HomeMy WebLinkAboutIIJA-BIL AEA 40101(d) Public Meeting #3 Summary - Dec 13, 2022 1 Alaska Energy Authority: IIJA Grid Transmission Resiliency Public Hearing #3 Date & Time: December 13, 2022, 1:00 – 1:30 pm ZOOM Info: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81895696837?pwd=MWtWSFNDQks0RHh5Mm9lTzcwUnhVZz09 Meeting ID: 818 9569 6837 Passcode: 978830 Attendees: Conner Erickson Daniel Miller Brian Carey Karin McGillivray Malia Walters Josh Craft Chris Escamilla Alaska Energy Authority, Manager of Planning Alaska Energy Authority, Project Manager Alaska Energy Authority, Director of Owned Assets Michael Baker International Michael Baker International Matanuska Electric Association, Grid Modernization Manager Fend Tech Incorporated, Chief Growth Officer Public Hearing Summary INTRODUCTIONS – ALL IIJA 40101(d ) OVERVIEW – AEA Conner Erickson gave an overview of the BIL Section 40101(D) Grid Resilience Formula Grant process being administered by the Alaska Energy Authority. Q&A Question: Josh Craft asked - Can it [a battery] do a dual purpose, so provide ancillary services and provide grid resiliency? Or does it just have to be for one thing? Typically, energy storage doesn’t make a whole lot of sense until you’re doing two or three things. Answer: This is something that a lot of states have been bringing up as far as my understanding. It would have to have its primary purpose of hardening the grid against disruptive events. A battery inherently by its nature does this now, like you said there are kind of multiple things that it can be leveraged of while implementing a battery into the grid , however in the application I would just note the primary purpose behind the battery is for this purpose. Another thought on that is that eligible entities would be applying to the program through AEA because AEA would be the ones receiving the funds an d then be responsible for distributing and allocating them based on the applications we receive. All applications that come across our desk will also ultimately be forwarded to the Department of Energy for review. We would love for those that are recommended under our program to just be blessed by DOE and have the project go on. I just don’t want any applicants to feel as though they’re at risk for not funding 2 once DOE takes a second look at it. So I’d be a little diplomatic to that end in terms of when we apply. I don’t think there’s any harm in stating that there’s additional benefits to be had from the battery, but I think it’s probably fair to make the statement that would be the primary intent. Question: Chris Escamilla asked – For our specific interests, we’re looking for the GRIP discussion, topic areas two and three associated with this, and our ACA work with the co -op. I’m assuming those discussions will happen at a later date? Answer: There has been discussion between AEA and some of the utilities regarding the submission of concept papers as required by the GRIP of funding provisions, and we have been in talks with at least one of the consulting companies tasked by the Department of Energy to help coordinate applications on topic three. So we’re working in concert with some of the utility groups to put together an application for that one. As far as topic one is concerned, AEA is not an eligible entity for that particular provision, so that’s not something we would apply to. As far as topic two is concerned, given the predicament that we are the State Energy Office and managing some of these things, we like to not get too involved as to not create a conflict of interest there. I don’t know too much more in terms of what it is that you’ve been in discussions with over the GRIP piece. I understand that some of the utilities would be looking to apply for funding under both the GRIP topic as well as the 40101(D) primary embedded formula grants that we discussed in here. Now as far as DOE is concerned, the entity cannot apply for the same project under both provisions within the same application cycle. We’ll be trying to put out the application period for this so that it doesn’t necessarily overlap, and we don’t run into that issue. But if there are projects and utilities who are looking to fund under these programs, then they’ll just have to be careful and don’t apply for the same project under both the competitive sub gran t as well as topic one on funding provision under GRIP.