HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA1290I• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FEASIBILITY REPORT PROJECT MANUP..l_ DECEMBER 21J 1981 . t_) . / . '..,/~-:; '-~- ·--:. Acres American Incorporated 1000 Liberty Bank Building Main at Court Buffalo, New York 14202 Telephone (716) 853-7525 I" I I I I 'I I I I I I I ·I I I I I· I •• ,·, .L_ .. ~-- . I DISTRIBUTION D. C. Willett J.G. Warnock (Toronto) J.D. Lawrence J . W. Hayden G S.G. Diener (Toronto) P.H. Hoover (Columbia) M.~1. Grubb K.G. Krishnan V. Singh S.N. Thompson K.R. Young R. L. Ibbotson M.F. Dumont T.W. Gwozdek D.W. Lamb P.R. Rodrigue L. Pereira E.N. Shadeed V. Smith (Anchorage) J.D. Gill (Anchorage) J.R. Plummer D. Mei 1 hede ~ J ,E. ~1cBee R.T. SarofiF.I _, ... .; I', I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 INTRODUCTION FEASIBILITY REPORT PROJECT MANUAL ·coMPONENTS OF FEASIBILITY REPORT SCHEDULE RESPONSIBILITIES DISTRIBUTION FIGURES AND PLATES TEXT APPENDICES REPRODUCTION 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I nl· . . . " PROJECT MANUAL ..., SUBTASK 6.31 -FEASIBILITY REPORT SECTION 1 -INTRODUCTION The purpose of this Project Manual is to set forth standard procedures f9r prepara- tion of text, plates and drawings, editing, proofreading, checking and production of the feasibility report~ The Manual also includes a schedule for preparation of the report and a outline of the contents. A first draft of Volume 1 is scheduled for issue to APA on February 1, 1982. The report is required to be delivered to APA on March 15; 1982 in final draft form. A final issue of the-report will be made on April 30, 1982. Subsequent to issue of this report, it is expected that APA will proceed with submission of an FERC license application. This submission of FERC licensing documents to APA for their review is scheduled for May 1, 1982. SECTION 2 -COMPONENTS OF FEASIBILITY REPORT The feasibility report will comprise the following main components: 1) Volume 1 -Engineering and Economic Aspects 2) Volume 2 -Envir6nmenta1 Aspects 3) Volumes 3 through n -Appendices 4) Project Overview A number of reports, which have been already issued to APA, will be referenced but not inclu-ed in Volumes land 2 of the report and appendices. A list of these reports is presented in this section. A table of contents for the Report is given in this section. The name of the Susitna project team members responsible for the various section is also Iisted. Volume 2 will essentially be prepared byTES, except for certain section as noted. A list of the various appendices is also given at the end of this section~ A. summary outline of the contents of Volumes 1 and 2 is presented in Attachment A. 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I "I I ··~ SUSITNA HYD~OELECTRIC PROJECT FEASIBILITY REPORT PRELIMINARY OUTLINE Page 1 of 4 Revised December 10, 1981 VOLUME 1 -ENGINEERING AND ECONOMIC ASPECTS 1 -INTRODUCTION 1.1 -The Study Area 1.2 -Project Description 1.3 -Objectives and Scope of Current Studies 1.4 -Plan Formulation and Selection Process 1.5 -Organization of Report 2 -SUMMARY 2.1 -Scope of Work -,..2.2 -Previous Studies --~2.3 -Railbelt Load Forecasts ~ 2.4 -Rail belt System and Future Power Generating Options 2.5 -Susitna Basin --.::::ar-"""'2.6 -Susitna ·Basin Development Selection 2.7 -Susitna Hydroelectric Development 2.8 -\~atana De vel oprnent 2o 9 -Devi 1 Canyon Development 2.10 -Transmission Faci1ities 2.11 -Estimates of Cost .2.12 -Development Schedule 2.13 -Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures -->-2.14 -Project Operation ~ 2.15 -Economic and Financial Evaluation ~ 2.16 -Conclusions and Recommendations 3 -SCOPE OF WORK 3.1 -Evolution of Plan of Study 3. 2 -Power Studies 3.3 -Surveys and Site Facilities 3. 4 -Hydro 1 ogy 3.5 -Seismic Studies 3.6 -Geotechnical Explorations 3.7 -Design Development 3.8 -Environmental Studies 3.9 -Transmission 3.10 -Construction Cost Estimates and Schedules 3.11 -licensing 3.12-Marketing and Financing 3.13 -Public Participation Program 4 -PREVIOUS STUDIES 4.1 -Early Studies of Hydroelectric Potential 4.2 -u.s. Bureau of Reclamation-1953 Study 4.3 -u.s. Bureau of Reclamation-1961 Study . 4.4 -Alaska Pm<~er Administration -1974 4. 5 -Kaiser Proposal for Development· 4.6 -u.s. Army Corps of Engineer -1975 and 1979 Studies 0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ~ ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) -) RESPONSIBILITY Lawrence. Hayden Vanderburgh McBee t~cBee Lawrence/ _Vanderburgh . McBee r~cBee (• I I VOLUME 1 -TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC ASPECTS {Continuedl Page 2 of 4 Revised December 10, 1981 I I RESPONSIBILITY 5 -RAILBELT LOAD FORECASTS I 5.1 -Introduction ) Hoover I 5.2 -Past Projections of Rai 1 belt Electricity ) 5. 3 -ISER Forecasts ) 5.4 -E1ectricity Demand Profiles ) I 5.5 -Demand Forecasts ) 5.6 -Potential for Load Management and Energy ) Conservation ) . 5.7 -Battelle Forecasts ) I 5.8 -Load Forecasts Used for Generation Planning ) Studies ) I 6 -RAILBELT SYSTEM AND FUTURE POWER GENERATION OPTIONS 6.1 -Introduction ) McBee 6.2 -Existing System Characteristics ) I 6.3 -Fairbanks -Anchorage Intertie } 6.4 -Hydroelectric Options ) 6.5 -Thermal Options ) 6.6 -Without Susitna Plan ) Hoover I 7 -SUSITNA BASIN 7.1 -Introduction Grubb (lead) I 7 .. 2 -Climatology Krishnan 7.3 -Hydrology Krishnan 7.4 -Regional Geology Singh/Thompson 7.5 -Sei smo 1 ogy Singh I 7.6 -Water Use & Quality Grubb 7.7 -Fisheries Resources ) Grubb 7.8 -Wildlife Resources ) I 7.9 -Botanical Resources ·) 7-.10 -Historical and Archaelogica1 Resources ) 7.11 -Socio-Economics } 7e12 -Recreational Resources ) I 7.13 -Aesthetic Resources ) 7.14 -Land Use ) I 8 -SUSITNA BASIN DEVELOPMENT SELECTION 8.1 -Introduction ' ) McBee 8.2 -Plan Formulation and Selection Methodology -) 8.3 -Selection of Candidate Damsites ) I 8.4 -Site Screening ) 8.5 -Engineering Layouts ) 8.6 -Capital Cost Estimates ) I 8 .. 7 -Formulation of Susitna Basin Development Plans ) 8.8 -Evaluation of Basin Development Plans ) 8.9 -On-line Schedule ) Meilhede I I I I I I I I "I I I. I •• I I I I ··I VOLUME 1 -TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC ASPECTS (Continued) Page 3 of 4 Revised December 10, 1981 9 -SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC DEVELOPMENT 9.1 -Site Topography 9.2 -Site Geology 9.3 -Geotechnical Considerations 9.4 -Site Seismicity 9.5 -Selections of Reservoir Levels 9.6 -Selection of Installed Capacity· 9. 7 -Selection of Spillway Capacity 9.8 -Selection of Watana General Arrangement 9.9 -Selection of Devil Canyon General Arrangement 9.10 -Selection of Main Access Plan 10 -vJATANA DEVELOPMENT 10.1 -General Arrangement 10.2 -Site Access 10.3 -Site Facilities 10.4 -Diversion 10.5 -Low Leve1 Outlet Facilities 10.6 -Main Dam 10.7 -Saddle Dam 10.8 -Primary Outlet Facflities 10.9-Main Spillway 10.10-Emergency Spillway 10.11-Intake 10.12-Penstocks 10.13-Powerhouse 10.14-Reservoir 10.15-Tailrace 10.16-Turbines and Generators 10.17-Miscellaneous Mechanical Equipment 10.18-Accessory Electrical Equipment 10.19-S\vitchyard Structures and Equipment 10.20-Project lands 11 -DEVIL CANYON DEVELOPMENT 11.1 -General Arrangement 11.2 -Site Access 11.3 -Site Facilities 11.4 -Diversion 11.5 -Arch Dam 11.6 -Saddle Dam 11.7 -Primary Outlet Facilities 11. 8 -Ma i n Sp i 11 way 11 .. 9 -Emergency Spillway 11 .. 10-Intake 11.11-Penstocks 11.12-Powerhouse 11.13-Reservoir 11.14-Tailrace 11.15-Turbines and Generators 11.16-Miscellaneous Mechanical Equipment 11 .. 17-Accessory Electrical Equipment 11 .. 18-Switchyard Structures and Equipment 11.19-Project Lands RESPONSIBILITY ) Dumont ) Singh ) Singh ) Singh ) Krishnan Krishnan (Lead) Krishnan (Lead) ) Ibbotson/ ) Dumont Gwozdek/Grubb Ibbotson Gwozdek Gwozdek Gwozdek Ibbotson Lamb Lamb Ibbotson Ibbotson Ibbotson Dumont Rodrigue Ibbotson Krishnan Ibbotson Rodrigue/Pereira Rodrigue Pereira Shadeed Smith Ibbotson Ibbotson Gwozdek Gwozdek Ibbotson Lamb Ibbotson Ibbotson Ibbotson Dumont Rodrigue Ibbotson Krishnan Ibbot~on Rodri gue/P.ereira Rodrigue Pereira Shadeed Smith I ., I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I, cl VOLUME 1 -TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC ASPECTS (Continued) Page 4 of 4 Revised December 10, 1981 12 -TRANSMISSION FACILITIES 12.1 -Electric Systems Studies ) 12.2 -Corridor Selection Studies ) 12.3 -Detailed Route Selection ) 12.4 -Towers, Hardwarf~ and Conductors ) 12.5 ~ Substations ) 12.6 -Dispatch Center and Communications ) 13 -PROJECT OPERATION 13.1 -Project Operation 13.2 -Operation and Maintenance 13.3 -Dependable Capacity and Average Annual Energy 13.4 -Performance Monitoring 14 -ESTIMATES OF COST 14.1 -Construction Costs 14.2 -Mitigation Costs 14.3 -Operation, Maintenance and Replacement Costs 14.4 -Engineering and Administration Costs 14.5-Allowance for Funds Used During Construction 14 .. 6 -Differential Escalation on Construction Costs 14.7 -Ca~h Flow Requirements 15 -DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE 15.1 -Watana Development 15.2 -Devil Canyon Development 15.3 -System Developmen~ Schedule 16 -ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL EVALUATION 16.1 -Economic Evaluation 16.2 -Financial Evaluation 16.3 -Power Marketing 17 -CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS RESPONSIBILITY Shadeed Pereira/Krishnan Pereira {lead) Krishnan Ibbotson/Larnb Plummer Meilhede Diener Warnock Warnock Lawrence (lead) f I I I I •• I I I I I I I I I I 'I VOLUME 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 APPENDIX A Al B Bl B2 83 84 BS 86 87 c C1 C2 C3 D 01 02 03 04 E El F Fl F2 F3 G H I LIST OF APPENDICES DESCRIPTION ELECTRICAL SUPPLY AND DEMAND STUDIES OGP Data HYDROLOGICAL STUDIES Hydrological and Meteorological Data Water Resources Studies Flood Studies Hydraulic and Ice Studies Sediment Yield and River Morphology Studies Climatic Studies for Transmission Line Lower Susitna River Studies PROJECT LAND STUDIES Land Status Background Informat~on f" Inventory of Private & Public Lands Required for Project Marketability and Disposal Study for Reservoir Area DESIGN DEVELOPMENT STUDIES Access Route Selection Studies Dam Selection Studies Project Layout Studies Power Facilities Selection Studies TRANSMISSION LINE STUDIES Electric Systems Studies COST ESTIMATES Watana Hydroelectric Development -Estimate of Cost De vi 1 Canyon Hydroe 1 ectri c Deve·l opment -Estimate of Cost Transmission Facilities -Estimate of Cost AGENCY CONSULTATION COORDINATION AND PUBLIC PARTICIPATION COMMENTS 'AND RESPONSES I· I I I I I I I I I I I I~ I, I I . • ! I I P5700.06 September 30, 1981 REFERENCED REPORTS The following is a list of reports which will be referenced but not included in Volume 1 of the feasibility report and appendices* Referenced reports for Volume 2 are not included. Subtask 1. 02 2.10 Task 4 Task 5 Task 5 6.05 Forecasting Peak Electrical Demand for Alaska's Railbelt (WCC) Access Route Selection Report (Draft) Final Report on Seismic Studies (WCC) Geotechnical Exploration Report on 1980 Studies Geotechnical Exploration Report on 1981 Studies Development Selection Report . Date of Issue December 1, 1980 October 31, 1981 January 31, 1982 August, 1981 February 1982 September 1981 I I I I I I I I I ·I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 3 -SCHEDULE 3.1 -Key Dates The schedule for preparation and production of Volumes 1 and 2 together with the appendices is presented on the following schedul~ sheets. Key dates for the Report and related deliverables are as follows: First Draft of Report and Appendices to Client for Review ........ February l, 1982 Final Seismic Report Issued by Woodward-Clyde ...•................ February 1, 1982 Environmental Component of Feasibility Report (Volume 2) issued byTES for review by Client •.............................. ·March 1, 1982 Comments and Revisions to First Draft of Report · and Appendices Completed.: ...•................................•..• Mal .. ch 1, 1982 Final Draft of Report and Appendices Delivered to Client .......... March 15, 1982 First Draft of Project Overview Report ...... "····················· March 15, 1982 Final Draft of Project Overview Report ............................ April/82 Final Feasibility Report Issued to Client ......................... Apri-l 30, 1982* *Subject to receipt of comments and responses First draft issue of the Report will be limited to less than 25 copies. Final draft and final issues will be as indicated in Section 5. 3.2 -First Draft Issue The first draft issue of the report (February 1, 1982) will be limited to less than 25 copies. The purpose of this issue is to give the Client an opportunity to comment on the report. In this regard, the text should be reasonably complete and readable, however, final and comprehensive proofreading will not likely be possible at this time. Simiarly, drawings (plates or figures) accompanying this first draft, should be complete enough to illustrate their specific purpose, but not necessarily with drafting check or all the finishing touches for final reproduction completed. Some drawings may possibly have to follow the February 1 issue date. •' I I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I It is not anticipated that the Client's col'tlTlents will result in serious changes to drawings. We should, however, be prepared to modify the text significantly as a result of this first draft review. 3.3 -Final Draft Issue This is the key issue (March 15.., 1982) for the Report. It is expected that 2 weeks will be required to assemble, reduce, print, collate, bind and ship the Report, so that all text, figures and plates must be complete by March 1, 1982. 3.4 -Other Material The schedule and details of the final iss1J~ of the Feasibility Report and of the Project Overview Report will be provided later. · I· I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 4 -RESPONSIBILITIES 4.1 -Overall Coordination Overall management of the preparation and production of the Feasibility Report is the responsibility of M.R. Vanderburgh. J.E. McBee will serve as Technical Editor for all sections of the report and will direct actual reproduction and distl~ibution of the first draft and the final draft report and appendices. Specifically, the responsibilities of the Technical Editor are as follows: 1) Ensure that the overall schedule fol'· preparation and production of the report is maintained. 2) Develop standards for final preparation of text, tables, covers and other non-graphical material. 3) Edit draft material to ensure a uniformly high quality report presentation. ' 4) Establish methods of reproduction for·various draft and final versions of th~ report (including graphic material) and select vendor(s), in consultation with Graphics Department. 5) Ensure final versions are proofread and check submitted graphical material for reproducibility. 6) Supervise and coordinate reproduction of var.ious draft and final versions of the report. 7) Supervise and coordinate distribution of reports. 8) Receive comments (internal and external} through various section courrlinators and incorporate same in final versions. I. I I I I I I I I I I I -• I I I I I. I 4.2 ~ Technical·Input The persons named in the right hand column of the report outline have primary responsibility for the preparation and technical content of the sections and sub-sections indicated including all graphic and tabular material. These responsibilities include: 1) Preparation of a list and production schedule of all plates and drawings required for the report and submission to the Project Squad Leader and Technical Editor. 2) Preparation of draft text and submission to Technical Editor. .3) Direction and technical input for figures, plates and drawings and submission to Project Squad Leader for preparation. 4) Review of draft text for technical content after editing and word processing. 5) Review of figures, plates and drawings at appropriate stages of preparation. 6) Ensuring that the particular section and sub-section is consistent and up-to- date with other relevant portions of t e feasibility report and with the Client and project requirements. The preparation of aii plates and drawings shall be coordinated by Jack Mazurkiewicz, as Project Squad Leader. His responsibilities include the following: 1) Supervision and coordination .of preparation and checking of all figures~ plates and drawings, including ensuring sufficient manpower is available to meet the schedule., quality control of drafting and adherence to Company and project standards. ••• I I I I I I I I I I ~I I • I I I I I I 2) Circulation of check prints for approval and comment by other departments. Expediting of same. 3) Submission of completed originals to Technical Editor for reproduction. Technical Editor will be respo~sible for reduction and other photographic operations, with assistance and cooperation of Graphics Department. 4) Con.trol of drafting budget. I· I I I I I I I I I I I • - ,I I •• I I I SECTION 5 -DISTRIBUTION A preliminary distribution list for the final draft and final reports is presented in Table 1. A preliminary distribution list for the first draft (February 1, 1982) is given in Table 2. A list of agencies receiving the final draft report as part of the formal agency coordination process is included herein for reference. I~ I I I I I I I I I I I •• 1 I I I I I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT REPORTS CIRCULATED FOR FORMAL AGENCY COORDINATION NAME NUMBER KEY Plan of Study 1 1980 Environmental Summary Report 2 1980 Fish Ecolo~y Annua~ Report 3 1980 Plant Ecology Annual Report 4 1980 Big Game Annual Report 5 1980 Furbearer Annual Report ~ 1980 Birds and Non-Game Mammal Annual Report 7 1980 Land Use Annua 1 Report 8 1980 Socioeconomic Annual Report 9 1980 Cultural Resources Annual Report 10 · Transmission Line Cooridor Screening Report 11 Development Selection Report 12 1981 Final Subtask Report 13 Draft Feas ibi 1 ity Report. 14 I I I I I ·I I I I I I I I I I I ; I I I Region a 1 Administrator Region X U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1200 South Avenue Seattle, WA 98101 Col-Lee Nunn District Engineer U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Anchorage District P.O. Box 7002 Anchorage, Alaska 99510 Mr. Keith Schreiner Regional Director, Region 7 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1011 E. Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Mr. Robert McVey . Director, Alaska Region National Marine Fisheries Service NOAA P.O. Box 1668 Reports sept/to be sent 1' 2' 11' 12' 13' 14 1, 2, 11, 12, 13, 14 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14 1' 2' 3' 4, 5' 6' 7, 11' 12, 13' 14 Juneau, A1as~k~~a~~9~9~8~0=2---------------------------------------------­Mr. John E.· Cook Regional Director Alaska Office National Park Service 54Q West Fifth Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Mr. John Rego Bureau of Land Management 701-C Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Mr. Larry-Wri'ght National Park Service 1011 E. Tudor Road, Suite 297 Anch.orage, Alaska 99503 Ms. Judy Schwarz U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Mail Stop 443 Region X EPA 120Q South 6th Avenue Seattle, Washington 98101 Mr. Ron Morris Director, Anchorage Fie 1 d Office National Marine Fisheries Service 701 C Stre.et Box 43 Anchorage, Alaska 99513 1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 1 ' 2 ' 8 ' 11 ' 12 , 13 ' 14 1, 2, 11, 12, 13, 14 1, 2, 11, 12, 13, 14 . 1' 2 , 11 ' 12' 13' 14 I· I I I I I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I Mr. Ronald 0. Skoog Commissioner State of Alaska Department of Fish and Game Juneau, Alaska 99801 Mr. Ernest W •. Mueller Commissioner Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Juneau, Alaska 99801 Mr. Lee tvyatt Planning Di. re_ctor Matanuska-Susitria Barough Box B Palmer, Alaska 99811 Mr. Tom Barnes Office of Coastal Management Division of Policy Development & Planning Pouch AP Juneau. Alaska 99811 Mr. Roy Huhndorf Cook Inlet Region Corporation P.O. Drawer 4N Anchorage, Alaska 99509 Mr. Thomas Trent State of Alaska Department of Fish & Game 333 Raspberry Road Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Mr. Bob Marti'n Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation 437 E. Street, 2nd Floor Anchorage, A1aska 99501 Mr. Alan Carson Alaska Department of Natural Resources 323 East 4th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Ms .. lee, McAnerney Commissioner Department of Community & Regional Affairs Pouch B Juneau, Alaska 99811 Mr. Ronert Shaw State Historic Preservation Officer Alaska Department of Natural Resources Division of Parks 619 Warehouse Avenue, 210 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Mr·. John Katz Alaska Department of Natural Resources Pouch M Juneau, Alaska 99811 Reports sent/to be sent 1, 2' 3' 4, 5' 6' 7, 11' 12' 13' 14 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12' 13' 14 1, 2, 11, ~2, 13, 14 1 ' 2 , 11 , 12 , 13 ~ 14 1, 2, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14 1, 2, 11, 12, 13, 14 1, 2, 11, 12, 13, 14 1, 2, 11, 12, 13, 14 1, 2, 9, 11, 12, 13~ 14 1, 2, 9, 10, 11, .12, 13, 14 1, 2, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14 ---------~- ;:c' I P5700.06 I TABLE 1 lj SUSITNA FEASIBILITY REPORT PRELIMINARY DISTRIBUTION LIST I Final Draft ~ I Vol. Vol. AQQendices Copy Recipient 1 2 A B c 0 E F G H I ·'I 1 File X X X X X X X X X X 2 File X X X X X X X X X X 3 File X X X X X X X X X X 4 D~C. Willett X X I 5 J.D. Lawrence X X X X X X X X X -x 6 J.W. Hayden X X X X X X X X X X 7 M.R~ Vanderburgh X X I 8 R.B. Peck X X X X X X X X X X 9 A.J. Hendron X X X X X '; X X X X ,, ·" 10 L.S. Sykes X X X X X X X X ;( X 11 M.D. Copen X X X X X X X X X X I 12 S. Tibshirani X X X X X X X X X X 13 J.G. Warnock X X X X X X X X X X 14 D.H. MacDonald X X X X X X X X X X I 15 J.G.S. Thomson X X X 16 L. Wolofsky X X X 17 J.G. MacPherson X X X X X X X X X I 18 H. Eichenbaum X X X 19 I. McCaig X X X 20 R.K. Ibbotson X X X X X X X X X 21 S.N. Thompson X X X X X X I 22 V. Singh X X X X X :X 23 D.W. Lamb X X X X X X 24 G. Krishnan X X X X X X X I' 25 K.R. Young X X X X X X X X 26 E.N. Shadeed ·X X X X X X X .X 27 Spare X X X 28 Spare X X X I. 29 Spare X X X 30 Spare X X X I Totals 30 30 20 16 16 24 19 20 29 12 ... I ·~ I I I· I I t I ....... I I I I I I I I I I I " ...... I I I Copy 1 2 3 4 5· 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Totals Recipient APA APA APA APA APA File -Buffalo File -Buffalo File -Columbia File -Anchorag~ File -Anchorage TES R&M Woodwardy-Clyde Circi/H&N TABLE 2 SUSITNA FEASIBILITY REPORT PRELIMINARY DISTRIBUTION REPORT First Draft Volumes 1 & 2 A X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Moolin Associates X Spare X J.G. Warnock X X Working copies X X Working copies X X Working copiesc X Working copies X Working copies X 22 13 B X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 14 AQ~endices c 0 E F G H X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 14 21 18 17 18 18 ,. -~ --': .. _, {--.. , -· -·-i-· -~-.. -.- VOLUME 1 -Engineering & Economic Aspects VOLUME 2 -Environmental Aspects VOLUME 3 - Appendix A -Electrical Supply & Demand Studies Appendix B -Hydrological Studies Appendix C -Project Lands Studies Appendix 0 -Design Development Studies Appendix E -Transmission Line Studies Appendix F -Cost Estimates Appendix G -Risk & Sensitivity Analysis Appendix H -Coordination & Public Participation Appendix I -Comments & Responses F1na1 Agency Coordination 0 F 2r? 20 - 20 - 20 - 20 - 20 - 20 - 20 - 20 - 20 - 20 - --- TABLE 3 DISTRIBUTION OF REPORT Acres American Sub.- Buffalo Anchora_qe Columbia Contractors D F D F D F D F ! { 25 50 3 3 7 7 10 10 25 50 3 3 7 7 10 10 15 25 3 3 7 4 10 10 15 25 3 3 7 4 10 10 15 25 3 3 7 4 10 10 15 25 3 3 7 4 10 10 15 25 3 3 7 4 10 10 15 25 3 3 7 4 10 10 15 25 3 3 7 4 10 10 15 25 3 3 7 4 10 10 --25 -3 -4• --10 Alaska ~ Power ~ Authoritv Misc. l Total ~ 0 F D F ' . lilD ! .. . •.") I 191 122 2 2 1 251 193 t 191 122 2 2 t 251 193 l l \ 100 70 2 2 I! 1so 114 ! )" 100 70 2 2 ~ 150 114 l ' ! 100 70 2 2 i 150 114 100 70 2 2 150 114 100 70 2 2 150 114 100 70 2 2 150 114 100 70 2 2 150 114 100 70 2 2 150 114 ---70 -2 ---114 I ' I I I I ·- I I .-I I .... " I I I II ', I ·t I - <"• I I I ~ SECTION 6- 6.1 -General Graphical presentations will be either in the form of figures or plate~. Preparation of figures and plates shall be in accordance with Attachment B -Susitan Hydroelectric Project -Feasibility and Geotechnical Reports -Drafting Procedures, and Acres Drafting Standards for Hydroelectric & Heavy Civil Projects, dated February 20, 1980 or subsequent revisions. 6.2 -Figures For the purpose of the Report, figures fall into one or more of the following categories: - a chart, graph, simple drawing or map which is meant· to be read in conjunction with a specific section of the text; -a chart, etc. published by others which is required to illustrate or complement the report. • The figure will be inserted at the back of each section. Wherever a choice is possible, figures should be 8-1/2 " x 11 11 (final size) although 11" x 17" ~ll be aq:epted grudgingly. (The 11 11 x 17 11 size causes complications during binditng since it must be folded and iLserted in the text.) A typical figure arrangement is presented in Attachment B. In order to improve clarity, where appropriate, figures which contain a great deal of 1tne work should be-drawn oversize for reduction. This will not be practical in all cases, of course, and caution and judgement should be used with material from other sources, since reduction often reduces clarity in these cases. ,. I I I I •-. ...,. J, I "'~ ' t I I I .. I ' I ,.. ' •' I I 6.3 -Plates Plates will fall into one or more of the following categories: -a drawing prepared for other project purposes (i.e., preliminary design, etc.); -a drawing referred to in more than one section of the Report; or - a drawing ~>.~hich will be used for the FERC 1 i cense application. Plates will be limited to 11 inches by 17 inches in their final reduced version in the Report. Color may be used where appropriate, although color presentations should be coordinated with the Technical Editor to ensure reasonable uniformity of presentation and to avoid excessive cost. Drawings shall be prepared suitable for reduction. In general, it is preferable to prepare drawings to a larger scale and to reduce them, since clarity is improved by this means. Accordingly, preparation of drawings to final 11 11 x 17 11 size should be avoided, particularly where line work is congested or complicated. I 1:." . ' ! I I ..... I l I I I t I I I. ' I I I I I I SECTION 7 -TEXT .. 7.1-Format All draft sections should be typed and submitted to the Technical Editor for initial review. Sections should be broken down as follows: Two digits 1.1 Letters (a) Roman Numerals (i) Dash Dot After initial review, the draft will be put on the Lanier to facilitate future revisions. 7.2 -Contents Included in ,i\ttachment A are brief descriptions of each section and a schedule for submittal of drafts. The person responsible for each section of the Report is listed in the right margin of the table of contents. It is his responsibility, along with the task coordinators, to make sure these sections are delivered to the Technical Editor on schedule. 0 ~,- a~ I t I ,, ~ ··"-1 I I I ~· I I I I I I a I • ·a. ' I I SECTION 8 -APPENDICES ... To Follow t . ' I I I I I I ' I I I I ' I I I I ,I i SECTION 9 -.REPRODUCTION -To follow l l ~""'"''"" ~~.,. '"· "'"' "''' ,, ....... · ........... -.~· -"'''"''• "' '""'"·' .. ,. ' ... • .... ' , .. . .. . . . .. ... . II ' ' I I I I ' I . I I I ' I I I I I I I ATIACHMENT A SUt4MARY OUTLINES OF VOLUME 1 & 2 I· I I I I I I . I I I I I I I I I I· I I 1 -INTRODUCTION SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FEASIBILITY REPORT Preamble similar to DSR. 1.1 -The Study Area Similar to DSR. 1:2-Project Description Updated from DSR. 1.3 -Objectives and Scope of Current Studies Similar to DSR • 1.4-Plan Formulation and Se1ection Process Preamble similar to DSR. (a) Planning Methodology Edited version from DSR · (b) Economic Ana 1 yses Version from DSR revised and updated as appropriate 1.5-Organization of Report · Brief description of objective of report VOLUt-1E 1 -Tee hn i ca 1 and Economic Aspects Brief (one or two sentence) description of each section. VOLUME 2 -Environmental Aspects Brief (one or two sentence) description of each section. VOLUME 3 to 8 -Abpendices -Technical and Economic Aspects Brief description of contents of each volume. Page 1 3rd DRAFT December 10, 1981 - I I I I I I II I I I I Page 2 December 10, 1981 2 -SDr·1MARY .. -2.1 -Scope of Work Preamble similar in format to corresponding sectionof DSR, modified and updated to suit. · · \f. 2.2 -Previous Studies .Similar to DSR. iJ 'tJ 2. 3 -Ra i 1 belt Load Forecasts Similar to DSR with results and implications of Battelle studies incorporated. ~~ 2.4-Railbelt System & Future Power Generating Options Similar to DSR with results and implications of Battelle studies incorporated. V 2.5-Susitna Basin_ Similar to DSR, updated as appropriate~ ·;' 2. 6 -Susitna Basin Development Selection Similar to DSR, updated as appropriate. / 2~7 -Susitna Hydroelectric Development ... ~ited and updated version of ~orresponding section of DSR. ., t -J V"2.8 -_Watana Developmerr£_ I ·" SuJTil1a ry description of s i te cha racteri st i cs and p reject components. ·I ~~ J 2.9 -Devil Canyon Development _Summary description of site characteristics and project components •. 2.10 -Transmission Facilities Summary description of electric system studies, corridor selection studies_, " i *"~~j. .detailed route selection, and facilities. "'"'"' \ g~ l~ ('; '<l~~~· ' ... 1;,~ 1.!', .. f I I I I / 2.11 -Estimates of Cost i Sunmary of components of project cost (construction, engineering, etc.) and ,, =~ I I tabulated costs. Brief description of basis for AFOC, escalation and cash flow.-.~ 2.12-Development Schedule Brief summary of schedule milestones for Watana and Devil Canyon. Simplified bar chart schedule to accompany. I I I I I I I I I / ..J# t· I I I I I I· I" I I Page 3 December lO, 1981 v·/·2. ~ Environmental Imeacts and. Mitigation 1-'.easures ~ Brief summary of the principal environmental impacts of the project and the measures recomnePded and/or inctn•porated in the project to mitigate these impacts ... c,,"C 2$~-Project Operation Discussion of how reservoirs will be operated (i.e., relative to maximum energy vs. environmentl restraints). ·Discussion of operating and maintenance options, staff requirements, (permanent and temporary). . 2.1~-Economic and Financial Evaluation Summary and discussion of economic evaluation, financial evaluation and power marketing. 2.16-Conclusions and Recommendations . A 2 or 3 page summary of basic conclusions and recommendations of the study. • I I I - I I I I I I I I~ I I I I I I· 'I I I I I r Page 4 iDecember 1 0, 1981 3 -SCOPE OF WORK . Preamble generally describing scope of feasibility study, i.e., development selection and more detailed engineering studies to establish conceptual designs. Mention input from power studies, site surveys, hydrological and geotechnical field programs, seismic ~tudies, environmental studies and transmission studies. Include a brief discussion of the evolution of the plan of study. 3.1-Evolution of Plan of Study Brief statement of objectives and scope. I< I I- I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I II ! I I !I I II 1- .; Page 5 December 1 o, 198l 4 -PREVIOUS STUDIES From corresponding section in [~1. I I I I I I I I· I I I I I I I I I I I Page 6 December 10, 1981 5 -RAILBELT LOAD FORECASTS 5.1 -Introduction Brief outline of purpose of section. 5 .. 2 -Past Projections of Railbelt Electricity Demand Outline of past projections, based on Section 5.4 of DSR: revised as appropriate. 5.3 -ISER Forecasts Outline of methodology, assumptions, address forecasting uncertainty, summarize results of forecasts. 5.4 -Electricity Demand Profiles Review of historical growth of electricity consumption in Railbelt; see similar section (5.2) in DSR. 5.5 -Demand Forecasts Discuss approach, load pattern, sales allocation, peak loads, etc.; see similar section (5.5) in DSR. 5.6 -Potential for Load Management and Energy Conservation See similar section (5.6) in DSRe 5.7 -Battelle Forecasts Summarize forecasts presented in Battelle report. 5.8 -Load Forecasts used for Generation Planning Studies Discuss forecasts used in relation to all of the above. I· I' I ~I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .I, I • 6 -RAILBEL·T SYSTEM & FUTURE POWER GENERATION OPTIONS 6 .. 1 ... Introduction See Section 6.1 of DSR. 6.2 -Existing System Characteristics See Sectic_n 6.2 of DSR. 6.3 -Fairbanks-Anchorage Intertie Update of Section 6.3 of DSR. 6.4 -Hydroelectric Options See Section 6.4 of. DSR; update a_s required. 6.5 -Thermal Options See Section 6.5 of DSR; update as ·required. 6.6 -Without Susitna Plan Describe "options" if Susitna not constructed. Page 7 December 10, 1~81 " .' I ·l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -i Page 8 December 10, 1981 7 -SUSITNA BASIN 7.1 -General e State purpose of section to describe climatological, physical and environmental characteristics of Susitna River Basin.. Information from previous data sources augmented by field programs and office studies undertaken in 1980 and 1981 .. 7.2 -Climatology ./ General description of climate in upper and lower basin. (a) Climatic Data Records Describe sources of previous NOAA data (Summary table of data). Describe automatic stations. Figure (Station locations). (b) Precipitation Describe precipitation patterns in Basin based on existing records. Figure (regional isohytel map if data sufficient) Describe SCS snow course station network. (c) Temperature Tabulation of historical temperature records. 7.3 -Hydrology (a) Streamflow Records Describe sources of previous USGS data. Figure (station locations) Describe multisite correlation technique to exte~d available data. Describe gaging station established at Watana 2 or 3 surrmary tablas Figures -Flow Distribution in Basin , (4 or 5) -Stre:am Flow Dis_tribution (by correlation technique) ·-Watana,Rating Curve I· I I I I I I I I I I I I I " I I I -I I Pa·ge 9 December lO, 198] Refer to appendix for detailed information. (b) River Ice Describe previously observed ice conditions (see DSR) Describe current program~ including computer model simulations, refer to appendix for detailed data, etc .. (c) Floods Discussion of flood peak origin, and regional flood frequency an .. alyses similar to comparable section in DSR. Present and discuss results of latest reassessment of spillway design floods for both projects. Present and discuss results o~ review of COE PMF estimates. Refer to appendices for detailed data. Tables - 3 or 4 summarizing basic data Figures - 3 or 4 flood hydrographs, etc. as required to illustrate results. (d) Sediment Yield and River Morphology Discuss level of existing sediment sampling data and previous studies Discuss proposed reassessment of reservoir sediment accumulation after· several years of data has been collected. Discuss results of river morphology studies Table -summary data I I I I I I I I I I I :----· I I I I I I I 1- Page 10 7.4 -Regional Geo1ogy December 10, 1981 (a) Geologic Setting General description of geological setting of basin -Talkeetna Mountains Figure -regional map (b) Stratigraphy Description of three main bedrock groups, origin, etc. Figures -Geologic time 'scale -Generalized geological column -Generalized geological plan (c) Structura 1 Description of periods and mechanisms of rock deformation: -Jurassic period (metamorphism, plutonism & uplift -middle to 1 ate Ct'etaceous (alpine-type or ogeny) -Teriary period (faulting & minor folding) Figures -main structural features (d) Surface Geology Description of surface geology, including influences of climatic conditions (weathering), glacial advance and retreat, permafrost Describe soil types Figure -surface geology map I I I I I • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Page 11 December 10, 1981 7.5 -Seismolo9Y. Brief 'introductory section noting relative lack of available data previous to study. Mention comprehensive field and office study program undertaken as part of work program. Refer to WCC final report on seismic studies. (a) Seismic Geology Discuss regional geology in relation to seismology of region. (b) Field Investigation Sunmarize field investigations undertaken in 1980 and 1981. Briefly describe screening process (i.e., 216 lineamentsscreenedto identify 48 significant features as candidates for further study~ reduced to 13 features significant to project design. Significant features relative to each site will be discussed in more detail in Sections 10 and 11. (c) Seismic Monitoring Discuss results of 1980 micraseismic monitoring program. Describe program far future seismologic network monitoring. (d) Reservoir Induced Seismicity Describe mechanism of RIS, briefly discuss recorded experience with other large reservoirs. Discuss implications of RIS with respect to Susitna. Specific discussion of RIS if appropriate will be in Sections 10 and 11. (e) Ground Motion Evaluations Identify sources of potential ea.rthquakes. Discuss 13 significant features in relation to earthquake potential. Present maximum credible earthquake magnitudes (and peak particle accelerations) for potenti'al earthquake sources. ••• . . . I I I I I I I I I ·I I I I I I I I; I Page 12 December 10, 1981 Discuss design of dams to withstand ground motions. Specific considerations relative to dam design to be discussed in Sections 10 and 11. 7.6 -Water Use and Quality ' Describe existing surface water quality in the Susitna river and major tributaries. 7.7 -Fishery Resources Describe species and distribution of anadramous and resident fishes. Focus on area critical to reproduction. Use figures to show these areas. ) 7.8 -Wildlife Resources (a) Big Game -Moose Describe population levels, distribution, movement and habitat uses, both upstream and downstream of the dam sites. Utilize figures from TES. -Caribou Describe population levels, distribution and migration routes, parti.co1arly as they related to access road. Utilize figures from TES. -~~ol f Describe. number and territory of packs and re 1 a "C. ionships to and depende·n.ce on moose populations. Use figures from TESe -Wolverine Describe population estimates, movement patterns and habitat use. ll ~ I I I I I· ·I I I I I I I I I I I I I Page 13 Decembs:r 10, 1981' -Bear Describe distribution, number, movement patterns, habitats, use of salmon, den location. -Oall Sheep Describe number and location of herds and location of licks. -Furbearers Describe number and distribution of aquatic furbearers mink, other) together; then same for other furbearers .. relationships. (b) Birds and Non-game Mammals (beaver, muskrat, Focus on habitat Describe number of avian species and important. habitats. Focus on raptors .. Describe number of non-game marm1al species and important habitats. 7.9 -Botanical Resources Describe existing plant comnunities in the area to be affected, acreages of each and significance. Include downstream flood plain area, transmission and access routes. Use figures and tables from TES. 7.10-Historic and Archaeological Resour~es Describe number of sites discovered in areas affected by construction and operation of the dams, impoundments, transmission line and access roads. Describe which are known to be significant or eligible for the National Register and those to which impacts cannot be avo·1ded. Use map to show significant sites and table to show number. I· ··: I I I I I I I I ·I I I I I I I I ,,_, .. --·-'""-· \·. -·~\_ .. __ .a Page 14 December 10, ·1981 1~11 -Socioeconomic~ Describe the local, regional and state impact area and; using tables, the socioeconomic parameters of each. 7.12 ·-Recreational Resources Describe existing recreational use.of the project area. Use figures to show important recreation areas. 7.13 -Aesthetic Resources Describe aesthetic resources of the area. Photo? 7.14-Land Use Describe existing land use in the project a~ea. I· I ·~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I: I I I Page 15 December 10~ 1981 8 -Susitna Basin Development Selection Describe purpose of section to select a preferred development plan and compare selected plan with alternative methods of generating Railbelt energy,needs. Comparison based on technical, economic, environmental and social aspects. Refer to DSR for more detailed evaluation. 8.2 -Plan Formulation & Selection Methodology Outline basic steps in plan formulation and selection process: -define objectives; -select candidate dam sites; -screen candidates dam sites; -formulate development plans; -detailed evaluation of plans; 8.3 -Selection of Candidate Dam Sites (a) Candidate Dam Sites List sites and show locations: -Gold Creek; -Susitna II (Olson); -Devil Canyon; -High Devi_l,Canyon (Susitna II); -Devil Creek; -l~atana; -Susitna III; -Vee,; -Maclaren; -Denali; -Bette Creek; -Tyone Summarize relevant data re: dam type3 reservoir leve1s 1 etc. Describe level of study detail. 1-. I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I .• ' (b) Power and Energy Estimates Describe basis and tabulate. (c) fapital Cost Estimates Describe briefly and tabulate. 8.4 -Site Screening Briefly state objective. Identify criteria. (a) Screening Criteria Describe criteria and discuss under following headings: -environmental -alternative sites -energy contribution . ~ (b) Screening Process r Describe results of screening process: site eliminated -sites retained 8.5 -Engineering Layouts Page 16 December 10, 1981 Describe process of development of engineering layouts and re-evaluating costs for 7 remaining sites. Discuss staged development. (a) Devil Canyon Brief description {General Arrangement Drawing) of layout 'I ·.:.····· ,· I I I. I I I I I I I ;I I I 1\ I -·· I Page 17 December 10, 1981 (b) Watana AS ABOVE (c) High Devi 1 Canyon. AS ABOVE (d) Susitna III AS ABOVE (e) Vee AS ABOVE (f) Maclaren AS ABOVE (g) Denali AS ABOVE 8o6 -Capital Cost Estimates Brief discussion of sources of data, methods of developing costs, treatment of contingencies~ indirect costs~ etc. Summarize data (tables). • I ' • I I' I I I I I, I· I I I II' I I I I I. I Page 18 December 10 1 1981 8. 7 -Formulation of Susi tna Bas in Development Plans Describe proces~s to select preferred development plan. (a) Application of Screening Model Surrrnary description of model, input data, model runs and results/ (b) Tunnel Scheme Discuss rationale for replacing Devil Canyon with long tunne1 in combination with Watana. Discuss four sub-alternative schemes: -re-regulation downstream of Watana (peaking) -tunnel intake in Watana reservoir (peaking) -base load operation with re-regulating dam .. base load operation with intakes in Watana reservoir (c) Additional Basin Development Plan Watana & Devil Canyon together. .Briefly describe. (d) Selected Basin Development Plans Identify plans selected for more detailed evaluation . -Watana/Devil Canyon -High Devil Canyon/Vee -Watana/Tunnel -Watana/High Devil C~nyon 0 Dis~uss subplans considering staged construction. I ' ... ',' ·' I I :I I I I I I' I I I I I •• I I I I 8.8 -Evaluation of Basin Development Plaq Briefly discuss objectives. (a) Preliminary Evaluations Page 19· December lO, 1981 Summarize basic data relative to cost, construction schedule, energy production for selected plans. Reference to multireservoir model simulation. Discussion of project restraints. (b) Plan Modifications Discuss modifications to plans for re-regulation dams to mitigate problems associated with daily peaking. (c) Evaluation Criteria and Methodologx Discuss approach -least cost only for optimum staging concept -economic; environmental, social, and energy considerations for most appropriate plan. Discuss use of OGP5 model, input, results of simulation studies. (d) Initial Economic Analysis Discuss tabulated results, economic life on-dine date assumptions, etc. (e) Economic Sensitivity Analysis Discuss impact of low and high low growth scenarios on results. I . I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I •• I I I --e Page 20 December 1 0, 19,81 (f) Evaluation Criteria List and briefly discuss various criteria; -economic -environmental -social -energy contribution (g) Results of Evaluation Process Discuss each alternative under various criteria listed above: .-Devil Canyon vs tunnel -Watana/Oevil Canyon vs High Devil Canyon/Vee Identify preferred Susitna Basin development plan. 8.9 -On-Line Schedule Brief discussion of on-line schedule for various alternatives. •,~,: < ." ·I· . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·I? I: I Page 21 . December 1 0, 1 981 9 -SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC OEVELOPt•1ENT Outline purp_ose of this section to describe site topography, geology, seismicity for both Watana and Devil Creek (selected development plan for Section 8), describe process by which final layouts, reservoir levels, and installed capacity~ selected for each development. Section will also describe process of selecting access route to Devil Canyon and Watana. 9.1 -Site Topograph_y (a) Watana Description of site topography and discussion of implications on prqject arrangement. (b) Devil Canyon AS (a) ABOVE. 9. 2 -~ te Geo 1 ogy (a) Watana Brief description of geological setting and structural geology {prev'fousJy described -in Section 7). Describe engineering geology under following headings: -soils -rock types and properties -groundwater -faults, shear zones, altered zones and other similar features. I I I .•. ; . . I I I 1: I I I I I I ., I I I I Page 22 December 10, 1981 (b) D~vil Canyon AS (a) ABOVE 9.3 -Geotechnical Considerations (a) Watana Discuss implications of geological condi 1tions under followingheadings: -foundation permeability -stability of underground structures -.stabi 1 ity of soi 1 and rock slopes relict channel -permafrost -suitability of excavated materials for use in permanent construction • lj potential borrow areas for embankment materials and concrete aggregates . (b) De vi 1 Canyon Discuss implications of geological conditions under following headings.: -foundation permeability ... suitability of dam abutments as arch dam foundations -stability of underground structures -stability of soil and rock slopes -permafrost suitability of excavated materials for use in permanent construction -potential borrow areas for embankment materials and concrete aggregates 9.4 -Site Seismicity (a) Watana Discuss implications of site seismicity on design of structures at Watana and reservoir. (b) Devil Canyon AS (a} ABOVE.' •• ' . .. I I I I I I I I I ••• I I I I I . I I -· I Page 23 9.5 ~ Selection of Reservoir Levels December 10, 1981 Describe methodology"for preliminary selection of reservoir 1eve1s at Watana and Devil Canyon. Discussion of economic, physical and environmental restraints on the selected levels. Presentation and discussion of results. 9.6 -Selection of Installed Capacit~ Describe methodology for preliminary selection of installed capacity at Watana and Devil Canyon. Discuss economic, physical and environmental restraints on reservoir fluctuations, minimum discharges, etc. Presentation and discussion of results . 9.7 -Selection of Spillway Capacity Refer to Section 7.3. Describe flood routing analysis for Watana, performed for various spillway capacities. Discuss results of analysis and implications on alternative methods of handling intennediate to PMF flood .events. Discuss dependency of Devil Canyon spillway capacity requirements on selected capaicty at Watana. 9.8 -Selecti.on of Watana General Arrangement ·Discuss briefly main components of general arrangement as introduction to following sections • (a) Main Dam Discuss .selection of dam type (-embankment or concrete arch). 'Briefly describe selectea··-ctarn section. Describe alternative dam axis locations evaluated. · I I I I •, . I I I I I. I I 'I I I I I •• ··~ I Page 24 December 10, 1981 (b) Diversion Briefly describe diversion scheme, including advantages and disadvantages of right and left bank location. (c). Spillway Facilities (d) (e) (f) (g) Discuss design concept adopted for purposes of establishing general arrangement. Refer to Section 9.7 above. Describe various spillway facilities -tunnel spillway with fixed cone type outlet valve -chute spillway {with flip bucket or stilling basin) -cascade type spillway -emergency spillway {fuse pfug or gated) Low Level Outlet Facilities Discuss concept and describe facilities. Saddle Dam Discuss need for saddle dam, foundation conditions, etc. Re 1 ict Channe 1 .;..;,.;;..;...;...;;.;...;.....~;...;...;.o..;;.;;.,_ Discuss influence of possible buried channel on project arrangement. Discuss alternatives for avoidance or treatment of affected area. Power Facilities Discuss design and construction considerations relative to surface or underground powerhouse • Describe facilities briefly. -. li I •• I I I I •• I 'I;' I I I I I I I Page 25 {h) .@.eneral Arrang~ment Oecembe)' i'O, 1981 De~cribe various project general arrangements evaluated. l.Jisc~uss. economic, technical, envi:r•onmental considerations involved with each alternative, and elimination process followed to select 'lbest" layout. Describe selected layout briefly (project facilities will be described in more detail in Section 10) • 9.9 -Sel~ctiol}_of Devil Canyon General Arr:<!P ... 9 . .f~ment Discuss briefly main components of general arrangement as introduction to followi~g sections .. (a) Main Dam As described in Section 9.9 for Watana. (b) Di versi or~ As described in Section 9.9 for W~tana (c) Spillway Facilities As described in Section 9.9 for Watana. (d) Low Level Outlet Facilities As described in Se~tion 9.9 for Watanav Power Facilities As described in Section 9.9 for Watana. '.' .'. ,, •• I .., I I I ·~ I I •• I I I I I -' I It • -I I Pag·e 26 December 1 0, 1 981 {f) Saddle Dam Describe need for saddle dam, -briefly describe dam type, foundation, contact at t-hrust block, etc. (g) Power Facilities As described in Section 9.9 for Watana. (h) §,e,t1era1 Arrangement As described in Section 9.9 for \tlatana. 9.10-Selection of Main Access-Plan· Outline purpose of section to describe selection process for access to Watana and Devil G~r;yon, describe alternating routes evaluated, describe selected route . - (a) A_ccess Plan Selection ,Methodology Describe methodology for access plan selection, economic, technical, socio-economic, environmental, and scheduling considerations involved in selection process. (b) Alternative Access Plans · Describe 8! access plans considered. Present economic, technical, socio- economic, environmental and scheduling advantages and disadvantages of each. (c) Evaluation of Altar~ative Access Plans Compare various plans and (d) Results of Evaluation Process Ider.tify selected plan, discuss reasons for selectit~t'l, and describe plan in more detail. I· -,_--, p I I 41. .. ~ •• ..... I I I ' I I I I .• \ ·. ~ , I I· I v I :o Page 27 December 10, 1981 10 ... 7 -WATANA DEVELOPMENT Briefly outline purpose of this section to describe the various structures, permanent equipment and syst. ... :ns which comprise the project arrangement selected as described in Section 9. Note that descriptions of proposed project operation, estimates of dependable capacity and energy, operation and maintenance considerations and performance monitoring are presented in Section 15 .. 10 .. 1 -General Arrangement Outline description of each component of Watana Development, including: -dam type and principal dimensions -spillway types, capacities, salient features -diversion arrangement an·d structures -low level outlets -power facilities -major equipment -permanent housing and miscellaneous structures 10.2 -Site Access . Describe site roads and bridges, access tunnels, air strip, etc. required folt .. construction and for permanent operation. Plates -Location Plan -Typ·i ca 1 Arrangements 10.3 -Site Facilities Describe facilities required for construction, i.e., camps, contractors areas, communications site power, services~ hospitals, etc. Describe pennanent -facilities, i~e., garages, machine shop, actomodation for permanent staff, etc. I I .I I I . . I I I ··, I I I ... I ..• I I I I I I 10.4 .... Diversion ~ Describe diversion scheme inclu~ing sequence of diversion. of scheme under following headings: -upstream cofferdam -downstream cofferdam ' -foundation treatment -tunnel portals -gate structure -tunnels -tunnel plugs Plates -Cofferdams -Plans and Sections -Gate Structure -Plans and Sections -Tunnels -Arrangement and Typical Sections· 10.5 -Low Level Outlet Facilities Describe facilities and proposed method of operation. Plates -Profile and Typical Sections and Details 10.6 -Main Dam Page ?8 Oecel\,ber 10, 198.1 Describe components Description of dam (including construction methods} under following headings: -sources of construction materials; precedent structures; -excavation and foundation preparation; ~ grouting and pressure relief; -impervious core; -filter and transition zones; -upstream and downstream supporting zones; -slope protection; -construction schedule ... I i I - I I I I -' I I I I ' I I I - I I I I I I Page 29 December 1 0, 1981 Description and discussion of specific design features under following headings: -crest-width; freeboard and crest superelevation; -instrumentation; -r·esistance to earthquake action; -stability analysis; Plates -Longitudinal Section ... Typical Cross Sections and Details 10.7 -Saddle Dam Description of dam (includ-ing construction methods) under following headings~ -sources of construction materials; excavation and foundation treatment; -special problems (permafrost); -impervious core; -filters and transitions; -supportive zones; -slope protection; 10.8 -Primary Outlet Facilities Description of primary outlet works under following headings: -intakes; tunnel (s); -gates and valves; -typical operation; Plates -Longitudinal Section -Typical Sections -Gates and Valves Arrangement (J ,J I I· I 1\ . . I I ' ' I I I ~. ·I I I I '''""• I I ••••• 10.9-Hain Spillway Description of main spillway under following headings: .. excavation and rock support; -gate structure; -chute and flip bucket (or stilling basin); -gates and hoists; -special drainage provisions; -typical operation; Plates -Centerline Profile -Typical Sections -Gates Arrangement 10.10-Emergency Spillwax Page 30 December 1 0, 1981 Description of emergency spillway under the following headings: -excavation and slope treatment; -fuse plug or gate structure; -operation; Plates -Plan , -Centerline Profile -Typical Section 10.11 -Intake . Description of power intake under following ·headings: -intake channel excavation and slope treatment; -intake structure foundat~on treatment; -intake structure; • -intake gates and hoists; trashracks and stoplogs; Plates -Plan -Typical Sections -Arrangement of gates and trashracks • f· I t I I I I ., I I f ,, I I I •• ·~ I I ,, 1". Page 31 10~12 -Penstocks December 10, 1981 Description of penstocks under following headings: -concrete lined tunnels; -steel lined tunnels; -manifold sections; -grouting and drainage; Plates -Plan -Typical Sections 10.13-Powerhouse Description of powerhouse complex under following headings: -access tunnel; -powerhouse cavern; -grouting and pressure relief; -rock support; -powerhouse substructure; -powerhouse superstructure; -erection bay; -transformer gallery; -draft tube tunnels; -draft tube manifold; -cable shaft; Plates -Plan -Isometric -Typical Vertical and Hori'zontal Sections -Typical Details ,. I I I I I ,, I I I I I I 1: ' ' I I I ' I· Page 32 December 10, 1981 10~14 -Reservoir Description of reservoir under following headings: -extent of clearing; -reservoir slope stability; -sedimentation mitigation·measures; Plates -Plans -Typical Sections 10.15-Tailrace Description of tailrace under following headings: -tailrace tunnels; -downstream portals; -rock support & concrete lining; -tailrace fluctuations; -tailrace channel; Plates -Plan -Typical Sections 10.16 -Turbines & Generators Description of turbine and generator equipment under following headings: -turbines and governors; -generators and exciters; -penstock valves; -equipment selection; -potential vendors; -turbine operating characteristics; -installation considerations; Plates -Single Line Diagram -Typical Turbine Performance Curves -Penstock Valves Typical Arrangement ,. -I I I I ·I I·. ... I ' I t .t 1·, ' ·I :I I ·I ., I '•' Page 33 December 10, 1981 10.17 -Miscellaneous Mechanical Equipment Description of miscellaneous mechanical equipment under following headings: -powerhouse crane(s); .. , elevator(s); -powerhouse dewatering systems; -compressed air system; -oil handling systems; -heating and ventilating systems; -domestic water and sewage system; -draft tube gates & handling equipment; -machine shop and electrical test equipment; -fire protection sYstem; Plates -Equipment Layouts -Typical Details -Typ i ca 1 Fl 0\'1 Charts 10.18-Accessory Electrical Equipment Description of accessory electrical equipment under the following headings: -generator step-up transformer; -generator bus; -circuit breaker cubicles; .:· contra 1 metering and re 1 ayi ng pane 1 s; -control room equipment; station service equipment; -communications, telemetry and supervisory equipment; -DC and field flashing systems; -fire _detection and alarm systems; -345 kv cable or bus; Plates -Equipment Arrangement -One-line Diagrams I· ,. I ,, I I ') ~I I I ,,, I I I I I I I I I _,_, I _," Page 34 DecP,Jllber 10, 1981 10.19 -Switchyard Structures and Eguipment Description of switchyard structures and equipment under following headings: -selection of switchyard type (SFs or conventional); -switchyard location; -voltage levels; -equipment an~ structures; Plates Plan -Equipment Arrangement One-line Diagrams 10.20 -Project Lands Description of project lands under following headings: general description of ownership of lands in project area; land re~uirements for access; land requirements for construction areas; -land requirements for pennanent facilities; -land requirements for borrow areas; -land requirements for reservoir'; -reservoir buffer.zone and recreation considerations; Plates -Maps I "' ·- I I .I ~I I I· I I I 1\ I I ' I I . I' I. • Page 35 December 10, 1981 11 -DEVIL CANYON.DEVELOPMENT Brief outline of purpose of section (similar to Section 10 for Watana). 11.1 -General Arrangement Outline description of each component of Devil Canyon Development, including: -dam type and principal dimensions; .. spillway_ types, capacities and salient features; -diversion arrangement and structures; -low level outlets; power facilities; -major equipment; -permanent housing and miscellaneous structures; 11.2 -Site Access Describe site roads and bridges, access tunnels, etc. required for constru~tion and for permanent operation. Relate to access witi-:h will be in place for Watana (if existing scheme maintained). Plates -Location Plan -Typical Arrangements 11.3-Site Facilities __________ ......., __ Similar as outlined in Section 10 for Watana~ I :':' I I -.• I I I •• I ., I I I I I I I I I Page 36 December .1 0, 1981 11.4 -Diversion Describe diversion scheme including sequence of diversion.· Describe components of scheme under following headings: -upstream cofferdam; -downstream cofferdam; -foundation treatment; -tunnel portals; -gate structure; -tunnel; -tunnel plug; Plates -Cofferaams -Plans & Sections -Gate Structure -Plans & Sections -Tunnels -Arrangement & Typical Sections 11.5-Arch Dam Description of arch dam under the following headings: -precedent structures; -excavation and treatment of abutments; -excavation and treatment of river bed foundations; -concrete plug; -arch structure; -thrust block; crest details; -construction schedule; -construction methods; Description and discussion of specific design features under following headings: -freeboard;- -instrumentation; -resistance to earthquake action; -stability ,analysis; -plunge pool treatment; I· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -I' Page ·37 Decemb-er 1 0, 1981 . Plates ... Plan -Typical Sections 11.6-Saddle Dam Similar as outlined in Section 10 for Watana. llo7-Primary Outlet Facilities Simi 1 ar as outlined in Sectj on 1 0 for Wct'cana except note operation during initial filling for emergency drawdown.· ~ 11.8-Main Spillwa.t_ Similar as outlined in Section 10 for Watana. 11.9-Emergency Spillway AS ABOVE 11 . 1 0 -Intake AS ABOVE 11.11 -Penstocks AS ABOVE 11.12-Powerhouse AS ABOVE 11 . 13 -Reservoir AS ABOV.E I .. I Page 38 December 10, 1981 11.14 -Tail race I AS ABOVE I 11.15-Turbines and Generators AS ABOVE I 11.16-Miscellaneous Mechanical Equipment I AS ABOVE I 11.17-Accessory Electrical Equipment I AS ABOVE I 11.18-Switchyard Structures and Equipment I AS ABOVE I 11.19-Project Lands AS ABOVE I I I _I I -I I I lt. .• ,.,.:,__.,".,. ' -~ < •••• I I I I I I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I Page 39 December 10, 1981 12 -TRANSMISSION FACILITIES (Introductory statement) 12.1 -Electric System Studies -brieflr describe transmission planning criteria describe existing utilities system data -power transfer requirements -selection of transmission system configurati~n and chax:acteristics -performance of selected transmission. system . (Figure -Transmission System Single Line) (Possibly 2 or 3 tables) 12.2 .... Corridor Selection -briefly describe the corridor selection methodology - a short discussion of previous studies -describe selection criteria for feasible corridors and results -describe screening criteria o.f alternate corridors and results -summarize conclusions 12.3·-Detailed Route Selection -briefly describe selection criteria -describe selected l/2 mi route -show the 1/2 mi corridor on a map and include probable locations of substations • I' ~ Page 40 I December 10, 1981 12.4 -Towers, Hardware and Conductors I -review different types of tower structures -diSCllSS foundation requirements in variOUS geographical I areas I -short discussion of conductor requirements -discuss hardware and insulators I (2 or 3 figures] I :L2. 5 -Substations I -briefly discuss single line diagrams -review alternate substation arrangements I -discuss location of substations (2 or 3 drawings) I 12.6 -Dispatch Center and Communications I -briefly review existing utilities dispatch facilites I -discuss alternatives to achieve effective co:ittrol of the Fairbanks/Susitna/Arichorage power pool •"' ' •• -propose .a conceptual design -discuss location of the dispatch center I (2 or 3 figures) I I •• I .i ' '- I I I I I I I I- I I I I I I I ~ ;I ,I r-: I• ! s .I ,. Page 41 Deca~ber 10, 1381 13 -PROJECT OPERATION 13.1 -_!Xoject Operation Discussion of factors influencing operation of Watana and Devil Canyon. These would include: -daily demand curves -seasonal demand curves -available flow -restrictions on reservoir drawdown -minimum flow requirements -system stability -synchronous condenser operation Describe proposed operation of Watana and Devil Canyon within framework of above considerations and restraints. 13.2-Dependable Capacity and Average Annual Energy Outline of dependable capacity and annual energy production for both Watana and Devil Canyon. Emphasis will be an graphical and tabular data. 13.3-Operation and Maintenance Discussion of factors influencing type of station operation {i.e., remote, semi- remote, manual) and approach to routine inspection, nonnal repair and maintenance, emergency repair, etc. Discuss need (or otherwise) for permanent conmunity, permanent and temporary staff levels, support facilities such as machine shop, vehicular service facilities, etc. 13.4-Performance Monitorina Description of various instruments~ observational systems and reference points to monitor perfonnance of the various project structures, particularly Watana and Devil Canyon dams, spillways, saddle dams, etc. I I I I 'I I '. I I I I I I I I I I I I I Page 42 December 10, 1981 14 -ESTIMATES OF COST 14.1 -Construction Costs Presentation of construction cost estimates for both Watana and Devil Canyon. The tabulated estioate will be accompanied by discussion covering the following: -assumed cost levels (i.e. January 1982); -sources of cost information (i.e., quantity takeoffs, information from suppliers); -labor/materials breakdown (to be confirmed); -conttngencies for site construction; -contingencies for equipment; -treatment of taxes; 14.2 -Mitigation Costs Discussion of cost for items incorporated into the projects to mitigate environmental impactsG 14.3 -Operation, Maintenance aHd Replacement Costs Discussion of O&M costs and iterim replacement, etc. 14.4 -Engineering and Administration Costs . Presentation of engineering, management and administration costs for both Watana and Devil Canyon. 14.5 -Allowance for Funds Used During Construction Discussion of AFDC assumptions made.for projects . . 14.6 -Differential Escalation on Construction Costs Discussion,of treatment of escalation in presentation of costs, both during construction and·beyond. 14.7.-Cash Flow Requirements Presentation of cash flow for construction of both Watana and Devil Canyon. I· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I " Page 43 December 10~ 1981 15 -DEVELOPf'r1ENT SCHEDULE Preamble outlining main elements of total project (Watana and Devil Canyon schedule). 15 • 1 -Watana Deve 1 opment (} Presentation of comprehensive project schedule for Watana. Discussion of principal features of schedule under following headings; -site access; -temporary construction facilities; -diversion; -~ain dam construction; -construction of spillways; -constt~uction of powerhouse complex; -pennanent townsite facilities; -transmission; -critical items; 15 . 2 -Oevi 1 Canyon Deve 1 opment Presentation of comprehensive project schedule for Watana. Discussion of principal features of schedule as outlined above for Devil Canyon. 15.3 -System Development Schedule Present and diSC'b$S overall system development schedule. I "' -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .I I I Page 44 December 10, 1981 16 -ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL EVALUATION 16.1 -Economic Evaluation . Discussion of approach to economic evaluation. Assumptions relative to: -construction.cost escalation -fuel cost escalation -cost of money -investment costs · -annual costs -replacement costs -economic life. Tabulation of benefit-cost ratios throughout economic life of priject. Discussion of results, effects of stage construction, defering or accelerating Devil Canyon, sensitivity of analysis to assumptions made. 16.2 -Financial Evaluation Discussion of approach to financial evaluation. Discussion of effect of recent State legislation on project financing. Development of financial analysis assuming part State-part instituti.onal financing (subject to discussions with APA). Balance of this section are subject to further discussion with APA. 16.3 -Power Marketing The contents of this section are subject to further discussion with APA. • ,. I I I I ·a , I I -· I I I I I I I. I I· , .. I ,• ~ SCHEDULE· SHEET CHARG.E NO.:.._ e5700._06 ___ _ CLlENT &~MP~R-•_A_m_H_~_I_T_Y ____________ ~ WORK PACKAGE .· J 2 5 6 2 8 9 10 JJ 13 l4 PROJECT . FEASIBILITY REPORT -VOLU~1E 1 DESCRIPTlON INTRODUCTION SU~1MARY SCOPE OF HORK PREVIOUS STUDIES RAILBELT _LOAD.EORECASTS RAILBELT SYSTE~1 AND fUTURE GENERATING OPTIONS SUSITNA BASIN · SUSITNA BltSIN _QEV_ELOPMENT SELECTION SUSITNA .H..YDROELE.CIRIC ~ELJ)£M_E_NT WATANA DEV_ELQP~1ENT DEVIL CANYON DEVELJlPJi.ENI ESTIMATES OF COST DEVELOPMENT SCHEDUlE 1----l:..:::.:fi_-+~E:.:::..:C:O~··N ..:.;..o·N ··.:.;:;;..;;IIC::.....;A;..;;.;..;..:;.ND· FINANC_l~ EVALUATION 17 t.ONC:l USTONS AND .RECOMMENDATIONS SEPTEMBER 14 21 28 5 t . \.l} .OCTOBER 12 19 . 26 rr> PR \Fl 1 ~ lJWU-.1 IUK f.\f ·\.J.l , DitAFT ~ '-~ T ~x· B F' ) RNATt-J ""' Ul ~Af[f h DlkAF[f ' ' .; SHEE:.T +-.OF---- \ PREPARED BY ' MRV P~OJECT APPROVAL~ --~---------- NOVMEBER DECEMBER JANUJ.\KY FEBRUARY Nf\i\CH 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 1 8 --· VOLU~·1E 1 \.. \.l) \.V \.V / J !\. \ J ,. • ...IHH ltiU IF I [~ALlLF _r-.IBA ~TEILLr-,. iF I ~Al IZ._ D ~Aft! It'\ 1.-: qiAI. IZ ~ IDFV\F '-'ES ·n~A1ES '-~ iTEiXT /K 1, ·.·· I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TITLE PAGE TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES 1 -INTRODUCTION SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM OUTLINE FOR FEASIBILITY REPORT AND LICENSE APPLICATION EXHIBIT E (ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT) • 1.1 -General Description of the Locale Location~ physiography and topography, climate, vegetation, land use. 1.2 -General Project Description 2 -REPORT ON WATER USE AND QUALITY 3 -REPORT ON FISH, WILDLIFE AND BOTANICAL RESOURCES 3~1 -Description of Botanical Resources (a) Regional Botanical Setting (b) Floristics (c) Vegetation/Habitat Type Maps (d) Vegetation/Habitat Type Descriptions (e) Wetlands 3.2 -Description of Wildlife ~esourc~ (a) Big Game (b) Furbearers (c) Birds (d) Non-Game Mammals I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·.I 3.3 -Description of Fish Resources (a) Anadromous Fish (b) Resident Fish (c) Aquatic Habitat 3.4 -Threatened or Endangered Species (a) Plants (b) Wi 1 d. 1 if e (c) Fish 3.5 -~nticipated Impacts on Botanical Resources {a) Watana Dam and Impoundment (b) Devil Canyon Dam and Impoundment (c) Borrow Areas (d) Downstream Floodplain {e) Access Road (f) Transmission Line 3. 6 -Anticipated Impacts on Wi 1 dli fe Resources. (a) ~~l (d) Watana Dam and Impoundment Devil Canyon Dam and Impoundment Access Road Transmission Line 3.7-Anticipated Impacts on Fisheries (a) Watana Dam and Impoundment (b) Devil Canyon Dam and Impoundment (c) Access Road (d) Transmission Line 3.8 -Anticipated Impacts on Threatened or Endangered Species (a) Plants (b) Wildlife (c) Fish 3.9 -Mitigation of Impacts on Fish~ Wildlife and Botanical Resources (a) Agency Recommendations (b) Mitigation Plans of the Applicant 4 -REPORT ON HISTORIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCEs· .. 4.1 -Agency Consultation (a) Consultation Methods (b) Summary of Comments -2 I \01 " I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -I •• I 4.2 -Study Metho~~ (a) Objectives -5-step program {b) Methods 4.3 -Historic and Archaeological Sites in the Project Area . -3 (includes location map, references 7.06 and 7.07 Final Reports for details) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Watana Dam and Impoundmeut Devil Canyon Dam and Impoundment Borrow Area, Associated Facilities, and Areas Disturbed by Geotechnical Testing Access Road Transmission Line 4.4 -Impacts on Historical and Archaeological Sites (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Watana Dam and Impoundment Devil Canyon Dam and Impoundment Borrow Areas, Associated Facilities, and Areas Disturbed by Geotechnical Testing Access Road Transmission Line 4.5 -Mitigation of Impacts on Historic and Archaeological Sites (a) Mitigation Policy and Approach (b) Mitigation Plan 4.6 -Support Documents Reference to complete 7.06 Phase 1 Report. 5 -REPORT ON SOCIOECONOMIC IMPACTS 5.1 Identification of the Socioeconomic Impact Area 5.2 -Description of Employment, Population and Personal Income Trends in the Impact Area 5.3 -Effects of In-Migration of Governmental Facilities and Services of Impact Area 5.4 ·-On-Site Manpower Requirements and Payroll (During and subsequent to project construction, including a projection of total on-site employment and construction payroll by month.) I .. 't I I I I I I ~· "~ i9 I I I. I. I I I I I I I 5.5-Numbers and Residence of,Construction Personnel (a) Estimate of Existing Local Work Force. (b) Estimate of CoJmlunity Patterns (c) Estimate of Temporary Relocations 5.6 -Adequacy of Av~ilable Housing {a) Local {b) Regional 5.7 -Displacement of Residences and Businesses (a) Watana Dam and Impoundment (b) Devil Canyon Oam and Impoundment (c) Access Road (d) Transmission Line 5.8 -Fiscal Impacts on Local Government (a) Local Study Area (b) Regional Study Area 6 -REPORT ON GEOLOGICAL AND SOIL RESOURCES 6.1 -Geological Features .- 6.2 -Soils 6.3 -Geologic Hazards 6.4 -Soils Impacts 6.5 -Mitigation Measures 7 -REPORT ON RECREATIONAL RESOURCES 7.1-Statements on Designation as National Wild and Scenic Rivers Systems Nationa 1 System., and_ Wilderness Area Under the Wilderness Act 7.2 -Existing and Proposed Recreation Facilities (a) Project Area {b) Regional: Adjacent Areas 7.3 -Plan for Public Access (a) Description of Shoreline Buffer Zone . {b) Access Road Plan and Policy (include cross-reference to Section 9.2) {c) Relationship of Access to Recreation Plan -4 I .. '~ I I •• I I I I I I I 1: I I. I I. I I I 7.4 ~ Estimates of Existing and Future Recreational Use (a) Results of Participation Survey (b) Estimates of Regional Use (c) Estimates o.f Recreational Use Due to Increased Access 7.5 -Schedule and Cost of Recreation Planning (a) Short-Term (b) Long-Term 7.6 -Agency Consultation Concerning Recreation Planning (Includes Public Safety) (a) Federal Agencies (b) State Agencies (c) Local Agencies 7. 7 -Recreation Plan Dra\'lings 8 -REPORT ON AESTHETIC RESOURCES 8.1 -Aesthetic Character of Lands and Water to be Affected 8.2 -Impacts on Aesthetic Reso~rces (a) Watana Dam and Impoundment (b) Devil Canyon Dam and Impoundment (c) Access Road (d) Transmission Line 8.3 -Propcised Mitigative Measures (a) Measures Recommended by Agencies (b) Mitigation Policy and Approach (c) Specific Mitigative Measures 8.4 -Illustrations (additional w=tps, drawings, and photography) 9 -REPORT ON LAND USE 9.1 -Existing Land Use i~the Project Area (include reference to Section 3.1 (e) Wetlands) -5 a· •• I' I I. I I I I I I I I' I I I :I I, I -6 9.2 -Land Use~ with the Project Description of Project Facilities, including Access Road Plan and Transmission Corridor. Also, included changes in Land Use. 9.3 -Illustrations (aerial photos, maps, drawings) 10 -ALTERNATIVES 11 -LIST OF LITERATURE 11.1· General Description of the Local~ 11.2 -Water Use and Quality 11.3 -Fish, Wildlife, and Botanical Resources (a) Botattical Resources (b) Wildlife Resources (c) Fish Resources 11.4-Historic and Archaeological Resources 11.5 -Socioeconomics 11.6-Geological and Soil Resources 1le7-Recreational Resources 11.8-Aesthetic Resources 11.9-Land Use 11.10 -Alternatives APPENDIX -DOCUMENTATION OF AGENCY CONSULTATION APPENDIX A -Authorities Contacted APPENDIX B -Copies of Letters Received from Agencies I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1: I ~ ... ATIACHMENT B FEASIBILITY ANb GEOTECHNICAL REPORT DRAFTING PROCEDURES •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I / INFORMATION TO SUPPLEMENT ACRES DRAFTING STANDARDS FOR THE SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FEASIBILITY & GEOTECHNICAL REPORTS I I I I •• I I I I I I I I "- I I I I -· --·---· TABLE OF CONTENTa Section 1 2 3 4 Title INTRODUCTION ~ • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ., • • • • • • • • • • • •. • • BUDGETS, SCHEDULES J A.L~D RECORDS ~ e e : : o • • 5 • i • • e a • • • 2.1 2·.2 2.3 2~4 2.5 Responsibility •••••'-••••••••••••••••••e•••• Schedules • ·•· • ~ • • • o • • • e • • • • • • • • • e • • • • o • a • • G • • Work Assignment Sheet ..................... .. Drawing Record ... " ••.••••••••••• o ...... o •••••• Drawing Mock-ups ••••••••••••••••••o•••••••• BASIC DRAFTING PRINCIPLES • • • • • • • • • 8 • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • 3 .1 . -General ...................................... . PREPARATION OF DRA\iiNGS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10- Drawing Sheets ••••••••••••••••••••••••o•••• Reduction ••••••e••••••• .. ••••••••••••••••••• Title Block •.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Numbering of Drawings •••••••••••••••••••••• Scale.s •••••••••••• ., •••••••••••••••••••••••• L~ttering & Line Work •••••••••••••••••••••• North Arrow ................................ . Orientation of Drawings •••••••••••••••••••• Dimensioning ............................... . General Notes ••••••••·~··•••••••••••••••••• Page 1-1 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-1 3-1 3-1 4-1 4-1 4-1 4-1 4-1 4--1 4-2 4-2 4-2 4-2 4-3· r '~.·>) I .•. f'"'" I . ! I, I I .. . • I I I I I •• I I I I I I I I I 1-1 DRAFTING STANDARDS 1 -INTRODUCTION This Drafting Instruction is issued to supplement Acres Standards and to further clarify certain details which are pertinent to this project. If any conflict exists between the two, this Instruction shall be used. Acres Standards and this Instruc.tion are issued to maintain uniformity in drawing presentation and as a guide to good drafting. practice. ALL DRAFTING PERSONNEL MUST BECOME THOROUGHLY FAMILIAR WITH BOTH OF THESE STANDARDS. It is understood that not all specific examples can be illustrated in the Stan- dards. Drafting Personnel are expected to use initiative and creative abilities in the preparation of drawings within the constraints of the Standat:ds. I ... . - -I I I I I I ' I I I I I I I I I I -·· I 2-1 2 -BUDGETS , SCHEDULES , AND RECORDS 2.1 -Responsibiliti The squad leader and departmental coordinator shall be jointly -responsible for budgets and schedules covering the. preparation of drawings by their respective depart~ents. 2.2 -Schedules The squad le~der shall prepare schedules for each drawing taking into con- sideration the time allotted (Budget), date the drawing is to be started, availability of inf:").rmation, and completion date (Schedule). 2.3 -Work Assignment (Form AAl-001) This is to be completed by the squad leader for each drawing or series of drawings, if more than one sheet is required. 2.4 -Dr~tJing Record (Form AAI-002) The squad leader shall complete the top portion to convey to the draftsman ~ the hours budgeted for each section of work to be compl-eted. The draftsman shall keep the Drawing Record up-to-date by m:aking daily entries of the time charged. 2.5 -Drawing Mock-ups When a complex drawing is to be prepared, a mock-up or blackout shall be ' prepared by the squad leader (Form AAl-003). Its purpose is to pre-p1an the arrangement of views in order to produce a well-balanced drawing. The information may be drawn or sketched freehand but must be in the same proportion as the form is to the drawing. ,. I I ,, I I I ' I ' I I I I I I I I I 3-1 3 -BASIC DRAFTING PRINCIPLES 3 .1 -General The squad leadar w.ill coordinate the preparation of all drawings done under his direction; co:mm.ents and information for drafting shall ~be directed through the squad leader. The squad leader will be responsible for the quali.ty of the work consistent with the requirements of the Standards. The project engineer, department head, departmental chief of drafting, and department coordinator will resolve differing interpretations of the Stan- dards whenever required. Sketches and final drawings shall be ·complete and clear to avoid any possi- bility of more than one interpretation. Except for special details, work shall be done in Third ~~gle Projection. Unnecessary repetition of informa- tion and use of extraneous dimensions which are not required for construc- tiOJ.?. or location must be avoided. PLAN. views shall be drawn in the upper left-hand corner of the she.et with not less than one inch clear space from the top or side border lines. PLAN views shall commence from lowest elevation, with other elevations, sections, and details following in that order. Where several DETAILS are shown on one drawing, those relating to each other shall be grouped together; when details require only part of a sheet~ do not .center them on the sheet or use space unnecessarily (additional space is often required later for other details). PLANS shall refer to. the elevation at which they are drawn.; SECTIONS and ELEVATIONS shall be identified with letters in order of sequence dra~~~ (with t;he letters I and 0 omitted; when sections beyond the letter Z are required . use double letters beginning with AA, BB, CC, etc.); and DETAILS identified by numbers in order of sequence drawn. ,. I "I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ( 4 -PREPARATION OF DRAWINGS 4.1 -Drawing Sheets All drawings shall be produced on standard pre-printed on .003 translar, matte two sides. 2Tf x 38-1/2 •• (see Exhibits 4 and 5). 4.2 -Reduction • • ' 4-1 size sheets. Sheets are Sizes are 8-1/2" x 11"~ and Drawings may be reduced for binding into books. Bar scales shall be shown on all drawings (See 4.5). 4.3 -Title Block Titles will be in one. of three formats: Figures, Plates, and Drawings for the FERC license applicatione For Figures -See Exhibit 4 For Plates -See Exhibit 5 For License -Later 4.4 -Numbering of Drawings 4.5 -Scales The principal scales are shown in Acres Standards, Sheets 301-01-11 and 301-01-12. Bar scales are t.o be either 2 inches or 3 inches long depending on the scale being represented. The location of bar scales on each sheet is shown on Exhibit 5. I I I. w •• ' I I I I ., I I I I I I I •~ I I i < I I I .. When mora than one bar scale is used on 3 drawing they shall be labeled Scale A, Scale B, Scale C, etc., with Scale A at the bottom so that the scale may be identified below the main title of the various views<~ 4 .. 6 -Lettering & Line ~vork The drawings shall be in pencil, with the exception of contours which shall be in ink. Lettering on the body of the drawing shall be in ink, using Leroy template No. 140. Letters of views shall be in ink, using Leroy template No. 200. Drawing titles in the main block shall be in ink, using Leroy template Noo 200. The proper pen size for each of these is shown on the template. 4.7 -North Arrow When it .is necessary to show the direction of north on a drawing, the arrow shall be placed in the top left-hand corner using Acres standard north arrow stickers. Unless other criteria dictates, the arrow shall point to the top of the sheet. 4.8 -Orientation of Drawings The orientation of drawings shall be such that the direction of river stream flow will be from left to right or from the top of the drawing. Section marks will be c.irected to give this orientation. This rule takes precedence over the direct:i .. on of the North Arrow. Refer also to Acres Standard 301-01-09. Any deviation from this rul.e must have the prior approval of the Squad Leader. 4.9 -Dimensioning (See Acres Standard 301-01-12) Exceptions to the. foot and inch rule are: . (a) Use engineering scales for site plans, surveys, roads, geotechnical, and excava·tion drawings. In these cases, all dimensions shall be in feet and decimals of a foot. The number of places to the right of the decimal point is determined by the degree of accuracy needed and should never be greate.r than required. I I I - I I I I I I I I I I; I I I I I I . l 4-3 (b) Elevations on all dra.wings shall be expressed in feet and decimals of a foot to two places of a decimal. When decimals are used, the decimal point shall be clearly shown .. 4.10 -General Notes · Printed general notes, including reference notes and legends, should be placed at the right side of the drawing above the title block and below the; key plan (if any). Preferably, general notes shall be placed printed on the first sheet (or alternatively, the second sheet) of a drawing series. Reference shall be made on all other ~sheets in the series to the sheet where general notes are located (i.e., see Sheet of for General Notes).· ---- Where more than one drawing or drawing set is required to detail part structure, reference shall be made to the other drawing(s) using the printed label, "THIS DRAWING SHALL BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH DRAWING __ • of a pre- I "' I . I 1 . Work Package ' Work Assignment I I I I I l I I 1 [ I I I 1 I ~~~(~ . 'PROJECT NUMBER WORK COO£ Dt::PT. CODE J Date File I . Project D~partment Assigned By Assigned To ·I Date Assigned Date Req~ked Date Completed Scope of Assignment I . I -- I . ;I I· Product R~quired Reference Material Attached Sketch 0 I Drawing{s) 0 . Design Transmittal 0 I Memorandum 0 Other (state) ... I Man Hours Allocated Actual Remarks , . . Engineering I Drafth1g lncl. Checking Total I. Assignment Complete . . -Reviewed By Date. I COORDINATOR OR SQUAD LEADER -Accepted By Date PROJECT ENGlNEER I Remarks ·I· I () : 1 . ' ! . i . FOJ3M AA 1 • 001 "3/81 ,. I I I I I I I I I· I I I ,, I I ----"-I '~, .. , .. ~~~~~ Project Drawing Title Coordinator SKE1CHES & MOCK-UP T.s:arn•~ -·u--Hours NAME DATE Hours . - . Drawing Record DRAFTING Target Hours NAME DATE Hours ~ . - --------~_,-,------, Worl< Package "": Ll I I I 1 I I I I I ~ l · I I I PflOJECT NUM8~R WORK CODE oe:PT. CODE Date file Drawing No. Squad Leader CHECKING REVISIONS Target Hours - NAME DATE Hours NAMe DATE Hours _,__ . ' : - . ' \ ! " ! ' ' ~ . FORM A.'4.1 • OO;l 3/81 . Record of Drawing . DATE DESCRlPTION {OF CHANGE) - . . . . (.,; '. -·' ~ .,,, Revisions APPROVED BY MADE BY . . . . . HOURS . . ., I I I I I I I I ·I I I I I I ;I I I I - --· -.. - - - - --· -111!11 -..... -; - - 10 I • * • J 1 ~ • I • l -~-I • ' a I ' . G f:o ' 1-'['--. . ~ (1> ·-,...,. c ~:t ·' ,_ t'-. . - D ·~ ' r-·- ~ . . ~~ ~ . F- F- " t- '-. ;;.,.. 'tl ~ ~ . ::..... r- ~ . t-lil lA '- ~ I"" DRAWJNG MOCK-UP ..• ·-..... h •= ·--li\ ! -- lO .I • t • l ., t • I • l 4 f -a t a I I i PROJECT . APPROVALS PREPARED ~~~mR p~~~~~uG. DRAWING TITLE PRIME DEPT. BY ·cooRDINATOR SQUAD· L:EADER ~ DATE .PRQ~~ECT NO. I DWG •. NO. ~ ..:;., I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . I .. FIGURE IIBI. . ,EXHIBIT 4 . ' -' < ~ ' I • ~ > •• ' -~-... _ •' •