HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA1359I I I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'l l---·-------· ---_ _____, { 1 I I I I I ! I . . l I [ f I ' l ,, SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PfiOJECT EBASC.O EST !f•!ATING PACKAGE KEVlSION 4 I 1 FEBR.UARY 11; 1982 l . I . i l I Praparerl cy: I ! ' l ! I I I I • I ! l I I • I I I I I I I l i I I I i l I l I I I "I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I, I I' I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ~BASCO Estimating Package February 12~ 1982 0 1 -GENERAL 1.1 -Revision Four Discussion 1.2 -Fonn Ratios 1.3 -Notes of Meeting 1.4 -Description .of Elec.trica1 and Mechanical Systems 2 -WATANA 2 .. 1 -Gate Equipment· Weights 2.2 -Permanent Town Listing 2.3 -Revised Computer Listing 3 -DEVIL CANYON 3.1 -Gate ~quipment Weights 3.2 -Revised Computer Listing PAGE 1 2 3 7 38 40 Enclosed 41 Enclosed -.:. I •• I I I I I I ·I I I I I I I I ·I I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT . EBASCO Estimating Package Revision Four Discussion February 12, 1982 1.1 {' The computer listing has revised item listings and quantities to reflect updated design and quantity review. Revised quantities are indicated by a n4n in the remarks column. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Form Ratios February 12, 1982 1.2 Devil Canyon Concrete Arch Dam: Curved Forms Flat Forms Total 951,500 sf 722,900 sf 1,674,400 sf Form Ratio ·= 1,674,400 sf/1,676,000 cy - Description sf/cy Powerhouse 5.43 Transformer Gallery 25.86 Spillway 2.64 Auxiliary Spill\'lay Chute 2.78 : Emergency Spillway 0.90 .999 Surge Chamber 1.00 (assumed) Intake 4.00 Portals 4.00 Plugs 0.33 -2.- l·sf/cy I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I· . ' -·' ·~ '~ t . ·~·""'·· • • I ~ :.·. ~ ,._, __ ••. :•c· . h • .. ~ . , ....... NOTES OF MEETING Held at the offices of Acres American Inc. Friday, February 5, 1982 1.3 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Task 09 Cost Estimate PRESENT: Mr .. J. DeFeis ) Mr. J. Ehasz ) EBASCO Mr. J. Mulvanertou ) Mr. R. Zylman ) Mr. R. Williams ) APA 1 -ESTIMATING PACKAGE-REVISION 4 February 11, 1982 P5700.09 Mr. J. Lawrence ) r~r .. 0. Meil hede ) ACRES Mr. J. Plummer ) Mr. R. Tilghman ) " Acres advised that Revision 4 would be issued February 12.. The package should generally reflect f~na1 quantities. b:BA5r..& r-equested an Acres; t~tarked up, current computer printout to indicate quantities that had already been checked. These marked up sheets were handed to EBASCO~ 2 -ROADS Drawings showing camp layouts and site roads were handed to EBASCO and APA. Acres cl~rified the following points with regard to roads: o The transdam crossing was the road crossing the Devil Canyon dam and joining the permanent access road constructed for Watana. o Site roads will be broken down into construction roads and permanent roads. o Construction roads' widths were 65 feet for Watana and 40 feet for Devil Canyon. o The six miles of permanent roads at Watana are assumed to be built on top of existing construction roads or a granular surface. o Acres has assumed that camp roads are not paved. o It was noted that the paving item for access roads should be kept in the estimate. 3 -AIRSTRIP Acres confirmed the est1ma-£e--1.nc1uded two airstrips as follows: o Temporary Airstrip -2,500' X 100 1 o Permanent.Airstrip -6,000' X 100' -3- I I I I I I I I .I: I I I I I I I I I - I . NOTES OF MEETING Page Two February 11, 1982 3 -AIRSTRIP (continued) At present the permanent airstrip is not shown on any drawings.. Acres confirmed that no quantities had been developed for either airstrip. 4 -CAMPS With regard to Account 63, Camps, Acres made the following clarifications: o A 25 percent salvage value has been credited for the buildings in the Watana camp. o For buildings used at Devil Canyon, Acres assumed the 25 percent salvage value at Watana plus dismantling, transportation, rehabilitation, and erection. - o Subaccount 63.6 covers the cost of operation and maintenance for the main camps including the costs for feeding and housekeeping but not for buildings. o Subaccount 63.3 covers the cost of operation and maintenance for access road and railhead camps including the cost of buildings~ feeding, and housekeeping. o Subaccount 63.5 covers the cost for a permanent -town.. EBASCO was referred to information on Plate 36. Acres agreed to provide EBASCO with a breakdown of the facilities incl~ded in their estimate for a permanent town. o Construction management facilities have been included in camps. o Acres noted that they expect to revise the camp sizing downwards follow• ing the completion of a revised cash flow. 5 -CONSTRUCTION POWER Acres has assumed that permanent power '/Jill be available at Watana by mid- 1987. Prior to that time~ power will have to be generated at site and any construction operations will have to include the costs of that power. After mid-1987, power will be available from a 34.5 kV distribution system -and supplied to construction operations without cost •. At Devil Canyon pennanent power is assumed to be available from the start of construction. Acres advised the following power costs have been assumed: · o Watana -10¢/kilowatt hour o Devil Canyon -7¢/kfloviatt hour -4- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I: NOTES OF MEETING Page Three February 11~ 1982 5 -CONSTRUCTION POWER (continued) The cast of construction power supplied through the connection intert~e has been included in Account 63.7. The breakdown of this will be given in Revision 4. It has been assumed that a 34.5 kV distribution system will be constructed and maintained under this accounte The costs of taking power off this system have been included in construction i terns. 6 -CONSTRUCTION HEATING AND VENTILATING Acres advised that the costs for construction heating and ventilating for underground \'lark have been included in Subaccount 63.8. This will be shown in Revision 4 .. 7 -ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS Acres agreed to provide more information on the electrical systems and, in particular, the 480 volt system with Revision 4. 8 -OUTLET FACILITIES Drawing No. 523~ General Arrangement, Plan and Profile for Watana~ was handed to EBASCO. This drawing had been omitted from previous distribution. 9 -MECHANICAL SYSTEMS Acres confirmed that no pi.ping flow diagrams would be issued. 10-CONCRETE.WORK Acres agreed to provide whatever formwork quantities or formwork ratios that have been developed to EBASCO. Acres confirmed the following a~sumptions for concrete strengths: o 5,000 psi at 365 days for arch dam o 4,000 psi at 28 days average for other $t~tures* EBASCO requested clarification on the assumptions for< cooling of concrete. 11 -LAND COSTS The following land costs-were given: o Account 330 Watana o Account 330 Devil canyon o Account 350 Transmission Lines & Substations -5- 51 X 106 22 X 105 8.26 X 10 6 I I -- 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTES OF MEETING Page Four February 11, 1982 11 -LAND COSTS (continuedt • Land costs given above in Account 330 include the reservoir flood area and the area affected by construction activities including camps. EBASCO questioned if land costs for access roads had been included. Acres agreed to check and confinn. {Land costs fer access main road are included in Account 330 for Watana.) · 12 -INDIRECT ACCOUNTS Acres advised that no entries would be made under Accounts 151~ 62, 64, 65s 66, and 69. These costs have been included in the unit prices developed for the various types of work. 13 -CONTINGENCY APA clarified that Acres and EBASCO should independently estimate project contingencies. 14 -CONSTRUCTION OVERHEADS Acres advised that engineering and administration costs were being carried as a percentage of construction costs in Account 71. The remaining .accounts, 72, 75, 76~ 77, and 80, do not have entries. · 15 -GROUTING ASSUMPTIONS Acres clarified grouting assumptions as follows: o 0.4 cf of cement/lf for curtain grouting o 1 cf of cement/lf for consolidation grouting 16 -GATES AND HOISTS Acres agreed to provide a breakdown of the weights for gates and-hoists equipment in Revision 4. - 17 -RELICT CHANNEL Acres advised that costs should be developed on the basis that the units of work listed on the computer sheets would be done. 18 .. LABOR RATES . Acres provided EBASCO with a copy of the 1 abor rates being used for estirnati ng .. JRP:dmb -6- -··· >, ' ' I I I I I I I I I •• I I I I I . I I I 0 THE FOLLOWING PAGES 7 THROUGH 37 ARE FROM THE FIRST DRAFT OF THE FEASIBILITY REPORT I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WATANA . 1 .. 4-: Description of Electrical and Mechanical Systems 12.15-Tailrace Two tailrace pressure tunne 1 s wi 11 6e provided at Watana to carry_ water from the surge chamber to the river. TI1e tunnels will have a modified diameter of horse- shoe cross-section with a major internal dimension of 35 feet. For preliminary design they are assuned to be fully concrete-lined throughout, with a minimum concrete thickness of lZ inches and a length of 1,800 feet. The tailrace tunnels ~w~~ill be arranged ~o discharge into the river between the main dam and the main spillway. In view of the severe limitations on space in this area, one tailrace tunnel will be designed to discharge through one of the diversion tunnel pot·tals. The cross section of the tailrace tunnel will be mod"" ified over the co11111on length of 300 feet to the shape of the diversion tunnel in order not to impair the hydraulic performance of the tailrace tunnel. After commissioning, the diversion tunnel upstream section will be plugged with con- crete. · The size of the two tailrace tunnels was selected after an economic study of the cost of construt'tion and the capitalized value of average annual ePergy losses caused by friction 9 bends, and changes of section.. In an emergency, however, the station can be operated using one tailrace tunne 1, with increased head losses: For such an emergency condition, tailrace intake stoplog guides will be prqvided in the surge chamber. The surge chamber will be designed for full load rejection with either one or two tailrace tunnels in operation. The ta11race portals will be reinforced concrete structures designed to reduce the outlet f1ow velocity, and hence the velocity head loss at the exit t.o the river'. The minimum rock cover required abave the tunnels will be 1.5 times the major excavated dimension {about 54 feet), and the portals wi 11 also provide the necessary transition length to the river where the rock cover would be less than 54 feet. 12.16 -Turbines and Generators (a) Unit Capacity The Watana powerhouse wi 11 have six generating units with a nominal capa- city of 170 MW. This is the avai 1 able capacity with minimum December res- ervoir level (El. 2112) and a corresponding gross head of 662 feet on the station. The head on the p 1 ant wi 11 vary from 735 feet maximum (724 feet net head) to 595 feet minim~ {584 feet net level). Because maximum turbine output varies approximately with the 3/2 power of head, the maximum unit output will change with head, as shown on Figure 12.21. The rated head for the turbine has been established at 680 feet, which is the weighted average operating head on the station. Allowing for generator los'ses, the rated turbine output is 250,000 hp (186.5 MW) .. -7- I I I I I I I I -. I I I I I I I I I I I The generator rating has been selected as 190 MVA with a 90 percent power factor, which corresponds to a power output of 170 MW.. The generators wi 11 be capable of a continuous 15 percent overload; this will allow a unit out- put of 196 MW.. At maximum reservoir water 1 eve 1, the turbines wi 11 be oper- ated below maximum (full gate} output to avoid overloading of the genera- tors. (b) Turbines The turbines will be of the vertical shaft Francis type with steel spiral casing.and a concrete elbow-type draft tube. The draft tube will comprise a singla water passage without ~ no center pier. 0 0 The rated output of the turbi i'}es wi 11 be 250,000 hp at 680 feet rated net head. Maximum and minimum heads on the units wi 11 be 724 feet and 584 feet respectively. The full gate output of the turbines will be·about 275,000 hp at 724 feet net head and 200,000 hp at 584 feet net head. Overgati ng of the turbines may be possible, providing approximately 5 percent-additional power; however~ at high heads the turbine output will be restricted to avoid overloading the generators. The best efficiency point of the tur- bines will be established .at the time of preparation of bid documents for the generating equipment ood will be based on a detailed analysis of the anticipated operating range of the turbines. For preliminary desi!}n pur- poses!l the best efficiency (best gate) output of the units has been assumed as 85 percent of the full gate turbine output. This percentage may: vary from about 80 percent to 90 percent; in genera 1, a 1 ower percentage r·educes turiline cost .. The fu11 gate and best gate efficiencies of the turbines wi 11 be about 91 percent and 94 percent respectively at rated head.. The efficiency will be about 0.5 percent lower at maximum head and 1 percent lower at minimum head. The preliminary performance curve for the turbine is shown on Figure 12.22. A speed of 225 rpm has been selected for the unit for preliminary design purposes. The resulting turbine specific s-peed (N 5 ) is 32.4. As shown on Figure 12 .23., this is within present day practice for turbines operating under a head of 670 feet. In general, a lower speed machine will increase the cost of the turbines and generators as well as the powerhouse civil cost because of the increased physical size of the generating equipment. A higher speed unit, on the other hand, requires a deeper unit setting and is generally considered to be a less conservative design with increased risk of vibration and rough operation. The difference in efficiency between the higher and 1 ower speed rnachi nes at this head range is very sma 11, with the increase in efficiency which is associated with a physically larger (lower sp~ed) runner Qffset by higher disc friction and seal leakage losses.. For an underground powerhouse, the i ncrementa.l cost of increasing the un'it setting is usually relatively inexpensive; therefore, asstJlling no change in efficiency, the trend in unit selection is to choose as high a speed as possible consistent with satisfactory precedent and good operating experi- ence with similar specific speed turbines. Draft tube vortex and surge -8- · ... 1: I I •• I I I I I ·~ I I I I I I I I I phenomena may also have an influence on the selection of unit speed as discussed below. The turbine data is slll111arized in Table 12 .. 7~ On the bas1s of information from turbine manufacturers and the studies on the power. plant layout., the centerline of the turbine distributor has been set at 30 feet below minimum tailwater level. The final setting of the unit will be established in conjunction w1th the turbine manufacturer when the contract for the supply of the turbine equipment has been awarded. The turbines will be of conventional design~ generally of welded or cast steel construction with forged steel shafts and pins. Because of the remote location of the project and the desired high re 1 i abi 1 i ty/ av a~ 1 abi 1- ity of the equipment!t special consideration should be given to reducing cavitation pitting on the turbines. This will include: -Provision of weldable stainless steel runners; - Carefu 1 profi 1 i ng and fi ni shi ng ·of the water passage surfaces of the runner wicket gates and stay ring; · - A conservative unit setting; and -Extensive cavitation tests on the turbine modeL. Bulkhead domes wi 11 be provided with two of the turbines (Units 3 and ,4) to be installed at the bottom of the draft tube liner at the time of turbine installation. The domes oermit work to continue on turbine installation after the tailrace~ surge' chamber, and draft tubes are flooded (prior to startup of Unit 1)~ without installing draft tube gates. Because of the relatively short length of the intake ·penstock and a surge tank location 1nmediately downstream of the powerhouse, the hydraulic transient characteristics of the turbines are favorable. Assuming normal generator inertia {H == 3.5 MW-Sec/MVA), a preliminary analysis has indi- cated the following: · .. Water star~ting time (Tw) ........ o ..................... 1.6 seconds -Mechanical starting time (Tm) ..................... en•• 6.6 seconds -Regu 1 at i ng rat i o ( Tm/Tw) • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • . • .. • • • • . . . 4.1 .. Governor ti.me .......................................... ". 6 .0 seconds .. Speed rise on full load rejection .................... 42 percent -Penstock pressure use on full load rejection ..•••.•• 30 percent The regulating ratio is above the minimum recommended by the USBR for good regulating capacity. Also~ unit speed rise and penstock pressure rise are all· wert within normal accepted values. Because of the deep unit setting and th>C relatively short distance between the turbine and the tailrace sur~ tank~ there wi 11 be no problems with draft tube water cohmm separa- tion. The Watana project will form a large portion of the overall system generat- ing capacity in Alaska; therefore, satisfactory operation of the units over a very wide range of 1 a ads wi 11 be import ant. · A 1 though there are Franc i s ·turbine installations which operate for considerable periods at very small gate openings, operation below about 50 percent load generally becomes increasingly rough because of reduced efficiency of the turbines. -9- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I The ability 'to operate at part load will also depend on the draft tube surge phenomena· and associated generator power swings. The surging occurs on many turbines, particularly the Francis type 9 and normally has a fre- quency of about 1/3 to l/5 of the turbine rotational speed. These surges, which may occur from about 3P percent to sometimes as high as 80 percent wicket gate opening, result -in pulsating torque on the turbine· runner and corresponding generator power fluctuations. The condition becomes more severe when the surge frequency closely corresponds to the natural fre- quency of the generator. To reduce the possibility of unacceptable po~er swings and unit vi brat ion, it is desirable to have the surge frequency different from the penstock pressure wave frequency and th~ generator natural frequency. " The estimated natural frequency of the. generators will be about 1.3 cycles/s, which is undesirable when considering a possible surge frequency of about 0.75 to 1.25 cycles/s. The selection of a lower unit speed would. separate the draft tube surge frequency from the generator natural frequency; bowever, this will increase the generating equipment as well as powerhouse cost .. It may be possible to increase the natural fr'equency of the generator by reducing the generator inertia (WR~) as much as pass ib le; however, the l.Jwer wRz has an adverse effect on the transient characteristics of the unit and may affect electrical system stabi1 ity. Other measures which may be employed are: -Careful model studies of the turbine to accuroately predict draft tube vortex/surge phenomena. Altering the shape of the draft tube can reduce surge problems; however, a reducti.on of part-load efficiency may result. -Provision for air adm~ssion to the draft tube. This is done on mare or less a trial and error basis and may include injection of air from the a station 100 psi compressed air system, special law pressure compressors provided specifically for draft tube air admission, and/or provision of an 11 air-head 16 which allows atmospheric air to be dra'IRl down the gene-rator and turbine shaft and through the runner cone . ... Additions of fins to the draft tube cone immediate.ly below the runner. While this has been used on many installations, there have been instances of structural failure of the fins. Another approach currently under study by the USSR is to damp the power asci 11 at ions resulting fran the draft tube surges by varying the generator excitation._ Computer simulation indicates that is feasible to dampen the 1 arge asci 11 at ions; however, this has yet to be tested in a prototype unit. Employing one or mor.e of the. above approaches,. a design may be achieved that operates satisfactorily without serious generator power swings.. The potential problem., however~ must be given .seri9us consideration in the design stages. c -10- I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I I I I (c) Generators (i} Txpe and Ratin9. The six generq.tors in the Watana powerhouse will be of the vertical shaft, overhung type directly connected to the vertical Francis tur- bines. The arrangement of the units is shown in Plates _ a7ld the single 1 ine diagram is shown in Plate .. -- The optimum ar\,.angement at Watana will consist of two generators per transformer bank., with each transformer bank cornpris ing three single-phase transformers. (Development of this scheme is described in Section 12.18). The generators will be connected to the trans- formers by isolated phase bus through generator circuit breakers directly connected to the isolated phase bus ducts. Each generator will be provided with a high initial res pons~ static excitation system. The units will be controlled from the Watana surface control room, with local control facility also provided at the powerhouse floor.. The units will be \.les i gned for b 1 ack start operation. The generators are rated as fallows: Rated Capacity: Rated Power: Rated Voltage: Synchronous Speech Inertia Constant: Transient Reactance: Short Circuit Ratio: Efficiency at Full Load: 190 MVA, 0.9 power factor 170 MW 15 kV, 3 phase~ 60 Hertz 225 rpm · 3 .. 5 kW-sec/kVA ·za percent (maximum) 1 .. 1 (minimum) . 98 percent (minimum) The generators will be of the air-coo 1 ed type, with water·cao1 ed heat exchangers located on the stator periphery. The ratings given above are for a temperature rise of the stator and rotor windings nt~c exceeding 6o•c with cooling air at 4o•c. The generators will be capable of delivery 115 percent of rated MVA continuously (195.5 Mw) at a voltage of +5 percent without exceeding ao•c temperature rise in accordance with-ANSI Standard CSO .. lO .. The generators will be capable of ct1ntinuous operation as s~chron­ ous, condensers when the turbine is unwatered, with an undere.xcited reactive power rating of 140 MVAR and an overexcited rating of 110 MVAR. Each generator wi 11 be capable of energizing the transmission system without risk of sel f·e:·' ~~ itation. The design data of the generators stated above should be reviewed during the detailed design stage for overall economic and technical design and performance requirements of the power plant and the power system. -11- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ( i i) Generator Construction The generator will be of a modified umbre11a type overhung construc- tion, with a combined thrust and guide bearing below the rotor and a guide bearing above the rotor. The lower bearing bracket will sup- port the rotor and turbine runner weights and the untial anced hydr-au-.,.---- lie thrust of the runner. All removable parts, including turbine parts., w-i11·be design~ fer removal through the generator stator. Approximate dimensions and weights of the principal ~·arts of the generator are given below: Stator· pit diameter Rotor diameter Rotor length (without shaft) Rotor weight Total weight 36 feet 22 feet 7 feet 385 tons 660 tons It should be noted that these are approximate figures and they wi 11 V'ary between manufacturers, sometimes considerably.. However, at this stage of design feasibility and planning, the dimensions and weights are consid~red appropriate and representative. The generator stator windings will be insulated with Class B insula- tion as defined by ANSI Standard CSO.lO, of epoxy resin bonded type .. The stator windings will be wye-connected for grounded operation through a neutral grounding transformer located in the generator neutral cubicle. The stat.or windings and laminated core will be shop-assembled in three or four sections for faci 1 ity of transport and erection in the powerhouse .. The rotor will be designed to safely withstand the maximum runaway speed of the turbine. The rotor hub, yoke, and 1 aminated rim will be designed for assembly at the powerhouse. The assembled rotor wi 11 be erected in the generator pit without the shaft, thereby re- quiring minimum crane 1 ift and a considerable reduction of the powerhouse cavern height. The rotating parts of the generator and turbine will be designed so that the critical sp.eed exceeds the runaway speed of the unit by at least 20 percent. The design of the plant and power system will not require additional inertia in the rotating parts; the inertia con- stant specifi.ed thus will correspond to the ttnaturalu inertia of the machine.. Damper windings of low resistance and rugged construction will be provided on the pole shoes and designed to provide adequate damping currents for stabilized operation .. The thrust bearing will be of the adjustable shoe (Kingsbury) or precompressed spring (General Electric) type 9 oil-cooled, with high pressure oil injection during startin~ and stopping. -12- I I I I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I ·a (iii) Generator Excitation System The generator will be provided with a high initial response type static excitation system supplied with rectified excitation power from transformers connected directly to the generator terminals ... The. excitation system will be capable of s~pplying 200 percent of rated excitation field (ceiling voltage) with a generator terminal voltage of 70 percent. The power rectifiers will have a one-third spare capacity to maintain generation even during failure of a com- plete rectifier module. The excitation system will be equipped with a, fully static voltage regulating system maintaining output from 30 percent to 115 percent, within !!J .. S percent accuracy of the voltage setting.. Manual control will be possible at the excitation board located on the powerhouse floor, although the unit will normally be under rernote,contro1, as described tn Section 12.18 covering the control systems of the plant~ The static exc it at ion system wi 11 also inc 1 ude maximum and minimum 1 imiters and reactive current compensator, and will be suitable for parallel joint control of the units. Field flashing during startup will be from the 125 volt de station batt·ery. ( iv) Erection and Tests As is normal for large hydroelectric generators, the machines will not be assembled completely and tested in the factory. The erection arid tests of the generators at the powerhouse, therefore!t will asstJne greater importance in the successful corrvnissioning of the .station and should be carefully coordinated witn that of the tur- bines and civil works. The assembly of the stator sections viill be done in the pit .. The rotor will be assembled in the erection bay. The powerhouse cl"'ane will be capable of 1 ifting the completed rotor assembly and lowering it into the stator, and onto the thrust bearing and shaft assembly on the bracket supports. Alignment and tests of the-rotor~ turbine runne.r, and shaft will be done to tolerances specified in NEMAIANSI Standards. The generators will be fully tested after assemb_lY-and mechanical run tests, including diel eetric tests, .saturat i'on tests, heat run, efficiency, and full-load rejection te~ts. Ceiling voltage and re- sponse of the excitation system wi 11 be tested.. Operation of the unit within specified vibration 1 imits will be checked .. (d) Governor Sys~em The governor system which control the generating unit wil1 include a gover- nor actuator and a governor pumping unit. A single system will be provided -13- I I I I I I· I I I I I I - I 'I I I I I I for each unit. The governor system operating pressure will be 600 to 1000 psi, _as reconrnended .by the governor system manufacturer. The governor actuator will be the electric hydraulic type and will 'be con- nected to the computerized station control system. The governor pwnping unit will include governor pumps, an accumulator tank, and a sump t.ank .. E.ach unit will have three governor punps: two rnain pumps. which operate intermittently~ and one jockey pump which operates continuously while the turbine wicket gates are open and intermittently when the gates are fully closed. - 12.17 -Miscellaneous Mechanical Eguiemef!! (a} Powerhouse Cranes Two overhead traveling bridge type powerhouse cranes will be instal'led in the powerhouse. The cranes will be used for: -Installation of turbines, generators, and other powerhouse equipment; and -Subsequent dismantling and reassembly of equipment during maintenance overhauls. The cranes may also be used by the civil construction contractor for power- house construction. Alternatively, the civil contractor will provide a ~eparate crane which will use the same runway as for the main powerhouse cranes. Each cr-alle will have a main and auxiliary hoist.. The combined capac.ity of the main hoist for both cranes will be sufficient for the heaviest equip- ment 1 ift, which will be the generator rotor, plus an equalizing beam. A tentative crane capacity of 205 tons has been establ isl!ed~ The auxi1 iary hoist capacity will be about 25 tans. ~ The powerhouse cr.anes will be cab controlled. Consideration may also be given to providing radio control for the cranes. (b) Draft Tube Gates Draft tube gates will be provided to permit dewatering of the turbine water passages for inspect ion and maintenance of the turbines. The draft tube gate openings {one opening per unit) will be located in· the surge chamber. The gates will be of the bulkhearl-type, installed under balanced head con- diti.ons using the surge chamber crane described below.. Four gates have been assumed for the six units, with each gate a single leaf, 20 feet by 20 feet. When Unit 1 is ready for startup~ the gates will be in.stalled in Unit·s 2, 5, and 6, with one gate available for Unit 1. Turbine bulkhead domes will be installed in Units 3 and 4. .. 14- I I I I '" I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Domestic. water will be supplied from the powerhouse domestic water system, with pumps located in the powerhouse and piping up through the access shaft. Sanitary drainage from the control building "!ill drain to the sewage treatment plant in the powerhouse through piping in the access tunnel. The standby generator building will have the following services: ··A heating and ventilation system; -A fuel o.il system with .buried fuel oil storage. tanks outside the building~ and transfer pumps and a day tank within the building; antl -A fire protection system of the carbon dioxide or halon type. (h) Machine Shop Facilities A machine shop and tool room will be located in the powerhouse service bay area with sufficient equipment to take care of all normal maintenance work at the plant, as well as machine shop work for the larger components at De~il Canyon ... For preliminary design purposes, an area of about 1~500 ft has been allocated for the machine shop and tool room. The. actual equipment to be installed in the machine shop will be decided during the design stages of the project; however, it will generally include drill presses, lathes, a hydraulic press, power hacksaw, shaper, and grinders ... 12.18 -Accessory Electrical Equipment The accessory electrical equipnent described in this section includes the following: . Main generator step-up ~5/345 kV transformers; . Isolated phase bus connecting the generator and transformers; • Generator circuit breakers; . 345 kV oil-filled cables from the transformer terminals to the switcbyard; . Contra 1 s ys terns of the entire hydro p 1 ant complex ; and . Station service auxiliary AC and DC systems. Other equipment and systems described include grounding., lighting system, and commun ic at ions. The main equipment and connections in the power plant are shown in the single 1 ine diagram, Plate 60A.. The arrangement of equipment in· the powerhouse, transformer gallery~ and cable shafts is shown on Plates 57 through 59. {a) Selection of Transformers ·and H. V.. Connections (i) General Nine single-phase transformers and one spare transformer will be lo- cated in the transformer gallery.. Each bank of three single-phase -15- I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·I I I • I I I transformers will be connected to two gen~-rators. through generator circuit breakers by isolated phase bus located in individual bus tunnels. The HV terminals of the transformer will be connected to the 345 kV s_W_itchya-rd by 345 kV single ... phase oi1-fi11ed cable installed in 700-foot-long vertical shafts. There will be two seats of three single-phase 345 kV oi-l-filled cables installed in each cable shaft... One set will be maintained as a spare three phase cable circuit in the second cable shaft. These cable shafts will also contain the control and power cables between the powerhouse and the surface control room, as well as emergency power cables from the diesel generators at the surface to the undergr9und facilities. A nt.mber of considerations led to the choice of the above optimum system of transformation and conn_ections. Different alternative methods and equiflllent designs were also considered. In Stmmary, these are: -One transformer per generator vs one transformer for two gener- ators; · -Underground transformers vs surface transfonners; -Direct transronnation from generator voltage to 345 kV vs inter- mediate step transformation to 230 kV. or 161 kV, and then to 345 kV; -Single-phase vs three-phase transformers for each alternat'iVe method considered; and -Oil-filled cable vs solid dielectric cable for SF6 gas-insulated bus. (ii) B_eliability Considerations -. Re1 iabil ity considerations will be based on the general reliability requirements for generation and transmission described in Section 15 regarding the forced outage of a single generator, transformer, bus or cable in addition to planned or scheduled outages in a single contingency situation, or a subsequent outage of equipment in the double contingency situation. The system should be capable, of re- adjustment after the outage for loading within normal ratings and for loading within emergency ratings. The generators will be rated with a 115 percent continuous overload capability. All main connections and equipment including the trans- formers, circuit breakers, iso1 ated phase bus, and 345 kV cables will be rated for continuous operation at the 115 percent overload rating of the generators • Emergency ratings are different for different items of equipment and emergency periods.. It generally varies between 110 to 130 percent -16- I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I t' • I I (iii) in summer to 120 to 140 percent in winter for a 4 to 12 hour period, with somewhat higher values for very short (1 hour) emergency periods .. Technical and Economic CoMsiderations --------------~·-----·----~--- The use of surface transformers connected directly to the under- ground generators by isolated phase bus was ruled out at the outset due to significantly higher costs and higher losses associated with generator isolated phase buses. The incremental cost could be de- creased if three units were connected to one transformers but such a compromise is not acceptable due to reliability considerations .. In general, 3-phase transformers are preferred to single-phase transformers because of their lower overall costs~ smaller overall dimensions and smaller underground gallery dimensions. However, transport limitations seriously affect the use of the larger size 3-phase transformers, both in dimensions and weight. The following are the road and rail data avail able: -Parks and Denali Highways Maximum load -150,000 lb Overweights require special permits. -Railway Maximum Weight -·263,000 lb Dimension L imi_ts -16 feet high, 10 feet wide A further check of these design limitations for the selected sizes of transformers i~ recomnended during tne detailed design stage.. A careful route reconnaissance study is also required. Single-phase transformers are. therefore recoll11lended for the 5-unit power plant. The grouped unit arrangement with two generators per transformer will allo~ a smaller gallery length, with center-to- center spacing comparable to the generator spacing. The grouped unit arrangement is the reconmended arrangement. The alternative with one transformer per generator will requie a gallery about 300 feet longer. One distinct advantage of single-phase transfonners is that a spare transformer can be provided at a fairly low incremental cost .. The double-step transformation scheme (15/161 KV generator- transformer, 161 KV cable and 161/3~45 KV auto-transformer at the switchyard) is economica11ly competitive with the direct transforma- tion scheme (15/345 KV), resulting from a nfJllber of tradeoffs; cost/MVA per transformer is lower; also dimensions!' wetghts a..-td cav-. ern dimensim1s are lower; but the intermediate-voltage transformer costs are additional. -17- I I I I .I .. I I I I I I I I I I I I - I I Oirect transformation (15/345 KV) is better from system transi~nt stability viewpoint since the overall impedance of the generator unit to the 345 KV bus is lower.. Furthermore, it has a better over-· all reliability since there is no one less voltage level and, there- fore, less equipment in the generat1ng "chain" of equipment. This scheme costs about .$2 mill ion less in overall casts compared to the double-step transformation scheme. The comparison between 345 KV oil-filled cables and other 345 KV cable and bus system is made in Section 12.18. The SF6. bus is about 5 to 6 times the ·cost of the oil-filled cables.. It also requires a la~ger diameter cable shaft. The oil-filled cable is well proven at a nunb.er of underground power installations and was therefore se1-· ected for both technical and economic considerations .. (c) Main Transformers (i) Rating and Characterist~<:,!. The nine single-phase transformers (three transformers per group of two generators) and one spare transformer, will be of the two wind- ing, oil-immersed, forced-oil water-cooled (FOW) type, with rating and electric characteristics as follows: Rated capacity: High voltage winding: Basin insul at ian level (BIL) of H.V. winding: Low voltage winding: Transformer impedance: 145 MVA 345 I 3 k V, Grounded Y 1300 kV 15 kV, Delta 15 percent The temperature rise above air ambient temperature of 4o•c is ss•c for the windings for continuous operation at the rated kVA .. (ii) Construction The transformers will be of the FOW type with water-cooled heat ex- changers which. remove the heat from the oil circulating through the windings.. A one-third spare cooler capacity will be provided.. The · transformer will be of the forced oil directed type with a design aimed to achieve minimum dimensions and weight for shipping pur- poses • The 1 ow vo 1 t age termi n a 1 s wi 11 be connected to the isola ted phase bus!) and the high voltage terminals to the 345 kV oi1-filled cable box termination at the transformer. Lightning arresters will be connected directly to the iligh voltage terminals.. The transfonner installation in the gallery will be de- signed to provide the necessary ground and safety clearances from the live 345 kV tenninals to all nearby equipment and structures .. -18- I I I I I I I I I I I I 1!.1 I I I I I. - I I The tank underbase wi 11 bE; provided with flanged wheels for trans- port on rails.. The spare single-phase transformer will be exactly identical to the remaining nine single-phase transformers. It wi11 be maintained in a state of maximum readiness,. for connect ion in the shortest practical time to. replace any of the main transformers. The transformers will be fully tested and inspected in the factory according to ANSI/NEMA Standards. They will be sh fpped without oil and filled with inert gas for protection. At the site, erection would be mainly far ~xternal fittings such· as bushings, lightning arres·ters~ heat exchangers, piping, and electrical connections .. ·(iii} Fire Protection Fire walls will separate each single-phase transformer. Each trans- fanner will be provided with fog-spray water fire protection equip- ment, automatically operated from heat detectors located on the transformer. (d) Generator Isolated Phase Bus ( i) Ratings and Characteristics {ii) The isolated phase bus main connections will be located between the genera:tor, generator circuit breaker, and the transformer. Tap-off connections will be made to the surge protection and poten- tial transformer cubicle, excitation transformers, and station ser- . vice transformers. Bus duct ratings are as follows; Rated current, amps Short circuit current momentary, anps Short circuit current, Sjmntetrical, amps Basic insulation level; kV (BII.) Generator Transformer Connection Connection 9,000 . 240,000 150,000 150 18,000 240~000 150~000 150 The bus conductors will be designed for a temperature rise of os·c above 4o•c ambient temperature. Construction The bu·s will be of standard self-cooled design with conductot"'· and tubular enclosure of aluminum. The current rating is such that either a self-cooled or forced cooled design will be possible.. With a forced cooled design, the size and costs will be lower,; however, if the forced-cooling plant fails, the bus would be severely derated to a rating less than 50 percent of the forced cooling rating.. The self-cooled designs are used up to 30,000 amps rated current and are therefore recommended for this instaliation where the ratings will not, exceed 18,000 amps. · 0 -19- I I; I .• : I I I I I -· I •• ·I I I I I • I •• (e) (f) The enclosure will be of welded construction and each bus will be grounded. The construction is highly reliable; will eliminate phase-to-phase faults, neutralize the magnetic field outsid~ the enclosure, and provide protection against contamination and moi s- ture9 with consequent minimum maintenance requirements. Generator Circuit Breakers The generator circuit breakers will be of the enclosed air circuit breaker design suitable for mounting in 1 ine with the generator iso·i ated phase bus ducts~ They are rated as follows: Rated Current: Voltage: Breaking capacity, symmetrical, amps 9,000 Amps 23 kV class, 3-phase, 60 Hertz 150,000 The short circuit rating is tentative and will depend on detailed analysis in the design stage. The breakers will be designed and co-nstructed with a high degree of rel ia- bi1ity. The phase spacing of the breakers will be generally the sane as the isolated phase bus duct: The breakers will be mounted on strong foun- dations on the generator floor designed to absorb the reaction forces when the breaker operates. A separate compressed air plant wi 11 be provided for the high rel iabi1 ity compressed air system requirements of the air· circuit breakers. 345 kV Oil-Filled Cable { i) General The recommended 345 kV connection is a 345 kV oil-filled cable sys- tem between the high voltage terminals of the transformer and the surface switchyard. The cable will be installed in a vertical cable shaft. Cables fran two transformers wtll be installed in a single cable shaft. This system of 345 kV connection was chosen after a technical and economic analysis of alternative methods of connection, inc.l,Jding: -SF6 isolated bus system;, -High pressure oil pipe cable system; and -Solid dielectric cable sys·tem. The SF6 bus system is considered to be the best alternative to the oil-filled cable system. Its advantages are a generally better overall reliabi1 ity, including a low fire hazard. However, it costs approximately 5 to 6 times that of the oil-filled cable installa- tion~ and requires a1mo.st twice the diameter cable shaft of the cable installation.. The overall cost difference is approximately $7,000,000 in direct costs. -20- I I I I I I I ·I· I I I • ,. I I I I I I I (g) The oil pipe cable will con~ist of three conductors contained within an oil-filled steel pipe. This system has the highest potential fire hazard of all the cable systems and is not recommended for high head vertical cable installations.. The solid dielectric (pol~eric} cables are still under development at the 345 kV to 500 kV voltage class. · · It is recoiiillended that further detailed study of the oil-filled cable in comparison with the SF6 bus and other more recent SF6 cable designs under development be undertaken at the design stage. By far the greatest number of high voltage, high capacity install a- tions utilize oil-filled cables. A formidable experience record is evident for the oil-filled cable instal'lations associated with large power plants all over the world. Typical installations include the 525 kV/650 MVA units at Grand Coulee III,, the 345 kV/550 MVA units at Churchill Falls in Canada!) the 400 kV/2640 MVA cables at Severn R-'iver crossing in Great Britain, and the 400 kV/2340 MVA cables at Uinorwic pumped storage plant in Great Britain. (i i) Rating and. Characteri~tics o The cable will be rated for a continuous maximum current of 800 amps at 345 kV +5 percent. The max imun conductor temperature at the max- imum rating will be 7o·c over a maximum ambient of 35•c .. This rat- ing will correspond to 115 percent of the generator overload rating. The normal operating rating of the cable will be 87 percent, with a corresponding lower conductor temperature which will improve the overall performance and lower cable aging over its project operating 1 if e. Depending on the ambient air tempera~ure, a fur.ther overload emergency rating .of about 10 to 20 percent will be available during winter conditions . The cables will be of single-core construction with oit flow through a c;entral oil duct within the copper conductor.. Cables will nave an a 1 uminllll sheath and PVC oversheath. No cab 1 e jointing wi 11 be re- quired for the 700 to 800 feet length cable installation .. Control Systems ( i) General A Susitna Area Control Center will be located at Watc.na to control both the Watana and the Devil Canyon power plants as shown in Plate -~· The control center will be linked through the supervisory system to the Central Dispatch Control Center at Willow as des~ribed in Section 14. The supervisory "Control of the entire Alaska Rail belt system will be , done at the Central Dispatch Center at Willow. A high level of con- trol automation with the aid of digital eo.1lpute'rS· will be sought, .,.21- I I I I I I I I I I I· I I I I - I I but not a complete computerized direct digital control of the Watana ·and Dev i 1 Canyon power pl an.ts. Independent operator contra 11 ed local-manual· and local-auto operations will still be possible at Watana and Devil Canyon power plants for testing/commissioning or during emergencies. The control system will be designed to perfonn the following functions at both power plants: -Start/stop and loading of units by operator; -Load-frequency control of units; -Reservoi,~Jwater flow control; -Continuous monitoring and data logg;~g; -Alarm annunciation; and -Man-machine communication through visual display units (VOU) and console. In addition, the computer system will be capable of retrieval of technical data, design criteria, equipment characteristics and oper- ating limitations, schematic diagrams~ and operating/maintenance records of the unit. · The S~sitna Area Control Center will be capable df completely inde- pendent control of the Central Dispatch Center in case of system emergencies. Similarly it will be possible to operate the Susitna units in an emergency situation from the Central Dispatch Center, although this should be an unlikely op2ration consjdering the size, complexity, and impact of the Susitna generating plants on the sys-tem. The Watana and Devil Canyon plants will be capable of "black start11 operation in the event of a complete-black out or co11apse of the power system. The control systems of the two plants and the Sus itna Area Control Center complex will be supplied by a non-interruptible power supply. ( i i) Unit Contra 1 System The unit control system will permit the operator to initiate an en- tire sequence of actions by pushing one button at the control con- sole, provided all preliminary plant conditions have been first checked by the operator, and system security and unit commi~nt have been cleared through the central dispatch control supervisor8 Unit control will be designed to: -Start a unit and synchronize it with the system; -Load the unit; -Stop .a unit; -Operate a unit as running spar·e (runner in air with water blown down in turbine and draft tube); and Operate as a synchronous condenser (runner in air as above), Unit control will be essentially possible at four different levels in a hierarchical organ·1zation of the control system: -22- I I I I I I I I I I I· I I I I I I I :1 ... Local control at the machine floor at individual turbine-generator control boards (primarily designed for conmissioning and recommis- sioning of units). It w111 be the responsibility of the operator for performing individual control operations in the correct se- quence, and monitoring instrumentation during local control opera- tions .. -Automatic or semi-automatic system for start-up and shut-down of generating unit at the local board at the machine floor. -Fully automatic system at Sus itna Area Contra 1 {at Watana) for Watana and Devil Canyon power plants. (This wi11 be the normal Susitna operation.) -Fully automatic system through supervisory control from Central Dispatch Center at Willow. (Abnormal or emerg2ncy situations only). (iii} Computer-Aided Control Sy~!! Traditionally, control sys:terns for po•11er plants in general~ and hydro p 1 ants in part i cu 1 ar, have ut i1 i zed hard-wired switchboard type equipment {such as electro-mechanical· relays, instruments, alarm annunciators, signal lamps, m,imic diagrcm _and control swit- ches) for the. operation, indication, alarm and control of the pOwer plant. Such equipment was installed both at the plant local control area on the machine floor as well as in the control room, with a limited degree of miniaturization of equipment at the control deig~~ in the control roomo While traditional ·switchboard type equiJ:ment is still utilized at the local control level, supplemented with prograrmable control sys- tems at many plants, the design of control and display equipment at modern central control rooms has been rapidly moving towards computer-aided or fully computer-controlled systems, especially where remote control operations are contemplated. One of the. prob- lems encountered by utilities is the necessity for operating: person- nel familiar with the conventional control systems to adapt to the new computer-aide.lf.i control systems. In this contect, establishing a modern computer-ltided control system in the Alaska Power Authority electrical system for the Susitna Project complex should not pose any special problems for the adaption and training of operators .. The computer-aided control system at the Susitna Area Control Center at Watana will provide for the following: -Data acquisition and monitoring of unit (MW, MVAR~ speed, gate position, temperatures, etc.}; -Data acquisition and monitoring of reservoir headwater and tail- water levels; -23- I I I I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -Data acquisition and monitoring of electrical system voltage and frequency; -Load-frequency control; -Unit start/stop control; -Unit loading; -Pl~t operation alarm and trip conditions (audible and visual alann on control board, full alann details on VDU O!l demand); -General visual plant cperation status on VOU and on giant wall mimic diagram; .. Data logging, plant operation records; -Plant abnormal operation or disturbance automatic recording; and -Water management (reservo.ir control). The black diagrcm of the computer-aided control system is shown in P1 ate • The supervisory contra 1 and tel emetering system and centraliCrispatch center system details are described in Section 14- { iv) Local Control and Relay Boards Local boards will be provided at the powerhouse floor equipped with local controls~ alarms, and indications for an unit control func- tions .. These boards will be located near each unit and will be utilized mainly during testing, cormniss ioning, and maintenance of the tur.bines and generators. It will also be utilized as needed during emergencies if there is a total failure of the remote or· computer-aided control systems. The unit electrical protective relays will be mounted on re1ay boards, with one board for each generator located near the unit. Differential protection wi 11 be ,provided for each generator and> transfonner. The differential zones of protection overlap will in- clude all electrical equipment and connections. The.345 kV oil- filled cable to the surface switchyard will be protected by a pilot- wire differential protection relay. The overall differential relay protects the generators, transformers, and 345 kV cable. S~nsitive ground fault stator protection will be provided for thegenerator. Protection will also be provided for negative phase sequence opera- tion, loss of excitation, overvoltage, and under frequency. A phase impedance relay will provide backup protection for the generator. Other protective relays are shown in Plate . - -24- I I I I I I I I I I •• I I I I I I •• I (v) Load .. Freguency Control (Automatic Generation Control) The· load frequency control system will prov·ide remote contro1 of the output of the generator at Watana. and Devil Canyon from the central dispatch control center through the supervisory and comput.er-aided control system at Watana.. The basic method of automatic gene.rat ion control {AGC} will use the plant error (differential) signals from the load dispatch center and wi 11 allocate these errors to the power plant generators automatically through speed-level motors.. Provis- ion will be made in the control. system for the more advanced scheme of a closed-loop control system with digital control to control gen- erator power. The control system will be. designed to take into account the digital nature of the ·controller-timed pulses as well as the inherent time delays caused by the speed-level motor run-up and turbine-·generator time-constants. The load set-point for the Susitna area generation will be set at the Central Dispatch Center. The suntnated power will be telemetered from the Susitna Area Control center to the Central Dispatch Center, from which the required differential plant generation (11 error") will be determia11ed and transmitted by the supervisory system to Susitna Area Contro'i Center. From thi.s point, the remaining functions for the automatic generation control will be carried out by the plant supervisory control systems to load the individual generating units at Watana and Oev il Canyon. The unit will be automatically removed from load-frequency control f9r various •:onditions including failure of supervisory system., unit controller or computer system 9 abnormally high plant frequency, unit shut-down~ and de power failure. When the unit is taken off auto- math: lo.ad-frequency control., it will be returned to manual load and frequency contr-ol by the operator at Watana Control room. (h) Station Service Auxiliary AC and DC Systems (i) Auxiliary AC System The station service system will be designed to achieve a reliable and economic distribution system for the power plant and switchyard, in order t-o satisfy the following requirments: ... Station service power at 480 volts will be obtainE!G fran two 2,000 kVA aux i1 iary transformers connected directly to the generator circuit breaker outgoing leads of Units 1 and 3; -Surface auxiliary power at 34.5 kV will be supplied by two sep- arate 7.5/10 MVA transformers connected to the generator leads of Units l and 3; -25- I I I I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -Station service power will be maintained even when all the units are shut down and the gener-1tor circuit breakers are open; -100 percent standby transformer capacity will be avail ab 1e; -A-spare auxiliary transformer will be maintained, connected to Unit 5; and ... 11 Black start11 ·capability will be provided for the power plant in · the event of total failure of the auxiliary supply system~ 500 kW emergency diesel generators will be automatically started up to supply the power plant and switchyard with auxiliary power to the essential services to enable startup of the generators. The main ac aux i 1 i ary switchboard wi 11 be provided with two bus sec .. ·tions separated by bus-tie circuit breakers. Under normal operating conditions, the station-service load is divided and connected to each of the two end incoming transformers. In the event of failure of one end supply, the tie breakers will close automatically. If both end supplies fail, the emergency diesel generator will be auto- matically connected to the station service bus. Each unit wi11 be provided with a unit auxiliary board supplied by separate feeders fran the t\\0 bus sections of the main swit.chboard interlocked to prevent parallel operation. Separate ac switchboards will furnish the auxiliary power to essential and general services in the power plant. The unit auxiliary board will supply the auxiliaries necessary for starting~ running, and stopping the generatar ... turbine unit.. These supplies will include those to the governor and oil pressure system, bearing oil pumps, cooling pumps and fans, generator circuit ;break- er, excitation system, and miscellaneous pumps and deyices ~onnected with unit operation. · The station essential service supplies will include powerhouse sump pumps, drainage pumps, compressors for circuit breakers, stat.ion air and generator brakes, de battery chargers, control and metering de- vices, communications, fire protection pumps, and other miscellan- eous essential power requirements. The station general supplies will include powerhouse lighting, heat- ing, ventil attng and air-conditioning, elevators, cranes, mat:hine shop and tools, and other miscellaneous pumps and general require- ments. The 34.5 kV supply to the surface facilities will be distributed from a· 34.5 kV switchboard located in the surface control and admin- istration building. Power supplies to the switchyard power intake, and spillway .as well .as the 1 ight ing systems for the access roads and tunnels wil 1 be obtained from the 34.5 kV switchboard .. -26- I I I I I I I I I I I I •• I I I I I I The unit auxi1 iary board will supply the auxiliaries necessary for starting, running, and stopping the generator-turbine unit. These supplies will include those to the governor and oil pressure system, bearing oi1 pumps, cooling water pumps and fan.s, generator circuit breaker, exc it at ion system, and mi see 11 aneous pumps and devices con- nected with unit operation~ The stat}on essential service supplies will include powerhouse sump pumps~ drainage pumps, compressors for circuit breaker, air and gen- erator brakes, de battery chargers, control and metering devices, communications., fire p~otection pumps, and other miscellaneous essential power requirements. The station general supplies will include powerhouse 1 ighting, heat- ing, ventilating and air-conditioning, elevators, cranes, machine shop and tools, and other miscellaneous pumps and general require- ments'"' The 34.5 kV supply to the surface facilities will be distributed from a 34o5 kV switchboard located in the surface control and admin- istration building. Power supplies to the switchyard power intake, and spillway as we 11 as the 1 ight ing systems for th~ access roads and tunnels will be obtained from the 34 .. 5 kV switchboard .. The two 2000 kVA, 15000/480 volt stations service transformers and the spare tran.sformer wi 11 be of the 3-phase11 dry-type, sealed gas- filled design. The two 7.5/10 MVA, 15/34.5 kV transfonners will be of the 3-phase oil-immersed OA/FA type. Emergency diesel generators, each rated 500 kW, will separately sup- ply the 480 volt and 34 .. 5 kV auxiliary sw~tchboards during emergen- cies.. Both diesel generators will be located in the surface control building. An uninteruptible high security power supply will be provided for the computer control system. (ii) DC Auxiliary Station Service System The de auxiliary system will supply the protective re1aying:t super- visory, alarm, control, tripping and indication circuit in the power plant. The generator static excitation system will be started with "flashing" po~r from the de battery.. It will also supply the -~---emergency light.ing systen at critical plant locations. Separate duplicate lead-acid batteries for 125 volt de will be pro- vided in the powerhouse. The 48 volt battery supply for the super- visory and computer aided control system and microwave communica- tions will be located in the surface control builqing. -2.7- •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ( i) (j} The main battery system will be supplied by double charging equip- ment consisting of a full wave rectifier system with regulated out- put voltage which normally will supply the continuous de load in the system.. The battery capacity will be suitable for an emergency loading based on a failu.re of ac stati_on service lasting 5 hours .. (iii) 11 81 ack Start" Capa911 itl The Watana power plant will have a built-in capability of starting up a completely blacked-out power system in a very short time.. Only a few basic requir:ements will have to be satisfied: -Sufficient water will be available in the reservoir for the mini-· mum generation required for "black start11 operation; ~ The governor oil system will have sufficient stored energy capable of operating the turbine wicket gates to full open position; -The generators wille be equipped .with static exciters capable of be.ing flash-started from the stat ion battery system -De control power will be available for the startup circuits .. The above described emergency power requirements will not exceed about 200 kW for one unit and will be easily supplied fran the emer- gency diesel generator. With the startup of a single unit~ the cam- P 1 ete power p 1 ant and swi tchyard aux il i ary power w i 11 be. inmed i ate iy available, enabling all the units in the power plant to be started up sequentially within the hour .. Grounding System " The power plant grounding system will cons it of one mat under the power plant~ one mat under the transformer gallery, risers, and 'connection ground wires.. Grounding grids will also be included in each powerhouse floor .. The power plant grounding system will be connected to the swjtchyard grounding system by three 500 MCM copper ground conductors to minimize the overall resistance to ground. The grounding system will be designed to provide a ground resistance of 1 ohm or lower. All exposed metal part and neutral connect ions of generators and transformers will be connected to the . grounding system for the purpose of protecting personnel and equipment from injury or d·amage. Lighting System The lighting system in the powerhouse will be supplied from 480/208-120 volts lighting transformer·s connected to the general ac auxiliary station service system.. The lighting system will be all fluorescent ana incandes- cent fixtures operating on 120 v.olts and all outdoor type high press·ure. sodill11 fixtures operating on 208 volts. The lighting level varies gen•' erally from 20 to 50 foot candles depending upon the p,owerhouse area; the -28- I I I I I I I I ~. I I I I I I I I I I higher levels will be at control areas. Adequate illumination will be provided on vertical switchboards with local lighting canopies. An emergency 1 ight ing system will be provided at the power plant and at the contr-ol room at all critical operating locations with an illumination level of 2 foot candles. The energency 1 ighting system will operate from a sep- arate 120 volt ac circuit which~' by means of automatic transfer switches~ will be automatically connected to the 125 volt de system upon failure of the ac system. ( k) COiliRun icat ions The power plant will be furnished with an internal communications system, including an automatic telephone sVtitchboar'"d system. A communication sys- tem will be provided at all powerhouse flo)rs and galleries, transformer gallery, access tunne.ls and cable shafts, and structures at the intake, draft tube chamber~ spillway, and dam. The communications system for the central dispatch control system~ tale- metering~ supervisory and protective relaying system is described in Section 15. (1) _Insulation Coordination and Lightning and Switching Surge Protection The electrical insulation and protective devices will be-selected and co- ordinated to provide a safe margin of insulation strength above the maximum abnormal voltages permitted during 1 ightning, switching, and short-circuit surges. The 1300 kV basic insulation level (BIL) specified for the trans- former and other BIL values stated for the electrical equi~X"ent and connec- tions are tentative and are subject to detailed study in the design stage of the project. - In principle~ 1 igtitning arresters will be mounted on or adjacent to all major electrical equipment having wound-type internal construction, and wi 11 be provided at the genera tor 15 k V term in a 1 s and the main transformer 345 kV terminals. 12 .. 19 -Switchyard Structures and Equipment TO FOLLOW 12 .. 20 -Project Lands Project 1 ands .acquired for the project will be the minimum necessar,y to con- struct access and site faci1 ities, construct permanent facilities, to clear the reservoir, and to operate the project .. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEVIL CANYON The tailrace portal site has been located at a prominent steep rock face on the right bank of the river to provide the required tunnel cover (about 60 feet} in as· short a distance as possible. The portal provides a gradual transition from the tunnel modified horseshoe shape to a rectangular crass-section at the outlet; it also reduces the maximum outlet velocity to 8 ft/sec~ to reduce the velocity head loss at exit.. Vertical stoplag guides are provided for closure of the tunnel if req"!i~ed for tunnel inspection and/or. maintenance. 13.15 -Turbi n·es and Generators (a) Unit Capacitl The Devi 1 Canyon powerhouse wi 11 have four generating units with a nominal capacity of 150 MW. This is the avai 1~b le capacity with minimum December reservoir level (El. 1393} and a corresponding gross head of 553 feet in the station. The head on the plant will vary from 605 feet maximum (597 feet net head} to 550 feet minimum (538 feet net head). Because maximum turbine output varies approximately with the 3/2 power of head, the maximum unit output will change with head as shown in Figure 13 .. 2. ~ The rated head for the tutbine has been established at 575 feet, which is the weighted_ average operating. head on the station. Allowing for generator losses, this results in a rated turbine output of 225,000 hp (168 MW). The generator rating has been selected as 180 MVA with a 90 percent power- factor!j which corresponds to a power output of 162 MW. The generators will be capab 1 e of continuous operation at 115 percent rated power. Because of the high capacity factor for the Devi 1 Canyon station, the units will be operated at or near full load a 1 arge percentage of the time. The genera- tors have therefore been sized on the basis of maximum turbine output at maximum head~ allowing for a possible 5 percent addition in power from the turbine. This maximum turbine output (250,000 hp) is within the continuous overl,~ad rating of the generator. {b) Turbines The turbines wi 11 be of the vertical shaft Francis type with steel spira1 casing and a concrete elbow type draft tube. The draft tube wi 11 have a single water passage (no center pier). The rated output of the turbines wi 11 be 225,000 hp' at 5i5 feet rated net head. Maximum and minimum heads on the units wi 11 be 597 feet and 538 feet, respectivelyo The full gate output of the turbines will be about 240,000 hp at 597 feet net head and 205~000 hp at 584 feet net head. Over- gating of the turbines may be possible, providing approximately 5 percent additional power. For preliminary design purposes, the best efficiency (best gate) output of the units hns been assumed at 85 percent of the full gate turbine output. This will be reviewed at the time of preparation of bid documents for the turbines. -30- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The full gate and best gate efficiencies of the turbines will be about 91 percent and 94 percent, respectively, at rated head. The efficiency will be about 0.2 percent lower at maximum head and 0&5 percent lower at minimum head. The preliminary performance curve for the turbine is shown in Figure 13.3. A speed of 225 rpm has been selected for the unit for preliminary design purposes. The resulting turbine specific speed (N 5 ) is 37 .9o As. shown in Figure 12.23, this is within present day practice for turbines operating .under 575 feet head.. The considerations for selection of turbine speed are briefly discussed in Section 12 .. 16. · .. ~ . On the basis of information from turbine manufacturers and the studies on the power plant 1 ayout, the center 1 i ne of the turbine di stri but or has been set at 30 feet below minimum tailwater level .. The·final setting of the unit will be established in conjunction with the turbine manufacturer after the contract for the supply of the turbine equipment has.bee~ awarded. The mechanical/structural designs of the turbines will be basically the same as for Watana.. Because of the relatively short penstocks and the surge tank· location inrnedi ately downstream from the powerhouse, the hydrau- lic transient characteristics .of the turbines are favorable. Assuming nor- mal generator inertia (H = 3 .. 5 MW-Sec/MVA), a preliminary analysis has in- dicated the following: -Water starting time (Tw) •••••••••••••••••••••••• H. 1.2 sec. _,Mechanical starting time (Tm) ........................... 7.6 sec. -Regulating ratio {Tm/Tw} ................................ 6.3 -Go 1;ernor time • • • • • • • .. • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • . . • • • • 5.0 sec. -Speed rise on full load rejection ................... 35 percent -Penstock pressure·use on full load rejection ........ 20 percent The regulating ratio 1 s above the minimum recormtended by the USBR for good regulating.. Also, unit speed rise and penstock capacity pressure rise are within normal accepted values. Because of the relatively short distance be.tween the turbine and the tailrace surge tank and the deep uni·t setting, there sho•Jld not be any problems with draft tube column separation~~ As discussed in Section 12.16 for Watana, the units-will be capable of op- eration from about 50 to 100 percent load. Considerations for draft tube surges and corresponding power swings as mentioned for Watana also will apply to Devil Canyon. As with Watana, the relationship between generator natural frequency and the possible draft tube surge frequency is-desirable and will require study in later design stages.. Because of the high capacity factor for the Devi 1 Canyon units, part load operation for these turbines is not as critical as at Watana; therefore, the possibility of problems with power swings is somewhat. less of a concern than at Watana. (c) Generators The four generators in the Devil Canyon powerhouse will be of the vertical shaft~ overhung type directly connected to the vertical Francis turbines. -31-~- I I I ·I I' I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I The generators will be similar in construction and design to the Watana generators and the general features described in Section 12.16 for the stator, rotor, .excitation system, and other details which apply for the Devi 1 Canyon generators. The rating and characteristics of the generators are as follows: Rated Capacity: Rated Power: Rated Voltage: Synchronous Speed: Inertia Constant: Short Circuit Ratio: Efficiency at Fu 11 Load: (d) Governor System 180 MVA~ 0.9 power factor witf1 overload rating of 115 percent. 162 MW 15 kV, 3 phase, 60 Hertz 225 rpm 3.5 kW -Sec/kVA 1.1 (minimum) 98 percent (minimu~) A governor system with electric hydrau 1 i c governor actuators wi 11 be pro- vided for each of the Oevi 1 Canyon units. The system wi 11 be the s.aae as for Watana. 13.16 -Miscellaneous Mechanical Equipment (a) Compensation Flow Pumps The two pumps for providing minimum discharge into the Susitna River be- tween the darn and the tailrace tunnel outlet portal will be vertical mixed flow or axial type located in the powerhouse service bay below the aain erection floor, as shown on Plate 87. Each pump will be rated at ·250 cfs (115,000 gal/min) at 35 feet total head, and wi 11 be driven by 1,400-!hp induction motors. The preliminary pump and motor data is summarized in .Table 13.3. A single pump intake wi 11 be located in the surge chamber with an 8-fnot- diameter intake tunnel leading to the powerhouse. The intake tunnel :.will bifurcate into i ndi"vi dua 1 pump intake conduits within the· powerhouse. The .. (':Sump discharges will converge into a single pump discharge tunnel. Butterfly type valves will be insta'lled in the intake and discharge lines of each. pump to permit isolation of a pump for inspec1~ion or maintenance. Trash screen guides and a trash screen wi 11 be provided in the surge .cham- ber at the pump intake. It wi 11 be possible to remove the trash screen us- ing the draft tube gate crane discussed below. The width of the guides -32- ' I I •• •• I I I I I I I •• I I I I I I I · -A-frame or monorai 1 hoists in other powerhouse are~s far handling small equipment • { f} Elevators Access and service elevators w111 be provided for the power plant as follows: -Access elevator from the control building to the powerhouse; -Service elevator in the powerhouse service bay; and · -Inspection hoists in cable shafts. c The elevators wi 11 be as discussed in Section. 12.17 for Watana. (g) Power Plant Mechanical Service Systems The power plant mechanical service systems for Devil Canyon will be essen- tially t.he same as discussed in Section 12.,17 for Watana, except for the following: -There will be no main generator breakers in the power plant; therefore,· circuit. breaker air wi 11 not be required.. The high-pressure air system will be used only for governor as well as instrument air. The operating pressure will be 600 to 1,000 psig depending on the governor system oper- ating. pressur~e. An air-conditioning system wi 11 be installed in the powerhouse control room. -For preliminary design purposes only, one drainage and one dewatering sump have been provided in the powerhouse. The dewatering system will also be used to dewater the intake and discharge lines for the compensa- tion f.l ow pumps. (h) Surface Facilities Mechanical Service Systems The entrance building at the top of the power plant will have only a beat- ing and venti 1 ati on system.. The mechanical services in the standby power building will include a heating and ventilation system, a fuel oil system, and a fire protection system, as at Watana. (i) Machine Shop Facilities A machine shop and tool room will be located in the powerhouse service bay area to take care of maintenance work at the plant. The facilities will not be as extensive as at Watana. Some of the larger components will be transported to Watana for necessary. machinery work. 13.17 ... Accessory Electrical Equipment (a) General The accessory electrical equipment described in this section includes the following main electrical equiprrent: -33- I I I I I I I I I I I I. •• I I I I I I (b) . . . . . . . : ~' . • . • • l . •· . . . . .· . . · .. .. :. • • • -•• • • • • • • ·... • • • • 4 • . • f.' • • . ~ . :.. . ' . ·• . • . . ~ . . . . • . • . . 0 o 0 o ~ f 0 > N .. -Main generator step-up 15/345 kV transfornters; -Isolated phase bus connecting the generator and transformers; -:~i45 kV oil-filled cables from the transformer terminals to the switch-yard; -Gontrol systems; and -Station service auxiliary ac and de ·systems. Other equipment and systems described include grounding, lighting system and communications. The main equi}ltnent and connections in the power plant are shown in the Single Lin~ Diagr-am, (Plate 88). The arrangement of equ·ipment in the powerhouse~ transformer gallery, and cable shafts is shown in Plates 85 tq 88. General Design Considerations for Transformers and HV Connections (i) General Twelve single-phase transformers and one spare transformer will be located in the transformer gallery. Each bank of the three single- phase transformers wi 11 be connected to one· generatnr by i so 1 ated phase bus located in bus tunnels. The HV terminals of the transfor- mer will be connected to the 34:5 kV switchyard. by 345 kV single- phase oil-filled cables installed in 800-foot long vertical shafts. There will be two sets of three single-phase 345 kV oil-filled cables installed in each cable shaft. One additional set will be maintained as a. spare three-phase cable circuit in the second cable shaft. These cable shafts will also contain the control and power cables between the powerhouse and the surface control room!) as well as emergency power cables from the diesel generators at the surface to the underground facilitieso As described· in Section 12.18 for the Watana power _plant, a number of considerations led to the choice of the above optimum system of transformation and connections. Different alternative methOds and equipment designs were also considered. In summary, these are: -·one transformer per generator versus one transformer for two gen-erators; ·# -Underground transformers versus surface transformers; -Direct transformation from generator voltage to 345 kV versus intermediate step transformation to 230 kV or 161 kV, and thence to 345 kV; -Single phase vertsus three-phase transformers for each alternative method cons i der·ed; and · -Oil-filled cable versus solid dielectric cable or SF5 gas- insulated bus. Reliability considerations are based on the general reliability . requirements for generation and transmission described in Section 15 regarding the forced out.age of a single generator, transformer. bus or cable in addition to planned or scheduled .outages in a single -34-· I I I ~ I I •• I I I I I I I I I, I •• I I contingency situation~ or a subsequent outage of equipment in the double ~ontingency situation. In the first case, the system should be capable of r·earljustment after the outage for loading within normal ratings and, ·1 n the second case, within emergency ratings. The one transformer per generator scheme \'ias selected si nee 'the operation of the Devil Canyon power plant will essentially be a con- tinuous base-load type operation; also the smaller number of units at Devil Canyon compared to Watana will allow a transformer gallery of reas·onable length for a unit generator-transformer scheme. ~ As at Watana, transport limitations· for both dimensions and weight will preclude the use of the larger size three-phase transformers; hence, single-phase transformers will be used. One distinct advan- tage of single-phase transformers is that a spare transformer ·can be provided at a faimly low incremental cost. · For the same reasons as given in' Section 12.18 for Watana1 surface transformers and the double-step transformation scheme (15./151 kV generator-transforme~, 161 kV cable and 161/345 kV auto-transformer at the switchyard) were ruled out. The direct transformation {15/345 kV) scheme with 345 kV oil-filled cables is considered a better avera 11 scheme. (c) Main Transformers The transformers will be of the single phase, two-winding, oil-immersed, forced-oil water-cooled (FOW) type. A total of twelve single-phase transformers and one spare transformer will be provided, with rating and characteristics as follows: Rated capacity: High-Voltage Winding: Basic Insulation Level (BIL) of HV Winding: Low Voltage Winding: Transformer Impedance: 70 MVA 345/ 3 kV, grounded Y 1300 kV 15 kV, Delta 15 percent The design and construction details are identical to the transformers rat Watana as described in Section 12.18. (d) Generator Isolated Phase Bus Isolated phase bus connections will be located between the generator-and the main transformer. The bus will be of the self-cooled, welded aluminum tubular type with design and construction details generally simi1ar to the bus at the Watana power plant. The rating of the main bus is as follows: Rated current: Short circuit current momentary: - Short circuit c.urrent symmetri ca 1 : Basic Insulation Level {BIL): . -35- 9,000 amps 240,000 amps 150,000 amps 150 kV I I I I I • , I I I I I I I I I I I I I {e) 345 kV Oil-Filled Cable The general design considerations lead.ing to the choice of the 345 kV oi1- filled. cable for the connections between the transformer HV terminals and the 345 k V switchyard at the surface are the same as described in Section 12.18 for the Watana plant. The cables will 'be rated for a continuous maximum current of 400 amps at 345 kV +5 percent. The cables will be of single-core construction with oil flo\fling-through a central oil duct within the copper conductor. The cables -wi11 be installed in the 800-foot cable shafts from the transformer gallery to the surface. No cable jointing will be necessary for this installation length • {f) Control sxstems ( i) General The Devil Canyon power plant wi11 be designed to be operated as an unattended p 1 ant. The p 1 ant wi11 be normally controlled through supervisory control from the Susi.tna Jlrea Control Center at Watana. The plant will, however, be provided with a control room with suffi- cient control, indication, and annunciation equipment to enable the plant to be operated during emergencies by one operator in the con- trol room. In addition, for the purpose of testing and cOI'fi'Rission- ing and maintenance of the plant, local control boards will be mounted on the powerhouse floor near each unito Automatic load-frequency control of the four units at Devil Canyon will be accomplished through the central computer-aided control system located at the Watana Area Control Center. The power plant will be provided with 11 b1ack startu capability similar to that provided at Watana, to enable the start of one unit without any po.wer in the powerhouse or at the switchyard, except that provided by one emergency di ese 1 generator. After the ~~t-up of one unit, auxili-ary station service power will be established in the power plant and the switchyard; the remaining generators can then be started one after the other to bring the plant into fui1 "' output within the hour. As at the Watana power plant, the control system will be designed to permit local-manual or local-automatic starting, voltage adjusting, synchronf~ing, and loading of the unit from the powerhouse control room at Devil Canyon. The pro1;ecti ve re 1 ayi ng system. is shown in the main single 1 ine diagram~ Plate 88, and is generally similar to that provided for the Watana power plant. I I I I I I I I I I I) I I I I I I I .I I {g) Station Service Auxiliary AC and DC System!_ ( i ) AC Auxi 1 i ar.Y Systeu, The station service system will be designed to achieve a reliable and economic distribution system for the power plant and the switch- yard and surface facilities. The auxiliar.y system will be similar to that in the. Watana power p 1 ant except that the swi tchyard and surface faci 1 iti es power wi 11 be obtai ned from a 4 .. 16 k V system supplied by two 5/7.5 MVA, OA/FA, oil-immersed transformers connect- ed to generators Nos. l and 4, respectively. The 4.16 kV double- ended switchgear wi. 11 be located in the powerhouse. It wi 11 have a normally-open tie·breaker which will prevent parallel operation of the two sections. The tie breaker will close on failure of one or the other of the incoming supplies. The 1400 hp compensation flow pumps will be suppl1 ed with power directly from the 4.16 kV system. Two 4.16 cables installed in the cable shafts will supply power to the surface facilities. p 0 The 480 V station service system will be exactly similar to the Watana system described in Section 12.18, and will consist of a main 480 V switchgear, separate auxiliary boards for each unit, an essen- tial auxiliaries board, and a general auxiliari·es board. The main 480 V switchgear wi 11 be supplied by two 2000 kVA, 15,000/480 V grounded wye sealed gas dry-type transformers. A third 2000 kVA transformer will be maintained as a spare. Two emergency diesel generators, each rated 500 kW, will be connected to the 480 V powerhouse mai· n switchgear and 4.16 k V surface switchboard, respectively. Both diesel generators wt11 be 1 ocated at the surface. An uninterruptible high-security power supply will be provided for the supervisory computer-aided plant control systems. {ii) DC Auxiliary Station Service System The de auxiliary system will be similar to that provided at tite \~atana p 1 ant and wi 11 consist of two 125 V de 1 ead-aci d batteries. Each battery system will be supplied by a double rectifier charging system. A 48 V de battery system wi 11 be provided for supplying the supervisory and communications systems. (iii} Black Start Capability As at the Watana power plant, the Devil Canyon power plant will be provided with."black start" capability which will enable the plant to start up in a completely "blacked out•• condition of the power p 1 ant and/ or the power system. Q (h) Other Accessory Electrical Systa'lls .. The other accessory electrical systems including the grounding system, lighting system, and powerhouse communications system will be similar in general design and construction aspects to the systems described in Section 12.18 for the Watana power plant. -37- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·~ ,>- 1 I •• I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Watana Gate Equipment Weights February 12, 1982 2.1 ACCOUNT 331 -POWER PLANT STRUCTURE .1 Powerhouse .llC Mechanical Draft ~rtibe ''Gates·· Draft Tube Guides <- ACCOUNT 33Z ·-RESERVOIRS, DAMS & WATERWAYS . 2 Di version · • 21C Mechanica 1 Upstream Lower Gates Gate Equipment Upstream Upper Gates ,. Gate Equipment Trashracks Downstream Lower Outlet Stoplog· Guides Stop 1 ogs lncl udi ng Fa llower Downstream Upper Outlet Stop1og Guides Low Level Release Slide Gates Including Steel Liner .5 Tunnel Spillway .51C Mecha,nical Inlet Tt'ashracks/Guides Gate Equipment Stoplog Guides Outlet Fixed Cone Valves (6 plus 1 spare) Ring Follower Gates Steel Manifold Liner Miscellaneous Mechanical Equipment Miscellaneous Electrical Systems .52 Main {Chute) Snillway .52C Mechani ca.1 Gate E(luipment Stoplog Guides Stoplogs Including Follower 'Miscellaneous Electrical -38- No. 4 6 2 2 1 1 1 1 9 1 .2 2 1 6 3 3 1 Total Wt. {lb. L 280,000 168,000 1,050,000 592,000 306,000 11,000 297,000 18,000 3,300,000 250,000 690,000 60,000 330,000 960,000 1,320,000 13,000 147,000 . ~ ~' - I I I I I 1 I I I I I· I I I I I I I I I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Watana Gate Equipment Weights February 12, 1982 ACCOUNT 332~ -RESERVOIRS, DAMS & WATERWAYS .. 6 Power Intake - .61C Mechanical Trashracks/Guides Gate Equipment Bulkhead Gate Guides Bulkhead Gates Including Follower Shutter with Guides Ice Bulkhead with Hoist Ice Bulkhead Guides Intake Service Crane .7 Surge Chamber .71C Mechanical Stoplog Guides Stoplog Including Follower .9 Tailrace Works .91C Mechanical Stoplog Guides Stoplog Including Follower -39- .. No. Tota 1 Wt. (lb.) 24/6 1,126,000 6 1,254,000 6 186,000 1 105,000 18/6 658,000 6 540,000 6 360,000 2 200,000 1 564,000 1 16,000 1 235,000 I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT WataJl.Et Permanent TO\in Listing, I February 12, 1982 2 .. 2 QUANTITY I ITEM UNIT · SIZE & DESCRIPTION WATANA DC Buildings • Single Fanfily Home 3 BR 1,600 sf 5 ·" ea 1 I Single Family Home 4 BR ea 1,900 sf 5 1 Family Condominium 2 BR ea 1,200 sf 15 4 Family Condominium 3 BR ea 1,400 sf 40 9 I Family Condominium 4 BR ea 1,600 sf 5 2 Apartments 1 BR ea 720 sf 12 3 Apartments 2 BR ea 1,000 sf 11 2 •• School ea 12,000 sf 1 Gymnasium ea 10,000 sf 1 Swimming Pool • ea 8,000 sf 1 I Recreation Center ea 6,000 sf 1 Store ea 8,000 sf l Fire Station ea 1,200 sf 1 Communication Building ea 600 sf 1 I Generating Station ea 600 sf 1 (Emergency) Dispensa'Y'y ea 1,200 sf 1 I Gas Stat1on ea 800 sf, 2 bay, 4 pumps 1 Site Work -~ I Road\t~ay-34 • \~/ Gravel . lf Gravel surface 5,000 Surface ·I Parking Area-Town sf Gravel surface 90,000 Center Parking Area-Dwellings sf Gravel surface 130,000 -- I Utilities Water Main lf 6-inch diameter 4,200 I Water Main, Return lf 6-inch diameter 4~200 Water, Service lf Loop connections 6,000 1,400 Connections . Se\·Je r Ma i n lf. 12-inch diameter 4,200 I · Se\oJer, Service lf 3,000 700 Connections Electric Service lf 7,000 1,700 . I Transformers ea 20 5 Telephone Service lf Buried 7,000 Water Intake~ Pump ls In Tsusena Creek 1 I House & Pumo . Electric Service to lf 2~000 Pump House Transformer at Pump ea 1 ' -- I House Se\"lage/Hater Treat-ea l ment Building I Sewage Treatment Plant ls 50,000 gpd 1 \~ater Treatment Plant 'Is 50,000 gpd 1 Se1t1age Outfa 11 Line lf 6-inch diameter 2,000 ·I Hater Supply Line lf 4-inch diameter 2,000 -40-.. -" I ~. I I I I I I I. I I I I I I ' I I ·I ·-··· I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Devil Canyon Gate Equipment Weights February 12, 1982 3.1 ACCOUNT 331 -POWER PLANT STRUCTURE .1 Powerhouse .llC ~1echanica1 Draft Tube Gates Draft Tube Gate Guides Draft Tube Crane Pump Intake T~ashracks·& Guides Pump Outlet Stoplogs/Guides ACCOUNT 3.32 -RESER'!OIRS, DAMS & WATERWAYS .2 Diversion Tunnels/Cofferdams .21C Mechanical Upstream Gate Gate Equipment Downstream Outlet- Stoplog Guides Stoplogs Including Followers .5 Spillway Valves (In Dam) .51C Mechanical Trashracks/Guides Bulkhead Gate Guides Bulkhead Gates & Followers . : Gantry Crane Fixed Cone Valves (7 plus 2 spare) Ring Follower Gates (7) Miscellaneous Mechanical Equipment .52 Main (ChHte) Spillway ~52C Mechanical Gate Equipment Stoplog Guides Stoplogs Including Followers .6 Power Intakes . 61C Mechanical Trashracks & Guides Bulkhead Gate Guides Bulkhead Gates & Followers Intake Gantry Crane Intake Gate Equipment Miscellan~ous Electrical .9 Tailrace Works .91C Mechanical Stoplog Guides Stoplogs Including Follower / ..... -41- • No. . Total Wt. (lb.) 2 4 1 1 2 206,000 140,000 54,000 20,000 570,000 1 11,000 (Same as Permanent Spillway) 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 4 4 1 4 654,000 386~000 142,000 1,175,000 1,248,000 42,000 167,500 258,000 92 ,000· 94,000 784,7 000 1 13,000 (As per Watana) \ . ------- - ---.,.,,A,. '. _.· ·-· • .' ----.. :: ... , ..... · .... ~ • 1 c='":t" ,..... ~ ~\11 ;~:~ ~ .... ~· .. , ~ & .. ~~ .. a.-,. .. J .. ,. ,..ir'i" , •• ~c~------:~:~~:~l~W~~t ~r:~~~!~~T:-~-~,.....,..,..T Aci£1.~A~ERICAN-··-· -·---------·---.,-~-----th UATANA -•REVIB Ott 4 • -_ -~__,__........._ __ ···-• ·-·--· .... ··-~· .. ~-•• -~ 1-~ .: . ' : iTEH DESCRIPTION · \ ObANTITY UNITS-.. l .. _ UNIT PRICE ---------~~--------~ -----------~----------------------------------------~--------------. . . .. -· ' '-------...-... ----·-. If " PRODUCTION PLANT ,. !--.;;...__ __ ·--••• -.. n~ _ ---~.~ _ ... 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SF 2 " .st4 CONCRETE ! 9HOttR~Tt .__,...,_,.,, .... __ .•. ·---- ~ I'' ·----·-·----INLEt_(S£E 332t.61tt _________ _ ~ •j OUTLET (SEE 332 o 524) 2~ 1'1 TUNNElS _ ___ ,...,._ ___________ _.-,..._ . .,..,_ .. _ ............ -------- ::J 11 ·---··---·-· -· CONCREt.E .J..IN1N9_,__ ________ 27J.200 ____ CY._. ___ ~ 3 ~ n CONCRETE OVER BREAK 6 1 . 6 9 ~00 '· CY ·------------...:o~~-------.-·--·----.. --·~--.... § ', :o 2 • SHOTCRETE j 2; 000 At: 3 ,~----· __ ·--u ··--3!. 9HOTCR£t£_ --_t9.t.40.a _. et _____ -----·---· ··----------· _...__..._._ _ _,..3/_.4._ __ ....,.,. ........ ·~··-·--· (. .. • 515 SUPPORT I ANCHORS ~ INLET CSEE 332,615) Jr. __ OUILEJ_~ SEE .332 • S2.S.l ·---__ .. _,---~-------.,------.. " TUNNELS · 1:. rtoctcaot. ts . i 1 1 A 1 • ~ i 4oo tt\cH 3/ ..t (. ~L· -· . • iii C ~~~~~Cii=~~~~i.IIEIIII. . . _ _ ·----~----"~;SOC! __ :._ __ 8~ ___ . __ .. .. _ .. _ . . ..... _ ·-· c_ _ __ _ __ :l__ __ .. . __ _ 11 --· ......... ·-. 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F£ASIB1l1TY STUD'( .ES'UHAt£ . ....::-A~R£9_1\tiE tcAtt_~ -····-------·----·-.. ¥ ........... . • WATANA -•REVISION 4c · ( ~ . ·~~EH_DESCRiPT.l.ott. .. __ .. ~-. . . _Q.Ut'li'U.IJX JlBlT.S ___ UNll _PRICE __ ... __ /tHOU~T __ _,_TPJ~.~----RE.HeRKS~·----t ... _..... _ _.. ___ ..,. _________________ ..... ~--~------... ---.-----~ ......... _________ .;.. ................... _ ... __ ... ________ -------til!..~--________ ...... .. ......... _ .... ___ ~-~---~---- ( t • 000 • 660 't--------..... ---'" -----· q .... --................ ··-...... ----• _______________ _... .. __ ~--.;-- • OVERBURDEN 64t000 CY ~-~-----~····-· -·· .. -·--···-------------3 { 11 f'HJCK USEABLE 318 '500 CY 3 '7 .~tlCK WASTE ___________ 6!t,,_OOO_.,__ ___ c:f.. _____ ,_ •• -·-···-·--- l::l · t!ONTRbl STRUCTURt ·----l:3~------· --~-·· ( .. ~-.. _. ----~·----.-~ ·~~.o-ENDn8:R:8~k::~) _:.. __ Bt~OIJ .. · I~ ROCK WASTE 18' SOO ( u . . R_OCK US~AB.lE fiHCllN.ED) . 37•500 ". ROCJLUSEABLLt.IJl::IUI.CA-L_,_) ----~7:..w6.r.50_0~--- UPPt~ CHUTE ( ., CEND ROLLWAY TO stA il.f.OO) ......,_.;_c.v ____ . ---·----· _ ... ~ .. A. _______ ...;;__,_.:......._.all. -------· --· .. _, .... , CY 2/3 CY 2/3 c ..... Y-~--··-----~·-----2.L~----"':""--~""--- n ·---------· OVERB0RDEH_._ ... ____ ...;..__.. ___ ......,Q4iSOO _. -----.:.. t!Y,. _____ , -------..._. __ ..... -.----~----- :~ ROCK WASTE 77' 500 CY 1. { ;, ROCK USEABLE (INCLINED> 215• 000 CY ~ _____ ROCK. USEABLE_lVER.'tlCAL) 134.,.000 CY ~ lO~ER CHUT~ . 21 , . (STATION 1itoo 1D l14oo~ 2 ~:· IL-·----.... ~ :~~~B~::i:-· ---------'---· -ii~~~:------"'-----~~·--·-~--. -~ ··--·~ ··-· __________ ...,2,____:_ __ ......,.,._=··-··------~- 2 :.. ROCK USEABLE (INCLINED) 107r500 CY . 2 :j ~ -.. ··---------·"OCK_J,Js~AJ)LE....J..!lEJU.JC/U.J !~hJ)O~t C.L.·--·------· ----------...J2..._· -----~. ··-----·--. ! ~ VALVE BLOCK/FLIP I OUTFALL 1· ~ <,~oH stA l74oo to tNb 'tt~, . .. ::--·-..... ·-,. .. -~ · ···----~~~~Btl:~~-----~-~~--------,t;sg~---------g~------------·~··-r.r-1 . ROCK USEABLE (INCLINED) 316,000 CY ·>~ ----------!!!:-------..\'liiooOO-·-.. :!/3 2/3 7-______ RO~K .UBEABLE_J~E.BJ..JC/tl) ~B.!...QOO 1;)'. ______ _ -----~----------~2~/3 _________ __ v . DRAIN TUhHEL 11 ROCK ltnRilOHTAL · .-;soo · CY 21:-1 ·J-·--·-·· ~----~-·: .. \lOCK iHCLtNED ~-. ~__:_ ..... -.....__..3.i.O.OO ____ .:.._ __ C't--~·----~ ·---·-· ·~-.. ----.------...JA2 ........... -..................... -= ·~---... L RIVER CHANNEL ( : __ •522 ···-FILLA~l~V~-~H :~~~VATION lt060,000 _:~-----·--·-· .. -·----·-------~3~1-4 CJ GR~NULAR IAtf<F'tll !H 000 . . . CV ~ ( " IHPERVlOUS . 1 ,oco CY 2 ~ --· .. ~· .• S23 .••. 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L CONCRETE CHtfiE 11 (lNCl BOX DRAIN GAllERIES) " -~-------<FROH.END. OF_ROLLVAY> ---'-·-------------·--------. ______ .....;._~--""'"'--=------··--·-- ., cb~CRETE BLAB 22 r 000 . CY . 2/3 ' 11 CONCRETE tdALLS 10, 500 CY 213 "---.. -· ... cotlc OVE~BREAK 18 8 H/6.~L-_tUOC:HL-.--.. -ct. __ ----~----· ·--···-----·---...___2£31_4..._ __ TON n REINFdRCINO STEEL 1,300 ~{ n CONCRETE VALVE ILOCK/FllP ~ ~ ~-I-OUTFALL __ -~-~ . ~~--~-~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~ 15 CONCRETE BlOtk/IUCktt ~'I HlOO .. · .• CY /3 ¥1. :t . CONCRETE OUTFAll L!NiNi 2•SOO t'(· 2)3 ~ . 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" 15 I 112 E'Act-i·--··--,. . ' . .... . . -·--' ~--· .. -·-· ---2-. ·----·; ..... . t u ROCK&OLTS VALVE Dl6Ck/DUtk~t ~r---a-•"' . •• •• 1 11 I 1S' . .,.. , • ··--·-·•-·., ,,,._ _____ ,,._.,_,_..46, .• ___ ._, ___ EACJt , • •• •·.. ·-••••-•-•-"-·'•--· ...._ ....... 2 .. , .. ,_. ___ ... ~~-·-•• ~ SlAB/WAtt ~NCHOR9 ( II 1 f! ~ 10' •hJOO ~ACH 2/3 • __ .527~.--Ir•R*lNAOE . -~ .. ~··-·------·-----.. ---~ --··----:-~ ............. ---·-· .. --~--. " DRtll HOlEs \.. " BOX. DRA1N9 (TO DRAIH TtiHNEll S4 & Ood LF w . • . . ' .,.. . .1A. •. 11--~---·w·---.. _ . 3 .REllEr ... . .. . .. ---~--··~---------···· .... ~.. ... ~J.,v ~··"·,.····-·--·-.J.F .•.. ~- .52C HE.!!H~UICAL l 51 OA.TE EOU1ftt£NT 3 EACH 3 u~!-------...... _ ......... STOf'LOO.JJUJDE$ ___ _, __ ~-·-----·, ... -•. 3-.--...• __ SEJS --...... . ~ _ STOPLOGS INC FOlLOWER " • 1 SET !\ ~ -"'-'"--' ..,. -· ~ --... -~-____ 3 __ .. _ .... _ "" '*" 3 5I 1---'-----···~ . .... " !I • ' S' . .•. 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TANA -•REVISION ~~ Pat!lel 19 ·• II IEH_ DESCRIPTION . _______________ _...QUANTllY._· __ utUlS _·-·-UNiT. _PRICE.--_AttOUHJ ___ J.O.T.At. __ REJfAI:UlS ""'"'""~'---· -·-.. ...J' :t ............ ----------------------... ·-----------·"'--.. --------------............... __ ------.-... -------.-;;-o--__ i ... oiti_... .... ________________ _ f • --~' ., . -· -.. ---·--,_ ... __ -. _ ... _ ... ~ ..... ---------·---··--CONTACT OROUTlNO 1 .. -~---... --LB 11 CONSOLIDATION GROUTJNG r.l---,..------·--· __ -·-CONSOLI DAllDtf_t:UtO.U.!lH.0~----- !1 •!1-t CONCRtTE I SHOTCRETE "! · CONCRETE tiMER ~1•200 tV J---·---, ·-·-REINF'ORCIN0 .. 9ti!£L_. __ __.___ _ ___ 34---'---"--· ____ TilH'~--.. ·---··· ..... ., • _ 3• SHOTCRETE 34,000 SF J --~·--·-------------3 _______ . _ _,""""~· ~ -· _,_ .... :_ .. -----· 3/4 { II 2. SHOT CRETE 20, BOO SF 3/4 " -----·-~-·-. toNc.ov£RBREAILtt_• _______ _t.o,ttoo c._._y _____ • ··~·--- ~ •B1S SUPPORT &-ANCHO~~ -----.-----3L4._ _ ___,...,.,,,_.,:~.~----· ._: . E:AtH ~ ~ ~OCKeoLtS 1: I ~s~ Ll o STRUCTURAL -HISC nTEELWORK .. tso ,_....__..&. .. ~.200 193r000 ·--.t:A;~----4-···.-....--~·-·----·------_...~~~!~-....... ~''-·--·--.. -... --· _ -· .. ~n;"C·· . -._:.·~·8 .. _. . __ :~~~~o~I:.,1--' .. 6' _____ .____ STEEL LINER -~-=-::=-------2!40..G'L..-___ !!)N :r~ . · ~ 9 TTAILRACE WORltS li POftTAl tUTii .. 3 --------------=-----·"=""·"" -~··----- .3 2t r1 UNNEL COH~INED tAfl~ACt/D!U• ~ r=1 __ £RSION_lNCL_ IN Dt~_IUt.810M . i WORKS 332,21) ~ .91 TAILRACE TUNNELBIPORTAL9 I ·-·-'1.1 ____ ,E~CAVATIOtL ------:---------------9 TUtfHEUi 1 »! ~tock t3s;ooo tv n;__.. __ . ______ P.ofttALS_ •.•.•.• -·--··__._ ____ ......._ ____ ...__ ______ ._,._ -------~-· ·---·-·----- -.. ____ ·---·--------------~-..;..;:;;.~:......:.--------~ ....... _ .. ____________________ . ..._._~---· :n OVERBURDEN 3 t 200 CY 3 ~ ROCK USEABLE 46,000 CY 3· t----...---=-r=-·-.,.,.--~fl~ICWf)JJJEr::-=.,--------:-----~1~'-~o_o_· ___ ___,c._y _____ , ____________ ---'3'--------..... t913 SURFACE rREPARttTitJN :1: :II J! PORTAlS : ••-..:.----··-····. ... ftQRtfo8:rAl._:_, ----· INCLINED ll . II " TUNNELS 1-----------·------TUNNEI.,S_______ ---------J2.J~~-~~QQO _____ ~F ______ -·-----------3/4. ____ "" ''"""'--·-'""-·--.~14 tONtRETE t SHOTCRET£ ., II) TUNNElS · · . ctJNtREt£ LUUNCJ ___ ... ~:--... .:...__.-~-_i4H~oo. __ ..... _ey~ .. _ .... ·-·· ............. ____ "' __ . _____ _. __ Ji ----·--~--~··'"""""'"·--· .. CONCRETE OVERBREAK 6• 7r500 CY 3 u .. ~· .. • 2• ~HDTCRETE 45,600 SF 3/4 ' . II t-----~-··----..... REtHFORCINB •. STEEL_ _ 22 .... ______ .I.Dtt__________ ~· .. ~ ... ··u--····~--. ----·--3 PO~TAL · " t! .- ~ CONCRETE ~14SE "lllAi . . 1 oo . CY CONt.RETE .. W-'LUL ____ .,._........__.... ____ , ·--.. . ~ 2 t ~.oo ~-... ·-· ·: __ . CY -~-.••.. --·-··~-- CDNC OVEFU.lREAI< 12 • h/6 •v t 10 . CY 1 ~llNFORC!NO STElL 19S TON J.o-;----·• ~t S --·-SUF'f!ORT I t\MCI:(OBB _____ _ tUhNELS ~ ~ . - ~ ..... ......._ ...• --.-·---,..~-'""""'""" ...... "'--.......... -·~ .. , ----·--------~-tPll·,. ~ .... 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FU£l STATION 1 l9 ., .2 HAIN CONSTRUCTION VlltAOE -·.,21 BITE PREPARATlON··--k ·----~----~ ·- CLEARINO I !J.tRiPPtMQ lHSTAU. GRANULAR PAD At:RE CY CONSTRUCT ROAD .. AYS ···-~·-·----· ·---·---·4 ---· • • --···--·· • • ~ •• ROADWAYS IN VILLAGE HAtH ROAD 34' VIDE 2t300 ·-· .. ""··--SECONDARY ROADS 24'· \UD!·--------·19•600 CONNECTION TO ~CC£9!l ~D 34' 4;000 DRAINAGE DITCIUNG ... --· -· ·• ·. · k"-·-"-· 'CULVERTS -320 LOTS PERIMETER fENCtHO •· ·· Sit6()C 11'440 lf .. -···---LF-k· . k. lF lt ...... . lF ____________ ..,._ ' ·-···4 ...... -~-...... ~ ASPHALT PVKT · -· ·· ·-··-· -.. ·~--·-ABPtiAt:l· PVHT " Vll t.ttt-tiN At;t A/t P . ·· · · ··--·-·· RDWY-TOt's h~) 2 I 20' I 40' XlNG t26 n .. , . . i I < • :t. ' . . ----------- " \ SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PRO.:JECT------· ·--·-· ---··--· ·--... • · f;-: FEASIBILITY STUDY ESTtHATE_ ... ACRES AMERiCA~ t' ~-·~-.. 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UNIT --2-BDRtt-·-----· -72 -··-···-EACH-----··-.. ·-·· ··-·--------'-·!~-60"--···--·· · · · --~ ~ ::1 SI.NGlE FAH Utftt -3 BDRH . 200 EACH t4i x itO' J, · SiNGLE FAH UNit-2 DfiRH 16 ~ACH 2.t' x 50' ·J-·--"·" · ·· SI.NGLE FAH UNtt·=--3·~ebRH -----~-~-·..:.· ·ta ·-· "" ·-tllc.t--~---· ···-· ···-···-··· ~· .. ·--:-···· "'·24-'· )lt··-50 1 :...--. · ----· ---··-··-----·-------· ·------·---------··-··· t 000 _.,. ..• ·000 i..F SF GRANULAR BURFA~ft • I) SINGLE FAtl UNIT -4 DDRti !6 EACH 29' K 50' :..j SCHOOL ( 22,750. SF) 1 LS U 2 CLASSROOHSO~ i --··-~··~· OYHNA9IUH··--------·-·J --1;8-· -·--···---·--···--w-•" ··-~------100'-x-··10&.~-,..,..., :" SWlHHINO POOL 1 ls U)O' M 100' f:l RECREATlbN CE»tER 1 LS 8(P k 1001 i~,1---· · · STORE -·· · ·-·-·--~ ··-··-· ------··'!-·---.. ~----· 1::9--~-------····· · · ~ -· · · --·· ... -·---.. ·--·· ·~ -·---tet11-t·60"'-· ]='1 FlP.E STATION 1· L9 30' K 40' '· !,: GAS STA t6. 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HEAT TRACiNG 6" PIPE .LF ___ ... _ . ..,_. _______ .. ____ ---.., __ ,,. ,.._, tlNCL FORCE HA1N ----.. ,.,-------·------- ~ I I ' ---··"9U9ITNA HYDROELECTRIC· PROJECT -----,.----r. ; FEAS.IDILITY STUDY ESttth\T.E.-ACFtEA AHERttAN ·--·---_,. ..... __ ..,. __ .... ~-."" ....... .... -·-~···--d•~et··l2·FEB•B2---··-.. --, til~l D~tBb4,DATt11 pa!f•t 25 """'""· .. ··-··"·"'·\ t .·--···-· .... ll~Vll CA~VON.-0~~~~~~~~-4' ------·-·-···~-··---. ·-·· -·. , 1 IT£11. DESCRIPTION QUANTiTY UNITS UNIT PRICE AHDUNT TOTAL REMARKS ------------------~--~---~-~----------------------~--------------------~----------____ ..... ____ ------------.............. ~-......--l --····· 9' PlP~ -· ------------3-,-0-0~-----L;---·--. ~~~--~---··----·. _Pg~:~!:b~~~-----------21!~:--.=·--~---~::=-~~~-----· !' 1 6 !I FORCE tU\lN t h 000 lF , ''j ElECTRICAl r··-.. -.. -· . . . 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