HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA1316i L7 • • • • • ALAS KA POWER ALm IOR I TY SUSITNA 4YDROELECCRIC PROJECT E!WIRON ENTAL STUDIES PROCEDURES MANUAL SUBTASK 7.11 WILDLIFE ECOLOGY- B I RDS Aim NON -GAME KN`T%LS Terrestrial Environmental :pecialiiti, Inc. • n Copy No. • • • • • • • • ALASKA POKIER AUn iOR ITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES PROCEDURES MANUAL SUBTASK 7.111 WILDLIFE ECOLOGY - BIRDS AND NON -GAME MAMMALS Submitted by Terrestrial Enviromental Specialists, Inc. and University of Alaska Museum to Acres American, Inc. AVAJ rntilStudy Manager (TES) Quality Assurance Cod�dinator (TES) � � Lt'r-c'z�-z-- � Environmental Study ctor (TES) I -24 /_ Group Leader (TES) 0 July 1980 0 • • • This procedures manual is a controlled document. Each copy is numbered and issued in trust to an individual whose name is recorded on a distribution log maintained by Terrestrial Environmental Specialists, Inc., in Phoenix, New York. Amendments to this document, as they are issued, will be sent to the authorized holder of each copy. Upon completion of the project (or by December 31, 1982) all copies of the manual are to be returned to Terrestrial Environmental Specialists, Inc. • • 0 • C P ROC EDURES MANUAL Bird and Non -game Mammal Studies TABLE OF CONTENTS Page • Introduction 1 Technical Procedures Selection of intensive plot sites 2 • Animal enumeration procedures Bird censusing 2 Bird survey 3 • Small mammal trapline sampling 3 Enumeration of other non -game mammals 4 Measurements of habitat variables 5 Data Procedures 6 Quality Control 10 Schedule 10 • Personnel 10 Literature Cited 12 LIST OF FIGURES • Field Form for Bird Censusing 7 Recording Form for Habitat Measurements 3 Sample Format for Recording Plant Frequencies 9 Activity Schedule 11 Ll • I. INTRODUCTION The bird and non -game mammal studies of the upper Susitna River Basin are being undertaken to aid in determining the potential effect that the proposed Susitna Project might have on the fauna of the • region. More specifically, we will determine what species of birds and non -game mammals occur in the upper Susitna :liver Basin and determine, on a seasonal basis, the manner and extent of their use of the region, including the habitats in which they are found. These data can then be used to 1) evaluate habitat potential in the area, 2) provide a basis for predicting faunal changes based on habitat changes caused by • environmental alterations, including changes in water level, and 3) evaluate possible mitigative measures, should they prove necessary. The bird anc non -game mammal studies are composed of three interrelated work packages: 1) Avifaunal survey, 2) Bird community - habitat study, and 3) Non -game mammal studies. Field work on the • several programs will be shared by all personnel, field schedules will be coordinated wherever possible, and intensive study sites will be combined where feasible. Th general objectives of the three work packages follows: Avifaunal survev 1. Determine all species of birds using the region. 2. Determine, on a seasonal basis (winter, summer, spring and fall migration), each species' relative abundance and general habitat use. • 3. Determine spring and fall migration dates (earliest, latest, peak) and, insofar as time permits, the seasonal chronologies of each species. 4. Determine the extent and type of use of the area by the Peregrine, Bald Eagle, and Osprey. • 5. Determine, generally, the use of the region by waterbirds, including shorebirds and waterfowl. 3ird community -habitat study 1. Determine, for each of the major upland habitats of the • region, the type and degree of use by birds, and compare these habitats relative to species composition, density, dominance, etc. 2. Obtain data relative to species habitat use that can be used in later analyses on habitat selection by specific species (Phase II, 1982). • 0 2 Non -game mammal studies 1. Determine all species of small and medium-sized mammals occurring in the region. 2. Determine, for each of the major habitats of the region, species cosoosition, relative abundance, and habitat use. II. TECHNICAL PROCEDURES SELECTION OF INTENSIVE PLOT SITES Census plots will be established in each of the major terrestrial habitats in the vicinity of the proposed dam sites. In so far as feasible, small mammal traplines will be set up in conjunction with the bird census plots, although additional small mammal habitats will also be sampled. Selection of actual habitats to be sampled and specific plot locations cannot be made until field work begins in early July 1980. Avian census plots will be set up in as uniform habitat as is available and will be selected according to Kessel (1979). Preliminary indications suggest that it may be possible to establish bird census plots of sufficient size in the following habitats: Alpine dwarf shrub mat, dwarf shrub meadow, low shrub thicket, medium shrub thicket, deciduous forest (cottonwoods at Cold Creek), coniferous forest, mixed deciduous -coniferous forest, scattered woodland and dwarf forest, and perhaps tall shrub thicket. In addition, small mammal traplines will be established in wet meadow habitat and across some edge (ecotonal) areas. ANIMAL ENUMERATION PROCEDURES 13ird Censusing If possible, each bird census site will be a square 10 ha (25 acres) plot, a size above the minimum recommended by the International Bird Census Committee (1970) and one that can be adequately censused in 4 hours --the approximate period of maximum bird activity each morning. , Each 10-ha census plot will be divided by a 7x7 grid, resulting in forty-nine 0.2-ha subplots. Census techniques will be based on the territory mapping census method (International Bird Census Committee 1970). During the breeding season (approx. 15 May to 5 July), seven to nine censuses will be conducted on each plot; censuses will be conducted in pairs of two consecutive days at each plot --partly to minimize the effects of changing territorial boundaries, and partly to alleviate transportation problems between plots. Censuses will be 3 conducted between 0300 and 0800 Alaska Standard Time (0200-0700 Daylight Savings Time), which is generally within the time of greatest singing activity. During a census, the observer will stop at the center of each subplot to record avian activity. All birds seen or heard will be recorded and located on a field map of the plot. For each bird seen, activity, height of bird, and substrate used (including plant species) will be recorded. Bird Survev A comprehensive survey will be conducted within an approximate 10-mile band on either side of the river, from Gold Creek to the upriver location above which the impoundment will not influence the avian use of the region. Field work will be more or less continuous during spring and fall migration and the summer period (approximately 10 April to mid -October). Winter observations will be obtained during the winter census period and from reports of other project personnel spending periods of the winter in the area. The main procedure will be to walk transects across as much and as wide a variety of habitats as possible throughout the study area and to record all observations of all species seen or heard. Wherever feasible, data will be recorded by habitat. Relative abundance will be based on the number of birds per unit of time. In addition to abundance and habitat information, data indicative of seasonal chronologies will be recorded (migration, nesting, fledging, molting, etc.), as will specific information on any nests found (habitat, number of eggs/young, age/condition of young, etc.) or any out -of -the - ordinary activity. One or two aerial surveys will be made to search for the evidence of large, nesting raptors --Osprey, Bald and Golden eagles, Peregrine, and Gyrfalcon. Raven nests will also be recorded. Aerial surveys of waterbirds, especially waterfowl, will be conducted over wetland areas periodically throughout the migration and summer seasons. Observations of unusual interest will be solicited from other project personnel: dates of first and last seasonal sightings, unusual species, large numbers, nests or other evidence of breeding, etc. Small Mammal Tra line Sampling (Soricidae, Cricetidae, Za odidae) A modification of the North American Census of Small Mammals (Calhoun 1948) will be used to sample shrews, voles, and mice. When possible, two parallel trapline transects, 289 m long and at least 90 m apart, will be established in all bird census plots and in other habitats as opportunity permits. Each transect will consist of 2O Is • trap stations, spaced every 15.2 m. Two "Museum Special" snap -traps and one cone pitfall trap will be set within a I m radius of each trap station centerpoint for three consecutive nights. Snap -traps will be baited with a mixture of peanut butter, rolled oats, ground walnuts, and bacon grease. Pitfalls, which are heavy galvanized sheetmetal • cones measuring 155 mm in diameter and 250 mm in vertical depth, will be pressed into the soil so that the cone opening is flush or slightly lower than ground level; they will not be baited. Trapping periods for all study plots will be as follows: late August -early September 1980; May 1981; late August -early September • 1981. For each captured animal the following information will be recorded: date; trap location (plot, station number); trap type (snap -trap or pitfall); species (if needed Hall & Kelson, 1959, will be used for identification); sex; weight (using 50 g and 100 g Pesola scales); and reproductive condition (males --testes abdominal or scrotal.; females --pregnant, number and size of embryos, lactating, whether vaginal opening perforate or imperforate). A representative sample of study skins and skeletal material will be preserved and deposited in the University of Alaska Museum. Enumeration of other Iron -game Mammals • Red Squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) In each bird census plot, the location of all active squirrel middens will be mapped in August 1980 and 1981. From these data red squirrel density will be determined for each major habitat by assuming one squirrel per midden (after Wolff and Zasada 1975). • Snowshoe Hare (Lepus americanus) Snowshoe hare fecal pellets will be counted and removed from a permanently marked 1 m x 1 m area at each vegetation sample po_nt on bird and mammal census plots. To increase sample size in restricted • habitats (such as riparian shrub thicket, if present), additional pellet sample stations will be established. Within a 2 m diameter circle of each sample point, the number of browsed twigs will be counted to obtain a measure of browse intensity. Sampling will be done in spring and fall (at the time of small mammal trapping) to generate a relative use estimate of each area for winter and summer. Arctic Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus parrvii) Sightings of ground squirrel colonies will be solicited from all field workers in the study area. Minimum information requested of observers will include colony location and areal extent (for mapping purposes), habitat type, and a rough approximation of squirrel numbers • 5 or general magnitude of numbers (1-10, 10-20, 30-40, etc.) as indicated by animals seen, heard, and/or the density of burrows in the area. As time and manpower permits, ground squirrel colonies will be visited to determine animal numbers and general habitat characteristics. • Upon inspection and an approximate delineation of the colony boundaries, a permanently marked belt transect, oriented 45°to the direction of the slope, will be established within the colony area (starting point randomly determined) and will be censused for all active squirrel burrows. If colonies are of sufficient size, the transect will be 15 m wide by 1000 m long. Sample size (i.e., the belt transect) will be checked for adequacy by methods discussed by Cochran (1963) and • adjusted as necessary. For each colony area the following data will be recorded: major habitat type (including soil and non -vegetative characteristics), slope, and aspect. • Porcupine (Erethizon dorsatum) • • • Sightings of porcupines will be solicited from all field workers in the study area. Information requested will include date, location, habitat, activity, and, if appropriate, the species and size of plant used. These data, in combination with a measure of relative habitat use (e.g., number of barked trees and other sign) on the bird and small mammal study plots, will be used to estimate relative habitat use. Other Non -game Mammal Species Sightings of hoary marmots (Marmota caligata), collared pikas (Ochotona collaris), bat species, and other potentially occurring non -game mammal species will be solicited from field workers in the study area. MEASUREMENT OF HABITAT VARIABLES The variables chosen to describe the habitats of the intensive study plots (birds and small mammals) are those that we judge are most likely to affect, either directly or indirectly, the animal community structure, species composition, and habitat occupancy levels of these habitats. Some of these variables have already been tested in central Alaska by Spindler (1976), Spindler and Kessel (1980), MacDonald (1980), West (1979), and Wolff (1977). The bird census subplots and/or small mammal trap stations will be used as sample units in vegetation analyses. Systematically located paints will be sampled, using the point -centered quarter method of Cottam and Curtis (1956), but including more detailed sampling of ground cover, understory, and shrub vegetation. Sampling • • 6 • will be vertically stratified into six layers (after Kessel 1979): ground cover ( 0 -0.25 m), dwarf shrub (0.25-0.4 m), low shrub (0.5-1.1 m), medium shrub (1.2-2.4 m), tall shrub (2.5-4.9 m), and tree ( >5.0 m) . Using the point -centered quarter method, the following vegetative characteristics will be obtained for trees and for the medium and tall shrubs: distance to nearest tree and to nearest shrub/shrub patch (density measure); size of shrub patch, if any; height and diameter of stem/trunk; canopy thickness of trees and of shrubs (lowest live branch to top of tree/shrub); canopy coverage of shrubs, trees, and total canopy coverage. Additionallj, the following data will be obtained from each center point: foliage height density profile, using a coverboard with squares for four readings per station at heights of 0.4 m, 0.8 m, 1.8 m, and 3.7 m; and distance to nearest water and characteristics of water (fluviatile or lacustrine, depth, length, and width). Ground cover will be sampled from a 0.5 x 0.5 m square centered on each point center. Percent cover for each of the following groups will be estimated: sedge, grass, forb, mat shrubs, litter, moss, lichen, fungi (including a count of "toadstools"), standing water, and bare ground; species occurrence of the sedges, grasses, forbs, and woody plants will be recorded. • Percent dwarf shrub cover (0.25-0.4 m high) and percent low shrub cover (0.5-1.1 m) will be estimated from a 3.0 m x 3.0 m square, as will microtopographic relief (ranked in four classes, based on average elevational range). II Other data to be obtained include depth of organic substrate (four measurements per sample station), depth to*frozen ground, amount of "edge," and the age of the stand (stem slice or tree auger), slope (Abney level), and aspect (compass) of the census plot. III. DATA PROCEDURES Quantifiable data gathered in the field (examples of recording sheets attached) will be reduced and analyzed using univariate and multivariate statistical procedures with the aid of a computer. Square root and logarithmic transformations of the data will be used • where appropriate. Statistical procedures we expect to use include parametric and non -parametric univariate one-way analysis of variance, multiple stepwise regression, discriminant function analysis, principle component analysis, and contigency analysis. Computer programs performing these analysis will be from "Biomedical Computer Programs" (Dixon and Brown 1979) and/or "Statistical Package for the Social Sciences" (Nie et al. 1975) . • • 7 • • • • • 11 C7 • • Observer Plot Census # Date Time Start Time Finish Temp Weather SP I 1 T I - - , - 1 { 7 r 1 1 I 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 FIELD FORM FOR BIRD CENSUSING 0 0 SL'SM.'A B[RD YwIMAL HABITAT `!EASCREY.ENTS PLOT STATION DATE I OBSERVER COVER: Ground WO.25 a) M „at I I i i fSrandinq Hare ' Shrub j Grass I Sedge Forb Lirrer MOSS Lichen i Fungi Water Soil CBVDR: Dwarf Shrub (0.25-0.4 m)(x)_ COVES: Law Shrub (0.5-1.1 m)(t)= MAT DEPTH (cu): MCRO-RELIEF (class I)= EDGE: I class: ORflac Distance co nearest 1.l.25 m wigs m Qg 2->O.25eO.50 m Length of edge m 3�?O.SO m Q4- — DISTANCE TO STAt.'DIhG WATER (m): ggqqqLacusc. or, { , w t Area WOPY COVERAGE (_): I I I Tree Shrub • FOLIAGE HEIGHT DENSITY (7 squares visible)= Ql Q2 Q3 Q -%MP L 0 o4M 1 ) I r I ! I 4. ft "DIAL I Plan[ Species Distance Canapv_I "stew Too lfattomiDiameter, L ! L canopy Ihickness 1 1 j 02 1 1 r i 1 I ,14 I I 1 f 4 �i � N n1 ' 1 i r � 02 1 ' 1 1 F 03 1 1 Q4 1 1 41 1 r 1 I i vl 22 1 1 'cIni I i 114 � I i I SAMPLE FORMAT -HABITAT STUDIES (Note: A plant species list specific to this project will be compiled for the actual data form to be used). PLOT SUBPLOTS TREES SUBPLOT + Betula•papyrifera Larix laricina Picca glauca M cea mar►ana Populus balsamifer? Paulus tremuloidea Prunus pc us TALL SIIRUSS Alnus incana Betula glandu loss Betula Rland. x s _ 5ai►x alaxerisls Saiix arbusculoides Saiix bebbians Saiix brachycarpa Salix candida 5alix glMica Saiix wontico13 Saiix novae-angliae Saiix planifolia LOW SliRtiBS Andromeda polifolis Arctostaphylos rubra Arct�hylos uva-ursi Betula nana Chamacdaphne calyculats L!pctrnm nigrum Ledum palustre Linnaea borealis Nvrica;ale Oxycoccus mlcrocarpus 1'otcnti1la fruticosa Ribes hudsonianum Rikies triste Rosa acicularis Rubus idaeus _ g lix fuscescens Saiix myrtillifolia Sherherdia canadensis Sprraea bcauver tans Vaccinium uliginosum vaccinium vitis-idaea _ Vibernum edule I&RBS Achillea sibirica Acunitun deiphinifolium Amerorchis rat��ndiColla Anemone richardsonnl Astragalus sp. - _ ISy.4l� SUBPLOT ! _I I I SUBPLOT ! _ Brassica rape Potentilla palustris Calla palustris Pyrola asarifolia - Caltha natans Pyrola grandiflora a t a pa ustr,; Pyrola minor Cardamine sp. _ Pyrola secunda Castilleja caudate Ranunculus lapponicus rtlrysosp enFim tetrandrsm — al�cu us rte p y us Chrysosplenium wrightii Rubus arcticus CiLuta mackenziesna Rubrrs chamaemorus Cora TOrrT112a tr a — _ umex arc icus Cornus canadensis Rumex crispus Cornus canal, x suecica Saussurea angustifolia yC pTc ium guttaturm Senecio jugens Draha sp. Solidago canadensis Drosera rotundifolia Spiranthes romanzofflans NplTobium angust o ua _ Stellaria crassitolia Epilopium palustre Stellaria laeta RE usoiumisetum arvense Stellaria longifolia qui' avast e _ 5Ecil arrja long pes Equisctum paluitre Taraxacum sp. Equisctum pratense Thalictrum sparsiflorur riquisaum sctrp'oiaes _ Toffleli!14 pusills Equisctum silvaticum Trlentalls curopaea Equisetum variegatum Typha latifulia Erigcron sp. 9aaertana capitata Fragaria virginiona vicia sp. Galeopsis bifida viola biflors Callum bores a Vila OPIPS114 Calium trifidum Geocaulon livldun GRASSES. SEDGES. and RUSHES eocau fFammar ya pa u osa _ Calamagrostis canadensis Hippuris vulgaris Caren sp. Iris setosa _ Lemma minor Lycopodlum annotinum Menyanthes trifolints crFT-'tensia pan cuIata — Muchringia lateriflora Moneses uniflora _ MOSSES Fiyr opfiYlikill sp►catum Wuphar polysepalum _ OAytropiis campestris Parnasslap51Ustrts _ Pedicularis labradorica Petasites frigidus LICIIENS Pa sites'sngittatus Pinguicula villosa Platanthera uhtusata Vol emnnlum meat► ores Polygoi,um alaskanum PoIygunurn pennsyIvanieue PotentilTa`norvcgica w • 10 FJ IV. QUALITY CONTROL The primary assurance of quality will be in the selection of qualified research technicians and in providing them with appropriate supervision and • guidance in relation to project goals and the necessary data and methods needed to obtain these goals. Field data sheets and journals, as well as copies of reduced primary data will be retained in fireproof files at the University of Alaska Museum. ♦ All specimens collected, including plant voucher specimens, will be deposited with the University of Alaska Museum.. • (See attached figure) VI. PERSONNEL EDWARD T . REED, Group Leader Environmental Scientist, Terrestrial Environmental Specialists, Inc. Six years of experience evaluating project impacts on wildlife populations. BRINA KESSEL, Principal Investigator Professor of Zoology and Curator of Terrestrial Vertebrate Collections, University of Alaska Museum. Twenty-nine years • studying birds, mammals, and habitats in Alaska. STE= 0. MACDONALD, Non -game Mammals Museum Technician I (mammals), Terrestrial Vertebrate Collections, University of Alaska Museum. Tidelve years of field experience, including commercial fur trapping in Alaska, and three years of Alaska research on small mammals and habitat use. DANK D. GIBSON, Bird Survey M-useum Technician II (birds), Terrestrial 'vertebrate Collection, University of Alaska Museum. Fifteen years of experience and research on birds throughout Alaska, with emphasis on biogeography • and systematics. RESEARCH ASSISTANTS, intensive plots and bird survey Two or three assistants will be hired to help set up intensive plots and to assist in gathering data on all programs. These assistants must have the equivalent of a bachelor's degree and be familiar with basic ecological principles. At least two must be thoroughly familiar with the • birds of the region, including having ability to identify birds by song; at least one must be able to identify central Alaskan plants. At least two will probably be graduate student level assistants. • J V. SCHEDULE Bird and Non -game Mammal Studies 1980 1981 1982* ACTIVITY J F M A M J J A S 0 N 1) J F M A M J J A 5 O N D J F M A M J Bird Survey/Habitat Data X x X% X X X X X X X X ? X X X Collection Bird Censusing X X X K X Mammal Trapping X R X x X x Data Analysis X X X X X X X X X Report Prep. x X X X X X X X X X Reports Due to TES X X X % * All 1982 field work is Phase II, and not part of the present Scope of Work. • 12 VII. LITERATURE CITED Calhoun, J. B. 1948. North American census of small mammals. Release No. 1, Rodent Ecology Project, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland. Cochran, W. C. 1963. Sampling techniques. 2nd ed. John Wiley & Sons, New York, N.Y. Cottam, G., and J. T. Curtis. 1956. The use of distance measures in phytosociological sampling. Ecology 36:451-460. Dixon, W. J., and M. B. Brown, eds. 1979. Biomedical computer programs, P-series. University of Calif. Press, Berkley, Calif. Hall, E. R., and K. R. Kelson. 1959. The mammals of North America. Vol. 1 and 2. Ronald Press Co., New York, N.Y. International Bird Census Committee, 1970. Recommendations for an international standard for a mapping method in bird census • work. Audubon Field Notes 24:727-736. Kessel, B. 1979. Avian habitat classification for Alaska. Murrelet 60:86-94. MacDonald, S. 0. 1980. Habitats if small mammals and birds: evaluating the effects of agricultural development in the Delta Junction area, Alaska. Unpubl. report to Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Fairbanks, Alaska. Nie, N. H., C. H. Hull, J. G. Jenkins, K. Steinbrenner, and D. H. Bent. 1975. SPSS, Statistical package for the social sciences. 2nd ed. McGraw-Hill, New York, N.Y. Spindler, M. A. 1976. Ecological survey of the birds, mammals, and vegetation of Fairbanks Wildlife Management Area. M.S. thesis, Univ. of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska. Spindler, M. A., and B. Kessel. 1980. Avian populations and habitat use in interior Alaska taiga. Syesis 13: in press. West, S. D. 1979. Habitat responses of microtine rodents to central Alaskan forest succession. Ph.D. thesis, Univ. of Calif., Berkeley, Calif. Wolff, J. A. 1977. Habitat utilization of snowshoe hares (Le us americanus) in interior Alaska. Ph.D. thesis, Univ. of Calif., Berkeley, Calif. a 13 P Itb I• • S: rI I Wolff, J. A., and J. C. Zasada. 1975. Red squirrel response to clearcut and shelterwood systems in interior Alaska. U. S. Forest Service Research Note, PNW-255. 0