HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubtask 6.36 generation planning parameters 1981I I I I I I I -· I I I I I I I I I I I ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT DESIGN TRANSMITTAL SUBTASK 6·36 -GENERATION PLANNING PARAMETERS JANUARY 1981 ~CRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED 1000 Liberty Bank Building Main at Court Buffalo, New York 14202 Telephone (716) 853-75.25 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 -INTRODUCTION • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • 1.1-Objective ··························~········c·········· 1.2 _,Approach 'to Analysis ................. ~ ..•..•.•.. ~ ....•... 1.3-Contents of Transmittal ................................ . 2-BASIC ASSUMPTIONS ··············~····························· 2c1 -Period ·of Analysis , .. -. ....••....•...• w ................... . 2.2 -Cost Esti.matiria ..... · •.•.•.... ~ ............................. . 2.3-Interest Rates"''and Annual Carrying Charges ·······e····· 2.4 -Cost Ex cal ati on Rates .. ., ............................... . Page 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 4 3 -PLANNING METHODOLOGY • • • ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 9 3.1 -Alternative Criteria ....... e.............................. 9 3.2 -Load An-a,lysis ................................... ;o......... 9 3.3-Planning Under Uncertainty ···-········~················ 9 3.4-Target Generation Plant Reliability •.•................. 11 3.5-Interconnection Capability................................. 11 3.6 -Base System .................... .., . ... . . . . . .. . ... . . .. . . . . . . . . . 11 4 -ATIACHMENT -Letter dated January 20, -1981 from APA to Acres i I I LIST OF TABLES I I 2 - 1 Page Annual Fixed Carrying Charges Used in Generation Planning Model • . .. . • . .. . • . . . • . . • . . . • . • • . . . • . . . 6 I 2 - 2 Fuel P~ices and Escalation Rates ........................ "... •. 7 - 2 - 3 Summary of Economic and Financial I Parameters for Generation Planning ...................... ,. 8 I 3 - 1 Load and Energy Forecasts . -Alaska Rai lbelt Area ................................... . 14 I 3 - 2 1980 Railbelt Existing Capacity ··H······~················· 15 I I I I I i I I I I I ii I :; ......... ,,._ . ,_.,C-., --1- I I I I I I J, I I I I I I I ' I •• I .I r'"·. .... ...,....._;. 1 -INTRODUCTION 1.1 -Objective The objective of this design transmittal is to document planning parameters to be used in the generation system analyses of Subtask 6.36c The analyses will involve making comparisons of alternatives with the assistance. of a productio-n costing model. Costs will be spread over the study per-iod as appropriate and compared on a present worth basis. The intent of the Subtask 6.36 analyses will be to provide cost, size and timing input for selection of one or more Susitna alternatives. 1.2 --~preach to !\nalysis It is proposed that as a public investment, the Susitna project be evaluated fh"st from a public or economic perspective, using economic parameters. Init·ial analysis and screening of Susitna candidates will be supported by a numerical analysis and a system-wide generation planning model (OGP-5}. A financial or cost of power perspective and correspondin·g parameters wi11 also be adopted, but only for those candidates that are judged most favorable fran the economic evaluation. That is, the economically viable proposals wf11 be simulated using the same generation planning model to determine the cost of power with and without the proposed Susitna project(s). - The differences between economic and financial perspectives pertain to the following paramete~s. (a) Proje.ct Life In economic evaluations, an economic life is used without regard to the terms (repa)111ent period) of debt ·capital employed to finance the-p·?oject .. C()st of power (or. financial) perspective.uses ·an amortization period that is tied to the terms. of financing. Retirement period (po.l icy) should be. equivalent to project life in economic evaluations; cost of power ana~ysis may use a retirement period that differs from the amortization pet'iot:L (b) Denomination of Cash Flows and Discount Rates .. The economic evaluation will use, real dollars and real discount, rates that· exclude the effects of general price inflati~m with the exception of fuel escalation. Cost of power analysis is in nominal or escalated dollar terms; that is, it uses escalated cash flows and nominal interest rates . . (c) Taxes and Subsidies These intra-state transfer pa~ents are excluded from the economic analyses and considering the current status of taxation needs in Alaska, taxes will be considered as zero for the cost of power analysis,. 1 I I I ·I I I .. •• I I I I I I I I I I •• I (d) Market or Shadow Prices Whenever market and shadow prices diverge, economic evaluations use shadow prices (opportunity costs or values). Cost of power analysis uses market prices projected as applicable based on Subtask 6.32 output~ The vaiues proposed in this transmittal are considered to be estimates. These . values will be reviewed and updated as necessary when various studies are undertaken in other subtasks. The planning parameters addressed are selected as those which will be crit1ca1 to project analysis. These parameters are those which impact all areas of system planning. They are not intended as a substitute for data to be developed in other task 6, 9 or 11 subtasks but will supply a common basis for costing and eval uatirJn of alternatives. The parameters provide a basis for cost estimat'ion, interest rates, escalation, load analysi·s, system reliability -and interconnection capabilities. Most parameters cannot be associated with a single assumed value. At this time it is not possible to define most likely or expected values with precision, and not desirable to assume an exact value. Initial trail values will be used for screening and will not be designated as most likely or expected. They will represent a reasonably conservative vi~w.of moderat-e values. The scenarios developed using these moderate parameters are referred to herein as the base case. Sensitivity testing will be undertaken using associated "high" trial values and 11 1ow" trial values. ·High and low trial values should not be interpreted as extreme limits rather, a reflection of an expected range. If a generation development approach is found to be reasonably insensitive to high, mo(jerate and .low parameter· values, this would indicate the. robustness of the development with respect to this parameter, a useful measure of its va'lue. Initial screening will not be concerned with parameter robustness as a selection criteria, but later sct-eening will take this measure into account. 'It is important to note that application of the various parameters contained. herein will not necessarily provide an accurate reflection of the true life cycle cost of any single generating resource of the system. From the public (State of Alask.a) perspective, the relevant J:WO,iect costs are based on opportunity values and exclude transfer pa)111ent!; such as taxes and subsidies. This comparative <:analysis of project economics amd state net economic benefits will be addressed under Tas~ II .. 1.3 -Contents. of Transmittal This transmittal contains study parameters separated into basic assumptions and methodology. The assumptions include those values asso,ciated with cost estimating, interest rates, period of analysis and cost escalation. Methodology addresses generat.ion plant reliability, interconnection capability, alternative criteria and load forecasts. APA 1s comments on this design transmitta 1 are incorporated in the attachment .. 2 ~-........,.,...,.--_.,.......,......,.-~-,---~~~-~~. • -.-. ~. -·c-. I I I I I I I I •• I I' I I I I I I I I . <:3 2 -BASIC ASSUMPTIONS 2~1 -Period of Analysis . The time period Which will be modelBd in the generation planning phase will extend from the present to 2010, corresponding to the ISER forecasts. It is realized that the project 1 ife of .all Susitna alternatives may not be completed in this period. However, the P~"'oject 1 ife cycle economics are not the primary consideration of the generation planning subtask. Full life cycle analysis will be addressed in Task 11. If necessary, to confirm cost trends, system costs may be analyzed for an additi.onal per·iod beyond 2010. Annual system costs w111 be present valued to the year 1980 in all cases. ./" 2. 2 -Cost E~)t imat in_g_ Cost estimates for generating .alter-natives developed for the generation planning studies, except for Susitna hydroelectric alternatives, have been obtained from previous studies of Alaska hyrdoe1(~ctric and thermal generating sources. These existing estimates will be compa.red for consistency, accuracy, and level of detail in Subtask 6.32 and 6.33 • Cost estimates will be based on a January 1, 1980 price level, to be consistent with work performed.in Subtasks 6.03 and 6.06. Costs will be updated to this level using the Handy-Whitman Index of Public Utility Construction costs, compiled by Whitman, Requardt and Associates. The indices for the Pacific Coast Region will be used. Although this region does not include Alaska, it is· expected to reflect Alaska price escalation reiationships. Where appl ical11e the contingency factor to be used on project prei iminary .construction cost estimate is 20 percent for hydro alternatives and 16 percent for thermal alternatives. In addition, a 12 percent allowance for engineering, administration and construction managanent will be placed on the subtotal of construction cost plus contingency for projects greater than 100 MW and 14 percent engineering/administration will be added to projects less than 100 MW. These factors are specific to the Task 6 alternative analysis and will be reexamined as necessary for co.st estimation of other study elements. Interest during construction (lOC) is accounted for by compounding the annual investment expenditures to the in-service year of the project and comput.ing the equivalent annual capital cost based on this 'future value' of the investment. The interest rate used to compute future values will correspond to those selected for economic and financial evaluations .. 2.3 -Interest Rates and Annual Carrying Charges Generation' planning. based on economic parameters and criteria will use a 3 percent real discount rate in the base analysis. This figure corresponds to the historical and expected real cost of the debt capital. s·ensitivity analysis will examine in 1981 the effects of low and high real discount rates, using a 3 I I I I I I I I I I .I "1: I I I cl I I I . range of 1 .. 5 percent (recent re.al return on Alaska P~rmanent Fund investments) to 5 per ... cent. The issue of tax-exempto financing does not impinge on these economic evaluations. · Financial or cost of power analyses require a nomina.l or market rate of interest for discounted cash flow analysis. This rate will depend on~ among others, general price inflation, capital structure (debt-equity ratios) and tax-exempt status c In the base case~ a general rate of price inflation of 7 percent is assumed for the period 1980 to 2010. Given a 100 percent debt capitalization and a 3 percent r~eal discount rate, the ap~ropriate nominal interest rate is approximately 10 percent in the base case._/ To calculate annual carrying charges:! the following assumptions were made regarding the economic life of various power projects. 0 Large steam plant -30 years 0 Small steam plant -35 years 0 Hydroel~ctric project -50 years 0 Gas turbine, oil-fired -20 years 0 Gas turbine~ gas-fired -30 years 0 ·Diesel -30 years ' It should be noted that the 50-year 1 ife for hydro projects was selected as a conservative estimate and does not include rep 1 a cement investment expenditures. The factors for insurance costs (0.10 percent for hydro projects and 0.25 percent for all others} are based 'Gn FERC guidelines.Y State and federal taxes were assumed to be zero for all types of po\'Jer projects. This assumption is valid for planning based on economic criteria since all intra-state taxes should be excluded as transfer pa)ments from Alaska's perspective. The subsequent financial analyses may relax this assumption if non-zero state and/or local taxes or pa)fllents in ,.lieu of identified. Table 2-1 summarizes the annual fixed carrying charges relevant to the generation planning analysis based .on economic and financial parameters. •t 2.4 -Cost Escalation Rates In the initial set of generation planning parameters~ it is assumed that all cost items except energy escalate at the rate of general price escalation (7 percent per year) . This results in rea 1 growth rates of zero percent for non-energy casts in the set of economic parameters used in real dollar generation planning and nominal growth rates of 7 percent for the subsequent escalated dollar cost of power analysis. _l/ - 2/ - The nominal interest rate is computed as (1 + inflation rate} x (1 + real interest rate), or 1~07 x 1.03. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Hydroelectric Power Evaluation~ Washington, August 1979. 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I ·I I I I I ·I I Base period (January 1980) energy prices will be estimated based on both market and shadow {opportunity) values. The initial set of generation planning parameters will use base period costs (market and shadow prices) of $1.15/106 Btu and $4.00/106 Btu for coal and distill ate resgectively. For natural gas 3 the current actual market price is about $1.05/106 Btu and the shadow price is estimated to be $2.00/106 Btu. The shadow price for gas represents the expected market value assl.liling an export market'were developed. This assumption and value is to be used for both the economic and cost of po\'Jer analysis. Real growth rates in energy costs (excluding general price inflation) are shown in Table 2-2. These are based on fuel escalation rates from the Department of Energy (DOt) m jd-term Energy Fq_recast ing System for DOE Region 10 ( i ncl ud i ng the States of Alaska, Washington, Oregon and Idaho) .3/ Price escalators pertaining to the industrial sector were selected over those avail able for the commercial and residential sectors to reflect utilities' bulk purchasing advantage. A composite escalation rate has been computed for the period 1980 to 1995 reflecting average compound growth rate per year. As DOE has suggest~d that the forecasts to 1995 may be extended to 2005, the composite escalation rates are assumed to prevail in the period 1996 to .2005. Beyond 2005, zero real gro\"lth in energy prices is assiJlled. In sensitivity analysis~ the impacts of alternative energy price escalators will be analyzed with respect to the economic vi ab i1 ity of proposed Susitna developnents. This analysis will include a case where fuel prices are held constant in real terms. For cost of power analyses., the nominal ( inflation-inclusive) rates of energy price escalation will be used. These .J.re defined as (1 + general price inflation rate) x (1 +energy price escalator}. For example, using 7 percent and 3 percent values for the rates of general price inflation and fuel prices, the nominal escalator for fuel would be 1.07 x 1.03, or 10.2 percent. Table 2-3 s umnari zes the sets of economic and financial parameters proposed for generation planning. 3/ Department of Energy, Office of Conservation and .Solar Energy, Methodolog,x and Procedures for Life Cycle Cost Analysis, Federal Register, October 7, i980. - 5 I I I I .I ·• I PARAMETERS I ECONOMIC PARAMETERS I Cost of Money Sinking Fund Insurance TOTALS I FINANCIAL PARAMETERS I Non-exempt Cost of Money Amortization I Insurance TOTALS I Tax-exempt . Cost of Money I Amort i zat ion Insurance TOTALS I I I I I .I I . "i.\ TABLE 2-1 ANNUAL FIXED CARRYING CHARGES USED IN GENERATION PLANNING MODEL PROJECT LIFE/TYPE 30-Year Thermal % 3.00 2.10 0.25 5.35 10.00 0.61 0.2.5 10.86 8.00 0.88 0.25 9.13 35-Year Thermal % 3.00 1.65 0.25 4.90 . 10.00 0.37 0.25 10.62 8.00 0.58. 0.25 8.83 50-Year Hydro % 3.00 0.89 0.10 3.99 10.00 0.09 0.10 10.19 8.00 0.17 0.10 8.27 20-Year Thermal % 3.00 3.72 0.25 6.97 10.00 1.75 0.25 12.00 8.00 2.19 0.25 10.44 . . I I I I 'I I I I I I I- I ••• I I I I I •• TABLE 2-2 FUEL PRICES AND ESCALATION RATES Base Period (January 1980) Prices ('$/million Btu) Natural Gas f~arket Prices $1.05 _ Shadow (Opportunity) Values 2.00 Rea 1 Esc a 1 ati on Rates (Percentage) Change Compounded An~ually) · 1980 --1985 ' 1986 -1980 1991 -1995 Composite (average) 1980 -1995 1996 -2005 2006 -2010 1.79% 6.20 3.99 3.98 -3.98 0 7 Q Coal $1 .. 15 1.15 9.56% 2.39 -2.87 2.93 2.93 0 Di sti 11 ate $4.00 4.00 3.38% 3.09 4.27 3 .. 58 3 .. 58 0 J --· I 1: I I I I -I I I I -· I I I I I I I I TABLE 2· 3 - SUMMARY OF ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL PARAMETERS FOR GENERATION PLANNING 1 -Base Period (January 1980) Energy Prices {$/million Btu) 1.1 -Natural Gas 1.2 -Coal 1. 3 -Di s t i 11 ate . 2 -Genera 1 Price Inflation Per Year (%) 3 -Discount & Interest Rates Per Year (%) 3.1 -Real Discount Rate 3.2 -Nominal Interest Rate ( Non-_exempt Case) 3.3 -Nominal Interest Rate {Tax-exempt Case) 4 -Non-energy Cost Escalation Per Year (%) 5 -Energy Price Escalation Per Year 5.1 -Natural Gas 1980 -2005 2006 -2010 5.2 -Coal 1980 -2005 2006 -2010 5 .• 3 -lJisti 11 ate 1980 -2005 2006 ... 2010 6 -Economic Life 6.1 -Large Steam Turbine 6.2 -Small Steam Tut~bine 6.3 -Hydro 6.4 -Diesel and Gas Turbine (Gas-fired) 6.5 -Gas Turbine (Oil-fired) 7 -Amortization Period 7.1 -Steam 7.2 -Hydro 7.3 Diesel and Gas Turbine (Gas-fired) 7.4 ~ Gas Turbine (Oil-fired) (%) _§~neration Planning Analysis Economic* 2.00 1.15 4.00_ not applicable 3 not applicable not applicablE 0 3 .. 98 {) 2.93 0 3.58 0 30 35 50 30 20 not applicable · not applicable not applicable not applicable Financial* 2 .. 00 L.l5 4.00 7 not app 1 icab l e 10 8 7 11.26 7.00 10.14 7.00 10.83 7.00 not applicable not appl icab 1 e not applicable not app 1 icab 1 e not applicable 30 50 30 20 *Note that economic and financi a1 parameters. apply to re.a1 ool 1 ar and escalated dollar analyses re-spectively. .::.:..._ -!'."". I I I I 'I ·I I I I I I I I I I I I I .I 3 -PLANNING METHODOLOGY 3.1 -Alternative Criteria Generation alternatives will be selected for inclusion in planning scenarios based upon relative merits in the area of fuel availability, environmental and -technical viability, robustness with respect to inflation and other parameter changes,-oper.ating characteri-stics and costs. In effect, if two alternatives are comparable in all other areas except cost, the less expensive alternative will be used in generation planning, and the more expensive alternative will be rejected. A base scenario with and without the Susitna alternatjves will be estab1 ished, made up of those alternatives which are the least expensive among viable altern at ive~s. The resultant selection of a Susitna alternative will be tested against the existing systen in competition with these viable alternatives and with furthmr testing as to the sensitivity of cost to selected parameters. . 3.2 -Load Analysis The forecasts to be used for generation planning wi 11 be based on Acres analysis of the ISI:R energy forecast. The energy forecast that will be used by Acres as the basis for generation planning is the mid-range forecast. Sensitivity analyses will be carried out using variable loads developed using the ISER scenarios, of high and low economic activity and government spending. The energy and load forecasts developed by ISER and Woodward Clyde Consultants include energy projections from self-supplied industrial and military generation sectors. It is forseeable that these markets will be unavafl able for the future electrical suppliers to a large extent. By the same token, the capacity owned by these sectors will not be avail able as a supply by the general market. A review of the industrial self suppliers indi-cates that they are primarily offsho~e operations, drilling operational and others which would not likely add nor draw power from the system. Thus, th9se amounts have been deleted from the ISER totals . Additionally, although it is considered likely that the military would purchase available cast effective power from a general market, much of their capacity resource is tied to district heating systems, and thus waul~ need to contiTroe operation. For these reasons only one-third of the military generation total will be considered as a load on the total system. This amount is about 4 percent of tot.al energy in 1980 and decreases to 2.5 percent in 1990. This method of accounting for these loads has no real effect total capacity additions needed to meet projected loads after 1.985. The adjusted forecast was used in generation planning as shown in Table 3-1 .. 3.3 -Planning Under Uncertainty In order to. incorporate the variable forecasts and uncertainty of the load ' 9 \ I I I I I I -• I I I I I I I I I. I I I forecasts into planning, a probability based 1 oad model ·_Jeature of the OGP program will be used.. A bried -description of this feature follow!:,. " The middle level forecast ·or most likely forecast, is introduced into the program in,detail. This would include dai.ly load shapes, monthly variability and annual growth of peaks and energy. -Additio_nal variables are added which introduce forecast uncertainty in terms of higher and 1 ov1er 1 e.veifs of peak demand and the probabH ity of the occurrence of these forecasts. For example: in year 1985 the middle level demand forecast entered is 1000 MW., Variable forecasts are enter·ed for 850, 900, 1100 and 1.150 MW, with associated probabilities of occurrence of .10, .. 20~ .20 and .10, leaving the middle. level as .40. The OGP program will use this variable forecast in generating system reliability calculation only. A loss of 1 oad probability will be calculate~d for each projected demand level as compared to the available capacity and a weighted average will be taken. This loss of load probability wil"l them be used for capacity addition decisions. After capacity decisions are madta, the program uses the middle 1 evel forecast detail for operating the production cost model. This method of deal ing with uncertainty is directly a ppl i cab l!a to the data available for 6.36 studies. There are five forecasts which could be plugged in to the reliability calculations, the three by ISER and the two extremes ca 1 culated by Acres. Subjectivity is reduced to the decision of placing probab il it i es on the 1 oad forecasts. · The probability set will be the same as that intrQGuced in the. example. Thts is based on the assumption that each outside forecast is half as likely to happen as the adjacent foreGast towards the middle. The 1 oads and probab i1 ity \'lill be analyzed as: FORECAST LES-LG* LES-HG MES-~1G HES-MG HES-HG *ES -Economic Activity G -Government L s M ~ H -Low, M ed i urn, Hi g h Probability Set 1 .10 .zo .40 .20 .10 An inquiry will be made to ISER to gain their opinions of these probability ~sets and invite a probability set of their own. 10 I I I I I I I I - I I I I I I I I I I I 3.4 -Target Generation Plant Reliability In order to perform this system study, a criteria for generating plant system reliability are necessary. These criteria are important to determine the adequacy of the available generating capacity as well as the sizing and timing of additional units. There appear to be no specific criteria currehtly applied to generation planning in the Rail belt area. The primary reason for this is that utilities have developed individually without the benefits of reliable· interconnections .. Since Susitna planning is to meet region needs some 15 to 20 years hence, it is assumed that within this time frame an interconnected system will exist or be in the process of implementation. There are two alternative methods to account for rel iabi1 ity which are cw~rently in wide use in eletric generation system. planning; the use of a reserve margin or a loss of load probability (LOLP). A reserve i11argin refers to the excess available capacity to a system during the peak power demand of the year. Typical target reserve margins are from 15 to 25 percent~ In recent years, reserve margins have been greater than planned in some regions due to the depressed load growth trends. These margins have in some cases approached 45 percent. A LOLP for a system is a calculated probability based on the characteristics of capacity, forced and scheduled outage and cycling ability of individual units in the generctting system. The pr.obability aefines the likelihood of not meeting the full demand within a one year period. For example, a LOLP of 1 relates to the probability of not meeting demand one day in one year; a LOLP of 0,1 is one day in ten years. For this study, a LOLP of 0 .. 1 will be adopted. This value is widely used by utility planners fn the country as a target for independent systems. This target value will. be used both for the base plan and for sensitivity analyses dealing with the effects of over/under c~pacity availability. 3.5 -Interconnection Capability The assumption of a fully int!artied system will not be assumed for generation pl.anning. A 138 kV line will be assumed to be in place by 1984 with limited tran~fer capabilities between Fairbanks and Anchorage. The addition of future capacity will bear the .:ost of transmission to either the 138 kv-line, or to the load centers, as applicable to the location of the generation alternative. 3. 6 -Base System The system to be used as existing capacity in the Railbelt will inc'iud~ the capacity of all utilities in the region, plus all utilities committed by these utilities~ The Corps of Eng·ineers Bradley Lake project, although not ~{tility owned, will also be included. To develop the existing generation rnt>del for Railbelt utilities, a number of sources were consulted: 11 I I I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ••• -Woodward Clyde Consultants 11 Forecasting Peak Electrical Demand for Alaska's Rai1belt11 , September, 1980. -IECO Transmission Report for the Railbelt, 1978. -U.S. DOE, 11 Inventory of Power Plants in the U.S.11 , April, 1979 • -Electrical World Directory of P~blic Utilities 1979 -1980 edition. -FERC Form 12A for the following utilities. -Anchorage Municipal Light & Power (AMLP) -Chugach Electric Association (CEA) -Homer Electric Association (HEA) _ -Fairbanks Municipal Utility System (FMUS) -Wi 11 iams Brothers Engineering Company 1978 Report on FMUS and GVEA Systems (Golden Valley Electric Association). -Discussions with: -AMLP -Mr. Hank Nichols -FMUS -Larry-Co lp -GVEA -Woody Baker -APA -Don Gotschall Table 3.2 summarizes the information received from these sources. Some discrepancies \vere apparent especially with respect to AML&P and Capper Valley Electric Association {CVEA). According to two sources, CVEA has no ins.talled capacity and is a purchaser. At~L&P has a recently installed combined cycle addition of 33 MW to the George M. Sullivan Plant No. 2 (Unit 6) wnich is not reflected in the other estimates. The column: ACRES GM represents the in_stalled capacity to be used in the OGP-5 Generation Model for Task 6.36 studies \'lhich is a resolution of all data sources collected. The 943.6 rv1W consists of 53 units as follows: No. Units 1 2 18 6 5 21 53 Type . Combined Cycle Hydro NG Gas Turbines (Anchorage) Oil Gas Turbines {Fairbanks) Coal-Fired Steam Small Diesels Capacity (MW) 140 .. 9 45.0 470.-5 168.3 54.0 64.9 943.6 In order to establish a retirement policy for Raflbelt utilities, a number of references were consulted including the APA draft feasi:bility report guidelines, FERC guidelines~ historical records and consultation with utilities, particu- larly in the. Fairbanks area. from consideration of a'll of these sources, the following retirement policy is ptoposed for use: ·· lZ • I I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 Large Steam Turbines (> 100 MW} = 30 years 0 Sma 11 Steam Turbines ( < 100 MW) = 35 years 0 Oil-Fired Gas Turbines = 20 'years 0 Natural Gas-Fired Gas Turbines = 30 years 0 Diesels = 30 years 0 Combined Cycle Units = 30 years 0 Conventional Hydro = 50 years** ** 100 years changed to 50 years for consistency in economic approach to all alternatives. The Power Plant and Industrial Fuel Use Act prohibits the use of natural gas in existing major electric generating plants after 1990. Alaska, however, \~as exempted from that portion of the Act. 13 I I· ~ I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ TABLE 3-1 LOAD AND ENERGY FORECASTS* ALASKA RAILBELT AREA Low Forecast Mid Forecast High Forecast YEAR MW Gwh MW Gwh MW Gwh ---- 1980 Base 514 2!t789 514 2,787 514 2,789 1985 578 3,158 650 3,565 695 3,859 .1990 641 3,503 735 4,032 920 5,085 1995 797 4,351 944 5,171 1,294 7,119 2000 952 5,198' 1,173 6., 413 1,669 9~153 2005 1,047 5,707 1,379 7$526 2,287 12~543 2010 1,141 6,215 1,.635 8,938 2,901 15!t 933 * Derived from the Woodward-Clyde Consultants submitta 1 of September 23, 1980, adjusted to eliminate industrial self-supplied and two-thirds of the military sector. · . 14 I I I I ., I I I •• I I I I I· I. I I I " I TABLE 3-2 1980 RAILBELT EXISTING CAPACITY RAILBELT UTILITY AMLP CEA GVEA F~1US CVEA* MEA* HOMER (HEA) SES* A PAd* TOTAL *SES -Seward Electrical System wee 1980 184.0 420.0 211.0 67.0 18.0 0.9 2.6 5.5 909.0 MEA -Matanuska Electrical Association APAd - A 1 aska Power Admin i strati on 0 -: 15 Installed Capacity (1980) MW · IECO 1978 130.5 411.0 218.6 65.5 0 .. 6 9.2 5.5 30.0 870.9 DOE 1979 148.0 402.~.2 230.0 68.2 13~0 3.0 1.7 5.5 30.0 901.6 ELEC. WO. ACRES 1979 GM 108.8 215.4 410.9 411.0 211.0 211.0 67.4 67.2 0.9 0.9 3.5 2.6 5.5 5.5 30.0 30.0 838.0 943.6 J I ALASKA POlfER AUTHORITY 133 WEST 4th AVENUE-SUITE 31 -ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 I I I I I I .I 4 -Attachment Attachment: Be 1 uga" Coal Market Study . · (transmitted to Chuck Debelius·, January '20 !'. 1981) · .. · .. · -~ ,, 16 January 20, 1981 ... Phone: (907) 277-7641 {907) 276-2715 .. .. . . •' , .