HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnchorage Fairbanks Intertie route selection report 1982ANCHORAGE -FAIRBANKS TRANSMISSION INTERTIE· ROUTE SELECTION REPORT I '~ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY-----' JANUARY 1982 ( I ~er'Je~~~'f9A,JV.I~8A \ANCHORAdi!)"O.:g~ "Est.1997 ANCHORAGE -FAIRBANKS TRANSMISSION INTERTIE ROUTE SELECTION REPORT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY Prepared at the Offices of: Commonwealth Associates Inc. 209 East Washington Avenue Jackson,Michigan 49201 January 1982 ARLIS Alaska Resources Library &Information Services Library Building,Suite III 3211 Providence Drive Anchorage,AK 99508-4614 1982 ue~:lQY cm~t &l tlM Im!erior Irt- ~ il Lfh. f;S ;J "AY$? fPJ~1 ire ___~GilbertlCommonwe..lth engineers/consultants/architects COMMONWEALTH ASSOCIATES INC.,209 E.Washington Avenue,Jackson,MI 49201/Tel.517 788-3000 January 29,1982 r { l Mr.David D.Wozniak Alaska Power Authority 334 West 5th Avenue Anchorage,Alaska 99501 Dear Mr.Wozniak: This will confirm the transmittal of the Anchorage/Fairbanks Intertie Route Selection Report (Final)to the Alaska Power Authority. The report lidS been amended to include material addressing the proposed access for construction and maintenance of the Intertie.This information was requested by the Alaska Power Authority Board of Directors in our presentation to them on November 13,1981,and presented during the Board Meeting on November 19,1981. During these two meetings,the Board solicited and heard extensive testimony from concerned citizens,affected land- owners,utilities,and federal and state resource agencies. During the meeting of November 19,1981,Commonwealth Associates Inc.consultants,Dr.Harry Kornberg and Dr.Sol Michaelson, presented,and the Alaska Power Authority accepted,expert testimony to the effect that the project presents no health hazards. The Board accepted the recommendations that the line be con- structed for 345 kV,initially operated at 138 kV (System Configuration IB)and that the line be constructed overhead along the eastern line route including Moody-Montana (Line Configuration 19)with the following two provisions: Gilbert/Commonwealth Family of Companies Readino.PA Jackson.MI New York.NY Rio de Janeiro.Brazil Mr.David D.Wozniak January 29,1982 Page 2r- \ ['~GilbertI Commonwealth V 209 E.Washington Avenue,Jackson,MI 49201 [- \-- I - \ I r -' -~ [: I'L a)that Alaska Power Authority staff and the consul- tant make a good faith effort to completely avoid Denali State Park and b)work with the National Park Service to substitute the northern routing by line segments 10 and 11 instead of 12,if this can be done without delay- ing the project. The Board requested that the staff and consultants continue to involve and inform landowners directly affected in the final location of the line. Thirty-five copies of this amended report (final)are being transmitted for your files and distribution. Yours very truly,~£1JtL Ie G.Miller,P.E. roject Manager L L r~~ l, L LGM/kb Enclosures !- L~ L L ~...,. ,'_J L. r:; -u ~~ t::::tcO' [ [' ~ r--' l r - L~ [- l " L r~ TABLE OF CONTENTS I.PROJECT BACKGROUND o Economic Benefits o Relation to the Susitna Project o Configurations o Conceptual Studies II.ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS o Route Selection Methodology o Environmental Overview o Conclusion III.ENGINEERING AND OPERATING CONSIDERATIONS o Meteorology o Topography o Soils and Geophysical Aspects o Maintainability o Realiability o Conceptual Access Plan IV.ECONOMIC CONSIDERATIONS o Project Cost Comparisons o Life Cycle Cost Analysis V.SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS i Page No. 1 1 2 2 10 19 29 31 33 34 35 37 38 42 110 115 r----, ~--- '--"'·.1 r··.. L L G r L I~~I [ l_~ l.~ l r - l _ Figure 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. LIST OF FIGURES Present Concept of Configuration IB Present Concept of Configuration 2B 345 kV Tangent Structure 345 kV Angle Structure 345 kV Double Circuit Tangent Pole 345 kV Double Circuit Angle Pole Route Selection Process Corridor and Final Network Land Ownership Land Use Areas and Species of Concern Visual Resources Meteorology and Geology Access Conceptual Access Plan Comparative Cost by Method of Construction - Labor and Equipment Only Construction Costs by Superlink Preferred Line Route ii Page 3 4 6 7 8 9 11 14 20 22 24 27 32 36 41 46 51 117 -, -" ..-.; [:_7 I .~' .:::; L~ rIl ~ TABLE 1. 2. 3 • 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. LIST OF TABLES Route Alignment Segments (Superlinks) Alaska Power Authority,Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie,Construction Cost Comparison-Labor and Equipment Only Superlink -345 kV Estimated Construction Costs Superlink -138 kV Estimated Construction Costs Project Cost Estimate -Configuration lAl 138/138 Project Cost Estimate -Configuration lBl 138/345 Project Cost Estimate -Configuration 2Bl 230/345 Summary Cost Comparison with Susitna Life Cycle Costs and Benefits,Including Future Need for 345 kV Interconnection Life Cycle Costs and Benefits,Excluding Future Need for 345 kV Interconnection Sensitivity Analysis of Life Cycle Costs and Benefits of the Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie iii PAGE 18 45 47 49 52 71 90 109 112 113 114 ,.""""'1 ~ ~ ~ c,..._":" I.PROJECT BACKGROUND Economic Benefits The following section reviews the economic benefits which can be derived from the intertie between Anchorage and Fair- banks.The numbers given below are taken from Commonwealth's Feasibility Report submitted on May 1,1981.No reason to revise these numbers has since been disclosed. The first benefit of the intertie will be to permit economy energy interchange between Anchorage and Fairbanks.It is estimated that by 1984 the cost of energy generation by oil-fired combustion turbines in Fairbanks will cost roughly four times that produced by gas-fired units in Anchorage. By 1993,this ratio is predicted to drop to about 2.5. Substantial savings can be achieved by shipping off-peak energy potential in Anchorage to Fairbanks so that the latter can correspondingly reduce its usage of the more expensive oil.The resulting savings is estimated at $160 million for the period 1984 to 1993. The second benefit of the intertie is to allow reserve sharing.When Anchorage and Fairbanks are isolated,one from another,each should have installed reserve generating capacity approximately equal to the two largest generating units.When joined,each can provide the same quality service as before by carrying reserve equal to its single largest unit,and relying upon the intertie to back up its second largest unit.This will avoid the need to install as much new ge~erating capacity in the future as would otherwise be the case.It is estimated that by reserve sharing Anchorage can reduce its need for new generating capacity by 70 MW by 1993,and Fairbanks can reduce its need by 55 MW,bringing the total reduction to 125 MW.This will save an additional $14 million in the 1984-1993 time frame.Thus,the total saving in the 1983-1994 period is roughly $174 million. Relation to the Susitna Project If the intertie is built for future 345 kV operation as a part of the Susitna Project,the question arises whether a portion of the Susitna transmission system should be install- ed ten years early in order to gain the benefits noted above.The cost of installing the intertie early is only a fraction of the cost for its total life cycle cost.Thus, there is opportunity to achieve the $174 million saving noted earlier at an attractive ratio of benefit to costs. 2 Configurations As a result of the May 1 Feasibility Study,Commonwealth recommended that the intertie be designed for 138 kV initial operation and 345 kV future operation.At that time,it was not recognized that the existing 138 kV transmiss~on line from Point MacKenzie to Teeland would be raised to 230 kV. This line,owned by Chugach Electric Association,is a vital connection point for the intertie.It has since been decided that this line will be changed to 230 kV by the time the intertie is tentatively planned to go in service.This event reopened the possibility of operating the intertie at 230 kV,but still being constructed for 345 kV operation as a future part of the Susitna Project. Thus,there are under consideration two alternative system configurations at this time: lB -138 kV initial operation,designed for future 345 kV operation 2B -230 kV initial operation,designed for future 345 kV operation. These two configurations are illustrated in Figures 1 and 2 attached.Later in this report,a cost comparison ot these alternatives will be presented. There is additionally a third possibility that is incidentally shown in the attached diagrams and treated in the cost comparison.This alternative is designated configuration lA and is idential to lB except that the intertie would be designed for 138 kV operation only.This third configuration is included only to reconfirm the decision to design for future 345 kV operation. Conceptual Studies A design criteria study was prepared to establish the criteria for line component alternative studies and the line design. The study included electrical,mechanical,and structural parameters.Nortec,Dowl Engineers,Dryden &LaRue of Anchorage and Shannon &Wilson of Fairbanks provided basic meteorological and geophysical data on the Alaska environment. The preliminary Design Criteria Study was distributed to Alaska Power Authority (APA)and the Alaska Utilities for comments.Comments were received and are now being incor- porated into the final study. PRESENT CONCEPT OF CONFIGURATION 1B GOLD HILL ~23KV 69 KV 12/16/20 MVA 60/80/100 MVA 4-1(/) 138 KV 230KV f 138 KV 138 KV I'A"..If •••" lIB" POINT MACKENZIE HEALY----------.... ••NENANA WILLOW ~~I r 5.5 MILES 60/80/100 MVA 'I"""II ~----4."----4.,-- TEELAND 0<0MNN 00<0 M LO 'I""" 00""", Mo::;t 'I""" >~ LO o::;t Mel) Wwa:....I=>-1-:2=>LO LL""", ''I''''">~ 00 M 'I""" REACTORS CAPACITORS NO.MVAR TOTAL NO.MVAR TOTALEACHEACH I'A "1 (a)5 5 6 5 30 .f'B"3 5 15 4 5 20 I'C"4 5 20 4 5 20 FIGURE 1 (a)EXISTING PRESENT CONCEPT OF CONFIGURATION 28 TGOLD HILL 6·9KV 0),.... M~ 'l""".~'-"AAJ II A"..160/80~~10:MVA NENANA m ~j 138 KV M 10'l""" HEALY 138 KV T L "82" Q)~60/80/100 MVA T230KV "B1" >~ 10 ~ Men WwD:-I::>-I-~ ::J'l"""U-o 'N>~ o M N >~c.o ON M N TEELAND ------.:~.. POINT MACKENZIE "e" 115 KV 1 230KV REACTORS CAPACITORS NO.MVAR TOTAL NO.MVAR TOTALEACHEACH "A"1(a)5 5 6 5 30 "81"1 (a)5 5 - - - "82"6 5 30 3 5 15 I'C"6 5 30 --- FIGURE 2 (a)EXISTING l ~ r-~ [' [ [ [ l-::FL~ ~ [; r ~ l r' I L [, L r = l~ r - IL.J l 5 The preliminary Structure Study was prepared which evaluated seven 345 kV single-circuit structures.This preliminary Structure Study was distributed in Alaska for comments. Based on the comments received,the following additions were made:aluminum structures were studied,bringing the total structures to 10,screw anchors were considered,shield wires were added and a life cycle analysis was prepared. The revised structure study recommends the Corten,or equal, guyed pole "X"for the Intertie Project.Illustrations of the structures,Figures 3,4,5 and 6,follow this discus- sion. The phase conductors selected for the 345 kV project are nonspecular twin bundle 954 kcmil "ACSR." Lightning outage calculations based on no shield wires and on an isokeraunic level of eight thunderstorm days per year, indicate 12.9 line outages per 100 miles per year would occur on this intertie.With two shield wires protecting the line,the line outages would reduce to 0.82 per 100 miles per year. In conclusion,the intertie life cycle costs to compare fifty-seven project alternatives are based on:design criteria which is essentially approved;the guyed pole "X" structure;supporting nonspecular twin bundle "Rain"conduc- tors;and two shield wires. --~ ~ 1 28 ' m -.., In M.- l-.. 33' .-J \ I \ -- = In \ = ex> I I I I j-22.5 'T22.5 '-.\ '-'I FIGURE 3 :Alaska Power Authority IANCHORAGE FAIRBANKS TRANSMISSION INTERTIE l-..-J r -: 345kV Tangent Structure ~Gilbert Commonwealth r--" 1,-, [' [ r:::::c..::::::: 1 ' l~_a rc: [ r'b I~ L r . L~ ~,...,•" r-1O '-J ~~- J."l,\lil ~\ \~i\------\/.\\/\\/\\~\/\\\\~\\\ \\\ :31 '-44'\31 '-44 '\I \ \\./f \\\ t-tv \t"\ (Alaska PowerAUtfiOrity IANCHORAGE FAIRBANKS TRANSMISSION INTERTIE l~ Lo [~{i Gdbert.Commonwealth I FIGURE 4 345kV Angle Structure r 23 '--1 -L!) ,-.'- r-, L~ [ F l_.....' c LJ c:; l~; r - I h ,- '<t ,--co N ,- -L!) .-o.- -L!) r-- r--2 2 '-----..LI I .l .I. 1 r' '-' L;I FIGURE 5 I' LJ (AlaskaPOwerAuth-ority IANCHORAGE FAIRBANKS TRANSMISSION INTERTIE 345kV Double Circuit Tangent Pole (J Gilbert/Commonwealth '-...-; ,-..J , ,"r..J_...,(,~-/I!!/Cil Transmission Line )FIGURE 6 (Alaska Power Authority IANCHORAGE FAIRBANKS TRANSMISSION INTERTIE 345kV Double Circuit Angle Pole (I Gilbert'Commonwealth I~ r~ I ! I f' I I~ L ~, ~-, L R [ r ' 1---; r; i _~ r-~ 10 II.ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS Route Selection Methodology Formulate Study Process -The initial phase of the route selection process was to define a study approach most suit- able to the Intertie Project.It was determined that selec- tion of an acceptable route would be made with respect to three important goals: 1.Satisfy regulatory and permit requirements 2.Respond to concerns expressed through the Public Participation Program 3.Achieve routing objectives In order to satisfactorily initiate the route selection process,a methodology was adapted for the Intertie Project based on the network theory.This process involves the identification of corridors,establishes a network of potential line route segments within them and evaluates alternative routes based on specific criteria.Figure 7 graphically depicts the overall route selection process and should be referenced throughout this introduction. Several objectives were agree9 upon by Commonwealth Associates Inc.and the Alaska Power Authority to assist in the routing process.They were: -Minimize Impact on Land Use -Minimize Conflict with Existing Life Styles -Minimize Impact on Natural Systems -Minimize Visual Impact -Minimize Impact on Cultural Resources -Maximize Sharing of Existing Rights-of-Way -Optimize Construction and Opertional Costs The alignments selected for study were evaluated with respect to these objectives so that a route would be selected which balances environmental resources,public concerns,construc- tion and maintenance feasibility,and reliability. Develop Data -Upon selection of a routing methodology,data collection was initiated to obtain available and published data.Existing aerial photography for the project area was acquired to assist in the analysis of existing conditions. In the general absence of the mapped data,this data source ,-~ l I I ~L~L rr--,rt:L1 ~no r-:~cr,,1,[>UI...........~ !----'-,--""""'~r----~,!~,----"1 J ~~1 J Route Selection Process ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS TRANSMISSION INTERTIE FORMULATE STUDY PROCESS DEVELOP DATA IDENTIFY CORRIDOR(S) DETERMINE ALTERNATIVE ROUTE LOCATIONS EVALUATE ROUTE ALTERNATIVES SELECT FINAL ROUTE ALIGNMENT DEFINE STUDY APPROACH SELECT ROUTING METHODOLOGY "T1 15c ::tlm..... COLLECT AND ANALYZE EXISTING DATA SELECT CORRIDOR(S} FOR MORE IN- DEPTH STUDY AGENCY REVIEW ~, AND COMMENT :\ INVENTORY AND ANALYSIS (update datal PUBLIC WORKSHOPS I COMMUNITY MEETINGS I FIELD INSPECTION ,-------,1 I l---.-- I i '--__---Ji I IDENTIFY PREFERRED AND ALTERNATE ROUTES SUBMITTAL DFROUTE H TO PERMITTING AGENCIES r~ l r l \ l . [- t ' f l'~ L' [~ l~ l~ I" I' E [ [~ r L, i L 12 became an important tool;photographic sources included color infrared (NASA U-2 Photography,1977),true color photography (Alaska Railroad,1979)and black and white photography (Lower Susitna River Basin,1980).Later in the evaluation of alignments,project photography was also made available (North Pacific Aerial Surveys,Inc.,1981). Agency contacts were an essential aspect of data collection. In obtaining existing literature,agency interests and concerns were also discussed to identify significant issues or problem areas. Agencies contacted during the course of the project have in~ eluded: FEDERAL U.S.Department of the Army Corps of Engineers U.S.Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service U.S.Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management National Park Service Fish and Wildlif~A~rvic~ U.S.Department of Transportation Alaska Railroad STATE Alaska Department of Commerce and Economic Development Alaska Department of Fish and Game Alaska Department of Natural Resources Division of Forest,Land and Water Management Division of Parks Division of Research and Development Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facili- ties University of Alaska REGIONAL Ahtna,Inc. Matanuska -Susitna Borough,Inc. Identify Corridors -Identification of transmission line cOLridoLs was the initial step in the route selection process for the Anchorage-Fairbanks Transmission Intertie.The corridors were delineated to generally outline the project study area,providing the basis from which more detailed ~~ \ ~> l-' [ [. L [ L [ r t I " l_ h i l> ! - 13 studies would be conducted.Corridors were defined in broad terms with variabl'e widths in order to accommodate a number of alternative route segments within them.For the Anchorage- Fairbanks Transmission Intertie,corridors were thus deline- ated between the Willow Substation to the south and Healy Substation to the north.Figure 8 depicts the general location of the corridors selected. Preliminary alignment of corridors was based on the identifi- cation of potentially feasible line locations.Corridors were initially selected which satisfied two fundamental objectives: 1.Technically acceptable corridors which posed reasonable engineering constraints and afforded reliable and maintainable service. 2.Environmentally acceptable corridors which combined transportation and utility facilities to avoid establishing dispersed rights-of-way. A review of corridor locations then commenced,utilizing u.S. Geological Survey maps (1:63360),various aerial photographic data,and previously assembled information for the study ~re~.Major geologic~l fe~tl1reR,Revere topogr~phy or evaluations,principal river courses,and other natural features which would preclude use for transmission corridors were avoided to the extent possible.Additional considera- tion was given to existing land use developments,utility rights-of-way,and transportation systems.Based on this data,corridors were delineated which offered potentially feasible alignments,although varying in width from over four miles in Broad Pass to less than one mile in the Nenana Gorge and Windy Pass.Further description of these corridors provides a more detailed rationale for their alignment. Corridor Description -Alignment of the corridor north of the Willow Substation was facilitated by the presence of an existing Matanuska Electric Association right-of-way.This 180 foot right-of-way will be paralleled in part by the Intertie,enabling joint use of access and a net reduction in total land requirements.Proceeding north for approxi- mately 22 miles the corridor then splits into two alternative alignments:a)a western corridor essentially parallel to the Parks Highway,and b)a more easterly corridor situated east of Talkeetna and later parallel to the Alaska Railroad. The western corridor at its point of beginning was located west and south of the Parks Highway,avoiding more inten- sive development near the intersection of the Talkeetna Spur o 10 20 MileSJ'i I I I o 10 20 Kilometers ~Gilbert/Commonwealth North I I AGURE8 (Alaska Power Authority IANCHORAGE FAIRBANKS TRANSMISSION INTERTIE Corridor & Final Network r-" l 1_, Il > l_' [~ [" l~ [~ ~ I \..j c~ [~ I" 15 Road and the Parks Highway,while allowing for a reasonably narrow crossing ot the Susitna River.At this point,the corridor widened to include both sides of the Parks Highway. Near Petersville Road,the corridor was generally confined by Sawmill and Scotty Lakes and wetland areas to the west and the Chulitna River along the east.After crossing the Chulitna River near Mile Post 126,the corridor continued to parallel both sides of the Parks Highway bounded by the Chulitna River on its boundary and avoiding steep topography along Curry Ridge to the east.It varied from 1-1/2 to 3 miles in width. The alternative eastern corridor was situated approximately 3 miles east of the Talkeetna Spur Road at its closest point to avoid numerous lakes and associated small tracts in the vicinity of Sunshine and Answer Creeks and Bartlett Hills. After crossing the Talkeetna River near its confluence with Chunilna Creek,the corridor widened to more than four miles in the vicinity of Chase.North of Chase the corridor becomes more closely aligned with the Alaska Railroad right- of-way,being bounded by the Susitna River on the west and steep topography associated with the Talkeetna Mountains on the east.The corridor width did not exceed one or two miles in this area as it crossed Gold Creek,the Susitna River and Indian River.The corridor then merged with the Parks Highway corridor near Chulitna Pass,generally being aligned along the Chulitna River. At this juncture there was a single corridor bounded by the Chulitna River to the west and Indian Hills (near Chulitna Butte)to the east.As the corridor proceeded north crossing Hurricane Gulch,Honolulu Creek and the East Fork Chulitna River,it was narrowly confined by steep topography to the east and lowland areas associated with the Chulitna River to the west.In the vicinity of Mile Post 194,the corridor widened considerably to accommodate numerous routing alterna- tives in Broad Pass.North of Cantwell the corridor was narrowly constricted through Windy Pass.Panorama Mountain, Reindeer Hills and mountain ranges in excess of 5,000 feet (MSL)limited consideration of other corridors in this locale.North of Carlo Creek,the corridor was extended to the west near Riley Creek and to the east,where topography becomes less severe in the vicinity of the Yanert Fork. Near Montana Creek north of the Yanert Fork,the second corridor major option was delineated.The western alterna- tive proceeds north through Nenana Gorge with the corridor confined to widths approximating one-half mile,while the second alternative is aligned with the Montana and Moody Creek drainages.Both corridor options converge at the Healy Substation north of Healy Creek. r" r-' I r-' l.. r~ l . I~ [i [,~ [ fl ; U l ::, L--;; E l - r_ E L _,-' !• L" I .• 16 Public workshops were conducted on January 19-21,1981,at Anchorage,Talkeetna,Cantwell,and Fairbanks to receive comments on the project's overall feasibility and preliminary corridor locations. Determine Alternative Route Locations -Within the corridors a preliminary network of route segments or links was deline- ated.The links were located using the USGS topographic maps as a base and aligned where most suited to existing study area conditions.Initial selection of alignments was based on use of acceptable terrain and topographic conditions, avoidance of private tracts,as well as excessive stream and river crossings,use of vegetation edges,and property and section lines.Additional consideration was given to effects on scenic quality and existing land use development.A network consisting of 89 links and 58 nodes,or points of intersection,was originally prepared on March 27,1981. Evaluate Route Alternatives -The first revision to the network occurred during the period April and May 1981 and resulted in numerous additional links and nodes.Impetus was provided by agency meetings and field reconnaissance conducted in late May and early June 1981.Additions to the network were incorporated during this time and included alignments:1)east of Chulitna Butt,2)woat of tho Parka Highway in Broad Pass,3)in the vicinity of the entrance to Denali National Park,and 4)west side of Nenana Gorge.The network,as modified,consisted of 115 links and 69 notes and was issued June 3,1981. A second series of public workshops was held to incorporate comments on the network previously described.Meetings were held in Talkeetna,Cantwell and McKinley Village June 9-11, 1981. Response during these sessions prompted two major changes in the network:1)provision for crossover segment south of Denali State Park to connect east and west corridors,and 2) addition of a "near east"alignment east of the original route near Talkeetna and extending north across the upper elevations of the Talkeetna Mountains to merge with original eastern route near Gold Creek.This second revision of the network resulted in a new total of 123 links and 76 nodes and was issued on June 26,1981. Informal "brown bag lunch"meetings were conducted on July 7,1981 in Anchorage and July 10,1981 in Fairbanks to assure that these principal communities in the vicinity of the project were kept informed of the project's status.An interagency meeting was also conducted on July 9 to review l: r~"'" l l~ l ' [0' r~ t" [ l r', ~~ I 0 17 current status of the network;agencies included the Alaska Department of Natural Resources,Alaska Department of Fish and Game,and u.s.Fish and Wildlife Service. A third and final revision of the network was made on July 17,1981 in order to accommodate:1)interconnection of near east and railroad alignments,and 2)addition of route segment west of Parks Highway in the vicinity of the Middle Fork Chulitna River.This revised network yielded 125 links and 78 nodes and is shown in Figure 8. An examination of the network commenced in.order to refine the 125 link segments to a more effectively manageable number,with respect to engineering,environmental and economic concerns.The links remaining were then combined into larger route segments or "superlinks"and formed the basis for detailed engineering and economic analyses describ- ed in the following sections.The superlinks and their respective lengths are described in Table 1. r--" "I l . ,-' l l. l' l~ [ ", .~ [ 18 TABLE 1 ROUTE ALIGNMENT SEGMENTS (SUPERLINKS) ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT Length Superlink Nodes Links (Miles) IS · · ·A-B 1 .·· · ·· · ··· · · · ···21.6 2S · · · B-I 2,4,5,7,11,·········· · 31.6 3S .· · B-YYY 33,34,36,120,121,124 · · ····41.4 4S ···I-YYY 13,15,16,45,46,47 · · · · ····17.5 5S •··I-LL 14,18,20,22,23,26,29,30,32,54,58.45.3 6S · · · YYY-LL 47a,48,50,52 · · · ·· · · · · ·28.5 7S .· · LL-OO 59,62 ········ · · · · · ·5.1 8S .· · Oo-zzz 125 · · ········ · · · ··19.6 9S •··OO-PP 63 ·· · ······ · · · · · ·14.9 lOB pp-zzz 65 · ····· · · · ······4.2 lIS ···zzz-UU 65a,70 ·· · · · · · ······18.4 12S •··PP-UU 66,68,71,72 ······· · · · ·22.4 13S ···UU-FFF 74,77,80,85,87 · · · · · · · ··19.9 14S .··FFF-UUU 105,107,105,111,112,114,116,117 ·13.1 15S · · · FFF-UUU 106,109 ······· · · ····14.9 16S ···UUu-vvv 118 ·· · · · · · · ······ · 0.9 l. ,--~ ~ Reference:Commonwealth Associates Inc.,Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie Project,Preliminary Network Maps,June 26, 1981 (Sheets 3,4 and 5,revised July 17,1981). l' \ f' l_~ L L [ r-, t_~ [ f" L.r • FL~ r'~ t~ [~ C l" L.. Il.__, l~ 19 Environmental Overview A brief description of the various superlinks is provided with respect to significant environmental features.The subjects addressed are:1)Land Ownership,2)Land Use,3) Areas and Species of Concern and 4)Aesthetics.The data presented is abbreviated and will be more thoroughly and comprehensively described in the Environmental Analysis Report. Land Ownership -Land ownership along superlink 1 is shown in Figure 9.The land is predominately state-owned south of the Kashwitna River and privately owned north of the river. Borough lands are generally located along the Kashwitna River. Land is primarily borough-owned along superlink 2.State lands are located in the vicinity of the Susitna River, while private lands are present in the Montana Creek and Trappers Creek areas. Land along.superlink 3 is predominantly'state-owned north of the Talkeetna River and private,borough or state-owned south of the river.The state lands are primarily tentative- ly approved.Some private lands are along Montana Creek and in the Emil Lake area;the remainder are in the Talkeetna agricultural lands.Borough lands lie immediately south and adjacent the Talkeetna River. Land ownership along superlink 4 is evenly distributed between borough,state and federal. Land associated with superlink 5 is predominantly state- owned tentatively approved within Denali State Park. Private ownership lands crossed,including the Indian Hills subdivision,are native allotment lands and private lands in the Mountain Haus-Ruth Glacier Overlook area.Borough lands exist adjacent the Denali State Park southern boundary. State (tentatively approved)lands encompass almost all of superlink 6.A few private lands are crossed in the Chunilna and Gold Creek areas. Land is either state-owned,tentatively approved,or federally owned along superlink 7,while it is predominantly state-owned, tentatively approved,along superlink 8.State selected lands are also present.Some private native allotments are crossed. o 10 20 MileS 4IIII' o 10 20 Kilometers (i Gilbert/Commonwealth North (I FIGURE 9 (Alaska Power Authority IANCHORAGE FAIRBANKS TRANSMISSION INTERTIE land Ownership II _ 21 Land is primarily state-owned,tentatively approved,south of the East Fork Chulitna River.North of the Chulitna River lands are principally owned by the borough or by the federal government. Superlinks 12 and 13 are primarily located on village selec- tion lands.Both links also cross small stretches of native allotments. l-~ Land link 11. Park ownership is entirely village selection along super- 10 and predominantly village selection along superlink Two areas of superlink 11 lie within Denali National and Preserve. r-........ L~ [.~., l_~ ~--j ~;:7' [; L- Land is primarily state-owned,tentatively approved,along superlinks 14 and 16,and solely state-owned tentatively ap- proved,along superlink 15.There are Bureau of Land Manage- ment lands within the Gorge along superlink 14. Land Use -Residential development associated with superlink 1 is depicted in Figure 10 and is located along Willow Creek Road.Residential growth is also extending east from the Parks Highway just south of Montana.Land use along super- link 2 is predominantly residential.Residential growth is located along the Parks Highway south of its jun~ture with the Talkeetna Spur Road and again with commercial and resi- dential development along Peters ville road west of Trappers Creek.Numerous private and one FAA airstrips are situated at the south end of this alignment. Superlink 3 traverses the Talkeetna Bluffs West Division, the Chase II,Unit IV subdivision and the Talkeetna agricul- tural lands.There are few residences in the Emil Lake area.Land use associated with superlink 4 consists of scattered residences along Lane and MacKenzie Creeks. Along superlink 5,land use development is dominated by the Denali State Park.Some residential development occurs along the Parks Highway near the Mountain Haus-Ruth Glacier Overlook area and again along the Highway in the Pass Creek- Division Creek area.Several campgrounds are also situated along the Parks Highway in the immediate vicinity of super- link 5 including Byers Lake State Campground and Troublesome Creek and Indian Pass trailhead and picnic area. The predominant land use associated with superlink 6 is scattered residential growth along the Alaska Railroad. Residential growth exists in Sherman,Gold Creek and Chulitna and seems to be extending east from these locales along MileSJ 20 Kilometers ~Gilbert/Commonwealth North I I AGURE10 (Alaska Power Authority IANCHORAGE FAIRBANKS TRANSMISSION INTERTIE land Use l-~ l r-- l ~ 1-- [ ......J L, ::.-....;; 23 water courses.The presently developed Indian Hills subdivi- sion is bypassed east of Chulitna Butte,although additional undeveloped lands are traversed. No land use will be affected by superlinks 7,8,9 and 11. Some residential development associated with superlink 10 exists near the railroad stops of Broad Pass and Colorado. Superlink 12 bisects residential development east of Cantwell along the Denali Highway,and could affect future growth east of the highway.Residential lands are bypassed by superlink 13 usage extending east along the Nenana River and Carlo and Slime Creeks.This alignment avoids crossing of federal park lands.Superlink 14 traverses near a residential land use area across the Parks Highway from Denali National Park.No developed land use is crossed by superlink 15 in the Moody-Montana drainages.Residential land use will be marginally affected in Healy by superlink 16. Areas and Species of Concern -Certain wildlife species or groups of species which occur in the project area o/ere selected for special consideration during the route selection process.These species were chosed because:1)their populations provide a source of actual or economic subsis- tence (i.e.big game);2)their populations indicate the, ecological health of the environment (i.e.birds of prey); or 3)their populations are in danger of expiration (i.e. threatened and endangered species).It was assumed that impacts of construction and maintenance of a transmission line on these species would .be indicative of the impacts on other species utilizing the project area. Big game species,especially moose and caribou,occur through- out the project area but tend to concentrate,at least during some seasons,in certain locales.These areas of concentration are shown in Figure 11 and include all or part of the superlinks shown except 4,6,10,11 and 12 for moose and 1,3 and 6 for caribou. While brown bear reportedly occur throughout the project, the only area of intensive spring use is along superlink 14. The areas of intensive spring use provide an important nutrition source for bears corning out of hibernation. Dall sheep are found in of Sugarloaf Mountain. habitat for dall sheep. Sugarloaf Mountain. the project area only in the vicinity This area provides year around Superlinks 14,15 and 16 surround MileSJ 20 Kilometers -(i Gilbert/Commonwealth North I I FIGURE 11 (Alaska Power Authority IANCHORAGE FAIRBANKS TRANSMISSION INTERTIE Areas & Species of Concern 25 Bald eagles are large birds of prey which feed primarily on fish and carrion,although other foods are taken when avail- able.Because of their position in the food web,the popula- tions of this species are particularly reflective of the health of the ecosystem.That is,contaminants entering the food chain,whether naturally or artifically,would tend to concentrate in these species.These contaminants frequently affect the presence through a decrease in population levels. The presence of eagle nests provides an important opportunity to check on the health of food chain to which they belong. Bald eagle nests have been recorded within two miles of superlinks 2,3 and 6 and are shown in Figure 11. Although the species is not listed as endangered or threaten- ed,trumpeter swan populations have undergone severe deple- tions in the past and have not recovered in recent years. Known locations of trumpeter swan nests have been plotted on Figure 11.These nests occur within 2 miles of superlinks 1,2,4,5 and 8,primarily along the western corridor.Two nests have been recorded near superlink 1 and seven nests have been found near superlink 5.Each of the other super- links listed have one nest each. Some endangered,threatened or provisionally listed plants are known to utilize certain rock outcrops.Although the plants were not found,the location of suitable habitat, which is rock outcrop substrates,is shown in Figure 11 along superlinks 11,12, 13,14 and 15. Watercourses used by anadromous and resident fish for their migration and spawning activities are particularly sensitive to sedimentation and siltation.These watercourses which are sensitive occur throughout the project area and are shown in Figure 11. The Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska has complied a list of Ecological Reserves.The purpose of these reserves is to provide sites for natural science research and education.Five reserves are found in the project area,as shown.In the South Central Region, these are SC25-Susitna/Montana Creek,along superlinks 1 and 2,and SC27-Ruth Glacier Terminus near superlink 5.In the Yukon Region,YU32-Nenana Canyon is near superlinks 12 and 13,YU33-Cantwell/Broad Pass Caribou Winter Range lies across superlink 11,and YU34-Healy/Suntrana Mine Reveget- ation Studies area is near superlinks 14 and 16. 26 Visual -Superlink 1 is located within the Susitna River lowlands landscape type as shown in Figure 12.The eight mile stretch between Willow Creek and two miles north of Kashwitna Lake is characterized by very high scenic values. View one represents this stretch.The view is oriented east across open black spruce bogs and muskegs to the Talkeetna Mountains.The remainder of the superlink is characterized by moderate to low scenic values,although there are two stretches of particularly high scenic values near the Kashwitna River and Sheep Creek crossings.Views from the crossings are oriented away from this alignment.Moderate visual impact is expected along the superlink. Superlink 2 is located within the Susitna River lowlands, crossing the river at milepost 104.3 where view 2 origin- ates.This stretch of the lowlands is characterized by high visual absorption potential because of the dense birch- spruce vegetation,allowing only occasional views to the mountains.The stretch from the Montana Creek crossing north to Sawmill Creek crossing is considered having very high scenic values.The remainder of the superlink is located in generally low quality landscape.View 3 is an aerial photograph representing how the alignment would be perceived from the residences along Petersville Road.Moderate visual impact is generally expected along the superlink. Superlink 3 is located in the Susitna River lowlands and the Talkeetna Mountains.Visual absorption potential in the lowlands is high because of the dense birch-spruce vegetation, while the absorption potential of the mountains is low because of the low shrub to barren vegetation.The link is in a landscape of high scenic value.Low to moderate visual impact is expected along the superlink. Superlink 4 is in the Curry Ridge landscape type.The Curry Ridge landscape is characterized by very high scenic values. The visual absorption capabilities of the landscape is also very high because of the dense birch-spruce-aspen vegetation, therefore,visual impact is expected to be moderate along the superlink. Superlink 5 is located within the Curry Ridge landscape characterized by very scenic values.A small stretch of the link lies within the Chulitna River landscape and is charac- terized by exceptionally high scenic values.The visual absorption capabilities along the link are high because of the dense birch-spruce-aspen stands in the Curry Ridge landscape and the dense bottomland spruce-poplar stands in the Chulitna River landscape.Views 4,6,7 and 8 are representative of view impacts within the Curry Ridge land- o 10 20 MileSJIIII ' o 10 20 Kilometers ~Gilbert/Commonwealth North (I FIGURE 12 (Alaska Power Authority IANCHORAGE FAIRBANKS TRANSMISSION INTERTIE Visual Resources 28 scape,which are expected to be moderate.Impacts could be significant in the'Chulitna River landscape,represented by view 9 and in the vicinity of Byers Lake State Campground at view 5. Superlink 6 generally parallels the Alaska Railroad within the Curry Ridge landscape.The landscape is characterized by very high potential for visual absorption because of the dense spruce-birch-aspen vegetation.View 28 is associated with superlink 6 and is expected to have low visual impact. Superlink 7 is in that stretch of the Chulitna River land- scape characterized as having exceptionally high scenic values.The railroad and Parks Highway bridges over Hurricane Gulch are a part of this stretch of the Chulitna River landscape.Visual absorption potentials are low to moderate. Visual impacts associated with views 10,11 and 12 are expected to be moderate. Superlinks 8 and 9 are located in the Chulitna River land- scape,the Broad Pass landscape and a transitional landscape type between these two primary landscape types.Visual absorption capabilities along both superlinks are low to moderate.Scenic values are characterized as moderately high in the Chulitna River landscape,and exceptionally high in Lhe Chuli Lna Hi ve.t.-.I:H:oad .\:lass lands<..:ape.Low to 1lloder:a Le visual impacts are expected along both superlinks as repre- sented by views 13 and 15. Superlink 10 lies within the most scenic portion of the Broad Pass landscape.The visual absorption potential is low resulting in an expected significant visual impact. See view l5a. Superlinks 11 and 12 are located in the Broad Pass-Alaska Range landscape type.Scenic values are characterized as very high.The potential for visual absorption is low through Broad Pass,because of the high visibility of almost all foreground lands,and moderate to high north of the Denali Highway.Views 14,15,16,17,18 and 19 are ex- pected to receive moderate to significant visual impacts. Superlink 13 is located within the Nenana Gorge landscape which is characterized as having very high scenic values. A small three mile stretch is in the Alaska Range where the scenic value is considered moderate.Visual absorption is generally very low in the Gorge and high in this stretch of the Alaska Range while views 24 through 27 depict views within the Gorge.Impacts are expected to be low in the Alaska Range stretch but very significant within the Gorge. 29 Superlink 15 lies along Montana and Moody Creeks within the Alaska Range landscape type.Visual absorption along the two Creeks is low while the scenic value is high.Visual impact is expected to be low because of the minimal number of viewers. Superlink 16 is located within the Nenana Uplands landscape type in an area of low scenic value due to existing residen- tial,commercial and industrial development.Visual impact is expected to be low. Conclusion A review of the previous data has established major environ- mental characteristics of the various superlinks.In the recommendation of a preferred route an evaluation of the network depicted in Figure 8 has established the following: 1.The eastern alignment (Superlinks 3 and 6)offers less visual impact in its remote location than the western alignment (Superlinks 2 and 5)along the Parks Highway. 2.Land use impacts are also less evident in the eastern alignment,where impacts on small tracts, commercial development,and parks and recreation (Denali State Park)can be better avoided. 3.Vegetation clearing and resulting impacts are somewhat reduced along Superlinks 3 and 6,where less acreage of low brush and muskeg-bog are crossed.The incidence of bird collisions can be somewhat lessened when compared to Superlinks 2 and 5 along the Susitna and Chulitna Rivers. However,Superlinks 2 and 5 would have less over- all impacts on natural systems by following an existing corridor of human disturbance. 4.Superlink 9 affords less environmental affects associated with its crossing of the East Fork Chulitna,while Superlink 8's crossing of the Middle Fork Chulitna will result in increased impacts on bottomland forest.The remote location of Superlink 8 reduces visual impacts but does provide increased potential for bird collisions in its location between the West Fork and Middle Fork Chulitna. 30 5.In Broad Pass,Superlink 11 would result in somewhat less visual impact than Superlink 10 by better utilizing topography and vegetation associated with Cantwell Creek.In addition,land use develop- ment has occurred principally in the west along the Parks Highway and an alignment in this loca- tion will be less obtrusive in the expanse of , Broad Pass.However,this alignment does cross the Denali National Park and Preserve South of Cantwell and again at Windy Creek. 6.In approaching the Healy Substation along Super- link 14,the Nenana Gorge should be recognized as a valuable scenic resource unique in the project study area.An overhead alignment through this landscape feature will result in significant visual impacts to both the Nenana Gorge and the nearby entrance to Denali National Park and Pre- serve. The alternate alignment,Superlink 15,should also be recognized for its ecological value in the dall sheep and moose habitat it traverses.Given the respective characteristics of each superlink,it is recommended that consideration be given to underground installation through the Nenana Gorge and park entrance area for Superlink 14.Alterna- tively,the use of Superlink 15 should be subject to strict construction stipulations which should include aerial construction (no ground access)and seasonal constraints (April to August). 31 III.ENGINEERING AND OPERATING CONSIDERATIONS Meteorology Figure 13,"Meteorology and Geology,"illustrates many of the subjects discussed in the next three sections. The south end of the line,which includes superlinks 1,2 and 3 lies in the broad Susitna River Valley.Temperatures have a much greater range than at Anchorage,as the area is away from the moderating influence of Cook Inlet.In this area the estimated temperature extremes are 103°F and -93°F for a 50 year period of return.The record high temperature at Willow is 90°F and the record low temperature is -56°F.Records were first recorded in 1963. Superlinks 4,5 and 6 lie in the Susitna and Chulitna River valleys in relatively low terrain.Portions of superlink 6 are higher and subject to greater wind speeds.Temperatures are expected to be similar to those on superlinks 1,2 and 3.The superline maximum wind speed for superlinks 1 through 6 is anticipated to be 54 mph.Some wind and icing can be expected on the southern half of the line but wind will be less than 40 mph and radial ice will be less than one-half inch.NESC Heavy loading conditions will adequately design for the expected combination of wind and ice. Superlink 7 is in the vicinity of Chulitna Pass.This is the southernmost area of unusual winds due to topographic features.The location of superlink 7 minimized the exposure to extreme winds.It is estimated that winds in this area will not exceed 75 mph.Additional wind data is being obtained by NORTEC at Hurricane.If higher design winds are indicated from the NORTEC study,provision for the increased velocities will be made during the detail design phase of the project.NESC Heavy Loading will adequately satisfy the combined ice and wind'loading for the line. Superlinks 8,9,10,11 and 12 are in the area generally known as Broad Pass.The temperature extremes are 107°F and -68°F for a period of return of 50 years.The once in 100 years wind is estimated to be 72 mph.A combination of wind and ice is anticipated to be less than NESC Heavy Loading of 40 mph and one-half inch of radial ice.Located at the north end of Broad Pass are Cantwell and Windy Pass. At this point there is a significant change in the wind conditions on the project. Superlink 13 traverses through Windy Pass to the intersection of the Nenana River and Montana Creek.A unique meteorological condition exists in this area and through Nenana Gorge o 10 20 MileS 4IIII ' o 10 20 Kilometers ~Gilbert/Commonwealth North I I AGURE13 (Alaska Power Authority IANCHORAGE FAIRBANKS TRANSMISSION INTERTIE Meteorology &Geology 33 due to the topography of Alaska.The Alaska Range forms a barrier to the low 'level movement of air.Under certain barometric conditions,wind is funneled through openings in this barrier at a much greater speed than would occur over flat terrain.Strong northerly winds can be expected when a large high pressure center is located over the Fairbanks area and a low pressure center is over the Anchorage area. Strong southerly winds are expected when the pressure patterns reverse. The Nenana River Canyon from Windy to Healy,superlinks 14, 15 and 16,is the main wind funnel for a 100 mile stretch of the Alaska Range.The canyon drops from an elevation of 2,000 feet near Windy to 1,300 feet at Healy,forming a 30 mile-long wind funnel bringing southeasterly Chinook winds to Healy.Consequently,Healy has recorded the highest wind speeds of any location along the project.The maximum anticipated wind for the Healy area is 118.2 mph.Additional wind speed measuring devices have been installed at Healy, Carlo and Windy.The results of these additional measurements will be incorporated into the final design of the structures. NESC Heavy Loading will be adequate to design structures for the combined wind and ice loading on the line. Snow depths are generally not great along the project.No special considerations for snow depth are being considered. Generally,all rivers in the project area freeze over in the winter time,making it possible to construct ice bridges,if permitted by the terrain in the area of the crossing. Topography Superlink 1 is very level with poorly drained soils.Slopes will not present any problem in this area. Superlinks 2,4 and 5 are in rolling terrain with occasional slopes too steep to traverse with construction equipment. Access difficulty should generally be considered as moderate. Superlinks 3 and 6 have slopes ranging from flat to greater than 50 percent slope.Slopes will increase the difficulty of access for construction and maintenance.Additionally, structures cannot be constructed on sideslopes greater than approximately 45 percent.Final alignment of superlink 6 must be carefully evaluated because of these problems. Superlinks 7,8,9,10,11 and 12 through Chulitna Pass and Broad Pass do not have any severe constraints because of topography.Generally the slopes in this area are less than 25 percent. Superlink 13 contains the steep slopes of the Reindeer Hills and Windy Pass.Topography severely restricts the location of 34 the line in the lowlands of the Jack and Nenana Rivers. These rivers do have well-defined banks,however;and it will not be necessary to locate any structures in the floodplains.The slopes are severe in portions of this area and earth or snow avalanches are possible.The final alignment will minimize these hazards or the structures will be designed to withstand the pressures and winds associated with an avalanche. Superlinks 14 and 15 both contain severe slopes.The remarks regarding superlink 13 also apply here.Superlink 14 is in an extremely narrow canyon with sharp slopes on both sides. Very little flexibility exists regarding the location of the line in this area. Superlink 16 is the short,final connecting link to the Healy Substation.The topography is level to rolling.No severe terrain problems are anticipated along this segment. Soils and Geophysical Aspects Superlink 1 consists of a very high percentage of wetlands and peat.There are also numerous small stream crossings. Superlink 2 crosses the Susitna River at a point where structures will not have to be located in the floodplain.Approximately 30-40 percent of the superlink is in wetlands and peat.Inter- mittent permafrost may occur in areas where the ground cover provides good insulation. Superlinks 3 and 4 are located in an upland area that may con- tain some intermittent permafrost but very little wetlands or peat.The northern portion of superlink 4 contains some bedrock. Superlinks 5 and 6 are also in upland well-drained areas.Ten to twenty percent bedrock and discontinuous permafrost can be expected.A mass movement area exists on superlink 6 approxi- mately 6 miles north of Gold Creek. Final exact alignment of superlink 6 is deferred because it is not known if the mass movement area will cross the proposed line.It is quite possible that the line can be located to avoid this problem. Superlink 7 is in an area that is mostly underlain by bedrock. No other geotechnical condition is prominent on this section. Superlinks 8,9,10,11 and 12 are underlain with permafrost that varies from 50 percent to 100 percent coverage.There are a few mass movement areas along the edges of Broad Pass but they will not extend to the potential routes in this area. 35 Superlink 13 contains 50-95 percent permafrost and is about 50 percent underlain with bedrock.Mass movement areas also exist that could cross the transmission line and damage the structures.Exact alignment and structure locations must be known to determine the final impact,but correct alignment can minimize the problem to the maximum extent possible. The sideslopes between Panorama Mountain north of Windy Pass and the Parks Highway are quite vulnerable to avalanches. After final alignment and structure locations are made, further review of the potential problem is indicated to determine if mitigating measures are required. Superlinks 14,15 and 16 are underlain with 50-95 percent perma- frost and almost entirely with bedrock.Potential avalanche problems exist along the east and west facing slopes of Nenana Gorge,a portion of Montana Creek and nearly all of Moody Creek.The mountain on the west side of Nenana Gorge is gradually shifting into the gorge.There is no known way of inhibiting this movement and therefore location of the line on the west side of the river is not recommended. Exact alignment and structure locations will be critical in this area.After final alignment and structure locations are made,a further review of the avalanche problem will be conducted to determine if mitigating measures are required. Maintainability The maintainability of the line is a function of line location and the type of materials used during the initial construction and/or maintenance of the line.The structures will be designed to permit removal and installation of broken insulators while the line is energized.Vandalism can be expected as it is a problem on all transmission lines.The structures should be designed to accommodate hot-line maintenance. In general,maintainability is better if the line is accessible from the ground,spare materials are available and the maintenance crews are well trained.If the line is located near the Parks Highway,it will be more maintainable.Both maintenance and reliability favor the best possible access to the line.Routes considering superlinks 2 and 5 are more maintainable than 2,4 and 6 or 3 and 6.Superlink 14 is also better than 15.Figure 14,"Access,"locates some of the access problem areas along the Intertie.The other key maintenance item relates to line operation in that spare parts and trained crews must be available on a continuous basis. ~Mile5J Kilometers I(j Gilbert/Commonwealth North (I FIGURE 14 (Alaska Power Authority IANCHORAGE FAIRBANKS TRANSMISSION INTERTIE Access 37 Reliability Line reliability is a function of the hazards to which a transmission line is exposed and the ability to restore service after a hazard has caused a discontinuance of service. Some of these hazards are not route-sensitive and they, therefore,are not presently under consideration.The route-sensitive items that will be considered are wind,ice, earthslides,avalanches,frost heaving,and vandalism. Superlink 1 can be constructed to be a reliable line without any unusual considerations.Frost heaving and vandalism are the only significant potential problems.Since this segment is not adjacent to a transportation corridor,if an outage should occur,repairs would be delayed due to access.Access would be particularly difficult dqring the summer months. Line outages would cre shortened if the maintenance crews were equipped to perform maintenance and repair services by heli- copter. Superlinks 2 and 3 do have limited ground access and the re- sponse time for repair should be better than superlink 1. The northern portion of superlink 3 is quite inaccessible, however;therefore superlink 2 should have a greater degree of reliability.Superlinks 2 and 3 will be generally exposed to the same hazards as superlink 1. Superlink 4 will also be exposed to the same hazards as super- line 1,but since access is so difficult it must be considered a less reliable alternative since maintenance and repair time would be extended. Superlink 5 is generally exposed to the same hazards as super- link 1 and therefore the same degree of reliability can be expected. Superlink 6,bed use of its remoteness and a mass movement area,is less reliable than superlink 5. Superlink 7 is exposed to higher winds in the Chulitna Pass area. Design to consider the higher winds will mitigate the problem but a certain degree of reliability is lost.No reasonable alternative exists,therefore the only mitigative measure is accomplished by design.This superlink is not easily accessible by road and outages can be expected to be of a longer duration. Superlinks 8,9,10,11 and 12 have approximately the same degree of reliability as superlink 1,with the same hazards as superlink 1.Access,again,would be moderately difficult. 38 Superlink 13 will be exposed to very high winds and poten- tial avalanches.It is relatively close to the Parks Highway, which should shorten an outage,but the exposure in this area is great.The best mitigative measure is familiarity with the hazards that exist and consideration of those hazards during design. Superlinks 14 and 15 are both subject to avalanches that would reduce their reliability.Superlink 14 is also subject to ex- tremely high winds.Outages could be expected to be more fre- quent on superlink 14 but of shorter duration than on superlink 15 because of access problems. Superlink 16 is also subject to high winds but it is quite ac- cessible,therefoB any outage should be of a shorter duration. In general it can be concluded that the most reliable line is one that is competently designed and is located as close as possible to existing open-year-round transportation corridors.Vandalism can be eApected to be about the same on any of the superlinks.Weather will playa significant role in reliability both because it is the most prominent cause of outages and the most significant problem during maintenance and repair. Conceptual Access Plan Need For Access -The construction of the Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie will be a major extra high voltage electrical transmission line project.This project will have a construction force of approximately one hundred to one hundred fifty construction specialists actively employed and working on one hundred and seventy miles of right-of-way through a spectrum of topography.This force of workers will be responsible for receiving,assembling and installing ap- proximately twelve thousand tons of material fabricated and shipped from suppliers. Materials will be delivered by truck or by railroad to selected marshalling yards along the Parks Highway or the Alaska Railroad.This material as well as the contractor's equipment,tools and supplies must then be transported from the marshalling yards to the line right-of-way,then along the line right-of-way to the installation locations.In addition the contractor's work force must travel daily from work camps or assembly points along the Parks Highway or the Alaska Railroad to the right-af-way. 39 Access to the right-of-way from established transportation corridors and marshalling yards will be required on a daily basis.Construction activities will require five distinct requirements for access to and travel on the right-of-way: 1)clearing,2)delivery of materials,3)installation of foundations,4)assembly and erection of structures and,5) stringing of conductor and static wires. Ideally,the machines and equipment required for foundations, structures and wire stringing activities are brought onto the right-of-way at the point of access and travel down the right-of-way until job completion.Where natural obstacles to continuous construction such as rivers,canyons or steep slopes prevents this,then exit from the right-of-way must be planned in advance 3nd another access established. Nature Of The Access -During the planning of this project careful consideration has been given to the use of helicopters for transport of men,materials and equipment.The helicopter has proven to be a very useful tool on many transmission construction projects and it is expected that it will be used to a great extent on this project.However,the size, weight and volume of equipment and material required for this project,coupled with the limitations of helicopters as transportation vehicles,makes it impractical to specify them as the sole means of access except in very limited locations where difficult terrain or environmental impacts make their use imperative.The limitations of helicopters include high cost,limited load carrying capacity,availability and operational limitations due to weather,temperature and available daylight.In addition,prudent planning for maintenance and restoration of the line to service following natural disasters requires provisions for ground access to the line.Such natural disasters most frequently occur during periods of severe weather.Being forced to depend solely on helicopters as the means of transport for service restoration presents an unacceptable risk.A carefully planned construction access plan can therefore enhance the maintainability and reliability of the line with the least possible impact on the environment and land use. 40 Proposed Access Plan - A conceptual access plan has been presented based on the following criteria: 1.Existing and planned roads and trails will be used to the maximum extent possible. 2.The contractors will be permitted to build construction trails from existing roads and trails or from proposed marshalling yards to the line right-of- way and on the right-of-way so that they have ground access to the entire line right-of-way except as noted below. 3.The contractors will be required to construct the Moody Creek -Montana Creek portion of the line by helicopter. 4.The contractors will be required to accept the conceptual access plan or obtain the approval of APA and the review of the permitting agencies on an alternate plan prior to the start of construction. 5.The contractors adherence to the approved access plan will be monitored by APA,their Engineer and Construction Manager. To limit right-of-way traffic and to provide for minimal "haul time",a series of marshalling yards are proposed on or adjacent to the right-of-way.The distance between these yards and individual location is determined by nearness to established transportation facilities,site availability,line length and limitations of access.The Conceptual Access Plan shown in Figure 15 provides for 15 marshalling yards that are on or adjacent to the Alaska Railroad or Parks Highway right-of-way where storage facilities can be made available.With these locations,the materials can be loaded on trucks or rail cars and directly shipped to a selected yard with a minimum of handling resulting,in minimal damage and/or loss. Environmental considerations have been incorporated in the preparation of the conceptual access plan.Proposed access has been recommended to utilize rights-of-way,trails and other existing means of access to the extent possible. Introduction of access into areas where none previously existed has been planned to minimize stream crossings, extensive switchbacks on steep topography and heavy clearing of vegetation.The location of residences and private property will be taken into account as more detailed studies are initiated to determine the final location of access into the right-of-way. (I AGURE15 (Alaska Power Authority IANCHORAGE FAIRBANKS TRANSMISSION INTERTIE Mile5J 20 Kilometers (i Gilbert/Commonwealth North Conceptual Access Plan 42 IV.ECONOMIC CONSIDERATIONS The environmental,engineering and operating considerations along each line route have been explained in parts I and II and now economic considerations of various line routes follow. Capital investment and life-cycle costs are tabulated for the three system configurations under consideration. Nineteen route options were estimated for each of the three configurations resulting in a total of fifty-seven options to compare.The construction estimates methodology will be described before project cost comparisons are presented. Project Cost Comparisons In presenting these cost comparisons,we must first differentiate between PROJECT (capital)COSTS and CONSTRUCTION COSTS. For purposes of discussion,the sum of the construction costs coupled with additional costs,such as contingencies, inflation,engineering and management,result in a Project Cost.These costs are listed separately on each of the estimates calculated for each of the line routes being considered.The initial data presented will be for "Construction Costs"only.The costs presented will be identified as to inclusions.The summary will reflect Project Costs. In developing these costs,several departure points or a~sumptions were made.All estimates are based on the same assumptions--any changes to these will reflect a change in Project Costs. The assumptions are: o o o the transmission line route will be a combination of the established superlinks. the structure used for comparisons is the tubular steel "X"for tangent and light angle locations, and the three pole design will be used at heavy angle and dead-end locations,except steel poles will be used in Nenana Gorge and Windy Pass. CAI engineering data will be used for each superlink, i.e.,number and type of structures and number and type of foundations. o o o o o o 43 foundations will be the driven pile or rock anchor design for all "X"structures. access to and travel on the right-of-way will be permitted except where prevented by topography and in the Moody-Montana area. the all helicopter method construction will require some special equipment for erection and wire stringing that does not exceed 10,000 pounds in component weight. construction in the wetlands will be performed when the earth is frozen. three crew camps will be established by the contractor. all construction costs are in 1981 dollars. In developing each of the cost estimates,certain standards, such as labor rates,equipment rates,and contractor furnished material were developed to reflect conditions that are site specific to the State of Alaska. In addition,allowances were made for travel time from the hase camp to the alignment,topography,geotechnical and seasonal constraints.Cost comparisons were made with recent transmission line construction in Alaska. To provide a latitude in costs as a factor in route selection, three methods of transmission line construction were estimated. Separate cost estimates were accomplished for: o o o conventional land construction methods helicopter transport of work crews to and from the base camps with conventional construction methods helicopter transport of labor,equipment,and materials with helicopter assist to all operations Labor and equipment forces were mobilized for each specific job work unit to be accomplished and costed on a per hour basis.Then,each work unit was given a time to accomplish value.The time value of each work unit times the crew and equipment cost per hour produced a cost for each specific work unit.Work units included yard work,hauling materials, driving and cleanup.These costs were developed for both conventional and helicopter assisted construction.Where estimates were made for helicopter crew transport only,the conventional time values for specific jobs were used. 44 To determine inplace costs for each work unit,a time for travel and access 'factor was established for each super- link.Travel and access time was established for the mean distance of the superlink from the base camp.With this base established,then computations began to emerge that when completed,provided a cost estimate for each of the selected routes.These computations are provided in Tables 2 through 8 and are reflected in Figures 15 and 16. Table 2 is a cost comparison of the three methods of construction applied to each superlink and reflects a labor and equipment cost to construct one mile of 345 kV transmission line. Figure 16 reflects the same information but the costs have been rounded to the nearest one thousand dollars.The asterisk (*)denotes the least costly or most efficient method of construction. Tables 3 and 4 reflect the same information for each super- link with various underground and overhead construction options,but are specific to 138 kV and 345 kV construction. These attachments are more definitive as they include,in addition to labor and equipment,tree clearing and material costs.The data presented on these tables is for the Most Economical method of construction,i.e.conventional, helicopter or helicopter assisted. Figure 17 illustrates each of the superlinks being considered with a dollar value applied.This dollar value reflects the costs for labor and equipment,material and tree clearing, accomplished by the most economical method of construction. The variations cost per mile reflect the difficulty factor in constructing the transmission line at some distance from highways and roads.On this network of superlinks,several have been identified by bold line--when added together they represent Configuration lB19,which,when compared to all other lB Configurations,becomes the least costly line route to construct for 345 kV transmission. With computations of Tables 3 and 4 applied to each of the three configurations in each of the nineteen routes selected for cost estimation,then Project Costs emerge in useable form as a tool in a final route selection and are presented in Tables 5,6 and 7. Table 8 provides a Summary Cost Comparison of each of the nineteen selected routes in each of the three configurations. It is interesting to note that the most economical route in all three configurations is Route 19. TABLE 2 ALASKA POWER AUTIIORITY A:~CIIORAGE-FAI RBANKS INTERT IE CONSTRUCTION COST COMPARISONS LABOR &EQUIPMENT ONLY Superlink Helicopter/Crew lie 1icopter Conventional Transport N(;).Length Miles Cost/Mile Cost/r1i1 e Cost/f1i1e- 1 21.6 194,530 164,742 173,613 2 31.6 193,855 153,872 170,061 3 41.4 184,924 191,902 182,102 4 17 .5 186,026 199,809 180,904 5 45.3 184,655 161~372 168,942 6 28.5 185,484 185,696 181,054 . 7 5.1 184,812 156,054 172,985 8 19.6 184,851 179,435 173-,492 9 14.9 180,347 161,303 170,096. 10 4.2 188,808 177,724 175,849 1'1 18.4 182,032 167,196.178,185 12 22.4 187,873 166,021 182,476 . 13 19.9 n/a 162,249 179,339 14 13.1 n/a 230,645 .223,649 15 14.9 189,955 223,250 189,751 16 .9 224,184 211 ,257 203,844 "'"U1 C-211 16S *HA-204 Healy .J.H 224 C-231 \)-C-223 *HA-224 14S 15S HA-190 H-NA _:+-H-190 *,C-162 13S --HA-179 H-NA Conventional Helicopter Crew Transport Helicopter Most Economical Super Link Legend: Note: 1.Cost of labor and equipment in thousands per mile. 2.138!345kV 3.ConfiguratIon 1B C HA H *15 C-192 3S *HA-182 H-185 *C-165 1S HA-174 H-195 Willow *C-167 HA-178 "r:1S *C-166H-182 12S HA-182 C-178 .H-188 *HA-176 1?-SI H-189 0 *C-161 C-179 9s---HA-170 *HA-173 8S H-180 H-185 "~C-156 J7S HA-173 ; 01 H-185 *C-161 HA-169 5S f C-186 H-185 /6S *HA-181 H-185 *~:~~1 Lsi H-186 f/ *C-1 54 HA-170--2S H-194 J FIGURE 16 (Alaska Power Alithority JANCHORAGE FAIRBANKS TRANSMISSION INTERTIE I()Gllbert'Commonwealth ~""Comparative Cost By Method of Construction ~ TABLE 3 SUPERLINK -345 kV ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE -FAIRBANKS INTERTIE Page 1 of 2 SUPERLINK LENGTH METHOD TREE MATERIAL EQUIPMENT TOTAL NUMBER MILES OF CLEARING AND CONSTRUCTION LABOR 1 21.6 Conventional 317,952 2,863,987 3,565,000 6,747,000 2 31.6 II 825,645 4,166,807 4,866,000 9,859,000 3 41.4 Conventional Heli.A st.1,239,536 5.279.742 7.535.000 14.055.000 4 17.5 II II II 612,000 2,142,717 3,168,000 5,923,000 5 45.3 Conventional 1,400,314 5,850,857 7,293,000 14,544,000 6 28.!i Conventional Heli.A st.957,000 3,596,557 5,159,000 9,713,000 7 5."1 Conventional 26,275 605,002 795,600 1,427,000 8 19.6 Conventional Heli.A st.411 ,130 2,484,300 3,390,800 6,286,000 9 14.9 Conventional 389,307 1,851,802 2,398,900 4,640,000 10 4.2 Conventional Heli.A st.77 ,380 581,890 739,200 1,398,000 11 18.4 Conventional 250,534 2,302,116 ~,072,800 5,625,000 11 with 13 UG 17.4 II 236,918 2,177 ,001 2,905,800 5,320,000 12 22.4 II 164,864 2,911,171 3,718,400 6,794,000 13 OH 19.9 II 161,110 3,578.935 3,223,800 6,964,000 13/13 UG 11.6 II 93.913 3.086.213 1.879.200 4.059.000 13 UG 6.0 Underground 0 8,069,000 .5,651,000 13,720,000 13/14 UG 21.4 Conventional 173,254 3,848,704 3,466,800 7,489,000 PREPARED BY COMMONWEALTH ASSOCIATES INC. JACKSON,MICHIGAN ,j:>. -....I TABLE 3 (Continued) SUPERLINK -345 kV ESTIMATED Cm~STRUCTION COSTS ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE -FAIRBANKS INTERTIE Page 2 of 2 SUPERLINK LENGTH METHOD TREE MATERIAL EQUIPMENT TOTAL NUMBER MILES OF CLEARING AND CONSTRUCTION LABOR 13/13 &14 UG 13.1 Conventional 106,057 2,355,982 2,122,200 4,584,000 14 OH 13.1 Conventional Heli.As t.143,000 2,551,435 2,934,400 5,629,000 14 OH/14 UG 3.6 II II II 35,770 701,158 806,400 1,543,000/ 14 UG 10.0 Underground °11 ,151 ,000 8,226,000 19,377,000 15 14.9 Helicopter 116,056 1,812,123 2,831,000 4,759,000 16 0.9 Conventional He1i.Ass .0 144,645 183,600 328,000 TW 26.0 Conventional 382,720 3,447,392 4,440,200 7,888,000 TW 5.5 II 41 1fifi 383 570 704 451 1 129 000 , PREPARED BY COMMONWEALTH ASSOCIATES INC. JACKSON,MICHIGAN K::> 00 TABLE 4 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUPERLINK -138 kV ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS ANCHORAGE -FAIRBANKS INTERTIE COST ESTIMATE Page 1 of 2 SUPERLINK LENGTH METHOD TREE MATERIAL EQUIPMENT TOTAL NUMBER MILES OF CLEARING AND CONSTRUCTION LABOR 1.21.6 Conventional 162,432 1,294,300 2,673,750 4,130,000 2 31.6 II 421,797 1 ,877 ,170 3,649,500 5,949,000 3 41.4 Conventional Heli.As st.633,241 2,244,420 5,651,250 8,529,000 4 17.!5 II II II 312,652 927,245 2,376,000 3,616,000 5 45.3 Conventional 715,378 2,569,845 5,469,750 8,755,000 6 28.!5 Conventional Heli.As st.488,900 1,559,025 3,869,250 5,917,175 7 5.1 Conventional 13,423 264,265 596,700 874,000 8 19.6 Conventional Heli.As st.210,034 1,094,730 2,543,100 3,848,000 9 14.9 Conventional 198,885 805,085 1,799,175 2,803,000 10 4.2 Conventional Heli.As st.39,480 260,080 554,400 854,000 11 18.4 Conventional 127,990 1 ,001 ,340 2,304,600 3,434,000 11 w/13 UG 17.4 II 121,034 950,790 2,179,350 3,251,000 12 22.4 II 84,224 1,270,860 2,788,800 4,144,000 13 19.9 II 82,306 1 ,776,055 2,417,850 4,276,000 13/13 UG 11.6 II 47,977 649,680 1,409,400 2,107,000 13 UG 6.0 Underground -0-4,365,000 4,802,000 9,167,000 13/14 UG 21.4 Conventional 88,510 1,292,140 2,600,100 3,981,000 "'"1.0 PREPARED BY COMMONWEALTH ASSOCIATES INC. JACKSON,MICHIGAN TABLE 4 (Continued) SUPERLINK -138 kV ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE -FAIRBANKS INTERITE COST ESTIMATE Page 2 of 2 SUPERLINK LENGTH METHOD TREE MATERIAL EQUIPMENT TOTAL NUMBER MILES OF CLEARING AND CONSTRUCTION LABOR 13/13 .&14 UG 13.1 Conventional 54,182 759,555 1 ,591 ,650 2,405,000 14 13.1 Conventional Heli.As t.66,496 1,019,195 2,200,800 3,287,000 14 OH/14 UG 3.6 II II II 18,274 224,910 604,800 81l8,000 14 UG 10.0 Underground -0-5,774,000 7,144,000 12,918,000 15 14.9 Helicopter 36,416 774,995 2,123,250 2,935,000 16 0.9 Conventional Heli.As t.-0-65,475 137,700 203,000 TW 5.5 Conventional 41,360 383,570 704,451 1,129,000 PREPARED BY COMMONWEALTH ASSOCIATES INC. JACKSON,MICHIGAN U1o Healy 15 $328 $5,629 14S \:Iss $4,759 135 $6,964 $5,625----- ---$6,794 $1,398---- Total Cost =$55,427 Cost/Mile =$326.8 Total Miles =169.6 -----$9,713 $6,286 85'/95 $4,640 )75 $1,427 $5,923 \ $14,544----- 35 $14,955 $9,859 25 15 $6,747 Willow Legend: ----Least Cost Route ~Super Link Note: 1.Cost includes clearing. material,and labor and equipment only 2.Cost in thousands 3.138/345kV 4.Configuration 1B19 I FIGURE 17 (Alaska f>owerAuthority IANCHORAGE FAIRBANKS TRANSMISSION INTERTIE ~GIlbert/Commonwealth ~O"h Construction Cost By Super link 8£T/8£T TVT NOliliV~nDldNOJ 3iliVWliliS3 iliSOJ iliJ3~O~d S 3'H1Vili ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) Route Descri .e.ti on:~~estern -100%Overhead TABLE 5 52 Total Cost 4,130 5,949 B...l5.5 Bl!l 2JiQl 854 3,1434 4,1276 3,1287 203 Subtotal Intertie Teeland-Willow Total Line Total Substation Cost 175.0 5.5 180.5, 34,1565 11 129 35,694 9,449 Subtotal R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/Mile) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering 6% Construction Management 5% 45,143 7,000 2,257 3,100 2,709 2,257 Subtotal Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ lO%/Year - 2 Years 25% 62,466 15,617 78,083 94 ,480 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) Route DescriEtion:Western -Overhead Except UG in Nenana Gorge 53 Subtotal Intertie Tee 1and-Wi 11 ow Total Line Total Substation Cost 177 .0 5.5 182.5 44 1 749 1.1 129 45,878 9,449 Subtotal R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/Hile) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering 6% Construction Management 5% 55,327 7,080 2,766 3,100 3,320 2,766 Subtota 1 Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ 10%/Year - 2 Years 25% 74,359 18,590 92,949 ]]2,468 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) Route Description:Western-Overhead Except Take Moody-Montana 54 Subtotal Intertie Teeland-Willow Total Line Total Substation Cost ill.....a 5.5 182.3 34~213 1~129 35,342 9,449 Subtotal R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/Mile) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering 6% Construction Management 5% 44,791 7,072 2,240 3,100 2,687 2,240 Subtota 1 Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ lO%/Year - 2 Years 25% 62,130 15,533 77 ,663 93,972 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) Route DescriEtion:Western-Overhead Except UG in Windy Pass 55 Subtotal Intertie Tee 1and-Wi 11 ow Total Line Total Substation Cost 171.7 5.5 177 .2 41,380 1 ,129 42,509 9,449 Subtotal R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/Mile) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering 6% Construction Management 5% 51 ,958 6,868 2,598 3,100 3,117 2,598 Subtotal Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ 10%/Year - 2 Years 25% 70,239 17,560 87,799 106,237 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) 56 Route Description:Western-Overhead Except UG in Nenana Gorge and Windy Pass Configuration:lA5 138/138 SUE,er Link No. 1 2 5 1 9 10 11/13 UG 13/13 &14 UG l~UG 14 OHLUG 14 UG 16 Subtotal Intertie Tee 1and-Wi 11 ow Total Line Total Substation Cost Miles 21.6 31.6 45.3 5 £1 lU 4.2 17.4 13.1 6.0 3.6 10.0 0.9 173.7 5.5 179.2 Total Cost 4,130 5,949 8 1 755 874 21 803 854 3,251 2,405 9,167 848 12,918 203 52,157 1,129 53,286 9,449 Subtotal R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/Mile) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering 6% Construction Management 5% 62,735 6-94B .4llZ :4lilll 1..1.6.4 3..J1Z Subtotal Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ 10%/Year - 2 Years 25% 82,821 20",705 103",526 125,266 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) 57 Route Description:Western Overhead Except UG in Windy Pass and Take Moody-t1ontana Configuration: Super Link No. 1 2 5 1 9 La ill13 UG lli13 UG 13 UG 15 16 lA6 138/138- Mil es Total Cost 21.6 4,130 31.6 5,949-- 45,3 8,755 5.1 874 14.9 2,803 4.2 854 17.4 3,251 11.6 2,107 6.0 9,167 14.9 2,935 0.9 203 Subtotal Intertie Tee 1and-Wi 11 ow Tota 1 Line Total Substation Cost 173.5 5.5 179.0 41,028 1 ,129 42,157 9,449 Subtotal R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/Mile) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering 6% Construction Management 5% 51,606 6,940 2,580 3,100 3,096 2,580 Subtota 1 Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ 10%/Year - 2 Years 25% 69,902 17,476 87~378 105,}27 Route Descrigtion: Configuration: Suger Li nk No. 3 6 7 9 10 11 13 14 16 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) Eastern-100%Overhead Take Nenana Gorge lA7 138L138 Miles Total Cost 21.6 4,130 41.4 8,529 28.5 5,917 5.1 874 14.9 2,803 4.2 854 18.4 3,434 19.9 4,276 13 .1 3,287 0.9 203 58 Subtotal Intertie ~ Teeland-Willow ~ Total Line 173.5 Total Substation Cost Subtotal R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/Mile) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering 6% Construction Management 5% 34,307 W2.9 35,436 ~ 44 1 885 61 720 21 244 3,100 2,693 2,244 Subtotal Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ 10%/Year - 2 Years 25% 61 ,886 15,472 77 ,358 93,603 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) Route DescriEtion:Eastern-Overhead Except UG Thru Nenana Gorge 59 Subtotal Intertie Tee1and-Wil1ow Total Line Total Substation Cost 170.0 5.5 175.5 44,491 1 ,129 45,620 9,449 Subtotal R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/Mile) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering 6% Construction Management 5% 55,069 6,800 2,753 3,100 3,304 2,753 Subtotal Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ 10%/Year - 2 Years 25% 73.779 18.445 92.224 1]],591 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) Route Description:Eastern-100%Overhead Confi~uration:lA9 138/138 60 SUE,er Link No. 3 6 7 9 lD. lJ 13 15 J..fi Subtotal Intertie Teeland-Willow Total Line Total Substation Cost Mil es 21.6 41.4 28.5 5.1 14.9 4..2 J..8.d ~ 1.4.9 0.,9 169.8 5.5 175.3 Total Cost 4,130 8,529 5,917 874 2,803 8M M3A 4~ 2~5 203 33".955 1".129 35:084 9,449 Subtotal R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/Mile) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering 6% Construction Management 5% 44,533 6,792 2,227 3,100 2,672 2,227 Subtota 1 Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ lO%/Year - 2 Years 25% 61 ,551 15,388 76,939 93,096 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) 61 Route Description:Eastern-Overhead Except UG in Windy Pass and Take Nenana Gorge Configuration:1A10 Su.e.er Link No. 1 3 Q 7 9 10 11L13 UG 13L13 UG 13 UG 14 12 Mil es Total Cost 21.6 4,130- 41.4 8,529 28.5 5,917 5.1 874 14.9 2,803 4.2 854 17.4 3,251 11.6 2,107 6.0 9,167 13.1 3,287 0.9 203 Subtotal Intertie Tee 1and-Wi 11 ow Total Line Total Substation Cost 164.7 5.5 170.2 41 ,122 1 ,129 42,251 9,449 Subtotal R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/Mile) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering 6% Construction Management 5% 51,700 6,588 2,585 3-J.Q.Q l,.lQ2 2,:1.585 Subtotal Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ 10%/Year - 2 Years 25% 69,:1.660 17,:1.415 87,:1.075 105,.361 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) 62 Route Description:Eastern-Overhead Except UG in Windy Pass anQ Nenana Gorge Configuration:lA11 138/138 Su.eer Li nk No. 3 6 7 9 10 lJ /13 IIG; 13/]3 &]4 IIG l3-.UG 14 QH/IIG lLU.G 1.6 Subtotal Intertie Tee 1and-Wi 11 ow Total Line Total Substation Cost Mil es 21.6 41.4 28.5 5.1 14.9 4.2 lL..4 l3...J .6....Q 3.....6 lfl.Jl D...9. lQ.6...l 5.5 172.2 Total Cost 4,130 8,529 5,917 874 2,803 854 3-..2.5J 2...ilil5 9..J.fi1 .M8 12,918 2.0.3. 51~ 1.1 129 53~028 9,449 Subtota 1 R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/t1i1e) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering 6% Construction Management 5% 62,477 6,668 3,124 3,100 3,749 3,124 Subtota 1 Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ 10%/Year - 2 Years 25% 82,242 20,561 102,803 124,392 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) Route DescriEtion:Eastern-Overhead Except UG in Windy Pass 63 Subtotal Intertie Tee 1and-Wi 11 ow Total Line Total Substation Cost 166.5 5.5 172.0 40,770 1 ,129 41 ,899 9,449 Subtotal R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/Mile) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering 6% Construction Management 5% 51,348 6,660 2,567 3,100 3,081 2,567 Subtotal Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ 10%/Year - 2 Years 25% 69,323 17,331 86,654 104,851 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) Route Description:Western-Avoid St.Park-100%Overhead 64 Subtotal Intertie Tee 1and-Wi 11 ow Total Line Total Substation Cost 175.7 5.5 181 .2 35~343 1 1 129 36,472 9,449 Subtotal R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/Mile) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering 6% Construction Management 5% 45,921 7,028 2,296 3,100 2,755 2,296 Subtotal Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ 10%/Year - 2 Years 25% 63,396 15,849 79,245 95,886 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) 65 Route Description:Western-Avoid St.Park-Overhead Except UG Windy Pass Configuration:1A14 138/138 SUEer Li nk No. 1 2 4 6 z 9 1.0 11 IJ 3 UG 13/13 UG ll....U.G 14 16 Subtotal Intertie Tee 1and-Wi 11 ow Total Line Total Substation Cost Miles 21.6 31.6 17.5 28.5 5...J ~ 4.2 17.4 11.6 6.0 13.1 0.9 172.4 5.5 177 .9 Total Cost 4,130 5,949 3,616 5,917 874 2~803 854 31 251 2.2,107 9,167 3,287 203 42,158 1 ,129 43,287 9,449 Subtotal R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/Mile) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering 6% Construction Management 5% 52,736 6,896 2,637 3,100 3,164 2,637 Subtota 1 Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ 10%/Year - 2 Years 25~~ 71,170 17,793 88,963 107~645 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) 66 Route Description:Western-Avoid St.Park-Overhead Except UG Nenana Gorge Configuration:lA15 138/138 SUE,er Li nk No. 1 2 4 6 1 .9 lQ 11 13L14 UG 14 OHLUG 14 UG 16 Subtotal Intertie Teeland-Willow Total Line Total Substation Cost Miles 21.6 31.6 17.5 28.5 5...J 14.9 4.2 18.4 21.4 3.6 10.0 0.9 177.7 5.5 183.2 Total Cost 4,130 5,949 3,616 5,917 ill 2~803 854 3:434 3,981 848 12,918 203 45,527 1 ,129 46,656 9,449 Subtotal R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/Mile) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering 6% Construction Management 5% 56,105 7,108 2,805 3,100 3,366 2,805 Subtotal Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ 10%/Year - 2 Years 25% 75,289 18,822 94,II 1 113,874 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY 67 ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) Route Description:Western-Avoid State Park-Overhead Except Underground in Nenana Gor.ge and Windy Pass Configuration:lA16 138/138 SUEer Link No. 2 .4 Q 7 9 10 llLl3 UG 13Ll3 &14 UG 13 UG 14 OH/UG 14 UG 16 Subtotal Intertie Teeland-Willow Total Line Total Substation Cost Mil es 2.l.....6 .31.6 lL5 28.5 5.1 14.9 4.2 17.4 13.1 6.0 3.6 10.0 0.9 174.4 5.5 179.9 Total Cost hUQ 5.1 949 3.1 616 5.1 917 874 2,803 854 3,251 2,405 9,167 848 12,918 203 52,935 1 ,129 54,064 9,449 Subtotal R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/Mile) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering 6% Construction Management 5% 63,513 6,976 3,176 3,100 3,811 3,176 Subtotal Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ 10%/Year - 2 Years 25% 83.1 752 20.1 938 104.1 690 126.1 675 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) 68 Route DescriEtion: in Windy Pass Confi9.uration: Western-Avoid State Park-Overnead and Take Moody-Montana lA17 138/138 Except Underground Subtotal R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/Mile) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering 6% Construction Management 5% 52,384 6,968 2,619 3,100 3,143 2,619 Subtotal Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ 10%/Year - 2 Years 25% 70,833 17,708 88,541 107.1 135 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBAt;KS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) 69 Route DescriEtion:Western-Avoid State Park-Overhead and Take Moody- Montana Configuration: SUEer Link No. 1 2 4 fi z ~ 10 11 13 15 16 1A18 138/138 Mil es Total Cost 21.6 4,130 31.6 5,949 17.5 3,616- 28.5 5,917 5.1 874 14.9 2,803 4.2 854 18.4 3,434 19.9 4,276 14.9 2,935 0.9 203 Subtotal Intertie Teeland-Wi11ow Total Line Total Substation Cost 177 .5 5.5 1.8.l:..Q 34,991 1 ,129 36,,120 9",449 SO/ 10 6% Subtotal R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/~ile) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering Construction Management 45,569 7,100 2,278 3,100 2,734 2,278 Subtotal Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ lO%/Year - 2 Years 25% 63,059 15,765 78,824 95,,377 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) Route Description:Eastern-100%Overhead with Broad Pass East Configuration:lA19 138/138 Super Link No.Mil es Total Cost 1 21.6 4,130 3 41.4 8,529 6 28.5 5,917 7 5.1 874 9 14.9 2,803 12 22.4 4,144 13 19.9 4,276 15 14.9 2,935 16 0.9 203 70 50/ /0 6% Subtotal Intertie 169.6 Tee1and-Wi11ow 5.5 Total Line 175.1 Total Substation Cost Subtotal R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/Mile) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering Construction Management 33,811 1 ,129 34,:1940 91,449 44,389 6,784 2,219 3,100 2,663 2,219 Subtotal Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ 10%/Year - 2 Years 25% 61 .374 15,344 7Q2lB 92,:1829 SV£/8£T TaT NOI~VHnDldNOJ 3~VWI~S3 ~SOJ ~J3rOHd 9 3'laV~ ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) Route Descriotion:Western-100%Overhead• TABLE 6 71 Total Cost 6,747 9,859 14,544 1,427 4,640 1,398 h62.5 ~ 5",629 328 Subtotal Intertie Tee1and-Wi11ow Total Line Total Substation Cost 175.0 5.5 Jlill...5 57,161 1 ,129 58,290 U4.9 Subtotal R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/~ile) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering 6% Construction Management~5% 67",739 U2.Q 3",387 3 1 100 4,064 3,387 Subtotal Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ 10%/Year - 2 Years 25% 88,897 22,224 111,121 134,456 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) 72 Route Description:Western-Overhead Except UG in Nenana Gorge Subtotal Intertie Teeland-Willow Total Line Total Substation Cost 111..Jl u 182.5 72.977 L.lli 74,1106 91 449 Subtotal R/\~Acquisition ($40,OOO/~lile) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering 6% Construction Management 5% 83,555 7,080 4,178 3,100 5,013 4,178 Subtotal Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ 10%/Year - 2 Years 25% 107,104 26,776 133,880 161,995 ALASY~POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) 73 Route DescriEtion:Western-Overhead Except Take Moody Montana' Configuration: SUEer Link No, 1 2 5 1 .9 10 u "13 15 16. 1B3 138/345 Miles Total Cost 21.6 6,747 31.6 9,859 45,3 14 ,544 5,1 1,427 ]4,9 4,640 4,2 1,398 18,4 5,625 19,9 6,964 ]4,9 4,759 D....2 328 Subtotal Intertie Teeland-Willow Total Line Total Substation Cost 176,8 5.5 182,3 56 1 291 1,129 57,420 9,449 6 0/ /0 5% Subtotal R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/Hile) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering Construction Management 66,869 7,072 3,343 3,100 4,012 3,343 Subtotal Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ 10%/Year - 2 Years 25% 87,739 21 ,935 109,674 132,706 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) 74 Route DescriEtion:Western-Overhead Except UG in Windy Pass Subtotal Intertie Teeland-Willow Total Line Total Substation Cost 171 .7 5.5 177 .2 67,671 1 ,129 68,800 9,449 501 10 601 /0 Subtotal R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/Mile) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering Construction Management 78,249 6,868 3",912 3",100 4 1 695 31 912 Subtotal Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ 10%/Year - 2 Years 25% 100,736 25,184 125,920 152,363 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) 75 Route DescriptioA:Western-Overhead Except UG in Nenana Gorge and Windy Pass Confi2uration:1B5 138/345 Su,eer Link No. 1 2 5 7 9 10 11 /13 llGi 13/13 &]4 IIG l3..llG. ]4 OH/UG 1A....1lli ~ Subtotal Intertie Tee 1and-Wi 11 ow Total Line Total Substation Cost Mil es 21.6 31.6 45.3 5.1 14.9 .4...2 lL..4 ll...J 6.Q 3.6 10.0 0.9 173.7 5.5 179.2 Total Cost 6,747 9,859 14,544 1,427 4,640 ld.9.a 5",320 4",584 13",720 1,1543 19,1377 328 83,487 1,129 84,616 9,449 Subtotal R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/Mile) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering 6% Construction Management 5% 94,065 6,948 4,703 3,100 5,644 4,703 Subtotal Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ 10%/Year - 2 Years 25% 119,163 29,791 148,954 180,234 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBAIiKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) 76 Route Descriptio~: Moody-~~ontana Configuration: SUEer Link No. 1 2 5 1 9 10 llL13 UG 13L13 UG 13 UG 15 16 Western-Overhead Except UG in Windy Pass and Take 186 138/345 Mil es Total Cost 21.6 6,747 31.6 9,859 45.3 14,544 5.1 1 ,427 14.9 4,640 4.2 1,398 17.4 5,320 11.6 4,059 6.0 13,720 14.9 4,759 0.9 328 Subtotal Intertie Teeland-Willow Total Line Total Substation Cost 173.5 5.5 179.0 66,801 1 ,129 67,930 9,449 501 /0 6% Subtotal R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/Mile) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering Construction Management 77 ,379 6,940 3,869 3,100 4,643 ~ Subtotal Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ 10%/Year - 2 Years 25% 99,800 24~ 124~750 150~948 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIR8A~KS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) Route Description:Eastern 100%Overhead Take Nenana Gorge Confi.9,uration:187 138/345 Super Link No.Mil es Total Cost 1 21.6 6,747 3 41.4 14,055- 6 28.5 9,713 7 5.1 1,427 9 14.9 4,640 10 4.2 1,398 11 18.4 5,625 13 19.9 6,964 14 13.1 5,629 16 0.9 328 Subtotal Intertie 168.0 56,526 Teeland-Wil1ow 5.5 1 ,129 Total Line 173.5 57,655 Total Substation Cost 9,449 Subtota 1 67,104 R/W Acquisition (S40,OOO/~ile)6,720 Mobilization-Demobilization 5%3,355 Surveying 3,100 Engineering 6%4,026 Construction Management 5%3,355 Subtotal 87,660 Contingencies 25%21,915 Total September 1981 Dollars 109,575 Inflation @ 10%/Year - 2 Years J 32 ,586 77 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) Route Description:Eastern-Overhead Except UG Thru Nenana Gorge 78 Configuration: SUEer Link No. 1 3 fi z 9 10 1J 13/14 lIG 14 OH/UG l4...J.lli ]6 lB8 138/345 Miles Total Cost 21.6 6,747 41.4 14,055- 28,5 9,713 5,1 1,427 J 4,9 4,640 4,2 1,398 18,4 5,625 21.4 7,489 3,6 1,543 10,0 19,377 0,9 328 Subtotal Intertie Tee 1and-Wi 11 ow Total Line TotaJ Substation Cost 170,0 5,5 175,5 72 ,342 1,129 74,471 9,449 501 10 60/ 10 Subtotal R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/Mile) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering Construction Management 82,920 6,800 4,146 3,100 4,975 4,146 Subtotal Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ 10%/Year - 2 Years 25~~ 106,087 26,522 132,609 160,457 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) Route Descr;~tiori:Eastern-100%Overhead Total Cost 6,747 14,055 9,713 1,427 4,640 ~ 5",625 6~964 4~759 328 79 Subtotal Intertie 169.8 55,656 Teel and-Will ow 5.5 1 ,129 Tota 1 Li ne 175.3 56,785 Total Substation Cost 9,449 Subtotal R/W Acquisition (S40,OOO/~ile) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering 6% Construction Management 5% 66 1 234 61 792 3,312 3,100 3,974 3,312 Subtotal Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ 10%/Year - 2 Years 25% 86,724 21 ,681 108,405 131,170 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) Subtotal Intertie 164.7 67,036 Teeland-Willow 5.5 1,129 Total Li ne 170.2 68,165 Total Substation Cost 9,449 Subtotal 77 ,614 R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/Mile)6,588 Mobilization-Demobilization 5%3,881 Surveying 3,100 Engineering 6%4,657 Construction Management 5%3.881 Subtotal 99.721 Contingencies 25%24.930 Total September 1981 Dollars 124.651 Inflation @ 10%/Year - 2 Years 150,828 80 ALAsr~POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) 81 Route Description: Gorge Configuration: Eastern-Overhead Except UG in Windy Pass and Nenana lB11 138/345 Su.eer Link No. 1 3 .6 z 9 10 11 /13 UG 13/13 &14 UG l.3.-lill 14 OH/UG lA....U.G l.6 Subtotal Intertie Tee 1and-vJi 11 ow Total Line Total Substation Cost Miles 21.6 41.4 2.8....5 5..J ~ u 17.4 lJ .1 6.Q 3.6 lQ.O .!l.Y 166.7 5.5 172.2 Total Cost 6,747 14,055 Ul3 l..d.2.Z ~ 1.1 398 5.1 320 4.1 584 13 1 720 1.1 543 19.1 377 ~Le 82 2 852 1 1 129 83,981 9,449 Subtotal R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/Mile) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering 6% Construction Management 5% 93,430 6,668 4,672 3,100 5,606 4,672 Subtotal Conti ngencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ 10%/Year - 2 Years 25% 118,148 29,537 147,685 178.699 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) Route DescriEtion:Eastern-Overhead Except UG in Windy pass Subtotal Intertie 166.5 66.266 Teeland-Willow 5.5 1.1 129 Total Line 172 .0 67.395 Total Substation Cost 9,449 Subtotal 76,844 R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/Mile)6,66Q Mobilization-Demobilization 5%3,842 Surveying 3,100 Engineering 6%4,611 Construction Management 5°/3,84210 Subtotal 98,899 Contingencies 25%24,725 Total September 1981 Dollars 123,624 Inflation @ 10%/Year - 2 Years ]49,58 5 82 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) Route Description:Western-Avoid St.Park-l00%Overhead Configuration:1813 138/345 Super Link No.Mil es Total Cost 1 21.6 6,747 2 31.6 9,859 4 17.5 5,923- 6 28.5 9,71 3 7 5,1 1,427 9 14.9 4,640 10 4.2 1,398 11 18.4 5,625 13 19.9 6,964 14 13.1 5,629 16 0.9 328 83 Subtotal Intertie ieeland-Wil1ow Total Line Total Substation Cost 175.7 5.5 181 .2 58,253 1,129 59,382 9,449 50/ 10 60/ 10 Subtotal R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/Mi1e) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering Construction Management 68,831 7,028 3,442 3,100 4,130 3,442 Subtotal Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ 10%/Year - 2 Years 25% 89,973 22,493 1l2~466 136",084 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) 84 Route Description: Windy pass Configuration: Western-Avoid St.Park-Overhead Except UG 1614 138/345 SUEer Link No. ] 2 4 6 7 9 10 11 /13 UG 13/13 UG 13 UG 14 16 Subtotal Intertie Tee 1and-Wi 11 ow Total Line Total Substation Cost Mil es 21.6 31.6 17.5 28.5 5.1 14.9 4.2 17.4 11.6 6.0 13.1 0.9 172.4 5.5 177.9 Total Cost 6,)47 9,1859 5,923 9,713 1 ,427 4,640 1,398 5,320 4,059 13,720 5,629 J2D 68,763 1,129 69,892 9,449 Subtotal R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/Mile) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering 6% Construction Management 5% 79,341 fi...8.9fi :L..9.6l ll.Q.Q 4~ 3.1 967 Subtotal Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ lO%/Year - 2 Years 25% 102:l031 25:l508 127:l539 154,1322 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBAriKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) 85 Route Descriptio~:Western-Avoid St.Park-Overhead Except UG Nenana Gorge Confi~uration:lB15 138/345 SUEer Link No. 1 2 4 6 7 9 10 11 13L14 UG 14 OH/UG 14 UG 16 Subtotal Intertie Tee 1and-Willow Total Line Total Substation Cost Miles 21.6 31.6 17.5 28.5 5.1 14.9 4.2 18.4 21.4 3.6 10.0 0.9 177 .7 5.5 183.2 Total Cost 6,747 9,859 5~ 9 ",713 11 427 4,1640 1 1 398 5,625 7,489 1 ,543 19,377 328 74,169 1 ,129 75,298 9,449 501 10 6% Subtotal R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/Mile) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering Construction Management 84,747 7,108 4,237 3,100 5,085 4..2.1Z Subtotal Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ lO%/Year - 2 Years 25% 108.514 27.129 135.643 164,128 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) 86 Route Description:Western-Avoid State Park-Overhead Except UndergrounQ in Nenana Gor~e and Windy Pass Configuration:lB16 138/345 SUEer Li nk No. 1 2 4 6 7 9 10 11 /13 UG 13/13 &14 IIG llJlG. 14 /OH /14 lIG; 1U.IG. 1.6. Subtotal Intertie Tee 1and-Wi 11 ow Total Line Total Substation Cost Mil es 21.6 31.6 17.5 28.5 5.1 14.9 4.2 17.4 l..3.....1 .6....Q 3.....6 lO..Jl ...9 l.Z.4...A 5.5 179.9 Total Cost 6,747 9,859 5,923 9,713 1,427 4,640 1,398 5,320 UM 13,720 l...5A.3 J 9 ,377 32.8 84.579 l.ili.2 85 1 708 91 449 Subtotal R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/Mile) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering 6% Construction Management 5% 95,157 6,976 4,758 3,100 5,709 4,758 Subtotal Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ 10%/Year - 2 Years 25% 120,458 30,115 150,573 182,193 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) Route Description:Western-Avoid State Park-Overhead in Windy Pass and Take Moody-Montana Configuration:1817 138/345 87 Except Underground Su,eer Link No. 1 2 4 6 7 9 10 11/13 UG 13/13 UG 13 UG 15 16 Subtotal Intertie Teeland-Willow Total Line Total Substation Cost Miles 21.6 31.6 17.5 28.5 5.1 14.9 4.2 17 .4 11.6 6.0 14.9 0.9 174.2 5.5 l2.9...1 Total Cost 6,747 9,859 5,923 9,713 1,427 4,640 1,398 5,320 4,059 13,720 4,759 328 67,893 1 ,129 69,022 9...M9 Subtotal R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/Mile) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering 6% Construction Management 5% 7.a."4 71 7 ,188 l...ill 3~0 !i,708 l.,.924 Subtotal Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ 10%/Year - 2 Years 25% 101.1 315 25.1 329 126~644 153,239 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIR8AtIKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) Route DescriEtion:Western-Avoid State Park-Overhead and Take Moody ~1ontana 88 Configuration: SUEer Link No. 1 2 4 .6 1 9 1Q 11 1,3 15 16 1818 138/345 Mil es Total Cost 2]6 6,74.7 31.6 9,859- 17 5 5.923 28 5 9.713 5,1 1.427 14 .9 4,640 4.2 1 ,398 18.4 5,625 19.9 6.964 14.9 4.759 0.9 328 Subtotal Intertie Tee 1and-Wi 11 ow Total Line Total Substation Cost 177 .5 5.5 183.0 57,383 1 .129 58.512 9.449 Subtotal R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/Mile) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering 6% Construction Management 5% 67,961 7,320 3,398 3.1 00 4,078 3.,Z9S Subtotal Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ 10%/Year - 2 Years 25% 89,255 22,3]4 1]1 .569 134,998 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) Route DescriEtion:Eastern-100%Overhead with Broad Pass East 89 Configuration: SUEer Link No. 1 3 .6 z ~ 12 13 15 16 1B19 138/345 Mil es Total Cost 21.6 6,747 41.4 14,055- 28.5 9,713 5.1 1,427 14.9 4,640 22.4 6,794 19.9 6,964 14.9 4,759 0.9 328 Subtotal Intertie Tee1and-Wi11ow Total Line Total Substation Cost 169.6 5.5 175.1 55,427 1 ,129 56 1 556 9,449 Subtotal R/W Acquisition (S40,OOO/~ile) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering 6% Construction Management 5% 66,005 6,784 3,300 3,100 3,960 . 3,300 Subtotal Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ lO%/Year - 2 Years 25% 86,449 21.612 108,06] 130,754 SV£/O£G TaG NOI~VEnDldNOJ 3~VWI~S3 ~SOJ ~J3rO~d L 3'1aV~ ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) Route DescriEtion:Western-100%Overhead Configuration:2B1 230/345 Super Link No.Miles 1 21.6 2 31.6 5 45.3 7 5.1 9 14.9 10 4.2 JJ 18.4 13 19.9 14 13.1 16 0.9 TABLE 7 90 Total Cost 6,747 9,859 14,544 1,427 4,640 1:398 5:625 6:1,964 5,1629 328 Subtotal Intertie Teeland-Willow Total Line Total Substation Cost 175.0 26.0 201 .0 57,161 7,888 65,049 8~440 Subtotal R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/Mile) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering 6% Construction Management 5% 73,1489 8,1040 3,674 3,100 4,409 3,674 Subtotal Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ lO%/Year -2 Years 25% 96,386 24,097 120,483 145.784 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) Route DescriEtion:Western-Overhead Except UG in Nenana Gorge 91 Subtotal Intertie Tee 1and-Wi 11 ow Total Line Total-Substation Cost 177 .0 26.0 203.0 72,977 7,888 80,865 8,440 Subtotal R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/P.ile) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering 6% Construction Management 5% 89,305 8,120 4,465 3,100 5,358 4,465 Subtotal Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ lO%/Year - 2 Years 25% 114,813 28,703 143,516 173,1654 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) Route Description:Western-Overhead Except Take Moody-Montana 92 Configuration: SUEer Link No. 2 5 7 9 10 11 13 15 16 263 230/345 Mil es Total Cost 21.6 6,747 31.6 9,859 45.3 14,544 5.1 1.,427 14.9 4,640 4.2 1,398 18.4 5,625 19.9 6,964 14.9 4,759 0.9 328 Subtotal Intertie Tee 1and-Wi 11 ow Total Line Total Substation Cost 176.8 26.0 202.8 56,291 7,888 64,179 8,440 SO/ 10 6% Subtotal R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/Mile) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering Construction Management 72,619 8,112 3,631 3,100 4,357 3,631 Subtotal Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ 10%/Year - 2 Years 25% 95,450 23,863 119,313 144,369 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) Route DescriEtion:Western-Overhead Except UG in Windy Pass 93 Subtotal Intertie 171 .7 67,671 Teeland-Willow 26.0 7,888 Total Line 197.7 75,559 Total Substation Cost 8:440 Subtotal 83,999 R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/Mile)7,908 Mobilization-Demobilization 5%4,200 Surveying 3,100 Engineering 6%5,040 Construction Management 5%4,200 Subtotal 108,447 Contingencies 25%27,112 Total September 1981 Dollars 135,559 Inflation @ 10%/Year - 2 Years 16.1..:026 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) 94 Route DescriEtion: Pass Configuration: SUEer Link No. 1 2 5 z 2 10 llL13 UG 13/13 &14 UG 13 UG 14 OH/UG 14 UG 16 Subtotal Intertie Teeland-Willow Western-Overhead Except UG in Nenana Gorge and Windy 285 230/345 Mil es Total Cost 21.6 6,747 31.6 9,859 45.3 14,544-- 5.1 1 ,427 14.9 4,640 4.2 1 ,398 17.4 5,320 13.1 4,584 6.0 13,720 3.6 1 ,543 10.0 19,377 0.9 328 173.7 83,487 26.0 7,888 Total Line 199.7 91 ,375 Total Substation Cost 8,440 Subtotal 99,815 R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/Mile)7,988 Mobilization-Demobilization 5%4,991 Surveying 3,100 Engineering 6°'5,989/0 Construction Management 5%4,991 Subtotal 126,874 Contingencies 25%31 ,719 Total September 1981 Dollars 158,593 Inflation @ 10%/Year - 2 Years 191,898 Subtotal Intertie Tee 1and-Wi 11 ow ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) 173.5 26.0 66,801 7,888 95 Total Line Total Substation Cost 199.5 74,689 8,440 Subtotal R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/Mile) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering 6% Construction Management 5% 83,129 7,980 4,156 3,100 ~ !J.2.Q Subtotal Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ lO%/Year - 2 Years 25% 107~509 26:,877 134:,386 162,607 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) Route Description:Eastern-100%Overhead Take Nenana Gorge 96 Subtotal Intertie Tee1and-Wil1ow Total Line Total Substation Cost 168.0 26.0 194.0 56,526 7,888 64,414 8",440 Subtotal R/W Acquisition (S40,OOO/Mile) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering 6% Construction Management 5% 72,854 7,760 3,643 3,100 4,371 3,643 Subtotal Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ 10%/Year - 2 Years 25% 95,371 23,843 119.214 144,249 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) Route Description:Eastern-Overhead Exceet UG Thru Nenana Gorge Confi,9uration:2B8 230/345 Super Link No.Miles Total Cost 1 21.6 6,747 3 41.4 14,055 6 28.5 9,713 7 5.1 1 ,427 9 14.9 4,640 10 4.2 1,398 11 18.4 5,625 13/14 UG 21.4 7,489 14 OH/UG 3.6 1,543 14 UG 10.0 19,377 16 0.9 328 Subtotal Intertie 170.0 72 ,342 Teeland-Willow 26.0 7,888 Total Line 196.0 80,230 Total Substation Cost 8:\440 Subtotal 88,670 R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/Mile)7,840 Mobilization-Demobilization 5%4,434 Surveying 3,100 Engineering 6%5,320 Construction Management 5%4,434 Subtotal 113,798 Contingencies 25%28,450 Total September 1981 Dollars 142,248 Inflation @ 10%/Year - 2 Years 172:\120 97 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBA~KS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) Route DescriEtion:Eastern-100%Overhead 98 Configuration: SUEer Li nk No. 1 3 6 7 9 10 11 13 15 1.Q Subtotal Intertie Tee 1and-Wi 11 ow 289 230/345 Mil es 21.6 41.4 28.5 5.1 14.9 4.2 18.4 19.9 14.9 0.9 169.8 26.0 Total Cost 6,747 14,055 9,713 1 ,427 4,640 1,398 5,625 6,1964 4,759 328 55,656 7,888 Total Line Total Substation Cost 195.8 63,544 8,440 Subtotal R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/~i1e) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering 6% Construction Management 5% 71,1984 7.2,832 3,1599 3,100 4,319 3,599 Subtotal Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ lO%/Year - 2 Years 25% 94,433 23,608 118,041 142~830 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) 99 Route DescriEtion:Eastern-Overhead Except UG in Windy Pass and Take Nenana Gor9,e Configuration: Super Link No. 3 6 7 .9 1.Q llL13 UG 13L13 UG 13 UG 14 16 2B10 230/345 Mil es Total Cost 21.6 6,747 41.4 14,055 28.5 9,713 5.1 1,427-- 14.9 4.640 4.2 1,398 17.4 5,320 11.6 4,059 6.0 13,720 13.1 5,629 0.9 328 Subtotal Intertie Teeland-Willow Total Line Total Substation Cost 164.7 26.0 llD..:..Z 67,036 7,888 74 1 924 8 1 440 Subtotal R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/Mile) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering 6% Construction Management 5% 83,364 7,628 4,168 3,100 5,002 4,168 Subtotal Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ lO%/Year - 2 Years 25% ]07 .430 ~8 134 1 288 162 1 488 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) 100 Total Line 192,7 90,740 Total Substation Cost 8,,440 Subtotal 99,180 R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/~ile)7,708 Mobilization-Demobilization 5%4,959 Surveying 3,100 Engineering 6%5,951 Construction Management 5%4,959 Subtotal 125,857 Contingencies 25%31,464 Total September 1981 Dollars 157,321 Inflation @ lO%/Year - 2 Years 190,358 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) Route Description:Eastern-Overhead Except UG in Windy Pass 101 Subtotal Intertie 166.5 66,266 Teeland-Willow 26.0 7,888 Total Line 192.5 74,154 Total Substation Cost 8 1 440 Subtotal 82,594 R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/Mi1e)7,700 Mobilization-Demobilization 5%4,130 Surveying 3,100 Engineering 6%4,956 Construction Management S°/4,13010 Subtotal 106,610 Contingencies 25%26,653 Total September 1981 Dollars 133,263 Inflation @ lO%/Year - 2 Years l.§L248 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) Route DescriEtion:Western-Avoid St.Park-l00%Overhead 102 Subtotal Intertie Tee 1and-Willow Total Line Total Substation Cost 175.7 26.0 201.7 58,253 7,888 66~141 8,440 Subtotal R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/Mile) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering 6% Construction Management 5% 74,581 8,068 3,729 3,100 4,475 3,729 Subtotal Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ lO%/Year - 2 Years 25% 97,682 24,421 122,103 147 1 745 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) 103 Route Description:Western-Avoid St.Park-Overhead Except UG Windy Pass ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) 104 Route Description:Western-Avoid St.Park-Overhead Except UG Nenana Gorge Configuration: SUEer Link No. 1 2 4 Q z 9 10 11 13/14 UG 14 OH/UG 14 UG 16 2B15 230/345 Miles Total Cost 21.6 6,747 31.6 9,859 17.5 5,923- 28.5 9,713 5.1 1,427 14.9 4,640 4.2 1,398 18.4 5,625 21.4 7,489 3.6 1,543 10.0 19,377 0.9 328 Subtotal Intertie Teeland-Willow Total Line Total Substation Cost 1ll....1. 26.0 203.7 74.1 169 71 888 82,057 8,440 Subtotal R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/Mile) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering 6% Construction Management 5% 90,497 8,148 4,525 3,100 5,430 4,525 Subtotal Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ lO%/Year - 2 Years 25% 116.1 225 29 1 056 145,281 175,790 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) 105 Route Description:Western-Avoid State Park-Overhead Except Underground in Nenana Gorge and Windy Pass Configuration:2B16 230/345 Su,eer Link No. 2 4 6 7 9 10 llL13 UG 13L13 &14 UG 13 UG 14/0H/14 UG 14 UG 16 Subtotal Intertie Teeland-Willow Total Line Total Substation Cost Mil es 21.6 31.6 17.5 28.5 5.1 14.9 4.2 17.4 13.1 6.0 3.6 10.0 .9 174.4 26.0 2..O.Q..j Total Cost 6,747 9,859 5,923 9,713 1,427 4,640 1,398 5,320 4,584 13,720 1 ,543 19,377 328 84,579 7,888 92,467 8d1Q Subtotal R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/~ile) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering 6% Construction Management 5% 100 1 907 81 016 5,045 3,100 6,054 5,045 Subtotal Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ lO%/Year - 2 Years 25% 128,167 32,042 160,209 193 ",853 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) Route DescriEtion:Western-Avoid State Park-Overhead in Windy Pass and take Moody-Montana Configuration:2817 230/345 106 Except Underground Total Cost 6,747 9,859 5,923 9".713 1,1427 4,640 1 ,398 5,320 4,059 13,720 4,759 328 67,893 7,888 Total Line 200.2 Total Substation Cost Subtotal R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/Mile) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering 6% Construction Management 5% 75,1781 8,1440 84,221 8,008 4,211 3,100 5,053 4,211 Subtotal Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ lOX/Year - 2 Years 25% 108,804 2L.£Ql 136.1 005 164,566 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) 107 Route DescriEtion:Western-Avoid State Park-Overhead and Take Moody- Montana Confi£luration: SUEer Link No. 1 2 4 6 7 9 10 11 13 15 16 2818 230/345 Miles Total Cost 21.6 6,747 31.6 9,859 17.5 5,923 28.5 9,713 5.1 1,427 14.9 4,640- 4.2 1 ,398 18.4 5,625 19.9 6,964 14.9 4,759 0.9 328 Subtotal Intertie Teeland-Wil1ow Total Line Total Substation Cost 177 .5 26.0 2.Q3....5 57,383 7,888 65.271 8...lli Subtotal R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/Mile) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering 6% Construction Management 5% 73,1711 8,1140 3,686 3,100 4,423 3,686 Subtotal Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ 10%/Year - 2 Years 25% 96,746 24,187 120.933 146,329 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (Thousands of Dollars) 108 Route Descriotion:Eastern-100%Overhead with Broad Pass East• Subtotal Intertie Teeland-Willow Total Line Total Substation Cost 169.6 26.0 195.6 55,427 7,888 63,315 8,440 Subtotal R/W Acquisition ($40,OOO/Mile) Mobilization-Demobilization 5% Surveying Engineering 6% Construction Management 5% 71,755 7,824 3,588 3,100 4,305 3,588 Subtotal Contingencies Total September 1981 Dollars Inflation @ lO%/Year - 2 Years 25% 94",160 23 1 540 117 1 700 142,417 *Includes 5.5 Miles 138 kV Teeland-Willow **Includes 26.0 Miles 230/345 kV Pt.Mackenzie-Willow 110 Life Cycle Cost Analysis A prominent feature of Commonwealth's Feasibility Study Report that was submitted on May 1,1981 is an analysis of the life-cycle costs and benefits of the intertie alternatives then under consideration.That analysis has been updated and expanded for purposes of this report,and the results are shown on pages following. These are the specific similarities and contrasts between the original and the updated life cycle cost -benefit analysis: 1.The methodologies and purely economic parameters employed are identical; 2.The benefits are of identical value since examination disclosed no reason for change since May 1,1981; 3.The analysis is expanded to deal with each of nineteen line construction and routing options described earlier in this report; 4.Whereas the previous analysis dealt with five possible intertie configurations,the updated analysis deals with only the three that still have significant interest namely: a)Configuration lA -138 kV initial operation, 138 kV future operation, b)Configuration lB -138 kV initial operation, 345 kV future operation, c)Configuration 2B -230 kV initial operation, 345 kV future operation; 5.Capital costs are revised upward according to Commonwealth's most recent technical findings and cost estimates,and the life cycle costs are raised proportionately; 6.As before,the analysis is presented in the light of three scenarios,namely: a)Excluding or ignoring the future need for 345 kV transmission voltage, b)Including or recognizing the need for future 345 kV transmission voltage, c)Sensitivity analysis considering change in a variety of parameters and assumptions that affect the results of the analysis. III Based on the results of the new analysis as displayed in Tables 9,10 and ll,these following conclusions are drawn: 1.The line construction and routing options rank in the same economic order under all three system configurations.Thus,line route selection could proceed independent of the configuration selection, if that were necessary. 2.Line construction/route option number 19 involves least capital,least life cycle cost and highest ratio of benefits to costs under all configurations and assumptions. 3.There are six other line construction/routing options that rank closely behind option 19.These are options 1,3,7,9,13 and 18. 4.The reason that the seven options noted above rank above the rest from an economic standpoint is that those listed do not involve underground cable sections while the remainder do. 5.The economic choice between Configuration lA and lB depends upon what one assumes regarding future need for voltages above 138 kV.Since Commonwealth is persuaded that there will be future need for 345 kV,and compares the two alternatives in this context,Configuration lB appears preferrable. 6.In comparing Configurations 2B and lB,it will be observed that the former involves approximately $11.6 million more capital investment while yielding essentially the same ratio of benefits to costs. On this basis,Configuration lB appears to be the better choice. TABLE 9 LXFE-CYCLE COSTS AND BENEFXTS C~ OF THE ANCHORAOE -FAXRBANKS INTERTXE X NCLUD X NO FUTURE NEED FOR 3431<",I NTERCONNECT X ON Cb) 112 COSTS C$Mi I lions)BENEFITS C$Mi I lions) INTERTIE VOLTAGE Cl<V)LINE CAPITAL RATIO OF CONST."INVESTMENT FIXED RETI REMENT REDEDICATION OPERATION &ECONOM'T'RESERVE BENEFITS CONFIG.OPERATION ~~C$Hi I lions)~Cc)CREDITCd)CREDITC ..)MAINTENANCE ~I NTERCHAHC>E SHARINGCT)~~ IA 138 138 I 94.5 142.1 -27.8 8.8 5.5 119.8 138.9 11.3 142.2 1.2 2 112.5 169.2 -33.1 8.8 5.8 141.9 138.9 "11.3 142.2-1.0 3 94.8 141.4 -27.7 8.8 5.5 119.2 138.9 11.3 142.2 1.2 4 186.2 159.7 -31.3 8.8 5.6 134.1 138.9 11.3 142.2 1.1 5 125.3 188.5 -36.9 8.8 5.9 157.4 138.9 11.3 142.2 0.9 6 185.7 159.8 -31.1 8.8 5.6 133.5 138.9 11.3 142.2 1.1 7 93.6 148.8 -27.6 8.8 5.5 118.7 138.9 11.3 142.2 1.2 8 111.6 167.9 -32.9 8.8 5.7 148.7 138.9 11.3 142.2 1.0 9 93.1 148.8 -27.4 8.8 5.5 118.1 138.9 11.3 142.2 1.2 18 185.4 158.5 -31.8 8.8 5.6 133.1 138.9 11.3 142.2 1.1 11 124.4 187.1 -36.6 8.8 5.8 156.3 138.9 11.3 142.2 9.9 12 184.9 157.8 -38.9 8.8 5.6 132.5 138.9 11.3 142.2 1.1 13 95.9 144.2 -28.2 8.8 5.7 121.7 138.9 11.3 142;2 1.2 14 187.6 161.8 -31.7 8.8 5.8 135.9 138.9 11.3 142.2 1.8 15 113.9 171.3 -33.5 8.9 5.9 143.7 139.9 11.3 142.2 1.8 16 126.7 190.6 -37.3 9.9 6.9 159.3 138.9 11.3 142.2 0.9 17 197.1 161.1 -31.5 9.9 5.8 135.3 139.9 11.3 142.2 1.1 18 95.4 143.5 -28.1 9.9 5.7 121.1 138.9 11;3 142.2 1.2 19 92.8 139.6 -27.3 9.9 5.6 117.8 139.9 11.3 142.2 1.2 IB 138 345 1 134.5 292.3 -6.4 -126.9 5.8 75.6 132.5 11.3 143.8 1.9 2 162.8 243.7 -6.3 -157.2 6.9 86.1 132.5 11.3 143.8 1.7 3 132.7 199.6 -6.3 -124.5 5.7 74.5 132.5 11.3 143.8 1.9 4 152.4 229.2 -6.4 -146.4 5.9 82.3 132.5 11.3 143.8 1.7 5 189.2 271.8 -6..3 -177.6 6.1 93.2 132.5 11.3 143.8 1.5 6 158.9 227.8 -6.3 -144.8 5.8 81.7 132.5 11.3 143.8 1.8 7 132.6 199.4 -6.4 -124.2 5.8 74.7 132.5 11.3 143.8 1.9 8 160.5 241.4 -6.4 -155.5 6.1 85.7 132.5 11.3 143.8 1.7 9 131.2 197.3 -6.4 -122.7 5.8 74.1 132.5 11.3 143.8 1.9 18 150.8 226.8 -6.4 -144.6 5.9 81.8 132.5 11.3 143.8 1.8 11 178.7 268.8 -6.4 -175.8 6.2 92.8 132.5 11.3 143.8 1.5 12 149.6 225.0 -6.4 -143.3 5.9 81.3 132.5 11.3 143.8 1.8 13 136.1 204.7 -6.3 -128.3 5.9 76.0 132.5 11.3 143.8 1.9 14 154.3 232.1 -6.3 -148.6 6.0 83.1 132.5 11.3 143.8 1.7 15 164.1 246.8 -6.3 -159.6 6.2 87.1 132.5 11.3 143.8 1.7 16 182.2 274.8 -6.3 -179.9 6.3 94.2 132.5 11.3 143.8 1.5 17 153.2 238.4 -6.3 -147.5 6.0 82.6 132.5 11.3 143.8 1.7 18 135.0 203.1 -6.3 -127.1 5.9 75.5 132.5 11.3 143.8 1.9 19 138.8 196.7 -6.4 -122.2 5.8 74.0 132.5 11.3 143.8 1.9 2B 238 345 1 145.8 219.3 -5.4 -142.6 5.9 77.2 135.6 11.3 146.9 1.9 2 173.7 261.3 -5.4 -173.8 6.2 89.2 135.6 11.3 146.9 1.7 :3 144.4 217.2 -5.4 -141.9 5.9 76.7 135.6 11.3 146.9 1.9 4 164.9 246.7 -5.4 -163.1 6.9 84.3 135.6 11.3 146.9 1.7 5 191.9 288.6 -5.4 -194.3 6.3 95.3 135.6 11.3 146.9 1.5 6 162.6 244.6 -5.4 -161.5 6.9 83.7 135.6 11.3 146.9 1.8 7 144.2 216.9 -5.4 -148.8 6.9 76.7 135.6 11.3 146.9 1.9 8 172.1 258.9 -5.4 -172.9 6.3 87.7 135.6 11.3 146.9 1.7 9 142.8 214.8 -5.4 -139.2 6.0 76.1 135.6 11.3 146.9 1.9 10 162.5 244.4 -5.4 -161.3 6.1 83.8 135.6 11.3 146.9 1.8 11 190.4 286.4 -5.4 -192.5 6.4 94.9 135.6 11.3 146.9 1.5 12 161.2 242.5 -5.4 -159.8 6.1 83.3 135.6 11.3 146.9 1.8 13 147.7 222.2 -5.4 -144.8 6.1 78.8 135.6 11.3 146.9 1.9 14 166.9 249.7 -5.4 -165.2 6.2 85.3 135.6 11.3 146.9 1.7 15 175.8 264.4 -5.4 -176.3 6.4 89.1 135.6 11.3 146.9 1.6 16 193.9 291.6 -5.4 -196.4 6.5 96.3 135.6 11.3 146.9 1.5 17 164.6 247.6 -5.3 -164.1 6.2 84.4 135.'5 11.3 146.9 1.7 18 146.3 228.8 -5.3 -143.7 6.1 77.1 135.6 11.3 146.9 1.9 19 142.4 214.2 -5.4 -138.8 6.8 76.8 135.6 11.3 146.9 1.9 "C~Pr"Sl'n"t .."."th M addi"tional 1II'lrlU&\l'XIOl'nSl'S lind tl--"i"ts ca.rimo "thl'.....iod 1984 to 1993,inc lusiV<'. Cb)Ass...i""that in 1994 it IIi 11 btl nl'e"ss",""to rai... "thl'int.rti ..vo Ita...to 34Sl<Y in ordl'r to providl'Tor tr.ansaission 0-1 POUIft'.prOM Susi tna or otMr nHI ,.,........atin, plants ..i"thin th"Rai 1bl'lt,aneVor providl'_al s"st....s ....owth. Cc)For a 35 -"..ar aJIlOrtization p.,-iod. Cd)D4Iduction Tor Taci li ti..r ..tirl'd in 1994. C..)Deduction Tor Taci Iities rl'dl'dicated to 345l<V trans..ission in 1994. CT)Inc Iud in..the advanta""s oT load div.,-si t,.. COIIlIllOnIIl'alth Associat..Inc. 11/2/81 TABLE 10 113 ~IFE-CYCLE COSTS AND BENEFITS (~ OF THE ANCHORAGE -FAIRBANKS INTERTIE EXCLUDING FUTURE NEED FOR 34~kV INTERCONNECTION (b) COSTS ($Mi II ions)BEHEFITS ($Mi I lions) IHTERTI E VOLTAGE (l<V)LIHE CAPITAL RATIO OF CONST.INVESTMENT FIXED OPERATION &ECOHOMV RESERVE BENEFITS COHFIG.OPERATION ~Qf.!.!.Q!:!($Mi I lions)~MAINTEHANCE ~INTERCHAHGE SHARING(c)TOTAL ~ IA 139 139 1 94.5 142.1 13.9 156.1 223.3 45.3 274.6 1.8 2 112.5 169.2 14.5 183.8 229.3 45.3 274.6 1.5 3 94.9 141.4 13.9 155.3 229.3 45.3 274.6 1.8 4 196.2 159.7 14.2 173.9 223.3 45.3 274.6 1.6 5 125.3 188.5 14.8 2Il3.2 223.3 45.3 274.6 1.4 6 195.7 159.9 14.1 173.1 223.3 45.3 274.6 1.6 7 93.6 149.8 13.9 154.6 223.3 45.3 274.6 1.8 8 111.6 167.9 14.5 182.3 223.3 45.3 274.6 1.5- 9 93.1 149.9 13.8 153.8 223.3 45.3 274.6 1.8 19 195.4 158.5 14.1 172.6 223.3 45.3 274.6 1.6 11 124.4 187.1 14.7 291.8 223.3 45.3 274.6 1.4 12 194.9 157.8 14.1 171.8 229.3 45.3 274.6 1.6 13 95.9 144.2 14.3 158.6 223.3 45.3 274.6 1.7 14 197.6 161.8 14.5 176.4 223.3 45.3 274.6 1.6 15 113.9 171.3 14.9 186.2 223.3 45.3 274.6 1.5 16 126.7 199.6 15.1 295.7 223.3 45.3 274.6 1.3 17 197.1 161.1 14.5 175.6 223.3 45.3 274.6 1.6 18 95.4 143.5 14.3 157.8 229.3 45.3 274.6 1.7 19 92.8 139.6 14.1 153.6 223.3 45.3 274.6 1.8 IB 138 345 1 134.5 292.3 14.5 216.8 232.2 45.3 277.5 1.3 2 162.9 243.7 15.2 258.9 232.2 45.3 277.5 1.1 3 132.7 199.6 14.5 214.1 232.2 45.3 277.5 1.3 4 152.4 229.2 14.8 244.9 232.2 45.3 277.5 1.1 5 188.2 271.0 15.4 286.5 232.2 45.3 277.5 1.0 6 159.9 227.0 14.7 241.7 232.2 45.3 277.5 1.1 7 132.6 199.4 14.7 214.1 232.2 45.3 277.5 1.3 8 169.5 241.4 15.4 256.8 232.2 45.3 277.5 1.1 9 131.1 197.2 '14.7 211.8 232.2 45.3 277.5 1.3 19 1513.8 226.8 15.13 241.8 232.2 45.3 277.5 1.1 11 178.7 268.8 15.7 294.4 232.2 45.3 277.5 1.0 12 149.6 225.0 14.9 239.9 232.2 45.3 277.5 1.2 13 136.1 204.7 14.9 219.6 232.2 45.3 277.5 1.3 14 154.3 232.1 15.2 247.3 232.2 45.3 277.5 1.1 15 164.1 246.8 15.6 262.4 232.2 45.3 277.5 1.1 16 182.2 274.8 15.9 289.9 232.2 45.3 277.5 1.0 17 153.2 238.4 15.1 245.6 232.2 45.3 277.5 1.1 18 135.0 283.1 14.8 217.9 232.2 45.3 277.5 1.3 19 138.8 196.7 14.6 211.4 232.2 45.3 277.5 1.3 2B 239 345 1 145.8 219.3 15.9 234.3 237.6 45.3 282.9 1.2 2 173.7 261.3 15.6 276.9 237.6 45.3 282.9 1.0 3 144.4 217.2 14.9 232.1 237.6 45.3 282.9 1.2 4 164.8 246.7 15.2 261.9 237.6 45.3 282.9 1.1 5 191.9 288.6 15.9 394.6 237.6 45.3 282.9 8.9 6 162.6 244.6 15.2 259.8 237.6 45.3 282.9 1.1 7 144.2 216.9 15.1 232.8 237.6 45.3 282.9 1.2 8 172.1 258.9 15.9 274.7 237.6 45.3 282.9 1.9 9 142.8 214.8 15.1 229.9 237.6 45.3 282.9 1.2 19 162.5 244.4 15.4 259.8 237.6 45.3 282.9 1.1 11 199.4 286.4 16.1 392.5 237.6 45.3 282.9 8.9 12 161.2 242.5 15.4 257.8 237.6 45.3 262.9 1.1 13 147.7 222.2 15.3 237.5 237.6 45.3 282.9 1.2 14 166.8 249.7 15.6 265.3 237.6 45.3 282.9 1.1 15 175.8 264.4 16.1 289.5 237.6 45.3 282.9 1.8 16 193.9 291.6 16.3 398.9 237.6 45.3 282.9 8.9 17 164.6 247.6 15.6 263.2 237.6 45.3 282.9 1.1 18 146.3 229.9 15.3 235.3 237.6 45.3 282.9 1.2 19 142.4 214.2 15.1 229.3 237.6 45.3 282.9 1.2 (a)Pr.s""t worth 0"additional annual .XPltnSU and b_.,its throu..nout a 35-_..-......iod 0"a.t>t MOI"tization. (b)I !WlOI"in,an",."".ct that s"'st....x..ansion ...".h_UJ>on tM olC>4H"a:tion .-nd l)$~"v l~$f:o-f-i:~in1:I!M"'''ti!!'~ (c)Inc ludin,th.advanta_s 0+load cliversi t". C""",,e>r>tMalth Associatu Inc. 11/2/81 114 TABLE 11 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS OF LIFE-CYCLE COSTS AND BENEFITS OF THE ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE Excluding Need for Future 345 kV 'IncludinS Need for Future 345 kV CostS(a)Benef~ts Rat~o of Costs ( )Benef~ts Rat~o of ($In ($In Benefits ($In ($In Benefits Hillions)~illions)To Costs Millions)Millions)To Costs Configuration lA-19 (138/138 kV)(c) 1.Base Case 153.6 274.6 1.8 117.8 142.2 1.2 2.Energy Consumption High Growth 153.6 315.9 2.1 117.8 169.9 1.4 Low Growth 153.6 231.1 1.5 117.8 114.9 1.0 3.Additional Power Sources Military Generation-Fairbanks 153.6 234.0 1.5 117.8 118.4 1.0 Bradley Lake Hydro 153.6 279.0 1.8 117.8 143.3 1.2 Military and Bradley Lake Hydro .153.6 237.6 1.5 117.8 119.0 1.0 4.New Coal Fueled Power Plants 153.6 635.6 4.1 117.8 232.0 2.0 5.Alternative Fuels in Fairbanks North Slope Gas 153.6 145.1 0.9 117.8 69.7 0.6 LNG Gas 153.6 221.3 1.4 117.8 111.9 0.9 Configuration lB-19 (345/138 kV)(d) 1.Base Case 211.4 277.5 1.3 74.0 143.8 1.9 2.Energy Consumption High Growth 211.4 320.2 1.5 74.0 172.3 2.3 Low Growth 211.4 233.0 1.1 74.0 115.9 1.6 3.Additional Power Sources Military Generation-Fairbanks 211.4 236.3 1.1 74.0 119.7 1.6 Bradley Lake Hydro 211.4 282.0 1.3 74.0 145.0 2.0 Military and Bradley Lake Hydro 211.4 239.9 1.1 74.0 120.3 1.6 4.New Coal Fueled Power Plants 211.4 638.5 3.0 74.0 233.6 3.2 5.Alternative Fuels in Fairbanks North Slope Gas 211.4 147.8 0.7 74.0 71.3 1.0 LNG Gas 211.4 224.1 1.1 74.0 113.5 1.5 Configuration 2B-19 (345/230 kV)(e) 1.Base Case 229.3 282.9 1.2 76.0 146.9 1.9 2.Energy Consumption High Growth 229.3 326.4 1.4 76.0 176.0 2.3 Low Growth 229.3 237.5 1.0 76.0 118.4 1.6 3.Additional Power Sources Military Generation-Fairbanks 229.3 240.9 1.1 76.0 122.3 1.6 Bradley Lake Hydro 229.3 287.5 1.3 76.0 148.1 1.9 Military and Bradley Lake Hydro 229.3 244.6 1.1 76.0 122.9 1.6 4.New Coal Fueled Power Plants 229.3 643.9 2.8 76.0 236.7 3.1 5.Alternative Fuels in Fairbanks North Slope Gas 229.3 150.2 0.7 76.0 72.7 1.0 LNG Gas 229.3 228.3 1.0 76.0 115.9 1.5 (a)Present worth of additional annual expenses and benefits throughout a 35-year period of debt amortization. (b)Present worth of additional annual expenses and benefits during the period 1984 to 1993,inclusive. (c)138 kV construction and operation. (d)345 kV construction,138 kV initial operation. (e)345 kV construction,230 kV initial operation. Commonwealth Associates Inc. 11/2/81 115 V.SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS Commonwealth has carefully examined all of the factors affecting the selection of a line route for the Intertie Project,including environmental,engineering and operating concerns and costs. During the evaluation,we have given consideration to various modes of constructing each of the major line segments (super- links);the environmental impacts,the constructability, maintainability and reliability,and the total cost.It has been concluded that several combinations of the line route segments could be selected to provide an environmentally acceptable line route from Willow to Healy,and of those several combinations,the line route described as Configura- tion IB-19 (Eastern Route 100%overhead with Broadpass east consisting of superlinks 1,3,6, 7,9,12,13,15 and 16) would have the least environmental impact (refer to Figure 18). Careful evaluation of the various line route alternatives indicates that a line route parallelling the Parks Highway as close by as possible would be the easiest line to con- struct and maintain,however,we believe it is possible to construct and maintain a reliable line by several of the line route alternatives. The total project capital costs have been estimated for each of three system configurations and all line route alterna- tives including costs for labor,materials,equipment, right-of-way clearing,and all other capital costs. Life cycle costs including capital investment,fixed charges, retirement credit,Susitna rededication credit and operation, and maintenance costs have been estimated for each of the above-mentioned combinations. For each of the system configurations considered,the line route alternative which was concluded to have the least environmental impact also has the lowest estimated capital investment,and lowest life cycle cost,and ranks among the highest in benefit to cost ratio. The estimated benefit to cost ratios shows marginal ratios for System Configuration lA (138 kV construction). 116 The estimated benefit to cost ratios for both System Con- figuration lB (345 kV construction with 138 kV initial operation)and 2B (345 kV construction with 230 kV initial operation)ranges from 1.5 to 1.9. By agreement with APA project manager,the cost estimates include the cost of 5.5 miles of 138 kV construction between Willow and Teeland although at this time it is assumed that portion of line will be financed and constructed by Matanuska Electric Association. Also by agreement with APA project manager,we have assumed that the line construction contractor would be permitted land access at reasonable intervals of all line route segments except Moody-Montana pass.The construction cost has been estimated for each line segment or superlink by three con- struction modes.In calculating the capital cost for each line route alternative,the lowest cost construction mode was chosen except Moody-Montana pass which was assumed to be constructed without land access. Based on the conclusions reached we recommend: 1.That the line Configuration lB-19 be selected and that the result of the evaluation be presented to participat- ing utilities and to the permitting agencies and barring any major dissent,that permits for construction of an overhead 345 kV line be initiated. 2.No further consideration be given to System Configura- tion lA (138 kV construction between Willow and Healy). 3.APA should decide as quickly as possible whether they wish to give further consideration to System Configura- tion 2B in view of the $11.56 million additional capital costs associated with this configuration as compared with Configuration lB. (._-_m I FIGURE 18 (Alaska Power Authority IANCHORAGE FAIRBANKS TRANSMISSION INTERTIE o 10 20 MileSJIiII: o 10 20 Kilometers (I Gilbert/Commonwealth North Preferred line Route