1.64 0.16 Maximum 100 96 Minimum 95 84 Median 97 92 The Brune curve was developed on detention storage time .. However, the variation due to differing reservoir shape, operation 1 and sediment cha:racteristics has not been determined ( Gottschal kr 1964). Using the Brune· curve 1 it would appear that about 97 percent of the sediment entering Watana Resarvoir would be trapped. Devil Canyon Reservoir would trap .about 92 percent of the sediment passing Watana Reservoir and any suspended sediment picked up in the intervening river reach. Consequently 1 it would appear that very little of the suspended sediment load entering Watana Reservoir would eventually leave Devil Canyon Reservoir. However, some concern has aeen expressed that the very fine glacial flour would remain in suspension and pass through the reservoir system. This may not be detrimental in the summer, but if it remained in suspension throughout the winter months, winter releases would be tur·bid instead of clear, as is the natural con- dition. Consequently, a literature review of sedimentation (App. B) in glacial lakes was conducted to estimate the trap efficiency of glacial lakes·. Settling column studies of water samples from the Susitna River were also· conducted to determine the .sediment deposition rate under quiescent conditions (App. A}. susi10/d 3-2 Estimates of sediment trap efficiency at two lakes immediately below glaciers were on the order of 70-75% (Ziegler, 1973; ostrem, 1975). Of more relevance is the estimate of trap efficiency for Kamloops Lake by Pharo and Carmack (1979). Kamlcops Lake is somewhat similar in morphometry to Devil Canyon Reservoir. lt is 15 miles long by 1.6 miles wide, and has a volume of about 3 million acre-feet. Mean annual flow of the Thompson River entering the lake is about 25,000 cfs. This results In a capacity -inflow ratio of about 0.16, very similar to that of Devil Canyon. Observations of turbidity at the lake inlet and outlet (Figure 3.2)-led Pharo and Carmack to estimate that nearly one-third of the incoming sediment is carried througt) the lake and not depot~ited 1 resulting in a trap efficiency of about 67%r Use of the Brune curve on Kamloops Lake t"esults in trap efficiencies ranging from 84 to 96 percent. This would see to indicate that the sedimentation processes occurring in this deep glaciar lake result in a lower sedimentation rate than in those reservoirs analyzed by Brune. For estimating the volume of sediment deposited in the reservoirs, trap efficiency estimates were in the range of 70-100 percent. A trap efficiency of 70 percent is considered the minimum efficiency, and allows an estimate for the maximum amount of sediment passing through Watana Reservoir and entering Devil Canyon Reservoir. The trap efficiency of 100 percent allows an estimate of the maximum amount of sediment deposited in Watana Resevoir. All bedload is assumed to be deposited. 3.3 -Trap Efficiency during Reservoir Filling The trap efficiency of a reservoir is· sometimes reduced during its filling period due to the reduced storage capacity. An analysis was conducted to estimate the effects at Watana Reservoir. It was assumed that reservoir filling would begin in May. The increase in reservoir storage was estimated using average monthly flows for the Susitna River at Watana. The Brune curve was used to estimate the trap efficiencies during the filling period. The results are tabulated in Table 3.1. The high flow in May and June fills the reservoir to such a level that trap efficiency rapidly reaches the 95% level. The reservoir would be about 30 miles long within 2 months after filling commences. Consequently, it would appear that sediment deposition during the filling period would be similar to that during fuJI pool. susi10/d 3-3 TABLE 3.1 ESTIMATED TRAP EFFICIENCIES DUR~NG RESERVOIR FILLJNG End oi Month Flow at Required Flow Trap Efficiency (1st Year ) Watana (cfs) at Gold Creek (Brune Curve) May 10,406 6,000 83 June 22,293 7,000 94 1-15 July 20,344 7,000 95 16-31 July 20,344 12,000 95 ~August 18,012 12,000 96 1-'15 September 10,614 12,000 96 16-30 September 10,614 7,000 96 susi10/d 3-4 P-------------------------------------------------------------r-.----------------~-----------~ 100 90 eo ~70 -.:5 ~EO c. 0 ..::so c ..., ~ E40 '6 ..., I I ! i I I ' . I I l • I I\~·~-· ! . ...~~--r i I I I l I/7z7:t t ·· 1 i 1 I 1 I 0h:Y I I \ 1 I i • I 1/•//(1 I l i i I I I I ' I l l/ // /_ . t>Aed•on curve to:~r I I -L .normc.t c::nced reset"'Oir l : ' t I i ~/: ~/ 0 I I I ' l I I i I/' /./ 5:nvf'looe curves !or I 1 •/ -/ / ' I ;normm c::moed reserv01r - ' ..... I ' . t I \ i \ I I I 1 ~ ' l -i i ' l ! I l ! I ! • \ l I ~ i l I I I I I ! i i/! A /1 I I \ 1 ~ [ o lNormol ponced resentntrs a j""'"'ol "'"""' '""'"""' I (I) 30 0 / / V! I I I I I t l w•lh "woog "· '"''·'~ I ooerc1:ons !Jl etfect ov /J/i I I I I i I I l I ¢ Oesuttnq costns I • • l SE::r:t-CrY. reser\ICITS 0 -~ -O.COI 0.GC2 O.GG::> QOI 002003 Cv5G070.1 02 0.3 .G.S 0.7 I 2 3 5 1 .0 Copoctty-in!low ratio, cere-It copoctty/acre-it annual inflow {J3rune 1 1953) sor-----------------------------------------------_, • .. :t 3 '. \ > Jll 1-• •-•-• ::NFL OW TURBIDITY ~--!OUTFLOW Tl.JR6'CITY ,. - a 3. oi-~. • • ! 20t '\ \ . i" 'o I ·~-r \\----.......-....... -·rv-..J'-.~·'\j'-1 _,• .,.;--,r-• • -.-----:; ··-..... ---.. -_., --........ -~-·-.-- PREPARED BY : R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. JAN I FEB I MAR 1 .AI'Im. 1 MAT . l975 (Pharo and Carmach, 1979) 3.1 -TRAP EFFICIENCY CURVES 3.2-INFLOW a OUTFLOW TURBIDITY LEVELS I t i I ' I l : . "REPARED FOR:' . ; KAMLOOPS LAKE , B.C. FIGURES 3~1,3.2 Nmm 1 4 -RESERVOIR SEDIMENTAT(ON 4.1 -Sediment Load Suspended sediment -discharge relationships were established for gaging sites on the Susitna River. The rating curves for stations near the proposed reservoirs are illustrated on Figure 4. ·1.. Using the flow-duration -sediment-rating curve method, the average annual suspended sediment load was estimated for the following four stations. Gaging Station Susitna River ·at Denali Maclaren River near Paxson Susitna River near Cantwell Susitna River at Gold Creek Average Annual Suspended 'Sediment Load (tons/year) 2 965 000 .I I 543.~000 6,898.~000 7,731,000 The suspended sediment load entering Watana Reservoir from the Susitna River is assumed to be that at the gaging site. for the Susitna River near Cantwell, or 6,898,000 tons/year. No bedload data is available for this ·site. However, the channeJ is well-armored, and little bedload movement appears poss.ible .. Bedload at Susitna Rivero at Gold Creek is estimated to be 1 . 6 percent of suspended sediment load at 37,200 cfs. Bedload movement in _,the Tanana River 1 a braided glacial river north of the Susitna River.~ is about 1 percent of the suspended s.ediment load at Fairbanks (Emmett.~ et.al, 1978). Consequently, bedload entering Watana Reservoir was conservatively estimated as 3 percent of suspended sediment load, or. 207,000 tons/year. The sediment contributed by the tributaries directly to the reservoirs was estimated from the unit sediment runoff per square mile between the gaging sites near Cantwell and at Gold Creek ... The difference in annual suspended sediment loads at the two sites was divided by the difference in d2ainage . areas, resulting in a unit sediment load of 412.4 tons/mi. . Bedload is again assumed to be 3 percent of suspended sediment load. The resulting tributary sediment load is 429,000 tons/year of suspended sediment and 13,000 tons/year of bedload at Watana Reservoir and 260,000 tons/year suspended sediment and 8,000 tons/year beci!-oad at Devil Canyon. The total annual sediment load entering Watana Reservoir is estimated as 7,547 .~000 tons/year. The estimated trap efficiency of 70 percent for suspended sediment results in an estimated 5,349,000 tons of sediment being deposited per yeat"1 with the full 7,547,000 tons/year deposited at 100% trap efficiency. susilO/e 4-1 The total annual sediment load entering Devil Canyon Reservoir consists of the sediment bypassing Watana at 70% trap efficiency, 2,198, 000 ton-s/year 1 plus the tributary sediment load of 268,000 tons/yeart for a total of 2,466,000 tons/year. Using trap efficiencies of 70-100 percent for suspended sediment results in 1,729,000 -2,198 1 000 tons/year being trapped ln Devil Canyon Reservoir .. 4. 2 -Unit Weight of Deposited Sediment Estimates of the volume of sediment deposited in the reservoirs require the unit weight of the deposited sediment. Published values of 3 the unit weight of deposited sediment vary from 18 to 125 lb/ft. 1 depending on the sediment size, depth of deposit, degree of subme.rgence or exposure of the deposit1 and length of time the material has been deposited. The initial density for each of seven sediment sizes was estimated using the Trask method. The 50-year and 1 00-year unit weights were estimated using the Lane and Koelzer method (1958) as modified by Miller (1963). The sediment size analysis developed by the Corps of Engineers (1975) for the Susitna River at Cantwell (Figure 4.2) was utilized to estimate the percentage of each size range of suspanded sediment entering Watana Reservoir. Th~ resulting average unit wei.ghts for suspended sediment ajter 50 years and 100 years. were estimated at 71 .. 6 and 72.8 lb/ft. 1 respectively1 assuming the sediment was always submerged or neariy su~merged.. The unit weight for bedload was assumed to be 97 lb/ft • 4. 3 -Volume of Sediment Deeosits I Using the sediment loads and unit weight previously developed, the following sedimentation volumes were estimated. Watana 100% trap eff. 70% trap eff. 50-Year 240,000 ac -ft. 170, 000 ac -ft .. 100-Year 472, 500 ac-ft. 334,000 ac-ft. Devil Canyon w/Watana at 70% Trap Efficiency 100% trap eff. 70% trap eff. 79,000 ac-ft. 55, 000 ac-ft. 155,000 ac-ft. 1 09, 000 a e-ft. Devil Canyon w/Watana at 100% Trap Efficiency 1 00% trap eff. 70% trap eff. susi10/e 8, 600 ac-ft. 6,100 ac-ft. 4-2 16,800 ac-ft. 6 1 000 ac-ft. -.... (,) - w l? 0::: <t :c u C/) -0 5 3 . 2_ PREPARED BY • : t ! . . . r-:f~·l.:f. ' I. ~t-+ . +· •. --• ~I·· • ·~r--i. -~rt\.~ I·. ···.·.· --~--~: . ··~;rJ\vJ . t( J ....... <:::c .. _;.··. ··. ~ R&M CONSULTANTS. INC. SUSPENDED SEDIMENT DISCHARGE (TONS I DAY) SUSPENDED SEDIMENT RATlNG CURVES UPPER SUSITNA RIVER BASIN FIGURE 4.t PREPARED BY I :::: ··:-H· ~-F: :·:·:···:I,·· I • .... i .. : :·:. :~:-':::!··:'··.-: .. !·'·:-" .,. ·-~ .,_:::.:·; ·~:;·:::~!· :·:: ... :·"::::J:· . . I -. ·I -t -· -. . . ,. . . . . ·t··. .. ! ,., :-:--:-: ·:-: . ! . . . . .. : . !. : ~ I : ·.; ::::-:::. : '; :: :; : : . : .. · i I ' . . : . . , . : ! · · . ! I :; . :. i t ; : · · I · · · . : : • .. is.s :::·: ~ --~-· ::.:: :: ~L ··r-4~-·-4 . ::: : . ! . : :. :: , : ·:. :·::j I ::. . :::.:.: : : :· : ... , :. .. . . \::l_ -.. ~9 . ··-· -·-.. • • " •.i". ,...1-i- f.----•. --~·· . .... . -• t ' -•• ·•· •• • •• • v .. ::·:.::::::~ :-=: SUSPENDED SED lMENT SIZE ANALYSIS aa :r fiT fff -:-t • "'!' _:_~~l...!. !-:.., • .., 15 ....... ------t---·r "' ----_,,. "" ..... ~..;._,. -..--.. '"'a_..._.~ . .,... ... . ... ,.._._.;.. ·-. .,. . ~ LEGEND \IJ til : . :; : •. ; ----sus I TNA Near OEUAL I ---I r 7/ ·... . I I . -~ ·"-·-1-· N · · · -· · -----MACLAREN Near PAXSON 7" ·~·· ':': • • .I :·-·--:;-:· ·-.... ·I c:· ...•. UJ -.•• ·--·:-·-· ., I . .. ' I . . -· "'J • ~ --t ·: r 1-f 1 . ..;_.:__-;<___;,.;•:....t-~--t,.._;..-j-.-_ ':. : • l l . • ---::,~ ·~ _ ~-L-~ -_.. -frl •o ... -· . ~ . . : . I : -~ :. d : . : . . t ~ : .,~f'..... ~d'~ : r ! ~ 70 •• ' . ' ; ·j i .. . . . . : I ' l : / ~~~...a I I II ; I l . • . I . }" • • ' • . • • •! i _/. ...,.!-_.. _,. ' ' , ~ 6o . : , ~:·: · 1· _;....-·;" 1 ~!g:~·(t'r · --1 ·----:-·,~--t-r-;--·J·-i-+·· . .. .. I . 1-. • . t: .. ·:.: _;..fe"'~ ...... ·~, , : l I . _Lj_ z 50 I • • ! . 1-":'::· ~ ,.. ... .., I . . I ·.' I r-r -<t I ... : !~-... ~-·· .... I • : l ! • I : ."9'" '"'" '... • • • .I ••. ~~...::.""--·-• -.!.-L . ' I ---i--f-· -.. ...., . . . . I ., I __,_... . -. -I l . 1-' ' t-, . . . . ~"" ~'"" . . : : . : . : . 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INTERIM REPORT 2 r-_··t·:-..•• :_:--__ .:. ~:; ::;. :::;l::: :~ .: ~-::::: ·:. .. -!--. . .. ···: ! SOUTHCENTRA.L RAILBELT ·-·· ... ·----.. ~-· ,.......,.._~ ~.-..' .. ~·· ,It::: :.~ I I t-:!"" .. t:.i..:: _;.::·: :::; ::.::::.~:~. ! :::· :::· :::. ' 1 0 '1 0.001 J Jll . .I PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS SUSPENDED SEDIMENT SIZE ANALYSIS SUSITNA RIVER 1.0 PREPARED FOR: FIGURE 4.2 5 .. SEDIMENTATION PROCESSES AND SEDIMENT DISTRIBUTION Sediment distribution within a Jake or reservoir is dependent on -several_ factors, including sediment characteristics 1 inflow-outflow relations, reservoir shape, and reservoir operation.. When a stream enters a reservoir, its velocity drops sharply due to the large increase in cross-sectional area, with a subsequent decrease in the stream's sediment-transport capacity. As the velocity decreases, the coarser particles are deposited initially, farming a delta at the river1 s mouth. Much of the fine-grained suspended sediment is carried past the delta to be deposited in the deeper- parts of the lake. 5.1 -Delta Deposits As a stream enters a standing water body the channel form and process are altered in the backwater conditions. Bed aggradation and .reduced flow velocities extend upstream some distance from the lake. Although most of the fine-grained suspended sediment passes through the backwater zone, much of the bed load is de- posited, thus lowering the bed slope and raising the water surface and stream bed elevations. As the delta builds, the front forms a sharp slope break over which the remaining bedload is dumped~ As sedimentation continues, the river ·channel thanges to accomodate the· changed profile so that sediment continues to be carried to the delta front before being deposited. ExampJes from Lake Mead on the Colorado River (Lara -and Sanders, 1970) and glacial Lake Lillooet, e,ritish Columbia (Church and Gilbert, 1975) iJJustrate the resulting morphology (Figure 5.1). A second process 1 ·noted by Pharo and Carmacks (1979) in Kamloops Lake" British Columbia, is that of ! episodic density surges which redeposit material initially dumped on the-delta slope,. Sediment density surges differ from the third process, that of river pfuroo dispersion (as overflow 1 interflow 1 or underflow), in th~t density surges are , episodic and relatively short-lived compared to the relatively continnous nature of river plume dispersion; sediment. density surges involve the redeposition of material aJready deposited on ·the delta slope, rather than the uninterrupted extension of river-borne sediment into the lake; and · sediment: concentrations within sediment density surges dominate the fluid density and dt"ive the downslope flow. There will be considerable variation in the summer water levels ~t Watana Reservoir, resulting in a complex delta formation at the. head of the reservoir, with the bed elevation trying to re-establish· equilibrium. susi10/f 5 .. 2 -Glacial Lake-Floor Sedimentation It has been noted by several authors (Embleton and King, 1975i Bryan, 1974) that glacial lake-floor deposits beyond the area of delta gro.wth are predominantly fine 1 becoming increasingly so ~s the central or deepest parts of the Jake are approached. The very fine material is the glacial rock flour which discolors the water of glacial streams and lakes, and which often requires long periods and quiet water conditions to settle (E. M. Kindle, 1930). Deep lakes offer the best opportunities for the trapping and de- positron of the finest material. In shaJiow glacial lakes, the ex is ... tence of more powerful currents prevents the settling of fine material, and often cause it to be washed towards and through the lake outlet 1 resulting in its Joss from the fake. Glacial lake ·floor deposits are often laminated, caused by sudden C;hanges of grain size from finest mud to slightly coarser silt between successive thin layers'· and often accompanied by a color change between layers. These laminated deposits are known as rhythmites, with an individual pair of one fine and one slightly coarser layer known as a couplet. The thin dark layer of a couplet consists of very fine and partly colloidal material, rept"'e.- senting a period of slow deposition under very quiet water con• ditions, such as when a Jake was frozen over in winter with little or no meltwater entering.. The light-colored coarser layer indicates a more rapid period of sediment; deposition under more disturbed conditions, such as when meltwater is entering the lake and lake currents are spreading sHt over the whole lake floor. Some couplets form on an annual basis, and are known as varves. De Geer (1912) indicated that the fine lamina of a couplet was the result of deposition in winter wh~ri the lake was frozen and melt- water limited. The abrupt break at the -top of the fine lamina. represents the spring ·thaw when new coarser silt enters the lake. Confirmation of this theory has come from pollen studies of rhyth- mites, and from studies of modern glacial lake-floor deposits, such as that made by W.A. Johnston (1922) on Lake Louise, Alberta .. Nonannual rhythmites may also form from sudden fluctuations in discharge, such as from the bursting of an ice-dammed lake upstream, unseasonal warm or cold spells, or periodic storms. · The deposition of the coarser laminae is attributed to turbid underflows and interflows of dens.er sediment-laden water from glacial meltwater streams. The phenomena of underflow and interflow have been noted in numerous studies of sedimentation in glacial lakes (Emerson, 1898; Kuenen, 1951; Mathews 1 1956; Gilbert, 1973; Bryan, 1974 a 1 b; Theakstone, 1976; Ziegler, 1973; Qfstream, 1975; Gustavson, 1975; Pharo and Carmack, 1979). The frequency, duration, and intensity of the underflows and interflows have been attributed to stream temperature and sediment load, temperature and suspended (.sediment distribution in the lake, and lake bathymetry, especially near the stream mouth. susi10/f S-2 The uninterrupted downlake transport of the silt and clay -sized material was noted as being due to the interflow process in KamJoops Lake {Pharo and. Carmack, 1979). During summer the lake surface waters warm more r"apidly than those of the incoming river. The river water first moves to the plunge line, where it sinks and flows down along the slope of the delta as a turbulent gravity current. The plume entrains take water as it sinks, causing convergence at the lake surface and resulting in a coJ.or change at the plunge line., When the plume reaches a depth where its density is approximately equal to that of the lake water, the river plume with its large suspended load leaves the bottom slope and spreads horizontally along lines of equal density (tempera- ture), as illustrated in Figure 5. 2. The interflow is indicated by the tongue of turbid water extending from the face of the river de1ta at a depth of about 20 m. The flow parallels isothermal surfacesr and' is modified by the Coriolis force so that the river plume is directed towards the right hand shoreline in the direction of flow. The preferential movement to the right-hand side was evidenced by both higher turbidity readings and coarser sediments along the right-hand shore of the lake. A schematic of the three interdependent but distinct processes controlling sediment t!~ans­ port and deposition within Kamloops Lake is shown in Figure 5.3. As · previously noted r glacial lake-floor sediments become increasingly fine as the central· or deepest parts of the lake are reached. Grain size distribution in Kamloops Lake varied from 0.5 mm near the lake inlet to 0. 002 mm (2 microns) near th.e Jake outlet. Accumulation rate.s decreased with distance from the delta, with rates of 8. 00 em/year . adjacent to the delta decreasing to 0.35 em/year· near the lake outlet. Not all sediment was deposited in Kamloops Lake. Measurement of inflow and outflow turbidity levels indicated that nearly one third of the incoming sediment was not deposited, with the percentage varying with time. As illustrated in Figure 3.2, turbidity at the lake outlet increased following periods of very high turbidity levels at the inlet. 5.3 -Glacial Lake Temperatures Deep glacial lakes commonly show temperature stratification (Mathews 1 1956; Gilbert, 1973; Pharo and Carmack, 1979 1 Gustavson 1 1975), although stratification is often relatively weak .. Bradley Lake, Alaska, (Figure 5.4) demonstrated a weak thermocline in late July, 1980, but was virtually isothermal by late September, and demonstrated a reverse thermocline during winter months (Corps of Engineers, unpublished data). Temperature data for Kluane Lake (Bryanr 1974b) are also illustrated in Figure 5 .. 4. Selected thermal profiles from Malaspina Lake, Alaska, are Hlust- r·ated in Figure 5.5 (Gustavson, 1975), as are bathythermograrns showin the destruction and reforming of the thermocline in Lillooet Lake (Gilbert, 1973) during periods of strong underfJow ~ Garibaldi Lake, British Columbia, also demonstrates a thermocline in the summer months, as seen on Figure 5.6 (Mathews, 1956). susi10/f 5-3 4oo A Hoover Oam -e3oo c· 0 -0 > Cl) w --- .... .. ~ ~ ...... -.. _ ... • .. • ; 1ss3-s4; / • _, .~'' . ,' , I , Distance ~m) Original Colorado River profile Profiles of (A) Colorado River at Lake Mead (after Lara and Sanders, 1970, p. 155) andl I!B) Lillooct River at Lillooct Lake, showing that the greatest accumulation on an established delta occurs a.t the delta f.ront and on the forcset beds. Luke :\lead dat.,_, reproduced by courtesy of the Cnited States Bztre~ of Reclamation. .·· (Church and Gilbert, 1975) PREPARED BY : OREPARED FOR: DELTA FORMATION RAM CONSULTANTS, INC~ LAKE MEAD .AND LlLLOOET LAKE FIGURE 5.1 ,, 22 -------5------5 ---------t -------..... -----------------4 5----------..... ,,...._ ...... TEMPERATURE (°C) ... ' ... ...... .. : 29 JULY, 1974 140 ~~0----------~5~--------~10~--------~,5~--------~20 __________ 2~5~ 0 e ..... DISTANCE {ltm) ,.,-----....... ... ... ---... 1.5 ..... , '1 5 _... ...., ,' • • l\IIIIJW---~ ' I \ I \ I " \ I \ ' ' \ '< \ \ ' ' \ \ \ \ \ , ' I --1.5-----------~ TURBIDITY ( J.T.U.) 29 JULY, 1974 • ~Plan and Carmachs, 1979) PREPARED BY: R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. TEMPERATURE S TURBIDITY ISOLINES KAMLOOPS LAKE DREPAREO FOR~ FIGURE 5~2 PREPARED BY ' · NOTE: DELTA PROGRADATION SlACK ARROWS DENOTE SEOIMENTATtON~ "' LIGHT AF\ROWS DENOTE FlUlO MOTION => I Schematic illustration of sediment -transp~rt and deposition me:::hanisms associated w!!i:T. a river ent~ring a lake assumed to be temperature stratified. The equilibrium depth is that at which 11he irtlo'' ing river \\ater has the same density a~ the lake water. and at which the river water tl~Jl":.'\'S dnwn the la.kc. (Pharo and Carmachs, 1979} DREPARED FOR: R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. SCHEMATIC OF SEDIMENTATION PROCESSES KAMLOORS LAKE FiGURE 5.3 --1 C~ORPS OF ~NGlNEE{BS,.._,..._._.t t=~==:!.=·='-=-':.~~:_-:_ ....... ·~..,..._+J .. -::•::-=·:::!~~·~~~t= .. =.=.=-=t'·~::-.--:_.-_-~U-~-P~~B_H+f11...,..s....,...HED_,-..}r-tf---'.....,:-:'"--:-. ·it so.L---~---·-·~ ··-----~1 ----~----~--~----~----'~--~----~1 WATER TEMPERATURE, °C 0 2 4 6 10 Pre ared by: Prepared for: WATER TEMPERATURE PROFILES R&M CONSULTANTS. INC. BRADL'EY LAKE, ALASKA AND ~~~~~ KLUANE LAKE, YUKON TERRITORY . I FIGURE 54 PREPARED BY: :r: .. 1 401 401 MALASPiNA LAKE SELECTED THERMAL PROfiLES Or· • 2!0 4.0 . ! ' 20~ 40~ . ' 60 .. l.9 WATER TEMPERATURE iN oc • ~\".ttl'r lmlfli'T:ttnrc 1ht(•m:l:ont )faJ,.;t•m, T.·,b· .t, · rr.1·t'' wid .. ·1'1 1h .'\ ~. • • ·:·::('r,, ..• :.•' •·' ~ p ... t .,l•lt•.tH\ 1r '(rtUllCUt 'l.ltl1ltl J IAJ! ,t} ,\ liCre t)wrn~.,l t~rut·i.t \\-' ~ t't"~•r l--•l *i ~· 1l f!·~·","l' !' ..... ! .. ~t· ~a"t ..:~ ttlm:uu::·J Ly d.ttc 17,'.!1) <>n \\JUdi they \\l'te tl'· ordt•l Pmhle ... mt•t,,n,.! u. 1'•;11 2 80· (Gustavson, 1975) Temperature (°C) 12 14 ts sr-,..._.;,r::--,.....:..;:=--,.~=t"~ Ol /I August 1971 :. Bathythermograms sho\'l'lng the dcstruc:ti<'n an!! rcfonn1n~ of the thermal structure of Lillooct Lake a:.z::oci nted with tt.;o periods of strong intcrflow nnd un;lcrflOI-'. Numbers refer to dates of the observations in July :mJ August 1971. "' (Gilbert, 1973) PREPARED FOR: R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. TEMPERATURE PROFILES, MALASPINA LAKE ,ALASKA, M~m· . 8 DURING STRONG UNDERFLOW, LILLOOET tAKE, B.C. . . . · ' . FIGURE 5.5 -... i -E - :r: ~ a. w a 100 R&M Cor..:SULTANTS. tNC. < ' i .I l Prepared for: . WATER TEMPERATURE PROFILES GARIBALDI LAKE, BRITISH COLUMBIA ~PD[Q FIGURE5~6 tlUU[O -n 6 -RESERVOIR AND DOWNSTREAM TUR~31DITY M~ . . The reservoirs will have a significant impact on the turbidity of the Susltna River b~tween Devil Canyon and the Susitna-Chulitna confluence, with the river being considerably less turh!d in the summer and possibly more turbid ln the win'2er-. A rigid quant1tative analysis is not possible with the available data .. However, a qualitative analysis discussing the interrelated factors will shed some light on the probable post-project turbidity in the reservoir and downstream of Devil Canyon .. 6.1 -Pre-Project Turbidity • Turbidity data for the Susitna River were reviewed for the Gold Creek and Vee Canyon sites. The U.S. Geological Survey gathered turbidity data during 1974, 1975 and 1976, with turbid1ty Visually measured in Jackson Turbidity Units (JTU). R&M Consultants measured turbidity using photoelectric detectors during 1980 and 1981 at both the Gold Creek and Vee Canyon sites, with the data presented in nephelometric turbidity units (NTU). The units are approximately equivalent, but due to the subjective nature of visual observations, nephelometric means are generally considered more accurate, especially in the lower ranges of turbidity (less than 40 NTUls). The nephelometric turbidity data was logarithmically plotted agajnst vertically integrc:1ted samples of suspended sediment concentration for the Gold Creek and Vee Canyon sites. The plots, regression equations and correlation coefficients for both sites are shown on Figure 6 .1. Best f~ts for the data were obtained by the general equation T = a [ss] , where T is turbidity, ss is suspended sediment concentration ·'in mg/1, and a and b are coefficients .. Sediment concentration and turbidity _have -a very high correlation. Available USGS data were also analyzed to obtain relationships for discharge and suspended sediment concentration for the above two gaging sites. The following relationships were derived for turbidity, suspended sediment concentration, and discharge. Susitna River near Cantwell T = 0.3568(ss)o 8;~J0 n =_9, r 2 2 0.98 ss = 0. 0000553 Q 1 n -37, r = 0. 703 Susitna River at Gold Creek T = 0. 2496(ss) · ;~~~1 n = 6, r 2 = 2· 95 ss = 0.000673 Q -, n = 332, r = 0.585 The poor correlation coefficients between suspended sediment concentration and discharge are to be expected on glacial rivers, where glaciers contribute irregular amounts of sediment .. susi10/s 6-1 Ev~n though the determine coefficients are · rather poor, the regression equations are stiiJ useful in determining the seasonal variation in turbidity. The turbidity..,suspended sediment concentration equations and the suspended sediment concentration -discharge euqations were used together w~th the mean daily flow summary hydrographs for the two sites to estimate the monthly pattern of turbidity. The summary hydrographs used ar·e found in the Corps of Engineers Interim Feasibility Report (1975). The resulting estimated average ~nnual turbidity patterns are shown on Figure 6.2. The actual turbidity patterns show much greater variation in a single year due to the larger variations in suspended sediment concentration. 6.2 -Factors Effecti_ng Turbidity Reservoir sedimentation processes described in Section 5.2 are the main proce.sses affecting reservoir turbidity.. The sediment-laden river will enter the reservoir as either overflow1 Interflow, or underflow, depending on its density relative to that of the reservt~ir waters. Once it reaches its equHibrium density level, the inflowing river plume spreads horizontally ?long lines of equal density. The flow parallels isothermal surfaces, and is modified by the Coriolis force so that the river plume is directed towards . the right hand shoreline In th~ direction of flow. The turbidity at the reservoir outlet is also dependent on the residence time of inflowing waters hi the reservoirs.. Watana Reservoir has mean annual bulk residence time (volume/mean annual streamflow) of 600 days, with Devil Canyon having a mean annual buJk residence time of 60 days. However1 the bulk residence time varies with· flow, with the bulk residence t!me decreasing to ;;Jbout 110· days for the mean annual f!ood entering Watana. The residence times for summer .fJows are affected by the relative reservoir level. As the reservo~rs will be filling during the early high flow periods, the residence time would be somewhat increased above 110 days ·far the breakup flood. . ' The !ong residence times indicate that an ice cover would form be.fore much of the late summer flew passes through the .reser"vairs. Settling column studies (Appendix A) indicated that suspended sediment rapidly settled out under quiescent conditions 1 with tu-rbidity also rapidly decreasing (Figure 6.3). Once an ice cover forms, essentially quiescent conditions will exist in the reservoirs, with wind action no Jonger disturbing the surface, and inflow dropping to minimal levels. Consequently, relatively rapid sedimentation should commence once an ice cover forms, with surface waters rapidly clearing beneath the lee. The turbidity of inflowing waters is also quite low during this period, thus contributing little additional sediment. susi10/s 6-2 6 .. 3 -.Post-Project Turbidity A discussion of the timing of certain events occurring within the reservoirs and Upper Susitna River will serve to help describe the changes in the turbidity pattern. Breakup normally occurs in late Apdl or-early May on the Susitna River. Suspended sediment concentrations and turbidity sharply increase in May 1 and remain high into September 1 as the glaciers are contributing significant amounts of sediment during their melt period. However 1 the ice cover on the reservoirs will remain longer than ice now remains on the river 1 as the lake ice will not be flushed out of the system by breakup but will instead melt in place. Consequently 1 relatively quiescent conditions will occur through most of the lake until the ice cover has significantly decreased 1 which will probably not occur until late May or early June. Even though turbid water will enter the reservoir in early May 1 an increase in turbidity in outlet waters should not occur until early to mid-June. During the summer months.r turbidity will increase as suspended sediment concentrations increase at the reservoir inlet. Pulses of sediment may pass through the reservoir when very large sediment concentrations enter the reservoir 1 such as during a large flood ,c but they will be sharply dampered. The pattern will probably be similar to that shown 'at Kanloops Lake on Figure 3. 2, except that the decrease should be even larger in the Susitna River system due to relatively larger size of the reservoirs (longer' residence time). Downstream turbidity can not be accurately quanti tied 1 but tentative estimates indicate that is possible that it will not exceed maximum values of 35-45 NTU during peak flows, and will normally be in the. 10-20 NTU range during summer months, based on cursory estimates from flow suspended sedimen.t concentrations 1 trap efficiency 1 and reservoir outflow. Reservoir turbidity will decrease in the downstream direction as the larger sediment sizes settle out. In September and October, inflowing turbidity levels to the reservoir are significantly less than summer values, as the glaciers contribute less meltwater and sediment. Ice cover on the reservoirs will normally start to form about the third week in October. Once the ice cover forms, essentially quiescent conditions occur 1 and turbidity in the upper levels of the reservoir should rapidly decrease. susi10/s 6-3 r----------~--------------------------------------~~------------------------~ ". ,, ·-~~· .V/ '..v: ;!; .... ··~- .. I ' • 1 • r 1 1 i I ' • I I I I I I I i I i I I l ' ~ i l • j l: 1 ! I l ! t l , 1 '·v u. '"'· , -1"\ 2~c::.Q {t;. t•· -·' ., .• , 1 • • ' .,. -rr LI.aa tc ="'\-. .. 1 1 J ~: ~ l •,·p:~: lt~: l• .;~~: 1! ·.;~r;~, l ! :: .. ~ f!t~!~~it.~l:~i~ p;~ .-. f J ~~¢ :tPj;;t -~----~~~~--~~~~~~--~-~~~~--~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ' 10 '2 PREPARED BY I R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 3 ' ' ' ~ 4 5 6 7 8 9 i 100 I . ' 2 3 SUSPENDED SEDIMENT CONCENTRATION ( mg I I) TURBIDITY vs. l I 4 5 7 8 9 PREPAREO FOR~ SUSPENDED SE0.1tv1ENT CONCENTRATION FIGURE 6 .. 1 c:. A r-----------------~----------------------------------------------··~---------------------------------. - - >-..... 0 --~----------~--~-._....,__....._~ ... _.,....,~ ,,........._ ... ,,._.._. ------·--""' ~ ... ,-."- ! • t -2~+-:.------:.--.,.._~ ............ -~_.;.,..~---......__._.__""' ~~~~------,.ot..,... ________ _ ---.....-...... .. ~--- ' i 1 ~ .. -·--·--,-...... . "' ---· .. -'" '-~·-··-!-JAN· -FEB-l MAR· ~:-:-..:::-_-::-;-.:~-=-~-----~:-~ :·.=--:r----- ... ,._---~ ~ .. -""---··--·--· L'-... -·~ " ·~-. . -.... 1 --.. ~·-· -~· .... ·---' --': '"APR ·1 MAY ---JUN-~t-JUL ·AUG-; SEP· , .. oe;·~-NOV ! DE-c-:· ·--·-·-i"" ---. .!.. ··-·· -.: •• _ . ·-·j ... -------.-----1·--·-· .. i. --~ 1-·. ----l ···----···j-·----.. ---~--------~----. ···· ..... ·---~· ··----..:..:.i ____ -t'"'"""-....... --~--t I . ..____,. .. TIME OF YEAR * curves are estimates based on the mean daily flow summary hydrographs and from regression equations relating discharge, suspended sediment concentration, and tllrbidity. Turbidity in a single year displays greater daily variation .. PREPARED BY ; PREPARED FOR~ AVERAGE ANNUAL TURBIDITY PATTERN SUS1TNA RIVER FIGURE 6.2 PREPARED BY • PREPARED FOR~ TURSI DITY V.S TIME· R&M CONSULTANTS. INC. SUSITNA RIVER SETTLING COLUMN STUDY FI.GURE 6.3 7 -PROJECTED RESERVOIR SEDIMENTATION Trap efficiency estimates using the Brune curve indicate 90-100 percent of the incoming sediment will be trapped in the reservoirs, even shortly after reservoir filling, but sedimentation studies at glacial lakes indicate that fine glacial sediment may pass through the take. Delta formation at the head of the reservoir will be constantly adjusting to the changing water leveJ. Sediment passes through the channels on the delta to be deposited over the lip of the delta. Depending on the relative densities of the lake water and the river, the sediment-laden water will either enter the lake as overflow, interflow, or underflow (turbidity current),. It is probable that the turbid summer flows of the Susitna River will initially dive below the surface, seeking an equi!ibrium density layer. The settling process will then commence somewhere below the surface. Estimates of the total amount of deposition of fine flacial sediment in the reservoirs are somewhat uncertain. Glacial lakes immediately below glaciers have trap efficiencies of 70-75%. Kamloops Lake, B.C. r retains about 66% of the incoming sediment. Sediment concentration at the outlet of Kamloops Lake increased during periods of high sediment Inflow, which would correspond to high stream fJows. Kamloops Lake is a natural lake, so retention time of high f!ows decreases to about 20 days during the spring freshet. However, Watana Reservoir has significant active storage capacity o During the May .. July period the reservoir will normally be filling, so that outflow will be much less than inflow. The increased residence time due to refilling of the reservoir would tend to allow more of the sediment to settle. Once the reservoir is full, there may be periods of increased turbidity downstream following periods of very high streamflow, similar to that evidenced at Kamloops Lake on Figure. 3.2. The .median grain size at the lower end of Kamloops Lake was 0.002 mm, and appeared to be uniformly distributed across the lower end of the lake. The suspended sediment size analysis for stations on the upper Susitna River (Corps of Engineers, 1975), shown on Figure .4.2, indicates that about 15 percent of the suspended sediment entering Watarta Reservoir (Susitna River near Cantwell gaging station) is smaller than 2 microns (. 002 mm). The trap efficiency of Watana Reservoir is estimated be between 70 -"97 percent, with only the material finer than 2 microns possibly passing through the reservoir. The minimum assumed trap efficiency for Devil Canyon Reservoir is 70 percent, based on data from other Ia kes. However 1 it is possible that the trap efficiency may be. much lower 1 as only fine material with very slow settling rates would pass through Watana Reservoir. susi10/h 7-1 Based on the results of the settling column studies, (App. A) much of the suspended sediment s~ill in suspension when an ice cover forms would settle, as quiescent conditions would soon be prevalent. susi10/h 7-2 REFERENCES Brune, G.M. 1953. Trap efficiency of reservoirs. Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, June. U.S. Dept. Agr. Misc. Publ .. 970, p. 884. Bryan, M. L. 1974a. Sedimentation in Kluane Lake. Pages 151-154 in V .C. Bushnell and M.G. Marcus, eds. Ice Field Ranges Research Project Scientific Results, Vol. 4. American Geographical Society, New York NY, and Arctic Institute of North American 1 Montreal, Canada. Bryan, M. L. 1974b. _Sublacustrine morphology and deposition, Kluane Lake, Yukon Territory. Pages 171-187 in V.C. Bushnell and M. B,. Marcus, eds. lcefield Ranges Research Project Scientific Results, Vol. 4. American Geographical Society, New York, NY, and Arctic Institute of North American, Montreal, Canada. Church, M., and R. Gilbert. 1975. Preglacial fluvial and lacustrine environments. Pages 22-100 in A. V. Jopl.ing and B.C. McDonald, eds. Glaciofluvial and glacialacustrlne sedimentation. Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists. Tulsa, 0-K. Special Publication 23. · Embleton, c., and C.A.M. King. 1975. Glacial geomorphology~ John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY. pp .. 532-558. Emerson, B. K. 1898. Geology of Old Hampshire County 1 Survey Monogr·aph 29, Massachusetts. U. 5. Geological 790 pp. Emmett, W. W. , transport Geological Alaska. Burrows, R.L., and B. Parks. 1978. Sediment in the vicinity of Fairbanks, Alaska, 1977. U.S. Survey, Open-File Report 78-290 1 Anchorage, "" Everts, C. H. 1976. Sediment discharge of glacier-fed rivers in Alaska. Pages 907-923 in Rivers '76. Vol. 2. Symposium on inland Waterways far Navigations, Flood Control and Water Diversions. 3rd ·Annual Symposium, Colorado State University 1 Fort Collins, CO. Waterways, Harbors and Coastal Engineering Div., American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY. Geer, G. De. 1912. A geochronology of the-last 12,000 years. Cr. 11th lnternation Geological Congress, Stochholm, 1910, 1, p. 241-258. susi10/i Gilbert, R. 1973. Processes of underflow and sediment transport ln a British Columbia mountain lake. Pages 493-507 in Fluvial Processes and Sedimentation. Proceedings of the 9th Hydrology Sympasuim, University of Alberta, Edmenton. Canada, May 8-9. Subcommittee on Hydrology, Associate Committee on Geodesy and Geophysics, National Research Council of Canada. Gottschalk, L.C. 1964. Reservoir sedimentation, in Chow, V.T. (ed.) Handbook of Applied Hydrology. McGraw-HiJI; New York. _Gustavson, T. C. 1975. Sedimentation and physical limnology in preglacial Malaspina Lake 1 southeastern Alaska. Pages 249-263 in A.. V. Jopling and B.C. McDonald, eds. Glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine sedimentation. Society of Economic Paleontologists and ·Mineralogists, Tulsa, OK. Special Publication 23. Johnston 1 W.A. 1922. Sedimentation in Lake Louise.r Alberta, American Journal of Science 2041 pp. 376-336. Kindle, E. M. 1930. Sedimentation in a glacial Jake, Journal of Geology 38, p. 81-87. Kuenen, P. H. 1951. Mechanics of varve formation and the action of turbidity currents, Geol. for Stockh. Forh~6, 149-162. Lare, E.W., Koelzer, V.A. and J.M. Lara. 1958. Density and compaction rates of deposited sediments. Proceedings ASCE, Journal of Hydraulics Division, Paper 1603, April. Lava, J.M. and J.l. Sanders. 1970. The 1963-64 Lake Mead Survey, U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation Repqrt REC-OCE-70-21, 172p. Mathews, W. H. 1956. Physical limnology and sedimentation in a glacial lake. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 67:537-552. Miller 1 C. R. 1963. De!termination of the unit weight of sediment <" for use in sediment volume computation, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Memorandum, February 17. Ostrem, G. 1975. Sediment transport in glacial meltwater streams. Pages 101-122 in A. V. Jopling and B.C. McDonald, eds. Glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine sedimentation. Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Tulsa, OK. Special Publication 23. susi10/i Pharo, · c. H. , and E .. D. Carmack. 1979. Sedimentation processes in a short residence-time intermontane lake, Kamloops Lake 1 British Columbia. Sedimentology. 26:523-541. Theakstone 1 W.H. 1976. Glada! lake sedimentation, Austerdalsisen 1 Norway. Sedimentology. 23(5):671-688. Tice, A.R.1 L.W. Gatto, and D.M. Anderson. 1972. The mineralogy of suspended sediment in some Alaskan glacial streams and Jakes. Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory. Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, Hanover, NH .. Research Report 305. 10 pp. Trask, P. (undated). Compaction of sediments. Bull, Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geologists, 15, 271-276. U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers 1 Alaska, District. 1975. Southcentrai Railbelt Area, Alaska Upper Susitna River Basin, Interim Feasibility Report: Appendix 1, Part 1, Hydroelectric Power and Related Purposes. Ziegler 1 T. 1973. Material Transportundersokelser bre-elver 1971: Rept. No. 41/73, Hydrologisk Norges, vassdrags -og elecktrisitetsvesen, 91 p. summary). susi10/i i norske avdeling, (English APPENDIX A SETTLING COLUMN STUDIES SETTLING COLUMN STUDIES • Settling column studies were conducted to obtain data on the settling rates of suspended sediment and on time based turbidity levels of Susitna River water after it enters standing water. Procedure Twc' 55 gallon water samples were obtained from the Sus;tna Rivel!' neat~ Watana damsite. These samples were taken in an area of turbulent flow using a pump whose inlet depth was varied to allow depth integrated sampling. The samples were retrieved at the\ following flow rates and water temperatures. Sample #1 Sample #2 July 29, 198 .. t at 3:00 p.m. Sept. 3, 1981 at 5:00 p.m. 28,000 c.f.s. 17,200 c.f.s. The samples ware placed in the settling columns, thoroughly mixed and initial (time zero) samples taken from ports which were located at 0.5 1 2.5 1 4.5, 6.5 and 8.5 feet from the bottom of the column. The depth of water in the columns varied during testing as water was removed for testing. In column 1 the average depth of watetr was 9.2 feet and in column 2 the.average depth was 8. 9 feet. Samples were taken at 0, 0.5, 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48 and 72 hour intervals and analyzed for turbidity (N. T. U.) and total suspended solids (T.S.S. in mg./litel"). Air and water temperatures at these times wet .. e also recorded. Results Results of the settling column studies are illustrated for suspended solids in Figures A.1 and A.2. In 72 hours 1 total suspend~d sediment concentration decr·eased by 93% in the 28,000 cfs sample and by 98% in the 17,200 cfs sample. Little density stratification was noted in the 28,000 cfs sample dur"ing the settling period, but was more noticeable in the 1-6 hour period for the 17,200 cfs sample. Turbidity levels showed a similar decrease. The composite average for each time period is shown on Figure 6.3. There was little variation in turbidity with depth. As would be expected from the suspended sediment results, turbidity decreased significantly, with reductions of 85 percent for· the 28,000 cfs sample and 94 percent for the 17,200 cfs sample. susi10/g A-1 SUSPENDED SEDIMENT CONCENTRATION ( mg /I) SAMPLE COLLECTED ON 29 JULY 1981, I MILE ABOVE WATANA DAM SITE PREPARED BYt WATER TEMPERATURE (7/29/81) :so•F R & M CONSULTANTS, lNC. SUSPENDED SEDIMENT CONCENTRATION VS TIME 8c DEPTH '·SETTLiNG COLUMN STUDY 28,000 CFS SAMPLE FIGURE A-1 PREPARED FORt -t-! LL - PREPARED BY t SUSPENDED SEDIMENT CONCENTRATION (mg/1) SAMPLE COLLECTED ON 3 SEPT. 1981, I MILE ABOVE WATANA DAM SITE WATER TEMPERATURE (9/3/81) = 46°F VS TIME a DEPTH R&M CONSULTANT.$,. INC. SUSPENDED SEDIMENT CONCENTRATION SETTLING COLUMN STU.DY 17,200 CFS SAMPLE I I I l I ' . I I I ; . ! ' ! PREPARED FORt FIGURE A-2 APPENDIX B ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SEDIMENTATION PROCESSES IN GLACIAL LAKES AND RIVERS INT.RODUCTION A literature search was conducted to obtain information on glacial lake trap efficiency of suspended sediments 1 with emphasis on materials smaller than 50 microns. Relevant information will provide a basis for predicting the fate of suspended sediments entering the reservoirs of the proposed Susltna Hydroelectric Project. The bibliography contains annotations for 36 references with relevant information and a listing of 31 additional references with no specific information. There is information on depositional processes when preglacial rivers enter standing water bodies (Church and Gilbert 1975; Carmack, Gray, Pharo, and Daley 1979i Embleton and King 1975; Gilbert 1973, 1975; GHbert and Shaw 1981; Hamlin and Carmack 1978; Pharo and Carmac.\< 1979; Smith 1978; Sturm and Matter 1978), with details on particle size dis- tribution for two ancient lake environments (Ashley 1975; Shaw 1975). However 1 research reveals that reconstructing modern depositional environments from analyses of ancient environments may be misleading, as distance-from source and shore and depth of lake are not as significant as density 1 wind-induced curr~nts, and stratification (Bryan 1974a, b). Furthermore, misinterpretation of depositional events can lead to overestimation of the time involved in deposition (Shaw r Gilbert, . and Archer 1978). A method is presented fot"' determining sedimentation rates by radioactive fallout (Ashley 1979). One study on a modern lake shows that suspended sediment concentrations affect density stratification (Gustavson 1975b). Two studies (Ostrem 1975; Theakstone 1976) address lake trap efficiency and distance of deposition from the source. The literature search included ~ review of University of Alaska theses and publications of the University -of Alaska 1s Institute of Water Resources and Geophysical Institute, the U.S. Geologica! Survey, and the U .5. Army Corps of Engineers• Cold Regions Research and Eng~neering Laboratory (CRREL}. A · computar search was conducted on the CRREL Bibliography and on Selected Water Resources Abstracts. susi8/h B-1 PART J -RELEVANT INF.ORMATION 1 . Arnborg 1 L., H.J. Walker, and J. Peippo .. 1967. load in the Colville River 1 Alaska, 1962 .. Annaler. 49A (2-4):131-14';t. Suspended Geografiska Discussion of suspended sediment data collected during one year (1962) for hydrologic-morphologic study of the Colville River ·delta. Three aspects of suspended load considered were~ quantity transported in water; size of particles in suspension; and total quantity transported in a given period of time. As unit volume increases, median grain size and total Joad carried increases. Grain size analyses. for samples representative of selected locations, depths, and times are presented. The amount and size of suspended material increased with depth at one location. 2. Ashley 1 G.l'vL 1975. Rhythmic sedimentation in glacial Lake Hitchcock, Massachusetts-Connecticut. Pages 304-320 in A. V .. Jopling and 8. C. McDonald, e6Is. Glaciofluvial and glacio- lacustrine sedimentation. Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Tulsa, OK. Special Publication 23. Discussion of seasonal silt and clay deposition {varves) Jn an ancient environment. Suspended sediment concentration affects water density far more than temperature in glacial lakes. The settling velocity of a 60 silt grain· in 4°C water undisturbed by currents is 0.05 em/second. Therefore 1 such a grain would settle 50 m in 1.15 days. However, silt was found in all winter clay layers, and could indicate that lake currents were present 1 preventing settling,· or sediment was introduced year-round. Mean grain size of silt layers de- pends on location in the lake whereas-grain size distribution of clay layers is uniform. Grain size analyses are presented, but there is no specific information on the distance traveled across the lake prior to deposition. 3. Ashley, G.M. 1979. Sedimentology of a tidal lake, Pitt Lake; British Columbia, Canada. Pages 327-345 in Ch., Schluchter,. ed. Moraines and Varves. Proceedings of an I NQUA Symposium of Genesis and Lithology of Quaternary Deposits, .curich, September 10-20 1 1978. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam. Sedimentation rates were determined by 137 Cs dating techniques. Grain size analyses were determined for 190 samples . and mean grain size distribution was3 mapped .. Annual sediment accumulation equalled 150± 20 x 10 tons, of which SO% was coarser than 50. susi8/h B-2 4. Ashfey, G.M .. , and L .. E. Moritz. 1979. Determinaf~ of lacustrine sedimentation rates by radioactive faHout ( · Cs) 1 Pitt Lake, British Columbra. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. 16( 4): 965-970. 5 .. Discussion of techryiques · for determining modern lacustrinf~ sedimentation rat~s. Borland, W. M. 1961 ~ streams in Alaska. 66(10):3347-3350. Sediment transport of Journal of Geophysical glacier-fed Research. Developed empirical formula for sediment yield rates for glacial drainage basins based on glacie~ area, total dr'ainage area, and length of watercourse.' No differentiation by particle size.. Used. five years of U.S. Geological Survey suspended sediment data from Denali and Gold Creek stations to test formula. 6. Bryan 1 M. L.. 1974a. Sedimentation in Kluane Lake. Pages 151-154 in V.C. Bushnell and M.G .. Marcus, eds. lee Field Ranges Research Project Scientific Results, Vol 4. American Geographical Society, New York, NY L and Arctic Institute of North America 1 Montreal, Canada. Study of bathymetry, thermal structure, and sediment· distribution ln Kluane Lake, 1968. A weak thermocline developed in July and August, which was occasionally destroyed by storm ... induced mixing. The lake is ice-covered for eight months, and receives sediment from the Slims River for four months. Statistical parameters of grain size analyses are presented. Sedimentption is affected by density, by wind-induced lake currents, and by. stratification as well as by bathymetry 1 distance from shore and input, point and sediment composition. Highly turbid, cold glacial waters may be sufficiently dense to flow across the lake bottom regardless of thermal stratification v When the Slims River warms, it flows over the lake. 7. Bryan, M. L. 1974b. Sublacustrine morphology and deposition, Kluane Lake, Yukon Territory. Pages 171-187 in V .. C. Bushnell and M.B.. Marcus, eds.· lcef.ield Ranges Research Project Scientific Results t Vol 4. American Geographical Sq~iety 1 New Yorkr NY, and Arctic Institute of North American, Montreal 1 Canada. Discussion of processes affecting sedimentation in lakes from glacial streams. Bathymetric mapping of Kiuane Lake in 1968 and 1970 revealed growth of the Slims River delta. Cartographic and statistical analyses of bottom sediments are p~esented. Finest sediments far:thest from the Slims River susi8/h B-3 were not in the deepest portion of the lake,. Distance from source, depth of lake, and distance from shore are not signif- icant in controlling deposition. Reconstructing depositional environments based on sediment size analysis may be mis· leading. 8. Carmack, E.C., C.B.J. Gray, C.H. Pharo, and R.J .. Daley~ 1979. Importance" of lakerfver interaction on the physical limnology of the Kamloops Lake/Thompson River system Limnology and Oceangraphy. 24(4):634-644. Discussion of physical effects of large fiver entering a deep 1 intermontane lake. No information of particle size analysis. 9. Church, M .. , and R. Gilbert. 1975. Preglacial fluvial and lacustrine environments. Pages 22-100 in A. V. Jopling and B.c. McDonald, eds. Glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine sedi- mentation. Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists. Tulsa, OK. Special Publication 23" Discussion of deposition when preglacial rivers enter standing water bodies. Significant events are: aggradation -on the bed due to deposition of bed load extends upstream from the lake, along with reduced flow velocities; development of a high angle delta, with transport .of sediment to the delta lip~ movement of coarse material over the lip and. down into the lake in turbidity flows (bottom flow); movement of river water down the delta front to Jake water of equal density (inter- flow); movement of river water onto the surface of the 'lake if denstty is Jess than the take (surface flow}; deposition of fine-grained material and formation of varves, of which the. silt (summer) portion is deposited by turbidity currents, and the clay (winter) portion by ·the turbidity current after stagnation, and then by slow, continuous settling from suspension. Turbidity underflow is not a continuous event in the melt season. Varve formation cannot be directly correlated to mean annual discharge, because a single large flood can create a turbidity flow. Turbidity flows resulting in more rapid deposition depend on discharge, river and lake water temperature, thermal structure of the lake, quantity of sediment suspended in the lake from previous events, and river and Jake dissolved sediment concentrations. No specific information on particle size is presented. 10. Embleton, c .. , and C.A.M. King. 1975. Glacial geomor ... phology. John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY. pp. 532-558. Review of general principles affecting sediment deposition in lacustrine environments with examples.. lake floor deposits become increasingly fine toward center or deepest parts of sus18/h. B-4 takes, requiring quiet . water and long settling periods. Turbidity currents formed by cold, silt-laden stream water are important Jn distributing sediment across the Jake ftoor. Rhythmites (!aminated deposits) develop in_ cold freshwater Jakes receiving intermittent streamflow, and ln some cases form on an annual basis (varves). They can aJso form from sudden fluctuations in discharge (bursting of an ice-dammed lake upstream), unseasonal warm or cold spells, or periodic storms. 11 ~ Everts, C. H .. 1976. Sediment discharge by glacier-fed rivers in Alaska. Pages 907--923 in Rivers '76. Vol.. 2. Symposium on J nfand Waterways for Navigation, Flood Control and Water Diversions~ 3rd Annual Symposium, Colorado State Universlty, Fort Collins, CO. Waterwaysr Harbors and Coastal Engineering Div., American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY. Investigation of glacial sediments discharged into the coastal zone (Knlk, Matanuska). Size distribution, composition, and settllng characteristics of glacial sediment are important characteristics in determining where the sediment will be transported and deposited when it reaches the marine en- vironment. Based on particle size distribution analyses 1 it appears that fine-grained · particles pass completely through the river system. Ice margin Jakes fringing glaciers are depositories for coarse sediments. Clay minerals were absent, which is significant because clay particles form aggregates with other fine-grained particles and settle more rapidly. This absence may be common in other glacial areas because of negligible chemical weathering in the source areas. i 12. Fahnestock, R. K. 1963. Morphology and hydrology of a glacial stream: White River, Mount Rainier, Washington. U.S. Geological Survey. Professional Paper 422A. 70; pp. Investigation of formation of a valley train by .a preglacial stream. Particle size analyses of deposited material showed si Its and clays were washed out of stream deposits.. Analysis cf suspended load indicated that silt and clay stay ih suspen- sion and are carried out of the study area into Puget Sound .. 13. Fahnestock, R .. K. 1969. ·Morphology of the Slims River. Pages 161-172 in V.C. Bushnell and R.H .. Ragle 1 eds. Ice Field Ranges Research Project Scientific Results, Vol. 1 .. American Geographical Society 1 New York, NY, and Arctic Institute of North America, Montreal, Canada .. Investigation of the Slims River, a prog!acial stream flowing 14 miles from Kasfawulsh Glacier to Kluane Lake.. The river is modifying a valley train deposited when the glacier was up susiS/h against a terminal moraine. -It ls regrading, ie 1 adjusting to a decrease in load at the source by cutting in the upper reaches and depositing in the tower reaches. The Slims River is also affected by downstream changes in the base· level, which is controlled by the extension of the defta into Kluane Lake and the variation in lake level.. As the volume arowth rate of the delta is not known, the sediment transport rate cannot be estimated. Suspended sediment is p.redominantly silt and clay. No data on partide size distribution .. 14. Gaddis, B. 1974. Suspended-sediment transport relation- ships for four Alaskan glacier streams. M.S. Thesis. University of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK. 102 pp. Investigation of suspended sediment transport relationships in glacial streams at Gulkana, Maclaren, Eklutna, and Wolverine glaciers. Data on mean particle size is presented for four glaciaJ streams for one season at sites near the terminus. Sediment availability depends on amount of sediment, distance travelled downstream, and mechanical nature of sediment entrainment (no specific information on entrainment). 15. Gilbert, R. 1973. Processes of underflow and sediment 16. transport in a British Columbia mountain lake. Pages 493-507 in Fluvial Processes and Sedimentation. Proceedings of the 9th Hydrology Sympasuim, University of Alberta, Edmanton,.. Canada, May 8-9.. Subcommittee on Hydrology, Associate Committee on Geodesy and Geophysics, National Research Council of Canada. Description of processes involved in formation of varved sediment deposits. in preglacial Jakes, primarily underflow and interflow. Underflow increases . with -increa·se of water and suspended sediment inflow. Cores obtained to determine thickness and corr.parision of varves. No information on particle size distribution. Gilbert, R. 1975. Sedimentation Columbia. Canadian Journal 12(10):1697-1711. in Lillooet Lake, British of Earth Sciences .. LHiooet Lake receives sediment from a 3,580 sq km drainage basin, of which 7% is glacier-covered. lnterflow and under- flow distribute sediment through the lake in summer when the lake is stratified. Factors affecting distribution are: density characteristics of the lake and inflowing water, as determined by temperature and suspended sediment concentrations; currents induced by wind and inflow i thermal structure of the lake water, which determines the nature of circulation patterns and allows interflow along the thermocline; diurnal and seasonal fJuctuations in infJowing waters and sediment; • susi8/h B•S and the large annual volume of inflow (4.5 times greater than the lake volutne on the average).. I nt.erflow carries sediment at the base of the epilimnion to the distal end of the lt,~te in one to two days. No specific. information on particle siz~~ 17. Gilbert, R ~ 1 and J. Shaw. 1981. Sedimentation in pr•oglacial Sunwapta Lake, Alberta. Canadian Journal of Earth Sctences. 18(1):81-93. Examination of hydrologic and limnologic condition,~ of Sunwapta Lake 1 a small, preglacial lake ln the Canadian Rockies. Sediment input was measured and sedimentation rates were calculated. Sediments of small, shallow lakes with large and highly variable inflows are expecte~d to demonstrate lateral and vertical variability, whereas those in large pro- glacial lakes are more predictable dUe! to modification by large, stable water masses. 18. Gustavson, T .c. 1975a. Bathymetry and sediment distribu- tion in preglacial Malaspina Lake, Alaska. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology. 45:450-461. See next abstract 19. Gustavson, T .C. 1975b. Sedimentation and physical limnology in preglacial Malaspina Lake, 249-263 in A~. v.. Jopling and ofluvial and glaciolacustrine Economic Paleontologists and Special Publi~ation 23. southeastern Alaska. Pages a. c. McDonald I eds. Glaci- sedimentation. Society of Mineralogists, Tulsa, OK. UndArfJow, lnterflow, anc;i over'flow water entered Malaspina Lake, and the type of flow is dependent on the relative suspended s~diment content of the lake water e1nd the in- flowing melt water. The 18-km lor~ lake is density stratifr~d (increasing suspended sedim~nt concentration with depth) but not thermally stratified. No specific information. on particle. size or trap effrciency is presented. 20. Guymon, G. L. 1974. Regional sediment yield analysis of 21. Ai3ska streams. Journal of the Hydraulics Div. of the· American Society of Civi·l Engineers. 1 OO(HY1): 41-51. Analyzed Borland's (.,'161) formula. ConsicJ~ c;p,d particle size, but used an averaQ1~ particle size in ",ij1e fo~'mUL1. However 1 concluded that particle size affects application of the formula. Hamblin, . P. F., and E .. C. currents in a fjord lake .. 8~l{ C2): 885-889 .. Carmack. 1978. River-induced Journal of G·:aophysical Research. susi8/h Discussion of dynamics of strong ·flowing river entering a long, narrow lake ( Kamloops Lake, B.C.). River .... induced currents influence circulation patterns in a fjord lake.. No specific information on sedimentation rates or particle size analysis. 22.. Hobbie, J. E. 1973. Arctic limnology~ a review. 23. Pages 127-168 in M .. E. Britton, ed. Alaskan arctic tundra. Arctic Institute of North America. Technica·t Paper 25 ~ Review of properties of lake in northern tundra regions. Thermal cycle of deep arctic lakes is highly variabJe 1 and stratification is uncommon, occurring only in warm, calm weather after lake waters rise to 4°C. Deep Jakes maintain " circulation even when ice covered. Deeper lakes are re- latively turbid as a result of glacial flour from streams drain- ing active glaciers. Lake Peters is fed by gfaclal streams and drains via a 1-km long, 15-m deep channel into Lake Schrader· in the Brooks Range. Both are 50 ... 60 m deep. Lake Peters acts as a settling basin. When dense glacial \=Vater enters Lake Peters in -~June, it sinks to the bottom, and the lake fills upward with turbid water. · Mathews, W. H.. 1956. Physical limnology and sedim~ntation in a glacial lake. Bulletin of the Geolo~icaJ Society of America. 67:537-552. Garibaldi Lake, British Columbia, receives sediment frorn two glacial streams with relatively low sediment cont~,nt. Particle size and composition of bottom deposit analyses rev~.aled slow transport to site of depositfon and slow rate of deposition for clays. No information on amount of sediment passing through system. 24. Ostrem, G. 1975. Sediment tran.sport in glacial .meltwater streams. Pages 101-122 in A .. V. Jopling and B.C .. McDonald 1 eds. . Glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine sedimentation. Society of Econornic Paleontoiogists and Miheraloglsts, Tulsa, OK~ Sped a I Public"~tion .23. Recognized problems of utilizing glacial waters for hydro- electric pi"Oj~cts, speciflcalty in reservoirs and turbines .. Grain size analyses of cores of varved sediments showed that summer layers consisted of coarser material than winter layers (based on 20 micron grain size variation). X-ray diffraction analyses showed that summer deposits contained mere quartz (rapid sedimentation), and winter deposits 1 more mica (slower sedimen'tation). For one 1 ,800-m long progladal fake over 29 years, about 70 percent of the total suspended sediment input was deposited. susi8/h B-8 25. Ostrem, G .. , T. Ziegler, and S.R~ Ekman. 1970. A study of sediment transport in Norwegian glacial rivers, 1969 .. Institute of Water Resources, Dept,. of Hydrology 1 Oslo 1 Norway. Report 6/70. Report for Norwegian Water Resources and Electricity Board. Translated from Norwegian by H. Carstens. 1973. Institute of Water Resources, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK. Report 35. 1 vol. Investigations were conducted on water discharge and sedi- ment volume measurements in glacial rivers above and at the outlet of giacial lakes to calculate the sedimentation of fine material on the bottom of the lakes.. Volume of material available for transport is probably largest at the beginning of the season. No data on particie size. 26. Pha·ro, C.H., and E.D. Carmack. 1979. Sedimentation processes in a short re-sidence-time intermontane lake, Kamloops Lake, British Columbia. Sedimentology. 26:523-541. Sediment transport and deposit~on in the lake is controlled by three interdependent pr,ocesses: delta progradation at the lake-river confluencai sediment density surge~ originating along the deita face, which result in turbicHte sequences lakeward from the bate of the delta; and dispersal by the interflowing river plume, which, due to Coriolis effects 1 results in a higher sedimentation rate and greater fraction of coarser material along the right-hand of the Jake in the direction of flow. Suspended sediment concentrations are high above the thermocline where higher turbulence, main- tained by wind mixing and river inter interflow, r.educes settling velocities. Particles settle rapidly once they enter the hypolimnion. 27. Ritchie, J.C., J.R. McHenry, and A.C. GilL 1973. Dating recent reservoir sediments. Limnology and Oceanography. 18:254-283. Discussion of radioactive 137 Cs dating~ Method could be used to date sediment in reserviors that have not been surveyed. 28., Shaw, J. 1975. Sedimentary successions in Pleistocene ice-marginal lakes. Pages 281-302 in A. V. Jopling and Be C. McDonald, eds. Glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine sedimenta- tion. Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Tulsa, OK. Special Publication 23. Discussion of sedimentatlon in proximal portion of a glacial lake based on interpretation on the ancient environment. Mean grain size values were determined for sections of each facies from o to 80. No information on transport of fine materials. susi8/h B-9 29. Shaw, J. 1977. Sedimentation in an alpine fake during de- glaciation, Okanagan Valley 1 British Columbia, Canada. Geografiska Anna let,. 59(A) :221-240. Ancient lake sediments wer~ examined to develop a model of alpine lake sedimentation based on changing depositional processes with time and distance from the ice margin. 30. Shaw, J. 1 R. Gilbert 1 and J,.J.J. Archer. 1978. Preglacial lacustrine sedimentation during winter·. Arctic and Alpine Rasaarch. 1 0( 4): 689-699. Discussion of deposition of coarse-grained sediments during winter in Lillooet Lake. Misinterpretation can lead to over- estimation of time seqences of deposition. 31. Slatt, R.M. 1970.. Sedimentological and geochemical aspects of sediment and water from ten Alaskan vaHey glaciers., Ph. D. Thesis. University of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK. 125 pp. Studied five groups c;f glaciers with different bedrock lith- ologies; Worthington and Matanuska; Castner and Fels; Gulkana and College; Rendu and Reed; and Carroll and Norris. Particle size analyses and mineralogy of superglacial and suspended stream . sediments are presented. The environment of transport has a much greater effect on grain size than the nat~Jre of the starting material. 32. Slatt, R.M. 1971. Texture of ice-cored deposits from ten Alaskan valley glaciers. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology ... 41(3):828-834~ Revised and condensed por.tions of Ph.D. thesis (see above) .. 33. Smith 1 N . D. 1978. Sedimentation processes and patterns in a glacier-fed lake with low sediment input. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. 15(5):714-756e Snow malt and gia.cial melt waters carrying relatively low suspended sediment concentra- tions enter Hector Lake in the eastern Rocky Mountains, Alberta. When stratified 1 water and fine sediments enter the lake as interflow and overflow. Grain size analyses were conducted on 42 cores. Depositron varies left to right as wen as distally due to katabatic winds 9enerating dovvnlake currents in the epilimnion that are deflected $OUthward (rightward) by the Coriolis force. 34. Sturm, M. 1 ·and A. Matter. 1978.. Turbidites and varves in Lake Brienz (Switzerland): deposition of clastic dPtritus by density currents. Pages 147-168 in A. Matter and M.E .. Tucker, eds. Modern and ancient lake sediments. Inter- national Association of Sedimentologists.. Speciai Publication 2 . • susi81h e-10 Discussion of sed1ment transport and deposition by overflow 1 interflow~ and underflow in a Jong 1 narrow 1 deep basin with rivers entering at each end. Fjne ... grained sediments supplied by overflows and interflows settle continuously during summer thermal stratification. Most of the fine-grained particles remain in suspension at the thermocline because the vertical density gradient is more dependent on temperature than on an increase in density due to suspended particles. Durlng fall turnover, the remaining sediment trapped at the thermocline settles~ 35. Theakstone, W. H. 1976. Glacial lake sedimentation, Austerdalsisen, Norway~ Sedimentology. 23(5):671-688. A lake completely filled with glacial sediments, over which braided stream deposits formed. A new progJacial lake then formed. Discussion of bedding and composition of ancient lake sediments. Initially 1 deposition was very slow in deep (80 m) water. In another lake 300 m from a glacier 1 about 75 percent of the sediment transported in suspension is retained in the basin, but the amount retained in one day is highly variable.. The daily summer values exceeded the minimum by 200 times (data not presented)~ 36. Tice, A. R., L. W. Gatto, and D.M .. Anderson. 1972. The mine~a!ogy of suspended sediment in some Alaskan glacial streams and takes. Cold Regions .Research and Engineering Laboratory Corps .of Engineers 1 u.s. Army, Hanover, NH .. Research Report 305. 10 pp. Investigation of the role of chemical weathering of bedrock in cold regions determined tl)at no chsmical changes occurred in fine suspended material. Suspended -sediment samples were obtained for X-ray diffraction analyses from galciaL outwash str-eams and 'Jakes in seven areas (Chackachamna, Pafmer- Mataouska, Moose Pass-Portage, Valdez, Juneau, Mt .. McKinley National Park, and Black Rapids): susi8/h B-11 PART II-NO SPECIFiC INFORMATION 1. Agterberg. F.P., and 1.. Banerjee. 1969. Stochastic modet for the deposition of varves in glacial Lake Barlow-Ojibway, Ontario, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. 6:625-652 2. Banerjee, L, and B.C. McDonald. 1975. Nature of esker sedimentation. Pages 132-154 in A.V. Jopling and B.C. McDonald, eds. Glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine sedimenta- tion. Society a of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Tulsa, OK. Special, Publication 23. 3. Boothroyd, J.C. and G.M Ashley.. 1975. Processesr bar morphology, and sedimentary structures on braided outwash fans, northeastern Gulf of Alaska. Pages 193-222 in A.V. Jopling and B.C. McDonald, eds. Glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine sedimentation. Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Tulsa, OK. Special Publication 23. 4. Bradley, W. H. 1965.. Vertical density currents. Science~ 15({3702):1423-1428. 5. Claguer J.J. 1975.. Sedimentology and paleohydrology of !ate Wisconsinan outwashr Rocky Mountain trench, southeastern British Columbia. Pages 223-237 in A. V. Jopling and B. C,. McDonald, eds. Glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine sedimen..,. tation. Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists., Tulsa 1 OK, Special Publication 23. o 6. Everts, C. H. and H. E. Moore. 1976. Shoaling rates and related data fr,:>m Knik Arm· near Anchorage, Alaska. Coastal Engineering Research Center, Corps of Engineers, U .. S ... Army, Fort Belvoir, VA. Technical Paper 76-1. 84 pp. 7. Gilbert, R. 1971. Observations on ice-dammed· Summit Lakett British Columbia, Canada. Journal of Glaciology .. 10(60) :351-356. , 8. Gustavason, T.C., G .. M. Ashley, and J.C. Boothroyd. 1975 .. Depositional sequences in glaciolacustrine deltas. Pages 264-280 in A. V. Jopling and B. C. McDonald, eds. Glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine sedimentation. Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Tulsa1 OK .. Special Publication 23. 9. Guymon, G. L. 1974. Sediment relations of selected Alaskan glacier-fed streams. Institute of Water Res!>Urces, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK.. Report 51. 17 pp. susi8/h 10. Hobbie, J. E., ed~ 1980. Limnology of tundra ponds: Barrow, Alaska~ Dowden, Hutchinson and Ross, Inc;; Stroudsburg, PA. US/IBP Synthesis Series 13. 514 pp. 11. Howarth, P.J .. , and R.J. Price. 1969. The preglacial lakes of Breidamerdurjokull and Fjallsjokull, I eel and.. Geographical Journal. 135:573-581. 12. Jopling, A.V. 1975. Early studies on stratified 4-21 in A. V. Jopling and B.C. McDonald, eds. and glaciolacustrine sedimentation. Society Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Tulsa, Publication 23. drift. Pages Glaciofluvial of Economic OK. Special 13. Kindle, E.M. 1930. Sedimentation in a glacial lake. Journal of Geology. 38( 1): 81-87. 14. Lawson, D. E. 1~77. Sedimentation in the terminus re'gion of the Matanuska Glacier, Alaska. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign 1 IL. 287 pp. 15.. Long, W.E. 1972. Glacial processes arid their relationship to streamflow; Flute Glacier, Alaska. Institute of Water Resources, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK.. Report 18 .. 1 vol. 16. Ludlam, S.D. 1967. Sedimentation in Cayuga Lake, New York. Limnology and Oceanography. 12(4):618-632. 17. Mcuonald 1 B.C. 1 and W. W ~ Shilts. 1975. .Interpretation of faults in glaciofluvial sediments. Pages 123-131 in A. V,. Jopling and B.C. McDonald, eds. Glaciofluvial and glacio- lacustrine sedimentation. Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Tulsa, OK. Special Publication 23. ' 18. Moores, E.A. 1962. Configuration of the surface velocity profile of Gulkana Glacier 1 central Alaska Range, Alaska. M.S. Thesis. 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