HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA1317•• ·t • • • • • • • • AlASKA ~ Al.JTK)R ITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENVIRCNIENTAL STliDIES PROCED~ES ~l.IAL SUBTASK 7.ll WILDLIFE ECOLDGY- F~ERS ' . ' ,/ ' ·:-- • • ~ • # • ! Terre1trial Environmental Speciali1t1, Inc • • • • • • • • • • • --------- M.ASKA ~ AlJTH)RITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENVIRCNJENTAL STliDIES PROCEDLRES ~LIAL SUBTASK 7.11 WILDLIFE ECOLOGY- FrnBEARERS Submitted by Terrestrial Envirorm:mtal Specialists, Inc . and Alaska Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit University of Alaska-Fairbanks to Acres American, Inc . Group Leader ( 'IES ) July 1980 AL ASKA POW ER AUTHORITY Copy No . 2-\ --- • • • • • • • • • • This procedures manual is a controlled document. Each copy is numbered and issued in trust to an individual whose name is recorded on a distribution log maintained by Terrestrial Environmental Specialists, Inc., in Phoenix, New York. Amendments to this document, as they are issued, will be sent to the authorized holder of each copy. Upon completion of the project (or by December 31, 1982) all copies of the manual are to be returned to Terrestrial Environmental Specialists, Inc • • • • • • • • • • • • PROCE DURE S MANUAL SUBTASK 7 .11, WILD LIFE/F URBEARERS CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION II. TECHNICAL PROCEDURES III. DATA PROCEDURES IV. QUALITY CONTROL v. SCHEDULE VI. PERSONNEL VI I. LITERATURE CITED LIST OF FIGURE S FIGURE 1. Northern bench and canyon wall study sites, showing established transects and, for bench transects, season of transect data collection . FIGURE 2. Northern bench and Watana study sites, showing established transects and, for bench transects, season of data col- lection. FIGURE 3. Snow transect intersection with red fox trail. For this data collection point one hare track and two willow ptarmigan tracks would be recorded. FI GU RE 4 . Sample snow tran sect d ata collection sheet. FIGURE 5 . Schedule P . 2 .... <:. 8 8 10 10 1 3 3 4 6 9 12 • • • • • • • • • • • I. INTRODUCTI ON The o b j ectives of Phase I furbearer studies are to determine the probable impacts of the proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project upon the following species: red fox, Vulpes fu lva; coyote, Cani s latrans; lynx, Lynx canadensis; mink, Mustela vison; pine marten, Martes americana; river o tter, Lutra canadensis; short-ta~led weasel, Mustela erminea; least weasel, Mustela rixosa; muskrat, onaatra-zibethica and beaver, Castor canad~nsis. Specific objectives for Phase I are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. Determine general abundance of each species in the study area . Assess habitat preferences of each species . Analyze seasonal use of habitats and degree and type of u tilization of habitats for each species. Project the probab le impacts of the proposed development o~ each species . a. Assess lik ly changes in habitats f rom the proposed action . b. Project changes in abundance of furbearers in res ponse to habitat changes. c . Predict other, non-habitat related impacts upon furbearers . II. TECH NICAL PROCEDURES For the purposes of Phase I studies, the study area is defined as the proposed impoundment zones, all land and water within 8 horizontal miles of the impoundment zones and the downstream floodplain as far as Go ld Creek and within 3 horizontal miles of the river. Data will be gathered from three principal sources. A . Snow Transect Data Transects will be established and utilized in four major phy siographic t y pes. These ty~es are listed below, with the corresponding local study site: 1. Upland bench. Deadman-Tsusena bench, Figure 1 and 2. Canyon walls. Watana dams ite area (Figure 1' and established). 3 . Creek bottoms. Watana Creek, Tsusena Creek, Figure 2. 4. Downstream floodplain. Portage Creek, Gold Creek , (to be established) . 2. to be Transects will be numbered and marked on topographic maps to be kept on f :.le. Transects will be run by snowmachine, skis or snowshoe:s, depending upon .terrain. Whe n the track 2 ! ./ --. - > ,,__ _____ _ -~-• ---- ..... '"--'---', ... _ ; •• I' . --I / f ( 1 J ~ I r"' i / ----..... -.> • -~ ·-~ '--' . I \ ,-.. I -... C' ---I ----"\ ~ ' .... -...,.-~ ~ • .f ~ ' -; --_,..-" -I " • - -= '-"'·~-~-. .. " Ts usen a --· -' -~ """' -\ ::a rv~ - ' --I J --~p~, '\'~ ' e v!!.e I ) '.._.j=--/ --'· ' --' f . ' ' ~ . -T 0 4J ~ ' -----=...) ·------I \ -. .. ' -----1 ---• ~ 1.1""\, .. -( ,... I' ) -··· • \ " J: Al.l.. FfJ I.Uff\)1' ( FALL u.. . I ~ - 0 "'B)"l-_.r -T D ~ T O£ Tot -~ --~ / --r --r. '-, ::: ----~ 1---:,. -----!'---.....___ < -? r-----. -•. • -. ...... o. ...._ - ·~ -.- \,.U\N1'E~ • "': Fig ure 1. Nor t hern ben ch and wall study sites , ., TO" canyo n sh ow i ng established tran s ects a nd, for bench trans ects , ,. .., s easo n of transect data coll ection . '--" ., 3 • • • • • • • • ·~I If -~- f// j -- .1 ,;.•r ) ' -~ :· _.., 107 / ( ;-- : . ,. -T"- / - .. --- / ·' . . l· .-...... /--- ,,_ -<~ -~----~-wtt .·.'·· !}m--~ ~\..YV ·~ J -. \ --1~0 ....__"--_....___...~.-_ ..... ' ~~ ---------·-~-..,'....--: .. Figure 2. Northern bench ·and Watana Creek bottom study sites, showing established transects and, for bench transect s, season of data collection . 4 ..... __ > ? . • • • • • B. • • • • • • of a subject animal is encountered, the fol l owing data will be recorded: l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Species of animal Vegetation type to Viereck level III or IV % canopy cover (45° cone) Distance to water (not frozen) Water type (lacustrine, riverine, etc.) Snow depth at the first track on either side of the transect (2 measurements) Snow hardness, top 2 inches Estimated age of tracks S lope Aspect Elevation (MSL) Physiographic type (2 levels of resolution) Number of hare tracks within 10 m of intersection Number of ptarmigan tracks within 10 m of intersection Number of red squirrel tracks within 10 m of intersection Note: For the purposes of Nos. 13-15, a track is the group of marks made by an individual animal entering the 10 m circle once. See Figure 3. Snow Tracking Snow trails of individual subject animals will be located by the following techniques. On each of the established and proposed transects, points will be chosen by selecting random distances from the beginning. A random number table will be employed . After this point is chosen, a random magnetic compass bearing will be chosen (increments of 10°) with a random number table and that bearing followed until the trail of the furbearer of interest is intersected. This trail will be followed in each direction until the trail is lost or 25 sampling points have been reached . The sampling points will be at fixed distances, by species as follows: Red Fox 500 meters Coyote 500 meters Lynx 500 meters Pine Marten 100 meters Mink 30 meters River Otter 30 meters Short-Tailed Weasel 30 meters Least Weasel 30 meters At these sampling points the trail will be sampled for the parameters measured on snow transects (see "A" above ) . Additionally, an index to snow hardness will be obtain- ed by measuring the depth of 3 foot prints at each sample point when following the trail of an indiv idual animal. Foot print depth and penetrometer readings will be compared f or each sample point. Along transects, penetrometer readings 5 • • • • • • • • ' ' • ... ·.·· .·• ';~=:. ~-.i t-' ' Hare Tracks ~\-W i ll ow Ptarmigan ~, Tracks \. I. ,, .. I . I I ' . , , . ! .. ~ Snow Depth 8 Hardness Sampling a Points 0 Figure 3. Snow transect intersec tion with red fox trail. For this data collection point one hare track and two willow ptarmigan tracks would be recorded . 6 • • c. • • • • D . • • • • will be taken every 500 m as well as other parameters required Jn the transect data sheet. Snow tracking will be conducted for 2 weeks out of each 8 week sampling period provided at least one inch of new snow has fallen since previous tracking effort . Radio Telemetry Limited telemetry studies will be conducted on foxes, pine martens, mink and short-tailed weasels. Radio location data will be gathered to determine home range size and shape and daily and seasonal movement patterns and to locate den sites and scats. Home range will be determined using the minimum area technique and computer programs available at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks. Radio transmitters will be placed on the following species in sufficient numbers to obtain the following numbers of working collars: Red Fox 10 Pine Marten 12 Mink 4 Short-Tailed Weasel 8 Animals will be collared in representative habitats in the Susitna study area . Where possible , family groups will be collared. Transmitters will be manufactured by AVM In stru- ment Co., 3101 West Clark Road, Champaign , IL 61820 and operate in the 164.000 to 164.90u t1Hz band. Miscellaneous In the course of live trapping for radio collaring, scats will be secured from traps. Scats will be dried and stored and analyzed for species of food items using dissecting micro- scopes. Reference collections of seeds and mammal hairs and bones are available at the University of Alaska. Scats will be characterized as to percent frequency occurrence of food items and used to indicate seasonal and habitat-specific food preferences. Information on past furbearer numbers will be sought f rom i~dividuals who have trapped in and near the study area in the past. Carcasses will be procured from trappers operating near the Susitna River . Informa~ion on fox den sites may be available from other Acres team members. Track identification is a subjective and subtle skill, for which few references exist. The principal one is Murie (1954). Snow depth will be measured to the nearest centimeter with a meter stick . Snow hardness will be measured with a recording spring penetrometer , which is being custom manufactured in Sweden (Olof Erickson, Vaxtbrologiska Institutionen, Villavagen 14, Box 559, S 751 Uppsala, Sweden). Survey of muskrat pushups and beaver structures will be conducted at breakup time in spring of each year. A helicopter will be used to examine lakes, ponds and marshy areas at a time when snow is nearly absent from lake ice, yet the ice is not yet melted. Pushups on lakes will be counted and beaver dams and lodges recorded on 1:63 ,360 scale maps. In spring of each 7 • • • • • • • • • ' year aerial surv eys will be conducted of fu rbearer sign along the Susitna River between Gold Creek and the mouth of the Chulitna Ri ver . Da ta will be gathered on species occurrence, using tracks and o ther sign as indicators of presence. III. DATA PROCEDURES Draft data recording sheet for snow transect data is ,•.ttached (Figure 4) . Parametric and nonparametric analyses will be made o :: movement data, animal-habitat associations and pro j ections of pro bable impact. Statistical programs available in SPSS (Nie, et al . 1975) and BMDP (Brown 1977) will be utilized as well as-programs being developed specifically for data generated during t his inv estigation. Drs. Samuel Harbo a nd Edward Murphy are ass i sting in formulation of appropriate methods o f compiling, summarizing and analyzing data. A. B. I V . QUALITY CONTROL Data Data will be stored in the following manner: 1. 2 • 3. Directly on field data sheets. Computer tape -to be stored in ~rving Building, OAF. Disc files in main computer cen ~er, Bunnell Building, OAF. Equipment Equipment verification will be as follows: l. 2 . Telemetry Field tests will be made in which trans- mitters are placed at known locations to deter- mine accuracy of portable ground-to-ground antennas and aerial tracking systems. The accuracy and precision of computer programs designed to plot telemetry data will be checked by direct comparison with manually prepared plots of locations . Snow Hardness Accuracy of penetrometer will be checked on a spring scale. C. Output Output accuracy o f computer programs will be determined by comparison with calculatio ns g enerated 8 C.crJ"''<=C.. ..... , 02f"17C.II\J (r i I -. i i ~~~~----------~~~~~~~~~~~~~----------~-~~--~~------& I I : I I ; t ,. ; : I ' ~ " -~~~~-~~~~,~,~,~,~;~1 ~1 ~~I I ,' g~ -+~+-~~~4---t -~,_-~~'~' ~r!~l __ :_~l~ ~~~~+--! -~~~~ I ~ ~ • I I ! I ' ! ! J : I I ! ~~ ~ ____ ,__ I -+--f---1~-----,-r-n ! , ; ~----------~ ~~ . . : I : . ~ L -~---~ ~--~--·--~'--·--..L--·---··-· -· -,... I ---!--f--t------· _J _ _L : __ ~ ~LL . ----·-... _ .l _ I t~· ~ I : i i I i : i If ---_l I .~ ~-+-1-l ~ 1, I I I i ' ! I . -~. -; ~ ~ • ~-I ---~-----·n ----rJT . i : trf : i ;ij +, j·---~ !-~--r-----~----,~ ,--.. ---; -r-:· .. -r~~ ~ I L-1 I I 1 ::.' . Jl± I ,· I, .· I I II I ~~\1 I I i ' : i I ri , :~ ~-~~ -~ ----~-=~-_J-· ,___ i ·~ i!_ . . ____ ! --~-;,_----=====1 =!~:~~.~ I I I I ' ! I ~~: I I . r-~4-~ ; i ~. ~~--· -~ -... :--l-·: ; ~~-; I' I ! : l 1 ~~ --t--1!---1 -~-+-+-+--+---+--+--1-+--+--t--'---'-__;,.-------:--+~ ·----_..... I I I ! ; : I i ·~I I l ! I ! i ... I I i . I I ' i I i ~~t~ ~ I I I ' ' : I ; . I I ' :"' 1 L< ---+'--4--4-~--~--~f---if---f---t--t--1--!--'+----H--+--~ _:_~ ~-~----Lr-· J . ~ ,~ 1 ~ j! I I I I I : . I I I : I i !J I E. I I I I . : I ! : I I 1~:, l 1 : I 1 ~;, :-. ' I I I· I -1 t--· Figure 4. Samp .le s now transec t data collection · --:--------~-:i 'T 't sheet. 1 I ~·j ~ --~c ~ --= : ----. -. :~ l " I ~-J __ : .' ... --·' -H ~ I I I ' ~ -l--1--+--+--9 TI -t-1---··-·t· ~ ' _ . ..; i : I I l I i ! I I Ofk>Vf!.. I I • • • • • • • - • with a desk calculator . Plots of radio telemetry locations will be compared to plots prepared manually . D. Transcription of Data E. Transcription of data from one form to another and to computer data files will be checked fo r accuracy by a second investigator . Data Collection Data collection biases due to differences in the ability of wo rkers to identify and interpret field signs wi ll be minimized by continuous mutu~l checks in the field . Biases should be held to a minimum in this manner. V . SCHEDULE Copy attached(Figure 5) VI . PERSONNEL Key personnel of the furbearer studies group are as follows: Principal Investigator: Dr . Phillip S. Gipson Assistant Leader Project Investigators: Alaska Cooperative Wi ldlife Research Unit University of Alaska Fairbanks , Alaska 99701 Qualification of Principal Investigator . Extensive experience supervising research projects under remote field conditions. Established scientific standing as evi- denced by publications describing the results of independent research. Ability to formulate, supervise and prepare reports treating ecological studies of northern mammals. Mr. Steven w. Buskirk Graduate Fellow Alaska Cooperative Wildlife Re search Unit University of Alaska Fairoanks, Ala ska 99701 Mr. T. Winston Ho b good Graduate Fellow Alaska Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit University of Alaska Fairbanks, Alaska 99701 10 Qualifications of Pro j ect I nvesti gators. Experience conducting field research projects under remote conditions. Minimum of bachelo r's degree in bio log ical sciences or related field. Ability t o carry out field research a n d prepare reports of results. Group Leader: Edward T . Reed Environmental Scientist Terrestrial Env ironmental Specialists , Inc. Phoenix , New Yo rk 13135 Qualifications of Group Leader. Six y ears of experience evaluating project impacts on wildlife p o pulations. 11 • I-' tv • • J!CriVIT'f Literature Review Field Sanpli.nJ Data Analysis Re[X>rt Preparation Re[X>rts D.le to 1'F.S • JFt-1AMJ XXX XXX X X X XXX XXX X • • • 1980 JASOND JFMAMJ XX XXX X X X X X X xxxxxx XXX XXX X X Figure 5. Schedule. • • • • 1981 1982 JASOND JFM AMJ XXX XXX XXXXX}{ XXX X X X ' .J ,~ •• LITERATURE CITED Brown, W. J. 1977. Biomedical Computer Programs P -Series. University of California Press, 88 0 pp . Murie, 0 . J. 1954. A Field Guide to Animal Tracks. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 374 pp. Nie , H., C. H. Hull, J. G. Jenkins, K. Steinbrenner, and D. H. Bent. 1975. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. 2nd Ed. McGraw-Hill Co., 675 pp . 13