HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA1278I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ALASKA POWER AUTHO~ITY SUSITNA HYDkOELECTRIC PROJECT DESIGN TRANSMITTAL SUBTASKS 6.02~ 6.03J 6.06 -PRELIMINARY DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FEBRUARY 1981 ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED 1000 Liberty Bank Bui1ding · Main at Court Buffalo, New York 14202 Telephone (716) 853-7525 -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I •• I A1aska Power Authority Susitna Hydroelectric Project Task 6 -Design Development Subtasks -6.02, 6.03, 6.06 -Design Transmittal Preliminary Design Considerations Associated with Projec~ Definition Studies TABLE OF CONTENTS Pa~ 1 -INTRODUCTION --------~------------------------------------------1 2 -APPROACH TO PROJECT DEFINITION STUDIES ------:------------------1 3 -ELECTRICAL SYSTEM CONSIDERATtnNs -------------------------------l 4 -GEOTECHNICAL CON~IDERATIONS ------------------------------------2 4.1 -Main and Sz.ddle Dams -------------------------------------2 4.2 -Temporary Cofferdams ------------:,------------""------------2 5 -HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC CONSIDERATIONS ------------------------2 5.1 -General --------------------------------------------------2 5.2 -Sizing of Hydraulic Components ---------------------------3 6 -ENGINEERING LAYOUT CONSIDERATIONS ------------------------------3 7 -MECHANICAL CONSIDERATIONS -~------------~-----------------------3 7.1 -Powerhouse ----------------------~------------------------3 7.2 -Overflow Spillway -------------------------------~--------4 7.3-Miscellaneous Mechanical Equipment-----------------------4 8 -ELECTRICAL CONSIDERATIONS --------------------------------------4 8.1 -Powerhouse -----------------------------------------------4 8.2 -Switchyard and Transmission lines ------------------------4 9 -ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS ----------------~------------------4 9.1 -Flow Constraints -----------------------------------------4 9.2 -Water Level Fiuctuation Constraints ----------------------4 I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 -INTRODUCTION The objective of documenting the following design considerations is to facilitate a standardized approach to the engineering layout work being done as part of Subtasks 6.02 11 lnvestigate Tunnel A1ternative 11 , 6.03 11 Evaiuate Alternative Susitna Developments" and 6.06 11 Staged Deve1opment 11 • The mate.ri a 1-presented is very· pre 1 imi nary and deta i 1 ed enough on1 y for the project definition studies. The numbers presented are very often based on judgement and should not be confused with the more ciefinitive ''design criteria 11 which will be produced next year Throughout the execution of Subtasks 6.02, 6.03 and 6.06 the design considerations were modified and several draft copies of this document were issued for internal use. This final documG~t outlines the final version of· the design considerationsq 2 -APPROACH TO PROJECT DEFINITION STUDIES The general approach to the ~reject definition studies ifivolves three steps: (i) Single Site Developments: All sites are treated as single projects. (ii) Mu1tisite Developments: Two or three sites are developed in a series. This means that the downstream sites may have installed capacities, spillway ~nd diversion czpaciti~s, and drawdown levels which differ consider- ably .rom the single site development. (iii) Staged DeveloQments: Development at a site may be staged, i.e. the dam crest level ~~y be i ncr·eased and the powerhouse capacity expa'nded. Although the steps follow consecutively, there is considerable overlap~ and work could be progressing on all three steps at the same time. This document essentially addresses the step (i) type studies. Careful interpretation of the information is required when applying it to stage (ii) and (iii} studies. If modifications are requ·ired to the basic data presented here the appropriate departmental c~ordinator should be contacted. 3 -ELECTRICAL SYSTEM CCii!;JDERATIONS The current total system load factor is reported to be of the order to 50% to 55%. The 'IJCC proj8ctions indicate that this may go up between 56 and 63% in future years. Initially, all projects should be sized for a 45 to 55% capacity factor and should incorporate daily peaking to satisfy this requirement. As a later step, some of the proposed developments could be reanalized for higher or lower capacity factors. I· •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I •• I I . I All projects should be capable of meeting a seasonally varying power demand. Tab 1 e 1 \vas deve 1 oped from data contained in the l~CC Subta:s k l. 02 report and 1 ists the monthly variation in power and energy demand t ·:.t should be used. The installed capacity and reservoir level regulating rules should be established so that the firm energy output of the project is maximized. Ltsted below are the power/energy definitions to be nsed for this study. The list is limited to terms used in the project definition studies. The definitions are preliminary and may be modified during the subsequent steps of the feasibility studies. Average Monthly or Annual Energy -The average monthly annual energy produced by a hydro project ov~r a 30 year period of operation. Firm ~~onthly or Annual Energy -The/minimum amount of monthly or annual energy that can be guaranteed eve~ during low flow periods. For purposes of this preliminary study this should correspond to the energy produce~ during the second lowest energy producing year on record. This corre:~,Jnds roughly to an annual level of assurance of.95%. §econda~i Energy-Electiic energy having limited availability. In good water years a hydro plant can generate energy in excess of its firm energy cap~1ility. This excess energy is classified as secondary energy because it is not available every year, and varies in magnitude in those years when it is available. Installed Capacitx -The rating of generators at design head and best gate available for production of saleable power. a 4 -GEOTECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS 4.1 -Main arid Saddle Dams The geotechnical considerations o:·e summarized in Table 2. 4.2 -Temporary Cofferdams It will be assumed that all cofferdams are of a fill-type. Since much of the ori"inal river bed material under the main dam shell may have to be excavated, all cofferdams should be located outside the upstream and .:own- stream limits of the main dam. 5 -HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC CONSIDERATIONS Tables 3~ 3A, 4 and 5 list the provisional hydrologic and hydrauiir: par-ameters to be used. Table 6 det~ils pr ... limfnary freeboard requirements whne an example is worked out tn TaBle 5A to~ca1culate freeboard requirements. 5 . 1 -GP (t era 1 Figures 1~8 illustrate the storage capacity at eacn ~am site for different water levels . 2 I I. I I I I I I I I I I ~I I I I I ,16 I c \ __ . 5.2 -Sizing of Hydraulic Components (a) Power Conduits -For uam schemes the sizes should be based on the maximum velocities listed in Table 5. For long tunnel schemes the dia~eter should be determined such that the cost of energy is minimized. (b) Diversion System -The cofferdam-diversion tunnel system is to be sized as follows: 1. Size ·diversion tunnel for maximum velocity (Table 5) for the design diversion flow. Calculate head loss in the tunnel and fix top of upstream cofferdam (allow 10' freeboard). 2. Calculate height of downstream cofferdam from approximate stage- discharge relationship. (c) Spillwax -Size spillway to accommodate the Project D~sign Flood shown in Table 3/3A. Utilize supplemEntary emergency spillway if necessary. All service spillways should be fitted with downstream stilling basins. The capacity of the structure should be checked for the PMF with a reduction up to 91 in freeboard (Table 6). The energy to be dissipated should not exceed 45,000 hp per foot width under PMF conditions. 6 -ENGINEERING LAYOUT CONSIDERATIO~~ ~~~_,s.. Table 7 lists the components that should be incorporated in the engineering layouts and describes the types of components to be used. This table shotild be used as a guide for a 11 1 ayouts. ,. 7 -MECHANICAL 7.1-Powerhouse (a) Number of Units In general, a decrease in the number of units will result in a reduction in powerplant cost. For preliminary studies assume: unit capacities lOOMW to 250MW; -minimum number of units = 2; -maximum nunJb(~r of units = 4. (b) Turb"'ines Assume rated net head approximately equal to: minimum net head~ 0.75 (maximum net head-minimum net head). For rat,ed heads above 130 ft. units will be vertical Francis type wi t.h s·t.af:l !;piral cases. For lower-heads assume vertical Kaplan units. The tLrbines will be directly connected to vertical synchronous generator~. 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 7.2-Overflow Spillway The. spillway gates will be fixed wheel vertical lift gates operated by double drum with rope hoists located in an enclosed tower and bridge structure. Maximum gate size for preliminary design should be: · -width ----~--· _, __ 50 ft. -height ---------60 ft. Provide 3 ft. freeboard for g3tes over maximum operating water level. The gates will be heated for winter operation. 7.3-Miscellaneous Mechanical Equipment Cost estimates should provide for a full range of power station equipment including cranes, gates, valves, etc. 8 -ELECTRICAL CONSIDERATIONS 8.1 -Powerhouse Generators will be of the vertical synchronous type. Separate transformer g~lleries will be provided for main and station transformers. Provision will be made in the cost estimates for a full range of miscellaneous operating and control equipment including where necessary allowance for remote station operations. 8.2-Sw~~chyard and Transmission Lines Switchya~d should be located on the surface and as close to the powerhouse as possible. The size of the yards should be approximately 900 x 500 ft. Cost estimates should a 11 ow for trans'" iss inn 1 i nes and substations (see Table J). 9 -ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATICNS For this step, environmental considerations will be limited to the effect on fisheries. In order to avoid a severe detrimental impact on the fisheries habitat tentative water level fluctuations and downstream flow release tonstraints have been developed and should be adhered to. 9.1 -Flow Constraints Table 8 lists preliminary values of minimum flows required downstream of any development at all times. The lower flows are based on preliminary as·sess- ment of requirement of resident fish while the higher flows are estimate~ anadromous fish needs. 9.2 -Water Level Constraints Daily reservoir level fluctuations should be kept below 5 ft. whi1e seasonal drawdown should be limited to 100 to 150 ft. 4 I I I I I I I N I I I I I I I I I ... " ·I I, TABLE 1 -Monthly Variation of Energy and Peak Power Demand 1. Monthly energy variation as a fraction of the total firm energy: OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP .086 .101 .109 .100 .094 .086 .076 .069 .067 .066 .070 .076 2. Monthly variation of peak demand as a fraction of the installed capacity: OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP .80 0.92 1.00 0.92 0.87 0.78 0.70 0.64 0.62 0.61 0.64 0_70 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ;I GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. Dam Type 2. U/S Slope 3. \)/S Slope 4. Gen,eral Foundation Conditions 5. Required Foundation Excavation (in addition to overb:.rrden) 6. Required 'Foundation Tre.atment & Grouting 7o Seismic Considerations (MCE = Maximum Credible Earth1uake) 8. Powerhouse Location 9. Permafrost 10. Construction Material Availability 11. Remarks I' ;'t ,, TABLE 2 GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS DENALI Earth-Rockfi11 4:1 (H/V) 4: l . 0 All structt···es would. have soil foundationso Depth to bedrock is believed to be 200'+. Inter- stratified till and alluvium foundation materia_l, local liquefaction potential,. 40'+ alluvium in valley. Abutment Ch, nnel Total Excavation Depth Core Shell 30 I 10 I 70 I 50 I Assume core-grout in five rows of holes to 70% of head up to c maxi- mum of 3oo•. Probable drain curtain or drain blanket unde·r downstream shell. Foundation surface-no special treatment. High exposure, no known site faults. MCE = Richter 8.5 @ 40 miles. U\Jderground powerhouse unsuitable. > 100' deep in abutments, probable 1 enses under tiver. No borro\t/ areas identified. Assume suitab"i e materials are available wi·thin a five-mile radius. Proces ... sing of impervious material will be required. Based on Kachadoorian, 1959. MACLAREN Earth-Rockfill 4: l 4:1 Assume soil foundations. Depth to bedrock estimated at ZOO •. Compressible, pe.rmeabl e and liquefiable zones probably er.ist. Unknown. Assume same as for Dena 1 i. Assume same as for Denali. High eKposure, no known site faults. MCE = 3.5 @ 40 miles. Underground powerhouse unsuitable Probably> lOOt. Assume Si\me as for Denali. No report on site= Parameters based on regional geology. NOTE: 1) Actual est.imates on \.alatana & Devil Canyon hav~. been taken from overburden contour· maps. 2) Data compiled prior to Ja'nuary 1, 1981. Estimates made after this date have used updated excavation criteria. VEE - ~arth-Rockfill 2. 25:1 2:1 River alluvium 12F', drift or talus on abutments is 1(}-40' thi.ck. Saddle dam located on deep oermafrost alluvium. ' Assume: Core -Remove average of 50' of rock Shell -Remove top 10• of rock Assume ·~routing same as for Watana. No special tr.Qatment under-shell. Assume extensive ~and drains in sa4dle dam permafrost area. High exposur~, no knm'in site faults. ~CE = 8.5 @ 40 miles. Unknown. Assume suitable for underground with substantia 1 rock support.· · > 60' in saddle area, sporadic in abutments. Assume available 0.5 to 5 mile radius. Impervious will require prOcessing~ Based on USBR studies. I \D I I I I I I I I I I I. I' I I I I I I GENERAL CONDITIONS 1.. Dam Type 2. U/S Slope 3. 0/S Slope 4.. Generitl Foundation Conditions 5. Required Foundation Excavation (in addition to overburden) 6.. Required Foundation Treatment & Grouting 7. Seismic Considerations {MCE = f4aximum Credible Eart . ..:tuake) 8. Powerhouse Location 9. Permafrost 10. Construction Material Availability 11.. Remarks TABLE 2 (cont'd) GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS .SUSITNA III Earth-Rockfil1 2. 25:1 ? + 1 .... Unknown but rock probably over 50' in deptho Possible permeable compressible and liquefiable strata. Assume same as fm" Wa tan a. Assume grout and drain system full width of dam, dependent on founda- tion quality. Drain gallery & drain holes. High exposure. MCE = 8.5 @ 40 miles. Also near zone of intense shearing. Unknown. Assume suitable for under·- ground with substantial rock supporte Probably sporadic and deep. Assume available within five miles. Processing similar to that at Watana. No reports avail~~le. Parameters based on regional geology of the area. WATANA Earth-Rockfill or concrete arch 2.25:1 (for earth) 2:1 Abutments -assume 15' _overburden(Oa) Valley bottom -4B-78i alluvium . Assume 70'. Right bank upstream- approximately 475' deep relict channel on right bank, upstream of dam site. Core: Remove top 40' of rock Shell: Remove top 10' of rock Extensive grouting to depth ::; 70% of head but not to exceed 300' • Drain gallery & drain holes. MCE = Richter 8.5 @ 40 miles or 7.0@ 10 miles. ·-- Underground favorable, extensive support may be required .. > 100 feet on left abutment. More prevalent and deeper on north facing slopes. Available within 0-5 miles. Processing required. Based on Corps studies and 1980 Acres exploration. HIGH DEVIL CANYON Earth-Rockfil 1 2. 25:1 2.1 Assume 30-60' overburden and alluviu~. Core: Remove top 40 • of rock ShE:!ll: Remove top 15' of rock Assume same as for \1atana. Same as for Watana. Probably favorable for underground but assume support needed. Sporadic, possibly 100' +a No borrow areas defined.. Assume avai1ab1f; within '5 miles. No geotechnical data available. Parameters based c·H regional geology. I I I'• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL CONDITIONS 1~ Dam Type 2. . U/S s·iope 3. D/S Slope . 4. General Foundation Condi'tions 5. Required Foundation Excavation (in addition to overburden) <l 6.. Required Foundation Treatment & Grouting 7. Seismic Considerations (MCE = Maximum Credible Earthquake) 8. Powerhouse Location 9. Perrnafrost 10. Construction Materi?ll Availability il. Remarks. TABLE 2 ( cont' d) GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS GE'J IL CANYON Concrete arch or gravity DEVIL CANYON Rockfi1l 2. 25:1 2:1 Assume 35' alluvium in river bottom. Shears and fau1t zones in both abut- ments, 35-50' of weathered rock. Saddle dam overburden up to 90' deep. Assume excavation for spillway totals ~o~ to sound rock on valley walls. Remove 50' of rock. Extensive dental work and shear zone over- excavation will be required. Saddle dam: Excavate 15' into rock. Extensive grouting to 70% of head, limited to 300'. A.llow for long anchors into rock for thr·ust blocks. Extensive dental treatment. iJeep cutoff under saddle dam, 15' into rock. Same as for Watana. Favorable for underground powerhouse, assume moderate support. None expected, but possibly sporadic. Concrete aggregate within 0.5 miles, embankment material ... assume \-Jithin 3 miles. Based on USSR, Corps and 1980 Acres exploration. Core: Excavate 40' into rock Shell: Excavate 15 1 into rock Allow for sw--face treatment. Saddle dam: Excavate 15' into rock. Extensive grouting to 70% of hea~, limited to 300•. Extensive dental treatment under core. Deep cutoff under saddle dam, 15' into rock. Same as for Watana. Favorable for underground po\'Jerhouse, assume moderate support. None expected, but possibly sporadic~ Concrete aggregate within 0.5 miles, embankmer~ material -assume within 3 miles~ Based on USBR, Corps and 1980 Acres exploration., PORTAGE CREEK Concrete gravity Unknown -assume same. as for Devil Canyon. Rock type is similar to Dev1l Canyon, so assume foundation conditions are ';;imilar. Assume same as Devil Cc:myon. · MCE :: Richter 8.5 @ 40 miles or 7.0 at lO miles. . -- Probably favorable for underground powerhouse, assume moderate support. None expected, may be local areas on north·exposures or in overburden. Unknown -expect adequate sources 2-5 miles downstream. No previous investigations are available on this site. '' I I ,., I I Table 3: HYDROLOGIC DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS I High Devil De·. 11 Portage Tunnel Parameter Denali Maclaren Vee Susitna III Watana Canyon Canyon Creek Alternati\'e Remarks I Catchment area-sq .mi • : 1,260 2,320 4,140 4,225 5,180 5,760 5,810 5,840 Mean annual flow-cfs: 3,290 4,360 6,190 6,350 8,140 9,140 9,230· 9,230 I Spillway design flood-cfs: 89,800 106,000 133,000 137,000 175,.000 198,000 200,000 200,000 175,000 1:10,000 year flood peak without routing I Construction diversion flood cfs: 42,500 50,000 63,000 64,600 82,600 93,500 94,400 20,000* 20,000* 1:50 year· flood I peak 50 year sediment I accumulation Acre-ft: 290,000 243,000 162,000 165,000 204,000 248,000 252,000 assumes no up- stream develop- ment I *Considered only as second develop,nents after upstream dam( s) is built I I I I I I I I ________ . ______ .. ___ _ Parameters Spillway design flood-cfs Construction diversion 'i PMF for checking design- cfs Aduendum TABLE 3A-Revised Design Flood Flows for Cumbined Development Scheme 1 Scheme 2 (l~atana & Devil Canynn) 1 High Devil Portage ) \Canyon & Creek & Vee 115,000 135,000 145,000 150,000 105,000 89,100 20,000 99,100 20,000 71,200 235,000 270,000 262,000 270,000 189)]00 Note: This table is based on Acres Flood Frequency Analyses and supercedes Ta.b1 e 3 for vJatana a,nd Ht gh De vi 1 Canyon first deyel opments. Remarks 1:10,000 yr fT~od routed through. tthe reservoir at FSL as in Table 4 Subsequent develop- ments enjoy re~u1ation by upstream reservoir(s). I I .I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I ·~ I Table 4: SITE SPECIFIC HYDRAULIC DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Parameter Reser·voir Full Supply Level -ft Dam Crest Level -ft Average Tai 1 Water Level -ft Installed Capacity -MW Maximum Power Flow -cfs ~H nimum Compensation Flow -cfs Low Level Out1et Capacity-cfs*** Denali 2,540 2,555 2,405 50 5,400 600 ,300 Maclaren Vee Susi tna III 2,395 2,330 2,340 2,405 2,350 2,360 2,320 1,925 1,810 10 230 330 2,000 8,300 9,000 1,200 1,500 1,500 4,700 8,300 10,000 *Considered -only as second developments after u/s dam(s) is built. **Inc 1 udes 4 • high wave wa 11 on top of dam. ***Empties reservoir to h perce:.t capacity in 12 months. Watana 2,220/ 2,000 2,225/ 2,060 1,465 800/400 18,000/ 11~000 2,000 20,800 High Devil Canyon 1,750 1,775 1,030 800 18,000 2,000 15,t:OO Devil Canyon Portage* Cree" 1,020 1,465 1,030 (rock fi 11) 1,459 {concrete)** 880 8~J 400 10,000 2,000 10,600 150 15,000 2,000 9,300 Tunnel* Alternative 2,200/ 1,475 2,225/ 1,490 ),465/ 1,260/ 900 8,400 1,000 20,800 {\~at ana} Remarks Tunnel Alternative Only Tunnel alter- native consists of Watana. aPid re-regul ati on dams See above remarks Watana/Re-regula- ti on dam/Devi 1 Canyon, respec,. ti vely In Tunne 1 h.otwr-Jen re-regul ati on and Devil Canyon Power House In reach between tunnel outfall at Devil Canyon :I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Water Passage TABLE 5 -General Hydraulic Design Considerations Maximum vel~cities-fps: Steel penstocks: 20 Power tunnels -lined: 15 Tailrace -lined: 15 unlined: 10 Diversion tunnels -lined: 50 .· For tunnels less than 5 mi :J.es 1 ong .. For the tunnel-alternative scheme (tunnel length greater than 5 miles} optimize velocity with respect to cost of tunneling and energy loss in friction. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ', TABLE 6 .. , Preliminary Freeboard Regui rement Parameter 1. Design Conditions Dry freeboard -ft. Wave run up & wind set up -ft. Flood surcharge over full supply 1 evel (JSLl -_ft. Allowance for post-construction settlement Total Freeboard -Ft. Dam Crest Level -Ft. 2. Extreme Conditions fa~ Checking D~sig~ a) Seismic slump ~ b) PMF surcharge over FSL allowable Rockfill/ Earthfill Dam 3 6 5 1% dam height 14' FSL + 14' + 1% dam heignt 1~% of dam height 14 1 If seismic slump~ 14' design conditions fix dam crest level. Concrete Dam 3 6 5 nil 14' FSL + 14' nil 14' If seismic slump> 14' dam crest level = FSL + sefsmic slump t 1% allowance for post-construction settlement,. I I I I· I I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I TAB~E 6A -Calculation of Freeboard Requirement at Devil Canyon F S L = 1445' Dam height Design Conditions Dry freeboard Wave run up, etc. Flood surcharge Height of dam 1% of he1 ght for post-construction settlement Dam Crest Leve1 Extreme Condi_ ttons a) Seismic slump (1~%) Seismic slump < 14' Thus, dam crest level remains the same as calculated above. b) PMF condition Maximum allowable water level = 600' Rock fill Dam -- 3' 6' 5' 600' 6 1445 + 14 + 6 = 1465' 9' 1445 + 14 = 1459' Concrete Dam 31 6' 5' 600' nil 1445 + 14 = 1459' nil 1445 + 14 ~ 1459' . ~----------------------- ... -- 0 Components Dam Spil htay - Power Facilities Intake: Pm'ler Tunnel: Penstocks: Powerhouse: Tail race Tunnel : Lm·1 Level Outlet l~orks Intake and Tunnel: Constt~uction Facilities U/S & 0/S Cofferdams: Diversion Tunnels: Access Road Access: Transmission Line Local --------:- Denali Maclaren Susitna II f High Devil Can,xoJt Devil CaJl~Q'l (-Conventional earth/rockfill ---------------·----------7>) Conct~ete Watana Vee Tunne 1 A ltennutivt!s ........ ..___ Ear"th/rockfi]l~ (-~e•·vice: Gated, open chute with downstream stilling basin ----------_________ ,_,_.~~~ ~Emergency: (if requfr•ed} as above \'lith downstream flip bucket---------·-------------··""~ (:--Single ~level --7 ~ r-tultilevel -------------- r-S!ngle t~oncret£l."} ~--Hinimllm of t\'IO, concrete 1 ined -l1ned ---~~ T\'IO par·tially, 'lined tunne 1 s ( 1/3 ~tan c. 1 ined, 1/3 sh~'.t­ creted, 1/3 t~f.t::tined) ~Steel lining \'/here necessary (near U.G. PO\'/erhouse}(length=l/5 turbine head) -------------~-, ·-~--~ {--Underground if feasible------·.,__-----·-------·------~-----------~·-.,.. .. -~ <-One lined/unlined--) -c:--T\oJO lined/unlined----·-----------------------"""'.,.,._, .. > ~-(Lined or unlined -based on cost/energy loss optimization-.· ~ -~~~) ~One or t\<10 \'lith gates -use diversion tunnel{s) H possible--------------·-----------""'""'~ r-Eadh or rockfill ----------------------ll.. <!.--Fill or -4 <-Fill ---~~ -,... ,~·cellular · <--Mini111um of t\'10 -------------------- <--To Denali Highway--) (---·to Gold Creek-------~­ To Cantwell along <-Denali lligiMay ~ <..-to Gold Creek -------- --------·----------~~--> -----·------------ ------------ f.-Roads/tunnels and bridges. as required -----·~-·---- \ - • -..... - TAGLE 7_ (cont'd) Comp.Q_nen ts Compensation Flow Outlet Surge Chambet· --- --- -----~- Haclaren Vee --Susitna II I Hatana High Devil tan.v.on !Jevil Canyon Tunnel A 1 ten1.r.U.ives -.-.:::..-:.·:.ljPlloo..-o# <-Independant intake \<lith control valve discharging through low level outlet \'larks or independent cf)nduit _ ___,.., .... ..,.7 ~ Upstt·eam surge tank required if net head on machines < 1/6 of distance between t·eservoir and machine----...... ~ ~Downstream stwge tank is required if tailrace is pressur·ized -------------~-----­ ~Size diffet'ential surge chambers for all locations \<~here t'e'•lUired ----------------------."'"""'"7 NOTE: Portage Creek development will be similar toM?· L,r,~·' :~ccpt that .access roads and transmission li.nes will be to <<'h 'beek. : ·. - -.. - - - - -.. -~ --.-- -·-- - - - Site Denali Maclaren Vee Susitna III Watana High Devil Canyon Devil Canyon Alternative Tunnel Scheme TABLE 8: Tentative Environmental Flow Constraints Required Minimum Flow Release-cfs With Project Without Project Located ·· Located . · Downstream * Downstream* 300 600 bOO 1,200 800 1,500 800 1,500 1,000 2,000 1,000 2,000 1,000 2,000 1,000 Maximum Allowable Flow for Daily . Peaking Operations CFS ** 5,000 6,500 9,500 9,500 12,000 13,500 14,000 14,000 Note: * Does not apply .if downstream dam backs up to tailwater level of dam above. ** Would not necessarily apply if scheme considered did not include a substantial amount of seasonal regulation. •) Remarks In the reach between re-reg .. dam and tailrace outfa11 at Devil Canyon. I I I I, I I I I I I; •• I I I I I I I lL~ 2600 2550 -...,: 2500 l&.. - z 0 -1- ~ IJJ ..J IJJ 2450 lLJ <..> lt a:: ::> en 0::: 60 RESERVOIR AREA (I 000 ACRES) 50 40 30 20 10 0 lN IT.l\!.. CAPACITY ~ 2400 l---+-1----~+-----+------l:-----------+---c.---r--~---'9 <t 3: ORIGINA. 2350 ~4-------+--------~------~~----~-------r---------~ l 2300 ~~~~~~~~~~--~~~-~~--~--~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 2 3 STORAGE CAPACITY (MILLION AC. ~T.} 4 5 I AREA AND CAPACITY CURVES DENALI RES.ERVOIR FIGURE l " I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I --------------------~--~------------------------------------------~ RESERVOIR AREA { 1000 ACRES) 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 2425 --------~--------~----~~~--~--------------~------~ - z 0 1-2.375 § w ...J LLJ lLJ (.) ~ ~ 2350 C/) I -......._INITIAL CAPACITY ORIGINAL AREA 2300~~~_.~~~~~~--~~~_.~--~~~---~~~~--~~~ 0 50 100 150 200 2.50 STORAGE CAPACITY ( l 0 0 0 AC. FT. ) AREA AND CAPACITY CURVES MACLAReN RESERVOIR FIGURE 2 300 I .. I I RESERVOIR AREA (JOOO ACRES} 20 IS 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2400 I I I 2300 I I -...,: 2200 u.. - I z 0 r- <( > I UJ ..J w 2100 l.IJ I 0 ~ a:: => U) I a: w 2000 1- <( I 3: ORIGINAL AREA I 1900 I I 1800 I 0 2 3 4 STORAGE CAPACITY (MtLLION AC FT.) c, I I AREA AND STORAGE CAPACITY CURVE SUSITNA Jl[ {i] I FIGURE 4 ~·-;::~~:"" ----------=---;---------~--- I I I I I I I I I I I I· -· I I- I '" I I I ------------------~--------------------------~----------------~ 2200 - ~ 1900 ~ ~ l&J ..J 1aJ w 1800 (.) ~ 0:::: ;:) en 0: RESERVOIR AREA ( 1000 ACRES) 0 ORJGtNAL AREA-- ' - ~ 1700 ~~~~--~~--------~~--------~-----------+--~------~ <t 3: ---+iNITIAL CAPACITY !600·~--------~~--------~----------~--------~-+--------~~ t500 _J4JOO 0 2 4 6 STORAGE CAPACITY (MILLJON AC. FT.) AREA AND CAP.D/CITY CURVES WATANA f-lESERVOIR 8 FIGURE 5 10 I I I I I I I I I I I --1 I I ·I I I I I 1800 1700 1600 -...,: LL. -1500 2 0 -t--~ .LLI ....J LL1 1400 w 0 ~-·· 1.1.- a: ::l en 1300 a: lJJ ... ~- 1200 1100 JOOO ?.5 20 0 RESERVOIR AREA { 1000 /4CRES) ~5 10 5 ORIGINAL AREA 2 3 4 STORAGE CAPACITY {MILLION AC FT.) AREA AND CAPACITY CURVES HIGH D. C. RESERVOIR FIGURE G 0 1 -5 I I I I· I •• I I 1~ --I- J I I I 1: I •• -I -· :1 I ·- RESERVOIR AREA {ACRES} 900 750 600 450 150 0 1020 920 ~--~---+--------~--·------+-------~~r--T-----r------~; ORIGINAL AREA. 900 ~~-----+--------~--------+-------~~~. --~--~r-------~ 880 J--..-----+------l-..,....__-+----:.-l---;-~~ J I '~· 860 ~~._~_.~--~._~~_.~~._~~J~· _.'---~~----~~----~._~ 0 10 20 30 40 STORAGE CAPACITY ( 1000 AC •. FT.} AREA AND CAPAClTV CURVES PORTAGE CREEK RESERVOIR 50 60 FIGURE 8