HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA1639I ~ I ~ • U) (") :::::i:::::::::::::,-a::::::::::::::o "'-o I ~ -,...... ~ I- I I I I I I I HD 9502 1981 STATE OF ALASKA LONG TERM ENERGY PLAN Executive Summary Prepared For Jay Hammond Governor By Department of Commerce and Economic Development Division of Energy and Power Development .usJ ' Webber A53 Clarissa Quinlan Director 1981 t ;sioner v.3 Augus~ 1~81 ; ' .. C\1 l!) ! C\1 I CX) r- et) T""" ' 0 0 l!) l!) 1'- (t') (t') HD q§Dl urJ> 'A¢ STATE OF ALASKA n;,~ LONG TE.RM ENERGY PLAN E.XECUT.IVE s-uMMARY Prepared by: Applied Economics Associates, Inc. And Energy Analysis & Planning, Inc. Kkk Hall and Associates l·nformation Services of Alaska For the C+·~to of A.I~~IJ.~ V·LO.L'V I ~u;;A.vi'\.Q Department of Commerce & Economic Development Division of Energy & Power Development 338 D·enali Street 7th Floor, MacKay Building Anchorage, Alaska 99501 August 1 981 ARLIS Alaska Resources Library & Information Services IJbrary Building, Suite 111 3211 Providence Drive Anchorage, AK 9950R-4614 1 Executive Summary The Purpose of Alask:a's Long-Term Energy plan The primary purpose of Alaska's Long-Term Energy Plan is to provide an orderly process for mak- ing energy decisions. To be successful, the follow- ing must be accomplished: • The Plan must be a statement of policy, and set the State's goals and objectives. • The Plan must provide basic information about energy demand, the resource base, and energy technologies. • The Plan must coordinate Alaska's ongoing . energy activities. • The Pla...'l must standardize and coordinate t.~"'le process of project/program selection. This report provides a logical approach to meeting Alaska's present and future energy needs. The keys- tone is the availability of accurate and reliable infor- mation from which decisions are made. The impor- tance of this element cannot be over emphasized. Major policy decisions impacting the conservation and development of conventional and renewable energy resources will be based on the analysis con- tained in the Long-Term Energy Plan and its annual updates. Perhaps what makes the preparation ofthe Long- Tt~rm Energy Plan especially noteworthy is that Alaska is one of the few states with the key ingre- dients necessary to chart its own energy future. Re- venue from petroleum and natural gas can be com- bined with a willing work force and vast energy re- source potential to provide an array of local energy supply and conservation options. Since Alaska's population is less than one half of one percent of the U.S. total (at the same time that the State provides 10% of U.S. oil supplies), the Alaskan energy future can be managed to the benefit of all. 1 Most Alaskans are probably not aware of the State's many activities in energy development and conservation. Although these tasks are by no means finished, there have been many accomplishments. Energy activities, conservation investments and development projects are being pursued in every re- gion. of the State. As Alaska's Long-Term Energy Plan evolves, criteria for energy decisions and the information base on which they are made will become more de- finitive. This year, considerable progress has been made in each of the major topic areas. The L<Jng- Term Energy Pla.1"1 is by no means complete. As energy plann.ing in Alaska is stren.gthen.ed, and as the reliability and competitiveness of the various energy options become kinown, the Plan's strategy can be and should @e revised. In this report the eNergy data base for the State has been Uf>dated and analyzed, using a standarized me- thodology. For the fiFst time, Alaskans will have a comprehensive breakdown of historic energy con- sumption by regi0n for the State. Despite this achievement, the data base is not yet perfect. For ex- ample, some end-uses of petroleum had to be esti- mated. Overall, however, a steady advance has been made. In this report an attempt has been made to draw to- gether a specific description of the Alaskan resource base and the technologies available to transform or convert the energy. There is a brief description of energy development projects underway and many of those which have been proposed. To date there have @een a number of State and fed- erally mandated energy conservation programs pro- posed and implemented. Information on the effec- tiveness of these programs is very limited. The major· contribution of the energy conservation section in this report is to develop a framework for monitoring the effectiveness of existing programs as well as to provide some tentative estimates of the potential for saving energy. Despite the surplus of crude oil production, the State has a higher level of vulnerability than other regions because of the climate and remoteness of many Alaskan communities. Even a small oil short- age in Alaska could be very serious. This report in- vestigates the nature of Alaska's vulnerability to oil supply disruptions and proposes some options that the Governor could implement in the event of an energy emergency. Over the next year this plan will be refined, in collaboration with federal, state and local officials, to produce a detailed emergency energy plan for Alaska. No long-term energy plan would be complete without an energy demand and supply projection. Ultimately, the vast majority of energy decisions are not made by State or local government. Consu- mers and private companies make many day-to-day decisions about which fuels to consume and which to produce. In addition to its role in developing specific . community projects and programs, the Alaska State government's role is to guide individual private deci- sions. That guidance is made through fiscal and tax incentives, pricing, the regulatory process, and the state's energy programs. In other wor9s, a clear, widely dissewlnated statement of Alaska's energy policy goals and objectives is often as im.port3.11t in bringing about desired changes as the State's partici- pation in energy projects. This year the Long-Term Energy Plan was pre- pared by the Division of Energy and Power Develop- ment and submitted to other agencies and the Gover- nor's office for review. This process helps to ensure · that the Administration has a coordinated position on energy. However, if Alaska's Long-Term Energy Plan is really to become an effective tool of decision mak- ing, its preparation must be tied to the budget pro- cess. Alaska Statutes require that the plan be submit- ted to the legislature no later than 1 February each year, and yet funding for the Plan is not available be- 2 fore the beginning of the fiscal year. Consequently the preparation of the plan does not coincide with the normal budget process of the State. Because of the timing of preparation, the Gover- nor and the Legislature are unable to review agency requests in the context of the policies enumerated in the Plan. The Plan is still in preparation during the period when the Administration is making decisions about specific project funding. As a result, the Plan is not the effective tool for policy coordination that it could be. To remedy this problem, the Long-Term Energy Plan should be prepared in conjunction with the budget process. To do so will require that the Plan due in 1982 be presented as a progress repmt on the status and development of the 1983 (FY 1984) Plan. Energy decisions, and particularly ones related to development, are site sp>ecific. An annual report on state-wide energy issues cannot, by itself, addFe-ss all of the individual concerns of local utilities, industry, small businesses, regional authorities, municipali- ties, cities, boroughs, regional a..1d village COI<p0ua- tions, village councils, and nolilprofit C@op>euatli.~Ves. Instead, Alaska's Long-Term Energy Plan is me- ant to provide th.e information base and institutional framework to assist Alaskans in gett~g a lecal energy project or program off the :ground. It is an .es- sential part of the Long-Term Energy Plan to de- . scribe the process of how the State governmeDt se- lects projects or programs for funding and other State a~sistan.Ge. The most clearly defined process. of project selec:;-. tion concerns electric power development. The .Alaskan Legislature has established th.e Pow- er Project Fund, under the Alaska Power Authority. This fund can be used by local communities and pub- lic utilities to finance p>ower projects. However, b>e- . fore construction can b~gin, proposed projects must go through a series of evaluations: • Reconnaissance ·Study • Study Review a Feasibility Study • Feasib>ility Study Review • Legislative Approval • Project Construction [ [ ~~ L. c L [ c- CJ c rF· 'I ... '/-\.. __ r~ I l . [ r L r L~ (> k. c r· C L r-· L u There are three main limitations to the process of project selection. First, it emphasizes electricity. Se- condly, much of the community based research overlaps and is not standardized. Thirdly, the Office of Budget and Management of the Governor's office is responsible for reviewing the reconniassance and feasibility studies, without extensive in-house energy planning capabilities; thus, through evalua- tion is often left to the agency sponsoring the project. In the long-term, Alaskans will be best served if a clear distinction is made between energy project/ program advocacy and evaluation. In most states, private companies or utilities propose projects and the State government is responsible for evaluating the proposal through public hearings and internal re- view. Alaska that process will not woFk because the State government is heavily involved in most of the projects. In the coming years, the pace of project selection in Alaska will accelerate. It is essential that the State of Alaska has the capability to evaluate all of tme proposals fairly and quickly. It would seem log4cal that this should become one of the more imr>ortant functions of the Long-Term Energy Plan process. One of the clear and present dangers of any engo- ing planning function is the isolation·ofthe planners from the real world. After a length of time, the plan- ning develops an inertia and momentum of its own above and beyond the original purpose and objec- tives that created the function in the first place. In order to prevent this and to develop as reas<'>na- ble and realistic a plan as possible, regular contact and assistance is needed from outside the immediate planning sphere. The establishment of an Energy Advisory Council to obtain needed periodic input, critical review and recommendations from represen- . tatives of both the public and private sect0rs is • needed. Council participants will be dr3:wn from go- vernment, the fuels industries, utilities, envwon- mental interests, consumers and business. The Council's recommendations and endorsements will be key elements in the planning process. Alaska's Energy Policy Alaska's energy policy encompasses six broad areas: the lease and production of energy resources, 3 the price and availability of energy for Alaskans, the coordination of energy and economic activity, the promotion of energy conservati0n, the encourage- ment of alternative energy development, and the im- proved coordination and administration of eNergy matters within the State government. Alaska expects to continue leasing its land for oil and gas exploration at a moderate and steady rate. If oil and gas exploraticm is successful, this should help to offset the effect of declining State royalties from severance taxes associated with the depletion of the Prudhoe Bay oil field. Furthermore, a steady leasing rate should minimize disruptions associated with oil and ~as develepmemt. Alaska's energy p@lli.cy is concerned about the availability of both electricity and petroleum prod- ucts. The State's pelicy hlitiatives are aimed at en- suring that ener,gy is reliably available at reas0nable prices. The Nighest priecity sheuld be given to the dispesitien of r0yalty oil and .gas within t~e State. Emer:geacy fuel assistance will ee pr.ovidecl ,.,in ·S(;)me 'hardship cases attemp.ts wUl be made to uecduce tJliJ.e high cost of fuel, and 'there will ~be l0ans.fornew b>ulc fuel storage facilities. Similarly, the State intends 'to accelerate the cle~el0pm.eNt of Alaskan hyclro power and to offset seme of the rising cost of electricity with a short-term subsidy pro~am. The Alaskan state governmeNt intends to moder- ate the ecoNomic and social impact of energy de~el­ opment in order to preveNt the problems that arise fr "b b t" . . T hni al . om a . oom or , us act1v1ty. · eo . . . c as·si&tance will be provided to communities impacted by large scale energy development. The State will,ensure that energy facilities are developed in an economically and environmentally sound maBner. Alaska is encouvaging energy conservation through grants and loans. The State offers technical and educational assistance to individuals and com- munities. Energy conservation will be incorporated into the planning, design, and construction of State owned and funded facilities. Alternative energy development in Alaska will be encouraged by research and development activities and by grant and loan programs. The State government will improve administra- . tion and coordination by ensuring the availability of an adequate energy data base and analytical capabili- ty for decision makers .. Coordination among all of the agencies involved in energy production, distribu- tion and regulation is the responsibility of the gover- nor's office. In 1979 Governor Hammond confirmed these ba- sic principles in a statement on Alaska's energy poli- cy. In summary, his basic points were: • Direct and equitable distribution of Alaska's energy resource wealth to all Alaskans. • Improved efficiency in the pFOduction and dis- tribution of electricity. •' Support for local energy needs by State planned and funded energy facility construction. • Technical assistance for community impmve~ ment in eaergy conservatioN and m:anagem<:mt practice. • Improved energy conservation practices in State government buildings and activities. •' Support for the development of l<ileailily-orient- ed energy technologies. • Support for improved community petroleum product storage facilities. • Public participation and loGal input in energy pl~arming de.cisions. •-Priority for in-state uses of Alaskan eaergy re- sources. •" Procurement and delivery of fuels in emergen- cy situations. EneFgy End-Use Alaska's energy end .. use is dominated by the cli- mate, low population density, aJiid the fact that the State prodttces eighteea times the final eaergy it con-· sumes. Furthermore, energy end~use varies signifi- cantly .within the State. Essentially, there are five in- dependent energy systems-the Southeast, the Arc- tic, the Aachorage area, the Fairbanks area, and the rest of the State. Each of these energy systems have different re- source opportunities and, therefore, different ways of using energy. In addition to the use of petroleum products, Southea~ has abundant hydro and wood. resolilfces; Anchorage has natural gas and hydro; Fairbanks has coal; the Arctic lfas natural gas at Bar- row and at Prudhoe Bay. The resl of Alaska altuosl 4 totally depends on oil. There can be no doubt that the Railbelt (Fairbanks/ Anchorage) area dominates energy end-use. Only 14 percent of Alaska's end-use energy is consumed outside the Railbelt, despite the fact that 29 percent of the population lives in these regions. Even dis- counting the ammonia/urea plant on the Kenai Pe- ninsula, which accounts for 25 percent of total State energy end-use demand, the Railbelt's per capita energy consumption is 78 percent higher than the av- erage of the other regions. Significantly, the per capita use of energy in every sector is higher than the U.S. average. On a per-capi- ta basis, Alaskans consume twice the energy of their counterparts in other states. Every sector of per capi- ta energy end-use in Alaska is higher than ia the Lower Forty-Eight, and the highest, the combined transportation and marine sectors, are nearly three times the national average. Overall, petroleum accounts for 56.8 percent of the end-use energy consumed in Alaska. This is slightly higherthan the national average. Natural gas in Alaska is the second most important fuel, account- ing for 34-.9 percent of end-use energy. Coal is only 2. J pe:rrceat, and electricity is half the national aver- age, accounting for only 5.9 percent of the total. The re,gion, sector, and energy source breakdown for Alaska is presented in figure 1. Figure 2 is a graphic presentation of energy flows in the State of Alaska. The diagram distinguishes be- tween end'-use energy from primary energy require- ments by depicting energy sector uses, electricity generation and refinery losses separately. End-use is energy that has been transformed or converted and transmitted for final consumption. Energy demand growth in Alaska since 1970 has been erratic -in two years it actually declined and in another year wew by 24 percent. Over all it has grown at an average growth of about 7 percent, with the largest demand growth in natural gas. The fig- ures reveal how sensitive the Alaskan energy picture r L r { f t r· \_, r· t r· L [ f--' I \"-' \_, f (c L c [ L ( [ L J L L -J National Defense, 63% Marine, 4.4% Comme~cial, 5.9% FIGURE 1 ALASKAN ENERGY END-USE BY REGION, SECTOR, AND FUEL 1979 Southeast, 6.0% B,yRegion By Sector By Fuel 5 Cordova/Kodiak, 1.3% Southwest, 4.0% Interior, 0.9% Northwest, 1.2% Arctic, 0. 7% ··"'--;( 1979 Energy End-Use A LL ALASKA Hydro 5116 Natural Gas FIGURE 111-2 Refining Energy Sector Refinery and Generation Losses 30157 Residential 65052 Industrial 80605 Transportation __________ _. ___ _ - ~ I .i 250 225 200 175 150 125 100 12 (10 B,tu's) / // 75~/ N (73.6) 50 FIGURE3 ALASKA ENERGY GROWTH (By Fuel) // / / / / /l / N (183.8) // //// / //.)N (147.8) // // // //.)N (11'8.9) ~ / N (228.6) // // // .Y/ /N (95.6) KEY: 0 = Oil (Petroleum Prod.) N = Natural Gas E = Electricity 25 ~-----------' E ( 1 ;:; E (16.5) E (18.5) E (23.0) E (28.1) E (32.6) 0 --~-------+--------~------~--------~--------~-------85 90 95 2000 2005 7 Year is to major construction projects such as the Alyeska pipeline. Demand growth for the next 25 yeaFs is expected to be lower than for the past decade, reflecting a low- er population growth and energy prices rising faster than the rate of inflation. From 1979 to 1985, energy demand growth is projected to be 5. 3 percent for all energy end-use. After 1985, demand growth is ex- pected to decline so that it averages 3. 9 percent from 1979 to 2025. This is low by Alaskan standards, but over double the expected growth rate in the Lower Forty-Eight. This year's forecast is a long-term forecast. It does not account for the income cycle, unexpected con- struction projects, or a cold winter. Thus, the results shoulcl be interpreted for what they mean, a long- term secular trend. Energy Development Alaska has the good fortune of being rich in energy resources ranging from the traditional, such as oil and coal, to the more "exotic," such as a tidal. However, these resources and the infua.,.structure for their use are net evenly distributed within the State. Thus, while State-wide andregi0nal gmdance:can be provided, energy development d'ecisiens must ulti- mately be made at the community level. Traditional Eaergy Resources Alaska's energy transition has paralleled the gen- eral evolution of energy resource utilizationin other regions. Wo0d as a primary fuel was reJi>laced by coal which was later replaced in part by oil, natural gas, and hycltoelectric p0wer. Despite increasing in- terest in alternative technologies, it is clear thatthese fourtraditional resources will continue to meet most of the State's energy demand through the end of the century. •, Oil. End-use consumption of refined petr0leum products in Alaska is greater than the end use consumption of all other energy resources com- bined. Despite the fact that prices are likely to continue to increase, this dependence is expect- ed to continue for many years. Even with the State's large oil resources, approximately forty 8 percent of refined petroleum products are imported from the Lower Forty-Eight. In-State refining is increasingly dependent on State roy- alty oil as a feedstock. Together with the likeli- hood of further international oil shortages, these conditions raise questions regarding the linking of royalty oil policies to projected in- State oil needs. • Natural Gas. Since the Cook Inlet gas fields are located near Anchorage, it has been possi- ble for one-half of the State's population to rely primarily on natural gas for both heating and electrical generation. In the short-term, use of natural gas will continue although prices will increase. Depending upon export policies, known Cook Inlet resources may not last through the year 2000. Barrow also uses natural gas and gas is expected to be available to Fair- banks through the proposed Natural Gas Pipe- line from Prudhoe Bay. Natural gas reserves are estimated to be approximately 32.791 tril- lion cubic feet (TCF). In addition, the State contains an estimated 101.2 (TCF) of undisco- ven~d recoverable resources. •· Coal.Except for very small local activities, the Usibelli Mine near Healy is the only operating coal mine in the State. While a part of the mine's output is used for space heating the ma- jority is used to generate two-thirds of Fair- bank's electrical requirements. Expansion at Healy and development of . the Beluga Coal Fields are expected as a result of opportunities in export markets. The potential also exists for village use of local coal resources. It is estimat- ed that Alaska has between 10 and 23 percent of the world's coal resources. • Hydroelectric. Hydroelectric resources offer the potential of meeting the electrical needs of ninety-five percent of the State's population. Accordingly, the State has made a major finan- cial commitment to the development of the re- source. Projects are currently under study or construction primarily in the Southeast and Rail belt regions. The largest of these is the pro- r r·· r: L r ,. t [ [ ('- 1 I L [ L L [ f [ [ [ t: l posed fifteen hundred megawatt Upper Susitna Hydro Electric Project. As the cost of oil con- tinues to rise, so does the likelihood of substi- tuting hydroelectricity for oil use in heating. Expanding Energy Options Given today' s rapidly changing energy condi- tions, it is important that Alaska keeps its energy op'" tions open. It is the policy of the State to encourage the transition away from dependence on petroleum. While there is growing interest and activity in there- sources and technologies discussed below, it is im- portant to keep in mind thatin many cases, reliability and costs are not yet fully demonstrated. • Peat. Peat is partially decomposed organic matter undergoing the lengthly transition from 'biomass to coal. With an estimated 27 million aeres of peat in nen;,permafrost areas-, Alaska : contains 51 percent ef the resource in the United. States. For mmy years, peat has been used for heating in Ireland and Scandanavia, and more· recently it has. been used for electrical generation. Like coal and biomass, peat can be converted into a. number of liquid onganic fuels. •· B'iomass·.Biomass is li:v;ing or re.cen.tly living matter such as. woed or agricuitural products. Alasl<1a: has extensive biomass resources, but their pmtential application is generally limited by a slow rate of grewth and the hi>gh cost of collection. Major existing applications include direct use of wood for heating and the use of wood waste from the pulp mills in Southeast Alaska for electrical generation. Under investi- gation for future Alaskan application are alco- hol and methane production from agricultural produce and residues. • Solar. Contrary to common belief, solar ener,gy is an impoitant resource in Alaska. Passive solar, which uses proper building de- sign without mechanical assistance, is in use to- day and offers significant heating potential. Economic considerations are the primary con- straints to utilization of active solar systems, which include mechanical components. The technology for these systems is well established and the components are commercially availa- ble. 9 Photovoltaic cells, which use a photo-chemi- cal process to convert sunlight directly to elec- tricity, are already economical in remote and special applications. Increased use can be anti- cipated as production costs decrease. • Wind. Small wind electrical systems have been used in Alaska since the 1920's. Today's ex- panding use of such systems is made possible by the abundant wind resource along the state's coastline and in many inland sites. Small wind machines (up to 8 kw) are commercially availa- ble, but larger systems are still in the develop- ment stage and have not yet been proven under Alaskan conditions. • Geothermal. Geothermal heating is that which is derived from the earth's interior. It has been used• in Alaska for many years in small scale ap- plications such as hot baths, space heating and gardening. Recently, there has been increased exploration and resource assessment activity aimed at heating and electrical applications. ~AJthough i\laska' s geot.'Iermal resotirces are vast, the site-specific nature of geothermal energy will limit its development. •, 'Eidal. Alaskans have long been facinated by the potential of ocean energies. This is espe- cially evident in Cook Inlet, which has one of the highest tidal ranges in the world. Renewed interest has resulted in the initiation of two stu- dies of the potential for utilizing tidal power. •· Hydrogen. Hydrogen can be obtained from w:ater using electrolysis or through chemical conversion of hydrocarbons such as coal and peat. In the long term, hydrogen may be consi- dered as a fuel substitute for oil and gas. Of par- ticular interest is the generatio~ of hydrogen through electrolysis using hydro power or some other renewable energy resource such as wind. •, Other Energy Technologies. Fuel cells, waste heat recovery systems, heat pumps, and energy storage systems all offer promise for greater energy efficiency. With the dramatic rise in the price of oil in recent years, these and other energy conserving technologies have received increasing Alaskan attention. Resource Technolosx_ - PEAT: Direct Combustion Steam Boiler BIOMASS: Destructive Distillation Fermentation Gasification Anaerobic Digestion SOLAR ENERGY: Passive Active Thermal Electric Photovoltaic WIND ENERGY: 1-IOKW w-soo IMW-3MW GEOTHERMAL: High temperature hydrothermal MOderate temperature hydro (less than i 50 degree C) Hot dry rock Magma Normal Gradient TIDAL ENERGY: HYDROGEN: FUEL CELLS: ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEMS: HEAT PUMPS: FIGURE4 STATUS OF ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES Technical Feasibilit}'_ Engineering Develop_ment ---------------- ---- Commercial Demonstration Commercial *Photovoltaic cells are commercially available. butt he development of cells competitive with other forms of electrical pro- duction is in the engineering demonstration stage_ **When used for space heating assistance. • Technical Feasibility-Does the technology work (theory) • Engineering Development-Pilot plant stage (practice) • Commercial Demonstration -Demonstration at commercial or near commercial size • Commercial-There are commercially operating types (does not mean economically competitive in all applications), C· r [ [ r [ [' [ I • j le ll L_ [ r L c r; ~ C~" L L L L L Energy Conservation Energy conservation was defmed in Energy: The NextTwenty Years as those energy saving investments, operating de- cisions and changes in the goods and services that we buy and use that save mo9ey over the life of energy consuming products. Money can be saved by substituting intelligence, pru- dence, maintenance, better equipment, or dif.:. ferent equipment for purchased energy; the substitution should be made up to the point where the cost of not using the energy is equal to the cost of energy saved. Conservation of energy does not require curtailment of activities or degradation of the quality oflifestyle. The evolving view of energy conservation as a source of energy has far more positive implications, despite the fact that conservation sometimes requires significant investments. The high initial costs areal- most always offset by years of benefits. Energy conservation, then, means increasing the efficiency of energy and its use. Even with Alaska's vast energy development potential, conservation, particularly of petroleum products, could prove economically effective. Significant differences exist between the Railbelt and other areas of Alaska with respect to energy end- use. For example, nearly half of the energy con- sumed in Non-Railbe!t AJ~ka is for transportation, while Jess than J 0 percentis used for industry. In comparison, for the State as a whole, transportation accounts for only 38 percent and industry accounts for 31 percent of the total energy end-use. Besides the differences in energy end-use, the Railbelt and non-Railbelt sectors consume different types of fuels. Non-Railbelt Alaska is almost totally depen- dent on petroleum products, while the State as a whole relies on petroleum for only half of its energy consumption. Observations drawn from Alaska's energy end- use profile provide direction for the development of energy conservation programs. Among otherthings, this information suggests that in order to obtain sig- nificant savings, State energy conservation pro- grams in non-Railbelt Alaska should be directed at petroleum use-primarily in transportation and for residential and commercial buildings. The differen- ces in energy use among Alaska's regions under- scores the need to localize energy conservation pro- grams. In 1980, the State of Alaska developed and legis- latively approved the passage of one of this country's more ambitious energy conservation acts. Among the provisions of Senate Bill438 are: • Establishment of thermal and lighting effi- ciency standards for both residential and com- mercial buildings, as well as for State owned and operated buildings. •· Establishment of a tax credit available to businesses who purchase and install energy conserving equipment or materials. ., Establishment of a Statewide energy audit program, including auditor training and test- ing, subsidized energy audits and informa- tional materials for participants, and grants l!,lld loans for energ-j conserv-ation imp,ovements in audited homes. •· Provision of matching grants for the federally funded Appropriate Technology Small Grants program. •· Provision of financial assistance for rural edu- cational facilities for energy conservation plan- ning, and matching grants for federally funded energy conservation technical assistance retro- fit action by schools, hospitals and units of local government. • Funding for educational programs, directed at interested citizens as well as enrolled studies in classrooms throughout the State. There are numerous other programs provided for in this legislation,. which all add up to a significant State commitment to energy efficiency. Only by proving that energy conservation is an energy resource will its benefits be realized. If energy conservation is to ever reach its full potential and become an important, viable component of Alaskan energy policy, current conservation efforts must be carefully monitored and evaluated for both energy savings and societal impact. In addition, all new programs should include a monitoring and evaluation component when they are planned. Many energy conservation programs initiated in Alaska and elsewhere rely on estimates of likely achievable savings, since little or no historical data on actual savings are available. As more and more conservation programs are implemented, it is crucial that data on measured effectiveness under actual conditions be carefully collected. Without such a monitoring and evaluation scheme, there will always . exist some doubt as to program effectiveness. Many State and local organizations, both public and private, are involved with energy conservation programs. Primary activities include information dissemination, educational programming, energy audits and weatherization services for residential . buildings, and minimal research and demonstration projects. The impetus for this activity at the State go- vernment. level is Federal legislation, including such acts as the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA), the Energy Conservation and Production Act (ECPA), the National Energy Conservation Pol- icies Act (NECPA), the Energy Extension Service Act (EES), and the Institutional Buildings Grant Program. Locally, the initiation of conservation pro- grams has been based on financial assistance from State or federal government, consumer demand (as in the case of utility programs), and federal mandate (as in the case of utility programs), and federal man- date (as in the case of Rural Electrification Adminis- tration requirements for REA member utilities). Whateverthe reason, energy conservation efforts.are taking hold in Alaska as n~ver before. The impact of federal mandates on Alaskan State programs has been both positive and negative. Fi- nancial incentives have been provided for almost all conservation efforts initiated by State agencies, but there have been myriad rules and regulations. Fre- quently, there are co~icting requirements and im- possible deadlines which have added to State frustra- tions. Most important, perhaps, has been the some- times poor applicability of federal requirements to the particular Alaskan geography, climate, and pol- itical institutions. For example, the Weatherization Program for Low-Income Pexjsons has been plagued by funding cuts, delayed payments (which slow work during decent weatherization weather), and limitations on spending for administrative costs and home reparrs. Federally-funded programs that have been tied to energy savings-though laudable for their insist- ence upon energy savings -have brought delays while bureaucrats have quibbled over numbers. Cer- tain federal programs have limited applicability in Alaska. One such example is the Residential Conser- vation SerVice program, which impacts only two of· Alaska's largest utilities-Chugach Electric Asso- ciation and Alaska Gas and Service Company. Energy Emergency Planning Given the nature of the Alaskan energy system, the primary emergency problems that can be ad- dressed with a statewide planning program are in the petroleum sector. There are two broad categories of problems inherent to oil: an international problem and an unusual distribution problem within Alaska. Although a state government 'has more contml over . the internal distribution problem, there are also measures that can 1x: implemented in the event of an international oil disruption that will help to moderate the problem. 12 More than any other factor, the risk of oil shor- tages stems from the inescapable fact that the U .S. is heavily dependenton imported oil, much ofwhich is purchased in the turbulent Middle East. There are .a variety of events that could evolve into ~oil disrup- tion in Alaska, along with the rest of the cauntr-y: . . political instability or revolution in the oil exporting nations, sabotage .of critical foreign or damestic oil installations, natural disasters, limited warfare be- tween the producing·countries and their neighboring nations, a blockade of shipping, and a politically- based withholding of oil. Given all of these potential problems, it is essential that State and local officials become aware of the risk offuture disruptions along with their probable severity. Close~:to home, Alaska's unique geography and popUlation distribution may give rise to isolated spot oil shortages within the State. Specifically, many Alaskan Bush communities could experience an oil shortage due to transportation orfmancial problems. These problems may not stern directly from an inter- national oil supply problem, but they could have a tremendous disruptive effect on the community and are an important component of Alaska energy plan- [ .[ [' [ r l L r L ( I 1 L. [ f L [ L [, [ [ L [ ning. Federal Allocation Policy and Alaska's Royalty Oil The gasoline shortages experienced by California and the East Coast were caused, in part, by the in- flexibility of the federal allocation controls on gaso- line-and crude oil. This program hasjust been elimi- nated. by President Reagan (it was originally due to be phased out in September). Despite the problems with: allooation, these controls are likely to be imple- mented again in the event of emergency, because they do give state and federal governments some control over the distribution of pe~oleum products. The-theory of allooation is quite simple. Everyone is entitled to a set percentage of the petroleum prod,. ucts.purchasedlast year; So if the· shortfall is 10 per- cent, everyone is guaranteed 90 percent of supply. This program can be made to work on the production and:whelesale distributionlevel. But at the retail lev- el it becomes unmanageable· because almost no one keeps. such detailed records. At the· mement, the federal government has a standby allocation program under consideration. The form of this standby program should be of con- siderable concern to Alaskans. In the event of an energy emergency, it will determine the trading rela- tionships between oil producers, refiners, wholesal- ers and retailers. That, in turn, will affect All Alas- kans. It could also affect the contractual terms con- cerning the sale of the State's royalty oil. Alaska· is the only state to actually own a major share· of crude oil being produced within its borders. Consequently, royalty oil can be used by the Gover- norto moderate or eliminate an oil shortage, which is a. supply option no other State has. In order to use the oil during a shortage, any contractual sale should have· a clause which mandates that the oil must be re- fmed and sold in Alaska unless it is offset with prod- ucts from elsewhere. Exceptions to this clause could be granted during normal market conditions. If such a plan is to be successful, however, it will have to be made a part of the federal standby alloca- tion regulations. Otherwise, purchasers of Alaskan royalty oil face the prospect of being in violation of eitherState or federal requirements. 13 Options Available to Manage an Oil Disruption Following is an abbreviated list of those items that could be implemented by the State of Alaska in the event of. a petroleum emergency. These actions as- sume that there has been a statewide oil disruption; in addition, there are varying degrees of severity within the measures. Public comment is solicited regarding these and other emergency responses which could be implemented in Alaska. Measures to· constrain· demand: •· Reduce· highway speed limits to 50 mph orless. ., Prohibit travel by private autos on different days. This could be implemented by a sticker plan, which limits the use of each registered vehicle one or more days per week. •· Prohibit driving on Sundays, weekends, or at other times. •· Provide additional transit service by operating a larger pertion of available vehicles and rede- ploying vehicles to carry more passengers per vehicle mile. •• Increase commercial passenger transport air- craft load factors by rescheduling flights. •• Mandate a tune-up of vehicles every six months. •· Prohibit space heating in commercial buildings to abeve 65 degrees. This could also apply to residential buildings. e: Mandate efficiency_ tests on all oil-bu..-ning in- dustrial-boilers -and larger commercial heating plants. Poor efficiency conditions must be cor- rected. e: Restrict hours for commercial and industrial operations. •· Reduce the work/school week to four days. ., Prohibit or limit the use of private planes for nonessential uses. _ • Institute publiC'iitformation program. Measures to manage shortages: • Odd/Even license plate rationing with manda- tory service station openings. • Hot lines for distress or other emergencies. ., Credible, accurate public information. •· State set-aside for emergency oil allocations. Measures to provide supplemental supplies: •· Prohibition of the sale of royalty crude oil out- side Alas~. unless offset by the sale of,refined products. The ratio between royalty crude and petroleum product sales to be determined by market conditions at the Governor's discretion. •· Emergency burning of wood or coal wherever possible. •, A strategic petroleum reserVe funded and con- trolled by the Alaska State Government. RE.C'OMMENDATIONS· Alaska's .Long-Term Energy Plan and the process of energy planning it is meant to represent could be greatly improved by the following changes; •· Shift the timing of the Plan to be compatible with and included as part of the State's budge- tary cycle and process. •• Establish,acleardelineation between planning, adv:ooacy and evaluation and. designate· approp- riate: State agency responsibilities for each. •· Include within the Long-Term Energy Plan the responsibility fer technical and economic re- v:iew and evaluation of all State-financed energy projects above a minimum scale. •· During the first quarter of the coming fiscal year specific guidance as to the technical and economic criteria to be used in project review and. evaluations should be developed. e; Establish an Energy Advisory Council to assist in: the annual update and refmementofthe Plan. •; T'ne end,.use·data base should be·improv~dfur­ ther, particularly on a regional basis from 1970 to the present. Access to Department of Re- venue records and other supplementary data will be required. Reconnaissance studies and community energy assessments end-use data should be standardized and incorporated into the centralized data base. •' A comprehensive economic and demographic forecasting model with a regional breakdown is required. At the present time, the Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER) has the only Alaska long-term econometric model. Following analysis by Batelle of the ISER model for the Railbelt Alternative Study a de- termination should be made of its adequacy for 14 use in the long-term energy planning process. •' Reliable regional economic and demographic variables should be developed for use in the · energy end-use sectoral analysis and demand forecasting. •· In-depth analysis of natural gas and electricity pricing should be conducted. This year an oil price· forecast based on OPEC's proposed oil price index was used to generate the expected · changes in key petroieum product prices. •~ The State of Alas~ should closely coordinate its royalty oil and gas policies and programs to insure compatibility with in-State energy-use forecasts. For example, proposed in-State re- finery products should coincide with projected Alaskan fuel requirements. •• The potential for community use of natural gas from the propesed natural gas system originat- ing at Prudhoe Bay should be determined im- mediately. •· Pending positive results from ongoing coal use studies in the Northwest portion of the State, the development of coal-based community energy systems should continue. e• The State should continue its extensive finan- cial support of economic hydroelectric resource development. •· Resource assessments for coal, hydro, peat, bi- omass, solar' wind and geothermal energy should continue. • Alaskan energy research and demonstration programs should be evaluated and prioritized based upon resource availability, regional and state-wide applicability and acceptability, costs and time frames. [ r (.- [ L t r.. L c: l I L" r-- L [ [ [ f~" l'~ .i [' [~ t t L •· The development and implementation of energy conservation programs in Bush Alaska must be addressed separately in order to ac- count the special needs and problems of rural villages. Energy conservation efforts should be looalized. Every effort should be made to allow communities to ascertain their own conserva- tion needs. The State should help financial] and through technical assistance. •~ An: adequate monitoring and evaluation syste1 for-exdsting and. new conservation programs should. be· established immediately. A status re- port· and cost/benefit analysis of these efforts should be included in the 1982 Long-Term Enengy Plan. •~ Spec::ific geals and objectives for the State·' s enen~ conservation policies and programs sholilild: be· defined and included. in next year's plan:. These: shc>UJd be· developed by consider• mg: E:O.engy Coaserv-atien as mather energy supply option. •· Alaska should carefully evaluate further partic- ipation in federal conservation programs. The State has many unique conditions not found elsewhere and its programs need to be suited to them. In addition, federal conservation funding will decline significantly in FY 82. •· The Alaska Energy Emergency Contingency Plan should be completed and submitted to the Legislature for approval by January 1982. • Effort should be initiated immediately to amend federal standby allocation regulations to allow an Alaskan Royalty Oil on-state use clause during national shortages. •i The· proposed legislation developed by the Na- tional Council of State Legislatures (NCSL) to provide the Governor with additional authority to res}*)nd. to energy emergencies should be ap- proved. (References Appendices J and K). ~, ~ J;. "• 15