HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA1402I I I • I ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY I I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT I I I ~ I PROGRESS REPORT I I FOP. I NOVEMBER., 1~80 -I I I I I I ~ I I I ALASKA POWER AUTHORtiY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJ.ECT MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT REPORT NO. 11 II PERIOD; November, 1980 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Progress Report No .. 11 covers activities on the Susitna Hydroelectric Project for the month of November 1980. During the report period the results of the 2nd internal review board meeting were issued. The limited work on Task 1 is continuing as scheduled. The Task 2 surveys and operation of the site facilities are proceeding as scheduled. The \~atana base camp is continuing to be operated with reduced winter staffing. Work on Task 3, Hydrology, is proceeding as scheduled. Highlighting the activities of Task 3 for the report period were the continued stage and velocity recordings and observation of the ice ,;over formation for the Susitna River. The Seismic Studies, Task 4, are proceeding as planned. The report summarizing the geologic, seismologic, and earthquake engineering infonnation collected to date was issued in draft form during the report period. Progress on Task 5s Geotechnical Exploration, is proceeding as planned. Work continued on the 19?D Geotechnical Report. Field work for the 1981 program is scheduled to begin i~ February 1981. Work continued on Task 6, Design Development, during the report period. Work continued on the Alternative Susitna Developments with refinement of energy simulation runs for the preferred schemes. Work on the Arch Dam at Devil Canyon continued with further .stress and stability analysis. Task 7, Environmental Studies, is proceeding as sche~tAled. The Susitna Steering Committ.ee comments on the Procedure Manuals were received and reviewed. Work continued on the Transmission Corridor Assessment with infonnation gathering on corridors connecting Willow with Anchorage and Healy with Fairbanks. Work continued on the Fish, Wildlife, and Plant Ecology Studies with highlights being placed on the preparation of the Annual Reports. Work on T~sk 8 continued as scheduled. A meeting was held at Commonwealth Associates office.s to discuss the intertie and Susitna transmission .. Work continued on the revie~ of load forecasts to facilitate in developing design criteria and planning. - 1 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Work on Task 11, Marketing and Finance, continued during the report periode The procedures manual detailed table of contents and outline of the Project Overview Report (POR) was issued. APA forwarded to Acres the major issues to be addressed in their Spring 1981 statement to the Governor. Work on Task 13~ Project Administration, continued as scheduled., TASK 1 -POWER STUDIES Subtask 1.01 -Review of ISER Work The draft Closeout Report for this activity was submitted to the APA. Subtask 1.02 -Forecasting Peak Load Demand Acres review of the Woodward Clyde Consultants draft report for this subtask was completed and comments forwarded to wee. The final report will be produced in 1 ate December. TASK 2 -SURVEY AND_ SITE FACILITIES ACRES ACTI~ITIES Subt~sk 2~02 -Field Camp and Logistical Support rie.~d camp operations by CIRI/H&N at the \vatana Camp continued during the report period as scheduled. The camp is currently operating under the reduced winter staffing. R&M ACTIVITIES Subtask 2.09 -Control Network Survexs Office computations on primary and secondary horizonta'l control) are currently being made. Subtask 2.10 -Access Corridors Detailed work continued on access route analysis and selection. The primary emphasis being placed on road access to the Watana and Devils Canyon sites. Subtask 2.16 -Hydro~raphic Surveys Field act·ivity is 100'% complete. Office reduction of field notes is currently being performed. TASK 3 -HYDROLOGY ACRES ACTIVITIES Subtask 3.01 -Review of Available Material A draft closeout report has been prepared and is being reviewed internally. - 2 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Subtask 3.03 -Field Data Collection and Proc~ssing Routine monitoring of R&M field ~1ork continued. Development of computer soft-ware for data processit.g is in progress. Subtask 3.04 -Water Resource Studies Preliminary exten~ion of monthly river flow data at Susitna and Sunshine Stations completed for use in conjunction with Subtask 3.10. Subtask 3.08 -Climatic Studies for Transmission Lines ~~~~------~--------------~~~~~~--~:-- Final report on preliminary design parameters for the transmission lines has been prepared. A design transmittal will be issued in late December. Subtask 3.10 -LO\ater Susitna Studies R&M status report on the studies is being reviewed. R&M ACTIVITIES Subtask 3.01 -Review of Available Material This subtask has been closed-out. Subtask 3.02 -Field Data Index and Distribution System Computer printouts of the hydrological data used for the po\'Jer generation studies which were conducted by the Corps of Engineers during the Susitna Pre-Feasibility Studies are in Acres-Anchorage office. All of these docliTients were reviewed by R&M and indexed and assessed for applicability to this phase of the project. A l~tter has been transmitted to Ian Hutchison in Buffalo describing the work. Subtask 3.03 -Field Data Collection and Processing All USGS stream gages are operating. ~tream Gaging by R&M Manual stage measurements will be made concurrently with discharge measurements during the v1i nter because the bubb 1 e tube manometer wi 11 not work during the winter months and has been removed. ~t Stage Recorders Water surface elevations and surface velocities were obtained at crest stage recorders during the freeze-up process at various times. Snow Course No significant action. - 3 - I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Water Qua 1 ity No significant action. Sediment No significant action. Climatic Stations The Weather Wizards had defective power supply regulators and caused most of the weather instruments to record some data illogically. MRI furnished new power supplies which were installed during the report period. Jim Landman (Acres) is near completion of software development for weather data reduction. Glacial Studies A glacial plan of study is near finalization with Will Harrison of the G.eophysica 1 Institute. Ice Studies As of November 30, 1980, an ice cover has formed from Cook inlet to 2 miles upstream from the Parks Highway bridge, from the Chu1 itna confluence upstream to Lane Creek and from \~atana Creek to Kosina Creek. Stages, velocities and observations were made at various times during the process. 35 mm vertical airphotos were taken before and after significant freeze-up. Subtask 3.05 -Flood Studies A status report on Sus i tna Basin flood frequencies was reviewed by Acres and comments received. R&M is proceeding towards finalization of flood frequencies. SubtasY. 3.10 -Lower Susitna Historical airphotos taken in 1951 have been received. Acres will provide mean monthly flows at Susitna and Parks Highway bridge. TASK - 4 SEISMIC STUDIES Subtask 4.01 -Acres Activities Task 4 is being performed by Hoodwa rd-Cl yd e Consul tz;nts. Draft copies of the seismic geology evaluation report were received in late November. Review will be conducted in December and will be transmitted to Woodward-Clyde Consultants. - 4 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Subtask 4.02 -Short-Term Seismologic Monitoring Program Data analysis was completed on November 26, 1980. Results of the analysis were incorporated in the draft report described below in Subtask 4.06. The analysis included evaluation of large historic events and microearthquake data recorded by 1980 network, development of an. attenuation relationship, and compi1ation of focal plane mechanisms for selected microearthquakes .. Subtask 4.03 -Preliminary Reseryoir Induced Seismicity Work in this subtask is complete. A proposed plan of study for 1981 has been prepared. Subtask 4.06 -Evaluation and Reporting Two draft copies of the Task 4 Seismic Geology Report were issued in November 1980. Report 1 was sent to Braga, Packer, and Savage on November 19, 1980 for an initial conceptual review. Report 2 was sent to project review members, including peer reviewers, and to Acres on November 24, 1980 for detailed review. Review comments are expected from Woodward-Clyde project reviewers by December 4, 1980 and from Acres on December 12, 1980. It is anticipated that the Task 4 report will be issued by the end of December 1980. Dennis We 1 sch has. prepared a propos a 1 ·plan of study for Quaternary geo 1 ogy for 1981. The plan of study is currently being reviewed within wee and by Dr. Non~ ten Brink. Subtask 4.07-Preliminary Ground Motion Studies To provide a basis for estimat; ,,g the characteri st·i cs of ground shaking at the dam sites, the following work was done: (1) review of results of seismic geology studies to identify potentially signif·icant sources of earthquakes, sizes of earthquakes on these sources, and distances to the sources from the sites; (2) review and analysis of historic seismicity in the site region and development of earthquake recurrence relationships; and {3) development of attenuation r~lationships for peak acceleration and response spectral values. TASK 5 -GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION ACRES ACTIVITIES. Subtask 5.01 -Data Collection and Review Subtask has been camp 1 eted and a summary c 1 oseout report vii 11 be issued. short 1 y. Detailed information will be included in the 1980 Geotechnical report to be produced (tentatively) in January, 1981. - 5 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Subtask 5.04 -Exploratory Program, 1980 Field work has been completed. Final data is being provided by R&M in December and draft reports by subcontractors are being reviewed. Subtask 5.05 -Exploratory Program Design 19~! A preliminary 1981 Exploration Plan has bee.n prepared by Anchorage personnel and is currently being reviewed by the Buffalo staff. Winter field work is tentatively schequl ed to begin in February, 1981. Subtask 5.08 -Data Reduction The data reduction from Subtask 5.04 is in progress in Buffalo and Anchorage offices. The results will be included in the 1980 Geotechnical Report. R&M ACTIVITIES Subtask 5.01 -Data Collection and Review All work performed on the subtask by R&M is completec Subtask products have been submitted to Acres American for inclusion in the closeout report. Subtask 5.02 -Photo Interpretation Subtask is approximately 80% complete. Budget has been fully expended. All work is currently on hold awaiting authorization from Acres to proceed to completion of the subtask. Subtask 5.03 -Exploratory Program Design, 1980 Subtask complete. Budget expended. Work consisted of aid and support provided to Acres during development of Exploratory Program 1980. Planning documents were prepared by Acres and submitted by them as the closeout report for the subtask. Subtask 5.04 -Exp 1 oratory Program 2 1980 Remaining field activities include acquiring survey coordinates for seismic refraction lines and completion of instrumentation of drillholes at Devil Canyon~ Review and compilation of the field data is currently underway and all final products are expected to b·e delivered to Acres by December 31, 1980. TASK 6 -DESIGN DEVELOPMENT ----------------------- Subtask 6.01 -Review Previous Studies Final edition of the closeout report is being reviewed internally. - 6 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Subtask 6.02 -Investigate Tunnel Alternative Preliminary layouts for Scheme 3 were initiated including general arrangement of there-regulation dam and power facilities. Subtask 6.03 -Evaluate Susitna Alternatives and 6.06 -Watana/Devil Canyon Staged Development Alternative Monthly ~nergy simulation runs and refinement of energy estimates were c3rried out" for' the preferred schemes. In addition, the following staged scheme alternatives were simulated: Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 4 Plan 5 Plan 6 Stage 1 -Watana (2200) 800 MW Stage 2 -Devil C~nyon (1450) 600 MW Stage 1 -Watana (2000) 400 MW Stage 2 -\~t!tana (2200) add 400 MW Stage 3 -Devil Canyon (1450) 600 MW Stage 1 -Watana (2200) 400 MW Stage 2 -\~atana (2200) add 400 MW Stage 3 -Devil Canyon (1450) 600 MW Stage 1 -High Devil Canyon {1760) 800 MW Vee (2360) 400 MW Stage 1 -High Devil Canyon (1620) 400 MW Stage 2 -High Devil Canyon (1760) add 400 MW Stage 3 -Vee (2360) 400 MW Stage 1 -High Devil Canyon (1760) 400 MW Stage 2 -High Devil Canyon (1760) add 400 MW Stage 3 -Vee (2360) 400 MW Work continued on layouts for the seven selected sites including a rockf~ll dam layout at Devil Canyon site and on staged developments. Subtask 6.04 -Devil Canyo~ Arch Dam Evaluation Further analysis was done to determine temperature induced stresses on t~e arch dam. A meeting is scheduled in December to discuss the arch dam design wmth M. Copen. Subtask 6.05 -Development Selection Repor~ A preliminary outline of the report was prepared and circulated for internal review. - 7 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Subtask 6.08 -Preliminary Devil Canyon Dam Alternatives Analyses ~ere undertaken for concrete arch dam of different geometries and their effects on spillway structures were examined. Subtask 6.32 -Thermal Resources Revised capital and fuel costs were developed for input into OGP-5. Also other parameters relative to thermal generating resources such as O&M, forced and planned outages ~nd retirement policy were developed for the four types of thermal plants, consistent with the OGP-5 input format. Subtask 6.33 -Hydro Resources Eight out of ten sites remaining after the second screening were analyzed based on the reservoir operation computer program. The installed capacities were selected and the energy production date for the generation planning task was estimated. Quantity and cost estimates were compiled for the first site (Snow River). Subtask 6.34 -Environmental Analysis Minimal feedback was received from the Project Steering Committee Meeting held November 5th to review the environmental screening process for hydro sites. A combined environmental and economic ranking process was used to choose ten sites for final investigation. A review of the environmental requirements for thermal alternatives was prepared. Subtask 6.35 = Load Management Load Management and Conservation Development report preparation was commenced outlining a conceptual approach for including load management and energy conservation in generation planning. Subtask 6.36 -Generation Planning High and low load models were developed and loaded into the computer model. Three p.rel iminary runs of OGP-5 were made using the defined input of Subtask 6~33 for the thermal generating case 1980-2000. Version 2 of the subtask design transmittal was issued. Methods of handling load forecast uncertainty were reviewed and·a process was selected. " TASK 7 -ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES ACRES ACTIVITIES Subtask 7.01 Input in Development Selection a) A meeting was arranged between TES and Acres to promote environmental input into the assessment of tunnel alternatives~ The various tunnel schemes - 8 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I being considered were explained to TES and r-equests made for environmental review. A draft report entitled 11 Prel iminary Environmental Assessment of Tunnel Alternatives 11 was submitted by TES. Supplemental information has since been supplied toTES and a final report is expected in December. Following the preparation of Acres draft report on the tunnel alternatives TES will provide a final review. b) In. addition to assessment of tunnel alternatives, discussions were held with TES regarding environmental input into the establishment of design criteria, and assessment of various Susitna development options. Further meetings are plan ned fo·r December with a preliminary. environmental assessment of Susitna options to be provided in January 1981. Revi.ew of Steering Committee comments on En vi rt;:>nmenta 1 Procedure Manu a 1 s A draft copy of the Steering Committee comments on TES procedure manuals was received and reviewed. A copy was forwarded toTES for review. Following receipt of the final version in December, Acres, with assistance from TES, will · prepare a draft response for review by APA .. Review of the Susitna Newsletter The environmentally related components of the first Susitna newsletter were reviewed. Comments were supplied to APA prior to publication. Information Exchange TES was requested to supply a master list and schedule of information required. Once received, this list will be distributed to other study disciplines and a final information exchange schedule established. Subtask 7.03 -Water Quality Studies Discussions were held in-house regarding Lower Susitna studies to determine the extent of hydrology and water quality infonnation being gathered during Phase 1. It has been proposed that a meeting be held early in 1981 with representatives from the hydrology, fisheries, wildlife and plant ecology studies to ensure coordination of Lower Susitna studies. Subtsak 7.05-Socioeconomic Studies Discussions were held with TES regarding the end products to be produced in Phase I and the adequacy of the existing studies in meeting FERC requirements. Acres requested TES, with assitance from FO&A, to provide a clearer indication as to the detail of their Phase I preliminary impact assessment. Following receipt of this information Acres will seek from FERC a more formal response regarding the adequacy of our Socioeconomic program. · Subtask 7.09 -Transmission Corridor Assessment Discussion were held in-house with the transmission routing and design personnel to establish a schedule for environment input .. Arrangements were made for a meeting \-t~ith Commonwealth Associates in early December to discuss information exchange and agency contactsa - 9 - I Jl Subtask 7.10-Fish Ecology Studies I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The ADF&G 1980/81 w;nter program was reviewed and discussed with Tom Trent. A 1 etter was sent to t,PA expressing Acres concerns regarding staffing and scheduling of the ADF&G program. The first ADF&G fisheries progress report was received and reviewed. Subtask 7.11-Wildlife Ecology Studies Acres personnel were introduced to Dr. Richard Taber who is serving in the capacity of big game impact expert. TES was requested to address on a technical basis the concerns expressed by Paul D. Arneson regarding vegetation studies. Subtask 7.14-Access Road A meeting was held in Anchorage on November 18 where environmental input into access route selection was provided by ADF&G, TES and TES subcontractors. TES ACTIVITIES Subtask 7.01 -Administration TES received and reviewed the draft comments from the Susitna Project Steering Committee on Task 7 Procedures Manuals during the month of November. A field trip was undertaken to Anchorage to accompany ADF&G personnel in the field and to accompany other TES subcontractors during their studies. In addition, TES joined R&M personnel on an investigation of water levels, water qua.lity monitoring equipment, and icing conditions at the vJatana site. TES responded to requests made by the Alaska Power Authority (APA) by reviewing a draft newsletter discussing en vi ronmenta 1 programs of the Susi tna Project. TES also prepared and submitted to Acres a draft report entitled "Preliminary Environmental Assessment of Tunnel Alternatives 11 • Subtask 7.05-Socio-economic Analysis Work continued on Work Package 2, Socioeconomic Profile Development, Work Package 4, Forecasts of Future Socioeconomic Conditions in absence of Susitna Project. Th.e work on Work Package 2 involves, in part, development of data compilation of formats for presentation in the first Annual Report and for the forecasts of Work Package 4. Meetings between Acres, FO&A, and TES on October 24 and November 17 in Seattle, has progressed the effort on Work Package 2 substantially, and should permit close coordination on Tasks 6, 9~ and 11 with Subtask 7.05. -10 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I During the week of November 17, members of the socio-economic study team attended the coordination meeting on access roads. Subtask 7.06-Cultural Resource Investigation The writing and preparation of graphics and text for the first Annual Report are well underway. Over 160 graphics are projected for the Annual Report and will illustrate research to date in the Upper Susitna River region. A mechanism has still to be developed to preserve certain confidential information contained in the Annua 1 Report that cannot be rE~ 1 eased to the genera 1 public. Dr. E. James Dixon, Jr. and GeorgeS. Smith (University of Alaska Museum) attended and participated in a meeting concerning the proposed access routes to the proposed sites. At this time the archeologists commented on four sites located during a brief reconnaissance of the Deadman Creek alternative. Although no other access routes have been examined for archeological resources at this time, it is anticipated that cultural resources will be encountered along all of them. In addition to the above data, the fact was brought up by George S. Smith that present studies (Land use and Recreation in particular) indicate that areas of secondary impact for cultural resources will need to be expanded beyond the area originally anticipated early in the program. TES evaluated the impact, on cultural resources, of a number of dam and tunnel schemes for Susitna hydroelectric Development. A statement covering this Subtask activity will be forthcoming. Subtask 7.07-Land Use Analysis During November, work continued on the analysis and report writing of the area hi story. An important component of the Land Use Analysis concerns assessment of ac~ess route alternatives. Alan Jubenville conducted additional analysis of this issue and attended and presented concerns at the November 18 meeting in Anchorage. Subtask 7.08-Recreation Planning The Concept Plan Survey prepared in October was mailed to a selected random sample of Alaska residents, and the first follow-up has been mailed. The first returns have been received; analysis of which was imm·~diately initiated. Subtsak 7.09-Tranmission Cooridor Assessment During November TES met with agency personnel at Alaska Department of Fish and Game and Department of Natural Resources along with staff at the Soil Conservation Service and Fish and Wildlife Service in Anchorage. The purpose of these meetings was to obtain information pertinent to routing efforts for corridors connecting Willow with Anchorage and Healy with Fairbanks. The regional biologists in the Anchorage and Fairbanks offices of Alaska Department of Fish and Game are assisting TES in transcribing information available on ADF&G office maps onto tapa maps provided byTES. Also, materials were received -11 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I byTES from the Alaska Power Administration covering transmission line corridor studies conducted by the Administration in 1974-75. Subtask 7.10-Fish Ecology Studies During November TES, on a field trip to Alaska, attended meetings with the APA and the Cook Inlet Aquaculture Association at the re(•Jest of APA. Meetings were held in Anchorage and in Soldotna to establish coordination among the agencies. In addition to this meeting 9 TES visit~d with Tom Trent of·ADF&G to discuss the progress and plans for the winter sampling program. The Annual Report was discussed during a meeting with TES, Mr. Bell and Mr. Atkinson held in Seattle on November 18. Discussed at that meeting were additional infonnation need_s that are currently being sought and assignments for completing the report. The first ADF&G Fisheries Progress Report was received by TES during Novenber. This report contained plans for future progress. TES feels that the timing of the Procedures Manuals and the actual start of the sampling programs are vut of phase. It is felt that the detailed work scopes should be developed as far in advance of the field implementation of the programs as possible. This \'las not the way it appeared to be developing based upon a review of the Monthly ?(ogress Report. Finally, TES hired Aquatic Bilogists to fulfill project and study responsibilitiesu Subtask 7.11-Wildlife Ecology Studies: During the early part of November, Edward Reed, Joseph McMullen and Dr. Richard Taber vis~ted Anchorage, Palmer, and the Watana camp. Dr. Taber was intrnduced to Karl Schneider of ADF&G and n brief discussion of the Susitna big game studies was conducted. William Collins, Plant Ecology Investigator, accompanied Taber, Reed, an~ McMullen on a two-day survey of both the Lower and Upper Susitna Basins.. On this trip problems and questions associated with the analysis of impacts nn big game species were discussed. Also during November TES personnel reviewed and considered potential impacts of both the access road alternatives and various tunnel schemes as proposed 7:Jy Acres. Regarding avain and non-game mammal studies, analysis of habitat data co]lected during the summer of 1980 continued in November"· Furbearer aerial survey transects were established to gain a clear understanding of the seasonal distribution of f1;rbeare species within the Upper Susitna Basin. Due to the possibility of local trappers interfering with research in some areas, a formal request for the closure of trapping in the lower portions of Tsusena and Watana Creeks was sent to the Director of Fish and Game. As of the preparation of this report, no decision· has been reached concerning this request. -12 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Subtask 7.12 -Plant Ecology Studies During the first week in November a coordination meeting was held in Alaska and included wildlife study participant~ Ed Reed and Or. Richard Taber, as well as plant eco1ogists. Discussions were held concerning infonnation needs of both groups in order to arrive at impact conclusions and develop mitigation plans for both wildlife and vegetation. At a meeting between project plant ecologists from the Palmer Agricultural Experimental Station, vegetation habitat mapping, lower basin study efforts, and analysis of wetlands were discussed. TES also prepared a draft report on the aquatic vegetation of lakes and ponds in the Upper Susitna Basin. This report will be finalized and incorporated into the first Annual Report. Subtask 7.14-Access Roads A meeting was held in Anchorage on November 18 and included staff representatives of R&M, Acres, AOF&G, APA, and TES subcontractors. Discussed at this meeting were impact considerations for each of the alternative access routes now under consideration. TASK 8 -TRANSMISSION Subtask 8.01 -Transmission Line Corridor Screening Work continued on this subtask to further refine the corridor areas. A meeting \'las held at the CAI offices in Jackson, Michigan to discuss the right-of ... \'lay selection and to exchange any relevant infonnation beneficial to the intertie and the Susitna transmission corridors. APA, CAI and Acres were in attendance. Subtask 8.02 -Electric System Studies During this period Acres commenced sorting out the data received from RWRA. The data was analyzed as to generation, loads and transmission systems. At the CAI meeting, Acres received a copy of the system planning criteria~ 1 oad forecast for intertie planning and tabuiated utilities data being used by CAI for the Intertie studies. Acres reviewed the following load forecast: -ISER Woodward-Clyde peak demand -CAI Studies were initiated to determine likely points of interconnection between the existing utilities and the Susitna transmission lines. Investigations of tranmission line capabilities and voltage level requirements for the Susitna lines·were stated. -13 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~· I I I I Subtask 8.03 -Route Selection The centerline of preliminary routes have been identified on USGS maps. The final location of the routes will depend, among other things, on the aerial photos as well as the land status maps which are not available at this_point in time. Subtask 8.07 -Transmission Line Cost Estimate Information was provided to the electric syste.' study groups for defining an economical Susitna voltage level. TASK 10 -LICENSING Subtask 10.04 -Coordinate Exhibit Preparation Initial consideration was given to scheduling a final FERC exhibit preparation, internal and external review and printing. A dr·aft 1 ist of standard terms and appi ications was assembled. TASK 11 -MARKETING & FINANCE Subtask-11.01-Project Overview Preparation and Update The procedures manual detailed table ~f contents and outline of the Project Overview Report (POR) was issued to APA, to chapter co-ordinators and to other task leaders involved. Comments and further input has been requested. APA delineated the major issues to be addressed in their spring 1981 statement to the governor concerning on-going susitna studies and these will be given prime consideration when preparing the P.O.R. A meeting was held between the economic consultant members of the Task 11 team and F. Orth (sub consultant for Task 7.05) to discuss interaction on socio-economic issues. Further meetings were held with APA managers to discuss the approach to be taken to economic and finance analysis and the selection of the parameters to be employed. Additional staff have been added to the economics team and the overall level of effort was substantially intensified. A schedule of subsection and chapter completion dates has been established to meet the requirements of the latest plan of studies. Subtask 11.02 -Interim Reports Work on selection of economic parameters to be used in economic and financial analysis cont.inueo and is being coordinated with the efforts made to complete Design Transmittal 6.36. Planning for both economic and financial analysis proceeded and arrangements were made for the adoption of the Fezibl computer program approach. -14 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Discussions were held with senior external economic consultants on the various approaches which might be made to state/debt financing of the project. An informative meeting was held with Mr-. Elmer Rasmesem, chairman of the board of trustees of the State of Alaska permanent fund. TASK 12 -PUBLIC PARTICIPATION A draft of proposed mod-ifications to the action 1 ist program were forwarded to APA for review. Copies of action list responses as sent out by APA were fon~arded to Acres, Discussions have been held regarding the scheduling of public meetings and workshops in the first quarter of 1981. TASK 13 -PROJECT ADMINISTRATION Subtask 13.04 -Schedule Monitoring Project schedule was updated to December 1980 with appropriate changes being made in 1 ogic and durations. Copies of the revi-sed schedu1 ~ dl1d computer generated bar chart are appended to this progress report. Schedule monitoring is continuing. Subtask 13.05 -Cost Control The October Cost Report did not go out in November as scheduled. It was held up in order to incorporate the following changes: A. The project budget was changed to include: -Subcontractor's escalated fee -The addition of Retherford as a subcontractor. -Air transporation costs the way they are being incurred by subtasks. -FMA 1 s costs the way they are being incurred by subtasks. ~ -ADF&G's costs. -Addjtion of $75,000 for external consultants as approved by T. McGuire. B. A detailed reconciliation of invoiced costs and project-to-date costs was made and adjustments incorporated in the October report. Most of the o·l d outstanding items from memo invoices were credited on the November invoice (billing from October services). Subtask 13.10 -Subcontract Administration Agreement was reached with Robert W. Retherford Associates for a subcontract to assist in the Transmission Line studies. The agreement was distributed during the report period. -15 - ----·-------------·,-- 10-DEC-80 ll:~a:56 ACRES AMERICAN SUSITNA HYDRO-ELfCTRlC PROJECT PAfil£ 1 ACRES Cf'li SYSTEM TIME NOJU 1DEC80 CPH ANALYSIS LISTING WORK COMP~ET~D TO D~CEMa~R 1, 1~~Q Rf.f'Ol ~------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------~----------------------------------~----------------------~~-~-------~-I-NODE J-NOOE l•UR SELECT COitES ------£• ESC RIP T I Q N ------------E,qa E•f• L.S, L.F. T.f. F.F. ~_,t . ________________________________________________ -.lo __________________________________________________ _, ___________________ ~.,."::' .• ._. ________ _ 10000 10600 0 C OPB 1 C2 101 REVIEW Of METHODOLOGIES COMPLETE 10400 10500 0 C OPB 1 C2 102 FCST PEAK lUAit [IEMAND TRAtiS COMPLETE 12100 11800 o C Of'B 1 C2 10J INDENT OF POWER AlTERNAT COHF'lETE 20200 20300 0 C Of'A C2 2021 FIB.£1 CAMP· SET-UP ST COMPLETE 20300 20400 0 C Of'A C:2 2021 FIElD CAHP SET-Uf' FIN I! COMPlETE 20800 21000 0 C Of'A C2 206 RIGHT OF t:NTRY ST COHf'l.ETE 23000 23200 0 C Of'A C3 2081 AIR f'HOTOS & HAf'f'ING-1980 ST ·i COMPLETE 236.00 23800 0 C OPA C3 209 CONTROl Nf.HJORK SURVEYS i COMPlETE 24400 24600 0 C fJf'A C3 216 HYDROGRAPHlC SI.JRIJEYS ST 1 COMPLETE 32600 32800 0 C Of'B 1 C4 301 REV1EW AVAILABLE ~iATERIAL ST I COHPlETE -36200 36400 0 C Of'& t C4 3021 F IH.D [aATA INlat::X-SflUP fSTIN l, COHPl.ETE 36400 36600 0 C OPB 1 C4 3021 FlELII DATA INJIEX-SETUP COMPLETE 37000 37200 0 C OPB 1 C4 3031 F !El.D DATA (;OU.ECTION-SPECS l COHF'l.ETE 37400 37500 0 C OPB 1 C4 3032 FIELD DATA COLLECTION 80-81 ST . COMPLETE 32800 33200 0 C OPB 1 C4 3041 WATER RSRCS-FLOW EXTENSION ST 1 COMPLETE 34200 34400 0 C Of'B 1 C4 3043 .lATER RSRCS-RESERVOIR STUDY ST l COHPlEYE 31600 :naoo o c Of'B 1 c4 3053 Ftoorrs-RESf.R•JOIR ROtJTINO sr I COMPLETE 30000 30200 0 C OF'B 1 C4 3061 HYitRl.S&IC£-CHANNf.t lJ'fR LVLS ST . COMPlETE 38000 38200 0 C Of'B 1 C4 3081 TRANSMSN liNE-PRl.H PARAHTR tOMf'l.ETE 43100 43200 0 C OPB 1 Cl 401· REVIEW AVAILADlE DATA ST COMPlETE 43200 43400 0 C OPB 1 Cl 401 REVIt:W AVAILABLE [lATA CT-1 COMPl.ETE 43400 41200 0 C OPB 1 Cl 401 REVIEW AVAilABLE DATA FIN COMPLETE 44000 44'200 0 C OPA C4 40:? SHORT TERM MONITORNG f'ROGRAH ST COMPLETE 40300 40600 0 C OPB 1 C1 . 404 REtiOTE SENSING IHAG ANAlYSIS ST i .COMPLETE 40600 40800 0 C Of'ft i C1 404 RF.HOTE SENSING IHAG ANAl. YSIS CT-1 i · COHf'lfTE ~i~gg lj~gg g g g~~ 1 ~t ~g~ ~~~f~AcEe~~h2~~iR~f.8~~~~~~~i ST 1 1 f8~f.[~f~ 45600 45800 0 C OPB 1 Ct 408 DAM STABILITY ST 1 ·COHPl.ETE 50000 50200 0 C Of'B 1 C1 501 DATA COLLECTION ST i 'COMPLETE 50200 50400 0 C OPB t C1 501 DAfA COlL£C'fi!lN CT~t; COMPLETE 50400 50600 0 C Of'B 1 Cl 501 DATA COLLECTION FIN 'COMPLETE 50200 51200 0 C OPD 1 Cl 502 AIR PHOTO INTERPRETA'fiON ST COMPLETE 50800 51600 0 C OPB 1 C1 503 1980 PROGRAM DESIGN tOHPlETE 6250a 625AO 0 C OPB 1 C4 601 REVIEW PREVTeUS STUDIES ST COMPLETE 625AO 62600 0 C OPB 1 C4 60! REVIEW PREVIOUS·STUOIES flN COMPLETE 62600 626/\0 0 C OPB 1 C4 603 EVAL ALT SUSil'NA [1£1J£l0f'HENT ST tOHf'l.ETE 65900 659AO 0 C OPB 1 C4 606 STAGED fiEVELOf'Hf.NT AI. TS ST COHPlETE 63000 63100 0 C OPB 1 C5 607 f'R£LIH WATANA DAH ALTERNATES ST COMPLETE 64100 64500 0 C OPB 1 C6 608 PRELIM DfVIL CANYON DAM All ST COMPLETE 6A500 6A600 0 C Of'B 1 C2 632 THERMAL GENERATION RF.:SOU~CE ST COMPlETE 6A600 6A700 0 C OPB 1 C2 632 THERMAL G~NERATION RESOURCE CT1 COMPLETE 6A900 6.B100 0 C Of'B 1 C2 633 HYftRO GENERATION RFSOURCES . ST COMPLETE 6ft100 68200 0 C Of'D l C2 633 HYDRO Gf11F.:RATIOU RESOURCES CT-1 COMPlETE 6B200 68300 0 C OPB 1 C2 633 HYIIRO GENERATION RF.:~OUkCES FIN COMPLETE 6B500 6R600 0 C ~PB 1 CB 6341 ENUIRONHENT ASSESSMENT ST • COMPlETE 68600 68700 0 C Of'B t CB 6341 ENVIROUHEtiT ASSESSMENT CTl COMPlETE 68700 6C300 0 C OPB 1 CB 6341 fJJVIRotiHf.NT ASStSSHENT FIN COHf'l.ETE 6!1100 6D200 0 C OPB 1 C2 6361 GENERATION PLAN f'ARAHATERS COMPLETE 60300 • 6ti3AO 0 C Of'& t C2 6362 GEHER~~ T PLAt~ fltML Y & Rf.PORT SJ COHPL.ETE 70800 71000 0 C Of'Ic 1 CS 7011 STUDY COORf!-AlTERNATIV£ SITE Sl . COHPLETE 71000 71200 0 C Of'B 1 CS 7011 SlUl:Y COOR[I-ALH·:RNAriVE SITE CT-1 COMf'LETE -------------------- 10-DEC-80 11:48:56 ACRES Cf'H SYSTEM REP01 ACRES ·AHf.RICAN SliSITNA HYCIHO-El£CTRIC f'ROJ!:.CT CPM ANALYSIS LISTING -------------------- PAGE 2 TIH£ NOW: lDECSO . Q ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~-------------------------------------------I-NO[IE J-NOfJE ItUR SELECl CODES------DES C RIP T I 0 N ------------f,S. E.F. l.S. l.F, Ttf• f,f. Gll ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~----------79200 79300 0 C Of'B 1 C8 702 MONITOR FIB.[I ACTIIJITIES ST COMPlETE A2000 A1600 0 C FlC CllO 10021 ESTABLISH REGULATORY REQUIRE COHPlEJE COOOO C0200 0 C Of'B 1 C810 12021 CONraUCT f'UBLIC MEETING jl ! tOHf'l.ETE D0200 D0400 0 C f'SB 2 C310 13011 PROJECT PROCEll HANUAI.-ftRAFT ST ! t:Olif'LETE £10400 D0600 0 C f'SB 2 C310 13011 PROJECT f'ROCED HAtlU,.)l-ItRAFT CT-t: COMPl.ETE fl0600 [10800 0 C PSR 2 C310 13011 PROJECT f'ROC££1 HANU~L-ftRAFT FIN : .CfJtfPlETE CtOBOO D1000 0 C f'SB 2 C310 13012 f'ROJECT f'ROCf.D HflNUAL-FINAl tOHPl.ETE DOOOO II0600 0 C PSB 2 C310 1302 FINANCIAL CONTROl f'ROCEI•URFS COtff'LETE fl1400 IH500 0 C f'SB 2 C310 1303 PROJECT MASTER SCHEOULE tOH~·tETE £12000 [12200 0 c f'SB 2 C310 13041 .SCHEDUlE CONTROL SYST£11-ftEV CCOMPlET£ ll2600 fl2BOO 0 C f'SB 2 CJ10 13051 COST CONTROl SYSTEH-ftf.V .COMPLETE {13200 03400 0 C PSB ~! C310 13061 111\Nf'OWF.R LOAftNG SCH£ULE-DEV 1 ..COMPLETE IIJ600 fl0600 0 C f'SB 2 C410 1307 DEVELOP ACCOUNTING f'OLICIE'S : tOHf'lf.TE It1800 01900 Q C f'SB 2 C310 1308 fiOCUMENTATION CONTROl : tOMPI.ETE i - - - - - - --1 - - - - - - - --- - t-' (X) . ·' 10-DEC-SO 11:3StJ4 ACRES CPH SYSTEM RF.POl ACRf.S Al1fRICAN SUSITNA HHtRO-ElECTRIC PROJECT PAGE t Cf'H ANALYSIS LISTING TIME HOW: lDECSO REMAINING WORK FROM DECEMBER 1, 1980 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------~---~------~--~---~---------~---------~.~~~~---------I -NOnE .J-HOitE HUR SELECT COfiES ------D E S C R I P T I 0 N -----·-------E. S. E • f • l, S • l. f. T. f, F. f • f.Q. ----------------~------------------------------------------------·------------------------------------------------------~·~----------11800 t19c)O 20400 20000 20400 20600 21200 21500 21600· 22000 21000 21100 ~~~88 ~R~88 23200 234()0 24000 24200 22200 22400 22400 22600 22600 22800 25600 26600 .26400 26600 26600 26800 27600 27200 27000 272t)0 27200 27400 25800 26000 26000 26200 24600 24800 ~~~gg ·~~ggg 37500 37600 37600 37700 37700 3780t) 33200 33300 33300 34600 34400 344/lO 344AO 34500 34500 34600 ;54600 34800 35000 352()0 35200 35400 39600 39800 .i2700 32900 32800 32400 31800 32000 32000 32200 30200 30400 30400 30600 39400 395t)O 38800 39000 39000 3911)0 39200 39300 35600 35900 . 35800 36000 3.3400 33600 33600 3380() 33800 34000 5 R Of'B l C2 81 R OPA C2 81 R OPA C2 3 R Of'A C2 5 R OPA C2 25 R OPA C2 ~ R Br.~ E~ 3 R Of"A C3 10 OPA CJ 5 R Of'A C3 2 OPA C3 10 Of'A CJ 11 Of'A C3 3 R 1 0f'A C4 6 R Of'A C4 5 OPA C3 2 Of'A CJ 3 OPA C3 4 Of'A C4 4 Of'A C4 12 OPA C3 4 R Of'B 1 C4 62 R OPB 1 C4 15 R Of'D 1 C4 30 OPB l C4 22 OPB 1 C4 4 Of'B 1 C4 4 OP8 1 C4 19 OPB 1 C4 6 Of'8 1 C4 24 Of'B 1 C4 8 OPB 1 C4 4 Of'lt 1 C4 4 Of'B 1 C4 69 R Of'ft l C4 2 R Of'F 1 C4 6 R OP9 1 C4 10 R OPB 1 C4 5 Of'B 1 C4 14 R OPB 1 C4 47 OPB 1 C4 6 R OPB 1 C4 12 Of'S 1 C4 8 Of'B 1 C4 B OPB 1 C4 4 OPB t C4 6 Of'B 1 C4 1~ Of'B 1 C4 4 Of'B l C4 4 Of'B 1 C4 108 2022 203 204 :?OS 206 18~ 2081 2082 210 210 210 211 2.12 212 213 214 214 215 215 216 301 3022 3032 3033 3033 3041 3042 :J04J 3043 3043 3043 i.i044 3044 3046 3051 3052 3053• 3053 3061 3061 3062 3063 3063 3064 J071 3071 3072 J072 3072 Tf.RKUIATION Rff'ORT liJECBO 2JAN8l 1DEC80 2JAN81 FIELD CAMP Of'ERATlONS HtECBO 1BJUN82 iitECBO 1SJUNB2 RESUPPl. Y & f:Mf.RIIUICY Sf.RV1CE 1DECSO 18JUN82 lltECSO 18JUN82 LAND STATUS RESEARCH · 1I1EC80 19!tEC80 15flEC80 2JANS1 LAND AQUISI"fiON ANAlYSIS . l[tfCSO ' 2JAN81 HtECSO 2JAN81 RIGHT OF ENTRY FIN 1DECBO 22MAY81 28DECS1 l8JUN82 ~lff HtfElffE ~H~of~~ ,Iu 2!~~nH? ~3PRgJJ 1 ~~~iHf iklRBl AIR PHOTOS I HAPPHIG-1980 FIN lDECBO 19DEC80 22£tEC80 9JANB1 AIR PHOTOS & HAPPING-1981 12JANB1 20HAR81 31AUG8J 6NOVS1 ACCESS ROAD. ST lDECBO 2JAN81 22JUN8i 24JUL81 ACCESS ROAn CT-1 SJAH81 16Jt~N8i 21Sf.P81 20CT81 ACCESS ROACI FIN 13APR81 19 .. WNS1 50CT81 11f1EC81 HAP I f'HO"fO SEARCH tm::cao 1JFEB81 12JAN8t 2/HAf\81 FIElD RF.:COti fOR RSRVR ClEAR ST HiECSO 19DECBO 9HARB1 27ifAR81 . f lf.l.D RECON FOR RURtJR CI.EilR FIN 16Ff.BtH 27HARB1 30HAR81 8HAY81 HRKTBILITY AND I•ISPOSAL STllY lDECBO 2JANB1 .28[1£C8:1 29JAN82 CST ESnffs RSVR CLfARING ST 1D£CHO 12Dt:CBO 18JANB2 29JAN82 CST ESTHTS RSVk ClEARING FIN 30HAR81 17APR81 lfEB82 19FEBS2 SLOPE f.ROSION & STBL l'Y STUCIY ST 1 fiECBO 26DECBO 13Af'!(fJl 8l1/aY81 SlOPE EROSION & STBLTY STUDY FIN 30HARB! 24APRB! UHt~YBt 5JUNB1 HYDROGRAf'HH~ SURI)EYS FIN tnECSO 20ff.B8l 15DEC80 6HAR81 RF.VIEW AVAILABLE MATERIAL FIN JIIECBO 26raEC80 16f.~B81 13HAR81 fiELD fiATA INf.fEX OPERATION 1ftEC80 5FEB82 19J~\N81 26HARB2 fiEl.D !lATA COl.I.ECTION S0-81 · FIN H•ECSO 13HtlRB1 l£1EC80 1JMAR8l FIELD DATA COLLECTION 81-82 ST 16MAR81 90CT81 30HAR81 230CTS1 FlELII DATA COU.ECJION 81-82 FIN 120CT81 1211ARB2 260CT81 26liARS2 WATER RSRCS-FLOW EXTENSION FIN 1Df.CBO 26[tECBO 1611AR81 10APR81 IJATER RSRCS-FRER ANAl. YSIS 29IJECBO 23JANB1 120CT81 6tlOV81 WATER RSRCS-RESERVOIR SlUOY CI-t 1fll~CSO lOAPRSl 1f•ECSO 10APR81 WATER RSRCS-RES£RVOIR STUDY CT-2 13APR81 22HAY81 13APRS1 22MAYB1 "MTf.R RSRCS-RESf.RVOIR STUDY CT-3 2SMAY91 6NOlJ81 25HAYB1 6NOV81 WATER RSRCS-RESERVOIR STUffY FIN 9NOV81 1JANB2 9NOVB1 lJANB2 ~Alf.R RSRCS-f'RE&f'OST PROJECT ST 9NOIJ81 4I•EC81 i'ftEC~J1 1JAN82 (!JATER RSRCS-f'RE&f'OSl PROJECT FIN 4JflN82 29JAN82 4JAN82 29JANB2 ~lATER RSRtS-Gl.ACIAl SlUJHES lJ)EC80 26HARB2 1DEC80 26HAR82 FLOOitS-FRF.GU£NCY ANALYSIS 1 DECBO l2ftECBO 20APRB1 1HAY81 fLOOI1S f'HF REVIEW 1DECSO 9JANB1 23MAR81 HiAYBi fLOODS·RESERVOIR ROUTING CT-1 23FE881 1M~Y81 260CTB1 1JANB2 Fl.OODS-RF.:S£4(VOIR ROUTING fiN 21SEP81 230CT81 4JAN82 SF£RB2 HYfiRLS&ICE-CHANNt::l lJTR l.tJLS CT-1 1DEC80 6ii()R81 l!IECBO 6MAR8t HYfiRlS&ICE-CHANNEL lJfR lVlS FIN 9HARB1 29JAN82 9MARS1 29JAN82 HYDRiiCE RSRlJR fREEBRD . 23Ff.BF.J1 3flPRB1 23HARS1 1MAYS1 HYllR&ICE-RESER SLH•E SURGE · ST 1fiEC80 20FE~Bt 15DECBO 6tiARB1 HYCIRUCE-Rf.:SF.R SLJOE SURGE FIN 23fEB91 l7flf'R81 9Mf\R81 1HAY81 HYIIR8ICE-RSVR TEMP Rt:.GIHE :!3FEic81 17Af'R81 9HAR81 HIAY81 SJ-II!Hf.NT YIEl.D & ftf.POSITION ST 1 O£CBO 26fiEC80 11MAY81 5JUNB1 SEDIMENT YIELD 8 fiEf'OSITION FIN 23FEBB1 3APR81 23NOV81 1JANB2 RIVER MORf'HOLOGY S'f l6HAR3J 5JUN8l 120CTB1 1JAN82 RitJf.R HORF'HOLOGY CT -.1 BJUNB1 3JUL81 4JIW82 29JANB2 RIVER HORPHOLOG¥ fiN tff.BB2 26FEB82 15FEBB2 1211AR82 0 0 0 2 0 56 2 2 3 33 29 37 25 6 14 6 56 59 44 19 6 2 11 7 0 2 2. 15 41 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 20 16 35 15 0 0 4 2 2 ? -23 39 30 30 2 76 11 £RITICAL 0 11 tRITlCAl 0 t ,CRITICAl 78 tl 76 11 CR!TICAL 56 11 0 ~ 0 t 2 t 11 t 0 1: 12 t 1 i c) 1 8 l 0 1 12 11 15 t 43 t 13 1! 5 1: 2 1 11 t 7 l. 0 1\ 'tRlTICAl 0 t 2 t 0 t 41 l, 0 1 CRITICAL 0 1 CRITICAL 0 t: CRITICAL 0 l CRITICAl 4 1 0 1 fRITICAL 0 1 tlUTICAL 18 i 14 1 20 1 14 1 0 1 CRITICAL 0 1 CRITICAl 2 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 B 1 9 J 0 1 30 1 1 1 ' I I-' \.0 l ______ ... ________ _ PA6~ 2 10-DEC-80 11:35:34 ACRES CPH SYSTEM ACRES AM£RICAN SUSil'NA HYORO-ElECTRIC f'ROJECT CPH ANALYSIS LISTING TIME NOW: !DECBO Rf.f'Ol ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~---------------------------------------------~~~~---------I -NODE J-NOIIE [tUR SElECT COfJES ------[1 E S C R I P T I 0 N ------------E. S. E. F • l • S • l. F. T t F • F of. ft:t ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~-----~-------------------~~---------38200 38400 6 OPB l C4 3082 T~ANStiSN LINE-nET f'ARAHTR ST 1I•EC80 9JAN81 2ff.B81 1JHAR81 9 9 t 38400 38600 4 OPB 1 C4 3082 TRANS11Stl LINE-C•ET f'ARAHTR fiN 1611AR81 l0Af'R81 16HAR81 10Af'RB1 0 0 t CRITICAL. 31100 31300 JO OPB 1 C4 309 ACCESS ROAfiS HYllfWlOGY . 5JAU91 31JUl81 27JUI.81 19FEBB2 29 28 t 30800 31000 6 R OPB l C4 :uot lYR SUSIHIA STUDIES-PRELIH ST lfiECSO 9JftN81 1I•EC80 9JANB1 0 0 t CRITICAL 31000 31200 8 Of'B 1 C4 3101 LWR SUSITNA STUOIES-f'RELIH fiN 12JAN81 6HAR81 12JANB1 6HAR8! 0 0 ~ CRITICAL 31200 31400 47 • OPB i C4 31Q2 l~JR SUSIJNA Sl'UD!ES-FOLLOIJUP 9liARBi 29JAN82 9HAR81 29JAN82 0 0 1 .CRITICAl 44200 41200 1 R Of'A C4 402 SHORT TERM HONITORNG f'ROGRAH fiN H:JECBO 5f•EC80 lfiECSO 51\ECBO 0 0 1 1 · f;RITICAL 40000 40200 1 R Of'B 1 C1 403 f'Rf:LIH RESf.RlJR INDUCD Sf.ISHC 1DI::C80 SltECBO ll•ECSO 5£tEC80 0 0 . .CRITICAL 40800 42000 3 Of'B 1 Ct 404 REMOTE SENSING J.HAG ANALYSIS fiN 1DEC80 19I•EC80 9NOV81 27NOIJ81 49 51 l 41200 41400 4 OPB 1 C1 -106 PRELIH EIJALUAl'N1cRf.PORT-DRAFT FIN 8£t£C80 2Jf)NS1 8CIEC80 2JAN81 0 0 t tRITICAL 44200 45000 B R Of'B 1 C1 407 f'RELI11 GROUND HOT ION STUDIES lltECBO 23JANSJ j DF.CBO 23JfiN81 0 0 1, ,CRITICAL 45800 ~6000 2~ Of'[{ 1 Ct . 408 flAM STABILITY CT-1 26JAN81 lOJUUH 26JANS1 10JUL81 0 0 t ~RITICAL 46000 46200 6 OP& 1 Ct 408 DAH STABILITY FIN ·jJJUl8t 21AUGSJ 10MAYS2 1SJUNB2. 43 43 1 4280t) 43000 ll Of'A C4 409 lONG Tf.RH HONITORUIG PRUHRAM 13JUUH t:r~ff.BS2 16NOV81 18JUN82 18 18 t. 40200 41800 9 Of'B 1 Cl 410 RESERVOIR 1tWUC£D S£ISHICITY BDECBO 6F£It81 J1AUGB1 JOOCTSl 38 38 1 42400 42600 32 OPA C4 411 SEISMIC GEOLOGV-FU.I.D SlUDY lfi£CSO iOJUlBt SiaECBO 17JUL81 1 0 t 41400 41600 41 Of'S 1 Cl 412 EVAI.UATIOU & REPORT [IRAFT ST 5JAN81 160CTS1 5JAN81 160CT81 0 0 t t:RITICAL 41600 41800 2 Of'It 1 C1 412 EVALUATION & REPORT t•IMFT CT-1 190CTS1 300CTS1. l90CTfU 300CT81 0 0 1l 'CRITICAL 41800 4200.0 4 OF·B 1 Cl 412 EVALUATION & REPORT DRAFT FIN 2NOVB1 27NOV81 . 2NOVB1 27NOVS1 0 2 1; ~CRITICAL 44400 44600 15 OPB 1 C1 413 GROUN~ MOTION SlUDIES ST 26JANS1 BHAY81 6APR81 17JULB1 10 9 t 44600 41800 15 . OF·R 1 Cl 413 . . GROUND MOTION STUfllES fiN 13JULB1 230CT81 20JUlB1 300CT81 1 1 1 45600 41800 36 Of'B 1 C1 414 DAH STABILITY CONSULTING 1DEC80 7AU681 23FEB81 300CT81 12 12 l 45200 .45400 22 Of'B 1 Cl 415 SOIL SUSCEf'TITY-SEISI1IC FAil 26JAN81 26JUN81 13JULB1 11DECB1 24 0 i 51200 51600 2 R OPB 1 Ct 502 AIR PHOTO INTERPRETATION FIN 1DEC80 12DECBO 16MAR81 27HAR81 15 0 1 51000 51600 2 R OPA C4 504 1980 EXPLORATION PROGRAM JDECSO 12DECSO 16MARB1 27MARB1 15 0 ! 52000 52200 3· R Of'R l C1 505 1981 PROGRAM £•£SIGN ST HtECBO 19ItECSO 9HAR81 27HAR81 14 0 t 52200 5260o 2 Of'B 1 Ct 505 1981 f'ROGRAH fi£SI6N FIN 22[1fCSO 2JANB1 30HAR81 10Af'R81 14 9 i 52400 52600 14 Of'A C4 506 · 1981 EXPLORATION PROGRAM ST 1DEC80 6HARB1 5JAN81 10APR81 5 0 t 52600 52700 20 Of'A C4 506 1981 EXPLORATION f'R06RAH fiN 9HAR81 24JULB1 13APR81 2BAUGBJ 5 0 1 53800 54000 9 OPB 1 Cl 507 19S2-4 PROGRAM DESIGN 6JUL81 4SfP81 25JAN82 26MAR82 29 29 t 51400 51600 2 R OPB 1 Cl 5081 DATA ASSEMSLY-1980-DRAFT ST lDECBO 12DECBO 16MARB1 27HAR81 15 0 1 51600 51800 1 OPB 1 Cl 5081 DATA ASSEHBLY-1980-0RAFT FIN 15DECBO 19DECSO 27APR81 1HAY81 19 0 t 52800 53000 3 OP8 1 Ct 5082 DATA ASSEMBLY-1981-DRAFT ST lDECSO 19DECSO 10AU681 2BAU681 36 J1 1 53000 53200 2 OPB 1 C1 5082 DATA ASSEHBlr-1981-DRAFT FIN 27JUl81 7AUGB1 31AUG81 11S£f'8l 5 0 1 53400 53600 7 OPB 1 C1 5083 DATA ASSEMBLY FINAl-DRAFT 10AUGB! 25SEP81 8MARB2 23APRB2 30 30 1 1 64300 62700 4 R OPB 1 C4 602 INVESTIGATE TutiNL ALTERNATVS 1DEC80 26DEC80 B£1EC80 2JANB1 1 1 626AO 62700 5 R Of'B 1 C4 603 £VAl Al.T SUSIHIA fiEVE.LOPNENT CT-1 10£CBO 2JANB1 HtECSO 2JAN81 0 0 1 CRITICAl 62700 627~0 4 OPB 1 C4 603 EVAL ALT SUSITNA DEVELOPMENT CT-2 5JAN81 30JAN81 5JAN31 30JAtl81 0 0 t CRITICAL 627AO 62800 3 OPD 1 C4 603 EVfiL ALT SUSIJNA DEVELOPH~NT CT-J 2FEB81 20FfB81 9FEBS1 27FE981 1 0 1 62800 62900 0 Of'B 1 C4 60 ·J EVAL ALT SUSI lNA I•EVFlOF'Iif.tH FIN 23FEB81 20FEBB1 2HAR81 27FEB81 1 0 1 68100 682-00 3 R DP8 1 C6 60·} ItEVl CAN ARCH {lf\11 EVALUATION ST 1f•ECBO 19fiECBO 13Af'RB1 1MAY81 19 0 1 68200 68300 0 OPB 1 C6 604 fiEVL CAN ARCH flAM EVALUATION FIN 22I•EC80 19I•EC80 4MttYS1 HIAY81 19 14 1 . 66900 669AO 9 R Of'B 1 C4 6051 SELECT REPORT [IRAFT H•ECBO JOJAN81 1DECI:l0 JOJAN81 0 0 1 CRITICAl 669AO 67000 3 OPR 1 C4 6052 SELECT FINAl REPORT ST 2FEBB1 20FEBB1 9FE~B1 27fEB81 J 0 1 67000 67100 1 DPB 1 C4 6052 SELECl FINAL REPORT CT-1 2JFEB81 27f£B8! 2MARB1 6HAR81 1 0 1 67100 67200 4 Of'B l C4 6052 SELECT FINAL REPORT fiN 2MAR81 27l1ARB1 9MAR81 3Af'RB1 1 0 1 659AO 659BO 9 R OPB 1 C4 606 STAGED DEVELOPMENf ALTS CT-1 lDECSO 30JAN81 1DEC80 30JAN31 0 0 1 CRITICAL 659BO 66000 3 Of'B 1 C4 606 ST~GED DEUELOPH~NT ALTS FIN 2F£B»1 20FEB81 16FEB81 6HARB1 2 1 1 63100 631AO 5 OF'B 1 CS 607 Pf~ELIM tJATANA fiAH ALTERNATES CT-1 23FfBS1 27HAR81 30HAR81 1HAY81 5 0 1 631AO 63200 9· Of'll 1 C5 607 PRELIM WATAHA Dt)M ALTERNATES CT-2 30HAR81 .29MAY81 4MAY81 3JUL81 5 0 1 63200 · 63300 1 Of'S 1 CS 607 f'RELIH WAlANA flf\H ALTERNATES CT-3 1JUN81 5JUN8! 6JUL81 10JUl81 5 5 1 _: ___________ _ 10-DEC-80 t1:35l34 ACRES CPH SYSTEM REf'Ol ACRES Atlf.RICflN SUSIH4A HYORO-F.I.ECTRIC f'ROJECT CPH ANALYSIS LISTING f'AGE 3 T1HE NOWt 1DEC80 ~----------~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~~--------1-NOfiE J-NODE [IUR SELtCT COI&ES ------[1 ESC RIP T I 0 N ---------.---E.S. f..F. L.S. L.F. T.f. F.F •. CL ·-------------------------------------~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~~---------63300 633AO 0 OPB t C5 607 PRELIM WATANA lh.Ut ALTERNATES FIN 13.JUL81 tOJUL.81 13JUUH 10.JUL8l 0 0 i ~RITICAL 64500 64600 5 OPB 1 C6 608 f'RELIH DEVIL CANYotl [tAli Al T CT-1 23FEBS1 27HAR81 30HARS1 1HilY81 5 0 1 64600 64700 10 tlPB 1 C6 608 PRELIM DtVIL CANYON DAM AL T CT -2 JOK1-~R8l 5JUN81 4HAY81 10JUL81 5 5 1 64700 6-isoo o orB 1 C6 6os f'REt!ti r·r~n. CAWtDN !tAM Al T fit~ 13JULS! lOJULB! t3JULS1 toJuuu o o 1 1:JiRlTICAL 69100 69200 1 OF'B 1 C4 609 ESTAB WATANA DESIGN CRITfRIA SJ 1fJECSO 5DECBO 1JUN81 5JUNS1 26 11 1 69200 69300 7 Uf'B 1 C4 609 ESTAB WATANA [~ESIGN CFdTERIA CT-1 23f£BB1 10APR8! SJUN81 24~JUL81 15 13 1 69300 69400 7 OPB l C4 609 ESTAB WATANA [IESIGN CRITf.RIA CT-2 13-iUUH 28AIJG81 2i'JUL81 11SEP81 ') 0 1 69400 69~00 1 OPB C4 609 ESTAB WAfANA DESIGN CRITERIA FIN 3lAUG8l 4SEf'81 14SEPS1 18SEP81 ~ 0 1 63400 63500 1 Of·B 1 C4 610 ESTA& r•EVIL CANYN ItESGN CRIT ST 1D£CAO 5DEC80 8JUNS1 !2JUNB1 27 2 1. 63500 63600 . 7 OPB 1 C4 610 ESTAB DEVIL CANYN DESGN CRIT CT-1 22DfC80 6FEBBI !5JUN81 31JUL81 25 22 1 63600 63700 7 Of'& 1 C4 610 ESTAB ftEVIl. CANYN [IESGN CRIT CT=2 lJJIJUH 28AUG81 3AUG81 18Sf.P81 3 0 :t 63700 63800 1 Of'B 1 C4 610 £STAB ftEVIL CANYN IJESGN CRIT FIN 31AU681 4S£f'Sl 21SEf'81 25SEf'S1 3 0 1 66200 66300 11 OPB 1 C5 611 PRELIM DESIGN WATANA DAM ST 13JUlat 25SF.PB1 13JUL81 25Sf.P81 0 0 1 ~~!TICAL 66300 66400 11 Of'B 1 C5 61l f'RfliH ItESIGN ~IATANA flAM CT-1 28SEP81 11DEC81 28SEf'81 11DECB1 0 0 1 ~~ITICAL 66400 66500 ~ Of'B 1 C5 611 PREliM ltESI6N WATANA [IAH FIN 14£tEC81 BJANS2 14DEC81 8JAN82 0 0 1 tk;RITICAl 65200 65300 11 Of'B l C6 612 f•R£l DESIGN ftEVIL CANYON DAH ST 1JJUl8l 25SEf'Sl 13JUL81 25SEf'S1 0 0 l ~RITICAL 65300 65400 11 Df'B 1 C6 612 f'REl I•ESIGN I:IE'JIL CANYON D{)li CT-1 28Sf.f'81 11DECO! 28Sf.f'81 11DEC81 0 0 1 ~RlTICAl 65400 65500 4 OPB 1 C6 6!2 PREL DESIGN DEVIl CANYOU [IAH FIN 14DEC81 8JANB2 14ItEC81 8JAN82 0 0 1 !ZlRITICAl 69800 69900 11 OPB 1 C4 613 IaMi SELECTION REPORT-[tRAFT ST 13.JULB1 25SEPtl1 260CT81 BJAN82 15 15 t 69900 68500 5 Of'B 1 C4 613 DAH SELECTION REF'Of.:T-[IRAFT FIN 11JAU82 12fEB82 1:JJAN82 12FEf.l82 0 0 1. tr'.R.ITICAL 61100 61200 3 OF'& l C4 614 SPILLWAY [tESIGN CRITERIA ST 23FF:IuH 13HARB1 131'1PRS1 1HAYS1 7 5 1 61200 61300 8 OPB 1 C4 614 SPILLWAY DESIGN CRITERIA FIN 20APR8t 12JUNB1 4MAY81 26JUN81 2 0 1 61300 60600 6 Of'B 1 C5 615 WATANA SPil.LWAY ALTERNATIVES ST t5.1UNtH 24JUL81 29JUN81 7AUGB1 2 0 1 N 60t.OO 60700 10 OPB 1 CS 615 UATAUA SPILLWAY AI. TERNATIVES FIN, 27JUl81 20CT81 10AU681 160CT81 2 0 1 o 61300 614,>0 3 OPB 1 C6 616 fiEVL CAN SPILLWAY Al.TfRNAl'VE ST 15JUN81 3JUl81 6JUL81 24JULB1 3 1 1 61400· 61500 8 OPB 1 C6 616 DEVL CAN SPILLWAY ALTERNATVE FIN 13JUL81 4SEP81 27JUL81 18SEP81 2 0 1 621AO 62200 4 OPB l CS 617 f'RfliM DESGN WATANA SPillWAY ST 1DEC90 26DEC80 21SEf'81 160CT81 42 40 1 62200 62300 4 OPB 1 CS 617 PRELIH DESGN WATANA SPillUAY CT-1 SOCTBl 300ETB1 190CT8l 13NOV81 2 0 1 62300 62400 13 OPB 1 CS 617 PRELIM ftESGN ~JATANA SPILUIAY FIN 2NOVB1 29JAN82 16NOVB1 12FEB82 2 0 l 61500 61600 6 Of'[{ 1 C6 618 PRELIM DES £•EVIl CAN SPIL~JAY ST 7SEPB1 160CTB1 21SEF'81 300CT8f 2 ' 0 1 61600 61700 15 OP8 1 C6 618 PR~LIM DES OEVIL CAN SPILWAY FIN 190CT81 29JAN82 2NOV81 12FEB82 2 0 1 64900 65000 6 Of·B 1 C4 619 SPILUfAY S£LECTN RJ:.PRT-CIRAFT ST 50CT81 13NOVB1 4JANS2 J2F£B82 13 ..-11 1. 65000 65100 5 OPR 1 C4 619 SPILLWAY SEI.ECJN REPRT-DRAFT FIN 1FEB82 5HAR82 15FEB82 19HAR82 2 2 1 6AOOO 6A100 3 OPB 1 CS 620 ACCESS & CAHP FACILITIES ST 1D£C80 19DEC80 23NOVB1 11DECB1 51 27 1 6A100 6A200 8 OPB l C5 620 At:CESS & CAMP FACILITIES FIN 29JUNB1 21AUG81 14DEC81 5FEB82 24 0 1 60000 60100 6 OPB 1 C5 621 WATANA DIVERSION SC:H£HES ST 1ft£CBO 9JANB1 14SEP81 230CT81 41 38 1 60100 60200 10 OF'B 1 C5 621 l~ATANA IilVERSION SCHEMES FIN 50CT31 11fi£C81 260CT81 1JAN82 3 0 1 67300 67400 11 OPB 1 C6 622 fiEVIl CANYON £UV£RSN SCHEMES ST 1ItEC80 13FEBB1 190CT81 1JAU82 46 29 1 67400 67500 0 Of'B t C6 622 Df::lJIL CANYON [IJtJfRSN SCHE-.M£S FIN 7SEP81 4Sf.P81 4JAN82 1JAN82 17 0 l 61800 61900 6 OPB 1 C4 623 Of'T tJATAtlA POWER fiEVELOf'MEN"f ST 13JUL81 2lAU681 t0AUGB1 18SEPB1 4 0 1 61900 62000 10 Of'B 1 C4 623 OPT UATANP. f'OWf.R [lftJflOf'HFNT CT-1' 24AU681 JOOCTSl 21Sff'81 2/NOVBl 4 0 1 62000 62100 5 Of'fc 1 C4 623 OPT WATAtlA POWER ItEVflOPtiENT fiN 2NOVB1 4fJECB1 30NOV81 1 JANB2 4 0 1 65600 65700 6 OF'H 1 C4 624 OPT ftElJL CANYN f'OlJfR IIEVELOP ST 10/JtJGBl 18Sf.f'81 190CTB1 27NOV81 10 0 1 65700 65800 5 OPB 1 C4 624 OPT DEVl CANfN POWER DEVElOP FIN 21SEP81 2JOCT81 30NOV81 lJANcl2 10 6 1 63900 64000 6 OPB 1 C4 625 OPTIMIZE fiAH -HEIGHTS ST tOEC80 9JAN81 23NOVB1 1JANB2 51 47 1 64000 64100 5 Of'B 1 C4 625 ·OPTIMIZE ltAH HEIGHTS CT-1 7fiEC81 8JAN82 4JAN82 SFERB2 4 3 1 64100 64200 0 UPB 1 C4 625 OPTIMIZE DAM HEIGHTS FIN 1FEBS2 29JAN82 3FEBB2 5FEB82 1 0 1 69500 69600 16 OPB 1 CS 626 PREL DESGN WATAN POWER DEUEL ST 7SEP81 25DECB1 21SEP81 BJANB2 2 0 1 69600 69700 5 OPB 1 CS 621l f'REl DE~ 3N I~ATAN POIJER TIC:Vt::l FIN 28ftEC81 29JAN82 11JAU82 12FEB82 2 0 1 66600 66700 15 Of'B 1 C6 627 f'REL OES DEVL CAN f'OIJR IlEVEL ST 7SEP81 18IaEC81 28SEPBl 8JAN82 3 0 1 66700 66800 5 OPB 1 C6 627 PREL DES ~~VL CAN POWR DEUEL FIN 21DEC81 22JANB2 11JAN82 t2FEBS2 3 1 1 . --- 10-DEC-80 11:35:34 ACRES Cf'H SYSTEM REF'01 __ .. ___________ _ ACRES AMf.kiCAN SUSITNA HYl)fW-ELECTRIC PROJECT CPH ANALYSIS LISTING PAGE: 4 TIHE NOIJ: lDECSO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------·----------------------~----------I-tiODE .J-HOCIE {IUR SH.ECT CO[I£S ------DES C RIP T I 0 N ------------E.Sa E.f. L.S~ L.F. T.F. f,f. C!L ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------·---------~~·-------- 67600 67700 5 Ot-.. Ir 1 C4 628 POWER l:IEVf.LOf'ttN"f Rf.PRT -fiRAFT ST 7Sf.f'81 90CT81 -tJ/lN82 SFEBS2 17 16 t. 67700 67800 1 OPB 1 C4 628 f'OIJ£R DEVElOf'HNT REf'RT-flf~AFT C'f-1 lffJ(82 Sf£882 BFEBS2 12FEBS2 1 0 t 67800 679o0 1 OPB 1 C4 628 . f'OI~fR J)EVELOPi1NT RF.PRT-!IR/lFT CT-2 tlFEB82 12Ff.lt82 15FEBS2 19FEB82 1 0 l 67900 68000 4 Of•B 1 C4 628 POIJER I•EVELOPMtU REF'RT -lJkAFT FIN 15FEBS2 12MAR82 22FEB82 19HARB2 1 0 1 60300 60400 6 Of'& 1 C5 629 WATANA GfJIEF!AL llRRANGf"MENT ST . t4nECS1 22JAN82 4JAN82 12FEB82 3 1 1 60400 60500 5 OPB 1 C5 .629 IJATAtlA GENERAl. ARRAUGEHENf FIN 1FEB82 5MAR82 l~·fEBB2 19HAR82 2 2 1 60808 60908 6 Of'{{ } Co 638 [lftJL Ct~N GENERAL ARRANGEMENT ST 7SEP81 160CT81 4JAH82 12FEB82 17 15 1 6090 6100 5 OPB C6 ' 63 DEVl CAN GENERAl ARRANGEMENT FIN lfERB2 5HARB2 15FEB82 19MARB2 2 2 t 68400 68500 1 ,Of'B 1 C4 631 f'ROJECT FEASIBl Rf.F'ORT-DRAFT Sl 24AU681 2SAUG81 8F££c82 12FEB82 24 24 1 68500 68600 4 OPB t C4 631 PROJECT FEASIBL Rf.PORT-ItRAFT CT-1 15Ff.B82 12HAR82 15FEBS2 12l1AR82 0 0 t l;RITICAL · 68600 68700 1 Of'B l C4 631 PROJECT FEASIBL RF.f'ORT-liRAFT CT-2 15HAR82 19HAR82 15HAR82 19MAR82 0 0 l t'.RITICAl 68700 68800 1 Of'B 1 C4 631 PROJECT FEASIBL Rf.f'ORT-DRAFT CT-3 22HflR82 26H;.)R82 22lillRS2 26HAR82 0 0 l <tRITICAl 68800 68900 4 OPEc 1 C4 631 PROJECT FEASIBL Rf.."PORT-ftRAFT CT-4 29l1AR82 23APR82 29HAR82 231\PR82 0 G t :CRITICAl 68900 69000 0 OPB 1 C4 631 f'~OJECT fEASIEtl Rf.f'ORT-flRflFJ FIN 26flf'R82 23Af'R82 26APR82 23Af'R82 0 8 1 :CRITICAL 6A700 6A800 5 R Of'B 1 C2 632 THERHAI. GEN£fMTiotl RESOURCE fiN lDECBO 2JAN8l SDECSO 9JAN81 1 1 1 6C600 6C70c) 4 Of'B l CB 6342 ENVIRONMENT ASSESStn·:NT-FINAL 10EC80 26DEC80 5JAN81 JOJAN81 5 5 l 6C800 6C900 1 R Of'B t C2 635 LOAD HANA5t. & COrm£RVt. HaECBO 5ftECSO lftECSO 5llECSO 0 0 1: CRITICAL 6[13AO 6D400 1 R Of'B 1 C2 6362 GENERAl f'LAN ANALY & REPORT CT-1 1DEC80 ·sr1EC80 JftECBO SitECSO 0 0 t tRITICAl 6£t400 6II500 5 OPB 1 C2 6362 6Bif.RAT PLAN MMLY I REPORT CT··2 SDECSO 9JAN81 SllECBO 9JAN8l 0 0 1 ~!TICAL 6ft500 6£&600 3 OPB .1 C2 6362 GEUERAT PlAN ANALY & R£f'OkT FIN 12JAtl81 30JAU81 12JAN81 30JAN81 0 0 l. ~!TICAL 6C100 6C200 9 Of'B 1 C2 637 Uf'OATE Of.HERATION f'LAN 1DECHO .'30Jf,H81 1HilR82 301lPRB2 65 72 1 6BBOO 6B900 81 R OPB 1 C2 638 LIAISON POWER AL TS CONSULTANT 1J.IEC80 1SJUN82 1DEC80 18JUU82 0 0 1 t:RlTICAL 71200 71400 8 R Of'B 1 CS 701 STUDY COORD-ALTERNATIVE SIT£ CT-2 1DEC80 23JAN81 BDECSO 30JANB1 1 1 0 t 71400 71600 0 OPB 1 CS 7011 SlUDY COORD-ALTERNATIVE SITE FIN 26JAN81 23JAN81 2FEB81 30JAN81 0 1 71600 71800 18 OPB 1 CB 7012 STUDY COORD-PRELIM AlTERNATV ST 26JAN81 29HAYS1 2FfB8l 5JUHB1 1 0 j 71800 72000 0 OPB 1 CB 7012 STUDY COORD-PRELIH ALTERNATV FIN 1JUN81 29MAYB1 8JUN81 5JUN81 1 0 1 72000 72200 35 Of'B 1 CS 7013 STUftY COORft-Of'THUZEI& llESI6N 1JUN81 29JAN82 BJUN81 5Ft:B32 1 0 1 79300 79400 68 R OPB 1 CS 702 MONITOR FIElD ACTIVITIES CT-1 lDECSO 19HAR82 2HAR81 18JUN82 13 . 0 1 79400 79500 0 Of'B 1 CB 702 HONITOR FIELII ACTIVITIES fiN 22HARS2 19HAR82 21JUN82 1BJUU82 13 13 i 71000 71100 6 R Of'B 1 CS 7041 WATER RESOURCE llLT SITES 1[1EC80 9JAN81 22DEC80 JOJAN81 3 2 1 71600 70000 18 Of'B 1 ~8 7042 WTR RF.:S-f'RE IJI\TUtEVL CAU Al T 26JAtlSt 29HAYS1 2FEB81 5JUNB1 1 0 1 72000 70600 35 OPB 1 t.-8 7043 IJIR RES-OPT WATiliEVL CAN fiES 1JUNB1 29JflUB2 8JUU81 5FEBB2 1 0 1 73000 73200 66 R Of'ft 1 CB 705 SOCIOEf:Otl011IC ANALYSIS ST 1ItEC80 5HAR82 8[tEC30 12HAR82 1 0 · 1 73200 7l400 0 Of'B 1 CB 705 SOCIOECONOMIC ANALYSIS FIN 8MAR82 5HARB2 15HARB2 12HAR82 1 0 1 78600 78700 35 R OPEt 1 CB 7061 Cllll'URltL-ALTf.RNATJIJf SITES ST tnt:CBO 31JUL81 23HAR81 20NOV81 16 0, 1 78700 79000 0 Of'B 1 CB 7061 CUL TURAl-AL TERNATIVI:. S11'ES FIN 3AU681 31JULS1 23NOVB1 20NOV81 16 .. 0 J. 78900 79000 8 Of'B 1 CB 7062 CULTURAL f'RF.I. IH ALTERNATIVES ST 1I•ECBO 23JAN81 28SEf'81 20NOV81 43 27 1 79000 79100 10 OPB 1 CB 7062 CULTURAl PRELIM ALTERNATIVES CT-1 3AUGB1 90CTB1 23NOV81 29JAN82 16 0 1 79100 79700 0 OPB 1 C8 7062 CULTURAl PRELIM AI.TERNATIVES FIN 120CTB1 90CTB1 1FEB82 29JAN82 16 0 1 79600 79700 15 OPB 1 CB 'l063 CUlTURAl-Of'TIHIZED DESIGN ST lDECSO 1JMilR81 190CTS1 29JANS2 46 30 1 79700 79800 20 Of'B 1 CS 7063 CULTURAL-OPTIMIZED DESIGN CT-1 120CT81 26FEBB2 1FEBB2 18JUN82 16 0 1 79800 7990t) 0 OPB 1 C8 7063 CIJl.lURAL--OP"fiHIZf.£1 IJESIGN FIN 1MARB2 2~FF.BB2 21JUN82 !SJUN82 16 16 l 7~200 75300 35 R Of'B 1 CB 7071 LANII USE ALTERNATIV~; SITES ST 1£tEC80 31JULB1 23MARS1 2CJNOV81 16 0 1 75300 76000 0 Of'B l CB 7071 LAND U~E Al lf.RNAfii)E SITES FIN 3AUG81 .HJUL81 23NOV81 20NOV81 16 · 0 1 75900 76000 8 Of.•[( 1 CB 7072 LANH USE f'RELIM AI. tERNATIIJES ST 1I•EC80 23JAN81 28S£f'S1 20tlOU81 43 27 1 76000 /6100 10 01-'D 1 CS 7072 l.AlW U:JE PRELIM ALTERNATIVES CT-1 3AUG81 90CTB1 23NOV81 29JAN82 16 0 1 76100 76800 0 OPB 1 CS 7072 LAND USE PRELIM ALTERNATIU~S FIN 120CT81 90CT81 1FEB82 29JAN82 J6 0 1 76700 76800 15 Of'B J CB 7073 LAND USE OPTIMIZED DESIGN ST lDECBO 13HAR81 190CTS1 29JANB2 46 30 1 76800 76900 20 Of'B 1 CB 7073 LANfl USE Of'TIMIZf.fl I•f.SIGN CT-1 120CTB1 26FER82 1FEB82 18JUN82 16 0 1 76900 77000 0 OPB 1 CB 7073 LANI~ USE Of'TJMIZEfl D£SI6U FIN 1Ma'\F:82 26FEB82 21JUN82 18JUU82 16 16 1 72400 72600 19 R Of'B 1 CB 708 RECREATION PLANNING ST 1Il£CBO 10Af'R81 28SEP81 5FEB82 43 42 1 ________ ..._ ________ : - 10-DEC-80 11t35:34 ACRES AMERICAN SUSJTNA HtDRO-ELECTRIC PROJECT f'AGE 5 ACRES CPM SYSTEM TIHE NOW: 1DEC80 CPH ANALYSIS LISTING REP01 --------------------. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~~~---'----1 -tiOfiE .J-NODE IIUR Sf:.LECT CODES ------D E S t: R I f' T I 0 N ------------E. S • E. f' • L. S • L • F. T ~F. F t F • C~ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~---------72600 72800 5 OPB 1 CB 708 RECRf.ATION f'l.AHNING FIN 1Ft::B82 tiMAR82 8fElU·12 12HAR82 1 0 1 71200 73500 B R OPB 1 C8 7091 TRANS LINE ASSESS SCREENING 1DECBO 23JANS1 BDECSO JOJANSl 1 0 1 73500 73600 12 OP& 1 CB 7092 TRANS LitlE nSSESS RTE SELECTN 26JA~I81 17Af'RB1 20JUL81 90CTS1 25 24 1 736AO 73700 16 R OPB 1 CB 7101 FISH ECOLOGY ALTERNATV SITES ST 1DECSO 20M~R8i 1SMAYBJ 4SEP81 24 0 1 73700 73800 11 R OPB 1 CS 7101 FISH ECOLOGY ALTERNATV SITES CT-J 23MAR81 5JUNB1 7SEP81 20NOVB1 24 0 i 73800 74200 0 Of'B 1 CB 7101 FISH ECOLOGY AL Tf.RNAlV SITES FIN BJUN81 5JUN81 23HOV81 20tiOV81 24 · 0 1 74100 74200 B Of'B 1 C8 7102 FISH ECOLOGY PRELIM AI. TERNAT Sl 1ftEC80 23JAtlBJ 2SSEPB1 20NOVS1 43 · 19 l 74200 74300 10 OPB l CB 7102 FISH ECOLOGY PRELIM ALTS CT-t BJUNSl 14AUGS1 2JNOV81 29JAN82 24 0 1 74300 74600 0 Of'B 1 CB 7102 FISH ECOLOfi\' ~·RF.LIH AI..TERNAT FIN 17AUGB1 14AU681 1FEB82 29JAtl82 24 24 1 74500 746o0 15 Of'B 1 CS 7103 FISH ECOLOGY OPTHH7.£D ItESGN ST lOECSO 1JMAR81 190CTBi 29JAN82 46 46 1 74600 74700 20 OPB 1 CS 7103 FISH ECOLOGY Of'TIHIZErt ftESGN CT-1 lfEfiB2 18JUtl82 1FEBB2 1BJUNB2 0 0 1 !:RITICAl 74700 74800 c) Of'B 1 CS · 7103 FISH ECOLOGY OPliMIZED [tESGN FIN 21JUNS2 t8JUNB2 21JUNB2 18JUNB2 0 0 1 ~RITICAL 74900 75000 35 R Of'B 1 CS 7111 WILOliFE ECOLOGY ALTER SITES ST 1fiEC80 31JULB1 23MliR81 20NOVS1 16 0 1 75000 75100 0 . OPB 1 C8 7111 WILDLIFE ECOLOGY ALTER SITES FIN 3AlJOH1 31JULB1 23NOVS1 20NOV81 16 0 t 75500 75600 S OP& 1 CB 7112 •JILitLif'E ECOLOGY f'RELH ALTER ST t flfCBO 23Ja~N81 28SEP81 20NOVB1 43 27 1 75600 75700 10 OPB 1 CB 7112 WlLialiFE ECOLOGY f'REU1 ALTER CT-1 3AUGB1 90CTS1 23NOVS1 29jANB2 16 0 1 75700 76400 0 OPB 1 CB 7112 IHliiliFE ECOLOGY f'Rf:L.H AL Tf.R FIN 120CT81 90CT81 lfEB82 29JAN82 16 0 1: 76300 76400 15 Of'B 1 C8 7113 &JILI•LIFE ECOLOGY OPTIM DESGN ST HIECBO 1311AR81 190CT81 29JAN82 46 30 1< 76400 76500 20 Of'B 1 CB 7113 WII.ItLIFE £COL06'/ Of'TJM ftfSGN CT-1 120CHU 26ff.BB2 1FEB82 1BJUNS2 16 0 1 76500 76600 0 OPB 1 ·cs 7113 WILitliFE E(;OLO.GY Of'TIM fiESGU FIN 1MAR82 26FEBS2 21JUN82 1BJUN82 16 16 i 77100 77200 35 R OPB 1 ca 7121 PLANT ECOLOGY ALTERNJV SITES ST 1DEC80 31JUL81 23HARB1 20NOV81 16 0 1 77200 77500 0 OPB 1 CS 7121 PLANT ECOLOGY ALTERNTV SITES FIN 3AUG81 31JULB1 23NOVB1 20NOV8i 16 0 1 77400 77500 8 OPB 1 CS 7122 f'l ANT ECOLOGY PRE.l.M ALTfRNAT ST tDECBO 23JhN81 28Sf.f'81 20NOV81 43 27 l; 77500 77600 10 ·Of'B 1 CS 7122 f'LANT ECOLOGY PREU1 ALTfRNAT Cf-1 3AU681 90CT81 23NOV81 29JAN82 16 0 1 77600 77900 0 Of'S 1 CB 71.22 Pl.ANT ECOLOGY PREl.H ALTf.RNAT FIN 120CT81 90CT81 1Ff.BS2 29JANS2 16 0 1 /7800 77900 15 OPB 1 CB 7123 · PLANT ECOLOHY OPTIMIZI& [IESGN ST 10EC80 13MflRB1 190CT81 29JANB2 46 30 1 77900 78000 :w Of'B 1 CO 712:i f'l.ANT ECOLOGY OPTIMilll IIESGN Cl-1 120CT81 26Ff.R82 1FEB82 18JUN82 16 0 1 78000 78100 0 OPR 1 CB 7123 PLANT ECOLOGY OPTIHIZD DESGN FIN 1HAR82 26fEB82 21JUNB2 18JUNB2 16 16 1 71000 74000 19 R OPB 1 CB 714 ACCESS RD ENVIRONMENT ANALYS 1DEC80 lOAPR8l 25MAY81 20CT81 25 0 1 78200 78300 9 Of'~ 1 CB 715 f'REP FOR FERC EXHIBIT-fiRAFT ST 1[1ECBO 30JANB1 11JANB2 12HAF\B2 58 57 1. 78300 78400 6 OPB 1 CB 715 PREP FOR Ff.RC E:XHIBXT-£1RAFT Cl-1 8HARB2 16APRS2 15MflR82 23APR82 1 0 1 78400 78500 0 OPB 1 CS 715 PREP FOR FERC EXHIBIT-DRAFT FIN 19APR82 16liPRB2 26APR82 23APR82 1 0 l 80000 80200 8 R OPB 1 C3 801 Sfl.ECT INITIAL CORRlOORS ST 1DEC80 23J~N81 BDECSO 30JAN81 1 0 1 80200 80400 6 OPB 1 C3 BOt SELECT INITIAL CORRIDORS FIN 26JAN81 6HAR81 2FEBS1 13HAR81 1 0 1 01600 81800 2 R OPB 1 C3 8021 LOAD FLOW ANALYSIS ST 1DEC80 12DECBO 13APR81 24APR81 19 0 1 81800 82800 6 OP8 1 C3 8021 LOAD FLOW ANALYSIS FIN 15DEC80 23JANB1 27APRS1 5JUNB1 19 19 1 82400 82600 10 OPB 1 C3 80221 PRELIMINARY El.fC SYSTEM ST 1DECSO 6FEB81 2FEB81 10APRS1 9 9 1 82600 82800 8 Of'B 1 C3 80221 f'Rt:LIMINARY ELtC SYSTEM CT-1 13f.\f'R81 5JUtl81 13Af'RB1 5JUN81 0 0 1 CRITICAL 82800 B3000 0 Of'& J C3 80221 PRELIMINARY ELEC SYSTEM FIN BJUNB1 5JUNS1 BJUNBl 5JUN81 0 0 t CRITICAL 85700 85800 40 Of'B 1 C3 80222 REl!OhMEJm EI.EC SYS SJUNtH 12tihRS2 S:lJUN81 12HARB2 0 0 t CRITICAL 80600 80800 24 OPB 1 C3 803 FINAL ROUTE SELECTION 1981 Sl' 9MAR81 21AUG81 16MARB1 28AUGB1 1 0 1 80800 81000 6 OPB 1 C3 803 FINAL ROUfE StlECTION 1981 CT-1 24AUG8l 20CT81 31AU681 90CT81 1 0 1 81000 81200 6 OPB 1 C3 803 FINAL ROUTE SELECTION 1981 CT-2 50CT81 J3NOV81 120CT81 20NOVB1 1 0 j 81200 81400 0 OPB 1 C3 803 FIHfll ROUTE SELECTION 1981 FIN 16NOVa1 13NOVS1 23NOVS1 20NOVB1 1 0 1 33200 83400 8 OPB 1 C3 804 TOWER HARDWRE&CONDUCTR STUUY ST 1DECBO 23JAN81 14SEP81 6NOVS1 41 19 1 83100 83600 2 OPB 1 C3 804 TOWER HARDWRE&CONDUCTR srUDY CT-1 8JUN~1 l9JUH81 9NOV81 20HOV81 22 21 1 83600 85400 10 Of'B 1 C3 804 TOWER HAR[tWHE&CONIIUCTR STUitY FIN 16NOVB1 22JAN82 23NOV81 29JAN82 1 0 J 84600 84800 8 OPB 1 C3 805 SUBSTATIONS . ST . tDECBO 23JAN81 120CT81 4DEC8l 45 19 i 84800 85400 S OPB 1 C3 805 SUBSTATIONS FIN 8JUN81 31JUL81 7DECB1 29JANB2 26 25 l 84000 84200 8 Of'B 1 C3 806 fltSf'ATCH CTR & COhMWUCAlNS ST 1[t£C80 23JANS1 120CT81 4ffEC81 45 19 1 84200 85400 ~ OPB 1 C3 806 DISPATCt-1 CiR 8 COHHUNICATNS FIN BJUU81 31JUL81 7£1EC81 29JAN82 26 25 1 ------------------- 10-0EC-HO 11:35:34 ACRES ~nERICAN SUHilNA HYfli~O-ELECTRIC PROJECT PAul£ 6 ACRES CPH SYSTEM TIME NOW: liaECBO CPH ANALYSIS LISTING REf'Ot -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------·------------------------------------------------------------~~----------I-NO[IE J-NODE [IUR SELECT COfiES -·-----D E S C R ~ P T I 0 N ------------E. S • fpf) L.S. l.F. Taft F.f. ~ll ----------------~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------85200 8540t) ? Of'B 1 C3 fJ07 TRANS LIHE COST ESTIMATES ST lfiECBO 12IIECSO 18JI)N82 29JAtiS2 59 58 t, ... 05400 85600 6 Of'B 1 C3 807 TRANS LINE COST ESTIMATES FIN 25JflNB2 5MARB2 1fEP.82 12KAR82 1 1 1l 90200 90400 •) OPB ! C7 901 ASSEHBl.E COST-SCHf.ltUl.E DATA ST 30HAR81 10APR81 J1AUGS1 11Sf.P81 22 0 j -' ... 90400 90600 4 Of'B 1 C7 901 ASSEMBLE COST -St:HECIUi.E IttHA FIN 13APR81 BHAYB1 2BSEf'81 230CT81 24 ? 1~ -90800 91000 6 OPB 1 C7 902 PREP PR£LIH CST ESTIMATES 13Af'R81 22MAY81 14SEP81 230CT81 . ?? 0 t ...... 91200 91400 17 OPB 1 C7 903 COST ESTIMATE UPDATES 25HAY81 18SEP81 260CT81 19f~BB2 22 21 t 91600 91800 6 OPD 1 C7 9041 f:NGR COST l SCHEIIUl.E PRELIM 13P.PR81 22MAY81 14SEPS1 230 T81 22 0 1' 92000 92200 17 Of'B 1 C7 9042 ENGR COST & SCHEI•UL£ FINAL 25HAY81 18SEP81 260CT81 19FEB82 ')? 21 l. ..... 92400 92600 12 Of'B l C7 905 CONTINGENCY ANALYSIS 25HAY81 14AU681 30tiOV81 19FEB82 27 26 t A1200 A1600 9 FLC Cl10 1001 IMPACT OF NEW ff.RC REGUlATIONS 1D£C80 30JANB1 28DECB1 26FEB82 56 0 1 A3200 A2600 4 fLC Cl10 10022 1 s,. llJ!"'; ~"• ~ TE r..-...... .tl ...... "\.-.U ,...,_ft 2MAR91 27HARB1 26APR82 21MAY82 60 55 1. • ur'1•H -ru:.uuL.H 1 Ul\' r m:u A3400 A2600 4 flC CliO 10023 2tW UPIIATE-REGULATOR¥ RF-G 4JAN82 29JAN82 26Af'RS2 21HAYS2 16 11 1 A3200 A2400 5 J-LC ctto 1003 DAJ'A fROli OIHERS 2MAR81 3APR81 l9APR82 21HAY82 59 54 1 A1400 A1600 5 R flC C110 1004 COORD EXHIBIT PREPARATION ST 1DfCBO 2JANB1 25JANS2 26fEBB2 60 4 t A1600 A1800 12 flC Ct10 1004 COORD EXHIBIT PREPARATION · CT-1 2Ff.Ic81 ;~4Af'R81 1HAR82 21MAY82 56 51 1 A1800 A2400 0 fLC C1.10 1004 COORD EXHIE:IT PRF.f'ARAllON FIN 19APRB2 l6flf'RB2 24HAYB2 21HAY82 5 0 1 A0400 t)0600 10 FlC C11t) 1005 PREPARE EXHIBIT D & E ST 30NOV81 5FEBS2 15HAR82 21HAYB2 15 5 1 A0600 AlBOO 0 flC Cl10 1005 PREPARE EXHIBIT D & E fiN 15HARB2 12MARB2 24MAY82 21MAYB2 10 5 1 A0800 A1000 J.O FLC C110 1006\ PREPARE f.XHIBIT R ST 30NOV131 5FEBB2 toMAR82 21MAYB2 15 5 t AlOOO A1SOO 0 fLC C110 1006 PREPARE EXHIBIT R FIN 15MAR82 12HARB2 24MAYS2 21MAYB2 lO 5 1 AOOOO A0200 6 fLC cuo 1007 PREPARE f.XHIBIT T ST JONOVSl BJANB2 15HAR82 23ilf'R82 15 0 1 N A0200 A1800 4 FLC C110 1007 PREPARE EXHIBIT T FIN 11JAN82 5FEBB2 26APRB2 21HAY82 15 10 1 w A2200 A2400 6 FLC C1.10 1008 PREP APPliCATN FORM-DRAFT ST 30NOV81 8JANB2 12APRB2 21HAYB2 19 14 1 A2400 A2600 0 FLC CllO 1008 PREP APPLICAIN FORM-DRAFT FIN 19APR82 16APR82 24HAY82 21HAY82 5 0 1 A2600 A2800 2 FLC C110 1009 REVIEW AND CORRECT 19APRB2 30APRB2 24HAYB2 4.,1UN82 5 0 l A2800 A300c) ') FLC C110 1010 EXTERNAL REVIEW 3HAY82 14HAY82 7JUN82 1BJUNB2 5 • 5 1 -BOOOO B0200 75 R FLC C210 1101 PROJECT OU~RVIEW 1DEC80 7HAY82 12JANB1 1BJUN82 ls 6 1 B0100 £<0600 67 R FLC C210 1102 INTERNAL Rf.PORTS 1fiEC80 12lil)R82 9Mf.\RB1 1BJUN82 14 14 1 BOSOO B1000 10 R FlC C210 11031 ALT POUR SRCE RISK ANAL-PREL ST 1I&ECBO 6FEB81 3AU6Bl 90CTB1 35 0 1 81000 B1200 2 FlC C210 11031 ALI POWR SRCE RISK ANAL-PRtl FIN 9FF.B81 20FEBS1 120CT81 230CTS1 35 0 1 lt1200 81300 30 FLC C2.10 11032 ALT f'OWR SRCE RISK ANAI.-REFN 23fEB81 18SEPB1 260CT81 21MAYB2 3t, 0 1. B1200 81400 30 FLC C210 t104 BABE PL.AN RISK ANALYSIS ST 23FEB8l 1BSEPB1 260CT81 21HAY82 35 0 .t B1400 B1600 0 flC C210 1104 BASE PLAN RISK ANALYSIS fiN 21SEPB1 18SEP81 24MAY82 21l1AYB2 35 30 1 B2000 82200 Jt) f-lC C210 1105 SUSIJNA FINANCE RISK ANt\L YSIS 10EC80 26JUH81 27JUL81 19FEB82 34 51 1 B2400 B2600 24 FlC C210 1106 RESOLUTION TAX ISSUE HlECSO 15MAYBi 19JANB1 3JUL81 7 ~7 f 82800 Ic30()l) 30 F-LC C210 110) IOf:NJif'Y PARTIES INTEREST 1l&EC80 26.JUNB1 27 JUL81 19FEic82 34 51 t D3200 B3400 30 flC C210 1108 REVENUE ASSURANCE 1DEC80 26JUNB1 27JUL81 19F£Ba2 34 51 l 1:3600 B3800 81 R FLC C210 ·1109 LIAISON APA BOND UNDERWRITER lDECBO 18JUNB2 liiECSO 1BJUU82 0 0 t :CRITICAL C0600 COBOO • OPB l C810 12022 CONDUCT PUBLIC MEETING i2 30MiiR81 24flf'R81 4JAN82 29JAN82 40 0 1 C1200 C1400 4 Of'S 1 C810 12023 CONDUCT PUBLIC HEETI~B tJ . 20JUL81 14AUGB1 26APR82 2lHAY82 40 Jo t C0200 C040() 4 R OF'B 1 C810 12031 CONDUCT WORKSHOPS 112,3 1 m:cao 26DECSO 7[tEC81 1JAN82 53 13 1 GOSOO ClOOO 12 Of'B 1 CB10 .12032 CONDUCT UORKSHOPS 4,5,6 27APRB1 17JUL81 1fEBB2 23Af'R82 40 0 1 C1600 01200 Hl R Of'& 1 C810 1204 PRF.P PUBLISH [IJSTRIB MATERIAL t nt:cao 1BJUNS2 HtECSO 1BJUN82 0 0 1 CRITICAL C1800 D1200 81 R OPB 1 CS10 1205 PREP hAINfAIN ACTION LIST 10EC80 1BJUNB2 1IIEC80 1BJUN82 0 0 1 CRITICAL £11000 (11200 -31 R PSB 2 C310 13013 PROJECT f'ROCf.ft liANUf.\L -lJPfiATE lDECBO 3JULH1 t6NOV81 18JUN82 50 50 1 ll:?200 D2400 81 R f'SB 2 C310 13042 SCHEDULE CONTROL SYS UPDATE 1 [tECBO 18JUNB2 1IIECSO J fJ,JUNS2 0 0 1 CRITICAL {12800 {13000 81 R f'SB 2 C310 13052 COST CONTROL SYSlEH-OP tne:cao tBJUN82 1fiEC80 18JUN82 0 0 1 CRITICAL [13400 £l3t.OO Bl R f'SB 2 C310 13062 HAUPOWER LOADNG SCHED-UPDATE 10EC80 1BJUNB2 lDECBO 1BJUN82 0 0 1 CRITICAL [13800 [1~000 81 R PSB 2 C310 1310 SUB CONTRACT ADHIIHSTRATION 1f•fCBO .18JUN82 1IIEC90 1 BJUNB2 0 0 1 CRITICAL I11200 01300 0 10 ·XXX PROJECT COMPLETE XXX 21JUN82 18J~ij82 28JUNB2 25JUN82 1 0 1 ----·-------------' - ACRES AMERICAN SUSITNA HY[IRO-ElECTRIC f'ROJECT C P H SCHEDULE REMAINING WORK FROM DECEMBER 1 1980 ---.. -.... ~ ... -.,.._, ___ --·----. -·-.. ---1 ·~--- I PA$£ 1 ACS8190 TIME NO~J 1DEC80 D £ S C R I P T I 0 N ao· st s2 m::c JAN FEB MAR flf'R MAY JUN JlJL AUG !iEP OCT NOIJ l1EC JAN fEB MAR APR HAY JWU JUL AUG 0012201120012001230122011200122012201123012201120012301220112001200122011.2011230'11?!!01120012 18529529629632963063074185185296307307417418529629630741841851852185295296307417~11.852962963 -----------------------------... ~----------------------------------------~------·-------------------------------------------~~~~------- 108 2022 203 . 204 205 206 207 207 2081 2082 210 210 210 211 212 212 213 214 214 215 215 216 301 3022 3032 3033 3033 3041 3042 3043 3043 3043 3043 3044 3044 304~-3051 3052 3053 3053 3061 3061 3062 306J 3063 3064 3071 3071 TfRHINATION Rf.f'ORT CCCCl F I ELI• CAMP OPERATIONS cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccr.ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccL k£SUPPL Y & EMERGENCY sr.RVICE cccccccccccccccccccccecccccccccccecccc(;cccecccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccL lAtiii STATUS RESEARCH XXX L . lAND AOUISITION ANALYSIS CCCCL RIGHT OF ENTRY FIN XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX SITE SPECIFIC SURVEYS ST XXXXXXXX l SIrE SPECIFIC StJRVEYS fiN • xxxx L AIR PHOTOS & HAPPINU-1980 FIN XXX l AIR PHOTOS I HAPPING-1981 • XXXXXXXXXX ACCESS ROAD ST XXXXX ACCESS ROA£i -CT -1 • XX ACCESS ROAD FIN • MAP I PHOTO SEARCH XXXXXXXXXXX l Fll:].fl RECON FOR RSRlJR CLEAR ST XXX L FIELD RECON FOR RSRVR CLEAR FIN • XXXXXX HRKTBlLITY AND DISPOSAL STDY XXXXX CST .ESTMTS RSVR CLEARING ST XX CST ESTMTS RSVR CLEARING FIN • SLOPE EROSION 8 STBLTY STUDY ST XXXX SLOPE EROSION & STBLTY STUDY FIN • HYIIROGRAf'HIC SURVEYS FIN XXXXXXXXXXXX l xxxxxxxxxx l XXX l xxxx l l l l l L REIJIE~J AVAILABLE MATERIAl FIN XXXX L FIELD DATA INDEX OPERATION XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX FIELD DATA COllECTION 80-81 FIN CCCCCCCCCCCCCCl L L FIElD DATA COLLECTION 81-a2 ST , XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX L FI~I.£1 ftATA COLLECTION St-82 "FIN • XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX l WATER RSRCS-FlOW EXTENSION fiN XXXX l WATER RSRCS-fREO ANAlYSIS , XXXX l WATER RSRCS-RESERVOIR STUDY . CT-1CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCl ~ WATF.R RSRCS-RESERVOIR STUDY CT-2. CCCCCL WATER RSRCS-RESERVOIR STUDY CT-3. CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCl MATEJ( RSRCS-RESfRlJOIR STUf•Y FIN • CCCCCCCL WATER RSRCS-PRE&f'OST f'F:OJECT ST , XXXX I. WATER RSRCS-f'RE&POST PROJECT FIN • CCCL WAlER RSRCS-GLACIAL STUDIEs cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccr.ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccL fLOODS-FREQUENCY ANALYSIS XX l flOODS PMF REVIEW XXXXXX L FLOOrtS-RESERIJOIR ROUTING CJ-1. XXXXXXXXXX FLOODS-RESERVOIR ROUTING FIN ~ XXXXX HYDRLS&ICE-CHANHEL WTR LVLS CT-lCCCCCCCCCCCCCL HYDRLS&ICE-CHANNEL WTR LVLS fiN • · ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccL HYIIRiiCE R3RVR FREfBRfl • XXXXXX L H'ffiR&ICE-RESER SliiiE SURGE ST XXXXXXXXXXXX L HYDR&ICE-RESER SliDE SURGE FIN • XXXXXXXX l HYfiR&ICE-RSVR TEMP REGIHE • XXXXXXXX l-SF.liiME:NT YIEl.[l i frEf'OSI'fiON ST XXXX SEDIMENT YIELD & DEPOSITIOU FIN • XXXXXX L l l l l - ------~------------ ' ACRES ANf.RICAN SUSITNA HY[IRO-ELECTRIC PROJECT PAtr.t: 2 ACSB190 C P H SCHEI1UlE TIME NOW lDECSO D E S C R I P T I 0 N ao at a2 DEC JAN FEB HAR Af'R HAY JUN .JUL AIJG SEP OCT NOV IIEC JflN FEfJ liAR Af'R HAY JlUIJ JUL AUG 001220112001200l2301220112001220l220112301220112001230122011200120012201l20112301~~01t20012 1852952962963296306307418~185296307307417418529629~30741S4185t852185295296307417~til5~96296J . -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------~-----------------~------------------~~~~------. . 3072 3072 3072 3082 3082 309 3101 '2-fJ\1 t.l.lV 3102 402 403 404 406 407 408 408 409 410 411 412 412 412 413 413 414 415 502 504 505 505 506 506 507 5081 5081 5082 5082 5083 602 603 603 603 603 604 604 6051 6052 6052 RIVER MORPHOLOGY ST I RIVER MORPHOLOGY CT-t. RIVER MORPHOLOGY FIN • xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx TRANSNSN LINE-DET f'ARAHTR ST XX)(XXX L TRANS.HSN LINE-OET f'ARAHTR FIN • CCCL ACCESS ROADS HYDROLOGY • XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX LWR SUSITNA STUDIES-PRELIM ST CCCCCL - L L LWR SUSITNA STUDIES-PRELIM FIN • CCCCCCCL . L~JR sus 1 a·NA sTun IES-FOL.Lowur ~ ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccL SHORT TEf<H 11otHTORNG PROGRAM fiN L f'RtLIM RESF.RVR INDUCfl SEISHC l REMOTE SENSING IMAG ANALYSIS FIN XXX f'RELIH EVALUAJNiRf.PORT-DRAFT FIN .CCCL PRELIM GROUND MOTION STUDIES CCCCCCCL DAM STABILITY cr-1. cccccccccccccccccccccccL l xxxx L L. fiAH STABILITY FIN • . XXXXXX LONG Tf.RH HONITORIN6 PROGRAM • XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX . RESERVOIR INIIUCEII SEISMICITY 1 XXXXXXXXX L SEISMIC GEOL06Y-FIEI.[a SlUDY XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXL EVALUATION & REPORT DRAFT sT • ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccL EVALUATION & REPORT DRAFT CT-1. CL EVALUATION I REPORT DRAFT FIN • CCCL GROUND MOTION SIUDIES · ST • XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX L GROUNII MOTION STU£•IES FIN e XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXl. !lAM STABILIJY coNsULTING xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~xxxxx L SOIL SUSCEPTITY-SEISMIC FAIL • XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX AIR f'HOTO INTf.Rf'RETATION FIN XX L 1 s·so EXPLORATION· f'ROGRAH XX L 1981 PROGRAM fi£SIGN ST XXX L 1981 PROGRAM IIESIGN FIN • XX L 1981 EXPLORATION PROGRAM ST XXXXXXXXXXXXXX L 1981 EXPLORATION PROGRAM FIN • XX~XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX L 1982-4 PROGRAM DESIGN • XXXXXXXXX DATA hSSEMBLY-1980-DRAFT ST XX L DATA AS~f.MP.LY-1990-DRAFT FIN • X DATA ASSEHBLY-1981-DRAFT ST XXX DATA ASS£HBLY-1981-DRAFT FIN I [lATA ASSEMBLy FINAl. -fiJMFT I INVESTIGATE TUNNL ALTERNATVS XXXXL EVAL ALT SUSITNA DEVELOPMENT CT-1CCCCL EVAL ;,L T SUSil'NA U£1J£LOPMENT CT -2. CCCL EVt.L AL T SUSITNA ItEVELOf'MENT CT-3. XXXI. EVAL Al T SUSI HIA OEVELOF'MENT FIN • L IlEVL CAN ARCH flAM EVALUATION ST XXX ltt.Vl CAN ARCH IIAH EVALUATION FIN • SELECT REF'ORT CIRAFT CCCCCCCCL SELECT FINAL REPORT ST • XXXL SElECT FINAL REPORT CT-1. XL L L L L XX L XXX XXX X L l L L l ------------------- P~i£ 3 ACRES AMERICAN SUSITNA HYDRO-ELECTRIC PROJECT C P H SCHEDULE ACSBl90 TiME NOW: l DECSO D E S C R I P T I 0 N BO 81 82 IIEC JAN Ff.B MAR APR HAY JUN .JUL AUG S~P OCT NOV [IEC JAN FEB MAR APR HAY JIJ.m JUL AUG 001220112001200123012201120012201220112301220112001230122011200l200122011201i2301~~01120012 185295296296J29630630741851852963073074174t85296296J07418418518521852952963074174:!t:a5296296J ---------------------------------------~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~~------- 6052 606 606 607 607 607 607 608 608 60S 609 609 609 609 610 610 610 610 611 611 611 612 612 612 613 . 613 614 614 615 615 616 616 617 617 -617 618 618 619 6!9 620 620 621 621 622 622 623 623 623 S£LECT FINAL REPORT FIN • STAGED DEVELOPMENT AlTS CT-lCCCCCCCCl STAGED DEVelOPMENT AlTS FIN • XXX L PRELIM WATANA DAH ALTERNATES CT-t. XXXXX l XXX XL PRELIM WATANA DAM ALTERNATES CT-2. XXXXXXXXX PRELIM WATAtlA ItAH AlTERNATES CT-3~ X PRELIM IJATANA DAH AlTERNATES FIN • f•RELIH DEVIL CANYON ftAM ALT CT-1. f'Rt:llii liEVIl CANYON ItAM ALT CT-2. PRELIM DEVIL CANYON DAH All FIN e ESTA8 ~JAl'ANA DESIGN CRITERIA ST X ESTAB IJATANA ItESIGN CRITERIA CT·-1. ESTA8 WATANA DESIGN CRITF.RIA CT-2. £STAB WATANA DESIGN CRITERIA fiN • ESTAB DEVIL CANYN DESGN CRIT ST X ESTAB DEVIL CANYN DESGN CRIT CT-1. XXXXXXX £STAB DEVIL CANYN DESGN CRIT CT-2. ESTAB ftEVIL CANYN CIESGN CRIT FIN • . f'RELIH I•ESI6N ~IATAHA DAM ST • PRELIM CIESIGN lJATANA DAM CT-1. f'RELIN ItEBIGN J.JATAMA DAM , fiN • PREL DESIGN DEVIl CANYON DAM ST • f'~EL DESIGN [IEtJIL CANYON DAM CT-1. f'REL DESIGN DEVIL CANYON DAM FIN • DAH S~LECTION REPORT-DRAFT ST • ItAM SElECTION REPORT-liRAFT fiN • SPillWAY DESIGN CRITERIA ST • xxxxx l xxxxxxxxxx l. xxxxxxx XXX L L L L l l l l XXXXXXX L X l l XXXXXXX L X 'L ccccccccccL ccccccccccL CCCCCCCCCCL CCCL ccccccccccL CCCL xxxxxxxxxxx L CCCCL SPILLWAY DESIGN CRITERIA FIN • WATANA SPillWAY ALTERNATIVES ST • WATANA SPILLWAY ALTERNATIVES FIN , xxxxxxxx·t. ftE'JL CAN Sf' lll~JAY AL TI::RNA lVE S r • DEVL CAN SPillWAY ALTERNATVE FIN • PRELIM [tES6N I~ATANA SPILLIJAY Sf XXXX PREliM DESGN WATAN~ SPILLWAY CT-1. PRELIM DESGN NATANA SPillWAY fiN • F'RELIH [I£S It£VIL CAN SPIUJAY ST • PRELIM DES DEVIL CAN ~PILWAY FIN • SPILLWAY SELECTN REPRT-DRAFT ST • SPil.U~AY SEL.F.el'N REPRT-flR:1fT FiN • ~CCESS 8 CAHf' FACILITIES ST XXX ACCESS & CANP FACILITIES FIN , WATANA CIIVERSION SCHEMES ST XXXXXX WATANA DIVERSIONrSCHEHES FIN • I•EV IL CAUYON DIVERSN SCHEMES ST XXXXXXXXXXX l•fJJIL CANYON ftTVERSN SCHt:HES FIN • OPT WATANA f'O~JER I•EVELOPtiENT ST • Of'T lJATANA POWER OE::VELOPHENT CT-1. Of'T IJATAtlA f'OfJER frEVElOPMENT FIN • x~xxxx L xxxxxxxxxx l XXX L xxxxxxx~ L L xxxx l XXXXXXXXXXXXX L XXXXXX L XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX L XXXXXX L xxxxxxxx l L XXXXXXXXXX L l l xxxxxx l XXXXXXXXXX L XX XXX L xxxxx l l ------------------- ACRES AliERICAN SUS!HIA HY[IRO-f:tECTRIC PROJECT Pmn£ 4 ACSB190 C f H SCHEDULE T Itif. NOUJ l fiEC80 D E S C R I P T I 0 N 80 81 62 [IEC JAN FEB HAR APR MAY JUN .JUL AUG SEP OCT Nfr,J [tEC JAN FEB HAR APR HAY JWfd JUL AUG 001220ll2001200123012201120012201220112301220112001230122011200120f)l220ll~01123012!!;?0ll20012 18529529629632963063074185185296307307417118529629630741841851852185295296307417{~~2962963 . . -·--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~---------------------------«-----~·~~------ 624 624 625 625 625 626 626 627 627 628 628 628 628 629 629 630 630 631 631 631 631 631 631 632 6342 635 6362 6362 6362 637 638 701 7011 7012 7012 7013 ")0? I -702 7041 7042 704:5 ~7 05 705 7061 7061 7062 7062 7062 OPT l!E'Jl CANYH POWER DEVELOP ST • OPT ItEVL CANYN POIJER IIEVELOf" FIN • OPTIMIZE DAM HEIGHTS ST XXXXXX OPTIMIZE DAM HEIGHTS CT-1. OPTIHIZE ItAH HEIGHTS FIN • PREL DESGN IJATAU f'OlJER [lEVEL Sf • f'Rf:l DESGN IJATAN PO~Jf.R DEVEL FIN • f'REL fiES DEVL CAN POUR ltEVEl ST • PREl ItES fiElJI. ~~.'\N PO~IR ItEVEL fiN • POlJER ItEVEtot···,;;J ~ Rff'RT -[IRAFT ST • . PObJF.f~ DEVElOPrrit T REPRT -DRAFT CT -1 • POYER ItEVElOPMNT REPRT -DRAFT CT -2 • f'Ol~ER DEVt:LOPMNT Rf.f'RT -ItRAFT FIN • WATANA GENERAl. ARRANGEMENT ST • WATANA GENERAL ARRI\tiGEMENT FIN • DEVL CAll GENERAL ARRAN6EM£Nl ST • [tEVL CAN GENERAL ARRANGEMENT flN • PROJECT ffASIBL REPOin-IaRAFT Si' • PROJECT F£ASIBL REPORT-DRAFT CT-1. PROJECT FEASIBL REPORT-fiRAFT CT-2. PROJECT FEASIBl REf'ORT-ltRAFT CT-3 •. PROJECT FEASIBL REF'ORT-IIRAFT CT-4. PROJECT FEASIBL RF.PORT-[IRAFT FIN • THERMAL GENERATION RESOURCE FIN XXXXXL f.NVIRONMf.:NT ASSESSMENT-FINAL XXXX LOAII MANAGE & CONSERVE l GENERAl PlAN ANALY & REPORT CT-1l GENERAl f'LAN ANALY & REPORT CT-2.CCCCL L GENERAl PLAN ANALY &. REPORT FIN • CCL . xxxxxx L X XXX XX L L XXX XX l l xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx l xxxxx l xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx L XXX XX xxxxx l l XL XL XXXXL xxxxxx L xxxxx l XXX XXX l xxxxx L L CCCL l L CCCL l Uf'ItATE GENF.RATION f'LAN XXXXXXXXX L LIAISON POWER ALTS coNsULTANT ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccL STUDY COORD-Al.TERNATIVE SITE CT-2XXXXXXXXL SlU[IY COORD-tllTF.RNATIVE SITE FIN • L STUftY COORil-f'RELIM AL TfRNATV ST • XXXXXXXXXXX~XXXXXXL SlUDY COOR£1-f'RJ:.LIH ALTf.RNAlV FIN • l STUDY COORD-OPTIMIZED DESIGN • . XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXL ~ONITOR FIELD ACTIVITIES cr-txxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MONITOR FIELD ACTIVITIES FIN • WATER RESOURCE ALT SITES XXXXXX L IHR RES-PRE WAT&DEVL CAN ALT XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXI. IJl'R RES-OPT WAT&ftllJL CAN DES • XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXL SOCIOECONOMIC ANAL YS!S ST XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXI.: SOCIOECONOMIC ANALYSIS FIN • l CULTURAL-ALTERNATIVE SITES ST XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX L CULl URt)L-Al Tf.RNATilJE HITES FIN • l CULTURAL PRELIM AlTERNATIVES ST XXXXXXXX !. CUL TURlll f'RELIH 1-'\L.TERNA fiVES C f-L XXXXXXXXXX CULTURAL PRELIM AlTERNATIVES fJN • ( L L L L -----------~------- ACRES AMERICAN SUSITNA HYDRO-f:I.ECTPR!~ f'ROSCJHEEC[ 1 ULE P61GE 5 C n 1l TIHE Htll.i lDECBO ACSB190 ------------------80 81 . 82 D E S C R I P T I 0 N IIEC JAN FEB HI)R Af'R MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV ItEC JAN FEB MAR APR HAY JUffl JUt AUG 00l2201120012001230l22011200122012201123012201120012301220l1200120012201120ll230.t!!201!20012 t85295296296J29630630741851S529hJ07Jo7417418S296296J0741S4185tas2tas295296307417~~as2962963 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~~-------- 7063 7063 7063 707·1 7071 7072 7072 7072 7073 7073 7073 708 708 7091 7092 7101 7101 7101 7102 7102 . 7102 7103 7103 7103 7111 7111 7112 7112 7112 7113 7113 7113 7121 7121 71 ')? ..... /122 7122 7123 71 ,- .:...S 7123 714 /15 715 715 801 . 001 8021 H021 CULTURAL-Of'TIHIZ£D OESI6N 6T XXXXXXXXXX.XXXXX CUL JURAL-OPTIMIZED fiESIGN cr:-1. · CULTURAL-OPTIMIZED DESIGN FIN • lAND USE ALTERNATIVE SITES ST XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX LAND USE ALTERNATIVE SITES FIN • L xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx L L l lAtm USE PRELIH ALTERNATIVES ST XXXXXXXX LAND USE PRELIM ALTERNATIVES CT-1. LANft USE PRELIM ALTERNATIVES fiN • xxxxxxxxxx l l.AN[r USE UPTIMIZf.lt [JESIGN ST XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX LAND USE OPTIMIZED DESIGN CT-1. L.AN£1 USE Of'TIMI7.Ef• ItESIGN FIN • RECREATION PLAtlNING sr xxxxxxxxxxxxxx·xxxxx R£CRf.ATION Pl.A~INING FIN • TRANS llNf ASSESS SCREENING XXXXXXXXL TRANS LIME ASSESS RTE SELECTN • XXXXXXXXXXXX FISH ECOLOGY ALTERNATV SITES ST XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX FISH ECOLOGY t-)l TERNAl'V SITES Cl'-1. XXXXXXXXXXX fiSH ECOLOGY AI.TERNATV SITES FIN • FISH ECOLOGY PRf:LIM Al.Tf.RNAT ST XXXXXXXX FISH ECOLOGY PRELIM AlTS CT-1. FISH ECOLOGY f'Rf.LIH Al TERNAT FIN • FISH ECOLOGY OPTIMIZED DESGN ST XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX L l xxxxxx~xxx L l xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx l. L l l XXXXXL L L l l L l l FISH ECOLOGY OPTIIUZE£1 I•ESGN CT-1. FISH ECOLOGY Of'TIMIZEI• l6ES6N FIN • ccccccccccccccccccct lHliiLIFE ECOLOGY ALTf.R SITES Sf XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX WILDLIFE ECOLOGY ALTER SITES FIN • lJIL.!ILifE ECOLOGY PRU H AL Tt-:R ST XXXXXXXX WIL[ILIFE ECOLOqY f'RFlM ALTER CT-l. WILJ•LIFE ECOLOGY f'REUi ALTER FIN ~ xxxxxxxxxx WILDLIFE ECOLOGY OPTIM DESGN ST XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Wil.ftLIFE ECOLOGY OPTIM OESGN CT-1. WilDLIFE ECOLOGY OPTIH DESGN FIN • PLANT ECOLOGY 1\LTF.~NlV srrEs sr xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:xxxxxxxxxx PLANT ECOLOGY AlTERNTV SITES FIN • PLANT ECOLOGY F'REUi ALTERNAT ST XXXXXXXX f'LAtH ECOLOGY f'RELM AL TERNAT CT-1. f'LANf ECOLOGY f'Rtl.M ALT£RNAT FIN • PLAUT ECOLOGY Of'TIMIZJ) fiESGN ST XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX f'l.AtH ECOLOGY OPTIMIZD [IESGN Cl"-1. PLANT ECOLOGY OPTIM!ZD DESGN FIN • ACCESS fW f.N•JII<ONMi::t-IT ANAL YS XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX PREP FOR fERC EXHIBIT~DRAFT ST XXXXXXXXX PRf.f' FOR FERC EXHIBIT -[•RAFT CT -1 • f'REf' FOR FERC EXHIBIT-DRAFT FIN • SELECt INITIAL CORRIDORS ST XXXXXXXXL SELECT INITIAL.CORRIDORS FIN • XXXXXXL LOAD ~LOW ANALYSIS ST XX lOAD FLOlJ AUAL \'"SIS FIN • XXXXXX L L xxxxxxxxxx L L l L l L L xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx L L L L L l xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx L XXXXXXL l L L l l l ------------------- N \.0 ACRES AHERICAN SUSITNA HYDRO-ELECTRIC PROJECT PAm£ 6 ACSB190 C P M SCHEDULE TIME NOW liiECSO D E S C R 1 P T I 0 N • 80 81 82 . [IEC JAN f£8 MAR. APR MAY JUN JUL llUO SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB M.AR APR HAY JUIU JUl AUG 001220112001200123012201120012201220112301220l12001230122011200120;J122011201123012!20ll20012 18529529629632?630630741951S5296307307417418529629630741841S51S5218529529630741741t:S52962963 -------------------------------------~~-----------------------~-------------------------------------------------------------------- 80221 PRELIMINARY ELEC SYSTEM sr xxxxxxxxxx L 80221 f"E~fniNARY EtEC SYSTEM CJ-1• CCCCCCCL 8022 · E INARY E EC SYSTEM F N • L 80,?? RECOMMEND El.EC SYS • cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccL ~ ..... 803 FINAl ROUTE SELECTION 1981 ST • XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXL 803 FlN~l ROUlE SELECTION 1981 CT-1. XXXXXXL 303 FINAl ROUTE SELECTIOll 1981 CT-2. XXXXXXI. 803 FINAL ROU1E SELECTION 1981 FIN • l 804 TOWER HARfiWRf&CONDUCTR STU[IY ST xxxxxxxx L 804 TOWER HARDWREICONIIIJCTR Sl'UDY CT-1, XX · L 804 TOWER HARDWRE&CONDUCTR STUDY FIN • XXXXXXXXXXt. 805 SUBSfATIONS ST xxxxxxxx L 805 SUBSTATIONS FIN • xxxxxxxx l 806 IIISPATCH C'fR & COHMUNICATNS sr xxx;<xxxx l 806 DISPATCH CTR & COHHUNICATNS FIN • xxxxxxx~ l 807 TRANS LINE COST ·ESTIMATES ST XX L 307 TRANS LINf COST ESTIMATES fiN • XXXXXXL 901 ASSEMBLE COST-SCHEDUlE DATA ST • XX l 901 ASSEMBlE COST-SCHEDULE DATA FIN • xxxx l 902 PREP PRELIM CST ESTIMATES • xxxxxx l 903 COST ESTIMATE UPDATES t xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx l-9041 ENGR COS'f & SCHEltULE PREl I H • XXX XXX L 9042 ENGR COST I SCHF.DULE FINAl t xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx l 905 CONTUIGHICY ANf)l YSIS • ~ xxxxxxxxxxxx l ·1001 IMPACT OF NEU FERC RfGULATIONS xxxxxxxxx L 10022 1ST Uf'[IATE-REOULATORY REO xxxx l 10023 2ND UPDATE-REGULATORY REO xxxx l 1003 DATA FROM OTHERS • XXX XX l 1004 COORD EXHIBIT PREPARATION ST XXX XX L 1004 COORD EXHI9IT PREPARAfiON CT-1, xxxxxxxxxxxx L 1004 COOF;!i EXHIBIT PREPARATION FIN • L 1005 PREPARE EXHIBIT D & E ST • xxxxxxxxxx L 1005 PREPARE EXHIBIT D & £ FIN • l 1006 PREPARE EXHI&IT R ST • xxxxxxxxxx l 1006 f'REf'ARF. EXHIBIT R fiN • l 1007 PREPARE EXHIBIT T ST • XXX XXX L 1007 PREPARE EXHIBIT T FIN xxxx I L 1008 f'Rf.P Af'PI.ICAfN FORH-IIRAFT Sl' • XXX XXX L 1009 PREP APPLICATN FORM-ftRAfT fiN • l 1009 RlVIEW AND CORRECT • XX l 1010 EXTERNAL REVIE~I • XX l 1101 PROJECT OVERVIEW xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx !. 1102 INTERUAl REPORTS xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx L 11031 ALT POWR SRCE RISK ANAl-PREL ST XXXXXXXXXX l 11031 ALT f'fltJR SRCE RISK Pf.IAl-f'REl fiN • XX L 11032 fll.T POWR tlRCE RISK ANAL-RF.FN • xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx L 1104 ~lASE PLAN RISK ANALYSIS. ST t xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx l 1104 BASE PLAN RISK ANtiLYSIS FIN • l w 0 ----------------· -- ACSB190 ACRES AMERICAN SUSITNA HY!!RO-ELECTRIC f'ROJ£CT PA'fti£ 7 D E S C R I P T I 0 N C P H SCHEDULE T I HE NOU.1 1 DECS~ so . 81 . 8.2 . DEC JAM FEB MAR APR HAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV £1EC JAN fEB MAR APR HAY JUJN JUL AUG 00122011200120012301220112001220122011230122011200123012201120012001220112011230m!201120012 ta529S29629632963063974tastas296307J074171tS5296296J074tS4tastas2ts5295296J074t74~as296296J -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~------- 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 12022 12023 12031 12032 1204 1205 13013 130·12 13052 13062 1310 XXX SUSITNA FINANCE RISK ANALYSIS RESOLUTION TAX ISSUE IllENTIFY PARTIES INTEREST REVENUE ASSURANCE LIAISON APA BOND UNDERWRITER CONDUCT PUBLIC MEETING 12 CONDUCT PUBLIC MEETING 43 CotWUCT WORKSHOPS 1 , 2, 3 CONDUCT WORKSHOPS 4,5,~ PREP PUBLISH DISTRIB MATERIAL PREP 11AINTAIN ACTION LIST PROJECT PROCED MANUAL-UPDATE SCHEDULE CONTROL SYS UPDATE COST CONTROL SYSTEH-OP MANPOWER LOAlltUi SCHED-UPitATE SUB CONTRACT AfiHINISTRATION PROJEGT COMPLETE XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX L XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX L XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX L xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx l ccccccccccccccccccccecccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccL • XXXX . L • xxxx l XXXX L , XXXXXXXXXXXX L ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccL cccccce:cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccr.cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccL xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx t cccecccccccccccccccccccccccccecccccccccccc~~ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccCL cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc~ cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccct ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccl t l