HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA1371·-_,1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Prepared by: /0 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC LICENSE APPLICATION EXHIBIT B FIRST DRAFT SEPTEMBER 17, 1982 '------ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY __ __. I' I I I I I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I EXHIBIT B -STATEMENT OF PROJECT OPERATION AND RESOURCE UTILIZAiiON List of Tables List of Figures 1 -DAMSITE SELECTION •) 1.1 -Previous Studies (a) Early Studies of Hydroelectric Potential (b) U.S. Bureau of Reclamation -1953 Study . (c) U .. S. Bureau of Reclamation -1961 Study (d) Alaska Power Administration -1974 Study (e) Kaiser Proposal for Development . (f) U .. S. Army Corps Engineers -1975 and 1979 Studies 1.2 .. Plan Formulation and Selection f~ethodology 1.3 -Damsite Selection {a) Site Screening (b) Engineering Layouts (c) Capita 1 Costs 1.4 -Formulation of Susitna. Basin Development Plans {a) Tunnel Alternatives (b) Selected Basin Development Plans 1.5 -Evaluation of Basin Development Plans (a) Evaluation Methodology (b) Evaluation ~riteria {c) Results of Evaluation Process 1.6 -Preferred Susitna Basin Development Plan 2 -ALTERNATIVE FACILITY DESIGN, PROCESSES AND OPERATIONS 2.1 -Susitna Hydroelectric Development 2.2 -Watana Project Formulation (a) Selection of Reservoir Level {b) Selection of Installed Capacity (c) Selection of Spillway Design Floods (d) Main Drun Alternatives (e) Diversion Scheme Alternatives (f) Spillway Facilities Alternatives {g) Power Facilities Alternatives 2.3 -Selection of Watana General Arrangement (a) Selection Methodology (b) Design Data and Criteria (c) Evaluation Criteria (d) Preliminary Review (e) Intermediate Review (f) Final Review 2.4 -Devil Canyon Project Formulation (a) Selection of Reservoir Level (b) Selection of Installed Capacity (c) Selection of Spillway Capacity (d) Main Dam Alternatives (e) Diversion Scheme Alternatives (f) Spillway Alternatives (g) Power Facilities Alternatives Page I I I I I I I I I ·I I •• I I I I I I I Table of Contents (Continued) 2.5 -Selection of Devil Canyon General Arrangements (a) Selection Methodology (b) Design Data Criteria (c) Preliminary Review (d) Final Review 2.6 -Selection of Access Road Corridor 2.7 -Selection of Transmission Line Corridor 2.8 -Selection of Project Operation 3 ... DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OPERATION 3.1 -Operation within Railbelt Power System 3.2 -Plant and System Operation Requirements 3.3 -General Power Plant and System Railbelt Cr-iteria (.a) Installed Generat·ing Capacity (b) Transmission System· Capability (c) Sunmary 3.4 -Economic Operation of Units (a) f4erit-Order Schedule (b) Optimum Load Dispatching {c) Operating Limits of Units (d) Optimum Maintenance Program 3.5-Unit Operation Reliability Criteria (a) Power System Analyses (b) System Response and Load-Frequency Control (c) Protective Relaying System and Devices 3.6 -Dispatch Control Centers 4 -ENERGY PRODUCTION AND SUPPORTING DATA 4.1 -Hydrology (a) Historical Streamflow Data (b) Water Resources (c) St reamf1 ow Extension (d) Critica.l Streamflow Used for Dependable Capacity (e) Floods · · (f) Flow Adjustments 4.2 -Reservoir Data (a) Reservoir Storage (b) Rule Curves 4.3-Operating Capabilities of Susitna Units (a) Watana (b) Devil Canyon 4.4 -Tailwater Rating Curve 5 -STATEMENT OF POWER NEEDS AND UTILIZATION 5.1 -Railbelt Load Forecasts (a) Scope of Studies (b) Electricity Demand Profiles (c) Battelle Load Forecasts Page ,. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table of Contents (Continued) 5.2 -Marketing and Price for Watana Output in 1994 (a) Contractual Preconditions for Susitna Energy Sale (b) M~rket Price for Watana Output 1995-2001 (c) Market Price for Watana and Devil Canyon Output in 2003 (d) Potential Impact of State Appropriations {e) Conclusions 5.3 -Sale of Power 6 -FUTURE SUS ITNA BASIN DEVELOPMENT Page I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·.. . \,. ·, ..... . \ . ' . Exhibit B -Statement of Project Operation and Resource Utilization LIST OF FIGURES Number 8.1 8.2 B. 3" B.4 8.5 6.6 8.7 B.8 8.9 B.lO B.ll 8.12 8,.13 8.14 8.15 8.16 8.17 8.18 8.19 8.20 8 .. 21 B.22 B.23 8.24 8.25 8.26 B.27 B.28 B.29 8.30 8.31 B.32 8.33 B.34 8.35 8.36 8.37 8.38 T i t 1 e f..~.9.~. Location Map ····························~·············""'• Damsites Proposed by Others o••···~···················· Susitna Basin Plan Formulation and Selection Process •• Profi 1 e Through A1 tern at i.ve Sites ••••••••••••••••••••• Mutua·ny Exclusive Development Alternatives ••••••••••• Dev i 1 Canyon Hydl"O Development F111 Dam ••••••••••••••• Watana Hydro Development Fill Dam ....... ~············· Watana Staged Fi 11 Dam ................................ ., • High Devil Canyon Hydro Development ••••••••••••••••••• Susitna III Hydro Development ····~·········••o•······· Vee Hydro Development .................... ~ ........... eo ••••• Den a 1 i and t'l:ac 1 aren h\yd ro Dev e 1 oprnent s ••••••••• o •••••• Schematic Representat·ion of Conceptual Tunnel Schenes • Preferred Tunnel Scheme 3 Plan Views • ~ .................. . Preferred Tunnel Scheme 3 Sections .................... . Generation Scenario with Susitna Plan El.3 •••••••••••• Generation Scenario with Susi.tna Plan E2.3 ............ . Generation Scenario with Susitna Plan E3.1 •• ., .......... . Watana Re.servoir -Dam Crest Elevation/Present Worth of Product Costs •••••••••••••••••••• ~~~··~·········· Watana -Arch Dam Alternatives .......................... . Watana -Alternative Dam Axes •••• s .................... . Watana Diversion -Headwater Elevation/Tunnel Diameter. Watana Diversion -Upstream Cofferdam Costs ........... . Watana Diversion ... Tunnel and Cofferdam Cost/Tunnel Di ameter .. e •••••••• $ ••••• 9 .............. .,. •••••••••• , •• Watana Diversion ... Total Cost/Tunnel Diameter .••.••.•. Watana -Preliminary Schemes ••••••••••••••••• H ••••••• Watana -Scheme WPl -Plan •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Watana-Scheme WP3-Sections •••••••••••••• oo••······ Watana -Scheme WP2 and WP 3 . eo •• .; •••••• H ••• H •••••• \) Watana-Scheme WP2-Sections ........................ . Watana -Scheme WP4 -Plan ............................. . Watana-Scheme WP4-Sections •••••••••••••••••••••••• Watana -Schene WP3A •••••••••• ,, ....................... . Watana -Scheme WP4A ..................... o •••••••••••••• Devil Canyon Diversion -Headwater Elevation Tunnel Di arneter ................ ~ •••.•••.•.•...•••.. 41 ••••••••••• Devil Canyon Diversion -Total Cost Tunnel Diameter ••• Devi 1 Canyon -Scheme DCl o ............................... . Devil Canyon -Scheme DC2 ·····~······················· I I I I --. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LIST OF FIGURES Number 8.39 8.40 8.41 8 .. 42 B.43 8.44 Title Devi 1 Canyon -Scheme DC3 ............................. . Dev i 1 Canyon -Scheme DC4 •.•••..•..••..••••..•..•.•.•• Dev i 1 Canyon -Se 1 ected Scheme ........................ .,. Typical Load Variation in Alaska Rail belt System .•••.. Data Collection Stations ••. , ........................... . Avet'"age Annual Flow Distribution Within t;1e Susitna B.45 Monthly Average Flows in the Susitna River at Gold Creek 8.46 Flow Duration Curve Mean Monthly Inflow at Watana River Basin ••••••••••••a••••··~ ...................... . Pre-Project ....................... ., .•••• , ............ . 8.47 Flow Dur·ation Curve Mean ~1onthly Inflow at· Devil Canyon Pre-Project ..................................... . 8.,48 Frequency Analysis of Average Annual Energy for Sus itna Deve 1 opm.ents •••••••••...•••..•......••.••••. 8.49 Hydrological Data.-Sheet 2 ················••e••••••e• 8.50 Hydrological Data -Sheet 2 •••••.•••••.•.•.••••••••••• B.51 Hydrological Data-Sheet 1 ............................ . 8.52 Hydrological Data-Sheet 1 ···················~···u~·· B.53 Monthly Target Minimum Reservoir Levels ................ . 8.54 Watana-Unit Output •..••..•••...••...•••••••..••.•••. 8.55 Watana-Turbine Performance (at Rated Head) ••.•••••.. 8.56 Watana-Unit Efficiency (at Rated Head) ••••....••.••• 8.57 Oevi 1 Canyon ... Unit Output ................................ . 8.58 Devi 1 Canyon -Turbine Performance (at Rated Head) • ~ •• 8 .. 59 Devil Canyon -Unit Efficiency (at Rated Head) ........ . B.60 Railbelt Area of Alaska Showing Electrical Load Centers B .. 61 Historical Total Railbelt Utility Sales to Final Customers ................ o •••••• ~ •••••••••• o ........ .. 8.62 8.63 8.64 B.65 8.66 8.67 ISER 1980 Energy Forecasts Used for Development Selection Studies ······~···························· Electric Power Forecasting Process •••••••••••••••••••• December 1981 Batte 11 e Load and Energy Forecasts Used for Generation Planning Studies •••••••.•••••••• Energy Pricing Comparisons-1994 s••·a···············~ System Costs Avoided by Developing Susitna •••••••••••. Energy Cost Comparison -100% Debt Financing and 7% Inflation ••••••••••••••••••.•••.•••••••.•••..•..••••• Page I I Exhibit B -Statement of Project Operation and Resource Utilization I' . LIST OF TABLES Number Title Page I I I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I I B.l Potential Hydroelectric Development ······~············ 8.2 Cost Comparisons •.•.•• ~ ............... , ..... e •••••• .-•••• B.3 Dam Crest and Full Supply Levels ·················~···· BQ4 Capital Cost Est·imate Summaries -Susitna Basin Dam Schemes -Cost in $ Mi 11 ion 1980 , •••• e ............ · ••• 8.5 Results of Screening Model ........................... . 8.6 Information on the Devil Canyon Dam and Tunnel Schemes. 8.7 Tunnel Schemes Power Output and Average Annual Energy • 8.8 Capital Cost Estimate Sunmaries for Scheme 3 Tunnel Alternative Costs in$ Million 1980 ................. .. 8.9 Susitna Development Plans ············~···· .. ••••••••••· B.lO Susitna Environmental Development Plans ............... ; B.ll Results of Economic Analyses of Susitna Plans .. ao .. o ... 8.12 Results of Economic Analyses of Susitna Plans - Low and High Load Forecast ·········~~··••a•••••••••a B .13 Economic Parameters ~ ............................ ~ ••••.•• 8.14 Economic Backup Data for Evaluation of Plans .......... . 6.15 Economic Evaluation of Devil Canyon Dam and Tunnel Schemes and Watana/Devi 1 Canyon and High Devil Canyon/Vee Plans ••.••.• .-................. . 8.16 Environmental Evaluation of Devil Canyon Darn and Tunne 1 Schenes ..................... o ...................... . 8.17 Social Evaluation of Susitna Basin Development Schemes/Plans ••••••••••.••••••••••••••• ~ •.•••••.•••• 8.18 Energy Contribution Evaluation of the Devil Canyon Dam and Tu nne 1 Sc hanes ................................. . 8 .. 19 Overall Evaluation of Tunnel Scheme and Devil Canyon Dam Schane •••••••• " .................................. . 8.20 Environmental Evaluation of Watana/Devil Canyon and High Devil Canyon/Vee Development Plans •••••.••••••• 8.21 Energy Contribution Evaluation of the Watana/Devil · Canyon and High Devil Canyon/Vee Plans •••••••••••••• B.22 Overall Evaluation of the High Devil Canyon/Vee and Watana/Dev i 1 Canyon Dam Plans ••••• ~'\ ••.•.•••••• o •••• 8.23 Combined Watana and Devil Canyon Operation .••••••.•••• 8.24 Present Worth of Production Costs ..................... .. 8.25 Design Data and Design Criteria for Final Review of Layouts .............................................. . 8.26 Evaluation Criteria ••••s•····························· 8.27 Summary of Comparative Cost Estimates ••.•••.•••••.•••• 8.28 Design Data and Design Criteria for Review of A 1 tern at ive Layouts .................................. . 8.29 Sumnary of Comparative Cost Estimates ••••••••••••••••• 8.30 Energy Potential of Watana -Devil Canyon Developm·ents for Different Reservoir Operating Rules ···~····4·•·· I I, -c I LIST OF TABLES (Continued) Number Title Page .I I I I I I I I I 8 .. 31 Average Annual and Monthly Flow at Gage in the ' "t B . ~us1 na as1n •••••••••••••••.••..••.•••• ,w •••••••••• B .. 32 L4atana Estimated Natura 1 Flows •. "" .•.•.••• ~ ........... . B.33 Devil Canyon Estimated Natural Flows ••.•••••..•.•.•.•• 8 .. 34 Peak Flows of Record ···········~···········~·········· 8.35 Estimated Flow Peaks in Susftna River •.••••• s. ••••••• 8.36 Estimated Evaporation Losses .., WatarH~ and Devil Canyon Reservoirs ..................................... . 8.37 Monthly Flow Requirements ••.••••••.. H ......... ~ ••••••• 8.38 Minimum Releases at Watana ............................ . 8. 39 Minimum Re 1 eases at Dev i 1 Canyon H .................... .. 8.40 Water Appropriations Within One Mile of the Susitna River ........................... ~········-c····· 8.41 Turbine Operating Conditions ............................ . 8.42 ~istorical Annual Growth Rates of Electric Utility Sa 1 es ......... o e ...................................... . Bo43 Armual Growth Rates in Utility Customers and Consumption Per Customer •.....•...••••.•.•••••..•••. 8.44 Utility Sales by Railbelt Reg1ons ..••••••••••..••.•••• 8.45 Summary of Railbelt Electricity Projections .••••..•••. 8.46 Forecast Total Generation and Peak Loads -Total Railbelt Region ····························~········ 8.47 ISER 1980 Railbelt Region load and Energy Forecasts Used for Generation Planning Studies for Development Selection ................................ . 8.48 December 1981 Battelle PNL Railbelt Region Load and Energy Forecasts Used for Generation Planning Studies I I I ' I I I I I I I '' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EXHIBIT B -PROJECT OPERATION AND RESOURCE UTILIZATION 1 -DAMSITE SELECTION This section summarizes th•a previous site selection studies and the studies done during the Al asl<a Power Authority Susitna Hydroelectric Project Feasibility Study. Additional detail, on this topic can be found in the DeveloJlTient Selection Report, Refe.r·ence 1, 1.1-Previous Studies Prior to the undertaking of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project Feasi- bility Study by the applicant, the hydroe'tectt"ic develollTJent potential of the Alaskan Railbelt had been studied by severa.l entities. (a) Ear,ly Studies of Hydroelectric Pote:1tial ------. Shortly after World War II ended, the United States Bureau of Reclanation (USSR) conducted an initial investigation of hydro- electric potential in Alaska and issued a report of the results in 1948. Responding to a. recommendation made in 1949 by the nine- teenth Alaska territorial legislature that Alaska. be included in the Bureau of Reel amation program, the Secretary of Interior pro- vided funds to update the 1948 t,rtork. The resulting report, issued in 1952, recognized the vast hydroelectric potential within the territory and placed particular emphasis on the strategic location of· the Susitna River between Anchorage and Fairbanks as well as its proximity to the connecting Railbelt (see Figure 8.1). A series of studies was commissioned over the years to identify damsites and conduct geotechnical investigations. By 1961, the Department of the Interior proposed authorization of a two-dan power system an the Susitna River involving the Devil Canyon and the Denali sites (Figure 8.2). The definitive 1961 report was subsequently updated by the Alaska Power Administration (an agency of the USBR) in 1974, at vklich time the desirability of proceeding with hydroelectric development was reaffirmed. The Corps of Engineers (COE) was also active in hydropower invest- igations in Al etska during the 1950s and 1960s, but focused its attention on a more anbitious development at Rampart on the Yukon River. This pr•oject was capable of generating five times as much annual electric energy as the prior Susitna proposal. The sheer s i ze and the tee hno 1 og i cal cha 11 eng es as soc i a ted with Rampart cap~ tured the imagination ·of supporters and effectively diverted attention fr·om the Susitna Basin for more than a decade. The Rampart report was finally shelved in the ea~ly 1970s because of strong environmental concerns and the uncertainty of marketing prospects for so much energy, particularly in 1 ight of abundant I I I, '' I I I I I' I I I I I I I I I I (b) . natural gas which had been discovered a:1d developed in Cook In 1 et. The energy cr1s1s precipitated by the OPEC oi.l boycott in 1973 provided some further impetus for seeking dev e 1 opment of renewab 1 e resources. Federal funding was made available both to. complete the Alaska Power Administration• s update report on Susitna in 1974 and to 1 aunch a prefeasibil ity investigation by the COE. The State of Alaska itself commissioned a reassessment of the Susitna Project by the Henry J. Kaiser Company in 1974. Although the gestation period for a possible Susitna Project has been lengthy, federal, state, .and private organizations have been virtually unanimous over the years in recommending that the proj-ect proceed. Salient features of the various reports to date are outlined in the following sections .. U.S. Bureau of Reel amation -1953 Study The USBR 1952 report to the Congress on Alaska's overall hydro- electric potential was fo11owed shortly by the first major study of. the Susitna Basin in 1953. Ten damsites were identified above the railroad crossing at Gold Creek. These sites are identified on Figure B. 2. -Go 1 d Creek ; -01 son; -Dev i 1 Canyon; -Devil Creek; -Watana; -Vee; -Maclaren; -Denali; -Butte Creek; and -Tyone (on the Tyone River). Fifteen more sites \fjere considered below Gold Creek. However, more attention has been focused over the years on the Upp.(· ,~ Susitna Basin where· the topography is better suited to dam catt- struction and where less impact on anadromous fisheries is ex- pected. Field reconnaissance eliminated half the original Upper Basin list, and further USBR consideration centered on Olson, Devil Canyon, Watana, Vee, and Denali. All of the USBR studies since 1953 have regarded these sites as the most appr·opriate for further investigation. I, I I I I • I I I I I I I I I I I I I (c) U.S. Bureau of Reclamation = 1961 Study In 1961 a more detailed feasibility study resulted in a recom- mended five-stage development plan to match the load growth curve as it was then projected. Devil Canyon was to be the first develoJlllent--a 635-foot-high arch dcm with an installed capacity of about 220 MW. The reservoir formed, by the Devil Canyon dam a 1 one waul d not store enough water to permit higher capacities .to be economically installed, since long periods of relatively low f1 ow occur in the winter mor1ths. The second stage would have increased storage capacity by adding an earthfi 11 dan at Denali in the upper reaches of the basin. Subsequent stages involved adding generating capacity to the Devil Canyon dam. Geotechn ica1 invest- igations at Devil Canyon were more thorough than at Denali. At Denali, test pits were dug, but no drilling' occurred. (d) Alaska Power Administration -1974 Little change from the basic USBR-1961, five-stage concept appeared in the 1974 report by the Alaska Power Administration. This 1 ater effort offered a more sophisticated design, provided new cost and schedule estimates, and addressed marketing, eco- nomics, and environmental considerations. (e) Kaiser Proposal for Development The Kaiser study, commissioned by the Office of the Governor in 1974, proposed that the initial Susitna development consist of a single dcm known as High Devil Canyon located on Figure B. 2. No field investigations were made to confirm the technical feasibil- ity of the High Devil Canyon location because the funding level was insufficient for such efforts. Visual obs~rvations suggested the site was probably favorable. The USBR had always been uneasy about foundation conditions at Denali, but had to rely upon the Denali reservoir to provide storage during long periods of low flow. Kaiser chose to avoid the perceived uncertainty at Denali by proposing to build a rockfill dan at High Devil Canyon which, at a height of 810 feet, waul d create a 1 arge enough reservoir to overcome the storage prob 1 em. -Although the selected sites were different, the COE reached a similar conclusion when it 1 ater chose the high dam at Watana as the first to be constructed. Subsequent devel opnents suggested by Kaiser included a downstream dan at the 01 son site and an upstream dam at a site known as Susitna III {see Figure 8.2). The infonnation developed for these additional dans was confined to estimating energy potential. As in the CO~ study, future development of Denali remained a possi- bility if foundation conditions were found to be adequate and if the value of additional firm energy provided economic justifica- tion at some 1 ater date. I I I •• I I I. I I I I I •• I I I I I I (f) U.S. Army CorEs of Engineers -1975 and 1979 Studies The most comprehensive study of the Upper Susitna Basin prior to the current study was completed in 1975 by the COE. A total of 23 alternative developnents were analyzed, including those proposed by the USSR, as well as consideration of coal as the primary energy source for Ra i1 belt electrical needs. The COE agreed that an arch dam at Devil Canyon was appropriate, but found that a high dam at the Watana site would form a 1 arge enough reservoir for seasonal storage and would permit cant inued generation during low flow. periods. The CPE recommended an earthfi 11 dcm · at Watana with a height of 810 feet. In the longer term, development of the Denali site re- mained a possibi1 ity which, if constructed, would increase the amount of firm energy av ai 1 ab 1 e in dry years. An ad :hoc task force was created by Governor Jay Hammond upon com- pletion of the 1975 COE Study. This task force recommended en- dorsement of the COE request for Congressional authorization, but pointed out that extensive further studies, particularly those dedling with environmental and socioeconomic questions, were necessary before any construction decision could be made. At the federal level, concern was expressed at the Office of Man- agement and Budget regarding the adequacy of geotechnical data at the Watana site as well as the validity of the economics. The apparent ambitiousness of the schedule and the feasibility of a thin arch dam at Devil Canyon were also questioned. Further in- vestigations were funded and the COE produced an updated report in 1979. Devil Canyon and Watana were reaffirmed as appropriate sites, but alternative dam types were investigated. A concrete gravity dan was analyzed as art alternative for the thin arch dam at Dev.il Canyon and the Watana dam was changed from earthfill to rockfil1. Subsequent cost and schedule estimates still indicated economic justification for' the project • 1. 2 -Plan Formul ~tion and Selection Methodolo9_l The proposed plan which is the subject of this 1 icense application was selected after a review and reassessment of all pl .. eviously considered sites. Additional detail in support of the findings in this Exhibit is found in Reference 5. Thi.s section of the report outlines· the engineering and planning studies carried out as a basis for fonnul at ion of Susitna Basin devel- opnent plans and selection of the preferred plan. lc I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I I I I I In the description of the planning process, certain plan componen~s and, processes are frequently discussed. It is appropriate that three par- ticular terms be clearly defined: Damsite -An individual potential dansite in the Susitna Basin, referred to in the generic process as 11 candid ate. 11 Basin Development -A plan for developing energy within the Upper Plan Susitna Basin involving one or more dCills, each of specified height, and corresponding power p1 ants of specified capacity. Each plan is identified by a plan nunber and subnunber indicating the staging sequence to be fa 11 owed in developing the full potential of the plan over a period of time. Generation - A specified sequence of implementation of power Scenario generation sources capable of providing sufficient power and energy to satisfy an electric load growth forecast for the 1980-2010 period in the Railbelt area. This sequence may include dif- ferent types of generation sources such as hydro- electric and coal~ gas or oil-fired thermal. c These generation scenarios were developed for the comparative evaluations of Susitna Basin genera- tion versus alternative methods of generation. In applying the generic plan fonnul at ion and selection methodology, five basic steps are required; defining the objectives, selecting can- didates, screening, formulation of development plans, and, finally,, a detailed evaluation of the plans (see Figure 8.3). The objective is to determine the optimum Sus itna Basin development plan. The various steps required are outlined in subsections of ~his section. Throughout the planning process, engineering 1 ayout studies were marie to refine the cost estimates for power generation 'facilities or water storage develoJlllent at several damsites within the basin. These data were fed into the screening and plan formulation and , evaluation studies. The second objective, the detailed evaluation of the variou':t plans~ is satisfied tJ} comparing generation scenarios that inc1 ude 'the selected Susitna BasH1 develor.ment plan with alternative generat~on scenarios, including a11-thermal 6 .and a mix of thermal plus alternr:'l:ive hydropower devel opnents. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J: I I I I 1.3 -Darnsite Selection In previous Susitna Ba~irt studies, twelve damsites were identified in the upper portion of the basin, i.e., upstream from Gold Creek. These si~es are list~d in Table 8.1 with relevant data concerning facilitGfes, cost capacity, and energy. The longitudinal profile of the Susitna River and typical reservoir 1 eve 1 s associated with these sites are sho.wn in Figure 8.4. Figure B .5 illustrates which sites are mutually exclusive, i.e .. , those which can- not be developed jointly, since the downstream site would inundate the upstream site. All re1evant data concerning dam type, capital cost, power, and energy output were assembled and are summarized in Table B.l. For the Devil Canyon, High Devil Canyon, Watana, Susitna III, Vee, Maclaren, and Denali sites., conceptual engineering layouts were produced and capital costs were estimated based on calculated quantities and unit rates. Detailed analyses were a 1 so undertaken to assess the power capability and energy yields. At the Gold Creek, Devi 1 Creek, Maclaren, Butte Creek, and Tyone sites, no detailed engineering or energy studies were undertaken; data from pr·evious studies were used with capital cost estimates updated in 1980 levels. Approximate estimates of the poten- tial average energy yield at the Butte Creek and Tyone sites were undertaken to assess the re 1 at i ve i mportt.tnce of these sites as energy prqducers. The data presented in Table B.l show that Devil Canyon, High Devil C~n­ yon, and Watana are the most economic 1 arge energy producers in the basin. Sites such as Vee and Susitna III have only medium energy pro- duction, and slightly more costly that the preyiously mentioned dam- sites.. Other sites such as Olson and Gold Creek are competitive pro- vided they have additional upstream regulation. Sites such as Denali and Maclaren produce substantially higher cost energy than the other sites but can also be used to increase regulation of flow for down- stream use. (a) Site Screeni n_g, The objective of this screening process was to eliminate sites which would obviously not feature in the initial stages of the Susitna Basin development plan and which, therefore, did not de- serve further study at this stage. Three basic screening criteria were used: environmental, alternative sites, and energy contribu- tion. . The screening process involved eliminating all sites falling in the unacceptable environmental impact and alternative site cate-- gories. Those failing to meet the energy contribution criteria I ,, I I I; ,, I I I I I I. I: I I. . I •• I I were also e.liminated unless they had some potential for upstream regulation. The results of this process, described in detail in Reference 5, are as follows: -The 11 unacceptable site11 environmental category eliminated the Gold Creek, Olson, and Tyone sites. -The alternative sites category eliminated the Devil Creek and Butte Creek sites .. -No additional sites wer~e eli.minated for failing to meet the energy contribution criteria. The remaining sites upstream from Vee, i.e., Maclaren and Denali, were retained to insure that further study be directed toward determining the need and viabi- lity of providing flow regulation in the headwaters of the Susitna .. (b) Engineering Layouts In order to obtain a uniform and reliable data base for studying the seven sites remaining, it is necessary to develop engineering 1 ayouts and reevaluate the costs. In addition, staged develop- ments at several of the 1 arger dams were studied. The basic objective of these 1 ayout studies was to estab 1 ish a uniform and consistent development cost for each site. These lay- outs are consequently conceptual in nature and do not necessarily represent optimum project arrangements at the sites. Also, be- cause of the lack of geotechnical information at several of the sites, judgmental decisions had to made on the appropriate founda- tion and abutment treatment. The accuracy of cost estimates made in these studies is of the order of plus or minus 30 percent. (i) Design Assumptions In order to maximize standardization of the layouts, a set of basic design assumptions was developede These assump- tions covered geotechni ca 1, hydrologic, hydraulic) civi 1~ mechanical, and electrical considerations and were used as guidelines to determine the type and si.ze of the various components within the overall project layouts.. As stated previously, other than at Watana, Devil Canyon., and Denali, little information regarding site conditions was available,. Broad assumptions were made on the basis of the limited data, and those assumptions and the interpretation of data have been conservative • It w.as assumed that the re 1 ati ve cost differences between rockfi 11 and concrete dams at the site would either be margi na 1 or greatly in favor of the rockfi 11. The more ·I I; I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I detailed studies carried out subsequently for the Watana and Devi 1 Canyon sites support this assumption. Therefore, a rockfi 11 dam has been assumed at a 11 developments in order to eliminate cost discrepancies that might result from a consideration of dam-fi 11 unit costs compar~d to concrete unit costs at alternative sites. (ii) General Arrangements A brief description of the general arrangements developed for the various sites ls given below. Descriptions of Watana and Devil Canyon in this section are of the prelim- 1 nary 1 ayouts and should not be confused with the proposed layouts in Exhibit A and Exhibit F. Figures 8.6 to 8 .. 12 illustrate the layout details. Table 8.2 summarizes the crest levels and dam heights considered. In laying out the developments, conservative arrangements have been adopted, and whenever possible there has been a general standardization of the component structures .. -Devil Canyon (Figure 8.6) The development at Devil Canyon, located at the upper end of the canyon at its narrowest point, consists of a rock- fill dam, single spillway, power facilities incorporating an underground powerhouse, and a tunnel dive~sion. The rockfill dam would rise above the valley on the left abutment and terminate in an adjoining saddle dam of simi- 1 ar construct; on. The dam would be 675 feet above the lowes.t foundation level with a crest elevation of 1470 and a volume of 20·million cubic yards. · The spillway would be located on the right bank and would consist of a gated overflow structure and a concrete-lined chute 1 inking the overflow structure \'lith intermediate and terminal stilling basins. Sufficient spillway capacity would be provided to pass the Probable Maximum Flood safetly. The power facilities would be located on the right abut- ment. The massive intake structure would be founded with-· in the rock at the end of a deep approach channe 1 and would consist of four integrated units, each ~erving individual tunnel penstocks.. The powerhouse would house four 150-MW vertically mounted Francis tj1)e turbines driv- ing overhead 165 MVA umbrella type generator-s. As an alternative to the full power development in the first phase of construction, a staged powerhouse ·- 1 I I I I I. 'I I I I. I I I I I I I I alternative was also investigated. The dam would be com- pleted ·to its full height but w1th a initial plant 1 nstal1 ed capacity in 300-MW range. The comp 1 ete power- house would· be constucted together with penstocks and a tailrace tunnel for the initia1 two 150-MW units, together 111ith concrete foundations for the future units. -Watana (Figure B.7 and 8.8) For initial comparative stt:~y purposes,the dam at Watana is assumed to be a rockfi ! 1 structure 1 ocated on a simi 1 ar alignment to that proposed in the previous COE studies. It would be simi 1 ar in construction to the dam at De vi 1 Canyon with an impervious core founded on sound bedrock and an outer shell composed of blasted rock excavated from a single quarry located on the left abutment. The dam would rise 880 feet from the lowest point on the founda- t'ion and have an overall volume of approximately 63 million cubic yards for a crest elevation of'2225 •. The spillway would be located on the right bank and would be similar. in concept to that at Devil Canyon with an intermediate and terminal stilling basin. The power facilities located within the left abutment with similar 1 ntake, underground powerhouse, and water passage concepts to those at Dev·ll Canyon would incorporate four 200-MW turbine/generator units giving a total output of 800-MW. As an alternative to the initial full development at Watana, staging alternatives were investigated. These inc 1 uded staging of both dam and powerhouse construction .. Staging of the powerhouse would be stmilar to that at Devi_l Canyon, with a Stage I installation of 400-MW and a further ~00-MW in Stage II. In order to study the alternative dam staging concept it was assumed that the dam would be constructed for a maxi- mum operating water surface elevation some 200 feet lower than that in the final stage (see Figure 8 .. 8). The powerhouse would be completely excavated to its final size during the first stage. Three oversized 135-MW units would be installed together with base concrete for an additional· unito A low level control structure and twin concrete-lined tunnels leading into a downstream sti 11ing basin would form the first stage spillway. I I I I I 1: I, I I I I I I I I I I I •,' I For the second stage, the dam would be camp leted to its full height, the impervious core would be appropriately raised, and additional rockfill would be placed on the downstream face. It was assumed that before construction commences the top 400 feet of the first stage dam would be removed to ensure the complete integrity of the impervious core for the raised dam.. A second spillway control struc- ture would be constructed at a higher level and would in- corporate a downstream chute leading to the Stage I spi 11- way structure. TI1e original spillway tunnels would be c 1 osed with concrete p 1 ugs. A new intake. structure wou 1 d be constructed utilizing existing gates and hoists, and new penstocks would be driven to connect with the existing ones. The existing intake would be sealed off. One addi- tional 200 MW unit would be installed and the required additional penstock and tailrace tunnel constructed. The existing 135-MW .units would be u·pgraded to 200 MW. -High Devil Canyon (Figure 8.9} The development would be located between Devil Canyon and Watana. The 855 feet high rockfill dam would be similar in design to Devil Canyon, containing an estimated 48 million cubic yards of rockfi11 with a crest elevation of 1775. The 1 eft bank spillway and the right bank power- house facilities would also be similar in concept to Devil Canyon, with an installed capacity of 800-MW. Two stages of 400-MW were envisaged in each which would be undertaken in the same manner as at Devil Canyon, with the dam initially constructed to its full height. -Susitna III (Figure 8.10) The development would involve a rockfill dam with an impervious core approximately 670 feet high, a crest ele- vatlon of 2360, and a volume of approximately 55 milli.on cubic yards. A concrete-lined spillway chute and a single stilling basin and would be located underground and the two diversion tunnels on the left bank. -Vee (Figure 8 .. 11} A 610-feet high rockfill dam founded on bedrock with a crest elevation of 2350 and total volume fo 10 million cubic yards was considered. Since Vee is located further upstream than the other major sites the flood flows are correspondingly lower, thus I I I I I I I ,. . ·- 1 ·a ~· I I •' I I I ' · .. ' I I allowing for a reduction in size of the spillway f~cili­ t1es. A spillway utilizing a gated overflow structure, chute, and flip bucket was adoptede The power facilities would consist of a 400-MW undergrou~d powerhouse located in the left bank with a tailrace out'let we 11 downstream of the main dam. A secondary rockfi 11 dam would also be required tn this vicinity to seal off a low point. Two diversion tunnels would be provided on the right bank. -Macl aren ( Fi gure B .12) -,./.- The development would consist of a 185 feet high earthfill dam founded on per·vious riverbed materials. The crest elevation of the dam would be 2405. This reservoir would essentially be used for reglating purposes. Diversion would occur through three conduits located in a open cut on the left bank and floods would be discharged via a side chute spi 11way and stilling basin on the right bank. Denali (Figure 8.12) Denali is simi-lar in concept to Maclaren. The dam would be 230 feet high,· of earthf111 construction, and wotild have a crest e 1 ev at ion of 2555. As for Mac1 aren, no generating capacity would be included. A combined diver- sion and spillway facility would be provideti by twin con- cret~ conduits founded in open cut excavation in the right bank and discharging into a common stilling basin. ( c) Cap i t a 1 Costs For purposes of initial comparisons of alternatives, construction quantities were determined for items comprising the major· works and structures at the site. Where detail or data were not suffi- cient for c,ertain work~ quantity estimates were made on the bas1s of previous Acres• experience and the general knowledge of site conditions reported in the 1 i terature. In order to determine total capital costs for various structures, unl,t costs have been developed for the items measured. These have been estimated on the basis of review of rates used in previous studies, and of rates used on similar works in Alaska and elsewhere. Where appli- cable, adjustment factors based on geography, climate~ manpower and accessibility were usede Technical publications have also been reviewed for basic rates and escalation factors. The total capital costs developed are shown in Table B.l and 8.2~ It should be noted that the capital costs for Maclaren and Denali shown in Table 8.1 have been adjusted to incorporate the costs of I I I ..,._ II .... I ..,. I I ' I I I I I I I •• I I I generation plants with capacitie~ of 55-MW and 60-MW, respec- tively. Additional data on the projects are summarized in Table 8.3. 1~4 -Formulation of Susitna Basin Development Plans The results of the site screening process described above indicate that the Susitna Basin development plan should incorporate a combination of sever a 1 major dams and powerhouses 1 ocated at one or more of the fo 1- 1 owing sites: -Devil Canyon; ... Hi gh De vi 1 Canyon; ·· Watana; · -Susitna III; or -Vee. o Supplementary upstream flow regulation could be provided by structures at: -Maclaren; and -Denali. ·Cost estimates of these projects are itemized on Table 8.4. A computer assisted screening process identified the plans that are most economic as those of Oevi 1 Canyon/Watana or High Devi 1 Canyon/Vee .. In addition to these two basic development plans, a tunnel scheme wh·ich provides potential environmental advantages by replacing the Devil Can- yon dam with a long power tunnel and a development plan involvi.ng Watana Dam was also introduced. The criteria used at this stage of the process for selection of pre- ferred Susitna Basin development plans are mainly economic (see Figure B.3). Environmental considerations are incorporated into the further assessment of the p 1 ans fin a 11y se lee ted. The results of the screening process are shown in Table B.S.. Because of the simp 1 i fyi ng assumptions that \'/ere made in the screening model~ the three best solutions from an economic point of view are included 'in the table. The most important conclusions that can be drawn are as follows:. -For energy requi rernents of up to 1,150 Gwh, the High Oevi 1 Canyon, Devil Canyon or the Watana sites individually provided the most eco- nomic energy. The difference between the costs shown on Table B.4 is around 10 percent, which is simi 1 ar to the accuracy that can be expected --::rom the screening mode 1. I I ' I, -· I .. I I I I ~· I I I I I I f. I I I -For energy requirements of between 1, 750 and 3,500 Gwh, the High Devil Canyon site is the most economic. -For energy requirements of between 3,500 and 5,250 Gwh the combina- tions of either Watana and De vi 1 Canyon or High De vi 1 Canyon and Vee are most economic. -The total energy production capability of the Watana/Devi 1 Canyon developments is :considerably larger than that of the High Devil Can- yon/Vee alternative and is the only plan capable of meeting energy demands i~ the 6,000 Gwh range • (a) Tunnel A lternati,re A scheme involving a long power tunnel could conceivably be used to rep 1 ace the Devil Canyon dam is· the Watana/Devi 1 Canyon development plan. It cou 1 d deve1 op similar head for power genera- tion and may provide some environmental advantages by avoiding inundation of Devil Canyon. Obviously, because of the low winter flows in the river, a tunnel alternative could be considered only as a second stage to the Watana development. Conceptually, the tunnel alternatives would comprise the following major components in some combination, in addition to the Watana dam reservoir and associated powerhouse: -Power tunnel intake works; -One· or two pov1er tunne 1 s of up to forty feet in diameter and up to thirty miles in length; - A surface or underground powerhouse with a capacity of up to 1200 MW; A re-regul at ion dam if the intake works are located downstream from Watana; and -Arrangements for compensation flow in the bypassed river reach. Four basic alternative schemes were developed and studied. Figure B.l3 is a schematic illustration of these schemes. All schemes assumed an initial Watana development with full reservoir supply level at Elevation 2200 and the associated powerhouse with an installed capacity of 800 MW. Table B.6 lists all the pertinent technical information. Table 8.7 lists the power and energy yields for the four schemes. Table B.8 itemizes the capital cost estimate. Based on the . foregoing economic information, Scheme 3 (Figures 8.14 and B.l5) produces the lowest cost energy by a factor of nearly 2. I I I I I I I I I .. I I I I I I I I I I A review of the en vi ronmentaJ impacts associated with the four tunnel schemes indicates that Scheme 3 would have the least impact, primarily because it offers the best opportunities for regulating daily flows downstream from the project. Based on this assessment, and because of its almost 2. to 1 eeonomi c advantage, Scheme 3 was selected as the only scheme worth further study (see Development Selection Report for detailed analysis). The capital cost estimate for Scheme 3 appears in Table 8.8. The estimates. also incorporate single and double t.unnel options. For purposes of these studies, the daub 1 e tunne 1 option has been se lee ted because of its superior reliability~ It should also be recognized that the cost estimates associated with the tunnels are probably subject to more variation than those associated with the dam schemes due to geotechnical uncertainties. In an attempt to com- pensate for these uncertainties, economic sensitivity analyses using both higher and iower tunnel costs have been conducted. (b) Additional Basin Development Plan ' As noted, the Watana and High De vi 1 Canyon dam sites appear. _to be individually superior in economic terms to all others. An addi- tional plan was therefore developed to assess the potential for developing these two sites together.. For this scheme, the Watana dam \-Jould be developed to its full potential. The High Devi 1 Can- yon dam would be constructed to a crest elevation of 1470 feet to fully utilize the head downstream from Watana • (c) Selected Basin Development Plans The essential objectives of this step in the development selection pr9cess is defined as the ident i fi cation of those p 1 ans which appear to warrant further, more detailed evaluation. The resul.ts of fi na 1 sereeni ng process indicate that the Watana/Devi l Canyon and the High Devil Canyon/Vee plans are~clearly superior to all other dam combinations. In addition, .it was decided to study further tunne 1 Scheme 3 as an a lterrtati ve to the High De vi 1 Can- yon dam and a plan combining a Watana,'High Devil Canyon. Associated with each of these p 1 ans are sever a 1 opt 1 ons for staged development. For this more detailed analysis of these basic plans, a range of different approaches to staging the developments was considered. In order to keep the total options to a reason. able number and also to maintain reasonably large staging steps consistent with the· total. developme'.)i: size,_ stagin~ of only the two larger developments, 1 .e., Watana and H1 gh Dev1l Canyon, was considered. The. basic staging concepts adopted for these develop ... ments involved staging both dam and powerhouse construction, or alternatively just sta9ing powerhouse construction. Powerhouse stages were considered in 400 MW increments. I I I I I I ... I I I I I I I .. I I --. I. te!lt' I I I Four basic plans and associated subplans are briefly described below .. Plan 1 involves the Watana-Devil Canyon sites, Plan 2 the High Devi 1 Canyon-Vee sites, Plan 3 the Watana-tunnel concept, and Plan 4 the Watana-Hi gh De vi 1 Canyon sites. Under each p 1 an severa1 alternative subplans were identified, each involving ·a different staging concept. Summaries of these plans are given in Table 8.9. ( i) Plan 1 -Subplan 1.1: The first stage involves constructing Watana dam to its full height and installing 800 MW .• Stage 2 involves constructing Devil Canyon dam and installing 600 MW • -Subelan 1.2: For this Subplan, construction of the Watana dam is staaed from a crest elevation of 2060 feet .., to 2225 feet. The powerhouse is a 1 so staged from 400 MW to 800 MW. As for Subplan 1.1, the final stage involves Devil Canyon with an installed capacity of 600 MW. -Subplan 1.3: This Subplan is similar to Subplan 1.2 except that only the powerhouse and not the dam at Watana is staged. · ( i 1) P 1 an 2 -Subelan 2.1: This Subplan involves constructing the High Dev1l Canyon dam first with an installed capacity of 800 MW. The second stage i nvo 1 ves constructing the Vee dam with an installed capacity of 400 MW. -Subp lan 2. 2: For this Subp 1 an, the construction of Hi gh Devi 1 Canyon is staged from a crest elevation of 1630 to 1775 feet. The installed capacity is also staged from 400 to 800 MW. As for Subplan 2.1, Vee follows with 400 MW of installed capacity. "" Subplan 2.3: This Subplan is similar to Subplan 2.2 except that only the powerhouse and not the dam at High De vi 1 Canyon is staged. (iii) Plan 3 -Subplan 3:..!.: This Subplan involves initial construction of Watana and installation of 800 MW capacity. The next stage invo 1 ves the construction of the downstream re- regulation dam to a crest elevation of 1500 fe~t and a 15 mile long tunnel. A total of 300 MW would be installed at the end of the tunne 1 and a further 30 MW at the re- regulation dam. An additional 50 MW of capacity would be installed at the Watana powerhouse to facilitate peaking operations. I I I I I I ··-.( I I I I I I I I 'I I I I -Subplan 3.2: This Subplan is essentially the same as Subplan 3.1 except that construction of the initial 800 MW powerhouse at Watana is staged. ( i v) P1 an 4 This single plan was developed to evaluate the development of the two most economic dam sites, Watana and High Oevi 1 Canyon, jointly. Stage 1 involves constructing Watana to its full height with an installed capacity of 400 MW. Stage 2 involves increasing the capacity at Watana to 800 MW. Stage 3 involves constructing High Deveil Canyon to a crest elevation of 1470 feet so that the reservoir extends to just downstream of Watana. In order to deve·lop the full head . between Watana and Portage Creek, an additi anal smaller dam is added downstream of High Devil Canyon .. <? This dam would be located just upstream from Portage Creek so as not to interfere with the anadromous fisheries and would have a crest elevation of 1030 feet and an installed capa- city of 150 MW.. For purposes of these studies !j this site i.s referred to as the Portage Creek site. 1.5 -iYaluation of Basin Development Plan The overall objective of th1s step in the evaluation process was to select the preferred basin development plan. A preliminary evaluation of p 1 ans was i nit i a 11 y undertaken to determine broad comparisons of the available alternatives. This w1s followed by appropriate adjustments to the plans and a more detailed evaluation and comparison. In the process of initially evaluating the final four schemes, it became apparent that· there would be environmental problems associated with allowing daily peaking operations from the most downstream reser- voir in each of the plans described above. In order to avoid these potential problems while still maintaining operational flexibility to peak on a daily basis, re-regulation facilities were incorporated in the four basic plans.. These facilities incorporate both structural measures such a,s re-regulation dams and modified operational pro- cedures. Details of these modified .plans, referred to as El to E4, are listed in Table BelO. The plans listed in Table 8.10 were subjected to a more detailed analysis as described in the following section. {a) Evaluation Methodology The approach to evaluating the various basin development plans described above is twofold: I I I I I' I I -· I I I I I I I I I I I I -For determining the optimum staging concept associated with each basic plan (i.e., the .optimum subplan), only economic criteria are used and the least cost staging concept is adopted. -For assessing whi c·h p 1 an is the most appropriate') a more detailed evaluation process incorporating economic, environmen- tal, social and energy contribution aspects is taken into account. · Economic evaluation of any Susitna Basin development plan requires that the impact of the plan on the cost of energy to the Railbelt area consumer be assessed on a systemwide basis. Si nee the con- sumer is supplied by a large number of different generating sources, it is necessary to determine the total Railbelt system cost in each case to comp~re the various Susitna Basin development options .. The pr'imary tool used for system costs was the mathematical model developed by the Electricity Utility Systems Engineering Depart- ment of the General Electric Company. The model is commonly known as OGP5 or Opt1mi zed Gener.at ion Planning Model, Version 5. The following 1nformation is paraphrased from GE literature on the program. The OGPS program was developed over ten years to combine the three main e 1ements of generat 1 on expansion p 1 anni ng {system rel i abi 1- ity, operating and investment costs) and automate generation addi- tion decision analysis. OGP5 will automatically develop optimum generation expansion patterns in terms of economics, reliability and operation. Many utilities use OGP5 to study load management, unit size, capital and fuel costsi energy st.orage, forced outage rates, and forecast uncertainty. The OGP5 program requires an extensive system of specific data to perform its planning function. In developing an optimal plan~ the program considers the existing and committed units (planned and under tonstructi on) avai 1 ab 1 e to the system and the characteri s- ties of these units including age, heat rate, size and outage rates as the base generation plan. The program then considers the given 1 oad forecast and operation criteria to determine the need for additional system capacity bas,ed on given· reliability cri- teria.. This determines 11 how much 11 capacity to add and ''whenu it should be installed. If a .need exists during any monthly itera- tion, the program will consider additions from a list of alterna- tive~ and select the available unit best fittin~ the system needs. Unit selection is made by computing production costs for the sys- tem for each alternative included and comparing the results. The unit resulting in the lowest system production cost is select- ed and added to the system. Finally, an investment cost analysis of the capital costs is completed to answer the question of uwhat ki nd 11 of generation to add to the system~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The model is then further used to compare alternative plans for meeting variable electrical demands, based on system reliability and production costs for the study period. A minor limitation inherent in the use of the OGPS model is that the number of years of simulation is limited to 20. To overcome this, the study period of 1980 to 2040 has been broken into three separate segments for study purposes. These segments are common to a 11 system generation plans. The first segment has been assumed to be from 1980 to 1990. The model of this time period included all committed generation units and is assumed to be common to all generation scenarios. The end point of this model becomes the beginning of each 1990-2010 model. The model of the first two time periods considered (1980 to 1990, and 1990-to 2010) provides the total production costs on a year- to-year basis. These total costs include, for the period of modeling, all costs of fuel and operation and maintenance of all generating units included as part of the system. In addition, the completed production costs includes the annualized investm~nt costs of any production plans added during the period of study. A number of factors which contribute to the ultimate cost of power to the consumer, are not included in this model. These are common to all scenarios and include: -All investment costs to plants in service prior to 1981; -Costs of transmission systems in service both at the transmi s- sion and distribution level; and -Administrative costs of utilities for providing electric service to the public.· · Thus, it should be~ recognized that the production .costs modeled represent only a portion of ultimate consumer costs and in effect are only a portion, albeit major, of total costs. The third period, 2010 to 2040, was modeled by assuming that pro- duction costs of 2010 would recur for the additional 30 years to 2040. This assumption is believed to be reasonable given the 1imitations on forecasting energy and load requirements for this period. The additional period to 2040 is required to at least take into account the benefit derived or value of the addition of hydroelectric power plant which has a useful life of fifty years or more. I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I: I I I The selection of ~he preferred generation plan is based on numer- ous factors. One of these is the cost of the generation plan. To provide a consistent means of assessing the production cost of a given generation scenario, each production cost total has been converted to a 1980 present worth basis. The prest:nt worth cost of any generation scenario 1 s made up of three cost amounts. The first is present worth cost (PWC) of the first ten years of study (1981 to 1990), the second is the PWC of the scenario assumed during 1990 to 2010 and the third the PWC of the scenario in 2010 assumed to recur for the peri ad 2010 to 2040. In this way the 1 ong-term ( 60 years) PWC of e.ach generation scenario in 1980 dollars can be compared. A summary of the input data to the model and a discussion of the results follow. (i) .Initi-al Economic Analyses Table B.ll lists the results of the first series of economic analyses undertaken for the basic Susitna Basin development plans listed in Table 8.10. The information provided includes the specified on-line dates for the various stages of the plans, the OGP5 run index number~ the total installed capacity at year 2010 by category, and the total system present-worth cost in 1980 for the peri ad 1980 to 2040. Matching of the Susitna development to the load growth for Plans El~ E2, and E3 is shown in Figure 8.16, 8.17 and B.l8 respectively. After 2010, steady state conditions are assumed and the then-existing generation mix and annual costs for 2010 are applied to the years 2011 to 2040. This extended period of t 1me is necessary to ensure that the hydroelectric options being studied, many of which only come en-line around 2000, are simulated as operating for periods approaching their economic lives and that their full impact on the cost of the generation system is taken into account. -Plan E1 -Watana/Oevi 1 Canyon • Staging the dam at Watana (Plan E1.2) is not as economic as constructing it to its full height (Plan El.l and E1.3). The present worth advantage of not staging the dam amounts to $180 million in 1980 dollars.· The results indicate that, with the level of analysis performed, there is no discernible benefit in staging construction of the Watana. powerhouse (P 1 an El.l and E1 .. 3). However, Plan E1.4 results indicates that, should the powerhouse size at Watana be restricted to 400 MW~ the overall system present worth would increase. 0 I I· ., I I I •• I I I I •• I I I (ii) I I I I Additional runs performed for variations of Plan El.3 indicated that system present worth wou 1 d increase by .$1,110 mi 11 ion if the De vi 1 Canyon dam was not con- structed. A five year delay in construction of the Watana dam would increase system present worth by $220 million. -Plan E2 -High Devil Canyon/Vee • The results for Plan E2.3 indicate that the system pre- sent worth is $520 million more than Plan E1.3. Present worth increases also occur if the Vee dam stage is not constructed. A reduction in present worth of appro xi- mately $160 million is possible if the Chakachamna hydroelectric project is constructed instead of the Vee dam • • The results of Plan E2 .. 1 indicate that total system present worth wou 1 d increase by $250 mi 11 ion if the total capacity at High Devil Canyon were limited to 400 MW. -Plan E3 -Watana/Tunnel The results for Plan E3.1 illustrate that the tunnel scheme versus the Devi 1 Canyon dam scheme (El.3) adds approximately $680 mi 11 ion to the tot a 1 system present worth cost. The availability of reliable geotechnical data would undoubtedly have improved the accuracy of the cost estimates for the tunnel alternative. For this reason~ a sensitivity analysis was made as a check to determine the effect of halving the tunnel ·costs. This analysis indicates that the tunnel scheme" is still more costly than constructing the De vi 1 Canyon dam. -Plan E4 -Watana/High Devil Canyon/Portage Creek The results indicate that system present worth associated with Plan E4.1, excluding the Portage Creek site develop- ment, are $200 million more than the equivalent El.3 plan. If the Portage Creek development is included, the present worth difference would be even greater. Load Forecast Sensitivity Analyses The plans with the lowest present-worth cost were subjected to further sensitivity analyses to assess the economic impacts of various load growths. These results are sum• marized in Table 8 .. 12. I I I· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ••• I The results for low load forecasts. illustrate that the most viable Susitna Basin development plan is the Watana-Devil Canyon plan with a capacity of 800 MW, which has a present worth cost of $210 million less than its closest competitor, the High Devil Canyon-Vee plan.· For the high load forecasts, the results indicate that the P 1 an El. 3 has a present worth cost of $1040 mi 11 ion 1 ess than E2. 3. (b) Evaluation Criteria The following criteria were used to evaluate the shortlisted basin development plans. These criteria generally contain the require- ments of the generic process with the exception that an additional criterion, energy contribution, is added in order to ensure that full ·consideration is given to the total basin energy potential developed.by the various plans. (i) Economic (ii) {iii) ( i v) Plans were compared using long-term present worth costs, calculated using the OGP5 generation planning model. The parameters used in calculating the total present-worth cost of the total Railbelt generating system for the period 1980 to 2040 are listed in Table B.l3 and 8.14. Load forecasts used in the analysis are presented in Section 5.1(b). E nvi ronment a 1 · A qualitative assessment of the environmental impact on the ecological, cultural, and aesthetic resources is undertaken for each plan~ Emphasis is placed on identifying major concerns so that these cou 1 d be combined with the other evaluation attributes in an overall assessment of the plan. Soci a1 This attribute includes· determination of the potential non- renewable resource displacement, the impact on the state and local economy, and the risks and consequences of major structural failures due to seismic events. Impacts on the economy refer to the effects of an investment plan on eco- nomic variables. Energx Contribution The parameter used is the total amount of energy produced from the specific development p 1 an. ·An assessment of the energy development foregone is also undertaken. The energy 1 ass that is inherent to the p 1 an and cannot easi 1 y be recovered by subsequent staged developments is of greatest concern. 1: I I I • I I I· I I I I I . I I I I I I I {c) Results of Evaluation Process The various attributes outlined above have been determined for each plan and are summarized in Tables 8.15 through 8 .. 23. Some of the attributes are quantitative while others are qualitative. Over a 11 eva 1 uati on is based on a comparison of simi 1 ar types of attributes for each p 1 an. In cases where the attributes associ- ated with one plan all indicate equality or superiority with respect to another plan, the decision as to the best plan is clear cut. In other cases where some attributes indicate superiority and others inferiority,· differences are highlighted and trade-off decisions are made to determine the preferred deve 1 opment p 1 an ... In cases where these trade-offs have had to be made, they were relatively straightforward, and the decision-making pr9cess can, therefore, be regarded as effective and consistent~ In addition, these trade-offs are clearly identified so the recorder can inde- pendently assess the judgment decisions made. The overall evaluation proc~ss is conducted in a series of steps. At each step, only two plans are compared. The superior plan is then taken to the next step for evaluation against a third plan. (1) Devil Canyon Dam Versus Tunnel The first-step in the process involves the comparison of the ~~atana-Devil Canyon dam plan (El .. 3) and the Watana-Tunne1 plan (E3.1). Since \~atana is common to both plans, the evaluation is based on a comparison of the Devil Canyon dam and Scheme 3 tunnel alternative. In order to assist in the evaluation in terms of economic criteria, additional information obtained by analyzing the results of the OGPS comouter runs is shown in Table 8.15. . ' This information i 11 ustrates the breakdown of the total system present worth cost in terms of capita 1 investment~ fuel, and operation and maintenance costs. -Economic Comparison From an economic point of view, the Watana-Devi 1 Can_yon dam scheme is superior. As summarized in Tables 8.15 and B .16, on a. present worth basi's the tunnel scheme is $680 mi 11 ion more expensive than the dam scheme. For a 1 ow demand growth rate, this cost difference would be reduced s 1 i ght ly to $650 mi 11 ion. Even if the tunnel scheme costs are halved, the total cost difference would still amount to $380 million. As highlighted in Table 8.16 considera- tion of the sensitivity of the basic econopmic evaluation to potential changes in capital cost estimate, the per·iod of economic analysis, the ·discount rate, fuel costs, fuel cost escalation, and economic plant life do not change ·the basic economic superi-ority of the dam scheme over the tun- nel scheme. I I I I I I I I I I -I I I I I I I I I -Environmental Comparis~ The environmental comparison of the two schemes is sum- marized in-Table 8.17. Overall, the tunnel scheme is judged to be superior because: • It offers the potentia 1 for enhancing anadromous ti sh populations downstream of the re-regul ati on dam due to the more uniform flow distribution that will be achieved in this reach; • It wou 1 d inundate 13 mi 1 es 1 ess of resident fisheries habitat in river and major tributaries; • It has a lower potential for inundating archeological sites due to smaller reservoir involved; and Q • It wou 1 d preserve mur.h of the characteristics of the Devil Canyon gorge which is considered to be an aesthe- tic and recreational resource. -Social Comparison Tab 1 e B .1a· summarizes the evaluation in terms of the social criteria of the two schemes. In terms of impact on state and local economics and risks because of seismic exposure, the two schemes are rated equa 1. However, the dam scheme has, due to its higher energy yield, more po- tential for displacing nonrenewable energy resources, and therefore has a slight overall advantage in terms of the social evaluation criteria. -Energy Comparison Table 8.19 summarizes the evaluation in terms of the energy contribution criteria. The results shown that the darn scheme has a greater potential for energy production and develops a larger portion of the basin•s potential. 'The dam scheme is therefore judged to be superior from the energy contribution standpoint. -Overall Comparison .. The overall evaluation of the two schemes is summarized in Table Bo20. The estimated cost saving of $680 million in favor of the dam scheme plus the additional energy pro- duced are considered to outweigh the reduction in the overall environmental impact of the tunnel scheme. The dam scheiie is therefore judged to be superior avera 11. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ( i i) Watana-Devi1 Canyon Versus High Devil Canyon-Vee . The second step in the development selection process involves an evaluation of the Watana-Devil Canyon (Elo3} and the High Devil Canyon-Vee (E2.3) development plans. -Economic Comparison In terms of the economic criteria (see Table 8.15 and B.16) the 14atana-Devil Canyon plan is less costly by $520 ,:e~illion. Consideration of the sensitivity of this deci- sion to potential changes in the various parameters con- sidered {ioe., load forecast, discounted rates, etc.) does not change the basic superiority of the Watana-Devi 1 Canyon Plan. -·Environmental Comparison The evaluation in terms of the environmental criteria is summarized in Table 8.21. In assessing these plans, a .reach-by-reach comparison was made for the section of the Susitna River between Portage Creek and the Tyone River. The Watana-Devi 1 Canyon s.cheme wo.u 1 d create more potentia 1 environmental impacts in the Watana Creek area. However, it is judgep that the potential environmental impacts which waul d occur above the Vee Canyon dam with a High De vi 1 Canyon-Vee deve 1 opment are more severe in over a 11 comparison. Of the seven environmental factors considered in Table 8.17~ except for the increased loss of river valley~ bird and black bear habitat the Watana-Devi 1 Canyon development plan is judged to be more environmentally acceptable than the High Canyon-Vee plan. -Energy Comparison The evaluation of the two plans in terms of energy contri- bution criteria is summarized in Table 8.22. The Watana- .Devil Canyon scheme is assessed to be superior because of its higher energy potential and the fact that it develops a higher proportion of the basin's energy potential. -Social Comparison Table 8.18 summarizes the evaluation in terms of the social criteria. As in the case of the dam versus tunnel comparison, the Watana-Devi 1 Canyon p 1 an is judged to have a s 1 i ght advantage over the High De vi 1 Canyon-Vee plan. This is because of its greater potentia 1 for di spl acing ·nonrenewable resources. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.6 -Preferred Susitna Basin Development Plan One-on-one comparisons of the Watana-Devi 1 Canyon p 1 an with the Watana- tunnel plan and the High Devil Canyon-Vee plans are judged to favor the Watana-Devi 1 Canyon plan in each case. The Watana-Devi 1 Canyon p 1 an was therefore se 1 ected as the , preferred Susitna Basin development plan, and the basis for continuation of more detailed design optimization and environmental studies. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2 -ALTERNATIVE FACILITY DESIGNS~ PROCESSES AND OPERATIONS 2.1 -Susitna Hydroelectric Development As originally conceived. the Watana project initially comprised an earthfill dam~ with a crest elevation of 2225 and 400 MW of generating capacity scheduled to commence operation in 1993-.. An additional 400 MW would be brought on ... line in 1996. At Devil Canyon an additional 400 MW would be installed to commence operation in the year 2000. Detailed studies of each project have led to refinement and optimization of designs in terms of a number of key factors, including updated load forecasts and economics. Geotechnical and environmental constraints identified as a result of continuing field work have also greatly influenced the curr_ently recommended design concepts. Plan formulation and alternative facility designs considered for the Watana and Devil Canyon developments are discussed in this section. This section includes the alternatives studied and the reason for sel- ecting the proposed plan. Background information on the site charac- teristics as well as additional detail on the plan formulation process are included in the Design Report of Exhibit F and the referenced reports. 2e 2 -Watana Project Formulation --------~------------ This section describes the evolution of the general arrangement of the Watana project which~ together with the Devil Canyon project, comprises the deve 1 opment p 1 an proposed. The process by which reservoir operat- ing levels and the installed generating capacity of the power facil- ities were established is presented, together with the means of hand- 1 ing floods expected during construction and subsequent project opera- tion. The main components of the Watana development are as follows: -Main dam; -Diversion facilities; -Spillway facilities; -Outlet facilities; -Emergency release f~cilities; and -Power facilities. A number of alternatives are available for each of these components and they can be combined in a number of ways. The following paragraphs I I I I I I I I I: I I I I I I I I I ~ . •• " describe the various components and methodology for the preliminary, intermediate, and final screening and review of alternative general arrangenent of the components, together with a brief description of the selected scheme. This section presents the alternative Jrrangements studied for the Watana projecto (a) Selection of Reservoir Levels The selected elevation of the Watana dam crest is based on consid- erations of the value of the hydroelectric energy produced from the associated reservoir, geotechnical constraints on reservoir levels, and freeboard requirements. Firm· energy, average annual energy, construction ·casts, and operation and~ maintenance costs were determined for the Watana development with dam crest eleva- tions of 2240, 2190, and 2140. The relative value of energy pro- duced in terms of the present worth of the i ong-term production costs (LTPW) for each of these three dam elevations was determined by means of the OGP5 generation planning model described in Section 1 of this Exhibit. The physical constraints imposed on dam height and reservoir elevation by geotechnical considerations were reviewed and incorporated into the crest elevation selection process. Finally, freeboard requirements for the PMF and settle- ment of the dan after construction or as a result of seismic activity were taken into account. ( i) .Methode 1 o9y Firm and average annual energy produced by the Susitna developnent are based on 32 years of hydrological records .. The energy produced was determined by using a multi- reservoir simulation of the' operation of the Watana and Devil Canyon reservoirs. A variety of reservoir drawdowns were examined, and drawdowns producing the maximllll firm energy consistent with engineet"ing feasibility and cost of the intake structure were selected. Minimtm flow require- ments were established at both project sites based on down- stream fisheries considerationso To meet system demand the required maximum generating capa- bility at Watana in the period 1993 and 2010 ranges from 665 MW to 908 MW. For the reservoir level determinations~ energy estimates were made on· the basis of assumed average annual capacity requirements of 680 MW at Watana in 1993, increasing to 1020 MW at Watana in 2007, with an additional 600 MW at Devil Canyon coming online in the year 2002. The 1 ong term present worth costs of the generation system required to meet the Ra i 1 be 1 t energy den and were · then determined for each of the three crest e 1 ev at ions of the Watana dan using the OGP5 model. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • The construction cost estimates used in the OGPS modeling process for the Watana and Devil Canyon ·projects were based on preliminary conceptual 1 ayouts and construction sche- dules. Further refinement of these layouts has taken place during the optimization process. These refinements have no significant impact on the reservoir 1eve1 selection~ (ii) Economic Optimization Economic optimization of the Watana reservoir level was based on an evaluation of three dan crest elevations of 2240, 2190, and 2140. These crest elevations apply to the central portion of the embankment with appropriate allow- ances for freeboard and seismic settlement, and correspond to maximum operating levels of the reservoir of 2215, 2165, and 2115 feet, respectively. Average annual energy cal- culated for each case using the reservoir simulation model are given in Table 8.24, together with corresponding proj- ect construction costs. In the determination of LTPW, the Susitna capital costs were adjusted to include an allowance for interest duri.ng construction and then used as input to the OGP5 model. Simulated annual energy yields were distributed on a monthly basis by the reservoir operation model to match as closely as possible the projected monthly energy demand of the Railbelt and then input to the OGP5 model. The LTPW of meeting the Railbelt energy demand using the Susitna devel- opment as the primary source of energy was then determined for each of the three reservoir levels. The results of these evaluations are shown in Table 8.25~ and plots showing the variation of the LTPW with dam crest elevation are shown in Figure 8.19. This figure indicates that on the basis of the assumptions used, the minimum LTPW occurs at a Watana crest elevation ranging from approxi- mately 2160 to 2200 (reservoir levels 2140 to 2180 feet). A higher dam crest will still result in a developnent which has an overall net economic benefit relative to thermal energy sources. However, it is also clear that as the height of the Watana dan is increased, the unit costs of additional energy produced at Watana is somewhat greater than for the displaced thermal energy source. Hence, the LTPW of the overall system would increase. Conversely, as the height of the dam is lowered, and thus Watana produces 1 ess energy, the unit cost of the energy produced by a thermal generation sour,~e to replace the lost Susitna energy is more expensive than Susitna energy. In this case also, the LTPW increases. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·~ I, I I I (iii) Geotechnical Considerations On the north side of the reservoir created by the Watana·~ dam a relict channel of considerable depth connects the reservoir to Tsusena Creek. As the water surface elevation of the reservoir is increased up to and beyond 2200 feet~ a low area in the relict channel would require costly water retaining structures to be built and other measures to be taken. In addition to the cost the technical feasibility of these measures is not as certain as desired on a project of this magnitude. Because of the considerations relating to seismic stability, seepage problems and permafrost con- ditions in the relict channel area, the hydraulic head at the upstream end of the relict channel should be limited wherever possible.. By comparing normal reservoir levels plus flood surcharge to ground surface contours, it was determined that with normal reservoir levels of 2185 and a small freeboard dike the following conditions waul~ exist: . -For flood magnitudes up to the 1:10,000-year event, there would be no danger of overtopping the lowest point in the relict channel. -for the PMF a freeboard dike in the low .area of up to 10 feet in height would provide adequate protection. This dike would be wetted only a few days during a Pt4F event. -If seismic settlement or settlement due to permafrost melting did occur, the combination of the 10 feet free- board dike constructed on a suitable foundation plus normal reservoir level of 2185 feet would ensure that breakthrough in the re 1 i ct channe 1 area would not occur. With this approach, the Watana project will develop the maximum energy reasonably available without incurring the need for costly water retaining structures in the relict channel area. (iv) Conclusions It is important to establish clearly the overall objective used as a basis for setting the Watana reservoir level. An objective which would minimize the LTPW energy cost would lead to selection of a slightly lower reservoir level than an objective which would maximize the amount of energy which can be obtained from the available resource, while doing so with a technically sound project. The three values of LTPW developed by the OGP5 computer runs defined a relationship between LTPW and Watana dam .-. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I height which is relatively insensitive to dan he_ight. This is highlighted by the curve of LTPW versus dam height in Figure 8.19 .. This figure shows there is only a slight var- iation in the LT.PW for the range of dam heights included in the analysis. Thus, from an economic standpoint the opti- mtlll crest elevation could be considered as varying over a rang a of elevations from 2140 to 2220 with 1 ittl e effect on project economics. The main factors in establishing the upper 1 imit of dam height were :onsequently the ,geotech- nical considerations discussed in (c) above. The normal maximum operating level of the reservoir was therefore set at Elevation 2185, allowing the. objective of maximizing the economic use of the Susitna resource still to be satisfied. (b) Selection of Installed Capacity lhe generating capacity to be installed at both vlatana and Devil Canyon was determined on the basis of generation pl anrling stud.ies described in Sections 6 and 8 of Reference 4 together with appro- priate consideration of the following: -Avail able firm and average energy from Watana and Devil Canyon; -The forecast energy dan and and peak 1 oad den and of the system; -Avail able firm and average energy from other existing and C0!11- mitted plant; -Capital cost and annual operating costs for Watana and Devi1 Canyon; -Capital cost and annual operating costs for alternative sources of energy and capacity; -r.nvironmental constraints on reservoir operation; and -Turbine and generator operating characteristics. (i) Methodology The following procedure was used to select the installed capacity at Watana: -The firm and average energy available at both Watana and Devil Canyon was determined using a reservoir simulation progran. - A determination was then made of the generating capacity required to utilize the avail able energy from the Susitna Project in the hydrological years of record, based on the following assumptions: I I • ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • In a wet year, energy developed at either Watana or Devil Canyon displaces excess thermal energy (from coal, gas turbine, combined cycle, or diesel plants) • • In an av,erage year where thermal energy is required to · meet system energy den and, hydro. energy is used either to satisfy peak demand with thermal energy supplying base load (Option 1)· or to supply base load require- ments with thermal energy at peak demand (Option 2}. The actual choice is based on dispatching the most eco- nomic energy first • • Devil Canyon energy is used predominantly as base load energy because of environmental constraints on down- strean flow v ar i at ions it • The maximum insta 11 ed capacity was determined on the basis of the estab1 ished peak generating capacity requirt;d' plus any hydro standby or spinning reserve equi r.:ment. (ii) Watana Installed Capacity The required total cape:.city at Watana in a wet ye.ar:, ex- cluding standby and spinning reserve capacity, 1s sum- marized below. The capacities are based on the medium load forecast .. . Capacity {ftlt:JJ -· Opt1on .1 Opt1on ~ UeV1l Devil t~atana Thermal Canyon Watana Thermal Canyon Demand Year Peak Base Base Base Peak Base 1993 801 0 0 801 0 0 1995 839 0 0 839 0 0 2000 374 66 0 742 198 0 2002 (Including Devil Canyon) 660 0 354 660 0 354 2005 (Including Devil Canyon) 750 0 376 750 0 376 2010 (Including Devil Canyon) -900 0 493 900 0 493 I I I •• I I; I I I I, I I I •• • I I I I I On the basis of this evaluation, the ultimate power genera- tion capability at Watana was selected as 1020 MW for design purposes to allm'l a margin for hydro spinning reserve and standby for forced outage. This installation also provides a small margin in the event that the load growth exceeds the medium load forecast • (iii) Unit Capacity Selection of ·the unit size for a given total capacity is a compromise between the initial least cost solution, gener- ally involving a scheme with a Slilall er nunber of 1 arge capacity units, and the improved plant efficiency and security of operation provided by a 1 arger nlJTlber of smaller capacity units. Other factors include the size of each unit as a proportion of the total system load and the minimllll anticipated load on the station. fllly requirement for a minimt.m downstre5io flow would also affect the selec- tion. Growth of the actual load demand is also a signifi- cant factor, since the instal:ation of units may be phased to match the actual load growth. The niJTlber of units and their individual ratings were determined by the need to deliver the required peak capacity in the peak demand month of December at the minimun December reservoir 1 evel with the turbine wicket gates fully open. An exc.mination was made of the economic impact on power plant production costs of various combinations of a number of units and rated capac.ity which would provide the sel- ected total capacity of 1020 MW. For any given installed capacity, plant efficiency inereases as the nt.mber of units increases. The assumed capitalized value used in this evaluation was $1.00 per average annual kWh over project life, based on the economic analysis completed for-the thennal generation system. Variations in the nllllber of units and capacity will affect the cost of the power intakes, penstocks, powerhouse, and tailrace. The differ- ences in these capital costs were estimated and included in the evaluation. The results of this analysis are presented below • Capitalized Rated Value of Capacity . Additional Additional Nunber of Unit Energy Capital Cost Net Benefi.t of Units (MW) ( $ Mi 11 ions) ($ Millions} ($ Millions) 4 250 0 0 0 6 170 40 31 9 8 125 50 58 -8 ..... / I I I I I I '1. I I I I I I I I, I I I I; \ (c) It is apparent from this analysis that a six-unit scheme with a net benefit of approximately $9 million is the most economic alternative. This scheme also offers a higher degree of flexibility and security of operation compared to the four-unit alternative, as well as advantages if unit installation is phased to match actual load growth. The net economic benefit of the six unit scheme is $17 mill ion greater than that of the eight-unit scheme, whi 1 e at the same time no significant operational or scheduling· advan- tages are associated with the eight-unit scheme. A scheme incorporating six units each with a rated capacity of 170 MW, for a total of 1020 MW, has been adopted for all Watana alternatives. Selection of th_e Spillway Design Flood Normal design practice for projects of this magnitude, together with applicable design regulations, require that the project be capable of passing the Probable Maximtiil Flood (PMF) routed through the reservoir without endangering the dam. In addition to this requirement, the project should have suffic- ient spillway capacity to safely pass a major flood of lesser mag- nitude than the PMF without damaging the main dan. or ancillary structures.. The frequency of occurrence of this flood, known as the spillway design flood or Standard Project Flood (SPF), is gen- erally selected on the basis of an evaluation of the risks to the project if the spillway design flood is exceeded, compared to the costs of the structures required to safely discharge the flood .. For this study, a· spillway design flood with a return frequency of 1:10,000 years was selected for Watana. A 1 ist of ·spillway desigr- flood frequencies and magnitudes for several major projects is presented below. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (d) Splllway Spillway Design Flood Basin Capacity Peak R4F After Routing Project Frequency Inflow (cfs) (cfs) (cfs)* Mica, Canada PMF 250,000 250,000 150,000 Churchill Falls, 0 Canada 1:10,000 600,000 1,000,000 230,000 New Bullards, USA PMF 226,000 226,000 170,000 Oroville, USA 1:10,000 440,500 711,400 440,500 Gur i , Venezue 1 a (final stage) PMF 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 Itaipu, Brazil PMF 2,195,000 2,1959 000 2~105,000 Sayano, USSR 1:10,000 480,000 N/A 680~000 *All spillways except c:-':J.yc· J l-)ave capacity to pass PMF with surcharge. The flood frequency analysis produced the following va.lues: Flood Frequency Prob ab 1 e Max imliO Spi 11 way Design 1:10,000 year-s Inflow Peak 326,000 cfs 156,000 cfs Additional capacity required to pass the PMF will be provided by an emergency spillway consisting of a fuse plug and rock channel on the right bank. Main Dam Alternatives This section describes the alternative types of dans considered at the Watvana site and the basis for the selected alternative. ( i) Comparison of Embankment and Concrete Type Dams The selection between an embankment type or a concrete tJPe dam is usually based on the configuration of the valley, the condition of the foundation rock., depth of the over- burden, and the relative avail ab i 1 ity of construction I I •• ••• I I I. •• I I. I I I I I I I I I materials. Previous studies by the COE envisaged an embankment dam at Watana. Initial studies completed as part of this current evaluation included comparison of an earthfill dam with a concrete arch dam at the Watana site . An arrangement for a concrete arch dam alternative at Watana is presented in Figure 8.20. The resul-t;s of this analysis indicated that the cost of the embankment dam was somewhat lower than the arch dam, even though the concrete cost rates used were significantly lower than those used for the Devil Canyon Dam. This preliminary evaluation did not indicate any overall cost savings in the project in spite of some savings in the earthworks and concrete struc- tures for the concrete dam layout. A review of the overall construction schedule indicated a minimal savings in time for the concrete dam project. Based on the above and the likelihood that the cost of the arch dam would increase relative to that of the embankment dam, the arch dam alternative was eliminated from further consideration • {ii) Concrete-face Rockfill Type Dam (to be written) (iii) Selection of Dam Type Selection of the configuration of the embankment dam cross-section was undertaken within the context of the following basic considerations: -The av a i l ab i 1 it y within economic material; of suitable construction materials haul distance, particularly core -The requirement that the dam be capable of withstanding the effects of a significant earthquake shock {Reference 2) as we 11 as the static 1 oads ill1posed by the reservoir and its own weight; -The relatively limited construction season available for placement of compact~d fill materials. The main dam would consist of a compacted core protected by fine and coarse filter zones on both the upstream and down- stream s 1 opes of the cor,e. The upstream and downstream outer supporting fill zones would contain relatively free draining compacted gravel or rockfill, providing stability· to the overall embankment structure. The location and inclination of the core is fundamental to the design of the embankment. Two basic alternatives exist in this regard: - A vertical core located centrally within the dam; and -An inclined core withboth faces sloping upstream. I I I I I I -I, I I I I I I I I I I I I A central vertical core was chosen for the embankment based on a review of precedent design and the nature of the avail able impervious material. The exploration program undertaken during 1980-81 indicated that adequate quantities of materials suitable for dam con- struction were located within reasonable haul distance from the site. The well-graded silty sand material is consid- ered the most promising source of impervious fill. Compac- tion tests indicate a natural moisture content slightly on the-wet side of optimum moisture content, so that control of moisture content will be critical in achieving a dense core with high shear strength. Potential sources for the upstream and downstream shells include either river gravel from borrow areas along the Stis itna River or compacted rockfi 11 from quarries or exca- vations for spillways. During the intermediate review process, the upstream slope of the dam was flattened from 2 .. 5H: lV used du1ing the ini- tial review to 2.75H:lV. This slope was based on a con- servative estimate of the effective shear strength para- meters of the available construction materials, as· well as a conservative allowance in the design for the effects of earthquake loadings on the dam. During the final review stage, the exterior upstream s1ope of the dam was steepened from 2.75H:1V to 2 .. 4H:lV, reflect- ing the results of the prel_iminary static and dynamic design analyses being undertaken at the same time as the general arranganent studies.. As part .of the final review~ the \lolume of the dam with an upstream slope of 2.4H:1V was computed for four a 1 tern at i ve dan axes. The location of these alternative axes are shown on Figure 8.21. The: dam volume associated with each of the four alternative axes is listed below: Alternative Axis Number 1 2 3 4 Tot a 1 Vo 1 ume (million yd3) 69.2 71.7 69.3 71.9 A section with a 2 .. 4H: lV upstream slope and a 2H: lV down- stream slope located on alternative axis number 3 was used for the final review of alternative schemes. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (e) Diversion.Scheme Alternatives The topography of the site generally dictates that diversion o.f the river during construction be accompiished using diversion tun- nels with upstream and down-stream cofferdams protecting the main construction area. The configuration of the river in the vicinity of the site favors location of the diversion tunnels on. the right banks since the tunnel length for a tunnel on the left bank would· be approximately 2,000 feet greater.. In ·addition, rock conditions on the right bank are more favorable for tunneling and excavation of intake and outlet portals .. (i) ( i i ) Design Flood for Diversion - The recurrence interval of the design flood for diversion is generally established based on the characteristics of the f1 ow regime of the river, the 1 ength of the construc- tion period for which diversion is required and the pro- bable consequences of overtopping of the cofferdans. Design criteria and experience from other projects similar in scope and nature have been used in selecting the diver- sion design flood. At Watana, damage to the partially completed dam could be· significant, or more importantly would probably result in at least a one-year delay in the completion schedule. A preliminary evaluation of the construction schedule indi- cates that the diversion scheme would be required for 4 or 5 years until the dam is of sufficient height to permit initial filling of the reservoir. A des,ign flood with a return frequenc.>' of 1:50 years was selected based on exper- ience and practice with other major hydroelectric projects. This approxi1nates a 90 percent probability that the coffer- dam wi 11 not be overtopped during the 5-year construction period. The diversion design flood together with average flow characteristics of the river significant to diversion are presented below: Average annual flow Maximum average monthly flow Minimum average monthly flow Design flood inflow (1:50 years) Cofferdams 7, 940 cfs 23,100 cfs (June) 890 cfs (March) 81,100 cfs For the purposes of establishing the overall general arrangenent of the project and for subsequent diversion optimization studies, the upstream cofferdam section I I I I I I ,, I I I> I I I I I I I I ' ' I c adopted comprises an initial closure dam structure approxi- mately 30 feet high placed in the wet. (iii) Diversion Tunnels Concrete-lined tunnels and unlined rock tunnels were com- pared. Preliminary hydraulic studies indicated that the design fluod routed through the diversion scheme would re- sult in a design discharge of approximately 80,500 cfso For concrete-lined tunnels, design velocities of the order of 50 ft/s have been used in several projects. For unlined tunnels, maximum 'design velocities ranging from 10 ft/s in good quality rock to 4ft/sin less competent material are typical.·. Thus, the volume of material to be excavated using an unlined tunnel would be at least 5 times that for a lined tunnel. The reliability of an unlined tunnel is more dependent on rock conditions than is a lined tunnel, particularly given the extended period during which the diversion scheme is required to operate. Based on these considerations, given a considerably higher cost, together with the somewhat questionable feasibility of four unlined tunnels with diameters approaching 50 feet in this type of . rock, the unlined tunnels have been eliminated .. The following alternative 1 ined tunnel examined as part of this analysis: -Pressure tunnel with a free outlet; schemes. were -Pressure tunnel with a submerged outlet; and -Free flow tunnel. (iv) Emergency Release Facilities The emergency release facilities influenced the number, type, and arrangement of the diversion tunnels selected for the final scheme. At an early stage of the study, it was established that some for·m of low level release facility was required to · permit lowering of the reservoir in the event of an extreme emergency, and to meet instream flow requirements during filling of the reservoir. The most economical alternative available would involve converting one of the diversion tunnels to permanent use as a low level outlet facility .• Since it would be necessary to maintain the. diversion scheme in service during construction of the emergency facilities outlet works, twa or more diversion tunnels I I I I I I I I •• I I I I I I I I I I would be required.. The use of two diversion tunnels also provides an additional measure of security to the diversion scheme in case of the loss of service of one tunnel. The low level release facilities· will be operated for approximately three years during filling of the reservoir. Discharge at high heads usually requires some form of energy dissipation prior to returning the flow to the river.. Given the space restrictions imposed by the size of the diversion tunnel, it was decided to utilize a double e:~xpansion system constructed within the upper tunnel. {v) Optimization of Diversion Scheme . Given the considerations described above relative to design flows, cofferdan configuration, and alternative types of tunnels~ an economic study was undertaken to determine the optimum combination of upstream cofferdan height and tunnel diameter. Capita 1 costs were developed for three heights of upstream cofferdan embankment with a 30-foot-wide crest and exterior slopes of 2H: 1 V. A freeboard allowance of 5 feet for set- tl anent and wave run up and 10 feet for the effects of down- stream ice j anming on ta i 1 water el ev at ions was adopted. Capital costs for the 4, 700 foot long tunnel alternatives included allowances for excavation, concrete liner, rock bolts, and steel supports. Costs were a1so developed for the upstr·eam and downstream portals, including excavation and support. The cost of intake gate structures and as so ... ciated gates was determined not to vary significantly with tunnel diameter and was excluded from the analysis. Curves of headwater elevation versus tunnel diameter fo'Y' the various tunnel alternatives with submerged and free outlets are presented in Figure 8.22. The relationship between capital cost and crest elevation for the upstrean cofferdan is shown in Figure B. 23. The capital cost for various tunnel diameters with free and submerged outlets fs given in Figure 8.24. The results of the opt im i zat ian study are. presented in Figure B.25 and indicate the following optimtm solutions for each alternative. I, I I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Diameter Cofferdam Crest Type of Tunnel (feet) Elevation (ft) Total Cost {$) Two Two Two pressure tunnels 30 1595 66,000,000 free flow tunnels 32.5 1580 68~000,000 free flow tunnels 35 1555 69,000,000 The cost studies indicate that a relatively small cost dif- ferentiai {4 to 5 percent) separates the various alterna- tives for tunnel diameter from 30 to 35 feet. (vi) Selected Diversion Scheme An important consideration at this point is ease of coffer- dan closure. For the pressure tunnel scheme, the invert of the tunnel entrance is below riverbed elevation, and once the tunnel ·;s complete diversion can be accomp1 ished with a closure dam section approximately 10 feet high. The free flow tunnel scheme, howe\/er, requires a tunnel invert approximately 30 feet above the riverbed level, and diver- sion would involve an end-dt.mped closure section 50 feet high. The velocities of flows which w:Juld overtop the cof- ferdan before the water 1 evel s were raised to reach the tunnel invert level YK~uld be prohi_bitively higher resulting in complete erosion of the cofferdan and hence the dual free flow tunnel scheme was dropped from consideration. Based on the preceeding considerations, a combination of one pressure tunnel and one free flow tunnel (or pressure tunnel with free outlet) was adopted. This wi 11 permit initial diversion to be made using the lower pressure tun- nel, thereby simplifying the critical closure operation and avoiding potentially serious delays in the schedule. Two alternatives were re-evaluated as follows: Tunnel Diameter (feet) 30 35 Upstream Coffer dam Crest Elevation APproximate Height {feet) (feet) 1595 1555 150 .110 More detailed layout studies indicated that the higher cof- ferdan associated with the 30 foot diameter tunnel alterna- tive would require locating the inlet portal further up- strec.m into uThe Fi ns 11 shear zone. Since good rock I I I I I (f) I. I I I I .., I I I. I, I. I I I I conditions for portal construction are essential and the 35 fo<Jt diameter tunnel alternative would permit a portal location downstrean of 11 The Fins 11 , this latter alternative was adopted. As noted in (v), the overall cost difference was not significant in the range of tunnel diameters con- sidered, and the scheme incorporating two 35 foot diameter tunnels with an upstream cofferdam crest elevation of 1555 was incorporated as part of the selected general arrange-ment. · Spillway F acil it ies Alternatives As discussed in Subsection (c) above, the project has been designed to safely pass floods with the following return fre- quencies: Flood Total Spillway Discharge (cfs) Spillway Design Prob ab 1 e Maximum Frequency 1:10,000 years 145,000 310,000 . Discharge of the spillway design flood will require a gated ser- vice spillway on either the left or right bank. Three basic al- ternative spillway types were examined: -Chute spillway with~flip bucket; -Chute spillway with stilling basin; and -Cascade spillwayo Consideration was also given to combinations of these alternatives with or without supplemental facilities such as valved tunnels and an emergency spillway fu~e plug for handling the PMF discharge. Clearly, the selected spillway alternatives will greatly influence and be influenced by the project general arranganent. (i) Energy Dissipation The two chute spillway alternatives considered achieved effective energy dissipation either by means of a flip ·bucket which directs the spillway discharge in .the fonn of a free-fall jet into a plunge pool \E 11 downstrean from the dam or a stilling basin at the end of the chute \'Alich dis- sipates energy in a hydraulic jump. The cascade type spillway 1 imits the free fall height of the discharge by utilizing a series of 20 to 50 foot steps down to river 1 evel, with energy d i ssi pati on at each step. I I I I ·I I I I I I I I I, . I I I I I I (g) All spillway alternatives were assumed to incorporate a concrete agee type contra 1 section contra 11 ed by fixed r.oll er vertical 1 ift gates. Chute spillway sections were asslJlled to be concrete-lined, with ample provision for air entrainment in the chute to prevent cavitation, and with pressure relief drains and rock anchors in the foundation. ( i i) E nviromnenta,l Mitigation During development of the general arrangements for both the Watana and Devil Canyon dans, a restriction was imposed on the cmount. of excess dissolved nitrogen permitted in the spillway discharges D Supersaturation occurs ~'/hen aerated flows are subjected to pressures greater than 30 to 40 feet of head which forces excess nitrogen into solution. This occurs when water is subjected to the high pressures that occur in deep plunge pools or at large hydraulic jumps. The excess nitrogen would not be dissipated within the downstreCitl Devil Canyon reservoir and a bui 1 dup of nitrogen concentration caul d occur throughout the body of water. It would eventually be discharged downstream from Devil Canyon with harmful effects on the fish popu1 at ion. On the basis of an evaluation of the related impacts and discussions with interested federal and state agencies, spillway facil- ities were designed to 1 imit discharges of water from either Watana or Devil Canyon that may become supersat- urated with nitrogen to a recurrence period of not less than 1: 50 years. Power Facilities Alternative . Selection of the optimum power plant devel opnent involved consid- eration of the following: -Location, type and size of the power plant; -Geotechnical considerations; -Number, type, size and setting of generating units; -Arranganent of intake and water passages; and -Environmental constraints . (i) Comparison of Surface and Underground Powerhouse Studies were carried out to compare the construction costs of a surface powerhouse and of an underground powerhouse at Watana. These studies were undertaken on the basis of pre- 1 iminary conceptual 1 ayouts assuning six units and a total installed capacity of 840 MW. The comparative cost est i- mates for powerhouse civil works and electrical and mechan- ical equillllent (excluding common items) indicated an ,. I I I I '' I I t: I I ~. 'I I I ~· I I I. I I I I advantage in favor of the underground poNerhouse of $16,300,000. The additiqnal cost for the surface power- house arrangenent is primarily associated with the longer penstocks and the steel 1 inings required. Although con- struction cost estimates for a 1020 MW p1 ant would be some- what higher, the overall conclusion favoring the under- ground location would not change. The underground powerhouse arr.angenent is o.l so better suited to the severe winter conditions in Alaska, is less affected by river flood f1 ows in summer, and is aesthet- ically less obtrusive. This arrangenent has therefore been adopted for further development. (ii) Comparison of Alternative Locations Preliminary studies were undertaken during the developnent of conceptual project 1 ayouts at Watana to investigate both right and left bank locations for power facilities. The configuration of the site is such that left bank locations required longer penstock and/or tai 1 race tunnels and were therefore more expensive. The location on the left bank was further rejected because of indications that the underground facilities \\Ould be located in relatively poor quality rock. The underground powerhouse. was therefore 1 ocated on the right bank such that the major openings 1 ay between the two major shear features ( uThe Fins" and the "Fingerbuster 11 ). (iii) Underground Openings Because no construction ad its or extensive dri 11 ing in the powerhouse and tunnel locations nave been completed, it has been assumed that full concrete-1 ining of the penstocks and tailrace tunnels would be. required. This assunption is conservative and is for preliminary design only; in prac- tice, a large proportion of the tailrace tunnels would pro- bably be unlined, depending on the actual rock quality en- countered. The min imt.."D center-to-center spacing of rock tunnels and caverns has been assumed for 1 a}{)ut studies to be 2. 5 times the width or diameter of the 1 arger excavation~ .. (iv) Selection of Turbines The selection of turbine type is governed by the available head and flow. For the design head and specific speed, Francis type turbines have been selected. Francis turbines I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I have a reasonably flat load-efficiency curve over a range from about 50 percent to 115 percent of rated output with · peak efficiency of about 92 percent. The nllllber and rating of individual units is discussed in detail in Subsection (b) above. l11e final selected arranganent comprised six units producing 170 MW each, rated at minimum reservoir level (from reser·voir simulation studies) in the peak danand month (December) at full gate. The unit output at best effie iency and a rated head of 680 feet is 181 MW. (v) Tt""ansformers The selection of transformer type, size, location and step-up rating is summarized below: -Single phase transformers are required because of trans- port 1 imitations on Alaskan roads and railways; Direct transformation from 15 kV to 345 kV is preferred for overall system transient stability; -An underground transformer gal Jery has been selected for minimum total cost of transformers, cab 1 es, bus, and transformer 1 asses; and - A grouped arrangenent of three sets of three single-phase transfonners for each set of two units has been selected (a total of nine transfonners) to reduce the physical size of the transformer gallery and to provide a trans- former spacing comparable with the unit spacing. (vi) Power Intake and Water Pas sages The power intake and approach channel are significant items in the cost of the overall power facilities arrangenent. The size of the intake is controll.ed by the number and min- imum spacing between the penstocks, wh1ch in turn is d ic- tated by geotechnical considerations. The preferred penstock arrangement comprises six individual penstocks, one for each turbine. With this arrangement, no inlet valve is required in the powerhouse since turbine dewatering can be performed by closing the control gate at the intake and draining the penstocks and scroll case through a valved bypass to the tailrace. flt1 alternative a\ :--anganent with three penstocks was considered in detail to \S.sess any possible advantages. This scheme would requ1 ·'"e a bifurcation and two inlet valves on each penstock I I I I ...... I •• '# I I I I I I I I I I, I: I Item and extra space in the. powerhouse to accommodate the inlet valves. Estimates of relative cost differences are sum- marized bel ow: Cost Difference ($ x 106) 6 Penstocks 3 Penstocks Intake Penstocks Bifurcations Valves Powerhouse Capitalized Value of Extra Head Loss Base Case 0 0 0 0 0 -20.0 -3.0 + 3.0 + 4.0 + 8 .. 0 + 6.0 Total (vii) 0 -2.0 Despite a marginal saving of $2 mill ion (or less than 2 perce,,t in a total estimated cost of $120 mill ion) in favor of three penstocks lt the arranganent of six indi\:1dual pen- stocks has been retained. This arranganent provides im- proved flexibility and security of operation . .. The preliminary design of the power facilities involves t.10 ta i 1 race tunne 1 s 1 ead ing from a common surge chamber. fllt alternative arrangenent with a single tailrace tunnel was also considered, but no significant cost saving was apparent. Optimization studies on all water passages were carried out to determine the min imun total cost of initial construction plus the capitalized value of anticipated energy losses caused by conduit friction, bends and changes of section. For the penstock optimization, the construction costs of the intake and approach channel were 1ncl uded as a function . of the penstock diameter and spacing~ Similarly, in the optimization studies for the tailrace tunnels the costs of the surge chamber were included as a function .of tailrace tunnel diameter. Environmental Constraints ·Apart from the potential nitrogen supersaturation prob1an discussed, the major environmental constraints. on the design of the power facilities are: -Control of down stream river temperatures; and -Control of downstream flows. The intake design has beeJ:l modified to enable power plant flows to be drawn from the reservoir at four different 1 evel s throughout the anticipated range of reservoir I I I I ,, I I .... I I I I I I I I I I •• I drawdown for energy production in order to control the downstream river temperatures within acceptable 1 imits. Minimlll1 flows at Gold Creek during the critical summer months have been studied to mitigate the project impacts on s·almon spawning downstream of Devil Can.yon. These min imllll flows represent a constraint on the reservoir operation and influence the computation of average and firm energy pro- duced by the Sus i tn a d eve 1 o flll en t • The Watana deve1or:ment wi 11 be operated as a daily peaking plant far load following. The actual extent of daily peak- ing will be dictated by unit availability, unit ·size, sys- tem danand, system stability~ generating costs, etc. 2. 3 -Selection of Watana General Arrangement Preliminary alternative arrangenents of the Watana Project \\ere devel- oped and subjected to a series of review and screening processes. The 1 ayouts selected from each screening process were developed in greater detail prior to the next review and, where necessary, additional lay- outs were prepared combining the features of two or more of the altern- atives. Assunptions and criteria were evaluated at each stage and add- itional data incorporated as necessary. The selection process followed the general selection methodology established for the Susitna project and is outlined belowo (a) Selection Methodology The determination of the project general arrangenent at Watana was undertaken in three distinct revie,w stages: preliminary, inter- mediate, and final. (i) Preliminary Review (completed early in 1981) This comprised four steps: -Step 1: Assemble available data; Detennine design criteria; ~nd Establish evaluation criter1a. -Step 2: Deve1op preliminary layouts and design criteria based on the above duta including all plausible alternatives for the -~!lrlStituent facilities and structures. -Step 3: Review all 1 ayouts on the basis of technical feasib fl ity, readily apparent cost differences, safety, and env ironmenta 1 impact. I I I I I I I I, I I I I ·I I •• I "1, ' I I -Step 4: Select those layouts that can be identified as most favorable, based on the evaluation criteria established in Step 1, and taking into account the preliminary nature of the work · at this stage. (ii) Int·ermediate Review {completed by mid-1981) This involved a series of 5 steps: -Step 1: Review all data, incot'"porating additional data from other work tasks. Review and expand design criteria to a greater 1 evel of detail. Review evaluation criteria and modify, if neces- sary. -Step 2: Revise selected layouts on basis of the revised criteria and additional data. Prepare p1 ans and principal sections of layouts. -Step 3: · Prepare quantity estimates for major structures based on drawings prepared under Step 2. Develop a preliminary construction schedule to eva 1 uate whether or not the se 1 ected 1 ayo ut wi 11 allow completion of the project within the re- quired time frame. Prepare a preliminary contractor• s type estimate to determine the overall cost of each scheme. -Step 4: Review all layouts on the basis (}f technical feasibility~ co.st impact of possible unknown conditions and uncertainty of assumptions, safe- ty, and environment a 1 impact. -Step 5: Select the t\\0 most favorable layouts based on the evaluation criteria determined under Step 1. (iii) Final Review (completed early in 1982) -Step 1: Assemble and review any additional data from other work tasks. Revise design criteria in accordance with addi- tional available data. Finalize overall evaluation criteria. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' I -Step 2: Revise or_ further develop the two layouts on the basis of input from Step 1 and determine overall dimensions of structures, water passages, gates, and other key i terns. -Step 3: Prepare quantity take-offs for all major struc- tures. Review cost components within a preliminary con- tractor• s type estimate using the most recent data and criteria, and develop a construction schedule. Determine overall direct cost of schemes. -Step 4: Review all layouts on the basis of practicabil- ity, technical feasibility, cost, impact of pos- sible unknown conditions, safety, and environ- menta 1 impact. -Step 5: Se 1 ect the final 1 ayout on the basis of the evaluation criteria developed under Step 1. (b) Design Data and Criteria As discussed above, the review process included assembling rele- vant design data, estab 1 ishing preliminary design criteria, and expanding and refining· these data during the intermediate and final reviews of the project arranganent. The design data and design criteria which evolved through the final review are pr-e- sented in Table 8.26. (c) Evaluation Criteria The various layouts wev-e evaluated at each stage of the review process on the basis of the criteria summarized in Table B.27. The criteria listed in Table B.27 illustrate the progressively more detailed evaluation process leading to the final selected arrangenent. (d) Preliminary Review The devel opnent selection studies described in Section 8, Vol tme 1 of Reference 4, involved comparisons of hydroelectric schemes at a number of sites on the Susitna River. As part of these compari- sons a preliminary conceptual design was developed for Watana in- corporating a double stilling basin type spillway. Eight further 1 ayouts were subsequently prepared and exani~ed fo.r the Watana project during this preliminary review process in I •• I I I I I I I I I I I •• I I I I I· . addition to the scheme shown on Figure 8.7. These eight layouts are shown in schematic form on Figure B.25o Alternative 1 of these 1 ayouts was the scheme recommended for further study in the Deve 1 opment Section Report, Reference l. This section describes the preliminary review undertaken of al- ternative Watana layouts. (i) Basis of Comparison of Alternatives Although it was recognized that provision would have to be made for downstream releases of water during filling of the reservoir and for emergency reservoir drawdown, these fea- tures were not incorporated in these preliminary 1 ayouts. These facilities would either be interconnected with the diversion tunnels or be provided for separately. Since the system selected would be similar for all layouts with mini- ma.l cost differences and 1 itt 1 e impact on other structures, it was decided to exclude these facilities from overall assessment at this early stage. Ongoing geotechnical explorations had identified the two major shear zones crossing the Susitna River and running roughly parallel in the northwest direction. These zones enclose a stretch of watercourse approximately 4500 feet in length.. Preliminary evaluation of the existing geological data indicated highly fractured and altered material~ within the actttal shear zones which would pose serious pro- blems for conve~tional tunneling methods and would be un- . suitable for founding of massive concrete structures. The originally proposed dam axis<! was located between these shear zones, and since no apparent major advantage appeared to be gained from 1 arge changes in the dam location, 1 ay- outs · generally were kept within the confines of these bounding zones. An earth and rockfi 11 dam was used as the basis for all 1 ayouts. The downstream s 1 ope of the dam was assumed as 2H:lV in all alternatives and upstream slopes varying be- tween 2.5H:lV and 2.25H:1V were examined in order to deter ... mine the influence of variance in the dam slope on the con- gestion of the 1 ayout. In all prel imi nary arrangements except the one shown on Plate 8. 2, cofferdams were incor- porated within the body of the main dama Floods greater than the routed 1:10,000 year spillway design flood and up to the probable maximum flood were assumed to be passed by surcharging the spillways, except in cases where an unlinsd cascade or stilling basin type spillway served as the s.ole discharge facility. In such I I I I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I " instances, under large surcharges, these spillways would not act as efficient energy dissipaters but would be drowned out, acting as steep open channels with the possi- bility of their· total destruction. In order to avoid such an occurrence the design flood for these 1 atter spi 11 ways was considered as the routed probable maximum flood. On the basis of information existing at the time of the preliminary review, it appeared that an underground power- house could be located on either side of the river. A sur- face powerhouse on the right bank appeared fea.sib1 e but was precluded from the left bank by the close proximity of the downstream toe of the dam and the adjacent broad shear zone. Locating the powerhouse further downstream would require tunneling across the shear zone, which would be expensive, and would require excavating a talus slope. ·Furthermore, it was found that a 1 eft bank surface power- house would either interfere with a 1 eft bank spillway or would be directly impacted by discharges from a right bank spillway. (ii) Description of Alternative -Doub1_e Stilling Basin Scheme The scheme as shown on Figure B. 7 has a dan axis loca- tion similar to that originally proposed by the COE, and a right bank double stilling basin spillway. The spill- way fallows the shortest 1 ine to the. river, avoiding interference with the dam and discharging downstream almost parallel to the flow into the center of the r·iver. A substantial amount of excavation is rt::quired for the chute and stilling basins~ although most of this material could probably be used in the dan. A large voltme of concrete is also required for this type of spillway, resulting in a spillway system that wA>uld be very costly. The maximum head dissipated within each stilling basin is approximately 450 feet. Within world experience, cavitation and erosion of the chute and basins should not be a problem if the structures are propel"ly designed. Extensive erosion downstream would not be expected. The diversion follows the shortest route, cutting the bend of the river on the right bank, and has inlet portals as far upstream as poss ib 1 e without having to tunnel through "The Fins 11 • It .is possible that the underground· powerhouse is in the area of 11 The Finger- buster11, but the powerhouse could be located upstream almost as far as · the system of drain hales and •• I I I I I I I I I I I .I I I I I I I <> galleries just downstream of the main dan grout curtain. ... Alternative 1 This alternative is that recommended for further study in Reference 5 and is similar to the 1 ayout described above except that the right side of the dam has been rotated clockwise, the axis relocated upstream, and the spillway changed to a chute and flip bucket. . The revised dam alignment resulted in a s1 ight reduction in total dan volt..me compared to tht~ above alternative. A 1 ocal ized downstream curve was introduced in the dan close to the right abutment in ord·er to reduce the length of the spillway. The alignment of the spillway is almost parallel to the downstream section of the river and it discharges into a pre-excavated plunge pool in the river approximately 800 feet downstream from the flip bucket. This type of spi 1 h,iay should be consider- ably less costly than one incorporating a sti.lling basin, provided that excessive pre-excavation .of bedrock withfn the plunge pool area is not r·equired. Careful design o.f the bucket wi 11 be required, however, to pre- vent excessive erosion downstream causing undermining of the valley sides and/or build up of material downstrean which could cause elevation of the tailwater levels. -Alternatives 2 through 20 Alternative 2 consists of a left bank cascade spillway with the main dam axis curving downstream at the abut- ments. The cascade spillway would require an extremely 1 arge vollllle of rock excavation but it is probable that most of this material, with careful sched~l ing, could be used in the dan. The excavation would cross •rTne Fingerbustern and extensive dental concrete would be required in that at"ea. In the upstrean portion of tbe spillway, velocities \\()Uld be relatively high because of the narrow· configuration of the channel, and erosion could take place in this area in proximity to the dam .. The discharge from the spillv1ay enters the river perpen- dicular to the general flow but velocities would be rel- atively low and should not cause substantial erosion problems.. The powerhouse is in the most suitable loca- tion for a surface alternative where the bedrock is close to the surface and the overall rock slope is approximately 2H:lV. ·I· I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Alternative 2A is similar to Alternative 2 except that the upper end of the channel is divided and separate control structures a\"'e provided. This division would a 11 ow the use of one structure or upstream channe 1 whi 1 e maintenance or remedial work is being performed on the other. Alternative 2B is similar to Alternative 2 except that the cascade spillway is replaced by a daub 1 e st i 11 ing basin type structure. This spillway is somewhat longer than the simi 1 ar type of structure on the right bank in the alternative described above. However, the slope of the ground is less than the rather steep right bank and may be easier to construct, a factor which may partly mitigate the cost of the longer structure. The dis- charge is at a sharp angle to the river and more concen- trated than the cascade, which could cause erosion of the opposite bank. Alternat~ve 2C is a derivative of 2B with a similar arrangenent, except that the double stilling basin spillway is reduced in size and augmented by an addi- tional emergency spi 1 hvay in the form of an inclined~ unlined rock channel. Under this arrangenent the con- crete spillway acts as the main spillway, passing the 1:10,000 year design flood with greater flows passed down the unl ined3 channel which is closed at its upstream e:nd by an erodable fuse plug. The problems of erosion of the opposite bank st i 11 remain, although these could be overcome by excavation and/or slope protection. Erosion of the chute would be extreme for significant flows, although it i ~ highly un1 ikely that this emerg- ency spillway would ever be used. Alternat -ive 20 replaces th~ .r :ter ~<ig (".~ • n 1 t~"""" .,.~ ,;~~~ ~ . .. ._.,_ ,...,...,.;,. .. ,.. .. ...,. vr n1 I;OIIltl'-'IVC ·;c:;. with a 1 ined chute and f1 ip bucket. The conments rel a- t ive to the flip bucket are the same as for Alternative 1 except that the left bank location in this instance requires a longer chute~ partly offset by lower con- struction costs because of the flatter slope. The flip bucket discharges· into the river at an angle which may cause erosion of the opposite bank. The underground powerhouse is located on the right bank, an arranganent which provides an overall reduction of the length of the water passages. -Alternative 3 This arrangenent has a dan axis location slightly upstream from Alternative ?, but retains the downstrean I I I I I I I I I I I I .. I I I I • 'I I I curve at the abutments. The main spillway is an unlined rock. cascade on the left bank which passes the design flood. Discharges beyond the 1: 10,000 year flood v.oul d be discharged through the auxiliary concrete-1 ined chute and flip bucket spillway on the right bank. A gated control structure is provided for this auxiliary spill- way which gives it the f1 ex ib il ity to be used as a back,- up if maintenance should be required on the main spi 11- way. Erosion of the cascade may be a prob1 em, as mentioned previously, but erosion downstream should be a 1 ess important consideration because of the 1 ow unit discharge and the infrequent operation of the spillway. The diversion tunnels· are situated in the right abut- mentS' as with previous arrangements, and are of similar cost for all these alternatives. -Alternative 4 This alternative involves rotating the axis of the main dan so that the left abutment is relocated approximately 1000 feet downstream from its Alternative 2 location. The relocation results in a reduction in the overall dam quantities but would require siting the impervious core of the dam directly over the ·uFingerbuster 11 shear zone at maximlln dam height. The left bank spillway, consist- ing of chute and flip bucket, is reduced in length com- pared to other left bank locations, as are the power facility water passages. The diversion tunnels are sit- uated on the left bank; there is no advantage to a right bank location, since the tunnels are of similar length owing to the overall downstream relocation of the dan .. Spillways and power fac i 1 ities would also be· 1 engthened by a right bank location with this dan configuration. ' ... Selection of-Schemes for Further Study A basic consideration during design develo}l11ent was that the main dam core should not cross the major shear zones because of the obvious problems with treatment· of tbe foundationo Accordingly~ there is very little scope for realigning the main dan apart from a slight rotation to place it more at right angles to the river. Location of the spillway on the right bank resu1ts in a shorter distance to the river and allows discharges almost parallel to the general direction of river flow. The double stilling basin arrangement would be extremely expensive, particularly if it must be designed to pass the probable maximum flood. An alternative such as 2C I I I I 'I • I - I I _,, I I I I I I I I I would reduce the magnitude of design flood to be passed by. the spillway b!.it would only be acceptable if an emergency spillway with a high degree of op-erational predictability could be constructed. A flip bucket spillway an the. right bank, discharging directly down the river, would appear to be an economic arrangement, although some scour might occur in the plunge pool area .. A cascade spillway on the left bank could be an accept- able solution providing most of the excavated material could be used in the dan~ and adequate rock conditions existo The length of diversion tunnels can be decreased if they are located on tha right bank. In addition, the tunnels would be accessible by a preliminary access road from the north, which is the most 1 ikely route. This 'loca- tion would also avoid the area of "The Fingerbustern and the steep cliffs which would be encountered on the left side close to the downstream dam toe~ The underground configuration assumed for the powerhouse in. these preliminary studies allows for location on either side of the river with a minimun of interferencs with the surface structures. Four of the preceding layouts~ or variations of them, were se 1 ected fo.r further study: • A variation of the double stilling basin scheme, but with a-single sti 11 ing basin main spillway on the right bank, a rock channel and fuse plug emet'gency spillway, a left bank underground powerhouse and a right bank d i v er s ion scheme; . Alternative 1 with a right bank flip bucket spillway, an underground powerhouse on the 1 eft bank, and right bank diversion ; • A variation of Alternative 2 with a reduced capacity main spillway •and a right bank ro~k channel wi.th a fuse plug serving as an emergency spillway; and ~ • Alternative 4 with a left bank rock cascade spillway, a right bank underground powerhouse, and a right bank diversion. (e) Intermediate Review For the intermediate review process, the four schemes selected as a result of the preliminary review were ex ani ned in more detail I I I I I I I I I I .I I I I I I. I I •• and modified. A description of each of the schemes is given below and shown on Figures B. 27 through B. 32. The general locations of the upstream and downstream shear zones ~hown on these plates are approximate and have been refined on the b,asis of subsequent field investigations for the proposed project. ( i) Description of A 1ternative Sche!fleS The four schemes are shown on Figures B. 27 through B. 32. Scheme WPl! (Figure 8 .. 27) This scheme is a refinement of Alternative 1. The up- str~an s'iope of the dam is flattened from 2.5:1 to 2. 7o~ 1.. This conserv at iv~ ·approach was adopted to pro- vide an assessment of the possible impacts on project 1 ayout of conceivable measures which prove necessary in dealing with severe earthquake design conditions. Un- certainty wi·th regard to the nature of river alluvitm also led to the location of the cofferdans outside the 1 imits of the main dam embankment. As a result of these conditions,· the intake portals of the diversion tunnels on the right bank are also _moved upstream from 11 The Fins11 • A chute spillway with a flip bucket is located · on the right bank. The underground powerhouse ts located on the left bank. -Scheme WP2 (Figures 8.29 and 8.30) This scheme is derivsd from the double stilling basin 1 ayout. The main dam and diversion facilities are sim- 11 ar to Scheme WP! except that the do\"6\stream cofferdan is relocated further downstream from the spillway outlet and the diversion tunnels are correspondingly extended .. The main spillway is 1 ocated on the r·ight bank, but the two· sti 1 i ing basins of the preliminary DSR scheme are combined into a sing 1 e stilling basin at the river level. M emergency spillway is also located on the right bank and consists of a channel excavated in rock~ discharging downstream from the ·area of the relict channel. The channel is closed at its upstream end by a compacted earthfill fuse plug and is capable of dis- charging the flow differential between the probable maximun flood and the 1: 10,000-year design flood of the main spi 11way. The underground powerhouse .is 1 ocated on the left bank. I I I I ·I I I I I I I I I ·I I I I I I -Scheme WP3 (Figures 8.28 and 8.29) This scheme is similar to Scheme WPl in all respects except that an anergency spillway is added consisting of right bank rock channel and fuse plug. -Scheme WP4 (Figures B.31 and 8.32) The dam 1ocation and geometry for Scheme WP4 are simi 1 ar to that for the other schemes. The diversion is on the right bank and discharges downstream from the powerhouse tailrace outlet. A rock cascade spillway is located on the· left bank and is served by two separate control structures with downstream stilling basins. The under- ground powerhouse is located on the right bank. ( i i) Compa~_i son of Schemes . The main dam is in the same location and has the same con- figuration for each of the four ·layouts considered. The cofferdams have been located outside the limits of the main dam in order to allow more extensive excavation of the alluvial material and to ensure a sound rock foundation beneath the complete area of the dam.. The overall design of the dam is conservative, and it was recognized during the evaluation that savings in both fill and excavation costs can probably be made after more detailed study. The diversion tunnels are located on the right bank. The upstream flattening of the dam slope necessitates the loca- tion of the diversion inlets upstream from "The Fins" shear zone which would require extensive excavation and support where the tunnels pass through this extremely poor rock zone and could cause delays in the construction schedule. A low-lying area exists on the right bank in the area of the relict channel and requir.es approximately a 50-foot high saddle dam for closure, given the reservoir :nperating level assumed for the comparison study. However, the fin- ally selected reservoir operating level will require only a nominal freeboard structure at this location. A summary of capital cost estimates for the four alterna- tive schemes is g~ven in Table 8.28. The results of this ;,~t .lrmediate analysis indicate that the chute spillway with flip bucket (Scheme WPl) is the least costly spillway alternative. The scheme has the additional advantage of relatively simple operating characteristics. The control structure I I I I I I. I I I • •• I I •• I I I I I I <· ~ .... ' \ 111) has prov1s1on for surcharging to pass the design flood. The probable maximum· flood can be passed by additional sur- charging up to the crest level of the dam. In Scheme WP3 a similar spillway is provided, except that the control structure is reduced in size and discharges above the routed design flood are passed tf,rough the rock channel emergency spillway. The arrangement in Scheme WPl does not provide a backup facility to the main spillway, so that if repairs caused by excessive p1 unge poo 1 erosion or damage to the structure itse.lf require removal of the spillway from service. for any length of time, no alternative dis- charge facility would be avail able. The additional spill- way of Scheme WP3 would permit emergency discharge if it were required under extreme circumstances. The stilling basin sp.illway (Scheme WP2) 'llould reduce the potential for extensive erosion do'lmstrearn, but high veloc- ities in the lower part of the chute could cause cavitation even with the provision for aeration of the discharge. This type of spillway would be very costly, as can be seen from Table 8.28. The feasibility of the rock cascade spillway is entirely dependent on the quality of the rock, which dictates the amount of treatment required for the rack surface and a1 so "the proportion of the excavated material which can be used in the dam. For determining the capital cost of Scheme WP4, conservative assumptions were made regarding surface treatment and the portion of material that would have to be wasted. The diversion tunnels are located on the right bank for all alternatives examined in the intermediate review. For Scheme WP2, the downstream portals must be located down- stream from the stilling basin, resulting in an increase of approximately 800 feet in the length of the tunnels. The left bank location of the powerhouse requires its placement close to a suspected shear zone, with the tailrace tunnels passing through this shear zone to reach the river. A 1 anger ac-cess tunne 1 is a 1 so required, together with an additional 1,000 feet in the length of the tailrace. Th~ left-side location is remote from the main access road~ which will probably be on the north side of the river, as will the transmission corridor. Selet:tion of Schemes for Further Study Examination of the technical and economic aspects of Scheme WPl through l~P4 indicates there is 1 ittle scope for adjust- ment of the dam axis owing to t~e confinement imposed by ' > .-1' I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I -· I I I • the upstream and downstream shear zones. In add it ion, pas- sage of the diversion tunnels through the upstream shear zone could result in significant delays in construction and additional cost • . From a comparison of costs \n Table Bs28, it can be seen that the flip bucket type spillway is the most economical, but because of the potential for erosion under extensive operation it is undesirable to use it as the on1y discharge faci 1 ity. A m i d-1 eve 1 re 1 ease wi 1 1 be required for emer- gency drawdown of the reservoir, and use of this release as the first-stage service spillway with the flip bucket as a backup facility would combine flexibility and safety of operation with reasonable cost.. The emergency rock channel spillway would be retained for discharge of flows above the r'outed 1: 10,000-year flood. The stilling basin spillway is very costly and the operat- ing head of 800 feet is beyond precedent experience. Ero- sion downstream should not be a problem but cavitation of the chute caul d occur. Scheme WP2 was therefore eliminated from further consideration • The cascade spillway was also not favored for technical and economic reasons. However, this arrangement does have an advantage in that it provides a means of preventing nitro- gen supersaturation in the downstream discharges from the project which could be harmful to the fish P.opul ation. A cascade configuration would redu~e the dissolved nitrogen content; hence, this alternative was retained for further evaluation. The capacity of the cascade was reduced and the emergency rock channel spillway was included to take the extreme floods. The results of the intermediate review indicated that the follm'ling components should be incorporated into any scheme carried forward for final review: -Two diversion tunnels located on the right bank of the river; -·An underground powerhouse also located on the right bank; An emergency spillway, compr1 s 1ng a rock channel exca- vated on the right bank and discharging well downstream from the right abutment. The channel is sealed by an erodible fuse plug of impervious material designed to fail if overtopped by the reservoir; and I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - A compacted earthfill and rockfill dam situated between the two major shear zones which traverse the project site. As discussed above, two specific alternative methods exist with respect to routing of the spillway design flood and minimizing the adverse effects of nitrogen supersaturation on the downstream fish population. These alternatives are: - A chute spillway with flip bucket on the right bank to pass the spillway design flood, with a mid-level release system designed to operate for floods with a frequency of up to about 1:50 years; or - A cascade .spillway on the 1 eft bank .. Accordingly, two schemes were developed for further evalua- tion as part of the final review process. These schemes are described separately in the paragraphs below. (f) Final Review The two schemes considered in the final review process were essen- tially derivations of Schemes WP3 and WP4. (i) Scheme WP3A (Figure 8.33) This scheme is a modified version of Scheme WP3 described above.. Because of scheduling and cost considerations, it is extremely important to maintain the diversion tunnels downstream from "The Fins.11 It is also important to keep the dam axis as far upstream as possible to avoid conges- tion of the do\'mstream structures. For thes·e reasons, the inlet portals to the diversion tunnels wet"e located in the sound bedrock forming the downstream boundary of uThe Fins." The upstream cofferdam and main dam are maintained in the upstream locations as shown on Figure 8.33. As mentioned previously, additional criteria have necessitated modifications in the spillway configuration, and low-level and emergency drawdown outlets have been introduced. The main modifications to the scheme are as follows: -Main Dam Continuing preliminary design studies and review of world practice suggest that an upstream slope of 2.4H:lV wou'ld be acceptable for the rock shell. Adoption of this slope I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I results not only in a reduction in dam fill volume but also in a reduction in the base \'Jidth of the dam which permits the main project components to be located between the major shear zones. The downstream slope of. the dam is retained as 2H:lV. The cofferdams remain outside the 1 imits of the dam in order to allow complete excavation of the riverbed allu- vium .. -Diversion In the intermediate review arrangements, diversion tun- ne 1 s passed through the broad structure of 11 The Fins," an intensely sheared area of breccia, gouge, and infi lls .. Tunneling of this material would be difficult, and might even require excavation in open cut from the surface. High cost would be involved, bu: more important would be the time taken for construction in this area and the pos- sibi 1 ity of unexpected delays. For this reason, the in·let portals have. been relocated downstream from this zone with the tunnels located closer to the river and crossing the main system of jointing at approximately 45t\ ~ This arrangement allows for shorter tunnels with a more favorable orientation of the inlet and outlet portals with respect to the river flow directions. A separate low-level inlet and concrete-lined tunnel is provided, 1 ead ing from the reservoir at approximate E1 e- vation 1550 to downstream of the diversion plug where it merges with the diversion tunnel closest to the river. This low-level tunnel is designed to pass flows up to 6000 cfs ·during reservoir filling. It would also pass up to 30,000 cfs under 500-foot head to allow emergency draining of the reservoir. Initial closure is made by lowering the gates to the tun- nel located closest to the river and constructing a con- crete closure plug in the tunnel at the location of the grout curtain underlying the core of the main dam.. On completion of the plug, the low-level release is opened and controlled discharges are passed downstream. The closure gates within the second diversion tunnel portal are then closed and a concl"'ete closure plug constructed in line with the grout curtain. After closure of the· gates, filling of the reservoir would commence. -Outle.t Facilities As a provision for drawing down the reservoir in case of emergency, a mid-level release is provided. The intake I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I to these facilities is located at depth adjacent to the power facilities intake structures. Flows would then be passed downstream through a concrete-lined tunnel, dis- charging beneath the downstream end of the main spillway f1 ip bucket. In order to overcome potential nitrogen supersaturation problems, Scheme WP3A also incorporates a system of fixed cone valves at the downstream end of the vutlet facilities. The valves were sized to discharge in ccr:junction with the powerhouse operating at 7000 cfs capacity (flows up to the equivalent routed 50-year flood). Six cone valves are required, located on branches off a steel manifold and protected by individual upstream closure gates. The valves are partly incor- porated into the mass concrete block forming the flip bucket of the main spillway. The rock downstream is pro- tected from erosion by a concrete facing slab anchored back to the sound bedrock. -Spillways· As discussed above, the designed operation of the main spillway facilities was arranged to limit discharges of potentially nitrogen-supersaturated water from Watana to flows having an equivalent return period greater than 1:50 years .. The main chute spillway and flip bucket discharge into an excavated plunge pool in the downstream river bed. Re- 1 eases are contra lled by a three-gated ogee structure located adjacent to the outlet faci1 it'ies and power intake structure just upstream from the da11 centerline. The design discharge is approximately 114,000 cfs, cor- responding to the rou~ed 1:10,000-year flood (145,000 cfs) reduced by the 31,000 cfs flows attri butab 1 e to out- let and power facilities discharges. The plunge pool is formed by excavating the alluvial river deposits to bed- . rock. Si nee the excavated p 1 unge poo 1 approaches the limits of the calculated maximum scour hole, it is not anticipated that, given the infrequent discharges, sig- nificant downstream erosion will occur. An emergency spillway is provided by means of a ci'lannel excavated in· rock on the right bank, discharging ~~11 downstream from the right abutment in the direction of Tsusen~ Creek. The channel is sealed by an erodible fuse plug of impervious material designed to fail if over ... topped by the reservoir, although some preliminary exca- vation may be necessary.. The crest level of the plug wi"ll be set at Elevation 2230, well below that of the main dam. The channel will be capable of passing the -·;· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I excess discharge of floods ·greater than the 1:10,000- year flood up to the· probable maximum floqd of 310:.000 cfs. -Power Facilities The power intake is set slightly upstream from the dam axis deep within sound bedrock at the downstream end of the approach channel. The intake consists of six units with provision in each unit for drawing flows from a variety of depths covering the complete drawdown range of the reservoir. This facility also provides for draw- ing water from the different temperature strata within the upper part of the reservoir and thus regulating the temperature of the downstream discharges close to the natural temperatures of the river. For this preliminary conceptual arrangement, flow withdrawals from different levels are achieved by a series of upstream vertical shutters moving in .a single set of guides and operated to form openings at the required level. Downstream fram these shutters each unit has a pair of wheel-mounted closure gates which will isolate the individual pen- stocks. The si.x penstocks are 18-foot-di ameter, concrete ... 1 ined tunnels inclined at 55° immediately downstream from the intake to a nearly horizontal portion leading to the powerhouse. This horizontal portion· is steel-lined for 150 feet upstream from the turbine units to extend the seepage path to the powerhouse and reduce the flow with- in the fractured rock area caused by b1 asting in the adjacent powerhouse cavern. The six 170 MW turbine/generator units are housed within the major powerhouse cavern and are serviced by an over- head crane which runs the 1 ength of the powerhouse and into the service area adjacent to the units. Switch- gear, maintenance rooriT and offices are located within the main cavern, with the transformers situated down- stream in a separate gallery excavated above the ta.il- race. tunnels. Six inclined tunnels carry the connecting bus ducts from the main power ha11 to the transformer gallery. A vertical elevator and vent shaft run from the power cavern to the main office building and control room located at the surface. Vertical cable shafts, one for each pair of transformers., connect the transformer gallery to the switchyard directly -overhead. Downstream from the transformer gallery, thu underlying draft tube tunne 1 s merge into two surge chambers (one chamber for --.7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I three draft tubes) which also house the draft tube gates for iso1atif1g the units from the tailrace.. The gates are operated by an overhead traveling gantry located in the upper part of each of the surge chambers. Emerging from the ends of the chambers, two concrete-1 ined, low- pressure tai 1 race tunne 1 s carry the discharges to the river. Because of space restrictions at the river, one of these tunnels has been merged with the downstream end of the diversion tunnel. The other tunnel emerges in a separate portal with provision for the installation of bulkhead gates. The orientation of water passages and underground cav- erns is such as to avoid 51 as far as possible, alignment of the main excavations with the major joint sets. Access Access is assumed to be from the north (right) side of the river. Permanent access to structures close to the river is by a road along the right downstream river bank and then via a tunnel passing through the concrete form- ing the flip bucket. A tunnel from this point to the power cavern provides fof vehicular access. A secondary access road across the crest of the dam passes down the left bank of the valley and across the lower part of the dam. (ii) Scheme WP4A (Figure 8.34) This scheme is similar in most respects to Scheme WP3A pre- viously discussed, except for the spillway arranganents. -Main Dam The main dam axis is similar to that of Scheme WP3A!t except for a slight downstream rotation at the left abutment at the spillway control structures .. -Diversion The diversion and low level releases are the same for the two schemes. I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I I I Outlet Facilities The outlet facilities used for emergency drawdown are separate from the main spi 11 way for this scheme. The outlet facilities consists of a low-level gated inlet structure discharging up to 30,000 cfs into the river through a concrete-lined~ free-fiow tunnel with a ski j tmp f1 ip bucket. This facility may also be operated as an auxiliary outlet to augment the main left bank spi.ll- way. -Spillways The main left bank spillway is capable of passing a design flow equivalent to the 1:10,000-year flood through a series of 50-foot drops into shallow pre- excavated plunge pools. The emergency spillway is designed to operate during floods of greater magnitude up to and including the ~4F. Main spillway discharges are controlled by a broad multi-gated control structure discharging into a shallow stilling basin. The feasibility of this arrangenent is governed by the quality of the rock in the area, requir- ing both durability to withsta,nd erosion caused by spillway flows and a high percentage of sound rockfi11 material that can be used from the excavation directly in the main dam. · On the basis of the site information developed concur- rently with the general arrangenent studies, it beccme apparent that the major shear zone known to exist in the 1 eft bank area extended further downstrecm than initial studies have indicated. The cascade spill\'Jay channel was therl:fore 1 engthened to avoid the shear area at the 1 ower end of the cascade. The arrangan~nt shown on Figure B.34 for Scheme WP4A does not reflect this relo- cation, \\thich would increase the overall cost of the scheme. The emergency spillway consisting of rock channel and fuse plug is similar to that of the right bank spillway scheme. -Power Facilities The power facilities are similar to those in Scheme WP3A. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (iii} Evaluation of Final A lternnt ive Schemes An evaluation of the dissimilar features for each arrange- ment (the main spillways and the discharge arrangenents at the downstream end of the outlets) indicates a saving in capital cost of $197,000,000, excluding contingencies and indirect cost, in favor of Scheme WP3A. If this difference is adjusted for the savings associated with using a.'l appro- priate proportion of excavated material from .the cascade spillway as rockfi 11 in the main dam, this represents a net overall cost difference of approxiMately $110,000,000 in- cluding contingencies, engineering, and administration costs .. As discussed above, although limited information exists regarding the quality of the rock in the downstream area on the left bank, it is known that a major shear zone runs through and is adjacent to the area presently a 11 ocated to the spillway in Scheme WP4. This would require relocating the left bank cascade spillway several hundred feet farther downstrean into an area where the rock quality is unknown and the topography less suited to the ·gentle overall slope of the cascadeo The cost of the excavation \\Ould substan- tially increase compared to previous assumptions, irrespec- tive of the rock quality. In addition, the resistance of the rock to erosion and the sui tab i 1 ity for use as exca- vated material in the main dam would become less certain. The economic feasibility of this scheme is largely predi- cated on this last factor, since the ability to use the material as a source of rockfi 11 for the main dam repre- sents a major cost saving. · In conjunction with the main chute spillway, the problem of the occurrence of nitrogen supersaturation can be overcome by the use of a regularly operated dispersion type valve outlet facility in conjunction with the main chute spill- way. Since this scheme presents a more economic solution with fewer potential problems concerning the geotechnical aspects of its design, the right bank chute arrangenent (Scheme WP3A) has been adopted as the final selected scheme. 2.4-Selection of Devil Canyon General Arrangement This section describes the develolltlent of the general arrangenent of tbe Devil Canyon project. The method of handling floods during con- struction and subsequent project operation is also outlined iVl this section. I I I I I I' I I I ·I I I • I I I I I I I The reserva·fr level fluctuations and inflow for Devil Canyon will es- sentially be controlled by operation of the upstream Watana project. This aspect is also briefly discussed in this section. (a) Selection of Reservoir Level (b) The selected normal maximum operating level at Devil Canyon dam is El ev at ion 1455. Studies by the USBR and COE o ~ the Dev i 1 Canyon Project were essentially based on a similar reservoir level which corresponds to the tailwater level selected at the Watana site. Although the narrow configuration of the Devil Canyon site and the relatively low costs involved in increasing the dam height suggest that it might be economic to do so, it is clear that the upper economic 1 imit of reservoir level at Devil Canyon is the Watana tailrace level. Although significantly lower re~ervoir levels at Devil Canyon would lead to lower dam costs, the location of adequate spillway facilities in the narrow gorge would become extremely difficult and lead to offsetting incr·eases in cost. In the extreme case, a spillway discJ-.arging over the dam would raise concerns regarding safety from scouring at the toe of the dam which have already led to rejection of such schemes. Selection of Installed Capacity --------------~----~----- The methodology used for the preliminary selection of installed capacity at Watana and Deviil Canyon is described in Section 2.2 (b). The . deci sian to operate Devil Canyon primarily as a base-loaded plant was governed by the following main considerations: -Daily peaking is more effectively performed at Watana than at Devil Canyon; and -Excessive fluctuations in discharge from the Devi 1 Canyon dan may have an undesirable impact on mitigation measures incorpor- ated in the final design to pt-oject the downstream fisheries. Given this mode of operation, the required installed capacity at Devil Canyon has been determined as the maximum capacity needed to utilize the available energy from the hydrological flows of record, as modified by the reservoir operation rule curves. In ·years where the energy from Wat<tna and Devil Canyon exceeds the system demand, the usable energy has been reduced at both stations in proportion to the average net head available, assuming that flows used to generate energy at i~atana will also be used to gen- erate energy at De vi 1 Canyon. I I I' I ·~ I I I •• I I I I I I I I I, I (c) The total capacity required at Devil Canyon in a wet year, exclud- ing standby and spinning reserve capacity, is summarized below. The capacity shown is based on the December 1981 ·medium load growth forecast. Demand Year 2002 2005 2010 Capacity friW 370 410 507 The selected total installed capa.city at Devil Canyon has been established as 600 MW for design purposes. This will provide some margin for standby during forced outage and possible accelerated growth in demand. The major factors governing the selection of the unit size at Devi 1 Canyon are the rate of growth of system demand, the minimum station output, and the requirement of standby capacity under forced outage conditions. The above tabulation indicates that station maximum load in December will increase by about 50 percent from 2002 to 2010 (from 370 MW to 507 MW). Station minimum output in Ju 1 y , during the same period wi 11 vary from about 150 MW to 202 · MW. ~ The power facilities at Devil Canyon have been developed us.ing four units at 150 MW each. This arrangement will provide for efficient station operation during low load periods as well as ·during peak December loads. During final design, consideration of phasing of installed capacity to match the system demand may be desirable. However, the uncertainty of load forecasts and the additional contractual costs of mobilization for equipment instal- lation are such that for this study it has been assumed that all units will be commissioned by 2002. The Oev i 1 Canyon reservoir wi 11 usually be full in December; hence, any forced outage could result in spilling and a loss of . available energy. The units have been rated to deliver 150 MW at maximum December-drawdown occuring during an extremely dry year; this means that in an average year, with higher reservoir le• ·als ~ the full s:tation output can be maintained even with one unit on forced outage .. Selection of Spillway Capacity A flood frequency of 1:10,000 years was selected for the spillway design on the same basis as described for Watana. An emergency spillway with. an erodible fuse plug will also be provided to safely discharge the probable maximum flood. The development plan envisages completion of the Watana project prior to construction at Devil Canyon. Accordingly, the inflow flood peaks at Devil Canyon will be ·less than pre-project flood peaks because of rout- ing through the Watana reservoir. Spillway design floods are: I I I I I I I I •• I I I I I I I I ·~ I (d) Flood 1:10,000 years Probable Maximum Inflow Peak (cfs) 165,000 346,000 The avoidance of nitrogen supersaturation in the do.wnstrearn flow for Watana also will apply to Devil Canyon •. Thus, the discharge of water possibly supersaturated with nitrogen from Devil Canyon will be limited to a recurrence period of not less than 1:50 years by the use of solid cone valves similar to Watana. Main Dam Alternatives The location of the Devil Canyon. damsite wa-s -ex-am-ined during pre- vious studies by the USBR and COE. These studies focused on the ·narrow entrance to the canyon and led to the recommendation of a concrete arch dam. Notwithstanding this initial appraisal, a com- parative analysis was undertaken as part of this feasibi 1 ity study to evaluate the re1ative merits of the following types of struc- tures at the same 1 ocati on: · -Thick concrete arch; -Thin concrete arch; and -Fill embankment • ( i) Gompari son of Embankment and Concrete Type Dams The geometry was developed for both the thin concrete arch and the thick concrete arch dam and the dams were analyzed and their behavior compared under static, hydrostatic, and seismic loading conditions. The project layouts for these arch dams were compared to a 1 ayout for a rockfi 11 dam with its associated structures. Consideration of the central core rockfi11 dan layout indi- cated relatively small cost differences from an arch dan cost estimate, based on a cross-section significantly thicker than the finally selected design'" Furthermore, no information was available to indicate that impervious core material in the necessary quantities could be found within a reasonabJe distance of the damsite. The rockfill dam was accordingly dropped from further consideration. [It is further noted that since this alternative dam study~ seis- mic analysis of the rockfill dam at Watana has resulted in an upstream slope 1:2.4, thus indicating the requirement to flatten the 1:1.25 slope adopted for the rockfill dam alternative at.Devil Canyon.] Neither of the concrete arch dam 1 ayouts were intended as the final site arrangement, but were sufficiently repre- serttative of the most suitable ar~angemsnt associated with I I I I I I I I I I I I •• I I I I I ~ I .. -! each dam type to provide an adequate basis for comparison. Each type of dam was located just downstream from where the river enters Devil Canyon and close to the canyon's narrow- est point, which is the optimum location for all types of dams. A brief description of each dam type and configura- tion is given below. -Rockfi 11 Dam For this arrangement the dam axis is .some 625 feet down- stream of the crown sect ion of the concrete dams. The assumed embankment slopes are 2.25 H:lV on the upstream face and 2H:lV on the downstream face. The main dam is continuous with the left bank saddle dam, and therefPre no thrust b 1 ocks are required. The crest 1 ength is 2200 feet at Elevation 1470; the crest width is 50 feet. The dam is constructed with a central impervious core~ inclined upstream, supported on the downstream side by a semi-pervious zone. These two zones are protected up- stream and downstream by filter and transition materials. The shell sections are constructed of rockfill obtained from blasted bedrock. For preliminary design all -dam sections are assumed to be founded on rock; external cof- ferdams are founded on the river alluvium, and are not incorporated into the main dam. The approximate volume of material in the main dam is 20 million cubic yards. A sing 1 e spi 11 way is provided on the right abutment to control all flood flows. It consists of a gate control structure and a daub 1 e sti 11 ing bas in excavated into rock; the chute sections and stilling basins are concrete-lined, with mass concrete gravity retaining walls. The design capacity is sufficient to pass the 1-in-10,000 year flood without damage; excess capacity is provided to pass the PMF, without damage to the main dam~ by surcharging the reservoir and spillway • The powerhouse is located underground in the right abut- ment. The multi-level power intake is constructed in a rock cut in the right abutment on the dam centerline, with four independent penstocks to the 150 MW Francis turbines. Twin concrete-lined tailrace tunnels connect the powerhouse to the 'river via an intermediate draft tube manifold. -Thick Arch Dam The main concrete dam waul d be a single center arch structure, acting partly as a gravity dam, with ;. a vertical cylindrical upstream face and a slopi.ng I ' I I I I' I I I I I I I I. I. I I I downstrea11 face inclined at 1V:0.4H. The maximum height of the dam would be 635 feet with a uniform crest width of 30 feet, a crest length of approximately 1~400 feet, and a maximum fa und at ion width of 225 feet. The crest elevation would be 1460. The center portion of tlu~ dam would be founded on a massive mass concrete pad con- structed in the excavated river bed. This central section would fncorporate the main spillway with sidt:- walls anchored into solid bedrock and gated orifice spil iways discharging down the steeply inclined. down- stream face of the dam into a single large stilling basin set below river level and spanning the valley. The main dam would terminate in thrust blocks high on the abutments. The left abutment thrust block would incorporate an emergency gated control spillway struc- ture which would discharge into a rock channel running well downstream and terminating at a level high above the river valley. Beyond the control structure and thrust block, a low- lying saddle on the left abutment would be closed by means of a rockfi11 dike founded on bedrock. The power- house would house four 150 MW units and will be located underground within the right abutment. The intake would be constructed integrally with the dam and conn~cted to the powerhouse by vertical steel-lined penstocks. The main spillway would be designed to pass the 1:10,000-year routed flood with larger floods discharged downstream via the emergency spillway. -Thin Arch Dam The main dam waul d be a two-center, doub 1 e-curved arch structure of similar height to the thick arch dam, but with a 20-foot uniform crest and a maximum base width of 90 feet. The crest elevation would be 1460.. The center section would be founded on a concrete pad, and the extreme upper portion of the dam would terminate in con- crete thrust blocks located on the abutments. The main spillway would be located on the right abutment and would consist of a conventional gated control struc- ture discharging down a concrete-lined chute terminating in a flip bucket. The bucket would discharge into an unlined plunge pool excavated in the riverbed alluvium and located sufficiently downstream to prevent under- mining of the dam and associated structures. I ~a I I I I I I 1·,, i . I I I I I I I I I I' The main spillway would be supplemented by orifice type spillways located high in the center portion of the dam which would discharge into a concrete-lined plunge pool immediately downstream from the dam. An emergency spillway·, consisting of a fuse plug discharging into an unlined rock channel terminating well downstream, would be located beyond the saddle dam on the left abutment. The concrete dam would terminate in a massive thrust b 1 ock on each· abutment which, on the 1 eft abutment~ would adjoin a rockfill saddle dam. The main and auxiliary spillways would be designed to discharge the 1: 10,000-year flood. Larger floods for storms up to the probable maximum flood would be. dis- charged through the emergency left abutment spillway .. -Comparison of Arch Dam JYE~. Sand and gravel for concrete aggregates are believed to be available in sufficient quantities within economic distance from the damsite. The gravel and sands are formed from the granitic and metamorphic rocks of the area; at this time it is anticipated that they will be suitable for the production of aggregates after screen- ing and washing • The bedrock geology of the site is discussea in Re-fer- ence 3. At this time it appears that there are no geo- logical or geotechnical concerns that would preclude either of the dam types from consideration. Under hydrostatic and temperature loadings, stresses within the thick arch darn would be generally lower than for the thin arch alternative. However, finite element analysis has shown that the additional mass of the dam under seismic .loading would produce stresses of a greater magnitude in the thick arch dam than in the thin arch dam. If the surface stresses approach the maximum allowable at a particular section~ the remaining under- stressed area of concrete will be greater for the thick arch, and the factor of safety for the dam would be cor- respondingly higher. The thin arch is, however, a more efficient design and better utilizes the inherent pro- perties of the concrete. It is designed around accept- able predetermined factors of safety and requires a much smaller volume of concrete for the actual dam struc- ture. I I I I I I I I ·I I I I I. I I. I I I ..... I (iii) Cofferda~s As at Watana, the considerable depth of riverbed alluvium at both cofferdarn sites indicates that anbankment-type cof- ferdan structures would be the only technically and econom- ically feasible alternative at Devil Canyon. For the pur- poses of establishing the overall general arranganent of the project and for subsequent diversion optimization studies, the upstream cofferdam section adopted wi 11 com- prise an initial closure section approximately 20 feet high constructed in the wet, with a zoned embankment constructed in the dry. The downstream cofferdan will comprise a clos- ure dam structure approximately 30 feet high placed in the wet.. Control of underseepage through the alluvium material may be required and could be achieved by means of a grouted zone. The coarse natur.:: of the alluvium at Devil Canyon led to the selection of a grouted zone rather than a slurry wall. ( iv) Diver·sion Tunnels Although studies for the Watana project indicated that concrete-lined tunnels were the most. economically and tech- nically feasible solution, this aspect was reexamined at Devil Canyon.. Preliminary hydraulic studies indicated that the design flood routed through the diversion scheme would result in a design discharge of approximately 37,800 cfs. For concrete-lined tunnels, design velocities of approxi- mately 50 ft/s would permit the use of one concrete-lined tunnel with an equivalent diameter of 30 feet. Alterna- tively, for unlined tunnels a maximum design velocity of 10 ft/s in good quality rock would require four unlined tun- nels, each with an equivalent diameter of 35 feet, to pass the design flow. As was the case for the Watana diversion scheme, considerations of reliability and cost were considered sufficient to eliminate consideration of unlined tunnels for the diversion scheme. For the purposes of optimization studies, only a pressure tunnel was considered, since previous studies indicated that cofferdam closure problems associated with free-flow tunnels would more than offset their other advantages. (iii) Optimization of Diversion Scheme Given the considerations described above relative to design flows, cofferdan configuration, and alternative types of tunnels!t an economic study was undertaken to determine the optimum combination of upstream cofferdam elevation (height) and tunnel diameter. I I I I I I I I~ I I . I I I, I I I I I I (e) The thick arch arrangement did not appear to . have a distinct technical advantage compared to a thin arch dam and would be more expensive because of the larger volume of concrete needed. Studies, therefore, continued on refining the feasibility of the thin arch alternative. (ii) Concrete--face Rockfill Dam Alternative (to be written) Diversion Scheme Alternatives In this section the selection of general arrangement and the basis for sizing of the diversion schema are presented. (i) General Arrangements The steep walled valley at the site essentially dictated that diversion of the ~river during construction be accom- plished using one or two diversion tunnels, with upstream and downstream cofferdams protecting the main construction area. The selection process for establishing the final general arrangement included examination of tunnel locations on both banks of the river. Rock conditions for tunneling did not favor one bank over the other. Access and ease of con-.. struction strongly favored the left bank or abutment~ the obvious approach being via the alluvial fan. The total length of tunnel required for the left bank is approxi- mately 300 feet greater; however, access to the right ba.nk could not be achieved without great difficulty. (ii} Design Flood for Qiversion The recurrence interval of the design flood for diversion· was established in the same manner as for Watana dam. Accordingly, at Devil Canyon a risk of exceedence of 10 percent per annum has been adopted, equivalent to a design flood with a 1:10-year return period for each year of cr:it- i cal construction exposure. The critical construction time is estimated at 2.5 years. The main dam could be subjected to overtopping during construction without caus- ing serious damage, and the existence of the Watana facil-· ity upstream will offer considerable assistance in flow regulation in case of an emergency. These considerations. led to the selection of the design flood with a return fre- quency of 1:25 years. The equivalent inflow, together with average flow charac- teristics of the river significant to diver-?ion, are pre- sented below: -Average annual flow: 9,040 cfs -Design flood inflow (1:25 years routed through Watana reservoir): 37,800 cfs I I I I I I I. li I I I I I I ,I .,.._ I I I I Capital costs were developed for a range of pressure tunnel diameters and corresponding upstream cofferdam embankment crest elevations with a 30-foot wide crest and exterior s 1 opes of 2H :TV. A freeboard a 11 owance of 5 feet was included for settlenent and wave runup. Capital costs for the tunnel alternatives included allow- ances for excavation, concrete liner, rock bolts, and steel supports. Costs were also developed for the upstream and downstream portals, including excavation and support. The, cost of en intake gate $'Ci""I.Jcture and associ a ted gates was determined not to vary significantly with tunnel dia'lleter and was excluded from the analysis. The centerline tunnel length in all cases was estimated to be 2,000 feet. Rating curves for the single-pressure tunnel altern~tives are presented in Figure 8:35. The relationship between capital costs for the upstream cofferdam and various tunnel diameters is given in Figure 8.36. The results of the optimization , study indicated that a single 30-foot-diameter pressure tunrel results in the overall least cost (Figure 8.36). An upstre.am cofferdam 60 feet high, with a crest elevation of 945, was carried for- ward as part of the selected general ·arrangement. (f) Spillway Alternatives The project spillways have been designed to safely pass floods with the following return frequencies: Inflow Peak Flood Spillway Design Probable Maximum. Discharge Frequency 1:~0,000 years (cfs) 165,000 346,000 (cfs) 165,000 365,000 A number of alternatives were considered singly and in combination for Devil Canyon spillway facilities~ These included gated ori- fices in the main dam discharging into a plunge pool, chute or tunnel spillways with either a flip bucket or stilling basin for energy dissipation, and open channel spillways. As described for Watana, the seJection of the type of spillway was influenced by the general arrangement of the major structures. The main spi 11- way facilities will discharge the spillway design flood thr·ough a gated spillway control structure with energy dissipation by a flip bucket which directs the spillway discharge in a free fall jet I I i I I "- I I I I I •• I I I I I I I I I into a plunge pool in the river. As noted above, restrictions with respect to limiting nitrogen supersaturation in selecting acceptable spillway discharge structures have been applied. The various spillway arrangements developed in accordance with these considerations are discussed in Section 2.5& (g) Power Faci 1 ities Alternatives The selection of the optimum arrangements for the power facilities involved consideration of the same factors as described for Watana. (i) Comparison of Surface and Underground Powerhouses A surface powerhouse at Devil Canyon would be located either at the downstream toe of the dam or along the side of the canyon wall. As determined for Watana, costs fav- ored an underground arrangement. In addition to cost, the underground powerhouse layout has been selected based on the fallowing: -Insufficient space is available in the steep-sided canyon for a surface powerhouse at the base of the dam; -The provision of an extensive intake at the crest of the · arch da.rn \'loul d be detriment a 1 to stress conditions in the arch dam, particularly under earthquake loading, and would require signfficant changes in the arch dam geo- metry; and -The outlet facilities located in the arch dam are designed to discharge directly into the river valley; these would cause significant winter icing and spray problems to any surface structure below the dam. (ii) Comparison of Alternative Locations The underground powerhouse and related facilities have been located on the ri~ht bank for the following reasons: -Genera11y superior rock quality at depth; -The left bank area behind the main dam thrust block is unsuitable for the construction of the power intake; and -The river turns north downstream from the dam, and hence the right bank power development is more suitable for extending the tailrace tunnel to develop extra head. {iii) Selection of Units The turbine type selected for the Devil Canyon development is governed by the design head and specific speed and, -by '-", I I I l I ' I •• . .,.. •• •• I ',,._ .. : I 1. """ I I I I I I economic considerations. Francis turbines have been adopted for reasons similar to those discussed for Watana )n Section 2e2(g). The selection of the number and rating of individual uniis is discussed in detail in Section 2.4(b). The four units will be rated to deliver 150 MW each at full gate opening and minimum reservoir level in December (the peak demand month}. · (iv) Transformers Transformer selection is similar to Watana. ( v) f. ower Intake and Water Pas sages For flexibility of operation, individual penstocks are pro- vided to each of the four units. Detailed cost studies showed that there is no significant cost advantage in using two 1 arger diameter penstocks with bifurcation at the pow- erhouse compared to four separate penstocks • A single tailrace tunnel with a length of 6,800 feet to develop 30 feet of additional head downstream from the dam has been incorporated in the design. Detail~d design may indicate that two smaller tail race tunnels for improved reliability may be superior to one large tunnel since the extra cnst involved is relatively small. The surge chamber design l;/Ould be essentially the same with one or two tun- nels. The overall dimensions of the intake structure are governed by the se 1 ected diameter and number of the· penstocks and the minimum penstock spacing. Det_ailed studies comparing construction cost to the value of energy lost or gained were carried out to determine the optimum diameter of the penstocks and the tailrace tunnel. (vi) Environmental Constraints In addition to potential nitrogen-saturation problems caused by spillway operation, the major impacts of the Devil Canyon power facilities development are: -Changes in the temperature regime of the river; and -Fluctuations in downstream river flows and levels. Temperature modeling has indicated that a multiple level varying the intake design at Devil Canyon would not signif- icantly affect downstream water temperatures, since these are effectively controlled by the water released from I I I ,_ I. I I ,, I I ,, I I I l .. I ..... I I I I Watanao Consequently, the intake design at Devil Canyon incorporates a single level draw-off about 75 feet below maximum reservoir operating level (El 1455). The Devil Canyon station 'llill normally be operated as a base-loaded plant throughout the year, to satisfy the re- quirement of no signific.ant daily variation in power flow. 2.5 General Arrangement S~lection -Devil Cany9n The approach to selection of a general arrangement for Devil Canyon was a similar but simplified version of that used 'for Watana. (a) Selection Methodology Preliminary alternative arrangements of the Devil Canyon project were developed and selected using two rather than three review stages. Topographic conditions at this site limited the develop- ment of reasonably feasible layouts, and four schemes \vere ini- tially developed and evaluated. During the final review, the sel- ected 1 ayout was refined based on technical, operational and envi- ronmental considerations identified during the preliminary review. (b) Design Data and Criteria The design data and design criteria on which the alternative lay- outs were based are presented in Table 8.29. Subsequent to selec- tion of the preferred Devi-l Canyon scheme, the information was refined and updated as part of the on-going study program. · (c) Preliminary Review Consideration of the options avail able for types and locations of various stru~tures led to the development of four primary layouts for examination at Devil Canyon in the preliminary review phase. Previous studies had Jed to the selection of a thin concrete arch structure for· the main dam, and indicated that the most acceptable technical and economic location was at the upstream entrance to the canyon. The dam axis has been fixed in this location for all alternatives. (i} Description of Alternative Schemes The schemes evaluated during the preliminary review are described below. In each of the alternatives evaluated, the dam is founded on the sound bedrock underlying the riverbed. The structure is 635 feet high, has a crest width of 20 feet, and a maximum base width of 90 feet. Mass concrete thrust blocks are founded high on the abut- mentss the left block extending approximately 100 feet ' I I: I I '<•' I I I I I -· I I ,. I I '· I I I I I above the existing bedrock surface and supporting the upper arches of the dama The thrust block on the right abutment makes the cross-river profi 1 e of the dam more sj1llmetri cal and contributes to a more uniform stress distribution. Scheme DCl (Figure·B.37) In this scheme, diversion facilities comprise upstream and downstream earthfi 11 and rockfi 11 cofferdams and two 24-foot-d i-ameter tunne 1 s beneath the 1 eft abutment. A rockfill saddle dam occupies the lower lying area beyond the left abutment running from the thrust block to the higher ground beyond. The impervious fill cut- off for the saddle dam is founded on bedrock approxi- mately 80 feet beneath the existing ground surface. The maximum height of this dam above the foundation is approximately 200 feet. The routed 1:10,000-year design flood of 135,000 cfs is passed by two spillways. The main spillway is located on the right abutment. It has a design discharge of 90,000 cfs, and flows are controlled by a three-gated agee control structure. This discharges down a concrete-lined chute and over a flip bucket which ejects the water in a diverging jet into a pre-excavated plunge pool in the riverbed.. The flip bucket is set at E1 eva- tion 925, approximately 35 feet above the riv.er level. An auxiliary spiliway discharging a total of 35,000 cfs is located in the center of the dam, 100 feet below the dam crest, and is controlled by three wheel-mounted gates. The orifices are designed to direct the flow into a concrete-1 ined plunge pool just downstream from the dam. An emergency spillway is located in the sound rock south of the saddle dam. This is designed to pass discharges in excess of the 1:10, 000-year flood up .to a probable maximum flood of 270,"000 cfs, if such an event should ever occur. The spillway is an· unlined rock channel which discharges into a valley downstream from the dam leading into the Susitna River. The upstrejln end of the channel is closed by an earth- fi 11 fuse plug. The p 1 ug is designed to be eroded if overtopped by the reservoir. Si nee the crest is 1 ower than either the main or saddle dams, the plug would be washed out prior to overtopping of either of these structures. The underground power facilities are located on the right bank of the river, within the bedrock forming the I I I I I . I I " I ' I ., . I I . ,... I ..... I I I I I ~·~ ..$4"J -... dam abutment. The rock within this abutment is of better qua 1 ity with fewer shear zones and a 1 esser degree of jointing than the rock on the left side of the canyon, and hence more su itab 1 e for underground excavation. The power intake is located just upstream from the bend in the valley before it turns sharply to the right into Devil Canyon. The intake structure is set deep into the rock at the downstream end of the approach channel. Separate penstocks for each unit lead to the power-house • The powerhouse contains four 150 MW turbine/generator units. The turbines are Francis type units coupled to overhead umbrel1 a type generators. The units are serviced by an overhead crane running the length of the powerhouse and into the end service bay. Offices, the control room~ switchgear room, maintenance room, etc., are located beyond the service bay. The transformers are housed in a separate upstream gallery located above the lower horizontal section of the penstocks. Two vertical cable shafts connect the gallery to the sur- face. The draft tube gates are housed above the draft tubes in separate annexes off the main powerhall e The draft tubes converge in two bifurcations at the tail race tunnels which discharge, under free-flow conditions, to the river. Access to the powerhouse is by means of an unlined tunnel leading from an access portal on ·the right side of the canyon. The switchyard is located on the left bank of the river just downstream from the saddle dam, and the power cab 1 es from the transformers are carried to it across the top. of the dam • -Scheme DC2 (Figure B.38) The layout is generally similar to Scheme DCl except that the chute spillway is located on the left side of the canyon. The concrete-1 ined chute terminates in a fl ip bucket high on the 1 eft side of the canyon which drops the discharges into the river below. The design flow is 90,000 cfs, and discharges are controlled by a 3-gated~ ogee ... crested-contro 1 structure similar· to that for Scheme DCl which abuts the left side thrust block. The saddle dam axis is straight, following the shortest route between the centro l structure at one end and the rising ground beyond the low-lying area at the other. I· I I I I ,, I I I I I I I I I I I I I .. Scheme DC3 (See Figure 8.39) The layout is similar to Scheme DC1 except that the right side main spillway takes the form of a single tunnel r·ather than an open chute. A 2-gated, agee-- contra 1 structure is 1 ocated at the head of the tunnel and discharges into an inclined shaft 45 feet diameter at its upper end. The structure wi 11 discharge up to a maximum of 90,000 cfs. The concrete-lined tunnel narrows to 35 feet diameter and discharges into a flip bucket which directs the flows in a jet into the river below as in Scheme DCl. An auxiliary spillway is located in the center of the dam and an emergency spillway is excavated on the left abutment. The layout of dcms and power facilities are the same as for Scheme DCl. -Scheme DC4 (See Figure 8.40) The dam, power facilities, and saddle dam for this scheme are the same as those for Scheme DCl. The major difference is the substitution of a stilling-basin type spillway on the right bank for the chute and flip bucket. A 3-gated, agee-control structure_ is located at the end of the dan thrust block and controls the dis- charges up to a maximum of 90,000 cfs. The coocrete~lined chute is built into the face of the canyon and discharges into a 500-feet-long by 115-feet- wi de by 100-feet-high concrete sti 11 ing basin formed below river level and deep within the right side of the canyon. Central orifices in the dam and the left bank rock channe 1 and fuse p 1 ug form the aux i 1 i ary and emer-. gency spillways, respectively, as in the other alterna- tive schemes .. The concrete-lined chute is built into the face of the canyon and discharges into. a 500-feet-long by 115-feet- wide by 100-feet-high concrete sti 11 ing basin formed below river level and deep within the right side of the canyon. Central orifices in the dam and the left bc.nk rock channel and fuse plug form the auxiliary and emerg- ency spillways, respectively., as in the other alterna- tive schemes. The downstream cofferdam is located beyond the stilling basin, and the diversion tunnel outlets are located farther downstream to enable construction of the still- ing basin. .I I . I I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I "" {ii) Comparison of Alternatives The arch dam, saddle dan, power facfl it·ies, and diversion vary only in a minor degree among the four alternatives • Thus, the comparison of the schemes rests sol ely on a com- parison of the spil1way facilities. As can be seen from a comparison of the costs in Table 8.30, the flip bucket spillways are substantially less costly to construct than the stilling-basin type of Scheme DC4. The left side spillway of Sch~e DC2 runs at a sharp angle to the river and ejects the discharge jet from high on the canyon face toward the opposite side of the canyon. Over a longer period of operation, scour of the heavily jointed rock caul d cause undermining of the canyon sides and their subsequent instability. The possibility also exists of deposition of material in the downstream riverbed with a corresponding elevation of the tailrace. Construc- tion of a spillway. on the steep left side of the river could be more difficult than on the right side because of the presence of daep fissures and large unstable blocks of rock which are present on the left side close to the top of the canyon. .. The two-right side flip bucket spillway schemes, based on either an open chute ·or a tunnel., take advantage o_f a down- stream bend in the river to discharge parallel to the course of the rivero This will reduce the effects of erosion but could still present a problem if the estimated maximwn possible scour hole would occur. The tunnel type spillway could prove difficult to construct because of the large diameter inclined shaft and tunnel paralleling the bedding planes. The high velocities en- countered in the tunnel spillway could cause problems with the possibility of spiraling flows and severe cavitation both occuring. The stilling basin type spillway of Scheme DC4 reduces downstream erosion problems within the canyon. However, cavitation could be a problem under the high-flow veloci- ties experienced at the base of the chute. This would be somewhat alleviated by aeration of the flows. There is, however, little precedent for stilling basin operation at heads of over 500~ feet; and even where floods of much less than the design capacity have been discharged, severe dam- age has occurred. (iii) Selection of Final Scheme The chute and flip bucket spillway of Scheme-DC2 could gen- erate downstream erosion problems which could require con- siderable maintenance costs and cau:;e reduced efficiency in I I I I .{ I I I I I I. I· I I I I· I I I operation of the project at a future date. Hydraulic design problems exist with Scheme DC3 which may also have severe cavitation problems. Also, there is no cost advantage in Scheme DC3 over the open chute Scheme OCl. In Scheme DC4, the operating characteristics of a high head stilling basin are little known, ,and there are few exanples of successful operation. Scheme DC4 also costs considerably more than any other scheme (Table 8.30}. All spillways operating at the required heads and dis- charges will eventually cause some erosion. For all schemes, the use of solid cone valve outlet facilities in the lower portion of the dam to handle floods up to 1:50-year frequency is considered a more reasonable approach to reduce erosion and eliminate nitrogen super- saturation problems than the gated high level orifice out- 1 ets in the darn. Si nee the cost of the flip bucket type spillway in the scheme is considerably less than that of the stilling basin in Scheme DC4, and since the latter offers no relative operational advantage, Scheme DCl has been selected for further study as the selected scheme. (d) Final Rewiew The layout selected in the previous section was further developed in accordance with updated engineering studies and criteria. The major change compared to Scheme DCl is the elimination of the high level gated orifices and introduction of low level solid cone valves, but other modifications that were introduced are described below •. The revised layout is shown on Figure 8.41. A description of the structures is as follows. (i) Main Dam The maximum operat1ng level of the reservoir was raised to Elevation 1455 in accordance with updated information rel a- tive to the Watana tailwater level. This requires raising the dam crest to Elevation 1463 with the concrete parapet wall crest at Elevation 1466. The saddle dam was raised to E1 ev at ion 1472 .. (ii) Spillways and Outlet Facilities To "eliminate the potential for nitrogen supersaturation problems, the outlet facilities were designed to restrict supersaturated flow to an average recurrence interval of greater than 50 years. This led to the replacement of high level gated orifice spillway by outlet facilities incorpor- ating 7 fixed-cone valves, 3 with a diameter of 90 inches I •• I I I I I I I I ·I and 4 with a diameter of 102 inches,· capable of passing a design flow of 38,500 cfs. The chute spillway and flip bucket are located on the right bank, ?,s in Scheme DCl; however, the chute length was decreased and the elevation of the flip bucket raised com- pared to S~heme DCl. More recent site surveys indicated that the ground surface in the vicinity of the saddle dam was lower than originally estimated. The emergency spillway channel was relocated slightly to the south to accommodate the larger dam. (iii) Diversion The previous twin diversion tunnels were replaced by a single-tunnel scheme., This was determined to provide all necessary security and will cost approximately one-half as much as the two-tunnel alternative. (iv) Power Facilities .. The dr.iwdown range of the reservoir was reduced, allowing a reduction in height of the power intake. In order to locate the intake within solid rock, it has been moved into the side of the valley~ requiring a slight rotatio-n of the water passages, powerhouse, and caverns comprising the power facilities. I I I I I I I I I I I I I .I I I I I I 3 -DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OPER~TION Note: Adjustments may be made to this section due to operation studies currently underway in Anchorage. 3.1 -Operation Within Railbelt Power System A staged development is planned for implementation of Susitna power generation. Th~ following schedule for unit start-up is proposed: No. and Size of Tot a 1 Susi tna Start-up Units (MW) On-line Capaci t.Y* Date Dam Site Brought On-line (MW) 1993 Watana 4 X 170 680 1994 Watana 2 X 170 1020 2002 Devil Canyon 4 X 150 1620 * Installed generating capacity. As shown above, the first four units are scheduled to be on line at Watana in early 1993, followed by the remaining two Watana units in early 1994. Startup of all four units at Devil Canyon is planned for 2002. Of the total project installed capacity of 1620 MW, 1280 MW were utilized as the basis for generation planning.. The remaining 340 MW are planned t.o meet the needs for spinning reserve capacity. This section describes the operation of the Watana and De vi 1 Canyon power plants in the Rai lbelt electrical system. Under current condi- tions in the Railbelt, a total of nine utilities share responsibility for generation and distribution of electric power, with limited inter- connections. The proposed arrangements for optimization and control of the dispatch of Susitna power to Railbelt load centers is based on the expectation that a single entity will eventually be set up for this purpose. In the year 2010 the projected Railbelt system, with Susitna on line, is projected to comprise: Coal-fired Steam: 13 MW Natura 1 Gas GT: 326 MW Diesel: 6 MW Natural Gas CC: 317 MW Hydropower: 1680 MW TOTAL 2482 MW It is important to note that the Susitna proj(~ct wi 11 be the single most significant power source in the system. The dispatch and distri- "' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I buti on of power from a 11 sources by the most economic a 1 and tel i ab 1 e means is therefore essential. The general principles of reliability of p 1 ant and system operat 1 on, reservoir regu 1 ati on, stationary and spin- n·ing reserve requirements, and maintenance programming are discussed in this section. Estimates of dependable capacity and annual energy pro- duction for both Watana and Devi 1 Canyon ara presented. Operating and maintenance procedures are described, and the proposed performance monitoring system for the two projects is also outlined. 3.2 -Plant and System Operation Requirements The main function of sy~)tem planning and operation control is the allo- cation of generating plant on a short-term operational basis $0 that the total system demand is met by the available generation at ·minimum cost consistent with the security of supply. The objectives are gener- ally the same for long-term planning or short-term operational load dispatching, but with important differences in the latter case. In the short-term case, the actual state of the system dictates system relia- bility requirements, overriding economic considerations in load dis- patching. An important factor arising from economic and reliability considerations in system p 1 anni ng and operation is the provision of stationary reserve and spinning reserve capacity~ Figure B .42 shows the daily variation in demand for the Railbelt system during typical winter and summer weekdays and the seasonal variation in monthly peak demands for estimated loads in a typical year (the year 2000). 3.3 -General Power Plant and System Railbelt Criteria· The following are basi·c reliability standards and criteria have been adopted for planning the Susitna project. (a) Installed Generating Capacity Sufficient generating capacity is installed in the system to in- sure that the probability of occurrence of load exceeding the available generating capacity sh.all not be greater than one day in ten years (loss-of-load probability -LOLP -of 0.1). (b) Transmission System Capability The high-voltage transmission system should be operable at all load levels to Jleet the following unscheduled single or double contingencies without instability, cascading or interruption of load. -The single contingency situation is the loss of any single gen- erating unit, transmission line, transformer, or bus (in addi- tion to normal scheduled or maintenance outages) without exceed- ing the applicable emergency rating of any facility; and I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -The double contingency situation is the subsequent outage of any remaining equipment, line or subsystem without exceeding the short time emergency rating of any facility. · In the single contingency situation, the power system must be cap- able of readjustment so that all equipment will be loaded within normal ratings, and in the double contingency situation, within emergency ratings for the probable duration of the outage., . During any contingency: -Sufficient reactive power (MVAR) capacity with adequate controls is installed to maintain acceptable transmission voltage pro-files .. -The stability of the power system is maintained without loss of load or generation during and after a three-phase fault, cleared in normal time, at the most critical location. (c) ~ummar,x Operational reliability criteria thus fall into four main cate-gories: -LDLP of 0.1, or one day in ten years~ t~ !'!:.:intained for the recorrmended plan of operation; -The single and double contingency requirements are maintained for any of the more probable outages in the plant or transmis~ sian system; -System stability and voltage regulation are assured from the electrical system studies. Detailed studies for load frequency contra 1 have not been performed, but it is expected that the stipulated criteria will be met with the more than adequate spinning reserve capacity with six units at Watana and four units at Devil Canyon; and ... The. loss of all Susitna transmission. lines on a single right- of-way has a low level of probability. In the event of the loss of a 11 1 i nes, the hydro p 1 ants at Wat ana and Devil Canyon are best suited to restore power supply quickly after the first line is restored since they are designed for 11 black start" operation. In this respect, hydro p 1 ans are superior to therma 1 ., plants because of their inherent b 1 ack start capability for restoration of supply to a large system. 3.4 -Economic Dispatch of Units A Susitna Area Contro 1 Center wi 11 be 1 ocated at Watana. to contra 1 both the Watana and the Devil Canyon power plants as shown in Plate 34. The control center wi 11 be linked through the supervisory system to the Central Dispatch Control Center at Willow. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The supervisory control of the entire Alaska Railbelt system will be done at the Central Dispatch Center at ~~i llow. A high level of control automation with the aid of digital computers will be sought, but not a complete computerized direct digital control of the Watana and Devil Canyon power plants. Independent operator controlled local-manual and local-auto operations will still be possible at Watana and Devil Canyon power plants for testing/commissioning or during emergencies.. The con- trol system will be designed to perform the following functions at both power plants: -Start/stop and loading of units by operator; -Load~frequency control of units; -Reservoir/water flow control; -Continuous monitoring and data logging; -Alarm annunciation; and -Man-machine communicat"ion through visual display units (VDU) and con- sole. In addition, the computer system will be capable of retrieval of tech- ni ca 1 data, design criteria, equipment characteristics and operating limitations, schematic diagrams, and operating/maintenance records of the units. The Susitna Area Control Center will be capable of completely indepen- dent centro 1 of the Centra 1 Dispatch Center in case of system emer- gencies. Similarly it wi 11 be possible to operate the Susitna units in an emergency situation from the Central Dispatch Center, although this should be an unlikely operation considering the size~ complexity, and impact of the Susi tna generating p 1 ants on the system. The Central Dispatch Control Engineer decides which generating units should be operated at any given time. Decisions are made on the basis of known information, including an "ord-er-of-merit 11 schedule, short- term demand forecasts, limits of operation of units, and unit mainten- ance schedules. (a} Merit-Order Schedule In order to decide which generating unit should run to meet the system demand in the most economic manner, the Control Engineer is provided with information of the running cost of each unit in the form of an .. order-of-merit" schedule. The schedule gives the cap- acity and fuel costs for thermal uni.t·s, and reservoir regulation limits for hydro p 1 ~nts. ~ • (b) Optimum Load Dispatching One of the most important functions of the Control Center is the accurate forecasting of the load demands 1n the various areas of the system. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I •• I I Based on the anticipated demar.d, basic power transfers between areas, and an allowance for reserve, the planned generating capa- city to be used is determined by taking into consideration the reservoir regu 1 ati on p 1 ans of the hydt~o p 1 ants. The type and size of the units should also be taken into consideration for effective 1 oad dispatching. In a hydro-dominated power system such as the Rai lbelt system wou 1 d be if Susitna is deve 1 oped, the hydro unit wi 11 take up a much greater part of base 1 oad operation than in a therma 1 domi n- ated power system,. The planned hydro units at Watana typically are well suited to load following and frequency regulation of the system and providing spinning reserve. Greater flexibility of operation was a significant factor in the selection of six units of 170 MW capacity at Watana, rather than fewer larger-size units. (c) Operating Limits of Units There are strict constraints on the minimum load and the loading rates of machines: to dispatch load to these machines requires a systemwide dispatch program taking these constraints into consid- eration. In general, hydro units have excellent startup and load following characteristics; thermal units have good part-loading characteristics. · Typical plant loading limitations are given below: (i) ( i 1) Hydro Units - -Reservoir regulation constraints resulting in not-to- exceed maximum and minimum reservoir levels~ daily or seasonally. -Part loading of units is impossible in the zone of rough turbine operation (typically from above speed-no-load to 50 percent load) due to vibrations arising from hydraulic surges. Steam Units -Loading rates are slow {10 percent per minute). -The units may not be able to meet a sudden steep rate of rise of load demand. -The units have a minimum economic shutdown period (about 3 hours) . -The total cost of using conventional units includes bank- ; ng, ~ 'ai sfng pressure and part-1 oad operations prior to maximum economic operation •. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I: I (iii) Gas Turbines Cannot be used as spinning reserve because of very poor efficiency and reduced service life. -Require 8 to 10 m·inutes for normal start-up from cold. Emergency start up times are of the order of 5 to 7 minutes. (d) Optimum J.l~intenance Program An important part of operational planning which can have a signif- icant effect on operating costs is maintenance programming. The program specifies the times in the year and the sequercc~ in which plant is released for maintenance. 3.5 -.Unit Operation Reliability Criter-ia During the operational load dispatching conditions of the power system, the reliability criteria often override economic considerations in scheduling of various units in the system. Also. important in consider- ing O{:lerational reliability are system response, load-frequency con- tro15 and spinning reserve capabilities. (a) Power System ~alyses La ad-fr-equency response studies determine the dynamic stabi 1 i ty of the system due to the sudden forced outage of the largest unit (or generation block) in the system. The generation and load are not balanced, and if the pick..:up rate of new generation is not ade- quate, loss of load wi 11 eventually result from under-voltage and under-frequency relay operation, or load-shedding. The aim of a well-designed high security system is to avoid load-shedding by maintaining frequency and voltage within the specified statutory ~imits. (b) System-Response and Load-Frequency Control To meet the frequency requirements, it is necessary that ·the effective capacity of generating plant supplying the system at any given instant should be in excess of the load demand. In the absence of detailed studies, an empirical factor of 1-2/3 times the capacity of the largest unit in the system is normally taken as a design criterion to maintain system freque:ncy within accept- able limits in the event of the instantaneous lo5s of the largest unit. It is recommended that a factor of 1-1/2 times the largest unit size be considered as a minimum for the Alaska Railbelt system:. with 2 times the largest unit size as a fairly conserva- tive value (i.e., 300 to 340 MW). I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The quickest response in system generation wi 11 come· from the hydro units. The large hydro units at Watana and Devil Canyon on spinning reserve can respond in the turbining mode within 30 seconds. This is one of the particularly important advantages of the Susitna hydro units.. Gas turbines can only respond in a second stage operation within 5 to 10 minutes and would not strictly qualify as spinning reserve. If thermal units are run part-loaded (example, 75 percent), this would be another source of spinning reserve. Ideally, it would be advantageous to provide spinning reserve in the therma I generation as well, in order to spread spinning reserves evenly in the system, with a compromise to economic loading resulting from such an operation. (c) Protective Relaying System and Device~ The primary protective r-elaying systems provided for the gener .... ators and transmission system of the Susitna project are designed to disconnect the faulty equipment from the system in the fastest possible time.. Independent protective systems are installed to the extent necessary to provide a fast-clearing backup for the primary protective system so as to limit equipment damage, to limit the shock to the system and to speed restoration of service. The relaying systems are designed so as not to restrict the normal or necessary network transfer capabilities of the power system. 3.6 -Dispatch Control Centers The operation of the Watana and Devil Canyon power plant in relation to the Central Dispatch Ce~ter can be considered to be the second tier of a three-tier control structure as follows: -Central Dispatch Control Center (345 kV network) at Willow: manages the main system energy transfers, advises system configuration and checks overall security. -Area Contra 1 Center (Generation connected to 345 kV system, for ex- ample, Watana and Devil Canyon): deals wfth the loading of genera- tors connected directly to the 345 kV network, switching and safety precautions of local systems, checks security of interconnections to main system. · -District or Load Centers (138 kV and lower voltage networks): gener- ation and distribution at lower voltage levels. For the Anchorage and Fairbanks areas, the district center functions are incorporated in the respective area control centers. Each generating unit at Watana and De vi 1 Canyon is started up, loaded and operated and shut down from the Area Contra 1 Center at Watana according to the loading demands from the Central Dispatch Control Center with due consideration to: I I I I I I I ·- 1 I I I I I I I I I I -Watana reservoir regulation criteria; -Devil Canyon reservoir regulation criteria; -Turbine loading and de-loading rates; -Part loading and maximum loading characteristics of turbines and generators; -Hydraulic transient characterjstics of waterways and turbines; -Load-frequency control of demands of the system; and Voltage regulation requirements of the system. The Watana Area Control Center is equipped with a computer-aided con- trol system to efficiently carry out these functionso The computer- aided contra l system allows a minimum of highly trained and ski 11 ed operators to perform the contra 1 and supervision of Watana and De vi 1 Canyon plants from a single control room«> The data information and retrieval system will enable the pe.rformance and alarm monitoring of each unit individually as well as the plant/reservoir and project oper-ation as a who"l e •. 3. 7 -Susitna eroject Operation Substantia 1 season a 1 as we 11 as over ... the-year regu 1 at 1 on of the river flow is achieved with the two reservoirs. The simulation of the reser- voirs and the power facilities at the two developments was carried out on a month1y basis to assess the energy potential of the schemes, river flows downstream and flood contra 1 possi b i 1 it i es with the reservoirs. The following paragraphs summarize the main features of reservoir oper-ation. An optimum reservoir operation was established by an iterative process to minimize net system operating costs while maximizing firm and usable energy production. Four alternative operating cases for the Watana reservoir (A, B, C, and D) were selected for study, to define the pos- s i b 1 e range of operation. Case A represents an optimum power and energy scenario, while Case 0 reflects a case of "no impact on down- stream fisheries". Case.) B and C are intermediate leve 1 s of power operation and downstream impact. These essentially define monthly min- imum flows at Gold Creek that must be maintained while providing energy consistent with other project constraints. For feasibility report pur- poses, operation model 11 A11 was adopted for project design. Studies with appropriate fisheries mitigation .measures were developed based on Case A flows at Gold Creek. Table 8.31 presents a summary of potential energy generation with different ·operating rules for.Watana and Devil Canyon developments. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' Average annual energy potential of Watana development is 3460 GWh, and that of Devil Canyon development is 3340 GWh. A frequency analysis of the river hyd-ro 1 ogy was made to derive the firm annua 1 energy potentia 1 (or the rlependable capacity) of the hydro development. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) defines the dependable capacity of hydroelectric plants as: 11 the capacity which, under the most adverse flow conditions of record can be relied upon to carry system load, provide dependable reserve. capacity, and meet firm power obligations taking into account seasonal variations and other charac- teristics of the load to be supplied" (1). Based on the Railbelt sys- tem studies and previous experience on 1 arge hydroe·l ectri c projects, it was assumed that a dry hydrological sequence with a recurrence period of the order of 1:50 years \"lould constitute an adequate reliability for the Railbelt electrical system. An analysis of annual energy potential of the reservoirs showed that the lowest annual energy generation has a recurrence ffequency of 1 in 300 years.. The second lowest annua 1 energy of 5400 GWh has a recur- rence frequency of 1 in 70 years. This 1 atter figure has been adopted as the firm energy from the development. Expressed another way, the firm energy as· defined may fall short of its v a 1 ue by about 5 percent once in 300 years. This is a conservative interpretation of the FERC definition. The monthly distribution of firm annual energy as simulated in the reservoir simulation has been used in -system generation planning studies. Average monthly energy based on the recorded sequence hydro- logy is used in the economic analysis. I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I ··I 4 -DEPENDABLE CAPACITY AND ENERGY PRODUCTION 4.1 -Hydrology (a) Historical Streamflow Records Historical streamflow data are available for several gaging sta- tions on the Susitna River and its main tributaries.. Continuous gaging records were available for the following eight stations on_ the river and its tributaries: Maclaren River near Paxson, Denali, Cantwell~ Gold Creek and Susitna stations on the Susitna River, Chulitna Station on the Chulitna River, Talkeetna on the Talkeetna River, and Skwentna on the Skwentna River. The longest period of record avai lab1e is for the station at Gold Creek (32 years from 1949 to 1981). At other stations, record length varies from 6 to 23 years.. Gaging was cant i nued at a 11 these stations as part of the project study program. A gaging station was estab- 1 ished at the Watana damsi te in 1980, and streamflow records are available for the study period. Partial streamflow records are available at several other stat·ions on the river for varying periods; the station locations are shown in Figure 8.43. It should be noted that gaging wi 11 continue as the project pro- gresses in order to improve the streamflow record, as well as after project completion at selected sites required for project operation. (b) Water Resources Above its confluence with the Chulitna Rive~, the Susitna contri- butes approximately 20 percent of the mean annual flow measured at Susitna Station near Cook Inlet. Figure 8.44 shows how the mean annual flow of the Susi tna increases towards the mouth of the river at Cook Inlet. Seasonal variation of flow in the river is extreme and ranges from very low values in winter (October to April) to high summer values (May to September) .. For the Susi tna River at Go 1 d Creek, the average winter and summer flows are 2,100 and 20,250 cfs respec- tively, i.e., a 1 to 10 ratio. This large seasonal difference is mainly due to effects of glacial and snow melt in the summer. The monthly average flows in the Susitna River at Gold Creek are ~iven in Figure 8.45. Some 40 percent of the streamflow at Gold Creek originates above the Denali and Maclaren gages. This catch- ment generally comprises the gl~ciers and associated high moun- tains. On the average, approximately 88 percent of the streamflow recorded at Gold Creek station occurs during the summer months .. At higher elevations in the basin, the distribution of flows is concentrated even more i.n the summer months. For the Mac 1 aren River near ?axson (Elevation 4520), the average winter and summer I I I I . •• I ·~ I I I I 1: I, I I 'I I' .-,.., I I flows are 144 and 2,100 cfs respectively, i.e. a 1 to 15 ratio. The monthly percent of annual discharge and mean monthly dis- charges for the Susitna River and tributaries at the gaging sta- tions above the Chulitna confluence are given in Table 8.32~ (c) Streamflow Extension Synthesized flows at the Watana and Devil Canyon dan1sites are pre- sented in Tables 8.33 and 8 .. 34.. Flow duration curves based on these monthly estimates are presented for Watana and Devil Canyon damsites in Figures 8.46 and 8.47 • The inhouse FILLIN computer program developed by the Texas Water Development Board was used to fill in gaps in historical stream- flow records at the eight continuous gaging stution~. The·32 year record (up to 1981) at Gold Creek was used as the base record. The procedure adopted for filling in the data gaps uses a multi- site regression technique which analyzes monthly time-series data. Flow sequences for the 32-year period were generated at the remaining seven stations. Using these flows at Cantwell station and observed Gold Creek flows, 32-year monthly flow sequences at the Watana and Devil Canyon damsites were generated on the basis of prorated drain age areas. Recorded streamfl ows at Watana and Devil Canyon were included in the historical record where avail-able. (d) Critical Stre~low Used for Dependable Caeacity [Note: This section is subject to revision after selection of minimum downstream flow in October.] · Average annual energy potential of Watana development is 3460 GWh:s and that of Devil Canyon development is 3340 GWh. A frequency analysis of the river hydrology was made to derive the firm annual energy potential (or the dependable capacity) of the hydro devel- opment. Based on the Railbelt system studies and previous experi- ence on 1 arge hydroe 1 ectri c projects, it was assumed that a dry hydrological sequence with a recurrence period of the order of 1:50 years would constitute an adequate reliability for the Rail- belt electrical system. An analysis of annual energy potential of the reservoirs showed that the lowest annual energy generation has a recurrence fre- quency of l in 300 years (see Figure 8.48). The second lowest annua 1 t::i'lergy of 5400 GWh has a recurrence frequency of 1 in 70 years. This latter figure has been adopted as the firm energy from the develorxnent. Expressed another way_, the firm energy, as defined~ may fall short of its value by about 5 percent once in 300 years. This is ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I· I I I I I . . a conservative interpretation of the FERC definition of dependable capacity. (e) Floods The most common causes of flood peaks in the Susitna River Basin are sno'lmlelt or a combination of sno\'mlelt and rainfall over a large area. Annual maximum peak discharges generally occur be- tween May and October w1th the majority (approximately 60 percent) occurring in June. Some of the annual maximum flood peaks have a 1 so occurred in August or 1 ater and are the result of heavy rains over 1 arge areas augmented by si gni fi cant snownelt from higher elevations and glacial runoff. Table B~35 presents selected flood peaks recorded at different gaging stations. A regional flood peak and volume frequency analysis was carried out using the recorded floods in the Susitna River and its princi- pal tributari.es. These analyses were conducted for two different time periods. The first period, after the ice breakup and before freezeup (May through October), contains the largest floods which must be accommodated by the ptoject. The second period represents that portion of time during which ice conditions occur in the river (October through May). These floods, although smaller~ can be accompanied by ice· jamming and must be considered during the construction phase of the project in planning the design of cofferdams for river diversion. · A set of multiple linear regression equations were developed using physiographic basin parameters such as catchment area, stream length, precipitation, snowfall amounts, etc., to estimate flood peaks at ungaged sites in the basin. In conjunction with the analy~~s of shapes and volumes of recorded large floods at Gold Creek, a set of project design· flood hydrographs of different recurrence· intervals were developed (see Figures 8.4.9 and 8.50) • The results of the above analysis were used for estimating flood hydrographs at the damsites and ungaged streams and rivers along the access road alignments for design of spillways, culverts, e.tc. Table 8.36 lists mean annual, 50-, 100-, and 10,000-year flooqs at the \4atana and Devil Canyon damsites and at the Gold Creek gage. The proposed r·eservoirs at Watana and Devi 1 Canyon would be class- ified as "largeu and with "high hazard potential" according to the guidelines for safety i·nspection of dams laid out by the Corps of Engineers. This would indicate the need for the probable maximum flood (PMF) to be considered in the evaluation of the proposed projects. Estimated peak d1 scharges during the PMF at selected locations are included in Table 8.36, and the PMF hydrograph is presented in Figure 8.50. I, I I I I I I I I I I 1: I I I I I I I (f) Flow Adjustments Evaporation from the proposed Watana and Devil Canyon Reservoirs ,has been evaluated to determine its significance. Evaporation is influenced by air and water temperatures, wind, atmospheric pres- sure, and dissolved solids within the water. However, the evalua- tion of these factors• effects on evaporation is difficult because of their interdependence on each other. Consequently, more sim- P 1 ifi ed methods were preferred and have been uti 1 ized to estimate evaporation losses from the two reservoirs. The monthly evaporation estimates for the reservoirs are presented in Table 8.37. The estimates indicate that evaporation losses will be less than or equal to additions due to precipitation on the reservoir surfaceo Therefore, a conservative approach was taken, with evaporation losses and precipitation gains neglected in the energy calculations. Leakage is not, expected to result in significant flow losses. Seepage through the relict channe 1 is estimated as less than one- ha 1 f of one percent of the average flow and therefore' has been neglected in the energy calculations to date. This approach will be reviewed when further investigations of the relict channel are completed. · Minimum flow releases are required throughout the year to maintain downstream river stages. The most significant factor in determin- ing the minimum flow value is the maintenance of downstream fish- eries. The monthly flow requirements that were used in determina- tion of project energy potential are given in Table B.38. The nllllbers shown in Table 8.38 represent the minimum stream flow required at Gold Creek. These requirements would remain constant for all phases of project development. The actual flows released from the project at Watana (when Watana is operating alone) and at Devil Canyon (for combined operation of both dams) will be less than the required Gold Creek flows, prorated on the basis of streamflow contributions from the intervening basin area. Tables 8·.39 and 8.40 give the typical minimum required flow releases at Watana and Devil Canyon for a 32-year period of record. After completion of Devil Canyon, flow releases from Watana will be regulated by system operation requirements. ..Because the tail- water of the Oev i 1 Canyon reservoir wi 11 eh~afrd upstream to the Watana tailrace, there will be no release requirements for stream- flow maintenance of Watana for the Watana/Devil Canyon combined operating configuration. Existi.ng water rights in the Susitna Basin were investigated to determ\ne impacts on downstream flow requirements.. Based on invento"ry information provided by the Alaska Department of Natural Resources, it was determined that existing water users will not be affected by the project. A listing of all water appropriations 'located within one mile of the Susitna River is provided jn Table -8~41. I I I I I. I I I I I I I, I I I I •• I I 4.2 ca Reservoir Data (a) Reservoir Storage Gross storage volume of the Watana .reservoir at its normal maximum operating level of 2185 feet is 9.47 million ac/ft~ which is about 1.6 times the mean annual flow (MAF) at the damsite. Live storage in the reservoir is about 4.3 million ac/ft (75 percent of ~1AF). De vi 1 Canyon reservoir has a gross storage of about 1.1 mi 11 ion ac/ft and live storage of 0.34 millie~ ac/ft. The area-capacity curves for the Watana and De vi 1 Canyon reser- voirs are provided in Figure-B.Sl and Figure 8.52, respectively. (b) Rule Curves Operation of the reservoirs far eneryy production is based on tar- get water surface 1 eve 1 s set for the end of each month. The tar- get le¥el represents that level below whirh no energy beyond firm energy can be produced. In other words, if the reservoir level drops. below the target only firm energy will be produced. In wetter years when the reservoir level surpasses the target level~ energies greater than firm energy can be produced, but only as great as the system energy demand allows. With a reservoir rule curve which establishes minimum reservoir levels at different times during the year, it \'lill be possible to produce more energy in wetter years during winter than by follow- ing a set energy pattern. At the same time, the ru1e curve ensures that low flow sequences do not m!=\teri a11y reduce the energy potential below a set minimum or firm annual energy. The rule curves for Watana and Devil Canyon under combined opera- tion are shown in Figure 8.53~ 4.3 -Operatin~ Capabilities of Susitna Units The operating conditions of both the Watana and Devil Canyon turbines are summarized in Table 8 .. 42. (a) Watana The Watana powerhouse wi 11 have six generating units with a nomin- al capacity of 170 NW corresponding to the minimum December reset"- voir level (Elevation 2117). The gross head on the p 1 ant wi 11 vary from 590 feet to approx.i- mately 735 feet. The maximum unit output will change with head, as shown on Figure 8.54 • I I I I I I I I' I I I, I I I I I I I I :; The rated head for the turbine has been established at 680 feet, which is the weighted average operating head on the station. Allowing for generator losses, the rated turbine output is 250,000 hp (186.5 MW) at full gate. · The rated output of the turbines wi 11 be 250,000 hp at 680 feet rated net head. Maximum and minimum heads on the units will be 728 feet and 576 feet~ respectively. The full gate output of the turbines will be about 275,000 hp at 728 feet net head and 195,000 hp at 576 feet net head. Overgati ng of the turbines may be pos- sible, providing approximately 5 percent additional power; how·-· ever, at high heads the turbine output will be restricted to avoid overloading the generators. The best efficiency point of the tur- bines will be established at the time of preparation of bid docu- ments for the generating equipment and will be based on a detailed analysis of the anticipated operating range of the turbines. For preliminary design purposes, the best efficiency (best gate) out- put of the units has been assuiiled as 85 percent of the full gate turbine output. This percentage may vary from about 80 percent to 90 percent; in general, a lower percentage reduces turbine cost. The full gate and best gate efficiencies of the turbines will be about 91 percent and-94 percent respectively at rated head. The efficiency will be about~o.5 percent lower at maximum head and 1 percent lower at minimum head. The preliminary performance curve for the turbine is shown on Figure 8.55. The Wat ana p 1 ant output may vary from zero, with the units at standstill or at spinning reserve, to approximately 1200 when all six units are operat 1 ng under maximum output at maximum head. A graph of plant efficiency versus output and the number of on-line units is shown in Figure 8.56. The load following requirements of the plant results in widely varying loading, but because of the multiple unit installation the total plant efficiency varies only slightly. (b) Devil Canyon The Devil Canyon powerhouse will have four generating units with a nominai capacity of 150 MW based on the minimum December reservoir level (Elevation 1405) and a corresponding gross head of 555 feet in the station. The gross head on the plant wi 11 vary from 555 feet to 605 feet·. The maximum unit output wi 11 change with head as shown in Figure B.57. The rated average operating head for the turbine has been estab- lished at 575 feet. Allowing for generator losses, this results in a rated turbine output of 225,000 hp (168 MW) at full gate. I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I 1: I I The generator rating has been selected as 180 MVA with a 90 per- cent power factor. The generators wi 11 be capable of continuous · operation at 115 percent rated power. Because of the high capa- city factor for the Devil Canyon station, the gener.ators will therefore be sized on the basis of maximum turbine output at maxi-. . mum head, allowing for a possible 5 percent addition in power from the turbine. This maximum turbine output (250,000 hp) is within the continuous overload rating of the generator. Maximum and minimum heads on the units wi 11 be 542 feet and 600 feet, respectively. The full gate output of the turbines will be about 240,000 hp at maximum net head and 205,000 hp at minimum net head. Overgating of the turbines may be possible, providing approximately 5 percent additional~. power. For preliminary design purposes, the best efficiency (best gate) output of the units has been assumed at 85 percent of the full gate turbine output. The full gate and best gate efficiencies of the turbines wi 11 be about 91 percent and 94 percent, respectively, at rated head. The . efficiency wi 11 be about 0.2 percent lower at maximum head and 0.5 percent lower at minimum head. The preliminary performance curve for the turbine is shown in Figure 8.58. The De vi 1 Canyon p 1 ant output may · ., .... Y from zero to 700 MW with all four units operating at maximun1 output. The combined plant efficiency varies with output and number of units operating as shown in Figure 8.59. As with Watana, the plant efficiency varies only slightly with loading due to the load fol1owing capabilities of multiple ~nitsa 4.4 -Tai lwater Rating Curve The tai lwater rating curve for the Watana deve·lopment is shown on Figure 8.51 and for the Devil Canyon development on Figure 8.52. I I I I \I I I I I I I I. I I< I I I I I 5 -STATEMENT OF POWER NEEDS AND UTILIZATION 5.1 -Railbelt Load Forecasts In this section of the report, the electrical demand forecasts for the Rai lbelt region are described. Historical and projected trends are identified and discussed, and the forecasts used in Susitna generation planning studies are presentedo · The feasibility of a major hydroelectric project depends in part upon the extent the available capacity and energy are ·consistent with the needs of the market to be served by the time the project comes on line. The Alaska Power Authority and the State of Alaska authorized load fnrecasts for the Alaska Railbelt region to be prepared independently of the Susitna feasibility study. The Railbelt region, shown in Figure B.60~ contains three electrical load centers: the Anchorage-Cook-Inlet area~ the Fairbanks-Tanana Valley area, and the Glennallen-Valdez area. These areas are repre- sented by the shaded areas in the figure. Because of the relatively small electrical requirements of the Glennallen-Valdez load center (approximate iy 2 percent of the demand of the Anchorage-Cook In let area} it is not specifically analyzed as an ind1viduai load center. For this study the Glennallen-Valdez load center is considered to be part of the Anchorage-Cook Inlet load center. The electrical demands for the Glennallen-Valdez area are determined as part of this study but are combined with the Anchorage-Cook Inlet loads. Future electrical requirements in excess of generating capacity are assumed to be served from the Anchorage area. (a) Scope of Studies There have been two forecasts developed and used during the feasi- bi 1i ty study. In 1980, the Institute for Socia 1 and Economic Research (ISER) prepared economic and accompanying end use energy demand projections for the Rai 1 belt. The end use forecasts were further r~fined as part of the feasibility study to estimate capa- city demands and demand patterns. Also estimated was the poten- tial impact on these forecasts of additional load management and energy conservation efforts. These forecasts were used in several portions of the feasibility study, including the development selection study, and initial economic, financial and sensitivity analyses. These forecasts are discussed in more detail in section (b) below .. In December 1981, Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories produced a series of revised load forecasts for the Railbelt. These fore- casts were developed as a part of the. Rai lbelt Alternatives Study, I I I I I I I ·I I I I I I I I I I completed by Battelle under contract to the State of Alaska. Battelle's forecasts were a result of further updating of economic projections by ISER and some revised end-use models developed by Batte 11 e, which took into account price sensitivity and sever a 1 . other factors not included in the 1980 projections. The December 1981 Batte 11 e forecasts were used in the fi na 1 project staging~ economic, financial and sensitivity analyses. The December 1981 Battelle forecasts are presented in section {c) below. (b) Electricity Demand Profiles This section reviews the historical growth of electricity consump- tion in the Railbelt and compares it to the national trend. Earlier forecasts of Rai lbelt electricity consumption by ISER, which were used in Susitna development selection studies, are also described. (i) Historical Trends Between 1940 and 19789 electricity sales in the Railbelt grew at an average annual rate of 15.2 percent. This growth was roughly twice that for the nation as a whole. Table 8.43 shows U.S.· and Alaskan annual growth rates for different periods between 1940 and 1978.. The historical growth of Railbelt utility sales from 1965 is illustrated in Figure 8.61. Although the Railbelt growth rates consistently exceeded the national average, the gap has been narrowing in later years due to the. gradual maturing of the Alaskan economy. Growth in the Railbelt has exceeded the national average for two reasons: popu 1 at ion growth in the Ra i 1 be 1 t has been higher than the national rate, and the proportion of Alaskan households served by electric utilities was lower than the U.S .. average·so that some growth· in the number of customers occurred independently of population growth. Table 8.44 compares U.S .. and Alask~n growth rates in the residential and commercial sectors. The distribution of electricity consumption between resi- denti a 1 and commercia 1-industria 1-government sectors has been fairly stable. By 1978, the commercial-industrial- government and residential sectors accounted for 52 percent and 47 percent respectively. In contrast, the 1978 nation- wide shares were 65 percent and 34 percent, respectively. Historical electricity demand in the Railbelt, disaggre- gated by regions, is shown in Table 8.45. During the a I I I I I· I I I I I I I I I ·I I I I. I { .. ) \.11 peri ad from 1965· to 1978, Greater Anchorage accounted for about 75 percent of Railbelt electricity consumption fol- lowed by Greater Fairbanks with 24 percent and Glennallen- Valdez with 1 percent. The pattern of regional sharing during this period has been quite stable and no discernible trend in region a 1 shift has emerged. This is mainly a result of the uniform rate of economic development in the Alaskan Railbelt. ISER Electricitx Consumption Forecasts The methodology used by ISER to estimate electric. energy sales for the Railbelt is summarized in this section and th~ results obtained are disc4ssed. -Methodolog,x The ISER electricity demand forecasting model concep-- tualized in computer logic the linkage between economic growth scenarios and electricity consumption. Tne out- put from the model is in the form of projected values of electricity consumption for each of the three geographi- cal areas of the Rai lbelt (Greater Anchorage, Greater Fairbanks and Glennallen-Valdez) and is classified by final use (i.e., heating, washing, cooling, etc.) and consuming sector (commercial, residential, etc). The model produces output on a five-year time basis from 1985 to 2010, inclusive. The ISER mode 1 consists of sever a 1 submode 1 s 1 inked by key variables and driven by policy and technical assump- tions and state and national trends. These submodels are grouped into four economic mode 1 s which forecast future levels of economic activity and four electricity consumption models which forecast the asc-ociated elec- tricity requirements by consuming sectors. For two of the consuming sectors it was not possible to set up com- puter models and simplifying assumptions were made. -Forecasting Uncertainty To adequately address the uncertainty associated with the prediction of future. demands, a number of different economic growth scenarios were considered. These were formulated by alternatively combining high, moderate and 1 ow growth rates in the area of speci a1 projects and industry with State government fiscal policies aimed at stimulating either high, moderate or low growth. This resulted in a total of nine potential growth scenarios I I 1- I I~ 1- I I I: I I I I I I I I I ';:"' for the state. In addition ta these scenarios, ISER a 1 so considered the potenti a·I impact of a price reduced shift towards increased elf:ctricity demand. A short list of six future scenarios was selected.. These con- centrated around the mid-range or 11 base case,. estimate of the upper and lower and extremes (see Table 8.46). -Demand Forecasts An important+"actor to be considered in generation plan- ning studies is the peak power demand associated wi tl:l ~a forecast of electric energy demand. The ·overall approach to derivation of the peak demand forecasts for the Railbelt region was to examine the available histor- fcal data with regard to the generation of electrical energy and to apply the observed generation patterns to existing sales forecasts. Information routinely sup- plied by the Railbelt utilities to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission was uti 1 i zed to determine these ·1 oad patterns. The first step involved an adjustment to the allocated sales to reflect losses and energy unaccounted for. The adjustment was made by increasing the energy a 11 ocated to each utility by a factor computed from historical sales and 3eneration levels. This resulted in a grass energy generation for each utility. The factors determined for the monthly distribution of total annual generation were then used to distribute the gross generation for each year. The resulting hour-ly loads for each utility were added together to obtain the total Rai lbelt system load pattern for each forecast year. Table 8 .. 47 summarizes the total energy generat1on and the peak loads for each of the low, medium, and high ISER sales forecasts, assuming moderate government expenditure .. Adjusted ISER Forecasts Three of the initial ISER energy forecasts were con- sidered in generation p 1 anni ng studies for development selection studies. These included the base case (MES-GM) or medi urn forecast, a .lpw forecast and a high forecast.. The law forecast waSthat corresponding to the low economic growth as proposed by ISER with an adjustment for low government expenditure (LES-GL). The high forecast corresponded to the ISER high economic I I I I I· I I I I· I I I I I I I I- I I growth scenario with an adjustment for high. government expend.iture (HES-GH). The electricity forecasts summarized in Table 8.47 rep- resent tot a 1 uti 1 i ty generation and inc 1 ude projections for self-supP.lied industrial and military generation sectors.. Inc·l uded in these forecasts are transmission and distribution losses in the range of 9 to 13 percent depending. upon the generation scenario assumed. These forecasts, ranging from 2.71 to 4.76 percent average annual growth, were adjusted for use in generation plan- ning studies .. The self-supplied industrial energy primarily involves dri 11 i ng and offshore operations and other activities which are not likely to be connected into the Railbelt supply system. This component, which varies depending upon generation scenario, was therefore omitted from the forecasts used for p 1 anning purposes. The military is likely to continue purchasing energy from the general market as long as it remains economic. However, much of their gener.ating capacity is tied to district heating systems which would prestmably co.ntinue operation. For study purposes·, it was therefore assumed that 30 percent of the estimated military generation would be supplied from the grid system. -The adjustments made to power and energy forecasts for use in self-supplied industrial and military s~ctors are reflected in Table 8.47 and in Figure 8.62. The power and energy values given in Table 8.48 are those develop- ed by ISER and used in the development: selection studies. Annual growth rates range from 1.99 to 5 .. 96 percent for very low and high forecasts with a mediur- generation forecast of 3.96 percent. (c) Battelle Load Forecasts As part of its study of Alaska Rai lbelt Electric Energy Alterna- tives, Reference 6, Battelle did extensive work in reviewing the 1980 ISER forecasts, methodology, and data, and produced a new series of forecasts. These forecasts built on the base of infor- mation andmodellng established by ISER's 1980 work and, with the assistance of ISER, developed new models for forecasting Rai lbelt. economic activity and resulting e 1 ectric a 1 energy demands.. The resulting forecasts were adopted directly for use in final genera- tion planning studies under this feasibility study. I I I I I I I I I I I 1- I I I I I I I >~ These revised forecasts included both an energy and peak capacity projection for each year of the study period (1982&2010). The pro- jection left out portions of electrical demand which would be self-supplied~ such as much of the military demand and some of the industria 1 demand. In addition, these forecasts took into account the conservation technology and market penetration likely to take place. Details of the Battelle forecasts and methodology are available in a report produced by Battelle in early 1982 (8). The demand forecasting process is summarized in the following three paragraphs. Figure 8.63 shows the electricity demand forecasting process used by Battelle. The forecasting process contains two steps. The first step combines sets of consistent economic and policy assump- tions (scenarios) with economic models from the ISER to produce forecasts of future economic activity, population,· and households in the Railbelt region and its three load centers. In the second step, these forecasts are combined with data on current end uses of electricity in the residential sector, data on the size of the Railbelt commercial building stock, data on the cost and perfor- mance of conservation, assumptions concerning the futu~'e prices of electricity and other fuels, and future uses of electricity to produce demand forecasts. The economic and population forecasts, energy use data, and other assumptions are all entered into a computer-based electricity· demand forecasting model called the Railbelt Electricity Demand (RED) Model. The RED model generates forecasts of housing stock and commercial building stock and the price-adjusted intensity of energy use in both the residential and commercial (including government) sectors. It also adds estimates of major industrial electrical energy demand and miscellaneous uses such as street 1 i ghting. These forecasts are adjusted for specific energy con- servation policies, and then the major end-use sector forecasts are combined by the model into forecasts of future annual demand for electric energy for each of the Railbelt's load centers. ·The combined annual loads are adjusted by an annual load factor to estimate future annual peak demand by load center. Finally~ the peak loads are added together and multiplied by a diversity facto,- ( to adjust for the fact that peak loads for djfferent load centers do not coincide) to derive peak demand for the Railbelt. More detai·l on the REO model can be found in Reference 7. .~ The . projected cost of power affects these forecasts. Because the size of demand for power affects the size, number, and cost of generating facilities that may have to be built to meet the demand (which in turn affects· the cost of power), several passes through the Rf:'O ~•adel with constant economic assumptions and vary- ing costs of power are required to produce a final forecast. I • I I I I I I I I I I I •• I I "I I I I Th.e Battelle study produced numerous load forecasts which corres:.. ponded to different development plans. The plans vari~d due to different f~conomic scenarios and costs of power. from these sep- arate forecasts, a high, medium and low forecast were selected for project planning and economic and financial feasibility studies. The Battelle forecasts are based on enet~gy sales, and have the·reo fore been ildjusted by an addition of an estimated 8 percent for transmission losses to arrive at the suppl_y forecast to be used in generation planning. Table 8.49 and Figure B.64 present the three Battelle forecasts which were prepared to bracket the range of electrical demand for the future. It should be noted that the loiid forecast figures vary in absolute v a 1 ues of peak demand and energy from those figures in the refer- enced Battelle studies. This minor variance (approximately 5-8 percent in the project development years) is due to the revision in the Battelle forecasts in 1982 after the feasibility work on Susitna proceeded using December 1981 numbers. · The Battelle forecasts were used in second stage generation plan- ning studies. The second stage studies focused on the economic· and financial -feasibility of the selected Susitna project and the sensitivity of the analyses to variation of key study assumptions .. The differences between the earlier ISER forecasts used in development selection studies and the revised Battelle forecasts are not ·considered to be significant enough to have altered ~he conclusions of the earlier studies. The Railbelt generation plan- nil'lg studies undertaken for Susitna feasibility assessment were based on the Battelle medium forecast. The high and low Battelle forecast~ were used as a basis for sensitivity testing. No additional information on load patterns relative to monthly and daily shifting of load shapes was developed in the Battelle fore- casts.. Thus, the historical data developed to use with the 1980 ISER forecasts were also used with the Battelle forecasts • 5.2 -Market and Price for Watana Output in 1994 It has been p 1 an ned that Watana energy wi 11 be supplied at a single wholesale rate on a free market basis.. Th)s requires, in effect~ that Susitna energy be prjced so that it is attractive even to !Jtilities with the lowest cost alternative source of energy. On this basis it is estimated that for the marketable 3315 GWh of energy generated by Watana in 1994 to be attractive, a price of 145 mills per kWh in 1994 dollars is required. Justification for this price is illustrated in Figure B.65.. Note that the assumption is made that the only capital costs which would be avoided in the early 1990s would be those due to the addition of new coal-fired generating plants (i.e., the alternative 2 x 200 MW coal-fired Beluga station). I I I I I I •• I I I I I I ·.1 I I I "I •• The financing considerations under which it would be appropriate for Watana energy to be sold at approximately 145 mills/.kWh price are pre- sented in Exhibit D; however., it should be noted that some of the energy which would be displaced by Watanats 3315 GWh would have been rtenerated at a lower cost than 145 mills, and utilities might wish to ·aeiay accepting it at this price until the escalating cost of natural gas or other fuels made it more attractive. A number of approaches to the resolution of this problem can. be postulated, 1nc1uding pre..,con- tract arrangements .. {a) Contractual Preconditions for Susitna Energy Sale It will be necessary to contract with Railbelt Utilities for the purchase of Sus i tna capacity and energy on a basis appropriate to support financing of the project • Pricing policies far Susitna output are assumed to be constrained by both cost {as defined by State of A 1 ask a Senate Bi 11 25) and by the price of energy from the best thermal option. Marketing Susi tna• s output · within these twin constraints would ensure that all state. support for Susitna flowed through to con- sumers and under no circumstances were prices to consumers higher than they would have been under the best thermal option. In addi- tion~ consumers would also obtain the long-term economic benefits of Susitna•s low cost energy. (b) Market Price for Watana Output f995-200J:. After its initial entry into the system in 1994~ the price and market for the 3315 Gwh of Wataria output is consistently upheld over the years to 2001 by the projected 20 percent increase in total demand over this periodo There would, as a result, be a 70 percent increase in cost savings compared with the best thermal alternative. The increasing cost per unit of output from a system without Susitna is illustrated in Figure B.66. (c) Market and Price for Watana and Devil Canyon Output in 2003 A diagramatic analysis of the total cost savings which the com- bi ned Watana and De vi 1 Canyon output wi 11 confer on the system compared with the present thermal option in the year 2003 is shown in Figure B.67. These total savings are divided by the energy contributed by Susitna to indicate a p'rice of 250 mills per kWh as the maximum price which can be charged for Susitna output. Here again, the prqblem of competing with lower cost comb·ined cycle, gas turbines, etc., wi 11 have to be addressed; however 1 this prob- 1 em is likely to be short term in nature, since by this time period these therma 1 power faci 1 it i es wi 11 be approaching retire- ment. I I I I I I 'I I I I I I .I I .I I •• I ,:,. Only about 90 percent of the total Susitna output will be absorbed by the system in 2002; the balance of the output will be progress- ; vely absorbed over the following . decade. This wi 11 provide increasing total sav-ings to the system from Susitna with no asso- ciated increase in costs. (d) Potential Impact of State Appropriations In the preceding paragraphs the maximum price at which Susi tna energy could be sold has been identified.. Sale of the energy at these prices wi 11 depend upon the magnitude of any proposed state, appropriation designed to reduce the cost of Susitna energy in the earlier years. At significantly lower prices it is likely that the total system demand will be higher than assumed. This, com- hi ned with a state appropriation to reduce the energy cost of Watana energy, would make it correspondingly easier to market the output from the Susitna development; however, as the preceding ana1ysi s shows, a viable and strengthening market exists for the energy from the development that would make it possible to price the output up to the cost of the best thermal alternative. (e) Conclusions Based on the assessment of the market for power and energy output from the Susitna Hydroelectric Project, it has been concluded that, with the appropriate level of state appropriation and with pricing as defined in Senate Bill 25, an attractive. basis exists~ particularly in the long term, for the Railbelt utilities to derive benefit from the project. It should be recognized that contractual arrangements covering purchase of Susitna output wi 11 be an essent i a 1 precondition for the actua 1 commencement of pro- ject construction. These contractual arrangements will be pursued during the licensing and design phase of the project. 5.3 -Sale of Power Electrical energy from the Susitna Hydroelectric Project will be sold to ut1lities serving the Anchorage/Fairbanks net. The potential customers for Susitna power utilities in the Railbe,lt include: -Fairbanks Municipal Utility System; -Homer Electric Association; Anchorage Municipal Light & Power Department; -Chugach Electric Association; -Golden Valley Electric Association; -~atanuska Electric Association; -Seward Electric System; and -Copper Valley Electric Association • A more detailed discussion of marketing can be found in Reference 8. I I I I I I I I I I lj I I I I 7 I I I ~· 6 -FUTURE SUSITNA BASIN DEVELOPMENT The Alaska Power Authority has no current plans for further development of th~ Watana/Devi 1 Canyon system and no p 1 ans for further water power projects in the Susitna River Basin at this time. Deva lopment of the proposed projects wou 1 d prec 1 ude further major hydroelectric development in the Susitna basin, with the exception of major storage projects in the Susitna basin headwaters. Although these type ·of p 1 ans have been considered in the past, they · are neither active nor anticipated to be so in the foreseeable future .. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EXHIBIT B ... STATEMENT OF PROJECT OPERATION AND RESOURCES UTILIZATION __________________________ " ____________________________ __ LIST OF REFERENCES 1. Acres American Inc., Susitna Hydroelectric Project, Development Selection Report, prepared for the Alaska Power Authority, December 1981.. 2 •. Woodward-Clyde Consultants~ Final Report on Seismic Studies for: Susitna Hydroelectric Project, prepared for Acres American Inc., February 1982. 3. Acres American Inc., Susitna Hydroelectric Project, 1980-81 Geo- t~chnical Report, prepared for the Alaska Power Authority, "F'ebruary 19827- 4. Acres American Inc., Susitna Hydroelectric Project, Feasibility E_eport, prepared for the Alaska Power Authority, March 1992 .. 5. General Electric Company, OGPS User's Manual, May 1979. 6. B;lttelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories, Raflbelt Electric Power Alternatives Study: Evaluation of Railbelt Electric Energy Plans, preparea for the Office of the Governor, State of Alaska, August 1982,. · 7. Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories, The Railbelt Electricity Demand (RED) Model Specifications Report, prepared for tlie Office of the Governor, State of Alaska~ August 1982. 8. Acres American Inc..., Susitna Hydroelectric Project Referenc(~ Report, Economic, Maf"ketfng and Financial Eva.luation, prepared for the Alaska Power Authority, April 1982. ------------------ TABLE 8.1: POTENTIAL HYDROELECTRIC DEVELOPMENT Capital Average Economic1 Dam Cost Installed Annual Cost of Source Proposed Height Upstream $ million Capacity Energy Energy. of Site Type ft. Regulation (1980) (MW) Gwh $/1000 kWh Data Gold Creek2 fill 190 Yes 900 260 1,140 37 USBR 1953 Olson (Susitna II) Concrete 160 Yes 600 200 915 31 USBR 1953 KAiS-ER 1974 COE 1975 Devil Canyon Concrete; 675 No 830 250 1,420 27 This Study Yes 1,000 600 2,980 17 n High Devil Canyon u (Susitna I) fill 855 No 1,500 800 3,540 21 !I Devil Creek2 fill Approx No 0- 850. Watana fill 8BO No 1,860 BOO 3,250 28 II Susitna III fill 670 No 1,390 350 1,580 41 II Vee fill 610 No 1,060 400 1,370 37 II t-taclaren 2 Fill 185 No 530 4 55 180 124 • H Denali Fill 230 No 480 4 60 245 '81 " Butte Creek2 fill Approx No 40 1303 USBR 1953 150 Tyone2 fill Approx No 6 223 USBR 1953 60 Notes: (1) Includes AFDC, Insurance, Amortization, and Operation and Maintenance Costs~ (2) No detailed engineering or energy studies undertaken as part of this study. ()) These are approximate estimates and serve only to rep"t"esent the potential of these two damsites in perspective. (4) Include estimat.ed costs of power generation facility. · --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - D A· M Site Type Gold Creek fill Olson (Susitna II) Concrete Devil Canyon fill Concrete Arch Concrete Gravity High !>evil Canyon fill (Susitna I) Devil Creek fill Watana Susitna III Vee Maclaren Denali Notes: fill fill fill fill fill TABLE B.2 -COST COMPARISONS Capital Cost Estimate2 (1980 $) A c R £ s 1980 o T A E R s Installed Capital COst Installed Capital Cost Source and Capacity -MW $ million Capacity -MW $ million Date of Data 800 350 400 55 60 1,860 1,390 1,060 530 480 792 445 None 890 550 630 910 1,480 1,630 770 500 USR6 1968 COE 1975 COE 1975 COE 1978 COE 1975 COE 1978 KAISER 1974 COE 1975 COE 1975 (1) Dependable Capacity (2} Excluding Anchorage/fairbanks transmission intertie, but including local access and transmission. I I I I I I I I I ••• I I I I I I •• I I TABLE 8.3: DAM CREST AND FULL SUPPLY LEVELS Staged Full Dam Average Dam Supply Crest Tailwatar Site Construction level -Ft. level -Ft. level -ft. Gold Creek No 870 880 680 Olson No 1,020 1,030 810 Portage Creek No 1,020 Ln3n. 870 ·-,--- Devil Canyon - intermediate height No 1,250 1,270 890 Devil Canyon ~ full height No 1,450 1,470 890 High Devil Canyon No 1,610 1,630 1,030. No 1,750 1,775 1,030 Watana Yes 2,000 2,060 1,465 Stage 2 2,200 2,225 1,465 Susitna Ill No 2,340 2,360 1,810 Vee No 2,330 2,350 1,925 Maclaren No 2,395 2,405 2,300 Denali No 2,540 2,555 2,405 Notes: (1) To foundation level. Dam Heiglit1 ft. 290 310 250 465 675 710 855 680 880 670 610 185 230 ------------------ ------------------ TABLE 8.5 -RESULTS OF SCREENING MODEL Total Demand Optimal Solution first Suboptimal Solution Second Suboptimal Soultion Max. Inst. Total Max.· · Inst. Tot a! Max. Inst. Totat Cap. Energy Site Water Cap. Cost Site Water Cap .. Cost Site. Water Cap. Co.st Run MW GWh Names Level MW $ million Names Level MW $ million Names Level MW $ mi.lli:on 1 400 1750 High 1580 400 885 Devil 1450 400 970 W£.tana 1950 400 9aG Devil Canyon Canyon 2 aoo 3500 High 1750 800 1500 Watana 1900 450 1130 Watana 2200 800 186klJ Devil Canyon Devil Canyon 1250 350 710 TOTAL BOO 1840 3 1200 5250 Watana 2110 700 1690 High 1750 800 1500 High 1150 820 1500 Devil Devil Canyon Canyon Devil 1350 500 800 Vee 2350 400 1060 Susitna 2.100 380 1260 Canyon III TOTAL 1200 2490 TOTAL 1200 2560 TOTAL 1200 2160 4 1400 6150 Watana 2150 740 1770 N 0 SOLUTION N 0 S 0 L U T I 0 N Devil 1450 660 1000 Canyon dJ I I I I I I I I • I I I I I I 1: I I I I TABLE 8.6: INFORMATION ON THE DEVIL CANYON DAM AND TUNNEL SCMEMES De.vil Canyon Tunnel Scheme Item Dam 1 l } Reservoir Area (Acres) 7,500 320 0 3,900 River Miles Flooded 31.6 2.0 0 15.8· Tunnel Length (Miles) 0 27 29 13.5 Tunnel v91ume (1000 Vd ) 0 11,976 12,863 J, 732. Compensating Flow Release (cfs) 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 Reservoir Volume (1000 Acre-feet) 1,100 9.5 -350 Dam Height (feet) 625 75 --245 Typical Daily C) ~ Range of Discharge From Devil Canyon 6,000 4,000 4,000 8,300 Powerhouse to to to to (cfs) 13,000 14,000 14,000 8,900 Approximate t-1aximum Daily Fluctuations in Reservoir (feet) 2 15 --4 Notes: 3 Estimated, above existing rock elevation. 4 0 0 ' 29 5,131 1,000 -- -- 3,900 to 4,200 -- -----·------·-.. ----·-- TABLE B. 7 -DEVIL CANYON TUNNEL SCHEMES COSTS, PO\\ER OUTPUT AND AVERAGE ANNUAL ENERGY Installed Levi! Canyon CaE!aci~ (MW) Incre~sa 1 in Average Annual Watanavil canyon Installed Capacity Energy Stage Tunnel (MW) (Gwh) STAGE 1: Watana Dam BOO STAGE 2i Tunnel: -Scheme 1 800 550 550 2,050 -Scheme 2 70 1,150 420 4,750 -Scheme 32 850 330 360 2,240 -Scheme 4 600 365 365 2,490 Notes: (1) Increase over single Watana, BOO HW development 3250 Gwh/yr (2) Includes power and energy produ:::ed at :r-e-regulation dam (3) Energy cost is based on an economic analysis (i.e. using 3 percent interest rate) . ... Increase 1 in Tunnel Scheme Average Total Project Pnnual fnergy Costs (Gwh) $ Million 2,050 1960 1,900 2320 2,180 1220 890 1490 3 CO.St or A!:llitition¥- ~ergy (&mills/kWh) -42.6 '52.9 ~4 .. 9 73 .. 6 I I I I • a I. I I I I I I 1: I I I - I I I () TABLE 8.8 -CAPITAL COST ESTIMATE SUMMARIES TUNNEL SCHEMES COSTS IN. $MILLION 1980 -- Item ~~---------------------------·'~------- Land and damages, reservoir clearing Diversion works Re-regulation dGm Power system (a) Main tunnels (b) Intake 7 powerhouse, tailrace and switchyard Secondary power station Spillway system Roads and bridges Transmission lines Camp facilities and support Miz~ellaneous* Mobilization and preparation TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST Contin~encios (20%) Engineering, .. !!:!!L9wner' s Administration TOTAL PROJECT COST !$57 123 Two 3o ft ai~ tunn~:.s -~ 14 J'5 10~ 0 sao 21 42 42 15 131 8 47 1 '137 227 136 1,500 One 40 ft dis tunnel 14 35 102. •' 576 453 123 21 42 42 15 117 8 47 1,015 203 122 1,340 ----------·-·· -... -·-- . . TABLE 8.9. SUSITNA DEVELOPMENT PLANS Cumulative Stage/Incremental Data System Data Annual Maximum Energy Capital Cost Ea~liest Reservoir Seasonal Production Plant $ Millions On-line Full Supply Draw-Firm Avg. Factor Plan Stage Construction (1980 values) Date 1 level -ft. down-ft GWH GWH. ~ 1.1 1 Watana 2225 ft. 800MW 1860 1993 2200 150 2670 3250 46 2 Oevi-:. Canyon 1470 ft 600 MW 1000 1996 1450 100 5500 6230 51 TOTAL SYSTEM 1400 MW 2860 1.2 1 Watana 2060 ft 400 f>1W 1570 1992 2000 100 1710 2110 60 2 Watana raise to 2225 ft 360 1995 2200 150 2670 2990 85 3 Watana add 400 MW capacity 1302 1995 2200 150 2670 3250 46 4 Devil Canyon 1470 ft 600 MW 1000 1996 1450 100 5500 6230 51 TOTAL SYSTEM 1400 MW 3060 1.3 1 Watana 2225 ft 400 MW 1740 1993 2200 150 2670 2990 85 2 Watana add 400 MW capacity 150 1993 2200 150 2670 3250 46 3 Devil Canyon 1470 ft 600 MW 1000 19.96 1450 100 5500 6230 51 -TOTAL SYSTEM 1400 MW 2890 0 ------ TABLE B~~ (Continued) Plan 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 Stage 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 Construction High Devil Canyon 1775 ft BOO MW Vee 2350 ft 400 MW TOTAL SYSTEM 1200 MW High Devil Canyon 1630 ft 400 MW High Devil Canyon add 400 MW Capacity raise dam to 1775 ft Vee 2350 ft 400 MW TOTAL SYSTEM 1200 MW High Devil Canyon 1775 ft 400 MW High Devil Canyon add 400 MW capacity Vee 2350 ft 400 f.~W TOTAL SYSTEM 1200 MW Watana 2225 ft 800 t4\'! Wal.ana add :;o MW tunnel 330 MW TOTAl SYSTEM 1180 MW Capital Cost $ Millions (1980 values) 1500 1060 2560 1140 500 10JO 2700 1390 -140 1060 2590 1960 Cumulative Stage/Incremental Data System Data Annual Maximum Energy Earliest Reservoir Seasonal Production Plant On-line full Supply Draw-firm Avg. factor 1 level -ft. Date down-ft. GWH GWH 01 Ill 19943 1750 150 2460 3400 49 1997 2330 150 3870 4910 47 1993 3 1610 100 1770 2020 58 1996 1750 150 2460 3400 49 1997 2330 150 3870 4910 47 19943 1750 150 2400 2760 79 1994 1750 150 2460. 3400 49 1997 2330 150 387C 4910 47 1.993 2200 150 2670 3250 46 1995-1475 4 4890 5430 53 .. -----------:--·--.. TABlE 8.9 (Continued) Cumulative Stage/Incremental Data System Data Annual Maximum Energy Capital Cost Earliest Reservoir Seasonal Production Plant $ Hillions On-line full Supply Draw-firm Avg. factor 0 Plan Stag~ Construction (1980 values) Date 1 level -ft .. down-ft. GWH GWH % 3.2 1 Watana 2225 ft 400 MW 1740 1993 2200 150 2670 2990 85 2 Watana add 400 MW capacity 150 1994 2200 150 2670 3250 46 3 Tunnel 330 MW ada 50 MW to Watana 1500 1995 1475 4 4890 5430 53 -3390 4.1 1 Watana 2225 ft 400 KW 1740 1995 3 2200 150 2670 2990 85 2 Watana add 400 MW capacity 150 1996 2200 150 2670 3250 46 3 High Devil Canyon 1470 ft 400 MW 860 1998 1450 100 4520 5280 50 4 Portage Creek 1030 ft 150 MW 650 2000 1020 50 5110 6000 51 TOTAL SYSTEM 1350 MW 3400 NOTES: (1) Allowing for a 3 year overlap construction period between major dams. (2) Plan 1.2 Stage 3 is less expensive than Plan 1.3 Stage 2 due to lower mobilization costs. (3) Assumes fERC license can be filed by June 1984, ie. 2 years later than for the Watana/Devil Canyon Plan 1. ---~--------------- TABlE 8.10. SUSITNA ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT PLANS Cumulative Stage/Incremental Data System Data i\rinual Maximum Energy Capital Cost Earliest Reservoir Seasonal ProdEction Plant $ Millions On-line Full Supply Draw-Firm Avg. Factor Plan Sta e Construction (1980 values} 1 Level -ft. down-ft GWH GWH. DEAta "' ,.., 10 ..: E1.1 1 Watana 2225 ft BOOMW and Re-Regulation 2670" 3250 Dam 1960 1993 2200 150 46 2 Devil Canycn 1470 ft 400MW 900 1996 1450 100 5520 6070 58 TOTAl SYSTEM 1200MW "2lf6IT £1.2 1 Watana 2060 ft 400MW 1570 1992 2000. 100 1710 2110 60 2 Watana raise to 2225 ft 360 1995 2200 150 2670 2990 85 3 Watana add 400MW capacity and Re-Regulation Dam 230 2 1995 2200 150 2670 3250 46 4 Devil Canyon 1476 ft 400MW 900 1996 1450 100 5520 6070 58 TOTAl SYSTEM 1200MW Jn6lf E1.3 1 Watana 2225 ft 400MW 1740 1993 2200 150 2670 2990 85 2 Watana add 400MW capacity and Re-Regulat.ion Dam 250 1993 2200 150 2610 3250 46 3 Devil Canyon 1470 ft 400 MW 900 1996 1450 100 5520 6070 58 TOTAl SYSTEM 1200MW E'9rr ---· -· -.• : , .. -.. .J -;--~-- TABLE 8.10 (Continued) Cumulative Stage/Incremental Data System Data Annual Maximum Energy Capital Cost Earliest Reservoir Seasonal Production Plant $ Millions On-line full Supply Draw-firm Avg. Factor Plan Stage Construction (1980 values) 1 Level -ft .. Date down-ft. GWH GWH "' IQ E1.4 1 Watana 2225 ft 400MW 1740 1993 2200 150 2670 2990 85 2 Devil Canyon 1470 ft 400MW 900 1996 1450 100 5190 5670 81 -TOTAL SYSTEM 800MW 2640 E2.1 1 High Devil Canyon 1775 ft BOOMW and Re-Regulation Dam 1600 19943 1750 150 2460 3400 49 2 Vee 2350ft 400MW 1060 1997 2330 150 3870 4910 47 TOTAL SYSTEM 1200MW 2660 E2.2 1 High Devil Canyon 1630 ft 400MW 1140 19933 1610 100 1770 2020 58 2 High Devil Canyon raise dam to 1775 ft add 400MW and Re-Regulation Dam 600 ~976 1750 150 2460 3400 49 3 Vee 2350 ft 400 MW 1060 1997 2330 150 3870 4910 47 TOTAL SYSTEM 1200MW 2800 E2.3 1 High Devil Canyon 1775 ft 400MW 1390 19943 1750 150 2400 2760 19 2 High Devil Canyon add 400MW capacity and Re-Regulation Dam 240 1995 1750 150 2460 3400 49 3 Vee 2350 ft (&00MW 1060 1997 233D 150 3870 4910 47 TOTAl SYSTEM 1200 2690 --: ----~ ----.. M: ' --·---; -" ~ TABLE B.10 (Continued) Cumulative Stage/Incremental Data S~stem Data Annual Maximum Energy Capital Cost Earliest Reservoir Seasonal Production Plant $ Millions On-line Full Supply Draw-firm Avg. factor Plan Stage Construction. (1980 values) '1 level -ft. down-ft. GWH GWH % Date £2 .. 4 1 High Devil Canyon 1755 ft 400MW 1390 19943 1750 150 2400 2760 79 2 High D~vil Canyon add 4COMW capacity and Portage Creek Dam 150 ft 790 1995 1750 150 3170 4080 49 3 Vee 2350 ft 400MW 1060 1997 2330 150 4430 5540 47 TOTAl SYSTEM :miT' E3.2 1 Watana 2225 ft 400MW 1740 . 1993 2200 150 2670 2990 85 2 ~atana add 400 MW capacity and Re-Regulation Dam 250 1994 2200 150 2670 3250 46 3 Watana add 50MW Tunnel Scheme 330MW 1500 1995 1475 4 4890 5430 53 TOTAL SYSTEM 1.180MW 349lf £4.1 1 Watana " 1995 3 2225 ft 400MW 1740 2200 150 2670 2990 85 2 Watana add 400MW capacity and Re-Regulation Dam 250 1996 2200 150 2670 3250 46 3 High Devil Canyon 14 70 ft 400MW 860 1998 1450 100 4520 5280 50 4 Portage Creek 1030 ft 150t-tW 650 2000 1020 50 5110 6000 51 TOTAL SYSTEM 1350 MW ;;mr NOTES: t1) Allowing for a 3 year overlap construction period between major dams. (2) Plan 1.2 Stage 3 is less expensive than Plan 1.3 Stage 2 due to lower mobilization costs •. (3) Assumes f£RC license can be filed by June 1984, ie. 2 years later than for the Watana/Devil Canyon Plan 1. . . • • ! .' . . . ~ "("" ·.. . . • • • 4 ~ . ~ . . ~ .... -. # • • ~ • • . . . . ;' . • • • • • •• _. :\ 0 • • • • • . . . . . . . . . " . . . ~. . . : : .. . . ' . . . . . . : . . ; • .. ·.:., .. -; . ·: : .... J . I TABLE B.11 -RESULTS Of ECONOMIC ANALYSES Of SUSITNA PLANS -MEDIUM LOAD fORECAST Susitna Devei~ment Pian Inc-Installed Capacify (MW) by Total System Total System · line Oates Categor~ in 2010 Installed Present Remarks Pert~ng to Plan Stages OGP5 Run Thermal -R~dro Capacity In Worth Cos\ the Susitna ff~ No. -r 7 ) 2i Id. No .. i::oai Cas iUI Other ~us~tna 2010-MW $ Million Develoe!!!ent F:Datn E1.1 1993 2000 LXE7 300 426 0 144 1200 2070 5850 £1.2 19~n 1995 1997 2002 L5Y9 200 501 0 144 1200 2045 6030 £1.3 1993 1996 2000 L8J9 300 426 0 144 1200 2070 5850 1993 1996 L7W7 500 651 0 144 BOO 2095 6960 Stage 3, Oevii il::snyon Dam not const."ruct~d 199B 2001 2005 LAD7 400 276 30 144 1200 2050 6070 Delayed in~lemerntation schedule (1.4 1993 2000 LCK5 200 726 50 144 BOO 1920 5B90 Total develop~~t limited to BOO MW l\bdified £2 .. 1 1994 2000 LB25 400 651 60 144 . BOO 2055 6620 High Devil C~~~ limited to 400 MW E2.3~ 1993 1996 2000 L601 300 651 20 144 1200 2315 6310 1993 1996 L£07 500 651 30 144 BOO 2125 6720 Stage 3, Vee ~~, not constructed Modifi.ed £2.3 1993 1996 2000 LEB3 300 726 220 144 1300 2690 6210 Vee dam repla~ by l' Chakachamna d~ 3.1 1993 1996 2000 l607 200 651 30 144 1180 2205 6530 Special 6230 Capital cost o:f tunnel 3.1 199.3 1996 2000 L615 200 651 30 144 11BO 2205 reduced by 50 pt}'teent £4.1 1995 1996 199'8 LTZ5 200 576 30 144 1200 2150 6050 Stage 4 not constructed NOTES: (1) Adj!Jsted to incorporate cost of re-regulation dam TABLE 8 .. 12-RESULTS Of ECONOMIC ANALYSES Of SUSITNA PLANS-LOW AND HIGH LOAD fORECAST .... ~usitna Deveio~nE Pian Inc. lnotailed ~opacity {MW) by Total System · Total System on :tne Dates Categor~ in 2010 Installed Present Remarks Pertain~T~ tn . Plan St!9es OGP5 Run -----rfierma.I · R~dro Capacity In WDrth Cost the Susitna Ba~n No. ,-2 ~ 4 Id. No .. Coai "Gas' llii lither Susi£na 2010-MW $ Million Develo~ment PI~ VERY lOW f01l£CAST1 - £1.4 '1997 2005 l7B7 0 651 50 144 800 1645 365(! LOW LOAD fORECAST ---- £1.3 1993 1996 2000 Low energy dem.st!Id does not warrant plan c~ities E1 .. 4 1993 2002 LC07 0 351 40 144 800 1335 4350 19~13 LBK7 200 501 80 144 400 1325 4940 Stage 2, Devil ~nyon Oam, not constructecti £2.1 199J 2002 LG09 100 426 JO 144 800 1500 4560 High Devil Can~Qn limited to 400 MW 1993 LBU1 400 501 0 144 400 1445 4850 Stage 2, Vee 0~ not constructed £2 .. 3 1993 '1996 2000 low energy dem~ does not Special warrant plan c~~cities 3.1 1993 19~16 2000 l613 0 576 20 144 780 1520 4730 Capital cost o~ tQnnel reduced by 50 pa~~ent 3.2 1993 2002 L609 0 576 20 144 780 1520 5000 Stage 2, 400 MW &ddition to Watana, not ~structed HIGH LOAD fORECAST -- E1.J 1993 19'96 2000 LA73 1000 951 0 144 1200 3295 10680 t-bdified 20052 £1.3 1993 1996 2000 LBV7 800 651 60 144 1700 3355 10050 Chakachamna hy<lro&lectric generating statl.on (480 MW) brought on lim~ as a fourth stage E2.3 1993 1996 2000 LBVJ 1300 951 90 144 1200 3685, 11720 Modified 2003 2 E2.3 1993 1996 4t000 LBY1 1000 876 10 144 1700 3730 11040 Chakachamna hydroel~~tric genernting station (480 MW) brought on line as a fourth stage NOTE: - (1) Incorporating load m.anagement and conservation I •• I I I I I J I I I I I I .- I I I ·#' I I . . . . ' . ·. . . . .. -. ' -'· . . TABLE 8.13 -ANNUAL FIXED CARRYING' CHARGES ~conom1c Parameters Economic Cost of Life Money Amortization Insurance Project Tl::ee -Years % % Thermal -Gas Turbine (Oil Fired) 20 3.00 3.72 -Diesel, Gas Turbine (Gas Fired) and Large Steam Turbine 30 3.00 2.10 -Small Steam Turbine 35 3.00 1.65 Hydropower Market Prices 50 3.00 FUEL COSTS AND ESCALATION RATES Naturat Gas Coal Base Period (January 1980) -Prices ($/million Btu) 0.89 Shadow (Opportunity) Values $1.05 2.00 $1.15 1.15 Real Escalation Rates (Percentage) -Change Compounded (Annually) 1980 -1985 1986 -1990 1991 -1995 Composite (average) 1980-1995 1996 -2005 2006 -2010 0 1o79% 6D.20 3.99 3.98 3.98 0 9.56% 2.-39 -2.87 2.93 2.93 0 1:11 JO 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.10 DiaEIT!ate $4.00 4.00 3.38% 3.09 4.27 3.58 3 .. 58 0 ----,. . . TABLE B.14-SUMMARY Of THERMAL GENERATING RESOURCE PLANT PARAMETERS PLAN T 1 y P E CDAL-riRED S~R toi'IHNED GAS Parameter CYClE TURBINE DIESEl 500 MW 250 MW 100 MW 250 MW 75 MW 10 MW Heat Rate (Btu/kWh) 10,500 10,500 10,500 8t500 12,000 11,500 O&H Costs Fixed O&H ($/yr/kW) 0.50 1.05 1.30 2.75 2.75 0.50 Variable O&M ($/MWH) 1.40 1.80 2.20 0.30 0.30 5.00 Outages Planned Outages (%) 11 11 11 14 11 1 Forced Outages (~) 5 5 5 6 3.8 5 Construction Period (yrs} 6 6 5 3 2 1 Sta~t-up Time (yrs) 6 6 6 4 4 1 Total Ca~ital Cost ($ mil ~on) Railbelt: 175 26 7.7 Beluga: 1,1;o 630 290 · Unit Caeital Cost ($/kW} 1 Railbelt: 728 250 778 Beluga; 2473 2744 3.102 Notes: (1) Including AFDC at 0 percent ·escalation and J percent interest. I I t I I I ' ' I I I I I I I I I I •• TABLE 8.15 -ECON~MIC BACKUP DATA FOR EVALUATION OF PLANS Parameter Capital Investment Fuel Operation and Maintenance TOTAL: Total PtesenE worth Cost for 1981 -zo40 Generation Plan With High Dsvil Canyon -Vee 2800 (44) 3220 (50) 350 (6) 6370 (100) Period $ Million (% Total) i1eneration Plan Generation Plan With Watana -With Watana - Devil Canyon Dam Tunnel 2740 (47) 3170 (49) 2780 (4.7) 3020 (46) 330 (6) 340 (5) 5850 (100) 6530 (100} A!! Th8v.al Generation Plans 2520 (31) .5240 (64) 370 (5) 8130 (100) --.,. ---·~~ ~~~ -~·--- TABlE 8.16-ECONOMIC EVALUATION OF DEVIL CANYON DAM AND TUNNEL SCHEMES AND WATANA/DEVIL CANYON AND HIGH DEVIl CANYON/VEE PtA~ ECONOMIC EVAlUATION: -Base Case SENSITIVITY ANALYSES: -load Growth -Capital Cost Estimate -Period of Economic Analysis -Discount Rate -fuel Cost -Fuel Coat Escalation -Economic Thermal Plant life low High Period shortened to (1980 -2010} 5% 8% (interpolated) 9% 80% basic fuel cost 0% fuel escalation 0% coal escalation 50% extension 0% extension 680 650 N.A. Higher uncertainty assoc- iated with tunnel scheme. 230 520 210 1040 generation Higher uncertainty associated with H.D.Co!Vee plan. 160 As both the capital and fuel costs associated with the tunnel scheme and H.DoC./Vee Plan are higher than for Watana/Oevil Canyon plan any changes to these parameters cannot reduce the Devil Canyon or Watana/Oevil Canyon net benefit to below zero. Remarks: Economic ranking: De~iil Canyon dent scheme is supe~iO'Et' to Tunnel scheme. Watana/Devin 1tanyon dam plan is superio~ ~o ~~ High Devil Canyon dam/Vee, ~ plan. The net benefit of t~ Watana/Dev il Canyon p-Ji~n remains positive for the ran~ of load forecasts considered~ No change in ranking. Higher cost uncertaiol~~s associ- ated with higher cost schemes/plans. Cost ~r~<::ertainty therefore does not aft$~l economic rankinge Shorter period of evaluation decreases economic differences. Ranking remains unch~ed. Ranking remains unchanged. - .. -- £nvironmental Attribute Ecological: -Downstream fisheries and Wildlife Resident fisheries: Wildhfe: Cultural: Land Usez --.. ... •• --- TABLE 8.17-ENVIRONMENTAl EVALUATION Of DEVIl CANYON DAM AND TUNNEl SCHEME Com:erns Effects resulting from changes in water quantity and quality. Loss of resident fisheries habitat. Loss of ~ildlife habitat. ., J\Ppra1sal (D1fferences in impact of two schemes) No signif1c~nt differ- ence between schemes regarding effects down- stream of DevH Canyon. Difference in reach between Devil Canyon dam and tunnel re- regulat.icn dam. Minimel d1fference3 between schf'.mes. Minimal d1fferences between schemes. Inundation of Potential dtfferences archeological sites. between schemes. Inundation of Dev~l S1gn1f~cant d1fference Canyon. between schemes. Identiflcation of difference With the tunnel scheme con- trolled flows between regula- tion dam and downstream power- house offers potential for anadromous fisheries enhance- ment in this 11 ~ile reach of the rivet:. . Devil Canyon dam would inundate 27 ~ilea of the ~itna River and approximately Z miles of Devil Creek. The tunnel schema would inundate 16 miles of the Susitna River. The most sensiUve wildlife ha- bitat in this. teech is upstream of the tunnel re-regulation dam where there is no significant difference het~n the schemes. The DeVll Canyon dam scheme in addition inundates the river valley between the two dam sites resulting in a moderate increase in i~scts to wildlife. Due to lhe larger area inun- .ated the probability of inun- dating archeological sites is increased. The Devil Canyon is cons1dered a unique rasource, BD percent of which ~uld .be inundated by the Devil Canyoo dBII scheme. This would result in a loss of both an aesthetic value plus the potential fo~ ~ite water recreation. SCheme judged to have Appraisal Judge.ent the least potential i~ ---.tunnel oc Not a factor in evaluation of scheme. If fisheries ern1ancement oppor- tunity can be realized the tun- nel scheme offers a positive mitigation measure not available with the Devil Canyon d813 scheme.. This oPPortunity is considered moderate and favors the tunnel scheme. However, there are no current pl&ns for such enhance111ent and feasibil- ity is uncertain. Potential value is therefore not signi- ficant relntivfl to add1tional cost of tunnel. Loss of habitat. with dam scheme is less than 5~ of total for Suaitna main stem. 1hia reach of river is therPfore not considered to be higUr signific81il: for residUflt fishe1ies and thus the difference bet wee l the schemes is 111inor and favors the tunnel scheme. Moderate wildlife populationa of moose, black bear, weasel, fox, wolverine, other Slllall mammals and songbirda and some riparian cliff habitat for ravens and raptors, in 11 111ilea of river, would be lost with the dam scheme. Th~:s, the difference in loss of wildlife habitat is considered moderate sod favors the tunnel scheme. Significant archeological sites, if ident1fied, can proba- bly be excavated. Additional costs could range from several hundreds to hundreds of thousands of dollars, but are still consider- ably less than th~ additional cost of the tunnel scheme. This concern is not considered a factor in scheme evaluation. The aesthetic end to some extent the recreational losses associ- ated with the de.velopment of the Devil Canyon :dam is the main aspect favoring the tunnel scheme. However, current recreational us~s of Devil Canyon are low due to limited accesa. f'uture possibilites include majot recreational develo~­ ment with construction of restau- rants, marinas, etc. Under such conditions, neither scheme would be more favorable. X X X X OVERALL EVALUATION: The tunnel scheme has overall a lower impact on the environment. -- ...... •. ----~------.. - Social !1spect Potential non-renewable resource displacement Impact on state economy Impact on local economy Seismic exposure Overall Evaluation TABLE 8.18-SOCIAL EVALUATION OF SUSITNA BASIN DEVELOPMENT SCHEMES/PLANS Parameter Million tons Beluga coal over 50 years Risk of major structural failure Potential i£1llaCt of failure on hliilan life. Tunnel Schema Devil Canyon Dam Scheme High Devil Canyon/ Vee Plan Watana/Devil Canyon Plan 80 110 170 210 All projects woulti have similar impacts on the state and local economy. All projects designed to similar levels of safety. Any dam failures would effect the same downstream population. 1. Devil Canyon dam superior to tunnel. 2. Watana/Devil Canyon superior to High Devil Canyon/Vee plan~ Remarks Devil Canyon dam scheme potential higher than tunnel scheme. Watana/ Devil Canyon plan higher then High Devil Canyon/ Vee plan. Essentially no difference· between plans/schemes. --· I I I I I I I I I I I I . TABLE 8.19 -ENERGY CONTRIBUTION EVALUATION OF THE DEVIL CANYON DAM AND TUNNEL SCHEMES Parameter TotaL~nergy Prcduction ·capa61I1ty Annual Average Energy GWH Firm Annual Energy GWH % Basin P~tential Developed Enerly Potential Not Deve oped GWH " Notes: Darn 2850 2590 43 60 Tunnel 2240 2050 32 380 Remarks Devil Canyon dam annually develops 610 GWH and 540 GWH more average and firm energy respectively than the Tunnel scheme. Devil Canyon schemes develops more of the basin potential. As currently envisaged, the Devil Canyon dam does not develop 15 ft gross head between the Watana site and the Devil Canyon reservsoir. The tunnel scheme incorporates addi- tional frict1on losses in tunnels. Also the compen- sation flow released from re-regulation dam is not used in conjunction with head between re-regulation dam and Devil Canyon. (1) Based on annual average energy. Full potential based on USSR four dam scheme. I I I J I I I I I TABLE 8.20-OVERALL EVALUATION.OF TUNNEL SCHEME AND DEVIL CANYON DAM SCHEME ATTRIBUTE Economic Energy Contribution Environmental Social Overall Evaluation sOPrn!dR PLAN Devil Canyon Dam Devil Canyon Dam Tunnel Devil Canyon Dam (Marginal) Devil Canyon dam scheme is superior Tradeoffs made: Economic advantage of dam scheme is judged to outweigh the reduced environmental impact associated with the tunnel scheme. -----·------- Env1ronmental Attribute Ecolc;ical: U J.Stteries 2) Wildlife a) Moose b) Cadbou c) forbearers d) B~rds and Boars Cultural: TABLE B.2t -ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Of WATANA/OEVIL CANYON AND HIGII DEVIL CANYON/VEE DEVElOPMENT PLANS Plan Comparison No signiflcant difference in effects on downstream anadromous fisheties. HDC/V would inundate approximately 95 miles of the Susitna River and 28 miles of tributary streams, in- cluding the Tyone River. W/DC would lnundnte approximately 84 miles of the Suaitna River and 24 miles of tributary streams, including Watana Creek. Appraisal Judge~~~ent Due to the avoidance of tho Tyone thvat", lesser inundation or resident fisheries habitat end oo oignificont different:-& in the effects on anadrcmous fisheries, the W/OC plan ia judged to hove less impact. HDC/V would inundate 123 miles of critical winter river Due to the lowur potential for dire-ct impact bottom habitat. .on illOOSe populat1ons Within the Susitna, the W/OC plan is judged superior. W/DC would inundate 108 miles of this river bottom habitat. HDC/V would 1nandate a large area upstream of Vee utilized by tt,ree sub-populations of moose that range in the ~~neast section of the basin. W/DC would tnundate the Watana Creek area utilized by moose. The condltion of this sub-population of moose and the quaUty of the habitat they are using appears to be decreEning. The increased length of river flooded, especially up- at rea. f•om the Vee dam site, would result in the HDC/V plan ct"eating a greate~ potential division of the Nelch1na herd's range. In addition, an increase in range would be directly 'nundated by the Vee res- ervoir. The area floocfed by the Vee reservoir is considered important to some key forbearers, particularly red fox. This a>ea is judged to be more important than the Watana Creek area that would be inundated by the W/DC plan. forest t.lolbitat, J.lltlOrlant for birds and black bears, exist along the velley .slopes. The loss of tlua habi- tat would be greater Wlth the W/OC plan. There is a high potential for d1scovery of archeologi- cal sites in the easterly region of the Upper Susitna Basin. The WC/V plan has a greater potential of ai'Fecting these sites. For other reaches of the river the difference between plans is considered minimal. Due to th~ potenU.al for a greater i~act on th:t Nelch~na caribou herd, the IDC/V scheme ir; considered inferior. Due to the lesser potentl81 for iqJact on fur- bearers the W/OC is judged to be superior. The HDC/V plan is judged superior. The W/OC plan is judged to hs.ve a lower po- tential effect on archeological sites~ - Plan judijed to have the least ~otential i~act fl)t/ DC X X X X X X - ----•• .. .. - TABLE B.21 (Continued) Plan JUdged to have the least rtential im7act ~E~nv~l~r~o~n~me~n~t~a~l~A-t~tr~l~b~u~t-e ______________ ~----~P~l~an~-C~~!s~m~n~------------------------------~A~rp~ra=i~s~a=l~Jud~g~~~~n~t--------~------~HOC~~~~------~w~oc~--- Aesthetic/ Land Use With either sche:ee; the aesthetic quality of both Dev1l Canyon Blld Vee C8llyon would be impaired. The ti>C/V pl811 would a!so inundate Tsusena Falls. Due to construct1oo at Vee Dam s1te and the size of the Vee Reser~oir, the HD~/V plan would inherently create access to more wilderness area than wo\lld the W/DC plan. Both plans impact the valley aesthetics. The difference is considered minimal. As it is easier to extend access than to limit it, inherent access requirements were considered detrimental and the W/DC plan is judged .superior. The ecological sensitivity of the area opened by the ti>C/V plan rein- forces this judgement. OVERALL EVALUATION: The W/DC plan is judged to be tmperial" to the tDC/V plan. (The lower impact on birds and bears associated with l~/V plan is considered to bo out~eighed by all the ather 1111pacts which favou•: the W/DC plan.) !!!.!.§: W = Watana Dam DC= Devil Canyon Dam HOC = High Devil Canyon Dam V = Vee Dam X - I I I •• I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE 8.22 -ENERGY CONTRIBUTION EVAlUATION OF' THE WATANA/DEVIL CANYON AND HIGH DEVIL CANYON/VEE PlANS . Watana/ High Devil Parameter Devil Canyon Canyon/Vee Remarks ------------~···--------------~----a---------~----------------~-----Total Energ¥ Prrlduction . capabi!itx Annual Average 1::nergy GWH F'irm Annual Energy GWH % Basin Potential Developed (1 1 Enerl¥ Potential Not Deve oped G~JH (2) Notes: 6070 5520 91 60 4910 3870 81 650 Watana/Oevil Canyon plan annually devel- ops 1160 liifll and 1650 GWH more average and firm energy re- pectively than the High Devil Canyon/Vee Plan. Watana/Dev~l Canyon plan develops more of the basin potential As currently con- ceived, the Watana/- Devil Canyon Plan does not develop 15 ft of' 9ross head between the Watana site and the Devil Canyon reservoir. The High .Devil CanyonlVee Plan does not develop 175 ft gross head between Vee site and High Devil reservoir. (1) Bssed on annual average energy. Full potential based on USBR four dam schemes. (2) Includes losses due to unutilized head. ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~I I I I TABLE 8.2) -OVERALL EVALUATION OF THE HIGH DEVIL CANYON/VEE AND WATANA/DE:VIL CANYON DAM PlANS IDR160T£ Economic Energy Contribution Environmental Social Overall Evaluation su?ER10R PLAN Watana/Devil Canyon Watana/Devil Canyon Watana/Devil Canyon Watana/Devil Canyon (Marginal) Plan with Watana/Devil Canyon is superior · Tradeoffs made: None I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE 8.24: COMBINED WATANA AND DEVIL CANYON OPERATION Watana Dam Watana* Devil Canyon* Total Crest Elevation Average Cost Cost Cost Annual Energy (ft MSL) ($ X 106) ($ X 106) ($ X 106) 2240 (2215 reservoir elevation) 4,076 1 '711 5,787 2190 (2165 reservoir elevation) 3,785 1, 711 5,496 2140 (2115 reservoir elevation) 3,516 1' 711 5,227 Watana Project alone (prior to year 2002) Crest Elevation (ft MSL) 2240 2190 2140 Average Annual Energy (GWh) 3,542 3,322 3,071 * Estimated costs in January 1982 dollars, based on preliminary conceptual designs, including relict channel drainage blanket and 20 percent contingencies. TABLE 8.25: PRESENT WORTH OF PRODUCTION COSTS Watana Dam Crest Elevation :::Cft MSL) 2240 (reservolr elevation 2215) 2190 (reservoir elevation 2165) 2140 (reservoir elevation 2.115) * LTPW in January 1982 dollars. Present Worth of Productign Costs ($ X 10 7,123 7,052 7,084 (GWh) 6,809 6,586 6,264 I I TABLE 8.26: DESIGN DATA AND DESIGN CRITERIA fOR fiNAL REVIEW Or LAYOUTS I fmler flows Average flow (over 30 years of record): Probable maximum flood (routed): Maximum inflow with return period of 1:10,000 years: Maximum 1:10,000-year routed discharge: I Maximum flood with return period of 1:500 years: Maximum flood with return period of 1:50 years: Reservoir normal maximum operating level: Reservoir minimum operating leve~: I I ' 12!!1 Type: I I I I I I I I I I I I Crest elevation at point of maximum super elevation: Height: Cutofr and foundation treatment: Upstream slope: Downstream slope: Crest Wl.dth: Diversion Cofferdam type: Cutoff and foundation: Upstream cofferdam crest elevation: Downstream cofferdam crest elevation: Maximum pool level during construction: Tunnels Final closure: Releases during impounding: Spillway Design floods: Main spillway -Capacity: -Control structure: Emergency spill~ay -Capacity: -Type: Power Intake Type: Numbar of intakes: Draw-off requirements: Drawdown: 7,860 cfs )26,000 cfs 156,000 cfs 115,-000 cfs 116,000 cfs 87,000 cfs 2215 ft 20jQ ft Rockfill 2240 ft . . 890 ft above foundation Core founded on rock; grout curtain and downstream drains 2.4H :1V 2H:1V 50 ft Rockfill Slurry trench to bedrock 1585 ft 1475 ft 1580 ft Concrete lined, Mass concrete plugs 6,000 cfs maximum via bypass to outlet structure Passes PMF, preserving integrity of dam with no loss of life Passes routed 1:10,000-year flood with no damage to structures Routed 1:10,000-year flood with 5 ft surcharge Gated og~e crests PMr minus 1:10,000 year flood ruse plug Reinforced concrete 6 Multi-level corresponding to temperature strata 185 feet I II TABLE 8.26: (Cont'd) II Penstocks Type: I Nllllber of penstocks: Powarhousa I Type: Transformer area: Control room and administration: Access -Vehicle: I -Personnel: Power Plant I Type of turbines: Nuw~er and rating: Rated net head: Design flow: I Normal maximum gross head: Type of generator: Rated output: Power factor: Frequency: I Transformers: Tailrace II Water passages: Surge: Average tailwater elevation (full generation): I I I I II I I I I Concrete-lined tunnels with downstream steel liners 6 Underground Separate gallery Surface Rock tunnel Elevator from surface Francis 6 X 170 MW 690 ft • 3,500 cfs per unit 745 ft Vertical synchronous 190 MVA o;9 60 HZ 13.8-345 kV, 3-phase 2 concrete-lined tunnels Separate surge chambers 1458 ft I I I I I I - • I I I I I I I I I PRELIMINARY REVIEW Technical feasibility Compatibility of layout with known geological and topographical site features · Ease of construction Physical dimensions of component structures in certain locations Obvious cost differences of comparable structures Environmental accept- ability Operating characteristics TABLE 8.27: EVALUATION CRITIERA INTERMEDIATE REVIEW Technical feasibility Compatibility of layout with known geological and topographical site features Ease of construction Overall cost Environmental accept- ability Operating characteristics Impact on construction schedule FINAL REVIEW Technical feasibility Compatibility of layout with known geological and topographical site features Ease of construction Overall cost Environmental impact Mode of operation of spill- ways Impact on construction schedule Design and operating limita- tions for key structures I I I I I I I~ I I I I I I I I I I I. INTERMEDIATE REVIEW OF ALTERNATI~E ARRANGEMENTS (January 1982 $ x 10 ) Diversion Service Spillway Eme~gency Spillway Tailrace Tunnel Credit for Use of Rock in Dam Total Non-Common Items Colllllon Items Subtotal · Camp & Support Costs (16~) Subtotal Contingency (20~) Subtotal Engineering and Administration (12.5%) TOTAL WP1 101.4 128.2 13.1 ( 11. 7) 231.0 1643.0 1874.0 299.8 ._.....,._,_ 2173.8 434.8 2608.6 326.1 2934.7 WP2 WP3 112.6 101.4 208.3 122.4 46.9 46.9 13.1 13.1 (31.2) (18.8) 349.7 265.0 1643.0 1643.0 0 1992.7 1908.0 318.8 305 .. 3 2311.5 2213.3 462.3 442.7 1773.8 ·2656.0 346.7 332.0 31.20.5 2988.0 ~\ (1 WP4 103.1 267.2 8 .. 0 (72.4) 305.9 1643.0 1948.9 311.8 2260.7 452.1 2712.8 339 .. 1 30$1.9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE 8.29: DESIGN DATA AND DESIGN CRITERIA tOR REVIEW OF ALTERNATIVE LAYOUTS River tlows Average flow (over 30 years of record): Probable maximum flood: Max. flood with return period of 1:10,000 years: Maximum flood with return period of 1:500 years: Maximum flood with return period of 1:50 years: Reservoir Normal maximum operating level: Reservoir minimum operating level: Area of reservoir at maximum operating level: Reservoir live storage: Reservoir full storage: Dam Type: Crest elevation: Crest length: Maximum height above foundation: Crest width: Diversio;, Cofferdam types: Upstream cofferdam crest elevation: Downstream cofferdam crest elevation: Maximum pool level during construction: Tunnels: Outlet structures: tina! closure: Releases during impounding: Spillway Design floods: Service spillway -capacity: -control structure: -energy dissipation: Secondary spillway -capacity: -control structure: -energy dissipation~ Emergency spillway -capacity: -type: 8,960 cfs 270,000 cfs 135,000 cfs (after routing through Watana 42,000 cfs (after routing through Watana 1455 feet 1430 feet 21,000 acres 180,000 acre feet 1,100,000 acre feet Concrete arch 1455 feet 635 feet 20 feet Rockfill 960 feet 900 feet 955 feet Concrete lined Low-level atructure with slide closure gate t~ass concrete plugs in line with dam grout curtain 2,.000 cfs min. via fixed-cone valves Passes PMt, preserving integrity of dam with no loss of life Passes routed 1:10,000-year flood with no damage to structures 45,000 cfs tixed-cone valves five 108-inch diameter fixed-cone valves 90,000 cfs Gated, ogee crests Stilling basin pmf minus routed 1:10,000-year flood Fuse plug I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE 8.29: (Cont'd) Power Intake Type: Tr~naformer area: Access Type of turbines: Number and rating: Rated net head: Maximum gross he2d: Type of generator: Rated output: Power factor~ ,. • Underground Separate gallery Rock Tunnel francis 4 x 140 MW 550 feet 565 feet approx. Vertical synchronous 155 MVA 0.9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE 8 .. 30: SUMMARY OF COMPARATIVE COST ESTIMATES PRELIMINARY REV!EW OF ALTERNAT~VE ARRANGEMENTS (Jsnuery 1982 $ X 10 ) Item OC1 DC2 DC3 Land Acquisition 22.1 22.1 22.1 Reservoir 10 • .$ 10.5 10 .. 5 Main Dam 468.7 468.7 468.7 Emergency Spillway 25.2 25.2 25.2 Power Facilities 211 .. 7 211.7 211.7 Switchyard 7.1 7.1 7.1 Miscellaneous Structures 9 .. 5 9.5 9.5 Access Roads & Site facilities 28.4 28.4 28o4 Common Items -Subtotal 783.2 783.2 Te3:2 Diversion 32.1 32.1 32.1 Service Spillway 46.8 53.3 50.1 Saddle Dam 19.9 18.6 18.6 Non-Common/Items Subtotal 98.8 io4.o 1oo.a Totel 882.0 887.2 884.0 Camp & Support Costs (16%) 141.1 141.9 141.4 Subtotal io2).1 io29.1 1025.4 Contingency (20~) 204.6 205o8 205.1 Subtotal 1227.7 1234.9 ~23o.5 En{ineering & Administration 12.5~) 153.5 154.3 153.8 Total 1381.2 1389.! 1384.3 OC4 22.1 10.5 468.7 25.2 211.7 7.1 9.5 28.4 7a3 .. 2 34o9 85.2 19.9 14o.o 923.2 147.7 1o7o:-9 214.2 1285 .. 1 160.6 1445.7 I I I· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. • FU MONTH CASE A OCT 234- NOV 270 DEC 322 JAN 283 FEB 228 MAR 235 APR 199 MAY 180 JUN 170 JUL 182 AUG 170 SEP 158 TOTAL 2632 TABLE Bc31: ENERGY POTENTIAL Of WATANA -DEVIL CANYON DEVELOPMENTS fOR DIFFERENT RESERVOIR OPERATING RULES E N E R ~ Y P 0 T E N T I A L G W H WAIAN_A 0 N L Y WAIAN~ & t.Vll. CANYJ.L~! .M FNFR([Y AVE RAGE t.l' .ERGY f"j KM l:.~t.t1 ~.:ar MU .AGE I:.NI:., .IUiY c u A l. u A c D .A c D 200 172 281 214 178 4:?7 399 3,4 511 422 346 - 235 201 348 331 271 502 463 388 543 625 506 276 236 445 397 364 598 547 458 817 751 683 242 208 383 357 325 590 480 403 715 677 618 202 173 318 335 293 452 395 330 599 632 561 201 173 . 276 330 277 470 398 335 532 629 536 165 142 203 214 197 460 332 280 451 419 387 152 131 180 247 174 462 304 286 465 536 399 135 111 175 212 191 492 323 278 478 485 460 209 345 258 267 374 387 471 755 521 579 784 311 531 344 327 545 321 659 1095 598 679 1095 151 155 249 158 166 293 326 390 463 346 395 2479 2578 3459 3389 . 3354 5394 5099 5332 6793 6781 6768 NOTE: Cases B and C were similar and only Case C was analyzed in detail. I I TABLE 8.32: AVERAGE ANNUAL AND MONTHLY FLOW AT GAGE I IN THE SUSITNA BASIN* I STATION (USGS Reference Number ) Susitna River Susitna River Susitna River Maclaren River at Gold Creek Near Cantwell Near Denali Near Paxson I (2920) (2915) (2910} (2912) t~ONTH Drainage Area 6160 4140 950 280 sq. mi. % Mean(cf's) IV ~iean~cfs} Ill Meen(cfs) % Hean(cfs) 10 10 I JANUARY . 1 1,453 1 824 1 244 1 96 FEBRUARY 1 1,235 1 722 1 206 1 t'll. I. 0'+ MARCH 1 1p114 1 692 1 188 1 76 I APRIL 1 1,367 1 853 1 233 1 87 MAY 12 13,317 10 7,701 6 2,036 7 803 I JUNE 24 27,928 26 19,326 22 7,285 25 2,920 JULY 21 23,853 23 16,892 28 9,350 27 3,181 I AUGUST 19 21,478 20 14,658 24 8,050 22 2,573 SEPTEMBER 12 13,171 10 7,800 10 3,350 10 111149 I OCTOBER 5 5,639 4 3,033 3 1;122 3 409 NOVEMBER z 2,467 2 1,449 2 490 1 177 I DECEMBER 2 1,773 1 998 1 314 1 118 I ANNUAL -cfs 100 9,566 100 6,246 100 2,739 100 973 I Period of Record ~ Gold Cree~ -1950-79 Cantwell -1961-72 Denali -1957-79 Maclaren -1957-79 I * Ref. USGS Streamflow Data I I I. ~· I -~--·-- - ..w'---- TABLE B. 33: WATANA ESTIMATED NATURAL flOWS YEAR OCT NU\1 IIEC JAN FEB MAR Af'f~ HAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1950 4719.91. 2083.6 1168.9 815.1 641.7 569.1 680.1 8655.9 16432.1 19193.4 16913.6 7320.4 1S.31 3299.1 1107.3 906.2 aoa.o 673.0 619.8 130~.2 11649*8 18517.9 19786.6 16478.0 17205.5 1952 4592~9 2170.1 1501.0 1274.5 841.0 735.0 803.9 4216.5 25773~4 22110.9 17356.3 11571.0 1953 6285.7 2756.8 1281.2 818.9 611.7 670.7 1382.0 15037.2 21469.8 17355.3 16681~6 11513.5 1954 4218.9 1599.6 1183.8 1087.8 803.1 638o2 942.6 11696.8 19476.7 16983.6 20420.6 9165~5 1955 3859.2 2051 .. 1 1549.5 1388.3 1050.5 836.1 940.8 6718~1 24081.4"23787.9 23537.0 13447.8 1956 4102.3 1588.1 1038.6 816.9 754.8 694.4 718.3 12953.3 27171.8 25831.3 19153.4 13194t4 1957 4208.0 2276e-6 1707.0 1373.0 1189 .o . 935.0 945,1 10176.2 25275.0 19948.9 17317.7 14841.1 1958 6034 t 9 . 2935.9 2258.5 1480,6 1041.7 973.5 1265.4 9957.8 22097.8 i9752.7 18843.4 5978.7 1959 3668.0 1729.5 1115.1 1081.0 949.0 694.0 885.7 10140.6 18329.6 20493.1 2394~.4 12466.9 1960 5165.5 2213.5 1672.3 1400.4 1138.9 961.1 1069.9 13044.2 13233.4-19506.1 19323.1 160G5.lt 1961 6049.3 2327.8 1973.2 1779.9 1304~8 1331.0 1965.0 13637.9 22784.1 19839.8 19480.2 10146.2 1962 4637.6 2263.4 1760.4 1608.9 1257.4 1176.8 1457.4 11333.5 36017.1 23443.7 19887.1 12746.2 1963 5560.1 2508.9 1?08 .• 9 1308.9 1184.7 883.6 776.6.15299.2 20663.4 28767.4 21011.4 10800.0 1964 5187.1 1789"1 1194.7 852.0 781.6 575.2 609.2 3578.8 42841.9 20032.8 14048.2 7524.2 1965 4759.4 2368.2 1070.3 863.0 772.7 807.3 1232.4 10966.0 21213.0 23235.9 17394.1 16225.6 1966 5221.2 1565.3 1203.6 1060.4 984.7 984.7 1338.4 7094.1 25939.6 16153.5 17390.9 9214.1 1967 3269.8 1202.2 1121.6 1.102.2 1031.3 889.5 849.7 12555.5 24711.9 21987.3 26104.5 13672.9 1968 4019.0 1934.3 1704.2 .1617.6 1560.4 1560.4 1576,7 12826.7 25704t0 22082.8 14147.5 -7163.6 1969 3135.0 1354.9 753~9 619.2 607.5 686.0 1261.6 9313.7 1391~2 .1 14843.5 7771.9 4260.0 1970 2403.1 1020.9 709.3 636.2 602.1 624.1 986.4 9536.4 14399.0 18410.1 16263.8 7224.1 1971 3768.0 2496.4 1687.-4 1097.1 777.4 717.1 813.7 2857.2 27612.8 21126.4 27446.6 12188.9 1972 4979.1 2587.0 1957.4 1670.9 1491.4 1366~0 1305.4 15973.1 27429.~ 19820.3 17509.5 10955.7 1973 4301.2 1977.9 1246.5 1031.5 1000.2 873,9 914.1 7287.0 23859.3 16351.1 18016.7 8099.7 1974 3056.5 1354.7 931.6 786.4 689.9 627.3 871.9 12889.0 14780,6 15971.9 13523.7 9786.2 1975 3088.8 1474.4 1276.7 1215.8 1110t3 1041.4 1211.2 11672.2 26689.2 23430.4 15126.6 13075.3 1976 5679.1 1601.1 876.2 757.8 743.2 690t7 1059.8 8938.8 19994.0 17015.3 18393·5 5711.5 1977 2973.5 1926~7 1687.5 1348.7 1202.9 1110.8 1203.4 8569.4 31352.8 19707.3 16807.3 10613.1 1978 5793.9 2645.3 1979.-7 1577.9 1267.7 1256.7 1408.4 11231.5 17277.2 18305.2 13412.1 7132.6 1979 3773.9~ 1944.93 1312.6 1136.8 1055.4 1101.2 1317.9312369t3122904.8 24911.7 16670.7 9096.7 1980 6150.0 3525.0 2032.0 3 1470.03 1233.03 1177.0 3 1404 • 01 10149 • 01 23400. 0:.. 2674~ tO~ 18000 • Oa 11000 • 02. 1981 645B.oz 3297.02 1385.04 1147. oi 971. o+ 869.04 1103.0 1040o.O 17323.0 27840.0 31435.0 12026.0 AVE 4513o1 2052.4 1404.8 1157.3 978.9 898.3 1112.6 10397.6 22922.4 20778.0 18431.4 10670.4 Notes: (1) Discharges based on Cantwell a1d Gold Creek flows unless specified (2) Wat ana observed flows (J) Flows based on Gold Creek (4) Watana long-term average flows assumed -.. ' -- A,\UE 6~ .. 5 76.Q':'~ 1 ,,~ .. 774G-t5 793S<t7 73~1! .. 4 a~ .... ~ s 0: .• -t· I 9(1\}.ti .s B3'+~'f4 771~-~4 795'::7,. 7 79Q~ .. 2 85Sll-t6 97~'*1 9'">(.t.'' l .:. ~·'t S2SS,.4 s-tQ~'Ito 7345~9 904.~.5 799!~t4 48UC-.S 606:S~tl 854~ .. 1 892+I!~~r-~ 707t .. '9 6.,..,, 5 .J;:.,f~~ ..... 8346'.7 678th-4 82()S~t6 694~.4 3133.-Q 0855~'9 9523:\3 7943,1 . ---. - - - - -.. --· .. --·'··---···· .. ·• ---·-_·L. TABLE 8.34: DEVIL CANYON ESTIMATED NATURAL fLOWS YEAR OCT NOV IIEC JAN FEB iiAR APR HAY JUN JUL AUG SEP AVE 1950 5758.2 2404.7 1342.5 951.3 735.7 670.0 802.2 10490.? 18468.6 21383.4 18820.6 7950•8 7481.iit 1951 3652.0 1231 .• 2 1030.8-905.7 767.5 697.1 1504.6 13218.5 19978.5 21575.9 18530.0 19799*1 8574~.~2 1952 5221.7 2539.0 1757.5 1483.7 943.2 828.2 878.5 4989.5 30014.2 24861.7 19647.2 13441.1 8883.,1]3 1953 7517.6 3232.6 1550.4 999.6 745.6 766.7 1531.8 17758.3 25230.7 19104.0 19207.0 13928.4 9304.,4} 1954 5109.3 1921.3 1387.1 1224.2 929.7 729.4 1130.6 15286.0 23188.1 19154.1 24071.6 11579.1 8809.)~ 1955 4830.4 2506.8 1868.0 1649.1 1275.2 1023.6 1107.4 8390.1 28081.9 26212.8 24959.6 13989.2 9657.:!E 1956 4647~9 1788.6 1206.6 921.7 893.1 852.3 ~67.3 15979.0 31137.1 29212.0 22609.8 16495.8 1 055() IH!j) tOC:"J 5235.3 2773.8 1986.6 1583.2 1388.9 1105.4 1109~0 12473.6 28415.4 22109.6 19389.2 18029.0 9633.::3 r~r 1958 7434.5 3590.4 2904.9 1792.0 1212.2 1085.7 1437.4 11849.2 24413.5 21763.1 21219.8 6988.8 8007 ·~tS 1959 4402.8 1999.8 1370.9 1316.9 1179.1 877.9 1119.9 13900.9 21537.7 23390.4 28594.4 15329.6 9585 .t~ 1960 6060.7 ?6??.7 .... -. .. , 2011.5 1686.2 1340.2 1112.8 1217.8 14802.9 14709.8 21739.3 22066.1 18929.9 9()1)~ '•· ;:.,.;) .,~'# 1961 7170.9 2759.9 2436.6 2212.0 1593.6 1638.9 2405.4 16030.7 27069.3 22880.6 21164.4 12218.6 9965~"lt 1962 5459.4 2544.1 1978.7 1796.0 1413.4 1320.3 1613.4 12141.2 40679.7 24990.6 22241.8 14767.2 10912~~ 1963 6307.7 2696.0 1896.0 1496.0 1387.4 958.4 810.9 17697.6 24094t1 32388t4 22720.5 11777.2 10352 .!$ 1964 5998.3 2085.4 1387.1 978~0 900.2 _663.8 696.5 4046.9 47816.4 21926.0 15585.8 8840.0 9243t.h' 1965 . 5744.0 2645.1 1160.8 925.3 828.8 866.9 1314.4 12267.1 24110.3 26195.7 19709.3 18234.2 9506.f$ 1966 6496.5 1907.8 1478.4 1278.7 1187.4 1187.4 1619.1 8734.0 30446.3 18536.2 20244.6 10844.3 8663~;4t 1967 3844.0 1457.9 1364.9 1357.9 1268.3 1089.1 1053i7 14435.5 27796.4 25081.2 30293.0 15728.2 10397 .. $ 1968 4585.3 2203.5 1929.7 1851.2 1778.7 1.778.7 1791.0 14982.4 29462.1 24871.0 16090.5 8225.9 9129*'~ 1969 3576.7 1531.8 836.3 686.6 681.8 769.6 1421.3 10429.9 14950.7 15651.2 8483.6 4795.5 5317 .. 91 1970 2866.5 1145.7 810.0 756.9 708.7 721.8 1046.6 10721.6 17118.9 21142.2 18652.8 8443.5 7011.,:! 1971 4745.2 3081.8 ~074.8 1318.8 943.6 866t8 986.2 3427.9 31031.0 22941.6 30315.9 13636.0 9614t:~l! 1972 5537.0 2912.3 2312.6 2036.1 1836.4 1659.8 1565.5 19776.8 31929.8 21716,5 18654.1 11884.2 10151~~ 1973 4638.6 2154.8 1387.0 1139.8 1128.6 955.0 986+7 7896.4 26392.6 17571.8 19478.1 8726.0 7704 .. 1$ 1974 3491.4 1462.9 997.4 842.7 745.9 689.5 949.1 15004.6 16766.7 17790.0 15257.0 11370.1 7113 .. 9 1975 3506.8 1619.4 1486.5 1408.8 1342.2 1271.9 1456.7 14036.5 30302.6 26188~0 17031~6 15154.7 9567 .. ll. 1976 7003.3 1853.0 1007.9 896.8 876.2 825.2 1261.2 11305.3 22813.6 18252.6 19297.7 6463.3 76C'4 ""' • .J ~.{! 1977 3552.4 2391.7 2147.5 1657.4 1469.7 1361.0 1509.8 11211.9 35606.7 21740.5 18371.2 11916.1 9411 ... 3 1978 6936.3 3210.8 2371.4 1.867 t 9 1525.0 1480.6 1597.1 11693.4 18416.8 20079.0 15326.5 8000.4 7715~~ 197~ 4502.3 2324.3 1549.4 1304.1 1203.6 1164.7 1402.8 13334.0 24052,4 ~7462.8 19106.7 10172.4 8965~'.) 198 6900.0 39.55.0 2279.0 1649.0 1383.0 1321.0 1575.0 11377.0 26255.0 0002.0 20196.0 12342~0 9936,~ 1981~ 7246.0 3699.0 1554.0 1287.0 1089.0 •997t0 1238.0 11676.0 19436.0 31236.0 35270.0 13493.0 10605.,1 AVE 5311.8 2382.9 1652.0 1351.9 1146.9 1041~8 1281.5 12230.2 ~5991.3 23100.9 20709.0 12299.2 9041t~ * Discharges based on Watana flows I I I I l I I I. ~ •• I I I I I I I I I I TABLE 6.35! PEAK FLOWS OF RECORD . Gold Creek Cantwell Denali Maclaren Peak Peak Peak Peak 3 3 3 3 Date ft /s Date ft /s Date ft /s Date ft /s _ .. 8/25/59 62,300 6/23/61 30,500 8/18/63 17,000 9/13/60 8,900 6/15/62 80,600 6/15/62 47,000 6/07/64 16,000 6/14/62 6,650 6/07/64 90,700 6/07/64 50,500 9/09/65 15,800 7/18/65 7,350 6/06/66 63,600 8/11/70 2Q,500 8/14/67 28,200 8/14/67 7,600 8/15/67 80,200 8/10/71 60,000 7/27/68 19,000 8/10/71 9,300 8/10/71 87,400 6/22/72 45,000 8/08/71 38,200 6/17/72 7 '100 TABLE 8.36: ESTIMATED FLOOD PEAKS IN SUSITNA RIVER Location Peak Inflow in Cfs for Recurrence Interval in Years 1:2 1:50 1:100 1:10,.000 PMF Gold Creek 48,000 105,000 118,000 200,000 408,000 Watana Damsite 42,000 92,000 92,000 156,000 326,000 Devil Canyon Oamsite ) 12,600 43,000 61,000 165,000 346,000 (Routed Peak Inflow ) with Watana ) .. -· -------- TABLE 8.37: ESTIMATED EVAPORATION LOSSES -WATANA AND DEVIL CANYON RESERVOIRS W.B I t\.N A Pan tmservo1r Evaporation Evaporation Month (inches) (inches) - January o.o o.o february o.o o.o March o.o o.·o April 0.0 o.o May 3.6 2.5 June 3.4 2.4 July 3.3 2.3 August 2.5 1.8 September 1.5 1.0 October o.o o.o Nove..rnber o.o o.o December o.o o.o -- Annual Evap .. 14.3 10.0 ~ Based on data -April 1980-June 1981 Based on data -July 1980-June 1981 3 Based on data -January 1941-December 1980 Q !-_Y_ _! J .. Pan Evaporation (inches) o.o 0.0 o.o o.o 3.9 3.8 3.7 2.7 1. 7 o.o o.o o.o - 15.8 -~ANY UN Average ,Monthly A1r Temperat.ure ( -c} Heservo1r Evaporation Watana1 Devil Canyon2 Talkeetna3 (inches) o.o -2.5 -4.5 .... 13.0 o.o -7.3 -5.0 -9.3 o.o - 1 .. 8 -4.3 -6.7 o.o -1.8 -2.5 0.7 2.7 8.7 6.1 7.0 2.7 10.0 9.2 12.6 2.6 13.7 11.9 14.4 1.9 12.5 N/A 12.7 1.2 N/A 4.8 7.8 o.o 0.2 -1.8 0.2 o.o -5.1 -7.2 -7.8 o.o -17.9 -21.1 -12.7 - 11.1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . •• I TABLE 8.38: MONTHLY FLOW REQU!.REMENT AT GOLD C,!!EEK Monthly Flow (cfs) Case Month A Band C D Oct 1000 5500 5500 Nov 900 1200 1200 Dec 900 1200 1200 Jan 900 1200 1200 Feb 900 1200 1200 Mar 900 1200 1200 Apr 900 1200 1200 May 1000 6000 6000 Jun 2000 7000 7000 Jul 2000 9500 7000/1900(1) Aug 2000 12000" 19000 Sep 1000 12000 12000 (1) Split Month: 7000 cfs to 15th then 19000 cfs to month end. .. I I I I I I I I. I I I I ... I I I, I I I I TABLE 8.39: REQUIRED FLOW RELEASES AT WATANA TABLE 8.40: REQUIRED FLOW RELEASES AT DEVIL CANYON To be included after selection of operation schedule and scheme I I I I ... ~~ ~. I I I I I I I I I ·~ TABLE 8.41: WATER APPROPRIATIONS WITHIN ONE MILE OF THE SUSITNA RIVER ADDITIONAL SOURCE LOCATION* NUMBER TYPE (DEPTH) AMOUNT CERTIFICATE T19N RSW 45156 Single-family dwelling well (?) 650 gpd general crops same source 0.5 ac-ft/yt T25N R5W 43981 Single-family dwelling well (90 ft) 500 gpd T26N R5W 7889.5 Single-family dwelling well (20 ft) 500 gpd 200540 Grdde school well (27 ft) 910 gpd 209233 Fire station well (34 ft) 500 gpd T27N RSW 200180 Single-family dwelling unnamed stream 200 gpd Lawn & garden irrigation same source 100 gpd 200515 Single-family dwelling unnamed lake 500 gpd 206633 Single-family dwelling unnamed lake 75 gpd 206930 Single-family dwelling unnamed lake .250 gpd 206931 Single-family dwelling unnamed lake 250 gpd . PERMIT 206929 General crops unnamed creek 1 ac-ft/yr T30N R3W 206735 Single-family dwelling unnamed stream 250 gpd PENDING I 209866 Single-family dwelling Sherman Creek 75 gpd Lawn & garden irrigation same source 50 gpd *All locations are within the Seward Meridian. DAYS OF USE 365 91 365 .365 334· 365 365 153 365 165 365 365 153 365 365 183 I I I I I •• I . I I ~ I I I I I I " I I I TABLE 8 .. 42: lURBINE OPERATING CONDITIONS Watana Devil Can~on Ma;(imun net head 728 fest 597 feet Minimum net head 576 feet 238 feet Design head 680 feet 575 feet Rated head 680 feet 575 feet Turbine flow at rated head, cfs 3550 cfs 3800 cfs Turbine efficiency at design head 91% 91% Turbine-generating rating at rated head 181,500 kW 164,000 kW I •• I ·I I •• I I I; I I I - I I I I I I I • TABLE 8.43: HISTORI.CAL ANNUAL GROWTH.RATES OF ELECTRIC UTILITY SALES Period. 1940 -1950 1950 -1960 1960 -1970 1970 -1978 1970 -1973 1973 -1978 1940 -1978 u.s. 8.8% 8.7% 7 • .3% 4.6% 6.7% 3.5% 7.3% Anchorage and Fairbank~ Areas 20.5~ 15.3~ 12.9% 11.1~ 13.1% 10.9~ 15.2% --- -.. ------ - - - - - - -!-- . TABLE 8.44: ANNUAL GROWTH RATES IN UTILITY CUSTOMERS AND CONSUMPTION PER CUSTOMER Residential 1965 1978 Annual Grow~h Rate (,_) Commercial 1965 1978 Annual Growth Rate (~) Greater Anchor!9e Customers Consumption per (Thousands} Customer (MWh) 27 6.4 77 10.9 8.4 4.2 4.0 10.2 7.5 Greater fairbanks Customers Consumption per (Thousands) Customer (MWh) 8.2 4.8 17 .. 5 10.2 6.0 6.0 1.3 -: 2.9 6.4 u.s. Customers Consumption per (Millions) Customer (MWh} 57.6 4.9 77.8 8.8 2.3 4~6 7.4 9.1 1.6 0 ----------~-------.. TABLE 8.45: UTILITY SALES BY RAILBELT REGIONS nreater Anchorage Greater Fairbanks Giennaiien-9aidez Railbelt Total 1 1 1 1 Sales No. of Sales No. of Sales No. of Sales No. of "Regional Customers Regional Customers Regional Customers Customers Year GWh Share (Thousands) GWh Share (Thousands) GWh Share (Thousands) GWh (Thousands) - 1965 369 78~ 31.0 98 21% 9.5 6 1% .6 473 41.1 1966 415 32.2 108 9.6 NA NA 523 41.8 1967 461 34.4 66 NA NA NA 521 34.4 1968 519 39.2 141 10.8 NA NA 661 30.0 1969 587 42.8 170 11.6 NA NA 758 54.4 1970 684 75% 46.9 213 24~ 12.6 9 1% .. 8 907 60 .. 3 1971 191 49.5 251 13.1 10 .9 1059 63.5 1972 906 54.1 262 13.5 6 .4 1174 68.0 1973 1010 56.1 290 13.9 11 1.0 1311 71.0 1974 1086 61.8 322 15.5 14 1.3 1422 78.6 1975 1270 75% 66.1 413 24% 16.2 24 1% 1.9 1707 84.2 1976 1463 71.2 423 17.9 33 2.2 1920 91.3 1977 1603 81.1 447 20.0 42 2.1 2092 103.2 1978 1747 79~ 87.2 432 19% 20.4 38 2% 2.0 2217 109.6 Annual Growth 12.7% 8.2% 12.1% 6.Ho 13.9~ 9.7% 12.6% 7.8% NOTES: (1) Includes residential and commercial users only, but not miscellaneous users. Source: federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Power System Statement. NA: Not Available. - - - - --- - - - - - - - - ----- TABLE 8.46: SUMMARY Of ISER RAILBELT ELECTRICITY PROJECTIONS Utilit~ Sales to All Consuming Sectors MES::CR LES-GL1 Year Bound 1980 2390 1985 2798 1990 3041 1995 3640 2000 4468 2005 4912 2010 5442 Average Annual Growth Rate (%) 1980-1990 1990-2000 2000-2010 1980-2010 NOTES: 2.44 3.92 1.99 2.78 _LES-GM 2390 2921 3236 3976 5101 5617 6179 .3.08 4.66 1. 94 3.22 t£5-GH (Base Case) 2390 J171 3599 4601 5730 6742 7952 4.18 4.76 3.33 4.09 Lower Bound = Etitimstes for L£5-GL Upper Bound = Estimates for HE5-GH LES = Law Economic Growth MES = Medium Economic Growth l£5 = High Economic Growth GL = Low Government Expenditure GM = Moderate Government Expenditure GH : High Government Expenditure with Price Induced Shift 2390 3171 3599 4617 6525 82.19 10142 4.18 6.1J 4. 51 4.94 (1) Results generated by Acres, all others by !SER. HE5-GM 2390 3561 4282 5789 •719~ 9177 11736 6.00 5.32 5.02 5.45 (GWh) HES-GH1 Bound 2390 3707 4443 6317 8010 10596 14009 6.40 6.07 5.75 6.07 Military tilt Generation (GWh) M£5-GM (Base Case) 334 334 334 334 334 334 33i• 0.0 0.0 o.o o.o LES-GM 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 o.o o.o o.o o.o selF-Supplied Industry Net Generation (GWh) MES-GM (Base Case) 414 571 571 571 571 571 571 3.27 o.o o.o 1.08 RES =tiM with Price Induced Shift 414 571 571 571 571 571 571 J. 27 0.0 0.0 1.08 HES ... ~ 414t 847] 9811 98.1J 981; 981J 9811 -~------------------ . TABLE 8.47: fORECAST TOTAL GENERATION AND PEAK LOADS -TOTAL RAllBELT REGION1 ISER [ow ([ES-GRJ2 ISER Reoium {MES-G~} ISER R1gn {RES-CR} Year 1976 1960 1985 1990 19~5 2000 2005 2010 Percent Growth/Yr. 1978-2010 ~ NOTES: Peak Generation Load {GWh) (MW} 3323 606 3522 643 4141 757 4503 824 5331 977 6599 1210 7188 1319 7822 1435 2.71 2.73 Peak Generation load Generation (GWh) {MW) (GWh) 3323 606 3323 3522 643 4135 4429 BOB 5526 4922 898 6336 6050 1105 8013 7327 1341 9598 8471 1551 11843 9838 18tl0 14730 3.45 3.46 4.76 (1) Includes net generation from military and self-suppli-ed industr~ .. ourcea. (2) All forecasts assume moderate government expenditure. Peak Load (MW) 606 753 995 1146 1456 1750 2158 2683 4.76 I I I I I I I I I ·1. •• I I I I I I Year 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 TABLE 8.48: ISER 1980 RAILBELT REGION LOAD AND ENERGY FORECASTS USED FOR GENERATION PLANNING STUDIES FOR DEVELOPMENT SELECTION5 L 0 AD CASE Low Plus Load· Management end Low t-1edium High Conservation (LES-GL)2 (MES-GM)J (HES-GH)lJ. (LES-GL Adjusted)1 Load toad Load MW GWh Factor MW GWh Factor t-1W GWh Factor MW GWh 510 2790 62.5 510 2790 62.4 510 2790 62.4 510 2790 560 3090 62 .. 8 580 3160 62.4 650 3570 62.6 695 3860 620 3430 63.2 640 3505 62.4 735 4030 62.6 920 5090 685 3810 63.5 795 4350 J) 62.3 945 5170 62.5 1295 7120 755 4240 63.8 950 5210 62.3 1175 6430 62.4 1670 9170 835 4690 64.1 1045 5700 62.2 1380 7530 62.3 2285 12540 920 5200 64.4 1140 6220 62.2 1635 8940 62.4 2900 15930 Load Factor 62.4 63.4 63.1 62.8 62.6 62.6 62.7 Notes: (1) LES-GL: Low economic growth/low government.expendil:ute with load management and coneeevs.tion .. (2) LES-GL: Low economic growth/low government exp~1diture. · (3) MES-GM: Medium economic growth/moderate government expenditure. (4) HES-GH: High economic growth/high government expenditure. te) Excludes reserve requirements. Energy figures are fl)r net generation. \J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I () I I TABLE B.49: DECEMBER 1981 BATTELLE PNL RAILBELT REG!ON LOAD AND ENERGY FORECASTS USED FOR GENERATION PLANNING STUDIES [ ll 1\: [j C A_S ReClium -L-o=w~ A1gh Load ' load load Year MW GWh Factor MW GWh r'actor-MW GWh F'actor 1981 574 2893 57.5 568 2853 57.3 598 3053 58.3 1985 687 3431 57.8 642 3234 57.5 794 4231 60.8 1990 892 4456 57.0 802 3!J99 56.9 1098 5703 59.3 1995 983 4922 57.1 849 4240 57.0 1248 6464 59.1 2000 1084 5469 57.4 921 4641 57.4 1439 7457 59.0 2005 1270 6428 57.8 1066 5358 57.4 1769 9148 59.0 2010 1537 7791 57.9 1245 6303 57.8 2165 11,435 60.3 Average Annual Growth Rate(%) 1981-1990 5.0 4.9 3.9 3.8 7.0 ..., " I e.&. 1990-2000 2.0 2.1 1.4 1.5 Z.7 2.7 2001-2010 3.6 3.6 3 .. 1 3.1 4.2 4 .. 4 1981-2010 3.5 3.5 2.7 2.8 4.5 4.6 Note: Exclu-des reserve requirements. Energy figures are for net generation. I I I I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LOCATION MAP LEGENQ 7· PROPOSED DAM SITES LOCATION MAP 20 0 20 ~ ~ IE I ,-·~ . .- ' . - SCALE IN NI.ES - - - - - - - - - - ---- - - --· - 15 ---J LEGEND TYONE. ~ DAMSJTE DAMSITES PROPOSED BY OTHERS _, J_..._, ....... ...__..v SI.JSITNE lAKE --./ ,-----/ I ------------------- PREVIOUS STUDIES AND fiELD RECONNAISSANCE 12DAM SITES GOLD CREEK DEVJ L .cANYON HIGH DEV!L CANlON DEViL CREEl< WATANA SUSITNA m VEE MACLAREN DENALI BUTTE CREEK TYONE ENGINEERING COMPUTE~ MODELS TO DETERMINE L~ST COST DAM COMBINATiONS LAYOUT AND a--------~ SCREEN COST STUDIES 7DAM SITES 3BASIC · DEVELOP· MENT PLANS CRITERIA DEVIL CANYON OBJECTIVE WATANA I DEVIL ECONOMICS HIGH DEVIL ECONOMIC CANYON ENVInONMENTAL ~~~X~~ ....__ ______ HIGH DEVIL ~}f~~NATIVE SUSITNA m ~~~~~~~~EE ENERGY VEE CANYON l WATANA CONTRIBUTION MACLAREN '---------' DENALI ADDITIONAL SITES PORTAGE CREEK DATA ON DIFFERENT THERMAL GENERATING ' SOURCEr-S ____ ......_ __ COMPUTER MODELS TO EVALUATE -· -POWER AND t:"l\IC'Ct!V '\8~ n~ . .......... ,...,. t~ -SYSTEMWlOE. CRITERIA ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIAL ENERGY CONTRIBUTION ECONOMICS WATANA/DEVIL CANYON PLUS Tt£RMAL LEGEND IllS. HIGH DEVIL CANYON DIS WATANA . ---{\STEP NUMBER IN STANDARD PROCESS I (APPENDIX A) SUSITNA BASIN PLAN FORMULATION ·AND SELECTION PROCESS ----------------·----- OSHETNA RIVER P~TAGE CR. 100 120 140 180 180 RIVER MILES --., PROFILE THROUGH ALTERNATIVE SITES ..__ _____ ,.._ _______ ..;,_.. _________ .......... _......._.~ ..... w~,.....__--· _.;,FI ...... GU-RE...-a.;;..;..4-=li==l=l::.~l ::.·· .' . . .·: . ·_ .. : " .. ··.: ....... :: ' .. : . .':. · ... ·~· .. -... · ... : ... : • • ' ' • ~· • '•"'~-' • • '• • ~ " • • ' I> • • ------------------- GO to CREEK OLSON DEVIL CANYON HIGH DEVIL CANYON DEVIL C.REEt< WATANA SUSITNA GOLD CREEK OLSON DEVIL CANYON HIGH DEVIL CANYPN DEViL CREEK LEGEND COMPATIBLE ALTERNATIVES D MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE ALTERNATIVES WATANA SUSITNA ln ·VEE DAM IN COLUMN IS MUTUALL-Y EXCLUSIVE IF FULL t~~~\f:1~~lJ~~~~ij SUPPLY t..EVEL Of OAM IN ROW EXCEEDS THIS VALUE· FT. ~~i~~~l~~tllf.l~\~t~l VALUE IN BRACKET REFERS TO APPROXiMATE DAM HEIGHT. .. MACLAREN YEE MA~LAREN DENALI JENALi BUTTE CREEK TYONE · MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE DEVELOPMENT ALTERNATIVES BUTTE CREEK TYOt~E FIGURE B.fi [i] . .·: : •.• : . • . . • . '' . • . . . : .... : .·.~ . . ~ ' • ~ :· •. : :. :, ~·' ·• : ~ ~-· : •. . ; ~ . • . . ' ·.•. :':~ .. : •. ·. . . J • •· .. -'·; . . : :.: • . ~ .... r• lJ tJ t- Il GENERAl AI<RA~E.ME.NT SCALE.: A z 1100 1-• ;I IG.OO IL. ------1500 z !GOo ~----------------------~,~----~~---------, . ., 6 1¥:10 ~ 1~00 1&1 ~ l~ooL--------4~------~==~Qm~-------- rc:Q.E.:rr El-141'0 1 ~_e) ~it OF O&o.M f~l!. SE.CT10N A·A SCA.LE.: e, ~ !OPO~----------------------------------------~~~------~~~--~--------------------­~ -~-------------------------------------~~~~~rA~------f.----------------..... aooL---------------------------~-------~~~~~==~==~---------------- LONGI'iUOINA.L SE.CTION IJ..JRU fi OF DAM .SCALE.: E!> ~J20o·~------~--------------~~~~----~~~~~~--~~~~~~------~~f--------­z 0 tlOO ~----------~------~~~~~~~----~~~=---~~~~~~-----f~~~~~~------1-~1000 w -1 1.11 1'500 .... 1400 1&1 II 1t.oo I<. z tWO z 0 1100 ~ ~ 1000 .J "100 Ill 800 seALS A o ~-eo 0 .. -~ -c, , . Gi::tOUT GAI..l...ER'( t-~N SECT!ON T~J2U DAM SCAl..E.: e. u:::o::1 1500 c~.c>.lJ..lAG£ IH FEE.i POWER FAClLlTl'ES PROFILE. '$PIU.W.o\Y CONTROL S!'RUcrtJR£, lh4dll401 MlE.E.L MOlJN"Te.O GA.iES SPILLWAY PROFILE SCALE~ .e; FIGURE B.6 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY OEVtL CANYON MYO~O DEVELOPMENT · rU.t. .DAM I f~l J~l GENE.RA.L A.RRANGE.MENT SCA.l...E.~ A rCRES.T El.., 'i22!i.t AT~ OF DA.M z 7 0 -~ ~ Ill ..1 Ill 1- bl Ill IL ~ 2!>00~ '2.200 '2100 ~ 1900 ISQQ · l700 ~~ SECT\ON Tt-\RU DAM sc;.A.1...£:P., 1900 ..>.ecESS Sl'IAFT--! l -----=::::<:..E:XIS"f'IIIIG GROuND S.ur<;:"AC.£ •sco· 1700 1600 ffiCO 1<4C'O -------------------- 5 l:.c "T \ Ol--1 A-A Sc.Al...£tC C.ONS!liUGTION AClT :u Ul \L 2 2 0 ~- • ~~ ..J Ill ll " ,, Cl-l""•t-~A.GE TN S:££"T POWER FACH .. ITIE.S PI<OFILE. '5CAi.,.,E. • e, 2~00 2200 '2100 '2000 1900 1600 1100 ICOOO ISOO 1400 '----__ !ll'>•_.r,,....:;. • .. ~u,..,o 5\JRF-.cC: 0 I G ... T !HQE .:;;.;< ~PII,.\.W""t ;~--~~-~~~~0~~~-~~~~~.~---~~~.~~~~~~ ,--~ CW6.1""4GC:. 1N FEET •aJC!----'------~~P>--.:~---~--------~~-----~-----=~~~.,/,.c;. ":::___ SPILLWAY PROF I u::. SCA\..E A 0 500 1000 •FE£T 'SCAI....S. : e ORJGINA.t.. ~<OUN.D $UI<FA.C£ -=..,;:;.=-=r;-=-=-\:; II GA.L.I.E:R1E.S . . . flGURE 8.7 WA.TANA HYDRO DEVELOPMENT FILL DAM ll f -1 .. ·.· i ' II Ll r~1 t~l J"l l.... . Ll l- 1li ul ll. 2 2 ~ ~ ~ J \>1 ~ IL 2 z 0 ~ -~ _J w ~ GENERAL ARRANGEMENT SC.AL..E. : A AT s; OF "DAM (STAGe. II) 2..'"too 2200 2100 20:::0 ~~ 1800 NORMAL. MAX. OP~.O.'\'I~IG Et.. IJ.OCO' ... . [ C.'2E.!>T EL. '1.2'251 ___ .. ....-- ·-·-·--.. -------·-·---------·-----·---·-·-·----·.-·---· ·------·-·---·--------·---------------·-----·-· ---~~~ ~---'":::":::-:::-,.____ .SL.OPit CR£5T El.. 2CXDO' Sl-OP ---:::::: l - -.... ----......, 0~ A A ORIGINA.l.. GQOUND SUQii:A.-;; 2100 2000 ~----~~~~r.t SECTION Tl-IRU DAM 'SCAl-E: e> • ......... ..... ......, __ -c'l' ______ _ l;j,goo •t: 7 1&0° ~---~-~--~-~---~~=-~~---------~----~i~~~N~5~FO~RM~!R~-~AN~D~-~~r. r--- 2100 2000 1900 Ul £1800 ~noo :z OIGOO ""' ~1500 w cl•400 ,~oo LONGlTUOINAL SE.CTlON Tl-I~L! ¢.;,OF ~ SCAt..E.:B t-IOI<MAL MA)t.OPERA.iiNG LE.VEL.-EL. '2.2001 '2.· ~5' OIA..CONa<E:lE. LnlE.O TUNNELs I~ CWA.IWA.GE. 11-J FEET SPlLLWA.Y PROFILE. ~ r:roo h ~tc;..OO w jtsoo t-'00 TU& GATE ~.'r' PO'V'JE.R F'ACILITIES PROFILE. SGA.l..E: e. SCAL..E A 0 500 1000 FE.ET eo ... --~. ~ .. ~ FIGURE 8.8 I~ ,, ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY : Mlfu IIUIITNA HYOROELECTIHC PIIO.IECT WATANA STAGED FILL DAM~ .... OEC.,I981. I fl II r _I I~l .I ··--.......___ ··--.... ·- GENERAL ARRANGEME.NT SCAUL; 'A. LONGITUDINAL SECTION Tl-4R..U <t OF DAM SCAl-E.: e. ti ~ z z 2 ~ :> 11.! ...1 ul 'Soo !'!LOPE. ~~ lSOO I 13 12:00 uoe 1000 Boo 1- .. J: Ill .It 1500 z )400 z I~ Q ~ 1200 ). ~ 1100 II) 1000. "100 500 ~~ 1500 i IL 1400 z ·~ z 0 1'200 ~ 1100 ~ J Ul ICXlO "100 w~Ms.t.. MAl(. w.t..s.t...nso' l --=5iiiii!i&~- 0 GICOUT GURl'AlN SECTION T~RU DAM o SCALE: et STEEL W'-IEA 1 I 1000 lSOO CI4A,\NA,c:;E IN FEE1' POWE.R. FACILITIES PROFILE. /EXISllNG GROUNP SURFJ..CE. A.LONG ~OF SPIU.WAY 0 ·SCAU:.A o 400 -----FIGUR.E 8.9 ,._,~ lt---ALA_._sKA_· -:-PO_. __ W_E_R_A_U_TH_O_R_ITY_. -t ,. !j IOitTNA NYDIIIOIEI.lCTIIIC PIIO.U.CT HISH DEVIL CANYON HYDRO DEVELOPMENT I I .I tJ.o:::Lll!:!l-__,. ~~~-------- '2t00 .zcco---~"~r~ tgoO _ . ...---.o:.----" FL-OW .... -jP ---··· ---·----COFFEROAM_.-· '2100--- // I G E.N E. Q.AL AR.RANGE.M E..NT SI..OPE. SC.b.LE.: A. _,. ,, •• ----=-:-:-=-'""-=-<=-=-=-;;:_-_-:..-:..,-_-:. ":.. -:..-.:::~=~= =~ LONGITUDINAL SJ::.CT!ON THRU <:fj OF·DAM SCALE.: e. ________ ......... _________ ...,.._.~ ....... __________________________ ..._ ___ --..... 1-IO~MAL. MAl(., vJ,I... ~400~--------------------------------------------------!+-e.-L._._·~-·~----·------~--+-r---tr---c-R_~_s_~ __ E_~_-~_~_~_o_' __ __ ~~~----~------------~------~~~~~=-~--~~~~~~------------ 'Z.lOO 2000 1900 1800 noo SE.GTION -n-tRU DAM E:L. 'Z.?>40 I SeA.!.£: e. .2~52 E: /Eltl.!:>TING GQQUI>.ID SUI'<F~c:.E. --_,..__ ___ -----~~ ' ~ .,., ..... , ............. ··~--?=---- "%. •' ~I -. . ... ~t. DIO!A;:T ~ . ._,_,," / I !f =>: - INTA¥.5./ '2:-16101A ·CONcRE:rE., ~ I I 11 /'TUBE GA~ 7AU.-ER:Y AVG. I~ILWATER L.I~EC PE'NSTOCK5 I !r /.. 5.1..· 1610' ~ FOWERHOUS.£~ T 1 <--o -1!l I I ---............ ~ CONSTRlJc;;TION AOI'T ............. ~ if .i~' I' i l \' , • 1 ... ...... I I I_'R =--. -=iF" Ci:>I'JC~TE. PWG/ L•l5o' .I ...... 1 / ~-"· \, 't.o\ANIFOI..D L OUTLE.T/ SJ'E.EL l..lt-JER Gb.TE. SHA>-""T 51RUCTUI<E 1 DIA CON POWE.Q FAClLlTE.S PROFILfl. NORMA!., N\AX.W.L. 'EL-'Z:AO' SPI!..LWA"f COI.ITRCL.. STRUC.TURE S· E>51 " eS Wl-lEEL lv101.1»1ED GAl'!:.S ~~------1-----~~~~~~~~~~~--~---~~~------------------- !!>CAl-It .~ 0 ~I... f. e 0 I 10 C~b..\WA.GE. IN FEET SPILLWAY PROFILE. SCAU:.: 6 40::> 800 FEET t> :· ... <'100 I"E!.T 'f·>~; d FIGURE B.IO r~PI~. I~~A~~~s_KA_·~p=o_w~ER=·=AU~T_H=O_R~IT~Y~· 1\!!I!J 5USl1''-'!> H'i'DIIOEL£CTiiiC PIIOJ£-C'T SUSITNA m HYDRO DEVELOPMENT .... , OEC, 1981 il·• . ' r_,_··~-t ' . ' l ' 11. £ ' ; II II II r __ ·I• t~ • 1> '2.\00 1-2.'!!100 Ill Ill 2.200 lL ~ '2.100 z 0 2.000 ~ ~ t~OO d t&OO ...._ G ENE.RA.L ARRANGEMENt SCALE.~ A. rcKE.ST El. '2!50 1 LONGlTUDlNA.L SECTION TJ-IRU q_ OF MAIN DAM SCALE.:B t Ill 1<. ~ z 0 ~ > 111 ..J 111 'l.COOO '2500 '2400 2~00 2'200 '2.100 '2.000 1900 H~OO \ ) r _.. / SAOOU:. OA.M 2 f-'.U>OO .. lo] b.l 11. 2.20::) ~ 2 2.100 0 ~2000 ~ 111 1900 J Ill '2400 2!)00 ti '2.200 Ill 11.. ~ '2.100 2 2000 0 ~ >' 1900 Ill _J I BOO Ill 1700 !GOO 0 !00- C>I.I>.I~AGE. IN 'FSE.T NORMA\. MAX. W.L. E.J.., a!!l~ 1 ~OUT CURTAIN SECTION 1HRU MAIN DAM Sc;A.t...E. ; f) I !XX) 1!()0 POWE.R FACILITIES PROFILE. '!:>C ..... l-E.: e, 'SCALE A. 0 e SC::A.L.E. 5 0 ' • • • ••• ..r l-_____ _.._ _____ _...;_ ______ ~-.....::::: ~ -·-· FIGURE B.ll ju,~ ~1-----:-A~LA:-::-:S~I<A"'"-:· =P=-=OW~ER::-::-A::-::U-:-:T-::H:-:-0;:-:;RIT:;:Y:::-l AIIJ IIUSITN'A ~VCIIOELECTRIC •AbJECt SPILLWAY PROFILE. SCALE t e. VEE HYDRO DEVELOPMENT ··~o ·. I I I fl r1 Il r• I ~ . I ./I ;·· / \ . J I . ) ./ { -----'2.400 MACLAREN GENE.Q.A.L AR12ANGEMENT SCALE.: A 50' DAM CROSS SE.CTION Sc:AIL:' C NORMAL MA,1(. ~ w. 1.. Et.. 'Z.!>95' j SECTIOI'-l A-A '2'200~----------~~--~---------------------~~--------------------------------~--------------------------~ SECTION B·B SGAL.a;c DENALI GENERAL ARRANGEMENT SCA\..E:A I I t_/ ...!&.. I I I { i ( \ ) NORMA.L ~·l W.L...£1...254~ -=-~soo·r--------e~~~----------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----------- DAM CQOSS S~CTION .. SCAI..Ete, STILI.ING BASIN 4· 1<0' >t !1'21 W~E.E.L. MOUNTED GA.iES SECTION 0-D SCALE.:c SCAL.E A 0 800 FEE.T FlGURE B.l2. . . ~ ~ ~ -· .. ,.. AOO FEE'! 1 £lrf llt----A __ LA ___ S __ KA_· _PO_W_.· _ER_A_U_T __ H_O_RI_TY_. -i II iiHfilTfU. HYDRO£LECTIIIC PltOJ£C·T DENALI a MACLAREN HYDRO DEVELOPMENTS l I· I I I I I I. I •• I I. I I I I I 'I, I I 2200 FT. WATANA 800 MW _....,._2 MILES ~-14'75 FT. ~Ft 38 FT. DIAMETER .800 MW-70 MW 38 FT. DIAMETER DEVIL CANYON 550 MW ...._ ____ RE-REGULATION DAM 30 MW 30 fT. DIAMETER 800 MW 2 NELS 365 MW 24 FT. DIAMETER SCHEMATIC REPRESENTATION OF· CONCEPTUAL TUNNEL SCHEMES TUNNEL SCHEME # l. ~3 . 4. FlGURE 8.1'5 [il I I ~1900 ---- I~ ·~-----------·- S USITNA FLow - SC~E.ME. ~ PLA-N SCALE 0 2. MILE. .\.\u..-.A-4d'W • SO' HIGH VERt"ICAL 1.1 Ft GA"m.S ..,____---""-. SPIJ .• .t..W.O.'Y .Cii!E.'ST '----"" EL.I43& ' J.-- GE.NE:l<AL AI<RAf.JGEMENI RE· RE.GULATION OA.tv\ NOR ..Vi. 'tW. L.""' 12~1 '0.00 NOT£: Al-l. PLN-iS AND LAYOUTS FOR. CONCEPTUAL. STlJD'i ?UICPOSES ONI..'t. GEN~'RAL ARRANCi£ME.NT ..Q?v!L CANYON. FOW£1<.1-40USE SCALE FIGURE. 9.14 l.nl£t .\J--A ___ LA ___ SKA ___ PO __ W_E-:-R""":"A:-:-U:-TH7.:0::-:-R':":'ITY:::::·. · :--1 M [i IUIITNA HVOIIOII.ICTIIIlC PROUC'it· PREFERRED TUNNEL SCHEME 3 PLAN VtEWS II fl fl II fl ll [I. fl L fl Ll [J Ll Ll ·~ 1500 uw ... .. ... .. ~ 1!1» :z c >:: ~ .. 1~00 j .. ~omurtN& tUEl !hal~_:~· __ ROlLI!D ~llQCfllL & ----~ COARSE nlT£R. I ROU.ED ft0Ci(l'1ll .... Ul Ul 11.. .z :z 0 ROUT C'.RTAI!I ~ ·~r-----~--~--~~~.~~----- II CO ·~ RE-REGULATION DAM TYPICAL SECTION -1 hl ... ... ;! 1500 :! :z 0 i= 1400 ~ "' .... \U ..... ... .. oL.. 1300 J(o00 1600 . : 1400 :z 0 !i ! 1!00 _. ... 112oo L MIM. llttlo!AI. OPUlTJM L!VEt. £1..1470' U2 SCAI...E.: A'- ...-.-------· POWER TUNNEL INTAKE SECTION "SCAI...E.: A ------ f l A A UNLINED CONC. LINED W/t'TE:El SE.T SPILLWAY PROFILE .·, ·.:.;_. •• v .• ... ~-.· SCA.I...E.: A SECTION A·A TYPICAL TUNNEL SECTIONS (!¥$To scAI...e.) KiOO ----- ISOO uoo r I t-I .. ... &. z 1300 ·:z; 0 !:( l'lOO > "" _, ... 1100 1000 ROCK BOLTS ROCK BOLTS 4 SHOTCRETE TYPICAL TUNNEL SECTIONS (NOT TO SCAI..E) ---------------. -------------- OISTANC!: IN Mil...~!\. TUN~E.L ALIGNMaNT ----------------------~ '~- ?:O'Oli>..TA.IL.!Otb.cE TUNNE.I.. '\ ' \ \•, \\ rTA.tl.ff,At;.E Sll;:)!"\.Qos;S ~~loi.U.. '1;~'"\;. El "'»' DEVIL CANYON POWER FACILITIES PROFILE' DE.TAIL A. / GI<OUT AS RE.qUIIa£0 (NP.) ' r OETAIL•e) SCAI...e..: A NOTt.: ALt. :!>TRUCTUR.At.. AAO SUF~T DETAILS ARE COI\It:SPTUA.L Af.IO FOQ. STUOY PURPOSES ONL'(, $CAI...e A 0 • 100 2.00 F£E.T P" --I FIGURE 8.15 ~!1EFERRED TUNNEL. SCHEME 3 SECTIONS I ... I I I I I I .~ I I I I I I I I I I I I 3 3': :E 2" 0 0 0 - I ,.... 1--· (.) ~· < (.) 10 8 :::t: ~6 0 0 0 2 715 1980 1990 LEGEND:- D HYDROELECTRIC Ht11. COAL FIRED THERMAL I!:ZJ GAS FIRED THERMAL 2000 -OIL FIRED THERMAL l NOT SHOWN ON ENERGY DIAGRAM NOTE : RESULTS OBTAINED FROM OGPS RUN LSJ9 TOTAL DISPATCHED ENERGY •. DEVIL CANYON (400 MW} WATANA-f { 400 MW) ~XIST.lNG S COMMITTED 0~--~----------------------------------~----~----------------1980' 1990 aooo 20i0 . TIME GENERATION SCENARIO WITH SUSITNA .PLAN El.3 •. .. ________ ... --.------·MEDIUM LOAD FORECAST-. ..,u ... = e.l& Ill .~ I. I I I I I I I I I I 1: I I I -I I I' 0 0 0 I > 1--(.) <tt 0.. <t 0 10 4 715 1980 199fl LEGEND: D HYDROELECTRIC ~D COAL FIRED THERMAL [21 GAS FIRED THERMAL 2230 2000 2010 OIL FIRED THERMAL{ NOT SHOWN ON ENERGY Of.AGRAM NOTE.: RESULTS OBTAINED FROM OGFS RUN L60 I TOTAL DISPATCHED ENERGY VEE(400MW) HIGH DEVIL CA.vrott·2: {400MW) HIGH DEVIL CANYON ·t ( 400 MW) EXISTING AND COMMITTED 0~--~--------------~-----------------------------~=-----------_. 1980 1990 2000 TrME GENERATION: SCENARIO WITH SUS1TNA PLAN E 2.3 -MEDIUM LOAD FORECAST- 2010 I I. I I I •• I I ' I I I I I I I I I I ·;:: 22 0 0 0 5 >-t--(.) fr <C (..) 10 8 :r 3:6 (!) 0 0 Q I >- (!) ffi4 z IJJ 715 PEAK LEGEND: o· HYDRGEu:eTRIC -COAL FIRED THERMAL e:z~· GAS FIRED THERMAL.. -- OIL. FIRED THERMAL ( NOT SHOWN ON ENERGY uU'\~n..., NOT£.: RESULTS' OBTAINED FROM OGPS RYN L607 TUNNEL (380 MW) TOTAL DISPATCHED ENERGY WATANA -I ( 400 M W) EXISTING a COMMITTED · 0~-------------------------------------------------------~----~ 1980 · f99Qr 2000 2030 TIME GENERATION SCENARIO WITH SUSITNA PLAN. E3.1 -ME01UM· LOAD FORECAST-. .~ •.. ' I I. 1: _.: -CQO -X ·~-'* -U) t- (I) 0 I (.) z 0 i= (.) :;:) I 0 0 a: ~ 1.1.. 0 I· :t: ... a: 0 ~ I r-z IJJ --(I) w a: I a. I I -I, I I I I 7300 72.00 7100 ~- 7000 6900 6800 6700 6600 6500 2.140 . ~ .. - ~ V"" . . " t ~ i l I L I> I 2180 2200 222.0 22.40 DAM CREST ELEVATlON ( FEET J WATANA RESERVOIR DAM CREST ELEVATION I PRESENT WORTH OF PRODUCTION COSTS . 2260 [ii1 -·----- ~2.400 _ .. ..-------- - • ClOSURE EYBAHKYEHT EL 22.30 SWITCIIYARO AI!U -- , ,,, 'l'l'l1l'Ff17 .~<:::• !!ill -· - -!':.... I ' . ..::.. PRELIIIlNARY CONCEPTUAL I'!IOJECT LA~OUT •\\"!" J] rt ·--~-· ~ .~'-THIS OIIAWING ILI.USTI!t.TES A ,l;/ I '\;'~.~'\ ' I'REPAREO FOR COIIPAR!SOH OF AllERNI.Tl\IE .~Ji"' ~ ~· Sll£ tlE\IELOPIIEHTS ONLY p .. --... ..... ~- o 2oo o~oom;r SCALC ""~ ... --.,1----....i· "" FI.GURE 8.20 WATANA ARCH DAM ALTgRNATtYE ~~l.._._,-~··\.. MARCH 19BZ · ;;;c, •vr~.u~·.,.~.;,.POII.im ----.. - § .. ;! w Hl,Ul.OOO ' 2~ r·--"'· ~·.~.----~ I ~ --' .. ---- FIGURE 8.21 AL.ASKA POWER AUTHORITY ''SOSiiiiAiivllfiOE(£Cr'rJC"~- WATANA ALTERt-IATIVE DAM AXES MARCH t9S2 I 1. I· I I I I I· ..• l I I li •• If I I I I:. 'I L 1600----------~--------~--------~----------------~ \ \ \ \ \ ~ ' I LESS THAN 3J• ENTRANCE SUBMERGED -1550~------~~--------~-4~-4~~------~--------~ ..,: ..._ -z 0 -!i > tli ...J UJ 0 TYPICAL TUNNEL SECTION . u j F 1450~------~~--------L-------~~------~~------~ 25 30 35 40 4S TUNNEL DIAMETER {FT.) NOT£ -FOR 80,000 CFS · WATANA DIVERSION HEADWATER ELEVATION I TUNNEL DIAMETER FIGURE B~22 I I , • •• I I I I I I I I .0 I I I I I I -- z 0 -..... <t > l.&J ...I l.&J 1650r-------~~------,---~~--~------~ AT 1720 COST 50XI06 1600 t--------r+------+---------1--------1 1550 t----f----f------+-----4--------l 1500 .__ ___ __._ ____ ...._ _____ "'-____ ___, lOX 10 6 20X 10 6 30~10 6 40Xl06 CAPITAL COST $ WATANA DIVERSION UPSTREAM COFFERDAM COSTS FIGURE B.23 • I I 80 0 I '"' ¢ 70 ,~.v r •• ~ ¢ . -~~;;_ "' I . so ~ •• ~ ~ ' I ~ -50 \1) ~~~ 0 ~ -X ...,o I -~ -~<,.,~ • I .... : "' 40 v •• 0 (,) , iii ..J ~ c( I· t--Q. < 0 30 I I . I. 20 1 I I 10 0 I TYPICAL TUNNEL SECTION c I 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 ·---TUNNEL DIAMETER (FT.) I WATANA. DIVERSION 'I TUNNEL COST I TUNNEL DIAMETER • I I I' I •• •• I I I I I I· I I I I I· I 'I I f'"- CD 0 - >c -- Cl') .... Cl') 0 0 ..J ~ .... a: <t u ..J <t t- 0 .... 100~--------.---------,---------.---------~--------~ ao 70 60 0. TYPIC At. TUNIVEL SECTION 50 15 20 25 30 35 TUNNEL DIAMETER (FT.) WATANA DIVERSION TOT/~L COST I TUNNEL DIAMETER 40 FIGURE 8.25 -------- ALTERNATIVE 3 - I'" ( -· - ALTERNATIVE 2 ALTERNATIVE 2C ""'-lloAY c.;lf<ffiOI ~ SlRIJCTUid:tl ·""----~-" l· AL"fERNAnVE 4 WATANA PREUMINARY SCHEMES ------.. ··· ,. - All"ERNATI'IE ;r A FJGURE 8.26 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY • · sos&rNi tivilflort.t:Ct~c l'ft0j£Ci • ·" • WATANA PRELIMINARY SCHEMES ----------- ------ZlOO -zzao --- THIS lliiAWING ILLUSTRATES A PRELiii!IWIY COiiCEI'TU.lL f'ROJECT LAYOUT -ED fOR COioiPARISON OF ALTEIIHATIVE SITE DE.VflOPMEHTS ONI.Y --- FIGURE 8.27 ALASKA POWER AUTHOfilTY .. -· SUSiiNA ihooritt.r.t:rt<te tiRo :fECi-· ••. WATANA SCHEME WPI PLAN tJAACti 1982 --·- UDO __ ... --~ 2UD 14~0 t400 --- r CONTROL SlRUCfUIIE I l-!IS'Wa4o"ll FIXED WIIEE\. $ATES .:...-;.'--- .. ._PRESSURE RELIEF ll/U.INS ----ORIGINAl.. GROU~:.,.__.------- SEC.'r!ON A-A SCALE l - ti ... ... % 2000 i l!ii~O 2 i ... ;:1900 --- SPILLWAY PROFILE !CA:L.E A --ORI~NAL GROUND ~~ ------- SECTION D-O SCALE A. E - •'f\.IP 811CI(£T 1900 t t:: ' 22~0 L-."' t ~ 2200 i ~ 1 ::r: ! i ~·50 i a 2100 SECTION $CAL£ .A ------- SECTION E-E SCALE l. TYPICAL CHUTE WALL SECTION SCALE .8 --~~-...-~·;/_ ti;200 [~ •• ----. /'• -~· £ L 50 100 fEtT .---• ~L ·~~~.~.~~.~----·' ... .... "' .-·o• • ..-,. . tO ~· /' ; . 0 !I ; I ~ SCAt.EB~ IOfEtT '7 ~2150 I I ~ I ... _, "'2100 NOTES SECTION C-C SCALE l l TitS ORt.Wiffii lLLUSTR-'l£5 A I'RELIMiiiAR'l' COii«I'TUl\. PROJECT LA~UT PREPARED FOR. COiolPAAISON OF .• J.J.TfANATIVE SITE DEVELOPMENTS ONLY 2. SECTiONS fllR SCIIEl:E: WPl ARE S!l.lllAR EXCEPT TIIAf l;ATE STRUCTIJRE IS 150' WIOE 'IIIITll CREST £\.~0 Mto 3·40'WIOExs3•lllGtl GATES FIGURE 8.28 ALASKA POWER AUittORlTY · stistiW. ifyooocu.ciiiieffiiiJ£Ci'-· ·~ WATANA SCHEME WP! SECTIONS ~--·'t.. MARCH 1982. · .ic;£$ ;.;t'ftocJ.il' ;K«;.;.;>1[ci - ( 0 ~ "' ' --·· - ,• - ' i ' I I -- (" -- ..... \ GENERAL ARRANGEMENT SCAL£:.\ ,, ' \' ---·- '·:zzoo- 2225 2250 2275 • ___ ....... Q SCALE A 0 StAlE B --- 200 400l'EET SO 100 fEET ~ 'THIS DRAWING ILLUSTRATES A l'IIElii.(INARY CONCEPTUAL PROJECT UYOUT I'IIEI'~RED fDA COioll'l\liiSOtf OF AL'U:RIIATI\'E SITE DEIIEI.OPIJENTS ONLY - SECTION A-A SCAL£';B - FIGURE 8.29 Ill ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY WATANA SCHEME WP 2 a WP3 PLAN a SECTIONS MARCH 191!1~ .. - 2300 2100 ' 2000 -· - ... 1900 w It ';!; § lilOO lC ~ w 1700 1600 -~ •. 1500 -- - - t l I --------- ' ., f ' > t ; -~~~--. .:""" ELt440 t4ooL---------------Lo----L---~----~--~----500J---~----~--~-----L----~L----L----L----i----~---eo~o---J----~--~~---L---2000-L----L----L----L----L--__J 1700 ... w ~1600 i!< § i 1500 a 1400 SECTION A~A SU.T1014iNG Ill fEET SPILLWAY PROFILE SECTION B·B 0 ~~~105ii0iiiiiiiiii~200 fEET rum THIS DIIAWIIIO IU.USTRATES ... l'llEUWlHAI!'I' CONCEPTUAL PROJECT LAYOOl' P1!EPARED fOil COiiPARISOH Of' A11ERHltiVE SlE DEVELOPMENTS ONLY - -- . ~.YO~tl!.L --·· EI.J475 FIGURE 8.30 WATANA SCHEME WP2. SECTIONS MARCH 1982. -------- ~ --------------- ----2~ ----- --~.....---· 21~0 --:;;;.-.:::.:_,..----_::~~::;;~::"'~ .--. '~ ("~22110 ------zzoo-~.,00~ " NOTE THIS llRAWII!G ll~USlRAT£5 A l'lttLIIAINARY CONCEPTUAL I'RQ.IEC1 LAYOUT l'lttNREO FOR 'COIINIIISON OF ~TERIU.Tlvt $1TE Df:IIELOPUENTS ONLY -- l't!IO l?oo-- tno -------_ 1800--....._ ,-1500 -'"\.. . -----' .\$00 ···--- ---·· c~ ~ ... ...::;. / FIGURE 8.31 UIR ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY , ·susirNA ••rllRoELECrRtc ffio.ie:cr · -· ~ WATANA SCHEME WP4 PLAN tf~ MARCH I9Ba ~ .. ii .t;.,:;.c;; ;;(cOft~.ini .. 24()0 ti al .. J; ! ;:: ~ &00 .. ... .. 1®0 1400 2~ ... .. t! :!l uoo ! I= J mo ~ ... UlO ... ~ a. :z 0 ;: ~ tlliO ~ ... - - - ------- NOiilUL &lAX. W.L COitTIIOL. STRUCTWI£ ·--------=~::w:.:~::Z:.::®.:-ii---------..---/--I:.:Sf:.:::.::E_:E:.:N_I.Aii9::__:::..E::..D:_:D:;:E.:;TAlU...::.. ____ ,.~ ---------~ •<->"-·----~--~~--.. ----·---·---------·-.. -.. " '"'""·-·· ··-~·----· ...... .,_. _ ... --_:; .. ::::::.:.~.-:---T --;::;:::=-·------·-, _________ .::::::::: -------------------+ ltDRIIW.. UAX. W.L EL.UOO S~LlWAY CONTROL STRUCTURE SCAl.Et 8 r--:.-::·:.::::-.::l .... ·t···-·--.. ----·--+-··-···· ..... ---... ._..--........ ~I liO' W•O'II FIXED WltEEL GATES Si::CTtON A·A SCALE: 0 STATIDitlltG IN FEET SPilLWAY PROFILE SCAl.t;; A SECTION C-C SCAI.£1 C SECTION B·B SCA~.E: a o ZOO 400 f£ET Sl:.U A I!P?~!!!!5iiiiiiiiiiiii!o::! SCM..E a o so too fEET !!2!! THIS DRAWIIIA IU.IJSTIIATU A MEUMI!IAin' c:cw:EPTIIAI. l'ftGJECT LATOIIT fii[PJ.R£I) fl)ft CONP~ OF ALTERI'ATIVE SITE DE:VnOI'WJifS OHLY FIGURE 8.32 ~TANA SCHEME WP4 SECTiONs MAftCHI982: - .. ---- --- - - - U:JO- ----- --- ~~~J~~~~~~~~c::;~~==~~~~~:o~~$=~-~_J~~~2~00~~~~oo~rt=·~~1 -F~lG~U~R~E~l8~.~3~3~ 1'1115 llAAWIIIG LlUSTRAYE$ A I'!IEI.IMIIWi'( CON<:~PTUA!. PROJECT LA:rtiUT I'REP4R£D fOR COI.Y'ARISO!i OF Al.TEIINATIVE SITE DE'IELOPMEHTS OILY ALASKA POWER AUTHOR.ITY ~· -susln~i·uvi>Roaf:CTR'K:-pji()j£cr-····- WATANA SCHEME WP3A tl!~~ A(;t,-,;.::.a;;;~;ttb MARCii 1982 ---- - --- ---,' -- Ttl!$ DIIA\ffia LI.UST!'IAln A l'!lEL.IUIWit COiictl'lUAL PROJ£CJ LQOUT PREPARED FO!'I COYPA!liSOtl OF ALnRH.I.TlVE SITE OEVEL0Pto£KT5 OIU --- fUT FlGURE 8.34 WATANA SCHEME WP4A I I ,, I I, I I I I I I' I I I ,. I I I I --,...: u.. -~ ~ ~ ..., ..J Ill ILl ~ ·&&. a: ::) Cl) 1-eea 1000 I -PRESSURE TUNNEL {36,000 CFS t a:: ILl 950 -----~--~--------~------~+-------~--------~ ; 0 9()0 eao TYP. TUNNEl. SECTION 20 25 30 35 TUNNEl DIAMETER (FT) DEVIL CANYON DIVERSION HEAD-WATER ELEVATION I TUNNEl DIAMETER I l fi] •• 20 I I. 18 I I f6 I t;> I 14 -I Ulo - ~ ~-l2 I -t-en 0 ~ I. 10 I. I a I 0 TYPICAL TUNNEL SECTION I 6 I I 4 0 I I I .. ...._--..... "(.'!*.;., • ! . •' . . . ' . : . . . . ... ,... .-. :\ :):~. . . . . . . . '-1 .. ~ . . . . . . . . . . . • ~ : • ,1, ••• • . • : ·• • . ~ ~ . . ~ - ~ . .. . 1 --I I 0 l 1. l ~ I i ~ I j ~ fl Q If ~ ~ I j ~ ~ ___,_.~ v i < 25 30 35 TUNNEL DIAMETER (FT.) OEV\L.CANYON DIVE.RSION TOTAL COST I TUNNEL DIAMETER < 40 ., ----- ---- GENEfiAL ARRANGEMENT - \ \ TillS DRAWIIIG IU.USTRATES A l'ftfLPIUIART ~TIW.. PROJ£CT UYOUT l'IIEAIIIfD FOR COMI'Nil$011. OF A.LTERHATIV! SITE ~IIELOI'MENTS OH1Y -- SECTION A-A POW£11IIOUSE lOCATION SU!J.!£CT TO OPTIIIIUTIOil ITUOIE8 Of ~'MISTII£111 l.OCATIOIII. FIGURE 8.37 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY -SiJsiTN'AH"ioiioaECilt~e ff!OJECT · DEVIL CANYON SCHEME OCt MARCH 1982 -- \ ., 0 \ - ACQ(SS \ 0 0 ~ \ f 0 0 !! ----- \ ' ' • \ I I I \ ' / ' I I I , , - / ~0 "' I ) 0 ., ~ \ SWITCHYO.RO LELI370 I /'"/ ,...,_ / - ~~-\ ' i; ' '··, ' ' ' - ' ,> ~ \ 1 I 0 0 % -, 0 '! -- ""' I I / I \ l 0 0 ~ ~~·,=-~=\~'~,----------~\ ' ' \ I \ se~ GENERAL ARRANGEMENT I THIS DRAW1Hii llLtJ::Ttuu""" A l>i'lnlMIHAR'I' rotiCEPTUAL l'ftOJECT LAYOUT l'llf:I'M£0 FOR COWARISOit OF AlTEIIIATI\1!: sttE ll£VEl.Cfti£Hl'S ~ . . l ' ' ·- £1..1457 DEVIL CANYON SCHEME DC!a MARCH198l! __ '-'!' _____ ....,.. __ ACftES AM(IIICAit IN-If[!> ---- I COO 1400 ... ... ... ... ·~ ~ z ~ ~ 12~ ... ... uoo - SECTION 8.-8 !CAL£ ll - - _, __ - GENERAL ARRANGEMENT SC:ALE: A SECTION A-A SECTION C·C SCALE: ,8 SCALE! A - SECTION D·D JlCA.I.El li. .. -- ALUMUII Ill liVER HD 10 lit II£110VEO c -----·------·-··-- THIS Oft~ ILUiliTIIAfU A I'IIEi. ... NAA'! COHC:U1'1IAI. 'J'IIO,IEl;r UYIXIT PIIEI'MED fOft COIII'MI'OM 'Of' ALTIIIIIo\'fiV£ ,1(1'£ ~I' ·111U - SECTION E-E SCAlE. I SECTION F-F SCALE: I SECTION G·G IICAI.El It FIGURE 8.39 -- I ALASKA POWER AUTMOfUTY DEVIL CAN'YON SCHEME DC~ - - \ \ - ~ GENERAL ARRANGEMENT - I ~ fl a. ""I ~ c .. I \ ! •• ----. - ! ~---- ~L-----------c---~--~--~--~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~----~--~~~--~--~--0 100 200 300 400 soo too 100 coo 100 1000 noo 1200 BOO ..loo ,aoo; •llioo l'too 1100 ~1000 i! ~ lim w d 100 rtii.;<·=-·--- SECTION B·B 1400 ..--------- BOO 1----- ,.;- ~1200 3 SUTIOKOOi Ill FEET SECTION A·A (ll!Ml SI'IUlGI.Y) SECTION C-C i 1100 1------~---:"---i;;-----.........,...&:-----;;.....:...- "' SECTION E-E S£CTION F·F .!!!ll!. lltiS" DIU.WIIIQ IUUStRATd A ~ CQICI:ftUAI.-l'IIO.IECT LArOUT 'PIIDMED -~ COIII'IUISOII. CIF ALTDIIo\tl'll£ Sttt ~ OHa SECTION D•O 0~!!!!':!!!~100iiiiiiiiiiiii2~00 f~i.l $CAL£ c FIGURE 8.40 DEVIL CANYON SCiiEM~ OC4 - 8 \ t .. .. z -~ .. - I ) / I ~ I I \ '\ I ~ ( l ~ \ (. \ 0 100 1t00 FEET $CAl£ r-3 H2tt :011 ClfiAll!lll IU.UITJIATU A PRG,IIIINAIIY CafM:tl'tui:L I'IIOJ¥CT UYOUT Pr'DAIIED 1'Ca eotlllt.lti&Oit ~ AU"£RIIAltV£ lin: ~NT Ola't --- p ·' ' { l ~"1' I t f f I I ~: DEVIl. CAN.VON SELECTED SCHEME - ' I \'- I I I I •• I, I I I I I I I I I ,, I I I Q <( 0 ...J ¥ <t w D. b.. 0 1-z w 0 a:: w 0. 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 ~ 0 J~ / I I(' I ~ ./ 4 8 12. 16 HOURS WINTER_ WEEKOAV HOURLY LOAD VARIATION ' ' ." \ 20 24 NOTE: PEAK MW DECEMBER 2000 AD = 1084 MW tOO 90 0 80 < 0 ..J 70 ~ < w 60 0.. 1.1.. 50 0 f-40 z 1rJ 30 (.) ll: w 20 tl.. 10 0 ~ -" 0 / --... I( l -I -..... .._,. 4 8 12 HOURS 16 SUMMER WEEKDAY HOURLY LOAD VARIATION " ~ c 20 24 NOTE: PEAK MW JULY 2000 AD = 658 MW TYPICAL LOAD VARIATION IN ALASKA RAILBELT SYSTEM -~ :=: . ...... Q <t 0 ..1 ~ <t w a.. 1100 1000 900 800 700 / -" ~v ' £ " "' ..., v -..,. - 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 I I I I I 1 F M AM J J AS 0 N 0 MONTH '· LOAD VARIATION IN Y£AR 2000 I I I. I I, I I I I I I I I I I I I _-:'ba,. , cOOK INLET • .. l '. --0&70---,\ • OM! • DATA COLLECTION STATIONS USED IN PMF STUDY STATION • (A) SYSil'NA RIVER NEAft 0£tW.I X I {8) .!liSITNA RIVEtt AT VEE CAtm:IN X (C) !VSITJM. Rl\fat M£AA WATANA DlMSIT£ )t X ' (0) ~ M'EJit NOR DlVIL. CAN'tON X X (f) SUStT'NA RIY'EJt A'f GOLD CR££1( X (f) CHUU!lU ~ NlM .1l!IUC!£T'HA X (G) TAI...I<£ETNA ~ NU~ TAL.JCEE:TNl. X (Jofl Susm&A ~WEft NEAR ~ X ( I)·$1CWEN'l'HA lltMft .HOlt $KW£N"llM X fJt 'l'EN'llfA MV'£Jt N£Nt -~ S"11tTICN X no !U!l\1lf. ~ AT 1IUSfTNA S"'O''Itt x X X X )( X X X X X X X X lC .X X X X X X X X X 1957-PMSENT l fi9GI -liT2 a i lltecl-I'RESENT ' X "X ' X ' X tHO-PR£SEHT i X • ' X X l IMI-·PII£SENT (1958-lt72 • t980 -PN:stJfT 1964-JI'WOOIT 1111-PfQ[WT ltSg-JMO ~-~ 19!4 ... ffiE8ENT DATA COlltCT£0 IIIIIXX ..... .-.-aaa . • ~-c:oM'I'M!OUI !III!CCIM QQO D S1"'IIEAWWWI' • PM11Al ll!!::onD 01.00 e WiiUUI .CIUALJT\' CIICO T ~-~ 0«)1) * I!DIM!Wf DI3CHIMIE • a.JiiUTE -FfiEEZifll M1lll Nf(J lla.DUD ·R:IIIG • !IIIIOW COUPISE 'l IINICIIr CftfZ'P NOTES t. l'lliWIIETtJI$ IIEA!Uft£D usrm .. »P£JiUCl( II 2. CON'TlNUOUS -~ QUWTY MCNn"t1t -~ 3. DATA COLlECTIOI'f IMI SEUON 4. 111£ \..I!TTER ~ EACtt SIAl iO!Il l'iUC IN 1111£ lUU5 IS ·USED <It ntE IIW' lO .._ 'nE. APPRDWIMATE l.OCf,1'0t OF THE S ~I IIOfC. SCALE FIGURE 8.43 a. I I -I ' I I. I ' I a I I I I I .• ~; ·' COOK INLET SUSITNA RIVER DEVIL WATANA CANYON SITE SITE GOLD CREEK PARKS HIGHWAY BRIDGE GAGING STATION SUSITNA GAGU\'G STATKW AVERAGE ANNUAL FLOW DISTRIBUTION WITHIN THE SUSITNA RIVER BASIN FHlURE B.~4 ~~~~ . ... : . .. . ' . •" ~ . . ' . .. ~ . .. .. • fi':. .. • . . ·. . · .. ,..'\' ' ~ . ' .. ~-... ~-·--·- LEGEND -0 40.000 WETTEST YEAR ... 5962 2 0 0 AVERAGE YEAR w (f) 0: w Q. DRIE!~T YEAR -&969 !-:;oiooo '"' w w u. (.) -m ::l 0 - 3r: 20,000 0 -' lL. :E <( w n: .... UJ 10,000 0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC MONTHLY AVERAGE FLOWS IN THE SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK FlGURE BAS I I I I I I "" 1: ........ I I I I I I a I I I • I I I' lilt 0 -JC -en u.. (.J - I.U C) Q: <t :r: (.J C/) Q 56. 40. 16.0~ 8.0 o.oL--......-.---.......--___,...-~=====::::::=:;::= 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 PROS OF EXCEEDENCE FLOW DURATION CURVE MEAN MONTHLY INFLOW AT WATANA PRE-PROJECT r ..... J, FISURE 8,.46 I •g:-, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' '~ \ \ \" .. ., 0 -"' -CJ) 11.. Q - 0.20 0.40 0.60 PROS OF EXCEEOENCE FLOW DURATION CURVE MEAN MONTHLY iNFLOW AT DEVIL CANYON PRE-PROJECT 0.80 1.00 AGURE B.41' ~~-I - ---.. - - -.... - 15 10 II')Q 9 )IC 8 -:r: ~ 7 --1 6 ~ !Z 5 ~ n. 4 ~ 0: ·LIJ z 3 LLI ..J § 2 ~ 2 I 0 -· .01 . ' - ~ --""'---- ' 0 0 .05 .I 0.2 0.5 I 2 5 RETURN PERIOD IN YEARS J II . . 125 2 5 -10 r WATANA PLUS DEVIL CANYON I I --~ t ~ I rWATANA ONLY --~ -""'"--- . ~~ • , .. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 PERCENT EXCEEDENCE PROBABILITY FREQUENCY ANALYSIS OF 100 aooo FIRM ENERGY-- ,~~WEST ANNUAL -1( ~RG'k' SiMi.JL.ATED .. r -~ ----) ~ )t ,FIRM EtERGY \ -~ ' 1"--.. ~-: \ -.... --.._ LOWEST ANNUAL_l ENERGY SIMULATED 95 98 99 99.8 99.9 99.99 AVERAGE ANNUAL ENERGY FOR SUSITNA DEVELOPMENTS Fl I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 90 80 g) il.. usn 0 0 0 30 20 10 0 /T I I I I I -...J 0 ... . I I l I I I I f I l ! ~ 1\ I I I ~ I I i l I I \~ I 1 I I ll : J I . LOW·! -----~-- v~ I"' 1'-. OUTLET ""CILITIES AT FULL CAPACITY 5 \_POWERHOUSE AND CUTLET FACILITIES OPERATING (MATCHING INFLOW) 10 15 20 TIME (DAYS) 1•50 YEAR FLOOD (SUMME~) :-....: I l ' ' I -~-I l I ;; I ~ ~ t ~ l ;;; I j I ' ! # . ' I ' I j ~ ' I i ' i ! i ' • ' ' l I 30 2200 1--_;1---l---+---t·-""·--+--+---1 : I I 2198 1----+--+----il---+-,,. ---+--+i. ----11 , 1 ~ 1 i J I i I ,. I ! -2196 1---+----+----t-, ---+-·----+---..t.j----ii 1-l I i l .... 11: I l I ·~ 219.4 1---4----i!,__ __ _,_! ---i---!-·1 -?--+ ,· ---1' >"' I !'. ,. ! i kl ! ! l ; &j f rMAX WSEl • 219t.G ~ a: 2192 .1. , ~ -..... :-~:~ ... ., ·, 1 1 E I:~~~; i l ~ 2190 ~----+-----·;---+-+----..f--~-~---+----~~ ~ ! l/1 i 1 l i 2188 1----+----4--+---r.----+----~\~---~----~1 I I: I ! l I 2186 1---~, ----l_!.t-/-=OUTLET fACILlTir:S--+.-~......;:~-~~ / . ., ~ AT FULL CAPACITY j i i '\!..POWERHOUSE AND OUl'LET FACILITIES ~- 2184 LL--..l jl __ __Jotc..'I'£_R_A_iT_IN_GL.1 _(_M_AT_c._H.J.I,N'3_._1N_F_Lo_.~~_l __ -L.I ----1~ 0 ~ ID ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ mlE. (()AYSl I•~ YEAR FLOOD {SUiatMEill lBO ISO l40 120 U> ... u 100 0 0 2 3t 80 0 -l 1&. 60 ' I' ,l !I 40 '· ~ It " ---'! OPERATING POWERHOUSE AND 20 OUTLET FACILmES AT fULL CAPACITY ' POWERHOUSE AND I OUT.LET FACILITIES OPERATING (MATCHING INFLOW) 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 TIME (OA"i'S) 1•101000 YEAR FLOOD 2200 1----+- 2198 ~ 21.96 1-:::. ~ ~ j:: 2194 ~ : MA)(. W~L 2192.~ ___. I 35 ~ L j I a: 2192 1---+-----~----~~~--~~--~~----t--~ g I OUTFL:OW CAPACITY f; MAIN SPILLWAY OPERATING ! ~ 2190 1----+--+--+--~..::(_M_ATI-C-H;_IN.:.:G_. _IN+F..:;L.:.OW.;.:.:_) -•---r----1 ! I TI 2188 " I. • l POWERHOUSE ANO OUlLET FAClltTIES OPERATING ·. (MATCHING INFLOW) 2184 1-----~--~---~--~-----~----~--~,~ o 5 ro m G ~ ~ ~~ TIME {DAYS} 1•10,000 YEAR. FLOOD 360 ~20 280 240 U> ..._ u 200 0 ~ ~ ~ 160 ..J ..._ 120 eo 40 0 2196 ..... 1-..._ z 0 2194 j: ~ 10 ...1 10 2192 0: 6 > s II) 2190 10 a: 2188 2186 2184 ...,. __ ,.., .. ,.,, .... ,.,.,._,,"t···+"' , -------. t l I ' l i I ' • I ! I I j I l .rOUTFLOW ! -+-~~ -~ ... , '" i ! -~ ' .! l POWERHOUSE AND OUTLET FACILITIES AT FULL CAPACITY OUTLET FACILITIES OPERATING 0 5 10 IS 29 25 ~0 35 TIM£ (OA,YS) PROBABLE MAXIMUM FLOOD l 1-----+--~~----r----~-·----~~~----~ 1----;---++---+---~,, ... __ -!--'-t-\--J--~ I 0 5 ; ~ if I UAIN SPILLWAY,OOTLET FACILITIES 8 POWERHOUSE OPERATlNG l 10 1!:1 20 2!5 so Tl"'E (DAYS) PROBABLE MAXIMUM FLOOD FIGURE 8.49 JtPDI.~ .. J~~-A L._A~s_KA_Po __ w_. E--=R--:-:A-:-:-U-::-::TH-:-:o-=-=-R=-IT_Y-t ftUU[O SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT WATANA HYDROLOGICAL DATA SHEET 2 MARCH .1982. I· I I I I I I I ·I I I I I I I I I I ., "" 0 360 ..---,.----;,,.....-~-,---,.---,----,----; ~SERVOJRI INFLO'#// OUTFLOW ! 0 200~~~~---~---4-----+---~---~---~ 0 ~ ~ ~-160 l---~l--r..~,,....::..:.--,----::----+---+--.....< ...J ' POWERHOUSE "-' CLA$!!0.1 ;:- OUTFLOW 120 1-----l-lo'L-MATCHING +----1-----lf----~----' 30 40 0 0 INFLOW 1 l I I POWERHOUSE AND I~ 20 TIME(OAYS} 30 35 PROBABLE MAXIMUM FLOOD .-........... ---rl ··-~·-, ' RESERVOIR ELEVA!ION ~ K40~----~-~~-~~--~~~------+----~ ~ ~ .. ~ 1430 1---~t------1----t---+--4~--+-----4 Ill 1400 !...____._· ! ____.__I ~l __.___i -'--------ll ~ 0 e 10 IS 20 25 30 35 TIME (DAYS) PROBABLE MAXIMUM FLOOD mor---~---.---.---~---~--r---,---. I I t J. ~~---l~: ----~--~~~~~----~---+--~ J \ 140~--~j----4-----+T---~-----r----~i~· ---~ I i 120 ~---'----t---f-v---ft---!---+( ------J rn JNFL.f_ .• W• OUT~LOW~I~··. .I ~ ~ I I \ i ~ ~ 100 1----~ --+,-/-1--t-! --tl-\"ic---ll'----!t-i ---1 ~ 80~--~---~-r--+----+----~~--~-~ ~ I / t I~ 60~--~~----;~---~''---+-=-·--4'----+'----~ ; r' 1 .. l 4or---~~==-H---f----t-----t----r--~ n 1 t· 1 1 l~. 1'-MAIN YILLWAY Of'.:ATINt l 20 v \..._POWERHOUSE AND --+~-----+!Ill·.·· .. -----1!!, f. OUTLE.T FACILITlrES . ' 1 OPERArNG 1 : 0~--~----~---~~--~----~----~-~ o 5 ~ rn m ~ ~ ~ TIME{DAYS) RESERVOIR ROUTING 1•10,000 YR.FLOOO 1460 ' I I i I j I t l l t ! 1458 !/POWERHOUSE, OUTLET FACILITIES iND ' MAIN SPILLWA'I' 1 Of'ERATINS I I ' I ! ~ 1456 ~ w ...l Ill 0: 0 > 0: w (I) w 0: 1454 1452 14~0 ' ! • • ' I 0 5 I I . I I i ,.__MAX. WSEL•l45~ I t I ~ I ' 'j ~ ' I I 10 15 20 2.5 TlME (I)AYS) RESERVOIR ROUTING I • 10,000 YR. FLOOD i I t I 30 I I i 50~--------------~-----r--------~ I , . INFLOW"' OUTFLOW U> ~ ~~--~~---4----~----~----~----~ 8 2 3: 20 F---it---+--_;...----+----...~..-..---: 0 ..J u. o~--...J~ __ __.. __ ....J...----L----l....---....1 0 5 10 15 20 TlloiE (DAYS) RESERVOIR ROUTING 1'!50 'I'R. SUMMER FLOOD 1460 .------,r---,---,----,--=-------. I I 1_: I ~· ;: 1458!------+··--+· ---+-· --!~----~-'"~-.. . ~ : llr POWER~OUSE AND ' i .. g I OUTLET FACILITiiES ! ~ ! OPERATING 1 ~ 14561----~~-~~+-----~-~---~-~------~' ci ( I I t ~o-•-----~~·. ·~"·--4-----+-~~~M~A~X~~~W~SE~L~-~~~~~~--4i > 1454 r-''"""' I ~ I I ~ i I 1452 ~----+'---A< l' ---+-----t---------t i { 1450 ~.-. __ .... f~ __ .......__--'i'-·. --.L.---'---.....JI 0 5 10 15 20 zs 30 TilliE (DAYS) RESERVOIR ROUTING 1•50 YR. SUMMER FLOOD FIGURE 8.50 II PDf@ 1·~-----AL_A_SK~A_P __ o_w_ER_A~·· u __ T_Ho~R_IT __ Y--t HUH 0 SUSITNA HYOROE~ECTRIC PROJECT DEVIL CANYON HYDROLOGICAL. DATA SHEET 2 MARCH 1982. I· I I 2600 SURfACE AREA {ACRES X 104 1 6 2 0 1480 2500 I 2400 T 1475 I ' 2300 ! l I 2200 1470 I 1 I 2100 j:: l 1IJ I 11.1 .... z 2000 0 1465 ~ > 11.1 ..J 11.1 1900 I I ;: w w .... ~ ~ > I· !j ... I I L, .. 1800 I 1460 I 1700 I 1600 I 1400 I 0 4 6 8 10 VOLUME (ACRE FEET x 106 ) 12 20 40 so 80 100 120 140 160 I RESERVOIR VOLUME AND SURFACE AREA TAILWATER RATJNG I I I I I I co "- I~ 120 0 105 0 0 0 60 45 0 l I I I I J l ; i ! l • ' l ! I I ~ . ' I ' ' ' ,r l I l ' . ~ i ' ' : ' • ' I ; I I ' i ; . ~ . > ' ' ! l ! ' j ' ~ ; l ; . i ; I i ,i i ' ! ' ~ : I ~ ! i I l ' I l ! ' • ~ ' i . A~ l ' . ~· ' 1 !. \ ' ' . i " i I ! ~ ' I ' l ! ~ ' I I I i I i ! I . ,, SPRING ~ ! I [.,,.o.a;,. I I l r; I I I i l ' /i ~ ~ • I ! I I v.V0' 1 I ! I I I I " J I \ _» vvt i ~ ! J i /• ; I ,, . v vr ! I ·, ; l ~~ / ~ l I l I I ·~ !-" l l I ' I ' I I f 1.005 2 5 10 20 50 100 1000 10,000 RETURN PERIOD (YEARS) INFLOW FLOOD FREQUENCY FIGURE 6.51 ·l·e.DfP 1~---' _AL_A_S K_A.....,..P_O-,-W-,-ER_· A_U_T~HO-=-R---IT_Y-; HuH 0 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT WATANA HYDRLOGICAL DATA SHEET I ~~ MARCH 1982 _________ ......,. __ _ I I .S\.JiFACE AREA (1000 ACRES) I li 1!500 I r400 I 1300 I i= Ill Ill !:= ~ ... I ~ w 1200 ..J Ill I 1100 I I 1000 I 900 12 10 8 4 0 " / v ): v r-'" VOLUME-~ v ~ SURFACE I REA . v 1\., 11 \ l I \ ' \ I \ I ' l I ·= I <'t':"";~_,.;. ..;_;,;,~,_,. ~5 .---.----r--~----T---.----.----.----~--~--~ I f I I I I I I ! ! i i I ~o ~···--~·---+~-----~~·· --~.·----,r---~~----r!---;j ~·----~· ~~--~ ' I I I I i ~r I. 1 l 1 I !v~ !.• · i 865 ~--~--~1 ---1----+---~~~-~--~---+--~1~--4 I l /v I ~ ! /.. I l I I ~ 660 ~-tl--+!/-....Y..i -+---t-'----1--+----+--+--l ---4 : I t i ~ ;1 I I I I I BSS ~---+--F--+-----!---+---+----+------ci----t----t----l y I I I / : I I I I I ; 850 1--/-1--4------11;....----+-t -----ii-----l-1----!:'-+----t-1-·. ~ .. - I/ I ! r- 845~-----·4---~---4----+---;---~--~~--~~~~--~ I I 1 I i I I I I 0 4 6 8 10 12 c 20 40 eo 100 eo 120 140 160 180 200 VOLUME {ACREFEET X IOe) DISCHARGE {CFS X 103 ) I RESERVOIR VOLUME AND SURFACE AREA TAILWATER RATING CURVE I. ~" .. ), I I I I 180 165 150 155 120 -Ct) IL. Q 10~ 0 0 E 60 "15 15 0 t ! t ! \ .i . ~ j ! 1 1 ' ' 1 ! .. ' • I ! l f l i I f ' ~ 1.005 I t l I I ( I l I t t ~ I I ! ' I I I I ~ I ~ ~ I ' I I• ~ ~ l I il I I I l I l :.1 t I ' ~ t I 1 I l i I I l ! I l i I . j I t I I ~ j 0 ! 1.; I t ! l ; .. I I I i ; I f .. I I I . i /J 1/ ~ c ~ !; f I)' ' I i' •• I I I I _L f " v " ,, ' I ! i - '1-1, .. • 2 5 10 20 50 100 RETU~ PERIOD (YEA!~S! FLOOD FREQ~ENCY CURVE (INFlOW AFiER ROUTING THROUGH WATA~) FIGURE 8.52 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT DEVIL CANYON HYDROLOGICAL DATA SHEET I ~ ... a ... -MARCH 1982. ____ ......., ___ , __ _ l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2200 ~ 2180 r- -t-= LL. 2160 -- -1 w > "" 2140 t- -1 a: -2120 0 1- > a: w rn ~ 2100 - 0 2080 0 1460 r- 1459 r- -~ ._; 1440 LL. - -1 w > 1430 1-w _, a: -0 1420 t-> a: LIJ rn 1- LIJ 1410 a: 1400 ~ 1390 0 I I I N 0 J ~ J J 0 J 2190 NORMAL MAX1MUM .OP~RATING LEVEL 2185 1 I· I I 12095 J J J _l I _L ~ ~ F M A J J A s MONTHS WATANA RESERVOIR NORMAL MAXlMUM OPERATING LEVEL. l455 _I J F I M A MONTHS -· j_ l M DEVIL CANYON RESERVOIR 1400 I I J J J A s MONTHLY TARGET MINIMUM RESERVOIR LEVELS FIGURE 8 .. 53,. J I I I 740 . II 5o/o GENERA' ~OR I RATED POWER ~ 9 / I 720 .RESERVOIR El. 2185 I . I --------v I I 700 " I I 680 I }- I UJ UJ 660 Jj., l l::l <t UJ I :c .... UJ z I .640 I I I I I 1/i WEIGHTED A 'ERASE HEAD - I I ~ INIMUM DECEME ~R HEAD I ··-14--170 MW I I ~ 620 I I 600 I I B~ST EFf'j( J~v-/ j FUU. GATE I I I 4 . •• I 580 RESERVOIR EL.2045 ~ --7 --· I 100 ISO 200 22.0 120 140 • 160 UNIT OUTPUT-MW I I WATANA-UNIT OUTPUT [iJ FIGURE 8.54 I I· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -~ 0 -> (.) z liJ 5 ~ ~~------~~------+--------+--------+-------~--~~ "" liJ -(13 11.. 70~----~-~--------+--------+--------+-~~---4--~~s w (!) ~ <t J: ~ Q ._. ~-------+--------+---~~-+--------4-----~--~--~2~~ 40,000 80,000 120PQO 160,000 200,000 TURBINE OUTPUT ( HP) WATANA-TURBINE PE~FORMANCE {AT RATED HEAD) 24opoo FIGURE 8.55 1111·1 ~--------~-------------------~~· _,,-.. ~~---~--~------------------~~ ~~,00~------~------~&m~------~7~00~----~~~-------1~100~ PLANT OUTPUT (MW) WATANA-UNIT EFFICIENCY (AT RATED HEAD) FIGURE B.5S I I 620 us< ~o GENERATOR I ·_. RA., iED POWER 600 I I 580 ,_. 'I LLI H! t Q <l "' I = ._560 "' z I RESERVOIR EL. 1455 I I l ---;' --I ~· I I I ) v,__. WEIGH1 EO AVERAGE HI ~0 BES tr GATE l .. I I I GENERA1 OR RATED POWE R I I J I BEST EFFIC EHCY7 FULL GATE I 540 I· 520 IOIR /a 1400 MINIMUM OFt :S:URI::'R H~ f'(t:_::;~ /---.. I _. 15 ~ MW I I - ' 100 120 140 iGO ISO 200 220 I UNIT OUTPUT -MW I I I I I I DEViL CANYON-UNIT OUTPUT I FIGURE 8~57 I I I I I I I I I •• I I I I I I I I I I -~ 0 -b z lLi I ~ 80~----~~--------r-------~------~--------~--~ u. UJ IJJ z ai 0: ~ t--U) u.. ro~-------r--------r-------~--~~~--------~--~~oos I.!J (!) a: <t ~ i5 !:: ~-------~-----~~r---------~------~---------+----~2000~ 40,000 ------r-------~---~1000 00,000 J20POO 160,000 200.poo TURBINE OUTPUT ( HP) {)EVIL CANYON -TURBINE PERFORMANCE (AT RATED HEAD) 240,000 FIGURE 8.58 !.ill I I _I • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -~ 0 -> 0 z lLI -----------d~T --n I UNIT .. § 82~~------~--------~------~-------+--------~--~~ l&. "'-\1.1 78~+--------r--------~------~-------+----~--+-----~ N~+-------~--------~------~-------~-------+----~ 100 200 300 400 500 PLANT OUTPUT ( MW) DEVIL CANYON-UNIT EFFICIENCY {AT RATED HEAD) FIGURE 8.59 ~~~~ " I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ FAIRBANKS· TANANA VALLEY f'_ __ . ~~~ RAILBELT AREA OF ALASKA SHOWlNG ELECTRiCAL LOAD CENTERS 100,.1W F'lGURE 9.60 •• I I 01 I ~I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t -X ;J (!) -en I.&J -1 <t (I) >-.... -(.) -cc ... &1 ...J l&J ::0 1 2500 r--------.-------.,..-------. 2000 t--------;-------+----,"-------t 1500 o4l ;""("(o -I. 1000 0------------------------------------~ I~ . 1970 •. 1915 1$80 YEAR HISTORICAL TarAL RAILBELT UTIUTY SALES TO FINAL CUSTOMERS l FIGURE ~61 ,., e..:;....,---..---·----------------[~~,_------------~ .... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ia~--------------------------------------~------------------~ 15 14 13 -~ I I "' ::1: LEGEND HES ... GH : HIGH ECONOMiC GROWTH i' HIGH GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURE MES-GM : MODERATE ECONOMIC GROWTH +MODERATE GOVERNMENT EXPEND1TURE LES ~ GL : LOW ECONOMIC GROWTH t LOW GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURE LES-Gl. ADJUSTED : l.OW ECONOMIC GROWTH +LOW GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURE 't LOAD MANAGEMENT AND CONSERVATION I I , I I I I I I I I IHES-GH I I I I I I § I ~ 10~------------------~------------------~~----------------~ C-' - , / , , , / ~ ~· , , , , , '· , , , I I . I Qb---------~----------~---------~---------*--------~----------1980 1985 1995 YEAR " 2000 ISER 1980 ENERGY FORECASTS USED FOR DEVELOPMENT SELECTION STUDIES 200&· 2010 riGURE 8.62 ______________ , _____ _ ...... ----------·--_,..-------_,------------------------------. • ECOf'JOMIC SCENARIOS • PRIVATE ECONOMIC ACTIVITY • STATE FISCAL POLICY ECONOMIC MODELS • l.SER STATEWIDE MODEl • REGIONAUZATION MODEL • HOUSEHOLD FORMATION ECOf\!OMIC, INDUSTRIAL, POPUlATION AND HOUSEHOLD FORECASTS INPUT DATA AND ASSUMPTIONS I I l • END USE SURVEY i • CONSERVATION PERFORMANCE I. AND COSTS • FUEL COSTS • COMMERCIAL BUilDING STOCK l l l END USE MODEL ll. (RED) ! aECTRlC ENERGY CONSUMPTION FORECASTS • ANNUAL £NERGY • PEAK DEMAND E:LECTRiC PtJ;•NER FORECASTING PROCESS FIGURE B.6S ·~--~--~· ~---------------------------------------------------·------------------=-------------~ I I • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . I !6, ,.-----------r-----------t--------- 15 14 13 12 II / -~ If') 2 I0~------~-------+----------------+---------~~---4 liC % ~ -9 / /' HIGH// ~ • ~· ~· 0 ------~--~------~------~--------*-----~~--------1980 1985 1990 1995 YEAR 2000 DECEMBER· 1981· BATTELLE LOAD AND 2005 2010 ENERGY FORECASTS USED FOR GENERATION PLANNING STUDIES~ FIGIJR£ 8.6+ • ---.. 300 250 200 ---·. -. -- . --.' .. [ WATANA ONL v IN 19!14 J LEGEND """---· Energy Con of 8ht Thatmal Option •••• ...... • • Energy Coft of Susitna Optf4n • • (}ptratint.~ Con a of Tbtrmai Plant ln u,. in 1893 Exttndad to 1994 ~ lli;;;:M] Shaded Area RtpreMnta Plant Operati!JQ In 1892 Dlaplaced by Wab!na Area Under This line ia Annual Con of Bm Thermal Option flnduding Investment Cost;) .. r.:ea Under This Lint is Annual Cost of SusitM Option Area Under This line ia Annual r---_,._ Operating Cost of Existir2g Capacity 1993/4 (Avoided Costs of Fu~~ and O&M Only) Area Rcpresants Annual Operating Cosu from Existing Generating Plant r-Common to Both Susitna and Thermal Options Medium Growth Syatem Energy '1111111111111111111111~!1 ~~~b 1 ~~~~ ol ==~ 3,000 4.000 5,000 Annual Energy Output GWh -- FIGURE ~.65 -ENERGY PRICING COMPARISONS-1994 -- --------~----~-~--- Rw.1 380 360 340 300 \ 11 ' 180 \ . " .. ~ 160 140 120 100 SYSTEM COSTS AVOIDED BY DEVELOPING SUSITNA COMPARED WITH BEST THERMAL OPT20N IN MILLS PER UNIT Of SUSITNA OUTPUT IN CURRENT DOLLARS ~' ·# 'r •• I I I ,, COST SAVINGS FROM SUSITNA INCREASING I . OVER WHOLE LIFE OF PROJECT ,.~ I ...... Increasing Thermal Fue: / COiti Avoided ""-.._ ·· ·· -.... # ""-.._ .# ... ~-·--······' --_ _, , .. -,. j . /.-Avoids Co•t ~11:1 Further 200 M\N Coal fired Generating Unit I . I I . . ~t••.-.c Avoids Con of 2 x 200 MW Coal fired Gtmerating Units 1 ~ Dovll Canyon on $tr .. m in 20021 02 03 04 05 06 07 liB 09 2010 11 12 13 ~~-~~~~ Watana ora Str~sm in 1993 6 6 7 8 9 2000 01 Years FIGURE 13.66 -SYSTEM COSTS AVOIDED BY DEVELOPING SUSITNA RU