HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA1323• • - - • • AlASKA PaoER AIJT}OUTY SUSI1NA H'1DRC£l.ECTRi C PROJ ECT ENV IRafoENTM.srmss Pro::m.RES I'WlUAl. SlIlTASK 7,14 ACCE SS ROAD AAALYS IS • • Telle/tfiol Eftyi,oftmefttol 'pecioli/t/.lftC. j • • • • • • • • • • • AL AS KA POWER AUTHORITY Copy No.Ito IJ....JS¥A PQoER AIJMJU lY SUSIlNA H'rtRE.fCTRIC PROJECT ENVIRaKNTAL STlJ)lES PRO f1'Il:ES f'WUAL SlBTASK 7.14 ACt'fSS ROAD ANAlYSI S Sutm1tted bY Terrestr1.a1 FrrI1ra'm!ntal st>ec1allsts.Inc. to Acres ker1c:an.Inc. (),,~,,~:s-~~ Env1J:ozliell tal StudY D1rector ('rES ), ~.//'.~---({..~.!.;:..,--..~~<-'---. ~Leede r (TES ) • • • • • • • • • • • This pMlCl'!dures raanual Is a controll~docUlllerlt.Each copy is nlJllbered and Issued In trust to an fndividual wh ose n4/lll!is reco~ed on ..distribution log ..tntaf~by Terrestrial Env 'ro~ntal Specialists.I nc••t n Phoeni x,Ne.yort.~ndMents to tilts ~lIIent.as they are Issued,.111 be sent to ttle authorized holder o f elch copy.UpOl'l COIl!JletfOl'l of tM proj «:t {or by Decelber 31 ,19821 411 copies of the ..nu.l are to be returned to TerTtstrf .'[ny ff"OlWtnta;]Speci alis ts .I nc. • • • • I. 11. Table o f Q:nt ents Ilm<IXJCTIa<. 1'fXlNICAL PIO U -JPFS A.SEUX:TIOO'OF ACCfSS A.:l1re •• •• • • Paoe--, 1, 2 • I I I .CtATA.PA:lCf.IlIRES • J J • v. VI. =.• •• •J J • • • • • • Fiq.Jre 1.SChedu le •• • List o f Figures ••4 • 1 I •INnOIrI"ICfi 'l1'Ie d:lject1ft5 of this a1bt.aalt are twofold:(1)to provide initial i.rpIt.into the _14lcti~of .Yl ~tu.E..t.llly 3CU"d aceess r01d to the dim sites,.-d 12)to pmyide ftx infonnation dluelllinatial.and ~ to inaJn a ttJxo.Jct:l bpIct a ss ..of the prefernd route an::l i ts aasa:lated facUities SJCb ...!:on"",,areas and lXb*'C't1nq haul l'CIad!"tn all "HXq:>tiate envitchlEntal Slbta5lts. II.'ImlftCAL PlU FUlilfS 'I!'$,Ire•.-d l!ICIIIe of i ts !I.Ibo:lnuac:bJts will ptOVi6!o envitChEilul l~into an initial ~pcocess o f nultiple pcopoeed &lterNIti~ access tQltes ctx>een I:7f RIo'!Q:x'ISultants.Inc.After initial ....'ee..if'!9. three p.....)bed rout.will bit ~am Ft!OtDgrap.:!by """cmsultants, Inc.n-_rial p-otxlqnp\S vill be used in the envinhlEi .tal analys ia.as will grtU"d cea:lli.tssance W e xistt.rq lnfClOlaticn on slailar Lv.d .frJms .-d habitat typeS.Env'itChIEi,tal inpJt at this staQe will be solicited fmll.vadam sbtaslcs •tallows: Subtask 7.05 -Socloe<DilOlniC Analysis -Calparison of aod.oeooroIdc iq:tacts cn a local."9100.."1 MEl stateorid!basis res.1ltinr;l fral mrwt:ructiat of the various alternatiw mutes,includ.inq klnq-ter1II effects of ifll:UldseJ ao:u'to the arM. &mtask 7.06 -Cultm:al Resoun.'e IrM!Stigation -PreliJl1nary a:JaPlr1Bc:rl of alternative routes in tems of prc:Cability of iJ~nq cultlmll ~. SubtasJl:7.07 -Lard Ose Malysis -c""""rlson of ~latiYl!effects of the three alternative routes CI1 futut'e land use in the area.'lhe land ~r.IhiP ~tion vill be ~lrder"Tall:2. SYbtAsk 7.08 -Recreation Plami.n9 -Initial CDlPSr111a\of effects of various mutes a'I recreation potential .-d ""l'P'Jllunities in the project.area.'l'his amtask will ad:it:C:ULEtl_!lUCh all aesthetics, .-d the p::lte\t1ally tar-reachinq cpeetion of p.I)lic .........a.nwe access route .1ect1a'l has a _jar'effect O'l this abtask ~will ~, to a lar9t eeeeee,the recreatic:rl plM1 deYelopd fix the project area. &btaak 7.11 -Wildlife £a)loqy Studi..-At this preliJftinary stage itlPUt will be ~t:ed with teSptCt to effects of acce8'J reed routes 0'\ 1IIlljar'wildlife uxce.traUorw,IIiqntiO'\routes.dennirq areu.and/ex any tndaiJ)fted l'PeCi..locatiorw that hit...been identified.Thi. 8Ubtask will abo ac1c11 I the qJeStiCln of ~t:s O'l wildlife related to tu1t«'aooes.ft dlsturbance die to lncteased tuun activity. Subt.ask 7.12 -Plant Eo:lloqy Studies -Aerial Fcb>iiUII"."will be anal~ard 8IIIfIlIiti....ex ~t areas will be identified.It: l"Il!C'I!SNrY.acne grourd leoJlNissance will be UX"ICb:ted.This SJbtaslc will auo <d:b:eu,frcn.,emrt.tOillllelltal stardp::JLnt.the proble. aseod.ated with ft'OSLO'l ~al dJe to soLls an::!t>JjXlqtap ll'. 2 I t is e xpected that eedy lnpJt.at route sel ectiat will be ~red fro-subta.slts ~minq !lXioec.uouc analys is ,land use anal ysis ,and r....Leatia'l p1arnincJ .thne d isciplines rM'f be o:n:emed IICR with the o dgin of the a::eess road n the"than actual 9U~route.Foe ~le,a road originat:1ng at the Denal i Ri gtMry wi ll hoJ\ot!cenai~y d iffen,lt e ff ects that O'le odginatinq trca Q)1d Cnek IX the Parks Hi <i1way.!l.d ld inq an access route i n to a previously relatively i.naceessible a.ree in cent nl A1asb is a ...jce tD'lCeLTl in each of these di scipl ines .An add i tiona l OJilCeUl in all SI.lbt4aIts,but prt.arlly in 7 .05, 7 .01 ,7.08,and 7 .11 is the p3licy tlhictl will be tol1olllled "OIlOet:lI.ing the use of an aocess routel:1j the plblic e ithK Wring OOr'III tructiat of the &.pt'Oject oe later,w rlrq its ~.tlon. Certain m taslc:s (e.g.7 .06 ,portions of 7 .11,and 7 .1 21 may be ra:xe CD'ICeml!d vith the III.lL'YPJ'!d route than with the point of o rig i n.In these smtasks,~dis turbetw:e ,oe location o f the rlght~f-way with t@SpeCt to an archeoloqiClll site ,deming arelI,oe erdangered lIIpeC ies l oc:aticrt will be illpxtant criteria in iJI\:laCt asses5IlIent . I nplts fran the various subtaslal will be analyzed ,am envitOii,eutal constraints will be identified and eYa1uated.Specific locations o f alI"IC'etn (e.g.wetlards,endangeAd species locations,wildlife concentrations, denn.ing areas,migration routes,archeological sites)will be ~along the various alternati·...routes.Positive am negative iA..,acts of the routes (bo th r1ght~t-ey specific and those cOiica "i nq oe igin of the aceess l'OlId) will be lXlOSidered w the feasibility o f avoidance or'lIl itigati31 o f adversely iJtpacted areas will be determined.'n1ese ~nvit Oi 'i El .tal aJlil(.'e(TlS will then be I't"eSenUld to RiIt and Acres,both orally am _a ieeeee-eseee, ee be used in OJiUIidPrat Lon and 9i!!lect.lon of a pnternd route. e.IMPAC1'ASSESSMDll'f:I mE ritD'ERR£l)N:X:!SS IUm: cece the pnferred route to the d!la.sit es is selected,'fCCe dl!'ta iled bioloq iClll WcxlM Uat (wi ldli fe ecoi09Y and plant:ecology l will be collected &long that specif ic tOUte.and KIn detai led l.:rpct analyses will be pel"founed urdet'the soc:ioecx:In:aLc ,!.and use,am LEC1Ed tiat subtasks.A culmra.l A:«IUtt'e ~(S-S Ub hsk 7 .06 PmceWres !'tInUal 1 will be pel"feL lIEd alonq the pntened talte.It La e2peC'ted that fisherl..dat.wi ll be provided bf N)f"5C•.-d enviL OiliElltal Up!Icts o f the access road at lIn'/streaal or other _ts"body will be -.thessod l:1j 'reS and its SJbcontnctoes. the wildl ife ecology sb.i:!ies will provide analysis of iqJacts with..........."d to big gane raigraticn patterns,prefernd hlIbitau,wildlife OW;;;"~_r tratiaul,and ~lPtcles.'lbe plant ecology aJbtasIt l.n:ludes OOr'IIItructiat of a ~taticn ~type IIIlIp a1OI"q the talte ard c;z:o.rd leo 'liIl4issance in areu o f likely hlIbitat for:lIn'/list ed or ikV!.osed erdaillJ&Led species. 'Ihe vario.m subtasks listed 5DYe ,Iohere ,",tupdate ,will use s:me of the lIlIlne pcooeduree in assessin;i~o f shortet'roads associa ted with the pmj ect.'l11ese ge<Xi'llSary toads include haul toads fran bxTow areas ...:I roads OJiill!\.""ting facilities aaaoclated with the OJi'\Struct'.J.at ard ope:n.tiat ot the dam.'l'he ~~t ....ceeeceee fix these roads rre:t in s:me cases b!less detailed tl'IlIn foe the access road 1 because these roads will be 1Ihort.er.there will be fewer options as ee their placeiEi .t,and in s:me disciplines (e.g.soeioec.u ....nic analysis)the UpctI;will be less ~. • • '. • • • • • • • • 3 the results o f the envitailEntal iJrpaet assessnents ooncerni nq access and secondary roads,and ptoposed mitigation rreasures .all be included in s tudy rep:>rts under the 4ftItopdate subtAsks.'Ihat r e,a separate r eport or chapter 6:x access I'OllId stOOies is mt 5\ti cipated. III.OM'A~ This 9.1bt.uk is <DI"IC'emed 'iith synthesizing inflXTll!ll t i cn initially collected under"o ther subtasks am awly irq !".he specif ic ~topr1ate infomllltioo to an lJrpact as sessment o f eccess road al ternat ives.After route selecticn by RiI1 and Acres,data specific to the ~ferred access road will also be oo llected Irder various ot:Mr envi'CtlfUlelt.a.l su"'"asks.'lbese data ..,ill b!eeneeees an;!handled in the same lllannet"o!S all o ther i nfomation Q!lthered in these 9.1btasks . Quality control ftOC'ed1res 6:x stoBge of sarrples <Dllected,data transfer.and storzlge:o f ~licate data sheets will be CXJnducted as are lJJ4lity IXlI'Itrol ~fcc all aspectS o f the various subtasks which have input intD the access ~analysis. v,= Since ee access :cad routinq am desi~are p rimarily the l:espJllS- i bi li ties o f R£M Consultants,tee,(wi t.,inpJt from the ewirOtI,e.taJ. studies,eccecetc analysis,and p.JbEc participation meetings ),the scheOJle for S ubtask 7.14 is to a large extent depelldent on the schedule o f R£M Consultants,Inc.'Iherefore.tM schedule f Fi9Jre 1)is cont1nqent t.p:ln the timing of aerial photDqRIphy and "he selection of the pnferred route.as shGwn.'lbe schechle is also dependent ~the timing of ~lpt of PJblic CCI\'IT!@I'l.t a t cnmun1ty meetings ,as abo shown in Fiqure 1. VI ,...""..", This 9Jbtask will ~re the axm'Unation o f runerous ~of Wor::nation an:!the 9'fY'lthesis of various i.np.Jts fn:m o ther subtasb in order to qenerate II ccoeetve .s1lll.ysis o f ~coel ated to the placeiuellt, oonst:ruction,an:!use of an ll<X'eSS t'08d into the project area . cathie A.8amgartner of TES,rrc,will be in d1arge o f crcrdinatiQ'l of the envitu.i1eilta!aspects ard i npJts i n to select.iQ'l an:!a9s esS j""lt o f iJIpacts o f the access road.She woill function as t."Ie 11aison arrr::II'l9 specialists ~en varlCUJ envitUillei,ta!Slbta..<lks ard betwe8\these specialists and R,"Cbnsultants.Actual &ita mllection,as well as ~ lII"lll1ysis an:!~mitio;atiO'l measures foe specific 1frpact:s of the selected route,will be the respollsibllity of G~LMders and Principal Investio;ators foe the various SJbtasks involved.'Ihe qJa1if1cation;of these per9Clnnel are fourx'I in the Procedures M!lnuals for those Slbtasks. Ms.BalP}/lrtner is highly qJa11t ied to petfor:m her tole in this subtask.Her ability to <XX)r'dinate disparate d isciplines,her Ot:'qaniza- tional ability,and her attentiO'l to detail make her well-suite:!to this type of task.She vill be auisted by Lewis M.CUtler of TES.Itt.Cutler has pre-.·ious experience Q'l o ther routin::J s tLJ:i i _am is very familiar with the techniques and ~to be used in the <XX)r'dination and display o f rou~analyses.He is also faIIl1liar with potential ~am possible mitigation ftocedlres ass:dated with rlqhts-of-ay. •••• •••• • • • Receipt of Multiple Alternatives frail Rut 1980 1981 1982 ,J F M 1r."J J A SON D J F M A M J J A SON D JF M AMJ x f Anal)'Bis Planni09 In!tilll Screening Overfll~t Selectioo.o f 3 Alternative bylUH Aerial Photoqr6PTi o f 3 IOutes I::tt RUt Preliminary I"P'et Analysis of Alternative Routes TfS Input to JU,M O:xmunity Meetings seiecetco of Preferred IbJte t7t RIoH and Acres Detailed Iq:.act Analysis o f Preferred Route x X X X X X X X X X XXXXXX X X x X X x X X X X X X X I Figure 1.SChedule for Access Ib:ld D'lvhcullental Analysis ~