HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA1271I 'I I I I I I I I!" I" I I I I ·I ('J I I I I I SUSITNA HYDROELEC~PIC PROJEC7 FILE CCJPY ALASKA POYJER AUTtfOR ITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT TASK 5 -GEOiECHN ICAL EXPLORATI Oi'! REPORT DN 1980 STUDfES DRAFT MARCH 1981 Acres American Incorporated 1000 Liberty Bank Building Main at Court Buffalo, New York 14202 Telephone {716) 853-7525 I I I I I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT TASK 5 -GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION SUBTASKS 5~01 -5.04 REPORT ON 1980 STUDIES TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ef J•••~••••••••·••••••••••·•-a••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Page iii LIST OF FIGURES •••••.•••.••••• o ....... * ....................... 2 • • • • • • • i v 1 - I r~TRODUCTI ON • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••..••.•• o ••••• o • • • • • • • • • • • , • e ••• .a 1--1 1.1 -Project Descript~~ .n and Location .. . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 1.2 ... Plan of Study······"·········,~··~····················· 1-2 -2 -SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 2 .1 .. Introduction .............. ., .................. e. .......... . 2.·2 -Watana Sit·e . ,~ .................. ~ ...................... o ••• 2 . 3 -Oev i 1 Can yon S i t e . . . • . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 -REVIEW OF PREVIOUS WORK 3.1 -Introduction .............................................. ... 3 • 2 ~ Wat an a • 0: ••••••• 1 • • • • • • •. • • • • .. • • • • • • • • ••• , • • • • •. • • • • • • • • • • • 3. 3 -Dev i 1 Canyon •.••.......•.. , ........ .o •••••• ~ ••••• " ••••••••• 3.4 -Conclusions • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • ~ • • • • • • '0 • 4 -REGIONAL GEOLOGY 4 • 1 -Gen er a·l • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ... • • . • • • • • • • • • • • •. .. . • • . • . • • • • • • • • • • • 4.2 -Geologic Setting ..................................... ~ 4.3 -Regional Structure ··~···············~·················· 4.4 -Glacial History .......... o ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 5 -1980 GEOTECHNIC.~L INVESTIGATION 2-1 2-l 2.-4 3-1 3-1 3-2 3-3 4-1 4-1 4-1 4-2 5 .1 -Genera 1 ....•. ., ................................ ~~ • . . . .. • • .. . 5._..1 5. 2 -Scope and ~ethodo 1 ogy ..•....•.•..•.•.....••.. : •......• ,. 5-3 6 -RESULTS OF THE GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS 6.1 ... Watana ···················"'······························· s-~·1 6.2 -Devil Canyon ............................................ 6·I2 I' I I I I I I I I I I I I :I I I I I I ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SU~JTNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT TASK 5 -GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION SUBTASKS 5.01 -5.04 REPORT ON 1980 STUDIES . ~ TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont 1 d) REFERENCES APPENDIX A -SUMMAQY OF PREVIOUS WJ~RK 8 -DIAMOND CORE DRILLING (R&M COt "!JLTANTS) 8-1 Drilling Reports B-2 Water Pressure Testing 8-3 Summary Logs - C -BORROW AREA INVESTIGATIONS (R&M CONSULTANTS) C-1 Auger Drilling Reports C-2 Laboratory Testing D -SEISMIC REFRACTION SURVEY D-1 1980 Investigation (WCC) ;; 1: I I I I I I I I I I I I I •• I I" I I LIST OF TABLES Number 391 3.2 4.1 5.1 5.2 6.1 6.2 6.3 Title Page Summary of Previous Dri 1·1 i ng -Watana ..... ~ . . . . . . . . . . 3·7 Summa~y of Previous Drilling-Devil Canyon •....•.... 3-8 ' Geologic Time Scale .... , ............................. . 4-3 Summary of Drilling Activity-1980 .................. 5-8 Summary cf Laboratory Testing ....................... ~ 5-9 ~.Jatana Borehole Rock Quality Distribution .. -........... 6-17 .. Devil Canyon -Orientation'of Discontinuities ... _. .. ~. 6-18 Uevil Canyon-Borehole Rock Quality Distribution .... 6-19 iii I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I, L1ST OF FIGURES ~-1 1.2 1.3 3.1 3.2 4 .. 1 4.2 5 ,1. 5.2 5.3 5.4 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 Title Locati\'ln of Dam Sites Watana: Location Exploration Map Devil Canyon: Location Explot'ation Map Watana: Location ~. I oration Map Devil Canyon: Location Exploration Map Regional ~eology . Geologic Map of Devi 1 Can,yon Reservo#ir Watana: Location Exploration Map Devil Canyon: Location Exploration Map Typical Instrumentation: Watana Typical Lnstrumt:ntation: Devil Canyon Watana: Location Exploration Map Isopach Map of Overburden -Watana Geologic Map of Watana Geolog~c Cross Sections -Watana Geologic Map of Devil Canyon Reservoir Joint Stereo Plots -Watana Watana Dam Site: Subsurface Temperature Measurements Watana Dam Site: Subsurface Temperature Measurements iv Page 1-5 1-6 1-7 3-9 3-10 4-4 4-6 . 5-10 5-11 5-12 5-13 6-20 6-21 6-22 6-23' 6-24 6-25 6-·29 6-30 I I I I I I I I I I I I I !I I I .I I •• r. LIST OF F!GURES (Cont!d) Number 6.9 5.10 6.11 6 .. 12 6.13 6.14 Title Watana Dam Site: Potential Borrow Areas Oevi 1 Canyon: Lac at ion Exploration t4ap Isopach Map of Overburden -Devil Canyon Geologic Map of Devil Canyon Geologic Cross Section -Devil Canyon Jotnt Stereo Plots -Devil Canyon v Page 6-31 6-32 6-33 6-34 6-35 6-36 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 -INTRODUCTION 1.1 .. project Desc~~ptjon ana Location The Susitna Hydroelectric project is locatt~d within the upper teaches of the Susitn-a River basin in south-central Alaska. The current feasibi1ity studies for a hydroelectric developnent are being p1erformed by Acres Jlmerican ·Incorporated (AAI) under contract to the Al i.1Ska Power Authority (APA). The overall objectives of the study are: .... To estab 1 ish technical, economic and financial feasib·i 1 ity of the Susitna project to meet future power needs of the Railbelt Ragion of the State of Alaska; -To evaluate the environmental consequences of designing and constructing the Susitna project; -To file a completed license application with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) should the project be deemed feasible .. The Susitna River is a glacially-fed stream which r.~ads on the southern slope the Alaska Range and flows southward through the Talkeetna Mountains, then through a continuously widening valley to Cook Inlet. The area of study is located within the Coastal Trough Province of south-central Alaska, with a drainage of approximately 6,000 square miles. From its preglacial channel in the Alaska Range, the Susitna river passes through a broad glaciated, inter- montane valley of knob and kettle and braided channel topography. Swinging westward along the edge of the Copper River lowlands, it enters the deep V-shaped va11ey of the proposed dam sites winding through the Talkeetna Mountains until it emerges back into the broad glacial vaJley leading to Cook Inlet (Figur·e 1.1). Geotechnical Investigations -Task 5 is an important element of this study. Al- though the plan of study includes evaluation of the entire basin for potential hydrodeveloJltlent by ev.aluating the relative meri-cs of several sites, the geo- technical investigations were pl annecl for a two dam scheme. This scheme was determined to be the optimum by previous inve~tigators including the U.S .. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) and Water & Power Resources Service (WPRS) (formerly the USBR) p 1 an. It inc 1 udes a 1 arge rockfi 11 dam ana underground powerhouse at Watana and a relatively high concrete dam with underground powerhouse at the Devil Canyon site (Figure 1.1). The Devil Canyon site is located 14 miles upstream from the Goid Creek station on the Alaskan Railroad approximately 140 miles north of Anchorage and 160 miles south of Fairbanks. The site is located at approximately river mi 1 e 133 .. The Watana site is located at approximately river mile 165 (30 river miles up.., stream of Devil Canyon site). A transmission-line~ .approximately 365 miles long, is planned to connect the proposed hydrodevelopment with the existing power grids at Fairbanks and·,nnchorage. 1-1 I I 1: ·I I I I I I I I I I I I I .I I I The Watana dam site is located in a relatively broad U-shapea valley rising in steps~ wi.th the steep lower portion breaking into somewhat flatter slopes and becoming much gentler near the top (Figurel.2). Access to the lower sections is very limited due to vertical rock outcrops. However, there are same smal1" gravel bars which can be quite wide at law water level. The proposed dam is lo- cat,ed upstream of 'th-e Tsusena Creek confluence and downstreCJn of Deadman Creek. The river at this site is w1der than at Oevi l Canyon, but the water is still turbulent and ~~ift flowing. At the Devil Canyon site, the river enters a very narrow gorge ~bout two miles in length with near vertica.l walls up to 600 feet high. The dam site is located several hundred feet downstream of the entrance of Devil Canyon (Figure 1.3). The valley .;s generally as)ml!tetrical in shape, with the north. abutment sloping at about 45• and the south a.butment steeper at about 60°. The south abutment displays overhanging cliffs and detached blocks of rock, while the north abut- ment is somewhat less rugged in the upper half but the lower portion is very steep. The Susitna River in Devi'l Canyon is very turbulent and approximately 100 feet wide with very little beach. The canyon itself is appr·:,ximately 1,000 feet wide at dam crest elevation. 1.2 -flan of Study (a) Objectives The objectives of the Task 5 studies are to determine the surface and sub- surf'ace geology and g£!Otechnica1 condi.tions far the feasibi 1 ity of: -A large rockfi11 dam, powerhouse (underground or surface) and .associated structures at Watana site; - -A concrete dam or alternative stl"'UCture \vi th underground powerhouse and as.soci ated structures at Devi 1 Canyon site; ,. Transmission lines to connect the proposed develoJlllent with the existing power grid system and; -Access roads to the pro·posed deve 1 opment. In addition, the river canyon ·reach which would be flooded by the proposed reservoirs will be studied to determine the potential areas of instability and to identify the. major geological features that could affect the feas i- bi 1 ity of the projects. (b) Scoe.e The task. was subdivided into a series of subtasks to meet the overa11 objectives. The subtasks and their corresponding objectives are: 1-2 . . ' , ' .. . ~ ' , . . ' . , . ' . . Subtask 5.01 ... Data Collection and Review 5.02 -Photointerpretation 5.03 -Exploratory Program : Design (1980) 5. 04 -Exp lot atory Program (19BO) 5.05 -Exploratory Program Design (1981) 5.06 -E.xp loration Program (1981} A1 • • < '1'".,. ... • •• Objectives To collact and review all existing geologi~al and geotechnical data pertaining to the Susitna project includin.g the access road and trans- mission line corridors and the upper Susitna River basin -Perform air photointerpretation and terrain analysis o.f the Watana and Devi 1 Canyon dam site areas, reser- voir areas, construction material 1 .. I I •• I borrow areas and access road and ··--· transmission line corridors, and _ identify adverse geological features and geotechnical conditions that I could significantly affect the design · . and construction of oroject features -Design the geotechnical exploratory investiga~ion programs for 19~0 for Watana and Devil Canyon dam sites, dam construction materials, and res- ervoir areas, and along the access road route .. Perfonn initial surface and subsur- face investigations at Watana and Devil Canyon sites and reservoir areas and access road routes to es- tablish gener.a1 and specific geologi...: cal and foundation conditions I I I I I -Design the geotechnical exploratory investigation programs for 1981 far Watana and Devi 1 Canyon dam sites, I dam construction materials and reser-· 1-3 voir areas, and for the selected ac- cess road and transmission line routes I ., Complete surface and subsurface 1 in'lestigations at Watana and Oevi 1 ?' Canyon dan sites, reservoir areas, acce:ss. roads and transmission line routes to extent necessary to provide adequate data to conf.i rm project feasibility und for submission of . FERC 1 icense application li I . . ·~.: . . I I I I I I I I I I I I I .I I I ~. I ·- 5.07 -Exploratory Progr,am Des·ign (1982-1984} • 5.08.-Data Compilation (c) ~pproach -Design of the geotechnical Program exploratory investi~at ions program for 1982 to 1984 to obtain basic design data for Watana dam site, dam construction materials and reservoir area, and for the selected access road and transmission line routes -Assemble all geotechnical exploratory data into documents suitable for in- clusion in relevant projact reports· and 1 i censi ng documentation. To meet the objectives of the task in an orderly and timely manner, the geotechnical exploratory programs are divided into three stages, i.e. the 1980 activities, 1981 activities and the activities auring and· after 1~82 ·(after the FERC license: app1 ication is submitted). The 1980 geotechnical activities were p 1 an ned to identify and investigate in 1 imi ted deta i 1 those geological and geotechnical conditions which have been identified by previous investigators and which could significantly .affect the feasibility of the project. The actual fi~ld investigations• scope was, therefore, limited in nature. These activities incluaea Subtasks 5.01 through 5.04. The results of these subtasks are presented in this report. Subtasks 5.05 through 5.07 are to be undertaken during 1981 and \.arly 1982. ·Under these activities~ a more detailed study will be made of those geological and geotechnical conditions identified during 1980 studies. Also, the explorations for the access roads and the transmission lines will be undertaken under these subtasks. It should be noted that the results presented in this report are preliminary and c1re subject to revision depending on the results of future investigations,. In particular; the geologic history of this region is very complex and has not been studied in sufficient detail. The conclusions drawn are very general and are intended to be used for work of a preliminary layout and engineering feasibility nature. A more complete evaluation will be developed after the completion of Subtasks 5.05 through s.os. l-4 . . . - -·-;-- - - - - - - - - - - -•. :-- SCALE: 0 tO 20 Mll£1 ; IJ ~......;..---'~---·--- ~- I' ,.-r--J _,_, LOCATION OF DAMSITES l£GEHO .. TVONE A I ,... ----.., / I I I I I I I I I -I 1- I' I I I I I I I~ />" : r~ REF. U.S. ARMY CCrtPS OF ENGINEERS SU?PLE!.!EUTAL FEASIBILITY REPORT 1979. ;\. ,I ~ LEGEND TEST PlT -. I •TP •AP •OH •OR •BH •AH AUGER HOLE I CORP OF ENGINEERS 19-{8 CORE DRILL HOLE J ' ' ROTARY DRILL HOLE ' ' BOREHOLE J · .· SU~JMER 1980 PROGRAM AUGER HOLE ~fo ----tot SEISMIC LIN~: DM, SW-CORP OF ENGINEERS. 1978 SL -SUMMER !980 PROGRAM ; 1 CROSS SECTIONS <;!WJ lOCATION OF JOINT MEASUREMENTS l I I i / -' '. ·~· WATANA LOCATION -EXPLORATION ~ .. 1AP I Q'l· I ~ a NOTE: AP!7 • I) SECTION StimVN ON AGURE 6.4 2} TO?OGFU\Patc CONTOURS ARE APPROXlMATE L ·~, ,,.. ·I I I I I I I I I I I I I TR• Tll• I I I I I I I ;.a....·.~~~ ~ .. ~ ~ ~--------------~--·--- fl£FEREHC£: USGS, TAf.J<EE::TNA MOI.Nr~ (.O•Sl, ALASKA OW.OAAN:;t.E, SC:W!IRD J.!ERIOIAN.: T32 N. RlE, S32 .AN:> 33. r-'~. ----------------====---- DEVIL CAf\lYON LOCATION EXPLORATION MAP LEGEND ~ • DH BOREHQI-ES-BUREAU OF RECl.AMAtlC~,.:o4 1960 ii • BH . SO .. RE. HOLES .. -SU. M .. N·. ~ ER.· tSSO .. · . P. ROGRA .. ·r..~ ., .•. • "f?.S, TEST PiTS AND TRENCHES . BUREAU OF RECLA~ATlON, 1960 {;) AUGER HOl..ES-SUt.t\EttiSSO PROG:-~~ SW SEISMIC LINES-f 1 CORP OF ENGINEE.~S:t 1978 t SL SEISMIC LINE$... t . . I . I SUMMER 1960 PRQ...;~AM I . . . ·.·· ·;V .. ·· .. ~. . ~· . · .... · . · ··.e OCJ LOC.·. AT ION. OF.· JOlN't ~~EASUR.EMENT ~ . ,.;/~ · . . . t .f CROSS SECTION, . ~ )~. ~~-~ NOTE: TOPOGRAPt-G: c~ AF.:: APPROXIMATE SECTION SHOW~ ON FIGURE 6.1~ ~. : : ~ llWMt. &); F-:." DA$~e:o t:oNTOOR a .~ I ..., • I • ' • • '" ·,··· ·I I I, I I ••• II II • . I I I I I I -I ,I I I 2 -SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 2.1 -Introduction The summary and conclusions presented herein are based on a review of previous investigations complet.I;d by other agencies and the data developed by AAI during 1980. ~. It is emphasized that the conclusions presented are subject to revisions following further studies to be performed in 1981. 2.2 ... Watana Site ( a) Surmrary Based on a review of pre.vi.ous studies and the work performed during 1980, tJte following technical conditjons have been identified regarding the Watana dam site: (i) The dam site is underlain principally by a diorite intrusive ~ocx which is overlain by an extrusive ander,itic rock expo.sed downstream of the proposed dam axis. ( i i) Bedrock qua 1 ity is genera 11 y good to exce 11 ent be.l t~w thfl upper 10-40 foot weathered zone .. (iii) Two prominent .shear zones~ "The Finsu and ''Fingerbusteru are exposed on the right abutment upstrean and downstream of the proposed dam axis~ respectively. Lack of bedrock exposure precludes the mapping .of' these features on the left abutment. (iv) ~eologic mapping infers the continuation of .. The Fins" in a northwesterly direction, outcropping along Tsusena Creek north of the site .. ( v) Localized shear and fractured zones were encountered in ~everal of the bor"ings.. These zones ranged from 1 to 5 feet in thickness. ( iv) Tile contact between the extrusive andes.ite and the diorite was dri 11 ed in two of the 1980 borings. The nature of this cont.act is not clearly defined but believed to be relatively shallow with a decrease in rock quality and weathering at the contact. (vii) No clear evidence of faulting in the river channel was found .. (viii) Overburden thickness is generally thin . a long the v a 11 ey and thi ck~ns to the north away fr.om the dam site. Overburden generally con·sists of glacially derived silts, sands; gravels, boulders and lat.:ustrine clays .. (ix) Depth of river alluvium beneath the dam averages approximately 60 feet and consists of sand~. silt, coarse gl"avels and boulders .. J ] (x) Several localized areas of deeper overburden were encountered on both cmutments.. Further studies are required to more -accurately 'de 1 i neate these areas. I'' . .. 11 (xi). A possible ralic channel ittentifie~ in previous studies and recon-.. J 1 (xii) (xiv) f·irmed in the 1980 program extends from approximately 9.,000 feet up- stream of the dam in a general northwesterly direction towards Tsusena Creek. The depth of this chann,e 1 extends 500 feet bel ow ground surface. Further study is required to delineate the full ex .. tent of this channe 1 . The lar·gest geologic tectonic feature mapped irt the vicir.i"ty of the dam is the Talk~etna thrust fault approximately 4 miles; from the dam site. No ~videnc~~ of recent fault mo,Jement nas been found, however., f?urther investigation of this feature is planned for 1981. The f~ult crosses the Susitna River approximately seven miles upstream of the dam site .. Permafrost conditions exist on the left abutment. Although the depth of the permafrost has not accurately been determined~ measure- ments indicate that it penetrates to a depth of at least 200 feet. The ground temperatures are believed to be within one degree centi• grade of freezing !)and therefore are relatively marginal. Further work to delineate the extr---of permafrost will be performed during 1981. ·Only sporadic penh; v'rost was encountered on the ri ghf abut- ment. · Reconnaissance survey of the Watana reser •air shows that several · areas along Watana Creek and other small· r tributaries contain thick deposits of glacially derived materia 1. (xv) .Suitable quantities of rock fill and soil borrow materials have been found within the daqJ area for construction. (b) Conclusions -·;~ . ......_--..~- Based tn these findings, the fol10~'ing tentative conclusions regarding the Watana site can be made.: - (i) The site is geologically and geotachnica11y feas.ible for the cons- truction of a rock fi 11 d<Jn and associated structures .. ( i i J The general rock conditions are considered favorable for. an under· ground powerhouse provided no large shear zones similar to the "Fingerbuster" are located on the 1eft abutment. Nominal support ·>may be required for ger;eral rock conditions. - I· ··, l Jl Jl I I 1:. I ~ f ' ..J ' li ·~ .l.t 1.; I~ ·. -. til ·.., ~. ·, . .-. . ' ... . • --• -. ' ll •• • • • • .. I I I I •• I •• I I I I I I I .J •• I •• I (v) (vi) · and ·weathered rock and perform~ce of conso1 idation .and curtain grouting with the use of drain holes and drainage galleries in the abutment and upstre·tml of the underground structures. A 1 though the relict cha'/lf1A 1 on the north abutment warrents further study" it is nat anticip. .. ·:,:!1 to have any major impact on the feasi- bility of the projecto · Conventional engineering methods ta prevent seepage and associated phenomenon such· as piping, will t~ investi~ gated during 198.1. :and in subsequent stud~es .. Local s 1 •Jn1pi ng and 1 ands 1 ides may .occur in the ·reservoir during filling and 01peration in areas of thick, steeply dipping unconsoli- dated soil ·as well as along portions ~f the narthfacing slopes where permafrost exists .. 2~3 I /j ! '' , • • I .. ~ • • • • • •. : ' 1 ' •• •: • /\ •: ' • 1'; : .. ~. > 2 .. 3 -Devil Canyon. SitE!_ .• , I · (a) Summar,1 (b) Bas~d on a review of previous studies and the work per·formed during 1980, the. following· summary of site conditions at the' Devil Canyon site can be made: • 1': .. 1\ (i) · The proposed dam site is underlain by a homogeneous argillite ana graywacke rock. The ro~~k is generally of good ·t\:> excellent quality. Overburden in the valley is thin to non""'existant. :1 1 (ii.) . The rock has one major and possibly two minor joint sets.. The maj.or set strikes approximately 340 9 and dips 85° NE. Bedding strikes .•. , subparallel to the gorge (50 ... 70°) and dips steeply (50"-80°) to the southeast. (iii) Stress relief and open joints, both paralleling to the gorge and I i! along th~ major joint sets~ extend up to 40-60 feet back from the cliff edge; J : {iv) Earlier investigators had postulated the possibility of a geologic fault on the. 1 eft abutment approximately under the series of 1 akes. ,.1 .. _. The seisrnit; ref:· ··.:tion survey has indicated an anomalous velocity · zone;-however,, the boring ( SH-4) did 11ot encounter this featur\.. .. If the boring missed the feature; then it can be postulated that the J · · sheF.tr zane, if it exi'sts~ wi1l be dipping along the bedding rather ; : -( v) than acrass it. Additional investigations are planned to further '" .. investigate this feature. · I: The possibility of a fault was postulated by earlier investigators a long the river charmel under the proposed dam.. This feature wi 11 (vi) be explored during th-e 1981 investigations. A sever a 1 hundr~ foot step in bedrock surface had been reported by earlier investigators upstream of the propose\d dam site, under the alluvial fan where Cheecliako Creek joins the Susitna River. The location of this feature is 1~000 feet upstream of the dam site. (vii) . The shear zones postulated by the_ WPRS to exist subparallel and subperpendicular to the river could not be verified during the 1980 program. Additional work relative to these features wil1 be carried out in 1981. (viii) No extensive permafro~t ""flnd·itions were found to exist on either abutment. Conclusions .. ,...._ Based on the above~ the following tentative conc·1usions have. been made · regardin"g the Devil Canyon site: 2-4 ,. ~ I, ,IJ 1;. .,..._: I ' ! •• i .• I ... I .I I ; ' • ,; ' ·r·-: ) I I, I I I I I I I: •• ·I •• •• ·I ~· .I J: (i) The site appears geologically and gaotechnically feasible for the construction of either a rockfi 11, concrete g~avity, or arch darr. ( i. i) Further detailed geologic studies are required to determine the suitability of the bedrock for construction of large underground power facilities. (iii) Further inve""tigations are .r·equired to define the potential· existence of a fault under the dam along the river channel and a f au 1 t on· the 1 eft abutment. (iv) The foundation treatment will require grouting and provisions fov- drainage adits and dram holes for the dam .. Extensive dental concrete may be required to treat local areas for concrete dam foundations particularly on the left abutment. (v) Suffici·i.~f~t quantities af construction material have been identified for the concrete· aggregate and the construction of the saddle dam on the left abutment. I ~s ~L,~--~~;;,~'~···~-,~~~j~~~~~···~-~~·~-~~-~-~--~~·~--~~~~~·~,~~~'_j I I, I I I I I I I I ·I I I I I •• .I I 3 -REVIEW OF PREVIOUS INV£STIGATIONS 3~1 -Introduction The development of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project has been studied by several Federal and private agencies in the last 30 years. However, it was not until the late 1950:'s that any geotechnical investigations \t~ere conducteo. Between June 1957 and August 1958~ WPRS performed geologic mapping and drilling investigations at the Devil Canyon site and limit~d geologic mapping at the Watana. site (19). · Subsequently during the 1970's, the COE perfonned adaitional investigations on bath sites. These included seismic refraction surveys, detailed geologic mapping and diamond and auger dri 11 ing in the dam sites and potential borrow areas. This report briefly discusses the findings of these investigations as documented by the WPRS and the COE. These reports are identified as appendices of this summary and are available with APA and AAI for reference. These are not includ- ed at this time.· 3,.2 -Watana --- The preliminary work by the WPRS in the 1950's was expanded during the 197G's by the COE investigations of the dan site~ reservoir, and potential borrow areas. The location and extent of these investigations are shown an Figure 3 .1. , In 1975~ a total of 22,500 ltnear feet of sei smi<: refraction survey was perform-~ ed by Oames & Moore (6) for the COE. This was expanded by Shannon & Wilson (14) in 1978 with an additional 47,665 feet of survey. This work. served to support the results of the dri 11 ing and mapping programs. P.lso during the 1978 season, the site was explored with 28 diarnnd drill holes (both vertical and inclined) ranging from 30 to 600 feet deep. A summary of this program is presented in Table 3.1. Six of these diamond drill borings were located in the river valley and reached a maximum depth of 52{) feet into rock. Five borings were dr~11ed on the left abutment and six on the right reaching a· maximum depth of 300 feet or an elevation of 1,6b0 feet. On the right ab"Utment, eleven diamond drill borings were located in what was identified as a deep relict channel to determine the thickness and characteristics of the overburden, the depth o·f the water table and the permafrost conditions .. . Four potenti·ll borrow; areas for cQnstruc'tion material were identified and ex- plored using 26 backhoe test·· p1ts-and 24 auger· borings. Fourteen test pits were located in Borrow Area 0 on the right abutment which· was identifi~d as a source of· imperv·ious and semi-pervious materi.al for the embankment. Six test pits were located in Borro\.1 Area E identified as a potential source of filter material and concrete aggregate. This area is situated at the confluence of Tsusena Creek and the Susitna River, approximately 15,000 feet downstream of the dam site. Six test pits were located in Borrow Area F on Tsusena Creek, three mi 1 es up-- stream of its confluence with the Susitna River, as· a potential source of sandy 3-1 I I I I I ·I I I I I I I I I I . I .I I I materials. Yhe 24 shall ow auger borings were dri 11 ed in Borrow Area D between Tsusena and Deadman Creeks and ranged from 3 to 59 feet deep. Detailed geologic mapping was conducted in the dam site area to delineate major structural trends. Two potential quarry areas were identified and reconnaissance exploration was conducted. Quarry A, was located on the upper part of the left abutment and Quarry B, on the right abutment relatively close to the river~ Both areas were mapped as a diorite that would require minimal crushing &nd sorting for uss in construction .. A limited laboy-atory testing program was conducted on potential filter, core ana embankment mat~roi als from the various borrow areas to establish the index and engineering characteristics of the borrow materials. These tests included grad- ation curves, permeability, triaxial shear tests, Modified Proctor density "~est.s and concrete aggregate tests. The COE also installed a series ~f ten open well piezometers ana thirteen temp- erature logging devices in the boreholes. These instruments had not stabilized by the end of the COE investigation and, therefore, no definite· conclusions \"fer~ drawn. · 3. 3 -· Devil Canyon The investigations conducted at the Devil Canyon site were not as extensive as those at Watana.. The exploration plan is shown on Figure 3.2 and summarized in Table 3.2 The WPRS performed the bulk of exploration at this site between June 1957 and August 1958 {19). Twenty-one diamond drill borings were drilled in the d~ site area. Six holes, from 50 to 110 feet deep, were located in the left abutment within the pr·oposed switchyard area down~tream of the proposed saddle dam axis. At the deepest point~ rock was encountered at 87 feet below the surface in what was interpreted as an old bur.ier.i channelo Three holes were drilled upstre.am of this area with a maximum depth of 120 f~et.. The remaining twelve holes were drilled along the riverbed near the dam axis to determine t~e depth and nature of the bedrock under the dam.. One other proposed borehole wa.~ subsequently trenched as a test pit. Ninsteen test the dam axis. gate materia 1 dam abutments pits were dug ln the alluvial fan near Cheechako Creek upstream of This area was considered to be the only source of concrete aggre- for dam construction. Four additional trenches were dug on the to define the rock conditions present • Laboratory tests~ including gradation determinations and petrogt•aphic analysis were conducted on samples of, the borrow area materials to determine their suit a- . bil·ity for use as concrete aggregate .. ''Representative rock samples from the abutments were tested to determine comp·.nessive strength, elasticity, obsorption, and porosity of the foundation materi a1 .. · During 1~78, Shannon & Hilson (14), under COE contract, ran three seismic te,. fraction· lines totaling 3,300 feet in the borrow area and along the proposed saddle dam to expand the drilling information. · 3-2 3.4 -Conclusions · The investigations conducted by the COE and WPRS were the first detailed efforts, although limited in nature, in establishing the feasibility of the pro- jects.. The l'eview of these investigations served as the basis for-identifying, those· geological and geotechnical features that wer.e considered to require further investigation,. A brief summary of those features. ana findings of those investigations is presented as follows. (a) Watana Site The Watana site was considered sui tab 1e for a large rockfi 11 dam, an under- ground powerhouse and ancillary structures. However, before the feasibil- ity is conc1ustve1y established, certain featur·~~~s must be further investi· gated. (i) 'I I 1: I I 3' I ( i i) The overburden in the river was composed of 40 to 80 feet of rela- tively loose alluvial gravels, cobbles and boulders. The stability of this alluviur.t was questioned under the seismic loading conditions being considered for the project. ·· The underlying rock at the dam site was a diorite intrusion with I local andesite dikes. The overall rc1ck was found to be ha\"d and fresh with the fract~res becomin·g tighter with depth. Shear zones ··• were observed both in outcrops and the dr·i11 cores but were not con- sidered to be significant4 (iii) The rock in the right abutment was found to be more weathered than . the rest of the dam foundation averaging to 40 feet below the bed- rock s:Arf ace , (iv) The ..-ock along the left abutment was also identified as diorite; however, in a downstream boring, a surface flow of andesite porp:1ory was encountered.. The re1 ationship of these two rock typ.es was net delineated and it was recognized that this would require resolution befora design of underground structures could be undertaken. (v) North of the right abutment, a deep bedrock depression filled with glacial material was encountered in the boring and seismic refrac- tion prog~ams .. Glacial tills oc~ur in this area in three major sa- quences separated by 1 ayers of sandy gravel alluvial material and two major l.ake deposits of p 1 asti c c 1 ays. The 1 owest bedrock sur- face' encountered in the drilling wa!; 454 feet be.low the surface {elevation 1,775). This compared with current riverbed rock eleva- tion of 1,395+·feet~ - (vi) Two prominent shear zones named "Fins 11 and uFingerbusteru were map- ped as exposures in the dam site area. Both of these zones trend northwest with, str~kes from N4o·w to N60.,W and dips to 70° to 90° SW to NE. "The Finsu, 3,t:.OO feet upstraam of the dam, had an observ- able width in ~xcess of 400 feet with fins of 5 to .25 feet wide and bounded by severely altered zones. The "Fingerbustern, 2,500 feet " 3-3 I lj I' 1.; I ~. I I: •i . ' ~-~~· 1: .~ ..... 'I, . ~ " I I I I I I I -I I I I ·I I I •• I :I I ) (b) downstream of the axis~ was less well defined with rock fac~s paralleling the shear zane. (v·\i) The seismic refraction survey indicated a low velocity zone along the right abutment that could be interpreted as a possible s1 ide block and identified for further· investigation. (viii) The foundation rock ~t t:-;~ site was considered of generally good quality with relatively ~4igh intact strength,. Rock bolts and shot- crete in the underground exc av at ian were considered to provide support. ( ix) Ade.quate construction material was identified near the dam site. Material from Borrow Area D on the right abutment was c 1 assi fi ed as sem~-pervious to impervious core material. The tests indicated that this material is sensitive to variations in water content and looses strength rapidly with increasing water content. Material from the all uvi a1 deposit downstream of the dam axis (Borrow Area E) was . identified as the most likely source of clean aggregate. Processing was considered necessary for all materials .. ( x) Two patenti a 1 quarry areas were identified for sources of rockfi 11, ri prap and coarse filter materials. The rock. in both areas was classified as dior·ite and of good quality. Further mapping was con- sidered necessary to verify the suitability. {xi) Per :~jafrqst was found to be very deep on the 1 eft abutment ot north facing slope~ while somewhat sporadic on the right abutment, Pre- liminary temperature readings indicated that the permafrost \s rela- tively warm within -l"C to o•c and could be easily handled during construction. However, these instruments had not stabilized by the end of the COE investigations and further readings will be neces- sary. Devil Canyon Site The investigations conducted to date ipdicate that the Devil Canyon site would be a feasible location for a high concrete dam, preferably a thin .. arch dam, with an unde~ground powerhouse. However, certain specific feat- ures were identified for further study before the feasibility of concrete structures could be positively established . (i) The bedrock at the proposed dam .site was classified as a thinly bedded, fine grai-ned. phyllite. The strike of the bedding was found to be generally east-west paralleling the river and dipping 65° to 75° to the south. ·The drilling indicated that weathering extends some 40 feet below the rock surface with penetrative weathering restricted to shallow zones along the joints. The rock overall was found to be of good quality.. One master joint set was identified striking N25°W and dipping. 80°E, wi·''h general spacing of 5 feet. 3-4 (ii) (iii) {iv) ( v) (vi) (vii) ·(viii) (ix) (x) The valley walls at the dam site ~re very steep and were found to (Ja~e only a thin cover of overburden consisting mainly of talus at the base. On the upland areas, a covering of glacial ti 11 increased to 5 to 35 feet thick. On the left abutment, a series of smalT lakes were found to exist approximately parallel to ~he river channel. Deep overburden, up to 800 feet in thickness was encountered in this area. Further, it was stated that possibly a large shear zone or a fault existed a 1 ong these -1 akes. -A number of shear zone3 were encountered during the investigations both subparallel and subperpendicular to the river channel. It was considered that these shear zones could have an important effect on the design and required further investigation. The zones could have been either local stress relief features ir part of more general subregional shear pattern. It· was suspected that possibly a fault or major shear zone may exist under the current river channel; although, no positive evidence was presented. The rock conditions were considered aoequate for underground excava- tion. Normal rock support systems such as shotcrete were considered to provide adequate support except at the portals and within zones of very poor quality rock. Further investigation was considered necessary to de.fine the conditions present far the mast advantageous alignment of the structures. A 1 arge fan area near Cheechako Creek7 immediately upstream of the · proposed dam site, was explored for the availability of mater1als for concrete aggregate and the sa~dle dam construction. The explor- ation in this area also indicated the possible existence of a step in the bedrock surface from 100 to 350 feet below the ground surface within a short distance. The st~p was also coincident with a sharp bend in the river course. The material within this alluvial fan was found to be sui tab 1e for concrete aggregate except for a deficiency of 3/4 to 1-1/2 inch size that cou 1 d come from 1 oca 1 morai na 1· materia 1. Laboratory tests con- ducted on the collected samples canfirmed their general suitability provided proper processing was employedo However, the resistance of the material to effects of the cold weather was not propet-:y eval- uated. Permafrost W4S encountered as sporadic and shallow. Thin l.t:flses and pockets were encountered during road construction on the left abut· ment. It was considered doubtful that permafrost would be a prob- lem. lt was concluded that grouting and drainage under the structure and in the abutments wi 11 be required. Foundation preparations were to include approximately 40 feet of rock excavation to achieve sound .~ a~ tl I I li •• I I IJ •! ·t I I ~ . J , •.. : ' _, 1: l -· '(I . I . ' .J . I .I •• •• I I I I I I I I I I I I: I ,. I · rock, and consolidation grouting and dental concrete work to treat local shear zones and poor rock conditions . It was concluded by both agencies that additional detai1ed investigations were required to better define the subsurface conditions, to evaluate the extend and characteristics of geological features, and to supplement the preliminary conclusions in order to establish positively and conclusively the feasibility of this project. "I I I I I I I I I I •• .I I I I I I I ·I Drill Hole Number OH-1 DH-2 DH-3 DH-4 DH-5 DH""6 DH-7 DH-8 DH-9 DH-10 DH-11 DH-12 DH-13 OH-14 DH-15 DH-16 DH-17 DH-18 DH-19 DH-20 DH-21 DH-22 DH-23 DH-24 DH-25 QH .. 26 DH-27 DH-28 TABLE 3 .. 1 SUMMAR'! OF PREVIOUS DRILLING WATANA DAM SITE _,..,. wauw::s;:; - '' Depth of Boring, ft. Location (Overburden) - ~;ve.r Valley 122.8 (44} River Valley 29 (29) River Valley 174.5 (77 .. 6) River Valley 122 0 9 ( 77 • 7) River· V a 11 ey 176 .. 9 (59 .. 6) Right Abutment 149.5 ( 3.5) Right Abutment 122 .. 2 ( 8 .. 5) Right Abutment 150.0 \16.2} Riqht Abutment "" 293.3 ( 5 .. 6) Right Abutment 203,.5 (19.6) Right Abutment 300 .. 0 (22 .. 7) Left Abutment 301~1 ( 9 .. 5) Re 1 i ct Channe 1 84 (84) Relict Channel 75 (75) Re 1 i ct Channe 1 316.5 (286) Left Abutment 91.5 ( 67) Left Abutment 35 .. 7 ( 9~0) Left Abutment 248 .. 3 (231 .. 0) n Relict Channe 1 78.3 (55) · Intake Structure 252.6 (210) River Valley 603.7' (84.5} Relict Channel 493.6 (454) Left Abutment 119 .. 2 ( 7 .0) Left Abutment 139.9 ( 6.9) Left Abutment 79.9 ( 79.9) Re 1 i ct Channel 94.8 ( 94 .. 8) Ral i ct Channe 1 44 .. 0 ( 44) Left Abutment 125.2 ( 9.2) 3-7 Angle W/Vertical Orientation Vertical --· Vertical --Vertical --Vertical --Vertical --Vertical --31° S30°W Vertical --45° N43CiW Vertical -- 45° N32oE Verti.cal Vertical --Vertical Vertical --Vertical Vertical _,_ Vertical Vertical --Vertical --31.4° N4CE Vertical --45. S30°\~ Vertical --46° N47eE Vertical --Vertical --Vertical -- I; I I I I :1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I • -Dri.ll Ho 1 e Number DH•l DH-3 DH-4 DH-5 DH-6 DH-7 DH-8 OH-9 DH-10 OH-11 DH-llA DH-118 DH-11C DH-12 DH•l2A DH-.13 DH-13A 0Haol4 DH-l4A DH-148 DH-14C DH-15 TABLE 3.2 SUMMARY -QF PREVIOUS DRILL1N\l DEV!L eANYON DAM SITE Depth of Boring, ft .. Location (OVerburden) Left Abutment 117.3 ( 0) Left Abutment (Hole Trenched) Left Abutment 52.5 (25) Left Abutment· 86.2. (55} Left Abutment 107.3 (87) Left Abutment 59.5 (34) Left Abutment -150.4 ( O) Left Abutment 87.0 ( 0) Left Abutment 121.7 (15) Left Abutment 30.5 ( 0) Left Abutment 29.1 ( 0) Left Abutment 33.9 ( 0) Left Abutment 150.1 ( 0) Left Abutment 127.5 ( 0) Left Abutment 149.3 ( O). Right Abutment 137.0 ( 0} Right Abutment 80.7 ( O) Right Abutment 50.0 ( 0) Right Abutment 130.4 ( O) Right Abutment 146.2 ( 0) Right Abutment 82.0 ( O) R~ght Abutment 47.6 (48) 3-8 Angie W/Vertical Orientation 45~ S23q E. Vertical Vertical --\lerti ca 1 Vertical ·--Vertical ·-- 60° N9"W 45° Due North 38° N65•E 48° N5°\~ 45 4 N5°W 39° N5°W 33° N5°W 30° N45°E 45° N45•E 45° Sl8°E 37° Sl8°E 45° S4s·w 37. S4s·w 60° S4s·w 35° S4•E Vertical -- I I I I I I I I ~I ~t ·I 'I ,. I I I REF. U~S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGlNE:ERS SUP?LEMENTAL FEASISIUTY. REPORT 1979. . . 3-9 t •TP •AP •DH •DR •BH ttAH LEGEND TEST PIT -j A:JGER HOLE CORE DRILL HOLE CORP OF ENGINEERS, 1978 ROTARY DRILL HOLE . 130R~HOLE J SUMMER 1980 PROGRAM AUGER HOLE &---·-4 SEISMIC LINE : D~, SW -CORP OF ENGINEERS. 191'6 . ~-SUMMER 1980 PROGRAM f. E:.a CROSS SECTIONS ~WJ LOCATION OF JOINT MEASUREMENTS BORROW AREA F QUARRY SOURCE A 0 m I. ·~ 0 APi7 • ! I -~ i NOTE: ~ I) SECTION SH~"N ON AGURE: 6 4 ~ 2) TOPOORA?i-U~ tl:lNTOURS ARE. l• APPROXU!.Att I ... I I ' t ' I .u .I I I • ~i USGS. TALKEETNA MOIJJTANS (0•5), Al.ASJ(A Ol.IAI>!WG...E. 5Ew:.RD lo!ERlO!.AN~ T:2N. RIE, S32 AHJ 33. 3-10 DEVIL CANYON LOCATION EXPLORATION MAP LEGEND • DH BOREHOLES-BUREAU Cf=" t\c:..l-., .. -•• ~ .... 1950 • BH BOREHOLES-SUMMER lSSO PR~:>U:;~\'• t • TP.S, TEST PITS ANO TRENCHES l BUREAU OF RECLAMATiON~ ISSO e AUGER HOLE.S-SUMMSR tSSO PR:J:;!~ . SW SEISMIC Ut>.'S.S-i---'~ CORP OF EN~tNEERS. 1978 --... ·.--, SL SEISMIC UNES- 1 ··-1 SUMMER J9SO PROGRAM e OCJ LOCATION OF JOINT MEASt:m:~~N t j-CROSS SECltON NOTE: TOPO~:c CONTOlP.S A.l:E. APP'.dOXIMAl£ 'SECTION S..'iOWN ON FIGURE 6 l3 St.I.I.E Ill FEtT ~ ~ !iP F'E:!;;'t bl.sHED c::amHi "25 fEET -__..,. .. ' "" ·-~---:------------,--------;--.------------;-.-~ ... -.-. ----~,--------,--,--~ .... ~---. ----------,----------;---,..-~. -------. ~. -~-~-,..---------,__,.,.. ____ -~--~--. I I -. I I I I I I I ·I I ·I: I •• I I •• ;I: 4 -REGIONAL GEOLOGY 4 .. 1 -General rhe geology of the Talkeetna Mountains and the adjacent Susit.na River basin is extremely complex due to several periods of intense folding and faulting, in- trusion-of volcanics and plutons!t regional metamorphism, differential uplift and repeated glaciations (Figure 4.1). The following is a brief summary of the geologic setting o.f the region. A detailed discussion of the regional geology has been compiled by Woodward-Clyde Consultants (21) ~ 4.2 -Geologic Setting The oldest rocks which outcrop in the area are an upper .Paleozoic (Table 4.1) metavolcanic rock sequence consisting of coarse to fine grained clastic flows and tuffs of basaltic to andesitic composition, locally containing limestone.~ interbeds (2). This old volcanic systen is expos·ed as a continuous northe~~t-" ward trending belt across the eastern part of the Susitna River basin, with Triassic and Jurassic volcanic, intrusive and sedimentary rocks unconformably overlying (Figure 4.1). These rocks consist of a shallow marine sequence of metabasalt flows. These flows are interbedded with chert, argillite!t marble and volcaniclastic rocks· and are best exposed in the Portage and Watana Creeks area (Figure 4.2). The rocks .of Jurassic age include amphibolites, greenschists, diorites and granod·iorites of the intruding batholithic complexes of the Talkeetna Mounta.ins (2). The uplift and subsequent rapid erosion associated with these plutonic rocks was followed by the marine deposition of a turbidite sequence of 1 ower Cretaceous argi 11 i tes a·nd 1 i th i c gr aywackes ( 4) . These rocks were subsequently faulted and compressed into tight isoclinal folds and sub- jected to low grade metamorphism during the late Cretaceous. This sequence of rock outcrops · in the Dev i 1 Canyon area. During the early Tertiary, the country rocks were again intruded by Paleocene plutons comprised of biotite granodiorite and other small granitic bodies.. Con- current with and following these intrusions, a thick sequence·of felsic to mafic volcanics and shallow intrusives of Palecoene to Miocen~ age were deposited~ 4.3 • Regional Structur~ At least three major periods of deformation are recognized for the project area ( 4): - a period of intense metamorphism, plutonism~ ana uplifting in the Jurassic; -an orogeny during the middle to late Cretaceous; - a period of extensive uplift and denudation in the middle Tertiary to Quater- n_ary. The first period,, which was during tne early to middle Jurassic, involved the first major orogenic event in the now existing Susitna basin. It was character- ized by the intrusion of plutons and accompanied by crustal uplift and regional 4-1 metamorphism; The rapid erosional period foliowing this uplift was accompanied by marine deposition within the narrowing Cretaceous basin. This period was followed by complex faulting and folding of the rocks during ·the middle to 1 ate Cretaceous that produced a pronounced northeast-southwest structural grain across the region (4, 5, 8, 9~ 13). The majority of the structural features in the Talkeetna Mountains are a consef:luence of this orogeny of which the Talkeetna. Thrust fault is the most dominant. The Talkeetna Thrust which is postulated as representing an o.ld suture zone~ involves the thrusting of Pa1eozic, Triassic J.nd Jurassic rocks over the Cretaceous sedimentary rocks. { 4~ 5, 8). Other compressional struc.tures related to this orogeny are evidenced in the intense shear zones roughly parallel to and southeast of the Talkeetn.a Thrust. The third major series of events shaping the region involved a period of extensive uplift and denudation from the midcile Tertiary to Quatet,nary (4}. Two dominant tectonic features of this period bracket the basin area. The Denali fault, a rignt-lateral strike-slip fault 25 miles north of the Susitna River, exhibits evidence of f~ultu.9J$p.la_cement during Canomic-tims-.aP~--the Castle Mountain-Caribou-fau~lt system, which borders the Talkeetna Mountains to the south approximately 70 miles southeast of the sites is a normal fault which has had fault displacement during the Holocene (7). 4.4 -Glacial Historx A period of cyclic climatic cooling during the Quaternary resulted in repeated glaciation cf southern Alaska. Little information is available regarding the glacial history in the upper Susitna River basin. Unlike the north side of the Alaska Range which is characterized by alpine-type glaciation, the Susitna basin experienced coalescing glaciers from both the Alaska Range and the Talkeetna Mountains tryat merged and filled the upper basin area. At least three periods of glaciation have been delineated for the region based on the glacial stratigraphy (11, 12). During the most rec~nt period, (late t~isconsin glaciation) glaciers filled the adjoining lowland basin$ and spread onto the continental shelf (11). Waning of the ice masses from the Alaska Range and Talkeetna Mountains formed ice barriers which blocked the drainage of · glacial meltwater and produced preglacial lakes. As a consequence of thi·s repeated glaciation, the Susitna and Capper Rive\' basi~s are coverea by varying thicknesses of lodgement and ablation tills and 1\~custrine. deposits. ' ;~ i .• i . . I' ,. ~. -t I .... 1 I •. ! I I I I I I I I. I. I .. ~ ·--ll. IJ. ll .u. ·I I I I I I I I I I ERA Cenozoic Mesozoic Paleozoic I .Precambrian .I ·I ·I ·I ••• I I I PERIOD Quaternary Tertiary Cretaceous Jurassic Triassic Permian Pennsylvanian Mississippi an Devonian Silurian Ordovician Cambrian TABLE 4.1 GEOLOGIC TI~E SCALE 4-3 EPOCH Holocene Pleistocene Pliocene Miocene Oligocene Eocene Paleocene - ~1i 11 ions of Years Ago 2 65 225 600 .I I I t.l t ~ I l.l Ll Lt r. r• L.l Ll Ll EXPi.ANA TION OF MAP SY MSOLS ------ .--------~---- Approd•te COfltatt of surficial deposits u _.... ---.....::;~,...-·-;;;::=;----· ....... .. fault Lbng Glsi!K .llt!en! awroxt•uly loc:aUd; short Gashed iltlere 1nfernd; .. ' ~ tlot.ted wtlere eoraculed. u t11dtut~s upthl"'OO!! side wtlere. direction of abp'la«~~ent 1s ~. Arrows. 1ndfcate relilttn lateril IDVMent. • • g ..,...------......... . Thrust fault Long clashed where &,'lproxf•tely loc:aUd. short d.lshed where inferred, dotted -"ere cone~tecl. leetll 1ndh:au upt.hrowt stde·. --v--~----·-· -.......... . Approxt•t.e nfs of intense si!Nr zone of vutable lllidttl. possibly •rUng 1 thrust f.Oiilt Dotte<S llbl!te ~oncule.i; teeth 1nlllate possible uptlt'/01«1 side of postul&ted thrust. t ·---+., .• --:.... lintfeHne. showing crest line t Sync1fn~. thow1ng tro\lgh ~fne long dulled. Where approx1aately1ocatec1; lm>tt tncUc.uu r:1111ge. locat.t0r1 ot nmplf .ated lly t~ tL:>. (;eolcgfcal Surye~ -iing the >etu$CU!II-arson Clr tht! lead-a.lpha ~~etll<.j_ ·~':.l.!ln!J Np n~r •. field nlllbrr, .nd the -calculated •fneral age. !1 ~ b1ot1tt!, Hb -hornblende. l'i~·iluseovlte. Act -actinolite. Zr -zircon, ·'" -wllole rode. . . ' "' -~ ~ loaitton of sa~le dtted by Tumer 1nd Smith (197·~) ll!ifng t~ potnsium-i ·~ •ttm, showfng •P 11Vlilber, field nw.ber. and the ulcull.ted •ineral age. 8i -bfottte. Hb-hombll!llde. x+ . foun locality in ·llllftt 111¥, Pls. anrS DSls. Strtlte and dtp of beds 4-Oftrt.~td ss -t-Vertical -1-ApprodJOI1.e. esti•ted fltli dist&nt obsetvit1"ons 2.0 StrHe Md dip of fracture cleavage ~ lnel1ne4 eo ......-f-..1 VerUcal StrUe and dip of slaty or adal plane c\rnage r----1 lnelined c;o f---1 Vertica.l Strike and dfp of shear planes. ~~tt.uorphte folfatfon or scMstosit,Y -v-111C1fned 30 -+-Yertfc:al Strite and dfp of ignecus flew fo11aUon ~Inclined 30 -+-Verticil leal"lng and ploogi! of 11ntlti0rl Strike and dip of joints """E:r" Inclined ~0 -e;..;-Yertic&l REFERENCE; cstJT£Y • a;n .ll. RECONNAISSANCE: GtOLCXiiC W.ll" a GEOCHFt()ffot..o;Y J TALkEETNA MOUNTAINS QU~OIIl.NCiLE, NO«!ttEftN PART or AHCHOIU.ctE QUAORAN~L~. AND SOO'niW'EIT CORNtft ot HEAl,.Y QUlDRAHGll:-. ALASKA, U,s.e.S. OP~H r1U: IU~"l' 71-55:a..lm. REGIONAL GEOLOGY ~-· }-.:- ' ~ 0 3 6 12 t • SCALE IN MILES I mne~ ROCK UNITS ARE LISTED IN FtGlJRE 4 I b I I I I I I .I_ .. I I I I I I I I I I I I u ..- 0 N 0 c Q) (,) (,J .,.. 0 N 0. VI ~· Qs Tsu Tv Thgd/Thgd Tsmg/Tkgr Kag Jtr/Jgd/Jgdm Jam "Rv "Rvs Pzv/Pls REGIONAL GEOLOGY . MAP UNITS Undifferentiated Surficial Deposits Undifferentiated Sedimentary Rocks Undifferentiated Volcanic Rocks Biotite & Biotite-Hornblende Granodiorite ~ Granites and Schists Argi 11 i te and Graywacke· Quartz Diorites & Granodiorites .Amp hi bo 1 i tes · Basaltic Meta vo 1 cani c Rocks Metabasa 1 t and Slate -· Basaltic to Andesitic Metavolcanogenic Rocks with Interbedded Limestone Modified after Csejtey and others, 1978. ' FIGUBE 4 •. 1 b [1m·l I I .I I I I ~·u I -~I I ~I ·I I -I J / ~' ,,~ / r' ,;"',/ , /---------- DEVIL CANYON / OAMSITE ~as\ Tbgd REF£REHCE: USGS. TAU<EONA MOUNTAINS (!r4)AND(l>-5) 4-6 ""xKr:.;j yu;• .~ ... P,< .. lt{ag \ --78 Tbgd GEO .. LOGIC. MAP. OF .DEV ... l ... L .. · .. · .c. A .. N. Y.ON RESER.V.OlR ... '' . ' '>' -,_ --· -' . . ' - ' , 'I -· TSlJS£NA C/t'EEI( I) .. LEGEND } Tv J ANDESITE AND ANDESmC BASALT Fl.OWS, VCll.i':ANIC a..ASTlC. I Tbgd I BIOTITE GF.ANOOIORrt£. OUARlZ DIORITE, DtoRIT£ f Koo .. 1 ARGILUTE ;t_. STRIKE ANt) otP OF BEDS !J-STRIKE AND blP OF JOlNTS ----CONTACT~·l..OICATED A?fROX:i~Ti· .NOTE: I} GEOLOGiC .IAAPPING UNDERTAKEN. AT A SCALE.OF l:l£,000 a 1:63,~ o l 2 I I •-':" 7 ] I 1: I, I I .. I ,I •· I I· I I I I I • ~ ,'1 •• I . • I 5 -1980 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION 5.1 .. General The 1980 investigation program was developed as the first phase in defining the geologic and subsurface features identified by previous investigators at the Watana and Devil Canyon dam sites. In adaition to the review of information published, discussions were held with people knowledgeable--of the area. In particular, meetings were held with the COE to discuss details of their 1978 program and the experiences of those people directly involved with the iO\!estigations, The 1980 program was developed to consist of air photointerpretatioft, surficial geological mapping, diamona core drilling, permeability testing, in-hole geophysical logging~ bm~ehole photography, instrumentation, auger drilling and seismic refraction sur11eys. The program was des~gned to provide the maximum amount of informat·ion relative to site geologic and geotechnical conditions towards establishing the feasibil- ity of the project within the budgetary .restraints of the program. ·The scope of the 1980 program was principally directed to define: -Site geology. -Reck type and quality. -Engineering evaluation of rock conditions. -Borrow sources for construction materi a 1. -Ground~ater regime. Permafrost. Specific geologic and/or geotechnical features or conditions that were deline- ated during previous studies and·considered to warrant further investigation have been, discussed earlier in this report.. The pc.rticular features selected for study during the 1980 program were: (a) Watana Site -Shear zones called 11 The Finsu and 11 Fingerbusterl• located upstream and downstream of the proposed dam site. ••Buried stream chann«·!n located on the right abutment (north of the dam ·site • • A possible slide .block on the right abutment. -Potential for a shear zone beneath the river channel,. (b) Devi 1 Canyon S'ite -Stress relief joints and shear zones along left (south) abutment. 5-1 . • ~ .~ . ' r . •• •.. ; t -Rock discontinuity through the Cheechako Creek borrow area upstream of dam. -Possible shear zone or buried channel beneath saddle dam on left abutment. To fulfill the objectives of the 1980 program, the following work was undertaken at both dan sjte·s: · -Air photoit1terpretation. Geologic mapping. "" Diamond core drilling. -Auger drilling and sampling. -In-hole geophysical and water pressure testing. Seismic refraction survey& -Laboratory testing. -Installation of piezometer and thermal probes. Detailed scope and methodology for the work performed are presented in the following section~.. A detailed discussion of the results of the program are presented in Section 6. The air photointerpretatio·n was subcontracted to R&M Consultants and was scheduled ttr be completed prior to the field geology pro- gram. However, due to scheduling problems, the work was not completed as plan- ned; therefore, this program had to be planned on the basis of the previous site investigations. only. The airphoto worK ios scheduled to be completed soon~ and the results wi 11 be presented in Appendix F of this report within a separate volume. 5-2 I' . I ; I I I I ; I I ll I I I! I I I .~ . I II II 1.-"J ~~ I ~ ·I .• :1 I I I .I I I I I tl I I I I J, I I I 'I I -·· 0 5.2 -Scope and Methodology (a) Geoloaic M~ping The 1980 field program was -direct~ at the mapping of the dam sit~s. Geo- logic mapping of each of the propo·sed dan sites included walking selected ground traverses and noting all bedrock outcrops and unconso 1 idated mater- ial to expand and verify the previ.ous geologic mapping. Aerial photo- graphic base maps at scales of 1:6,000 and 1:24;000 were us~d in mapping the Watana and Devil Canyon dam sites respectively. At each exposure~ the lithology, type of material, bedding, jointing, weathering, outcrop size and elevation was noted and plotted on the base .maps. Geologic reconnaissance of the Devil Canyon v·eservair and potential tunnel routes, being studied during pro.~ect definition studies, was performed between Portage and Tsusena Creek:; and extended up to 5 rni 1 es north and south of the Susitna River_ A helicopter reconnaissance was made within a 10-mile radius of the Watana dam. site to delineate unconsolidated materials as potential bcrrow sources. The mafjping of the reservoir areas were }l1ot .. ted on either 1:12,000 aerial photographic or a 1:63,360 USGS topographic base map; (b) _iubsurface lnvestia.ations ( i ) D i amond Core Dr.J.ll i ng Diamond core drilling was performed in the foundations and abutments of both dam sites utilizing a skid-mounted Longyear-34 diamond dri 11 with a two or three man crew to operate and maintain the rig.. A to- tal of 3800 fP""\t of drill'Lilg wa~-"perctorm~g-~ _All Togging and super- vision was conducted by a geologist w11o described; pnotographed and packed the l"nck core. and supervised testing ·anci 'instrument installa .... tion. Prior to the start of diamond. core drilling, all holes war'.~ cased through the overburden into sound rock. The casing was left in the hole to p~rmit subsequent testing and installation of instrU&-nenta- tion. All drilling and testtng was conducted by R&M Consultants and their subcontract.~r, The Drilling Company, uraier the direction of Acres American Incorporated. A stlllmary of the ari 11 i ng activity fo.r the 1980 field season is showra on Table 5.1 and Figures 5.1; and .5.2. Drilling stmmary logs and reports are cont a tnad in Appendix B • ( i i) fermeabi 1 ity Te~ti ng Permeabi 1 i-ty testing was .conducted in a 11 the <li a.100nd dri 11 ho'le~ upon completion of the core dri 11 ing. Prior to testing~ each ho 1 Et 5-3 tA ' • A' ' , • 't • • .. • • ;,. (iii) 1 • I 'l,, 9 "' 4 ' • • ' D • , . ' • • •' I • . • . • .~ • ~ • .!' was thoroughly flushed with clear water and the dri 11 string with~ drat•n. Following flushing of the hole, a packer assembly con$;isting of two inflatable·. packer elements separated by a perforated section of pipe and connected to the surface by a steel ri:ser pipe and rubber inflation ~ose was lowered into the borehole to the desired depth. The test procedure involved inflating the packers with nitrogen to isolate a section of the borehole~ pumping water under pressure into the test zone and recording the flow rates. Based on the flow rates.s hydraulic heaa, hole diameter ~nd length of test section., tl:le permeability of the rock over the test section was calculated. In general, the pack~r assembly was installed to the bottom of the hole with tests being run over 16 .. 1 foot intervals as the a~isembly was withdrawn. rne permeab i 1 i ty for each test section was cal cu 1 a ted using the following formulas: Q ln 1 k = 0.0679 2 i LH r Where: k = permeability, em/sec Q = constant rate. o.f flow, gpm :.I I I I' I I I I L = length of test section, ft and L > lOr H = differential head of water, ft r = radius of hole, ft ln = natural logarithm ·····'·--·1 1-. A maximum test _pressure equal to 1 psi per foot of vertical depth below thf.: grourid surface to the water table, plus 0.5 per foot of vertical depth below the water table down to the center of the test section, was used.. However,.. in no case was the pressure allowed to exceed 200 psi. The actua 1 gauge pressure was adjusted to take into consideration the de~:·h of water table. The test data and calculations are presented in Appendix B for Watana and Delli 1 Canyon sites. In-Hole Geophysical Logging In-hole geophysical logging was carried out in all three di·amond dri 11 holes at the Devil Canyon site anc t't«l holes at the Watana site. BH-2 at the Watana site caved badly and was 'not tested.. A total of 3,-225 linear feet of logging was completed. The logging procedure involved lowering a geophysical probe in the hole. on a wire line with the data being returned to the surface and recorded on a self-contained logging unit. The logs run in each hole ine1uded~ temperature, caliper, resistivity and velocity. This information is now being incorporated into the comprehensive logs.. The work per- f~rmed by. EDCON,· Exploration Data Consultant$ Incorporated, under 'I l::;" 5-4 • I I I I~ 'I I I . ~ I . . . . . I .I, I I I I I I I I I I I I el I I I I I I ~ a subcontract to R&M Consultants. The results of the geophysical logging will be contained in the fint1J r-eport ·as an appendix. (iv) Bo~ehole Photograehy Boreho 1 e photogr-aphy was attemptea in three of the di amend dri 11 holes~ BH-6 and BH-8 at Watana~ and SH-1 at Devil Canyon without success. Prior to using the real camera, a "dummy" camera unit was lowered in the holes to check for any obstructions and safe passage af the unit. In all three cases~ ~t became lodged in the hole. The ' 1 dunntY' unit was recovered in all cases, but it was not considered advisable to lower the real camera, as chances of it being lost in the hole or damaged were very high. The problems apparently were related to the inclination of the holes and the fractured nature 9f the rock. { v) Instrumentation -----·- To monitor the groundwat,er a~1 permafrost conditions in the bedrock, piezometers and thermistor strings, were installed in all three boreholes at Devil Canyon (Figure 5 .. 2) and BH-6 at Watana (Figure 5 .. 1). il1e piezometers used were a pneumatic type assembly manufactured by Petur Instrument C\,."'mpany ~-The pneumatic type piezometers were selected basi!d on the fact that subfreezing temperatures were likely to be encountered in the upper 'portions of );he holes which would cause blockage. in conventional ~tandpipe ?iezometers. Pneumatic type piezometers ar~ ~1so quick and easy to read as well as being accurate which is a prime consideration during winter months .. The thermistor strings were manufactured by Instrumentation Services in Fairbanks, Alaska. The thermistor strings were each 250 feet long with redundant thermistor points installed at 3, 6, 9, 12~ 15, 18, Zl, 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200 and-250 feet. A 40 strand cable was used to connect the-thermistors to the surface where a quick connect p'lug on the cable is plugged, into a switch box ~that in turn is connected to a portable readout box. The system is designed such th;a,t two readings are obtained at each depth so readings can be cross checked. Each thermistor point was initially ca.librated in the laboratory before installation ana a computer program set up to convert readings to temper·ature, taking irtto acco._,.nt the correction factors for each thermistor. An accuracy of !_.05"C is obtained with this equi prnent. The installation details are shown on ·Figure 5.3 and 5.4 for Watana and Devi 1 Canyon, respectively. 5-5 (vi) ~uger Drilling Auger dri 11ing was-conducted at both sites to expand the work done by the previous investigators to define theopotential borrow areas. At Watana (Figure 5.1), four holes were drilled in Borrow Area D and. rdne in Borrow Area E~ while two were drilled at Devil Canyon (Figure 5 . .2) for 260 linear feet total. The original program was more extensive; however~ difficulties were encountered in advancing the auger due to boulders, cobbles" and hard ground conditions. The program initially used a platform-mounted CME-45 rig that was replaced by ·aCME-55 for the difficult drilling conditions. Dril'"!O ling was performed using a hollow stem continuous-flight auger string~ having an 8-inch and a 3-1/4 inch I.D., to a maximum depth of 35 feet. Material samples were collected continuously in the upper 10 feet of the hole -and then at 5-foot intervals using a sp 1 it-spoon samp 1 er. The s amp 1 i ng procedures consisted of dri 11 i ng the augers down to the required sampling depth, removing the inner plug and stem~ installing the Split-.spoon sampler and advancing it 18 inch.res into the soil below the cutting head bY driving it with ~ 140 lb harrmer falling freely 30 inchas {Standard Penetration Test). The samples were returned to the surface, logged by a geologist and prepa~ed for transport and storage. In most cases, 4 to 6-inch long thin brass 1 iners were used inside the spl i t ... spoon samol er which allowed se 1 ec-ced .s amp 1 es to be capped and sea 1 ed for futu:-""e testing. Following complet·fon of the hole, the. auger string was withdrawn and the h9le backfilled with the drill cuttings. The logs for these holes are given in f\ppendix C-1. The properties of the borrow materials are discussed in Section 6. (vii) ~ismic Refraction Survexs Seismic refraction surveys (seismic lines) were performed on the abutments of both dam sites and in the bort~ow areas and relict channel near Watana to extend the previous studies. Eleven tra- v.erses totalling 27,800 feet we:re run under this program~· The work was performed by Woodward-C1 yde! Consultants ( VlCC) under a subcon- tract to R&M Comsultants, and the results are presented in Appendix 0. The location·s of the lines are also shown on Figure 5.1 for Watana and Figure 5.2 for. Devil Canyon. At the Watana d;am sitel' four traverses were shot in the immediate dam site.. Two ·of these lin~s crossed· the right abutment anti the relict channel area. ·A third line is located upstream of th.e pro- posed axis on both abutments, and the fourth i-nvestigated a topo- ·gr:aphic depres.sion a mile upstrean of the axis on the north side of the river •. Borrow Areas D and E at Watana were explored by four seismic lines.{two within each area). At Devil Canyon, the three seismic lines were run on i:ne left 5-6 ,···;j .. \ ·_ ,,' I I I I I I I I I ., I '• .,: I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I *I I I I I I I (south) abutment acros$ the sma 1 1 1 ake and adjacent s 1 opes to in- vestigate the overburden thickness in the proposed saddle dam area and the existence of a possible lar-ge shear zone t:) Laboratory Testing, Representative soil samples obtained from the potential borrow sii;es of the Watana area were tested to determine their physic.al properties and verify field classit.ication. A total of 21 samples were tested to determine. the soil's moisture content, Atterberg limit, grain size distribution and Modified Proctor density. A summary of the testing program is given in Table 5.2. All twenty-one samples were tested using the appliable ASTM or AASHTO standard procedures. The results of the testing program are sumnarized and the data is presented in Appendix C2. 5-7 I -I I I- I I I I I I I I I I -·· I I I I TABLE 5 .. 1 SUMMARY OF DR~LLING ACTIVITY -1980 HOLE GROUND DEPTH AN11LE WITH NOo LOCATION ELEVATION, FT FT ORIENTATION VERTICAL Watana BH-Z Ri-ght 1,835 401.0 N45E 55° Abutment BH-6 Right 1,605 740.4 S45W 60° Abutment BH-8 Left 1,976 750.55 N60E 60° . Abutment Devil Canyon BH-1 Right 1,415 750.3 S45W 67° Abutment BH-2 Right 1,214 656.2 N 60° Abutment BH-4 Left 1,353 501.0 SlSW 60° Abutment Note: Ori 11 hole locations are shown on Figure 5.1 (Wataria) Figure 5.2 (Devil Canyon) 5-8 SIGNIFICANCE Fingerbuster shear zone Suspected fault Powerhouse geology Powerhouse geology Dam foundation Suspected shear zone I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I •• TEST (PROCEDURE) Grain Size Distribution ASTM: U422-63 Natural Moisture Contents ASTM: 02216-71 Liquid Limit~ ASTM: 0423-66 Plasticity Index ASTM: 0424-59 Modified Praetor Density AASHTO T-180 Method 11 A11 AASHTO T-180 Method 11 011 TABLE 5.2 SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TESTING NUMBER OF TESTS Barrow Area Deadman River D E H Creek Channel 8 8 2 2 1 8 8 2 2 1 6 --2 2 -- 6 2 2 1 --1 1 NOTE: Laboratory test results are included in Appendix C-2. . 5-9 I. I I ~I I I "' ·.a· ·.I I ·I ··I ~I -I """ :~I -I f ~.. .. I 'I' [I II II Ra=: 1).S.ARMY CORPS. Of ENGIN.EERS SUPPLEfl.ENTAL FEASIBIUTY REPORT 1979. t· •TP •AP •DH •OR •BH OAH A LEGEND TEST PIT • AUGER HOLE J CORP Of ENGINEERS. 1978 CORE DRILL HOlE ROTARY DRILL HOLE BOR~HOLE · J _sUMMER J980 PROGRAM AUGERHOL£ SEISMIC UNE : .. OM, SW-CORP OF ENGINEERS. 1978 SL -SUMMER 1980 PROGRAM d.. CROSS SECTIONS 8WJ LOCATION OF JOINT MEASUREMENTS ~ ,,~I ,./ (,.~ .~ ·- V·lATANA LOCATION EXPLORATION ~~~~==~~~~~ 5-10 BORROW .4REA F NOTE, API7 0 I) SECTION SH\)WN ON fiGURE 6.£ 2) TO?OGR.APHtt:;: ttntroURS ARE. APPROXIt!ATI ·I I ~J I I ·I ·I I I R:~~•USGS, T~ &.l::YJ,It...L,S (b-5}, AI..ASI(A 0~-G.£.. ~v.:.r..n 1.'-E~OIAN~ T 3.2 N. ~ IE• S~ M;o 33. 5-11 DEVIL CANYON LOCATION EXPLORATION t~~AP LEGEND • OH SOREHO:..ES. ::::"'.:SSW. · 1 ··07 Rtt"':_~~.!!:.? .• ~., f£50 ] : .~ BH BOREHO:..ES-S"J~:~!::R lSSO F::r~.:;~~.! . i • TP, S, TEST PITS AN:nt 11\EN:H~S 1 . BUt\gAU OF fiEQ.A~.~ATIONt !:~ SW SEISMIC UN~- i CORP OF ENGI!\tERS, 1$7E r-SL f SEISMIC UN~-­ SUMMER 19SQ; ~OSRAM NOTE; TO?OG..=-..:,pr~ Cl)~rr~ t:::.:: APPROX:.!t.TE:: SECTION $HQ~ ON FIGURE 6 li3 COI-iTOt.J? f,~~ 'S!:i t c:.:<.1. ~SfiEtl CO:~ 2S ~c.::..T I I I I I I I I I I ..------------------...-_.. ... __ • _____________ '!'I' ________ ....,OIIIIIIi..., ... ,=,_--.,.,. .. To Readou. LEGEND ro y;_fac 3/4-inch I.D .. threaded ave;:~ burden OVerburden Roc""''""k-- joint PVC ....--- grout· tube ,_. Thermistor points NQ-Borehol~ (2 .. 98" Diam.) inflatiol! line and piezometer readout tubes Holes drilled in l?VC grout tube ...- to e.llow 9rout to escapa Pneumatic: piezometer~~~~ Epoxy-fil~ed tip Slotted PVC 7---pipe to protect pie~ometer Pe~fr~st cement grout .TYPICAL INSTRUMENTATION INSTALI.M'ION WATANA DAM SITE NOT TO SCALE 5-12 _, ••• I I i I I I I I I I I I l I I I ~ ~il!"."< I ·• ~' I I i . ... ,, .~· ... (', ' ~"' -;·· . 1.::. Foam seal Ground ... ~-inch. I. n·. PVC grout tube 2-L~crr I.D.~---r. ~eaded joint PVC casing ~ Overb'-ade ~~...---.._ Bedrock NO-Borehole Thermistor points Diam.) inflation line and piezometer r~adout tubes Permafrost cement grout · i\~~.size · ,s.limline ""Q'o--· 2Q .... foot slotted----packeJ;' section. Three rows 0.010- inch slots ~-inch J:.D. g:r:out Vf'.n t Noi:e: T\~o·piezometer/packer installations -were made ~.n BH-1 5-foot slotted ~~~~z__,· section. Three rows End olu...,_....w~.., .. . 0.10-inch slots T~PtCAL· ':INS.'rROMENATIOl~ INS'rALLiT!ON OE7IL CANYON: BH-1 and SH-4 NOT TO SCALE 'I '·. I I I I I I ••• I I I I l, .I I I ··~ I I •• ,..--~ 6 -RESULTS OF THE GEOTECHNICAL INVESiiGATIONS 5 .. 1 -Watana (a) Genera·l As discussed in Ssction 3, the Watana dam site had bsen explored by pre- vious investigators on a reconnaissance level (6, 5, 18, 19). This infor- mation was then expanded by the 1980 Program using detailed geologic mapping, three diamond drill holes~ auger holes and seismic refraction surveys. The location of all exploration stations are shown on Figure 6 .. 1. (b) Overburden Conttitions Overburden tniclcness in the dam site aroa :ranges from very thin to non- existent along portions of the valley slope to greai:er than 450 feet away from the valley walls. The type of overburden varies from weqthere.d rack and talus tD glacially derived tills with lacustrine clays to organic materials. The type and thickness of overburden in the site ar1a has been delineated by geologic mapping, drilling, excavation of test ~ ~ts and seis- mic refra\~tion surveys. A deta·il ed discussion of soi 1 conditions and prop- erties in :;elected borrow source areas are presented in Section 6.1 (f). An isopach map of overbu-rden thickness is shown in Figure 6.2. ln generai, the overburden on the valley walls and abutments in aJ1d around the Watana site is thin, varying in thickness from 0 to about 10 feet. On the lower slopes~ in the V-sraped portion of the valley, c;verburden is almost non- existent consist-;119 primarily of talus. Above the br"eak 1n slope' on the north side of the river, the overburden thickens and consists primarily of g 1 aci al materia 1.. · Several local areas of thick overburden were encountered on both dam abut- ments during the various phas&s of inv_estigation. Seismic line SW-2 (Figure 6 .. 1) shows a thickening of overburden to approximately 100 fest up- slope of BH-2. A similar thick pocket of overburden was found on the south abutment at DH-25 (COE~ 1978) (Figure 6.1) where over 80 feet of till was dr i 11 ed without reaching bedrock. Away from the valley walrs, the overburden consists princ.ipally of 5f]acial si1ts9 sands, gravels and boulders. Where drilled:) the conta!!t between·the overburden and bedrock is sharp. Seismic velocity of the unconsolidated s·ilts, sands and gravels generally average in the range of 6,000 . .._ 7,000 ft/sec whereas the denser tills, boulders, and weathered rock range between 13~000 "" 14,000 ft/s~c. A deep bedrock depression has been delineated on the north side of the river extending frcm approximately 9,000 faet upstrecm and trending north-· west toward Tsusena Creek. The ~¥idenre for this channel is based on seismic refraction studies (14., .17, 18) and several drill holes (18) as ~. .t shown Oh Figure 641. The lowest bedrock elevation encountered in the chan- nel was 1,775 feet or 454 feet below the surface (DR-22). The overburden in the buried channel consists of several sequences of till, lacustrine and a, 1uvial (including outwash) materials. At least two sequences of fine grained 1 acustrine material have been encountered. In DR-13~ _the COE re- ported encountering a significant artesian condition, however the source of the artesian pressure and relief on the cliffs was not addressed. In annther boring, DR-22, an interval of pervious sands and gravels was en- countered at elevation ,,,000 (200 feet below ground surface). Discussions with COE people who super·.dsed the investigations r~vealed that during a falling head permeability test on the interval composed of these materials had takes as high as 50 gpm/"foot of head. Based on the limited information on the statigraphy, it is very (jifficult to draw conclusions on whether the till, glacial material or outwash =~jjosn:s are continuous over large areas and a~ such, a reasonable assessment of the overall permeability of the channel materials is not feasible at this time. Previous borings performed in the river channel witnin the darn area show a11uvillt1 thickness on the order of 40-80 feet. The material consists of coarse sands~ gravels and boulders. Several boulders, in excess of several feet t~i~:::k, were encountered during the investigation. (c) Bedrock Geologl (i) Lithology The bedrocl< at the Watana dam si.ta consists of granite and quartz d'1orite, ur:desite porphory~ and tuffaceous siltstones and sant!:5tones (Figure 6.3). Areas of bedrock exposure are shown on Figures 6.2 and 6.3. l'he dan site ·is primarily underlain by an intrusive dio- rite body which varies in compasition from a granodiorite to qt.lartz diorite. The diorite is a pink gray-green, medium grained rock composed of feldspar, hornblende, biotite and quartz, and is generally fresh, massives competent and hart',, The most common mafic mineral is hornblende. The diorite has been intruded by felsic and andesite porphory dikes 9 and zones of hydrothermal alteration and secondary mineralization consisting of quartz and calcite are commonly fourtd in rock fractures .. An extrusive porphoritic andesite_ flow stratigraphically overlies the dioritP. and c;--aps out downstream along the left abutment of the proposed dam axis. Field mapping indicates that the thickness of th·is. unit may range up to 100 feet downstream of the dam area~ The andesite is a green to gray-9;r-een rock :Which generally contains phenocrysts of plagioclase witn occasiona1 small fragments of argi 1- lite. It' is gene.~al'ly fresh, hard and competent. Occasional in• elusions of diorite hav~ been delineated within the ~·.,desite in the western part of Quarry 11 Aii. Variati-ons within the 'fiow have been -' 6-2 I 1: I I, ; ··, I' 1: I I I I 1: I ' li I I ' II ' '· I I II I 'i I\ 1: '· •• ! I 1·: k I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I ~· I I 10 ,, .. ·· ,:· ~· ~ observed in this area that indicate its composition may include some rhyodacite and dacite. Near the downstream end of the dam area~ the m~fic content of the rock increases making it more basaltic in com- position. The contact between the andesite flow and the diorite was encount- ered in BH-2 and BH ... a (Fi~ures 6 .. 1 and 6.4). Simiiarly the COE borings DH-21 and 24 p~metrated andesite dikes :Jn the 1 eft abutment" The nature of the contact in BH-2 is unclear, in that a secondary shear zon~·corresponds with this contact resulting in poor quality rock. The contact in BH-8 was intersected at a depth of app·roxi- mately 50 feet. The· r-ock is this zone was highly fracturea and jointed with clay seams extending over a dist<2nee of 10~15 feet .. Core recovery was on the order of 70-80 percent. A sequence of tuffaceous siltstone and sandston'as a~r ~xp0$.00 tn the c 1 iffs approximate 1 y 5, 000 feet downstre·am of the ~.;-~. ~i-~ which are overlain by the andesitic (basaltic) rocks (see rigur ~~ 6.5}. These rocks are composed essentially of volcanic debris, tht: siltstone being t\ medifJll gray, fine grained rock that exhibits some sha1y weather·ing while the sandstone has a buff colored groundmass with inclusions of feldspar,. quartz and argillite. The rock in the area is generally sound and unweathered. (ii) Bedrock Structure Detailed joint surveys were performed at four stations around the. Wctana $ite. Three of these stations (WJ-1 through WJ-3, Figure 6.1) were performed in the diorite along Susitna River in the vicin .. ity of the proposed dan foundation~ while '.4J-4 (Figure 6.1) was per- formed north of the site rA Tsusena Creek. Contoured stereagraphic plots of these joints are shown on Figures 6.6 (a-d). Although cor- relation between joint readings vary between stations~ it appears that the most common joint set ranges from 320° to 350° with an average dip of 80° NE. Joint spacings range from 1 to 5 feet.. Sev- eral pronounced joint sets mapped at one station were nat found at others. An example of this is the 45° NW dipping set identified at WJ-3 which was not found at the other 3 stations. The reasons for these variations may be due ta local variation in rock type and ex- posure. However, additional work will be required to more accur- ately define local and regional joint orientations~ Jointing was found in all the boreholes. · The joints were generally closely spaced., open and. moderately weathered at the surface becom- ing more wide·1y spaced~ tighter and less weath~red with depth.. Many of the joint surfaces were covered of' rehealed by S·.\Condary mineral- ization of calcite, quat"ltz and limonite .. Several shear and/or fracture ,zones of varying sizes \'lere mapped during the 1980 field program. The surface locations of th~se frac- tures is show.4 on the geologic map~ Similar shear and +-c!~t·rre zor;es were "dentified during the dri 11 ing program (see Appendix B). ~.tt~~e dri 11 ed, these zones a.re typified by highly fractured rock, r.;lay gouge, slickensides and overall poor rock quality. The two largest 5hear zones which were identi'fied in P}"evious studies and were verified by this program are· located upstream and downstream of the proposed dam (Figure 6. 3). The first of these shear zones is evidenced in a bedrock exposure on the north abutment approximately 3,000 feet upstream of ·the proposred dam axis. This feaJcuY"e, cal1ed •tThe Fins 11 by the COE, occurs V·litnin the dior.ite pluton, and is mapped in excess of 400 feet wide. The major shears within this zone stril(e 310° and dips 55° NE. No evidence for this zone has been obser\ed on the south abutment due to poor. bedrock expo.sure.. The trace of this zone to the northwest may correlate with a highly oxidized and sheared diorite outcrop on Tsusena Cr~ek. This outcrop, which has t..~r~jergone hydrothermal alteration, is characterized by clay gouge, mylonite and numerous s1 ickensided surfaces. Other evidence which may support a northwest continuation of "The Finsn is seen in the seismic refraction surveys on the north abutment which show a lower bedrock velocity associated with the trace of this feature (14, 18). AdditionaJ ly, the trace of the feature closely coincides with a morphologic depression. The second shear zone, called the 11 Fingerbustet~u by the COE, is. located 2,500 feet downstream of the proposed dam:: axis on the north abutment~ BH-2 intersected this feature. on the right abutment-The boring dri l·led through approximately 100 feet of highly fractured, sheared rock which contained clay seams antd gouge. The shear :zone is coincidental with the andesite/diorite contact. This feature was not mapped on ~he 1 eft abutment due to 1 ack of rock exposure~ Other sma 11 er fracture or shear zones were. mapped a 1 ong the left abutment. These fractures were 1 imited in exposure and wi 11 require fur·ther investigation during the 1981 program. (iii) Rock Qualitx The Rack Quality Designation (RQD) was determined for all rol!k cores and ;,s graphically shown on the :ummary LO!QS in Appendix B-3.. The rock quality encountered in the drilling was generally good to ex.·~ellent with RQD's averaging between 75 and lOOS (see Table 6.1). Ir1 general.~ rock qu.al ity increased with de1pth~ with tre upper 50-80 feet of the surface being weathered and mc1re fractured. Selow this weathered zone, rock quality tends to increase with only lncalizer1 zones of fractured and sheared rock. These zones generally range in thickness from 1 to 4 feet. Thfr. poorest quality rock'was found in BH-2 which drilled through the uFingerbustern shear zone. This bor·ing was sited downstream of the fracture and directed N45E at an incl inatiQn of 55 41 • As se~n i~ the boring l~gs, the shear zone was intersected at an approximate depth G-4 I I I I ' ' I, I I ' li 1: I: li ! I I I' I li . ' I I' J: ' 1: I I ' i I I . . ! . I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I' I I I I ·I (d) (e) ' :':.::..:.._-: -, ,',-..,-. of 10 feet and continued to an approximate hole length .of 100 feet (vertical depth 65 to 80 feet). The zone, which corresponds with the andesit.e/diorite contact, consists of highly fractured, b~ecciated and sheared rock. · Repeatc>j grouting was required to maintain hole stability. Below this zone, rock quality improved with on1y localized zones of low RQO's encountered around 200~--210 and 250 fe~~ depths, respectively. ( iv) Rock Permeabi 1 ity Water pressure tests were per-;~ .. ~ed in all of the borings, huwever no testing was performed i:l~1'* ·· 650 feet in BH-6 and below 70 feet in BH-2 due to unstable hole ~onditions (Appendix B-3}. Graphic repre- sentation of the calculated permeabilities are shown on the Summary Logs (Appendix B-3). Overall, rock permeability is relatively low~ ranging from 1o-4 to lo-6 em/sec. Water losses were some- what higher in the shallower portion of the hcles. Groundwatel· ----·- The groundwater regime in bedrock is confined to movement along fractures and jo.ints 'nithin the rock. Water levels, as measured during the drilling program, rangad from 16 feet below ground surface in hole BH-8 to 147 feet in 3H ... 6.. Although very little data is currently available relative to the groundwater, it is assumed that the groundwater in the non-permafrost areas of the north abutment is a subdued rep1 ica of the topography with ground- water 5:Jradients being towards the Susitna River and its tributar·ies .. Pern1afrcst A limited amount of data is currently available regarding permafrost cond~·­ tion at the Watana site. Ten \:hermal probes, consisting of 3/4 inch galvanized steel pipes filled with diesel fuel, were installed by the COE in boreholes on both abutments to monitor ground temp~ratures. Multiple readings performr.!d over aS month period on several of these thermisters showed permafrost conditions on the south (left} abutment. Of four holes instrumented, all but hole DH-21 which was drilled beneath the r~ver gave -temperatures below freezing to the bottom of the hole. The deepest hole was DH-28 drilled to a depth of 125 feet. Max jmllll cold temperatures r?qged around -0.7 to ... Q. 6 °C. During the early phases of this program, an attempt was made to read these instrt.111ents with the results summarized in Figures ri .• ] and 6.8.. Mpst of the pi'"obes _on the (left) south abutment were blocked \~ith ice or showed sub ... zero temperatures at depths of 15 to 30 feet below ground surface; and it is, therefore, evident that permafrost exists in the south abutment at· relatively shallow depths. Because of the ice blockag~~, and shallow probes, it was not possib~.~ to determine the bottom depth of the perma- fr.ost. Temperatures wi.t.,-\.n th·is shallow zone ranged from -0.01 to .... Q.52°C., No evidence of permafro~t.. was. observed from proh~s 1on the north abutment. However., it was determined that ground tempera:tur"es are within 0.5°C of the freezing point to considerable depths. Auger drilling in Borrow Area 0 by both the COE and AAI indicates that dis- continuous permafrost may exist throughout the aren,. Visible ice was iden- tified in several of the soil samples to depths of 10 feet or more. On tt.e south abutment BJi-8 (AAI, 1980), which has remained open from July, was ob- served to "freeze back". It was first noted in September during the geo"'· physical logging that the hole was 11 necked doWn 11 at about 175 feet and the temperature at that depth was less than 0°C. The hole was next checked in Hovember and found to be completely frozen. In preparation for installa- . tion of the present (1980) i~strumentation, warm water was pumped down the hole to thaw the ice. At the start of the melting operation, ice was en- countered at a depth of 50 feet. Melting proceeded to a depth of 170 feet where the hole was blocked by caving. A thermistor string was insta11ed in BH-6 on the north abutment to a depth of 250 feet. · However, temperatures have not yet stabilized in the hole. It is to be noted that this hole re- mained open and unfrozen frnm the time of its completion in July until in- strumentation was installed in November, therefore, the hole does not appear to penetrate a permafrost zone. (f) Borrow Areas The 1980 investigatior program was planned to confirm the material sources previously identified by the COE and to provide additional information as to their geotechnical propertier, thickness ~nd areal extent. Primary. emphasis was placed on defining the core and filter material sources and verifying the quantities of rock fill previously identifi.ed near the dam site. The explorations conducted included geologi-c mapping~ auger dril- ling, seismic refraction surveys, and laboratory testing. The location map for all the exploration progt""ams is given as Figure 6.1. The boring 'logs are shown in Appendix C-1, the laboratory test program in Appendix c;.2, and the seismic refraction study in Appendix-D. ( i) (ii) Rockfill Mater1a1 _ ..... ._ Two quarries previously designated 11 Quarry A" and 11 QUarry B" by the COE (Figures 6.1 and 6.9) were investigat~. Additional surficial mapping was performed in Quarry A on the south' .(left) abutment and indicated the ~1\po~-;~d rock is primarily andesite overlying dior·ite (Figure 6,.3). Thi$ dif·fers from the interpretation of the ea1·lier exp1c~ation with diamond core drilling and detailed mapping to con- firm the thickness and extent of the various rock units. Quarry 8 was investigated by additional surficial mapping and a seismic lin~ across the central section of the area (Figure 6 l). The data col- lected indicate;; that overburden in this area m<~Y be as much as 300 .feet thick which would preclude exploitation of this qur1rry. Core Material ~ Borrow Area D This borrow area was identified. by the earlier irivestig.ations as a primar~. ~Q_Urce af impervious and semi-pervious material for th~ da.m construction~ The area 'is located 1~5 miles upstream of the dam 6-5. .I I I I I I I I I I:C~, .·. I I I I i ' I'~ t ._ •.. : ' . I I ~ 'I , . . I I I I I -, I I I I I I ~• I I I I I I axis on the north (right) abutment (Figures 6.1 and 6.9). Four additional auger holes and two al1dit#ional seismic 1 ines performe~d during the 1980 program generally confirm the earlier findings. Overburden throughout the area is very thick, ranging from 150 to as much as 350 feet thick (14). The material in this area is composed of a surface layer of natural ground cover of organic material, two to three feet of boulders and organic silts underlain by glacial tills of dense gravel silty sands. The tills rang~ from 15 to 25 feet thick and usually overlie a c1a.y to sandy grave.lly clay .. Grain size distribution curves of the till samples te:sted in this investigation (Appendix C-2) and thfa COE program (18)t show that the material is well graded ranging from silt amf"yrav·el'ly sand. The material is generally dense to very dense in-situ antj has a natura.l moisture content ranging from 6.6 to 25.7 percent with an average of 11 percent. The finer fract.ion of the material is generally non-plastic to very lm.., plasiticity (PI ranges 2 to 12). The shape of the compaction curves indicate that moisture content will be critical in obtajning maximum dens·ity and strength. {iii) Filter Material -Borrow Area E Th'is borrow area was identified as the main source of filter and concrete aggregate materi a1 by the COE {18). Borro1w Area E is an alluvial deposit fanned at the mouth of Tsusena Cre!ek on the right bank of the Susitna River approximately four miles downstrean of the dam site (Figures 6 .. 1 and 6.9). Nine auger holes rang1ng from 5 to 31 feet de~p were drilled in this area tt> expand '':he previous work {Appendix C-1). As. well additional seismic refraction 1 intas (18} were run to confirm the thickness of the alluvia 1 materia 1 and tJ~e limits of the proposed Borrow area. The auger drilling indicated a th-in layer of organic mate.t•ial and silt over most of area varying from 0.5 to 2.0 feet thick. This layer is underlain by 0.5 to 3 .. 0 feet of silty sand to clean s,and, below which is a 6 foot thick 1 ayer of sandy gravel. The sand and gravel materi a 1 s are ~ 11 rounded particles up to 4 tnches. and diameter and are clean and well gra:ded. The size of the particles appears to increase below 10 feet w·tth variable cobble and boulder content that hindered the drilling. The water table in this area varies from 7 to 16.5 feet below the g.·ound surface and near-the base of the sandy-gravel 1 ayer. Twa hales were drilled on a sand bar further upstream on Tsuserr Creek {Figure 6 .1) in an attempt to exp,'1nd the 1 imits of Borrq \r-ea t and provide additiona·l quantities of mater·ial. Both holes \W.... ~ terminated at less than 10 feet deep due to a high corn:.entration of boulders. However the overburden profiles compare favorably with the work from the main sectim1 of trB bftrrow area. The two new seismic lines ran ore the northwest portion of the area confi.rm that the alluvial materials vary in thickness fr.om 30 feat to as much as 6-7 {iv) 200 feet 1oca 11 y with an average thickness of 30 to 50 feet. G~a~n size distribution curves of the bag sample material show that the upper few feet of material consists of sandy silt grad.ing downwards to silty sand. This 1 ayer is generally poorly graded and relatively fine grained with 30 to 60 percent passing the No. ;~oo s.ieve. Tne underlying material is classified as sandy gravel to grav~!lly s:and with trace to some siit .. This material is relatively cltaan with a few fines and well graded. The grain size distributions for this layer show very good correlation with the results obtained by the COE for Bor·row Ai"'ea E. Natural moisture content for the sandy silt layer range from 15.7 to 27.3 percP.nt. The gravelly sand layer by comparison ha!.i na.tural moisture content ranging from 4.4 to 9.8 percent (all sample:; were taken from above the water table) .. ~ All the new data is consistent with the aar1ier data gathered by the "COE. However, based on the additional holes and seismic lines the borrow area can be expanded upstream a 1 ong Tsusena Creek. Other Potential Material Sources -·== F! I I I I I I I I . I During the COUl"'Se of the current and previous investigations within I I ttte dam site aorea, 3everal potentia1 sources of materials, other than those discussed above, 'Here identified (Figure ~ .. 9).·---Howevel'"l 1. I, considerable a1dditional investigation will be required to evaluate the type, suitability and quantities of ma.terials available from these areas,. The various sourcf; areas ar~! discussed below in terms • of the types of materials llhich might be obtained from them. I -Sources of Rockfi11 Material Considerab·le rock excavation wi 11 be required during construction for the darn foundation, underground powerfiouse, penstocks and spillway. This rock and soil from the v~~ious excavations may be suitable for use in the rockfill portions of the dam depending on the quality.of the matet"ial and the construction schedule. -Souv'ces of Core Materi a1 Based on reconnaissance mapping and exploration, three areas were identi.fi1ed as potential sources of core material. Several bag samples were collected to aid in the preliminary definition of the materials. The first area, designated as Borrow Area H, is 1 ocat- ed southwest -of the Fog Lakes area (Figure 6.9} and is approxi- mately five to seven miles f~om the dam site. The topography of this area is generally flat ·:o gently rolling. Most of the sur- fat;;e is covered by shallow swamps and marshes indicating poor drainage and relatively impe~vio.us underlying materials. Slump exposures along Fog Ctee!c.and the Susitna River indicate the I I ' I I I I' I I, I I f. I • I I I I I I I -I I I I I I I I ' J~ ,:,\ ' underlying materials to be a relatively thick 1ayer of lodgement till consisting of silt., sand, and gravel and some cobbles. with a trace of clay. A large ice wedg~ was observed in a slump exposure on the west end of the site indicating that the till may be frozen locally. The second area is located to the east of Borrow Area D on Deadman Creek one to two miles upstrean from the confluence with the Susitna River and approximately three miles from the dam site . Based on cliff and s1ump exposures along Deadman Creek and the morphology of the site., three types of materials \4Jere identified in this area. These materials consist of glacial outwash., ab 1 a- t ion till and lodgement till. The outwash consists of a relative""' ly clean, medit.m to coarse grained sand with some gravel, cobbles and boulders.; The ab 1 ati on ti 11 is composed primari 1y of silt and sand with minor amounts of gravel, cobbles and clay, while the lodgement till is a sandy, clayey si1t with some gravel and cob- bles and generally very compact. The topography of this area is generally flat to gently rolling with several old channels superimposed on tl.a surface. These old channe.ls are indicative of fluvial processes and it is, therefore, assun, 1 that much of this site is blanketed with a layer of out- wash material of variable thickness overlying a series of tills. The third area is located directly west of the present Borrow Area D. A r>eview of the previous data suggests t$-aat the percentage of tills and clay-rich material increases to the west. Additional investigation will be required to verify this. -Sources of F i 1 ter Materia 1 In the upper reaches of Tsuser~a Creek, the COE de 1 ineated two areas designated Borrow Area C and Borrow Area F (Figure fi.9)_ which may be suitable sources of filter material. To date only a 1 imited amount of investigation, consisting of test pits in area "F 11 and three sei~smic lines in area 11 C11 , has been performed (Figure 6.1) .. Additional investigations .and testing will be r~­ quired to verify the type and quantities of materials ir. each area. Based on surficial mapping and general reconnaissance in the vic- inity of the darn site, it would appear that the area surrounding the confluence of Clark Creek and Tsusena Creek, approximately five to si.x miles north of the dan site, may provide a potential so urea of fi 1 ter materia 1. This area appears to be composaj pri- mari i y of a 11 uv i a l materi a ls and r e·worked g 1 ac i a 1 outwash~ One sample of material was also co 11 ected from a gravel bar 6-9 ,. ' . . . . . . .,,... _. .. : ' .. . . .. . ," . .. . l ' I • • • ~ • 0 • , t 1 ' , • 'J • • .··/ exposed in the river channel. sl ight1y upstream of the dam. The grain size distribution curve shows that this. sample is a gravel in a sand matrix with a few cobbles but few fines. This is a near surface sample and may not be representative at depth but does show that further investigation of this material for filter materia 1 is warranted. (g) Reservoir Geology Preliminary reconnaissance mapping of the.Watana Reservoir was performed for the 1980 field program. This consisted of flying over the reservoir area and identifying principa·1 rock types and general types of surfici a 1 material. The topography ·of the Watana Reservoir and adjacent slopes is characterized· by a narrow y .. ,shaped stream-cut valley super imposed on a broad U-shaped glacial valle,y .. Surficial deposits mask much of the bedrock in the -area, primarily in the lower and uppermost reaches of the reser'!i'Dir. A surficial geology map .(..'f the re~ervoir~ prepared by the COE, aistinguishes till, 1 act!strine and alluvial deposits (18). (i) Surficial Deposits Generally, the lowe~" section~ of the Watana Reservoir and adjacent slopes are covered by a veneer of predominantly glacial till with scattered outwash deposits. Two main types· of ti 11 have been 'iden- tified for the area; ablation and basal tills. The basal till is overconsol idated, has a fine grained matrix (more silt and clay} and has a low permeability~ The ablation till has less fines and a somewhat higher permeability. Outwash deposits cor~sist of cobbles, gravels, and sands that exhibit a crude stratification and are well drained. On the south side of the Susitna River, the t-og Lake area is charac- teristic of a fluted ground mordine surface. Upstream in the Watana Creek area, glaciolacustrine material forms a broad; flat· plain whi~h mantles the underlying glacial. till and the semi-consolidated Tertiary sediments. This material consists predominantly of strati- fied, poorly graded~ fine grained sands an\1 silts with lesser amounts of e1ay. Significant alluvial depo0its exist in the river valley and consist of re-worked outwash and a11uvium. Deg1ac.'\ation of the area was accompanied by t~e filling in \lf the Susitna River valley and subsequent modification by alluvial processes resulting in the formation of flc~dplain te~races. Ice disintegration feat- ures such as kames and eskers have been observed in the river valley. Permafrost exi.sts in the. area as evidenced by ice wedge po ly.gons, stone nets· :.nd s 1 umpi rca of the g 1 aci al till over l_vi ng permafrost. Numerous slumps have been identified in the Watana ,Reservoir area, espe1:ially in sedime,1ts comprised of basal till and in some instan- ces the Tertiary sedi\4emts. The majority of the slumps occur in frozen glaci.al ti 11s cf Watana 0i'eek area and on an unnamed creek 6-10 ·-- 1 I •• I I I. I I. I II I I I I I I •• I 'I • ' .. ·, • : . . ~··. • I ' . ...-" . : • ~ • ,• •. -1\ ., ' .. {)' .' • • ·~~ • • ' .I 9 -• . . ,. .. . . . . . . .. ' . . . ' . . ' . I I ·I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~I (ii) between Deadman a.-~d Watana Creek .. Bedrock Geology As previously discussed, the Watana dam site is underlain by a dio- rite pluton. Approximately three miles upstream of the Watana dam site, a non-conformable contact between argillite and the dioritic p 1 uton crosses the Sus 'L~na River. Ar approximate {ocation of this contact ·has a 1 so been· del i neated on Fog Creek, 4 mi 1 es to the south of the dam site. Just downstrean of the Watana CreekSusitna River confluence, the bedrock consists of semi-conso~lidated, Tertiary, sedimentary rocks {15) and volcanics· of the Triassic age (Figure 6.5). These Triassic volcanics consist of metabasalt flows with minor thin interbeds ~f metachert, argillite, metavolcaniclastic rocks and marble (21). From just upstream of Watana Creek to Jay Creek, the roctcunit consists of a metavolcanogenic sequ~nce dominantly composed of metamorphosed flows and tuffs of basaltic to andesitic comoosition. From Jay Creak to just downstream of t.he Oshetna River, the reservoir is under.lain by a metamorphic terrain of amphibolite and minor amounts of greenchist arid foliated diorite. To the east of the Oshetna River, glacial deposits predominate. The main structural feature of the Watana Reservoir is a thrust which trends northeast-so~Jthwest and is ~nown as the Ta 1 keetna Thrust ( 4).. This thrust fault crosses t11e Susitna River approxi- mately eight miles upstream of the Watana dam site. The dip of this fault~,s··uncertain as Csejtey and others (4) have interpreted it to have a southeast dip, while Tur,,er and Smith (17) suggest a nothwest dip. To date, there is m'l .. .:ev-'Ujef1Ce for recent displacement a.long this fault. At the southwest end of the fault, unfaulted T~rtiary volcanics overlie the fault (4). Evidence of possible faulting has been observed in the sedimentary and volcanic rock of Jurassic age, north of Watana Creek (4, 17). Investigations of the Tertiary sedi- ments in Watana Creek, by members of the University of Alaska Geo- logy Department, however, did not uncover any direct evidence of faulting. Additional work on the reservoir geology is planned for the 1981 progr.am .. 0 6-11 . I ' 6. 2 -Devi 1 Canyon (a) General This section discusses the overburden and geologic conditiorr: ai: the Devil Canyon site as investigated by the 1980 progran and earlier explorars. (b) · Ovf£rburden Conditions The Devil Canyon has near vertical walls which are generally covered by a thin veneer of overburden. The overburden varies from a few inches to _several feet ir thickness (Figure 6~10) v ·The overburden consists primarily of ta 1 us on or at the base of the near vertical valley wa 11 s. On :he flat upland areas above 1,500 feet, the slopes are covered by g1 aci a1 ti 11 that varies from 5 to 35 feet thick. An overburden ·isopach map constructed from seismic survey and boring data is shown on Figure 6 .11. On the 1 eft abut- ment (south), there is a topographic depression paralleling the elongated lakes in this region. The ·overburden in this area reaches a depth of more than 85 feet and cons~sts princi_pally of glacial till material. A terrace or·point bar deposit is located approximately 900 feet upstream of the pro- posed dam axis at the confluence of the Susitna River and Cheechako Creek.. The thi~ckness of alluvial material approaches3SO·feet (Fi:gure6.ll). Overburden along this point bar thickens rapidly from 100 feet to greater than 300 feet over a distance of less than 400 feet. This st~ep dropoff in bedrock was identified in previous studies and will be further investigated during the 1981 progr~. ( c) Bedrock._ Geq_l29l (i) ~itholo9l The bedrock at the Dev i 1 Canyon dam site primari 1 y consists of a se- quence of a'rgill ite cf Cretageous age. The argi 11 ite is well expos- ed along the c?:.nyon walls and in scattered outc!"ops throughout the area (Figure 6.12). It is a dark gray to char-coal gray, fine grt:}J~"' ed argi 11 ite which is phyl1 itic in places due to iow grade metamo.~~·-· phism. The argillite is chiefly composed of grain~ of quartz and biotite with pyrite as an accessory,, The argi11ite weathers to a medit.m gray color. A light to medium gray, fine grained matrix with coa•'lse sand graywacke is interstratified in the argillite sequence .. Syndepositional flow structuves are evident within the rock core where coarse graywacke particles have been incorporated within a s~ale matrix. The argil"lite is thinly bedded, homog~neous~ hardi blocky and competent.. It contains numerous quartz stringers and veins and aplitic dikes. The apl itic dikes are. composed of a white, fine grained siliceous material. Differential weathering of the dik~s haS) produced notches or gu11 ies a long <.Jthe canypn walls. ~1orite was encountered in BH-2 ( Fi gores 6.10 and 6 .13) at a depth of approximate 1 y 640 feet.. This materia 1 was probab 1y intruded at the same time as the diorite pluton at the Watana site.. The extent ef the intrusion beneath the Devil Canyon site has not been cte11neated. 6-12 I I I I I~ I I I I I I· I I I I I I I I "······.······ ·.' . . ' I . I I I I . t I . I . ' •. . ,;; I ··~ ' I •• r •• I I • I ·r i ,. 1 a- 1 •• .1:· .. · ' . ' ,·' I' (ii} Bedrock Structure The thinly bedded argillite unit at the dam s'itehas a strike which varies from 53• to 70• (subparallel to the river) and dips from 50" to ao·sE f;Figure 6, 12). The dip of the str.ata ha$ result·ed in over- ·hanging c'iiffs on the south aP.utment; and in some places, cliff faces parallel to bedding, have formed on the nor-th abutment. The steep gouge in the area of the dam site appears to be controlled b,y. the bedding resulting in steeper slopes (60°) on the north abut- m~n": than the south (45·). A detailed joint survey was performed ~t 3 stations near the site (OCJ .... l~ OCJ-2~ DCJ-3), (Figure 6.10). A density Co!1tour plot of these joints is shown in Figures 6.14 (a-c).. The survey showed one major· and two minor sets in the dan site area. The strike of the major set varies from 320• to 350° (approximately NW) and dips an average of as·NE~ The joint spacing associated w·lth this sat is generally 3 inches to 3 fe~.. On the left abutment~ some of these joints show as much as 6 inches ·of opening at the surface; however!) the extent of the vertical openness is unknown. One of the minor sets. strikes from 70° to 105° and dips 15° t:> the south .. Another set strikes in a similar direction from 60" to go• with dips ranging from subhorizonta1 to 65° northwest. Additional survey mapping will .be performed to more accurately de- fine the joint sots. Several open fractures can be traced along the upper surfac~ of the abutment from near the proposed dan axis to some 1,600 feet down- stream and extend 100 feet back from the cliff edge. These frac- tures are open as much as several feet. In Table 6.2, the orienta- tion of the Jpen joiii~S are listede Two of the open f-racture orien- tations correlate with a major and one of the minor joint sets... No open fr-actures have b·"'en delineated in mapping the north abutment, as joints are generally tight. Joint spacing in the borings is moderately cioseto wide and ranges from less than one to 10 feet with spacing and tightness increasing with depth. Iron staining is common along the joint surfaces er.nd numerous calcite "healed'' joints were also encountered. Several closely fractured or shea~ zones have been mapped along the canyon ·walls and in the dri11 holes ,(Figure 6.12 and Appendix B-3). In general. these zones are character-ized by highly fractured and crushed roci<~ moderate to high weathering depending on location, c 1 ay gouge_, higher . permeab i 1 ity and core 1 ass during dri 11~ ~g. With depth, these zones become consideFably narrower, tighter and :further spaced. The trend o.f these zones is approximatel.'l northwest .... , southeast correspond:ing to the major joint set. The 1981 program will be to delineate these zones in more detail. These zones·are 6-13 (d) (e) (f) ,.-·-, . ' '. '. marked by highly fractured and .sheared rock with clay gouge. Of the 3 holes drillad, the poorest quality ·rock was encountr-.-ed in BH-4 {Table 6 .. 3), which was drilled beneath the pond on the ·south abut- ment for the purpnGe of determining the existence of a shear zone in that area. J.\1 thoilsh the quality of ths rock tn this ho1 e was not as high as the other holes, no evid~nce could be found in the boring for any major shearing. Additional drilling will, however, be re·"' quired in this area to insure that shearing was not responsible for ·forming the topographic depression. (iii) Rock Permeability The pertrulabi.l ity valves computed from the water pressure tests show relatively 1ow ··penneabilities on the order of lo-4 to lo-6 · cmlsec (Appendix 8-2). In most eases, the zones of higher permea- bi 1 ity carrel ate wi;th the upper weathered zones and the more frac- tured· zones at depth. Examination of ·the tests performed in BH-4. showed minimal water losses in more highly fractured zone. showi!;g the overall tightnes~ of the rock mass. Groundwater Groundwater migration is restricted to joints and .·fractures within the rock. As described in Section 5, several piezometers have been insta.l.led to define the site groundwater regime.. Data collected thus far at the· site has been insufficient to accurately define the groundwater· conditions; how- ever, it is ass.urned that the 9roundwater 1eve1 is a subdued rep1 ica of the surface topography with the gradients being towards the river and ponds. Permafrost. Preliminary temperature measurements made in the borings showed no perma- frost. co~ditions on either of the abutments. Additional monitoring of the· instrument.ation wi 11 be carried out throughout the project to accurately define a temperature profile. Borrow Areas ' . The 1980 investigations at the Devil Canyon site were designed to confirm the concrete aggregate source near Cheechako Creek previously fdentified by the WPRS. As .we 11 reconnai ssanee mapping ·of the surrounding area was con- ducted to identify s.ources of impervious mate~i~ls for the: cofferdan and the saddle dam. '·· ( i } Concr:ete . Aggresate 0 The previous investiga~.ions had identified the alluvial fan near the Cheechako Cre~!( confluence approximately ltOOO feet upstream of the propossd dam. ~"liowever, due. to limitations an accessibility at the site ·iJnly t·wo auger holes were dri:lled during this investigation. 6•14 . ••.. ~ ... ·~ •. ' ·· ... ~ I I" :··-·.·, '> . ' I lc I I I I I ~· I ,;, !: I •• I·· I 1.' I ' •• j . . ":; : . ~ '. . ',, . :: ~1 ~... . • • • ·-· ., • ::. ' • c •• -: •• ··~~-· ~-·<c;M~~;·;'~~-~~~·-··~~~-.r.:-..~,·-.t-,~-J, :~ c-.~.-.~~~--~~~~~.4r.~c.4.: .. .-.~~.~ ... y§{t.f!H ~~~:~ --~~~----~~~-;~~--~---·~··;.;\ -~-~~~i .. :-~~·-·,_..~'"~':_ ~~~~-~.:~~~r~--~ ·-.~~-~~~l:~..:~M: "' ••••• " I I I --~:,. • ~ ~-I f I . I ' I I ' .I " I These holes~ located in the western side of the fan~ were drilled to depths of 11 and 23 \Feet respectively. Data .f~om these ho.les indicate a tnin mantl~ of organic material overlies three to fqur feet of silty sand. Be low the sand is a 1 ayer of sandy grave 1 riith· a trace qf silt and scattered boulders and cobbles that. hinder the dri 11 ing progress. Sei srnic lines· run by Shannon & Wi 1 son for the COE (1:4, 18) indicate that this layer is as much as 80 feet thick, exten ·, lg to approximately elevatton 870 feet~ ·Results· of the 1 aboratory testing conducted by WPRS (19) indicate· that the· material fran this fan is of adequate quality for use as concrete aggregate. The gravel particles are stream worn and general Ty. rounded, with the accompanying subangul ar . sands. . Petrographic analyses of the sar1d and grave 1 indicates that the fan composition includes quartz diorite>, granites, andesites, diorites, dacites, metavolcanic rocks, aplites, breccias, schists, phy11ites$ argillites, and. amphibolites .. Generally the material is of good quality !AJith less than 2 percent deleteriau~; ·constituants such as chert, muscovite, and o: 'Jillite. The particles are generally fresh with only 13 percent o1 the material tested showing deterioration or weathering effects. }I From the te!,;ts cor~qucted to date, there appears to be a deficiency of 3/4 to l•l/2 inch gravel. Howeve~ this could be accommodated by the se 1 ecti ~e procf)ss·i ng of 1 oca 1 mcra'i na l materials. ( i i} Impervious-Mat~?i a 1 Recnnnaissance mapping of the areas adjacent to the canyon by-this and previous h;:·y~est.igations ~as-shown that the area is mantled with outwash .and ti'Il materials several feet thick. In addition~ the buried channel area on the south abutment is filled with some 90 feet of glacial ma'teri al.. This materi a1 was des tribed during the f:ield programs as generally dense, well graded and composed 1f parti~les ranging in size from rock flour to boulders. This material may provide a source of impervious fill but will require screening and blending to produce a satisfactory product. (iii) Add it i ana 1 Materia 1 Sour~e . -~ ·- Two terraces have been mapped on the east side of Cheechako Creek (Figure 5.,4} southeast of the pro,msed d,an axis. The gravel in these terraces is coarser than in the alluvial fan; but may provide additiona.l granular material after processing. · (g} Reservoir Geology The containment area of the Devil Canyon Reservoir will be ~onfined to the narrO~'! canyon of the Susttna River (Figure 6.5). The topography in and around ls bedro.ck controlled with only thin to n.on-existent overburden· except at the upper-reaches ·Of the ~.reservoir where all Wli a l deposits cover the valley floor•.. - 6-15 The large intrusive plutonic body, which underlies the Watana site (see Section 6.1) also extends over adjacent slopes (Figure 6.5), It is pre- dominantly a biotite granodiorite with localized areas of quartz diorite and diorite. It is an off~white to pink 1 ight gray ge_nera11y medium grained ror.k composed of quartz, feldspar, biot·Tte and hornblende.. The · most conmon mafic mineral is. biotite. When weathered, the rock has a 1 ight yellow gray or pink yellow gray color except where it is highly oxidized and, therefore, iron stained. The granodiorite is .. gcn~ri11y massive, comp- etent, and hard with the exception of the rock exposed on the upland north of the Susitna River where the biotite granodiorite has been badly decorp- posed as a result of physicaJ weathering. ,. The other principal rock type in the reservoi~ area is· the argillite and graywacka!t which is ~~posed at the Devil Canyon dam site. ~n summary, the argillite has been intruded by the massive granodiorite and· as a result, large isolated roof pendantt of the argillite and gra,ywacke are found . locally throughout the reservOir and surrounding areas. The argillite/ graywacke varies to a phyllite of low metamorphic regime. ·The rock has been isoc1ina11y folded into. steeply, dipping structures which generally strike northeast-southwest.. The contact between the argi 11 ite and the biotite granodi\>rite crosses the Susi ..:;~a River just upstre~ of the Oev i 1 Canyon dam site'. It is non-conformab 1 e and characterized by an a l· most aphanitic texture with an ·apparent wide chilled zone. The trend of the contaC't is roughly northeast-. southwest as it cros_sas the river.. Sev- eral large outcrop areas of the argi 11 ite which are completely surraunded by the biotite granodiorite are located in the Devil Creek area (see Figure 6.12). . Preliminary joint meas.uY"ements made in the reservoir area indicate struc- tural trends similar to those encountered at the .dan site (Table 6~2} 1 Joint spacing at these stations ranged up to 3.0 feet. . 5-16 . :::t-' ...:E::...·.~.J."-·.::- ~--···~: .. -·..;;~-. ·---~-----.--~:.::-_;·..;;.._ ... :.. ... ;_.·u.;::~ .. ~'\.-·-~jo.," ...... -~~--~·· -~~ ... ~· ...... " d'j: .: IJ·.· I I I' I I I I I I,, ·I I I I '!';; . "~-;:.:._ ••• .;.· '. •.< /./' --- BOREHOlE NUMBER BH-2 BH-6 BH-8 . \ -- - -.. - - ---~-··, - lABlE 6.1 ~T"~~ ' BOREHOLE ROCK QUALITY DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAG£ OF REGOVERED CORE IN SPECIFIC RQD kANGES . 90-95i 0-25% 25-50% 50 ... 75% 75-90% 19 15 22 17 13 5 2 13 22 15 4 7 18 16 18 ROCK QUAliTY ClASSlFICATIO~~ (MODIFIED FROM OEERE, 1963) 0-25% 25-50% 50-75% 75-90% 90-95% 911-100% Very Poor Poor fair Good Very Good· ·Excellent 95-lOOl 14 43 39 ·- -.. • .. -' 6 .. •;: c.'' • = . . ' .r. • .-... • • • 0 . , • . •• ·" ... • ~ ~ . • -\. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Joints, Major· Joints, Major Joints, Minor Fractures, Open TABLE 6 •. 2 DEVIL CANYON .QB. ..... I E;.;..;,N.;.,;.TA.;.;.T..-10.-..;.. N.;...,.,;;;.;QF~. _o.;;.;I S;;.;;;C~ON;.;.;T...;;;.I.;.;.;NU;;.;;;I;.;..T~I E;.;;;.S STRIKE . (AVERAGE) ( 320~ to 350° r~~s·) 10• to 105° (83°) 60° to 90° (79•) 300ti to 338° 2e 0 to ss· 7Sc. to 100° 135° to 140° . Note: Joint stereonets are shown on Figures 6.14, a to c. ·s-la DIP (AVERAGE) 78°NE to 77 12 SW 0 to 35°S 55° to 75°St 87°SW to 7 4°NE 68°SE to 82oW 43°SE to as·sE Vertical --··-----------... ---~-- BOREHOLE NUMBER -.~~- 81-f ·1 BH-2 BH-4 TABLE 6 .. 3 DE~Il CANYON BOREHOLE ROCK QUAliTY DISTRIBUTION 0-25% PERCENTAGE Of RECOVERED CORE IN SPECIFIC RQD RANGES 25-~0% 50-75% 75-90% 90-95i . 95-100% 2 2 9 21 15 .... 1 7 14 20 .j 1 8 16 22 16 ROCK QUALITY CLASSIFICATION (MODIFIED FROM DEERE, 1963) 0-25% 25-50% 50-75% 75-90% 90-95% 95-100% Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent 51 55 37 ·~I I I . . . ~ ...,-·-~. r ' • •• '! • ' . . .. \" '·,)·,· ... . " ~·; ;,__~~......:..-~;,_-----_;_...,;...:..,L__,:.2..:,..;;;..,.. ____ ,;_,_ ______ ..::;: ..... _........,.. ________________ ~ ___ __, _______ __.; __________ ....,___,~----......,_----....-...;;.--~-........ -......_ ______ , ---~.,....;..__..........., __ ....., ~-::---.-'!, REf: U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS SUPPLEMENTAL. FE.AS!BIUTY REPORT 1979. II 'fP •AP •DH •DR •BH •AH LEGE NO TEST PIT AUGER HOLE. __ j· CORP OF rNGINEERS 1978 CORE DRILL HOl..E "" · · · ' ROTARY DRILL HOt..E_r BOREHOLE AUGER HOLE SEISMIC LINE : l Stiiv\ME.N: &980 PROGRAM DM,SW-CORP OF ENGINEERS. 1976 SL-SUMMt:R 1980 PROGRAM t- El CROSS SECTIONS ~WJ LOCATION OF vOINT MEASUREMENTS ., ' '·· \ \_ ~ \ < . '>r~~ __/! '"'---..c.~ ......... WATANA l ... OCATlON EXPLORAT!l)N ~1AP m I ~ Q NOTE: API7 • I) SECTION SHOWN ·ON fiGURE s..; · 2) TOPOGRAPHtC: CONTouRS AP.£ APPROXIMATE I l i l ...--.:---f FIGURE 6.1 . -I . ., .··I I I ;,.ji. I I .I ~:: .. ,.,·' LEGEND DATA POINTS • DRILL HOLE .:l SEISMIC 1J'NE STATION " ---DEPTH TO BEDROCK CONTOUR APPROXIMATE ...,. BURIED CHANNEL THALWEG Q ~AJOR BEDROCK OUTCROPS REF. U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS SUPPL..EMENTAL FEASlBIUTY REPORT 1979. NOTE: TOPOGRAPHIC CONTOt.fiRS ARE APPROXIMATE 0 CONTOUR INTEFIVAL: 100 FE:El' I l I 1 ( l i ____ t i f 6-21 ·.ISOPACH MAP OF OVERBURDEN-WATANt. FIGURE s2 . ~~r: ·L---~--------------------~----~~-------~----------~------------~~----~~~-----==~~~:~~~-------~--~~~~~~ I , .I ,. ' ! :. ~"• [I [I r• r• I I I I I I ~ i ,.· I l ,.::tO - i I l I 1 l I i •. ~/ ; ( ----- ( I I ,_._._ __ ,.. -... • •• --i-'"'':...:. ·~---~Z..·l.-,. ;..~ .:..._ !. · .• ' .. . f,-. • -!~ !~-;.. .. ---- ,.,-;· ·- ~·-- --........ --..... - E': E'3 . , ::':: ~-~~= ~ - ' .. '.......... "'\ '· \ . l I ___ ,.,.,.,.--~-· /' ·---. --.. - 0 ~-··-.---.-- GEOLOGlC ~~AP OF WATANA -·-;: ~-- \ 1..• • -- .<-# --- -- -, ., ... .. ' ;_. .. ' .... .. "'LEGEJ.:> ~ 'VtX..CAh'X:LASllC SEDC.~=:J.'TS. n~~':: e3 TUFFACEOI rs S!J"S'T{lr-.35 A:::J SA:O::,.-n:t:!S ~ PORPOORITIC ANDESITE, u;:;u.:o;. ~· ~to­ ~~ BASAIJ', DfDTE, N;:) ~U!. PIORITE. I10..lDtNG QUARTZ [llloQR(t'E :AJ~ GRAHOOK>RITE 0 ()(Jlt;ROP --r-STRIKE AND DIP OF BEDC:KiWG ---STRKE AfiD DIP OF ~ITS ~ SHEAR AND fRACT1J'F.E ZotS. SHEB:li':3. ~01? ~-CONTt....'l. ~ NOTES: I) FIElD loe.APPi:;:i UNOERn..~ AT A SC.~l.F. W 1!6,000 (AERtAL~~ y;t FIGURE 6.3 . . .. I I I I ;:.-I .,.. .;. I "- I I I ... .I. ~I ·I I I I I 8D!l ~500 2000 ~ '"' ... ... 1501) 1000 DH-H BOTTO¥ .IS(f DIS MOO£RAT£LY F~TUREt' ZOllE ::<-U:>!.!T TO iotO:>ERATEl..Y -~~ ZOSE - I f::~ BH-a . B::Tt::l!JS 200' UIS NORTH ABUTMENT SOUTH ABUTMENT BOTTON :SOO' U/S '} 6-23. 'IUvtR'S EOGt DH-21 E~T .. '\1 ~s.::· QIS I'!OTTOM 7:::' 0 'S SECTION A-A LOOKING U/S N 15" W ALI .. UVlUI,l SECTION B-B LOOKING U/S N .;o• W RtrE:'I!:h::ts I i:OIU> 01" E~lGll'iE~"'S, 19:71! 1'\.t:rr t>·' ~ SUI,II!l!;ri '19$0 ~~~~ __.....-"""'" 8' GLACIAL TILL BH-8 ANDES ITt 'oiOI!ITE CONTl.:.T MODER~TELY FRACluq[~ D!O!liTE • GRANO:)'. 'II'Tt BOTTOM 175' U/S GEOLOGlC CROSS SECTIONS -.WATANA .. LEGEND ~ RIVER ALLUVIUM t:::.:] GLACIAL TILL a SHEAR AND FRACTURE ZONES D ROCK NOTES~ I) VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL SCALE 1: I 2) SECTION LINE SHOWN ON F~ 6.l 200 lOt'. 0 2CO pw;;ww;;; l i • ~ i } 1> t J ~ t l fi I I L t .. j i I i t j I 1 ·._I_. ·I· .. _,_,._. Tr-'. : ... 'J:t. ' ·~ FIGURE 64~ · ~ ..... : ·.1 I ~1:. ··I ,~I' J ! ' I { \ REFERENCE: USGS, TALICEtTNA MOUNTAINS ( 0·4) AND ( D-5} 781 'Kao \ \. "'-. "-, \ -\ ( --64 GEOL.OGIC MAP OF liEVlL CANYON RESERVOIR Tbgd 66 ..J- I \ . ; .. \ \ T!:IJSENA CREE/': \ ·"'· \. 1 ~ ~( ~ ~ l LEGEND. l l 1 . ~ . l l . • t· I i "' I ; Tv f ANOt::StT.E ANO:.A.'\"DESITlC BAS!.~:.. f ...___ FLDWS, VOLCAN!G 'CLASTIC sal!MB ... J.S I Tbgd I BIOTITE GRAN~TEl QUARtL DIORITE:, DfORl'TE: · . 1 Koo 1 ARGIWTE .f ~ STRIKE AND Ol?''t)f BEDS 1 I !).. STRIKE AND Dl~ 'OF JOINTS ·-· J _, ----CONTACT, lOCAT~ APPROXI,..ATEUO I NOTE: ll GEC.OGJC MAPPlNG U~'Ot;.~tAKEN AT A SCALE OF I: 12,000 B l~63,560 I t f l t . . i • l • l I ! i 1 i J I l l t l . " I l I 1 .. I ··, I ·I I I I I 0 1 . I -I I I ;I I STATION WJ-! El.EV. 14701 n: a& CONTOUR lNTERVAL. IS PER I o/o OF AREA 180° s JOINT STEREO PLOT$ -WATANA . r-i F'lGURE 6.60 1111·] f I . I I I -· '--· I I I I I •• I I I I I I I ., :;.·-· -~------~----------------~---------------------------~~---~ (l( CJ ...L ! STATION W1-2 EL.EV. 1470 1 n= 60 CONTOUR IN\~RVAl. IS PER lo/o OF AREA .,__ J01NT STER£0 P!.;.JTS -WATANA FIGUR!l: 6.6b, [i]. ·-~~--~~------~--~~~~~~~~---~ ~ .. 6-26 (1 .. ·J I I I I I I I, I I I, ·' I I I I I I I I ~--~--~·--------------------~----------\-. ----------~------~ I ,, STATtON WJ-3 ELEV. 14101 n: eo CONlOUR I NT.ERVAl. lS PER 1·0/o OF AREA JOINT STEREO· PLOTS .. WATANA -. -27 FlGURE-S.Sc [il I I I I I I I· Iii I I I I I I I ,, I I ' . {I ~~--~--------~--~---------------------.~~~----~.-·-----,-· ------~~ STATION WJ·4 ELEV. 1750' n:IOO CONTOUR INT£\WAl. IS PER 1°/o JF AREA l T ! JOINT S rEREO PLOTS ~. WATANA FIGURE6.6d. [jl (} "' j i -· (, ~; \ ~~ v WATANA DAMSJTE POTENTIAL BORRO'A' AREAS ~ <· \ ~ PRES. ErnLY lDENT~FIE: ~ AR=:;, ~ PROPOSED NEW ~fi~~ ~ FOR INVESTlGATJO;~ 0 .5 . -SCALE IN MILES ! • • i i J ~ • ' I I I I ~·usGS, TAU~~. J.':U:T'.t::'.S 10·5), ·~.LASKA O~G..E. SEV.::.R:l L~O:t.H: T3ZPt, Rl!':, S32 A.'O 33 6·--32. DEVIL CANYON LOCATION EXPLORATION f,~AP LEGEND -• en e BH • if; S, TEST PITS Af-!D TREf.:C:HES "~" BUREAU OF REClAMA1lm.;, lS.OO . o AUGER HOLES-St.JMME.R aso PROG~!. SW SEISMIC LINES- r-.......... """4i CORP OF ENG~t:EERS. l91'8 SL SEISMIC ll.NES• t SUMMER ISSG ~OGRA.M e DCJ lOCATION OF ~1NT MEASUR.a!Ef\'1' t i' CROSS SECUQN. zoo o ~ ctt> ~ &-r r .t. ~----:::"-:::::.... ---:--:..·. ---~- .s::.ttE ~"' 1'£!1' ~· t•TER'.:.t. !lO FEET ll!!SHEli CXJt.'lUR ·~ FEET ·I ;_ 'I f!E~Neet USGS, TALKEETNA MO!_,,'l't.l'S (O~!i}, ALJ..:.r<A OUAORA!'G..£, SE.....:ARO MERIDll.N T32N, RlE, 5~2 l.'~'.J :33 lSO'PACH MAP OF OVERBURDEN- DEVIL CANYON LEGEND DATA POINT~ • DRILL HOLE . .6 SEISMIC LINE S~TlON ----DEPTH TO BEDR~ CONTOUR APPROXIMATE G MAJOR BEDROCK ~'iTCROPS NOTE: 1) CONTOURS HA\lE 'BEEN ADJUS"i:E: TO TOPOGRA.Pl:n~ 2} TOPOGRAPH~ CONTOORS A'.:..:. APPROXlh'J'.T~ 2!10 0 2'"-h &"5J51l>Gd CONTOUR tti£R~ :!!b fE:ET DASHED COtnt>UR ~ ;fE1' FIGURE U.ll . ,..t.l"' !"'. . "~ . ' . $:..,;:~-~ ~ I I • • 1 ; . ' I . I fB) ~r~r LEGEND @ MAJOR OUTCROPS Ot=' .ARGILLITE ~;-; .>:-STRlKE AND DIP OF BEDS . ..,._ · STRIKE AND DIP ·Cf"' JOINTS ..J"-STRIKE AND I:XP OF OPEN JOir-«S ~.SHEAR AND FRACTlit ZONES NOtE: l t i •I I) GEOLOGIC MAPPlt~G Ur.'DErt1:A.l.$r-; }:' · AI THE SCALE OF .f;24,0CC ! REI'ERE~• USGS, TALXEE:TNA MCXM~ ([)•!)), ALASKA OUAOiW¥.>LE, SEw:.RO .I.!E:RIOIA.'i: T~N, RtE, S3Z AN0.33. S 32. S3l (AERIAL PHOnlGRAPHS) 2} TOPOGRAPHIC C0t-.'10URS ARE APPROXIMATE z.tO 0 20" . 4100 k: ""5""S& I ~ ·flroN:t. ·!liD FEET .DASHEO (XWTOlB 25 n>::.! • I l J I t l t ,...._........_! ' ll p--.. ! .. ~~.... · · ·· u"~ ; ~ -FIGURE S 12 . lw ... :&. • t L..------------------------:6;:""--:3::;-;z~,: ----,.........;.-.____. .......... ____ _,;, ___ __.... _________________ "-------------.;..._,._~--------....... ---_,..,..;.._..........,.........,;.....,;:;.:,....;...-· ---------~~:.:..:::~:....:::~::::;:=:::::...: GEOLOGIC MAP .QF DEVIL CANYON I ~--__ .•. ' .. r Lf ~·-· -I r. ·I I I\ I 1400 1300 1~00 700 600 500 NOI\td ABUTMENT SH-2 PROJ:':CTEo ZOO' DIS LOOKING U/S N II"' E 5>H"'l (PROJECTED) BH.-4 BOTTO~ 250' 0/S SOUTH ABUTMENT '· 1 e-.:;:;s::.:J -~-.Rt':s..~v!--!)li.., t~s~ 2 CO"'"S 'OF EN:O,,t:S:~'S, l$7! 3 5.;\ll.":;:::t 19!:! '"'""~·~":.::•. LEG!i~ D GLACIAL TILL OR 0YER6tiR~t: 0ROCK a SHEAR AND FRACTURE 20t-.,'$ BcoNTACT NOTES 1) VERTICAL AND HORIZm.ZTAL. S~t.E l: I 2} SECTlON LINE . SHOWN ON FtG'..F.Z 6.10 100~ (). 5il-:~ tOO t::.:! •:.: SCI.LE Ill fU:T j l I . r···· I I I I I I I •• '·' I~ I I •• I I I I li ~I ; _: •. · .. 0 STAT10N OCJ-1 a..EV. 9001 n: 93 180° s CONTOUR INTERVAL IS PER I 0/o OF AREA 0 JOINT STEREO PLOTS-DEVtL CANYON ~~··~-~ F1GURE 6.14 a. . [I . .. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I STATlQN OCJ-2 El.EV. 900' n ~ 100 0 Q CONTOUR INTERVAto.JS PER lo/0 OF AREA N oo I -I JOINT STEREO PLOTS· DEVIL CANYON [j1·111 FIGURE 6.!4 b . I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I STATtON OCJ·3 • EL.EV. . 1400'-teed n: 100 CONTOUR INTERVAL IS P'ER 1°/0 OF AREA JOINT STEREO PLOTS .. DEVIL CANYON 6-38 F1GURE 6.l4c lil I I I I I I . . I I I I I I I REFERENCES ,, I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I •• I ~-· I LIST OF REFERENCES 1. Billings, M. P. Structural Geology: ·Prentice-Hall Inc~ New Jersey.· p 606. 1962. 2. Csejtey,: B., Jr. '!Tectonic Implications of a Late Paleozoic Volcanic Arc in the Talkeetna Mountains') Southcentral Alaskan, Geology. Vol 4, No. 1. pp 49 -52. 1976. 3. Csejtey, B. Jr. ••The Denali Fault of Southern Alaska: The Case for Minor Rather than Major· Displacement'-, Transactions American Geophysical Union. Vol 61, No. 46. p 1114. · 4. Csejtey, I:S. Jr., H. L .. Foster and W. J. Noklegerg ... Cretaceous Accretion of the Talkeetna Superterrane and Subsequent Development of the Denali Fault in Southcentral and Eastern Alaska", Geological Society of America, Abstract with Program!_. p 409. 1980. · 0 5. Csejtey, B., Jr., W. H. Nelson, D. L. Jones, N. J. Silberling, R. M. Dean, M. S. Morris, M. A .. Lam.phere, J. G. Smith and M. L~ Silberman. "Reconnais~.ance Geologic Map and Geochronology, Talkeetna Mountain Quadrangle, Nol"thern Part of Anchorage. Quadrangle, and Southwest Car·ner of Healy Quadrangle·t Alaska", U.S~ Geological Survey Open File Report 78-558A. p 60. 6. Dames and Moore .. SubsUrface Geophysical Exploration~ Proposed Watana Oamsite on the Susitna River, Alaska. p 2.2. 1975 .. 7. Detterman, R. 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'----'-'---~~____:__.:...._.._~~~----'-"-.....;;;,___..._..___.. ............ ---.........,;,.,;. ........... -........_ ........... ....._ ......... _-....;, __ ......, ...... ___ .....,._ .............. _.,J:: . 7-,l' I I I I I I I :I I •• I I •• I I I I I Turner, 0. L. and T. E. Smith. 11 ueochronology and Generalized Geology of the Central Alaska Range, Clearwater lVfountains, ,and Northern Talkeetna f4ountains", Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys, Open File Report 72. 1974. . U.S. Army Corps of Engineers .. Hydroelectric Power and Related 5 Purposes- Upper Susitna River Basin, Appendix, Part 1, Section U. 197 and 1978 .. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. 11 A Report on the Potential Development of water Resources in the Susitna River Basin of Alaskan, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Alaska District. 1953. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation.. 11 Devil Canyon Project, Alaska-Feasibility Reportu, U .. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Alaska District. 1960 .. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. 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Vol 64. 1974. - Yould, E.. 11 The Susitna Hydroelectric Project 11 , Northern Engineering Vol 8, No. 3 -4.. 1976 . I I I I I I ~·· I I I I I I I APPENDIX B RESULTS OF DIAMOND DRILLING PROGRAM ~ ............. ......__. ............. ..-.....,;;.;,.~........._-- I I I I • -· I I I ,, I APPENDIX B-1 DRILLING REPORTS -R&M I. I •• I I I •• ,I -I ,I • • • • • , .. • • • ' ---~-;' -• • • t'l' . ' cl I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I •• . . / , WATANA I' 1\ I. I I I I I l I L, .. - I I I I I. I I I . 'I •• ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED CONSUL.TlNG ENGINEERS SU~FALO i NEW YvR-K ---~·~ ~------.-. RAM CCNIIUI.TANTS, INC.. .......... ..,.., ...... : ._. ..... _ ............. ANCHORAGE I AlASKA ORIL.LING REPCRT $USITNA HVCIAOELECTI:aiC I=IRCJ.JECT tor ALASKA POWER tO.UTHCIAITV HOLE NO. BH-2 SHEETNO. 1 OF 13 SJTE w"'ATANA NOR'l'H ABO'l'MENT JOB NO. P57Ql.OS (ACRES) 052504 (R&M) ,, CONTRACTOR ... THE DRILL~NG COMPANY STARTED 11:30 p M _ _.J;..;.;u-.lz._. _1-;~4 ___ 19 8 ::::.;:0;:....._ -------------.FINISHED 4:00. p·M: July 27 . t98._o-._ ORIU.lNG METHOD LOCATION: OEPTH 4ft SOl~-· _ .. CASiiiOiiiioiiiiiiN.-G.....,.AiJVAN-.· ~-CE-R--. _____ CASING OIAM. -~-.m ...... _~I-·.-.0.-.. ... -:---- ROCK DIAMOND COR'€ DRl:LL CORE OIAM. NO -3 (1 •. 75~) LATITUDE N 62° 49 a 33. 28111 DEPARTURE W 148° 33' 9 .151' BEARING 456 INITIAL DIP -~5=-=s~a~--- OTHER DiPS------- ROCK TYPE OESCRIPTtON: - ELEVATIONS: OAnJM DRILl. PLATFORM ----~----=<__._._ GROUND SURFACE-~1~8~35~---"""""""' ROCK SURFACE 1826 • 8 BOTTOM OF HOLE -~i~S.~OG~·-=:5~. ~~~- WATER TABLE !. 765 (7-28-80) LENG"ni· •!. OF CORE. ~HlU . REC. "'""'' CRQDJ ~----~------------~-------------------------··---------------------P----~--~ 0.0 Overburden Soil matrix containing some green igneous rock, fine to medium grained with small white crystals. Grades downward eo residual, highly weathered bedrock. 0.0 -10.0' No samples taken. 1o .. o· Andesite Greenish to dark bluish-gra" , fine to medium grained g:roundmass with white plagioclase phenocrysts. Flow structures. Very hard.. Fresh to slightly weathered. Joint spacing very close· to close. Joint and fracture surfaces rough, with Iron-oxide staining, often thin clay Run 1 100 ·•. r \ " LOGGED BY 1.0.0 (54) tc !.5.0 "Run 2 96 1.5 .. 0 (50} to 20 .. 0 I coatings. Disseminated sulfides throughout. 16.7 Gouge. Core loss 0. 2' . _Rahaim_. __ • ---H_a_.g_en ____ {R aM) SUlt!ma.~J by Feldman ----.....--.·-.---.. ...... -.. (ACRES) <Run 3 100 20 ... 0 (66) to .25 ... 0 Run 4 100 25 ... 0 (0) to 25 .. 5 APPROVED ------·-· --· __ ._., _{R S·M) DATE APPROVED --------{ACRES) DAtE I I,,, . ' ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED t-------~t'-· ---------..-.·------i coNSu• "PJNG ENGINE~Rs .... M cc • f.TANT~NC. I '-I -a a -·•rtYe .._........ II .... BUFFALO , NEW YORK ANCHORAGE ,A~ASKA CIRILLING AE~CJPIT 8U.ITNA HVI:JACiii!LECTS:.IC PI=ICI.JI!CT for ALASKA r:taw•~:t AUTHDAITV HOL.E N0.~-:3-· -- SHEET NO.--l... OF..l.l. SITE WAT~ NO~':@ aBUTMENT JOB NO. -f.S]Ol. Q5 {ACRES) . 052So;t • {R&M) OESCRIPTlONa 29. 6 Fracture with clay. 40.5 -60.8 Mafic and ultramafic inclusions. Calcite coatings common on fracture surfaces. I.--Off! ·r;;r•" e . REC. RUN (RQD) R 5 100 25 .. 5 (42) to 30 .. 5 · R 6 30.5 35.5 R7 35 .. 5 to .40'"5 RS 40 .. 5 to 100 {42) 100 (74) 100 (73) I . I ! 1 I I I I f l I I I ' I I i 45.7 R9 4.5 .• 7 i02. I (92) . J (55.7 .. 60.8) Core loss 0.7'. 60.8 -71.2 Incompetent~ highly fractured. fra~tures healed with carbonate. (62.2) Faint slickensides. - Many to so .. s R 10 so .. s to SS .. 7 a 11 55.7 to 60 .. 8 a 12 so .. a to 63 .. 7 R 13 63 .. 7 to 66 .. 9 100 (92) 86 (73) 100 (62~ 100 (72) I • I ( I ...... t 'I • i I .•• J ' . . I ~ ·" '""-"'---~··..,------...... ---..,._,-----.... -.·-----....... : __ .,. __ ......, _________ .... ----· ---~.. I ..... ,•·=~-~~~~~··~rillillliilliii~ .. ~lllilllilllilli~~~-· .. l I I I I I I - I I I I I I I I I I I I I ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED t-------.... ~~...._:.J ·.~ . . . ,., .. CONSU~TING ENGINEERS lii&M C!!~~~!!t.!~ BUFFALO , NEW YORK. ANCHORAGE , .ALAS~A I:II=IILLINU AEI=ICiAT .U.rTNA HVI:»JliCISLIICTAIC PIRC1aJECT Ho r e NO ~H-" . j'-a~ • -~~~~ .... .a--_, .• for ALABK.#\ I=ICIWl1JI AUTHQAITV SHEET NO • ..,.., ... LOF.ld. SITE • WATANA NORTH ABUTMENT JOB NO • ., P570l .. OS. (ACRES)""f"'M052S,&4 -{R&M) ~----~------------~-----·-----------------,-----------------·~ Le~ cifE OF iec-. • ROCK TYP! ' OESCRGPTION: 71.2 -72..0 Altered. Clay zone. 71.2 -81.0 Highly fractured and sheared, loss 4. 7' . Highly weathered and altered. caving, core badly ground dw:ing drill:i..n.g. loss 5. 3' . RUN (RQDJ ··,R 14 66;o:9 to 68 .. 9 R 15 68.9 to 71 .. 2 R ~6 71.2 cot'e to. Hole 72.0 Core R. 17 72 .. 0 to 75 .. S i lOO (SO} 113 (73/ 75 (0) 26. (0) R lS 35 75 .. 5 (0} to 77 .. 5 R 1.9 77'.5 to '91~0 66 (46) 81. 0 -97. 8 !i:i.ghly fractured through~ut, l R 20 moderately hard to .soft and friable locally, Sl .. o moderately to slightly Weathered, more \:Olllpetent to lQQ. (71) than rock ab•ove. 84 .. 5 R 21 1 84 .. 5 to ss.o 100 (0) R. 22. 100 as.o (77) to 90.2 ~---~~--~--------~·' I PD.·[~ ~~=L~~~~:~~~~;;oRAT£D r-------~n~~'-._-.-:t-~-~-N-T_!J..!_··~-....... -.----~ I ' IIUDld BUFFALO t NEW YORK ANCHORAGE t ALASKA .~.~a~R~.~.L~L-I~N~G~.~E~P-.a~. ~R-T~----~.----~------------------~·­ HO L.E NO. BH-2 i ; SHEET NO~· 4 0 F: 1 3 .1 ... {ACRES) 052504 _(R&M) ~ BU.rTNA HYI:IP:aa.LBCTw:.IC PRC2.JECT foT ALASKA PICIWI!R AUTHCIPIITY SITE WATANA NORTH ABUTMENT JOB NO. P570l.. OS DEPT'H ROCK TYPE t i.~ _.:/.t-.,. OF ~ RUN R!C~ (RQDJ DESCRIPTION• (92.0 -95.0) Core: loss C~S'. (95 .0) Brecciated zone with clay and carbonate. Soft. (96. 8) Slickensides R 23 100 90.2 (OJ· to 92.0 R 24 83 92.0 (27) to 95.0 .R .25 100 05 .. 0. {47)· to 96,.5 R. 25 lCO 96 c; .... .1., (32} to I ~ 97 .a 97.8 -121.0 Hig~ly ~ractured and sheared,_ c~l:!!. ~ ~~ loss 8 .• 4'. Zone J.s h1ghly altered ar::d w~.a~~ered j· to throughout, moderately h~!:d to. soft. c1nd ll:rJ.able, lOO.l clay gouge and slJ.¢kens~de:s tfu:oughcut. 35 (0) Pemeated by carboua te. ·R 28 100.1 53 {0) -I I I i ·a-·· . . ~· • i i . t I j I . I I (101.8. -109.6) Shear .zone. Core loss gouge with angular R 29 7 ·2 t • 101.8 rock to . 3 } (0) I . Calcarcou.r: clay fragment!~ 1! 1.08.0 -, I R 30 19 108 .• 0 (O) to 1 I :- ......... R 31 97 109 .. 6 I los,.e <36> +-o . ll5.21 '.· I . I.:"'' ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~----------------------~-~~·------------~--------------------------------~~----2 - ACRES AMERiCAN INCORPORATED ......._ ___ .....,~""-----------~ CON~su~ "P.JNG EMI!'I•·.·E ... z:-~(s ••~n cer~ANTS, INC. .... _ ~~ ll'..i n • ~ -. ............ .,. .._.._, .. ... BUFFALO , NEW YORK ANCHORAGE , AI.~SKA ~· CI~ILLING I=IEPCJI=IT SU.ITNA .HVaRCHILIICTI=IIC PRCJ..JECT for ALASKA PCIWSA AUTHCIAITV HOLE NO • ...:B:::.::H::..-~2 -- SHEt.INO. 5 OF 13 SITE ~JATANA NORTH ABUTMENT JOB NO. P5701.05 (ACRES) 052504 (RSM) 118.2 0 Andesite and Diorite (Transitional Zone) DESCRIPTIO~: (118.2) Highly oxidized. Light green to gray~ fine grained andesite (as described abov~) incerlayered with light to dark green, fine to medium grained diorite (with hornblende, plagioclase, biotite, orthoclase). Rock types alternate throughout. Locally competent, slightly <'lea there'd. Very close joint spacing, numerous healeu fractures. Iron staining on f~acture surfaces. Calcite present in joints and f1:actures . 121. 0 • l41. 9 •l Highly fractured and shea.red locally. More competent than rock above, alight.ly t.o moderately weathered, with iron staining on j oi~ .. surfaces. (123-128.4) Possible shear zone. (131.0·· 134.8) Core loss 0.2'. 141 • .9 167. 9 Highly fractured and moderately hard to soft and .friable: Generally incompetent, slightly to weathered, iron stained throughout. .· sheared, locally. highly (141.9 "" 153. 7) Shear zone, cor.e lo,~s greater than 3 feet. lLE:~T, cJfE. OF RttC. RUN CRt1DJ R 32 80 ::::, (30) I R 33 82 118.2 (54) to 121.0 R 34 89 121.0 (70) to 125.7 R 35 100 125 .. 7 (30) to lJ8.4 R 36 100 !28.4 (54) 131.0 R 37 95 131.0 (0) to 134.8 R 38 100 1.34.8 (84) to 139.8 ~-----------------....-.-. ._;.·---------...---------~· I ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED ---~\~ .---.-:-----1 •. ) CONSULT1NG ENG1NEERS ~~~~~ c::s!.!!f-.!.~!1..!~ . SUFFAtO , NEW 'fORt< ANCHORAGE , ALASKA · , a ··p. """""a-.1=1-.-IL_..L_I_N_G_I=I_E_J:I __ O_R_T_,-----'------,---,.-------i - SUBrTNA H~'f"rlAD.LEC'T\AIC ~t=ID.JE!CT HOl..E NO. ~--2--, for ALASKA I:ICWEA AUTHORITY SHEETNO. 6 ,.QF...ll. I SITE WATANA NOR'l'R A.Btl'.t'MENT JOS NO. P570l.OS {ACRES) 052504 (RaM) ~----~------------~--------------------------------------------~--~~~ L~ c;_Q!£. DEPTH ROCK T'\" Pt:I DESCRIPftOMs OF RE;C. I ~o---..f-------... ---+1--------------·~-----..-----r--"-u_H-+c_R_Q_D-tl I (144.4 -~~..8.0) No core recnv~red1 Triconed R ~1 Tri-, .. through caved sectio~. 144.4 conec 151.0 Diorite (148.0 .. 151.0) Very ·hard but incompetent. loss 2.0·1 ~ Core 1~~-0 ''} i R 42 33 I .j 148.0 (0) co ,'151.0 Greenish gray, very fined t<:> medium grained with I R 43 67 I porphyritic texture. Visible comp.ositional zcning. Moderately b.ard. to soft, n..;,.,.derately competent to weak and £r~able locally. Fresh to slightly WF.tathered with iron staining on joint. surfaces. Carbonat~ comm(.m throughout. Joint spacing very close to wide.. Numerous fr~ctures cemented with calcite. (151.0 -153. '1) Highly fractured and weathered, with ll. 9' .:la~r seam. Core loss 0. 9' . (155. 7 -!38.2) Core lost) 0.5'. 151.0 to 153.7 (0) I i R 44 100 ~ •.. 153.7 (20) 155.7 R 45 I. lSS. 7 to (158.2 l 80 •• (0) I (158.2 -159.5) Highly fractured and weathered. I R 46 100 . I Extensive oxida~ion~i~in fractures. .15~.2 (20) 160.2 -167.9 Core loss 0~4t. 167.9 -l7CL5 Abundant calcite within fractures and joints.. Rock becoming more compet.~nt. to 160 ... 2 j ~ I 1 .~ ~. ·':;..- I ; I .. I' ' ,.. "'~ ~, I -'.,· I I I I I I --· •• I I I I I ·~ I "t I ' .. 1 il ACRES A~£RICAN INCORPORATED 1-------~J~ "'------------------1- CONSULTlNG ENGINF;ERS !"•~ ~-~~~.!!:..!~ SUFFAt.O , NEW YORK ANCHORAGE , ALASkA DRILLING I=IE.PORT . BU.ITNA HVDACI8LECT~IC J:IAQ.JECT for ALASKA r:IOWI!I=I AUTHQr:IITV HOLE. ~!0 . ..-s .. a._-_..2 __ _ SHEET NO. 7 0 F. 13 SITE WATANi!. NORTH AEUTMEN'l' JOB NO. PS70l.05 {ACRES) 052504 (RQM} ~----..,...--------.... -~-· _ _, ROCK TYP!: OESCRIPT10N: L~cek OF REC. RUN tRQO) ._,__··--+--~ . -----;--.-· .. -________________ _,_ _____ 'f-"'--'!r---"'-1 1 170.5 -172.5 Altered. Coarse grained 7 friable, R 50 100 highly fractured and sheared. Chloritized. 170 .• 5 (47) to 112. .. 5 ... 175.8 ~o::e competent,. Fine to medium 175.8 graitied, joint spacing . moderately close. Numerous fractures healed with calcite, R 51 100 175 .. 8 (0) to 175 • 8 -177 . 0 Sheared, incompetent, calcareous . 177.0 177.0 -196.4 Light green to light blue .. gray. I R r 2 90 ve~~ hard' competent:, fresh. Joint spacing f l 1 .. : (87) moderately close with occasional calcite to fillings. minor sulfide mineraliza~ion l.Sl .. O throughout. (177.0 -181.0) Core loss 0.4'. (191 ... 196 .4) Core loss 0. 7' . 196.4 _197. 4 Alteration zone. we~thered, sheared. Cor.e loss 0.3'. :.::',:/> : '1 ' ' • : ~-..... :r.,... R S3 lOO 181~0'100) to 182.8 R 54 llOO l:.sflOO) 186.91 . j. :a ss }1oo 186.9 100) to ~89 .. 2 R, $6' 100 . . .·if lS9 ... 2 .~00) )'. co 191.0 R 57 19.1.0 to 196.4 to 201.0 89 {74) I.' J : t----\.·:• ··--"=''i~~ ,..--------------t . ACRES AMC:RICAN INCORPORATED t------··;c.,_ --~~.;::....... i..---~------t C. o·Nsu•. ·riNG .e ... ·, GJN~EJ!2S JIIAN e;cr -....TANT•, INC. I I '-I;,.J' " l"lO ri • • -a • .,. ~----cr4fha•DGNt BUFFALO , NEW-YORK .ANCHORAGE , ALASKA I ' CIRILLING REPORT I SUBIT!'~A HVt=~Ci.LECTRIC r:IRCI~&CT for· ALASKA I=ICWI!A AUTHCJI=IITV HOlE NO. BH-2 SHEETNO. a· OF. 13 . ~ I r· I. SITE WATANA NOR'l'H ABUTMENT JOB NO. P570l.OS (ACRES) 052504 {R&M) ROCk TYPE DESCRIPTION: 205 .• 0 -205 • 3 Hi~~hly fractured. L ;....,._ 21-I ·~•.., Cotfe.- OF Rec. RUN -(RQDJ R59 l;OO I 2~;-o o{S4l I 203.8 t R 60 100 I 203 .• 8 {30) . to 207 •. 1· . ( •• r 207,1 -209.3 Brecciated, healed. Core loss R 61 S2 t 0.4'. 201.1 {41) to 209.3 I . a-64 1oo ·1· ·., .'Zt09.3 {88) ·-· . ' o· 1 214.4-218.5 Core los8 0.3'. 214.4 R 63 '9:) 2l4 .4 (5"13) ' to R 64 100 218 .. 5 {92) l to I 22.3.7 223. 7 -228. ~ 7 Medium grained. Joint spacing R :65 99 close. Ir.on staining and calcite on fractl).X."e 223.7 (78) zurfaces. . Core loss 0. 2' . ~ .,,o 222 .. 7 r· ',;, L I ,, ! I; t: 228. 7 -230. 7 Joint spacing moderately close, a 6.6 100 " Z't:.'Ck mo.re compt:.t.ent.. 428 ... 7 {82) a· 1 -, to . 1 230>1 -241.0 Altered, bleached.. Soft.~ Joint 232.5 1 sp-cing close, slightly to mod.ex-ate:ly · 'liet;tthercq. J · . I ·-. 1 : Penetrative (to approx;ire.ately 1 em) i.rJu stainin~ :a 67 flOO ···1; along joints • S~tlfide mineralization. · ?.)-;<-.(i1 (S.V l l · . ! --"~--~~-2~. 71 ' l li ~\ 'l' .· : \\ ' "·<, ., ---·~· --~----~------~~~------~·;--~--~----~~~~------~--~-----.--~~~ ._. "l .. j · .. ~ /,' .~-. " ¥. ~./L): J, I I I -I I I I I I I I J!l 1' *, !I '·· ·a I I I ACRES AMERICAN lNCORPORAT£0 .,_ ___ __.;a ... ;__J.,;;;s;J..,._N:91~----------; CON$ULT1N.G ENGINEERS !'•~•':u!'J!!4'"-!ffl.!!J..!~ BUFFALO , NEW YORK ANCHORAS£ , ALASkA DRILLING Ri!PCIAT SU.ITNA. :HYOACJ.LEC I RIC PRCI-JECT for 1A.LASKA JlaWEI=I AUTHCIRITV HOL.E NO. BH-2 SHEETNO. 9 OF: 13 SITE-WATANA NORTH Al}QTM€NT JOB NO. P570l.QL ... (ACRES) 052504 _{RaM} -·-·--- ~· ROc:< TYPE DESCRIPTION a ~---+--------..;.-------------------------t.'·--+--""'1 241 .. 0 -241.9 Altered, very soft, ~lick clay. R 68 lOS l 43'7 .7 {57}~ tl"). I I :..\~l-9 241.9 -252.2 HigU:l; fracturt=d and alt&.:•,·. I~ r?- Contains numerous soft, friable zones throughot' ": \ 241.9 t"1i th calcareous clay common. Many joints weakl:~ -to healed with carbona1:.e.. Zan~ is genezally 247.2 incompetent (~ossible shear zone)~ 252.. 2 -257 .. ~ Slightly more competent. 257.2 - friable. clay. 262.2 Rock weakened and slightly .Fractures filled wi.th carbonate and/or 262.2 -285.8 Light green to white.. Very hard'" competent, fresh.. Joint spacing very close to close, calcite and pyrite on joint surfaces. (265 ... 0 -271. e) Core loss 0 ~5' . R 70 247 .. 2 to 252.2 R 11 252 .. 2 to 257.2 R ';'2 257.2 to 262.2 R 73 262.2 to 263.0 R 74 265.~0 to 269.0 R 75 269 .. 0 to 27i~O 1~1 ......---------.~ •t -~...-.-..-...,......._~ ·-· . '·,::;_;-; ~~~~· -"::i l.ll (20) 104 (.3S} 100 (82) 96 (80) 100 (71) 93 (75) 90 (90) '-: ' -.~) ' -~..._, :.., L· ii . . o J:" ;· -4 ; .. l _____ :,__ ,• __ ... -_ . ~ '• - ,..... ........... _..._.....,.. .............. _,.. ....... ~..-""""'-• : ............. ,_ ........................ __ ~---------~-----. ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED t-------~~----· --------~ CON:SULTlNG ENGINEERS !'!~M c.!a'a!!."a:~.!!J.!~ BUFFAlO , NEW YORK. ANCHORAGE ¥ALASKA I ~USITN~~ MVQPICJ•UICTP11C .. PPICI..IECT tor ALASKA I:ICIWIII=t AUTHCIAITV HOlE NO. :aa.-2 - !~HttfNO. 10 .. OF. 13 SITE WATANA.Jt.QRTaAB!JTMENT JOB NO. P5701.05 .(ACR_ES} 052504 {R&M) DESCRIJIT10Ns I ___ .......,. -~t.­L~<;_~ OF R!C. RUN CRQD) R 77 l.OO 276.~ (89) to 280.6 R 7S 99 280 .. 6 (87) tel 285.8 285 .. 8 -287. 8. Highly fractured 1 Core loss 0.1'. incompetent. R 7 9 2SS.8 to 287.8 9s I (40) 289. 1 Calcareous zone. ·- 301.1 -306.1 Core loss 0.4'. 30.6. 1 -310.0 J'oint spa~illg mo<ier~tely clos.e to wide. 7 . .,-··.~-.,.·;.:;: ... ,~.c: .• =·.-o••---·· \, \ R so 1.00" 287 ... 8 (9~) to 291.~. R 81 lOQ 291.1 (Gi.JJ to 296.1 R 82 100 296 .. 1· {94} tQ lOl ... l R 83 9~ 301 .. 1 (80) tu -.3~.1 - R 84 100 306 .. 1 (100) to 310 .. 2 ·' I I I ; '-' I I . I I I I '. I. I /.. I I I l ' I I I ' I 'I I I ·-- • I I t " ••• ._~. •' ·a' ._ .. _ .•. . . a ,~1· .. . ' ~------------~--------------~~------~----------~----------------------------~ ACRES AMERICAN INC:OR~RATEC ..,._....__ ___ ....,.. ;('·1.-SI .. ,_ CONSUL.TlNG ENGINEERS ~~~.S'~-J:'~.Jr!l.l!S; BUFFALO ., NEW YORK ANCHORAGE , ALASJt:A tLU.rrNA H~~QJ!:~C~IC: PRCJ.JBCr" Ht-'LE NO .. ....-BH-.-.... 2.......__ for ALASKA JICJWI!R AUTHDI=IITV SHEETNO. lJ. .OF....ll. !)ITE WATANA NORm ABUTMF~· JOB NO. '· P5701.05 (ACRf~S)--052504 (R&M) ~----~------------~-----~ D!SCRJPTiONt ~. 322.0 Highly altered zone. Friable .. 328. 0 ... 348, 6 · Alteration zone, joint spacing very ·close to moderately close, t1lf)derately hard to soft and friable J:ocally. Sulfide mineral- ization thr.oughout. Minor calcitt= and chlorite on Saints. (328. 0. 331 . 4) Slickensides . (334.4-335.8) Highly altered aud friable .. 'r..~of· .•,, ccik. -REC. RUN (RQDJ R 86 100 315.4 (99) to 320.6 R 87 100 320.6 (Sl) to 325 .. 3 ~ 88 100 325.3 (85) to 328.0 R S9 3~8,.0 to-~ 332.4' :R 90 332.4 to 337.5 R 91 f 337,.5 to 341. .. 0 R 92 34J. ... O to 341..4 100 (62} 100 l (90) 100 (97) 100 {100) R 93 100 341.4 {100) to 346 .. £i 348.6 · ... 3o/::·$ Fx:esh to slightly weat4ered, M.rd · ~~:~6 7~~). to veey b;;.;lj.J. Joint spacing moder,-tely close to to wide. 35l. .. o ACRES AMEAICAN INCORpORATED . ...,_ ... ___ -..r;a-.._~.,;,;;::~·;-.4.... '------------1 CONSULTING ENGiNEERS ~~c.:!!!~!~~!S; BUFFALO , NEW YO'RK At~CHORAGE , ALASKA . All(~ r l CRI~L.ING ,REPC2AT •u·IT~A HVCIACI.LBCTRIC Pr:IQ.JEICT HOLf, No._a_a-.... 2~---. ,for ALASKA PCIWEPI AUTHCII=IITV SHEET NO. 12 OF.l3 -. SITE WATANA NORTII ABll'r!E!N'r JOB NO. P5701.05 (ACRES) 052504 (RS.Ml 1 DEPTH ROcK TYP! l DESCRIPTrONa LF•" C~ ~----~--·-----------~-~~-----------------------------------------r-~-u_N~(-~-~c_D-11 J I - 362.5 Dic.~~ite and Andesite R 95 351.0 to 356.0 R 96 356.0 to 36~.0 R c Intermixed', transitional rock tYPes~ PaJJ.e greeri. --361..-0 cr whi'"-e, to gray. Phaneritic to aphanitic to textl..\re·. Fresh with some alt;eration zones as 366. 0 noted below" liard. .Joints very closely spaced. 100 {96) lOG (100) 92 (92) 361.0 -366.0 Core loss 0.4' ~- 362.5 -363.5 Quart~ vein. R 98 100 366.0 (lOO}_ to 370.3 -381.0 Calcite and sulfides in joints. .. 370.6 R. 99 100 370.6 (100) l j l j 'I l I {375.8-318.0) Core loss 0.3'. R 100 375 .• 8 to 381.0 94 (87) 1 386 .. 2 -386.8 liighl'!T altered and so£t .• 386.8-... 401 .. 0' Hard, fairly competent .. spacing very: close to clol\~. Numerous joints throughout. Joi.c1... he.al::!d R lOl 381 .. 0 ~0 386.2 R 1.02 386.2 to 391.2 R 103 ""9., 2 r~· 396.3 ' ,, I. 'l'' ' ... '·' 100 l (65) J 100 (88) j ; j lOU .· ,J (t~} j ~ / ,~'J .. ,, ' ,•,, -::::::.~ I I ,, a I I I I I "' I I f I I I I. "'"""'" I I I I ACRf:S AMERICAN INCORPOR1TEO r------.....-~ .......... 1 S:Z ... ..., co~C!u• .... I.NG ~NG'.NE. E.es ••M ~TANT., ~~ ~ '-I ~ I f'1 • •••• .._,,._t«tllif'c .._._.....-~11!1._. .... SUrFA~O , NEW YORK AN.CHORAGE , ALASKA · J:J.RILL.ING JIEPCJRT t . SU.ITNA HY1:3I=ICI.L.ECTRIC PACJ.JECT for ALASKA I=ICIWIIPI AUTHCRITV SITE WA'rANA NOR$ ABt:JT'MEN': JOB NO. P5701. OS DEPTH DESCRI'PTION: End of Hole HOL.E NO. _.B .. K--2..._ __ SHEETNO. 13 OF. 13 (ACRES) 052504 (RaM) L.-~ ..7~­"i:F'" e~ . REC. RUN (RQDJ R 1.04 100 396:-3 (80) to 398.S R 105 100 398.S (lOOI to 401.0 I I I I I I I I - I I I I I I I I I I I ACRES AMERICAN INCOP.PORATEO CONSUL.TlNG ENGINEERS SUFFALO , NEW YORK ;aJ~. ------~----'-____ ....... _____ __. a=-ai' .. <Q CONIIUL.TANT15, INC. . ...u..... ...-.c:saw~· ............. .-.e ...... ANCHORAGE , ALASKA ~-----------\------------------------b---------------------------------------~ ORILLL1NG REPORT SUSJ~rNA HVQACELECT~IC PRCI.JECT tor ALASKA PCJWER AUTHORITY HOLE NO. a.s ... 6 SHEETNO. 1 OF~ SIT~ Watana North Abutment JOB NO. P5701. OS (ACRES) 052504 _ (R&M). CONTRACTOR The. Drilling ComPany ,.. STARTED 07:.00 M. June 26 19 80 f9 so ------------.FlNISHEO, __ -___ M. July 9 DRILLING METHOD SOiL ___ cllfliai:Als .. ±n~g._· ,gAd-.vlloliw .. n~c; .. e.:_____ CASING ClAM. __ .... NW .... _...,-.... 1,...4...,"-.:.I ·:.:D=-··~l __ ROCK Diamond Coz:-9 Drillinq , CORE OlAM. ..,.. __ N.=Q .... -_3_.;.._··-<-.1-.-.-7_5_">..__ lOCATION: t.ATrruoE OEPARruRE BEARING lNmAL DIP NE52° 49' 24.891 ELEVATION$: DATUM _. _ __,_ _____ _ DEPTH (} 0 8.0 16.5 24.5 Wl48° 32' 21 .. 862 DRILL. PLATFORM -:-------=··'"'-- 2250 GROUND SURF~E--· .;:1;.:6 ... 0;;:;.;;·5;..,. _........., __ _ 60° ROC1< SURFACE __ 1;;;;,;5;;;.;9;..;;8;.;;, • .;;:1 ___ _ OTHE:n DIPS---~ ........... ---BOTTOM OF HOLE 963.8 WATER TABLE 1458 ~2-06-80 ~OC;< TYF€ Overburden Quartz Diorite Qu,artz *onzonit~ Grsnodicrite QESCRIPTION! Bro"'~ .sandy g:r~vel wi tb. -:ebb les and boulders. Pale green. to gray biotite, hornblende, Quartz Diorite. Mafics approximately 30%, medium grained, nonfoliate.d. Slightly to mo~era1:.ely weathe.red. Joint spacing vecy close to moderately close.. Iron staining present along some joints , occasional healed fractures. 8.0 -10.7 Core loss 0.7'. Light tan to light g~"ey, hornblende, Qu.art.z Moqzonite. Fine to medium grained, nonfoliated. Slightly to highl·; weathered, locally friable, and porous. Iron staining and solution cavities common,. Rock generally incompetent. Joint spacing very close t.o close. 17.2 -18.0 Highly fractured .. ....,.~ l..ENGTH . •t. ·OF CORE, ~oN REC. ~ (RQD.) ·Run. ~ 8 .. 0 :to ~{),.'7 ~2 [1.0 .. 7 ~0 lS .. O Run 3 ;t.s .. o ~0 t.9,6 ~4 ~9 .. 6 ~0 ~3 .. 8 74 (74} 93 (74) 102 (57) 83 (0) 19 • 6 -2 7 Highly ~ractured, core loss 0. 7 ' • ~un s 100 ~3 .s {0) Pale green to '&ray biotite hornblende quartz ,.., . 1;!;0-Granodiorite~ Maiic~ .1.-c:terage ~pproximately 20%. ~6-8 Fine: to mcdiUJn grai.nea. Moderately hard to very _.R_ .. _RAHA._. _:t~M_. -_..J_ ...... HA:,........,GAN....._· _(R&M) APPROVED ---------(R ~M) LOGGED SUMMARY ... L. ACOMB _ DATE BY APPRoVED ----------""""·--· (ACRES) -----------{ACR.ES) DATE • " • ·• . • • ' ' . • ., . , • • . • A .' • • ., •. . •~:~ . . I I' " '· ACRES AMERI.CAN INCORPORATED tc----.-.r~-,.,........,._•..;:·;~:...o.~ CONSULTING ENGINEERS III&M ce-.!!!f--!.~~.!!\.!~ BUFFALO , NEW YORK · ANCHORAGE • ALASKA QI=IILLING AEPORT .USITNA HVJ:Ii:1C.LI!CTAIC Pl=la.JaeT fer ALASKA t:IOWI!A AUTHCII=IITV HOLE NO. SHEET NO. B.H. 6 2 OF. 20 S~TE Watana North Abutment JOB NO. P570l..OS (ACRES} 052504 .{Rf2M) DEPTH ROCK TYPE ~~ . DESCRIPTION: ~..--Jfe: "'OF'" c . REC. RUff {RQC) hard, fresh to sliS}ltly weathered. Limonite R 6 staining and clay residue on some J. oint surfacEs • 26.8 Joint spacing very close to moderately close with as (78) joints ori·ented approxima.t.ely 40° to 55° to core ~~-0 axis. Occasional highly fractvLred zones 0. 1' to 1.1' thick, with clay gouge. Healed fractures R 1 throughout. 30 .. 0 100 (67) 26.8 -30.0 Core loss o.sr. 29.5 -30 . 0 Highly fractured Clay filling common"' 40.5 -45. 0 Core loss 0. 2.' • 45. 0 -49 . 1 Higr~y fractured zone. and weathered. 49.1 -51.4 clay gouge. Shear zone., highly fractured to 32.8 RS '32.8 100 (74) R 9 100 37.S (78) to 40 ... 5 ~ :LO ~o .. s ~0 4S .. O Ia .ll. ~s .. o [t.Q 149-.l. 95 J l {91) 100 (66) 100 (31) ~ l.l lOO ~0~4 (0) to 51 .. 4 ~ 14 100 pl.4 (85) to 155 .. 5 I I s ' I I ' I. I . ; I ' i I ' I I I . ' I 1 I ' ' I I . ' I ., I.' . . ,.: .. I . ·, I . I -· .,.. I I I I .._ I ' I ...... I I I I ' I I '..;' I ..... I I I ~--~------------------------------~--------------------------------------~· ACRE$ AMERICAN INCORPORATED t--·-----><-.....;~~~: ....... CONSULTING ENGINEERS ~aM .~cc:.cco~'~~r.~• .... J:-&~~!,1..!~ BUFFALO l NEW YORK ANCHORAGE I ALASKA CII=IILLING REPDI=IT BUIIITNA I-IVDPIG.LECTRIC I=II=IQ.JECT tor ALASKA PCWER AUTHOPIITV SITE Watana North Abutment JOB NO. P570l.OS HOLE NO. SHEETNO. 3 (ACRES) 052504 B .. H9 6 OFJ.2.. (R&M) DEPTH .. ROCK TYPE OESCRIPnON: R . ~ ' -~ ss.s to 59.3 R 16. 59.3 to 63 .. 2 65.3 -75.3 Highly fractured and sheared zone R 17 slight to highly weathered, moderately hard to 63.2 sof·,. an.d friable_ locally. Joint spacing very to close to close.. Hole caving during drilling. 66.5 (65 .5) Ver.y f~iable. (66.5 -67.3) Cor~ loss o.s•. R 18 66 .. 5 to 67.3 R 19 67~3 to 67.7 R 2.0 67.7 to 70.4 (71.5 -73.0) Shear zone, sli~~enslides and clay R 21 gouge. 70.4 to 75.3 R 22 75 .. 3 -149.4 Competent, hard to very hard fresh 75.3 to slightly weathered. Joint spacing very close tc to wide.. 80.3 R 23 .. 80~3 to 84.2 100 (53) 100 (79) 100 (52) 0 (0) 100 (0) lOCt (59) 104 (59) 100 {88) 100 t92) ~ ------.-~~~-·----------~·---~-----------------------~~.~--------------------_.--~ ,. ii ;, ,:1 - ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORAiED. t---------~t-------------f CONSULT1NG ENGINE~RS iii&M '::9.':~-~~!\Jr!:: BUFFALO , NEW YORK ANCHORAGE , AL.ASKA DI=IILLING ~EPOAT 8UBITNA MVQPICI.LIICn:IIC t:'l=iCI..J&CT for-ALASKA ~WI!R AUTHQAITV HOLE NO. B .H. 6 SHEETNO. 4 OF-l!L SITE Watana ~r.th Abutment ~.,.. JOB NO. P5701 .. OS (ACRES} 052504 {Rf&M) ,__ __ ,__ ______ .....,.....,_ ____________ ._ DEPTH ROCK TYPE DESCRIPTION: - 89 ~ 3 -94. 6 Core loss 0 . 2' . . 98.5-100.3 Core lo~s 0.1'. ,, ., 108.2-111.7 Core loss 0.1'. L~-r"n cOlfE. OF REC. RUN (RQDl R 24 84.2 to 89 .. 3 R 25 89.3 to 94.6 R 26 94 .. 6 to 98 .. 5 R 27 98,.5 t.o 100 .. 3 R 28 100 .. 3 to 10]. .. 5 R 29 lCU ... S to 102 .. 5 R 30 102~5 to 103.1 R_ 31 103 .. 1 :C.o <' 108 ... 2 R 32 lOS . .:: to 111 .. 7 100 (96i 96 (85) 100 (92) I 94 (89} 100 (75} I lOO {100) . 100 {S3j 100 (71} 97 (97") I >':. . I •. 11' I I I "" ~ 1 I -I .~ " t I • I ; . I \ I -"' I I I . I I ' I "' ' .. I ~"I ' J I ' I I I I I I ' I I I I I I I I I I I I ACRES AMERlCAN INCORPORATED lo-0-------t;(~~·~'--.-.--------t CONSULTING ENulN~ERS ~,-.~!.~!~!!IS BUFFALO , NEW YORK ANCHORAGE , AlASKA CIRILLINGi REPORT SU8n-NA HVCFIC2BLECiTI=IIC Pw:IQ..JI!CT HOt.E NO.. B.H. 6 for ALASKA JICIWBR AUTHC1RITY ~z.t~~rNO. s OF20 SITE Watana North~ Abutment JOB NO. l?570l~~(ACRES) 052504 {R&M) . DEPTH ROCK TYPE OESCRIPTtONt 112.7-142.1 Core loss 0.4'. .. . I I I I L_ .. L£NU,-ru ~ . II., COft£ . OF REC. RUN (~QD) R, 33 100 l.ll ... 7 (91) to 1.12. 7 IR 34 112 .. 7 to 117.2 R 35 ll.7.2 to 12.2 .. 1 a 36 122 .. 1 to ll7.2 R 37 127 .. 2 to 128.7 R 3~· i. 93 (91) 9S (98) 100 (100} laa·f (100}. \ 100 12.8 .... l>(lOO)' to 130.8 R. 39 100 l30 ... S (86) to 135.8 R 40 100 135.8 (78) to 140.8 R 41 104 140.8 (98) to 145.6 r ,........._.,_,____.._._~-~. --........-.-~-------.·-, 1 I A~RES. AMERICAN INCORPORATED t----._ __ ,.-,.. ~f-1-=S::Z ... _ <;ONSULTINS ENGINEERS ~~"'!-. '!~~~~ BUFFALO , NEW YORK ANCHORAGE ~j Al-ASKA Qt:IILLING REPCJ~T I I 8U.ITNA HVI:JPICS.Lr!CTRIL.~ PPIO.JECT HOLE NO. B.H. 6 ~ for w. :!LASKA PCWEA AUTHCIAITV 57 SHEETNC • .,...§._oF. 3..0 1 '. •' ~·:SIT~'!E~=' a=='==a=N=o~rffi=~==Ab=·,~utm==3=n=t========~~J~0~8~N~Q.~, ~=p==·o=l=~O=S==(~A~C~RE=S~)=,=0=52=5~0~4==~(R~&~M~)~ , l.~ln il:-,. , , DEPTH RQCK TYPE i I OESCRIPnONt RUN tRQD) ,' 149.4 -149.6 Highly fract.ured. 152.5, 154.5 Altered> weathered zones, friable. R 42 145.6 'to 150.6 R 43 '150.6 to 155.6 R 44 155.6 to 160 .• 6 160.6 -187w0 Highly altered and weatt"ered~ R 4S Modera~ely hard to· soft and very friable locally.. lGO. 6 J'oint spacing very close to close. Minor sulfide· to mineralization and c:al:'bonate throughout. Rock is lGS. 6 generally incomp.etent. 165.6 -175.2 Cor~ loss 0. 3 r • R 46 185.6 to 1170.0 . I R 47 "' ' - 170 .. 0 to 175,.2 R 48 l7S.2 to l79.,B R 49 l79.8 to 184.9 187 · 0 -240.3 Generally hard and fresh except R SO for 'lfery 'Slight weathering along joints. and 184.9 fractures. to 190.0 ,, 100 (90) 100 (78) 100' (92) I * i i. t I I 'V I ' 104.' (78) 98 (61) 96 (46} 100 (33) - I l I • I ~ I '. . I • t 100 '(73) 1.·--.·.· ,_ 100 (88) • I . .,) I • I ,..: ... I I I I I I ~ I I I I ·~· I I I ' I I I •• 1- ~----------------------------~,--~------------~----------------~~----~ I ., ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED ..,_ ______ __r;("'"'-~-=·~ .... ~- ·.1 PD[D I . CONSUI.TING ENGINEERS ...... t:;'!_a!C»N __ 'r' __ .... ~~...r~~ IIUD[d BUFi='ALO J NEW YORK ANCHORAGE ' ALASKA CIAILL.INI3 REPOI=IT •u•ITNA HVI:II=IQBI..ECTI=IIf; PRC.JECT for ALASKA I=IQWEI=I AUTHCIAITY HOLE NO .. B.,li. 6 SHEET NO. 7 OF. 20 SITE Wata.na North . Abutment JOB NO. Ps7ol. os (ACRES) os·2So4 CRaM) DEPTH DE!tCRf!ITIONa 210.0 -215.0 Core loss 0.3'. L~r.J·c~ OF '"tl. REC. RUN (RQD) R Sl 100 190.0 (100) to l95.J. R 52 100 195.1 {100) to 20042. R 53 100 200 .. 2 (88) to 205 .. 0 R 54 lCO 205-.0 (100) to 2lo .. o R 5:5 94 410-0 (96) to 2l.S .. O 215.4 -215.7 Highly fractur·ed and moderately R 56 100 weathered. 2~5-0 (90} to 220.0 a s7 roo a2o.o (100) I to 225 .. 2 a sa 1oo 225 .. 2 (93) to 230.l R 59 100 230.1 (100) to 235 .. 4 I· ACRES ·AMERICAN INCORPORATED t--------.....r;a--....::~~ ... :.;....~ CONSUL.TlNG ENGINEERS "aM ~-~~~~!.\..!~ SU~FALO I NEW YORK ANCHORAGE 'AL.ASKA I:JI=IILLING ~E~CIPIT BUBITNA ·HYQPICIILJICTI=IIC .PRO.J&CT for AL·~SKA PCJWER AUTHOI=IITY· HOLE ·NO •. B .H. 6 SHEET NO. a OF. 20 SITE Watana North Abutment JOB NO. E570:J.. os .(ACRES) 0525.!24 (REiM) R 60 100 2~.5-4 (100) to 240.3 240 · 3 -260.0 Transi ti~aal zone into tmdeJ::-lying ~ 61 ~ 102 quartz diorite. Com ;.ins thin altered friable 240 ·~ (gG) 2on.es locally. . Nume~ous; very thin veins ·of to calcite throughout.. 245.5 (256. 0 -256. 7) Highly altered, Clay filling (possible shear zone). (255. a) Jlicken.sides. very ·friable~ R 62 245 ... 5 to 249 .. 7 R. 63 24.9 .. 7 to 255.-0 R 64 255-0 to 260.0 100 (95) 100 1 (89). 102 {84} 260-Quartz Diorite Light green, to pink and gray hornblende Quartz R 65 lOO Diorite. Fine to medium grained, nonfoliated 260•0 : (100) with approximately 30% mafics ~ Generally hard to_ and fresh, clay and ;;;yrite crystals common on 2.G::>.l fractured surfaces. Occasional thin (less than 0.1') calcite veins and healed joints throughout. ~ ~6 100 Joint spacing close to moderately close. 26:hl (100) to 273 -273.7 Altered zone, friable, sandy locally. 27Q .. 2 R 67 270.2 tp 2'75 .. 0 100 (Sl) 275 -325.6 Generally hard, fresh and competent.. R 69 100 .Joint spacing close to moderately close. 275 .. 0" (96) to 280.3 I I I I ,, I I ' . I ...... I 0 -· I ' ' ' I I .... I I •• · , ACRES AMERIC~N INCORPORATED 1------.r:--~~-~.;::--...... '---·------...;....-; A PDfO CON$UL..TlNG ENGINEERS ~-M 'c:e!~!~'!'.!!J..!~ un 0 BUFFALO , N.EW YORl< ANCHO.RAG.E , ALASKA CJRILLING I=IEI=IORT SUeiTNA MVQR"ELECTRIC PPt:~,.JECT for ALASKA J:IOWI!A AUTHCJAITV HOLE NO. B.H. 6 SHEET NO. S 0 F 20 SITE Watana North Abutment JOB NO. 1?5701. OS (ACE!ES) o~~---:04 (R&M) OEPiH L 21 ·~F "·" CoreE. 0 REC. ROCK TYPE DESCRIPTION: RUl~ (RQC) ~--~~----------~------------------------------------------4--- R 159 100 280 .. 3, (100) to 281.6 R 70 100 281.6 (100) to 284.6 284.6 -290.6 Co-re loss 0. 2' . R 71 95 . 284.6 (95) to 286.6 R 72 98 286.6 (98) to 290 .. 6 ~ 13 100 290 .. 6 (100) to 295 .. 6 ? 1R 14 100 295 .. 6 (96) Ito 300 .. 7 R 75 100 300 .. 7 (100) ~to f-I'Js .. o ~ 76 100 ~05.0 (100) ~0 . -~l0.2 . 1R 77 100 ' ~10 .. 2 (96) itO ~-- -.-·-'· tn . .s. 4 I .. ". 1 •· ., ' j { · .. ··· .. J, .. .... .1 . ~------------------------·------~----------------~------------~~ ACRES AMERICAN INCOFIPORAT£0 ~-----~~ I CONSUl.TJ NG ENGINEERS ~aM '!!" ...... -~-zii'-11!.-~-.. -~-:!-!J..:-1~-=-· -.-----; · _ BUFFAlO , NEW YORK ANCHORAGE ·, AL..ASKA . ' I ~ I ~ --.. 7. QPII&.LING REI=IQRT I. 8U8rTNA HYaACI.LIICTI=IIC PPICI..JI!CT HOLE NO.--B-E--6._· -- ior ALASKA J:ICWI!R AUTHCIRITV SHttTNO. 10 o·r:2.o SITE Watana North ru:,utment. . "'~ 'JOB. NO. P570l.OS (ACRES) 052504 (RaM) ~~======~====~~-~~~===- L =."'"" cafE. OF R!C. I 1----+--------+----------"------=··=--~ ----------+-... R_U_N__.,t_R_O_D-tJ . • DEPTH ROCK TYPE DESCRIPTION a I ] i 318.6 -320.1 Alte~~d zone, chalky, bleached, R 78 friable along joints. 315.4 320.6 ... 325 . 6 \.>Ore los$ 0. 2' . to 320.6 R 79 320.6 to 325.6 325 · 6 -332 · 7 Highl;t f'ractured and altered, very R 80 soft and friable. Core loss 3. at . 3.25-6 to 330!<2 342.0 Altered zone, friuble, weakly carbona~e. ~ 81 330.2 lto 3321>7 !R $2 3J2.7 Ito 337.9 healed with-R 83 ~37 ... 9 Ito 342.9 lOO (96) 96 r (80) '{ 78 (70) 20 (0) 98 (77) 104 (90). 343.0-343.2 Highly fraetured. Core loss !L2' ~ 1R 84 j1oa 1342.:9 {97) Ito 348.8 352.9 -362.5 .Higb.ly fractured, friable, soft. tR 85 104 348.8 (100) to 353.8 R 86. ·100 l3s3.a (96) Ito ~58 .. 9 ·-~-'' ··~-~-··:--"~"·-i) ,;. . '' t t I I I ._, ~ I ._ < J I . ' I • ' ' • I ' . . I .: •. ,. :.:_ I I I I I I - I I ' J I I I I I I 1 I ' ·--~ --c-,'. --,~-~---~------~ ~~------~------------------~----~~------~------~~------~l ACRES AMEAICAN INCORPORATED t-------~r..-------___;..._,_.., ___ . ...,. CONSUL.TlNG ENGINEERS ~aM *?la.~.!~!J.!!!: BUFFALO , NEW YORK ANCHORAGE ,-ALASKA Clt=IILLING AEPCI~T ~U-rrNA HVI:IAC1•L•CTRIC PI=IQ..IECT for ALASKA J:ICIWI!I=I AUTHQAITV SITE Watana North Abutment JOB NO. _, ?5701. 05 DESCRIPTIONs HOL.E NO. B.H.. 6 SHEEi NO. 1~ OF 20_ (j\CRES) 052504 _ (RaM) L£NGTHf ~ . :?;:'" "(if:-I ' i. ftC.. RUN . <~~c:;J -~----~----------~+-~--~-~---------------------------------------~----+---~ 36 7. 9 Highly f.ractt!::'c:d 7 f17iable, soft. 368 .. 2. -373. 2 Core loss 0. 2' . 374.57 377.0, 380.4, and 382.0 Highly fractured, friable~ soft. R 87 358.9 'to .363. 9 R 88 363.9 to 368.2 R 89 368e2 to 373.2 R 90 373~2 rto l1S .. 4 382 -490.5 Generally hard fresh Joint. spacin~J close to wide. and compete~c. !R 9~ 3"18 .. 4 (383 .. 3 -388.3) Core loss 0.1'. . Ito 383 .. 3 1R 92 ~83 .. 3 ItO 88 .. 3 .R 93 3SS .. 3 to 393 .. 3 ~ 94 393 .. 3 ~Q fl98.3 ~ 95 ~S8 .. 3 tt:o ~00 .. 6 100 (52) 107 {98) 96 (96) 100 (77) 100 {94) 98 {98) 100 . (100) I 100 (92) 100 K~OO) I . ,- ,---........------.. ----___,~-----------_,I ACRES AMERICAN fNCORPORATEO t------..i<~'"--·-......._ ______ ---t ·1.. , CONSULTING ENGJ.NEERS . III'.&M •ze~~~~ ::-BUFFALO , NEW YORK ANCHORAGE , ALASKA Dt=II!;..~ING J1EPCJAT 8U.~A HVIOI=ICIILIICTt=IIC PRCI.JIICT for ALASKA J:ICJWI!~ AUTHCJ~ITV SITE vlatana North Abutme.."lt JOB NO. P570l. OS LIEPT'H · ROCKTYP! DESCRIPTION: :·-.. ~-.. ' '"· .. ~: HOLE NO. B .. H. 6 SHEET NO. 12,.. 0 F. 20 ·· (ACRES). 05.2504 (RE2M) L--. c~ .0Fnn REC. ~fUN (RQO) ., lR 96 . 100 400 .. 6 (100) to 403 .. 4 R 97 100 403.4 (100) to 406.2 1R sa 100 406.2 (100) to ~1~.1 iR 99 100 f4ll.J. (lOO) Ito ~16-3 fR lOO 100 ~16.3 (100) tto 142~.1 ~ 101 100 ~21.1 (100) Ito 1425 .. 5 ~ 102 lOO ~25.6 C98 > t:.o ~~~0.2 R. 103 100 ~30 .. 2 100} t:.o 435 .. 4 ~ l04 1.00 . ~35.4 ~100) ~0 ~4.0.4 I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I 'I I ACRES· AMERICAN·IN~nPORATED ~"-'---~---.-f<'-_1~-S::l ... ....,. CONSUL.TtNG ~!lfGINEERS •e.M cca_z::~~IW~•~~~!J.:~!!]. BUFFALO , ~£W YOF.Jt< ANCHORAGE , Al.ASKA ~ m RU81TNA HVCIACIIILIICTI=IIC PI=ID..IIICT HOLE NO • .a.H. 6 for ALASKA J:ICWIJA AUTHCAITV SHEETNO •• _.~OF.2 0 SlTE·· Watana North Abutment JOB NO. · P570l., OS (ACRES) 052504 (R&M) DEPT'H ROCK TYPE . DESCRIPTION: ~. .... _ ~ ''QF'" C~E. REC. RUN tRQDJ R lOS loo· 440.4 {100) to 445"6 R 106 100 445. 6 (1.00) to 450 .. 41 454.5 -454.9 Highly fractured~ friable, minor 4R5-.01 ~~ 1(9°i_) sulfide mineralizati.on. 461..6 Fractured zone. 463.2 -464 Mineraliz~d zone, very soft, core loss 0 .4l. to 455.8 R. lOS 455.8 to 4$8 .. 2 R 109 458 .. 2 tQ 463 .. .2 R llO 463 .. 2 to 464.0 R lll 100 (100) 100 (100) 13 (0} 100 46 .... 0 (100) . ' to I 468 .. 4 a 112 100 468.4 . (1"00) to 473.3 . 476.2-476.4 F;ractut:ed zone. R 113 100 47.i .. 3 (98) to . 477 .a ' ,.----1 ACR£5 AMERICAN INCORPORATED .t-------.J~'------------1 CONSUL.T1NG ENGINEERS lllaM '!:.18!!!!~.!!!'!1,!~ BUFFALO , NEW YORK ANCHORAGE , ALASKA CIAILL~NG REPCJt=IT SU.ITNA HYI:1RC.L8CTI=IIC PRQ.JECT HOt..E NO. B .. H. 6 for A&.ASKA PCJWER AUTHCAITV SliEETNO. 14 OF.20 SJIE Watana North Abutment JOB NO •. P570J..OS __ (ACRES) 052504 (R&M) DEPTH ROCK TYPE OESC:RfPTiOfJ: 479.1 Slickensides. L~cek OF REC. R!~ CRQO) R 114 100 47:' .• 8 (96). co 4.80.3 ,. _,. R 11.5 100 490.3 (92) to 485 .. 3 485.3 -490.5 , Core barrel mislatched during R 116 73 drilling. Had to pull rods and radrill; core 485.3 (73) loss 1 . 4' . to 490.5 490.5 -650.0 Generally fresh, ha.rd, competent. R 117 100 490.5 {100) to 495 .. .5 - 498.5, 502.1 Joints filled ~iith calcareous clay. R. US 100 495.5 (90) to 500.5 R ll9 100 500 .. 5 (78) to 505 .. 6 R 120 100 sos ... s (100) to 510.6 R l2l 100 510.6 {100) to 515 .. 6 R 122 100 515 •. 6 (100) to . 520~2 .,. f- ~----._--------~~~-.--~-------------~-------------,~--------~--~--~ I I . ~ I I I f I I I . f I ~ J I I ' I } •.. J I l -· I .~ I . l I ' •••• ••• . . ·.I· I .• ~ I I I I I I I I ' I I I I I I I ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED t------.J~~.., _______ ------~ CONSU 1 ':TtNG ·e:NGI-uEERS JIU.t.M CO~TANTfil, JNC.. . lr. . . . ,.. . -----··'f'· ..... F .... -··- BUFFALO t NE:W YORK ANCHORAGE , ALASKA ICJAILLING AEJIOI=IT •u•ITNA HYI:JPIQ.LECTRIC PACI.JECT · for AL.ASKA I=IDWI!R AUTHCJ:IITV HOLE NO. B.H. 6 SHEET NO. 15. OF~-g_ SiTE Watana North Abutment JOB NO. P570l.OS (ACRES) 052504 {R6M) J DESCRIPTION: 52.0.2-521,.0 Slightly f7;iable~ CoJ;e loss 0.1'. L-·--~ '~ Cotn:. OF R£C. !'YN (RQD) R 123 98 520,.2 (83) to 525.6 R 124 -·104 525.6 (92) to 530.4 530.5 -532.5 Altered zone" soft, clayey; hole R 125 100 caved during drilling. 530.4 (50) to 53~.8 R. 126 ~00 531 .. 8 (0) to 532 .. 0 . R 127 100 532.,.0 (67) to 533~5 533.5 -539~5 Core loss 0.8f. R 128 87 533,.,5 (87) to 539 .. 5 R 129 96 . 539 .. 5 (86) 539.5 -547 .5· Core loss 0.4'. to 544.6 R 130 93 544 .. 6 (66} to 547,.5 R 1:31 100 547.5 (83) to 5$0 ... 4 i ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORAiED ~::::::::~--;~~·~~~ ... :~· ~~:.:.:.:::.:-:::-_---··-·:_:_:_:::::~ C ~NSU'':TING ~ ... •GJNEERS · Ji&M CCI"~TANT•, 1"-'C. .~~ ... I;J"t . • ,. ·-.-. ...... ~----....,, .... ;:~ BUFFALO , NEW YORK ANCHORAGE , ALASKA CIAILLING AEP!DAT 8U.ITNA MVCIRCIIILECTRIC PRCI.JECT for ALASKA .a""BPI AUTHCIRITY HOLE NO. ·a.H:. 6 SHEETNO. 16 Of:20 SITE Wa'ta.l"'la North Abutment JOB NO. P570l. OS {ACRES) 052504 (RS!M) DEPTH I ROCK TYPE DESCRIPTION: L-·-.::'.1-·~·"c~ OF REC.· RUN CRQD) ~---~------,~-----+-------------------------------------------+----~--~ 562.7, 565.0 Slickenside3. 565.7 -570.7 Core loss 0. 8 • . (569 .0) Hig.b.ly fractured and sheared, gouge. 572.3 -573.1 Brecciated, clay gouge. 590.8 -592.8 Core barrel mislatched --'"'-'"'O·drilling, had to pull rods, core loss 0. 5 . clay during R 132 550 .. 4 to 555.4 .R 133 555.4 ~ ... o 560.4 R 134 560 .. 4 to 565,.7 R ~35 565 .. 7 to 570 ... 7 R l.36 570.7 to 575 .. 9 R .137 575.9 to "580. 7 R 138 580.7 to 585.8 R .139 585.8 t:o 59048 R 140 590.S "to S9:iL.8 100 (88) 100 {98) 100 (.lOO) 84 (80) 100 (77) 100 {94) lOO (86) lOO (84) 75 (75) . I I I ' r I I - I f I I ... I . ' . . I ' I I l .l I ' . ·-~ I I ' .... I . . ..... : I I I I I I I I I I I I •• I I I I I I I I A~ II ACRES AMERCCAN INCORPORATED 1----....... ---r-~"'\.;~~..::~:;....~ . -'----_..;.------w4 CONSULTING ENGINEERS ~aM '!!'.!!!.~~!~~ BUFFALO , NEW YORK ANCHORAGE t ALASkA ~~====--------------------~-------~~--------~-------------~ CtptiLL.ING .t=IEI=ICRT 8U.ITNA ·HVCIAC.LECTAIC I:II=ICI.JECT for ALASKA PCWEI=I AUTHCIRITV SITE Watana North ~~a.utment JOB NO. PS70l.OS DE:SCIUPTION r 613 -615 Altered and friable, healed joints • Core loss 0. 9 ' . 625.2-630.2 Core loss 0.~'. ··-, .. -:... .. __ ._,_,.., HOL£ NO. B .. H. 6 SHEET NO. 17 OF.20 _{ACRES) 052504 (R&M) j t,ENG'i, •z ca&:. OF REC. I RUN (?1QD) R 141 100 592.8 {80) to 597.8 R 142 100 597.8 (83) to 602 ... 6 R 143 100 602.6 (65} to 608 .. 3 E. l.i.\4 100 6QS ... 3 (97) ·to 6ll.S soft, numerous R 145 77 61.1.5 (64) to 615 .. 4 R ~46 100 61.5.4 {96) to 620~2 R 147 100 620.2 (100) . to 625 .. 2 R. 148 96 625 .. 2 {.92} to 630. 2" R 149 100 630.2 (88} to 631.8 ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED .....,_. ____ 52,~'-'1 :.~ ... .., •.• -w .... ' CON. SUt.:.,.IN' .G r!!NGI N t:ERS ,..M CCQI~---J--&; ... TANTSit INC. .. ' . -~ ... ,_ ~ ----· .................... _ BUFFALO , NEW YORK ANCHORAGE , ALASKA DAII..L.ING r:IEPQ~T SU.ITNA HVDt=ICII!LECTAIC Pt=ICI..JECT for ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SITE Watana North Abutment JOB NO. P5701.05 HOLE NO .. · B .. H.. 6 SHEETN~ 18 OF.20 (ACRES) 052504 (R&M) -·-.!?!.. ll I . • I i } I DEPTH l.~'" Cdta:. OF REC.· •. RUN (RQQ) . OESCRJPTtONa 650 Grani.te 64l:.O. 7 Joint filled with crushed rock. Light gray to white, fine to· medium grained, nonfoliated with approximately 5% to 10% mafics. Hard, fresh .and competent. Minor sulfide mineralization throughout~ Numerous healed .fractures and joints, ca.rbonate coating on joints common. Joint spacing close to moderately close with joints oriented -approximately 40° to 60° to core axis. R 150 631.8 to 636.7 R 151 636.7 to . 540:..5 R 152 640.5 to 645.6 R 153 645.6 to . 650.0 R. 154 650 .. 0 to 655.8 ·~ 155 655.8. to 660 .. 6. R 156 660 .. 6 to, 66.'5.8 R 157 665.8 to 670.8 ' R 158. 670 .• 8 to 676.0 100 (90) 100 (~00) 100 {94) 100 (100) 100 ( (92: 100 (63) 100 (67) 100 (88) 100 (77) - ' ~ I I I f ~ I I -I .. J. I I ... I I I .... ;' / I I I I I· I I I I I· I· I I I I I I I I ~ .. ,:.. ·. --r-. -----.. ...,.,. .. ~. ~-,-~--~~~--"""""":',-....--.---...---------------. ACRES AMERICAN tNCORPORAn:O 1--------"~'---------......._---""'f CONSULTlNG ENGINEERS III&M -~~~~!~!!: BUFFALO , NEW YORK ANCHORAGE , ALASKA A~~II ~====~------------~L-----------------------. DRILLING I=IEPCJRT -- SIU.ITNA HYCI=tCI.LECTr:IIC PACJ..JECT HOLE NO. B.H. 6 SHEETN~ 19 OF.20 for ALASKA I=ICIWI!A AUTHCIAITV SITE Watana Nol:Sh Ymtment JOB NO. 1?5701 ~OS (ACRES}--952504 (RSsM) DEPTH' ROCK TYP£ t \\ 686.2 -712.2 Shear zone, joir~t spacing very close to close, moderately hard to soft and friable locally. Rock ~~n.erally le..:;s co.mpetent, minor sulfide minel.alization throughout .• Carboilate common. 686.2 -687 ~9 Core loss 0.4'. (686 .. 2, 690.0, 695.11 699.3, 704.0, 708.2) Slickensides with clay gouge, soft, friable. - -'·q ... '). l.~caf£. OF REc.· RUN (RQDJ R 1.59 100 .676.0 (98) to 680.6 R 160 100 6SG.6 (S4) to 685.4 R 161. 84 685.4 (80) to 687.9 R 1:62 104 687,9 (89) to 692 ... 5 R 1.63 104 692,.5 (74) to 697 .. 5 R l.'64 100 697.5 (92) to 702.5 R, l.6S 100 702:.S (67) to 707.4 R. J.66 100 101 .. 4 (94) to 712.2 {R 167 102 712~2 (100} to 717.J. ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED ~o---'--.r•Q:"'-~-=--:....~ ''-----------------1 CONSUJ.TI NG ENGINEERS !!a•!!'a c::2.r:!f.~!2!!!.\..!!!: BUFFALO , NEW YORK ANCHORAGE , AL.ASKA CJI=iiLLING r:IEPOI=IT SUBITNA HVJ:II=ICIBLECTAIC l=lr:IO.JECT for ALASKA I=ICWI!R AUTHORITY HOLE NO. B.H. 6 SHEETNO. 20 OF20 SITE Wa:t-ana North Abutment JOB NO. P5701. OS (ACRES) 052504 flRSM) DEPTH DESCRIPTION: 722.0-727.1 Core loss 0.1'. R 168 104 717 .l. (92) to 722 .. 0 R 169 722.0 98 (88) ·I I 'J I I I ' 1 I I to 1 .... 727.1 R 170 100 727.1 {100) to 730 .. 5 R J.71 lOO 730 .• 5 {96) to 73544 R 172 100 73.5.4 {80) to 740 .. 4 740.4 End of hole ' 1-, I :t I I I I ,.: I ..• I ... II f I •• I I I I I I I ·- I I ACRES A:MERICAN INCORPORATED CONSUL.TING ENGINEERS BUFFALO , NEW YORK --~----~~~~------------------~ .r:=IC.M CONSULTANTS, INC. ~--....................... _ ----··..ee ANCHORAGE 1 Al.ASKA CRIL~ING REPCt=;T SUSITNA HVOI=IQELECTRIC PRC..JECT for ALASKA ·PCI~EJ:I AUTHCRITV HOLE NO. BH-8 -SHEET NO. 1 OF 19 SITE Watana South Abutment JOB NO. P5701. 05 (ACRES) 052504 {R&M) STARTED 1:00 P.M. 7/29 19 80 --.. CONTRk"TTR The D:t:illina Company DRILLiNG METHOD LOCAT10N= .FINISHED M. 8/9 19 80 CASING OIAM. NW 4" I.D. .. _ SOIL --=c-=a=s=in~q~A=d~v..:~~an~ce:oc..;-.. ... ------- ~\CK Diamond Core Drilling n~ --------------------------- CORE OIAM. NQ-3 (1.75") LATtTUDE N62o 49' OEPARruRE Wl48° 32' 11. 686 ELEVATIONS: DATUM BEARING 600 17.664 CRILL .PLATFORM----------· ~. GROUND SURFACE_.-,19-7.-6 ____ _ INITIAL DIP 60° ROCK SURFACE 1964 OTHER DIPS------BOTTOM OF .HOLE --~1~32~6~---- WATER TABLE 1960 OEPTH ROCK TYPE DESCRIPTION: 0.0 Overburden a.o- 13.8 13.8 Porphyritic Andesite 0. 0 -1. 0 Organic materials. 1.0 -8.0 boulders, sampled. Brown saady gravel with silt and grading into angular cobbles. Not Weathered bedrock. Pale tan to gray, very fine to fine grained groundmass with numerous light colored phenocrysts. Generally hard to very hard, friable locally. Slightly to moderately weathe.t"ed with iron staining on joint surfaces and penetrative sta.:..JliAg and weakening up to 1 em immediately adjacent to joints. Less weathering with depth. Joint spacing very close to close. Occasional joints healed with carbonate. 13.8 -28.8 Core loss 2.0' .. 13. 8 -33. 8 Modera.tely· to highly weathered, friable locally. Penetrative iron staining throughout. Run 1 71 13 .. 8 (10) to lS .. O Run 2 91 18.,0 (22) to 23 .. 8 Run 3 94 23.8 (54) to 28.8 Run 4 100 (13.8 -18.0) Some residual interstitial sand 28.8 {30) and silt. to 33.8 ..._H __ aioioig•en.-· .._-_.Ra ... -,;;,;h;;;;a;;;;int-.. ___ (R S M) APPROVED ------------{R &&M) DATE L,OGGEO BY SUI!Il!al:'j( b.y. Feldman , Acomp __ .......... ___ _._ __ (.ACRES) APPROVED --------(ACRES) DATE ---------------------------------------------------------·------------------~~ ' ·. •·· . ,, ~· ,. ~ ·'·. -.... I . . . l ~• ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED 1-------r~-,....;;:!~:~:....~ '-.----------.. -------1 CONSUt.TlNG ENGINEERS ~aM ~!~!.~~ BUFJ:'ALO 1 NEW YORK ANCHORAGE 1 ALASKA SUSn'NA HVQACJ.LECTR!C t=IRC'J.JECT for ALASKA POWI!R AUTHCJ-.ITV HOLE NO • ....-EH ... -_.a.__ __ SHEETNO. 2 OF~ SITE __ w.,_a-.t-an-.-a....._s_ou_·th_. _Ab_· _u_tm_en_t ___ _ JOB NO. PS701.05 {ACRES) 05,504 (R&M) DEPTH FlOCK TYPE 49.6 Di.orite --.Y.t-l.~f!"!! c~ DESCR~PTlDNa OF REC. RUN (RQ~) 33. 8 -49 .. 6. Rock becoming more Slightly to moderately weathered staining on joint surfacas. 33. 8 ... 38. 8 Core loss 0. 3' . competent. Run 5 with iron 33 ... a to 38.8 Run 6 38.8 to 43.9 Run 7 43.9 to 45 .. 6 94 (40) 100 ·(61) 100 (0} ( 48. 3 -SO·. 6) Sandy clay material along contact Run 8 73 with underlying diorite. Soft and friable. Core 45 .. 6 tO) loss 1.5 feet. to 49.6 Pale pink to greenish gx-~y, fine to mediwn Run 9 86 gx-ained ccystalline rock. Non-foliated, 49 .. 6 (0) approximately 20% to 30% mafics. Generally hard to to very hard, fresh to slightly weathered, with 52 .. 5 iron staining on snme joint and fracture surfaces. Carbonate ..::t.,romon thr.oughout. Joint Run lO 100 spacing very· close tll moderately close .. 52 .. 5 (281 Occasional joints haaled wi1;~ carbonate. to 49 . 6 ... 65 • 0 Moderately weathered and altered with some bleaching. Locally soft, clayey zanes. 56.5 Run lJ 56.5 to 59~5 113 (67) (59 . 5 -63. 6) Dark g~ay fin~ grained basalt dike Run 12 98 containing inclusions of brecciated, altered 59.5 (29) diorite, a:Pd carbonate veins. Core loss 0. 1 • . to 63 ... 6 Run 1~ 100 63.6 (64) to 68.0 " ' s....---"'*---------.._ _______ ...,..-...i:·c•· _____ ..__.....,._..._.......,,.._. _ _..._r...,_~-----~ 1- l I I 1 I I I l I I l I ~ I I . I 1i ' I I I ' I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I' ~------------------------~~~~--~------·------------------------------~ ~---·---~~l"""\ r.-------------4 ACR6 AMERICAN INCORPORATED .__---~~.....__-----------f CON-su• ·:rtNG ENG-iNE~Rs -·M CCI'lelJIL.T.&NTa. aNC. &.. iQ. a.-E -..-.... " • .._,........_ ~tf•e~t• BUFFALO , NEW YORK ANCHORAGE ,ALASKA DII=IILL.ING I=IEPCIAT au•IT~A HVaRCJELECTAIC: PL-" .... -~ECT for ALASKA POWEPI AUT'HCJRITV SJTE Watana South Abutment JOB NO. P5701.05 DEPTH-ROCK TYPE DESCRIPTtONa HOLE NO. BH-S SHEET NO. 3 0 F. 2.9 _ {.'\CRES) 052504 (R&M) -· L-·-cdk ·or·" ltEC. RUN (RCDl ~--~------------~-----------------------------------------+----+---~ 7 6. 0 Thin altered zone. 77.7 -89.0 Highly fractured. slickensides. Some faint 89.3 -91.6 Highly fractured, friable locallv. " ., 91.6 .. 96.6 Core loss 0. 2' . Run 14 104 68,.0 {100) to 73.,.0 Run 15 1@'0 73 .. 0 (43) to 77~7 ~.m 16 103 17 .. 7 (57) to 80 .. 7 Run 17 100 80~7 (57) to 84 ... 0 Run 18 lot> 84 .. 0 (64) to la.9 .. 3 Run 19 100 S9""3 (43) -to .91.6 Run 20 96 9~ .. 6 {60) to 96 .. 6 Run 21 100 96_ .. 6 (100) 1 to 101.0 } Run 22 100 101.0 {83) to 106.2 ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED ~----;c•'-~.,r..::._~-~ CONS. U. I .,I·NG ENG·. lNEERS. ,. .. M CQCCl ........ .4.. .. ~TANT.Il INC. .... I I II!U. ...,._,_,. ....._ eo.f-·Vlll!&!l BUFFALO 1 NEW YORK ANCHORAGE , ALASKA I:Jr:IIL.LINGI I=IEJ:IOAT 8UUITNA HVCii=IC1.LECTRIC P~CI.JECT 1or ALASKA J:ICJWER ALJTHCJt=lrrY HOLE NO. -BH-..-..-8-. __ SHEETNO. 4 OF.l9 \ SliE . Watana South Abutment _ JOB NO. P570l. OS {ACRES) •. 052504 (REiM) ROCK TYPE DES.CRIPTION• 116.1-121.1 C .. ·e loss 0.1 1 • L. --0'.1£. ·o,•" e . . · REC. RUN tRQD) Run 23 100 ~06 .. 2 (100) to lll.O Run 24 100 ll.l .. 0 (92) to ll6.l Run 25 98 11.6 .. 1 (98) to 121-l 123. 0 -124. 0 Highly fractured zone. alt.ered and bleached. Slightly Run 26 100 129. 0 Faint slicke1nsides. 135. 6 -140. 8 Core loss 0. 2' . 140 ~ 0 Rock generally fresh to bottom of hole. l!! .. l J (94) ~26 .. 1. :un 27 lOO ,.-26.1 (100) to 1.31. .• 1 ~un 28 lOO l3l. .. l (96) to 135.6 !Run 29 96 135.6 (88) :to 140.8 !Run 30 86 140.8 -142..9 Prominent joint sets at 25° a71d 140.8 (43). 35:: to core a~is. Core .1ss. 2 .. 1' • 146.0 Slickensides. to. 1142 .. 9 ~un 31 100 · ~42.9 (88) to fl.48.0 I I • I I : I I I I I .I I i I • $ I .. I .. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·I I I I ~·-------------------------~----~--------~---------------------------~-. . -I !liJ ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORA1l!O ~------><---~~~ .......... · CONSULTING ENGINEERS ~M cq_r:~r=rM~•9,..a.L.!~!1..!~ BUFFALO I NEW YORK ANCHORAGE , AI..ASKA . CIJ:IILLING I=IEI=IORT 8UBITNA H't"J:3Rc:3E.LECTI=IIC PI=ICJ.JECT for ALASKA I=ICWER AUTHCJPIITV SITE Watana Soutb Abutm.ent _ JOB NO. P5701.05 HOLE NO. _BH_-a __ _ S-HEET NO. -5 0 F.l9 . (ACRES) 052504 {Rf:aM) ~-----~-----~!""""------~·-~· ----------------..-.-...... ...,.-. IL._'_ elk. DEPTH ROCK TYPE OESeRIPTION: 157.7 -167.5 Core loss 0.6 . ·~'"C I OF REC. RUN (RQD) tRun 32 10.0 "[48.0 (98) to 152.6 ~un 33 100 P-52.6 (100) to 157.7 !Run 34 96 fl-57.7 (96) to ~62 .. 7 !Run 35 92 p.sa .. 7 {63) to ~61 .. 5 fRun 36 100 P-61 .. 5 (70) to ll.7l.. 9 171.9 -173.6 Altered and brecciated zone with Run 37 87 clay an.d sand filling, Soft and friable. 171.9 (52) Calcareous,. Core loss o. 6 feet. to 185.9 -194.2 Core loss 0 .-6' • \. -· lil6 ... 5 ~u.n. 38 98 176.5 (91) to· ~Sl .. O Run 39 100 l8l.O (100) to 185.9 ~un 40 91 ~85,.9 (88) to ~89 .. 2 ",_~ _..............~~~~------, --.--.--~I ~------~~~r---------------------·-ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED t------.,-,...~£~.:• .. .,.. 1.._-. --~ --. ---· ...;,_,-·-----t C""NSU' ·:r·t N. G E,..GI N EERS Jlt&M cs::"Jf·-...t&.TANTa JNC. \..:: '-.,IJ . , •••' aa a -••••.,•· ..,_ ..:.., ... - BUFFALO ) NEW YORK ANCHORAG.E , ALASKA CAILLING REPCI=1T EU.ITNA HVt2RCI.LECTRIC ~RCI.JECT ·for AL.ASKA PCIWBJ:ll AUTHCII:;ITY SiTE Watana Soutr ... Abutm~t JOB NO. PS70l.05 DEPTH ROCK TYPE. DESCRIPTION: •> BH-8 HOL£ NO.---- SHEET NO. 6 0 F ..l.2.. .(ACRES) 052504 ·~-(RSrM) l.--~ ,~t.., c~ OF 'REC .. RUN (RQD) Run 41 9~ 189.2 (88) to 19~.2 Run 42 100 194.2 (9S) to l99.2 ~un 43 100 P.,99.2 (100) to f20l.O 1Run.44 100 20:t .. o (lOO) to 2.06.2 206.2 .. 21L.O, 213.0 Some alteration and minor ~ 45 100 sulfide mineralization~ 206 .. 2 (92) 221 . 2 -225 .• 4 Some c hydrothermal loc~lly fractured and friable. to 2ll.O .. ·Run 46 100. 2ll.O (90) . to 21S.l. Run 47 100 al.S .. l (95) to 21.9.3 ~ 48 100 ~19 .. 3 (84) to ~21.2 alteration, ~un 49 102. ~21~2 (98) to ~25.4 i ' . I I i t •• I } I J I I I l I I ... I I • I J I I I I' 1.· -·I· I I ·I I I I I I I •••• I I I I I I I ·-··· .. •' ., ' . ACRe AMERICAN iNCORPORATED ......,.. __ _....__..-~ ... -~~,.;;;;:~ ... """' . ·-'--------------t -~-.. : j!ft_(Q CONSULTING ENGINEERS !"~M c:=:!~!~~.!!J..!~ lluft(d BUFFAL.O , NEW YORK ANCHORAGE • ALASKA ~~==~------------------~~------------~~~----------: ~ CIRILLING REPORT SU.ITNA ·HVQI=ICI.I.ECTRIC a:ii=ICJ-JBCT for ALASKA JICIWEPI AUTHCJI:tiTV HOLE NO. sa-s SHe:ET NO. 7 . Of: 19 SITE. Watana South ~utment JOB NO. Ps7or. o5 (ACRES} os25o4 (RaM) ROCK TYPE DESCRIPT10N• 230.6 -235.6. Core loss 0.2r. L ..... ...,... ~­·~··, CQKt'. OF REC.· RUN tRQD) Rup. 50 lOQ 225 .. 4 (J.OQ) to 230 .. 6 Run 51 96 230 .. 6 {96~ to ' 235 .. 6 238.0 Slightly altered, bleached and somewhat Run 52 lOO softer. 235.6. (91) 245 .. 6 .. 251.0 Core loss 0.1'. 251.0 Thin clay seam. 261.5, 270.0 Highly f.ractured zones .. am• ~ to 240 .. 9 Run S3 a4o .. 9 to 245 ... 6 !Run 54 245 .. 6 to 251 ... 0 Run ss 251 .... 0 to 25$ .. 2 ~56 255~2 to 260 .. 1 Rurl. Si 260 .. 1 . to 265~1 100 (100) 98 (87) 100 {93) 100 (100) . lOO (94) Run· sa 100 265.1 (90) to. 270 .. 1 \ ·\ m_ .~ J • l l '•· ,__.....· .. ·· ... ~--.__-.....--.----------------------.,:· I \; ACRES AMERICAN JNCORPORATEO 1---...---.r-...;(~·8.;::~ ... _,· ...... -----------t CONSU l ... lNG 'E' N~JNEER' s· .. aM caFM.A.1'"ANTll, INC. .... ..... . . ...... ,~ ............ , ..... ., ... BUFFALO , NEW YORK AP41C:HORAGE r. AL~SKA CJRII.L.ING r:IEI::IORT SUBITNA· HYQRCI.LIICTRIC PAD.JI!CT for ALASKA. I=CIW.A .. AUTHCIMITV HOLE No._:a_H.._-_.s __ SHEET NO. 8 O.F. 19 SITE Watana South. Abutment JOS NO. P5701.05 ·(ACRES) 05.2504 U~S!M) ROC< TYP! '' O.ESCRIPTtON• 284.4-287.8 Core loss 0.1'. --· :t..t-l.~·n e~ OF REC. RUN tRQD) Run .59 100 270.~ (89} to 275 .. 3 Run 60 100 275 .• 3 (100) to 280.2 IRun 61 1oo 280 .. 2 (100) to 284 .. 4 Run 62 97 284,4 (94) to '287.8 287. 8 -291.0 Mislatch of core barrel during Rtu:t 63 7$ drilling. Core badly ground. Core loss 287 .. 8 (~9) 0.8 feet. to 307 ~8 -308.8 ~eat4er.ad-, so£t. Highly tractured, 291 ... 0 ~un 64 100 291.0 (lOO) to 296.1 Run as 100 296 .. 1 (98} to~· 300 .. 8 !Run 66.100 300.R . (97) to 303.7 moderately Run 67 100 303 .. 7 (100) to 309_,.8 I. 'I I I i ' J ' I I • ·I i I ; . I I I. I I I I i I . I. " •• j I I I ·I I I I I I I I I I I •• "I I ACR!S AMERICAN INCORPoRATED 1------_......, ~~~:J--______ _.._ _ _, A PO[@ CONSULTING ENGINEERS !-•M ·:a~!.~!\.~r!: · . unm ., . BUFFALO • NE.'W YORK ANCHORAGE • ALASkA CJRILLING I=IEPCIRT .U.ITNA HVI:It=IC•L•CTFIIC PACI..JECT for ALASK-A ~WI!R AU .. lHCII=IITV HOLE NO. BH•8 SHEETNO. 9 OF. 19 SITE _. Watana South Abu~t .;OS NO. P5701. OS • {ACRES). 052504 {RtiM) DEPTH ROCK TYPE 318.8 Granodiorite 340 .. 0 Diorite DESCRIPTION: l.~n cek OF REC. RUN (RQD) taun 68 100 308.8 (93) to 313 .. 2 ' faun 69 100 J13.2 (100) to 318 .• 2 Pale green to pink and gray, fi"J.e t.o medium ~un 70 100 grained crystalline rock. Non-foliated with 318 •. 2 . (94) approximately 20% mafics. ·Hard to very hard, to fresh and generally competent~ Joint ,spacing. 321..5 close to moderately close.. Occasional carbonate coating. !Run 11 100 324.5 Thin felsic dike .. 326.9 -330~8 Core loss 0.1'. 332.4 .. 332.8 Ft!lsic dike. 32~.5 (100) '326 .. 9 !Run 72 97 1326 ... 9 (97) to 330.8 P-un 73 100 IJ30 .. S (90) to fJ35 .. 8 . ~ 741100 Gra~ to pale g:een and pink, f~rt~ to . medJ.WD ~3S..,a •. (g3) gra1.ned crystalll.ne rock. Non.-folJ.ated w~th 20% tC) to 30% mafi.cs. Hard .. to very: ·hard, fl;'esh~ ~40 .. l Generally competent.. Mino.r sulfide mineraliza- tion. Joint spacing very close to mod('lrately ~un 7S 100 close. Occasional joints healed with calci-te. ~40 ... l (SS) t..J 341.0 -344.0 Highly" 'frac.tured zone. ~4~ .. 2 343.2 -375.5 Localized dikes and veins fine grained andesite. ~un 76 of gray, 343.2 ,11;0 G48.A 100 {92) ) . ~------~~~-r.-----------c----------~ ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED ~'~ CONSU• '!'1NG 'ENGI_N.EEZ!!I. S Ja&Mc.c:; ~SCI~F-!!:.J2'-1:1:rA~9 INC. --'---n • . --.... -·••• • . • • ..,..,. ...... SUFFAl..O 1 NEW YORK ·. ANCHORAGE , ALASKA I I J:II=JILLING REPORT 8U8rrNA HVCIRC.LECTRIC J:IPICI.JECT for ALASKA PICWI!R. AUTHCJRITY HOl..E NO. aa-a •. SHEETNO._lo OF.l9 . , l SITE'' Watana South Abutment JOB NO. P5701.05 (ACRES) 052504 (R &M l I L~, cZt-Df~ ROCK TYP! DESCRIPT10Na OF ~ '----·---t--------+--------..,__----..-....---'"".-------1--~~RE~C.;;;.;•~ ..•.... r-~ RUN ( ~QD) . . R. 77 348.4 to ' 351,..8 R 78 351. .• 8 to 356.8 R 79 356 .. 8 to 360.9 R so 360.9 to 364.2 364.2-365.5 Core loss 0.1' ~ R Sl 364.2 to 365 .. 5 -R. 82' 365.5 to 370.5 R 8~ . ~ ... 370.: to .:.::s .. ! R 84 375 .. .: to 380.4 R 85 380.4 to 384 .. 0 100 (71) 100 (100) 100 (100} 100 (67) 92 (92 100 (90 100 (90 100 (96) 100 (94} . I ' J I • I ' I I I ' . . I I i I ' I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I -. I I I ~~~m ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED s-------~~:·~.;·~....... ~:_::::::,.:::::::::::::~ CONSULTING ENGINEERS ~~~~~'':t.'T!.l.!~ BUFFALO , NEW· YORK ANCHORAGE , ~LASKA ~~==~--~--------~~=,----._------------~--~----------~ I:IRILL.ING t:1EI=ICIAT au•rTNA .MVCRCIIII.I!CTRIC J:lr:IC.IECT f~,, ALA8KA JICIWI!R AUTMQt=IITV SITE Watan~ Sou~ Abutment JOB NO. P570l.OS DEPTH ROCK TYPE DESCRIPTION: HOLE NO. ·BH-8 SHEET NO. 11 OF 19 . {ACRES) 052504 (R f2M) ·-··-7~ -~·"c~ OF REC• RUN (RQD) 364.0 .. 386.0 Possible shear zone, soft and R 86 friable with clay and sand infilling along 384.0 102, (46) joints. to 389.0 • IR S7 389"0 t..o 393.4 100 1 (86)1 406. 0 -403. 7 Alteration friable. Core loss 0. 4 feet. zone, soft, R 88 1.00 393,.4 {100) to 397.7 R 89 100 391 .. 7 (96) to 402..,3 and R 90 93 402.3 (45) to 407.S R. . 9~ 100 407 .. s (58} to 4ll. .. 9 R 92 100 4U.9. (96) to . 4l7-l R 93 100 417.1 (90) to 421 .. 0 R 94 100 421.0 . (96) to 426 .. 4 ~--------------------------~------~~------------------------------------~ ACRES AMERICAN lNCORPOAAiED ~------cr~--...t·• .... ~ ........ CONSULTING ENGiNEER l MaM .. C:t;!. -=-!:=~~! ... ~~-=~~!J..!~ BUFFALO , NEW YORK At4CHORAGf. , ALASKA ·------------------------------~------------~----------------------~ Cli=lt1LLING AEPCIRT liUBITNA HVCIACI.L&CTI=IIC PRCI.JECT fo.r ALASKA PCIW8R AUTHQAITY SITE Watana. South Abutment JOB NO. PS701. OS HOLE NO. BH-a - SHEETNO.__g ... OF..;.~ {ACRES) 052504 (R&M) ~----~------~----~--------------------------------~·----------~----~~-1 l. --.xt.- 1 DEP···-T-H~----R-OCK __ TY __ PE_. __ ~--0-E-SC_R_I_Pn __ O_N_'~--------------------·----------~-·-~o_F_"'~"~-~-c_:·~ _ RUN (RQD) l I 430.4 to 436.0 Highly fractured and altered iR 95 zone, friable with some chloritized joints. Core 426 .. 4 loss 0. 7 feet.. (435.6) Shear zone, rock brecciated gouge, very soft. Core loss 0. 2' . with clay to 431.0 R 96 ;431. .. 0 t:o 433.6 ~ 97 433~6 to 436 .. 3 440.0 -443.5 Highly fractured and sheared zone. R 98 Core loss 0.3 feet. 436.3 100 {65) 107 (35) 93 {33) 98 (79) I- I I I I I I I ' I I • to 44::...0 R 99 441 .. 0 to 446 .. 0 94 (70) •• I 446.0 -451.0 Core loss 0. 7 feet. R 3.00 446.0 to 451..0 iR 101 451..0 .- to 456.2 ~ 1Q2 456 •. 2 to 4El.o n fa 103 ~61,.0 to 465.4 86 (90) 100 (100} 100 (IOOj 100 (100) ·- I I I I I I I I· I I -. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED t------~'-'-----------1 cotl~u· :rtNG ENG'NEERs· ••M ~r'Ja.A.TANT•·•M:. ., -. _ i ,... •••••• ~~ "tUtllh.e,..,_. BUrFALO , NEW YOKft ANCHORAGE , ALASKA SLIBrrNA HV-ar:ttmiLECTI=IIC Pl=la.JECT HOLE NO. _.BH--....-a..__ for A~ASKA POWER AUTHCIAITY SHEETNO._.J,J OF. 19 ~=SI~T!E~=w~a~t~~~a=S=o=u~~~~~u=~=~~t~~~~~!J~O~B~N~~~~P5~7~0~1~-~0S~(ACRE~052504 (R&M) . 1 L~·-~ O!f'T'H ROCK TYPE OEScft • ...-.lON• 'QF''" C REC. 476.6 -476.9 altered zone soft, friable. 491.5 -495.0 0.2 feet. Altered zone, soft, core RUN (RQD) ~ 104 100 ~65.4 (89) to f467.2 lR lOS 100 ~67.2 (100) to ~70.2 1R 106 100 14j0.2 (90) to f475.4 !R 1;07 100 ~15.4 (90) to f480 .. 6 IR lOS 100 !4S0 ... 6 (100) t:Q 48.1.7 R .109 100 f4,Sl..7 (81) to ~85 .. 5 fR llO . 100 k\85.5 (100) to f49o ... o loss R lll 96 490~0 (90) to fl95.0 ra 112 1oo ~95.0 (100) to 1499 .. 9 l • ,.-.---""--------------.~---~.-=--------------"·- ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED ..,._ ___ __.s;(....._j~-~:.......~ CONsu l "'~"I NG ENGlN EERS fit AM C:CC:.I:INI ____ A'-TANT., JNC. 1.1 •suee t a 1 ....,...,.. •• '"'-•...-. eu.w•.,. ... BUFFALO , NEW YO.RK ANCHORAGE ,ALASKA m-a SUSITNA MYCII=ICIJIIiLBCTs:IIC s:JPIQ-.IECT HOLE NO." ___ _ for ALASKA Jii'-...1111IEI=I AUTHORITY SHEETNO. 14 OF...a. ~=~~T:E~c-;·"=~:a:~:-~:~:a=S~a~u:~:~~~=-:~:~=~=~~--~~~~~J~O:B_·:NO:·~=P~5701.05 {~REm~52SM (RaM) L.EtfCi11't c~ OF REC. DEPTH ROCK TYPE I . DESCRIPTION: 505 . 2 .. 520 . 6 Altered zone, bleached, sulfide mineralization. 510.2 -515.6 Core loss 0.1'. (515.6-518.6) Soft and friable. - RUN (RQD) e. ll3 100 f499.S (96) to ~05.2 minor~ 114 505.2 to 510.2 10.4 (78) R llS 98 51Q ... 2. (72) to ?lS .. 6 R ll6 100 ~15 .. 6 (80) to ~20 .. 6 a u1 100 520 .. 6 (98) tQC 525 .. 7 ~ ll.S 100 ~25.7 (92) to ~Jo .. a a ll9 530.8 to ~36.1 R 120· 536 .. 1 to 541.1 c ~ l2l 541.1 to 546 .. 3 100 (57) 100 {94) 100 (100) I I .. I • ' I ! lp I ; I I ' I ' ' I I I ' ··' - I -I ,,I I . I ' I .i I I I ,· I I- I I I I a I •• I I I I I I I I I I ACRE$ AMERICAN INCORPQRATEO 1------";2~·"-------------; CONSUi ·:r·tNG ENGINE:"RS . III&M CC:F~ANT11, INC. '---I .......... , •• I ••• ~ ..... BUFFALO , NEW YORK ANCHORAG~ , A&..ASKA r:'l~~ILL.ING I=IEPDI=IT SU.ITNA HVCI\JICeLECTPIIC PI=IQ.JECT for ALASKA I=ICW.R AUTHCIArl"t' SITE Watana South Abutment JOB NO. P-5701~ OS HOLE NO. BH-a - SHEET NO. 15 0 F. l9 (ACRES) 052504 (RS:M) DEPTH ROCKTY~ DESCRIPTION: l.---~ '(lF'"~. REC. J I I RUN lRQD) ~ 122 ~00 546 .. .3 (100) to 55~ .. 2 551 .. 2 -552.6, 664.0 -556.4 Highly fractured zones. R 123 100 551 .. 2 (50) to ssa~s 1R 1.:24 1.00 55.~ .. 6 (50) to 556 .. 4 Rl2S 100 556.4 (42) to 56!. • .2 R J.26 100 5&1. .• 2 (100} to 566.2 1R U7 100 566 ... 2 (89) to sn.s 571.6 -596.0 Altered zone, sulfide mineraliza-R l.2S 100 tiou .. 571. ... 6 (95) to 575.4 (580 .. 0 "" 580.5, 587.6) Highly altered, soft and~ ~29 lOO friable with some carbonaceous clay filling. ~75~4 (100) to 580 .. 5 1R l3a 1oo 1580.5 {96) to p85 .. 6 ' -~ ~~~----------------------------~-------------------------------------~ ~------~~~)·~~~~Vr.-A--------------------~ ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED r-~ v t CONSULTING ENGINEERS ~aM, c:!'.!'!l...!-:1"~~!,,_~~ BUFFALO , NEW YORK ANCHORAGE 1 ALASkA r:J~ILLING AEPCIAT BUBITNA HVCIMC.LECTRIC PACI.JECT tor ALASKA t=ae:IWI!I=I AUTHQRITY HOLE NO. _s_a .... -.... a __ SHEETNO. 16 OF.l9 SITE Watana South Abutment JOB NO. P570J.. OS (ACRES) 052504 (R&M) DEPTH D!:SCRIPTION: · L.~-.' .. , cdfE. . REC. RUN (RQD) - [R 131 100 585.6 {76) to 590~7 (592.2) Brecciated zone. Core loss O.l'. R 132 98 590.7 (77) to 596.0 R 133 100 596.0 (82) to 601.0 R /~4 lOO 601.0 (80) to 604.0 R 135 102 604 .. 0 (94} to 1609"'0 609.0 .. 634.0 Highly fractured zone, with clayey R l36 97 filling along some joints, numerous joints healed 609 .. 0 (50) with carbonate. Core loss 0.1 f. to (619.6, 633 .. 3) Slickensides. 612 .. 4 R. 137 100 612 .. 4 (56) to 617.6 R 138 100 617.6 (56) to. 621.0 R 139 100 621.0 (62) to 626.2 I ' I I l ; I I j I • I I ' I .I . I . I I I . ' I .... -¥" I ' ·,· ' . I ,.. I !. I I ,I I •• II I I I I I I I· I I I I I / ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED .__ ___ __. A~ll~ CONSUL.TING ENGINEERS BUFFALO t NEW YORK I' I DI=IILLING REPCRT ~ .. .U.ITNA HVI:IRGIIL.IICTJ:IIC PACJ..JIIC,' HOI..E NO. _BH....;.;..-... 8 __ ' for SITE . - .. - ALASKA POW•r:a AUTHC1~1TY SHS:ETNO. 17 OF~ ~i'atana South Abutment JOB NO. P5701. OS (ACRES) 052504 (R&M) ROd< TYPE ~·-·~ ,. .... , OESCRfF'TIONt L.~ cJ£ OF REC. RUN (RQD) tR 140 100 626 .. 2 (69) to 628.8 R 141 100 628.8 (75) to 634.0 1R 142 100 1634 .. 0 (98) to 1639.3 ~ 143 100 ~39.3 (9S) to ~43.5 !R 144 .100 643.5 -648.8 Medium to coarse grained 1643 ... 5 (94) brecciated rock with clay gouge, friable and soft to locally, partially healed with carbonate. !648 ... 8 ' R 145 100 ~48.8 (100) to 1653.8 tR 146 100 1653 ,;9 (100) to l659 .. l ~ 147 100 ~59.1 (94) to r4.l 148 100 664 .. 1 (100} to 669.4 J l .~: IPD[@ CONSULTING ENGINEERS ~aM c,.sr~;r~!J.,!~ • I. . . '.. AC. RES A.MERICAN INCOR. PORATEO t----...r-;(~.J~:~:.....I. . ftUD[d BUFFALO , NEW YORK ANCHORAGe , ALASKA 1:1~11-LING I=IEPCIRT aUBITNA HVCJI:;a.LECTI=IIC PAQ.JECT · for ALASKA PQWI!R AUTHCJRITV HOLE NO. BH-8 SHEET NO. 18 OF 19 . SITE watana South Abutment JOB NO. 1?5701. 05 _(ACRES) 05;2SQ4,_ {REIM) .I I ' I I --~ . L~·" e . ROUFN R!C. ·I· .· !RQD) ROCK TYPE DESCRIPTION a • I 669.4 -674.7 Localized joints. Core loss 0. 3 feet.. ---. - clay filling along iR 149 669.4 to 674.7 94 (91} iR 1so 100 1674.7 {94.) to 679.9 1R 151 100 '679.9 (98) to ~85.2 iR 152 100 ~85.2 {100) to [690 .. 2 690.2 -693 .. 0 Mislatch of core barrel during IR 153 86 drilling, core badly ground. Core loss 0. 4 feet. 1690.2 (86) to· ~93,.0 IR·ls4 100 1693.0 (74) to ~98 .. 0 fR 155 100 ~98 .. 0 (73) to ~03.1 R 156 100 !703.1 (74) to ~oa.s ~ 157 100 ~08.5 ~~100) to ' 1713 .. 1 ~ .. l . t I :I I I .. I ' I I I . . Jl -. . I I . I * ·I \; I ·I 1: I I I I I I I I I I I I I' •• I I I, I' ACRES AMERICAN lNCORPORATEO 1-------"'-.a'""'~-..::~:.;;...~ _ CONSU. _•·:rtN. G ~·GtNEE~.s-•aM c=II'-1!.-TA.fliT•,aNC. -~ '-&;.1~ n • . -.... ,.~ "' .... ~ ....--...... BUFFALO , NEW YORK ANCHORAGE ,ALASKA CIAIU.ING REs:aCAT BU.ITNA ·HVI:II=IC1BLI!CTAIC PRD.JECT for ALASKA PCJW.PI AUTHCJRFT'V HOLE NO, BH-S SHEETNO. I9 OF..J.S... SlT.E Watana South Abutment JOB NO. P5701. OS (ACRES) 052504 {R&M) DEFTH J ROCK TYPE DESCRIP110N~ L.~n cJIE. OF REC• RUN (RQDl 713.1 .. 719.4 Mislatch _of core barrel during dri.lli.a.g, core badly ground, core loss 0. 6 feet R 158 90 some carbonaceous clay along joints. 7l3 .. l (59) 719.4 -724.7 Altered zone, bleached, soft and friable, pitted. Core loss 0.2•. locally to 719.,4. R 159 719.4 to 724.7 R ~60 724.7 to 729.3 96 (79) 100 (98) I R 161 100. 72:9 .. 3 (100) to 734.3 R 1.62 102 73.4.3 (98) to 739 ... 3 R. l.63 104 739.3 (90) to 744.3 1R 1£4 100 744 ... 3 (80) to 749 .. 4 7 49 . 4 Soft, friable zone ... ~ l65 100 749 .. 4 (82) to 7SO.S 750.5 End of Hole 0 1: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - I I I I· . - DEVIl CANYON .• , . .. I I I I I I I I ' I I I I· . I I I I - ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED t-----~,..........,,_J;·=SJ.,.-o...~ Co. Ns .,-1 G ENGI EE!:ts RaM cCNIIuL.TANTs, tNc. · UL:1 N N n ·-··---.. , ....... __ c~,. .. ··- BUFFALO ,NEW YORK ANCHORAGE , ALASKA ·cRILLING AEPCRT SUSITNA HVCII=ICJELECTRIC PI=IQ.JECT for ALASKA. PCJWER AUTHCJRITV HOLE NO. BH..al SHEET NO._ l_QF..1.Q.. srr~ DEVIL CANYON ~lQRTH ABUTMENT JOB NO. PS701.05 {ACRES) 052504 {REaM) CONTRACTOR __ THE __ . D_R-.l,_LL_!N_G....._C_,O_MP ..... ANY __ ...___ STARTED 12:00 P .M .. _.-A:,;.UG;:..:: ·;...::2;.;:;;3 ___ 1gso ORIUJNG METHOD LOCATION= DEPTH --------------.FINISHED M. AUG. 31 198~0..__ SOU. Casing Advancer CASING OIAM. -ii1NW'=~•(4~-·-~ ..,:;I..:.;.D:::..=--'>---- ROCK DIAMOND CORE DRILL CORE DIAM. NQ-3 (l. 75 .. > LATtTUOE N 62° 4 9 I ll. 4~7 ELEVATIONS: DATUM __________ , DEPARTURE w 149° 18 I 24. 797 BEARING 22So INITIAL DIP ___ 6_70 ___ _ DRILL PLATFORM -------=--'"""'"""' GROUND SURFACE _ __..l-.4-15...._ ___ _ ROCK. SURFACE 1404 . 1 OTHER DIPS------BOTTOM OF HOLE 724. 4 WAT:~ TABLE 1223 O.l-21-80) DESCRIPTION: '. LENGTH ·,-:- OF CORf!. ou .. l REC. n " CRQC.) ROCK TYPE 0.0 Overburden Sandy g~avel with some silt and scattered ·cobbles. Not sampled. 11.8 Phyllite 0 Gray-brown with intercalated quartz stringers forming 30~ of rock. Foliation regular to swirling at 60° to 90° to core axis. Moderately hard to hard; slightly to moderately weathered. fractured and friable throughout. Becomes less weathered with depth. Limonite staining and minor clay or sand along discontinuities. 12. 8 -14. 8 Highly fractured. Core loss 0. 6' . 17.5 -18.3 Highly fractured. Run l 85 ll~8 (20) to 15 .. 8 Run 2 100 15-8 (88) to 20.8 Run 3 85 20 .. B (59) 20.8 Argillite Medium .gray to dark gray, vecy fine to medium grained. Laminae oriented· approximately 30° to core axis . Contorted quartz stringers and irregular bedding throughout. Generally hard to soft and friable locally. Fresh to slightly wea~.b.ered along joints and fractut'es with limor.d.te staining co!IIDon and occasional clay filling. Minor sulfide ntinerali:zation: and carbonate throughout ... Joint spacing close to very close. to 26 .. 2 R .. RAHAIM . -J H..:li.GAN (RSM) .LOGGED SUMMARY -B. HOLM; BY .... (ACRES) APPROVED DATE .APPROVED DATE Run 4 26.2 to 31.3 86 (82) {R &M} (ACRES) I ~------------------------------------~----------------------.~·._ ________________ _, ACRES AMERiCAN INCORPORATED t-----_.~ ... ·~ ..;::~·~:......~ CONSUL.TlNG ENGlNEERS .._lll_a_M-~"=!!!M~.!!l.-!!5 BUFFALO , NEW YORk ANCHORAGE , ALASKA CIAILL.ING REJICIRT SU.ITNA HVQRCI.L.ECTRIC PRD.JECT for ALASKA POWER AUTHCIAITY HOLE NO. _.B._H_-... r __ . SHEETNO. 2 OF: 20 SITE D~rtt, C.i\NYON N. ABQTMENT JOB NO. P5701. OS (ACRES) 052504 (R6M) DEPTH ROCK. TYPE 49.0 Meta-Argillit~ DESCRIPTION: 20.8-31.3 Core loss 1.5'. (21.8 -22.3) Quartz-carbonate-pyrite mineral- ization with bleaching from weathering. (25.0, 26.4-26.6) Soft zones. 31.3 -35.0 Slightly fiss.ile. Core loss 0. 3l . Dark gray pelitic rock with occasional bluish gray laminae. Sheen along irregular fracture surfaces. Very fine to fine grained. Lamina.e ori.ented at approximately 0° to 30° to core. axis. Moderately hard to very hard. Well indurated with slight fissility locally. Fresh to slightly weathered with limonite staining on joints colllllon. Elongated quartz grains scattered throughout. Euhedral pyrite commonly associated with bluish zones. Some open voids from leached sulfides. Joint spacing very close to moderately close, with occ:assional chlorite or clay filling. N'~1Jilerous old fractures rehealed by quart.z throughout. . 1.---.7-i.-'c:F'" \.OOHC. REC. RUN (RQD) R 5 31.3 to 35.0 as 35.0 to 40 .. 0 92 (68) 100 (86) R 7 1.00 40 .. 0 (90) to 45 .. 0 R.S 45 .. 0 to 49.0 R9 49.0 to 53.2 R l.O 53 ... 2 to 58 .. 3 R.ll 58~3 to 63 .. 5 100 (98) 100 (69) 98 (92) 100 (86) 49 . 0 -84. 0 Q'la.t·tz, irregular veins and cement R 12 along old partings, 4% to 12% of rock. 63 .. 5 to "' so (0) 63 .5 -68 .. 9 Highly fractured. Core loss 1. 1'· . 64 • S 68.1 -69.2 Quartz vein With sulfid~s and some R 13 86 voids from sulfide leaching. 64 ... 5 (66) to 68~9 ~. I I I ! I I I l -I I . . •• I I f I . ' l I I 1 ·~ I I . I I ·• I I I I •• I •• I I I I I I I •• I I I I I I ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED 1-----.-.~~'-------------1 CONSULTING ENGINEERS ~aM C:S.~!~!J.!!!: BUFFALO·, NEW YORK ANCHORAGE , ALASKA CII=IILLINGI REPCJI=IT SU.ITNA HVQRCI.UICTAIC PRO.JECT for ALASKA PCJWI!R AIUTHCIRITV HOLE NO . ._..B ... H_-1....__ SHEET NO. 3 OF. 20 SiTE DEVIL CANYON N. ABUTMENT JOB NO. P570l.OS {ACRES) 052504 -(RtlM) DEPTH ROCK TYPE DESCRIPTIONt L.--.7.1-·~'" c~ REC. f'UN (RQD) R 14 100 68.9 {88) to 72.3 R J.S 100 72.3 (92) to 77.2 R. ~6 94 79.0 -109.1 Highly fractured and sheared zone. 7 ~ 2 (S 3 ) Poor core recovery with core lo.ss of 4. 6 feet. ~" Slightly to highly weath~red throughou~, residual 80°7 soil locally. • R 3.7 94 80 .. 7 (48) to 84,0 84.0 -101.5 Quartz stringers a~~d veins forming R 18 87 40% to 60% of rock. Numerous small cavities. S4 .. 0 (70) i!O . 90 .. 0 R 1'9 .90 ... 0 to 94 ... 4 R 20 94 ... 4 to 97.8 lt 21 97.8 to lOl.S lit 22 101 .. 5 to 105.0 ·. 91 (50) 88 (29) 54 (0) 71 (23) 1 ~----------~------------------------~-------------------------------------·--- ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED 1-----....J~'------------i CONSULTING ENGINEERS •aM =~~'!.1..!~ BUFFALO 1 NEW YORK ANCHORAGE , At.ASI<A CIRILI.ING AEPDa:JT BUBITNA HVI:JACIELIECTRIC PI=ICia.JECT for AL.i.\SKA I=ICWBR AUTHDRITV HOLE NO. BH-1 SHEETNO. 4 OF. 20- SiTE DEVIL CANYON N~ A3U'!'l.m:NT JOB N~~. ",,: =P5=7=0=1=. O=S=(~A:,:::C:,RE:::S~!)=0=5=25=0::;4==(~R~t2;M;.:,)~ L.-~-Ok DEPTH ROCK TYPE 105.0 Argillite OESCRIPTlON: Medium to dark gray, very fine to fine grained lami~e oriented approximately 0° to 20° to core axis. Contorted quartz s.tringers and irregular bedding throughout. Generally hard; soft and friable locally. Fresh to slightly weathered, with limonite staining on joint and fracture surfaces. Minor sulfide mineralization throughout. Joint spacing very close to moderately close. 109. 1 .. 265.6 Sulfides 3% to 8% of rock. 109.1 -175,0 Most joints at 60° to ~ore axis. Limonite common along joints. Numerous drilling breaks. 112.5-117.6 Core loss 0~7•. (114~0 -114.8) Quartz vein. 117.6-118.6 Vertical quartz :inclusion. 120. 9 -129. 0 Clay filling in joints. (Possible gouge). ·~·" c . OF REC. RUN (RQD) R 23 95 ~05.0 (32} to J.09 .. 1 R 24 100 109.~ (85~ to 112 .. 5 R 25 86 112 .. 5 (80) to 117 .. 6 R 26 100 117 .. 6 (79) to 12.0.9 R 27 100 120.9 (73) to 125.0 ( 12.5 . 0 -129 . 0) 0. 05' within run. R 28 Joints and fractures open to 125.0 87 (63) Core loss 0.5' . to 129 .. 0 129.0 -148.0 Joint spacing very close to clo.se. ~. 2.9 100 129 .. 0 (94) to 13.4. 0 . > R 30 lt~O 134.0 (91)} to 139.2 R 31 100 139 .. 2 (90) to 144.3 I I , I I -i ·I I ' i I I j I ~ I I I l • I I . ,} I • • . t I ._____.__-----~···-"------~~_..... I I •• I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED .,_ ___ __.f.ia .. _J_~.S:f:....~ CONSUl.TtNG ENGINEERS !"~~~~!t..!~ f3UFFALO , NEW YORK ANCHORAGE , ALASKA QAILLING I=IEPICI=IT llUB!TNA HYJ:JP1Q.LIICTRIC PI=ICI.JECT for ALASKA J:IOW.R AUTHCAITV HOLE NO. BH-1 SHE£.1' NO. 5 0 F ...l.Q.. SJTE DEVIL CAm'ON N. ABUTl-'I..EN'l' JOB NO. P5701 .. 05 (ACRES) 052504 (RflM) OEfTH ROCK TYPE PESCR!FnONa (144.3 .. 148.3) Core loss 0.4r. 1. oaE ·ifFl" e . REC. RUN (RQD) R 32 89 144.3 (81) . to 148.0 R 33 100 148.0 -166.3 Joint spacing moderately close. very ~lose to 148 ... 0 (92) (156.2 -161.5) Core loss 0.2'. 175. 0 -2 7 6 . 1 Numerous fractures cemented with calcit~, minor chlorit~~ ~ore f~equently broken along ~Ae.se surfaces by ~L~.ling. . 153 .. 2 R 34 153.2 to lS6 .. 2 R 35 lS6.2 to 16l..:S R 36 161~5 to 166 .. 3 R 37 166. ;. to. 171 .. 5 R 38 171 .. 5 to 176.3 R 39 176.3 to lSJ ... 4 R 40 181.4 to lSo~3 100 (83) r 96 (89) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (lOC) 100 (100) 100 (l00) ~--~----~--------~' ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED ~__, ____ --rS<,_J~..::~.:;;..J .- A PO(_Q CONSULT~NG ENGINEERS e-III&M ~Citac:IIFIWI!f!I•.-:JL~~!~~ c .. ' UO[d BUFFk.t..O , NEW YORK ANCHORAf~r , ALASKA ~Q~A~I~L~L~IN~G~A~.~E~-~P~O~-~~T~--------~------~------------------~- 8U81TNA MVI:JI=ICJ·Lii~IC PACI.JECT HOLE NO. BH•l i tor ALA.SKA PCWER AUTHCIRITY SHE£TNO. 6 OF. 20 J 1-::SI~T:E..:;::=o;F:V=I=L=CANY==· o=N=· =N:;:. ::AB=u=TME=NT===-..::J:O,:::B,...:No:·~:::P::s::7::o::l::. o=s~\;:A:CR:E::s~>::o::s::2::so~4~=;,:(R~a:;M;;)~ I L.--~~ . DEPTH ROCX TYPE DESCRIPTION' ·7Jr'19 CdAE. I RUN (~~<=c) • ~--~~--~c--------~----------------------------------~~----~----~--~ I I R 41 1"'0 186 .. 3 (9 :t} to 191.5 R 42 100 191.5 (100) to 196 .. 4 R 43 100 .196.4 (100) to 201.5 R 44 100 201.5 (100) to 204.9 R 45 98 204.9 (98). to 209 .. 9 R 46 100 209.9 (100) to 214.9 R 47 · 100 214.9 (90) to 2.20. 0 220. 0 .. 221.2 · Joints oriented parallel to core 1 R 48 axis, with clay gouge. 220.0 to 225.1 100 (76). R 49 100 225 .. 1 (100) to 230.0 ,_ I \ t ~ I I f •• • ~ J -' • I I j -J I I .. I \ ~ .,i I .. • •« ' I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1: ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED t--~--..J;c,.._,~·...;:~s;t· - CONSULTiNG ENGINEERS "aM C:SOw!!!s·~~!J..!!':!: BUFFALO , NEW YORK ANCHORAGE , ALASKA CIRILLING. I=IEJIQRT BU.BITNA HVI:II=ICI.LIICTRIC. PRCI..IECT fQr ALASKA I=IC:IW.I=I AUTHOAITY SITE DEVIL CANYON N.. ABUT.t-mNT JOB NO. . PS701. 05 DEPTH ROCK TYPE OESCRIPTIONa HOI..E NO. BJ!-1 SHEETNO. 7 . OF 20 (ACRES) 052504 (RSM) •r.. LQ'F'" cafe. REC •. RUN (RQD) ~----~-----------~l------------------------------------------~----~--~ R. 50 100 230 .. 0 (100) to 235.0 R SJ. 100 235.0 (98). to 240.1 240.1 -241.0. Minor clay along partings within R 52 100 ~~-240.1 {94} to 2.41 .. 8 2.41. 8 Co&Z! is fresh ·below this point .• RS3 100 24l. .. S (100) to 2.46~9 R'54 ' ... ' 100 246.~' {100) to ~ 251..5 R 55 100 251.,.5 (91) to 255.9 R 56 100 255 .. 9 (100) to 260.5 260.5 -276.1 Joint spacing ver_. close to close. R 57 100 26.0~5 (100) to 262.5 R .. SS 100 262 ... 5 (87) to 265.£) {' ' ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED t-----.....J;i!--,...;~~,-~,... CONSUL.TlNG ENGINEERS IIIAM cc;_cc .. r~• ....... a.•-;r.~~~ BUFFALO , NEW YORK . . -ANCHORAGE • ALASKA DRILLING AEPCAT 8U81TNA HYDRCJ.L8CTRIC PI=IQ.JECT f-Jr ALASKA I=OWEA AUTHQI=IITV HO(.E NO. BH-1 SHEETNO.-..L..OF. 20 SIT~ DEVIL CANYON N. A.SO'l'MEN'r JOB NO. PS701. 05 (ACRES) 052504_(R&M) 276.2 296.5 ROCK TY~ Lithic Graywacke l'!e ta Argillite OESCRIPT10Na (270.3 -274.2) Core loss 0.8:. Dark gray to black;.fine to medium grained with crystalline like texture. 3% to 7% green ca-rbonate crystals, quartz rich. Fresh to moderately weathered hard to very hard. .Joint spacing very close to moderately close. 276.1 -280 ~ 3 Slickensided partings'. 285. 2 ... 286. 6 Core loss. 0. 2' . (285 .3) 0. 1' layer of clay gouge. Medium to dark gray, mottled bluish-gray locally. Fine grained; modex;ately ha.rd to very hard, fresh and competent. Minor sulfide mineralization. Carbonates common.. -Joint spacing very close to moderately clo.se. .Numerous healed joints throughout. ----iii!. L~'" c . OF REC. RUN (RQt)) R 59 100 265.6 (100} to 270.3 R 60 270.3 to 1274.2 IR 61 1 274.2 . to ~76 .. 1 R 62 276.1 to 2au .. .l R 63 280 .. 3 to 285.2 R 64 285.2 to 286.6 R 65 286.6 to 291.5 R 66 291.5 to 296.,0 R 67 296 .. 0 to 298.9 100 (79) 100 (95) 100 (82} 86 (71) 100 (84) 100 {82) 79 (34) ~· ,~ I I ! -I I I \ I I "} ! j ·. ' •· .~ I i I· I 1 I I I . ...J I J . .I I I· •• I I I I I I I I I I I I, I I I I ACRES AMERICAN "INCORPOR.ATEO t----_,;i!..._...l~.....,. . . · CONSUI.TlNG ENGINEERS •aM c:sr.~tl!~!l~~ .BUFFALO , NEW YORK ANCHORAGE , AL..t.SI<A A; I(~ ~~==~~~~~~----~--~--------------------~-CIRILLING ~EI=IORT eu•rTNA HVI:2ACI.LECTRIC I=IPICI.JECT. for AI.ASKA Pa.WEA AUTHCII=IITV HOLE NO. BH;..l SHEETNO. 9 OF-'.Q. SITE DEVIL CANYON N. ABJJTMENT JOB NO. P5701.05 {ACRES) 052504 (RSrM} 329.0 Graywacke (Breccia- Conglomerate) DESCRIPTION: L.-·--, • . ·~'"cORE. OF REC. RUN (RQD) 296. 0 -298. 9 Shear zone, highly fractured, weathered and slickensided. Core loss 0.6' 305.0 -311.0 Cor~ loss 0.3'. (306.1-311.0) Joint spacing very close. 320. 0 -325. 0 Core loss 0 . 3 ' • R 68 298.0 to 303.0 R 69 303.0 to 305.0 R 70 305.0 to 306 .. 1 R 71 300-..l to ll.l~o !t 72 1ll.O to 315 .. 7 R 73 315 .. 7 to 320 .. 0 R. 74 320 ... 0 to 325.0 R 75 Medium to dark gi~ay clay~y matrix containing 32S ... o coarse J angular and sub-rounded clas·t.s of quartz, to phyllite, argillite, and other rock types ranging 329.7 in size from 0. 01' \:o 0 .. 1 • and constituting SO% to 60% of rock mass. Well indura:ted, hard to R 76 veey hard, competent 7 fresh.. Contains thin, 329 ... 7 layers (1 to 2 feet thick) of Argillite locally. to Joint spacing very close to moderately cl<.se. 334 .. 7 Chlorite and carbonate coating on joints common. Occasional healed joints. - 100 (85) 100 (90) 82 (68) 98 (71.) 100 (85) 100 (100) 94 (92) 100 (85) 100 (80) ~ h ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED -,----~~L·..;;;;;~ ..... -~"""-· -------------1 CONSU • .,.t.NG ENGINEERS •aM ..:::= ,_ ~TANT• INC. """' --,. 8116 •• ~~ :1r: ..... BUFFALO , NEW YORK ANCHORAGE , ALASkA CJRILLING AEI=ICIAT 8U81TNA HVCACI.I.IIcn:IJ~ PRQ.JECT tor ALASKA I=ICIW.t:l AUTHORITY - HOI..~ NO. SHEET NO. BH-l 10. OF: 20 SITZ DEVIL CANYON N. ABUTMENT JOB NO. P570l.OS (ACRES) 052504 (R&M) ~.~ c~. "(;F'" REC. RUN CRQD) DEPTH ROCK TYPE DESCRIPTtON' R 77 100 334.7 (88) to 339 .• 8 343.0 Joint with clay gouge. R 78 100 339.8 (96) to 345.0 .R 79 (100) 345.0 (94) to 349.7 -a ao 100 349 .. -(100) to 355~0 R 81 100 355.0 (100} to 359.6 R 82 100 359.6 (100) to 361 ... 3 R 83 100 -361.3 (100) to 363.4 R 84. 100 363.4 (100) to 364 .. 4 R as 100 364.4 (98} to 369.3 I I I i ' I ; I I j I - !I i J I • . J I ; I I ; J -· ' I I _j I I ' I _, ____ ....__,..__ ........... :r...,.,_ ......... ~--,,---------------------~._......_ ..... L .'" \ 'j " ·• __ :, -_~.·~:~. ' '"·!~·"'"""'-. ...._ 'j ,·,.:,' ----~<II••·;JI:(""~ ·~ I I .,. I I; I I I I I I I I (' I I I '' I I I ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED t-----"1"\_~J,.._ ________ -; CONSU • "'"lNG ENGINEERS •aM car :-.&:raNT•, INC. .... J.. _ •••• ,. -..~ ~ ..... BUFFALO, NEW YORK ANCHORAGE ,ALASKA .CII=IILLING PIEI=IQRT SU.ITNA HVDAC.LECTRIC t=IRCI.JECT for AI.ASKA 1=-'CJWER.· AUTHCIAITV HOLE NO. _m_-l __ _ SHEETNO~ ll OF. 20 · SITE DEVIL CANYON N. ABUTMENT JOB NO. PS701.05 .. (ACRES) 052504 {R tlM) DEPTH • /' ROCK TYPE DESCRIPTIONr 373.3 to 373~6 Shear zone with clay gouge. 378.7 Clay filled joint. L--..-dfE ·OF'" c . REC. RUN (RQDl R 86 100 369.3 (93) to 373.6 R 87 100 373.6 (100) to 378.6 R 88 100 378.6 (86) to 381..5 ' 381.5 .... 401.5 drilling. R 89 100 Numerous healed joints broken by 381. ... 5 (lOO) u, 3SG.S R 90 95 (386.5 -391.4) Core loss 0.2•. 386 ... 5 {94) t-.o 3~31! .• 4, R 91 l 100 391 ... 4 (98) 'b) J:9tS ... 5 R. ~~2 100 39EI ... 5 (90) to 40!. .. 5 R 9:3 100 41)~ •. 5 (96) 406.0 -424.0 Joint spacing very close to close. to 406 .. 6 R 94 100 406.15 {82.) to 4ll.S " 1 D • ., • • .. ' . ,; --~ . ( . . . . . . > I .-~..-;.,.,;...· ____ __,_,_ ____ ---..' 'A-~-~~~ ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED ._...,._.......__~r-'lf;i(~~l..---------------1 ..• ~-·-·.· CONsu l -J·tNG 'e.",N.GlNEERS •• M CC:W~LTANTa. INC. .· .. 15.',' ~ • 1!!11--······ ............. ~." ... BUFFALO • NEW YORK I ANCitORAG£ • ALASKA ~a=R~I=L=L~JN~.--G-.-A-E_P __ O_R_T_· ----~------------------~----~~ 8Li.rTNA HVJ:JI=ICIBLECTRIC PRCJ..JECT HOLE NO. BR-l i tor ALASKA I=IICIWI!PI AUTHCIAITV SHEETNO. 12 OF...l&l.. J SITE DEVIL CANYON N. ABUTMENT JOB NO. P570l.os. (ACRES) 052504 (RSM) ·-1 :. L-::.:!~:=::::::::::::::::;:::==:::::=_ =-~~.=::....::::::::.::::=:-.!!:::!::!:=:::::;::::t..E!::.Nemf~~c~:.~ I! . DEPTH ROCK TYPE DESCRIPTION: OF REC. RUN tRQD) (413.3-415.3) lU.ghly fractured zone~ R 95 100 411.5 (68) to 415.3 R 96 100 415.3 {80) to 420.3 (423.9 -424.1) Highly fractur.ed zone, trace .of R 97 100 claygouge. 420.3 (76) " to .424.1 R 98 100 424.1 {96) to 429.3 R 99 100 429 .. 3 (100) to 434.3. R 100 100 434.3 (98) 439.4 R 101 100 439.4 {9f',; to 444.4 R 102 100 444.4 {100) to 449.5 R 103 100 449.5 (100) to 454.7 I ·' a ~ i I I -; '"" • I -i I I • I I I . I '· ,I I . I I I I a~ I I I I I -I I I I I. I I I I I ACRES AMERICAN tNCORPORATED 1-----...r~...,.~ ..:~·~:.;...,· CONSUl.TtNG ENGINEERS ~&Me'!. ~CI2_.M~a."H.a~~.!!1.!~ BUFFALO 1 NEW YORK ANCHORAGE , At.ASKA CIRILLING I=IEJ:IQI=IT · .U.ITNA MYI::2RC3.LIICTRIC I=RC.JBCT for ALASKA t:te:~W•R A'lU,rHCIRrrV HOL£ NO~ SHEET"' NO. BH-1 13 OF_2o s:ITE DEVIL CANYON N. ABUTMENT __ JOB NO. P5701. OS (ACRES) 052504 (R&M) DEi:FTH ROCK TYP! ·L--~ ''SF'" REC. RUN (RQD) OE:SCRfPT10Na R ~·04 100 4S4 .. 7 (100 to 459.8 R lOS 100 459 .• 8 (100) to 463.8 p_ 1.06 100 -463.8 (100} to 468 .. 6 R: 107 100 46S.Ei (100) to 47J .. ~ R. 108 100 473 .. 1 (100) to 475.4 R !..09 100 475.4 {82) to I 480 ... 5,. R llO 100 4SO .. S (100) to 4ss .. s n RUl 100 485 .. 5 (85} to 488 .. 8. R ll2 96 488.8 ... 491.5 Core loss O.l 1 • 488".8 (70) tr.. 491 .. 5 ; . ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED t-------'~-~1...;·[~::.· ~"""'· CONSULTING ENGINEERS III&M CI~IOIMI~a .. .&:.~!J..!~ BUFFAlO 1 NEW YORK ANCHORAGE , ALASKA SU.ITNA HVCIPICJIIUICTRIC .I=IRCI.JI!CT HOLE NO. sa-1 for ALASKA t:ICWER AUTHCII=IITV SHEETNO. 1 4 or,:..lQ. SITE DEVIL CANYON N. ABU'rMENT JOB NO. 1?5701 .. 05 (ACRES) 052504 (UBIM) ROCK TYP! DESCRIPTION; 530.4-534 .. 0 Core lo$s G.2'. (533.5) Joint with carbonate and clay gouge. • I L~'" eOfk. .Of' • REC. RUN tRQD) R ll3 100 491..5 (92) to 496 .. 7 R ll4 100 496.7 (93) to 501..2 R ll5 100 501,.2 (100) to 506 .. 5 R ll6 100 506 ... 5 (100) to Sll.S R. ll7 100 su.s (97) 1::) 514 .. 8 R ll8 lOO Sl.~.s (96) to 51.9.9 R ll9 100 519 .. 9 . (94) to S2,S"!'l R 120 100 525,1 (100). to 530.4 R 121 94 530 .. 4 (89) to 534 .. 0 I i I ! .I i : t I : I ! I I I I ~ • 1 ,. l '• ;J I I ·-j I . I .J I ,( I . . . I I ·- I ' I l I I I ,, I I -.- I I I I I I •• I ~----------------,--------~----~--------~~------~------~~~~------ ' ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED t------.,-...~~·'-=~tllii:.;..l· _,__ ___ -~-"""i CONSUL.TtNG ENGINEERS ~-~=:?~!.~~~~ BUFFALO , NEW YORK ANCHORAGE , ALASKA = .-' CIAILLIN~ .REI=IQAT aU.n-NA HVI:::IACIILBC-ft=IIC PRCI.JECT for ALASKA Pa~"!!FI AUTHCI=IITV HOL.E NO. A~::~;...---- SHE~ NO. 1!!.-~0F 20 SITE DEVIL CANYON N. ABtTrr&,r JOB_ NO. PS70l.OS {ACRES} OS25.Q.~-·-(fU2M) ROCK TYPE DESl:RIPTrONt t.EN_;TH ctik. OF REC. RUN CRQDf R 122 100 534.0 ( 98) to 539.0 540 -750.2 Generally hard, fresh 1 competent. R 123 100 539.0 1 89\ to l ' J 544.3 R 1.24 100 544.3 (100) to 549.5 a 12s 100 549 .. 5 (100} to SS4';>5 R l.26 100 554 .. 5 (90} to 559.7 R 1.27 lOO 559.7 (100) " to 564..,8 a 12s 100 1564 .. 8 (100) to 569 .. 7 a 129 lOC 569.7 (100) to 575.J. R. 130 lOO 575 .. 1-(92) to 579.91 F------------------------~--------~--~------------------------------~ f I I I. ACRES· AMERICAN INCORPORATED t----......r~...,.,.j~s:z ....... CONSULTING. ENGINEERS ~&M c~c=.N!.~• .... u • ._L:Jl'~~~ BUFFALO I NEW YORK ANCHORAGE ' ALASkA CIPIILLING J:IEJ:ICIRT ,8U.rrNA HVCIACI.LIICTABC J:IACJ..IECT for ALASKA PCIW.PI AUTHQAITV SITE OEV.IL CANYON N. ABUTMENT JOB NO. P570,1.05 DEPTH . HOCK TYPE DESCRIPTION& (598. 7 -599 .1) Core shl5ttered. HOLE NO. BH-l SHEET NO. 16 OF~.Q.. (ACRES) 052504 {RESM) 1. ... ..-~ ·~·l"''c OF R£C. RUN (RQD) R 131 100 579 .. 9 (~00) to 585,.1. R 132 lDO 585.~ (100) to 590.1. R 133 100 590.1 {100) \ . t:o 595-.l ~ R 134 100 595 .. 1. (100~) ·to 599 .. )~ ~ R t.3S 100 59S,..l (98) to 6·.0~\ .. 2 R 136 100 6Q4 .. 2. (100) to 609 .. 1. R 137 100 609 •. 1 (100) to 610 .. 5 t I . ' I I I ' I I ' ! I I I I I ' .I I , I R 138 100 ' I 6~~ .. s (100) I : 614.8 . . .... R 139 100 J. 614.e .croo) . .. to· ( . ·· 619.8 1 .1 ... ·· . ..,__.....__..._.------~-----· ___ ---. .. ________________ I ....... r.J i '"~. "D • -• . I I) I I .. I, ·',I . . I I I I I I. I I I I I • •••• . ' . ~'. I ACRES. ,AMERi~ INCORPORATED .,._-----~~-"'-~~.;::·-.;.:....~... . ~---------~ co. NSU 1 ':TlNG'·' .· r!{!NfflNEERS ..... coecr~-!!4~·--TANT ... INC. '-.. t;;;t ~· '·~ ...... ------;;:...,~,. ... BUFFALO , ,NEW YORK ANCHOR~\GE , ALASKA I:JPIILLING AE-~CI"""""···.......,R"""'""T~.· --......&..-------------------~~ IIUBITNA HVQRCIIILECTRIC PRCI-ii!CT for AL.ASKA J:f~WI!PI AUTHCIJ11TV HOLE NO. .:ti-~ . SHEET NO. 17 OF. 20 SITE DEVIL ?NYON N. ABUTMENT JOB NO. n P57ol .. os (ACRES) o52So4 tRaM) ROCK TYPE CESCRIPITION• ~--~~-~---------+--~----------------------------------~- (621. 6 -621. 7) Core shattered. I -,.: ;. . i < • • • ~ ,_ • -.,. L~·" cdf!. OF REC. RUN (RQD) R 140 619.8 to 621.7 100 (95}1 l R 141. 100 ~621 ... 7 . (98) to 626.8 R 142 100· · 626.8 (100) to 631 .. 7 R 143 100 631.7 (100} to 636 .. 7 .. R 144 100 ~} 636 .. 7 (lOO) to 641.6 R 145 100 641 .. 6 (100) to 645 .. 2 R 1.46 100 645.2 (.100) to •sso .. o --· R 147 100 650 .. 0 (1001. to 655 ... 2, R 148 100 655.2 (96) to 660.4 '.~-. . _../' ,.._...._._....~---...-----:-_,__ _______ ____,I ACAES AMERICAN INCORPORATED r-------.r~"""';;~..;;;~Sl~-· ____ _, ________ ._ .... ! I CONSUL..Tl~G ENGINEERS !'~~-~T~NT!.1J~. !_,_ BUFFALO t NEW YORK ANCHORAGE , ALASKA • .,.,.......__,....._ ________ ---t I 8UiiaTNA HVDI=Ia • ._.CTI:IIC PAC1.JBCT -HOLE NO. _s_a.....,-1.__ I}. - for ALASKA I=ICJWBR AUTHCJRITV SHEETNO. 18 OF. 20 SIT;: DEVIL CANYON N. ABUTMENT _ JOB NO. P570l .. 05 (ACRES) 052504 ,.{RaM) 1 - CRILL!NG REI=ICAT DEPTH DESCRIPTION& L--.X. , ~----~--------~--""' ____________ _ ·OF''" CQI\.~ a· -------+-R_u_N.....,· t_~E_o~_·)...,. .: R 149 100 660.4 (96) to 665.5 R 15.0 100 665.6 (96) to 670 .. 8 R 151 lQQ 670.8 (~00) to -~75 ... 8 R 152 100 675 .. 8 (96) tc, 680 .. 5 R 153 100 68Q.5 {74} to 683.9 'R 154 88 683.9 (82) ( 683. 9 -690. 0) Core loss 0. 7 ' . to 690.0 lR 155 . 100 690 .. 0 (lOO) to 655 .• 2 -'P.: 156 100 69~ 2 (98)1 r _...., •. I . a • 7~0.5 l ,;, n 157 ·loa 7tlO. 5 !98) to 70S!ti ,.. I t I f I I 1 I . I ' I .i I ~ I; J -l t :1 I )_ l ~~ I __ , · I -~~ ~~ '"I ' :) I ·~ ) .~ .~ .~~~~-~!~·-·~--·~~~~~,\~-~-~---~~~-~-~----~~~~~ J:JLit~tl~---> ~ ~;:£~"'"'-~~.,~~····H_.;.~:.::. ... ';,:.:~ _-.. ~:~:"' ~~~ :~.;~~cf'--~~ ~-.-~..~·-·-~ _·. ~ L _"'_\ I; ··' . "'* . " \' . •, _., •. ', (' r:-''•)1>.""' ;I I I ' . I I, I I - ~"-71· I I . ,· I I I I I I :I ;; 0, - ., '-1- l;t:'.: ..•.. · ·.·.•· ~-\) ·~···,• ~·'t:, ' . ~1~,-\d''Q.~ ···-~· ,.J: .. ~------~~~.,,~~r~~~·~.~~-------: __________ ~:~ ACRES AMERICAMiNCORPORAT!D ~V'· CONSULTiNG ENGiNEERS ••M .r:c;....e-=~•.!!·t.~A!_'::!.~~!,.!~ BUFFALO , NEW YORK ANCHORAGE , ALASKA Mlm ~~~-~~------------~~----~------------~~-----------~~ L1PIILL.ING REPCRT su•n-MA HVCSPIC1•L•C-n:tiC -I=ICLJ.CT for ALASKA I=ICW.II AUTHCPIITY SITE DEVIL CANYON N. ABU'l'MENT _ JOB NO. · P570l. OS OESCRIPTtUN• HOL.E NO._BH_-.-.1 ---. SHEETNO. 19 OF~ (ACRES) 052504 (RSM) l.~ll't ~~ OF REC. RUN tRQll) ~--~----~~. --------~~--------------------------------------4---~~~ l I I (727. 1) Jo; .a.t with clay coating. (731.8 -732.5) Hitb.l.Y fractured zone. (733. 0) Joint wi t.Ji f:J.ay gouge. (737. 4) Joint With\'' clay gouge. R 158 100 705.7 {100) to 110.6 R 159 100 710 .. 6 (100) to 715.7 1.00 R 160 715.7 to 12l.~O r ·r8) 1 J • 1 " R J.6l(l00 121"'0 · (lOO) to 725'"4 ~. 1'62 lOO l 725 .. 4 (95) to 727. 4, R 1:63 lOO 121 .. 4 (91) to 731.-a a 1.~4 lao 131-.8 (SS) to, 137.1.' R l6S 100 1l7.l (91) to 741 .. 5 100 (98) R. l66 74l .. S to 745.7• _ . ·-..... c~ _____ ' _ ... ..._..._. ...........-.L---....~. ... ~~I ~ i ' .. < . ~~-c----~~;.......__··.. ---------------I I i ACRES AMERICAN·tNCOffPORATED t------rt.f:~ . CONSULTiNG ~GINEERS JII&M z:!~A~!fh.!!'5: BUFFALO , NEW YORK ANCHORAGE , A~ASKA a· i 8U81TNA k~'YI:II=ICJEUECTMIC PRD.IECT .HOLE NO. _B_a:_-l...___ CRIU.ING t:IEPCIRT I .. ._,+.; for ALASKA ~WI!Pl AUTHQRITV SHEETNO. 'Q OF-l.O.. SITE DEVIL CANYON ·N.;· ABUTMEN'r JOB NO~ -· P5701.05 (ACRES) 052504· (R6M) ~~======~======~~~~====~~' ~ ~o~.~ L~OF.~a.i Wiilrl" '"' ~ • ,,... DESCRIPTION• ,. . . J----+-------+---------------------=-----.·--~R-UN~~<~.;..;~;,;;~~~ : _ _' 750.2 .. End o£ Hole .. 1 J ' .. 1t 167 lOO 745.7 (87) .. . .. . ·.· l to 750.2 '_j· f, I ~ I \ I ~ ! • I I . ' ' • I ' I. I II ~ :· t., -.. 1.'~ . ·~ .•• .J ·1··· i .. -1 .. -.. .i I ~- 1 ' I I -~ > I .. I I I ,J I I ,,. '~ -::::::::-.-..:. ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORAT~O CONSULTING ENGJ~.EERS BUFt:'Al.O 1 NEW YOR-k DRILLING RI!J:ICIRT SLiSITNA HV~AC1EL.ECTAIC P~CI.JECT for AL.ASKA POWEI=I AUTHCJAITY HOLE NO. BH-2 SHEETNO. 1 OF18 SITE DEVIL. CANYON NORTH ABUTMENT JOB NO. P5701.05 {ACRES) OS*SOf! _ (R&M) CONTRACTOR __ THE __ o_RI..,.-LL~IN ..... G_,c;;;;.oo .... MP-.MY;;;;;;;;;,;....___ STARTED l;.l: 00 b.M, Seot. ~0-;_....,__,.19 SO.-- Set)t. is 19 a_o ORlU..lNG METHOD L.OCATIQN: ---------.-·..-------.FINISH ... EO..,_ ___ M. SOIL. ·CAS~G ADVANCER CASING OIAM# NW 4"-:r..o. ROCK DIAMOND. CORE DR.'ILLZNG CORE OIAM. .. N$l - 3 <l.:.J.-i .... "....,) -~- LATITUDE N 62° 49'S. 737" ELEVATIONS: DATUM DEPARTURE w l49c 18' 21.1?9" DRILl. PLATFORM -------·........-.-~ BEARING -oo · . GROUND SURFtOCE l21~._<t,,..: -- JNITJAL DIP 600 ROCK SURFACE _., 1.21~~' · . e7·-~ ' .f*q-.. ~ OTHER DIPS BOTTOM OF HOLE--~-.-.. ~ . ·""._ WATER TABLE 12U~r-.. --- ~----~------------~------------~--~------------------------~~--/~~~ l.ENGT'H ·/· OEPTH ROCK TYPE OF CORE. ctu· u REC, ·n •-" ( RQO.) o.o Overburden Da,rk brown organic silt wi tll trace light gray ash, angular cobbles .. 2 .. 0 Argillite ·. 0. 0 -2 ... 0 No samples takeD.. Sray, siliceous, very fine graittf!d. Thinly bedded, with laDiina.e oriented 55° to 60° to core axis. Veey hard to moderately hard. Fresh to slightly weathered 1 with· iron-oxide staining on fracture and joint. surfaces. Joints very close to closely .spaced. Pyrite cnbes corD"mOn. Occasional quartz intrusions. (6.0 -10~5) Highly fractured interval, friable 10 .. 5 "" 16.0 Silvery sheen. phyllite. Laminae offset:. Grading into (RSMl ... -" ' ' .. ~ . Run l 95 .2.0 (53) to s .. -o Run 2' 40 6.0 (0) to .1 .. 0 Run 3 13 .71>0 (0) 'tO S .. l Run 4 79 a ... l co) to ··1~).~5 ) .I . I I '.• ROCk TYPE 16 .• 0 Phyllite ~ 6 100 i Dark gray, thinly bedded. Wavy lami.nae oriented 16.0 (92) ·.1·.·.' at 40° to 60° to core axis.. Very hard to hard. to Fresh to moderately weathered, with Iron-staining 21.0 ·1 on joints-and fracture. surfaces . Joint spaci?:lg • ~­;;~ue:;os~y~~e-mod':t~~:ly q~::;· ~Tra~:al:~ ~O 7 ~~~) ·~ fractures. , to · 21.0-26.0 Slightly fissile. 28.0 a 33.0 Thin quartz veins~ brecciated zone at approximately 31 feet. Healed 26.0 Run 8 100 26.0 (90) to 28 .. 0 atm. 9 100 28.0 {90) to 33.0 Run l< 100 33.0 -3&.0 Argillaceous zone. Fractures 33.0 (92.) oriented at app~oximately 0° to core axis. to 42~0 -46.9 close. . 38 .. 0 Run 11 100 3.8 .. 0 (92.} to 42.,0 Joint spac.ing c·l "">Se to mode~ately Run l~ 100 ..42 .. 0 (lQO) to 46.9 l .R.un l~ 100 46.9 \'96) to Sl .. S 51 •. 8 -57.1 Gl.'ay-Wacke inte:rmixed~Wi.th phyll.ite. RUrtl4 51"8 to 57.1 lOO CLOO) : ,-~ I I .. i ' t I . .J I .. I '. < . I . I I .I "'t .) I }. I ··" • ''····~ (._ . .\.' " -:)d I I I ' I. ,, .- I I ' I I I I I I I I ~--------~--~--~~------------~--------~ ACRES AMERICAN INCORPOR"r~o · ~ CONSULT IN~. ENGINEERS Jlt&M '!!'.!!!.IL!~!~!'S: BUFfAlO • NEW YORK _ ANCHORAGE , ALASKA CIRILLING I=IEPICI&:IT &UDITNA HVat:~a•t.SCTI=IIC I=IRQ.JI!CT for ALASKA I=ICIWER AUTHCPIITV HOLE NO. _.B-.H_-2 .... · -- SHEET NO. 3 OF. 18 SITE DEVIL CANYON N. ABUTMENT JOB NO. P570l. OS {ACRES) 052504 {R&t.~) DEPTH 91.6 ROCK TYPE Argillac~ous Graywacke OESCRIPTIONli 71.9 -76.8 Inte~ixed argillit~. L.--. .:f.t_ ·QF''" Com:. •. . . REC .. RUN . tROD) !Run 15 !00 57 .l . (100} -~· to 62.1 ' !Run 1:6 100 f 62.1 {98) to 67 .. 0 !Run l7 lOO 67.0 (100} to 71 •. 9 Run lS 100 71,9 (100) .tQ: 76 .. 8 Run ls< 100 ]16 .. ~ (80) jars 81.8 -86.9 Predoruin~ntly phyllite. ~!a\y and Run 20 100 irregular bedding at 50° to 60° to core axis\. Sl. .. S (96) Closely spR.ced joints.. to 86 .. 9 86. 9 "" 91. 6 Joint spacing very close to close. Run 21 lCO 86 .. 9 (83) to 91 .. 6 Brown, folded, very hard and fresh. Joint Run 22 100 s{'acing very c11lse to moderately close.. Pyrite 9~ .. 6 (89} common. Some quartz int.rusioW$ . A:rgilli te, to laminae oriented at 4oc to 50° to core axis. 96 .. 9 Run 2.3 100 96.9 (96) to 101.7 --.,.,..__..._ ____ ~---.-,~·-~----~:...__~-.r-->oi-f: . ..,; ___ _,~.'!'~". ------------------..\,-- I ' ACRE! AMERICA~ iNCORPORATED t-----..,.9~'------------... !~i . AI. III Co ~~·u· ':TtNG r!'N·. G. a·NEEc.s JlaaM cc • ........_T~Ttl, aNC. n..~J 1. ~ n • • s • ....--.~-·ll A....._ ,.,... ..... SUFFAl.O ,. N~W YORK · ANCHORAGE. • ALASKA CPIILLING,_R ..... -~E~P-0~ • ..,.R ..... T......,_ ___ ...__ ________ _.. ___ -.,., I 8U.n-NA ·HVCIACIELECTI=IIC PAO..JECT HOLE No._BH_-_z__ "~-··.)! .. for ALASKA I=ICIWI!r-1 AUTHCJAITV SHE£TNO. 4 OF. 18 iiJ SITE OEVn CANYON N-. ABUTMm4T JOB NO. P5701.05 (ACRES) 052504 tR&&M) ; OEPTH ROCK TYPE 112. .. 0 Argillite DESCRIPTION a 107.9 -112.0 Rock less competent, f~actured and. broken by drilling. (109.5 ... 112.0) Core loss 1.5' . l.~c&k OF REC. RUN (RQDJ !Rt:m. 24 100 ~01.7 {100) to [los .. o !Run 25 lOO lOS. 0 (93) to ~07.9 highly ~un 2f· lao P.o7. 9 , (94l to ~09 .. 5 !Run 27 109 .. 5 to lll .. O 40 (0) Gray, vt::;ry fine grained.. Generally very hard, IRun 28 100 fr.iable locally ... · Fresh to s_ligh.tly weathe_r.ed, .~!J.-i 122~ 0. (100) with trace of Iron-staining and some chlorite and to calcite scale in joints and fractures. Very 2t.f 5 close to ·::losely spaced joints. Occasional ·~ quartz intrusions. 29 100 .1.4 .. 6 (96j 114 .. 6 -119.4 Some int.erlayered graywacke. to Slickensid~s at 117.5'. ~944 I ~ I "! -1' 1l I ....... - I I ';<I< ' ' II . . I l I 119.4 . "" 123.2 lfighly fractured. Some fracture,s iRun 30} 92 •¥ healed with bluish quartz. Clay on vertical ~~9 .. 4 (79) ' ; joint"" Cora loss 0 •. 3' * to , .. ~23.2 125 • 9 .. 13~ o 0 Poor recovery. Coxoe badly by drilling" Core l.oss 1..\. 1 feet. ~U!l 31 100 ~3: .. 2 (~00) to .. .; I' ~~5.9 ground ·tun 3. 2 25~9 36 I (o>. i ,: to '32.0 II lt -----...-........ --~--llllliollo ......................... .....,..,.... ..... ______ .ir.toi ..... lllllli' ·u.:..····"""'"""•*--"""'-__ or.Oioolol ____ .,., ____ .~:·..c~; ,~ I I - I I ..... I I I I I '""' I - I I I I I I I I ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED 1------..,_ ;2~ . .J.;:s;:ICIIO,. CONSUl.TlNG ENGINEERS Jlt&M C::c::r~~! .• """~_.~~~~!J..!~ BUFFAl-O , NEW YORK ANCHORAGE , ALASKA QI=IILLING REPQAT. •u•n-NA. HVDIICI.U!CTAIC PACiwJECT for ALASKA POWER AUTHCIAITY HOL.E NO.-BH;:;.-.-:2:;....._ SHEETNO. 5 OF-l.a. SITE DEVIL CANYON N. ABUTMENT JOB NO. P5701.05 {ACRES) 052504 (RaM) DEPTH RO:K TYPE 145 . 4 Graywacke. CESCRIPnONa 137.0 -140.3 Joints moderately close spaced. 140.3 -145.4 Oolitic zone. Numerous soft, White., noncalcareous Oolites in dark gray cal- careous argillite matrix. (141.3, 144.0) Slickensides. l..a;!'NTl"' . eek. OF R!C.. RUN (RQD) jRun 33 100 ·~32.0 (100). to c ~35 .. 0 !Run 34 100 135.0 {90) to 137.0 Run 35 100 13.7.0 (76} to 140 .. 3 . Run 36 100 140.,3 . (81) > to .~ 143,4 Run·37 lOO 143.4 . {90) to 145 .. 4 Dark gray, medium to coarsa grained.. Mode.rately .~~ 38 10.0 hard to soft, fre.sh . to moderately weathered. 1 114·. 5 .• 4 (l·OO) Numerous cream-colored, rounded, siliceous blebs to (greater than 3 mm) throughout. Joint spacing ·147-.5 very close t~ ~oderately cl~se. 147 . .5 -152.0 Cor.e loss 0.2'. Run 39 ss 1.47 .. 5 {95) to 132.0 152 .. 0 -155.0 Gouge zone. Moderately hard to Run '40 93 soft, moderately weathe.red. R~.sidual soU 15~.0 (01,. present... Very friable. Core loss 0 .. 2 1 • · to 155 . 0 -17 8 . 6 · Dark gray to ere en, w:ith cryst~ 1s of tJypsum(?) [up to 5 mm diameter] and quartz. Abundant biotite .mica note~~ Moderately hard, $lightly to moderately weath\.:' te&. (155 .. 0 -160.0) Slickensides .. 155.0/ RUn 4lfl00 153 .. 0 1 (92) to ] , 160 .. 0 Run 4.~ 100 160.0 (93} , 'to ~65.4 ,........_._ ________ . --..-------------.I -- 'A~Il~ ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED r-----J":-""aJ-=·'::-~'CCIN.ilui..TANTa.•~ ,,-_--- CONSULTING ENGINEERS • • ·--··~., .. ""-~-·- BUFFP.LO , NEW YORK ANCHORAGE , ALASKA as:~aLLINra-,,.~=~-e-~=~-a-A-T---~--------------; I SUeiTNA HVI:IRCI.LBCTAIC J:IAD.JIECT HOLE NO. BH-2 ' l tor .ALASKA I=ICIWER AUTHCRITV SHEETNO. 6 OF. 18 I-- SITE_ DEVIL CANYON N. ABUTMENT JOB NO. PS701.05 (ACRES) 052504 (RSM) DEPTH ROCK TYPE DESCRIPTION: r~tl ~·----+-------------~------~------------------------------------~---+--~ ~ 182.8 Interbedded Graywacke and Argillite 178. 6 -182. 8 Highly fractured, some on joint. surfaces. ~ 43 ~00 165.4 (98) to i70.5 ~,un 44 100 1170.5 (98) to 11.75 .. 6 [Run 45 li-75 .. 6 to ~79 .. 6 100 {90) clay gouge •f:un_ 46 100 78 .. 6 (56) to lS~ .. s Run 4i 100 Interbedded graywacke and dark gray, fine grained il9l.8 (93) argillite. Hard to moderately hard. 'Fresh. to Joints closely spaced. Many healed fractures llSS. 9 filled with ca1~ite, some quartz. !Run 48 100 ll85 .. 9 (100) to 190 .. 8 !Run 49 lOO ~.90 .. 8 {100) to 11.93 .. 8 iRun SO 100 ~93.8 (lOO} to ll98.9 !Run 51 100 11.98.9 (100} to ;!03.4 I t l t I ' I ~-! .~ I I I, l • I "'""'~ .; I J I ~ I •.. $ ' . . ............... ~--~~; -----............._ _____________________ 1 I I I I I I I I ·I I ...... I """" I I I I I I I .I. ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED ._....----~·--------1 CONSU • ·:riNG E~.~INE=-RS lllt&M c:a::!F ...._,.AN~'11. ttte:. .. ... ''~ . .... ,_ ............ , .• -··-· SUFFAL.O , NEW YORK ANCHORAGE t .ALASKA DAILLING REJ:ICIRT SU.ITNA HVCIRCJI!LECTRIC PAC.JBCT f)~ AL.ASKA J:ICWBR AUTHC1AITV HOLE NO • ..;::;B;:;;H-..... 2..._, __ S~EETNO. 7 OF. 18 SITE -. DEVIL CANYON· .N. ABUTMENT JOB NO. P5701. OS (ACRES) 052504 {RaM) DEPT'H ROCK TYPE 236.3. Argillite DESCRIP'MON: 213 .. 0 -213. 6 Broken and healed zone. i..~'Tn c~ 'ROUFN REC. CRQD) Run 52 100 203.4 (100) to 208.6 Run 53 100 208.6 (100) to 2~1.7 Run 54 100 2ll.,.7 (96) to 2~6~9 ~ 55·100 2,26,..9 (lOO) to aao .. 4 220.4 -231.2 Joint. spac.itlg close to moderately :Run 56 100 close. 220 ... 4 {98) Gray, very f~ne grained. taminae oriented 50° to core axis • Oriented, platy minerals evident. Vary hard to moderately hard.. Fresh. Joint spaciltg very close to mtidera'tely close. Traces of pyrite (cubes), and minor quartz in irregular veins. 226 .. 0 Run 57 100 226 .. 0 (100} 2,31.2 Run. SS 100 231 ... 2 (100) to 2.36 .. 3 Run 59 100 2.16,.3 (100) to 241.0 Run 6d 100 241.0 (97) to 244 .. -7 ~-----~------------------~~--~-------------------------------------~ ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED ._,_ __ __.. .... ~"'~~:.._ ______ _,_---t CONSULTING ENGINEERS !"aM. c:!_~.!.~.!~!'!:: BUFFALO , NEW YORK ANCHORAGE , Al.AS~A D~ILLING REPORT 8UBITNA HVi:Jt:ICIELECTAIC PACI..JECT for ALASKA PCWI!I=t AUTHOI=IITV SITE DEVn. CA.l\IYON N. ABUTMENT ~ JOB NO~ P5701. OS DEPTH ROCK TYPE I i OESCRIPTlON: 260.0 -262.5 Core loss Ow2'. 270.5 Joint w.ith clay gouge. 274 .. 7 -281.8 Core loss 0 .. 4' .. HOLE NO. BH-2 SHEETNO. 8 OF. 18 (ACRES) 052504 (RflM) ·- '----.Y.t-''OF'"C~ 11'!11 REC:. nUN {RQDl !Run 61 100 244.7 •:,,;~00} to 249.8 Run 62 100 249.8 (100) to 255.0 Run 63 100 255.0 (100) to 260.0 ~64 92 260.0 {SO)· to 262.5 Run 65 100 262 .. 5 (92) to 267.3 Run 66 100 267.3 (82) to 269.5 Run 67 100 269.5 (100) . to 274.7 Run 68 96 ll74. 7 (86) to 277.5 Run 69 93 277.5 (81) to 281.8 I I ' I ' 4 ' I •,j • i I I ..... I I :7. . l 'J ,, I -· 1- I ) ' • .1 .1"'"·. .. .. ' .J I " I I I I ... I I I ,, I I I I I ., ~."" I ,-f I ...... I I 1- ~-··· ----------------------------~------------------------------------~· I I ACR£5 AMERICAN INC-ORPORATED r------~~'"""'~~.;;;:;: ........ • CONSUl.TlNG ENGINEERS !"•!!!C!!'~~~!l.!~ BUFFALO , NEW YORK ANCHORAGE , AL.ASKA Clt=IILLING I=IEPOs:IT 8U81TNA HVI:IJ:ICI • ._.CTRIC P"C.JECT for ALASKA PCWEI=t AUTHCI=IITY HOI.E NO. BH-2 SHEETNO. 9 OF: J.S_ SITE DEV:I:L CANYON N. ABUTMENT JQB NO. P5701.05 {ACRF.S} 052504 {RBIM) DEPTH ROCK TYPE 300.0 Joint with clay gouge .. 301.7 .. 306.7 Ql.Ulrtz intrusion parallel bedding -constitutes 15% of the interval. L-'-dfE_ ·~F'''" C 0 REC. RUN (RQD) Run 7C 100 281 •. 8 (~00) ,. to 287.0 Run 71 100 287.0 (100) to 292 .. 0 Run 72 100 292.0 (100} to 297 .. a I Run 7~ 100 297 ... 0 (100) to 301~7 tc Run 74 100 30~ ... 7 (100) to 306 .. 7 Run 7.5 100 306 ... 7 (100) to 309.4 Run 7E 100 309 .. 4 (100) to 3lO~S Run 7i 100 310 .. 5 (100) to 315.5 Run 7E 100 315 .. 5 .-kOO) to 318 ... 7 ·• I ~--------~~-~~~·~------------------~--4 ACRES AMERICAN I~COt~roRATED ~At........----------; CONSU ··:rtN.G ENG· Eeo'!!'\s ••M ccr •ICTANTa. JNC. a. . aN '"'"' .,..,.,_ -· .. ·~"·· -· --·-BUFFALO , NEW YORJ(; ANCHORAGE· , A.l..ASKA Dr:IILLING REPORT BUBrtNA HVCII=tCBLECTRIC I=IRQ.IECT for ALASKA JIOWER AUTHCIRITV HOL~ ~;o. BH-2 SHEETNO. l.O OF. lS SITE DEPTH f I JOB NO. P570l.05 (ACRES) 05250L-.{RaM) OESCRIPTtON: L.~T" cOlE. OF REC. RUN (RQD~ 3.18 .. 7 -325.8 Wavy laminae, generally oriented Run 79 100 at 45° to 50° to core axis. 3lS. 7 {97) to 322.5 Run 80 100 322.5 (100} to 325.8 327 . 8 -329 . 0 Inte~bedded graywacke contorted quartz st::ingers throughout. nume.rous Run 81 100 325.8 (97) to 329 .. 0 329 . 0 -336 . 4 throughout. Contorted quartz stringers R.un 82 100 329.0 f (96) to (331.5 .. 336.4) Co1:e loss 1. 6'. 336.4 -365.6 Intercalated graywac~ and argillite, dark gr.ay to light grayish brown.. Ir:z:egular, wavy laminae at 50° to core axis. Very ha1:d to ~rd, fre:sh, joint spacing very close to moderately ~lose. ( 341 . 5) Joint with clay gouge. 331.5 Run 83 67 331.5 (57) to 336.4 Rl.Jn 84 ... ...,~ C.· . .! 336.4 (~0) to 338 .. ~ Run 85.100 338.4 (100) to 342.0 Run 86 100 342.0 {100) tc . 346.0 Run Si lOO 346.0 (100) to 3Sl.l ~---------~--· ----~~~--------~--------------F,,,--------~----~--~--~ I I I .;.,.·I • I I I i I . ' t I ' 1 I l ' I ,.. . ,. '"'·~; J ' ) ' ,.J ' • J I t' ,, ·-· I I I I I ·I I e I I I I I I I ' I .···.I ~~A~~~~~~~J~·--·--~~=-:~~~------~-·-:-.----~~1 CONSUli'lNG !NGtNEERS -~~'!r-'l!f!~!IJ..!~ BUFFALO t NEW YORK ANCHORAGE , ALASkA 1~~-*'---~-~ , J A~lfl CIAILLING REPCAT , .U.ITNA HVaRCUUIC-rt.'11C J:IRCI.JIICT for AI.ASI<.A r;cw•A AJ..JTHCIPIITV . . SITE DEVIL CAblYON N .. ABUTMENT JOB NO. P5701.05 HOL.E NO. -=a~g~-2._ __ SHE£.~ ~0. ll .. OF. 18 (ACRES) 052504 (Rt\M) iLL I L.C:-~ ~0~----~----mJ-CK--TY~~--~-----J·~--O-E_S_C-RI_Pn __ O_N_'------------------------------~~·-~o_F_'''~"R_E_c~: ..-_ ;-RUN ( ft!QD) . ' Run Sf: 100 351.1 {100) to 356.0 Ru.n 89 100 356.0 (l.OO) to 360.8 Run 90 100 360.S • {98) to 365 .. 6 365.6 -385.1 Trace of pyrite witb. cubes to Run 91 98 S mm. 365.6 (96) (365. 6 -370. 9) Core los.s 0. 1' . (37 4. 4) Clay filled joint. 385. l -390.3 Deformed laminae. to 370.9 Run 94: 10.0 370~.9 . {85) to 1 375.0 Run 9~ 100 375 .. 0 {100) to 380 .. 0 Run 9< 100 380 .. 0 (lOO) to 385 .. ~ Run 9: 100 385 .. ~ (99) ':o 390.3 Run 9E 100 390 ... 3 {94) to .395 .. 5 ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED r------=-~~~'-·· .!l.: ... C'""''..._.._. C'ONSU 1 ·:rt.N' (,J ~~·~I.NEERS JII&Me!lC -CI~fM ....... ._..i:i..:::&..TANTS, INC. ... 411 t;.l~ ........ ?. ---~ . .....-ve-~ ... BUFFALO ' NEW YORK ANCHORAGE I ALASkA I I . CII=IILI.ING PIEPDI=IT I ,·. su•ITNA HYI:2ACJ.LI!CTAIC I=IRD...IECT HOLE NO. sa-2 ; for .. ALASKA t=lr!IWBPI AUTHCJr:IITV SHEET 05 N 2 0 5 • 04 12 OF. 18 1-. _ .... SITE DE'i!IL CANYON N~ .. ABQTMENT ·· JOB NO. P5701.05 (ACRES) _ (RSM) .: I-.:!.:..:..:;::::::::::::=:=:==-::=::==-~~:_:::::::::::::::~~==::::::::=:;=:,L4 1-. DEPnf ROCK TYPE Dt:SCRifl'f10Ni 400.7 -406 .. 0 Core. loss 0,1'. 406. 3 Clay gouge on joint. L~=rHcOffE. OF REC. I· RUN (RQO) Run 9i 395.5 to 400.7 Run 9E 400.7 to 406.0 Run 9S 406.0 to 100 (96) 98 (91) 100 (94) . I . ~ i 'i l . ' t T . I 411.0 -444.9 Argillite grading into phyllite. R l:t:JO 100 1 ·. 1 • Q~rtz intrusions common. Chlorite mineraliza-~l~,o I (100) I , tJ.on.. J to l i 4l~ .. o (426.6::. 431..9) Core loss 0.4'. · r:::l 100 1 - 416.3 (512) ., to 421.3 R l:02. 4ll.3 to 426 ... 6 a l03 426 .. 6 to 431.9 R l04 431.9 to 437 .. 2 R lOS 437 .. 2 j to 44l!.2 100 (100) 92 (100) lCO (95) 100 (100} i I -... I I .J ~ I ~ -i I -~ I I I I I ·I I I I I I ·I I I .. , I . ., • I I I I· " ACRES AMERICAN 1NCORPORATED t------...... ~~~.-:~iliii: .... - . UO(d BUFFALO ' NEW YORK ANCHORAGE J ALASKA A PD£_ P__ ;CONSUL.TtNG ENGINEERS .. &Mc.oae:.~.~~~!!,.!~ j ~======~------------------~-~.-------------------~·------------~~ I:IPIILL.ING AEPCAT -. ---------- i BUBITNA HVCJRCI8LEI;TAIC Pt=ICI.JECT for ALASKA ll:ICIWEPI AUTHQAM'V HOL.E NO. BR-2 SHEET NO. 13 -OF ... l 8 SITE DEVIL CANYON N .. ABUT.:"-1ENT JOB NO. P570l~OS {ACRES) 052~04 {R&M) OEFf""ri 444.9 ROCK TYPE Graywac2te with Arg~lli•::e li.IC:SCRIPT10N: Graywacke .interlayered with (varying amounts) argillite. Dark ~·ray 1;.o brown, fine grained. Very hard, fresh... joint spaccing v.eey close to close. Minor qua~ '? intrusions with chlorite. ~-~~" cek. OF REc.- RUN CRQD) R l06 100 442.2 (!00) to 444.9 R 101 1 ioo 444.-9 (100) to 450.0 R 108 lOO 450 .. 0 (94) to 455.3 R 109 100 4?-S .3 (100) I to 4e0.21 . . IR 1~0 100 460:-.2 -(lO(J) to 465.31 R l.ll. 100 I 465.3 (lOO) to 470.3 R ll2 lOO 470.3 (96) to '475.0 475.0 -492.5 Numerous healed fractures filled ~7 ~~ ci~g) with calcite. Argillite has wavy laminae. 0 to 477 .. 3 R ll4 100 477-.3 (100} to 4Sl.9 ~--~~----L--1--------~----------------· ~-·~~~- ._ ACRES AMERICAN JNCORPORATED t------r"fi2~JS:Z'------------I CONSUL.TlNG -ENGINEERS JIIAM c:e,•.~!~NT~~ BUFFAL.O , NEW YORK ANCHORAG.E , ALASKA r.:IRILLING REPDRT 8UBITNA HVnt=~a•&.aCTRIC PAQ.JECT HOlE NO. _s .... a:-..... 2-- fcr ALASKA PCWBI=I AUTHCIAITY SHEEiN~. 14 -OF-18 SITE DEVIL CANYON N. AB~ JOB NO. .PSiOl .. OS _.,(ACRE~~ 052504 (RtlM) DEPTH ROCk TYPE 495.4 Argillite DESCRIPTION: (491.8 -492~5) Shear zone with clay gouge~ 494.4-498.0 Joints with. clay gouge. -·-0 Dark gray argillite with distortedt irregular laminae.oriented appro~imately 45° to 50° to core axis. Fresh, very hard.. .Joint spacing very close to close. Frequent irregular quart:z. intru$ions with some chlorite~ 498.0 Joint with clay coating at 45° to· core axis. ·~..--diE. ·~·"c -OF REC .. . R-IJM < RQD) R llS 100 481 .. 9 (86) to 495.4 R 116 ,lQQ 485.4 {96) to 490.3 R 1~7 100 490 .• 3 (59) to 492.5 R 118 100 492.5 {13} t.o 495 .. 4 R ll9 1.00 495 ... 4 . (90) to 498~5 ·R. 120 lOO 498 .. 5 {100) to 503.c8 R 121 100 .503.8 (100) 509.1 -519.1 throughout.. 509.~ I Irregular fragments of gray..,.;cke R 12.2 . lOO 509 .. ~ (88) to 51.4.0 R 123 100 514.0 (90) to '519 .. 1 T I I I . .. I I J I· I ~ t· I ' ·I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORAtED t-------r.,.,;:::.o...~ coNS· u· • ·:r.tNG ENGINEERS.· ··•M c= .-.a..TANT•.•rc. ._ •• a __ • .,. • ...,--··- BUFFALO , NEW YORK ANCHORAGE , ALASKf\ 1 J:I,_ILI.ING AEPOPIT ·-j .U.ITNA MYCRC.LIICTPI~C t=IAC.JECT ftlr ALASKA ·I='QW.R AU-n-ICI=IITV HOLE NO. BH-2 S~EET NO. '1 ~ 0 F. 18 . SITE DEVIL CANYON N. ABUTMENT JOB NO. P5701. OS (ACRES) 052504 (R&M) DEPTH DESCRIPTION: 529 • 0 J oi' . ..-i.th. clay gnuge ~ L - -~­·~C~ OF REC. RUN ·tRQCi Rl24 100 519.1 (~00) to 524.3 R 125 100 524 .. 3 '94) to . 529.5 ~ 529.5 -534.7 Sligh.t altBration zone associated R 126 ~ith quartz vein. 529.5 to 100 {~7} 534.7 -538.3 Core loss _0.3'. 534.7 R l27 S34,.7 ~0 538 .. 3 91 (83} R 128 100 538 .. 3 (78) to 542 .. 0' 1 542. o .. ss 1 . 1 l axis. Laminae very irregular to core R US 100 542 .. 0 (7l) -·· (546.0, 548. 7) Highly fractured 0 With clay gouge. 557. ~: ' 'aS .. 7, 560.5 -562 .. 0 Highly fractured. 547.2 a l.Jo 1oo 547,.2 (l.OQ) to 5.52 .. 0 R. 131-lOO 552 ... 0. (94} to . 557 .. 1 R l32 100 557 .. 1 (72) to ·~~.·~c·----,~~---"~------------~.~~\ ------------~---------------l~s-:.2.:.-o----~ ,, I I• .- r t ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED ~--_ ..... f*.....,·~:..,.SSfVfl'-. ------"'""""""--~ CONSULTING ENGINEERS ... aM ~~!~~!!~~ BUFFALO·~ NEW YORK ANC~ORAGE ¥ALASKA CIAILLING REJ:iOI=IT MU.ITNA ·HYI:1ACJ.U!CTAIC t=NcL.IP5CT for ALASKA PCIWER· AUTHCJFIITY HOlE NO._s_H--2-· .....__ ~1.4eoET· NO .. 16. OF. :18 ,.,.,~£,. • . ._, SITE DEVIL CANYON N. ABUTMEN'l' JOB NO. PSiQJ, e OS _ (ACRES) 052504 (RaM} ROCK TYPE DESCRIPTiON a L~-r..J.~ OF ',REC. RUN· '(RQD) ~----+-------------~--------------------------------------------~-- 562. O. -582. 9 Many reheai.ed fractures filled R 133 100 with calcite and quartz. Irregular orientations . 562 • 0 (98) to 567.0 R 1341100 567 . 0 . (100) . to J 572.1 ,' R 135 100 572.~ {92) to S74.9 a 136 1oo 574.9 {94) to 579.9 R 13.7 100 579~9 (93) to 582 .. 9 582. 9 -627.8 Numerous thin bands of highly R 138 100 · fractured rock rehealed with quartz througb.ou.t. 582.9 (60) Rehealed zones are le$s competent and badly to br.oken by drilling. Hard to .soft and friable 584. 9 locally~ R 139 (584 .• 9 -589. 6) Core loss D. 2' . 584.9 to 589.6 (594.2 -594.6) Shear zone with clay gouge. R 140 589.6 to 594.6 96 (83) • l.-QO {78) R 141 100 594.6 · .. (94) to I, I ' ; I '! I ' l I •' t ' I i ' • 1 I I ~ I t . . . I I t I . } . ., r 1;,· I I . J I ,, \ .........__.....___ __________ ......__ ____ .... .......,__..--....~-----.-...-~--.~.. l,:~ I I I I I. I I I I f, I If I ••• ' i •• I . -r-------~~~ 1'!"-------------...-t ACRES AMERICAN :NCORPO'liATEO ~---.....r~""'"~.:.~~S;J~· -CONSU •.,.t.NG eo•uG· J.NEE~S •aM .e;~:c..-•IUL•:r.AMT.,INC. ._, ~' n -•== -~ -••••• ;:~~~~....,.... ~ ...... BUFFALO I NEW YORK ANCrfORAGE J ALASKA QPIIL.I.ING AEPQRT --.Uii:!"NA HVI:IRCJ.LIICTRIC Pt:tCI.JECT for .AL.A8KA JICWBR AUTHCPIITV HOI.E NO. BH-f..-· -- SHEETNO. 17 OF..l8 SITE DEVIL CANYON N .• ABUTMENT JOB NO. P570l.05 {ACRES) 052504 {R&M) DEPTH 632.9 ROCK 1"YP! CJua.:~:t:.z G~allodiorite Y.l DESCRIPTION= LENCS~ eci£. Of REC. RUN (RQO) (611.2. -611. 7) Shear zone. (626. 8 -627 ~8) 0. 2' • Shear zone, friable, core loss R 142 599.6 .:.:> 601.8 R 143 601.8 to 604.0 R 144 604.0 to 609 .. 2 R 1.45 609 ... 2 to 6141>2 R ~46 61.4 ... 2 to 619 ... 5 R 147 6l.9.5 to 624.8 :a.. ~48 624 .. 8 to 630" .. 8 tigllt gra.yish brown, fine to med. grained, com-R ~4!-\ posed primarily of feldspars and quar~z witlt 2 to S30.S 5% mafics.. Massive, very h"'rd. Joint spacing . to wide. Fairly sharp contact with . oveJ;lying 63o .. O argillite. 1" Wide CO'Jltact zone With no apparent contact metamorphism in argilli tte. • R 150 636.0 to 641.~ 100 (91) 100 (91) 100 (81) 100 {80) 100 (93) 100 (93) as {70) lOO (100) 100 (100). ,. ·r ,__ ____ ......, ... ____ __, ________________ _, I< I : ACRES AMERICAft~ INCORPORATED 1--_, ___ ~_.-.. _ ....... :-~-. -~-........ -.....--------i• COMSU• ..,._ t~·G·· ~NG-.. _ I.N.EER .. S "''-'"" ccr-.....T.&N,._9 -~ '-' I~ t;;. • _ ~ ~·• ~--.... aYflfMI BUFFAl.O , \'fEW VOUK ANCHORAGE: , ALASKA CPIILI.ING REPQ~T fiUIIITNA HVI:IR\QEI.a.CTI=IIC PACI.JIICT f~r ALASKA PCI~I!R AUTHCIPIITV HOLE NO. m-2 SHEETNO • ..,.~OF 18 S~TE DEVIL CANYON N. AStfl'MENT JOB NO. P570l.05 (ACRES) 052504 (R&M) DEPTH ROCK TYPE 656.2 .· ... l 645.3 -650. 0 Argillite, with blebs and bands of quartz throughout. No bedding structure evident .• Fresh, very hard, joint spacing close to wide. • Ec1 of Hole -. r l L --Off!. . ~~" c OF REC~ RUN (RQD) R 151 100 641.2 (98) to 646.5 R ~52 100 646.5 (100) to 651.5 R 153 100 651.5 (~00) to 656.2 - 0 ' - I I I t l ' i . I ., I t )' ' i I I I I J I I ·' I -.. l I • -.1 I , .• J I J -I I .;:.· ··~ ' J l~· I I I I I I I I ·--·--~-"- I I ~I I •• I I I I I . . ;}I l ACRES AMERft~AN INCORPORATED 1 ---~..o.· -· __ r.0;:::;:;;."'-~-=Qii:.....~. ~:::::::::::::::::::::'"'""',_~~· CONSULTING ENGINIEERS ~I!..~S~~~...!'.!!:..!~S: BUFFALO , NEW YORK · ANCHORAGE , AL.ASKA CR!LLING MEI=CRT SUSITNA HVCRCELECTRIC PRC..JEC~ for ALASKA POWER AUTHCRITY: HOLE NO. BH-4 SHEET NO. 1 OF.l3, SiTE r:~vil canyon ~th Abutnu:nt. ,. JOB NO. P570l.05 (ACRES) 052504 (R 8t M) • CONTRACTOR _ _..Th,;;;;;;.;;..e....;O;.;r;;.;i;;;;;l;,;;;l.;;in;;,;g~C;;.;;;c,;;;m~pan;;;;;;;.;.,;yf----· STARTED----·M··--~AU~G~l~4 ___ l9 80 ------_______ FINISHED M. AUG 19 l9 80 ORIUJNQ. METHOD t.OC.O:nON: DEPTH SOIL. Casinq Advancer ROCK Diamond Core Drill LATITUDE ! 624857. 593 . DEPARTURE 1491823. 795 _ BEARING _...,..1...:9'""'5°~---- INITlAL DIP _ _....;6 .... 0-.0 ___ _ OTHER DIPS------- ROCK TYPE 'OESCRIPTtON: CASING ClAM. __ ... NW.;.;.;...,_-~< -1-.;;.."...;;;;;I.;;.;.D;;...~)-...... ' CORE OIAM. NQ-3 (1. 7Su) 1 ELEVATIONS: DATUM . _ CRILL PLATFORM -----'---- GROUND SURFACE.---1-3-.53;;, ___ ~ ROCK SURFACE 13~6 BOTTOM OF HOLE -m--~~~1"'!1o2~. 1._ ___ _ WATER TABLE 1 322 'LENGTH o/,.. Or' CORE. RUN n~~Cn} ~---·~--------------~------------------------·--------------------+---~~~~. 0.0 Overburden 7.0 12. f) Bedrock Interbedded Graywacke & Argillite · 0. v -12. 0 No sarL~les taken. Graywacke -medium to dark gray, clayey matrix containing fine to medium sand grains and sub- rounded clasts of quart~, argillite and other · rock types. Interbedded with al7gillite -medium to dark. gray, fine grained. Laminae orienterl at approximately 20° to corr.! axis. Rock i.s well indurated, moderatly hard to nard, and competent • Fresh to slightly weathered with limonite stam- ing on joint surfaces. Minor sulfide mineraliza- tion. Joint spacing ve":Y close to moderately clo~e. Occasional joints healed with quartz and carbonate. · 12.0 .. 15 .. 2 Core loss Oft8'. 20.0, 23.4, 29.8 Slickensides and iron staining. Joints parallel texture at 20° to 30° to core axis . Some clay filling. Run l 1.2 .. 0 to l.S .. 2 Run 2 ,15.2 to • 18.8 Rml 3 18.8 to 20.4 Run 4 ·20 .. 4 to 25.4 75 (17) 100 (67) 101 (38) 101 (70) ..::Ha=.;;r.s;.;;en=.--_;:,;:Raha=· ::::im--. ____ (R a M) APPROVED ________ _.,.{ R aM ) LOGGED BY S1Jmrnary by Ac::omb OATE APPROVED ---------{AC-R-ES1-, .. summary·by HenscP.el -----------(ACRES) OATE -~------------------------------------~--------------~~-------------------------~ - ACRES .~MERlCAN INCORPORATED 1-------r;(.,.,~J-=: .......... l--------------1 CONSULTING ENGINEERS !'aM S1.!!!;•--;!~~.!!1.!!~ BUFFALO , NEW YORK ANCHORAGE , ALASKA Dt=IILLING REI=ICIRT~ SUBITNA HVD~CJELBCTI=IIC. s:lt:r~Dr..II!CT for ALASKA J:ICWBJ!. AUTHCII=IITV HOLE NO. _s_H_--4-- SHEET NO. 2 0 F: 13 SITE . Devil Canyon ,,aou;t:h AbU~nt-r-JOB NO. P5701. OS (ACRES) 052504 (R&M) DEPTH ROCK-TYPE 30.7 Graywacke .. OESCRtPTtON: 25~4 -30.5 Core loss 0.2•. Medium _gray to dark gray, siliceous. Clayey matrix c:ontaJ.ning fine to coarse sand grains .:':nd elipsoid clasts approximately 2mm x lmm in size. Well indurated moderately har.d to hard, compe- tent. Fresh to slightly weathere!i with some iron staitU.ng on joint surfaces. Minor sulfide mineralizat"ion throughtout. Joint spacing very close to madera tely closa. Numerous joints healed with calcite, oriented at approAimately 15° to 30° to core axis. 30.7 -45.0 Minor interbedded argillite· (30. 7, 30. 9, 38. 8, 39 .l) Slicl;tensides and iron staining in joints . 45.0 -46.2 Numerous joints at 15° to 20° to core axis. Open, highly weathered attd clay filled. 62.7 Friable zone. • ~.--~· L~'" ~~!. OF. REC. RUN tRQD) R .s 96 25 .. 4 (78) to 30.5 R 6 100 30.5 (37) to 34.0 R 7 100. 34 .. 0 (98) to 39.0 R 8 100 39.0 (90) to 44.0 R. g· 100 44.0 (43) to 48.0 · R 10 100. 48 .. 0 (96) to ' 53.1 R ll 100 S3.l (92) to $8.1 R 12 125 58.1 (59) to 61.0 R 13 100 61.0 (71) to 65.2 .. ' ,,· . - I 1.' . ' • i ' - I· . I t . I I I 1 I I I .t I ,I I •• J I k I I I I I I I· I I I I I I I I I 'I I ., ] ACRES AtAERICAN INCORPORATED t-----......,><'~.: .. .-~-~: · --.... , ---------.. -----=! CONSl~t..'"'(ING ENGl N EERS llt&M _cc:;_:ccr~t~~_•t~!~ ...... IL!~..!!lJ~ At Ill BUi=rALO , NEW YORK ANCHORAGE , ALASKA ~~~~~~--~--~~~-----L~----------------------------~~ ORILL.ING I=IE~OAT BU.ITNA HYC11=1CIELECTP11C I=I~CJ.JI!CT for ALASKA PCIWBA AUTHCI-=-ITV SITE Devil canyon South_ AI?utment JOB NO. P570l .. OS PEPTH ROCk TYPE OESC~IPTtON I 65.2-70.2 CorelossO.l'. 80.2 -80.9 Co~e loss 0.1'. HOLE-NO. BH-4 SHEETNO. 3 OF.l3 {ACRES) 052504 {RaM) --- 1.----... ·~C OF REC. RUN (RQDJ R l4 65,2 to 70.2 R 15 70 .. 2 to 75.0 R ].6 75.0 to 80 .. 2 R 17 ao .. a to 80._9 R_ 18 80,9 tl. 84~1 R 1'9 98 {84) 100 (98) 100 (87) 89 (57) 100 (84) 100 84.1 (100) -86.0 Quartz vein with sulfides 0.01' thick. ., 102.0 .. 103.0 st_ringers. Numero>'Us quartz veins and to 89.4 R 20 89 .. 4 ·to 93, .. 2 R 21 93.2 to 98.2 R 22 98.2 to 103.4 100 (100) 100 (68) 100 (83) ACRES AMER~CAN INCORPORATED 1-----__.--,...;..,. CONSULTlNG ENGINEERS •aM ~.~.!~..!~!!': BUFFALO I NEW YORK ANCHORAGE , At.ASKA C1AILLING. REI'CIAT BUBITNA ·HVI:IPICJ.L8CTRIC PRQ.JECT HOLE NO. BH-4 for ALASKA I=ICIWBR. AUTHQAITY s·HEETNO. 4 OF.13 SITE _o_e_:v_i_l_C_an...,..y_on ....... s ... o_u .. th.._.Ab.;;;;;;o.;;u;;,;;;tme .. · -:1-t...._._ JOB NO. P5701.05 (ACRES) 052504 (Rf*M) ..... --.... -------· ... ,, __________________ ..._ _____ ...,.. __ .,...ft'll~ DEPTH 10S.4. 114.9 ROCK TYPE Graywacke wj Interbedded ArgilliC~ Phyllite . 1 1 DESCRIPTION:. L. ~F' " ... i:JN I 104.4 ..,. 104 .. 6 Joint with slickensides and clay 23 103.4 -F"ll" -l. J.ng. Graywacke (as described above) with some inter- bedded Argillite. Transitional to underlying phyllite. Argillite is medi.um to darkgray, fine grained. Laminae oriented approximately l0° to core axis. Moderately hard to very hard., fresh, g~nerally competent.. Numerous contorte.d quartz stri,ngers . throughout. Joint spacing close to moder·~te.ly close. to 108.4 24 108.4 to 1~3.3 R 25 113.3 to 117.7 Dark gray to black, ve.ry fine to fine grained. Eoliatiou approximately 5° to 10° to core axis, R. 26 with mi.crofolds crosscutting foliation at ll7.7 approximately 30° (microfolt.s 20° to 30° to core to axis). Hard to very hat:d, fresh.. Minor sulfide 120 .. 0 minerali%a\tion throughout. Quartz and carbonate veins coom1on. Joint spacing close to moderately 27 close~ Nwuerous healed joints throughout. 120 • 0 to 125.0 ~00 (92) 100 (100) 100 {95) 1.00 (87) 100 (100) 28 100 125.0 {87) to 130.2 130.2 • 135 .s Core los$ 0 ~.2' . 96 u (96) 30 100 135.5 (90) to .. . 140 ... 5 to 45 .. 6 100 {96) 1 I I II I I I L -., .. I I I ' . • I I I • I j I j I ., I ~ I' • ·- I .I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~--------~~--·-~~----------------------~ ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED ~ CONSU • ':Tl G ENG EERS liii&M ~TA,.JTII ~~ . ._ N . IN • -·••• .. " "1...-~ .. -. BUFFALO , NEW YORK ANCHORAGE , AL.ASi<A CIRILLING REPORT BU.ITNA HVDI=IC1BLECTRIC. PAO.JECT HOLE NO. BR-4 SHEET NO. 5 -OF.l3 for ALASKA ~CJWI!PI AUTHORITY · SITE. Devil canyon South Abutment JOB NO. P570l.05 (ACRES~ 0525 G~ {RSM) DEPTH ROCK TYPE OESCRIPnON: L.--~ ·~·, c . OF RSC ... RUN (RQD) R 32 .100 145.6 (92) ... to ~50.8 ,_,51.5 Meta-Argillite Dark gray to black, very fine grained, non-iR 33 100 ~oliated to indistinct foliation. Hard to ve>;y 1150.,8 (100) hard, well indurated, fresh and competent. Very to gradational contact with ov~rlying phyllite. 156.0 Joint spacing close to moder:ate~y close, 1- 166.0-171.0 ·Core loss 0.1' .. 169.5 -170.4 Qua:ctz veins. 171.3 -172.3 Quartz veins sulfide mineralization -core ground by drilling; weak zone. and badly 1R 34 1oo IJ.56.0 (96) to 16~.0 R 35 100 161 .. 0 (lOQ.) to ~66 .. 0 fR 36 98 tJ-66.0 (84) to 1171 ... 0 • 1R 37 strl.D.gers, 11 71. ... '0 broken and to fl.76.1 0 100 (84) 178 1 181 6 C b dl d d "\,;; R. 38 100 • -• ore · a y br.oken an sr.:ouu . uy 176 .. 1 (67) drilling. Pieces 0 . OS ' to 0 . 1 ' inches diame.ter. to .Joints have chlorite. ar. talc coating. ~7 9 •6 (179.6 -184.0) Core loss 0.1'. R 39 98 ·179 .• 6 (45) to ~84 •. 0 ~ 4\0 ~84 .. 0 to ~89 .. 1 100 :98) ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED t------·-~,__ _ _, ______ --t Co.NS. U' ·:riNG E:NGi.NEE 0. S .. aM CCFNM...ae..TAN'nl, 1NC. .. -n. V'l • • ~ ........... ..-.-. ~i.l':l111KJ BUFFALO , NEW YORK ANCHO~AGE , ALASKA CJI=IILLING I=IEJ:ICA'T SU.rTNA HVCII:fCELECTI=IIC· ~RC.JECT for ALA~KA I=OWER AUTHDAITV HOLE NO. _BH_-_4 _ _._ SHEET NO. 6 0 F. 13 SITE Devil Can-yon South Abutment~ JOS NO, P57()1 .. 05 (ACRES) 052S04 {Re,~j DEPTH -··-· ~ L~cnc~ OF REC. OESCRIPTIOtJz RUN. (RQDl ~----~--~----------~----------------------------------·-------=··,·--~----~--~ R 41 100 189 .. 1 . (79) to 194.3 R 42 : J,OO 194.3 (100) to 199 •. 6 ••• • I I •• J . I i . I 199.6 -201.6 Qu•~rtz vein 0. 02' approximately 10° to 20~ to core axis. mineralization. thick at :R 43 Sulfide 199 • 6 to 100 I (96) . 205.0 Phyllite Gray brown to. dark gray to black, very fine to . fine grained, well developed foliation, with characteristic sl.lv~ry luster (white•mica • phyllite) on cJeara.ge surfaces. The rock contains highly contorted quartz veins and· ~tringers throughout, which crosscut the foliation.. ·orientation of foliation is highly irregular in these zones. Rod;. is hard to very hard, fresh and compet.ent. Joint spacing close to moderately close. Nwnerous healed joints .. 222.3 -250. 0 Contorted quartz stringers and veins form 201.~ to 40% of rock. Foliation highly . irreglllar. 204 .. 6 R.44 204,.6 to 209 .. 6 R 45 209 .. 6 to 21.4 .. 9 R. 46 ~14 .. 9 to 220 .. 0 R. 47 220 .. 0 to· 225.3 R48 225.3 to 230.1. R 49 230.1 to 235 .. 5 100 (100} 100 (77) 100 (100) 100 (9~) 100 (67) 100 (91) I "'---.a.. ...... _______ ....,.. •.. ),.... ..... .... _________ ......, __ .... _,._ _____ ~_ ...... ....__...,. . ! I I I j I· ~ •• J I . I I "I I I I I ~. I I il rl II ·.·'1 I . ·~ I I I I I I I .----ACRES A'MERICAN INCORPORATED r-----..... ~~-·-..·-....,·· _____ _, __ ~ CONSUL.TtNG_ ENGINEERS ~~taM CfS:'~~f'~\.!~ B~FFAa..O , NEW YORK ANCHORAGE • ALASKA CIR!L~ING ~EJ:ICIAT •uaiTNA HVDI=ICI.LIECTI=IIC FI"C.JECT tor ALASKA PCIW8M AUTHCIIIIITY HOl.E NO. BH-4 SHEETNO. 7 OF.l3 S!TE Devil canyon South Abutment JOB NO.. P570l. 05 (ACRES) 052504 . -(RaM) ROCK TYPE I DESCRiPTIONt L~l~-~ ·or·" c ,. I!!IIUN REC .. " tRQD) R 50 235.5 to 240.3 R 51 240~3 to 245.6 100 {SS J..ooj (961 (246.3 -246.8) with sulfides . Quartz vein, highly mineralized R 52 100 252.0 -267.0 Zone. contains int-ermixed layers of spotted. phyllite. 262..1 -262.5, 263 .. 9 -264.5, 271 .. 1 -271.8 Quartz veins, highly mineralized with sulfides . 24.5.6 (100) to 247.8 R 53 . 100 241-..S {98) to 250 .. 3 R 54 100 250 ... 3 (98) -to 255~2 R. 55 100 255 .. 2 (82) b 260 ... 3 _R:S6 100 260 ... 3 (69) to 262 .. 6 R 57 100 262.6 (90) to ~· 267.6 R 58 100 .267 .6 {84) to 271 .. 9 ·~----._----------------------------------------------------------·----.--~·~ ; ' ~·----...-----..____,............_. _ _____, __ _____, l " ACRES AMERICAN INCOR?ORATED ·t-----_.~.__-------·-----t C llt&M CCF -...~TANT., INC. . ··•··· . . ONSULTlNG ENGINEERS I ·--•• ----··- BUFFALO , NEW YORK ANCHORAGE , ALASKA DRILLING REI=ICIRT 8U8n'NA HVI:JRCI.LECTRIC PRD..JECT for -ALASKA I=ICIWEPI AUTHORITY SITE Devil Canyon South Abutment JOB NO. P5701. OS OEPTH ROCK TYPE DE!CRIPnONz 271.9-277.3 Core loss 0.3•. 282 .. 2 -287.5 Massive quartz vein .. HOLE NO. _s_a_-_4 __ SHEET NO. a 0 F: 13 . (ACRES) 052504 (R&M) -· .,. L.~ cOlE Or REC. RUN <RQD) . -· 5.9 94 271.9 (91) to 277.3 R 60 lOO . 277 • .3 (92} to j289.0 IR 61 }281 .. () to 2916.0 R 62 286.0 to 291.0 1.00 (94) 100 (94) 292. 9 .. 295. 6 Shear zone. Rock is highly . brecciated with clay gouge. Very friable. Rac!t fragments range from 0. 01 t ·co 0. 1 • • Core loss 2. 0 t • R 63 291 .. 0 to 293.5 so (8) 307.0 -312.2 Core loss 0.1'. 308.1 -311.5, 318.3 -319~.2 High with. chlorite and calcite coatings. " angle . joints ~ 64 293.5 to 297.9 a ss 297.9 to 301.9 R 66 30l.9 to 307 .o. R 6.7 307.0 to 312.2 66 (55) 95 (90) . 100 (71) 98 (58) I ' ~ • I· I I ~ I . I I •' I ' . I I I I I j ' I ·" . I. . I ; •. <-·' • r '\ ' • ' • #' • •· • • '# ' ~ -• ,\. ~--------------------------------~------------------------------·----~·- ACRES AMERICAN INCORPO.RATED t----_..~~-----.. ----------t CO~SUL.TlNG ENGINEERS JUi;M ~~..!!~!'!:: B'JFFAl.O ~ NEW YORK ANCHORAGE , ALASKA su•ITNA HVCIIAICIIUICTRIC PIICJ.JI!CT for ALASKA J:ICIWEP"I AUTHCIIIITV HOL.E NO. BH-4 SHEET NO. 9 0 F 13 StTE 0&9'il Canyon South Abutment JOB NC. P5701.05 (ACRES) 052504 (R&M) DESCRIPTION;- " • 330 .. 4 ... 331.1 Open joints at 20~ ta core axis. 343 .. 9 '* 345.0 Qua~\~Z vein. 352.0 -376.3 Zone contains intermixed layers of spotted phyllite. ~..---~ ·or•n c· REC. RUN CRQQ) 1R Ga lOO 312.2 (8~) to 317.0 I.R 69 100 317.0 (8,:~) to 322,.0 R 10 100 322.0 (lOO) to 327 .. 0 R 7l. 100 327 .. 2 (100} to 332.2 R 72 100 3~-21 (94) 337.3 R 73 100 337.3 {94} to 347.0 R 74 100 342.4 (89) to 347:0 [a 75 100 347.0 (83) to 3SO .. :O R 76 ~00 3So .. o · <:Lo-, to .353.3 - ' lo l~~ ! I. ACRES AMERICAN· INCORPORATED ....,_ ___ _.~~---...----------~ CONSUl.ilNG ENGINEERS ~-~. c:!!.!!!N"~~!!:: BUFFALO , NEW YORK ANCHOR~G.S: , ALASKA BU.ITNA ·HVI:Ir4a.L.ECTJ:II~ . I=IRCJ.IECT for AL.ASKA J:ICIWEA AUTHCIAITV HOLE NO. ~!:--4-· -- SHEET NO~ lO OF: l3 SITE Devil Canyon South Abutmeqt JOB NO. P570l, <a..{ACRES) OS25Q4 (RQM) Ot:SC!~IPTION: --·-Y..t-l..~e.., c~ OF REC. "UN (RQtU (353.3-356.5) Core loss CL2'. (362.5 -364.8) Massive quartz v.ein. to 316 .. 3 37 6. 3 -387 . 0 Dark gray to black, well developed R S2 folia.tion at -10° to 20° to c~rl! axis. Contains 316 .. 3 no q•tartz stringers. . to (376.3 -379~4) Core lo~$ 1.4' 379 .. 4 1R a3 3~9 .4 -386.0 Mislatch of core barrel, sec.tiQn 379.4 badly broken, core bad).y ground during drilling. to 386 .• 0 386.0 -39~.0 Core loss O .. Sl. 387.1 .. 399 .. 0 Spotted phyllite. 100 (N/A) r-·· ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED ·~::::::_:_:.1i2~~~J;~~:.;.....~U""'' ---~...-_,-:::::::::::'_,......_~:,· :·-___ .,..-,_-___ -:!'""'f3 CONSUL.TlNG ENGlNEERS .-.aMcrae_atNu~•.~u:_L"';l~J'!l..!~ -~-- BUFFAl.O 1 NEW YORK ANCHORAGE , At.~SKA. a.-IL.LING I=IEI='CJRT .U.ITNA. HVJ:IRCI.LIICT-PIIC PJACI.JECT HOL..£ NO • ...,.:e....,a .... -4--..- f.or ALASKA I=ICIW•R AUTHCIAITY SHEET NO. 11 OF13 · SITE Devil Canyon South .Abutment JOB NO. P570l.05 {ACRES) 052504 (R&M) . L£i«m.. . ~~ OF COR£.~ R. UN REC. CRQD) tR 96 lOO 396.0 {94) to 401 .. 1 R 87 . 100 1401.1 {100) tQ 406.1 406.5 ... (;.(1. 7 Zone contains occasional layers of IR sa 100 spotted p : .. ylli.te. !406.1 {86) (425.0 • 430.3) Core loss 0,.1'. to 1411 .. 1 J. ~ S9 100 f4U ... l (l,OO) t.c l4l'6 • .'2 !a 90 10.0 !416 .. 2 . {100} . to !420 .• 0 a 9.1 1oo ~20 .. 0 (100) to ~25.0 ~ 92 ~2s.o to 430 .. 3 tR 93 '430.3. to 435.6 ' a 94 ~35.6 ·to· ~40.6 98 (96} 100 (81} 1.00 .{92) :' q . --~ .. ---.......~----~,_ .. ---,-~-....-,.._,.·~-~-:" ~ ............. · ~--------........................ _....._, I', ~ ·{ :, ACRES AME~ICANU.&CORPORATEO .__-----' .r!:2"""'..........._Jo.:~-S':.;;..~•___ . . . . • CONSUt.TlNG ENGINEERS •aM ocr-..~TANT!,JNC: ' ·1· . --••~•'• ,... .. ..._ a¥.-• . :o., BUFFALO 1 NEW YORK ANCHORAG£··fA~M-,"-..,.=~-:--=.= .. ~--=~·-·---~--, - . CI!UL.LINGI l::ali!PCII=IT I •u··ITNA: MVI:JRCI.L.IICTAIC PACI.JECT ·HOLE NO. _aa_--4 --:. t for ALA.KA ~~·R AUTHQRITV SHEETNo.l 2 op:l3 _1. _· __ Dev.il canyon south ~-~ent 'D5701 os .·(AC-RES), 052504' (R. c:a.M·) . ~S:rr~E~=·==·==·=·=-·=====;·===·~-=·~:·=· ==--==~~J~O~B~. :NO~·~=-====·==~~~~====~~~~~~ DEPTH DESCRIP"nONa L..-·~ -_.:.t::ll-.,... t ·CI!'I,." ~ . OF. ftEC. I RUN ( RQDl . i• , R 95 100 440.6 (94) r to !445 .. 7 ~ 96 lOO 445.7 (90) to 450.7 R 97 lOO 450 .. 7 (83) to 454~3 R. 98 lOO 454.3 (72) to 456 .. 1 R 99 100 456.~ (100) to ~56 .. 7 Jr._,~~ ~~~l :to .. 461 .. -o ~ J;Q~ 100 461.0 (76) to ~6.0 !R.· J.02 100 !466 .. 0 (100) to -~71.0 iR 103 100 ~71.0 {98)' to 1476.0 ~-,< -} I I > . I . I li ) ,·; A _!J II I • •• _I ' •• J I J I 'l"fc . I: ! .; i . . · I I. i c\ ·:·I "• ~ .; . l ~--~,~--------_.~----~~~--~-----.-~--~--~~-~---~~--~~~-·~ -IJ -~ 1\ . ., '"''~'o; -~ ~ : ,_ .• " <· ' I··. ••• . ' ;I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' : ·' I' .. ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED t-------~ CON. s· U' ""'I NG ENGI .. 00 EERS In AM ce~t•-.I!!.TANT•. •NC. .... '' ·-······ ......... _ ............. ...., BUFFALO , NEW YORk ANCHORAGE , ALASkA . .... _Dt:IILL.ING AEPICAT eU.ITNA HYQPICiiLaCTW::.IC pwqCI.JECT for ALASKA ~WI!R AUTHCII=IITV HOLE NO .... BH.,..-.... 4....__,_ SHEET NO. 13 OF. 13 SITE Devil Canyon South Abutment JOB NO. !?5701. 05 (ACRES)..Q.Sl-$04. (R&M) - DEPT'H 1..~ Off£ c . 0~ R!C. ROCK TYPE OESCRIPTION: · RU'ff (RQD) ~··----~------------~-------u--------------------------------+----+--~ R 104 100 476 .. 0' (98} to 48~.0 ~ R 1.05 100 48~.:0 (100) .. to~ 486.0 R 106 100 486-.. 0 (100) to 49!.0 :R 1.07 100 491..,.0 (94} to 49S."S R~OS 100 49S~S (96) to SO!.,O 501.0 End of Hole c. ! T. . '· I I I I I I I .I "' .• !/ . I I I I I I I ··I I 1- APPENDIX B-2 WATER PRESSURE T.ESTS -R&M (; .• :. I I -· I 1: •• I ·I _I I I I I' I I •••• .. •• I WATER PRESSURE TESTING DETAILS 0 I I ,I I I I I I ,_ .• ·:· I I _I •••• • .I I I I o;. : - Water Pressure Testing Detai1s This section expands on the mechanical details of Section 5.2a (ii) of the· report oy describing the actual r·rocedures used .. Calculations T'l calculate the maximum water pressure to be applied in a given test section, the following-steps were undertaken. The vertical depth to the static water table in the hole and to the center of the test section was calculated. The maximum tast pressure was equal to 1 psi per foot of vertical depth from the ground sur, lace to the water· tab 1 e, plus 0. 5 psi per foot of verti ca 1 depth from the water table down to the center of the test section-to a maximum value of 200 psi. In calculating the actual gauge pressure to be applied at the surface, the hydrostatic pressure generated by the column of the water in the riser pipe from. the water table to the top of the riser was subtracted from the calculated t~st -pressure. Accurate Measurements In order to obtain accurate permeability values, it was necessary that the app1 ied pressure. and flow rates be measured accurately. A pamal of four- Fisher-Porter glass tube variable flow meters was set up as shown in Figure A.l. These meters ht ·;e an ac.curacy of 1% over fu11 Si:ale and individual range.$ of · ··o~tl2l-0 .. 267 gpm, 0.095-1.19 gpm, 0.34-4.25 gpm and 0.88-ll.O gpm. The panel wa$ set .up to use any of the four meters or to bypass them altogether. Water pressure was supplied by a Bean fixed-displacement, piston pump.. Te~t pressure was monito·red using a liquid-filled Ashcroft model 1279 prt:!ssure gauge with a 0 to 300 psi range and 2 psi divisions. The accuracy of thts gauge is + 0.5% of full scale .• - To eliminate pressure surging in the line, a surge tank was installed and pressure snubbers w~ ... ~e used between the pressur-e gauge and the main line ... (J . . I~ I •• I . I I .~ I I I I I I I 'I I •••• I . ;I CALCULATIONS I I I I I I I I I .. I I I I (l I~ I ·.I - I I I riATANA I· I I I I I I I I I ••• I I I I I SUl\·1MARY OF WATER PRESSURE TEST RESULTS Borehole Number Location ___ __,B...,. • ....,H_,.,,_-_2..._ __ Watana Ground Surface Elevation 1835 ~tatic Water Level Qip of Hoie Stickup Def,th Tested From To .{J.eet2 (feet2 23 .. 9 40 38.9 55 53.9 70 susi5/a1 Greater than 70' None Gauge Duration Pressure of Test ~esi2 ~min) 20 20 26 10 30' ~n -- Flow Rate {gpm) .32 .18 .42 to 2.5 Coeffic~ent of Permeability ~em/sec) 2.26 X 10-s 9.80 X 10-6 1. 98 X 10-·S to 1.17 X 10 -4 I I I SUMMARY ·or: WATER PRESSURE TEST RESULTS I Borehole Number B.H.-6 Location Watana I Ground Surfar:;e Elevation 1605 Static Water Level 147 feet ~ Verticall 1\ Dip of Hole 60° Stickup None I I Deeth Tested Gauge Duration From To Pressure of rest I (feet) ifeet) (psi) (min) 33~9 50 16 to. 18 10 I 48.9 65 22 to 24 10 I 63.9 80 28 ~0 30 10 I 78.9 95 35 to 36 10 93.9 110 41 to 44 10 I 108.9 125 ~to 50 10 . ~ 123.9 140 54 to 58 10 I I 138.9 155 61 tt.' 62 10 153.9 170 66 to 68 10 I 168.9 185 76 to 78 10 183.9 200 82 to 84 1-Q I 198.9 215 92 to 98· 15 I I. S' :;iS/d1 i ,-~- Flow Rate (gpm) 11 10.8 So4 to 8 2.4 2.2 '?,.9 4.4 " 3.7 to 3.8 4.3 4.0 1.3 1 .. 7 . t Coefficient of Permeability (em/sec) -4 1.93 X 10 -4 1.76 X 10 -5 s.n x 10 · To . -4 1e22 X 10 3.44 X 10-S 2.97 X lO-S -5 3 .. 64 .X 10 -5 5.11 X 10 To.· _5 5 .. 29 X 10 4.28 X 10-5 4.65 X 10-S 4.02 X 10-S -5 1 .. 25 X 10 1 .. 54 X 10-S To .... 5 1.49 X 10 Borehole ~1-~ Watana -(Continued) I I Deeth Tested G~uge Duration Coefficient of I From To Pressure of Test Flow Rate Permeability i (feet) (feet) (psi; (min) (gpm) (em/sec) I - 213.9 230 98 to 104 10 1.4 1.22 X 10 .. 5 i . To 10-s I 1.18 X I 10-s 228.9 245 108 . 15 1.75 1.44 X 243.9 260 114 25 1.t.' 7.96 X 10-6 I ' -6 ' 258.9 275 9.00 i 125 25 1.2 )(, 10 I 273.9 290 9.00 -6 125 45 .1.2 X 10 ' 10-s l 288.9 305 130 145 .54 3.94 X I 10-5 303.~9 320 140 25 4.9 3.40 X 318·.9 335 140 10 6.2 4.31 X 10""'5 I ---" ---·----a-33.9 . 350 200 10 10 to 30 S.36 X 10-s ' To 10-4 I 1 .. 61 X I 348.9 365 200 50 .31 14.7 1.66 ... ·s ,I to X 10 To 10-5 7.89 X 363 .. 9 380 204 10 15 to 30 7.93 X 10-s I To 1.59 X 10-4 378.9 395 202 10 15 to 30 7.99 X 10 ... 5 I Yo j 1.60 X 10-4 .I 393.9 410 204 10 6.6 3.49 X 10-5 ' .J 408.9 425 202 10 3.75 2.00 X 10-s I 10-5 423 .. 9 440 202 10 5.7 3.03 X .~J 438.9 455 200 15 11 to 30 5.90 X to-5 I To -4 . ~~ 1. 61 X 10 I 453.9 470 200 10 11 to 30 5.90 X 10-s J To 4 10 ·4 1. 61 X I ;. susi5/d2 -:....· '~·:.· .~ ·;-~"·:; ·. I BOrehole BH-6 Watana -(Continued) t C· ·. -... ~ Tested Gauge Duration Coefficient of --· "' Fron1 To Pressure of Test Flow Rate Permeability ~feet) ~feet2 ~esQ ~min) -Csem2 ~cm/sec2 I. 468.9 485 202 15 30 ...s 11 to 5.86 X 10 To _4 I 1.-60 X 10 483.9 500 200 10 30 -5 11 to 5.90 X 10 To I 1. 61 X 10 .. 4 -5 498.9 515 202 15 7.8 4.15 X 10 I 513.9 530 :204 15 7.5 3.96 X 10 ... 5 528.9 545 195 15 ·5 I 5.2 2.84 X 10 543.9 -560 205 15 -s 3 .. 8 2.00 X 10 -I 558.9 575 200 15 1.45 7.78 X 10 -o 573.9 590 195 10 5.2 2.84 X 10-5 I 588.9 605 200 15 8.5 4.56 X 10-S I 603.9 620 205 10 2.95 1.55 X 10 .. 5 618.9 635 203 10 3.35 1.78 x 10-S I 633.9 650 198 2.0 .55 2o97 x .10-G I I. I I I "' -~~-':::,:, . ), -=I t,.tSi5/d3 I I I I I I I ,I I ·-.. I I I I I I I I SUMMARY OF WATER PRESSURE TEST RESULTS Borehole Number Location a.H. -a Watana Ground Surface Elevation 1976 Static Water Level Dip of Hole Stickup Deeth Tested From To (feet) (feet) 31.9 48 46 .. 9 63 61.9 78 76.9 93 91.9 108 106.9 123 121.9 138 136.9 153 151.9 168 166.9 183 181.9 198 196.9 213 226.9 243 241.9 258 25~ .. 9 273 271.9 288 286.9 303 301.9 318 316.9 333 .susi5/a2: 18 feet (Inclined) 60° None Gauge Duration Pressure of Test _lesi) (min) 20 13 25 20 31 5 38 10 45 15 51 20 57 10 64 5 70 9 n 10 84 10 90 10 104 8 110 6 116 5 so 6 so 7 50 6 ·.142 5 Flow .Rate ~gpm) 4.55 2 .. 1 .34 4.0 6.2 3 .. 2 .8 3.2 6.6 3.0 .38 1.2 3.7 10.3 7.5 7.0 3.85 2.95 7.8 Coefficient of Permeability (em/sec) ., 2.41 X 10 ·4 9.36 X 10 -s 1.21 x 10-s 1.26 X 10 .. 4 1.69 X 10-4 7.84 X 10 -5 -1.78 X 10-~ 6.40 X 10 -s 1.22 X 10 --4 5.07 X 10 -s 5 .. 92 X 10 ... s 1.75 X 10 -s ,.. 4.73 X 10 .. :l 1.25 X 10-4 8 ... 64 X 10 -5 ' -4 1~74 X 10 9.60 X 10 -s 7 .. 35 x 10-s 7.42 x 10-s . -~· :-;-~,- 1 Bo~eh.ole :sa::-a Watana -(Continued) I ., l I i Depth Tested Gau~e Dur-ation Fi~w Coefficient of I From To Pressure of Te:St Rate Permeability . . I (feet) .~feet) \esi) ~min.2 ~sem) ~cmLsec) :1 331.9 348 149 5 7.3 ... 5 6.63 X 10 346 .. 9 363 155 6 2.45 2.14 X 10-s I -~ 361.9 378 162 5 2.75 2.31 X 10 .. 376.9 393 150 35 12.7 . 1.15 X 10.;.4 I 391.9 408 110 40 10 .. 9-1.32 X 10-4 10-s . 406.9 423 50 5 1. 7 4.24 X ; 421.9 438 188 6 .4 2.91 X 10-6 I 436.9 453 195 5 ~24 1.68 X 10-6 451.9 468 200 8 .36 •6 I 2.46 X 10 466.9 483 200 6 .54 -6 3.70 X 10 481.9 498 200 7 .54 --3.70 X 10-6 I 496.9 513 200 -.60 4.11 X 10-6 J 511.9 528 200 3.76 X 10""6 • 5 .55 I 526.9 543 200 5 .96 ·6 6.57 X 10 -6 541.9 558 200 6 .as 5.82 X 10 i 556.9 573 200 6 .76 5.20 X 10 .. 6 I ... 571.9 588 200 7 2.05 1.40 X 10-:) 586.9 603 aoo 6 .85 5.82 X 10 ... 6 I. 601.9 618 200 7 2.8 1.92 X -s 10 . 616.9 633 200 6 .75 -s 5.13 X 10 I C31.9 548 200 6 .82 5~61 X 10-s 10-s I 646.9 663 225 8 1.60 9.77 X 661.9 678 200 6 .80 5.47 X 10-G I 10 .. 0 669 .. 9 671 200 7 1.1 7.53 X 691.9 708 200 6 1.08 7.39 X 10-s I 706.9 723 200 6 -s 1.2 8.21 X 10 I 721.9 738 200 12 , .. o 6.84 X 10-s I ..• I I susi5/a3 -:-. I v ,;. -~. -,. ,;"" . ' I I I I I I I I .I I I I I I , 'I: i • '.'·1, -·1· : .I I ,, DEVIL CANYON I- I· I· I I I I I I I I I I I. I I .I I I SUMMARY OF WATER PRESSURE TEST RESULTS ~orehole Number _s ..... a_-_1 _______ _ Lccation _____ D_,e .... v_il Canyon Gr-o,.Jnd Surface Elevation 1415 Static Water Level Dip of Hole ~-aeth Tested From (feet) 38 .. 9 53.9 68.9 83.9 98.9 113.9 128.9 143.9 158.9 173.9 To (feet) 55 70 85 100 115 130 145· _160 175 190 -susi5/f1 192 feet (Vel"'tical) 67° Stickup (feet) 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 Gauge Pressure {psi) 20 30 40 45 55 60 70 75 85 90 Duration of Test (min) 11 11 10 10 10 46 21 14 10 10 Flow Rate (gpm) .70 4.1 6.2 .i8 .50 .90 to 5.40 ... so .84 to 1.25 .02 to .15 Coefficient of Permeability (em/sec) 9.31 X 10-S - 5.07 X 10•5 6~94 X 10-S -6 8.,53 X 10 -6 5 .. 00 X 10 8.82 X 10-S To 5.29 X 10-S -6 5 ... 88 X 10 To 8 .. 59 X 10-G 7 .. 10 X 10-S 6 .. 93 X 10-S To . '· -s 1,03 X 10 1,62 X 10'"'7 . To _6 1 .22 X 10 Borehole BH-l Depth Tested From To {feet) (feet) l88.9 203.9 218.9 233.9 248.9 263.9 278 .. 9 293.9 30.8.9 323 .. 9 338.9 353.9 368.9 383.9 398.9 205 220 235 250 265 280 295 310 325 340 355 370 385 400 415 susi5/f2 Devil Canyon -(Continued) Stickup (feet) a 3 8 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 Gauge Pressure (psi) 100 105 115 120 130 135 145 150 160 165 170 180 190 195 200 Duration of Test (min) 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Flow Rate- (gpm2 1.65 to 2 .. 45 2.1 .6 to 1.2 2 .. 3 to 3.0 5.25 .1 to .4 2 to 5.8 1.1· to 2.8 .26 to 2 .. 2 .40 1.6 1 .5 2.2 .20 to .32 . 30 to .'70 I I Coefficient ol· Permeability 1· 1.2s x 10-s , To : 1.86 X 10-5 • 1.57 X 10•S 4.21 x 10-sJ To · · ··6 ~ 8.43 x 10 '- 5 I 1.59 X 10 : l To .1 0 -s. 2.08 X 1 : 3.43 ·x 10 -s 6.45 X 10·7 1 To 2.sa x 10 .. 6 · 1.22 x 1o-5 J i To .~. -5 3.55 X 10 I -6 .. 6 .. 64 X 10 . To _51 .. 1 •. 69 X 10 , . 1.49 X 10-S To _5 ..•.• 1.26 X 10 · · f -s 2.27. X 10 I: ·. -6 . 8.83 X 10 . ~ -6·· a_ 03 x 10 , -s 1.13 X 10 1.01 x 10"6 :I To · 1.62 X 10-S . ··· .· sl 1.48x10-.··J . To 6 3.46 X 10-I ·, •···.· .. , ••<' ,-;. I Sorehole. BH-1 Devil Canyon '~"'·(Continued) I I Deeth T-ested Gauge Duration Coefficient of From To .Stickup Pressure of Test Flow Rate Permeability ~feet2 ~feet). ~feet) ~esi) ~min2 ~eeml ~C"'..m/sec) -I 415.9 430 3 200 10 1.3 to 2.9 6.47 X 10-:S To 10-s I 1.,44 X 428.9 445 8 -6 200 10 .30 1 .. 48 X 10 I 443.9 460 3 200 10 .62 to 1.65 3.{)8 X 10 .. 6 To 10<6 8 .. 21 X I 458.9 -6 ',~75 8 200 10 .55 2 .. 72 X 10 . . ~ 473.9 490 200 . -6 I 3 10 .74 3.68 X 10 488.9 505 8 200 10 2.6 1.28 X 10-s ·~ 503.9 520 3 200 10 .50 to 2.0 2 .. 49 X 10-S To -s 9 .. 95 X 10 I 518 .. 9 535 8 200 10 .2 to .. s 9 ... 88 X 10 -7 To I 2.47 X 10 .. 6 533.9 550 3 200 10 2.4 to 5.0 1 .. 19 X 10""5 To 10-s I 2 .. 49 X 548.9 10-s 585 8 200 10 4.5 2~22 X I 563.9 580 3 ' 200 10 3.8 1.89 X 10-s 578.9 595 8 200 1 3.9 1 .. 93 X 10-s I 593.9 610 3 200 10 9.7 4 .. ·83 X 10-s I 608 .. 9 625 8 150 13 .2.55 1 .. 53 X 10-s 622.9 639 3 130 18 1.21 7 .. 98 X 10 ... 6 I 638.9 655 8 130 11 .55 3 .. 60 X 10-s -5 653 .. 9 S70 3 200 10 7.4 3 .. 68 X 10 I 668 .. 9 . 685 8 130 1n 1.02 6 .. 67 X 10-s •• ' ' I susi5/f3 Borehole mt-1 Devil Canyon ""' (Continued) Oe~h. Tested Gauge Du~ation From To Stickup Pressure of Test (feet) (fee~l (feet) (psi) (min) 683.9 700 3 1SO 27 698 .. 9 715 8 150 19 713.9 730 3 150 13 728.9 745 8 150 14 susi5/f4 Flow Rate (gpm) .34 to .48 .4 to 1.12 .40 .80 I I Coefficient oJ Permeability : I 2.05 X 10-S To : 2.90 X i0-61 -6 2.39 X 10 1. To ' -6 . 6. 70 X 10 .. ' 2.41 X 10-S~ 4. 79 X 1 0 •6 , : I I I l I ' I I ll . .; . I ~ ,/ I . . a ... I I ~-" . I I I . SUMMARY OF WAT£R PRESSURE TEST RESULTS . I Borehole Number _.BIIAIH-.;.;-.-.2 ____ ........._ __ _ I I I I. I I I I .I, I I I I I •• Location Devii Canyon Ground S·urface Elevation 1214 Static Water Level Dip of Ho'e Deeth Tested From To (feet) {_feet) 13.9 30 28.9 45 43.9 60 58.9 75 73.9 90 88.9 105 103.9 120 118.9 135 133.9 150 148.9-165 163.9 180 178.9 195 193.9 210 5 feet (l~cline.~),..._ 60° Gauge Stickup Pressure (feet) ( p15i) "" 7 12 2 18 7 22 2 25 7 35 2 42 7 50 2 55 7 65 2 70 7 82 2 85 7 100 Duration of Test (min) 10 10 10 10 10 12 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Flow Rate (gpm) .60 to .82 1.1 4.0 1.15 1.45 .57 .30 .25 2.90 1.25 .34 .15 .. 48 Coefficient of Permeability (em/sec) . -s 5.14 X 10 To _5 7.03 X 10 7.89 X 10-S -4 2 .. 14 X 10 6 . ·o·s .. 15 X 1 5 .. 37 X 10-G 2 .. 25 X 10-S -6 8.57 X 10 .. r 5 .. 40 X 10 '' 6 .. 01 X 10-S -5 2 .. 44 X 10 5 .. 89 X 10-S 2 .. 58 X 10-S . -6 -6.50 X 10 BOrehole BH-2 Devil Canyon ... (Continued) I, I Deeth Tested Gauge Dur-atiof\ Coefficient ofl From To Stickup Pressure of Test Flow Rate Permeability'·, (feet) (feet) (feet) (psi) (min) (gpm) t 208.9 225 2 105 -"~0 .45 223.9 240 7 110 10 .38 4.32 X 10-SI 238.9 255 2 115 .08 -6' ' 10 1. 08 X 10 -~ 253.9 270 7 125 10 .zo 2.51 X 10-61 268.9 285 2 130 32 . 68 to 3.1 7.25 X 10-S ;_ To 5 1 3.31 X 10-. _ 28.3.9 300 7 .98 -5 100 10 1.35 x :o _61 298.9 ' 315 2 145 10 . 21 1. 92 X· tO . -6 .' 3J3.9 330 7 155 10 .25 2.39 X 10 I 328.9 345 2 160 -6 10 ~C! 3.31 X 10 . .,a 343.9 360 7 170 10 .28 2 .. 11 X 10-6 I 358.9 375 2 175 .68 -s 10 4.78 X 10 I 373.9 390 7 185 10 .58 4 .. 33 X 10-S . ( 388.9 405 2 190 10 .3& 2.79 X 10-6 I 10-s 403.9 420 7 200 10 .56 3.87 X l.f18.9 435 2 200 10 .36 2.51 X 10-s ,J 433 .. 9 450 7 200 10 .60 4.70 X 10""6 448.9 465 2 200 10 .60 4 .. 33 X 10-6 I 463.9 480 7 200 10 .38 2 .. 63 X 10-6 I 478.9 495 2 200 10 .56 4.05 X 10-S 493~9 510 7 200 10 ~30 ~.08 X 10-6 I 508.9 525 2 200 10 .58 3.91 X 10-S . 523.9 540 7 200 10 .30 2.08 X 10""6 I 538.9 555 2 200 10 .2~ 1.82 X 10-S I ' ~·~ I I I ·I . ·~- I I I I I I I I. I I .. · I' I I I .. I Borehole BH-2 •. Peeth Tested From 1"o ~feet2 ~feet2 553.9 57,0 568.9 585 583.9 600 598.9 615 613.9 630 628.9 645 638.9 655 , Devil Canyon -(Continued) Gauge Duration Coefficient of Stickup Pres5ure of Test Flow Rate Permeabi Hty _ifeetl_ ~esO ~min) ~sem2 _(cm/sec2 - 7 200 10 .36 2 .. 63 X 10 -6 z 200 10 .64 4.49 X 10-s 1 200 10 .56 4.15 X 10-s 2 200' 10 .40 2.79 X 10-s 7 200 10 .40 2.77 X 10'"'6 2 200 10 .46 3.21 X 10-s 11 200 10 .38 2.75 X 10 -6 I I I I. I - I I I I I •• I I I ,. •• I I I I SUMMARY OF WATER PRESSU.RE TEST RESULTS Borehole Number ..... s...,H;...-..;.4 _______ _ Location Devi.J Canyon Ground Surface Elevation 1353 Static Water Level Dip of Hole ...Q!~eth Tested From To. (feet) (feet) 13.9 30 28.9 45 43.9 60 58.9 75 73.9 90 88.9 110* 108.9 125 118.9 135 123.9 140 138.9 155* 148.9 185 153 .. 9 170 31 feet -(Vertical) 60° Gauge Stickup· Pressure (feet) Cesn · 1 10 6 15 1 20 6 24 1 34 6 14 50 1 55 1 56 6 6 70 1 50 Duration of -Test ~min2 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Flow Rate · <eem) .045 .24 .25 .04 3.25 .26 3 .. 65 4.25 .050 1 .. 03 * Unable to test section -packer problems -high flow rate £rom top of borehole. susi5/e 1 Coefficient of Permeability ~em/sec) 2.67 ·x 10-s 1.20 X 10-S 1.05 X 10·S 1 .. 43. "'(: 1 0 -6 9.52 X 10 -5 5.36 X 10 -6 7.31 X 10-S 8.61 . -s X 10 8.26 X 10-7 2.35 X 10-S -water flow Borehole BH-4 Devil Canyo·n -(Continued) I ' . J. ~ I -,+:_. Deeth Tested Gauge Duration Flow Coefficient of I From To Stickup Pressure. of Test Rate Perm*Obi I ity \ -~feet) (feetl (feetl (psi)_ (min) (gpm) (em/sec) I 163.9 180 80 10 .64 -6 1 9.84 X. 10 .. 178 .. 9 195 6 85 10 .04 -7 I 5.75 X 10 •7 193.9 210 1 95 10 .04 5 .. 22 X 10 ' 208.9 225 6 100 10 .02 2.49 X 10 ... 7 I 240. 10-7 l 223.9 1 105 10 .03 3.58 X I 238.9 255 6 115 10 .OS 5.51 X 10-7 l 253.9 270 1 125 10 .035 3.58 X 10-7 I 268 .. 9 285 s -7 130 10 .035 4.28 X 10 283.9 300 1 140 10 .025 2. 76 X 10 ·7 I -7 I 298.9 315 6 145 10 .105 9. 69 :X 10 , I 313.9 330 1 ~&30 10 .035 ·7 3.02 :X 10 ·-· . 328.9 . 345 6 160 12 .45 3.62 X 10 .. 6 I 343.9 350 1 170 10 .20 1.54 X 10 .. 6 358.9 375 6 175 10 .11 8.53 X 10""7 I .. 6 373.9 390 1 185 10 .90 6.40 X 10 388.9 405 6 190 10 .OS 6.19 X 10 -7 I • 403.9 420 1 200 10 & 14 . -7 9.93 X 10 I 418.9 435 6 200 10 .12 -7 7.87 X 10 . 433.9 450 1 200 10 0 .12 7.94 X 10-7 I 10-7 448.9 465 s 200 10 . 10 6.56 X 458.9 475 1 200 10 .105 6. 95 X 1C-J I I I ,.; :t' ) susi5/e2 I ,I ' I "-I I I I I I I I I I I '• I I I I APPENDIX B-3 SUMMARY LOGS --l I I I I J I . . . . ' . . -. ~ •.. I I . I I I I ' I I I I I I I ' !Ill . •• . 1 I ~-·.·---~ .. ; i<f< ' \JATANA I I I I I I ' I "" I I I ... I I I ' I I ' I . I ACRES LEGEND ~ ANOES!tt ~DIORITE CORE REQ)VER'f a RQD(0/o). o 20 «) eo ao 100 . ROO~ ~ R!' f!EOV£11tt,. CORING IN ~"""'"_, HOlE NO. lOCATION ... u.. - AMERICAN !NCCH~PORATED B~OROCK l.OG..J BH -2 ... -DATE JULY 1980 NORTH ABUTMENT -WA'T'AK~;..;.A ____ _ ~UMSER OF JOINTS PER 10FT. 5 10 15 20 RE&Wn<S ~,.;...-Pi--+-+--1--1---f-TOP OF ROCK-----,.......,_.., GOUGE CI.AY HIGHI..Y Ff!AC'TURt:!'l Al.TEREDa ......, MINmAUZA"nON SHEAR l'OfiliE SUQ<$ {HOL.E C\VlNG) SHEAR 2DN£ SHnR ZDNE -~~~~~_J !R!!:CCJA ANDESITE DIORITE· ACRES AMERICAN tNCORPORA_TEO BEOROC.K LOGS HOLE NO. BH-2 DATE JULY 198Q.. LOCATION _..N...,.O .... R.-T-..H.._....A_a,_u ..... T_M-=E=-N.-T_-....;W..;.;A.-.;T.;;.,;.'A.-,NA;..;._ ____ _ -g ~ ~ ~ PERMEASit.ll'Y COR£ RECOVERY NUMI!IER OF : !i: > (X) CI'II/IIC. II a R.o.o. JOINT$ Pail 1¥ % 10FT. \II ...1 t·:l-5 10-! u-t Q 1¥ <!.0..0 ao .5 10 15 20 REMARI(S I:! I'"' " ~ . ~ IC! ~~ ...... -QUART% VEIN ~ ~< !SO ~ II' :i , .. _ ~-ALTERED _400_ fl50§• I~ END OF HOl.E . --l. j :"' I ,, I 1 I I I I ,. I . OIORll ' I I ' I ~. -I I- I ., I •• ~ I I I /~ ~/ I I I I I I I· I I I I .. I I I I . . . , I.·. LEGEND {f! I QUARTZ OIO~TE .~ QUARTZ MONZONITE CJ OtORtTE .o 20 40 eo so 100 ACRES AMERICAN IN\,ORPORATED . . BEDROCK LOGS fiOl.£ NO. BH-5 o~~TE . JULY 1980 LOCATION ~N~O:.:.R.:..;T..;..H~A=B.:::.UT..:..;M:.:.:.:::EN~T:..·--....;:W~'Ii.::.z.t.c.AU.iNA=------- -t: -§ 0 60 80 100 160 ISO 200 340 ... u. - Fo'ERMEABI\.ITY tx) emluc. REMARKS HIGHLY FRAcTURED JHtGHl.Y FRAC.TURED HIGHLY FRACTURe Al.TERED WEATHeRm.~ HIGHt:f FRACTURED a WEATHERF.D FRACTUR!D ANDA~ HIGHl-Y ,._ ____ _. AND !\\.~EO .. QUARTZ DIORITE I I. ACRES Atv1ERlCAN INCORPORATED BEDROCK LOGS HOl.E NO. BH-6 DATE JULY 1980 l-OCATION NORTH ABUTMENT ... WATANA 360 520 540 680 CORE RECOVERY a R.a.o. % eoao HIGi'I..Y FRACTURED, MINERA.!..IZ£0 SOFT1 MIERAIJZ!D FRAC1'1JR¢D %0Nf! !UCl<S O.AY o.AY SUCKS GOUGE HEALED ..JOINTS, AU"ER!O I I -= ~ . ~ ' I . I 1 -I I I i I I QUARTZ OIOR1 l I I I I . . I 1···, . . ., ....... · ' I I I I I I ~· I " ' I I I I I I I -·I •• I I ACRES AM'ERICAN INC-ORPORATED BEDROCK I.OGS HOLE NO. BH -s DATE JULY 1980 t.OCAT10N NORTH ABUTMENT -WATANlA -.... ~ ii PERMEABILITY COM RECOVERY NUMBER OF : 1-~ (X) cm/aec. II a Jta.o. JOINTS PER a. o/o 10FT. ~ ..1 1' )-!5 1o-! 10-l Q ~ 20406080 ' 10 IS ~o A£P,fA~ . :-~.~ _l_O__Q_ l+ I--~·~ I+ "' _$1JI S 7_20_ ~ li ~ .740 963.8 it- END OF HOC.£ 740.4 t·-t:-- ._ .A t-FRACMED t.DC.W.Y <::1 ~ QUARTZ l"!0RlTE I I I I I I I I I .: ..... ' I I t I I I I ••• . . !' t; < ·'-J ~ u/'!'4~ •. ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED U:GENO -- {;1~ ANDESITE ~ OJORITE alAE RECOVEJW a RQ0(0/Cl) 0 20 ·40 10 80 100 BEDROCK l.OGS HOLE NO. BH "'"8_. 'DATE JULY 1980 LOCATJON · ' SOlJJ:kL._ABUTME~fT' -WATANA t - Pt!AMe:A&lUTY (X) cm/~~e. to·S Hrl to"' COR£ AECOVERY a.~ta.o. Ofo NUM8£R OF -~INTS ~ 10FT. 5 10 15 SUCl<S ry.....;.,o.-+-o+-o;-oL CLAY FRACTtJ,R£D ZONI! fflAcn.1RED 1.\)folg HIGHlY WEA"!'HERED H!GH!.Y FRACtURE!) DlOFi!TE I I. ··-,, \.~-?)~\'~--" :,., ,. ·:~: """"'-~-....... ACRES AMERiCAN INCORPORATE-D BEDROCK LOGS HOLE NO. BH-8 DATE: JULY 1980 LOCATION __.SO_-,.:;.UTH....;.._AB.;..U.;..• T_M..-E.;..N_T_·-__...W-.A...,.:r,.~ ... N ..... A..__ _ _._ __ _ -J-0 .,_ - 360 ---....... -- SH!AR ZONE 1-oo+"'"""'lo......;.......;.-t~ JOCAUZED tUY FIU.tNG -· ·-,. ' l .;~ .--~ l..~ ." ..... "\' -~;,""-.·~"'· :::;;' ·r::r: ' . ~ I I ,I I l I I i ·~ I I I. 1 . -~_,. II • OIORiTE I I .>.4 I, I I ,_ I ·' I' ·I .... : }t. ~ I I I I -· I I I I I I ,I [:~ __ ,-.. -, .. ' ., // 1 ;\ I I I i_ -1-- . ' ACRES AMERiCAN INCORPORATEO BEDROCK l..OGS HOLE NO. BH-8 OATE JULY 1980 LOCATION _$Ct.H"H ABUTMENT-WATANA .!* !:• ~ PERM£A81UTY CORE ~ECOVER'f NUMe~~::;: ! :: .... > (X) c:m/stc • rs~ a R.o.o. . ~:: ... rs PER Q. I.IJ o/o 10FT • 11.1 ..I 1o·S 1o·3 1o·• Q w 40 GO. :SO ~ 10 15 20 RI!MARKS I_O_O_ 1' .~. DIORITE 720 ,.. .. 1- loc: • SOFT, FR1ASL! _H_Q I'" •132S ~I'· I SOFT, FRJASLE -EfQ OF HOLE .. 760 f l . l - . I• ·' '~ '•"'-"'01.--'!,.,•.,,. -·-· 1.< --·----c~ ... ..-........ '-' _.,_/II;~~._:;·:..(Jt.... .. ~ ~ ::\."> -~~----;::- . ',,J >::;:'~,..'.-- ·-:i' ~t I I I I I I DEVIL CANYON I " I I I ~,·, ·--=-~· I ,., I • I I I I I I I· I I I I I I I ,',! I ,,,···.· -;:; . I 10 . ;/ "' .. LEGENO ~ PHYLLITE •WJJ ARGil.Ll~ . G~AYWACKE CORE RECOVERY a R Q 0 (0/o) ~ -----~ --·--. ACRES AMERICAN INCOR-PORATED iJ, SEOROCK LOGS HOLE NOA ..... .-B...,H ..... -~1 --__,..--------·DATE AUG 1980 LOCATION DEVIL CANYON E - 140 160 POtMEASILlTV (X) cm/stc. HIGHl:t FRACTUS£0. GOUGE ARG!U...lTE META· .. ARGIWTE ARGILUTE ., ..... \! ACRES AMERlC.AN INCORPORATED BEDROCK _LQGS HOt.E NO ...... _...B-.H .... -......_1 __ ~----OATE_AUGUST,SO L.OCATtON _..... ... D_EV_· .;.;;IL::..-...;C;;,;.AN.;;;..;;,;,~.;;;.O.;.;N--. ________ _ SH!AR ZONE HIGHLY FRACTURED """"--i'--+"-+--T--L HIGHLY FRACTURED ., I I -J. I I ., • I I I I l I ~ I RAYW4..~ I ,, I I I: I . ·~-:---"-...' I i:' ~ ·-1 " I -I •• I I 1- I I I I I I I I I 1- I ACRES -AMERICAN INCORPORATED SEDROCK I...OGS HOLE No.__at;~.-.-.:..1 --------OATE AUG 1980 LOCATION DEVIL CANYON lloo --~ PER~~..SILIT'f CORE RECOVER't NUMBER OF : .. Gi (X) ~/uc. li a R.o.o. JOINTS P!R Cl. % 10FT. "" ~ _19·' 10-! k\ .. Q 1M <q06QJO 5 10 15 2:l R~ -· 720 ; ::-;- r.- ~"';" ,, . 740 . "'" HtGMLY FRA.o;ruRlW ~-.... 1724-.4 S«) OS: HOI.£ 7!50.Z~ -~- r -- . . ..'~--. 0. . ;'-~ ~ GRAYWACKE l' I' 'I I -I I I 1- ·I I I •• ·I [lo1oRtTE I -· ' ·, : -, -I- I .• :----_ ·: ' 0 ARGit.t.lTF.' §f GRAYWACKE CORE REOJVERY a RQD (0/0 ) o ao ~ eo ao 100 ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED 9_EDROCK LOGS H(.>t..E NO. __ B-..H._---~2--------DATE SEPT 1980 LOCATION , DEVIL CANYON. CORE RECOVERY NUMBER OF a R.Q.O. JOlNTS -~ o/o -10FT. s 10 15 20 R£MARKS 200 CLAY ,._ '' '' ><s<•;;,o.<<,,.......-~,...,v,V••r• """ ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED BEDROCK LOGS HOLE NO. -8~11~-_.2;;::..---------OAiE~~T 1980 · L.OCATlON _ DEVIL CANYON . 440 COR! REcOVERY a R.o.o. % 40 GOUG£ CLAY CU'f QUARTZ VEIN a AI.T£Rm ZONE HIGHCf FRAC'TURED NJTH CUY 'GOUGE I I I I I I I ARGIWTE& I PHYL.l.l~ I I I I ·I' • •••• I ~fl---~': . .::~~-f.,,l·~ .. ,l. .~J :,e -.~Za .. , ~~~; .... '.::~;<;=~~,"""~j~ ..... ...,... .. ....,"'--=·'d., . ..._~,,· . ...., ........ · __.,.....,oL.,.., ... """""' ,'~.:i-~ ........ :,./W}.k;¥ :,~ <...,!· I) I· 1: I -· I I I I I I I -I •• I I I I •• ,<, ·_' l..EGEND t:::::::::::r iNBEDOEO GRAYWACKE ~ ~ ARGll.UTE rf7r1 ({h PHYU..ITE ·~ ARGlLUtt' CORE RECOVERY a ROO {0h) .o .2d. 40. eo ao too ---~ .•. '-~--, .-··----=-- ACRES AMERICAN INCORF10RATED BEDROCK LOGS HOt.E No._B..;..,H..;... ~_4..;....... __________ DATE JULY 1980 LO~ATlON _..,;:;D;.;:EVI;..;.. :.;:L:-....;;.;CA~N..:..Y;..;;;O;.;..N--._.. _______ _ NUMBER OF JOINTS PER 10FT. 5 10 IS .REMARKS SUCKS SUCKS SLICKS H IGHt.'f FRACTUit!D AND WEATHERED .>u<mi..Y -fo--;o.-+--+--1-' ~ ~V!'lHS' HIGtN.:I' MINERAUUD «WttZVEfN HlGMf..Y t.UUPJW..iZ!D 'QUARTZ VEIN SHEIUl ZON£ l PHYUJTE l META· ARGil.UTE ?HYl..LlTE ' :;:::::::- ACRES . AMERICAN-lNCOf~PORATED BEDROCK I.OQS HOLE NO. BH-4 OATEiYLY 1980_ LOCATION DEVIL . CANYON -~ \(, - 440 460 480 NUMBER OF JOINTS PER lOFT. •o 15 20 REMAift<S ,, ' .,. -; ' I I . ' \ i • 1-- 1 I ' ' I l I } I .: I J I I j I ~ I I • J 'I .. I I I I I I ' •... I -. I I I' I I I I I I I ,",,,.' ', I ',, •. APPENDIX C BORROW.AREA INVESTIGATIONS ·I· I ~·­ d I I I I I I I I I I I ~"I .'J.· -~ I .·1 ., L .... liM,, . -· APPENDIX Cu.l AUGER DRILLING REPORTS -R&M \· . ' -~~· .. ------ I I I I I I I / I I WATANA I I I I I I I :1 I ,,, -· - l/ - ~ /,i ~' ~· ::;· I I I I I I I '~ I I •• I I "~I I I I I I ,--------------------------------···-------------..... , OWN. C.KC. Sp_ Sl Sl S1 Sl Sl .S1 KW MR. OATE.Auq •. ORGANIC MA«rERIAL W/TRACE SILT 3:]. • V~sible Ice, 0-4.5', hr Refusal Boulders. 3.5'-6' ' ~;:llh ..... -------4 .. 5' No Visible Ice, 4.5'-6' 11 • 211; • SM . F 4 'rRACE OltGANJ:C 1-u\~-RIAL., 4 .. 5 I -6' RP."F.usal, 11.1\, SM, F4 Sl Refusal, 6 .. 7%, SM, F2 Little Visible !ce, .·6'-20 Refusal, 6.6.%, SM,F4 SILTY SAND W/TRACE TO SO~lE GRAVEL . Gray-Brown, Subanqular to Subrounded Refusal Boulder at 20'; Refusal ~------------~-----------20'~.0. ~VATER TABLE NOT ENCOUNTE~O 8"0 Sl Refusal SILTY SAND W/TRACE, TO SOME GRAVEL Gray 11 .. 3%, SM, F4 @12, 9.4%, SM, F4 Possibly Frozen Be1.ow 21.' Boulder at 2 9 • , RefusaJ. SUSl:TNA RIVER HYDROELECTP-IC PROJEC-r GEOT.ECEn~ICAL INVES~IGATIONS SCALE. 1'=*4' . PftOJ.N0.052504 OWCUfCl f j .. ': ,_,...,. r, I ~~~------------~-------0' ~: ~=--~ew~ ,, SANDY SILTY GRAVEL . ' Brown Scattered Cobbles, 11.5'-30.5' Boulder at 10 •. 5' Visible Ice as layers and Coatings, 2'-20, Vc+Vs No Visible I~e, 20'-23', N Visible Ice Lenses, 23 '-27', Vs 'No Visible lee, 27' -30. 5', N Refusal ~~~--~-~------------a-30~5'T.D. 1 O"R~~~~'--O .. S' 2 Refusal , DIORITE BOULDER /"::\"'----------1.5' \J.} 10 SANDY SILTY GRAVEL . Gray Scattered Cobbles, 8'-15' Boulder at 15"', Refusal at::.i&A.------------lS' T.D .. "' ., l 1 I ... j I i I . I \ I I - -' - - I '·J· I I I I I •' ~-J;;.;,.._.._ ______________ ........... __________ ______, I OW~ ItW' CKO. Mli •#-OAT~ A~aq., 80 "---~ SCAt.£. l~=4' ' . F. I. GRttl. --,!MhU40.Q52.504 OWCUtQ ~ ', ' i IJ ] .k' Q I· I I I I I I I I I I I •• I I I :I. I ~ .. I . . ,, 9'..:£.. w.o .. -=- A PWf.l KW. cxn.. M1t OAtt.Aua.SO SCALE. l'-::.4' ~\efu~al Sould~~, 7 .s• -lO' · i= GRAVEL W/SOME SILT ~c~ttered CObbles, 4'-25' 100+ 28 Refusal Refusal .. Boul~e.r, 20.5' -·~· Refusal 25 1 T.D • I=1S.M. CONSIJLTAN'TS! 1NC. ......... Ill. lltllll ..,.,.. ...__,...... ..~ ..... ' AH-E2 7-18-80 0' Sp Sl Sl Sl iORGANIC MATERIAL ~~LTY SAND GRADING TO TO SAND W/SOME SILT I?'\ .Brown ~ 15 1.5' -------.. ......... ~ ....... -4.5' 46 Refusal SANDY GRAVEL W/TRACE SILT t-tumerous Co.bbles Refusal Boulder at 10', Refusa±O'T,..D. SUSI'rNA RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT GEOTECHNICAL !NVE$TIGATIO~S F.8. l"lltO.&.HO.OS2504 OWG.MO. 'l l OWN. l<W 'CXQ. MH QA7£.AUq .. 80 ~CAL£. 1'•4' 60, 4.4\, SP/SM, F20 100+, 0.7\, GW; NFS Scattered Cobbles, 1.5' -20' Refusal SANOY GRAVEL ii/TRACE TO SOME SIL'l' 'Srown , Subangular to Subrotinded 100+ 94 Aii-E4 7-17-80 0' ORGAN!C MA"'l'ERIAL ~---------· .;.5' ·SILT vl/SOME SAL'm B~'!E._ _____ -1.5' §_tm ·w/SOME SILT t~· Orange.,..ar.own _w,__ _ _...--~ ~.-,__._,:_.__ 4 f ~IGi~S~ 22 SANOY SILT ~rown 4 s·' ~-~{)7··---~---~-~· • · scat~~i-~' cg~bl~i, 4. s' -20' Refusal Sl Re!usal I l ·I f I . -;: . I .l ·I { .I .I I I SUSI'l'NA:RlVP:R HYDR.OELE~C PROJECl' .GEa.t'ECHNl:CAL:"iiNVESTIGATIONS ""'-F.~:_,o._. ___ ........ .,. 1. ::': P~J.N0.0S2 504 OWaN~ (;, ',}"· ";! . .. -, I I I ·- -1 I I I I' I -, -. ~I I I 1-, .- 1 I OW H. S:l 4 O.RGANlC MATERIAL sl :::::::-a3-8 i~RSs~~~ Sl Red-Tan Sl 4 ~~----2' :J;US.a ... s~ lOO+ 100+ Sl, GRAWL W/TRACE TO SOME Sl. A Sl. A Sl KW SJ:L'r~ SOME SAND Brown, Subrounde2 to le~iJ:lar Refusal Scattered Cobbles and Boulders, 2 9 -lO' Refusal --~----------------------tO'T.O. WATER TABLE NO'l' ENCOUNTEmm Sp Sp Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl AH-E6 ~~~----------------~a· ORGANIC MATERIAL . ~--......~---..;... ...... ~---~5' ~~D W/TRACE SILT ..-....-.---~ ~------245 Refusal SANDY GRAVEL W/TRACE SILT Brown - Scattered Cobbles, 2.5-6r Refusal 32 INTERLAYERED SANDY SILT ~wRILTY-SAND 25 .... .,. ..... __ ~ __ ......,._._..._~--g• Refusal SANDY GRAVEL ti/SOME SILT Brown, Subangular to Sobrounded Scattered Cobbles, 9'-26.5' Refusal 81 80 SUSI!rNA Rl-"VE:R: ta. . Ct<O. Mil l O•TE.Autr .. 80 SCAL£. .l t24t c;rt•n. ;~-l.NQ.052$04 DWG.NO. -t" R&M CONSULTANTS, JNC. HYD'ROELECTRIC PROJECT . aNGtlll••,.• ~~~...,. ~-.... '"' • .,Cilia l ~OTECliNICAL IN'Y'SSTlGA'I'IONS ' . __ . . . Sl Sl Scattered to ~umerous Cobbles, 0-5.5' RQfusal 2. 3\., ~..t. NFS SANOx GRa.V'SL W/TRACE SILT Yellow-Brown Refusal Boulder at 5. 5' , Refusal Sp Sp Sl S.l Sl Refusal Sl ~iiii1ooii------------.. 5.5 'T .0. WA'l'ER TABLE NOT ENCOUNTEF.ED . - AH-ES 7-?.l-ao. 100+ SANDY GRAVEL W/TRACE SILT Yellow-Brown Refusal S.cattered CC'bbles, 3"-6' Boulder at 6' J ·Refusal • T .D. WATER TABLE NOT ENCOUNTERED ~l I . I ' -j I I . . l • I . I i I I I I I ' I '· ' !I I ·---_ ~--............... ---------~------------~--------._j I. OVflJ. KW CKll MH OAT£. Aua. so SCAL£.1 co •2 ' t:::l . .. RS.: eciNSUL7'ANT$, 1r.ie,.l 'CMitNt'J.IIitl 'QaawiH;.,..ft ~· .II&.1 .. W.,CK' .a SUS;t'!'NA RIVER HYDROE:t;Ecttf-~IC · PROJ1:;C1' GEOTECin!ICAL IlNES.TIGA'riONS "" ........... F. B. CfttD. PRO~NO. PS2504 :! ~===========.;.~.::;i li!!:!Ll2_=-=.:•""'-·~'•-""'<'"""":~h=-··=-•'""'""""'····---.............. .......,.........,,~.~ ••; • •• • ; j; . .U • ·:c (:":)~.C,., .-.... .'-----'·-.-.c.--... -.-.. -, ... '~------····-' .-•. J.-'~•--''"-. ----...-........... _,..,"-"'~ :: ... QWG.NO. ·. ·' '"-. •• .-_-•. ; 1 • ·~ f, . . -.' I :.:"!.J. ,_; ·; I I I ·- 1 I I I I I I I I I I I ,. •• I l OWN. KW CK.Q. ~ OATE. Al4~ .. 80 seAt. E. l'.&2' Sp Sl Sl Sl SAND W/S0~1E s:.ILT AND TRACE ORGANIC MATERIAL Ye~low-Brown 21, 15.7%, SM, P2 56 SANOY GRAVEL W/SOME SILT No Recovery Sl 100 Scatte.t::~d Cobbles, 2.5'-S' A 4 .. 4'-r G.'1, Fl Boulder at 8 • , Refusal WATEit TABLE NOT ENCOUNTERED 0 ~. s. ULTA~.TS. 11\lC. o~ll'nO-· ~· •uav..nMY~ . ==·~·====·==========~==~ r-;USI'mA RIVER. I HYD~~CTR!C PROJECT l GEOTECHNICAL INVEBSTIGATIONS ·' ;,.; l I" I I I I I •• I I I I I I . il I -· ~ I . I I :I .. ' "'.;~.,:,._;. DEVIL CANYON I I I I I I c I I, •• . . I I ,I I. I I •• I I :·;7 ~-----·--------------~--~--~~----------~--------~~ ,.. AH-Gl 7-22-80 Sp Sp Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl a• OR-:r~-"'-~,TERIAL ~--·/;;:,o:O.,.;.......at ......... ___ .._._ .5·.1 ~AND W/SOME SI~T Brown-Gray 15 S&'lOY GRAVEL W/TRACE SILT A Scatte.redCobbles, llr-23' !tefusal SOulder at 23 ~., Refusal- ~~-----------23 'T ~.D. ~lATER TABLE NOT EtlCO'ONTE~O ! -__________ ....._.,_.. ____ -::::::::::~· "'"'".._,.._ _ __, ~--------------------~~· ~----~~--------~ : OVOt KW CKQ. MH OATE. A~g~• 80 'j SCA\.E. ·1 ' ;a4 ' ·-. . 2.~-~...':.~~:~~~ ~,-. + SUSITNA RIVER SYDROELECTltiC Pm12CT GEOTECHNICAL n~STIGAT!ONS -· F. I. GRIL\ PRO.J.MQ 052504 OWG.HQ. .,.,, ,' .· i\.::iL.: :...: ~' '· ... ~ ' -~~~~i· ~ !.l ,__ ____ __._,_.....__. _______ ......__ __ .......__,,. Sp SP Sl Sl Sl Sl .Sl ORGANJ:C MATERIAL Seasonal Frost .5-1.5' 53 SILTY SAND AND SAND t'l/TRACE SILT Gray-Tan ~--;; .. ~---------......__3. 54 89 SANDY GRAVEL W/TRACE SIL'l' Brown to Gray, Subangular to SubroWlde Refusal Scattered Cobbles, 6 1 -ll' Refusal Refusal Boulder at 11 1 , Refusal ~~----------------------ll'T.D. WA'.rER TABLE NOT ENCOUNTEJ:'mD I I I I I • I . • I I ····._., ., i . ' . ••• • ' . I I :1,. -~ I .I- I ~--~~----------·--~----------~---~~~~----------.-----------~ . ,......, . ' OWN.. KW CXD. MH OATl-Aua. ao .SC~£. l. 1 :a2 t i, SUSITNA RIVER -HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT GEOTECHNICAL ~.,~S'.Cl:GATIONS 1/;,. PROJ.80oS2504 O~C!NO. •• ~· ... t .. : I I I I I ·I I I I • I I I 1- -1 I .• , ; . . ' I I ;_ ,8~ ~., ? APPENDIX C-2 LABORATORY TEST DATA -R&M SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST DATA I I R ' M c ¢N4U co.T ANTS. 'Nl:. Q.Al'E -·-l.Oao-;;;l?.,.-ec...-. ______ _ SUMMARY OF L.A80RATORY . TUT DATAj ,_.. ... ; . ;"""" .. n .._ <;=9& .. i• \ ~a• ua zi . IICL I ottr-r.s 4• l• l• l't· 1• l/4" :t.n• l/811 H tlO 140 1200 ~02 005 CY.J2 m.uc. '.r.t. n Cl .... I. .... H -.... laG ~§ ee 1M 81 '78 71 ~ 53 31.2 24.3 U!i ia.5 .10,9 21.1 ~.2 ~·!It!_ •l (c:nb .-l•t --ll -... -100 §'7 g2 ... 114 !1!11 7~ §A y l&.o t!l .. 6 a~ .!1.2 1::1 .. 3 1.1. .l _'l .. S. . t:JIIioicill I (Gtab .... v-ao-za 100 H.S 81.3 &9~ 50.81 42.1 55.9 13.2 ~~_..,: (G:alt --lel -ow·-. ....... lOG 100 95 91 19 n H 8o 16 !I ll.9 9.2 l.O 1.3 '·' --liP eo SlC •• ftlllli (Gnb :M~~Pl•» ~-w-80-302 " 100 92 go 82 69 58 45 lB ~' 23 14 l.~ a. !~ .... leA .. I -D .w-o1 ts 00 99 95 94 91) 84 59 <42.3 lt.o )§.1 2.6 ll.l IN !ZP SM (G.O-7.S'l D AD-01 " lOD 1'7 11'7 tU ao '7! G~ S4 3.3 14.4 6.] l.l 6.7 J SM• (8 .. 0 -8.!1 1 f I D All-ol t1 00 91 91 ll7 11 62 lS.7 11.2 11.2 4.9 ~-6 a• (10.0 .. .tO..l'l D ~tl. 1ao 80 80 8Q 'M' 13 •. 72 61. u 47 3a5 u • .a ~~-2 2.9 u.·, -• SM I (1.3 • 1. o•' .,..... D Ali-02 N 100 94 ~2 9D • .. , sa 3!1~0 21.: 4.1 2 •• U.4 il.9 . • 5H it3.0-4.5"). ~· t . I - . .. ~ -.. . . -. ' - I 0 :~ l'!"ll/4. ' BH£1:-' WUt Ji . . l. 1ft• lJ2• .02 .005 J102 tto!ac. :u. 'ft -·QE"M .c• 2• 3/8 14 110 MO t2CO - Irs ~~·~ 100 ga ~ 92 87 80 59 30. ' lJ.a lSo 1.6 11.2 !IV' -a . <.c •. s -s.o 1 l D All-02 ta lOQ 99 !)7 93 81 10 44.0 22.5 as 4.0 ll.J l5.s, ' :2.4 Sli f1~il -HL~J 1) u-oz 19 lGO M .94 ~·~ 93 91 85 1S 51 Jl.i ll.l 10.'3 4.2 .9.4 1'7.s >l.l :511 (2o.o-n .. s• . ! ...... -.. 1: A&eU 13 100-99 41.0 19.6 5I@ ltt.~n-t.!•'t • All-&1 .... 100 91 59.5 l7.l ML• l2..A • .'L!'' ..... • All-a •• 100 .. H 83 ao 71 72 62 52 21 6•2 4.4 D/Sil :t4.-.S -s.o•1 I· • M-G IT 100 90 71 6Z 57 40 ll 11 1.7 4.7 Gil :-• •• (6.5 .. a.o•! I ......... 100 H 98 92 M .22.,1 .17.6 sit . 1(5.0 .. 6.51 1 : .. I • .AII-C1 f3 100 85 13 sa .. , 39 31 .1: 2.1 2,l Gil lt2 0 •l.O.'' . I; u.n t2 (1-e! ... l o•1 100 99 28.6 15.7 SM z ...... 15(1.5 ... a 0') ~ 95 U'f '79 5'7 ~ 33 17.0 ~-· G.."t ··-·. ~::" -...... · ' ------ '1 ; HOTC! SIC'IC 4NA«.,YS1B • PEKI.HT :PAUINl .... ~~~~··~· !"''Qi~!lll¢ilill'" ...... b;::;;;;;;·~M~Q·. ~Uo~·lllil1.....-;/ ____ ..... .l~VCD . . . U. S. :ilai'Jirlrll Sieve Opll\la;a ia lacJI~a u.s. Slaaearll Siev11 Hum~11i Hwdfomeht ~ 2 ... ,~ I ~ ·~ 3/1 s 4 • • 10 14 16 20 30 .oiO 50 liQ 70 LOO 140 0) 2?0 . 100 ·~ ~ I I! I !I I I I I J t• I I I • I o· " ~ 90 " ~ 10 . 80 "'" 20 I'"' . I"" ~ ~ y-f-W-80 t7 .. ' -70 t" ~ . ~ 30 ;so:: -• z: 'iii "" ~ ~ •• ~ 1\_ r ·O-3r: ~ 60 -·;· 40 ~ :8 !::~ ' \...., ~ . r---' lib .I 50 ~ . 50 e u.. I' ~ ~ i .~· -40 60 s::: u ,... "~'-~ ~ • 4. 1'-• ' ~ ~ 30 ' ' 70 I'.. t"-. 20 "~ ""-80 ~'"' r:-. .• "'~'--...... ~ 10 "-90 " t-1---...... ' l 0 aoo 100 50 10 5 I 0.~ 0.1 0.05 0.01 0.005 0.001 -Grain Siza in MiiUmeten I CogrJ~ §B,llEL fin~ I Coars1 Mtdi~~AUDI . I ~ I Fint SALT or CLA'( SAMPLE NO. ~:~~':f DRY OEr..~tTV LL Pt CLASSifiCATION a Df:SCRIPTION W-80-256 " W-80-257 . . BORROW AREA H DRAWN BY DL R ¢ APPROVED BY M . CON Sll.L TAN!S-. lNC. SUMMARY.O~ GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION DATE DEC~ 1980 ; PROJECt NO. 052504 . ·-----.... Ill ... N I -.c D •• ~ li' t.. . s iL 1: • u .... e 4. SAMPLE 100 3 I ~~~ I ~ 1/~ "5/lt Ull!lll1~,-1· I II 90 " ' 80 K 70 60 -,~ 50 . . 40 30 20 . 10 o,oo 00 10 I · COors• GR1VEL ; Fane NO. I!RY Ll D£~Sll'V 21.7 -... ~ -· .... -. . -·--- ~ 4 G e 0 14 *' 20 '0 -tO 506070 100 ~40 200 l' 0 l I .I l I ' I A I • ·I . I' I' . Ia.. I' t--..... """! ~.. . . ............. r....l'-. N ........ -............ r--.... "-... 'r-. I'-,, ~' .... ~t-- ~ l'o... 5 I 0.6 O;t o.os O.Ol 0.005 J. Coarse I Groin Size in Millimeters ~No ; ' Medium 1 ftn SlLT or CLA'I Pi CLASSIFICATION a DESCRIPTION 9 ... 2 GC-SC Poorly graded 'Tillt with 1o"'! P1asticit · SlLTY GRAVEL AND SAND WITH TRACE CLAY R ~ M-· __ c_o_· _N_s_u_L ..... T_A_.N_T_s_·· ,._a w_·_c_L __ BORROW AREA H ........... ......... Q) ·-•' lQl ~Q} 30! 4:Q) ~OJ: 6Q:! ~ ~ $~ IQ~ O.OOl I .. --= 0 .. ~ '>-.,:a "' • !41f ""' :a '0 '0 .._ ·{; ~ t •• r4_ DRAWN BY DL APPROVED BY DATE . .. ' u. S.l.._ll Sieve OplA,.P b lltGile• . u.s. Stoa4cucl Sieva Hllllllttlt ........ , -, j IVZ I ~ 1123/8 3 .. a a 10 t<i ,. 0 30 40 so~ 70 100 140 .. ) 270 100 r-:( ., r"'-~ I II I I • I I f I I I • I OJ 90 ~ IOJ ' -: "- 80 '~ ! ~~-.. 201 : .· f"' ~ 70 ""'-301 -"" ..: -0 ~ • D ~ •• ~ 3: 60 !--""' .40; !>.. .:=. 1l' l'o.. .. :..... '-i,. !'-- ~ .I -5.0 50: .... '-.... "" b. ~ J;, u c ~ -f) 40 6(), I u .. ~ a II 4.. • .... " :. 30 ' 7QJ ~ '- 20. ~ SG . . . ~ 10 :-... 9Q; i! ..... ~ .._ .._ o,oo 60 10 5 I 0.5 fOQ 0.1 0.05 0.01 0.005 0.001 ' Groin Size i~ Millimeters I §HA~EL I Modlu;:Nol ·3 SILT or CLAY ] Coarn . I fint CQO(!I I fint > ;. SAMPLE NO. -~~~ DiiY LL Pi CLASSIFICAT~O.~ .. a OESCAlPTION Dt.~SITY . W-80-257 12 .. 3 17 .. 1 2.5 GM..-SM Poorlv graded 'Till' with Non-Plastic Fines !{Grab Samn'U1 11 SILTY GRAVEL AND SAND l'IITH TRACE CLAY : ___ .•. . ----~---· .. . "" \ . ' -c. DRAWN BY DL - R $ •. BORROW AREA H APPROVED 8'( M CONSULTANTS, lN c. DATE DEC. 1980 PROJECT NO. 052504 -:-- LI!'II'I:TI~ DRY SAMPLE NO. i:ONT£NT oEt.stn LL Pt CLASSIFICATION 8: DESCRlPTlON w-ao-282 . 42 .. 1' "'--·-t-=5:.::5;.:,'•.::·9 __ r3=3~.~2=-• -rc::.:L:..i.~.;:::c::.:H:..-._tr-s=.I=L=Ir=--=AN=D~c;::LA::.::.;Y __ ___:M:.:.;e::;.;d;;;;;i:::..:um:::::.:...· ...;;t;;:o:......::H;::;l~g·n_;P:;;...l:;:;a:;:;s;;.;t=.::i=.::c~i=-=t;.L_y___,. _____ __,.,..,_"""· """'-=···· ......... ---1 !(Grab Samol~ ll fi ~--.-.. ----~----~-----~--·--~,-----+-----+--------~--------------~~-----~~---------------~·-·------· DRAWN BY .... DL R ~-'~' M ....... __ c_o_N_s_· __ u_L_T_A_N_._T .... s_,_a_N_c_._. __ APPROVE08V DE~D~tAN BORRC.W AREA , DATE DEC .. 1980 PROJECTNO. 052504 l l I -~ . u. 1. StaJSu4 ••• O,aea itllaell11 U.S. II814Gt4 alan HlllniJil' K!!*t•eter .• ~ 2 Hll I 14 112 ~ .3 4 & 8 10 14 Uio 2-..:,. 30 40 50~ 70 100 140 200 ~·o . 100 • ,,~ . K •• I I I I II if I I I ' I 0 !"-"'-. • . so ........... 101 ' ' 80 ....... 20! ............ 70 --' -" 30 -= --;.c: D ·--. , .. • •• . ~ 11 .... 3= 60 40: ~ .&' ~ - .i ,. ~ 50 \.. '50 ~ u.. . ~ ! -~-' c ..... ~ • 40 ~ 0 "' 6Q; •'!Ia ""' ~ • 4.. "' r 30 t :0.. 7Q, ~ ~ .. 20 tt ~, . $) '· '. '~· I 10 't· " ..... 90. J ~ I N ~ -o.oo 50 10 5 I 0.5 0.1 0.05 0.01 0.00~ IOQ 0.001 Grot• Siu in IAillimeters ~~I ~gcii g~JV~L Fin~ I CQg[!! I Mtd~Afl=~ fint I SUTor CLAY I .. SAM~LE no. M DRY Ll PI CLASSIFICATION . - COffffHT .O£NSITV a O£SCRIPTtON ..... ·~· :w--&~~oo 6.6, ltv NP SM Sandv· \Till• with non plastic fines " ( Grah.\SamplE ) ·. ·. GRAVELLY SILTY SAND.WITH TRACE CLAY .· '~-/ ~. ,, ,~-~~ --"" ' Well graded ~· ... . -. .. ) .. ' - ~' < DRAWN BY ---· .... -.. nr, R $ ... ' DEADMAN BORROW AREA. APPROVJ;O BY M-CON$\) l..:T~NTS..,.lNC .. ., DATE DEC l980. ; . .., . '~ ' . . . . -. •· . ... • l PROJECT NO. os.j~nA -~"~·u.( .; . ' \;' ' . ' -.. . . ..-' ... _ - ;, ' --,;"'-_"":·-··•~·---···~·~-' . . . . . //~· .. . ... . : --'-'-____.....:.........__~-----= _.r-->. ·-'~~ ", "'~ ,,...;: -·-, , __ .,.-....~ .. -------· -------- - ' U.S. at ..... SleW. Opetaiap ia.iiiGIIII u,ca st..,_, Slav• N~~~nlllfa tl#drocuter 3 2 .I U2 I M liZ' i 3 " 6 a 0 !4 Ut Hl <eo 5>607) 100 1(0 200 270 100 I l'·, 1 II I ll I I l I T I• I t I • I 0 1 . ., c•C • 90 ~ \ ,, iQ" ' - ~ l 80 \ 20.' _. ' \ 10 --\ 30 .sr;:; .c: ,, ~ --a& \ -•• .. ~ ·" 60 40. ~- ~ ~ ~ "'~ ._ \ ,.., • ... .: 50 50 , .... \ --40 IL -· ·; to& " .,_ {0. -._ ·- 0 I . -40 'C. u ' eo ~ ... • a.. -j -\ ... fA. 30 7Q t...;. ..._ -., ~ ' 20 t 8Q- .... .... ' lO '• ~ ~ '' 90· ' 0 t()() .. ·. ,. 100 . . 50 10 5 l 0.5 0.! '0:05 0.1)& '. 0,00$ 0.001 !iBf~'= . ·Grain Siz• in .MiUimJter.- I l··cocrse . ~~I} . ::; 3. --l Coqru l .Medii: I _· _... ·-fi~ SilT « CLAY ' -fint - " SAMPLE NO. II cnwn: .. i ~~'r"m:'' LL ..... PI CLASS,FICAltON a or!£SCRIPTION ' W-80--302 ... GP S~if~ CAAVEL Wl'i'~CE SlLT ·-{Grab sam_pl1 J " l?oo~ly G:c~ded - .. .· ........,._ ~i' . . ., ·~., ; " ~ -............. -~-""- j :·, ~ \; -.:· ·.\ -.. :----... -:::.:<· ~-. ·' . ., .I ... j lJAAWNBY ilL R .- $ ·.• .. '· : STREAM M~~JVIUM ,4PPROV£0 ,BY ., M_ c ONSU\\.T;ANi~\;. ,..;_:;:;.:::::;;.~~-· . .....;_:;,::_.-:;:~·:.--· U~C:. ~D'£0:. 1980--'-i ' ' . ' ' ;,~ . .. . ' " r; ~·· = \ IROJECT NO. i·' 052504 .. I .. ·--I \'-c.''-.. --·· -;~-;:.:'/. _ .. -· I U..S~I....,4 litre O,MCt .. taclin • u.s. Slu4atd 'tiiev• Hu•~._, Hr•~•••u ' 21!/l ,,,.. Jll v• l4 l& 3 3 • 6 a 10 20 :!0 -.o :50~70 100 140 200 2~0 . -··---·--- 100 ~ 1 ~K~ 'I t r I I I ~ ., • I l~ 0 .~ ,, ~ :--.; " ;,(,:--. ...... 90. . ........ ... -. ' \..... l ~ IIIIi.. ~ ~ -10'· \ ........, ~ ........ ' ~ ~ ' ~ ,... ' ~ "" . 80 c . ........ ~v ....... -~ ~' 20< ~ .... J: :n 2· 5 ~ : ~ fl· 0 -.(j . _.,.,.,.,. """ ' ._ ~ '~ .... ~~' I; .n '1• 8 10 --..... q ~" 3'0' .c --....... -. ... /':/ 0 .. ·.C D -~-~ ~ "-.. ~ ~ ~ { .l :n'l 5 ; ~ 3= 60 ""'"' ~ ~""' '"' l ' ~ .. _ 40 ~ ~ A :t·· D . ~ ... ! ,.._ ... ~->:-. '~ ~ ~ -; .,. 1)0 ,_ ~ c: . 50. ir [".. I\..' ~'\to. ,_ ~ -"' :.-A -I 2-S r& .. i •V---j K ~"~-~ 40 -~·· -~ u -· 60. ..... " !&; / l ~' . ~ ~ ~ ~ • AH--" ~-~ 4. ~--~ ~ ~' ~ ~ .,. 2 ' QL. 30 70; All-I'" i'l -~ ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ , .... -::::.. ~ ~ ~ 20 ~ ~ 60· ~ ~., ~ ~ ~ ~ -- 10 ~ 9Q; ~ Olli:::: .,.. "iiii ~ li.lil = -'_:_, ~ ;:: ~ oiOO IOQ se 10 G l 0~5 0.1 0.~ 0.01 0.00~ 0 . .001 : I -, Coqqso Groin Size in Millimeters Q)grji §BA=~b -~~MD·. r SILt or CLAY I I Fine -I fiot Me hJ I . . -. SAMPlE NO. MOISTURE ' IJ.~Y ll PI ClASSifiCATION a OESCRIPTJ.ON COHTEMT ot:r.SITY ~ J: AH;..Dl-~ SM ~ '-". .... · AH~Dl•6 SM , ... ... I . .. All-Dl-7 c SM . AH~n2 .... 3 ' ... SM AH-D?.-4' SM AH-02-5 ~ SM -,.._/ ·--SM .. L\ll-02-8 > • . .. AiJ;....b2-9 . SM •T: DRAWN BY _, .. DL R¢ ~ /, BORROW AREAD ~APPROVED BY .c=r '-, ' ~~···' M C.ONSU LTA~.l'S,. lN.. C. ~U~f.OF GB.AJN DATE DEC. 1 r- S.IZE-.nl:STRIBU~:IONS ""· r . ,, -PROJECTNP. 052504 '" , ___ - ~,......,_ -~ .·· ., ~-- . __ .·· ~ ..... · ... " i .... Q N ... N U.S. StAll~· staYs 0pwUAaa {A lilGfll• 100 .3 2 nn .I iA lh 'SIS s • J '1 ~ ...... ·t•! I --· 90 ~--.... 80 ... 70 --.c D •• ~ 60 A'· ' .... .5 50 "-i c • 40 u ... • G. ·- 30 ' 20 10 o.oc) o5Q tO iorgt:_ . I - CO()rlf Fiht SAM Pl.£ NO. cO..iit.tt .· Dlf'm ~!~.S LL ' AH-Dl-5 11.1% NV NP ~~o.-7 .. 5') - .. R $ M__._ Cit}_~ SU L1ANTS~ ·.;.: 4 6. 8 I I ....... ........ ~ : . 6 I Coa:so PI -.. : tNC. U.s. Stud41t Sian N11ab•ra !lvdro~aaitr 0 64 16 20 ~[) .... 50fi01 too •• l li ) 2i 0. rT II I I I . I I 0. i .. 10 "-.. f,' ' 20· .. ':--.. -... 30: .=: 0 ' ·-• ' ' :i: " 4Q .t; r: . ·. t ' """- "' m --5() ~ '\ I .f0 ·[\ -" "" ! '"' ~- ' ~ ~ ·--~ . ., 70: l . .. "-.. . ' SO; ' ,'"' """ ·-90· -· ~ .... ......._ --...... ' I 0,5 0.1 0.05 o.co& '0(),; O.Ot O.oot Gtain Size in MilliaJetars E MtdiU!iAN~I I J fino SiLT cr CLAY : ~--. . . ~ '· ClASSif'ICAT&ON a OESCfttPTlON ,, SM SILT AND SUD WITH 'J?RACE GRAVEL AND TRACE CLAY Nan. Viscous, Non Plastic " ' -c~' ~-- -· .. . ... .. ·' . ..:. DRAWN 'BY DL BORRO\'t AREA D APPROVED BV OAT£ DEC. 1980. PROJECT NO. 052504 - . . .. 9 0 N .... N. t·\ s .•••• ,....~ ··~ o, ... ,. ia ... , .... !:; ~~· 112VI 100 3 2 f !fl. . • .·l.>~c I I \ ' It I II ' 90 ' ~ ..... 80 ' 70 -.c ~ ..... • 3: 60 .&-... ... I 50 ·-~ IL ·.• i . 0 40 ... • fl. 30 ?~ ... 20 !·· tO 0[00 ~0 Ut 1- BftA~t;l: fd!SlUI I fin~ SAMPLE t\10. ~~~~·-DRY OEhSlTY LL AH~ Dl-6 6.7*, ~: "- (9.0-9 . .5') c .. ' .. ':-: ... . ,. . 3 .. 6 • • I -I ........ ' ........ r-...... ~ ; . $ I t:oarsi . '; ., ·. ·.·• -. Pl ·R $ M CON $U LTANTS~ INC. ,, ··-·.·.· ... · ... · .. ··· .. :·. \,· ·. -·-···--. :..: "' -•. -.·· .. !: :.,, ···" '- ,.-.. . -•' -·"·. ' U.$. Slalldefd sieve Nue~tleca liwllnunetti to 14 16 .. 0 30 40 500070 100 14G 200 2~ '0 • I 18 I 8 I D I II ,. I 0) IQ) . ·. ZQ) -. ·--. 3,0} "'--a: . (,il-.... ·• I - SM . - .. ........ ~ , 4,(:1 ·11>. I' t'-A "-• .., [\;_, •• • ""lo ..... ~ 5e} "' c~ ~ ' ~ ~ .... e.~ c "' ,. e "'t-o • . .~ '\II l(i) ·-, ....... ,·. " ·' ' ., ':, ~ ~. '"~. - -~· ' -:1: i"'i~ ...... -~--,_,. • 0.~ 0.1 0.05 O.Ol 0.005 Ooot Grain Size in M!Uimeters -~AHD M!dl!~.!Jl I Fint I Sill or CLAY ~l GRAVELLY SILTt . - .. · .. ' CLASSlFtCATION a DES·~RIPTION . SAND WITH TRACE. CLAY . ,. ··-..... ~ ... -," .·::.:.:. '•' ... ; ,. ,_, ___ BOWOW .AREA Il :~ ...-.. . -......__,:. -.• ·- ·. .. . ~ '" '. ' 10RAWN BY or • --~ APPROVE[) S'i OATE DEC .. 1980.· . PROJECT NO. 052504' ' ' --' . . . ' ' . ....;. . .. ·,, . . -.. ,,· . ·[ .... ~- ----Q N ~· N ~ -.c D "i ~ ~ .... • .5 lL 1: • u .... • (L SAMPlE - 100 90 80. 70 60 ~0 40 30 20 10 o, NO. .-. u.s ... ...,, t:MsM O,•'-•• ltl tAcktt 3 2 llll • £4 1123/1 -,-l r • ' I .. .'..... l¥ • 00 10 l-_r~~~i GBtfO:·~ni ~~ DRY Ll OEhSil't .. . 3 4 6 8 10 I I • :---. "' " '.....; I 5 ·1 Cooru I PI ---~ -- ··- u.s. Slaadord Si•v• Nllllllt"' Hwlko•eter 14 lfi ~0 30 40 506070 too 140 i go 270 1 r I I I ' I il "'--....... ....... ........ . , ' !"!..- " I ' I"' :- ' " . }' . . " ·:. "··:i!~.t .... ' '~ ~ ~ 1 :X ~-.:-r. l . ~ . !», 1 ~ ·• ·~~·· . . ~ ~ i'. ' ... ' ...... ~-....... r-. ' ...... '- j • I I I 0.5 o.a 0.0~ 0.01 0.00~ Groan-Si1!'l in Millimeters n-Mg!li!~~A= r ;Jn~ I SilT or CLAY CLASSIFICATION a DESCRIPTION AH-·Dl-7 6.6% SM-.:_ SILT¥ Sl\ND WITH SOME GRAVEL, TRACE CLAY (10.0-10.3' . . R ~ l30RROW AREA D M CONSULTANTS,.· IN C. . . . -..-..; ......... , ______ _ - . Q} IQJ 2.~ ~ -.i:' 0 ·-; . -~ 4C' ;'>-. iN· .... • •• 50) "-G lQ 'U -'~ 6Q} 'U -..... • ~ 7QJ SQj 00 .10.01 O.OOJ I •.. ,S%1 ·--~ -. ORAWN BY ... DL APPROVEOBY DATE DEC •. lw.iu; PROJECT NO • 052504 I I J - U.S. S~41iovt c,.-_8 ... ••• U.l.lt0!14carll stave HuaiiNt Hwlko!Lahr 100 5 2 un I .,.. &12 lie ! 4 • a 10 , .. 16 0 30 40 50§01 too 140 200 z· ·o . ~ I I II •• II I -. I ~-. [I I I I I I II Q) " 90 ~ t<» .. 80 I' ·-...;:_ ' . 2.0# 0 ......_ ' .. 70 3:Q --· " ~ -"'-0 . .i: • 0 ...... . •• ~k -~ =-60 ~ 4.Q ~ ~ .Q .... .... l 1--:-., .. ., .I liB f)(J tit.) ,._ l ~ 0 t.L ·o ' :--.... u .~,.. ~ . c ·-• 40 6.Q! :c 0 ~ • ... ·u • ... G. .......... ·-. ., ·a 30 1~ . "' ' ~ 20 .. ~ ' I'.. "" ....... IQ I ............ 9..0 " "' o.oo· 50 10 5 I 0.~ 0.5 0.0$ 0.01 0.005 !QQ o.oot Groin Size in Millimetera I §ftA~El I Coaru SAND I SILT or ClA¥ I Co ant I Fint I Mediym I fino --SAMPLE NO. ~~~~~ OE~TY LL PI CLASSlflCATION a O.ESCA~PTION .J\H-02-3 25.7% NV NP SM SILTY GRAVELLY SAND W/TRACE CLAY . '·' -· (1. s~J.o•} ·- -. ', ~·» DRAWN BY DL .. R 4 BORROW AREA D £PR0Vf06Y M CONSULTANTS .. tN C. DATE: DEC. 1980 . . .. PROJECT NO. 052504 a.:.."C --~-· --- 0 N ... N ------· .. -·-. . -- - • U. S. Ito•"'"• Silv1 Q6).-ea ill lnGbat u.s. SIOA4atc! l;iava tiuiA~ara Htdfoaah• 100 3 2 l 112 I I+ 112 3/8 3 " 6 a tO t4 16 29 30 40 50607 tOO 140 200 2TO . 1 " J II I ll I ' I I I I I I • I it ! ' .... 90 Hf-"' --........ ...... 80 N ..... ~ "-..... . ""'- .. 70 looi~ -.&:. Ol ....... •• t-~ ~ 60 ·"-. .la . ... ·~ .5 50 u.. -" -"'" c • -40 ,. ; u .... • G. :'--. ~ 30' "' I'-. r. 20 "" " " 10 'r-.. ; -0 &oo 'tl 50 10 ~ ' 0.5 0.1 0.05 0.01 0,005 Grain Size !n Millimetera I Cogru iBi::l Ein~: I COOlS! I Mtdi~ND I i~~~ I SILT or CLAY • SAMPLE NO. MCISiUA£ c0i.t£tn DRY Ot!ttSJTV LL PI CLASSlfiCATlON a. OESCRlPTION AH~D2-4 11.4\ 13.9 NP SM SILTY .SAND WITH SOME GRAVEL, TRACE CLAY (3.0-4.5'1 Non Plastic - - ! R $ ~~-, ·--.. ·-·, .. ·-··~-. BORROW ARE.'\ D M_ CONSULTANTS,. I·N C. ... · ..... --- 0 10 2Q 3(} ---~ • --~ 40 ~ ~· -50 :! ~ I.Q -6(): c = ' -' 70· 8Q ,.__ 9() -lOQ 0.001 I . DRAWN 8'( DL APPROVED BY DATE DEC 19BO PROJECT NO • 052504 . - U. 'S. SIUJ~cir4 ~¥1 O,tQifttl ia laebaa U.S. Shwlcud Slav• Nldlllltra H~•o••••• 3 2 ll/2 1 ~ lh 3/8 3 4 6 8 to 14 t6 20 30 40 506070 &00 140 200 270 lOO I ~ 1 N I I I I I I "I I 1 a 1 I ;a Qo 90 "· .... ~ '-.. JO.o ....... ......... . 80 ' 20' """' I 70 3Q--c -0 .s: ' -Ol ~ 00 -.. -· 0 •• -., ... •• N ~ ~ 60· ... 40~ -~ J; ~ "'· 'tt 0 ... • 50 " .. c: 5Q> ,.,.. ·-" I ~ lL "0 '<..) '~ ~ •. 1.::~, ~ •• 40·. 6()) o-" :: ... • ~ Q.. -ih. 3CJ " 7() ' f', " 20 ':-....._ BQ: ' ........... 10 ....... 9Q: . ~ \I ..... "- ~ 0 tQi) -.... lQ~ 50 ao ' I 0.& o.a 0.05 0.01 0.005-0.001 I Groin Size in Millimeters "' Eiaru iBA~~b '1-Coarse SAHQ I SILT or CLAY J I fino I Medium I Fine .. SAMPLE NO. MOI"S~-DRY LL PI CLASSIFCCATION 8 OESCRlPTlON . CONTENT OEhSITY . AH-02-5 11 ''2fk NV NP SM SILTY SAND WITH. SOME GRAWL, TRACE CLAY -'' . (4. S-6. 0 1 ) Non Viscous, l..lon Plastic --. . ·-·· . c .. - . < . ' . " ·-., DRAWN 6\" DL R $ . APPROV£0 B'/ M BORROW AREA D CONSULTANTS, lN C. ·DATE DEC .. 1980 - ~: PROJECT NO. 052SOA.· . ' ·""""..! --... · --. ' .... , ~. - --------------------~----------,--,-~ ~-~ ~------------·.-·•'·- : U. 5. st .. Jiar4 Sia'le O.•blat ia IHtsaa U.S. St_..ll Sievt Nued.liNt H;Q!IMellf 3 2 I Ill I 18 ,,~ 3/1 3 4 6 a 10 14 a6 20 30 40 ~6010 ~ ~140 200 210 . Q; 100 I ~ I I' ~~ l ~ J -r 1 ~ ! I I • I II ' " ~ t. (} 90 .............. lQ !'... I ' ' 8t). 2(} c . r.. 1'-o h. -10 .. 3Q; .;;c -f'. 10 s: "- Oi ~ '• •• ~ ~ 60 .. 4Q1 :;>,. ~ ~ f ~ -. .... -~ •C-1· ll 50 50~ ~ .s ,. 10 IL ·•o ' '0 -c 1'\ -• 40 ~0:· ·~ CJ I' • .... 'Q • ~ 4. ' ,.. L--", QL 30 7QJ i'.. " . ~ 20 "" ~ 6Q ' ~r-.. ~ 10 . 9.Q! ...... :----....... OlOO 50 10 5 l O.!l. 0& 0.05 0.01 IOQI 0.005 0.001 Grain Size in Millimeters I CO an: i8All~b I · ; ~ SAND ftnf L SILTot CLAY I I fino Coarse I M diym I ... .. SAMPLE NO. c:.l-'£:1 DRY ll PI CLASSiflCATtON a DESCRIPTION GENSITY • !--• l SM AH-D2-8 11.3% 15,5 2 2 SILTY S:ANn ru:.t.·n TRACE GRAVEL. TRACE CLAY IC15.0-16.5' ~ ' ·-- ' .• DRAWN BY DL R $ <:;.. BORROW AREA D APPROVED B'i M CONSULT'ANTS, INC. DATE DEC. 1980 -.. -.. ~--.-;:~ '~ 0 •• ~ .... --"~.-~, .. PROJECT NO. 0'52504 .,. -· . 0 -0 N -.. N ·---------------------· -u.s., ... ., .. ,...,. Dp .... ia .. , .... -U.S. Staadw4 Sian Huml~ara tt~•?A\eler 100 s 2 lli2 ! ~ an • 3 4 6 8 ID ,. 16 2j 30 40 506010 100 140 200 210 ,........ t-.! :• I .I . I I I I II I I I I I I! m ... . ~ 90 ............ ill I) r..; -Ub "" !'..... ..... r-.... 80 ......, an· r-..... 70 "" 3,Q) -.c -t-. '"' .c D I" \01 •• ~ 3: ~ 60. 4,Q): >.. .A' ' ,A r-... ._ ~· " .. ·• . 5 50 5J~J ... ~ a LL 8 -"to c -e 40 ~ c: u --> • "--~t-;..· 4l ... ... • ... 4. r-. •• ' 4. 30 ['. 'l() l'o.. 20 ~ SQ;. ... "- 10 ....~ ..... --r........ · SJl ....... .... O·,oo $0 10 s • 0.5 lOO 0.1 0.05 ClOI 0.005 0.001 Groin Size in MillimeterS' I Cogru '§Bl~~l Fin! r : Coarst I ~~MD Mtd(= I . Fin~ I SILT or CLAY I SAMPL£ NO.. I t'~i~~ Jl~_ LL PI CLASSifiCATION a DESCRIPTION UI:.N:JII T lllli-D2-9 ~""·4 -i ~-~~.. _ .... ..... -~ ... ~criAYI ·= Ia ~ . .:SAND W.!.!.l'n Sl1Mtt; 'GRA\f£SL -Jiii;i • (20 .. Q .... 21. 5 ••••• '(!.-..,..,•.u . -. I ' ~ ~ toRAwN·av· .DI • . R $ A--. ..: av M BORROYI AREA D .. ,, .. ..,.JfD CON SO LTANTS,. lN c. IOATfDEC.; 1.980 l IPRo:iE:cfoo. bs25o4 ,· ~---. --.. ;-_,,' -·-- I I U. S. St••• aien Optrtlfigt ia. IR~•• · u.s. St0114Gtd Si•~• Nuadi•n H~ckomt~~tr 100 "3. 2 'l/2 I !14 t/2. 3/8 3 4 6 e 10 l4 l6 20 30 40 506070 lOO 140 200 270 •.. I r\. "\II l l I I I I I l ' I ' 0 - !\ ['-.. t..... 1h. 90 i\ ' ' i' !". ~ ,..... ' ~\ '" " ' ~ 10 ,, N \ " i\\' 80 ..... '~ ,~ .'\. 20· 1\ ' ~ t\ \ 1\" 70 --·~ .1'~ X\ ~Q .liZ::: .c: r\. l:tJo, D -·; \X ~ "' --~y !\ \ i\ ~ ~ 60 \'~ i'. ' \ ' ~ . 4(} ~ 1; ~ .. 1"--[l, .. ..... ... \ ~ "' _, \ ~ .. I 50 !\ .... ~ ·-· I' "' ' \ '1"--~ 5Q: -Ll. i\ . . ~- .. -~~ ~" i i'\ ' -u 40 ~ \ 6Q, = '-~ • !-.. •;lU 4. 11:1... ' " t'-r---. "" \· .r ~0 ' I'\ ~ ~.l H -E fJ-~ 70; " r.... ft- ~ ~ ~ i' .20 "" ~ ~ IJ.J -'If' ~-~= ~I' !'-\' "I'.. to-EB-tl QQ. r-... Jll f'... '"""' ~ "' tO ~ --...... ~ ~'-; 9Q . I lu _'I: 1-:l .. 0 toO tl F ~ 1 H~E ~-~ 00 10 5 I 0.~ 0.1 l:~tif#. OQl ~-'lO~ tOO. 0.001 I GftJ~~b ,.Coarse Groin Size in Mhlimators i ~jio = ; I ... I Cogrje I M~dl; I fin SILT or CLAY . fint < MOI=!_l~ SAMPLE NO. Oft¥ LL PI CLASSIFICAT&ON a DESCRIPTION CONTENT OEt.ISITY hR-F.l-3 AH-El-4 -c;:··. AH-E3-6 -Ali-E3-·7 AH-E4-6 Ali~E7-3 .. AH ... E9-2 AH-E9.;.;6 DRAWN BY DL R$M BORROW AREA E· APPROVEO 8't I C Ofil SU LTANTS, lNC. SUMMARY OF GRAIN SIZE. DIS!CRl:BUTIONS OATE. DEC. 1980 ' . PROJECT NO. 052504 " Q a N ,.,. N .. U.s. ttoRAarlt lltvt Oftnllltt tA .._Gfltt 100 ~ 2 11/l I 14 112. 3/8 3 •• I I I II I 90 eo 70 -~ 0 ·a 3t 60 ~ .... ~. 50 ii:' E • 40 u .... .. Q. 30 '· 20 J. ). .I 10 . I 0 aoo fO 10 =r. GBA~~l ' Cogru I fine - SAMPlE .NO. ~:~~~ DRY Ll DENS IT\' AH-El-3 19 .. 6\ fl. o-1. s•) 1--., ( R $ M CON$ULTANTS, . - u.s. st.,..,4 Slc~s ~•~»••• ttwdro"'''" • • I ) 14 ,, 0 lO ~0 506070 100 140 200 270 . I I I I ~, f I 1 I \ ·~ \.. . 'l \ ~ ' ~ \ \ \ - ' :J 1\ [«: - & I 0.5 0.1 0.0~ 0.01 0.00~ Groin Size in Millimeters I Co grit SAND I SILT ot CLAY I Medium I fine - PI CLASSifiCATION: a DESCRIPTION SM SILTY SAND BORROW AREA E I til C. .. -....... -. ... ~- . ~ ---=~~·~~-·~·,--~-~--~~~···~-~·-~·--·~--------------~------~· ·~----~~~~~~~-~-~~·~~-~~··~~-~~-~-~~~-~·~-~~-=··~-··~~-----~~~ 01 . ' tO) 2.0} ~Q). ..... .,oc. :0 :e; ~ 401 >.. .Q .._ ,. '&I • &~ ·"-·o .. 0 0 ..... ·C 6Qk ;g .... • -~ 1{)) SQ 9() &O.Q 0.001 ] . , .. . .. DRAWN OY DL APPROVEOBV DATE DEC .. 1:980 PROJECT NO. 052504 ---=•--- ' U.s. ltOAJkH'i!l sm. O,fil!At• ta lac:h•o . U.S. Sicm49ril at•v• thlilliltra H¥*o•star 100 3 2 tf!l i li t/2 "' 5 .. 6 e I) l4 &6 20 30 40 5D 6010 too 140 200 20 I I II l I I I . ,-..... I I • I (} 1\. \ 90 --.~ {0 ¥ '\ 8.0 ~ 2.Q '\.. .. 70 ' 3Q -\ ~ -' 0 .c '· 01 -· -• i :k ~ 60 40-'>. .Z:. . .5-...... -~-.... • • • .E 50 50 ;;; lL a u 1: -• 4n ~ :«;:. u . •• ... ·u • . ..... ~ •• fQ. 30 1Q 20 8Q: 10 90: 1 o,oo 100 00 10' 5 I 0.~ O.l 0.05 0.01 0.005 o.oot - Eiant :RiVfl fiot _ Groin Size in Millimeters J Coorsc MtdiJU'NOI Flnf I SILT ot CLAY I I . . 0 . SAMPLE N<l ~~~~~· DRY Ll PI CLASSIFICATION 8 DESCRIPTiON .;;.,.. . DENSITY AH-El-4 27 .• 3 ML SANDY SILT {2. 0-3. 5'1 .. --. -- . --- DRAWN BY Dt .. R *. :· BORROW AREA E APPROVED BY -M-C 0 N SU L "tANTS~ INC. DATE DEC,. 1980 ' ~ -. -t PROJE.CT NO. 052504 ' ,-..... " . u -0 1\'J' ..,. N U, S. Stlllltkrll SieVe Op ... p ia taGa.ea U.S. StMifer• Sieve N11•tl••• 100 ;s 211/l I 114 1/2 va .3 4 fi • &0 14 A6 20 30 40 506070 100 _140 21)0 270 .. ~ I I I~ I I a i I l r -. -.-. I I I I I ~ ~ 90 r"'"" ~ 80 ~ ·"""'-"'~ ., 70 r-..,... -A: 0 I' ~ •• 11.. ~ 60 "' l' ... """~ .5 50 "' IL -"' c • 40 u I\!'-. ... • G.. :', 30 ·I* ~ 20 i'.. ' I'- 10 " ill \ 0 .100 so ao 5 ' • 0.5 0.1' cos Gtoin Size in Millimeters I Cogru GftA~~: IFint I Coarse I Mtdfu!ANOf Fint I ., SAMPLE NO. ~~~t':f DRY ll Pl. CLASSIFICATIOI\. a DfNSflY AH-El..-6 4.4, SP..-SM GRAVELLY SAND if4 5-6 .O'l Poorly Graded . ' -:-:.~ .. 0 R $ Bt )RROW AREA E ~ C 0 f\1 SU LTAN.TS,. lNC~ ' -.~ .. ... , ...... , . ~ 0 ' ' :~ ' 20 ' -'30 ..c D --• ~ 4:0 .&' ~ • '50· :! 0 ~ • -6Q c I . ... ..... • 0.. .lQ 80 SQ 10& 0.01 0.005 0.00& J .. . SILT or CLAY >--···· DESCRIPTION ~- : DRAWN BY llL APPROVED B'( DATE OEC. 1980 PROJECT NO. 05250~ -·--.. ~--...... - ---·--. ---- . . u.s. St~4 ••• Op~e• lA lacttea· U. a. SICIIiftfll Sieva H~b1ta Hr4roaehr 100 5 2. • 112 j_ l-1. Ill! 3 4 & e 10 ... 16 20 30 40 fi06070 100 t40 200 270 I ., I :• a ' l T ll if I i .I I I Q' Jl 90 \. IQ) \ \ ; 60 . 2,Q';, . ' It -\ 70 ~QI -\ :..s:: -!0 .&:: .o -·~· ,., •• ~ 3t 60 '~ 4.Q/-~ I; ~· .. ..:.Q ,.._ ... ,. . 5 1\. , . 50 5Q) '"'" 'iCI lL ~ .. .. .···· 0 "(.) -1\ ~·-c: •. ·-.. 40 •C u ........ '6P' ~ .... G ' :U 4.. ... ~ • :A. ~Q ~ lQl 20 " ·~ ...... t'-.· ,.,., ~ 10 9~ c ~ ~· 0 toD so lO ~ I 0,5 lO.Q 0.1 0.05 O.Ol 0.005 o.oot. Groin Size in MlUimeton I §ftJV~t . I ~HD . Firi: .I J Cogru Cogrso I Mtdty I SILT or CLAY fane t.lOi"'iiA£ SAMPLE NO. ORY Ll PI CLASSlflCATION a DESCRIPTiON COHTEttT DE~SITY .. hH--EJ...-7 0.7\ GW SANDY GRAVEL Well Graded -~ -~, " .. (6. s-a .. o• > ,. : ' . ' .. DRAWN BY DL R ·~ M .BORROW AREA·E APPROVED BY CON.SULTANTS, tN·c. DATE DEC 1990 PROJECT NO . 052504 --.. ·a Q ~ N U.S. SI1Ja$1QniiMVI O,IAIAQI ia lcatmtt 100 , 2 a Ill • ~ 112. 3/1 3 I I il I 90 80 70 -&. a. . •• .~· 60 ~ .... . 5 50 u.. -c . • u 40 .... ll 4. 30 20 to 0 aoo # I_ 50 &0 I fHiA~gb I Cogru fino SAMPLE NOfSJ~ DRY NO. CONTEt.T Of .. SITY LL AH'"'E4-6 17 •. 6% (5. o..-6. s• 1 -- R $ M CON SULTAN IS~ .. ~·· -- 4 6 • 10 ........ ~ I ~ p - s I Coone I PI SM lN G. U.I.IIIIMCll4 Ji•v~ N111n1t1rt . 14 16 20 ~0 40 506070 100 l"iO 200 2:0 . I B 'i I i I I ' "' ' .... \. ~ ' \ .. . \ \ \. \ • ~ I 0.5 0.1 0.05 Groin Size in Millimeters SAND • Medium I ,. :-... Fino ,_. "! .. CLAS~.:.· :· ':lON a <. --·SILT¥ SAND WITH TRACE GW\VE:L ; 1 '· BORROW .AREA. E -...... ... "-..~ "~····*'· • 0.01 0.005 SiLT or CLAY DESCRIPTION ~ .. =~· Q} l lQ) 2,€1} l.Q .... :z:: 0 -4t ~ 4.0 ~ ;.Q ~ • • 5:0 .... .a ·o u -6QI c: 0 0 .... • B.. ~ ~ 9Q, 100 0.001 _J -... .... "" .. DRAWN 6'( DL APPROV£0 BV DATE DEC. 1980 PROJECT NO. 052504 ··•·· ·~·--. . ·1 J .J U.~ Ste-4 Git~o OptAIAQI ia ~tiO . u.a Shln4Gtd Sins t411lllhtrt HJtcitOIIlelor :s 2 • IJ2 l 14 1/2 1/1 3 " 6 a 10 14 16 20 !0 40 60601() 100 l-40 200 210 !00 . I ~ • [I -. II il I I T I I I I I • ' I' Q} ' I 90 f\ lQ) \ . 80 \ 2,Q ~ : 70 3Q} ·-\ " J:: -'0 .1::. ·-0 \ 0 ·; .~ ~ 60 \ 40 ~ 1\' ... ... \ ,._ ! ·• 50 ., ·'-·-· 5Qf a u. k " .B -r-..~ i -40 6Q «: u ~ • ... :u 0 ....... l.. 4.. ~ l. . ~0 ~ ,_ (Qj •" ........ : 20 ........ 8() 10 ~ -SQ --.....__ r- 0 aoo ~0 ao a I 0.~ lOO 0.1 0.05 0.01 0.00~ O.OOl Groin Sin in Millimeters GBfg:fin. .. I I Coot§! SAUD I ] eog[u I M~dfum I Fint SilT or CLAY SAMPLE NO. ·~~~~· DR\' lL Pl CLASSIFiCATION a DESCRIPl'tON CEt.SIT\' AH-E7-3 2 .. 3% GP SANDY GRAV3L WITH TRACE SILT - (2. 0-3.0 8 ) .. r . . ' ' -· . DRAWN B'l DL R ~ 0 BORROW AREA E . APPROVED tl'f M CONSULTANTS~ lNC. DATE DEC. 1980 ,,'! PROJECT NO. 052504 " U. $. SIOnJMd Iitva Of .. ,, ia 11\Cllll ~- U.t. Stoo4out Sieve Numlaira H;llloaejlf 100 3 2 a i.fi I It 112 'a 3 1 6 ft D 14 16 20 30 40 t\06070 iOO 140 200 270 . I I II I II· '· I I ' I I ~ I i • I II Oi .• ' ·~ 90 \ IOI-\ .. 80 \ 2:0 \ -\ -- 70 -., "30 ,: -•. ::0: .c: ca . -•• . \ . • ~ ~ ~ 60 4.0:: ~ ' ~ \ ~ ' -._ \ • .~ 50. 5()} :e \ 1&1 u.. . • 0 u t: lilll 40 ' ; \ -u .., ... ,,. 6() iC ... • 0 v 'L. 0. .•. ~ ~ •. 30 . ~ 101 20' -~ ~~ tQ ,? ~Q ·;-H-i!'-~ . i i i ' 0 100 50 ' lOQ lO !S l 0.5 6.1 0.0~ 0.01 0.005 O.oot Gti:iin Size in Millimeters -I GBA!J!tL I j ~~HD ~; : I ... ~ Cogru I Fin.t Coatu I Mid :u-.: I Ft== SILT or CLAY , . : .... . . SAMPLE MOISTURE DR\' .If ~. jij <~ NO. CONT£NT DENSITY LL f'l CLASSiflCATION a OfSCRlPtlON AU-E9..-2 15 .. 7% SM SILTY SAND > (1. s .... 3 .. fl\ 1 Poorly Graded ··~ . -~>-\.i-"'c--. - ' ------· ... -DRAWN 8¥ l')J.j R $ BORROW AREA E APPROVED 8'( M CONSULTANTS, INC. OAT! DEC ... '1990 PROJECT NO. 052504~ ,, ~ --~-- r t I I I I I I I I· I ' I I I I I SEISMIC-REFRACTION SURVEY·-WCC