HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA1286'1. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I- I I I ·,· ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT TASK 6 -DESIGN DEVELOPMENT SUBTASKS 6.09 & 6,10 -DESIGN CRITERIA FOR WATANA AND DEVIL CANYON DEVELOPMENTS NAY 1981 ACRE_S AMERICAN INCORPORATED 1000 Liberty Bank Building Main at Court Buffalo, New York 14202 Telephone-(716) 8.53-7525 I. I I ·~ ·I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 -GENERAL • • ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 8· • 2 .. 0-PROJECT PARAMETERS •••• ~ •••••••••••• ., ..................... . 3. 0 -~ PROJECT DESIGN DATA ........... • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ 3 .. 1 -Topographi ca 1 Data •••..•• -.............................. . 3.2 -'Hydro 1 ogi ca 1 Data .................................... - 3.3-Meteorlogical Data ................................. . 4.0 .. DESIGN CRITERIA ... 8 •••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••• e ••••• _ 4.1-Civil Design·····················~················· 4 .• 2-Hydraulic Des·ign ••••• ; ............................... . 4~3-Geotechnical Design ····~··························· 4. 4 -~1ech arii ca 1 Desi gn ••••• -................................ . 4.5-Electrical Design ···········~······················ 5.0 -ENVIRONMENTAL RESTRICTIONS ••••••••••••. ., •••••••••• ,. ••••••• I" I I I I I I I I I I I I .~ I I ~· I I' 1.0 -Genera 1 Susitna Hydroelectric Project Project Parameters and Design Criteria The following sets out the princi pa 1 project parameters and the design criteria for the proposed Watana and Devil Canyon hydroelectric projects. Much of this document is tentative at this stage as it will be subject to confirmation or revision throughout the feasibility study. It is intended that with further amendment as additional data becomes available it will form the basis for the final engineering design criteria and it is broken down into genera-l project parameters and design criteria for the individual engineering disciplines in such a fashion as to be readily incorporated into this final criteria. - 2.0 -Project Parameters ---- Item- River Flows Average flow (over 30 yrs of record) P~obable Maximum flood Max. flood with return period of 1:10,000 yrs Max. flood with return period of 1:500 yrs. Max. flood with return period of 1:50 yrs. Normal maxo operating level Minimum operating level Area of reservoir at max. operating 1 eve 1 Watana 7,860 c.f.s. 235,000 c. f. s. 155,000 c.f.s. 116~000 c.f.s. 87~000 c.f.s. 2,200' MSL 2,050' MSL 40~000 acres 8,960 c.f.s~ 270,000 c. f. s. 135,000 c .. f.s (after routing through Watana) 42,000 c.f .. s. (after routing through Watana) 1,445' MSL 1,440' MSL 21,000 acres I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I· I· ";.~ .• -=-."--~---·,:-• ~ .. I Item Reservoir live storage Reservoir full storage Dam Type Crest elevation Crest length Height Cut-off and foundation treatment Upstream slope Downstream slope Crest width Diversion Cofferdam types Cut-off and foundation Upstream cofferdam crest elevation Downstream cofferdam crest elevation Max. pool level during constructio Min. pool level during constructio Watet" passages Watana 4.6 X 106 acre ft 10.0 X 106 ~ere ft Rockfi 11 2,225' MSL . 890 ft above · foundation Core founded on Grout curtain & downstream drains. 1V:2.75H 1V:2.0H 80 ft Rockfi 11 1560' MSL 1500 1 MSL 1555' MSL .Dev1 'II 0.75 X 106 acre ft 1.1 X 106 acre ft Concrete arch 1455' MSL 670ft above foundation on Founded on rock. Grout curtain & downstream drains. 20 ft Rockfi11 Founded on alluvium with slurry trench to rock. · 960' MSL 900' t4SL 955 1 MSL Approx. 10 ft above Approx .. 10 ·ft above crown of outlet crown of outlet Concrete lined Concrete lined I I· ·- 1 I I I I' I I- I I I I I I I I I. tern Outlet structures Final closure Releases during impounding Eme~gency Releases Draw down requirements Discharges Water passages Outlet structures Gate chambers Energy dissipation Spillway Design Floods Watana Low level struc- ture with high head slide gates to op- erate under low · heads. Mass concrete plugs in line with dam grout curtain. 2000 c.f.s. min. vi a bypass to out- let structure To be determined. To be determined. ' Concrete l7ned tun- nels discharging into downstream. diversion tunnels. Mid reservoir level Underground cham- bers housing wheel mounted control gates. To be determined. Passes p.m.f.~ pre- serving integrity of dam with no loss of life. Passes routed 1:10,000 yr. flood with no damage to structures. 955' MSL Mass concrete plugs in line with dam grout curtain. 2000 c.f.s. via low level Howel~ Bunger valves. Passes p.m.f.!l pre- servi ng i ntegri ty of dam with no loss of life. Passes routed 1:10,000 yr. flod . with no damage to structures .. I 1: I I I ;I I I I I \'I I I I I I I I I .. Item Main spillway-Capacity -Control structure -Energy Di ssjpation Secondary-spillway -Capacity -Control Structure -Energy Dissipation Emergency spi llway -Capacity -Type Power Intake Type Number of intakes Draw-off requi rements Gate chambers Drawdown Penstocks Type Number of penstocks Powerhouse Type Tr an sf ormer area Control room & administration Access -Vehicle -Personnel Watana Routed 1:10,000 yr flood (llS,noo cfs) with Sl surcharge Gated ogee crests~ · To .be determined. Not applicable. P.m.f. minus l:lp,ooo yr flood • Fuse plug Massive concrete structure embedded in rock. 4 Multi -1 eve 1 corres- ponding to tempera- ture strata. 4 Underground Separate gallery Surface Rock tunne 1. Elevator from surface. Devi 45,000 c.f.s. P.m. f. minus r'outed 1:10,000 yr f1t.10d (135,000 cfs) Fuse plug. Massive concrete structure embedded in rock. 4 Multi-level corres- pondi ng to tempera- ture strata. Not determined. Concrete lined rock tunne 1 s with down- stream steel liner. 4 Underground Not determined. Not determined. R{!ck tunnel. Not determined. .•. I I I I I' I I I: lc I~ 1. I; I I I I I I 'I tern Power Plant Type of turbines Numb~r and rating Rated' net head -· Des-i gn Fl ow Maximum gross head Maximum flow Type of generator Rated output Power factor Frequency Transformers Tailrace Water passages Elevation of water passages Surge Number of penstocks Tailwater elevations -Full generation load at minimum head -Single generating unit, 60%; 1 oad, fu 11 head -Spillway passing 1:10,000 yr · flood Watana Francis 4 x 270 MW 680 ft 5,300 cfs per unit 745ft Vertical . synchronous 310 MVA 0.9 60HZ 310 MVA 13.8-345 kv~_ 3-pnase 2 concrete lined tunnels. Below min. tail- water Separate surge chambers. ) 1460 I } ) ) 1455' ) ) 1475 1 Francis 4 X 150 MW 550 ft 3630 cfs Canyon 565 ft approx. Vertical s,nchronous 172 f,1VA 0.9 60 HZ To be determined 13.8-345 kv, 3-p_hase 2 concrete lined tunnels. .Below min. tailwater Draft tube gate shafts act as surge shafts. Both assumed at 880 • MSL at this stage. 9lor MSL assumed I ... I I •• ,, I I ·~ I I I I I ~I I I I I I 3.0 -PROJECT DESIGN DATA 3.1 -Topographical Data The topography of the site is based on aerial survey mapping reduced to a scale of 1 inch:200 feet. Contours a·re at 5 feet intervals • 3.2 -Hydrological Data The hydrolog.ical data is based on records taken over .a period of 30 years. Streamflows and respective drainage areas are extrap-olated and adjusted to give a repre.sentative pattern of flows at the damsite. Flows are shown on Tcrb1es and . • . . -- 3.3 -Meteorlogical Data I I I I I· I I •• I 1: I I I I ·~ •• I I I 4.0 -DESIGN CRITERIA 4.1 ~ Civil Desi9n ·4.1.1 -Governing C .. odes and Standards Where specific standards and design criteria are not covered in this criteria than the following codes and standards shall apply: -American Concrete Institute 11 Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete" (ACS 318-77}. 4.1.2 -Design Loads (1) Dead Loads: r~ass concrete Reinforced concrete Steel Water Silt-vertical -hori zonta 1 .Backfi 11 (a 11 dams) -dry -sat\Jrated ~ submerged (2) Backfi 11 toads 145 lbs/ft3 (143 1bs/ft3 when 150 lbs/ft3' 490 lbs/ft3 62.5 lbs/ft3 120 · 1 bs/ft3 85 1bslft3 115 lbs/ft3) 130 lbs/ft3) 70 lbs/ft3) checkin~ stability) -Provisional The lateral earth pressure against vertical faces of structures with horizontal backfill will be computed using the equivalent fluid pressures calculated from: p =Kwh where p = unit pressure, k = pressure coefficient, w = unit weight of fill, h = height of fill. · For structures free to deflect the pressure coefficient will be computed from -Rankine•s theory, which is: ·--kA = ton2 ( 45•0/2) where 0 = angle of internal fricti.on • For structures restrained-from using the pressure coefficient will be· K0 = 1 -~in 0. · 0 . . 1·· .. - Coulomb•·s theory wi 11 be used for computing lateral earth pressures on oWall surfaces With slopes flatter than 10 vertical: 1 hor_izontal or with sloping backfill ste-eper than·l vertical: 4 horizontal .. :where verhi cul ar traffic can run adjacent to the face a surcharge loading of 500 lbs/ft3 sho.uld be applied. (3) Wind Loads (4) Snow Loads {5) (6) (7) Powerhouse Floor Loads Generator Hall Machine Shop Switchgear Room Service Bay Control Room Transformer _Ga1lery Offices and Sta,rs Crane Loads .. 500 lbs/ft2 .... 500 lbs/ft2 -300 lbs/ft2 1000 lbs/ft2 -200 lbs/ft2 300 1bs/ft2 -100 lbs/ft2 The following percentages shall apply to the powerhouse crane and the power intake gallery. The minimum deflection t·o span ratio of crane support beams sha 11 be l: 1000. Vertical impact -25% of static wheel load Lateral load -10% of crane capacity, trolley, hook$ ·and lifting_ beam distributed equally between rails .• Longitudinal load -10% of static wheel loads. Spillway Deck loads I I I I •• I I I I I I '• I •• I I . ,. __ · ,' I I I {8) Hydraulic Loads All structures shall be designed for full lateral water pressures, where applicable, plus ~ull hydrodynamic and uplift forces. . Uplift (a) For water retaining concrete structures provided with drainage galleries and drail holes deep into the foundatiqns, uplift shall be considered across the complete rock/concrete interface varying ,linearly from Hr to the upstream heel to (Hl-H2}/2 + H2 at the drains to H2 at the toe~ ~'..~~c. ~ ~\:~'r c~~~ \,_\c&,~~ H1 = static head upstream H2 -·static head downstream If uplift exceeds the beari-ng pressure (resulting from all forces except uplift) at the heel the uplift is to be redistributed inaccordance with USBR No. 19~ {b) Apron and chute slabs and slab walls against rock shall be designed against uplift resulting from sudden changes in water level. Uplift from centrifugal forces shall be considered where contra.cti on joints occur on concave floor of chutes~ Toe curve pressures on interior face of training walls at, concave chute surfaces shall be calculated in accordance with Plate 21 of Hydraulic Design of Spil1ways EM 1110-2-1603 by U .. S. Army Corps of Engineers. Hydraulic loads due to earthquakes are given in the following ·section on seismic 1 oads. (9) Seismic Loads · Gr.ound acceleration corresponding to maximum credible earthquake- 0.4 g • Design earthquake return period -100 yrs. Ground acceleration corresponding, to design earthquake-0~2 g. ';. I I I . I I I . -.•. _ ,,_ ! I I I I I I I I I I . ' I, •• Arch. Dam at Devi 1 Canyon The arch dam is to be checked under seismic 1 oading by dynamic analysis based on trial load method and the A.DSAS program developed by the Department of the Inter·i or. Arch dam system damping ratio -0.10 of critical • Acceleration_response spectrum -See Figure 1. at Devil Canyon Concrete Gravity Structures_ For concrete gravity structures the horizontal force (V) due to earthquake ratio sha 11 be: V = 0.1 x ground acceleration x mass of structure • . Hydrodynamic .. Pressure The hydrodynamic pressure due to hori zonta 1 earthquake on water retaining surfaces shall be computed using the theory of Westergard for the dynamic change in pressure: P = a. 51.25 hy lbs/ft2 where h = total height of structure {ft) y = depth below reservoir surface a :: ground acceleration · The d1 stri buti on of pressure is par abo 1 i c and hence the tot a 1 force and movement at a section y ft below water level are given by: F = 2/3. P .y M = 0.4. F.y For hydrodynamic .forces on earth structures see Section • --- (1'0) Temperature -.. -.. --.. - ~' I I .I I I I •• I I I I I I I I I I I (11) Ice Loads 4.,1.3-Load Combinations 4.1.4-Stability Shear Friction F acto·r The shear friction factor is given by shear friction factor = CA + (V-'U) tan 0 C ·= cohesion A = base area H -- V = total weight of structure U = total vertical uplift force 0 -= angle of internal friction 4.1.5 -Stability Requirements Concrete. Gravity Structures Shear Friction Load Conditio~s Factor Flotation Compression Normal Unusual (Including 1:100 yr earthquake Extreme Overturning Factor Safety Fac:_~ 4 based on concrete 5 based on rock II Resultant within the Kern Resultant within the Kern 3.5 based on Maxn allow- concrete, 4.5 ·able tension = based on rock 30 psi 1.5 1.3 1.3 3 based on concrete 4 based on rock 2.5 based on concrete, 3.5 based on rock 2 .. 5 based on concrete, 3.5 based on rock ' ' I . ··"·~~· ··~ ..... .. i 'I I I I I I I I I I ... • •• I I I I I I ,I I I ·.·I Arch Dam Compression Safety Factor, normal loads - 4 extreme - 1 Tension, normal loads extreme 4 .1. 6 -Materi a 1 . Proper~_; es 4.2 -Hydraulic Design 4.2.1 -Reservoir Levels -no tension .... full tensile strength of ·concrete Reservoir 1 eve ls are tentati ye at this stage and wi 11 -change with opti mi zati on of the maxi mum pool 1-eve 1, and with the determination of the live storage . . Operating Level s Normal maximum Normal minimum Flood Levels· 1:10.,00 yr p.m.f • ., 4.2.2 -Freeboard Watana 2200' MSL 2050' MSL 2205' MSL 222s• MSL max. Devil CanYQn 1445' MSL 1450 1 MSL 1455 1 MSL Allowance for wave height and run up.:.. 6 feet Allowance for flood discha~ge above normal maximum operating 1 eve 1 -5 feet Area and Storage Are.a at norma 1 maximum operating level · . Live storage 'Full storage Watana 40,000 acres -4-~6,.-X-c...l02--acr·e/ft 10 x 106 ·acre/ft . Devi 1 Canyon 21,000 acres n. 7 x 106 acre/ft 1 .. 1 X 106 ac:re/ft ' ·-. •' ' ,., ' ~ ~ . ,, -• .., ............. .;... . .... :.. ........ ~, ........ :a .• ~ .... , .... _ . -···· "'.:..t....__;;._ .• _, ·-~;-::::t:.~ . ..:...::.~--.· I I ' ' : I I I I I I --· I I I I --•. _ , r .. ,.,,· I I I I i ···-! I ' I. L. \' · 4.2 •. 3 -Tai lwater Water Levels 1:10,00 yr flood 1 unit operating Average tai lwater 1 eve 1 4 . 2 • 4 ... _-Flows Watana · 1475' MSL 1455• MSL } 1460 1 MSL ) (See Figure 4,, flood volume/frequency curves) Mean annual inflow 1:50 yr flood peak-inflow 1:500 yr flood peak inflow 1:1000 yr flood peak inflow Probable maximum flood Routed 1:10,00 flood peak Minimum downstream releases 'Watana 7 ,86_0 cfs 116,000 cfs 155,000 cfs ~ 235,000 cfs 115,000 cfs * After routing through Watana 4.2.5 -Criteria -Spillways Capacity Devil Canyon 910' MSL 880' MSL (assumed) Devil Canyon 8,960 cfs 135,000 cfs* 270,000 cfs* 135,000 cfs -Pass p.m.f. while maintaining the integrity of the main water retaining structures. local damage to these structures is a 11 ow ab 1 e. , · ... Pass routed 1:10,000 yr flood with no damage. A main service spillway for general operation with a secondary spillway operated only for shott duration is acceptable. Chute -Maximum velocity 150 fps without aeration. Energy Dissipation -Minimum radius of flip bucket> 7 x depth of design flow .. -Max energy dissipated by stilling basin -45!t000 hp/ft width. ,Q t ll I ~~ I I I I I I I --· '..,.: I -I ' I I " I I I -<"'' I I 4.3 ~ Geotechnical Criteria 4.3.1 -Main Dam (1) Dimensions Crest elevation Maximum height above lowest foundatin Crest width Upstream slope, Downstream slope (2) Design Criteria -2245' MSL -goo• approx. 80' -1:2 • .75* -1:2* The dam wi 11 be checked for norma 1 static 1 oadi ng conditions such tts end of construction~ normal operating cofferdam and drawdown condition. - The dam wi 11 be designed to. withstand the maximum credible earthquake. 4.3.2 -Excavation Rock cuts at structures -slope lOV:lH (overall} Permanent rock cuts -slope4V:lH (overall} Permanent cuts in overburden-slope 1V:2H (overall) I I I I I I .I .... I I 1 I ' I I I I I I I I 4 .A ... Mechanical Criteria 4. 4 ~1 -Power Intake (1) Trashracks Type Maximum gross velocity through racks Handling Number (2) Gates Type Handling · Number ( 3) Bu-1 khead Gate Type Handling Number 4.4.2 ~ Powerhouse (1) Turbines Type Number Head -maximum -rated -minimum Rated discharge Rated output (full gate) Best gate output Efficiencies -full gate -best gate Watana flat 4 f.p.s. ·Gantry crar.e 4 sets Watana Fixed wheel vertical Indivi udal holst 4 W·atana Bulkhead Gantry crane one set Watana Vertical francis 4 715 ft* 680 ft* 565 ft* 5300 cfs. 370,000 hp** 85% ful1 gate 90% 93.5% " }. Devi 1 Canyon flat 4 f.p.s. Gantry crane 4 sets Devi 1 Canyon Fixed wheel vertical Individual hoist 4 D.evil C~nygn Bulkhead Gantry crane one set . Devil Canyon Vertical francis 4 554 ft* 550ft*. 550 ft* 3630 cfs 205,000 hp 85% full gate 90% 93.5% * To be revi-sed after determination of reservpir level and live stor~ge .. . **Likely to change to smaller units! I ::::;.:.;.' ~ I I I I I I I I I I I .-. I I I ,, a· l i ' I I {2) Powerhouse Crane . Type -overhead traveling Number - 2 Capacity -sufficient to lift generator rotor and follower. (3) Draft -Tube Gates Bulkhead gates handled by fixed overhead hoist. (4) Tailrace Outlet . . .. Stoplogs handled by mobile crane. 4.4.3-Spillway (1) Gates -Number . . . • . • • • • . . • . . . . .. • • • • . . • • . . • • • • to suit design f load -Size ••••• ~ • • . •. • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • . • . • • • • • maxi mum size = 45 ft wide - T .w.e •. . . . • . . S' a • 9 • • "' • • .. • • • • • 0 • • • • • .• .• • • • -Hoisting ' ...•.•......•................•.. (2) Stoplogs X 65 ft high fixed _wheel vertical lift~ heated or winter operation wire rope hoist on tower and bridge structure One set handled by mobile crane and fa llower. 4.4.4 -Outlet Works and Low Level Outlets (Watana only) .. (1) Gates -Either fixed wheel vertical lift, radial or sli-de gates; operated by hydraulic hoist. -Gate. head and width to be within current precedent. · -Emergency gate to be p.rovi ded upstream of control gate. (2) Valves -Fixed cone full discharge valve.s with ring follower gate upstream for emergency closure. (3) Stoplogs -One s.et stop 1 og guides at upstream entrance of tunnel. {4) Trashracks -Located at 'upstream entrance of tunne 1. 'I··. ' . I ·~. ,. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4.4.5 -.Diversion (1) Closure Gate -Fi.xed wheel vertical lift gates handled by gantry crane or fixed wheel tt (2) Control Gate -As per gates by lo.w level outlet and outlet works. (3) Stoplogs -Where required, handled by mobile crane. 4.5 -Electrical Criteria 4.5.1 -Generators Number Type Rating Power factor Efficiency Transformers Number Rating Voltage Phases Switchyard ~I at ana 4 Verti ca 1 ·synchronous 310 MVA** 0.9 98% Watana 4 300 MVA** 13.8 kV -345 KV 3 Type -Conventional outdoor swi tchy~llrd. *~lr Likely to change to smaller units. ~ '-··j . '" ' .... Devi 1 Canyon 4 Vertical synchronous 165 MVA. 0.9 98% Devi 1 Canyon 4 \6G ..JatrMVA 13.8 kV -345 kV 3 ,'1 I I ,, .. : I I ·.I I; I I I I I I I I I . I I RESERVOIR AREA ( JOOO ACRES) 40 3S 30 _zs 20 IS 0 2200 . -.,_; """ - ~ 1800 ~----~~~----------~~--~----~---------~~--------~ tf ORIGINAL AREA--a: ::> (I) 1600° ~--------~----------~----------~~----------~------~~ t500 ~--------~----~----~----------~----------~--------~ 1400 0 STORAGE CAPACITY (MIU.JON AC. F1:) AREA AND CAPACITY CURVES .WATANA RESERVOIR 8 FIGURE' 10 [iil I I I I I I I I I I •• I I I I I I I I 1809 t700 1600 -,..: 11... -1500 z 0 -... ~ "" ..J "" 1400. (300 1200 llOO 1000 25 0 RESERVOIR AREA {1000 ACRES) 20 15 10 5 ORiGINAL. AREA ""-.-.INITIAL CAPACtTY I 2 STORAGE CAPACITY (MILLION AC FT.} A"REA AND CAPACITY CURVES ...._.D. C. RESERVOIR Fl GURE: ftl . 0 . 5