HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA1363[}{)£00~& c ~®&®©@ Susitna Joint Venture Document Number Please Return To DOCUMENT CONTROL TASK·10 .c,·· '} ,, (', ,CJ TASK to .. 2 DESIGN .;TRANSMITTAL - INITIAL VERSION PRELIMINARY LICENSING, DOCUMENTATION~~ APRIL·.1980 .. 1· ., ~· : il ...... -· ' ' ~-~-~ - ' j 'I .. ···.~ . ) ~~ .·, ~-. ~· . ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT TASK 10.2 .DESIGN TRANSMITTAL · . INITIAL VERSION PRELIMINARY ·LICENSING DOCUMENTATION APRIL 1980 . " .. PREPARED BY ~ ~(ACRES) REVIEWED BV_J:jy \-( \~ <ACRES) ·charles A. Debelius (ACRES) APPROVED BY ~ <ACRES) ' '• -' ' ·; ,";." .a ~ - ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SfJSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT . • ;; ·--.. 1 ' ' ' . ' i .. 1-· ~ ,' .:.-.,.," . • r '- .. "; \··,· .. .... · I ~ ' i-' '\ . I. t...,.; ; . _.. _·, ·;· .. : :-:· !;7;::~:~r:·~ -:: • • ,. •-'!!. DESIGN TRANSMITTAL- . INITIAL VERSION · -. PRELIMINARY LICENSING DOCUMENTATION APRIL 1980 . j . PREPARED BY ~ ~<~CRES) REVIEWED BTt:Jv 'ff \~ <ACRES) ·charles A. Debelius (ACRES) APPROVED BY ~ <ACRES) ~ • . . .. . _, ·~ ..... _.. :· ~ .... ~:j_.·. ~-:~ r ·:·~·;::.·: >· ·~.: . •.; .: . ~'·?;·: ;:· .... _. : ·-:·;.,.. .. ;:·. . · .. ~?:: -~ :·-.. ~. ~ -s-. . ' . ~ : 1 ... . . ~ -' ~ I: ·~·(· .• -- .) ( ;[.' ·.; .["' .. ·. ' ,-:. ·L i: tst of Tables - · ··l i_st of Figures .Page 1 ... I.NTRODUCT!ON .• ~· ••. ~ •••••• ~ ~ •••••••.•••.••••••.•••••••• , ••••• o ................ ~ •• 2 -REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 ·2 ~ l -·G·ener a 1 Reaui rements ................ ·• ......... , ................ , •.•.••• . 2 , l-.1 .... Feder a 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . ...... .. 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Z.6 2.7 2.8 " g· t::.. ••••••••••••••••••• 9 •••• ,. 2 .1.~ 2 . State . .: " ................ ~ ~ .. o ....... _ ~ •••.••.•••• ~ •••••••••• 2.1.3 ~Local ••..••••....•...••..••••. • • • • • • • • • a • • • • • • • • • • • • Water Power FERC License ...• • • • • • • e • ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ·• • • • • 2 •. ·2 .1 FERC ·Proc.ess •••••.••••••• , ••••••••••••••••••• o •••• o ·2.2.2 Application Content •••••••.••• ~ • o e a • a a • a • • • • • • • • • • • 9 , • • • 2. 2.3 Coordination Requi remonts •..• ~ .••. ;oo .................... . .:2,..2.4 --.. Public Meetings~ .......................................... . 2 .• 2.5 State Requirements ...••••.••.•••. • • • e e • ·a • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .... Al~ska Master Appltcation ...................................... . ~ wat·-er· Use Permi'tS •..••.•.•.•• ~ ••••. 0 •• 0 ••••••• 0 ................. . 2.4.1 ,.. Corps of Engineers Permits. . . . . ...................... 2.4.2 Coastal Zone Management Program •.••...... ................ 2.4.3 .. Water Rights ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Water Quality Permits ••••••..••... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . Land Use ....... . ••••• '• •.•••••.••••• , .............. ·• ••••••••• & •• •· ••• . . 2.6.1 Federal .Lands •••••• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . ~ . . 2.6.'2 ~ State Lands~,. . . . . . . . ~ . . . ~ . . . ........ ·• ....... . . ... 2~6~3 Local Permitti.ng .. • • • • • "! • • . " • • • • • • ' • • • • 0 ·Fish and Wildl:i.fe Permits ........................................ . .. Air Quali.ty Permits ................................................... . 2.8.1 -Environmental Protection Agency. . . . . . . . • • • . ....... . 2.8.2 State Permit to Operate •••••.•..•.•.••....•.•.•.• ...... Building Permits ••••.••••• , .••.•..•.•.••.•••.•.•••••••.• • • fJ • • • • 2.9 .1 Dam Safety ••.••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • 0 • • J • • 2.9.2 -·Buil:di,ng Check ••••••••••••••••••••• ._., •••••••••••••••••••• 2.9.3 Transmission Line Towers •. ••~••••oo.e•t~••••·••••••••••••• 2.10-Other Permits •.••••.••.•••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • • • • • • 0 •••• 2.10.1 Federal Permits ....••...•..•• ~··· • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2· .. 10~2 S·tate ·p·ermits ......• o •••••••• .3 •••••••••••••• ~ ••••••••••• IMPLEMENTATION PLAN. ·····~····················~······················· .. ·······-'•• Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C 1 5 5 5 6 6 7 10 11 11 32 32 32 37 37 39 42 44 45 46 47 47 48 49 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 52 54 . " :. . :: ·, -:.' . . :: ; ; ~, "~ ':. -: ~ , ~ '-· ~ .: : .:; \ :'-:, .:: > ~-: .' , < ~:.· .:. ;: · .. ?· C-\·:>. t<J.: :\-"iii<:;~~~:;~: , ~~'.i~:~$I:.::J • '. ~-' ::: 't:"": .:. :_:: : ~ · '. _.;: '?i .(· ~. 0 '(:' [" .•1· , ~ : ' .. ·. . - .( 0 l ·.·.··;·· ' ~ . ' ,1·'. J -~. ·-::..-: ·.[:'. . ( . ~-~ ·~-::. .. 1'. ~~I! . . . . ~, L!SJ OF·. TABLES Page Table ·Title·. 141 . .2.1 2.2 -_,_ ' LI. ST OF FIGURES . . . . Figure. 2.1· 2.-2 2.3. 3.1 3.2 Licenses~.,. P-ermits. and Certification Needed ••..••.•.•....•.. · 3: · FERC. App 1 i cati:on Contents ................ ~ ... <! ......... -~ •••••• ;~ 13 Required Permits .. State of Alaska .................. ~.... . . . 36 L. Corps of Engineers Permits .. Application Requirements· •..•. 41· Title FERC Licensing ••.• ~······•·•·•·······~··~·•ia•··~········~ 12 State of Alaska -ft1aster Permit App1ication Process ......• 35 Corps of Engineers -Water Related Permits.*.~ ......•..... 40 Licensing Schedule .......•..•••. ~··············o·•········ 56 Prelicensing Activity Schedule •....•...•........• ., .....••. 57 \. ; . ·I I I· I I I •• I ~ I ~- ':I" I I ,I I -·.-~ ; Sa~isfying governmental :regulatory requirements is.-a critical aspect of the : de~elopment of any major proj'ec;t. . Should a decision be made to· implement ·'the Su$itna Hydroelectric Project (the 11 Project11 ), the licensing/permitting process will occupy the critical path towards project implementation for the ' · _ fjrst tWQ to: three years. This des.tgn transmittal h.as.-been prepared :under Subtask 10.02 of the Susitna Plan c.f Study. ·rhe, objectives of the \\Ork which this docl.lllent -address are as follows:. · _: Ide_ntify .. al1 regulatory requirements .for project implementation ... Identify data. needs for the various applications requested -Est~lish criteria for presentation of data, where applicable -Identify responsibilities of study participants (tasks/subtasks) for prep·aration of appli.cation Docunent the post-application i]rocess -Outline a plan for the licensing/permitting process The purpose of th j s doc lJTlent is to serve as a management too 1 to ensure that the -preparation and processing of applications will proceed in an orderly arid efficient manner. Since the point at which the decision will be made to proceed with the pt"oject and initial submittal of license application will be made is more than two years away, the process may be substantially , , modified due to changes in regulatory procedure. Further changes may be necessary as features of the project become better identified. Thus, to maintai-n its usefulness, this document will also be updated periodically to reflect new laws, regulations and project developments. At this time; many of the regulatory requirements for the project, particu- lar·ly at the State level, are uncertain. As project alternatives, transmis- sion corridors, and construction methods are selected, the particular need for and details of each permit will be more clearly estab1i;shr;d.. However, it is already clear that there is a need for several critical permits in- cluding the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) license, the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers permit, the State of Alaska Water Qualii·;y Certifica- tion, the Coastal Zone Consistency Certification, and an Anadromous Fish Protection Permit.· The licensi-ng and permitting process may, to some degree, be divid~d into permitting to implement the project and permitting for the construction pro- cess. Obviously, there is overlap in many cases. The FERC license, the local borough special use permit, and several state permits deal with the existence of the project. Other state permits and the remaining federal permits deal with the methods used to construct the pro- ject or the design criteria for specific structures. These generally re- quire compliance with certain codes and standards, rather than a governmen- tal decision regarding the desirabi 1 ity for and impacts of a project. The permits that require overall project approval have been addressed in greater detail in this report, since they are predictable at this stage of the pro- ject design study and require the greatest lead time for customized data development. A 1 ist of these licenses, permits, and certificates as pre- dicted at this stage is shown on Table 1.1. 1 -~ : .. "·. ·:-.: .. : .. ·•• .... :··_;· .: ~.-· •. :~ • ;~· :.: :~: ··::.' .·; L.~_<··: ' • ~ . . . . ~ .. ! •· . ... ' : ~ . . -\. It is expected that there will be three major phase$ of submittals·of appli- cation during ;·mplementation of the project. Initia.lly, . several·· permit applicatiom~ wi"ll be submitted at the end of this study at the ti'me of sub- .. · _mittal of the FERC l: ... ense application. Near the end of the FERC processing ;~\ and deeision petriod, a second group of State and 'Local permits wi 11 be sub- .\\,rnitted whic;h w:ill allow the actual construction activities to p\.;oc~ed. As 'the project nears completion, it is likely that submission of operating per- n)it applicatioms will also be necessary. In addition, during the ,con~truc­ i1'ton process, it is foreseeable that many ind:ividual ap.plications may be needed for construction personnel and processes. The latter type of permits wi),~ be acquired by the individual·contractor as a normal aspect of their busi:ness .• The anticipated requirements for lice:nses permits, and certifica- tions based upon current regulations are listed in Table 1.1. This report is, organized so that simi 1 ar types of regulatory requirements are grot1ped,, such· as those concerning air, watel'' and building~ Licenses and processes'which encompass· several interests such as the·FERC license and the Stat~ Master Application process are discussed separately. This method of presentation was selected over that of grouping permits by level of · govel"nment ·because it allows for an easier de!~cription of the interaction that may occur between the processes. Section 3 of the report presents a tentative plan for license submittal and a Sf~hedule on which critical milestones are identified. Projected process- ing timeframes are predicted to estab 1 ish the overall preconstruct ion licensing~ schedule. There are three appendices to this transmittal. Appendix A includes a ~~"'!''l..a.""' .... ""·IAi• ,...,&· LI:'Dr' :~.,,..;,...,, ....,..A,.aa.1 5t;l"'lft~ ~n..rl ,......,_.;tow-;~ .,..olo,,~nt ·+n '"'"""'~o,-.+ da,,a __ _ ;:) ~ Qt.,CIIJCJI ~ \.11 r l;f\.v JA-l II. .. J' I C~ U I a I VII;) W IU \..I I I; I .1 Q I I; ll;Y au '-'V pr V..J 1;\, loi o;;;y ~;- lopment •. Appendix B ·Jncludes regulatory summaries and a copy of standard fcrms, where avai 1 able; for key licenses. Appendix C is a list of the acron)ms and abbreviations U!>ed in this text that refer to governmental agencies, processes, laws and regulations. It is intended as a reader • s aid .. The report does not present rE~qui rements for fi 1 i ng fees associated with the . various permits si:nce the APA, as a state organization, will have no state . fi 1 ing fees . It is not expected that feder a 1 fees wi ll exceed on the order of $1,000. · Based upon the material contained within this transmitta.l, criteria will be provided to each of the task (;oordinators to ensure that materials prepared ·under their supervision are ·~consi.stent with regulatory requirements. This .latter ·activity will be performed as a portion of Subtask 10.04 --Coordi- nate Ex hi bit Preparation within Major Task Categories .. 2 ' - Q · Table 1.1 ·r····'· n ' " LIST OF PROJECT LICENSES, PERMITS AND CERTIFICATES ·""· Federal -~ .. ·· ... . '\"-. . . 'I ' "( ' ' .· .. ~ .. -~.y' .Fede.·r.al .~ner·····~.y ·Regu]·a.to~y License -Major Hydroelectric Project . )} Corps of EngTneers Perm1ts -/f' Bureau of Land Man.agement ... Land· Use I •• I ' ...... ~ ' ' J.._ ' .. I· I I I I' -·· I •,, I '· l. "' ' ,, ' ;, :. ~ ( '[ ;:[ t:[.· .. r;· . ' i . l :.· ~[··.· "! ., I . · · National Pallut.ion Discharge Elim_ination .System Notice of.Airspace Obstruction . . \ ' . ~·. . . st.ate Coastal .Management Certificate of Consistency Water· Rights . · Water Quali_ty Certific-ate Ri.ght-of-way' £asements. {and other Land Use permits as identified) Highway Encroachments .Anadromous Fish Protection Dam Safety · Fire and Safety Plans Check Burning Permits !"' Water and Sewer Plan• Review Local T1lkeetna Mountain Special· Use District ... , . ' ' ); 3 [ :[ .- [ .- [ •• 'SECTION:2,-REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS ,"· . ~ ' ' . Z.l -General Requirements 2 .1.1 -Federal The Susitna Hydroelectric Project will come under the direct regula- tory interests of at least two Federal government agencies: the Department of Energy, through the Federal Energy Regulatory Comnission (FERC) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers· (Corps). In addition, ·certain .. aspects of the project may come under permitting actions administered by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Depart- ment of Transportation (DOT), Federal Railroad Admini stratim~ (FRA), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Department of Interior, ·Bureau of Land Management ( BLM). The projects wi 11 also come under the purview of other Federal agencies indirectly through coordination efforts and in the review of the FERC license and Corps permit appli- cations. ·The Corps r.equi.res permits for discharge of dredged or fi 11 materi a 1 s, or· construction of structures or work in navigable waters of the United States. The Susitna River activities will fall under this jurisdiction. The most significant regulatory requirement for development of the Susitna project wi 11 be the FERC license. The FERC is an independent comnission which is administratively part of the Department of Energy . . Its jurisdiction extends to the Project since it is a hydropower pro- ject involving Federal Lands. Comnission jurisdiction may also apply where navi gab 1 e waters and i nter~tate commerce are i nvo 1 ved, (which are, however, not well defined characteristics of the project). Un- doubtly, FERC will assume the role of the lead federal agency in ths development of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). An EIS will be required due to the provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act {NEPA). The lead agency is responsible for preparation, coordina- tion and filing of the federal EIS in accordance with NEPA require ... ments. The .EPA administers water quality permits under the National Pollution D.i scharge Elimination System (NPDES}. This progra.'11 has provisions for EPA to de legate authority to approved state permit programs. However 9 the State of Alaska has not petitioned to take over the EPA progrcm. ,Any facilities which will create a discharge will come under EPA jurisdiction. EPA will evaluate the discharge for conformance with standards regarding stream water quality and level of treatment. At this t.ime, it appears that the only facilities subject to NPDES will be the water treatment facilities associated with housing, public use or operating facilities of the project. However, there is court action pending which could declare dams or reservoirs point sources of pollution and subject to NPDES. Should the action prove successful, the dam projects themselves must be permitted. 5 In addition to the NPDES program, the EPA administers the new "statio- nary source 11 and. the 11 prevention of significant deterioration" {PSD) air -quality programs. Individual states may be delegated the respon- sibility for administration of these permits, as in the NPDES *program, although EPA currently maintains responsibility. It is expected that permits under these programs wi 11 be necessary, si nee construction camp facilities will require a temporary diesel generator and the pro- ject may include auxiliary power generating· facilities other than hydroelectric units. Acquisition of these permits should be relative- ly simple due to the fact that they apply to relatively small sources in an existing attainment area. The transmission and access road portions of the Project may be sub- ject to several federal permitting actions, depending on route selec- tion. The Alaska ·Railroad, a branc•1 of the Federal Railroad Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, will require an application for approval of any project transmission-line route plans which intend joint usage wi'th their right-of-way. The Federal Aviation Administra- tion has a notification procedure for any structures greater than 200 feet in height. Also, three agencies of the Department of Interior: the Fish and Wildlife Service~ (FWS), Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) a·nd Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will require land use permits for any affected federal lands under their jurisdiction. 2.1.2 -State The State of Alaska has an extensive permitting program which will deal with virtually all aspects .of the project. In the implementation of the project, up to 30 state permits may be required from the State, which may apply some degree of regulation to the Project, the con- struction process or to the participating companies and individuals. This report deals only with project oriented permits. In 1977 the legislature of the State of Alaska passed the Environmen- tal Procedures Coordination Act. The purposes of the· Act include establi~hment of simplified permitting procedures, assistance to potential applicants, a greater degree of certainty on permit require- ments and an increase in coordination between permitting agencies. The procedure established by the Act is relatively simple and clear, transforming a multiple permitting transaction into a single, two stage process for the applicant. The Department of Environmental Con- servation (DEC) administers the program. Although the Alaska permits are described individually in following sections, all are coordinated by DEC ·under this authority. 2 .. 1.3 -Local The local government entity with authority over the Susitna project area is the Matanuska-Susitna Borough. At present, the only permit prog·ram is under the Talkeetna Mountain Special Use District Ordin- ance. Under this ordinance, new developments including water resource 6 r ' - I . . ; I I I \ ; I I I I I -. I I I I I -and,·recreation uses. must be_ permitted by the Planning Co11111ission. At -; .. ·-,·. ; · .. -. , .. ·-this· time, -there ··is no: _prescribed application form for permitting. ;. >:-· -Jhe_.borough ·does not· have a building permit program. . · · _ . · __ ., . !: .. ··., ~ :·_ ·,.Potenti.ally~·.:local permits may be requi.red from the' ·fatrb.anks-:~ort:h ·_, . :stat Bor·ough and the'Anthorage Borough,. depending: on transmission line ., · ·,corrldors selected. · · ·· · ·· t .~ .-~ • -~..; --.. _ ~'"--.:... "'· ·2.2 ~;.!-.:'Wafer Power -FERC License . · ,_.·;:The f:ederal Energy :·Regulatory Conmission (FERC) is authorized under the ~-. ·-.> .. Fetteral Power Act, as Clnended, to .regulate hy~roelecttic pawer development :· ·.:Within the United States. As such, the Susitna _Hydroelectric Project will- .. ; .. ~; C'ome under the-li:c·ensi~g authority of the FERC. · . . . :: ~ • W• • : ,"'"· y ~. o • ' o -. ,. • .. . '· the· 'Federal Power Act was ori.gi.nally enacted as. the Federal Water Power Act ··· 1rt:l920. The··actestablished the Federal Power Corm1isston and· established _the.aqthor.ity of this independent commission to license water power projects on navigable ·waterways. Amendments to the act subsequently gaye the Col11llis- .$ion· .regulatory authority over interstate sales of electric p~wer ··and natu- ,, .ra.l .gas .. -: ·The Department of Energy Organization Act of 1977 abolished the Federal Power Co1110ission and transferred most of. it$ authority, including . the hydropower licensing function to the newly created FERC. ·The jurisdiction by the FERC'-extends to hydroelectric· projects involving U .• S~ Government land and/or faci.lities, projects :on nc.{vigable waterways and projects connectec;i to. interstate market grids .. FERC jUl'"isd1ction is expect- . ed to apply to Susitna in the first two areas mentioned. , Th~ Susi tna. River may be conside~ed· to be a navigable waterway, ·and lands :of th~~ U.s. Govern- . ·ment will be needed to develop the project. · · :_ ·· · . Licensing regulations relevant to the Sus·itna project are found in Title 18, . Chapter l; Subchapter B -Regulations of the Federal 'Power Act • . Specific parts of interest are: Part l Rules of Practice and Procedure Part 2. General Pol icy and Interpretations Part . 4 License, Permits and Determination of Project Costs Part 24 .Declaration of -Intention There are· three categories: of action before th.et FERC relative to hydroelec- 'tric:proj'ects: Declarattort of Intention, Preliminary Permit, and License. I' " . . ;;· • •• f· The regulati:ons of Part 24raefii'le the submittal 6f a Dec1 aration of Inten- ti-on wh.ich must identify th.Ef application and the site, describe the project facilities·. and present hydrolog:ic and system load data. The 'FERC w:ill use the data to make a determination of the applicable basis of law for exerting . juri·$d.iction over the pro:,ect.· · ·. · · · · . ' ' . ~-. . ThE! ·Corps .of. Engineers,. in· ·response to its recommendation for· development in the Susi-t~a Hydroelectric Feasibility Study, received authorization for . ,.,., . ih~se l stu.dies·: for the project. The regu 1 ati ons .. implementing the Federa 1 -~\ ·:·· ·Power Act (Section 4.3Q(c.)(l))~ prohibit the FERC from licensing any project ·''authorized by Jaw for federal deve1opmente 11 As the Corps' authorization is apparently only for study purposes Md not for construction, the FERC have lic~nsi11g juri~»diction.. This opinion has been supported by FERC staff mem- bers verbally, and· generally in correspondence between APA .. and Comnission staff~ Jurisdiction 'is basically determined on the project's interaction with interstate commerce, navigable waterways or fede_ral lands.. The Sus.itna pro- ject is clearly under FERC jurisdiction due to federally held project lands. A preliminary:permit is for the sole purpose of securing priority of appli- cation .for a-license for a water power project under Part I· of the Federal .Power Act, \;Tt~Te the permittee obtains the data and performs the acts re- quired to det1ermine the feasibility of the project and support an applica- tion for a lic:ense. Preliminary permit application procedures are described by Section 4~~10--4.34, and 4.80-4.83 of Part 4 Title 18. of the Code of Fede- l"al Regulations~ The term of the preliminary permit may not exceed three . years. Informat-ion for ,the· submittal of an application for a preliminary permit is not. extensive. It consists of an initial statement and four numbered ex- hibits, as follows: 1. Descript-Ion of the proposed project 2. Description of studies to .be conducted 3~. Statement of cost and financing 4. Maps delineati~g the project and lands affected. It desired, a preliminary permit application could be submitted at this time, based on information developed in previous studies and the project plan of study .. There woul'd be several advantages and some disadvantages to obtaining a pre- liminary permit for this project. ·The apparent advantages are: Identification of potential intervenors and some of the issues of concern -Establishment of a formal relationship with the FERC -Establishment of licensing priority for the APA. Having knowledge of the potential intervenors into the licensing process and' their issues of concern is a valuable source of information for the early phases of study •. · It allows for rrodification at an early stage affording savings of time and rooney in providing further evaluation of these points at a later date. The preliminary permit public conment process could identify these concerns~ However, the public participation and coordination programs which are: part of the study process should provide an equivalent forum for airing Of-i,s·sues·, diminishing the importance·of this advantage. . Establishing a licensing· priority for APA at the site is also of minor sig- nificance. 'The only conceivable competing developer would be a large indus- try acting in:,conjunction with a municipality in the area. Considering 8 r-·-) ·il.·. I,: ' ' v ' ... ::.~' II I I I I ,I iii '!IJ I I 'II I I •• ~1""1 1 ' I"'"' . 1 ... , . · · the·:·fact that such a developer would have to wor.k through the state to copy out. the study and o.fit.ain the permit~, the possibi 1 ity of a .. competing deve- loper•• is .. so remo,t/e as to be beyond the. ··realm. of reasonable probabi 1 ity. ~uisance applicatYons by those attempting to delay the project are not ex- . pec~ed to be a factor, as they would be dismissed by the FERC as incomplete~ Establishing a formal· r~lationship with FERC is also a minor point, since FERC ·staff .is. aware of the current study through meetings and correspon- ·dence, and will advise the project team on issues as appropriate·. Even. with. these few benefits, the small amount of effort necessary for the preliminary ,permit \'.Uuld possibly be justified. However, there is one major reason for not pursuing a preliminary permit. There is currently a case in litigation where a project opponent is attempti.ng to force the FERC to per- form a full EIS on the impacts of performing the hydropower feasibility study. The.case concerns a large pumped storage plant. Currently, the FERC regulations call for an environmental assessment only. lt is conceiveable that the· sa.me type! of court action could occur in connection with the Susitna study. .Such an action would effectively be a delaying tactic re- sulting· in additional study costs and prolonging the project implementation. In conclusion~ it appears that obtaining a preliminary permit for this pro- ject, although· a minor effort, is inadvisable when benefits and risks are weighed •. The present requirements pertaining to the 11 Application for License for Proposed Major Project" are found in Part 4, Sections 4.40-4.41 of the Regulations. The E~xisting requirements include a license document and a detailed exhibit presentation. At this time,, the FERC is in the process of revising license ap:plication requirements in the interest of improving processing time for all such app11cations. The final stage of this process, begun in 1978~ will be to establish new rules for all major projects which include construction of dams and reservoirs, a category which covers the Susitna project.. It now appears that proposed rules for this category will be published in the second or third quarter of calendar year 1980. If the proposed rules and changes are simi 1 ar to those previous 1y drafted under this progr~, changes wi 11 be primarily in the method of license document organization. Data needs will be clearly specified and duplication of data between exhibits will be eliminated. (The rules will initially be issued as proposed rules with a period for public comment. Then the proposed rules will be r.evised as appropriate and issued as final rules.) When those rules are issued, this portion of this design transmittal will be revised. Although the FERC acts under the authority bestowed by the Federal Power . Act, as amended, there are many additional laws and corresponding regula- tions with which any FERC action must comply. These acts include: . ··-: National Environment a 1 Po 1 icy Act ·-Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act - . End anger.ed Species Act -Histori ca 1 Preservation Act -Federal Watar Pollution Control Act Amendment of 1972 -Wilderness Act -Wild cmd Scenic .Rivers Act -Coastal Zone Management Act -Anadromous Fish Act -Feder~l Land Policy and Management Act 9 · None of these acts, in themselves, require that a permit action be taken.. However, 'the FERC application, and specifically the exhibits to that appli- cation, have requirements that document proof of compliance with these acts. During. the preparation of the application document, it is required that co- ,· ordination be maintained with certain interested government ·agencies. For exanple, the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act requires that study of the impact of the proposed project on fish and wi ldl i'fe be conducted after con- ·' sultation with and in cooperation with the· U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of Interior and appropriate state ·and local agencies, in this case the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Evidence of this coordination ·,and :any ·cooperative agreements must be provided in the exhibits. The im- pacts of these acts is discussed in detail under the application content section. 2~2.1 -FERC Process ·The following paragraphs discuss the post-application FERC process. figure 2.1 is a diagram of the process described. After the application is filed, the FERC issues a filing number and begins a review of the documents for completeness.. If the application is. incomplete, the FERC issues a deficiency letter to the applicant. When the application is deemed complete, the public notice is issued and the public comment and interagency review pror.ess begins. Also at this time~, the environmental impact statement is initiated and FERC =staff analysis of the. project application begins. At the end of the public, conment and review period, potential intervenors ·must submit materials. The Commission wi 11 grant intervenor status as appropri- ate. , lf no intervenors submit petitions or none of the petitions is allow- ed~ the process proceed to Commission consideration at the end of staff review. If there are interven~·~s, the hearing proc·ess is init~ ated. . Although there have been some joint hearings between the FERC and State. agencies, such an arrangement should not be anticipated for Susitna. At the time of completion of the hearing process, an order' is drafted·and the licensing issue is scheduled to go before the com- mission for action. At that time, FERC can issue the license with standard and special conditions as warranted. The applicant then has 30 days to accept the conditions or file for rehearing. The license provides authority to the 1 i censee to operate and mai nt ai n the project for the licensing period of up to 50 years, under specified conditions and gives the licensee the. right to exercise power of eninent domain in acquiring project land and water rights. For a major license action, the FERC licensing time is targeted to take from 18 to 24 months. The addition of the tiearing process would add about one year to the processing time. Since a hearing can be ex- pected on a project of the magnitude of Susitna, the expected time for licensing would be 30 to 36 months. · 10 '·. ll - 1-. . c.=;\,_ . . u [ I ( ( I .I I I I I I ;I Experience with the licensing process has shown that processing cal. . frequently be delayed for extended period~ due to ·inadequate exhibif preparation or interventions. However, the FERC recently has bee. maintaining' close. control on 11 fast-tracking 11 the processing applica~ tions. There are indic.ations that· lead-time. requirements should be ·more stable in the future. : 2.2.2 -Application Content The contents of the Susitna FERC application will be governed by Se(!.;. \ tion 4.40 of the regulat-ions as currently· applicable. The docllllent will consist of a main application, which is essentially a sunma'ry document, and 21 exhibits.. The FERC will be revising these regula- tions in the near future, changing the Exhibit preparation plan pf this study. It is expected that the contents of the application will not be materially changed, however, so the designation of responsib·i-. lity and task input!i will remain relatively constant. · Table 2.1 lists the components of the application and exhibits, idE!n- tifies the responsible task or subtask and identifies any applicable criteria. 2.2.3 -Coordinatiion Requirements There are requirements.. in the acts listed in Section 2.2 that federal actions must be coordinated with resource agencies at all leve 1 s of government. In developing the regulations for implementing their ~;ro­ grams, the FERC has included requirements and evidence of coordination in several of the exhibits (for more information concerning the exhib- it contents, see Table· 2.;1). The requirements follow: ' (a) Exhibit H - A state!ment is required on the extent of consultation and cooperation with federa 1, state and local agencies !ia"t#i ng re- sponsibilities for water quality control in regard to the effect, if any, the project would have on water quality. (b) Exhibit R -The nature and extent of consultation and cooperation with the Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service of the Ue- partment of the Interior (DOI), federal agencies having super"i- sion over lands and appropriate state and local agencies in dere- loping the recreation plan. (c) Exhibit S -The fish und wildlife report shall be prepared on the basis of studies made after consultation and in cooperation wfth the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service {DOI), the National Mari:ne Fisheries Service of NOAA/DOC and appropriate. state and local agencies5 (d) Exhibit V -The exhibit shall be prepared on the basis of studi1!S made after consultation with federal, state and local agencie:;, organizations and indiv·iduals having an interest in natural, hin.;. torical and scenic values of the project area. 11 ··'-~'· . ~ · .. (/ . . .. Figure 2.1 FERC l..ICE.NSING Fl.le D~ lt~ration ·of Intent ~ith FERC . .. . ~ J ... · ' FERC · NO Pr-oceed To effect Federal juri.sdi1c;tlo_n?_ ~;,; -+Authoriz~tton change YES 4--.J 1 Input from · • . J . • ·. · ;~~f ~t ton with •• Prepare. ltcense App.l i cation -·t· .. · ... Appl ieation dock~ted~~......__.._.,.;.... .... , at FERCl . . . Comply with Defic~ency letter "f~ Staff · review · · -~ ts App I i eat ion compl,te? --------'""' NO ·YES .. Apgttct"tion notice Additional Information :----~-~-!-~-~-~.tf_d_Ot_g_!s_r t...,.r_l_-_____ ..... _ -f~1F.~..;...;··. ::cant M necessary FERCfstaff EIS preparation· Agency revIew and analysis FERC staff comment I c ~•----·~'------.~H-e~!r~. i-n-g-_?---YE-~-5--------~~--~ NO Prehearing conference . ~ Oral hearing ~ Final briefs filed ~ AcinI n. judge For Ap~a I , remedy decision ·· --intervenor---t;probJan or ~ a~n~n liOLD .-NO ---Water Oua.l ltv For zspp! I cant · Cert.· issued"l,.f---------:::~L---------------1 . .Y.ES .. · . . . -~ . HOLD.-NO -CZM Cert. Issued? ' . JES . Staff PQwer ~m-\- randt.ln issued . J Commission order drafted. .· .· .. l CO!Tmission order i.ssued · ! Accept .or -Ref i I e Rehear i ng ref.J.Ie? · ~~---...._.. process ! Accept t Construct .Project .. ,...., l' \ I. . • L t-a w --l ~,-, _,_, -·I . . ... , llllillliiJ·, ~· . • ,, •,, , :· , ... · . '•. , . " .. , . . , ~4; ~·i. &LJ!§~ ~4 ~~~ ... I~· .,.1·· Jllllfl -l. IIMIII~ ..-}. ~.-~~:l / Contents .. MAIN~: · (a) .Ex·act name and addr~~ss Qf APA , addresses of 'other correspondents .. (b) State laws·of·organization- .. identify,.·. pertinent facts ,. (c) Measure of control of other organization by APA or over APA (d) The name ·of each state in which · APA operates., proposes to operate '·' . ' (e)· Concise general description of project works, including dams, reservoirs, water conduits, power houses, substations, swi:tchyards, and transmission lines ' ~ ' (f) Location of the project, region · as designated by cities and towns . (g) Lands and reservations of the t.S. affected ·'fABLE 2.1 FERC f~PPLlCATION CONTENTS , MAIN APPlJCAiiON Responsible . · Task/Subt asi<IL .. · · .; Exhibit Input~-->· 10.08 10.03 .:; 10.03 10.03 10~08 10.08 < '10 .• .04 Completion . Week · .. , .. · Exhibit .Input 126 16 16 16 .. , 115 115 115 1 ~ ~"''· . \...: ... Criteriii/Con~nent · Other agents to be · designated as appltcable As Alaska Oetai 1 as applicable f I n !) :11 ..... ... ,· ~ ~ -~· t., ~-·~ . ' . ··-. <o- ,, r:· ~ 0-,:;. IJ h ... c> .... ~ ,· ,·f '0· -~ "".r· .,,;. . 1::';1 . ' ,, ~. ,, Contents ~'-,, · · , MAIN (h) oesc:r~_ption of·proposed initial and ultimate schemes, installed capacities· (i) Propo·sed use, market for the · power, whether APA is utility regula ted by PUC (j) Location and capacity of all power plants an9 electric facilities owned by APA, relationship to market (k)-Description of historical archeological places 1 i sted in ., :National Register which are or may be affected (1) Detailed statement of ·environmental factors (m) Other data as APA considers pertinent . . ·r_---· ·--~ ·, ::r:··, "~ ·;, TABLE-2.1 FERG. AgeLICATIOH,:CQNTENTS ·""-..;-'•.-' MAIN APPLICATiON Responsible· Jask/Subtask Exhibit Input 10·.08 10;08 .. 10.08 10.04 . .:7..15 '•, . -., .E •. '·"· . . ..._. ~~~ ..... , . 0 ·~ ' . Comp·l et ion. Week _Exhibit Input · Criteri a/Conment 120 ' .. ~ ·• -! '··_·~· 'l t .'1 ~ . "' j ' .. } :··--~-1 ; ~ . " l >-A] (''"""'''']· '. t I' ,., • "'""~~·-'11,1<...,..,.~,.,...., :··~_-:] .; .f.'\' •I. \.~. ! ~. ; ' . l~ll r: .. <a ........ , llililillllliii illiiilllllilil: ---\ ·-··~ ~-··, ~!!!!!!!!!!: 1!!!!!!!1· ' ~!!!!!!!!!~; . '" ......... _,... { , -: f Sii rLnl! WTII~ t' .. ·"--1 · L'-~'iaj to[#' If '·j ~--'; Ct( I·· \ ~ 0) ~i Contents EXHIBI-T A . One. copy of charter or other organization papers certified by Secretary of State and other necessary copies; copies of or ,reference to, the state laws authorizing _operations ~.;1HlBIT B Copy of resolution properly attested and authoriza,tion of ·application EXHIBIT .C Copies of or reference to spec i a 1 hydroelectric, water power, or irrigation 1 aws of the state EXHIBIT D Evidence that APA has complied with requirements of Alaskan law, with respect to water rights, the right to engage in developing, transmitting and distributing power-.; franchise rights; statement of process to acquire rights ...._.,:·:· TABLE 2.1 FERC APPLICATION CONTENTS EXHIBITS A? _B, C,., D Responsible Task/Subtask Exhibit Input 10.03 10.03 10.03 10.05 (':;(/ Compl et ion Week Exh ffilt~-Inpu~ 124 16 124 124 16 124 .. 116 \I , \~~ . Cr·i ter'i a/Comment ~· . M Copy of AS 44.56.010 .. 240 :.,· Authorizing legislation for Susltna Project '·\ I ,--~ : APA is municipality' ~nder Federa·i Power Act d~finition': 11 muriicipa1 ity'' means a city, ·count,r,v,' •.• or ~ther· pa]itical sub-division or agency of a state compentent under the · 1 aws. • • . ' ' '> • Reso 1 ut ;·o·n by APA members; state · legislature action None known at this "time APA does not need franc~ise from .Alas~a PUC, \'later rights detai 1 \) ',\ ~.~. '!" ·c;r ,-,,, ;,._. ''""; .. ,, " 4 ' . ~ ; Contents ~~::; .'EXHIB:IT E _,. . · Nature ·Extent and own~rshi p of w~ter · rights; evidence· that app 1 i cant has proceeded towards.perfecting rights EXHBIT F ~· Statement. as to ownership of lands · ·· to be used in the project; p 1 ans for acquiring title or ~he right to occupy; statements of existing rights to occupy and use Tands other than APA • s or U.S. EXHIBIT G Statem~nt o!f the financi.a1 ability of the APA to carry out the project. Statement or explanation of proposed method of financing~ -------- r .. f ~ « ... __ ,. __ I 1 _.,.,, ; \"J' jl . TABLE .2~1 FERC APPLICAtiON CONTENTS EXHIBITS E, F., G . . . Completion Week Respoostble· Task/Subtask Exh:i bit ··Input Exmo-~rnput· 10 .• 05 10.02 2.05 11 2 .. 04 6.05 1L.09 1 ' '} I 116 ·.' 120 24 . '• 15 . 73 f .-,, .. .-"'. '" () ,, ·.::....-:">; . G) ,((' Cri teri''a/Coment ,, :·, .. 0 .,. ', ',,;.[ ' .' ' :· Permit required by state~ issued by . ';;c,; '" DNR; application, to ~e made at the, time of license· si.ibmittal• and master .. application submittal · lf existing 1 and right required· by easement, lease, franchise or otherwise the statement. should show: ... from Whom acqun~·ed, d.ate acquired, . nature . and extent of rights ac'qui red, :petpetua 1 or limited term,, if limitedj period of term for··each ,parcel ·at qui rea, the· ar.ea i'nside and outside project bot.mdary .. .. } "····· '"l 'J . l t "'·:"'} ::::···.:.] .. ·~ - l . -~ ~ -.. 1 --·-.-: ~{ ..,..a ........ ~ ~ . :·. "t 'J '.\ Contents c :"EXHIBIT H .:.. State :of Project Operations a. Ope.ration during times of low, ·normal ·and flood ··flows b. State of reservoir elevations c. Mjpimun flow to be· rele:ased during: ' · ... ~ecreation season and low' water d. "··Us"e of the project for other water resource development purposes·in ~he publi~ interest: navigation, irrigation, reclamation, flood control recreation; fish, wi'ldlife, water supply e. Statement of the effect on water quality in the reservoir and downstream f. Plans for maintaining water quality g. Extent of coordination and cooper.ation with federal, state, and local agencies with water quality ~uthbrity ·· h. A statement as. to whether the propos~~-project makes fullest use of 1 and and water relative to other existing and proposed projects i. Operating rule for reservoirs, draw down use.:IDle storage j. Criteria for spilling design capacity k. To the extent that water quality aspects are related to fish and recreation, include specific references to Exhibit R and S -.J .. - TABLE 2.1 EXHIBIT H: · .. FERC APP'LlCATION CONTENTS: :-J -... ... -·· ' ' . '·' ~.) ·Responsible Task/Subtask Exhibit .Input Completion .\ 3 3.04 3.04 7.04 6.03 3.06/.10 3.06/07/.10 ·3.06 3.04 3.04 3.05 10.04' Week Exhibit Jnput Criteria/Comment .. 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 126 Coordination must be maintained betwE!en · Task 3 and Task 7 to identify downstream needs early .. ;n, project formulation·~ ·. Coordinate with EPA, Region X and Alaska DNR !.? j·_,, l 0 .. ·~ .. Contents . . . /r'":i . . . ~,-. . . . EXHI Bll r··;;.. Estimate of dependab 1 e capacity. and average annual. energy ot~tput, generated by the project'· a. capacity and anergy i'...,-.:1 ~ bv Define the period of critical stream flow · c. Describe the ·load of the market system d. Flow duration curve indicating peri.od of record and gagi·ng stations e.. Tai lwater rating curve f. Curve showing estimated plant capabi 1 ity versus head g. Outline of plans for futur~ development on the strean h.. Include where pertinent, all assumptions needed for evaporation, leakage, head losses · ;f t. · ·": r ·r--·--.... ., .. _ ' .. ~ • ft ,..... '1-~ ,. .~ TABLE 2.1 , ···EXHIBIT·· I· " FERC · APPL lCATION CONT~NTS· Completion . Week ·,. !' ,, Responsible Task/Subtask Exhibit Input Ex hi b rr~~~n~ut 3 f 6.03 3.04 3.04 1.02 3.04 3.04 3.04 6.02/06 . 3~04 . '1 I' ••. \ ' 120 120 120 26 120 120 120 60 120 ! .. I . .. l .! > ..! :jl ' .. . Criteria/COIMlent ·-·~ <.'·-' ;::,. ,:;~i ,;· (. '\ ·: .. ··: ' . ; Equaf to the aoount .of capacity from an alternative source which would be required to meet the load during · critical flow periods for the system ... ·. :" .... '1 r" .. 1. .... '] .... '"1 ~ "''] . ' .. ··~'-'""'. >";' ~ ...... _., . .; .!";':;; ,· ... __ 111 •· -1,111 .. • • ..,. ·. -d -~· .. ; <•• ·• ·;, r··-~a · fJl• ·•• • .... Contents EXHIBIT J .. GENERAL MAP :f . ,.,. Incl udjn~:,. ... a. Principal structures and other . features including roads, rai'l- w.ays. and bridges ··.which are part ~ of the project to be 1 icensed b •. Transmission lines substations, switchyards, telephone lines which will be part of the licensed project, including a general. layout of interconnected transmission system c. Political boundaries, state and county lines, l.J.S. reserv.ations., towns, streams~ gaging stations d. Reference to the detailed maps in Exhibit K indicating by outline the portion shown on each sheet ·~ ~··~~:\' -l:ABLE .2.1. ,_-f, ···r ; 14XHIJHT .J FERC APPLJICATJON CONTENTS Responsible· Task/Subtask . , Exhibit ··tnput · ~ ...... . 6.291 6.30 2.10 8.03 2.08 '6.29/30 Completion Week. Exhibit Input 120 100 100 39 120 . , . ~-~~ :·;. ... ' . ,·' (~ - cr-:;·t:~ri alncJmmenti· . .. ~ .. . If al] Jeature.s c~nnot be -~hQJt~ft on:·.iOne map,. as preferred, twa, geoeraJ·;m;qps. may;. .be furn i shed:,x one· for th~ ·.power •plant and appurtenant works· and ,one· fQr. ·the. >· trans. system. · ·~ .. , . ,· .. M!JSt be in conformance with ·Regul.at1ons. ;• se·ce. 4.32 ••specification maps and drawings attached "in Appendi~( A" b. The transmission· system which is part .of the 1 i.censed project should .be clear-ly :de.lioeated ,~ ~--;:r· .• ~ .. \, j'' ';;:y' •;, " , .. ·~· .. ' ~\· ' f ... ,$ ,, TABLE (.1 .. EXHIBIT K · iERC APPLICATION CONTENfS. Completion Contents Responslble . , . Task/Subtask .... ··. . . 'txhili"it · . Input · Week .... ·Exhibit.·. Input EXHIB~T K · .. DetaiJ' map rif the project area · f ,>:M~Rs ·to 'include: ,", .\,__ . \' N 0 a. '·Project area and boundary . . .. ' b. ·oarn c. Reservoirs: flo.wlines for max. and min. ·water levels and sp.illway crest and curves d.. Water conduits centerl Joe, grade and elevation at each change of gradient e. Powerhouse, switchyard, substations f. Transmission lines and appurtenances teleph.one lines; roads, railways trails, tramways and bridges g. Contour 1 i nes at not more than 10 • intervals .. f ....•. [, -M. r· ... · .. r ... ·: \' "' ;..,c ~· ~f .,. -~ -,_ ~ ;r •• I '• t ' ' ! I \ 6-29 '"''~ ',, ... ,,_, . ? ~ 6.30 6 .. 26 6.27 6.25 . 3.04 6~26 6.27 6.26 6.27 8.03 2.10 2.08 ~ I ;· ·"" ] .. .. I 115 115 115 100. 115 115' 115 115 100 39 .. l ~,\,~:\' ,:, , ·.i' ;I ·>!~~~~-,; ·:'·p·~ ·. ~\ ,. Criteri.a/Conment .· · Maps shall be prepared in accordance· with guidelines in Section 4.3t. .~ . j}' Criteria for showing ·boUndary are foun.d in the attached excerpt from Section 4.41 i.n Appendix A. • .1 1 ·~ :· '"':· ., ' ' '": ... Subtask · 2.08 'will develop base maps · .. -~., ~.. '1 ... , -"} -'•'--] .. "'-"'-"} ~··, ~·· ~····.·· ... ' ' ' < .-•• :..' .-" '·;· ·:-"' •• ;~; r-1 ~ :;,:; N ., ,..... •' Contents EXHIBIT L -·General design drawing of pr•oj:ect works .·.; "i· a.· Characte~ ·of foundations and expl or· at ion thereof . "b. ·. Dams and appurt~nances such as spillways, fishways, outlet works c. Conduits including forebays 1 intake works surge tanks other pressure re:l i ef devices d. Powerhouse and substations ~ _! ]ASLE 2.l ~,. . ··. BXH1Bll L ·,. FERC APPLICATION CONtENTS ResponsiblE! · ·· Task/Subtask .' E_xfiibi! ·tnput 6·u31 4 5.08 6.26/2i' 6.26/.~~7 6.26/.1.~7 , Completion . ·Week ·ExhHnt ··Input 120 54 115 115 115 ~., ~ -·-· .~· ·~r· ·~J •· ' .\: )•. ' ' !... • . ... ~ ~' ' "" .•• ' • ~ •. ~' ' ' ~-·I":': .• ,{. t ~ ':",' '; . f ,· :tt'(, ' . . . •?' < ~ :t~.'. ~~.t ·: :·; ; .:~1~~ ;,,, ·,~ .~·;_, l.,( } ''.·· .:Y:t~·"J.'"!t .... · ·" """' . .(. •. ,.. r !J..·! f· N . ~ ttf~ !'l",f;: ~~ f; L • ',. ; ·.; ' : ~ . . . ' . : . . ' : ; ' . ' ::: ·. ;~. . . ' ; { ~· ~·; '' .. ~ Cr1ter1a/C9ment ., . , " · ... ·.;. ,, .. ;,.;,..... . or.dw~ngs· ·to. ~·sh~u~<p1 ans; .. ·~elev.~t-~.ri-~,$; and .. · secti9ns. ~of pro.jec~. featuties ~•.• · J.~~:·tiiot'¢nt is to enable· cotiJnissjon ·staf,f. to:have :a.·· tun,; un~erstnatl'i'19;· p( th~:.. pr:qject:y ~~:~.t.o · check safety, adequacy, desirability in development, "'and ..suitabi 1.1~y .Qf. design. · Inchtde materi.Al:s:,' and _types of . ;.:. construct ion, import ant elev ation~f~ · grad ati·on of fi 1 ter and ri prap material, design and ultimate. strengths for concrete and steel, stress and., . stabi 1 ity analysis for. impottii~t str:4ctures, spi 1lway rating curves, water levels ·' (i 1'\) 1'\)_ Contents EXHIBIT M -General description of mech/elec. equipment & transmission lines Turbines, Generators, Transformers, Transmiss-ion lines (no maps) and appu~ .. teoant devices . EXHIBIT N ... Cost Estimate Costs of developing the project including: r .... ,._,_._ .. ,: Intangible Plant: Acct 301-303 Production Plant {Hydraulic): Acct 330-336 Transmission Plant: Acct 350-359 General .Plant: .Acct 389-399 . - [ rM ... ~ ·" ., .., J . '. . .. ~ .. ' l ·tABLE 2.1 EXHHliTS M AND N . . . . FERC APPJ.JCATION CONTENTS Completion Week ·lt• Responsible Task/Subtas.k Exhibit ·Input Exnroft Input 6.28 9.03 . ; 6.26 6.27 8.06 8.04/.05 ., ; j 120 120 l j ! 115 115 115 i .. ·. •: . ~· ' 1; . Criteria/Comment ~~~~~~~~----~~----~~ ;,~': Purpose is to enable FERC staff to · have full understanding of the pro.:. ject to ~etermi ne safety and adequacy. Include name plate ratings of the turbines and gener·ators, .general specifications on major. equipment. Should be developed~ by ,-accounts in general accordance with Form 6, Sche,.. dul e Number 6 Systen of-Accounts.-. ~ • « j 1 A sunmary table should pe · .accompani.ed by a detailed estimat~ incl~ding . costs, for direct· and . indlrect ·construe-, tiQn and -overhead expenses sljch .as. allowances for funds during construc- tion, engineering, adnlinistrative; gene- ral expenses and contingency item. The commission may also require rate of return, local .• state and federal taxes, depreciation, insurance, operation, maintenance and general expense plus power alternative data •••• however, these wi 11 be ·included in Exhibit W (2.14-Res. clearing) ....... 1 ' J ~ .. _ ... ·-·} . . .. . I H 'J ··--·--·J ~-... : . .~ ..... ~ . . -~ PL.:~-~ .. a ' P:----~-.J, P-~--4 r:-·J-~.:c ft.Jlt. -----~ ~.·.···t·~ ..... ~ .\ ' "' ~ C::? TABLE 2.1 ..... EXHIBITS 0 AND R <' FERC APP-LICATION .CONtENTS , \ ~ . . . . . . " Contents Responsible Task/Subtask Exhibit Input EXHIBIT 0 -netai led. statement of the time desired for beginning and completing constr-uction of project works 9.04 EXHIBIT R -Recreation plan for public use 10.06 N a. Map or maps on appropriate scale with: w (1) Project lands designated for initial and ultimate development (2) Location type and nlillber of the · various recreational facilities in existence and those planned . for imnedi ate development (3·) Future. develo·pment. as in (2) (4) Project boundary .at all areas designated for recreational use and development b. Identification of facilities provided by the applicant at his cost consistant with project economics and regional opportunities c. Estimated present, inti al and ultimate recreation use in daytime or overnight visits ~ d. Schedule of initial and future recreational development and cost contracts of any existing, initial and future development 10.06 7.08 7.08 7.08 10.06 7.08 10.06 Completion Week Exhiba-rnput 120 120 90 100 100 90 100 90 ........ ~j --~ ~ . ' . . Criteria/Comment ·~----------~-------~- Project schedule/ba_r chart wittl major engineering and construction ac~ivities as, .a 1 i ne i tan· is appropri at~ -· •.,' A 11 maps are to be prep a red in conformity with FERC specifications for drawings. a(2) Include access roads and trails, facilities for camping, picknicking, boating, boat launching, fishing, hunting and similar recreational activity; ~anitation facilities a(4) These should show that all project . lands as referenced in Exhibit K are i nc 1 ud ed in the project ,, ~ ' N ~ ~:' ,, ''" ., Contents ------------,-:70-;--~r,f; e. Evidence of consultation and cooperation with the ·Heritage Conservation and Recreatton · Service, Department of . the . Interior, .other· federal agencies if their 1 and is affected and with appropriate state and loca1 ·agencies . . f. Cooperative ·agreements with agencies . , .. r "~ r ff' r . -I !. ; ' . I ~. '· TABLE 2.1 EXHIBITS 0 AND R ( conti n ued ) .. < .... ,,' J. ' • . • . fERC APPLICATION CONTENTS Responsible · Task/Subtask rxfiibit In'put · 10.06 10.06' I :~ ] Completion'·· ·Week !Xli16Tt_ ln~ ut . ' •.,..~" 100 100 l t I I ,, .:•} t_~ :J Criteria/Co11111ent Coordination requirement ,. ,'·, l I «• ~ 'l ''"''... . .. I . ···~···] l ' ,· IIJIIIIII L~.:~J ·u:~:a UJII •• -.. -.:. -.··-.... N (J'1 ' i ~ '· Contents ·.·· · EXHIB.IT S .'"'. Fish and Wildlife Repor-t A report on .the. effect of the project on fish and wild 1 if e. resources in the project ._ar~a including: a. ·.Functional destgn dr.awi ng~ of fish ladders ·· b.. Other related f aci 1 it.i es as necessary for the protection, mi-tigation, conservation or improvement of losses of fish and wildlife c. Cost estimates of facilities in a.· and b. d ~ Statement of consultation and cooperation with Fish and Wi ·~dl ife Service, OF&G, NMFS TABLE 2 • .1 EXHIBIT S . FERC APPLICATION CONTENtS Responsible Ta~k/Subtask · Exhibit Input 7.15 7.10 7.15 9-.03 7.15 Completion Week· .. Exhibit. Input 120 120 120 110 120 ' ' ·J·~-~~ ... : ... i:: .......... ,ltl --· ;/ '. i~ Criteria/Collllient Exhibit must be prepared· in consultation with DOl -fish and Wi·ldliJe Service and appr-opriate state and ·1ocal agencies (OF&GJ. Thus a coordination requirement · is to have these agencies review study plans, results, conclusions and all mitigation plans developed Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act regulations-are included in Appendix A. G' Contents EXHIBIT T-Non ... federal development and operation justification statement EXHIBIT U -Power Uti 1 i z at ion Statement A detailed statement showing the manner N in which any power or· energy to be m deve 1 oped by the pro:lect wi 11 be utilized as part of the South Central Rai lbelt system. To be included are: a. Any agreements or undertakings of APA to interconnect and coordinate the facilities b. Nature and extent of consultation with ar2a electric systems and power planning groups 1. in planning 2. power sales c. Nature and extent of APA facilities in carrel ating the generation and transmission capability of the project with needs and resources of the system d. Summer and winter load curves show·ing contribution of the project to dependable capacity on the system r ~, [ ~--··-· . ·: r r-' ~ TABLE 2.1 EXHIBITS T AND U FERC APPLICATION CONTENTS Responsible Task/Subtask Exhibit Input 10.07 11.11 11.08 1.02 11.08 1,06 1.06 Completion Week. rxhi6it rnput 70 120 120 26 120 48 48 ~}ffi~1f:'P! ·,: Criteria/Comment Explanation of whY comprehensive development is best by non-federal interests under Sect io.-a 10( a). of the Federal Power Act ~·': j . .. J .. , .. ''] ,• ' '1 :·· ,,.~ ] . c-«•~-''·] . . . r-· f..! ~ ~ . [J!I L~~J ~ ~ L.~ .. _-; ;·, ~r .. -' -~\) contents 'EXHIBIT V -:Plans: to protect and enhance natural, historic, -scenic and "recreational values and resources The. exhibit shall include text, maps, etc. to the extent necessary to demonstrate: a .. -Architectural clesi go, 1 and scapi ng and tre~tment as relat~{l to the project . works_ to preserve~ and · enhance. natural historic and scenic values and. resources of the .. project area b. Measures. to be taken during construction and operation c. Rights-of-way available to the project, those se.lected for U$~ and the rejected alternatives d. Places affected by the project which are listed in the National Register of Historic Places or are officially designated by duly constituted public authorities as parks,. scenic, natural or recreational areas e. Mitigative measures to protect those places identified in d. lUll WSI TABLE 2.1 EXHIBIT V FERC APPLI.CATION CONTENTS Responsible Task/Subtask Exfiibtt -fnput 7.06 7.06 7.06 2.10 8.03 7.06 7.06 .Completion · .. Week txhi bit lnpot 117 117 100 100 117 117 --- Criteria/Comment ----'"" .... : '\\ '<~. \\: This· exhibit. must be prepared ·in compliance with ~he FER_C publi_cation ''Guidelines for. the Protection of Natural, Historic~ Scenic and : Recreational Values in the Design and Location of ·R.ights-of-Way ·and · · Transmission Faci 1 ities 11 • Additionally, studies shall be made after consul tat:ion with or the consideration of comments submitted by Federal, State and local agencies or organizations having an interest in the sub_ject ·v-alues.· . The :exhibit •.. shall . demOnstrate this. _coordination. . . -~ b. This shall include temporary facilities such as roads 2 borrow . and fi 11 areas and. clearing of · the reservoir area ,'1 ·:,) .;:. •' Contents EXHIBIT W -· Environmental Report A self-contained: ·doctmentation of the. environmental consequences of the project 1. Description of propf.)sed.action 2. Description of the·existing environment 3. Environmental impact of the N proposed action oo 4. Measures to enhance the environment or to avoid or mitigate adverse environmental effects r 5. Unavoidable adverse environmental effects 6. Relationships between local short-term uses of man's environment and the maintenance and enhancement of long-term productivity 7. Irreversible and irretrievable comni tments of resour'ces 8. Altern,:,ttives to the proposed action 9. Permits and compliance with other regulations and codes · 10. Sources of information: Pub1ic hearings, workshops Other meetings and studies Consultants, bibliography ! ... , .. [ f ~ I ~ . : ~ ,. TABlE 2.1 EXHIBIT W FERC APPLICATlON· CONTEt~TS Completion :Week (] -(Y f_,.'l'' .- Responsible Task/Subt ask Exhibit ·Input E~llfblt-rnput . ..;;;..Cr.:...i.:...t...;;.e.;...rl.;.... a;;..:../_,;.;C;;;....oiJIJl.;.;...;.;..;e.:...nt.,...·_.....;..._~-----...... 7.15 6.03 7.15 7.15 7.15 7.15 7.15 7.15 1.06 10.02 12~02/.03 7.15 7.15 ' l I ~ 124 I 1QQ. 124 124 124 124 124 124 48. 16 122 124 124 l I Si.nce the licensing action· and subsequent implementation of the project would. have signi fie ant , . environmental .imp~cts, Exhibit W · must be pr"epared 'in accordance with Secti.ons 2.80 and 2.81 l8CFR;:Ghapter 1. These sections .. are :attached in Appendix A. The contents are abbrev i a ted to · · identify major \«lrk PQrtio,~s and and responsibi 1 ity •. The detailed outline is in Appendix A to. Part 2, 18CFR Chapter 1. I J ] .... ' '1 'J ~ .... __ J I I 1·. ' .·.""'··-~.·: i I I I I I I I I I I _.,.; ~· .... . · li . /1 -.. ( e}: Exhibit W -Applicants are expectedt to consult with the appropri- _ ate federal,. regional, state and local entities during project .. planning stages to assure ·that all environmental ·factors are ·identified. · E~hjbdt ·H ts the description of project operations. Agencies with interest in hydrology and water quality contro.l on the Susitna basin . include: · u·. S~-Army Corps of Engineers Anchorage District P~O. Box 7002 -~-Anchorage1 A 1 ask a 99510 Phone ( 9.07) 279-4123 t . St,ate of A1 ask a U. S. Environmental Protection Agency 701 C Street Box 13 Anchorage·, Alaska 99513 Phone (907)271-5083 . Department of Environmental Conservation 338-Denali Street Mac:Kay Bldg., Room 1206 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 ~hone (907)274-5527 Permitting action will be required from these agencies during the licensing process. An appropriate level of coordination with these agencies would include discussion of study plans . to determine the pr.pjec.t's impact on water quality prior to initiating the studies _and periodic informational meeting to discuss study outputs. It should be . :noted that those agencies with interests in fish and wildlife will . al~o be interested in water quality studies. These should be coordin- ated as part of Exhibit S and W •. ,, The recreation plan, Exhibit R, should be coordinated extensively with . the Heritage Conservation. and Recreation Service (formerly the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation). The Service would' be contacted through its r:-egional office in Anchorage, at the following address: Regional Director Alaska Area Heritage Conservation and Recreation 540 West Fifth Avenue, Room 201 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 , The, ;:state agency with an interest in this aspect of the study would be the 'Division of Parks of the Department of Natural Resources. In addition, the Borough of Matanuska-Susitna Department of Planning will have local review for any recreational developtnents at the project. These federal and state agencies wi 11 have no direct regulatory -authority over recreation development. However, their input should be extremely beneficial to recreation planning, particularly i.n terms of projection of needs and potential use and stati sties; regarding current recreation a 1 use , patterns. 29 .. · 'The· 'requirement· for ·c:oordi nation ·or ·fish .· and wildlife stud.ies is · (Exhibit S) mandated by the Fish and W·i ldl ife Coord in at ion Act (FWCA). The key agencies for coordination are: State of Alaska ·· .Department of Fish and Game ( DF&G') Sebport Building Juneau, Alaska 99801 and Depat:;tmen.t of Flsh and Game .·· 333 Raspberry Road Anchorage, Alaska ·99502 Di~ector, Alaska Region Nationa.l Marine Fisheries Serv i ces, ·NOAA P.O. Box 1668 Juneal!,. Alaska 99802 .Area Director u.s. Fish and Wi 1 dlife Service 1011 E.. Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99503 and Regional Director Region 1 u~s. Fish and Wildlife Service Lloyd Building, Suite 1692 500 N. E. Mul tnom ah Street Portland, Oregon 97232 The FWS and National Marine Fisheries Services (NMFS) published 11 Uni- . form Protedur.es for Compliance .. , dated May 18, 1979, in draft form which standardized procedures and interagency relationships. These proposed rules, when 'final, will become Part 410 of the SOCFR. These procedures should be used as· a guide to the program of coordination. The i nvo 1 vement of FWS and DF&G in the deve 1 opment of the P 1 an of . Study and implementing subsequent study programs is a good start towards satisfying the requirements of the Act. It is expect.ed that NMFS also wi 11 have an interest in the project due to the potent i a 1 impacts on anadromous fish species. Subpart B of this section of the CFR is reproduced in Appendix A. The essence of compliance is equal consideration of wildlife resource values with other obj.ectives in project planning. Compliance with the mandate requires the following: · · (1} (2) Con~ultation between applicants and wildlife agencies on me,asures necess·ary to conserve wildlife in project planning, construction ·and•operation -... ·Report1ng by Wildlife agencies on the effects of the project and its alternatives upon wi 1 dlife resources and on measures to con- . serve wildlife resources in connection with the project and its altern at i ves (3) Full consideration by the applicant of measures reconmended to conserve wildlife resources (4) Incorporation of justifiable conservation measures. 30 •• I I I I I 'I I I I I. I. I ( I ( I , .... -·--:· _·::~ -::· -~~:·.~= ... ~-~.:~~~~-;:::~;:::>~ .. .· ' . . . . . . ---~. P()tentia;l applicants for FERC licenses must include in ExhibitS writ- ·_· ten_·_ ~vJdence that. _the FWCA_ compliance process has been initiated with -thef·Regional Dir~ctor (Alaska· Area Director) -and the head ·of the State .. W'i1d1'ife _agency (DF&GJ. At the· time of initiation, project (or study) ·· ·-information should ·be· provided to the wildlife agencies to allow them to ·:;·dentify potential conservation ·measures. The wildlife agencies wi]l provide the applicant a brief analysis of. potential wildlife · · reso,urces~_ .·suggested modifications or alternatives and an indication of prdject features which may be viewed as unacceptable at the ·time of 1 i cense review., The wildlife agencies will remain involved in the Project after sub- mittal of the FERC application, by reviewing the application. The wildlife agencies will at that time prepare FWCA reports including .project related effects upon wildlife resources and will identify alternat:ive means and measures to conserve wildlife resources. If the ··study has b·een· prnperly coordinated with the agencies, this report should contain no new issues which have not been addressed. Exhibit V will include considerations of the natural, historic and scenic values of the project area and measures taken to prepare and ~nhance these val ~es. · Agencies for direct coordination with cultural resource aspects of the study include: Regional Director · Alaska :Are·a ·Heritage Conservation and ''Recreation Servi.ce 540 West Fifth Avenpe Anchorage, 'Alaska ' 99501 Chief of History and Archeology Division of Parks Department of Natural Resources 619 Warehouse Avenue, Suite 210 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 The POS designates Subtask 7.06 as the primary cultural resources in- vestigation. The University of Alaska Museum will direct and perform !ilUCh of the study. All scoping activities and proposed agreements for performing· the studies should be coordinated with the above offices to · gain concurrence on the extent of work to be done as part of the feasibility study. This point is particularly important since some of the ~rk will _not be completed prior to submittal of the license docu- ment~ Although no requirement is in the regulations for coordinating the ._ study with the Office of Coastal Management (OCM)l, such would seem tc be a necessary effort. Since the FERC requires a certificate of compliance with the Coastal Management Plan (CMP) of the state, and the project could be ·located within or effect the defined coastal .zone (Section 2 ,4 .• 2) early inputs into the deci sian process by the CMP ad- ministrators would be valuable. The OCM would be most likely inter- ested in the conceptual plans, alternatives and alternative selections of the early p1 arming pr·ocess. Thus tt'ay should be. given early oppor- tunity to comri_ent formally on these study developments as decisions are made. This coordination could av11id CMP compliance problems at a later point in the licensing process. 31 .-The Environmental Report, Exhibit w,. includes subject coverage of all the special t9pics of Exhibits_ H, R, S anc;J V wi~h-. the addition of other en\'ironm-ent,al aspects of the~ project including larid use, geology and' socioeconomic considerations. Land use and socioeconomic· inter_. \ .ests ·are· within the scope of the-Office of Coast~l Management, the : .· !hS. ··and A 1 aska Departments of Coili!Jer.ce and the M.atanuska-Susitna . Borough.· and other effected boroughs. Geological impacts would gener- ;allyjnclude geological .hazards and mineral resources with fall within the purvi~w ,of Alaska· Department .of Natural Resources·, the U.S. Geo- logical Sur\fey and the Corps of Engineers. 2.2.4 -Public Meetings There is no requirement by the FERC for public meetings during license preparation.. However, public meetings which are held are considered to be. important sources .of information and should be documented in -Section 10.1 of Exh.ibit W (Environmental Report). The documentation ·should include a soJ11tlary of the general nature of public conments, public records resulting from the hearing, the manner in which -the meeting· was advertised and efforts made to seek constructive inputs. Although the general public participation system of Subtask 12.02 is a potential forum for required coordination as previously descr 1i.t.ed, the coordination· efforts de!scribed in Section 2.2 .3 should be conducted independent of the public meeting process. Subtask 12.03 includes provisions for conducting agency coordinati.on and public participation WQrkshops~ 1This will provide scheduled opportunities for contact and discus·sion. However, key study team persons should not reley solely on this part of the study to initiate and maintain coordination. ·2.2~5 -State Requirements Although the FERC is concerned that license applicants obtain all re- quirep .. permits and licenses, there are two which are essential to obta.ining the license: water quality certification and coastal zone management certification. Additionally, the applicant must document that it is in the process of perfecting necessary water rights. The cerfifications and rights will be obtained ·during the post submissior period. These actions are discussed in detail in Sections 2.3 and . 2.4. ,. 2.2"6 ~ Criteria The format and content of the FERC 1 i cense are described in Table 2 .1. · .. Certain criteri·a for the exhibits, which go beyond listing the com- . ments deserve additional mention. The FERC has. a specific set of ... speci.ficationl f'Or maps and drawings which. are· detailed in Section 4.32 of Title 1.8 of the Code of Federal Regulations •. This section of the regulations is reproduced in Appendix A. 32 - 1: :.:... ~ •. '·. . ' I I I I I I ·.1: : ~ I I I I ······\ .. : : I :1 I ~) . ..... ,lB~CFftPart· 4.31 dest;ribes .the criteria for, including project bound- ·aries·,.·· dattPris. ~nd . proje~ts works for Exhibit)<, the .9etailed n~aps of . .. lhe .. project are~. ·1h~se criteria .are also ·~eprbduced in Appendix A. ... :~ The .. F;Rc .. · has a. ~tated. policy . regarding.· the deve.loPiftent of public . : r~creatiorl facilities at licensed projects.. In general, the. Commis- sion has .stated that .. it will evaluate the recreational ·r·es.ources of projects. and seek, Within its. authority, the ultimate develOpmental potential of those resources consistent with public needs and the pur- poses of the project. This policy, 18 CFR 2.7 is included in Appendix A~ . . . . . . . . The tomni'ssi on · has ·also issued in the CFR a "Statement of ' Genera 1 Pol icy to ·Implement Procedures for Compliance with the National En- . viro·nmental Policy Act of 1969 .. Sections 2.80 .and 2 •. 81 of 18 CFR dis- . cuss' the. requirements for a detailed environmental st~tement, and com- pliance with NEPA under the Federal Power Act. An appendix to this section contain~ detai.led guidelines for the preparation of applicants . environment~l. reports under the licensing process. . These guidelines provide the basis for the preparation of Exhibit W. The gu}·delines consist .Primarily of the outline for the report to follow and' a dis- cussion of each section • s. contents and level of study detai 1. The · pol.icy and guidelines are printed in total in Appendix A of this re- port .. , The Conmission has also issued "Guideline!; for the Protection of Natu- ral? Historic, Scenic and Recreational Values in th~ Design. and Loca- tion.~of Rights-of-Way and Transmission Facilitieses• Although these guidelines. are.not part of the Code of Federal Regulations, they are cited as a condition of conformity for Exhibit V. . 2.3, ~ Alaska .. ·Master Application Th~ ~a~t~r apprication process was estab 1 i shed by AS 46.35, the EnVironmen- .. tal ·procedure Co.ordination Act. Under the Act, a •one stop• permitting pro- .. 'cess.·was establfshed in order to clarify and simplify the state permitting program. Under this program, if the decision is made to proceed with the Project, or any portions thereof, a master application form is filed with the DEC, who administers the programo The master application serves as. a not ice of in- tent to the state to develop a proposed project. Upon receipt, the DEC Per- mit Information and Referral Center sends copies of the project description for the master application to all state departments and any municipality where the project is loc.ated. Agencies which claim jurisdiction over the project must respond to the per- mit center within 15 days specifying the permit required, a copy of the ap- plication form and a statement whether a hearing is required. The collec- tion of responses from all agencies is returned to the applicant for comple- tion. At this time the Permit Center will arrange a preapplication 33 . ' ~oriference where the ·app 1 i cant may meet with the · agencies who have j~risdictJon. __ Completed applications and fees are returned to the Permit Center· where they =are disbursed to the proper agencies. The Permit Center also arrang~~.for a public meeting, if one is required. Within 30 days · ·after receipt of the last application! the Permit Center will have a notice published ·ahc·e a week in, an appropriate periodical for three ·weeks. The ·-·· _publ ;:c hearing wi l1 be he1 d within 20 to 30 days after the l a.st public notice .• , ·· Publ;ic:::'·hearings are conducted for the purpose of obtaining· information for the assistance of state agencies and not as a trial or adversary proceeding. The hearing will be electronically recorded with transcribed copies made ·available to agencies upon request. Upon completion of the hearing, a date ~will be eStablished by Which all state agencies will forward final decisions on applications,within their jurisdiction. The date will be within 90 days of c()mpletion. of the heari·ng. · · Provi~ions are included in the act for an appeals process for a person aggrieved by a fi.nal decision. A notice of appeal must be filed within 30 days of transmittal of the decision. If a reasonable issue of fact or law is'rouna, a hearing officer will be provided for an_adjudicatory hearing. Appeals shall be he·ard jointly by the commissioners of each agency. The comnlssioner of· each agency shall decide on the portion of the appeal which involves his agency. A person aggrieved by the appeals decision may appeal tQ ~he_ superior cour~. · · P'rior to su~mission of the completed master application, the local govern- ment (in this case M.atanuska-Susitna Borough) must provide a certification that the project is in compliance with the local government statutes and regulations regarding the project. The maximum time from the· submittal of the completed applications to the permit issuance is about six months~ as established by law. Including one month for completing application forms~ the total time from filing the Mas- ter Application to permit issuance is eight months. A diagram of the pro- cess is shown in Figure 2.2. A list of the state permits which are foreseen for prpject implementation is provided ·in Table 2.2. This list does not in- . ~lude. those permits required for construction which the contractor would be expected to obtain, such as a "Explosive Handlers Certificate .. or "Preven- tion of Accident or Health Hazard Certificate.11 34 ' ---- I ...• ,.,._ . ·. '."'; I -·.1' .. I I I I I I .. -< FIgure. :~. 2 >. · · . STATE: oF ALASKA MASTER PER-111' AAPL,CATIOO PROCESS r·~· :Jtatt ! FHe Master AppHc~tion Form with D~~} .. ·_ J .. J i .. .DECdistri.bi,Jte$ to all <fepartments, and I oca l ·government . ! Ag~ocl~ reply With required appllcatfons and forms l QEC returns requtremen"ts · .and forms to APA . ! . COp-tionall Meeting with agencies to discuss project and requl rl-ts SubmiT cdmp leted applications to DEC .! DEC distributes To appropr I atlagenc I es Pub I ic No-tice pub I ished . l Hearing Process ! Oectsion Released. . l. . Appeal?.-YES--+• File appeal w1th J" . DEC ComnHss'loner . 1' ! . Proceea AdJudicatory Hearf.ng 1 Decision ! · .Appeat---YES-__...,.Appeal to Superior ~ Court NO Proce~d 35 !i ·:··: r:. ""· \' -~ I )J. ... -.. G .. '·.- TABLE 2 .. 2 ·_, · REQUIRED PERMITS STATE ·or· . ALASKA· Department of Environmental Conservation Permit to Open Burn Pennit to Operate (Air Qual ftyJ Discharge to Navigable Waters Water~ and Sewer Plan Review Wastewater Di sposa 1 · · Solid .Waste Djsposal Department of Fi.sh and Game Anadromaus Fish Protection.Pennit · Fishways Obstructions Permit Critical Habitat State Game Sanctuary State Game Refuge . Department of Natural ·Resources . Water Rights Permit Burning· Permit Right-of-Way or Easement Permit Department of Public Safety Building Plan Check Department of Transportation Encroachment within Highway Right-of-.Way 36 ~ ' --· l·. . i . ~~-·1· . . f w 1 .; :. ·1. : ' !~ . . ' . . ' ll 1 1 I 1 rJ: 1 fl I. I I v ~J )· •. ; •. .. 1 J j ~· . -. T~e issues· surrounding ·wat~r use, appropriation, supply and quality are sub- _ject, to regulation· at both s~ate and federal levels. Although for all .. · practical purposes, water quality issues cannot be separated· ·from quantity •' . and appropriation issues, those permits dealing strictly with' quality are covered in ~he following subsection. The three act ions discussed in this · section·;will b~ critica] to project implementation, since, as in the FERC · ·· · prdces~, the ,-project .wi ll.be considered in its entirety rather than from the ·point qf view ofone particular aspect. The Coastal Zone Management Program and the Water Rights Permit are administered by the State. A permit for , dams! dikes. and discharges into navigable waters of the United States is a9mirti.stered ·by the Corps of Engineers. · 2.4.1 ~·Corps of Enginee·rs Permits The Corps permitting program is authorized by Sections 9 and 10 of the Rlvers and .Harbors Acts· of 1899 and Section 404 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972 (P .L. 92-500). Regulations covering the Corps· permitting· program are found in Title 33· of the Code of .Federal Regulations, Part 320 through 329. Activities requir- ing permits fall typically under three categories: (1.}' Dams and dikes in navigable waters of the United States (2} Str~ctures or work in or affecting navigable waters of the United States (3) Discharges of dredged or fill materials into waters of the United States The Project wi 11 come under more than one of these areas of juri sdic- . tion, but only one permit action is required. All projects within the State of Alaska lie within the jurisdiction of the Alaska District Engineer. Acting under the authority delegated by the Secretary of the Army, he may issue a permit authorizing the work unless it is found to have an adverse impact on the pub 1 ic interest. The public interest ts deter·mined by .a proposal's consistency with . state plans and interests, by its effect on navigation, fish and wild- life, water quality, economics, conservation, aesthetics, recreation, water supply, flood damage prevention, impacts on the ecosystem and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people. The Corps jurisdiction within the permitting program is defined as the nwaters of· the United States 11 which includes isolated wetlands and lakes~ intermittent streams and other U.S. waters which could affect i.nterstate coll11lerce. Generally, the Co.rps does not regulate activity in headwater streams with average flow less than 5 cfs. Thus, the actual navigability of the Susitna River at potential impoundment sites is not a jurisdictional issue since flow is greater than 5 cfs. 37 . : . ' At. this t.irne~ the Corps is ·in the process ofrul~·-making to establish nationwide permits which could potentially exempt··the· Susitna project from· the. permit since it would be regulated by other federal permit- .· .ting actions such as the. FERC license. lf this n,at.ionwide. permit is · . established,,. the Corps Wi 11. carry-out its review \'kl.en the ·FERC. ci rcu.;. late$-.,the: license application for public'· comment~ · The timing and eventual promulgation of this proposed rule are unknown at thi$ time. -. " . -·· .. . . the process for obtaining a permi_t i.s r;epresented in Figure' 2.3. It · ,;.s· suggested that p~ior-'to submission of an application, a meeting be . held with the Corps to discuss its specific contents whereupon a com- plete application would be submitte~ tQ the Corp.s District office. Upon receipt Qf. the application, . the District assig·ns a ni.Jmber and ·· r.eview for completeness. When all information is received :and the applitation is considered· complete, a public notice is issued. All canments relating to matters of special expertise of another agency, will be referred to that agency by the District. The applicant will be given the opportunity to rebut all adverse conments~ ... ,,~fter.the public comnent period, the District Engineer will determine the need. for. an Env.ironmental Impact Statement, b.ased on an environ- mental assessment. The Corps will prepare, an EIS only if it cons·:iders . itself the lead .federal agency (highly .unlikely for this. project since FERC would probably assume the lead) ... It is expecte,d that the Corps wfll withhold permit approval until the federal EIS is final. The . Di stri.ct. Engineer· also wi 11 deterroi ne the need for a pub 1 i c hearing on the application. If a hearing is needed, it possibly could be held . .simtJ1taneous1y with the joint hearing of the state agencies. Schedul- ing of the sfate and Corps actions makes this unlikely. · When all actions are compl.eted, the District Engineer prepares the Finding of Fact and makes the final decision .as whether to grant or deny the permit. The draft permit is sent to the applicant for ac- .. ceptaoce,. signature and submission of fees .. Prior to permit issuance, the District Engineer requires evidence of State Water Quality Certif- ication and the Coastal Zone Management Certificate of Consistency. lhe application for the Corps· permit consists of a two-page applica- tion (attached in .Appendix 1) and a set of detailed drawings (8 11 x . . 10 1/2", reproducible) describing the project. Information to be fur~ nished by the applicant includes .the following: f ·~ -detailed description of the prop.osed activities, including the pur- . pose, use, type, of structures., facilities for· handling waste and the type 9 composition and quantity of dredged or fill material ~ names, and addr:esses of all adjoining property owners who have a di- rect interest or could be affected by the project ... location of the facility • a list and status of all ·approvals ·and certificates required by · ot(her f~dera1, state, and local government agencies. 38 ,_ ... - .·1: ·I. I :a I. I I I I ,...,,,.,_. I i.i I n='"""" I ,·•<'""" I ,-,., '1 I l I I I. , r. -· Under prov1s1ons Of the Dam Safety Act, for construction of an im-- poundment, the ~p_plican't ,Js also required to submit 'detailed dam design drawing·s and specifications. These drawings will be reviewed by the Corps District personnel for safety and adequacy of the strue- . ture. The safety. approval wi 11 be issued as part of the permit. It is expected that the Corps will review plans identical to those sub- mitted as Exhibit L of the FERC application. It is possible that the Corps will reserve the ~ight to review final plans and specification drawings after detailed design is completed. 2 ... 4.2 -Coastal Zone Management Program (CMP) ·The Coastal Zone Management Act was signed into law on October 27, 197.2. The Act; which was substantially amended in 1976, stated a national interest in protection and development of the Coastal Zone of U.s.. by providing assistance and encouragement to coastal states to develop and implement programs for managing their coastal areas. In response to these laws and the Alaska Coastal Management Act· of 1977, .. the St_ate of Alaska Coastal Management Program (CMP) was developed. The program document was published jointly with ·the final environmen- tal; impact statement (FEIS) published on the action on May 30, 1979. In order. to receive federal licenses and permits, a project must oe reviewed ,for" consistency with CMP guidelines. This applies to both the FERC and Corps permits. When an application is filed with the FERC, a certification of compliance with the Alaska CMP must be in- cluded. At the same time, a copy of the certification with necessary ·data on the development should be filed with the state. The State will review the activity and initiate a· public notice and hearing as necessary. Within six months from the receipt of con$t~tency certifi- cation and required information~ the state will notify. the federal agency and applicant whether the state concurs or objects to a consi s- tency certification. The CMP is administered in Alaska by the Office of Coastal Management, Division of Policy and Development and Planning (OPDP), Office of the GQvernor. The CPM certification procedure is not included within the Alaska Master application program. Federal regulations covering the program are 15 CFR 930, 11 Federal consistency with Approved Coastal Management Programs .11 State regulations pertaining to the potential Susitna project are 6AftC 80.070 Energy Facilities and 6AAC 80.130 Habitats.. . The proposed Devi 1 Canyon dam would be within the Coastal Zone bound- aries even though it is about 100 miles upstream of the mouth of the Susitna River on. Cook Inlet. Thus, the Project will be subject to consistency with the CMP. ·f.! •• ..:, ... , .;.,.,..itO. f""-+&...e. .o ................. .t:a,...; 11·t,· e" p1 ""n· ... ,. "'"' .................... s ........ d.; ........... d .;,... QUI U~ I I !I~;;J VI loll~ \;011~1 ~J I '--I · ;;:» I~~-II II~ t.n V\;>C;;:» a1 C I s~u;,:::.e 11. Appendix 7 of the previously referenced FEIS. The process discussed includes designations of sites suitable for major energy facilities by organized districts and the state. At this time, a fot•mal energy 39 •.·. Figure 2.3 C~Ps J)F ENGINEERS -WAT.ER -RELATED.·P,ERMJTS ' _ Start ·1 -. .P'rel inHnary meeting: .· .with CoT (optional) Prepare. app ll- catlon document ~-· s.~f.. ~~r~:ncy , AppHcatlon NO : · colnp le'te---__,.....__ _ _... ........ _, ·. ',· 'l• ····+ · E'nv i ronmenta I : assessment-.--! .: ' Pub I Jc notice .and'. corment · .input from app l.icant ~ ,· l ' El$ needed?'~-.----ls Corps .....--.----YES ··--•• Corps prepare·draft . ,_, NO :::t:·~::h federa J -• lead • a~~ncy EIS : ' '~ Pub lie. rev i elt and· comment .L Corps files . 1-...;__ ....... ...,..... __ .._.._ ___ __.... ________ fi na I EIS '' ' ! Pub f ic Heart ng hearing YES --.. ~process oe~d$d? I • . S.tate Water QUality Cetti.f.icate and· CZM -00 -"-~•~HOLD' -Consistency· Certif't- cata ~F::7 Corps prepare F i. nd- i nos of Fatts ~ '• ~-., Issue YES , ,--P~~mllt.· • NO Mod lfy proJect,. appeal dec;lslon or terminate proJect 40 Appll~nt signs •and returns draft penni t ' \] ... f"'1 ~ ~ : L,~j ~ '. f ·'' ' ' ·~· ... ·~' ·~. 'I .. '~· I I I I ••••• I •• c:~ I •• 1 .. · I I .;. ~~~ "1.· . ., ,...·; ! i ·, ..... ,;,· •• ,, · TASLE ·2 "3 · . ; .. ~CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMit '; APPLiCATION REQUIREMENTS . (a) Location and name o.f waterway-, project des~ripti on .. {b) Activity dates, construction ,,,. (c) List of other regulatory concerns ., ·. . ~ ' . .· . Supporting Information ·. 8 l/21' .X lOu drawingS· .of project Dams and Impoundments .. Pliins.,. .specifications,. ·• dr·awi ngs . Respon$ible Task/ Subtask Within Susitna P.O.S. 10 10 9 10.02 6 6 .. 31 . 41 . -. . . \ . ,, Comment I Criteri a i _.;.._,_;,_ .; ( Several additit mal drawings neede J to show ·the projest pli!m .~d· profile, major features These would bf! the same drawings requ· red for Exhibit L. . . ' . ' ' ;: ~-~~ . . . 'll ~ ' ·.";-. . , . j . ', .Jacili.ty siting program does not exist but is under consideration by the Off.ice of th~· Governor.· At. the present, major projects are evalu~ ated. -by spec·; ally desi gtlated task forces coordin"tted by the DPDP. There ate five general energy faci 1 ity planning guide 1 i nes which have been app!"oved by the Alaska Coastal Policy Council and the Legis-lature (6AAC.80.070): __ (1) (2) ··- Optimum Location -site facilities to minimize adverse environ- mental~"~---3nd social effects while satisfying· ·'industrial requirements · Compatibility.-site faciliti~s to be compatible with existing and subsequent adjacent uses and projected community needs -(3) Consolidation-consolidate facilities (4) Concurrent Use -consider the concurrent use of facilities for social or economic reasons (5) Cooperation -seek to cooperate .with land owners, developers, and federal agencies in the development of facilities. In addition, ~here are eleven general planning siting criteria which . are listed-in the CMP sunmary in Appendix B. Several of the criteria are ·relevant to projects along the coastline which could .affett navi- ation. It appears that the planning process for the Susitna project as described in the POS is compatible with the CMP process. Also Appendix B lists the information required with the submittal of proposals for consistency evaluation. The Exhibit W prepared for the FERG application should adequately cover the required information and be in a format usable by the CMP evaluators. Thus, copies of that document rather than a separate document, should be submitted to sat- ; sfy the data requirement. 2.4.3 -Water Rights Securing the water rights for the Susitna project will be one of the key regulatory milestones. Unlike several of the other milestones, there is little additional preparatory work to be done in project planning to secure those rights, other than to establish the prelimi- nary project design. Although confirmatory research under Task 10 of the study wi 11 be done, it. appears at this time that the rights to the Susitna River water are unsecur·ed. Thus, pursuit of water rights would be a two- stage process. At the t:lme of submittal of the cn~pleted t..;lPlications identified in the master application proc(~ss, an Applicatit~ for Water Rights will 42 . 1 1 - - . ' \ '~;.pe included .• ~Since one requirement. of tp~ water~rights is that ·a dam , :constuction ~permit be· included,: the appl ic.ation may not be submitted ·pr:ior to .. comp'le:tion of information for the. permit! . The dam permit is .. di$cussed in Section 2.9, Buildi'ng Permits. ; ~ _Afte·r St,~bmfss.ion of the application to the DNR, ·oivis·ion of· Forest, . : land and . Water Management , . a pub 1 i c not tee an~ d. review process wi 11 follow. A hearing is not· required but may be held i-f public objec-_ .·-. tion$' are rece.ived •. If the rights are to be allowed, a permit will be issued . authorizing the· ho 1 der to constru_ct t~e necessary works ·for appropriating the water and to conmence appropriation. ~ This permit does -not secure water rights. Only when the appropriation process has corm~enced will the DNR, upon notification, issue a Certificate of Appropri'ation •. The certi-ficate secures the holders.rights. The permit wi 11 be issued for a period of time adequate to complete :>:,.cqnstruc'tion and begin use the water. The period may be extended for c, --. due caus.e. · ·There/ are. two 'key requirements for the permit application. One is the . proof of. l'and .. entitlements to-construct the project.. Thus, land .agreements to the prQject should be made for ·the dani · .. and reservoir areas ,:prior to the application submittal. The exception is for fede- " ral lands, which will be made available by the FERC license~ The oth~r requirem·ent-'is. the approval of the dam(s) structure. Since the permit to construct a dam must be obtained along. with water . rights:, ·the application cannot be submitted until the dam: preliminary ··plans are ready for submission. These will be completed at a time nearer to the end of the feasibility study during preparation of the FERC application Exhibit L. The ONR, accordi.ng to statute, uses the following four criteria for determin.ing whether to issue a permit. (l) Rights of a prior appropriator (2) . Adequacy of the proposed means of diversion · ( 3). Benefits of proposed use of water .(4) Public.interest. In determining the public interest, many aspects of the project arid the effects of the a;Jpropri ation are considered. The statute lists t·he fcll,Qwin~ eight points of public interest: (l) Benefit to· t~e applicant (2) Effect on economic activity (3) Effect .on fish and game and public recreation (4} Public health 43 .) :.•" (5) _ Loss o:f alternative uses of water:. ~ ' . ·-(6)' -Harm ·to other, persons · ·. (7) Ability of app-licant to complete the. appropriation · (Sf' Effect on public and ·navigable waters. These effects will all be included· in various Exhibits of the FERC ',· . ' ~" . "lice·nses, ·primatji ly EXhibit H. · 2 .. s -~ water Qua11~y Permits Regulations concerning. water quality impacts of development of a hydroelec- tri-c project on the Susitna River can best be understood by separating the permi.tting actions into those required for the dam, reservoir and powerhouse facflitie$: and· those required for construction, operation and maintenance of . the proje~t~ · -At this time~ on.ly one water ·quality permitting action is anticipated for the dam and hydroelectric portion of the project. That action is the water qu~ltty certification. It is .. a requirement of both the Corps of Engineers and _the FERC that (\the state certification be issued prior to gr.anting of the federal permits. The certification requirement was established by Section 401. of Public Law 92-500, the Federal Water Poll uti an Control Act .Amendments ·~of 1972.. Regulations governing the certification process .. are referenced 'ISAAC 15 .. 130-180. Application is made for the certificate by submitting to the DEC a letter requesting certification which should be accompanied by a copy of the permit applic.ation to the federal agency, in this case,J the FERC license applica- tion. This submission.will take place along with the other state submis- sions in the· Master Application process. The certification ·;s valid for a period of five years, thus, it may need renew a 1 prior to operation of the dam when the NPDES permit is concluded. This recertification will be dependent on timing. Renewal should not be a major problem,· However, certifications obtained relative to construction of . a facility are valid for additional federal permits and licenses required . _for operation of the faciliyt within the time limitation. A second set, of permit actions will be required if discharges are planned in conjunction :cwith wastewater handling sy~ter.::s. These systems would be asso- ciated with wastewater from constructi::~~~ camps, recreation and operating faci 1 ities at the project. Should non:.,a·• scharge wastewater treatment sys- tems be designed {such as a septic system), these permits may not be needed. · On the federal level, ·a permit may be required under the Environmental Pro- tection Agency•s (EPA) National Pollutant Discharge :Elimfnation System (NPDES) ~ The purpose of this system is to prevent !water pollution by 44 ; .... : ..• J! .. ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .: · i.> mon:{toring and coptrolling; the discharge of waste~ . The owner and/or opera .. -.. tor of any acti~ity /or~ ,wastewater system which discharges from .one ·or nDre npoint sc)urces11 ·.into a waterw~y must obtain a permit. The defi'nition of upoint .·source11 includes a wast-ewater treatment facility for faci 1 ities used · by operation personnel ant: those making use of recreati()nal apportunities. A NPDES permit could be required for the project· as well as the treatment facilities~ Currently,. there is litigatton. regarding the classification of . ~MJs. as 11 point sources. •• Two cases are pending regarding the Corps • R. B • . Russell Oam.in·sout)'l Carolina and dams in general .. The cases should be de- cided later-·this year {1980). At thi-s time, the EPA posture is that .until .·· these.·co.urt cases ·are ·s~ttled:l a NPOES permit will not be required for dam -· . , cQnstruction. · ... ~r;edg.ed or fill mate.rial discharges do not require a NPOESpermit. If con- . · ; struction/operation activities warrant the need for. a NPOES permit, the , short Form A ,application appVfes. The. application must be filed 180 days · prior ·to cofTIIlencing the discharge. There is a 30-day review· by the state for certification. A public hearing may be held if it is in the public in- ~> terest. /''"" ··.Three .additional permits relating to appurtenant project service facilities, .. m.ay b~ required by the State: the "Plan Review for Water and Sewer"; "Waste- .. wa~e~ bisposa1· and Solid Waste. Disposal... These three permit pr,?cesses ·,.would b.e follow~d· under the. master app.~ication process. ·Th~ purpose. of the "Plan Review for Water and Sewer .. is to provide minimum standards for wastewater treatment faci 1 ities and to assure compli ltnce with Alaska water quality and drinking water standards. In order to initiate the Plan Review, a detailed report including the design plans certified by a ·:r~gi~tered professional Alaskan engineer must be-submitted to the DEC. The plar.s are review~d. and approved, jf appropriate, within 30 days. There are four. r~feren~es cited as appropriate for design criteria by the DEC; these are listed in the permit sunmar~y of Appendix B. Th~ Wastewater Dispos(!l permit is similar to the EPA-NPOES permit. Where the NPDES permit is .required· for project service facilities, the DEC will .adopt. i~ as the required state permit. The process for reviewing the appli- cation is simi 1 ar to that for NPDES. The Solid Waste Disposal permit is to control or eliminate the detrimental qealth.,. e.nvi.ronmental .and nuisance efforts of improper solid waste disposal practices. This .. permit will likely be required for project construction and servi.ce· facilitfes. The application includes detailed plans and specifica- tions for. the· faci.lity,·. certification of compliance with local ordiances, and a report on the characteristics of the waste to be processed. : ' 2.6 -land Use The subject of regulatory procedures for land use is very complex since it involves lands which are at this time somewhat in regard to need and owner- ship which has been in a state of flux for many years. Subtask 2.0 of the 45 · ''· :·': · : .. st~dY wi]) de.al with limd rights identification in detail. The outputs of ., . ·th~t·· study wi1'1 ·determine 'many of· the permitting actions needed. ' · 2 .6.1 -Federal Lands The lands needed for Devi 1 Canyon and Watana dams are~ at this time, . either federal lands which have been classified as power sites, lands lJnder the jurisdiction and administration of the Bureau of Land Man- .· agement· {Bt.:M) or owtt.,ed by Cook lnlet Region~ I'nc. {CIRI). The FERC lir.~flnse constitutes the autho·rity to use the· Federal lands and estab- Vl'sfles the amount of annual payment appropriate for use of public lands .... The license also grants the right of eminent domain for ac- , , quisition of ·non~Federal lands~ althou.gh this right presumedly is duplicative of the APA•s statutary authority. The lack of private lands . will probably not require the exerci se of the eminent domain ,judtcfal process. . · The lands needed for the transmission corridor are of a different nature. It can be expected that right ... of-way permits will be needed froiTI the BLM and the Alaska DNR. Federal 1 ands needed as part of the ;,: transmission facilities included in the FERC. license application will need rto further permit. Other transmission line right-of-ways require application. The regulations covering power transmission right-of- ways are found in 43CFR Part 2850. These rules are subject to change · 'dUeto the Federal Land Policy Management Act. There is no standard a,pplicatfon form for this action; thus, ·applicants are encouraged to coordinate with BLM. in preparation of the application. ·Several additional permits could be required, depending upon the selected transm·lssion corridor. One possible route could parallel or share right-of-way with existing bequests of the Alaska Railroad. The railroad is ooministered by an agency of the same name, part of the U~. S. Department of Transportation. There is no standard form for application or hearing process but there are several specifications and st~ndards for compliance. Should A 1 ask a Railroad right-of-way be ·needed as part of the project licensed by FERC, there would be a ques- tion whether the FERC 1 icense constitutes allowance for usage of the land or a separate permit action is needed. ·" Other potential land use permits which are not currently expected to .be required are.theU. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.(DOI) permit for use' of the Natural Wildlife Refuge Lands arid the Bureau of Indian ·Affairs (BIA) permit for Indian Land Lease Authorization. --Appt1~ea"t~~!'IJS for power lines must contain a description of generating pl at1ts connect~_d to the . 1 i ne, the number of customers to be served by the capacity, a·'-pOwer flow diagram~ an agreement to wheeling stipula- tions, and a detailed description of the environmental impact of the project. 46 ' ' f; .. 1 - ; ,! i . . ' ·-· •• I I I I I I I I ··-., t"• ·~::- " . '· Construction access roads,, and tr.ansmission li.nes.;will undoubtedly at , ~om~ pqint enc-roach on existing highways.· Thi~ action .will require a ... . OtJli~.Y Permit for Encroachment Wit~in Highway Right-of-WayA The pur- , ".: . ,._ ~pose:. of this .. permit_ is to al.low t.t,le Alaska Department of Transporta .. · tion and Public Facilities {DOTPF) to maintain ·.an accurate record of .a11 facilit.ies.located in highway right-of-way • . ,A ·stan~tard _applic.atiqn form .must be submitted accompanied by plans, . specifications) descr_iptions of work, methods to be ·employed and other pertinent data to a11ow DOTPF to. review the design and location of proposed facilities. The DOTPF coordinates this review with that at other agencies of the Alaska State Government. This permit may be obtained as part of the master application process as discussed in Section 2.3 A Right-of-Way or Easement Permit may also be required from the ONR . . The permit is required for the contruction of routed projects such as .·roa~s, pjpelines.,, ·telephone and tran~mission lines. Since some of the -l.ands potentially .crossed by transmission lines are part of the state . c,land .wi'thdrawaJs,.···this permit. may be. needed. The permitting process is a two-·step· function. The applicant submits the completed Form 10-112 to the. DNR~ Dtvision of Forest, Land and Water Management. The .. form must include a preliminary .plan.. If the proposed constructicn is .appr:oved~ .· .a letter of entry is issu~d authori'zi ng the construction. The: .Right-of-Way permit is not issued until construction has been com- pleted and. the as-built plans ~re approved by the department. The initi'al phas·e of app.lication submission would take place under the M~ster Application process. . · · rJhe •. DNR has ._three oth~r land use per!"it within its jurisdict~on which may be needed, depend1ng upon lands 1nvolved. These are Spec1al, Con- ditional,; and· Miscellaneous Lar1d Use Permits. These permits are typically for short-term land uses or for use of specially designated lands~ ·The need of for these permits 1~or the project is unknown at this time. · Construction activities are like1y to need these permits. The ADF&G .has two permitting actions regarding use of designated Game Refuge and Game Sanctuary Lands.. The use of any ·of these lands for the project is not expected at this time. .2.6.3 -Local Permitting The only local permitti'ng acti_on required is a special land use permit required by the Matanuska-Susitna Borough (MSB). The permit was ·established by the, Boroqgh Assem[)ly in Ordinance 79-35 which created ~he TalJ~-ee.tna Mountains Spec~i al. Use. Distri.ct. The pur·pose. of the ord_iJlance ts to conserve the unspoiled beauty of region·, to be consi s- tent with its . use as a mini no 'district as well as a water resource . . district,~·<and _to aid ,;wildlife "'habitat while permitting re!source deve- . l~pment,; l"ecreatiort., grazing and related acti.¥ities where appropriate .. 47 The Talkeetna Mountains Special Use District includes _approximately 10~633 squar:e mile~ of land area. · " · ~The permit_ is-administered by the Planning· Department .of the Borough • . ~ A$ the.c_prp.ject will include· roads, wat~r re${?urce development, timber harvest (c1earibg), and possibly recreational features, all of which . are._:regulated by the ·permit, the Borough will be· interested in all · .· · ~~(fects ·of the. project. · · ,: > -.'-- At this time, there is no set requirement for a formal permit app'lica- :tion. · ·lt isc antici-pated that 'the environmenta1 exhibit prepared for · the FE&-t' application· will satisfy< ~pplication requirements of the B·oroug~. ·., 2.7 -'Fish and Wildlife ·Permits As discussed iri the section on FERC 1 icensing, an extensive anount of coor- dination. is required with the_ federal and state fish and wildlife agencies. In addition, several permits will .be required by the Alaska Department .of .fish and Game ·{oF&G) .. -·These permits are for the purpose of protecting crit- =~tcal ftsn and wildlife habitats. · :. 4. • •. · •• . .. , . ··An· Al'ladromous Fish Protection p·ermit ·.under the administration of the DF&G will be required, since the Susitna project would affect the natural flow o'f a .rivet that contains. ~am!dromous fi sfr. Prev·ious studies have determined that .anadromous· fish travel up the Susitna River at least as far· as the Portage · · Creek downstream of · Oevi 1 Carlyon Dam. · Whether the fish migrate past the site proposed for the dam will be determined by studies· in Subtask 7 .10. The-·: appl:lcatirin for .thi·s permi't includes a completed 11 Waterway/Waterbody Use Re,quest 11 and add it tonal items as follows: (a)' Full plans and specif1cations for the proper protection of fish and game: in connection ~.tfi~h the proposed project · .. (b) . The· project schedule . (t) An out 'line of materials·, methods and equipment (d) A map and description of the project sitee The DF&G also regulates fishwctys which would be included in the project if necessary. The permit applt.ca.tion requirements are similar to those for an · An.a.dromous Fi.sh,·.Protection permito · A th~r~ permit ·,which may be necessary is the Critical Habitat Area permit. Should work be performed within such designated areas, a permit would be . requir:edo' The purpose of :the permit is to ensure compatibility with perpet- 'tJati'on rif .fish:· and wildlife resources. The Critical Habitat Area permit .'application ·requirements are similar to those ·previously discussed. The 'p,ermit is· tempor.ary for one year. It is anticipated that the permit would be. needed for related construction activities only, which may affect design- ated areas. 48 L.: -~ ' .. ·,· I I I ,I I I I I I I I ·I I I I '11 . 1.: . . Since the operation of the Susitna project witl not have a· direct effect on the air quality parameters a~ regulated by existjng programs, air quality permits will be a re.latively small consideration in the overall licensing of the project .. · .Nonetheless, permits will be necessary for the construction process and minor aspects of the project., It can be e>tpected that small . :,.< dt~sel Qr', gas turbine .unit.s wi 11 be included in the Susitna project for the p·urposes:·of energency •house• power. ·'Additionally, ·dust cr·eated by the con- cs.truction process and temporary generators at the· construction camp and site will create emis.si'ons:. These emissions ~ill be regulated at the state, · 'rather than federal ·level.. · · .:t. -· '' ' ' ' __ J .-.-.-.~ • ,.~ ,~.-. ... ,· 2.8.1 -Environmental Protection Agency The EPA regulates construction and operation of air pollution sources by two progr~s~ the N~w Source Performance Standards (NSPS) and the Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) progr·am. These programs are. administered in Alaska by the EPA Region X located in Seattle, _ Wash i !\gton o, The dam, reservoir· and powerhouse· projects in themseives would not be regul~ted):1y these programs~ However_, the process of construction and the. stanpby house power faci1iti€:sc may be !'egulated. Any new internal combustion or gas turbine units will be subject to NSPS regulations. Compliance with the standards wi 11 be a responsibility of the equip- ment supplier, as specified in a purchasing contract. · · The PSD program regulates new sources which emit roore than 250 tons ·per year of pollutants. The program· sets certain standards for areas . which must be met. The net effect of the program is to assure m1n1mum ambient air quality and limit additional degradation of air quality in areas where some pollution exists. At thj~ time, it 1s not known whether the construction process at each ·dam site would produce 250 tons of ·emissions. The total pollutants · must be summerJ and compared to the 250 ton/year total. Should tne construction process be subject to the PSO regulations, a period of air quality (perhaps as rnuch as one year) monitoring and· modeling could be required. For this reason, the applicability of the PSD . standards. shoul<i be identified. at the earliest possible time in the . ·study. ·At. that tif!1e, coordjri~tion ·should begin with the Ragion X off- ice .. to d_etermine monitoring .and modeljng .requitements, if any. , ·2.8.;2 .: State Permit.'to Operate . The State J\ir Quality Control Permit to Operate. wi 11 be required for the construction of the project and .stationary electric generating units:o .The reg.ulation!) governing .the permit. 'are in l8AAC 50, Air · Qttality Contr'o1. No air"' .. contamination emissions · are· allowed in the 49· ··t; Stat.e without this permit as granted by the .QEC •. The ,permit is re ... qui~fld for all·. the . fuel burning _electric generating equipment of . greater thart 250 kW capq.city. ····' ·Applisati~n· requirements include th~ following: -.··" .. . ·. ' {a). . project layout and con~tructiCm ,., ,:' ·. '(b): maps .and· aerial -photographs. indicating t.tl the facility · land use and zoning local (c} an engineering report ·on ·the proces$ causing the emission includ- ing estimated types and quantities of contaminants emitted (d) description of air .quality co~trol devices .. (e) effects on.surrounding anbient air quality . {f) 'plans'' for. emission reduction during an air episode (not appl; ca- ble) .. This permit may be obtained under the Master Application process. The permit dura~ion t~ specified_ case by case, not to exceed five years. A permit to open burn also may be required from the DEC during the .con~truction process. As this permit has a short lead time (about five d~ys). it wilL not be a critical consideration to proj.ect develop- ment. · · · · 2.9 -Building Permits Unlike projects in localities in the lower 48 states, the Susitna project will not be subject to a large number of local building permits and codes. At. present, there are: two building permit reviews at the state level and one at· the fed.eral level. · : .. '\·, 2.9.1 -oan 'Safetr .. The·:most sign-ificant review of. the project will take place under the ··permit to construct a dam issued by the .DNR. The. permit is required by the DNR ·in conjunction· with the water rights permit. The purpose of the permit is to provide for a state review of the proposed struc- ture to assure .that its construction plan and design are adequate. There are apparently no public hearings associated with the permit • . Tiie p~rmit .. application (i.ncluded in· ·Appendix B) requires general ~1 nformation about the dQI11 and.,the site .. A1 so to be included are plans in suffic.ien't de.tai·l and of .s:ufficient scale to allow for a complete review and analysis of ·the project. The plans must include the fol- 1 owing ;·nformat ion: 50 --' ' ....-' . l j ' '. -' . ~ . ·.·"· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -_.plans fQr a gage to monitor flow released from the reservoir . ·-. deta·fled maps. of the dam: site. includtng location, spi'llway, outlet ·: .· works· borjngs-, test··-· pits and material pits · · . ~ profi·le of the Clam. axis . - . i;l,;i : . -maximum cross section of the darn. · There are" addlt iona1 requirements for \\1 arge dams Which -are included i ri the· regulatory· summary of Appendix B ~·'-Most of these additional re- quirements are pertinent to engineering analysis· of the dam and found- ations and design criteria used. The plans ·will include provisions for supervision by a registered pro- fessional engineer during the period of construction. Additionally~ the DNR wi 11 determine an inspel-:tion program of the project to take p_l ace throughout the construct ion process. The data requirements for this state review. appear to be more detailed that those· for E·xhibit' L (General Design) of the FERC application. Thus~ the information included in the Power Development Report of Sub- task 6 .. 26 will be the most appropriate source for inclusion of a11 of this information. Since the dam construction pennit is a key requ1rement to securing the water rights for the project~ preliminary discussions should be held with the· DNR ,staff to determine the level of detai'l needed in the dam design data for ·review. These discussions should begin after alterna- tives for developnent are selected. Should the feasibi 1 ity level · design ( adeqt.tate for FERC) be 'considered insufficient to issue a con= · stru~tion permit~ the water· rights permit ~u1d also be held up unti 1 sufficiently detailed design was completed and approved. This could cause a construction. Coordination with ONR may resolve the problem by assuring that the feasibi 1 ity level of design includes adequate de- tail. Subsequent review of advanced project designs may be expectea as a permit condition. . 2.9.2 -Building Check The Department of Public Safety (DPS) will perform a review of the ,. · buildings (other than single family residences) associated with the project to insure compliance with state fire safety regulations. , There are building no permits issued by DPS; rather, the plans are ap- <· proved or disapproved for occ!,!pancy or use. To initiate review, plans and specification must be taken or mailed to the regional office of the DPS Division/Fire Protection. There is no speci;fied app1ication form. 2.9.3 -Transmission Line Towers At the federal level, the Federal Av'iation Administration {FAA) has an · ·interest in ·reviewing tall structures a The FAA must review any struc- tures 200 feet in height or located within 20,000 feet of a runaway to 51 . ... ~· i) .. ' ~ ~ -~ ~ ~ ~ . : ' : ·.. . . . .-_ . . 'l ,; __ ,~__;:"';;.->-· -~" ~determtne jnterfer·ence wit~ local airc~~f:f;_.:ct7aft'ic· ptttterns~ 'Notice is to be filed -with -the FAA. on appropr'i ate forms at. least 30 days before ~onstructicm. Additionally,· within 5 days-after the structure reaches maximum height, a second notice must be filed if requested by the · FAA. _-The FAA wi 11 decide whether. marking and 1 i ghti ng are .neces-sary and whether-supplemental notice of construction is needed. ... rt cis,likely that transmission line facilities may require th·is type of notification. '· . ~·· ' ' - · 2 .10; _ = Other: . Permits .""-:-' ··The purpose of this section is to docl.lllent ·.briefly those permits which at _. thts .time are .not expected to be a requirement for development of the pro- ject~ or ar-e .Qf minor impact and wh.ich would be expected to be procurred by ·-:~pecifi.c contractors performing a job. · · . • 2.10.1 -Federal Permits The Fuel JJse Act enacted a set of prohibitions on the use of oi 1 and , gas,-as primary_ fuel sources in new .electric power plants. Although .. the hydroelectric. generators at the project would not be powered by · these fuels,· small co.nstruction and standby untts, probably diesel .·engines combustion turbines, will. The limitation on unit size for applicabili.ty of the prohibitions .is a fuel-burning capacity of 250 ·million Btu. per hour. This would equate roughly to a plant in the 20:...30 MW range, larger than would be expected for the project. Assum- inQ, this to be the case, the prohibitions \\Ould not be applicable to th~ project. · · 2.10.~· -State Permits The following list of permits and regulations comprise those which may appear to be app 1 i cab 1 e but, in fact, wi 11 either not be required <;>r would be proc·ured by a contractor with. responsibility for the job. (~~ Public Utilities Certjficate of Public Convenience and Need (Alaska · Public Utilities .Comlission): According to AS Chapter 56, Sec ... tion 44.56.090(b) the\ ,~PA is not subject to the jurisdiction of the .. PUC • Permit to Drill or Deepen (DNR}: Although there will be exploratory drilling for foundation exploration at the site, this permit is in- tended to regulate those exploring for oi 1 and gas. -Burning Permit (DNR): This differs 'from similar DEC permits in that -.its purpose is to regulate the fire hazard r.ather than .·-the air qual- ity.·. The application Y.Ould be made by a contractor doing the burn- ing .. 52 ,.-,~-,.. ' ' "' I ·I· I I· 'I I 1'·.· I •• I I ·I ,I I I -~:t i: '.: · Conditional Use:·Perntits and Variances (DNR): The purpose. ·of this permit is· to allow activities that may be incompatible with State .zoning ·requirements. Since the project lands are within an incorpo- '" rat~d borough, this permit wi 11 not be needed~ ' '~· . .;.. Disturbance. of· Natur.al Material Permit (DNR): This permit is to , protect the scenic and natural res.curces of state park 1 and. Since park land is not anticipated to be affected·, the permit is not . applicable. ~ State. Game Sanctuary Permit (DF&G): The purpose of this permit is to ensure the protection of wildlife resources within designated State GiJlle sanctuaries. No sanctuaries as designated at this time will b~ .. affected by the project. -Permit for Overstze/Overweight V2bicles (DPS): The purpose is to · regu.late·.the: movement of these vehicles to ensure the :safety of the "public and the integrity of the highway system. This would be the responsibility"·of the contractor moving the equipment. ... Fired.: and Unfired Pressure Vessels, Inspection Certifi.cate (DOL): ,, ~Inspections are made to ensure compliance with applica!Jle standards. This would be the responsibility of an individual supplier/contrac- . ~tor. -Prevention of Accident and Health Hazards (Inspections-DOL): The purpose of these Division of Occupationa1 Safety and Health inspec- tions are. to ensure compliance with standards. All individual em- .p.loyers are compelled to comply with the standards. There are no permit requirements unless an exception from standards is needed. -·Water Well Authorization {DNR): The purpose is to regulate the use of abandonedoil and gas wells to be used for water supply. This is not applicable to the Susitna project. .. Food Service Permit (DH&SS): This is a regulatory oct ion of all ·food service operations tc assure maintenance standards. It would be the responsibility of the individual camp suppliers to procure the p.ermi t ... . Certificate and Permit for Tout•ist Accommodations (DH&SS): The pur- \_·pose is to ensure complian~e with health and sanitation standards . . ~The need for th i s wi 11· depend on the type of f ac i l i ties p 1 an ned • -Surface Oi 1 ing Permit (DEC): The permit would be needed if it was proposed to oil construction roads or simi 1 ar ope rat ions. Its pro- , curement would be the responsibility of the individual contractors. 53 I I I I I I ~I ·I •• I· I I •' .· "_\ -·---:. ·rhe plan for acquiring the required licenses and permits is shown on. Figure . '· 3~1.. It is· estimated th·at this-process v.uuld take approximately 40 months •:·''C) fronL,a~ pos1fi've decision to proceed (and immediate submission of the FERC · · · licEmse) to JOitfatiori of construction. To achieve this schedule~ action ~L 'WOuld ·have to be taken to meet with regulatory agenci es• and to: ·prepare ·· · .. '·applications prior to a final .decision· to proceed. This action· would take . , · plac'e ln the final six months of the study schedu1~ and would be in. addition to· the ·fi'nar preparati·on of the FERC application. Prepar'ation of this sche- dule w.as: based upon· both legally established lead times and advice from staff representatives of the specific agencies. The critical path of the schedule is the FERC application. New procedures are being imp·lemented by the FERC to hold the processing time for major applications to 18 to 24 months. This timing would not include a hearing process'~ which. can be expected in a major action such as the Susitna pro- ject. The hearing process would add approximately one year to the process to give a total of 30-36 months. Due to the magnitude of the project the longer range of time could be expected. An additional four months of final state and federal permitting would extend past the approval of the FERC license to extend the total licensing time to 40 months. Two separate Master Application submissions are included in the licensing schedule. The initial submission, along with the numerous submissions at month zero~ would be for those permits having a direct effect on the ulti- mate project. These would include: -Coastal Zone Management Certificate of Consistency -Water Rights Permit -Water Quality Certificate -Right-of-Way Easements (and other Land Use Permits as identified) ... Highway Encroachment Permits -Anadromous Fish Protection Permits -Dam Safety Permit A second submission to the state would take place at a later date, in antic- ipation of construction initiation. These permits would be held off to await more planning on construction camps and methods, incidental waste plans and other spec1fics of the detailed design. The additional permits relative to the construction process ~.uuld include resubmission of severai of the foregoing plans, plus the following: -Fire and Safety Plans Check (buildings) -Burning Permits . -Water and Sewer Plan Review. At this later date, the NPDES permit (EPA) would also be pursued, for point sources orginating from both construction and the related project features. It is apparent t!:at the most critical issues concerning the project will be addr·essed during the FERC licensing process, particularly in light of its 55 · · '' status of •lead agency• in developing the federal EIS. ··It should b~ noted . ~hat the Corps of Engineers process fs scheduled for a longer period of time tllan ·is usually taken, to await development of the EIS by the FERC. . . ~ L~~·;.~,:~--~,_-· ::> ... ' •. · ~·· '"!---~ :· ·-~--•. ·-~--· .. _ . -_:<: .• "' .• -•. : · • ,.·Jbe pr1mar:y _permits which.deal with the impl,ementa~.ion-issues at-the state . , . _leveT are t~e-~J:MP -and Water. Q~ality Certificates, the Water Rights-permit -and th.e. Anadr·amous ,Fish Permit" Thus,_ close coordination should take place .. , . with. ~l;te· ag~n~ies enforceing. those programs. -As the DF&G ; s actively in- .:._ ~.V.olved in ___ the study, .coordination _requirements should be met appropriately. However, ~coordinii;tion · should. be i.nitiated. and maintained with tne Alaska .Office:. Qf_.Cgast.~l ~Management and DNR, particularly during. the alternative studies' ,for power develo)l.tlent and the Susitna River development. · .. 56 - - ·1!11111 c; '-l .. -IIIII k1ll JJL.l2 ---.. -···--· .. ,-.. . FIGURE .3-1 }-< . LJC.ENSlNG SCHEDULE Susitria Hydroelectric Project Activity 18 studx Determination to Proceed Feasibility Study/License Prep - - - Monitoring and Field Investigations -·-- Detai 1 ed Design· Federal Regu1 ation FERC Licensing· (Major Project) Corps of Engineers Permit EPA-NPDES Permit FAA Noti'te (Airspace Obstruction) BLM-L and ll se State Regulation Master Application -Project Master Application -Construction Local Regulation M-S Borough -Tak. Mtn. Special e (Project) M-S Borough -Tak. Mtn. Special Use ·(construction) Legend C -Complete H -Hearing P -Prel imi nary Finding I -Issue S -Submit M ... Meeting i-Initia'l rr . I •· ' ~-Pre-tonstructlon Stage Month 30 42 > c -' -~ M r> --~ I> J M I> I -... -... s M c H I , ~ 1 I ·I 54 66 ., ·- •I'· .. -r-··~ c ... -~·-~··ri·~ ~ ~ B ... --H p s ---s MS 1.~ • - M ~ I -I ~~- < > ··~· ( ~ ... .-;: 78 ... ., ... ..., __. --I . ' :a I ~ ~ .... '"[~ #·.-. •' U1 00 r~ '. STUDY. D.E.ClSION MILESTON~S. \,_.:''·.· . · Sustina Basin Alternative Development Selection Feasibility and License Submittal License·submi'ttal INTERNAL· STUDY. ACTIVITY Task 1: Input to Exhibits l, U, W Power Study Report Task·2: Prep. Exhibit F ·Maps, input to Exhibits. J, K Task 3: Prep. Exhibits H,l Input Exhibit K Task 4:. Input to Exhibit L '""-,_ ""~ .. Task 5: Input to Exhibit L Task 6: Input to Exhibits H, I, W Support Studies Exhibits J, K, L, M Prepare Exhibits J, K, L, M Legend L~=r'=·.,~~;::*-:-:? ;..."'~;;_-:;~:.,...i..r~-;~~~:~~~~~li~~~~ --=:-::_:~~~~~:~·'. ··n ,. ,c FiGURE 3·-2 '-. PRE:·APPLlCATlQN ACTIVITIES l'. .o 10 • D .. I .Month • D ,~., r· '20 ~ .. . .. ' ~' ' ·~r 0; J • ·~"';. <'. ·-~~:- • D _______ ;_.;. _____ ----- -.------.... -....... ·------. E -I -E I I .· ---------------------~---------------------------------------I --1---·------------- -T ... E o -Decision E -Completed Exhibit I -Completed Input A -Completed Application S -Submit M -Meeting r·~~ · ·1 r ··· · · f·.·· · • r . · ~ r • ··· l r ' ' f 4 ' l 'I I t' .. 1 r .. · ·1 i 1 .l r· ... ] ""' .. J r-~~~l· '!o<'to'IP<-·f< r ~· ~. ,-.. ;!.:.'i ~ " t.: '.\ 3p'· 1 • 0 , .... () . 0'1 \0 0 ·,, ~ ' § . /1 . INf.ER~I\L ·STUDY ACTIVITY P'. . .... / . Task 7: Exhibit R Input . Support Studies Exhibits S, V, . W Prepar·ation of Exhibits · V, S, W · · Task 8: .. Input to Exhibits J, K, M Input to Exhibit v Task 9:·;. Preparation of Exhibit N, 0 ':-'' Task 10: Prepar.ation of Exhibit A-E · Preparation of Exhibit R Preparation of Exhibit T Preparation ()f Application DoctJDent State Water Rights, . Dam Safety, Water Quality .. ; Cert •. and Coastal Manage- memt Certi fi cation App 1 i - cations · Task 11: Preparation of Exhibits G Preparation of Exhibit V Task 12: Coordination Mtgs. .... Input to Exhibit W <' ·;, . ..,t. •> ,; ·FIGURE 3.:.2 PRE.o.APPLICATION.ACTlVITlES r:/ 0 i() ,\': '1~ 0 •)•. (( I! .) ·~ Month 20<". ~· ~ ............ --... I ----~~--~----~--~----~----~--~--~--~·-~~ I _ ...... :-.. ~~· E ~~----------------~------------~--------------~----~--~--~~· ...,.._ .. I I ·---- o··· . 30.·. ,',,• .E.·· --~: ___ ... --'--· --·--~-' -------- - - ----.... ..-:l --------• E E .. '.· .. . A ... • A & E -'l · . ..,_'; ----~ I . I ._.,. l) m 0 . ,, EXTERNAL STUDY ACTIVITY ".-... ;, Federal '~ __ ,.. FERC Coordination Meetings Corps of E~gi neers ·. Pre-subm1ttal Meettng EPA PSD Meeting and Decision NPDES Meeting and Oeci sion State Preliminary_Mas~er App. Meeting Master Appl1cat1on Prep. and Submittal Individual Application Prep. Local (M-S Borough) · Pre-Application Meeting . '·" FIGURE 3-2 . , .. >\ ' . ~ \ 1 l '·,. ·~ i PRE-APPLICATION ACTIVItiES 0 • M 10 ---M • M .. ~- • Month 20 • M· ....--. M D ... M .. • · .. M . .· .. M ·< ..... MD . ,, . . .. S M • M !><,'. ,, "" 30 ' " • s ----.. JII'J1J-.. 111111--....... --.... . 0~ . '~:;.~ ~J ?. ··.:~ ' APPENDIX A FERC .. ·LlCENSE: . OPOLlCY ~ GUIDELINES AND. CRlTERI A ~· t • ::_-: r, <. ·''· .• : •• • ••••• .. ·. 1··.·-... ··· -,, . --. . --' . ~ . . . •·· ... -.-.. -.--·· ::-.-,,.·-' :. . . ,'' ' ,' •••••• .. -'' . '' ····._' •• I' I ·,:1 I I'- .-~-\:····_ .. __ .. -:[~ ··I' I ·-..• . ~. . -'-' .- . 'c:· APPENDIX A . , ''.FERC LICENSE: POLICY, GUIDELINES AND CRITERIA > ' . ' .. ·. -CONTENTS ,, ' Page -. Specif1'·cati_ons for Maps and Drawings (18 CFR 4.32). .............. :~· •.••••••. A._1 ·Directions for Exhibit K ( Excer;;pt 18 CFR 4. 31) • • • • • • • • • • . • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • A-5. ·i · fERC Policy ... Recreational. Development at Licenses Projects -_·('Excerpt 18 CFR 2 .. ;7·)'·. ~-.•••••••••• · .......................................... 4 •.• A-7' . . . ~.statement of General Po 1 icy to Development Procedures for _ ··. Compliance with the Natural Environmental Pol icy Act of 1969 . ·. (Excerpt 18 CFR 2.80-2'.81) ............. e ......... it ••••• o ••••••••••••••••• it A-9 Ffsh-andWildlife Compliance Procedure (.Ex_cerpt 50 CFR Subpart 410.21-24) ••••.•..•••••.••••.•.. ~..... • • • • • • • • • A-20 .. . ,. ,. ·./'· ·.:. ·, · Sp~e~;1 fica ti ons for· M·aps .:J ~n-9 ·Draw1·ngs .0 ~J. ,('• ,, :I I "Or~e·r_ N·o •. 54 . Docke~ No .• RM79:-23 \.§ "· 3~ Specif1~at.tons for .maps an.d dra'Wings. (f~~~~ ., . . .. , "-< A.ll_ .. required map:J and· drawing_~ . mus·t conform ·to the fol~owing .· sp~ci#'ications, except a~~ otherwise prescribed in thi~-chapter: "(a) Each or·iginal map or drawing must consist of I ,-v a-"print en si-lver or gelatin 35 mm microfilm· mounted I I I I , I. ·. . :. I I I oriType b C:l-lt:C• by 7-3;a•) ~~erture cards. Two au~licate~ ~~st be made of each original. Full-sized print:s"of maps· and 'drawings must be on sheets no smaller thaft 24 by'3$.iriches and no larger than 28 by 40 inches. A spac~ five·ihch~s hlgh by seven inches wide must be provided ·in·the lower right corner of each sheet. The /upper· ha-lf o'f th-is space must bear the title, numeric.al ~and ~r~phieal-scal'~ and other pertinent information concerning' the m~p or drawifig. The lower half of the spac~ must be left clear. l If the drawing size specified· in this paragraph lir=lits the scale· of drawings described in paragraph (e) of this section, a smaller scale may be used for those drawings. I (b) Each .inap must have a seale in full-sized prints no -smaller than' one inch equals 0 .s miles .for transmission lines~ roads, and similar linear features and no smaller than one -inchequal·s 1,000 feet for other p1roject features. Where maps at these scales do not show su!fj'.cient detail, largei scale maps may be required under S 4.31(£}. Each map must show: A-1 '· " l: .... i ~,., ~ ~ c. : • l j .I I J ' .. • I : ~ ' . i O:rderNo. 54 Docket No. RM79-23 (1) true and magnetic meridians; C2) st•te,. cou_nty,' and ·town .lin_es; and· (31. boundaries of public l~nds·and Ieservations of ·.the United States [see 16 u.s.c. S 796(1) and (2)], if any. If a public land survey is available, the maps must show all lines of that survey crossing the project area and all offic~l subdivisions. of sections for the public lands and reservations, including lots and irregular tracts, as designated on the official plats of survey that may be obtained from the Bureau of Land Management, Washington, I Da c.~. or examined in the local land survey office; to the extent that a public land survey is not available for public land~ and reservations of the United States, the maps must show the protractions of townships and section lines, which, if possible, must be those recognized by the Federal agency administering those lands. (c) Drawings depicting detaile of project structures must have a scale. in full-sized prints no smaller than; (1) one inch equals 50 feet for plans~ elevations, and profil~SJ and (2) one inch equals 10 feet for sections. (d) Each map or drawing must be drawn and lettered to be legible when it is reduced to a print that is 11 inche$ on its shorter side. Following notification A-2 --- ·~·· •• .. -: •• I·· ,·1 _-.·.'0: • . I I •fl .I . I ·. ·I· (\ to. the. applicant that th'e application has been ac::cept~ed . fol: t'iltng [se~ ~S . 4 .~31( ell , prints reduced to that s.{ze · muSt0 te bound in each copy of the appl:i.cation which i;s ~ . . . .: . ' : . ,' -. ' .· ·. .. ' . . ·• . . . . requ1~ed to be .... subm1tted to the commi.ss1.on or prov1.ded ' . ~ . -. . "· to any: person.,-agency, ot other entity. - -. ;_,. . ' •• Di'rections for Exhibit K (Exc-erpt 18 CFR 4.31) 0. ,), I ' 'J --- =r 01 - - - ---- - ------ E:~:Mbtt IC Detail map coverln& entire proJect area. Scale ahaU be aucb aa to abow clearlJ'. but without -:'nnecessary multi pUc· lty ot abeet.~. t.be ~~ .. ·-·ttal details of auneJI and of ~;.~ee aa io ohi'n6l<'shtr. or right of oc• cupa~..;.cy of lands wltbln the x»roJect area. In ganeral, a ecl\le of approximately <lOO feet to tlla Inch Is. 1'-PProprlll.te for featurea con- taining a rf!!a\lvelJ IIU'f;e amount or detail, and ecalea of l,OOO or ~.1.000 feet to the loeb where tber'! II little de~au;·u la frequentlJ t.be ease wJtb reapect ~ tranamlulon and telephone linea, roada, &Ld ranwa~. Bl,.. ratlona ab&11 ~~ tied to Government tencb mw-b whenever available, and aball be re· terred to mean aea level except that In the cue of proJect. In nc.vlgable watera bavlnl a datum accepted for local ua, bJ' the omt:e of the Chief of l!!ngtneen, Department ol the ArmJ, aucb local datum Llhall be :uecl. li' more than one abeet Ia uaed the abeeta shall be numbered conaecut~YelJ, and eacb shall bear a email dlagr&m ahowtn1 the en· ~Ire map and lndlcattna the portaoDI aboWD on each aheet.. Several aectlona of a con· dun,, t.ranemleslon Une, telephone line, road. rallwaJ. etc.~ maJ be ahown upon a atnsle 1Leet. each 10 placed or llmlt.ed u to avoid crowding or contUsion. Except to tbe extent and In aucb partlculan u the r•· qulremente ma)' be expreaalJ waived or mOd .. lfted by the Commii!Sion tbe detaU map to be ftled aa tbla exhibit shall conform to the sp~cUlcatlona for drawlnga, 't'+.H: and the following requlremente: .lf.3'!-- C l ) It shall abow the project area and the project boundarv. (l 1 Tbe project boundary for reservoir• cay be ahown bJ metea and bounds, or bJ a ::ontour, or If the proJect Ianda are conred by tbe public land au:-:~ey b7 linea alona or parallel to linea of the public lar..d lurtiJ. Where a flowage eMement or right of uae tnvolvlnl other than a conveyance ln fee for t reservoir appUee to a wbole tract or land and Ia not othc:rwtae deftned, the proJect boundary may enclose the entire tract. CIU The project boundary for conttnuoua atructurea. auch u tranamlsa!on linea. tele· phone and control Une1, condulta, roada. etc .• maJ' be described by center or oJraet linea of aurveJ apeclfylng dlatancea ot tbe · proJect boundary therefrom. · (Ill) Except wlth respect to lands neces- sary or appropriate for recreation purposes, for which lt is recognized that additional project area will generanr be required, the project boundary sllall be no more than 20D feet (bOJ'I2:ontal measurement) from tho exa terlor margin (In gene~l. hlgh-wat.er level) of reservoirs, nor shall the width of the project area for canals, ditch~. plpeUnrs, transmission lines, roads, anoJ other so-caUed continuous structures exceed 200 feet, unless utlefact.orJ reasons are given to tbe con- trary. Tbe proJect boundary eball be ahown on the map In aucb manner that It can be readily ldentlfted on the ground, There j eb. all be .abo. wu.the. location and de .. ·cr .. lptlon of monumenta and other maru wtth rcf~at· ence Unea therefrom to permannpt obJecta . • Ill ·accord&nCI W!tb aood praetiCO lD land curnytna. · . · , (IY a U the project bound&rJ t• locatetJ on : aande covered bJ the pubUc 'and aurveJ there eht~~U be shown a reference line from the lnlthll point of the project boundar)' auni!J bJ distance& and t-earlnga to an ea• . tabllabll!d corner If Qne can be ldent.Uled wl*hSn a distance or 2 mile•. At each Inter• 11:ctlon or the proJect boundary . wltb an ldentiJed line of tbe publiC land IUf'fiJ', tber" al.iall be ahown the l'tatlon number on the boundai'J auney, and the bt~arlnl and dla'tance to t.h~ nearest ldentlfted corner lr each dlrf'ctloJ'I on the public land 11urYeJ · line crossed, If such distance does not ex- ceed one mlle. The station number o! the boundary survey shall be shown at points or entering. and leaving lands or the United States or lands ln wblch the United States baa an Interest. . · (Y) . The project boundary, 1! described other than by a contour, shall be accurately plotted on the map with counea and dll• tancea ~UIIJ and leglblJ abown either alODI the plotted bound~ary or In tabular form on the Dlap. 'Ibe proJect. ·boundaf1 lf described· bJ a contour. aball be aceurateiJ plotted oa the map with aucb data u completelJ and accur11tely ftllea Ita locatlo:n and permlta Its recovery In iihe field. . (vi) U a contour project boundary Is lo- cated ·'on Ianda covered bJ the public land survey, a permanent monument sbaU be established at. each lnterser.tlon of . the boundary wltb an ldentlfted llne or the pub· lie land aurveJ. The map aball have the location of all aucb monumente with the bearing distance from each monument to nearest ldentlfted corner In each direction If eucb distance doea not exceed one mlle. ( vll) Wherever a Federal survey monu• ment. wlll be des1royed or rendered unusable by the proposed development, at leut two permanent, marked witness monumente aball be established at. ae;ceulble polnta. Tbe map ahall ailow a description of tbe monument destroyed or rendered unusable and locatlcD or the wltnesa monuments wlth the con· nectlns courses snd dlatancea to the original monument. SlmllariJ where. Federal bench marb ue destroyed or rendered unuaabls, wltnese bench mark• ahall be utabllabed at accessible poitlt!l-Tbe map ahaU ebow the =ocatlon and elevation ~r tbe original and wAP>nesa bench J.Darka wlth connectlDI couraea and distances. ( vlll) Tbere ahall be ahown the status aa to ownership, and the boundary ltnea and Mea or eacb parcel of land wltbln. or partlJ within, the project area, designating &epa- rately Ianda owned bJ the applicant, Ianda to be acquired by the applicant, Ianda for which the applicant bolda rlghta of use and occupancy far purpO&el or the project, reser"' 'fatlons (Indicating separately eackl reaerva- tlon), and public Ianda (1ndlcatiDII npa· Federal Energy Regulatory Commission tatel;v Ianda, full title to wblob remain~ In the Onfte!;l Statea, and la11da an which tbt United Statea ret~ln1 ODIJ an Interest) Where the project. work.a occup: Ianda not o~ned bJ the applicant, but aa to which tb' applicant holda only an euement, rrancblat~. · lease; or other r1gbt of occupancJ and uae, the map aball ebow the nature of aucb right and shall IIYe appropriate reference ~ Blr• blblt P for further detalla. (lx) E&clh map ehal! ban thereon a atate· ment by the peraon who mate1 or aupenlsea tbe survey that the aurveJ wu ~~curatelJ made and II correctlJ ahowu on the m11p. Each map shall ilave thereon a atatement that the p~riSOn who makes or aupervleea t~Je survey hu been employed by the appUeaot to make tbe aurveJ. (2) The !ocatlon aball be accuratelJ ebowa of all project woru, •uch u- U) DaiM. (II) Reaenoln. Show the ftow Unea tor maJE!mum and minimum water levela and for eleYatlon of aplllwaJ creat, and stvt tableD or dlaerama of areas ROd c~pacltiea for mulmwn and mlnlmum water levet. and tor eacb contour Une. (IU) Water co~a..;:J.1l~. ISbow ce:nt.er llllt, grade, and elevatloa of bottom a• each chauge ·of lfad&, and deetgnate lengtl\a of eacb tJPI of condWt, I. e •• llume. dttcb t;un. nel. p!pe. etc. (lv,) PowerhoWlea, aubiltatlou. ' and IWitcbyarda. \V) Transmleslon linea and appur- tenancea, telepbone linea, road.•, rallWDJI. tralla. tramwaya and brldgea. (vl) Nnlgatton atructurea. . (vU) Cb~tnnel approaebea to nangatlon etructurea. lndlcnte elevation of bottom Cor :Uatance of nnt leu than 1,000 feet above and below the atructurea. J-t8) Show contour lin~• with contour In· te!':':;;la of not more than 10 feet for the en- ' tire proJect area. except aucb portlona aa wUI l'l occupied only bJ aucb project worlul u are enumerated In (2) (V), or u will be In• eluded In rcee"olra below the minimum ele· nUon to wblcb the water maJ be drawjJ down. Proftlea of tunnel linea maJ be aub- atltuted for contoun along c'!Jcb linea (See speclftcatloiUI for drawln~t~~ In t A;1111. i . -"'· '1 'l.. - ' -~ .• ';'~;·' ~.' . ' ', ~t' ·; ... "'· ' I· FERC Policy :,,· :: .. }· ~':. ..... Recreational Deye·l opment at Licenses Projects ( E?<cerpt 18 ·cFR 2.7) ~ \': .... :.,1 •. I 'i !' '( 'J n ::/'' 5tia:-'emmlif!ZEr'llr;~;MM···MI"'! tli!rS'IEl Jlllifl!!MIItf'~illfil!"i~Jiii ;·...,w .....,.,..;: ~.-,·,.-t;:.;.;:.,.., .. 0§,_•3:, 2:~•·..;;·. ·;:i..i.I:::.=.:,·;;~~:;.;,;~j;~~·:,~;lii;:;:i~:.:.'J",~:,;i~~;~:~~ .. ,,:'Ur~~1;;~::"'.iii'~·~~~-~ \~'·i :r ....... .•. -.• ---.. -·--.. .. -.. - FERC GENERAL POLICY AND INTERPRETATIONS I 2.'l ltecreadonal developn•eal. •• U• cenaed proj~ · The Comml.sslon will evaluate the rec- reational resourc~s or all proJects under Federal llcense or applications therefor and seek. wlthln lts authority, the ulU· mate development of these· l'esources, consistent with the n~eds of the area to the extent that such development 1a not· lnconst.stent wttll the priJnary purpose of the proJect. .. Reasonable expenditures by a Ucensee i«Jr publlc recreaUonal de- . veloprnent pursuant to an approved plan, tncludtng the purchase of land, wlll be lncluded as part. of. the proJect cost. Tbe Commission will not obJect to Ucenseea and operators of recreational facUltlea wlthln the boundaries or a proJect charglng reasonable fees to users of such facllltles ln order to help defray the cost of constructing. operating, and main· talntng such facUlties. The Commission expects the licensee to assume the fol·t lowlng responslbllltles; (i\) To acquire ln fee and Include ; wlthlll the project boundary enouch land ·I to nssure optimum development of the recreational resources afforded by the \ project. To the extent consistent with the other objectives of the license, such lands to be-acquired ln fee for recre• atlonal purposes shall Include ~be lands adjacent to the exterior margln of anY project reservoir pl;~s all other proJect lands specified ln any approved recrc• aUonal use plan for the project. <b> To develop sult.able publlc recrea- tional facllit.lcs upon project lands and waters and to make provf,slons for ade- quate public access to suci• proJect facm- Ues and watets and to Include t}lereln conslileratlon of the needs of physically handicapped lndlvtduals ln the deslgn and construction of such project facllltlem and access. 18 CFR Part 2 tc) To encourage and cooperate with ~­ appropriate local. State, and Federal agencies and other lnter:::sted entitles lD • the detenntnatlon of public recreation needs and to cooperate ln the prepa• ration of plans to meet· the:ie needs, In• cludlna those for span tlshlni and bunt- ina •. CcU To encouraai; sovemmental agen- cies and private interests, such as oper• ators of user-fee facWUes. to assist ln carrying out plans for recreation~ ln~lud­ lrig operation and adequate malnte-· mmce of recreational areas and faclllttes. te) To cooperate wtth local, State, and Federal Government egenctea IIi planning, provtd!pg, · operating, and malnta!.nlng facJUtles for recreational use of public lands adllllnlstered by those f agencies artJtACent to the proJect area . (() U> To comply with Fedetal, State and local regulations for health, sanlta· tlon, and publlc safety, and to cooperate ·· with law enforcement authorities ln the development of additional necessary regulations for such purposes. t2> To provide either by Itself or through arrangement with others tor faclllttes to process adequately sewage, Utter. and other wastes from recreation facllltles lncludlng wa.;tes from water- craft, at recreaUon facWtles maintained and operated by the llcensee or Its concessionaires. .. . \i) To ensu.-e public access and rec~ reatlonal use of proJect lands and waters without regard. to· race,. qplorr sex, re• Uglous .. creed or nattonar·· orlgil,l. <h> To lnform the public. of the op- portunities for recrea.\lon at. lic~nsed proJe~ts. · as well as or rules :gpyerntng the e.ccess!blllty and use or rec.reatlonal facllit.les. IOrder 313. 30 P.R. UUSIB. Dec. 29. 1885 u amended by Order 375-R, 35 P.R. 6315, Apr. 18, 1970: Order 508.39 Fl.t. 16338, May 8, 19741 ,:; ·,. -;_-:;;:-:::--.::.·':' '. ~ .. -.:: "l~Y: •····::l,:.f?;~~:': ... , ~· 't '"' ~"* · .. : .. ··;., . "'-~ ,·. ~ .. ~. ~~:._t..~. -, ... ;~--~~7_·:. ·' --~ .•. ; .•. "l • . ::; G -L'· <' ··.·· Statement of General .Policy tQ Implement Procedures for.>Compliance with the Natural Environmental Policy Act"of 1969. (Excerpt 18 CFR 2.80-2.81) . ·I ·I I I I . ' ' " :.-,~~~ .,, .• .,t: nr OE;•;iiAt. .PoucY To I:M· r·t!-··~-~l'l.,f.<)CEt:UttES FOR CrniPLI.\!lCE '\~ .. r:;!i TriE NAl'IO:iAL ENVIRONMEN',rAL · PQL"lcY Aqr or ·1969 AVTltOJUn'! The pz;ovfslons of II 2.80 to 2.82 ls,s'!led .under sees~ 4, 10, 15~ 307, 309, 311 anel ~12 (41 Stat.lO&S. 1088, 1068, 1070;. 415 sta~. '198, 4,9 Stat .. ~9. 840~ au. 842, 843 •. 844, 8!i6, 857, 858, 859, 860, Stat. 501. 82 Stat. 611; 1e u-.s.c. pg7, ·$o~, aos. a2sr, a2sh, a2sJ. a25Jt), and the.' Nati.\ral Gaa Act, particularly sec- . tlona . ., and. liS (52 Stat. 824, 926, 830, 56 Stat. 83, 84: a1 :Stat •. ~s.~:, IS u,~.c. 'U'l!, 71'70). anct . the Nattonal.Eny)J:Onmen~ ,Polley Act of !989, PUblic X.&~ .Ql:.tso, w.ppfovec:l Janu&l'f 1, tD7G. p~Qtlarlr ~~t!PDI. !02 anct lOS (83 . Stat. 853;854). ~Dlesa.other:wue notecl. . . (llb,4~0] §2.80 'n~~~-~~ ~nv.~ronm~~~-·' atalemenl· Cal It: $~ be ·the general poUcy of the Fed~a.l ~ower Commtsston to adopt. and to ~~dlll!re to the obJectives and alms of the·Natlonat Environmental. ·Polley Act ot 1969 · CNEPA> In· its· :regulations undrr the Federal Power Act and the Natural Gas Act. The National Environ- mental PoUc.Y Act of 1969 requires, amonc othrr things. all Federal agen- cieS to include a deta.Ued environmental .statement lD every recommendatl.on or report on prop~als for legislation and other maJor Federal actions sfgnfftcantly d~ the quant:v of the human environment. · Cbl Therefore, in compUance with the Natl011al · Environmental ·Polley Act of 1969 the Commission starr shall make a detaned environmEntal statement when the regulatory action taken by tiS under the Federal Power Act and Natural Gas Act wW. have a signtftcant environ- mental impact. A .. detailed statement•• prepared 1D conlpllance with the re- quirements of U 2.81 through 2.82 shall fully develop the five factors listed here- lno!ter in tht: context ·of such consider- ations as the proposed activity,s direct and indirect effect on the air .. cmd -water environment of the proJect or natural gas pfpellne !acUity; on the land, air, and water biota; on established park and recreational areas; and on sites of nat- ural, blstoric, anc:t scenic values and re- sources of the area. 'l'he statement shall discuss the extent of the conformity of the proposed activity wJth all applicable environmental standards. The statement shan ·also ·fully deal with alternative collnies .·of action to the proposal and, to the maximum. extent practicable, the environmental eifects of eacb. attema- tl~. Flirther, ft shall specitlcally discuss plans fQr t~1ture developznent related to tile application under (:OD$1derat1on. The above factors are listed to· merely mus- trate the· kinds of val~es that must be conaldered m that statement. In 110 re- apect !s .. tilJs.· Hstlnc to be cOnstrued as covettnc/ all relevant factors. The 1lve factors \Vhfr.h mUst be speciftcally dJae cussed in the detaned statement are: (It 'lbe environmental Impact of the proP.Qsed action. . ·· (2) AD:t· ac:tverse environmental effects which cannot be avoided should the pro- poSal be Jmplemented. <S> Alternatives to the proposed , uctfon. C4> The !:'el&tlollshlP between local · short-term uses of man's environment and the maintenance and enhancement ofloDI'-termproductlvfty .. (5) ·AJu' Jrreverslble and irretrievable commitments ot resources which would n 10,481 § 2.s1 be Involved 1n the proposed actloil should It be!Inplemen~. <c> cu To the !llaxUDUJn extent prac- ticable no 1b1Bl ac1rn.1ntstratlve action Js . to be taken .~oner than 90 days after a draft enVlroimle:t;ltal statement has been circulated fQr comment or 30 days at~~r the 1lnal ~t of an environment&\ statement has bee;1 made available to the CouncU on Environmental; QuaUty &lid the. pubUc. · . .<2> Upon a ttndlng that .~t fs necu-. sary and appropriate 1D. the pubUc In- terest, the Conunissioll r.',ay dispense wlth.any time penoc:t specified·m 112.80.. 2.82. 1 Order 415-C. 3'7 P .B. 2841~. Dec. 23,19~! [" 10,481] § 2.81 Compliance with tbe National . Environmental Polirj' Ael o£ 1969 under Part I of the Federal Power Ael. <a> All applications for maJor proJ- ects <those In excesn. of 2,000 bp) or for reservoirs only providing regulatory fiows to downstream <major> hYdroelec- tric projects under part I of tile Federal Power Act for license or .rellcense, shall b.e accompanied by exhibit w. the appll- cant~s detailed report of ·ennr.onmental factors specified in §§ 2.80. 4.41, and ap- pendix A of part 2 of this chapter. ~'­ applicationsfor surrenderor amendment of a license proposing construction, or op- erating change of a project shall be ac· companied by the applicant's detailed re· port of envir\lntnental factors speclfled In § 2.80 and appendix A. Notice of all such applications shall continue to be made as prescribed by law. <b> The staif shall make an .1nltlalre- view of the applicant's report and, 1f necessary, requite applicant to correct :feficiencies in the report. If the proposed action fs determined to. be a maJor Feel .. eral action significantly a1fecting the quality of the human environment. the staff shall conduct a detailed Inde- pendent analysis of the action arid. pre- pare a draft environmental impact .state- ment which shall be made avatlable to the Council on Environmental Qualley, the Environmental Protection Agency, other appropriate govermne~tal bodies, and to the publlc, for comment. The statement shall also be served on all parties to the proceeding. The Secretary of the Federal Power Commission shall cause prompt publication ln. the FED· ERAL REGISTER of notice o! the availabillty A-9 Fed.eral Energy Guidelines -. f ' .. c -. ' . ; ... ' Regulations -i 10 269 i, . I .. of the stafi•s draft environmental state- . ment. Written comments sha.U be made within 45 days of the date the notice of availabllity . appears ln the FEDEJW. RI:GISTU. I! ·any governmental entity, Federal •. State, cr local, or my member of the publle, fails to comment within the t!me provioed,it shall be ~,umed. absent a. request for a spectflc C!Xtalston of time. that. such entity or person bas no com- ment to make. E."ttensions of time-shall be ·granted only for good cause shown. All entities .filing comm¢hts with the Commission will . l::I"Ubm1t. 10, copies of such comme.'lts. to the: councn on En .. virOnmentafQuaUty,.-Upon .expiration of -the ttme :for comment· the 'staff sbalJ consider .all .conunents i!·~eived at:d · re- vise as necessary and :ftutill.ze its· environ- m£>ntal impact statement' which, to- gether ~tb the,.connnenta receive¢ shaD ~eompP7 t.ll·e ·proposal-through the agency revie\. and decfslonmaklng proc• ess and shall-bE.: made.-av&Uable to the parties to the. proceeding. the. Councn · on Environmental Quality, and the pub- ~ic. In the event the proposal fs the sub- ject of a bearing the staff's environ- mental. statement Will be placed Jn evi• dence at that-hearing. Ccl AnY person ma.v 1De a pe-tfUon to l.ntervene on the tasfs or the sta1f draft enVlronnl:entat statemmt. All tntervene:s taking a position on environmental mat- t~rs shall' me· timely comments. tn ac .. cordance with paragraph <b> of this sec· t1on, on the draft ·stat..,ment with the Commlsslon lnciuc:Ung, but not limited to. an $Ila}y!31s of their :env!:-onmental posl- t1.on in the context of the factors enum- erated tn. · §: .2.80, and specifying a~U differenceS , w~th staJf's position upon which Intervener wiShes. to be heard. Nothing herelrJ. shall pr~lude an inter-· vf!ner fl"Qm. 1Uirig a detaned env1ron- mental1mjj$Ct statement. -· <d> In the Cast! of each contested ap. pllcatton, the . applicant. staff, and all Intervener:$ taldng a position on environ~ mental !D.!ltters . shall offer evidence :or the record 1n ·,support .ot ·their environ- mental position •. The applicant. and all such lnterven_en shan _specify any dlf· ferenees "With·· the ~s position, and shall include. among ather relevant fac .. tors,-a discussion t>f their position ln the contex~ of the . factors, eilumer•~ .lD § 2.80. . !.. ,, • • <el In the CB$e of each c:on·tested ap- pllcatlon. tbe 1n1tJa! and ~ply brtefa filed by the a:ppUcant, the staff ~d ..U Interveners taking a pasUion on environ- mental matters must spec1flca.Dy an~Jyze ·Federai Enera ReeuJator)-Commission and evaluate the e.Vldence 1n tbe Ugh~' of the env1ronmentll1 crit-eria 'enumerated· . In § 2.so. Filrtherinore, the r:nttlal DeC!~ slon of tb.~ Presiding A¢n.tllistra.tlve Law , Judge fn. S'ilCh ca..«:;es, and the final order of the Comm~!on dealing m~ th!! ap- plication on· th2 meri~ b;;,D.U cases. shaU include-an evabiat1ofi ·· ~ ~he environ• mental factors e:1umer~nn in 1 2.80 and the views s.nd comm,ents expressed-In conJunction ther.ewith by the &.ppllcmt and aU tnose maldng formal commQt pursuant 'tel the provisions ot this sect! on. .. [Order 415~. 37 FB. 28415, Dec. 23, 1972, u amend~d.at-38.Fl;\ 15948, June 19, 19'13) - •. . A-10. ~-' .. -~ I I I I. I I I I I I ., ' .. .... ~:a:,& ··"' Gll'mEi.UfZS Felt ~ PREP.bA'I'lON or ~PJ.l• c.un-s~ mriJKONJU:N'tAL UP.O&TS T~. ·Amo~·~ ··~=:;;~:!:~:~~~~.~w.· "l'beH plcleltnoc: . . (1) Iden~ .tb.• Jd.DO. of lnto~tton to be· supplied. by. •ppUcanta to .assist ~eral Power qomu:Us:.ston sta1f In an lndependtUit assessmen~ o~ major. Feder!'l .actions slglilll- cantly '&1[ectins · tbe. quality or • the. bumu envtronm~t;, · · . . . · . . . . (2) Pertain to ,actions \11\der thf' Cprnm~S.­ i.ilona• ·order ~o. ~15-C . (Issu~ Dee. 18. 1972) &JD~dlngU ~~$0..2,82. title 18. Code Qf P~~·Bep.latltl:a.l:: · · · · . · · (3l P;rovlde tbe basts· for the. prepari\tlon of .an envlri:»nment&l report .(or. e:hl~lt W) l,lcmg .prepllred: pursuant to t 2.81(&) by ap-· ,pllcant.s fo~ .byc:lrC>~l~tr1c and. :tela ted de-· velop~~nts ~de,r the jur1sdlct~on of th~ Co~~lo~:: an4 · fi 10,500 § 2 .. 100 (4) Provide an ~slt~ into the ratlon&J.e antl s~p!! of en:rl.ronm~nt-.l.reports. to a..sswe ·a balanced lnterd2scipl1Dary ailal;ysls .ot ac- tions stgnlflcantly. atrectlng tbe quaUtt of tbe human,~nvtronment. . It is the ·general pol(ey of tbe Federal Power CommlsS!on 'tQ 4!Xl)ect. applleants to tue the . followll'lg ac:tfon.s 1J! C:arrl!.liil.OUt tbeJ,r en'fl· r_,nmental evatui.tton re~ponslbUltles: _ · r . (S) Consult with the apptop~Iate Federal. j, ·regional; State,: ~ell~ entltlea d11r1Dg the prellm1na17 plnliillng stages ot tb~ p~posed ·.action· tO· assure tbat all envltonmental .!ac· tors are.· ldentlfled; . · · . · ; ' . · _ · (Sl Conduct any studies which ue ~nee~­ ·~ sa.J:y to·· detetmine the' impact of t)le p:;o- ~ posed 2-ct~on on the. human 1,'nd natural re- . • souJ:ces and the measpres · which may be • necessary to protect the values of tne a~ectecJ. • area. These analyses of impacts 11pon 11ViJ1B ·. : and nonllvlng elemenU;. ~bleb ·make up thf: i env&&"~ent ~all be to the depth neceSSJ.r.f. · for & valid usessmrnt' of the Impacts: ('1) UtUlze a &U1ftclently 1maglnattve, .com• prebenstve. lnterdlsc!.pUiiU'J' apprqacn-uu- l!zlng & broad pllystr:at, biological, and social overview--dUring the development of ti:"• plans for a project. Including the selection ·of tts site, design, and methods of collSttuc. -· tton, opc:ratlontmalntellilnce, and abandon• ·ment; and · · tS) Prepare an en~nmental report for ilDY proposed -action . that Js considered •. to atgn!Acantly d'ect tbe qualitY of the human environment. The environmental l'eport should contain Information and analyses to· the extent ·appropriate to the proposed· ac- .tton. It the applicant belleves .that his prer;. posal, If ~anted, will not Involve a major Fed~ral action .. stgt1tflcantly affeettng-tbe quality ot the· ]luina!i environment. be may flle an abbr:ev.iated. report sufftctent to sup• port. his. concl1,1slon • .However,. we. point out that the stasr may disagree wtth applicant's view. and :may request any addlttonal :lnfor- . matlon lt · deems .necessary to. make 1ts own . determinatlton Qf whether a major Federal· actton fS involved. Appllcants may .confer w;ttb staff pr!or·to submission of an ·appllca•· tlou for :~ldance as to whether or not ap- proval of a speclftc prqposed action would ltltely be clB.sslaed as a. major ll'ecleral .&ctJ.on stgnlficantly at{ectlng the,qu8llty of the bu .. .man en:rlronment; lt must. 'be realized. bow- ever. that such a CQnference would In nQ wt~.Y constitute a bar to a tater determtnattlon tbat a major Federal actlon ~ involved. These .guldellnea. have been .. preparec1 to relate to a :w1de ran,ge of possible actloDB that could come before tbe· co~sslon for · eonstderat!Q~. 'l'he appt!cant ts. ex}>ected ·w make the detaU of t]le environmental report commensurate witb the compleztty ot tbe possible environmental .impact of the pro- posed action. It JS Important to recognl.Ze tbat there 1s some dupllc~tlon tn the In· !ormatibn requested~ Often a sectloi1 asks for an evaluation: from ,a dlfferent viewpoint rather than for absolutely new Information. A-ll \ I (. ; ,. ( Regulations 10,275 Upon review ot. the applicant's envtronm~ntal t"eJ)Ort. .Uair ~Y request addlt!.onat Snforma- tlQn.· cPJoiJIQNJ:NU OFAlt ~O~.U. BI:POil'l' 1. Iie~ptttm · ol . ,.opose4 ncflcm.-- ProVicie. u an lntrod.uetorr . paragraph, a · brief descrtptton.: .. ot the sctton under appllc&• tlon. 'nlett deiCI'lbe tuny.lt8.: 1,1 .Purpoae.-»esena the p1lnw7 pur-. po38' of the ·proposed. action a.ncl auch uc- Qn~arf·pu~ U• lJater supply, navigation, iiood control, lo• flow augmentation, recrea- tion. flab,: •and Wlldlife. De~be how the.- pu~ both. priril&rf· and sec:onda:J', fit Into e~StlDB a.nel future uttUtJ aJJtema or aid tn m•ttng Q"Stem reUablllt! or·:regtonal and national nHcla. Llat the increuu 1D Prod:Uctl'flty and valua for each PUJ'PQII descrlbec[, · e~ power · capacttr · ln: ltW . and generation ln kWh/Jear, ll&vlptlon In toft· nage~ recreation ln 'filltor da)'lt water use lD tt•;a and at. . . ·1.2 Locatfcm~~~t.e the geopoaphte&l .. locatlonlJf the actton as related to other al~ll&l" progr&ma or development. l!l tht. aame l'l'fer ballt1\. ~1;8 the propoaed actton with .reSpe:ct :to State bound&fles.. c:ounttu and J:D&jo~ ·cities aucl, 1f nece$Urf, by: 1110!8 spftCUlc geographical lc:lentltl,catton such u township and ra.nge; p~'flde a J:Dap or maJ)l of the·~ an~ .such other graphic mater18la. as are .~~ to locate the acttoaL 1.3 L~ requirementi.-Locate alid iD· cUcate the area and uae ot lands to be utwzed t-y the prQpQied .action and any meuura, otht.tr than .construction pl'QCecluru, lnvolvad tn Ita· u... mcluc:llng clearing, borrow and spoU are~ l'iP•t:&Pt aettUng ponds or bastns. "loeatt~~ or develOpment or ~. :ecre&• tlon and. 'WlldlUe · Dl.allaPment programs, drtlHng ot weU. for '"'ter supply ot aqUifer t'eeharge~ and reservJ.ng ·proJect lands for future w;u. Describe the length and Wldtb of. all.: e;~g. • joint.. or, ne.w ngbta-of-way requlr;!Cl by the proposed action and any land treatme~t pro~ proposed. thereon. 111· ClUdlnl( actl'fltle" OD '1adj~nt"l&ndl. l.4 hopoae4 . .tat:Utttes.--.'Prou"'-dimen- sions where•pertli!ent. . 1.4;;1 .. Pro/eat tDOJ"~.--Descrtbe anct locate on · tuncttonat dra'Jt'lnp :the proJect 'WOrka ·pro~· for. conattUction, lncluCilrlg dams, clikes. relei"fflnJ, spitt'ft.p, .. powerhouaea. awltchy:arf;ts and :transmtulon facUltl:!l, water tntatea end outleta and eondulta. na'flptlo~ ·works. . vial tor. cientera and other public uae Z.CWt!es. 1lah ladders, ft.ah batcherles, and. ilah protective facUttlu. Pro- Vide dlmenalou, elevp.t!ona~ di.ta on geologt• cal roundt:'.Jons. and other technical data u neeess&~T to gtve functional desip. clW'acte!'· lltlca for ~et.}' end adequaey. 1.4.2 Be!eYVOfi'.-Delcrlbe. the :e.senolr and Ita 0\1\ilat workS gl'f.tnr dlmenslona · tn capacltf, elev&tloDJ, uea. depth; thermal sU.tUlcat!On U present or anttclpatect;. ~­ rents, mlxlng actions, and flow-tbrough of iJltloWlns nters u related to water den- sities;· and.locttte an1 water intake structures Federal Energy Regulatory Commission A-12 by t'ileve.tlonm and In relation to the oeeur- rence of a. reservoir thermocline. 1 .•. 3. Tailwater [eaturea.~Us1ug a prome drawing, .show elevations of the turbine or pump runne~. maximum and minimum ·. taUwe.ters, and of any ~Urace excavatloDI. 1.4~4 Transmis:fcm tat:UI.ttea. -Describe any transmlss\on UileS.. rights-of-way~ and . substations exlstlng ·or planned for future · qevelopment, not lncluded as part of the aetton un~er appllcatlon but considered a necessary adjunct theteto. · 1.5 comtructi:m proceciuru~-DI8cr!be procedures to be taken pnor to or during construction a! project works suCh u the relocation of homes ancl ccmmerclal &Del industrial facllltl... clell1'1ng, prepar;t.tlon of .any .dlveralon works, suneylug,land acqutal· . tlon and environmental plam.i4lg. l'rovlde a schedule Qf construction of major project works and bow thla wW. meet future power neecla and. avol4 such llmlttng factora as floocb. severe cl2mattc conciltlona, or mlgra- ttona of fish. Include schedule• for needed relocations or development of· tr&D!SportatloD and other publle use facU1tlea and method& ot malnta1nlllg nrvlce during these actl1'• 1ttes. Indicate the source of the work forca, numbers lnvolvecl, and. their housing need& · lnthearea. 1.6 OpeTatfonal aact matnteftance proce• cl!U'U.-Descrlbe the proposecl operational modes and the reucna therefor. Show how the water l'eSOurcea 1)f the area are to be utUJzed (proVIde usable reservoir storage ca- pacities tor respective purposes. area-capac• tty curves, hydrology data. drawdowns. awl flow amatlon curves appllcaole to proJect operation during dry:, anrage, and wet years). Include a dlacusslon of the quantity and quality of water 1loWB u they enter, p..,. through the project, and &l'e. released t• maintain the downstream aquatic habitat; and of any dlverslona of water for other uses Including municipal or 1ndustr1al uses. or fish ladders or hatcheries. Por pumped stor- age pl'ojects describe the daUy, weekly:, and seasonal exchanges. of waters between upper and lower· reservoirs and the lnLter currente. and ~mp~ratme. Changes produced by tbll pseudo-tidal action. InclUde also a d1scU.I• slon of any pollutant. (&nd their sources) whtch .woUld· 1)e dllchargecl u a re.sult of the proposed action. Describe ma~tenance of proposed proJect works under normal con .. clltlons: Include t,p~·s af ~ctecl mainte- nance. and . bow system or area needs WU1 be met during shutdown for maintenance. Describe. capacity of project wwu to w!th• stand both usu~ and Unusual, but possible. natural phenomeu. ali4 accidents (e.c •• earthquakes, 4onds, hurricanes or tornadoe&. slldn); describe any related gealoglcat or structur&l problems, and measures . to be taken to mlnlmtze problema a.rtainr trom malfunctions and accidents. ·· 1.'1 Future plan.t.-Descrlbe planJ or po· · t!)ntlal !or future expansion of facUlties In• eluding land use ancl the compatlbUlty of these plans with the propostl! action. § 2.100 1f. 10,500 .. I .. [} I I I '.""• I I I I I I I I . I . .-. Regulations . . . 2.. De;cr:fp~foJa: . ot the ~tfJ&9 . e1&W'ofto ment.~Provide ·.an overall description.. of ez .. -~lllr -condlttona for.~: which lDIBbt · be' alfectecl.d~ and. ln~J bf the" · propoaeclactlotiflncluiie.-& dlscUiillonof IUch pertinent topl~ u: · · · , . · · . .. · 2.l. £11!14: · ;(~c&W:rea ·cfte! . 1'1.4-fdelltlfJ . p~nt u•• :'nd ~~--"llJf -the cbaracter~· ot·t'lieland~ ·... ,. , · . -.. . ..... ·. . . 2.1~1 :r.aM '.met~...;;.Deserlbe the eztent ot . present uses ... Ill am#UitUre~ b'Wdnl!lla. Jn• duatrT. recreat:on. :retdence,. wUcWte~ .~d ottier· uaes .... lndudiDI. · tbe P.C)~ntt.af Jor . tie• · velopment: ldC&f.e' 'lil&Joi· neatbJ-transpOrt&· tlon ' comdoni, includlllr : I'Ol4s. high,..,., ship, Chan~~ aJJ.c:l,.avJatton ttamc :pattGms: locate tran!Smtuton ·faeUlttes .on .or near ·the . lands aft'ee~ ·· b1 ·~· _ propoaed . ~lou _&nd ~ the1i' -. pla~m•'"· ,t'W~~ound. · mrtaee. oe •overhead). ·· < ; ' · '; .~ .· · . · · ; ~.to: · 'I'oP!iifaiflr.•~ ~yriogr.crmv~ t.md gml ... 'bft.--Provtc:ltt. IIi cletallecl ~ption -~ot the · to~phic, phplograpidc, ~d geotogtc;tea"' tures.:Wtthtn. tile area. Qf the p~ ·actio~ IncluJ! .. tr.s. Geol~Cal.Surve.r ToP9KI'&Ph~ Maps. -a.r1a1 pho~pha, an<~ . 9th~ 811ch sr&phtc.materl¢ .. :· ·· . · · . . .. 2.1.3.. .So~;-,-Deacrtbe the. phJSiqal -= chemlcalcharacterla.tlc;a ot the sotia. sumctent detail mo~'be gtven .to:auow tn~tatloD: of the ~ture o( &~JCl fertWtr of the son ~~ stabllitr of llOP.. . ' > ·:" J . . • =a.t.~ ~t:)lo;iclll ·· ,.GitQ'4a.--Inc;l!~te . the prol;»abUl~ of occurren~ qt seolost~ -- &l'dacln t!J,e,_~:auch.-."~arthq~akea, alump-. . ~~ landalld.es" ~b&.lde~ •... perJll&frost,; .awl ~on., . · ,:;. .. U · .s~ aftt% . e~c>qlt811U.-ldenttfJ thOM· specie8 and ~litema ·that wJ!l .'be afft::c~ br< ~~ prq~d.: ~n.. ·· .. :-~ 2.2.1 s~.-14Jt tn aen~.eateeortu. b7 commo.u: an~ ac~tJA~: na~ tha··plant &ncl Wilc:Ulfe speclis tound m the area ot the propo&eel action· .an4, ·iJidf.Ca~ •. tholft · haviJJ& . commm:Jai anct··r,creatlon&J. Jmpq~ · .·· 2.2.2 contm~it~a: . ··4114 ·· · a•ocl4t~.- Desctt~ the dOZDIDant· p~t .and. wticmte communities and aaoetAt!OM loctt.f.ed within · the.vea of Uie.ptopb!IR· acuon. Provide an eatlm&te ot the population ~tlea of major apeclel. U data are Dot 'aVrJlable for the tm .. mediate area of the ~ actJ.on, data trom comparable areu may bs WJed. 2.2.3 ... VnfqUif "'*" ot1a.et bfOtfc resourca.~ Delci'lM UD.lque 8CaQ*tema or cotmnUn!ttea, rare. ot end&Dp!'eCI ~u. and· oth'P' blot1o' ret!Ource& that may -h&ft speetal Jmpottane» 1n the . .area ot· the proposecl action: Descttbe anr areu of crtttcal environmental concem. e.g-., wett.nds. and e.tu•te•. summar'".illll 1lnd• .Jngs ot ~,. atudles·con'Clucted. the~ '2.3 SodfoeC01&()27ifc comlde1'c&ttou.~rt the proposed action CiD1i14 have a. aijll12lcant tme!oeconomtc effect· on .:the IOC&l. area, cUI• CUD _the soe~otco~&cnmc 'f1ltUnt•. lncludtnr ,.~ Chaqa. t~ :tJ,r.e J:J&WOftmenf 2'hroug1J.ol&t '·~• Sp~ o/:Jnfl~ ol Propouil Actcm..-. Direct ape! lDciJrect •trecta are those etrecta whtcl!. can be ~licemect-.. oc:cumnr prtma:dlJ beca\IAths propqsed. actloJ:l woUld. ~·l'or eumple: (1) Th• .Impact Of • borrow plt WOUld. be evaluated ·to the exteQt that lt trOUIC!. be' 'devel()ptel or. 'expanded but the ~ 10,500 §.· 2.11)0 population and industrial groWth, ot t.he nrea without the _Implementation: of the proposed actton; descr!be.the economtc development 1n · the -ylclnltt of the. P.roposacl action, . pU'•' .ttCUI&rlJ' tbe local tu'bue and per capital. mcome: an~ 1denttf1 trends tn economic·~- veiopment andjot latld me ct the 81'!&, both fi'Om. a historical. and proSpective viewpoint. o Describe the· popuiatlon denSitieS of· bOth the lmmecllat& .ancl-generatlZed ·area. Include clll·- . tancesfrom .. t~utstteot·'Ul~·ptopoSed ~tton to nearb:t re9ld!.nQ~. pt~es. and :urban areas. and ·JISt: thelr. popUJ.atto~. ~cUe-~ the Qumbel' ·· IIJ!~-~ype .of residences, far~; bUSlnes.o;es, :&nd 1n<iuatr1~ that wlll 'be c:llre!:tlY atrectecl and these requiring retoca.tton If the proposed~- tton occ;urs. . · . 2.1 Air a1'14 U!ater . eftviio'Ameftt!.-J)e. scrlbe the J:»re~at1~r cllma~ and the quailtJ · .of~ the alr. (including· ncile). and. wat~r en• vironments. of the area.. .Estimate .the qitallt7 and avaUabUltJ of surface water · resolircea In the propoaecl projec:t am. . 2.4.1 Climcte.-Descrlbe the htatorfc. ell• matte C:Ondltions that prevall 111 the vtclnlt,. of. the prop0R4 action; .e:nremel and meana · of molitbly temperat~. preclpltatlon, ancl wincl.speed and directiOn~ In addltlon, indl"'! cate the f.-equencr of temperature inver- . slons, fog. sm.Qg, tctng. . and destructive storms auch a. hurricanes amd. tornadoes. .. 2.4-l· Hrl!rolofW --~ IWilft)ffi'ql:.y ....... De- ICrlbe surt~ wat4tra.. ~. bl8Uiah, .or sallne, 1n the viciDltJ ot th' propOBecl ac~loD -.nd .dlscua drainage . bulnl. phya~ and chemical charactetlstlc8.-w.ter . u., . 1rater--', aupplles~ and ctrculatlcin. ~lbtt the groWid~/ watu sltuattcm. water uaea and .,urQ.U, ao• quUer 5Jste~. and 1low characterlatlcs. · • ~.4.3. Atr, 110f.te, .~ZftCI .. 'IDClter -~"'alifll mcm«· tonnv.-Providc. data on the emtl!lg qualltJ of the &1r and water,incllcs.te the cilatance(l) . from. the pl'CJP~ action slte to monttorlnl ·atatloDa ancl the .mean anct mulm\im audible notae . and radto interference levels at the .alte boundarleL · "· Vmqu tutura.-Descrtbe Ul11que (jl' .U!lUSUt.l features ot th-. area, mctud,lng hJa.o toi1C3lo arcbeoiOrJcal, a.uc:!. ~eDJc. sltea and . •aluez. . . · a. ¥nm-cmmcatlll. tmpact ol· tM ~ actfon~-De1Cl'lbe au mown or .expected stg .. tJJJlcant env!l'Qnmttu.tal etrect.!s auci Change-. both. beneficial smd adverse. wllleh ~ take ~pl~ should the· actlon be C&1'rled aut. In· elude the lmpacte cauaed b,-(a) oonstruc- tton. (b) operation. tnclud.1l18 maintenance. breakdown, and maltUncttona, -and (c;) tar• mlnatton of actl?ltta, tncludms· abandon• men~ Include both cl!rect ai1cl pr!m.ary IDdlrect chances ill the extatlnr envtrOmnent In_ the Jmmec:Uate ·area ancl throushou~ th• . 1phere of ln1luence at the propoMCI actton.a ·manufacture of connnttonal trucks to wo::k the pit would not; (2) the Impact ot con- !StrUctlan workers movlng Into the ~r..•,-outd be eYaluated. but not the lmJ:»a® oe th~lr -tea'Vlng prese!lt homea. However, th• tcpact at the1r subsequent IeaY~na thla p1ace must be considered. Federal EnerCY Guidelines A-13 · .. I ( ( . , . I " c \ Regulations 10,277 Sol ~Holt.. 3~1.1_ U!ICJ. tatun,. a~ UH.t.-Aueaa the lmp~ Oil J'leiiP,t 1)1" future ,l&Dd 'UIII, li'lelUd•· IDs _comm~ ,u., ~ei'alreao\U'Cellf ncn-. atloll&l. areu. public healtJ;l .&Dd atetr, ad the &JStheUc 'A11,1e ot the lall4 .ad tt• fca• turel.--Dacribe aJlT tem~. restrfctlou OD laD.d. use due.-~-~ctlon· actlritlel. Stilt. the deet Ot ·Con.trucuOil :etatect. acttYltlu _11pml loe&l ~c pa~. lncludlbr tOadl. hflh111lfl;_ llhlp cJiamlell,_ and avfatlon pat• ~ 3.1~ , lpecla and eca..,.ttem.-Auell the Impact of CODBtructlon ·on the terrelt11al and aquatic species &Jld habitats ln the area, -l.nclucUng c:leUlng. excavation. and lmpoUDd• m~nt, . DW:us.' the posalblllt1' of a major Alteration to 'the ecosylteDi and ali7 poten• Ual loa of·.an. endangered, spectu. s.us S~COA()mfc' C01'&111Uratfcmi.-DII- CUIS tho effect on lOCalsoclcecoliOmlc deftl· -opmelit. JD. r.,tatt®. to labor, hou.q, !OC&. lriduat:c7, and pubUc rentce~,. DiSCUIII the ~ for relocattou .or famJlles md. bual• nesse&·_-DeScrlbo tb,e JJene4c1al effecta. bOth dlrect and. lncUrect. of the action on the hu· man en'llrcmment,_su'Ch ubendti reauttms from the ·services ··anc1 products. uus other resUlt. .of the action (lnclude. tax belllflta to local andSta~ goRrmnenta. P'Qwth 1D local "tu b~~~e floJD -ll81F bUIIlni!ISS aDd. hOU&IDC development and·pay:olls). Desc:rlbs the tm·· ~act on hum&l\ element.-, lnctudlng the need tor lricieued public aemeea (sch~ health - tacUitte., pollQe ·I.Dd are proteettoDo housing. waate_ dlspcRI;:marke~ tr&Daportatfon, com.• _ mUDlcattOD, . ene1"17 . supplle8; . ~ recrta• tloD&l ,facUltlM' and UIQ .. m the proposed proJect·..-,· mcludlllg .n,. cb&Dsea whleh wtn oci:U1" 1n f~Cre&Uonal 'I!D· and potentlal of the localllin& w reglo!i) due to the·pm· p..e¢. Dctlon; promtoDI tor public .accesa to and Ule of proJ~ lmde awl wate~ mclud· q the tmpacta tbe~t~ uaea wUJ haTe 011 the area: project landi ~·tat ~ture ftcre• atlon de'llloplD2nt ·IUJd thtt tj'pn ottacWtlu whlch 11111 be· or whiclt · Dia7 need to be pro-.fded thereon and hQW the Incremental UMI. of thele ~da. WiU d'ect ih~a area, til• ClucllDJ the etrecta ot aD7 IDcreued ~a­ tlOD&l. WMt on· the land ADd. water resourcn and 011 the pubUc lln'tce taeUitla ·which pret~tDtlJ'. eDit or which 11'0Ulll. need to be deYeloped. to p~ tor publh;. needL Dll- c:\111 the !mpact of the proJK*Id actton on national aud.lacal hlltonc and arch~loglcal lites. 'U7 U!st!q ICiD!c, 8Dd cultural Yalues: · 1.1.4 Air au vater enW"cmmenf.-Eatt· mate the qu&Utatlve ~cl qumtltatl'll effectl Oil air. noa •. ~. w•ter quaut7, Including 18CUmentatiODt aDd whether J'eiUlatoiJ' 'ltalldard.a 1D dect tor the area wm be com• pllfl4 with.. ~u.a waate Dtipoicii.-Diacusl the lm· Pact of ~tspolal of aU wute .materfa! 8Uch u apotlll, ve~tetatlon, aDd construction mater1&18. . Federal Eneqy Regulatory Commission 3.2 Opercztfma an4 mafn~Me. 3.2.1 . Lancl teatt:.ru ancl urea.~Utne rutrtcttons. em.· ezisttng and potential land ~ ln the vtclnlty of the propoaed action, Including mineral and water resources. State the ef!'ect of .o!)eratton related actl'lltles upon loe&\ tramc pattern£ IDcludtng roa.dl; hflh• Wf>JII, llhlp. 'ehatmtils, ~d. aYJatlOD pa.ttezm. .U4 the poutble need of new tscttttlea. 3.2.2 Species and ecoqlfema.-.i\u,eM the · tmpact of ODer&tlon upon terrestrial and ~tic species amc:1 habitata, tu~udf!lg the lh . .?>rtance ot plqt an4 cmlmal specl• h&viDC -economic. or aesthetic· value to DW:l that would be affected b7 the action; pro-vld' perttnellt U;tormat~on on ammat mtgra· tto111o fooda, e.nd reproduction tn relation to tli.e imll&etl: and dcscrl!)tll any eCQ171tem lmb&lancea that. woutcl be causect b7 the ac- tlon Q4 the pOUJbU&t7 of .major alter&tlcm to m ecoayatem or the lou of an endangered apecl.eL Aallea anJ effect~ of this actloil which woulcl bo cumulative to thOle' of other' ltmnar, e:ristlDg projecia or propotsed ~lona. 3.2.1 Soctoeccmomfc ·coutderatfofti • ..;..Dla- cua . the effect on the local ·IOC1oecoDOZDIC deYelopment In relattan to labor, houamc and popUlatlotl growth trenc1a, l'elocatt.cm; local Jndustry and 1DdUitr1&1 J.I'QWt.h. and · pubUc service. Describe the beDe!lclal e2fects, both direct &Dcl1Dd1rect, Of the I&Ct!OJI OD the human en'llroDl!lent auch aa economic 'bene- ilta ruultt:og fiom the :Jel"ffcee· and producta. enlllJ7, and other result&. of the actlon (l!l· elude tu benefits to local ucl State govem• menta, growth 1D !oeal qz b .. from. new buslnUD. and housing de'lllop~nti, aDd p&yrolll). DesCribe. Impact;· em h1UD&D ele- .ments, InCluding &n7 need for IDCNUecf pub- lic servtce (schools. police and 11re protection. housmr. waite d2apoul, mt.rketa. tnmapor. tatton. c:ommuDJeatlon · and · recree.tlonal facutttea). IndJcate the extent to which maintenance of tha area. Ia depenc!;:nt upon new !!OUl'cel! of energj' or the uae cf. such vttQJ reso1,lrCeS aa water. . , . 8.2.1 .Aif' and wczter envfnmmtmt.-.Aalal the ~mpact on Present a1r quaUty. Auua the Impact on present nol91evm due to proJ!Ct- related notMS. ~ the Impact on p~t water quallt7, mctudlDg se!ltmentattcm. dwt to reservoir operattona. d6wDitnam water n- ~eases. PG'nr peumr operatloDI, location of outlet. warb, &ncl aaDJtaz7, ·wast$. and proc- eaa efiluenta. 3.2.8 Soll4 tDa.tfU.-·llescrtbe &D7 Impact:. from accumUlation of :soUd waatea azul b7• prod.UC\a th~ W1l1 bo llroclUctMI. 3.2.8 Use ot raource..~.--QU&I'ltlfT -t.be ·re- sources necessa....,. tor opt>......._tlollll UJel: e.c .. water (human neetla Ulcl ~";.~--). enerv requlremttnta, raw products. ancl apt!CI&llad needl. Alae111 the !!np.ct or obta.lnlnr and USlngtheae re~urcu. 3~2.'1 Mtzfntencmce.-DtscUII the. impact ot mallltenance programs, · auch u subiJequent clearmr or treatment ot rJghta-ot-wa7. Dll- cusa the potential Impact ~ J:!l&Joi' break· § 2.100 v 10,500 A-14 , I . . ' .,' ' 10,278 Regulations I I I I I I ·~ I: •\ I I I' I ~;~~--J '.- > c:io~ eel •hUt40WDS of the faclUtles. qd and ·Of scenic, hlstor!c, areheologteal, and bow ~UTICa WU1 ~~e:·malDt.&lned 41MDS ah1U-otbftt' natural vatues.; deacnbe meaauret to d~--. ·· :~ ·.;:;·· '' ·· . ·" .· .. · _· . . fucllltaw.antmat mtgra,ttona and. movement& . S.2;1~ ~ cmcl -caf~~-:-Ue-to ptotel:t their Uf• processes (e.g., sp&WDIDi -=r.tb!t aZlT1mpiacta ·tesv!ttng ~·. aoddetitl and rear~ ~ .i!J]i.): ~eiCZ'lbe prograz:U f~· .&nclnatunll. ~ll~~whtcli Jlitpt Ocinlr. tudac&piJ:lS .and. horttcultural practices: dB-· ili~;prcyJ~• all ::UW,sta ·or· the e&f.'Ab!UtJ ·~ acrtbe selectto~~t aJld uae • or any cl\~mtcala ~· . .rn to abaarb pred!Cte« lmp.et."f~ · . .. n~et$ dur~g constructfo' operattoll, azul . 3-*·='~;f"~maucm fm4,tzflmicloamenf.-:-Dt.-mamten~c. .so. as to preventthetr entrJ -Into· · cu.• -.;-lin-p~ · oD:·Jaiu!l-lUe ·1111d ae~'thettca .. · wate"' In the area; discUas pl'OEi'(ma to aas1R ot~~~'tlri!ISDattoa·and/or abalid,onment of displaCed. famtlles ·'and 'buatnesse.· m· thetr ··racn~--~Ug~ttns flom·th• propollid •'=Hem._ · 1 · tf · .. ------· · ·. · ~ . o4t.•~ to ~ tJ&e·. enWOn,lf,eftt re oca on; · <.le~u• prO\'lslou tor publlc ar tt\ t~:or mftfgafe adi7SrH ·ent7ff'Qftme';itll access to. and ·use of, Janda aDd waters m -e.teca~~Iclentlff au .meatura.· w-JiJch '\'fill be the area of the propc:)seci ~ctloni! mel· cibCuaa . unctertllken tO iiDhimCe 'th.-· eiivironment W the j)reparattOD ot' Xtuida prlCr. to .u.cl follOW• ~~i,. avoid. ~tlp~;:i)rotect. o; c:On\• tu~-~:C .. ·· b.rJ .. 1· d .. ··.ver. .. 3. "· -..6.-· ---:-·---. · .. . ·. P*~:\~or airiverse &nc(.ctetr1mental. ~ta ..... .,uun .. ,_ •• ._ ... ,. , ·.· ofc til• ))i:O.PC*Hl. actton, u c;tescrlbed. undcl' /ec:U . ....;Dfscuss all slgnil!~t envttoilmental -~ ·part~ .• ~~}Ye,)nclUc:llilC ~~~!DC plllDD1DC etlecta which cannot ~'lvotdecl by mea.sUNa -, \~d. d.e~gn •.. d.cwcn c;l'i'tl'lao:·CQD.~ :apecUl!"' outllnett buec:tfon • a Daft. . catt,oM. -~~tt~. ot· ma~~ conat:UctlOn · 6.1 Jlum'I.Jft: 'ruov.rl~ tmpactec&.-lndlca~ . te~~quu..~,~11;l~I:.PrQ~ cs.urtnccou.• .. Choee human: resource_' and. V&J.uea whlch wm. · atrtlcUon . &i,'1d. .. operaUOU. . ttPt:.ln)nmental sustab.\ · stgniftcant, t!t\&VOldabkt . advel:'lle · ef• tr&d~~: ~~~ and. d.eV,lll_p,ment. · azr.a-tecta aud. dlsCuaa whether the smpaci WUll:)e ·· res.torat1ou· m'&iurea which wW be taken translto17, a one-tJ.me but laatiDC ,elf-. ... J;OUtb:l;IJ or ·u';:tbe n~ arialtL· . . . . . . • repetitive, continual, h;lcremen~ or ayner- . 4.1 Pr~a~iH .. m.cuuro · 4nci m«nJitcr-glstic to other effects an.d. whether seconriaey jng.-DJSc\ia pr;ov1Sf.QDa for pre• &n4 poe~-a,;:tverse consequ2nc:H wm tonow. FoCus on , monitOrlnl ot •ii~cant ~vtronmen~ 1m• the displacement of people by the proposed .l'J&Cta of,·~· p~~~ ~lo:D. InclUde pro-g.c-~oi.\ and. Its local, economic, and. &esthetic ~'fOr mon-~~. chalps. ~ operatloDal !mpllca.t1ons: on human health and' ·satety; phaiel.· ~\M .Pi~polt4 meuu.rea .tor • anct on aesthetic and cultural. -values and. . ·tee~ .andmodUyi,q. ucf.se .le1'e~ l'lclQnltor• standards of Uvtng whlch wm be:~~ or me &Jr. ~.· wate,r. qlWlt)', m.ventorJ11)C _,. endange.ted~ Where posslbltf p~~ ~ail~-· c -s.>eclea]n ,food ctia1Dl1,. and. d.etecttDc mducecl tatlve evaluations of these efrecta. . cl:wi&-., Jn~-thlt. weatl\~1'.: ~ ~~ 5.2 lin. preempted. 11M unavoidGble lti~Uc:IJD& :· equtpme~~ ~. pl'QCed.ur.,.. c:hclnga • ...;;..Dl:!cuss all algnUlcant, UD&vold- -.nd vector 1 • cont.rQl ~uurea, to .~. ta:ta ~ble enVironmental impacts on the land &nd !~. pro-UJl&. the· health .... 1J8Jf~ ... of Its present U3e, causecl by Jnund.atlon, clear- worklmS: and th• p\l,bllc at the .p~joc;t 4ur1nl mg. excaft.tion, IUlcl ftU,s; losses to WUdUfe . lta conamactton. Q~~tl~ ~ctlQ.fJn~ce. habitat. fc-:ests, \mlque eccaystems, m!Der&ls, · lncl\J.dJN ~cturea tc:-.. ezcluclo peop~ trom wet f~nd.o; effects Qri 1lsh habitat. and ~.· . ...-.. qr: to protect them. d~. migrat!ona~-on relocation of populations 'and ch&lt\PS JD; operation;;. mclu~ J&llltarT and manmade tscnities. such u homes, l'Qac:is, 110114 -.d. J!qulcl ftate. <Ua,poal t.cutu. lta · .llighways, ail.d trails; on hlstorlcal. recrea .. wci'k~_.&'D.d·~·pubuc (\unns ~cUcm .. tlonal, arehroicctcal. and aesthetl~ values OJ: and o~tfOn'.; DllcUII meaauru. to be UDdV• · · . tcenfc &rei& . . .~ ·to'·mtni~U.. problema .·a:JiJJic . .from· 5.3 Loll oj eAwmr.ment41 quaZity.-Dts- ~un~ua· ,.tt..u4 accldenta (.9.lth nttmat.. c:u.ss any· alg.;:\Ulcant. un&vold&J)le . aCt~erse ~ probabutttOt~ce) .Identlf7 Rand·. Changes lJl the atr. mcludtng dnst and emis- &..'"il . p~.nrea .tar protectiDc oenlce.. u.d ". IlOna ~the ml< and nolae levels; Smpacta ft• en~tiitat· ftl~ ·. dUJ1D.r · malntu!.&Dce ~lttng from soUd wuteb and. thell' d~; and b~qwnL .Dllc1Zia· proPQMCI auc1 &ltei'· effects on tlie 'lii'&ter resources of the tuea, nattve . ccmat:uctSon.· ~tabiee. to prevent .lnclucflng .consumptive uees. · · itiDUlcant enmro~~tallmp~ ·and ptana e. Bel4tfmu1i.lF bettoem· loccil 3hort·ferffl .tor 'Jm.jtlementa~D.: .~ changes wllonev.r . u.su. of mt!ft.'.t entlfnmment cmrJ the matn.te-.ilecessarito l'educt Q'YlrONDeiltal Smpact. ~~ance ancl ~m1&eftt_ot Zong-t~ produc:- . 4.2 Environmmtt:l rutoratfon aftC! en-Uvity.-<::ompare 'the ·beneft.ta to 'bft. derived hcincemettt;.....:D~scua·· an. m~utes ·.tO.· ba trom theJmmedtateorabort-term use of the taken to. i'iiWre amc1 enh&Da. the . in.'fir.on· environment. with imcf Without the propoied · { ment, mclUcftris ·~• fe2 ~ucm.. action. and -the lo~c-term comequences .of . replaceJiifnt. or proter;tiOD. of JSo?& ·~ faUDt. ~he propoAcl ~tfoD.~ Act1o!lli whlllh dlmtnt.&h .. , Federal Enerey Guidelines •• I .~ A-15 c / { . ·~ Regulations 10,279 the dlvemty of ~~neftcW usea of .tha en'gj· ronmetl,_ oz. preb.., --, tlie options far fUturo USf.W or. needl zoecal!l!'t' detaned analyail, to assure tli•t JShortalght;ed deeiatou are • net· mad,e whie)l may :commit .future pnerat!ana to undesirable CO\U'H3 ot actlont. 8.1 · Shorl"!t~ ~~--Asae• the local short-term 'uses of· man 'a envtronment m terms ot 'ihe prOpc.sed acttol3-'s beneflt to mr.n, land .use, al~ratlou to the ecosfstem, use of ruoutce~. .ancl pubUc health. and safety. 8.2. · t.ong·term productfufty.-Dlscuss any cumulative lolig~tetm effect. which may be ea111ed b;r,. the proposed ~etten ln. terms ot lanct· U5e, alterations ·to the ECOSJBtem, uae of :resource$ and public health and ~ety. 7• ln'ivnmble cmcl irretrtevable co,unu- menq oJ Teaoureea.-D~scust.. nd qumtlf1 when posatble, any trreyoeable comm1~nta of resoUl'CeS which wou!4 be Involved 1n the tmptementatlon ot the pto.PQSCCI .actiOD. . '7.1 .t.mad.Jeatura 4tsd u.ta.-Discua aDJ pem:Wleut c::.lWlBti ln lmd teatlUW. aud/or land UM• .. · . 7.2 ·· Endmlgerm apecw and ecoayltemt.- Asaeu· the poaslb1llty of ellmlnatlnl au1y ell• dangen.ci speclia e»r the lou or al~tlOD. of an ecoe)'ateJJl. ' 7.3 SQCtaeconomfc comilla'4tfoni.-Dia· cua pl'()bable .lndtrect actions (e.g .•. new highway a,atem or ~ water treatment tacUttlea, houalng denlopmenta. etc.) maclo econoD11cally teaslble by the tmplementatiOD. ot the propo;ed aCtlCJ1 that would. llQly be triggerecl and 1VQUlcl Irrevocably co~t othu · resources under our tree enterprJs,o. s;~ Identify the destruction of any 1115· tortcaJ, C".cheologtcal. Ol' scenic al't!U. 7.f Ruawcu Zoat or wu pre~pted.­ Anal~. the eXtent.~ which the proposed. action. WOtild C'Ul'tall the range of beneftclal uses of the en'ltromnent. Determine whethe;o, conalderinl presently Jmown. teclmology, the propo:iecl 1iH of reso~ or an:r %0S0urce e:r:tractfon methOd would contaminate other asaoclatect tesoUI'cea or foreclose their us.age. 7.5 Ffnf.ta relcurcu.-ImUcate the lmt• verslble and/or irretrievable resourcu ~t would be COmmitted U. & resUlt of the pro- posed. actton~. eucb. u fOIIU ~-azul con- struction materlall. . 8. AZtem41UtJU to the ~ ac«cm.- DIIICUU the aJStematic p~ure . used to o.ntve at the pmpoaed actiOJl, $tmlng w:tth the broadest. f~aslble objectlvea or the action llnd pl':)gr8!U!lvalJ narroWing the alternatives t.o as~1tlc action· at a ~!ftc .stte 4-.,r l'lgbt- ot-way •. This systematic procedur' shoUld in· chute the clecbfon criteria used, the !ntor ... matlon -weighed, and au e:rplanatlon of the conCl~on at each dec1slon pglnt. 'l'l!e decl• .lion crtterta murt show how envlronmental beneflta/costs, eun if not quantlflable, are weighed aplDst ec:)!lOm!C beJleilts/coats and. technol017 rmd procedJU'&I constraints. AU reallattc · alternatives must be c:Uscussecl even thoi}gh they may not be wlthtn the jurtsdlc· tton ot the Commfsstcn or the· :responsl· bllltles and capablllttes or the appUcant. Federal Eneq:y Rqulatory Commission A-16 · Modiftcatlon of the proposed action may b3 among tbe alternative•~ Descrtbe the time .. Uness ·and the environmental consequencn of each aitematlve cl18cussect. 8.1. OlJfeCtive.-Explaln the need tor any proposec:l new energy supplJ' •. 8.~ Energy. cltem4tfvu.~-Dtscuss the po· tentlal for ncco~pllahlng the proposed 'Ob• Jectlves through energy conservation .and the> potential fer uaing reallatle energy '&lterna•- t1vea. such u natu..woat and art11lclal gas, on, and coal •. .Also discuss reallst2celectrteenergy alternatives.. .such as. gas, oU, eo&J. snd nuclear-fulllled powe:rplanta, t'ind other con- ventional and pumped .storage hydroelectrlc plants. Prcivtcte an analysts ~f environmental beneftts and cc:sta. 8.3 Sitet UM locG:tfou.-Dl!cuu conaiC:· erattom stven to i&lte.rnattve sttes and toea• tiona. Include a deecmptton of each lite, a aummArJ of en'firontnentat tactora of each stte. the :reuon.t for reJectlcnl. and au analf• 118 of enw.ronmental beneftta &Dd cost~. 8.. Detfg1U, prot:Uiea, tint& ~tltfofti.­ Desczfbe alterna~vi facWtr deaJpa". ptoc.- esaH <•~I·• handllng of wute water and 10114 waatea), 81ld/or operatkma. that were COD• 1 llderecl and· cUscuu the en'Jtronmental cOD• sequence• or each, the reasons for ntJectkm, and az1 AD&iyila ot en11ronmen~ bene1lte and CGIItL s.s No clCtfmi."-Dtlculi the altem.tt~ ot no action With an evaluation ot the coue- quences of this optloD on a national, .re- gional. StAte, or local level, u approprtate. PrHent a b!lef perspective of what tutun use tb.e proposed Blte (lift&) ma:r aaaume lf the pr~posed tacWttes are not constructed and ~ tbe en'Vlronmental·bendta and coats~. 9. Permfta and compliance tDfth other reg· v:Zatiom ai&d eoda. . . 9.1. Permits~-Identlfy allnecess&rJ' Ped• eral, regional, State ed 2ocal pemt!ts. ll• ce%158s, and certtfteates nseded before the proposed action can b8 comple~d. ~ch &' perm1tts needed from State and locml agencies tor eotiStructlon and vn.ste dlscharges. ne- scribe steps which have been tuen to ao- cure th·ese penni~ and any additional eiforta sttll required. . · · 9.1.1. Auth.orttfu comulted.-Llst all aU• thorlt!es consulted for obtamlng permlts. ll• censes, and certtftcates, Including zontnr approvals needed to CO:Dlply With appl!cable statutes and regulations. 9.1.2. Datea o/ approval.-Glve cktes Qt consultations and of any approvals HQS1ved. !l.2 Compliance with health and sajet11 regulatiom · anc! cocle.t.-Identlty all Pederal, regional, State, a.nd local safei:J and health regulations and eocles which 121ust b\'t com• plied wtth ln the construction, maintenance, and op~r.tlon of tha proposed project. AlSo fdentlf:r other health and safety standardS and codes that wm be compl!ed with, such u underwriter codes and vo1unta.t7 Industry codes. § 2.100 fl 10,500 ·I . ;1·.~: ~ . I 'I I I 10,280 <'i Regulations 9:.2.1 · ..tutharftfu comulted ...... L!st ali au· thJ>d.Ues and. profess}onal organlzatlons con• $lilted Jn ldentlfymr pertinent regulattona an4 codes.. · 9.2.2 Procedur~& to ~e follow~ • .,....,.Descr!be any s~lftc procedures or sctlons the.t wlll be ttl.kel,1.. to .as.sure compll~ce with each such regulation and cocie. • . · · . :. , . 9.3 Complicnce. ~JQ!tk oth.d Tegtdatkml· enid :Cod~ • ...:....Identlfy an. other ·Federal, re• glona.l. S~te and loe&l regulations and codes whlcb must be complied with In the consv.ue- 'tton.t · ma.ln.tenance. and, operation .of··· the ·· proj:H)$eci project. .. . ' \ ~.3.1 Auth.orltie• consuJted,-.:-!.dst . ..U au• ·. . • thorlttes and professional org~!l izatlons cone ··,· Flted ln lc:fenttrylng pertlne!l" regulatlOD$ 'and"eodes. .8'.3.2 .PToceilures to·· be Jo!Zowetl.-Ez• pl~ed. ·the ~ci11c p~dures or actlona t:na.t wm be taken to assure compllance with each such.r!!gulatioJ:L and COde. · 10. Source ot information. . 10.1 Pitblfc hearings.-Descrl'be any pub• .Uc hprlnp or meetings held, summariZe the ,general ... .tenor of pU.bllc comments with the propo)l:'tioils of proponents to those In c111 .. •• sent, and ·:mclude any publlc records result- Ing !rom .tl'i~ meetings. Include a descrip- t;.on. of the ~1Jlan'iler 1n which the publlc w.- lntormed of ·tbe time and place of the hear• tngs. Pu1ly c:Uscuss effQrts made for -seeltlng constructive inputs from aft'ectec1. people and how their conc1tms were .accommodated. 10.2 Other .sourcu.-Identlfy all .other sources of lnformatlori utilized 1n the prep- aration of the. environmental. report. ln- cludlng; . . · 10.2.1 M~l!ting:.' t.oitll. governmental .and other..ntttie.s.-Ll$t meetings beldwtth Fed· eral, regional, State. ancl lOcal planning. commerce,. .regulatory. environmental and conservation entitles. the subjects discussed (e-.g~ recreation, .ftah, wlldllfe. aesthetics, other natural resources, and vDlues of the aru., ~d economic develop!lll!!!lt). and any envtrO~ental ~:oncluslons; reaChed as a re· suit qf the meetU1g. . . . 10.2.2 Stutliu ccmc!uctetl.-Identlfy the studies conducted" lncludlng those by con• sul~nts. tbe general nature and DiAjor And- mgs of .tho~ studlas, and the title md &Yall• a,bWty of any :report(: thereon. 10.2.3 C.:lnsultant.s.;...,.alve the names, ad• c!resses, IILDd pro!esslon&l vitae of all consult- a.nt3 wh.o contributed to the environmental report, 10.2.4: Bibliography.-Provlcle a blbllosra- phy of the 'book.l, other publication.. .reports, documenta. maps. and aerial photocrapJ:la consulted tor bacltgrow:lcl ~ormation. Jn• cludinc countylancl use ~d .other planDllll rep()rts. Indlcs.ta bj some method. u bJ u- terl.ska or number'S, those blb!ographlc ref• erences spxUlcally cited 1n the environmen• tal. Teport. 10.3 Provfu copies o/ supportive re- porn.--suppty at least a single copy of au technfc'&t report& prepared !!1 conjunction v 1 0,500 § 2.1 00 wit~ the preparation of the environmental re-port, such as moclel. beat budget. plankton. ftsb. and benthic sa.IDpllng studlea. r~er 415-C. 38 FR 159<16, June 1~. 1973) - A-17 E c . •. .. ,. r· ~ ... 'Fish and\:,Wi l'dlife Compliance Procedure (Excerpt 50 CFR· Subpart 410.21~·24) .I • 4 j • I II II 11 I t· II 'j II ,j I E I' I I 11 I I .I: . 29308 . Federal Register l Vol. ·44, N.o. _98 / Friday, ~1ay 18, 1979 f Proposed Rules Compliance with the equal agencies will be specific enough to by paragraph (a)(t) of this section shall considerati9_n mandate requires: allow them to identify possible effects accompany these notices. (ll Consultation between action on wildlife and io identify potential (iii) Emergencies. (A) If a major agencies (or .applicants to them) and conservation measures (includinsl digaitsr ;-rill be declared by the wildlife agencies on measures necessary ~ltema!J.ves), and yei be generaiand President under authority of the Disaster to cona~rle wildlife In project planning.-fiexible enough to allow the Relief Act Amendments of 1974. the conmtruction. and operation: . incorpo,l!_tio!l oUustifia~i~ conservation: ... designated Federal Coordina~ Officer (2) Reporting by wildlife agencies on measures. pn~r to subDUss1on of a · -(FCO) of the Federal Emergency the eff~cta of the project and itl . formal application to the action agenct. . Management Agency (fEMA). wiD alternatives upon wildlife resources and Wildlife agencies will P,!-'Ovide to the : . ·. .. consult .with the Regional DireQtors ancl on measures recommended to ·conserve potentiel.applicant a bnef analysis of. • _!the affected state wildlife agency to wildlife resources in connection with the poiential impacts to Wildlife resources, · determine the need for FWCA ~ :.-: . project. and ita alternatives;. . . . . suggested modifications or alternatives. compliance during the course of the _,. . (3) Fun consideratiCIJ by the action and an indication of which projeCt . emergency. When continuing d~tailed agencies of measures recommended to features. if any. would likely be viewed coordination is determined necess9l'Y. by . conserve wildlife .resources. both With as being unacceptable at the. time of wildlife agencies. the FCO will provide · regard to the project and ita alternatives; permit .or ~cense review. '111~-d~tall of ~ f~cili~es for a wildlife ~gency :,. ·\ . (4) Implem~ntabon ofjustifiable an.~ys1s ~d refinement of . , ·• . coordinator(s) afthe D1saster Field · • conservation measures. ~ . :. ·,.... . · recommendations will be related to the Office (DFO). Field level coordination § 410•22 C-~ ... · .. ,ta .. _... , -:-:. -.. . -·: ·: .; --~ .. le~el !3f detail !»f the Prc;'POS~d plan. The -~ occuz: between the designated --uun. wildlife agenmesshall Jdentify any·· . wildlife coordiilator(s) and the FEMA .. ----"{a] InitiatiQII. The FwCA compliance·. ~a~ of concem or analysis that require _ Public Assistance om~r (PAO) ' ·. . ., proceSIS may be initiated by a potentisl fiirtlier detail or study. Th~ results of .... · ·~responsible for the DF'D. In the event of applicant..an action: agency, o~ a wildlife 'this analysis should ba integrated in or unresolved conflicts between the · .-_. agency. . . .. . • '_ • . accompany the action agel}cy'a NEPA . . wildlife coordinator(s) and the PAO. the -. (1) Potential Applicants. Implementing _ environmental assessment. matter Will be referred to the Federal procedures of action agencies shaR--(2) Action agencies. I~otwitb.st~mng . Coordinating Officer for resolution. provide that applicants for those non-· any applicant consUlltLtion which may (B) Procedures-for FWCA. compilance · federal project,approvals enumerated be required by paragraph (a)(l) of this in other action· agency programs or . below contain written evidence that section. action agencies shall initiate (or actions m emergency situations will be they initiated the FWCA compliance continue) the FWCA complianca identified ouring the period for approval procesi with both Regional Directon proceei in the following manner: of implementing prouedures. · ' · and the head of the alate wildlife agency (i) Federal projects. Action agencies . (3) Wildlife agencies. Wber-elpwCA exercising administration ovel' the fish shall notify both Regional Directors and , compliance is not -initiated where · . 1 • and wildlife resourcea of the atate(s) the head of the state wildlife agency . reqUired, it shall be deemed initiated . wherein the project is to be_constructed. _ -(through OMB Cirqdar A-95_procedure&e _ upon notice by a wildlife agency~ This pre-applicati~n procedure appliea ar otherwise) upon initiation of studies "' _(b) Coordinated p/anp.ing. (1) to projects wbicJt..:-. -· _ • . · or actioM which may lead to the . Particularly in the case of federal . (i) Involve drain~e. dredging. filling. authorization of a federal project. Thia . projects and NRC. FER C. and REA-; or-other modification of watlanda also applies to the ~tiation of planning approved projects. wildlife and action greater than ten acrea, create . . for the moQification or supplementation agencies ·shall utilize a systematic impoundments greater than fifty acres. of project reports o~ previously approach in analyzing wildlife resource . involve one haH mlle of dredging or authorized project. See § 410.12(b](2). needs and problems, establishing stream channel modification. or Action agencies. shall invite wildlife planning goals therefor, and developing (ii) Require a water-dependent power . agencies to partiCipate actively ' · and evaluating aitemative resource project approvel from the Federal · throughout the planning process. [For management plans. . . : Energy Regulatory Co~~on ~C).": existing Memoranda of Understanding. -(2) Wildlife agencie~ will cooperate the Nuclear Regulatory Commission··· , ·· see _App. B and C]. .. : · with action agencies in ~e development (mC). or the Rural Electrification: . -(ii) Federally:approved projectl. of analyses. recommendations~ and Administration (REA). This,_.paragraph App_ropriate Written notice of reports to action agencies on means and also a,plies to prellminary..,.pemut < ~ preliminary permit (FERC) and early site measures for the conservation of . ~ (FE]{ C) and early iite reVieW {NRC).. ' ·review (NRC) applications. as well as . wildlife resource~ .. , , . . applications. The intent o{ thia · .· ~ · NRC and FERC construction lic~nse and · (3) Action agencies shall provide." · paragraph (a)(1l oft!U section:~ to, · ··, permit or renewal applications. Will be / ·wildlife agencies adequate opportunity · assist appli~ts in desisnins _ , _ forwarded for ~mment to both the · to prepare FWCA reports and . environmentally sound projects without. Secretaries of the Interior and of . . recommendations and transmit them to ,-waste of tbeir plannins resources and to' Commerce and to the head o~ the -:. . . the action agency for timely . minimize the potential for delay in the . wildlife agency for the state(s) wherein consideration with NEPA environmental P..rocessing of ap~~cationa. ActioD . the prop~sed c'!llstructi~n_may ocCUf. 1 • asse~smenta, and for inCQIJ?o.ration into agency imi;)lementing procedurea shall Appropnate wntten notice of all other the araft ElS iUld o~er dec1s1o~ -· . advise that consultation should be . applications to federal agencies for . documentl. . ~ .. . initiated by the appllcant at the earliest approvals •. including renew.al. . . (4) In the case of fed~ral projecli and stages of its project planning, and that ' applications. shaD be forwarded . . FERC. NRC. and REA-&pproved . its submissions towlldlife agencies shall p1·omptly after their receipt to both projects, the action agencies shall·."· indica~ the general work or activity Regional Directors and to the hea.!l of convene scoping meetings with the being considered. ita pmpose(s). and the the wildllte agency for the state(s) wildlife agenCies and (where applicableJ general area in which it is ·cont;mplat~d. :wherein the proposed c?nstructio~ may ·appU~ti upon: initiation of th~ F:WCA The infoimeUon provided to wUdlife occur. The evidence which is reqwred compliance process. Such meeting need .. . ,. .. " . ' . ..;. .. l .. t - I . . . J / . '• ----·--•. ·~-------- r· . . 'FISH AND WILDLIFE COORDINATION ACT Compliance Procedures 50 CFR Part 410. Subpart B · . . . ··--------~--------..... .....-.. ~ .._ ...... - .. ·-.-... 'f:~ _.... ..:.-.: ... ~:~ ··.h ....... :~.;.~"' ...... ~~eA-:cOmplla~ .~·=··r.: ! _.,.,roc:ec:lur.ti~ J : -;.•. ··,..::,. • ..~·=·_ -. .. ... ;,;· -~~. " ' ........ ~:~ ... ~,;:::·· ~--: -:-:.~ ..... .,_-.. ·~ -~ .. :.. ··~ : . .. I41G.21 Equal conatderatton.:"" : ·; ._: · · ·: . Equ~ con;ideratlon of wildlife -... ~~ . .. ., . ·.resource values in project planning and. ·· approval is the essence of th~ FWCA -. ~ • compUance process. It requires·actian _ agencies :to fnvplve wildlifel agencies · . · . tbroupout their planning. approval. and' implementation proc~ss for a project ·~ and highlights' the need to utilize a . . aystemati~ approach to analyzilig aiu:I . ~ . establishing platining objectives for . . · Wildlife resource needs s.nd problems 1md developing :md evaluating. . . alternative plans: Wildlife resources· will be conserved in action. agency project _.., planning and approval by lllinip.Iizing .· ad'lerse effecta; compEmsatiilg for.· ·· · · wildlife resource losses. and enhancing Wildlife resource values • . · -. A-20 •. l . . ' r~ ' ' I I I I I • I I I. I I -- I I I_. -. I &,, • . ~ I I -... I 'l I '! .I I ·- . I . ~ . I •. --... -r... • • J .. "~ , I " -·· Fed8ral Register 1 voi. 44) _Na. 98 1 Friday, May is. t979 't ~']:~posed R~e~ .. 29309 . ·· I!Ot ~ eonven~d wlieie coniuilauon IIU'"; · and teco~end~uons to a~uon qencies cvi ne· plan: if 8DY· which they prefer ... occurredJn accordance with paragraph within 8D agreed-upo~ time.frame · . from the stanc;fpoint of wildlife -. (b)(1) of this section. To the fullest .._ · tufticlent tc permit prelfmfnary acticn · conservation. · . · · · : • · = exten~ possible, thes.e meetlllp should .. -agency declaiODI on b!.corporation of .. (3) Wildlife agency reports on federal . . be combined with the. ~A acoping . . those recommendations into project · ' projects shall indude an analysis of the . · prQCess where the proposal requires ·. plans. an4 ~o permit their ·in~usion and extent of wildlife resource productivity preparation of a ~EIS. -40 CFR · analysis in the draft decision docuinent Jostle, or gained with. the proposed _1501.7_. $uch meetlbg~ may also be and/ or the environmental assessment or project and of the conservaton measures .convened in the. case of other-. draft EIS. See l410.24(a). ~To the. .. required to replace· that loss (if that is applicatioQS for :apprQv!ll• at the request maximum extent possible. preparation possible). measured without reference to of a wildlife: agency or the action . ·and transmittal of FWCA reports will be values attributed to human use· ( .. uaer-· . agency. Such meetiqs will be f9r the A coorilinated and com&med with. the. . day'1 or other monetary computations. . . . -purposes of.;_·. . :: r preparation and tr8.JliJDittal of reports or.. This analysis may be provided for DOD• ·-· · . (l) Deyelophig plans of study which other reviews reqUired o( the . ·.· · · ::: · federal projects and for alternative . ·. · ensure full wildlife agency participation · Department of the Interior or National project plans. --· ·t • -· -· • ~ throughout each phase of the planni~g Oceanic and Atmospheric · .. · · -(4) FWCA reports Jllld' .. · ' · ' · or approval process, _ . . Administration (NOAA) )?y oth~r federaf recommendations will contilin a review :,_. · (li) Determining who, a~ among the ... environmental review requirements; of the disposition of wildlife agency · -federafand state agencies or the _ including-· · ;-::-·. ':~ · ·. _ : · . ": -:. ~: recommendations previously made. appllcan~ wiJl undertake--and oversee (1) Endangered·Speciel Act of 197& _ : (5) If features of project design. · ~required studies and investigations. ·. ~: _(2).Estuary ~te~tfon Act. .. :; ·~. · · , construction, or operation are not (iii) Eatabllsbing m~tually accepta~le (3) l8(il) oflhe Federal Water Project '. sufficiently developed that their effects ... target ~tt:_s for the initiation and . . Recreation Act, : _ • .. . ~-.' _can be properly assessed, the report of completion of studies and the .. · . · · · -. ·· the wildlife agencies will so state and submisaion of FWCA reports and · · · (4) qoastal Zone Management Act, · . will Ust the areus requiring further stud7 recommendations. · • · --· . . · (5) II1~(Jl). 401,402.404, 303, and to identify :!ecessary conservation (iv) CoordinatlngFWCA coinpllance · 208 of the Clean Water Act ofl97!, __ "' m~asures1. Any consultation or_ with otheienvironmental'review . . ;:-; . (8) IS( d) and 7(b) of the Wild and coordination necessary in the requirements:. , -. . . : .. Scenic Rivers Act. ;co.. ~ . ·-~ -~ implementation of conservation _ (v) EnsUring that conserVation of .-· . Memoranda of understanding or -, measures will be identified. · wildllfe resources it given equal . agreements which may provide time -(8) When 8nalyzing project affects and consideration with other stutfy or -limits for the referral of FWCA reports impacts, wilillif'e agencies will take into project purposes .or goals. and ~ , . and recommendations for certain · account other water-related project . ' (Vi) Ensurini that action agencies classes of projects appear in . . planning and review n:quirements. such' provide wildlife agencies with adequato Appendices B and C. _. --as: Executive Orders 11988 (floodplains] descriptions of alternative project plans· . (c~ (1) W,Udlife agen~es will and 11990 (wetlands]; I 73 of the Water under considerS:tion. A record of the prepare reports that describe project-. Resources Development Act of1974 , - agreements reached and responsibilities . related effects upon wildlife resources (non-structural altematilfes); Indian assigned in scoping meetings sha~ be. and identify alte~afive means arid_ ·-trust env=:.ronmental review distribute~ to the participating p~es. ·measures necessary to conserve wildlife requirements; the Marine Protection, and. included in the administrativE! . .. ·. ·· . resources. Evaluation techniques ue.ed in Research. and Sanctuaries Act of 1972; · record -of the actio~ agency.~ parties -describing effects and identifying l102(b} of ~e Clean 'Water Act; _federal ahne a responsibility fo.r earl_y and . . . conservation measures wUI be directed_ water policy; the potential effects of the timely exchange of information required . at quantifying met-qualifying potenti~I-___ propose~ proiec~ upon fed~~al p~operty for compl~tion o~ assigned studies, · .. -effects upon wildlife, their habitat and and public trust l!lterests~ ~21uding_ investigations, reports, and • .. . its productivity and related v_alues.~' · . ~served v:ater ~~· . · .. -· •. • _ recomm~ndations. · . , -:.. ·~ ·~ . .:. ; (2) Wildlife-agencies shall prepare ·:. · · • ( d} ~bile ~an:cipation. ~ere ·~- • --· • • ... • • 1 -: .~ • . • ~ : _. -and submit reports to action agencies Significant ~~ife reso~c~ I~s~es !Ire . 141~~ -Reporting. . . : . th t d 'b · , · -· · • · involved, wtldlife agenc;1es Will mVlte •(a)':A'uthcrity:Ex~eptin the case'of a(i) ~~~if'ie-. bl' ~ ·d ·.·: d ··· ·.J. ··· public.participationin the process of ' · . "' NliC and'FERC-llcensed projects, the : · . e pro ems~ ~ee 9 an. developirig FWCA reports and . ....:; · : authority to transmit FWCA.reports and _recommended fish and wil~~ planrung recommendations in accordance with · · iecommendatioui of the Secretaries of · 8~~8• : -~ · ~ • · ~= ~ · · ~-~ · .,. · ~~··: , , guidelines which they d!!velop. · · · the Interior and Commerce is exercise~ · (u~ The positive and negativ~ effects . (e) Inability to report. If a wildlife . by the Regionai'Directora: In the case of and unP.ac~ of alternative ?rOJect pl~ agency is tmable to prepare an FWCA · • ~C·an4NRC-approJttdpt'Pjects~ au~ upon wil~e and reco~end~d _ , · report or CJtherwise.participate in the · authority it exercis~d fo~ the ~ecre~ary .. ·. con~ervation f~~!Ufes. · . ~. : "· ~ · · pl~i!ng or approval process, it shall .., of Commerce by the Assu~tant . ·i -·-(Ui) The posttive ~d nega~ve effect!~ notify th~ ection agency within 30 days. -. Ad.ministratdr for Fisheries, NOAA. 8!.:.~ and impacts of the construction and . ·of the receipt of an &~tion agency's ·. ~ for the Secret!lfY '!f the Interior by the ~~er~tion of the s~lected ~Ian upon request to initiate cons'Lt\tation, detaiJ¥18. Assistant Secretary for Poley, Budget. Wildlife,_ the consel"'!ation measures the reasons therefor. Suc;h notification · and Administratioilf ll«;tlng upon the ·· iden~ed during plan formulation. and does not relieve action agencies of the recommendation of the. FWS and th~ specific recommendations for~ requirements of the FNCA or § 1 410.21 Office ofEnvironmental Project Review. ?onserta~on measures that should be and 410.24 of this Subpart. (b1 Titning. Consistent with NEPA mclud~d m the selected plan, (f) Follow-through. Once wildlife regulations [40 CFR 1501.6 and 1502.25]. (iv) The results and impacts expected agency reports are. sent to action wildlife agencies snail, to the maximum fro~ implementing these agencies; all wildlife agenceis should extent possibl~. forward their reports recommendations, and actively pursue such means as will -. A-21 ~. 29310· Federal. Register I Vol. 44, No. 98 I Friday, May 18., 1979 / Proposed Rules . . . -· ensure that necessar). studies and bearings. the reporting officer shall obtain these conservation goals. recommended measurea are undertaken publish those fmdings in the Federw Findings directed at loss prevention and, and bnplemented. Register or other appropriate media and mitigation measures shall be. made using 1 •1u 4 Conaiclerat!oiL afford the publlc reasonabltt opportunity assessment and evaluation techniques 'a·) ·-~~ ._u··on· : ,.,.,...." cy ,;. ... · ~:,a• (1) ......__ to present ita views. In the c~se of FERC based upon wildlife habitat valuea. . · " n&<. ...oQ<II• JU•W·-o-.a..uc and NRC-approved projecta. Monetary value! may be displayed and repo~ omeer shldfprepare for the. opportunities for administrative or court.. . used in measv.rlng the cost -:effectiveness administrative.t"eCOrd (project plan or review of the findings c;f action agency . . of alternative mitigation plans. b~t shall planning re~ where appllcable) initial or final deciaicin-makera will not not be used for justification purposea. . writt~n findinp on whiCh of·the ~ r. be considered compliance with this Enhancement measures m&J be . . · meallllrf!• recomme~ded by wildlife •• • .. . paragrapih. . , . eva} ted • . aL . t cbniqUeS bUt agencies 'With respect to the. selected· (5) The rep~rting omcer shall transinit shoJd be :e~t!ed~usfna habi~t-based_ • _ j)roj9ct plan and ita altemativ~IS:-ari· and the information required by paragraphs techniques. where possible.-Suc;h .~ · · ·. · ·, are not belleved to be.Juatifiect and · (a](1) through (a)(4) to counterpart findings shall be.made with the . ·~ · _ . why: Thia documentation will include: officials in the wildlife agency[ies) . objectives of both prevent:f.Ds and' ;· ·. (i) A •ummation of:measures adopted · concerned for an agreed-upon period of compensating for wildlife resource -... :. : duringplanfo~ulafion.toprev.ent and time for comment prior to final agency losses. ana ofenlianffiilgwilr.lliflr . . _:,., .. competlsate for wildlife· resource lossei; action on the matter. If there are . 1 resource values. To the extent . · · ..; -. . ~ . (ii) In the caae offederal project~.. differences at this stage between a -practica~le andjuatmable. action. . ::.. .. finding whether the aele~ted plan fully • ·. wiidlife agency and the action agency agenci~a shall ameliorate prpjec;t-relat~d compenaatu f(Jr lossea to Wildlife..... on the reporting omcer'a. disposition of losses. to wildlife resources. wherever· resource-productivity~ measured 1D. . , ~ wildlife agency recommendations, the they o.ccur. With the exception of the . · · terms ofequivalept wlldlife resource wildlife agency may request the action enhancement component. wildlife productivity; ~ ~-· • · :.~-: ~ : · agency to hold a publlc hearins on the resource conservation measures do not (iii) The juatificati9n for traden.ffa . . matter. Action agency implementini create benefitS for the purposes of -~• _ . made between l\ildlife conservaHon and procedure11 shall reqtlin! an ensuing benefit-cost analysis; they are to be other project ·reatures iD anivin& at the reconsideration of the matter end. if considered as avoiding or ~~;baling costa selected plaD;. -, such bearings are deemed appropriate (losses) to existing resources·and valueL . [iv) An identifieation of any i.Jsues of by the action agency. full consideration (2) Action agencies may not reject -. · . disagreement remaining between the . of information generated by such publlc · recommended wildlife conservation · action agency and the wildlife agenciea. hearings. Differences not resolved in measures foi federal projects on the (2) In addition to. the. matter required· this manner shall be made ·a matter of grounds that wildlife conservation is not for federal projects by I 2(fJ of 'the record and. if requested by either the a .. purpose" for which a iederal projact FWCA (:&:8 U.!?.C. 682(f)), the reporting action or wildllfe agency, promptly · was or cari be authorized. or on ffie ~ officer em federal projecta and projecta referred to successively higher authority grounde that they are not authorized to pending conaideratio11 by NRC and of both agencies for resolution. Where so condition a non-federal project FERQ shall analyze and discuss the memoranda of understanding or · approval. The FWCA amends the :. acquisition. operation. maintenance, agreement do not already so provide organic authorities of action agencies to . replacement. and management costa. [see App. B and C]. implementing · provide these authoritias •. ln Ole cas~ of- and.the environmental impacts. of . procedures shall provide a meani of. federal projects undertaken by the wildlife ·conservation measures complying with this paragraph. Department of the Interial't the Fish and proposed: by eacll wildlife agency for [6) It despite beat efforts, wildllfe Wildlife· Act of 19~ 70 Stat. 1122 [16 · · each alt.ex-11ativ.e treated in the dr~ and agencies cannot identify ioso prevention. _U.S.C. 742f[4H5) (1976)), supplemenll final environmental impact statement. in mitigation. ~d enhancement measures such authority. · - 1 benefit-Coat analyses ofaltemativea, in detail prior to project authorizatiun or (3] Action agencies must justifY ·tqe and (where appficable) in the evalwiti011 approvaL action qenciea shall include adoption or rejection of means and · accounts of the Principles and .. : . . .. ~ in. their recommeqdations to higher -measures for wildlife resource Standards of the WaterResourcea .. .. authoritie1 the requirements necessary_ conservation using substantive · Council. '11le reporting omcer sh~ also to ensure that. once identified and economic, envirnomental. and social·: - treat uncompensated damages to fish described. these measures willbe . reasona. Measures recommend~d by and wildlife resources as a cost · proposed for authorization or approval : wildlife agencies for compensation of_.., .- cbQ1'8eable to the project. All suCh costa and. if authorized and funded or ·~. . wildlife resource losses cannot be · (rponetary snd1 non~mo:netary) shall be a_pproved. will be implemented. Act!on .· ... considered unjustified because-. estimated over the life of the project, agencies should avoid committing ~. . · ;... (i) That .agency or other. agenciet~ may regardless o.f whether the U.S. Tleaiury resources which foreclose adoption of ,.... not have adopted a habita.t-based :· · · or non•federSI parties will bear the&· .: alternati"{e wildlife conservation , . · wildllfe impact assessment and · (3) In making the findings required by. measure& · -. • · . · evaluation procedure, ·.. · · paragraphs (a](1] and (a)[2) of thlJ . (b) Decision criteria. (1) Action . . . · (ii) Those measures, either .afone or section. the reportiilg officer and ·each. . agencies are required to make findings collectively, do not have a favorable · higher action agency decision-making. on wildlife conservation measure• monetary benefit-cost ratio,, . authority shall use the criteria~ . ! • • which they deem justified to be included · (ill) Project· beneficiaries or other non~ established in paragraph (b) of thia . . · in projects to obtain maximum overall federal entiiies are unwilling to fund the sectioo;-. . ---: . . project benefita to the public. Action appropliate share of Increased federal · (4) Where the findings required by.· agencies must regard wildliftt project costs necessary to compe~sate ·( paragraphs (a][1) and (a)(2) of thiJ.. . conservation as a programmati~ mid for wildlife resource losse1, ..•. . ~ section have not been disclos~d in a project purpose or goal. equal. to other (iv) Thare are other proposed uses for. draft EIS. in pubU.:;ly ci.n;.Jllated planning project purposes or goals. Certain . land ot waters recommended for. ·~ · document. or in pu~Uc or adjudicatory project benefits may be diminished lfl ~ildlife cQmpensati~n pur.po~~·· ~eia. · · t · .. . -. -· ". . ·. : \ ... ' ~ . A-22 · " : .. . ... \ .. ___ _.<·. ___ _ .. : ·. .. ., .. ' . . .... I • . . . ~·· -..; . ' . -~. . . .. . ., . --·· ~ ~'; 1 , ·:·~~~-·~·~~~:~~~~~~· ~e~~.~~R~~~·~~~~·er~/~-~~o~L~~~,~~~o~·~9~8~/~F~n~·d~a~y~, ~~~a~y~1~8~·~l9~~~9~/~-;~~~~p~os~~;~~R~~~e~i~;~~~-~-~=~:1~2~9~~~11.:,-J .· # ~. _. ·-their ~~posed ~~e is found to be more. . aamuustratiV.e or 'teglslativ~ jurlsdicticin . (b) NEP.,f~omplian~e: Action In the public :interest than the proposed 1 over the area to the agency whiCh will 1 agendes are responsible fotNEPA I mitfgaHon, or .· . . . ... edmhifster the ~-~a for ~dlife .. · compliance respecting Gener~ Pl_aris. (v) Recommended wildlife resource ... purposes. · r -. . Where pqssible, the information referred properties or compens~tion m~a~mes ;. -· (a) Tl}e deternunatfon t?fwhfch to in subsection (d) of this section · · _ · ~ m _are outsi.de the ~ediate proJect_ -· agency f!hall manage ·the wildlife should appe~in the project EiS. · _ . boundanes. · .-. . .. , · · resource properties. (1) Properties wfth (c) Development and approval of · -· - ·~ ·· (4) .If~ action agency finds that a : migratory bird values. After ... .. general plans. (1) After consultation · · measure recomme~~ed by wil~e Investigation, the Secretary"ofthe . with the state wildiife agency, the .asencies for compensation of~dlife Int~rior Will_determine whether wildlife . ~gio~al Director ofNMFS, the-ac~on .. resource losses is not justifiable because resource properties have value 1u. . _agency and (if different) the agency - -· It would tender Jhe monetarY benefit-'_ carrying out the national migratory bfi.d . exercising primary jurisdiction over the .. . cost ratio of the project unfavorable or . program. When the Secretary concludes area (''primary jurisdiction agencyj, the . ·-because project beneficiaries or other ~ that the properties have such value, the pYiS will ~tiate the. development o£ a . -.. - : non-federal entities are unable tc fund . Department of Ule Interior may . · . · _ preliminary draft of a general plan_f'?r . ~­ IJ the appropriate-share of.increased : .. administer the-lands directly, or in~ ·. -tb.e management of the wildlife~~ ·. · .,. · federal project costs nei:8ssary to . ·.. accordance with a cooperative · resources of wildlife reso~e _properties. mitigate/compensate for the wildlife : •::~ · agreement ~th the appropriate state ·· ~cases where the area in questiQn will resource losses involved, the action . wildlife agency. The Secretary may . -. ~ely be manage~ by a .st~te, ~e FWS · agency. s~all explaiJ;t m deta~ ~-t~i'IllS manag!! such properties through anothet_ will request the state wil~e agency to of obtaUlliJg maximum overall proJect public or private agency or organization. · prepare the draft. The .maJor features of . benefits, ita. reasons forso finding. -_ The actio~ ag~ncy')shall m~e s1,1ch . · the ~ft. shall be based on the wildlife . • (5) Justifiable means and measures for wildlife resource properties available, age.nCies repo~ and recommenda~oJlS -wildlife resoUrce conservation shall be without cost. for administration to---which are reqwred by section·2(b) of the incorporated as conditions or . · (i) The Secretary of the Interior; ~hen FWCA B;Ud these ~eu. The draft s~~ atipJilations in action agency approvals . the Department of the Interior will be be SU~Dlltted concurrently to the ~dlife -- where th~ practical effect of not doing ,. . responsible for administering the - . a~encles, the ac~on a~en71 •. and (if ao is that the means and measures will property either directly, or through · different) the P~ary Junsdi~on . not be adopted. •·. . . ..,.. c;ooperation with a public or private agency, for th~lf re"?ew and reepohslve (c) Requests for project authorization.· agency or organization. or ·' reF~en:;:ons._ b tw th · . Th_ e reports, recomme. ndations, and (ii) The state wildlife agency, if it is -~·J Yd/ ere!lces . je . edienti e findings required by I§ 410,23' and jointly determined by the Secretary of ac on an or pnmery uns c on ~10.24 shall be made an integr~ part of the Interior and such state wildlife agency and the FWS on the proposed . (1) action agency reports submitted to . . th t t t . dmini" tr. ti f General Plan that c~ot lie resolved by agency a s a e a s a on o staff shall be resolved bv- the Office of Man_agement and Budget those wildlife resources would be in the (") Th Se tary. f th" In. t · · h and the Con~ss in connection with a .. bli int t. 1 • e ere . o e ~nor, w en • ·-o--• • . pu c eres · the sa1d agency 11 an agency m the COJ_tStruc~o!l autho~tion P.~posal, and.. (2) Other properties. When the Department of the Interior, or . (2] ~pnus_!llOn to action agency final , Se~?f8t&ry conc..ludes that the wildlife .:· (ii) The Secretary of the Interior, iit deCisl~n-maker(s) of recommen~ati~ns _ _ resource propertie·s have value other consultation with the head of any other on pro!ects they may approve 0.~ · · · ~-than for migrato"' 'bird management. the d artm t · · f hich th authonze . . . ..., ep en or agency o w e • ~ •• -' • • • r •• s~t~ wildlife agency shall t~-: _a.fforded 'action or primary jurisdiction agency . Subp~~ C:-~roJect lmple~entatfon the opportunity to assume managem~nt . may be a part. , , . ---... ' ~ of the lands. - . :. . -. (3) Any differences over the ·content or I . ' 1''<1. 'i} • I • 11 '( ~ I --,. 1 ' I I. - .§410.31 Con~reaalonal ~~~ ·, · . . · (3) Interlrn ~administration. tluring the the proposed General Plan between . -- :· Wijdlife ·agenCies will make . period afte~ the action agency has · ' -FWS and state wildlife agency that .. theiDBelves ay~able to testify in acquired the Wildlife re""Source properties cannot be resolved by them will be . authoriZation and appropriations ·· · · · · and b~fore the joint approval of the resolved by the Governor of the affected committee hearings concerning · General Plan, wildlife resource . _ state and the Secretary of the Interior • . prqposals'for Congressional -propertfes shall be made available upon (4). General-plans shall be approved at - • authorization or funding of wildlife request and without cost to the FWS for the same time as the document which . consetvation measures. · ' ' interim administration of the property transfers administration of the lands , .. _ ' • for wildlife resource conservation ' · from the primary jurisdiction agency to ~ f 410.32 General plana for managem~nt of purposes. The FWS and the state · .-the agency or organization designated in wncrnfe resource properUeL wildlife age~t..Y may agree ~hich agency accordance witli-paragraph (a) of this A General Plan is a do~ent that ·shall assume interim administrative ·section. The General Plan shall be designates the lands which are to responsibility. If for any reason, the approved or modified jointly by-·- become transferred for wildlife resource ata.te wildlife agency cannot !lssume or -·(i) The head of the agency exercising 'management properties and generally : . con.tinue the administration of wildlife primary jurisdiction over the area, - describes the use of such properlie1ffor raso,.urce propertiea, the FWS shall '6e (ii) The Secrel!P'f of the Interior, and wildlife management purposes. The affo@ed the opportunity to assume · · (iii) The head of the wildlife agency of objective of General Plans is to ensure a administration of such property for the state wherein the proposed project realization of the wildlife resource wildlife .resource purposes on an interim may be or is constructed. · conservation measures which formed a basis, or to enter into cooperative . (5) Where the FW.S and NMFS agree · basis for the justification and arrangements with the action agency that wildlife resources of interest to authorization of the project. The FWCA whereby that agency shall administer NMFS would be substantially affected requires the execution of a General Plan such property for wildlife resource by management of the wildlife resource prior to action agency transfer of purposes. property which is the subject of the A-23 ... I.~ .. · . ! i ' '·, .-1· •.. ~;· ~-( APPENDIX·B REGULATORY ACTION SUMMARIES ••• •• 1'·. ' . t I :I ·I I I I I I I I I I ..__;_,", !-4 • APPENDIX B REGULATORY -ACTioN SU~1MARIES ' ., '·'- . ... ·ln·t_rod uct ;-on~ ... _ .,. __ ....• , .. ~ ......... -~ .. _ ................... "' .................. ·-. g ... ,l '-• -• ' -•• -. ' 0:: ----~ --. c < --• • • ··Sunm.ary-FERC Lic;ense for-P·raposed Majoi. ProjecJ " r • . . -. . .. . ' . • -~ List: of' Exhibits~ ..... ~ ~ .... ~ 0 ·~ ••••• ~ •• H •••••• ~ •••• ~ ..... ~ •• 0 •••••••• ; ••• c ~ • 8-7 ·State of Al'aska ..: Master ·Application In~formation Sheet ..... :;. .••. ~~ •••• B-9 ~nte(iin Master· Appli~ation· Form.~ .................. · ••••••• ~ ••••• ~ •• " •.••• B-11 "·;·"''water· Us·~ Perm'its . . .. · . · ... , 'S'urim~ry-·u.s. ·Army Qlrps of Engineers Permits .••. ~ ••••••• ·~···.~.~-••• B-19 · · Appl1catlon for a Department of the Army Permit (ENG Form 4345). o •• B-23 · ·Summary -Alaska Coastal Management Program ••.•••••• $ •••••••••••••• B-25 Form -Certificate of Camp 1 i ance ••••••.•••.•••••.••••.••••.•.•••••• B-29 S1$1101ary Water Rights ••.•. 0 · ••••••••••••••••••••••••• e •••••••••••••••• B-3~ Application for Water Rights ••••.••••.•••••••••••• oe ••••••••••••••• B-33 Water Quality Permits StJ11111ar y: EPA-NP.DES Permit .••••••••.••••••• ~ ...:. • ., •••••••• ~ •••••••••••••.•• B-37 Sumnary -Water Quality (Discharge to Navigable Waters) ............. B-39 Farm DEC 18-106 Water Quality Certificate ..•.•••.•••••••••.••••••• B ... 41 Sumnary-Waste Water Disposa1~ ..................................... B ... 47 St.111mary -Plan Review for Sewerage Systems or Water and Waste Water Treatment Works ••••••.•••• o ••••••••••• • ••• ~ ........................ B-49 Land Use Permits St.imlary -BLM Power Transmission Lines: 11 Right-of-Way" ••••.•.•.•• 8-.51 Sunmary -Solid Waste Di spas a 1 ••••• e •••••••• ,. •••••••••••••••••••••• B-53 DEC .Form-Application for Waste Disposal-Solid Waste Management Permi.t ........... -............... .a ••••••••••••••• '9. ..... ~ •••• ~ ft •••••• B-55 Summary-Special Land Use Permit ••••••••••••••.•••.•.•.••••••••••• B-57 DNR Form 10-135 Spec i al Land Use App 1 i cation and Permit ••.••••••.• 8-59 Sunmary-Miscellaneous Land Use •••••••••••••••.••••••.•••.•••••••• B-61 DNR Form DL 285, DL 286 Application for Miscellaneous Land-U'se· Permit ••••..•... o ••• ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• " •••••••••••• B-63 Sunmary ... Right-of-Way or Easement ................................... B-67 DNR Form 10-112 Application for Right-of-Way Permit ........ •·se .... B-69 Sumnary -Utility Permit for Encroachment Within Right-of-Way. o •• ,.B-71 .DOTPT Form-Application for Utility Permit on Highway R.O.W ••• ~ •• B-75 Fish and Wildlife Permits Surrmary -Anadromous Fish Protection •..••••••.••.••••••.••••••••••• B-77 DF&G Forms: General lnwater Application, In stream Flow . Use Application; Material Removal Application •• ""' ................ B-79 . Surnmar.y-Critical Habitat Area Permit (DF&G) ••••••• ••o• ••••••••••• B-85 S1.1m1ary -Fishways for ·obstructions to Fish Passage {DF&G) .......... B-87 Air Qua1 itY'·'Permits Surrmary -Air Quality Permit to Operate (DEC) ...................... B-89 DEC Form .. Application, Air Quality Control Permit to Operate •••••• B-91 . APPENQIX B REGULATORY ACTION SUMMARIES .~·, G.ONTENTS {Continued) ' .. Page M . r ·f i ' . L.~' --"· ' ·.····1·.;. ·~ i. 1· .. . . ·.'1:···-' .. . ' . ·, .· ;/1~' ' ·. { . . ,; I • . I I I .. ·' APPENDIX B. INTRODUCTION · T~e"purpose of this appendix is to provide the user with ooditional informa- tion not included in the text of the design transmittal, for use as a refer- ence:. The contents are primarily sunmari es of the appropriate regulatory programs and application forms •. ·In certain cases, the regulations are in- cluded where they describe a list or pertinent criteria . The State of Alaska has compiled a Directory of Permits~ surnnarizing their programs, in a manner useful to this document. Thus, the sulll11ary from the directory has been repr.oduced in total or part~ for those permits. Notes have been added to the state summaries in cases where additiona1 information .·has been found in the statutes, code or from conversations with state staff. . ~· B-1 . c ,· '· (j Summary . . . · FER.C Li.cense for. Proposed Major Project £"·· --.p . . ,-.] :.:· .... -.~; '_(,···''· ;; · ... '/ ~~,~~ - ' _··f·······" . (•. ~ " ' 1r -t..J h f, ( .[: [ I "1. ~. : ! ·t··· " " . ·(. ~ I - ' .. ( [ (, . : ~ t . 'i'\l'" .· ' ':--~ I () .• ;),_ THE f'EDERAL ENERGY ~R~(lULATORY. COMtyUSSION (FERC) .. ··- .Enab'1 i)).g law:' Department of Energy Organ.izat ion Act .-. itt fe IV . , . . " · .. ~· · . .f.edera l P'.o.wer Act;. Parf 1, :Sections 4 and 23 · '1"' ""< -· ;;· ~ ,. ~ - . ~·; t~pe·~:"·· · ,::;:'''Declaration of Intent and Application for License for Major ·'"-" . > · ~Proj.ect · · . j-.' --' : .----' .,., .Jtu:.i~dictian~ . The tERC f~ :authori.ied. and ~mpowered to 1ssue licenses to · ·· · ·-:~·any ·person ·for the pur,po.se of co'nsfruction, operating and .~ ,. :mainfaihing dams, co'oduits., reservoirs~. powerhouses and transmission lines relative or involving navigation, · · streams or water bodies over which Congress has · jurisdiciton in .reguJating interstate. a.nd foreign . ~ .. coi11T1erce. · '! \, ~-;; ·. Procedure: Authority; . " . " ... l Regul_a~i.clns:. · Regul atio!l · ... Summpry: •I ,, · -· :File a Decl aratlon -Of Intent' according. to Part 24 of the regulations. . . · · . . -Receive Corrmission jurisdictional decision .. -Prepare anApplica~ion for Licens.e according to P.a.r~ 4 of the, regulations -·with other. agency involvement. as: specified. · -File for Water Quality :Certification with State. File Application for License • ... FERC .issues filing number and not ices to agencies and ,p,ublic. · ... fERC.determination of hearing or" joint hearing with state. · · · .. . -. FERC request addition.al .. information as necessary. FERC. issue l'icen·se with standar:d and special conditions. -.~p,~·licarit accept or file for rehearing within 30 days. Licensee may construct, operate and maintain project for a ma~imum ~eriod of 50 years under the specified license conditions. ·Licensee may excercise the power .. of eminent domain in . ac.qui.ring pr.oject .1 and and . water rights . I • Title 18., Ch.apter l, Subchapter B -. Regulations under the . Federal Power Act Part 4 Licences, Permits and Determination of Project Costs · · Part 24 Declaration of Intention· · The regulations under Part 24 defines submittal of a declaration which must identify the applicant and the site, descrtbe the proj.eGt facilities and present hydrologic and syst.em load curve data.: . The submittal is for the purpose S-3 ". Regulation Outrine~ of providi-ng data so· the Corrmis.sion ~:an inake a . determination-of the applicable basis~ of law for ex.erting jurisdiction over the Project.. . ; The present regulations pertaining to! the Applicatic>n for 'License require a detailed exhibit pr;esentation covering th.e applicants_' corporate. status, 1 and and \'later rights, financial sources, proposed proj·ect' c1peration, capacity and generation data, location and property maps and structure. drawings; facility description, estimate of cost ~nd schedule,· recreational 'use plan, statement of the project. s output· use and environmental· exhibit5f including applicant •s · -env}ronmenta 1 report.-· · · There·. is ad9it ion ally a procedure for~ reserving a specific site during the preliminary engineeriing activities before license application submittal. The Preliminary permit application requires general data idemtifying the applicant and project with specific identification of the river reach to be studied. Sections 4.30 through 4.41 Subpart D -General Provisions, Sections 4.30-4.34 4~30. Who may· file. 4.31 Acceptance for filing or. rejection, definition of complete application; original and eleven copies must be filed; after acceptance, reqt1est for map and dr~wing originals, issue of pub1lic notice; notice of ·· deficienci.es; request for additi'onal information; potential to ·submit draft applic.ation to Division of Licensed Projects for sufficiency of review. 4.32 Spec17icatic::ms for maps and drawings -Originals must consist of print on microfilm mounted on apertur.e cards; full-sized prints of maps and drawings must be at least 24 x 36 inches and no larger than 28 x 40 inches. A 5 x 7 p1ate block must. be provided with title and scale with lower half left clear; full-sized maps must have a scale no smaller than Q.S miles for linear features qnd one inch equals 1000 feet for other features; drawing scales are specified. 4.33 Filing arid disposition of conflicting application; priority system for licensing pref,.erence is defined. 4.34 Hearings on application -Commission may order upon own motion or motion of any party i'n interest; issues will be limited by Com:nission order. B-4 n • I ~ ' .. . ., - '·····, .•... ' ~'. .~ ; . ' ; ' t.: . ~· • ••••••• . . .... ; . ..• -"' , ·_ r f '~., . . . .. . :·,.li I ••• • ·I~ ' . .. .• --. :1 I I ,· I ·.w··, .... ' . .c 4.40 Application Content .~ Applicant, agent, type organization, affiliates, operating State·, cone ise project description, location, Federal lands .. · affected, utlimate capacity, power market, other owned generating plants, historic/archeological · proparties, _and verification of applicatio~ . 4.41 Required Exhibits See Attachment B-5 .. \_.,· .. _._·.• .· ·-· .• >. •\ ·~\ 0 - .. , Exhibit·. ,f,. I I, I I :I· I I I I. I •• I I •••••• . ~~ ' I ·.• ~. ' . ~-, ,. " .. ··A .. c D .. .E. F G· l . K L .M ATTACHMtNT- fERC.LlCtNSE APPLICATION::-': EXHIBiTS.' ~!~::.,. Desc:ri pt ion '! • ' 'Charter or certificate and article of incorporation of . _applicant& Certified copy of resolutions ·of ~tockholders. and/or· directors au:thorizing·· appl,ication. Copies of State' laws perta·i r:tfng to construction of the p.roj ect. · · E'videmce. of, appli~ant's ·compliance with: requirements ·of State laws pertaining to use of 1 ands and vlater for the project. · bWnetship~. extent and nature of water rights applicant_ will use and evidence of applicant's plans for perfecting its , ,.· ri_ght.s tO ':use .the water for operation of the \'/Orks. Statement' of land ownership affected by project i ncl udi ng .purchase and construction easement. Evi.dence. of financial of applicant to u·ndertake for· preliminary work and project. ·Statement of proposed operation of project works during low, ·normal and flood fl O\'/S. Estimate of dependab1e capacity and average annual energy output of the proposed project • . ·General map showing project boundaries, features and general location. O~taJ1ed map of project area clearly showing project boundaries, survey data~ 1 and ownership and 1 ocat ion of ·. project features • . GeneraT design drawings of all principal structures and appurtenant features and other works of the project. G~~eral~descriptions of mechanical, electrical and transmission equipment and appurtenances. Detailed estimate of cost of developing the project. Detailed engineering and construction schedules • B-7 '\ ' 'Exh"lbit ~--.~. :· ._ .· - .. P:_& Q -R . ' .-. s .l .u· ·v w ·. ,- . •t .. . ATTACHMENT'(CON"f1' ~;: ', . . .,· . . . . . :·. . '· ; : : . . '. " -·. l' . .· FERC 'llCENSE APPLICATION: ··EXHIBITS· Oescr:l:pti on - Not-reqqired. ' ' ~~-, PrQP9~-~d p1arrfor full public ut1liz.ation of project waters and aU'Jacent lands· for recre.at i onal ·purposes .. Report .on the ,effect of the project upon thf! fish and wildlife resources of'the project areac \ :S~ate~~nt -of reas~ns why developmen~ of the project by a,pplj cant· rath~r than by the Federal. Government -would be in th.e best pool ic interest~) · -. . St~t.ement showing .the manner in which the power and energy ,Rl"tiguced 'bY the project will be utilize~. . -~, . il . ' . ~ . ~ l f-'Maps text~ photographs and drawings to d~scribe the architec7 tural and landscaping treatment proposed for the project works. . . . Enviro.nmental report. . ,, ·. ' '-,-< .... B-8 :.r. .. l; .") ... ALASKA. DEPA.RTHENT OF. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION }!ASTER APPLICATION -INFOID-fATION SHEET ·. Environmen~al-P.roc~dures .. Act~ AS 46.35 ~E~E~\L .lNFORriATIO.N . . The. master application serves. as a notice of intent to the State of a proposed project , · : -'f ~n ,applicant. This fo.rm was designed to inc:l'l.!-de. a b"road range of State and local . ·. overnment int7rests,. therefore, :many of' th; qu;stions .may not apply. to your p:o~osed project • ., lease· read th:~:s appl;(cation before <;ompletJ.ng J.t. Answer all questJ.ons perta1.n1ng to vour prdposed project.. Any missing O"I:. misleading answers may ·aelay the processing of ···our application. Complete a site diagram of the project and submit it with you.r signed .. ppli.'i!ation tQ one of the Permit ·Informatiqn Centers li$ted below •. . . . . . . . -~ l ermi.t Information & Referral Center · ·epax::tmen t of Environmental Co.nservation .Pouch 0 Permit Information & Referral Center Department of Environmental Conservation MacKay Building, Room 1206 .r:uneau~ Alaska. 99811 ~elephdtie: (907) 465-t61S. 338 Denali Street· Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone; (907) 279-0254 lEN:~· P.ROCEDURES FOR PROCESSING. AP;J?LICATIONS UNDER. AS 46. 35. ilpon receipt of the master appli~~cion in a permit center, the follm-1ing steps are taken: fas.ter An licat::to.n ;.. • Copi.es· of the liiaster application and the site diagram are sent for re'?'ietv to all State depO:rtments ·and· any municipality where the project is ·located. A statement is requested -regarding agency jurisdiction and any permits .that may be required for the proposed project. These agencies must respond to the permit center within 15 days. If the agencie~ have any jurisdiction over the project and require a permit~ they will submit their individual applicatipns to tne permit center with a statement of whether a hearing is required .. :t· ~ui.vidual;'~:State & Local Permit Applications . !~ie p~t;~it. center 11ill. $.end the individual applications to the applicant for completion. J ·. i'fi.!ompltl.:ted apRli~ations and required fees should b~ returned to the permit center • ••• ~ I . ' •• I I The :teturned applications and ·fees will be.· sen.t to the proper agencies. The permit centex-lvill make the arrangements for ·a public hearing :on the project, if a hearing is required. 'Within 30 days receipt of the last applications,. the permit center will have a notice published once a week for three·· consecut:i.ve weeks. The applicant will be required to pay for the publication of these not·ices; The public hearing will be held in or near the municipality where the major part of the ·propCJsed project is located.· This hearing will be held within 20 to 30 days of the las·t publication of the notice. Membe-rs of the public and the applicant may be present. Any :Stater ageney that requires· a permit for the project shall be represented . at the hearing • . At the close of the hearing.. the chairman will establish a date (within 90 days from the hearing date) for the final decisions on·all applications on the project. The final decisions will be submitted to the Department of Environmental Consetvation. They, will be·incorporated into one document and submitted to the applicant personally or by certified mail. · I ••••• .. . I INTERIM MASTER APPLICATION . Permit Information Center Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation .. MASTER APPk_,CATION NO. ----~------==,.,.._.__. CERTIFICATION (to be completed by local govemmentl I hereby certify the project described herein is in compliance with all zoning ordinances and associated compre- hensive plans adrriinistered by .·.:(Local Government Official's Signature). (Title) (Datel l hereby certify the property described in Section II is not under the jurisdiction of any zoning ordinance or associated comprehensive plan administered by-----------------------·~ (Local Government Official's Signature) (Tit, e) (Date) B-11 . .AptlJicant. -~:rdonnation , ·. i~~"~:~~---..,__,:·-~ .. ; __ -~-~··,.·-.<-~_.;_._·. ;' . ·.·. '·. -~"-.1.,: . 'J5t•m~''·otAppficaOt: ___.;,.--..........;......_.,...~-----·~--...,..· ------~-:---~----..,-------~....,.._------ -~ ., .-.-' .. : :.~:. :-,-•, . . . . -:;:, ' ·,_;.· -· -, ;;,. ' ,· ~ .... _j\ddtf$$: ~-..--..~--------___,.--· _· · ........ · ___..-,_;...___. _" -:----.;.._,;_----:---------......,__~~-.. .. (Street Number or R.F .Q.) _ _ . , (CiW )_ (State) (Zip Code) <> ' .... ,. .. ,_ . Phone Number: . ...,..._------------- . ~ . t ; . -:· ?. ~ ; .. ~. ~ -._ ~~ Consultant ·or-Contact Person: ------------------------------- Address:-~··;;.;..,;;-__;;_'" --...;...-;;;...,....---... .......... .........,........._ _____ ....,..__,__...,._,.~,....--,....-_.,...--.---:------------ . (Street Number or R.F.D"} (CitY) , (State) (Zip Code) ..... • t· . Phone_ Nurnber: ......... -------------- ~ '. " . n.. ActivitY ;Location· * A. · Location.ofWork (smallest legal subdivision): __ ..,...___ __________ ..;___~--__,....- -~ ' Within Section ---------,,Township----------,, Range------- B.. Distance and directi'on from nearest incorporated town or city: 1 U. General Ac~iviw-Description A. Beginning Construction .Date: . ..;__ _____ _.._Completion Date: -------- B. Description of Project (describe the project objectives, purpose and need): ---------- ·c.. Description of WorK"\describe the project construction and operation): ---------------- 0 r"_ •• ' .,1 ' ~ w . . B-12 -I -1: -" -• I IV'. :SPECIFIC ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION -A. ~e :coristruction:or operation of this project involves: '(check all appropriate boxes). q Commercial development • - I 0 .Industrial development -. _ 0 Institution -0 :Residential development 1·- ,. -Ab6ye checked development includes: -0 EleCtrical · 0-Piumbing··-1: 0 __ Elevator _ .0 Mechanicat equipment in structures --o Boiler · · 0 Pressure vessels 0 Pressure piping I 0 Prefabricated structures 1- , -, Sewage disposal: · 0 Septic tank and drainfield installation or · alternative disposal system I · 0 Connection to municipal sewer system 0 Develop or connection) to nonmunicipal se~er system I I ' I I I I 0 Connection to municipal water system 0 Develop or connection to nonmunicipal water system 0 School water supply 0 Surfaca mining (including rock quarry, material borrow site, sand and gravel, etc.} 0 Underground mining -.0. Dredging o· Oil and gas drilling and exploration 0 Geothermal drilling and exploration 0 Well injection 0 Well construction 0 Fireworks 0 Marine facility (access, dock, float, etc.) 0 E~plosives -. 0 Disposal of surplus mineral resources · · Food servic.e facilities: D R~staurant 0 ·Temporary D Limited service restaurant 0 Commissary 0 Food vending warehouse 0 Vending machine . 0 Mobile unit(s) 0 Shellfish distributors D Shucker-packers 0 Harvesters · D Swimming pool · . D Health facility (hospital, inpatient care, nursing home, etc.) 0 Honil~ for aged D Group care home 0 Child care agency D Day care facility 0 Post-seCondary education facility at a new location 0 Junkyard 0 Alcohol or alcoholic beverages (industrial, manu- facture, wholesale, retail) D Hydraulic structure D Irrigation, drainage D Hydroelectric facilities D Mobile home park D Airfield construction or modification D Advertising signs 0 Cultural site development D Pneumatic conveyance facilities ·D Liquid petroleum gas D Flammable and/or combustible liquids D Shore-based handling devices 0 Excavation 0 Land ~~~eli1J.9_. ·--_ D Stream bed alteration, movement of material within banks · . D Flood control project (stream channelization) D Agriculture D Aquaculture 0 Bulkheadc." D Burning D Dam construction D Forest management 0 Tree cutting D Right-of-way clearing D Gravel operation 0 Road construction 0 Solid waste disposal D Utilities 0 Port Development 0 Propagation of fish or wildlife D Landfill 0 Tourist facilities (hotel" motel, recreational park, organization camp, picnic park, mass gathering) D Other __________ _ B-13 -·Yes ·No . . l . . . B. 0 0 All ora.portion Qf: the activity will be located within 200 feet of the ordinary high water' mark or within .thl~ floodplain of r a tributary (name of stream or body ~f water) Of------------~--~~------·---------------------; (name of stream or body of water) c. Work will be condu~ted· (include anticipated dates work will take placel 0. ·, · D OverWater ---~--~----...--------------------....__,_~-- (dates) · Q,. .0 In or .. -..nder water------...---------------------- (dates) D. 0 E. D ·o . The proposed work will be vented or will' release materials into the air. (explain) 0 · Will the construction or use Of the final facility result in the discharge of a pollutant? Into: . 0 Ground water 0 Surface water D Sewer system Exl?l~in (pollutantl:-.--------------------------- F. 0 · 0 Will your proposal include facilities for the disposal of sewage? G. D D Septic Tank and Drainfield Installation D eii\hebtion to Municipal sewer system D Develop a Nonmunicipal (individual) treatment facility D Will construction or operations of the final facility involve the use of ground or surfa~e .water? SOURCE 0 Groundwater 0 Surface water USE D Domestic Use 0 Commercial/Industrial Use D Other-------- ... Quantity of water use: ..___, ________ cfs, or---------~.......,· .gpm • . if surface water, name of source: ------------------. (stream or body of water) a tributary of ___ __,..... _ __... _____ _ (name of strearn or body of water) 8-14 : ._ ' I *· o I d"'/ D 1.· ' .K: 0 ·C:J· 0 Will your proposal include facilities for public water supply? 0 ConneCtion to Municipal supply system 0 Devetop a Nontnunicipal· (individuall supply system ... Will your proposal require the construction or modification of a dam for the storage of water? Height of dam: _,_.-----..-----feet. Quantity tlf water to be stored: --------acre feet. ' 0 . Do. you plan to dispose of material by burning? 0 Natural material (organic) 0 Man.;made material (processed) 0 . Do you plan to dump any mill waste or forest debris? ' Do you PIC!n to conduct a commercial operation with power driven machinery in dead or down timber? -1• ·I M"''D 0 Do· you propose to remove more than 10,000 tons or disturb more than two acres of land· in order to remove gravel, clay, coal, stone, san~, metallic ore, or any other similar solid material or substance to be excavated from natural deposits on or in the earth for com- mercial, industrial, or construction uses? I N. .I :1 0" -·.- p·. 1: a. ·I •• " I 0 0 0 0 0 Do you plan to conduct any activity on or directly pertaining to forest land and related t) growing, harvesting or processing timber including: road and travel construction; timber harvest; pr~ommercial thinning; reforestation; f~lrtilization; prevention and suppression 9f diseases and insects; salvage of trees; right-of-way clearing; or brush control? D Do you plan to recover straY logs, other than logs owned by you, from waters of the Stat •? . . 0 Does your proposal involve work within, adjacent to, or near a state park? D Do you have control of the land on which the project is located? Who does? 0 I own/control the land. 0 f control the land through a license from a private individual/company. 0 The State owns the land. 0 Federal land • 0 Locally owned land. B-15 l ',) . ·\, B-16 ; I ~ '. n ' l u . ' ' . ' ' ........ .• '. ' '.-. I ~f. Et.!VIf\~NMENTAl.lMPACT ? ''·' , ·.·ves. No · ....•. ,. · A. d . 0 Have you been asked to cvmplete an "Assessment of Environmental lmpactt'? Uf com'"· plet~d, please attach a copy.) ,, .I ... . :' ;' ... B .• ·• 0 .•. tJ ·Has an ''Environmental Impact Statement" been requested before you begin your pro- . ject? Ufcompleted, pleaS(! attach a copy.) c.. Comments:-------.------------------------------------- ~ ·----------~~~------------------------------------------------------------. ·1· •.· The inf()rm~tion ~;:~~~~~n this apjllication is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief. "I I. i,l ~c I I,· I I I (Applicant's Signature) (date) 8-17 o- .. · () . \\ Water. Use Permits •• I I ·I: " I I I I ·m I I I I I I I ·•I· 'I . < -~ . .· . ·. . . . . . . U ,. .. s· •. AR~1Y CORPS OF ENGINEERS ·',,•. '~. Titl.e: · · · · ....;_,.;;....;;..;..· ·.:..;..·. ·:.· ...... . License for Proposed Major Project .. -~ '· .• .. { ~: ; . y :".-::.. ~~ ~~-:' En,ablinY. Law: <·Sectiorl!'9<(33 usc 401)· :and section '10 (33 usc 403) of the River ..... " · "and fiarbor<Act of 1899-(33· Staf 1151). : ·. · '- Typ~: Sect1on 404 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Prnendments :of·I972·.·{Pt gz~soo··, 86, stat 816,_33 ysc.r344J.·. o Dams and Dikes in Navigable Waters of the United States ··· ·· · · o Structures or Work in Affecting Nav~igable Waters of the United States . · . . ·.. · . · •a Discharges of •Dredged or Fi ll Materi a 1 into Waters of the United States (Section 404 Permit) ·: . . Jurisdiction: Tne Corps jurisdictjon as defined by waters of the United States ·includes :fsolated .wetlancts and lakes, intermittent streams and ·' any water ;of the United States, the degradation of which could affect interstate comnerce. . Authority:· Regulation: Procedure~ The state legislative may authorize ~he structure to be built if the location and plans are approve(: r:·' the Chief of Engineers and . . the Secretary of the Army. , Permis-sion to construct dam or-perform activity described in app 1 icati on. · Code of Federal Regu'l ati ons Title 33, Parts 320 through 329. Part 321 -Permits for Dams and Dikes in Navigable Waters of the United States. Part 322· -Permits· fo~ Structures or Work i~ or Affecting Naviga- ble Waters of the United States. · P<art 323 -Permits for. Discharge of Dredged or, Fi 11 Materials ··into ·waters of the United States. .·Part 325 -Processing of Department of the Army Permits . .. Applications are submitted to the Corps District having jurisdic- tion over the waterway in which the proposed activity will be located. In this case,. the· Alaska District.,· P .0. Box 7002, Anchorage,: Alaska 99510, will receive the application. Upon ,re·ceipt·of the application, the District Engineer will assign number .and review for completeness.,'· Any additional information needed wi l1 be requested from the applicant. When all required information is received, the Distrj~t will issue a public notice. · ~. All conments received wi 11 be: acknowledged and made a part of the official file.··· If comments relate to matters of special exper~ tise~ of another agency, the District will seek the advice of that agency. The ;9plicant will be given the opportunity to rebutt all adverse conments . B-19 ·~·· :'~ US/ACQE (Continued) .: ·,:. ~'" .. ::r-<;.. Application Regui rements: An Enviro.nmental Assessment wi 11 be prepared by the District; if ,d~emed:necessary, the draft EIS wi.ll serve as the Environmental .. · Assessment. The District Engineer _will also eva_lt~ate the p.roposed app 1 i cation tq determine the need for a pub 1 ic hearing . After. all actions ar:e completed~ th.e Di~strjct Engineer wi 11 prepare the Funding Of Fact and make the final decision whether to grant or deny the permit. Draft permit is-sent to the applicant for acceptance~ signature and submission of fees~ .If the Oi strict Engineer determines that water qua 1 i ty certification is necessary under FWCCA~ application must produce · either the certificate or the application. If the proposed activity is to be undertaken in a: State operating under a coastal zone management program approved by the Secretary of Commerce, the District ~ngineer shall obtain from the applicant a certificatjon that his proposed activity complies with and will _ be conducted in a manner that is consistent_ with the approved State coastal zone management program. The timing of this_ procedure is as follows: -Public notice issued within 15 days of complete application. "!' Receipt of comnents should not extend more. than 30 days after notice; this may be extended up to 75 days.o -Notice of dental or draft permit no less than 30 days after . closing of comnent period with no objectiosn. If the District Engineer requires that an EIS .is required, he wi 11 require the applicant to furnish any additional data necessary to allow his preparation. If the District Engineer deems additional information .necessary, that the applicant cannot provide, the Corps may charge the applicant for extraordinary "expenses incurred. Otherwise, the costs of preparation and d i stri:buti.on of the EIS wi 11 be borne by the Government. !f another ~g{~ncy is the ·1ead agency as defined by the CEQ guidelines, the Dist\"ict Engineer \'Jill coordinate with that agency. The applicatfon for the Corps permit consists of a t\~o-page . application-(attached as Exhibit 1-Form 434S) and a set of deta:i1ed clrawings (S"xl0-1/2 11 reproducible) describing the .project. Information expected to be furnished by the applicant includes: -Detailed description of the proposed activity, including the purpose~ use, type of structures, facilities for handling . wastes and the type, composition and quantity of dredged or fi 11 , mater i a 1 ; B-20 \ . ' · .. ) '_ . ..,. I I ..• ;' ~ - I ···I I 1·. .. . . .. . ~·-·-'' r, -.. · .. ,, "APPli'catiqn · -~R~t(ui.r'ements · ·· · , . teontin:UedJ:_ ·_ ·.· · . . ._ ,r· ·-·· .: ·_:-.-·~~ 'r"' ..•• · ·.:._ Namesc and add~ess of all adjoining property ·ownerS:: Who· have a ~ ... . ,;-,, ', . 'direct intgrest or. could be affected by the project;- ,> <'r'" ··Location of the facility; .... :proposed' d a"tes :Of· C0111Tlencement .and comp 1 et i 00; -. ~ . . .. ~ A list and status of all approvals and certificates required by Qther federal, state, and local ·govet"'nment ag·encies. Under· provisions of the Dam Safety Act, for construction of an impo_undrnent,_ the _appli:cant is a'lso requied to submi-t detailed- drawings at 'the level of design plans. and specifications. These drawingswi1l be reviewed by the Corps District personnel for safety and adequacy of the structure.. The safety approval will be· issued as part of the 404-permit. B-21 . ' 11 ~ ~ i. " •,:c. ~t ,-· '• !l . 1\PPUCl'tiON FOR A DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERNfit · . · For use of this fonn~ sea .EP. U.4S-Z. .... 1. · . -*' . . ' ' ' 1: . ·-, ; -' -., ' ."• ' :. " .lbe P8P•rtment of t.he Army pennit 'pragr&n !• <lU~rrzed I:Pf ,Section ·'u). of lhe River and }farber Aet of 1899• ~tion · 404'of .• . . .. ,;p. y 9~....:500 and~ Section 110~ of p.l... $2-S32'.. lbestJ lawS. require permi•s .!:IUthofizing stJVctu~es and wo~ in or affecting naviglitble wati!f$ ofth6'Uriiled State:!i. the di~cha.-ge of. dredged or fill maustial into waters of the United States,. and ttunransportaticn of drt!tdged.matl!ll'i~l for tha P<IJPO$e of dumping it into o.cean waters. Information provided in ENG Form 4345 will be used in evaluating ,th .. • ~1'i#~tiCHi:~Q(~J3!'~~~}.!'fonnat~o~ ~n ~II. ~pfic;a_tion is made a matter of pub!ic record thro_ugh Hasuance o.t. a ~bfic ~ti~,. lJIS~Iosure Of the• tnf01'1118~10ft ;re~est~ J S Wfuntary;. OOWevere .the. data requested are necessa~ 10' order to C:Oii1rnUOIC8te w:th lhe. app... lic::ant ald to. evaluate )he perm. it app1ic::aticsn. If necessary infonnat'on is not provided,, the perm~t applicatiOP.l cannot be pt;c;-. cessed nor c-; • permit bit issuiKI. . . OJ\~$et:~~f~iS~gtn~tiJ.r:a~~~:!J!SJOQd reprocluCible coi:ti•s whiCh shoW the iQcatioo and character of ~e proposed activity must be ~ttach~ to this appli.cation (sec sample dtawlngs·and-checklist) and be submitted to the District EnginHr having. jurisdie'iion cv.t: the ~loc;ation of thti P.i·gposed. aetjV,ity. An application that is not completed in full will be returned. i , . . t . " 1-. Applicatic.n nUmber (fo . .,. assigned by Corps) 2... Date 3. For Corps use only. L. QQ. Yr. ' .... "5. Name. address and title of authorized agent. ·. Telephone qo. during busine,ss hours AIC ( ) -------A/C( ,.., ) ------~--AICC . , AIC ( ) ------- 6. Dl!lscribe in detzil;:the proposed activity •. its purpose and intended use (private, public, commercial or other) including descriP- tiOn of the type of; sU\lctures, if any to b.o1i erected on fills, or pile or float-supported platfonns, th., type, composition and q\aaritity of :J;aterirals to be discha.-ged or dtmped and means of conveyance, and the source of discharge or fill material. If • adQitlonal space j,IJl needed. usa Block 14. · 7., Names~ addrk>-sias and telep~ne numbe~ of adjoining property owners, lessees, etc •• whose property also adjoins the waterway. Tax Assessors Description: U' known) Streatt, roilld o.: other dest:rip~ive location M'P No. Subdiv. No. Lot No~ tn or .near city -or town, Twp. Rge. 'l'e Nane of waterw.qr at location of the activity. ENG Fotm 4345, 1 OCT 71 Edition of 1 Apr 74 is obsolete. B-23 "· -. . ·- ·t r· ~ j ... ' . 1 . ., ··!' ' i .. ,. I: f . I L l 11. ~ls-.nv ;pGrtioo of the acthrity: for-wttich authorization is· sougHt now t:omplete?. Q .. YE! 0 NO . ~f ~swer ts·~~ •• ~· iliiv:e·r:e~,O,.s io -th.a. ''"'alit section.-. ~9nth ,l!Mld. year :the ~ctivjty .was completed lndicattt. the existing work on th.e .drawings. . 1:2.; t.i~ 111tt apft"ro~••• or c..-tmcati~s required by other federal# interstate. s~ata or loca.f agencies for. any .structures, CQnstruc~ · .· tion. cJtsCha.'5i•S. deposit~ or ~o~et a~ivities described in. chis appl ;.catil)n. ·lssuirlia AiJenev Identification No. Date of Application' Date of Approyel 13.: lias '81\Y aP,.cy cieniiad approvml 'fQI' lhe activity described herein or. for any activity directly related to the activity ~~ibttd herain? ·. · · · · ONo (If ""Yes•• expl;tin in remarks) 'i4a. Romarks(Checltlist,. Al:pendix H for additional information required for certain activities). 15. AppJjcation is hereby made for a permit or permits to authodze the activities described herein. I .certify that I am familiar with the information ~tained in thiu application. and. that to the. best of my knowledge and belief such information is tfUe. complete; and acwrate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities. Signature qf Applicant or Authorized Agent l'fle application must .,. signed by the applicant: hOwever. it may be signed by .. duly authorized agent (naTaed in item 5) if this form is aceompanied. by • statomen~ bv the applicant designating. the agent and agreeing to fumish upon request. SUf>PiernentaJ lnfqrmation in support ~f the ~plication. 18 u. S. C. Section 1001 provides that: w.t"loever. in any manner wiU\in the juri $diction of any department or agency of The United States knowingly and willfully f&l$ifias. conceals. or covers up by any trick. scheme. or device a material f!ICt or mai:es any false. fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing sana to. contain any f~tlse fictitiou~ or fraudulc:mt statemont or .-.try. Shall be fined tiot more than !110.000 or · imprisioned not mora.than five years. or bOth. Do not send a permit processing fee with this appUcation~ The appropriate fee will be assessed v.t1en a permit hs issued. B-24 .. . .. < •• ; ,;."1 -~~: ; .--·.L· . . . . ( ~-:\ . ~ ~· '. ' . l ·.·.4 . ,_,,.. ···--· ••• I 'I·.· ••• I I I I .. · ·~ . ~ ' .. ' . . STATE OF ALASKA ... ~.oFFICt OF COASTAL MANAG-EMENT . Title: •: Al'aska Coastal Management Progran (ACMP) Type::. Consistency Ce~ti_ficate Jurisdi'ction:·:· the-state shall ·establish a coastal management program to provide for the management of the coastal zone. The Alaska Coastal Management Program provides ·the standard by wh_ich a· project requiring a Federal license or permit. is. reviewed and determined to be consistent or inconsistent with the program. Proceduret, · Authority: '\'"-File app.lication for Federal license or. pennit include a certification that the proposed ·activity complies. with the states approved program and that such activity wi 11 be conducted .in a manner consistent with the program. .-Furnish to.the State a copy of the certification with all . . neqessary information and d~t a. . -At the earliest practicable time, not exceed six (6) months from receipt of consistency certification and required . information and_ data, the State shall notify the Federal agency and the applicant whether the state concurs or objects to a q:msistency certi-fication. ·_No ob,jection.to Federal permit issuances. Regulations:· Code of Federal Regulations, Title 15, Part 930 -Federal . Consistency with Approved Coastal Management Programs Regulation SutTJnary: . . . Alaska Administrative Code Part 6, Chapter 80, Section .070 -Energy Facilities Section 130 -Habitats 15 CFR 930 provides the regulations by which the State concurs with Ot '1bjects to a consistency certification for a project requir.h~~;, a Federal license or permit~. These regu1at.ions also include information pertaining to mediation of disputes, guidance and assistance to the applicant; necessary data and information, public notice, and State concurrence and objection. 6AAC 80.070 provides that site's for energy facilities must be identified by districts and the State in cooperation with the districts. Standards on which siting and approval of energy ·facilities are based are also included in these regulations. 6AAC 80.130 describes the habitats in the coastal area which are subject to the ACMP and provides for their proper management and protection. B-25 .. ~Alaska CoqstaJ Management Program Cont'd: ENERGY FACILITY PLANNING ••. SITING CRITERIA {l). Expansion~ select sites with sufficient, acreage to allow · for rei'jso-pabLe expansion of facilities;. '(2) · Infrastructure. site facilities where ex:isting infrastructure; iilc:l·uding roads, docks~ and airstrips, is capable of satisfying _industrial x~quir~ments; (3) 'Navigational· Safety. select harbors and shipping routes wit:b '.,least ·exposur~ .to r?efs,. shoals, drift ice, and other obstructions; (4), Traffi t Control o encourage the use of vessel traffic control arid' ao)..lision.a.voidance systems; (5) Si.te Preparation. sele:=t sites where development will require .m:inimal·Site clearing, dredging and construction in productive .habitats; (6) Shipping Routes~ site :facilities so as to·minimize the. probability, along shipping .routes, o:f spills or other :forms o:f contamination which' wou1a affect fishing grounds, spawning grounds, and other biologically productive or vuln~rable habitats, including marine mammal rookeries and hauling out grounds and waterfowl nesting areas; {11 Resource Protection. site: facilities so that the construction of. :fi:U:ili ties and support infrastructure in coastal . areas o:f Alaska are designed to allow :for the :free passage and movement of fish and wildlife with due consideration for historic migration patterns, and so that areas of particular scenic, recreational, environmental, . or qult:ura:l value will be protected; (8) vfater Quality. site facilities in areas of least biological p~odtzctivity, diversity, and vulnerability and where effluents and s~ills can be controlled or con.t:ained; (9) Air Quality. site facilities where winds and ai:r currents disperse airborne emissions whiah cannot:. be captured be:fore escape :into tbe atmosphere; (1 0} tomf!atib,ili ty. select sites designated for iniiu,st:,rial purposes . an4 where industrial tra:f:fic is minimized through population aenters; · ( 11 ) Interferencet. · select sites where vessel movements will not result in overcrowded harbQrs or interfere with f~shing operations and equipment; (6 AAC B0~070(b) (6j-(16}) s ... 26 ' ' I I I I I ~~:: 11 . I. l . 11 . .::;:' . . e ~ 11 • '11 ~ o'·' .· Alaska coas-tal. . (:2) . ''· ".-. II -.c. . ' -. lnfQrmat.ionl!Needs ·for Evaluating Proposals . To ad~4uately evitluate .proposals f~r major energy facilities, the stat-e w:~11 require at least the following information for ·prospective'; "clevelopments: Facili~y ·Prhposed -e.g., service base, marine terminal~-LNG plant. Lo_cation -1 ~0f all facilities and activities associated with or . expected tci be. attracted to the proposed development, e.g~, helicopter operatiQns,. construction camps, motels. _Descrfptioi! ot' Proposed Facility -e.g., acreage, site plans, _ techpologif~s to be used, probability and anticipated causes of ~: __ system fai,'lure. ·· Expansion'-Probability of additional demand on the proposed facility in tne future; provisions for expansion and sharing of the facility \o,~ith othrar companies; plans for unitization of OCS leases and/or shared ptipelines to. landfill. ·, Schedulij -Proposed construction schedule and anticipated operational timetable over the life of the facility!t e.g., type and level of seasohal activities, anticipated years of peak usage. Land Status and OwnershiE_ ... Of development site and other land affected by the proposal, e,g., private, public, unpatented, in litigation. Management-Of the project, e.g., an oil company; a Native corporation, joint management. Contractors and Subcontractors -For all or portions of the project, if known. Resoutce Requirements Quantities and probable sources ~f power, water, gravel, and other materials . Transport -Frequency and routes of boat and aircraft movements and expected level of vehicular traffic in the region resulting from construction or operation of the facility. Employment -Anticipated number of persons to be employed by job description, tenure (permanent/temporary), and place of employment. Population-Approximate addition to the population of Alaska by place. Public Services ... Extent of need for the means of providing public services. e~g~, road, sewers, water, Solid-waste disposal, care, police and fire protection, and other health and social services. Environmental Implications -Potential environmental benefits, conflicts andmitigative measures, particularly concerning solid- . waste management and air and wate.r quality. B-27 .· .. .. ·Alask~, toastal-~tanagement Progr~m .Cont':d: · . Si'ttng and--DesiruL _.·Features to. compensate for natural processes = {e~ g .. ~, floods, _earthquakes, -storms, eros ion and sedimentation); to provide. fo.r safe and effective management of sewage and solid =\oiaste; and to mirlimize noise and visual impacts. · · I . . • . ' Economic Implication~-e.g., public cost and revenue resulting from the proposed project; potential conflicts with existing.· industry; antictpated'expenditures in Alaska by place .. Social Implications.:-e.g., training programs, local hiring policy,. housing~ heal ttl ca.re. ·· Arrangements for Reducing Social, Economic and Environmental Conflicts -e.g., traffic control systems; oil spill contingency plan, compensation·plan~ orientation program for imported workers. .Alterna~ive .Sites -For the required faci 1 i ties and operations and reasons for rejecting alternative sites. B-28 I I I I I I I I I ·I I I I I I .I I . ' '.--· ·.; c'lt ' ' ·: ~ ;~]" "') Certi fi cation of Comp 1 i ance· 11 ' l '. ~-t '~ .•. ~· ' :t. 11 (> 6 •) f f) ·I •••• I I' •• I ' . ·· .. • .·1 I I '·I I 1. I I I ..:· . ' .. Appl icant's· Responsibility Under The Coastal Zone Manag.ement Act of 1972 ~ ·--. . . . Section 307 of. the federal-Coastal Zone Act of 1972 requires that all · feder(ll projects and f~(lera] lfcensed, permitted, or funded activities must be· consistent with the affected state• s approved coastal management program. In orderto'rnake certain that all proposed activities in Alaska will be conducted ina manner consistent with the Alaska Coastal Management Program(ACMP)~ the state will review all proposed activities l i kelyc to impact the coasta 1 zone~ , ... . . · ·. .· ' . . . '. . ' 1 . Please fill in the appro.priate spaces below if the proposed activity described in your application may· irnpa.ct the coastal lOne and submit this f-orm with·yourapplication. If you have any (!Uestions concerning the r.elationship ,of your proposal to the ACMP, please contact: Office of Coastal Management Pouch AP Juneau, AK 99811 (907) 465-3540 Relationship to the_Alaska Coastal Management Program (Check block la, lb, or lc below and either 2 or 3. If the proposal will not be consistent \.,ith the ACMP, a separate justification statement should be submitted with this notice). . 1. This proposal is located: {a) (b) (c) on Federal lands outside the coastal zone on exc 1 uded Federal 1 ands in the · coastal zone on non-Federal lands in the coastal zone D D D 2a This proposal will not ca~se significant (a) changes in the manner in which waters~ lands, and other coastal resources are used; (b) limitations in the range of uses of coastal zone resources; or (c) changes· in the qua 1 i ty of coasta 1 resources. Consequently, it doe£ not directly affect· the· coastal zone and a consistency deter~lination is not required. 0 ~.. This proposal will directly affect the coastal zone and a consistency determination is required •. To the best of my knowledge; this proposal is in accord vJith the goals, guidelines, and objectives of the Alaska Coastal ~1anagement Program and to the maximum extent practicable, it will be undertaken in a manner consistent with the progr·am. D Signed ------------ Dated --------------------- B-29 I '/ •• I .:~ -. I· I .I. I "I •• ~ ~ WATER RIGHTS PERMIT * . ' . 'PURPOSE The Water Rights Permit reserves the waters of Alaska for: t.he peopl~ of the ,State for common use. Water is appropriated ·for beneficial uses· which ccimply with standards for the protf!Ction of public health and safety and preservation of anadromous fish. ·oesCRI,PTION . , 'Any· person who de$ires to appropriate waters of the 'State must obtain a Water Rights Per- mit from the Director of the Division of Forest, Land and Water Management, Department of Natural Resources prior to taking any unappropriated water. This permit authorizes the holder to . con~truct ·the · necassary works for appropriating water an(i to co:mmence his . appropriation; .!'lowever .. it does not secure .rights to the water. When the permit holder has commenced to use the appropriated water, he may then notify the dir~tor who will i5$,Ue a Certificate of Approprliztlon~ The Certificate secures the holder's righ~to. the water. 1 REQUIREMENTS Applications for the permit must be submitted to the Division of Forest, Land and Water Man*ment on Foqn 10-102and must include the following informatioi'l! 1. Location of the source from which the water is. to be appropriated. 2~ Description of 1he proposed means of appropriation. a. Quantity of water to be appropriated. 4. Location of the place where the water will be used. · 5. Explanation of the proposed use of the water. A nonrefundable $20.00 filing fee must accompany the application. DNR An· application to appropriate water must include plans and specifications for any dam that 2 may be built. If the proposed dam may endanger the public health and safety or may endanger anadromous fish, the Director may request modifications of the plans and specifi· cations and an independent appraisal of the plans by a qualified engineer. Publi.c . .notice of the application for water appropriation must be published once in a local newspaper and must allow for a 15 day comment period. Also, notice of the applica'lion and the 15 day comment oedod must be sent to the following: 1. All prior appropriators. 2. Local governments. 3. Alaska Department .of Environmental Conservation. 4. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Hearings are not required; however, they rnay ba held if objections to the proposed appro- priation are received. The permit is issued-for a period determined by the director. 3 .AlJTHOAfTY AS ;~.1. 5. ~03~ 185. ApproP,riatio~ and Use of Wa)er. 1 1 xni ?it n~t•r \1•. l Repea 1 ed) 1/21 80 CONTACT Director 11 AAC 93.040 -11 AAC 93.140 Division of Forest, Land and Water Management Depai11Tient of Natural Resources 323 E. Follrth Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone: 279-5577 *Permit Summary excerpted from the Alaska State Directory of Permits. B-31 ,. ,. " . WATER RlGHlS.,PERMIT CONJ'.D:: :-·:.. . . . ' - ~· :· .. ~ss.~a~·c:e~ of' Certificat·e· o1f~\Appropriation .. ' .~ ' ••• :: -! •.... '+· :~-}~. -.~ . ·\! ' ~-' ' .The coJilllis~ionerwill issue a Certificate of Appropri;ation after .the _project has been coJnplet~1 and water L4S.e has begun -in comp1 iance <~ith:'.petlllft conditions.~ . · · ;._, . · . . . · · · 2 •. ·. ,Application for: Permit to-Construct or Modjfy·A Dam must be included with application mater-ials· fo'r Water Rights Permit. 3 ... Ttie permi:t wi tl be issued. far' a petiod ·of time considered adequate to ·finish construction and begin using the ~~ater. This period may \'- be extended~ · ·'to'· protect the. pub1 ic inte.rest, the· permit may be subject to the fo 11 owing. con,di ti ons : 1. · The condition that no certificate will be issued unti 1 adequate easements are acquired. 2. Condi.tions that reserve water for specified purposes such as protection of fish and wildlife, recreational purposes, navigation, water quality~ ·etc.. · · 3.. Conditions to ensure that the diversion means are safe and adequate. B-32 •••••••• I I I STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF NATVRAL RESOURCES DMSION~OF FORBST,-LAND AND WATER MANAGEMENT ,< .. OF.FICE. USE ONLY .. • .f • ADL i' APPLICATION FOR WATER RIGHT - .Instructions; You will need (1)-am~p. showins the iocation of your source of water and the area of use, (2) a copy of your property ownership doc\nnent, · i.e. deed,· patent, lease agreem~nt or ari easement agreement if you do· not own. the property involved, (3) a copy of your driller~s well log,. if application is for an existing well, (4) Statement of Beneficial Use Of Water (Fonn l0-1003A) if this is an existing water use, and. (5) Application for Pennit to ·construct or Modify Dani (Foml 10-1015) if you will be constructing a. dam over 10 feet high or over SO-a~ feet of stora,e. Please type or print in ink. 1. Full legal name of Applicant(s) 2. Maillitg ·Address ------------------------------~------------------------ Home Phone Business . Phone 3. Source of Water Supply: ·, (a) Owen 0 Drilled 0 Hand D.riven 0 Dug 0 Other --------- If existing well, attach copy of driller's well log, ' . -. ' ~. . ' '. If existing w,ey, and no leg, supply all known infonnation Total depth--------Drawdown · -------- Intake Depth _____ .........., Screened Yes No Unknown ~·-· Static level ------ . (b) ·· 0. Surface Watei' 0 ~t;ream 0 River 0 Lake D Spti..ng Give geogra-phic name (if unnam~d, state so) B-33 (j . '' :!!Wif~r wm-~k~~nfrom surface water source by: .Ol'wnping QGravity Flow System Page2 0 Diversion (Altering a~.)vatercourse) -Attach sketch and plans giving dimensions and specifications. · · D Dazruning -Attach sketch and plans giving dimensions and specifications. If dam is . ·. over 10 feet high or over 50 acre feet storage, MUST flle Application for Permit to ·construct or M.odify Dam (Fonn I 0-1 o 15). · 0 ·other·---------..---------------- 40c il ,; Location of point of WITHDRAWAL, DIVERSION, or IMPOUNDMENT: ' '·' s. J) 'MlJSTattach c~py·ofmap or subdivision plat and indicate location . '· •' , .: ·(a)·· -Fractional·parti_-· .... : ~~---------.....;_....,. Section~~~ . 'To\Vn~p , Range~-··---· --~---Meridian. (b) If applicable,.Lot, Block, Subdivl$ion; u~s. Survey No. -------------- (c), .·· . Does .applicant own or lease the property at point of water withdrawal and over which water is transported'tYes 0 No D · . . . "'" . .~ .. . IfnYes,'''MUSTattach copy ofownership document (i.e. deed, patent) . . ~ ~ ~ If '·'No,n· MUST obtain an easement or right-of-way and supply copy. Give name, mailing .ad,dRssand phone number(s) of legal owner. Name Mailin· Add . g ~ ~~------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------z~ ----------- Home phone -----------Business Phone ----------------- . Location of point of USE: If same as question. 4; check and go to question 6. D · MUST attach copy of~ap or subdivision plat and indicate 1~:-v .. a.tion. (a) Fractionalpart _, -~--------Section--~~ Township ;Range ___ , ___ ....._ __ Meridian. · (b) If applicable, Lot, Block, Subdivision; U.S. Survey No. ---------------------------- (c) Does applicant own or lease the property at point of water use? Yes 0 l('!Y~s,'' MUST .attach copy of OWnership document (i.e. deed, patent) . B-34 · NoD ... 11 . ~-.~·~•.J;.-' :"'< .. -... ··.,) -,,~ ' J:-• .. ,•<tt~, 'J) .-· .~: "• ~ v' • ,;, -~ \ • .,,• '-• ~· ~ '" '(' · lf~~'No,t? MUST · obtain an easement or right.;of .. way and supply copy. Give name, mailing ·' address and. phone n~ber(s) of legal own~r .. I I I.· ... . ". ..•. ; l 1- I , .•. I I I I ·~I ~ ~ c ;) , •.. ' I I .I 'J /' .1' ,r ~ "· .,. · -~ ··, · Name· ----~------------~· 6. · Maillii ·. Address .. . I . ------------------~---------------- 'llom~: phone~·--· .. --------·_-Business Phone ____________ ..,__ ._.Type of water-and Qwn\tity of water needed: Please fill in. the attached Water Use Chart· ·indicatin~ ~e quantity ~of water and mon~-of use for -~--~ .of water use: .Standard .quantities and definitions ·m-e proVIded for your converuenee. ·If water.use lSTor a Commeretal/Industnal putPose or Other Use not on the Water Use Chart, refer to.question 7. 7. · CommerCial/Industrial and Other Uses: ........ ~ _._,. ·' -• • ••• ' • •> • • • . . ' .· ' Explain in detail the. basis· for quantity of water requested. Use additional sheet of paper if needed. Indicate type of operation including structures and methods used. Include a siv. ~G1 or engineering dra~gs. Enter quantity requested and months of use on attached Water Use Chart~ · S. Date when water•use began or is expected to begin · . If water use is existing, fill out S~atemertt ofBenefjclal Use ofWater,(Fonn 10-1003,...A'P"')~. ---- HAVE YOU ATTACHED? . -~ ·0 ·· Deed, patent, lease, etc. D Drlller's log (if existing well) 0 · USGS-or Subdivision map 0 Diversion sketch and plans D ... s2s Filins fee. (checks payable io State.of Alaska) 0 Dam sketch and plans ... 0 Water Use Chart 0 .Statement of Beneficial Use of Water (Form l 0..1 003A) (if existing water use) · Statements appealing herein are to the best of my knowledge true and correct. SIGNED ~(A~p~p~lic~m~t~)~-------~------·w-~D~A~T=E- ... . . . ·OFFICE x~y .. RMI -Location Other ,. ,-, check usa ONLY . . . .. ' . 1~102 Rev~ 6/79 B-35 0241 ·)214 (2) ·Duplex (Sl Livestock Dairy Cows Horses Sheep Go(lts and Hogs Poult&~ Rabbits, etc. ( 6) Irrigation (Type of Crop: ) (7) Commercial/ Industrial Per Acre 0.5 AFY AFY (8) Other=----4----------+-------+----+-----t DEFINITIONS: GPD -gallons per day AFY -acre feet per year CFS -cubic feet per second (1) S!NGLE .FAMILY -Water use necessary for a single household and the irrigation of up to ! 0,000 sq. ft. Qf yard and garden. (a) Fully plumbed -Water piped into the residence for domestic uses. Hot water h~ater anO:::~~.:~!LQ~~"'!~~! included. .. (b) Pattially plumbed ·-Water piped. _into residence for limited domestic uses. Generally no hot water heater and no water flush toilet included. -------- (c) Unplumbed-.; No water piped into the residence. Water..!! hand carried for limited domestic use. · (2) DUPLEX-Water use necessary for two single households and the irrigation of up to 20,000 sq. ft. of yard and garden. (3) MULTI-FAMILY -Water use necessary for three or more households. Apartment units included. B-36 I I I I I I I I I Water Qualtty Permits 1\ • •• I- I •• I I I .ii .• I .~I . . -.. ~·. ___ .. _-.( . : r . , ~ , -~ . . ~­:l . ;~'!.I ~; j .. -; .. -:~ I ····I . .. ' .tNVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY __ · Title: ·Nat~tooa1 _Pollution Discharge Elimination System ,-~riablil19. Law.: SE!_ction 402 of Federal Wa:ter Pollution Control Act . -·,, ·'~~;/?Amendments of 1972, Title 33' VSCo -"-. .}j-~-. ' -._. ' : _-'· ' , Type~·-:: O.i_~-char_ge Pernlit (NPDES)' ' . ~, .~ _,.;:··-::; ~~ ,.·, '·• ' . ~ -.Jurisdiction: Any _di"scharge-from a· point source must be· permitted either _ by 'the USEPA or an approved State .agency. Since· the State __ of_ Al:aska does ·not have an approved program, the EPA wi 11 .. '." -' "~ . -' administer the permit . .·· ,.f ., -' . ' . ' I 'Auth~ri~ty:-,>tssuance of a NPDES permit constftutes pern.tission to construct pQint source and operate. -Procedure': · " t .•' ~ ; ~ .. · .. ' z ' .• ,,c,.. Persons'plann1ng 'to engage at a future date in activities r.equi ring: a NPDES permit sha 11 file a complete application . _ •. :_either ·no· less than 180 days in advance of the date on which it ·is desired to coiTJllence the activities or irt , .. sufficient time prior to the commencement of activities. . After acceptance-of the application, EPA staff shall · prep~re tentative_ determinations which .will be organized int~ :a, ~r~ft :NPDES Permit ~vaih1ble· to· the public. Prior ·to JJermit issuance~ EPA shall schedu] e and post notice on a·_nearing on-the application. The notice will be pro- .. vided 'to the Corps of Engineen"s.. The notice shall be ·_pub1 ished· at· leas·t once in a· dailY. or weekly newspaper . of general circulation in the geographical area of the discharge. _ The publication shall be at least 30 days p~ior to the. hearing. · · . _ ·outline ·of Application:· Applications shall be made on the appropriate ,. · ·· . . . Discharge Permit forms (EPA short fonnat). In addition, the following information· shall be submitted with the completed application: ~ Name of any affiliate; ~ 1 > ...; ~. ' .;. Rermit numbers for·. ·any NPDES Permits presently he 1 d by the applicant ot" his affiliate; -]dentification of:Admiriistrative Complaints or Orders, , ·. _if any~ against ·the operation of the applicant or his affiliate;. arid · · -The location of all sites involved in the storage of solid or. 1 i_qu:i d .waste an·d the ultimate di sposa 1 sites of solid ·o~ liqui~:waste from any treatment systemo B-37 ··EPA CONT' 0: · Outline of App1icati·O~_ContJ d: . . ·1 '! ~ . ' ' ... .• 2 if' the di,~ch~rge-is to ·be 'i~m a new proces~ing· faci'1 i ty or new treatment facility', pre1iminary· plans and specifications, suffici~ntly adequate in scop.e ~nd. . 'form to enable the EPA to ·evaluate the proposed faci 1 i ty, (:.shall·· be ·s~brnitted wi~~-the application. -The E~Amay req\Aire. that. a~ appiicant .for a Permit provide additional report,_ spe.cifications, plans or other infonnation on the existing or proposed pollution . 1, control. p_rograrn, includin-9 a rr.ateria.l balance if de·erned necessary. r. ~ The application for a. State Discharge Permit shall be · signed 'by, in case of a municipal, State or other public .. facility, by either a .Principal .executive officer, rank- . ing e]ected official or other duly authorized ernployeew . -(;· Regulations. Summary:~ The EPA shall issue or re-issu·e a NPDES Permit upon a detennination that: " .. -':;·. .... Th·e, d.ischarge ~r propos.ed di.scharge specified in the 'appJ ica ti on is. o'r. wi 1 t be in .compl i ance with a 11 applicable. requirements of (l) effluent 1 imitations, (2) receivtng water quality standards,. ( 3) groundwater quality ;Standards•·establi.shed by ·the State, and (4) Federal and State law or .regulations; and -If the proposed d1scharge specified inthe application is a new source, the discharge will be in compliance with the requi.rements of the (1) standard .of performance and ~(2}. rec~iving water quality.standards, and (3) where applicable, ,groundwater·quali.ty standards established by the State; and . . -The provisions of existing NPDES permits, as issued,. and any outstanding administrative orders affecting toe .applicant or his affiliate have. been or are being ·complied with by the, apgli:cant and his affiliate; and ' . ' . . . ' . " ~ ... EGch NP.DES. Permi,t~. unless inappropriate!) shall specify average. and. maximum daily quantitative limitations for the discharge of pollutants in the authorized discharge in terms of weight (excep.t pH, temperature, .radiation, and any other pollutants not appropriately expressed by weight). .As necessarylt .other limitations, such as minimum, average or maximum concentration limits may be imposed. If a scheaule 'of compliance is included as a condition, quantitative 1 imitations sha 11 be set for the interim period as well as for the period following the final compliance date. -The term of each NPDES Permit shall be for a pet"iod of not more than five (5) years. B-38 ~ . . -· r-- l l .• I ... •• .1: ,. .. ~~- I I ! .. '" ; I 1". ·.:1 I I :.: :1 I I ;I .:._: ' . ; ,' •'' ,· .. ,. * DISCHARGE INTO NAVI.GABLE WATERS CERTIFICATE . . (WATER QUf\LITY CERTIFICATE) .. PI;;IR'ROS~ : ~ , .· _ . Tqe: certificat~ is re_qui,rec;l in order to protect the w~ters·ot the State from .becoming poP l'uted; · · · ·· · · .. DESORJPT-fON . . ·. • -Person$ req(Jitlng t$deraf. Ucenses ;or permitS for pr~posed activities wliiCh may result in a . discharge .-into the. navigable waters· of AI ask.~ need to obtain a certificate from the State of ·. Araska Department ofEnvironmental Conservation {DEC) stating that the proposed activity .. win compiy with the requlremennr of section 40r of the· Federal Water Polhiticin Control Aet Amendments· of 1972~ as modified by the Clean Water Act of 1977. (Certification optained relative to the construction of a facility is valid for additionaf federal permits or . licenses Sl1bsequentlY· required for the operation of the. fa~ilit.Y.) · ,· ' .~ . -. . . . · R~OlJIREMENTS ' ' . , Applfeation.for .the certificate is made by submitting to DEC a letter reqt,Jesting ihe certifi- ~te:/ qccompanied by a copy. of tHe permit' application being submitted ·to the federal agency. (Form 18-106, which .is provided by DEC, may also .be used as the application for the· certificate.) There is no application fee. I · · Opgn r~ceipt of a proper applicationJ DEC will publish notice of the application in a news• paper in the project area. Public comments will be received until 30 days after the publica- tion of the notice. Public hearings may be held if deemed necessary by DEC. If a public · hearing is held, it shall be held no sooner than 30 days after the publicatiorr of the public noti~~ · . ·· The completion a·! the federal permit is pending upon issuance of the certificate. The certificates may be is.~ed for a period not to exceed five years arid are effective upon issuance:· Renewals must be applied for a~ initial applications .. ·AUTHORITY Clean Water Act of 1977, Section 401. 18 AAC 15. Administrative Procedures. CONTACT Permit Coordinator Department of Environmental Conservation PouchO . Juneau, Alaska a9B11 Regional Office$: . Regional Environmental Supervisor · Southeast Regional Office Department of Environmental Conservation Pouch OA. Juneau, Alaska 99811 Regional Environmental. Supervisor Southcentr:al Regional Office Department -of Environmental Conservation ·MacKay Buildingt 12th Floor 338 DenaH Stree.t Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Regional Environmental Supervisor Northern 'Regional Office Department of Environmental Conservation P.O. Box 1601 Fairbanks, Alaska 99707 Regional Environmental SupeiVisor Prince William Sound Regional Office Department of Environmental Conservation Pouch E Valdez, Alaska 99686 Telephone: 465-2670 Telephone: 364-2148 Telephone: 274-5527 Telephone: 452-1714 Telephone: 835-4698 *Per•mi t Summary excerpted from the Alaska State Oi rectory of Permits. B-39 '' ·DEC ·····~·····. '' ' ~j . -•. ·~ . ' .::_.~. . _ . WATER QUALITY CERtiFICATE CONJ' Dr . . . . ,. .• . -' -. . ' .·-~-'> " • " ~ .. . ·~ ~ ~ . . ,, " . .~-·~ l. · Ad,ditirina l requirements for. the NPDES Certification Procedure · .,.:_lJ:S~"-AAC 15; 130-180), jnclude':~the followfn·g: ·. ·. · · · ·_ -lf the. certification request involves a modifi.ca:tton to an , ~ NPDES perin1 t Which .qoes not i:nvo l v.e .ap·pl:i ca ti'on, the proposed ,->-modi·ficat.ion must be ·s-umbitted· to the d~p~rtment ·at least .·. ~'. · ~o· .. ~ay~· befo.re. any-deadline est~blished oy, EPA for ·certification · _·· · ;actfon~-. or 60 days • .before the proposed· effective date .. ' • ' ~. :c. ~ ~ . ~· -. ( C -: ':• ·• ' "· • • ' .f·'"~i"''"j· ': • • .'• '_1 '' ,e-'• ' • • ., _.Within 30 dayf ,,ifter receipt of an application for certification, · .o the depa_rtmen't;Jwill ·notify the applicant if-ac!dition~l information (~' . is , necessary for i:Omp 1 i a nee wi, th Sec 1 1 s. 301, 302, 303, 306 and 307 · .of FWPCA •. )f the information. is not, supplied within the specified · .. 'timer:rcertification will··be denied.·!:· · B-40 .· ·..,;.....; l ! :;: 1- .. ' . l ; ) :> i . . . '" . '. ' ' :j .• . · . STATE . OF· ALAS,J{A . DEC .18-106 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION .--··-. ,•· ,APPLICATION; FOR WASTE DISPOSAL PERMIT OR CERTIFICATION OF REASONABL~ ASSURANCE -.. _. . . '. ----~ . .-;;•... -- (t'n. accoidance with ,Alaska Statutes;. Title 4·6., "Water, Air and Environmental . . . conserv-ation .. , c-Qh~pter Q3, section, and rules and regulations promulgate ·., · thereunder 1 ·or · ..i·n ·accordance with 3 3 U.S·. C. 4 6 6 et. seq. , sec • 4 01 , we : . ~~ . . ' · •. ·. . _ ........... · ,_..,..._......._ ____ __.. _____ ::------::---::--::~--::-:-------------------- (na.Tt\e of applicant) (a. (address· ·of applicant) 'herewith apply for a 1:::. Wast-e Discharge Permit I ] Certification of Reasonable Assurance [ l for the fo).lowing.propcped activity~ ... (o. Dredging [ ] , Construction [ ] ConstJ:uction with Discharge [ ] Discharge Only t s:· TYPEOE''"INDUSTRY: · F. LOCAT:i:ON OF WASTE-i:>-:ts ...... C-HAR-. -.. -G-I_N_G_._F_A_C __ I_L_I_T_Y_ .. :-._ -::-.~----------------------- 13. . .. LOCATION OF WAS.TE. DISCHARGE. POINT (S): .lti.-.WASTE DISC~ARGE VOLUME INDUSTRIAL PROCESSES COOLING WATER I: Maximum (g~l~ons/day): Daily Average (gallons/day) : . -=-,-~. ,. IL RAW WAT:ER SUPPLY• Source:_ Volume _________ gallons/day .J ~ NAME .OF RECEIVING: WATER tor sewerage system) : ~------------------,----'--- IK• I; ·I , -L. I:, .I·· I· CHA,R~CTERIS'l'ICS·OF-WASTE FLOW: Describe in detail the. chemical and physical properties of the.effluentto.be discharged tc state waters (including but not limited to t.emp~rature, pH, dissolved.oxygenv color, total dissolved solids, .sU.$pe.nded,· sol,ids,. BODS; COD, oilsr phenol, heavy metals, chlorinated hydro- ·carbo.ns, iiJ'ld .. othe;r·biocides, acidity, alkalinity, etc.) Also include a descpr,iption of·· sampling . and analytic methods used to derive this information. Submi:t:. thi~ information w~th your application as Exhibit l. RAW MATERIAL AND CHEMICALS USED IN PROCESSES: Brand :Name. Chemical,· Sc;:ientific or Quantity Used per Day* , , , Actual Name Average Maximum ,; :.I B-41 .f. ~ .... ~ :;.. f · . ... c .. . . ·PIAN'!" OPERATION: - Item )~ SANITARY WASTES: ~ ~~ ' -,-. Days per Year _,.,..._.-....----- OEC '18-106 Number of Employees per .. :shift . .Day Swing · Night . - Quantity Produced per Day* Average Maximum -, . .,.!- . ......, T+eatment __ ~--------·------------------------------------·----------~--------------- Discharged to )., Explain .any ... seasonal variation in we..ste discharge~ volumes, plant OpE;!rationsf. raw materials, and chemicals used in processes,· and/or-production:--'"" - ------------------------------------------------------------------.-----------------~--~ J. Give a detailed_ description of the sources of all industrial wastes within your·~ industry.. Describe' in detail the trea·tment givon each of these wastes. Incluc in this. description the disposal methods used for these wastes and also for any sludge col~ected by your waste treatment s:.:rstem. .Include a schematic flow diagram showing t~'l.e sources of all wastes and their flow pattern. Submit this · information with your appli.cation as Exhibit 2. 1. Briefly describe~ o.ny additional treatment or. changes in waste disposal methods you are planning or have under construction. Submit this information as Exhibi~ 3.. ·-Include a11 information for previous questions., where additional space is necessary as part of Exhibit 3. Also include any additional information or domments you fe.el are necessary to clarify this application with Exhibit 3. >. If the activity does not.involve a discharge to waters of the state (such as construction. of .facilities. in the wat.erway, dredging, land fil.l, etc.) , com- pletely describe the proposed activity including: maps showing the location of ·~ :the facility or .activity .and the waterway involved, a description of .t[le character of each structuJ:.·e, the quantity and type of dredge or fill m~:tterial involved, the proposed method of inst.rumentation which will be used to ,measure the vo:fume of any solids deposited and to determine its effect upon the water-;..". way, rates and periods of deposition, duration of the activity. Submit this information with your application as Exhibit 4. · Please specify units. For example: Tons per day, pounds per day, barrels per da"' B-42 i ,· . l . ·- ,_ ',::: ·,. -t· -~ · · --~~. __ :e .-.c~,form __ .· .. _a_ :t.i..,o··.· n. '.·.9' .. '·~~~-~nQ.~on.· -~h~s ·~ppii~_ation is ~omplet~-and ac~U:rate to the best _ .. '':r my kn?wle~ge.'. · .. ,_ . . ,·· .. •:. _ . · · ·' .. -~. · -.... _~:-"" · , - "\;;.._ -••. d, --" '. . -.. ~ ' ; ) .. 0:~· . ~ . " -~- 1 I I I .I·.· 1-. 1-}.' .. -I I I I i) ~ . '-,., ""' ~ '.' '-· ,. f:_ S ignatui-~ . · _·• -~· Printed. .. . . Title -For-further information contact: [ ] 338 Denali Street, Room 1206 MacKay Building .Anc;hqrage, Alaska .. 99501 't907f' 274'"-5527 ·[·L~ P-.o.; ~ox-=1201:'.:..­ Soldbtna; Alaska 9966·9 · · (gQ7) 262-5210 . I'l:,.P./0. Box i064 ·. ·.Wasilla, Alaska 99687 · · · (9o7j 376-5038 PQUCh E' valdez, Alaska ·. 99'686. (907) 835-4G98 . - B-43 ·.· "} ,.-.· ' -.. ~ l . ' '' : -. STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ;:.~ ~ GENERAL INFOIU.u\TION AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR. APPLicANTS FOR A WASTE DISCHARGE PERMIT OR FOR A CCERT,IFICATION OF REASONABLE ASSURANCE ,· . ' t ' I. ·GENERAL IN~ORMATION ; ,' -' The purpose of this application form is ·to provide the Department of Environmental Conservation with the information necessary to issue a Waste Jlischarge .Permit as required by AS 46.03.100, or to ~~sue a ·~~ Certification of Reasonable Assurance as required by 33 u.s.c. 466 et. ·seq. sec. 40·1, or both. This application form is to be used by all persons who conduct a commercial o:t· industrial operation which results in. the disposal of solid or liquid waste material into the waters of the State. Appl.ication must also be made for a Was·te · Disposal Permit to directly discharge commercial or indust:r:ial w.astes into publicly operated sewerage systems. 'II. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS (.'. 1. Please read the entire application form before attempting to complete any part· .of it .. · . 2. ~vhere a company operates several: different plants·, a separate application .,~ is required for each location. 3. Prepare the application in triplicate. The original and one copy should be returned to the Department of Environmental Conservation at the appropriate regional office£ The third copy is to be retained by the applicant .. 4. Answer .all questions completely. Incomplete applications \'Jill be returned to the applicant~ If the requested information is unknown, unavailable,. or not applicable, indicate so and explain why. 5. The applicant may be required to submit additional information or present] unknown information before his application can be processed and a permit issued. · 6 .• Under ·Item c, check whether a waste discharge permit or a certification is· the purpose of the application., If both a permit and certification is being applied for, check both boxes. · 1. Uiider Item D, check 'the type of activity covered by the application. -a. Under Item E, 11 Locatiort of Waste Discharge Point," be mile, 1/16 section, etc.) .. For all discharges except sewer include a sketch or map showing their location. 8 1/2 x 11" paper). specific. (River those to a municipaf·- (Preferably on '". 9. Under Item Q, include a schematic flow diagram of the flow pattern of the products through your industry showing the source of each waste, its in- dividual flow pattern,and the combined flow pattern of all wastes up to and including their point of 'discharge. B-44 ' [ I[ IJ 11 . " ' I! II E . . li l 't I! ' ' . 11 m If ',<· " ' II' . . . ' Under Item o, the terin. "sanitary wastes" refe:rs .to those t-lastes rest:..;;room's and. shower area.· Under "';L'reatment" indicate type, ( tank ~riP." drainri:eld, or. :discha.rge to :t:nunicipal .sewer system) ., . .I .... r:· -. , treatn\-~:(lt.and disposal is:· different· frotn this; indicate so. · .-.·~ · •• ~,~ _._·-:_ ,:: ··l_:.~J:.,:,-. -' .•. -··''.:..._ .·~ '~-~ ,--~ ·-" -'· . >' :' • • -' • ; • -• • ' • -:-•• . 11'~, · '!£. fhe···p-roposea activity:,d~es not invo:lye a discnarg~ .to th~ wat•~rs of the state, coniplete only those items of the application which art~ per- tin~nt ~uch as items A, B, .. c, D, E, s, and indicate. that. the rem-3.ining items· a:3r~ nqt _applicable. · · · · ·· ' APP:ircit.r·±ati 11'9R CERTlFICATION. ~-ADDITIONAL PROCEDURES .·.-::_"r 1 .. Inq_omplet~.\·:applications will be re·turned and the. applicant. notifie!d of the'; speq.ific additional infor.mation needed. 2. Applicants will be notified when an application is accepted as couplete. 3. I.r· tli.k ~ertification is required. for a u.S ... Environmental Protect ~on Agency lEPA) Na.tional Pollutant Discharge Elimination System penni t (NPDES permit), the department will publish a ]"·1nt public notice 1 of a,pplicatiop, .fPr cert,ification with.theu.s. EPA public notice of Ia . propo~ed NPOES pernii t. · ' : ' ' ' -> 4. If the ·certification. is required. for some Federal agency other ttian the u.s. E!PA, tlie followiJ.Clg procedure applies: • • 'lo-• ~ • ~' • ! a:;· The (le}?artment · will_ prepare a public· notice_ of each applicat.Lon·. and .. _ will forward. the .notice: to= the applicant with·: instructions .b)· publish at his expens~. • Notices· sha:ll follow:. the form·· in~ Appendix Ai.--.: . b. Publication shall.be at least once in a newspaper of general circula- tion in the borough in which the proposed activity will tak~ place. If the proposed activity will take place in the unorganized borough or if there is no newspaper of general circulation within tr,e borough, then the newspaper shall be one of general circulation within the judicial district wherein the proposed activit~· would take place • c. Proof c>f Publication (also called Affidavit of Publication 8 Pub- lisher.•s Affidavit, Publisher's Certificate, etc.) of the notice, which may be obtained from the newspaper, shall be submittecl to the department after the notice has been published. d. The department will send copies of the notice to other inte:r·ested parties. 5. If,. in the judgment of the department, there is sufficient inteJ::est, a public, hearing will be required. 6. If a public hearing .is to be held, the department will prepare a public hearing notice and wil.l forward the. notice to the applicant with in- struc.tions to publish at his own expense. Notices shall follow the form in Appendix .B. 7. Publication of the p~blic hearing notice hall be in accordance 'Plith,the same instructions as the public notice (See 4 above). S. Proof of Publication of the notice furnished by the newspaper shall be supmitted to the department.· 9. Cert:Lflcation will be g-ranted if there is assurance that the proposed facility will not adversely affect the aquatic environment and w:i.ll be in compliance with all_app+icable water_quality •standards, water .quality control plans, and waste d~scharge requ~rements. B•45 · ... - , . . ' . 'k '" ; '~-':· '-·· • < ""'-'-' ·APtJti<=J\TtbN. ~oii'wASTE;DiSl?-OSAL· 'PERM-iT ---ADDITIONAL ·PROCEDURES' --.-- " : ' '' · . ., _:;_,-~~ ~:-_·_ . ' -. ... . " '. ..... '. ~ . ' -~· ',' ¥~L~· ' ' . ·. . -.\ · . .-.. ~ I' _. t<~--~-~-~_,; ''-~ . -, .1.. ):neomplete a.pplic?lt~ons _ will be r¢tt1rned and. the applicant not;ified .. :;·:·:' 0~ 'the_ spec:i-tl:_c additional 'informati~n needed.. -' -··-- • -\. ' •• "'' ' • 0 '1. ,t H ; '• ' > C :~ ; ' • ' •>< ~ ·_;, -~~~ ~7~·- "i·' . '2' •. Applicartts will' be0 notified when an appli'-7ation' is ?lCcepted_ as_ complete .• _3. The departme!lt will __ prepare_ and. puplish a_ public notice of _eq.ch appl~- cation. Notices=··will follow the form in Appendix c.-- ' ----. . '· - - -(J ' . ,::----;_-... ' --- - - . 4:-Th~public notice will-be pub~:lshed in_two separate editio11s-of a news- ·pap~r o·f ·general -circulation within' the general are.3. in which the _ _ _disposal of waste material is p:ropos~d to be made., --·- l-o ~ ~ , •' • --. ~ ~ • -' ·s. _ Copi~.~ _of tP,e-appLication· will be sep_t to the Commiss:ioner of Fish and Gam~,· Conunissioner of Natura~ ·:Resources~ Commissioner o.f Ecohc:>mic· ;. ~De\i:elopma_p.t, and Co!funissioner df' Health and Social Services .. ' -_ ... 6. A.t-anytime at least thirty days after· the' second publication ·a£ the· public notice, the department may is~ue a waste disposal permit in- oludip.g ~he terras .and conditions necessary to avoid po.llut:ion of the waters of the state. · -· -.... ·7 ~ No permit: shall be effective for a. period in excess of five years;'"" from .. • < -;,• t-.he . date of . issuance .. ..:;-·-- B-46 ~-., \.: ., I ·I WASTE~A TER DISPOSAL PEHMIT * !(,. p~~~ . .. . -.. · .· . . the Wastewater Disposal Permit is required in o~der t.O prevent water pollutionin the State due to unsafe wastewater disposal systems. and practices- DESCRIPTION · Any person conducting an operation which results in the disposal of wastewa.ter: into or ~pan the waters or surface .of the land of the. State of A.laska or into a publicaUy operated ·sew~rage system must procure a permit from the Department of .Environmental Conserva- tion' (DEC) ·before the operation begins. This permit is riot required for discharging only domestic sewage into a sewerage system. ·· ·· · .. ·:. /r ,~ ·.-- ·wastewater~· means sewage, waterborne industrial waste, laundry liquid effluent, shower or sin'k water. or other wastes which are waterborne or in a liquid state. REQUJREMEN.TS . . . .· . An applicant is.required to submit a completed application, Form 18-106. which is provid- . ed ~QY DEC, in duplicate with de5\!!:iptions of the process of. treatment used and the dis- . posal site~ .Specific· information .on operations is detailed in the permit application. Any · additional data on the environment and the facility may be required if requested by the department. Instructions for filling out the "Wastewater Disposal Permit Application" are also included with the application form. No applicatipnfee is required .. t) Applications are to be submitted 60 days prior to the C:a~;nmencE!ment of operations. Upon receipt .of the application: .DEC will .issue a public notice in two consecutive issues of a new5paper in 'the _area of the proposed ac;tivities. Public comments are accepted up to 30 qays after the final public notice. Public hearings are not necessary but they .may be held if demanded by .public interest. Notification of the proposed discharge must be given to the .Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Department of Health and Social Services, Department of Commerce and Ec.onomic Development, a[ld Department .of Natural Re- . sour:ces ior their review and comment • . . . DEC may require that industrial liquid wastes or other wastes which are discharged into public sewerage system o; treatment works be treated and equalized. to prevent overloading of damaging effects upon the public sewerage systems. The permit mav. be issued for a pericd not to. exceed five y~rs. Renewal of the permit must be on ·request by the permittee 30 days prior to the pen nit expiration. Wastewater Disposal Permit renewal appljcations must be submitted in the same manner as an initial application. No person ma·1 deposit the sludge from septic tanks, holding tanks, cesspools, privies, sewerage treatment works~ water treatment works, industrial or commercial facilities, or sludges from other wastes to the waters or land without 2 Solid Waste Disposal Permit from DEC. Sludge may otherwise be disposed of to a properly permitted facility designed to handle solid waste. Since. the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency must issue the National Pollutant Dis- charge Elimination System (NPDES) permit for wastewater discharge to surface waters, in .those cases the State waives the procedural requirements for issuing a State permit and adopts the NPDES permit .as the r;~quired State permit. • • f'" : ~ B-47 ·DEC } __ · . .;_ .· ", . _; ' • . WASTEWATER :DISPOSAL CONT* D: • ~:' .. -·AUTHORITY . AS 46.03.100. Waste, Disposal. 'Permit. A.S 46.03.090. Plans for PoiJution Disposal. ._. ·AS46.03.11Qand 720.,Waste0ispo~l Permit Procedure .. · 18 AAC l5. Administrative Procedures. · · · -· · 18 AAC 70. Water Quality Standaros: · · - · · 18 AAC 72; Wastwater Oisp~t ·. ·ca·NTACT···. · · · -• Permit Coordinator , ·· -Oepartm~nf of Environmental C6nser'llation · Pouch o· · · : ·. · • · · , -• ·Juneau. AfasJ;a99811 ·-· · R~i;o'niu Oflicu:-· · . . . . . Regional E:nvironmental Supervisar · Southeast Regional Office · Oepartment_of·Environmental Conservation Pouch:OA Ju.,~u. A!a~ka 9e8n R~ional Eovironmentaf Supervisor Southc.~ntral Regi9nal Office · Department of Environmental Conservation M.acKay Byiiding, 12th Floor 338 Denali Street . Anchorage, Alaska 99501 · ·-Regtonai Environmental SuperviSor ·' NotthernP.egional Office · · · Department of Environmentar Conservation · 675 Seventh AVenue -· , ·· · · · · Fairbanks,. Alaska 99707 'Aeglonar-Environmental sJpervisor · · Prince William Sound Regional Office Department of Envirohmi:mtaf Conservation Pouch E •. Valdez. Alaska 99686 •" ... Telephone: 465-2670 "-.'·.--. Teleph~me: 3q4~2148 Telephone: 274·5527 Telephone: 452-1714 Telephone: 835-4698 *Permit.Sui11Jilary excerpted from the Alaska State Directory of Pennits. •"\· . . . ' .. . . -' SURFACE WASTE DISPOSAL_ RESTRUCTIONS 18 AAC 72.010 NOTE: At the discreti em of the department, further waste treatment· may be required above that specified in 18 AAC 72.023 or, where necessary, prohibit -the disposal of wastewater in order to prote.ct sensitive receiving environments. B-48 --{ -~-;· ., ·Li . ' - - .r~· ' ' ' . ' . t . ' - ... _._.-.- .. I * · PI..AI\J.RE\IIEW FOFtSEWERAGE SYSTEMS OR WAT(il;t AND · . . .· · .. WASTE WATER TREATMENT WORKS "·:: .PURPOSE. . . . · · Ihe •purpo. of. the Plan Review is to provJde a mi(l~mum $tandard for constni9tion of· . 'facltitJI!S: which cciUecr~ treat and dispose of wastewater and obtain. tr~t and distribute · potable water. ·This· js done· in order ·to protect public health and assure compliance with . Alaska's Water QualitY Standards and Drinking Water Standards. OE$CR'IPTIOtf . . · . . .. . . Ptan! 'tot collection, .treatment aod dlsf)osaf ·of. v{astewater and for treatment and distribu· . . -_--:. . - . . ~... . -· --. . . I · tioo of potable water m.ust :09 approve.:t prior t~' steiirting construction. A Jetter: of approval wm bt'isSU~ ifpl3n5 are.~tisfactory; . •: • . • :I. . . . . . . . RE.QUIREMENJ'S . ,. . . . .· .. . . . . No .persan mav.construct alter, or modify a sew~rage ~ystem or treatment works or any . part of on~ until' detailed engineering reports. plans, and specifications are. submitted to the DePCittmerit of· 'Envir.cnmental Con~~tion and . approved by the departmet"rJt in writing. Tne engineering reports, plans, and specifiCations must be certified by a professional en· gi~ registered in ~he S~t~ 9f Alaska in cU;cordance · with ... As 08.48,221." There is lio.spe· cifie cr~ppllcation ·form •.. required . ~.en. subrnitting. Plan. Revjews •. No fees are charged and publi~ hea'ring$ and notices are not raquired. · · · -. . . ~'. ~\ .. '-~· . -. 11le:Pran RwieW 'l"eqoireme~ts. do not apply to the construction, alteration. or modification " Qf a:~rl!ge system Qr treatment works for an; individ!Jal residential or recreational lot c within a subdivision · spproved under 18 AAC 72.065 {Subdivision Plan Review) after Februa,Y 3~ 1977. if·the construction, modification, or alteration is in conformity with the · · terms .and conditions of .the subdivision approvaL ·The department may. at.· its discretion, . waive this requirement.· for sewage treatment and disposal on other residential and recrea· · tionar fotf · · · · The depanment may, at its di'scretiori, require .. that the designs for .sewerage swtems and · treatment works in remote areas have a history . of successful operation in comparc:~ble envi- . ronmental situations. 'Sewerage systems or 1reatment works also must be designed to suc- cessfully operate "'r.der.·the conditions of seasonal frost or perenniar frost encountered. in the . areas. Where the construction is proposed. ' . ffany e~mstruction or other activity is intended which might render wa.ter of the stateinac· . te$Sible or uninhabitable for spawning or propagation of salmon, or cause violations of the · Water Quality Standards, the required submission of plans must contain the followin,g in· fortl'lation: " c" · · · · ·1. A detailed description of a timetable for the proposed construction or other ac- tivity; and 2. Other information the department requires to fully assess the impact of the propOsed activity upon the waters. The department wilt. within 30 days of receipt of complete plans. approve plans submitted if the applicant demonstrat~ that the seweragesystem or treatment works will meet the re· quirements of 18 AAC 72.060 (Plan Review) and the Wa1.er Quality Standards. Tbt!;department may attach terms and conditions to approved plans necessary to insure compjJance.·wjth the r~uirements of 18 AAC 72.060 and the Water Quality Standards. For the purpose of reviewing plans the departme~t willuse1 where applicable; the design criteria contained in the following: · ' . 1. Sew,age Treatment Pkznt Design, Manual o,f Practice No. 8, 1976, .and Design and Construction of Sanitary and Storm ·sewers, Manual of Practice· No. 9, 1970; Water Pollution Control Federation. 3900 Wisconsin Avenue, Washing- ton, D.C. ~00.16; ' 2. Glossary;.;;;Jf!ater and Wastewater Control Engineering~ Joint Editorial Board, American Public Health Association. American Societv of Civil Engineer$. Ameri· .. ,can :Water Wo~ks Association and Water Pollution Control Federation, 1969; av~ilable from Water Pollution Control Federation, 3900 Wisconsin Avenu~. Washington, D.C. 20016; . ' . B-49 DE·C '·. PLAN REVIEW FOR SEWERAGE SYSTEMS CONT'D: __ ,: 3. WtUttwater Engineering: Collection, Treatment. Dispos1zl. Metcalf and Eddy, lnc .•. 1972: McGraw-Hill Booic Company, New York, New Yorlc; · 4.· Recommended Standards jpr Sewerage Works, Great .u.kes-Upper Mississippi ·.· Rivt1' Beard of State Sanitary Ensineer5, Health Education Service, P.O. Box. 7283~ Albany~ New York 12224. · · · {Copies of· the referenced materials are on file in the Lieutenant Governor's Office, and may . be revi~ in any of the regional offices of the department.) · . No per$Oil may· instaU a package aerobic ·sewage • treatment plant untfS the plant~· or. a simi~ iar model. in a series of plants, has been certified by the National Sanitation Foundation. un- less it can .be dernonstra.tect to the department's satisfaction. that the plant meets or exceeds the National Sanitation Foundation Certification criteria. Approval of package plants will be made. only on receipt of acceptable proof of satisfactory operation ot' similar systems under conditions of prQp..~~ use. A list of approved package aarobic sewage treatment plants is availablefrorrfany of the regional· offices of the department. The National Pollutant Discharge Elirnination System {NPDESl Permit (issued by the En- vironmen~at Protection Agency) and tht. Certificate of Reasonable Assurance (issued.,bv th~ State Department of Environmental · Conservation) may be required prior to beQinning · operation of facilities for wastewater disposal. .A person who conducts an operation which results in th• disposal of liquid waste material onto the land or .into the waters of tlia .. State must pn:X:-\olre a permit from the department before disposing of the wastewater. AUTHORITY AS 16.10.010. Interference with Salmon Spawning Streams and WatetS. /:IS 46.03.020(10)(A)~ Powers of the Department. AS46,03.050. Authority. . . AS 46,03.090. Plan for Pollution Disposal. AS 46.03.1 OCt Waste Disposal Permit. · AS 46.03.720. Construction and Operation of Certain Facilities Prohibited. 18 AAC 72.060. Plan Review~ CONTACT Permit Coordina'}or Department of Environmental Conservation Pouch:O · Juneau,'Alaska 99811 Regional Of/ices: . Regional Environmental Supervisor Southeast Regional Office Oepartment of Environmental Conservation PouchOA Juneau, Alaska 99811 Regional environmental Supervisor Southcentral. Regional Office . Department of Envlronmeri'tal Conservation 'MacKay Building. 12th Floor 3..18 Oenali Street An~~orage,. Alas~a 99501 ;:'Regiol'\81 Erwironmental Supervisor Norther~ Regional Office Oepartrrknlt of Environmental Conservation P.O. Box'-1601 Fai.rbanks~.AJaske~.99701. \ \· Regional Er,\vironmental Supervisor Prince William Sound Regional Office Department 1';1f Environmental Conservation Pouch. E : Valdez~.Aiask,a 99685 Telephone: 465~2670 Telephone: 364-2148 'Telephone: 274-5527 · Telephone: 452-1714 Telephone: 835-4698 •.' .. ·.··- * Permit Sunvnary excerpted from the Alaska State Directory of P'ermits. B-50 I I I I I I I I I I· I I 11 .. · I I L t ,. '• '~':'i ':;.:! ·. c' •.. · ···! •.. , .... !~ ·'.;..•' .. -·, .r;;-·., l . -~:}, ~-- f ' :.· •' 00 r /} .·. •. I . ! ~- { l ~ L rm'· 1 ' . 1 I I l· J '' .·• ,·~ < ' . ~ ·' ' j .E. I l ;'.,N ! 'i ~:' . r L :.,: '_,..,. i' ~ ~:_ .if; ; 1f1l t ' t .:· ' . ,. : ~~' •. ·r.- .j ·. IJ. j;· ~l.and Use Permits ··,0::·. ..... I I . 1· 1-.· I ,I· ~-·· . '\. I . ' . ·., I ••• I I. I. I I I DEPARTMENT'OFTHE INTERIOR BUREAU.OF· LAND-MANAGEMENT Title: \.F~r;". Type:. "~'Power'transmtssion ~ines -Right•.of-Way -Act of February 15 !1. 190i {31 ·Stat 790; .43 USC 9S9) and the Act ·: Qf March 4~> 1911 {36 Stat 1~53; 43 ·USC 961} for non-primary ····. ;transmtsston. lines · .· -Federal Power ·Act of Jun·e· 10, 1920 (41 Stat 1063) as anended by , ... · Act .of .. Augu.s.t •26, 1935. (49 Sta~ 838} Sections 201 to 213 incJusive for primary hydroelectric· po.wer transmission lines • -. • I . ~, For -use ·or easements of (for) rights-.of-way over (on) public lands for power transmission 1 i nes. Juri sdic;tion; ::The ·FERC:.has jurisdictjQn. over prima,ry hydroelectric power transmis~sion .line right-of-ways. Rights~of-way for transmission · ~ . ltn~s ·which. are not primary 1 i nes ~re across or on BLM (pub 1 i c) . lands are under· the jurisdiction .of the Department of Interior. Procedure: . ·. -Fi·le application with Depar"'tment of Interior for public 1 ands. •. . . ·'-If 1a~d~: in. nation~l forests, .clupli~ate ap~lication to the ·. Department Qf Agriculture. Regulations: // -If appljcat)on i.$. complete and. all requirements met (as -·described in regul ati.ons below) it may be approved if the :'project is _determined to be beneficial and the purposes and effects of the project wi 11 not be outweighed by the adverse environmental impact. -If ·it is ·determined that the application cannot be approved as proposed, alternatives may .be .suggested to the application to make the app1 i'cation/design acceptable .• Applicant may construct or use right-of-way through, on or across public lands fpr power transmission lines. Title .43 Code of Federal Regulations -Public Land.s: Interior, Chapter 11 -Bureau of Land Management part 2850 to 2851 inclusive .. Regulation Application procedure as. described in 43 CFR 2851.2 delineates . Smmarx~ · · the contents of t,he application including the required showings Regulation Outlines: · and compliance wi 1th environmental criteria. Section '2851.2-l Applications (a) Applications filed for acts of F.ebruary 15, 1901 or acts of March 4, 1911, for permission to use the desired right-of- way through the public lands must be approved. (b) Applications for right-of~way on national forest lands must be made through Department of Agriculture. B-51 . Regulatit)n ,_ Outlines' {Cont:inued} . -'j.:. '· -: • • • T' ..... .. , .. . - . ' • ~ -t' ·, ·": ;~ -, . \. {c) Required $howings: -· -~CS · .. · ·:.;. .c.i'· .. . ~ .. · -_ -• 1.·' ioescriptton of Y1ener~t.ing. plant to be: connected by the · proposed tr·ansmissiG,\n line with ~sufficient detail to show · character, capacity :,and location. • • c ~ • ·, ' "·. ' ~ .)•. ~a. · 'Description of transmi·ssi:ort 1 ine including: voltage) -customers~ ·characteristics, extent and purpose. 3_ •. W1 ~dth of' right-of-way ·-if~ greater than 100 feet, see requirement 5. - 4~. If 66 kV or gre·ater· .. a one~1ine dfagram and the· . interconnecting facilities .in the inmediate area. Also, ·power flow diagram and typical structure drawings showing construction dimensions and list of :materials. ' ' 5. If Width of right;.of-way in excess of 100 feet or for a ... -... structure or facility right-of-way over 10,000 square feet, ·: a satisfactory statement of reasons i'why'1 must be. made; · · oth,erwi se, these excesses wi 11 not :be penni tted. . () . . . . ' . · -~ 6.~' A detailed description of the environmental impact of · · · the project must be included with the application. This >must reflect. compl i ante with 11 Environmental Criteria for ·':Electric Transmission Systems" by Secretaries of Agriculture and Interior. If -all other requirements are met, the application' may be approved .... if not retnedi al measures may be suggested for compliance and application approval. · .•·'·, B-52 . !""'1 ·.·J ~<. <. t ' ! - ' ~. ''"' I., .ll, .... . l . I •. • I . l 1 TWO SETS, REQ'D 'SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL PERMIT* PURPOSE lhe purpose of the Solid Waste Disposal permit is to control or eliminate the detrimentaf health~ environmental, ,and nuisance effects of improper solid waste disposal practices. DESCRIPTION . . . . . . ... No person may establish. modify or operate a solid waste disposal facility in . the State of Alaska w~thout a Solid Waste Disposal Permit from the Department of Environmental Conservation (Dec}, except for the following: 1 ~ ·A singte~family or dup~ex residence which generated solid \o".raste and di~poses of . it on premises. · 2. A farm on which solfd waste generated from the operation of that farm is dis~ posed. , 3. Incinerator facilities having a· total rated capacity of less than 200 pounds of so1icfwaste per hour. Definitions pertaining to this permit include: 1. "Solid Waste Disposal Facility" means an intermediate disposal facility., transfer station, landfill, incinerator, composting plant, recycling or reclamation facility or any .site utilized for the reduction, consolidation, conversion, processing or diSposal. of solid waste. 2. i'Solid Waste" means all unwanted or discardt'd solid or semi~solid material whether putrescible or nonputrescible, originating from any sourc:;e, including but not limited to garbage, paper:. wood, metal, glaS$, plastic, rubber, cloth, ashes; .litter and street sweepings; dewatered sewage sludge, dead animals, offal, junked vehicles and· equipment, material and debris resulting from construction or demolition projects; abandoned and decaying atructures; hazardous wast~. mine wastes, gravel pit and quarry spoils; and overburden except that originatir.g from the .constructidn on single buildings. ,REQUIREMENTS .An applicant is required to submit two con1pleted "Solid Waste Disposai~Solid Waste Management Permit" application forms (no form number available) showing: · 1. Detailed plans and specifications for the facility. 2. Certification of , compliance with local ordinances and zoning requirements . 3. A report detailing the proposed method of operation, population and area to be served, the characteristics,· quantity and source of material to be processed, the · use and distribution of processed materials, method of residue disposal, emer~ gency operating procedures, the type: and amount of equipment to be provided, and the proposed ultimate land use. ·Applications should be submitted at least 60 days .prior to .the commencement of opera-\ tions. N~ application 1fee is required. Upon the receipt ofan application DEC will publish a \ .. public notice. in. two consecutive editions of a newspaper in the area of the proposed acti- vities. PubJic commem'.S ar'i! accepted up to 30 days following the final' notice. Public hearings are not mandatory unless dictated by public comment .. At the end of the 30-day public notice period, DEC may act on the application. Solid Waste applications are sent to the Alaska Departments· of Fish and Game, Health and Social Services, Commerce and Economic Development and Natural Resources for their review and comment. Permit renewal is only on request by the permittee and must be submitted 30 days prior to the permit's expiration. The application procedures for permit renewal are the same as those required for the Initial appHcation, except thai public notice is not required. Solid Waste Permits may be issued for a period not to exceed five years. Permits may not be transferred without written consent of DEC. 1 . . B-53 ' ~:,. '. ' ' l: .. ·soLID .·WASTE' DiSPOSAL CONT·:·o: · •.. · >. . ;,. . .·. ~ d r~,_ · -Jf· !,I' ,_. ··-~ '.:d? · .. AUTiHORl::rY .• · · ·. . . AS {J6 03:020. ·Po wets of the Department. AS);46.03.1 00, Waste Disposat P'ermit. . . . :. l8~A,:~.15~:AdrflH'lis,rative Procedures ... ~ • .· .·· 1r~,Ac 60 .. sohd was~e Manaoement~ . . · CONTACT · · · F,leri:nit Coordinator. . . . . · · · . /f>epattm.·: ent of Environmem~t Conservation · · !t'Poucho · ·· .J. Juneau, Alasfa 99811 . -. . . . Rqior.ial Olfices: . . , · Regional Environm~ma5 Supervi$0r ·· South~st Regione~fOffit~ . ~-· · Department Qf Environme.-;ta~ Conservation Pouc:hQA · · Juneauf ~Iaska 99811 > ~ . Regional Environmental Supervisor· · Southtentral Regional Office Department of EnvirQnmental Conservation MacKay Suilding, 12t:-t Floor · 338 Denali Street. · · ; Anchorage, Alaska 99So1 Reg:ooal. Environmental Supervisor Nor:J~i!rn Regionai.Office · Department of Environmental Conservation · P~O. E3ox 1601 . . .·.· , Falrbariks, Alaska 99707 .. . ·~ ·.' Telephone: 465-2670 Telephone~ 364-2148 Telephone: 274-5527 · Telephone: 452~1714 *Permit:Summary excerpted from the Alaska State Directory uf Permits • . 1 (DEC) , _ The depat~tment w1ll issue a permit under thi·s section if' ·applicant demonstrates that: 1. The disposal fa~i n·ty meets; the requirements of: 18 AAC 60 Solid Waste Management 18 .AAC 50 Air Quality Control 18 AAC10 ·Water Quality Standards 18 AAC 72 Wastewate.r Disposal z. The ·~stab1ishment ·or continued operation of the disposal facility wf'll not result in _avoidable pro.liferation of solid waste disposal faci 1 i:ti es . in3 the affected area e ' ... >~ ' B-54 J tl fl l :f "' r '. " .. ',> I ' f ' ~' £ ' ' I ' . I '- m '~ .I I . I m I I I 111. ~ .. • ,, "": -,~~··,~- ·-,, ~ ~ .. • _.t fl.' . ' Date Received __ .,_ __ _ ,• by ·,"'.t APPLICA':DlON-FOR WASTE .DISPOSAL· .SOLID WASTE, Z.1ANAGEMENT P~RMIT , >. ;': -~ .,.( ,-~) .·... 1 'NAME,·OF --t~·l'QWt~BR; .. L··] -,QPEltATOR:;_' _______________ ..__---.;. ______ ...__ MAILING A.DDRESS·::... . ..;;......_ ........ ..___---_..._..__~==-:~------_..;...-__ _.._ __ ~~------ CITY. ___ ....:......._---.~--~---STATE~---------------___-;ZIP_, ------ r 1 ~-· .~nclfill [ ] [ ] {J { 1 ~:ra"n.s~er. Station Dfop. B:ox Station Incinerator , , · Ba~ar~~us:Waste Prpcessing and/or-Disposal -' (_.] Resou1;c~ Recovery [ ] : Refuse Baling [.1. Refuse Shredding · [ 1 ·Sewage Sludg~ Disposal [ ] Other ___ -_______ _ t.oc:ation: --~------~--~~----~------------------~--------------~----~--------- Type of application: [ l Pemit f()~ new fa,cility [ l ~New PeriJ;dt for,, eJQ.sting facility Existing Permit Number (if applicable) __ ~-------------------------~------------­ NOTICE TO APPLICANT: Alaska Statutes, sections 40.03.110(a) and (c) require that "applic:a~i_on.for pendt shall be made at least .sixty (60) days before commencement of a proposed discharge •• ", and that the .department pla~e the applicat'ion on public notice in two (2) editiQns of a locally distributed newspaper with thi·rty (30) · days~:aft~r last publ~cation date being allowed for written iespcrnses .. Additional .. informatio~ may be .required to properl.y ·evaluate the proposed facility 'before permit issuance. Notification of additional .information require1;11ents will be issued within 15 da.ys of receipt of this application. Please submit two c•opies .of all application material • h£'plication Requirements: ' . 1. ~t:tach a ~opographic map or .aerial photograph, clearly marking the site bo,undaries, a,nd pertinent features such as existing and .proposed surface contours, bu:tldings, fixed equipment, surface waters, surface runoff diversions, fences, highways, access·raads, wells within ~/4 mile of the site, area zoning, and ad.:]acent land ownership. Maps or plans of -site should have contour· interval of 5 feet or less, apd they should show present and proposed conditions, proposed working face or trench locations, and facilities for special wastes such as junked autom.obiles or sewage sludge. 2. Attach data on groundwater depth and direction of movement relative to populated areas and wells~ and a description of the soil profile and character- isti,c:.s including permafrost and ice-rich permafrost in the site.. Include aver«lge annual precipitation and prevailing wind information, if available ... 3.. Attach a narrative report describing site operation information including estimate of a;ea and population served, specific waste types to be disposed of, waste quantities received, steps taken to abate and control nuisances such as blowitlS paper and. other litter, odor, dust, vectors and visual aesthetics, and da'ta i:or specific facilities as follows: s--ss ., '.[., ···o. . . . . . . . . . .. . a. Transf:er station -hours ope~~ for public use. duty schedule of · .si~e ·attendents, eq~ipment lit)ting· inriluc:l:ing. that·.availabla fp_r em.ergeney use. ana fa.ciili-ty -vo.·;\Jbfc.b' refuse ls: .transported for pr~cessing or. d~sposal. ·. . · ·l .· ... · ·. h.-Dispasa'l F.ac1.lity --hours ~pen to public. duty schedule of site · :· _ . . _._ ,, . ~'"'· .. ".:. ~ ~:~ ~t~~d.~nts. ,eq~iPDif!.¥1~ use~ at f a.c;,ili.~y ~ (!isposal. · methbd ·~ncluding _, ... , .... O·.. • 'c~_p~c~~pn ·tech:niques, sf:~~ .()f .opeJ;at:J.f,lg .fac.t! •. llep.tb of! ce11s, · · .:meal'l~ :a!,l~-Jreque~ey ~f· c;c>ve't. applicat~Qn •. win:ter opeJ:ation con$icl:~l:'at$.ons. $.ncinceration equipment,· etc. Proeessingand/{)r Re,sourc:e Recovery Facility --hours open to publie, dut1" ·schedule ·:of site attendents·, en·gineered plans and ~equipment sp~cifi.c:::a~ions, process· description., -prod,uc:t description·. ·mat~rials l'.'ecovel'ed and estimated quantities, storage facilities Joi:, reco..;eredfmateria.ls or refuse derived fuel, and sto't'age·. and. ' · ·" · 'disposal: faci'lities for all materials not recovered.. <;; ·'-'' ,,, d. ~az·~~aQQ,$ ~a:ste faciiity --·bours ·open to··public, manpower and equipme11t available. hazardous wastes to ·be accepted, method.s of" ~ast.~'-tt-eatJD~Dt. or. ne~tr.alizati~n, disposal techniques~ and: employee safety precautions •. 4. Attach a \)arrative plan with map or drawing tQ show the proposed form of the completed d~~~posal site including .. contours, ·surface~ restoration, :-anct~~y· · other planned f~hilitieso : . ". . . ,. ... ' ... , . . \\ . ·. ' . '· . . . ' .. ·. . .. 5 ~ ... ,Attach a·le~1ter frp1ll the·. lc:>cal government certifying· compliance with J·tical: ordinances \~nd zon:tng requirements •. _Tf the .perm:i:t holder is no~· the ownEfr} i:ne1.uae· a ~~tate~nt from t:lie ·property owner detailing. the arrange~nent ··by ~~hi:Ch;;·~ppl±cartt has contro·l of t.he-facility •. . ,., ••. ,J ~ . . • ·-~-... ~ ., ... : ' . . ,.. . -~ 6. If the facili.ty is ·not in compliance with the State reguiatioris 18 AAC>60 ''Solid Waste Management:'~ attach ~ proposed plan and time schedule f-Dr attaining compliance. ,'·Include reasons .to justify n·on-compliance operation~ and the · compi:i:~rice'·pla:ti and t.iJ3le schedule. , · ,_,. t .. I. • certify under penalty· of perjury' ,._. -----~---------~~---------· that ~11 of': tha above informatiCfL art4 exhibits are true, correct and COmplete., ·~igna ture o£ ·applicant:=·-----~~"--.-'_·~-----...,._------.-------~ Date;.;._,...._ ....... ......,.....__...__ j • . . ... :, .: ¥ B-56 r- ' . l ' . ' .: i ' .. .~-- j ~ .. .: . : '. •,• '1 I '."t ' < j :1 I ,>,'l i ., ' l'' i ~3 I ~~ !'. -~ {:,, l i J I r.J ,, I I I ' rt 1-< t• : \ ~ I ,j ' t. tl . ~' I ,f r: " ; ~ I 1: I I SP,ECIAI. LAND USE PERMIT * PURPOSE The Special Land Use Permit enables the State to give preference to the use of land which ,\".:in be of the greatest economic ·benefit to the State and the development of its resources. ,, -;" ·,··, . . ' · .. ' -. DESCR 1PTJON •Any activity that involves the placing of temporary improvement· or equipment on State " owned-land requires a Special Land Use Permit. The permit is issued by the Director of the Division of Forest,·Land and Water Management, Department of Natural Resources. REQUIREMENTS Applications are to be filed with the Division of Forest, Land and Water Management on Form 10-135and must include a $10.00 nonrefundable fifing fee. Public notice and hearings are not required~ The permit may be issued for a period not to exceed five years and may be renewed by re- application·. Final action .on an application will be taken by the Director. A fee may be charged for the use of the land. The rate ranges from $100.00 to $250.00 annually and is based on .the activity. AUTHORITY AS 38~05.035. Powers and Dutie!> of the Director. AS 38 .. OS. 020 AS 38.05.330. Permits. 11 AAC 58.210 •. Speciaf land Use Permits. ·CONTACT Director Division of Forest. Land and Water Management Department of Natural Resources 323 E. Fourth Avenue· A~chorage, Alasl(a 99501 District Offices: Southeastern District Office Division of Lands Pouch M Juneau, Alaska 99f311 Sbuthcentral District Office Division of Lands 3327 Fairbanks Street Anchorage. Alaska 99503 Northcentral District Office Division of lands 4420 Airport Way Fairbanks, Ala3ka 99701 Telephone: 279-5577 Telephone: 465-2415 Telephone: 279-7691 Telephone: 279-2243 *Permit Summary excerpted from the Alaska State Directory of Permits. Addit1onal Requirement.: (11 AAC 58.210) The director, ,without prior approval of the commissioner, may issue special land use permits on such terms and conditions as he deems to be in the best interests of Alaska. B-57 DNR I. I, I STATE OF 1\LASKA . OEPARTf.iENT OF NAiURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF LANDS SPECIAL LAND USE APPLICATION AND .PERt1IT ADL ---------- Date --------• 19..;..._ APPLICANT ----.....;..-_---~-----......... ---------......__.._..._, _ _...;_ _____ _ .... "ADDRESS·. --~--~~------~--~~------~------------------------------~--- ·. LAND. APPLIED .FOR: • . . Acres, Section , To\'mship , Range , r-teridian .,_;,_ ----------------- TERf,1 _____ ;...(Not to Exceed 5 years) ·From _____ , 19 __ ". to ____ , 19 _ _: PROPOSED USE: Are the lands now imp.roved or occupied? .. -___ _ If so, give details---~-- PROPOSED INPROVErv1ENTS: I agree.to indemnify the State against and hold it .hannless ·from any and all claims, demands, suits, loss,. liability and expense for injury to or death of persons and damage to or loss of property ari s.ing out of or connected with the exercise of the p.ri vi 1 eges covered by this app 1 i- r.atio.n and permi·t and I certi,fy.that the statements made' by me in this application are true and correct. Appli.cant 1 s Signature Permission is hereby granted the above appli-cant to occupy and use the lands herein described for the purposes stated .upon the following conditions: 1. The Permittee sha 11 pay annually in advance the sum of $ as Renta 1. z. The Permittee shall keep the premises in a neat;sanitary and orderly condi- tion. 3. The Permittee shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent and suppress forest!) brus.h, and grass fires and to prevent the pollu.tion of waters on or in the, vicinity of the lands~ 4. The Permittee shall not cut standing timber on the premises without written ·permissi~n. · . · . , 5. The Pe.rm1ttee shall no.t close roads or trails, commonly used by the public, within. the premises. 6. Special ConditiDns: Date --------------' 19 __ . 10-135 (l8) : Rev,. 9/68 B-59 Chief, Lands Section Division of Lands Director .~ - I ;,-,~u', D I I !i ,U ~.() II I .·.·.a D & . . u D :a· MISC.~LLANEOUS J-P.ND US~ PERMIT* ' ' ~ ' PURPOSE cThe purpose of the Land. U~ Permitting system is to protect the. rtatural enyjronment and ;,'fish and game habitat of State-owned land wh ieh has spacial ·resource value. . . ' • '~ -' c O,ESCft!PTlON . . .. , . ·. . . ·. , . . . The MisceJianeoU.$· ~nd tJse Permit is required for ,.;urface activities .(designated· in :1 l AAC 96.010). and the usage of equipment (unless excluded by 11 AAC 96.020) on special State- owned faod. If ·the land has previously been designated Special Use Lands because it has · spif'Jaf'. 5cenic,, ·historic1• arch~ologic, . scientific, biological, recreational ·or other spedaf resource values, any activity on that l.and requires a permit. Al.ist of activities for which the perrriit Is not required is maintained in each district office of the Alaska Division of For- as.!, Ltu1d andWaterManagement. l; . . . · · RE:OUIREMENTS . AP.Pilcations for the petnjit are to be filed with the Division of Forest •. Land and Water ·Management distric~ office on Forms.DL-285 and DL-:286. Each application must contain · · the fo'lfowing · inform~tion in sufficient detail. to allow evaluation of the planned activity's ·1!//ect on the land; ·· · · 1. A map showing the general location of all activities and routes·of travel for all equipment for which the permit is required. 2. A description of each proposed activity and type of equipment that will be used. T.here is no filing fee. Public notices and hearings are not required. Within 30 days of receipt of a. proper application, the Director may give notice to an appli· . Q)nt that a personal or corporate surety bond is required. The value of the bond varies from $1.000.00 to $100;000.00 and is basea on the type of activity proposed. (A schedule of the atnouL~tt required for specified activities is available at all offices of the Division of Forest. .Land and Water Management. The bond must be filed before the proposed activity com· mences. Final action will be taken within 30 days of receipt of the application. A permit may be issued for a period not to exceed one year and may be renewed for any number ot conse- cutive periods. The effective date .of the permit is the first day of the month following the date the permit is signed. If final action is not taken by an Division of Forest, Land and Water Management office Within the allotted 30 days, an applicant may proceed with his operation. AUTHORITY AS 38.05.035. Powers and Duties of the Director. AS 38.05.330. Permits. 11 AAC 96. Miscellaneous Land Use Regulations . CONTACT Director Division of J=orest, Land and Water Management Department of .Natural Resources 323 E .. Fourth Avenue . Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Director .Divfsion. of Minerals and Energy Management Department of Natural Resources 703 W Northern Lights Boulevard Anchorage. Alaska 99503 District 0[/icl!s: Southeastern District Office Division of. Lands Pouch M Juneau, Alaska 99811 Southcentral District Office Division of Lands •••1 SaifiiiAI'I ~-li~ .Anchorage, Alaskas98588 941 Dowling Rd. 99502 B-61 Telephone: 279·5577 Telephone: 263-2247 Telephone: 465-2415 ( .. 349-4524 Telephone: 2?9 7691 .-· . · MISCELLllNEhus LAND usE cO NT· o i 0" . ::::;.~ ·1. Permit is requfr~d 'tor the f()llowing partial list of activities on State land {~s enume~ated in 11 AA.C: 96.,010). ',:;::: ... :The us~ of 'e~pl_Qsives and explQs1.ve .. ~d~vi c~s, ;;excep.f ·firearms ·. ·-.lhe use of ·equipment not. specified '1n.l1 ~~t 96"020 ·-The use· Olf_-hydraul ic prospecting or mi'ning·J~quipment and/or .. methods.. ::~ : · . : · · · · ·· ,, · · ·· 7 · ~ ~ . ,, .·•· . . ·,, :..., . ' ·'~ Ad~iti.bn(ll .restri~.tiorfs are-·enumerated for activities _occurring on: nspeci.al Us.e LandS·~" 2.. Definition: uLand. Use:/-Aqt;ivi ty11 means any use of or en~ry upon $tate lands f€lf'·arJY~"Pt.lfpose~·incfudirig but not limited to explora.tion, hunting, reC,teation~ ·and access. ~ ... / 'J ' .. ;. L·- B-62 ' ' . -· 1ft ·w . D -·oL.;.2a5·· · (F'ebnlary. STATE. OF ALASK~ DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES · 01 vls ion' of Lands APPLICATION FOR MISCELLANEoUS LAND USE PERMIT ,;·-~~,~~pt~c~f-:~~~·----· .. ~------~--~~~~-~-~~----- 2. -Addr&$$ o.f Appt l.cant __.....;... __________ ...;... ______________ _ ~" Gener~ (~1bc:~t 19n o~ perm, It act.i v_t ti ~s (see instructIons) Frcim --=--~~-----=~-=-......-• 19 ____ _ (month) (day) 5. ·Any· riott~e r~u t·red to_ t\e' g I, ~en i' ~· ~nnect ron w lth thIs app Ucat to~~ or any permit gra~t~d her.,l1ri~~r ~ sl'!o!.l 1 d be sent to ·-....... --------------.-----at the to 11 ow 1 ng postt;,t csddress:_ ._ . __ •. . _··· . __ .... _ ....... .__ ...... __, ___ ...__......., __ _.... _ __,;.; _____ ......_ __ • 6. Name of aurhprfied representafi've who'may be contacted in the field ------- 7. DOes flppllcant wish da1'a contained in the SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION SHEET submitted with this app 0 cat I on to be kupt conf i dent i a I in csccordanc•. wIth AS 3.8. 05. 035(&)(9.)? JCheck on~;t l .. · . ' · · Yes.,. _ . · NO .. : . a. Appllea'nt a~ra,s tnat operations shall be conducted .in conformance with applicable Federal, State and locaJ l.aws and regulations now. or hereafter • .in effect during toe llfe of eny permit Issued pursuant to this BPP! I cation •. 9. '. . . . In particuh)r. applicant c;grees. that operat.lons shall be conducted in stri.ct .com- pf1~nce with the previsions oLthe Alaska Miscellaneous land . .Use Regulations; and the terms ancl special stlpulatrons· contained In ·any permit issued pursuant to this app I I cation. · ... 10. Appl icanf certifies that he has read and is familiar with the Alaska Miscellaneous Lac-d Use Regu lat i·ons • <Date> Signature of Applicant ~~--------­ or authorized representative Title----------------- 00 NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE · LAND USE P;:RM IT .ihe illVJSION O'F.,t..-4\NOS, In accQrdance with 11 MC 01.151.00-11 AAC 01.159.99, Mis• eer>ransous l.a11d ·Usa: Regulations; .and the spec:i~l stip~J~tf~ns_ attached hereto and mad• a part hereof does· ·t~ereby grant to who ·submitted the foregoing appl ieatlon,. the right to use Stat• of Alasl<ii londs tor a period of t:t.ne as described lri setd .appllcatton. · · Effective datEt of permtt ______ __...;....._......., ____ ...._ _______ to STA1E Of' ALASKA BY: B-63 CTitle> '. ........ TERMS·OF THE PERMIT sac. 1. GENERAL PRoVISIONS. Operations Ynder this permit shall be conducted In coflfor- .mance with .appl tcable Federal, .State. and local laws an.d regulations now, or hereafter, tn effect during the life of this permit. sec. 2. INSPECTION OF OPERATIONS. All operations under this permit are subject to .Jnspec:ticm at any time, by the Director or his authorized representative. sec. 3' •. REPORTS., (a). When requested, permittee shall make' a report to the D.lrector, in writing;) on ·all matters relevant to the character, progress, and results of -operations. under this permit. (b) Upon completion of operations, pern1ittee shall f i .I e the report required by sec. 153.60 of the M i see I I aneo~s Land Use .. Regulationso · sec~ 4. OTHER OPERATIONS. Ca) The granting of this permit ct~·is not preclude the tssuance of other pennfts or leases on the same l.ands. Val'id existing prior rJ.ghts acquired on 1'he lands described herein wll.l not be adversely affect~d by tnfs penrii't. (b) Where this permit grants the rfghi" to enter land owned, leasad or otherwise lawfully occupied by another, the permittee shall make ,--#.. . provisions before. anterir.g the land to pay for all damages sustalned by said owner, 1-ess~e or lawful occupant by reason of entering upon said land. sec. 5. CHANGE OF ADDRESS. Pennittee shall immediately notify the Director, in writing, of any ch~ng~ . in address. · ' ,, . ' sec~ '6. t3()ND. Permittee shall'·at all times maintain the bond furnished upon the issuance of. this penni t, which bond .. Is ·cond r t I oned upon comp I i ance with a I I the provisions of the permit, and when requested shall increase The amount of the bond, or ~turni sh such other bond as may be requ i red. · · sec. 7. DEFAULT. lt permiTtee should fai I to comply with the terms and stipulations contained ln this permit, or the provisions of the miscellaneous land use reguhsttons, and :after receiving .wriTten notice, fat l_s to re~dy such default within the time specified in the notice, the Director may cancel this permit. sec. 8. SPECIAL STIPULATIONS: INSTRUCTIONS. 1. Thi.s apprication must be completed tn tripficate, either by typewriter or printed in lnk, and may be submi-tted at any Division of Lands. office. Offices are located In Fairbanks, Anchorage and Juneau.-Additional sheets may be used where spece provided on the form Is not adequate. 2: Each applicateon must be accompanl'ed by a SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION SHEET (Division of Lands form _!!!.-286 ) which has been completed tn full. SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMA- T'ff}N SHEET forms are available at any Division of lands office. 3. Item 3: Appli.cant should give a brief and general description of tha area of the proposed activity. Ceg: Copper River ~aln> Applicant will be required to designate location fn greater detail oh the SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION SHEET. 4. · 1tem 4: lnltlal per:iod appt led for should not exceed one year. Subsequent-extensions , miy be 'apptled for pursuant to Sec. 153.30, Mtscellaneous Land Use Regulations .. 5. AppH~ant· or his authoi"'lz~d repr~sentatlve rnust sign each copy of the ~pplicatton, · ln ink. Where appl tczmt ts ~ eorporetlon, the Individual signing the appl feat ion must submft .• evldence of hfs authority to act' for the corporat.Jon. · B-64 ... ~., 10< ~,ilo ol a'-. . ~ ... m. IW 11 1970) SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION SHEET . <TO DL-285 > ~-. ,.. .. 1 • _ Name of ~PP I t cant 2. LOcation 'Of permit aettvttles Csee instruc.'ttons) ----------------- 3. U st of equ 1 pment requ i r J ng a permIt and i t.s proposed use (see Instructions> ---- 4. Prnpo:iied rnathod of dl$posa I. for: Solid wasTe --------.-.------...-------. Sewage·---------------------- 5. Type operatlons fsee Instructions>: . ' . gec~pnys ~~ 1 .-···"'!'!: ---~-­ exploratfcin _. ··----- construction. _______ _ transportation------ other,_..~-----.....-------------------------- 6. Type and amount of bond (check one> Amaurif. · ---------------Corporate Surety--------- Secured Savi ~gs -~------­ Statewide ....... ----------Cash _ _,;_ __________ _ . 7. n applicant de~i.re!i d~i-a contai.ned 9n this form to be kept eonfidentia.l, he· should so indl~ate in the space below~ .and also In item 7 ot the APPLICATION FOR LANO USE PERMIT form. · Is this informatlcn to be kept CONFlDENTIAL? (Chec~ one} Yes _.__ No '"""'~- (Signature) <Title> INSTRUCTIONS 1. .Form should be completed in triplicate,. either by typewriter or printed in Ink, and should be submitted w!th the APPLICATION FOR LAND USE PERMIT. Additional sheets may be used where sp~ce provided on form Is not adequ~te. 2. Item 2: Appl tcant should attac:h a USGS topographic map, ·showing the location of ~II proposed actrvttfss. .These Include but are not I imfted to: routes of travel, shot fines, camps, exploratory cuts or hydraulic £reas, etc. Appl ic<!int should use <:J map witt! a sc~le appropriate to the par-ticular operation. For example, rather than splice ·sav,ral t/63,360 scale maps together, It would be preferable to use another scale such as l/2SG,OOO .. . ' 3. Jtem 3: Applfcant _should stete1 by attached sheet tf neeess9ry. all equipment he proposal to use whIch raqu ires a parmi t. The ! I st of equ I j)Mnt requ i r i ng a perm t t may be obtain~ at 'the State Division of Lands' offices. tn Fair·banks, Anchorage or Juneau~ Appl feant should exPlain the proposed use of all equipment 1 l$ted. (eg: D-8 ·Caterpillar-make exploratory cuts) 4. Item 4:. Prior to completion of Item 4, appJtcant should cgnsult with Alaska Depar-tment of ._alth and Welfare for sanitary disposal requlrarnonts. 5. ltem· ': Applicant shou-ld cheek appropriate activity and furnish a brief description of the proposed operation. <eg: Geophysical-seismic wor4< conducted by drt II fng and shooting or:t 60 1 separation with .25 lb. charges Of nitrama11.) 6. Item 6; Applicant may submit bond with the appi lcation according to the. bonding schedvle,. or may walt until notification by thilt Dlrecto;-of 1'he bend requirement. Bond forms may .be obtai ned at any DIvIs ton of Lends t off h:e. li I ~ ' • ·rr ll It ,. "'[·' 1·.' . i. RIGHT-OF-WAY OR EAS~MENT PERMIT* PURPOSE .· The Right-of~Way or Easement Approval System enables the Stateto givepreference.to the use of land which will be of the greatest economic benefit to the State and the development of its resources. DESCRIPTION The Right-of-Way Easement Permit is required for the construction of a road, trail, ditch, pipeline~ drill site,. log storage site, teiJphone line or similar use or improvement on State land. Th~. permit is issued by the Director of the Division .of Forest, Land an_d Water Man~ agement. Department ot Natural Resources. · .. RE.OUJREMENTS · Applications for the permit must .be submitted to the Division of Forest, Land and Water Management on Form 10-112. Each application must be accompanied by a nonrefundable $10.00 filing ·fee and a preliminary plat. Terms, duration and final approval are at the discretion of the director or his appoint~d representative. If the proposed construction is approved, a letter of entry is issued, authori- zing the construction. The Right-of-Way Permit is not issued until construction has been completed and the as-built plans, according to specifications, are approved by the depart-, ment. If the proposed construction may impact waters of the State, permits from the Alaska De- partment of Fish and Game and the U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers may be required also. AUTHORITY AS 38.05.035. Powers and Duties of the Director. AS38.05.330. Permits. 11 AAC 58.200. Right-of-Way or Easement Permit. CONTACT Director Division of Forest, Land and Water Management Department o'f Natural Resources 323 E. Fourth! Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 District Offices: Southflastern District Office Division of Lands PoUtfl M June:Ju. Alaska 9981 1 AS 38.05.020 Telephone: 279-5577 Telephone: 465-2415 *Permit Summary r:xcerpted from the Alaska State Directory of Permits· Additional Description: (11 AAC 58.200) DNR uln granting of any permit or easement on ti da1 or submerged lands, the upland owner shall have first perference 11 to the land. B-67 ·n.·.-.·· " .. D m. D. m:· m· n kJ· \ U·: 1 .' ' ~·. . ' m.··· ld " II 11 ld . . ' . . . . . ;, .w STA''lE 0{ ~.l.\SKA DE 1, AR 1lU.aU: lQ F t tklu:.A L R F. SOURCES ADL ------- -.;-· _;--~::: .. "" DIVISIOH pr LAHDS Ai'PI.ICATI.tHI FOR RlGHL-Of-'..;A'i 1'C::?JHT Date: --------~--~------------------------------------~-hQx-oby applico to the Director of the Div~Glon o.f Lando, Department of Uatur-nl Resources, for Rt&ht-o£ .. \,'ny feet: ·in width nnd ______ .__,. feet in length located in Section ------' T~.:nship __ _ __.. _______ , Range-------Meridian, containing nn nrco c£ ncres na aho-,..,n on the pint attached h~roto in triplicate copies, for the pur- pose.of eonstruc_ting nnd mnintriining thereon a----------------------- for private, public, 1ntcrtni.ttent • yenr l9ng uae (a trike inapp lien blc words). State briefly the standards of construction of preposed improvements: Constructed ------------Construction to begin ------------------ !o be completed . If this application is npproved, 1 agree to con.struct and maintain the improvements .nuthorited in a worlcmanlike· IMrmer, to keep the n.reg in a ntHI.t nnd sanitary condition; if said right-of-way iB to be constructed across lensed lando, I ngree. to rcirnbu·cac the lessee ror JIll damages to crops nnd improvements, to the extent of t:he fair market value thcreo f, which may be dllJllDged or. destroyed ao the result .of the construction of llnid right-of-,.:ay, prtd to comply with all the laws,. rulca and regulations pertaining thereto: ond *provided fu~ther that upon te.rminntion or relocation of the Right-of-Way for " .. hich llpplication is herein mncte, I agree to remove or relocate the improvements nnd reatore the nrea t.:it.hout cost to the State and to the sntiofnction of the Directoro Signature of Applicant (Instructione for preparation of plot:: Attach triplicate copies of lcttcr-si:;:c plat, shcrw.·~ · centerline nnd' boundaries of r.ight-of-way 1 shw l:.ie~ from center line to ea tabli.sh monu.~efit~ and section corne.r, a how conflicts with other rights •of-woy, i:f any, scale· 4 11 to 8". per ml.le., type of aurvgy.). I *Not applicablQ to State Agencies. 10-112 (75) 10/64 B-69 II -~~·. f,l ·II. . ..,; /' UTILLTY PEAMJT ,FOR ENCROACHMENT WITHIN HIGHWAY RIGHT$,.0f·WAV * · DOTPF .. PURPOSE; · . · . . , -' · · . . . The purpose of the l,Jti!iW ·permit for Encroachment Within Highway Hights~of-Way is to en- able''the State to maintain: a.n accurate' record ofall utiliW facilities that are !ocated in high- way rights"ot~way. OESCijlPTION . . Persons, political subdivisions, or cooper.atiVef wishing to construct. pJace, or maintain utili- ties under, on, in, or over the highway rights-of-way must contact the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities to obtain a Utility Permit. Utilities inch,1de railroads . and all publicly, priv;;!tely. or cooperatively owned lin(35, facilities and systems for pro- . duCing, transmitting .or·dlstributing. communications, telecommunications, power, electri- city. Jjght, heat, gas,. oil, crude products, water, steam~ waste, storm water not connected with highway drainage, and other similar com.mcdities,. iricluciing: pl,Jblicly owned fire and police signal systems, and street lighting systems. A Utility Permit i~ also necessary to · improve, acid to, relocate •. or change the operating conditions of existing facilities. A single Utility Permit shall authorize only such activiti.es as are reasonably required for the con- struction ,3nd routine maintenance of a separate utility facility upon or within highway rigllts.qf~w~w .. REQUIREMENTS · Application Form DH 250A, "Application for Utility Permit pn Highway Rights-of-Way." and instructions for preparation, including sample applications, plan sheets and permits, JTil'lY .be obtained from the IQcal Highway Maintenance Foreman or. the Regional Utilities Engineef ::::l ~ile Department of Transportation and Pub!ic Facilities. The application must be accompanied by plans,. specifications, description of work, methods to be employed and other pertinent data to provide the Department with all information neCP.SSary to evaluate the engineering qesign, location, and other aspects of the proposed installation. The plans should also show the lo.cation of all €Xisting facilities in the immediate vicinity of the applicant's proposed facility. In the case of a conflict with an existing facilitY, the applicant must obtain a "letter of nonobjection" from the owner.of the existing facility and submit it with the permit application. There are no application fees. The Department of Transportation and Public Facilities works with.Other agencies, such as the Federal Aviation Administration and Department of Environmental Conservation when the proposed facility comes under regulations by these agencies. I fan applicant wishes to lo- cate a facilitY upon land obtained by the De;:>artment from another government agency, the applicant must obtain a Special Use Permit or a "letter of nonobjection" from the owning gpver,,ment agency and submit it with the permit application. Since the permit preparation, approval and execution process involves the applicant, the. Department, owners of affected utilities. and .possibly other agencies, the application for a Utility Permit should be submitted well in advance of the anticipated date for beginning work to be cove,red by the permit to allow adequate time for completion of this approval process. B-71 ·:ttl1t\' i•. -·uriLIT¥ PERMIT FOR ENCROACHMENT WITHIN-HIGHWAY R!GHTS-OF-WAYCONT'O: .. [) ' ~ ·, . ., \ l . ·, ·" The complev~rt ~pplicatloh shou•d be submitted to the F!egtonql Engineer. Upon approval o.f th~ appticatloil, tftP Oep~r~ment will prepare the Utility Perm•t. including stipulations and spedal conditions. and send 'the ~original. and three copies of the permit to. the permittee for his signature and return to the Regional f;ngineer for execution. · The department will execute the Utility Permit and return two coJ)Ies to the permittee. The permittee: or his contractor is required to have one .copy of tlie fully e>:ecuted Utility Permit ·. atthe work site during construction of the facilitY. · . . . The permittee must give the department advance notice of the proposed date upon which the permittee .intends tu· enter Upon the highway right~of-way to commence construction or majormetintenance.on the facility covered by the Utility ·Permit. . .. - -The department. may. require' the permittee to furbish a bond or assurance to protect the . . highwaY ,1md ~ppurtenances. Also,. the department may require inspection of the construe· · :lion .ofthe facility· by a representative of the department. The permitee shall agree to reim- ·burse the~departrr{·~ for:-the ac.tual costs of such inspection as stated in the special condi:. tiG:JS of the Utility Permit, · .. . · The PE!rmit is valid for as long as the facility exists. ,A new or modified permit must be ob- tained prlono alteration, or ~elocation of the facility. · · A utility company must have Articles of Incorporation, obtained through the Corporations Section of the Alaska Department of Commerce and Economic Deveiopment, prior· to re- ceiving a permit. · AUTHORITY · . 'AS 19.25.010. Use of Rights~ot-Way for Utilities 17 AAC 15. E;ngineerlng-UtilitY Permits . CONTACT Regional Utilities Engineer Department of Transportation and Public Facilities 4111 Aviation Avenue~ Pouch 6900 · Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Regional Utilities Engineer Department of Transportation and Public Facilities 2301 Peger Road Fairbanks, Alaska 99701- Regionat Utilities Engineer Department of Transportation and Public Faciliti~ P.O. Sox 3-1000 Juneau, Alaska 99802 Regio·nal Engineer ' Department of Transportation and Public Facilities 'P.O. Box 220 Nome, Alaska 99762 Telephone: 243-1111 Telephone: 452-1911 Telephone: 789·0841 Telephone: 443-5266 • *Permit Summary excerpted from the Alaska State Directory of Pennits. B-72 -' f>g_,,:' ... · ::-~... >_--~ . : -~---·, --.. : :~· 1:11·····_:-(~·-,· _·· ,· ·, :. --:·· .. . .. ·.,r,· ---~~·-,_· ' i : , .• -, i . ' I. 'll" .ll .··.I n .m m ;m 'L --~; ... ·· .. )~ 'I m a) n· II . I ~ 1:. .· . ,.-.~::;. .~ ; -· • -~ <' UTILITY I'ERMIT FOR ENCROACHMENT WITHIN HIGHWAY RIGHTS-OF-WAY CONT'D: . ~ -(, . . -~--y_< -~->A J.t--i~-~ ft' ...._ :\: •. ) , , ,.: • .• . . . Additional lnformatio!l: 1. ·:17 AAC 15.210 Special >Use Permits for Highways (under Utility Permit) ·Permit is required for use of land obtainedby·the department from -· ·another governmental agency for speci a 1 use •. The permittee shall obtain a letter of non objection from the owning . _ governmental,::--"-agency._ The letter shall be attached to utili'ty _permit • ' ._~-::,.<·· ' J . -Ol . . · . 2~'·: Permits-for utility facili;ty installations will be issued in accordance wi•th 17 AAC 15, _sections.: .070 Highway Policy for Accormnodation of Utilities • ·080 Bridges .-090 Joint Use .110 Driveway and Road Appraoches Conflicts · .120 Underground Facilities ~170 Prior Rights .JBO: Relocation .250 Department•s Interest in R.O.W • • 280 Author:ity of Conmisstoner .240 Clear Roadside Policy .130 Utility Standards of the Department of Highways s .. 73._·· ~· _t!l w m I . c ' . . Page t ·of --~----------~--- Permit No. ------~----------- APPLICATION tOR UTILITY PERMIT O~J ·HIGHWAY-fli.GHTS·OF-WA Y : -. .. :· . , . --~ ' . . . . . . \ ; . . . . ***'*************** *****~** ** *************••************** )~.·:+*·•.\!:*****'•******** **************** STATE OF ALASKA DEPl\RTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ~ ·. ;:::-;._ ..... _ . DIVISION OF·. HIGHWliYS Application i!. hereby made for permission to place, construct and thereafter mai.ntain a ------------------ -------------~-------------facilitv in, on, along or across the Rights of Way of the Dcp~rtment of · ·Highway~. t T~~cil~isw~lo~~d: ____ ~-------------------------- .. H. · Location and extent of required clgaring: ________________ ...--, ________ _ I 11. Joint use with: ----------~--·-------~--------------------------------------- ... ~ lri accordance whh attached as Exhibit ·------------------------~ ------------------ IV. Facility to be constructed in accordar•ce with the ·following: a. Plans dated. ___ --________ ~, consisting of ___ ,.. _____ ·---~--- : u. Spcdficadons dated • consisting of ------------------~ _______ ..._._ pages. c.. fn conft.rmanc~ with {Code) ------------------------------------------------ v:· · Work lo commence on or about--------------~------------and to be completed o~~ or about __ ._....,... _________ ------- The applicant in f,:anyin!J out any or ~;1 of th9 wort~ her~in abova mentioned or referred to in this application, a.nd in the. authorized ;!Utility Permit issued therefore, sha:l strictly conform to the tetms of such Utility Permit; Alaska Statutes 19.25.010 ;:md 19.25 020; regulations as c;ct forth in· the Alaska Administrative Code, Title' 17--Highwily:;~ Chapter 15, En!)inr.t!r!og-Utility Permits, and any rt}visions thureto, and such policy directives as ·issut!d by the Commissioner of ·the Department of Highwt~ys. · The applicant shall .comply with regulations of all other gc.wernmcntal agenci~s and the work shan be accomplished in a m&:\nnor that will not bo detrimental to th('l hif!hway 'and appurtenances nor in any manner endanger the traveling public. -APPLJCANT: __ ......_.;;.,____.; _____________ _ DATE: ------------------------- BY=--~--~---------------...----------TITLE ____ ~~---~-----------~------------ B-75 ; . Sheet of --=----- '·. 0 Permit N·o. ----~--~----~---- ELECTRICALAND COMMUNICATIONS · OVERHE.f\D ·FACl~ITY: Number of Circuits: ___ ..._ ___ ~........_ ______ ~-------- "· ... Phase=·---------------------------- ~ndu~or~pe and Size:~-~-~~-~----~-~--~-~ Structure T'ype: _ __.. __________________ ~--- ~nim~Ver~~al ~earance:~--~~-~--~~-~-~~~-~ Offset from Highway Centerline=-------~---------­ Longitudinal Facility Len9th=.....------------------- Crossing Angle=------------------~---- UNDERGROUND FAClLITY:. ~n~ct~~~~dSize=-------------------~ Voltage and Phase=----------------------- Number and Size~f Conduits~~~-~-~--~~--~--~~~­ Size and ~pe of Encas~~nt=~~~---~~-~~----~~..._­ ~pth Below Di~h ~evation=~~~~~~---~-~~--~-~~ Loogitu~nal Facili~ Length=~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Offset front Highway Centerline: _________________ _ Crossing Angle: _________________________ _ Open Cut: Method of Crossing: Bore: ------Jack: ---- COOES APPLICABLE::.;....;._ _______________________ _ B-76 I I I I I I I I I .. I I I I Fish an-d Wi 1 dl i fe Permi~ts "', _. [ . . . Iff .. It) [ ' . ~': ;} ' ' \·,{0 .DF&G PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . :.T~e Ariadr()'n1ous 'F1sh' -~rotection·.Permit requirements are~ destgQe(f to protect and pre- ~~r:v~: t"•sh'<fnu:game of am:ldr.omo'usowaters ol -the State. --· ' ' : ~ -·, .• DESCR1PTtON .. . . · · ! ·~ .. ·. · ... It a person or govenmel1tal agimcy ~esTres to . construct a hydraulic project or affect the natur.akflow or bed. ora specified ahadrornous river,-lake,. or stream, or .use equipment in '.S~Ch watercs. ·ot th~· Slate o.f Alaska~ he. should· notify the Department of Fish and Game .COF & GY before .bfl9irtning such a J:iroject~ Tne_pamphlet, '.~C~talog of Waters Important for 'the :SPawning ~nd M .. ig~.ation of Anadromo~s Fishes~." .ri'la. y be obta.ined by writing to the Habitat Protection Sect ton, Department of F 1sh and Gaflle. 1-· .. ,,... ,,,. "' The term "anadromous'' reJers to those .fish which spend pan of their life cycle in fresh water and part in marine \vater. REQUIREMENTS the applicant should notify the Dt= & G Regional Habitat Supervisor in the area of the proposed project by ~ompfeting a· '!Wat~rway/Waterbody Use Request,., ''Gravel Rsmoval Bequest" or "Placer Mining Request" form {no form n.!.:mbers available) provided by the Department. The applicant shall also submit: 2 . · · · , .' ~ . - 1. Full plans and specifi~tions for the proper protection Of fish and game in connec- tion with the propose(! project. 2. The approximate project schedu.le. ·3. · A project outline of materials, methods. and equipment proposed for use. 4. A map of the project site and its description . Each project is evaluated individually based on specific resource concerns particular to the fisheries system involved. The OF & .G will act on the application within 30 days of ttsreceipt No application fee is required; public notice and hearings are not necessary. The permit 1s issued on an annual basis. Renewals are made by sp~ific request only. AUTHOR.ITY AS 16.05.870. Protection of Fish and Game. 5 AAC 95,010. Waters Important to Anadromous. Fish . . CONTACT Pennits may .be secured by )1/ing a proposal with the DF&G headquarters office in Juneau or, preferably, with the regional office nearest the proposed activity. Regional Habitat Protection Supervisor Alaska Department of Fish and Game 210 Ferry Way ~uneau, Alaska 99801 Regional Habitat Protection Supervisor Alaska Department of Fish and Game 333 Raspsberry Road Anchorage, Alaska 99.501 Regional Habitat Protection. Supervisor Alaska Department of Fish and Game 1300 College Road F~irbanks. Alaska 99701 .• Telephone; 586·6630 Telephone~ 344-0541 Telephone; 452,.1531 *PermitSuJ1111ary excerpted from the Alaska State Directory of Permits. B-77 , .. 1 ·· ANADRGM.QUS: fiSH· PROTECTION .CONT 1 D: · ·· ·;~; The ·list of wat~rs.jmport~nt to Anadromous Fish, based on " :~<~,.~compiled bio.logica.l information, as that list existed after · ··t~vision on May 22, 1974, is adopted by reference in accordance .with the Admjnistrative Procedure Act (AS 44.62). : .. '·' ':i waters' included on this 'list are brought within the conservation and.·protection.·.of AS 16.05.870 -AS 16.05.900 .. ·2. The follow·1:.ng forms were identified and supplied by the Clerk .. in t~e. Habitats Section of DF&G: 1. ·General Inwater Application (Waterway/Water Body Use) " ~·' .. 2'. tnstream ·Flow Use Application. 3. Materia 1 Removal Application · B-78 t-.~ n ";.., :oFFICE USE ONL ' . ~ . . ~ .. *' .. 3' . . . .. . GENERAL lNWATER APPLICATION~* ALAS.KA DEPARTMENT· OF FISH AND GAME mHQRAG<o AlAS!CA 99502 . . . . . ·A. APPLICANT 1... Name: ----------------------------------------- ':.·• ' ~. 4. " '" ·'·· { ·, ~·~" '· _! . : L ·• ~ ... m-: .. . j! ' " !:' ~ ., ·r .. . ! ~ . . ; m,. . . [ ' . ' £-· .. · . : • 2. Address: ------------------------------------~ __ _.. ____________ Telephone: ____ _ B.. 'WATERWAY/WATERBODY to b.e. used or altered: l. Name: .. -------------------------------------- 2. Project L.ocation: (Section, Township, Range, f4eridian) ------------------~------------------------~~---. 3. Map: (£hclose a sketch of the site or mark site on 1 plat or USGS map and attach current aerial photograph · if available). -· C. 'TYPE-OF P'ROJECT ('e.g., bridge, cu1vert, utility line placement, ero~icn control, impo.undment structure, etc. ) : 1 ... Does project involve a bridge or culvert work?: Yes or No (circle: one). answer ·is. "yes" provi.de infonnation covered in items a through d bal ow. If Bridge Installation O!!ll_ a. Stream width at project site (total distance from stream bank vegetati-on line to opposite bank vege- t~tion line): feet. b. Proposed bridge length: feet. ------- c. Are instream bridge supports necessary?: Yes or No (circle one) ·. If above answer is "yes 11 , provide: number or supports:_· ___ _ type of supports.: ______ _ d. Will fil1 material be deposited over the bridge?: Yes or No . (circle one) Culvert Installation' Only a. Culvert type: 1. Round or Arch (c:rcle one) 2. Culvert length 3. Culvert width--- 4.. Number of Culver1-.s----- b. Stream bed gradient at crossing: __________ percent c. Type of fill material:to be used and origin: ' ------ d. Will fill slopes be riprapped (i.e., stabilized to prevent erosion)?: Yes cr No ,·circle one) If above answer is 11 YE!S 11 what type of riprap will be used: -- 2. lf an impoundment structure (dam) is proposed, attach design blueprjnts, project statement outlining the necessity for such a structure, mat:rials to be utilized, proposed method of construction and reservoir capacity. *(NOTE: This form not applicable for placer mining or gravel removal operations). B-79 , --·~ r• , __ -.--a. Wil1 project entail inwater use of tracked ana/o.r wheeled vehicles?~ Yes · or !!2_ (cirel e one). · · · · · ... · · · · · · · -- . lf -above. answer is 11.,YeS11 , expl a_i n and 1 i st type. ;and size of each Vf;h,iSj1 e: ,. --.' ,, ot·,~ ~.-,_,_,., • -> ---------------------·~·------~----------------.. --------------- .. "' ...... --------........ -;.._------------------------ 4. Wi"ll stream diversion, cha~nelization and/or bank alteration work be perfonned?: ·· Yes or No(circle one) ---·· r: . '• If above. answer is 11 yes11 , please explain in detail=------------ 5. Will any material (e.g., gr.avel, logs, etc .. ) be removed from or deposited in the. floodplain (bed) of the involved river, stream, or lake?: Yes or !!Q. (ctrcl e one.). . . . ·If above answer is "yes 11, please explain in detail (estimate quantity and type of :material to be removed or deposited and include sketch· depicting 1 imits of activity)=------------------------------...... 6.. W.i11 any blasting work be performed?: attach b1 asting .. Plan. Yes or No (circle one). -- D. PROJECT SCHEDULE: -------~---TO ______________ (dates) 'rf inwatervehicle work or crossing is necessary, estimate number of hours or days required to complete inwater work: Hours or days (circle one). E. WILL. PROJECT BE CONTRACTED OUT?:. Yes or!!£ (circ·le one) If abqve answer is 11 yes", provide contractor's name, address, and telephone .number: ______________________________________ ......._ I HEREBY .CERTIFY THAT ALL INFORMATION MADE ON OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS APPLICATION IS TRUE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. B-80 DATE SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT l [ [ [ [.B. tr· ·' ,· . . . . ·o~,~, '. 'iNSTREAM :fiOW: .tlSE APPLICATION . ·ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME ., ' '"' _, .~~ _, -· \ ., - APPLICANT ~-: ·. ·N· a··m·' e·e~ c•.· · .. /~ .• ·~-•. \ ... ~.'. . ·'' --·:.;:·---·---------------------- '::·· ~-/ · 3. . ·P·roject Contractor: :· ·,. '"'"' ---........ ---~------~------------ . ' ' (;' . LOCAtiON OF· WATER· REMOVAL .. ·l.· · ·Name'o.f River, Stream, or Lake: ·~-----------------~-------~-- ·.·.[ 2. L~~al De§~fiption:~ ------------------------------------------- 3. Land ~rtership:~~--------~~~-~~---~~-~~--~~~ .if: b:: · eli IE 'E [o· E. [F. r· · 4. Map and Aer.i-al Photograph (see specific instructions, Step s.-4a ~nd 4b) PORPOSE OF WATER. REMOVAL. TIME FRA.\1E FOR WATER REMOVAL: TO. (dates) ~----------------~------------- QUANTITY. OF WATER TO .!E. RE~10VED: GALLONS/DAY and GALLONS TOTAL On· a Sepa.rate·Sheet, Oeff.ne Your Plan for Removing Water and Attach: ~H ... · On: a Searate Sheet~ P:e~en~ a H dr~ulic Ana1 sis of the Effects of Water Removal · · and At_tach:. see spec1f1c 1nstruct1ons . . ::~:: ~--:-::.:-:.-.::;:· . ' . . ' : ' . ' . .. . . -' . IDt HEREBY c£R'f!FY THAT ALL rN~o~noN MADE ON orr IN cONNECTION wiTH THis APPLICATION IS TRUE AND COMPLETE. iO THE BEST OF t~Y KNOWLEDGE ·AND BEL! EF. . ~ c . SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE ~. . . ' ·•' ,· . . Step" A." INSTREAM-FLOW USE APPliCATION .... SPECIFIC. INSTRUCTIONS Aside from providlJ1g your· 'name, address, and telephone number, give the name and rnat1ing address of the contractor who will actually be doing the. work. Step B:~_ .. 1 •. Provide the name of the waterbody from which water will be removed·. ;J-• "':,_-J '' '· 2. · The legal description should include Section, Township, Range and · Meridian~ ·. · · -3~ ~:-t·ndicate ·land' ownershiP· With respect to the stte and access to the s.ite. 4'! a",.·· Map provtded ·should spbw the following information and have a scale no greater than 1 inch = 400 feet. Map may be a field sketch.·· As a minimum, the map should include access to the loca.tion, accurate location of site, and a cross-sectional view of-the water removal site. b. Provide a current aerial photo, if available. Step C. · • Giv·e reasons for water remova 1, i.e., dornesti c. water source, dust aba ternent, cro.p watering, etc. . Step o:. Indicate the time of year the source is to be used. Is it temporary or permanent? · · · Step E.·~· ·Give total gallons to be removed and gallons per day. 6 • • • Step F. The plan for water removal should answer the following· questions: 1~ What bank modifications are proposed? 2~· · What stream a-lterations are propos·ed, i.e., deepening or widening channel? 3. Will the project entail any inwater use of tracked and/or wheeled vehicles? If so,.identify type, how many artd for how long? What equipment wi·J 1 be used to rernove water? . 5. .How will ·equipment be. refueled? 6. What precautions will be taken to ensure that fish and other aquatic organisms are not enda~G1red by the activity? ' . \-/: ' :_~ ' . Step G. Outline plan for restoring, rehabilitating, and revegetating the site if Step ... H. stream and/or bank alterations occur • . Provide. a written 1~ydrau1 ic analysis of the effect of water remova.l only· if ti1~ quan;tity of wciter removed exceeds 25% of the tota 1 stream discharge at mean monthly flow. The hydraulic analysis should address potential for alteration of· the waer 'removal activity. If the water removal is long term~. continual. a hydraulic analysis is required regardless of the quantity in terms of percent of mean monthly flow. B-82 r i ~ If . ' t r · .. · MA~RIAL · REl!OVAL Al?i'!.fiCA.TION· ALASKA . DEP .!\Rl'MENT OF FIS!i, -~· GAME ... FGII ---- t. Name:~· ~,------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. ·. Proj'ec.t -Contractor=----------------------------------- LOCATION OF'MATERIAL'SITE .! If 11_. -1~. Name of River,. Stream or Flood·glain to be Mined: -------------------------- [ c. Ln. [E. EF .• . ·. [j G. .. 2. Legal Descrip~ion: ---------------------------------------------------- 3. Land Ownership: ______________________________________________________ __ 4. Map ·and Aerial Photograph (See specific instructions on back~ Step B 4aand 4b). gUANTI'!Y A.J.'ID. TYPE OF MATERIAL TO BE MINED : cubic yards. -----_____ type. TIME FRAME FOR WORKING THE SITE: _ ---~ .. -------to _________ (dates.) • On a Separate Sheet of Paper, De.fine your Plan .for Removing Material and Attach: (See specific .instructions on back, Step E). . . . On .. a Separate:. Sheet, Present·· a Site Rehabilitation/Restoration Plan and Attach: (See specific. instructions on back, Step F). On a Separate.Sheet, Present a Hydraulic Analysis of the Effects of the Gravel Removal and Attach: (See sl>ecj_fic instructions· on back, Step G). · [; .I HEREBY CER'riFT THAT ALL rn:fo"Ri-IAT!ON MADE ON OR .IN CONNEC!.ION WITH THIS IS TRUE AND · COHPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNO\VLEDGE ~1\fD BELIEF. APPLICATION ~ ' •' ~Signa cute of Ap·plicant Date Step c. s·tep D. Step E. Step F. Step G. ·.--. \~ :: .---~ ~ u -. .MATJ~RIAL-Rm-10VAL APPLICATIO~t -SPECIFIC !NSTRUC'I!ONS -. r -., Aside £rom. providing your name~ address, and telephone nUUiber, give the name an.d mailing address of the·contractorwho~ill actually be doing the work.. . . 1. Provide the name of the -watercourse or floodplain where gravel will be :r.emoved., 2. the legal description should include Section, Township, Range and Meridian: 3. Indit:a·te land ownership with respect to the site and the access to 'the site.~ a. The map provided should show the following information and have a scale no greater than 1 in .. = 400 ft. (Hap may be a field sketch) As a minimum, the map should include the following: 50 t c.ontQur lines; ·nearby watercourses and lakes ; access r.oute.(s); location of facilities (i.e .. , screening, washing, cllid crushing plants, and commercial and private buildings)-; aliquot parts identified in order they are to be mined; site where fuel w.ill be stored; a cross section view of the. material · :Site showing current land and water elevations and bank slopes and also, final excavation grades and slopes; and project expansion sites. · · b~ ,Provide a current aerial photograph, if available.· Estimate t:he total amount of material to be ret:1oved in cubic yards. Indicate t:he tim.e of year the tnaterial site is going to be mined. The plan :Eor removing the material should address the follo~ing questions: 1 •. Is stream diversion planned? If so, how and for how long? 2.. Is stream channelization planned? 3. What: bank modifications are proposed? 4. Wil:J. the operation involve screening, crushing~ and/or \vashing plants? If ~,o, explain and indicate how long? 5. Will any material be removed from below the water table? If so, to what depth and is a pumping operation planned? 6. Will the. project entail any in-water use of tracked and/or wheeled vehicles? If so, identify type, how many and for how long? 7. Whe:re will debris and overburden be stockpiled 1 Outline your plan for handling debris and overburden and for regrading, res.tori·ug_, and revegetating the material site follo,.;ing complel:io.n. l'ro.vide a written hydrsulic analysis of the affect of the gravel removal only if the total quantity requested excee-:is 25,000 cubic yards for the projected use of the site. The_hydrauli.: analysis should, depending on the quantity of gravel reques.ted and slte specific conditions, include 'as a minimum, the 'following: potential for channel changes; assessment of increasad aufeis potential; aJl~fn assessment of potential for increased ,s·· ll m •.·, .. •· m a '': ' •• Iii k I I .t ., I ;, ;~)1 i' H I I ' . . [ ' ' E ' ; . !E E , .. . ; ~ .• CRITiCAL HASIT AT AREA'PERMJT* PURPOSE ,, ' The Critica1 Habitat Area Permit insures that . development within the critical habitat areas is compatible with the perpet~ation of area fish and wildlife resources. '/) DESCRIPTION·. . ·. . i.\ ·• .· • ·'-' Perso·ns proposing any work oi-de<J~Iopment wi\~l·lip a State Fish ana Game Critical Habitat """·--'Area· must obti(lin ~· permit ·from the Department. :Jf Fish and Game (DF&G} before starting ((-,-· such operations . . ·~\ For the purposes of this permit, "Critical Habitat Areas." are those designated in AS .16.20~230. REOUIR'EMEN.TS The applicant shd~ld submit tei DF&G full plans for the anticipated use, plans and specifi- . · cations of proposed construction work, plans and specifications for the proper protection of fish and gam~. the .approximate time schedule of worJ(t)nd a map with the. proposed activity site marked. No application form or fees are required. ~~ublic notices. and hearings are not. necessary. DF&G ·will act on the application ~ithin 30 dij'fs o.f its receipt, The Critical Habitat Area ·Permit issued is a temporary permit valid for one year. Renewals are ntade on specific request only. No fee is requir;ed,Jc;-c~rmii rt:newals. ·11-::;;:::~~\ . AU~1-HQRITY· · AS 16.20.220. and.260. Fish and Game Critical Habitat Areas. CONTACT fermil$ may be ser;ured by filing a proposal with the DF&G headquarters office in Juneau or. preferably, with the regional office nearest the proposed activity. Regional Habitat Protection Supervisor .. Alaska Department of Fish and Game 210 l=erry Way Jun~au, Alaska 99801 . . Regional Habitat Protection Supervisor · Alaska Department of Fish and Game · 333 Raspberry Road Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Regional Habitat Protection Supervisor Alaska Department of Fish and Game 1300 College Road J=airbank:s, :'\Iaska 99701 Telephone; 586-6630 Telephone: 344-0541 Telephone: 452-1531 *Permit Summary excerpted from the Alaska State Directory of Permits. B-85 :;_-.. - . -~··· .·. -- I . . . -~_,. ·!,· A~:.~ ... ltV. ~ If I!. -:•, FlSHWAYS FOR. OBSTRUCTIONS TO FISH PASSAGE* PURPOSE . . The pet mit issued under, this authority is designed to guarantee efficient passage of fish in the streams of the State. . DESCRlPTION If the department considers it necessary. every dam or other obstruction built by any person across a. stream frequented by salmon or other fish shall be provided by that person with a durable and Jafficient fishway and a device for efficient passage of fish. REQUIREMENTS The applicant should notify the OF & G Regional Habitat Supervisor in the area of the pro· posed project, Ttl.~ applicant shall submit: \' l. Full plan~ and specifications for the proper passage of fish in connection with the proposed project. 2. The approximate. project schedule. · 3. A project gutline of 'materials, methods and equipment proposed for use in meeting the fishway requirements. 4. A map of the project site and project description. Each.project is .evaluated individually based on specific resource concerns particular to the fisheries system involved. The OF & G w1ll act on the application within 30 days of its re- ceipt. · No application fee is required; public notice and hearings are not necessary. CONTACT Permits may be secured by filing a proposal with the DF & G headquarters office in J1meau or. perjerably, with tile regional office nearest the proposed activity. Regional Habitat Protection Supervisor Alaska Department of Fish and Game 210 Ferry Wav. Juneau, Alaska 99801 Regional Habitat Protection Supervisor Alaska Department of Fish and Game 333 Raspberry Road Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Regional Habitat Protection Suoervisor Alaska Department of Fish and' Game 1300 College Road Fairbanks, Alaska 99701 AUTHORITY AS 16.05.840. Fishway Required. Telephone: 586·6630 Telephone: 344-0541 Telephone: 452-1531 DF&G *Permit Summary excerpted from the Alaska State Directory of Permits. B-87 r i r 1, l .,lu... ~ 0 ·, . Air Qua 1 i ty Permits .· , .. ,., ,, m : : . m . .. · IZ . ... ' . ~. .. ·~·· [ . ' AIR OUAt.lTY CONTROl PERMIT TOOPEH~TE'* PURPOSE . . . . .. .· The purpose of the Air Quality Coniroi'Permit and its associated regulation's is to: prevent, · abate. and contiOI air pollution irdhe State" DESCRIPTION No person m~y allow any air:ccmtaminarit emission in the State without a permit from 'the -Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), as these emissions mav be injurious to 'human nealth ·or welfare, property. animal or plant life or may, unreasonably interfere. with the enjoyment of life or property~ Definitions perntining'to this permit ioclude: 1. ''Air contaminant'' means dust, fumes, mist, smoke. fly ash and other particulate matter, vapor. gas, .odorous substances or any combination thereof. · . --·~ . 2. "Emission" means the release of air contaminants into the environment. 3. ·· :·Petson'; means any individual, public or private corporation, potiticar subdivi· sian, government agency, municipality, industry, copartnership, association~ firm, ·.trust~· estate or any other entity whatsoever. REQUIREMENTS., An .applicant is required to 'submit one copy of the ·~Air Quality Control Permit to Operate Application~~ provided by DEC (no form number available). In addition to the. application, the following plans' and specifications·are·'to be· included: 1. One set of plans and specifications clearly indicating the layout and the con· .struction which will be _undertalqm. · 2. One set of maps or aerial photographs indicating land use and zoning within one mile of the facility . · 3. An .engineering report outlining the proposed methods of operation, the quan· / tity and source of material . to be processed, the proposed use and distribution of the processed material and related process details and a process flow diagram indicating the points of emission including estimated quantities and types of air contaminants to be emitted. 4. A description and specifications of all air quality control devices. 5. An evaluation of the effect on the surrounding ambient air of the emissions from ~he facilitY. 6. Plans for emission reduction procedures during an. air episode. A general instruction leaflet for the permit application process is available from DEC. No permit application fee is required. Applications should be filed 30 days prior to the comme11cement of operations. Public no· ti.ces are rlot required unless a compliance schedule is being considered or. if 1here is a request lor a variance from the regulations. Public hearings may be held if DEC determines that pubfic input is necessary. They are held no sooner than 30 days atte·r the· public notice. The department may require an applicant for a permit to operate, install, use and maintain · mlJnitoring equipment; to sample emissions in :accordance with methods tm:scribed by DEC, at locations, intervals and by procedures as may be specified; to provide source test reports; to provide emission data and information from analysis of any test samples; and to provide periodic reports. on process emissions. · The Air Quality Control Permit to Operate is issued for a period not to exceed five years . .The duration oi each per:mlt is specified on a case-by-case basis. Renewals are handled the · same as initial applications. Amendmems to the regulations goveming I he Air Quality Permit to Operate should be com- pleted in September 1979. Comacr DEC [or information on tlze resulting permit require• nzem.cllallges. B-89 ·oEc· . !!-.r· m. ' ' . . . . rn -. rn . : ~ . . .. rn ,, _J":. .rr __ ·. bl' If ·JL_. m l ' tr ·t. AIROUALITY CONTROL PERMIT TO OPERATE* P,URPOSE . -_ · · . -· . . . The purpose of the Air Quality Control Permit and its assof iated regulations is to prevent, aba.te and control air pollution in the State. - DESCRIPTION No person may allow any air contaminant emission in the State without a permit from the -Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). as these emissions may be injurious to. human health or. welfare, property, animal or plant life or may unreasonably .interfere with · the enjoyment of life or property. Oefi~ition~ pertaining to this permit include: 1. "Air contaminant'' means dust, fumes, mist, smoke, fly ash and other particulate matter, vappr, gas~ odorous substances or any combination thereof. 2. "Emission" means the release of air contaminants into the environment. 3. :'Peison" means any individual, public or private corporation~ political' subdivi- sion, government agency, municipality, industry, copartnership, association, firm, ltust, ·estate or any other entity whatsoever . REQUIREMENTS An applicant is·required to·submit one copy of the "Air Quality Control Permit to Operate AppJica~ion~· .provided by DEC (no form number available). In addition to the application, the following pfans and specifications are .. to be included: 1. One set of plans and specifications clearly indit':ating the layout and the con- . struction which will be undertaken. 2. One set of maps or aerial photographs indicating land use and zoning within one mile of the facility. 3. An .engineering report outlining ;the proposed methods of operation, the quan- tity and sourc:e of material to bt3 processed, the proposed use and distribution of the processed material andrelated process detail~: and a process flow diagram indicating the points of emission including estimated quantities and types of air contaminants to be emitted. 4. A description and specifications of all air quality con•.trcl devices. 5. An evaluation of the effect on the surrounding ambient air of the emissions from the facility. .6. Plans for ~mission reduction proc~ciures during an air episode. A general instruction leaflet for the permit application process is available from DEC. No permit application fee is required. Applications should be filed 30 days prior to the commencement of operations. PubJic no· ttces are not required unless a compliance schedule is bein9 considered or if there is a request for a variance from the regulations. Public hearings may be held if D'EC determines _that public input is necessary. They are held no sooner than 31) days after the public notice. The department may require an applicant for a permit to opmate, install, use. and maintain monitoring equipment; to sample emissions in accordance with methods prescribed by DEC, at locations, intervals and by procedures as may be specified; to provide source test report!;; to provide emission data and information from analysis of any test samples; and to providle periodic reports on process emissions. ' The Air Quality Control Permit to Operate is issued for a p~:riod not to exceed five years. The duration of each permit is specified on a case·by-case bi3sis. Renewals are handled 'the sat:ne as. initial applications. Amendmems to the regulations governing the Air Quality Pemzit to Operate should be com- pleted in September 1979. Contact DEC for information on tlze resulting permit require- ment changes. B-89 .. · · .. ·~fR. QUALITY CONTROL tONTf ~.: AUTHOR tTY AS46.Q3.()l0' ;Oet.arauonof Pofi!::y :: :AS 46,Q3.140 Ermssion Control .Reqi.urements. AS46.03.l5(). Classificarion and Reporting. AS46.03.l60. Additional ContaminantControl Measures. AS· 46.03,170, Variances~ · · 18 AAC T5~ Administrative :Procedures. l8 AAC 50. Air Ouaiity Control. CQNTACT ·Permjt Coordinator . Department of Environmental: Conservation -· .. PouchO · Juneau. Alaska 99811. ·Regional Offices: •. /Regional Environrnentaf:Supervisor Southeast Regional Office · Department of Environmantal Conservation PouchOA . Juneau. Alaska 99811 ... ~. ·· Reg~pnal. Environmental Supervisor . · · Southcentral Regional Office Department of Environmental Conservation MacKay Buildjng. 12th Floor ·.;•c:"~"338 Denali Stree~ Anchorage, Ala$ka.99501 T elephonP.: 465-2670 Telephone; 364-2148 Telephone: 274-5527 *Permit Summary excerpted ft"Om the Alaska State Directory of Permits. Addi tiona 1 Regu.lati ons: Permit is required for all fuel burning electric generating equipment greater than 250 kW capacity. Additional regulations are covered under 18 AAG 50, sections: .040 .050 ~070 .110 .140 .150 .160 .• 180 .190 Incinerators Industrial Process and Fuel Motor Vehicles Emissions Air. Pollution Prohibited Air Episodes .. Sour·ce Testing Circumvention Penalties · Definitions B-90 Burning Equipment ~ I. i - . ' . : ~ r.t. · ... w .. ' l'l ·. i. hi ·' t'I .. ~hl m ·- . . m. ]ffi· It lt h {..: .. !. ~ .. iU'PLICAT10N AIR QUALITY CONTROL P,.o .. .,.·r· TO QDE~I'\'TE i:. •• :.u. . . • 1'\.'"\ 4 . Date received ------~~~--~ - h9aress -~. --------~--------------------------~~------------------------------- _...___..,.....__. __ .. ----.cbu __ ......., _________ Telephone No. _ ___:. _____ .;...__ ~ Legal O;;mer ~--~~~--~----~------------~------~------------~--------~ Address -----~~--~----------~--------------------~--~~------------~-- ---:------.......,..----....---------"'------Te 1 ephone No. __ ....._ _______ _ li. . . ~ Natur.e of BfJS:in~ (Include type of product~ size and history·of facility, and maj~r units having air contaminant emissions): IlL. . The information requiredfor tne facility as described in the Permit INFORHATION AND INSTRUCTIONS shal.l be submitted with the Permit Application. ·oate S1gnature - .. B-91 ; ','. • f ' ' l r••o::~ "'_ ...... f""l' r.-•• -.j, 1 :-...• I •·'• ., •. ,,, .• li I L:. -:tt. .. -.···' .. ,.. ,. <J!.. ,-,_ '"'C' ...... ,...R''"-·-·o .. i... ':· • .:".~;:, ' •. f.\ 1. l JI'i .. ~ Pci-!HIT TO OPERAJE IS REQUIRED IF ~~ FACILITY IS CAPABLE OF E:·~IT"~I:;s !:·~TO .THE NloiENT AI.R, REGARDLESS OF HHETHE:l AIR QUALITY COriTROL EQtJI~J;.iE:NT IS OPERATING~ i·~ORE THAN (1) 25 TONS PER YE.l\R OF SULFL!R DiOXIDE OR Pi~RTICULATE ;.-iATTER, OR (2) 100 TONS PER; YEAR Of i·tiTROG!::l OXIDE,· CAR30N t·:ONOXiD~ OR HYDRGC.l\R5DiiS. {Reference 18 AAC 50.120(a)) A1so raquired to obtain a Permit to Operate are: (1} mercury retoi"t opet~at·ions regat·dless of size (i8 AAC 50.120(b}), and (2) .fuel burninf; electric generating equipme11t greater than 250 kilm·:atts capacity (lB .~ft.C 50 .. 120 (c)). Tables I a;·1d II are ~uides for" determining the sizes of typical pr·ocesses requiring Permit to Operate. ·t\ny person proposin::t to const:-·uct or modify a facility requiring a Permit may n9t do so· until a Permit is obtained from the Depm .. tmant. Operators of facjlities requjring a Permit shall apply to the Department on the atta.d1ed appTic.ation. The app1 ication· sha11 be sent for revie;·t and approval to: Supervisor~ Air Quality Control Progt9 am Depart;m::nt of Envi ront:12nta 1 Conservation Pouch 0 Juneau, Alaska 99801 Pmy questions relating to the requirer::cn~c; for Depar·tm~ntal approval should be directed to the Air Quality Contl"Oi Prograrr: Supervisor {lelephone 536-6721) or to the Dapartment 1 s r·egi o:1a 1 offices: If • I . R.. .. . . 1 OJ:f. (A'P.O) r.ort:ne.rn ,eg1 on a 1 1 ce ri , P.O. Box 1501 (MJiling Address) 604 Barnette Street (Location) Fairbanks, .Alaska 99707 452-1714 & 452~1715 Southcenti .. a1 R2gicnal Of-fice (SC.RO) 338 Derv11 i Street }:tacKay B~ti 1 ding Anchorage, Alaska 99501 27tr-5527 (--Ro' ~ti 1 ·...-, . ' , __ . C . . . Ml·. till ~ . . '~-.. ~ .. . , '.'L · 'II ' m ... ' m f lt • f - 'l:~!:~ORtiiA?ro~l TO·BE StrBHriTED ;.ntH Pt:m:!TT .!\PPLICbtiON. -· ·.,----:..o.o....;.;..;.._~~.;;:_,~~;;..,;....;;..;;;.;;;......;.~..;.;._.;...,;;;;.;..;.;.....;...;.._,..;...;.__;_=..;;..;;....;..;;..::..;:..;.. l. -~) . ~"'•"' ,. ~.:;.~. o·"= .... ;·;:;-;;; ~ ,,,; s·p.:1 C.:I.;:1· c:.t .... -! '~. ns ( 1. ~ ne!'~ rr. r.·~ .:-r·r•~+.;-... . -• -.:.: r1' -l.tt•.Jr_,.~--...;, -l ~w.-_---u. --~tfU '--I . ~1..,,\,.~ l . ,:, ytj,,._.=,l, l.··..,..w•._1 3o .. J -•--· J . ihdi.c:ati.ng the jay:out ·and consb·uction which \{ill be ~.-.::=::~;.::i~~en; Tw~ sets ofmaps or aerial photographs indicating land use and ?·o,ning.\~Tithin O!)emileof the fa·ci1ity. Jhe map or aerial photo- graph· shall be. of adequate scale to sho\-r al1 homes, industrial , buildings., t·1ater course, roads and other applicab1~ detai 1 s and shall indicate the generaltoptgraphy. G~nerall.Y aU. S. Geological survey.mao should suffice fer supplying·this information; · 3.. . ~n engineering report. outl i ni n~l the methods of operation, the ,.quantity and .source of material processed, the proposed use and .distribution of the processed materia1s (if a proposed facility} . and a process f1ov; diagram indicating all points of air contaminant enrissions '(inc.lud·ing esi..iinated· quantities and types of air contaminants emitted);· 4.. A description _and specifications of all air q_~a1ity control devices; .5. An evaluation of the effect. on the surrounding ai:ibient air ·of the 'facility,emissions, ·if requjred from the Department; ' •.; 6. · Plans for emission reduction· procedures during an air episode!' if required. by the Department; \\ 7. ln.fonnation in.dicated on the PeTmit'App1ication fur·m {sea attached form);. · 8. · A compl i a nee schedu1 e., if necessat'Y • . REOUIREHENTS OF PERr-HT The Pet,mit to Operat~ ;·s. to in:;ure comp1iance vlith the ambient ai1 quality ~t:Ht-t~ards_ and emiss:ion regulations sp2cijied in 18 AAC.50. Requirer:12nts for ,.,_ P~rmi t are: · 1 • · · A Permit may not be transfered \"d thout the ~:ri tten consent of the Department •. .. 2 ... A Permit may be issued for periods of up to fi've years, th~~· 1 ei19th of tim~ der112nding on the facility churacteristics. A Per~~it r;;ust be rene\·ied priot to the time of e!<piration for ccntintted operation .. B._93 ' •. 4. 5. l ·ho D·:lp ... ~ .. -,.,,:-t ... -1-..i I ., • "'0 r-~ I .. , .. e ..:. rots at . ...... !)-.. a. ~,;j .. ~ll ... m ... ) req.J1t .._ ;:~l) .. n... "'e;,) . ' procedt,Jres ·as may be specified) to provide provide emission data and info·rmation·· from , ' . samp.es. 1·n ... c.r'l-,,.. ~ .... ~ ~.-,~ ... :. t..·-\l:.:) '""'-'t-"·· ;.,.l tes·c ports, ,3::0. ~o analysis of a::y. tcs ~ Rout'ine reporting to the Department of air emission infJr-r.;ation is reauired a minimwil of e_vety six months .. Reports may b2 re·::.uired, depending. ·ori the special circumstances of the facility in ques,tion, as oft~n as ~nee every-month. 6. A compliance schedule is requir-ed as part of .a Per"mit for.fac·ili~ies. -·emitting air. contaminants in excess of the requi_reP.cnts of 18 .U.AC 50 • . 'The compliance schedule must include a specific time schedule. ·of action by which the facility vril1 come into compliance with the applicable regu.lations .. A Pet'mit r-equir)ng a comp1iance schedule must b.e . reviewert and rene•,·:ed every year of its dur·ation. Those facilities in opel"ation priot~ to July 1, 1972 and requiring a comp1iancf! schedule shall be in compliance \'lith the requi·r"ements of 18 AAC 50 by Ju1y 1,. 1975.. . . A Permit. Application \'till be r·eviewed to insure that water qJality and.·solid waste considerations are in compliance with the applicable _regulations .. APPLICATION PROCEDURE FOR PERf1liT It is the responsibility of the operator-of a facility requiring a Per~it to · apply for· the Permit from the Department. ihe appljcation and approv~~/disapprovc,l procedure wi 11 take the fo 11 m·ri ng steps: .1. Permit application is made to the Department .. 2~ The Department will raview the application to ~etermine compliance - \'rith the applicable regulations under 18 .~AC 50. If adclitioHa1 information is rcqu·ir-ed>_the Department ttti11 request such irr:ormati;on in writing from the applicant. 3. Each Pet·mit application \·Jill be l"evim·Jeti and app~"'OVcd,.-conditionally approved or disaprt}"Oved a·fter· rec2ipt of all n::quested infor;::1tion. Conditiortal approval will ~e gi~en only under special ·condtt·ons (such as~ if source tasts £iT2 tequired and cannot be ma::?. fol a· · specified tii'!Z). Ho·l:eve~', such special conditions wi11 bi.! sp~cifi~d in th~ conditional approval of the Pe~Jit. B-94 "E"~·," . '" ·~ ~ .·' ~:;."!".--::...::· [ ~ li 1m lili f1t hli rr ~ ~. I . ~ L;j c ' ~r . ' ·~· " ~:-; ,, ·.' . : ~! , m · rr ·lt ffi WJ (, . ~"-'' -' "'·.~ ·.,>'1. ·~,, < ;{\ < •• , ;_;,,' • ~ : """' ·.M '~ ,, 4 .. 0 ... ,." " . 6 ... ·.Permit \·Ji 11 be denied in the foll o:,·li ng c.;;.5ss; < " -'a. -the pr:oposed faci i tty cannot be· built in the geograph i caJ , . ".area :'indicated \>lithout degr~~ding the air quality ·above the :·ambient ai"r qua1 ity standards of 18. AAC 50.020; , b. ·~.the .emissi"Otl control systems are inadequate to. comply with . ,·· the requirements of 18.AAC 50; . : ·" : · · .c. ·the atr episodeplan pr.:;visions are inadequate; d. stack sampling equipmenti air monitoring equipment or sampling ports are inadequate; e. ""the su·bmitted information. i's not adequate· or i's not in an .· ···.acceptable format -~or evaluation. · • I 7. If a P~rmit Appli~ation is denied, the Department shall notify· the . .. person of its detel"mination by certified marl .. Included in ·the" . notification \·Jill ·.be a description of \vhy the App1 ication \•ias denied '"and \'lliat is reqU'ited in ·order that the .l\ppl ication may be reconsidered. · ,.. . 8.. .!fa Permit Appli·cation is denied, it may be modified and resubmitted far, additional .review, or within 30 days of the receipt of the Department '.s detetmina:tian the applicant may make writte-n request far a hearing to revie\·! the Department's denial. Upon receipt of . such request~ the Department shal1 hold a hearing. \·Ii thin 20 days, and ·after such heari_ng will rescind, modify_or affirm the denial .. J ~-, B-95 . ,_; ... '~ Tnc.le l flAT A ·suB~IITTAl. ,\ND PERi·1I.T TO OPERATE: ., ' .. ~ ., GUIDHLlNES FOR PROCESS EQU IPMJINT~·: ~ .; . . ~:; :< .&c ',. : ... fPROCil~S t•ttsc:;;i>n;; -·· -·-Data Su~mi.Jal Required'~* ~.: Fermi t Requi~edf;*1' · . : i . >" • • ,_, • ' ... "' ' -·----• ...,........._....,.,. .. .. ,..,.,._ • 6 •• __ ............... _ ,._..,. __ .....,..__,.......w ..... --• ..._.......·_..,... ___ ~ ,, .. ---------. _ _..,. ......... ,. -·..... ,. . " . .• • ..... --..... , ••. --... -·-·-··-·--• ·-----------·---· .. --..... __ ,.:c; __ . __ ... _____ .......... -----'* -·-________ .,.,. .... -..... ,....._ .......... ~ ....... --.... -·. ,._ ---........ ~ .. ,.. ... _ ..... ~._ .. ___ .... d < l . . . . . . . . ~-fl ·;·nt:.y · Clcattin'!~ · ·--· · ·d· II Pctroleum .... s,, l vents : 30 t.ons ~lothcs. clCfi.Jiecl/yr . .:. I 600 tan~ clothes cicarie4/yl'. . Synthetic Solven.ts . . 45 ·" ·· 11 u u I 900 " " '! u · ------------------------------~--------------~~~------------------------------~---------t~----~~--~--~~~~----~--~~~---·~~ ' ,Petroleum Storage I i I wj Fixed roof tanks storing gaso- line or finished:petroleum product 60,000 gal -total storage ~,000,000 gal/yr -throughput 1,00~,000 gal • total storage 180,000,000 gal/yr -thro~ghput ' ~~ Fixed roof tanks st6ring crude · ~ oil 90.000 gal -total storage 10 'ooq' 000 gal/yr .;. ·thrqughput 11 aoojooo gal -total stotage 2 SO, 000,000 gal/yr -: throt;tghput F~onting roof tanks storing grtsol inc o1' finished petroleum product Flont ing roof ~ .-,nks storing crude oil Gasolino Marketing -------~------- Assumes splash fill system I -if submergPd or other vapor return ~ysterns arc used, these 1 will be considered as control Any single tnnk greater than 40 ft diameter Any single tank gre~lter than 45 ft diameter · .· 4,ooo,noo gal/yT -throughput ..... If greater than foui (4) 100 ft diameter tanks or equivalent If sreater:than four (4) 100 it dia~eter t~nks or equivalent s·' 000,000 gal/yr -throughput l measures ,.~ ~--· .-4 : .. l'. f t :·.. ""' ~ ' ... 'l ~ 'i ' f ~ I " 1 " '• ~• ') C<l ~-··- ~'"'':''~"} ' ' . ··.· -· rr -= , •.... ·,~ ~ -~ -~ ~ ~ ·~ r-~ '~ F--:£11 ~ ~ r"<:~"'.,'l ~ If". .. '.·; "! ~1 .. .,::::~~ ~',:'~:~· .. ~~~· ~~.A ... . v .. ~ . 'J ~---~· ;f.,:)~ ~ _,· .::.-.. •I :_;; Table J (ConJ.) ~\ d>. •,·,~ ' .. -.. \\·. . ! _· .· .. · 11 ~·"' _f' ": l ', \i" ·. :;><•·~~ . :'l "\;., .,----.. --'. . , . ·; •.· .• · · •. ·· ... ·• ~ o,. · ... "'· •. "' · .,.: ••. ' .•. J.' > . •.''> ,.· .n•. .. • '-,, , lPP.C' CJWS P;Ef> ct fPTI Of" , : . >, D ~-t a Submit t a 1 ~c qui r~~. . , .P cim,it · R(l,~t\i l;od · , . . !~=-'""""'" ' ' " ' ···~-............... -------· ·--'--. ·.-;.... . . ' . --· . . .. -... ~.;;,...;..;-' - 1 Asphal t J'.:: n·h i ng Plan is . All Capaci1:ieS · • ' iAll·. CapaClfies r '' -··. ··• ~ _...... . . .. . -~ ...... r ....... -~-· .... ~·"':'~ ........... _ .. !<~..... --··------, . ·. -_. ::, iS_?nC ~~ ~,,_t~hing : s, 000 cu yards concrete/yr . s. 00 0 ell y;nds concret 0/yr L l . ! ..___ ·I~ tone Quarr-ying· and ProCessing . t ---I Without tertiary crushing 600 tons raw material/yr ,3000 ton's. ra1\· rna terial/yr 500 If II II " .'2500 " II II II ',..:. ~ l With ten·~ j a ry crushiflg . --~'------~ ---------------~--------------~~----~-------------t----~----· . r·-; --~ ... ~~ lr nc i ~~ ~r•1 tQT s I J;! u n :i d p a 1 \ In .. ius t1"i a 1 I Commc1"c ial ' j Flue F~d I· Pathological Ai1-Curtail1 ~---~ 100 tons waste/yr 100 tons waste/yr lOU tons waste/yr 100 t?n.s \~aste/yr All Capacities I I .... ·f ·~ 1000 tons waste/yr 1000 tons ,.!astc/yr . ,,: . ' \! ~ \. ~' ' ' ··. 1000 tons wasto/yr I ,. ~ .. r " ·' ' "-,, ·j.. '· ,,·... : 500 t~ns , .. ·.~~te/yr ... . All Cap·aci ties t''~ .a ',. ..-..-.. ~--................. --__......,_"'"'" __ .. _- ~~~.;.;~~-·-"-""·~--"-.fr,_.-w.,....-_..,Jf,_·~-~w.-..,;,.~.~~~>l'-~:...w*'j\•~~··:>;.,..,_~p,-...,~_·.:.:;..c;::..~~~·-ir) ...... ::.•. · ...... ~.-,. .. •-. • < • ~ • • • •• • H.. J.>--• <-~h· " ', •--'' ••• '· ' " ' ., 07 I \.0 (X) r· . ·, Table· l (Con t • ) ~~~~-~~~~(~~,~~~-;;~-•. ~±~~~ S.u~~ ttnl Requ,i~d , ··-··-,."".. ' ;. ··--"-. ' .......... ~ ..... .,. •t·"""· .. -..... --.-": ... -.• ~---: ... --1 ~-----·-·•-:--··-----·-~·,.._--. -~--- ,...., ________ +-·· .. ~-...... ,...· .. ~···-"'""""-~1 : Pertn:i t Rcqtti:r:cd -.. · . .. .. ! · ... All. Capacities ' 'i\m)'i!OI!_i.!U~!~<: ti on . ·• ·.l Al.l Capacities •' _,___ ,...._ ·•··r -' ··r=ir'«-i ~itratc Fertilizers With Prilltng· To,-:er 700 ton~ product/yr ~00 tons product/yr 3800 tons pro~uct/yr 6500 tons product/yr With Granulator J~opp: Smelting +---------1 . : t . I All Cap ad ~ies . . I All CapacitieS : j : --------~------~~---------·~~· . ~cad Smelting (Primiry) I ....__ Zinc Sme 1 tinr~ --...-..-<. 4. ~~ e:; on dn l.J:_~:~:;~d Smelting Reverberatory Furnace Blast Furnace Rotary Reverberatory Furnace !;ccondary ~lriJ!IlCSium Smelting All ~apaci~ies All Capacities ·. All Capacities. All Capacities .I .. I, ' ' l· ·-------~~ ~· -~-f ~--........ 40 tons processed/yr 30 tons processed/yr 140 tons pro~essed/yr 2500 tons processed/yr 360 tons proccssed/yr 250 tons processed/yr 700 tons proces~eJ/yr .. "··' .-·------~----_. __ ._~._~ . 12,500 tons procsscd/yr .. i ---------·-· -a.· _ __. .. ., ... __ -. '----~~ .... r., ..... ( ~ ' .. -f ····-J r-z ~ : -' ... ~ ·~ j l . l I ' l . ; ~ ; ' l --.; ... 1 .. l .,., '1 ""'] .· J ~·1·-.~~·lt; .. '' ~-'.;.,..-..~~ .... II] h~: ... ~:rt;I~~~-~~,.,....~IWO~~:"o~~-~-~~--Zil.'M\'tf:'-'>A~':>lt::...>.~>r...::"'l-"?;'-·.;.:..~~--4.'":~·':!. '''!;'•" ,-4·-!-;:_.j --""'·•·'>·;¢•• ;.t,,' [~. o:J I \0 \,£)· •' I~ {~· ilC:.! If~-~ ... "'~~""",.. . Tahle I · rcr~n·£ ~ 1 .. ':"! ~ ~~~ lt:....::;:l -, l~ ~~1--~ ... --. 'i!:'l' ... I , , .. I :~,:·~"~· fr-'jl ·-~~ ... .,.-..... )~ ( ... "[771 . 'rl ·r-:-~ i ·. · · ·· 1: . ,f . :· · '!\ ~s. -· ·:- : .<• -~ • • .:. ·""'"' • . '~· ,, • ,. ' ' -<' _.., . ' i 1 tL,.:-1 ·t(,.,· .. JJ 'rr::l" .. .... , .:~,-A· :J :~ .'~:~· ··i, ' ,i'r ~· ~--· 'l :. . . ~~ ·' PRO-;;;;-li.ES~R;;:.~~ON ----r Data ;ub;nitt~l RCqui'red .·. l : ~crmit )~:qui ;;d·-:--:-' 1. ' -:-:·r--::t.:-•. ~ :- ... ....--...--~-:...... .. -~~, I -. . . -~·---~ .. ,.....--~~:..... ....... _...:.. <~-·~~....... -!-•w~!.•~•--:-"~·-= : = 6. ; ~ _ _ . . , , , ...---. ~~--r1 ,.._;;::-:.:-.:: ~~~ . . --'.. __ -:::;.;:;-::;-:::.' .. ' Petro J.L~\ 1m. Refining ---------. ..· .. , .. .. ~-· All Process Rates All Process Rates ~·le1·cury Retorts ---·------ , Wood· Pulping '• --' . _..... . . -, ·-----~----- *Oper~rorsof facilities emitting-air contaminants sho~ld consult the Department if questions arise regarding requirements for data submittal or permits. · **These process. rates pre$ent an air contaminaqt emission, regardless of whether process air· quality control equipment· is operating, in excess of five tons per year of hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, sulfur oxides or particulate matter, from the complete facility. · . ;~;~;;;:These process r~tcs rep·1·esent an air contaminant emission,. regardless of ,,·hether process ·air quoiity control ~quipment is operatingt in excess of 25 tons per year of sulfur oxides, o1· JH!rticulatc m~tter, or 100 tons per yea.r_o{..nitrogen oxides 1 carbon monoxide, or hydro-·. carbons, from the complete facility. . · ·lir .. ' .. • I l t \. • f t .. ~ .. • "' · ·l ¥ J:•.~ ,· • ,t.·~ ..... ~ .. • \" .. ll·~J ;lllf '""" 1.-."~·l'· ............ j _; .. ,·..\-• ._~ _;.···.rJ·J--l~-~~-~~~~-~;.··~ ,., ,,, ,).1/ .•. t •I i il•" •'f''' ~ J""•!l. l l\.' :l.;! Ll\•~1 ••:• \.t,J . q.,..,.,J,,.J.oJ \ •.. ' J ~:L .. · ,,,.f,,.~l.,.l..l ., .. 1·~• .. '-•''1.<.!-fl' FllBL ~;:, t;~~~t~·~,;-~; ;;~ -j D<l t a Submi-t t a 1 Re qui ::7* * I P-e· rr.1~ t R c qui:-~·;;,·;···.·:·-~·--·-·---·l -----------·-.......... -~----·· ----·--~-·~-- Electric G~ncrator~ • ..... .__ .... f--....... t.·-· ............. ··-_...._._ ... Bltum .. !.D.t~~t~s Co_~l. Flred Equipment. CotnliH! rc.ial, municipal, indus-. trial and domcstit furnaces Iiandfired units .. 250 kilowatts ' , . rated capacity 150 tons coal/yr . 100 tons coai/yr '. ·-------._...:..._~~...,....-· .. ..----~!'....;...,..'+"'..-.. --... -~. .. 250 ~ilowatts rated ~apaci~y 1500 tons coal/yr 1000 tons coal/yr i) '. ~ . I . 1 ~ Residual/Crude Oil Fired · 0 t_qu i 1:men t PoNcr Plants Jnc!ustr:i:1l and commercial- Resirlual ojl fired 50,000 gallons oil/yr 250,000 gallons oil/yr 50,000 gallons oil/yr 250,000 gallons oil/yr ----· -·--·; l---! .. L I~i s t i_!} a t.£_ 0 i 1 __ , F .i rod 1~ q u lP m c n t 1 Industrial nnd C6mmcrcial Di~tillatc Oil Fired D 01:1 e s t i c n q u i p m c n t 70,00d gallons oil/yr 4 ... 70,000 g~llons oil/yr ' . 350,000 gnllons oil/yr 3So,ooo· gallons oil/yr -·--------4_.......,._..._ __ . .. ---------· i .• . '} l .i S ; l :":. ~~ lll'' L S 0 i 1 i ~:,; ] . 0% S U} f U 14 • i.t~ ~u1fur content (in perc1:nt) . I .... : l ~·. ~~' ""} For oil of differetlt.sulfur contcnt 1 d\vi~c oil usage by ~ <:,_1 I ... ,. ' i 1 . t ; . ' l ,.~ . l . ' ''1 'l .... " . ''l . l j J ; ·.~.· I .. IL·:a .. "" I ..... 0~ ...... :.•. 1tw.-t',; _f •• ,~ ·d,;:.;~ ,• .~Y~Ax.-~~~-~~~~~-..~~~'"tl!~-~j,_:t1P..P.'•'~•t•••¢••Jl~~i.-,..:,_. "'-""<"' ~" .• '~-., ~ ft;":J· a...........at· c:.ti (i,---j 1[~~-11 t:~lJ t:.:::JJ Table 11 (Cont • ) .· r:~::lJ ~·~ ~n.-.. -:D ~~-:~~ r::ll '·"' ~ t. .11 tr:::1i . . ' ' . L.':lJ t:::l' ' E -';o•• ~(1>:0':,• ~:;~:~ '<.":. " ------~-----. . . . · .. · . . . --..;..,......,. . ...,.~ .. -....,.,... ...... -,, ~----~-... ---__ _ II}ata supmitta~~~~-j--~~rmi Rl'~i~~~------~----------- ----·---·· --·-······-·-···-····-··-·-· ·-·-.. ----~·····-____ .. _____ ----·-·------I" ·---~---·-·.....,..,---,--.. ···-... ·-----··;---~1.· .'•' FUEL l~.Ul~~J l NG ,EqU IP~·H~NT· v ~atur::_, l_;:1~:; Fired Sctuipmcnt -;. .. Po\veT r·l ants 20 million cu. ft gas(yr soo million cu. ft gas/yt Industrial Proces~ Boilers . Domestic and Commercial He~ting · Units Gas Fired Turbines Gas Fired Engines for Oil and Gns Production Gas Fi~cd Engines for Gas Plants Gas .fired Engines for R<~fineries 40 II 75 " 50 II 10 "· 2 II 2 t I II u tt II II It If ti n " It II t1 II II ll tt II II II fl II . II 1000 It " II 11 H tf 2500 tl ' H It 1.1 " It 1000 ti It " If If It 250 . ,, " I I II II II 45 II II 11 " II If 45 II II ll II II n 25 II II II II ,ft Gas Fired Engines for Pii>Cl incs 1 --··-·-~-i -------- *Operators o[ facilities emitting air contamin~nts should consult \lith the Departntcnt questions arise rcgar~ing requirements for da~a submittal or permits. . ,.. li ~~f•These procoss rates represent an ail~ contaminant E:mission, 1~ega1·dl~!'ss of '.du~thcr process a-ir qLu·iJ.i ty contrc l equipment is operating, in excess cf 5 tons per year of hydrocarbon~, ni t1·ogen oxides, ca~·bG"n monoxide·, sulfur oxides o1· P'lrticulat.e matter. ~·: ·.:; ~~: T h e ~ t~ pro c t1 ~.., s r ~t t c s r c p r c s c· n t air qtti:tl j t}' co1\t ro 1 cqu i ppen t "t· • • . • J' • -. ·] .... •• ,., .... i· • c .... 1 0 0 0~ l"',ll o.J\..1.1. t:LC ,.laL .... Cl, .Jt. c ;; ~r 1 ~ (~ 1 ~ ;; .. an c.ir contmn·il1<fht c·mission, 1·egard1 ess o{ Kht·thcr prc·c.c·s.-: is operating, in·exct?S5 of 25 tons per year of ~ul.fttr oxides tons per ycnr of nitr'?gcn oxidc_s.', carl,\on monoxidl', or hy~11·- .':'> •. ..':: Building Permfts ,, rl lJ rJ ~ ~ ~ ' [j ~ ' n L ~[ D ·o ' ' ·r li ' c 0' :Fl :6 .. i ' I' C ., ~ c ' c r .• Lal C. -, • ''I ' t ·' •'' FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION · --Title: Notice of -Proposed Construction or Alteration ; Notice of Actual Construction or Alteration • ~ Enabling taw:~ F~deral Aviation Act of 1958 Type: -Determination of effect of structure on air space. Jurisdiction; The Federal Aviation Administration must review any structure 200 feet or greater in height, within specific vertical relationships to airport runways generally closer ~ than 20,000 feet of the airport or altering any airport features~ The review must determine whether such alteration is an obstruction according to regulations. Authority: Determination of whether structures would obstruct air space • . ,~ ,. ~ Reeula"tion: Procedure: · Application Code of Federal Regulations, Title 14, Subchapter E (Air Space) Part 77 -Objects Affecting .Navigable Air Space) Notice is to be filed on FAA Form 7460-1 11 Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration" at least 30 days before construction of any stucture falling within the jurisdictional classification. The sponsor is also requi.red to submit a "Not ice of Actual Construct ion or Alteration: FAA Form 7460-2 within 5 days of the structure reaching its greatest height and upon request of the FAA Regional Office may be required to submit noti.ce 48 hours before construction begins. A finding is made whether the construction would exceed obstruction standards of Part 77, whether marking and 1 i ght ing are necessary and whether supp lementa 1 not ice of construction is required. Marking and lighting standards are published in the FAA advisory circular AC 70/7460-lF Obstruction Markings and Lighting. Part 77 also provides under Sul'Jart D and E for aeronautical studies and fact-find ~q hearings on proposed construction effecting navigable ~ir space. Notice forms FAA 7460-1 and 7460-2 require basic descriptions of applicant, site location and elevation~ proposed structure configuration and elevation and proposed obstruction marking and lighting. Supplemental information includes a map showing the relationship of the site to the nearest airport. B-103 [ [ r ' [ [. : ·- [ ' ' [' ' ' [ i - b [ ' ' [ ' NOTICE OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OR ALTERATiON § 77:21'3 ~ C'onstn~ction ·!:,r alteration requiring 'notice. (~~· Except. iS.ProVided, in §17.:15; ·each sponsor who, proposes any of the, foUowin& ,construction or alteration shall notify· the Administrator m , the fon:n All«J m.anner prescribecUn §77 .17: , {1) ;,\ny const~ction. or alteration of mo~ than 200 feet ~ height abovecUl~ &ro~nd level at It$ sUe. · · (2) "Ariy 'ctlnSf.ruction 'Or alteration of greater hei&ht, tl\~ an ima&i· nary surf&ce extending outward and upwanl at. one of tLe followin& ilopes: · · · · . . : (i). )00 :$q. 1 Jor.A horizontal distance of 20,000 feet from the nearest. point of the nearest runwQy of each airport i;pecified in sub- . paragraph .(5) of tbU paragraph with at least one runway more than 3,200 fed in actuilllenath. excluding bellport~. (ii)ol50 to 1 for a horizontal distance of 10,000 feet from the nearest Pllint of .the nearest runway of each airport ·sPecified in sub- paragraph (5) ·Of this parapa~h with its loncest runway no more than 3.200 (eet in sctud lenli!th. excludin& bellport& (iii) 25 to 1 for a. horizontal distance of 5,000 feet. from the near- ut point of the nearest lanc.iinl· and takeoff area of e~ch bellport ··specified in subparagraph (5) of this paraaraph. · (3) Any hi&hway. nilroad, or ()ther traverse way for mobile ob- jects, 9{ a beiiht which. if adjuste'd upward 17 feet for an Interstate HichwAY that. is pan .. of. the. National System of Military and Interstate Hi&hways where overcrossinas are designed for a minimum of 17 feet vertical distance •. 15 feet for any other public roadway. 10 feet or the heigbt· of the. highest mobile object that would nonnally traverse the road. whichever is greater, for a privnte road, 23 feet for a n.ilroad, and for· a waterway O% any other traverse way not previoualy men· tioned. an amount equal to the height of the highest mobile object th&t would no:nnally traverse it. would exceed a standard of subr~p-aph (1) or (2) of this :paragraph. ( 4) ~"hen ~quested by the FAA. any construction or alteration that would be in an instrument approach area (defined in the FAA standards aoveming instrument approach procedures) and available in· fonnation indicates it mi&ht exceed a standard of Subpart C of this part. (5) Any construction or alteration on any of the followin& air- ports (includina heliports): (i) An airport that is available for public use and is listed in the Airport Directory of the current Airman's Infonnation Manual or in either the Alaska or .Pacific. AirmiiD's Guide and Chart Supple- ment. - (ii) An airport under construction. that u the subject of a notice or proposal on file with the Federal Aviation Administration. and except for military airports. it is clearly indicated that that airport Will be available for public use. (ill)· An airport that is operated by an armed Ioree of the IJnited States. (b) · Ea~h sponsor who proposes construction or alteration that is the subject of a notice under para&raph (a) of this section and is advised by an FAA .re&ional .office that a supplemental notice is required shall submit .. that. notice on. a prescribed fonn to be received by the FAA regional office atleast 48 bours before the start of the construction or alteration. (c) Each spo~or who undertakes construction or alteration that is the subject of a notice under paragraph (a) of this section shall, within 5 days aftel' that coMtruction or alteration .reaches its greatest height, .submit a supplemental notice .on a prescribed form to the FAA regional office hav- ing jurisdicti'on over the area involved. if- (1) ,The construction or alteration is more thBD 200 feet above the ~ace level of i~ site; or · (2) An FAA re&ional office advises him that submission of th".! form is required. § 77.15 Construction or· alteration not requiring notice. No person is requii-ed to notify the Administrator for any of the. fol· lowin& cons.truction or alteration: (I\) , Any object that would be shielded by existinli! structures of a per- manent and ,substantial character or by natural terrain or topogJ,"aphic fea- tures of equal or &reater height, and would be located in the congested area of a, city, town, or settlement where it is evident beyond all reasonable doubt that the si:rueture so shielded will not adversely affect safety in m navili!ation. (b) Any antenna structure of 20 feet or less in height except one that would increase the hei2]lt of another antenna structure. (c) Any air navigation facility. airport visual approach o~ 1andin& aid, aircraft arresting device, or meteoroloKir:al device. of a type approved by the Administrator, or an appropriate military service on military airporta, the location and heipt of which is fixed by its functional purpose. (d) Any construction or alteration for which no·~ce is required by any other FAA re&ulation. § 71.17 Form and time of notice. (a) Each person who is required to notify the Administ?ator under §77.13 (a) shall send one executed form set (four copies) of FAA Form 746o-1. Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration, to the Chief, Air Traffic Division. FAA Regional Office having jurisdiction over the area within which the construction or altt".ration will be located. Copies of FAA Form 746Q-l. may be obtained from the headquarters of the Federal Avia- tion Administration and the re&ional offices. · (b) The notice required under § 77.13 (a) (1) throudl (4) must be submitted at least. 30 days before the earlier of the following dates- (1) The date the proposed construction or alteration is to becfn. (2) The date an application for a construction Permit is to be filec:L However. a notice relating to proposed construction or alteration that is subject to the Ucensina requirements of the Federal Communications Act may be sent to the FAA at the same time the application for construction is filed with the Federal Communications Commission, or at any time be- fore that filin&. • \ (c) A proposed structure or an alteration to an existing structure that exceeds 2,000 feet in hei&ht above the ~ound will be presumed to be a hazard to air navigation and to result in an inefficient utilization of air- space and the applicant has the burden of overcoming that preS\Uilption. Each notice submitted under the pertinent provisions of Part 77 ;proposin& a structure .in excess of 2,000 feet above Kround, or an alteration that will make an existing structure exceed that height. must contain !l detailed sbowin&, directed to meetin1 this burden. Only in exceptional cases, where the FAA conclud~s that a clear and compelling showing has been made that it would not result in an inefficient utilization of the airspace and would not result in a hazard to air navication. will a determination of no hazard be issuP.d. (d) In the case of an emergency involving essential public· services, pubiic health., or public safety. that requires immediate construction or alteration. the 3o-day requirement in paragraph (b) of this section doe:& not apply and the notice may be sent by telephone, telegraph, or othe~ expetli-o tious means. with an executed FAA Form 746Q-1 submitted within !iva days thereafter. Outside normal business hours. emeqency notices by tele- phone or tele~ph mliY be submitted to the nearest FAA Flight Service Station. (e) Each person who is :required to notify the Administrator by para- Krapb (b) or (c) of § 77.13, or both, shall send an executed copy of FAA Form ·7460.2, Notice of Actual Construction or Alteration. to the Chief, Air Traffic Division. FAA Regional Office having jurisdiction over the area involved. \DDRESSES OF THE REGIONAL OFFICES AND SAN JUAN AREA OFFICE jAGL ..... GREAT LAKES REGION] jANW-NORTHWEST REGIONj Great lakes Regional Office Northwest Regional Office 2300 East Devon. Avenue FAA Building, Boeing Field Des Plaines, IL 60018 Seattle, WA 98108 Tel. 312:..694·4500, ext. 456 Tel. 206-767-2610 I AWE-WESTERN REGION II ASO..,..SOUTHERN REGION Western Regional Office Southern Regional Office 15000 Aviation Boulevard 3400 WJ,!pple Strset Hawthorne, CA 90260 East Point, GA 30344 Mail Address: Mail Address: P.O. Box 92007 P.O. Box 20636 Worldwav Postal Center Atlanta, GA 30320 Los Angeles, CA 90009 Tel. 404-763· 7646 Tel. 213.-536•6186 !SAN JUAN AREA IL: A_;.;E;;;;;.A..;.,-...;;E;,;..A.:..;;S..;.,T_ER..;.,N ___ R __ E_G_IO_N _ __,I ~--------.......1 -. San Juan Area Office Eastern Regional Office JFK International Airport Federal Bulldino · Jamaica, NV 11430 Tel, 212-995·3390 FAA Form 7460.1 (4-79) RF0-1, Bol( 29A Lplza Street Station San Juan, ;PR 00914 Tel. 809-791-1250 USE PREVIOUS ED!TION B-105 I ANE-NEW ENGLAND REGION I New England Regional Office 12 New England Exocutive Park Burlington; MA 01803 Tel. 617-273·7285 I ARM-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REG.j Rocky Mountain Regional Office 1 0455 East .25th Avenue Aurora, CO 80010 Tel. 303-837-3937 I AAL-ALASKAN REGION ] Alaskan Regional Office 701 "C .. Street Anchorage, AK 99513 Mail Address: P.o. B;;,x 14 Anchorage, AK 99513 Tal. 907-271·5892 I ASW-SOUTHWEST REGION Southwest Regional Office 4400 Blue Mo1,1nd Road Fort Worth, TX 76101 Mail Address: P.O. Box 16B9 For1: Worth, TX 76101 Tel. 817-624·4911, ext. 306 I ACE-CENTRAL REGION Centrml Regional Office 601 East 12th Street Kansas CitY, MO 64106 Tel. 816-374-3408 I APC-PACIFIC~ASIA REGION I Pacific-Asia Regional Of1ice 300 Ala Moana Boulevard Honolulu, HI 96850 Mail Address: P.O. Box 50109 Honolulu, HI 96850. Tel. 808-546-8354 . ; l ,, tiO NOT ~EMOVE CARBONS ' ---·· DEPARTMENT Of TRANSPORTATION •• • • ' • CJ, FEOERAt AV{AT101'{ ADMINI;STRATION NOTICE OF PROPOSED CON~TRUCTJON' OR-ALTERATION A. T'IP~ ,. D'NEW 'CONSTRUCTION" Lj AI.T~AATJON ,, 1. NATU.RE OF STIIUCTURE a: c:.u.ss DI"ERMANENT .,..-, LJ TEMPORAiY C. PROPOSED LENGTH OF TIME, TO COMPLETE (Montha) .2.. t-IM\~ AND ADDRESS OF INDIVIDUAL, COMPANY~ CORPORATION, ETC. PROPOSING . "lHE CONSTRUCTION Oil AlTERATION {Number" Street, C.:ity, Sttite f!nd Zip Oode) r TO ·,:L :t COMPLfTE ·DESCRIPTION Of STRUCTURE (Include eJfective ratliatecl power oj prnpoBed or 11aodijltd AM.; Fll ov TV atation and aslfigned frequency: lti::e and configuration oj power -trtin~rni••io'f line .ln t:icSnitv of.FAA, fadilitiu aB, app1:opriate) • 4. LOCATION OF STRUCTURE A. COORDINATES (To nearest second) e. NEAR£ST CITY OR TCWN, AND STATE LATITUO~ .l.ONGITUDE Form ,Approv~d O.M.B. No. 04-!10001 FOR .FAA USE ONLY AERONAUTICAL STUDY NO. ·•--------------------------------~ FAA will either ra~um. this Jonia ot issue a ~epuAta ~&clcsowl,dgameat. A. Tbe p~;opoaed atrilcturet 0 Does aot r~~q\llra • notice to FAA. 0 Would Dot exceed my ohatructioli • ataDdard. ol Pan 77 uul would Dot b• a huud. to ~ Da~&tiOL 0 Should be ohatnactioa 0 muked 0 lighted ~r FAA M'riaozy Circ:Wu 11lt7460-1, Chapiel(a) 0 Oll'Bmac:tio:m mutcb:ag aDd UliJhliDg ve DOt ll.eCell&r'fo 0 BequirH aupplemeatal Dotice. t1ae FAA form nclotlecl. lSo FCC 0 "!llfU 0 WU D~ · aclNNo \ ISSUING OFFICE: REVIEWING OFFICER ··I :· 0 1 '1 l , H • , I H (l) DISTANCE FROM 411 MILES I (2) DIRECTION FROM 4B C~ NAMe Of NEAREST AiRPORT, "HELIPORT, OR. SEAPLANE BASE (1) DISTANCE FROM NEAREST POINT Of NEAREST RUNWAY (2) DIRECTION fROM .AIRPORT D; DESCRil'TION Of .LOCATION OF SITE WITH RESPECT TO HIGHWAYS, STREETS, AIRPORTS, PROMINENT TERRAIN FEATURES,. EXISTING STRUCTURES, 'ETC,. (Attac/1 tl. lli,glncay, street, or any o.tll.er appropriate map or scaletl tlrau:i11g sllowing tile relationsllip oj conlltruction site to neareat airpo_rt(s). lJ more space ill ret,~uircd3 coutinue on a llt!pilr·ate sl&eet oj paper rmd attacll to tl&il notice.) 5. HEJGHT AND ELEVATION (Complete A, .B am1 (' to tl1e nem·est joot) 6. WORK SCHEDULE DATES A. eLEVATION OF SITE ABOVE MEAN SEA. LEVEL A. BEGINNING B. END C~ OVERALl H~IGHT ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL (A + B) YES NO A. MARKED B. AVIATION RED OBSTRUCTION LIGHTS 7~ 08Sl11UC:TION MARKeD AND/OR LIGHTED IN .+.C· .. CORDANC:E WITH CURRENT FAA ADVISORY CIR· CULAR 70/1-460·1, OBSTRUCTION MARKING AND UGHTrNG 1-----------------------------------------------------------------~l-----~----l C. HIGH INTENSITY WHITE OBSTRUCTION LIGHTS D. DUAl. UGHllNG SYSTEM I ·HEiiE!SY: C~TIFY that all of tbe abon llat•me11.ta made by me ue tru•~ complete. aDd conect to the b"t of my bowledt;•. 1----~------~----------------~~--------------------------------~----------------~~----~~----DATE TEL. NO. (Give area TYPED NAME/TIYL£ OF PERSON FILING NOTICE SIGNATUtE code) I Notice is required by Part 77 of the Fedf!tal Aviation Regulations (14 · C.F.R, Part 77) pursuant to Section 1101 of the Federal J\viation ACt of 1958, as amended (49 u~s.c. 1101). Persons who knowingly and willfully violate the Notice requirements of Part 77 are subject to a fine (criminal penalty) of not more than $500 for the first offense and not more than $2,000 for subsequent offl!nses, pursuant to Section 902(a) of the Federal Aviatiorr Act of ~958, as amended (49 U.S.C, H72(a)). FAA Form 7460-1 t4-79l USE PREVIOUS EDITION DO NOT REMOVE CARBONS B-106 [ r [ [ [ .~.· L: --~ [ [ [1 . . [J ' ", c.} -Form Approved OMB. No~ o4i::R0139 SUBMISSION INS1RUCTIONS:. For Advance Notice of Actual Construction or Alteration. Remove Part I and Part IA (rom fotmsd.:Plcase type or firmly pril'lt information requested. Complete Hems i, 2, 3A(I), 3A(2}, and 6. -"' U applicable, a(sp complete lfem.$4 and s; Detach Part .lA and retain for your file. Fold Part I and mail. No postage AERONAUTICAL STUDY NO. . tr= \,js: required. . . . DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION NOTICE OF ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION OR ALTERATION 1. CONSTRUCTION TYPE AND DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION 2. CONSiRUCTION LOCATION--HEIGHT A. COORDiNATES (To tenths of seconds, if l:nown) a. LOCATION (City, Town. State) LATI'TIJDE LONGITUDE o I ' I " l " I o ' I n I ·" C. CONSTRUCTION HEiGHT TOTAL HEIGHT D. DESCRIPTION OF LOCATION (Street Address. if ar.y) (Construction & Sitel Above Ground .Level Abov~ Mean Sea Level AGL Ft. AMS!. Ft. ~ .E. SITE.ELEVATION DETERMINED BY: F. DISTANCE FROM NEAREST CITY, TOWN, AND STATE 0 ActUal o· Map Survey _ _ Contour 0 Other G. REFERENCE DATUM USED FOR SURVEY (If known) H. NAME OF NEAREST PUBLIC·USE AIRPORT AND DISTANCE 3. CONSTRUCTION NOTIFICATIONS A. NOTIFICATION. (NOTICE IS CRinCAL TO FLIGHT SAFETY-FAR PART 17 ·REQUIRED*) * (1) CONSTRUCTION WILt. START DATE t----~·-, _____ ..,..,__ __________ +--------4 (2) ESTIMATED CDMPL'mON * (3) STRUCTUR;:: REACHED GR~TEST HEIGHT D. CONSTRUCTION/PROJECT (1) ABANOON£0 (2) D!SMANTLED 4. MARK!NS AND LIGHTING a. LIGHTED DATE A. PAARJCED 0 Yes 0 Temporary 0 No D Strobe 0 Oual (Strobe and Red). 0 Red 0 None I I I 1 0 Temporary A· CALL SIGN B. FREQUENCY ... • . :.. . .C.!! ~.Q. • =cr e~ .a1i ~c: .. -•CD -·e A. PROPONENT'S REPRESENTATIVE Name : Address: 5. ANTENNA REQUIRING FCC LICENSE C. DATE APPLIED FOR FCC CONSTRUCTION PERMIT 6. PREPARER'S CERTIFICATION ! D. DATE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT ISSUED a. CONSTRUCTION PROPONENT 'Name : Address: --! ~!~~Te_I_._N_o._: ______________ ~·--------(-ln_c_lu_d_e_A_~_a_G_o_d_e_)~T_e_I._N_o_._: ____ ~------~-----------(l_n_cJ_u_de __ A_re_a_c_o_d~e) ~~i~t...;;C;.;;;;E;;...;R..;_TJ;..;..FY..;_.;.I~N~FO.;;..R;..;.;M;.;.;.A;...;.:T'.;,.;l..;;.O.;,.;N~PR;..;.O.;;..V,;..;.I.;;..D.;;..ED;.;;......;I..;;.S_T.;,.;R;;...;U:;,.;:E:.:..,.....;C;;..;O:;..:.M.:...;.;P...;;l:.;:ET;.;..=E,~A.;,.;N.;;..O_C.;;..O . .;..;K_;,;N.;;..O..;..;W..;;,;l.;;;.ED.;;..G..;_E.;;... __ -i f-• E SIGNATURE TITLE DATE i&B mn;o , ::l e.!! VI G.tt NOTICE is required by Part 77 of +he Federal Aviation Regulations ( 14 C.F.R. Part 77} pursuant to Section liOI of the Federal Aviation Act of t958, as am~nd~:d (49 u.S.C. I 101 J. Persons who ~nowingly and willfully violate the notice requirements of Part 77 ate subjed to a flne (criminal penalty.) of .not more than $500 (or the fird offense and nat more then $2,000 fer ~::essqusAt s!fs!'l!l.lt, punuant to Section 902(A) of the Federal Aviation Aet of 1958, as amended (49 U~S.C. 1472(A} ) • FAA FORM 7.46G-2 (7-78) SUPERSEDES PREVIOUS EDITION B-107 ADVANCE. NOTICE OF CONSTRUCTION SUBMIT WITHOUT DELAY Part 1 r· L 1....--.. . r· L ~ < •, :::I- PERMIT TO c·ONSTRUCT OR.MODifY A DAM -~·,-" 'No p~rs.gn,:~~y'b~~Hnvthe tanstruct,ion, enlargement~ alteration or repair . . _ .. . qf_,:a .(iarn lQ~ f~et Qt:' more_ jn ·height or storing so· acre-feet or more of · ·:_:··. 'Wa~er;··w,tthout f_irs·t.~·ubmitting_ an application on Form 10-1015!1 submitting._ , '·. -:~:"P:la~s as~·'~equireq,· p~ying fees as required. by 11 AAC 93.200,and ·receiving· · •, "'·.::"~ .certifi_·~ate Jlf' approval_.for the proposed wo·rk~ . .'' .: ' ' ;, ' . ~~. ..,-~ • • •• • -1,·, .• :-·.:r-, '•,:-· · The:;plans~:rnu,s~·.;·nclt1de, but are not limited to: l~ ~:plans for ~;water measuring· device that is capable of accurately ·measuring the total flow of the stream below the reservoir or the rate of discharge at the outlet works; -· 2. a topo.graphic ma.P of the dam site showing the location of the proposed dam by township range, section, and quarter section, and the location of the spillway, outletworks, borings, test pits and material pits. · 3 ... a profile along the dam axis showing the locations, elevations, and depths of borings or test pits, including logs of any boreholes or ~ test ptts; and · · 4.. a maximum cross-section of the dam showing elevation and width of crest, slopes of upstream and downstr~am faces9 thickness of erosion -contra 1 structures, location of cutoff and bonding trenches, and elevations, size, and type of outlet conduit, valves, and G-perating mechanism • . Additional information will be required, depsnding on classification (large, medium, or small) of dam to be built. {See attached she9t.) AUTHORITY: AS 46. 15.020 .040 .060 .070 (f) .080 .135 .180 B-109 11 AAC 93.150-11 AAC 93.200 Article 3 Dam Safety and Construction -,._. ': c • • ·. AB'OITIONAt .REQUIRED 'lNi=ORMATI ON* .11 ··AAC {93"170. CONSTRUCTION OF LARGE DAMS~ .. (a) ThiS section applies to large dams,. which are dams that ate twenty .feet or · more in height or have a. storage capacity of 100 acre•feet orinore. (b) The foUowmg ·mfonnation must be sub- mitted . along with the plans . .and specifications required under sec. 160 of this chapter: · , -..•. ~ .. '! . ' . '· . . - (ll 'fomn.das. and ~aSsumptions qsed in the de-. sign criteria; . test. restilts, artd detailed· construe-' ti.on specifications; Sc;c, (2) hydrologic dat~ used intlie development or floQd fore~ting tor the drai.llage area; ' c (3) :i physical analysis arid a permeability analysis .. of the materials used in the embal1k- ment and a .stability analysis of the structure; {4) an evaluati~n of. earthquaJce. effects in seismic zones Ill and lV (see the u.s. Anny Corps .or Engineers' .Publication TM 5·~809-10/ NAVFCA.,P~335/AFM 88-3, Chap"ter 13, April 73); ,.. '0 • (5) a complete seepage analysis; \: . ' . ' . .. . . (6) the· .type.! .location, and .sizing of the Qut- letworks; · (7) the type, location, and records of the hydrometerorological gauges appurtenant to the prQject; '(8) ·foundation data and information on geological features'; including logs of borings, geoloil,ic maps, pro ffies, and cross-sections and reports of foundatic;>n. stability; and ~ (9) detailed· drawings of the spillway, in.clud- ing a cutve showing discharge in cubic feet per second versus gauge height of the reservoir storage pool level, the Cannulas used ·m making the curve, detailed plans of' the spillway struc- ture, cross-sections ofthe channel leading to and from thespillway, and the.spillway profile. · (c) All specifications submitted must include provisions,. acceptable to. the.:((ommissioner, fQr adequat~ supervision by a registered professional engineer during the period of construction. The superVising engineer shall devise a schedule of PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT CONT'D: . incremental inspections and submit his findings in wriJing to . the commissioner ~flthin 15 days after each inspection. · (d) In addition to the revi~w of the dam con• struction plans required under sec. 160 ·of this chapter and {b) and (c) of this section, the work in progress must be inspect.ed before placing any nn material following clearing and excavation of the foundation~ before placing backfill around the outlet conduit following lnstallation ·of the conduit, before beginning to store ·water follow- ing completion of construction and at such other · times as determined necessary by the. ~ornmissioner. {Eff. 12/29/79, Reg. 72) Authority: AS 46015.020 AS 46.15~100 AS 46 . .15.080 AS 46.15.180 *Excerpted from the Alaska Administrative Code, Title II, Chapter 93, Section 170. B-110 ITt PJ. [ [ '[ •.. .. [ .. +' ~ ~-· '1f ill-.. ~~ ,_ :[' ' . ~' '[ . ' : ;· ~ .. . . . STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTidENT OF .NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF FOREST, LAND ~AND WATER MANAGE~ENT .. APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT OR MODIFY A DAM · This application involves in no way the right to appropriate water. To secure the right to appropriat ~ water, application should be made to tP,e Director on another form which will be furnished upo :1 request. 1. ·· Name of Applicant (type or print) ------------------------ 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. .Mailing -Address_._.;.,;_...;......; _ _..__ ........... ...._--.... ___________ Telephone _____ _ The applicant hereby makes application for approval of the plans and specifications for the --~--~~~----~--~-·~--~~--of __ ~----~--~-------Dam. (Construction, recortstruction;:alteration) (Name of darn) Name of Owner --------------------------------------------------------- Mailing Adru:ess --------------------------------------------------- If the owner is a corporatioill, give name and address of president and secretary Applic~nt is acting for the owner in the legal capacity of_:o---:--=---=-~-----­ Agent, Lessee, Trustee, etc. (Written authorization from the owner is required). Source of water supply ____________ which is a tributary of ________ . Location of dam is ·1/4, Section Township Range Meridhn. ---------------------------- Reservoir is on stream ---_____ o=,offstream and will be used for (irrigation, recreation, power~ etc.) --------------------------------------------------Descripti~n~md dhnensions of dam (iff or alteration work, give data for altered dam) Type of dam (earth, etc.) _______________ _ b. Length of crest ________________ f.t. c. ~~~~ ft --------------------------------. B-111 .: ·d.· Amount ofmaterial in dam._....__--._--. __ .;,__...._cu. yds. ;:::\· e. · Height, streambed to crest_· ........ ______ .._~-----ft. f. Height~ foundation to spillway crest _________ ft. g. ·Freeboard at maxi.tnurn design spill;,_ _________ ft. - h. Crest elevation ft. above Mean Sea Level (if known) ------- Additional information for earth or rockfill dams - i. Slope upstream -----------~---- I ' j. Slope4ownstream_· _____________ ..., k. Upstream facing (rock, riprap, concrete, etc)_. ----------- 8.. ·Spillway description (type, capacity, etc.). ___ ...,.... _________________ _ 9. Outlet description (type, capacity, etc.) _____________________ _ 10. Reservoir capacity------acre feet. Storage pool·area at maximum spillway level ______ acres. 1 L . Is.dam to be builtin permafrost area? Y~s No If the answer is yes, please complete ------the following: a. Describe the foundation materials (i.e., silt, gravel, sand, etc.) ------------------ b. At wnat depth does the permafrost occur, if known ________ _.ft. . c. What is the depth to bedrock, if known _________ ft. d. Do you have plans to prevent the permafrost from thawing, if so, describe briefly e. What is the expected life of the structure ________ yrs. 12. If the sttucture is being designed by an engineering fmn, please provide: •'• Engineer's Name·------------------------------ Mailing. Address ---------------------__,;;;T..;;;.el~e...,p.;;.;;h.;;.;on;;;.;e;;;..... ___ _ 13. If to he built under Federal supervision, which agency hasjurisdiction? --------------------- B-112 -, ·. n· ~-·· lt ....... [,· m~ t: '[ [ .[ 14. :.···Piease·.~tt;th·copies of plans, drawings, specifications and appropriate fee as described in . ll A.AC 93.200. Signed ___ '"!""!'"'-"!:~------------- (Applicant) (Date} 10-1 QIS 9/79 r- B-113 0 fi 0 D io . LiFE-AND FIRE SAFETY PLAN CHECK FOR . THE CONSTRUCTION AND OCCUPANCY OF BUILDINGS * PURPGSE . Life and Fire Safey Plan Approvals are necessary to insure compliancE! with State fire safety regulations that help. to protect the public from personal injury and praperty loss .. DESCR!PTtON Bef.ore starting construction, plans and specifications in regard to area, height, fire ex- tinguishing systems, fire alarm systems, fire resistive ·construction, electrical S'/Stems, me- chanical systems and number, size, type, location and marking of exits for all "buildings" must be submitted to the State Fire Marshal, Department of Public Safety, for examination and approval. · The term ''building•• means a structure, installation, facility, or edifice erected or in the process of being erected and which is used or intended for use as a commercial, industrial; business, institutional or other public building or residential building containing fa~1r or more dwalling units. ' REQUIREMENTS For occupancy use approval, buildings must be constructed in conformance with State fire .,~ . safety rE!QUiations. The Department of Public Safety does not issue building permits; it only 'l approves or disapproves plans and/or occupancy use. There are no·fees for the plan check, nor are public hearings and notices required. Plans and specifications may be taken or mailed to the regional office of the Division of Fire Prevention jn the region in which the building is to be constructed or the plans may be mailed tothe Department of Public Safety, Division of Fire Prevention, State Fire Marshal, in Anchor(lge. There are no specified application forms to be filed in order to request a Life and Fire Safety Plan Check. Note: Plan checking within the Municipality of Anchorage and the City of Fairbanks has Peen deferred by the State Fire Marshal to the local authorities .. Plans and specifications for construction within those municipalities should be taken to the Building OfficiaL However, plans and' specifications for health care facilities (hospitals; nursing homes, etc.), regardless of area~ should be taken cr sent to the Division oi Fire Prevention as a Life and Fire Safety Plan Check may ba required by the State Fire Marshal. DPS Regulations pertaiijing to Plan Checks for Construction are in the· process of being revised. Interested persons should contact the Department of Public Safaty, Division of Fire Pre- vention, prior to requesting a plan check. AUTHORITY AS 18.70.080. Regulations. Fire Prevention. 13 AAC 50.020(c). Building Codes. *Permit Summary exce~"pted from the Alaska State Directory of Permits. ( ., . B-115 ,. ·o,; · · ,;_:._-- ..... 1 ' ,, ' (' LIFE AN·o FIRE SAFETY. PLAN CHECK?CONTr D: ,, ,;., CONl'ACT'~·:· State~t:ire MarshaP .. Department of Pt:iblic 5aft~t'l Division ·of Fire Prevention r'P;Cl. Box Ql88.Annex .. · 57()9 Tudor Road· . .. , •· · Anchorage,. Alaska .. 99502 ' . .-,7: . · .·}!..egiona(Officf;t;~ , · .. . ·. ,., Departm~nt of Public Safety · ,. · DJvisiop of. FJ~e Prevention Anrlhorage;Regional Office· S,q'(Jthceritral Region ··p~o. Box 6l88Annex . ~. . . 5700 Tudor Road .. . .. · Anchorage~ Alaska 99502 · ·:·; . I· .. :~ :-: ' ~ Department of Public SafetY Division of Fire Pre1ention Fairbanks Regional Office North~tem Region lpJ:4.0;shman Street, Room 201 Fair6an~s, Alaska 99701 . -~·-/:~-Der:?artment of Public 5afety .. · Division. of Fire Prevention ·.Juneau ~egionaf Office 'Southea$.tern. Region PouchN 450 Whittier Street Juneau, Alaska 99811 AnCilora~ Building Official Pouch 6-650 · Anci)orage~ Alaska 99502 Fc,~irbanks Building: Official 412CuShman ·Fairbank$. Alaska 99701. ·Telephone: 264-5693 Telephone: 264~5692 . . Telephone: 456-4002 Telephone: 465-4331 Telephone: 264.:5528 Telephone: 452-1881 ' Additional References: The following codes and standards are adopted to regulate area, height, fire resistive construction, maintenance, and design of all exits. u.s.c. -A. I. A. -· NFPA. Volumes 1-4 Article 1! Vo,lume 4 ' \ 2. Installatiori, maintenance and operation of eiectrical wiring, fixtures~ and motors shall meet the requirements of 1968 National Electric Codo -NFPA Volume 5 B-116 c . .-;.~ ~~ \,J (~· I . I ... 1 •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I •. .-.. APPENDIX C LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS;; - ·.I I,:, ., I :1 ,.1 J ··,··· r• " ' ' .c·. G BLM. CIRI · CMP Corps . oec~ . Df&G DH&.SS. .. ·oNR .. ·ooc DOI ··. ~. OOL DOT DOTPF .· DPDP DPS EIS EPA FAA FERC FWCA FWS HCRS NEPA JiMFS NOAA NPDES PSD •' ·: .. ' APPENDIX C LIST OF ACRONYtJ!S AND ABBREVIATIONS Bureau of· Land Management ( DOI) Cook Inlet Region~ Inc. Alaska Coastal Management Plan U.S. Army Corps of Engineers .Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation A la.sk a Department of Fish and Game ·Alaska Department of Health and Soci aJ Services Alaska DepaftmeQt of Natural Resources U.S. Department.·.:of Comnerce U.S. Depart~~•eot of Interior U.S. DE;:,~rtment of Labor U.S. Department of Transportation A'laska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Alaska.Oivision of Po.!icy and Development .Alaska Qepa.rtment of Public Safety En vi ronmenta 1 Impact Statement U.S. Environmental Protection Agency U.S. Federal Aviation Administration U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Administration Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act U.S. Fish and Wildiife Service (DOl) U.S. Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service (DOl) National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service (DOC/NOAA) U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (DOC) National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Prevention of Significant Oegredation C-1