HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA1680I I I I I I I J J J l HC 107 .A42 T3 v.4 PHASE I RESOURCE INVENTORY October, 1983 RECREATION EI.EMENT STATE OF ALASKA Department of Natural Resources 4420 Airport Way Fairbanks, Alaska 99701 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Soil Conservation Service L~ [ [ F: l~ [ E [ [ L r~ L RECREATION EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Tanana Basin includes 21 million acres of land along the Tanana River stretching from the Canadian border on the east to the Yukon River on the northwest. As shown in Figure 1, it includes the most populated area of Alaska•s Interior. The area which this plan addresses includes all state selected, tentatively approved and patented land within the Tanana Basin Boundary exclusive of those areas which have had area plans completed or which do not have state in-holdings. · This study indicates that there are a total of over 4 million user days spent on outdoor recreational activities by Basin residents (excluding those days associated with fishing or hunting). This is an average of over 70 user days per person per year. In addition, tourists from outside the state spend an estimated 258 thousand user days in the Basin each year. Outdoor recreation activities generate an estimated $46 million in income in the Basin each year and over 1300 jobs. -_, CONTENTS Chapter 1 Chapter2 Chapter3 Chapter4 ChapterS Chapter& Chapter7 Introduetion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Issues and Local Preferences • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2-1 DeJDand for the Resource • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3-1 Supply of the Resource ••••••••• · • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • 4-1 Benefit-Cost Analysis • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5-1 Dem.and vs. Supply ....... • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1 Reeo-.-.endatlons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 -I Appendices A. Total Expenditures on General Recreation in the Tanana Basin Bibliography I. Introduction D. Expenditures for General Recreational EquipJDent A. Number of Households Owning Equipment B. Cost/Year of Equipment C. Percentage of Total Expenditures Attributable to General Recreation D. Summary DI. Expenditures on Travel A. Total Number of Trips/Year B. Average Cost/Trip C. Summary IV. Expenditures For Food and Lodging V. Expenditures By Tourist VI. S1umnary _j l --"· c D r L -- .dl Chapter 1 Introduction This report completes Phase I of the Alaska State Department of Natural Resources Tanana Basin Area planning process. The report analyzes background information on recreation in the Basin and will serve as the basis for the continuing phases of the planning process. This information is part of a resource inventory of seven resources including fish and game, agriculture, forestry, minerals, outdoor recreation, settlement (land disposals) and water. The information included in this report was gathered by the Tanana Basin Area Planning staff of the DNR Division of Land and Water Management and the Alaska State Department of Parks and Outdoor Recreation. People who participated in the production of this report include Nat Goodhue (Planner, DNR Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation), Susan Todd (Project Manager, Tanana Basin Area Plan), Delores O'Mara (Natural Resource Officer), and Rob Walkinshaw (Natural Resource Officer). The information presented here is not an exhaustive study of recreation in the Basin. The recreation element is designed to provide an overall view of the supply of, demand for and value of recreational resources in the Tanana Basin. The element also constitutes an advocacy statement 'by the Division of Parks indicating how they would prefer recreation resources to be managed in the study area. These management recommendations, together with related information about other resources, will be used to formulate land allocations and management guidelines for public land in the study area. 1-1 = I' L~ [' [ c [ E [ [ ; Li Chapter2 Issues and Local Preferences '~ \ ; I. INTRODUCTION Issues and local preferences are important pieces of information which must be incorporated into the planning process. Issues concerning the use of a specific resource provide a focus and framework for the planning process; local pr-eferences show how the public feels these issues should be resolved. In this section of this report, issues and local preferences are documented for incorporation in the planning process through the work of the Planning Team Members. A. Issues An issue is something which is debated. For example, the amount of land to be disposed of is an issue; some people favor more land and others would prefer less. Another issue is the effect of agriculture on fish and game; some feel that the effect is positive, others feel that it is negative or neutral. The purpose of this paper is simply to report the issues objectively without siding with any particular viewpoint. These issues are then to be addressed in the Tanana Basin Area plan which will create policies to deal with them. The issues reported here are those which the plan can affect through classifications or management guidelines. The issues i~ent if ied in this chapter were collected and summarized from three sources. The public meetings that were held in the Tanana Basin during the spring of 1982 was the first source of issues used for this chapter. Planning team members, after reading the comments from the public meetings developed a series of issues concerning the resource they represent. The Tanana Basin Plan sketch ele- ments were a second source used to identify issues. The sketch elements were developed in 1981 to provide a start- ing point for the Tanana Basin Area plan. The issues iden- tified in the sketch elements were based on conversations with agencies, resource experts and public interest groups. The third source was interviews with agency representatives. B. Local Preferences Local preferences about how these issues should be addressed were determined from two principal sources. One of the sources which will be used in the planning process for developing local preferences is a series of community originated land use plans. Several communities are currently working on proposed plans for state land in their area; others have already submitted proposals to DNR. 2-1 These local land use plans provide a clear indication of what a community prefers. This is proposal receives endorsement of councils, native corporations, and the area. particularly true when a village councils, city other interest groups in , The possibility of doing land use plans was mentioned at the public meetings and in a newsletter that was sent to all communities. Only a few of the communities, however, have decided to submit proposals. Most of these proposals will not be completed until February, but some have been on file with the State Department of Natural Resources and are included in this report. The Tanana Basin Public Meetings are the other source of information on local preferences. Public meetings were held in all communities in the Basin in the spring of 1982 to discuss the Tanana· Basin Area Plan. The notes from these meetings were given to members of the planning team who then developed the summaries included here. The sum- maries represent the planning team members' understanding of how residents want state land in their area managed for a specific resource. These sources of local preferences are not as accurate as a public survey, but in most cases, they represent the only information available. They should not be considered to be representative of the entire community; they are simply indications of the opinions of some of the resi- dents. A survey now being conducted by the Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs will provide a better in- dication of local preferences in the Tok area. The results of this survey will be available to the planning team by March of 1983. 2-2 l. ~I II.ISSUFS CONCERNING RECREATION The following issues concerning recreation were drawn from the public meetings, sketch elements and interviews with agency representatives: ISSUE 1. High expectations for recreational opportunities: the landscape and wildlife of the Tanana Basin provide an abundance and diversity of recreation opportunities which are one of the major attractions for living in the Basin. "Recreation opportunities" is the second most frequently cited important reason for living in the Interior Region of Alaska according to the Alaska Public Survey. Responsibility for providing easily accessible recreation opportunities, by reason of land ownership and constituencies, is with the State of Alaska and its political subdivisions. The State owns seventy-five percent of the acreage within the Tanana Basin, much of which is located within one hour's travel time of communities. In contrast, national parks are where the outstanding natural features and extensive wilderness sougnt by national and international constituencies are located. The highest recreation priority of the State of Alaska is to ensure the continued availability of easily accessible recreation opportunities for Alaska residents by retention of a variety of types and sizes of land and water areas in public ownership. ISSUE 2. Need for recreational land base near population centers: action by the State of Alaska is required to maintain a recreation land base easily accessible to Alaskans. Due to limitations of time, funds and fuel outdoor recreation participation within one hour's surface travel time of people's residences is more than double participation in more remote locations according to the Alaska Public Survey. A considerable amount of outdoor recreation activity occurs on lands which are not within the State Park System or other public use areas. Many of these lands, especially those near major population centers, are no longer available for public recreation as a result of conveyances of State, municipal and Federal lands to private ownership under land disposal programs and the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act and land developments which prevent public recreation use. 2-3 To meet existing needs'for recreation opportunities close to people's homes, schools, and work sites and to anticipate future needs as the population increases, the State of Alaska will identify recreation use areas, · designate those which will remiin in State ownership for public recreation use (replace lands lost to public recreation use by acquiring alternative areas through purchase and land trades), provide technical and financial assistance to municipalities and cooperativley prepare land use plans with the private sector and other public land owners. ISSUE 3. Inter-agency cooperation: policies and actions of many public agencies and private land owners affect outdoor recreation opportunities. The availability of outdoor recreational opportunities is often dependent on the actions of various Federal, State, and local government entities. Many agencies, whether or not they are in the recreation busiriess, make land use, facility design and other decisions which enhance or detract from outdoor recreation opportunities. Outdoor recreational opportunities can, and should be, provided in conjunction with other programs such as road and school construction, land settlement, community planning, and forest and habitat management. To significantly increase the benefits of public programs and projects, agencies should use broader concepts of their responsibilities, greater foresight in the execution of projects, and additional cooperative procedures. Realization of recreation opportunities through other programs will require the Alaska Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation to initiate, coordinate, and follow-up on a variety of projects. ISSUE 4. Preserving and protecting Alaska's cultural heritage: prehistoric and historic sites contribute to the Tanana Basin's distinctive identity. There is an on-going and sometimes urgent need for the State's heritage sites program to prevent needless destruction and neglect. Due to a major misunderstanding, what remained of the abandoned and historic gold mining town of Denali in the Alaksa Range was bulldozed away. A large gold dredge lies deteriorating on private lands north of Fairbanks in the Chatanika Gold Mining District. These are but a few of the historic resources from Alaska's past being lost due to neglect and lack of management capability. Not every historical resource worthy of preservation can be saved, but an adequate representation of the diverse prehistoric and historic sites must be 2-4 preserved so future generations will understand and value the Tanana Basin's rich heritage. ISSUE 5. Trails: the use of trails for transportation and recreation has historically been and continues to be a vital aspect of life in the Tanana Basin which should be perpetuated. A high percentage of Interior Alaska residents participate in some form of trail-based recreation activity. Many of these people and other residents and visitors use trails as transportation routes to work, school and residences. Trails more than other recreation resources, due to their linear configuration, are vulnerable to disruption from other land uses. Cooperative planning is required to prevent the loss of critical trail connections. Where loss of a trail segment is unavoidable an alternate route should be provided. Trails, when properly located and buffered, are an asset to residential neighborhoods. Trails should be loc~ted on lands in some form of common ownership with enough space either side of the trail to avoid conflicts between public use of trails and adjacent private landowners. Trail planning and dedication of greenbelts for trails should be high priority of all land use planning and management agencies. ISSUE 6. The amount of state land classified and managed primarily for recreation. ISSUE 7. The effect of land classification, land disposals and resource development on recreation opportunities. ISSUE 8. The effect of land classification, land disposal, and resource development on access to rivers, lakes, trails and backcountry areas used for recreation. ISSUE 9. The effect of land classification, land disposals and resource development on cultural, historical and archeological sites. 2-5 . , ISSUE 10. The effect of mineral-related activity on recreation. ISSUE 11. The effect of agriculture on recreation. ISSUE 12. The effect of land classification for habitat on recreation • ISSUE 13. The effect of forestry on recreation. ISSUE 1 4. Mainten.ance of greenbelts and setbacks near resource developments and land disposals. ISSUE 15. The effect of land classification for recreation on fish and wildlife. ISSUE 16. The effect of land classification for recreation on minerals. ISSUE 17. The effect of land classification for recreation on agriculture. ISSUE 18. The effect of land classification for recreation on land disposals. ISSUE 19. The effect of land classification for recreation on forestry. 2-6 III. LOCAL PREFERENCFS FOR RECREATION MANAGEMENT A. CoJDJDunity Originated Land Use Plans. The following section lists the various community originated plans that have been completed, or are in pro- gress for state lands in the Basin. For detailed informa- tion on each plan listed here, contact the Division of Research and Development. I. MINTO FLATS Minto Village Council passed a resolution in 1980 requesting that the state classify Minto Flats for Wildlife Habitat and Forestry. The village council sent the resolution with a "Summary Report" about Minto Flats to the Department of Natural Resources. The Summary Report discusses the fish and game resources, the village's utili- zation of these resources, and includes a map which identi- fies historic fishing spots and trails into the Minto Flats. The Department of Natural Resources sent the Summary Report and classification request for interagency review, but in late 1980 the proposal was put on hold so that it can be addressed by the Tanana Area Basin Plan. 2. TOK RIVER BASIN In 1979 the Department of Fish and Game, in response to public opinion in the Tok area, requested that land in the the Tok River Basin be classified as Wildlife Habitat. DFLWM gave public notice of the proposed classi- fication at which time the Tok Chamber of Commerce, Tetlin Village Council and Tok Fish and Game Advisory Board voiced their support of the classification. The Director of the Department of Land and Water and Forests concurred with the classification action and sent the request to the Commis- sioner, at which time it was decided that the classifica- tion should wait until the Tanana Basin Area Plan was under way. The Department of Fish and Game wrote a report in support of the Tok River classification. The report addresses population, economic considerations, wildlife values, nonconsumptive recreation, timber harvesting, min- ing, management objectives and procedures, and it includes a legal description of the area proposed for wildlife habi- tat. 2-7 3. LAKE MINCHUMINA In August 1979, the Lake Minchumina Homeowners Association sent the Department of Natural Resources a for- mal classification request based on a Land Use Plan for the Lake Minchumina Area. The community identified nearby lands for wildlife habitat, watershed, public recreation, forestry, greenbelts and dispersed open-to-entry disposal classification. The community wrote a narrative justifying their proposal. The proposal went through in-house and inter- agency review and public notice. The DFLWM supported the classifications and felt that the proposal had generated "a general scheme for dealing with state lands tht both the public and the district can support". The District sent the proposal to the Commissioner at which time the request was put on hold pending the Tanana Basin Area Plan. 4. Y ANERT-REVINE CREEK AREA COMMUNITY LAND USE PLAN In December 1979, the communities in the Yanert- Revine Creek area submitted a land use plan for lands adja- cent to their community to the Department of Natural Resources. The plan was "the result of efforts of the entire community" and was developed over a period of three months during which time the community conducted three public meetings. The plan designated specific areas for disposals, recreation, and wildlife habitat, and included management guidelines for buffers, density of settlement and public easements. The plan did not include any formal classification requests, so it was not processed by the Division of Land and Water. However, the cover letter from the community stated that "We, as a community, strongly urge the Division of Forests, Land and Water Management to consider this proposal and adopt it as its guidelines for land disposals in this area." 5. LOWER TANANA-MANLEY HOT SPRINGS AREA The Forestry Section of DFLWM in response to a proposal from Northland Wood, requested that certain lands along the major river drainages between Nenana and Manley Hot Springs be classified for forestry. The proposal included a land use plan that discussed the following topics: location, criteria for the recommendation, access, vegetation, timber resources, soils, wildlife and fish habitat, recreation, current use, reasons for state selec- tion of the lands, adjacent land uses, benefit to the public, expected impact of forest classification, proposed management guidelines, and justification for requested class if icat ion. 2-8 The request was sent for interagency review at which time it was decided that the classification was pre- mature since other resource potentials of the land had not been assessed fully. 6. COMMUNITY STRATEGY PLANS Tanana Chiefs Conference has worked extensively over the past several years with most Village Councils in the Doyon Region to develop Community Strategy Plans. Strategy Plans identify goals and objectives for each community. Most goals and objectives address social ser- vices. However, there is a section in each strategy plan that identifies land use concerns and priorities for each area. 7. INTERIOR VILLAGE ASSOCIATION PLANNING PROJECT Interior Village Association, an organization based in Fairbanks, which specializes in helping village corporations do corporate planning, is currently working with Manley Hot Springs and Tanana to develop corpot::"ate plans for the village's lands. These plans should be done by September. At that time, the village corporations will begin doing feasibility studies on the pt::"ojects they iden- tified in their plan. IVA is also encouraging other Village Corporations to do similar plans. 8. BEAN RIDGE CORPORATION CLASSIFICATION REQUEST Bean Ridge Native Corporation of Manley Hot Springs on October 15, 1982, requested the state to clas- sify lands surrounding Manley Hot Springs as wildlife habi- tat. Bean Ridge feels it is critical to protect habitat lands in the Manley area, since the land is used for sub- sistence by residents of Manley, Minto, Tanana, Nenana and Rampart and sport hunters from residents of other areas. 9. UPPER TANANA LAND USE PLAN The Upper rently working on a Upper Tanana region. ated efforts of all in the area. Tanana Development Corporation is cur- community and land use plan for the The plan will be based on a coordin- local governments and interest groups The Upper Tanana Development Corporation hopes to have some information from their planning effort avail- able in time to be used in the Tanana Basin Area planning process. 2-9 10. LOWER TANANA LAND USE PLAN Tanana Chiefs Conference is currently working with the village councils, city councils and village cor- porations of Minto, Manley, Tanana and Nenana on a set of classification requests for state land in the lower Tanana River basin. Classification requests are for forestry, minerals, and fish and wildlife habitat. Also included in the plan is a description of areas that should be off limits to disposals, and lands where some settlement might be acceptable. This effort should be completed in time to be used in the Tanana Basin Area planning process. 11. LAND BANK NOMINATIONS The states land disposal program allows the public to nominate lands that they would like to see sold to the public. During September 1982, DNR received 7 different nominations for land in the Tanana Basin that should be sold. The decision on these requests was deferred to the Tanana Basin Area Plan for planning team review. B. Tanana Basin Public Meetings Nat Goodhue, the Tanana Basin Planning Team member from the Alaska State Department of Natural Resources, Division of Parks is responsible for incorporating recreation concerns into the planning process. After attending several of the public meetings and reading the meeting notes, he listed the following local opinions for each community in the Basin: ANDERSON Traditional traplines, access and ski trails are valuable land uses and should be protected. Green spaces that are not going to be developed are needed between disposals, including farms. Land disposals should enable development of profitable commercial recreation enterprises such as ski lodges. CANTWELL Opinion was polarized: 11 no more parks in this area ... versus 11 unique areas should be protected,. or 11 the state does not belong in the recreation business,. versus 11 pave the Denali Highway because this will encourage tourism ... Popular trails should be recognized by providing a greenbelt between trails and disposals. Moderate setbacks to allow for public use along rivers should suffice. 2-10 DOT LAKE Consider public value of state retention of land. Classifying it Wildlife Habitat will protect recreation needs of people. Public recreation classification draws too much attention to i~ resulting in degradation from concentrated use. Put in buffer zones between private lands. Disposals should not be located in trapping areas because trapping furbearers depends on the protection of an area not just a linear trail. Furthermore, trap lines are ruined when they are used as an access route to land disposals. Interest was expressed in the recreation value of Craig Lake and careful scrutiny of area between Johnson and Robertson Rivers. HEALY Leave the land the way it is and recreational needs such as dog sledding, snowmobiling, hunting and fishing will be met. Public access and trails through disposals should be insured. Areas of particular concern are the Yanert Valley, Eight Mile Lake, trumpeter swan nesting sites and caribou habitat. MANLEY HOT SPRINGS Local residents use a lot of land around Manley for recreation -subsistence purposes, and have an extensive sled dog trail system and trapping area. There is sentiment against these lands being over-run by people from outside the area. State should create rights of way for trails to avert violence ("Don't tread here or your dog will be crippled for life.") Continued trapping opportunities depend on an area not just a single line through the woods. Minto Flats should be left alone. MENTASTA LAKE Hunting is the major concern; also there are problems with people on traplines. Every village needs an adequate area for their hunting which should not be sold but retained as habitat. Streams in general and the Tok and Slana Rivers in particular are valuable areas. Public use of native lands should be by permission only. 2-11 MINTO Perpetuation of traditional lifestyle is dependent on extensive, uninter~upted hunting , fishing and trapping areas and trails which are "all over the land." Intrusions such as hunters and trappers coming by road, boat and plane from outside the village and the planned road from Murphy Dome to the Chatanika threaten their lifestyle. Areas which should be protected include the Minto Flats, Chatanika Valley and ridgelines to Dunbar, Murphy Dome, Wickersham Dome~ and the Sawtooths. NENANA Greatest interest is in trail dependent recreation: snowmobiling, cross-country skiing, and dog mushing. Recreation values can be perpetuated through combina- tions of multiple use designations and dedication of public easements. Trails should be insured through farmland to other private property and to re~reation use areas. Separate trails should be provided for motorized and non- motorized trail users. Buffers and setbacks should be provided along rivers. NORTHWAY Subsistence activities including moose hunting trapping and berry picking are the main concern. Canoeing and hiking are compatible with subsistence but anything which attracts outsiders is not. Everything within the Northway area is used for sub- sistence with special mention of the area around Paradise Hills. TANACROSS Interest was expressed in perpetuation and expansion of a permanant sled dog trail system. If the state will commit the land to sled dog trail use, local residents will brush it. Tok Hills are impor- tant for caribou. 2-12 TANANA Interest exists in trails for dog mushing and snow- mobiling and cabins to facilitate canoeing, horseback riding etc. Dependence -of 66% of residents on subsistence hunting and trapping activities means they would like to see the "land left alone" for a considerable radius around the village. Interest was expressed in opening up historic mail trails and a new trail along but separate from the Tofty/Manley road. TETLIN They like to see wild country and want to be able to live the Indian way 100 years from now. Midway Lake and the trail to Chicken and Dawson were identified as important for subsistence activities. TOK Dog mushing, trapping, hunting and fishing are impor- tant recreation activities. Interest was also expressed in a ski hill providing something to do in winter and in access to recreation opportunities by means of boat launching sites and airstrips. Recommendations were made for buffers along water bodies (a few hundred yards wide) around agricultural disposals and along easements in disposals. FAIRBANKS State's role should be to perpetuate some of the finest recreation opportunities in the world which are found in the Tanana Basin. High interest in trails because lots of recreation involves movement from one place to another. Reasons for living in the Basin are space and freedom that is close to horne. Keep it that way with buffer zones around town and natural areas near cities which have educa- tional as well as recreational value. Consider future population increases and economic values of recreation in land use plan. 2-13 State should retain lands for dispersed recreation experiences; private enterprise can provide for winter sports resorts, ski areas and cabins. Preference for reserves for a variety of recreation uses over the more restrictive State Park System designations and management was expressed. Existing access routes and additional public access to lakes and rivers and into and through sub- divisions, remote and agricultural disposals should be set aside. Individual parcels should not straddle public access routes because of interference with private use of the parcels. Rivers and creeks should be protected with 300 foot greenbelts. Greenbelts for trails should be wide e·nough to provide adequate buffers between trail users and abutting property owners and to accommodate separate trails for incompatible activities. Interest was expressed in trails north and south of Chena Hot Springs Road with 1000 feet wide greenbelts either side of trails and around water bodies. 2-14 Chapter3 Demand for the Resource -- ~ I. INTRODUCTION This chapter discusses the current and projected level of demand for general recreation (not including hunting and fishing) in the Tanana River Basin for 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995 and 2000. The first part of this chapter provides a brief over- view of this type of recreation in the Tanana Basin. The second part of this chapter discusses the method used to evaluate the current and projected level of demand for recreation The last part of the paper presents the results of the analysis. These results represent the best estimate of demand currently available. Although the estimates are not abso- lutely precise, they do represent an order-of-magnitude estimate, which is useful for the evaluation of general recreation in the Basin. II. CURRENT AND PROJECTED USE A. Methods In this section, current and projected demand for general recreation in the Basin is estimated for residents and tourists to Alaska. The current and future demand for recreation in the Basin was estimated by approximating the total number of user days spent by Alaskans and non- residents recreating on State land. First the number of occasions residents and tourists in the Basin spent in certain types of recreational activity were estimated. These current levels of activity were then increased on a per capita basis to project the increase in demand for the years 1985, 1990, 1995 and 2000. Information on the particular sites where residents are recreating is not available. For this reason, demand for general recreation is calculated for the Basin as a whole, not for specific sites. Residents' current level of recreational activity was estimated from the results of a statistical survey done in 1979 by the Division of Parks (Alaska Outdoor Recreation Plan, ADNR, 1981). This survey has general information on the average number of 11 0cca- sions11 each adult participates in certain recreational activities. "Occasions," when translated into user days, provides an estimate of the total user days per year spent by residents in the Basin. The average leng_th of each recreational occasion was estimated from a recreational survey that was done in 1979 by the Bureau of Land Management for the Denali Highway. This survey determined that the average length of a recrea- tional trip in that area was 1. 2 days. Due to a lack 3-1 of information on the number of user days per trip in the Basin as a whole, the Denali Highway estimate was used in this report to estimate the level of recreation demand in the rest of the Basin. This assumption probably overestimates the amount of time spent by residents in the Basin because the ave:rage length of an "occasion" may be less than 1.2 days since many trips are close to home. Also, it overestimates the amount o~ time spent by residents since it does not account for the time they spend recreating outside the Basin bound- aries. However, there was no data availabl~ concerning the amount of time which other Alaskans spend in the Basin; people from Anchorage, the Susitna area and elsewhere also recreate in the Basin. Therefore, although the figure may overestimate the time spent by residents, it greatly under- estimates the time spent by people from the largest popula- tion center. Consequently, the assumption of 1.2 days per occasion was considered to be the best estimate available. The current level of recreational demand served as the basis for projecting demand in the years 1985, 1990, 1995, and 2000. Projected demand was calculated by increasing current demand on a per capita basis. The estimated popu- lation increase in the Basin was taken from the Tanana Basin Socioeconomic Paper (ADNR, 1982). The analysis assumes that residents in the future will have the same demand for general recreation per capita which they do today. An estimate of the average number of days spent by out of state visitors in general recreation on State land was made in two steps. First, the total number of days per year which tourists spend in the area was estimated from the results of a study done by Louis Berger and Associates on tourism in the Tanana Basin (Working Paper on Tourism, Interior Transportation Study, Louis Berger and Associates, 1982). This study estimated the total user days spent in the Interior by tourists who take tour packages or are independent highway travelers, fly and drive visitors, and recreational vehicle renters. Not all of the visitor days that tourists spend in the Basin can be attributed to state lands. Tourists often never set foot on state land, but focus their visit on the communities in the Basin and Denali Park. For example, tourists who take a tour package spend most of their time in Fairbanks, driving the Parks Highway and visiting Denali National Park. The following assumptions were made about the percentage of total visitor days that should be attributed to State lands. 3-2 Travel Method Tour Packages Independent Highway Fly-Drive Visitors RV Renters Percentage of Days Attributable to State Land 0% 40% 30% 40% Visitor days for state lands were calculated by multi- plying this percentage by the total visitor days in each category (Step 2). The current level of use calculated in this process then served as the basis for projecting demand for the years 1985, 1990, 1995 and 2000. Projected demand was calculated by increasing 1980-81 current demand figures by the same percentage by which visitor days increased over the last 10 years. The trend in tourism over the last 10 years was found in the "W::>rking Paper on Tourism" (Louis Berger and Associates, 1982). B. Results 1. Residents a. Current demand According to the Alaska Public Survey, 88% of Tanana Basin residents feel recreational opportunities are very important in Interior Alaska. Recreational opportunities are the second most frequently given reason by Interior residents for why they came to live in the Tan~na Basin, and why they stay. Alaskans on the average engage in recreational activi- ties 5 times more than residents of other states in the u.s. (Alaska Outdoor Recreation Plan, 1981). Calculations based on the Alaska Public Survey indicate that the average resident of the.Basin spends 1.5 days each week involved in some type of land-based recreational activity. Residents ·spend a total of approximately 4.2 million days each year involved in general recreation (see Table 1 for details). The most popular winter activity in the Basin is snow- mobiling, with the average adult spending approximately 1.9 days a month in this activity. 1 Closely following lrt is assumed that residents participate in winter recre- ational activities 7 months of the year, and summer activ- ities, 5 months of the year. 3-3 snowmobiling in popularity is cross country skiing with the average adult spending 1.7 days per month in this activity. The most popular summer recreational activity is motorboat ing with the average resident. spending about 2. 6 days each month in the activity. This is followed in popu- larity by driving a motorcycle or some other ORV with resi- dents spending 1.9 days each month in this activity. Tent camping closely follows in popularity~ with residents spending 1.8 days a month camping.l Table 1 summarizes the estimated total user days in the Basin for various types of recreation ac~ivity. b. Projected demand By 1985 there will be approximately 5.3 million user days spent in the Tanana Basin by residents engaged in general recreation activity. By the year 2000 there will be approximately 7. 5 million user days. These estimates are based on population projections contained in the Tanana Basin socioeconomic report (ADNR, 1982). Table 3-2 shows the basis for these estimates and projected user days for 1990 and 1995. 2. Tourists a. Current demand Tourists spent a total of approximately 258,500 user days in Interior Alaska during the 1980-81 tourist season involved in general recreation activity on state land. This estimate was based on the assumptions outlined in the methods section on the percentage of total visitor days that can be attributed to state lands. Out of a total of 776,500 user days spent in the Basin (tour packages-- 129,500 days; independent highway travelers--630,000 days; fly-drive travelers--3 ,000 days; recreational vehicle renters--14,000 days) 258,500 of these user days or 33% of an average visitor's stay is spent in activities associated with state land. b. Projected demand There will be approximately 438 thousand user days spent by tourists in Interior Alaska on state land by 1985. Byh the year 2000 there will be approximately 2.1 million user days. These projections are based on the assumption that the number of user days will increase 170% lit is assumed that residents participate recreational activities 7 months of the year, activities, 5 months of the year. 3·4 in winter and summer ' _1 -~ "' --- :3 TABLE3-1 CURRENT GENERAL RECREATION USER DAYS PER YEAR ALL BASIN RESIDENTS OCCASIONS USER DAYS TOTAL USER ACTIVIlY PER RESIDENT 1 PER RESIDENT 2 DAYS IN BASIN 3 Motorboating 11 13.2 792,000 Snowmobile/Other Winter ORV 11.2 13.44 806,400 Cross Country Skiing 10 12 720,000 Motorcycle/Other Summer ORV 8.1 9.72 583,200 Tent camping 7.6 9.12 547,200 Hiking with a Pack 4.2 5.04 302,400 Kayak/Canoe 3.4 4.08 244,800 Alpine Skiing .8 .96 57,600 Horseback Riding 1.0 1.2 72,000 Other Inland Activities 2.4 2.88 172,800 TOTAL 59.70 71.64 4,298,400 lAlaska Public Survey Exhibit 27 (Alaska Outdoor Recreation Plan, DNR, Division of Parks, 1981). In this analysis it is assumed that the pattern of recreational activity of children is the same as adults~ 21.2 user days per occasion is used, based on the Denali Highway Study (Off Road Vehicle Use and Its Impact on Soils and Vegetation on Bureau of Land Management Lands Along the Denali Highway, Alaska: A Report on the 1975 Outdoor Recreation Survey, University of Alaska Agricultural Experiment Station, 1976). 3Basin population and user days per resident. The population of the Basin is currently 60,000 people (Tanana Basin Socioeconomic Report, DNR-DRD, 1982). 3-5 ~ ~ TABLE3-2 PROJECTED RESIDENT USER DAYS FOR GENERAL RECREATION PROJECTED POTENTIAL POPULATION TOTAL OF TANANA USER DAYS BASIN USER DAYS/ IN BASIN YEAR (fHOUSANDS)1 ADULT2 (MILLIONS) 1985 75 71.6 5.3 1990 85 71.6 6.0 1995 95 71.6 6.8 2000 105 71.6 7.5 1see Tanana Basin Socioeconomic Report (ADNR, 1982). 2see Table 4-1. YEAR 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 TABLE3-3 PROJECTED USER DAYS FROM TOURISTS IN 1985, 1990, 1995 AND 2000 PERCENTAGE INCREASE OVER 1980USER DAYS 1 170 340 510 680 TOTAL USER DAYS (fHOUSANDS)2 258 438 745 1267 2154 1170% for each 5-year period. :~ ~ ~ ~--~ -2veYc,e-n"tage-increase times 258 (current user days) divided by 100. Source: Working Paper on Tourism, Louis Berger and Associates, 1982. 3-6 j every 5 years. This is the same rate of growth that has occurred in tourism over the last 8 years. Between 1973 and 1980 tourism grew 279%, or 34% per year, or 170% every 5 years {Tourism Working Paper, Louis Berger and Associates, 1982). Table 3-3 shows how these estimates were calculated along with the projected visitor days for 1990 and 1995. Ill. CONCLUSIONS There are currently a total of almost 4.5 million user days spent on state land in the Tanana Basin on recreational activities {Residents--4.2 million and Tourists--258 ,000). This current demand for recreation is likely to increase as population increases in the Basin, and as Alaska becomes a better-known vacation stop for out-of-state residents. By the year 2000, there will be roughly 9.6 million days of recreational activity on state land. This increase in user days is likely to put pressure on existing recreation facilities in the Basin and increase the use of areas that currently receive only moderate use. 3-7 1_, ~' l -, -·--i l _j l " __j l J ..J Chapter4 Supply of the Resource ., j I. INTRODUCTION This chapter discusses the supply of land for recrea- tion in the Basin. It estimates the amount of land of dif- ferent quality which is available in the area for support- ing recreational activities. Summaries of the various recreational resources in the Basin have been made by planning unit. These units have no significance in themselves but are used strictly for con- venience in inventorying the resources; it was felt that acreage summaries could be more useful if done by smaller units rather than for the Basin as a whole. II. PHYSICAL CAP ABILITY OF THE TANANA BASIN FOR RECREATION This section of Chapter 4 is divided into two parts: (1) criteria used to produce the maps of physical capabil- ity, and (2) a summary of the various recreational sites in the Basin by planning unit. A. Criteria Used to Produee the Maps of Physieal Capability. · The process used to develop a capability map for recreational areas in the Basin had two steps. The first step was to identify all sites in the Basin that have rec- reational values. The second step was to attach a relative value to each of these sites, so that the more important and critical areas were highlighted. The first step in mapping recreation in the Tanana Basin was to identify specific areas with significant rec- reational values. The various recreational uses that were considered when identifying sites were as follows: Trails: Waterways: Large Areas: Small sites: ORV use, horses, backpacking, cross country skiing, dog mushing, snow- machining. Motorboating, rafting, kayaking, canoe- ing. Backpacking, camping, mountain climbing ORV use, dog sledding, cross country skiing, wildlife viewing, berry picking, snowmachining. Boat launches, campgrounds, waysides, historic and archeological sites, sites with unique geological, ecological or other values; points of access. 4-1 Other items that were considered in the mapping process were prominent landscape features and scenic views. This map, and the accompanying narrative, was developed by Nat Goodhue, the planning team member from the Division of Parks and was based on the following sources of information. 1. The Tanana Basin Land Use Atlas --This atlas, published as a part of the Tanana Basin Area Planning process in 1982, includes an inventory of backcountry areas, trails, waterways and sites less than 160 acres (historic and archeo- logical sites, highway turnouts, and access points to trails, rivers and backcountry) currently used for the following activities: Cross country skiing, dog sledding, hiking, horseback riding, bicycling, four wheel drive vehicles, off road vehicles, motorcycling, snowmachining, boating, mountain climbing and wildlife viewing. 2. State Department of Natural Resources, Division of Parks Public Interest Land identification and classification request files. 3. Consultation with state park personnel. 4. Interviews with local residents. The inventory map which was based on these sources was then used to rank the various recreation sites which have high, medium or low value. The following criteria were used to determine these different values. 4-2 CRITERIA Existing Use (Intensity of existing use in identified site). Location in relation to population centers (Pro- vides for recreational experiences within certain travel time away from residences). Irreplaceable nature of site. HIGH Area currently receives inten- sive use; or moderate use that is likely to become intensive in the short term (by 1985) • Easily acces- sible and with- in 1 hour travel of com- munities (boat or vehicle not airplane). Natural or cul- tural feature or recreation opportunity provided by site is or will be irreplace- able in the next 15 to 20 years. RANKING MODERATE Area receives moderate use which is likely to stay same over the short term (by 19 8 5) ; or low use that is likely to be,come moderate use in the short term (by 1985). Moderately accessible (road, trail or water access existing or proposed within 5 miles of site) with same travel dis- tances as in high category. OR Easily accessible and further than 1 hour travel from commu- nity. OR Difficult access within 1 hour travel distance.) Recreation opportunity provided by site not irre-, placeable in short term, but will be 20 years from now. LOW Area receives a low level of use which is not likely to change over the short term (by 1985). Difficult access (road, travel or water access greater than 5 miles from site). Greater than 1 hour travel distance from population center. Recreation opportunity pro- vided by site is abundant and not irreplaceable. : = ~ ~ = ~ = Economrc =var,ue ~---Hi-gn--~po-ten~t_i_a_l~ --.---Moa-eraEe ~pot e-n------t-ow--po-tential--------- of Site for for tourism. tial for for tourism. Tourism. tourism. 4-3 _I --' These four criteria were chosen for several reasons. The existing use of an area was used to rank sites since the current level of recreation activity is a direct indication of the popularity of the sites. The location of a site in relation to population centers was based on the results of the Alaska State Outdoor Recreation Plan (ADNR, DOP, 1982). It was determined in this plan that residents in Interior Alaska highly value recreation opportunities close to where they live. To account for sites that are inaccessible, and do not currently receive heavy use, but nevertheless are extremely unique and valu- able, the last criterion was developed. Sites of this type usually are highly valuable because they are irreplaceable. A check list for each of the four considerations listed above was filled out for each site. The final rank- ing given to the site was then based on the highest ranking of the four criteria. For example, if a river is ranked high in the existing use category, but low in all three other criteria, the final ranking of the site is high. All sites, regardless of whether they were a campground, river, or mountain climbing area were ranked in this manner. The map developed using these criteria provides a starting point for team members to develop a map that shows the ·actions the state should take to protect the recrea- tional resources in the Basin (see Chapter 7). The map in this section indicates both the high priority areas and the areas that have a less pressing need of protection. B. Summary of Recreational Sites in The Tanana Basin The following summary shows how the Division of Parks applied the criteria discussed in the methods section to sites identified on the inventory map to determine whether the site was of high, medium or low value. Includ- ed for each site is the final ranking it received for existing use, location, the irreplaceable nature and eco- nomic value of the site. The map identifying the specific location of the recreational sites included in the following summary is on file at the Department of Natural Resources in Fairbanks. Also included with the map is background information about the various recreational values and uses of the site. ~----------------------------------------------- 4-4 EXa.USIOHS FROM TANANA AREA PLAN ~ 01..., Stolt Pion• ~ F....,ol or .. 111..., Lor>d ~iii§ NoiiYe Rt..,.,ollcoo· ........ J l., ,,j .J l .... J N.C.A. ( ;: ' -·--' / ·-\ j RIVERS PRESERVE ' J ·, WRANGELl· n ELIAS NAT'l. PARK II PII£SE.RVE 4-6 -, Reference Rank-Manage- Unit Number Name of Site ing ment --UNIT3 A 058 Tan an a River L 623 -, c 049 Manley Hot Springs Road H 621 050 Manley Hot Springs M 601 066 Manley Hot Springs Trail H 622 221 Sawtooth Mountains Tr a i 1 H 622 243 Wolverine Creek Site t4 423 325 Tanana-Woodchopper Tr a i 1 L 622 326 Bean Ridge L 622 327 Roughtop Mountain L 622 328 Wolverine Creek L 622 D 048 Sawtooth Mountains L 601 065 Dugan Hi 11 s Tra i 1 M 622 239 Hutlinana Hot Springs_ H -425 ' 240 Baker Creek Recreation Site H 415 329 Eureka Dog Mushing Trails M 424 330 Hutlitakwa Tr a i 1 M 424 ., 331 Hutlitakwa Creek Trail L 622 -"' UNIT4 ' A 032 Tolovana River H 417 035 Tolovana Hot Springs Dome H 425 333 Minto-Livengood Tr a i l L 622 334 Tolovana Hot Springs Trail M 424 '"" B 016 Deadman Lake Access M 415 C1 009 Chatanika River H 417 028 Lake Within Island H 425 030 Minto Lakes M 610 _ _;; 064 Dunbar to Brooks Terminal Tr. M 622 068 Fairbanks to Gibbon Ra.ad M 622 114 Alaska Railroad H 621 188 Nenana -01 d Minto Tra i 1 M 622 332 Old-New Minto Tr a i 1 M 424 335 Minto Lakes Tra i 1 M 424 -:: ~ C2 164 Tatalina River M 623 394 Washington Creek Tra i 1 L 622 'i D 156 Wickersham Dome H 460 ---' 157 Dalton Highway Greenbelt M 621 159 Tolovana Campground H 460 =~-~ ~ = -= ~ = ~ = ~ ~ ~ 161 Snoshoe Pass Campground H 460 4-7 .Unit UNIT4 D E UNITS A _j Reference Number 264 265 309 155 163 245 353 010 045 046 052 057 072 073 074 076 078 080 091 092 112 115 132 133 200 235 236 246 247 248 281 319 337 344 345 351 356 357 358 Name of Site Brown Lake Tatalina River Access Wickersham Burn White Mountain Access Rank· ing M M M H Amy Dome Livengood Livengood M Gold Mining Camps M Archaeological Dist. M Parks Highway June Creek Healy Campground Stampede Road Trail Nenana River Rex to Bonnifield Trail Rex to Bonnifield Alt. Healy to Rex Trail Nenana Foothills Trail Rex to Nenana Trail Toklat River to Lake Minchumina Trail Rex Yanert River Bear Creek Panguingue Creek Historic Dry Creek Historic Site Otto Lake Historic Site Kobe Little Panguingue Slate Creeks Trail 8 Mile Lake Trails Suntrana Mine Safety Car Panorama Mountain Landmark Dry Creek Ridge Trail Carlo Creek Archaeological Nenana Canyon Anderson Ski Area Carlo Creek Trail Carlo-Yanert Trail Moose Creek Archaeological Healy Access Site Denali Park River Access McKinley Village Access 4-8 M M M M M M H H M L H M H H Site H H H H H M M L M SiteM M M M M SiteM H H Manage- ment 415 423 425 424 421 440 422 621 415 423 622 417 622 622 622 424 424 622 415 623 415 413 413 413 416 416 424 440 425 424 422 425 421 424 424 422 415 415 415 -. Reference Rank-Manage- Unit Number Name of Site ing ment 'l --- UNITS ' B 051 Rex Dome Area L 601 145 Denali Highway H 621 -' 237 Reindeer Hill M 421 249 Jonesville Bridge Access H 415 346 Wells Creek Access M 415 347 Jack River Trail M 424 359 Wells Creek Trail 424 -, ---' UNIT-6 -, 352 Cantwell Trails L 435 ----- "l UNIT7 -" A1 021 Totatlanika River Trail L 622 l 250 W::>od River H 623 251 Gold King Trailhead M 624 .J 252 Japan Hills Trail M 424 267 Nenana Dog Mushing Area M 421 A2 349 Blair Lakes Trails L 622 B 071 Bonnifield-Trail M 622 _j 075 Liberty Bell and Daniels M 622 201 Rex Dome M 425 338 Walker Dome M 421 339 Healy Creek Trail L 622 _. c 340 Dean Creek Trail M 424 341 Yanert Trail M 424 342 Moose Creek Trail M 424 343 Revine Creek Trail M 424 D 199 Mt. Hayes, Hess, Deborah M 425 -"' 350 Dry Creek Trail L 622 j 367 Black Rapids Trail M 424 -----------· _. UNITS ._._.j A 230 WAMCATS Historic Trail H 416 253 Volkmar River M 417 254 Shaw Creek M 424 ~~--~~~~~--~~~--382 Shaw Creek Trail M 424 4-9 --~ Unit UNITS A B c UNIT9 A B Reference Number 384 385 386 300 381 383 387 255 256 379 380 089 142 372 054 093 103 104 109 126 141 143 198 205 231 257 258 261 373 375 376 378 Name of Site Volkmar River Trail Goodpaster Trail Black Mountain Trail Healy River Billy Creek Trail Healy River Trail George Trails Fish-WJlf Lakes Waterway Lake Mansfield Access Mansfield Trail Mansfield-Dot Lake Trail Robertson Lakes Alaska Highway Knob Ridge Trail Old Tetlin Trail Tok River Eagle Trail Mt. Neuberger Little Tok River Tanana River Access Taylor Highway Glenn Highway Tok Greenbelt Tok River Rec. Site Clearwater-Yerrick Trail Mentasta Mountains Mentasta Lake Mineral Lake Sheep Creek Trail Mineral Lakes Trail Tetlin Lakes Trail Tanacross Trails Rank- ing M L L M L L L M M M M H H M H· M H M H H M H H H H M M M M M M M ~------------------·-------- UNIT 10 A 105 119 148 242 392 Panorama Peak St. Trail H Monte Lake M Robertson River M Macomb Plateau St. Trail H Robertson River Spruce Forest M 4-10 Manage- ment 424 622 622 623 622 622 622 623 423 622 622 414 621 424 424 623 424 421 623 415 621 621 435 416 421 423 421 424 424 622 622 416 423 623 416 425 Reference Rank-Manage- Unit Number Name of Site ing ment ' UNIT IO , B 113 Forrest Lake M 423 260 East Alaska Range M 610 374 To k River Trails L 622 UNIT II -, A 223 Nabesna River f4 623 232 Chi sana River H 623 23 3 Island Lake flj 415 234 Paradise Hi 11 t4 415 26 2 Cheneathda Hi l 1 Tra i l M 424 377 Ba 1 1 Point Trail M 424 B 206 Ea g 1 e Tra i 1 Re c. Site H -" ---------· ··----- -.. UNIT I2 A 006 Murphy Dome Ridge Tra i I H 424 007 Murphy Dome H 421 008 Murphy Dome s k; H 440 027 Chatanika Ridge Trail t4 424 209 Lower Chatanika Rec Site H ~ 297 Elliot Highway 1'1 621 336 Chatanika Canyon H 425 393 Murphy Shovel Trail H 622 c-; IH 174 Goldstream to Murphy Dome H 424 Greenbelts 175 Cache Creek-Left Fork Tr. H 424 17 6 Linco-ln Creek Tr a i l H 424 B2 226 Goldstream Access f4 415 C1 011 Goldstream Valley Greenbelt H 436 097 Nenana Ridge M . 415 ~ 298 Bonanza Creek Stratigraphic A M 425 314 Bonanza Creek Ex p. Forest t~ 425 _j C2 173 North Nenana Tra i l H 01 113 Bonanza Forest Tra i 1 H 424 1)2 107 Nenana Community Park M 432 = --= = ----= ---- ----~ ~ E 002 Fairbanks Crescent H 436 012 Ester Dome H 601 4-11 Unit UNIT12 E j F G Reference Number 013 015 124 19 2 227 266 268 307 311 023 070 160 207 270 271 003 017 024 135 136 139 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 190 191 202 228 272 273 274 275 276 277 -.., 278 ~-- - - -.. ---. -. .. . 305 308 Name of Site Ester Dome Ski Ester Community Trails Dunbar Trail Equinox Trail Ester Dome Nugget Trail Ester Gold Mining Camps Aqueduct Trail Ester Dome Mining Recovery Ester Tailings Chena Slough Fairbanks 100 Mile Loop Tr. Tanana Valley Overlook Chena Lakes Cripple Creek-Rosie Creek Tanana River Access at Bonanza Rank- ing H H M H M M M M M M H H H H M Chena River H Pedro Dome H Davidson Ditch H Fairbanks Public Reserve H Heritage Park H Tanana Valley Railroad H Spinach Creek Trail H Dome Spur H Moose Creek H Moose Ridge H O'Conner Creek H Airfield Ridge H Eldorado Creek H Eldorado Ridge H Silver Creek Trail H Fox Ridge Trail H Skyline Trail H Jeff Studdert Dog Mushing Tr. H Skarland Ski Trail H Chena River Recreation Site H Noyes Slough L Fox Gold Mining Camp M Big Dipper H Birch Hill H Creamers Dairy Wildlife Refuge H Ski Boot Hill Expansion H Musk Ox Public Reserve H Pearl Creek School Park H Spinach Creek Res. Watershed M Ballaine Lake Aquatic Study A. M 4-12 Manage- ment 440 434 424 435 424 440 434 425 425 435 435 415 414 434 423 436 425/413 416/413 433 433 435 435 435 435 435 435 435 435 435 435 435 435 435 435 436 435 440 432 432 610 440 431 431 425 425 Unit ~ UNIT 12 G H '1 I J K Reference Number 312 165 279 280 282 283 284 005 152 158 211 285 286 287 288 289 153 208 212 213 214 216 217 218 219 222 304 391 149 1 51 196 220 229 Name of Site Fox Tailings Rank- ing M East Fairbanks Reserve H Potlatch Ponds Public Reserve H Little Chena River M Chena Lakes Trail M 23 Mile Slough Trails H Chena Trail Camp M Chena-Gilmore Trails H Fairbanks-Circle Corridor H Steese Highway Greenbelt H DOT Trail 73c M Iowa Creek Trail M Anaconda Creek Trail M Colorado Creek Trail M Governer's Cup North Tr. M Chatanika Gold Dredge H Mt. Ryan Ridge Trail M Chatanika Rec. Site H DOT Trail 303 (Old Chatanika M Freight Trail) DOT Trail 286 (Moose Creek) M DOT Trail 262 (Nome Creek) H DOT Trail 297 (Fairbanks Cr.) M DOT Trail 288 L DOT Trail 293 (Faith Creek) L DOT Trail 294 (Montana Creek) L Haystack Mountain Trail M Caribou-Poker Creeks Research M Watershed Cripple Creek Trail M Far Mountain Trail M Chena Dome Trail H Mt. Ryan M DOT Trail 203 (North Fork M Valley Trail) West Fork Ridge Trail H 4-13 Manage- ment 425 433 623 435 423 433 424 416/622 621 622 622 622 622 424 440 424 405 424 622 622 622 622 622 622 424/622 425 424 424 416 423 622 416 -- Reference Rank-Manage- Unit Number Name of Site ing ment UNIT 12 . l' K 290 Middle Fork Chena River M 417 291 Jenny M. Trail M 424 L 004 Grange Hall Access Site M 1 241 Chen a Hot Springs ~'linter Tr. H 416 M 020 Chena Dome M 425 -~ 313 Granite Tors H 425 N 026 Salcha River Water Trail M 623 150 Chena Sunny H 440 " 197 Far Mountain M 421 292 Salcha Caribou Trail M 622 388 Salcha Trails M 622 -~ 389 Middle Fork Chena Trail M 424 390 West Fork Valley Trail M 622 d -, 0 000 Eielson p 000 Wainwright "" --- UNIT 13 ::> 039 Black Rapids M 415 085 Delta River Corridor H 417/416 -• 123 Fielding, Summit Lakes H 414 125 Tangle Lakes H 460 144 Richardson Highway H 621 147 Canwell Glacier H 421 293 Tangle Lakes Archaeological H 460 Site 294 Tangle Lake Access H 460 302 Gulkana Glacier H 421 ~ 303 Black Rapids Glacier M 425 368 Sugarloaf Mountain Trail M 424 -ii 369 Gulkana-Canwell Trail H 424 370 Castner Glacier Trail H 424 371 Robertson River Trail M 424 ,. 4-14 1 1 , 1 _j l 1 _, _j ) J ' J l J n w 1 l ChapterS Benefit-Cost Analysis .....:;.·--= = = = = = = = =-= =-=---~--=~----~-~---------------- I. INTRODUCTION This chapter discusses the relative economic value of managing state land for general recreation in the Tanana River Basin. It is part of a study of the economic value of managing state land for six different resources: settlement, fish and game, forestry, agriculture, mineral development and general recreation. Each of the resources is examined separately first and then combinations (due to multiple use) will be discussed in a separate paper. The first part discusses both the method used to evaluate the economics of all the resources and the specific application of this method to general recreation. The second part of the paper presents the results of the analysis. Due to lack of data on specific locations of general recreation activities only part of the economic analysis methods could be applied. Only net benefits to state, income and employment effects could be estimated for general recreation. The results of this analysis represent the best estimates currently .available. Although they are not precise, they do indicate an order-of-magnitude estimate and the method is significantly more detailed than any previous evaluation of general recreation activities to the economy of the Basin. 5-1 PART 1. METHODS I. General Approach to Eeononlie Analysis Before discussing in detail the method used to evalu- ate recreation some background is necessary on the general approach to the consistent evaluation of all of the land management alternatives and the reasons for examining the economic value of these alternatives. There are three basic reasons for examining economic value. First, economic information complements the physi- cal information presented in Chapter 3 of this report and gives perspective on both what is happening now in the Basin and what the potential is. Secondly, economic data supply important information concerning the profitability of resource development; if a resource cannot be developed profitably, it probably will not have a lasting effect on the economy. Finally, because two objectives of the state government are economic development and diversification, economic information is needed to make decisions which may benefit the economy. The economic value of a resource has several mean- ings. Economists define economic value as the worth of an item or activity to society. This value can be measured in monetary prices in the market place or it can be non- monetary. In the case of a business, its economic value can be measured in a relatively straight-forward way, in the form of a financial analysis of the profitability of the enterprise. In other cases, such as recreation or hunting activities, there are economic values to the soci- ety which are not measured directly in monetary terms, but are imputed. in people's behavior and spending patterns. Economic analysis attempts to measure people's values, or the worth they place on different things, in terms of their behavior. It assumes that if people cherish some- thing their economic behavior will reflect this, and thus their behavior can be used to indicate the worth which the people attach to something. In this respect, economic analysis is analogous to an attitude survey which attempts to measure people's values. For example, a view of Mt. McKinley may be considered a priceless experience. However, many people place a great deal of worth on this experience and expectedly, this worth is reflected in their economic behavior: the prices of homes with a good view of Mt. McKinley are significantly higher than those without such a view. Thus, the differ- ~ ___________ ence _ in the_ value of these homes compared _to others __ of = similar quality can indicate the minimum worth which people at tach to the view. If the view were obstructed by some development, the property value decreases significantly. 5-2 A. EVALUATION TECHNIQUES There are two common methods available for determining the economic effects of public policy decisions. The first is referred to as cost-effectivenss and the second is benefit-cost analysis. Cost-effectiveness is simply a method for finding the least cost alternative for meeting a single objective. For example, if the objective is to improve public health there may be several alternative ways to meet this: more hospi- tals, better health instruct ion in schools, etc. Each approach would be casted out and the least cost alternative would be chosen. Unfortunately, this method is not of use in choosing between objectives. If there is not enough money to meet all objectives, then choices between objec- tives will have to be made and this method will not be of assistance. For this purpose, benefit-cost analysis has long been the preferred approach. Engineers in the 1930's, common to all types of 1950's, it was adapted and is now used by most investment decisions. First developed by the Corps of the method has become increasingly public policy decisions. In the to private sector decision-making of the major corporations to make It is not a panacea, but it does provide a systematic approach and there is extensive literature which documents the ways in which benefit-cost analysis has been used to examine a vast variety of public policy questions. There- fore the benefit-cost approach is used in this report. B. BENEFIT-COST ANALYSIS APPLIED TQ LAND MANAGEMENT. ALTERNATIVES The approach used below determines net benefits (bene- fits minus costs) of each of six alternative ways to manage land (mineral development, recreation, agriculture, fish and game, settlement and forestry). Each of these alterna- tives is examined separately at this stage, and combina- tions will be discussed during the next phase (Alternative Development) in order to evaluate the benefits of multiple use. First it is necessary to define who gains and who loses from a particular land management alternative. Three groups are generally identified: producers, consumers and government. Producers are those who provide goods and/or services for a monetary return. Consumers purchase these ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~go.o~dos_ and .. services. The government .often. incurs a. cost for . ..c-· any land management approach and this is often offset by revenues received from user fees. For each of these three groups, it is necessary to know what their situation is now and what the effect of a change in land management policy would have. 5-3 ., -, =~ ~ --= ~ ~ ~ .J For example, recreational users are receiving some benefit from the use of state land. What effect would a decrease in the amount of state land open to recreation have on these "consumers"? Likewise, what would be the effect on local sawmills of an increase in the state's allowable cut? Also, how much would it cost the state to increase the amount of land disposals and what would be the return to producers and consumers of doing so? Benefit- cost analysis attempts to answer such questions. The results of the analysis are ·aggregated over a period of 20 years. This period of time was used for three reasons. First, the time horizon of the plan is twenty years. Secondly, forecasting for a period beyond 20 years is very speculative and thirdly, the operation of the time value of money renders cash flows after 20 years insignifi- cant. For example, $1000 received 40 years from now is worth only $22 today at a discount rate of 10%. The net benefits of any action must be discounted to arrive at their present value. The need to discount the net benefits arises from the fact that a dollar received several years from· now is not worth as much as a dollar received today. Before the dollars received in different years can be added together, they must be converted to today's dollars by discounting. This process is similar to converting measurements in yards and feet, into inches before adding them together. The discount rate is generally set at the interest rate on borrowed funds. For this study, a discount rate of 10% was used which is the average interest rate charged on agricultural loans. Because it is important to be consis- tent, this rate was also used for the other resource evaluations. Each major step of the analysis is described below. Producers, consumers and the state government are examined separately first and then the results are totaled. 1. Net Benefits to Producers First it is necessary to define who the producers are. In this study, they are defined as those who expect to make a financial return on the use of a resource. For many resources, more than one product may be involved, in which case the producers of each product are examined separately first and then the results are summed. For example, there are producers of lumber and producers of fuelwood. The profits of each are examined separately and _then the results _are summed. 5-4 1 For each type of producer, net benefits are measured as profits.l The profits of an operation, such as a saw- mill or farm, are measured in purely monetary terms.· The first step in the analysis, is to determine if the resource development is financially feasible. If the development has been taking place for many years, this step is very straig):'ltforward: what are the estimated profits of the venture right now and what is the capacity for expansion? If, however, there is no current operation or if the development is expected to expand beyond current capacity, then a detailed financial feasibility analysis must be done to determine if the venture would be financially profitable. For example, if local sawmills have been turning a profit for many years, they can be assumed to be feasible. The next step is to determine the likely timber supply if all available forest land were managed for timber. If the sawmills can already handle this increase in supply, then it is simply necessary to estimate profits. If they could not handle the supply, then it would be necessary to do a financial analysis of the expected costs and revenues to a new sawmill. A brief summary of the financial analysis required for each resource is given below: Settlement is unique as the purchase of a homesite is assumed to be "financially feasible". It is assumed that a person would not buy a parcel for more than its financial value to him. With forestry, preliminary estimates indicated that current capacity is likely to be able to handle the fore- seeable increase in timber supply and therefore no detailed financial feasibility analysis was necessary. Only current and projected profits of existing operations were used. With fish and game, the producers were defined as those whose ~principal" objective was financial return (guides, commercial fishermen, and trappers). These ventures are expected to be able to handle the foreseeable supply and therefore no detailed financial feasibility analysis was necessary. Only current and projected profits of existing operations were used. , lThe analysis is complicated by the fact that a producer _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ __ ~ ~ ~ _m..a_y: also be .. con t rib uti n_g__t_~_h.e._e_c_o.num.¥--b¥-s_u_cb_thin_g_s_as__ d hiring people who may otherwise be unemployed. Due to limited time and data, these opportunity costs were not evaluated in this ·study. 5-5 ...... - - - ---- - - --- In mineral development, some types of minerals may be developed or expanded and a preliminary financial feasibil- ity analysis was performed to estimate the likely returns to this industry. With agriculture, the Delta farming area is now oper- ating so it is assumed to be feasible for present opera- tors. Other areas in the Basin may not be feasible so it was necessary to perform a detailed financial feasibility analysis. For recreation, there is currently no large group of producers dependent on state land for recreational enter- prises. There is some interest in commercial alpine skiing ventures, and a preliminary examination of the financial feasibility of this type of venture has been included. 2. Net Benefits to Consumers Consumers also stand to gain or lose due to changes in public policy. Consumers are defined in this study as those who purchase goods, services or "experiences" (as in the case of hunting or recreation). Benefits to consumers arise from two factors: 1) a decrease in the price of a good or an experience and 2) an increase in the quantity available of the good or of the experience. As in the analysis of producers, it is necessary to determine the status quo and/or potential and then the effect of a change in policy on consumers. The benefit to consumers is an increase in the welfare or standard of living of the State's citizens (benefits and costs to non-Alaskans have not been counted in this analy- sis since state policies are generally aimed at only the citizens of this state). If a state policy changes either the price of a good or experience or the quantity avail- able, then the welfare of the consumers is affected. The analysis of consumers' net bene£ its requires an understanding of the demand curve for a resource. As an example, consider the market for fuel wood in Fairbanks. You may find someone who would be willing to pay $120 per cord for a few cords because it is that valuable to them. Someone else might pay up to $110 per cord for a few cords, but if the pice went any higher, they would burn another fuel. Yet another person would consider $90 their upper limit. If you could find each of these people and graph their maximum willingness to pay against the cumulative number of cords they would buy, the curve might look like the one shown in Figure 1. If the supply were 20,000 cords, then all of the people who would pay $70 or more --would have pur-chased-wood. The-person who considered the wood to be worth only $69 per cord would not buy wood until the supply expanded and the price fell to what she considered the wood to be worth. 5-6 The most difficult aspect of the analysis of the bene- fit to consumers is to estimate the demand curve. Ideally, information could be obtained in different people's willingness-to-pay {their upper limit) and this would be graphed against the quantity of the good or experience which they purchase. However, in many cases this informa- tion is not available. Willingness to pay information is generally obtained from one of two sources: {1) through direct questions in a statistical survey and { 2) indirectly through records on how much people actually paid for different quantities.! No accurate survey of the willingness-to-pay was available for any of the resources. However, it was possible to estimate the willingness-to-pay for hunting. in the Basin through analysis of fish and game records. For the other resources, a less desireable but neces- sary substitute was used, called replacement cost. This technique assumes that people would be willing to pay an amount equal to the cost of the next best alternative. For example, if no firewood were available, people may have to switch to fuel oil and the cost of an equivalent amount of heat in the form of oil could be used as a proxy for the willingness-to-pay. This technique is less than ideal for two major reasons. First, it will underestimate what some people would be willing to pay. Someone may want to burn wood for aesthetic reasons and they will pay a lot for this pleas- use. The willingness-to-pay approach should reflect the lifestyle or aesthetic values which people obtain from a resource. The replacement · cost method assumes that only financial reasons are involved in the value consumers place on an activity or item, and is therefore a less desireable approach. Secondly, the replacement cost value is not accurate for those who would not switch to the assumed alternative but who would use some other replacement. Therefore, the replacement cost is not a precise estimate of the true benefit to consumers {which is represented by triangle ABC in Figure 2). However, it is often the only alternative short of a detailed and expensive survey and it has been used· in this study to estimate the benefits to consumers for each resource except fish and game {which had adequate data available to use the willingness-to-pay approach). !This occurs only when people pay different amounts to ---------obt-a-in the same good, service or experience-,-a-s in-the case of hunting or recreation when non-residents generally pay ~ much more to enjoy the same experience which Alaskans can enjoy everyday. 5-7 ._'"! ---, ,..;; -~ Dollars 10,000 20,000 CORDS Figure 1. De~nand Curve for Fuelwood The shaded area i~ Figure 1 represents the value to each of the consumers. The person who was willing to pay $120/cord has gotten a bargain because she only had to pay $70. The same is true for the person who would have paid $110 and the one who would have paid $90 •. The one who would have paid only $70,. however, must consider the deal just marginal; there is no "surplus" for him as he ~aid just what he thought it was worth. If the "surplus" for each individual who was willing to pay more were added together, the total value would be equal to the area of the triangle ABC shown in Figure 2. This shaded area determines the net benefit to the consumers. 120 110 90 Dollars 70 .r 10,000 20,000 Figure 2. Hypothetical ConsUJDer Benefits froiD Fuelwood 5-8 CORDS 3. Net Benefits to the State · The net benefit (or net cost) to the state was also estimated in order to give decision-makers an indication of what it costs the state, if anything, to provide beneftts to producers and consumers. The net return to the state from the land disposal program, for example, is determined from the revenues obtained from the sale of land less the costs of adminis- tering the program and surveying the land. If the costs of a program exceeded the revenues to the state, then the decision maker should examine the total net benefits or costs (the sum of net benefits to producers, consumers and the state) to determine if the program has a positive effect overall. C. OTHER IMPORTANT INDICATORS OF ECONOMIC EFFECTS Although benefit-cost analysis is the most thorough single method available for determining the benefits and costs to society, it does not cover all of the important economic effects which decision-makers need to consider in allocating land to different uses. Other important meas- ures of the economic impact of resource use are also evalu- ated in this study in order to give a more complete picture of the contribution of each resource to the economy. I. Income Effects Income effects are an important measure of the impact of a particular industry on the economy. These effects are important for the economic development of a region, which in many cases is an objective for the management of a resource. Therefore, these effects have been estimated for each resource. 2. Employment Effects Another concern of many decision-makers is the effect on employment of a change in pol icy. Estimates of these effects are therefore included in the evaluation of each resource. ------------------------------------------3~--Nef-FiSCaJ.-EHCCfSOD[Oi~&l GOVernment Although this study focuses on the benefits and costs to Alaskan consumers and producers, the effects of state decisions are also felt by local governments. Increases or decreases in tax revenue to local governments, balanced against changes in costs due to t.he policy·, give ari ·Iridic<i-~­ tion of the net fiscal effects to local governments. 5-9 4. External Costs and Benefits External benefits and costs are defined here as those social, environmental and economic effects which are not quantifiable but which are very important to decision- making. No analysis is ever truly complete in documenting every possible effect and evaluating each of them in some standard unit of measurement. This inadequacy is nowhere more evident than in the evaluation of external costs and benefits. These include the effects which even the most sophisticated analysis cannot quantify with ease. Yet they are as important, if not even more important, than the effects which are more easily quantified. This study includes qualitative discussions of some of the possible effects of resource use which must be consid- ered by decision-makers in determining land use alloca- tions. These discussions are inevitably inadequate because the effects cannot be measured in dollar terms and there- fore it is not possible to indicate their magnitude rela- tive to the effects discussed earlier. Also, it is not possible to predict all of the possible external effects of resource use. However, we have attempted to document what some of the possible non-quantifiable social, environmental and economic benefits and costs may be for each resource and we hope that this serves at a minimum to indicate the impor- tance of these considerations. 5-10 II. APPLICATION OF THIS METHOD TO GENERAL RECREATION A. CURRENT NET BENEFITS General recreation is defined here as those activities which require a natural setting and which do not involve hunting, trapping or fishing. These activities include backpacking, cross-country skiing, boating, snowmachining, mountain climbing, dog sledding, horseback riding and use of off-road vehicles (ORV's). Recreational uses of land are compatible with other uses such as forestry or fish and wildlife habitat. In this chapter, however each resource is examined sepa- rately. At a later stage the effects of combined uses will be calculated to show the cumulative effect of multiple land use in Alaska. 1. Net Benefits to Producers In this analysis it is assumed that the majority of general recreational producers, such as tour operators, are not dependent on state land for their revenues. Although there are groups which offer tours of Fairbanks and the highway and railbelt areas, these operators do not depend upon state land. Therefore, an analysis of producers is not included in this report. The benefits of Tanana Basin recreation are mainly to people employed indirectly as a result of recreational activities on state land (such as sport shop and cafe owners). These benefits are discussed under· income and employment effects. 2. Net Benefits to Consumers As discussed in the general approach section, the benefits of recreation to consumers are best estimated in terms of the difference between what people would be willing to pay for a recreational experience and what they actually pay. However, several pieces of information which are necessary for this approach are not available. To estimate consumer benefits of general recreation, it is necessary to have the following information: 1) The origin(by community) of the consumers; 2) The destinations of these people (as site- specific as possible); 3) The cost of travel, food, lodging and equipment to ~ach person1 and 4) The number of user days spent on the trip. 5-11 Information on origins and destinations is lacking. Since the origin and destination information is essential to the analysis, it was not possible to estimate the bene- fits to consumers. 3. Net Benefits to the State The cost to the State of managing general recreational land was estimated from current operations in the North Central District of the Division of Parks. This was done by adding together ·a small percentage of the . Division's overall planning budget and a large percentage of the oper- ating budget of the Division's North Central District Office. 4. Income Effects Each year, th~ residents of the Basin and other Alaska residents and tourists spend thousands of dollars on equip- ment, travel and lodging for recreational purposes. This spending contributes to the local economy in two ways: (1) it has the direct effect of boosting the revenues of sport shops, lodges, gasoline stations, etc., (2) it has an indirect effect which occurs when these establishments buy materials or services locally. To estimate income effects, it was assumed that expenditures on general recreational activities represent income to the trade sector of the economy. This income then served as the basis for estimating indirect income. The multiplier that is used to determine indirect income to the trade sector is 1.69 (Logsdon, et al., 1977). This means that for every dollar spent in sport shops, and cafes; another sixty-nine cents is spent in Alaska by the owners of these establishments. The direct revenues, multiplied by this factor gives an order-of- magnitude indication of the contribution which general recreation makes to the economy. Not all of these expenditures on general recreation, however can be attributed to state land. Much of the income effect is due to recreation which occurs on private, borough or federal land. Also, many of the expenditures may occur outside the Basin or even outside the state. Therefore, the income effect reported here represents only a rough estimate of the importance of recreation to the regional economy and cannot be attributed only to State land. 5-12 5. Net Employment Effects To provide a rough estimate of the employment effects of recreation, the labor/output ratio of the trade sector was used. it is estimated that there are 45 man-years in this sector for every million dollars of income (Logsdon, et al., 1977). Thus, if recreationists spend one million dollars largely to businesses in the trade sector, then · almost 45 man years of employment can be attributed to this spending. (Although these ratios date back to 1972, it is felt that the trade sector has not changed significantly since then.) In turn for every 100 jobs in the trade sector, there are roughly 10 jobs in other industries (Logsdon et al., 1977). Thus, the direct jobs were multiplied by 1.1 to obtain a rough approximation of total man-years due to expenditures made by general recreationists in the Basin. 6. Net Fiscal Effects on Local Governments The types of general recreation activities discussed here which occur on state lands are unlikely to have a significant direct fiscal effect on local governments since no tax revenue is generated and few if any services are required of local governments. 7. External B~nefits and Costs The social and environmental benefits and costs of outdoor recreation cannot be_ estimated precisely. These effects vary from individual to individual. A few of these possible external effects are mentioned in this analysis. B. POTENTIAL NET BENEFITS I. Potential Costs to the State It is difficult to estimate the cost to the state of new recreational management responsibilities for two major reasons. First, the cost to the state of managing for recreation is not directly tied to population increases. Second, the future cost to the State of managing land for recreation is subject to how much land the state manages. For these reasons no estimate of the potential cost to the State is given in this analysis. 2. Potential Income Effects Potential income benefits to the economy from recrea- tion were estimated for the years 1985, 1990, 1995 and :::~~~~~-~~--~2-0~o-o-:~~~TfiTs-was-done by using t~popuTat~ion projections------- 5-13 found in the Tanana Basin Socioeconomic Report (ADNR, 1982). The current income figure determined previously in this report were increased by the same percentage as the increase in the population of the Basin between 1980 and 1985, 1990, 1995 and 2000. The resulting potential income effects of recreation as estimated in this analysis is a rough approximation, since it is based on the assumption that in the future there will be no change in spending pattern of residents for recreational equipment, travel, choice of recreational activities, nor in the cost of equipment, travel, food or lodging. At present no better assumption is available. Potential income effects from tourists were also estimated for 1985, 1990, 199 5, and 2000, and added to resident income effects. This was estimated by increasing the 1980 income from tourists by 170% every 5 years.l 3. Potential Employment Effects As in current employment estimates, potential employ- ment was based on the potential income effects as calcu- lated in the previous section. Total mean years of work that are generated in the Basin due to recreational spending was calculated by assuming that every million dollars of direct spending produces 45 man years of work (Logsdon et al., 1977) s In turn, for every 100 jobs that are created from direct spending, there are another 10 indirect jobs created in the Basin (Logsdon et al., 1977). PART2.RESULTS 1. Recreation in the Basin Residents in Alaska participate in outdoor recreation- al activities almost five times as much as residents of other states in the United States. 2 Much of the general recreation in the Basin occurs on State land, and basin residents spend a total of approximately 4. 2 million user days every year on general recreation. This comes to approximately 71.6 user days per resident. (See Chapter 4 on Demand and Current Use for details on recreation a~tivity in the Basin.) !Economic Development: Tourism's Vital Role, Alaska V1s1tors Associat1on, 1981. The report states that between 197 3 to 198 0 tourism has increased 279%. This is -: 34% per year increase or a 170% increase every 5 years. ::-------------2XIas-:Ka_o_uE-door-Recreat:1on-P-ran.;--Aras:Ka -D-ivn,-rc,-n--<H--P-arxs-,------------- Department of Natural Resources, 1981. 5-14 A. Current ·Net Benefits to Producers As explained in Section II, this part of the analysis was not applicable, since there are very few, if. any, producers who are dependent solely on state land. (The income effects for local businesses, however are given later. ) B. Current Net Benefit to Consumers As explained in Section II, there was not enough in format ion available to estimate the benefit to consumers that result from recreational activities on state land in the Basin. C. Current Net Benefits to the State The State currently manages land for general recrea- tion in the Tanana Basin. The Division of Parks has an office in Fairbanks that maintains and polices designated recreation areas in the Bas in, and also has a planning staff that spends some of its time addressing recreational concerns in the Basin. In calendar year 1981, the state expenditures on salaries, equipment and travel to adm~nister and plan for general recreation in the Basin was approximately 590,000 dollarsl {D. Snarski and N. Goodhue, Division of Parks, Alaska Department of Natural Resources, personal communi- cation, Oct~ 1982). During this time the state received no revenues from general recreation on state land in the Basin from permit or other fees. The net cost to the state from recreation in the Basin is therefore approximately 590,000 dollars. If this expenditure continues every year for the next 20 years, the State • s direct cost of managing land ·for recreation would be $5 million dollars {at a discount rate of 10%). lAlaska Outdoor Recreation Plan, Alaska Division of Parks, Department of Natural Resources, 1981. 3--- -- --- - - - - - - - - - - -------------------------------------------------~ ----------------------------·---------- -~ ----~----------------,------~- 5-15 D. Current Income Effects As explained previously in Part 1, Section II, current income can be estimated by calculating the total amount of money spent in the Basin by Alaskans and non-residents for general recreation. Residents in the Basin spend approximately 17 million dollars every year on recreation. This means that the average resident in the Basin spends approximately $28 3/year on equipment, travel and food and lodging (see Appendix A for details). Total direct expenditures by both residents and tour- ists for recreation is approximately 27 million dollars; including 17 million from residents and 10 million from t.ourists (see Appendix A). Total indirect income from general recreation in the Basin was calculated by multiplying this total expenditure by 1. 69. This results in a total direct and indirect income to the Basin from general recreation of 46 million dollars. This income however, should not be attributed entirely to state land since much of the general recrea- tional activity in the Basin occurs on non-state lands. E. Employment Effects According to Logsdon, the labor to output ratio for the trade sector is 45 person years for every million dollars of revenue. Using this ratio the total number of direct jobs in the Basin as a result of recreation is approximately 1,240 man-years. There are a total of about 1360 indirect and direct jobs in the Basin that result from general recreation on state land. This was calculated by using an employment multiplier of 1.10. F. Net Fiscal Effects on Local Governments General recreation has no direct fiscal effect on local governments. 5-16. G. External Benefits and Costs The principal external benefits of general (non-hunting and fishing) recreation are· psychological. Recreation provides residents in the Basin with an opportunity to have unique and diverse experiences in a natural setting. Residents seem to value these opportunities highly, as is indicated by their high participation rates in general recreational activities. The reasons for participation in these activities vary from individual to individual. The following is a list of reasons voiced by participants for their involvement, and indicate the nature of some of these external psychological benefits from recreation, and the percentage of residents in the Interior who cite each reason for their involvement. TABLES-I IMPORTANT REASONS FOR PARTICIPATION IN FAVORITE RECREATION ACTIVITIFS REASONS 1. Getting away from usual demands of life 2. Being close to nature 3. Being with friends and family 4. Keeping physically fit s. Doing something exciting 6. Experiencing new and different things 7. Experiencing more elbow room 8. Testing your abilities 9. Developing skills and abilities 10. Gaining self-confidence 11. Being in control of things 12. Identifyin~ with Alaska heritage 13. Being alone INTERIOR 90% 79% 82% 81% 79% 79% 78% 75% 73% 75% 69% 51% 48% Source: Alaska State Outdoor Recreation Plan, ADNR, Division of Parks, 1981. -......------- - - - - - --------------------------~-~------------------------------------------------------------------------~-----------------_, 5-17 Closely related to these external psychological benefits, is the contribution that recreation makes to the overall quality of life in the Basin. Residents often say that having diverse recreation opportunities within a day's drive of their home is one of the major reasons they live in the Basin. Ill. POTENTIAL NET BENEFITS As explained in Sect ion II above, the potential net benefits from recreation for producers, consumers and the state, were not calculated. The only potential benefit calculated in this analysis is income and employment •. A. POTENTIAL INCOME EFFECTS The potential net income effect to the State from recreation on State land in 1985 is roughly 64 million dollars and in the year 2000, about 190 million dollars (see Table 5~2). The table also includes income estimates for 1990 and 1995. As discussed in the methods section, these estimates assume that the principal factor affecting future recrea- tional spending is population growth. No adjustments were made for changes in recreational patterns, prices or supply. Therefore, these results should be used to indi- cate only a very rough estimate of potential income effects in 1982 dollars. B. POTENTIAL EMPLOYMENT EFFECTS The potential number of jobs in the Basin by 1985 that are a result of general recreation spending is approxi- mately 1900. By the year 2000, the total number of jobs is likely to increase to 5600 jobs. Table 5-3 gives estimates of the number of jobs that are likely to be generated from recreational spending every 5 years to the year 2000. PART 3. CONCLUSIONS As shown in Table 5-4, the total present net benefits of general recreation in the Basin for producers and consumers was not determined due to data limitations. Net benefits to the State, income and employment effects were calculated however. --=---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- o:..i 5-18 Cfl .... cc , .. ) ,J L ~ , J L 'J \_ '' ,,L, l ' ~ ,) TABLE 5-2 POTENTIAl. INCOME EFFECTS FROM RECREATION IN 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000 Potential Potential % Direct Direct Total Increase in Income Income Direct Population 1980 Income in Millions in Millions Income 1980 Projected Over 1980 in Millions of Dollars of Dollars in Millions Population Population Population of Dollars from Residents from Non-of Dollars YEAR (thousands) (thousands)! (b/a) from Residents2 (cxd) Res1dents3 (e+f) (a) ------rEi> (c) (d) (e) (f) (9) 1980 60 17 17 10 27 1985 60 75 125 17 21 17 38 1990 60 85 142 17 24 29 53 1995 60 95 158 17 27 49 76 2000 60 105 175 17 30 83 ll3 ______ I --------------- 1 !Tanana Basin Socioeconomic Paper. 2see Appendix A. 3This is based on the assumption that there is a 170% increase in non-resident recreation every 5 years (see text). 4The mult~plier for the trade sector is 1.69 (Logsdon et al., 1977). 'J J Total Direct and Indirect Income in Millions of Dollars (gxl.69)4 (h) 46 64 90 128 190 ~ N Q L ,I .J .:,J/ I I I Y1EAR ($ I i 1:980 I 1:985 I I I 11990 I I i 11995 I 2:!ooo I I ' i I 1lsee Table 1. Direct '~) ~ ' JJ l ' "J \._ " ' .. i...l TABLE 5-3 POTENTIAL EMPLOYMENT EFFECTS FROM RECREATION FOR 1980 THROUGH 2000 Income 1 Direct Jobs2 Total Jobs Millions) (Man Years) (Direct + Indirect)3 17 1200 1400 38 1700 1900 53 2400 2600 76 3400 3800 113 5100 5600 2:iAssumption used to calculate Direct Jobs is that for every million spent there a1re 45 man months created in the economy (Logsdon et al., 1977). Rounded to I nearest 100. lA 1.10 multiplier was used to get total jobs (Logsdon et al., 1977). The yearly cost to the State to manage recreation in the Tanana Basin is approximately 590,000 dollars. The current contribution of general recreation to the local economy is roughly 46 million dollars, and the potential contribution recreation will make to the local economy by the year 2000 is approximately $190 million. Current employment effects are roughly 1400 jobs, or about 6% of total Basin employment. By the year 2000, employment due directly or indirectly to general recreation may be in the range of 5600 person-years. These current and projected benefits cannot be attributed only to state lands, however, since much of the recreational activity in the Basin occurs on Federal, Borough, and private lands. The external benefits of recreation reside principally in the psychological value people gain from participating in recreation and the contribution recreation makes to the overall quality of life in the Tanana Basin. 5-21 TO CONSUMERS $/YEAR PRESENT VALUE OVER20YRS Resident Not Applicable " ~ Tourist (See Part I, Section llA) u Total Resident "' 00 Tourist ~ Total Resident 0 "' Tourist ~ Total Resident "' "' Tourist ~ Total r--- Resident 0 0 Tourist 0 N Total ~ I ' l, TO PRODUCERS $/YEAR PRESENT VALUE OVER20YRS Insufficient Information to Complete Analysis (See Part I, Section liB) Not Possible to Calculate (See Part 2, Section A) • .J .J '-' ' j TABLE 5-4 NET BENEFITS NET RETURN TOTAL TO THE STATE (f) (lj PRESENT VALUE $/YEAR PRESENT VALUE $/YEAR OVER20YRS OVER20YRS -----590,000 -5,000,000 ---- ---- ---- ---- DIRECT& NET INDIRECT DIRECT& FISCAL VALUE INCOME INDIRECT EFFECTS EXTERNAL PER EFFECTS EMPLOYMENT ON LOCAL COSTS ACRE MILLIONS EFFECTS GOVERNMENTS AND OF BENEFITS PERSON (f) $/ACRE $/YEAR YEARS $/YEAR 29 841 Psychological --17 495 quality of 0 life 46 1336 beneiits. 35 1039 --29 842 0 64 1881 41 1188 --49 1435 0 90 2623 45 1335 --83 2425 0 128 3762 50 1485 --140 4108 0 190 5593 n _j n l.J L.-' c n u n u D D D c D c r: 6----------------·----- Chapter& Demand vs. Supply , INTRODUCTION A quantitative comparison of supply and dernana for recreation as a resource is not available at this time. The demand assessment (Chapter 3) was based on user days by activities rather than by estimates of acreage required to support demand. Supply areas (Chapter 4) were given a high, medium or low ranking based on their existing use, proximity to population centers, the irreplaceable nature of the site and the site's economic value for tourism. No estimate was made of the number or types of users for a given site or area. Therefore it is not possible to correlate supply and demand information at this point. 6-1 1 i j _j l J 9 1 ! _j [} 0 D c n ...... LJ .. - - Chapter7 Recommendations I. STATEWIDE GOALS AND THEIR IMPLICATIONS FOR RECREATION MANAGEMENT IN THE TANANA BASIN A. Introduction The Statewide Natural Resources Plan is the broadest of the plans developed by the Department of Natural Resources. It provides the context for the area plans, such as the Tanana Area Plan, by setting forth goals and objectives for each resource. The Statewide Plan is used in formulating ADNR's budget and setting inventory and planning priorities. 1. Provide Easily Accessible Outdoor Recreation Opportunities for Present and Future Generations of Alaska Residents. A high proportion of outdoor recreation in the Tanana Basin requires extensive areas which are publicly owned and in which recreation ex peri nces are not degraded by other uses. The highest proportion of outdoor recreation occasions occur close to people's homes. Therefore from a use viewpoint the most critical areas for recreation are within and adjacent to population centers. As communities become increasingly urbanized, people's need for places which enable a contrast in setting as afforded by an accessible and extensive natural environment is increasingly important. Dedication of land for public recreation is necessary to ensure that land is available for present and future generations. In the Tanana ~asi n, this may not necessarily mean that lands wi 11 be placed in the State Park System. While it is important to retain a publicly owned land base for recreation, traditional outdoor activities may not require the additional protection afforded by legislative designation. 2. Provide Easily Accessible Opportunities for Outdoor Enjoyment of Outstanding Natural Areas for Present and Future Generations Outstanding natural areas and features contribute to ttle diversity of the landscape. Where these areas are easily accessible to residents and tourists, they deserve protection through public recreation classification in order to ensure their long term enjoyment. The Tanana Basin exhibits a substantial number of outstanding features which add to recreational variety in the Basin and are worth protecting for future generations. 3. Encourage Appreciation of Alaska's Heritage Resources ~ __________ t.r~as __ ~i_t]l ___ h~r:i_tage value _Rroyi<i_e historj c_<tl _knowledge that ___ can _____ _ ~ contribute significantly to the Tanana Basin's distinctive identity. 7-1 -,-- -' Interior residents recognize their unique cultural heritage which is of interest to interior residents and tourists alike. There are two legislative designations for areas with historic resources and another non-legislative designation recommended for some areas in the Tanana Basin. Additional sites may exist that are not yet i dent ifi ed or protected. Estab 1 i shi ng adequate inventory programs and project planning processes that give early consideration to these resources wi 11 be a high priority. 3. Encourage Outdoor Recreation on Lands Outside the State Parks System This goal is especially important in the Tanana Basin, where recreational needs and desires are often linked to subsistence and other activities not normally pursued within the confines of a state park. Large acreages are needed to rneet interior residents' demand for uses such as trapping, snowmachining, backpacking and hunting. The continued use of many large areas is threatened by land disposals, development of private lands and concurrent loss of access. A prerequisite to non-park recreation is protection of the recreational land base. In Tanana many different types of recreation areas and trails are important to preserve. Th·e proposed designations in this chapter are intended to create a system with, for example one trail leading to another and open spaces to break up urban and resident i a 1 areas in order to create the feeling of open space and recreational opportunities instead of a few scattered recreational sites. · To achieve this goal for the Tanana Basin, it wi 11 ·be important for the Tanana ljasin to keep abreast of people's recreational needs and desires. Encourage implies to make available but what is made available should always be tempered by a reasonable attempt to find out what people have in mind in terms of recreation and providing lands to fulfill those needs first. Also since needs will change it's very important to reserve enough recreation lands and open spaces to be able to use or develop new types of areas or opportunities as recreational patterns change or an increase in population creates nev~ demands in recreational systems. 4. Provide Support and Contribute to Alaska's Tourism Economy One of the reason's people come to Alaska as tourists is to recreate. The unique and varied recreational· opportunities attract many recreationists. An additional attraction is the possibilities for wilderness and backcountry experiences, possible because the state is not yet highly populated. It is important to protect these resources because they provide a source of income for state residents as well as recreational opportunities. The potential revenue by 1985 is $17 million in annual --ar red-fncome -rroln-touriSts-recreat: fng-in the Basin and up fo $83 m-i l1 ion-- annually by the year 2000. 7-2 j ~. For recreation to support and contribute to Alaska's tourism economy recreation land must be recreation opportunities facilities is needed. Conclusion available and accessible. A from wildlands to developed variety of recreation In the Tanana Bas in exists one of the world • s great opportunti es to live in close proximity to Doth the benefits of a developed community and the freedom of a vast and wild hinterland. The {reedom offered by room to roam to heights unsurpassed on the continent, and the shelter of the birch and sp~uce forests and abundant wildlife along the numerous rivers are important reasons for living in and visiting the Tanana Basin. Although the continuing increase of human residents and transfer of· lands from pub 1 i c to private ownerships threatens the freedom of the past, implementation of the recommendations for retention of an extensive and diverse array of land and water areas for public recreation use will enable a cherished lifestyle and attractions for visitors to continue. The recommendations for achieving recreation and tourism goals within the Tanana Basin shall be implemented in the following methods: legislative designation of variety of geographically well di stri Duted and outstanding recreation a 1 and historic resources as units of the State Parks System. Transfer of valuable state-owned recreation areas and greenbelts within communities to municipalities .or local jurisdictions for community and neighborhood recreation area and trails. Private developnent and management of recreation resources such as lodge sites and winter sports resorts which provide recreation opportunities not as effectively provided by public agencies. 7-3 __ , ,_j 0 lJ ' l I ~ 1 =""""""'-- - ----_. Recommendations for how Tanana Basin will Contribute Toward Meeting Goals J II. MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS I. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR DESIGNATIONS 1. Legislatively Designated Inclusions into the State Park SysteJD These lands are identified in the element map as meeting certain criteria and are recommended for inclusion into the State Parks System. The criteria and specific areas recommended for state park status are listed in the following sections by type of state park unit. ·These are as follows: A. State Park B. State Historic Park c. State Historic Site D. State Recreation Area E. State Recreation Site F. State Trail G. State Recreational River H. State Preserve Tb further clarify the intent for management of land and resources within state park units, all lands within each park unit are classified in one or more of the following zones. NaturalZone -Natural zones are established to provide for moderate to low ~ct and dispersed forms of recreation and to act as buffers between recreational development and wilderness zones. These zones are relatively undeveloped and undisturbed, and are managed to maintain high scenic qualities and to provide visitors with opportunities for significant, natural outdoor experiences. An area's natural landscape character is the dominant feature within this zone. Landscape modification may be· allowed to enhance, maintain or protect the natural setting according to the unit management plan. Cultural Zone -Cultural zones are established to preserve, invest1gate, document and interpret Alaska's cultural resources and heritage. Cultural zones are designated to provide crlequate protection of historical, cultural, archaelogical or anthropological resources. These zones may contain a single feature or an assemblage of historic features. 7-4 R~creationalDevelopmentZones -Recreational development zones are estab 11 shed wi thl n the state park system to meet the more intensive recreational needs of the public with convenient and well defined access vi a roads, rail roads, boati ny anchorages, airstrips, and hi gil standard trai Is; ·witll more intensively developed recreational facilities such as campgrounds or ~icnic areas; with guided activities; and with information centers to orient the visitors to the unit•s special features. The landscape within this zone can be modified to suport educational and recreational activities and/or to enhance wildlife habitat and scenic qualities. These zones are established where soils, slope, drainage and vegetation can support more intensive recreational activities. WildernessZones -Wilderness zones are established to promote, to perpetuate and where necessary to restore the wilderness character of the land and i~s specific values of solitude, physical and mental challenge, scientific study, inspiration and primitive ·recreational opportunities. These zones are characterized by the natural landscape, its vegetation and geologic forms. Resource modification can occur in this zone only to resotre areas to a natural state. Natural processes will be allowed to operate freely to the extent that human safety and public and private property are protected. A. STATE PARK 1. Criteria for Recomm.ending a. State Park (SP) A state park is a relatively spacious area possessing outstanding and distinct natural, cultural, scenic and/or scientific values. The dominant management objective of the unit is to maintain the park•s natural and cultural resources for long-term use and enjoyment by the public. A level of recreational opportunities, which is compatible with the unit•s resource values, shall be provided. In most cases, the primary purpose of the state park unit is set forth by the legislature through its enabling legislation and accompanying reports. State parks have statewide or regional significance. State parks should be of sufficient size to insure long-term protection of an area•s primary resource values. The majority of lands in a state park normally will be classified as natural and wilderness zones. Recreational development zones will be strategically located to provide public access to, and enjoyment of, park resources. 2. Sites Identified to be Included ·~ ____________ ~()_ ~ !~~e_ p~ ~~s _ ~~ r:_e i de_n_t] !i_E!_'!_ ~~ t_h~ _I_a_11a_~a ~a~i!:'~ ______________________ _ ~ 7-5 .J 3. Justification The outstanding natural features in the Basin which meet the criteria for "Parks" status are presently under some form of managernent which has or could potentially ~otect the resource for enjoyment by future generations. These include: Mt McKinley or Denali within Denali National Park Dolomite Tbrs within Chena River Recreation Area W1ite Mountains within the National Recreation Area Tangle Lakes· within BLM management Wickersham Dome within BLM management B. STATE HISTORIC PARK 1. Criteria for RecoiDJDendation A state historic park is an area containing an assemblage· of significant historical, cultural, archaeological or anthropological resources from representative eras of Alaska's history or prehistory. The dominant management objective of a state historic park is bo ~eserve and interpret historic resources for Alaskans and visitors to the state • State historic parks possess cultural resources of statewide or regional significance. A unit's size should be capable of ~oviding adequate protection of historical, cultural, archaeological and/or anthropological resources. State historic parks are generally larger, in terms of land area, than state historic sites. In most state historic parks, a majority of the land area will be classified as a cultural zone. Recreational development zones will be designated for the development of visitor support facilities {i.e., parking lots, interpretive centers, and toilets). The natural zone classification may be used for lands whici1 are managed as buffers between the unit's historical or cultural resources and existing or anticipated adjoining land uses. 2. Sites Proposed to be Included The Delta State Historic Park (Rikas Landing) is an example of this category of management. No additional State Historic Parks were recommended in the Tanana Basin. 3. Justification The historic areas in the Basin do not meet the criteria for State Historic Parks in terms of their size and focus. Areas with historic value are recommended for protection either as State Historic Sites or as ~ _______ .. _Histor_ic_S_ites_oot_legislati~ely_designated. ___ . ________ -------------------·---------·--- 7-6 -.i l C. STATE HISTORIC SITE 1. Criteria for RecollliDendations A state historic site is a relatively·small area established and managed to preserve, interpret and/or conmerrorate a structure, object and/or event of historical, cultural, archaelogical or anthropological value which represents an era of Alask's history or prehistory. State historic sites possess a cultural resource of statewide or regional significance. They differ from state historic parks in terms of size and general focus; sites are smaller and focus on single items or events rather than on a complex or assemblage of historic resources. In most state historic lists, a majority of the land area will be classified as a cultural zone. Recreational development zones will be designated for the development of visitors support facilities {i.e., parking lots, interpretive centers, and toilets). The natural zone classification may be used for lands which are rnanag.ed as buffers between the unit's historical or cultural resources and existing or anticipated adjoining land uses. 2. Sites to be Included Davidson Ditch Historic Sites Pedro Dome Historic Sites Dry Creek Historic Site otto Lake Historic Site 3. Managem.ent Guidelines The intent of these areas is to preserve and interpret historic resour~s for Alaskans and visitors. No other resource activities are permitted with the exception of those which are part of the unit's history or which support adaptive reuse and enhance the historical scene. 4. Justification Significant events and landmarks which don't require the preservation of the entire historic setting should be oommernorated through the designation of specific sites of limited size. These sites enrich the lives of residents arrl visitors, and should be actively maintained so as to maximize the educational benefits. ---,----~ ~ ~---------------~ ~--~ ~-----., ~----------~-----~-----~ -~----~-~---~---------------· 7-7 D. STATE RECREATION AREA 1. Criteria for RecoJDJDendations A state recreation area is a relatively spacious unit and possesses a diversity of outdoor recreational opportunities. The dominant management objective of the unit is to ~ovide a maximum level of outdoor recreational opportunity based on the natural values of the unit and its ability to sustain use without significant adverse effects on natural systems. A state recreation area possesses recreational and/or natural resources of statewide or regional significance. A state recreation area represents diverse natural landscapes capable of supporting a wide variety of outdoor activities. The majority of the lands within a state recreation area will be classified as natural and recreational development zones. Cultural zones will be established where app~priate. Only in special cases will any lands be classified as wilderness zones. 2. Sites to be Included .Ebbertson Lakes Island Lake Paradise Hill Lake Minchumina · Yanert Recreation Area Murphy IX>me Fielding, Summit Lakes 3. ManageJDent Guidelines These areas will maintain fish and wildlife population at or above current levels and ~ovide for human use of these resources. Personal firewood cutting is allowed where, with careful planning, it will contribute to enhanced outdoor recreation opportunities. New trails are pennitted and so is habitat enhancement. other resource uses are not permitted. 4. Justification Designation of State Recreation Areas is needed where recreation values are so great that legislation to insure term long protection is merited. Areas for active recreation will satisfy high participation in a number of activities. Reconmended areas are intended to satisfy the current population which participates in activities such as fishing, 7-8 J camping, riverboating, and winter sports nore frequently than the national average, a reflection on the opportunities which attracted people to stay or oome to the basin. Also the distribution and number of recreation areas with long term protection must meet the needs of the projected increase in population. Designation must occur in advance of irretrievable loss to other uses. E. STATE RECREATION SITE 1. Criteria for RecoJDJDendation A state recreation site is a relatively small area that provides one or nore outdoor recreational opportunities. A state recreation site ma.y also be established to provide access to outdoor recreational lands and opportunities rot managed as }?art of the State Park System. Management objectives are site-specific, but generally emphasize recreational use over resource protection. State recreation sites possess recreational resources of statewide or regional significance. 'Ihe unit should be of sufficient size to allow for future expansion of recreational facilities, to provide an adequate buffer to adjoining land uses, and to provide an adequate buffer for the protection of the quality of recreational·opportunities in the unit. Normally, from one-quarter to three-quarters of a state recreation site's land area will be classified as a recreational development zone. Sensitive areas such as wetlands, beaches or streambanks r:ormally will be classified as natural zones. Cultural zones will be identified and established where the presence of historic and archaeological resources is significant enough to warrant this designation. 2. Sites to be Included · Baker Creek Deadman Lake Access Brown Lake June Creek Rex Bear Creek Healy Access Site Denali Park River Access McKinley Village Access Nenana River Access Jonesville Bridge Access ~lls Creek .Access Tanana River Access Goldstream Access Sites Nenana Ridge Tanana Valley ~erlooks -~ -~ ~ ~~ ~, --~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -~· ~ ~ ~ ~ ~&l1aek~-Raf)i€1s~~~--~·~~"~-~--~-·~--.. ~~ ~ ~ ·~ ~ ~~~ ----~~.~~~ ~. ~----~ ~ .~ ~ -·-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -·-~ ~ Grange Hall Access 7-9 "'· ~. :o. 3. ManageJDent GuideUnes Timber cutting and sales are allowed where they will help achieve a management objective such as clearing for recreational facility development or prevention of forest loss from disease or bark beetles. Habitat enhancement is allowed for the purposes of enhancing outdoor recreational opportunities while protecting natural and cultural values. These sites will often promote road access to recreation opportunities. 4. Justifieation Designation of relatively small sites for trailheads, bOat launching sites, campgrounds and rest areas will in many locations provide extensive recreation opportunities in the back country and on the rivers and lakes. Heavy use of these departure and congregating p:>ints requires active management which can be provided within the State Park System. F. STATE TRAIL 1. Criteria for ReeoJDJDendation A state trail is a land and/or water-based linear recreation use oriented corridor which possesses significant recreational, natural, cultural, wilderness a~d/or scenic resource values. The management objective of this unit is to provide for the use and/or protection of recreational, educational, historical, scenic and natural values and opportunities for which the unit was identified and established. State trails are of statewide or regional significance. Where possible, the width of the state trail corridor on land will be from 100 meters to one-half mile on each side of the trail centerline. There will be circumstances, such as easement purchases on ron-state land, where it will be "necessary to establish corridors of less than the desired width. A trail can be established on state land or may be designated in areas where other entities manage the surrounding land. The trail corridor shall be acquired in fee simple public ownership wherever practical and shall be of sufficient width to protect the values and opportunities for which the unit is established. Since state trails are linear corridors, sections of a trail and adjoining lands will be ~ned as necessary to protect the associated resource values. The annunt of land classified per ~ne will vary from trail to trail depending on the nature of resource values present and the desired public use of the trail. ~-----~---- _;; 7-10 l ' l l ) l _J 2. Trails to be Included North Sork Valley Trail Little Panguingue Slate Creeks Trail Kobe Trail Eagle-WNMCATS Historic Trail Clearwater-Yerrick Trail Panorama Peak State Trail Davidson Ditch Chena Dome Trail vest Fork Ridge Trail Chena lbt Springs Winter Trail Fairbanks-circle Corridor Macomb Plateau State Trail Reindeer Mountain Trail White Mountains Access Trail 3. ManageDlent Guidelines Permitted resouree uses are access across trail corridors, habitat enhancement with the exception of pcescribed fire, and removal of fallen trees for firewood. 4. Justification Extraordinarily high participation by Basin reside_nts arrl visitors in trail related recreation opportunities require designation of a diverse trail system. Geographic distribution is needed to serve residents and travellers throughout the basin and crljacent to comnunities arrl major travel routes. Separate trails are needed for incompatible activities in order to e1sure the enjoyment of all users. Designation of some trails as units of the State Park System is warranted to perpetuate the most outstanding trail experiences. G. STATE RECREATIONAL RIVER 1. Criteria for RecoDlDlendation A State Recreation River is a continuous or, where necessary, a discontinuous corridor encompassing a river, or portion of a river, and the associated upland area which possesses significant recreational, natural, cultural. wilderness and/or scenic resource values. The primary management objective of the unit is to pcovide for the use and pcotection of the recreational, educational, historical, aesthetic and natural values and opportunities that are associated with the river and its related upland. State recreation rivers possess recreational, natural and/or cultural resources of statewide or regional significance. Wherever practical, the unit corridor should be from 200 feet to one mile beyond each riverbank, allowing a natural buffer. between the river and crljacent =---------lalif uses~~~~---~~-~~~-~=--~ ~T---~~~-----~-,------~ -------~ -~=---~ ·-=-------------~~-~------------------~ ~ ~~--------- 7-11 Since state recreation rivers are linear corridors, sections of the rivers and adjoining uplands will be zoned as necessary to protect the associated p.Iblic use and resource values. 'file percent:,ages of land classified per zone are variable depending upon the resources present and the desired public use of the river. 2. Rivers to be Included Chatanika River Nenana River Volkmar River Middle Fork Chena River Delta River Salcha River Goodpaster River ~. Managem.ent Guidelines In addition to recreational uses, this category intends to maintain fish and wildlife populations at or above current levels and provide for human use of those populations. Timber cutting is allowed where it will achieve a management objective such as clearing for recreational facility developnent, habitat enhancement, or prevention of loss of forest from disease. Other forms of habitat enhancement are permitted including prescribed fire. 'Ihe aorridor is recomnended to be roadless except that new rights-of-way and utility corridors are permitted at designated crossings.· Trails are permitted. 4. Justification Recreational use of interior Alaskan waterways has always been an imp::>rt~nt part of interior Alaskan life. In certain waterways the quality of the recreation experience can be seriously degraded by siltation. The most outstanding and vulnerable waterways therefore require single purpose management as part of the State Park System. Some waterways should be managed for the primary purpose of enabling participation in outdoor recreation activities in a natural setting. waterways selected for state recreation rivers should possess high scenic values and be reasonably accessible. H. STATE PRESERVE 1. Criteria for Recom.m.endation• A state ~eserve is an area having outstanding biological, paleontological, geological or ecological values of scientific or educational interest. The primary management of the units is resource protection. The purpose of these units is to provide for applied research, basic research, and/or outdoor envirorunental education. A state preset::<J_e_has_ a ~rB.sour_c.e __ oc_r_eso_ur_ces _of _st_atewidB __ oc _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _________ _ regional significance. The unit should be of adequate size to provide protection of the natural feature(s) for which it is established. 7-12 J The natural zone will be the primary land use zone within a state preserve, thus helping to guarantee protection of the unit's resource values. If there are cultural values associated with the preserve, a cultural zone will be established to protect ·these values. Wilderness wnes may also be designated to help insure a high level of land arrl resource protection. Recreational development zones will only be used to allow the provision of scientific or educational support facilities. 2. Sites to be Included No areas within the Tanana Basin are recomnended for inclusion in this category. 3. Justification As exploration by scientists occurs, sites needing this degree of protection by the state may be identified. Ibwever, at this p:>int m areas meeting the above criteria have been identified. D. OTHER STATE MANAGED AREAS WHERE RECREATIONAL VALUE MUST BE PROTECTED Most areas identified in the Recreational Element that are mt recommended for inclusion in the State Park System are recommended for recreation use in one of several categories. The following categories include areas of regional significance which are recommended for public retention and management by the state: A. Public Recreation Reserve B. Historic Site C. Public Recreation Site D. Public Recreation Trail Corridor E. Natural Feature F. Multiple Use Area A. PUBUC RECREATION RESERVES 1. Criteria for RecoiDID.endations Public recreation reserve status is recommended for areas is which recreation use and values are pararrount but where public preferences and resource capability allow a variety of other compatible uses. The high recreation values require a degree of protection afforded by gubernatorial designation or p..Iblic recreation classification. 7-13 ., ... 2. Areas to be Included Moosehart Mountain Kobe Wlale Lake Amy D:>me Reindeer Hill Wilker D:>me Mt. Neuberger Mentasta Mountains Mineral Lake Castner Glacier Mt. Ryan Far M:>untain Canwell Glacier Gulkana Glacier 3. Manage~nent Guidelines Personal use timbercutting and material sales are allowed where they will not detract from and may enhance recreational opportunties. r~nerals are subject to leasehold location. Leasing is also open for comnercial use of land where it contributes· to recreational opportunities. Habitat enhancement is allowed. New row, utility corridors and trails are permit~ed. 4. Justification A high proportion of outdoor recreation in the Tanana Basin requires extensive areas whidl are publicly owned, and in whidl recreation experiences are not degraded by other uses, but which do oot require a high degree of land management by a government agency. Public reserves provide the needed degree of permanence and management for an important aspect of Tanana Basin recreation needs. B. HISTORIC SITE 1. Criteria for RecoJDJDendation These sites are managed to protect historic resources which although significant are not suitable for inclusion in the State Park system due to the nature of the resource or its location. 2. Sites to be Included Lake Minchumina Archaeological Site Panguingue Creek Moose Creek Archaeological Site Carlo Creek Archaeological Site J., ~ ~---·~ .. ---~ -~-~~~ ~~~-~ L1vengood ArchaeOlogical o1stnc1.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~-~~~---~~~ 7-14 . 1 .J J l J j 3. ManageJDent Guidelines Other resource uses which do not harm historic features are allowed. Specifically, personal use timber sales, leasehold location for minerals, new access voutes, leasing for oommerical use and habitat enhancement are pennitted wherever they do not detract from historic resources • 4. Justification Historic and archaeological resources at many sites warrant protection but not active display. Those sites should be classified for the primary p..1rpose of protecting cultural resources but do not require the active interpretation which could occur if included in the State Parks System. Protection of these cultural resources is important to insure their availability for research and should a site be found to have greater significance, the option for future inclusion in the State Parks System is assured • C. PUBUC RECREATION SITE 1. Criteria for RecoJDJDendation 'Ihese sites provide public recreational opp::>rtunities in conjunction with other resource uses on state lands retained in public ownership. 2. Sites to be Included Tanana River Access at Bonanza Wi.en Lake Access west Twin Lakes Access East Twin Lakes Access Wblverine Creek Site Tatalina River Access Healy Camp:Jrourxi Lake Mansfield Access Mentasta Lake MJnte Lake Forrest Lake Tblovana River Access Sites Chatanika Access Site 3. ManageJDent Guidelines Other resource uses which do not detract from recreation are allowed. Specifically permitted in this category are personal use timber -. sales, voads which enhance recreational opportunities and habitat ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~E~f\Og(l-~~!1~~~~~~~-~-~~~-~-- 7-15 J 4. Justification Present and foreseeable use at many access and oongregating sites is so low that only limited land management is required. Classification of these sites for public recreation will accommodate present low levels of use and preserve the option of future inclusion in the State Park System when and if increased use requires a greater degree of management to maintain recreation opportunities. D. PUBLIC RECREATION TRAILS 1. Criteria for RecoJDJDendation Tb provide long term protection of trail related recreation activities and foreground scenery. These trails should have a minimum corridor wiqth of 100 meters to enable separate trails for incompatible uses and buffers between trail users and crljacent land uses. 'Ihese trails should be retained in public ownership and managed by DNR. 2. Trails to be Included 23 Mile Slough Trails Goldstream to Murphy Dome Greenbelts Governer's Cup NOrth Trail Robertson River Trail caribou Pass Trails Eureka Dog Mushing Trails Hutlitakwa Trail Tblovana Hot Springs Trail Old-New Minto Trail Minto Lakes Trail Stampede Road Trail Nenana Foothills Trail Rex to Nenana Trail 8 Mile Lake Trails Dry Creek Ridge Trail Carlo Creek Trail carlo-Yanert Trail Jack River Trail wells Creek Trail Japan Hills Trail Dean Creek Trail -Yanert Trail Moose Creek Trail Revine Creek Trail Black Rapids Trail Shaw Creek Shaw Creek Trail -----------No1krnaE"-R-iver-~'l'rca-i-l~---------------------------------------,--------------- Knob Ridge Trail 7-16 Old Tetlin Trail Eagle Trail Sheep Creek 'frail Mineral Lakes Trail Cheneathda Hill Trail Ball Point Trail Murphy Dome Ridge Trail Chatanika Ridge Trail Cache Creek-Left furk Tr. Lincoln Creek Trail Bonanza Forest Trail Dunbar Trail Ester Dome to Murphy Dome Trail Ester Dome Nugget Trail Chena-Gilmore Trails Mt. Ryan Ridge Trail oar Trail 303 Cripple Creek Trail Far Mountain Trail · Jenny M. Trail Middle furk Chena Trail Sugarloaf Mountain Trail Haystack Mountain Trail 3. ManageJDent Guidelines Personal use firewood cutting is permitted where it will not detract from recreation experience within the corridor. Material sales are allowed for use for public Unprovements within the trail corridors. Intermittent crossings for roads and utilities are allowed. Habitat enhancement is permitted. 4. Justification High participation in trail related activities and extensive opportunities for trail activities on existing and proposed trails necessitate the classification of corridors for public recreation in order to insure that incompatible uses do not detract fvom recreation trail experiences. E. NATURAL FEATURES 1. Criteria for RecoJDJDendation These sites are managed to provide for research and outdoor environmental education. The sites should be of adequate size to provide protection of the natural feature(s) for which it is established. 7-17 2. Sites to be Included Lake Minchumina Upland Birch Forest caribou-Poker Creeks Research watershed Soda Creek Springs Iblomites · Cripple Creek Vertebrates Dry Creek Dall Sheep Research Area Hutlinana Hot Springs 'Iblovana Ebt Springs Ibme Lake Within Island Wickersham Burn Nenana Canyon Rex Dome Mt. Hayes, Hess, Dei::x>rah Healy Lake and River Robertson River Spruce Forest Bonanza Creek Stratigraphic Area Bonanza Creek Experimental Forest Ester Dome Mining Recovery Ester Tailings Spinach Creek Research watershed Ballaine Lake Aquatic Study Area Fox Tailings Chena Dome Granite 'Ibrs Black Rapids Glacier Shaw Creek Experimental St. Harding Lake Birch Fbrest Salcha River Fisheries Study Area Salchaket Moose Range Panorama M:>untain Landmark Chatanika Canyon 3. Manage~nent Guidelines Other resource uses which do not harm natural features are permitted. Personal use timber sales and material sales, leasehold location for minerals, agricultural leasing and grazing are all permitted if they contribute to educational and recreational use or value of the natural feature. Habitat enhancement is allowed where it does not detract from recreation opportunities and natural features. New rights-of-way, utility corridors and trails are allowed or disallowed depending on the natural feature to be protected. 7-18 4. Justification Prese~ation of a variety of unique natural features ensures diversity of the landscape for the future. For those sites which are not easily accessible to the public or which do not merit active interpretation as units of the State Park System the natural feature can be protected through public recreation classification. F. MULTIPLE USE AREAS 1. Criteria for RecoiDID.endation These areas are intended to remain in public ownership for the protection of multiple resources, of which one is recreation. The areas will be managed aonse~atively to protect eKisting values while allowing compatible activities to occur. 2. Areas to be Included Manley Hot Springs Sawtooth Mountains Rex Dome Area Alaska Range Recreation Area Ester Ibme Area Minto Lakes East Alaska Range Creamers Dairy Wildlife Refuge Pedro Ibme Area 3. ManageJDent Guidelines Guidelines will vary arrong these areas deperrling on the specific resources to be protected. 4. Justification In. rome areas there are imp::>rtant recreation values which occur in conjunction with other resource values in the area. It is ~rtant to recognize each of the values and identify the qualities which need protection in order to develop guidelines which will allow the values present to coexist. Ill. MUNICIPAL PARK SYSTEM The following areas contain recreational values of local significance. They may or may not be currently in state ownership. These designations are intended to provide the land and water base for open space and trail systems serving community residents. A. Neighborhood Recreational Area B. Conmunity Recreational Area -- -----------c-. -Mun-.tci-pa-t-Pab-~i-c-Re-serv_e __ _ D. Neighborhood Greenbelt E. Community Greenbelt F. Metropolitan Greenbelt 7-19 -, --' A. NEIGHBORHOOD RECREATION AREA 1. Criteria for RecoJD:ntendation These areas are intended to provide recreational opportunites within neighl:x:>rhoods, perhaps in conjunction with existing or future elementary school sites. Tne sites should be 20 acres or larger in order to accommodate an elementary school. Sites may be smaller if there is little or no likelihood of a school on the site. Land in this category should be owned by municipal government, conveyed to municipal government if it is in State ownership or managed by a homeowners association. 2. Areas to be Included Musk 0% Public Reserve Pearl Creek School Park Alder Creek School Park 3. ManageJDent Guidelines Primary land uses are recreation and education. New utility corridors may be permitted if they are needed to serve the neighborhood. Habitat enhancement is allowed. 4. Justification These areas are needed to provide a common area to residents of the inrnediate neighlx>rhood. As long as undeveloped larrl surrounds a neighborhood the need for a close to horne recreation area may not seem great, but where eventual residential development could result in the loss of existing natural areas it is critical that neighborhood recreation areas large enough to als6 include an el~mentary school be reserved. B. COMMUNITY RECREATION AREA 1. Criteria for RecoJDJDendation These areas provide recreational opportunities within the conrnunity, perhaps in conjunction with an existing or future secondary school site. The sites should be 30 acres or larger in order to accommodate a junior high school or 100 acres or larger if to be developed in conjunction with a high school. Land in this category should be owned by or conveyed to municipal government if it is in State ownership. 7-20 .i l -' -, 2. Areas to be Included Wigwam Ski Nenana Ganmunity Park Big Dipper Expansion Birch Hill Expansion Manley Hot Springs McKinley Village Healy IX>nnelly 3. ManageJDent Guidelines Primary land uses are education and recreation. New trails, utility corridors and habitat enhancement are permitted in these areas. 4. Justification These reasonably large areas are needed to .serve multiple neighborhoods or, an entire small village and should b: large enough to include a fairly extensive natural area, intense use playfields and in some cases a secondary school site. C. MUNICIPAL PUBLIC RESERVE 1. Criteria for RecoJDJDeli.dation These areas are set aside to provide open space for recreation activities which require a large area close to where people live and to prevent residential or commercial development in natural hazard areas. Either management or ownership of state lands in this category should be conveyed to municipal government. · 2. Areas to be Included Anderson Ski Area ·Nenana Dog Mushing Area Potlatch Ponds Public Reserve Fairbanks Public Reserve East Fairbanks Reserve Heritage Park 3. Manage~nent Guidelines Primary land uses are recreation and education, floodplain management and management of other areas to be retained in public ownership to pr-event inhabitation due to natural hazards in the area. _______ ~~S_9_!1M_l.l§~~tj.ml:~_L§~les,_~l}_ew __ rights-of-wayr uti_i:ity_ cort":ldor~ and~~-------~-----_______ ~_ trails, -afrl habitat enhancement are allowed. 7-21 .1 l -' _, -' 4. Justification As a community becomes increasingly urbanized people's need for places which enable a contrast in setting as afforded by an accessible and extensive natural environment is increasingly linportant. A former chairman of the Fairbanks Recreation Council succinctly stressed the role of municipal public reserves YJhen he stated, "Maybe there should not be any parks in Fairbanks, maybe Fairbanks should be in a park" • D. NEIGHBORHOOD GREENBELT 1. Criteria for RecoiiUilendation 'Ihese areas provide close to home recreation opportunities and travel routes serving with all homesites. A minimum width of 30 meters is recommended to provide a buffer between neighborhood residents and trail users. Tracts should be retained in public ownership and management or be conveyed to homeowners for their management. 2. Areas to be Included Aqueduct Trail 3. Managem.ent Guidelines Material sales are permitted for public improvements within greenbelts. 'lbe area is intended to be roadless with the exception of intermittent road crossings. Underground utility corridors are allowed. Habitat enhancement is permitted with the exception of prescribed fire. 4. Justification A linear configuration to community open space has the advantage of providing places to recreate and travel routes within residential neighborl:'ioods. E. COMMUNITY GREENBELT 1. Criteria for Recom.m.endation These areas are to provide recreation opportunities and travel rol:l~es for residents of multiple neighborhoods. A minimum width of 100 meters is recommended both to provide separate trails for incompatible uses and to provide a buffer between trail users and adjacent land uses. These areas should be retained in public ownership and managed either by municipal government or by user groups. 7-22 =>l' 2~ Areas to be Included Cantwell Trails 'Ibk Greenbelt Equinox Trail Chena Slough · Ester Community Trails Cripple Creek-Rosie Creek Baldry Creek Trail Straight Creek Trail Allen Trail Glenn Trail Tanana Valley Railroad Spinach Creek Trail D:xneSpur Mx>se Creek M:x>se Ridge 0' Conner Creek Airfield Ridge Eldorado Creek Eldorado Ridge Silver Creek Trail Fox Ridge Trail Skyline Trail Jeff Studdert Dog Mushing Tr. Skarland Ski Trail Noyes Slough Chena Lakes Trail North Nenana Trail 3. Manage~nent Guidelines Material sales.are allowed where the materials are used for public improvements within the greenbelt. The area is recommended for a roadless area except for intermittent ~ad crossings. However, new rights-of-way, utility corridors and trails are allowed. Habitat enhancement is permitted with the exception of prescribed fire. 4. Justification A community greenbelt system provides opportunities for trail related and access to other recreation and subsistence activities and contributes to an aesthetically pleasing community design. They also provide a buffer between incompatible land uses. -~ ""' .--• .--o ..,.._ = _ __,. = = =-= ~ = = = -=-= ~=== =-=-=--=~=~="=-=-= = ~~-=~=-·-= -==~===-= ==-~===~= === =--~= =-==-~-=-=-=~-~--=---=-=-==~--=~~--==~~~~=:= 7-23 _I _, F. METROPOUTAN GREENBELT 1. Criteria for Recoaunendation These areas pcovide recreation opportunities and travel routes for residents of multiple communities. A minimum width of 200 meters is recommended to provide separate trails for motorized and non-motorized trail uses, off-trail recreation activities and to provide a buffer between p.Iblic recreation uses and a::ljacent land uses. 'Ihe areas should be retained in public ownership and managed by·municipal or state government. 2. Area& to be Included Fairbanks 100 Mile Loop Trail Goldstream Valley Greenbelt Fairbanks Crescent Chena River Tanana Valley Railroad 3. Managem.ent Guidelines Personal use firewood sales are permitted if the firewood removed and the route and means of removal do not detract from recreation experience within the greenbelt. Material sales are allowed for public imp~rovements within greenbelts. The areas are reoommended for roadless areas with the exception of intermittent road crossings. However, new rights-of-way, utility corridors and trails are allowed. Habitat enhancement is permitted with the exception of pcescribed fire. 4. Justification A metropolitan greenbelt system pcovides opportunities for trail related-~ecreation activities and helps to define the boundaries of the metropolitan area through the provision of open space. G. PRIVATE RECREATION 1. Criteria for Recom.m.endation These areas possess recreation resources and opportunities which are suitable for private management. Wilderness lodges and remote lakes, winter sports resorts and living history are examples of recreation opportunities which are effectively provided by the private sector. ==-= ""'"=->;; ..-= = _.,. = = = =-"-""" = ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~-=~~-~~~-~~-=-~~~=~-==--=-=--~~~ ~~-~ =--~-=~=-=~~~--=--~=-=-=--=-~-·~~~=--~-=--=-~-~~=-~~·-~-=-~-= ==-----~-==-o~--~-==~ __ 1 7-24 -' 2. Areas to be Included Sheep Creek Park School Livengood Gold Mining Camps Suntrana Mine Safety Car Murphy Ibrne Ski Ester Dane Ski Ester Gold Mining Camps Fox Gold Mining Camp Wigwalll Ski Area (Ski Boot Hill Expansion). Chena Sunny Ski Area Wien Lake Lodge Site East Twin Lake Lodge Site west Twin Lake Lodge Site John Hansen Lodge Site Lake Minchumina Lodge Site 3. Managem.ent Guidelines 1b ensure that the private owner or manager of outstanding recreation resources actually provides recreational opportunities to the public, conveyance of interest by the state will require recreation development and operation. 4. Justification State management of these areas is analoguous to its management of agriculture and mineral resources by which conveyances of interest in high potential resource areas requires a private party to utilize the resource. IV. REGIONAL CORRIDORS The following categories are of regional significance and should be retained in public ownership. Management authority will vary depending on location and specific needs of areas reconrnended for these types of management. A. B. c. Highway/Railway Greenbelt Multiple Use Trail Corridor Multiple Use River Corridor A. HIGBW AY /RAILWAY GREENBELT 1. Criteria for Recom.m.endation These areas are recommended for both recreation and transportation use. They are dedicated to protect the natural foreground scenery for enjoyment of the travelling public and to buffer adjacent land users from major. traffic by rentetion i_Tl__~lj~_Q~~~§_I}_ip_gf_lOQ_~met:g_r_~e!t_h_~:r:_s_i_d_e ____ _ ::; --------of-ilie-ii911E.::Of=wa:Y.-------- --· - 7-25 -' 2. Areas to be Included Manley Ebt Springs lbad Alaska Railro.:rl Parks Highway Denali Highway Alaska Highway Taylor Highway · Glenn Highway Elliott Highway Steese Highway Richardson Highway 3. Manage~nent Guidelines Personal use timber sales are allowed where they will enhance views from road or railroad. Material sales are allowed if for improvements of highway, railway or intersecting side roads within the greenbelt. New rights-of~way are permitted at intersection with section lines or where designated by DOP and DOT. Utility corridors are allowed where whey will not detract form views from highways, railways or trails. Leasing for commercial use may be allowed as may habitat enhancement. 4. Justification Travel corridors are the location of a high proportion of people's sightseeing, departure points to the back country and in general outdoor living. 'lberefore preservation of foregrourrl scenery along all highways and railroads makes a disproportionate contribution to the quality of residents and tourists outdoor experience. B. MULTIPLE USE TRAIL CORRIDOR 1. Criteria for RecoiDIDendation 'lbese areas are managed for both recreation and transportation and provide access to a variety of resources. 'lbe minimum corridor width is 100 meters to enable separation of incompatible trail uses and possible conversion of trail to a road with parallel trail and utilities. Trail corridors would be retained in public ownership and managed by DOT. 2. Areas to be Included Tbklat River to Lake Minchumina Trail Manley Ra~part Trail Willer Creek Trails Delta Creek Trails Chi tanana Trail Cosna Trail 7-26 Clearwater Creek Tbklat River Trail Nenana-Kantishna Trail Mile 400 to Tbklat River Trail Rex-Tbklat Trail Black Bear Lake Trail Manley Hot Springs Trail Sawtooth r.buntains Trail Tanana-Wbodchopper Trail Bean Ridge Roughtop Mountain W:>lverine Creek Dugan Hills Trail Hutlitakwa Creek Trail Minto-Livengood Trail Dunbar to Brooks Terminal Tr. Fairbanks to Gibbon Road Nenana-old Minto Trail washington Creek Trail Stampede Road Rex to Bonnifield Trail Rex to Bonnifield Alt. Healy to Rex Trail Tbtatlanika River Trail Blair Lakes Trails Bonnifield Trail Liberty Bell and Daniels Healy Creek Trail Dry Creek Trail Goodpaster Trail Black Mountain Trail Billy Creek Trail Healy River Trail George Trails Mansfield Trail Mansfield-Dot Lake Trail Tetlin Lakes Trail Tanacross Trails Tbk River Trails Murphy Shovel Trail oor Trail 7 3c Iowa Creek Trail Anaconda Creek Trail Colorado Creek Trail DOT Trail 286 (r.bose Creek) DOT Trail 262 (Nome Creek) DOT Trail 297 (Fairbanks Creek) ~ "~ ~ ~ ~-~ ~·~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~·~-~~~~~~~Trail~28 . .u,8~~~ 7-27 .J DOT Trail 293 (Faith Creek) DOT Trail 294 Salcha Caribou Trail salcha Trails west Fbrk Valley Trail 3. Manage~nent Guidelines Personal use fire~ sale is permitterl if ~ rerroverl arrl method of removal does not interfere with transportation and recreation. Material sales are not permitted except for use for public improvements within the trail corridor. New trails are permitted to provide parallel trails for incompatible trail uses; to provide parallel trails if original trail becomes a ~ad and to allow unlimited side trails to provide access to adjacent lands and waters. While other resource uses are not permitted, access to other reosurces is a primary use of these trails. 4. Justification The trails of Interior Alaska are used extensively both as recreation experiences and as access to hunting, fishing and other recreational pursuits. The high recreation value of the above trails warrants their classification for public recreation in conjunction with other compatible uses which do not detract from the trail experience. C. MULTIPLE USE RIVER CORRIDORS 1. Criteria for RecoJDJDendation Tb provide for water based recreation arrl transportation and to maintain fish and wildlife populations at or above current levels and provide for human use of fish and wildlife. In general, corridors extending 100 meters beyond riverbanks will be retained in public ownership. 2. Areas to be Included Clear Creek Twin Lakes waterway Kantishna River Tbklat River Teklanika River Tanana River Tatalina River WxXi River Fish-W:>lf Lakes W:tterway Tbk River Little Tbk River Robertson River Nabesna River -------ehisana--River--------- Little Chena River Tolovana River 7-28 3. Manage10ent Guidelines Most resource uses are allowed. Both commercial and personal use timber sales are allowed. In general a leave strip along riverbanks will be included in timber harvest. Exceptions include places where riverbank erosion will eliminate leave strip and selective cutting for firewood and personal use. Material sales are permitted except where permanent scars would remain within sight of the river. Minerals are open to leasehold location and land may be leased for agriculture or commercial uses. Trapper cabins, rem::>te cabin permits and scattered small tracts are allowed if there is public retention of lands within 30 meters of riverbanks. New rights-of-way, utility corridors and trails are allowed. Habitat enhancement is also permitted. 4. Justification The rivers of interior Alaska provide extensive boating, fishing, and recreational travel opportunities for interior Alaska residents. The high recreation value of some waterways warrant their classification for public recreation in conjunction with other uses which do not detract from water quality and foreground scenery. 7-29 ' J "'! i J l _j l t _j _j ' ' __ .# l ' ~ _j -' c c 0 c c c E-------------- C [ Appendices I. INTRODUCTION Income that circulates in the economy of the Basin because of general recreation on state land can be esti- mated by calculating the total expenditures by residents and tourists for equipment, travel, food and lodging. This appendix estimates those expenditures. The estimate is then used in the results section of the general recreation chapter to indicate the economic and employment effects of general recreation in the Basin. II. EXPENDITURFS ON RECREATION EQUIPMENT Total expenditures for general recreational equipment can be estimated by multiplying the number of households in the Basin which own a particular piece of recreational equipment by the yearly cost of that equipment. A. NuJDber of Households Owning EquipJDent The number of households that own equipment was found by using data from the Alaska State Outdoor Recreati<:m Plan. These data include the percentage of Interior house- holds that own a backpack, tent, cross country skiis, boat, snowmachine, dirt bike, snowshoes, climbing equipment, raft, dog sled, or horse. By multiplying the number of households in the Basin by the percentage of households owning a certain piece of equipment, the number of back- packs, boats, or dog sleds owned in the Basin was esti- mated. Table A-3, columns 1 and 2 summarize this information. B. Cost/Year of EquipJDent The expenditures for each piece of equipment per year was found by averaging the cost of the equipment over the number of years that the equipment lasts. The cost of equipment was estimated by obtaining the local price of the most popular brand or size of equipment. In addition to the cost of the equipment ·the amount of money spent for operating and maintaining the equipment was computed. Table A-1 shows the cost/year of owning various types of recreational equipment. C. Percentage of Total Expenditures Attributable to General Recreation The entire cost of a piece of equipment should not be attributed entirely to general recreation. Some types of equipment are used for fish and game related activities. ::-----------'I'ne-port:i_o_n_o_f-eh-e-co-s-e--att-rt-but-ab-J:-e-to-f-i-s-h-and-~ame--i-s--------- counted in the fish and game element, and excluded here. Backpack Equip. Camping Tent and Gear Cross Country Ski is Boat Large Sma 11 Snownachine 0 i r t Bike I 3-\.lhee1er Snoshoes C1 imbing E9uipment Rafts Dog S 1eds ltorse TABLEA-l.EQUIPMENTCOST/YEAR a b c d e f 9 Annua 1 Operating Misc. l He of Capita 1 Cost Purchase life of Capita 1 Equip. Misc. Cost/ (Maintenance, Price Equipment Cost/Year Cost Equip. Year Gas, Food) .100 10 10 300 10 30 0 100 10 10 200 10 20 0 125 10 12.50 125 10 12.50 0 4500 1 10 450 200 10 20 900 900 2 10 90 100 10 10 0 2000 10 200 150 10 15 450 1500 10 150 100 10 10 450 80 10 8 0 0 0 0 1000 10 100 0 0 0 0 1000 10 100 100 10 10 0 750 3 10 75 500 10 50 720 4 1500 10 150 150 10 15 800 Source: Conversations with local sports shops and recreationists. NOTES FOR TABLE A-I 1rotal cost includes, 2,000 for boat; 1,000 for the trailer and 1,500 for the motor. 2This is a we{ghted cost. It is based on the assumption that 60% of the people own large boats and 40% own small boats. 3rotal cost includes 5 dogs at S75/~og. 4rota 1 cost includes $12/month food for each dog, or S120/dog each year and $120 for vet bills. h Total' Cost/ Year 40 30 25 1370(60) 100(40,62 660 610 8 100 110 845 965 1 l ~ ' ., _J ., ---=-------------- -· TABLEA-2 PROPORTION OF HOUSEHOLD RECREATION EQUIPMENT COST ALLOCATED TO GENERAL RECREATION (NOT FISH AND GAME) Backpack 80% Tent Camping 50% Cross Country Skiing 100% Boat 50% Snownachine 80% Dirt Bike/Motor 50% Snowshoes 80% Climbing Equipment 100% Rafts 100% Dog Sleds 90% Horses 75% ------------------------------------------------------------ Table A-2 summarizes the percentage of the total cost that is allocated to general recreation for a given piece of equipment. D. Su~n~nary Total expenditures by Basin residents for equipment is calculated in Table A-3. The table is based on assumptions and information that are discussed in the three previous sections of this appendix. III. EXPENDITURES ON TRAVEL Total travel costs can be estimated by multiplying the total number of times a household uses a vehicle for a recreational trip, by the average cost of that trip. A. Total Nu~nber of Trips/Year The number of trips made each year by a household was estimated using information from the Alaska Outdoor Recrea- tion Plan Survey. The survey included a summary of the number of occasions each year that an adult participates in a certain recreational activity. Only some of these activ- ities, however, involve travel costs. For example, cross country skiing is usually done close to home and does not require any significant travel. Other activites such as back packing usually requires driving-to an area away from home. The percentage of each type of activity that involves travel is summarized in Table A-4 (Column d). Also estimated and summarized in the table (Column f) is the percentage of occasions that are for fish and game related activities and should not be attributed to general recreation. Table A-4 shows how these assumptions are used to estimate the total number of general recreation trips. The number of trips identified in this table is probably under- estimated, as it does not include information on all types of recreational acivities. Information on dog mushing and motor boating, for example, was not available and are missing from this part of the analysis. The number of trips children take in the Basin are not added into the total figure in Table A-4. Trips by children are assumed to be part of family excursions. During family excursions children travel with the adults and therefore they do not add any additional trips to the total trips estimated in Table A-4 that require travel. B. Average Cost/Trip No direct information was available on the length of the average trip, and therefore very general assumptions .J were required. If and when better data is available, these assumptions should be updated._ This analysis assumes that residents on the average travel one hour each time they take a trip requiring travel, or two hours round trip. Assuming two hours is equivalent to 100 miles (50 miles per hour) at 30 cents per mile, the total cost per trip is $30 dollars. Also it is assumed that two people on the average split this expense so that the total cost per occasion, per person is $15.00. C.S1UDID.ary Total expenditures on travel can be determined by multiplying $15 dollars/trip by 456,408 occasions. This means that the total amount of money spent on travel is about $6,846,000 dollars when rounded to the nearest thousand dollars. IV. EXPENDITURES FOR FOOD AND LODGING It is assumed that on the average, for each trip a resident takes in the Tanana Basin, they purchase one meal from a local cafe or lodge at $5.00/meal. This means that ·a total of $2,282,000 dollars is spent on food per year by recreationists (456,408. occasions x $5.00 = $2,282,040), rounded to nearest $1000. It is assumed that on one out of every 20 occasions, the recreationist spends a night in a lodge or motel at $50/night. This means that a total of $1 ,14i ,000 dollars is spent for lodging every year by recreationists (456,408 occasions/20 x $50/night= $1,141,000). V. EXPENDITURES BY TOURISTS Expenditures by tourists can be estimated by multiplying the total number of visitor-days spent in the Basin by tourists by the amount of money that a tourist spends every day. As detailed in Chapter 3, approximately 258,500 tourists participate in general recreation in the Basin. Each of these tourists spends an average of 40.37 dollars per day according to a report by Louis Berger and Associates entitled "Interior Transportation Study, Tourism Working Paper." t. "j L1 \.,_, .. J ,J .J, TABLE A-3. TOTAL EXPENDITURES FOR RECREATION EQUIPMENT %of Total 11 of Households in #of Households Cost of Total %of Total Basin Households Owning Total Equipment! Expenditure Attributable to Owning in Basin Amount of Equip. Year In Basin Recreation Back packing 48% 18,349 8,808 40 352,328 80% Camping Tent 50% 18,349 9,174 30 275,235 50% Cross Country Skiing 31% 18,349 5,688 25 142,200 100% Boat 30% 18,349 5,505 862 4,745,310 50% Snowmachine 23% 18,349 4,220 660 2,785,200 80% Dirt Bike/Motorcycle 20% 18,349 3,670 610 2,238,700 50% Snoshoes 28% 18,349 5,130 8 41,104 80% Climbing Equipment 5% 18,349 917 100 91,700 100% Rafts 9% 18,349 1,651 110 181,610 100% DogSleds 7% 18,349 1,284 845 1,084,980 90% Horses 1% 18,349 183 965 176,595 75% TOTAL 3.27 people/household into 60,000 population = 18,349 household. This figure is based on the 1980 Census of Population Supplementary Report (No. PC80-51-4). The following communities were included in the average: Fairbanks North Star Borough, Delta, Dot Lake, Fort Greely, Healy Lake, Northway, Tanacross, Tetlin, Tok, Men- tasta, Cantwell, Healy, McKinley, Minto, and Usibelli. Total Expended for 'Rec. Equip. 281,856 137,618 142,200 2,372,655 2,228,160 119,350 32,883 91,700 181,610 976,482 132,446 6,695,960 i... l ' J.~ •.. J TABLE A-4. TOTAL NUMBER OF TRIPS REQUIRING TRAVEL a b c d e g %of Total %of Their Total Occasions Average Annual Total Total Occasions Occasions Occasions ·Requiring Occasions/ Adults Occasions Requiring Requiring for Travel for Adult! in Basin2 in Basin Travel Travel Recreation Recreation Snowmobile 11.2 43,200 483,840 5 24,192 50 12,096 Cross Country Ski 10 43,200 432,000 5 21,600 100 21,600 Motorcycle/Other ORV 8.1 43,200 349,920 . 25 87,480 50 43,740 Tent Camping 7.6 43,200 328,320 100 328,320 50 164,160 Kayak/Canoe 3.4 43,200 146,880 100 146,880 95 139,536 Recreation Vehicle 2.1 43,200 90,720 100 90,720 80 72,576 Horse 1.0 43,200 43,200 25 10,800 25 2,700 TOTAL 456,408 1Aiaska Public Survey (ISER, 1978). 272 percent of the FNSB population are adults (16 years or older) (Community Research Quarterly, FNSB, Summer, 1982). This percentage when applied to the population of the Tanana Basin means that there are 43,200 adults in the Basin. , 1 l l -, Therefore, the total expenditures by tourists each year is approximately 10.4 million dollars ( $40.3 7 /day x 258,500 days= $10,435,645. VI. TOTAL EXPENDITURES Residents and tourists spend a total of approximately $27 million dollars per year for recreation in the Basin. This figure was calculated by adding together the total expenditures by residents on a) equipment (see Section 2), b) travel (see Section 3}, c) food and lodging for residents (see Section 4), and d) total spending by tourists (see Section 5) as shown in Table A-5 below. This total should not be attributed entirely to state land however, since some of the recreation occurring on the Basin happens on borough or private land. TABLE A-S TOTAL GENERAL RECREATION EXPENDITURES IN THE TANANA RIVER BASIN 1. Resident's expenditures: a. Equipment: b. Travel: c. Food & Lodging: 2. Tourists' Expenditures: TOTAL $ 6,696,000 6,846,000 3,423,000 10,436,000 $27,401,000 l _j ' _j ! 1 _j "l J l j _j l _j ., J l J j J , j -, J J l j ...i Bibliography ! 1 1 l ' ' i _l I I _). __ ,., RECREATION BIBLIOGRAPHY Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Parks, Alaska State Outdoor Recreation Plan, 1981. Clawson, Marion, Economics of Outdoor Recreation, John Hopkins Press, Baltimore, Maryland, 1966. Dorfman, Robert, Ed., Measuring Benefits of Government In- vestments, The Brookings Institute, Washington, D.C., 1963. Fischer, David w., Land and Leisure: Concepts and Methods in Outdoor Recreation, Maaroufa Press, Chicago, IL, 1974. Freeman, A. Myrick, The Benefits of Environmental Improve- ment: Theory and Practice, John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland and London, England, 1979. Johnson, Leonard K. , Off-Road Vehicle Use and It 1 s Impact on Soils and Vegetation on Bureau of Land Management Lands Along the Denali Highway, Alaska: A Report on the 1975 Outdoor Recreation Survey, University of Alaska, Agriculture Experiment Station, 1976. Logsdon, Charles, et al., Input-Output Tables for Alaska's Economy: A First Look, Agricultural Experiment Station, Un1vers1ty of Alaska-Fairbanks, 1977. u.s. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeast- ern Forest Experiment Station, The Forest Recreation Symposium, Syracruse, N.Y., Upper Darby, PA, 1971.