HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA1372I I I I I I I I I I I I· I I I I I I I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Prepared by: FERC LICENSE APPLICATION EXHIBIT C FIRST DRAFT SEPTEMBER 24, 1982 ._____ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY_---...l .,.. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • - I EXHIBIT C -CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Figures Page 1-SCHEDULE DEVELOPMENT ··~································Q··· C-1 1.1-Watana Schedule· ....................•..••.......•...•.. C-1 1.2 -Devil Canyon Schedule . . . . . . . • . . • . . . • . . . • • . . . . • • . .. . . •. C-3 1.3-History of Existing Project •..••.. : •...•...........•• C-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I· I EXHIBIT C -CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE . LIST OF FIGURES No. Title C.l Watana Construction Schedule C.2 Devil Canyon Construction Schedule I I I I I I I I I •• I I I I I I I EXHIBIT C -CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE 1 -SCHEDULE DEVELOPMENT This section describes the de~1elopment schedules prepared for both Watana and Devil Canyon to meet the on-line power requirements of 1993 and 2002~ respectively. These schedules span the period from 1983 until 2004. Schedules for the development of both Watana and Devil Canyon are shown on Figures C.l and c:2. The main elements of the project have been shown on these schedules, as well as some key i nterrel at ionshi ps. For purposes of planning, it has been assumed that a license will be awarded by December 31, 1984o At both sites the period for construction of the main .d~m is critical. Other activities are fitted to the main dam vmrk. A study of the front end requirements at Watana concluded that initial acce~s work should commence immediately after award of a license to construct and operate the project. This effort will lead to the earliest possible buildup of manpower and equipment to meet construction requirements for early critical path activities includin-g river diversion and the main darh • 1. 1 -Watana Schedule Commencement of construction: Initial access road Site facilities Diversion Completion of construction: -June, 1983 -January, 1985 -April~ 1985 Four of six units ready -Januar·y, 1994 Six units ready -July, 1994 Conmencement of col1lllercial operations: Four of six units Six units -January, 1994 -July, 1994 The Watana schedules were developed to meet two overall project constraints: -FERC 1 icense waul d be issued by December 31~ 1984; and -Four units would be on-line by the end of 1993. C-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . The critical path of activities to meet the overall constraints was determined to be through site access, site facilities, diversion and main dam construction. These are highlighted as follows: {a) Access Initial road access to site is required by October 1, 1985. Certain equipment will be transported overland during the winter months so that an ai rfi e 1 d can be constructed by Ju 1 y 1985. These initial access efforts are required to mobilize labor, equipment, ·and materials in 1985 for the following major construction activities: -Main access road/rail head; -Site facilities; -Diversion; and -Main dam. {b) Site Facilities Site facilities must be developed in a very short time to support the main construction activities. A camp to house more than 1,000 men must be constructed duri.ng the first eighteen months. Site construction reads and contractors• work area have to be started. An aggregate processing plant and concrete hatching plant must be operational to start diversion tunnel concrete work by May 1986 .. Construction power supply must also be started in 1985 for completion by mid-1987. One circuit of the permanent transmission line should be built from the proposed inte·/tie at Gold Creek to Watana. (c) Diversion Construction of diversion and dewatering facilities, the first major activity, should start by mid-1985. Excavation of the portals. and tunnels requires a concentrated effort to allow completion of the lower tunnel for river diversion by September 1986. The upper tunnel is needed to handle the spring runoff by 1987. The upstrearn cofferdam must be placed to divert riverflows in September 1986 and raised sufficiently to avoid overtopping by the following spring. (d) Main Dam The progress of work in the main dam is critical throughout the period 1986 through 1992. Mobilization of equipment and start of site work must begin in 1986. Excavation on the right ab1Jtment proceeds in 1986, as well as river alluvium under the darn core. During 1987 and 1988, dewatering, excavation and foundation treatment must be completed in the rive'rbed area and a substant i a1 start made on placing fi 11. C-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The schedule has also been developed to take advantage of possible early reservoir filling to the minimum operating level by October 1992. Should this occur~ power could possibly be generated by the end of 1992. 1.2 -Devil Canyon Schedule Commencement of construction: Main Access -April, 1992 Site Facilities -June, 1994 Diversion -June, 1996 Completion of construction: Four units -October, 2002· Commencement of cornnerci al operations: Four units -October, 2002 The Devil Canyon.schedule was developed to meet the on-line power requirement of all four units in 2002. The critical path of activities \-.ras determined to follow through site facilities, diversion and main dam construction. (a) Acc.:::ss It has been assumed that site access facilities built for Watana exist at the start of construction. A road will be constructed connecting the De vi 1 Canyon site to the Hat ana access road. At the same time, a railroad spur will be constructed to permit railroad access to the south bank of the Susitna near Devil Canyon. These activities will be completed by mid-1994. (b) Site Facilities Camp facilities should be started in 1994. that buildings can be salvaged from Watana .. could also be started at this time. (c) D i version It has been assumed Site roads and power Excavation and concreting of the single diversion tunnel should begin in 1995. River closure and cofferdam construction will take place to permit start of dam construction in 1996. C-3 : I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I {d) Arch Dam The construction of the arch dam wi 11 be the most critical construction activity from start of excavation in 1996 until topping out in 2001. The concrete program has been based on an average 8-month placing season for 4-1/2 years. The work has been scheduled to maintain a fairly constant effort during this period to make best use of equipment and man power. (e) Spillways and Intake The spillway and intake are scheduled. for completion by the end of 2000 to permit reservoir fi 11 i ng the next year. · (f) Powerhouse and Other Underground Works G Excavation of access into the powerhouse cavern is scheduled to begin in 1996. Stage I concrete begins in 1998 with start of install at ion of major mechanical and electrical work in 2000. {g) Transmission L ines/Switchyards The additional transmission facilities needed for Devil Canyon have been scheduled for completion by the time the final unit is ready for commissioning in late 2001. (h) General The development of site facilities at Devil Canyon begins slowly in 1994 with a rapid acceleration in 1995 through 1997. Within .a short period of time, construction begins on most major civil structures. This rapid development is dependent on the provision of support site facilities which should be completed in advance of the main construction work. 1.3 -History of Existirig Project An intertie is planned to permit the economic interchange of up to 70 megawatts of power between major load centers at Anchorage and Fairbanks. Connecting to existing transmission systems at Willow in the south and Healy in the north5 the intertie will be built to the same standards as those proposed for the Susitna project transmission system. It will be energized initially at 138 kV. Subsequent to construction of the Watana project, the intertie will be incorporated into the Susitna transmission system and will operate at 345 kV. Construction of the intertie began in October 1982. Completion and initial operation is planned for September, 1984, well in advance of the anticipated date for receipt of a FERC 1 icense on Decembet~ 31, 1984. C-4 I I I I I I -I I I I I I· I I I I I DEscRIPTION 01 02 ll!iiTIAL .t.CCESI 03 06 saTE FACIUTIES 07 05 OIVERSIOH TUNNELS 09 12 UAINOAM 13 14 REl.IC'r CHANNEL 15 15 WAI~ SPILLWAY 17 ii 1983 19&4 .., .............. ltllt-:Mii'lllll't:n " l I 1986 l j j 1987 1988 I i J i989 "''''''''' I '''''''''' I l 9 I -rnmmgrmll!!!!lfll I wrwnwu=· I l I I _,,,,,,,,, .... '"'"U I - 1992 1993 ISM 01 Ol j 10 ' II "''''''''''' I :-.,,,,, .... , .... ...: ! ••••••••• 111111 16 .t -~~~.-I 17 j as ;!0 OUTl,ET FACILITIU ! p U1Aifiai1I .. 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I 1199 l 2000 2001 2002 I 2003 I od 1 ' 01 02 IIIAIM ACCESS -=-.o~ ~-·~••--•m.r~~ • ' • I 03 ' ! j . • 04 StTE FACiUTIES .., ---~ a n ... 1 • I ! I io. 0!51 I . l e I j -'IIUMl I I ~! ·~ 't'JMIEl.la i L£1111.11 1 I 01 Rlillll l .... _y I l 071 • I i .... . ar i ................ I ' 101 ~,,!.,.,,,,. 1 I I i C '.lFF£1tDAMS ... ,,,-.;. a. 109 I ' ' ' I ! 01 f I 10 fiiAIN DAM &2£11 I ! I I 10 _j_ tr i i l . 1 I ll 12 SADDLE OAII I ~"'&'''''''' :!01.'-'''''""'' ; 1.2 j I 15 l . I ; ~ i g 14 OUTLET 9ACIUT!LI I -·--···· ! ... ........ ! l 14 1m I ·~ t t!S I ,. ttut aPtU. WAY I .., 3 ' "T'"NI t ... .-llllllllll .. ' 5S ll' : ~ Mllllli· I 11 15 aiEftQEIC:Y IPIU.W.tll' l I ~,,,, I I • . It , ~ l l l .. I io ~It MTAKE : j ...... ·-iiiiWaiii ........ ' lao I 21 ;-21 2t P£Jm'OCICI . 22 I l:S ~ ....iT lrT-t • I ':23 ..... 24 f'OWEPIHo .. E ~ ... ,~ • I 1 ,l -, .. 25 ' Z!l I 2S TRAMSFOMIER SAI..l.Eft\' I CABI..E !SHAFTS ' -.......... , ii5 ' 21' ~ 1 27 u TAUtACEt~ew·...,. l I . 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