HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA1301ALASKA PO'n£R AlffilOR IlY SUSI~ HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENV I R~t-'ENT AL S11.ID I ES PROCEDURES t'W,ILJAL SUBTASK 7.07 l.NID USE Ai·lALYS IS Tettelttial E nvitonmental Speciali1t1, Inc. <: ;;> ;. r .) U" ;) .1 • ~ __.., \ . \. \2..E~\ ALASKA P{HR AUTHOO IlY SUS Ii'NA HVIJRa;LECTR I C PRCAJECT ENVIRCH-£NTAL SltD I ES PROCEOORES MANUAL SUBT ASK 7, 07 LAIID USE ANALYSIS Submitted by Terrestrial Eilv1.rora:!Ental Specialists , Inc. and School of Agriculture and land Resources !".anagenent Un1 versi ty of Alaska-Fairbanks to Acres American, Inc. Copy No. _\:.....;:L:::....__ Environnental Study Director (TES) Group Leader (TES ) July 1980 This procedures manual is a controlled document. Each copy is numbered and issued in trust to an individual whose name is recorded on a distribution log maintained by Terrestrial Environmental Specialists, Inc., in Phoenix, New York. Amendments to this document, as they are issued, wi 11 be sent to the authorized holder of each copy . Upon completion of the project (or by December 31, 1982) all copies of the manual are to be returned to Terrestrial Environmental SpP.cialists, Inc. I. II. TABLE OF CX>m'fNI'S INTOOOOCI'ICN A . Overvi~ ............................................ . B. Objectives •..••.•.•.•••••...........•..•••••...•.•.... c. Approach •••••..••••.•.•.••..••......•........•.....•. TECHNICAL PR:::>CE!XJRES • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • ••••••••••• A. Literature Review •..•.•..•......•..........•.......... B. Aerial Photograph and Map Reconnaissance •..•..•....... C. Interview-s .......................................... . D. Field Reconnaissance ••...•........•.•.•..•.•••.•..•... E. Pt'Oducts •..••......•...•.•.•..•......•.•...•..•....... F . Discussioo of Steps ..••..••.•••••••.•..........•.••.•• 1 1 2 2 4 4 4 4 6 6 8 I I I • DNrA PRJCEDURES • . • . • . • • . . . . . . • . . • . . • • . • . . . • . • . . . . • • . • . • • . 1 0 IV • -:oALI 'IY CQilTROL • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 16 V . SCHEDULE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • 17 VI . PE~EL • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • . 20 A. Descriptions of QuaJ ifications ........................ 20 B. Key Personne 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 VII . LITERATURE CITED • • • • • • • • • . • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 23 LIST OF TABLES Table II· ~ Expected Sources of Literature and Type of Information Sought and List of Agency Contacts for Interviews ........ 5 II-2 Tentative List o f Interviewees ........................... 7 III-1 The Interview Process-oral History .....•.•..•.•.......... 11 III-2 The Interview Process-Management Agencies •..........•..•. 12 V-1 Schedule of \cti vi ti es. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . 18 V-2 Detailed Product Completio•. Dates and Responsibilities •.. 19 LI ST OF FIGURES Figure III-1 Field Data Collection Fonn .............................. 13 III-2 File Ca r d for Unique Scenic and Natural Features ........ 15 I • l:Nl'R)[)(O!CN Portions of the Susi tna River have been considered for hydropYNer developnent since the 1940's, am several prelimir.ary plans for such developnent have been prepared. Prop::>sals have included ene to four reservoirs. r-t>st of the protx>sals either have been overlooked, or sirrply have laid cbrmant. The present proposal preliminarily is focused en a blo-dcln developnent: one at Devils Canya1 am one near Watana Creek. These boo structures \ooOuld create elongated reservoirs typically 1/2 to 3/4 miles in width, except the lower part of the Watana Reservoir. The Alaska Power Authority rouqht detailed prop:>Sals in 1979. 'Il'le overall planning am evaluation contract was awarded to Acres American, Inc. The envirorunental assessment p:>rtion was sut:contracted to Terrestrial Environmental Specialists, Inc., woo in tum contracted the University of Alaska to analyze larx3 use changes that \o,OUld result with the developnent of the project. The laM use analysis will describe and evaluate human use of the land. It will not generate data concerning the use of the larrl by various animal species or include other detailed descriptions of the physical envircnment. Informati<n <n these subjects will be provided to the land use specialists by other environmental studies specialists oo the project team. The land use analysis will assess, to the degree that data permit, the direct lam use effects of the pt'Of;X>sed Susitna Hydroelectric Project. The analysis will evaluate changes in land use that will occur with am without the proposed project, including the effects 1 of the proposed dam(s) and reservoir(s) and access transportation system. 'lb provide the total perspective to the analysis, past and present land uses will be described, and future land uses, as indicated l::rj agencies am lan<Dwners, will be predicted. An assessment of the effects of particular land uses en a specific environmental setting is not a sirrple, one-for-one relationship. When an essentially pristine environment is disrupted to develop a modern industrial project such as the one proposed for the Upper Susi tna River Basin, many environmental disturbances occur. Some of these disruptions are predictable. However, others may occur which are not anticipated because there are few, if any, pr:evious experiences en which to rely. One then beqins to rely en theoretical nDdels, integration techniques, and other techrological thought to give ct "best judgement" as to what might take place if certain pt'Of;X>sed ctctions (darn building, transmission lines, roads, etc.) are ~lemented. Larrl use analysis is one way of obtaining an overview of the systenatic effects of proposed developnent. The specific details of the project are then fille1 in l::rj the specialists en the team. The proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project pr:esents many ll'lique challenges to the larrl use analyst because of its magnitude, isolation, and location in a subarctic envirorunent in the Upper Susit.rK\ 2 river drainage between Devils Canyon and tne TycnP. River . One o f these challenges involves determination of past and present land uses involving extremely 1ow densities . It is difficult bo utilize the approach of mawi~ fran current aerial photographs with a minimun of qrourd truth ing to verify results . A more involved approach is necessary with qrea ter emphasis on grourd truthing. Oral history techniques plus agency interviews on current programs will be used to identify land uses and their locations . Artifacts , buildings , access routes , or other identifiable effects of man utilizing the resource will be verified on the grourd after they have been identified through interviews ard review ot archival rraterial. Uses such as trapping can only be identified and associated with a particular geographical area through interviewing and review of historical records . B. OBJEX:TIVES This land use analysis will evaluate the change in the present use o f the l and caused by the ~sed pro j ect ard will provide the basis for Sl..m'llarizing the overall ~ct of the project, including the dam , reservoir, transportation access, ard transmission connection . This analysis is designed to provide informati0" (baseline and ~ct assess- ment) that will satisfy FERC license app~~cation docketing requirements. 'n'le cbjectives of Subtask 7.07 Land Use Analysis are to: 1. evaluate past, present, ard future land use trends; 2 . facilitate the identification of the rrajor changes in land use that would result with the developnent of the project ; and 3 . make preliminary identification of these changes and their irrpacts. C • APPR).!I.Ql The land use analysis involves a oomparison of land use trends bo determine the major effects the project will have en the future land use of the area, and employs a modification o f the McHarg Overlay Technique. 'n'lis technique uses the superiiTq:x:>si tien of overlays s howing specific resource values to determine where there is least conflict wi th existi~ values . The modification will entail the development of overlays which graphically depict land use changes. 'n'lrouqh super - irrposiog them, one can determine the actual change in land use caused by the project. Historical land use trends and the pr-esent land use of the project area will be examined , and an attefll't will be made to isolate the factors and management decisions that have resulted in the land use that exists. The future land use of the a rea without the project will be predicted en the basis of int erviews with Mat-Su Borough officials , lancbwners , lard management ard resource agencies, and a ronsideration of the resource potentials and limitations . Unique and significant scenic and natural features of the area will also be iden tified for ronsideration during the irrpact analy sis . The changes that can be attributed to the project in the future ard the significance of these chanqes cannot be evaluated without consideration of the chdnges that would occur without the project . The land use analysis will be divided into t..o parts: ( 1) his toric and e xisting land u se and (2} future land use. Histo ric and existing land use will descr i be the use of the land and its resources fro m the beginning of historic documentaticn of the area to the present time . This period has been tentatively divided into t...o time periods: t.l)e first will extend f~ the beginnings of non-native exploration through the end of v~rld War II and the second will span from the end of W:>rld War II to the present . Land use during these periods will be described by summarizing the acquisition and management of land , the use or alteration of specific resources , and the scientific o r recreational use of the resources . Future land use of the Upper Susitna Basin will be predicted for b.o different scenarios . The first scenario will assume that the project will rot be built and that access will rot be i.moroved beyond present levels. 1'he second scenario wi 11 assume that the Susi tna Hydroelectric Project •,..rill be built. The analysis of the second scenario will be p r eliminary in that much of the detailed engineering and site planning data will probably rot be available by the end of Phase I (first 2 years of total project}. Both scenzrios will be developed for approximately a 15-year time span beginning in 1980. Once future land uses with and with:>ut the project are esti mated, it will be possible to suggest the cl)ange in future land use patterns likely to be caused by the project. 3 I I • TEOiNICAL PRXID.JRES Sections A through D below d€scribe the major preliminary efforts and activities necessary to conduct the land use analysis. Section E indicates products fran the Phase I effort. These are followed by a discussion of the process aud procedures which will be conducted in performing the analysis. This latte: discussioo als:> provides a context for understanding the steps outlined in this secticn which, when COIT'pleted, will yield the informatioo necessary to meet the oojectives of Subtask 7.07 and provide data required for subnission as part of the FERC license application. A. UTEAA'IURE REVIa-1 4 A general literature search will be conducted to determine what land use am management might be expected in the project area under certain conditions . 'Ihe search will include review of available p.lblic and pri,•ate agency planning cX:>cunents to better understarrl past, present, and proposed future land uses. ExpE:cted s::>urces of these docunents and the type of data are sOOwl'l in Table II-1. B. AERIAL ~ AND MAP R.EXXNUUSSAOCE Available recent aerial fhotographs arrl maps will be obtaine:3 to locate cultural features such as trails, habitations, an:3 other indications of past arrl present larrl use. ~ sources include black and white NASA aeri al Fhotographs (dated 1976-TI ) available at the Susitna Office of the Soil Conservation Service . In addition, l arge scale (ix>tographs of the irrmediate dam sites are expected to be available by late SLD11Tler 1980 (Subtask 2.08, Acres Plan of Study). Old rraps from historical texts, and early qeological surveys will be reviewed for foot arrl sled trails arrl mining sites . These and other old maps available at the University of Alaska library and nuseum, and the u.s . Geological Survey will be reviewed. Recent maps and aerial fhotos will be examined to ootain information ooncerninq ATV access, tractor trails , roads, landing strips, arrl guide carrp locations . c . INI'ERVIEl'lS '1\oo types o f interviewinq will take place in con j unction with the project. Oral history interviewing will be undertaken to construct a land and resource use history of the Upper Susitna Basin. This history will focus primarily oo the Susitna River above Geld Creek and below the Denali Highway. However, consideratioo of ~jacent areas will be necessary to put the history of the project area in perspective. 'lbe interviews will be ron~Hrected, in that there are a specific format and data needs, but the interview is coroucte1 9:) as to appear informal tD the respondent. The interview IXQcess and a tentative list of int':!rviewees are shown on Tables III-1 (in the next sectioo of this manual ) and II-2 , respectively. 'lbe intervi ewer will have a nap at which ~ific land uses can be indicated. A sea>nd type of interviewing will be designed to seek information fran land management agencies concerning present land use, current management direction, ~ alternative future manaqement strategies 'rnBLE II-1 EXPEX:TID S0JRCES OP LI'l'ERNIURE AID T'iPE OP INFORMATICN s:u;HT NID LISf OF PGENCY CCNI'ACIS ~ INTERVIEWS FEDERAL: us Department of Agriculture Soil Conser~Tation Service- Susitna River Office US Department of Interior Bureau of Mines Heritage Conservation & Recreation Service Bureau of Land Management State Resources Library Southcentral District Office Glenr~llen District Office Chief of Planning Office US Arrrrj Corps of Engineers STATE: University of Alaska Library Mineral Industries Research Laboratory Museum Department of Natural Resources Division of Lands Division of Geophysical & Geological. Surveys Division of Parks Department of Fish and Game Department of Comruni ty and Regional Affairs Department of TranSf(:.rtation and Public Facilities MUNlCIPAL: Talkeetna Public Library Matanuslca-Susi tna Borough Talkeetna Historical Society PRIVATE: Fairbanks Environmental Center Cook Inlet Region Incorporated Talkeetna Air Taxi Akland Helicopter Era Helicopter AR'INA , Inc. Gene real land use p1t terns Susitna Basin Water Study Mining activity reports, us:;s &.~rvey info . River use statistics and potential historical sites Susitna studies, resource use info. Current and existing manager.ent plans CUrrent and existing management plans Past and present land acquisition Regia\al water planning Historical documents Documentation on mining claims Archf'Ology and his tory Current planning and land classification activities, and catalogued land use info. Geological 3Urveys in project area Recreation use/potential of area Current and future management p:>licies Regional planning; land use planning Transportation plans Historical cb::.-unents Overall planning and developnent, relevant oroinances Historical documents Environmental concerns re. project irrpact Native larrl management planning Historic and present land use Historic arrl present land use Historic and present land use Native land use and manager.-::nt depending upon whether or rot the Susi tna Hydroelectric Project is built. Management agencies that will be oont~cted will be the Cook Inlet Region Inc., BLM, Alaska Department of Natural Resources (Divisicn of Lands and Divisioo of Parks), Alaska Department of Fish and Game, the Matanuska-Susi tna Borough, and others as necessary, indicated on Table II-1. The types of questions that will be asked are shown in Table III-2. D. FIElD ~SSANCE Field reconnaissance activities will take place throughout the project. r-t>st likely three trip; will be taken into the project area at different stages of data gatherinq. The first trip will substantiate informaticn gathered during the literature review and interviewing. The second trip will investigate areas of p:>tential human use with or without the project, paying particular attention to access and to unique scenic and natural features. The third trip will be for assessing probable conflict areas if the dams and transmission lines are constructed. Field reconnaissance will be a~ented by taking advantage of the field activitcs of other environmental scientists by requesting that they fill out field observation forms that can be returned to the land use analysis team. A sarrple of that fotm is shown in Figure III-1. During field reconnaissance activities, unique scenic and natural features will be identified and recorded using the form shown in Figure III-2. A p:>int-rating system will be developed to compare the relative significance of the features. E. PR)[XJCI'S The following outputs are anticipated during Phase I: 1 • Oral history report with acaJn1?allying map; showing land use by time period for the entire project area: the map will un<hr~ grouro truthing to verify accuracy. The final report will be submitted to TES by Decerrber 31 , 1 980. 2. Interview rep:>rt on manaqement agencies and lard::>wners with map; shc:Ming present land use and discussions: present land use will be acCOITplished by Decerrber 1980; future land use without the project by July 1981. 3. Assessment of p::>tential inpacts: project lands will be reviewed by the entire team, and potential in-pacts will be evaluated l::x>th theoretically and in the field. A report of these will be submitted to TES by December 1981. The date will be as late as p:>ssible in order to incorporate th,~ nest ~..JFrto-date design cf reservoir and access route . Where feasible, all map; showing land use patterns will be developed en a scale of 1:63,360. 6 TABLE II-2 Lisr OF INTERVIEWEES-VAAL HISJX:RY Guides, Hunters, Tra~rs: l):n Lee, guide, Talkeetna Oscar Vogel, guide, Anchorage Virgil Vial, tra~r , Susitna Lake Frenchy Lanoureaux, guide, Andlorage Lester Tolefson, trapper , Talkeetr.a Don Bennes, trapper and sledder, Talkeetna John Schandelmier, trapper, Denali Lodge Cleo Mc:fo1ahon, tr~r, Glennallen Charter Pilots, Air Services: Cliff Hudson , Talkeetna Mike Fisher , Talkeetna Mrs . R:>berta Sheldon, Talkeetna Ken Binik, Glennallen Kent Smith, Ermine Lake I.odqe Owners and Hanesteaders: Mr. and Mrs. Ken Oldham, Anchorage John Ireland, Murder Lake Jim fobran, lodc;Je owner, Fairbanks Rich Halford, lodge owner, Fagle River Denny 'lbJn'p;on, Susitna Imge Miners and Alaska Railroad Wbrkers : Tim Nagy, miner Ted Atwater, Alaska Railroad John carlson, Alaska Railroad Recreation, 'lburism: Bill Glude, Takosha Ski Touring Association, Trapper Creek Kathy SUllivan, Genet Expedition , Talkeetna Mr. and Mrs. Jay Melville, Talkeetna !t)acb:>use Verna and Carroll Close, Palmer 'Ibm Mercer, Denali Wilderness Treks, Talkeetna Ed Wick , Mahoy's Riverboat Service, Talkeetna Long-Time Residents: Dorothy Jones, Talkeetna Minnie Swanda, Talk~tna 8 F. DISOJSSia-1 OF STEPS Identification of Study Area The first step in the land use analysis will re the identification of the project area tx:>undaries. These boundaries will include adjacent lands that will re affected or influenced by the project , as well as the access transp::>rtatioo system and transmissioo corridors when the routes for these facilities have been identified. The d:)r..rp.stream effects will a] so re considered in the overall land use analysis . At the present time, the study area for land use extends as far downstream as Gold Creek. 'i'asl< 3 Hydrology studies will determine if there is a need to extend the study area any further Cbwnstream. The study area boundaries will include the following zones : 1. Project ZOne (actual occupied by project); 2. Management Zone (land acquired for management p..~r-poses such as watershed , recreation, e tc.); 3 . Influence ZOne (that rontiguous land wrose use patterns would te influenced by developnent that takes place within Zones 1 and 2). Prior Land Use Past land use will re described through a review of historical documents using archives , development of o ral history th~gh interviews , and review of administrative files of managing agencies . The docunentatioo of the historical overview of land use including the pre-white rran, early white rran, and rrodern eras is essential to understanding land use trends if they are to te accurately extrap:)lated into the future . Present Land Use The present land use of the project area will te determined by utilizing a number of sources of information . These sources will include aerial P,otos and maps , veoetation rover maps produced oy the Plant Ecology team , discussions with landowners and government officials , and a field review of specific Land uses identified through the reconnaissance and discussions. A preliminary list of p:)tential agency contacts is presented in the next section. Existing resource management pcoqrams, either planned or de facto (they exist but were not planned by the agent) will re identified and described in detail. As a part of the total reconnaissance, unique scenic and natural features within the project boundaries will te identified and described . The preliminary location and design of the access transportatioo system and transmissioo corridor will re evaluated by the land use team in terms of long-term effects oo land use. Furtherrr._ :-e, the land use team will identify concerns raised by the l.and:lwners and agencies and cnrrmuni.cate these roncerns to 'ITS, who will make them l<rown to the awropriate disciplines. Future Land Use With:>ut the Project Regardless of the status of the project, certain future dlanges will take place within the project boundary. '!he larrl use team will describe these changes through d::>ctunented l.ancX>wnership changes, and through landowner or agency interviews to ascertain long-range objectives, projects en the drawing l:oard, and projects already underway. 'nle results obtained fran the varions sources p::>ssibly will include some overlap and subsequently will be reconciled based en the existing landownership rights, supporting legislation, arrl a best estimate of the probability of the ~lementation program (if it is not already decided). It is essential to account for those changes that 'NOuld have occurred without the project in order to determine the real effects of the hydroelectric project. Preliminary Identification of Project Impacts Realizing that certain conclusions will be based an preliminary location and design of the project structures and systems, the actual change in larrl use caused by the project will not be tota~ analyzed until Phase II (post-license application) when the final ations and designs are selected. 'nle major irrpacts of changes that are expectErl to occur as result of the project will, txJwever, be identified pt"eliminarily at the erx3 of Phase I (i.e., prior to license awlication). 'nlis preliminary identification of changes will be developed after evaluating the results of the office arrl field reconnaissance, the interviews with lancbwners and land nanaging and planning agencies, and available data generated by other disciplines including at least the wildlife ecology, plant ecology, and rocioeconcmic groups. 'nle preliminary identification of project inpacts will not represent a detailed descriptioo of the i..rrpacts that will be as::;ociated with the project; instead it will be utili:.:ed in the developnent of the Phase II Scope of Work to assure that adequate attention is given to those ooncerns and p:>tential ~cts that are expected to be rrnst relevant and significant with respect to the oonstruction and operation of the project. Sl.mnary of Evaluation Process 'nle procedures described above can be expressed in the sunmary fornula shown below: Pro{X)si tion A (Change in present land use) Present area land use with project (minus) Present area land use with:>ut project (equals) Overall change caused by p:oject Prop:lsi tioo B (Future Larrl use wi trout project) Future land use (projections of long-term trends). (minus) Present land use (equals) Future dlange Wl th:>ut proJect Prop:lsition C ('nle actual change caused by project) OVerall change caused by ~ject (mil'l'.lS) Future change with:>ut project (equals) Actual change caused by project 9 III . [lll.TA PR!XEDURES This secticn provides outlines of the Oral History and Management Agencies interview process discussed in the previous section . Lists of contacts for l::oth group:; c:-:e indicated in Tables II-2 and II-1 , re5peetively , and cor respcnd to Tables III-1 and III-2 following. Figure III-1 is a sample of the Field Data Collection Form, and Figure III-2 is a sample File Card for Unique Scen ic and Natural Features. 10 TABLE III-1 1liE INTERVIEM PRXESS -ORAL HISTORY I. Introduction A. Who we are B . Explanation of the project C. What we want D. What we will cb wi th the information E . Does the person thi nk he can help F. Ask for permission to record oonversation avoid use o f the v.ord "interview" II . Background of the informant A. Relationship to and interests in project area 1. Lenqth of time imolved with project area 2 • Seasons of year 3 . Means of access III . Knowledge of land uses in the area (use map) A. HaN was project area used? B. What resources were utilized , where? C . Major changes that have taken place in the project area , when?, why? IV. Who else might we ron tact? A. Name , address , and occupation B. Relationship to the are.:1 TABLE III-2 'mE Im'ERV1EW Pro<:ESS -M.ANAGEMENI' .aGENCIES ~. Introduction (see Table III -1 ) II. H~ agency relates to current lard use in the area A. Status of the resources for which the agency has responsibility B. Current monitoring activities c . Special use permits if any D. Problen areas III . Future plans for area A. ?lanni;Jg doct.ments B. Other indications of ?resent or future planning IV . Agency long term goals for the area v. Agency's percept ion of the impacts t.ha t the profOSed S usi tna Hydroelectric Project would have in its ovm future programs VI. Backgrourxi of informant .a.. Positicn with agency 9 . Time with agency VII . Agency suggestions en ways in which the Susitna Hydroelectric Project could be most compatible with agency goals and interests ~!--'!V:-'fi?~O .""!--'!V:-'C/) CC ""!--'!V:-'g> -to Cl> 3 a CT 3 : =. 3 CT u c: en u n .c u . ~ -CD ii! :::t c: ii! CD CD < CD < z CD ~ ll. () = en p I» ~ o n -G') CD :I CD ~ 0 CD a X" :I :I Observations of Land Uses I &> [ Ut c: 0 "0 :;, z -!'! '< 0 I» "'tl :;, -I» c: Cll ~ -~ ,.... 1 . Recreational or subsistence use , I» : CD :I a. Evidence oltrapplng I I» ll. -b. Campsites :X: c: c )> ~ en r.. Trail s c: !!. CD CD :;, en .. (1) vehicle :;, ~ -1 (2) loot co iii d. Riverboat land ing l 0 "T1 X" -· e. Dwelling I ~ < -(1) cabin CD c ~ ;;r • (2) lodge 0 c. C "l . ;-n A) ..... (3) series o l buildings (settlement) :::!. ~ t . Group actually observed !e c ~ -e»C ~ 0 0 ~ (1) Activi t y ~ !!l ;;r :I (2) Date CD • CD 0 0 Cl> -H (3) No . People I ~ Q (i'H Cll (4) Mode o l Transpo rtation w z n H m -· 2. Mining or related u se N o·t-' _,.. ,- a. Seismic lines "0 N 0 ::l ~z U"l n b . Pro spect s N ~ ::0 !!l "T1 ~ 0 c. Placer m !r.es ii p 0 I ~ d . Other ~ :I 3 3. Aircraft landings (potential or related) I -1 w a . Bush stn p ..... ~ .... z b . Gravel bar Ill :I c . Lake )lo c. -1 d . River section < 4. Unique scenic or natural feature I~ :I I I I I I ~ _,.. ,- I ::0 0 C/) ~ ~ m ~ g. ~ . C/) ,-I (j :I 0 ::0 n N U"l !!i -< "0 z -~ ~ 0 CD 0 uo -1 :I 0 w ~ z FIGURE II I-2 File Card fo~ Unique Scenic and Natu~al Feat~res Observation No . Fea ture Description Locatio n V~r i fica t ion Photo Fi le No. Figure II I -l (Cont .) Sender's name: ___________ _ address: ___________ __ Dear observer: Alan Jubenvill e Agriculiural Experiment Stat ion Universi ty of Alaska Fai rbanks, Ak 99701 POSTAGE PA IC US OEPA~T M ENT OF AGRICUL TURE AGR 101 THIROCLASS BULK RATE Please 1ear oft attached postcard and record data according to i nstructions on reverse side of this card. Any photos taken of l and use or natural resour-:es w ill be appreciated. You w rll be re1mbursed for them . Please drop completed card in the mail at Base Camp or other convenient location . Thank Y·)U. Alan Jubenville FIGURE II I -2 File Card fo r Unique Scenic and ~atu ral Features Observatio n No . Feature DescriptiJn Location Ve r ification Photo file No . 16 IV . QUALITY C'CNIIDL Quality control !?rocedures will focus on the information gathered fran interviews . Meetings will t:e held '::Jy team rrerrber s as interviews are P"C'C>o/-essing to d etermine if the right tY?=? of info rmation is being gathered and if it is reliable . Notes and tapes from int erviews ·,..rill r.)? filed in the office or tl1e Pr incipal Investigator. Procedures for ensuring accurate transfer o f data involve ~u t i ne review and double-checking of final d ata formats against o riginal field ootes, maps , and other s::>urces o f information . Especially i.Jm?ortant in the Land Use Analysis is accurate t ransfer o f mapped information f o r use in the overlay process . All rrau::. will te !_Jrepared by a walified cartographer and be reviewed by members of the project team . V. SCHEDULE Schedules of activities a.rd project complet1oo dates are shown in Tables V-1 and V-2 . It should be roted that the analvsis o f future lard use t:oth with a.rd without the project will deperrl in part upon data received from other groups (i .e ., environmental scientists, project engineers , etc .). The relatio nsh1p of the l and use analysis to the inout from other oources will be shown in a PERI' (project evaluation and review technique ) chart which will be submitted as an amendment tD the Procedures Manua l at a later date . 17 ACfiVITY Deve lop field pDOCedu res Delineate boundaries Oral hi s tory -early wh1te man t.h r-u V.W II Or.al history -WW II to present Map & photo recon. of present land use Inventor-y of unique scenic/ natur-al featur-es Discussio ns with landowne rs Existing ~ograms De facto programs Communicate agency concerns toTES Discussior~ with landowners- validate future plans Rev iew of design features- reservoir, access tr-anspor-tation, and tran$nission corridor SLmnarize the d i fEer-ence betwee n present and future l a nd use of proiect area Ove r-view o f potential impacts with project -feedback from project specialis t s TABLE V-1 SCHEOOLE Of' LAID USE ANALYSIS 1980 1981 JFMAMJJASONO JFMAMJJ~A~S~O~N~D X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X TABLF. V-2 DET~LED PJO:Ucr CDMPLETICN DA'l$ Nil RESPCNSIBILITIES PLoduct u of A Completion Date Field procedures manual i-tap* of land use early white man to Wrni Map of laoo use w,.n: I to preseni.. Present laoo use nap Map of unique natural features Map of future land use Preliminary map of likely points of impact 4/30/80 12 /3 1/80 12/3 1/80 12/31/80 12/31/80 3/31/81 9/30/8 1 Change in land use map (future without project) 12/31 /81 Map of land use with project Change fran present to future with project (Preliminary assessment) Net change in laoo use future w/project vs. future w/o project (preliminary assessment) Report on recorrrnended changes on access transportation, and transmission design Map of possible inpacts fran project 12/31 /8 1 12/3 1/8 1 12/31/81 12/31/81 12/31/81 Responsibility** PI & ft: GS GS Ft: PI Ft: PI ~ fC Ft: Ft: PI PI & Ft: • If awropriate, this may be divided into more than one time period. •• PI=Principal Inves tigator; ~=Field Coordinator; GS=Graduate Student. Remarks Place en rrrtlar overlay. Place on mylar overlay. Place en nylar overlay. Place on mylar (GS & FC from interviews). Place en mylar (GS fran intervkws of users). (with Ft: review desi<}'l gpe<s on site.). Overlay process. Sinple plottinq of probable change. Overlay txocess. Overlay FCQCeSS. Need feedback fran project specialists. 2 0 VI • PERSCNNEL Descriptio ns of qualifications required to perform Phase I of the Land Use Analysis effort are provided here, along with the names of key personnel ard their experience in lard use analysis ard related work. Table v-2 indicates I=ersonnel ....00 will be working oo the various ~rtions of this subtask. A. DESCRIPI'IOOS O:' ~FICATIOOS This study requires that persoonel be able to: ( 1 ) gather ard analyze primary data; (2) gather ard interpret secondary data fran other project investigators ard other 90urces; ( 3) effectively analyze existing lard uses; ard ( 4 ) develop ard successfully i""lement a methodology for determining ~cts, i.e. IXcdict i n~ future land uses, lx>th with ard without the Susitna proj ect. Additionally, the study requires t.~t a :;-'ject nanager {i.e. principal investigator ) be abl e to manage ar· · -..<O r dinate personnel efforts in a manner oonsistent with OOdqet . .d time oonstraints. This includes ensuring that: ( 1 ) the best data are available for use in the study; ( 2 ) these data are oollected in a oost-effective manner (i.e. properly sequenced in time ard place) ; ard ( 3 ) the study products meet objectives and oontractual requirements specified in the Scope of Wbrk. Developnent of Land Use Analysis Procedures aoo Methodology This subtask requires personnel who are: (1) familiar with oonprehensive lard use analysis procedures ard techniques; (2 ) familiar with methodologies for the gathering and interpretation o f land use data; ( 3 ) koowledgeable with regard to wilderness areas; ( 4 ) able to assess a variety o f land resource oonditi ons in relati on to potential large-scale develo pnent activities; ard (5 ) able to develop a reliable methodology for IXedicting futu re land use ard assessing i ts significance in relatioo to the present s ituation. n-t is task al90 requires the abi li ty to define and J:X'OO'lllgate a methodology consis tent with financial, personnel, ard time constraints related to the overall p lan o f study. Literature Review The literature review requires I=ersonnel who are: (1) familiar with current development plans ard programs of public ard private agencies; (2 ) experienced in literature searc h techniques; ard (3 ) able to synthesize info rmatioo fran many sources into a useful format. Aerial Ptx>tography ard Map Reconnaissance This task requires persoMel. who are: ( 1 ) koowledgeable concerni ng sources o f air (ilotos and rraps; ( 2) able to interpret air (ilotos and d erive informatioo oo cover types ard location; o f vario us lard uses; and ( 3 ) able to synthesize sudl mapped information into the land use analysis process. 21 Interviews The CX'al history interviews and interviews with personnel from land management agencies require personnel wtx> are: ( 1 ) familiar with persons living in the Susitna area and other Alaska areas wtx> have krowledge o f historical aro present laro use trends aro activities; (2) familiar with land management agencies; (3 ) farnil;ar with ~irective questionnaire design aro interviewi.~ techniques; arrl ( 4 ) able to synthesize interview results and infi""C11\ation into useful formats to te incorporated into the laro use analysis pr:ocess. Field Reconnaissance This task requires personnel to be krowledgeable of the land use analysis process aro wtx> are: ( 1 ) experienced in field techniques and surveys; ( 2) able to interpret pri!T\t"'~ry data obtained in the field and convert it to usable study formats; aro ( 3) able to assess a variety of resource data types and predict oonflict areas and ~cts to the land resource base. B . KEY PERS:NlEL Iti:lert L. Anderson, Group Leader ('I'ES) Mr. Anderson is responsible for ooordination o f the land use analysis effort with that o f related disciplines, aro f or ensuri~ consistency of this effort with overall proj ect objectives and pt::ocedures. Mr. Anderson's backqrourrl includes f o rmal traini~ in lam use, environnental, and s:x:ial p::>licies planning. He has extensive experience in directing project stlxlies involvi~ varied disciplines, aro conducti~ laro use and enviroumeutal planning activities. Ex.ant>les of previous expecience relevant to this project include: Principal Investigator en study to assess recreational p::>tentials, access, desiqn r;x:>licies, aro i!Tl)acts in coastal corrm.mities as a result o f land use developnent trends and p:>p..tlation growth . For Coastal Consultants, Ltd., 1980. Project Manager of program to develop met.hocblogy for determini~ primary and consequent environmental impacts of land and water uses in cnastal area. For St. Lawrence-Eastern Ontario Commission , 1977 . Principal Investigator in developnent and iJtl>lementation of method:>logy to determine areas of concern based en environnental, ecornnic, and cultural ooncerns, oonsidering land use and other facto rs . For St. Lawrence-Eastern Ontario Conmission, 1976. Coordinated and directed environmental and a:xtt>rehensive planning programs for five-a:>unty area . For a regional planning and ~c development board, 1973-76. Principal revi~ of prop:>sed dev~'-opnent plans aro programs o f p..tblic and private sp:nsors; assessed ~tibility and consistency with area developnent aro envirormental r;x:>licies. For a regio nal planning and ecor¥:lmic developnent board, 1973-76. 22 Alan Jubenville, Ph.D., Principal Investigator Dr. Jubenville is responsible for management of the land use analysis effort being oonducted by the University of Alaska. He is an Associate Professor of Management in the School of Agricultural and Land Resources Management. Exall\?les of previous experience relevant to this project include: Project Investigator on study to assess river recreation researdl needs in interior Alaska. For the u.s. Forest Service, present. Project Investigator on study to develop a nester plan fo-:-the Encampment Unit of the Continental Divide Trail in wyoming, 1977. Developed OOI'Il'OSite plan for the Continental Divide Area of Medicine Bow National Forest in wyoming, 1977. Project Investigator on Snake River Corrid:>r Study. For National Park Service, 1974 and 1977. · Anthony F. Gasbarro, Field Coordinator Mr. Gasbarro is responsible for coordination of site investigations in t.l'}e field and p:>rtions of the land use analysis. He has a background in land resources emphasizing forestry, land use, and regional developnent. Examples of previous ~rience related to this project include: Project Coordinator oo the Copper River--wrangells Regional Study. For u.s. Forest Service. Project Coordinator oo the Yukoo-Porcupine Regional Study. For U.S. Forest Service. • Co-investigator oo study of a developnent rights p..1rchase program for Alaska agricultural lands. Susan Regan, Project Investigator Ms. Regan is a graduate student at the School of Agriculture and Land Resources Management, University of Alaska. She is responsible for oonducting the oral history interviews, and gathering and interpretatioo of project nata. In addition, she will be responsible for. various p:>rtions of the mapping effort. VI I • LITERAW'RE CITED Acres American, Inc. 1980. Susitna Hydroelectric Project Plan of Study. Alaska Department of Natural Resources . 1980 . Susi tna Basin Land Use and Recreation Atlas. Batm~, Willa K. 1977 . Transcribing and Editinq Oral History. American Associatioo for State and Local History, Nashville . Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 1976. A Framework for Land Evaluation. Soils Bulletin 32. 69p. Harris, RaJron L., et al. 1975 . 'llle Practice of Oral History . 'llle Microfilming Corporatioo of America, Newa r k . Lance , David. 1978 . An Archive AH;>roach to Oral History. Fti:>ert Stockwell, Uxldon. Marsh, William M. '"'· Site planning. 1978. Environmental Analysis for Land Use arxl McGraw-Hill Book COmpany, New York . 292 H?· McHarg, Ian L. 1971. Design With Nature. t:nlbleday and C~y Inc., New York .