HomeMy WebLinkAboutIIJA-BIL - 40101D - DOE-FOA-0002736 - AEA Application Package - Apr 2023 pg. 1 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law - SECTION 40101(d) – PREVENTING OUTAGES AND ENHANCING THE RESILIENCE OF THE ELECTRIC GRID FORMULA GRANTS State of Alaska Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) Submission Deadline: May 31, 2023 Program Narrative Under the authorizing statutes of Section 40101(D) of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), and as authorized by the Office of Governor Michael Dunleavy of the State of Alaska, the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) has been selected as the sole eligible applicant charged with administering subaward grants to eligible entities. Accordingly, this Program Narrative is provided by the AEA, which is serving as the official designated applicant applying for funding as apportioned directly to the State of Alaska, under the U.S. Department of Energy’s IIJA Preventing Outages and Enhancing the Resilience of the Electric Grid Formula Grant Program. 1. Objectives and Metrics: AEA has established the following four objectives and supporting metrics to guide decisions involving resilience investments made in conjunction with this grant. Objective #1: Reduce the likelihood and consequences of natural hazard events (e.g., winter storms, extreme temperatures, wildfires, floods, earthquakes, landslides, etc.) causing disruption to normal grid operations and critical facilities within Alaska’s most populated and economically vital communities. Metrics (Provisional):  Electric system reliability as measured by one of the four main IEEE 1366 metrics by which electric system reliability is measured: SAIDI, SAIFI, CAIDI, and MAIFI.  Total number of incidents of power disruption caused by a natural hazard each year as compared to the average number of incidents within the past 10 years (total reduction of incidents after grant investment). Objective #2: Equip Alaska’s most populated and economically vital communities with modernized grid infrastructure. Grid improvements will enhance energy resilience, increase electrification, and address other evolving system needs over the coming decades. DocuSign Envelope ID: E32DF9BF-D0B3-496A-89D0-D1ECA5FE378D pg. 2 Metrics (Provisional):  Total project expenditures on 69kVa equipment (transmission lines or substations) or higher, reported as a percentage of total resilience expenditures.  Miles of transmission lines and number of substations improved with resilience measures to mitigate impacts of disruptive events.  Population served by transmission line and substation resilience improvements.  Average age of energy asset that has been replaced or modernized on grid infrastructure. Objective #3: Reduce the energy burden and the cost experienced by customers within disadvantaged communities or tribal lands, as well as all areas served by the resilience investment, due to inadequate electric grid infrastructure. Communities that are disadvantaged are those as identified by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Disadvantaged Communities Reporter Tool. The tool shows census tracts categorized as disadvantaged communities in blue and federally recognized tribal lands and U.S. territories in green. Federally recognized tribal lands and U.S. territories are considered disadvantaged communities in accordance with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)'s Interim Guidance for the Justice40 Initiative. Metrics (Provisional):  Average retail electric rate for residential customers in disadvantaged communities and all other areas served by the resilience investment.  Typical monthly electric bill for residential customers for 500 kWh in disadvantaged communities and all other areas served by the resilience investment .  Typical monthly electric bill as a percentage of community (census tract) median household income in disadvantaged communities and all other areas served by the resilience investment. Objective #4: Increase the skilled workforce by assuring that any installed resilience measures can be operated and maintained by local workers and businesses, where po ssible. Metrics (Provisional):  Number of new, full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs created to operate and maintain grid resilience projects.  Percentage of union vs non-union FTE jobs created to operate and maintain grid resilience projects.  Number of apprenticeships or vocational opportunities created for members of disadvantaged communities during implementation, construction, operations, or maintenance of energy resilience projects.  Workforce residing in state vs out-of-state for construction and operations. DocuSign Envelope ID: E32DF9BF-D0B3-496A-89D0-D1ECA5FE378D pg. 3 2. Criteria: Top priority will be given to resilience projects that:  Benefit the most populated and economically vital communities.  Address grid infrastructure vulnerabilities to flood, severe storm, and fire hazards which comprise the majority of presidentially declared disasters in Alaska and are increasing in frequencies since 19851.  Serve one or more disadvantaged communities as identified by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Disadvantaged Communities Reporter Tool.  Advance the economic vitality of the state through sustaining or creating good-paying jobs. The selection of eligible entities and respective grid resilience projects will be done in accordance with AEA standardized scoring criteria, as follows:  Population Impacted: 30% or up to 30 points 1. The application should include a description of the total population served by a proposed project (no description = 0 points, less than 20,000 served = 3 points, each additional 10,000 served = 3 points with a maximum of 15 points possible). 2. The application should include a description of how the proposed project will serve one or more census tracts defined as a disadvantaged community (no description = 0 points, each census tract is worth 3 points with a maximum of 15 points possible).  Risk Reduction/Resilience Effectiveness: 20% or up to 20 points 1. The application should include a description of how the project will reduce the current risk of disruptive events (an event in which operations of the electric grid are disrupted, preventively shut off, or cannot operate safely due to capacity constraints, redundancy and/or an equipment failure , etc. Criterion score should be based on a qualitative assessment of whether the narrative includes details regarding how the project will reduce the current risk of disruptive events; not at all = 0 points, minimally = 4 points, partially = 8 points, mostly = 12 points, entirely = 16 points, and exceeds = 20 points.  Extreme Weather Event Adaptation: 15% or up to 15 points 1. The application should include a description of the frequency and severity of extreme weather in the provider service area and how the project would mitigate the future risk of disruptive events whereby operations or the electric grid are disrupted, preventatively shut off, or cannot operate safely due to extreme weather, wildfire, or natural disaster2. Criterion score should be based on a qualitative assessment of whether the narrative includes details regarding how the project will reduce future disruptive events caused by extreme weather; not at all = 0 points, 1 https://ready.alaska.gov/Documents/Mitigation/StatePlan/Ch08-RiskAnalysis.pdf 2 42 U.S.C. 18711(a)(1) DocuSign Envelope ID: E32DF9BF-D0B3-496A-89D0-D1ECA5FE378D pg. 4 minimally = 3 points, partially = 6 points, mostly = 9 points, entirely = 12 points, and exceeds = 15 points.  Data Sources: 5% or up to 5 points 1. The application should include a description of where the project is documented in a data-driven planning document and/or has been identified as a provider priority via a board priority/resolution related to system resiliency, and supporting documentation is referenced and/or the location of any supporting data or narratives is linked to the application or attached (not included = 0 points, included = 2 points). 2. The application should reference any climate change model that highlights changes to the future physical environment including impacts to the safety and reliability of providing energy to utility customers (reference excluded = 0 points, reference included = 3 points).  Implementation Measures: 15% or up to 15 points 1. The application should include a detailed project schedule that includes design, permits, site control, and construction timeframe breakouts. a. The application schedule should indicate whether the project will go to construction within the desired 5-year period of performance. (construction timeframe not addressed = 0 points, construction is not proposed within the 5- year period of performance = 0 points, construction is proposed within the 5 - year period of performance = 5 points). b. The application schedule should include an appropriate level of detail and proposed timeframes should be adequate and reasonable (details and timeframes are not included = 0 points, schedule details and proposed timeframes are not adequate and reasonable = 0 points, schedule details and proposed timeframes are adequate and reasonable = 5 points). 2. The application should include a reasonably specific and/or detailed explanation of the extent to which an eligible entity plans to utilize project labor agreements, local hire agreements, and/or has or will develop a plan to attract, train, and retain a local workforce including minority/women owned businesses (explanation excluded = 0 points, specific/detailed explanation included = 5 points).  Community Engagement: 5% or up to 5 points 1. The application should reference any utility public outreach plan for electronic and/or in-person stakeholder and public outreach associated with identification and development of the project (reference excluded = 0 points, reference included = 5 points).  Leveraging Partnerships: 10% or up to 10 points 1. The application should include letters of support from partner organizations (letters of support excluded = 0 points, letters of support included = 2 points) 2. The application should include a description of how the applicant will provide matching funds (e.g., in-kind and/or cash contributions) that are equal to 1/3 or DocuSign Envelope ID: E32DF9BF-D0B3-496A-89D0-D1ECA5FE378D pg. 5 more of the federal share of the project cost (non-federal matching funds equal to 1/3 of federal share = 4 points, every 5% greater than 1/3 of federal share = 1 additional point with a maximum of 8 points possible). Alaska is served by small electricity utility providers that sell less than 4,000,000 megawatt hours of electricity per year. Accordingly, AEA anticipates sub-grantee awards will be issued to eligible entities that sell not more than 4,000,000 megawatts per year. 2. Methods: AEA anticipates issuing a competitive solicitation for grant applications. The competitive solicitation period will be no less than 45 days in duration , and will be publicly advertised via AEA’s website and media advisories to industry advocacy groups. Additionally, AEA will issue email notifications to its subscriber base. AEA’s grants coordinator will be responsible for accepting applications, coordinating communications with applicants, and posting any changes or clarifications to the solicitation. AEA’s Planning Manager is responsible for coordinating the evaluation of all applications received through the competitive solicitation each year. Please refer to the 2. Criteria section for the proposed scoring evaluation criteria, which align with AEA’s stated objectives under 1. Objectives and Metrics. AEA anticipates requiring sub-grantees to submit quarterly status reports throughout the project performance period. This will be done to maintain updated data on project delivery and to collect the metrics as outlined in 1. Objectives and Metrics. Additionally, AEA anticipates completing a project audit two years after project closeout. 3. Funding Distribution: Eligible Entities to Apply The proposed competitive solicitation process will be open to the following eligible entities holding a certificate of public convenience and necessity (CPCN) as issued by the Regulatory Commission of Alaska (RCA): a) an electric grid operator; b) an electricity storage operator; c) an electricity generator; d) a transmission owner or operator; or a State owner of transmission or generation assets without a CPCN; e) any other relevant entity, as determined by the Secretary (of DOE). Additionally, AEA will accept joint applications comprised of one or more of the above eligible entities for a specific project. An eligible entity may submit no more than three grant applications under the competitive solicitation, inclusive of both single applications and joint applications with a group of eligible entities. DocuSign Envelope ID: E32DF9BF-D0B3-496A-89D0-D1ECA5FE378D pg. 6 Minimum Grant Amount and Performance Period AEA has established a minimum grant award amount of $2 million. Awarded projects must start construction and preferably complete construction within a 5-year performance period. The period of performance may be extended to span the amount of time necessary for sub-grantees to complete all subaward project efforts, up to a maximum of 10 years, inclusive of the initial 5-year period, at the sole discretion of AEA and subject to the approval of DOE. Non-federal Match Requirements Alaska is served by small electricity utility providers that sell not more than 4,000,000 megawatts per year. Accordingly, the cost match requirement for sub-grantees is 1/3 of the Federal share of the cost of each respective project. AEA will allow the match to be provided through cash or in-kind contributions in accordance with the grant requirements. This will be set-forth in the grant agreement between AEA and each respective sub-grantee. The match amount required for a joint application will be based on the megawatt hours of electricity sold per year for each eligible entity partnering in the joint application, not the collective megawatt hours of electricity sold as a whole. Accordingly, if the partnering eligible entities of a joint application each sell not more than 4,000,000 megawatt hours of electricity per year, the required match will be one-third of the amount of the subaward. In addition to sub-grantee match requirements, AEA will provide a 15% cost match of the Federal allocation as required by the program. Eligible Uses of Funds Sub-grantees may use grant awards to implement a wide range of resilience measures intended to mitigate the impact of disruptive events, including:  Weatherization technologies and equipment;  Fire-resistant technologies and fire prevention systems;  Monitoring and control technologies;  The undergrounding of electrical equipment;  Utility pole management;  The relocation of power lines or the reconductoring of power lines with low-sag, advanced conductors;  Vegetation and fuel-load management;  The use or construction of “distributed energy resources” (“DERs”) for enhancing system adaptive capacity during disruptive events, including: o Microgrids; and o Battery storage subcomponents  Adaptive protection technologies  Advanced modeling technologies;  Hardening of power lines, facilities, substations, of other systems; and DocuSign Envelope ID: E32DF9BF-D0B3-496A-89D0-D1ECA5FE378D pg. 7  Replacement of old overhead conductors and underground cables. Funding may also be used for the training, recruitment, retention, and reskilling of skilled and properly credentialed workers in order to perform the work required for the particular resilience measures listed above. Ineligible Uses of Funds Ineligible project types and uses of funds include the following:  Construction of a new:  electric generating facility; or  large-scale battery storage facility that is not used for enhancing system adaptive capacity during disruptive events; and  Cybersecurity. 4. Equity Approach: AEA is committed to sharing and maximizing project benefits across disadvantaged communities and tribal lands by selecting projects that invest in quality jobs, generate the greatest community benefit, and promote diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility.  Quality Jobs: As part of its selection criteria Implementation Measures (15% weight), AEA will evaluate the extent to which an eligible entity plans to utilize project labor agreements, local hire agreements, and/or has or will develop a plan to attract, train, and retain a local workforce including minority/women owned businesses. Additionally, AEA will consider job creation estimates for each project. Projects with the greatest impact on new job creation and attracting, training, and retaining a local workforce will rank the highest under the Implementation Measu res selection criteria. Sub-grantees will also be required to adhere to all terms and conditions of the grant agreement, including those that pertain to prevailing wages, American- made products, and a free and fair choice to join or form a union.  Greatest Community Benefit: As part of its selection criteria Population Impacted (30%), AEA will evaluate the number of residents, businesses, and disadvantaged communities and/or tribal lands served by a proposed project. Residents and businesses will be reported at the borough/municipal level utilizing U.S. Census Bureau (1) ACS 5-Year Estimates for population; and (2) Business and County Business Patterns & Nonemployer Statistics data for business and nonemployer establishments. AEA is proposing to utilize the U.S. Department of Energy’s Disadvantaged Communities Reporter Tool to determine if a proposed project will serve one or more census tracts defined as a disadvantaged commun ity. Projects serving one or more of the following will rank the highest under the Greatest Community Benefit selection criteria: o Serving more than 50,000 residents; and DocuSign Envelope ID: E32DF9BF-D0B3-496A-89D0-D1ECA5FE378D pg. 8 o Serving one or more disadvantaged communities. 5. Technical Assistance and Administration: In total, AEA proposes that 5% of the annual Federal grant fund allocation be utilized for AEA project administration and technical assistance. An AEA project manager will be assigned to assist each sub-grantee whose application is selected for subaward grant funding. AEA’s project management will vary according to the project management plan developed under the grant agreement with the goal of safeguarding Federal and State investment in the project. At a minimum, the AEA project manager will clarify grant requirements, review progress reports and billing, and review and accept deliverables of the grant project. The project management plan developed under the grant agreement may have sub-grantees self- manage the awarded project or have AEA manage the project. Unless AEA is the primary project manager, sub-grantees will be required to have staff or a contractor available to perform all of the duties required to adequately manage the project. AEA’s project manager will also support technical assistance as needed, which is anticipated to include a broad range of eligible entity questions regarding the application process, potential projects, reporting metrics, and so forth. 6. Public Notice and Hearing: AEA held four public hearings and facilitated two open comment periods, as follows. All meetings were made available for both in-person and virtual attendance. Public Hearing and Comment Period #1  Notice of Meetings Published: August 31st, 2022  Public Meeting #1: September 7th, 2022 @ 1PM AKST / 5PM EST  Public Meeting #2: September 13th, 2022 @ 11AM AKST / 3PM EST  End of Public Comment Period: September 20th, 2022 Public Hearing and Comment Period #2  Notice of Meeting Published: December 6th, 2022  Public Meeting #3: December 13th, 2022 @ 1PM AKST / 5PM EST  Notice of Meeting Published: January 6th, 2023  Public Meeting #4: January 12th, 2023 @ 10:30AM AKST / 2:30PM EST  End of Public Comment Period: January 26th, 2023 Additionally, AEA created a website specifically concerning the 40101(d) - PREVENTING OUTAGES AND ENHANCING THE RESILIENCE OF THE ELECTRIC GRID FORMULA GRANTS TO STATES AND INDIAN TRIBES where members of the public can access updates and information regarding the program. DocuSign Envelope ID: E32DF9BF-D0B3-496A-89D0-D1ECA5FE378D DocuSign Envelope ID: E32DF9BF-D0B3-496A-89D0-D1ECA5FE378D DocuSign Envelope ID: E32DF9BF-D0B3-496A-89D0-D1ECA5FE378D 813 W Northern Lights Blvd, Anchorage, AK 99503  Phone: (907) 771-3000  Fax: (907) 771-3044  Email: info@akenergyauthority.org REDUCING THE COST OF ENERGY IN ALASKA AKENERGYAUTHORITY.ORG RGYAUTHORITY.ORG Alaska Energy Authority Cost Match Information for BIL Sec. 40101(d) Application Requirements  Alaska Energy Authority Cost Match: $3,633,158.00  Federal Allocation for State of Alaska (Funding Years 1 & 2): $22,174,492.00  Alaska Energy Authority Cost Match as Percentage Share of Federal Allocation: 16.3%  Type of Cost Match: Cash, as appropriated by the Alaska State Legislature (see Appendix A for supporting documentation). DocuSign Envelope ID: E32DF9BF-D0B3-496A-89D0-D1ECA5FE378D Alaska Energy Authority Page 2 of 2 Appendix A: Cost Match Supporting Documentation DocuSign Envelope ID: E32DF9BF-D0B3-496A-89D0-D1ECA5FE378D Enrolled HB 281 -143- Enrolled HB 281 * Sec. 32. INSURANCE CLAIMS: CAPITAL. The amounts to be received in settlement of 1 insurance claims for losses and the amounts to be received as recovery for losses are 2 appropriated from the general fund to the 3 (1) state insurance catastrophe reserve account (AS 37.05.289(a)); or 4 (2) appropriate state agency to mitigate the loss. 5 * Sec. 33. NATIONAL PETROLEUM RESERVE - ALASKA IMPACT GRANT 6 PROGRAM: CAPITAL. The amount received by the National Petroleum Reserve - Alaska 7 special revenue fund (AS 37.05.530(a)) under 42 U.S.C. 6506a(l) or former 42 U.S.C. 6508 8 by June 30, 2022, estimated to be $13,800,000, is appropriated from that fund to the 9 Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development for capital project grants 10 under the National Petroleum Reserve - Alaska impact grant program. 11 * Sec. 34. DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION: CAPITAL. The sum of $250,000 is 12 appropriated from the general fund to the Department of Administration, division of finance, 13 for the creation of a centralized website that contains unaudited and estimated statewide 14 financial information and related expenses, including the procurement of software, server 15 capacity, design expertise, and contractor assistance with design, programming, and reporting. 16 * Sec. 35. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, COMMUNITY, AND ECONOMIC 17 DEVELOPMENT: CAPITAL. (a) The amount of interest earned on funds from the 2016 18 Volkswagen Settlement environmental mitigation trust, estimated to be $400,000, is 19 appropriated to the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development, 20 Alaska Energy Authority, for activities related to the Volkswagen Settlement. 21 (b) The sum of $100,000,000 is appropriated from the budget reserve fund 22 (AS 37.05.540(a)) to the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development 23 for payment as a grant under AS 37.05.315 to the Municipality of Anchorage for the Port of 24 Alaska modernization project, to be distributed as follows: 25 (1) $25,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023; and 26 (2) $75,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024. 27 (c) The Municipality of Anchorage shall, not later than February 1, 2023, submit a 28 report on the Port of Alaska modernization project to the co-chairs of the finance committees 29 of each house of the legislature and the legislative finance division. The report must include a 30 financial plan for the Port of Alaska modernization project. 31 DocuSign Envelope ID: E32DF9BF-D0B3-496A-89D0-D1ECA5FE378D Enrolled HB 281 -144- (d) The unexpended and unobligated balance, not to exceed $3,633,158 of the 1 estimated balance of $4,395,564, of the appropriation made in sec. 78(c), ch. 1, SSSLA 2002, 2 as amended by sec. 69, ch. 29, SLA 2008, and sec. 7(b), ch. 5, SLA 2012 (Department of 3 Commerce, Community, and Economic Development, Alaska Energy Authority, upgrade and 4 extend the Anchorage to Fairbanks power transmission intertie to the Teeland substation), is 5 reappropriated to the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development, 6 Alaska Energy Authority, for statewide grid resilience and reliability for the fiscal years 7 ending June 30, 2023, and June 30, 2024. 8 (e) The sum of $750,000 is appropriated to the Department of Commerce, 9 Community, and Economic Development, Alcohol and Marijuana Control Office, for the 10 licensing and enforcement solutions project, from the following sources: 11 (1) $375,000 from the general fund; 12 (2) $375,000 from general fund program receipts for the licensing and 13 application fees related to the regulation of alcohol. 14 * Sec. 36. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND EARLY DEVELOPMENT: 15 CAPITAL. The unexpended and unobligated balance, after the appropriations made in secs. 16 41 and 52(a) of this Act, not to exceed $95,000 of the total estimated balance of $705,300, of 17 the appropriation made in sec. 1, ch. 18, SLA 2014, page 9, lines 9 - 11 (Angoon, existing 18 community sewer system and outfall line replacement - $709,500), is reappropriated to the 19 Department of Education and Early Development for Mount Edgecumbe High School 20 bleachers and swimming and water survival education equipment. 21 * Sec. 37. DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SERVICES: CAPITAL. (a) 22 The unexpended and unobligated balances of the following appropriations are reappropriated 23 to the Department of Family and Community Services for the purposes stated below: 24 (1) sec. 5(c), ch. 10, SLA 2007, as amended by secs. 12(b) and 30(a) - (c), ch. 25 38, SLA 2015, and sec. 21(j)(3), ch. 1, TSSLA 2017 (Department of Health and Social 26 Services, Fairbanks virology laboratory completion), for completion of the Fairbanks virology 27 laboratory; 28 (2) sec. 1, ch. 5, FSSLA 2011, page 2, lines 13 - 14, as amended by sec. 16(a), 29 ch. 1, TSSLA 2017 (Department of Health and Social Services, deferred maintenance, 30 renovation, repair, and equipment for Alaska Pioneers' Homes), for deferred maintenance, 31 DocuSign Envelope ID: E32DF9BF-D0B3-496A-89D0-D1ECA5FE378D 10. a. Name and Address of Lobbying Registrant: 9. Award Amount, if known: $ * Street 1 * City State Zip Street 2 * Last Name Prefix * First Name Middle Name Suffix DISCLOSURE OF LOBBYING ACTIVITIES Complete this form to disclose lobbying activities pursuant to 31 U.S.C.1352 OMB Number: 4040-0013 Expiration Date: 02/28/2022 1. * Type of Federal Action: a. contract b. grant c. cooperative agreement d. loan e. loan guarantee f. loan insurance 2. * Status of Federal Action: a. bid/offer/application b. initial award c. post-award 3. * Report Type: a. initial filing b. material change 4. Name and Address of Reporting Entity: Prime SubAwardee * Name Alaska Energy Authority * Street 1 813 W Northern Lights Blvd Street 2 * City Anchorage State AK: Alaska Zip 99515 Congressional District, if known: 5. If Reporting Entity in No.4 is Subawardee, Enter Name and Address of Prime: 6. * Federal Department/Agency: DOE/NETL 7. * Federal Program Name/Description: Electricity, Research, Development & Analysis CFDA Number, if applicable: 81.122 8. Federal Action Number, if known: DE-FOA-0002736 b. Individual Performing Services (including address if different from No. 10a) Prefix * First Name Middle Name * Street 1 * City State Zip Street 2 11. * Last Name Suffix Information requested through this form is authorized by title 31 U.S.C. section 1352. This disclosure of lobbying activities is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed by the tier above when the transaction was made or entered into. This disclosure is required pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 1352. This information will be reported to the Congress semi-annually and will be available for public inspection. Any person who fails to file the required disclosure shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. * Signature: *Name:Prefix * First Name Curtis Middle Name * Last Name Thayer Suffix Title:Executive Director Telephone No.:907-771-3000 Date: Federal Use Only: Authorized for Local Reproduction Standard Form - LLL (Rev. 7-97) DocuSign Envelope ID: E32DF9BF-D0B3-496A-89D0-D1ECA5FE378D 4/14/2023 OMB Number: 4040-0004 Expiration Date: 11/30/2025 * 1. Type of Submission: * 2. Type of Application: * 3. Date Received: 4. Applicant Identifier: 5a. Federal Entity Identifier: 5b. Federal Award Identifier: 6. Date Received by State: 7. State Application Identifier: * a. Legal Name: * b. Employer/Taxpayer Identification Number (EIN/TIN): * c. UEI: * Street1: Street2: * City: County/Parish: * State: Province: * Country: * Zip / Postal Code: Department Name: Division Name: Prefix: * First Name: Middle Name: * Last Name: Suffix: Title: Organizational Affiliation: * Telephone Number: Fax Number: * Email: * If Revision, select appropriate letter(s): * Other (Specify): State Use Only: 8. APPLICANT INFORMATION: d. Address: e. Organizational Unit: f. Name and contact information of person to be contacted on matters involving this application: Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 Preapplication Application Changed/Corrected Application New Continuation Revision ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY 92-6001185 F3N8ZSHJXUH8 813 W NORTHERN LIGHTS BLVD ANCHORAGE AK: Alaska USA: UNITED STATES 99503-2407 Mr.Conner Erickson Director of Planning 907-771-3000 907-771-3044 cerickson@akenergyauthority.org DocuSign Envelope ID: E32DF9BF-D0B3-496A-89D0-D1ECA5FE378D * 9. Type of Applicant 1: Select Applicant Type: Type of Applicant 2: Select Applicant Type: Type of Applicant 3: Select Applicant Type: * Other (specify): * 10. Name of Federal Agency: 11. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number: CFDA Title: * 12. Funding Opportunity Number: * Title: 13. Competition Identification Number: Title: 14. Areas Affected by Project (Cities, Counties, States, etc.): * 15. Descriptive Title of Applicant's Project: Attach supporting documents as specified in agency instructions. Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 A: State Government Department of Energy 81.122 Electricity, Research, Development & Analysis DE-FOA-0002736 BIL - SECTION 40101(d) – PREVENTING OUTAGES AND ENHANCING THE RESILIENCE OF THE ELECTRIC GRID FORMULA GRANTS TO STATES AND INDIAN TRIBES BIL - SECTION 40101(d) – PREVENTING OUTAGES AND ENHANCING THE RESILIENCE OF THE ELECTRIC GRID FORMULA GRANTS TO STATE OF ALASKA View AttachmentsDelete AttachmentsAdd Attachments View AttachmentDelete AttachmentAdd Attachment DocuSign Envelope ID: E32DF9BF-D0B3-496A-89D0-D1ECA5FE378D * a. Federal * b. Applicant * c. State * d. Local * e. Other * f. Program Income * g. TOTAL . Prefix: * First Name: Middle Name: * Last Name: Suffix: * Title: * Telephone Number: * Email: Fax Number: * Signature of Authorized Representative: * Date Signed: 18. Estimated Funding ($): 21. *By signing this application, I certify (1) to the statements contained in the list of certifications** and (2) that the statements herein are true, complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I also provide the required assurances** and agree to comply with any resulting terms if I accept an award. I am aware that any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements or claims may subject me to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties. (U.S. Code, Title 18, Section 1001) ** The list of certifications and assurances, or an internet site where you may obtain this list, is contained in the announcement or agency specific instructions. Authorized Representative: Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 * a. Applicant Attach an additional list of Program/Project Congressional Districts if needed. * b. Program/Project * a. Start Date: * b. End Date: 16. Congressional Districts Of: 17. Proposed Project: AK-all AK-all Add Attachment Delete Attachment View Attachment 22,174,492.00 3,633,158.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,807,650.00 a. This application was made available to the State under the Executive Order 12372 Process for review on b. Program is subject to E.O. 12372 but has not been selected by the State for review. c. Program is not covered by E.O. 12372. Yes No Add Attachment Delete Attachment View Attachment ** I AGREE Curtis Thayer Executive Director 907-771-3000 907-771-3044 cthayer@akenergyauthority.org * 20. Is the Applicant Delinquent On Any Federal Debt? (If "Yes," provide explanation in attachment.) * 19. Is Application Subject to Review By State Under Executive Order 12372 Process? If "Yes", provide explanation and attach DocuSign Envelope ID: E32DF9BF-D0B3-496A-89D0-D1ECA5FE378D 4/14/2023 Last Updated March 22, 2022 PRE-AWARD INFORMATION SHEET THE USE OF THE PRE-AWARD INFORMATION SHEET TEMPLATE IS OPTIONAL, BUT ALL DATA ELEMENTS WITHIN THE PRE-AWARD INFORMATION SHEET ARE MANDATORY. A. BUSINESS ASSURANCES AND PAYMENT INFORMATION 1. DISCLOSURE OF POTENTIAL IMPROPRIETIES Below, please disclose if any of the following conditions exist. If the answer to any question (a) through (g) below is yes, provide a detailed explanation in an attachment to this document. a. Is the proposed Recipient, Subrecipient(s), or any of the Recipient’s or Subrecipient’s principals1 under investigation for or charged with a covered offense2? Yes 1 For this form, “principal” means: (1) An officer, director, owner, partner, principal investigator (PI), or other person (as defined in 2 C.F.R. 180.95) within the project team with management or supervisory responsibilities related to this project and any resulting transaction; or (2) A consultant or other person, whether or not employed by the Recipient, Subrecipient, or their principals, or paid with Federal funds, who (a) is in a position to handle Federal funds, (b) is in a position to influence or control the use of those funds, or (c) occupies a technical or professional position capable of substantially influencing the development or outcome of an activity required to perform the transaction, including but not limited to, any Co-PIs. 2 For this form, “covered offenses” include: (1) Commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public or private agreement or transaction; (2) Violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes, including those proscribing price fixing between competitors, allocation of customers between competitors, and bid rigging; (3) Commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, tax evasion, receiving stolen property, making false claims, or obstruction of justice; or (4) Commission of any other offense indicating a lack of business integrity or business honesty that seriously and directly affects the Recipient’s present responsibility. Name of Organization Street Address City and County State and Zip + 4 (matches the USPS database) Alaska Energy Authority 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard Anchorage, Alaska 99503 ALRD/FOA Number DE‐FOA‐0002736 Business Officer and contact information: Pamela Ellis, Controller 907-771-3981 pellis@akenergyauthority.org Technical Project Manager and contact information: Conner Erickson, Director of Planning 907-771-3025 cerickson@akenergyauthority.org Unique Entity Identifier F3N 8ZS HJX UH8 Organization’s Fiscal Year End Date 06/30/2023 DocuSign Envelope ID: E32DF9BF-D0B3-496A-89D0-D1ECA5FE378D Page 2 of 10 No b. Has the proposed Recipient, Subrecipient(s), or any of the Recipient’s or Subrecipient’s principals been convicted of a covered offense in the last five-years or had a civil judgment rendered against them for one of those offenses in that time period? Yes No c. Is the proposed Recipient, Subrecipient(s), or any of the Recipient’s or Subrecipient’s principals under investigation for potential violation of U.S. export control laws and regulations, or has the proposed Recipient, Subrecipient(s), or any of the Recipient’s or Subrecipient’s principals been convicted of any violations of U.S. export control laws and regulations? Yes No d. Is the proposed Recipient or Subrecipient(s) under investigation for potential violations of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, or has the proposed Recipient or Subrecipient(s) been convicted of any violations of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988? Yes No e. Is the proposed Recipient, Subrecipient(s), or any of the Recipient’s or Subrecipient’s principals under investigation for research misconduct, or has the proposed Recipient, Subrecipient(s), or any of the Recipient’s or Subrecipient’s principals been convicted of research misconduct? Yes No f. Has any Federal agency recommended or initiated proceedings against the proposed Recipient, Subrecipient(s), or any of the Recipient’s or Subrecipient’s principals for suspension or debarment, or is the proposed Recipient, Subrecipient(s), or any of the Recipient’s or Subrecipient’s principals debarred, suspended, publicly banned from doing business with the Federal government, or otherwise declared ineligible from receiving Federal contracts, subcontracts or financial assistance? Yes No g. Is the proposed Recipient or Subrecipient(s) delinquent on federal debt or insolvent or at risk of insolvency or have the proposed Recipient or Subrecipient(s) filed for bankruptcy in any domestic or foreign jurisdiction? Yes No DocuSign Envelope ID: E32DF9BF-D0B3-496A-89D0-D1ECA5FE378D Page 3 of 10 2. POTENTIAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST a. Financial Conflicts of Interest: The Recipient must disclose in writing any managed or unmanageable financial conflicts of interest involving a member of the project team (i.e. investigators) and include sufficient information to enable DOE to understand the nature and extent of the financial conflict, and to assess the appropriateness of the non-Federal entity's management plan. See Section V(b)(3) of the DOE Interim Conflict of Interest Policy. As part of this DOE funded project, does the recipient or any subrecipients have any managed or unmanageable financial conflicts of interest involving a member of the project team? No Yes. If yes, in a separate attachment, the Recipient must provide relevant disclosures/supporting documentation as required by the DOE Interim Conflict of Interest Policy Section V(b)(3). b. Organizational Conflicts of Interest3: The Recipient must disclose in writing any potential or actual organizational conflict of interest to DOE. See DOE Interim Conflict of Interest Policy Section VI and 2 CFR 200.318 for more information. As part of this DOE funded project, does the recipient or any subrecipients intend to engage in a procurement with a parent, affiliate, or subsidiary organization that is not a state, local government, or Indian tribe? No Yes. If yes, in a separate attachment, the Recipient must provide relevant disclosures/supporting documentation as required by the DOE Interim Conflict of Interest Policy Section VI. 3. PAYMENT INFORMATION AND ASSURANCES a. Has your organization received any prior DOE awards administered by NETL? If yes, please list the most recent award number: DE-OE-0000795 EETF Microgrid Technology No Questions b through d are reserved for institutions of higher education, hospitals, other non-profit organizations and state and local governments that are not considered for-profit entities. b. Is the Awardee currently enrolled with the U.S. Department of Treasury/ASAP system (Automated Standard Application for Payment System)? Yes, please enter Awardee Seven-digit ASAP ID Number: 0265466 No c. Please provide the following contact information for ASAP and/or Payments: Important: If not currently enrolled in the ASAP system, the person identified below will be contacted by the U.S. Department of Treasury with further instruction on completing the ASAP enrollment process. ASAP / Payments Contact Person: Amy Jackson Phone No.: 907-771-3902 Extension: n/a E-mail: ajackson@aidea.org 3 Organizational Conflict of Interest means a situation where because of relationships with a parent company, affiliate, or subsidiary organization, the non-Federal entity is unable or appears to be unable to be impartial in conducting a procurement action involving a related organization. 2 CFR 200.318(c)(2). DocuSign Envelope ID: E32DF9BF-D0B3-496A-89D0-D1ECA5FE378D Page 4 of 10 d. Indicate preferred payment method below: (NOTE: this section is reserved for universities, hospitals, other non-profit organizations and state and local governments that are authorized to receive advance payments, unless a specific need is supported). Payment by Advance is preferred. Payment by Reimbursement is preferred. e. Total Estimated Project Cost is the sum of the Federal Government share and Recipient share of the estimated project costs. The Recipient’s cost share or matching must come from non-Federal sources unless otherwise allowed by law (Please reference 2 CFR 200.1 and 2 CFR 200.306). By accepting Federal funds under this award, you agree that you are liable for your percentage share of allowable project costs, on a budget period basis, even if the project is terminated early or is not funded to its completion. Yes, the percentage share of allowable project costs (cost share) will be provided on a budget period basis. If cost share is not provided on a budget period basis, please explain. Use this block to provide a detailed explanation for not providing cost share on a budget period basis or provide an attachment. f. Indicate the name, phone number, and email address of the Designated Responsible Employee for complying with national policies prohibiting discrimination (see 10 CFR 1040.5 and the Certifications and Assurances SF-424B Assurances for Non-Construction Programs or SF-424D Assurances for Construction Programs found at: http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/forms/sf-424-family.html). Name/Title Curtis Thayer, Executive Director Phone No/Email 907-771-3009 cthayer@akenergyauthority.org B. ACCOUNTING SYSTEM Your organization should have an accounting system that meets government standards for recording and collecting costs in accordance with 2 CFR 200.302(b)(1). If you have not had prior government awards or a recent accounting system review, the DOE may request the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) or an independent auditor to verify that the accounting system is acceptable. Indirect costs are an acceptable cost component of an approved budget if they are adequately supported and properly allocated. Organizations proposing indirect costs will need to demonstrate that the proposed indirect (e.g., overhead, G&A) rates were developed using a methodology acceptable for Government contracting, and in accordance with applicable Federal cost principles. If a current provisional indirect rate agreement has been issued by a Federal agency then that agreement should have been provided with the initial application. If it has not been, or a more current provisional indirect rate agreement has been executed, it needs to be provided as an attachment. In the absence of a provisional indirect rate agreement, the most current final indirect rate agreement should be provided as an attachment to this document. 1. Information for Determining Cognizant Agency/Office Cognizance related duties (i.e.; negotiating provisional/final indirect rates) are the responsibility of the Cognizant Federal Agency (CFA). The CFA is the Federal agency (e.g., Department of Defense, Department of Energy, etc.) that provided the preponderance (largest amount) of funding for your awards, across all federal agencies. Once a DocuSign Envelope ID: E32DF9BF-D0B3-496A-89D0-D1ECA5FE378D Page 5 of 10 Federal agency assumes cognizance for an organization, it should remain cognizant for at least 5 years to ensure continuity and ease of administration. It is extremely important to confirm that you work with the correct cognizant federal agency/office. As a rule of thumb, Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS) or the Office of Naval Research (ONR) is usually the CFA for Universities, Cities, States, and Counties. DHHS/ONR cognizance is not usually transferred. Please identify the CFA by providing the following information: Agency: Denali Commission Point-of-Contact: Janet Davis Phone No.:907-271-3036 E-mail:jdavis@denali.gov To assist our office in validating the CFA, please provide the following information for the five (5) highest dollar award values for current Federal contracts, grants or awards for which the organization receives funding (either as a prime or subcontract) directly from a Governmental agency. (State and Local Governments, Institutions of Higher Education, and Tribal organizations can skip this section if DHHS/ONR is the cognizant agency). The total federal contract/award dollars should include the full project period, not just the incremental funding. Contract/Award # Awarding Agency (e.g. DOE) Awarding Office (e.g. NETL) Agency Contact Name/Phone/E- mail Start Date End Date Total Value of Contract or Subcontract DC-1551-07 Denali Commission Denali Commission Katie Conway kconway@denali.gov 907-341-9617 5/1/2018 12/31/2025 $7,350,000 DC-1571-02 Denali Commission Denali Commission Katie Conway kconway@denali.gov 907-341-9617 8/15/2019 12/31/2023 $5,605,810 DC-1618-01 Denali Commission Denali Commission Katie Conway kconway@denali.gov 907-341-9617 9/1/2020 6/30/24 $6,396,240 DC-1731-00 Denali Commission Denali Commission Katie Conway kconway@denali.gov 907-341-9617 1/1/23 3/31/2024 $5,096,032.04 HQ00052210045 CIP2019-22-01 Department of Defense Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation Tim Robert Timothy.b.robert.civ@mail.mil 916-557-7315 9/1/2022 3/31/2027 $13,024,868 If awardee has current DOE awards, identify Cognizant DOE Office (CDO) (office providing the preponderance of DOE funding), and provide DOE office name, a point-of-contact, phone number, and e-mail (If same as above, proceed to Section F, Financial Management System-Accounting System Survey). DOE Office: Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Point-of-Contact (Contracting Officer):Julie Howe Phone No.:720-356-1628 E-mail:Julie.howe@ee.doe.gov To assist our office in validating the CDO, please provide the following information for the 5 highest dollar value awards for current DOE contracts, grants or awards for which the organization receives funding (either as a prime or subcontract) directly from a DOE office. (State and Local Governments, Institutions of Higher Education, and Tribal organizations can skip this section if DHHS/ONR is the cognizant agency). The total DOE contract/award dollars should include the full project period, not just the incremental funding. DocuSign Envelope ID: E32DF9BF-D0B3-496A-89D0-D1ECA5FE378D Page 6 of 10 DOE Contract/Award # DOE Awarding Office DOE Contact Name/Phone/E-mail Start Date End Date Total Value of Contract or Subcontract DE-EE0008618 DOE- EERE Jason Nguyen Jason.nguyen@hq.doe.gov 970-248-6707 2/1/2019 1/31/2023 $360,000 DE-EE0009472 DOE- EERE Julie Howe Julie.howe@ee.doe.gov 720-356-1628 7/01/2021 6/30/2023 $984,956 DE-EE0010056 DOE- EERE Julie Howe Julie.howe@ee.doe.gov 720-356-1628 7/1/2022 6/30/2023 $200,000 DE-OE0000795 DOE- NETL - OE Kimberly Nuhfer Kimberly.nuhfer@netl.doe.gov 304-285-6544 1/7/2016 8/30/2023 $500,000 C. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM – ACCOUNTING SYSTEM SURVEY To qualify for a financial assistance award, compliance with 2 CFR 200 as amended by 2 CFR 910 is required. This includes assurance of an adequate accounting system for estimating, accounting and billing for governmental funding received. For additional information, please visit https://www.dcaa.mil. Under “CUSTOMERS->checklists and Tools,” click on “Pre-award Accounting System Adequacy Checklist”. Please complete the checklist below as assurance of this requirement. Yes No NA 1. Has your organization’s accounting system ever been audited by DCAA? a. If yes, please provide a copy of the audit report as an attachment to this document. b. If yes, did DCAA determine the accounting system acceptable for Federal awards? c. If yes, have there been any changes to the accounting system since the DCAA audit? If the answer is “yes”, please provide a detailed explanation of the changes. Use this block to explain the changes or provide an attachment. 2. Has your organization’s accounting system been audited by an outside Certified Public Accountant/consultant or other Cognizant Federal Agency other than DCAA? Important: Annual Financial Audits should be excluded. 3. Is the Accounting System in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles applicable to the circumstances and associated applicable Federal regulations? 4. Accounting System provides for: Yes No NA a. Segregation of direct costs from indirect costs. DocuSign Envelope ID: E32DF9BF-D0B3-496A-89D0-D1ECA5FE378D Page 7 of 10 b. Identification and accumulation of direct costs by project. c. A logical and consistent method for the allocation of indirect costs to intermediate and final cost objectives. (Project line items are final cost objective) d. Accumulation of costs under general ledger control. e. A timekeeping system that identifies employees’ labor by intermediate and final cost objective (i.e., project level, division level). f. A labor distribution system that charges direct and indirect labor to appropriate cost objectives. g. Interim (at least monthly) determination of costs charged to a project through routine posting of books of account. h. Excluding costs charged to Government projects which are not allowable in terms of 2 CFR 200, Subpart E, or 48 CFR 31.2 (FAR Part 31), Contract Cost Principles and Procedures, or other provisions, as applicable. i. Identification of costs by project line item and by units (as if each unit or line item were a separate project) if required by the proposed award. 5. Is the Accounting System designed, and are the records maintained in such a manner that adequate, reliable data are developed for use in developing cost proposals? 6. Is the Accounting System currently in full operation? 7. Is your organization’s accounting system ready for a DCAA or independent Certified Public Accountant audit? Microsoft Dynamics NAV – Dynamics 365 Business Central D. ANNUAL AUDIT REQUIREMENTS 1. Single Audit – A non-Federal entity that expends $750,000 or more during the non-Federal entity’s fiscal year in Federal awards must have a single audit conducted in accordance with 2 CFR 200.514. a. Has your organization had an independent single audit performed? Yes No b. Has your organization undergone a financial audit within the last 3 years? Yes No If Yes to either a or b, please include a copy of the audit as an attachment to this file. If No to either a or b, complete the block below. Use this block to explain why a financial audit was not completed or performed or provide an attachment. E. REPRESENTATION/CERTIFICATION Important: Certification of the information is required by the organization’s authorized representative. I certify that I have an active System for Award Management (SAM) registration. DocuSign Envelope ID: E32DF9BF-D0B3-496A-89D0-D1ECA5FE378D Page 8 of 10 I certify that I have registered in FedConnect.net to receive award documentation. I certify that the processes undertaken to solicit any subrecipients, subawards, subcontracts and vendors comply with our organization’s written procurement procedures as outlined in “Procurement Standards” 2 CFR 200.317 through 2 CFR 200.328 inclusive. DocuSign Envelope ID: E32DF9BF-D0B3-496A-89D0-D1ECA5FE378D Page 9 of 10 I certify the Recipient: (1) Has in effect an up-to-date, written, and enforced administrative process to identify and manage conflicts of interest with respect to all projects for which financial assistance funding is sought or received from DOE; (2) Shall promote and enforce Investigator compliance with the DOE Interim Conflict of Interest Policy requirements including those pertaining to disclosure of significant financial interests; (3) Shall manage financial conflicts of interest and provide initial and ongoing financial conflicts of interest reports to DOE; (4) Agrees to make information available, promptly upon request, to DOE relating to any Investigator disclosure of financial interests and the Recipient’s review of, and response to, such disclosure, whether or not the disclosure resulted in the Recipient’s determination of a financial conflict of interest; and (5) Shall fully comply with the requirements of the DOE Interim Conflict of Interest Policy. (6) Has in effect an up-to-date, written, and enforced policy and process for effective internal controls over, and accountability for, all funds, property and other assets to ensure they are used solely for authorized purposes. F. SIGNATURES I, the Authorization Official named below, represent by my signature that I am authorized to certify this information on behalf of the Recipient. I certify under penalty of perjury that the information contained in this Pre- Award Information Sheet is true, accurate and complete. I understand that false, fictitious, or fraudulent information, misrepresentations, half-truths, or omissions of any material fact, may subject me to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties for fraud, false statements, false claims or others. (18 U.S.C. §§ 1001 and 287, and 31 U.S.C. 3729-.730 and 3801-.3812). I further understand and agree that (1) the statements and representations made herein are material to DOE’s funding decisions, and (2) I have a responsibility to update the disclosures during the period of performance of the award should circumstances change which impact the responses provided above. Name: Curtis Thayer Title: Executive Director Signature of Authorized Official: Date: I, the Principal Investigator named below, certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that the information contained in this Pre-Award Information Sheet is true, complete, and accurate. I understand that false, fictitious, or fraudulent information, misrepresentations, half-truths, or omissions of any material fact may subject me to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties for fraud, false statements, false claims or otherwise. (18 U.S.C. 1001 §§ 1001 and 287, and 31 U.S.C. 3729-3730 and 3801-3812). I further understand and agree that (1) the statements and representations made herein are material to DOE’s funding decision, and (2) I have a responsibility to update the disclosures during the period of performance of the award should circumstances change which impact the responses provided above. Name: Conner Erickson Title: Director of Planning Signature of Principal Investigator: Date: DocuSign Envelope ID: E32DF9BF-D0B3-496A-89D0-D1ECA5FE378D 4/14/2023 4/14/2023 Page 10 of 10 G. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION 1. Does your organization anticipate utilizing foreign nationals (FNs) in the performance of the award? Yes (If yes, please provide a list of all FNs planned to participate on the award along with basic information about each. Basic information includes FN name, country of origin/citizenship, and FN role in the project (e.g. business officer, technical project manager, etc.). Attach the list to to the Pre-Award Information Sheet. No DocuSign Envelope ID: E32DF9BF-D0B3-496A-89D0-D1ECA5FE378D NETL F 451.1-1/3 Revised: Reviewed: (Previous Editions Obsolete) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY ENVIRONMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE I. INSTRUCTIONS The proposer shall prepare this Environmental Questionnaire (EQ) as accurately and completely as possible. Supporting information can be provided as attachments. The proposer must identify the location of the project and specifically describe the activities that would occur at that location. The proposer must provide specific information and quantities, regarding air emissions, wastewater discharges, solid wastes, etc., to facilitate the necessary review. In addition, the proposer must submit with this EQ a FINAL copy of the project’s statement of work (SOW) or statement of project objective (SOPO) that will be used in the contract/agreement between the proposer and the U.S Department of Energy (DOE). II. QUESTIONNAIRE A. PROJECT SUMMARY 1. Solicitation/Project Number: Proposer: 2. This Environmental Questionnaire pertains to a:Recipient or Prime Contractor Sub-recipient or Subcontractor 3. Principal Investigator: Telephone Number: 4. Project Title: 5. Expected Project Duration: 6. Location of Activities covered by this Environmental Questionnaire: (City/Township, County, State): 7. List the full scope of activities planned (only for the location that is the subject of this Environmental Questionnaire). 8. List all other locations where work would be performed by the primary contractor of the project and subcontractor(s). Each of the following must have an individual Environmental Questionnaire. Subcontractor or sub-recipient Location of activities for this project 9. Identify and select the checkbox with the predominant project work activities under Group A, B, or C Group A Routine administrative, procurement, training, and personnel actions. Contract activities/awards for management support, financial assistance, and technical services in support of agency business, programs, projects, and goals. Literature searches and information gathering, material inventories, property surveys; data analysis, computer modeling, analytical reviews, technical summary, conceptual design, feasibility studies, document preparation, data dissemination, and paper studies. Technical assistance including financial planning, assistance, classroom training, public meetings, management training, survey participation, academic contribution, technical consultation, and stakeholders surveys. Workshop and conference planning, preparation, and implementation which may involve promoting energy efficiency, renewable energy, and energy conservation. STOP!If all work activities related to this project can be classified and described within categories under Group A, proceed directly to Section III CERTIFICATION BY PROPOSER. No additional information is required. If project work activities are described in either Group(s) B or C; then continue filling out questionnaire. DocuSign Envelope ID: E32DF9BF-D0B3-496A-89D0-D1ECA5FE378D NETL F 451.1-1/3 Revised: Reviewed: (Page 2) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY ENVIRONMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE Group B Laboratory Scale Research, Bench Scale Research, Pilot Scale Research, Proof-of-Concept Scale Research, or Field Test Research. Work DOES NOT involve new building/facilities construction and site excavation/groundbreaking activities. This work typically involves routine operation of existing laboratories, commercial buildings/properties, offices and homes, project test facilities, factories/power plants, vehicles test stands and components, refueling facilities, utility systems, or other existing structures/facilities. Work will NOT involve major change in facilities missions and operations, land use planning, new/modified regulatory/operating permit requirements. Includes work specific to routine DOE Site operations and Lab research work activities, but NOT building construction and site preparation. DOE work typically involves laboratory facilities and lab equipment operations, buildings and grounds management activities; and buildings and facilities maintenance, repairs, reconfiguration, remodeling, equipment use and replacement. Group C Pilot Test Facilities Construction, Pilot Scale Research, Field Scale Demonstration, or Commercial Scale Application. Work typically involves facility construction, site preparation/excavation/groundbreaking, and/or demolition. This work would include construction, retrofit, replacement, and/or major modifications of laboratories, test facilities, energy system prototypes, and power generation infrastructure. Work may also involve construction and maintenance of utilities system right-of-ways, roads, vehicle test facilities, commercial buildings/properties, fuel refinery/mixing facilities, refueling facility, power plants, underground wells, and pipelines, and other types of energy research related facilities. This work may require new or modified regulatory permits, environmental sampling and monitoring requirements, master planning, public involvement, and environmental impact review. Includes work specific to DOE Site Operations and Lab operation activities involving building and facilities construction, replacement, decommissioning/demolition, site preparation, land use changes, or change in research facilities mission or operations. B. PROPOSED PROJECT ALTERNATIVES 1. If applicable, list any project alternatives considered to achieve the project objectives. C. PROJECT LOCATION 1. Provide a brief description of the project location (physical location, surrounding area, adjacent structures). 2.Attach a project site location map of the project work area. D. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS NEPA procedures require evaluations of possible effects (including land use, energy resource use, natural, historic and cultural resources, and pollutants) from proposed projects on the environment. 1. Land Use a. Characterize present land use where the proposed project would be located. Urban Industrial Commercial Agricultural Suburban Rural Residential Research Facilities Forest University Campus Other: b. Identify the total size of the facility, structure, or system and what portion would be used for the proposed project. DocuSign Envelope ID: E32DF9BF-D0B3-496A-89D0-D1ECA5FE378D NETL F 451.1-1/3 Revised: Reviewed: (Page 3) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY ENVIRONMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE c. Describe planned construction, installation, and/or demolition activities, i.e., roads, utilities system right-of-ways, parking lots, buildings, laboratories, storage tanks, fueling facilities, underground wells, pipelines, or other structures. No construction would be anticipated for this project. d. Describe how land use would be affected by operational activities associated with the proposed project. No land areas would be affected. e. Describe any plans to reclaim areas that would be affected by the proposed project. No land areas would be affected. f. Would the proposed project affect any unique or unusual landforms (e.g., cliffs, waterfalls, etc.)? No Yes (describe) g. Would the proposed project be located in or near local, state, or federal parks; forests; monuments; scenic waterways; wilderness; recreation facilities; or tribal lands?No Yes (describe) 2. Construction Activities and/or Operation a. Identify project structure(s), power line(s), pipeline(s), utilities system(s), right-of-way(s) or road(s) that will be constructed and clearly mark them on a project site map or topographic map as appropriate.None b. Would the proposed project require the construction of waste pits or settling ponds? No Yes (describe and identify location, and estimate surface area disturbed) c. Would the proposed project affect any existing body of water?No Yes (describe) d. Would the proposed project impact a floodplain or wetland?No Yes (describe) e. Would the proposed project potentially cause runoff/sedimentation/erosion?No Yes (describe) f. Would the proposed project include activities located on perma-frost, near fault zones, or involve fracturing, well drilling, geologic stimulation, sequestration, active seismic data collection, and/or deepwater operations? No Yes (describe) DocuSign Envelope ID: E32DF9BF-D0B3-496A-89D0-D1ECA5FE378D NETL F 451.1-1/3 Revised: Reviewed: (Page 4) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY ENVIRONMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE g. Would the proposed project involve any of the following: nanotechnology; recombinant DNA or genetic engineering; facility decommissioning or disposition of equipment/materials; or management of radioactive wastes/materials? No Yes (describe) 3. Biological Resources a. Identify any State or Federally listed endangered or threatened plant or animal species potentially affected by the proposed project. None b. Would any designated critical habitat be affected by the proposed project?No Yes (describe) c. Describe any impacts that construction would have on any other types of sensitive or unique habitats. No planned construction No habitats None Impact (describe) d. Would any foreign substances/materials be introduced into ground or surface waters, soil, or other earth/geologic resource because of project activities? How would these foreign substances/materials affect the water, soil, biota, and geologic resources?No Yes (describe) e. Would any migratory animal corridors be impacted or disrupted by the proposed project?No Yes (describe) 4. Socioeconomic and Infrastructure Conditions a. Would local socio-economic changes result from the proposed project?No Yes (describe) b. Would the proposed project generate increased traffic use of roads through local neighborhoods, urban or rural areas? No Yes (describe) c. Would the proposed project require new transportation access (roads, rail, etc.)? Describe location, impacts, costs. No Yes (describe) d. Would the proposed project create a significant increase in local energy usage?No Yes (describe) DocuSign Envelope ID: E32DF9BF-D0B3-496A-89D0-D1ECA5FE378D NETL F 451.1-1/3 Revised: Reviewed: (Page 5) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY ENVIRONMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE 5. Historical/Cultural Resources a. Describe any historical, archaeological, or cultural sites in the vicinity of the proposed project; note any sites included on the National Register of Historic Places.None b. Would construction or operational activities planned under the proposed project disturb any historical, archaeological, or cultural sites?No planned construction No historic sites Yes (describe)No Impact (discuss) c. Has the State Historic Preservation Office been contacted with regard to this project?No Yes (describe) d. Would the proposed project interfere with visual resources (e.g., eliminate scenic views) or alter the present landscape? No Yes (describe) e. Would the proposed project be located on or adjacent to tribal lands, lands considered to be sacred, or lands used for traditional purposes? Describe any known tribal sensitivities for the proposed project area. 6. Atmospheric Conditions/Air Quality a. Identify air quality conditions in the immediate vicinity of the proposed project with regard to attainment of National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). This information is available under the Green Book Non-Attainment Areas for Criteria Pollutants located at http://www.epa.gov/air/oaqps/greenbk/astate.html Attainment Non-Attainment O3 - 1 Hour O3 - 8 Hour SOx PM - 2.5 PM - 10 CO NO2 Lead b. Would proposed project require issuance of new or modified local, state, or federal air permits to perform project related work and activities?No Yes (describe) c. Would the proposed project be in compliance with local and state air quality requirements?Yes If not, please explain. DocuSign Envelope ID: E32DF9BF-D0B3-496A-89D0-D1ECA5FE378D NETL F 451.1-1/3 Revised: Reviewed: (Page 6) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY ENVIRONMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE d. Would the proposed project be classified as either a New Source or a major modification to an existing source? No Yes (describe) e. What types of air emissions, including fugitive emissions, would be anticipated from the proposed project, and what would be the maximum annual rate of emissions for the project? Maximum per Year Total for Project SOx NOx PM - 2.5 PM - 10 CO CO2 Lead H2S Organic solvent vapors or other volatile organic compounds--List: Hazardous air pollutants -- List: Other -- List: None f. Would any types of emission control or particulate collection devices be used? No Yes (describe, including collection efficiencies) g. How would emissions be vented? 7. Hydrologic Conditions/Water Quality a. What nearby water bodies may be affected by the proposed project? Provide distance(s) from the project site. b. What sources would supply potable and process water for the proposed project? DocuSign Envelope ID: E32DF9BF-D0B3-496A-89D0-D1ECA5FE378D NETL F 451.1-1/3 Revised: Reviewed: (Page 7) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY ENVIRONMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE c. Quantify the wastewater that would be generated by the proposed project. Gallons/day Gallons/year Non-contact cooling water Process water Sanitary Other -- describe: None d. What would be the major components of each type of wastewater (e.g., coal fines)?No wastewater produced e. Identify the local treatment facility that would receive wastewater from the proposed project. No discharges to local treatment facility f. Describe how wastewater would be collected and treated.No wastewater produced g. Would any run-off or leachates be produced from storage piles or waste disposal sites?No Yes (describe source) h. Would project require issuance of new or modified water permits to perform project work or site development activities? No Yes (describe) i. Where would wastewater effluents from the proposed project be discharged?No wastewater produced j. Would the proposed project be permitted to discharge effluents into an existing body of water? No Yes (describe water use and effluent impact) k. Would a new or modified National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit be required? No Yes (describe) l. Would the proposed project adversely affect the quality or movement of groundwater?No Yes (describe) DocuSign Envelope ID: E32DF9BF-D0B3-496A-89D0-D1ECA5FE378D NETL F 451.1-1/3 Revised: Reviewed: (Page 8) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY ENVIRONMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE m. Would the proposed project require issuance of an Underground Injection Control (UIC)permit? No Yes (describe) n. Would the proposed project be located in or near a wellhead protection area, drinking water protection area, or above a sole source aquifer or underground source of drinking water (USDW)? No Yes (describe) 8. Solid and Hazardous Wastes a. Identify and estimate wastes that would be generated from the project. Solid wastes are defined as any solid, liquid, semi- solid, or contained gaseous material that is discarded, has served its intended purpose, or is a manufacturing or mining by- product (See EPA Municipal Solid Waste and Municipal Solid by State). Annual Quantity Municipal solid waste (e.g., paper, plastic, etc.) Coal or coal by-products Other -- Identify: Hazardous waste – Identify: None b. Would project require issuance of new or modified solid waste and/or hazardous waste related permits to perform project work activities?No Yes (explain) c. How and where would solid waste disposal be accomplished? None generated On-site (identify and describe location) Off-site (identify location and describe facility and treatment) d. How would wastes for disposal be transported? e. Describe hazardous wastes that would be generated, treated, handled, or stored under this project. Hazardous waste information can be found at EPA Hazardous Waste website.None f. How would hazardous or toxic waste be collected and stored?None used or produced DocuSign Envelope ID: E32DF9BF-D0B3-496A-89D0-D1ECA5FE378D NETL F 451.1-1/3 Revised: Reviewed: (Page 9) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY ENVIRONMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE g. If hazardous wastes would require off-site disposal, have arrangements been made with a certified TSD (Treatment, Storage, and Disposal) facility? Not required Arrangements not yet made Arrangements made with a certified TSD facility (identify) 9. Health/Safety Factors a. Identify hazardous or toxic materials that would be used in the proposed project. None Hazardous or toxic materials that would be used (identify): b. Describe the potential impacts of this project’s hazardous materials on human health and the environment. None c. Would there be any special physical hazards or health risks associated with the project?No Yes (describe) d. Does a worker safety program exist at the location of the proposed project?No Yes (describe) e. Would additional safety training be necessary for any new laboratory, equipment, or processes involved with the project? No Yes (describe) f. Describe any increases in ambient noise levels to the public from construction and operational activities. None Increase in ambient noise level (describe) g. Would project construction result in the removal of natural or other barriers that act as noise screens? No construction planned No Yes (describe) h. Would hearing protection be required for workers?No Yes (describe) 10. Environmental Restoration and/or Waste Management a. Would the proposed project include CERCLA removals or similar actions under RCRA or other authorities? No Yes (describe) DocuSign Envelope ID: E32DF9BF-D0B3-496A-89D0-D1ECA5FE378D NETL F 451.1-1/3 Revised: Reviewed: (Page 10) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY ENVIRONMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE b. Would the proposed project include siting, construction, and operation of temporary pilot-scale waste collection and treatment facilities or pilot-scale waste stabilization and containment facilities?No Yes (describe) c. Would the proposed project involve operations of environmental monitoring and control systems? No Yes (describe) d. Would the proposed project involve siting, construction, operation, or decommissioning of a facility for storing packaged hazardous waste for 90 days or less?No Yes (describe) E. REGULATORY COMPLIANCE 1. For the following laws, describe any existing permits, new or modified permits, manifests, responsible authorities or agencies, contacts, etc., that would be required for the proposed project a. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA):None New Required Modification Required Describe: b. Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA): None New Required Modification Required Describe: c. Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA):None New Required Modification Required Describe: d. Clean Water Act (CWA):None New Required Modification Required Describe: e. Underground Storage Tank Control Program (UST):None New Required Modification Required Describe: f. Underground Injection Control Program (UIC):None New Required Modification Required Describe: g. Clean Air Act (CAA):None New Required Modification Required Describe: DocuSign Envelope ID: E32DF9BF-D0B3-496A-89D0-D1ECA5FE378D NETL F 451.1-1/3 Revised: Reviewed: (Page 11) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY ENVIRONMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE h. Endangered Species Act (ESA):None New Required Modification Required Describe: i.Floodplains and Wetlands Regulations:None New Required Modification Required Describe: j. Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (FWCA):None New Required Modification Required Describe: k. National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA):None New Required Modification Required Describe: l. Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA):None New Required Modification Required Describe: 2. Identify any other environmental laws and regulations (Federal, state, and local) for which compliance would be necessary for this project, and describe the permits, manifests, and contacts that would be required. F. DESCRIBE ANY ISSUES THAT WOULD GENERATE PUBLIC CONTROVERSY REGARDING THE PROPOSED PROJECT.None G. WOULD THE PROPOSED PROJECT PRODUCE ADDITIONAL DEVELOPMENT, OR ARE OTHER MAJOR DEVELOPMENTS PLANNED OR UNDERWAY, IN THE PROJECT AREA? No Yes (describe) H. SUMMARIZE THE SIGNIFICANT IMPACTS THAT WOULD RESULT FROM THE PROPOSED PROJECT. None (provide supporting detail)Significant impacts (describe) DocuSign Envelope ID: E32DF9BF-D0B3-496A-89D0-D1ECA5FE378D NETL F 451.1-1/3 Revised: Reviewed: (Page 12) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY ENVIRONMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE I. PROVIDE A DESCRIPTION OF HOW THE PROJECT WOULD BE DECOMMISSIONED, INCLUDING THE DISPOSITION OF EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS. III. CERTIFICATION BY PROPOSER I hereby certify that the information provided herein is current, accurate, and complete as of the date shown immediately below. Signature: Date (mm/dd/yyyy): Typed Name: Title: Organization: IV. REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY DOE I hereby certify that I have reviewed the information provided in this questionnaire, have determined that all questions have been appropriately answered, and judge the responses to be consistent with the efforts proposed. DOE Project Manager Signature: Date (mm/dd/yyyy): Typed Name: DocuSign Envelope ID: E32DF9BF-D0B3-496A-89D0-D1ECA5FE378D 4/14/2023 Certificate Of Completion Envelope Id: E32DF9BFD0B3496A89D0D1ECA5FE378D Status: Completed Subject: Complete with DocuSign: Alaska Energy Authority Program Narrative.pdf, Alaska Energy Authority ... Source Envelope: Document Pages: 40 Signatures: 5 Envelope Originator: Certificate Pages: 2 Initials: 0 Grants AutoNav: Enabled EnvelopeId Stamping: Enabled Time Zone: (UTC-09:00) Alaska 813 W Northern Lights Blvd Anchorage, AK 99503-2407 grants@aidea.org IP Address: Record Tracking Status: Original 4/14/2023 10:17:54 AM Holder: Grants grants@aidea.org Location: DocuSign Signer Events Signature Timestamp Conner Erickson cerickson@akenergyauthority.org Economist AEA Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Uploaded Signature Image Using IP Address: Sent: 4/14/2023 10:46:53 AM Viewed: 4/14/2023 10:50:07 AM Signed: 4/14/2023 10:51:23 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Curtis Thayer cthayer@akenergyauthority.org AEA Executive Director AEA Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Uploaded Signature Image Using IP Address: Signed using mobile Sent: 4/14/2023 10:51:24 AM Viewed: 4/14/2023 10:53:44 AM Signed: 4/14/2023 10:59:11 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign In Person Signer Events Signature Timestamp Editor Delivery Events Status Timestamp Agent Delivery Events Status Timestamp Intermediary Delivery Events Status Timestamp Certified Delivery Events Status Timestamp Carbon Copy Events Status Timestamp Witness Events Signature Timestamp Notary Events Signature Timestamp Envelope Summary Events Status Timestamps Envelope Sent Hashed/Encrypted 4/14/2023 10:46:53 AM Certified Delivered Security Checked 4/14/2023 10:53:44 AM Signing Complete Security Checked 4/14/2023 10:59:11 AM Envelope Summary Events Status Timestamps Completed Security Checked 4/14/2023 10:59:11 AM Payment Events Status Timestamps