HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA1373I I I I I I I I •• I I I I I I I •• I I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Prepared by: FERC LICENSE APPLICATION EXHIBIT D FIRST DRAFT SEPTEMBER 24, 1982 .____---.:__ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY_-----.~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EXHIBIT D -PROJECT COSTS AND FI:i.4NCING TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Tables List of .Figures 1 -ESTIMATES OF COST 1.1 -Construction Costs (a) Code of Accounts (b) Approach to Cost Estimating (c) Cost Data (d) Seasonal Influences on Productivity (e) Construction Methods {f) Quantity Takeoffs (g) Indirect Construction Costs 1.2 -Mitigation Costs 1.3 -Engineering and Administration Costs {a) Engineering and Project Management Costs (b) Construction Management Costs (c) Procurement Costs · {d) Owners Costs 1. 4 -Allowance for Funds Used During Construct ion 1.5-Escalation ~ 1.6 -Cash Flow and Manpower Loading Requirements 1.7 -Contingency 1.8 -Previously Constructed Project Facilities 2 -ESTIMATED ANNUAL PROJECT COSTS 3 -MARKET VALUE OF PROJECT POWER 3.1 -The Railbelt Power System 3.2 -Regional Electric Power Demand and Supply 3.3 -i'1arket and Price for Watana Output in 1994 3. 4 -Narket Price for vJatana Output 1995-2001 3.5 -Market and Price for ~Jatana and Devil Canyon Output in 2003 3. 6 -Potential Impact of State Appropriations 3.7 -Conclusions 4 -EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVE ENERGY PLANS 4.1 -General 4.2 -Existing System Characteristics (a) System Description {b) Retirement Schedule {c) Schedule of Additions Page I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EXHIBIT D -TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) 4.3 -Fairbanks -Anchorage-Intertie 4.4 -Hydroelectric Alternatives 4.5 -Thermal Options (a) Assessment of Thermal Alternatives {b) Coal..,fired Steam (c) Combined Cycle (d) Gas-Turbine < (e) Diesel Power Generation (f) Plan Formulation and Evaluation 4.6 -Without Susitna Plan (a) System as of January 1993 (b) System Additions (c) Sjstem as of 2010 4.7 -Economic Evaluation (a) Economic Principles and Parameters (b) Analysis of Net Economic Benefits 4.8 -Probability Assessment and Risk Ana.lysis (a) Multivariate Sensitivity Analysis (b) Comparison of Long-Term Costs . {c) Net Benefit Comparison (d) Sensitivity of Results to Probabilities (e) Approach to Risk Analysis (f) Elements of the Risk Analysis (g) Risk Assessments (h) Interpretation of Results (i) Conclusions 4.9 -Battelle Railbelt Alternatives Study {a) Alternatives Evaluation {b) Energy Plans 5 -CONSEQUENCES OF LICENSE DENIAL 5.1 -Cost of License Denial 5.2 -Future Use of Damsites if License is Denied 6 -FINANCING 6.1 -Financial Evaluation (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Forecast Financial Parameters Inflationary Financing Deficit Basic Financial Options Issues Arising from the Basic Financing Options Financing Options Under Senate Bill 646 and House Bill 655 Future Development and Resolution of Uncertainties Conclusion Page I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EXHIBIT D -TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) 6.2 -Financial R~sk (a) Pre-completion Risks (b) Post-completion Risks (c) Conclusions List of References Page I I I I I •• I I I I •• I I I I I I I I .. LIST OF TABLES Table No. 0.1 0.2 D.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.15 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.19 0.20 0.21 0.22 0.23 0.24 0.25 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.29 0.30 0.31 Summary of Cost Estimate Estimate Summary -Watana Estimate Summary -Devil Canyon Mitigation Measures -Summary of Costs Incorporated In Construction Cost Estimates Pro-Former Financial Statements No Fund-No State Contribution Scenario Susitna Annual Cost of Power Forecast Financial Parameters Railbelt Utilities Providing Market Potential List of Generating Plants Supplying Railbf:!lt Region Total Generating Capacity Within the Rai'~belt System Generating Units Within the Railbelt -1980 Schedule of Planned Utility Additions {1980-19BB} Operating and Economic Parameters for Selected Hydroelectric Plants Results of Economic Analyses of Alternative Generation Scenarios Summary of Thermal Generating Resource Plant Parameters/1982$ Real (Inflation-Adjsuted) Annual Growth in Oil Prices Domestic Market Prices and Export Opportunity Values of Natural Gas Summary of Coal Opportunity Values Summary of Fuel Prices Used in the OGP5 Probability Tree Analysis Economic Analysis Susitna Project -Base Plan Summary of Load Forecasts Used for Ser.sitivity Analysis load Forecast Sensitivity Analysis Discount Rate Sensitivity Analysis Capital Cost Sensitivity An.a!ysis Sensitivity Analysis-Updated Base Plan (January 1982) Coal Prices Sensitivity Analysis -Real Cost Escalation Sensitivity Analysis -Non-Susitna Plan with Chakachamna Sensitivity Analysis -Susitna Project Delay Summary of Sensitivity Analysis Indexes of Net Economic Benefits Battelle Alternatives Study for the Railbelt Candidate Electric Energy Generating Technologies Bat tel 1 e Alternatives Study, Summary of Cost and Performance Characteristics of Selected Alternatives - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LIST OF TABLES (Continued) Table No. 0.32 0.33 0.34 0.35 0.36 0.37 0.38 Battelle Alternatives Study,. Summary of E1ectric Energy Alternatives Included as Future Additions in Electric Energy Plans 100% State Appropriation of Total Capital Cost ($5.1 Billion in 1982 Dollars) $3 Billion (1982 Dollars) State Appropriation Scenario 7% Inflation and 10% Interest $2.3 Billion (1982 Dollars) Minimum State Appropriation Scenario 7% Inflation and 10% Interest Financing Requirements -$ Billion for $3.0 Billion State Appropriation Scenario Financing Requirements-$ Billion·far $2.3 Billion State Appropriation Scenario Basic Parameters of Risk Generation ~1odel I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I •• LIST OF FIGURES Figure No. 0 .. 1 0.2 0.3 0.4 D.5 D.6 D.7 D.B 0.9 0.10 0.11 0.12 D.l3 D.14 D.15 0.16 D.17 D.l8 0.19 0.20 0.21 0 .. 22 D.23 0.24 0.25 0.26 0"27 0.28 0.29 0.30 Watana Development Cumulative and Annual Cash Flow January, 1982 Dollars Devil Canyon Development Cumulative and Annual Cash Flow January, 1982 Dollars Susitna Hydroelectric Project Cumulative and Annual Cash Flow Entire Project, January, 198?. Do 11 ars Railbelt Region Generating and Transmission Facilities Service Areas of Railbelt Utilities Energy Supply; Generating Facilities; Net Generation by Types of Fuel; Relative Mix of Electrical Generating Technology-Railbelt Utilities -1980 Energy Demand and Deliveries From Susitna Energy Pricing Comparisons -1994 System Costs ·Avoided by Developing Susitna Energy Pricing Comparisons -2003 Location flflap Formulation of Plans Incorporating Non-Sus1tna Hydro Generation Selected Alternative Hydroelectric Sites Generation Scenario Incorporating Thermal and Alernative Hydropower Developments -Medium Load Forecast Formulation of Plans Incorporating All-Thermal ,Generation Alternative Generation Scenario Battelle Medium Load Forecast Probability Tree-System with Alternatives to Susitna Probability Tree -System with Susitna Susitna Multivariate Sensitivity Analysis Long-Term Costs vs Cumulative Probability Susitna Multivariate Sensitivity Analysis -Cumulative Probability vs Net Benefits Energy Cost Comparison -100% Debt Financing 0 and 7% Inflation Energy Cost Comparison-State Appropriation $3 Billion (1982 $) Energy Cost Comparison $2.3 Billion (1982 $) - Minimum State Appropriation Energy Cost Comparison -Pricing Restricted 94/95 and 03/04 Energy Cost Comparison Meeting SB 646 Requirements with 100% Financing , Energy Cost Comparison Meeting SB 646 Requirements with $3.0 Billion Appropriation Bond Financing Requirements Debt Service Cover Watana Unit Costs as Percent of ·Best Thermal Option in 1996 Cumu·l ative Net Operating Earnings by 2000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EXHIBIT 0 -PROJECT COSTS AND FINANCING This exhibit presents the estimated project cost for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project, the market value of project power and a financing plan for the project .. Alternative sources of power which were studied are a1 so presented. 1 -ESTIMATES OF COST This sect ion presents estimates of capital and operating costs for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project, comprising the \\tatana and Devil Canyon developments and associated transmission and access facilities. The rosts of design features and facilities incorporated into the project to mitigate environmental impacts during construction and operation are identified. Cash flow schedules, outlining cap·ital requirements during planning, construction, and start-up are presented. The approach to the derivation of the capital and operating costs estimates is described. The total cost of the Watana and Devil Canyon projects is summarized in Table 0.1. A more detailed breakdown of cost for each development is presented in Tables·D.2 and 0.3. 1.1 -Construction Costs This section describes the process used for deriva~ion of construction costs and discusses the Code of Accounts established, the basis for the estimates and the various assumptions made in arriving at the esti- mates. For general consistency with planning studies, all costs devel- oped for the project are: in January, 1982 dollars. (a) Code of Accounts Estimates of construct ion costs were developed using the FERC for- mat as outlined in the Federal Code of Regu1ations, Title 18 {1). The estimates have been subdivided fnto the following main cost groupings: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Production Plant Transmission Plant General Plant Indirect Costs Overhead Construction Costs . Description Costs for structures, equip- ment, and facilities necessa--y to produce power. Costs for structures, equip- ment, and facilities necessary to transmit power from the sites"to load centers. Costs for equipment and facili- ties required for the operation and maintenance of the produc- tion and transmission plant. Costs that are common to a number of construction acti vi- ties. For this estimate only camps have been identified in this group. The estimate for camps includes electric power costs. Other indirect costs have been included in the costs under production~ transmission, and general plant costs. Costs for engineering and administration. Further subdivision within these. groupings was made. on the basis of the various types of work invol ve.d, as typically shown in the following example: -Group: Product ion P1 ant -Account 332: Reservoir, Dcu-n, and Waterways -Main Structure 332. 3: Main Dam -Element 332.31: Main Dam Structure -\~ork Item 332. 311: Excavation -Typ~ of Work: Rock (b) Approach to Cost Estimating The estimating process used generally included the following steps: I I I I I I 1. I I I I I I I I I I I I -Collection and assembly of detailed cost data for labor, mater- ial, and equipment as well as information on productivity, cli- matic conditions~ and other related items; -Review of engineering drawings and technical infonnation with regard to construction methodology and feasibility; -Production of detailed quantity takeoffs from drawings in accor- dance with. the previously developed Code of Accounts and item listing; -Determination of dil-~ect unit costs for each major type of work by development of labor, material, and equipment requirements; development of other costs by use of estimating guides, quota- tions from vendors, and other information as appropriate; -Development of construction indirect costs by review of labor, material~ equipment, supporting facilities, and ovE~rheads; and -Development of construction camp size and support requirements from the 1 abor demand generated by the construction direct and indirect costs. (c) Cost Data Cost information was obtained from standard estimating sources, from sources in Alaska, from quotes by major equipment suppliers and vendors, and from representative recent hydroelectric pro- jects. Labor and equipment costs for 1982 were developed from a number of sources (2,3) and from an analysis of costs for recent projects performed in the Alaska environment. It has been assumed that contractors will work an average of two 9-hour shifts per day, 6 days per week, with an expected range as follows: Mechanical/Electrical Work Formwork/Concrete Work Excavat ion/Fi 11 Work 8-hour shifts 9-hour shifts 10-hour shifts These assumptions provide for high utilization of construction equipment and reasonable levels of overtime earnings to attract workers. The two-shift basis generally achieves the most economical balance between 1 abor and camp costs. Construction equipment costs were obtained from vendors on an FOB Anchorage basis with an appropriate allowance i.ncluded for trans- portation to site. A repr·esentative list of construction equip- ment required for the project was assembled as a basis for the estimate. It has been assumed that most equipment would be fully depreciated over the life of the project. For some activities I I I I I. I I I I I I I I •• I I I I I (d) such as construction of the ~Jatana main dam, an allowance for major overhaul was included rather than fleet replacement. Equip- ment operating costs were estimated from industry source data, with appropriate modifications for the remote nature and extreme climatic environment of the site. Fuel and oil prices have also been included based upon FOB. site prices. In format ion fat permanent mechanic a1 and electrical equipment was obtained from vendors and manufacturers who provided guideline costs on major power plant equipment~ The costs of materials required for site construction were esti- mated on the basis of suppliers' quotations, adjusted for· Alaskan d ·r· con 1 .~ 1 ons. Seasonal Influences on Productivity A review of climatic conditions together with an analysis of experience in A1 aska and in Northern Canada on 1 arge construction projects 'lias undertaken to determine the aver age duration for various key activities. It has been projected that most aboveground activities will either stop or be curtailed during the period of December and January because of the extreme cold weather and the associated lower productivity. For the main dam construction activities, the following seasons have been used: -Watana dam fill -6-month season; and -Devil Canyon arch dam -8-month season. Other aboveground activities are assumed to extend up to 11 months depending on the type of work and the criticality of the schedule. Underground activities are generally not affected by climate and should continue throughout the year. Studies by others (4) have indicated a 60 percent or greater decrease in efficiency in construct ion ope rat ions under adverse winter conditions. Therefore, it is expected that most contractors would attempt to schedule outs ide work over a period of between 6 to 10 months • Studies performed as part of this work program indicate that the general construction activity at the Susitna damsite during the months of Apt"' i 1 through September would be cornparab le with that in the northern sections of the western United States. Rainfall in the general region of the site is moderate between ·mid-April and mid-October, ranging from a low of 0.75 inches precipitation in April to a high of 5. 33 inches in August. Temperatures in this period range from 33°F to 66°F for a twenty-year average. In the five-month period from November through March the temperature ranges from 9.4°F to 20.3"F, with snowfall of 10 inches per month. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (e) Construction Methods The construction methods assumed for development of the estimate and construction schedule are generally considered as normal to the industry, in line with the avail able level of technical information. A conservative approach has been taken in those areas where more detailed information will be developed during subsequent investigation and engineering programs. For example, normal drilling, blasting, and mucking methods have been assumed for all underground excavation. Conventional equipment has also been considered for major fill and concrete work. (f) Quantity Takeoffs Detai 1 ed quantity takeoffs wer·e produced from the engineering drawings \Jsing methods normal to the industry. The quantities deve 1 oped are 1 i sted in the det ai 1 ed ~ummar y estimates in Appendix C to the Susitna Hydroelectric Feasibi 1 ity Report (5). (g) Indirect Construction Costs Indirect construction costs were estimated in detail for the civil construction activities. A more general evaluation was used for the mechanical and el£strical ~rk. Indirect costs included the following: -Mobilization; -Technical and supervisory personnel above the level of trades foremen; -All vehicle costs for supervisory personnel;,) -Fixed offices, mobile offices,. workshops, storage facilities, and 1 aydov.n areas, inc 1 ud i ng a 11 services; -General transportation for workmen on site and off site; -Yard cranes and floats; -Utilities including electrical power, heat, water, and com- pressed air; -Sm a 11 too 1 s ; -Safety program and equipment; -Financing; 0 I I I I I I I •• I I I I I I I I I I I -Bonds and securities; -Insurance; -Taxes; -Permits; -Head office overhead; -Contingency allowance; and -Profit. In developing contractors indirect costs, the following assumptions have been made: -Mobi 1 i zat ion costs have generally been spread over construct ion items; -No escalation a.llowances have been made, and therefore any risks associ a ted with esc a 1 at ion are not inc 1 uded; -Financing of progress payments has been estimated for 45 days, the average time between expenditure and reimbursement; -Holdback would be limited to a nominal amount; -Project all-risk insurance has been estimated as a contractor•s indirect cost for this estimate, but it is expected that this insurance \oJou1d be carried by the owner; and -Contract packaging would provide for the supply of major mater- ; al s to contractors at site at cost. These include fuel, el ec- tric power~ cement~ and rei~forcing steel. 1.2 -Mitigation Costs ·The project 1rrangement includes a number of features designed to mitigate potential impacts on t.he natural environment and on residents and communities in the vicinity of the pr'oject. In addition, a number of measures are planned during construction of the project to reduce similar impacts caused by construction activities. These measures and facilities represent additional costs to the project than would otherwise be required for safe and efficient operation of a hydroelectric develof111ent. These mitigation costs have been estimated at $149 million and have been summarized in Table 0.4. In addition, ·, I I I I I· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I the costs of full reservoir clearing at both sites has been estimated at $85 million. Although full clearing is considered good engineering practice, i-t ·;s not essential to the operation of the power facilities. These costs include direct and indirect costs, engineering, administration, and contingencies. [NOTE: This section will be revised to be made exact after the completion of mitigation planningo] A number of mitigation costs are associated with facilities, improvements or other programs not directly related to the project or located outside the project boundaries. These would include the following items: -Caribou barriers; -Fish channels; -Fish hatcheries; -Stream improvements; -Salt licks; -Recreational facilities; Habitat management for moose; Fish stocking program in reservoirs; and -Land acquistion cost for recreation. .) It is anticipated that some of these features or programs will not be required during or after construction of the project. In this regard a probability factor has been assigned to each of the above items, and the estimated cost of each reduced accordingly. The estimated cost of these measures, based on this procedure, is approximately $9 million. These costs have been assumed to be covered by the construction contingency. A number of studies and programs will be required to monitor the impacts of the project on the environment and to develop and record various data during project construction and operation. These include: -Archaeological studies; -Fisheries and wildlife studies; ·· Right-of -\'Jay studies; and -Socioeconomic planning studies. The costs for the above \vork have been included in the owner• s costs under project overheads. I· I - I I I ~\"·"' '.• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.3 -Engineering and Administration Costs Engineering has been subdivided into the follo\>Jing accounts for the purposes of the cost estimates: -Account 71 . Engineering and Project Management • Construct ion Management . Procurement -Account 76 <Mner' s Costs The total cost of engineering and administrative activities has been estimated at 12.5 percent of the total construction costs, including contingencies. A detailed breakdown of these costs is dependent on the organizational structure established to undertake design and management of the project, as well as more definitive data relating to the scope and nature of the various project components. However, the main .elements of cost included are as follows: (a) Engineering and Project Management Costs These costs include allowances for: -Feasibility studies, including site surveys and investigations and logistics support; -Preparation of the 1 icense application to the FERC; -Technical and administrative input (/for other federal., state and local permit and 1 icense applications; -Overall coordination and administration of engineering, con- struction management, and procurement activities; -Overall planning, coordination, and monitoring activities rel J.ted to cost and schedule of the project; -Coordination with and reporting to the Power Authority regarding all aspects of the project; -Preliminary and detailed design; -Technical input to procurement of construction services, support services, ·and equipment; I I I I I I I .I I I I I I I I I I 0 -Monitoring of construction to ensure conformance to design requirements; -Preparation of start-up and acceptance test procedures; and -Preparation of project operating and maintenance manuals. (b) Construction Management Costs Construction management costs have beer assumed to include: -Initial planning and scheduling and establishment of project procedures and organization; -Coord in at ion of onsite contractors and construction management activities; -Administration of onsite contractors to ensure harmony of trades, compliance with applicable regulations, and maintenance of adequate site security and safety requirements; -Development, coordination, and monitoring of constrvction schedules; -Construction cost control; -Material~ equipment and drawing control; ' -Inspection of construction and survey control; -Measurement for payment; -Start-up and acceptance tests for equipment and systems; -Compilation of as-constructed records; and -Final acceptance o (c) Procurement Costs Procurement costs have been assumed to include: -Establishment of project procurement procedures; -Preparation of non-technical procurement documents; -Solicitation and review of bids for construction services, sup- port services, permanent equipment, and other items required to comp 1 ete the project ; -Cost administration and control for procurement contracts; and I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . -Quality assurance services during fabrication or manufacture of equipment and other purchased items. (d) Owner•s Costs Owner 1 s costs have been assumed to include the following; -A9ministration and coordination of project management and engineering organizations; -Coordination with other state, local, and federal agencies and groups having jurisdiction or interest in the project; -Coordination with interested public groups and individuals; -Reporting to legislature and the public on the progress of the project; and -Legal costs (Account 72)o 1.4 -Allowance for Funds Used During Construction At current high levels of interest rates in the financial marketplace, AFOC will amount to a significant element of financing cost for the lengthy periods required for construction of the Watana and Devil Canyon projects. However, in economic evaluations of the Susitna project the low real rates of interest assumed waul d have a much reduced impact on assumed project development costs. Furthermore!) direct state involvement in financing of the Susitna project will also have a significant impact on the amount, if any, of AFDC. For purposes of the feasibility study, therefore, the conventional practice of calculating AFDC as a separate line item for inclusion as part of project construction cost has not been followed. Provisions for AFDC at appropriate rates of interest are made in the economic and financial analyses included in this Exhibit. 1. 5 -Escalation All costs presented in this Exhibit are at January 1982 -levels~ and consequently include no allo~'lance for future cost escalation. Thus, these costs would not be truly representative of construct ion and procurement bid prices. This is because provision must be made in such bids for continuing escalation of costs, and the extent and variation. of escalation which might take place over the lengthy construction I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I periods involved. Economic and financial evaluations take full account of such escalation at appropriate rates. 1.6 -Cash Flow and Manpower Loading Requirements The cash flow requirements for construction of \~atana and Devil Canyon are an essential input to economic and financial planntng studies. The bases for the cash flow are the construction cost estimates in January 1982 dollars and the construction schedules presented in Exhibit C, with no provision being made as such for escalation. The cash flow estimates were computed on an annual basis and do not include adjustments for advanced payments for mobilization or for holdbacks on construction contracts. The results are presented in Figures D.l through 0.3. The manpower loading requirements (5) were developed from cash flow projections. These curves were used as the basis for camp loading and associated socioeconomic impact studies. 1.7 -Contingency A contingency allowance of 17.5 percent of construction costs has been included in the cost estimates. The contingency is estimated to include cost increases which may occur in the detailed engineering phase of the project after more comprehensive site investigations and final designs have been completed and after the requirements of various concerned agencies have been satisfied. The contingency estimate also includes allowances for inherent uncertainties in costs of labor, equipment and materials, and for unforeseen conditions which may be · encountered during construction. Escalation in costs due to inflation is not inc1uded. No allowance has been included for costs associated with significant delays in project implementation. 1.8 -Previously Constructed ?roject Facilities An electrical intertie between the major load centers of Fairbanks and Anchorage is currently under construction. The line will connect existing transmission systems at Willow in the south and Healy in the north. The intertie is being built to the same standards as those proposed for the Susitna project transmission lines and will become part of the licensed project. The line will be energized initially at 138 kV in 1984 and will operate at 345 kV after the Watana phase of ~the · Susitna project is complete. The current estimate for the completed intertie is $ • ------ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I •• I I I I 2 -ESTIMATED ANNUAL PRO,JECT COSTS As a two-stag·e (Watana and Devil Canyon) development with varying levels of energy output and the assumption of ongoing inflation (at 7 percent per annum), the real cost of Susitna power will be continually varying. As a consequence~ no simple single value real cost of power can be used. Table 0.5 gives the projected year-by-year projection energy·levels on the first line and the second, the year-by-year unit cost of power in 19H2 dollars. Costs are based on power sales at cost assuming 100 percent debt finance at 10 percent interest. This is seen to r:~sult in a real cost of power of 128 mills in 1994 (first 'normal' year of Watana) falling to 72.76 mills in 2003 (the first 'normal' year of Watana and Devil Canyon). The real cost of power would then fa11 progressively for the whole remaining life. Table 0 .. 6 pr·ovides a reconstruction of the annual cost of power for 2003 in both 1982 and 2003 price levels. An underlying 7 percent inflation rate has been assumed. It is expected that the State of Alaska will introduce financial measures which will have the affect of reducing the cost of Susitna energy thus enabling its long term economic advantages to be realized without excessively high early year costs to consumers, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3 -MARKET VALUE OF PROJECT POWER This section presents an assessment of the market in the Railb~lt . region for the energy and capacity of the Susitna deve1opment. A range of rates at which this power could be priced is presented together with a proposed basis for contracting for the supply of Susitna energy. 3.1 -The Railbelt Power System Susitna capacity and energy will be delivered to the "Railbelt Region Interconnected Systemn which will result from the ·linkage of the Anchorage and Fairbanks systems by an intertie to be completed in the mid-1980s. The Railbelt region covers the Anchorage-Cook Inlet area, the Fairbanks-Tanana Valley arealt and the G1enna11en-Valdez area (Figure 0.4) •. The utilities, military installations and universities within this region which own electric generating facilities are listed in Table 0.8. The service areas of these utilities are shown in Figure 0.5 and the generating plants serving the region are listed in Table 0.9. The Railbelt region is currently served by nine major utility systems; five are rural electric cooperatives, three are municipally owned and operated, and one is a federal wholesaler. The relative mix of electric generating technolo.gies and types of fuel used by the Railbelt utilities in 1980 is summarized in Figure 0.6. In 1980, the Anchorage-Cook Inlet area had 81 percent, the Fairbanks-Tanana Valley area 17 percent, and the Glennallen-Valdez area 2 percent of the total energy sale"s in the Railbelt region. Due to the pending construction of the Willow to Healy transmission line, the Anchorage and Fairbanks power systems will be intertied before the Susitna Project comes into operation. ihe proposed intertie: will allow.a capacity transfer of up to 70 MW in either direction. The proposed plan of interconnection envisages initial operation at 138 kV with subsequent uprating to 345 kV allowing the line to be integrated into the Susitna transmission facilities. 3.2 -Regional Electric Power Demand and Supply A review of the so:ioeconomic scenarios upon which forecasts of electric power demand were based is presented in Exhibit B of this I I I I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I application. The forecasts used here are in the mid-t·ange levels made by Battelle Northwest in December 1981. The results of studies presented in Exhibit B call for Watana to come into operation in 1993 and to deliver a full year's energy generation in 1g94. Devil Canyon will come into operation in 2002 and de 1 i y,;,. J full year's energy. in 2003. Energy demand in the Rail belt region and the de 1 i veri es from Susitna are shown in Figure 0.7. 3.3 -Market and Price for Watana Output in 1994 It has been assumed that Watana energy will be supplied at a single wholesale rate on a free market basis. This requires, in effect, that Susitna energy be priced so that it is attractive even to utilities with the lowest cost alternative source of energy. On this basis it is estimated that for the initially marketable 3315 GWh of energy generated by Watana in 1994 to be attractive, a price of 145 mills per kWh in 1994 dollars is required. Justification for this price is illustrated in Figure 0.8. Note that the assumption is made that the only capital costs which would be avoided in the early 1990s would be those due to the alternative addition of new coal-fired generating p 1 ants (i.e., the 2 x 200 MW coal-fired Be 1 uga station). The Sus itna energy pric~ of 145 mills/kWh suggested here matches closely the value determined from generation planning analysis in the financial eva1 uation .. The financing considerations under which it would be appropriate for Watana energy to be sold at approximately 145 mills per kWh price are considered in Section 6 of this Exhibit; however, it should be noted that some of the energy which would be displaced by Watana's production would have been generated at a lower cost than 145 mills, and utilities- might wish to delay accepting it at this price until the escalating cost of natural gas or other fuels made it more attractiveg A number of approaches to the resolution of this probl~ can be postulated, including pre-contract arrangements. It will be necessary to contract with Railbelt Utilities for the purchase of Susitna capacity and energy on a basis appropriate to support financing of the project. Pricing policies for S_usitna output will be constrained by both cost (as defined by Alaska Senate Bill 25) and by the price of energy from the best alternative option. These options are discussed in Section 4 of this Exhibit. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Marketing Susitna's output within these twin costraints \1/0uld ensure that all state support for Susitna flowed through to consumers and under· no circumstances waul d prices to consumers be higher than they would have been under the best alternative option. In addition, o consumers would also obtain the long-term economic benefits of Susitna•s low cost energy. 3.4 -Market Price for Watana Output 1995-2001 After its initial entry into the system in 1994, the price and market for the total 3387 MWh of Watana output is cons.istently upheld over the years to 2001 by the projected 20.percent increase in total demand over this period. There waul d, as a result, be a 70 percent increase in cost savin.gs compared with the best thermal generating alternative: the increasing cost per unit of output from a system without Susitna is illustrated. in Figure D.9. 3.5 -Market and Price for \.Jatana and Devil Canyon Output in 2003 A diagramatic analysis of the total cost savings which the combined Watana and Devil Canyon output will confer on the system compared with the alternative thermal option in the year 2003 is shown in Figure D.lO. These total savings are divided by the energy contributed by Susitna to indicate a price of 250 mills per kWh as the maximum price which can be charged for Susitna output. Only about 90 percent of the total Susitna energy output will be absorbed by the system in 2002; the balance of the output will be progressively absorbed over the following decade. This will provide increasing total savings to the system from Susitna with no associated increase in costs. 3.6 -Potential Impact of State Appropriations In the preceding paragraphs the maximum price at which Susitna energy could be sold has been identified. Sale of the energy at these prices will depend upon the magnitude of any proposed state appropriation designed "to reduce the cost of Susitna energy in the earlier years. At significantly lower prices it is likely that the total system demand I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I will be higher than assumed. This, combined with a state appropriation to reduce the energy cost of vJatana energy, would make it correspondingly easier to market the output from the Susitna development; however, as the preceding analysis shows, a viable and strengthening market exists for the energy from the deve1 opment that would make it possible to price the output up to the cost of the best thermal alternative. 3.7 -Conclusions Based on the assessment of the market for power and energy output from the Susitna Hydroelectric Project, it has been concluded that with the appropriate level of state appropriation and with pricing policy as defined in Alaska State Laws, an attractive basis exists, particularly in the long term, for the Ra.ilbelt utilities to derive benefit from the Project. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4 -EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVE ENERGY PLAN 4.1 -General This section describes the process of assembling the information neces- sary to carry out the systemwide generation planning studies necessary for assessment of economic feasibility of the Susitna Project. Includ- ed is a discussion of the ftXisting system characteristics, the planned Anchorage-Fairbanks intertie, and details of various generating options including hydroelectric and thennal. Performance and cost information required for the generation planning studies is pr.esented for the hydroelectric and thermal generation options considered. The approach taken in economically evaluating the Susitna project involved the development of long term generation plans for the Railbelt electrical supply system with and without the proposed project. In order to compare the with and without plans, the cost of the plans were compared on a present worth basis. A generation planning model \'ktich simulated the operation of the system annually was used to project the annua 1 generation costs. During the pre-license phase of the Susitna project planning, two studies proceeded in parallel which addressed the alternatives in generating power in the Alaska Railbelto These studies are the Susitna Hydroelectric Project Feasibility Study done by Acres American Incorporated for the Alaska Power Authority and the Railbelt Electric ·Puwer Alternatives Study done by Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories for the Office of the Governor, State of Alaska. One objective of the Susitna Feasibility was to determine the feasibility of the proposed project. The economic 2val uations done during study found the project to be feasible as documented in this exhibit. The independent study done by Battelle focused on the feasibility of all possible generating and conservation alternatives. Although the studies vrere independent, several key factors were consistent. Both studies used the approach of comparing costs by using generation planning simulation models. Thus, selected alternatives were put into a plan context and their economic performance compared by comparirlg costs of· the plans. Additionally, parameters such as costs for fuel and capital costs and escalation were consis.tent between the two studies. The following presentation focuses primarily on the feasibility study process and findings. A separate section provides the findings of the Battelle Study, vklich generally agree with the feasibility study findings. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4.2 -Existing System Characteristics (a) System Description The two major load center~s of the Rai 1 belt region are the Anchorage-Cook Inlet area and the Fairbanks-Tanana Valley area (see Figure D.ll), which, at present, operate independently. The existing transmission system bet\'leen Anchorage and Willow consists of a network of 115 k V and 138 k V l i ries with interconnect ion to to Palmer. Fairbanks is primarily served by a 138-kV 1 i ne from the 28-f.-lW coal-fired plant at Healy. Communities between ~Jillow and Healy are served by local distribution. There are currently nine electric utili.ties (including the Alaska P.o\'Jer Administration) providing power and energy to the Railbelt system. Table 0.10 summarizes the total generating capacity within the Railbelt system in 1980~ based on information provided by Railbelt utilities and other sources. Table 0.11 presents the resulting detailed listing of units currently operating in the Railbelt, information on their performance characteristics, and their online r:\nd projected retirement dates for generation planning purposes. The total Railbelt installed capacity of 984 MW as of 1980 consists of two hydroelectric plants totaling 46 MW plus 938 MW of thermal generation units fired by oil, gas, or coal, as sumnari zed in Table 0.12. (b) Retirement Schedule In order to establish a retirement pol icy for the existing gener- ating units, several sources were consulted, including the Power· Authority's draft feasibility study guidelines, FERC guidelines, the Battelle Railbelt Alternatives Study!) and historical records. Utilities, particularly those in the Fairbanks area, were also consulted. Based on these sources, the following retirement periods of ope rat ion were adopted for use in this analysis: -Large Coal-Fired Steam Turbines (> 100 MW}: -Small Coal-Fired Steam Turbines ( < 100 MW): ~Oil-Fired Gas Turbines: -Natural Gas-Fired Gas Turbines: -Diesels: -Combined Cycle Units: -Conventional Hydro: 30 years 35 years 20 years 30 years 30 years 30 years 50 years I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table 0.12 lists the retirement dates for each of the current generating units based on the above retirement policy. (c) Schedule of Additions Six new projects were expected to be added to the Rai 1bel t system prior to 1990. The Chugach Electric Association is in the process of adding gas-fired combined-cycle capacity in Anchorage at a plant called Beluga No. 8. When complete, the total plant capacity will be 178 MW, but the plant will encompass existing Units 6 and 7. Chugach added a 26.4 MW gas turbine rehabilitation at Bernice Lake No. 4 in August 1982. The Corps of Engineers is currently in the post-authorization planning phase for the Bradley Lake hydroelectric project located on the Kenai Peninsula. The project would include between 90 and 135 MW of installed capacity and would produce an annual average energy of 350 Gwn. For analysis purposes, the project is assumed to come on line in 1988. Three other units are also scheduled or have been added to the system since 1980. Anchorage Municipal Light and Po\'ler Department is planning to add a 90 MW gas turbine in 1983-84 called AMLPD No. 8. Copper..,J Valley Electric Association is operating the new 12 MW Solomon Gulch Hydroelectric Project. Finally, the 7 MW Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project is undergoing planning for addition to the system in 1988 by the Alaska Power Authority. 4.3 -Fairbanks -Anchorage Intertie Engineering studies have been undertaken for construction of an inter- tie between the Anchorage and Fairbanks systems. As presently envis- aged, this connection \~11 involve a 345-kV transmission line between Willow and Healy scheduled for completion in 1984. The line will initially be ope.rated at 138 kV with the capability for expansion as the loads grow in the load centers. Based on these evaluations, it was concluded that an interconnected system should be assumed for the generation planning studies, and that the basic intertie facilities vmuld be common to all generation scenarios considered. Costs of additional transmission facilities were added to the scenarios as necessary for each unit added. In the 11 With Sus itnan scenarios, the costs of adding circuits to the intertie corridor were added to the I I I I I I •• I I I .I IG I I I I I I I Susitna project cost. For the non-Susitna units, transmission costs were added as follows: -No costs were added for combined-cycle or gas-turbine units, since they were assumed to have sufficient siting flexibility to be placed near the major transmission works; -A multiple coal-fired unit development in the Beluga fields was esti- mated to have a transmission system with equal security to that planned for Susitna, costing $220 mi11ion. This system would take power from the bus back to the existing load center; and -A single coal-fired unit development in the Nenana area using coa1 mined in the Healy fields would require a transmission system costing $117 million dollars. With the addition of a unit in the Fairbanks area in the 1990s, no additions to the 345 kV 1 ine were considered necessary. Thus,, no other transmission changes were made to the non-Susitna plans. 4.4 -Hydroelectric Alternatives Numerous studies of hydroelectric potential in Alaska have been under- taken. These date as far back as 1947 and were performea by various agencies including the then Federal Power Commission, the Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, the U.S. Geological Survey, and the State of Alaska. A significant amount of the identified potential is located in the Railbelt region, inc"!uding several sites in the Susitna River Basin. (a) Selection Process The application of the five-step methodology (Figure 0.12) for selection of non-Susitna plans which incorporate hydroelectric developments is summarized in this section. The analysis was completed in early 1981 and is based on January 1981 cost figures; all other· parameters are contained in the Development Selection Report {6). Step 1 of this process essentially established the overall objective of the exercise as the selection of an optimum Railbelt generation plan which incorporated the proposed non- Susitna hydroelectric developments for compariso.n with other plans. Under Step 2 of the selection process~ all feasible candidate sites were identified for inclusion in the subsequent screening exercise. A total of 91 potential sites were obtained from inventories of potential sites published in. the COE National I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I· I I I I Hydropower Study and the Power Administration report· "Hydroelectric Alternatives for the Alaska Rai lbelt .·11 The screening of sites under Step 3 required a total of four successive iterations to reduce the number of alternatives to a manageable short list. The overall objective of this process was defined as the selection of approximately 10 sites for consideration in plan formulation, essentially on the basis of published data on the sites and appropriately defined criteria. Figure 0.13 shows 49 of the sites which remained after the two initial screens. In Step 4 of the plan selection process, the ten sites shortlisted under Step 3 were further refined as a basis for fonnul at ion of Railbelt generation plans. Engineering sketch-type layouts were produced for each of the sites, and quantities and capital costs were evaluated. These costs, listed in Table D.l3, inccl"'porate a 20 percent allowance for contingencies and 10 percent for engineering and owner's administration. A total of five plans were formulated incorporating various combinations of these sites as input into the Step 5 evaluations. Power and energy values for each of the developments were reevaluated in Step 5 utilizing monthly streamflow and a computer reservoir simulation model. The results of these calculations are summarized in Table 0.13. The essential objective of Step 5 was established as the derivation of the optimum plan for the future Railbelt generation incorporating non-Susitna hydro generation as well as required thermal generation .. (b) Selected Sites The selected potential non-Susitna Basin hydro developments were ranked in tenms of their economic cost of energy. They were then introduced into the all-thermal generating scenario during the generation planning analyses, in groups of two or three. The, most economic schemes were introduced first and were followed by the 1 ess economic schemes. The methods of analysis are the same as those discussed in Section 4.5 (f). The results of these analyses, completed in early 1981, are summarized in Table D.14 and illustrate that a minimum total 1 system cost can be achieved by the introduction of the Chakachamna, Keetna, and Snow projects (See also Figure 0.14). Note that further studies of the Chakachamna project were initiated in mid.;.1981 by Bechtel for the Alaska Power Authority. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (c) Lake Chakachamna Bechtel Civil and Minerals studied the feasibility of developing the power potential of Lake Chakachamna. The 1 ake is on the west side of Cook Inlet 85 miles west of Anchorage. Its water surface 1 ies at about elevation 1140 feet. Two basic alternatives have been identified to harness the hydraulic head for the generation of electrical ertergy. One is vi a the valley of the Chakachatna River. This river runs out of the easterly end of the lake and :escents to about elevation 400 feet where the river leaves the confines of the valley and spi 11 s out onto a broad alluvial flood pla:i-fh A maximum hydrostatic head of about 740 feet could be developed via this alternative. The other alternative is for development by diversion of the lake outflow to the valley of the McArthur River which lies to the southeast of the lake outlet.. A m,aximum hydrostatic head of about 960 feet could be harnessed by this diversion. (i) Project Layout The Be.chtel study evaluated the merits of develC\ping the power potential by diversion of water southeasterly to the McArthur river vi a a tunnel about 10-mil es long, or easterly down the Chakachatna valley either by a tunnel about 12-miles long or by a dam and tunnel development. In the Chakachatna valley, few sites, adverse foundation conditions, the need for a large capacity spillway and the nearby presence of an active volcano made it evident that the feasibility of constructing a darn there would be problematical. The main thrust of the initial study was therefore directed toward the tunne 1 alternatives. Two alignments were studied for the McArthur tunnel. The first considered the shortest distance that gave no opportunity for an additional point of access during construction via an intermediate adit. The second alignment was about a mile. longer, but gave an additional point of access, thus reducing the lengths of headings and also the time required for construction of the tunnel. Cost comparisons nevertheless favored the shorter 10-mile 25-foot diameter tunnel. The second alignment running more or less parallel to the Chakachatna River in the right (southerly) wall of the valley afforded two opportunities for intermediate access adits. These, plus the upstream and downstream portals would allow construction to proceed simultaneously in 6 headings and reduce the construction time·by 18 months from that required for the McArthur tunnel • I I I I I I I I ( i i) I • • I I I I I I I I. I If all the controlled \t~ater were used for power generation, the McArthur po~1er·house could support 400 MW installed . capacity, and produce average annual firm energy of 1753 GWh. The effects of making a provisional reservation of - approximately 19 percent of the average annual inflow to the 1 ake for instream flow requirements in the Chakachatna River were found to reduce the economic tunnel diameter to ~3 feet. The·installed capacity in the powerhouse would then be reduced to 330 MW and the average annual firm energy to 1446 MW. For the Chakachatna powerhouse, diversion of all the controlled water for power generation would support an installed capacity of 300 MW with an average annual firm energy generation of 1314 GWh. Provisional reservation of approximately 0. 8 percent of the average annual inflow to the 1 ake for instrean flow requirements in the Chakachatna River was regarded as having neg 1 i g ib 1 e effect on the installed capacity and average annual firm energy because that reduction is within the accuracy of the Bechtel study. Technical Evaluation and Discussion Several alternative methods of developing the project have been identified and reviewed. Based on theoanalyses performed, the more viable alternatives have been identified by Bechtel for further study . -Chakachatna Dam Alternative The construction of a dam in the Chakachatna River canyon approximately 6 miles downstream from the lake outlet, does not appear to be a reasonable alternative. While the site is topographically suitable, the foundation conditions in the river valley and left abutment are poor .. Furthermore, its environmental impact specifically on the fisheries resource will be significant although provision of fish passage facilities could mitigate this impact to a certain extent. -McArthur Tunnel Alternatives A and B Diversion of flow from Chakachanma Lake to the McArthur valley to develop a head of approximately 900 feet has been identified as. the most advantageous with respect to energy production and cost.- The geologic conditions for the various project facilities including intake, power tunnel, and powerhouse appear to be favorable based on a 1981 field reconnaissance. No d. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I insurmountable engineering problems appear to exist in development of the project. Alternative A, in M'lich essentially all stored water would be diverted· form Chakachamna Lake for power product ion purposes could deliver 1664 GWh of firm energy per year· to Anchorage and provide 400 MW of peaking capacity. Hovever~ since the flow of the Chakachatna River below the 1 ake outlet would be adversely affected, the existing anadromous fishery resource \lmich uses the river to gain entry to the lake and its tributaries for spawning, would be lost. In addition, the fish which spawn in the lower Chakachatna River would also be impacted due to the much reduced river flow. For this reason, A1 ternative B hq.s been developed, with essentially the same project arrangement except that approximately 19 percent of the average annual flow into Chakachamna Lake would be released into the Chakac~;atna River below the lake outlet to maintain the fishery resource. Because of the smaller flow available for power production, the installed capacity of the project would be reduced to 330 MW and the firm energy delivered to Anchorage \'vQul d be 1374 GWh per year. Obviously, the long term environmental impacts of the project in this Alternative B are significantly reduced in comparison to Alternative A, since the river flow is maintained, albeit at a reduced amount. Estimated project costs for Alternatives A and Bar-e $L5 bill ion and $1.45 billion respectively. -Chakachatna Tunnel Alternatives C and 0 An alternative to the development of this hydroelectric resource by diversion of flows from Chakachamna Lake to the McArthur River is by constructing a tunnel thorugh the right wall of the Chakachatna valley and locating the powerhouse near the downstream end of the valley. The general la,Ynut of the project would be similar to that of Alternatives A and B for a slightly longer pov~er tunnel. The geologic conditions for the various project features including intake, power tunnel, and powerhouse appear to be favorable and very simi 1 ar to those of A1ternat ives A and B. Similarly, no insurmountable engineering problems appear to exist in development of the project. Alternative C, in \'lhich essentially all stored v1ater is diverted from Chakachamna Lake for power production, could deliver 1248 GWh of firm energy per year to Anchorage and provide 300 M~J of peaking capability. \4hile the riverflow I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I in the Chakachatna River bel ow the powerhouse at the end of the canyon wi 11 not be substantially affected, the fact that no releases are pt"OVided into the river at the lake outlet will cause a substantial impact on the anadromous fish which normally enter the 1 ake and pass through it to the upstream tributaries. Alternative D was therefore proposed in which a release of 30 cfs is maintained at the 1 ake outlet to facilitate fish passage thorugh the canyon section into the 1 ake. In either of Alternatives C or D the environmental impact would be 1 imited to the Olakachatna River as_opposed to Alternatives A and B in which both the Chakachatna and McArthur Rivers would be affected. Since the instream flow-release. for Alternative Dis less than 1 percent of the total available flow~ the power production of Alternative 0 can be regarded as being the same as those of Alternative C (300 MW peaking capability, 1248 GWh of firm energy delivered to Anchorage). Estimated project costs for Alternatives C and 0 are $1.6 billion and $1.65 billion respectively. 4.5 -T~ermal Options -Development Selection As discussed earlier in this section, the major portion of generating capability in the Rai lbelt is currently thermal; principally natural gas with some coal-and oil-fired installations. There is no doubt that the future electric energy demand in the Rai lbelt could be satisfied by an all-thermal generation mix. In the following paragraphs, an outline is presented of the analysis undertaken in the feasibility study to determine an appropriate all-thermal generation scenario for comparison with the Susi tna hydroelectric scenario. (a) Assessment of Thermal Alternatives The overall objective established for this selection process was the selection of an optimum all-thermal Railbelt generation plan for comparison with other plans (Figure 0.15). Primary consideration was given to gas, coal, and oil-fired generation sources which are the most readily developable alternatives in the Railbelt from the standpoint of technical and ecof)omic feasibility. The broader perspectives of other alternative resources such as peat, refuse, geothermal, wind and solar and the relevant environmental, social, and other issues involved were addressed in the Battelle alternatives study (32). I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I As such, a screening process was therefore considered unnecessary in this study, and emphasis was placed on selection of unit sizes appropriate for inclusio'n in the generation ·planning ·exercise. For analysis purposes the fallowing types of thennal power generation units were considered: -Coal-fired steam; -Gas-fir·ed combined-cycle; -Gas-fired gas turbine; and -Diesel. The following paragr·aphs present the thermal options used in developing the present without Susitna plan. (b) Coal-Fired Steam A coal-fired steam plant is one in which steam is generated by a coal-fired boiler and used to drive a steam-turbine generator. Cooling of these units is accomplished by steam condensation in cooling to\"'ers or by direct water cooling. Aside from the military power plant at Fort Wainwright_and the self supplied generation at the University of Alaska~ there are currently two coal-fir-ed steam plants in operat')~p in the Rail belt. These plants are small in comparison with new units under consideration in the lower 48 states and in Alaska. (i) Capital Costs A detai 1 ed cost study was done by Ebasco Services Incorpor- ated as part of Battelle's alternative study. The report found that it was feasible to establish a plant at either the undeveloped Beluga field or near Nenanas using Healy field coal. The study produced costs and operating characteristics for both plants. All new coal units were estimated to have an average heat rate of 10,000 Btu/kWh and involve an average construction period of five to six years. Capital costs and operating parameters are defined for coal and other thenmal generating plants in Table 0.15. It was found that, rather than develop solely at one field in the non-Susitna case, development would be 1 i kely to take pl ace(L in both fields. Thus, one unit would be developed near Nenana to service the Fairbanks load center~ with other units placed in the Beluga fields. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I To satisfy the national New Performance Standards, the cap- ital costs incorporate provision for installation of flue gas de.sulfurization for sulphur control, highly efficient combustion technology for cor.trol of nitrogen acids, and baghouses for particulate removal. (ii) Fuel Costs Fuel costs based on long-term opportunity values were set at $L 43/MMBtu for Beluga field coal and $1. 75/MMBtu for Healy coal to be used at Nenana. Real escalation on these values was estimated as follows: Beluga/Coal Healy Coal at Nenana 1982-2000 2.6% 2.3% 2001-2010 1.2% lol% Details of the fuel cost infonnation are included in Reference 31 of this report. (iii) Other Performance Characteristics Annual operation and maintenance costs and representative forced outage rates are shown in Table 0.15. (c) Combined Cycle A combined cycle plant is one in which electricity is generated partly in a gas turbine and partly in a steam turbine cycle. Com- bined cycle plants achieve higher efficiencies than conventional gas turbines. There are two combined cycle plants in Alaska at present. One is operational and the other is under construction. The plant under construct ion is the Beluga No. 8 unit owned by Chugach Electric Assoc·iation (CEA}. It is a 42-MW steam turbine!t which will be added to the system in late 1982, and utilize heat from curr·ently operating gas turbine units, Beluga Nos. 6 and 7. (i) Capital Costs A new combined cycle plant unit size of 200-MW capacity was considered to be representative of future additions to gen- erating capability in the Anchorage area. This is based on economic sizing for plants in the lower 48 states and pro- jected load increases in the Railbelt. A heat rate of 8, 000 Btu/kWh was adopted based on the alternative study completed by Battelle. The capital cost was estimated using the Battelle study basis and is listed in Table 0.15. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I •• I " I I (ii) Fuel Costs The combined cycle facilities would burn only gas v1ith a domestic market value of $3.00 per MM Btu was chosen to reflect the equitable value of gas in Anchorage, assuming development of the export market. Currently, the local incremental gas market price is about one-third of this amount due to the relatively 1 ight local demands and limited facilities for export. Using an approach similar to that used for coal costs, a real annual growth rate in gas costs of 2. 5 percent (1982-2000} and 2 percent (2000-2040) was used in the analysis. (iii) Other Performance Characteristics Annual operation and maintenance costs, along with a repre- sentative forced outage rate, are given in Table 0.15. { d} Gas-Turbine Gas turbines burn natural gas or oil in units similar to jet engines which are coupled to electric generators. These also require an appropriate water coo 1 i ng arrangement. Gas turbines are by far the main source of thennal power generating resources in the Railbelt area at present. There are 470 MW of installed gas turbines operating on natural gas in the Anchorage area and approximately 168 MW of oil-fired gas turbines . supplying the Fairbanks area {see Table 0.11). Their low initial cost, simplicity of construction and operation, and relatively short implementation lead time have made them attractive as a _Railbelt generating alternative~ The extremely low-cost contract gas in the Anchorage area also has made this type of generating facility cost-effective for the Anchorage load center. (i) Capital Costs A unit size of 75 MW v.Jas considered to be representative of a modern gas turbine p1ant addition in the Railbelt region., 1-bwever, the possibility of installing gas turbine units at Beluga was not considered, since the Beluga development is at this time primarily being considered for coal. Gas turbine plants Gan be built over a tvm-year construc- tion period and have an average heat rate of approximately 10,000 Btu/kWh. The capital costs were again taken fran the Battelle alternatives study. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (ii) Fuel Costs Gas turbine units can be operated on oil as well as natural gas. The opportunity value and market cost for oil are considered to be equa 1, at $6. 50 per mill ion Btu. The real ... annual growth rates ·in oil costs used were 2 percent for 1982-2000 and 1 percent for 2000-2040. (iii) Other Performance Characteristics Annual operation and maintenance costs and forced outage rates are shown in Table 0.15. (e) Diesel Power Generation Most di ese.l plants in the Ra i 1 be 1 t today are on standby status or are operated only for peak load service~ Nearly all the -continu- ous duty units were retired in the past several years because of high fuel prices. About 65 MW of diesel plant capacity is cur- rently available. ( i) Capital Costs The high cost of diesel fuel and low capital cost makes new diesel plants most effective for emergency use or in remote areas where small loads exist. A unit size of 10 MW vJas selected as appropriate for this type of facility. The capital cost was derived from the same source as given in Table 0.15. (ii) Fuel Costs Diesel fuel costs and growth rates are the same as oil costs for gas turbines. (iii) Other Performance Character-istics Annual operation and maintenance and the forced outage rate are given in Table 0.15. (f) Plan Formulation and Evaluation The four candidate unit types and sizes were used to formulate plans for meeting future Rai1belt power generation requirements. The objective of this exercise was defined as the formulation of appropriate plans for meeting the projected Rai lbelt demand on the basis of economic preferences. Economic evaluation of any Susitna Basin development plan requires that the impact of the plan on the cost of energy to the Rai lbelt ., I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I area consumer be assessed on a systemwide basis. Since the consumer is supplied by a large number of different generating sources, it is necessary to determine the total Railbelt system cost in each case to compare the. various Susitna Basin development options. The primary tool used for system costs was the mathematical model developed by the Electricity Utility Systems Engineering Department of the General Electric Company. The model is commonly known as OGP5 or Optimized Generation Planning Model, Version 5. The following information is paraphrased from GE 1 iterature on the program. The OGP5 program was developed over ten years to combine the three main elements of generation expansion planning (system reliability, operating and investment costs) and ·automate generation addition decision analysis. OGP5 will automatically develop optimum generation expansion patterns in terms of economics, reliability and operation. Many utilities use OGP5 to study load management, unit size, capital. and fuel costs, energy storage~ forced outage rates, and forecast uncertainty. The OGP5 program requires an extensive system of specific data to perform its planning function. In developing an optimal plan, the ptograrn considers the existing and committed units (planned and under construction) available to the system and the characteris- tics of these units including age, heat rate, size and outage rates as the base generation plan. The program then considers the given load forecast and operation criteria to determine the need for additional system capacity based on given reliability criteria. This determines "how much" capacity to add and 11 Whenu it should be installed. If a need exists during any monthly iteration, the program will consider additions from a list of alternatives and select the avail able unit best fitting the system needs. Unit selection is made by computing production costs for the system for each alternative included and comparing the results. The unit resulting in the lowest system production costs is selected and added to the system. Finally, an investment cost analysis of the capital costs is completed to answer the question of 11 What kind" of generation to add to the system. The ~odel is then further used to compare alternative plans for meeting variable electrical demands, based on system reliaoility and production costs for the study period. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Thus, it should be recognized that the production costs modeled represent only a port ion of ultimate consumer costs and in effect are only a portion, albeit major, of total costs. The use of the output from the generation planning model is in Sect ion 4. 6{ a). 4. 6 -Without Susitna P 1 an In order to analyze the economics of developing the Susitna project, it was necessary to analyze the costs of meeting the projected Alaska Railbelt load forecast with and without the project. Thus, a plan using the identified components was developed. Using the OGP5 system model, a, base case 11 Without Susitna11 plan was structured based rin middle .range projections. The base case input to the model included: -Batte11 e' s middle range load for·ecast (Exhibit B); -Fuel cost as specified; -Coal-fired steam and gas-fired combined-cycle and combustion turb·ine units as future additions to the system; -Costs and characteristics of future additions as specified; -The existing system as specified and scheduled commitments 1 i sted in Tab 1 e D .. ~.2 ; -Middle range fuel escalation as specified; -Economic parameters of three percent interest and zero percent gener-· a 1 in fl at ion ; -Real escalation on operation and maintenance and capital costs at a rate of 1.8 percent to 1992 and 2 percent thereafter; and -Generation system reliability set to a loss of load probability of v~e day. in ten years. This is a probabilistic measure of the inabil- ity of the generating system to meet projected load. One day in ten years is a value generally accepted in the industry for planning gen- eration systems. The model was initially to be operated for a period from 1982-2000. It was found that, under the medi urn load forecast, the critical period for capacity addition to the system would be in the winter of 1992-1993. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Until that time" the existing system, given the additions of the planned intertie and the planned units, appear to be sufficient to meet Railbelt demands. Given this information, the period of plan develop- ment using the model was set as 1993-2010. The following was established as the non-Susitna Railbelt base plan (see Figure 0.16): (a) System as of January 1993 Co a f:::lrred"'"s"te am: ................. M,. Natural gas GT: Oil GT: Diesel: Natural gas CC: Hydropower: Total (including committed 59 MW 452 MW 140 MW 67 MW 317 MW 155 MW conditions): 1190 MW (b) System Additions Gas Fired Gas Turbine Year 1993 1994 1996 1997 1998 2001 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2009 Total (c) System as of 2010 Coal-fired steam: Natural gas GT: Oi 1 GT: Diesel: Natural gas CC: Hydropu wer: {MW) 1 X 70 1 X 70 1 X 70 1 X 70 1 X 70 2 X 70 1 X 70 1 X 70 630 Total (accounting for 813 MW 746 MW 0 MW 6 MW 317 MW 155 MW retirements and additions) 2037 MW Coal Fired Unit (MW) 1 x 200 (Beluga Coal) 1 x 200 {Beluga Coal) 1 x 200 (Nenana/Healy Coal) 1 X 200 (Be 1 ug a Co a 1 ) 800 .. ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I There is one particularl·Y important assumption underlying the plan~ The costs associated with the Beluga development are based on the opening of that coal field for commercial development.. That development is not a certainty now and is somewhat beyond the control of the state, since the rights are in the hands of private inte"fests. Even if the seam is mined for export, there will be environmental problems to ovet--come. The greatest problem will be the availability of cooling water for the units. The problem could be solved in the 11 WOrstn case by using the sea water from Cook Inlet as cooling water; however, this solution would add significantly to project costs. Two alternatives which Battelle included in their base plan M'lich have not been included in this plan are the Chakachcunna and Allison Creek hydroelectric plants. The Chakachamna plant is currently the subject of a feasibility study by the Power Authority. The current plan would develop a 330 MW plant at a cost of $1.45 bi 11 ion at January, 1982 price levels. The plant would produce nearly 1500 G\aJh on an average annual basis. Due to some current questions regarding the feasibility of the Chaka- chamna plant, it has not been included in the non-Susitna plan. It has been checked, however, in the sensitivity analysis presented later in this sect ion. The Allison Creek Hydroelectric Project was included on the non-Susitna base plan by Battelle. It has not been included in this base plan due to its high costs ($125/MWh in 1981 dollars). The thermal plan described above has been selected as representative of the generation scenario that would be pursued in the absence of Susit- rra. The selection has been confirmed by the Battelle results which show an almost identical plan to be the 1 owest cost of any non-Susitna plan. 4.7 -Economic Evaluation This section provides a discussion of the key economic parameters used in the study and develops the net economic benefits steaming fran the Susitna Hydroelectric Project. Section 4. 7 (a) deals with those econo.11ic principles relevant to the analysis of net economic benefits and develops inflation and discount rates and the Alaskan opportunity values (shadow prices) of oil, na:tural gas and coal. In particular the ana 1 ys is is focused on the longer-term prospects for coal market~ and prices. This folloWs from the evaluation that, in the absence of Susitna, the next best thermal generation plan would rely on exploitation of Alaskan coal. The future coal price is thetefore considered in detai 1 to provide rigorous estimates of pric~s in the I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • I I I most likely alternative markets and hence the market price of coal at the mine-head within the state~ Section 4.7 (c) presents the net economic benefits of the proposed hydroelectric power investments compared with this thermal alternative .. These are measured in terms of present valued differences between benefits and costs. Recognizing that even the most careful estimates will be surrounded by a degree of uncertainty, the benefit-cost assessments are also carried out in a probabilistic framework as shown in Section 4 .. 8. The. analysis therefore provides both a most likely estimate of net economic benefits accruing to the state and a range of net economic benefits that can be expected with a likelihood {confidence level) of 95 percent or more. (a) Economic Principles and Parameters (i) Economic Principles -Concept of Net Economic Benefits A necessary condition for maximizing the increase in state income and economic growth is the selection· of public or private investments with the highest present valued net benefits to the state. In the context of Alaskan electric ·po~r investments, the net benefits are defined as the dif- ference between the costs of optimal Susitna-incl usive and Susitna-excl usi ve (all thermal) gene rat ion plans. The energy costs of power generation are initially measured in terms of opportunity values or shadow prices which may differ from accounting or market prices currently prevail- ing in the state. The concept and use of opportunity val- ues is fundamental to the optimal allocation of scarce re- sources. Energy investment decisions should not be made solely on the basis of accounting prices in the state if the international value of traded energy commodities such as coal and gas diverge from local market prices. The choice of a time horizon is also crucial. If a short- tenn planning period is selected, the investment rankings and choices will differ markedly from those obtained through a long-term perspective. In other words, the benefit-cost analysis would point to different generation expansion plans depending on the selected planning period. A short-run optimization of state income would, at best, allow only a moderate growth in fixed capital investment; at worst, it would lead to underinvestment in not only the energy sector but al sc in other infrastructure facilities such as roads, airports, hospitals, schools, and communica- tions • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I It therefore follows that the Susitna Project, like other Alaskan investments, should be appraised on the basis of long-run optimization, where the long-run is defined as the expected economic life of the facility. For hydroelectric projects, this service life is typically 50 years or more. The costs of a Susitna-inclusive generation plan have . therefore been compared with the costs of the next-best alternative which is the all-thermal generation plan and assessed over a planning period extending from 1982 to 2040, using internally consistent sets of economic scenatios ar.d appropriate opportunity values of Alaskan energy .. Throughout the analysis, all costs and prices are expressed in real (inflation-adjusted) terms using January 1982 dol- lars. Hence, the results of the economic calculations are not sensitive to modified assumptions concerning the rates of general ptice inflation. In contrast, the financial and market analyses conducted in nominal (inflation-inclusive) terms will be influenced by the rate of general price inflation from 1982 to 2051. ·· (ii) Price Inflation and Discount 1ates -General Price Inflation -------------------~ Despite the fact that price levels are generally higher in Alaska than in the Lower 48, there is little differ- ence in the comparative rates of price changes; i .. e.~ price inflation. Between 1970 and 1978, for example, the U .. S~ and Anchorage consumer price indexes rose at annual rates of 6.9 and 7.1 percent, respectively. Froml977 to 1978, the differential was even smaller: the consumer prices increased by 8. 8 percent and 8. 7 percent in the U.S. and Anchorage (7). Forecasts of Alaskan prices extend only to 1986 (8). These indic~te an average rate of incr·ease of 8. 7 percent from 1980 to 1986. For the 1 onger period between 1986 and 2010~ it is assumed that Alaskan prices will es- calate at the overall U.S. rate, or at 5 to 7 percent compounded annually. The average annual r·ate of price inflation is therefore about 7 percent between 1982 and 2010.. Since this is consistent with long-term forecasts of the CPI advanced by leading economic consulti.ng organizations, 7 percent has been adopted as the study V a, 110. ( Q 1{) \ • ""''-\ .,., ' ... " I • -Discount Rates Discount rates are required to compare and aggregate cash flows occurring in different time periods of the pla.nning I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I horizon. In essence, the discount rate is a weighting factor reflecting that a dollar received tomorrow is worth less than a dollar received today. This holds even in an inflation-free economy as long as the productivity of capital is positive. In other words, the value of a dollar received in the future must be deflated to reflect its earning power foregqne by not receiving it today. The use of discount rates extends to both real dollar (economic) and escalated dollar {financial) evaluations, with corresponding inflation-adjusted (real) and inflation-inclusive (nominal) values .. • Real Discount and Interest Rates Several approache.s have been suggested for estimating the real discount rate applicable to public projects (or to private projects from the public perspective). Three common alternatives include: .. the social opportunity cost (SOC) rate; •. the social time preference (STP) rate; and .. . the government! s rea 1_ borrowing rate or the real cost of debt capital ( 11, 12, 13). The SOC rate measures the real social return (before taxes and subsidies) that capital funds could earn in alternative investments. If, for example, the marginal capital investment in Alaska has an estimated social yield of X percent, the Susitna Hydroelectric Project should be appraised using the X percent measure of ~•foregone returns" or opportunity costs. A shortcoming for this concept is the difficulty inherent in deter- mining the nature and yields of the foregone invest- ments. The STP rate measures society's prefere'lces for allo- cating resources between investment and consumption. This approach is also fraught with practical measure- ment difficulties since a wide range of STP rates may be inferred from market interest rates and socially- desirable rates of investment. A sub-set of STP rates used in project evaluations is the owner • s real cost of borrowing; that is, the real cost of debt capital. This industrial or government borrowing rate may be readily measured and provides a starting point for determining project-specific dis- count rates. For example! long-term industri a1 bond I I I I I I I I I I I ·I I I I I I I I rates have aver aged about 2 to 3 percent in the Ue S. in real (inflation-adjusted) terms (9,14). Forecasts of real interest rates show average values of about 3 percent and 2 percent in the periods of 1985 to 1990 and 1990 to 2000, respectively. The U.So ftlclear Regulatory Comnission has also analyzed the choice of discount rates for investment appraisal in the electric utility industry and has reconmended a 3 percent real rate ( 30). Therefore, a rea 1 rate of 3 percent has been adopted as the base case discount and interest rate for the period 1982 to 2040 • . Nominal Discount and interest Rates The nominal discount and interest rates are derived from the real values and the anticipated rate of gen-. eral price inflation.. Given a 3 percent real discount rate and a 7 percent rate of price inflation, the nomi- nal discount rate is determined as 10.2 percent or about 10 percent*. {iii} Oil and Gas Prices -Oil Prices In the base period (January 1982), the Alaskan 1982 dollar price of No. 2 fuel oil is estimated at $6.50/ f'MBtu .. Long-term trends in oil prices wi 11 be inf1 uenced by events that are economic, pol iticai and technological in nature, and are therefore estimated within a probabilis- tic framework. As sho.wn in Table 0.16, the base case (most likely es- calation rate) is estimated to be 2 percent to 2000 and 1 percent from 2000 to 2040. To be-consistent with Battelle forecasts, a 2 oercent rate was used throughout the OGP planning period 1982 to 2010 and 0 percent there- after. In other scenarios the growth rates were est~mated crt 0 percent from 1982-2051 {low growth); and at 4 percent to. 2000, and 2 percent beyond 2000 (high growth). These projections are also consistent with * (1 +the nominal rate) = (1 +the real rate) x (1 +the inflation rate) = 1. 03 x 1. 07, or 1.102 I I I" I I I I I •I I I I I 'I I ·I I I I / .. those recently advanced by such organizations as DRI (15), World Bank (16), U.S. DOE (17)-, and Canadian National Energy Board (18). -Gas Prices Alaskan gas prices have been forecast using both export opportunity values (netting back CIF prices from Japan to Cook Inlet) and domestic market prices as likely to be faced in the future by Alaskan electric utilities. The generation planning analysis used market prices as estimated by Battelle, since· there are indications that Cook Inlet reserves may remain insufficient to serve new export markets • . Domestic Market Prices Table 0.17 depicts the low, medium and high domestic market prices used in the 9eneration planning analysis. In the medium {most likely) case, prices escalate at real rates of 2. 5 percent from 1982 to 2000 and 2 percent beyond 2000. In the 1 ow case, there is zero escalation and in the high case, gas prices grow at 4 percent 1982 to 2000 and 2 percent beyond 2000 • . Export Opportunity Values Table 0.17 also shows the current and projected oppor- tunity value of Cook Inlet gas in a scenario where the Japanese ex port market for LNG continues to be the al- ternative to domestic demand. Fron a base period plant gate price of $4.69 Mt4Btu ( CIF Japan), low, medium and high price escalation rates have been estimated for the intervals 1982 to 2000 and 2000 to 2040. The cost of liquefaction and shipping (assumed to be constant in real terms) was subtracted from the escalated CIF prices to derive the Cook Inlet pl ant-g ..... te prices and their growth rates. These Alaskan opportunity values are projected to escalate at 2. 7 percent and 1. 2 per- cent in the med i urn (most 1 ike 1 y) case. Nqte that the export opportunity values consistently exceed the domestic prices. In the year 2000, for examp1.e, the opportunity value is nearly daub le the domestic. price estimated by Battelle. ~iv) Coal Prices The shadow price or opportunity value of Beluga and Healy coal is the delivered price in alternative markets less the cost of transportation to those markets. The most likely I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I alternative demand for thermal coal is the East Asian market, principally Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. The development of 60-year forecasts of coal prices in these markets is conditional on the procurement policies of the importing nations. These factors, in turn, are influenced to a 1 arge extent by the price movements of crude o i 1. -Historical Trends Examination of historical coal price trends reveals that FOB and CIF prites have escalated at annual real rates of 1.5 percent to 6.3 percent as shown below: • Coal prices (bituminous, export unit value, FOO U.S. ports} grew at real annual rates of 1.5 percent (1950 to 1979) and 2. 8 percent {1972 to 1979) (17). · In Alaska, the price of thermal coal sold to the GVEA utility advanced at real rates of 2 .. 2 percent (1965 to 1978) and 2. 3 percent (1970 to 1978) •. • In Japan, the average CIF prices of steam coal experi- enced real escalation rates of 6. 3 percent per year in the period 1977 to 1981 (26,27}. This represents an increase in the average price from approximately $35.22 per metric ton (mt} in 1977 to about $76. 63/mt in 1981. As shown below, export prices of coal are highly correl- ated with oil prices, and an analysis of production costs has not predicted accurately the level of coal prices. Even if the production cost forecast itself is accurate, it \vill establish a minimum coal price, rather than the market clearing price set by both supply .and demand con- ditions .. • In real terms export prices of U.S .. coal showed a 94 percent and 92 percent correlation with oil prices (1950 to 1979 and 1972 to 1979).* • Supply function (product ion :::ost) analysis has estimated Canadian coal at a price of $23.70 {1980 U.S. $/ton) for S.E. British Columbia (B.C.) coking coal, FOB Roberts Bank, B. C., Canada (24, 29). In fact, o Kaiser Resources (now B. C. Coal Ltd.) has signed agree<L~ *Analysis is based on data from the World Bank. I •• I I I I I •• I I I I I I I I I I ·I ments with Japan at an FOB Price. of about $47.50 {1980 U .. S. $/ton) (25). This is 100 percent more than the price estimate based on production costs. • The same comparison for Canadian· B. C. thermal coal in- dicates that the expected price of $55.00 (1981 Canadian$) per MT {2200 pounds) or about $37.00 (1980 U.S. $) per ton ~ul d be 60 percent above estimates founded on product ion costs {24, 25, 29). • In longer-term coal export contracts, there has been provision for reviewing the base price {regardless of escalation clauses) if significant developments occur in. pricing or markets. That is, prices may respond to market conditions even before the expiration of the contract.* · • Energy-importing nations in Asia, especially Japan, have a stated pol icy of diversified procurement for their coal supplies. They wi 11 not buy only from the lowest-cost supplier (as would be the case in a per- fectly competitive model of coal trade) but instead wi 11 pay a risk premi urn to ensure security of supply ( 24, 29). -Survey of Forecasts Data Resources Incorporated is tJr'ojecti ng an average annual real growth rate of 2. 6 percent for U.S. coal prices in the period 1981 to 2000 {9). The World Bank has forecast that the real price of steam cdal would advance at approximately the same rate as oil prices (3 percent/ a) in the period 1980 to 19~ (16). Canadian Resourcecon Limited has recently forecast growth rates of 2 percent to 4 percent (1980 to 2010) for subbituminous and bituminous steam coal (28). -Opportunity Value of Alaskan Coal • Delivered Prices, CIF Japan Based on these considerations, the shadow price of coal {CIF price in Japan) was forecast using conditional *This clause forms part of the recently concluded agreement between Denison Mines and Teck Corporation and Japanese steel makers. 1: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I probabilities given low~ medium, and high oil price scenarios. Table 0.18 depicts the estimated coal price growth rates and their associated probabilities, given the three sets o( oil prices. Combining these proba- bilities with those attached to the oil price cases yields the following coal price scenarios, CIF Japan. Scenario Probabi 1 itv Real Price Growth Medi urn 49 percent 2 percent [ 1982-2000 l (most likely) 1 percent 2000-2040 Low 24 percent 0 percent ( 1982-2040) High 27 percent 4 percent {1982 -2000) 2 percent {2000-2040) The 1982 base period price was initially estimated using the data from the Battelle Beluga Market Study (24). Based on this study, a sample of 1980 spot prices (averaging $1. 66/MMBtu) was escalated to January 1982 to provide a starting value of $1.95/MMBtu in January 1982 dollars.* • As more recent and more comp1 ete coal import price sta- tistics became available, this method of estimating was found to give a significant underestimate of actual CIF prices. By late 1981, Japan•s average import price of steam coal reached $2. 96/MMBtu. ** An important sensitivity case was therefore developed reflecting these updated actual CIF prices o The updated base period value of $2.96 wa.s reduced by 10 percent to $2.66 to recognize the price discount dictated by quality differentials between Alaskan coal and other *The escalation factor was 1. 03 x 1.14, where 3 percent is the fore- cast real growth in prices (mid-1980 to January 1982) at an annual rate of 2 percent, and 14 percent is the 18-month increase if .the CPI is used to convert from mid-1980 dollars to January 1982 dollars. ** As reported by Coal Week International in October 1981, the average GIF value of steam -.:>al was $75.50 per MT. At an average heat value of 11,500 Btu/lb, this is equivalent to $2 .. 96/MMBtu. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I sources of Japanese coal imports, as estimated by Battelle (24). Opportunity Values in Alaska ~~----~------------- .• Base Case -Battelle-based CIF Prices, No Export Potential for Healy Coal Transport at ion costs of $0. 52/MMBtu were subtracted from the initially estimated CIF price of $1.95 to detennine the opportunity value of Beluga coal at Anchorage. In January 1982 dollars, this base period net-back price is therefore $1. 43. In subse- quent years, the opportunity value is derived as the difference between the escalated CIF price and the transport cost (estimated to be constant in real terms). The real growth rate in these FOB prices is determined residually from the forecast opportunity values. In the medium (most likely) case, the Beluga opportunity values escalate at annual rates of 2. 6 percent and 1. 2 percent during the· intervals 1982 to 2000 and 2000 to 2040, respectively. For Healy cc3.1, it was estimated that the base period price of $1. 75/MMBtu (at Healy) would also escalate at 2.6 percent {to 2000} and 1.2 percent (2000 to 2040). Adding the escalated cost of trans- port at ion from Healy to Nenana results in a January 1982 price of $1.75/t1v1Btu.* In subsequent years, the cost of transportation (of which 30 percent is repr·esented by fuel cost which escalates at 2 percent) is added to the Healy price, resulting in Nenana prices that grow at real rates of 2. 3 percent; (1982 to 2000) and 1.1 percent {2000 to 2040). Table 0.18 summarizes the real escalation rates applicable to Nenana and Beluga coal in the low, :nedium, and high price scenarios • • . Sensitivity Case -Updated CIF Prices) Export Potential for Healy Coal The updated CIF price of steam coal ($2.66/MMBtu after adjusting for quality differentials) was re- duced by shipping costs from Healy and Beluga to Japan to yield Alaskan opportunity values. In *Transportation costs are based on Battelle (18, 23). 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (b) January 1982, prices were $2.08 and $1.74 at Anchorage and Nenana, respectively. The differences between escalated CIF prices and shipping costs result in ·FOB prices that have real growth rates· of 2. 5 percent and 1. 2 percent for Be 1 uga coal and 2. 7 percent and 1. 2 percent for Healy coal (at Nenana). Table 0.18 shows escalation rates for the opportunity value of Alaskan coal in the low, medium, and high price scenarios, using updated base period values. (v) Generation Planning Analysis -Base Case Study Values Based on the considerations presented in ( i) through ( i v) abov·e, a consistent set of fuel prices was assembled for the base case probabilistic generation planning {OGP5) analysis, as shown in Table 0.19. The study values include probabilities for the low, medium and high fuel price scenarios. The probabilities are common for the three fuels (oil, gas and coal) within each scenario in order to keep the number of generation planning runs to manageable size. In the case of the, natural gas prices, domestic market prices were selected for the base case analysis with the export opportunity values used in sensitivity runs. The base period value of $3 was derived by deflating the 1996 Battelle prices to 1982 by 2. 5 percent per year. Coal prices were also selected from the base case using Battel1e's 1980 sample of prices as the starting point, with the updated CIF prices of coal reserved for sensitivity runs. Oil prices have been escalated by 2 percent (1982 to 2040). Analysis of Net Economic Benefits (i) Modelinq Approach Using the economic parameters discussed in the previous sect ion and data relating to the electrical energy genera- tion alternatives available for the Railbelt, an analysis was made comparing the costs of electrical energy produc- ,}ion with and without the Susitna project. The primary too1 for the analysis was a generation planning model {0Gf'5) which simulates production costs over a planning period extending from 1982 to 2010. The roethod of comparing the "with" and 11 without" Susitna alternative generation scenarios is based on the long-term present worth (PW) or total system costs. The planning model detenni nes the total product ion costs of alternative p1 ans on a year-by-year basis. These total costs for the I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I period of modeling include all cpsts of fuel and operation and maintenance (O&M) for all generating units included as part of the system, and the annualized investment costs of any generating and system transmission plants added during the period of 1993 to 2010. Factors which contribute to the ultimate consumer cost of power but which are not in- cluded as input -to this model are investment costs for all gener·ation plants in service prior to 1993 investment, cost of the transmission and distribution facilities already in service, and administrative costs of utilities. These costs are common to all scenarios and therefore have been omitted from the study. In order to aggregate and compare costs on a si gni fi c antl y 1 ong-tenn basis, annual costs have been aggregated for the period of 1993 to 2051. Costs have been computed as the sum of two components and converted to a 19~ PW. The first component is the 1982 PW of cost output from the first 18 years of model simulation from 1993 to 2010. The second component is the estimated PW of long-term system costs from 2011 to 2051. For an assumed set of economic parameters on a particuiar generation alternative, the first element of the PW value represents the amqunt of cash (not including those costs noted above) needed in 1982 to meet electrical production needs in the Railbelt for the period 1993 to 2010. The second element of the aggregated PW value is the long-term ( 2011 to 2051) PW estimate of production costs. In consi d- ering the value to the system of the addition of a hydro- electric power plant which has a useful life of approximately 50 years, the shorter study pel"iod would be inadequate. A hydroelectric plant added in 1993 or 2002 would accrue PW benefits for only 17 or 9 years, res~ectively, using an investment horizon that extends to 2010~ However, to model the system for an additional 40 yei=lrs it would be necessary to develop future load forecasts and generation alternatives which are beyond the realm of any prudent prcjections. For this reason, it has been assumed that the production costs for the final study year (2010) would simply reoccur for an additional 41 years, and the PW of these was added to the 18-year PW (1995 to 2010) to establish the long-term cost differences between alternative methods of power generation. (ii) ~ase Case Analysis -Pattern of Investments "With 11 and "Without" Susitna The base case comparison~ of the 11 with" and uwi tho ut 11 Susitna plans is based on an assessment of the PW produc- I I • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • I "' tion costs for the period 1993 to 2051, using mid-range values for the energy demand and load forecast, fuel prices, fuel price escalation rates, capital costs, and capital cost escalation rates~ The with-Susitna plan calls for 680 MW of generating capacity at Wata11a. to be avail able to the system in 1993. Al thou~h the project may come on-1 ine in stages during that year, for modeling purposes full-load generating capabi 1 ity is assumed to be avail ab 1 e for the entire year. The second stage of Sus i tna, the Devi 1 Canyon project; is scheduled to come on-line in 2002. The optimum timing for the addition of Devil Canyon was tested for earlier and 1 ater dates. Add it ion in the year 2002 was found to result in the lowest long-term cost. Devil Canyon will have 600 MW of installed capacity. The without-Susitna plan is discussed in Section 4.5. It includes three 200MW coal-fired plants added at Beluga in 1993, 1994, and 2007. A 200 MW unit is added at Nenana i~ 1996 and nine 70 MW gas-fired combustion turbines (GTs) would be added during the 1997 to 2010 period. · -Base Case Net Economic Benefits The economic comparison of these plans is shown in Table D.20. During the 1993 to 2010 study. period, the 19~ PW cost for the Susitna plan is $3.119 bill ion.. The annual p~oduction cost in 2010 is $0.385 billion. The~~ of this level cost, which remain·s virtually constant for a period extending to the end of the life of the Devil Canyon plant (2051), is $3.943 billion. The resulting total cost of the with-Susitna plan is $7.06 billion in 1982 dollars, presently valued to 1982. The non-Susitna plan (Section 4~5) which was modeled has a 1982 PW cost of $3.213 billion for the 1993 to 2010 periods with a 2010 annual cost of $0.491 billion. The total long-tenn cost has a PW of $8.24 bill ion. Therefore, the net economic benefit of adopting the Susitna plan is $1.18billion. In other,words~ the present valued cost difference between ~he Susitna plan and the ex pans ion plan based on thennal plant add it ion is $1ol8 billion in 1982 dollars. This is equivalent to a 1982 per capita net economic benefit of $2,700 per capita for the 1982 population of the State of Alaska. Expressed in 1993 dollars (at the on-1 i ne d::tte of ., . ' I I I· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Watana)~ the net benefits would have a levelized value of $2.48 billion.* It is noted that the magnitude of net economic benefits ($1.18 billion) is not particularly sensitive to alterna- tive assumptions concerning the overall rate of price in- flation as measured by the Consumer Price Index. The analysis has been carried out in real (inflation- adjusted) tenns.. Therefore, the present valued cost savings will remain close to $1.18 billion regardless of CPI movements, as long as the real (inflation-adjusted) discount and interest rates are maintained at 3 percent. The Susitna project!s internal rate of return {IRR), 1~e., the real (inflation-adjusted) discount rate at w~·tich the with-Susitna_ plan has zero net econo.-nic bene- fit~, or the discount rate at which the costs of the with -Susi tna and the alternative plans have equal costs, has ai so been determined. The IRR is about 4 .. 1 pe.rcent in real terms, and 11.4 percent in nominal [inflation- inclusive) terms. Therefore, the investment 1n Susitna would significantly exce·ed the 5 percent naninal rate of return 11 test 11 proposed by the State of Alaska in cases where state appropriations may be involved.** It is emphasized that these net economic benefits and the rate of return stemning from the Susitna project are in- herently con serv at i ve estimates due to several assump- tions made in the OGPS analysis. . Zero Growth in Long-term Costs From 2010 to 2051, the OGPS analysis assumed constant annual production costs in both the Susitna and non- Susitna plans. This has the effect of excluding real escalation in fuel prices and the capital co~ts of thennal plant replacements, and thereby understating the long-term PW costs of thermal generation plans • . Loss of Load Probabilities The loss of load probability in the non-Susitna plan is calculated at 0.099 in the year 2010. This means that * $1.18 billion times 2.105, where 2.105 is the general price inflation index for the period 1982 to 1993. ** See State of A1 aska • s SB -25, Section 44. 83.670. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I the system in 2010 is on the verge of adding an addi- tional plant, and would do so in 201L These costs are however, not included in the analysis, which is cut off at 2010. On the other hand, the Susitna plan has a loss of load probability of 0. 025, and .may not requir·c additional capacity for several years beyond 2010. ~ Long-term Energy From Susitna Some of the Susitna energy output (about 350 G~lh) is still not used by 2010. This energy output would be available to meet future increases in projected demand in the summer months. No benefit is attributed to this energy in the analysis. • Equal Environmental Costs The generation planning analysis has implicitly assumed equal environmental costs for both the Susi tna and the non-Susitna plans. To the extent that the thermal generation expansion plan is expected to carry greater environmental costs than the Susitna plan, the economic cost savings fran the Susi tna project are understated. It is conceivable that these so-called negative externalities from coal-fired electricity generation wi 11 have been mitigated by 1993 and beyond as a result of the enactment of new environmental legislation. (iii) Sensitivity Analysis Rather than rely on a single point cc:>11parison to assess the net benefit of the Susitna project, a sensitivity analysis was carried out to identify the impact of modified assump- tions on the results. The analysis was directed at the fo 11 owing vari ab 1 es: -Load forecast; -Real interest and discount rate; -Construction period; -Period of analysis; -ca'pit al costs; • Susi tna • Thermal alternatives I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I -O&M costs; -Base period fuel price; -Real e!:J~alation in capital costs, O&M costs, and fuel prices; -System re1·iability; -Chackacharnna; and -Susitna Project delay. Tables 0.22 to 0.29 depict the results of the sensitivity analysis.. In particular, Table 0.29 surrmarizes the net economic benefits of the Susitna Project associated with each sensitivity test. The net benefits have been compared using indexes relative to the base Lase value ($1 .. 176 bill ion) which is set to 100. Tne greatest variability in results occurs in sensitivity tests pertaining to fuel escalation rates, discount rates, and base period coal prices. For example~ a scenario with high fuel price escalation results in net benefits that have a value of 253 relative to the base case. In other words~ the high case provides 253 percent of the base case net benefits. In general, the Susitna plan maintains its· positive net benefits over a reasonably wide range .of values assigned to the key variables. A multivariate analysis in the fonn. of probability trees has been undertaken to test the joint effects of varying several assumptions in combination rather than individual- lye This probabilistic analysis reported in Section 4.7 provides a range of expected net economic benefits and probability distributions that identify the chances of exceeding particular values of net benefits at given levels of confidence. 4.8 -Probability Assessment {a) Multivariate Sensitivity Analysis The feasibility study of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project in- cluded an economic analysis based on a comparison of generation system product ion costs with and without the proposed project using a computerized model of the Railbelt generation system. In I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (b) order to carry out this analysis, numerous projections and fore- casts of future conditions were made. These forecasts of uncer- tain conditions include future electrical demand, costs, and esca- lation. In order to address these uncertain conditions, a sensi- tivity analysis on key factors was carried out. This analysis focused on the variance of each of a number of forecast conditions and determined the impact of variance on the economic feasibility of the project. Each factor was varied singularly with all other var:iables held constant to determine clearly its importance. The purpose of this multi v ari ab 1 e analysis was to select the most critical and sensitive variables in the economic analysis and to test the economic feasibility of the Susitna Project in each pas- sib 1 e combination of the selected \fari ab 1 es. While a number of variables were identified and tested in the single variable sensitivity analysis fot the Susitna economic feasibility study, the variables which were chosen for the multi- variate sensitivity analysis represent the key issues such as load forecasts, capita1 cost of alternatives, fuel escalation and Susitna capital cost. The methodology for the multivariate .:1nalysis was implemented by constructing probability trees of future conditions for the Alaska Railbelt electrical system, with and without the Susitna Project. Each branching of the tree represents three values for a given variable. These were assigned a high, medium, and low value as well as a corresponding probability of occurrence. The three values represent the expected range and mid-point for a given variable. In some cases, the mid-point represents the most likely value which would be expected to occur. End 1 imbs of the proba- bility tree represent scenarios of mixed variable conditions and a probability of occurrence of the scenario. The OGP 5 product ion cost model was then used to detenni ne the PW (in 1982 dollars) of the long-term cost of the electric generation related to each variable. The PW of the long-tenn costs for each "with" and 11 Without" Susitna scenario in terms of cumulative pro- bability of occurrence were determined and plotted. Net benefits of the project have also been calculated ~nd analyzed in a proba- bilistic manner. Figures 0.17 and 0.18 present the non-Susitna and Susitna proba- bility trees with resultant long-term costse Co~parison of Long-term Costs Figure 0.19 presents the two histograms of long-term costs for the 11 with" and "without 11 Susitna cases plotted on the same axes. From these plots it is seen that the non-Susitna plan costs could be I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I expected to be significantly less than the Susitna plan costs for about 6 percent of the time, approximately equal to the Susitna costs 16 percent of the time~ and significantly greater for 78 percent of the time. A comparison of the expected value of long-term costs of the 11 With" and 11 without11 Susitna cases yields an expected value net benefit of $1.45 billion. This value represents the difference between the non-Susitna LTC of $8.48 billion and the Susitna LTC of $7.03 billion. (c) Net Benefit Comparison A second method of comparing the 11with 11 and 11 Withoutu Susitna pro- bability trees is by making a direct comparison of similar scen- arios and calculating the net benefit which applies. As in the case nf the individual tree cases~ the net benefits were ranked from low to high and plotted against cumulative probability. This graph has been represented as a single line due to the number of points on the curve. It~ however~ would be most accurately por- trayed as a histogram in the manner of Figure 0.19. The net bene- fits vary from a negative $2.92 billion with an associated proba- bility of .0015 to a high of $4.80 billion with an associated probability of .018. The single comparison with the highest pro- bability of occurrence of .<L108 has a net benefit of $2.09 billion. Figure 0.20 plots the net benefit with the cross-over between the 11 With" and "without" Susitna costs occurring at about 23 percent. This is consistent wi~h the previous comparison and with the ex- pected value net benef;t calculated by this method of $1.45 bil- lion. (d) Sensitivity of Results to Probabilities In assigning the probabilities of occurrence for each set of vari- ables, a number of subjective assumptions were made. An exception was the Susitna capital cost probability distribution which was supported by a probabilistic risk assessment of construction cost. The probabilities for load forecast of 0. 2~ 0. 6 and 0. 2 for the low, medium and high cases respectively, reflect the analysis by Battelle and the probability of exceedence of approximately 10 percent for the high level of demand. Capital costs for alternative generation modes estimated in the Battelle study reflect a 0.20~ 0 .. 60 and 0.20 distribution~ again within a range of a 90 percent chance of exceedence of the low and 10 percent exceedence of the high level. The single variable to which the results are most· sensitive is the r·ate of real fuel escalation adopted. (This conclusion is sup- I I I I I ·I I I I - I I I I I I I I I ported by the single variable analysis as well.) The distribution o~ probabilities was 0.25, 0.50 and Q25 for low, medium and high fuel cost escalatton scenarios. A case can be made for the argu- ment that some of the combined events, for example high fuel cost escalation, load and capital cost are not (as our results assume) independent of each other. High fuel prices, it may be argued, \'.OUld result in lower load and increased capital cost. It is pro- bable, however, that the greater revenues consequent on higher fuel prices would result in greater economic activity in Alaska thus increasing demand for ene.rgyo This and other considerations 1 ed to the conclusion that the results would be relatively insen- sitive to probable ranges of interdependence. 4. 9 -Battelle Railbelt Alternatives Study [Note to Power Authority -This section wi 11 be revised u pan receipt of the final (and extensively revised) Battelle reports.] . The Office of the Governor, State of Alaska, Division of Policy Development and Planning and the Governor's Policy Review Committee contracted with Battelle, Pacific Northwest Laboratories to investigate potential strategies for future electric power development in the Rail belt region of Alaska. This sect ion presents a sumnary of final results of the Railbelt Electric Power Alternatives Study. The overall approach taken on this study involved five major tasks or activities that lead to the results of the project,-a comparative evaluation of electric energy plans for the Railbelt. The five tasks conducted as part of the study evaluated the fo 11 owing aspects of electrical power planning: · -fuel supply and price analysis -electrical demand forecasts -generation and r.onservation alternatives evaluation -development of electric energy themes or 11 futures 11 avail able to the Rail belt -systems integration/evaluation of electric energy plans. Note that while each of the tasks contributed data and infonnation to the final results of the project, they also developed important results that are of interest independent of the final· results of this project. The first task evaluated the price and availability of fuels that either directly could be used as fuels for electrical generc.tion or indirectly could compete with electricity in e-;j-use applications such as· space or water heating. I I I I I I I I I I I I I - I I I I The second task, electrical demand forecasts~ was required for two reasons.. The amount of e1 ectricity demanded detennines both the size of generating units that can be 'included in the system and the number of generating units or the total generating capacity required. The forecast used from this study in the Susitna feasibility study is presented in Exhibit B. The third task • s purpose was to identify electric power generation and conservation alternatives potentially applicable to the Railbe1t region and to examine their feasibility, considering several factors. These factors include cost of power, environmental and socioeconomic effects, and public acceptance. Alternatives appearing to be best suited for future application to the region were then subjected to additional in-depth study and were incorporated into one or more of the electric energy plans. The fourth task, the development of electric energy themes or plans~ presents possible electric energy nfuturesn for the Railbe1t. These plans were developed both to encompass the full range of viable alternatives available to the region and to provide a direct comparison of those futures currently receiving the greatest interest w·i thin the Railbelt. A plan is defined by a set of electrical generation and conservation alternatives sufficient to meet the peak demand and annual energy requirements over the time horizon of t~e study. The time horizon of the study is from 1981-2050 time period. The set of alternatives used in each plan \'las drawn from the alternatives selected for further study in the analysis of al ter·natives task. As the name implies, the purpose of the fifth task, the system integration/comparative analysis task, was to integrate the results of the other tasks and to produce a comparative evaluation of the electric energy plans. This comparative eva1 uation basically is a description of the implications and impacts of each electric energy plan. The major criteria used to evaluate and compare the plans are cost of power, environmental and socioeconomic impacts, as well as the susceptibility of the plan to. future uncertainty in assumptions and parameter estimates. This summary focuses on the third, fourth and 'fifth tasks: alternatives ev a 1 u at ion, p 1 an d eve 1 o pmen t and p 1 an com pari son . (a) Alternatives Evaluation The Battelle study reviewed a much :'/ider range of generating alternatives than the Susitna feasibility study. The following text summarizes the process followed and results of selecting technologies for developing energy plans. Selecting generating alternatives for the Railbelt electric energy plans proceeded in three stages. First, a broad set of candidate I D I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I technologies was identified, constrained only by the availability of the technology for corrmerci al service prior to year 2000.- After a study was prepared on the candidate technologies, they were evaluated based on several technical, economic, environmental and institutional considerations. Using the results of that study, a subset of more promising t~chnd1ogies subsequently was identified. Finally, prototypical gener~ting facilities (specific sites in the case of hydropower) were identified for further development of the data required to support the analysis of electric energy plans. A wide variety of energy resources capable of being applied to the generation of electricity is found in the Railbelt. Resour·ces currently used include coal~ natural gas, petroleum~derived 1 i quids and hydropower. Energy resources currently not being used but which could be developed for pt"oducing electric power within the planning period of this study include peat, wind power, solar energy, municipal refuse-derived fuels, and ~od waste. Light water reactor fuel is manufactured in the "lower 48" states and could be readily supplied to the Railbelt, if desired. Candidate electric generating technologies using these resources and most likely to be available for commercial order prior to year 2000 are listed in Table 0.30. The 37 generation technologies and combinations of fuel conversion -generation technologies shown in the table comprised the candidate set of technologies selected for additional study. Further discussiqn of the selection process and technologies rejected from consideration at this stage are provided in Reference 33. Selection of generation alternatives was based on the followinng considerations: -the avai 1 ability and cost of energy resources; -the 1 i kely effects of minimum plant size and operational characteristics on system operation; -the economic perfonnance of the various technologies as refl ect~d in estimated busbar power costs; -pub 1 ic acceptance, both as reflected in the fr arne work of electric energy plans within which the selection was conducted and as impacting specific technologies; and -ongoing Rail belt electric power planning activities. ? From this analysis, described morefully in Reference 33~ 13 generating technologies were selected for possible inclusion in the Railbe.lt electric pov1er plans. For each nonhydro technology, a prototypical plant was defined to facilitate further development I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I of the needed information. For the hydro technologies, prom1s1ng sites were selected for further study. These prototypical plants and sites consi stute the gener3.ting alternatives selected for consideration in the Railbe.lt electric energy plans. In the follov1ing paragraphs, each of the 13 preferred technologies is briefly described, along with some of the principal reasons for its selection. Also described are the prototypical plants and hydro sites selected for further study. {i) Coal-Fired Steam-Electric Plants Coal-fired steam-electric generation was selected for consideration in Railbelt electric energy plans because it is a corrmerci aily mature and economical technology that potentiallY is capable of supplying all of the Railbelt's base-load electric power needs for the indefinite future. An abundance of coal in the Railbelt should be mineable at costs .allowing electricity production to be economically competitive with all but the most favorable alternatives throughout the planning period. The extremely low sulfur content of Railbelt coal and the availability of commercially tested oxides of sul pher {SOx) and partic- ulate control devices wi 11 facilitate control of these emissions to levels mandated by the Clean Air Act. Principal concerns of this technology are environmental impacts of coal mining, possible a~bient air-quality effects of residual SOx, oxides of nitrogen (NO~) and particulate emissions, long-term atmospheric bu1ldup of co 2 (common to all combustion-based technologies) and the 1 ong tenn susceptibility of busbar power costs to inflation. Two prototypical fac il it i es were chosen for in-depth study: in the Beluga area a 200-MW plant that uses coal mined from the Chutna Field, and at Nenana a plant of similar capacity that uses coal delivered from the Nenan field at Healy by Alaska Railroad. The results of the prototypical study are· documented in Reference 34. (ii) Coal Gasifier-Combined-Cycle Plants These plants consist of coal gasifiers producing a synthetic gas that is burned in combustion turbines that drive electric generators. Heat~recovery boilers use turbine exhaust heat to raise steam to drive a steam turbine-generator. These plants, when commercially available, should allow continued use of Alaskan coal resources at costs comparable to conventional coal steam-electric plants~ \'Alile providing I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I envirom~ntal and operatio~al advantages compared to convent1ona1 plants. Env1ronmental advantages include less waste-heat rejection and water consumption per unit of output due to higher plant eficiency. Better control of NOx, SOx and particu1 ate emission is also affor-ded. From an operational standpoint, these plants offer a potential for load-following operation, broadening their application to intennedi ate loading duty. (However, much of the existing Railbelt capacity most likely will be avail able for intennedi ate and peak loading during the planning period.) Because of superior plant efficiencies, coal gasified-combined-cycle p'lants should be somewhat less susceptible to 'inflation fuel cost than conventional steam-electric plants. Principal concerns relative to these plants include 1 and disturbance resulting from mining of coal, C02 production, and uncertainties in plant performance and capital cost due to the current state of technology development. A prototypical plant was selected for in-deRth analysis. This 200 MW plant is located in the Beluga area and uses coal mined from the Chuitna Field. The plant would use oxygen-blown gasifiers of Shell design, producing a medium Btu synthesis gas for combustion turbine firing~ The plant \"K>Uld be capable of load-following operation. The results of the study of the prototypical plant are described in Reference 35 .. (iii) Natural Gas Combustion Turbines Although of relatively lo~l efficiency, natural gas combustion turbines serve we 11 as peaking units in a system dominated by steam-electric plants. The short construction lead times characteristic of these units also offer opportunities to meet unexpected or temporary increases in demand. Except for production of co 2, and potential local noise problems, these· units produce minimal environ- mental impact. The principal economc concern is the sensitivity of these plants to escalating fuel costs. Because the costs and performance of combustion turbines are relatively well understood, and because a major component of future Railbelt capacity additions most likely would not consist of combustion turbines, no prototype was selected for in-depth study. (iv) Natural-Gas ~Combined-Cycle Plants Natural gas -combined-cycle plants were selected for conside.at ion because of the current availability of low- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ( v) (vi) cost natural gas in the Cook Inlet area and the likel_y future avail aoil ity of North Slope supplies in the Ra1lbelt (although at prices higher than those currently experienced). Combined-cycle plants are the most econom- ical and environmentally benign method currently available to generate electric power using natural gas. The principal economic concern· is the sensitivity of busbar power costs to the possi.ble substantial rise in natural gas costs. The principal environmetnai concern is C02 production and .possible local noise problems .. A nominal 200 MW prototypical p1 ant was selected for further study. The plant is located in the Beluga area and uses Cook Inlet natura.l gas. The results of the analysis of this prototype are documented in Reference 35. Natural Gas Fuel-Cell Stations These plants would consist of a fuel conditioner to convert natural gas to hydrogen and C02, phosphoric acid fuel cells to produce de power by electrolytic oxidation-of hydrogen, a power conditioner to convert the de power output of the fuel cells to ac power. Fuel-cell stations most likely would be relatively small and sited near load centers. Natural gas fuel-cell stations were considered in the Railbe1t electric energy plans primarily because of the apparent peaking duty advantages they may offer over combustion turbines for systems relying upon coal or natural-gas fired base an:.J i· ... termediate load units. Plant efficiencies most likely 1;1~··1 be far superior to combustion turbines and relatively unaffected by partial ·po\'er operation. Capital inve~tment cost most likely will be com par ab 1 e to that of combust ion turbines. These cost and performance characteristics should lead to sign~ficant reduction in busbar power costs, and greater protect·ion from escalation of natural gas prices compared to combustion turbines. Construction lead time should be comparable to those of combustion turbines. Because. environmental effects most likely will be limited to co, .... production, load-center siting will be possible and transmision losses and costs consequently will be reduced. No prototypical plant was selected for further study .. / .... ( Natur·al-Gas -Fuel-Cell -Combined-Cycle These plants would consist of a fuel conditioner that converts natural gas to hydrogen and carbon dioxide, molten car~?onate fuel cells that produce de power by elet:trolytic (J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I oxidation ·of hydrogen, and heat recovery boilers that use waste heat from the fuel cells to raise stean fm"" driving a steam turbine-generator. A power conditioner converts the de fuel cell power to ac power for distribution. If they attain commercial maturity as envisioned, fuel-cell combined-cycle plants should demonstrate a substantial improvement in efficiency over conventional~ combustion turbine-combined-cycle plants. Although the potential capital costs of these p1 ants currently are not we 11 know, the reduct ion in fuel consumption promised by the forecasted heat rate of these plants waul d result in a. baseload plant less sensitive to inflating fuel costs and less consumptive of limited fuel supplies than conventional combined-cycle plants. An added advantage is the likely absence of significant environmental impact. Operationally, these plants appear to be less flexible than conventional combined-cycle plants and will be limited tc. baseload operation. Because of the early stages of development of these plants, additional study within the scope of this project was believed to yield little additional useful information. Consequently, no prototypical plant was selected for study. (vii) Conventional Hydroelectric Plant~ Substantial hydro resources are pre sent in the Rai lbel t region. Much of this caul d be developed with conventional (approximately 15 MW installed capacity or larger) hydro- electric plants. The data and alternatives considered were the same as those discussed in Section 3 of this exhibit. (viii) Small-Scale Hydroelectric Plants Small-scale hydroelectric plants include facilities having rated capacity of Oo 1 t4W to 15 MW. Several small-scale hydro sites have been identified in the Railbelt and two currently undeveloped sites (Allison and Grant Lake) have been subject to recent feasibility studies. Although typically not as economicarl y favorab 1 e as conventional hydro because of higher capital costs, small-scale hydro affords similar long-term protection from escalation of costso Two small-scale hydroelectric projects were se 1 ected for consideration in Railhelt electric energy plans: the A11ison Hydroelectrit ?roject at Allison Lake near Valdez and the Gr .. ant Lake Hydt~oelectric Project at Grant Lake .I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I north of Seward. These two projects appear· to have relatively favorable economics compared with other small hydroelectric sites, and relatively minor environmental impact. (ix) Microhydroelectric Systems Microhydroelectric systems are ;·:ydroelectric installations ~rated at 100 kW or less. They typically consist of a water-intake structure, a penstock, and turbine-generator. Reservors often are not provided and the units operate on run -of-the-stream. Microhydroel ectric systems were chosen for analysis because of public interest in these systems~ their renewable character and potentially modest, environmental inpact. Concrete. in format ion on power product ion costs typical of these facilities were not available vmen the preferred technologies were se·lected. Further analysis indicated, however, that few michrohydroel ectric reservoirs cou1 d be developed for 1 ess than 80 mi 11 s/kWh and even at considerably higher rates, the contribution of this resource \\Ould likely be minor. Beca_use of the very 1 imited potential of this te..;hnology in the Railbelt, it was subsequently dropped from consideration. However, installations at certain sites, for exemple residences or other facilities remote from distribution systems, may be justified. (x) Large Wind Energy Conversion Systems Large wind energy conversion systems consist of machines of 100 kW capacity and greater. These systems typically would be installed in clusters in areas of favorable wind resource and would be operated as central generating units .. Operation is in the fuel-saving mode because of the intermittent nature of the. wind resource. Large w~nd .energy conversion systems were selected for consideration in Railbelt el~ctric nergy plants for several reasons. Several areas of excellent wind resource have been identfi ed in the Rail belt, no tab 1 y in the Isabell Pass area of the Alaska Range, and in coastal locations. The winds of ~hese areas are strongest during fall~ winter and spring months, coinciding with the. winter-peaking electric 1 oad of the Rai 1 belt. Furthermore, developing hydroelectric projects in the Rai lbelt would prove complernentary to wind energy systems. Surplus wino-generated electricity could be readily ustorerf• by reducing hydro generation. Hydro operation could be used I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I to rapidly pick up load during periods of wind insufficiency. \~ind machine.s could provide additional energy~ whereas excess installed hydro capacity could provide capacity credit. Finally, wind systems have few adverse environmental effects with the except ion of their visual presence and appear to have widespread public support. A prototypical large wind energy conversion system was selected for further study. The prototype consisted of a wind farm located in the Isabell Pass area and was comprised of ten 2. 5 MW rated capacity, Boeing MOD-2, horizontal axi-s wind turbines. The results of the prototype studied are provided in Reference 36. (xi) Small Wino ~nergy Conversion Systems • f Small wind energy conversion systens are small wino turbines of either horizontal or vertical axis, desig~ rated at less than 100 kW capacity. Machines of this size \'tDUld generally be dispersed in individual households and in conmercial establishments. Small wind energy conversion systems were selected for consideraton in Railbelt electric energy plar~ for several reasons.. Within the Rai 1 belt, se 1 ected area:· :1ave been identified as having superior wind re:.-:ource potential. Another reason for selection is because the resource is renewable. Finally, power produced by these systens appeared to possibly be marginally economically competitive with generating facilities currently operating in the · Rai 1 belt. However, these machines operate in a fue 1-saver mode because of the intermittent nature of the wind resource, and because their economic performance can be analyzed only by comparing the busbar power cost of these machines to the energy cost of power they could displace .. Data for further analysis of small wind energy conversion systems were taken from the technology profiles. Further analysis of this alternative indicated that 20 MW of installed capacity producing approximately 40 G\~h of electric energy possible. could be economically developed at 80 mill marginal power costs~ under the highly unlikely assumption of full penetration of the avail able market (households). Furthermore, in this analysis these machine.s were give parity-with firm generating alternatives for cost of power comparisons. Because the potential contribution of this alternative is relatively minor even under the rather liberal assumptions of this analysis, the potential energy production of small wind energy conversion systems I I I I I I I I I •• I I I I I I I 1-- 1 was not included in the analysis of Railbelt electric energy plans., {xii) Tidal Power Tidal power plants typically consist of .a "tidal barrage" extending across a bay or inlet that has substantial tidal fluctuations. The barrage contains sluice gates to admit water behind the barrage on the incoming tide, and turbine-generator units to generate power on the outgoing tide.. Tidal power is intennittent, avail able, and requires a power system with equivalent amount of installed capacity capable to cycling in complement to the output of the tidal plant .. Hydro capacity is especially suited for this purpose. Alternatively, energy storage facilities {pumped hydro, compressed air, storage batteries) can be used to regulate the power output of the tidal facflity. Tidal power was selected for consideration in Railhelt electric energy plans because of the substantial Cook Inlet tidal resource, because of the renewable character of this energy resource and because of the substantial interest in the resource, as evidenced by the first-phase assessment of Cook Inlet tidal power development .. Estimated production costs .of unretimed tidal powet" facility would be competitive with principal alternative sources of power, such as coal-fired power plants, if all power production could be used effectively. The costs \'K>Uld not be competitive, however, unless a specialized industry were established to absorb the predictable, but cyclic output of the plant. Alternatively, only the portion of the power output that could be absorbed by the Railbelt power system could be used. The cost of this energy would be extremely high relative to other power-producing options because only a fraction of the "raw" energy production could be used. An additional alternative would be to construct a retiming facility, probably a pumped storage plant. Due to the increased capital costs and power losses inherent in this option, busbar power costs would st i 11 be substantially greater than for nontidal generating alternatives. For these reasons, the Cook Inlet tidal power alternative was not considered further in the analysis of Railbelt electric energy plans. (xiii) Refuse-Derived Fuel Steam Electric Plants These plants consist of boilers, fired by the combustible fraction of municipal refuse, that pr.oduce steam for the I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I operation of a steam turbine-generator. Rated capacities typically are small due to the difficulties of transporting · and storing refuse, a relatively low energy density fuel. Supplemental firing by fossil fuel may be required to compensate for seasonal variation in refuse productiona Enough municipal refuse appears to be avail able in the Anchorage and Fairbanks areas to support small refuse-derived fuel-fired steam-electric plants if supplemental firing (using coal) were provided to compensate for seasonal fl uct uat ions in refuse avai·l ability. The cost of ~ower from such a facility appears to be reasonably competitive, although this competitiveness depends upon receipt of refuse-derived fue 1 at 1 ittle or no cost.. Advantages presented by disposal of municipo1 refuse by combustion may outweigh the some\'klat higher power costs of such a facility compared to coal-fired plants. The principal concerns relative to this type of p1 ant re1 ate to po"-:ent i al rel i·abi 1 ity s-atmospheric emission, and odor problems. Cost and performance characteristics of these alternatives are summarized in Table 0.31. (b) Energy Plans Four electric energy plans \'/ere developed using different combinations of these generation and conservation options. Each plan represents a possible electric energy future for the Railbelt. The plans were selected to encompass the full range of viable alternatives available to the Railbelt. Plan 1: Base Case A. Without Upper Susitna B. With Upper Susitna Plan 2: High Conservation and Use of Renewable Resources A. Without Upper Susitna B. With Upper Susitna 'Plan 3: Increased Use of Coal Plan 4: Increased Use of Natural Gas The 1 ist of alternatives used in developing each of the above plans is in Table D.32. Battelle has used a generation planning model derived from the EPRI Over/Under Capacity Model to construct the plans and calculate annual energy costs. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I To compare the costs of power for the various plans, Battelle used the concept of a levelized cost of power. The levelized cost of power is computed by estimating a single level annual payment, which would be equivalent to the present worth, given assumptions about the time va 1 ue of money. The level ized cost of po~r is computed using the present wor ... th of the annual costs of power produced over the time horizon. In equation form: d (1 +d) i Level i zed Cost of Po\'/er = PWCP * ----~- (l+d) i -1 where: PWCP = Present worth of the cost of power d = Real discount rate i = year -1981 (base year) In turn: PWCP where: n TAC. l = 2: ,* E PP . -( 1-+-d )-...-1 • 1. 1 1= TAC; = total annual costs in year i ($) EPP; = e1ectric.a1 power produced in year i (kWh) n = time horizon (years) Formal forecasts of power costs were not made by Battelle beyond 2010, however 5 this difference in power costs between with and · without Susitna p1 ans can be expected to increse over the service life of the Upper Susitna project. This difference is :expected to be maintained because the other plans are relatively more reliant on fossil fuel, which is expected to continue to escalate in price. To recognize this longer term behavior of power costs, the 1 evel i zed costs of power were computed for two different time horizons (1981-2010 and 1981-2050) throughout the Battelle analysis. The shorter time horizon was picked to correspond to the time horizon of the study. However, since the study evaluates the Upper Susitna project, which has an economic lifetime of 50 I I I .I I I I I I :I I I I I I I I I I years (and an even longer expected service 1 ifetime) ~ the longer time is ~1 so used to correspond to the economic 1 i fet ime of the project. The level ized costs of power for the 1981-2050 time period are computed assuming that no change will occur in the annual cost of power over the 2010--·2050 time horizon. Whereas this assumption understates the relative advantages of the plans that include the Upper Susitna project, it does indicate advantages of these plans over the project 1ifetime. The 1 evel i zed costs of power for the six p1 ans over the two periods of · ana1ysi s are presented below. Leve1ized Cost of Powet' (mills/kWh) · Low Medium I High Economic Economic Economic Scenario Scenario Scenario 1981-1 no1 1981-1981-1981-1981- .L:7U - 2010 2050 2010 2050 2010 2050 -- Plan 1A 58 65 58 64 60 66 Plan lB 58 63 58 59 58 60 Plan 2A 58 66 59 66 58 66 Plan 2B 57 61 58 61 57 69 P1 an 3 58 67 59 65 62 68 P1an 4 57 64 59 66 61 68 For the medium economic scenario, essentiar~y no difference exists in the levelized cost of power among the varius electric energy plans over the 1981-2010 time period. Over the longer time horizon the costs of power for the plans including the Upper Susitna project (Plans lB and 2B) are lower than for the other plans. For the low economic scenario, again 1 ittle difference ex.ists in the levelized costs of power over the 1981-2010 time horizon. The advantages of the plans including the Upper susitna project are smaller than for the medium economic scenario. In the case of the high economic scenario, relatively 1 ittl e difference exists in the costs of power over the shorter time period, ~although the plans including the Upper Susitna project have slightly lower po\'-Jer costs. Over the longer time period, the plans in-cluding the Upper Susitna project have significantly lower power costs. The plans heavily reliant on fossil fuels, Plans lA, 3, and 4, have relatively high power costs in the high economic scenario. In general, the longer the time period and the higher the demand, the more attractive are plans containing the Upper Susi tna project. Based upon the evaluation of the socioecqnomic and environmental effects of the plans and sensitivity analyses of factors affecting I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .. the plans, the following conclusions are drawn for the various electric energy plans. (i) Plan lA: Base Case Without Upper Susitna -The 1 evel i zed costs of power for this plan are- relatively stable among the various sensitivity test$ .. Generally, it is neither the highest nor the lowest cost plan .. Significant potential impacts on air quality~ 1 and use, and susceptibility, to inf1 at ion due to fossil fuel use are possible. · Incrementa1 coal munng and reclamation activities will occur due to expanded coal use in the Beluga and Healy areas. -The development of a coal export mine at Beluga to. supply coal to generat·ing plants located there is uncertain. -The costs and environmental impacts of the Chakachamna hydroelectric project are uncertain. (ii) Plan lB: Base Case With Upper Susitna -Except for cases assuming higher than estimated capital costs for the Upper Susitna project, this plan provides relatively low power costs over the 1981-2010 time period. The plan provides either the lowest or nearly the lowest cost of power in all senstivity te.sts over the ~xtended time period. -Electric power needs can be met without significant impacts to air quality, visibility, health and safety and other environmental sectors. However, improper river flow control may be detrimental to fish product ion. -Relatively good information is avail able on capital cost and environmental impacts of the Upper Susitna Project .. The p1 an is resistant to inflation once the project is ~ constructed. -Significant boom/bust, land-use effects and high capital costs are associated with the construct ion of the Upper Susitna project. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (iii) Plan 2A: High Conservation and Use of Renewable Resources Without Upper Susitoa -This p1 an has slightly higher power costs in most cases. The costs are high mainly because of the plan's reliance on relatively high capital cost generating alternatives (hydroelectric, refuse-derived fuel, and wind). -Reduced air infiltration associated with building conser·vat ion may present health and safety hazards from indoor air pollution. The exact relationship between b ui 1 ding conservation and indoor air po 11 ut ion has not be established. -The capital Gosts of altern ate hydroelectric projects are uncertain .. -., This plan assumes that a state conservation grant program exists. (iv) Plan 2B: High Conservation and Use of Renewable Resources With Upper Susitna -This plan has much the same costs a.nd impacts as Plan lB. This sirnil arity is expected since they both include the Upper Susitna project. The health and safety aspects of the indoor air quality of conservation activities are unknown. -As with 2A, this p 1 an assumes an extensive state conservation grant program. (v) Plan 3: Increased Use of Coal -This plan produces re1 at ively high costs of power over the 1981-2050 time period. The plan is more attractive in the case with lower fuel price escalation rates. Significant potential problems are possible in air quality, water quality, visual impacts, and land-use and i nfl at ion effects. -Constraints due to nondegradatio,n air-qua1ty regulations are possible. • / Incremental coal rn1n1ng and reclamation activities wi11 occur due to expanded coal use i'n the Beluga and Healy area. I I I I I I I I I I I I ·I I I I -The development of a coal export mine at Beluga is uncertain. {vi) Plan 4: Increased Use of Natural Gas -This plan b~~haves very similarly to Plan 3. It provides the 1 owe st cost of power over the 1981-2010 time period in the case of lower fuel price escalation rates and in the case of reduced demand beyond 1995. It is one of the higher cost alternatiVes over the extended time horizon. -This plan has little impact on all sectors of the environment. rt> major problems are associated with jobs, boom/bust effects, or land use. Due to high technology of fuel cells and gas combined- cycle units susbstantial spending will occur outside the state. Inflation effects are significant because power production is directly tied to the price of natural gas. -Existing reserves of natural gas in the Cook Inlet area will not be adequate to support expanded gas-fired generation beyond 1990-1995.. The discovery of additional reserves is uncertain. As indicated by this discussion, much uncertainty remains regarding all key alternatives to the Upper Susitna project. Coal, natural gas and hydroe1 ectr ic projects are the primary alternatives to the Upper Sus i tna project .. Whereas uncertainties do remain regarding the Upper Susitna project, more is known about the costs and impacts of the Upper Susitna project than any of the alternatives. The following uncertainties are associated with the alternatives: -Coal-based generation at Beluga depends upon the development of a 1 arge-scale export mine. Such a mine is based upon Pacific Rim steam coal market "'development. \~hile this market is expanding development of Beluga coal resources is uncertain. -Current reserves of natural gas in the Cook Inlet area are not expected to be adequate for generation beyond 1990-1995.. The availability of additional reserves by that time is uncertain. I I I I 1-- I I I I I I I . . I I I I I I I ' -Gas-based generation in Fairbanks depends UQon the availability of natural gas from the North Slope in the Fairbanks area either via the Alaska Natural Gas Tra_nsportat ion System (ANGTS) or another system. The capital costs and environmental impacts of alternative hydroelectric projects are based upon reconnaissance studies and as a result have a high degree of uncertainty associated with them. -The relationship between building conservation and indoor air pollution has not been established. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5 -CONSEQUENCES OF LICENSE DENIAL 5.1 -Cost of License Denial The forecast energy demand for the Rail belt through the year 2010 can be met without constructing the Watana-Devi1 Canyon hydroelectric project. The best alternative generating system is outlined in Section 4.5 of this Exhibit. However, the economic comparison described in Section 4. 7 concludes that the Susitna. project wi 11 yield an expected present valued net benefit of $1.45 billion. Further, there is a 0.5 probability that this net benefit will be exceeded, and only a 0. 36 probability that the net benefit wi 11 fall below $0.5 billion. Therefore, the consequences of 1 icense denial wi 11 be the probab 1 e costs mentioned above~ 5. 2 -Future Use. of D:1ms i tes if License is Denied There are no present plans for an alternative use of the Watana and Devil Canyon damsites. In the absence of the hydroelectric project, they would remain in their present state. I I I I I I I I I I -I I I I I I I I I 6 -FINANCING 6.1 -Financial Evaluation (a) Forecast Financial Parameters The financial, economic, and engineering estimates used in the financial analysis are summarized in Table 0.7. The interest rates and forecast rates of inflation (in the Consumer Price Index -CPI) are of special importance.-They have been based on the forecast i nfl at ion rates and the forecast of interest rates on industrial bonds as given by Data Resources Incorporated (9), and conform to a range of other authoritative forecasts. To allow for the factors which have brought about a narrowing of the differential between tax exempt and tax-liable securities, it has been assumed that any tax exempt financing would be at a rate of 80 percent rather than the historical 75 percent or so of the tax- liable interest rate. This identifies the forecast interest rates in the financing periods from 1985 in successive five-year periods as being of the order of 8.6 percent, 7.8 percent, and 7 percent. The accompanying rate of inflation would be about 7 percent. In view of the uncertainty attaching to such forecasts and in the interest of conse~vatism, the financial projections which follow have been based upon the assumption of a 10 percent rate of interest for tax-exempt bonds and an ongoing inf1 at ion rate of 7 percent. (b) Inflationary Financing Deficit The basic financing problem of Susitna is the magnitude of its "inflationary financing deficits". Under inflationary conditions these deficits (early year losses) are an inherent characteristic of almost all debt financed, long life, capital intensive projects (see Figure 0.21). As such, they are entirely compatible (as in the Susitna case) with a project showing a good economic ~ate of return. However, unless specific measures are taken to meet this "inflationary financing deficith the project may be unable to pro- ceed without imposing a substantial and possibly unacceptable bur- den of high early-year costs on consumers. (c). Basic Financial Options A range of financing options compatible with the conditions laid down in Senate Bill 25 have been considered as a means of meeting the inflationary financing deficit. rhe options basically consist of a range of appropriations by the State of Alaska with the bal- ance of the project financing made up by either 35-year tax- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I exempt revenue bonds or by a combination of General Obligation (G.O.) bonds and 35-year revenue bonds~ with the G.O. bonds re- financed into revenue bonds at the earliest opportunity. Through- out central estimates of capital costs, revenues, etc., are used. (i) 100 Percent State Appropriation of Total ·capital Cost ($5.l_bi11ion in 1982 dollars) This conforms to the possible outcome of Senate Bill 25 and represents the simplest financing option. It could take the form of the State of Alaska appropriating funds to meet capital costs as incurred over the 15-year construction schedule detailed in Table 0.33. On the basis of the present wholesale energy rate setting requirement incorporated in Senate Bi 11 25, the Power .Authority would, however, not br :ible to charge more than the actual costs incurred. Given that in this case the only costs would be the very small year-to-year operating costs, this option would involve the output from Susitna being supplied at only a fraction of the price of electricity from the best thermal option. (ii} State Appropriation of $3 Billion {in {iii} 1982 dollars) with Residual Bond Financing The outcome for this option is summarized in Figure 0.22 and Table 0.34. It would still enable Susitna energy to be produced at a price 46 percent less than that of the best thermal option. It waul d also enable the project to be completed with only $0.9 billion (in 1982 dollars) of revenue bonds or G.O. bonds over the period 1991-93. The Devil Canyon stage could then be completed with a further $2.3 billion (in 1982 dollars) of revenue bonds over the period 1994 to 2002. This level of appropriation would enable Susitna energy prices to be held virtually constant at their initial level for nearly a decade. A temporary "step-up" in pric€ of Susitna output to the cost of the electricity from the best thermal option would be required \'/hen Devil Canyon was completed on the basis of its 100 percent revenue bond .financingc Thereafter, however, the cost of the Susitna energy would again stabilize and give ever-increasing sav- ings compared with cost of the best thermal option .. "Minimum 11 State Appropriation of $2.3 Billion (in 1982 dollars) with Resid~al Bond Financing The "minimum" state appropriation is taken as the minimum · amount required to meet a debt service cover of 1 .. 25 on the I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I residual debt financing by revenue bonds and makes . Susitna's wholesale energy price competitive with the best the""mal option in its first normal cost year (1994). This level of appropriation would require $1u7 billion {in 1982 dollars) of bond financing in 1990-93 and a further $2 .. 1 billion (in 1982 dollars) over the period 1994 to 2002 to complete Devil Canyon (see Figure 0.23 and Table 0.35). These levels of state appropriation would all therefore eliminate Susitna•s "inflationary financing deficit". (d) Issues Arising from the Basic Financing Option~ (i) Need for Financial Restructuring Irrespective of Susitna being chosen as the best means of meeting the Railbelt energy needs, significant financial restructuring of some Railbelt utilities will be required to enable them to offer adequate financial security in their power contracts and debt financing to meet generation expansion·. It is assumed that this restructuring will take p 1 ace. (ii) Tax-exempt Bond Financing In the $2.3 bi-11 ion state appropriation case interest cost~ on the basis of tax-exempt financing, accounts for 90 per- cent of the unit price of Susitna output in 1994. Failure to obtain tax-exempt bond financing would increase these interest costs by approximately one-quarter. Ensuring tax-exempt status for the Susitna bond issues is therefore of fundamental importance to the economics of the project under these options. This issue has been extensively reviewed by tax advisers and consultants and i c has been concluded that at the stage. at which bond financing is required in the early 1990s,. tax-exempt financing should be possible in compliance with Section 103 of the IRS code. (iii) Op~ions for Residual Financing Tables 0.36 and 0.37 set out the estimated requirements for bond financing with state appropriations of $3 billion and $2.3 billion respectively. Several options available to meet these financing needs are summarized below. -Revenue Bonds with a Completion Guarantee A completion guarantee must be assumed to be a precondi- tion of bond financing at the Watana stage (up to 1993). I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A State of Alaska guarantee of project completion would probably enaHle all residual financing to be met by rev- enue bonds. (The completion guarantee may of necessity have to take the form of a G.O. bond authorization of an amount to be determined prior to the timing of the issuance of revenue bonds). -Guaranteed Revenue Bonds with Post-Completion Refinancing If the revenue bonds were guaranteed by the State of Alaska they could be issued without the provision of a completion guarantee. -G.O. Bonds with Post-Completion Refinancing G.O. Bonds on the "full faith and credit" of the State of Alaska are effectively identical to guaranteed revenue bonds and would also avoid the necessity of a completion guaranteee In this case, as with that of guaranteed revenue bonds, the burden on the credit of the state could be minimized by making the bonds subject to "call 11 after a few years (when project viability was established) and refinancing into non-guaranteed revenue bonds. (iv) Refjnancing Watana and the Financing of Devil Canyon Early refinancing of any guaranteed o.r G.O. bonds used to finance Watana, and the ongoing financing of Devil Canyon entirely by revenue bonds is taken to be an important financing objective. The main factor determining the date at which such refinancing will be possible is the magnitude of the initial state appropriation. The basic conclusion from the analysis is that, with a state appropriation of $2.3 billion (in 1982 dollars), there is a very high degree of certaittty that refinancing into non-guaranteed revenue bonds could occur within a few years of project completion. . . (v) Importance of Adequate State Appropriation The principal effect of appropriations significantly less than $2.3 billion would be a possible need for additional guaranteed or G.O. bond financing for Devil Canyon. This is because the impact of lesser appropriations would (as illustrated in Figure 0.24} give rise to inadequate earnings coverage in the early years of Watana, and I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (e) subsequently Devil Canyon, so that the raising of revenue bonds requiring such cover would have to be delayed. In addition, such inadequate funding would force the Susitna price to 11 track" the cost of energy from the best thermal option until adequate revenue had been built up to allow such refinancingo (vi) Impact on State Credit Rating of Guaranteed or G.O. Bond Financing The impact on state credit rating of guaranteed or G.O. bond financing of the order cf $1.7 billion in the $2.3 billion (both in 1982 dollars) state appropriation case has been assessed by the Alaska Power Authority's investment banking and financial advisers First Boston Corporation and First Southwest Company. They have concurred in the following statement. 11 We are only able to render a conditional estimate of the possible impact on the credit of the State of Alaska as a result of the contemplated general obligation bond finan- cing of $1.7 billion for the.Watana stage of the Susitna hydroelectric project. Alaska's presently favorable rat- ings are greatly influenced by it's low debt to assessed value ratio which helps to overcome the unusually high per capita debt statistics. Given the dramatic growth of assessed valuation and the fact that interest expense through start-up of Watana is to be capitalized from bond proceeds the envisaged financing should not significantly impair the credit of the.state. Even if the State of Alaska's general obligation bond rating were reduced one full letter grade, the cost in terms of interest rates on future bond issues would likely be in the approximate range of 1/4 percent to 1/2 percent per annum." Financing Options Under Senate Bill 64_9 and House Bill 655 As proposed these bills would permit financing of approved energy developments by state funding to be repaid at the rate of 3 per- cent per annum with an 11 uplift" reflecting past inflation. {i) 100 Percent State Appropriation The outcome in thfs case is illustrated in Figure 0.25 and waul d differ from that covered by the outright appropri a- tion (c) (i) above in that the resulting charge for Susitna energy to cover the repayment of state funding would be 81 mills/kWh in 1994 compared with 19 mills/kWh in the (c) {i) case. I I .I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (ii) "Minimum" State Appropriation of $3 Billion (in 1982 dollars) · The outcome of a state appropriation of $3 bi.llion (in 1982 dollars) is shown in Figure 0.26. This·also would differ from the $3 billion outright appropriation dealt with in (c) (ii) in representing the minimum compatible with residual financing by revenue bonds, since the increasing payment~ to the state create an earnings cover shortfall in . 2003. It would also result in a consequent higher charge for Susitna energy. In this case it would be·120 mills/kWh in 1994 compared with 80 mills/kWh under (c) (ii). In both (i) and (ii) Susitna energy would still be produced at a price competitive with the best thermal option. These scenarios would also be compatible (subject to certain legislative requirements) with resid- ual financing by revenue bonds. (f) Future Development and Resolution of Uncertainties Prior to the decision to proceed with actual construction of Susitna~ several significant uncertainties affecting the project wi 11 have been reduced. Demand forecasts wi 11 be more certain and the impact of the electrical intertie between Anchorage and Fair- banks wi 11 be ·known. Fuel cost trends and energy prices from al- ternative generation sources will be more precisely known. More advanced engineering work and definition of the basis for con- struction contracts will have firmed up requirements for capital funds. In addition, the ·passage of time will have allowed better definition of the level of state appropriation required and the ability of the state to provide the necessary financial support. The development of the institutional structure of the Railbelt utilities by this date should also permit power contracts and legislative proposals to be drawn UJ:> which would equitably share these then more clearly delineated risks b~tween the utilities~ the Power Authority and the State of Alaskao The key requirements for state guarantees and financing could then be more precisely defined in an appropriately limited form which would be acceptable to the state and adequate for project financing. (g) Conclusion The principal conclusion of the financial evaluatim .... i1 that with a state appropriation of not less than $2.3 billion (in 1982 dol- lars) and consent for guaranteed or G.O. bond financing of $1.7 billion {in 1982 dollars), Susitna would be financially viable. It would also be able to market its output at an initial price competitive with the most efficient thermal option and produce substantial long-term savings compared with this option. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I " The evaluation, however, stressed the importance of establishing the project on a strong financial basis that would enable it to secure conversion of the guaranteed or G.O. bonds issued for the construction of Watana into non-guaranteed revenue bonds and ob- tain a highly competitive rate of interest. These objectives (to- gether with the marketing of the Watana output in 1994 and a price 46 percent below that of the most efficient thermal option)~ could be secured by state appropriation of $3.0 billion (in 1982 dol- lars). It should also be noted that the cost benefit analysis shows that full recovery long-term of any state appropriation would be pos- sible with a better than 10 percent rate of return. Meeting the Susitna "inflationary financing deficit" by such appropriations can therefore be considered as a separate issue from subsidization of electricity prices by foregoing recovery of all or part of the state appropriation designed to meet this deficit. 6.2 -Financial Risk The financial risks considered are those arising to the State of Alaska and to Alaskan consumers. The analysis of these risks is restricted to the period up to 2001 covering the completion of Watana and its first eight years of operation. (a) Pre-completi0n Risk The major pre-completion risk is simply the risk that the project will not be completed. The possibility of this arising owing to natural hazard has a negligibly small probability of occurrence, based on the risk analysi~ described in Reference 31. The risk of non-completion owing to capital overrun is also as- sessed to have negligible probability.. This is on the grounds that the project only involves well-established technology, has been extensively evaluated by Acres and wholly independent consultants and shown by formal probabi 1 ity analysis to have only a 27 to 20 percent probability of any real capital overrun. {b)_ Post-completion Risks (i) The Generation of Post-completion Risks A probabilistic financial model was developed taking into account the probability distributions of the major engi- neering and financial variables on which the financial out- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I come for Susitna depends .. This model, the basic parameters of which are given in Table 0.38, was then used to consider in detail critical specific and aggregative risks pos~d by t-he n ... n;nr.t- viJ p1 VJ~'--v • (ii) Specific Risks -Specific Risk I; Risk of Bond Requirement Overrun (Figure 0.27) Extensive analysis was undertaken to assess the probabil- ity that the bond financing requirements would overrun the forecast values as a result of capital costs, infla- tion, interest rates, etc., being less favorable than forecast. In the $2.3 billion state appropriation case it was found that the probability of the bond financing requirement exceeding the forecast of $1.7 billion (in 1982 dollars) by more than 50 percent was only 0.12. There is also a significant probability (0.71) that the bond financing requirements will be less than the fore- cast $1.7 billion. -Specific Risk II; Inadequate Debt Service Cover (Figure 0.28) Adverse impact on state credit rating might occur if the project failed to earn adequate debt service and cover and consequently conver~ion into non-guaranteed revenue bonds was delayed. The analysis showed that in the $2.3 billion state appropriation case: • The probability of forecast coverage being less than · adequate ( 1. 25 cover age) in 1994 (first norma 1 year of Watana) is 0.22. Given that the probability of coverage shortfall dimin- ishes with time (due to increased cost of alternative fuels), the risk of delayed conversion due to inadequate cover is minimal. -Specific Risk III; Early Year Non-viability (Figure 0.29 The measure of financial non-viability in the early years is taken as the ratio of Watana's unit cost to the costs of the best thermal option in Watana • s third year (1996). (For comparability excess debt service cover was ex- cluded.) If this ratio is less than forecast it would reflect "non-viability" in the sense of the project not realizing its forecast savings in these important early 'I I I I I I I I I I <> I I_ I I I I I I I years. This analysis indicates that in the $2.3 billion appropriation case there is only a 0.29 chance of the Susitna costs exceeding their forecast value {51 percent of the best thermal). (iii) The Aggregate Risk While specific risks of the type considered above are of importance basic concern must center on the aggregate risk. In long-term economics this is measured by the risk attaching to the rate of return. For the purpose of the financial risk, however, it is taken as represented by accumulative net operating earnings at the end of the first eight years of operation of Watana. Since this statistic is net of interest and debt repayment, it effectively subsumes all the risks involved in capital expenditure., inflation, interest rates, revenues etc., deviating from their forecast values. This statistic was also adjusted to allow the pricing up of Watana energy to the cost of the best thermal option so that the statistic reflects the 11 Upside" risk as well as the "downside ... On this basis in the $2.3 billion state appropriation case the statistic (see Figure 0.30) was found to have only a 0.27 chance of being below forecast level of $0~8 billion (in 1982 dollars) by more than $0.2 billion. There is also a 0.73 probability of the statistic exceeding $0.8 billion and thus creating greater savings for the Alaskan comsumer. (c) Conclusions The analysis shows the exposure of the project, either to.critical specific risks or:-to aggregative risk, at the Watana stage is rel- atively limited. v The qualification attaching to this analysis is that the estimates and probabilities used are free from any sys- tematic biases. The structure of the plan of the overall plan of study for Susitna and analysis of its alternatives has, however, been specifically designed to take every reasonable precaution against this possibility by seeking extensive independent verification of the key variables by Batelle and Ebasco operating wholly as independent consultants. I I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I I LIST OF REFERENCES 1. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 18, Conservation of Power and Water Resources-, Parts 1 and 2, Washington, D.C., Government Printing Office, 1981. 2. 3. 4 .. 5. 6. 7. 8. .9. 10. Alaska Agreements of Wages and Benefits for Construction Trades. In effect January 1982. Caterpillar Performance Handbook, Caterpillar Tractor Co.i Peoria, 1T1inois, Octo6er 1981. Roberts, WilliamS., Regionalize!:i Feasibility Study of Cold Weather Earthwork, Cold Regions Research and tngineering Laboratory, July 1976, Special Report 76-2. Acres American, Inc. Susitna Hydroelectric Project Feasibility Report, Volume 6 (Appendix C). Prepared for the Alaska Power Authority~ March 1982. Acres American Incorporated. Development Selection Report. Authority, December 1981. Susitna Hydroelectric Project Prepared for the Alaska Power U.S. Department of Labor, Monthly Labor Review, various issues. Alaska Department of Commerce and Economic Development, The Alaska Economic Information and Reporting System, July 1980. Data Resources Inc., U.S. Long-Term Review, Fall 1980, Lexington, MA, 1980:- Wharton Econometric Forecasting Associates, Fall 1981, Philadel- phia, PA, (reported in Economic Council of Canada CANDIDE Model 2-0 Run, date.d December 18, 1981.) 11. Baumol, W.J., "On the Social Rate of Discount 11 , American Economic Review, Vol. 58, September 1968. 12. Mishan, E.J., Cost-Benefit Analysis, George Allen and Unwin, London, 1975. 13.. Prest, A .. R. and R. Turvey, "Cost-Benefit Analysis: A Survey", Economic Journal, Vol. 75, 1965. 14. U.S. Department of Commerce, Survey of Current Business, various issues. 15. Data Resources, Inc., personal communication, November 1981. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 16. World Bank, personal communication, January 1981 .. 17. U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration, Annual Report to Congress, Washington, D.C., 1980 .. 18. National Energy Board of Canada, Ottawa, Canada~ personal communi- cation, October 1981. 19.. Noroil, "Natural Gas and International LNG Trade", Vo~i. 9, October 1981. 20. Segal, J. 11Slower Growth for the 1980's .. , Petroleum Economist, December 1980. 21. Segal, J. and F. Niering, ''Special Report on World Natural Gas Pricing .. , Petroleum Economist, September 1980. 22. SRI International, personal communication, October 1981. 23. World Bank, Commodity Trade and Price Trends, Washington 1980. 24. Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories, Beluga Coal Market Study, Final Report~ Richland, Washington, 1980. 25. B.Ce Business~ August 1981. 26. Coal Week International, various issues. 27. Japanese f4inistry of International Trade and Industry, personal communication, January 1982 .. 28. Canadian Resourcecon Limited, Industrial Thermal Coal Use in Canada, 1980 to 2010, May 1980. 29. Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories, Alaska Coal Future Avail- ability and Price Forecast, May 1981. 30. Roberts, J.o. et al, Treatment of Inflation in the Development of Discount Rates and Leve1ized Costs in NEPA Analyses for the Electric Utility Industry, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, ~ashington, D.c., January 1980. 31. Acres J\merican Incorporated. Report on "Economic, Marketing and Financial Evaluation" for Susitna Hydroelectric Project. · 32. Battelle Pacific Northwest, 11 Railbelt Electric Power Alternatives Study: Evaluation of Railbelt Electric Energy Plans", prepared for the Office of the Governor, State of Alaska, August 1982. 33. Battelle Pacific Northwest 11 Railbelt Electric Power Alternatives Study Candidate Technolgies 11 , prepared for the Office of the Governor, State of Alaska, August, 1982. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 34. Battelle Pacific Northwest "Railbelt Electric Power Alternatives Study: Coal Fired Pl antsn, prepared for the Office of the Governor, State of Alaska, August, 1982. 35. Battelle Pacific Northwest "Railb~lt Electric Power Alternatives Study: Natural Gas and Combined Cycle", prepared for the Office of the Governor, State of Alaska, August, 1982. 36. Battelle Pacific Northwest "Railbelt Electric Power Alternatives Study: Wind Energy"; prepared for the Office of tfie Governor, State of Alaska, August, 1982. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Categor~ Production Plant Transmission Plant General Plant Indirect Subtotal Contingency 17.5$ Total Construction Overhead Construction TOTAL FROJECT TABLE D. t: SUW-tARY OF COST ESTIMATE Januar~ 1982 Dol Iars $ X 106 Watana Devr I Can~ on Total $1,986 $ 835 $2,821 391 91 482 5 5 10 378 188 566 --$2,760 $ 1, 119 $3,879 482 196 678 $3,242 $ 1,315 $4,557 405 165 570 $3,647 $1,480 $5,127 -•. ------- - --- --·-- ESTIMATE SUMMARY TABLE D.2 j~~m ALASKA R>WER AUTHORITY WATANA Feaslbll tty CLIENT TYPE OF ESTIMATE PROJECT SUS ITNA HYDROELECTRIC ffiOJECT APPROVED BY _ JDL No. DESCRIPTiON QUANTITY UNIT COST/ UNIT AMOUNT TOTALS ex 1 o6> (x 1 o6 > PROOUCT I ON PLANT 330 land & land Rights •••••••·•o•••••• ••••••••••a••••••• ••••••••• •••••·••• $ 51 331 Powerplan"t Structures & lmprovemen s •••••••••••••••••••••@••• •••••••• 73 332 Reservoir, Dams & Waterways •••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• ....... .. 1,532 333· Waterwheels, Turbines & Generators •••••••••••••••••••• .. •••••• •••••••• 65 334 Accessory Electrical Equipment ••• ••••o•••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••• 21 335 Mlscel laneous Powerplant Equipment (Mechanical) ............... •••••••• 14 336 Roads & Railroads •••••••••••••••• : ................ . 230 TOTAL PRODUCTION PLANT ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• •••••••• $ t ,986 0 I . --· -·- JOB NUMBER P~?'lllo.oo FILE NUMBER ?~1;~00. 14 ·09 SHEET 1 OF "' . __ .....__ BY --......... .....---DATE ...-rr.,..,...- CHKD JRP DATE. 2782 RE:~ARKS • -------- ESTIMATE SUMMARY CL I ENi ALASKA FOWER AUTHORITY --- TABLE 0.,2 WATANA -- TYPE OF ESTIMATE - - Feasibility PROJECT SUS I TNA HYDROELECffi I C FROJ ECT APPROVED BY ___ J_D_L ---- No. 350 352 353 354 356 359 · DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT COST UNIT TOTAL BROUGHT FORWARD ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••!••••••••• ••••••'~>• TRANSMISSION PLANT Land & land Rights ................ •••o•••••••e•••••• ••••••••• •••••••• Substa-tion & Switching Station Str . ····~··· Substation & Switching Station Equ pment •••• ~ ....... • •••••••• Steel Towers & Fixtures ........... ••••••••••••••••• ••••••oe Overhead Conductors & Devices •••• ••••••••••••••••• ••••o••• Roads & Tra tIs •••••••••e••••e•••• •••••••••a••••••• •••••••• TOTAL TRANSMISSION PLANT ••••••••• ••••••••••••••••e ••••••••• e••••••• AMOUNT TOTALS 0 $ 1,986 $ 8 12 129 130 99 13 $ 391 $ 2,377 -- JOB NUMBER P-5:7no .. oo FILE NUMBER' ?2'700. 14 •09 - SHEET 2:' OF 5 BY--~---DATE JRP · ... 2T-;~aroo~z- CHKD DATE RE'MARKS - - - ------ - --... •• ----- . ESTIMATE SUMMARY TABLE De2 JOB NUMBER P5K1V..OO FILE NUMBER P 57~"\. U-4.09 ~~~m WATANA l Cl-IENT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY TYPE OF ESTIMATE Fe as 1 b 1 11 ty SHEET •3 OF ·5 BY l SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT APPROVED BY JDL DATE PROJECT JRP 2/B2 CHKD DATE_ No. DESCRIPTION QUANT tTY UNIT COST] UNIT AMOUNT TOTALS REitARKS (x 1 o6> (x 106 ) TOTAL BROUGHT ~ORWARD .............. ••••••••••••••••o• ••••••••• • •••••• o $ 2,382 I INDIRECT COSTS ' 61 Temporary Construction Faci lltles. , •••••••••••••••e•• ••o•••••• ·"'······· $ -See Note 62 Construction Equipment ··~········· •••••••••••••••••• ·····~··· ••e•••••• -See Note 63 Camp & Commissary .-................ •••••••s•••••••••• ••••••••• ••••••••• 378 64 Labor Expense ••••••••••••••••10•••• •••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• •••••e••• - 65 Superintendence ••••••••••••••••••• •~•••••••o••=••••• ••••••o•• ., ........ -See Note 66 Insurance ••••••••••••••••~··•••••• •••••••••••••••e•• .......... ••••••••• -See Note . 69 Fees e••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ·········!)········ ••••••••• ••••••••• -::iee Note Note: Costs under· accounts 6 l , 62 64, 65, 66, and ( 9 are Included ln the appropr ate d l rect costs II sted above. . T01"AL INDIRECT COSTS ••••••••••••• ••••o•••••••••••• ••••••••• ••••••••• $ 378 . . . $ 2,760 . . . - - No. 71 72 75 16 77 80 ... - ----- ------- ESTIMATE SUMMARY TABLE D.2 CLIENT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY WATANA PROJECT SUS ITNA HYDROELEC1'RJC FROJECT DESCRIPTION . QUANTITY UNIT TOTAL BROUGHT FORWARD (Construct for Costs) .. u•••••• ••••••••• Contingency 17.5% ••••••••••••••••••••••.,••••••••.,•••••••••••• TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••~••• OVERHEAD CONSTRUCTION COSTS (PROJECT INDIRECTS) Engineering/ Administration •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . Legal Expenses •••••••••••• ..................................... .. Taxes ......................................................... Administrative & General Expenses ···~··•••••••••••••••••••••• lnteres't ••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••• Earnings/Expenses During Construct on ••••••••••••••• ••••••••• Tota I Overhead ...................................... , ......... . TOTAL FROJECT COST • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • .. • •••••.••• o....... . . " ..... . TYPE OF ESTIMATE Feaslbf llty APPROVED BY ___ JD_L ___ _ COST/ UNIT •o•••••• I •••••••• •••••••• ••••••••• •••••••• ••••••••• •••.,v••• •••••••• • •••••••• •••••••• $ • AMOUNT TOTALS $ 2,760 482 3,242 405 - - - - - 405 $ 3.647 - -- JOB NUMBER ps;r,oo •. oo FILE NUMBER P2-r'~. i4-.09 - SHEET 4 OF 5 BY ---m---· DATE ........,,.,...,--JRP 2/82 CHKD O,ATE . Included l n 71 Not applicable Included tn 7t Not Included Not included 07. OZ. Q!, Jform ~~~A ... - - ----- -- ---- -- - ESTIMATE SUMMARY TABLE 0.2 JOB NUMBER P5-~.oo.oo FILE NUMBER P~h'!.OO. 14 .. 09 ~~~rn WATANA ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY TYPE OF ESTIMATE Feas i b I I I ty SHEET "~.:. 5 CLIENT ",j OF SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT APPROVED BY JDL BY DATE PROJECT JRP 2/82 CHKD DATE No. DESCRI PTlON QUANTITY UNIT AMOUNT TOTALS REMARKS <x 1 o6·> (x 106 ) TOTAL BROUGHT FORWARD •••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• . ......... ••••••••• $ 2,377 GENERAL PLANT 389 Land & land Rights ............... -c .................. •••o••~• $ Included under ~:So 390 Structures & Improvements •••••••• ········~········ ··••-o••• Included under ~:S1 391 Office Furnlture/Equ1pment ••• ~ ••• ·········-~~····· .......... Included under }99 392 Transportat~on Equipment •••••··~· It n ••••••••••••••••• • ••••••• 393 Stores Equipment ••••••••••••••••• II tv ••••••••o•••••••• ee•&•eeea ... , .... 394 Tools Shop & Garage Equipment •••• •••••••a••••••••• " II ••••••••• e 0 G e.e 8 e e 395 Laboratory Equipment ••••••••••••• n It ••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• •••••••• 396 Power-operated Equipment 11 " ••••••••• ·~··~············ ••••••••• •••••••• 397 Communications Equipment • -•••••• 0 n " ••••••••• •••••••••~•••••e• ••••••••• 398 Miscellaneous Equlpment it II •••••••••• •o••••••••••••••• ...... , ... •••••••• 399 other T~ngtble Property •••••••••• ••••••a•••••••••• •••••••• ···~···· 5 TOTAL GENERAL PLANT •••••••••••••• ••••••o•••••••••• •••••••• • ••••••• $ 5 . $ 2,382 •• ____ .w _____________ _ ESTIMATE SUMMARY CLIENT ALASKA POWER /'.UTHOR I TY TABLE D.3 DEVIL CANYON TYPE OF ESTIMATE Feasibll tty PRO-JECT SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT APPROVED BY ___ JD_L ___ _ No. OESCRlPTION QUANTITY UNIT fl~Tf/ PRODUCTION PLANT 330 Land & Land Rights •••••••••••••• •••••••••~••••••• ••••••••• •••••••• S 331 Powerplant Structures & lmproveme1ts ......... ,.e•••• ••••••••• •••••••• 332 Reservoir, Dams & Waterways ••••• ••••••••••••••••• •••••••••I-•••••••• 333 334 335 Waterwheels, Turbines & Generator Accessory Electrical Equipment •• Miscellaneous Powerplant Equtpmen • e. 8 8 e e •• e. e e 8 8 e I e e e e e e 8 e ep 8 •• e •••• i ············~···· ·········~········1 (Mechanical) ••• •••••••••~••&1••••• 336 Roads & Railroads ••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• •••••••••It•,•••••• TOTAL PRODUCTION PLANT •••••••••• •••••••••••••••"• •••••••••to•••••••• AMOUNT TOTALS 22 71 635 42 14 12 39 $ 835 JOB NUMBER P5-7C}!} .. 00 FILE NUMBER P 5 7e:ID·14 ·U9 S'iEET 1 OF 5 BY __ ___,JR""'P..---OATE -"~~,"~"~"Sl.,..._ CHKD OATE .• 07. oa. 05. ,orm 134A 1 I l - r I No. 350 352 353 354 356 359 - . ---- ---•• ------ ESTIMATE SUMMARY TABLE 0.3 DEVlL CANYON CLIENT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY TYPE OF ESTIMATE Feaslb; lity PROJECT SUSITNA HXOBOELECTRIC PROJECT APPROVED BY ___ JD_L ___ _ DESCRiPTION TOTAL BROUGHT FORWARD TRANSMISSION PLANT QUANTITY ••••••••••••••••• UNIT COST/ UNlT ·········~~······· Land & Land Rights •••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••~•· •••••••••••••••••• Substation & Switching Station Structures & lmprovenents ••••••••••••• Substation & Switching Station Eq~lpment •••••••••• •••••••••••••••••• Steel Towers & Fixtures •s••••••• ••••••••••••••••• •••••••e•••••••••• Overhead Conductors & Devices ••• •••••••~••••••••• ·~·~·············· Roads & Trails •••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••• TOTAL TRANSMISSION PLANT •••••••• ~•••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••e•••• . 1l . . . ---- AMOUNT $ 7 21 29 34 TOTALS 835 $ 91 . $ 926 • -- . JOB NUMBER PS?r~~.oo FILE NUMBER PS.J't~m .. 14 • 09 SHEET 2 OF 5 BY ---J"""R,...P--·--DATE '2/Bl CHKD -OATE Included in Wa-t~na Es-timate Inc I uded l n ~/c:rtt~na Estimate I . -- No. 369 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 391 398 399 -- ----- -- - - TABLE 0.3 DEVIL CANYON ESTIMATE SUMMARY CL.IENT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY TYPE OF ESTIMATE PROJECT SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT APPROVED BY DESCRiPTION TOTAL BROUGHT FORWARD ••••••••••• GENERAL PLANT QUANTITY ••••••••••••••••• UNIT COST/ UNIT Land & Land Rights •••••••oo••••• ..... ooooo•••••••• •o•••••••••••••o•• Structures & Improvements ••••••• ••••••••••••o•,•• •••o•••••••••••••" Office Furniture/Equipment •••••• ••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••• Transporta't I on Eq u I pment ...... ., • • , .• o.. • • • • • • • • • • • • . o ••••••.••.••.•••. Stores Equipment •••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• .. • Tools Shop & Garage Equipment ...................... ••••••••••••••••"• Laboratory Equipment •••••••••••• •••••••••·~·••••• •••••••••••••••••• Power Operated Equipment oo•••••• .................. •••••••••••••••••• Communlc;:ations Equipment •••••••• .................... ••••••••••••'•••••• Miscellaneous Equlpment ••••••••• •••••••••••••••"• •••••••••••••••••• Other Tang i b I e Property ~ ••••••• ··~................. • •••••• • •••• • • •. • • TOTAL GENERAL PLANT •••••••••••··~··••••••• .. ••••••• •o.••••••••••a••••• AMOUNT $ 5 .... -- Feaslbll tty JDL TOTALS 926 . $ 5 $ 931 ---- JOB NUMBER PSW:m.oo FILE NUMBER PS/~~·l 4 .. 09 SHEET --"""'3-._.: ............ OF __ s"- BY --~----DATE....,..,~-JRP 2/82 CHKD DATE RE'~Rl<S Included under ~:50 Included under :531 Included under' .:'599 11 tl . " u. 11 lt' " It 11 It II u II n ... -- No. 61 62 . 63 64 65 66 69 ( ... - ----- --- - --- ESTIMATE SUMMARY TABLE 0.3 DEVIL CANYON CLlENT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY TYPE OF ESTIMATE Feasibility PROJECT SUSITNA HXQROELECTRIC PROJECT APPROVED BY ___ JD_L ___ _ DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT COST I UNIT TOTAL BROUGHT FORWARD •••e••••••• •••••••••••~••••• •••••••••••••••••• INDIRECT COSTS Temporary Construc-tion Fact I itles ••••••••o•••••••• ••••••••• Construc-tion Equipment ••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• Camp & Commissary ................ ••••••••o•••••••• ••••••••• . Labor Expense ••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• •••••• u •• Superintendence ••••••••••••••••• ••••••o•••••••••• ••••••••• lnsun.rice ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• Fees ••••••••••••e•••a••••••••••• ••••••••••••••o•• ••••••••• Note: Cos-ts under accounts 61, 6g, 64, 65, 66, and 69 are included in the approp iate direct costs I I sted above. ••••••••• .......... eeeaoeoao ••••••••• • •••••••• ••••••••e e•••••••• TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• AMOUNT TOTALS 931 $ - - 188 - - - '- $ 188 $ 1, 119 --- JOB NUMBER FILE NUMBER P5.~~ ... 14• 09 SHE£T 4 ... OF s BY ---mrn--·--'DATE. -~-r--JRP 2J& CHKD OATE REPtl.aRKS See Note See Note See Note See Note See Note See Note ... .., -- l i No. 71 72 75 76 77 80 -------- --- ESTIMATE SUMMARY TABLE 0.3 DEVIL CANYON CL.IENT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY TYPE OF ESTIMATE PROJECT SU§ITNA HXQROELECTRIC PROJECT DESCRIPTIO.N QUANTITY TOTAL BROUGHT FORWARD (Construct I ~n Costs) ........ • Contingency 17.5% ••••••••••••••• UNIT COST/ UNIT APPROVED BY • AMOUNT ••••o••••••••••••• TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS •••••••• ••••~••••e••••••• •e•••••••••••••••• OVERHEAD CONSTRUCTlON COSTS CPROJ CT lNDIRECTS) Eng I neer I ng O•••••••••o•••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• ••••••••• $ 165 . Legal Expenses ................... ••••••••••••••••• •o••••••• •••••o••• - Taxds ••a••••••••••••••••••••o••• •••••••o••••••••• ••••••••e ••••••••• - Administrative & General Expenses ••••••••••••••o•• •••••••o• •••••••o• - Interest ···················~···· ••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• ••••oee.,:,e - Earnings/Expenses During Construe ion ••••••••••o•• • • • ,, • • • • e ••••••••• - Total Overhead Costs . ., .......... ••••o•••••••••••• • •••••••• ••••o•••• TOTAL FROJECT COST ••••o••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• . . ._ .. , .... •• -llil - --- JOB NUMBER · PSJOO. 00 FILE NUMBER PS?QlO. 14 •09 Feasibility SHEET 5 OF 5 ----- JDL BY ---m---DATE -M'ti"T""-JRP 2/82 CHKD DATE TOTALS REM~RKS $ 1, 119 196 1,315 Included In 11 Not Appl icabre Included in 7t No-t Included Not Included 165 $ 1,480 I I "I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE D.4: t4tTtc:ATim~ t-'iEASURES -SLNivtARY OF OJSTS JN:;CRPORATED iN CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATES COSTS INCORPORATED IN CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATES Outlet Facilities tAa in Dam at Dev i 1 Canyon Tunnel Spillway at Watana Restoration of Borrow Area D Restoration of Borrow Area F Restoration of Camp and Vii lage Restoration of Construction Sites Fencing around Camp Fencing around Garbage Disposal Area Mu It il eve I Intake Str~cture Camp facilities Associated with trying to Keep Workers out of Local Communities Restoration of Haul Roads S!JBTOTAL Contingency 17.5$ TOTAL CONSTRUCTION Engineering 12.5$ TOTAL FROJECT WATANA $ X 103 . 47,050 1,617 551 2,260 4,050 "' 350 125 18,400 10, 156 756 85,315 14.,930 100,.245 . 12,530 t 12,775 DEVI L C~NYON $X 10 __ 14,610 NA NA 990 2,016 217 125 NA. 9,000 505 27;463 4,806 32,269 4,034 36,303 149,01'6 ------------ - ---- - 1995 1996 1997 1993 1999 2000 2001 2002 20Q~ 2004 CAS~ FlOW 'itJH~A·P Y 73 C:Nt:RGY GPIH 3367 ===($~Illl0N)=~== 3387 3397 3387 3387 3387 3387 5721 5'8'~>4 S968 521 REAL PPtCE-HillS .119 e6) ... • 112.91 105e'i3 99.59 93.98 67 .. 63 82e87 47.60 79:.,u1 72.76 f 466 INFLATION INDEX 24~·23 266.73 ·zd5.40 305.38 326.75 349.62 374.10 400.2.9 428 -~l ~~8.29 I 39~ PRICt-MillS 29d.22 301.17 301.17 304.13 3.r>7.08 307.08 310.03 }q0.54 338 ... a33 311.47 I -----INCOME-----------------210 REVENUE 1010.0 1020.\.) 1020.0 1031).0 11}40.0 1040.0 1050.0 1090.0 19!3;1! .... :.0 1 Q90. 0 170 l ':SS OPtiUTlNG CIJSTS 24.-1 26.7 lR.S 30.'5 32$7 35.0 37.4 72.0 1'1',.. ~ 84~0 ---~' _____ ...__ --.-...-------.. --------- ,_ ________ ---------.. -------------------------4.16- _a. ____ ...._...,....., _____ ._ _ . .,.,._ • f 213 IJPERAT I NG ! NCOME 9135.1 993.3 991 .. 5 999.5 1007.3 1005.0 1012.6 1018.0 190~ ... ~ 1 :)06 .ri . i ZotO LESS INTeReST EXPENSE 923 .. tJ 920.5 917 .. 0 913.2 908eR 901te0 898 .. 7 892.8 i.ltO'-.,~ 1710.2 ----.. --~----~----------------- ________ ..._ ___ -........ ______ --------~- ___ .. ___ .._,_,_ -·-----... ---______ ,.... ........... ______ ..,. ___ -1527 'lET EAP.NI~GS. FRuH OPERS 61 .. 5 72.3 74.S 8b.3 98.5 101.1 113.9 12Se2 PH .... ~ lqS.Il Zllt I ~T€R£::ST EARNeD :JN FUND$ 4.9 5.2 5.6 o.o 6.4 6.CJ 7.3 7.9 lS~l l 6. 3 43,. I NTcREST Ot4 CASH DEFICIT o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o .. o o.o of>o 0' ... ~ -0.6 -----CASI'i SOURCE AND USf---- 44'j CASH lNC0"4': 66.1t 73.0 '30.1 92.3 104.0 107.9 121.2 133.0 206...,'(; el~.q . 41t6 STATE CONTR 11UTION o.o o.c o.o 1')~0 o.o J.O o.o o.o o .. ~ o.o I 143 LONG TERM JEaT O~AWDOWNS 3~1.7 .. 45.5 415.7 1179.2 l 44 t. 1 1617.9 1485.9 1098.13 lO.t..,~ 1"5.6 _____ .., ___ ---------------------·----... ----------- __ ., ______ -------------------------~~ .... ... _ .... ______ 447 TOTAl SOURCES OF FUNDS 458.1 :z3.6 495.11 1270.5 l 546.0 1725.8 1607.1 1231.8 3081 ... ' ]28.4 320 lESS CAPITAL EXPENDITURe 417.4 477.9 446.9 1215.8 1466.0 1661.1 1535ol 1077.'3 9C~~ 99.2 1 4,.3 LESS W'JR.C4P 4NO FUP-lDS 3.7 4.9 4.2 5.5 5.13 5.1 6., 5 81,9 tot •• :~ 14.,'1 • 26\l LESS DEBT REPAYHEflcTS 37.0 lt0e1 44cJ:i 49.2 54 .. 2 59.,6 b5.') 1 z .• 1 1()9.,,-; 120.4 l ----------___ .,_.. _____ ------------------------------------------------------------·---.... .-.. _.,._ _______ 1~1 CASH SURPlUSlDFFIClTl IJ.O o.~ o.o o.o J.O o.o o.o o.o a.,~ -o.l t 249 SJiORT TER1'1 O!::OT o.o 0.1') l). 0 c.n o.o c .. o o.c o.o ~ .. ~. o.o i It 50 C4SH SUqPLUSCDEFICITI o.o o.u o.n o.o o.o 0 .I) o.o o.o ~.l -6.1 i -----PALAN.Cf SHEET---------- 22'i ~Fsr~vJ: 1\ND CONT .. FUND 52.3 56.0 sq.q 64.1 68.6 73 .t, 71!o6 151.3 163.3 176.3 211 DEBT SF.PVICE PF.SSRVE· o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.c o.o o.o Q.,rt) o.o 451t !JTHER CASH SURPLU3 o.n o.o o.o o.o o.o o.v o.o o.o 6..,). o.o I --------- ___ ..., _____ ------------·-----~-------·--------.;--"'---.... -------_..., _______ ------,-~.....,~ ....... ~------ 5,3 TOTAl FUNL)S 52.3 '36.\l 5·). q 64.1 68.6 73.4 78.6 1:51.3 16q."\ 176.3 1 .371 QTHEtt "'oqJ<rr-.~ CAP !TAl 104.7 10n.o 106.3 lC 7.6 108.9 lOQ.2 110.6 ll9eB 209.1 ZtJ..6 370 r.u~ot. CAP lT ,\L SXP END I TU RE 10140.~ 10613.'1 1l 06.5. 7 1221H.S 13767.5 15428.6 16963.6 18041.4 1Bl3le.l }8l31.5 ==~~=====·========= ---------====·==---=.== :&:'!:'===== ~===·===·== ~=====--=== =======:c= :::::':=-='~-::.~ ~~tt.=:::.=~== ---------.. b.i CAPITAL Ef1PVJYIW 10298.0 10780.~ 11231.9 12453.2 13~45.0 15611.2 17152.8 18317..5 18.511 ..... 18'>t"<l.4 ==:::r====== :az.z::::,:: ========= •==:::===== :::::::::-:: =-====:::.::::-========:: =·.a:::::-;;::: :z.::-:;::.~==-~ !:t::;.:::::~=;:.::: 461 STATE CONTRJ5UTlCI-.. o.o o.o o.o o.o. o.o o.v o.o o.o o,.,"O o.o ' 46Z ~ETA 1 '41:0 EAR~INGS 485.7 563.7 643.8 736.l 841.0 948.9 1070.1 ll03,l 1409..,~ 1622.4 ! zso IJ~BT UUTSTANOINu 9812.J 10217.2 l058cl·l 11717.1 13104.1 l't1,62.4 160tV.7 17!09~4 17!01.,~ lt.9Q7.o i 382 OO:Bi SERVICE c:>Vr:R-CASH 1.00 1.oo t.oo 1.0·J 1.oo 1.00 1.00 .o. 99 o.~l>, 1.oo 3il3 DE aT SeRVICE COVER-I.NCOHE 1.03 1.04 la04 1.::>4 1.05 1.0': 1.(}6 \. 06 1.0~ t.os j 511 !lEST SfilVICE CCV~R-BEF TFR 1.03 le04 le04 1.05 1.or; leOS 1.06 ··1· 06 1.0~ 1.0, l '-1Z ?EST Sf.~VlCE COVt:R-AFT TFR 1.03 le04 l.C' 4 1.05 l.t)~ l.O'.i 1.06 1.06 t .. l)"j I .. O«j l ~ ~ ; l l f 1 ' NO FUND-NO STATE CONTRIBUTION SCENARIO f • 1 1% 'INFLATION, 100/c, INTEREST l ! Sheet2 of 2 TABLE 0.5 !I l J ! ---·-... -- ----- ------- ' ~~!OI!Ct***C!OI**~*********I!I********>:r**':t~.t'C:;t(t*********~********<n:::)*****~***********+ll=********************************(l*********¢~*~******~* DATA9H WATANA-OC CON LINE 1993-2002)-NO FUNO-NO STATE C3~TR.-INFLATIDN 7~-tNTEREST 10~-C.PITAL COST 55.117 8N ~~-J~~-l~ **J)(tJ;a*(t****Q*****'I',E(t(t(tl,'t(t*******"':t;r***:Qt***********************************~.:vt******>!'****:~::t(::;l::._':'!;J'1**:::*::c******~*****************:.'t~~~***~***~ 71 ~NERGY GWH 521. REAl PRICE-~ILLS ltbb INFLATION INOfl( 39~ PP ICF=-MU.LS ~---~INC~ME--~---------~~~-- 210 ~ EVENUE 170 lESS OPERATING COSTS 213 OPE:RATING JNCO.•R 21t0 lt::SS INTEREST EXPtNSE 521 ~FT EARNINGS F~OM IJPt~S Z14 INTEReST EARN tO :'2N t:.at·,. r .. ~ r·v••u..J 434 I ~TER'=S T ON CASH Of. F I C l'! -----CASH SOURC£; ANr~ USE----44'> CASH lNC:lH.: 44b STATE CONT?l:lUTlON 143 lONG itRM OEHT DPAWOOWNS 447 TOTAL SOU~CES IJF FUNDS 320 lESS CAPITAl FXP ENO JTURE 448 LESS WJRCl\P A'-10 FIJ"40S 261) LESS DEBT REPAYf1FNTS 141 CAS._. Si.J.R?l US ( OEF J C t T J 249 SHGRT T~llM O(:BT 450 CASH SURPLUSCOEFICITl -----BALANCE SH£!ET---------- 225 RESClWt AND CONT. FUND :!21 DfBT SE RV J CE RESSRVE 454 JTHER CASH SUAPLIJS !'Z1 TOTAL FUNDS 311 •) THfR WORK t NG CAPITAl 310 CUM. CAPITAL EXP cNiH TlJ RE 465 CAPITAL cf'\PlJY€0 4bl STATE CONTR I8UTIO.N 462 ~C'TAJN€0 £:1\RrHNGS 21:\0 O~lH OUTSTANDING 382 OF'JT StRVlCE COV£:R-CASH 163 f)EBT SERVICE cov::=.P.-l"'CCME 511 OF.AT S~~V ICE COVtR-BEF TFR Sl2 DEBT SERVICE COVF.R-AFl TFR ·1985 l9Sb 1987 l 988 1'~89 1990 CASH·FLCW t;U~MA~Y ===I$Mlll1UN):=~= '} 0 f) l) 'J 0 o .. oo o.oo 14~=~~ o .. oo o.oo c.oo 126.72 l3'i.sq l'>:.lct 166.10 177eT3 \).OIJ c.oo 0.01) c.on. o.oo OeO'l o.o o .. o o.o o .. c o.o o.:> o .. u o.o o.n ('.:> ().1) o.n -----------------------------...-----------·--------___ ...._ _____ o.o o.J u.o o.o o.o O.f) o.o 0.() o • .o 0.) o.o o.o -------------·-------___ .__,.. ___ _ ,_ .. ____ .....,_ --------- ____ .....__ ... ___ o .. o o.o o.o o.o o.u o.o o.o o.o o.o 0.1') o.o O.G o.o o.n o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o c.o o.o c.o o.o o.o o. f) 0.0 o .. o o.o 403.7 513.0 '>71.4 ~46.4 1152.0 1879.2 __ .. ______ --~---------------------~-·--- ..., ________ ----~.,---403.7 513.0 511.4 h4i3 .. 4 1151.0 1A7'/e2 403.7 513.0 571.4 ·61t8.4 1152e0 l67q.z O.!>. o.o o.o o.o o.c o .r1 o.J 0.') o.o o.·J o.o o.D _____ _,_,, ___ __ ._,_.., ___ ~, --------------------------- ___ ..., _____ ).tl Q.,l'\ o .. o 0.1 o.o o.o o.c o.o o.o Q.,l) ~ .. ) (). 0 o.o o.o o.J o.o OeO o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o O.'J o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o O.C'I o.o o.o o.o ---------------------_,_ _________ ____ ,. ____ ------------------o.o o.o o.o o ... o o.o o.o o.:> o.o n.o 0.1') o .. o o.o 403.7 916.9 14LIB.l 2136.5 3288.5 5167.7 ---------===:===== =======-=-= =====-=-=== ========; ===::::::;:: ---------403o7 916.6 t4aCJ.1 2136.5 3288.5 5167.7 :::.:====·== ======:::== ==-======= ===-====== =====:=== ---·---------------o.o o,o o.o 0. t' o.o o.o o.o IJ.J o.o o.·) o.o o.n 403.7 9lt.J.t! 14 s ':t. 1 2136.5 5288.5 5167.1 o.oo o.oc o.oo o.o'> o.oo o.oo o.oo o.oo o.oo o.oo o.oo o.oo o.oc o.oo o.oo o.oo o.oo O.'CO o.oo o.oo Oe'.lO o.oo o.o') o.o'.l NO FUND-NO STATE CONTRIBUTION SCENARiO 7% INFLATION, 100A. INTEREST 1991 1992 l 9~ 3' 1 ~~~ 0 0 33~71 ~3.87 o.oo OeOO 5o .. r '!! lZ~i.Ol 190.17 203.48 211.:r~ 2J2.97 o.oo o.oo l0°.Z~ zqs.zz c.') o.o 37Q.,C;. 1010.0 c.o o.o zr..,s: 2 ~-3 --------- _________ ....., _______ ,_,~ ....,. ________ o.o o.o 34~._,.!:' 986.1 c.o o.o (J.,C' 9l:U.? ----------------·--~· .. _,_ ___ ..,_..,.. '------~--o.o o.o 348.,~ b6.5 o.o 011('1 0-.,t:.~ 4~6 o.o o.o o •. (':' ').0 Oe'l o.o 34d~;'!'> 71.1 o.o o.o o ... c; o.o 176'3.tl 1369.6 90 1-.~i l89.2 ,.. ________ ---------______ , __ ,._... .... ,~*'------1763.8 1369.6 1249..,2' 360.2 176 3. a l36Q.6 1!6:""~ ]'iQ,.2 o.o o.o 86 .. Q; 67.4 o.o o.o Q.,.;jl 1l.o -------------------------.. ---~ ~--------c .. o o.o o .. ,t;;; o .. o o.o o.o o.~ o.o o.a o.o c .. c-, o.o o.o O.Q 45.]' ~R.9 o.o o.o 0-.\"\ o.o o.o o.o 0""~ o.o __ ""' ______ ----------______ ,..._,.,.,. """----------o.o o.o 45-.';l 48.q o.o o.o 40.1 Io~t.s b93t.i 830lel 94b<t.,l 97?3.5 ::::======== ========= :::·=== .::;;:. ·lt:'.e:;::::::: 6931.5 830lol 9550: •. 1 qa7~.<.:J =======.== ==:::=~==::= ==--====::;;t !!':::·:::::·::. o.o o.o o .. o. o .. o o.o o.o 346.~ 41 Q. 3 6q3l.'i 6301..1 9701-d Q4')7.6 o.oo o.oo o.nn .) • 1.)4 o.oo o.oo Oei.H} h.04 o.oo o .. oo o.o(.) 1.04 o.oo o.oo o.oo. t.04 TABLE 0. 5 • I I I I I I I I I le I I I I I I I I I TABLE D~6: SUSITNA COST OF POWER First full year of Watana & Devil Canyon - (See Table 5 for Detail) 2003 . $•s Per Net Kilowatt Total Plant Investment (RL 370 + 73) Inc. I.D.C. I. Fixed Charges Per~ent (a) Cost of Money · lOoOO (b) Depreciation ( 1 0% 50 yr S. P. ) • 09 (c) Insurance .10 (d) Taxes .00 1. Federal Income 2& Federal t-1i see 11 aneous 3. State & Local 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.19 II. Fixe'd Operating Costs {a) Operation & Maintenance {RL 213 & 73) (b) Administrative & General Experience {35% of (a)) Total Annual Capacity Costs Actual $• s 1982 $' s 3103 316 .. 17 14.40 4.69 334.26 724 73.81 3.13 1.10 78.04 Notes: (1) (2) (3) RL =Reference Line on far left of Table 5 printout Working Capital carying charge is omitted as 80% covered by earnings from Reserve & Contingency Fund (RL 225). Cost in 1982 $'s is derived by deflating Actual $ cost by the inflation index {RL 466) to reflect the economic cost to consumers over the 50-yr. assumed 1 i fe of the facility. It therefore diverges from the year to year financial cost of power dependent on the specific debt QJ11ortization and financing plan embodied in the assumed financing scenario. As noted in pages to it is expected that the State of Alaska wi 11 finance a mahor part of the investment and substantially reduce the financia1 cost of power very substantially bel ow that of RL 399 of Attachment A. I I I I I I I I I I I I .I I I I I I TABLE D. 7: FORECAST F INANC!Al PARAMETERS Project Canpletion -Year Energy level -1993 -2002 -2010 Costs Tn January 1~92 Dollars CapiTal Costs Operating Costs -per annum Provision for Capital Renewals -per annum (0.3 percent of Capital Costs) Operating Worl<tng Capital Reserve and Contingency Interest Rate Debt Repayment Perlod Inflat-Ion Rate Watana 1993 $ 3.647 L.1..i_ . ..L~--UltJIUII $10.0 mill ion $10.94 Real Ra-te of Increase tn Operating Costs 9 -1982 TO 1987 -1988 on Rea! Rate of Increase In Capital Costs -1982 TO 1985 -1986 to 1992 -1993 on Devil Canyon 2002 $1.470 bi II ion $5.42 mill ion $4.41 Total 3 387 Gtlh 5 223 n 6 616 n .$ 5.117 bill ion $15.42 mtl lion $15.35 15 percent of Operating Costs 10 percent of Revenue 100 percent of Opera-ting Costs. 100 percent of Provision for Capital Renewals 10 percent' per annum 35 years 7 percent per annum 1 .. 7 percent per annum 2.0 percent per annum 1.1 percent per annum 1.0 percent per annum 2.0 percent per annum ----------------- Generating Purchases Utility ~uat Capacity 1981 Predominant Tax Status Wholesale Provides Energy O~nd MWat0°F Type of Re: IRS Electrical Wholesale 1900 UTILITY Rating Generation Section 103 Energy Supply GWn lN ANCHORAGE~COOK INLET AREA Anchorage Municipal light and Power 221.6 SCCT Exempt * -585J.~ Chugach Electric Association 395.1 SCCT Non-Exempt .. .. 941~3 Matanuska Electroc Association 0.9 Diesel Non-Exempt * -2sa.e Homer Electric Association 2.6 Diesel Non-Exempt * -284J~; Seward Electric System 5.5 Diesel Non-Exempt * .... 26 .. ¢ Alaska Power Administration 30.0 Hydro Non-Exempt -* ....,. National Defense 58.8 ST Non-Exempt --- Industrial -Kenai 25.0 SCCT Non· Exempt --- IN FAIRBANKS-TANANA VALLEY ' ' Fairbanks Municipal Utility System 1 68.5 ST/Die!iel Exempt -. -116 .. 7 Golden Valley Electric Association 1 221.J SCCT /Diesel Non-Exempt --316.7 University of Alaska 18.6 ST Non·Exempt --- National Defense 1 46.5 ST Non-Exempt --- ! . IN GLENALLEN/VALDEZ AREA t Copper Valley Electric Association 19.~ SCCT Non-Exempt --37A . TOTAL 1114.3 . 2577,1, 1 Pooling_ Arrangements in Force TABLE 0.8 _ RAILBEL T UTILITIES PROVIDING MARKET POTENTIAL 1 A~~(u I I I PLANT LIST I I PLANT TYPE OF No. NAME OF PLANT UTILITY OWNERSHIP I 2 Anchorage No. 1 Anchorage Municipal light and Power Municipal I ' ~ i 3 Anchora~e Anchorage Municipal light and Power Municipal t 6 Eklutna Alaska Power Administration Federal I 7 Chen a Fairbanks Municipal U-:ifities System Municipal 10 Knik Arm Chugach Electric Association, Inc. Cooperative 22 Elmendorf-West United States Air Force Federal I I 23 Fairbank~ Golden Valley Electric Association, Inc. Cooperative I 32 Cooper lake Chugach Electric Asso.ciation, Inc. Cooperative 34 Elmendorf-East United States Air Force Federal 35 Ft. Richardson United States Army Federal 36 Ft. Wainright United States Air Force Federal I I 37 Eitson United States Air Force Federal J 38 Ft. Greeley United States Army Federal 47 Bernice lake Chugach Electric Association, Inc. Cooperative i , 55 International Station Chugach Electric Association, lnc. Cooperative • I 58 Healy Golden Valley Electric Association, Inc. Cooperative 59 Beluga Chugach Electric Association, Inc. Ceoperative l 75 Clear AFB United States Air Force Federal 80 Collier-Kenai Colliei-Kenai Municipal I I I 81 Eyak Cordova Public Utilities Municipa.l 82 North Pole Golden Valley Electric Association1 Inc. Cooperati-ve ... 83 Valdez Golden Valley Electric Association, Inc. Cooperative 84 Glennallen Golden Valley Electric Association, lnc. Cooperative I I I ·I I I • I TABLE 0.9 -LIST OF GENERATING PLANTS SUPPLYfNG RAILBELT REGION I I I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE D. 10: TOTAL GENERATING CAPACITY WITHIN THE RAlLBElT SYSTEM Abbreviations AMLPD CEA GVEA A-1US CVEA MEA HEA SES A PAd U of A TOTAL Rai I bel't Uti I ity Anchorage Municipal light & Power Department Chugach Electric Association Golden Valley Electric Association Fairbanks Municipal uti I tty System Copper Val ley Electric Association Matanuska·Eiectric Association Homer Electric Association Seward Electric System Alaska Power Administration University of Alaska I nsta If ed Capacity 1 221.6 395 .. 1 221.6 68.5 19.6 o. 9 2.6 5;.5 30.0 18 .. 6 984.0 (l) Installed capacity as of 1980 at o•F (2) Excludes National Defense installed capacity of 46.5MW ------------------- TABLE 0.11: GENERATING UNITS WITHIN THE RAILBELT -1980 .> a lbel"t tat ion nstallation Uti I it Name Year Fuel T e Ret i remeni-'~':ear Anchorage Muntcipal AMLPD 1 GT 1962 14,000 16.3 NG 1992 Light & Power N4LPD 2 GT 1964 14,000 16.3 NG 1994 Department AMLPD 3 GT 1968 14,000 18.0 NG 1998 N4LPD 4 GT 1972 12,000 32.0 NG 2002' CAMLPO) G.M. Su Ill van 5,6, 7 cc 1979 8,500 139.0 NG 2011 Chugach Beluga 1 GT 1968 15,000 16. 1 NG 199S Electric Beluga 2 GT 1968 15,000 16. 1 NG 1998 Association (CEA) Beluga 3 Gr 1973 10,000 53.0 NG 2003. Beluga 5 GT 1975 15,000 58;0 NG 2005 Beluga 6 GT 1976 15,.000 68.0 NG 2012 Beluga 7 GT 1977 15,000 68.0 NG 2012 Bernice lake 1 GT 1963 23,440 8.6 NG ;:; 1993 2 GT 1972 23,440 18.9 NG 2002 3 GT .1978 23,440 26.4 NG 2008 I nternat ion a I Station 1 GT 1964 40,000 14.0 NG 1994 2 GT 1965 --* 14.0 NG 1995 3 GT 1970 --* 18.0 NG 2000 Copper Lake i HY 1961 --* 16.0 2011 Go 1 den Va I I ey Healy 1 ST 1967 11,808 25.0 Coal 2002 Electric 2 IC 1967 . 000 2.8 or 1 1997 Association North Pole 1 GT 1976 1 .. ~00 65.0 011 1996 (GVEA) 2 GT 1977 13,500 65.0 Oil 1997 Zehander 1 GT 197l 14,500 18.4 011 1991 2 GT 1972 14,500 17.4 Oil 1992 3 GT 1975 . 14,900 3.5 011 1995 4 GT 1975 14, 9:)0 3.5 011 1995 5 IC 1965 14,000 3. 5 Oil 1995 6 IC 1965 14,000 3.5 Oil 1995 7 IC 1965 14,000 3.5 Oil 1995 8 IC 1965 14,000 3.5 Oil· 1995 9 IC 1965 14,000 3. 5 Oil 1995 10 IC 1965 14,000 3.5 Oil 1995 Fairbanks Chen a 1 ST 1954 14,000 5.0 Coal 1969 ~1unlclpal 2 ST 1952 14,000 2.5 Coal 1987 Utt llty 3 ST 1952 .14, 000 t. 5 Coal 1987 System < FM US) 4 Gf 1963 16,500 1.0 Oll 1993 5 ST 1970 14,500 21.0 Coal 2005 6 Gf t976 12,490 23.1 011 1997 FMLS 1 rc 1967 11,000 2.8 Oil 1997 2 IC 1968 11,000 . 2.8 Ofl 1998 3 IC 1968 11,000 2.8 011 1998 - - - - - --· - - - - - - - - - -'-- TABLE 0.11 CCont I nued) Ra II belt Station Unit Ul it Instal I at ion P.aat Rate Install eel Uti I it~ Name No. TyEe Year (Btu/kWh) Ca2aclt~ (MW) Fuel T;tEe RetIrement 1\7ear Homer Electric Homer Association Kenai 1 IC 1979 15,000 o. 9 Oi I 2oog: CHEA) pt. Graham 1 lC 1971 15,000 0.2 or 1 2001 Seldovia 1 IC 1952 15,000 0.3 Oi I 1982 2 IC 1964 15,000 0.6 Of I 1994 3 IC 1970 15,000 0.6 Oil 2000 University of Un I varsity 1 ST 1980 12,000 1. 5 Coal 2015 AI aska (U of A) University 2 ST 1980 12,000 1. 5 Coal 2015 University 3 ST 1980 12,000 10 .. 0 Coal 2015 Un Ivers lty 1 IC 1980 10,500 2. 8 Oil 2011 lhlverslty 2 IC 1980 10,500 2.8 Ot I 2011 Copper· Va I I ey CVEA 1-3 lC 1963 10,500 1. 2 Oil 1993 Electric CVEA 4-5 lC 1966 10,500 2 .. 4 Oil 1996 Association (CVEA) CVEA 6-7 lC 1976 10,.500 5 .. 2 Ot I 2006 CVEA 1-3 lC 1967 l 0,500 1.8 OIL 1997 CVEA 4 ·IC 1972 to, 500 1. 9 Oil 2002 CVEA 5 IC 1975 10,500 1.0· 011 2005 CVEA 6 IC 1975 10,500 2.6 Oll 2005 CVEA 7 GT 1976 14,000 3.5 Oil 1996 Matanuska Elec11 Talkeetna 1 lC 1967 15,000 o. 9 Oil 199/ Association (MEA) Seward Electric SES l lC 1965 15,000 1e 5 Oil 1995 Sy-:tem (SES) 2 tc 1965 15,000 1 •. 5 011 1995 3-IC 1965 15,000 2. 5 011 1995 Alaska Power Eklutna HY 1955 30a0 2005 Administration (APAd) TOTAL 984.0 Notes: ~ GT = Gas turbine CC =Combined cycle HY = Conventronal hydro IC = Internal combustion ST = Steam turbine NG = NaturaJ gas NA =Not available *Th ls value Judged to be unreal i stic for I arge rang a p l ann I ng and therefore Is adjusted to 15,000 for generation planning studies. I I I I 1- I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE D. ~2: SCHEDULE OF PLANNED UTILITY ADDITIONS (1980-1988) Avg. Energy utility Unit Type MW Year CGWh) CVEA CEA AMLPD CEA COE APA TOTAL So I ornon Gu I ch Bern ice Lake 14 AMLPD IJ8 Beluga 16.7,8 Bradley Lake Grant Lake HY c;r Gf cc Hydro Hydro 12 1981 26.4. 1982 90.0 42* 90.0 7.0 267.4 1982 1982 1988 * New Unit No. 8 w iJ I encompass Units 6 and 7, each rated at. 68 MW. To-tal new station capacity wl If be 178 MW. D 55 33 (} I I I I I I I I I I I I I I· .. I I I I I TABLE 0.13: OPERATiNG AND ECONOI-11C PARAMETERS fOR SELECTED HYDROELECTRIC PLANTS 0 Max. Average ( 1981 $) Gross Ins-talled Annual PlanT Capii"ifl Head Capacfty Energy Faci"or Cost No. Sii"e River (fi") CM~I) {Gwh) <%> ($10 ) 1 Snow Snow 690 50 220 50 255 2 Bruskasna Nenana 235 30 140 .53 238 3 Keetna Talkeetna 330 100 395 45 463 4 Cache Tal keei"na 310 50 0 220 51 564 5 Browne Nenana 195 100 410 47 625 6 Talkeetna-2 Talkeetna 350 50 215 50 500 7 Hicks 3 f.,ai"anuska 275 60 245 46 529 8 Chakachamna Chakachai"na 945 500 1925 44 1480 9 AI i i son AI I i son Creek 1270 8 33 47 54 10 Strand I ine Lake Beluga 810 20 85 49 126. Notes: <t> Including engineering and owner's administrative costs but excluding AFDC. (2) Including IDC, lnsurance1 Amol'tizat'lon, and Ope1ation and MainTenance Costs. (3) An indepedent study by Bechtel has proposed an installed capacit-y of 330 MW, 1500 GWh annually at a cost of $1,405 mil lion (1982 dol Iars), including AFDC. Econamtc2 Cost of Energy ($/1000 Kwh) 45 113 73 100 59 90 84 30 125 115 ----~--------------- TABLE D. 14: RESULTS OF ECONOMIC ANALYSES OF ALTERNATIVE GENERATION SCENARIOS :, InsTal led Capacity (MW) by Total System ,,; a~~ a~ System Categor~ 1~2010 Installed ~$Sent \~orth Generation Scenario OGP5 Run Thermal R:tdro Capacity In ~1-- Type Description Load Forecast ld. No. Coal Gas Oi I 2010 (MW) . ""'!J06 ~4~1if ) '""on, All Thermal No Renewals Medium LMEl 000 801 50 144 1895 :8130 Thermal Pius No Renewals Plus: Medium LN/1 600 576 70 744 1990 7080 Alternative Chakachamna (500)1-1993 Hydro Keetna ( 100)...,1997 No Renewals Plus: Medtum LFL7 700 501 10 894 2005 7040 Chakachamna (500)-1993 Keetna (100)-1997 Snow (50)-2002 No Renewals Plus: Medium LWP7 500 576 60 822 1958 7064 Chakachamna (500)-1993 Keetna (100)-1996 Strand I I ne ( 20)., Allison Creek (8), Snow (50)-1998 No Renewals P]us: Medium LXF 1 700 426 30 822 1978 7041 Chakachamna (500) -1993 Keetna (100)-1996 Strandline (20>, Allison Creek (8), Snow (50)-2002 No Renewals Plus: Medium L403 500 576 30 922 2028 7088 Chakachamna (500)-1993 Keetna (100)-1996 Snow (50), Cache (SO), Allison Creek (8), Tal keeTna-2 (50), Strandline (20)-2002 Notes: ( 1 ) -I nsta I I ed capacity. I I I I I I I I .I I I I I I I I I TABLE 0.15: SUMMARY OF THERMAL GENERATING RESOURCE PLANT PARAt-1ETERS/l982$ Parameter Heat Rate (Btu/kWh> Ear-ll est Ava i I abi J ity 0&1-1 Costs Fixed O&M ($/yr/kW) Var i ab I e O&M { &}l-1WH) Outages Planned Outages C%) Forced Outages <%> Construction Period (yrs) Startup Time Cyrs) Unit Capital Cost {$/kW>1 Ratlbelt Beluga Nenana UnIt Cap ita I Cost ($/kW)2 Rall belt Beluga Nenana Notes: 200 MW 10,000 1989 16.83 0.6 8 5.7 6 6 2,061 2,107 2,242 2,309 Comblned Cycle 200 MW 8,000 1980 7.25 1.69 7 8 2 4 1, 075 1,107 (l) As estimated by Batte! le/Ebasco without AFOC. Gas Turbine 70 MW 12,200 1984 2.7 4.8 3.2 8 4 627 636 (2) Including IDC at 0 pecent escc:latlon and .3 percent Interest, assuming an S -shaped expenditure curve. (3) Excludes transmission. Diesel 10 MW 11,500 1980 0.55 5.38 1 5 1 1 856 869 I I I I •• I I I I I I I I I ·I I I •• I TABLE D. 16: REAL (I NFLATJON-ADJUSTED) ANNUAL GROWTH IN OIL PRICES Growth Rates {Percent) 1982-2000 2000-2040 Probabi I i+~ Low Case Medium {most t ikely High Case Base Period (January 1982) 0 case) 2.0 4.0 P~ice of No. 2 Fuel Oil -$6.50fl~~tu. 0 0.3 1.0 0.5 2.0 0 .. 2 T.A.9LE D. 17: IX>t·1ESTIC MARKET ffiiCES AND E>roRT OPPORTUNITY VALUES OF NATURAL GAS Domestrc Market Price 1 Cow Medium High Ex~ort Oeportunity Value Cow Medium High Probab i I i ty of Occurrence N.A. N .. A~ N.A. 21% 46% 27% Base Peri cd Vat ue. $3. OO/l•t\1Btu -$4. 65/Mt-1Btu 2 - Real Escalat~n CIF Pr i.ce, Japan 1982 -2000 N.A. O% 2% 4% 0 2000 -2040 O% 1% 2% Real Escalaf'4on Alaska Price 1982 -2000 O% 2.5% 5.0% O% , 2. 7% 5.2% 2000 -2040 O% 2.0~ 2.0% O% 1.2% 2.2% OGP5 analysts used domestic markeT prices with zero escalation beyond 2010. {Source: Battelle) 2 Based on Clf price in Japan ($6. 75) less estimated cost of I iquefaction and shipping ($2.10). (Source: 19, 20, 21). 3 Source: ( 9)., {22h 4 Alaska oppor-tunlty value escalates more rapidly than CIF prices as IJque- faction and shipping costs are estlmated -to remain constant in real terms • I I ,. I I I I I I I I I I I I ., I I I I TABLE D. 18: SUf-1M..;.qy OF COAL OPPORTUNITY VALUES Base Case Battelle Base Period CIF Pric~ Medium Scenario -CIF Japan -FOO Be! uga -Nenana Low Scenario -CIF Japan -Fee Beluga -Nenana High Scenario -CIF Japan -FOO Beluga -Nenana Sensitivity Case Updated Base . 1 Period CIF Arice f.1edi urn Scenario -Clf Japan -FOO Beluga -FOO Nenana Low Scenario -Clf Japan -FOO Beluga -FOB Nenana High Scenario -Clf Japan -FOO Beluga -FOB Nenana / .. Base Period (Jan. 1982) Value {$/MMBtu} 1 .. 95 1.43 1. 75 .. 1. 95 1.43 1. 75 t. 95 1.43 1. 75 2.66 2.08 t. 74 2.66 2.08 la 74 2.66 2.08 1. 74 Annual Real Growth Rate 1900 -2000 (:£) 2.0 2.6 2.,3 0 0 o. 1 4.0 5.0 4.5 2.0 2.5 2.7 0 0 \ -o.2 4. 0 4 .. 8 5.3 2000 -2040 C%> lo 0 1.2 t. 1 0 0 o. 1 2.0 2.2 t. 9 1.0 1.2 1. 2 0 0 -o. 1 2.0 2.2 2.3 Probab i ll ty of Occurrence ,% 49 49 49 24 24 24 27 27 27 49 49 49 24 24 24 27 27 27 Assuming a 10 percent discoun-t for Alaskan coal due to qual tty differen- tials, and export potential for Healy coal. I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE D. 19: Stt-1MARY OF FUEL PRICES USED IN THE OGP5 PROBABILITY TREE ANALYSIS Fuel Price Scenarlo Low Medium ~ Probab II i ty ot occurrence 25% 50% 25$ Base period January 1982 prices ( l982$fi~>1Btu) Fuel Oi 1 6. 50 6.50 6.50 l'etura I Gas 3.00 3.00 3.00 Coal -Beluga 1.43 1.43 1.43 -Nenana 1. 75 1. 75 1. 75 Real esca,ation {percenT) rates per year Fuel or 1 -1982 -2000 0 2.0 4.0 -2000 -2040 0 2.0 2.0 Natural Gas -1982 -2000 0 2. 5 5.0 -2000 -2040 0 2.0 2..0 Beluga Coal -1982 -2000 0 2.6 s.o -2000 -2040 0 1.2 2.2 Nenana Coal -1982 -2000 Oo 1 2.3 4.5 -2000 -2040 0.1 1. 1 1. 9 1 Beyond 2010., the OGP analysis has used zero real escalat.ion in all cases. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE D. 20: ECONQ.'\IC ANALYSIS SUSITNA PROJECT -BASE PLAN 1982 Present Wortn gt System Costs $X 10 Plan lD Non Susitna A Susitna c Net Economic Benefit of Sus itna Plan 1993-Estimated Components 2010 2010 2011-2051 600 J.,W Coal-Beluga 3,213 491 5,025 200 MW Coa I -ten ana 630 MW GT 680 MW \~atana 3, 119 385 3,943 600 MW Devi I Canyon 180 MW GT TABLE D.21: SUv1MARY OF LOAD FCRECASTS USED FOR SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS MEiJdlum Low High MW GWh MW GWh MW ---- 1990 892 4,456 802 31999 1,098 2000 1,084 5,469 921 4,641 1,439 2010 1, 537 7, 791 1,245 6,303 2,165 1993- 2051 8,238 7,062 1,176 GWh 5,703 7,457 llg435 I I "I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Plan 10 Non-Susitna Kt with Low forecas-t Susitna Kz with Low ForecasT Non-Sus I tna Jl with High Forecas-t Susitna J2 with High Forecast 1 From 1993 to 2040 Plan 10 Non-Sus itna Ql Susttna Q2 l'bn~Sus l tna A Susltna c Non-Sus Itna sl Susitna 52 Non-Susitna pl Susitna p2 TABLE 0.22: LOAD FORECAST SENSITiVITY ANALYSIS 1982 Presen1' Worth of System Costs ($ X 106 ) Nat 1993-Estimated 1993-Economic Comeonents 2010 2010 2011-2051 2051 Benet i"t 400 MW Coal-Beluga 2,640 404 4,238 6,878 200 MW Coal-Nenana 560 M'l'l Gf 680 MW Watana (1995) 2, 882 360 3, 768 6,650 228 600 MW Davi I Canyon (2004) 800 MW Coal-Beluga 4,176 700 6,683 10_, 85911 200 MW Goa I -Nenana 700 MW Gf 430 M\~ Pre-1993 680 MW Watana (1993) 3,867 564 5,380 9,24711 t, 612 600 MW 03v II Canyon 350 M'li Gf ( 1997) 430 MW Pre-1993 (\ TABLE 0.23: DISCOUNT RATE SENSIT!VITY AIMLYSIS 1982 Present Worth of S~stem Costs ($ X 10 6 ) Real 1\et Discount Rate 1993-Estimated 1993-Economic (Percent) 2010 2010 2011_;2051 2051 BenefiT 2 3, 701 465 7, 766 1 l, 167 2 3, 156 323 5;394 8,550 2,&17 3 3,213 491 5,025 81328 3 31119 385 3,943 7,062 1, 176 4 21791 517 3,444 6,235 4 " 3,080 457 3,046 6ll 126 109 5 2,468 550 2,478 4ll946 5 3,032 539 2,426 5,459 (513) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE 0.24: CAPITAL COST SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS . 1982 PresenT Worth of System Costs ($ x 106 ) t-at 1993-Estimated 1993-EconQTiic Plan ID 2010 20l0 2011-2051 2051 Benefit --- Non-Susitna Capital CosTs Up 20 Percent Non-Susitna G 3,460 528 5,398 8,858 Susitna cl 3, 119 385 3,943 7,062 Non-Susl tna CapiTal CosTs Down 10 Percent Non-Susitna G 3,084 472 4,831 7,915 Susitna cl 3, 119 385 3,943 7,062 Susitna CapiTal Costs less Contingency Non-Susitna A 3, 213 491 5,025 8,238 Susitna x2 2, 710 336 3,441 6, 151 Susitna Capital Costs Plus Doubled ConTingency Non-Susitna A 3, 213 491 5,025 8,238 Susitna Y2 3,529 434 4,445 7,974 1 An adjusTment calculation ~'as made regarding the + capitai costs of the 3GT gnit·s added in 2007-2010 since the difference was less than $10 x 10 • Beyond 2010, this effect was not inc I uded. TABLE 0.25: SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS -UPDATED BASE PLAN (JANUARY 1982) COAL PRICES 1982 Present Worth of S~stem Costs Base Period Beluga Costs of Costs of Coal Price t-bn -Sus i tna Susttna ( 1982 $JVJ-Btu) Plan Plan Base Case 1 .. 4.3 8,238 7,062 Sensitivity {Updated) Case 2.08 9,030 7,062 1,976 853 2,087 264 ($ X 106l_ Net Economic Benefits ---.- 1, 176 1,968 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • I TABLE 0.26: SENS IT I V J TY ANALYSIS -REAL COST ESCALATION 1982 Present Worth gt Sys-tem Costs ($ X 10 } 1993-Estimated 1993-Net Plan 10 2010 2010 20] 1-2051 2051 Benet IT Zero -Esc a I aT ion in Cap iTa I and O&M Costs • Non-Sus iTna o, 2,838 422 4, 319 7, 157 • Susl-tna o2 2,525 299 3,060 5,585 1, 572 Escala-tion in Capital 1 Cos-ts and O&M (Battelle) • tbn-Susi-tna x, 3,142 477 4,881 8,023 • Susit'na x2 2, 988 366 3, 745 6, 737 1, 286 Double Escala-tion Capital and O&M Costs • Non-SusiTna Pt 3,650 602 6, 161 9,811 • Susitna P2 3,881 503 5, 148 9,029 7ffl. Zero-Escala-tion in Fuel Prices • Non-Sus iTna vl 2,233 335 3,427 5, 660 • Susitna v2 3, 002 365 3, 736 6, 738 (1, 078} High Escalation in Fuel Prices • Non-Susli11a Wt 4,063 643 6, 5'74 10,367 • SusiTna Wz 3, 267 403 4, 12 t 7,388 2,979 1 "CapiTa I and O&M costs assumed to esc a 1 ate at 1. 4 percent 1982 to 2010 TABLE 0.27: SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS -NON··SUSIT~ PLAN WITH CHAI<ACHAMNA Plan • t-bn-Sus i-tna With Chakachamna • Sus itna 10 Components B 330MW Chakachamna 400 t-1W C~a I ~el uga 200 MW Goat ,.;\en ana 440 t.ff/ GT c 680 MW W3tana 500 t-tl'/ Oevi I Canyon 180 MW GT ,} 1982 Aresent Worth gt System CosTs CS X 10 ) 1993 2010 2010 Estimated 1993-Ne-t 2011-2051 2051 Bene.fi"t 2, 038 475 4,861 7,899 3,119 385 3,943 7, 062 837 I I I I I Susitna Base Case I One-year delay for Wa-tana ( 1994) I One-year delay for Devil Caryon (2003) One-year delay for I \~at"ana and Dev i I Canyon ( 1994, 2003) I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE 0.28: SENSlTIVlTY ANALYSIS- SUSITNA PROJECT DELAY $ X 106 $X 106 1982 Present \'#orth ID of System Costs Ne-t Economic Benefit c 71062 1, 176 C3 7, 105 1, 133 04 1~ 165 1, 134 C5 7,230 1~ 138 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE 0.29: SIJ~HARY 0:: SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS INDEXES OF NET ECONOMIC BENEfiTS BASE CASE ($1,176 MIL~ION) Fuel Escal a-t!on -High -Low Discoun-t Ra-tes -High-High {5%> -High (4$) -Low <2%> Susi-tna Capi-tal Cos-t -High -Low Load ForecasT -High -Low Non-Susi-tna (Thermal) Capi-tal Cos-ts -High -Low Capi-tal and O&t-4 Cos-t Esc a I at ion -High -Intermediate (Battelle) -Low Chakachamna (included in Non-Susitna Plan) Updated Base Coal Price Planned Delay In Susitna Project -One-year delay, Watana -One-year delay, ~latana and Dev tl Canyon -Two-year delay, Watana and DeylJ Canyon Index Values 100 -44 9 223 23 178 137 19 166 73 67 109 134 71 167 96 96 97 1 High fuel escalation case provides net benefi-ts equal to 253 percent of the base value, 2.53 x $1,176, or $2,975. 2 low fuel escalation case provtdes minus 92 percent of The base case net benefits, -. 92 x $1, 176, or -$1,082. ------------------- TABLE 0~30:. BATTELLE ALTERNATIVE STUDY Resource Princtpal Sources Fuel Base for Ra ilbe lt Conversion Coal Beluga Field. Caok Inlet Crush Nenana Field, Healy Natural Gas Cook Inlet North Slope Petroleum Cook Inlet North Slope Peat Kena 1 Peninsula Lower Susitna Valley Mun 1c'ipa 1 Refuse Anchorage Fa irbaak s Wood Waste Kenai Anchorage Nenana Fairbanks Gasification Liquefaction None Refine to distill ate and residual fractions t None Gasification Sort & C'assify • Hog Generation T,lp1cal Technologx A[![! icat.1on Direct-Fired Steam-Electric Base load Oirec t-F ired s team-Electric Ba.seload Combined Cycle B!iseload/C.vc linq Fuel-Cell -Combined-Cycle Base load 01rect-Ffred Steam-Electric 8aseload Combined Cycle Base load/Cycling Fuel-Cell Station Baseload/C~cling Fuel-Cell -Combined-Cycle Bas;eload Direct-Fired Steam-Electric Base load Combined Cycle Baseload/Cyclinq Fuel-Cell Station Base load/Cycling Fuel-Cell -Combined-Cycle UasP.loacl Combustion Turbine Base load/Cycling 01rect-F1red Steam-Electric Basaload Combined Cycle Base load/Cycling Fuel-Ce n Stations Base load/Cycling Fuel-Cell -Combined-Cycle Base load Combustion Turbine Base load/Cycling Oiese 1 Electric Base load/Cycling Direct-Fired Steam-Electric Base load Direct-Fired Steam~Electric Base load Combined Cycle Baseload/CyclfnQ Fuel-Cell -Combined-Cycle Base load Direct-fir·ed Steam-Electric Base load( a) Oirecto·Fired Steam-Electric Base load( a) Avai labi titw "fhT r.onmerc i a 1 {!~.~Pr Currently Av~~1nb1e 1985-1990 1905-1990 1990-1995 1985-1990 1985-1990 1985-1990 1990-lQ95 Current l v A<Jil$ \;~b le Currently Avail':~hle 1905 ':Qt)Q 199( ,.,i!Ji. ,. Curre~·~. :y Ava~n.ablp Currently Ava id!ahlt" Currently Ava}~abl~ 1985-1990 19q0-1995 Currently Ava\lahle Currently Avatl~hlp Currently Availablp 1990-2000 1Q90-2000 1990-7000 Currently Ava1lablp Currently Available ------------------ I .... Resource Base Geothermal Uydroe 1 ec tric Tidal Power Wind Solar Uranium Principal Sources for Railbelt Wrangell Mountains Chigmit Mountains Kenai Mountains Alaska Range • · Cook Inlet lsabe 11 Pass Offshore Coastal Throughout Region Import TABLE 0.30 {Contd) Fuel Conversion Enrichment & Fabrication Generation Technology Typical Applicati~n- Avai1··"1ilit.v f'~nr Comw~~·r. ia 1 OrtJ~r -;t"-·~ Hot Ory Rock-Steam-Electric Base1oad Hydrothermal-Steam-Electric Baseload 1990-2000 r.urrPnt.lv Avai;.1:llh1P Conventional Hydroelectric Small-Scale Hydroelectric Microhydroelectr1c T1da 1 Electric Tidal Electric w/Retime Large Wind Energy Systems Small W1nd Energy Systems Solar Photovolta1t Solar Thermal Light Water Reactors 0 Bilseload/CyclinQ Currently Avaftrr~hlP (b) Currentfy Avat:;nhle Fuel Saver Currently Ava·i n·ahle Fuel Saver Currently Avai!inble BaseloadfCyclinq Currently i\vaF1nhle Fuel Saver Fuel Saver Fue 1 ·Saver., Fuel Saver Base load 19R5-I9qo 1985•1990 1985-1990 1995-?000 Currently AvafU~blP (a) Supplemental fir1ng (w/eoal) would be required to support baseload operation due to eye lica 1 fue 1 supply. (b) May be baseload/cycling or fuel saver depending upon reservoir capacity. .. . . . .• .. ~· '. . . . :. .· '. " ' . . . . . • . ·. ":;' ~\7 . . : . . ; . .. .. . . . ~ . . . . ,. . . .. ...:. ..~ . It Jt;~~ .... • -• : ~ ·~. • ..•• o. .. .: ;f:. ~ .- . . . _J ...... ·.$ •. ~ ~ .:· ·;~· ·~~· .. 0 '. •·: 0 • • ~: • •• --.. • • • _,. A ·-~ ', ... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE 0.31: BATTELLE ALTERNATIVES STUDY Alternative Average Annual Capafl)Y . Heat Rate Availability Energy Qlltl. (Btu/kWh) . {S) ·-{GWn) Coal Steam-Electric {Beluga) Coa 1 Steam-Electric (Nenana) CoaJ Sasifi2r-Combined Cycle Nati. Gas Conbustion Turbines Natl. Gas Combined Cyc1~ . Natl. Gas Fuel Cell Stations Natl. Gas Fuel Cell Comb. Cyc. zoo 200 220 70 200 25 200 Bradley Lake Hydroelectric 90 Chakachamna Hydroe1ec. {330 MW)(d) 330 Chakachamna Hy~roelec. (480 MW)(e) 480 Upper Susitna (Watana I} Upper Susitna (Watana II) Upper Susitna (Devil Canyon) . Snow Electric KeetnC! Hydroelectric Strand 1 i ne Lake 1iydroe lee. Browne Hydroelectric Allison Hydroelectic Grant lake HydrPelectric Isabell Pass Wind farm Refuse-Derived Fuel .Steam Electric (Anchorage} Refuse-Derived Fuel Steam Electric (Fair!Janks} 680 340 600 63 100 20(17) 100(80) 8 7 25 50 20 10,000 1011000 9,290 13,eoo(b) 8,2oo<c) 9,200 5,700 14.000 14,000 97 85 89 85 91 83 94 .94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94· 94 94 36 N/A N/A 347 157(1 1923 3459 3334 220 395 85 430 37 8 {a) Configuration in parentheses used in ana1ysis of RaiU:"lc electric el'lergy p1 us taken from t=arl ier estirnates (Alaska Power AuthO"ltY 1980) (b) ,, neat rate of l2YOOO Btu/kWh was used in analysis ot~ Railbelt electric energy plans. 13,000 Btu/kWh is probably more. representative of partial load op..!ratioo characteristic of peaking cfuty .. (c) An ear tier estimate of 8500 Btu/I<W'h was used in the f".nalysis of Railbelt electric energy :1lans. · {c!) Configuration selected in preliminary feasibility study (Bechtel CivP and Minerals 1981) (e) Ctlnfigurati"ff selected in Railbelt alternatives study {Ebasco 1982b} Capital Cost {S/kli} 2090 2150 130 1050 890 3190 3860 2100 4669 168 2263 5850 5480 7240 4470 4820 2840 2490 2980 3320 Fixed O&M (S/KW/yrj 16.70 16.70 14.80 48 7.30 42 50 9 4 4 5 5 5 1 5 44 5 44 44 3.70 140 140 Variable O&M {mills/kWh} 0.6 0.6 3.5 1 .. 7 3.3 • 15 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I tl I ;I I II TABLE 0.32: SufTiilary of Electrical Energy Alternatives Included as Future Additions in Electric Energy Plans BASE LOAD ALTERNATIVES Coal Steam Electric Refuse-Derived Fuel Steam Electric . CYCLING ALTERNATfvtS Coal Gasifier -Combined-Cycle Natural Gas -Fuel Cell-Stations Natural Gas -Combined-Cycle Natural Gas -Combustion Turb1ne Natural Gas -Fuel-Cell Combined-Cycle Bradley Lake Hyd!"oelectric Grant Lake Hydroelectric Lake Chak achamna Hydroe 1 ectri c Upper Susitna Hydroelectric A 11 i son Hydroe 1 ectric Browne Hy9roe1ectric Keetna Hydroelectric Snow Hydroelectric Strandline lake Hydroelectric FUEL SAVER (INTERMITIENT) ALTERNATIVES Large Wind Energy Conversion System ELECTRIC ENERGY SUBSTITUTES Passive Solar Space Heating Active Soiar Hot Water Heating Wood-Fired Space Heating ELECTRIC ENERGY CONSERVATION Building Conservation ~ (a) Plan 1: Base Case A. Without Upper Susitn~ S. With Upper Sus i tna 1 X X X X X X X Electric Energy Plan(a) lB 2A 28 3 4 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Plan 2: High conservation and use of renewables A. Without Upper Susitna B. With Upper Sus·itna Plan 3: Increase Use of Coal Plan 4: Increase Use of Natural gas 0 X X X X X -.. ------ ----lllrJI ----. . - *'~l)·~~:";~l;!:;:,:;:t,:(!:::=::<:(rf.-*S::~f.:::t***********!)*:)**':'•~""""'.._ ... ..._ .... .,. ..... .._ ... _.. ... , ..... _._ ... ..._~..._ ... ..._ ................. ...,~t,::;:*¢t,:'¢*(t:***************************(U)(t:************~;~_:;.:(tl)'¢.>::;;Cl:;:* OATAlOK \#AlANA-DC <ON UNf lq'B-Z002)· INFLATION 7~-INTEREST 10~-CAP COST £5.,.117 BN 23-{t.;,f-B-62 .;o:**'::*****(l'(t(l#'l<**>:l****(::)S::(t¢(t:,.-c***(::(tt.:***"'Ji:l:;:J\I::;t•;n:r:;t~:;t:I;J:C,U.ll:(Xs;:J\I:~Ji:l·::s;:***************:ct***********************:c<***:C:**¢****:(t*~:ct*lli!Ct*:¢~i;.l;***'*"*** 7J E~fRGY GWH Sll ~EAL PRICE-HILLS 46b INFLATION lNOEX '>20 l>"lCE-MllLS -----lNCOM~-----------------'iltl REVENU£ 170 LCSS OPeRATING COSTS ~17 0P~R4TING INCOMe 21~ ADD l~TEREST f.ARNfO lN f-UN0S -~50 LESS INTeREST ON SHORT T=RH DeBT 391 lESS INTEREST ON LONG TERM D~BT 54U ~ST EARNINGS fRO~ JPfRS -----CASH SOURCe AND USC---- 54~ CASH INCO~f FRCM OP~RS ~4~ STATE CONTRIBUTI~N 143 LONG TERH DEBT O~AWOOWNS l4d·~ORCAP DEBT ORAWOOWNS TOTAL SOURCtS OF FU~DS 320 L~SS CAP(TAL CXP(NOITURE 44tl LESS W~RCAP ~NO FUND~ 2o0 LFSS 0£8T RePAYMENTS 141 C~SH SURPLUS(DEFICIT) ~4~ SHORT TfRH DlBT 4~4 CASH RECOVERED -----bALANCE SHt~T---------- 22~ ~ESERV~ AND CONT. FUND j7l OTHER WORKING CAPITAL 4S4 CASH SURPLUS RETAINED 370 CU~~ tAPlTAL EXPENOITUR~ ~bj CAPITAL eMPLOYED o 4hl STAT£. CONTRtnUTICN 4bl ~t\AINtO lAPNlNG$ S'b (;f{\T OlJTSTANDING-SIHlRT Tt:RM 554 DEBT OUTSTANDING-LONG TERM 54l A~NUAl orsT ORAWWUOWN 51962 543 tUM. 0~6T DRAW~DOWN $l98Z )11 DEdT StRVICE CO\ER 1985 0 o.oo l2oo72 o.oo o.o o.o 1986 0 o.ao 135.59 o.oo o.o o.o 1961 19Ba l98q CASH FLOW SUMMARY ===fSMILLION)==== 0 0 o.oo o.oo 145.08 155.24 o.oo o.oo o.o o.o u.o o.o 0 o.oo 166.10 o.oo o .. o o.o 0 o.oo 177.73 o.oo o.o o.o 0 o.oo· 1q0.11 o.oo o.o o .. o 1992 0 o.oo 203 .. ltB o.oo o.o o.o 19q3 3387' 3.b:~ 217.1'~ 7.9"~ 2& .. ~ 26.~ .}3tH 7.Q8 231-.97 l~.s;q -----------------------------------------------------------------------· ~-------o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o .. o o.o o.o O.l) o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o .. o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.e o.o 1).6 r;.. 6. 9.8 o.o --------------------------------------------------------------------------------o.o o.o 403o7 o.o o.o o.o o.o it72.7 o.o o.o o.o o.o 47 '1 01 o.o o.o --------~--------~-~---- 403.7 o.o o.o 472.7 o .. o o.o 479.7 o.o u.o o.o o ... o ~99 .. 5 o.o o.o o.o o.o 938.3 o.o o.o o.o o .. o 1550.4 o.o o .. o 499.5 . 938.3 1550.4 499.5 u.o o.o 938.3 o.o o.o 1550.4 o.o o.o o.o o.o 1 247 0 l o.o o.o --------1 24 7. 1 1Z47.1 o.o o.o o .. o o.o 676.4 o.o o .. o 676.4 676.4. o.o o.o -------~ 43lol 333 ... l 98.0. o.o 29.5 2zq.,7 o.o 17.7 ,_,,... _____ _ 276.9 2-'>9 .. 2 17.7 o.o ----------------------------------------------------------------------~---------o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o 403. '1 --·----·----------403.7 _..._._. _____ _ --------403.7 o.o u.o o.o o.o o.o o.oo o.o 0 .. 0 OoO o.o o.o o.o 676.4 _______ ,_ --------876.4 O.l) OoO o.o o.o o.o o.('\ 135bel =·====-=·== 1156. l :::::::: ::====== 876.4 o.u o.o o.o o.c o.o o.oo 1356.1 o.o o.o o.o o.c o.o tJeOO o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o l855e6 ----------------l35S.b ----------------1355.6 u.o o.o cr.o o.o 0.0 u.oo o .. o o.o o.o o.a o.o o.o 2794.0 ----------------2794.0 -----------------l19t..o. o.o o •. o o.o o.o o.o o.oo o.o o.o o.o o.o o .. o o.o 4344t.3 ---------------- =::==-==::= lt34/e • .3 o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.oo J.O o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o 5591.4 ======== 5591.4 -----------------5591.4 o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.oo o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o .. o 6267.8 ::t======: 62b7.B o. \) o.o o.Q 56 .. 5- .r.t.ill. o.o 6600.9 :-::::::;;::::t 6698.'} ======== ·~=====· 6267.8 o.o o.o o .. o o.o o.o o.oo 6bOO.~ o.o 98.Q o.o 0~!!0 o.o o.oo o.o o.o o.o 6le6 ')4.1 o.o 6860.1 :!::.====== b91"5.B c.a.:w.6 l~.S ll~-7 o.o o.,o o.o o.oo 100% STATE APPROPRIATION OF TOTAL CAP2TAL COST {$5.1 BILLION IN 1982 DOLLARS) TABLE o.33[A~.amJ Sheet 1 of 3 =~o~=~*~***u*****~*=¢~ouo**~*********~~-·~·-~··~-·~-·~~·--~·~-·--1~ooooo~**********~**********************c**********~~~******* OATAlO~ WATA~A-~t {ON LINE 1993-2002)-iNFLATION 7~-INTEREST 10~-tAP COST ~5.117 8N 23-~~~-~2 ·~=~oooooo~~**************************~=~~oooooPooooooooo~oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo~~*******•••****** fl tNI-R~\' G"'H 'J 71 1t r A l P R l c c-M 1 t l S 46n INfLATION lNOEX .,l> PR1Cl-Hlll5 • -----tNC~~(----------------- r, 1 b lt r;v (NUl, lhl lCSS OPE~.\TtNG COSTS 'll1 ,)PtRATlNG INCO.,.C ll~ '00 1NTSRE~T ~ARN~O ON FUNDS ~~~ LtSS INT~REST ON SHORT TERM OE81 191 l~SS INTER~ST ON l~NG TERM DEBT S4~ NFT EARNINGS FROM CPERS ' '14·. ~4h l 41 24'i 'j4l -----CASH S00RCC AND US~---­ l'\SH INC:JMF F:lOM l)~'~tRS ~TAlF CO~TRlCUTlON t (}N(j Tt:RH llHH ORAWI)OWNS ~ORLAP DEdT ORAWOO~NS TOTAl S00RCES OF FUNDS J20 t!:SS CA'PITAL E~PENtllTURC 44H lfSS HilRCAP AND FUNDS 760 leSS DEBT R~PAYMENTS 141 £49 lt44 "l.l ~. 371 4 '> .. 370 CAS~ SU~PlUStOEFltlT) SHOkT TERM DEaT CASH RECOVERED ··----BALA.NCE SHEET---------- RESE~VE AND CONT. FUND ~THeR WO~KlNG CAPITAL CASH S0RPLUS RETAINED CUM .. CAPITAL EXPENDITURt CAPITAL EMPLOYED 461 STAlf CCNTRI&UTtON 4~2 RETAINED EARNINGS ~S~ OFBT OUTSTANDING-SHORT TCRM 554 nEBT OUTSTANDING-LONG TERM ~4Z ANNUAl OEBT JRAWW~OWN ~1982 543 tu~. DEBT URAwWOOWN $1982 SlQ DEBT SERVICE COVER 33tH B.38 Zbo.73 Z7..3b 75.7 35.0 1 ~9d 1~99 CASH FLOw SUMMARY =:=CSHILL!QN)==== 3387 3367 3387 a.74 a.aa 9.04 28~.~0 305.38 j26s7S z~.q3 27.13 29o53 t\4.4 38.1 100.0 4 5.4 2000 3387 9.17 349.62 32 .. 06 2001 33a7 q ... 30 374.10 34.79 117.8 ':>4 .. } 2002 5223 1obb 400.29 30.64 . 2003 541~ 8.64. 42tl.Jl 37.t3t> 2004 ;;;,60:'i ll.6B .r.'ifl.l9 ,q.ao --------------------------------------------------------------------------------37.6 baZ 11.6 o.o 40.8 6.7 12.4 o.o 50.2 o.o lbo4 o.\J 54 .. 6 t\.1 17.7 o.o 69.0 11.4 ZlaO o.o l05.'i l q. t 31.8' O.Q U4.o. zo.q 3o.3 o .. o --------------------------------------------------------------------------------3Z .• 2 32.2 363 .. 1 o.o tl.l 40'3.4 39'5 .. 3 8.1 o.o 3'5.1 3dl.l o.o 29o3 --------446$5 ~17.2 29o3 o.o '18.3 303.8 o.o 11.2 35 3.1 34 z.1 n. 2 o.a 41.8 41.8 102e.3 o.o lZo2 __ '"""'_ ..... __ _ lOu2.4 1070.1 12.2 o.o 45.6 45.6 1177.5 o.o 10 .. 6 123 3.7 1223.2 10.!> o .. o 49 .. 8 1204.8 0 at) to., ... _.,...,. ___ _ 1265.1 lZ54.o lO.lt o.o 54.4 'H 3.1 o .. o 12. 3 -------"""'!"' 979.0 9b 7. 5 12.3 o.o 59.3 490.3 36Z.3 128.0 o.o 90.<;- 99.2 o.o o. •. o 4l .. 6 ·------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------o.o o.o o.o o7.Z 5b.b o .. o 7255.4 7379.2 ====='='== 7193.7 blob 123.9 o.o o.o o.o o.oo o.o o.o o.o 73.4 19.1 o.o 7b7le6 7325.7 ========-7575 .. 9 9~.a 153.1 o.o o.o o.o o.oo o.o o.o OoO qo.1 84.2 o.o 8014.7 ----------------6179.0 ::::::::: 7'\79.6 l35e1 1 () 4. 3 o.o o.o o.o o.oo o.o o.o o.o 67 ... a9.l o.o 9084.8 -======== ----------------1:3907.·} 176.,0 l7bob o.o o.o o.o o.oo o.o o.o o.o 95.4 91.7 o.o 10308.0 ======== 10495.1 ----------------10085.4 2Z.l..b 187.1 o.o o.o o.o o .. oo o.o o.o o .. o 104 o1 93.4 o.o l\56l. 6 ----------------11760.2 =-=-====== 11290.3 272.4 197.6 OoO o.o o.o o.oo o.o o.o o.o 113.7 9b.Z o.o 12530.1 ======== 12740.0 =====:::.:: 12203.4 326.7 209.9 o.o o.o o.o o.oo o.o o.o o.o Pn.3 l46 •. b o.o 1289Z.5 13230.3 ======== 12506alt 386 .. 1 337.8 o.o o.o o.o o.oo 13345.~ 121)06.<\. lf11.Q 362.6 o.u o.o o.o o.oo o.o o .. o o.o t)A~n.q '===='=~== 12506.4 1)76-l o\0'5.4 o.o o.o o.o o .. oo Sheet2 of 3 100% STATE APPROPRiATION OF TOTAL CAPITAL COST ($5.1 BILLION IN 1982 DOLLARS) TABLE £4531 A~~l~ I -- --- - -- - --- ----- ~~ ¢ -•':.; ,.! ; .. ~*!..!·~~'t,:~: ::t ** **~¢(rt.: *·::t :)¢:*:l"::t~t~: **:).¢::;::; ... -.. .............. .;.~ .. A.-... ..... <A.._.,._"""'~..~ ... ~ ..... ,~., ..... .-. 4 •.J.wt.. ....... • .. ,..,., ..... *t::~**:~:~s;:::: ***~* **:~:);~-:)')~****·*~* ***·l) ') :;t:e: **:) J!r~~J:t*~**(:~~***~~.::;'*~'*e:*~ DAT\l0K WATANA-OC CON Ll~~ 1993-2002) ·INFLATION 7%-lNTEREST 10~-CAP COST 15.117 BN 23-F~R-82 :0:-;:t~;'r ~;:t:¢~;:t¢¢·~~~~********~***:;)*~******l(: • .r;::;r~!;T::;::;::;r::;:;;~::t=:;r:;:s;r.:;:::;r:.:;::;::;:s;r:;::;:::;:¢******~********:,.';.(r.(:>)J)"(l"(l~.(r******~*********************~****~~.);:~:t>:**** 7\ N(RGY GWH 5!1 ~fAl P~lCE-MillS 4bh IN~LATlON INDEX ')Z,J PRlCE-J11LlS -----lNtOM~----------------- '11 '> 1\f VfNUf lf1 LtSS OP~RATING CJSTS •; 1 1 tl P ~~ q AT l N G 1 N C 0 H t: ll4 ADD JNTF~EST EARNED UN FUNDS 'l').l lFSS ltHf:RFST ON SHORT Tt:RM OFBT \'H t.C~S INTlRfST ON dONG TrR"1 DCtH *, 4 , N t f ~ A Hli N G S F R U M .J l) t R S -----Lt.SH <ii'ltJkC.f J\ND USE---- c)4•J C.\ lli lNCOMi.. FROM ::lPERS 44•, .)TAT£ CONTRifJUTltlN 143 LONG TERM DEBT DRAWUOWN~ l41 wllRCltP OtBT !>RAkOOWNS ~4~ TOTAl SOUflCFS uF FUNDS 120 Lt~S CAPITAl EXPENOITURF 44d L~S~ WORCAP AND FUNDS Zb~ L~SS OtBT REPAYMENTS 141 CA~H SUR~lUS<DEFJCIT) 14·1 'i HOR T TERM DE: l\T 444 CASH RECOVERGD -----OAlANCE SH[fT---------- 2/~ Rf~ERV( ANO CO~T. ruND 3Tl .1'flllR WOPKING CAPITAl 4~4 CA\H SURPLUS RETAINiO 370 CUM. CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 4o, C.APJiAL EMPLOYeD ~61 \rATt CONTRidUTJO~ 4b2 N'TAINFO FARNI~GS t•c," ,HilT OUTSTAN')ING-'iHU~T TERM ~,4 ~f UT OUTSTANDING-LONG TERM ~4£' 1\NNliAl l)!;IH .)1\Al'IWGOWN Sl982. 'l't1 (,IJM. DE-BT ORAWWDOW•'i UQBZ ~1~ U~Qf StRVICt COV~R l005 60Ql 8.lfl 490.37 40.12 l?t>-0 2.2. R 4(').5 o.n lO!Jo2 108.2 o.o o.o 36.4 2006 bl47 0.27 524.69 43.39 1 n.~ 24.9 44.2 o.o ltU.l lltl.l o.o o.o 51.3 2007 200~ 2009 CASH FLOW SUMMARY ===(SMILllON)==== 6250 6472 654b Oe33 ~.24 8o30 561.42 600.72 642.77 4bc75 49e49 SJ.3i .:>•U.l 141.0 l2U .. 9 320 • .} 153o9 166.3 }q.b 5t;.~ o.o 140.7 140.7 o.c o .. c 4S.B 349.1 lOEJ.O 2010 6616 a.3s 687.77 57.45 16'7 .. 6 o .. o o.o sz.o 2011 6638 8.411 735 .. 91 62.39 4lio .. l 200.[ 214.0 '· ')" "i td. () o .. o ---"" .... fi!Q.-- zo 12 66b0 B. 57 7tn.4z 67.~t6 449.-4 218.4 --------231.0 42.0 73.4 n.o 199.7 o.o o.o ~1.2 2013 66HZ f!. 67 842.54 73.02' 249.~ 4~.9 11. ~· o.o T(Jl Al 104~ 2 b o .. oo o.co o.oo """" ...... ____ _ "1lfl-() 4ll.4 1t.b.6 o.o "':0;-~T.t;. __ ..,._ -- l'l'l3.n tiie!>Oo • .r. o.o 819.7 -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------~, _____ _ llt4.7 l0f:J.2 36.4 o.o !69.4 lld 0 1 51.3 o.o 18H .. l 128.9 59.3 o.o 186.5 140.1 45 .. 6 o .. o 199.4 153 .. (! 45.9 o.o 219.6 167"6 sz.o o.o 220.6 lf?2.Q 31.1 o.o 240.6 199.7 41 .. 2 o.o Z17.9 lt4.Q o.o -------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------------------o.o o.o o.o o.o o .. o o.o 271.4 221.7 o.o 133oa.q ======== =~====== ======== l2'i0h.4 684.4 44lef:J o.o 0.1} o.o o.oo ----------------12506 .. 4 aoz.~ 4~3.1 o.o o .. o o.o o.oo o.o o.o o.o 2Gb.,:J 256.2 o.o 13437.8 ---------------- n.o o.o o .. oo o.o o.o o.o 323 .. 3 274.9 o.o 13578.5 ---------------- ----------------ll'506.4 l 072. 1 518.£ 0"0 o.o o.o o.vo o.o o.o o.o 352.8 291..2 o.o 13732.1 ---------------- 12';06.4 12l5 ... 7 64it.O o.o o .. o o.o o.oo o.o o.o o.o 385.1 310.9 o.o 13899.7 o.o o.o O.() 420.3 313.4 n.o 14082 .. 6 o.o o.o o.o 458.7 316.2 o.o 142132.3 ======== ======== ======== 12C)06.4 1393.3 696.0 o.o o .. o o.o o .. oo 12506.4 1576.3 733.7 o.o o.o o.o o .. oo 12506.4 1775.9 774.0 o.o o.o o.o o.oo o .. o o.o n.o ===~===; 12506.'t l9Q1.EI tJ19.7 o.o o.o o.o o.oo o.o o.o o.o \l'l06.4 \~Q3.fl 819 .. "! o.o o.o o.o o.oo - Sheet 3 of 3 TABLE D.33!Aim.~ 0~4~000000COOOOOOOO'OC~OCOOOOOOOO.OOOOOOOOC00000*00#0*0000¢0~*****'******GOOOOOOOOOOOOOC'OOO*OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCO~*~O~OOOO DATAlOK WATA~A-DC (ON LINE lq93-Z002l-$3.0 BN(Sl982) STATE FUNDS-I~FLATION 7~-lNTEREST 10%-CAPCOST \5.117 BN 21-F~~-82 OOOOO~OOO#OC.OO'O:O~O'OOO'O(l00COO*OO'I)000000>0tOOO¢*OOOOOOO>Ot00*0000'¢0000:)¢;(l0'1)1)1)0000********•*0<)000*0000000000000000000000000:00~~:~~:C<:).OOO 11 CNtRuY GWH 521 R(AL PRICE-HILLS 466 INFLATION INDEX S20 PR.lCt-MllLS -----INCOME---~------------- 'llb ~t=V(UUf. 17~ tCSS OPERATING COSTS 1985 0 o.oo 126 .. 72 o.oo o.o o.o 0 o .. oo 135.59 o.oo o.o o.o 1937 1988 1989 CASH FLOW SUMMARY ~==CSMllLIONJ:=== 0 0 o.oo o.oo 145.08 155.24· o.oo o.oo o.o o.o o .. o Q.O l) o.oo 166.10 o.oo o.n o.o 1990 0 o.oo 177.?3 o.CJo o,o o.o 1991 0 o.oo 190.17 o.oo o.o o.o 1992 0 O.aOO 203.46 o.oo o.o o.o l99'l --------__ ._. _____ --------------------·---· ... ----------------------------------------- 511 ll. c,.:;'} 391 <;4q ~,4n 44o l 4 \ ~~~~ wPl:RAT I NG 1 NC.C~t ADO INTSREST EARN~O ON ~UNDS Lf5S INTEREST ON ~HORT TERM OEBT l~SS lNTfREST ON LONG TERM O~BT NET EARNINGS fROM OPERS -----C.A$H SOURtf ANO USC---- CASil lNLOH!:' Fl'OH PPERS ~TATE CONTRIOUTION lONG Tl P'-' llfflT DRA'.tOOWNS lo401U, AP IJI 1\ T DR AWOOWNS TOTAL SOURCES OF FUNDS 121 LrSS CAPITAL EXPENOlTURE 446 LfSS WORCAP AND FUNDS 260 LES5 DEBT REPAYKENTS 141 ~ASH SURPLUSlOEFlClT) ~4q SHORT TERM Of::.BT 444 lASH RlCOVEP.~O -----OALANCE SHt[T----·----- ll'J rtCt;f.RV• ANO CONT. fUND 171 )fl-ll:.R io!O:\KING Ci\PlTAL 454 CASH SURPLUS RETAINED 170 LUK. CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 46S CAPITAL EHPLJYEO 461 STATE CONTRIBUTION ~~l ~rTAtN~O EARNINGS 55~ OEDT OUTSTANDING-SHORT T~RH 554 OE6T OUTSlANDING-lONG TERM ~42 ANNUAl O~BT DRAWWOOWN ~1C}82 541 CUM. DEBT DRAWWOOWN Sl98Z 519 DEBT SERVICE COVtR o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o 403.7 o.o n.o 403.7 403.7 o .. o o.o o.o o.o l).O o.o OeO o.o 403.7 ---------------- 403 .. 7 ---------------- 403.7 o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.oo o.o o.o o .. o o.o 1).0 o.o 412 .. 7 o.o o.o 472.'1 472.7 o.o o .. o o.o o.o o.o o.o -o.o o.o 876 .. 4 ---------------- -----.----------- 876.4 o.o o.o o.o o.o o ... o 0.')0 o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o • o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o 479.7 o.o ().,() ~1~.1 479. '7 o.o (\.0 o.o o .. o o.o o.o o.o o.o 13'>6.1 ----..------------ l 3S6.l ----------------1356.1 o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.oo o.o o.o 499.5 o.o o.o -------- 499.5 o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o c.o o.o 1 wss. 6 ---------------- ==-~===== 1855.6 o .. o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.oo o.o o.o o .. o o.o o.o o.o 936.3 o.o o.n 938 .. 3 930.3 o.o o.o o.o . o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o 2 794 .• 0 ---------------- =~=.::::: 2794.0 o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.oo o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o 1~50.4 155().4 o .. o o.o o.o o.o o.o s:::::=== lt31t4.3 o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.oo o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o 46~.4 78~.7 n.o 121t7.1 1247.1 o .. o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o 5S9l~4 :..:.:::::::·: ===-==-::;== o\806.7 o.o o.o 784.7 o\12-6 412.. b o.oo Sheet 1 of 3 E-1-LLJON (1982 oo~CLA-Rs')-STATE APP-RO.;R~l~TION SCENARIO 7% INFLATION AND 10% INTEREST -... ~R ---~ ~ ..... __ _ o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o 7'54.9 o.o 754.C} o.o o.o ~t:H .1 333.\ 96.0: o.o. -------..... o.o o.o o .. o o.o o.o o .. o 631t6.3 ======== ltS06o7 o.o o.o 1539.5 311.0, 783.6 o.oo o.o OoO o .. o 56.S Ad .. ') o.o 6679.4 'SI::s::::::~::; 6777 •. 4: 4806.7 '30.~ 96.0 l831tel ll'i.l 'HIJ.9: t.zs 241.q 5a6 Q.R un.~ -'------~ c;,..} o .. o ]11 .. 6 11.1 ~-------283.7 l"lQ.l 11.1 6·8 ....~_.._. ___ _ o ... o o.o o.o 6t.r, 5-"-l o.o 6938.,() -::::::::':'.\C%1<: 1054.3 1!t:~':'ll:!r':S;= \806 .. 7 <)2.R 115.7 cOJ9.o 90·8 1009.7 ~. 25 TABLE r·---, ~54lA~li ---- 73 £NE"GY GWH ~21 RrAl PRlCE-HlLlS 4ob lH~LATlON INDEX ·.>lO Pit ICE-MILLS - -----INCOM£----------------- 5lb !{€VENUE l7o LLSS OPERATING COSTS ~11 OPfRATihG INCOME - ?1~ ~DO INTEREST CARNED ON FUND$ ~S~ LESS lNTERESr ON ·sHORT iERM DCBT )~l LESS INTrRfST ON LONG TERM DEBT S48 NET eARNINGS FR0M OPERS -----CASH SOURCE A:-.0 USE---- S43 CASH INCOMF FROM UPCRS 446 STATE CONTRIBUTION 143 LONG T(RM DEBT ORAWDOWNS ?~J WORLAP DEBT DRAWDOWNS ~4~ TOTAL SOURC~S OF FUNDS 120 LrSS CAPITAL fXPENOlTURE 44~ LESS WORCAP AND FUNDS 2bU LfSS DEBT REPAYMENTS 141 CASH SURPLUSfOEFICITt 249 SHORT TERH DEBT 4lt4 CASH RECOVERCO -----BALANCf SHffT---------- 71~ KlSL~Vr AND CONT. fUND J71 OTH[R WORKING CAPITAL 454 CASH SURPLUS Rf:TAINED 170 CU~& CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 4b5 CAPITAL EHPLQYED 461 STAT€ CONTRISUTION 4bZ RFTAINEO ~ARNINCS 5~~ JEBT OUTSTANOlNG-SHORT TERM 5'>-'t UEBT OUTSTANOING~LONG TeRM 542 A~NUAL 0€8T DRAW~OOWN '1982 ~~3 CUM. OCST DRAWWDOWN Sl982 ~19 OEUT StRVltE COVER - 199!>~ 27S.2 32.0 - ---- 1996 3301 3v.Bl 266 .. 73 ~2 .. 18 278.3 35.0 243.4 b.1 12.4 182.0 ~ 1997 1998 1999 CASH FLOW SU~HARY ===f$~1LL10N):=== 3387 33a7 3387 29.37 27.83 26.39 285.40 305.36 326.75 83.81 84c97 86.2~ 283.8 38.1 21t6 .. 2 R.O 16.1t 1'30.3 246 .. 6 8.7 17.7 179.3 - 2000 -- 2001 3387 23.79 371t.l0 89.00 301.4 54.1 ------·---247.3 10.4 20.0 l71o0 - 2002 152?3 so. '55 400.29 234.36 1132.9 ll.lt 21.9 863.-t - 2003 ______ ...._~ ·'>60'5 50.<\9 4'58.29 231 .. 'H 1.?9b.7 l08.'i "'!;!~..'too..------· l.PHi.l 10-e~ 16.3 891 .. ~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------~-------ss.o ss.o O~~cO 368.9 3.1 55 .. 7 56.6 56.6 o.o 395.,4 11.2 57.5 57.5 o.o 11b3.0 12.2 58.1t o.o 1432.3 lOeb 59.5 o.o 1604.7 10.4 60.7 6':>.7 o.o l-'f73. 5 12.3 239.0 239.0 o.o 137.8 128 .o 277 .. ?. o.o o ... o 2~.1 ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------·------Sl2.8 463.1 44lc9 11.2 9o0 1232.7 1210.5 12.2 9 .. 9 l50l.J 1 4 1 q. 8 10.6 10.9 lb74.7 l6")~t.5 10 .. -'t lZe~~O 1546.,5 1527.9 12.) 1'3. 2 SO~t.8 362.3 128 ... 0 1<\.S. 301.9' --------~-----------------------------------~----~------~---------------~-------o.o o.o o.o o .. o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o -2.3 lo3 o.o -6.8 6.8 o.o o.o o.,o o.o 135.4 o.o 135.~ - 67.2 '56.6 o.o 7'3 55 .o 73,4 79.7 OoO 7930.3 ,) (). 1 f54.2 o.o 8273.2 J7.4 119.1 o.o 9483.7 9S. 4 91.7 o.o 10963.'5 10/r.,l 93 .. 4 o.o 12618.0 113.7 96.2 o.o 14[~-;.q 191..3 llt6 •• ~ o .. o '141\508.2 208.8 153.6 o.o 14599.1 227.8 177 ......... =:====== 7478 .. 8 . ======== 4806~7 147 .. 8 123.9 240D.S t4B.u 1157.7 la25 ----------------7983.4 ---..... -------------oft806.7 203.5 1~3.1 2820.0 lo0.4 1318.0 1.25 ----------------8437.5 ======== 480 6. 7 260.1 1b4o3 3206.4 138.5 14'>6.6 1.25 ---------------- ----------------460b.7 317.5 t7o.b 4359 ... 380 .. 8 1837.4 1. Z5 ---------------- 11150.6 :::::<:.::::::: 4806.7 3 76.0 187.1 5780.8 438.3 2275.7 1.25 ::::":;::::::: 12615.6 ::·==-=:== lt806~7 435.S l.99o8 7373.5 459.0 2731t.7 1.25 :-:====== 14355.8 :::c::-::z: ,. 806.7 496.2 21().0 8833 •. 8 393.Q 3128.6 1.25 ~~--------------.., :::~::"a: 14846.1 ::Xlii<:Zll::C: lt806.7 735.2 3,.b.9 6957.1 34 ... 3163.0 1 .. 25 1 .. 961.7 ::,z:::::::::::: lt606.7 877.8 362.6 891,..6 o.o 3163.0 le25 o.o 1~6(}8.3 ·'*~·==·=='== P5103. 7 'W;iii;;,t;,:;;:'::;:::::: ~806 .. 7 to21.n -\0~.4 8867.7 o.o 316)..,0 lei? $3 BILLION (1982 DOLLARS) STATE APPROPRIATION SCENARIO 7% INFLATION AND 10% INTEREST Sheet?. of 3 . TABLE 0.34 lA~~fil -- - -------- -- ----- "*~*(t~~~~**l)~****************::r***********************~*************"*t;**::r**********:l)*******lo'**(l***********************"l.:Q'~tt<**~***** OATAlOK WATANA-UC !ON liNE 1993-2002)-52.3 BN CS198l) STATE FUNOS-INFlATION 7:t-INTEREST 'iO't-CAP COST S5.117 SN 23-iftS-82 ¢l;tl)0li.lttll.l*******lOI*****lCl*lCl21l(l::rlll~**lCl***OICJ(Il).***tc***********O*ICJ*****'(nQnero::r:¢t.*******~*~********J);*****.II)****-***ICI***********lQI*****-* ... le<:o•**** 1985 1986 1987 1988 1969 1990 1991 1992 1993 l 9 14t CASH FlOW SUMMARY ENERGY ~==(SHilllONl==== 73 GWH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3387' 3387 ')?l KEAL PRlCE-MtlLS o.oo o.oo o.oo o.oo o.oo o .. oo OeOO o.oo 50 ... 65 58.76 46b 1 NFU\T I ON INDEX 126.72 135.59 145.08 155.24 l66el0 177 .. 73 190.17 203.48 217.73 .232.q7 520 PRICE-tHLLS o.oo o.oo o.oo o.oo o.oo o.oo o.oo o.oo 110. 73' 136.90 -----INCOME-----------------Sib R EVENUC o.o o .. o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o 375.0' <\63.6 170 LLSS OPERATING C•1STS o.o o.o o .. o. o.o o.o o .. o o.o o.o 26..,9' 29e3 -------·-~--.-------------------------------------------_____ ... ___ --------.... __ ..,......, ____ ........... .., _____ !117 OPERATING I NCOHE o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o .. o 3,.6.1 43~.3 ~l-4 ADO INTEREST EARNED ON FUNDS o"'o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o 080 o.o o .. o '5.6 '>50 LESS TNIEREST ON SHORT TERM DEBT o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o 9 .. 8 3<H LF.SS INTEREST ON lONG TERM DEBT o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o 303.1 331.'9 --------____ _.,. ___ ----~---.----------._. _______ ---------------........ _ ------.-.-__ .... ____ ~ ~"-' ......... ____ 548 i.JST EARNINGS fRuH OPERS o.o o .. o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o lt5.0' 98.3 -----CASH SO\JRCE AND USE---- 548 CJ.\SH INCOME FROH OPERS o.o o.o o .. o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o 4S.o 98.3 44b STATE CONTRIBUTION 't03.7 472 •. 7 479.7 499 .. '5 938.3 738.4 o.o o.o o.o· o.o 143 LONG TER."\ DEBT DRAW DOWNS o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o 612.0 1328.3 890 ... 288.1: 17 3. 2 Z4r8 WOR.CAP DEBT DRAWDOWNS o.o o.o o.o OoO o.o o.o o.o o.o ~a.o 17 .. 7 ---------·-------------------------------------------------------------...a;-.... ~~-~--- 549 TOTAL SOURCES Of FUNDS 4.03. 7 472.7 479.7 lt99.'5 938.3 1550elt 132fJ.3 890.4 ~31.1 289.2 120 LESS CAPITAl EXPENDITURE 403.7 lt72.7 479.7 499.5 938.3 1550.4 132R.3 890.4 333. l. zs~.z 't4H LESS WORCAP AND FUN OS D.O o.o o.o o .. o OoO o.o o.o o.o 98 .. 0 17.7 260 LESS DEBT REPAYMENTS o .. o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o 12.2 __ .., _____ __,.. _____ ---------------------------------__ ... ______ ---------_. ________ ....,......._ ______ l4l CASH SURPLUSlDEFICITJ o.o o.o o.o OeO o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o 249 SHORT TERM DEBT o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o 444 CASH RECOVERED OaO o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o -----BALANCE SHCET---------- 2 25 RfSERVf: AND CONT. FUND o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o 56.5 6l.b 311 JTHtR WORKING CAPITAl o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o <tl.5. 54.1 4'>4 CASH SURPlUS RETAlNED o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o . o.o 370 cu~. CAPITAL EXPENOI TURE 403 .. 7 876.4 1356.1 1855.6 2794.0 4344.3 567l.6 6563.0 6896.1 7155.3 ======== =~='===== =::t====== --------===-===== ======== =~-=-'~==-::= ===:::::z:z. :l'liS::IIZ:IO:II%; 'lllr'lll:z:':::;:z --------465 CAPt TAL EMPLOYED 403.7 676.4 l356ol tsss.o 1794.0 431t4o3 5672.6 6563.0 6')94ol 1211 .. 0 =====-=== ====-=-=== ========-:.::====== ===-====-= ====:::::: ========= S:Z:'llt:Z:Z::z ::z·::z::tz,.ll :lli!~~~""=%= ltbl S TA.TE CONTRIBUTION lt03.7 876.4 1356.1 1855.6 2794.0 3532.4 3532.4 3532.4 3532.~ 353Z .. .r. ltb l RETAIN£-0 EAR 'If I NGS o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o 45.0 143.3 5 5'l OF.:BT OUTSTANDING-SHORT TERM o.o t.o o.o o.D o.o o·.o o.o o.o qa.o 115.7 ~54 ot: nT OUTSTAN!HNG-LDNG TERM o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o BllaO 2140.2 3030.7 3316.7 . )479.6 ~42 A~NUAL DeBT URAWWOOWN $1982 o.o o .. o o .. o o.o o.o 456e8 698elt 437.6 132.3 74.3 5"~3 cu~. DEBT DRAWWDOWN $1982 o.o o.o o.o o.o 0 ... 456.8 1155.3 1592e9 172.5.2 1799.5 .u 5).9 DE.8T SERVICE COVER o.oo o.oo o.oo o.oo o.oo o.oo o.oo o.oo leiS 1. Z5 $2.3 BILLION (1982 DOLLARS) MINIMUM STATE APPROPRIATION SCENARIO ~P,[Q II ~Sh_ee_t_1_o_f_3 ______ _:-~ ..... -----~--------_-_-_::_-_-...... -... -7 __ %_o:_I:._N:_F:.,L:._A:_T:_I-0---N-:_A-·_·_N ___ o~-1-=0o/cr~~-!_.~_~::-E_~_~_~_~;::· ::::::::::::::.::.::::::_::-_:-_-_-_ ...... _......J _____ T_A_B_.L_..E_D_~.:. ~hfl d . - 1 I - - - 71 tNERGY G\.4H 521 QfAL ?RICe-MILLS 4bo lkflATlON lNOEX S20 PR.lCt-KillS - -----lNCOHE-----------------'3lb RfV[NUf 170 LtSS OPERATING COSTS '17 0PfRAflNG lNCOM( - 21~ AUO JNTfR(Sf l~RNLD GN FU~u$ ~~~ LESS lNTtREST UN SHO~T TtRH DEBT 391 L~SS INTEREST ON LONG TERM OEBT S4J Ntl EARNiNGS FRJM ~PERS -----LASH SOURCE AND USE----CASH lNCDHE FRJH OPERS 5-<d 41ob l'd l48 ~lO 448 lbO 141 24) 44.r. 22S 371 4~i4 370 465 4bl .lt62 S?S .,., .. STAT2 CONTRIJUTlON L~NG TCRM OE9T O~AWOOWNS WORCAP OEGT OkAWDOWNS TOTAL SOURCES OF FUNnS LfSS CAPITAL CXPF.NOlTURC L~SS WORCAP AND FUNDS LESS DEBT R~PAYHENTS CASH SURPLUS(OEfiC.JT) SHORT TeRM DEBT CASH RfCOVEREO -----BALANCE SHEEl---------- ~~SLRVf AND CONT. FUND OTHCR WORKING CAPITAL CASH SURPLUS RFTAINtD CUM. CAPITAL EXPENDITURE CAPITAL EMPLOYED STATE CONTRIBUTlO~ ~ETAlNcO EARNINGS OE8T OUTSTANDING-SHORT TERH OfRT OUTSTANDING-LONG 12RM ~42 A~NUAL Dt.BI DRAwwCOWN ~lqSz ~43 CUH. OEUT DRAWWOOWN Sl93Z ~lQ OEST Sf~VltE COV(R - 2005 l44b. "5 118.4 ---------1327.6 "22.8 40.5 qsz. 8 327.3 327.3 o.o o.o 36.~ 363.7 108.2 )6.4 o5.Z 153.8 o.o 153.8 ?43 .. 7 l'·Be2 OoO 14891 .. 3 ----------------15) 33.1 ----------------3532.4 1595.9 441.8 976"3.0 o.o 3827.2 1.25 ------·---- 2006 bt47 ~5.23 524.69 237.3 l l32.'l.lt z,..9 44.,. 2 976.3 333.0 333.8 o.o o.o '51 •. 3 385.0 l1 B.l ->t.J 71.8 143.9 o.o 143.9 171.4 221.7 o.o 15009.4 ======== 15502.5 --------------..--3532.4 1785 .. 8 493 .. 1 9691.2 o~o 3821.2 lo25 2001 20oa 2009 CASH FLOW SU~MARY ==~(SMlLL10N)==== ~l50 6472 6544 41.99 38.32 35.80 561.42 600.72' 642.77 235.75 230.18 230 .. 09 l't73.3 141.0 _______ ,.. __ l332.3 2 7 .t 49.3 969.1 341.0 400.Z 12 a.q 59.'3 79.9 133.1 o.o 133 .. 1 296.2 25t>o2 o.o 15138.3 ===::::==== l5b90o7 =~====== 3532.4 1993.7 552.4 9611 .. 3 o.o 3827.2 1.25 13\').7 ~·1. f.; 5!l .. 2 961.2 _______ ....,. .346.9 o.o o.o 4'>.8 394.,. 7 140 .. 7 4'i.O 86.8 121.3 o.o 121.3 323.3 2·14.9 o.o t527q.o =======: 15 877.2 ---------------- o.o 3827.2 lol5 1'317.6 32.3 59.3 952.') --------357.5 357 .. 5 o.o o.o 45.9 403.4 153.6 lt'l.'i 95.5 100.4 o.o 103.4 352.8 291.2 o.o 15432.6 ======== 16076.6 3532.4 2470.3 644.0 9429.9 o.o 3827.2. }.25 2010 6616 33.46 687.77 230.15 1522.6 163.4 --------l3Jq.? 35.3 64.4 943.0 _ ,_ ______ _ 367.1 367.1 o.o o.o -,z.o 419 .. 0 167.6 s.?.o l05ol 385.1 310.9 o.o 15600.2 ==-====== 16296.2. ===':-=:.::::= o.o 3a27.z 1.25 2011 6638 31.5'5 735.91 232.21 l'i4l.3 lOO.l ---------377.6 '377.6 o.o o.o 37.7 415.3 162.9 \7.,7 115.6 79.1 o.o 79.1 420.3 313.<\ o.o 1578.3.2 ::::=::::::::c 16516.8 s::·~-s=== 3532..4 3041.5 733.7 920C}.2 o.o '3827.? t ... zs 2012 6660 29.75 787.42 234.23 1559.8 216.4\ 389.2 o.o o.o 41.2 it30o) 199.1 41.2 127.1 62.4 o.o 62.4 ltSA.-7 316.2 o.o 15982.8 :::z:s:s::sz:~: 167'51'.6 ======-== 3532.4 3368.3 771te8 9082..1 o.o 3827.2 1.25 ,----· -. -·· $2.3 BILLION (1982 DOLLARS).MINIMUM STATE APPROPRIATION SCENARIO 11:, Sheet 3 of 3 ' 7% INFLATION AND 10% INTEREST --------~,·-···-·---r··-·---'---"""""""'--------..J - 2013 6682. 28.07 642.54 Z36e"t9 1580 ... 1 238.4 ---------1341.7' .AtS.9 77.5 908.l 446.8 217 .. 9 44.() 139.q 44.1 o.o lt4 .. l 500.6. 319.2 o.o 16200.7 ::-:cs::::.:.:;; 17020.S 3532.<\ 3726.1 8t9.1 8<J42e1 o.o 3827.2 1.25. - lOTAL 104820: o..oo o.oo o.oo ~l.<J2'1.6 ·2.?02.0 ~Jorlio..._ ____ _ \<J11l.t. 4ll."t 1>\6..6 l>~t~26 .. 0 ll:l:;i..."C. _____ _ ii,<Jb~.~t 1"i}l.o\ \UlOT.S H l q. 7 ..._.~,._Jio., ___ _ ~~42'5.3 \6200.7 OP~.7 l\6'> .. ~ ....,....~------- S00.6 'H9.2 o.o 16200.7 •~x:::::&.,.:s:: 17020.~ 'lllli::.!!'Ji:::::::x 3~32.~ 37'26 .. 1 8l<J,7 89~2.2 3827.2 '3827.2 o.ob - TABLE 0.351 A~Uf~.l w ~...,.a·~·-........ ---------------------~~----------............ ~....._,.,., __ . ____________ .-........,_ ........ ~ .............. --···· •1M~" ~'(,:)¢;.>t>::¢*~?:,ttt******~**C;****"t****~****=***Cn::*i'l~:***************=et*>::"*¢****'~:;:¢:)¢l,):!r*:OC*~*:0Cl:CI):**~l):)~~*'*tltl):l):;(t0*******-0*******~****~~2/I:-.I):-.I):I):I):O D~TA1JK hATANA-JC tON LINE 1Q9]-Z002)-SZ~3 CN (11962) STATE FUNDS-INFLATION 7t-INTEREST lOt-CAP COST ~5.117 6N 23-f~B-~2 ****************************-*ICI*******:::tl)l)l)::::t****~******~***::r*****************************li)~:)*~*********OI):l(ll****~<~~t******~~~l):l):**** 1995 1996 1997 1998 l9q9 2000 20tH CASH FLOW SUMMARY ===«•MlllJON)==== 7) fNERGY GTIH 33d7 33117 3387 33!H 33B7 .3387 3387 ":ll 1t CAl P.:t. I C E-M I L l S 55.38 51.11 4-9.27 4-0.:..3 43.78 41.29 38.96 4bb INFLAliO~ INDEX 249 .. 26 ?bbe73 2!-J5.4(' )Q'j.36 32be75 349.6l 374.10 ~lu PRICE-HillS l3Be06 13"1.00 i40eo3 l4lo79 143.06 l44.3fl 145.75 -----INCOME---~------------- 'J lb ~~VlNU( 467.6 470.8 476.) 480.2 484.5 488.9 493.6 1 7l) LESS OPERAT !..-cG COSTS 32.0 35.0 38ol 41.6 45.4 49.6 54.1 ---.-------------------------·-----------------.:..----------'il7 JPcRAT l~(; INC.OM«:. 435.6 1t3S.8 43~.1 lt3tlo 6 f.t)Q .• l 439.3 439.'5 7.l4 1\DCJ INTERfST EJ\Rt~ED ON FlJNDS 6.2 6.7 7.3 a.o 6.7 9.5 lO • .ft 5~0 leSS INTEREST ON SHORT TE.RM OEUT llob 12.4 15.3 16.4 17.7 18.1 19.8 Jl:ll LESS INTEREST ON LONG TERM DEBT 330.6 3Z9o3 327.8 326 .. 2 324.4 3Z2e4 320 .. 3 ------·---------··-__ ., ______ -----~-- __ .....,.. _____ --------·---------,4t! NE.T EARNINGS FROM OPERS 99.5 100.8 102s3 lOlteO 105.13 107.7 109.9 -----CASH SOUR Cr.: ANo_usc---- 'J41 t J\~H 1 Nt•JME FROM OPERS 9~.s 100.8 102 .. 3 104 .o 105 •. 8 107.1 109.9 ~4{· STATf C.ONTR lHUTl ON o.o OeO o.o o.o o.o . o.o o.o 143 tONG TlRM DEBT ~R AWDOWNS 326.5 3'l1 .. 2 34 ..... 2 ll 06 ·<• l'\70 .. 3 1530.0 l40Ji.6 24:! ;.tORC.AP DEBT ORAWOOWNS 8.1 .Z9.3 11.2 12.2 lOeb lOelt 1Zo3 ----------------------.... -_____ ...,__~ ------·-----------·-------">4~ TOTAL SOURCES OF FUNDS .:t34.2 511.3 457.7 lZZleU 1486.6 1651'.0 1527.6 320 LESS CAPITAL fXPENOt TURt 41"Z..6 4&7.;'. 430eZ 11 <)2. 7 1456.3 1624.6 1.491.6 4-48 LESS WORCAP AND FUNDS Sol 29.3 11.1 lz.z 10.6 10.4 12.3 lbu lESS DE'aT REPAYMeNTS 13.5 14.8 16.3 17.(} 19.7 Zle7 23.9 ----------------------·--_____ .,.. __ ..,._.,..... _____ ---~--------·-----141 CASH SURPLUS< DEFICIT) o.o o.o 1).0 o.o o.o o.o o.o l~~ SHORT TERH DEBT o.o OeO o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o lt44 CASH RECOVERED o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o -•---BALA'NCE SHEET---------- 22'1 tttSERV~ 1\ND CONT. FUND 67.2 73.4 oo.1 87.4 95o4 104.1 113.7 371 .JTtiER WORKING CAPITAL 5o .. 6 79.7 34.2 99.1 91.7 93.4 96.2 45.10, CASH SURPLUS ReTAINED OoO OoO o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o :no CUM. CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 7567.9 8035.1 8465.3 <}657.9 11114 .. 2. 12739.1 14Z30. 7 .=-::::::::::: =====:::== --------======== ===-===z-= -::::::::!::'1::.!11':: =====-===---------461j CAPlTAL EMPLOYED 7691.7 3188.2 H629.b 96 34.5 11301.4 129)6.6 14 .. 40.5 =======:: ====:'='== -------·-::-::::-::.:::: =====-=== ===-=:.::!~"; ======== -------- 46.1 ;jTATt: CONTR l!HJT tON 3532.4 3532.4 3532.4 3532.lt 3532.4 3512.4 3532.1t 41>2 R t:TA HIED EARNINGS 242.8 ;\1+3.7 446.0 550.0 655 .. 7 763 .. 4 873.3 555 DEBT OUTSTANDI~G-SHORT TERH 123o9 153.1 lblt.3 17.6 .. 6 lB7.l ).<}7.6 :Z09.9 5.,4 OEBT OUTST~NDlNG-LONG TERK 3792.7 4159.0 4·4~6.9 5 575.6 6926.2 841t3.3 fl825.0 '>4Z ANNUAL DEBT DRAWWDOWN U982 131.() 1 1•2.9 120.6 36le4 419.4 -440.1 375.7 543 CUM. DEBT DRAWWllOWN 11962 1930.5 2073.4 2194.0 2556.3 2975.7 3415.6 3791.5 51.} i>t: ~ T SERVIC.E COVCR le25 le25 lo25 1.25 1.25 le25 leZS Sheet 2 of 3 I $2.3 BILLION (1982 DOLLARS) MI~I~UM STATE APPROPRIATION SCENARIO 7% INFLATION AND 10% INTEREST zooz 2003 200-\ 5223 54l4'. '):605 63.57 59.qq 55 ... 83 400.29 428.31 ·lOtSB. 2Q 254 .. 47 256. 5-8' 255.86 l3Z9.0 1369.0 lit14.,Q 9lel 99.4; 108.5 ,.. _______ ---------.._,.._ ______ 12::37.9 l269 .. ll-132S .. 'i 11.~ l q_ t 2'0 •. 9 l1o0 3 :l. 6' "'\6~3 982.5 99~~1 988.6 --------·---·-~-..... ~-------2~5.8 ZSO .. tl' 321.3 245.8 280.& 3£1,.3 o.o o ... o o.o 14? ... 8 O.t) o.o tza.o 24.1' -42.8 ---------------"""""' ~"'~------516.5 305.5 364.2 362o3 90.~ 99.1 126.0 24 .. 1' ~2.6 lbel 53.~ 59.3 _,.. ______ ------~.~ ~ .. _______ o.o 136.0' 162.6 o.o o.o· o.o o.o 1J6.Q 162.8 191.3 206 • .8' ZZ7 .. 8 l46e6 153.& 177.6 o .. o o.o o.o llt593.0 14683 .. 8 t'\-711'3.0 :.::::3:-S%·:: :az:=====· '1!:-::::::;=:~""=-::::: 14930 .. 8 15046.4-111)186.4 :.:==~:::= ======::~ :jt•et"" =-= = =:::::: 353Ze4 3532.,. 3"l32 _,. lll9el l263.q 1-\ZZ • .~to 337.8 362.6 4t05.Jt 991tl.5 9887~6, qazs .. z 35.'7 o.o o.o 3827.2 3827,.2 3627. z lel.Z 1·2< leZ5 TABLE o.35ll~~I~J t -l I I I I I I I I I I I I I .I I I I TABLE 0.36: FINANCING REQUIREMENTS -$ aiLLION For $3.0 billion State Aepropriation Scenario 1985 State Appropriation 86 " 87 11 88 n 89 " 90 n 91 tl Total State Appropriation 1990 Guaranteed or G.O Bonds 1 " " 2 " If 3 II n Total Watana Bonds Interest Rate 10% inflation Rate 7% 1982 Actual Purchasing Power --.,S~b i 1 1 ion 0.4 0.3 Oe5 0.4 0.5 0.3 0.5 0.3 0.9 0.6 o. 5 0.9 1. 5 0.2 4.8 3.0 0.8 0.4 o. 7 0.4 0.3 0.1 1. 8 0.9 ---------------------------------~-r---~---------~~--~-- 1994 Revenue Bonds 0.2 0.1 5 " 11 0.4 0.1 6 " n 0.4 o. 2 7 !f ·n 0.4 0.1 8 " II 1 .. 2 0.4 9 n n 1. 4 0.4 2000 n u t. 6 0.5 1 n 11 1. 5 0.4 2 n n 0.1 0.1 Total Devi I Canyon Bonds 7.2 2o.3 Total Susttna Bonds 3.2 " I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE 0.37: FINANCING REQUlREt~ENTS -$ BILLION For $2.3 bi II ion State Appropriation Scenario ' l985State Appropriation 86 n 87 II 88 n 89 " 90 n Total State Appropriation Interest Rate 10% Inflation Rate 7% 1982 Actual Purchasing Power ---.,.S--.b i I 1 ion 0.4 0.3 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.3 0.5 0.3 0.9 0.6 o. 7 0.4 3.5 2.3 ---------------.--------------------------------------......_- 1990 &.!aranteed or G.O Bonds 0.8 0.5 1 11 It 1.3 0..7 2 It tl 0.9 0.4 3 n u 0..3 0.1 Total Watana Bonds 3.3 13 7 -----------------------~----------~~-------------------- 1994 Revenue Bonds 0.2 o. 1 5 n " 0.3 0.1 6 n " 0.4 0.2 7 -fl " 0.3 0..1 8 n u 1. 1 o. 4 9 n II 1.4 0.4 2000 n II 1 .. 5 0.4 1 It " 1 .. 4 0.4 2 tt II o. 2 Total Devil Canyon Bonds s.s 2.1 -------------------------------------------------------- Total ~: 1sitna Bonds 10. 1 3.8 .. ') BASIC PARAMETERS OF RISK GENERATION MODEL --, COAL PRICE ESCALATION(% REAL) . 2.6 to 2000 5.0 to 2000 . 0 1.2 thereafter 2.2 thereafter PROBABILITY .25 .50 .25 INTEREST RATES% . 5-7 7-9 9-11 I 11 -13 I . I I PROBABILITY .10 .32 .43 .15 INFLATION RATE DIFFERENCE FROM INTEREST RATE . ! -2% -3% -4% I PROBABILITY .33 .3~ .33 ' CAPITAL COSTS (REAL 1982 $billion) Below 3.1 Below 3.6 Below 4.3 Below 5.1 PROBABILiTY .46 .73 .90 1.00 TABLE ------------------- 4000 3000 -.. II: <l _, _, 0 0 ... noo 0 ., .z 2 ..I _, i -lOGO ~ ..I ... X ., "' u "" 1500 > ;: "" _, :;) :It :;) u 1000 100 ' f fl1 IllS CUIIut..lfTIVE CAit .. ~~ ~ . I~ . . liB. - •• I •• YEARS WATANA DEVELOPMENT CWMULATIVE AND ANNUAl CASH FLOW ~ANUARY, 1182 DOLLARS .11!1 - CJI:) ""' c ~ .... ·'-' ~ 0 c ... a "" : ~· .:i ,_, ~ ~ - ~ .... :c: 1Jii ~ ~ ..I ~ :I: z "' ~· 0 IH4 lftt FtGURE. D. t - -- ---- !000 --ft II: oC _, _, 0 a Sl. I BOO 0 ., z 0 :; _, ~ 1000 ~ ..I a.. % ., <C u 100 loJ > fi ..J (! ~ :I :;:, u 0 ltll 1111 ------ - ~ l!UIM -~ il" F\.0\l•[•,i, v . ~ lit& .... iVtf .... ,.., l(tO~ eoo1 1001 · IOOJ TIAJitl DEVIl CANYON DEVELOPMENT CUMULATIVE AND ANNUAl CASH fLOW .JANUARY-. 1982 DOU.ARS ---- 400 -• • c _, _, 900 0 a .. 0 ., 2 _, 1.00 _, 2 • 0 _, ... :::: 100 • ~ _, c :!) z z c 0 FIGURE p,·2 ... ------------ •e.oo &000 . • 51500. . " ~~ &000 v~ / 4590 -/' ... a: "' .... • £ ..1 4000 0 ~I'( . 0 I ~ I . ....... ~ ~ .PI _ .. &'W'! ~~ CAl 14 fWWI In 1800 . z .,.. 0 :; .... a .... 1000 3t s "' :::: uoo en c u 1!1 =: 100\» ·~e .... !:) ! u 1500 0 IMl IHS IN4 IHI 1981 M7 11ft I'Nt 1590 1111 1111 lttl 1114 IIWI 1101 lilT ltli lltl 1000 1004 100& lOOS Yl&\ffl S~TNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CUMUL.ATJVE a ANNUAl. CASH FLOW ENTIRE PROJECT JANUARY , 1982 DOLLARS - @50 too 8!0 500 -~ a:::: 4BO '<11\t .w ~ 40Q ~ ~ ~ 110 "<i! =I! ~ -1l'i ~ !00 ~ ~ 250 ~ -!) § !DO ~ ~ 150 100 so 0 FlGUAE 0.3 RAfLBELT REGION GENERATING AND TRANSMISSION FACILITIES Ot-::==A!E!It===3t30 K1LOMETEAS L 1 I I I I I I I ·I I I I I I I I I I I LOCATION MAP LEGEN(j \1 PROPOSED OAM SITES ----PROAJSED 1!15 KV UN£ . ---EXISTlNG LINES FIGURE o. 5 -SERVICE AREAS OF RAj LBEL T UTIUTIES t ~iRl I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Oil 2% Rural E!ectric ~iva 7~ ----------------- Municipal Systems 23% Administration -Eklutna 1. Does Not Include Seif Supplied Energy from Milftagy Installations and The Univarsity of Ala$b A ENERGY SUPPLY (Based on Net Generation 1980) Gu 76% 1. Does Not Include Genernion by Milit:Qry lnstaliations and The University of A12sb C NETGENEflATJON BY TYPES OF FUEL (Based on Net Generation 1 SSO) B Munic:iPal Systems 27% Univenitt' of Awu Afa!XaPoww Administration -Eklutna GENERATING FACILITIES (Based on Ncmsplate Generating C•pacity 1980) Combined Cycle Combustion Turbine (139 MW-1~%) R•mmrttva Cycle Combustion Turbine ......... ~ (11t ~""- Simple Cycle Combustion Turb.ina (520MW-5~) 18J 0 RELATIVE MIX OF ELECTRICAL GEPJERATING TECHNOLOGY-RAILBEL T UTILITIES -1989 FIGURE D.$ • I I 10,000 I I 9,000 . I 8,000 I I I I I 7.000 6.000 i e i s.ooo I IU .,, ,, .,., ,, ,, .,, ,, _,:, .,, _., ..s--· .,..,. r---.,...-,p.~ .,.# I i 0 .,-r_ ... ___ , ~~' 0~ ~.,. I f~,--I --· """'"'~---Note: OGP~S Program I~ Usable f31'--~" __ j Output at Two Year lntervak __ _. ---I• ----------~-----/ I I 4,000 3 .. 000 Energy Oertveriea From Susitna / ~ I I· 2.000 Watana Atone Watana And Devil Canyon . I 1,000 I I I I f ' _j i I I t ' ' f t I I 1992 1995 2000 2010 I 'FIGURE ~ D. 7 -ENERGY DEMAND AND DELIVERIES FROM SUSJTNA lMtiJ I -----------------~- 300 250 200 ~ ~ s :a tl 160 0 (,.) > ea Cl) c w ' I WATANA ONLY IN 19941 LEGEND ·---· Energy Cott of Bert Thermal 0~ • • • •• • • • • Ene~ Con of SuDitna Option Operating Cocts of Thermet Pfent fn u .. In 1993 Extended ta 19M Shadad Arta Rtprutnta Pfant Opeming in 1;g2 Dftplatd tr( W~tana ArM Under This Line is Annual Colt of Best Thmnal Option (lneluding Investment Com} l I ..:.li'IP...,. ....................................... L . .t ... ::~Under This Llnoll Annual Colt of Susitna Option f : Area Under This Line is Annual 1 • Operating Cost of Existing Capacity 1993/4 I : (Avoided Costs of Fuel and O&M Only) I • 1 : Area Represents Annual Open.tln; Com I : from Existing Generating Plant : Ctimmon to Both Sulitna and Annual Enlf9Y Output GWh Thtmnal Options Medium Growth System Energy FortCMt for 1994;4,8H GWh t' FIGURE 0.8 • ENERGY PRICING COMPAR"~:'.')NS -1994 - ------------------ 380 340 320 300 -.c ~ 280 ..... en --·-:E 260 -.. Cl) u .i: a. 240 "C c C\'1 = ... 220 c3 > Ot .... CD 200 c w 180 160 l!l<llft ... v 120 100 0 SYSTEM COSTS AVOIDED BY DEVELOPING SUSITNA COMPARED WITH BEST THERMAL OPTION IN MILLS PER UNIT OF SUSITNA OUTPtJT IN CURRENT DOLLARS ~· •* , ·'! I I •" COST SAVINGS FROM SUSITNA IN.CREASING 1 OVER WHOlE. liFE OF PROJECT I •• . ~ II ~· •••• Increasing Thermal Fuel II Costs Avoided~ -1 --~-----·····' ~···· **-.. -~·-•• '#]. I I ,.._ Avoids Cost of a Further 200 MW Coal Fired Generming Unit I I I •••• 411-Avoids Cost of 2 x 200 MW Coal Fired Generating Units If Watana on Stream in 1993 Devil Canyon on.Streem in 2002 .~--~--~--~--~--~~~--------~~------~---· ----------------~--~~----~~--~--~----94 6 6 1 8 9 2000 01 02 03 04 05 (5~ 07 08 09 2010 11 12 13 FIGURE D. ~.1 .,.-SYSTEM COSTS AVOIDI;O BY DEVELOPING SUSITNA ~-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~-------------- --- -- - --9 --- f I I I I I I I I ' I I I I ' I I I I ! i I I I I Energy Output Watana ~ I I I I I I I ----- -- j "'.-\TANA& DEVIL CANYON IN 2003 ~ !.EGEHD ·--· ........ - Olteratll'll Com of Th~ PiMtt ln UM ln 1983 &tendod to 1~ I I I I I I I I I I •• I I I I I I I I lOCATION MAP LEGENI} "J PROPOSED OAM SITES --.... -PROPOSED 138 KV UN£ --EXISTING LINES \ 20 ~· ~-· -SCALE IN ULEI ).a 11M Bth i LOCATION MAP FIGURE 0.11 I Mil I ---------~--------- SITE SELECTION ·PREVIOUS STUDIES ENGENEERING LAYOUTS AND COST STUDIES SCnEEN CRIT~RIA ECONO~~S ENVIRC~MENTAL OBJECTIVE ECONOMICS 4 ITERATIONS SNOW ( S} BRUSKASNA ( 8 ) KEETNA { K) CACHE (CA.) BROWNE ( BR) TALKEETNA • 2 ( T· 2 ) HICKS (H) CHAKACHAMNA ( C H ) ALLISON CREEK ( AC) STRANOllNE LAKE ( SL} • CH, K DATA ON DIFFERENT r THERMAL GENERATING j; SOURCES 1 t COMPUTER MODELS TO EVALUATE .. POWER AND ENERGY YIELDS ll SYSTEM WIDE ECONOMICS ........ ,T ......... "'"' c.ntM ECONOMICS • CH, K,S CH,K,S a THERft\AL LEGEND • CH, I<,S,SL.,AC -CH, K,S 1 SL,AC .. CH, K,S,Sl.,AC,CA, T-2 ---~ STEP NUMB~R lN STANDARD PROCESS (APPENDIX A) FORMULATION OF PLANS INCORPORATING NON-SUSITNA HYDRO GENERATION 0.12. FIGURE 152° 15C 0 t48~ 146° l44° 142" \ ·~· ® I I I I I I I Q• I I I I I I SCALE" MILES I ltoi EQt!AtS APffiOXlMATEU' 40 MiLES 1\ A 8 0 o-25 MW ~5-IOOIIIW >IOOW I I I '· STRANOUI£ L. 13. WHlSK£RS• z •• SNOW 39. l..AH( 2. ' l.OWER BEUIGA .... COAL 'ZT. KENAI LO'WEft 40. TOKIOiiTHA :1. LOWEIIt l.A~ ~ ''· CWUTNA 21. GERSTL£ .... .YEPJTNA 4. ALLISON~ t;. QilO 2:1. iANAHA ft. 42. CATH£Dft.AL !LUFI"' 5. -:RESCENT LAKE 2 17. tJ::\rNER CHUUT'Nl 30 .. BRlJSI(ASNA 43. ..IOHHSC'JH 6. ·GRANT LAKE ••• tACH! 31. !<ANT~ it. ·44· eiiJwiE '1. McCWRt ~AY 11. GRE£NST'(j£ 32.. UPPER BELUGA 45 • • JUNCTION 1!1. e. OPPER NEt.UE JUAN 20. TAIJ(££TNA Z 33 .. COfFEE 4&. VACHON IS. •• POWER. CREEX II. GAAtm'£ CJORO! 34. GOIJ(AHA R. 47. TAZILMA 10. SILVER LAIC£ zz. KE£ml 35. KWTIIA 41. KENAI l...AAE H. SOLOMOM GULCH z:s. Sl-tEEP atEEX 36. 6JtAtll..EY t.AK£ ""'· CHAI(;.CH~ tz. TUSTWEtiA 24. SK'N£fiTNA 37. liiCII(S SITE %5. TA1.ACHOUTNA :sa. LOW£ SELECTED ALTERNATIVE HYDROELECTRIC SITES FtGURE I 3 I I .~ ~2 0 0 I > !:: 0 ~I <[ 0 10 8 :J: ~6 0 0 0 i 2 715 1980 1990 2000 LEGEND D. HYDROELECTRIC (i~~~iil~¥J COAL FIRED THERMAL E:Z] -GAS f'!REO THERMAL OIL FIRED THERMAL( NOT SHOWN ON ENERGY DIAGRAM • NOTE: RESULTS OBTAINED FROM OGPS RUN LFL 7 DISPATCHED KEETNA ·CHAKACHAMNA EXISTING AND COMMITTED ~954 2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0~--~----~------------------~----------~------------------d 1980 1990 2000. 2010 TIME I GENERATION SCENARIO INCORPORATING THERMAL [i] . AND ALTERNATIVE HYDROPOWER D. EVELOPMENTS 'IPim. - M E.DIUM LOAD FORECAST-FIGURE o.t4 fti b1 -------------------- PREVIOUS STUDIES UNIT TYPE SELECTION COAL: 100 MW 250 MW 500 MW COMBINED CYCLE l 250 MW GAS TURBINE : 75 MW DlESEL : 10 MW PLAN FORMULAT.ION OBJECTIVE ECONOMIC COMPUTER MODELS TO EVALUATE SYSTEM WIDE ECONOMICS EVALUATION OBJECTIVE GAS RENEWALS NO GAS RENEWALS ECONOMIC NO GAS RENEWALS tEGEND FORMULATION OF PLANS INCORPORATING AL~THERMAL GENERATION STEP NUMBER lN STANDARD PROCESS (APPENDIX A) I FIGURE 0.15! Al~m l I I I ~ :E 2 0 0 2 I I > f-. 0 <t a.. I 4 I (.) I 0 I 8 I I 6 I :1: ~ (!) I 0 0 0 4 • )- I (!) a: ILl z w I 2 I I 0 I I I I 1079 846 189 45 1980 TOTAL DISPATCHED 1.980 LEGEND ENERGY D HYDROELECTRIC 0 COAL FIRED THERMAL GAS FIRED THERMAL OIL FlRED THE~MAL. . 1591" 1573 f'S9 634 1990 TIME EXISTING a COMMITTED 1990 TIME (NOT SHOWN ON ENERGY DIAGRAM) 2000 2000 ALTERNATIVE GENERATION SCENARIO BATTELLE MEDIUM LOAD FORECAST 2037 2031 968 813 2010 I 2010 FIGURE ------------------ ~---------------------------------------------------------------A~------~------------------------------------~ LOAD ALTERNATIVE FUEL COST RESUL1 .. LONG-TERM COST FORECAST CAPITAL COST ESCALATION 10 PROBABILITY PRESENT WOR,rn HIGH TOI .01 116,058 HIGH ~ MEDIUM T02 .02 11,689 LOW !03 .01 7,024 !0..4 .. .03 14,194 HIGH .20 MEDIUM J2 !05 .00 ' 1~~8~9 ....... ~ T06 .03 7,313 TOZ .01 13,742 ~ .02 10,503 -:01-• 7!184 IIO • 03 11,272 HIGH J2 Ill .oil &.158 Il2-.o~ 15Ht Il:i .08 10!837 MEDIUM GO Tl~ .J8 8.238 Il5 ~~ 15!681 ;I: .03 10,321 :a~ : k::.: :~ ;~ .01 9,.2&3 .0~ HIGH .02 7:<480 .01 4166 I22 .03 8,746 LOW .20 MEDIUM .12 I23 .06 6,878 T2.4 .03 411590 HIGH T25 .01. 81412 LOW .~ MEDIUM !26 .o;c 6,101 LDW T27 .01 4.412 l: • t.OO \ FIGURE 0.11..,. PIIOBABI LITY TREE -SYSTEM WITH AL TERJ\IATIVE$ TO SUSITNA I A~~lll ---.• - - - - - - - --- - - - - - LOAD f.ORECAST ALTERNATIVE CAPITAL FUEL COST COST ESCALATION FIGURE 0.18-PROBABILITY TREE-SYSTEM WITH SUSITNA - - - --· - - ----- - - - --: - - I 14 r raJ ~ 12 w- I 10 -co 0 -)C 0 0 8 C) .. -0 -tt ... c ..1 Non-Susitu Plan r v I \ I---' r -•• _$ ,r ~ __,.-___,. 0 (..) e 6 ... CD ... .~ c !l r F -\ ·' " Susitna Plan . ~ - 4 ,...I' 2 0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1.0 Cumulative Probability fiGURE 0.19-SUSITNA MULTIVARIATE SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS-LONG-IERM COSTS VS CUMULATIVE PROBABIL}TV 1.0 ~~ .8 .7 .~ -.6 :0 (I) ..a 0 "' a. .5 ~ > ·-lij -:J .4 E ::J u .3 .2 .1 ~ l / ~ v •, / : A v I / ' ' ( v r f / "' ! v ~ L j t / ~ $ ~ ~ (4600) (3500) (2500) (1500) \'500) 0 500 1600 2500 3500 5500 Net Benefit -$ x 106 ( 1982 $) FIGURE 0.20 -SUS I TNA MUL "flVARIATE SENSITIVITY ANAL VSIS -CUMULATIVE PROBABILITY VS NET BENEFITS . -Re.r ... - 380 380. 340 320 300 -..c ~ ~ 280 :E 260 -aft (1) u ·-... Q. 240 ] co • :t aft 220 8 ~ (1) 200 c w 180 160 140 120 100 94 ·---- 5 NO STATE APPROPRIATION SCEt~ARIO 100% DEBT FINANCING Susitna Mill Rate Cost With 7% Inflation, 10% Interest COST SAVINGS --~--~·-a9· ## t1 II I COST SAVINGS GROWING OVER I WHOLE OF SUSITNA.LIFE I I Mill Rate Cost Best Thermal Option 7% Inflation, 10% Interest Mill Rata Cost Best Thermal Option 0% I nflatlon, 3% Interest -----------.. --' ----1 ' ----- , :::::~::~:::~:,~::~~~======::::::::::::-::~::-:.-~-----.. -................ . Negligible Financing D1ficit with Zero Inflation Susitna Cost with 0% Inflation, 3% Interest 7 8 9 2000 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 2010 11 12 13 Y•an FIGURE 0.21-ENERGY COST COMPARISON-100% DEBT FINANCING 0 AND 7% INFLATION ~. ------------------- Rev. 1 360 340 320 300 280 -· .;C !: 260 ~ -..... .!: -·- STATE APPROPRIATION OF $3.0 BILLION WITH 7% INFLATION AND 10% INTEREST • •• I I I I Mill Rate Cost / Bart Th&rmal Option / ~ '_., 7- ~# ~# ........... ,.# ..... COST SAVINGS GROWIN.G OVER WHOLE OF SUSITNA LIFE ~ 240 wt ---I'A *., ~# Susitna wholesale energ'l_, pries f~flt aj anergy increasos to 2009 and ri~ =lowly thereafter B ·-.. a. "C c: co D "" 0 (.) > Cia ... CP c w 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 _., .-• I I I • I I --~ ~- Watana Completed 199~ with $1.8 billion ($0.9 bn 1982) of Bonds 1991 .. -!~: ~Yer of 1.25 at 80 Mills/kWh in 1994 Devil Canyon Completed with $7.2 bUUon ($2.3 bn 1982) of Revenue Bonds 1994-2002 80 ~[--/~L~~~=-~. ~ ~~--_ susitna Wholesale Energy Price ~ 94 5 6 7 8 9 2000 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 2010 11 12 Vaan 13 FIGURE 0.22-ENERGY COST COMPARISON-STATE APPROPRIATION $3 arLLION (1982 $) -------------------;-- Rev.1 380 340 \ 300 -.I! s: .:.: . 280 ...... ~ ~ -260 M Cl), .~ .. Q,. "C 240 c: (Q ~ 0 220 (.) ~ Q,J c: 200 w 180 160 140 120 100 MINIMUM STATE APPROPRIATION OF $2c3 BILLION WITH 7% INFLATION AND 10% INTEREST 6 Mill Rate Cost Btst Thermal Optioo Susitna Pricing Restricted to~ Maximum of B•st Tharmal Cost Susitna Wholesale Energy Price Watana Completed 1993 with $3.3 billion ($1.7 bn 1982) of Bonds 1990 -93; Cover of 1.25 at 137 Mills/kWh in 1994 COST SAVINGS GROWING OVER WHOLE OF SUSITNA LIFE Susitna wholesale anergy ~i~ faUs as energy increaHs to 2010 ~~:rises slowly theraafter Devil Canyon Completed with $8.8 billion ($2..1 bn 1982) of. Revantte Bonds 1994-2002 6 7 8 9 2000 01 ·02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 2010 11 12 •i3 ~ FIGURE D. 23 -ENERGY C~;-COMI!ARISON.$2.3 BILLION (1982$1-MINIMUM STAtE APPROPRIATION • ------------------ RIIY. 1 380 360 340 320 300 -.c. ~ 280 ~ ~-260 In 4U u ·-.. Q. 240 "0 .c 1\1 :J 220 ..., 0 (,) ~ ... 200 w c w 180 140 120 I STATE APPROPRIATION OF $1.8 BILLION WITH 7% INFLATION AND 10% INTEREST Mill Rata Cort Best The.-mal Option Watana Completed with $4.4 billion ($2.4 bn 1982) of Bondl1989-93. Inadequate Cover Unti11996 6 Years 1 8 - 9 2000 01 02 FIGURE COST SAVINGS GROWING OVER WHOLE OF SUSITNA LIFE I Susitna Price Track1 Cost of Best Thermal Option Until 1.25 Dabt Service Cover Established Devil Canyon Completed with $6.9 billion ($2.1 bn in 1982) Inadequate COver Until 2004 : . 03 04 05 06 07 06 06 2010 ,, 12 13 1·,1 ~ 1 .0.24 -ENERGY COST COMPARISON-PRICING RESTRICTED 94/96 AND 03/04 II [8 ------------------- -.c :: C! ~ -·-:E -... ., u ·-""' ·c. "0 c .. ~ ... 0 CJ >-till ... Q) c w 380 360 340 320 300 280 260 240 220 200 180 160 140 SENATE BILL 646 PROPOSAL-100% STATE FINANCING Mill Rate Cost _But Thermal Option Price 11/i• ~ •• ~~· •' ~# I ~ ...... # .# . •••• ,_ •• .,.## COST SAVINGS GROWING OVER WHOLE OF SUSITNA LIFE Susitna Wholesale Energy Price 120 Watana Comph'tld 1993 100 Oevil Canyon Comp21ted 2002 99 2000 o1 oz 03 . 04 os os · 01 oa 09 10 11 12 13 ·laPoro I FIGURE 0.25-ENERGY COST COMPARISON MEETING SB &46 REQUIREMENTS WITH 100% FINANCING IIU0[0 94 96 97 Vaars 98 - - - - - - - - - --· .. - - - --~--~ -.c ~ .!:! -·-:E --.,. CP (,) ·--a. "'C c C'l .., ..... en 8 340 320 300 280 260 240 220 200 180 SENATE BILL 646 "MINIMUM" APPROPRIATION OF $3.0 BILLION WITH 7% INFLATION AND 10% INTEREST Mill Rate Cost Bert ThermJI Option Susitna Wholesale Energy Price COST SAVINGS GROWING OVER WHOi..cOF SUSITNA LIFE Operating Costs, Renewals 1od Interest on Working Capital Gl160 .... CP c w 140 120 94 95 Costs, Renewals and nta1rart· on Working Capital· tjEtf'f SERVICE Devil Canyon Completed with $7.5 bilhon ($2.3 bn In 1982) of Revenue Bonda1094-2002 97 98 99 2000 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 Years FIGURE .0.26-ENERGY COST COMPARISON MEETINGSB_646 REQUIREMENTS WITH $3.0BILLJONAPPROPRIATION ·~~::;...! I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I SPECIFIC FINANCING RISK HI: EARLY YEAR NONVIABILITY 1.0 0.9 0.8. 0.7 ~. 0.6 --·· :g 0.5 .a 0 a: 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 -20 ·10 0 Watana Unit Cost as% of Bert Thermal FIGURE D.2i'-WATANA UNI.T COSTS AS PERCENT OF BEST THERMAL OPTION IN t996 AGGREGATE RISK: POTENTIAL NET OPERATING EARNINGS '!...------------~--------···-·-----------' 1.0 t 0.9 0..8 0.1 .~ 0.6 -:a co 0.5 .a 2 Q. 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 o~L.~~~~=-L-L-~~~~~~~~~ -0.6 ..().4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 Cumulative Net Operating Earnings in $ bn {1982) FIGURE 0.28-CUMULATIVE NET OPERATING EARNiNGS B'Y\2000 I I "I I 1 -· I I t I I I I I I I I SFECII;IC RISK 1: RISK OF BOND REQUIREMENT OVERRUN I 0.9 0.8 0.7 fl 0.6 -a 0.5 .a e c. J 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 ,, 1.0 I Forecast Watana Borrowing Requirement in $2.3 bn Appropriation Case / . 1.7 2.0 3.0 Bond Requirements for Watana in$ bn (1982) 4.0 FIGURE 0.29-BOND FINANCING REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIC RISK U: IMPAf,RMENT OF STATE CREDIT 0.8 0.7 .~1 0.6 -:s (I',S 0.5 .Q e c. 0.3 ,..,. Minimum Cover Requirement 0.1 t.....d!!!~--L--1/~· _...J..__ __ --L.------1-- 0.0 1.0 ~1.25 2.0 3.0 4.0 ' Coverage on Bonds Issued for Watana FIGURE. 0.30-DEBT SERVICE COVER [i].