HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA1386I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT INTERNAL REVIEW BOARD MEETING #1 GEOTECHNICAL AND SEISMIC ASPECTS JULY 23, 1980 NOTES ON MEETING 1 I I I I I I .I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS Agenda of First Internal Board Review r~eeting Objectives of Mee~ing Summary of Meeting Attachment A -Existing Geotechnical & Seismic Data Viewgraphs Attachment B -1980 Geotechnical Program Attachment C _, 1980 Seismic Studies Viewgraphs <'· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUSlTNA H~DROELECTRIC PRO~JECT AGENDA OF IST INTERNAL BQARD REVIEW MEETING .... GEOTECHNICAL AND SEISMIC t'\SPECTS Time & Location: Wednesday, July 23, 1980, 8:30 a.m. (all day) Board Room, Niagara Falls Office Ontario, Canada In Attendance: Purpose: Project Team J. Lawrence C .. Debelius J. Gi 11 I. Hutchison V. Singh Rev·; ew Board D. MacDonald J. ~1acPherson L. Wol ofski D. Hepburn H. Eichenbaum S. Thompson J. 'tt. ·--~~J~i !)..,._ To review work plan f.or 1980 Task 4 (Seismic Studies) and Task 5 (Geotechnical Investigations) and preparation for Exter.nal Review Board Meeting (tentatively scheduled for late August). Moderator: John D. Lawrence Agenda: NOTE: Time 8:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 10:15 AM 11:15 AM 12:00 1:00PM 2:00 PM 2:30 PM 3:15 PM 3:30 PM Topic Introduction Existing geologic, geotechnical & seismic data Break 1980 Geotechnical Field Program Discussion Lunch 1980 Seismic Studies Discussion Wrap-up &'Summary of 'Board Views Break Speake'=.. ,. J. D. Lawrence/~-rl \~-., •. .c-lJ.._, , I d S. Thompson & V. Singh J. Gi 11 V. Singh Scope and schedule of External Review P.anel Meeting Speakers are requested to hand out detailed agendas of th~ir presentations during the meeting. .. I \ ... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUSITNA HYDROElECTRIC PROJECT INTERNAL REVIEW BOARD MEETING #1, JULY 23, 1980 PRIMARY OBJECTIVES 1. Familiarization 2. Review of: -proposed dam locations and types (prelimipary concepts only) -geotechnical exploration program scope and schedule -proposed seismic and reservoir induced seismicity programs -potential tunneling problems (preliminary.concepts only) 3. Recommendations for scope of first external review panel meeting (late August) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT INTERNAL REVIEW BOARD MEETING #1, July 23, 19.80 ACRES CONSULTING SERVICES OFFICE, CANADA SUM~1ARY In Attendance: Introduction Project Team J. Lawrence C. Debelius J. Gill R. Henschel I. Hutchison V. Singh. S. Thompson J. Hayden Review Boal"d August 4, 1980 P5700.13.1G D. MacDonald J. MacPherson L. Wolofsky John Lawrence began the meeting with introductions of all participants, followed by a brief summary of the agenda and speakers. A series of slides and talk was used to give general background on the Susitna Study Project, the various subcontractors forming the study team, and their role in over- all project. This portion was concluded with slides taken along the Su- sitna River Valley, starting in glacial headwaters and progressing into the lower river basin. John Hayden gave a brief summary of the current status on all the various subtasks, with the exception of Tasks 4 and 5 which were discussed later in detail. Existing Geologic, Geotechnical and Sei~mic Data Virendra Singh summarized the geotechnical data currently available for the four sites of interest; i.e., Denali, Vee, Devt"l Canyon and Watana. ,. This data includes a summary of investigation COI!lpleted by others at each site, significant features identified and conclusions about each site. (see attached copieu of view graphs.) Some additiona1 data had only recently been received and revie\'J and compilation (subtask 5.01) had been consequently delayed. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUS ITt~,~ INTERNAL REVIEW PANEL MEETING -cant' d page 2 Stewart Thompson gave a brief review of the regional and site speci.fic geology for both proposed damsites·. The geologi'c history is very complex and not well understoods Information at both sites is somewhat limited ' due to poor rock exposures. Field mapping program of damsites and reser- -voirs is currently planned but access is very difficult. A series of slides were presented showing general conditions and geology. At Devi1 Canyon there is believed to be a relict channel and possible shear zone_ on the left abutment which needs further investigation as it may have serious impact on site suitability or type of dam. Also, possible stress relief features (open fractures) exist in the 1eft abutment which need to be drilled and verified.. It was recommended that in order to prove the abutment suitable for an arch dam it may be necessary to excavate adits in due course. Slope stability in the reservoir also needs to be investi- gated. Permafrost conditions, thick overburden and steep slopes combined with thawing and wave action produced by reservoir can potentially result in localized beaching, slides and slope failures. There is a need to identify potential problem areas and evaluate effects of such failures. It was suggested that such slides will most probably occur and the effort in the study should be directed towards a means of handling the problem. The large waves created by earthquakes or landslides was discussed. Ade- quate freeboard wou 1 d have to be rna i nta i ned in the reservoir .to hand 1 e such cases. 1980 Geotechnical Field Program Jim C.~ll reviewed the geotechnical program as originally developed for the Plan of Study and the permitting requirements for the program. BLM is lead agency, however, most activities are located on native lands. There is presently a problem with the Chickaloon Village lawsuit over disputed 1: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I'_ I SUSITNA INTERNAL REVIEW PANEL METTING .. cont 1 d page 3 1 and c 1 aims which is interfering with fie 1 d programs. We are not a 11 owed to work on disputed lands until the matter is settled. The major area affected is borrow area Gat Devil Canyon (see map;. Based on a review of existing data, budget and logistics, the original program as developed in the Plan of Study was revised for 1980 11ith the inter•tion of providing an increased amount of diamond drilling this year with sufficient work in borrow areas to confirm materials and overlap next years program. The revised program as shown in Figs. 1 thru 5, and detailed in Tables 1 thru 4 was discussed. Following the recent site visit by S. Thompson, L. Wolofsky and P. Morris, the program was reviewed and revised somewhat further. Based on. their recommendations the total number of diamond drill holes to be completed this year was revised to 3 at each site. (Watana BH-6, 2 & 8; Devil Canyon- BH 1, 2, & 4.) The philosophy behind this change was to reduce the expen- ditures during 1980 ~ile still maximizing the data obtained, and leaving enough flexibility to allow for changes in layout which may result from Task 6 studies and which would then be investigated in 1981. Present1y . . BH-6 at Wa tan a is camp 1 ete and BH-2 is underway. The auger dri 11 i. ng pro- gram is complete, but had some difficulties as the materials generally contained boulders, particularly in borrow area E, and it was not possible to get holes as deep as originally planned. This results in need for deep test pits (probably in fall/winter) to obtain samples for lab testing. Other areas which require some further discussion and development include: -application of SLAR and low sun angle phatos for identification of perma- frost -high moisture contents (>7%) from thawing frozt!n materials in borrow areas will make handling and suitability of materials very questionable. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUSITNA INTERNAL REVIEW PANEL MEETING -cont'd page 4 -intrume:ntation consisting of thermal probe arid piezometers has to be evaluated further and the type and means of installation resolved. - -existing piezometers installed by the Corps of Engineers should be reinstated and read if possible. Interpretation of readin~is current- ly difficult as rise~ .. pipes are filled with diesel fuel. -possibility of using technical climbers at Devil Canyon for mapping. Discussion: A general discussion of the morning's topics raised the following points: -at Devi"1 Canyon there is a need to look at earth/rockfill dam alternatives and possible borrow sources·fo·r construction materials. all available geotechnical data pertaining to Devil Canyon is to be reviewed in Buffalo ana commented on by the end of September. -methods of sampling permafrost in rock and the significance to design need to be reviewed. Past projects have used "chiller" set-up with good results .. There is a question of what temperature to use for solution to prevent formation of ice during drilling. -spillway designs and locations need to be detennined at both sites. -it is desirable to minimize 1980 program and kee9 enough money and flexi- bility to allow for layout changes in structures. 8nphasize features this year which will have a major impact on site suitability. -there is a need to advance. layout studies to late 1980 to allov1 suffi- cient time for design of 1981 investigation program. -tunnel alternative, layouts are underway. Any investigation (for tunne1) will be done in 1981, bvt will be a major change to the original Plan of Study. -there is a need to resolve which load growth forecast the dam designs I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUSITNA INTERNAL REVIEW P.ANEL MEETING -cant' d page 5 are to be based on. It is possible to have range of sch~es for vari- ous forecasts. -the earthquake factor to be used in design has to be established so pre- liminary work can start. A figure of 0.68 mentioned in previous Corps reports is a peak acceleration for 1 cycle and not for periods of strong ground motion which is likely to be l/2 to 2/3 of this. An acceleration of 0. 5 g is considered adequate for preliminary design. The impact of such a factor on dam design should be evaluated as ~oon as possible. 1~80 Sesmic Studies; Virendra Singh summarized the seismological studies presently being per- fanned by Woodward-Clyde Consultants, which include installation of a micro seismic monitoring network and identification and evaluation of potential activity of faults within the project area. The primary objective of these studies is to define the maximum probable earthquake distance from sites and attenuation at the sites such that an appropriate earthquake factor and gou nd motion can be se 1 ec ted for design . HCC is a 1 so sup posed to evaluate potential for reservoir induced seismicity. It is expected that a site meeting in late August wi 11 be held by wee with a preliminary repm·t in October and a final report in November (see viewgraphs). Discussion There was some discussion about reservoir induced seismicity (RIS). wee Pre 1 imina ry ev8. 1 uati on of his tori ca 1 data indicates about a 90% probab i1 ity of reservoir i ndr :ced seismicity for Wa tan a and a 50% probabi 1 i ty for Devil Canyon. General consensus was that (RIS) would occur, but that ma~nitude of resultant earthquake would be less than the maximum probable design earthquake and should therefore not have any significant affect on design. I I I • I I I I I I • 8 I I I I I I I I I. ,, . .. : • • . • q • "" .• . • . . ~ . ~ . ~ ·. -. . . ~ \ ~~ .. ~. : ~-' . . . -y ,. . . . . . . _: SUSITNA INTERNAL REVIEW PANEL MEETING -cont'd page 6 wee studies are geared toward developing the maximum probable earthquake in project ar·ea and attenuation curves to each site. A\-:res is to select design earthquake. It is considered that three months of monitoring of the micro-seismic network would be sufficient this season, and that it is not nece~~;sary to monitor al1 \'linter. Reservoir induced St~ismicity is a potential psychological problem to people rather than a design problem. There is some concern over the Susitna fault as to whether or not it really is a fault, and if so, whether it is active. The location is within about 2-3 miles of Watana damsite. There was considerable discussion over what earthquake factor to use in preliminary design.. Previous reports give values up to 0~68g~ which is greater than any known values used for existing dam designs. It was felt that this value is the maximum peak acceleration for one cycle and not the value for the period of strong ground motions of significant duration which would be used for design. Normally the value for design would be 2/3 to 1/2 of the peak. It was suggested that value for preliminary de- sign should be 0 .. 5g and jt would be worthwhile to examine literature an existing dams in high seismic areas to get a feel for what effect it will have on the design of Watana or Devil Canyon. After reviewing the prob- lem in-house the m~xt step would be to consult outside expertise via the proposed review panel. A recent !COLD report has case histories of large dam failure? .in China due to earthquake. It includes very detailed analy- sis of failure mechanisms which. might prove useful. There is a need to develop approximate.layouts of both developments by early '81 so that investigation programs can be developed. It was gen- erally considered better to spend extra time in the office now (earlier than originally scheduled) developing layouts based an· assumpt·ions rather . '. ~ . . . ·. . \ . . . I I I I I I .I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUSITNA INTERNAL REVIEW PANEL ~1EETING -cont' d page 7 than having to potentially waste time in the field on exploration of non-feasible schemes. Conclusions Wrap-Up -Some of the key points which came out of the meeting were: 1) The schedule for layout studies must be re-examined and·accelerated, such that preliminary layouts are available in early '81. This will allc~ for flexibility in the design of the •a1 drilling program. 2) The type, layout and discharge channels for spillways must be examined. 3) Earthquake factor to be used in preliminary design must be deter mined. Very little precedence exists for such high seismic regions. It was suggested. that we assume 0. 5g unti 1 more data from t~CC becomes available in the near future. Acres should review current desions . .., for dams in highly seismic areas with the possibility of requesting outside opinions/expertise. 4) Devil Canyon will require adits to verify abutments for an arch dam prior to design. In the original POS it had not been planned to use adits until Phase II work. It will be possibie to use borehole data and down-hole camera, geophysical logging and instrumentation both to verify that the site appears suitable and that adits should subse- quently be used to conffrm this. 5) To apply for the FERC license there has to be sufficient data for a specific dam layout at a specific site to prove feasibility. Some flexibility may be allowed for relatively minor changes after licens ing~ but a major change such as type of dam, 01 .. location may not be acceptable to FERC. It presently appears that it is not possible to •• . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUSITNA INTERNAL REVIEW PANEL MEETING -cont•d page a prove suitability of Devil Canyon site for arch dam by ll)id 1982 ·in view of the need for adits not currently scheduled. Therefore it will prob- ably be necessary to subm1t a license application for both dams with a type of dam ather than an arch at Devil Canyon, or submit separate applications as data becomes available. It remains to be determined ' if there is any way to delay submission of Devil Canyon section of license application to allow sufficient time to satisfactorily prove the suitability of the Devil Canyon site for an arch dam or other dam type. There is also a problem with licensing if investigations prove that one of the sites is not suitable~ and a new site has to be inves- tigated. Data must be reviewed as it becomes available and discussions ..., held with FERC people has been very cooperative in this respect thus far. 6) The question of reservoir slope stability and how we are going to han- dle it needs to be addressed further. From preliminary site reconnais- sanc.e it.is obvious that beaching, thawing and slope instability will occur with reservoir filling. There ·is a need to identify those area which are likely to present problems, and to determine what effects they wi 11 have on the reservoir and what measures~ if any, have. to be taken. This problem will Le aggravated by the proposed 100-150 foot annual fluctuation in reservoir levels at Watana. Aesthetically it could be a problem but should not have serious engineering impacts on operation· of the reservoirs. It was .proposed that an in-house review be made of reports for similar projects to determine what alternatives have been used. I· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUSITNA INTERNAL REVIEW PANEL MEETING -cont'd age 9 Externa1 .. ~.,Revi ew Panel At present the status of the External Review Panel, originally scheduled ~ for late August, is unclear. A five mpruber review panel was recommended to APA by Acres. · These recorrmendati ons are curr·ently being reviewed by the APA Board of Directors. The last word was that APA may appoint another ·firm to interface with the panel.. It is 1 ikely that this firm vmu1d then have Acres make a presentation to the panel and then make its own recom- mendations to APA based on finds by the review panel. Scheduling of all this is still undecided as the other firm has not been selected yet. It was suggested that earliest possible meeting might be in late September. In light of this situation it was suggested that we (Acres) should recom- mend to APA a separate meeting of a smaller panel of outside consultants (possibly members scheduled for the APA review panel) in the near future to review our programs~ since the external APA review panel may be too late to accomplish anything useful. This matter was to be looked into further by John Lawrence. Closing Another meeting of the Internal Review Panel and Project Team was tenta- tively scheduled for later this year to review the completed field data and earthquake data from Woodward-Clyde. If possible, site visits for review panel member will be arranged at convenient times in the summer program, with possible on-site meetings. Reported I I I I I, I I I ,I I I I I I ·I I I I I • I' ATIACHMENT A I I I I I I I •I I I I I I I I I I I I j EXISTING GEOTECHNICAL & SEISMIC DATA I. GENERAL Ae Geology and Seismic Reports B. Site Specific Data II. SITE SPECIFIC DATA -GEOTECHNICAL A. Denali Site B. Vee Canyon C. Devi1 Canyon -Investigations -Significant Features -Summary and Conclusions D. Watana -Investigations -Significant Features -Summary and Conclusions III. DISCUSSIONS ----~--------------..... ' ... ~-·· . \ WtLU tO ;a; f lO a PAOPOSEQ; ~SITES • EXISTIN~, ~TWNS a 0 S ct ~ t.l;ll~lliG STAT tOM 8 SNC~ ~RSE PROPOSEQJ $lAllONS Q S NOIPII~ (llbUQ~( 0 STit(A:*l"4tl* GAGih~ V WArE.~ ~Jt\'U. * SEOilol~!\tilr OISCHIAG£ • WAT(fti !.t!UAI..lTY SUStTNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLATE T3.1• PROPOSED DATA COLLECilON STATIONS IN THE SUSlTNA BASlN-1900 I -I I I I - ' S' BoREHOLes "" 1.()0' ce~P I+ TesT· PIT.S LA-e ·rssr.s C.ON~~Lal CATION <S~AO f+TION I l:NDEitTEST$ PET~O&RtfP/+IC. R et.ATJvet y L.Oc.se SA Nos. ANh &Ril-VSL.S I ·0~ O,..ll(NO~AJ THtC.J(A)GS$ . I · PeRv1cu.s. snhrA .. !12t611r A-eu-rma.Nr I 100' 't. PeeMJf FRO-ST-ee~H A-&urs. 1 . (OMPRE.$$tGL£ STRATA-aoT'~ A-eun . . I M A-lt I ,_u~ E'A fi.T' Ho-G u A It e. MA-' N lTV~ ·I 8 .. ~ A.T' 4() ~tt .. ss I -cl I . . PeRvtou.s -A-oeGuA-Ts I o.~ ro s-MIL5 MAUL. 1 .l. m Pe:Rvaou.s .. P~O<:.e~ I f..R Q !3 F'=-.e. ~.A s _: I DesP PE~MA F~<.~a,- 1 (OMPQSSSHSL.$ F'OUNO/tT'IOi'J M?'!...S. I E~C.ESSfV£ FOUA)CJ.iT'JCN T~EAT"M~.Ntf" I PE.RVICU$ SftaA--1""14-. -'(:(Jel,p.Jf' A B\iT:" I Peep GuTeFt= 1· ltcaurr:,;e.rJC.N I SU.MMARY: -p K • I A~ove. StrE 8000' t:;/.S I E ~ TEJ\J sJv e Fl £J.D XN'VEEsr;f!,;;t;-poJQS. I REQUI#l E.O I I I I I I I I ' -. I I I : I I I . . I I I I I I ,. . . I . . . . VE.·. £· raNtYQ ,"' I ·-·---~~· .. :..-I~ I STRI:JC.TQRE .: 4-70. H I~H EAP-111 DAM I IN1VJESTIGIITION: ..._,. . -., -· ..... I l<fbO-'62 USBR I I 13. BoRE14oLe.sJ lfo"f(.LF~ 1so•;'AA~. l' Do~ER. TRENc..Hc:.s . ·I.S.IGNIFLCAN [ F.EAT .. U.BES: 1 V ER. 'r s rs r=. P C. AM YoN ( see.•) . I I I . . l2S' Ovsa BU!2..DsN PooR Go4L.Ii"r Roc..K SADDL.E DAN\. - I · 40o' ovst<..euaosN P.s,eMA FRos r r-o > G:>o' I f<OCk.LJNS:. B&"LOk.> E XISTIN<S. . . E!JVSR S..l. I •• . I Nor DIE LINEA-TE-D . ~ . GLklo -PLUVIAL. Fo~a. SN\fSA:J'I)kfflSJ.Jt- -R I v S..R. c. H ltJ\iNS.'L. Fa JC A-66 . ••• • ' ' I I ROBLEMS! I . I I I I . I RocK SLOPE. STABJL.IT'\-f£'1-c.AVtrnoN L EFr A-Bvr-1-tf:A-Y'( T'J1LUS . Pe12.mA F12osr Poor<.. 2ex:..1<.. QuA-t..fT:''(-HShv'( TUNNSJ... SUP Po~~ 400 • Ov £ R... au e..r:n:.N UN os;.. R. SADDJ .. E. PltM I ADD I rJONIH .. EX PLof2A-rloN /25-&'o. 1 S 1 rE uNSUlTit&.E FOrt. C.ONcesrs. DAM I I I I •• I I. ,...... I I I I I I I I I I I I .I I I I .~ 1 · · DE V.U-Cd."l ':CO f\1 ti.RUSTt!RJ;.. .. ~ · ~s· Ht6H coNc.~<.s:rc I . •• I I I I I 6R.AV ITY -JtR<:.H-!)AM • 19S"'7-S8 · COE.. I ~78 . ) 2Z Bot<c.HoLss 3o' -/~o' PSsp J1 TRSJY<:.H,E.S .4Nb rEs/ PI~ 3300 LP 5SI$MJc, LA-13 Tssr~ PE.TROGI2APHIC. ·~ . •: ELA-STIC P f<().PS.e:ns.s UNC.ONF/Nti.t:l GOMPR.S.SSJVE. STR..s~fH UR E. S: . 1 . 3S 1 : A L.t.. u v ' o m C!J v s 12.. B S.D 120<::.1<. . I .. SHHA-e. i:aNas A-~~ I="AUL~ -aom A-au~. 1· 3 JoJNr ~7 "5:. ( PP-OM. N2.~0 W) I B &DblN<!:J o 1 PS so urH 35' -So' (;.)Et4-rH S/2s.t:J. _ 12c!:>c:..k. EA-12rrf Q o,+~s I I I I I I. (oJV<.f<.S.TE. A-66, /7Nb EMB,4).)J:t:.;J1G.N/ MT'!-:5.,. R.EA-J)JLY AVAI'L.A-8L~ /()ac' Ill-S· MA!<.G!NfoJ... F/2-EE. C;-F I Bf:.:S/.:5 rAiv<:...s ITJIRW I M PS12 YJOI.)$ -Pl2~C56-S S:.D . Let=r-~sur: soutH Sli.L Y. DJPP.IN&, f3S.o.s {2SQU)JaS EX rE/V ~ J V £. DS,N '1;1 L (,O()~k, I20Gk:. SUF,Oo.er BS:<:Qu/.e.Sl:::l IH~v~r 81..~}<. -AIVGiftJR! b~i.~ -) R (GHr A-Bur. BSDJ::jJN~ PIPS.',._, ~0 ~ ~£. { I.JNFAVO~ SHEA e. Z:.-oNas -.J! -11, ~ 'l"i \fer SA-DDL.B . ~M 12-W ri2~1V~IN6 l3Ue/b.C 9o' o VS:R. Buecs~ Pt=B.IY\.4 FBO:!>r ··~. DE~P GUIOFt= . . . P6SSIS1-S. ~HEA-e 'i!t?NC. . I . I I ARY: I E)tTENSJ\1£ GAOUTfNG I D£TAu.sa FOONO~T'IoN A.No· ITSUl-ME~ 1 E)(P!.o~~TJOAJ .RS.GUI~El!:;) 1 . Pu .. cr T.UNNELs .Rsc..omms:No £.!) I A MPLS A-<;~"EGATE' ~ \II+II..A-f?lLEl . P20GE-5$t.N4 e.s.a'C. I I I I I I I I I 1 s~w /9 AvE.Ee H(Zt.ES . 47,,s-'LF SS"I.SMIC.. . I T.NSTRUMS.IoiT~T'ICAl I 10 Pte~orne.re ~s 13 TEMP. P~OSES FfC NT . E'A URE..S i .300 '-,00' C.UI DG. \JAL.!...S'\'. 30° -~ae SL.OPS.S 1 40'-so' O'i5t~ . .csur:.~eN . S ' -40' ~ EA"'r"'14 e;. ~s o reo c.~ I A lluv p Uwt -F t<-oa e.N _rc::> ~e ~-r:- •·· R5l..ler C.HANNE.l-uP to 4S"i" oee~; FIL.L.EO tutTI+ Gt.I+C.!AL ANO I At.t.VVtAe.. 11'\n.$. . {\l SA~ Ve~rt<:..Af.. SH SA~ e.~NG$, . . I ~F ,. . ... T 5 .· N·S .· . . . . . . . ' I -- IMA.~~R.!fl.h~: 1 Ro<:.KFll'-.a-A-<i~. -GuA12~Y "rt'' ANoJor;. ·e·· I cORE -80I</2<::)W PtR..SA II D 11 1 F1 L rs.~e 1 A-66.--Bo12gaw !+~A "ell LAe TssriN~ I I I I I I· I BOe.eow A-1<-EA "n" C..oMPaslrs 6RADAT10i~ TR\AXIAL (.or¥? PAC. T I ON LONSOLI D/triON PER meA-BILl T'( ( M INIJS 1••) S PSt:!IFI~ GRAVITY J3oR~ AI2.EA '' S 11 I GRADATION ' I ~T~6~~~0NS~D I P~QB.L...E.M ~1 EfuR-ISC ~HAJJtJSJ... .... P£~VJOOS "a,ONS.$ I Ps~amA-FR.os r-DJSC:.ONTJNUt:Jos., ;c·ssP I IN 1-sFr A-eur. j WliHJN _4 o 'O'F Jt=e.se?.IN~ I A ra.rs.~ JliN ?2e.ss tJes-s I .Sus fTNA-FAOL..f 1 -- TAL~-< saNrA TffJCfJsr · -rHRV l2&SeQVol~ GROU STRUC. URE.S Roc.~<. C.oNDITJoNs-PAVOR.If&L.!a I " ~ms svPPo~an, esa;;u,esD !umm&RX .... I I I I I I I •• •• I I . I I I Aoo IT JON A-I-s.~ ?L-or< A-rioN G SN S/2 ~L. -R a<::K .~ rR v <..ru 12-s. .. -RIVG.R. CHANNSL -FO~ LAKE. FAULTIN6l LE:A#<M E: · R l6Hr A-aut.-$LI oe:. S!.oc:.~c. t~) -OVS-R:.. 8 (J eD£N 1/+/~KNS:SS I L st= r A-svi7 -PEe.m~t-F/2.osr 6 0~ .4tas:A-S -~e:. . DS.PoSI/...S SPil-L. Wfo'( -8Ul2J£~ :5r/2$M · · C.HANN 5L-- DO~ Sfl2t=ltM -$0SI rJJ~r FAULl~ ,. I I I I I I I I I I I •• I I I I I I I ATTACHMENT B ( I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I ·I: .. SUSITl~1\ ffYDrtOELECTRIC Pf\OJECT ; .. l • ... f . •. ' . :., ... ""' j . ··.: \ l .. : ' :. • • Ill • l ' I. ... ! TASK 4 & 5 INTERNAL REVIEW MEETING JULY 23, 1980 1980 GEOTECHNICAL PROGRAM 1. Scope of Geotechnical Work Contained in the Acres Plan of Study. . 2. Scope of 1gao Geotechnical Investigations Under Bureau of Land Management Permit No. AK-017-00960 3. Spring 1980 Revised Program. 4. Current 1980 Geotechnical Program. ACRES AMERi~N INCORPORATED . ~ Consulting Engineers 2207 Spenard Road Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Telephone 907 270.4888 Telex 91·6423 ACRES BUF Other Offices: Columbia, MD: Pittsburgh, PA: RaiE~rgh. NC: Washington. DC: Buffalo. NY - • .... - .ni • ,... ·. t. r .. :~~· l &n•. ,, ,.,. ~ ··"' - ~ ....... , Y.CiuJ.tl'l., .. . .• . ... • a'~ .... a----t l_lL'Iwl ' IIi!' • i. U'i ~:~..~ ... : t ~ ... ~. c• .. .. . { • j A < ••• . . L -t ••• ·. - - . • • f;l;>o) . ,. • • '· s . ..... :f• . .. .. . · .. ·I .. .. I I • ' I .i . .. ''"'"' ... \ .. : . • • . '· ' ·. \~ J ~-~ . . . .. ..,,.._ .. _ .. .. . : f ·. '• ....... . '• I ~ \ -·- L . l i. o I • I - ..... .. "' • - \ '> . .. .. ; . . -.., ,.. ----- \' . . , . .. ·<: 1 ,.. t •• •: /·<"":: : ='\ ' ., • .. ; .. 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Fo~ C.ol're<.~n7 S't..a~£ ;.u_&;?4<ei1/' T.tuS:: p~;;:.m c"'~o!!t-<.~ &e-o-~ / /'.HYS"ter T/14;.,;::M,I7o~I .I - SGIS MIC ~/Me .t.tJC:,?/oN . SJ..-J ,er. nov/: l S.! ... .:( N.r /18UT. . . SJ.-3 .RIVEtt . s~-"" ~~//~~ s.t-S /lJVI;~ . . • l . • •. -.Jill -.•• .. .. -I;.·----:·-· ' ' 1 - IJPI'/lo~. .l.G.IJt:.rN· t~oo I . • .Yi'DD . , . 2~.,() . . # IJOt:J . ' i . • , //alP .. . ~ . . . . ' I ' . P~lm~.llY DB Tee 1"/11'£" S /AI VI!-'' r ~ ~" Fl$ QIIAI$'-t:l CH~i/614/G/. . / tJV!1t!i: t!/£J.<:Pv.V l"P/c.t~¢Sf; V~4f?¢trr ~"'""'~~Y,~ A~T. SP/~ WAY A.T4" /AI~3rJ419lc .ova.~&'~ C#4141.t~cl. oYSA.<I"R."c-,.J • ..J . 71/l~sr :,I V~tt:JI!I'Y /1~0/11$-V . .I H~i': p""''""'~' ;en;. /W$Sl/~"/~'l$ . t:I~A.IJ(J.CD~..V 77/I'IG vt:!SS J ll.oeG. (/)t.NJ't./J'Y • ( /AI7t?.c£ . A~t:~Sjpii/EIZS/d.AI ]VP.c4i*L~ ,.(lve"'.C t.N~tf.l#l/4, . "' f)vc~ JJt~;..<Jc,.~ ~H#f64/E~ 0 &-25'~ 8wt:..d I!' .AI J . r . : I ! • . ' .. . l ... TNIC./:'4'£.1.5 . i :SA'~~. .771 ~f?iCAASSJ . l . ' •: . . .. . ,. ~· I . . . .. I . . . : • I ' (~o.ee c=d.VC) "" C .,SI ~.;VVCL .fi'/-'?~6* . . . .. .. . . '' . R_Fm111lk S . . S#t:~DT ,,c~ t,J~,...17f:~ ~;t ,et~< /Cc S#OtJr /.,Y 1,.4//N~~ r.tiF"F ...et~...e /C'c ~ F/Q.&.~ .::J p8!f c!f;oh loJJ'r~ ---• u t PA;~~~A)Q ~~~t:..e-?~ zt<A~"'Oil ·urr,._ • .(.()t, TltJAl E.J.EV. A Z 111)117 H 1-r. ~8UT. .t.?r• £r. 1181/T. ~¥00 - . ' ;f.IIIC It .. I.T. - - Ho~.:e J#t;l .t..e-.cJt:rH t(!• · $()0• '"o' ~1·1s• JS't1•¥SO I G £d~~r; It: .1?-.eueru;Z.c., ~o cK tpvll'~,,.y (P4iiiC~/IdUS4f') (i~t)4dQ It:. S1' A cJt:.TCI'le .I /lOCit:. f/IJ"~';-r ( Mm J!'l3tJ~9~no~) • G £4t;-ftJt:,c. SJ"I'fWt:.7vJti!.C ~Qr:;~r: tpv~'-iFY .., ( /UIPJ ;'ovA<IQ"J'HJ,.J ,,;u~"e~;'tt/toJ ~~' J Gco~o~:n:· ~:r/lvew~ ( $He.4< ZoNE/#<-<!' t:H~~~') (o~f.,~/e .. ~ ,fc!?ISa-tu;. o V~:r.;C.8t.J~5AI m,c..r~.sr / ~(VC:/2. C.H~~t. , V£/lT JDO •IS'O tP Vl!.C Jlui'I!IPe"""' · .7-7/ ,c<.ov.= $ ~ Fuuu~~7hJ~ ""~~ ?¢.(~~~(/~.C.N'?" rtPf! CoPrt:<.-.P~""' I V~Jl.T 100-lf'D (}W:,A! .QIItf!&:Jt:N 7'#1ck...VCss c~.o.t.t:J tr/c $7"..¢~t:..rv~ .I , v~:;er l4tJ -1s-o ( "'J"Y 4~ /.VC~.vt£SJ /P :Vc-c:~rs./IA:.y) l> ~~JJ(/~f:i.A.I /.ti'IC~~S'S (;c.?~t:l& IC S/'".,e.,/c.?"IJ~~ ,., All<.~ tfJW?.t.l}y ( t;M::..4;~ZT TlJ~) () V£t<(JVIf!t:J£# 7NICA:..V1iS~ r.P~:uJ.P~7)1JJ .qAIO ~c,(~c.r10/<.tJy r-~~ t:t:JFJ~Zert:.c?~.!71 - .11~-<m"' C4~.1!"~...,., t,;~~ ..,. . ~4/yr.w:~ ;)k'F~•·usroi'CS J1 l't".em~ C'4'~~ Gca- .,.,~h.t<:;, T4'~~-'d41'$ /,-C ~ • ;'G.<'-"/ C~.C4 ~c~.,., c.,,.~ GGa -J ' }' ;t7"1'ys,cs • ,It 4. .ftl# G A d~Ji".;"y -. •· IIIIi -·---· - - - - --.. -· -- I • J).£11/1.. C.HNVIJA/ .P~HJS/J:d .· S'e~sm1e. .e$rlf!,fcr;~N. s~AVeV I . $6/S.MIC /IPI'/l~)t. . . .l.!.AIE ~ dC" 7/dAJ ttGAJc;,rH /ll/'nH~Y D8;rct:.r/l/cs cPlAieltS sJ.-1 ~r. H4Ur. 9dt!J 1 IA!IIeSTI ~/IN! ~a'c~8114t:t!AI T)YI'&kNGSS ~4'4~t:r ~Hd"""' E~ .:f "' t?ossntt,t .Stt'EQ.e ~tJ,c./IF ( s""""'~ v-'S'.mJ s~-~ J.X liBvr. I tftJo' /1/llt.$ T/<' ,hft t1l(E~41JA.PcAI .T.lPM/_/tf"S'.f',J ,JZG41cr f:',Y~A'$7;, ;b"SS'I4~t! SA'G'~ Zi:#JCht (s4~~c P4'm) . . . S.i-3 ,e,Jve.R ~d~J /NVI1S7.1C"JM ~vc-.,eav~Pc.V 7'h'.te~vs:s.f c-Q#f'AhVC L Sl/t>67" /AI J,J;H?EJt t~PP J!!~~.R .n:e ...,..-......- • I J S//-19~~ ( <•FFc~ #-?P;) I .. , . st-q kJ&Ia.R Jo'? . /#VES T.I•#'?HS ~ve,<6J4f-411E~ /:1/#e~.vl£~$ ./ CddAI~I-f//Cor /.,¥ NIHJ'E..e ()r~A-·~< /Cb . . tH'fl,_~ ( P4RJ F<11JAI$~ntJ..V) ' ]00, ' Si--S .£ 111&/J. /All/ItS ;7~4/1!'. ()\IE-f/11)£17~ /)Y;e..t:I'&-ISSJ c .ttl.,.., Nl!: t.. S/lt~or 1#' Wl#icit. oF;:-J!,f~K ,IC'.C / SH41"6 ( c~Jrrcte 4dftJ) , I HOlts 1. l~tn!te l:OIUO\JIIfS .Aft!: lll!itD ~ A(fttal ltlfOlOGIIArtrr OAttQ 10 .JII'ff: ""' Y["liCII.l OIIIU"' B N(~ ~· t.tvtl. CanU t .... : ~--.4~ 0 BN-1 8t1A£/Y4~E ~.ztcAT/II.V !-!~-!_-f .SEISPIIC L/A/G. ; ---.. ... ~~=.~ ~- ~::£':::.0. ~~D<t (,,oo . ~· k~oo ........_____..zooo r-· - • It ·----~---··~~---·~- --~ ... 0 .... --.... - f e;.? I SOUIHC(Hl'l~\. .ll.il..l!tU JUita. AlASII!ll '!IUM'lt"(Nt.\t., UllS~UT StU!J1 UPPER SUStl~A RrVtlf OASIN WATANA. Ol\M OE:lAlL PLAN FIGtll'lE I . l .._,_ -i .. . ...... ' I \ \ ,._,, • • rc<'' -!f<":-;.,..... ,..... ··•• .. ~ --. -1 -~ ;---•" Tl'-1 0 ... a,fl" ~GGnEGATE SOURCE tJ TP•,J •'' " . . \ ... \ . ', . 1."":, \1' \ c. v:- ,.,. ... .. - - • .. -. ••• 1' -··r··-• .. a . .. . -·->ir. -~ .. r-r--· ...... - 0 '17-'-1/ T¥$T i'A"' • P/1•1 41/f;ER 1/or.,~ !!!!.• .. ttf'Wift, ........ ,. .. ~··---~~\ • ;:r.::-!!.~:.t::.-:.=::-~~.r'~' I ....... •.fCIIIflltlllt'Jii,M ........ ~~ 'Wt"~ .. ~~ ............................ ,.."11\~~ SQUt~ttfUIAl 19.1Jl,fttl;t AA(.•• AlASKl ~t~~t:tt1At. rt•s~n ... stuc;r UPPER SVSITNA RlY£.~ BASIN WAlANA DAt.tSltt I l QUII.tlRY SOOOCE B 8 BOOf«>W AREA 0 \. r • l ~ .. ... . ...... ~ -,.,. . ·- r:--r: . --··~-· .. ·-- 0 BH-T~7'1!ill'r1Ve li:tX€"..tfn€ (·~~ J SOUlifttfiJRt.\. ~'IJEt.t ........ 41l,UWA ~I:~IU~ ttJl!-ltT ~tliO'r UP~R SUSftNA RI\'E.ft 8AS1M WATI\NA, bAMStlE OOARRV" SOUiltE A .... ,.. "'"""''· ..,..... .... 't"'Po(tl<t •'<."'*"" ..... ~---· ""··-~ .... ~ I . L-. Ll rl i.- : ..• ·'\.,;... r. •• [I I rl L ··I L :I \ L LJ ;.J . ' . '-# ·: q I ... ' . . ,. ···-· : . ~ . . ~t. :I. ' ... \.- •••••• • . , . L ;I ' • ••• ••• ~ ~ ' t. ..• ~ . . · ATTACHMENT. c 0 rJ u .. ·a " ,•-,. -.• l t...~- ,1 ' ~--.. ·:· . .. ;I . ,., '-= I "' . t .. ~ q ... o# .. ·~·- 1980 SEISMIC STUDIES . I. GENERAL -WCC Project Team -Status of 1980 Activities -Monitoring of Program II. SUSITNA VALLEY SEISMIC SETTING -Seismotectonic Setting -Available Historical & Instrumente~ R•~ords -Limitations of the Record Data · . III. PURPOSE OF THE PROGRAr~ -Definition of Seismic Event -Source of Seismic Event -Surface Rupture Potential IV. STATUS OF PROGRAM -Office Studies -Field Studies -Nicroseismic Net•·:ork V. DISCUSSIONS ., l Ll . Cl Ll L.l Ll j.· ·.a { ' l . l ......_ Cl ;I WCC PRINCIPAl-IN-CHARGE U: .. tu.s.c.her Ll~------·-. 1 ;ll l . I .... ~ J. I.ovegreen ( .• L_ . . WCC PROJECT ~~AGER • G • E • B ro g an .. . . .. • • • ... .. ProJECT REVI:EWERS L. Cluff, D. Packer R.. Foi±es, T .. Turcotte .. w. Savage j I. I ~~~--------~------------------------------.---------.--,~.-.--~~--~--~ ··-li . (! . ; ; I : -: :·..: GF'.Of..CG':{ ~: T. ::ee:nan· K: ~ever, r·-~Velsclr, .J --\i~--- U.. I! · SEISM:JLCGY srAFF: J. Agnew, J. CUllen, J. Hobgccd, D. Tho:npson r I . - 1-.!: • 14'· . WOOO~ARO-CLYDE CONSUL TAtJTS PxOJECT ORGAUIZATION -. . . • 114658;>:-4000 • 10 June 1980 .. • . I .. . II . . . . . ~· · .... ~ ........ , £"7? ·-. . . :m;--'VM'm a AG\\VITIE~·: .. · .. ·· . R· -s.._.. ~ · = .C · • \ ,.. . -. c "' ·Ot.\. ~t-~0\:'\::.. ~t:--IU.;,\1\)~ . 1\\'\t\~\:: -A.t-.J~L'f~\~-f. ~· . .. . ·o 5 S'G:..\~~\ c. ~t...oL'D~\f '\2..t.c...ol'-\~·~\ sc;. A~ c..E._ --U . . ·o":f ~R.E.m· G. Rlsu~~ rno \totJ S,\lJ~\E~ .. • .. ~ :1 . t_ Ll f •. .. _ il '~.......,; rJ· u rl \..- rl 'J .___ ·--·· I, l ,_ i I , t_ . a I' . ,·: 11 ' • f' ...... • * • • .. • 'I .;..,..,.,_, rl . . . . }\ 11 0 1\l I ~i D R l }\j ~ -~ +-I E.Lj) . - . l v \ ·: A-cTt v f TJ L=.s ·: ~~~F . I i ~ lk+\-kl\cA-L .PA-K( · ( . \V\c..L PtJr tv--oP . 'STuby. ~u f-Ri!J:J r----"'"" r· .. "-'~ _.--· r,;: ··-·-. r::::. 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