HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA1586••• O c ' T""" 0 0 LO LO 1"--· ('I) ' ('I) ? COAL TO -METHANOL .J&~·r FEASIBILITY STUDY ,.c_raJ 1/?1 BELUGA METHANOL PROJECT v, 1 DOE GRANT DE-FG01-80RA-50299 !'! 1: .,... 11' '1 F.b. :;-{ i~~ ~ ~) FINAL REPORT VOLUME IV ENVIRONMENTAL J\Jaska Resource> L!1: ":._ c\: iPfmrn~1tion Services Libr:i'V iJ>.i:.;·;, .. ,_ SJ:1•: Ill 321 i ~:.rc'. i:}~ ~-:c lJrivc Anch.:>r:t~' AK S:l508--16!4 ALASKA COOK INLET REGION, INC. AND PLACER AMEX INC. SEPTEMBER 1981 BELUGA COAL TO METHANOL PROJECT . . This submission to the Department of Energy consists of six volumes, namely, • An Executive Review of the project as of September, 1981, and • A five volume report presenting the findings of the Phase I Feasibility Study. The contents of the above volumes are indicated by main headings from their Tables of Content, as listed below: VOLUME I MINING Introduction Geology Coal Quality Capps Mine Chuitna West Mine Tables Ancilliary Facilities Exhibits VOLUME II EXECUTIVE REVIEW Executive Letter Table of Contents Technical Viability Plan for Phase II Summary of Study Appendix VOLUME Ill GEOTECHNICAL, INFRASTRUCTURE Introduction Geotechnical Railroad Barge Dock Bus System Camp, Town, Airstrip Product Transportation VOLUME IV ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIOECONOMIC Introduction Baseline Data COAL TO METHANOL PLANT Environmental Effects Introduction Conceptual Design Coa.l Preparation Gasification Syogas Upgrading Synthesis and Distillation Oxygen -Nitrogen -Air Utilities Wastewater, Treatment Emergency and Safety Systems Buildings and Vehicles Dust Control Drawing List Safety and Risk Site Evaluation Bibliography Participants VOLUME V COMMERCIAL Introduction Marketing Capital Cost Financial Trade-Off Studies • • TABLE OF CONTENTS BELUGA METHANOL PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL, HEALTH, SAFETY & SOCIOECONOMIC ASSESSMENTS INTRODUCTION 1.0 PURPOSE OF REPORT 2.0 PROJECT LOCATION PROJECT DESCRIPTION SUMMARY OF THE STUDY METHODOLOGY General Field Programs SUMMARY OF MAJOR ISSUES Fisheries Water Sources Wetlands Erosion and Sedimentation Tyonek Village Air Quality ENVIRONMENTAL ACCEPTABILITY OF THE PROJECT Page No. 1-1 1-2 1-2 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-2 2-7 2-7 2-8 2-8 2-9 2-9 2-9 2-10 C' Table of Contents Continued AFFECTED ENVIRONMENTAL (BASELINE DATA) 3.0 GEOTECHNICAL THE COOK INLET REGION Geologic History Formation of Coal Bearing Units SURFICIAL SOl LS THE BELUGA AREA Topography Geology SITE CHARACTERIZATION Methanol Plant Site 0 Topography 0 Subsurface Conditions 0 Groundwater 0 Plant Site Conditions Town Site ---- 0 Topography 0 Subsurface Conditions 0 Groundwater ° Construction Feasibility Dock Site 0 0 0 Topography Subsurface Conditions Dock Construction Transportation Corridor and Mine Areas 0 Topography of Mine Areas ii Page No. 3-1 3-1 3-1 3-4 3-7 3-8 3-8 3-10 3-14 3-14 3-14· 3-16 3-22 3-22 3-26 3-26 3-26 3-28 3-28 3-31 3-31 3-32 3-32 3-36 3-36 c c 4.0 Table of Contents Continued 0 Surficial Conditions at Mine Areas 0 0 Transportation Corridor Trafficability Construction Materials 0 Surficial Geology 0 Concrete Aggregates 0 0 Asphalt Concrete Aggregates Crushed Base Course 0 Rail road Ballast GEOLOGIC HAZARDS Seismicity 0 Aleutian Megathrust 0 0 Castle Mountain Fault Bruin Bay Fault 0 Lake Clark-Lone Ridge Fault 0 Border Ranges Fault 0 Seismic Design Considerations Ground Failure Landslides Volcanos Tsunamis Permafrost Additional Geologic Hazards HYDROLOGY GROUNDWATER Introduction Available Supply iii Page No. 3-36 3-38 3-38 3-38 3-38 3-43 3-48 3-49 3-50 3-52 3-52 3-52 3-55 3-55 3-56 3-56 3-57 3-60 3-60 3-61 3-62 3-63 3-63 4-1 4-1 4-1 4-3 5.0 C~ c- Table of Contents Continued 0 0 Nikolai Creek Flats Plant Site Existing Uses SURFACE WATER Existing Sources 0 Lakes 0 Streams and Rivers Possible Use of Surface Waters ECOSYSTEMS FRESHWATER AQUATIC ECOLOGY Existing Habitats (Populations) 0 0 0 Habitat Characterization Beluga Drainage Chuitna Drainage Nikolai Drainage Congahbuna Drainage Fishes Invertebrates TERRESTRIAL ECOLOGY Existing Vegetation Wetlands Existing Mammal Populations 0 Brown Bear Denning 0 0 Brown Bear Movement and Activity Patterns Black Bears 0 Moose iv Page No. 4-3 4-5 4-9 4-9 4-9 4-9 4-14 4-31 5-1 5-2 5-2 5-2 5-2 5-9 5-18 5-21 5-22 5-28 5-28 5-28 5-38 5-40 5-43 5-46 5-47 5-48 c c c Table of Contents Continued 0 Other Mammals 0 General Sensitivity to Changed Conditions Existing Avian Populations Amphibians MARINE ECOLOGY Inter-tidal and Shallow Subtidal Habitats 0 Mud Flats Gravel and Cobble Substrate Granite Point Intertidal and Shallow Subtidal Marine Species 0 Fisheries Commercial Fisheries -Sport Fishery Subsistence Fishery 0 Birds 0 Mammals 0 Trading Bay State Game Refuge 6.0 CLIMATOLOGY AND AIR QUALITY CLIMATIC CONDITIONS EXISTING AMBIENT AIR QUALITY ATMOSPHERIC EMISSION SOURCES v Page No. 5-49 5-53 5-54 5-55 5-61 5-61 5-61 5-63 5-66 5-66 5-66 5-75 5-78 5-79 5-80 5-83 5-89 6-1 6-1 6-6 6-7 c, Table of Contents Continued 7. 0 OCEANOGRAPHY PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY OF COOK INLET Tides and Currents Cl RCULATION Upper Cook Inlet Middle Cook Inlet Lower Cook Inlet WATER CHEMISTRY Salinity Temperature Suspended Sediments Nutrient SEA ICE PORTS 8.0 ARCHAEOLOGIC & HISTORIC SITES ETHNOHISTORY AND SETTLEMENT PATTERNS Settlement Patterns Dwellings Caches Burial Material Culture European Contact and Trade Historic and Prehistoric Sites ARCHAEOLOGIC SITES vi Page No. 7-1 7-1 7-3 7-4 7-4 7-6 7-6 7-6 7-7 7-7 7-7 7-8 . 7-11 7-13 8-1 8-1 8-1 8-2 8-3 8-4 8-4 8-6 8-8 8-10 Table of Contents Continued 9.0 OTHER FRAGILE LANDS 10.0 FRAGILE OR HISTORIC LANDS NATURAL HAZARD LANDS RENEWABLE RESOURCE LANDS LAND PLANNING EXISTING SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT WEST COOK INLET DEVELOPMENT Employment Activities and Population Land Ownership, Status and Use Restrictions Land Ownership and Status 0 State of Alaska 0 0 0 0 Resource Management Lands Industrial Lands Reserved Use Lands Material Lands ° Cook Inlet Region Inc. 0 Tyonek Native Corporation ° Kenai Peninsula Borough Land Development Planning Authority 0 0 0 0 Governor1 s Coal Policy Group Beluga Interagency Task Force Kenai Peninsula Borough Tyonek Village Council Transportation and Power Infrastructure vii Page No. 9-1 9-1 9-2 9-3 9-3 10-1 10-1 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-3 10-5 10-6 10-6 10-6 10-7 10-7 10-8 10-8 10-9 10-9 10-9 10-10 10-11 c 0 Existing 0 Air~orts 0 Docks 0 Power Roads and Table of Contents Continued Easements Kenai Peninsula Borough Services Other West Cook Inlet Coal Develo~ment TYONEK VILLAGE Background Community Facilities and Infrastructure 0 0 0 Housing and Utilities Education Public Safety Em~loyment Community Attitudes Towards Development CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATIONS REQUIREMENTS Background Direct Labor Force Requirements Indirect Em~loyment and Total Po~ulation OVERALL PROJECT DEVELOPMENT Construction Cam~ ° Conce~t ° Camp Facilities 0 0 Housing and Su~~ort Facilities Utilities Air~ort 0 0 Concept Facilities Permanent New Town viii Pa9e No. 10-11 10-13 10-14 10-15 10-15 10-16 10-17 10-17 10-19 10-19 10-20 10-21 10-22 10-24 10-25 10-25 10-25 10-26 10-26 10-28 10-28 10-30 10-30 10-33 10-35 10-35 10-35 10-38 ( \ __ ° Concept Table of Contents Continued 0 Housing, Education and Commercial Facilities 0 Transportation 0 Utilities 11.0 ACOUSTIC ENVIRONMENT INTRODUCTION GENERAL OVERVIEW NOISE SENSITIVE LAND USES ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT Page No. 10-38 10-39 10-41 10-42 11-1 11-1 11-3 11-3 12.0 GEOLOGY AND SOILS 12-1 CONSTRUCTION EFFECTS 12-1 LONG-TERM EFFECTS 12-1 MAJOR REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS 12-3 ENVIRONMENTAL ACCEPTABILITY OF PROPOSED ACTION 12-3 13.0 HYDROLOGY 13-1 CONSTRUCTION EFFECTS 13-1 ix Table of Contents Continued Groundwater 0 0 0 Construction Water Source Effects on Water Table Appropriation of Water Rights Surface Water 0 Siltation During Construction 0 Accidental Petroleum and Hazardous Substance Spills 0 As a Water Source for Construction LONG-TERM EFFECTS Groundwater 0 0 0 Plant Water Source Effects on Water Table and Marshes Appropriation of Water Rights Surface Water 0 0 0 Wastewater Discharges and Treatment Projected Effluent Characteristics Effects to Surface Waters MAJOR REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS ENVIRONMENTAL ACCEPTABILITY OF PROPOSED ACTION 14.0 ECOSYSTEMS CONSTRUCTION AND LONG-TERM EFFECTS MAJOR REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS ENVIRONMENTAL ACCEPTABILITY OF PROPOSED ACTION X Page No. 13-1 13-1 13-1 13-1 13-2 13-2 13-3 13-4 13-4 13-4 13-4 13-5 13-6 13-6 13-6 13-21 13-23 13-27 13-27 14-1 14-1 14-9 14-10 c Table of Contents Continued 15.0 AIR QUALITY CONSTRUCTION EFFECTS EMISSIONS AND LONG-TERM EFFECTS Process Plant Area Emissions ° Coal Preparation 0 Process Coal ° Coal Gasification ° Fugitive Emissions Power Plant 0 Start-up and Shutdown 0 Emergencies Mining Area Emissions Air Emission Effects Models Used MAJOR REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS ENVIRONMENTAL ACCEPTABILITY OF PROPOSED ACTION 16.0 OCEANOGRAPHY CONSTRUCTION EFFECTS LONG-TERM EFFECTS MAJOR REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS ENVIRONMENTAL ACCEPTABILITY OF PROPOSED ACTION xi Page No. 15-1 15-2 15-3 15-3 15-3 15-4 15-4 15-5 15-5 15-6 15-7 15-7 15-8 15-9 15-15 15-16 16-1 16-1 16-1 16-2 16-3 Table of Contents Continued Page No. 17.0 ARCHAEOLOGIC AND HISTORIC SITES 17-1 CONSTRUCTION EFFECTS 17-1 LONG-TERM EFFECTS 17-1 MAJOR REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS 17-2 ENVIRONMENTAL ACCEPTABILITY OF PROPOSED ACTION 17-2 18.0 SOLID WASTE 18-1 CONSTRUCTION EFFECTS 18-1 Clearing Debris 18-1 Construction Refuse 18-1 LONG-TERM EFFECTS 18-2 Ash and Sludge 18-2 Methanol Process Solid Waste 18-4 Hazardous Substances 18-5 Fugitive Coal Dust 18-5 Refuse 18-5 Sanitary Waste Solids 18-6 MAJOR REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS 18-6 RCRA of 1976 (Federal) 18-6 18 ACC 60 (State of Alaska) 18-7 ENVIRONMENTAL ACCEPTABILITY OF PROPOSED ACTION 18-7 xii Table of Contents Continued 19.0 SHORT-AND LONG-TERM SOCIOECONOMIC EFFECTS COOK INLET IMPACTS Population and Employment Growth-1 nducing Effects Land Use, Transportation and Ownership Changes 0 State Lands 0 Borough Lands ° Cook Inlet Region Inc. (CIRI) Lands 0 Tyonek Native Corporation Lands Borough Services Impacts 0 Options for Town Management and Governance 0 Borough Planning of the Town Site 0 Impacts if Growth Occurs in the Kenai Peninsula TYONEK VILLAGE IMPACTS Village Impacts Culture and Life-style Changes Economic Impacts 20.0 ACOUSTIC ENVIRONMENT CONSTRUCTION EFFECTS Construction Activities Vehicular Traffic LONG-TERM EFFECTS MAJOR REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS Page No. 19-1 19-1 19-1 19-2 19-3 19-4 19-6 19-6 19-7 19-7 19-8 19~9 19-9 19-10 19-11 19-11 19-13 20-1 20-1 20-1 20-1 20-2 20-3 EI\IVIRONMENTAL ACCEPTA81LII Y UF PRUPUSEI.J AC IIUN 20-3 xiii c:: Table of Contents Continued 21.0 METHANOL IN THE ENVIRONMENT (SUMMARY) METHANOL IN THE ENVIRONMENT (GENERAL) Environmental Hazards, Aquatic and Marine Marine and Estuarine Comparison of Marine Environmental Impact Costs: Fresh Water Terrestrial -Direct Exposure Emissions METHANOL IN THE ENVIRONMENT (SPECIFIC) Introduction Fish Crustaceans Molluscs Birds and Mammals Summary SAFETY AND RISK 22.0 SAFETY AND RISK ANALYSIS INTRODUCTION ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES Program Characteristics Regulatory Assessment SAFETY OVERVIEW Health Effects xiv Page No. 21-1 21-1 21-1 21-1 Methanol/Oil 21-4 21-8 21-12 21-14 21-15 21-15 21-16 21-17 21-18 21-19 21-20 22-1 22-1 22-1 22-1 22-3 22,-4 22-4 c Table of Contents Continued 0 Process Down Time 0 Start-up 0 On-stream Operation 0 Shutdowns PROCESS HAZARDS Coal Storage Coal Preparation Coal Feeding Methanol Distillation Gasification Ash Removal and Disposal Venturi Scrubber Shift Conversion Acid Gas Removal Methanol Synthesis Utilities MONITORING THE PROCESS ENVIRONMENT Industrial Hygiene Monitoring Medical Education and Training Compliance Regulated Areas Emergency Procedures FIRE SAFETY C oncl usi on XV Page No. 22-5 22-7 22-8 22-9 22-9 22-9 22-10 22-10 22-13 22-11 22-11 . 22-12 22-12 22-12 22-12 22-13 22-13 22.,.13 22-13 22-14 22-14 22-15 22-15 22-15 22-15 22-16 Table of Contents Continued SITE EVALUATION SUMMARY 23.0 SITE SELECTION INTRODUCTION Level 1 -Screening Analysis 0 Granite Point on Cook Inlet 0 Capps Coal Field Area 0 Chuitna Coal Field Area 0 Remote Location ° Comparison of Alternatives Level II -Preliminary Site Selection 0 0 Near Tidewater Upland Location Level Ill -Final Site Selection BIBLIOGRAPHY PARTICIPANTS xvi Page No. 23-1 23-1 23-2 23-2 23-2 23-3 23-4 23-4 23-6 23-6 23-7 23-8 LIST OF TABLES Page No. 2.1 Beluga Field Program, Summary of Principal Activities, 2-3 1980-81 2.2 Beluga Field Program, Agencies Contacted or Briefed by 2-6 DOWL in 1981 3.1 Fine Concrete Aggregates, #4 Minus 3-45 3.2 Typical Asphalt Concrete Surface Course 3-48 3.3 Typical Base Course 3-51 3. 4 Typical Rai I road Ballast 3-51 4.1 Test Well #1, Summary of Driller•s Log 4.2 Test Well #2, Summary of Driller•s Log 4. 3 Lakes of the Beluga Region 4.4 Selected Data on Stream and River Systems 4.5 Stream Flow Data (Selected Stations) 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 5.1 5.2 5.3 Selected Discharge Data Summary Data on Suspended Solids Selected Water Quality Data, November 1980 Selected Water Quality Data, May 1981 Selected Water Quality Data, June 1981 Selected Water Quality Data, July 1981 Water Quality Comparison, Groundwater & Chuitna River Sediment Sample Analyses Life History Data for Five Species of Pacific Salmon Selected Fish Trapping Data, Nikolai Drainage (June 1981) Checklist of Freshwater Fish of Beluga Area 5.4 Chinook Salmon Aerial Survey 5.5 Benthic Invertebrate Community 5.6 Moose/Bear Observations (Aerial) June 1-4, 1981 5.7 1980 Moose Survey xvii 4-4 4-7 4-11 4-16 4-18 4-21 4-22 4-25 4-26 4-27 4-28 4-33 4-34 5-25 5-26 5-27 5-30 5-31 5-50 5-51 (~, C/' 5. 8 Terrestrial Birds LIST OF TABLES (Continued) 5. 9 Pacific Salmon of Alaska -Life Features 5.10 General Salmon Timing Information for Northern Cook Inlet Streams 5.11 Cook Inlet Fisheries, 1973-1977 5.12 Waterfowl, Shorebirds and Seabirds 7.1 Cook Inlet Tidal Ranges 10.1 Anticipated Construction and Operation Work Forces, Beluga Methanol Project 12.1 Preliminary List of Construction Activities Associated with Development in the Beluga Region 13.1 Summary of Estimated Flows & Characteristics of Process-Related and Sanitary Wastewater Discharges 13.2 Summary of Coal Area Wastewater Characteristics 13.3 Summary of Boiler Cleaning Wastewater Characteristics 13.4 Estimated Contaminated Process Area Runoff Characteristics 13.5 Summary of Projected Effluent Characteristics 13.6 Possible Interaction of Project Activities with Surface Water 14.1 Outline of Potential Environmental Impacts and Relevant Pollutants Resulting from Site Preparation and Construction Practices 15.1 New Source Performance Standards & Anticipated Emission Rates 15.2 Accepted & Anticipated Emission Levels 15.3 Emission Inventory xviii Page No. 5-56 5-69 5-70 5-76 5-84 7-3 10-27 12-2 13-9 13-14 13-16 13-17 13-22 13-26 14-2 15-10 15-12 15-13 18.1 Construction Refuse 18.2 Combined Solid Waste LIST OF TABLES (Continued) 18.3 Expected Lives of Catalysts 21.1 Cost Comparison of Selected Crude Oil, Diesel Fuel, and Methanol Spills 21.2 Freshwater Organisms --Methanol Toxicology 21.3 Organismic Recolonization of Surface Saturated Soils -- Methanol Toxicology 23.1 Qualitative Comparison of Sites xix Page No. 18-1 18-3 18-4 21-7 21-9 21-13 23-5 c c c- LIST OF FIGURES Page No. 1.1 General Location -Beluga Methanol Plant 1-3 1.2 Project Location Map (Beluga Methanol Plant) 1-4 1·. 3 Simplified Block Flow Diagram of a Typical Coal to 1-6 Methanol Plant 2.1 Field Program Participants 2-5 3.1 Stratigraphic Column, Upper Cook Inlet Basin 3-2 3.2 Proposed Stratigraphic Nomenclature for Kenai Group 3-6 3.3 Generalized Physiography and Geology of the Beluga Area, 3-11 Alaska 3.4 Preliminary Geologic Map of the Congahbuna Area, 3-12 Cook Inlet Region, Alaska 3.5 Vicinity Map, CIRI/Piacer-Amex, Methanol Plant 3. 6 Soi I Samples and Well Locations, C I R I /Piacer-Amex, Methanol Project 3.7 Locations of Soils Test (CIRI/Piacer-Amex Plant Site) 3. 8 Idealized Peat Distribution Methanol Plant Area 3. 9 Log of Test Hole, Plant Site Area 3.10 Log of Test Pit, Plant Site Area 3.11 Grain Size Distribution -Gradation Curve 3.12 Locations of Soil Test (CIRI/Piacer-Amex Townsite) 3.13 Log of Test Hole, Town Site Area 3-15 3-17 3-18 3-19 3-20 3-21 3-23 3-27 3-29 3.14 Log of Test Pit, Town Site Area 3-30 3.15 ·Dock Site Test Hole Locations 3-33 3.16 Idealized Soil Profile, Dock Site Area Dock Site Idealized 3-34 Soil Profile 3.17 Log of Test Hole, Dock Site Area 3.18 Typical Soil Profile of Capps Area, Alaska 3.19 Typical Soil Profile of Chuitna Area 3.20 Grain Size Distribution -Gradation Curve 3.21 Abrasion Test Results XX 3-35 3-37 3-39 3-42 3-44 C' LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) 3.22 Major Faults in Southcentral Alaska 3.23 Cumulative Magnitude/Frequency Relationship, Anchorage Region 4.1 Well Locations, Granite Point Area 4.2 Groundwater Quality 4.3 Granite Point Area, Bedrock Outcrops and Depth to Bedrock in Wells 4. 4 Pump Test of Well #2 4. 5 Lakes of Beluga Area 4.6 Staff Gauge Locations -Beluga Region 4. 7 Rating Curve for Nikolai Creek (Bridge) 4-8 Typical Data Recovered From DAT APOD Experiment (Nikolai Creek) 4-9 Typical Surface Water Quality Analysis 5.1 General Location Sampled by Trapping and by Angling (May-Aug. '81) 5.2 Species Distribution and Spawning Areas 5.3 Areas Where Adult King Salmon Were Observed (July -August '81) 5. 4 General Vegetation Map 5.5 Preliminary Photo Interpretation Vegetation Map 5.6 Preliminary Determination of Wetlands 5. 7 Seasonal Concentrations of Moose 5.8 Bear Feeding and Denning Areas 5. 9 Known Nesting Sites (Active, 1981) 5.10 Habitat Types, Cook Inlet Shoreline 5.11 Distribution of Organisms in Mud Flats 5.12 Generalized Food Web for Mud Flat 5.13 Granite Point Intertidal and Shallow Subtidal Species Assemblages xxi Page No. 3-53 3-58 4-2 4-6 4-8 4-10 4-13 4-16 4-29 4-30 4-32 5-3 5-23 5-29 5-33 5-37 5-39 5-41 5-42 5-60 5-62 5-64 5-65 5-67 c· LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) 5.14 Life Cycle of King Salmon 5.15 Life Cycle of Silver Salmon 5.16 Resource Use in the Cook Inlet Area 5.17 Trading Bay State Game Refuge 6.1 Representative Climatic Conditions for Project 6.2 Locations of Weather Monitoring Stations 6. 3 Wind Rose 7.1 Division of Cook Inlet 7. 2 Net Surface Circulation 7. 3 Bottom Sediments in Cook Inlet 8.1 Archaeologic and Historic Sites 10.1 Existing Land Status 10.2 Existing Roads and Easements 10.3 Overall Site Plan 10.4 Camp Siting Considerations 10.5 Camp Plan 10.6 Airport Siting Considerations 10.7 Airport Plan 10.8 Town Land Use Plan 11.1 Levels of Noise in Terms of a Weighted Sound Levels, dB(A) Area 14.1 A Possible Perturbation Matrix for Considering Enviornmental Impacts of the Methanol Project 20.1 Levels of Noise, dB(A) -Beluga Methanol Plant xxii Page No. 5-71 5-72 5-81 5-90 6-3 6-4 6-5 7-2 7-5 7-9 8-9 10-4 10-12 10-29 10-31 10-32 10-36 10-37 10-40 11-2 14-6 20-4 ~. ~ ... · AGENCIES ACMP AEIDC CEQ COE DEC DF&G DNR DOE DOSH DPDP EPA FAA FWS GLOSSARY OF ENVIRONMENTAL TERMS -Alaska Coastal Management Program -Artie Environmental Information and Data Center -Council on Environmental Quality -u~s. Army Corps of Engineers -Department of Environmental Conservation (Alaska) -Department of Fish & Game (Alaska) -Department of Natural Resources (Alaska) -U.S. Department of Energy -Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Alaska) -Division of Policy Development and Planning (Alaska) -U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (unless designated as state agency) -Federal Aviation Administration -Fish and Wildlife Services (Federal) MSHA -Mine Safety and Health Administration NRDC -National Resource Defense Council OSHA -Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSM -Office of Surface Mining USGS -United States Geological Service REGULATIONS/ACTS AAC ANCSA CAAA CFR CWA EA l012R -Alaska Administrative Code -Alaska Native Claims and Settlement Act -Clean Air Act Amendments of 1977 -Code of Federal Regulations -Clean Water Act of 1977 -Environmental Assessment (' '~ ~ L EIS DEIS FEIS FR FWPCA MSHA NAAQS NEPA OSHA RCRA SMCRA TSCA -Environmental Impact Statement Draft Environmental Impact Statement -Final Environmental Impact Statement -Federal Register -Federal Water Pollution Control Act -Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977 -National Ambient Air Quality Standards -National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 -Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 -Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 -Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 -Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976 REGULATIONS/ENGINEERING BACT BAT BMP GEP LAER NPDES NSPS PSD SPCC UNAMAP -Best Available Control Technology -Best Available Technology: Economically Achievable -Best Management Practices -Good Engineering Practice -Lowest Achievable Emission Rate -National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System -New Source Performance Standards -Prevention of Significant Deterioration -Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plans -User•s Network for Applied Modeling of Air Pollution (series of meteorological models developed by the U.S. EPA) PTMAX -Single stack meteorological model in EPA UNAMAP series VALLEY -Meteoro logica 1 mode 1 used by USEPA to calculate con- centrations on elevated terrain 1012R z ~ ~ 0 0 c () ·~ 0 z c 1. 0 C, c INTRODUCTION PURPOSE OF THE REPORT The objectives of the environmental, health, safety and socioeconomic assessment tasks of this feasibility study were to define the major environmental issues relevant to development of a coal gasification and methanol fuels production facility and related coal mining activ- ities and transportation systems in the west Cook Inlet area, Alaska. To achieve this, extensive review into existing information on the Beluga region of west Cook Inlet was conducted and updated with the findings of current and on-going land resource projects. Specific field activities then were initiated to expand the environmental data base in areas relevant to this project where there was a paucity of information. Based on these findings the project was reviewed in detail to identify significant environmental issues and to outline the state and federal permit requirements to ensure that these elements are an integral component of all subsequent project planning and management decisions. While the format of this report is similar to that of an environmental assessment, this document is not a formal environmental assessment. The initial scope of work was to provide for the assemblage of suf- ficient information to develop a more detailed scope of work for the initiation of the requisite permitting procedures and for the prepara- tion of an Environmental Impact Statement. Therefore, data gaps may be identified but not necessarily addressed beyond the level necessary to identify or define the issue of concern. This document includes the results of the literature review and substantial contri- butions from the 1981 field program. The report also incorporates input from various state and federal agencies, from other consultants participating in the feasibility study, and from the staffs of both CIRI and Placer Amex. 1-1 PROJECT LOCATION The proposed project is located on the west side of middle Cook Inlet approximately 75 air miles southwest of Anchorage. A general loca- tion map is shown in Figure 1. 1. The overall project area is bor- dered on the north and south by the Beluga River and Nikolai Creek and on the east and west by the Cook Inlet and the terminus of the Capps Glacier and the Chichanta River. A project location map is shown in Figure 1.2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed project consists of several components: The methanol plant site, a dock site, a new town site, a construction camp site, and a transportation corridor, as well as the coal mine areas. The plant site would occupy some 400 acres located about two miles inland from the Granite Point shoreline of Cook Inlet. About half the area would be occupied by methanol processing facilities and the re- mainder would be for coal handling and general plant grounds. The transportation corridor is a 300-foot-wide unspecified alignment easement 27~ miles long between the Capps coal field and Cook Inlet. A preferred route has been selected which has a maximum gradient of 2%. A heavy duty railroad line capable of transporting approximately 42,000 tons of coal daily would be constructed to transport coal from the mines in 100-ton cars. Ash would be returned to the Chuitna West mine site in special 80-ton ash handling cars. A 40-foot-wide access road would generally parallel the railroad route within the same easement corridor. The construction camp site is located about one mile north of the proposed plant site. It would be used to house construction person- nel in four quadrants of dormitory style barracks. 1-2 FIGURE 1.1 COOK INLET GULF OF ALASKA GENERAL LOCATION-BEWGA METHANOL PLANT CAPPS GLACIER I I 0 GIRl LANDS c~ FIGURE 1.2 CIRI LANDS r---l ' _..,...,..,..,....,..--------.J L.l B.HW LEASES I I I I I ~ TYONEK NATIVE CORP. LANDS PROJECT LOCATION MAP (BELUGA METHANOL PLANT) The town site is an area about three miles northwest of the proposed plant site, which has tentatively been selected for development of a permanent new community in which plant and mine employees and their families could live. It is envisioned that this community would eventually contain all the amenities of a self-sufficient town. The dock site is an area near Granite Point on Cook Inlet where a permanent dock structure is proposed. The dock 1 s initial use would be to receive equipment and construction materials during the devel- opment phase of this project. Presently mineable coal reserves of the area exceed one billion tons, all within 25 miles of the proposed plant site and deep water in Cook Inlet. The coal is characterized as sub-bituminous (6,500 -7,500 Btu/lb.), with low sulfur (0. 2%), high moisture (25 -28%), and high ash content (14 -25%). The rate of coal consumption by the meth- anol plant would be less than 10 million tons per year. The coal feedstock for this project would be extracted from both the Chuitna Center Ridge mine area and the Capps lease. The coal would be mined open pit with shovels and/or draglines, would pass through a crushing process at the mine and would be transported via railroad a distance of 15 to 25 miles to the coal receiving station at the methanol plant near Cook Inlet. Following preparation the coal would be gasified utilizing the Winkler procedure followed by the remaining two major processing steps in the production of methanol: syngas upgrading and methanol synthe- sis (see Figure 1.3). These are commercially proven processing systems currently in operation in various parts of the world. Approximately 80% of the commercial plants now in operation use the methanol synthesis technology proposed for this project. The basic design philosophy has been to select process steps in widespread use with proven reliability which would maximize the possibility for future increases in production with limited additional capital investment. The resulting production of the plant would be approximately 54,000 1-5 ~ FIGURE 1.3 ~ COAL --... PREPARATION FLUE GAS CLEAN-UP· STEAM AND POWER GENERATION GASIFICATION AND HEAT --RECOVERY OXYGEN AIR s·EPARATION t. AIR J POWER/ STEAM rl) \·t-.. / ASH DISPOSAL + RAW GAS ACID GAS METHANOL SHIFT ,._... REMOVAL --... SYNTHESIS 8 DISTILLATION J ! SULFUR METHANOL RECOVERY PRODUCT + SULFUR SIMPLIFIED BLOCK FLOW DIAGRAM OF A TYPICAL COAL TO METHANOL PLANT /\ ( I j barrels per day of fuel grade methanol targeted primarily for power plant consumption on the west coast of the United States. The methanol would be batched at the plant and transported approximately 40 miles south via the existing Cook Inlet pipeline to the existing Drift River Terminal currently operated by the Cook Inlet Pipe Line Company. The Drift River marine terminal is a single-berth 1 fixed- platform 1 offshore loading facility capable of accommodating tankers up to 70 1 000 DWT. The methanol would be loaded at this dock and transported by tanker to market. 1-7 c; 2.0 SUMMARY OF THE STUDY METHODOLOGY General To achieve the objectives stated in the purpose of the report, a five-step process was utilized: a. Review all existing data and published environmental and socio- economic information relative to the project area. b. Supplement the published information with the findings of recent and ongoing land resource projects (conducted primarily by state and federal agencies). c. Identify specific areas where the environmental data base is insuf- ficient to make meaningful appraisals of the environmental effects and permit requirements of this project. Following this identifica- tion, develop, plan and conduct specific field investigations in the highest priority areas. d. Review the total project design and consider its effect on each major environmental attribute. e. Summarize the issues and make preliminary findings relative to permit requirements, general environmental acceptability of the project, and environmental factors (data gaps) material to the next stage of planning and development. Participation by and input from concerned state and federal agencies was encouraged during the course of this work. Briefing meetings were conducted on numerous occasions with the various agencies at both the state and federal levels. Representatives of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE), Alaska Department of. Fish and Game 2-1 C: / (DF&G), and federal Fish and Wildlife Service ( FWS), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Department of Energy (DOE) visited the project site to review the general project concept and observe the environmental field activities. It has been the intention during the course of this study to encourage as broad a participation as possible and to present the findings in a systematic format that would be compatible with the National Environmental Policy Act outline for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The goal was to produce the data base in a form that could be utilized efficiently to prepare the scope of work for the preparation of an EIS, which would be the next major step in the orderly progression of project permitting. DOWL staff members and consultants as well as personnel from C I R 1/ Placer Amex also participated in an Adaptive Environmental Assess- ment program sponsored by the FWS in Anchorage in late July 1981 which focused on the broader aspects of coal development in the Beluga region. Although this study generally addresses the entire project area from the inlet to the coal mine areas, the emphasis of the investigation and field program was on the proposed methanol plant site. Field Programs The field program was initiated in the fall of 1980 with a reconnais- sance survey of aquatic and terrestrial habitats. In the early spring of 1981, aerial reconnaissance of the general area was undertaken to determine the onset of spring 11 break-up 11 and the migratory patterns of moose and emerging bear populations. Following seeping meetings with representatives of CIRI/Piacer Amex and Davy McKee, the spring-summer field program was initiated in early May. A summary of the highlights of the activities and the participants is shown in Table 2.1. The field program was designed to address specific gaps in available background information under three general categories: Geotechnical (soils) Hydrologic (groundwater) General Environmental 2-2 Table 2.1 BELUGA FIELD PROGRAM SUMMARY OF PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES, 1980-81 Dates November 3-7, 1980 May 4 -June 8, 1981 May 2-6, June 1-5, July 13-17, & August 3-7, 1981 Activities Reconnaissance of aquatic and terrestrial habitats Soils and groundwater in- vestigations including the drilling of Z water wells and 1 observation well Field programs in hydrol- ogy, fisheries, wildlife, habitat evaluation of aquatic, terrestrial & marine habitats 2-3 Participants DOWL Engineers, Arctic Environmental Information & Data Center (AEIDC) DOWL Engineers, Alaska Testlab with support of Explora- tion Services and M-W Drilling DOWL Engineers, with support from AEIDC, Radian Corp. and individual consult- tants. Included site visits by personnel representing the state DF&G, and the federal FWS, EPA and COE Under the general environmental program, preliminary work was undertaken to perform reconnaissance surveys of aquatic habitats and determine the presence or absence of fish in the numerous streams in the area; perform reconnaissance surveys of big game distribution (moose and bear); and conduct a reconnaissance survey of the inter- tidal habitat near the proposed dock location. Other tasks also fell under this general category: vegetation mapping, wetlands deter- mination, socioeconomics, etc. In this report, the perspective of the current field program must always be considered. The areas of ecological concern for a project of this magnitude varies with the specific activity and the resource concerned. It will only be when the assemblage of baseline data is more complete that the functional relationships of these ecosystems can be understood and habitat values established. The hydrology and geotechnical programs included drilling two test water wells and an observation well; drilling six test holes; digging 32 test pits; and collecting six grab samples from existing road cuts. Personnel and/or organizations involved in the field program are shown in Figure 2. 1. In addition, contributions from Benne Patsch of Placer Amex and John Ramsey of the Bass-Hunt-Wilson leaseholder group provided valuable insight into the geology and groundwater conditions of the general area. Details as to field methodologies, sample sizes and handling techniques, nature of laboratory tests, and general operational procedures have not been provided as part of the various overviews and summary sections. Numerous state and federal agencies (Table 2.2) were briefed as to the intent and scope of the program, and valuable input was received from many of these agencies. 2-4 (-' r-----------------------------------------------------------------------~ ~.) v. Sterling Technical Editor I ALASKA TESTLAB M. Nichols, Partner M. Hol urn, Engineer T. Barber, Geologist 0. Hatch, Geologist D. Cole, Engineer T. Williams, Geologist I EXPLORATION SERVICES COi1PANY I PRECISION ALASKA PHOTO HELICOPTERS FIGURE 2.1 BELUGA FIELD PROGRAM -1981 (Organization) DOWL ENGINEERS J. Paulson Program Manager R. Dagon Manager, Field Programs B. Kranich Engineer I M-W DRILLING I I l DOWL ENGINEERS L. Dickinson Partner in Charge P. Wahl L. Frankl in Environmental Analysts R. Goldman Research Analyst AEIDC, U. of Alaska J. Baldridge, Biologist D. Trudgen·, Bi o 1 og i st J. Th i e 1 , B i c 1 og i st RADIAN M. Hoban, Marine Biolgist E. Rashin, Biologist W. Trihey Hydraulic Engineer R. Hensel Wildlife Biologist P. D'Eliscu Marine Biologist NORTH PACIFIC GEO-CHEM AERIAL SURVEYS LAB FIELD PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS N I 0> Table 2.2 BELUGA FIElD PROGRAM AGENCIES CONTACTED OR BRIEFED BY DOWl IN "1981 U.S. GOVERNMENT Department of the Army, Corps of Eng.ineers ( COE) Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service ( FWS) Department of the Interior, Geological Survey (USGS) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) -Alaska District, Regulatory Functions Branch -land & Water Resources Development; Biological Services; Environmental Contaminant Evaluation -Water Resources Branch -Region 10, Environmental Evaluations Branch Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service (SCS) -Susitna Task Force Department of Agriculture, Forest Service (USFS) Department of Energy (DOE) -Forestry Science Laboratory, Susitna Task Force -Region 10 Representative STATE OF ALASKA Department ol' Fish & Game (DF&G) Department of Community & Regional Affairs (DCRA) Department of Commerce & Economic Development (DCED) Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Department of Natural Resources ( DNR) Governor's Commission -Habitat; Game Management; Sport Fish; Office of the Commissioner -Division of Community Planning -Office of the Commissioner; Director of Industrial Development -Southcentral Region; Division of Environmental Quality; Office of the Commissioner · -lands; Research; Geological Survey; Water Resources; Ot'fice of the Commissioner -Coal Task Force SUMMARY OF MAJOR ISSUES Fisheries The Beluga area, although not one of the major salmon fisheries in Alaska, has three principal drainage systems containing relatively productive fish habitat: Nikolai Creek and its tributaries to the immediate south of the project area; the Beluga River system to the north; and the Chuitna River and its extensive tributary system in between, which flows through major portions of the overall project area. Prior to the 1981 environmental baseline field work conducted for this study, relatively few details were known about the salmon populations in these systems. The system best known is the Chuitna River which supports four species of Pacific salmon (pink, chum, coho and king). Other species of fish (i.e., rainbow trout and Dolly Varden) are also present in these systems. A key environmental issue concerns the fish populations in each of these three areas, primarily the Chuitna River system due to its immediate proximity to the Chuitna mine area. Any water discharges to this river system or development activities near it would involve particularly close scru- tiny by the Alaska departments of Fish and Game and Environmental Conservation. Alaska Statute 16.05.870 11 Protection of Fish and Game 11 defines the requirements of one of the major permits that would be necessary to get approval for development activities near a fishery. Principal impacts to the fisheries resource would result from disruption or elimination of habitat in the feeder streams of the principal creeks and the possible disruption of the groundwater that supplies these habitats. Consequently one of the major unknowns that will require extensive exploration is the nature and operation of the ground water regime. There are two major groundwater con- siderations. It is potentially an operational problem to the mining activities and it has a potential impact on the flows in adjacent streams. A reasonable determination will probably have to be made as to whether alteration of mine area groundwater flows will reduce or deplete flows in important streams and if so how you re-establish 2-7 c: the water source. At this time, fisheries are considered one of the key environmental issues relative to opening the coal mine portion of the proposed project. The methanol plant and proposed town site would have no affect on the Chuitna or Beluga river systems but could potentially impact the lower reaches of Nikolai Creek. Water Source Operation of a methanol plant requires large volumes of water. The plant process and cooling concept requires approximately 15,000 gpm. Present freshwater surface sources have been ruled out as insuffi- cient, and desalination of Cook Inlet water to fill the freshwater requirement was considered unfeasible due to the extraordinary power requirements. This study confirmed that deep groundwater is avail- able in limited quantities, but even with storage it would be far too inadequate to provide the anticipated supply. An infiltration gallery system in the lower reaches of Nikolai Creek appears to be the most viable alternative for large volumes of fresh water. It appears that this could be done with an acceptable impact on the water flows in Nikolai Creek. The lack of alternate sources, however, and the possible affects on the Nikolai drainage system remain significant development issues to be further defined. Wetlands Although wetland areas constitute major portions of the general Beluga area, the plant site area avoids standing bodies of water and appears relatively dry. There is a fairly high water table and the plant site supports types of vegetation representative of a wetland, and for this reason a major portion of the plant site may be con- sidered a wetland by definition. A preliminary determination by the Corps of Engineers, however, indicates that plant development in this area may fall under the jurisdiction of the Corps of Engineers nation- wide permit procedure thereby possibly simplifying future permit requirements. 2-8 c: Erosion and Sedimentation The potential sedimentation from mining activities and runoff during the construction and operation phases of the plant remain an issue of major concern, relative to fisheries. The potential discharge of sediment laden wastewaters may be one of the factors that would prompt the Environmental Protection Agency to require an environ- mental impact statement for this project. New Source Performance Standards exist for a point wastewater (drainage) discharge from a coal mine, and these discharges would require a National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit under the Clean Water Act. An industry which would create potential discharges for which there are New Source Performance Standards can be required to file environmental impact statements. One of the principal concerns, primarily in mining activities, will be sedimentation and its potential impact on existing fishery habitat. Tyonek Village Due primarily to likely cultural changes and the changes to the pre- sent subsistence life-style, the neighboring Village of Tyonek gen- erally does not welcome the inevitable growth that would accompany development of one the the state's major energy resources in the Beluga area. Special consideration should be given to the potential socioeconomic conflicts with village residents. Coal development would probably mean that for the first time in their long history, the Tyonek residents would be in the minority in their own region. Air Quality The primary air pollutant emitted from the mining operation would be suspended particulates, and from the plant operation it would be products of combustion. The existing air quality of the Beluga area is considered virtually pristine, being relatively unaffected by indus- trial activities in the Kenai area. Because this project would con- 2-9 (' '~-stitute an introduction of air emissions into a clean air shed, there would be air quality impacts. However, these all should be well within the limits of the air quality regulations under the Clean Air Act. ENVIRONMENTAL ACCEPTABILITY OF THE PROJECT Based on the present level of environmental knowledge in the project area and current environmental law and regulations, Cook Inlet Re- gion, Inc./Placer Amex, Inc. should be able to obtain permits for this project and mitigate major environmental concerns with prudent construction and operation practices. The information gathered in the field, previous assessments of the issues in the Beluga area and the periodic involvement and comments of state and federal agency personnel during the course of the on-going environmental studies revealed no single environmental or permit issue which could preclude proceeding with this project. There would be environmental impacts, as with any large project involving land or water resources. How- ever, it appears that if managed properly, an acceptable balance between orderly industrial and social growth and the preservation and enhancement of environmental values can be achieved. 2-10 ~ m !:: z m ~ 3.0 C= AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT (BASELINE DATA) GEOTECHNICAL THE COOK INLET REGION To understand the geology of the Beluga area, it is necessary to consider a much larger geographic area, and to discuss the geologic events that have occurred in the area over a broad time frame. Geologic History The Cook Inlet area has been described as a topographic, structural and sedimentary basin containing 60,000-70,000 cumulative feet of marine and non-marine sedimentary and volcanic rocks ranging in age from Late Paleozoic to Recent (Barnes, 1966). Rocks of Triassic to Recent age outcrop in the Cook Inlet Basin, while older rocks are overlain by an estimated 40,000 feet of sediments. Figure 3.1 shows the sequence or general correlation of sediments occurring in the Cook Inlet Basin. During Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras, sediments were deposited in a linear depression occurring in Southeastern Alaska. Volcanic islands and other land masses served as the source of these sedi- ments and reef limestone depositions. Sediments which were de- posited at this time include bedded cherts, tuffaceous silts, shales and carbonates. The Triassic (early Mesozoic) rocks outcrop on the southeastern rim of the Cook Inlet Basin near Seldovia. These rocks include limestone, tuff, and banded chert underlain by ellipsoidal lava, slate and graywacke. The thickness of the Triassic rocks in the Cook Inlet Basin is estimated to exceed 2,000 feet. Jurassic rocks of southern Alaska represent the most complete sequence of this age in North America. During the middle Jurassic, 3-1 ERA (.) ..... 0 N 0 z ~ (.) (.) ..... 0 N 0 til ~ PERIOD i Figure 3.1 STRATIGRAPHIC COLUMN UPPER COOK INLET BASIN EPOCH Pliocene Miocene Oligocene Eocene Paleocene GROUP Tuxedni Group FORMATION Sterling Formation Beluga Formation Tyonek Formation THICKNESS (Feet) 6,000 l l 5,000 7,000 Hemlock Conglomerate l 1 ,500 l ~-~ ....................... ,..,,.,.,....., ........ ,.,..,..,.,,.,....,_......,....., ........ ~-,..,_........,....,..~~ West Foreland Formation I 3,300 1 l l """'""""",..,~~---"""'""""I~~-~-~ Matanuska Formation 8,500 ! l l """"',_,,..,_,_,,..,..,..,.,._,.. """"'"""'_,..,...J ~IMatan~.~ : 1 Nelchina Limes tone ! 700 l --------t-l Naknek Formation ! 7,200 l Chinitina Formation j 2,300 1 9. 700 I Talkeetna Formation 8,400 Unnamed Rocks 1,300 the sediments within the Southcentral Alaska area were tilted, up- lifted and/or depressed to form anticlinal and synclinal belts -large linear ridges and troughs. Volcanic activity increased during this time and large batholiths and other intrusions of igneous rocks took shape. The rocks of Jurassic time comprise the Talkeetna Formation, Tuxedni Group, and Chinitna and Naknek formations, and are widely dis- tributed along the western shores of Cook Inlet and the Matanuska Valley. These formations contain rocks predominantly consisting of tuff and volcanic agglomerates in lower, older sections. The Talkeetna Formation is composed of volcanic detritus containing fossil plants and marine invertebrates, and is estimated to be several thousand feet thick. The middle Jurassic Tuxedni Group consists of sandstone, shale, conglomerate, and arkose with an estimated thick- ness of up to 7,000 to 10,000 feet. The Chinitna Formation, composed of several thousand feet of red and dark argillaceous marine shales, is dated upper Jurassic and lies conformably on the Tuxedni Group. The Chinitna Formation is com- formably overlain by the Naknek Formation. The Naknek Formation is the uppermost of the Jurassic system and consists of a basal con- glomerate overlain by shales, arkose, and sandstone. The formation ranges in thickness from 2,000 to more than 7,000 feet. During the early Cretaceous era the seas of the Jurassic era shal- lowed and the land rose. This emergence of land masses caused increased erosion in some areas and less deposition in other areas, causing a linear structural belt. The rock formations associated with the Cretaceous era include a limestone unit referred to as the Nelchina Formation; the Matanuska Formation which consists of shales, siltstone and sandstone sequences; and the Arkose Ridge Formation, consisting of well indurated arkose and conglomerate. 3-3 The rocks which comprise the Kenai and Chugach mountains probably also were formed during the late Cretaceous era. The strata consists primarily of slate and graywacke which has been intensely deformed and metamorphosed. Considerable volcanics and ultra-basic intru- sions also are present, but these are considered to be late additions to the area. More than 30,000 feet of sediments were deposited from the time of the late Paleozoic era to the early Mesozoic era. This period of deposition was followed by a period of uplift, erosion and --------~mo_untaio_building. __ Ibe-Aiaska-l"al"lge-was-also-fot"med-dul"'iA§-this---------- period of mountain building, by large-scale batholithic intrusions. In early Tertiary time a change occurred in Southcentral Alaska. As the Chugach and Kenai mountain ranges began to emerge, the seas were closed off and a fresh-to-brackish water basin was created. It was within this basin that the extensive formations of the Tertiary were laid down. Formation of Coal Bearing Units During early Tertiary time a narrow, deep basin, some 200 miles long and 70 miles wide, formed in the area now known as Cook Inlet. It was in this basin that more than 26,000 feet of non-marine sediments were deposited during repetitive cycles of clastic sedimentation alternating with coal swamps. In addition, considerable igneous activity occurred in the northern part of the basin. The formations deposited in the Cook Inlet Basin vary within the basin. In the Matanuska Valley, the northern part of the basin, the Tertiary sequences include three formations: The Chickaloon, Wish- bone and Tsadaka. The Chickaloon Formation, deposited in the Paleocene epoch, consists of more than 5,000 feet of non-marine clastic sediments including many beds of bituminous coal, and random intrusions of igneous stocks, sills, and dikes. The Chickaloon Formation is conformably overlain by the Wishbone Formation. This late Paleocene/early Eocene formation consists of a sequence of coarse 3-4 clastic, non-marine sedimentary rocks, and is about 3,000 feet thick. The Tsadaka Formation, a sandstone and conglomerate of more than 1,000 feet thick, rests with angular unconformity on the Wishbone and Chickaloon formations. Outside the Matanuska Valley and in the southern portions of the Cook Inlet Basin including the Beluga area, the Kenai Group is the primary sequence of sediments. The Kenai Group is a mixture of conglomerates, sandstone, siltstone, claystone and coal deposits and has been divided into five formations: The West Foreland, Hemlock Conglomerate, Tyonek, Beluga and Sterling formations. Of these, three are significant with respect to energy resources. All of the oil, gas and proposed coal production within the Cook Inlet Basin originates from the Kenai Group. Oil production comes from the Hemlock and lower Tyonek formations, gas production from the Beluga Formation {minor amounts from the Sterling Formation), and proposed coal extraction would be primarily from the Tyonek For- mation. Figure 3.2 illustrates the stratigraphic sequence of the Kenai Group as proposed by Calderwood and Fackler (1972). The lowest member of the Kenai Group is the West Foreland For- mation, a tuffaceous siltstone and claystone. ·There are also scat- tered lenticular beds of sandstone and conglomerates within this formation. The West Foreland Formation rests unconformably on older Tertiary, Cretaceous and Jurassic rocks, and varies in thickness from a few hundred feet to more than 1 ,000 feet. The Hemlock Formation is the principal oil horizon in the basin. It is composed of poorly to moderately sorted sandstone and conglomerate, with interbedded carbonaceous siltstone, shale and coal. The Hem- lock Formation varies in thickness from a few hundred feet to about 1, 000 feet. The middle member of the Kenai Group is the Tyonek Formation. It is a massive unit varying in thickness between 4,000 feet and 8,000 3-5 C) -~ ERA PERIOD I E-< ~ I Ct f I I I I I i \ i I I ! ' \ I j i ' l i I ! u >< I 1-! ~ I 0 < l N 1-! • 0 E-< • z ~ i ~ ~ ' • u I E-< I i i l ! ! ' ! l i i I I I I I I I Figure 3.2 PROPOSED STRATIGRAPHIC NOMENCLATURE FOR KENAI GROUP GROUP FORMATION DESCRIPTION Alluvium and Glacial Deposits Sterling Formation Massive sandstone and conglomerate beds with occasional thin lignite beds and gray clay ~-----------~---~~ Beluga Formation Claystone, siltstone and thin sandstone beds, thin sub-bituminous coal beds __ ,.._,.,_,.,.,--~-,...,....,..,--~- I I A-1 I Tyonek Formation I Sandstone, claystone & ~ 0 : siltstone interbeds and ~ l <:!:1 massive sub-bituminous ! coal beds. 1-! ~ ~ I Hemlock Conglomerate Sandstond and conglom- erate. ~-~--~--~---~- West Foreland Tuffaceous siltstone & Formation claystone. Scattered sandstone & conglom- erate beds. I I ~,..,...,,...,,..,...,....., __ ~~-,..,...,---~~_,...,..,_,..,_~~--------,...,...,-------------- Rests unconformably on older Tertiary, Cretaceous and Jurrasic rocks Source: Calderwood and Fackler, 1972 feet, and is composed of alternating lenticular beds of sandstone, siltstone and claystone, with massive sub-bituminous coal beds. Overlying the Tyonek Formation is the Beluga Formation. It varies in thickness to a maximum of about 6,000 feet and is primarily clay- stone and siltstone interbedded with thin sandstone beds and sub- bituminous coal. The upper unit of the Kenai Group is the Sterling Formation which varies in thickness to about 11 ,000 feet. It consists primarily of massive, fine to medium grain, unconsolidated sandstone and con- glomerate with occasional thin beds of coal and gray claystone. SURFICIAL SOILS The landscape in the Beluga coal fields and proposed methanol plant area is dotted with unconsolidated Quaternary deposits which mask the underlying structures and bedrock. These deposits include glacial morainal and outwash deposits; alluvium in stream valleys; and talus and landslide masses. The thickness of Quaternary deposits varies to a maximum of 300 feet. This variation in thickness is due primarily to irregular deposition on a surface of considerable relief, and post glacial erosion. Shallow discontinuous glacial debris consisting of gravel, sand, and silt was deposited over the bedrock of the Kenai Group during the Quaternary. These deposits include a complex system of lateral and ground moraines deposited by the numerous glaciers which have scoured the area. Lateral moraines are parallel to the Nikolai escarpment and then broaden into kames and ground moraines. The glaciers which deposited these sediments extended southeastward across Cook Inlet almost to Boulder Point on the Kenai Peninsula. Isolated eskers also dot the area. 3-7 Other surficial soils are a result of Holocene marine deposition. It is thought that the Chakachatna River and McArthur River region, south of the Nicholai escarpment and the Chuitna River, is the set- ting of Recent (Holocene) marine deposition. The most recent and near surface deposits are probably tidal or estuarine shallow water sediments, primarily of fine grain. These sediments include sandy beach deposits, silty/sandy lagoon and outwash deposits, and silt and clay tidal, estuarine, or shallow marine deposits. Pond and bog deposits of Holocene age dot the post-glacial deposits in discontinuous depressions. These deposits, chiefly peat and other organic debris, also contain silt, clay and fine-grain sands. There are also several thin beds of volcanic ash. The pond and bog de- posits can be found in areas of poor drainage where the ground is soft and wet except when frozen in winter. Landslide deposits are found in several areas within the vicinity of the Beluga coal fields. They are generally comprised of slumped beds of the Kenai Group and occur along the steep slopes of the upper Chuitna Valley and other locations where slopes have been over steepened by erosion or mountain building. A large landslide of approximately six square miles in area is located on the east-facing slope of the valley below the Capps Glacier. Another massive land- slide extends for about two miles along the west ridge of the Beluga River near Felt Lake. THE BELUGA AREA Topography The proposed methanol plant site, townsite, construction dock, and transportation corridor areas are located on the west shore of Cook Inlet. The Cook lnlet-Susitna Lowlands form an intermontane prov- 3-8 ince between the Aleutian Range and the Kenai-Chugach mountains of the coast range. The topography of the western shore of Cook Inlet is generally char- acterized by high glaciated mountains dropping rapidly to a glacial moraine/outwash plateau which slopes gently to the inlet. The out- wash/moraine deposits generally begin at an elevation of 2,500 feet and drop to tidewater in about 30 to 50 miles. The beach area often consists of either a steep (1 :2) escarpment which may be 50 to 120 feet high and which is caused by beach erosion of glacial deposits, or it may be composed of extensive mud flats. The upper portion of Cook Inlet is relatively shallow and the submarine topography slopes at only a few degrees. The proposed development sites are on the Nikolai moraine, which runs southeast from the vicinity of the Tordrillo Mountains and has been mapped as extending across Cook Inlet to the Kenai Peninsula (Schmoll, et al., 1981). A well defined escarpment (Nikolai escarp- ment) marks the southwestern edge of the moraine, but the north- eastern edge (Susitna escarpment) is cut by numerous streams and is not as steep or distinct. The surface of the moraine is generally of low relief, and in the vicinity of the proposed plant there are num- erous level areas containing peat bogs. Relief is generally 50 feet or less in this area. Stream channels are deeply eroded and may be hundreds of feet deep. Slopes along the eroded stream channels and near the moun- tains often exceed the maximum angle of repose of soil, and numerous landslides have occurred, some of which cover areas of more than five square miles. Bluffs along eroding rivers such as the Chuitna, and along tidewater have also been unstable. However, the proposed methanol plant site is on the upper portion of the moraine and has little slope except near the escarpment. The escarpment is generally stable near the plant site. Maximum slopes are approximately 10° 3-9 except at small eroded areas and at the base of the escarpment where the slope is about 20°. Geology Extensive reconnaissance geologic mapping, most recently by H. R. Schmoll and others (USGS 1980), has resulted in a detailed geologic map in the vicinity of the proposed development, shown on Figures 3.3 and 3.4. The town and plant sites are on the Nikolai moraine, and the construction dock site is on the submarine extension of the moraine. The moraine consists of a complex group of ground and lateral moraines with numerous kames and eskers. The moraine appears to lie in contact with sedimentary Tertiary rocks, but subsurface conditions have not been extensively investi- gated. The depth to bedrock is not accurately known, although gas and water wells have been drilled in this area. The age and extent of the moraine are unresolved. It appears to be slightly older than many of the other moraines in Cook Inlet which formed about 10,000 years ago during the last major glacial retreat. No lacustrine or marine deposits are known to underlie the moraine, and hence it may have formed earlier than the extensive lacustrine/marine Bootlegger Cove clay which underlies much of upper Cook Inlet and which has been dated as 10,000 years old. Test Well #2, which was drilled at the plant site during the 1981 field program, indicated some fine sand at depths below 200 feet, but the samples were obtained by wash boring, which may have produced nonrepresentative samples. The log of Test Well #2 appears in Section 4.0 HYDROLOGY. The Nikolai moraine is bounded on the southwest by the Chaka- chatna-McArthur embayment, an area containing Recent alluvial and marine deposits of sand and silt. Coarse material is generally found at higher elevations in the embayment, and gray silt is found near tidewater. No soils exploration was conducted in this area, but 3-10 0 MT. 5 0 5 10 I I I I I I I I miles 5 0 5 10 I I I I I I I I kilometers .w.w.u. Margin of mountains and hills underlain by pre-Tertiary metamorphic rocks and igneous rocks mainly of early Tertiary age. ..1.-.L-1.. Margin of plateau underlain by sedimentary rocks of Tertiary age. Glacial and marine deposits of Pleistocene age; Bootlegger Cove clay present in area of more widely spaced diagonal lines, overlain by gravel, sand, or peat. Alluvial and tidal sand, silt, and grovel of Holocene age. Areas underlain by semiconsolidoted volcanic debris flows late Tertiary or Quaternary in age. ..,..,..,.. Outer limit of moraines of early Holocene age. TIT --·. Outer limit of prominent moraines of late Pleistocene age. Major fault zones(dotted where less certain): bb,Bruin Boy! em, Castle Mtn.; lc, Lake Clark; lr, Lone Ridge. TYONEK TIMBER KENAI PENINSULA (\ ' ) SELECTED LOCALITIES• A Granite Point B c D E young landslides Beluga River mollusk -shell locality possible area of gravitational spreading surface-exposed volcanic clasts in diamicton (till?) Stedotna Creek area F soft ground along. access trail G Strandline Lake X Selected oreos of extensive londsliding FIGURE 3.3 GENERALIZED PHYSIOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY OF THE BELUGA AREA, ALASKA c C- TRADINS SAY H. R. SCHMOLL, L.A. YEHLE, C. A. GARDNER , 1981 --PROPOSED PLANT SITE BOUNDARY Pond Marine a Alluvial Embayment Glacial Deposits Bo9 Colluvial CONTACT Deposits rD;;..;e;:;,pa;;..;s;;;it.;;.s_........._,.---~-" '----,,...-Deposits •••• INFERRED FAULT a,af Holocene LINEAMENT _, fc / ff p c oc,of r·-\ CURVILINEAR FEATURE ag Upper Pleistocene Trm1TI" INFERRED FORMER I I gh I g I gl Quaternary or Tertiary SHORELINE CORRELATION OF MAP UNITS EXPLANATION SCALE 1•63,360 i3::s:::e·f:5::s:::a::lo~========t:::=========2E=:=:=:=:;f3==========i4 Miles 8:ECE"'i55EC8CEO:=:==:i::::=====2E=:=:i::3 ====:::::14 Kilometers FIGURE 3 .4 PRELIMINARY GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE CONGAHBUNA AREA, COOK INLET REGION, ALASKA c: water well drillers have indicated that coarse material overlays fine- grain-material near the Nikolai escarpment. The layer of coarse material becomes thinner west of the escarpment. In Test Well #1, which was drilled west of the proposed town site at Nikolai Creek, coarse material was encountered to 85 feet and silt was found below 85 feet. The Chuitna River approximately follows the northeast boundary of .the Nikolai moraine, but this edge is cut with numerous stream channels and forms an indistinct boundary. This area exhibits no evidence of recent glaciation and appears to be a long-established drainage channel for runoff from the Nikolai and adjacent moraines. Hence, the area contains well washed alluvium with a small amount of fines and is generally a good source of aggregate. The Nikolai moraine has been mapped as extending across Cook Inlet. The area to the south of the moraine, which forms the present beach, consists of a thin deposit of fine sand and silt over very dense moraine type material. The proposed dock area appears to be underlain by a dense soil exhibiting properties similar to that of the onshore moraine. The Nikolai moraine consists of a complex group of ground and lateral moraines with numerous kames and eskers. It is composed of very dense diamicton including boulders up to 10 feet or more in diameter. The diamicton exhibits well to obscure bedding and contains layers of volcanic clasts, sandstone, siltstone, and at one location east of the site, coal. The diamicton may be generally characterized as a silty sand. although numerous inclusions of silty sandy gravel and sandy silt were observed. The very dense diamicton was only observed at ground surface along steep bluffs, but drilling revealed similar soil at several sites on the moraine. Numerous deposits of clean sand and boulders were also found, often in distinctly bedded planes. The upper soils have been mapped as more recent moraine deposits. 3-13 Alluvial deposits of sand and gravel are found in broad channels along the moderate slopes near the plant site and consist of material which is less dense and which contains less fines than the surround- ing moraines. These areas (OC material in ·Figure 3.4) may present loose soil conditions. Test Pit 7 was placed in this area. Peat generally covers the moraine and is usually at least one foot thick except upon eroding surfaces and may be 10 feet thick or more on level, poorly drained areas. Vegetation was observed to have little correlation with peat depth. Large black spruce, cottonwood, and birch were observed to grow on peat which was more than 10 feet thick. Surface water is relatively high in areas with peat bogs, which in- cludes the top of the moraine and most of the plant site, but many wells in the vicinity of Tyonek and elsewhere on the moraine indicate a water table at depths of 30 to 50 feet or more. Surface water drainage is impeded by the layer of organic material and organic silt immediately below the peat. During soil exploration drilling, water was encountered at depths which varied from 0 to more than 24 feet. The deeper water levels were observed in areas with little or no peat. SITE CHARACTERIZATION Methanol Plant Site Most of the subsurface exploration was performed along the existing road system (Figure 3. 5). 0 Topography The site lies entirely upon the Nikolai moraine and generally slopes to the south at a rate of about 50 feet per mile. The 3-14 0 FIGURE 3.5 VICINITY MAP, CIRI/PLACER-AMEX, METHANOL PLANT 0 c7 maximum elevation is about 350 feet. The southwest section of the site approaches the Nikolai escarpment and has slopes of up to 10% or more. The topography of the area is characterized by low moraines structures with relief of less than 50 feet set among nearly level peat bogs. This topography changes to one of increasing slope with steeply eroded stream channels along the south and southwest portions of the site·. Subsurface Conditions Existing information on subsurface conditions was expanded with a field program that included backhoe excavation of 32 Test Pits (TP1 through TP32); drilling nine Test Holes to depths up to 50 feet (B1 through B9); and taking six grab samples from existing road cuts ( G1 through G6). Logs of borings from two test water wells (Well #1 and Well #2) and from one observation well (Well #3), which were drilled during the 1981 field hydrology investi- gation for this study, also provided data. Locations of test pits, borings, and grab samples are shown on Figures 3. 6 and 3. 7. These investigations indicate the subsurface conditions at the site consist of an upper layer of peat of varying depth (Figure 3. 8) underlain by very dense silty sand and hard sandy silt. One to three feet of organic silt may also be found beneath the peat. Layers of clean sand are present occasionally, and cobbles and boulders are encountered frequently. Logs for a typical test hole and test pit are shown in Figures 3.9 and 3.10. The upper soil contains large amounts of boulders, cobbles, and angular sand and gravel. These angular particles differ from the deeper soil which contains subangular to moderately rounded fragments. Although both types of material appear to be glacially transported, sources and distance to the sources may differ for each group. The silty sand resembles the diamicton exposed along the steep 3-16 FIGURE 3.6 • TEST PIT • GRAB SAMPLES o WATER WELLS SOIL SAMPLES AND WELL LOCATIONS, CIRI/PLACER-AMEX,METHANOL PROJECT TP-11• " ........... KEY • BORINGS • TEST PITS --ROADS FIGURE 3.7 0 • TP-12 Section 18 Section 19 I I I I I •'8-4 7 •TP-2/ I I :¥ ~ ~ ~I I J•TP-1 /_ ;•TP-3 Sectlonl7 Section 20 ·8·6 -., ~'\-16 NOT TO SCALE LOCATIONS OF SOIL TEST (ClRIIPLACER-AMEX PLANT SITE) I II ;r"""\ \ '1(11 FT. JSn ~PEAT DEPTH GREATER THAN FIVE FEET. ::::-:: =:: EXISTING ROADS ~PLANT SITE 19 T.IIN R.12W SEWARD MERIDIAN )(61N. xl FT. FIGURE 3.8 IDEALIZED PEAT DISTRIBUTION METHANOL PLANT AREA (·-. \__ ' 5 I= LU LU ~ c\ ~20 a.. LU 0 30 >-'0 1-a: iii LUI-z-a::z LUU.. :::JLU ou 1-1- >-.:!: U:lz a:: <So 0 ~u KEY (/) 1- (/) LU 1- a:: LU :I: 5 M.~ W. 0. NO. D 1 3131 LOGGED BY 0. H • BORING 3 -PLANT = 334' SATURATED, SOFT F-4, BROWN TO GREY SILT AND ORGANIC SILT WITH RANDOM GRAVEL, SOFT-- F-2, BROWN SILTY GRAVELLY ~, MOIST, DENSE NFS/F-2, GREY GRAVELLY SAND AND SANDY GRAVEL, SATURATED, VERY DENSE ~.;.;..;;.J. __ -------------------BOTTOM OF TEST HOLE= 30.0'. COMPLETED 5/15/81. PP = UNCONFINED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (PENETROMETER) (TSF) TV : SHEAR STRENGTH (TORVANE) (TSF) MA: MECHANICAL ANALYSIS LL = LIQUID LIMIT (%) PI = PLASTIC INDEX 0 -GRAB SAMPLE :i -SPT SAMPLE • -2.5" L D. SPOON SAMPLE 340 # WEIGHT, 30'' FAi..L ~ -SHELBY TUBF.: -PUSHED -GROUND WATER TABLE WHILE DRILLiNG LOG OF BORING ~ ~ FIGURE 3.9 13 • 0 I 17 • 0 I 23.5' 30.0' c:: c - TEST PIT 9 WORK ORDER 0 1 31 3 2 LOGGED BY T • Barber TEST ~PrT~H--~R~E~==~~S ____ ~S~A=M~PL~E~Strrrrrr~~E~L~EV.~~~~I~ON~=~----~N------~E~----------~D~E~~~HL_ II~L' I fiiTI F-4, BROWN SANDY SILT, (TOPSOIL) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 ~~:·-;~ ~{j·.Q~1 F-1, BROWN SILTY SANDY GRAVEL, SUB- '.· .o ·0 • ROUNDED 3" GRAVEL )0·"--;'.~ ,GP!:-' )~oP~ lif~.o:.~ ;·($~·~ @ 7.:·i>j:Sj NFS, BROWN TO GREY SANDY GRAVEL, G ~·;!)~. 4" SHARP AND SUBROUNDED GRAVEL ... GP:"; ..1:"'\::.L .g.:<?~·.· \7 ~~~~~ -F-2/F-3, GREY VERY SILTY SAND AND VOLCANIC ASH MIXED, WET TO SATURATED, MEDIUM DENSE F-2, GREY SILTY GRAVELLY SAND, SUBROUNDED GRAVEL, 10" COBBLE, WE'I TO SATURATED, VERY DENSE 1 o 0 I 2.5 1 4 • 0 I 4.5 1 -13.0 1 TEST KEY: W = MOISTURE CONTENT LL = LIQUID LIMIT PL = PLASTIC LIMIT MA: MECHANICAL ANALYSIS BOTTOM OF EXPLORATION= 13.0 1 LOG OF TEST PIT -·-· ·--~ I"" 0 0 bluffs. It is very dense as shown by the standard penetration blow counts in excess of 100, and consists of poorly graded, brown silty sand with gravel. A gradation curve for a sample from Test Hole 3 is shown in Figure 3.11. The sandy silt is hard, nonplastic to slightly plastic, and contains some gravel. No clay was found on the site. A layer of volcanic ash was observed close to the bottom of the peat layer and resembles reddish brown silt. This layer is less than one foot thick. Groundwater Groundwater is near the surface due to the high water level in the peat. Water level depth increased north of the site in areas with little peat and along the southern bluff. Well drillers indi- cated artesian conditions may exist in deep, water bearing strata. Groundwater is discussed in more detail in Section 4. 0 HYDROL- OGY. Permeability of the dense silty sand is low (estimated to be . 0001 inches/second or less), but the occasional layers of poorly graded, clean sand have moderate to high permeabilities. Esti- mates of the coefficient of permeability for this material range from 1 to .001 inches/second. However, these highly permeable layers are not expected to be large in area, and well pump tests also indicate limited aquifer extent. Steeply eroded stream channels provide surface water drainage. These channels also are found in the peat bogs, where they may be 5 to 10 feet deep. Plant Site Conditions The inorganic soils in the plant site are medium dense to very dense and offer generally excellent foundation conditions, but 3-22 .,,, () '···• _/ /=) I SIEVE ANALYSIS HYDROMETER ANALYSIS I SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES NUMBER OF MESH PER INCH u.s. STANDARD GRAIN SIZE IN MM. ~ 0 2~~ ~~ "' _S!3~~§ ~ , ~ ao ::t' ~ ~If "' 0 ~ 0 ~fi! 00 N a "' ... I') N N -~ .... CD2 -N .... ..,_ q q qqqqq .C! 100 ...... 90 ..... 10 ...... 80 "'-20 1-70 30~ ........ :I: (!) (!) ...... w w 3:: 3:: 60 ...... 40 >- ' m >-m 0:: ffi 50 w 50 lQ z <t u:: 0 (.) 1-'10 601-z z w w (.) (.) ~ ffi 30 70 0:: w 0.. ' 0.. 20 BO 10 90 00 0 0 2 s ~ 0 0 ~ Cl) "'"'"' "' N -U! "! "! "*: "! "! -: Cl) "' "'"' "' N q Cl) 8~~ "' N _100 0 ~ Cl) "' N q q qq q q 0 0 0 0 N GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS q qqq q q q KEY LOCATION SAMPLE NO. DEPTH UNIFIED CLASS. FROST CLASS. SOIL DESCRIPTION 'I'H l 4 --SI"I F-2 esti. Silty Gravelly Sand W.O. Dl2780 FIGURE 3.11 GRAIN SIZE D I STR I BUT ION -G RADATION CURVE C; C- these soils are often covered with peat and/or organic silt to depths up to 13 feet (Figure 3.8). The peat is generally unac- ceptable foundation material although limited service roads may be constructed on it using deep gravel overlays. Peat depths are deep near the middle of the site, and become shallower along the northern and southern boundaries. Existing roads were generally placed in areas with little peat. The dense inorganic soil has good stability and a very low poten- tial for settlement or liquefaction. Soil bearing capacity is good, generally in the range of 4,000 to 8,000 lbs. per square foot. However, the very dense, coarse material is moderately difficult to excavate, especially in areas with numerous boulders. Boulders with diameters of 5 feet and more were observed, and they appear to be well distributed throughout the site. Soil strength was not measured directly, but standard penetration values indicate the very dense till has an angle of internal friction of approximately 40°, and no cohesion. The till, or silty sand, which forms much of the moraine should be easily compacted with vibratory equipment, provided the moisture can be closely controlled. The material contains a moderate amount of silt (10 to 20%) and will not compact if it contains too much water. The silty material may require dust control during dry periods. The clean sands and coarse upper soils found in isolated areas throughout the moraine should compact easily with vibratory equipment within a wide range of moisture content. The lack of large quantities of clean on-site fill indicates that silty sand may be needed for a large amount of fill, both for plant and road foundations. Frost protection of roads would require use of up to 18 or more inches of non-frost-susceptible (NFS) sub-base. N FS materials are granular inorganic soils which contain less than 3% by weight finer than 0. 02 millimeters. Existing logging roads are in excellent condition and are constructed with material from 3-24 on-site borrow pits and with gravel obtained from the Chakachatna River. Much of the road material is silty sand, but NFS material was scalped from many small knolls. Roads occasionally are of gravel-covered log corduroy construction in deep peat areas. No impermeable fine-grain soils were found on site, but some clayey silt was found in the Granite Point beach area. These slightly plastic silts generally make poor impoundment material, but a specific analysis should be performed for each application. Beach borings in the prospective dock area indicate large quan- tities of the silt material, but the quality may vary from slightly plastic silt to nonplastic sandy silt. An investigation of the extent of organic soils was performed at the proposed plant and town sites. This entailed' an interpretation of available air photos and literature, field reconnaissance tra-· verses of the site, and hand-probing the depth of organic soils. The peat probes were spaced approximately 600 feet apart, with traverses following existing seismic line cuts, and on random traverses. An idealized map of the plant area has been prepared (Figure 3.8) showing the depth of organic soils to range from 0 to 13-plus feet. The organic soil ranged in depth from 0.2 to 3 feet in the town site. A map showing the location of organic soil in the proposed town site was not prepared because there are no significant deep organic soil areas. Slope stability is generally good due to the dense soil and moder- ate slopes in the vicinity of the plant site. Small areas adjacent to streams have been over steepened by erosion and are unstable, but these areas can be avoided or cut to a stable slope. The maximum observed slopes of 10° to 20° would be marginally stable under 0. 4g loading and high groundwater conditions, but the majority of the slopes would be stable for all expected earthquake accelerations. Cut stability would be good and temporary cuts should stand at slopes of 1:1 for short periods. Long-term slope 3-25 stability probably would be controlled by erosion criteria, and slopes approaching 2:1 may be required. The very dense coarse material generally has a low potential for erosion, but layers of silty material can erode rapidly under either wind or water action. Town Site 0 0 Topography The proposed town site is located on the Nikolai moraine, two miles northwest of the plant site. The site is approximately one mile from the Nikolai escarpment and has an elevation of about 450 feet. Topography generally slopes to the southwest at about 200 feet per mile, but becomes increasingly steep near the escarpment. An intermittent stream with a steeply eroded channel cuts across the north end of the site. The land surface is typical of the Nikolai moraine, which is a com- plex of ground and lateral moraines with numerous kames. The area has generally low relief but is moderately well drained. Peat bogs which contain 2 to 3 feet of peat are found in poorly drained areas near the southern portion of the site, but most of the proposed town site appears to have, at most, only a few feet of peat. Subsurface Conditions Two borings and five test pits to depths up to 30 feet reveal the town site has a surface layer of peat which is underlain by medium dense silty sand or sandy silt extending to a depth of about 2 to 5 feet (Figure 3.12). The next deeper layer is NFS gravelly sand which may contain numerous boulders between depths of 5 and 15 feet. Very dense silty sand and sand are 3-26 n '~1 I / KEY • BORINGS • TEST PITS --ROADS FIGURE 3.12 3 2 10 II ~ TP-20 ---...._~-I ~ ~ ~~-21 ~2 ~ ~ TP-~ \ NOT TO SCALE LOCATIONS OF SOIL TEST (CIRI/PLACER-AMEX TOWNSITE) 0 c 0 found below the boulders. Volcanic ash layers up to 4 inches thick may also be found beneath the boulder layer. A boulder layer has been identified in many parts of the moraine, but its source has not been firmly established. It may represent volcaniclastic debris or glacially transported volcanic material. Volcanic debris at this distance from known volcanos would repre- sent volcanic activity more intense than currently anticipated. Logs of a typical test hole and test pit are shown in Figures 3.13 and 3.14. Groundwater The town site is generally well drained due to the proximity of the escarpment, but the southern section of the town site contains small areas of peat. The upper coarse soils have a moderate to high permeability, but the underlying silty sand is very dense and possesses a moderate to low permeability. Groundwater was observed in the peat at depths of 2 to 4 feet, but this appears to be surface water which is inhibited from draining by the low permeability silt underlying the peat. Suf- ficient slope exists to permit surface drainage through channels, and the shallow water level should not provide extensive problems for construction. Coarse soils with moderate to high permeabilities are found directly below the surface silt and peat. This soil could be used to provide on-site wastewater disposal if systems could be placed in areas with a low water table. Construction Feasibility The proposed town site is characterized by very dense soil underlying a few feet of surface peat and silt. The upper soft soils are sufficiently thin to allow excavation to expose very dense granular soil. The dense soil provides excellent bearing capacity, 3-28 -;:: UJ UJ !!:. :: c~: t-a.. UJ 0 >-~ (/) t-tii c;; UJ t-' UJ z-a::z t-UJU. ~UJ a:: ou t-t-UJ >-~ (J)z :: BORING 2-TOWN W. 0. NO. D 13131 LOGGED BY 0. H. t- ~ z(/) ~ a:: 00 b 0 ~(.) I l s Olr--------------.----------.-~~~~~~~EL~E~~~A~TI~O~N~=~4~3~0~1--------------------------------------------~DE~P~T~H ·fJ'i \7 BROWN PEAT, SOFT 5 10 15 20 25 30 I I I lli.IJI F-4, BROWN SILT, SLIGHTLY PLASTIC, SATURATED, SOFT TO STIFF M.. I ' I I I I I j~ NFS, BROliN SANDY GRAVEL •ITH OCCASIONAL COBBLES TO ~:o· 12 "+ MAXIMUM PARTICLE SIZE, MOIST, DENSE I I I I I 11.4 I KEY g¥.~1 ;~ ~~:i ~-,,. ~i7 ~~£.:~ -~i~ -~ SM 166 ! i I I I j SM i I ~ ,1()0 .. I ; ~ 1~1~ !100· ! I i I i I I ! I I F-2, BROw~ GRAVELLY SILTY SAND WITH OCCASIONAL COBBLES TO 12"+ MAXIHUM PARTICLE SIZE, MOIST, VERY DENSE F-2, BROm• GRAVELLY SILTY SAND WITH OCCASIONAL COBBLES, ~10IST, MEDIUM DENSETO VERY DENSE BOTTOM OF TEST HOLE = 29.0 1 • COl<iPLETED 5/14/81. PP = UNCONFINED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (PENETROMETER) (TSF) TV = SHEAR STRENGTH (TORVANE) (TSF) MA = MECHANICAL ANALYSIS LL = LIQUID LIMIT (%) PI = PLASTIC INDEX :J -GRAB SAMPLE :;; -SPT SAMPLE • -2.5" I. D. SPOON SAMPLE 340 # WEIGHT, 30" FALL ]] -SHELBY TUBE -PUSHED -::--GROUND WATER TABLE WHILE DRILLING LOG OF BORING FIGURE 3. /3 1 • 0 I 4.5 1 12.0 1 18 • 0 I 29.0 1 C' DEPTH 0 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 ... TEST RESULTS TEST KEY: SAMPLES W = MOISTURE CONTENT LL = LIQUID LIMIT PL = PLASTIC LIMIT TEST PIT20 WORK ORDER D 13132 LOGGED BY 7 • B • ELEVATION= N E F-4, BROWN PEAT AND ORGANIC SANDY SILT. DEPTH ~ ~ ~PT< ""':-~ r-------------------1 • 5 I ~~~ ~ F-2, GREY SILTY GRAVELLY SAND WITH 1 WOOD AND ORGANICS MIXED, ANGULAR AND SUBROUNDED 8"+ GRAVEL AND ~~~C~O~B~B~L~E~S~,~M~E~D~I~U~M~D~E~N~S~E~·~-------2 .5 1 BECOMING CLEANER WITH DEPTH. ~·· ••••••• 0 ~~~-----------------------11.5 1 ~AS!j GREY AND PINK VOLCANIC ASH AND SIL'l'. 12 . O i ;~~ ~~~~E~~~~Li~~T~O~~V~~L~~~~RY ~~00~ ------------------14.5 I MA = MECHANICAL ANALYSIS BOTTOM OF EXPLORATION= 14.5 1 LOG OF TEST PIT FII,IIRF ~ 14 (_ generally in the range of 4,000 to 8,000 lbs. per square foot for spread footings. Stability of the dense soil is good, and the liquefaction and settlement potentials are low. Extensive cobbles and boulders found there would create moder- ately difficult excavation conditions, but cuts and exposed slopes would be stable at relatively steep angles. Precautions to prevent boulder slides should be provided during excavation. Slope sta- bility is good, and only the small slopes along streams which have been over steepened by erosion present stability problems. These areas may be cut to a stable configuration or avoided entirely with only a small loss of area. Removal of the surface peat and silt near bluffs would contribute to increased water infiltration and may possibly increase bluff erosion. Dock Site 0 Topography Topography at the proposed dock area consists of a narrow (200 feet or less), level beach which is submerged or only a few feet above water during extreme high tides. The shore slopes south- ward at a rate of about 20 to 40 vertical feet per mile. Bluffs up to 120 feet high with slopes of 30° to 40° border the beach strand on the north. The bluffs are cut by numerous small streams which have formed narrow channels. Ground surface above the bluffs also slopes to the south at about 50 feet per mile. The bluffs are continuously eroding and the toe of the slope often has deposits formed by erosion debris or slumped material. This material forms a bench about 10 to 30 feet above extreme high water. 3-31 0 0 Subsurface Conditions A thin layer of soft gray silt covers the beach between mean and low tide levels. Three test borings and two probes indicate that soft or loose deposits of silt and sand extend to a depth of about 15 feet, below which is found very dense silty sand (Figures 3.15 and 3.16) The very dense material resembles the material of the Nikolai moraine which has been mapped as extending across Cook Inlet. The borings indicate that only a relatively thin marine deposit covers the very dense material of the moraine. A log for the boring Test Hole 2 is shown in Figure 3.17. The marine deposits contain fine sand, silt, and clayey silt. The silt resem- bles rock flour, being generally nonplastic and only slightly compressible ( C = . 1). c Dock Construction The soils in the proposed dock area have excellent bearing capa- city below the Recent soft, loose marine deposits (Figure 3. 16). However, boulders are present and may create difficult pile driving conditions. The existing beach is narrow with little or no back beach area, and lack of space may limit the amount of activity near the dock. The beach is generally only a few feet above extreme high water, and portions of it may have to be raised to provide protection ag'ainst high water. The bluffs which border the site on the north are steep and are eroding continuously. They also repre- sent a hazard of landslides onto the narrow beach. The slopes should be stabilized if activity were to occur near the toe of the steep slopes. The bluffs are composed of very dense, granu~ar material and should be stable at about a 1~:1 slope, provided water is prevented from eroding the bluffs. 3-32 I I I , ' , o TEST HOLE LOCATION ----MUD FLATS 0 OIL PLATFORM SCALE: 1"= 4700' FIGURE 3.15 '(_low tide waterline (5-20-81) DOCK SITE TEST HOLE LOCATIONS 0 BRUCE 0ANNA (S) GRANITE POINT 0 VICINITY OF SHIRLEYVILLE t-w 10 20 w 30 IJ._ 40 5 60 FIGURE 3.16 B-3 -SILT ~SILTY SAND fi/~}~/Y~\1 SAN o or-------4~o=o ______ ~a~oo~----~1200 HORIZONTAL SCALE• I"" 400' DOCK SITE IDEALIZED SOIL PROFILE ~-, I " 0 0 2C 3C 50 >-1- Cii z-UJU.. 0(.) >-~ ct: Q pp = TV= MA= LL = PI = ':] - ~ ·- ' = .... ~ (/) t;; W.O. NO. 1:013132 UJI-ct:z :::::lU,J ........ C/)z 00 UJ l- et: UJ LOGGED BY 0. H. BORING 2-DOCK ::lEU 5 1-Z (/)l-oa.. ct:UJ u..o ELEVATION= Refer to Profile DEPTH MA KEY I :i~~:i¥ NFS, BROWN ~· SATURATED, ~lEDIUM DENSITY i 1111 F-4, GREY SANDY SILT, NON-PLASTIC, SATURATED, SOFT ~ J~ 7 -~ SM 13 I I ~~ !""' £;; '"""" .. I i • ' ' ! j ' I I I F-2, GREY SILTY ~, SATURATED, MEDIUl-1 DENSE F-4, GREY SILT WITH SILTY SAND LENSES, NON-PLASTIC TO SLIGHTLY PLASTIC, SATURATED, SOFT F-2, GREY SILTY GRAVELLY SAND, MAXH1UM ?ARTICLE SIZE TO 2"+, MOIST, VERY DENSE-- W.UJ.:L---------------------- BOTTOM OF TEST HOLE= 48.0'. COMPLETED 5/20/81. UNCONFINED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH SHEAR STRENGTH (TORVANE) (TSF) MECHANICAL ANALYSIS (PENETROMETER) (TSF) LIQUID LIMIT (%) PLASTIC INDEX GRAB SAMPLE SPT SAMPLE 2.5" I. D. SPOON SAMPLE 340 # WEIGHT, 30" FALL GIIELBY TUBE PUSIIED GROUND WATER TABLE WHILE DRILLiNG LOG OF BORING FIGURE 3.17 2.0' 8.0' 14.0' 19.0' 48.0' C: c: Erosion of the beach appears to occur at a rate of about 2 feet per year as shown by aerial photographs. Dock structures would need protection from tidal current, ice scour, and wave action. Protection in the form of riprap could be provided from several sources. Boulder deposits occur on-site and appear to be wide- spread, but their quality and quantity are unknown. Quarry sites containing volcanics and intrusives of Jurassic time exist at elevations above the outwash/moraine plateau and at various loca- tions throughout Cook Inlet. Transportation Corridor and Mine Areas The proposed mine sites include the Capps coal field area and the west half of the Chuitna coal fields (Center Ridge). 0 Topography of Mine Areas The topography in the Capps and Chuitna coal fields includes areas of significant mass wasting potential due to water runoff, frost action, slope and other natural features. The ground sur- face is covered with many small hummocky hills indented with small cirques. The surficial features (patterned ground) indicate sur- face frost action is occurring primarily in the uplands. The presence of permafrost in the Capps coal field area is highly possible. During hand probes, several samples obtained below 5 feet in depth were very cold to the touch. 0 Surficial Conditions at Mine Areas The ground cover within the area of the Capps and Chuitna coal fields consists of a thin layer of moss, grasses, wild flowers and low woody plants. Field observations noted a cyclic build-up of surficial soils. The mosses are gradually covered by wind-blown sands and/or volcanic ash. Figure 3.18 illustrates a typical shal- low soil profile of the Capps area. Soils tests show the sands to 3-36 0 Brown peat, with fin• to m1dlum eanda Tan to buff eandy volcanic aeh 1.5l------------------------------ Lay•r•d organice I eandy volcanic aeh 2.5-r----------------- Buff eandy volcanic 11h •.o·r----:~--------------auu aandy volcanic aeh 0~========================== F1GURE 3.18. TYPICAL SOlL PR<FILE OF CAPPS AREA, ALASKA c=~ 0 0 be well-sorted with 68% retained between the #40 and #200 screens. A grain size analysis of the ash shows 48.5% is sand and 41 .6% is minus #200 grain size. Transportation Corridor The transportation corridor traverses the upland tundra of the Capps Field area, passes through the transition zone between the tundra and mixed high brush where the Chuitna Field is located, and enters the lower elevation which is dominated by mixed high brush/spruce and hardwood forest area near tidewater. The surface vegetation changes from grasses and moss to alders and grasses with root systems which extend 18 inches or more. The topsoil here has developed to a greater extent than the soils of the Capps area, however, it is· still bisected with layers of sandy volcanic ash. Figure 3.19 shows a typical section/soil pro- file for the Chuitna Field area. Trafficability The trafficability of the upland Capps coal field area is very poor. Layered organics and volcanic ash have been observed in recent field reconnaissance to range from a few feet to more than six feet in depth. In addition, the groundwater table is relatively high, having been located in several test probes at depths from 20 to 60 inches. Construction Materials 0 Surficial Geology Subsurface soils investigations were performed in the proposed plant and town sites and surrounding areas in order to observe the existing soil conditions, and to determine on-site aggregate 3-38 (_; FIGURE 3.19 I.Z t F4 BROWN PEAT F4 BUFF SANOY VOLCANIC ASH F4 LAYERED BROWN AND TAN ORGANICS a SANOY VOLCANIC ASH, WET TO SATURATED ~~------------------------------------ F4 BUFF GRAVELLY SANDY VOLCANIC ASH 1/2 -3/4 SUB ROUNDED GRAVEL, MOIST TYPICAL SOIL PROFILE OF CHUITNA AREA sources. The investigation was confined to existing roads and accessible logging trails in the plant and town site areas. Random grab samples were also taken along the transportation corridor. Sufficient quantities of on-site aggregate resources for use in concrete, bituminus paving, railroad ballast, and classified fill do not appear to be present within the immediate plant or town sites. It is suspected there are moderate quantities of on-site aggregate, but the quantities are probably too small to be used for any major construction purposes. The soils encountered in the proposed development areas are con- sidered to be glacial in origin. The glacial deposits are generally divided into two types: Till, non stratified drift, and moderate to well bedded diamicton; and stratified drift. The till is considered to be a direct glacial deposit and the stratified drift is considered to be deposited by a fluid medium less viscous than glacier ice, i.e. water or air. Two distinct kinds of glacial till are found in the plant and town sites and surrounding areas. An upper layer of coarse, angular till was observed to depths of 0 to 8.5 feet, but is suspected to be deeper in some areas. It appears to be unsorted, virtually unweathered material containing all particle sizes. Boulders 10 feet or more in diameter are scattered erratically on the ground surface. Rock fragments are of all sizes, are angular to sub- angular, and contain some sub rounded particle shapes. Lith- ologically, the parent material is primarily volcanic, ranging from non-visicular to visicular in texture, with little visible matrix. The upper soils often exhibit a silty sandy matrix, which may contain some organics leached from the surface organic soils. A second type of glacial till is found below the upper till. It is a poorly sorted, silty gravelly sand mixture, with occasional angular to subrounded cobbles and boulders. This till appears to have undergone a higher degree of weathering than the overlying till. 3-40 c Various amounts of soil stratification were observed along road cuts and in pits. Generally the deep soil is considered to be non- stratified to moderately stratified and has been mapped as 11 ground moraine deposit --primarily diamicton 11 • There are areas on the plant site where stratified tills are pres- ent. These deposits generally cap small knolls, eskers, and kames which are characteristic of the moraine topography. Most sites have already been scalped to build access roads for removing timber. The soil below this shallow surface material is a till com- posed of silty, gravelly sand. Poor accessibility caused by deep, soft peat prevented investigation of many of the potential aggre- gate source areas. Random aggregate samples were taken at road cuts and existing gravel pits, both on and off the site, but no significant sources of aggregate were found. The search was extended to the Chack- achatna River area and the lower reaches of the Chuitna River. The Chuitna River area has had little glacial activity and generally contains coarser material than the moraine areas. Potential aggregate sources were examined as a part of this study. The Chakachatna riverbed and the accompanying old stream chan- nels were considered. The sample tested was taken near the existing bridge, however similar material was observed about four miles east of the river. Other potential material sources include the existing pit at Tyonek, and Test Pit 6, where sample 1 which is representative of on-site material, was taken at a depth of 4 feet (Figure 3. 7). Nearly unlimited quantities of material are ex- pected to be present in the Chakachatna River area but on-site quantities are expected to be severely limited. Gradations of the samples tested are shown in Figure 3.20. The Chakachatna River sample was not entirely representative of the material in the field, because the natural deposit contains an abundance of large gravels and cobbles not reflected in the sample. 3-41 I SIEVE ANALYSIS I HYDROMETER ANALYSIS I SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES NUMBER OF MESH PER INCH u.s. S ANDARD. GRAIN SIZE IN MM. ::t! 0 2~~ ~~ "' -~8Q~ ~ C!> "' ~ ao ~ ~ ~~ ..;;t ,. .,g !!! 0 ~ 0 g!i 00 q ~ qqqqq .Q a "' ,. "'N N N ,. .,_ 100 90 ... 10 \\ ' 80 20 ~ .... ' ' 1'- 30 ~ 1--70 ., :X: (!) (!) w -:!= w l'\ 3:: 60 1'-"" 40>- >-...... m m a: w ffi ~0 OOg? z <t lL 0 u 1--40 ,......_ !"'. 601--z w z w u u .. ffi 30 ....... l '\ 70 a: w Q. ..... ' Q. ' I'~ 20 80 ..... 10 90 ..... 00 0 0 5: fil ~ 0 0 2 Q) coon<t "' N -~ "! "! '01; "! "! ~ .. CD .... ,. "' N ., 8g~ "' N _100 0 Q Q) "' N q q qq q q q 0 0 0 0 N GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS q qqq q q q KEY LOCATION SAMPLE NO. DEPTH UNIFIED CLASS. FROST CLASS. SOIL DESCRIPTION -----Tvonek Gravel ----GW NFS Sandy Gravel I nit- Chakacha t~~' IRiuPr i~ri rP ----GP NFS Sandy Gravel -----Plant Site s·~ Y: @4 --GP NFS Sandy Gravel W.O. 12780 FIGUR£3.2C GRAIN SIZE Dl S T R I B'U Tl 0 N --G R ADA Tl ON cu R VE c 0 c A limited soils testing program was conducted in August 1981. Samples were obtained in the Capps Field area from exposed glacial till and volcanic ash. Grain size analyses were performed on the sand and volcanic ash, and Atterberg Limits were deter- mined for the volcanic ash. In addition, a Los Angeles Abrasion Test (American Society for Testing and Materials [ASTM] C131-55, grading E) was performed on a surface grab sample of the gla- cially deposited volcanics in the Capps uplands. The grain size analysis on the sand revealed a well-sorted sand with 68% retained between the #40 and #200 screens. This, in combination with field observations, indicates the mode of deposi- tion was by wind. Because of the dark color of the sand and the surrounding dominant volcanic rock type, the sand is most likely derived from volcanic rocks and ash. The grain size analysis of the volcanic ash reports 48.5% is sand and 41.6% is minus #200 grain size. An Atterberg test was run on the ash, and confirmed it to be non-plastic. Other volcanic ashes in the field were plastic. The Los Angeles Abrasion Test on 11 glacial 11 till which had been reworked by surface runoff, reported a 15.6% loss by abrasion. This is considered a very acceptable percentage loss and suggests that this material could be used for a railroad ballast or for road construction. Figure 3.21 illustrates the results of the abrasion test. Concrete Aggregates The Chakachatna River material shows the most favorable grada- tion of the three samples tested for both coarse and fine portland cement concrete aggregates. Table 3.1 shows the gradation of the three samples broken down on 1~11 and #4 sieves. Both fractions of the test sample meet the appropriate ASTM C33 gradations. 3-43 Exploration Chemical Materials Inspection ~------~~--~--------~L~OS~A~N~GG~EtE~~S~A~BMST~ON~A~IS~TM~C~:~1.3~1l~-~si5~------~--------~ Size /1!----.-----r----r-----,-----.----.,-----1 Grading j F~u cUon ! I _ _.A~-;--..jBJ...--i-_..r,...__t-_.n...___!----'..__·;-1 _..._ F--t-~GG...---t+--..><:lU"""s,:,:.;ed.._ __ _,l 'I ! I 3" to 2-l/2" !1 I 2500 gi~~ I I' I . fj 2-l/2" to 2"!! 2500 g~! II 2" to !-l/2" :! i 5000 g~~ 5000 g;l !\ I I I I * l; 1 1-l/2" to 1" :! 1250 grr/ i i ' 5000 gm 1 5000 gm i! 1253.1 1252.2 1253.4 1249.9 I 3/3" to 1/t."~! I !2soo gm : 1 i! ll/<:" to¥<: !\ 1 2500 gm ! I \1 II f:4 to 4'8 :! ! 5000 gm! j jj+-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___ _,_, _____ __, 5000 gm[ 10,000 grrll0;0009nll0,000gm I 5008.60 Actual Wt, (II) Totul Weight ii 5000 c;m: 5000 gm 5000 gm ~----II I I j No. of a a 1! s : 12 : 11 8 6 I 12 12 12 i/ I i ..., To!crance :!: 2%/size fraction Proje-:t Beluqa -~1ethanol Plant Loci! tion __:T.J_y_:::o~n:::_e k:,:..,------,,------------- Cllen~ Cl RT /Placer -A.nex ?it Silmpled 11250::.,.·::....3 ______________ _ Date 6/6/81 w. 0. 012780 Tech, C.TP ----- I FIGURE 3.21 I ABRASION TEST RESULTS 4158.6 Wt. Ret 4!12 (a) 850.0 i'..oss A-3 17.0 1 % Loss(A-B)lOO i A -~ : I / Table 3.1 FINE CONCRETE AGGREGATES, 1*4 MINUS Percent Passing Chakachatna Sieve River T~onek Pit On-Site 4 100 100 100 8 87 80 . 82 16 68 59 66 30 38 34 46 so 19 16 27 100 9 10 11 200 5 8 4 F.M. 2.79 3.01 2.68 Absorption 2.9 3.6 3.3 Apparent Sp. G. 2.81 2. 71 2.76 *0-3 is concrete subject of abrasion Percent Passin Sieve Coarse Concrete Al:Jgregates, 1 II to !t4 1~" 100 100 100 1" 60 86 87 3/4" 44 72 71 ~II 30 45 54 3/8" 16 30 32 !t4 0 0 0 Absor·ption 1.6 1.2 Apparent Sp. G 2.77 2.69 L.A. Abrasion 26 17 3-45 C: ASTM C33 Specs 95-100 80-100 50-85 25-60 10-30 2-10 0-5* 2.3-3.1 ASTM C33 Size 467 Specs 95-100 30-70 10-30 o-s 50 Max. The oversized coarse gravel and cobbles would be wasted as a part of the concrete aggregate operation, but would probably be useful in some of the other products discussed below. The amount of material passing the #200 sieve in the Chakachatna River sample is only marginally within specifications. Washing of the sand or selective mining of the pit to decrease the amount of material passing the #200 sieve may be desirable to improve the efficiency of this material as concrete aggregate. Los Angeles abrasion loss on the coarse fraction of this sample is within specification limits, although higher than for some aggregates in the area. The Tyonek pit material has grading deficiencies which would be a problem for production of portland cement concrete. It has a slight excess of coarse sand in the .#4 and #8 ranges, and an excess of material passing the #200 sieve. It is slightly deficient in the medium sand fraction passing the #30 and retained on the #100. These deficiencies could be overcome by processing the sands through a classifying plant and wasting some of the unwanted sizes. In the coarse aggregate, the Tyonek pit material has an excess of material passing the 3/8-inch and retained on the #4. This (pea gravel) material decreases the economy of the concrete by increasing the cement content required to achieve a given strength level, and tends to cause poor finish-ability of the concrete. Therefore, if this source is used it is recommended that a large portion of the pea gravel size be wasted from the concrete aggregate. It may be possible to utilize some of the wasted pea gravel in other materials. The Tyonek pit material would probably be quite durable under abrasive conditions as indicated by its low loss in the Los Angeles abrasion test. The on-site material as represented by the sample from Test Pit 6 typically is too silty for use as concrete aggregate. A test sample taken from an area with lower silt content than typical shows a gradation which could be processed to provide satisfactory con- 3-46 ( crete aggregates. The sand in that sample conforms to ASTM C33 specifications for concrete sand except that an excessive amount passes the #100 sieve. This deficiency could easily be corrected by washing the sand. The coarse fraction of this material has an excess of the pea gravel sizes, some of which would need to be wasted to provide a satisfactory concrete aggregate. Coarse aggregate sizes other than 1~-inch maximum shown on Table 3.1 would also be practical to manufacture from the materials investigated. A 1~-inch maximum aggregate size would probably be economical to produce from the Chakachatna River material, while a finer coarse size, perhaps 3/4 to 1 inch nominal, would be more practical to produce with the Tyonek or on-site materials. It would also be possible to introduce crushed gravel into the coarse concrete aggregate. This would give a greater latitude in the potential gradations available, particularly with the Chakachatna River source. No matter which source is selected for use as concrete aggregate, further testing should be performed to verify the acceptability of the source. Particles consist mostly of a mixture of coarse and fine-grain igneous rocks. Certain fine-grain igneous materials and glassy igneous minerals are alkali reactive. It is possible to com- pensate for alkali reactive constituents in aggregates if their presence is known beforehand. Therefore it is recommended that alkali reactivity tests be performed on any aggregate source con- sidered for use. Also useful would be to produce some laboratory concrete test batches with materials tentatively selected for use. It would then be possible to check the workability of the concrete and the water demand, and to determine proper design strength levels for that aggregate source. If concrete placements which would be subjected to freeze-thaw action in a damp environment are contemplated, freeze-thaw tests of specimens of hardened concrete might also be considered. 3-47 ( c-_. 0 Asphalt Concrete Aggregates Table 3.2 shows a typical aggregate grading for asphalt concrete. The material coarser than the #4 sieve in asphalt concrete consists mostly of crushed particles. The gradation of the coarse material could be controlled by controlling the crushing process, provided there is sufficient oversize material to provide a good crusher feedstock. The Chakachatna River source has abundant coarse gravel and cobbles that could provide large quantities of crusher feedstock. The other two sources would have smaller quantities of oversize material, but probably would have enough for production of asphalt concrete in limited quantities. It is usually not practical to crush a fine asphalt aggregate to achieve a desired gradation, but it is necessary to find a material with a fine fraction graded within specifications or to blend sev- eral materials to obtain the desired gradation. None of the three sources contains a fine aggregate graded entirely to meet the specification shown on Table 3.2 for fine aggregate. The Chaka- Table 3.2 TYPICAL ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACE COURSE (Asphalt Institute I Vb) Sieve 3/411 3/2 11 3/8' #4 #8 #16 #30 #50 #100 #200 Percent Passing 100 80-100 70-90 50-70 35-50 18-29 13-23 8-16 4-10 Material coarser than #4 sieve should be mostly crushed gravel. 3-48 c 0 chatna River fine aggregate is deficient in materials passing the #50, #100 and #200 sieves for use as an asphalt concrete aggre- gate. The Tyonek pit material is deficient in the sizes passing the #50 sieve and retained on the #200 sieve. The grade of the on-site material more closely approximates the asphalt specifica- tion, but is deficient in material passing the #200 sieve. Other on-site materials have more material passing the #200 so it is expected that a satisfactory blend could be achieved. If either the Chakachatna or the Tyonek material were used for asphalt concrete, it is recommended that a fine silty sand or sandy silt be blended with the natural material to produce a more desirable gradation for asphalt concrete. The exact blend would depend on which source is selected. The Tyonek pit material showed high resistance to abrasion using the Los Angeles abrasion test and would be expected to produce an asphalt concrete more resistent to traffic abrasion than would the Chakachatna material. The gradation on Table 3.2 is simply typical of what may be used for asphalt concrete. It may be worthwhile to ·test gradations outside that specification, as a wide range of gradations is capable of producing acceptable asphalt concrete. Crushed Base Course Surfaces which are to be paved with asphalt concrete probably require a greater quantity of crushed base/leveling course than of aggregate for asphalt concrete. A typical gradation of base/ leveling course is shown on Table 3.3. Since it is primarily a crushed product the gradation of the coarse material must be controlled by the crushing process. Efficient materials for pro- cessing into a base course would be those with a relatively high percentage of material coarser than the 3/4-inch screen. Use of sufficient quantities of coarse material would allow material from any of the three sources Chakachatna, Tyonek or on-site, to be processed into acceptable base course material. Some base course specifications may allow a larger maximum size than shown on 3-49 0 c: (_/ Table 3. 3 and some allow a greater percentage passing the #200 sieve. No material with a 11 0 11 value ·less than 50 when tested for susceptibility to degradation during agitation in water according to Alaska Test Method T-13 should be used to produce base course. Railroad Ballast Table 3.4 shows a typical gradation for railroad ballast. This is an open graded coarse aggregate containing a mixture of crushed and natural particles. Any of the three sources considered could be used as a raw material source for railroad ballast. If the Chakachatna River material were used, large quantities of coarse gravel and cobbles for crusher feedstock would be available, but the number of crushed particles in the finished product would probably be greater than required by the specification. If rail- road ballast were being produced from either the Tyonek or on site source at the same time concrete aggregate were being pro.- duced, the oversize material wasted from the concrete aggregate could be crushed and utilized in the railroad ballast, while pea gravel sizes undesirable in the concrete aggregate could be wasted from the concrete aggregate and utilized in the railroad ballast as part of the uncrushed material. The relative quantities of the different types of materials needed are important in selecting the most practical pit from which to borrow. The Chakachatna River material is expected to produce the largest quantity of coarse gravel and cobbles for crusher feedstock. The other sources would provide larger quantities of naturally rounded medium-size particles. If exceptionally large quantities of concrete were required, sands from any of the three sources could probably be processed through classification into an acceptable gradation. If the quantities of concrete would not justify importation of a classification plant, the Chakachatna River material shows the most favorable natural gradation of sand. Use 3-50 Table 3.3 TYPICAL BASE COURSE (State of Alaska 0-1 Specification) 1" 3!4" 3/8" lt4 #8 !*40 1*200 Crushed Particles Percent Passing 100 70-100 50-80 35-65 20-50 8-30 0-6 70% + lt4 single face Source: DOTPF 1981 Standard Specifications for Highway Construction. Table 3.4 TYPICAL RAILROAD BALLAST (Alaska Railroad G-2) At least 70% of material coarser than 1*4 seive should be crushed. Seive 1~" 1" ~II lt4 #8 #16 Crushed Particles Percent Passing 100 65-100 35-75 10-35 0-10 0-5 21-60 Source: Typical Alaska Railroad Construction Specification. 3-51 G of waste materials from one product in another product can im- prove the economics of aggregate production, and could have an affect on selection of the pit site. GEOLOGIC HAZARDS Seismicity The Cook lnlet-Susitna Lowlands, the setting for the proposed pro- ject, are included in a region of great seismic and volcanic activity associated with the subduction zone formed as the Pacific Ocean plate·. dips below the North American plate. Features of this collision zone include the arcuate Aleutian Island chain of volcanos and many, but not all, of the recorded large seismic events in Alaska. Major fault systems have been identified in the general area Figure 3.22, and include the Aleutian Megathrust (subduction zone), Castle Mountain, Bruin Bay, Lake Clark, and Border Ranges faults. Each of these, as well as other more distant features, is capable of pro- ducing seismic events, but the frequency and magnitude associated with each system are not well known due to the relatively short length of record, which is generally the case throughout Alaska. ' Since 1899, nine Alaska quakes have exceeded Richter magnitude 8, and more than 60 have exceeded magnitude 7. Thirteen earthquakes of magnitude 6 or greater have occurred in the Cook l nlet region during that time. The general project area lies at the border be- tween Zones 3 and 4 in the 1979 Uniform Building Code, but his- torical seismicity indicates a high level of seismic activity for all of upper Cook Inlet. 0 Aleutian Megathrust The subduction zone between the North American and Pacific Ocean tectonic plates is topographically expressed in the North 3-52 FIGURE 3.22 @ ~ ... -~ -- FAULT SYSTEMS I DENALI lA FAREWELL SEGMENT IB HINES CREEK STRAND IC McKINLEY STRAND ID SHAKWAK VALLEY STRAND 2 CASTLE MT-LAKE CLARK 3 BORDER RANGES 4 CHUGACH -ST. ELIAS 5 FAIRWEATHER 6 JACK BAY a WHALEN BAY 7 ALEUTIAN MEGATHRUST 8 CONTINENTAL MARGIN TRANSITION 9 BRUIN BAY MAJOR FAULTS IN SOUTHCENTRAL ALASKA Pacific by the arcuate Aleutian Island chain, the mountains which forrn the Alaska Peninsula, and the deep Aleutian oceanic trench. The subduction zone in this area of the Pacific is thought to be a shallow, north dipping (reverse fault) thrust zone termed a 11 megathrust11 • The unusually shallow (10°) angle of thrust is inferred from hypocentral locations and fault plane solutions of the earthquakes that continually express the tectonic realignment along the northern limits of the Pacific Ocean Plate. Although a sim- plistic interpretation of earthquake epicenters and topographic expression implies the Aleutian megathrust is a smooth circular arc with a radius of approximately 800 miles (1,280 kilometers) it is now believed that the arc is composed of relatively short straight line segments joined together at slight angles. It is further thought that these segments are tectonically independent. There has been a tendency for the hypocenters of large earthquakes to occur near one end of these blocks, and for the accompanying aftershocks to spread over the remaining portion, so that during large events strain is released over an entire segment of the megathrust zone, stopping abruptly at the discontinuity between individual segments. Nearly the entire Aleutian Arc between 145°W and 170°E has rup- tured in a series of great earthquakes (ML greater than 7 .8) since the late 1930s. The most recent great event was the 1964 Prince William Sound earthquake, which was the largest ever recorded on the North American continent (ML = 8.3 to 8.6). It is believed that this activity is typical rather than atypical for the area, and that future earthquakes of magnitude 7. 9 or larger can be ex- pected along the megathrust. Continual motion along the thrust system produces a large amount of regional subsidence and uplift due to plate warpage, and is responsible for the orogenesis (mountain building) for the region. The proposed plant site lies outside the zone of major vertical movement produced by the 1964 event. Although large displace- 3-54 0 0 ments of 35 to 50 feet were noted elsewhere in Alaska, only about one foot of vertical displacement was noted by residents of Shirleyville, a small settlement near Granite Point. Castle Mountain Fault The proposed plant site lies in an area which is near the ends or. juncture of three major faults, the Castle Mountain, Bruin Bay, and Lake Clark faults. Continuity of these faults has been inferred by gravimetric methods, but no surface expressions tie them together. The Castle Mountain Fault has been classified by various investi- gators as both a right-lateral strike slip fault and a steeply dipping reverse fault. Right-lateral slip was observed in Creta- ceous units, and dip-slip motion has occured since Miocene time. Schmoll has indicated the fault was active east of the · Susitna River in Holocene time, but Recent movement west of the river is unknown (Schmoll, et al , 1981). The magnitude of earthquakes associtated with this fault generally is small (ML = 3.0 to 4.5), and their focal depths are shallow-- generally less than SOkm. However, it is thought that six re- corded earthquakes with magnitudes greater than 6.0 have occurred on the fault. The maximum historical earthquake is believed to be 7. 3 in 1943, but uncertainty exists concerning its location. The Castle Mountain Fault is capable of producing a magnitude 8.0 earthquake based on its length of about 215 miles (exclusive of the Lake Clark Fault), but a probable maximum is 7 .5. Bruin Bay Fault It is postulated that the Bruin Bay Fault passes through the plant site and joins the Castle Mountain Fault through the Moquawkie 3-55 0 0 Contact. No surface lineaments are noted at the site, but Congahbuna Lake has been suggested as a surface feature of the fault (Schmoll, et al , 1981). The activity of this fault system has not been established in Recent time, but Tertiary movement is suspected. More extensive investigations should be performed to determine its activity and location, since this is the closest fault to the proposed plant site. The length of the fault (320 miles) implies that it could produce seismic events with magnitudes greater than those associated with the Castle Mountain Fault; however, no Holocence activity is known. Lake Clark -Lone Ridge Fault It is postulated that the Lake Clark Fault is a continuation of fea- tures similar to the Castle Mountain Fault. However, a gravi- metric study indicates different tectonic blocks are involved. It is also postulated that the Lone Ridge lineament belongs to the Lake Clark system (Detterman, et al ) . This ridge lies north of the Chuitna coal field and exhibits steep scarps. Border Ranges Fault The Border Ranges or Knik Fault is located across Cook Inlet from the proposed site and forms a boundary of the Cook Inlet low- lands. A magnitude 7. 0 earthquake has been estimated to be the maximum expected for the Border Ranges Fault, but little physical evidence is available concerning its activity. No fault movement has been documented for the past 10,000 years near Anchorage, suggesting that part of the fault is inactive. 3-56 0 Seismic Design Considerations Seismic considerations significantly affect the design of structures in the Cook Inlet region. Risk studies based solely on historic seismicity in the upper Cook Inlet region (Anchorage and vicinity) indicate peak -rock accelerations of about 0.4g have a 10% chance of exceedence in 50 years, and peak rock accelerations of 0.17g have a SO% chance of exceed.ence in the same design period. These values have been calculated for Anchorage during previous investigations, but a regional study indicates that similar values should apply to adjacent areas including the plant site. The fea- tures which contribute to seismicity indicate that a 7. 5 magnitude earthquake would be reasonable for a closely occurring earth- quake, and an 8.5 earthquake may be expected from a distant earthquake attributable to the Aleutian Megathrust or other large fault. Frequency of these events for Anchorage is shown on Figure 3.23. The Castle Mountain and Bruin Bay faults probably could produce greater accelerations than the values given above, but these accelerations constitute the maximum credible accelera- tions at the site and have a low probability of occurrence. Boore (Boore, et al., 1978) indicates that peak accelerations of 0.8 to 1.0g would be expected from major activity on the nearby faults, such as the Castle Mountain or Bruin Bay fault. Frequency contents of distant and near earthquakes would differ appreciably, but little information is available on the frequency content of Alaska earthquakes. However, comparison with Cali- fornia earthquakes indicates that 11 design earthquakes 11 should differ for near and distant sources, i.e. a higher frequency con- tent for close earthquakes than for distant earthquakes. The peak rock acceleration may be used as a scale factor for design earthquakes from close or distant sources. However, the peak rock accelerations and design earthquakes were not determined during this investigation. 3-57 c -a: <t IJJ >-...... (/) 1-z IJJ > IJJ Ll.. 0 a: IJJ Ill :::!!: :::> z 100.0 10.0 1.0 log n = 3.79-0.70M PERIOD OF RECORD= 70yrs. 0.10 0.01 '---'"""-----'----L..----'--"'"---....L....---L.--&.....L--1 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 MAGNITUDE (M) CUMULATIVE MAGNITUDE FIGURE 3.2 FREQUENCY RELATIONSHIP {ANCHORAGE RE,GION) c-·. Peak ground acceleration is a function of the input rock accelera- tion, soil response, and the soil-structure interaction. The very dense soils which underlie the plant site indicate that surface motion would not differ largely from the input motion, but an investigation of ground motion should be performed for the site. The dense soil will offer excellent protection against liquefaction or subsidence since it is already near its densest condition. Peat in the area may contribute to amplified ground movement during earthquakes if it is incorporated into foundations or if it underlies filled areas. The effects of seismic motions may include some slope instability, but only in those areas which have been over-steepened by ero- sion. Bluff areas near the proposed plant site appear to have been relatively stable during the 1964 event except for areas along the beach and rivers which had been over-steepened by erosion. Slope failure did occur during the 1964 event along the steep bluffs northeast of the site. The proprietor of Shirleyville indi- cated that his house was damaged by an earthslide which occurred soon after the 1964 earthquake, but that the slope was stable during the event. Frost and water may have contributed to this phenomena of delayed slope failure. However, it must be con- cluded that many of the slopes in the area were not affected by the 1964 earthquake. The beach bluffs typically receed 2 to 3 feet per year due to erosion or due to shallow, slump type fail- ures regardless of earthquake activity. The bluffs adjacent to the plant site appear to be stable for all expected earthquake accelerations, provided large toe cuts are avoided and large loads are not applied at the top of bluffs. Some small, locally over-steepened slopes exist, but these areas could be avoided or cut to a stable configuration. 3-59 Ground Failure Local ground subsidence is not likely due to the dense state of the soil at the proposed plant site, but surface faulting along the Bruin Bay/Moquawkie Contact (Figure 3.22) could have severe consequences to development if it were to occur. Local investigations should be performed to determine the fault's activity and possibly the location and alignment of its surface expression. Since peat in this area is saturated, an investigation using trenching would be relatively dif- ficult without extensive dewatering. The problems associated with surface faulting through developed areas could be avoided by re- stricting development in the area of possible ground faulting as inferred by linear features, such as Congahbuna Lake. Landslides Landslides in the Beluga area often occur within the Kenai Formation. The soils consist of low-grade sedimentary sandstone, conglomerates, siltstone, and claystone. Most of the slides occur on steep slopes which are undercut by stream action and/or where frost action, sur- face and subsurface water, and gravity have contributed to slides. Some tectonic activity due to movement along the Castle Mountain Fault and earthquakes may also play a significant role in landslides in the area. The Capps Glacier slide is a very large slide covering approximately five square miles. The land has a stepped slump topographic ap- pearance. Many large coal blocks lie in a random orientation in rela- tion to the surrounding in situ coal beds. The Capps Glacier slide is active with the most recent movement observed occurring adjacent to the top of the escarpment in Section 25, T14N, R14W, Seward Meridian. A subsurface soils investigation performed by the USGS (Yehle, et al , 1980) indicated the strength index test on unconfined compres- 3-60 sive strengths on a drill hole made in the Capps Field ranged from 0.20 to 4.20 MPa (29 to 609 psi) with an average of 1.74 MPa (252 psi). The test hole material ranged from soft soil to soft rock. During field reconnaisance by DOWL Engineers (1981), the observable surface outcrops in landslide areas are low-grade sedimentary rock which is slightly to poorly cemented and friable. It appears to break down readily in water and is clearly affected by freeze-thaw cycles when surface water is present. Along the Chuitna River and its tributaries, large and small slides are easily observed. Many slides are due to oversteepening of high- cut banks by stream action and surface runoff. Resistive beds of coal jut out from the face of the carved river banks. When enough underlying soil is eroded below a resistive bed, large blocks of coal fall into the stream channels. Volcanos Five active volcanos are found in the Cook Inlet region. The most recent eruptions were by Mr. Spurr in 1953 and Mt. Augustine in 1976. Mt. Spurr is located about 40 miles from the proposed plant site near the Capps Glacier. Mt. Augustine, located in south Cook Inlet near Kamishak Bay, is considered potentially explosively erup- tive and is under observation by the USGS. The USGS should be able to provide warning if activity becomes imminent. Volcanic deposits of 1 to 2 feet of ash from numerous eruptions were found in the vicinity of the proposed plant site, and these deposits are being mapped to determine historical volcanic activity in the region. The most recent ash fall at the proposed plant site occurred following the eruption of Mt. Augustine in 1976. The volcanics in the Beluga area are Miocene or younger in age. The Capps upland is covered by a reported 0 to 100-foot thick cap of 3-61 C= glacial till which is made up of silts, sands, gravel, cobbles and, boulders. Most of the till is derived from extrusive and intrusive volcanics. Many ash falls (nu 'ees ardentes) have occurred. The eruption of Katmai, in 1912, 240 miles south of Beluga, produced an ash and sand flow of nu 'ee ardente origin which formed sandy tuff 100 or more feet thick over 53 square miles. One such ash fall also covered an observable area of six miles, and likely much more, in the Beluga area. Flora prints of plant leaves are easily observed at the base of the ash fall. The ash fall has been described as a lappilli (composed of volcanic ejecta 4mm-32mm in diameter). Lappilli was observed, during field studies by DOWL Engineers, near the uplands at the 2,400-foot elevation and on banks of the Chuitna near Botts Creek at elevations of 750 to 800 feet. In both areas, the volcanic ash tuff overlies a coal bed ranging in thickness from a few feet to-7± feet where easily observed. Tsunamis Tsunamis are great sea waves most often caused by rapid vertical displacement of the ocean floor or submarine landslides. Two tsun- amis have been recorded in lower Cook Inlet since 1883. Mt. Augustine errupted in 1883 and produced a 25-foot-high wave at English Bay; and the 1964 Prince William Sound earthquake produced a 4-foot-wave at Seldovia. These locations are 70 to 90 miles from the proposed site. The restricted opening of Cook Inlet provides some degree of protec- tion from incident tsunamis generated along the potential source areas along the Pacific Rim. In 1964, the Prince William Sound earthquake produced only a few feet of tidal disturbance inside Cook Inlet, al- though coastal areas such as Seldovia recorded some tsunami damage. Tsunamis generated in Cook Inlet may have severe impacts on coastal structures, but the plant site is at sufficiently high elevation to preclude tsunami damage. 3-62 (~ Permafrost No permafrost was detected in any of the borings. In addition, sur- face reconnaissance indicates little evidence of shallow permafrost. It is also unlikely that this south-facing area has deep permafrost. Sample temperatures were at or above 42°F, but some sample heat gain is usually associated with auger drilling. The upland areas may have some permafrost present but this is not confirmed. Additional Geologic. Hazards Slope stability in the plant and town site areas is good, but slopes in the vicinity of the proposed construction dock are generally unstable and may require stabilization. Other hazards were noted by Schmoll (USGS, 1980) in his preliminary report regarding the surficial geology of the area. Gravitational spreading of surficial deposits which produced graben-like features was noted along the Nikolai escarpment. However, this area is about 10 miles northwest of the proposed plant in an area of much steeper escarpments than found in the areas of the plant and town sites. Volcanic clasts were observed within a few miles of the plant site and may indicate an unsuspected level of volcanic activity, or they may represent glacially transported volcanic debris. Additional investiga- tion to determine the origin of this material should be considered. The mountains north and west of the project site are extensively gla- ciated, among them being the Capps and Triumvirate glaciers. The glaciers present no foreseeable hazard to the higher portions of Nikolai margin, but the Triumvirate Glacier forms a dam creating Strandline Lake which then empties into Beluga River. Glacier dams can be unstable and have caused numerous floods, but a flood of this nature would not affect the proposed plant, town, or dock sites. 3-63 c: 0 -t\1 Cl -c UJ ~ > c: 0 UJ ..... >o Q) > .. ~ UJ BELUGA FIELD PROGRAM 1981 upper Chuitna R ive r ar e a vicinity Congahbuna Lake upper C a pps -exposed coal seam BEL U GA FIELD PROGRAM 198 1 4.0 HYDROLOGY GROUNDWATER Introduction The availability of industrial quantities of groundwater in the study area is dependent on the existence of fairly extensive deposits of highly permeable granular materials which contact areas of high re- charge capacity. The Chuitna River, although currently cutting its way through consolidated formations, may have some abandoned channel areas in which sufficient depths of gravels have been de- posited so that a shallow groundwater or induced filtration situation may be developed. However, throughout the upland area from Nikolai Creek to the Beluga Lowlands the unconsolidated formations consist predominantly of impermeable glacial till with scattered and isolated deposits of sand --ranging from silty sand to gravelly sand. As a result, production of previously drilled wells in the general area ranges from 0 to 50 gallons per minute (gpm). The only well of 500 gpm or more we know of in the Beluga area is at the Chugach Elec- tric Association power plant. The vicinity of the Chakachatna River appears favorable for high groundwater production, perhaps 1, 000 gpm or greater, due to extensive gravel deposits and sizable rivers to provide recharge. However, no production wells are known in that area. Information obtained by others drilling seismic shot holes in the Nikolai Creek flats area indicated that the Nikolai Creek area is underlain by gravel which might provide a substantial water source. A supply adequate for the proposed new town development may be available along the toe of the escarpment near the town site. It is against this background that the water exploration program for this project was developed. The program included drilling two test wells, Test Well #1 in the Nikolai Creek Flats area and Test Well #2 within the proposed methanol plant site (Figure 4.1). An observation well, Well #3, was drilled near Test Well #1. 4-1 C' FIGURE 4.1 MACARTHUR FLATS • 0 • EXPLANATION UPLAND BOUNDARY-AREA OF GENERALLY SHALLOW-MINIMAL PRODUCTION WELLS LOCATION OF OTHER WELLS (see FIG. 4. 3) DOWL/ATL TEST WELLS, 1981 (depth) DOWL/ATL OBSERVATION WELLS,I981 OBSERVATION WELLS, BHW,I980 BELUGA LOWLANDS B£WGA • WELL LOCATIONS, GRANITE POINT AREA Available Supply 0 Nikolai Creek Flats The vicinity of Nikolai Creek Flats appeared to be the most prom- ising for development of high production wells within a reasonable distance of the proposed plant site. It did not appear that in- dustrial quantities of groundwater could be obtained within a 2±-mile radius of the proposed plant site. However, it was felt that if an extensive shallow gravel' or coarse sand aquifer existed in the Nikolai flats area, the creek would provide sufficient re- charge to insure the long-term production of :the formation. Since road construction would have been necessary to gain access to the flats nearer to the proposed town or plant sites, it was decided to drill the test well near the logging road bridge approximately six miles upstream from the plant site. It was felt that specific test information from this site could be combined with other generalized sources of subsurface information of the area to provide a rea- sonable indication of the groundwater potential in similar areas of the Nikolai flats nearer the proposed town and plant sites. The primary objective of drilling in this area was to determine if relatively shallow aquifers exist which are recharged by Nikolai Creek; the drilling was to be shallow, less than 200 feet deep. Two holes were drilled, Test Well #1 and Well #3, which demon- strated that, at least in the area of the bridge, no such aquifer exists (Table 4.1). This verifies the surficial geologic mapping of the area done by USGS. The drilling did determine, however, that a series of predominantly fine-grain materials which are under considerable artesian pressure underlie the general area. These formations begin at a depth of 55± feet below the surface and extend beyond the maximum drilling depth of 217 feet. Although artesian leaks around the casings of Wells #1 and #3 were measured at 75 and 150 gpm, respectively, it was found that 4-3 Table 4.1 TEST WELL ltl SUMMARY OF DRILLER'S LOG Drilled 5/16/81 to 5/19/81 -By M-W Drilling Deeth ~Feet) 0.0 -0.5 0.5 -24.0 24.0 -40.0 40.0 -48.0 48.0 -133.0 133.0 -172.0 172.0 -213.0 213.0 -217.5 Descrietion Fill Silty Gravel with Water Gravelly Silt -Dry Silty Gravel -Damp Silty Sand with Water -Flowing Sandy Clay with Water -Flowing Gravelly Sand with Water -Flowing Silty Sand with Water -Flowing Screen was installed from 182 to 200 feet and the well was surged 22\ hours. The water would not clean up. The well was pumped one-hal.f hour at 180z gpm with a drawdown to 150 feet. The esti- mated sustained well capacity at this depth interval is about lOOz gpm. There was an artesian leak around the casing at 75± gpm which was unaffected by pumping from the screened interval. The leak was sealed by grouting. The static water level was calculated at 79 feet above the surface. 4-4 (' 0 the formations were too fine and variable in gradation to be tapped by a naturally developed well. Although a screen was set in Well #1, a period of surging did not wash the fines from the formation sufficiently to perform a meaningful pump test. It is possible that wells of 200 to 300 gpm capacity could be developed in these formations using an artificially gravel-packed construction method. The water in these formations is of very good quality (Figure 4. 2) and has a static level 79 feet above the surface at Well #1. Plant Site Because of the poor water production history and relatively shal- low depths to bedrock reported in the upland area, Test Well #2 to be drilled on the plant site was intended primarily to prove firsthand that significant quantities are not available in that area. The well also could verify the shallow depth to bedrock. In fact, Test Well #2 was drilled to a depth of 405 feet without encounter- ing bedrock (Table 4.2). This is deeper than bedrock was ex- pected based on the information reported by Magoon, Adkinson and Egbert (USGS 1978) (Figure 4.3). Test Well #2 was located near the Congahbuna drainage so that any shallow aquifers which may be associated with that drainage could be detected, as well as any deeper formations. The well did demonstrate that approximately 15 feet of good water-bearing for- mation exists at the depth of 40 to 55 feet. However, it is ex- pected that the production potential of that aquifer would be rela- tively insignificant, being limited by the availability of excess water in the Congahbuna drainage system. This water-bearing formation was not tested. From 328 to 395 feet, a water-bearing silty gravelly sand was encountered which has a static water level (artesian pressure) approximately 25 feet above the surface. A screen was installed in that formation and a 24-hour pump test 4-5 CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. TELEPHONE (9071·279-4014 ANCHORAGE INDUSTRIAL CENTER , 27 4·3364 5633 B StrHt ANALYTICAL REPORT r.USTOHER DOWL Engineers SA.'1PL E LOCATION : .--~Al'-'="a'='s"""ka~--'------­ FOR LAB USE ONLY !lATE COLLECTED 6-9-81 TIME COLLECTED: 10:00 RECVD.BY lM> LAB I 7818-2 •u BY SOURCE Well #2 :.~··PLED ----------~-==~--------DATE R ECE IV EO _ _..::G:....-.:::..10=---=8~1 __ _ [1 EMAAKS __ __:Be=1:.::ugaz:.::....:.:~'E:=.th=an:.:o=.:1:......=6_" _::P:...:i:o=pe:=.!._, ..::F.=.i:::.1 te=·:.:.red=-.=.S.=.anp:=1::::e ___ _ DATE COMPLETED· 6-19-81 /}c /e.r'~' E;4u A-~~'-"1~'-"·~----DATE REPORTED_--=..6--=1=-9--=8=1:----- ~ B£~ .Le.fd!d"' / < SIGNED ~~ mg/1 []Ag,Silver mg/1 ---~~~--[]P ,Phosphorous __ __;o::..::•c:1c:...7 __ <0.05 []Cyanide _______ __ (]Al,Aluminum <0.05 __ --=:..::..:.=:....___ (] Pb, Lead ____ ___.:;<O::..::·c::co.:c5 __ (]Su 1 fa te ______ -=2-'-'. 3=--- [)As,Arsenic <0.10 ---=-:.c"'-"-----[]Pt,Platinum <0.05 []Phenol _______ _ [)Au,Gold <0.05 ____ _;;_;_=----[]Sb,Antimony <0.10 []Total Dissolved __ =-:83"---- Solids [)B, Boron <0.05 _____ -=.:c.:=. ____ (]Se,Selenium <0.10 [)Total Volatile ____ _ Solids [] Ba, Barium <O.o5. ---"""'-"-~---(]Si ,Silicon 12 []Suspended _______ _ Solids [)Bi ,Bismuth <0.05 ----=-=--=-----[]Sn,Tin ______ <:.:o.O.:.c.0:..::5 __ []Volatile Sus-_____ _ [)Ca ,Calcium 11 pended Sol ids ___ ___,:.:::.._ ____ (]Sr,Strontium 0.08 []Hardness as ____ __,4~1 __ [)Cd,Cadmium <0.01 CaC(h ------'::0:..:..=----[]Ti, Titanium <0.05 []Alkafinity as __ ___,6:...:4 __ [)Co, Coba 1 t <0.05 CaC03 -----"'-"-"-'!..:<'-----(]W,Tungsten <1 (] _____________ _ []Cr,Chromium <0.05 ----"'--"''-'-"--'"-----(]V ,Vanadium <0.05 [] _____________ _ []Cu,Copper <0,05 ----"'-":.ul.oo'----[]Zn ,Zinc <0 as EJ------_____ _ ()Fe,Iron <0.05 ______ ..:.::..:..==.... ___ (]Zr,Zirconium <0.05 () _____________ _ * * * .. * .. ()Hg ,l-lercury <0.10 ---~=----(]krnonia _______ __ []mmhos Conductivity __ =-.14:...:.0_ [JK,Potassium 1 Nitrogen-N ----=~----[] Kjeda hl _________ [)pH Units _______ __,_7_,_,.5 (]Mg,Magnesium Nitrogen-N 3.4 ___ .....::..:'-'------[]N i tra te-N _____ <_:::0,_, • ..::1___ []Turbidity NTlJ _____ _ (]Mn ,11anganese <0.05 __ __:.::._:....:..::. ___ ~ [] N itr i te-N_________ [)Co 1 or Units ------=5'--- []Ho ,Molybdenum <0.05 -----'""-'--'"-"'------(]Phosphorus _________ (]T .Col iform/lOQ-nl _____ _ []Na,Sodium ( D-tho) -P 12 -----=----[]Chloride ------=-3 __ _ [J--------- [)lli ,Nickel __ <0.05 --=-:==-----[)Fluoride _____ ...o<"'-0.,_,1,_,0 __ [J ______________ _ I FIGURE 4.2 GROUNDWATER QUALITY C' Table 4.2 TEST WELL #2 SUMMARY OF DRILLER'S LOG Drilled 5/20/81 to 5/29/81 • By M-W Drilling Depth (Feet) 0.0 -4.0 4.0 -20.0 20.0 -40.0 40.0 -54.5 54.5 -85.0 85.0 -92.0 92.0 -293.0 293.0 -297.0 297.0 -328.0 328.0 -395.0 395.0 -405.0 Description Fill Silty Gravel Silty Gravel -Damp Lose Gravel with Water -Blows 30gpm Gravelly Clay -"Hardpan" Silty, Sandy Gravel Gravelly Clay with Some Boulders Silty Coarse Sand with Water • Blows 3 gpm @ 293 Gravelly Clay Silty Gravelly Sand with Water Clay Screen was installed from 355 to 385 feet and the well was surged for 21 hours, which was adequate to clean up the well. A 24-hour pump test at 149 gpm caused drawdown to 102± feet. The well was grouted at the surface (there was no artesian leak). The static level was calculated at 25.t feet above the surface. 4-7 FIGURE 4.3 MACARTHUR FLATS EXPLANATION ..l:..J. UPLAND BOUNDARY-area of generally shallow minimal production wells WELL DEPTH WHERE KNOWN e50T WELL DEPTH TO TERTIARY OUTCROP OF BELUGA FM OUTCROP OF TYONEK FM GRANITE POINT AREA BEDROCK 4 BEDROCK OUTCROPS AND DEPTH TO BEDROCK IN WELLS 0 was performed to determine the production potential. The test showed that the transmissivity (T) of the aquifer in the area is quite low (2,380 gallons per day per foot [gpd/ft]) (Figure 4.4). After 8 hours of pumping, the test also indicated that the cone of influence encountered a major impermeable boundary, reducing the effective T to about 840 gpd/ft. This formation could be used for minor intermittent demands of 100 gpm or less. It is unlikely that this water-bearing formation is extensive under the plant site location. Existing Uses Small domestic wells serve the Union Oil Company and ARCO facilities at Granite Point; the Kodiak Lumber Mill camp near the North Foreland, and the Chugach Electric Association facility at Beluga. None of these wells is near enough the proposed project to be influenced by withdrawals there. Other than these wells, the groundwater resources in the Beluga region are virtually untapped. SURFACE WATER Existing Sources 0 Lakes Numerous shallow lakes dot the landscape between the Beluga River to the north and the Chakachatna River to the south (Figure 4.5). Of these, the largest is Congahbuna Lake located just north of the proposed plant site. Some consideration was given to the possible use of Congahbuna as a source of cooling water. A summary of the known information about the lakes of the Beluga region is contained in Table 4. 3. Additional informa- tion on many of these lakes is being gathered as part of an on- going field program. 4-9 (', \, ' t=: w w lL -(.!) z ~ u a.. g ~ w m .....1 LLJ > LLJ .....1 a:: w ~ :s: I FIGURE 4.41 0 j5 TIME SINCE PUMPING BEGAN (MINUTES) b g Q g 1 0 o ,9 Q I I 1 I I I II I I I I I Q 1 II I I I I 1 I It I I I II 30~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·+'~1 ----~~~ ~! 4!~i~:Mlri:+1 ----~·--~: ~:ri:-r' ~::H1+1 ----+'--+'-+'~·rr1+1 TH~:~ 1\ [\ 90~--~~~~~~+---~--~~~~+----~---~-r1-r..~~H.+----+--+-~rr++H '.[\- ~t.-··· IQOL----L~~~~~l_ __ _L __ L_~~~~--~--~~~~~·~·:.~~--~~~~ .. BELUGA METHANOL PROJECT \ PUMPING RATE • 149gpm DATE• 6-29-6-30-81 T= 264Q ~s T.= 264XI49 : I 16.5 2,384gpcl/sf t= 261X 119 : l 47 837gpd,/sf PUMP TEST OF WELL #2 I 0 (~ I Table 4.3 LAKES OF THE BELUGA REGION Chemical & Ph}::sical Characteristics Area Area Temp DO CaCO Sec chi Test Name Localion (mi. 2) (Acres) Dale ( oc) _e!:!_ ~ mg/.e depth Netting Results Other Ashley Lake 61°81 1 "15"1°11+1 00.07 44.8 Beluga Lake 61°24'1 151°36' 16.97 101860.8 Bishop Lal(e 61°"19'1 151°25' 00.18 115.2 6/12/75 11 6.7 17 17.1 12.5' Rainbow 3 Dollies 1 Bunl(a Lake 61°4 1 1 151 O·JO+I 06.06 38.4 Chuilbuna Lake 61"7'1 "15"1°9 1 00.18 115.2 Cindy Lake 6"1"8'1 151 °12' 00.06 38.4 Congahbuna Lake 61°4 1 1 151°25' 00.40 256.0 7/18/81 15.2 6.2 10.0 Denslow Lake 61"14'1 151°21' 00.03 19.2 El"in Lal(e 61°13'1 "151 °"19' 00.07 44.8 7 /"18/81 15.4 6.4 9.4 Depth 3. 2 I' eel Fell Lake 61 °16' 1 151 °18' 00.20 128.0 Guy Lake 61 °10+'1 151°17 1 00.05 32.0 Jean Lake 61°17'1 "151 °21' 00.08 51.2 l<aldachbuna Lake 6"1°3 1 1 15"1 °14' 00.21 134.4 Lower Beluga Lake 61°21 1 1 "151 °2"1' 01.88 11203.2 Mad Lake 61°7+'1 151°34' 00.04 25.6 Area Name Location (mi. 2 ) Priscilla Lake 61 °20', 15"1 °27' 00.09 Rober·La Lake 6"1°5', 15'1"31' 00.12 Scott Lake 61"7' 1 151 ""12+' 00.05 Second Lake 6"1"5', 15'1"9+' 00.07 Theresa Lake 61 °10', '151°17 1 00.05 Tllir·d Lake 6'1°5 1 , '15'1 °10+' 00.03 Tukallah Lake 61°81 , 151"7' 00.14 Viapan Lal<e 6"1°7 1 , '151°6 1 00.30 Vicky Lal<e 6'1"3', 151 "24' 00.13 Made lal<e 00.06 Table 4.3 Continued LAKES OF THE BELUGA REGION Chemical & Physical Characlerislics Area Temp DO CaCO Sec chi (Acres) Date (OC) Jill_ ....!!!9L!_ mQ/J! depth 57.6 76.8 7/18/81 15.1 6.0 9.0 32.0 44.8 32.0 19.2 89.6 192.0 83.2 7/18/81 15.8 6.2 9.2 38.4 /~, I ) Test Netlin9 Results Olher Depth 3. 0 feel Deplh 5.5 feel CAPPS GLACIER IFIGURE 4.5 I BELUGA tCARLSON LAKE 4ltMARIE LAKE COOK INLET . LAKES OF BELUGA AREA I 0 Streams and Rivers The most important properties of surface water are amount, chem- ical quality, suspended sediment content, and temperature. With few exceptions, data on surface water in the region is generally sparse. While it is the Chuitna River that most likely would be directly affected by the project, the total project area includes several drainage systems including the Beluga, Chuitna and Nikolai. As part of the 1980-81 field program, staff gauges have been installed at numerous locations (Figure 4. 6) and various measurements have been taken of discharge, water chemistry, and sediment content. Selected data on stream and river systems is shown in Table 4.4; stream flow data is shown in Table 4.5; selected discharge mea- surements are shown in Table 4.6; summary data on suspended solids is shown in Table 4. 7; and selected water quality data is shown in Tables 4.8 through 4.11. The current field program will permit the generation of rating curves for the various staff gauge locations and provide a first look at overall contributions of tributaries and groundwater flows to major stream courses. An example of such a rating curve for one stream is shown in Figure 4. 7. Precipitation data and addi- tional discharge measurements would be required before the hydrology of the region can be more accurately described. Additionally, two sites (Nikolai Creek and Upper Chuit Creek) are being monitored for stream temperature and flows on an experi- mental basis using portable data recorders linked to temperature and pressure probes. If successful, this program expanded throughout the area of interest would permit a more detailed assessment of the hydrologic balance since simultaneous measure- ments throughout each of the drainage areas could be available. An example of the type of data being recovered from this program is shown in Figure 4.8. 4-14 / . ./ .. • / ( '· I ,. I '· j I \j / / y \ [] jj v~'l- Q.conu.-. ()a...,,u• () ....... , ... Q 0 a [~_] ) ' j LEGEND __.STAFF GAUGE ·-OTHER STATIONS {S USGS STAFF GAUGE LOCATIONS- BELUGA REGION FIGURE 4.6 r;, NAM=.E ___ _ BELUGA DRAINAGE Beluga River Chichantna River Capps Cr·eek North Fork Capps Crk South Fork Capps Crk Chicllantna Creek Bishop Creel< Nonh Fori< Bishop Crk South For·k Bishop Crk Judy Cr·eel< Sue's Creek Scarp Creek Upper Scarp Creek Wobnair· Creek CHUITNA DRAINAGE Chuitna River Lone Cr·eek East Fork Lone Creek Middle Fori< Lone Crk Upper Lone Creek Middle Creek Culvert Creek Upper· Middle Creel< Stl'ip Cr·eek Brush Creek BHW Creel< Bass Cr·eek Hunt Cr·eek Wilson Cr·eek Cole Cr·eek Approximate Drainage Area ( sg. mi.) Table 4.4 SELECTED DATA ON STREAM AND RIVER SYSTEMS Approximate Length (mi.) 26.8 13.5 3.5 4.7 5.4 6.3 9.1 5.0 3.0 5.5 7.6 7.6 7.7 4.2 24.5 4.6 2.2 3.7 6.6 1.0 3.6 7.4 1.4 1.7 2.2 7.2 4.1 2.1 5.6 Estimated Annual Runoff ( 1000 acr-e fl. ) Estimated Flow (cu. fl./sec.) Approximate Slope ut. /mi. ) 9 23 71 410 335 167 38 190 275 137 128 79 156 83 57 43 34 89 68 75 35 51 n 162 193 125 146 298 134 Point of Discharge Cook Inlet Beluga River Chichantna River Capps Creek Capps Creek Cl1ichantna River Beluga River Bishop Creek Bishop Creek Sue's Creek Bishop Creek Bishop Creel< Wobnair· Creek Scar·p Creek Cook Inlet Chuitna River Lone Creel< Lone Creek Lone Creek Chuitna River Middle Creek Middle Cr·eek Upper Middle Cr-1< Upper Middle Crk Chuitna River BHW Creek Bass Creel< BHW Creek Chuitna River· Noles I~ i j NAME .::HlJITNA DRAINAGE Cont. Chuit Creek Camp Cr·eek East Fork Chuit Creek Upper Cl1uit Creek Boll's Creek Frank Cr·eek llppe•· Chui tna River John's Creek Benno's C1·eek Wolvel"ine For·k t411\0LAI DRAINAGE Nil<olai Cr·eek Sledalna Creek Pil Creel< Jo's c,·eel< C•T HER DRAINAGES Old Tyonek Creek Congahbuna Creel< Muskr·at Cr·eek Tyonel< Creek Indian C1·eek lhree Mile Creek S. Fo1·k Th1·ee Mile Cr·k Approximate Drainage Area (sq. mi.) Table 4. 4 Conlinued SELECTED DATA ON STI<EAM AND RIVER SYSTEMS Approximate Length (mi.) 8.6 4.0 6.1 4.5 1.2 3.6 6.9 1.9 3.6 6.1 27.9 4.6 4.7 5.0 9.9 4.6 .8 12.9 1.4 7.7 8.8 Estimated Annual Runoff ("I 000 acre fl. ) Estimated Flow (cu. fl./sec.) Approximate Slope (ft./mi. ) 94 181 "107 22 375 139 29 263 194 98 97 115 287 280 81 69 94 54 52 34 ,I\ ', ~ Point of Discharge Notes Chuitna River E. Fork Chuit Cr·k Chuit Creek Chuit Creek Chuitna River· Chuitna River Chuitna River Upper Chuitna Riv Upper· Chuitna Riv Upper Chui tna Riv Cook Inlet Nikolai Creek Nikolai Creek Nikolai Creek Cook Inlet Old Tyonek Creek Congabuna Creek Cook Inlet Cook Inlet Cook Inlet Thr·ee Mile Creek (~ J ' ' / 7A/g-3 Table 4.5 STREAM FLOW DATA (SELECTED STATIONS) Point Discharge Measurement, Cubic Feet per Second (cfs) Station No. Stream Gage Location latitude Longitude ~ ~ June ~ ~ ~ Oct. North Capps 61 °19'05" 151°40'54" 17.3 90.9 2 Capps Creek 61°19'00" 151 °40'43" 16.4 134.7 3 Chuitna River 61°12'00" 151°39'15" 64.0 375.9 140.82 below Wolverine Fork 4 Wolverine Fork 61 °12'05" 151 °39'17" 14.8 99.3 27.25 5 Ctluilna River 61°12'03" 151 °39'28" 45.1 272.5 100.8"1 above Wolverine Fork 6 Congahbuna Creek 61°02'43" 151°20'27" 10.6 17.2 6.9 32.0 above Old Tyonek Creek 7 Old Tyonek Creek 61°02'48" 151°20'27" 21.7 70.4 15.1 79.15 above Congahbuna Cr·eek 8 Old Tyonel~ Creek 61°02'43" 151°20'21 11 33.1 88.9 17.5 "121.57 below Congahbuna Creek 9 Congahbuna Cr·eek, 61 °03'18" 151 °26'53 11 5.8 13. "I 3.8 1 9.97 below Congahbuna lake 2.85 10 SLedalna Creek at Culvert 61°04'08" 151 °30'59" 5.0 16.7 2.9 28.21 11 Nikolai Creek at Br·idge 61°05'05" 151 °35'54" 152.8 136.0 245.5 1 204.7 5 12 Upper Clluil Cr·eek 6"1 °12'44" 151°33154 11 27.3 155.3 91.17 :) Table 4.5 Conlinued STREAM FLOW DATA (SELECTED STATIONS) Point Discharge Measurement, Cubic Feet per Second (cfs) Station No. Stream Gage Location Latitude Lon9ilude Nov. ~ June ~ ~ ~ _Q£!:_,_ 13 Clluit Cr·eek Mouth 61 °09'18" 151°30''11" 42.0 56.4 271.9 58.40 14 Chuilna River· 61 °09'17" 151 °30'06" 116.2 163.1 209.87 below Chuit Creek 15 Clluilria River 61 °09'16" 151 °30'1"1" 72.8 100.0 500.0 167.39 above Chuil Creek (est.) (est. ) "16 BHW Creek Mouth 61°09'00" 151°26'40" 76.5 24.2 24.28 "17 Lower Lone Cr·eek 6"1 °07'5"1" 151 °17'57" 275.0 26.8 (est.) 18 Upper· Lone Creek 61°11'15" 151°18'34" 80.2 12.5 12.99 19 Cole Creek Mouth 61°08'46" 151°29'16" 58.7 9.6 59.46 20 Pit Creek 61°07'58" 151°42'25" 43.3 12.9 8.75 21 Nikolai Creek 61 °07'51 II 151 °42'30" 97.2 45.6 23.35 above Pit Creek 22 Nikolai Creek 61°07'5"1" "151 °42'17" 136.9 57.4 28.94 below Pit Creek 23 Jo's Cr·eet( 61 °08'"15" 151 °43'33" 19.9 30.3 8.32 24 Nikolai Cr·eek 61 °08'15" "151 °43'40" 73."1 "lll.O 15.99 Above Jo's Creek 25 Br·ush Cr·eel( 61°11'32" 151 °22'45" 2.5 4.15 Station No. Str·eam Gage Location 26 Str·ip Creek 27 Upper Middle Cr·eek 28 East Fork Chuil above Camp Creek 29 Camp Creek 30 East Fork Chuil below Camp Creek 31 Middle Creek near Lease Boundary 32 Scarp Cr·eek Mouth 33 Wobnair Creek 34 Scarp Creek above Wobnair Creek 35 Scar·p Creek below Wobnair Creek 36 Fran!( Creek 37 Bolls Cr·eek (""") \ / Table 4.5 Continued STREAM FLOW DATA (SELECTED STATIONS) Point Discharge Measurement, Cubic Feet per Second (cfs) Latitude !:ongitude ~ ~ June 61°11'28" '151 °22'41" 1.5 61°11'24" 15'1°22'46" 4.2 61°'10'53" 151°30'29" 68.8 61 O·IQI49 11 '15'1°30'22" 11.8 61 "10'45" 151 °30'25" 78.3 61 °09'27" 151°22'35" 11.3 61 °19'00" 151 "'19'33 11 46.8 61°'16'03" 151°19'0'1 11 4.8 61 °16'03" 151 °19'12" 31.2 61 °16'07" 151 °19'06" 38.2 61°11'33" 151°38'55" 6'1°'1'1'10" 15'1°35'18" ~ ~ ~ Oct. 1.74 5.62 15.57 5.82 19.61 '16.43 106.18 18.42 66.33 86.97 67.63 5.7 Station No. Descr-iption Chuilna River (USGS gauge near Tyonek - 160 fl. above sea level) Water Year or Date 1979 From USGS "1980: Period of r·ecord from October 1975. () Table 4.6 SELECTED DISCHARGE DATA Cubic Feet per Second (cfs) Drainage Area (sg. mi.) 131 Total Discharge (cfs) 147716 Mean Discharge (cfs) 405 Maximum Discharge (cfs) 2370 Minimum Discharge (cfs) 45 Comment ('\ \ Station No. Descr·i~lion Jan. Nor.Lh Capps Creel< 2 Capps Creek 3 Clluitna River below Wolverine Fork 4 Wolverine Fork 5 Chuitna River above Wolvel'ine For·k 6 Congahbuna Creek above Old Tyonek Creek 7 Old Tyonek Creel< above Congahbuna Cr·eek 8 Old Tyonek Creek below Congahbuna Creek 9 Congahbuna Creek below Congahbuna Lal<e 10 Stedatna Cr·eek @ Culvert 11 Nikolai Creek (d Br·idge 12 Upper· Chuit Creek 13 Chuil Creel< Mouth SUMMARY (""\ \ ) Table 4.7 DATA ON SUSPENDED SOLIDS Point Sample, Single Day Observation (mg/£) Feb. Mar. ~~ June :!.!:!!L ~ Sepl. 4'1.0 480.0 11.0 5.0 1.7 14.0 3.3 12.0 8.5 3.2 0.65 3.3 '19.0 2.1 6.3 18.0 2.2 7.3 4.0 8.5 8.4 1 . 1 2.2 19.0 5.9 8.2 2.2 3.6 '10.0 Oct. Nov. 2.5 1.0 21.3 8.4 4.7 1. 9 2.0 3.6 Dec. Notes 0 ' / Station No. Description ------- 14 Chuilna River· below Chuit Cr·eek 15 Chuitna River above Chuit Cr·eel( "16 BHW Creek Mouth 17 Lower Lone Creel( 13 Upper· Lone Creek 19 Cole Creek Mouth 20 Pil Creek 21 Nikolai Cr·eek above Pit Creek 22 Nikolai Cr-eek below Pil·Cr-eek 23 Jo's Creek 24 Ni kolia Creel( above Jo's Creek 25 Brush Cr·eek 26 Strip Cr-eek () Table 4. 7 Continued SUMMARY DATA ON SUSPENDED SOLIDS Point Sample, Single Day Observation (mg/.e) "18.0 22.0 32.0 1.3 3.7 2.7 2.1 26.0 1.6 5.9 .42 "1.3 '180.0 7.5 2.6 (5/5) 36.0 11.0 8.0 (5/4) '150.0 (5/5) 36.0 13.0 9.8 (5/4) 130.0 25.0 9.4 3.0 49.0 11.0 9.6 3.1 72.0 no.o Notes ("~ '1. j Table 4. 7 Conlinued SUMMARY OAT A ON SUSPENDED SOLIDS Point Sample, Single Day Obser·valion (mg/.e) Slalion No. ----·-____ D=e=-sc::.:rc..:i~---Jan. Feb. Mar. ~~June ~ ~Sept. Ocl. Nov. Dec. 27 Upper Middle Creek 28 East For'k Chuil above .8 Camp Cr·eek 29 Camp Creek 2.8 1.4 30 East For·k Chuil below 4.8 .5 Camp Creek :.H Middle Creel{ near· 9.1 Lease Boundary 32 Scarp Creek Mouth 36.0 71.0 33 Wobnair Creek 7.7 34 Scar'p Creek. above 6.3 Wobnair Creek 35 Scarp Creek below 6.0 36 Frank Creek 8.7 37 Bolls Cr·eek 4.4 () Noles Station No. Descrietion Capps Creek (South Fork) () ' / Table 4.8 SELECTED WATER QUALITY DATA, NOVEMBER "1980 Point Sample, Single Day Observation Total Total Dissolved Suspended Solids Solids (mg/.e) (mg/.e) 27.0 35.0 Chuitna River (below Wolverine) 28.0 5.4 Total Dissolved Total Iron Manganese eH (rng/.e) (rng/.e) 0.19 <0.05 ND <0.05 Station No. Description Jo's Creel< Cole's Creel< Pit Creek BHW Cr·eel< Chuitna (below Chuit) ("\ .j Table 4.9 SELECTED WATER QUALITY DATA, MAY 1981 Point Sample, Single Day Observation Total Total Dissolved Suspended Solids Solids (mg/.1!) (mg/.1!) 50.0 19.0 2"1.0 16.0 44.0 46.0 29.0 6.6 33.0 25.0 Total Dissolved Iron pH (mg/.1!) 0.38 1.10 0.46 "1.30 1.20 Total Manganese (mg/.1!) <0.05 0.08 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 /\ . I Station No. Description Br·ush Creek Stl'ip Creek Scarp Creek Beluga River Table 4. ·10 SELECTED WATER QUALITY DATA JUNE, 1981 Point Sample, Single Day Observation Total Total Dissolved Suspended Solids Solids (mg/.1!) (ma/.e) 63.0 2.2 94.0 45.0 54.0 7.3 72.0 34.0 Total Dissolved Total lr'on Manganese pH (mg/.1!) (rna/ .e) 1.7 0.05 1.6 0.17 0.70 0.05 1. 9 0.06 n \.,' Station No. Description Chuilna Creek Strip Creek Brush Creek (j Table4.l1 SELECTED WATER QUALITY DATA JULY, 1981 Point Sample, Single Day Observation Total Total Dissolved Suspended Solids Solids (mg/.e) (mg/£) 27.0 2.2 45.0 '15.0 51.0 7.0 pH 7.1 7.0 6.9 Total Dissolved Iron (mg/£) .28 .81 .77 Total Manganese (mg/£) <0.05 0.07 <0.05 20 --- --------~ -~ --lLJ lLJ 10 IJ... --~ ... J: ~ (!) 7 lLJ J: ,.. lLJ (!) ... ::::> <( (!) 3 2 I 10 20 30 40 50 so 70 eo 90 roo 200 300 400 STREAMFLOW (cfs) FIGURE 4.7 RATING CURVE FOR NIKOLAI CREEK (BRIDGE) ~ ~LUCA HYDROLOGY STUDY PAGE 1 P~EPA~ED BY DRY~EN ! LARUE FOR DOI.IL ENGINEERS 10-AUG-91 N!KOLAI Ckf.E~ STAf<T TIME 06/03/81 12!00 < HIK064 .POD) PF<ESSUF<E:-INCliES H20 TEMPERATURE-DEC C STREAt-1 GUAGE FLOW l&ATE T I 11E AVG MIN MAX AVG HIN MAX READING (FT) ( c fs) ---·--·----------==-== ==== ------::: -------- 06/03/81 1~:oo 15.8 0.7 17.5 9.0 6.5 20.5 06/03/81 t6:oo H.-4 13.4 15.1 6.5 6.0 6.5 06/03/81 20!00 12.7 12.0 .13.4 6.0 6.() 6.0 06/03/81 2~ :.oo 11.6 11.3 12.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 13.75 205* ' {16/0~/81 04!00 11.6 11.3 12.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 06/N/81 oa:oo 12.3 12.0 12.7 6.0 6.0 6.0 I Ob/Oit/81 12!00 12.7 12.3 13.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 j 06/0V81 to:oo 11.6 11.0 12.3 6.5 6.0 6.5 c 06/04/31 20!00 10.6 9.9 11.0 6.5 6.5 6.5 06/01,/81 24!00 9.9 9.6 9.9 6.5 6.5 6.5 06/05/81 o~:oo 10.3 9.9 10,..6 6.0 6.0 6.5 C6/0S/81 oa:oo 11.0 10.3 11.3 6.0 6.0 6.0. 06/05/81 12!00 11.6 11.3 11.6 6.0 6.0 6.0 13.70 2 0 5 *' 06/05/81 16:00 11.0 10.3 11.3 6.0 6.0 6.5 06/05/81 20,!00 9.6 9.3 10.3 7.0 6.5 7 .o. ~6/05/81 24!00 9.3 8.9 9.3 7.0 7.0 7.0 * from rating curve ** measured c -- ./ TYPICAL DATA RECOVERED FROM OATAPOO EXPERIMENT FIGURE 4.8 (NIKOLAI CREEK) The existing field program is being expanded to include more in situ water chemistry so that temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, and conductivity measurements will be made each time a discharge measurement is taken or a stream gauge reading is made. A typical chemical analysis for one station on one day is shown in Figure 4.9. Following the completion of the 1981 field program an evaluation of the program will be made and a scope-of-work for 1982 will be prepared. This scope-of-work will be coordinated with other field programs including the collection of climatic data and the initial analysis of groundwater with particular reference to the proposed mine areas. Water quality for existing wells has been compared to that of the Chuitna River (Table 4. 12). Additionally, sediment samples of numerous alluviums have been analyzed (Table 4.13). Possible Use of Surface Waters Congahbuna Lake has a surface area of some 256 acres with an aver- age depth of some 6 feet (maximum depth of 16 feet). The size of this lake suggests that some consideration could be given to using the lake for a cooling pond to provide natural cooling of the thermal discharge from the plant. The impact on existing fisheries would obviously have to be carefully weighed. The lake would provide a holding time of approximately 25 hours assuming a 330,000 gpm dis- charge from the plant (lake volume is approximately 500 million gal- lons). The plant discharge would be 95°F. Analysis indicates that the surface area of the lake is not sufficient to provide cooling by natural means comparable to that which can be achieved by cooling towers. Natural mechanisms that tend to dissipate heat from water surfaces would cool the thermal discharges to only 81 °F in the colder winter 4-31 Cll£.\fiCAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. TELEPHONE 19071-279-4014 ANCHORAGE INDUSTRIAL CENTER 274·3364 5633 8 Suoet ANALYTICAL REPORT :usTOMER DOWL Enaineers SAHPLE LOCATION: Alas..t.-a!-------:--- FOR LAB USE ONLY lATE COLLECTED 5-5-81 TIME COLLECTED: 1315 H.rs. RECVD. BY G'f LAB 6 7432- if.J-IPL ED BY _ __.::.EWI':..:..::.... ___ SOURCE_--=J-=c-=·~__cCr=-.:.eek=.:... _____ _ DATE RECEIVEO 5-6-81 __ lE11ARKS _ ___,D:e.:O~WL'-'-""-_E~n.gg.=i.,n'""e,_,e,_,r'""s'----------------DATE COHPLET ED 5-18-81 Beluga Methanol Project DATE REPORTED 5-18-81 ATTN: rrd /,J 1 · ______ =..::.._ ___________ SIGNED ~......__.._,co....~ mg/1 ~ JAg, Sil ver ___ ...::<.:::.O:..:. 0~5:..__ __ [] P, Phos phorous __ -..::.<0:::.:-:...::0:.:::5 __ ]Al , Al umi num __ ___,_o-=-=. 3::.::3:_ __ [) Pb, Lead _____ <...:.O::...:·:...::O:.::c5 __ ]As ,Arsenic -------"<~0~. 0!.:1~--(] Pt, Pl a t.i num ____ <.::..::0:..:·..::.0.::.5 __ ·]Au, Go ld ____ <_o_._o_5 ___ [) Sb ,Ant immy ____ <_o_._1_o __ ]B,Boron <0.05 [)Se,Selenium ____ <_:0:..:·..:.0.::.1 __ ] Ba , Bar i um. ___ _:<:.::.O.:._. 0:.:5:...._ __ (]Si ,Sil icon ___ _.::c1:..:0 __ _ )Bi , Bi smuth, ___ <:..:.O.:._. 0:.:5 __ _ [) Sn, Ti n ______ <0--:...:·...::1:.::.0 __ )Ca,Calcium ___ ..::.2.c:..5=-----(]Sr,Strontium ___ <_O:c..; • ..c.o.::.s __ )Cd,Cadmium <0.01 (]Ti ,Titanium ____ <..:..:O:..:·...::O.::.S __ ]Co,Cobalt ___ ....:<c:.O;:..;.o::..::s'---(]W,Tungsten ____ <O=..::.·..::.o.::.s __ ~il (]Cyan ide ______ _ [)Sulfate _____ <1-=--- []Phenol _______ _ []Total Dissolved __ 5o __ Solids []Total So 1 ids 69 [)Suspended _____ 1_9 __ Solids []Volatile Sus-____ _ pended Sol ids []Hardness as ___ .-.::1:..:.7 __ Ca C O:t []Al kafinity as __ ....;1::..:8:..__ CaC03 [] Bezy'}lium <0.02 ) Cr, Chromi um __ .::..·o.....u5·---( ]V, Van ad i um ___ ---"-<"'-0 ....,. 0....,5 () __________ _ ]Cu ,Copper ___ _::<.:::_O.~O:=S ___ (]Zn, Zi nc _____ ..::.<0:::.:-:...::0:.::::5'----()----------- ]fe,Iron 0.38 [)Zr,Zirconium ___ <....:0;..::.·..::.0=-5 __ (] __________ _ * * * * • ]Hg,Kercury <0.001 [)Amnonia _____ <..:..:O:..:·...::O~S __ []m:nhos Conductivity __ _ Nitrogen-N ]K,Potassium __ _::<:.=1 ____ []Organic 0.58 ()pH Units ______ _ Nitrogen-N ]11g,Magnesium __ _:2=..:·:...::3'------(]Nitrate-N ____ ....:l::.::·.=ca __ (]Turbidity NTU 2.2 ]11n,Manganese __ ....:<.::..0::...:.0:.:::5 ___ (]Nitrite-N <0.01 []Color Units 20 ]l·lo ,Molybdenum _ ___,<"'-0_,_,.0..,5'-----(]Phosphorus <0. OS []T .Col iform/1 OCrnl ___ _ ( Cl-tho) -P ]fla,Sodium 2.4 []Chloride _____ <l-"""-'"'-"0'---[]-------- )Ni , N ic l:el ___ ..::.<0~-~0'-'!.5 ___ []Fluor ide _____ <;:.,0:..:..""10,___ (] ______________ _ FIGURE 4.9 TYPICAL SURFACE WATER QUALITY ANALYSIS Dissolved (' Species "'=-' Table 4.12 WATER QUAUTY COMPARISON GROUNDWATER & CHUITNA RIVER ~Concentration #1 #4 Parameter Well Pad Chuitna River Bicarbonate 390.0 77.0 Calcium 89.0 6.4 Chloride 2.4 0.1 Copper 0.001 0.002 Fluoride 0.2 0.1 Iron 6.2 0.4 Lead 0 0.003 Magnesium 16.0 3.8 Manganese 1.1 0.09 Potassium 7.6 1.5 Silica 39.0 18.0 Sodium 13.0 15.0 Sulfate 2.2 2.9 Total Hardness 290.0 32.0 Corrosion Index* 0.02 0.05 mg/i) #3 Beluga Station 112.0 8.9 6.3 0.004 0.2 1.5 0 4.6 0.06 2.7 54.0 27.0 8.9· 41.0 0.20 *me/.£ (C( .j. S0 42-), Greater than 0.1 indicates corrosive tendency. me/! (Alkalinity as CaC0 3 ) 4-33 (-'\ "-.:..:7' 1. 2. 3. 4. s. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12. 13. 14. Table 4.13 SEDIMENT SAMPLES ANALYSES Coarse Medium Fine Sand Sand Sand % _L _L Alluvium, Chuitna River, below 2S 60 10 Wolverine Fork Tertiary sediments in valley wall, 40 30 2S Chuitna River below Wolverine Fork Alluvium, Chuit Creek, just above 40 50 7 Chuitna coal lease area Tertiary sediments in valley wall, 20 20 so Chuit Creek just above lease area Alluvium, Chuit Creek, near 65* 30** 4*** junction of Chuitna River Alluvium, Capps Creek, near s so 40 junction of North Capps Creek Sand dune, above Tertiary sediments 30 30 30 in valley wall, North Capps Creek near junction with Capps Creek Alluvium, Stedatna Creek, in so 20 25 canyon below logging road Unconsolidated deposits, valley 20 15 50 wall above Stedatna Creek in canyon Alluvium, Congahbuna Creek, at 60 20 17 logging road crossing below lake Alluvium, Congahbuna Creek, near 50 30 15 junction with Old Tyonek Creek Alluvium, Old Tyonek Creek, near 40 25 32 junction with Congahbuna Creek Alluvium, Nikolai Creek, at 55 30 14 logging road bridge Beach sand, Nikolai Creek, at 10 80 logging road bridge 0.02 -0.08 inches diameter Coarse Sand = Medium Sand = Fine Sand = S i It = 0.01 -0.02 inches diameter 0.0025 -0.01 inches diameter less than 0.0025 inches diameter Silt _L 5 s 3 10 5 10 5 15 3 5 3 10 * Mainly quartz, lesser feldspar and dark minerals, angular to subround ** Mainly quartz *** Mainly quartz and feldspar 4-34 c months and to only 87°F in the colder winter months and to only 87°F in the warmest months. Spray coolers to provide for additional cool- ing do not appear to be cost effective when compared to the cooling towers. To provide the same degree of cooling as can be achieved by the proposed cooling towers would require a lake surface area of approximately 1,000 acres, nearly four times the area of Congahbuna Lake. Further consideration should be given to developing a plant water source from Nikolai Creek in the vicinity of its junction with Stedatna Creek. An infiltration gallery in this location could conceivably pro- vide adequate water to the plant without any impact on the upstream fishery. 4-35 ( lone Creek ( Chuitna River BELUGA FIELD PROGRAM 1981 5.0 ECOSYSTEMS Due to the paucity of specific information available on the Beluga region, field investigations were undertaken in 1980 and 1981 to begin developing adequate baseline data. The major thrust of the field program was directed toward determining the presence or absence of fish in the numerous small creeks and tributaries of the region. Additional field observations of terrestrial and avian species were undertaken and are continuing. An understanding of the resources of the general area requires that the study area extend well beyond the boundaries of the specific proposed project, so the field program encompasses an area extending from the Beluga River south to the Chakachatna River. The field program initially was designed to concentrate on the entire project area, and then as the season progressed more effort was placed on those areas that would have the most potential for impacts from the project, e.g. the mine areas and the transportation corridor. The field parties often were accompanied by one or more persons from state or federal resource agencies. This chapter represents the synthesis of information derived from the existing literature, numerous conversations and meetings with agency personnel, and the preliminary results of the on-going field pro- grams. No attempt has been made to narrow this synthesis to spec- ific project-related activities due to the incompleteness of the field investigations. However, a general overview of the resources of the area is now possible and coupled with the continuing fall-winter observations will provide the basis for more detailed future programs. This general area is far from pristine. Years of oil and gas explor- ation programs as well as logging activities and exploration related to the determination of coal reserves have resulted in numerous ex- amples of surface disturbance. 5-1 FRESHWATER AQUATIC ECOLOGY Existing Habitats 0 ·Habitat Characterization This section provides brief descriptions which characterize the general nature of the stream reaches in each drainage area where staff gauges and/or fish traps were located or where general field observations were made. General locations are shown in Figure 5.1. In many cases, these observations are limited to or pertain only to a single field excursion. This characterization of habitat is an on-going program. BELUGA DRAINAGE Beluga River: This glacial fed river begins at Beluga Lake, a 7-mile-long, 3-mile-wide lake located east of the toe of the Trium- virate Glacier and northeast of Capps Glacier. Both glaciers originate on the slopes of Mount Torbert. From Beluga Lake, elevation 246 feet, the river flows easterly nearly five miles before entering Lower Beluga Lake (elevation 243 feet), a narrow 3/4-mile wide lake nearly 2~ miles long. From this lower lake, the Beluga continues its easterly flow across the broad lowlands another 22 miles to Cook Inlet cutting banks into the glacial tills ranging from 10 to 150 feet or more in depth. The system supports runs of king, silver, sockeye and pink salmon. Dolly Varden also are present, and lake trout are found in Beluga Lake. Headwaters of Scarp Creek: This stream reach has a relatively flat gradient meandering channel. The substrate is predominantly cobbles and gravel with some sand, and the stream channel is basically rectangular with vertical banks. Tall grass overhangs stream banks and covers the floodplain. Stream top widths aver- 5-2 BEL 1/fiA LAKE CAPPS GLACIER COOK INLET .. ,.-.-·....-· LEGEND • LOCATION SAMPLED BY TRAPPING (AT LEAST ONE PERIOD) 1981 FIELD PROGRAM A LOCATION SAMPLED BY ANGLING (AT LEAST ONE PERIOD) 1981 FIELD PROGRAM GENERAL LOCATION SAMPLED BY TRAPPING AND BY ANGLING (MAY-AUG 181) FIGURE 5.1 c aged from 2 to 3 feet, with average depth 0. 7 to 1 fopt. Juvenile Dolly Varden and threespine sticklebacks were collected (1981). Upper Scarp Creek: This reach is meandering with a moderate gradient. Riffles comprise approximately 30% of the stream, runs 30%, and pools 40%. The channel is generally rectangular. Stream top widths averaged 20 to 30 feet. Water depth in riffles was about 0.5 feet, runs 1 foot, and pools ranged from 2 to 4 feet. A discharge of 38 cfs was recorded on June 4, and flow probably ranges from 25 to 150 cfs during the ice-free season. The substrate is gravel and small cobbles. Water is slightly peat stained. Stream bank materials are primarily silty sand, and banks are vertical and frequently undercut. Juvenile coho salmon, Dolly Varden, and rainbow trout were collected. Chinook and coho salmon fry were collected in this reach, as were adult rainbow trout (1981). Benthos collected included snails, midges, and blackfly, caddiesfly, and mayfly larvae. Mouth of Scarp Creek: The stream in the lower reach is a mod- erate gradient meandering run. Few riffles and pools were evi- dent in the vicinity of the staff gauge. The· stream channel is generally rectangular but is parabolic at bends where the stream is cutting into steep banks 30 to 50 feet high. Stream banks are composed of silty sands and clay. The bank is slumping at sev- eral locations in the lower two miles. An active cut exposing clay deposits is coloring the water in the lower 1~ miles of the stream. Stream top widths were approximately 30 feet and depths averaged 1. 5 to 2 feet. A discharge of 47 cfs was measured on June 4, and flow probably ranges from 30 to 350 cfs during the ice-free season. The substrate is predominantly gravel and is 100% embedded in sand and silt. Much of the gravel was loose, indicating it was 5-4 recently deposited. The floodplain is covered with alder and willow to water•s edge. Some log debris was present along stream margins. Juvenile Dolly Varden, rainbow trout, and chinook sal- mon were collected (1981). Wobnair Creek: This stream has a relatively flat gradient and sharp meanders near its mouth. Substrate is gravels and small cobbles. The banks are vertical with some undercutting and are composed of silts and sand. Predominant vegetation is willow and tall grass. Runs comprise 60% of the stream and pools 40%. The channel is generally rectangular. Stream top widths averaged from 7 to 10 feet with depths of 1 to 2 feet. A discharge of 5 cfs was measured on June 4, and flow probably ranges from less than 5 to 35 cfs during the ice-free season. Juvenile Dolly Varden and rainbow trout, coho and chinook salmon fry, and threespine sticklebacks were collected. Headwaters Wobnair Creek: The headwaters of Wobnair above the beaver activity is a flat gradient meandering stream with gravel and cobble substrate. The floodplain and valley are relatively narrow. Stream top widths averaged 2 feet with depths to 1 foot. No discharge was measured, but flows are unlikely to exceed 5 cfs. Tall grass overhangs the bank and scattered spruce covers the floodplain. No fish were found here. Below the highest set of beaver ponds the creek has a moderate to flat gradient. Substrate is basically gravel with some isolated boulders. This channel is generally rectangular with vertical banks, and this reach is predominantly a run with few pools. Pools were generally associated with remnants of old beaver dams. Several sets of active dams are present downstream. Stream top widths averaged from 5 feet, and average depth was 0.5 to 1 foot. Juvenile Dolly Varden and coho salmon were collected (1981). Stream flow probably ranges from 1 to 15 cfs during the ice-free season. 5-5 Chichantna River: This is a relatively large glacial stream with its source in Capps Glacier. The river, nearly 12 miles long with moderate to steep gradients, enters Beluga Lake over a broad silty delta. Capps Creek: Capps Creek and its principal tributary, North Capps Creek, have their headwaters on a plateau at about 2,000- feet elevation, south of the Capps Glacier and just northwest of the upper headwaters of the Chuitna River. The creek flows northeast into the Chichantna River, joining it about three to four miles below Capps Glacier. Both the south and north forks have their far upper headwaters covered by lapilli tuff and volcanic breccia, which contribute a small amount of volcanic sediment to the river•s alluvium. . The streams also pick up sediment from the Quaternary deposits, which contribute boulders, gravel, and silt to the system. Both streams quickly become incised into the middle member of the Tertiary Kenai Formation which contributes clay, silt, sand, gra- vel, boulders, and coal lumps to the system. Each stream runs through about three miles of this formation. Capps Creek and North Capps Creek then enter a deposit formed by landsliding and slumping of the middle member of the Kenai Formation and the Quaternary deposits that cover it, including sand dune deposits. These deposits contribute a variety of sedi- ments to the river•s alluvium, including clay, silt, fine sand, gravel, boulders, and coal lumps. Both streams run through this slump deposit for about three miles, with North Capps Creek joining Capps Creek about a mile before the end of the deposit. The canyons at the confluence of Capps Creek and North Capps Creek are narrow and steep, with sidewalls about 150 feet high at a slope of approximately 45°. Many local slides occur on the can- 5-6 yon walls, involving the Tertiary and Quaternary sediments of the sidewalls. Overlying sand dunes as much as 20 feet thick were noted here. Many sites of slides were noted to also be the sites of water seeps from the canyon walls, which may have been the slide-triggering mechanism. Capps Creek then enters a region of Quaternary and Recent gla- ciofluvial deposits of sand, gravel, and boulders, continuing for about three miles to the Chichantna River. Capps Creek at Junction with North Capps Creek: Substrates are composed of very coarse boulder and cobble alluvium, with some sand and gravel. Fines appear to be predominantly sand of eolian origin (from nearby sand dunes that overlie the Tertiary sedi- ments). Boulders are as much as 6 feet in diameter, many com- posed of granite. Stream gradient is moderately steep, with many riffles. Logjams found above the normal fall water stages indicate probable occasional flooding. South Fork Capps Creek: Stream gradients are moderate to very steep. Steep gradients were characterized by almost continual waterfalls, cascades, or steep riffles; moderate gradients were described as intermittent cascades or riffles with some pools; and low gradients were characterized as entirely slow runs or very few riffles among slow runs. Streambed materials within the water course consist primarily of granite boulders and large pieces of coal, with gravels and sands filling the interstices. These streams consist almost entirely of riffles and rapids, but a few pool areas can be found at the outside of stream bends and among boulders at low flows. Several high-water marks were observed 10 to 15 feet above the water surface elevation of November. 5-7 c Both Capps and North Capps creeks are already incised in nar- row, steep-walled canyons. Vegetation is primarily grass and devil's club with an alder brush overstory. Mass wasting is a common natural process within these canyons. Although no major barriers to fish migration were observed along either stream, steep gradients may preclude passage and use by man'y species. Capps Creek (vicinity of USGS gauge): The gradient is gentle throughout this stream segment. The stream meanders at a mod- erate velocity throughout a glacial outwash type floodplain. Stream bank vegetation consists principally of a low alder and willow overstory with a tall grass understory. Some scattered large birch and cottonwood trees occur adjacent to the stream, and some moss-covered cobble and gravel banks with occasional spruce trees can also be seen. Overhanging alder shrubs and grassy banks occur along the lower several miles of Capps Creek. The predominant substrate material is much smaller than that found in the upper reaches of Capps Creek. Substrate is prin- cipally cobbles and large gravels about SO% embedded in small gravels and sand. Some scattered coal pieces occur throughout the stream course, and some of the finer to medium-size gravel substrate is cemented with a heavy clay deposition. High-water marks are evident 3 to 5 feet above the November 6 water surface elevation. The stream is characterized as approximately 60% riffle, 40% pool in this section. Interspersed are numerous sandy gravel bars, with many silty clay deposits. A juvenile Dolly Varden was observed (1980) in a backwater area along the left bank of the stream. Benthos, consisting primarily 5-8 c of caddiesfly larvae, was observed beneath 8-to 10-inch cobbles. No aquatic vegetation was observed. Apparent signs of animal use included bear, fox, and otter tracks. Beaver sign is extensive throughout this area as evi- denced by active lodges, newly created dams, and freshly cut shrubbery. CHUITNA DRAINAGE Chuitna River: The upper Chuitna River and its principal tribu- tary, Wolverine Fork, both head in a plateau at about the 2,000 feet elevation south of Capps Glacier. The river system flows southeastward into Cook Inlet. The streams initially course through Quaternary deposits overlying the plateau area, consisting of a discontinuous cover of glacial debris. Erosion of this cover contributes sediments consisting of gravel, silt, and some boulders to the streams. Several of the upper,. western tributaries to the Chuitna River have their far upper headwaters in an area covered by dark gray lapilli tuff and volcanic breccia. Alluvial sediments of this origin are found in small quantities throughout the Chuitna River. The streams soon become incised into Tertiary sediments that underlie the area. Near their headwaters, the streams cut through the middle member of the Kenai Formation, consisting of a non-marine sequence of gray and light yellow claystone, siltstone, sandstone, and conglomerate, interbedded with sub-bituminous coal, and occasional layers of calcareous cemented siltstone. These sediments are poorly indurated and easily eroded, contri- buting clay, silt, sand, gravel, boulders, and coal lumps to the streams. Within a few miles, the streams cross into the lower member of the Kenai Formation, consisting of light gray to light yellow pebbly 5-9 c sandstones and conglomerates. These sediments are also poorly indurated and easily broken down, contributing sand, gravel, and boulders to the streams. Both streams reenter Quaternary sedi- ments for a few miles, then Wolverine Fork joins the Chuitna River in this section. About six to seven miles downstream, the Chuitna River crosses the Castle Mountain Fault, reentering the middle member of the Kenai Formation and remaining in it for the next 15 to 16 miles. The Chuitna River is joined by Chuit Creek after running about four to five miles through this section. The canyon walls of the river in this section contain many large and small landslides and slump deposits, composed of the overlying Quaternary sediments, including sand dunes deposits, and the middle member of the Kenai Formation. These continually contribute clay, silt, sand, gravel, boulders, and coal lumps to the Chuitna River alluvium. Many upper tributaries to the Chuitna River are blocked by waterfalls formed on coal seams, which appear to be the hardest strata in the area. These waterfalls may serve as barriers to fish migration. The Chuitna River canyon at its confluence with Wolverine Fork is narrow and sidewall slopes average 35° to 40°. The walls are about 150 feet high and are composed of Tertiary conglomerate of a friable nature, consisting of sand, gravel, cobbles, and boulders up to several feet in diameter. Many slide deposits are found along the valley walls, composed of these Tertiary sediments and a shallow Quaternary cover. At the confluence with Chuit Creek, the canyon of the Chuitna River is relatively broad, with walls about 150 feet high, and sidewalls of 35° to 40°. The walls here are composed of sand- stone, claystone, and sub-bituminous coal, with the sandstone layer being somewhat conglomeratic in places, and including some 5-10 discontinuous layers of well-indurated sandstone and concretions. Local slides, abundant in the area, are composed of these sedi- ments. Water seeps are also common, often in conjunction with slides. The lower four to five miles of the Chuitna River cuts through Quaternary sediments consisting of unconsolidated glacial outwash, sand and gravel. Slides are less common here. The canyon walls in the vicinity of the USGS gauging station are 60 to 70 feet high; sidewall slopes average about 25° to 30°. The valley then broadens and becomes gentler until reaching the Chuitna River delta about two miles northeast of the Village of Tyonek. Chuitna River just Below Wolverine Fork: Substrates are com- posed of sand, gravel, cobbles, and boulders as much as 10 to 15 feet in diameter. Most boulders are composed of Tertiary sandstone, but some are granite. The sandstone boulders are fairly well indurated and contain some wood and coal fossils. The stream gradient is moderate. Lower Chuitna River (USGS gauge): Substrates are composed of sand, gravel, cobbles, and boulders as much as 2 to 3 feet in diameter. A large portion of the cobbles falls in the 6-to 10-inch range. Fines consist predominantly of medium sand. The stream gradient is low. Lone Creek at Upper Forks: This stream reach has a moderate gradient with a cobble/gravel substrate. The stream channel is rectangular with vertical to undercut banks. Tall grasses are the predominant vegetation and overhang the banks. The tributary to Lone Creek has a steeper gradient 100 feet upstream from the mouth, and the substrate is predominantly cobbles. Lone Creek 1 s top widths averaged 5 to 7 feet, with depths ranging from 0.5 to 1.5 feet in this reach. It was comprised of 75% pool/ 5-11 run and 25% riffle. No discharge was measured in this reach. Juvenile Dolly Varden and coho salmon were collected; Dolly Varden fry were also observed in this reach. Upper Lone Creek: This reach has a meandering channel with a moderate to flat gradient. Stream banks are nearly vertical, with some slumping into the stream channel. Stream top widths aver- aged from 20 to 25 feet with an average depth of 1 to 1 . 5 feet. A discharge of 13 cfs was measured on June 4, and flow probably ranges from 5 to 200 cfs during the ice-free season. The substrate is predominantly gravel and small cobbles partially embedded in sand. Banks are covered primarily by alder and willow with a grass understory. Several side channels and cutoff meanders are present in this reach, as well as log debris in pools and along margins. This stream reach supports a rich benthic community, and the stream bottom is covered with green filamentous algae. Juvenile Dolly Varden and coho salmon, and rainbow trout and chinook salmon fry were collected (1981). A beaver dam upstream of the staff gauge supports juvenile Dolly Varden and coho salmon. Adult Arctic lamprey were observed in this area (1981). A surber sample was collected over large gravel and included water mites, midges, and larval forms of mayflies, caddiesflies, stoneflies, and danceflies. Lower Middle Creek: Lower Middle Creek has a moderate gradient and basically a riffle/run sequence. It consists of approximately 20% pool, SO% run, and 30% riffle. The channel in this portion of the stream is basically triangular. The average stream top width was 30 feet, with average depths ranging from 0.4 to 0. 7 feet. Discharge was not measured at this site. 5-12 C: Substrate is composed mainly of cobbles and boulders with small, isolated gravel and sand deposits probably associated with road construction. Riparian vegetation consists of cottonwood trees with an understory of alder and willow. Some log debris was present in the pools. Juvenile Dolly Varden, coho salmon, and chinook salmon, and pink and coho salmon fry were collected in this reach (1981). A moderate to steep gradient tributary {Culvert Creek) enters Middle Creek in this reach. Dolly Varden and coho salmon juve- niles were collected downstream of the culvert (1981). Middle Creek (near the BHW Chuitna lease boundary): This stream reach is characterized by a moderate to flat gradient and a very meandering channel. It consists of approximately 50% pool, 30% riffle, and 20% run. The channel was rectangular and the stream width averaged 10 to 15 feet in riffle areas and 15 to 20 feet in pool areas. Average depth in riffles was 0.3 to 0.6 feet, and pools averaged from 1. 5 to 2 feet. A discharge of 1 cfs was measured on June 3. Gravel and sand were the predominant substrate material. The nearly vertical banks are composed of silts and sands, and were undercut on bends. Stream banks are covered with tall grasses and a little log debris was present in the stream channel. Juvenile Dolly Varden, rainbow trout, and chinook and coho salmon were collected in this reach; an adult Arctic lamprey was also collected (1981). Upper Middle Creek: This reach has a moderate gradient with approximately 30% pool, 20% riffle, and 50% run. This channel is basically rectangular with average top widths of 10 to 15 feet. Water depth of runs and pools averaged from 0. 5 to 1 foot and 1 to 2 feet, respectively. A discharge of 4. 2 cfs was measured on June 3. 5-13 The substrate consists of gravels and cobbles embedded in silts and sands. There are large deposits of silt and sand in pool areas. Stream banks are nearly vertical with undercutting on bends and are composed of silt and sands. Tall grasses and an occasional willow cover the banks. Juvenile Dolly Varden and coho salmon were collected in this reach (1981). Strip Creek: Strip Creek is a flat gradient tributary of Middle Creek. The stream is an incised meandering run. Pools are present in meander bends but probably comprise only 15% of the stream. Few riffles were noted. The top width of this small stream averaged 3 feet, and the average depth was 1 foot. A discharge of 1.5 cfs was measured on July 3, and flow probably ranges from 1 to 25 cfs during the ice-free season. This system is probably influenced by groundwater. The substrate is primarily silts and sands. Stream banks are composed of similar materials and were nearly vertical to undercut, with tall grasses covering them. Juvenile Dolly Varden, coho salmon, and coastrange sculpins were collected in this creek (1981). Brush Creek: Brush Creek is a moderate gradient stream which combines with Strip Creek to form Middle Creek. It is composed· of 30% pool, 20% run, and SO% riffle. The channel is generally rectangular with near vertical banks. Stream top widths averaged from 7 to 10 feet. Water depth in the pool areas was generally 1 to 1.5 feet and in riffle areas was from 0.2 to 0.7 feet. Much of this stream probably freezes solid during the winter. A discharge of 2.5 cfs was measured in June and flow probably ranges from 1 to 50 cfs during the ice-free season. Substrate is primarily cobbles and boulders. Stream bank material is a glacial till which supports a dense growth of alders. Juvenile Dolly Varden, coho salmon, and coastrange sculpins were collected here (1981). 5-14 (_ Chuit Creek: Chuit Creek has its headwaters on a plateau at about 2,000 feet elevation south of the Capps Glacier, about three miles east of the headwaters of the Chuitna River. The stream flows southeastward about 10 miles to its confluence with the Chuitna River. The stream initially flows through Quaternary glacial deposits of gravel, silt, and boulders. The stream shortly becomes incised into the middle member of the Tertiary Kenai Formation, consisting of poorly indurated claystone, siltstone, and conglomerate, interbedded with sub-bituminous coal and occasional layers of cemented siltstone. These sediments contribute clay, silt, sand, gravel, boulders, and coal lumps to the stream. Within less than a mile the stream crosses into the lower member of the Kenai Formation, consisting of pebbly sandstones and con- glomerates. These contribute sand, gravel, and boulders to the river. About six miles downstream, Chuit Creek crosses the Castle Mountain Fault and reenters the middle member of the Kenai Formation, remaining in it for about five more miles until its con- fluence with the Chuitna River. Chuit Creek canyon, within the Chuitna coal lease area, is a relatively gentle canyon with sidewalls about 150 feet high and averaging about 30°. Landslides occur here, but appear to be fewer than along the Chuitna River. Just north of the lease area, the sediments in the sidewalls consist of poorly indurated gravelly sand, with cobbles up to 5 inches in diameter. Near the con- fluence with the Chuitna River, the sidewalls are composed of poorly indurated sandstone, with some lenses of well indurated sandstone and occasional concretions. They grade downward into claystone, which overlies thick, platy sub-bituminous coal. Chuit Creek (just above Chuitna lease area): Substrate is sand, gravel, and cobbles as much as 10 inches in diameter. Gradient is moderate and very few boulders are evident. 5-15 Chuit Creek (near junction of Chuitna River): Substrate is sand, gravel, cobbles, and many boulders, as much as 1 to 2 feet in diameter. Stream gradient is moderate. Chuit Creek Area: Chuit Creek stream gradients are moderate (primarily riffles with occasional pools or runs) as this creek meanders through a relatively wide canyon. Riparian vegetation is predominantly low willow thickets and grass at the higher eleva- tions. Spruce, birch, and cottonwood trees occur in the flood- plain near the mouth of Chuit Creek. The stream is primarily riffles and runs with some (approximately 10%) pool areas. Sev- eral beaver ponds occur in the floodplain. The substrate mate- rials are principally gravels and small cobbles in the upper reaches grading toward large cobbles and isolated boulders near the mouth. No barriers to fish migration are evident ·along this stream. East Fork of Chuit Creek: This stream is relatively straight and has a moderately steep gradient. It consists primarily of riffle/ run/rapid sequences with less than 5% pools. The channel is basically triangular with an average stream top width of 35 to 40 feet. Average water depths were 1.5 to 2 feet. A discharge of 78 Cfs was measured below the confluence of Camp Creek in June. Stream flow probably ranges from 20 to 300 cfs during the ice-free season. The substrate is predominantly large cobbles and boulders. Alder and willow thickets grow to the water•s edge, with some cotton- woods scattered throughout the narrow floodplain. No log debris was observed in the channel. Juvenile Dolly Varden were col- lected in the vicinity of the staff gauges (1981). Camp Creek: This stream has a steep gradient and consists pri- marily of riffles/rapids. The channel is primarily triangular with an average top width of 10 feet. Depths averaged 0.5 to 1 foot. 5-16 A discharge of 12 cfs was measured in June and flow probably ranges from 5 to 30 cfs during the ice-free season. The substrate is predominantly large cobbles and boulders. Alders and willows cover the stream banks and overhang the stream. No log debris was observed in the channel. Juvenile Dolly Varden and rainbow trout were collected (1981). Frank Creek: This stream reach (elevation 16,000 feet) has a moderate gradiant with 30% pool, 30% riffle and 40% run. Top width averaged 10 to 12 feet with average depths of 0.8 feet in pools, 0.3 feet in riffles and 0.5 feet in runs. Substrate is com- posed of small to medium gravels. The stream channel is rectan- gular with nearly vertical banks approximately 3 to 4 feet high. The stream banks were composed of sand and silt and supported willows and tall grasses. Some mass wasting was evident farther downstream where the stream cuts into a high bluff. One of the few beaver dams present was located upstream. The floodplain is covered with grasses and has several large marshy areas. High- water marks were apparent 6. 5 feet above the stream bottom. Upper Chuitna River (above Wolverine Fork): The stream gradi- ent in this area is moderate, with a substrate consisting predom- inantly of large cobbles and boulders with a gravel-sand base. Considerably more sand-and silt-size particles occur in the Chuitna River above the confluence with Wolverine Fork. The water courses in this area wind through distinct canyons where vegetation consists of grassy or muskeg meadows or patchy low willow and alder areas. Some active landslide areas are visible on the Chuitna above the confluence with Wolverine Fork, but the streams are clear and contain little sediment. No barriers to fish migration are evident in this area. The sub- strate material appeared suitable for spawning by salmon ids. 5-17 NIKOLAI DRAINAGE Nikolai Creek: Nikolai Creek has its headwaters on the plateau south of Capps Glacier, in a small lake about 2'l:a miles south of the glacier, and about a mile west of the upper headwaters of Capps Creek and the Chuitna River. The creek flows off the plateau in a narrow valley and then crosses a small, flat area before plung- ing into a canyon cut through the Nikolai escarpment. The can- yon is cut into Quaternary glacial debris consisting of gravel, silt, and boulders. The creek then follows a course southeastward along the foot of the Nikolai escarpment for about 18 miles to empty into Trading Bay. Near the logging road crossing, slightly more than a mile west of Stedatna Creek, the creek is cutting only a few feet into Quaternary and Recent glaciofluvial sediments of sand and gravel. At the bridge, the creek banks are about 2 feet high, and com- posed principally of sand. Substrate is silt, sand, gravel, and small cobbles as much as 3 inches in diameter. Stream gradient is low. Stream banks at this point consist of find sand. Nikolai Creek (vicinity of logging road bridge): The gradie~t of Nikolai Creek is very slight. The river meanders extensively through a muskeg floodplain, and banks are alternately char- acterized by thick muddy banks or grass-covered clayey banks. Clumps of alder and some individual spruce trees are scattered along the stream course. Substrate is principally clayey sand in the low-energy deposition areas; in other areas with higher velocities, considerably larger materials, specifically small to medium cobbles, are predominant. Considerable quantities of branches and twigs are found lying on or embedded in the clayey banks along the stream. Beaver sign is extensive in this area, as evidenced by the newly cut willow branches. Some man-made pollution enters this stream in the form of suspended silts and clays, as well as log debris, from upstream logging operations. 5-18 c Stedatna Creek: Stedatna Creek begins in a muskeg flat about two miles northwest of Congahbuna Lake and flows southwest to its confluence with Nikolai Creek. The creek flows over the Nikolai escarpment, cutting a canyon about 50 feet deep into Quaternary deposits in the escarpment, consisting of gravelly sand with boulders up to 8 feet in diameter. Substrate is sand, gravel, cobbles, and boulders as much as 6 feet in diameter. The stream gradient just above the logging road is moderate, and large boulders and cobbles are scattered throughout the stream course. Although this stream reach had been channelized in association with construction of the logging road, some grass lines the banks. Most of the riparian shrubbery and trees have been removed. The substrate is a heterogeneous mix ranging from sands through large boulders. Habitats upstream and downstream consist principally of a meandering stream cascading over cobbles and boulders. The stream passes through a cottonwood/birch/ spruce forest with an alder and grass understory. This segment is approximately 20% pool, 80% riffle. No suitable salmonid spawn- ing sites are apparent in the area. Steep cascades downstream from the logging road crossing, as well as the culverts beneath the road, may create definite fish migra- tion barriers. However, an adult rainbow trout was captured upstream from the culvert in 1981. Pit Creek: This stream has clear water and the lower quarter mile has a moderate gradient with approximately 10% pools, 20% riffles, and 70% runs. The channel is rectangular with very steep banks. Few scour holes or undercut banks are apparent. Stream top widths averaged from 10 to 12 feet with an average depth of 1 foot. A discharge of 13 cfs was measured on June 1, and flow probably ranges from 10 to 50 cfs during the ice-free season. 5-19 (~' The substrate is predominantly gravels and cobbles embedded in silts and sands. The substrate is tightly packed and has the appearance of being cemented together. Tall grass overhangs the banks and scattered alders and cottonwoods cover the floodplain. Dolly Varden and coho salmon juveniles and chinook salmon fry were collected in this reach (1981). Upstream of River Mile 0.25 the gradient steepens and the stream is predominantly riffles. The substrate contains larger material, including large cobbles and boulders. A surber sample collected over large cobbles included water mites, midges, and larval forms of mayflies, caddiesflies, stoneflies, blackflies, snipeflies, and false craneflies. Jo's Creek: This stream has clear water and the lower half mile has a moderate to flat gradient with 40% pools, 50% runs, and 10% riffles. The channel is rectangular with almost vertical banks. Several scour holes are present along the banks. Stream top widths averaged from 15 to 20 feet with an average depth of 1 . 5 feet. A discharge of 30 cfs was measured on June 1, and flow probably ranges from 5 to 60 cfs during the ice-free season. The substrate is predominantly gravels and small cobbles with some fines. The substrate appeared cleaner and was composed of smaller particle sizes than those present in Pitt Creek. Tall grass overhangs the stream banks, and scattered alders and cottonwoods cover the floodplain. Little log debris was present in the stream. Juvenile Dolly Varden and coho salmon and Dolly Varden fry were collected (1981). A surber sample collected over small cobbles included larval forms of mayflies, stoneflies, caddiesflies, crane- flies, and false craneflies. Above River Mile 0. 5 the gradient steepens and the stream be- comes riffle/run/rapids. Substrate particle sizes increase to large cobbles and boulders. 5-20 CONGAHBUNA Congahbuna Creek: Congahbuna Creek is a small creek that begins in Congahbuna Lake and flows southeast and north to its confluence with Old Tyonek Creek about one to two miles above Beshta Bay: The creek runs principally through a region of peaty soils and muskegs, underlain by Quaternary sands and gravels. The substrate near the stream junction is silty fine sand, but upstream a few hundred yards the substrate is gravelly. The stream gradient is low. At the junction of Congahbuna Creek and Old Tyonek Creek, the substrate is sand, gravel, and some cobbles as large as 2 inches in diameter. The stream gradient is low. Stream bank materials at this site consist of silt and fine sand. Muskrat Creek: Muskrat Creek is a small creek that begins in a small lake just north of Granite Point and flows north for slightly more than a mile to its confluence with Congahbuna Creek. Its course is predominantly across muskeg flats underlain by Quater- nary sand and gravel. The substrate is silty fine sand with organic material and is stained red. The stream gradient is low (almost imperceptible). Both Muskrat Creek and Congahbuna Creek meander slowly through a muskeg bog. Stream bank vegetation is principally tall grass, which overhangs the stream providing extensive cover. Muskrat Creek, which originates in a small lake about three- quarters of a mile to the south is a tea-colored stream with a bottom comprised of organic silty-sand material. The entire course of this tributary appears to be one long slow run, with no true riffles or pools. However, the uppermost section of this stream near the lake from which it originates was not observed. Congahbuna Creek is also tea-colored and is characterized by a long slow run, and an organic silty-sand substrate. Submerged 5-21 0 grass is also visible. Downstream from the confluence with Musk- rat Creek, Congahbuna Creek develops a series of riffles and pools in a near 50:50 ratio. Old Tyonek Creek: Old Tyonek Creek begins in a small lake, about two miles southeast of the confluence of Chuit Creek and the Chuitna River, and runs about nine miles to Cook Inlet, emptying into the sea at Beshta Bay. The creek1 s entire course is through Quaternary glaciofluvial deposits of sand, gravel, and boulders. The creek valley is relatively flat with low banks 6 to 10 feet in height. Substrate is sand, gravel, and cobbles as much as 3 inches in diameter. The stream gradient is low. Tall grass extensively overhangs the stream banks. Small patches of willow and alder thickets with scattered birch, cottonwood, and spruce trees provide the primary overstory. The substrate type is a medium to fine gravel embedded in sand. Isolated patches of armored substrate are present. Flooding is evidenced by a water mark about 5 to 8 feet above the water surface. Stream banks are deeply undercut, and some sloughing of bank materials was observed. With the slight gradient present throughout the stretch below Congahbuna Creek, the river exhibits a ratio of about 60% run/pool to 40% riffle providing excellent spawning habitat. Fishes A comprehensive survey of the seasonal use, distribution and abundance of fish in the Beluga region has not been performed. Four species of Pacific salmon are known to inhabit the Chuitna River system and the mainstream of the Chuitna is an important king salmon spawning stream. The occurrence of the fifth species, the sockeye, is questionable though it may be found near the mouth of the Chuitna. Figure 5.2 displays a preliminary overview of the species distribution and spawning areas. The 5-22 , .. AEIDC Nov. 1980 FIGURE 5.2 ~ UPSTREAM DISTRIBUTION L SPECIES MAY BE PRES'ENT SPAWNING AREA \'---'' PS-PINK SALMON CS-CHUM SALMON WF-WHITE FISH DV-DOLLY VARDEN KS-KING SALMON BB-BURBOT SS-COHO SALMON RT-RAINBOW RS-SOCKEYE SALMON TROUT AG-ARCTIC GRAYLING SPECIES DISTRIBUTION AND SPAWNING AREAS completion of the 1981 field program will provide further insight into both distribution and habitat utilization. Chuit Creek is a known king salmon spawning area, and both pink and chum salmon spawn in the Chuitna from Lone Creek to the mouth of the river. Estimates of the abundance of the annual return to the Chuitna system are: Pinks 100,000 even years Chums 20,000 odd years Coho few Kings 5,000 Rainbow Trout ? Dolly Varden ? Nikolai Creek provides spawning for king, coho, and pink salmon and pink salmon also spawn in Old Tyonek Creek. Nikolai Creek is known for its rainbow trout and Congahbuna Lake supports a resident rainbow population. The various Pacific salmon of Cook Inlet are discussed in some detail later in this section under Marine Species, and Table 5.1 provides a summary of selected life history data. Table 5. 2 illustrates the type of data being obtained from the 1981 field program relative to determining the presence or absence of species. Emphasis during this period was to determine the pres- ence or absence of juveniles and observe the return of adult fish to the system. No outmigration or preemergent work was accom- plished in 1981. Table 5. 3 is a checklist of the probable freshwater species of the Beluga region (not all species have been confirmed by this pro- gram). 5-24 () Table 5.1 LIFE HISTORY DATA FOR FIVE SPECIES OF PACIFIC SALMON* Freshwater habitat Length of time young stay in fresh water Length of ocean life Year of life at maturity (years) Average length at maturity (inches) Range of length at maturity (inches) Average weight at maturity (pounds) Range of weight at maturity (pounds) Principal spawning months Fecundity (number of eggs) Principal spawning habitats Principal rearing habitat Chinook (King) Large Rivers 3 to 12 mos. 1 to 5 yrs. 2 to 8 36 16 to 60 22 2~ to 125 Aug -Sept 5,000 Sands & gravels (coarse) Cool, clear streams Pink Short Streams 1 day or less 1-1/3 yrs. 2 20 14 to 30 4 2 to 9 July -Sept 2,000 Silts & small gravel Estuarine Sockeye (Red) Short Streams & Lakes 1 to 3 yrs. ~ to 4 yrs. 3 to 7 25 15 to 33 6 1\ to 10 July -Sept 4,000 Fine to large gravels Lakes & ponds * Exceptions to these general descriptions occur frequently. Coho (Silver) Short Streams & Lakes to 2 yrs. 1 to 2 yrs. 2 to 4 24 17 to 36 10 3 to 30 Sept -Dec 3,500 Fine to coarse gravels (5 em) Pools in streams Chum (Dog) Short & Long Streams Less than 1 mo. \ to 4 yrs. 2 to 5 25 17 to 38 9 3 to 45 Sept -Nov 3,000 Fine gravels (2.5 em) Streams Location Nikolai Creek {; '--.__/ Jo's Creek Pitt Creek Stedatna Creek c Table 5.2 SELECTED FISH TRAPPING DATA NIKOLAI DRAINAGE (JUNE 1981) Date Species Captured 6/6 Adult Chinook Salmon 6/2 Juvenile Chinook Salmon 6/2 Juvenile Coho Salmon 6/2 Coho Salmon Fry 6/6 Adult Rainbow Trout 6/2 Juvenile Rainbow Trout 6/2 Juvenile Dolly Varden 6/2 Coastrange Sculpin 6/2 Threespine Stickleback 6/2 Chinook Salmon Fry 6/2 Juvenile Coho Salmon 6/2 Juvenile Dolly Varden 6/2 Coastrange Sculpin 6/2 Chinook Salmon Fry 6/2 Juvenile Coho Salmon 6/2 Juvenile Dolly Varden 6/2 Juvenile Chinook Salmon 6/2 Juvenile Coho Salmon 6/2 Juvenile Dolly Varden *by angler (hook & line) 5-26 (8)* (4) (24) (2) (10)* (3) (25) (13) (1) (1) (2) (3) (2) (2) (2) (3) (1) (4) (4) Table 5.3 CHECKLIST OF THE FRESHWATER FISH OF BELUGA AREA"' Pacific Lamprey Arctic Lamprey Green Sturgen Pacific Herring American Shad Pygmy Whitefish Round Whitefish Rainbow Trout Lake Trout Dolly Varden Sockeye Salmon (red or blue back) Coho Salmon (silver) King Salmon (chinook) Chum Salmon (dog) Pink Salmon (humpy) Arctic Grayling Pond Smelt Surf Smelt Eulachon (hooligan) Longrose Sucker Burbot Saffron Cod Threespine Stickleback Ninespine Stickleback Slimy Sculpin Coastrange Sculpin Pacific Staghorn Sculpin Starry Flounder Entosphenus tridentatus Lampetra japonica Acipenser medirostris Clupea harengue pallasi ~ sapidissima Prosopium coulteri ~ cylindraceum ~ · gairdneri Saivelinus namaycush ~~ Oncorhynchus nerka 2.:.. kisutch 2.:_ tshawytscha 2.:.. keta 2.:_ gorbuscha Thymallus arcticus Hypomesus olidus .!::!..;. pretiosus Thaieichthys pacificus Catostomus catostomus ~~ Eleqimus graccilis Gasterosteus aculeatus Pungiltius pungitius ~cognatus c. aleuticus Clinocottus acuticeps Platichthys stellatus "' Including anadromous species and the marine species of brackish estuaries. 5-27 0 Figure 5.2 shows the location of all reaches sampled by trapping and angling during the period May to early August 1981. In addition, aerial observations were made on numerous streams at various times during the field season (Table 5. 4 is an example) and all of the streams within the study area, with the exception of those in the Bishop Creek System, have been examined in part both from the air and the ground. Figure 5. 3 shows those areas . where adult king salmon wre observed in July and August 1981. Invertebrates Only preliminary studies of the benthic invertebrate community have been undertaken by the USGS and only general sampling of these communities is part of the 1981 field· program. Table 5.5 illustrates the results from basket samples taken at two stations of the Chuitna River by the USGS. TERRESTRIAL ECOLOGY Existing Vegetation A generalized vegetation map adapted from the map, 11 Major Eco- systems of Alaska 11 prepared by the Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission in 1973, is shown in Figure 5.4. Terrestrial vegetation in the region includes four general vegetative types: 0 0 0 0 upland spruce -hardwood forest high brush wet tundra alpine tundra The upland spruce -hardwood forest is a fairly dense, mixed forest of white spruce, paper birch, quaking aspen, black cottonwood and balsam poplar occupying major portions of the benchland in the re- 5-28 BELl/SA LAKE CAPPS GLACIER COOK INLET LEGEND AERIAL OBSERVATIONS OF AOUL T KING SALMON AREAS WHERE ADULT KING SALMON WERE OBSERVED (JULY-AUGUST, •al) FIGURE 5.3 ('\ ~/ Table 5.4 CHINOOK SALMON AERIAL SURVEY August 3, 1981* LOCATION NUMBER Chuitna River below mouth of 71 Lone Creek Lone Creek 207 Middle Creek 26 Cote Creek 2 Frank Creek 2 East Fork of Chuit Creek 32 Nikolai Creek above Jo's Creek 0 Jo's Creek 0 Pitt Creek 0 Camp Creek 3 * By helicopter; observers JB, JT and RD. 5-30 c Table 5.5 BENTHIC INVERTEBRATE COMMUNITY Analysis of Basket Samples Chuitna River Near Tyonek 10/18/77 3/29/78 Sampling Dates INSECTS Ephemeroptera nymphs (May Flies) Baetis sp Ephemerella doddsi Ephemerella inermis Ephemerella sp Plecoptera nymphs (Stone Flies) Capnia sp Hastaperta brevis lsoperla ebria lsoperta sp Pteronarcetfa badia Taenionema nigripenne Taenionema sp Zapada cintipes Zapada frigida Trichoptera larva (Caddis Flies) Apatania sp Arctopsyche ladogensis Brachycentrus sp Ecclisomyia sp Glossosoma sp Homophylax sp Molanna sp Onocosmoecus sp Psychoglypha subbarealis Rhyacophila sp Diptera larva (True Flies) Tipulidae larva (Crane Flies) Dicranota sp Hexatoma sp Limnophila sp Ormosia sp 5-31 #SO if60 Station Number 2 2 4 6 2 6 3 6 3 2 4 1/1P 7 Table 5.5 (Continued) BENTHIC INVERTEBRATE COMMUNITY 10/18/n 3/29/78 Sampling Dates #50 #60 Station Number Simuliidae larva (Black Flies) . Prosimulium sp Slmilium sp -- Chironomidae larva (midges) Areta or Conchapelopia sp Brillia sp Cladotanytarsus sp Conchapelopis sp Cricotopus sp 3 Diamesa sp 1 Diamesa sp 2 Eukiefferiella sp Micropsectra sp Orthocladius sp Potypedilum sp Potthastia sp Procladius sp Rheotanytarsus sp Tanytarsus sp Trissocladius sp Thienemanniella sp Ceratopogonidae larva (Biting Midges) Palpomyia sp Empididae larva (Dance Flies) Psychodidae larva (Moth Flies) Pericoma sp MISCELLANEOUS ORGANISMS Acari (Water Mites) Limnesia sp Sperchon sp 1 3 1 7 3 1 17 2 8 6 2 Total Number of Organisms 25 80 Total Number of Taxa 10 19 Number of Taxa -Insects Only 10 19 Total Number of Insects 25 80 Diversity Index -Insects Only 3.00 3. 79 Pooled: Total Number of Insects 105 Diversity Index -Insects Only 3.92 P Indicates pupa stage. 5-32 gion extending from sea level to more than 1,000 feet in elevation. Black spruce generally occupies areas of poor drainage; pure stands of white spurce and mixed stands of cottonwood and poplar often occur along stream courses. Successional stages following fire are birch on the east-and west-facing slopes with aspen following willow on south-facing slopes. Either of these stages provides good browse for moose. Some Sitka spruce occur as far north as the southern slopes of Mt. Susitna and some small stands are found near Tyonek. Sitka spruce hybridize with white spruce making identification diffi- cult. Some mountain hemlock is also found in the vicinity of Tyonek. The endemic spruce beetle, Dendroctonus rufipennis, has destroyed thousands of acres of forest in the Beluga region. Principal species include: White spruce Black spruce Quaking aspen Paper birch Black cottonwood Balsam popular Willow Alder Rose High-bush cranberry Lingenberry Raspberry Currant Picea glauca Picea mariana Populus tremuloides Betula papyrifera Populus balsamifera trichocarpa Populus balsamifera balsamifera Salix Alnus Rosa Viburnum edule Vaccinium vitis-idaea minus Rubus Ribes The dominant species in the high brush vegetative type range from dense willows to dense alder. This type occupies a wide variety of soil types and often occurs as pure thickets in coastal lowlands and floodplains. Occasional trees including aspen, birch, and spruce may be present but are generally widely scattered. Principal species include: 5-34 (--, ' ~ Sitka alder Alnus crisea sinuata Green alder Alnus crisea Thinleaf alder Alnus incana tenuifolia Devil's club Echinoeanax horridum Willow Salix Currant Ribes Blueberry Vaccinium Raspberry Rubus Soap berry Sheeherdia canadenus Lingenberry Vaccinium vitis-idaea minus Spirea seirea beauverdiana Thimbleberry Rubus earviflorus Salmonberry Rubus seectabilis Dogwood Corn us The wet tundra vegetative type is generally a mat of vegetation occurring along tidal flats and other flat areas near sea level. This vegetative mat is dominated by sedges and cottongrass with scat- tered woody and herbaceous plants occurring on drier sites above the water table. Principal species include: Sedges Carex Cottongrass Erioehorum Lyme grass Elymus arenarius Pendant grass Bur reed Mare's tail Rushes Willow Dwarf birch Labrador tea Cinquefoil Lingenberry Bog cranberry 5-35 Arctoehila fulva searganium Hieeuris Juncus Salix Betula nana exilis Ledum ealustre groenlandicum Potentilla fruiticosa Vaccinium vitis-idaea minus Oxycocus microcareus c-, Alpine tundra is generally found at the higher elevations and is com- prised primarily of low mat plants, both shrubby and herbaceous. Principal species include: Resin birch Dwarf birch Arctic willow Crowberry Labrador tea Mountain heather Rhododendron Dwarf blueberry Alpine blueberry Alpine bearberry Mountain avens Moss campion Arctic sandwort Cassiope Alpine azalea Sedges Lichens Mosses Betula glandulosa Betula nana exilis Salix arctica Empetrum nigrum Ledum palustre groenlandicum Phyllodoce Rohododend ron I appon icum Vaccinium caespitosum Vaccinium uliginosum alpinum Arctostaphylos alpina Dryas Silene acaulis Minuartia arctica Cassiope Loiseluria procumbens Juncus A more detailed vegetation map of the region is currently being pre- pared by the U.S. Forest Service Laboratory of the Pacific Northwest Experiment Station as part of the Susitna Basin Project. It is anti- cipated that this map will be available in 1982. The classification system being utilized is unique for the project and is based on Viereck and Dyrness's 1980 11 A Preliminary Classification System for Vegetation of Alaska 11 • A modified vegetation map based primarily on the laboratory's preliminary photo-mapping is shown in Figure 5.5. This system classifies existing, not potential, vegetation and begins with four formations for terrestrial vegetation -forest, tundra, shrub, and herbaceous vegetation. 5-36 E:;:;:;:;J BOG llmJ INFESTED SPRUCE 0 OLD MEDIUM MIXED DECIDUOUS B WATER OR RIVERBED 1\::.q TALL WHITE SPRUCE IJIIDD TALL BLACK SPRUCE ~ MIXED DECIDUOUS AND TALL SHRUB FIGURE 5.5 PRELIMINARY PHOTO INTERPRETATION VEGETATION MAP Based on Murray•s 1980 list of 11 Threatened and Endangered Plants of Alaska 11 , only one species, the pale poppy Papaver alboroseum which is often found in alpine tundra, is known to occur in the region. The plant communities described above will ultimately be related to successional stages and such regulating factors as altitude, soil and groundwater conditions, wildlife, and man•s activities, as part of a continuing characterization of terrestrial habitats. Much of the necessary baseline data will result from the 1981 field activities of the SCS. It is anticipated that surficial soils data and ground-truth confirmation of photo vegetation types will be available in 1982. Wetlands Wetlands constitute a large portion of the general area. The COE (Regulatory Program, July 19, 1977, Part 323, Section 323.2) pro- vides the following definition: c) The term 11 wetlands 11 means those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or groundwater at a frequency and dura- tion sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has mapped portions of western Cook Inlet at a scale of one inch to the mile as part of the National Wetlands Inventory. This inventory has been curtailed by budgetary constraints and it is not known when such information for the general project area will become available. The COE has made a preliminary wetlands determination in the Beluga area and that determination is shown in Figure 5.6. 5-38 () rm WETLANDS TRADING BAY FIGURE 5.6 PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION OF WETLANDS The above wetland classifications or determinations will not of them- selves portray wetland resources in sufficient detail to assess envi- ronmental impacts of site specific activities. Different types of wetlands vary in value, extent, and associated use by wildlife and this will be assessed on a site specific basis. Existing Mammal Populations The brown bear ( Ursus arctos), the black bear (Ursus americanus), and the moose ( Alces alces) are the principal species of large mam- mals found within the general project area. All three species can be considered common and widespread throughout the area. Moose are often locally abundant; most bears are transient using the area on a seasonal basis. Seasonal concentrations of moose are shown in Figure 5. 7; known seasonal feeding areas along salmon streams for bears are shown in Figure 5.8 as are primary denning areas. Other denning areas most likely occur within the region, as do other feeding areas along streams supporting seasonal runs of Pacific salmon. The wolf (Canis lupus) is not common within this area but has been observed in the Trading Bay State Game Refuge. Three wolves were also observed in the Capps area in August 1981 above the headwaters of Wolverine Fork. Brown bears reach minimum breeding age at 4~ to 6~ years of age; most males reach sexual maturity at 4 to 6 years (average 5~). The bears mate in May or June and cubs are born the following February or March. Denning in the study area probably begins in November, with younger and pregnant female bears denning earlier. Most bears remain in their dens until May, although they may emerge for brief periods if disturbed or during stretches of mild weather. The cubs remain with the sow for two years and are then abandoned in the third year before the sow breeds again. Litters of cubs and year- lings contain, on the average, slightly more than two cubs. A postnatal mortality differential between cubs and yearlings makes this 11 average 11 somewhat questionable. 5-40 c- (_ ... _ \ ....... ·············"·--.:"'ii::~...::~ CAPPS GLACIER ... ... ·· r·?····· FIGURE 5.7 ............. Granite Point BELUGA ~WINTER ~SUMMER COOK INLET BASED ON 1980-81 FIELD OBSERVATIONS SEASONAL CONCENTRATION OF MOOSE ~ \ .. L5~; ·- ITEL.UGA LAKE CAPPS GLACIER COOK INLET LEGEND El BROWN BEAR DENNING (IIJ BLACK BEAR DENNING I BROWN BEAR SEASONAL FEEDING AREA (SALMON); BASED ON OBSERVATIONS AND/OR TRACKS BEAR FEEDING AND PRIMARY DENNING AREA FIGURE 5.8 c Brown bears usually leave their dens in May and may move to the lower elevations or even onto the beaches, feeding on animal car- casses cast up during the winter storms. More typically, the bears remain at mid-elevations for various reasons both sociological and physiological. Inland bears may opportunistically utilize 11 moose yards 11 for winter kills and prey on moose calves at the calving grounds. As spring progresses, green vegetation becomes the principal diet, and as the snow retreats, the bears follow the spring growth to higher ground. Green vegetation, with occasional small mammals, carrion, roots, and other plant materials, form the mainstay of the diet until berries and salmon become available during the summer. Soon after they reach the spawning streams, salmon become the primary component of their diet, and the bears remain near the streams throughout the summer, supplementing their diet with plants and berries. After the salmon runs are complete, brown bears feed largely on berries, roots, and green vegetation, and occasional small mammals and carrion. 0 Brown Bear Denning Brown bears prepare dens by digging into hillsides usually at an altitudinal range of 300 to 750 meters (m) (1,000 to 2,500 feet). This zone provides certain environmental conditions favorable to winter denning including moderate, ambient temperatures during cold intervals, a relatively stable snowpack that insulates the den cavity, and an interwoven complex of vegetation that supports the snowpack (drifting) and den cavity (soil binding by root sys- tems). Dens generally have a single entrance, a chamber, and in some cases, a connecting tunnel. They are occupied from October or November until April or May and when abandoned, thawing and erosion soon cause them to collapse. Rocky caves and natural cavities may be appropriated or modified for use and reuse as winter dens. 5-43 c c Denning habitat of brown bears may be delineated by subjectively evaluating the principal criteria leading to site selection: elevation and slope, soil/rock substrate, and vegetation. The best snow conditions during the denning period are generally at intermediate elevations. Higher levels above the vegetation zone (635 m or 2, 000 ft plus) tend to have erratic and unstable snow conditions characterized by massive drifting, wind scouring, icing, heavy crusting and avalanches 1 and provide marginal denning oppor- tunities. Sea level temperatures are above freezing later in the winter and snow cover may not be sustained at lower elevations. Temperatures at the 300 m (1,000 ft) level may average lower than at sea level and, therefore, permit the snowpack to increase in depth. Later, during spring, lower temperatures at higher ele- vations permit snow cover to remain longer than at lower eleva- tions. The insulating property of snow has been recognized as an essential element of successful denning of polar and brown bears (Craighead and Craighead 1972; Lentfer and Hensel 1978, Lentfer et al. 1972). Intermediate levels also provide a warmer air stratum compared to lower and higher elevations since temperature inversions prevail during midwinter cold snaps in calm conditions. Site preference probably is also a function of slope as an incline aids in excavation--soil material can be easily deposited downhill from the den entrance. An incline also provides site drainage during thaws and spring snowmelt. Suitable soil condition is a major criterion for den site selection. Generally of shallow depth, alpine soils are easily pulverized and lack the cohesive properties of soils found at lower elevations. At upper elevations dens supported by subsurface freezing are likely to collapse during warm periods and be abandoned prematurely. Although suitable soil conditions occur at lower elevations 1 site selection at this level may be precluded by colder temperatures during midwinter cold snaps, reduced insulation qualities of snow, and insufficient drainage during snowmelt. 5-44 c c c Den site selection appears to be related to the subalpine ecotone delineated by the upper limit of woody vegetation types, notably alder, willow, and dwarf birch. Root penetration by these and large herbaceous plants bind the soil and provide added support to the den cavity. At intermediate elevations vegetation affords concealment and enhances security. Standing vegetation also re- tains and stabilizes the snowpack by retarding wind erosion. Snow accumulation on semi-brushy sites seals the den entrance, inhibiting air transfer, and provides an insulative layer covering the entire den. Usable and marginal denning habitats in the Beluga area were delineated through direct aerial observation of bears, dens, and related signs, together with the site selection criteria described by Spencer and Hensel (1980). Three possible den sites were located in the upper reaches of the Wolverine Fork and the Chichantna drainages and in the Chuitna drainage. Actual occupancy of these sites was not verified by ground in- spection. Distribution of tracks and bear sightings noted late in the period of den emergence indicated that denning activity is remarkably more intensive in the headwaters of the Chichantna River, and in hilly areas of North Capps Creek, and the mainstem of upper Capps Creek where the gentle relief the the plateau slopes abruptly and drainage systems form intervening gullies and steep-walled canyons. Considerable post-denning activity was noted in the upper Chuitna drainage, to a lesser degree in the upper Chuit drainage, and along the upper edge of the Nikolai escarpment. Most brown bear activity in the Beluga area is prob- ably associated with this escarpment and steep slopes paralleling the upper Chuitna and its major tributaries where elevation ex- ceeds 300 m (1,000 ft). At this altitude the snowpack is probably of sufficient depth, composition and duration to accommodate most of the brown bear denning occurring in the Beluga area. Can- yons and tributary slopes provide good drainage and adequate shrub/herbaceous coverage are an added inducement for brown bear denning in these areas. Slopes and drainages near the Capps Glacier lack suitable soil and vegetation condition to be considered usable denning habitat. Rocky land outcroppings and 5-45 c c large boulders along the bottom edges of tributary canyons may provide natural den sites for brown bears, but these situations appear to be limited in number. Much of the Beluga area, because of its elevated plateau character and lowland tree cover, is unusable or marginal denning habitat for brown bears. That portion of the plateau stretching from Nikolai escarpment to Lone Ridge north to the Capps Glacier is of such gentle grade, sparse vegetation cover and gravelly sandy soils to virtually preclude denning. Approximately 20% of the delineated brown bear habitat is situated in the North Capps Creek lease area. 0 Brown Bear Movement and Activity Patterns The locations of established bear trails were noted on topo- graphic maps from aerial and field observations. When there is no snow cover, such trails are prominent features on the landscape, patterns of which indicate the level and direction of movements to and from activity areas. Depending upon biological needs and habitat conditions, brown bears utilize two or more activity areas, which can be viewed merely as different portions of an all-encom- passing range. Distances between activity areas also vary, since one or several drainages may be part of a year-around range of an individual bear. The location of principal trail systems relates to topographic obstacles and cross country distance and/or access to activity areas, particularly those associated with seasonal food gathering. In the Beluga area, topography limits movements to and from adjacent areas. The high glaciated mountains preclude movements north of the moraine plateau. The extensive lowland marsh between Nikolai and the Chakachatna drainges deter westward movement because brown bears traveling across lowland areas have a proclivity to avoid open terrain. Logging operations in and around this sector also affect movement in this area. The absence of any established trails or recent signs indicative of traveling 5-46 c 0 bears in this area supports this observation. To the east, the relatively large and fast-flowing Beluga River probably restricts brown bear movements parallel to the mountain range or Cook Inlet. The region•s geomorphology limits the degree of inter- change between brown bear subpopulations resident to the north side of Cook Inlet. Brown bears may, therefore, be considered in the Beluga area as a relatively discrete population with minimum interchange between adjacent subpopulations. Feeding and socializing (breeding behaviorism) as distinct activ- ities greatly influence the extent to which brown bears move. In- dividual tracks and bear sightings made during the post-denning (breeding) period indicated bears traverse the upper reaches of the plateau at an altitudinal range of 350 to 700 m (1 ,200 to 2,300 ft). Considerable movement activity of an exploratory na- ture was noted to occur along the eastward edge of the plateau in the headwaters of Bishop and Scarp creeks, and headwaters of the Chuitna and Wolverine Fork. In the Nikolai area, a major travel route (Pit Creek) was found to connect the upper Chuitna and Nikolai drainages. The absence of any permanent bear trails across the marshy areas west of Nikolai Creek supports the supposition of limited population interchange. Black Bears Black bears are generally considered open forest animals which tend to avoid both the denser forest and large open areas; this may not be typical of the southcentral portion of ~he range where black bears are found throughout the study area along principal stream courses. Primary denning habitat for black bears occurs along the Nikolai escarpment and forested portions of the upper Chuitna and Lone Creek drainages. It is estimated that less than 15% of the primary habitat for black bear denning occurs within the overall project area and even less in specific site locations. 5-47 c 0 c Black bear usually reach maturity in their third year, although some females may not breed until they are 5 or 6 years of age. They mate in June or July and the cubs, usually two to three per litter, are born in the den in midwinter. Black bears in the study area generally emerge from their dens in May, though females with their cubs may emerge later and den earlier than others. Cubs are genera II y weaned by the next September after their birth, but may remain with a lactating sow for another winter. Black bears eat a wide variety of plant and animal material. Dur- ing the spring, grasses, sedges, and horsetail ( Eguisetum) make up the bulk of their diet. During the summer and early autumn, berries make up the larger portion of the diet. Black bears in general are less dependent on salmon runs than brown bears, but in the study area, concentrations along salmon streams indicate that salmon is an important component of the summer diet. In the fall, vegetation again becomes more important in the diet as salmon and berries become less and less available. Moose Moose range throughout the study area and calve during the spring in areas of muskeg or swamps. One or two calves are the norm. Bulls and cows with calves from previous years usually summer on higher ground, and in early to mid fall move down the hills to lower elevations. Wintering grounds usually are in the lowlands and river valleys and may hold dense aggregations of moose in 11 moose yards 11 • 11 Yarding 11 occurs primarily in response to heavy snow cover and difficult feeding conditions. Moose eat a variety of vegetable matter including browse (woody plant stems, buds, leaves, bark, and twigs), lichens, fungi, grasses, and forbs (non-woody annual and perennial plants other than grasses). The percentage of each of these components in 5-48 c 0 the diet is determined for the most part by its seasonal availabil- ity. Birch, which constitutes a large percentage of the diet, does not provide sufficient nutrition to support the moose for sustained periods. Moose reportedly eat alder and willow preferentially throughout the year, but the quantity of these plants available to the moose is usually less than sufficient to comprise the bulk of the diet. Low browse, forbs, and other plant material are essential to moose diets. Typically, vegetation on the best moose range is in the earlier sera! stages (i.e., 5 to 25 years old) of plant succession. Much of the area logged in recent years is now in excel.lent browse condition, particularly along the Nikolai escarpment. Aerial observation of big game is continuing· as part of the on- going 1981 field program. Table 5.6 shows the results of a 2-day observation period in ear.ly June. Table 5. 7 shows the results of the 1980 moose survey conducted by ADF&G. Seasonal distribution of bears, moose, and other mammals can only be generally described considering the limits of the past and on- going field studies. A more comprehensive mapping effort will be required to quantify the impacts on habitat of the project. The status and discreteness of both the moose and bear populations require additional field evaluation. Predator-prey relationships for big game and other species have not been described. Other Mammals Other mammals known or considered to be present within the study area are: Red Fox Mink River of Land Otter 5-49 Vulpes fulva Mustela vison Lutra canadensis () Table 5.6 MOOSE/BEAR OBSERVATIONS (AERIAL) JUNE 1-4, 1981 Dale Obs. Brown Black Sub-Uniden-Females Females Females Uniden- 1981 No. Obs. Location Altitude ~ Bear Adult adult tified w/cubs w/Year-lin9 Males Females w/calves tit'ied 6/'1 H Lower Chuitna 3DO 6/2 lA T Lower Capps Crk 500 6/2 1B H Lower· Chuitna 300 1(2) 6/3 2H H Mid-Chuitna 1,000 6/3 3H H Mid-Chuitna 500 6/3 4H H Lower Chuitna 150 6/3 5H H 3 Mile Creek 250 6/3 6H H East Fork Chuitna 600 6/3 7C H s. Side Chichantna 300 8C H Wolv. Crk E. Side 1,500 2 9C H Upper Chichantna 1,000 1 ·we H Upper Chuitna 1,300 1 11C H Lower Chuitna 800 1 ·12c H Lower Chuitna 200 13C H Upper Chakachatna 1,900 3 1(2) 14C H Straight Creek 500 15C H Straight Creek 300 2 2 "16C H Upper Nikolai 2,000 17C H Upper Chuit 1,600 "18C H Mid-Chuitna 800 19C H Mid-Chuitna 800 20C H Lower Chuitna 200 2"1C H Upper Wolverine 1,700 1 22H H Mid-Chuitna 375 1 23C H Nikolai Creek 900 3 1(2) 24C H East Chuilna 350 1 Table 5. 7 1980 MOOSE SURVEY ~: Lone Ridge, Beluga Drainage, Chuitna Drainage Observer: J. Didrickson, ADF&G (Palmer) Total Moose: 151 (139 adults, 12 calves) Age-Sex Ratios: Bulls -33 large, Cows 1.1. yearlings 44 Total Period of Observation: December 5-51 85 w/o calves 8 w/calves ~ w/2 calves 95 Total c c: Red Squirrel Lynx Snowshoe or Varying Hare Flying Squirrel Muskrat Beaver Wolverine Porcupine Least Weasel Ermine or Shorttail Weasel Mouse Weasel Marten Coyote Ground Squirrel Collared Pika Hoary Marmot Brown Lemming Northern Bog Lemming Red-backed Vole Tundra Vole House Mouse Meadow Jumping Mouse Masked Shrew Dusky Shrew Water Shrew Little Brown Bat Tamiasciurus hudsonicus Lynx canadensis Lepus americanus Glaucomys sabrinus Ondatra zibethica Castor canadensis Gulo luscus Erethizon dorsatum Mustela rixosa Mustela erminea Mustela nivalis Martes americana Canis latrans Citellus undulatus Ochotna collaris Marmota caligata Lemmus trimucronatus Synaptomys borealis Clethrionomys rutilus Microtus oeconomus Mus musculus Zapus hudsonius Sorex cinereus Sorex obscurus Sorex palustris Myotis lucifugus Population estimates for the above are not available, however the area has historically supported a relatively large harvest of fur- bearers, particularly beaver and wolverine. Beavers are active throughout the region and have a significant impact on the head- waters of nearly every stream within the system. An aerial count of active lodges is anticipated as part of an on-going field pro- gram to be conducted in the fall of 1981. 5-52 c 0 General Sensitivity to Changed Conditions Populations of large mammals change in response to natural bio- logic, geologic, and climatic events and in response to human activities. Pressures from human activities are generally related to economic development. Direct pressures also occur when hab- itats are altered or their uses are denied by segmentation or other means. Habitat may be altered or destroyed by fire, clearing, logging, road building, or other construction and resource extrac- tion activities. Segmentation divides a habitat into tracts too small to be used effectively by a population. The noise and activity associated with development also may prevent utilization of a habitat. Many diverse habitat types within the range of a species may be occupied at least occasionally by a particular species. One or more of these types termed "critical habitats 11 may be of par- ticular importance and their extent may limit the population. Critical habitats may be areas used for denning 1 wintering 1 calv- ing, or feeding. Use of a critical habitat may vary widely from year to year depending on a variety of factors. Critical habitats for many species have been defined. Denning areas, spring feeding areas, and salmon streams are probably the most critical habitats for brown bears. Most of the salmon streams support brown bear concentrations and may be considered critical habitat during the salmon runs. The future of the brown bear inevitably will be determined by human encroach- ment into bear habitat. Within the study area, brown bears prob- ably are more vulnerable to the secondary effects of development, especially increased access by hunters and increased incidental confrontations, than to the more direct modifications of habitat associated with resource development. Factors determining black bear mortality are well known, and hunting and other human activities generally become the major limiting factors in accessible areas. Loss of habitat to develop- 5-53 (~ ment, loss of access to salmon streams and berry patches, harass- ment (both intentional and inadvertent) by outdoor recreation and transportation activities, and the incidence of nuisance bears that must be destroyed will increase as human populations and bear populations interface more frequently. Small, discrete black bear populations may be especially vulnerable to over-harvest. In the study area, where black bear populations infrequently are isolated from one another, the bears are less vulnerable to the effects of human activities. Black bears usually inhabit open woodlands, avoiding extensive open areas and the larger tracts of dense forest. Where human contact has not been encouraged, habitat preference and native wariness permit black bears to withstand considerable human pressure. Winter mortality of moose, including deaths associated with star- vation and losses to predators caused by the weakened condition of the moose and loss of mobility in deep snow, are the major factors limiting natural moose populations. Winter mortality is determined primarily by food availability, which in turn is deter- mined by competition for the food resources and by the depth, duration, and hardness of the snow. Adverse winter conditions first affect the calves, then the cows, and finally the bulls. Mortality in extremely harsh years may be nearly 100%. Predation by bears, wolves, and human hunters also may affect populations. Accidental kills by automobiles may be important locally, and traf- fic mortality increases when roads and railroads are constructed through prime ranges or across migration routes. Secondary effects of development, particularly increased access for hunters, would have the greatest impact on existing moose populations. Existing Avian Populations Little information is available on terrestrial avian populations for the Beluga area. Ornithological records primarily reflect lists published by various observers. Year-round populations of terrestrial birds 5-54 c are represented by relatively few species, including raven, chicka- dee, redpoll, Canada and Steller•s Jay, magpie, and several wood- peckers. Species diversity and abundance increase markedly in the summer. Table 5.8 represents a list of birds which can be expected to be found in the Beluga region. The list includes year-round resi- dents, migratory species (excluding waterfowl, shorebirds and sea- birds) and accidental or occasional sightings. Known nesting sites (cranes, eagles, swans) based on 1981 field observations are shown in Figure 5.9. Included in Figure 5.9 are swan and eagle nests sighted during a June 2, 1981 flight of the Upper Cook Inlet Oil and Gas Lease Units by personnel of ADF&G. Nesting habitat (current and potential) will be mapped eventually as part of an overall habitat mapping scheme. The relationship between project development and operation relative to adjacent refuge lands must be carefully considered particularly if the DF&G were to under- take any enhancement programs to encourage additional summer utili- zation of the lands. Amphibians The. only amphibians known from the region are the rough-skinned newt, Taricha granulosa, and the wood frog, Ran a sylvatica. The rough-skinned newt is a relatively large brown salamander (up to 6 inches in length) found near small ponds and lakes throughout the spruce forests near the coast. The wood frog is a small (up to 3 inches) light brown or gray frog, with a prominent dark eye mask, found in or near the shallow ponds of both the lowland forest and wet tundra. Both the rough-skinned newt and the wood frog are active during daytime (diurnal). 5-55 (\ "-----'-· Table S.8 TERRESTRIAL BIRDS Common Name Scientific Name Goshawk Accieiter gentilis Sharp-shinned Hawk Accieiter striatus Red-tailed Hawk ~ jamaicensis Rough-legged Hawk ~ lagoeus Golden Eagle Aguila chrysaetos Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucoceehalus Marsh Hawk ~ syaneus Osprey Pandion haliaetus Gyrfalcon ~ rusticolus Peregrine Falcon ~ peregrinus Merlin ~ columbarius American ·Kestrel ~ searverius Spruce Grouse Canachites canadensis Willow Ptarmigan Lagoeus lagopus Rock Ptarmigan Lagoeus ~ White-tailed Ptarmigan !..agoeus leucurus Sandhill Crane ~canadensis Rock Dove Columba~ Great Horned Owl ~ virginianus Snowy Owl Nyctea scandiaca Hawk Owl ~ulula S/S/F /W = Summer, Spring, Fall, Winter C = Common U = Uncommon R = Rare + = Casual or accidental = Not known to occur * = Known or probable breeder s-ss Occurrence S/S/F/W U/U/U/U * C/U/C/U * R/R/R/+ * R/+/R/+ R/R/R/R * C/C/C/C * C/U/C/R * R/R/R/-* R/R/R/R * U/R/U/R * R/R/R/R "' R/-/R/+ U/U/U/U * U/U/U/U * C/C/C/C * R/R/R/R * C/R/C/-* C/C/C/C * CICICIC * R/+/R/U U/U/U/C * c Common Name Great Gray Owl Short-eared Owl Boreal Owl Saw-Whet Owl Rufous Hummingbird Belted Kingfisher Common Flicker Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Hairy Woodpecker (\ Downy Woodpecker Black-backed Three-toed "'-.-~' Woodpecker Northern Three-toed Woodpecker Eastern Kingbird Alder Flycatcher Western Wood Pewee Olive-sided Flycatcher Horned Lark Violet-green Swallow Tree Swallow Bank Swallow Rough-winged Swallow Barn Swallow Cliff Swallow Gray Jay Steller's Jay Black-billed Magpie c~ Table 5.8 Continued TERRESTRIAL BIRDS Scientific Name ~ nebulosa ~ flammeus Aegolius funereus Aegolius acadicus Selasphorus rufus Megaceryle alcyon Colaptes auratus Sphyrapicus ~ Picoides villosus Picoides pubescens Picoides arcticus Picoides tridactylus Tyrannus tyrannus Empidonax alnorum Contopus sordidulus Nuttallornis borealis Eremophila alpestris Tachycineta thalassina I ridoprocne bicolor Riparia riparia Stelgidopteryx ruficollis Hirundo ~ Petrochelidon pyrrhonota Perisoreus canadensis Cyanocitta ili!!!!:l Pica pica 5-57 Occurrence S/S/F/W R/R/R/R * C/C/C/R * U/U/U/U * R/R/R/R * C/C/C/-* U/U/U/U * +/R/U/· +/-!+/- U/U/U/U * U/U/U/U * +1-1-1-* R/R/R/R * ·/+/+/- U/U/U/-* ·/R/R/· * R/R/R/· * R/R/R/· C/C/C/· * C/C/C/-* U/U/U/· * +/+!-!- C/C/C/-* U/U/U/· * R/R/R/R * C/C/C/C * C/C/C/C * Common Name Common Raven Northwestern Crow Black-capped Chickadee Boreal Chickadee Chestnut-backed Chickadee Red-breasted Nuthatch Brown Creeper Dipper Winter Wren American Robin Varied Thrush Hermit Thrush Swainson's Thrush Gray-cheeked Thrush Wheatear Townsend's Solitaire Golden-crowned Kinglet Ruby-crowned Kinglet Water Pipit Bohemian Waxwing Northern Shrike Starling Tennessee Warbler Orange-crowned Warbler Yellow Warbler Yellow-rumped Warbler Townsend's Warbler Blackpoll Warbler Table 5.8 Continued TERRESTRIAL BIRDS Scientific Name ~~ ~ caurinus ~ atricapillus ~ hudsonicus Parus rufescens ~ canadensis ~ familiaris Cinclus mexicanus Troglodytes troglodytes ~ mi.gratorius lxoreus naevius Catharus guttatus Catharus ustulatus Catharus minimus Oenanthe oenanthe Myadestes townsendi Regulus satrapa Regulus calendula ~ spinoletta Bombycilla garrulus Lanius excubitor Sturnus vulgaris Vermivora peregrina Vermivora celata Dendroica petechia Dendroica coronata Dendroica townsendi Dendroica ~ 5-58 Occurrence S/S/F/W C/C/C/C * C/C/C/C * U/U/U/U * R/R/R/R * C/C/C/C * R/R/U/R * U/U/U/U * C/C!C/C * U/U/U/U * C/C/C/R * C/C/C/U * C/C/CI-* U/U/U/-* U/U/U/-* R/R/R/-* R/R/R/-* U/U/U/U * C/C/C/+ * C/CICI-* U/U/U/R * U/U/U/U * R/-/R/R +/-1-1- C/C/C/-* U/U/U/-* U/U/U/-* U/U/U/-* R/R/R/-* c c Common Name Northern Waterthrush Wilson's Warbler Red-winged Blackbird Rusty Blackbird Brambling Bullfinch Pine Grosbeak Gray-crowned Rosy Finch Hoary Redpoll Common Redpoll Pine Siskin Red Crossbill White-winged Crossbill Savannah Sparrow Dark-eyed Junco Tree Sparrow Chipping Sparrow Harris' Sparrow White-crowned Sparrow Golden-crowned Sparrow White-throated Sparrow Fox Sparrow Lincoln's Sparrow Song Sparrow Lapland Longspur Snow Bunting Table 5.8 Continued TERRESTRIAL BIRDS Scientific Name Seiurus noveboracensis Wilsonia pusilla Agelaius phoeniceus Euphagus carolinus Fringilla montifringilla Pyrrhula pyrrhula Pinicola enucleator Leucosticte tephrocotis Carduelis hornemanni CardueHs flammea Carduelis pinus Loxia curvirostra Loxia leucoptera Passerculus sandwichensis ~ hyemalis Spizella arborea Spizella passerina Zonotrichia guerula Zonotrichia leucophrys Zonotricha atricapilla Zonotricha albicollis Passerella ~ Melospiza lincolnii Melospiza Melodia Calcarius lapponicus Plectrophenax ~ 5-59 Occurrence S/S/F/W R/R/R/-* C/C/C/-* R/R/R/-"' U/R/U/R * -1-1+/+ -!-/+/+ U/U/U/U "' U/U/U/R * R/-/-/R C/U/U/C * C/C/C/U * R/R/R/R * U/U/U/U * C/C/C/-* U/U/U/U * U/R/U/R * +1-1+1- +1-1+/- U/R/U/R * C/C/C/R "' -!-/+/+ C/C/C/R * C/C/C/+ * C/C/C/C * U/R/U/+ * U/R/U/R "' IELllfiA LAKE CAPPS GLACIER COOK INLET LEGEND • BALD EAGLE NEST • TRUMPETER SWAN NEST e SANDHILL CRANE NEST KNONN NESTING SITES (ACTIVE, 1981) FIGURE 5.9 MARINE ECOLOGY Intertidal and Shallow Subtidal Habitats The intertidal and shallow subtidal environments present in upper Cook Inlet vary significantly from area to area. Figure 5.10 illus- trates the diverse habitats present along the northwest shore of Cook Inlet near the proposed project. The intertidal area from the Beluga River south through Trading Bay contains broad expanses of gravel and sand as well as extensive mud flats. From the sandy reaches just south of the Beluga River, the intertidal zone becomes mud to below Three-mile Creek. Gravel exists at the delta of the Chuitna River, however mud flats are present north of Tyonek. The gravel returns south of Tyonek through North Foreland. Mud flats are again present to just north of Granite Point (Beshta Bay), gravel with mixed boulders exist at Granite River, and then the area becomes broad mud tidal flats (Trading Bay) disected by the flow of Nikolai Creek. The oceanographic conditions vary significantly on each side of the inlet, and to a lesser extent on a site specific basis anywhere along the west side of the inlet. This is a major reason for variations in diversity of intertidal and shallow subtidal habitats. 0 Mud Flats The productivity and species diversity on the broad mud flats of upper Cook Inlet are generally low. In addition, the subtidal species density and diversity in these areas are also low. The limiting factors to productivity in areas dominated by mud flats are the high suspended sediment levels, low light penetration, and climatic variables. In winter months the surface sediments freeze during low tide. 5-61 WEST FORELAND FIGURE 5.10 KEY []J] SAND ~MUD r:&WIU GRAVEL .. BOULDER HABITAT TYPES, COOK INLET SHORELINE The fauna within the intertidal/shallow subtidal area of mud flats is dominated by pelecypods (clams), primarily Macoma balthica and Mya sp., and polychaete worms (Nephtys, Etcone, Potamilla, Spio) of minor importance, and the clams Clinocardium, the basket cockle, and Pseudopythina, the common clam. There is substantial vertical distribution of the faunal assemblages in the mud flats. Figure 5.11 shows the distribution of the major organisms in the mud flats. Predation is strong, with diving ducks, gulls and shorebirds being the major predators. A number of transient predators also depend on the infauna. These predators include crab, flatfish, cottids, and some Pacific salmon. Several migratory bird species utilize the mud flats, including the western Sandpiper and Dunlins during spring migratio!l. The Greater Scaup, Old squaw, Surf seater and Black seater feed extensively on the mud flats in the winter. A generalized food web for mud flat environments is shown in Figure 5.12. Gravel arid Cobble Substrate The gravel and cobble intertidal and subtidal areas support moderate densities of gammaride amphipods (Anisogammarus confervicolus) and the isopod Gnorimosphaeroma oregonensis. In addition, barnacles (Balanus sp.) and mussels (Mytilus edulis) are present during spring, summer and fall. They are preyed upon by nudibranch ( Onchidoris balamellata) and snails (nucella emarginata). The barnacles and mussels seldom survive the winter and thus are replaced yearly. Other important predators include the rock sandpiper, a winter predator; dungeness crab (lancer magister); helmet crab (Telmessus cheiragonus); gray shrimp ( Crangon alaskensis ; sand lance (Ammoclytes hexapterus); Pacific staghorn Sculpin (Leptocotuss 5-63 0 CLINOCARDIUM FIGURE 5.11 Dl STRIBUTION OF ORGANISMS IN MUD FLATS J Platichthya ( Western sandpipers Semi-palmated plovers c.. ~ () c=. ~ POLYCHAETES '\ ~~ Nephtya 7i •.,. Phyllodoce ------ \ POLYCHAEU:S Pot ami lla Spio Polydora Eteone ell Mya spp Bacteria + Organic Debris ' Plant Materials C llnocardlum nuttollil Zooplankton . t Phytoplankton FIGURE 5.12 GENERALIZED FOOD WEB FOR MUD FLAT Dolly Varden Juvenile Salmon ids 1 ~\ I i armatus); starry flounder ( Platichthys stellatus); and flathead sole (Hippoglosgoides classodon). Granite Point Intertidal and Shallow Subtidal Investigation A July 1981 investigation of the shallow subtidal and intertidal area in the vicinity of Granite Point revealed that the benthic community at all the sampled stations was dominated by the pink clam ( Macoma balthica). Three transects with three intertidal stations (high, low and midtide) and one subtidal station were established. The inter- tidal flats from the airport to Granite Point grades from a fine, muddy clay near the airstrip to gravelly sand toward Granite Point, and grades to coarse sand and gravel at increasing distances from the shoreline. The results of this investigation are summarized in graphic form in Figure 5.13 Marine Species 0 Fisheries Fish populations in upper Cook Inlet in clo~e proximity to the Trading Bay/Beluga River area include anadromous species (salmon and eulachon), resident species (flounder and sculpin), migratory species (halibut), and shellfish. Of commercial importance in upper Cook Inlet are four of the the five species of Pacific sal- mon. These salmon are also important sport fish. The five Pacific salmon species found in upper Cook Inlet are: King (chinook) salmon Sockeye (red) salmon Silver (coho) salmon Chum (dog) salmon Pink (humpback) salmon 5-66 ' Oncorhynchus tshawytscha 0. nerka 0. kisutch 0. keta 2..:_ gorbuscha FIGURE 5.13 (\ \ .. ) Transect Transect li'ansect I 2 3 286?7 33'P'"34 GRANITE POINT INTERTIDAL AND SHALLOW SUBTIDAL SPECIES ASSEMBLAGES The general life histories of the five species of Pacific salmon in Cook Inlet is summarized in Table 5. 9, as well as under Fresh- water Fishes and in Table 5.1. Exceptions to these general features occur frequently. The relationship between salmon and the freshwater streams in the Beluga area is important in that the fish use the freshwater streams only to carry on reproductive and early life stage functions. Adult fish migrate from the marine environment to spawn and then die. Young salmon (fry) inhabit the freshwater streams for a short time, migrate to the sea where they grow rapidly into adults, and return to natal streams to spawn. Early development may also occur there. Some salmon remain in fresh water for 2 to 3 years; Dolly Varden may remain for as long as 4 years. The different salmon species remain in fresh water varying lengths of time and also return to spawn at different times of the year. The general timing of the life history stages for each of the five species is shown in Table 5. 10. The adult fish migrate to fresh water, then the female prepares the nest (redd) and generally spawns with only one male. Several males may be in attendance but usually only the dominant male will spawn with the female. It is estimated that early-run spawners deposit approximately 3, 700 eggs each, while late-run spawners deposit approximately 4, 100. The eggs are covered with upstream gravel, and the females guard the nest as long as possible but die soon after spawning. Hatching usually occurs in February to March, depending pri- marily on water temperature. The alevins (yolk sak fry) remain in the gravel for 2 to 3 weeks and then emerge as free-swimming, actively feeding fry. Some fry migrate immediately to the sea, however, most remain in the gravel areas near stream banks. Few lakes in the Beluga area are accessible to salmon. Most remain in fresh water for at least one year before moving out to sea. The life cycle of the king and silver salmon are illustrated in Figures 5.14 and 5.15. 5-68 Table 5.9 PACIFIC SALMON IN ALASKA-LIFE FEATURES Time Spent in Fresh Average Average Water after Time Age at Weight Eggs per Emergence at Sea Spawning of Adults Female SJ:!ecies of Salmon From Gravel Years Years Pounds Thousands Chum (dog) Less than 2-4 3-5 8 3.0 1 month Pink (humpback) Usually less 2 4 2.0 than 1 month (-', Silver (coho) 12-36 months 3-4 9 3.5 "-----·· Red (sockeye) 12-36 months 1-4 3-6 6 3.5 King (chinook) 3-12 months 1-6 3-7 20 8.0 5-69 (~ Table 5.10 GENERAL SALMON RUN TIMING INFORMATION FOR NORTHERN COOK INLET STREAMS Life History seecies Stage* Activit~ Dates Chinook Adults Enter fresh water May 15 -July 15 Salmon Spawning June 20 -Aug. 15 Juveniles Outmigration Apr. 15 -July 15 Sockeye Adults Enter fresh water May 20 -Aug. 15** Salmon Spawning Aug. 1 -Nov. 15 Juveniles Outmigration Apr. 15 -Aug. 1 Coho Adults Enter fresh water July 10 -Nov. 1*** Salmon Spawning Aug. 1 -Feb. 1 Juveniles Outmigration Apr. 15 -July 15 Pink Adults Enter fresh water June 20 -Aug. 15*** Salmon Spawning July 10 -Sept. 1 Juveniles Outmigration Apr. 15 -June 10 Chum Adults Enter fresh water July 1 -Sept. 1*** Salmon Spawning Aug. 1 -Oct. 1 Juveniles Outmigration Apr. 15 -July 10 * Juvenile chinook, sockeye, and coho salmon are present in streams or lakes. year round. ** Even numbered years. *** Odd numbered years. 5-70 KING (CHINOOK) SALMON Oncorhync.hus tshawytscha (WALBAUM) IFIGURE 5.14 I 5iJI ADULT MIGRATION TO SPAWNING GROUND MAY-AUG ·.·: .. t ewe~ : ...... .··· f'Wiii'i:'"U'&';~~....-:;;:::;~ ~,(,/''' ~~:~c ::~~f.'::.'.":::~::., •• ·····.·.·: ·:.~:;\::':),~~1,::.=:;-::-::·:·: ::.::·::::::::}:!.:{/)::;,'.:·· LIFE CYCLE OF KtNG SALMON I SILVER (COHO) SALMON Oncorhynchus klsutch (WALBAUM) FIGURE 5.15 ..IUV~NIL~ FISH IN FRESH WATER ITO 2 YEARS LIFE CYCLE OF THE SILVER SALMON c: The spawning substrate for these salmon varies somewhat by species. Silver (coho), pink (humpback) and chum (dog) prefer a substrate of medium-size gravel, while red (sockeye) prefer fine gravel or sand and king salmon (chinook) prefer coarse gravel. Young chinooks and cohos feed mainly on insects, including fly and beetle larvae and juveniles (dipterous larvae, trichopteran, and coleopteran juveniles). Other species of salmon fry also serve as an important food source for the coho. Sockeye feed on zoo- plankton. Several factors relative to incubation are important. to the survival of local salmon populations: Access to Spawning Sites: Most basic to hatch success is the ability of migrating salmon to reach the spawning sites. Freedom from Disturbance: Once the redds are established and eggs are deposited, disturbance may increase egg mortality. Predation by Other Animals -Invertebrate organisms that in- vade the redds or other fish which feed on dislodged eggs are the major predators. Diseases: Infection by aquatic fungi increases egg mortality. Water Quality and Quantity: If the water contains deleterious chemicals and is not adequately oxygenated, is of unsuitable temperature, or does not flow properly around the eggs or larvae, significant mortality results. Proper stream flow, permeability of gravel, and dissolved oxygen concentrations are critical to salmon survival. Foreign substances in the water including siltation of streams has been demonstrated to severely diminish productivity. 5-73 Other factors such as adequate rearing habitat, food sources,· holding areas, and spawning habitat are also important. Dolly Varden (char) are widely distributed throughout Cook Inlet. They also migrate from the marine environment to fresh water to spawn. Upstream movement usually begins in late July or August and continues through November. Spawning usually occurs in gravelly streams with a fairly stong current. Unlike the Pacific salmon, Dolly Varden do not die after spawning. Development to hatching requires about 130 days, and the young remain in the gravel for 60 to 70 days. Dolly Varden usually spend three to four years in the creek before going to sea. Eulachon (hooligan), a small anadromous smelt, is found in abun- dance in upper Cook Inlet. However, the only known run of eulachon in the Beluga area is at the Beluga River. Eulachon runs begin about May 15 and peak toward the end of May. The eggs hatch in 2 to 3 weeks and the young move downstream immediately. Resident marine fish found in upper Cook Inlet are primarily flounder, sculpin, and cod. Their distribution is widespread, however their population densities are unknown. They are of little commercial or subsistence importance. Migratory marine fish include the halibut, which are primarily found in lower Cook Inlet ( Kalgin Island and south). Most halibut winter offshore in the Gulf of Alaska. Herring also can be found in fairly large numbers in lower Cook Inlet, and are very rarely found in upper Cook Inlet. Shellfish, including king crab, dungeness crab, tanner crab, several species of shrimp, clams, oysters, and scallops are all found in commercial quantities in Cook Inlet. Most of these shell- fish are found predominantly in lower Cook Inlet, south of the 5-74 Forelands. Clams, however, are common in tidal flats in upper Cook Inlet, including Trading Bay. Commercial Fisheries: Commercially important species of fish in Cook Inlet include salmon, halibut, herring, shrimp and crab. The commercial fishing industry (harvesting and processing) is an important source of income and employment. The yearly and mean catches for the period 1973 to 1977 of 'the various fish- eries in Cook Inlet are shown in Table 5.11. Salmon: The salmon fishery in Cook Inlet is the most important commercial fishery. There are three distinct Cook Inlet salmon fisheries, defined by gear type (purse seine, drift gill net, and set gill net). Upper Cook Inlet areas support primarily gill net fishing. The salmon harvest in recent years has in- creased substantially due to improved fishery management, enhancement and rehabilitation programs. Annual harvest weight for 1980 was estimated to be 20.4 million pounds (0.224 metric tons), with a real value of $18 million. Harvest projec- tions for the year 2000 are for approximately-28.2 million pounds (12,778 metric tons) with a value of $30.5 million. The beach area from the northern end of Trading Bay in the vicinity of Shirleyville to the Beluga River is heavily utilized by set net fishermen including many residents of Tyonek. Based on the experience of set net fishermen on the eastern side of Cook Inlet, construction and operation of dock facilities has little impact on set net fishing. Herring: The Cook Inlet herring fishery is primarily a roe herring fishery. The herring fleet is dominated by purse seiners whose principal employment is in other fisheries. The season is concentrated in a few days between May and mid-June because the roe is of marketable quality for only a very brief period. The average annual catch is approximately 6. 4 million 5-75 Table 5.11 COOK INLET FISHERIES 1973-19n Catch in 1,000 Pounds King Tanner Dungeness !!!!: Salmon Herring Halibut Crab ~ Crab Shrimp 1973 14,418 3,184 3,972 4,349 8,509 330 4,897 1974 10,341 5,389 1,930 4,602 7,661 721 5,749 (-~ 1975 18,045 8,298 3,935 2,886 4,952 363 4,752 '-~' 1976 23,298 9,696 3,418 4,954 5,935 119 6,208 19n 36,012 6,435 3,249 2,027 5,650 76 5,144 Mean 20,443 6,600 3,300 3,764 6,541 322 5,350 5-76 pounds (2,919 metric tons) with a real harvest value of approx- imately $1.3 million. Halibut: The Cook Inlet halibut fishery is dominated by a small fleet which consists of boats that are often primarily participants in other fisheries, and which fish in protected waters. Many of these boats are less than 35 feet (10.7 meters) in length. The season is between May and August, and is broken into several 2-week periods. Harvest weight and real harvest value of halibut for 1980 are approximately 0.6 million pounds (254 metric tons) and $400,000. King Crab: The Cook Inlet king crab fishery is dominated by boats smaller than in many other Alaska crab fleets. The typical boat lengths are between 25 and 45 feet (7. 6 and 13.7 meters). They generally have a crew of three or four and participate in the fishery from August through March. The harvest for 1980 was approximately 3. 7 million pounds (1,667 metric tons) with a real market value of $4.6 million. Tanner Crab: The tanner crab season is from December through May, and many of the boats participate in both king and tanner crab fishing because of the succession of seasons. The 1980 catch weight was approximately 5.2 million pounds (2,350 metric tons) with a real market value of $1.9 million. Dungeness Crab: The Cook Inlet dungeness crab fleet consists of boats that typically are 26 to 35 feet (7. 9 to 10.7 meters) in length, and have a crew of two. They participate in the dungeness crab fishery from May through December. The annual harvest has fluctuated significantly in recent years, however, more favorable market conditions are expected to stabilize the fishery in the future. Catch statistics and real market value for 1980 are 500,000 pounds (204 metric tons) and $300,000. 5-77 (' Shrimp: There are two shrimp fisheries in Cook Inlet, a trawl fishery and a pot fishery. The trawlers range in length from less than 25 feet to more than 80 feet (7 .6 meters to 24.4 meters), and have a crew of three. They participate in the fishery from June through March. Although several times as many boats participate in the pot fishery as in the trawl fish- ery, the trawl fleet harvests the majority of the annual catch. The pot boats range in length from less than 25 to 45 feet (7 .6 meters to 13.7 meters). They generally have a crew of two, and are active throughout the year. The shrimp fisheries are well developed and have well defined resources. The 1980 harvest of all species amounted to ap- proximately 5.6 million pounds (2,540 metric tons) with a real market value of $1.7 million. Razor Clams: The Cook Inlet razor clam fishery has been small and sporadic for a number of years. The latest large harvest occurred in 1962 when just less than 200,000 pounds (91 metric tons) were taken. During the five years the fishery was active between 1969 and 1977, the annual harvest averaged less than 24,000 pounds (11 metric tons) and the number of boats in the fishery typically did not exceed three. With the excep- tion of 1972 when a dredge was also used, the hand shovel has been the sole gear type. Although increases in resource abundance, increasingly favorable market conditions, the development of more efficient types of gear, and improved programs for the certification of beaches as a source of clams for human consumption are expected to stimulate renewed activity in this fishery, the razor clam fishery is expected to remain an almost insignificant portion of the Cook Inlet com- mercial fishing industry. Sport Fishery: The Cook Inlet area supports a diverse and important sport/recreational fishery. Most sportfishing is for 5-78 (~' ~J the five Pacific salmon species. The east side of Cook Inlet (Kenai Peninsula) is the most intense sport fishery, however, the west side of the inlet also supports a lucrative sport fish- ery. The primary streams utilized for this purpose are in the Susitna drainage. The major streams in the Beluga area capable of supporting a sport fishery are Nikolai Creek, Chuitna River and the Beluga River. However, there are no catch statistics concerning sport fish harvests from any of the streams or rivers in the Beluga area. Access to these streams would be primarily by float plane or limited wheel plane traffic. Fish harvested for sport/ recreation are the five species of Pacific salmon, rainbow trout, Arctic grayling, Dolly Varden, and eulachon. Sport fish regulations administered through the state Depart- ment of Fish and Game restrict the number of fish taken within a 24-hour period. The bag limit for any combination of salmon, trout, grayling and char under 16 inches in length (or 20 inches for king salmon) is 10 per day. Taking king salmon longer than 20 inches is limited to one per day with a maximum of only two in possession. Taking any combination of the other salmon species more than 16 inches in length is limited to three per day. Subsistence Fisher:t: Subsistence fishing is of importance to the local residents of the Beluga area (Tyonek). Local Natives use the shoreline of Cook Inlet in the summer and fall to gather a large portion of the food in their diets. The marine resources gathered include clams, cockles, and bottomfish. Of primary importance during the summer months, however, is the harvesting of spawning salmon and smelts. Methods of harvesting salmon vary. The primary harvest methods utilize drift gill net fishing, beach set nets, and seine 5-79 0 net fishing. The drift gill net floats on the water•s surface and drifts with the tide, intercepting salmon traveling toward the freshwater streams. Set nets are fished from the beach and are comprised of a small mesh lead net attached to the gill net. Salmon encounter the lead net as they swim along the beach and are led out to the gill net where they become en- trapped. Leads are permanently anchored to shore. Seine fishing, although seldom used in upper Cook Inlet, utilizes a length of net to encircle and trap schools of fish. Subsistence catch records are not generally available and very little specific data concerning subsistence fisheries is available for the Beluga region. Current marine resource utilization in Cook Inlet is shown in Figure 5.16. Birds Marine birds or seabirds have been defined as birds which, during some part of their life cycle, come in contact with the marine environment. This broad definition includes the migratory waterfowl as well as pelagic species. Primary marine bird habitat within upper Cook Inlet includes offshore waters (more than three nautical miles from land), inshore waters (within three nautical miles of land), steep rock or rubble beaches, sea cliffs, intertidal beaches, and coastal floodplains such as wetlands. Approximately 180 species of birds are known to inhabit the Cook Inlet region. About 105 to 110 of these species are regarded as being associated with the marine or coastal environment. There is very little qualitative or quantitative information available for pelagic and coastal birds inhabiting Cook Inlet, especially in the Trading Bay to Beluga River region. Non-site-specific information which is available refers to environment types as described above. 5-80 () FIGURE 5.16 RESOURCE USE IN THE COOK INLET AREA .~) [;::.:._:.~! SALMON DRIFT FISHING nn SPORT 8 COMMERCIAL CLAM BEACHES = MAJOR SHIPPING LANE MAJOR PORTS • OIL PLATFORMS c Cook Inlet is a geographical funnel for migrating birds moving to and from the interior, North Slope, and west coast Alaska breed- ing areas. The highest bird populations occur in Cook lnlet•s wetlands during the spring migration period when the area is used by more than 1.25 million ducks and geese (primarily lesser Canada and snow), about 25,000 whistling and trumpeter swans, several thousand cranes, and millions of shorebirds. Pelagic areas in the upper inlet receive less bird use than areas closer to the mouth of the inlet. During migration and summer periods it appears that selected nearshore areas, estuaries, wet- lands, and bays . receive significant use by waterfowl and shore- birds. Coastal wetland areas are important as nesting, resting, and feeding habitat to several species of birds. Trading Bay is a prime wetlands area and supports a diverse waterfowl population. Highest waterfowl populations occur in Cook I nlet•s wetlands in spring when they are used by several thousand lesser Canada and snow geese, ducks, and occasional swans and cranes. The fall build-up of waterfowl in the inlet•s wetlands begins in early August and peaks in late September. During the fall migration period about 0. 75 million ducks and geese utilize wetland areas in Cook Inlet. The fall buildup of waterfowl in the inlet•s wetlands begins in early August and peaks in late September. Sea ducks, shearwaters, murres, gulls, puffins, guillemots, mur- relets, and cormorants are the principal seabirds in offshore waters. These birds also inhabit inshore waters, where they nest on sea cliffs or rocky shores. Many of the sea ducks and gulls nest and feed in the sea beach tidal flat and coastal floodplain habitats. Geese and dabbling ducks (puddle ducks), and shore- birds, including black oystercatchers, plovers, snipe, trunstones, sandpipers, yellowlegs, dunlin, dowitchers, surfbirds, and others, also nest and feed in these two wetland habitats. 5-82 0 Pelagic areas in Cook Inlet during the winter months appear to receive comparatively little bird use. During winter months icing conditions in the inlet, in part, regulate the distrubution of win- tering birds, i.e., there are fewer birds in areas of moderate to heavy ice cover. Since icing conditions are usually more severe on the west side of the inlet comparatively fewer birds would be present on the west side than on the east side. The most abun- dant coastal wintering birds were sea ducks, larids, and shore- birds, with very few alcids present. Seabirds, sea ducks, and shorebirds generally feed on marine animals such as molluscs (gastropods, pelecypods, and cephalo- pods), crustacea (amphipods, schizopods, and copepods) and several species of fish. Carrion, birds, other marine inverte- brates and plants are also utilized by several species of birds. The largest seabird colony in close proximity to the study area is located in Tuxedni Bay on Chisik and Duck islands about 120 miles (182 km) south of Anchorage and on the west side of Cook Inlet. Together the bay and islands comprise the Tuxedni National Wildlife Refuge which was established in 1909 by Execu- tive Order. Approximately six seabird colonies are located in Tuxedni Bay, four are located on Chisik Island, one is on Duck Island, and two are on the adjacent mainland. Black-legged kittiwakes and murres are particularly numerous in Tuxedni Bay. Table 5.12 is a list of migratory waterfowl, shorebirds, and sea- birds which can be expected to be found in the Trading Bay/ Beluga region. Mammals Numerous marine mammals inhabit or have been reported in Cook Inlet, but only a few species inhabit upper Cook Inlet. Harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) move up and down the west side of the inlet 5-83 Table 5.12 WATERFOWL, SHOREBIRDS AND SEABIRDS Waterfowl and Shorebirds Common Name Common Loon Yellow-billed Loon Arctic Loon Red-throated Loon Red-necked Grebe Horned Grebe Pied-billed Grebe Great Blue Heron Whistling Swan Trumpeter Swan Canada Goose Brant Emperor Goose White-fronted Goose Snow Goose Mallard Gadwall Pintail Green-winged Teal Blue-winged Teal Scientific Name . Gavia immer Gavia~ Gavia arctica ~ stellata Podiceps grisegena Podiceps ~ Podilymbus podiceps Ardea herodias Olor columbianus .Q!2.!: buccinator Branta canadensis Branta bernicla Philacte canagica ~ albifrons Chen caerulescens ~ platyrhynchos ~ strepera ~ acuta ~£!:!ill. ~~ S/S/F /W = Summer r Spring I Fall I Winter C = Common U = Uncommon R = Rare + = Casual or accidental = Not known to occur * = Known or probable breeder 5-84 Occurrence S/S/F/W C/U/C/U * U/R/R/U C/U/C/C * C/C/C/U * C/U/C/C * C/U/C/C * +/+/+/+ * U/U/U/U * C/R/C/R C/C/C/U * C/C/C/U * C/R/R/+ R/+/R/U C/R/C/+ * C/-/C/- C/C/C/C * C/U/C/U * C/C/C/U * C/C/C/R * R/R/R/+ * Table 5.12 Continued Waterfowl and Shorebirds Common Name Scientific Name Occurrence S/S/F/W Northern Shoveler ~ clypeata C/C/C/U * American Wigeon ~americana C/C/C/U * Redhead Aythya americana R/R/R/+ * Ring-necked Duck ~~ R/R/R/R Greater Scaup Aythya marila C/C/C/C * Lesser Scaup Aythya affinis R/+/R/R Common Goldeneye Buceehala clangula C/U/C/C * Barrow's Goldeneye Buceehala islandica C/C/C/C * Bufflehead Buceehala albeola C/R/C/C * Oldsquaw Clangula hyemalis C/U/C/C * r Harlequin Duck Histrionicus histrionicus C/C/C/C * ~-Steller's Eider Polysticta stelleri C/+/U/C Common Eider Somateria mollissima U/U/U/U King Eider Somateria seectabi lis U/-/U/U White-winged Scoter Melanitta deglandi C/C/C/C * Surf Scoter Melanitta eerseicillata C/C/C/C Black Scoter Melanitta nigra C/U/C/C Common Merganser Mergus merganser C/C/C/C * Red-breasted Merganser Mergus serrator C/C/C/C * Semipalmated Plover Charadrius semiealmatus C/C/C/-* Killdeer Charadrius vociferus R/R/R/-* American Golden Plover Ptuvialis dominica C/+ICI- Black-bellied Plover Pluvialis sguatarola C/U/C/- Hudsonian Godwit Limosa haemastica U/U/U/-* Bar-tailed Godwit ~ laeeonica R/-/R/- Marbled Godwit Limosa fedoa R/-/+/- Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus C/U/C/- Bristle-thighed Curlew Numenius tahitiensis +/-/+/- Upland Sandpiper Bartramia longicauda +1-1+1- 5-85 Table 5.12 Continued Waterfowl and Shorebirds Waterfowl and Shorebirds Common Name Scientific Name Occurrence S/S/F/W Greater Yellowlegs Tringa melanoleuca C/C/C/-* Lesser Yellowlegs Tringa flavipes C/CICI-* Solitary Sandpiper Tringa solitaria U/R/U/-* Spotted Sandpiper Actitis macularia C/C/C/+ * Wandering Tattler Heteroscelus incanus C/U/C/-* Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres C/R/U/- Black Turnstone Arenaria melanocephala C/U/C/R Northern Phalarope Phalaropus ~ C/C/C/+ * ('' Red Phalarope Phalaropus fulicarius C/R/C/- Common Sni'pe Gallinago gallinago C/C/C/R "' "'----/ Short-billed Dowitcher Limnodromus griseus C/C/CI-* Long-billed Dowitcher Limnodromus scolopaceus C/-/C/- Surfb1ird Aphriza virgata C/U/C/U * Red Knot Calidris canutus C/-/R/- Sanderling Calidris alba U/U/U/R Semi pal mated Sandpiper Calidris pusilla U/R/U/- Western Sandpiper Calidris mauri C/U/C/- Least Sandpiper Calidris minutilla C/C/CI-* White-rumped Sandpiper Calidris fuscicollis +/-/+/- Baird's Sandpiper Calidris ~ U/-/U/- Pectoral Sandpiper Calidris melanotos C/-/C/- Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Calidris acuminata -1-/RI- Rock Sandpiper Calidris ptilocnemis C/-/C/C Dunlin Calidris alp ina C/R/C/U * Pomarine Jaeger Stercorarius pomarinus C/R/C/- Parasitic Jaeger Stercorarius parasiticus U/C/C/-"' Long-tailed Jaeger Stercorarius longicaudus R/R/R/+ South Polar Skua Catharacta maccormicki -/R/R/- 5-86 (~' Table 5.12 Continued Seabirds Common Name Scientific Name Occurrence S/S/F/W Black Oyster-catcher Haematopus bachmani C/C/C/U * Glaucous Gull ~ hyperboreus R/R/R/R Glaucous-winged Gull ~ glaucescens C/C/C/C * Herring Gull ~ argentatus C/U/C/U * Thayer's Gull· ~ thayeri R/R/R/R Ring-billed Gull ~ delawarensis R/R/R/R Mew Gull ~~ C/C/C/C * Bonaparte's Gull ~ philadelphia C/C/C/+ * Black-legged Kittiwake ~ tridactyla C/C/C/U * Sabine's Gull ~ sabini U/R/U/- r-~. Arctic Tern ~ paradisaea C/C/C/-* ( "------Aleutian Tern ~ aleutica U/U/U/-* Common Murre Uria aalge C/C/C/C * Thick-billed Murre Uria lomvia R/R/R/R * Pigeon Guillemot Cepphus calumba C/C/C/C * Marbled Murrelet Brachyramphus marmoratus C/C/C/C * Kittlitz's Murrelet Brachyramphus brevirostris C/C/C/U * Ancient Murrelet Synthliboramphus antiguus U/U/U/U * Cassin's Auklet Ptchoramphus aleuticus R/R/R/- Parakeet Auklet Cyclorrhynchus psittacula U/U/U/-* Rhinoceros Auklet Cerorhinca monocerata R/R/R/-* Horned Puffin Fratercula corniculata U/U/U/R * Tufted Puffin ~ cirrhata C/C/C/R * 5-87 c (, as far as and often up the Susitna River. Of the 13 species of whales reported from Cook Inlet, only the beluga (or white) whale ( Delphinapterus leucas) is found in upper Cook Inlet. While the sea otter ( Enhydra lutris) populations are reported to be increas- ing within the inlet, no sea otters have been reported within the specific area of interest though they have been observed in the vicinity of Trading Bay and at Ninilchik on the eastern shore of the inlet. The following marine mammals have been reported for lower Cook Inlet in addition to those indicated above: Northern Fur Seal Steller Sea Lion Dall Porpoise Harbor Porpoise Sperm Whale Minke Whale Callorhinus ursinus Eumetopias jubuta Phocoenoides dalli Phocoena phocoena Physeter catodon Balaenoptera acutorostrata Gray Whale Eschrichtius robustus Humpback Whale Megaptera novaeangliae Fin Whale Babenoptera physalus Pacific Right Whale Balaena glacialis Sea Whale Balaenoptera boraelis Stejneger•s Beaked Whale Mescoplodon stejnegeri Goose Beaked Whale Ziphius cavirostris Giant Bottlenose Whale Berardius bairdi Blue Whale Balaenoptera musculus Northern Pacific White-sided Lagenorhynchus acutus Dolphin The beluga whale in upper Cook Inlet feed primarily on salmon, both adults and smelt. The Cook Inlet population of beluga has been esti- mated to be on the order of 300 to 500 animals and is believed to be a discrete population. These whales generally feed from the bottom to mid-water levels and are known to move into the mouths and often up the mainstem of major rivers (including the Beluga River) to feed 5-88 (~ '---on outward migrating salmon. In addition to salmon, belugas are known to eat smelt, flounder, sole, sculpin, lamprey, squid, shrimp, and mussel. In Cook Inlet, belugas have been reported as far north as Ship Creek (Anchorage) and the vicinity of Girdwood, pursuing runs of hooligan. Reproduction in belugas probably takes place in late May or June with a 12-month gestation period. The calf generally remains with the mother for several years following an eight-month lactation period. In recent years, both the Minke whale and the beaked whale have been observed in Kenai and Anchorage where, for unknown reasons, individuals have been beached at low tides. Trading Bay State Game Refuge The Trading Bay refuge (Figure 5.17) was established in 1976 to protect and perpetuate waterfowl and big game habitat. The refuge is approximately 169,000 acres in size including tidal and submerged lands as well as uplands. The refuge boundaries border on the project area in the vicinity of both the proposed town and plant sites and includes the main stem of Nikolai Creek. The refuge has been the scene of exploration activities for oil and gas; is crossed by the Cook Inlet Pipe Line; and portions of the refuge have been logged by Tyonek Lumber Company. The latter activity has resulted in bridge crossings of Nikolai Creek and the Chakachatna River and numerous gravel roads that are still utilized by the lumber company. The eastern shore of Chakachatna River is a primary gravel source for commercial development in the area. In addition, one test water well has been drilled as part of the 1981 field program in the vicinity of the Nikolai Creek bridge crossing. The DF&G has recently completed (1981) a waterfowl survey of the Trading Bay area. Nikolai Creek is an important fishery, and the 5-89 FIGURE 5.17 TRADING BAY STATE ·P.. t I -·..: • , .... ~ .~: ~ (1) T~Jwr.ship 9 ~~orth. it.IIHJe 13 '.lest. Sfw.lrd M~rid1.J.n Sections. f. .. 7 (·:!) !o .. n-,tdp 9 •:or·th, Range 14 '.;e-o;t, St!ward ~l!'rhii.ln Sc!cthms ! .. 4, E'l 5, d ... Jz. w~ u. 14 ... 11, E'l 19, £\J~22, ·.-L.:t 23, ~"" 27. zs ... Jo (3} 7aw~!Sh1D 9 "tOrth, ~J.nt}e ~5 '..c'it, S~w.lrd !"',~ridilln ~~~t.icn'i ',.'-, 1, 2-4, 9 ... 11, '.fl. 12 Jfld lJ, 14·16, ~9-23, •• , 14, ::6-28, 31-35 (4} ':"ownshlp 10 •torth, ~J.nge 13 '.;t:st, S~w.1rd Meridi<ln s.-cions 1-12, 14-12. 28-32 (5) ~C' .. r.o:anip 10 'iorth, '=Jnge U ·.:est, S.t!\oldrf.! f"erldian s~c:tuns 1·18, E~ 19. 20-21J, 32·36 (6) Tawnsnip 10 .'iorth, C:Jnge 15 West, Scwdrd ~eddian Soctions 1-12, 1~-23, 25-35 (7) ra .. nship 11 ~lorth, :::Jnge 13 '.;e!at, St!w.J.rd ~!erld;an Sections S'.."',. 3, 4-10, S'A 11, il1i Sri~• 13, l~-23. ·~. S'..~~ .... ,...,.2 NE~. SE;.,. :t£~ 24, 25~ 36 (9} Ta .... nship 11 North, ::l:an·Jt! ~~-15 \oi~st, S\!wdrd ~~ridian Sections 1-36 (9) T.;wnsh~p !2 ·~orth, ;(ange 13 West, S~wdrd r-'.eridian ~~ctiOr1S 19, 29·33 {10) :a ... nship 12 ::crth, ~'nge 14 'riest, St!ward ~1eridian ~ecticns 23·26. 31-Jj, 36 GAME REFUGE c area between the Chakachatna River and Nikolai Creek is an impor- tant moose wintering area. It would appear from the available browse that the current moose population is far below the carrying capacity of the land. Swans, sandhill cranes, and eagles nest along the general stream course of Nikolai Creek. Road access to the Nikolai drainage makes this area accessible to and important to local resi- dents of the area. 5-91 upper Capps c John's Creek BELUGA FJELD PROGRAM 1981 rn >- Q) > ... ::l rn E «< Q) ... -rn ...... 01 c: a. a. «< ... -.c rn - OJ c \u 0. !> E ~-<U (/) (1j "0 ... I .0 :J (/) 0 Rl=l 11~11 1=11=1 1"'1 POf'"'I0.0/111.A 10~1 ( (/) >- Q) > .... c Cl :J c: (/) 0. E 0. ell I ell .... Q) ..... .... ..... .r::. (/) (/) .... I ... . :. ~ ~ • ' r ~r "".\ .h • ·--~ -..-.. -W<~~-~-~~ .···: :: :-· .. '·~ ... :~ : .. • .. , __ ~ _, . c 6.0 CLIMATOLOGY AND AIR QUALITY CLIMATIC CONDITIONS The took Inlet area in general is in a transitional climate zone between the continental climate of the Interior and the maritime cli- mate more common to the coastal areas farther south. The Aleutian and Alaska mountain ranges to the northeast of the project area are effective in preventing the large, extremely cold air masses that typically settle in the Interior Basin from causing comparably frigid conditions along the inlet during winters. The Kenai and Chugach ranges which run in a northeastern direction to the south of the project area protect the inlet from advection of moist air from the Gulf of Alaska, and from potentially heavy precipitation. The higher elevations experience colder temperatures, more precipitation and stronger winds than the low-lying coastal areas. The four seasons are not well defined in the region. Winter gener- ally begins mid-October and lasts until mid-April. Monthly average temperatures vary between 10° and 30°F during this season. How- ever, temperatures fall well below freezing, with the possibility of some inland locations reaching -50°F. The total annual snowfall ranges between 70 and 100 inches with December, the coldest month, receiving the greatest snowfall. The difference in expected snowfall between the inlet shore and the higher elevations of the Capps Field is probably reflected by the above stated range in total snowfall. Springtime occurs from mid-April to June when the average daily temperatures rise from 30°F in April to near 50°F in June. Precipi- tation is lowest in the spring with monthly averages around 1 inch. During the summer precipitation increases rapidly. About 40% of the total annual precipitation falls between mid-July and the end of sum- mer. July is also the warmest month of the year with the average daily temperature near 55°F. Autumn is brief, accompanied by a decrease in precipitation. Most precipitation occurs as rain early in the season and snow later, although snow may predominate through- 6-1 out the season at the higher elevations. Temperatures also fall rapidly during this short season; monthly average temperatures for September· and October differ by 15 ° F. The bar charts on Figure 6.1 summarize monthly variations in aver- age daily temperatures, average daily temperature ranges, and pre- cipitation for the part of the Cook Inlet Basin in which the proposed project is located. The average values shown should be considered as generally occurring for the entire area from the plant site to the coal fields. These charts are based on isopleth maps prepared by the U.S. Environmental Data Service from data taken at weather stations asso- ciated with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Figure 6.2 shows the locations and activities of these stations. Stations represented by double circles monitor wind speed and direction, sky cover and cloud ceiling heights in addition to mea- suring temperatures and precipitation. Knowing these parameters would make it possible to calculate how much dilution of air pollution concentrations occurs as a function of the meteorology or atmospheric conditions. Wind profiles for the Kenai and Anchorage stations indi- cate that a general wind pattern exists for the entire inlet region. However, local variations in wind profiles and turbulent diffusion are expected in the project area due to the effects of terrain roughness. The rough surface should increase mechanical turbulence allowing for the atmosphere to be well mixed during periods of high winds. Dur- ing the winter, winds from the north/northeast are dominant and as summer approaches the prevailing winds are from the south/south- west. The annual average wind speed at both Kenai and Anchorage is approximately 7 mph. Monthly average wind speeds range from 4 to 9 mph at Anchorage. Figure 6.3 illustrates wind roses for Kenai, Anchorage, and the Phillips Petroleum•s Platform 11 A 11 located approx- imately 5 miles due east of Tyonek. 6-2 AVERAGE DAILY TEMPERATURE 20 ~ ~ 15 1- ~ 10 1- 5 - F0 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec AVERAGE DAILY TEMPERATURE RANGE AVERAGE TOTAL PRECIPITATION FIGURE 6.1 REPRESENTATIVE CLIMATIC CONDITIONS FOR PROJECT AREA • e25 DRIFT RIVER TERMIAL FIGURE 6.2 el6 A el7 c •20 • DILLON EAs-t:· FORELANo\l LOCATlONS OF WEATHER MONITORlNG STATIONS FREQUENCY OF CALM= PHILLIPS <1°/o ANCHORAGE 13°/o KENAI 10°/o LOCATION PHILLIPS PLATFORM ANCHORAGE KENAI OCCURRENCE, N% ~ ----~--~25 % NNE ssw s SYMBOL SEASON ANNUAL ------ANNUA.L ANNUAL SSE NUMBER OF OBSERVATION DATA PERIOD DAYS 74-79 2 51 -60 24 64-70 8 NOTE• KENAI ROSE HAS CALMS DISTRIBUTION BETWEEN THE I-3 a 4-6 KNOT GROUPINGS. WIND ROSE I Observations from the Kenai and Anchorage stations are used to describe the turbulent structure of the atmosphere. Wind speed, time of day, cloud cover and cloud ceiling height data are combined with estimates of the intensity of solar radiation to classify the atmosphere into one of six atmospheric stability categories designated by the letters A through F. Stability Class A represents the most turbulent conditions and is associated with strong solar radiation input and dominating convective currents. Stability Class F de- scribes very stable air absent of convection currents. For Kenai, the annual frequencies of occurrence of the various stability classes are: Class A -0%, Class B -1%, Class C -10%, Class D -62%, Class E -9%, Class F -18%. This distribution reflects the rather common occurrence of cloudy skies (Class D). It also suggests that the dispersion of contaminants released into the atmosphere will be controlled most of the year by wind speed and roughness of the ground surface. This is discussed in more detail in Section 15.0 AIR QUALITY. Other aspects of the climatology that should be noted are: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Possible sunshine Sky (cloud) cover (sunrise to sunset) Mean daily solar radiation Precipitation greater than 0. 01 inches Shortest day Longest day Heating degree days (base 65°F) EXISTING AMBIENT AIR QUALITY Less than 50%, annual average 70% annual average occurrence, 40% annual average full coverage 225 Langleys, annual average Less than 120 days, annual 5lz hours 191z hours 10,864, annual average total (Anchorage) National and Alaska Ambient Air Quality Standards set maximum levels of several pollutants: Ozone, carbon monoxide, surfur dioxide, total 6-6 suspended particulates, hydrocarbons, nitrogen dioxide and lead. The Clean Air Act as Amended August 7, 1977 (PL 95-95) defines three classifications for areas which meet these standards: Class 1 areas are considered to have pristine air quality with the allowance for minimal introduction of additional air pollutants; Class II areas, in which pollution will be allowed to increase to accommodate moderate industrial growth; and Class Ill areas which are the most heavily industrialized. Some areas are specifically defined in the regulations as mandatory Class Areas (40 CFR 81 Subpart D). The Cook Inlet Air Quality Control Region is designated a Class II Attainment Area for all criteria pollutants. The Tuxedni National Wildlife Refuge, about 80 miles southwest of the project area, is a mandatory Class I Area ( 40 CFR 81. 402). Anchorage, approximately 75 miles east/ northeast of the proposed plant site, is one of two areas of Alaska in nonattainment with the ambient air quality standards for carbon monoxide. The Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) permit program administered by EPA limits the amount of controlled pollu- tants which can be emitted by a new source in order to ensure that the ambient air quality standards are not violated in any area which could be affected by the new source. ATMOSPHERIC EMISSION SOURCES The actual air quality on the western shore of Cook Inlet near Tyonek is not known. Several sources of emissions of particulate matter, sulfur oxides, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and hydro- carbons are scattered throughout the onshore area, with a number of offshore oil and gas platforms concentrated in the Nikishka/Kenai area. Nitrogen dioxide emissions are greatest, with products of combustion representing the majority from both offshore and onshore pollutant emission sources. The impact of these existing sources on ambient air quality tends to be very localized with the highest regional concentrations occurring where source congestion is great- est. The most congested areas include Trading Bay and Salamatof, and even in these areas separation between individual sources is good 6-7 (Dames and Moore, 1978). For these reasons, air quality within the area is expected to be well within the National and Alaska Ambient Air Quality Standards. These existing sources will have to be con- sidered in evaluating the impact that new sources would have on ambient air quality, especially if the new sources are expected to have their maximum impact to the immediate south of the site. Visibility is occasionally a problem throughout the inlet area. At Anchorage, the visibility is one-half mile or less 5% of the time during December and January, primarily due to fog. The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation may, in its discretion, require any person proposing to build or operate an industrial pro- cess, fuel burning equipment, or incinerator in areas of potential ice fog to obtain a permit to operate and to reduce water emissions ( 18 AAC 50. 090). In addition, snowfalls frequently decrease visibility to less than 3 miles. 6-8 7.0 c/ OCEANOGRAPHY PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY OF COOK INLET Cook Inlet is a large tidal estuary in Southcentral Alaska which flows into the Gulf of Alaska. The estuary lies between latitudes 50° and 61° 30 1 north and longitudes 149° and 154° west. The inlet is more than 150 nautical miles long and 50 nautical miles wide at the mouth. At its northern tip Cook Inlet divides into Turnagain Arm ( 43 nauti- cal miles long) and Knik Arm (45 nautical miles long). The inlet is bordered by more than 100 square miles of tidal marsh, found primarily in the Susitna flats at the northwest end and in Trading and Redoubt bays on the northwest side of upper Cook Inlet. For discussion purposes, the inlet is divided into lower, central, and upper regions (Figure 7.1). The lower division extends from the mouth to an east-west line from Chinitna Bay to Anchor Point. The upper region lies north of an east-west line from East Forelands to West Forelands. Granite Point, the site for the proposed methanol plant, lies just north of Trading Bay in upper Cook Inlet; the Drift River Terminal is in Redoubt Bay on the west side of central Cook Inlet. The Cook Inlet environment is diverse, and water quality varies greatly from the mouth of the inlet to the head. The tidal range in Cook Inlet is one of the largest in the world. The upper portion of the inlet is a shallow silt-laden basin. At the Forelands the maximum depth is approximately 75 fathoms ( 450 feet). Below the Forelands, the bottom slopes to a depth of more than 100 fathoms (600 feet) at the mouth. 7-1 (FIGURE 7.1 I LOWER COOK INLET ~~ 'BARREN ISLANDS MILES 0 10 20 30 40 50 --------- (Modified from Peterson and Associates 1971) DIVISIONS OF COOK INLET I Tides and Currents The tides in Cook Inlet are semidiurnal with a marked inequality be- tween successive low waters. At the mouth of the inlet the mean diurnal tidal range is 13.7 feet. The range increases to 19.8 feet at Kenai and 29 feet at Anchorage. At the ends of both Knik .and Turnagain arms, the tidal range exceeds 35 feet. These mean ranges ·can be exceeded during the spring and fall equinox periods by more ·than 5 feet. The time lag between high water at the mouth and at Anchorage is about 4.5 hours. It has been estimated that the time lag at Drift River is approximately 2 hours at low tide and 1. 7 hours at high tide. The following tidal ranges are applicable for the central and upper portions of the inlet. These ranges vary slightly for the Tyonek/ Beluga area. Table 7.1 COOK INLET TIDAL RANGES Estimated Highest Tide Mean Higher High Water Mean High Water Mean Tide Level Mean Low Water Mean Lower Low Water Estimated Lowest Tide KENAI (ft.) 27.0 20.7 20.0 11.1 2.1 0.0 -6.0 ANCHORAGE (ft.) 36.0 30.0 29.0 15.5 2.2 0.0 -4.9 BELUGA (ft.) 21.00 20.40 11.25 2.10 0.0 The extreme tides in the inlet create strong currents. The average maximum tidal currents range from 1 to 2 knots in lower Cook Inlet, 4 to 6 knots between the Forelands, and 2 to 3 knots near Anch- 7-3 orage. Current direction is determined by bathymetry. Higher velocities for currents vary within the inlet; however, the high velocities are associated with flood tides. In the Tyonek area, cur- rent velocities have an estimated range from 3 to 6 knots. CIRCULATION The circulation of waters within Cook Inlet has been extensively studied. Generally waters from the Gulf of Alaska flow into Cook Inlet through the Kennedy Entrance between the Chugach Islands and Cape Douglas. The waters must pass a steep entrance ramp into the inlet, causing upwelling. The nutrients and plankton from the Gulf of Alaska are carried into the inlet creating an area of high produc- tivity in the lower inlet/Kachemak Bay region. The waters from the gulf move northward along the east side of the inlet and across the inlet at Anchor Point. Waters also flow into Kachemak Bay, and eddies are created at the mouth of the bay. Minor quantities of water move northward past the forelands and into the upper inlet. Turbid water from the upper inlet mixes with the clear water from the gulf north of Anchor Point. Because of the vast difference in the density between waters of the upper inlet and those from the Gulf of Alaska, lateral mixing is slow. However, the rapid currents and tidal action keep the waters of the inlet well mixed vertically. Lateral mixing produces convergence zones in which denser saline waters flow under less saline waters and produce rip tides. These rip tides produce considerable horizontal shear. Circulation patterns and main rip tide locations are illustrated in Figure 7 .2. Upper Cook Inlet The waters of upper Cook Inlet mix with each tidal cycle. This is due to the large tidal fluctuations and the shallow sea bottom. In 7-4 ( \ ' _F_l--1 --- MAIN RIPTIDE NET SU RFACE CIRCULATION 0 NET SURFACE CIRCULATION the spring and summer a large amount of fresh water flows into the upper inlet from major tributaries including the Beluga, Susitna, Little Susitna, Matanuska, Knik, Eagle, Twenty-mile, Placer, Resur- rection, and Swanson rivers. The increase in fresh water volumes causes a net outward movement of upper inlet waters of as much as a mile each tidal cycle. In the winter, however, when runoff is great- ly reduced, there is practically no net outflow from the upper inlet. Middle Cook Inlet The middle inlet is characterized by saline oceanic water moving northward along the eastern shore, and the outward movement of fresh runoff water from the upper inlet along the western shore. Lateral separation of these waters is maintained. Lower Cook Inlet In the lower inlet a vertical stratification of the water masses occurs. The denser, colder, more saline oceanic waters underlie the warmer, less saline waters of the inlet. As the inlet becomes shallower to the north the dense oceanic waters are forced upward and mix with the inlet waters. WATER CHEMISTRY The waters of Cook Inlet change chemical make-up seasonally, due primarily to variations in the volume of freshwater inflow. During summer, large quantities of nitrate, nitrite, silicate, and suspended sediments are carried into the inlet from rivers, streams and other runoff sources. During the winter, with decreased freshwater in- flow, there is an increased intrusion of oceanic water, and salinity, phosphate and ammonia concentrations increase. 7-6 Salinity The salinity of Cook Inlet varies with the season due to increased freshwater runoff in summer. During May through September the increased discharge from rivers and streams and other runoff sources decreases the salinity of the upper inlet. At Anchorage salinity ·varies from 6 to 15 parts per million (ppm) during the summer. In the winter, freshwater inflow is reduced and the intrusion of more saline oceanic waters is evidenced by an increase in salinity. The salinity of waters near Anchorage in the winter usually is approxi- mately 20 ppm. At the mouth of the inlet, however, the salinity values remain relatively constant at 32 ppm. The salinity in the Beluga/Tyonek area varies between 10 and 20 ppm in the summer months. As a result of the increased freshwater inflow, the Alaska current and the Corio lis effect, the water on the eastern side of Cook Inlet tends to be more saline than on the western side. Temperature The temperature of waters varies with season from below 32° to 60°F (0° to 15°C) in the upper inlet. The lower inlet is affected by the intrusion of warmer waters from the Gulf of Alaska and thus the waters range in temperature from 48° to 50°F (9° to 10°C). During the winter, the upper inlet loses enough heat to form ice on the water•s surface and also loses heat throughout the vertical column. However, during spring, freshwater inflow and warm air temperatures melt the ice and the water temperature rises. Suspended Sediments Discharges of fresh water from the major rivers which flow into Cook Inlet carry large amounts of suspended sediment. The Susitna River and other rivers flowing into Knik Arm represent 70 to 80% of the 7-7 total sediment flow into the inlet. As with temperature and salinity, suspended sediment loads vary seasonally. This is due to the large amount of glacially derived sediments which combine with sediments in the summer and fall runoff waters. In the upper inlet the small-size particles, clays and silt-size par- ticles are kept in suspension by strong tidal action. The heavier particles are deposited at the mouths of the streams and rivers. The distribution of sediments within the inlet is shown on Figure 7. 3. Concentration of suspended sediments varies within the inlet from negligible at the mouth to 3,000 micrograms per liter (!Jg/.2) in Knik Arm. In the Beluga/Tyonek area the concentration varies from 250 to 1,000 !Jg/.2. Nutrients Nutrients are introduced into the estuarine environment of Cook Inlet through both natural and man-made sources. Total concentration of nutrients is found to gradually increase with distance toward the mouth of the inlet. Nutrients of importance include ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate and silicate. The increase of these nutrients in the southern portion of the inlet causes an increase in productivity. Marine biological resources increase dramatically. Low levels of nutrients associated with high turbidity in the upper inlet are re- sponsible for the near absence of plankton. Ammonia concentration decreases northward toward Knik and Turna- gain Arms, however, ammonia concentrations do not fluctuate season- ally. Sources of ammonia input to Cook Inlet include oceanic en- trainment, freshwater inflow, precipitation and man-made sources. Of these, oceanic entrainment provides more than 80% of the ammonia in the inlet. Ammonia is used by phytoplankton and is one of the first elements decomposed by bacteria. Concentration of ammonia in the upper inlet ranges from 0.5 to 2.0 !Jg/.2. 7-8 FIGURE 7.3 ~ ~ ·~ , . . .. ;, lm:mll GRAVELLY SAND WITH MINOR SILT AND ~ CLAY COMPONENTS •• SANOY GRAVEL AND GRAVEL ~SAND BOTTOM SEDIMENTS IN COOK INLET Nitrite concentration in the inlet varies from 0.02 to 0.52 j.JQ/.2. There is a gradual increase in concentration seaward. Nitrate concentration increases from below detectable limits at the mouth to 23.5 j.lg/.2 near the head of the inlet. The increase in con- centration can be attributed to higher freshwater inflow, lower bio- logical activity, and higher municipal waste inputs. Phosphate-phosphorus concentration ranges from 1 1-Jg/.2 at the ocean entrance to approximately 2. 3 j.lg/.2 between Anchor Point and Kalgin Island, then decreases to about 0. 7 j.lg/.2 in Knik Arm. The high amounts of freshwater inflow at the head of the inlet reduce the phosphate concentration. Silicate concentration is directly related to the concentration of sus- pended sediments and thus decreases in concentration toward the mouth of Cook Inlet. Concentration ranges from 82 j.lg/.2 near Knik Arm to 9 j.lg/.2 at the ocean entrance. Dissolved oxygen saturation levels for Cook Inlet range from 6. 5 to 9. 5 j.lg/.2. These levels may decrease slightly during winter months in upper Cook Inlet when there is an ice cover. Dissolved oxygen is necessary for aerobic marine life. Dissolved oxygen saturation value increases with decreasing temperature and salinity and decreases with suspended sediment concentration. The high suspended sediment concentration in the upper inlet also may cause a slight decrease in the dissolved oxygen saturation level. The high level of turbulence and strong currents throughout the inlet, however, help maintain the dissolved oxygen level at or near saturation. pH values in Cook Inlet vary seasonally and with location. The pH can vary from 7.7 near the head of the inlet to 8.4 at the mouth. 7-10 (--·--,, ~~j SEA ICE Heavy ice normally accumulates in upper Cook Inlet around mid- December, exists in greatest quantities during the colder months of December and January, and remnants may be present through mid to late April. Sea ice in Cook Inlet is found primarily north of the Forelands and generally moves with the currents southward toward warmer waters. The extent of the ice coverage depends on the severity of the winter and the prevailing winds. Temperature and snow cover control ice growth in the inlet. When air temperatures are extremely low and snow cover marginal for ex- tended periods of time, the ice cover will be thicker and more ex- tensive than usual. Ice in the inlet takes many forms. Usually the ice is floe ice, which in periods of extreme I y low ambient temperature and I itt I e or no snow cover can increase in thickness by as much as 1 inch per day, forming cakes or pans of ice. The pans have a normal thickness of 2 to 4 feet but may attain thicknesses of 6 to 8 feet under uncommonly severe conditions. Tidal action moves the pans of ice back and forth in the upper inlet causing small pieces to break off and form indi- vidual pieces of stranded ice, called 11 Stamukhi 11 • Shorefast ice forms . in shallow intertidal areas such as tidal flats. Tidal action deposits large blocks of ice on the beach or along the shoreline. The blocks of ice then freeze to the underlying mud. These blocks of ice are exposed to air and submerged with water during the tidal cycle and build mats of ice, 6 to 10 feet in thickness. Piles of ice may break off and go adrift during periods of extreme high tide and enter other ice floes in the inlet. Ice piles such as these can be dangerous to the smaller ships, tugs, and barges which operate within northern Cook Inlet. Sea ice tends to accumulate along the western shoreline of Cook Inlet due to prevailing winds and currents. Ice formed in upper Cook 7-11 Inlet has a· lower salinity due to freshwater discharges into the inlet, and would tend to be harder than ice found in lower Cook Inlet and the Gulf of Alaska. These freshwater discharges also carry large amounts of suspended sediments of which a large part is glacial flour. The ice which contains these sediments would tend to break more easily than ice which doesn•t. This would in part mitigate the ice hardness due to the lower salinity of upper Cook Inlet. Ice occasionally causes difficulties with shipping within Cook Inlet. With the decrease in demand for freight to be shipped during the winter and the possibility of sustaining damage to the vessel as a result of impacts with ice flows, most tug and barge operations gen- erally terminate in upper Cook Inlet from mid-November to late March. The average tug length in Cook Inlet is approximately 120 feet, and none of the tugs or barges is strengthened for ice condi- tions. Though ice must be acknowledged as a factor important to navigation and berthing of ships in Cook Inlet, it has not caused significant difficulties to the large vessel trade. Anchorage, at the head of Cook Inlet where ice accumulation is greatest, is the port of call for an average of two to three Totem Ocean Trailer Express and Sea- Land Service Company ships weekly throughout the year, with 15 to 20 Chevron USA ships using the port facilities yearly. These ships have extra plating to prevent damage due to the ice, with the excep- tion of the two ships operated by Totem. Totem•s marine manager feels their fine-line ships have a greater tendency to cut through the sea ice than do the wider ships. Totem•s vessels have not sustained damage due to ice floes which has required repair ahead of the regular maintenance schedule. Servicing of the many oil platforms within Cook Inlet also continues throughout the winter months without significant difficulties due to the sea ice. The Alaska Husky, a 182-foot ship operated by Amoco Production Company, transports fuel, water, and miscellaneous sup- 7-12 plies to and from two of the three oil platforms nearest Granite Point, the Bruce and the Anna, twice weekly with little difficulty and with- out an accelerated maintenance schedule. None of the above com- panies has ever had a ship cancelled due to the ice in Cook Inlet. An occasional short delay has been experienced, waiting for the tidal action to wash the ice from the berthing area for a more facile entry. Past experience indicates tankers transporting methanol from Drift River should have no significant trouble with ice in Cook Inlet. PORTS There are 6 ports or terminal facilities within the inlet. These in- clude Seldovia, Homer, Kenai/Nikiski, Ninilchik, Drift River, and Anchorage. Anchorage, at the head of Cook Inlet, is the most ice- affected location within the inlet. Anchorage is also the largest of the ports and is a modern, year-round facility that handles more than one million short tons of cargo per year. The Nikiski port handles primarily out-bound petroleum products including crude, residuum, finished products and liquified natural gas (LNG). Another major product is urea, which is shipped primarily to Japan. The ports of Kenai, Homer, Seldovia and Ninilchik are primarily small boat harbors and support the fishing industry in lower Cook Inlet. The Drift River Terminal is a single-berth fixed-platform offshore loading facility which transfers crude oil from the offshore platforms aboard tankers for transport to refineries. 7-13 8.0 ARCHAEOLOGIC & HISTORIC SITES A paucity of archaeological investigations in the area requires that an understanding of the history and prehistory be gleaned from regional sources of information. ETHNOHISTORY AND SETTLEMENT PATTERNS Settlement Patterns The area is currently inhabited by the Tanaina Athapaskan Indians, speakers of the Upper Inlet dialect of the Dena 'ina language of the Na-Dene speech family. Archaeological evidence indicates that the ancestral Na-Dene moved across the Bering Strait into the present State of Alaska by the tenth millenium B.C., near the end of the final great glacial period. They continued to spread east and south during the period of deglaciation, and diversification of the Pacific Athapaskan subfamily is considered to have been completed by about 1000 A.D. It is further considered that the earlier inhabitants of the Cook Inlet area were Pacific Eskimo or their direct ancestors, and they were occupying the area at least seasonally beginning before and lasting until after 1000 A. D., with the Tanaina moving into Knik Arm, specifically, between 1650 and 1780 A.D. A complex relationship between the people and the land can be de- scribed for the inhabitants of Cook Inlet. Location along the food- rich sea coast enabled the fairly settled way of life known as Cen- tral-Based Wandering: A community that spends part of each year wandering in the performance of subsistence activities, and the remainder of the year at a settlement, or central-base. The settle- ment patterns of the Northern Athapaskans, as well as of the Pacific Eskimos, also can be characterized by a sedentary seasonal settle- ments-complex. This is one in which the year is divided into a winter season during which little resource exploitation occurs and the 8-1 people gather at their winter settlements, and a hunting and fishing season from the spring to the fall when people are scattered in small hunting, sealing or fishing camps. In the case of the Tanaina on Cook Inlet, it is probable that people gathered at the seashore or riverbanks in concentrated settlements during the fishing seasons or sea mammal hunting seasons, and in the intermittent seasons task groups moved about to hunt wild game, trap, etc. The socio-territorial relationships of historic and prehistoric inhabi- tants of Cook Inlet can be broken down into three segments. The local band was a community body resident in one locale, and struc- tured around family ties. The regional band was oriented toward an extensive exploitive territory with regard to its biotic resources. The sites of these resources and routes of access to the sites deter- mine the stations and movements of various groupings. The task groups were short-term groupings of people specifically created for exploitive activities. Task groups formed in the Cook Inlet area could have been a male trapping pair or trio, a trapping party of a few families, a moose hunting party or camp, a fish camp, a berry gathering party, or a trading party. It is apparent that the settle- ment patterns were determined by and changed according to the ecological potentiality of the locale, combined with the exploitive ability of the human occupants. Dwellings Aboriginal Tanaina dwellings were characteristic of those of the Pacific Eskimo, and were also built on Kodiak Island, the Aleutian Islands, and Prince William Sound. The winter house, known as a 11 barabara 11 in Russian and 11 nichiJI' in Dena 'ina was rectangular, and semi -subterranean, excavated to a depth of two to four feet. It fits in the category of the Third Period of Kachemak Bay. The dwelling which extended 11 five trees long 11 was constructed with split vertical logs, and had four or five fireplaces and a smoke hole at the top. To the main part of the barabara, or winter house, one or more 8-2 secondary rooms were added, for sleeping rooms (depending on the number of families sharing the dwelling), a sweat house, and possibly a menstrual lodge. These were excavated to the depth of the main lodge. Floors of the sweat house and sleeping rooms were rough hewn planks and the remaining floors were spread with grass. A narrow, semi-subterranean shed served as an entrance way. The summer houses, used also for fish smoking, were simplified versions of the winter houses. Excavation was to two feet, length was a maximum of 20 feet, and three corner posts sufficed. Petroff (1880) and Porter (1890) report that by 1880 house construc- tion had changed and a log dwelling erected entirely above ground replaced the barabara. The dwelling was divided into an outer room for cooking and rough labor, and an inner room for sleeping. Secondary dwellings, constructed for short-term use such as on hunting expeditions, were of various types. The semi-spherical 11 beaver house 11 made of bent alders covered with birch bark or skins was common. Another type was the lean-to, or one-sided lodge. This was also constructed from covered alder poles. Caches The Tanaina in the Tyonek Upper Inlet area constructed two types of storage caches. One was an underground cache constructed siffi'i-~!Y­ to the winter house, however the roof was lower and the whole house was sunken and covered with earth. The caches were generally sit- uated some distance from the village and the main advantage of this type was that they could not easily be detected and therefore were protected from Eskimo raids. At the Kiji k site on the west shore of Lake Clark west of Cook Inlet, 29 small, deep depressions thought to have been caches were noted. Storage pit depressions were also found on the northwestern Kenai Peninsula. The more common log building, situated on a platform and raised on poles, was also utilized in the Tyonek area. 8-3 Burial According to Osgood (1937), the dead, along with their essential possessions, were disposed of by cremation in the Tyonek area. The ashes were then wrapped in birch bark and hung in a tree. A method known to have been used by the Eskimo in Alaska south of the Bering Strait was box burial. In Tyonek, the dead were also known to have been cremated and placed, with possessions, in a box on posts. By 1805 only the rich were cremated, and by the late 1800s, due to Russian influence, cremation was no longer practiced. Grave offerings continued, however, and burials were frequently in structures resembling miniature houses. Hieromonk Nikita visited in 1881 a grave of a former local chief at Tyonek. A small house in the shape of a chapel, equipped with a door and a window, had been constructed over· the grave. Inside the structure was a table, food, clothes, a gun, a razor and other items, many of European descent, that a wealthy Tanaina would value. Petroff (1880) also witnessed a burial house at Tyonek filled with Russian samovars, rifles, blankets and other costly items. Material Culture Osgood (1937) states that it is probable that metal working, to the extent of pounding crude copper into useful shapes, was a custom of the Upper Inlet Tanaina. Dumond and Mace (1968) concurred that at least in late prehistoric times copper was used by the Natives in Southcentral Alaska. Copper objects were attributed to the late prehistoric sequence at Kachemak Bay, and Captain James Cook re- ported that the Cook Inlet Natives had spears and knives with copper blades. Prince William Sound and the Copper River were the nearest sources of native copper. The Athapaskans of Cook Inlet used to travel the Matanuska River and cross the 12-day portage to the Tazlina River where they traded with the Copper River Indians. 8-4 (··~ 7 It is a point of conflict whether the Tanaina were producers of pot- tery. Osgood (1937) reports that the pottery sherds discovered by Jacobsen at an abandoned village called Soonroodna, on the south shore of Kachemak Bay, are evidence that the Tanaina had pottery, and he concludes that they made it themselves. He states, however, that his informants have no memory of the Tanaina ever having made pottery. It is considered that pottery users in the Naknek drainage and on the Pacific were Eskimos. In addition, two gravel-tempered sherds excavated by Delaguna at Kachemak Bay are thought to represent the last of the Pacific Eskimos residing there before the arrival of the Tanaina. In addition, pottery sherds recovered in 1966 at Fish Creek on Knik Arm, which were associated with Pacific Eskimo occupation were of relatively thick, gravel tempered ware, globular form, with a rim identical to those from the Naknek drainage from a time between 1000 and 1500 A. D. Therefore, it can be ex- pected that there is at least a sporadic occurrence of later pebble tempered pottery along the shores of Cook Inlet (Dumond 1969), and it can be concluded that there is stronger evidence in favor of pot- tery representing the Eskimo culture, than its replacement Tanaina culture. The uncovering of a coal labret (lip ornament) at the same Fish Creek site substantiates the evidence of Eskimo occupation of the area. Captain James Cook stated that the Tanaina of Tyonek in 1778 used fewer lip ornaments and more nose ornaments than the Eskimo of Prince William Sound. Nose and ear ornaments were made of beads and carved bone. A simple pointed harpoon with blades attached, nine feet one inch long, was collected at Tyonek. This was utilized for sea otters, seals and porpoises. A spear-thrower with a hook on the end is thought to have been used in the area. The bow had a guard and no sinew backing. Roughly hewn pieces of wood, slightly curved at the striking end, were used as clubs to kill seals and for dispatching sea otters after they were drawn alongside the kaiaks with harpoons. 8-5 The aboriginal man•s knife was generally made of stone, two inches wide, eight inches long, and pointed. The handle was narrowed for grasping. The woman•s knife was fashioned after the Eskimo ulu 1 a semi-ovaloid blade of stone set lengthwise in a handle. Adzes were made from hard stone, and scrapers from beaver teeth, mussel shells, and stone. No saw-like implements are known. The foregoing list describes some of those tools used by the Tanaina Athapaskans of the Tyonek area. Frederica Delaguna•s exhaustive archaeological investigation in Cook Inlet, particularly in Kachemak Bay, can offer clues as to what cultural remains might be found in the study area. Her collection contains a large proportion of stone objects due to their resistence to decay. Bone and wood objects are highly susceptible to destruction by salt water. The stone industry of the early Kachemak Bay culture is characterized by the importance of chipping. This emphasis subsides as polished slate takes its place. Notched stones appear in the second period, as do grooved stones. Stone types commonly found in the later stages are the slate awl 1 slate mirror and decorated stone lamp. In the bone _industry, the Thule Type I harpoon head is most impor- tant in the First Period. In later periods the barbed dart head replaces it in importance, and incised decorations on bone objects become more common. The lab ret is found even from the earliest periods, and the double pointed bird bone awl, bone scrapers, red shale beads and rectangular bone and shell beads appear in the later stages. Pottery and copper are uncommon, and are restricted to the last stage of the Third Period. European Contact and Trade The first documented contact between Pacific Drainage Athapaskans and Europeans occurred in 1778 when, searching for the northwest 8-6 passage, Captain James Cook sailed into the inlet that now bears his name. Toward the close of that century other English navigators visited and traded with the coastal Tanaina. In 1786 the Russians settled at St. George on the Kenai Peninsula and 13 years of struggle between various trading companies ensued. Finally, in 1799 the Russian American Company was formed and maintained a monoploy. Trade with the Russians was merely an elaborated form of trade patterns that had been occurring between the Indians and Eskimos before contact with the Russians. From the Russians the Tanaina received iron, beads, clothing and furnishings in exchange for furs. At the time of the sale of Alaska to the United States, the assets of the Russian American Company were purchased and the Alaska Commercial Company was founded. A trading station was established at Tyonek at that time. The Western Fur and Trading Company also opened a post north of Tyonek at Ladd near the mouth of the Chuitna River. Tyonek is considered the earliest permanent settle- ment on upper Cook Inlet. Petroff reported 117 inhabitants in the town in his 1880 census report. A post office was opened in 1897. Gold fever drew hundreds of prospectors to upper Cook Inlet, and in May 1898, 300 prospectors were reported camping on the beach at Tyonek. Large boats would go up the inlet in the summer, and touch at Tyonek. There, people would change to small boats and dories to reach Turnagain Arm. The Indians were used as guides and for manual labor. In 1899, Captain Edward F. Glenn of the Twenty-fifth Infantry com- manded the Cook Inlet Exploring Expedition which was based in Tyonek. The goal was to explore, survey, establish, and mark the trail from Tyonek to various locations. The routes were to be even- tually made available to the public, and information was gathered regarding topographical features, feasible routes for railroad con- 8-7 struction, sites for military reservations, the location and condition of natives encountered, etc. Expeditions were dispatched in the directions of the mouth of the Tanana River, Sushitna station, Circle City, and Eagle City. According to the register of accounts for the Alaska Commercial Company, 16 types of skins were traded in 1884. The trading sta- tion's clerks kept a daily diary of events in the town and reported that there was much travel between towns by the inhabitants, and game was particularly scarce. Historic and Prehistoric Sites DeLaguna (1934) notes four archaeological sites near the study area (Figure 8.1). The modern·village of Ladd is situated on the ancient site, Ts'ui ~tna, from which the name of the river Chuit is probably derived. The town has been called Ladd since 1895, when it was a trading post and fishing station. Near the current site of Tyonek is the old village site, Qa ~qesle. In the woods at the top of the hill behind the village site are the houses where the Tanaina lived for fear of raids by the Kodiak Eskimo. Old Tyonek is called Ta'naq and the site of Tsila ~xna is at a small stream south of Granite Point. In addition, the site of Tobona, meaning 11 people of the beach,11 is located two miles south of Tyonek. Californsky's Fish Camp is along the beach 5~ miles southwest of Tyonek. Located about two miles southeast along the beach from the Kodiak Lumber Mills camp at North Foreland is a native cemetary, and on the bluff in front of McCord's cabin is evidence of prehistoric habitation. One-and-a- quarter miles inland on a road near the mouth of Tyonek Creek is Lake Batunglyashi. The lake, according to oral tradition, is the site of the last Indian war. Located within the modern town of Tyonek are many historic sites. Proposed construction would avoid the land located within the bound- aries formerly designated as the Moquawkie Reservation. The only 8-8 CAPPS GLACIER / ' ' ' I I I FIGURE 8.1 CIRI LANDS LAKE BATUNGLYASHI 1 1/4 mile inland on a road CALIFORNSKY'S FISH CAMP 5 1/2 miles SW of Tyonek NATIVE CEMETRY (Evidence of prehistoric habitation f Tyonek Creek 2 miles SE along beach from N. F<U-li~~--------M?-----1 B.H.W. LEASES TYONEK NATIVE CORP. LANDS· ARCHAEOLOGIC 8 HISTORIC SITES c, site that lies outside these boundaries and within the study area is the Village of Ladd. ARCHAEOLOGIC SITES The area of study has been inhabited by two distinct cultures, the Pacific Eskimo, and more recently, the Tanaina Athapaskan Indian. Any major excavation in the proposed town or plant sites should be preceeded by an archaeological reconnaissance to determine the pres- ence or absence of historic or prehistoric sites. Dr. James Kari, of the Alaska Native Language Center at the Uni- versity of Alaska, Fairbanks, has accumulated a vast knowledge of placenames for the Tanaina territory, many of them located away from the coastline. It would appear that the Tanaina may have been more than just coastal dwellers. More than 75 placenames have been iden- tified in the Tyonek area, thus indicating that there exists a whole range of sites that are significant either mythologically or historically to the Tyonek people that cannot be evidenced archaeologically. Two factors have placed a limit on the possibility of survival of prehistoric and historic sites in the study area. It has been ascer- tained archaeologically that the Tanaina Athapaskans were predomin- antly coastal dwelling people. It is also evident that the violent tidal action of the inlet has been constantly eroding the shoreline. It is possible, therefore, that artifacts, or even entire prehistoric settle- ments situated on the extreme coastline, may have been washed away by now. This phenomenon has been encountered on the northwestern Kenai Peninsula. It has been estimated that between 1953 and 1974 the bluff in areas between the North Foreland and Tyonek and be- tween Ladd and Three Mile Creek had retreated two feet per year. In addition, the bluff around Granite Point is characteristic of a zone highly susceptible to erosion. Also, the study area has been crossed with numerous lumber roads and seismic investigation trails, thus 8-10 · pe.m:>sqo ueaq a/\ell Aew SJ!e.,q :>!JOlS!Ll pue peAo.nsep ueeq e/\ell Aew sellS lelll Al!J!qeqo.Jd 9l.ll Bu!see.J:>U! 9.0 OTHER FRAGILE LANDS The Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA) of 1977 directed the Secretary of the Interior to establish a permanent regu- latory procedure for surface coal mining and reclamation operations. The regulatory program is intended to control adverse environmental impacts stemming from activity in and around surface coal mines. Although neither the federal program nor state program has been instituted in the State of Alaska at this time, a surface mining regu- latory program is imminent and it is assumed it would resemble the present federal regulatory program. An integral part of the present federal program is the establishment of criteria for the evaluation of permit applications to determine if a proposed mine area should be declared suitable or unsuitable for surface coal mining operations. None of the criteria deals with the determination as to whether recla- mation is technologically and economically feasible under the Act. This is discussed further in the volume of this report dealing with mining plans. The other criteria deal with compatibility of the pro- posed mining operation with the following outlined environmental ele- ments. The remainder of this section discusses each of these ele- ments with reference to key land management criteria presented in the federal program. FRAGILE OR HISTORIC LANDS Fragile lands, according to SMCRA, are geographic areas containing natural, ecologic, scientific or aesthetic resources that could be damaged or destroyed by surface coal mining operations: Examples of fragile lands include valuable habitat for fish or wildlife, critical habitats for endangered or threatened species of animals or plants, uncommon geologic formations, National Natural Landmark sites, areas where mining may cause flooding, environmental corridors containing a con- centration of ecologic and aesthetic features, areas of recreational value due to high environmental quality, and buffer zones adjacent to the boundaries of areas where 9-1 surface coal mmmg operations are prohibited under Section 522(e) of the Act and 30 CFR 761. Within these proposed mining areas there are no critical wildlife habitat areas or endangered or threatened plant species. There would, however, be a general loss of noncritical vegetation and wild- life habitat. There are valuable fish habitats in the areas adjoining the proposed mining locations, however, with proper precautions and controlled mining activities effects on these streams could be mini- mized. Due primarily to its inaccessibility, this land currently re- ceives essentially no recreational use. The local Native population constitutes the only significant hunting and fishing activities. It is expected that the proposed mining activities could be conducted acceptably as envisioned by the federal regulatory program. NATURAL HAZARD LANDS Natural hazard lands according to SMCRA means: geographic areas in which natural conditions exist which pose or, as a result of surface coal mining operations, may pose a threat to the health, safety or welfare to people, property or the en,vironment 1 including areas subject to landslides 1 cave-ins, large or encroaching sanddunes, severe wind or soil erosion 1 frequent flooding, avalanches in areas of unstable geology. No lands of this type exist within the proposed mine area which would render a mining operation incompatible with this criteria. The nearest lands representing this definition would be the unstable bluffs of the Chuitna River Gorge. Due to natural erosion there are bluff areas that are subject to periodic slides but the area is suffi- ciently removed from the mine areas as to not be impacted by mining activities. 9-2 (' \, ' RENEWABLE RESOURCE LANDS These are lands in which 11 the mining operations could inflict a sub- stantial loss or reduction of long-range productivity of water supply or of food or fiber products .11 This area is not known as or utilized for a watershed or a water source. It also would fall outside of the timber harvest area, as it is at or above tree-line in nearly all loca- tions. A mine site would not be incompatible with this criteria. LAND PLANNING The contemplated mining activity is compatible with existing land use plans or programs. The proposed mine sites are located in the second most extensive untapped coal reserve in Alaska. The area has largely been controlled by the State of Alaska under a leasing policy encouraging energy development. A portion of the area now is owned by C I R I Native corporation, which encourages energy devel- opment through resource oriented policies. Mining operations in the Chuitna and Capps coal field areas are considered consistent with the intended land use and industrial development in this area. 9-3 10.0 EXISTING SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT WEST COOK INLET DEVELOPMENT Employment Activities and Population Currently, employment is created by three commercial developments on the west side of Cook Inlet. These are the crude oil processing and transportation facilities that serve offshore fields in Cook Inlet, the Kodiak Lumber Mills (KLM) Tyonek Timber Division chip mill, and the Chugach Electric Association ( CEA) gas-fired generator sta- tion at the Beluga gas field. Total regular on-site employment from these sources is now about 100, although seasonal construction and maintenance work can increase the work force to two or three times that number. There is only a minor residential population outside the Village of Tyonek, mostly at the Three Mile Creek subdivision near the CEA power plant and near Granite Point. In addition to employment associated with the above commercial development, a few nonlocal fishermen work commercial set net sites along the west Cook Inlet coast during the six-week salmon season in midsummer. Also, occasional geophysical work and exploratory drill- Ing in the area create sporadic local employment. Granite Point and Trading Bay are landfall sites for submarine crude oil pipelines that serve several production platforms in Cook Inlet. At these sites the crude oil undergoes initial processing and meter- ing. It is then transported by pipeline to the marine terminal at Drift River where it is stored and loaded aboard tankers for trans- port to U.S. refineries. The two processing plants and the marine terminal require a total of about 55 operators. However, summer maintenance and repair work involve additional temporary labor at the sites. The work force I ives in dormitories and rotates regularly 10-1 between the facilities and Anchorage. Families do not live at the processing plants or the terminal. The KLM chip mill was built in 1975 on land leased from the Tyonek Indians to process a large volume of timber infested with spruce bark beetle. At the height of operations, the mill employed 200 people. Currently, however, it is operating year-round with fewer than 20 people because of a decline in the Japanese chip market. The work force lives in dormitory and single-family housing at the plant site. It does not rotate at regular intervals to Anchorage or Kenai. The Chugach Electric Association operates a large natural gas-fired generation facility approximately 16 miles from the Village of Tyonek. This facility provides the base load generating capacity for the Anchorage area. It has a regular operations and maintenance work force of approximately 30 people, but construction and special main- tenance and repair work cause significant fluctuation in the local labor force (the dining room capacity is approximately 250). Land Ownership, Status and Use Restrictions Land ownership in Alaska is complicated and continuing to evolve. Land conveyances under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) and the Statehood Act are not yet complete; and disputes remain over land rights of the state, boroughs and Natives. How- ever, these issues have been resolved in the vicinity of the pro- posed project. Since ownership is integral with land use development rights, land use planning questions are also discussed in this section. The De- partment of Natural Resources, Planning Section, has the authority to be the lead state agency in preparing an overall land use plan for the area. The Kenai Peninsula Borough likely would assist in devel- oping the plan and policies to guide specific actions proposed by 10-2 industry, particularly in regard to land it owns in the vicinity of the proposed plant and town sites. The land management policies of C I R I will also be of significant influence on the area because of its substantial land holding in and adjacent to the project area. Land Ownership and Status Major land holdings in the area include ownership of both the sur- face and subsurface estates. In some cases both rights are held by the same owner and in others, by different owners. The latter case produces potential conflicts where revenues obtained from sale of mining rights are not conferred to owners of surface rights. Key ownerships in the area are vested in the following state and private organizations: State of Alaska Cook Inlet Region, Incorporated Tyonek Native Corporation Kenai Peninsula Borough Other smaller holdings such as Native Allotments, the Native Village of Tyonek, Inc., and other Native lands subject to reconveyance under Section 14(c) of ANCSA are not discussed here. Blocks of land owned by these organizations are shown in Figure 10. 1, along with subsurface mining leases. 0 State of Alaska A substantial portion of the Beluga coal district is patented state land, excluding the Capps Field area that would be developed by this proposal. These lands were transferred by the federal gov- ernment under the 1958 Statehood Act (General Grant Lands), and the 1956 Mental Health Enabling Act (Mental Health Lands, 10-3 (:, 'I,, () FIG. 10.1 :\ ' / EXISTING LAND STATUS I • I _j,l, I Cook Inlet Region~ Inc. (CIRU I ~---.---.---,----,.----,--,f--1------.---.-----.---..---.-----.--r---'--r--"+---·-_..,.._ - -~---..-~--+-----t--1 _----t --4--f---t--l--=-C+Ih __ l_ --+- Trading Bey 4 a 0 providing a State General Fund revenue base on which to meet needs of the Mental Health Program). In 1978 the state redesig- nated Mental Health Lands to General Grant Lands, to allow mun- icipalities to select land, of which not less than 30% is to be dis- posed for private ownership. This redesignation does not affect any prior leases, permits, or easements. The redesignation also allows the state to dispose of lands to private parties more easily than was possible under its status as Mental Health Lands. The third major category of state lands on the west edge of the dis- trict is the Trading Bay State Game Refuge, established in 1976. The state Department of Natural Resources (DNR) classifies Gen- eral Grant Lands and tidelands in this vicinity into one of four categories: Resource Management Lands, Industrial Lands, Re- served Use Lands, and Material Lands. This system describes a capacity for use or multiple use which can be modified for the public interest. Once lands have been classified, they may be disposed (by lease, sale, grant or exchange) to municipalities or private parties. Resource Management Lands Most of the state land in the Beluga coal district is classified as Resource Management Lands, portions of which are in the follow- ing uses: coal prospecting and leasing, mining permits, timber sales, and oil and gas leasing. Two Placer Amex leases and the Bass-Hunt-Wilson (BHW) lease are located on Resource Manage- ment Lands (the Capps Field is located on land owned by CIRI). Kodiak Lumber Mills is authorized to harvest timber from 223,000 acres until August 1983. About 6 million board feet of spruce- beetle-infested trees are to be harvested. Numerous primary and secondary logging roads have been built on state, C I R I, and TNC land in the area in association with these activities under author- ity of 20-year leases between Kodiak Lumber Mills, C I R I, and 10-5 0 0 0 C- Tyonek Native Corporation and the state. No public rights-of- way are associated with these logging roads. The Trading Bay State Game Refuge is a separate category from Resource Management Lands. Established by the state legislature in 1976, this refuge and the Susitna Flats Game Refuge east of the Beluga coal district are managed by the state Department of Fish and Game (DF&G). Pre-existing rights-of-way for roads and pipelines are excluded from the refuges, and will become part of the refuges when permits or applications expire. Industrial Lands Specific facilities such as the CEA power plant near Tyonek are operated as Industrial Lands, subject to Kenai Peninsula Borough building and zoning codes. These sites may only be used for the designated purposes. Most of Sections 27 through 30, T11N R12W, including tidelands along Trading Bay are also classified as Industrial Lands. Reserved Use Lands Reserved Use Lands are set aside for such public uses as expan- sion of town sites and new town sites. Small sites in the Beluga area are being used for creek access, barge landing sites (e.g., Beluga River), ard other DF&G requests. Material Lands Material Lands are administered by the DN R to sell sand, gravel and other materials located on state-owned tidelands and uplands. The Department of Natural Resources can influence the location of coal port and transshipment facilities through its ownership of tidelands. The state land in the Beluga area which was trans- ferred to C I R I or TNC includes sand, gravel and other materials as part of their estate. 10-6 c) 0 0 The DN R will have an important role in guiding coal-related de- velopment because of its management responsibilities for extensive state holdings in the area. In addition to its aforementioned con- trol of tidelands and surface minerals, DNR also regulates tem- porary access and rights-of-way across state land and the appro- priation and use of surface water and groundwater. It will ulti- mately prepare a land use plan to guide the department in reclas- sifying state land for the proposed project. Cook Inlet Region, Inc. (CIRI) The regional Native corporation holds both surface and subsurface title to much of the inland area of the Beluga coal district. The Placer Amex Capps lease is within this area. Cl Rl also owns approximately 3,000 acres adjoining and including a portion of the proposed plant site. As a profit-oriented corporation, C I R I is encouraging coal development in the area. It was granted a 300- foot wide, unspecified location right-of-way easement to connect its holdings in the Capps Field to the beach at the eastern edge of Trading Bay. The corporation also holds subsurface rights to the land whose surface rights are held by the Tyonek Native Corporation. Revenues from subsurface development rights are distributed to stockholders of C I R I, TNC, and other Native corporations. Tyonek Native Corporation (TNC) Tyonek Native Corporation, the village corporation created under ANCSA, has surface title to the 27 ,000-acre former Moquawkie Indian Reservation, as well as other lands north of the Chuitna River. Its claim to about 11 sections of state land north and west of the Chuitna River (known as the Moquawkie Reserve Lands) is in litigation. 10-7 0 Potential developers in the area negotiate with TNC for surface use and with Cl Rl for subsurface use of the TNC lands. TNC has leased land to Kodiak Lumber Mills for the chip mill. Tyonek Native Corporation is opposed to rights-of-way and ease- ments across its lands (DCED -Land Tenure, 1978). After pas- sage of the ANCSA in 1971, the village corporation attempted to obtain title to its former Moquawkie Reservation lands, but ob- jected to the number of public easements proposed by the federal government. Easements are discussed later in this section under Transportation and Power Infrastructure. Kenai Peninsula Borough The borough owns eight sections of land that include most of Congahbuna Lake (with the exception of State Special Use Lands immediately around the lake, and a smaller lake to the east). The proposed construction camp site and a portion of the pro- posed transportation corridor are located on borough land. This area also has been considered as a possible alternative town site for a permanent community. The borough has not yet developed policies on lease of its land for industrial or community develop- ment (Battelle, 1979). Land Development Planning Authority In addition to the management responsibilities associated with land ownership described above, other governmental and private corpora- tions have jurisdiction over land use in the area. This section dis- cusses these responsibilities with particular reference to control of land use and transportation access. Agencies and organizations which will guide development in the Beluga coal district, in addition to those discussed above include: 10-8 0 0 0 Governor•s Coal Policy Group State Beluga Interagency Task Force Kenai Peninsula Borough Village of Tyonek, Inc. Governor•s Coal Policy Group This cabinet-level group will provide the governor•s office with recommendations in three areas: possible royalty and severance taxes on mining (none exist at present); state response to indus- try requests to provide infrastructure; and land reclamation. The governor will review coal policies with industry before adop- tion. Legislation may not be required. For example, the Alaska Industrial Development Authority may be a logical state instrument for provision of certain infrastructure. This public corporation assists in providing low-interest loans for industrial projects. Beluga Interagency Task Force This technical group is responsible for assisting the governor•s policy group on energy development in the Beluga area. At present it is primarily an interagency informational forum. It is chaired by the Department of Commerce and Economic Development (supported by its own Division of Energy and Power Development) and includes departments of Environmental Conservation, Natural Resources, Community and Regional Affairs, and Fish and Game, as well as the Office of the Governor Division of Policy Develop- ment and Planning (DPDP). The Department of Community and Regional Affairs will address issues of public facilities and serv- ices with respect to possible town site development. Kenai Peninsula Borough Overall planning and zoning responsibility for the Beluga area rests with the Kenai Peninsula Borough. Although no specific 10-9 0 land use plan has been developed, its Draft Coastal Management Plan (September 1978) proposes a special management district and recommendations for the area. Development within this district, or Area Meriting Special Attention (AMSA), could be governed by a comprehensive development program. The proposed program would be coordinated with state and other agencies and approved by the Alaska Office of Coastal Management. At this time, how- ever, the status of the coastal development planning for the bor- ough is in doubt. The borough assembly adopted a resolution to rescind the state act on which the plan is based, and there is no apparent schedule for finalization of the draft plan. Eventually, borough involvement would include reviewing plans for town site development including zoning, subdivisions, schools, solid waste and other permits. Only subdivision review is now required in the Beluga area, entirely designated as 11 unrestricted 11 use in its Comprehensive Plan. The Tyonek Village Council be- lieves borough planning, zoning and subdivision authority does not extend over any activities in the vicinity of its land (Battelle, 1979). Tyonek Village Council (Native Village of Tyonek, Inc.) The village tribal council is the federally chartered local govern- ment of Tyonek. Its influence over development on Native lands, however, extends beyond the village itself. With passage of ANCSA, the Moquawkie Indian Reservation was extinguished. Tyonek Native Corporation now has surface rights and Cook Inlet Region, Inc. has subsurface rights within the former reservation. Generally, the council represents residents of the village when they feel that policies of TNC and C I R I don•t necessarily represent the interests of the people of Tyonek. In particular, the village council believes it still can control access to lands within the former reservation which TNC and Cl Rl might 10-10 want to see developed for profit. Regardless of legal authority, TNC has deferred to the village council on local land management questions, particularly in the immediate vicinity of the village. Additional discussions of community governance, life-style and attitudes on industrial development are provided later in this sec- tion under TYONEK VILLAGE. Transportation and Power Infrastructure Some existing roads in the area would be improved to serve a por- tion of the project, with some extensions required to the mine and dock· locations. The existing airstrip at Granite Point probably would not be used except during very early stages of project start-up. The existing KLM chip mill dock at the North Foreland is too distant to conveniently receive heavy cargo, and probably would not be available for general use. 0 Existing Roads and Easements A network of gravel-surface logging roads crisscrosses the area between the Capps Glacier and the coast. Of the approximately 100 miles of primary and secondary roads, the main logging roads extend about 16 miles northwest of Congahbuna Lake, to within eight miles of the Capps Field (Figure 10.2). These roads were built to serve K LM timber harvest agreements. No public right-of-way is allowed on these roads. Agreements exist between KLM and the state for use of logging roads on state land west of TNC land. The timber harvest agreements on TNC land expire in 1983, when timber harvests are expected to terminate altogether (DCED -Transportation, 1978). A 27~-mile, 300-foot wide unspecified location transportation cor- ridor easement between the Capps Field and the eastern edge of Trading Bay has been granted by the State Department of Natural 10-11 () ···~ () \''' ,~/ () FIG. 10.2 EXISTING ROADS AND EASEMENTS Cappe Field Main Road• 1111111111111111 300 tt Floating Tranaportatlon Eaaement Road and Utllltl•• Eaaemenh and Pipeline• --+--1------1---1--1---+--1 ---l----1----l------- Mil .. ~ Trading Blil'lf N 0 Resources, on land obtained by CIRI. Portions of the existing logging roads may fall within this easement. Other road rights-of-way include section line easements on all state land or land transferred to others by the state. Although section line easements do not necessarily allow for access due to topographic constraints, they do allow for public right-of-way access across the land. These easements allow for a 100-foot right-of-way between sections. At the request of TNC, no section line easements or other ease- ments for transmission lines, rail lines, or roads exist on TNC land. Thus any new road, rail or power line proposed between the project area and the Beluga area or east to developed por- tions of the Matanuska-Susitna Borough which passed through TNC land would probably be very difficult to obtain, given the present position of the corporation. Plans for the C I R I /Placer Amex project do not anticipate a need for any such easements. A 65-mile road connection between the coal district and Wasilla, and an equally long rail connection between the district and the Alaska Railroad near Houston, have been discussed, although neither is anticipated for this project. A 200-foot development setback and a 1 00-foot recreation easement are in effect along the Chuitna River and other streams (outside of TNC land). These easements were established by the state DNR, Division of Lands. With respect to obtaining access across C I R I or state land in the project area, no difficulties are anticipated. The DN R reviews right-of-way applications on state land. Airports There are no airports with a capacity to handle landings of heavy cargo planes in the immediate project vicinity. Airstrips which 10-13 0 c could be used in early stages of project development include the beach strip at Granite Point and two 900-foot strips at Capps Field. The Granite Point airstrip is about 3,500 feet in length, with a gravel surface. The closest airport with a good surface and landing lights is the 3,500-foot Tyonek Airport. Like other privately owned airstrips in the vicinity, the Tyonek Airport is restricted to planes with prior landing privileges. The village tribal council in Tyonek wishes to control visits by planes to the village in the same way the village corporation, TNC, wishes to restrict road access across its lands. Docks The only dock near the proposed project with the potential for use during early stages of project development is owned by Kodiak Lumber Mills and is located 7 miles northeast of Granite Point at the North Foreland. This dock is 1, 466 feet long, with 685 feet of berthing space at a mean low water depth of 36 feet. The largest ship to dock at North Foreland was 601 feet long and 45,000 metric tons (Battelle, 1979). Use of the dock would re- quire permission, not only from Kodiak Lumber Mills, but also from Tyonek Native Corporation for use of the existing road across TNC land to the project area. The dock that is proposed to receive and ship the methanol is located approximately 40 miles southwest of the proposed project area on the west side of Cook Inlet near Drift River. This facil- ity, the Cook Inlet Pipeline Drift River Terminal, includes a single-berth fixed-platform offshore loading facility that will accommodate up to 70,000 DWT tankers. This facility will accom- modate a maximum 810-foot LOA vessel. This facility is further described in Volume II of this report in the section on pipe transportation and ship loading. 10-14 0 Power The closest power source to the proposed plant and town sites is about 16 miles northeast at Beluga. This gas-fired plant owned by Chugach Electric Association supplies power to the Village of Tyonek, the KLM chip mill and others, via a transmission line near the coast. Kenai Peninsula Borough Services The entire project area lies within the Kenai Peninsula Borough, but is isolated from the other borough settlements by Cook Inlet. Under state law, boroughs exercise powers within their jurisdictional boundaries, both inside and outside of home rule and general law cities. Borough powers extending to the project area include educa- tion, planning, platting and land use regulation, and air and water pollution control. Borough service areas can be established for un- incorporated areas to provide public safety, solid waste or other services. The only existing school serving the area is the Bob Bartlett School in Tyonek (discussed later in this section under Community Facilities and Infrastructure). The borough builds schools, establishes cur- riculum (with local input) and hires teachers. Although the school operating budget is a local responsibility, 50% of operating costs were paid by the state last year. It is not known if state funding will continue. Under a bill likely to pass the 1981 Legislature, all local school construction debt (rather than the current 80%) would be paid by the state. The borough would continue to bond for school construction and would be reimbursed by the state. The proposed legislation forbids 100% reimbursement for such special facilities as swimming pools, hockey rinks and teacher housing. 10-15 Planning and zoning and subdivision powers are provided on an areawide basis. The borough establishes a planning commission which prepares a comprehensive plan and/or plans for incorporated cities. Theoretically, the borough could prepare the comprehensive plan for a new town at Beluga if the town became an incorporated first-or second-class city. In practice, this is unlikely because the Kenai Peninsula Borough intends to transfer planning and zoning powers to cities, while retaining control of platting, subdivision approval and transportation facilities. The borough may collect property, sales and use taxes levied within its boundaries. Taxes levied by an incorporated city shall be col- lected by the borough and returned entirely to the city. The Kenai Peninsula Borough is proposing a July 1981 -July 1982 budget with a 2.5 mill rate. If increased state funding of schools is not forth- coming, the borough mayor estimates that a 1 mill increase could be required (Atkinson, 1981). At the same time, municipal assistance grants of $1.4 million authorized by the state for next year would allow the borough to end personal property tax (on boats, cars, air- planes, etc.) and reduce real property tax. Other West Cook Inlet Coal Development Another coal development project in the Beluga area is coal export from leases held in the Chuitna. Field by the Bass-Hunt-Wilson (BHW) venture. The BHW leases are shown in Figure 10.1. Development plans prepared in April l980 (Bechtel, 1980) suggest production of 7. 7 million short tons of coal per year, shipped via a deepwater port at Granite Point to Far East and West Coast destinations. Associated facilities include a town site within the lease area for 1,300 personnel and a conveyor or rail system to carry the coal to a tidewater stock- pile. A 7, 700-foot wharf would be built to channel depth for 100,000 DWT carriers. Alternatives to the Granite Point location include a new 10-16 8,000-foot wharf near the village of Ladd, about 12 miles southeast across TNC land, or use of the existing 3,500-foot wharf owned by Kodiak Lumber Mills, Inc. A six-year time frame from engineering to commencement of mining operations was envisaged in the April 1980 feasibility report, al- though its schedule for development may be adjusted in light of an agreement establishing a joint venture to develop the BHW lease. In an agreement approved by the state DNR in August 1981, the Dia- mond Shamrock Corporation joined with BHW leaseholders for the purpose of developing engineering, marketing and mining plans for the coal field. The venture is to be managed through Diamond Alaska Coal Company, a wholly owned subsidiary of Diamond Sham- rock. The BHW operations are largely independent of those planned by Cl RI/Piacer Amex. Town site, dock and transportation concepts currently are completely separate. As these projects reach advanced planning stages, it is expected that the owners will explore ways these infrastructure facilities can be shared to reduce capital costs. TYONEK VILLAGE Background Tyonek is the only settlement on the west coast of Cook Inlet. It is a long-standing community of about 270 Tanaina (Athapaskan) Indians. The village and 27,000 acres surrounding it were with- drawn as an Indian reservation in 1915. However, the residents of the village voluntarily surrendered the reservation status of their land to participate in the land selection benefits of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971. 10-17 Like other Indian villages, Tyonek was a traditional community ori- ented to seasonal subsistence pursuits. When opportunities for commercial trapping and fishing developed in the twentieth century, villagers participated in them to the extent the local resource base would permit. Thus, the fortunes of the village were tied to the cyclic fluctuations of fish and game. Poverty and the threat of starvation were ever-present. In the winter of 1955, an emergency airlift of food was necessary to save the villagers from famine. Housing and living conditions generally were substandard, like. those of numerous other remote Native villages in Alaska. The life-style of Tyonek was radically altered in 1964 when the vil- lage received $12.9 million in bonus bids for the competitive sale of oil and gas leases on its land. The money was used to upgrade vil- lage housing and community facilities, and to invest in Anchorage real estate and other commercial ventures. Tyonek•s sudden prosperity did much to improve the living condi- tions of village residents, but it caused new stresses within the community and did nothing to solve familiar problems of culture change faced by Tyonek residents. The oi I revenue replaced the remaining physical vestiges of traditional village life, but provided no new spiritual or cultural substance. Thus, the 11 identity crisis 11 of the Tyonek villagers, caught in a con- flict between the values and life-styles of traditional Indian and modern white societies, was exacerbated by the oil lease windfall. The history of Tyonek 1 s investment activities is long and often un- happy. Exploratory drilling failed to discover oil in commercial quantities, so a steady stream of royalty income has not supple- mented the one-time bonus bid lease payments. Financial setbacks and reversals have plagued the Tyoneks, so that early investments do not now provide a continuous source of direct support or indirect subsidy to village residents. 10-18 Both Braund and Behnke (1980) and Battelle (1979) report that the Tyonek village residents are suspicious of outsiders and prefer to have non-Natives avoid the village. The presence of non-Natives in the vicinity of the village is discouraged, especially if it involves the attendance of non-Native children at the Tyonek school, which occurred during the height of the chip mill operation. Community Facilities and Infrastructure Tyonek 1s facilities adequately serve the needs of its approximately 270 residents. Compared with many Native villages in Alaska, Tyonek has good housing, water and sewer systems and educational and health facilities. A substantial portion of the $12.9 million lease sale revenue was used to improve village living conditions (Battelle, 1979). 0 Housing and Utilities Lease revenue was used to provide a new house for each family in Tyonek. Fifty-nine prefabricated, one-to five-bedroom units were barged from Seattle. Today there are about 60 frame dwell- ings and six mobile homes. All homes are owned by the Native Village of Tyonek, Inc. Many of the ranch-style prefabricated units have not stood up well to Alaska conditions and are in need of new insulation and rehabilitation. Twenty-seven HUD-financed houses were planned for construction in 1979, but additional housing for those wanting their own homes is still needed. Village homes are heated by electricity, which is provided free by Chugach Electric Association under an agreement which will expire when the village has used a total of 50 million kilovolt hours (about 1982-1984). Then homes will be converted to oil-fired furnaces to use fuel purchased from Kodiak Lumber Mills (Bat- telle, 1979). Because of past power failures and fuel shortages, some residents wish for a return to wood heat. 10-19 0 The Kodiak Lumber Mills camp, located about two miles from the village, has six 20-person bunkhouses, five 3-bedroom modular homes, about 12 trailers and six duplexes --capable of accommo- dating a total of about 200 people. Oil lease money also provided funding for new gravel roads in Tyonek and a village water system. Roads are laid out in an orderly fashion to accommodate additional housing development. A lake water source was developed in 1976 after a high iron content was found in well water. The new system has apparent problems with chlorination, and a low lake level in winter. The Public Health Service is investigating alternative water sources. Wastewater disposal is by septic tanks and cesspools. Some of the steel septic tanks installed in 1965 are rusting. Soils are gravel base and are adequate for subsurface disposal. The village has a community building which houses a store, shop facility, guest house, medical center, and the village offices. The town also has a gas station. Education The village school is the one facility which some village residents feel they have the least control over. They fear that children of coal field and plant workers might attend their school in large enough numbers to make Native children a minority in the school. The Bob Bartlett School, serving grades K -12, is financed and managed by the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District. Enroll- ment is about 100 students, and capacity is about 240 students. The school has four regular classrooms, a home economics unit, and a portable classroom. There are 10 full-time teachers, who move in to teach temporarily. Two local residents provide sup- plementary education in cultural affairs, funded by the federal 10-20 0 Johnson-0 1Malley program. The amount of funding is keyed to the number (not proportion) of Native students in the school. The Native Village of Tyonek oversees the program. The borough school board would determine whether students from families employed by this proposed project would attend the Tyonek school. When the KLM chip mill was in full operation, about 20 students were bussed to the village to attend the school. In deciding how best to meet the educational needs of all stu- dents, the board wou.ld consider the wishes of Tyonek residents in light of districtwide program requirements and funding. Public Safety The Alaska State Troopers provide public services outside of incorporated cities. A constable serves Tyonek, the chip mill, and the oil and gas facilities at Trading Bay. He is based at the Beluga power station. Tyonek has no plans to incorporate as a second-class city. The addition of a full-time officer is not expected until population increases justify it in another 10 or 20 years. Additional staff can be added on a short-term basis to meet seasonal needs. In- dustry can also be expected to provide its own internal security. There is no publicly provided fire protection in the area. It is not known what firefighting equipment is available at Tyonek. Industry would, however, provide its own firefighting equipment and capability. Health care is available at a small clinic in the community building at Tyonek. The facility is staffed by a resident Licensed Prac- tical Nurse who provides medical and dental care. The U.S. Public Health Service also provides a community health aide (and alternate). Emergency medical care is received at the Alaska Native Medical Center in Anchorage. 10-21 (J Emergency services and hospital care from the health aide are available to non .. Natives on an emergency basis only. Emergency evacuations are handled by the state troopers using private charter planes. The U.S. Air Force also handles some emergency evacuations. The Kenai Peninsula Borough provides service to the area from a 32-bed hospital in Soldotna. Employment Employment in Tyonek is scarce. With the exception of a few per- manent jobs associated with the operation of the school, work in the village is part-time and seasonal. In recent years, a significant amount of work has been derived from government activities and programs. Thus, Tranter (1972) observed: 11 Tyonek, even with its good fortune of the 1960s, does not significantly differ from the prevailing employment patterns found in Alaska's Native village society found elsewhere in the state.11 A survey of employment in Tyonek in the spring of 1979 revealed that 54 people had a full-time or part-time job. Seventy percent of them worked in government-related programs, including state and federal education and health programs and the federal Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA) program. In addition, eight people worked at the KLM chip mill, four worked with a petroleum exploration crew drilling for natural gas on village lands, and four worked in Anchorage on the construction of modular houses that would be brought to the village (Braund & Behnke, 1980). Little of this employment represents permanent full-time jobs. Most is tem- porary, and the government-related work is dependent upon annual program appropriations. Thirty-three limited entry fishing permits are held by Tyonek resi- dents (three salmon drift gill net permits and 30 salmon set gill net permits). The Cook Inlet salmon season is open for two days per week for a six-week period from July to mid-August. Salmon stocks 10-22 in Cook Inlet have been rebuilding slowly after long years of de- cline, and the fishery is increasingly lucrative to purse seiners and drift gill net fishermen. However, because Tyonek villagers are predominantly set-net fishermen, and because the runs in the vicin- ity of the village are not especially strong, commercial fishing is still a marginal enterprise for many residents who participate in it. The record of village employment in the nearby chip mill is informa- tive for what it suggests about the prospects of villagers benefiting from employment opportunities created by development in the Beluga coal fields. This record is summarized by Braund and Behnke (1980): When Tyonek Timber Company, a subsidiary of Kodiak Lumber Mills, constructed a chip mill near the village, many residents hoped the plant would provide permanent jobs for villagers after production began in 1975. The chip mill is located on former reservation land once owned by the village but now owned by the village corporation (Tyonek Native Corporation). From time to time, Tyonek Timber Company employs villagers, but the majority of the workers are transients housed near the facility. Appar- ently, Tyonek Timber Company did not intend to hire a high percentage of non-Native transients, but many prob- lems developed between the mill and the villagers. From the industry point of view, the main difficulty was keeping employees who would report to work each day. Flexible work hours were arranged, but apparently absenteeism and drinking problems plagued production, and with a $30 million investment which was losing money each year, Tyonek Timber Company needed a crew of dependable loggers and mill operators. The villagers, who required specialized training for the jobs, often became disillusioned with the training program. Also, they felt that work schedules were constraining and inter- fered with more traditional and acceptable activities such as hunting and fishing. The growing presence of out- siders near their village was viewed with suspicion and concern. Some vi !lagers complained that they were har- rassed by non-Natives at the plant. Others felt the pay was too low when compared to union jobs. A shortage of gas in the village made it difficult to get to and from the timber mill. Possibly one villager summed up the problem when he said, 11 Natives aren't loggers.11 The net result is that in a village where unemployment is of primary concern 10-23 industry builds a lumber mill within a few miles, and for various reasons, unemployment remains a problem. Thus, it apparent! y cannot be assumed that the creation of local employment opportunity will necessarily result in substantial village employment. Many of the same factors that affected village employ- ment in the chip mill could also affect employment in a nearby coal mining and industrial plant operations. Community Attitudes Toward Development Attitudes of Tyonek residents toward major new commercial develop- ment in the vicinity of their village are discussed in Braund and Behnke (1980) and Battelle (1979). In general, there seems to be little enthusiasm for local deveJopment that will result in an increase of the non-Native population of the area. New employment oppor- tunity has general appeal among the villagers, of course, but even this attraction of development is tempered by the realization that full-time employment entails sacrifice of the slower-paced traditional life-style of commercial fishing, seasonal subsistence pursuits, and occasional wage employment. There is nothing unusual about ambivalence on the part of a small rural town toward the prospect of dramatic change by a major re- source development project; but in most cases, the promise of eco- nomic prosperity is stronger than the urge to protect traditional life-styles. In the case of Tyonek, however, the villagers may per- ceive that the disadvantages of development seem to outweigh the hope of benefits. Available data suggest that a majority of village residents would oppose creation of a major new town on the west side of Cook Inlet. A community profile and community attitudes survey are being prepared by a consultant to the Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs. 10-24 CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATIONS REQUIREMENTS Background The Beluga Methanol Project is comprised of the following basic com- ponents: a coal mining operation; a rail and road linkage to a coal- to-methanol plant; a pipeline for the methanol to an existing trans- shipment point; a separate cargo dock; an airport; construction camp; and permanent new town. Assumptions about project man- power requirements and the ultimate projected population of the town were derived by CIRI/Piacer Amex in consultation with CIRI/Holmes and Narver, Inc. Separate estimates are provided for construction and operations/maintenance manpower requirements for the mining operation, construction camp, methanol plant, airport, and permanent town. These figures should be taken as general estimates sufficient for preliminary facility planning and cost estimating. Because of its remote location, the project would require a high degree of self-suf- ficiency. Since few public facilities or services would be required or impacted, there was only limited consultation with governmental agencies regarding facility requirements. Nevertheless, experience with other remote community and support facilities in Alaska sug- gests that the proposed project realistically meets known require- ments at this time. Direct Labor Force Requirements Assuming the start of construction in 1984, a peak construction work force of approximately 3,200 (direct manpower requirements) would occur in the beginning of the second quarter of 1986 and last until the end of the year. Operation of the mines would require approx- imately 470 people, and the methanol plant approximately 450. In addition, it is estimated by Holmes and Narver that approximately 115 people would be required for the day-to-day operation and main- 10-25 c tenance (0/M) of the camp, town site, and airport. Therefore, a total of approximately 1,242 regular 0/M personnel would be required after start-up of the facility and completion of the town. Indirect Employment and Total Population The concept design for the project town site calls for a highly self- sufficient community with schools, recreational facilities, retail goods and services, and other basic urban amenities. Thus, a quantity of indirect, or secondary, employment would be necessary in the com- munity to support the basic work force, as in any other small town in Alaska. This is in addition to the operation and maintenance work force associated with the airport, camp and town site. The amount of this indirect employment is estimated to be approximately 200. This represents an employment multiplier of about 1.2, which is typical for a town of this size in Southcentral Alaska (Kramer, et al., 1979). Thus, total employment at the project site is estimated at 1,242. The total population of the town would therefore be about 2,600, as an average of approximately one nonworking dependent for each member of the labor force is expected (a labor force participation factor of 2. 0). The town site development concept plan discussed in this report has been scaled to a community size of approximately 2, 600 residents with the capacity to increase to more than 4,200 persons (Holmes and Narver, 1981). Table 10.1 summarizes employment and population assumptions for the project. OVERALL PROJECT DEVELOPMENT The project is located about 75 miles northwest of Anchorage across Cook Inlet, in an area within the Kenai Peninsula Borough. The project extends upslope from Trading Bay a distance of about 25 miles to the Placer Amex Capps coal field. 10-26 Table 10.1 ANTICIPATED CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION WORK FORCE BELUGA METHANOL PROJECT Project Phase Construction (1Q 1983 to 1Q 1986) Operations (Beginning 1Q 1986) Work Activity Coal Mine Methanol Plant Camp and Permanent Townsite Camp and Airport 0/M Total Coal Mine Methanol Plant 50-Person Camp, Airport, and Townsite 0/M Total Indirect Employment @ 0.2 Total Total Estimated Town Population at Approximately 1 Dependent per Employee Source: CIRI/Holmes and Narver, September 1981. 10-27 Peak Number of Workers 550 450 2,000 ~ 3,200 470 450 ~ 1,035 207 1,242 2,600 Figure 10.3 shows the general locations of key components of the project. These locations are not precise, however, there is suffi- cient land within the project area with moderate slope and reasonable foundation conditions to allow for a great deal of latitude in final site planning. Adjustments can be expected based upon further site studies, consultation with government agencies and evaluation of property ownerships. The Capps mine and methanol plant currently are envisioned on land owned by C I R I; the proposed camp is located on borough land; and the proposed town site, airport and Chuitna West mine are located on state lands. The transportation corridor between the Capps Field and the plant traverses C I R I, state and borough lands within an existing 300-foot wide easement which runs in an unspecified align- ment on state land over a distance of 2T~ miles from the Capps Field to Trading Bay. The easement was granted by the state ON R. Descriptions of the proposed construction camp, airport and town site in the following sections are based almost entirely upon the work by CIRI/Holmes and Narver (Conceptual Camp, Airport and Townsite Development Plan, Beluga Methanol Project, September 1981). Construction Camp 0 Concept At peak construction, the project would require housing for about 3,200 people. Due to the remoteness of the project, all of these personnel would have to be housed in a newly constructed work camp. The camp would have to be built quickly in increments which could accommodate fluctuations in the work force. The most appropriate method of camp development for the support of the project is the use of prefabricated and preinstalled build- ing modules which are readily available from contractors and 10-28 ("! '·J ' I i i I I () '' .J Trading B•r FIG.I0.3 OVERALL SITE PLAN .. -[ r -I ! I I Mila a ............... 0 1 2 3 4 IS 0 0 manufacturers in Alaska and other states. Because these modules require a minimum of field construction, the camp could be ex- panded or reduced in size at modest cost. The modules would be barged, or air-lifted by Lockheed Hercules aircraft. Trucks, helicopters or CATCO Rolligons could transport the units to their final site destination. Camp Facilities The building modules would be arranged to serve a variety of camp uses. Approximately 62 dormitory-style barracks would be grouped in four quadrants each with its own dining, recrea- tion, and laundry facilities. Administrative offices, warehouses, shops, a first-aid station, fuel storage, water and sewage treat- ment, access road, helipad and similar facilities would be built in the initial phase. The camp 1 s location in relation to other project facilities is shown in Figure 10.4. Its general location is close enough to the plant (within about a mile) to allow for a short bus ride, but not so close as to be affected by plant construction noise. Power and water are brought in above the camp, with road access, helipad, and sewage facilities located downhill. Figure 10.5 shows the proposed configuration of camp facilities. Dormitories are arranged along a spine with the support dining, recreation, and laundry facilities at the mid-point. This config- uration allows for efficiency of construction and operation, but could be modified based upon terrain features and requirements of camp 0/M subcontractors. Housing and Support Facilities Housing and support functions would necessitate dormitory, kitchen/dining, recreation, first-aid, and central laundry facil- ities. 10-30 () ', __ ~·/ FIG.I0.4 CAMP SITE CONSIDERATIONS n () 1 Bull Fuel Storage and Dispensing Firat Aiel S tatlon 2 Offices 500 Man Laundry 3 Shop I Sewage Treatment Faclltle~; 4 Warehouses Flow Control Management Reservoir 5 Hellpad Five Day Holding Pond 6 Security Office Water Treatment FaciNtlea 7 52 Man Dormitories Camp Fuel Tank 8 Elec1rlcal FaciNtlea 9 19 20 21 22 23 FIG.I0.5 CAMP PLAN Field Toilet Enclosed Loading Area Vehicle Equipment Shop 1000 Man Kitchen/Diner 1000 Man Recreation HaN .. .H ~@ SCALE t4 FEET 100 0 100 100 ••••• •••• -I 0 Each dormitory module would accommodate 52 persons in two-man rooms. The one-story structures would be about 35 feet wide and 144 feet long. In addition to the 26 rooms, each sleeper module would contain group washroom, shower and toilet facilities, clothes washers and dryers, and other amenities. Four standard prefabricated and preinstalled kitchen/diner mod- ules would be built. Assuming incremental development of four quadrants of dormitory modules, two 1 ,000-person kitchen/ dining halls, and two 500-person halls would be required. The recreation hall is a vital component in any remote camp be- cause of its influence on the morale of the construction and 0/M work force. Assuming at least two work shifts, two 1 ,000-person recreation halls would be adequate to provide a full variety of recreational pursuits. A commissary and post office would be located in one of the halls. A centrally located first-aid station would allow medical personnel to assess and stabilize medical emergencies before air evacuation to Anchorage; coordinate on-site injury assessment and treatment methods with Anchorage medical specialists; and provide selected out-patient services. Utilities Camp utility systems would consist of water supply, treatment and distribution; sewage collection, treatment and effluent disposal; power supply and distribution; solid waste collection, reduction and disposal; and fuel storage. Potable water would be needed for domestic use and fire protection. The probable source would be groundwater obtained from wells. Water would be stored in a ground-level or elevated tank. The storage requirement for potable water would be based upon the 10-33 sum of fire demand and one-half daily domestic demand, or 344,000 gallons. Fire flow criteria established by the National Board of Fire Underwriters . suggests that . approximately 1 ,800 gallons per minute for two hours be provided, or a total storage of 216,000 gallons. Domestic demand is based upon a daily con- sumption of 80 gallons for approximately 3,200 persons, or about 256,000 gallons per day (gpd). Well pumps and booster pumps could be sized to provide approximately 445 gallons per minute (gpm) to serve a peak daily load equal to 2.5 times average flow requirements. Sewage flows which would be generated by the camp are estimated at 60 gallons per person per day or a total of about 192,000 gpd. Treatment would consist of four 50,000-gallon package plants (e.g. extended aeration) preinstalled and prefabricated. These modules could be relocated to the town site as camp population declined. Tertiary treated effluent would flow via Arctic pipe down a drainage channel, then would be absorbed into substrata and eventually discharged into Nikolai Creek. Power requirements probably would be met initially by on-site diesel generators and/or by the existing Chugach Electric Asso- ciation power plant at Beluga, approximately 20 miles from the project site. Another possible source would be natural gas ob- t~ined from nearby Cook Inlet offshore wells. Ultimately, a power plant would be included as part of the Beluga methanol project. The plant would serve overall needs of the methanol plant and other facilities, while the above-described power sources could provide emergency power. Solid waste initially would be hauled to a landfill. For longer- range needs, a solid waste management facility should be con- structed at the town site to serve later construction and operation phases of the project. Wastes would then be reduced, incinerated and deposited in the landfill. 10-34 Diesel oil and other oil-based products would be stored in a spe- cial, lined POL (petroleum, oil and lubricants) berm. The facility would be located away from the camp and town sites to reduce risks associated with possible fire or explosion. Airport 0 0 Concept A general transport airport is proposed to serve the construction and operation phases of the project. The airport would be sized to serve the Lockheed Hercules aircraft, in common usage in the state for heavy cargo as well as for carrying personnel and pas- sengers and for medical evacuations. The airport would be located northeast of the plant on land owned by the state. Given the large areas of poorly drained soils and swamp in the project area, a choice of good airport sites is lim- ited. The recommended site best meets requirements for level terrain, adequate soils drainage and orientation to prevailing winds (Figure 10.6). Final design could require adjustments based upon closer evaluation of these requirements. Facilities The airport is designed to provide adequate runway area, air con- trol, lighting, storage and ancilliary facilities necessary to accom- modate Lockheed Hercules aircraft during prevailing northerly and crosswind conditions. Figure 10.7 shows the preliminary design for the airport. It is believed that development of only a north- south runway is necessary for the construction phase of the project. Runway length required for the Hercules is about one mile, while width should be about 300 feet. FAA criteria for a general trans- 10-35 CIRI/H&N ANCHORAGE, ALASKA (~ '· j FIG. 10.6 () AIRPORT SITING CONSIDERATION {'; ' ' ,, r::::_~ --__ ., __ ~-----;)---- OVERRUN OVERRUN SECTION A-A PROFILE AT CENTERLINE OF RUNWAY CIRI/H&N ANCHORAGE, ALASKA FIG.I0.7 AIRPORT PLAN SECTION B-B RUNWAY CROSS SECTION ., 18" AGGREGATE BASE COURSE AT 95'1> COMPACTION (FUTURE) ~ NOT TO SCALE port, nonprecision runway require a safety area at each end of 300 feet. An additional 200 feet is proposed at each end for ade- quate protection from potential obstructions. It is recommended that FAA clear zone slopes of 50:1 be established (instead of the normal 40:1 slope necessary for non precision runways) because of the likelihood that the runway would eventually serve Boeing 737 aircraft. If commercial jet service were instituted, the runway probably would have to be lengthened to 6,000 feet and widened to about 500 feet. Other airport facilities would include a two-story air control/ter- minal building adjoining enclosed warehouse storage area. A fire station would be located adjacent to the air terminal, and would also provide fire suppression equipment for the nearby campsite. Fire suppression would utilize dry chemicals with backup from a fire truck pumper loaded with water. Water, sewage, power and solid waste requirements are expected to be small. Since domestic water requirements would be small, treated water would be trucked on a weekly basis from the camp or town to an insulated water storage tank near the terminal. Sewage effluent would be treated in a 500-gallon package treatment plant with effluent dis- charged into a small subsurface soil absorption system. Power would be provided by the same source which is selected to serve the construction camp. Initially, two 20 kv diesel generators would be used. Solid waste would be stored in a dumpster to be transported to the solid waste management facility at the proposed new town. Permanent New Town 0 Concept A relatively self-sufficient new community would be developed for the people who would be employed at the mine, methanol plant, and related facilities, and for their families. The town•s esti- mated population would be about 2,600. 10-38 0 (_/ Cl RI/Piacer Amex would manage the development process, provid- ing certain initial infrastructure to facilitate efficient development eventually having a full range of community services. Initial community development would provide the basic core of public infrastructure and housing. Private ·developers would provide additional housing, commercial and other facilities on a free-mar- ket basis within the broad guidelines of the overall town site plan. Schools would be built and operated by the Kenai Peninsula Borough. The community might become an incorporated city, levying taxes and bonding for certain facilities (options discussed previously in this section under Kenai Peninsula Borough Services). One option to the development of a permanent town site would be continued use of the construction camp beyond the construction phase. Rotating crews (without families) working seven days on/ seven days off could be transported to Anchorage or Kenai. In any event, some of the camp•s facilities could be adapted for use in the town site. Some camp housing could be designed for relo- cation and reconstruction as permanent housing. Water, sewer and power would be coordinated between the camp and town sites. Camp recreation halls might be relocated to the town site. The preliminary land use plan for the proposed new town is shown in Figure 10.8. It was chosen from an analysis of alter- native sites which considered such criteria as slope, drainage, land ownership, and proximity to the camp, plant and other facil- ities. The town site would be oriented along a high, well-drained bluff overlooking Nikolai Creek, about three miles from the plant. Housing, Education and Commercial Facilities A variety of housing types including single-family homes and multi-family units would be provided by private builders. Some 10-39 Residential: SF 16 to 24 single family units In six acre neighborhoods. average density: 3.3 units/acre MF FSF 50 townhouse an·d apartment units In five acre neighborhoods. average density: 10.0 units/acre Potential six acre expansion area for single family neighborhood development. Educational: EDUCATIONAL High school and K-8 facility COMPLEX on sixty acres. Potential twenty acre expansion area for additional K-8 facility ··\\ ... i .. · ... ·;· CIIRI/H&N ANCHORAGE, ALASKA () / Utilities: UTILITY Water treatment, solid waste COMPLEX management, and power substation facilities on approx. 3.7 acre•. STP Sewage treatment plant on approximately 4.6 acres. FSTP ~:.~~~~~ns!~~g.::n:::.Sra'.:r.~ '::::'~hborhood MC - expansion on approximately 4.6 acres. Motor vehicle maintenance and storage complex on 3.7 acres. Improved road Potential Improved road for single family expansion area. Fl6.10.8 TOWN LAND USE PLAN Commercial: COMMERCIAL Combined shopping and COMPLEX entertainment, community services, offices, governmental administration, and residential apartment units on 30.0 acres. FUTURE Potential ten acre commercial expansion area i'e··, c 0 c mobile homes could be installed, but cost estimates have assumed all wood-frame housing. Using an average household size of about 2.5, approximately 1,020 units would be required. The tentative mix of units is about 400 single-family units, 125 town- houses, and 495 rental apartments (a reduction in the number of rental units is possible, depending upon employment agreements established by CIRI/Piacer Amex). Development densities would be about 3. 3 units per acre for single-family and 10 units per acre for townshouses/apartments, with higher densities for about 200 apartment units in the town center. Total residential land requirements and land costs have not been estimated. Schools in the new community would function as both education and community recreation centers. Assuming a range of 25 to 35% school-age children, schools would have to be built for 650 to 910 students. Perhaps all of these students could be accommodated in one K-12 school. However, the Kenai Peninsula Borough has esti- mated the need for a K-8 school for 500 students and a high school for 800 students, so these conservative estimates have been used for cost estimating purposes. The borough estimated that a 20-acre site would be required for the K -8 school and a 40-acre site for the high school. It is anticipated the borough would build and operate the schools. Commercial space would be needed for retail grocery and depart- ment stores, a medical clinic, bank, offices, restaurants, movie theater, and future government offices. A hotel and church site(s) may also be necessary. It is suggested that most of these services be conveniently grouped within a single energy-efficient structure --perhaps along the lines of an enclosed shopping center mall. Transportation Travel within the project area would be generally restricted to home-to-plant or mine trips, shopping trips, and less frequent 10-41 0 trips within the community or to nearby fishing or recreation areas. Trips onto nearby Native lands would be greatly discour- aged by Tyonek Native Corporation. These trip-making characteristics provide the opportunity for the use of buses as the primary means of transportation in the area --during both the construction and operations phases. Since roads are not developed outside of the area, and new roads would be developed primarily for truck use, the initial use of private automobiles should be discouraged. Buses could circulate throughout the project area on narrow roadways, while saving land and development costs usually required for wider roads and parking areas. Emergency vehicles, delivery trucks, and snow removal equipment would also use the roads. Circulation throughout the town would be by 20-and 45-passen- ger buses, and a separate network of bicycle/cross-country ski trails. Approximately 20 45-passenger buses and six 20-passen- ger buses or 9-passenger vans would be used during the con- struction phase. All of these vehicles would be used during the operations phase for home-to-work trips, home-to-school trips, and trips to recreational areas such as Congahbuna Lake and Nikolai Creek. The smaller vehicles would be used within the town site on a 24-foot-wide one-way loop road, served by 12- foot-wide residential access streets. A 4-acre bus storage and maintenance facility is planned near the town center. At some point further into the development, private automobiles may be permitted. Utilities The same types of utility services provided for the camp would be needed for the town. Possibilities exist to integrate some of the facilities (water supply, sewage treatment, solid waste disposal). Domestic and fire flow water requirements are estimated at 354,000 10-42 gpd (one-half daily domestic demand of 120 gallons per person plus 1,650 gpm for two hours of fire flow). Storage and treat- ment would be the same as described for the construction camp. Distribution would be by approximately 8-inch main and smaller diameter feeder lines. Sewage flows gen~rated by the town are estimated at 208,000 gpd (80 gallons per person). The four 50,000-gallon package treat- ment plants used at the construction site, plus a new 10,000- gallon package plant would be installed on an incremental basis. The plants would be sited downslope from the town with treated effluent discharged into Nikolai Creek. Minimum power requirements for the town would be about 25 kv. It is assumed that initial power requirements could be met using the source which served the construction camp until the perman- ent power plant were built. Solid waste equal to about 24,000 pounds per day of burnable material and 1,440 pounds per day of noncombustible material would be hauled to a solid waste management facility. After reduction, remaining solid waste would be disposed in the sani- tary landfill. 10-43 11.0 ACOUSTIC ENVIRONMENT INTRODUCTION Sound is radiant mechanical energy transmitted by longitudinal pres- sure waves in a material medium. Sound can be transmitted through gases, liquids or solids. The number of times a sound wave reaches its maximum and minimum pressures in a unit of time is referred to as its frequency, and frequency is expressed in Hertz (Hz), which refers to the number of cycles per second. Sounds with frequencies from about 16 to 20,000 Hz are in the range of human hearing. Sound level or loudness usually is described using a dimensionless unit of pressure, the decibel (dB), and environmental noise generally is expressed using the A-weighted sound level in units of dB called dB( A). The A-weighting is an adjustment based on human hearing sensitivity at various frequencies. It is customary to call any un- desirable sound 11 noise.11 Figure 11.1 illustrates various levels of noise in terms of A-weighted sound levels. The result of combining two sound levels is not additive. Generally when two sounds are combined the resulting sound level is not more than 3 dB greater than the louder component. In terms of human hearing, a sound level difference of 1 to 2 dB is barely perceptible; 3 to 5 dB is clearly per~ceptible; and 7 to 10 dB is an effective dou- bling or halving of loudness. Ambient background noise levels of 55 dB or less generally are acceptable. Residential areas near large cities generally have a background level of about 60 dB. Increases of up to 5 dB over ambient levels are generally considered to have a slight impact; in- creases of 5 to 10 dB would have a significant impact; and increases of 10 dB or more would have serious impacts. 11-1 FIGURE 11.1 (~ / NORMAL CONVERSATION DRILL PRESS PAIN BEGINS 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 I 194 SOUND LEVEL dB(A) QUIET BEDROOM I ~~A~~~E~~UND L"bu~~TE/. MANUAL TRAINING ~OARSE GRINDING POWER SAW SPRAY PAINTING AIF COOLED ELECTRIC MOTOR 50KW IN THE VICINITY OF A JET PLANE TAKING OFF HIGHEST SOUND LEVEL THAT CAN OCCUR LEVELS OF NOISE IN TERMS OF A-WEIGHTED SOUND LEVELS, dB (A) [ /~. "'-·· .· GENERAL OVERVIEW The Chuitna Center Ridge and Capps mine areas which would provide coal feedstock for this project are located in an uninhabited wilder- ness area between the elevations of 1,500 and 2,100 feet. There are essentially no man-induced noise sources in these areas other than occasional overflights by light aircraft. The ambient noise levels in these areas would probably vary between 20 and 35 dB(A). The methanol plant site is located near the shore of Cook Inlet in a generally uninhabited area, although it is the location of ongoing tim- ber harvest and. oil industry activities. There are regular timber hauling activities with slow-moving heavy trucks producing noise in the 60 to 70 dB range at a distance of 400 feet. Although general vehicular traffic is sparce by rural standards, pickup and automobile traffic is generated by Granite Point fishing activities, the onshore oil receiving facility, and general recreational and hunting excur- sions. Overhead small aircraft traffic also is frequent. The present noise inducing activities near the plant site still produce an insignif- icant level of background noise. It is assumed the base ambient sound levels for the general methanol project site are between 30 and 40 dB(A). NOISE SENSITIVE LAND USES There are no noise sensitive land uses within the project area other than the expected responses to higher levels of induced noise by the resident wildlife and bird populations. 11-3 12.0 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT GEOLOGY AND SOILS CONSTRUCTION EFFECTS Construction effects from this project on geology and soils would be the result of numerous activities ranging from the surveying of the land surface to the construction and operation of sedimentation ponds (Table 12.1). The primary concern during construction would be the control of erosion (primarily by surface water) to prevent the. degra- dation of surface waters and the potential impact on the fishes util- izing these surface waters. Also of concern would be the general impact of such construction activities on generally unstable soils with particular concern for areas that could possibly fail due to high water contents and inherent slope instability. The former can be controlled by careful planning and operator training with close supervision; the latter can be controlled by detailed soil analysis and sound engineering design. LONG-TERM EFFECTS Long-term effects from construction and operation of this project in terms of geology and soils would relate primarily to: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Competency as Structural Foundation Erosion Potential Clays for Impermeable Sealers Aggregate Sources Seismic (Faulting) Geophysical Hazards Soil Suitability for Wastewater Disposal Slope Stability Permafrost 12-1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. C; 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Table 12.1 PRELIMINARY LIST OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATED WITH DEVELOPMENT IN THE BELUGA REGION Survey land surface 21. Build bridges Operate drill rigs 22. Cut and fill Remove surface features 23. Haul material Store topsoil materials 24. Prepare surfaces and roadbeds Dewater (by pumping) 25. Store material Blast 26. Crush material Remove overburden 27. Load material Dispose of overburden 28. Operate railroads Extract material 29. Operate access roads Replace topsoil and revegetate 30. Operate haul roads Divert surface waters 31. Store fuel and chemicals Operate machinery and 32. Operate maintenance yards and equipment parking lots Clear and grade 33. Operate electric transmission Excavate 34. Operate water supply Backfill and grade 35. Operate sewage treatment plant Construct stream crossings 36. Operate septic tanks Construct dikes and dams 37. Operate runoff controls Install culverts 38. Operate waste rock dumps Assemble structures 39. Operate sediment ponds Pave surfaces 40. Construct docks 12-2 Nearly all of these effects (or concerns) relate to the operation of the mines supporting the methanol plant. Stability of the material in the waste dumps would be of some concern due to the overall weak and water-sensitive nature of the material. The extensive distribu- tion and depth of glacial tills will determine the overall slope of pit walls. Slide areas adjacent to the northeast side of the Capps pit area would most likely be susceptible to additional water. The finer- grain mud stones have very poor trafficability. The transportation corridor past the Chuitna west pit area may encounter siltstone and claystone slopes susceptible to instability without design precautions (e.g., flatting the slope). Drainage from open slopes would require interception to avoid progressive erosion. The transportation corri- dor crossing extensive areas of tundra may require excavation of the organic layer. The extent of granular borrow material available in the pit areas to support long-term operations has not yet been de- termined. Final plant location determinations may require the exten- sive removal of deep organic layers. MAJOR REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS Regulations relative to impacts on geology and soils would be pri- marily through the permanent regulatory program of the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement. It is anticipated that the State of Alaska will enact regulations similar to those of OSMRE. ENVIRONMENTAL ACCEPTABILITY OF PROPOSED ACTION While some degree of uncertainty remains as to the nature and perm- eability of the overburden in the pit areas and along the transporta- tion corridor, there is nothing to suggest that the project as pro- posed would cause any unacceptable environmental impacts during either construction or the operation phases. Modification of the landscape within the mining areas would be unavoidable but should be 12-3 environmentally acceptable assuming a proper mine design and careful monitoring to insure that proper construction and operation techni- ques are being applied. 12-4 13.0 HYDROLOGY CONSTRUCTION EFFECTS Groundwater 0 0 0 Construction Water Source The only likely use of groundwater during the construction phase of the project would be as a potable water supply and possibly for concrete mix water. The test water well drilled in May 1981 near the proposed plant site indicated a presence of a deep ground- water source that could provide up to 100 gpm on a regular basis. The water is of reasonably good quality with possibly only chlor- ination required for treatment. It is assumed that the potable water supply would be used primarily to operate the construction camp. It is likely the groundwater supply would feed a storage reserve near the camp facility to meet peak water demands. Effects on Water Table It is probable that if groundwater were used it would be drawn from a deep source similar to that in the above-mentioned test well. Virtually nothing is known about groundwater movement in this area, but the abundance of surface sources suggests a system of aquifer feed-water that would preclude any detrimental effects on the water table based on the anticipated potable water require- ments for this project. Appropriation of Water Rights Alaska Statutes Title 46 Water, Air, and Environmental Conserva- tion reserves the waters of Alaska for the people of the state for common use. Waters may be appropriated with permit authority for beneficial uses which comply with standards for the protection 13-1 of public health and safety, protection of previous permitted appropriations, and preservation of anadromous fish streams and public recreational opportunities, Any entity desiring to appro- priate waters of the state must obtain a water appropriation permit from the director of the Division of Forest, Land and Water Man- agement, Department of Natural Resources prior to developing the water source. This permit authorizes the holder to conduct the necessary work for appropriating water and to commence his appropriation; however, it does not secure rights to the water. When the permit holder has commenced use of tne water, he must again notify the director, who will issue a 11 Certificate of Appro- priation11 upon demonstration that the means for taking the water have been developed and the permit holder has complied with all permit conditions. The certificate secures the holder's rights to the water. It is not anticipated that any difficulties would be encountered in C I R 1/Piacer Amex obtaining a 11 Certificate of Appropriation 11 for groundwater use. Surface Water 0 Siltation During Construction Construction of the coal handling and plant facilities would occur over a period of several years. During this period and prior to initiation of processing activities, the only significant wastewaters generated on-site would be runoff waters. Because of construc- tion work such as site grading, road building and other civil- associated activities, that precipitation runoff during this period would contain quantities of silt. As an initial site activity, the facility's design proposes construc- tion of two large earthen ponds to collect and detain runoff from the construction site. These would enable any silt contained in the runoff waters to settle prior to release of the runoff to natural channels. Runoff flows would be intercepted by the em- 13-2 0 bankment forming the foundation of the southerly site access road, and would be directed through a channel under the roadway to the settling pond sites. Because of physical conditions at the currently proposed proces- sing site, two runoff control systems are anticipated. One would serve the coal handling area, approximately 100 acres, and the other would serve the methanol production area, approximately 220 acres. Each system•s design is based on the Universal ·Soil Loss Equation. Each settling pond is sized to accommodate a 24-hour rainfall on the area served, with a frequency of return of once in 10 years, in addition to a sizable volume of settled silt. An alum feeding capability proportioned to the influent flow would enhance agglomeration and settling of turbidity-causing fines anticipated in the raw runoff. This system of runoff control should maintain sediment discharges at an acceptable level. Accidental Petroleum and Hazardous Substance ~ As with any construction project, there likely would· be small accidental spills of gasoline and diesel fuels, hydraulic fluids or other petroleum by-products. Minor accidental spills of materials such as solvents also would be expected, and these likely would qualify as hazardous substances. If such spills occurred in minor amounts on the plant site, they would be sufficiently removed from the nearest lakes, anadromous fish streams, and coastal waters to prevent impact. Such minor spills most likely would occur in the plant workpad area, a location which would also preclude direct contamination of adjacent wetlands. The most detrimental place for a spill to occur would be near a stream crossing on the road system or near dock construction and material handling activities in the intertidal area. Such spills would be beyond the category of small accidental material handling spills discussed above. A spill there likely would involve a more 13-3 r-- 1 . \___.' 0 serious accident, and would have a very low chance of occur- rence. To protect against adverse impacts from such an accident, a cooperative and coordinated plan of response to oil and hazard- ous substances pollution emergencies would be forthcoming from an interagency group headed by the Alaska Department of Environ- mental Conservation, in accordance with state policies. This would represent an extreme sequence of events not unlike those possible during any large industrial construction project. Any accidental spills from routine construction activities are not antici- pated to cause adverse environmental effects. As a Water Source for Construction Surface water would be used during construction primarily for concrete batching, earthwork compaction and dust control. This water would be required in relatively low quantities and likely sources would be adjacent streams or ponds such as Congahbuna Creek, Congahbuna Lake or one of the other adjacent small ponds. Groundwater might also supply some of the concrete mix water. Due to the intermittent nature of the water requirement and the relatively small quantites that would be withdrawn, any effects on these water courses would be very temporary. LONG-TERM EFFECTS Groundwater 0 Plant Water Source The methanol plant and coal handling and processing facilities have a variety of water requirements, however, the largest requirement is make-up water for the plant cooling system. The highest water requirement cooling alternative reviewed in this project necessitated an excess of 300,000 gpm of once-through 13-4 0 cooling water. This design scenario was favorable to capital cost but was discarded because of insufficient local water sources to meet this extraordinarily high demand. The present cooling con- cept is a recirculating system requiring about 15,000 gpm to re- place the evaporation and other losses. The two exploratory water wells drilled as part of this study confirmed that deep groundwater sources would not be sufficient to meet the water requirements at the plant. Approximately 100 gpm on a regular basis may be available from a well in the plant site but this would be insufficient to meet much more than routine potable water needs. The only apparent alternative at this time is the installa- tion of an extensive infiltration gallery system in the lower reaches of Nikolai Creek. This is discussed further later in this Section under Effects to Surface Waters. It is expected that there would be some well water used for domestic purposes whether at the plant or construction camp. Because there are no significant uses of groundwater in the Granite Point area at this time, there would not be any significant impact from the use of these wells for a potable water source. Based on the available information, a single well could provide between 100,000 and 150,000 gpd. It may also be possible to have two or three wells in close proximity near the plant without significant overlapping of the cones of depression of the drawdown curve of each well. Effects on Water Table and Marshes It seems evident that any deep groundwater withdrawal for this project would come from the upland area of the Nikolai escarp- ment. This area is two to four miles from the Trading Bay State Game Refuge, so groundwater withdrawal should have no impact on the marshes in the refuge. Virtually no use is being made of the groundwater resources in this region. Consequently groundwater withdrawal of domestic quanities for this facility and its support- ing construction activities should have only minor effects on the water table. Between uses or if withdrawal is later discontinued, 13-5 0 the static water level should rapidly be restored to its present level. Appropriation of Water Rights A permit to withdraw groundwater would have to be obtained from the state Department of Natural Resources. The details of this procedure are further explained earlier in this section under Appropriation of Water Rights. It is not anticipated that any difficulties would be encountered in C I R !/Placer Amex obtaining a Certificate of Appropriation for groundwater use. Surface Water 0 Wastewater Discharges and Treatment Wastewater discharges would result from water treatment facilities, processing and non-processing operations, blowdowns from boilers and cooling towers, repair shop associated with the servicing of locomotive engines, runoffs from coal storage and processing areas, and from infrequent cleaning of steam boilers. All of these wastewater streams are treatable using conventional technology and could be discharged to Cook Inlet in compliance with state Water Quality Standards. Wastewater discharges from the proposed gasification/methanol plant complex would occur continuously and/or intermittently from several sources, which are summarized and discussed in the re- mainder of this section. It appears that each of these discharges is treatable using conventional technology and that discharge permits could be obtained. It is beyond the level of available data and scope of this study to analyze the environmental effects of each component of the discharge stream in detail. The continuous discharges include: 13-6 Water Treatment Slowdowns Char Filtrate Methanol Bottoms Pump Seal Waters Railroad Service Shop Wastewaters Sanitary Wastewaters Boiler Slowdown Cooling Tower Slowdown The intermittent discharges include: Coal Storage Area Run-off Boiler Cleaning Wastewaters Process Area Runoff 11 Ciean 11 Area Runoff All treated effluents would be stored in a final treated effluent pond, and discharged through an effluent diffuser to Cook Inlet during ebb tide only. A portion of the treated effluent would be utilized for the conditioning of dry ash to minimize dust problems during load-out from ash silos. Stored treated effluent also would serve to meet the plant fire water demand. The wastewaters generated in the proposed methanol plant accord- ing to the above listed categories, including estimated flows and characterization are described in this section. This information is the basis for the conceptual development of wastewater treatment facilities, and for estimating the characteristics of treated effluent proposed to be discharged to Cook Inlet. Water Treatment Slowdowns (Continuous Discharge): Well water for general plant uses would be softened using the Cold Lime process to remove alkalinity and hardness, then would be neu- tralized and chlorinated before distribution. Due to the pres- 13-7 ence of high concentrations of silica in the well water, make-up water for boiler use would first be softened using the Warm Lime process for partial removal of silica, and then would be demineralized using a combination of cation and anion exchange beds. Wastewater discharges from the water treatment facilities would result from the combined dewatering of sludges resulting from cold and warm lime 'softening, and from the regeneration of ion-exhange beds. Sludge dewatering would result in a dis- charge of 123 gpm of centrate, and ion exchange regeneration would result in a wastewater discharge of 185 gpm. These wastewater discharges contain only inorganic impurities. Since ion-exchange regenertion wastes are expected to be highly acidic, they would be neutralized. These wastewaters then would be combined with treated process wastewaters for dis- charge to Cook Inlet. Char Filtrate (Continuous Discharge): Significant quantities of char are carried with the hot raw gas from the gasifiers. The major portion of the char is removed in cyclones prior to cool- ing of the raw gas. The gas is cooled by direct contact with water in scrubbers, which removes the remaining char, and also removes any 11 condensible 11 impurities. Wastewater result- ing from gas scrubbing is clarified and cooled, and then is recycled to the scrubber. The underflow sludge from the clarifiers is dewatered in pressure filters. These pressure filters also dewater sludges from the clarifiers which handle wastewater discharges resulting from scrubbing of coal dryer gas. Char filtrate thus represents combined blowdowns from the dewatering of sludges resulting from gas cooling and from coal dryer gas scrubbing. The estimated flow of char filtrate is 878 gpm, and it would contain impurities condensed from the gas. The estimated concentration of contaminants in the char filtrate is shown in Table 13.1. 13-8 () Table 13.1 SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED FLOWS AND CHARACTERISTICS OF PROCESS -RELATED AND SANITARY WASTEWATER DISCHARGES Pretreated Pretreated Pump Effluent Contaminated Sanitary Char Methanol Seal Railroad Process Area Wastewater Total Parameters ~ Bottoms Water Sho~ Runoff Discharges Wastewater Flow, GPM AVG 878 190 175 50 11 1304 MAX 80 340 1674 BOD 5 , mg/.e 685 5 30 50 100 477 (373)1 TOC, mg/.e 380 3 20 30 50 265 (208) COD, mg/.e 1360 10 60 100 200 947 (741) Sus. Solids, mg/.e 100 20 50 75 100 93 (73) TDS, mg/.e 1500 200 200 350 1073 (842) Phenol, mg/.e 5 3.4 (2.7) Chloride, mg/.e 760 512 (400) Thiocyanate, mg/.e 5 3.4 (2.7) Cyanide, mg/.e 46 3.1 (24) Ammania-N, mg/.e 17 11.5 (9) 1 Concentr-ations indicated for maximum flow conditions. Methanol Bottoms (Continuous Discharge): An estimated dis- charge of 190 gpm would result from the methanol distillation columns. This discharge is anticipated to contain approximately 5 ppm of methanol and 1 ppm of higher alcohols. The charac- teristics estimated for this discharge are shown in Table 13. 1. Pump Seal Water (Continuous Discharge): Water used to cool pump seals would be discharged to the process area sewers. An estimated discharge of 175 gpm would result from the use of water for pump seal cooling. anticipated in these discharges. Insignificant contaminants are Railroad Service Shop Wastewaters (Continuous Discharge): A shop to service and repair locomotive engines would be pro- vided. Wastewater discharges would occur from washing cars. prior to repairs, as well as from runoff from the railroad tracks associated with the shop. It is proposed that waste- water discharges from the shop and runoff be pretreated to remove oil and settleable solid materials, and that the effluent be discharged to the process sewers. The average and maxi- mum rates of flow of discharges from the railroad shop area are estimated at 30 and 50 gpm, respectively. The characteristics of pretreated effluent from the railroad shop are shown in Table 13.1. Sanitary Wastewaters (Continuous Discharge): Sanitary facil- ities would be scattered throughout the plant area. To avoid problems of conveying relatively small volumes of sanitary wastes to a central location for treatment, it is envisioned that minor sanitary discharges from remote locations would be treated in individual septic tanks. Overflow from the septic tanks would be chlorinated using chlorine tablets, and dis- charged to the nearest process sewer. Centrally located pack- age treatment plants providing secondary treatment and chlor- ination would be provided to serve major sanitary discharges. 13-10 Treated effluents from these package systems would also be discharged to the process sewer. An estimated total quantity of 16,000 gpd (11 gpm) would be discharged from the various sanitary treatment facilities. The estimated characteristics of the pretreated sanitary wastewater discharges are: BOD 5 TOC COD Suspended Solids Total Dissolved Solids 100 mg/Q 50 mg/Q 200 mg/Q 100 mg/Q 350 mg/Q The estimated flows and characteristics of process wastewaters, pretreated effluent from the railroad shop, pretreated sanitary wastewaters and controlled discharges of process area runoff are shown in Table 13.1. It is proposed to treat these waste- waters in on-site biological treatment facilities. Boiler Slowdown (Continuous Discharge): There would be three classes of boilers in the coal gasification/methanol com- plex: high pressure steam boilers; Winkler waste heat recov- ery boiler; and Reformer waste heat recovery boiler. The estimated normal rate of flow of blowdown from the high pres- sure boilers is 135 gpm. The estimated normal rates of flow of blowdowns from the Winkler and Reformer waste heat recovery boilers are 37 and 15 gpm respectively. The principal contam- inants are suspended and dissolved solids. The estimated suspended and dissolved solids concentrations are 30 and 350 mg/Q, respectively. Cooling Tower Slowdown (Continuous Discharge): Waste heat is recover·ed from the condensing turbines and other processing areas using recirculated cooling water. This waste heat is 13-11 c removed from the cooling water in cooling towers. The esti- mated flow of water in the recirculating cooling system is approximately 330,000 gpm. The cooling tower is designed to operate at three cycles of concentration. The estimated aver- ages are: evaporation 9,980 gpm; drift 333 gpm, and blowdown 4,660 gpm. The characteristics of cooling tower blowdown are estimated based on using well water as make-up to the cooling towers. The cooling tower blowdown characteristics are: Suspended Solids Dissolved Solids Iron 100 mg/.Q. 1,800 mg/Q. 2 mg/Q. Coal Storage Area Runoff (Intermittent Discharge): During nor- mal operation of the production facilities the only significant wastewaters generated within the approximately 1 00-acre coal storage and handling area would be from periodic washdown of certain coal handling equipment operating areas, and from pre- cipitation runoff. It is estimated that the washdown waste- waters could amount to approximately 54,000 gpd. Precipitation runoff would, of course, be varia.ble, both in quantity and frequency of occurrence, and Is further dependent on the coefficient of runoff, a function of the type of surface on which the precipitation falls. In this case, a 24-hour rainfall with a frequency of return of once in 10 years is expected to result in a total quantity of runoff of approximately 3.9 million gallons from the coal storage and handling area. All clean-up and precipitation runoff waters occurring in the coal storage and handling area would be collected and stored in the coal handling area stormwater storage pond prior to ulti- mate disposition. The storage pond is designed to retain pre- cipitation runoff from a 10-year, 24-hour storm, plus 10 days of accumulated clean-up water. 13-12 It is anticipated that clean-up and precipitation runoff waste- waters which come into direct contact with the low sulfur coal could become somewhat contaminated with low concentrations of leached acid and miscellaneous heavy metals, although they would be diluted substantially by runoff which has not been in contact with coal. The estimated characteristics of these wastewaters, based on the EPA Development Document for the Steam Electric Point Source Category, are presented in Table 13.2. These wastewaters would be pumped to pretreatment facilities at a controlled rate (up to 320 gpm) and, combined with boiler cleaning wastewaters, would be treated for the removal of heavy metals and residual suspended solids. At this pumping rate, coal handling area stormwater runoff from a 10-year, 24-hour storm would be treated over a period of 10 days. The treated effluent would be combined with biologically treated process wastewaters prior to discharge to Cook Inlet through the effluent diffuser. Boiler Cleaning Wastewaters ( 1 ntermittent Discharge): Periodic cleaning of boiler tubes and boiler tubes fireside is necessary to maintain efficient heat transfer capability of the boiler. Similarly, the air preheaters require periodic cleaning to re- move soot and fly ash accumulations on the air preheater sur- faces. The quantities of cleaning wastewaters would depend upon the cleaning frequency and the amount of water used for cleaning, and are estimated for this project from information presented in the EPA Development Document for the Steam Electric Point Source Category. There are three high-pressure boilers, each capable of gener- ating 900,000 pounds per hour of steam. Each boiler is cable of producing an 11 equivalent power 11 of 150 mw (based on 6,000 13-13 ('\ '-._ .. · Table 13.2 SUMMARY OF COAL AREA WASTEWATER CHARACTERISTICS 1 Parameter Concentration2 pH 3.0 Acidity, as CaCo 3 600.0 Sulfate 1,000.0 Dissolved Solids 1,500.0 Suspended Solids 300.0 Iron 180.0 Manganese 5.0 Copper 0.2 Zinc 1.2 Aluminum 40.0 Nickel 0.4 Based on EPA Development Document for the Steam Electric Point Source Category 2 All Units except pH are expressed in mg/.2. 13-14 (_ pounds per hour steam per mw). Thus, the estimated volumes of boiler cleaning wastewater discharges are: Boiler Tube Boiler Fireside Air Preheater Cleaning Frequency 1/Year 2/Year 6/Year Water Use Gals/ MW/Cieaning 1,800 800 700 TOTAL Total Cleaning Waste Gals/Year 810,000 720,000 1,890,000 3,420,000 The estimated characteristics of boiler cleaning wastewaters are shown in Table 13.3. These wastewaters have high concentra- tions of various metals, and suspended and dissolved solids. The boiler cleaning wastewaters would be collected in a storage pond sized to handle the total discharge from one boiler clean- ing. The cleaning wastewaters would be pumped to the pre- treatement facilities at a controlled rate (up to 25 gpm) and, combined with coal handling area storm water runoff, would be treated for the removal of heavy metals and suspended solids. At this pumping rate, the boiler cleaning wastewater would be treated over a period of 15 days. The pretreated effluent would be combined with the biologically treated process waste- waters prior to discharge to Cook Inlet through the effluent diffuser. Process Area Runoff (Intermittent Discharge): A substantial portion of the overall processing area (non-coal-handling) is occupied by process facilities and operations from which it is possible that minor drips, leaks or spills might occur. Thus, precipitation falling on these operating areas could inadvert- ently become slightly contaminated with miscellaneous organic constituents. Therefore, precipitation runoff from these oper- ating areas would be collected and stored in a stormwater storage pond, and pumped at a reduced rate (0 to 340 gpm) to the process wastewater biological treatment facilities for treat- ment with the process wastewaters. 13-15 (" '~/ Table 13.3 SUMMARY OF BOILER CLEANING WASTEWATER CHARACTERISTICS 1 Total Boiler Boiler Air Cleaning Parameters Tube Fireside Preheater Wastes 2 Total Solids, mg/£ 11,000.0 13,400.00 12,075.0 11,695 Dissolved Solids, mg/! 9,200.0 10,430.00 8.850.0 9,330 Suspended Solids, mg/! 80.0 616.00 1,990.0 615 Chromium, mg/! 4.4 2.50 6.0 4 Copper, mg/! 166.0 1.25 3.4 90 Iron, mg/! 1,077.0 150.00 974.0 820 Nickel, mg/! 76.0 5.00 61.0 55 Zinc, mg/! 36.0 7.50 7.0 22 Based on information from the EPA Development Document for Steam Electric Power Generating Point Source Category 2 Characteristics of combined cleaning wastewaters are based on esti- mated flow and characteristics of individual discharges 13-16 The stormwater storage pond is designed to retain potentially contaminated runoff associated with a 24-hour storm with a frequency of return of once in 10 years, a volume of approxi- mately 5 million gallons. For purposes of establishing a con- servative design basis, it is assumed that contaminated process area runoff has characteristics listed in Table 13.4. Table 13.4 ESTIMATED CONTAMINATED PROCESS AREA RUNOFF CHARACTERISTICS Parameter Concentration, BOD 50 TOC 30 COD 100 Suspended Solids 75 Total Dissolved Solids 200 mg/.e. 11 Ciean 11 Area Runoff (Intermittent Discharge): A significant portion of the total land area nominally classed as the process area (non-coal-handling area) would be essentially unused. Consequently, precipitation runoff from this unused area is expected to be essentially uncontaminated, and it should be possible to allow this runoff to occur without treatment. How- ever, as a measure of insurance against the unforeseen, clean runoff waters would first be directed to a primary stormwater basin, which would serve as a primary separator, before being discharged to existing runoff drainage channels. Treatment Requirements: Estimated requirements for treatment of anticipated industrial wastewater discharges are generally based on: 1) Effluent guidelines established by the EPA for several process-related major industrial manufacturing cate- 13-17 gories; and 2) the receiving water quality standards estab- lished by the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation. Since synthetic fuel manufacturing is a relatively new industry, specific effluent guidelines have not yet been developed by EPA. As a result the approach to wastewater treatment would necessarily be technology based. Since the process waste- waters from the proposed coal gasification/methanol plant con- tain significant quantities of organic material, it is reasonable that these wastewaters should at least be treated to the secon- dary treatment level. The remaining wastewaters anticipated from the proposed plant, such as blowdowns from cooling tower and boilers, coal storage area runoff and boiler cleaning wastes, are similar to those encountered in power generation plants. Therefore, treatment required for these wastewaters would be similar to that prac- ticed by the power generating point source category. Specific numerical limits for effluent discharges from the pro- posed wastewater treatment facilities would be included in the NPDES permit, which must be obtained from the EPA prior to the start-up and operation of the treatment facilities. Additionally, effluent discharges would have to meet the state water quality standards, which regulate man-made alternations to waters of the state. Cook Inlet, at the point of proposed discharge, is classified as marine waters suitable for the growth and propagation of fish, shellfjsh, other aquatic life, and wildlife including seabirds, waterfowl and furbearers (18 AAC 70 .020). Water quality parameters which are regulated for waters so classified are dissolved gas; pH; turbidity; tempera- ture; dissolved inorganic substances; sediment; toxic and other deleterious organic and inorganic substances; color; petroleum hydrocarbons, oils and grease; radioactivity; total residual chlorine; and residues, floating solids, debris, sludge deposits, 13-18 (' "--· foam and scum (18 AAC 70.020). The criteria to be met are also covered in 18 AAC 70.020. Since the treated effluents are to be diffused into the waters of Cook Inlet, the requirements of 18 AAC 70.032 also apply. Compliance involves establishment of a mixing zone for which a permit must be obtained from the Alaska Department of Envi- ronmental Conservation. The mixing zone should be determined at the same time the NPDES permit and the Section 401 certifi- cation under the Clean Water Act are being prepared. Wastewater discharges from the proposed gasification/methanol plant can be classified into one of the following categories: 0 Wastewaters principally containing organic materials 0 Wastewaters principally containing inorganics & heavy metals 0 Wastewaters containing inorganic materials only The treatment approach consists of segregating wastewaters according to the contaminants known to be present, and treat- ing them individually prior to combining all effluents for final discharge to Cook Inlet. Wastewaters containing principally organic materials would be generated in the char filtration area, methanol distillation col- umns, pump seal cooling waters, railroad shop, contaminated runoff from processing areas, and sanitary wastewaters. Al- though pump seal cooling water discharges should not require treatment, they are included in this category because they would be discharged to the process sewer. To protect the process wastewater treatment facilities from oil and dirt that may be present in discharges from the railroad shop, these wastewaters would be pretreated before discharge to the pro- cess sewer. 13-19 The characteristics estimated for wastewater discharges from processing operations (Table 13.1) indicate the need for treat- ment to reduce the BODs· Biological treatment using the acti- vated sludge process would be utilized to provide greater than 90% BODs removal. Biological treatment also would be expected to remove essentially all of the phenol and thiocyanates present in the wastewaters. Based on experiences of biological treat- ment of coke-oven wastewaters as practiced in the iron and steel industry, significant removal of cyanide (60 to 80%) is expected in the proposed biological treatment facilities. How- ever, a conservative cyanide removal estimate of only 55% is projected for this biological treatment facility. Wastewaters containing principally inorganic impurities and heavy metals would be those resulting from coal storage area runoff and boiler cleaning operations. These wastewaters would be provided with physical/chemical treatment using lime addition to remove heavy metals and suspended solids. Physi- cal/chemical treatment using lime addition is a proven method which is expected to provide a very high degree of heavy metals removal. Wastewaters containing predominantly inorganic impurities would be those resulting from water treatment, boiler blowdown and cooling tower blowdown. These discharges would not require treatment other than blending with the treated effluents from biological and physical/chemical treatment facilities. The above approaches are selected as the basis of treating the various wastewaters generated by the proposed coal gasifica- tion/methanol plant. These approaches would be expected to provide a sufficient degree of treatment to ensure that the combined total treated effluent would be suitable for discharge to Cook Inlet. 13-20 0 To further ensure that the total treated effluent adequately mixes with the waters of Cook Inlet, it is proposed to dis- charge treated wastewaters through a multiple port diffuser located several thousand feet from shore, and thus in an area with a water depth of at least several fathoms even at mean low tide. Studies have been conducted incident to similar diffuser dis- charges of municipal effluents from the City of Anchorage into Cook Inlet. Based upon these studies, it is anticipated that multiple port diffuser discharge of effluents from the C I R I I Placer Amex wastewater treatment facilities would receive an adequate dilution in the waters of Cook Inlet. The effluent diffuser would be approximately 1, 300 feet long, varying in diameter 'from 30 to 42 inches. The ports would be double nozzles on 25-foot spacings, with a nozzle diameter equal to or less than 4 inches. The diffuser would be served by approximately a 42-inch-diameter effluent sewer connecting it to the effluent storage pond. Projected Effluent Characteristics The estimated characteristics of effluents proposed to be dis- charged to Cook Inlet are shown in Table 13.5. The characteris- tics of process wastewaters and inorganics containing wastewaters which would be treated by biological and physical/chemical treat- ment methods are based on the capabilities and performance expected to result from these treatment methods. Characteristics of other wastewaters (boiler blowdown, cooling tower blowdown, ion-exchange regenerant wastes, and water treatment plant sludge centrate) are estimated based on the system operating character- istics. The total effluent proposed to be discharged is a sum- mation of these individual effluents. 13-21 () r') , I Table 13.5 SUMMARY OF PROJECTED EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS Treated Coal Pile Runoff lon-Exhange Treatment Cooling Treated Bio Boiler and Boiler Regenerant Plant Sludge Tower Total Plant3 Parameters I Effluent Slowdown Cleaning Wastes Wastes Centrale Slowdown Effluent Flow, gpm -AVG 1304 187 298 185 123 3660 5757 MAX 1674 321 4660 7150 BODs 40 9 TOC 25 6 COD 200 45 (47)2 Suspended Solids 25 30 75 500 100 84 TDS 1073 (845)2 350 2000 (2550)2 7000 1000 1800 1750 (1700) Phenol 0.001 Neg Chloride 512 (400) 8 125 (102) Thiocyanate 0.5 0.12 Cyanide, mg/.lt 14 (11) 3 Ammonia Nitrogen 5 Total Heavy Metals 6 0.5 (0.7) 0.03 Iron 9 2 1.75 (1.70) Aluminum 0.06 (0.05) pH 7-7.5 9'1-9'1-5-6 9'1-7-7.5 7-8 I All contaminant concentrations are expressed as mg/.t except pH 2 Concentration dur·ing maximum flow condition 3 Proposed to be discharged to Cook Inlet 4 Estimated to be present as complex cyanide 5 Includes copper, nickel and zinc 0 Effects to Surface Water The preferred receiving water for the treated industrial waste- water discharge would be Cook Inlet. The currents are swift and the exchange rate is high in Cook Inlet, which would facilitate rapid dilution of the discharge. Compliance with water quality standards in Cook Inlet would primarily be a function of the level of treatment employed. In applying the State of Alaska water quality criteria to surface waters, the Department of Environmental Conservation will, in its discretion, prescribe in wastewater dis- posal permits a volume of dilution for the effluent within the receiving water. Water quality standards may be violated within this mixing zone; however, the standard must be met at every point outside its boundaries. Meeting the water quality criteria at the mixing zone boundary essentially would be a function of the level of treatment employed. Construction of an outfall line a sufficient distance across the shallow intertidal area of Cook Inlet to waters deep enough to provide adequate dispersion would produce significant impacts, although on a very short-term basis. The general biological nature of the northern half of Cook Inlet is impoverished. It is a transient zone for substantial parts of the north Cook Inlet salmon run migrating particularly to the Chuitna, Beluga and Susitna river systems. The fish spend a very short time in this portion of Cook Inlet, and consequently, no detrimental effects on the salmon runs would be expected. The resident population in the intertidal zone of Cook Inlet near this project consists almost exclusively of the clam, macoma. This is not a productive har- vestable shellfish area. Consequently, effects on the intertidal community would probably be inconsequential. Any surface runoff from the construction of the methanol plant and adjacent facilities would be directed almost exclusively in a southeasterly direction by the topography. There is only one 13-23 small, unnamed creek with its headwaters near the point of runoff discharge from plant construction activities. This is a very short stream and it discharges at the mouth of Nikolai Creek. Reason- able containment of runoff from plant construction should avoid heavy sediment discharges near this creek, however, should sedi- mentation occur, there are no significant fish populations to be affected. Water for construction activities such as dust control and earth- work compaction may be drawn from Congahbuna Lake or Con- gahbuna Creek, immediately adjacent to the construction site. The use would be intermittent and the volume relatively low to preclude any noticeable impact on either source. Congahbuna Lake and Creek would be the preferred sources of non-potable water during the construction phase of the project. The proposed town site located on the Nikolai escarpment bluff would most likely utilize Nikolai Creek as a receiving water for treated effluent from the sanitary sewer treatment facility. With secondary or tertiary treatment, a high quality effluent could be produced that would have a very minimal effect on Nikolai Creek. An alternative would be to pipe the discharge to the plant site and release it to Cook Inlet with the treated industrial wastewater effluent from the methanol plant treatment facility. There would be no significant impacts to Cook Inlet from this alternative. The more significant area of surface water impact would be from the mining operation and activities in the transportation corridor. In the transportation corridor erosion and sedimentation, particu- larly during construction 1 would be the primary source of contam- ination to about nine different drainages crossing the corridor. Revegetation after construction and proper handling of runoff can minimize the additional sediment loads to an acceptable short-term level. In the mining operation 1 the runoff of surface waters in the discharge of heavily sediment laden water from the mine pit 13-24 ( would be the single largest water quality control problem in the overall project. In the initial stages of mine operation there would be large volumes of highly organic overburden to be disposed of before there would be large volumes of underlying non-organic material which could be utilized to build containment dikes and retention ponds. The mine plan would provide a control for this runoff which, if left unrestrained, could produce highly sediment laden discharges. Such discharges, particularly in the Chuitna drainage system, would exceed the volume the system could as- similate. Due to the higher quality of water and diversity of fish species present, the Chuitna River system would be the most ser- iously affected by a highly sediment-laden discharge. The mine plan would provide for the trapping of most surface drainage waters before they get to the mining operation and would direct them back into the natural drainage systems, relatively untouched and with no increase in sediment load. The surface waters that get into the mining operation and the groundwater contribution within the mining operation would be highly sediment laden waters which would be retained in a series of sediment ponds before being released back into the natural drainage sys- tems. Considerably more information must be known about the potential sediment load of the discharges and the chemistry of the water before reasonable assessments can be made of the impacts from the release of these waters into the river systems. Water I from the sediment ponds at the Capps Mine would all end up in Capps Creek and flow into the already sediment-laden Beluga drainage system. The Capps Mine plan specifically excludes any drainage discharge to the Nikolai Creek system. Discharge from the sediment ponds in the Chuitna Center Ridge Mine area most likely would end up in some portion of the Chuitna River drainage system. Other alternatives more remote at this time are a possible discharge to the Nikolai drainage system or the Chakachatna drainage system, both of which would require more distant trans- portation of the discharge water. The Chuitna Mine area probably 13-25 c:o would require a greater dewatering effort than the Capps Mine area and, consequently, there would be a larger discharge from the sediment control system. This is due to the Capps Mine being located at a higher altitude near the recharge area of the sur- rounding groundwater system, while the Chuitna Mine is at a lower elevation, receives more surface drainage, and is in a more productive area of the groundwater regime. In summary, effects to the surface waters in Cook Inlet and adja- cent to the plant should be negligible. There is a greater poten- tial for perturbations to Nikolai Creek primarily due to its value as a fishery, however, if handled properly the impacts are antici- pated to be minimal. The greatest potential for effects to the surface waters would be from the mining activities and construc- tion in the transportation corridor. The following table provides a general overview of the project activities and surface water sys- tems potentially affected by the proposed project. Table 13.6 POSSIBLE INTERACTION OF PROJECT ACTIVITIES WITH SURFACE WATERS En vi ron menta I Cook Chuitna Nikolai Beluga Perturbation Inlet sx:stem sx:stem sx:stem Alter Surface Runoff p M P, T M Alter Peak Flows M p M Alter Sedimentation p M P,T M Alter Downstream Flows M p M Alter Stream Channels M M M Alter Water Chemistry p M T M p = Potential effects from Plant activities T = Potential effects from Town Site M = Potential effects from Mines & Transportation Corridor 13-26 MAJOR REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A permit to appropriate water would be required from the Alaska Department of Natural Resources to withdraw and use groundwater resources. The authority for this requirement is Alaska Statute 46.15.030-185 "Appropriation and Use of Water" and 11 AAC 72 Water Use. Generally, it is not a complicated procedure to obtain this permit, but it could take a period of six to nine months. The permit should be applied for well in advance of the requirement. If a direct surface source of water or an infiltration gallery near a stream is used, the same water rights permit would be required from the DNR except that if the application concerns use of a surface source of water, DNR asks the departments of Fish and Game and Environmental Conservation to review and comment on the proposed permit issuance. It is possible that under certain circumstances the Department of Fish and Game would require the applicant to also obtain an anadromous fish permit (Alaska Statute 16.05.870 "Protec- tion of Fish and Game 11 ), or that the DF&G would attach stipulations to the issuance of the DN R water rights permit. ENVIRONMENTAL ACCEPTABILITY OF PROPOSED ACTION There is no indication that groundwater could not be used for the purposes and in the quantities described above in a totally acceptable manner. It should also be possible to acceptably use water from the surface systems In the vicinity of the plant, but it likely would be necessary to demonstrate to the reviewing agencies that the water used is excess to the minimum amount required to sustain the exist- ing fishery. The use of water from Congahbuna Lake or any of its drainages for intermittent construction requirements should be less controversial than obtaining permit approval to construct an infil- tration gallery system near Nikolai Creek. Although there is still a lack of low winter season flow data for Nikolai Creek, indications 13-27 are that there is a sufficient reserve of water that could be inter- cepted before it reaches the creek and that the withdrawal could be permitted and done in an environmentally acceptable manner. 13-28 C- 14.0 ECOSYSTEMS The Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE) regulations require all surface mining operations to minimize, to the extent possible, any adverse effects on fish, wildlife and related environmental values in the permit and adjacent areas (it is assumed that state regulations will require the same perspective). EPA has prepared "assessment guidelines" for New Source Coal Gasification Facilities ( EPA-130/6-80-001). An outline of potential environmental impacts and relevant pollutants resulting from site preparation and construction practices has been previously prepared by others (Table 14.1) that provides the basis for individual project evaluation. Similarly, a perturbation matrix can be developed relating activities during the construction and operation phases to environmental per- turbations (biologic, geologic, edaphic, topographic, hydrologic, and meteorologic). A preliminary framework for the development of such a matrix is illustrated in Figure 14.1. Note that the development activities in this framework are essentially the same as those provided in Table 12.1 (Geology and Soils). Many of the impacts associated with the exploration phase of the development of a coal mining project have already occurred in the general area due to activities of the oil, gas and logging industries. The area is crossed with many roads and seismic trails and dotted with barrow pits and abandoned drilling locations. Numerous air strip locations and old camp sites are also found throughout the region. Human activity, in the form of subsistence hunting and fishing, recreation and permanent residency occurs throughout the area. CONSTRUCTION AND LONG-TERM EFFECTS This section summarizes by project activity both the potential con- struction and long term effects of this project on the terrestrial, 14-1 (~ '---·· Table 14.1 OUTLINE OF POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND RELEVANT POLLUTANTS RESULTING FROM SITE PREPARATION AND CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES Construction practice 1. Pr~construction a. Site inventory (1) Vehi~ular traffic (2) Test pits . b. Environmental monitoring c. Te~;:>orary controls (1) Sedimentation ponds (2) Dikes and be~s (J) Vegct~tion (4) Dust control 2. Site l;'ork a. Clearing and dP."lolition (1) Clearing (2) Dernoli t ion b, Tem;:>orary facilities (1) Shops and storage sheds (2) Access roads and parking lots Potential environmental imoacts Short term and nominal Dust, sediment, tree injury Tree root injury, sediment Negligible if properly done Short term and nominal Vegetation destroyed, vater qlJali ty improved Veg~tation destroyed, vater quality improved Fertilizers in excess Negligible if properly done Short term Decreased area of protective tree, shrub, ground covers; stripping of topsoil; in- creased soil erosion, sedi- mentation, stonn~Jater runoff; increased stream water tem- peratures; modification of stream banks and channels, water quality Increased dust, noise, solid wastes Long term Increased surface areas impervious to water infiltration, increased water runoff, petroleum products Increased surface areas impervious to vater infiltration, increased water runoff, generation of dust on unpaved areas 14-2 Primary pollutants Dust, noise, sediment Visual Sediment spoil, nutri. ents, solid ~aste Dust, sediment, noise solid wcstes, wood vastes Cases, odors, fumes particulates, dust. deicing chemicals, noise, petroleum products, waste- water, solid ~astes aerosols, pesticide Table 14.1 Continued OUTLINE OF POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND RELEVANT POLLUTANTS RESULTING FROM SITE PREPARATION AND CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES Construction practice (3) Utility trenches and backfills (4) Sanitary facili- ties (5) Fences (6) Laydo~ areas (7) Concrete batch plant (8) Temporary and permanent pest control (ter- mites, veeds, insects) c. EarthHork (1) Excavation (2) Grading (3) Trenching (4) Soil trea~ •. 1ent d. Site drainage (1) Foundation drainage (2) De"atering (3) Well points (4) Stream channel relocation e. Landscaping (1) Temporary seeding (2) Permunent seeding and sodding Potential environmental impacts Increased visual impacts,· soil erosion, sedimentation for short periods Increased visual impacts, solid vastes Barriers to animal migration Visual impacts, increased runoff Increased visuul impacts; dispo- sal of wastewater, increased dust and noise Nondegradable or slovly degradable pesticides are accumulated by plants and animals, then passed up the food chain to man. De- grLdable pesticides having short bi~logical half-lives are pre- ferred for use Long tenn Stripping, soil stockpiling, and site grading; increased erosion, sedimentation, and runoff; soil compaction; in- creased in-soil levels of potentially hazardous materials; side effects on living plants and animals, and the incorporu- tion of decomposition products into food chains, vater quality Long term Decreased volume of underground ~ater for short and long time periods, increased stream flow volumes and velocities, do~~­ stream damages, water quality Decreased soil erosion and over- land flov of stormwater, stabilization of exposed cut and fill slopes, increased water infiltration and under- ground storage of vater, minimized visual impacts 14-3 Prit>ary pollutants Dust, noise, sedir.er.t debris, wood wastes solid wastes, pests cides, partic\llate'> bituminous products soil conditioner chemicals Sediment Nutrients, pesticides { ~ Table 14.1 Continued OUTLINE OF POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND RELEVANT POLLUTANTS RESULTING FROM SITE PREPARATION AND CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES Construction practice 3. Permanent facilities a. Coal gasification plant and heavy traffic areas (1) Parking lots (2) Svitchyard (3) Railroad spur line b. Other buildings (1) Warehouses (2) Sanitary vaste treatment c. Possible ancillary facilities (1) Intake and dis- charge channel (2) Water supply and (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) .(8) {9) (10) treatment Storm<1ater drain- age Wasteuater treat- ment. Dams and imj:>oundoent.s Breakwaters, jet- ties, etc. Fuel handling equipment Seed storage areas and prepa- ration facilities Oxygen plant and gas upgrading plant Cooling towers, power transmis- sion lines, pipelines, sub- stations Potential envirorunental impacts Long term Stormvater runoff, petroleum products Visual impacts, sediment, runoff Stormvater runoff and sedimenta- tion Long term Impervious surfaces, stormvater runoff, solid vastes, spillages Odors, discharges, bacteria, viruses Long term Shoreline changes, bottom topog- raphy changes, fish migration, benthic fauna changes Waste discharges, vater quality Sediment, water quality Sediment, water quality Dredging, shoreline e~osion Circulation patterns in the watervay Spillages, f±re, and visual im- pacts Visual impacts, vaste discharges Sediment runoff, landscape alter- ation, waste discharges Visual impacts, sediUlentation and erosion 14-4 Primary pollutants Sediment, dust, noise particulates Solid "'astes Sediment, trace ele- ments, noise, caustic chemical wastes, spoil, flo culants, particule fumes, solid ~aste nutrients. Table 14.1 Continued OUTLINE OF POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND RELEVANT POLLUTANTS RESULTING FROM SITE PREPARATION AND CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES Construction practice (11) Conveying systems (cranes, hoists, chutes) (12) Cooling lakes and ponds (13) Solid waste handling .equipment (incinerators, trash compactors) d. Security fencing (1) Access road (2) Fencing Potential environmental impacts Visual impacts Conversion of terrestrial and free flo~ing stream environment to a lake environment(land use trade- offs); hydrological changes, habitat changes, sedimentation, water quality Noise, visual impacts Long term Increased runoff Barriers to animal movements Primary pollutants Particulates, dust, solid wastes Sediments, wood wastes Source: Hitt~an Associates, Inc. 1974. General environmental gujdelines for evaluating and reporting the effects of nuclear paver plant site prep- aration, plant and transmission facility constructjon. Modified from: Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc. Washington DC. 14-5 .... « (.) a g 0 a: g .... w ::; .... ~ § 0 a: 0 ,.. J: Fl GURE 14.1 A POSSIBLE PERTURBATION MATRIX FOR CONSIDERING ENVIRONMENTAL IM~CTS OF THE METHANOL PROJECT aquatic and marine ecosystems. Overburden Removal 0 0 0 0 Loss of vegetation Soil disturbance Loss of physical shelter Changes in surface drainage (All existing habitats above the coal would be lost permanently.) Overburden Storage and Disposal 0 0 0 0 Loss of habitat (by burial) Spoil piles could result in: increased semimentation wind-blow erosion of soil particles Leaching of mineral Modification of topography Modification of surface drainage Dewatering 0 0 Drawdown of water table Disposal of pumped water (with high dissolved solids content, high acidity, and high metallic ion concentrations) Among the long term effects to be considered from the project, most are related to the mining operation and transportation of the feed stock. Aquifer Changes 0 0 0 0 Elementation of shallow aquifers Alterations of percolation properties Interruption of groundwater flow Drawdown of deep aquifers 14-7 c Acid Mine Drainage 0 Low sulfur characteristics of Beluga coal may mmrmrze acidifica- tion (some general conditions to be expected from dewatering include low pH, high specific conductance, high concentration of metallic ions including iron, aluminum and manganese, and a high sulfate concentration). Sedimentation and Erosion 0 0 0 0 Sedimentation would result from removal of overburden, trans- portation, stream diversions, stream crossings and mine restor- ation. Dewater discharges may contain fine coal particles, black shale and assorted minerals. Coal washing would result in the suspension of fine particles of coal. Solid residues would need to be landfilled. Surface Water Contamination 0 0 Potential sources of water contamination are acid mine drainage, surface runoff, thermal effluent, various water and coal treat- ment chemicals, dust, leacheates from blasting residues, spoil piles, fuel spillage, ash, toxic strata and industrial wastes. Introduction of these contaminants would include charges in the dissolved oxygen content of the water, altered rates of photo- symthesis, reduced light penetration, temperature change, pH changes, metallic ion changes and a deterioration of the color and odor of water. Groundwater Contamination 0 0 Replacement of overburden in mine could have long-term effects on groundwater. Fuel spills. Site Restoration 0 0 New vegetation types (monoculture) Increased soil permeability (acceleration of mass wasting pro- cesses) 14-8 Surface Water Changes 0 Changes in groundwater levels and/or stream flows Methanol Production 0 0 0 0 0 Groundwater and surface water depletion Thermal pollution Potential acid rainfall Methanol spills Surface water from contamination from sludge disposal 1 gas purification 1 and wastewater disposal Increased Harvest and Utilization of Fish and Wildlife Resources 0 Increased harvest of limited populations (due to increased pop- ulation and ease of access) Of the above possible impacts 1 the greatest concern focuses on the impacts related to possible harm to the fishery resource by: 0 0 0 0 Destruction or removal of habitat Increased sedimentation Disruption or depletion of flows Changes in water quality The final analysis of impacts from this project on fish 1 wildlife and related environmental values will require the completion of the requi- site baseline studies and the completion of mine plans and final design of the project. MAJOR REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS Regulations for construction and operation of this facility relative to impacts on ecosystems would be enforced through the EPA 1 DEC 1 14-9 c NMFS, FWS and DF&G. This regulation would most likely be in the form of stipulations concerning both construction and operation that became a part of either a COE permit for "Discharge of Dredged or Fill Material into U.S. Waters" or an EPA "Permit to Discharge into Water" (NPDES). In addition, stipulations related to the issuance of DF&G's "Anadromous Fish Protection Permit" would provide the state's primary method for protecting and preserving fish and game of anadromous waters. ENVIRONMENTAL ACCEPTABILITY OF PROPOSED ACTION The vast majority of the potential impacts associated with the pro- posed project can be mitigated by proper design, construction and operational procedures. However, impacts on the headwaters of many of the smaller streams within the system would be unavoidable due to the very nature of mining operations. The loss of habitat created by the mines should not, of itself, constitute a substantial impact on the terrestrial ecosystems; and the reclamation plans provide for the restoration of such habitat as is lost in the initial mining stages. Loss of some wetland habitat on the Nikolai escarpment would be inevitable with the construction of the facility. Many of the potential impacts indicated will be considered in greater depth as field investigations continue and more adequate baseline . information becomes available. This additional information will pro- vide the basis for the development of adequate mitigative measures. 14-10 c 15.0 AIR QUALITY Atmospheric pollutant emissions are associated with virtually every aspect of the proposed project from the mining of coal to the synthe- sis and shipping of product methanol. Sulfur oxides, particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, and hydrocarbons repre- sent the bulk of these emissions. The means by which pollutants are introduced to the atmosphere vary according to the operations creat- ing the pollutants. Contaminated gas streams are directed to ele- vated stacks where possible; however, significant emissions are expected from diffuse, low-level sources such as vehicular traffic, wind-blown storage piles, and leaks in equipment fittings. Once a particular pollutant reaches the atmosphere, the likelihood that it would adversely affect the environment depends on the ambient concentrations that result and the sensitivities of receptors that are present. Reasonable predictions of ambient air concentra- tions (::!: 25%) require detailed descriptions of existing conditions (pollutant monitoring), all important sources of air pollution, and the processes that will govern the transport and diffusion of pollutants (meteorological monitoring). An inventory of receptors in the area should consider sensitivities of animal and plant life, the possibility of altering soils and water systems, and other concerns such as inadvertent weather modification, changes in precipitation chemistry, deterioration of man-made materials, and visibility impairment. The existing data base is not sufficient to support a detailed analysis of the air quality impact of this project. There have been no previous efforts to collect meteorological or air quality data in the project area. The nearest National Weather Service stations are at Kenai and Anchorage, 35 and 75 miles away. Meteorological data also have been collected at the oil platforms in Cook Inlet, and at the Beluga power plant to ·the north and the Big River weather station to the south. The goals of this impact analysis therefore are limited to identification of the major sources of atmospheric pollutants, determination of the temporal and spacial scales over which significant impacts would 15-1 (', occur, and recommendations on how to perform a more detailed analy- sis capable of satisfying the technical documentation requirements of a permit to operate a source of air pollution in the State of Alaska. In the remainder of this section both construction and longer term effects are discussed with regard to the above objectives. An emis- sions inventory is presented for each case, and for situations when estimates of ambient air concentrations were possible the results of these calculations are discussed. Since the applicability of ambient air concentration estimates is limited to well defined sources of pol- lutants, the air quality impacts of construction and mining activities are described largely in qualitative terms. CONSTRUCTION EFFECTS Pollutants of concern which would be associated with the construction phase of this project are particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and sulfur oxides. Emission rates would vary seasonally depending on the amount of construction activity and the frequency of precipitation. Total annual emissions of pollutants would also vary during the anticipated 38-month construction period, reaching a peak in 1986. The two largest classes of air pollutant sources during plant con- struction would be land disturbances and vehicular exhausts. Particulate matter would be generated by site clearing and prepara- tion, the action of wind on exposed surfaces, gravel extraction and preparation, concrete batching operations, the burning of tree and brush cover, and diesel and gasoline powered equipment. Combustion of diesel fuel, gasoline, and vegetative cover also would produce carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons. Nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxides would be associated with diesel fuel and gasoline combustion, and to a lesser extent tree and brush burning. Significant ambient air impacts from the various pollutants emitted could affect an area of 40 square kilometers around this concentration of sources. 15-2 ("\ Pollution control measures would focus on the largest source of pollu- tants, vehicular traffic. Roadways, once built, would receive regular maintenance and would be sprayed with chemically treated water during dry spells. To the maximum extent possible, traffic would be confined to these roads. Vehicular exhaust emissions would be min- imized through a regular inspection and maintenance program. To insure that the above practices would be implemented throughout the entire construction phase, they could be incorporated in construction contracts along with the other usual construction specifications. EMISSIONS AND LONG TERM EFFECTS Process Plant Area Emissions 0 Coal Preparation Coal arriving at the methanol plant would require a considerable amount of handling before use. Dust is generated during unload- ing; stacking and reclaiming of storage; and conveying, crushing, and screening operations. For the most part, this dust can be collected and passed through bag-type filters capable of 99.9% recovery. All operations except unloading, stacking and reclaim- ing can be controlled in this manner. A spray suppression system would control dust at the coal unloading station. Stacking and reclaiming of coal would be done with a bucket wheel stacker/ reclaimer. When this piece of equipment is operated properly, dust emissions can be reduced significantly compared to conven- tional methods of storage addition and recovery. Also, vehicular traffic around the storage pile, which can contribute up to 40% of the total fugitive particulate matter emissions associated with raw material storage facilities, is virtually eliminated by this method. 15-3 0 0 Process Coal Process coal must be dried before gasification, and this would be accomplished with coal-fired thermal dryers. Particulate matter, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, and hydrocar- bons would be emitted during this operation. The contaminated exhaust gases would be scrubbed of particulate matter, then vented to the atmosphere. Ash and char would be conveyed pneumatically from the boilers and gasifiers to the coal preparation area before being loaded aboard trains bound for the mine. The nitrogen gas used as a transport medium would be vented to the atmosphere after. a baghouse removed particulate matter. Carbon monoxide and a small amount of hydrogen sulfide would be present in this exhaust. Coal Gasification The major, distinct sources of pollutants in this section would be related to the acid gas removal and sulfur recovery processes. Excess carbon dioxide would be removed selectively from the syn- thesis gas in the acid gas removal process and then released to the atmosphere. This carbon dioxide exhaust would be contamin- ated with hydrogen sulfide, carbonyl sulfide and carbon monoxide. Synthesis gas also would be stripped of hydrogen sulfide, result- ing in a contaminated gas stream that requires further processing. A Stretford sulfur recovery system would remove 99.5% of the hydrogen sulfide from this stream. Cleaned gas which contains a small amount of hydrogen sulfide, carbonyl sulfide and carbon monoxide then would be vented to the atmosphere. In the area where methanol is produced from synthesis gas, a reformer furnace would be used which burns purge gases from downstream methanol synthesis operations. Combustion products containing nitrogen oxides would be exhausted to the atmosphere. The gasifier coal-feed system would require nitrogen purging to 15-4 0 remove gases that escape from the gasifiers during charging. These purge streams would be directed to a continuously operating elevated flare. Vapor recovery systems on synthesis gas scrubber wastewater treatment and compression equipment also would be directed to this flare. Particulate scrubbing would be performed before the coal-feed system and wastewater treating vents were flared. Fugitive Emissions Associated with synthesis gas processing would be fugitive emis- sions from leaks in pipeline valves and flanges, relief and sam- pling valves, pump and compressor seals, and fuel and product storage tanks. Product storage losses and compressor seal losses would be controlled by vapor recovery systems. This is also true for losses associated with shiploading of methanol. The remaining sources of fugitive emissions must be controlled through regular monitoring and maintenance. These fugitive emissions would include hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and h}ldrogen sulfide. A single water cooling system using mechanical draft cooling towers would serve various heat exchanging equipment throughout the plant. Water tosses to the atmosphere would only be contamin- ated by leaks that develop in any of these heat exchangers. Possible contaminants include gaseous compounds such as carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulfide, hydrocarbons (mostly methanol), and dissolved solids that are not removed in make-up water treat- ment. Power Plant The majority of steam and all power requirements would be supplied by coal and gasifier char fired boilers. Combustion products would be vented directly to the atmosphere after approximately 99.9% par- ticulate removal by a bag-type dust collector. This exhaust stream 15-5 c would contain residual particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons. Particulate matter emis- sions would have a composition similar to the ash produced. With a few notable exceptions, trace elements would appear in the same con- centrations both in bottom ash and fly ash. Very efficient particu- late removal is, therefore, an effective way of minimizing trace ele- ment emissions. Certain emissions of mercury and selenium may be volatile in the boiler exhaust gas and could not be captured by a bag filter. Elements such as lead and cadmium tend to be concentrated in the fly ash, thus decreasing the effectiveness with which a bag house can reduce their emission. Other trace elements of concern that have been detected in Alaska coals are beryllium and fluorine. 0 Start-up and Shutdown Pollutant emissions during start-up would differ from normal oper- ating emissions for two important reasons: Initial heat require- ments would be supplied by natural gas combustion, and off- specification synthesis gas would require disposal. One low- pressure flare system would be necessary to burn off-specification synthesis gas produced in the gasification start-up sequence. This gas would be scrubbed of particulate matter before flaring. It would not pass through sulfur removal equipment, so sulfur oxides would be emitted, as well as nitrogen oxides and particulate matter. Natural gas burned for initial equipment heating would create nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, carbon monoxide, particu- late matter and hydrocarbons. In the coal preparation area a small increase in fugitive particulate matter emissions would be expected due to the increased activity around storage piles as they are brought up to the required size. Process equipment must be shut down for inspection, maintenance and cleaning, causing changes in emissions similar to those exper- ienced during start-up. Particulate matter, sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides would be emitted from the low pressure flare sys- 15-6 0 tern until gasification stops. The initial purge of shutdown equip- ment also requires flaring. Emergencies Diverted synthesis gas would be directed to either the high or low pressure flare system in the event of process upsets that cause or require equipment shutdowns in any of the three methanol produc- tion trains. Nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, particulate matter, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons would result from flaring the diverted gas streams. Mining Area Emissions The largest emissions of air pollution which would be associated with the surface mining activities arise from major equipment operation and haul road traffic. Minor sources include the coal handling facilities, and blasting, drilling, and ash unloading operations. The diesel- electric railroad which would transport coal from the mine to the plant and ash from the plant to the mine would be a significant source of pollutants. Most of the total emissions from all of the above sources would be comprised of particulate matter; however, diesel fuel combustion also produces nitrogen oxides, carbon mon- oxide, sulfur oxides and hydrocarbons. Air pollution control measures for mining and coal transportation address both major and minor sources. Water trucks would be used to wet haul roads in dry weather. Emissions from diesel fuel com- bustion can be minimized by an aggressive repair and maintenance program. Dust collection would be possible for coal handling opera- tions (screening, crushing, conveying). Coal storage piles, normally one of the largest sources of particulate matter, would be enclosed, and recovery of coal would be from the bottom of the heap. Tempor- ary stabilization of spoil piles before recycling and of ash soil cover before revegetation would minimize wind-generated dust. 15-7 Air Emission Effects Emission rates for the various pollutants were related to ambient air concentrations by means of computer-based atmospheric dispersion models. These dispersion models are generally classified as the Gaussian type and are considered to be state-of-the-art techniques for estimating the impact of non-reactive pollutants. Some basic assumptions inherent in these algorithms are: 1. The emission rate is constant and continuous over the time period of interest. 2. All meteorological variables are constant over the time period of interest. 3. The wind speed is constant throughout the height of the plume. 4. Concentration profiles in the crosswind and verticle directions are described by Gaussian distributions. 5. Adsorption 1 deposition 1 and possible chemical changes within the plume are not considered. 6. The effects of terrain on wind currents are not considered. The procedures used to make dispersion estimates were: All plant emissions were quantified and points of release were described; meteorological conditions leading to high ambient air concentrations were identified for each source type; and finally 1 calculations were made of the maximum ambient air concentrations which could result. The values obtained were compared to applicable air quality stan- dards. 15-8 (~ Models Used Two EPA recommended dispersion models were used in this screening analysis. The PTMAX model, a single source model capable of esti- mating maximum ambient air impacts and the distance downwind that they will occur, was used for evaluating the impact of point sources in neutral/unstable atmospheric conditions for averaging periods 24 hours or less. The VALLEY model was used for estimating 24-hour average concentrations due to all sources for which stable atmos- pheric conditions and impaction of plumes on elevated terrain was a concern. VALLEY was also used for calculating annual average con- centrations for S02 , N0 2 , and particulate matter. Since estimates of pollutant concentrations are required for various averaging times ranging from 1 hour to a day, and the PTMAX model only calculates concentrations appropriate for a 1 hour average, fac- tors relating concentrations averaged over different time periods were used. In this way multiple hourly average concentrations could be estimated from 1 hour average concentrations. These factors were applied independent of stability classification and in the following manner: X (3-hour) = 0.8X(1-hour) X (8-hour) = 0.6X(1-hour) X(24-hour) = 0.3X(1-hour) Table 15.1 summarizes New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) emission requirements and expected emission rates based on a meth- anol production rate of 54,000 barrels per day. The Clean Air Act created regulatory requirements to prevent sig- nificant deterioration (PSD) of air quality both in attainment areas, or areas of the country currently cleaner than the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). The Beluga-Tyonek areas currently have ambient air quality cleaner than defined in the NAAQS for cri- teria pollutants, and has been designated a Class II attainment area. 15-9 ~~ \ ' '._ ,./ Table 15.1 NEW SOURCE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS AND ANTICIPATED EMISSION RATES NSPS EMISSION LIMITATIONS EXPECTED EMISSIONS (l:!g/dscm unless SE!ecified) Source 502 N02 Particulate Opacity 502 N02 Particulate co Reduced s Boilers 1.2 lbs 0. 70 lbs 0.10 lbs 20% 0.53 lbs 0.70 lbs 0.10 lbs 0.08 lbs MMBtu MMBtu MMBtu MMBtu MMBtu MMBtu MMBtu Coal Dryers 1Q....H9 20% 44 82.1 24.2 27 dscm Coal 1.Q....H9 10% Preparation dscm Ash Loading 0.2 gm/sec Coal Storage 4. 4 gm/sec Flare 18.3 23 Sulfer 50 28 Recovery Ash & Char 1.6 547.3 5.5 Transport Reformer 78.7 PSD review is required when a criteria pollutant in an attainment area for that pollutant is emitted in excess of 100 to 250 tons per year after the use of pollution control equipment. Acceptable and expected emissions levels for applicable criteria and non-criteria pol- lutants are given in Table 15.2. Table 15.3 summarizes the yearly emissions of particulate matter, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, reduced sulfur compounds, and hydrocarbons that would be associated with the coa) gasification plant and the mine. The emissions rates are based on a methanol production rate of 54,000 barrels per day. The procedures for estimating maximum concentration increases due to the new source were designed to describe worst case situations with a factor of safety. When it was determined that allowable increases or concentration ceilings would be threatened, it was concluded that the disperson of emissions creating these conditions should be analyzed in more detail. The models used are subject to limitations not only due to assump- tions inherent in their use but also because the input data are not necessarily truly representative of conditions at the proposed site. The primary concerns about the applicability of this analysis and their impact on a preconstruction monitoring program are discussed below. 1. PTMAX and VALLEY models use vertical and horizontal dispersion parameters (az and cry in the calculations) that were developed for releases over open, flat terrain and short (a few kilometers) dis- tances of travel. Dispersion in complex terrain is better de- scribed by site-specific parameters that can be developed from measurements of wind speed fluctuations. Since the diffusion of pollutants is sensitive to these measurements of turbulence, a monitoring program that would provide enough data to calculate 15-11 n (~ \ / (~ / Table 15.2 ACCEPTED AND ANTICIPATED EMISSION LEVELS Air PSD Maximum Significant Significant Area of s~:n~~rdsa Class It b Impact of Distance A:~~~~/ir Monitoring d Significant Increment all Sources of Maximum Concentrations Impact Pollutant (p9/M3) (1:!g/M3) (l:!g/M3) (KM) (1:!g/M3l (!;!g/M3) (Km2 ) Comments Sulfur Oxides 1. No monitoring exemption. 3 hr. 1300 512 25 2. Area of significant impact 24 hr. 365 91 100 10 5 13 entirely north/northwest of Annual plant site. Nitrogen Oxides 24 hr. 14 (See Sulfur Oxides) Annual 100 6 10 100+ Particulate 1. No monitoring exemption. Matter 2. Area of significant impact to 24 hr. 150 37 40 7 5 10 the immediate northwest of Annual 60 19 1 4 plant site (3 l<m). Car·bon 1. Possible monitoring exemption. Monoxide However, all sources have not I hr. 40000 2000 been considered. 8 hr·. 40000 200 3.5 500 575 Reduced Sulfur· (See Carbon Monoxide) 30 min. 50 10 (1 hr) 3.5-7.0 .04 (H2S) a. 18 aal 50.10. b. 40 CFR 51.24. c. "Ambient Monitoring Guidelines for Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD), " USEPA, November, 1980. ~~ I ; Table 15.3 EMISSION INVENTORY LONG TERM EMISSIONS (TN/YR) Reduced Sulfur Nitrogen Sulfur Particulate Oxides Oxides Carbon Compounds* Source Matter (AS S02 ) (AS S02 ) Monoxide (AS S02) Hydrocarbons 1. Boilers 1720 8935 12000 1314 263 2. Dryers 613 1112 2090 280 44 3. Continuous Flaring N.E. 140 180 N.E. N.E. 4. Acid Gas Removal 2800 48 C02 Vent 5. Sulfur Recovery 302 102 6. Coal Preparation 47 Area Dust Collection 7. Coal Storage 175 8. Railroad 30 70 390 190 33 9. Reformers 13a 25a 814 31a 6a 10. Ash & Char Transport 9 1000 6 11. Storage Tanks X X 12. Process Plant Fugitive N.E. N.E. N.E. N.E. n1 1 \ ,/ Source 13. Mining a. Fugitive b. Heavy Equipm~nt Startup Emissions (lb/hr) 1. Gasifiers (10 hrs.) 2. Boilers (2 hrs.) 3. Flaring (2 hrs.) Emergency Emissions ( lb/hr) 1. Low Pressure Flaring (10 min.) 2. High Pressure Flaring (10 min.) X = later Particulate Matter N.E. X () ' / Table 15.3 Continued EMISSION INVENTORY LONG TERM EMISSIONS (TN/YR) Reduced Sulfur Nitrogen Sulfur Oxides Oxides Carbon Compounds* (AS S02 ) (AS S02) Monoxide (AS S02) Hydrocat·bons X X X X the dispersion parameters appropriate for the proposed plant site is necessary. 2. Background concentrations used in this analysis were necessarily conservative. In some cases they represent a significant portion of the ambient air concentration ceiling. A monitoring program to measure the actual concentrations of S02 , N0 2 , and TSP would greatly improve estimates of maximum impacts. In addition, mon- itoring data for N0 2 taken by others south of the plant site and across Cook Inlet, where most of the industrial development is located, would help to determine whether pristine conditions are present in that area also. 3. Meteorological data used for input to the annual average analysis was collected at a National Weather Service Station near Kenai. These data must be assumed to vary somewhat from actual condi- tions in the project area, but are considered sufficiently repre- sentative for use in this preliminary feasibility analysis. MAJOR REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS The federal Clean Air Act Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) program and the State of Alaska Air Quality Control Permit to Operate program are the two significant regulatory frameworks that would impose major permit requirements on this project. The PSD program requires preconstruction approval of plants that have sig- nificant emissions potentials. A plant is subject to PSD regulations if potential emissions of any regulated pollutant exceed 100 tons per year for plants within 28 specified industrial categories or if potential emissions exceed 250 tons per year for any other plant. Coal gasifi- cation or methanol plants are not listed among the 28 source types. However, the proposed plant would generate the pollutant emissions estimated to exceed 250 tons per year, so PSD preconstruction review would be required. The review is an extensive procedure involving 15-15 baseline meteorological and analysis and an intensive Protection Agency (EPA). air quality monitoring, rigorous data permit review by the Environmental The Region 10 office of the EPA would review this project and issue the PSD permit. PSD permits typically stipulate compliance monitoring and reporting. A lead time of 24 to 30 months should be allowed to complete the permitting process. The State of Alaska Air Quality Control permit program is adminis- tered under the authority of 18 AAC 50 by the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation. This program involves a permit to operate, compared to the preconstruction review concept on which the PSD program is based. Permit applications should be filed with the DEC 30 days or more prior to the commencement of operations, and must be accompanied with a specified set of information and operating documents. The DEC may require the permit applicant to install and maintain monitoring equipment, and to provide source test reports, emission data and periodic reports. The Air Quality Control Permit to Operate is issued for a period not to exceed 5 years, at which time a permit application must be filed anew. ENVIRONMENTAL ACCEPTABILITY OF PROPOSED ACTION A review of existing data concerning meteorological and ambient air quality background conditions and the screening review of the anti- cipated emissions from the plant indicate that the proposed facility could be built well within the limits of present air quality laws using current technology. There would be measurable deterioration of the ambient air quality surrounding the immediate project area, but it would be well within the allowable increments set forth in the federal environmental regulations. This feasibility study indicates that both the state and federal permits could be obtained, although in the case of the PSD permit it could be an expensive and time consuming process. 15-16 c) 16.0 OCEANOGRAPHY CONSTRUCTION EFFECTS Oceanographic conditions within the Beluga/Trading Bay/Drift River area probably would be only slightly and temporarily affected by construction of the proposed facilities including the construction dock. The primary impact would be relatively small increases in the amounts of sediment and turbidity in the marine environment. The ocean floor would be disturbed temporarily by the driving of piles for the construction dock facilities. Fill material utilized in the construction of the dock would be clean, well graded sands and gravels to minimize the impact on water quality. The estimated sus- pended sediment which would be created by all the construction activities is very small relative to the normal amount of sediment naturally present in upper Cook Inlet waters. LONG-TERM EFFECTS The effects of accidental spills of methanol into the marine environ- ment are considered later in Section 21.0 METHANOL IN THE ENV I- RONMENT. This discussion considers the source and transport of those potential spills. The most likely opportunity for an accidental spill would be at the Drift River terminal, either during maneuvering or load transfer operations. Spills also could occur in transit, most commonly due to equipment failure, human error, ballast discharges, structural failures or vessel casualities. Hazards to navigation in Cook Inlet and ice conditions are considered in Section 7.0 OCEAN- OGRAPHY. The two main factors which affect transport of spills are currents and wind. Generally the speed of pollutant transport due to current and wind is 3% of the wind speed plus the current speed. Detailed 16-1 c current measurements along the west side of upper Cook Inlet are lacking, therefore, specific pollutant transport determinations cannot be made. Generally, currents move north along the west side of the inlet, mixing with freshwater sources which flow in from the major tributaries, and then move easterly near Fire Island, and south along the Kenai Peninsula. Bathymetry, tidal ranges, and currents are being studied in this general area as part of another project study related to the development of the Beluga coal fields. MAJOR REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS During construction, fill material would be dredged out of and/or placed into upper Cook Inlet --a navigable waterway. In addition, the construction operation would place a structure in a navigable waterway. These operations would require two permits, to be ob- tained from the U.S. Department of Defense, Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers. The discharge of dredge or fill material into U.S. waters, including tidelands and wetlands, must be authorized by the Corps of Engi- neers. This permit is mandated primarily by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, as Amended. The other major federal permit concerns the placement of any structure in or over the navigable waters of the United States; or the excavation of material in such; or the accomp- lishment of any other work affecting the course, location, condition or capacity of such waters. This permit requirement originates from Section 10 of the River and Harbor Act of 1899. In addition to the above federal programs, state regulations affecting the proposed project are concerned primarily with discharges to the marine environment and adherence to pertinent coastal zone manage- ment regulations. 16-2 ENVIRONMENTAL ACCEPTABILITY OF PROPOSED ACTION The anticipated short-term construction effects on the marine envi- ronment are considered to be nominal due primarily to the size of Cook Inlet and the heavy natural sediment load. With adequate safeguards, the long-term impacts should also be negligible. 16-3 17.0 ARCHAEOLOGIC AND HISTORIC SITES CONSTRUCTION EFFECTS A literature survey of historical and archaeological sites indicates that there are eight sites besides the many within the present Village of Tyonek that are near the study area. Only the site at the Village of Ladd lies outside of the former Moquawkie Reservation boundaries in the lower Chuitna River vicinity. The possibility that undiscov- ered sites might be found or impacted during construction activities is always present. An on-the-ground survey would be necessary to determine the prob- able location and significance of any sites in the area. Probable sites would include aboriginal hunting trails; remains of structures and artifacts situated along those trails; seasonal camp sites, particularly in fishing areas; storage cache pits; and military trails. Greatest potential impact to unidentified archaeologic and historic sites would arise during opening of and production from a surface coal mine. Any site not identified before production begins probably would not be recognized during production. Indirect impacts to the sites could arise from exposure to the influx of additional people to the previously remote area. LONG-TERM EFFECTS Long-term effects of the proposed development regarding preservation of archaeologic and historic sites could result from the increased use of the area, particularly if visitors included amateur artifact collec- tors. 17-1 MAJOR REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS Prior to commencement of construction 1 a letter detailing the proposed construction and a map outlining the impacted area must be sent to the chief of the State Office of History and Archaeology. A review of the application will be made by the state, and a determination will be made concerning whether an on-the-ground survey of the area is necessary. The guidelines for such a survey can be found at 36 CFR 800, Protection of Historic and Cultural Properties. ENVIRONMENTAL ACCEPTABILITY OF PROPOSED ACTION There are no known archaeologic or historic sites in the immediate project area. Although research indicates a potential for various cultural remains in the general vicinity 1 careful construction practices and a preconstruction archaeological survey would prevent adverse effects on potential archaeologic or historic sites. 17-2 18.0 SOLID WASTE CONSTRUCTION EFFECTS Clearing Debris Vegetation consisting of brush and moderate tree cover would be cleared from approximately a 1 ,000-acre plant site area. In addition, vegetation would be cleared from a transportation corridor to the the mine areas. Material would be stacked and burned. Air quality would be temporarily impacted adversely in the surrounding area but rapid dispersion in a clean air shed should quickly alleviate the effects. Construction Refuse Solid waste refuse produced during construction would consist pri- marily of construction rubble including boxes, cans, wrapping paper, hardware, broken and leftover materials, etc. Construction workers would generate additional refuse (Table 18.1), at a rate of about 7 lbs. per worker per day. This refuse would be compacted and disposed of in an environmentally acceptable landfill. Manpower (Date) 500 Construction (1984-85) 3,500 Construction (1986) Table 18.1 CONSTRUCTION REFUSE Compacted Refuse Lbs. /Day Cu. Ft. /Day 3,500 88 24,500 612 Bulky Lbs./Day 3,500 24,500 Refuse Cu. Ft. /Day 605 4,235 Basis: 7 lbs/day generated per man. (Anderson 1972) Bulky Refuse: 162 lb./cu.yd. (Jackson 1979) Compacted Refuse: 40 lb./cu.ft. (Kroneburger 1977) 18-1 LONG-TERM EFFECTS Ash and 51 udge Ash and char would account for the largest amount of solid waste. There also would be some sludge, which would be predominantly ash that has been scrubbed from the raw gas, then concentrated. Ash and sludge streams would be generated from coal storage and preparation, gasification, raw gas cleaning, and cooling processes. Precipitation would be the major problem in the coal storage and preparation area. Runoff water would contain suspended particulate matter. This water would be collected in a retention pond lined to prevent groundwater seepage, and would have a residence time of significant duration to allow solids to settle and to promote biological action. Retained solids would result from stockpiled coal, which is not a solid waste as defined by 40 CFR 261 (A) and, therefore, not sub- ject to Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) regulations. The largest amounts of ash and char would be produced by the gas- ification of coal in the Winkler gasifiers and the subsequent gas cool- ing and char recovery. Ash and char also would be generated in the coal receiving, storage and preparation areas. Char from the waste heat recovery system would be removed by dry cyclones and used as fuel in the offsite boilers and therefore is not a waste stream, but a fuel material. Ash would be produced from the power plant boilers. The combined solid waste that must be disposed of is described in Table 18.2. Ash would be produced by the power plant boilers. The combined solid waste that must be disposed of is described in Table 18.2. The ash and char solid waste is not a hazardous waste as described in 40 CFR 261.3. The preferred method of handling would be to 18-2 Table 18.2 COMBINED SOLID WASTE Tons per Day (TPD)/Cubic Yards per Day (Cy/d) Coal/Char Water Total Dry Wet TPD Ash TPD TPD TPD Cy/ d Cy/d Cy/d 181.0 689.1 2,917.6 2,917.6 3;974 1,544 2,430 132.5 4,595.9 945.2 5,673.6 9,831 8!709 1 '122 313.5 5,285.0 2,992.7 8,591.2 13,805 10,253 3,552 return it to the mine pit as part of the surface mining reclamation program. . Two trains each utilizing 11 special side-dump ash cars would operate three trips per day to dispose of a total 66 carloads of ash. Two trains utilizing 12 special side-dump sludge cars would make three trips daily to dispose of a total 72 carloads of sludge per day. The combined ash and car would contribute a total dry volume of 10,253 cubic yards per day of solid waste toward filling the mine pit. Although this volume would be easily accommodated in the mine pit, a substantial committment of real estate would be required to dispose of the same quantity in a sanitary landfill. Any solids remammg in the raw gas would be removed in the raw gas cleaning and cooling sections by Quench Venturi type scrubbing. The spent water would be withdrawn to settlers where the particle- laden water would be concentrated to 15% solids content, then sent to a rotary filter system it would be concentrated to 70% solids. The filtrate would be sent to wastewater treatment. Further evaluation of the cake is necessary to determine an environmentally suitable method of disposal. 18-3 Methanol Process Solid Wastes Solid process wastes consist of spent catalysts from various process sections including CO shift and COS hydrolysis, acid gas removal, sulfur recovery system, guard vessels, and methanol synthesis. It must be emphasized that catalysts are only disposed of periodically. Expected normal catalyst lives are given in Table 18.3. Table 18.3 EXPECTED LIVES OF CATALYSTS Catalysts CO Shift COS Hydrolysis Sulfur Guard (ZnO) Chlorine Guard (Proprietary) Methanol Synthesis (Cu Based, Proprietary) Normal Life 3 years 3 years 1.5 years 1.5 years 5 years Further evaluation of each spent catalyst will be needed to determine methods of disposal which are environmentally acceptable. Spent catalysts in solvents generally would be regenerated, but those which must eventually be thrown away are sufficiently benign that they can safely be disposed in a landfill. Several spent catalysts may have a marketable value for recovery of metals. These include ZnS from spent ZnO and spent copper-based catalyst from methanol synthesis. Further evaluation of purge solution from the acid gas recovery unit is also needed. However, sodium sulfate, sodium thiosulfate and sodium carbonate are not on the hazardous materials list (40 CFR 261 [D]). Approximately 22 tons per day of by-product sulfur would be pro- duced from the Stretford sulfur recovery unit. This would be a chemically inert material most likely in the form of molten sulfur. It is nonhazardous. The preferred method of handling the material would be to return it to the mine pit as part of the surface mining reclamation program. 18-4 Hazardous Substances The solid waste materials anticipated to be produced from the gasi- fication/methanol plant operation were reviewed, and at this time there are no materials known which are considered to be hazardous per the Subpart D list of materials in the Hazardous Waste Manage- ment System (40 CFR 261[D]). After the plant commences operation, a testing program would be required to confirm that hazardous mate- rials are not being produced. If it is discovered that any of the materials are hazardous, they would be subject to the 11 cradle-to- grave11 control as defined in RCRA. Fugitive Coal Dust Although coal dust is a solid waste by-product from plant operation, the discussion of its impacts is presented in Section 15.0 AIR QUALITY since it is an airborne contaminant. Refuse Operation of the plant and mine would generate refuse in amounts estimated as: Manpower Basis 1,000 Compacted Refuse 175 cu.ft./day (7,000 lbs/day) Bulky Refuse 1,210 cu.ft./day (7,000 lbs/day) This material either would be incinerated or disposed of in an envi- ronmentally acceptable landfill. An incinerator would be subject to environmental controls under Alaska Solid Waste Management Regula- tions (18 AAC 60) which control particulate emissions to the atmos- phere. A landfill would be subject to regulations under the same program to control possible leachate contamination of surface and groundwater systems. 18-5 (~ c Sanitary Waste Solids Sanitary wastes would be processed in a treatment plant at the secondary level such that the effluent can be discharged either to Cook Inlet or Nikolai Creek in a manner that does not cause violation of Alaska Water Quality Standards. The sludges would be disposed of in a landfill. MAJOR REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS RCRA of 1976 (Federal) The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA) re- quires the Environmental Protection Agency to establish a national Hazardous Waste Management Program to regulate all aspects of haz- ardous waste from the time it is generated to the time it is properly disposed of. This gives the EPA important regulatory authorities with respect to hazardous waste. On May 2, 1980 the EPA instituted a 11 cradle-to-grave11 management system which was promulgated in the May 19, 1980 Federal Register. These regulations are expected to have a major effect on the methods used for hazardous waste disposal. The new regulations require previous land-based disposal and com- bustion management techniques to exhibit more efficient disposal technologies. Land-based disposal facilities are required to demon- strate more effective containment of waste. This containment should prevent the leaching of contaminants into groundwater sources. Ambient groundwater monitoring of surface impoundments, landfills and land-treatment facilities containing hazardous wastes will be implemented to evaluate containment efficiency. Ambient groundwater monitoring must be initiated by November 19, 1981 unless it can be shown that the hazardous waste has a low potential for migration. 18-6 Combustion technologies will also be required to show improved per- formance standards for emission control, destruction efficiency and residual management. A solid waste is classified hazardous if it exhibits any one of the four characteristics of ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity and toxi- city (40 CFR 261 [C]) or is included on the list developed by EPA (40 CFR 261 [D]). Persons who generate, transport, treat, store or dispose of such hazardous wastes must comply with all applicable requirements of 40 CFR 122, 124 and 262 through 265 of Chapter 1 and the notification requirements of Section 3010 of RCRA. 40 CFR 261 (A) establishes special requirements for small-quantity genera- tors (less than 1,000 kg/mo). It also contains the EPA definitions of solid and hazardous wastes plus a list of materials which are either wholly or partially excluded from the requirements in 40 CFR Parts 262 through 265, 122 and 124. 18 AAC 60 (State of Alaska) Under the Alaska Administrative Code (ACC), a Solid Waste Manage- ment program is administered by the Alaska Department of Environ- mental Conservation. The program institutes a permitting procedure to control landfill operations and incinerators with greater capacity than 200 pounds per hour. The disposal methods selected for this project would require permitting under 18 AAC 60. ENVIRONMENTAL ACCEPTABILITY OF PROPOSED ACTION All known solid wastes from this project should be safely disposable either in a landfill or by incineration. There are some methods of disposal for certain sludges that are yet to be defined. If any of these materials turn out to be hazardous or otherwise unsafe to dis- pose of either in a sanitary landfill or in the mine reclamation oper- ations, other environmentally acceptable alternatives such as inciner- ation or removal to a hazardous waste depository would be employed. 18-7 19.0 SHORT-AND LONG-TERM SOCIOECONOMIC EFFECTS COOK INLET IMPACTS Population and Employment In the long term, it is expected that the project would create some 1,300 direct·. and indirect jobs at the project site, and a local popu- lation of approximately 2,600. Much of this employment likely would originate from Anchorage and the Kenai Peninsula. It is unlikely that additional employment and population would result directly from this project on the west side of Cook Inlet (discussed further in the following section). However, it is expected that the project would generate additional employment in Anchorage and the Kenai-Soldotna area. These off-site employment effects would result from the pur- chases of goods and services by the plant and its work force, and from the expenditure of property tax revenue by the Kenai Peninsula Borough. As the commercial transportation and communications center of Alaska, Anchorage is affected to some extent by resource develop- ment throughout the state. The secondary economic impact on Anchorage would be significant with this project because it is located only 75 air miles from the city. It is likely that the plant operator would locate its administrative headqu;wters in Anchor·age, Lhus creating direct project employment in the municipality. However, it is indirect employment and income created by the plant which would be most important to Anchorage. Substantial quantities of opera- tion and maintenance supplies would be purchased in Anchorage or through Anchorage dealers, as would construction, engineering, transportation, and other services. Material and labor for specialty fabrication and construction associated with ongoing capital improve- ments would also be purchased in Anchorage and, to a lesser extent, in the Kenai area. 19-1 c In addition to goods and services purchased by the plant operator and its contractors, Anchorage would also provide goods and serv- ices to the residents of the new west Cook Inlet community. Anch- orage wholesalers would supply local retailers with the bulk of groceries and durable goods .that they would market in the new town. Public sector expenditures from property tax revenues derived from the project may also be expected to create employment, in this case for the Kenai-Soldotna area. Predictions of future property tax revenues to the Kenai Peninsula Borough from the project have not been attempted, but they likely would be substantial. Much of the property tax revenue generated by the project likely would be used to provide local services to the new town residents. However, the plant would represent a significant taxing asset to the entire bor- ough (it would substantially increase the per capita valuation of the borough), and revenue derived from it would be used to expand borough services and facilities on the peninsula, as well as in the west Cook Inlet project area. Thus, the project would result in an expansion of borough employment and borough-related employment (construction and maintenance work, etc.) in Soldotna and elsewhere in the borough. Also, the scope of routine administrative tasks of the borough (planning and zoning, for example) would expand as a result of the existence of the plant and new town, necessitating some increase in borough staff. Growth-1 nducing Effects Apart from the secondary employment effects in the Anchorage and Kenai areas discussed above, this project would not be expected to stimulate 11 downstream 11 industrial development or other sizable com- mercial or resource development ventures locally or elsewhere in the state. 19-2 Methanol produced by this project would be used primarily as a sup- plemental fuel source. Its primary market would be the west coast of the United States. Its high cost relative to other energy sources in Alaska does not make it attractive as a source of energy for new industry or feedstock for local petrochemical manufacture. Construction and operation of the mine, plant, and town sites should not affect the economic feasibility of other resource ventures in the west side of Cook Inlet, such as gas and oil exploration, logging and timber processing, hard rock mining, fish processing, or manufactur- ing ventures. These types of projects stand or fall on the basis of economic factors and forces that are largely external to the region .. Facilities used in the, operation of this coal-methanol project do not have direct application to development projects that are not coal re- lated. The feasibility of other coal development projects could be enhanced if certain infrastructure could be shared between projects: The air- port; segments of the transportation corridor between the mine areas and the plant; the new town; telecommunications towers; dock, and/or other facilities. Savings realized through cost sharing and economies of scale from joint use of infrastructure could result in significant reductions in capital costs. Joint use of infrastructure would require a great deal of planning by the ventures involved, including consideration of the location of facilities, their design, and financing. Land Use, Transportation and Ownership Changes In terms of land use, changes would tend to accelerate a process begun with the timber sale to Kodiak Lumber Mills in 1975. That is, most of the area proposed for development of the plant, camp, new town and airport is now crisscrossed by logging roads, and most of the spruce trees have been cut. Timber cutting and sporadic oil, 19-3 c: gas and coal exploration activities in recent years have already in- troduced some permanent changes to an area formerly used only for subsistence hunting and fishing. Despite these recent areawide activities, the project would affect land ownership and management practices of the state, borough, C I R I, and possibly the Tyonek Native Corporation. 0 State Lands The new town and airport would be located on state land. The methanol plant likely would be on CIRI land. The state already has granted a 300-foot-wide easement for the mine-to-dock trans- portation corridor. The state Department of Natural Resources likely would lease land for the town, whose developers would in turn sublease properties for housing, commercial and other devel- opment. The DNR would oversee siting of the town, camp, air- port and plant, giving particular attention to issues of sanitation, potential for stream degradation, availability of water, and other land management and classification criteria (AS 38. 04.900, AS 38.05.020, AS 38.05.300). Ultimately, the Kenai Peninsula Bor- ough would be responsible for town zoning, subdivisions, and miscellaneous permits. The normal mechanism for ON R disposal of land for project facil- ities requires that land first be classified for specific purposes. Most of the state land in the project area is classified for Re- source Management, the broadest of 17 management categories (coastal sections are mostly designated Industrial Lands). DNR's Planning Section could (under present statutes) develop an area land use plan to determine more specific classifications better suited to the proposed uses. For example, the methanol plant could be designated as Industrial Land (as were the Kodiak Lum- ber Mill dock at North Foreland and the Chugach Electric power plant north of Tyonek). The town site could be designated as 19-4 (~'\ c Commercial Land or Residential Land, or conceivably the entire project could be classified as Industrial Land. Each of the state departments which would take part in preparation of the plan (such as Fish and Game, Community and Regional Affairs, Trans- poration and Public Facilities, Environmental Conservation, Com- merce and Economic Development, and the DNR Division of Parks) presumably would wish to establish land classifications specific to their concerns. Native corporations, the borough and industry also would participate in preparing the plan. Additional likely areas of concern to the state would be Material Land classification for appropriate gravel extraction sites, and possible Wildlife Habitat Land for certain streams. Dual or mul- tiple-use classifications are possible, if uses are compatible (11 AAC 55. 040). Once the land use plan for state lands had been approved, the DN R Division of Forest, Land and Water Management could exe- cute land disposal (lease, sale, grant or exchange) agreements for sites or proposed project facilities. If lease arrangements were executed, special prov1s1ons (such as restrictions on airport use to approved aircraft, and/or eventual public use and main- tenance of the airport) could be included. DN R could also grant miscellaneous road and power easements. The preparation of an areawide plan utilizing public hearings can be a very time-consuming task (2-3 years). The Governor's Coal Policy Group and the Beluga Interagency Task Force could help expedite the process by assisting in identifying critical issues and appropriate land use planning responses. However the plan is prepared, it should consider not only the C I R I /Placer Amex project, but also the Bass-Hunt-Wilson coal mine and port, and other possible power generation projects in the vicinity. Extension of a new road or rail line from the Matan- 19-5 0 0 uska Valley and construction of new power lines to serve these projects have been discussed in the past. The Alaska Power Authority will soon be studying the feasibility of hydroelectric power generation at Lake Chakachamna, about 25 miles west of the project site. These projects all have implications for growth in the Matanuska-Susitna and Kenai Peninsula boroughs. How these projects fit into regional patterns of growth and energy facilities siting has not been investigated. Thus, a land use plan should not only consider state lands, but other ownerships as well, to guide the development of west Cook Inlet. Such a plan might seek to minimize the duplication of transportation and utility corridors, or to consolidate development of the proposed Cl RI/Piacer Amex and Bass-Hunt-Wilson town sites. It might also consider the kind and location of port facil- ities which are being studied for the entire state by the Depart- ment of Transportation and Public Facilities (report due Septem- ber 1981). Borough Lands The proposed camp site and a portion of the transportation cor- ridor cross Kenai Peninsula Borough land west of Congahbuna Lake. CIRI/Piacer Amex would have to negotiate with the bor- ough for right-of-way and lease of about 175 acres for the camp. Although the camp would be dismantled, some road and utility lines could remain in place. A small 50-man camp could remain for visitors after the plant is in operation. Cook Inlet Region, Inc. Lands (CIRI) Cl R I is an active participant in the venture and would seek to expedite project development on its lands. Most of the methanol plant likely would be located on land whose surface estate is owned by C I R I. C I R l's ownership allows for gravel removal. 19-6 c c\ 0 There do not appear to be significant pre-existing leases which would preclude plant development at this site. Tyonek Native Corporation Lands No facilities are planned on land owned by the Tyonek Native Corporation, and Tyonek Native Corporation has stated its oppo- sition to any easements across its land. Borough Services Impacts Development of a town near the plant could require the provision of some services from the Kenai Peninsula Borough. These services would include education, planning, and regulation of land use. The level of planning, zoning and subdivision services provided by the borough would depend on whether the community functions as a 11 company town 11 or becomes an incorporated city. Education would be the responsibility of the borough in either a company town or an incorporated city. Actual impacts upon the borough would be expected to be small. The cost of education is borne almost entirely by the state; and even if the new town became an incorporated city, the borough would be expected to delegate most of its planning and land use regulation powers to the city. Also, although the borough can establish local service districts in unincorporated areas to provide such services as sewer, water, roads, and solid waste, this is con- sidered unlikely. Rather, industry would choose to develop these facilities under its own needs and timetable. The borough should be affected only if significant growth takes place outside the town, on the Kenai Peninsula itself. Under these circumstances, expansion· of streets, utilities and subdivisions could make demands upon the borough which might require some form of short-term impact funding assistance. 19-7 0 c Options for Town Management and Governance The choice between a company town or an incorporated city in- volves questions of development control and cost-sharing for the provision of services. A decision by industry to build and main- tain all of the town•s facilities and services would allow for greater control than would be possible if it became an incorpor- ated city. Involvement of borough government in a company town would be largely restricted to the development and operation of schools. On the other hand, if the city. were to incorporate, it would be eligible for state revenue sharing funds; however, costs of muni- cipal administration would also be created. A second-class city may be formed ·upon petition to the Local Boundary Commission. Requirements include: Designation of city limits within which municipal services are to be provided; demonstration that the community includes sufficient human and financial resources to support services; demonstration of a need for city government. The degree of difficulty for the Kenai borough to provide some services to the remote site would play a part in this decision. When the community reached a permanent population of 400, it could incorporate as a first-class city which could levy and collect special charges, property and sales taxes or assessments to amor- tize bonded indebtedness for sewage collection and water distribu- tion systems, streets and other facilities. The municipality would be eligible for other state and federal aid not available to a pri- vate community. Bills now in the state legislature (SB 180, HB 170) propose changes to the Municipal Code. Under the proposals, a city incorporated after July 1, 1981 is entitled to an 11 organizational grant11 of $50,000 for the first year of transition to city govern- ment. A city eligible for the first-year grant would be eligible for a second year grant of $25,000. 19-8 0 0 ·The bills also abolish 11 Development Cities 11 legislation enacted some years ago to facilitate energy-related new town development (AS 29.18.230-450). Part of the argument to drop the legislation stems from a state policy which discourages funding for special private interest projects, such as a company new town, where broad public benefits are negligible. On the other hand, incor- poration would make a community eligible for a variety of state- funded programs. The legislation is expected to be enacted in the 1982 legislative session. Borough Planning of the Town Site Under state law, boroughs have responsibilities for planning, plat- ting and land use regulation on an areawide basis. However, the borough assembly may delegate any of its powers and responsibil- ities to a general law city in the borough, if the city first con- sents by ordinance to this delegation. The emerging policy of the Kenai Peninsula Borough is to pass on zoning and platting powers to towns, while retaining an overall planning function. Thus, if the town became an incorporated city, it could have many of the planning powers it would have as a company town, albeit in a somewhat different form. The borough has no formal policy on town site development associated with the proposed methanol plant. Impacts if Growth Occurs in the Kenai Peninsula Because the town would be isolated, impacts upon the borough might be negligible. However, the situation could change if only a small town were ultimately developed, with a sizable number of people living on the Kenai Peninsula. There could be a need for greater fire and police protection, more planning and administra- tive responsibilities and other new services associated with an expanded population in Kenai. 19-9 c~: Experience from other areas of the country, notably Montana and North Dakota, indicates that the areawide economic benefits of energy projects lag for several years after project start-up. During early years of project mobilization and construction, local jurisdictions may be called upon to increase their planning staffs, expand schools, widen roads and install new utilities. This may occur during a period when little, if any, revenues flow to these jurisdictions. In the worst case, jurisdictions may be incapable of adequately responding to the project until it is too late and disruption is severe. Resentment for the project by local resi- dents may be only partly lessened by the large property tax revenues received at a later time. If rapid growth occurred on the Kenai Peninsula, some form of short-term impact assistance funding might be considered for the Kenai Peninsula Borough. The key to any funding assistance agreement would be the iden- tification and quantification of short-term project impacts in con- trast to those associated with areawide growth. TYONEK VILLAGE IMPACTS Potential effects of the project on the Village of Tyonek are the most significant socioeconomic impact issue raised by this project. The nature and extent of actual impacts on Tyonek would depend upon the success of planning and mitigation measures undertaken by the project sponsors, the state and borough governments, the Cook Inlet Native Association, the Tyonek Native Corporation, and the villagers themselves. Certain village impacts seem inevitable, such as in- creased contact with non-Native people and institutions, and conflicts with non-Native sportfishing and hunting. The project would create substantial opportunities for economic benefit to the community; but the extent to which these would be realized depends on the re- 19-10 sponses of the village residents, and the village and regional Native corporations. Village Impacts Planning by the Tyoneks should be able to adequately protect the village and its institutions from direct impact by the project. That is, there is no reason why the project should have direct physical intrusions into the community from automobile traffic, sightseers, non local school children, shoppers, and so on. The traditional vil- lage council and the Tyonek Native Corporation can legally control access to the village by nonresidents. The Tyonek School is too small and too far from the project town site to be a practical alter- native to construction of a new school at the community. Once the mine, plant, and new community were developed and opera- ting, the village and its new neighbors probably would adjust to a mutually acceptable pattern of coexistence that would not require formal restrictions on movement. However, the village could prohibit access across its land if problems were to occur. Culture and Life-style Changes In contrast to the physical penetration of daily village life by the project, defenses against intrusions on the village culture and life- style are less readily available to the Tyoneks. It is here that impacts seem inevitable, although the severity and long-term signifi- cance cannot be foreseen. A nearby new town with movies, recreational activities, restaurants and so forth would be an irresistable attraction to village residents, especially younger people. Tyonek youth are familiar with the modern white world (Anchorage is an inexpensive plane flight away, and the village receives direct line-of-sight television signals from Anchorage); but now this life-style would be at their doorsteps. 19-11 c Interaction between vi I lagers and the new town would doubtless hasten the process of acculturation which has been under way in Tyonek for a century, and the cultural cohesion of the community would be weakened further. The presence of the new project community and interaction with Tyonek residents could result in problems of a social-psychological nature. The Battelle study (1979) speculates at length about the potential for this type of problem: Although Tyonek residents have had considerable contact with the dominant American lifestyle, this contact would be greatly expanded by coal development. Under those circum- stances, a variety of interpersonal and intergroup conflicts would likely surface . . . Coal development would also mean that, for the first time in their long history, Tyonek resi- dents would be in the minority in their own region. Minor- ity status usually is a breeding ground for racism and dis- crimination. Status and cultural differences therefore can be factors in intensifying unfriendly and perhaps hostile rela- tionships. With the potential for social conflict comes a potential for social deviancy such as vandalism, larceny, alcoholism, and drug abuse. All of these forms of deviancy contribute to one another and in many cases can be emphasized by pre- vailing differences of opm1ons, intergroup relations, and feelings of inferiority, especially on the part of the group relegated to a minority status. Intergroup conflict can also affect employment, job productivity, learning in the class- room, and can disrupt a community•s total way of life. Proximity of the new town to Tyonek would also seem likely to create conflicts between village subsistence hunters and fishermen and non- Native sportsmen. Many of the new town•s residents would be out- doorsmen (indeed, the population of this remote Alaska setting could tend to be self-selected for this interest). The Tyoneks have tra- ditionally hunted and fished over a wide geographical area --wider, certainly, than the limits of the land they now control through sel- ections made under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. Even if the project work force did not have automobiles, hunters and fisher- men would have mobility by snowmachine, motor bikes, small all- 19-12 terrain vehicles, airplanes, and boats. Preferential treatment of the Tyoneks under the state•s subsistence law seems unlikely, since management distinctions are based on place of residence rather than race or length of residency. Therefore, the stage is set for conflict and competition between the villagers and newcomers over increas- ingly scarce fish and game resources on the west side of Cook Inlet. Erosion of the Tyoneks 1 subsistence resource base poses a potentially serious threat to the traditional village life-style and cultural values. Seasonal subsistence pursuits are an important source of food, focus of village life, and spiritual link with the past. Further decline of the· fish and wildlife population that supports this activity could con- tribute to the emergency of social-psychological problems discussed above. Economic Impacts The project would create employment and business opportunities for individual Tyonek residents and the village as a whole. The villag- ers themselves must act to realize the potential benefits of this eco- nomic opportunity, although the project sponsor could enhance the opportunities through such methods as job training, flexible hours and work schedules, and preferential contracting and purchasing policies. During the construction phase, there would be high demand for lab- orers, equipment operators, mechanics and other craft workmen. Also, there would be demand for food service and housekeeping labor in the construction camp. These jobs would be filled by the respective unions, which probably would be obligated to minimum Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) goals by the project labor agreement. There would also be demand for office and clerical help at the site, which is typically non-union. 19-13 After the mines, plant, town, and airport were developed and oper- ating, the range of employment opportunities would expand and the complications of union dispatch would be lessened or eliminated. Numerous skilled and unskilled jobs in the mine, plant, and mainte- nance shops would be available. The town would create approxi- mately 220 jobs in stores, restaurants, banks, a hotel, post office, airport, and other private and public enterprises, many of which would require little or no training and would appeal equally to women and men. In short, there would be ample opportunity for motivated villagers to obtain employment with some aspect of the project. In addition to direct employment opportunities, the project would offer the possibility of Native-owned businesses supplying goods or services required for maintenance and operation. For example, a business formed by the Tyonek Native Corporation might negotiate a maintenance contract for roads, or a snow-removal contract for the airport runway. Also, it might seek to obtain a business franchise at the town, or become a vendor of supplies and material purchased regularly by the plant and its contractors. In this case, the village corporation would be an employer, and it might wish to provide work schedules, hours, and job-sharing to accommodate seasonal local sub- sistence activities. Thus, a village-owned enterprise could contrib- ute to community income through jobs and business profits. 19-14 (' 20.0 ACOUSTIC ENVIRONMENT CONSTRUCTION EFFECTS Construction Activities During construction of the proposed methanol plant, the primary noise source would be earthmoving equipment, pile drivers and com- pressors. Typical noise levels for this equipment measured at a dis- tance of 50 feet are: Earthmoving Equipment Pile Drivers Compressors 80 dBa 95 dBa 75 dBa This would impose a significant noise increment on a pristine 30 to 40 dBa area, but the increase would be temporary and would have little or no adverse effect on present inhabitants. The nearest per- manent inhabitants are at the Union Oil collection facility near Granite Point, and there is one permanent residence on the Granite Point beach area. There are also several seasonal residents on the beach during fishing season. The construction activities should be sufficiently far away (one to two miles) .to be muffled by the terrain and vegetation and to be virtually un-noticed by the nearest inhabi- tants. The largest earthmoving equipment in the mine areas would be 15 to 25 miles away and would have no impact on the few indi- viduals currently in the area. The noise from all construction activities would be expected, at least temporarily, to displace wild- life. The project construction activity and noise would not affect any known critical habitat areas. Vehicular Traffic General transportation requirements for project construction activities would substantially increase the volume of vehicular traffic in ·the 20-1 general Granite Point area. The traffic would be slow-moving and would occur in fairly heavily vegetated areas, factors which would minimize traffic-generated noise to a relatively un-noticeable level to the local inhabitants. The sound level of various truck traffic would range from approximately 72 to 89 dBa at 50 feet and decrease to a range of 54 to 71 dBa at about 400 feet. LONG-TERM EFFECTS When the plant is operational, the principal continuous sources of noise would be the coal crushers, blowers, burners, agitators, com- pressors, pumps, turbines, condensers, coolers, air fins and diesel engines. To estimate the effects of this catagory of noise sources an analysis was done of 91 major noise-producing sources. Each had acoustic emissions in excess of 90 dBa at 50 feet. The analysis also assumes the noises emitted are from the source on a flat plain and does not consider the dampening effects of terrain, vegetation or special noise abating modifications that could be made to the equip- ment. At the fence line of the plant, an average distance of 1,000 feet from the noise sources, the sound levels were predicted to be 58 to 67 dBa. At a distance of one mile, the sound pressure level is estimated to drop to 51 dBa. At a distance of two miles, which is in the proximity of the nearest inhabitants, the sound pressure level is estimated to be 45 dBa. With the sound dampening effects of terrain and vegetation, and additional acoustic treatment required by the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) on high concentrations of noise sources, it is expected that the 45 dBa level could be further reduced to somewhere near the high end of the present ambient level of about 40 dBa. For this analysis to be conservative, dBa values in a high range were intentionally used. Other equipment associated with the methanol plant is not influential when considering environmental impacts of noise at a large distance from the plant. These noises are relevant when considering com- 20-2 (~ pliance with OSHA worker exposure levels of 90 dBa, 8-hour time- weighted average (29 CFR 1910. 95). When the equipment cannot meet these requirements, other noise control measures such as silencers, noise control installations, acoustical hoods, and closures, etc. would be employed. Heavy pieces of mechanical equipment with vibrating characteristics would be mounted on vibration isolators and piped with elastomer couplings to minimize noise. Steam piping and other gas lines are designed for reduced velocities to prevent excess noise. Ejectors, reducers and related equipment which might other- wise produce excessive noise are insulated. Figure 20.1 illustrates levels of noise anticipated with the plant operation. MAJOR REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS There are no State of Alaska areawide noise control regulations out- side of the Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Standards. The Kenai Peninsula Borough, which has jurisdiction over this area, also does not have a noise control ordinance pro- gram. The principal noise control requirements would be through the federal OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Standards (29 CFR 1910) which basically cover individual source noise emissions particu- larly as they relate to employee safety within the confines of the workplace. ENVIRONMENTAL ACCEPTABILITY OF PROPOSED ACTION The short-term construction noise effects are considered to be nominal in terms of a significant impact on the human population or wildlife of the area. With reasonable engineering, the long-term noise effects from plant operation should be limited to an area within a two mile radius (12 square miles) which is primarily within the 20-3 n FIGURE 20.1 NORMAL CONVERSATION EXISTING NOISE LEVEL LEVEL OF NOISE AT THE PERIMETER /FENCE, METHANOL PLANT 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 'j 4 SOUND LEVEL dB(A) ~~~--~~--7-~~--~~--~~~--~~--~~~--~_.~ LEVEL OF NOI~ MILE FROM CENTER OF PROCESS AREA MAXIMUM INTERNAL NOISE LEVEL LEVEL OF NOISE AT THE PERIMETER FENCE, COAL HANDLING FACILITY LEVELS OF NOISE, dB(A) -BELUGA METHANOL PLANT c range of the nearest population. Noise impacts on wildlife would not be severe and should in all cases be acceptable both from an envi- ronmental safeguard and a permitting standpoint. In the long-term, the population near Granite Point is expected to expand and even- tually exist somewhat closer to the plant site than it currently does. Accompanying this growth would be a higher ambient noise level of 40 to 50 dBa on which would be imposed noise emission levels esti- mated to measure 51 to 67 dBa between the plant fence line and a point one mile ·away. In neither the short nor the long term is it expected that noise levels in a populated area would exceed an urban/residential level of 60 dBa or exceed an annoyance level of about 65 dBa. 20-5 c 21.0 METHANOL IN THE ENVIRONMENT (SUMMARY)* METHANOL IN THE ENVIRONMENT (GENERAL) Environmental Hazards, Aquatic and Marine Investigations of the biological consequences of methanol spills or leaks into aquatic ecosystems indicate that many organisms are toler- ant to low concentrations. However, significant disruptions of eco- system dynamics may occur under certain conditions. The biological effects of an aquatic methanol accident are correlated with many fac- tors including scale and duration of spill, tidal involvement, cur- rents, temperature, available oxygen, potential organic and inorganic synergists, particular flora and fauna involved, and the interactions of ecosystem components. Marine and Estuarine The following discussion presents a synopsis of the relative effects that might be anticipated in the event there were a methanol spill in Cook Inlet. Substrate-forming invertebrates are key organisms in intertidal marine and estuarine environments. Both coastal and estuarine com- munities are largely dependent upon shelled or tube-dwelling organ- isms for substrate stability, temperature regulation, canopy, and larval settlement characteristics. Substrate formers with sealable shells or tubes vary in susceptibility to experimental concentrations of 100 ppm to 5% methanol. However, many invertebrates cannot survive acute, short-term exposure to concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 5% in filtered seawater. Immediate physiological consequences of acute exposure to methanol include reversible and/or irreversible ciliary narcosis, neuronal disruptions leading to disorientation, * Prepared by Peter D 1 Eiisceu 21-1 c c 11 biological clock 11 suppression and alteration, inappropriate color changes, untimely autotomy and cardiac arrhythmia. Carbon-14 ( C 14 ) labeled methanol was found to concentrate in excretory or- gans, neurons and gonadal tissues after only a few minutes exposure to low-level alcohol-seawater mixes. Chronic exposure to methanol (0.01 to 1% for 7 to 14 days) proved to be disruptive to gametogene- sis, embryogenesis, larval development and larval settlement in many molluscs, crustaceans, polychaetes, and other invertebrates. In addition, the molting processes of several crustaceans (including many commercial and game species) are accelerated by methanol expo- sure. In spill situations this acceleration could cause premature in star and adult molting, allowing increased population loss through disease, predation, or other environmental factors. In some mol- luscs, resistance to both tissue invasion and destruction by trema- tode parasites is greatly reduced. This could also lead to increased incidence of infection in the bird and fish definitive hosts of these parasites. Plankton, mollusc and polychaete larvae are generally susceptible to methanol concentrations as low as 100 ppm. However, these larvae and many invertebrates with ciliated respiratory struc- tures are much less affected in highly aerated conditions. A concen- tration of about 1% methanol in seawater is tolerated by many com- mon components of intertidal, mudflat, and estuarine ecosystems if heavy metals are eliminated from methylation. However, lower levels of methanol are toxic if metal contamination is considered. Molting disruptions and cardiac arrhythmias of selected crustaceans have been monitored, with commercially important crabs and lobsters re- ceiving major focus. Examples have included toxic disruptions of the eastern lobster Homarus, and several Cancer crab species from the west coast. As in previous crustacean investigations, ethanol proved more toxic than methanol, causing death or irreversible neuromuscular disruptions at 1 to 3% volume. Methanol tolerance limits are generally higher for those animals studied, ranging from 3 to 10% depending on species, size and nutritional state of the organism. 21-2 Other test animals evaluated for fuel-water physiological tolerances and responses include the marine gastropods Tegula funebralis, Barleeia sp., and several limpet species of Notoacmaea. The inter- tidal crab Pachygrapsus crassipes has also been monitored. In exposures to 1 to 30% by volume fuel in water, operculate snails Tegula and Barleeia were not differentially susceptible to alcohol or gasoline. However, gasoline-water mixtures were 25 to 45% more lethal than either alcohol for the non-operculate limpet Notoacmaea. Crab test animals proved 50 to 60% more disrupted by gasoline mix- tures in comparison to both alcohols. In LD 50 determinations, line- scaled on 100 to 0 non-unit comparison, the rank is indolene 100-- ethanol 50--methanol 30. In procedures monitoring myogenic heart rates and neurobiology of Pachygrapsus, significant disruptions of rhythm, pulse intensity, secondary beats, and chamber coordination occur with indolene at 1% volume, 3% ethanol, and 5% methanol per 1 hour exposures. In most cases, arrhythmias are reversible for methanol, but recovery is generally incomplete for indolene expo- sures, with permanent neuromuscular damage occurring in many cases thus far monitored. Since low levels of methanol occur naturally in many stable habitats and as alcohol is generally quite miscible, volatile, and degradable, gross environmental impact from moderate spills appears unlikely. An evaluation of the toxicity of crude oil versus methanol in the marine environment shows major differences in effect. While many of the components of crude oil are held at the surface at ambient tem- peratures, some extremely toxic components are soluble in water and directly affect subsurface organisms. Since methanol is less toxic initially and has a much shorter residence time than oil (hours vs. years), it is considered a much less disruptive pollutant. Normal biodegradation of methanol is more rapid than crude oil or gasoline in aquatic and terrestrial habitats. In addition, recolonization by important organisms is much more rapid in alcohol-disrupted habitats. 21-3 Assessments of experimental spill sites for methanol and ethanol have shown nearly equivalent recovery. Coastal sites may show Shannon- Weaver diversity indices of 6. 2 to 6.4 seven months post-spill. Sites have nearly fully recovered, nearing the 8.15 diversity index of the prespill baseline study. Work with commercially important crabs and other marine anthropods has focused on the neuromuscular disruptions from fuel exposure, and clearance time and physiology. Electronic monitoring of isolated heart nuclei from these animals in vivo demonstrated rapid arrhyth- mia in ethanol and methanol exposures of 3% volume in seawater. Autoradiographs of haemolymph samples taken at five minute inter- vals after C 14 methanol exposure have demonstrated rapid partial clearance from the body. However, muscle and antenna I gland samples have indicated continued toxicity after 55 minutes of clear- ance time for some specimens. Various physiological and behavioral disruptions associated with methanol spill situations would probably be short-term in field conditions. However, .complete tissue clear- ance of alcohols is a matter of 2 to 5 hours, depending upon size, nutritional state, and microhabitat of the organism tested. There- fore, animals collected from a spill encounter should not be eaten unless purged (alive), or leached for more than minimum clearance time. Comparison of Marine Environmental Impact Costs: Methanol/Oil A comparison of the costs and consequences of crude oil spills ver- sus alcohol spills indicates a further benefit in the transportation sector of alcohol fuel utilization. In assessing the direct and indi- rect costs of major oil spills, it is apparent that both acute immediate losses and residual losses are more severe than those losses associ- ated with methanol. An evaluation of the cleanup costs, repair for physical damage to boats, nets, filters, etc., and various socioeconomic losses due to 21-4 (, some monitored oil spills shows a general pattern. In a major spill involving coastlines, such as those of the 1967 Torrey Canyon spill (off Cornwall, England), the 1969 Santa Barbara Channel spill and the 1978 Amaco Cadiz spill on the French Burgundy coast, costs may include initial expenditures for containment of the spill such as transportation and placement of physical barriers. Further attempts with suction-pump recollection, chemical surfacant dispersal, deter- gent application or absorption to straw, floating bel lets or other material are generally applied. Later removal or degradation of larger residue is considered a 11 final 11 step. However, the residence time of some soluble components of the oil and small particulate residue pollutant is very long. An estimate of seven to 12 years retention of these residues in soft organic substrates and marshlands of France is not considered conservative. The monetary loss of fragile commercial species of crustacea, molluscs, and fish can be greater than the initial losses. In the case of the Amaco Cadiz spill, nearly all the commerical oyster industry of this region was lost and required waiting five to six years for reseeding of spat to replenish the industry. Loss of marshlands in the Santa Barbara and Amaco Cadiz spills and consequent decreases in some commercial crustacean and fish populations have been estimated at $2 million and $10 mil- lion, respectively. The physical and biological properties of alcohol fuels (methanol in particular) negate several of the possibilities for fiscal losses which would be expected in a spill situation involving oil. Short biological residence time, dilution and very rapid micro- bial degradation of methanol compared to crude oil components all contribute to this reduced loss. Cleanup of a moderate to large methanol spill would involve removal of dead organisms, if necessary, monitoring of alcohol levels for several tidal periods, possible aeration of water as a restoration technique and perhaps innoculation of water with methotrophic bac- teria, such as Pseudomonas flourescens. The most likely efforts to be employed for minor spills of methanol would be maintaining secur- ity of the area for one or two tidal periods. Normal degradation would complete the cleanup process with the least disruptions. 21-5 c:. While monetary costs of floral and faunal losses due to oil pollution in the sea are not well documented, the physiological effects and population disruptions to birds, mammals, sessil invertebrates, zoo- plankton, phytoplankton, algal canopy, and other organisms are the objects of intensive current research. Table 21.1 shows a comparison of the costs of example spills of crude oil, diesel fuel, and methanol. There is a large reduction in cleanup cost for methanol in contrast to diesel oil and crude oil. The petroleum figures taken from are from literature, and the methanol costs are estimated assuming worst-case conditions, based on research and small scale experiments conducted on the Santa Cruz, California coast. The major cost reduction factors associated with methanol spill clean-up are: a. Decreased Manpower Requirements. Fewer man-hours for immed- iate cleanup operations are required for methanol. These figures include lower involvements of death of vertebrate animals, chem- ical treatments, monitoring, and health security operations. b. Residual Toxic Effects are Shorter. Methanol toxic effects would last hours rather than years as would effects of heavy fuel oil. c. Costs of Cleanup Materials. Possible innoculation of waters with alcohol-consuming bacteria and aeration of water or intertidal zones are significantly less expensive than sweeping, suction, dispersant-coagulant, or other technologies necessary for oil clean-up operations. d. Transportation. Transportation costs of vehicles and vessels necessary for alcohol clean-ups are much less than those for oil spi II situations. e. Legal. Fines for environmental losses would likely be signifi- cantly less for methanol spills. they are considered equivalent. 21-6 However, for this comparison (> "-.__/ Fuel Diesel Crude Crude Crude Methanol"' Table 21.1 COST COMPARISON OF SELECTED CRUDE OIL, DIESEL FUEL, AND METHANOL SPILLS Estimated SJ2ill Situation Year Total Cost Volume Tampico Mara 1957 1,000,000 20,000 Met. Ton Torrey Canyon 1967 17,020,000 100,000 Met. Ton Santa Barbara 1967 50,500,000 3.4 Mill. Gals Amoco Cadiz, Fr. 1978 100,000,000 6.0 Mill. Gals Santa Cruz, CA 1977/78 120,000 1. 0 Mill. Gals Cost Volume $50/MT $172/MT 14.9¢/gal 16. 7¢/gal . 12¢/gal * Methanol estimate established in 100 gallon spill enclosed system experiments. 21-7 Fresh Water The following discussion presents a synopsis of the relative effects that might be anticipated in the event there were a methanol spill affecting one of the region's rivers or streams, such as could occur along the transportation corridor. Methanol impacts on both lotic and lentic aquatic systems are corre- lated with several physical and biological factors. While tolerances vary among organisms (Table 21. 2) the potential disruptions of popu- lations or communities depend on amount and duration of spill, water volume and flow rate, temperature, oxygen tension, seasonality or temporality of effected species, and the life stage of organisms with larvae, resistant spores, or motile instars. While few freshwater organisms can tolerate long-term exposure to even 500 ppm methanol, many organisms can survive acute or short-term exposures of 1% volume. Some adult crus tacea may even tolerate 10% for several hours. In general, aquatic insect larvae are subject to narcosis at concentrations as low as 0.5%. In particular, lotic fish prey species of Odonata, Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Diptera are killed at 1% concentrations at ambient temperatures. However, recolonization of experimental spill sites involving these larvae is very rapid. Appar- ently, the rapid dispersal and dilution of the alcohol in moving water systems allows reoccupation of disrupted habitats through immigration from upstream populations. Insect larvae exposed to, but not killed by alcohol generally recover from the narcotic effects in several hours. However, behavioral disruptions during this recovery period, including disorientation, phototactic and thigmotactic rever- sals, and color changes make them more vulnerable to predators and physical disruptions. Observations of some freshwater organisms indicate a wide range of tolerance for methanol. As examples, narcosis occurs in some aqua- tic insect larvae in concentrations as low as 0.5%, while several crayfish species can live in 10% methanol solutions up to five hours. 21-8 Table 21.2 FRESHWATER ORGANISMS --METHANOL TOXICOLOGY ~at 500 ~~mt 3 hrs.) LD50 (15°C) Color Or9anism (%t. 3 hrs.~ Disorientation Narcosis Change ~~ 0.50 + + Salmo~ 0.50 + + Salmo gairdnerii 0.75 + + Gambusia ~ 0.75 + + Pomoxis sp. 0.75 + + Lepomis sp. 0. 75 + + Micro~terus salmoides 0.75 + + Cy~rinus sp. 1.00 + + Pacifasticus 3 spp. 3.0-5.0 + + Procambarus sp. 3.00 + + c A~us sp. 1.00 + + ~sp. 0.75 + + Neuroptera (larva) 0.50 + + Plecoptera (larva) 0.50 + + Ephemeroptera (larva) 0.50 + + Odonata (larva) 0.50 + + Trichoptera (larva) 0.50 + + Diptera (larva) 0.50 + + Coleoptera (larva) 0.50 + + Colepotera (adults) 1 .so S~ongilla 2 spp. * 1.00 + S~haerium 3 spp. 3.00 A nodonta sp . 3.00 Physa 3 spp. 1.50 Pisidium casertanum 2.00 Oscillatoria sp. 1.00 ~sp. 1.00 * Choanocyte activity ~: Many of these organisms are not present in the Beluga region. 21-9 Natural exposure to concentrated alcohols in freshwater habitats is probably negligible, making this latter tolerance remarkable. Several genera of both freshwater and marine bacteria are tolerant of 1% methanol. Under some experimental field and lab conditions, bacteria will metabolize C 14 labeled methanol as a carbon source. Current assessment of methanol toxicity to small aquatic organisms suggests that the effects of one-time spills or leaks would probably be mini- mal, except in proximal areas where concentrations reach or exceed 1%. Control spills in several habitats and laboratory aquaria indicate rapid deterioration of both individuals and community interactions at alcohol concentrations above 5% volume in lentic waters and 5% volume in !otic waters. Although oxygen concentrations appear to influence survivorship, the natural exposure to both alcohols in still, lentic waters seems to be a significant factor in organismic tolerance levels for organisms from this habitat. While recovery observations are still being carried out, preliminary evidence suggests more rapid stabilization in running, lentic waters. This is probably due to the more allogenic, colonizer-based community structure in this habitat, wherein major components move in from upstream waters. These studies will continue to document seasonal variations in community structure and species diversity. Specific neuronal dysfunctions have been monitored for the crayfish Pacifasticus exposed to 5, 20, 30 and 50% of methanol f.or 30 and 60 minute periods. Cardiac nuclei desynchony, tachycardia, bradycar- dia, and other symptoms were noted. Other experiments of 30% and 50% methanol proved irreversibly toxic in 90% of the exposure situa- tions. Tolerances for several larval Trichoptera species have been estab- lished for both methanol-water and ethanol-water solutions. These important freshwater insect larvae occupy several niches and could prove useful as indicator organisms in the case of alcohol spills. 21-10 c (_ Depending on species, previous exposure, water temperature, oxy- gen tension, and chemical factors, Trichoptera tolerate 1 to 10% methanol or ethanol by volume. Important genera evaluated have included Tinodes and Athripsodis, and other key groups. Chronic toxicity studies with the eggs of the mayfly Ephemerella ( Ephemerella) infreguens have indicated that at concentrations of 1. 0 and 1 .·6% methanol, there was no additional mortality but that devel- opment· and hatching were somewhat delayed. At 2.5% methanol overall survival was low (only 10.6% at 60 days) and no eggs hatched. At even higher concentrations (3. O% plus) no eggs developed. Ephemerella eggs appear to be less sensitive to methanol than those of several fish species including grayling and Arctic char. Acute toxicity studies of the nymphs of five species of benthic macroinvertebrates --the mayflies Rithrogena doddsi, Ephemerella ( Ephemerella) infreguens, and Siphlonurus columbianus, the stonefly I sogenus ( I sogenoides) elongatus, and the caddiesfly Hydropsyche slossonae. The resultant data indicate that: a. If comparisons are restricted to intermediate nymphal stages, I sogenus is least sensitive to methanol, with Diphlonurus and Ephemerella intermediate, and Rithrogena most sensitive; b. There was no consistent significant difference between the toxi- city of analytical and technical grade methanol; c. For Siphlonurus, there appears to be no difference in the sensi- tivity of mature nymphs and the black wingpad stage, whereas for Ephemerella, the latter stage is significantly more sensitive than the mature nymph; d. In comparison with Arctic char, two species, Hydropsyche and Rithrogena appear to be at least as sensitive, while three species, 21-11 Ephemerella, Siphlonurus, and lsogenus appear to be less sensi- tive than the fish. Effects of methanol on permanent and seasonal freshwater fish are considered later in this section. Selected methanol toxicology is summarized in Table 21.2. Terrestrial Effects --Direct Exposure The following discussion presents a synopsis of the relative effects that might be anticipated if there were a methanol spill on land. Macrobiota and microbiota components in soil exposure experiments have wide ranges of tolerance in methanol. Soft-bodied organisms such as oligochaete and enchytraeid worms, nematodes, and soil protozoa are quickly eliminated in surface saturation experiments. Arthropod populations dependent on surface canopy vegetation are also drastically reduced, as grasses, mosses, and other plants are killed by surface saturation of methanol. However, arthropods at lower soil depths, or that are very mobile in the soil, are not affected (Table 21. 3). Monitored plots of soil surface saturation spills in oak forest habitats indicate rapid recolonization of surface horizons. Animal populations below 20 em in these plots were affected little by saturation spills. In addition, fungal and bacterial populations show great tolerance and recolonization of surface horizons exposed to methanol. Pre- liminary data show about 60% of initial fungal activity recovers in horizons 10 to 30 em deep one week after surface saturation. Ninety percent recovery is noted in similar plots and depths three weeks after saturation. Bacterial activity at 10 to 30 em horizons is 85% of initial after three weeks. The rapid recovery or recolonization of these important agents of nutrient cycling is probably due to the very resistant spores and resistant stages produced by many species. Surface nitrates in experimental plots were nearly stable, 21-12 (\ '-._ _ _/ Table 21.3 ORGANISMIC RECOLONIZATION OF SURFACE SATURATED SOILS METHANOL TOXICOLOGY Post Exposure Post Exposure Population Loss 1 week 3 weeks Organism (5% Intervals) (% below initial) ~% below initial) Lepidoptera (larva) 5 spp. 100 100 100 Diptera (larva) 2 spp. 90 90 90 Collembola 4 spp. 100 50 5 Nematoda 4 spp. 85 30 15 Enchytraeid 2 spp. 85 25 20 Oligochaeta 90 30 10 Coleoptera (adult) 90 20 0 Coleptera (larvae) 90 90 90 mites 4 spp. 95 40 15 millipedes 3 spp. 70 40 10 centipedes 2 spp. 10 100 100 Orthoptera 3 spp. 100 100 100 bacteria 90 40 15 fungi 70 60 10 21-13 also indicating the rapid recovery of the microfauna. Laboratory assessment of lateral and vertical movement of methanol in soil shows both rapid initial penetration and degradation of C 14 labeled spills. In oak forest soils, penetration and movement is limited to the immed- iate spill area. Methothrophic soil bacteria become labeled in a few hours at the perimeter of such tracer sites. Emissions Preliminary evaluation of the toxicity of methanol spills or evapora- tive emissions shows minimal organismic effects. Flow chamber exper- iments indicate little disruption of plant and animal physiology at anticipated levels of methanol. Reversible narcosis occurs in many flying insect species at 500 ppm methanol for 1 hour exposures. Important pollinators may be adversely affected by methanol emis- sions under chronic or massive exposure, but further work is needed to determine the extent of direct and indirect disruptions. Additional consideraton has been given to other pollinator and flying predator species of insects, including various Hymenoptera, Diptera, and Lepidoptera. More active fliers appear to be less tolerant of alcohol emissions, but low-level exposures elicited reversible narcosis and other effects in most cases. Exposure chamber evaluations demonstrated reversible disorientation and decreased feeding-gather- Ing behavior in honeybee, wild bee, wasp, skipper, butterfly, and moth species tested at expected levels of pollution. Two species of carpenter bee, and three species of hover flies lost flying territory orientation under similar conditions. However, all of species' terri- tories were reestablished in clean-air conditions in 0.5 to 2.5 hours after initial exposure completion. Predatory wasp prey capture abil- ities were decreased from 31% to 3% success ratio in chamber presen- tations of prey species. Larvae of the honeybee, A pis, and several species of moth soil larvae were killed by open air exposures (1,000 ppm methanol). 21-14 (\ "----- Other studies have involved the neuronal, hormonal, and muscular effects of methanol, ethanol, and indolene on selected arthropods. Various Hymenoptera, Diptera, and Orthoptera have been evaluated. The results indicated a relationship of tolerance to metabolic rate. The more rapid breathing and flying Hymenoptera and Diptera were more susceptible to gaseous fuels than the more terrestrial Orthop- tera. In conditions approximating 500 ppm at 18° to 22°C, indolene most quickly caused narcosis and disorientation, followed by ethanol and methanol, respectively. Electronic monitoring of heart function showed arrhythmia, deletions, and secondary beats under all three fuel exposures. Possible permanent flight muscle dysfunction in honeybees at the above conditions was recorded in these experiments and is currently under investigation. Other above tests tory, projects have involved arachnid exposures to methanol near or levels expected in field spill situations. The results of these indicate a gradient of tolerance among these important preda- nutrient cycling, and pollinator organisms. Arachnids as a group after sible proved extremely hardy, showing reversible narcosis only prolonged exposure to 300 ppm methanol. Narcosis and rever- neuronal disruptions occurred at 100 ppm ethanol/methanol in air for several orders of flying insects. Ongoing investigations in- volve hormone and pheromone disruptions at expected field spill levels of methanol. As most insect pheromones are short carbon chains of low molecular weight, the effects of low levels of alcohol are expected to be minimal. METHANOL IN THE ENVIRONMENT (SPECIFIC) Introduction An overview of the biological consequences of methanol spills and leaks demonstrates a wide range of effects in different situations. The specific consequences of methanol on animal populations in the 21-15 (~ c Beluga to Drift River areas are associated with both biological and physical factors. In particular, life stage, nutritional state, sea- sonal reproduction, microhabitat, migration, sediment load, oxygen concentration, temperature, and exposure levels are most important in assessing impacts of spills or leaks from the plant site, pipeline, or tanker terminal. The consequences of methanol spill/ leak inci- dents may be summarized in organismic groupings. Fish Experimental tests for acute and chronic exposure to methanol indi- cate a wide range of tolerance, which varies within taxanomic groups, adult, age/size, and life stage. In addition, availability of oxygen during exposure, post exposure conditions, and other factors contribute to degree of disruption in fish by supra-ambient concen- trations of methanol. Several trout and salmon species may tolerate 1% methanol for 3 to 5 days. While behavioral alterations occur at this concentration, per- manent damage is uncommon. It is probable that the eggs, sperm, embryos, and post-embryonic alevins of salmonid fishes can with- stand brief exposures to methanol at 1%. A 1% concentration kills grayling eggs if continued over their incubation period. Trout fry are apparently unharmed by 24-hour exposures to 0. 8%. Adult rain- bow and brook trout tolerate 3% methanol for 24 hours, when aera- tion of water is supplied. Blood analyses for methanol in exposed trout and salmon indicate non-selective removal of the alcohol via urine and gill surface dif- fusion. Adult brook trout exposed to 1% methanol show complete clearance in blood tests 12 hours after exposure. A 10% concentration of methanol is lethal to most fish, depending upon oxygen demands and availability in each case. Eggs and embryonic stages of most fish are killed at 10% methanol, even dur- ing exposures of less than 1 minute. 21-16 Several unknowns exist for salmon and other fish of the Beluga-Drift River area in interactions with methanol accidents. Preliminary results show delayed embryogenesis and hatching at sublethal doses. The effect of ambient methanol on fertilization is unknown. Both sperm and ova could be extremely sensitive to low concentrations of methanol. It is also likely that sublethal doses of methanol could disrupt sensory recognition in spawning, migration, and courtship in some fish. In· the sediment-laden waters of the upper inlet, these disruptions could prove significant. The exposure of spawning, migrating, or developing fish to methanol concentrations approaching 1% is potentially very disruptive. In addition, food chain alterations for resident or anadromous feeding fish may be significant in. repro- ductive and adult success. Human consumption of methanol-killed fish is not advisable. While this alcohol is rapidly removed from live tissues, it can remain in dead organisms in significant amounts. Crustaceans Crabs and shrimp in the Beluga-Drift River area are much more vul- nerable to methanol exposure at developmental stages than at the adult stage. Studies have demonstrated reversible physiological disruptions in various crustaceans exposed to high ambient methanol concentrations. However, preliminary data suggest delayed meta- morphis, color alteration, and reduced size in various crustacean instars associated with 100 to 1,000 ppm methanol. These data sug- gest potential damage to the tanner crab fisheries following any major incident, as this species has a floating, surface-dwelling larvae found throughout the lower inlet. Other species of commercially important crabs and shrimp have free-swimming larvae capable of avoiding temporary surface concentrations of methanol. However, tanner crab adults .are generally found far south of the Drift River Terminal. Significant and commercially important crustacea in lower Cook Inlet include: 21-17 King Crab Tanner Crab Dungeness Crab Pink Shrimp Humpy Shrimp Coonstripe Shrimp Spot Shrimp Sidestripe Shrimp Paralithodes camschatica Chinoecetes bairdi Cancer magister Pandalus borealis Pandalus goniuris Pandalus bypsinotus Pandalus platyceras Pandalopsis dispar Most adult crabs and shrimp in the area of interest are somewhat migratory. King crab populations, for example, occupy deep waters in various localities throughout most of the year, and early in the spring the adults move to shallow waters (15 to 30 fathoms) to breed. Fertilized eggs are carried for a year. The following spring (usually mid-April) free-swimming larvae occupy middle and lower levels of shallower waters. Consequently, this species is not found in extremely shallow areas, or at the surface where vulnerability to methanol would be increased. In addition, like nearly all commer- cially important crustacea of this inlet, the king crab population are far removed from the Beluga-Drift River area. In general, the significant crab and shrimp populations of Cook Inlet are in minimal jeopardy from methanol for several reasons: Adult mobility, adult tolerance levels, most have subsurface larvae, and geographic distance from likely spill locations (plant and terminal sites). Molluscs Molluscan species in the area of interest are more vulnerable as larvae than as adults. While ciliary narcosis is common in clams and other molluscs exposed to methanol, the effects of concentrations up to 3% are usually reversible. Only adults in very high alcohol con- centrations for extended periods would be lost in spill situations. Significant and commercially important mollusca in lower Cook Inlet include: 21-18 Razor clam Northern (or Weathervane) scallop Heart clam Soft-Shelled clam Bent-Nosed clam Siliqua patula Patinopecten caurinus 1. Cinocardium ciliatum 2. Cinocardium californiense 1. Mya sp. 2. Yoldia myalis Macoma balthica While razor clams and other clams are abundant in the central and lower portions of the inlet, the sport and commercially significant beds occur away from the proposed methanol plant site. However, Harriet Point near Drift River is on the surface current line from the Drift River Terminal. This area could suffer minor adult losses in a major spill situation. Methanol concentrations would have to exceed 3% over a 24-hour tidal period for damage to occur. However, as the veligers of some clams (including the razor clam) are tapetic or infaunal in pools or soft mud, they may be more vul- nerable to low ambient methanol concentrations. Californian· strand and estuarine clam veligers are killed by 100 to 1,000 ppm methanol, depending on species, temperature, and available oxygen. It is considered very unlikely that spills from the Beluga-Drift River area could reach recognized clam beds in significant amounts. Birds and Mammals Disruptions to bird and mammal populations in Cook Inlet from any methanol spills are considered unlikely. Since methanol is not bio- logically magnified within food chains, it is not ordinarily passed from prey to predator. Studies have demonstrated high non-primate tolerance for methanol, in both acute and chronic exposure studies. Habitat disruption from methanol spills into marshlands or mudflats would be less permanent than from crude oil or diesel fuel spills. Recovery of habitats following methanol spills is very rapid. Marsh nesting birds and mammals could suffer temporary loss of canopy in a saturation spill. Mobile cetaceans and pinnipeds would suffer min- 21-19 (~) ~~:;:-_....o-' imal disruptions from either acute or chronic spills. Consumption of contaminated fish or crustaceans by birds or mammals following a spill similarly presents little hazard to non-human vertebrates. Summary The rapid dispersal, dilution, evaporation, and biological degradation of methanol in both aquatic and terrestrial habitats minimize its im- pact on living systems. Methanol in low levels is a normal component in many habitats, particularly mudflats, and many organisms are be- haviorally, biochemically, and morphologically equipped to tolerate its presence. Soil penetration and aquifer involvement are minimal con- cerns with methanol production. The extreme currents and tides of the Beluga-Drift River area and the subsequent dilution of any spilled methanol from this facility, suggest that most impacts would not be severe or of long duration. Human impacts to fish and crustacean fisheries would be very localized in any spill situation from methanol plant to tanker terminal. Long-term disruptions to fisheries, or bird and mammal populations are considered unlikely in all but the most localized, worst-case possibilities. 21-20 (~ ___ / SAFETY AND RISK 22.0 SAFETY AND RISK ANALYSIS INTRODUCTION The purpose of this section is to assess an occupational health and safety program for the proposed methanol plant, because there are potentially hazardous situations inherent to the coal gasification process. Regulatory standards are cited where compliance is manda- tory to achieve a given level of protection. In addition, potential hazards are enumerated to facilitate further evaluation of the programs necessary to achieve the desired level of protection. The most serious hazards are created by the possibility of fugitive emissions of carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide and methane. A thorough safety/risk analysis involves complete identification and evaluation of hazardous elements to protect personnel, facilities and the environment against accidents. This level of analysis would consider the entire project from mining to shipping. A more detailed assessment as well as similar evaluations relative to the operation of the mine, transportation system, pipeline, and marine loading facility will be made in Phase II. ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES Program Characteristics An early and complete safety analysis can eliminate potential safety and health problems that may otherwise, unknowingly, be produced during planning and construction phases of the project. This analysis can also provide the foundation upon which a thorough safety program can be developed for the construction and operation phases of the project. This safety program can minimize the impact 22-1 of physical and chemical hazards on human health. An effective safety program requires management commitment both to the develop- ment of the program and to. its implementation. A thorough safety analysis should begin prior to the commencement of construction to provide optimum cost effectiveness. I mplementa- tion procedures and guideline characteristics for such a precon- struction safety analysis and review should include: 1. Management•s accident control philosophy should be described by a clear, workable policy. 2. Responsibility must be clearly defined to cover all aspects of the program. 3. An organization must be formed to carry out the program. 4. Realistic objectives must be set. 5. Reporting procedures must be implemented so that accident facts can be recorded and causative factors analyzed. 6. An analysis of the relationship of facilities, personnel, equipment and materials to accident causes must be performed. 7. Personnel must be properly trained in their jobs, and management must promote realistic caution at all times. 8. Programs must be evaluated regularly to strengthen weaknesses. 9. Recognition must be provided for outstanding effort and achieve- ment. 10. Top management must exert leadership in order to maintain pro- gram effectiveness. 22-2 Regulatory Assessment An important area of regulatory concern is focused on the possible carcinogenic, mutagenic and teratogenic effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) on human health. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are present in highest concentrations where incomplete combustion occurs. However, the Winkler gasifier is a partial oxidation system whereby the PAH compounds are converted into carbon oxides and hydrogen due to the relatively high temperature of gasification. Therefore, the major concern of the Winkler gasi- fier is not PAH compounds but, rather, the exposure to carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulfide, substances normally inherent to gi~ification processes. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Regulations, Title 29, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 1910 (cited 29 CFR 1910) at Subpart 2 (cited 29 CFR 1910 Subpart 2) lists a number of toxic and hazardous substance exposure limits. Of these toxic substances listed by OSHA, the following trace compounds in the raw gas are predicted to fall within the following ranges: NH 3 HCN C2H2 C6H6 H2S cos 3 to 10 ppm (vol.) 10 to 20 ppm (vol.) 50 to 150 ppm (vol.) 10 to 30 ppm (vol.) 700 ppm (vol.) 1 00 ppm ( vo 1. ) It should be noted that the above concentrations of H2S and c6H6 are above acceptable ceiling limits pursuant to OSHA standards (i.e. 20 ppm-H2S; 1 ppm c6H6). Further applicable regulations are cited throughout this section where mandatory standards apply. 22-3 C .... \ . SAFETY OVERVIEW Health Effects The major hindrance to accurate risk assessment in a coal gasifica- tion plant arises because occupational exposures are to complex mixtures of chemicals rather than a single chemical. Chemicals similar in constitution and toxicologic mechanisms may simply have an additive toxic effect; or others may have a more serious synergis- tic effect, which is of particular concern with carcinogens. Some non-carcinogenic chemicals may enhance the potency of carcinogens ·when present. However, if components act independently, each can be considered as though the others were not present. 22-4 Effects of toxicant exposure on human health deviate dramatically. Assessment of these effects, again, are complicated by the complex chemical mixtures present. Exposure effects may vary from tempor- ary irritation (e.g. ammonia exposure) to death within minutes (e.g. hydrogen sulfide exposure). Exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydro- carbons may cause problems that are not apparent for decades. Protection of the work environment from these hazards requires an effective sampling program to determine potential toxicant exposure. Effective engineering and work practice controls can be developed through this sampling program. Coal gasification is essentially a closed process with few continual opportunities for air or surface contamination. Process operating conditions will determine the source of potential exposure. For example, vessel entry would be the predominant exposure source during down time (maintenance), while fugitive emissions from pro- cess equipment could be the primary exposure source when on- stream (operating). It is therefore logical to define possible hazards with respect to operating stages. The gasification process can be broken down into four modes of operation: Process Down Time, Start-up, On-stream Operation and Shutdown. 0 Process Down Time Process down time exposures would result primarily from mainten- ance and repair operations which require an employee to enter a vessel. Vessels may contain residual gases and surface contamin- ants such that entry may pose health hazards to employees. A safe work permit system should be established as a checklist for the employee to proceed safely. The following hazards apply both to vessels and confined areas. Similar hazards exist when opening a process line and thus re- quire similar attention. Among the health and safety hazards that must be checked prior to vessel entry are: 22-5 Atmosphere: Areas containing less than 19% oxygen concentra- tions are considered inert for human respiratory functions. Oxygen concentrations far below 19% should be expected in all areas of the gasification process and may further exist in the baghouse areas. Enclosed area within the process may contain vapors from vola- tile liquids. These vapors are capable of forming explosive mixtures upon contact with air. Coal dust present in the coal preparation .areas is equally capable of explosion at high con- centrations. Gases and Liquids: A number of liquid, gaseous and vaporous constituents in the process are toxic. These toxic constituents should be expected in all gas stream vessels and lines. To insure these hazards are minimized before opening the vessel, all material must be evacuated and properly disposed of in a safe manner. Flushing the vessel with steam or an adequate solvent will remove toxic gases and residues. Purging with an inert gas following flushing should remove the last traces of toxic gases and vapors. Physical isolation of the vessel is required to sepa- rate it from all sources of hazardous material. Isolation of a vessel involves plugging a line or removing a section of process pipe. Only if other methods are not possible should the use of a valve be permitted as an isolation method; then both supervisor and worker should 11 lock-out 11 a closed valve. Before human entry, the existing (inert) vessel atmosphere should be.thoroughly exhausted by means of exhaust fans and flexible ducts inserted into vessel crevices. Testing of the vessel 22-6 0 • should verify: 1. Greater than 19% oxygen concentration; 2. Atmospheres less than 1/10 the Lower Explosive Limit _(as given in the Handbook of Industrial Loss Prevention); 3. Absence of toxic gases and vapors, determined by either direct instrument reading or indicator tubes. If testing indicates insufficient oxygen or toxic vapors are pres- ent, respiratory equipment must be provided in accordance with 29 CFR 1910.134. However, respiratory equipment is a last re- sort method only to be used after it has been demonstrated that engineering work practice offers insufficient protection. No more employees shall enter a vessel than there are means to retrieve safely in an emergency. A standby employee must be present at all times outside the vessel whenever an employee is inside a vessel. The standby employee should maintain contin- uous contact with the person inside and should be prepared to initiate rescue procedures should it become necessary. Opening a process line may expose a worker to the same toxic hazards as entering a vessel. Prior to opening, the process line should be blocked both upstream and downstream. An exhaust hood should be used to remove any toxic gases and vapors to the flare. Once an exhaust hood is in place, the bleed valve can be opened gradually. Start-up Start-up procedures should include leak tests. Cold and hot testing with an inert gas are necessary for adequate detection of any potential process leaks. Detection of these leaks before oper- 22-7 0 ation begins will reduce the probability both of health hazards and emergency shutdowns. Adequate training programs prior to start-up are a necessity. On -stream Operation Worker exposure would occur from process equipment leaks. Equipment such as pumps, compressors, valves and flanges are subject to relatively high temperatures and pressures. Corrosive and acidic liquids may be encountered especially in pumping coal runoff water from the retention ponds. Proper selection of equip- ment, seals and gasket materials to withstand such abuse is needed to minimize the potential for leaks. Triple mechanical seals may be necessary to effectively reduce the possibility of toxic material leaks in some areas of the process scheme. Leaks occurring at operating pressure should be readily recog- nized as adverse effects on operating parameters or spontaneous combustion upon gaseous entry into the atmosphere. Neither condition is acceptable for any length of time; therefore little exposure from a continuous source is expected as operating pro- cedures would provide for shutdown and repair. Numerous techniques can be employed to further reduce the risks from process related leaks, among them various types of exhaust ventilation. Requirements for ventilation are given in 29 CFR 1910.94; furthermore, construction, installation, inspection and maintenance of exhaust systems must conform to standards given in American National Standard Fundamentals Governing the Design and Operation of Local Exhaust Systems, Z9.2 -1960, and ANSI Z33.1 -1961. 11 Eiephant hoses 11 can and should be utilized in enclosed areas. These long flexible exhaust hoses should be conveniently located so they can be placed over a leak as it occurs. When not in use each hose should be dampered. Areas where more frequent leaking occurs should utilize local exhaust ventilation. 22-8 0 Liquid leak exposures can be minimized by the use of portable shields and drip pans. Lines containing toxic materials should be designed with parallel duplicate lines and valves so that leaks can be bypassed to allow for continued operation. In critical process areas, the installation of parallel pumps and compressors could circumvent an unplanned shutdown due to leaks. Shutdowns Shutdown essentially would present the same hazards as those .encountered with the process down time operation. The only difference is that line material would be vented to the flare. To insure safety, the lines should be purged with inert gas until instrumentation indicates no process gas remains. All other safety procedures as given in the Process Down Time section should be adhered to as part of normal safety practice. PROCESS HAZARDS While process operating conditions will establish the type and limits of exposure, a thorough safety /risk analysis must also evaluate operational hazards unique to each process section. Extensive pre- construction investigation of each process section is required to develop an adequate safety program. This review will be accom- plished in Phase It. Coal Storage Potential hazards inherent in coal storage are dusting, fire and leaching. Dust is an intermittent health hazard caused by the loading,. unload- ing and clean-up of coal in the storage area. Only storage facility personnel should be affected, as the area is located a significant dis- tance from the process itself. Good housekeeping techniques can substantially reduce hazards and should be rigidly enforced. ?2-9 Lignite and sub-bituminous coals can ignite when dry and exposed to ambient air conditions. These surface fires produce hazardous gases and particulates similar to coke oven emissions. These emissions are a source of polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons and should be handled accordingly. As with dusting, good housekeeping procedures can reduce hazards. Coal Preparation Exposure to dust and excessive noise are the primary safety con~ cerns in the coal preparation area. Dusting is possible from any equipment, especially equipment that requires frequent disassembly for maintenance. Dust produced from crushing coal presents a number of inhalation hazards, most notably precipitating pneumoconiosis. Dust explosion also increases the possibility of a fire hazard. Additioanl fire and inhalation hazards exist in the coal drying area should the temperature in the drying zone exceed safe limits. The possibility of fire from spontaneous combustion also exists during conveying of this dried coal. All grinding operations are inherently noisy. Although operation is located away from the process plant, operating personnel may still be affected psychologically. Mandatory occupational noise exposure limits are set in 29 CFR 1910.95. Coal Feeding Valves in the coal feeding process are subject to extraordinary abuse, particularly lockhopper valves. Faulty valves may cause reactor off-gas to escape to the atmosphere, as these valves are 22-10 c· located at the low pressure portion of the system. A double block valve arrangement wi11 be utilized minimizing potential leaks. Preliminary designs of the valves will occur in Phase II as well as the interlock control system. Gasification Potential health and safety hazards in the gasification areas will be due primarily to: leaks, plugged lines and insulation problems. Leaks may involve the temporary release of extremely toxic sub- stances into the gasification areas, most notably carbon monoxide and, to a lesser extent, hydrogen sulfide. Even though leaks would be detected quickly in this area, potential loss of life is a ~rave reality should only minimal exposure occur. Plugged lines may be a frequent problem in gasification and all previous safety precautions given in the process down safety assessment apply. Due to the formation of extremely toxic gases and vapors, addi·tional emphasis should be placed on an· safety precautions before vessel entry. Solids present in the gasifier should be essentially inert as they will be highly coked or ashed. Ash Removal and Disposal Valves in the ash removal and disposal lockhoppers are subject to the same abuses as those in the coal feeding process. High failure incidence may occur in these valves. Valve leaks can allow process • gas to escape to the atmosphere causing potential inhalation hazards. Ash and chars are essentially inert but may absorb dissolved trace elements from recycle water. These elements may later leach out upon rain exposure and produce a potentially toxic leachate. 22-11 Venturi Scrubber The Venturi Scrubber recycle pump is subject to excessive wear due to the pumping of solids. This excessive wear necessitates frequent visual inspections to prevent possible leaking of toxic substances. Appropriate sampling techniques are necessary to reduce the possi- bility of burns from hot sample water. Sludge must also be handled carefully to prevent both worker exposure and accidental spills. Shift Conversion In normal operation, few hazards are foreseen with the shift conver- sion process. Normal maintenance operations should also present few hazards if the high concentrations of carbon monoxide in the reaction vessels are adequately purged. Acid Gas Removal If leaking gas and vapors occur from the acid gas removal system, there may be the possibility of toxic exposure. Fugitive emissions may release toxic substances (e.g. H2S) from any section of the process up to and including the sulfur recovery system. Methanol Synthesis Adherence to proper operating procedures should produce few hazards. Leaks may occur due to: plugged bed or lines, leaking valves or leaking pumps. Leaks will release carbon monoxide, methane and hydrogen in the work place. It is expected that carbon monoxide will be emitted in greater amounts than methane or hydrogen. How- ever, frequency and severity of such leaks should be far less than in the upstream portion of the plant. Leaks may also occur in the reformer section of the process, possibly releasing carbon monoxide, ----2-2--1-2--~--~---------~-----------------~ -- hydrocarbon gases or hydrogen. Methanol Distillation If leaking occurs in the distillation columns, there is a possibility of worker exposure to the high concentration of methanol. Due to. the extremely toxic nature of methanol, exposure to it should be avoided under all circumstances. Utilities The coal-to-methanol process would require numerous support utili- ties for operation. Utilities ar~ generally located within a single building and are inherently noisy . . MONITORING THE PROCESS ENVIRONMENT Industrial Hygiene An effective industrial hygiene program is composed of the following occupational health programs functioning together. Monitoring A monitoring program is implemented as a warning signal. The signal utilizes an indicator substance present in the process scheme such that any leak of the indicator would allow determination of a toxic constituent. The toxic constituent can be assumed to leak in the same ratio as the indicator substance. Although this assumption may not always be valid, the signal is not proposed as an absolute test of compliance, but rather an indicator of possible noncompliance. 22-13 This type of monitoring program avoids insensitivity to trace con- . stituents at a reasonable cost. Carbon monoxide would appear to be the best indicator for the gas- ification process. Carbon monoxide is present in high concentra- tions, and is also easily monitored in real time or by remote samp- lers. Alarm systems are available that can detect carbon monoxide levels as low a 0. 2 mg/M3. Medical Employees should be provided with preplacement and periodic medical examinations. The preplacememt examination should include full phy- sical and laboratory tests to ascertain general fitness, identify high- risk individuals, and set a basis for further routine examinations. Medical records should be compiled for each employee and these records must contain employee exposure data. Medical records should be maintained for 40 years in accordance with OSHA regula- tions (29 CFR 1910.20). Education and Training Periodic meetings of all employees should be conducted to describe all potential health hazards in detail. Details of the medical program should also be made available to each employee. Personal hygiene should be emphasized to further promote worker protection. Toxic effects can also be reduced. by minimizing skin contact with soiled clothing. Plant shower facilities should be provided, as should laundering facilities for protective clothing. Requirements for these installations and other plant sanitation equipment are given at 29 C F R 191 0 . 141 . 22-14 Compliance Control methods should be implemented and evaluated regularly. Control methods include engineering, work practice and administra- tive controls. Protective devices should also be evaluated to deter- mine compliance with safety and health standards (i.e., Occupational Noise Exposure [29 CFR 1910. 95]; Personal Protective Equipment [29 CFR 1910, Subpart I]; etc). Regulated Areas Process areas may be regulated that exceed carbon monoxide concen- trations of 35 ppm on a regular basis. Job functions may also be regulated to reduce the number of exposures to a particular hazard. Posting of warning signs to reinforce adherence to specific safety requirements in each area enhances the effectiveness of the overall health and safety program. Specifications for such safety signs are given at 29 CFR 1910 145. Safety color coding should also be used to mark physical hazards as given at 29 CFR 1910.144. Emergency Procedures Emergency procedures should be developed where hazardous sub- stances are handled. These procedures should be compiled in writ- ing. Sufficient protection training should also be given to the applicable personnel. Means of egress and emergency procedures should be provided as given at 29 CFR 1910, Subpart E and 29 CFR 1910, Subpart Z. FIRE SAFETY A potential fire hazard exists whenever a vessel, duct, flange, pump, compressor or valve is opened. Coal particles adsorb a number of gases readily so that the possibility of a fire occurring remains even after gas purging of the system. 22-15 Gaseous effluents from the gasifier are the primary sources of fire hazards. Hot gas can escape from ruptured pipes, leaks or improper sampling procedures. Fugitive g~s can ignite spontaneously upon entry to the atmosphere or drift several hundred feet before exploding. The number of potential leak hazards can be eliminated by installation of double valve sampling ports. All automatic process control systems should have redundant instru- mentation to prevent vessels from overheating. Requirements for fire protection and equipment are given by OSHA at 29 CFR 1910, Subpart L. Conclusion This report was developed as the foundation for a thorough safety analysis. The report presents an attempt to realize potential safety hazards and assess their detrimental effects on human welfare. Although further safety evaluation is necessary, every conscientious effort shall be made to minimize physical and chemical hazards afflicting human health. The ultimate objective of this evaluation shall be final application of an acceptable safety program at the GIRl/Placer Amex Production Facility; this ultimate objective will be accomplished in Phase H. 22-16 (', 23.0 SITE EVALUATION SUMMARY SITE SELECTION INTRODUCTION Construction of a methanol plant is being considered in a major coal resource area on west Cook Inlet referred to as the Beluga area. For purposes of this study this is an area of approximately 450 square miles bounded on the north by the Beluga River, on the south by Nikolai Creek, on the west by the Capps Glacier and on the east by the shore of Cook Inlet. In order to narrow the alter- natives for siting the methanol plant within this broad area a screen- ing analysis was used. Due to unavailability, Tyonek Native Corpo- ration lands (former Moquawkie Indian Reservation) and the Bass Hunt Wilson coal lease areas were eliminated from consideration, thereby reducing the 450 square miles area to 370 square miles. By eliminating the areas of natural water courses and the wetlands con- sisting of small lakes and other significant standing water, the can- didate area is further reduced to about 150 square miles. To pro- ceed further with plant site selection the following three-step process was used to narrow the alternatives to the best available site: Level -Screening Analysis Level II -Preliminary Site Selection Level Ill -Final Site Selection The Level and Level II reviews were done as part of this feasibil- ity study. Level Ill, 11 Final Site Selection 11 , will be conducted dur- ing Phase II of development of this project if it is determined feasi- ble to proceed. The following discussion summarizes the review process that determined a proposed plant site to use as a base case for this feasibility study. 23-1 Level I -Screening Analysis The apparent alternatives for siting a methanol plant are to place it near the feedstock source (the mine); place it near the transporta- tion infrastructure (a dock on Cook Inlet); or place it in a location remote from the feedstock source (most likely a market area). With this in mind, four specific areas were reviewed: 0 0 a. Granite Point and vicinity on Cook Inlet b. The Capps coal mine area c. The Chuitna coal mine area d. Remote location Granite Point on Cook Inlet The area reviewed is approximately 10 square miles in size on the west Cook Inlet shoreline generally between Granite Point and the mouth of Nikolai Creek. A distinct advantage of this location would be realized in the transportation of the finished product due to close proximity to the existing 20-inch diameter Cook Inlet pipeline, which currently transports crude oil to a tanker terminal operation at Drift River, approximately 40 miles to the south. The oil fields served by this line are nearly depleted, and the pipeline would be available by the time the plant were in opera- tion. Also, a plant near the shore would ease the movement of large prefabricated plant modules, allowing more flexibility in planning and construction. Other positive factors include a more favorable climate and shorter period of snow cover than at the higher elevations of the mine areas. A disadvantage is that the plant would be 15 to 25 miles from the coal feedstock necessitating a mine-to-plant transportation system. Capps Coal Field Area The Capps Field is one of two proposed mining areas that would provide coal to the methanol plant. The Capps mine area is ap- 23-2 0 proximately 25 miles from Cook Inlet, at about 2,000 feet eleva- tion near the Capps Glacier. An advantage of this location is that it would not only be near the feedstock source but also near the first coal that would be produced from either mine area. It would also be sufficiently removed from the shores of Cook Inlet to be visually unnoticeable. A principal disadvantage would be the need for a pipeline system from the mine to Cook Inlet to transport the methanol. Another disadvantage to the upland loca- tion would be difficulty in obtaining sufficient water for plant operation. It is unlikely that significant quantities of ground- water could be obtained in the vicinity, and the surface sources are inappropriate due .to their seasonal nature as sources, and due to water quality and/or use as a fish habitat. A furtt:ler disadvantage to the Capps location is that the coal pro- duced from the Chuitna Field would have to be hauled upgrade from approximately 1,400 feet elevation to 2,000 feet, the eleva- tion to the plant at the Capps mine. To operate a plant in this location would require investment in both coal and methanol trans- portation systems. Chuitna Coal Field Area The Chuitna mine area is approximately 15 miles from the shore of Cook Inlet at an elevation of about 1,400 feet. This field is gen- erally on a direct line route from Cook Inlet to the Capps Field. Advantages of the Chuitna mine area would include the relatively unnoticeable location and its nearness to the feedstock. The pipeline transportation system to carry methanol to Cook Inlet would be approximately 10 miles shorter than from a Capps site and the coal supplied from the Capps mine could be transported downgrade, instead of uphill from Chuitna to a Capps plant site. 23-3 ( 0 0 Remote Location To complete the site selection alternatives, the possibility of an area away from Beluga or even outside of Alaska was also recog- nized. A remote site was dismissed as unfeasible particularly due to the need for double handling of coal, and additional marine transportation costs associated with getting coal to the processing location. In light of present market conditions and current and anticipated energy policies during the life of this project it appears essential to economic feasibility to have the plant close enough to the coal source so that the coal may be provided with minimal handling utilizing no more than one major mode of trans- portation. The relatively clean and undeveloped Alaska location also offer advantages in environmental permitting, since there are not already significant contributions of air pollution or waste- waters in the area consuming allowable 11 increments 11 of emissions to the environment, as would be the case in most west coast loca- tions. Comparison of Alternatives At this point the Capps Mine and the remote location were elimi- nated from further consideration for reasons generally described above. The two more likely alternatives, Granite Point and the Chuitna Field, were then further compared using evaluation cri- teria relevant to both locations. Each site was assigned a numer- ical value (3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor) reflecting its com- patability with the requirements or restrictions associated with each of the evaluation criteria. Table 23.1 shows the results of this comparison and numerical ranking. Although all qualitative rating criteria were considered equally in the above table, greater weight should be given to transporta- tion, environment, and capital costs. The ratings on each of these three criteria, as well as the overall outcome favored the 23-4 (~ (~~! , ___ , Table 23.1 QUALITATIVE COMPARISON OF SITES Site Alternatives Shore of Evaluation Criteria Chuitna Mine Cook Inlet Coal Transportation 3 1 General Environmental 2 2 Capital Costs 1 3 Permit Concerns 2 2 Wetlands 3 2 Product Transportation 1 3 Geotechnical 1 2 Climate 1 2 Water Availability 1 3 Power (external) 1 2 Dock Access 1 3 Land Availability 2 2 Site Preparation 2 2 Support Services 1 2 Wastewater Discharge 1 3 Labor Factors 1 2 Visibility 2 1 Site Drainage 2 2 TOTAL 28 39 Cook Inlet site, so a second comparison using weighting .factors for certain criteria was not necessary. The conclusion of the screening analysis is that a site near the shore of Cook Inlet would best serve the objectives of this project. A disadvantage of the tidewater site noted in the analysis was the need for a transportation system to move the coal to the process facility. This concern becomes less significant in light of the reasonable assumption that regardless of plant location, there eventually will be a mine-to-shore transportation system for movement and marketing of bulk coal totally unrelated to this project. This reaffirms the selection of the Cook Inlet site. 23-5 c Level II -Preliminary Site Selection The next level of site selection involved choosing a specific area with a minimum of 1,000 contiguous acres near the shore of Cook Inlet between Granite Point and the mouth of Nikolai Creek that appears suitable for location of the methanol plant. The site designated in this review would form the base case for this feasibility study. The area under review is approximately 10 square miles, constrained by extensive wetlands and standing water to the north, the Trading Bay State Game Refuge to the south, the shore of Cook Inlet to the west, and, on the east, the desire to remain reasonably close to Cook Inlet. Within these parameters there are two general site alternatives for the plant: Tidewater in the low-lying area below the bluffs, or in the upland area between the bluff line and Congahbuna Lake. 0 Near Tidewater There is a somewhat confined area very near high tideline in ele- vation between Granite Point and the mouth of Nikolai Creek that could be considered a candidate plant site. The land is· suffi- ciently restricted in area, however, that it may not allow for suf- ficient flexibility in the final plant lay-out if site-specific geo- technical analysis or other considerations imposed further con- straints. The physical characteristics of the site might require splitting the facility into upland and tidewater-elevation locations in any case. The foremost advantage of this tidewater location would be that it would enable the plant to be constructed utilizing very large prefabricated plant units which could be barged into place through dredged channels and then fixed into position; the channels could be reclaimed by backfilling. This method of build- ing the plant could have a positive affect on capital costs which could not be realized utilizing an inland site. A tidewater loca- tion also would facilitate the discharge of treated wastewater 23-6 0 c_:, effluent into Cook Inlet, the most likely receiving body of water for an industrial discharge. However, this tidewater location is a wetlands area and would require a Corps of Engineers permit. Obtaining a permit could be very controversial due to proximity to the Trading Bay State Game Refuge. The permit application would have a reasonable potential to be denied in favor of more environmentally acceptable upland locations. A plant located at tidewater also would be susceptible to damage from storm-gen- erated high tides. Upland Location An upland location 4 square miles in area was identified for this site alternative (Sections 17, 18, 19 and 20, T11N, R13W, Seward Meridian). Three-quarters of this land is controlled by the proj- ect participant, Cl Rl. Selection of this location would avoid the natural hazards associated with being near the shoreline at sea level, but also would remove the option of being able to barge large prefabricated plant units into place. However, it still would be possible to receive and install large prefabricated interplant modules using a coordinated barge and surface transportation network. Portions of this candidate site area are considered wet- lands by definition; however, it is believed that these wetland areas fall under the jurisdiction of the Corps of Engineers nationwide permit authority, a classification which avoids compli- cations that may be associated with obtaining permits for a tide- water location. Environmental and geotechnical constraints all appear reasonable for this location, and indications are that necessary permits could be granted. The conclusion of the preliminary site selection review is that the methanol plant should be located on the upland somewhere be- tween Congahbuna Lake and the Cook Inlet bluff line. A specific plant site within the general 4 square mile area was designated for use as the base case in this feasibility study. 23-7 Level ttl -Final Site Selection The last stage of site selection involves adjusting the preliminary site location to make it most compatible with the actual conditions and constraints identified by this feasibility study. This final site selec- tion step would be accomplished under Phase II of project develop- ment, if it is determined feasible to proceed with the project. At this point it appears that the primary factor that will influence some adjustment of the site location will be specific soils conditions. Broad areas within the preliminary site area have been found to have greater depths of organic overburden than originally anticipated. Indications are that some relocation of the upland plant site in a northwesterly direction would avoid some deep overburden and re- duce capital costs through reduced site preparation. Further engi- neering soils exploration would precede the final site selection deci- sion. 23-8 BIBLIOGRAPHY Ackerman, R. E. 1975. The Kenaitze People. Indian Tribal Series. Phoenix. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 1979. Recommendations for Minimiz- ing the Impact of Hydrocarbon Development on the Fish, Wildlife, and Aquatic Plant Resources of Lower Cook Inlet, Volumes I and II. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 1979. State Game Refuges and Crit- ical Habitat Areas and Game Sanctuaries. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 1975. Study G-1: Inventory and Cataloging. Vol. 16 (7-1-74 through 6-30-75). Alaska Department of Commerce and Economic Development. 1979. Draft Permit/ Approval Requirements for Beluga Coal Developments. Alaska Department of Commerce and Economic Development. 1978. Alaska Regional Energy Resources Planning Project. 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Williams CCC ARCHITECTS AND PLANNERS 431 West 7th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Principal Investigators: Edwin B. Crittenden Richard K. Morehouse Gordon S. Harrison RADIAN CORPORATION 8500 Shoal Street Austin, Texas 78766 Principal Investigators: PETER D'ELISCEU Mike Hoban Ed Rashin University of Santa Clara 1273 Kririckerbocher Drive Sunnydale, California 94087 UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA 707 11 A 11 Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Principal Investigators: Jean Baldridge nr~virl Trudgen Jim Thiel 25-1 Terry L. Barber Priscilla P. Wahl Roberta E. Goldman Vicky N. Sterling Mark J. Holum Robert W. Kranich WOODY TRIHEY P.O. Box 10-1774 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 RICHARD J. HENSEL Hawkins Lane Anchorage, Alaska 99507 DRYDEN & LaRUE 4060 11 8 11 Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Principal Investigator: Delbert LaRue. OTHERS Exploration Supply & Equipment MW Drilling Trading Bay Catering Company Alaska Helicopters Ross & Moore Associates, Inc. In addition there was an exchange of information with the other principal project participants and consultants. Placer Amex, Inc. Cl Rl, Inc. Davy Me Kee Corporation Klahn Leonoff R. W. Fisk Engineering Paul Weir Company CIRI/Holmes & Narver 25-2