HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA1693T SUSI"l'N.l\ HYDROELECTRIC 1--RO.J ECT RESPONSE OF AQUATIC HABITAT SURFACE AREAS MAINSTE.!.\11 DISCHARGE IN THE TAJ:..KEETNA TO DEVIL CANYON REACH OF I' HE SUSI'l'NA RIVER F ALASKA Report By E. Woody Trihey & Associates Sharon i(~i.nger and Woody Trihey TJnd,?c-~~"ntract to Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture Prepared for Alaska Power Authority June Rep:Jrt l984 NOTICI;_; ANY QUES'l'IONS OR COi>1t\iENTS CONCERNING THIS REPOR'.r SHOOLD BE DLREC'l'ED THE ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SOSITNA PROJECT OFFICE ACKNOWLEDGEMEN1S This work as undertaken in cooperation with the .Alaska Dt:parimer~.t of Fish ar;d Gnrne ~.JHydro Aquatic Study Team and R&M Consultant• Inc., Anchorc:g3 .. Alaska. AOF&G SuHydro personnel participated in the ceriva- on of def lnitions fer the varlcJs habita+ rypes and the development of the aquatic habitat classification ke~ The aerial photography missions w e r e s c h e a u I e d t h rot.: 9 h ~~ r. Steve G red t h au e r, R & M Con s u 1 tan t s, I n c. He did an ~·xceptlonal job g ven the highly variable nature of strei3mf!ow and weather conditions, P,erial photography was flown and continuous phc·:·o mosaics prepared oy P-1 r Photo Tech, Inc., Anchorage, AI aska, under cofltr·act to the Har·zc-Ebasco Sus it na Jo 1 nt Venture. NOTICE .ANY QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS LDNCERN I NG l~IS REPORT SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO THE ALf,SKA POWER AUTHORITY uc ;V,[ HCJCS. H:Jbitat F i e l d 0 f f ce pe Des! gnat ons ................ . ~1ethods ..••....•.................. Procedures .•..•.......................•• Photo PI ates and En I argements ........... ,, 2 4 Ha')itat pe Boundaries .................. "' 4 D -~ tiz lng ................................ 5 Da+a Ease •.•••••..••....•..••.....•.•... , 5 ~~nalys s Procedures .................. ,. .. 6 !J I SCUSS lOr~ ••••••. , .•••• , •••.••• , .••••••••••..•••••.•. 1 B I Bl : OGRAPHY, ., ••••••••• , •••••••...•• , ••••• , .•.••... , , l 5 APPENDICES INTRODUCTION The proposed Susitna hydroe!ectrlc project 11 II alter the naiural strt:arr,f ow, thermal, and sediment reg rnes of the Susitna River. The iver downstre:arr. from Devl! Canyon to the Chulitna River con- nee (Talkeetna) would experience notable alterations :r. naturally occu ng streamf!ow pat1~erns, jue io its proximity to the proposed damsiies and the I imited amount of influence thai' tr·!l:nr'T-ary inflows have on tota lscharge in th!s segment. With-p;~oject mdlnstem dis- charges measured at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Go!d Creek , are expected to be lower during summer and notably h dur l ng \'i nter months. Five species of Pacific salmon and 14 other a~adromous and/or resident f sh species uti I ize a variety of aquatic habitats in the Ta!keetna-to- Devi i Canyon reach of the Sus tna Rlvar (Acres American inc. 1983; Afaska Departmeilt of fish afld Game 1964). Alteration of the natura streamflow p nrns by construction a~d operation of the proposed Sus tna h~droe~~ctrlc project Is expected ta affect the amount and seasonal availability of the aquatic habitats presently being uti I ized by t1ese species. Know ledge of The location and areal exter.+ of var !ous aquatic habitat types at d fterent mainstem discharges w iiI ~<ac! I !tate forecasting the effects of reduced s·treamflows on tr,e a·tai I ab l ity of aquatic habitat to res cc;nt and anadrorr.ous tlsh, This re;Jort descritles the surface ar·ea r· e s p o n s e o s i a q u at · h a::;, i tat t y pes o c c u r r i n g i r t h e T a 1 k e e t n a-to- Ca feet aer i a I aphy were used to determi amount of aquat c habitat types i th n The keetna~ to-Oev! i the Sus tna River at main.stem d scharges o.;. 23,000, 6,000, 12 , anc 9,000 cub c feet per second (cfs), These d ~rges prov de an adeq basis for evaluati g the changes in wette,: surfc;ce area of sever discrete habitat types over a broad range of pctert a wltn-proJ stream f I ow s, should be emphasized, however, that thiS makes no statements concerning the suitabilit-y of these ab tat pe hab tatlon by f sh. nor how the quality of these h~bltats may chan in response to varying malnstem discharges. "1ETHODS Aquatl hab taTs assoc ated lth the Susltna R ~er between Tal Dev i i Canyon were c! ass ed nto six genera categor-ies; In s de chan el, side land .slough_, triD mou n, fbutar·y. The geographlca! ocatfon and per·sistence of ceriai habi1~at t y p e s u c h a s t r b u tar ! e s a P t 'l e i rn o u t h s , a r e a i i f 1 x e a a th d sch ths! r su ace areas m.:Jy respond i gn if I can! 1 y ro n other nsTances, transformat s one hac:.; another rnay cccur c,s r l ve!· Increases or decreases For area descr bed as a s ce s cugh ita wot.l oe channe habita1 when turbic mainft8m water over1ops 1 <~an• neaG of the side slough bnd inundates the former clear water area The visuai 1y recognizable attributes used in this study to delineate the si,< aquatic habitat types are described below. lr,ese descrip-t-Ions are 1:m ted to phys!cal characteristics present during summer that can be easl ly recognized tram the air during hel copter reconnaissance fl ghts. A mot-e deta ll ed descr· i pt ion of each aquat l c habitat type has been pre- parea by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game ( 1983). MlL~tem habitats are those channels of the r·iver characterized by turbid glacial ilow that convey more than 10 percent (approximare) of the total flow at a given site. Side .charmel habiJrats are those channels of the river char·acterized by turb d glacia flow that convey less than 10 percent <approximate) of the total flow. habitats contain clear water. local surface water runoff and upwel 1 ing are the primary water sources that supply clear water to these hab tats. Side sloughs have nonvegetated upper thalwegs that are overtopped dur ng periods of moderate to high marnstem dlscharga Once overtopped, side sloughs are cons dered slde channels. are clear water habitats that depend upon upwell !ng and/or Joci'll runoff for their wat·er sources. Upland sloughs possess vegetated (:pper thalwegs that are seldom overtopped by mainstem dis- charge. 2 hati cl ibutary con-rr :oLti \' j manifest as a ! ear ater pI urrH? 5 de channel and extend nto +he tributary tc the upper exte~t of wate. i fluence. Thes eofth sroiume saftectedby-•heamounto tr butary d ;charge and adjacent mal stem water surface elevations. habitats are c ear water reaches of tr butary streams upstream of the tr r butary moui h habitat so For this ana I ys s, tributary hab tat was measured on y to the boundary of the d git zed portion of the photo plate. Nonwetted areas were categorized as ether vegetated slands or gravel bars. The areas i dent it i ed as 11 background" consisted of both wetted and nonwetted surface areas that were within the river corridor but were not relevant to the analysis. Individual surface areas were c ass ed us ng a descriptive k8y CF gure l) adapted from the Ai of Fish and Game (ADF&GI SuHydro cl i on ndex to-aquatic hab tat typGs 3nd by prcfess onal C I ... · t ~-. -covera···~~.e ···as ahta ned of the T.::.d keetna~to-Oev I omp e 18 pno ogi·dp,, c ::::o .. -~ i t S '+ R" ar d scc"'rge~ F:J,,';crk~d!ld-white aerial Canyon reach a· our us 1 . :1a 1 v'"' 11'" :;;.. . -- photographs were obtained at an a~~rox1mate scale o with a 60 per-cent over! ap between a::jace photos w he r• Sus i t n a R 1 't e r discharges as measured Qt the USGS Gc!d Cree~ gaging statio~ ( 15292000) were 2 ,0 1JO, 16,0CfJ, 12,500, a 9,000 cts. Date:; o th Clearwater flow not likely to be ir,tluenced by mainstem water Clearwater plume or flow Hkely influenced by makt:;;;em water surface elevation Surta~e area ol sidechannel habitat FIGURE 1 Key to aquatic: habitat classification tor the Talkeetna to Devii Canyon reach ot the Susitna River. (AM 10'1 io 1.:!9). 3 f! lghts were June 1, 1982, September 6, 1983, September 11, 1983, and Octobe1 10, 19B3, resp£::ctive!y. He! i coptet-reconnaissance f I i ght.s were conducted over the Talkeetna-to- Devl Canyon reach at the same mainstem discharges at which the aerial photography was obtai ned. Our I ng each of these reconnaissance f I i ghts, aquatic habitat types were Identified using the key presented as Figure 1, and their locations were mapped on 1 inch::::1~000 feet bluel ine prints of the Susitna River. Dewatered gravel bars and streambank areas were sketched on the b I u•31 inc prints as were boundaries of the various aquatic habitat types. Photographic mosaics were prepared from the overlapping black-and-white photos to prov! de contInuous 1 i nch::::1 ,000 feet coverage of the Taikeetna-to-Devll Canyon river segment for each of the four discharges. The photo mosaics were subdivided into eighteen sections of approximately the same length~ with a small amount of overlap between adjoining r-iver sections. The same dividing llnes between adjoining segments were maintained for ail four discharges, and a se~ of eighteen 4-1/2 Inch by 15 inch photo plates were printed from the sectioned mosaics for each of the four-d f scharges <Appendix 1 ). Each photo pI ate was car&ful ly examined and areas that were too smal I In size to provide detailed resolution wer·e enlarged to a scale of i lnch=250 feet. 4 Aqua t i c h a b i tat boundar i e 5 fT1 a p p '2 d on the b ! u e I r: e p r f n t 5 au r i helicopter reconna ssance lights were transferred to individ 1 photo plates and enlargements {Figure 2). t•latch! lnes were dra'xn on adjoining pI ates to ensure that habitat areas wou I d not be c:Juntecl tw ce thin over apping sections near the edges of phcto plates. The boundar of each enlargement area was estab ished using identifiable features n the photography and drawn on both the plate and the indlv dual enlargement to ensure that areas within the en I argement cou I d be summed and compared with the enlargement area on the plate. The external boundaries of the total area to be included In the surface area analysis (hereafter referred to as the corridor area) were defined on each pI ate, so that sub-areas within the corridor could be tota I ed and compared wi+h the total corridor area by plate. The corrfdor boundaries were established using physical features identifiable on a! four sets of photos. In many cases, lt was necessary to gc beyond the river c~anne! boundaries to establIsh an ldentlfiab e corridor boundary. That area located between the corr·fdor boundary and the e:channel boundary was termed background (refer to Figure 2b). As the second index of quality control, the total digitized corridor area with n the Tal keetna-to-Dev i I Canyon river segment was compared among the four sets of photography. F!GU~E 2~. E.wart1plc c~ z S:..t~itrr;t ~!"!laY segrr%:nt ~9Jith f.l9~··A~.w~ typ~ft'i. m~~p~~ ~iid cltJ~~m~t;;. 2':.,. E:r:cmpl~ cd ~h£ m:un~ rh,.-t..?: ;~~~irT~6~"1~ a a da~ina~·~Old ~rior to a~g~~izing. Boundar·!es were drawn to dist nguish between wetted and non-wett surface areas within each aquatic habit<Jt location o;~ individual photo p ates and eni argements (figure 2b). Surface ar·ea mecsuremenis were made using a Numonics Corporation Electronic Graphics Calculator and Mode 2400 0 i g l Tablet. By trac 1 ng the peri rr1eter of a g l ven area, the area contained w thin the perimeter is calculated and displayed to an a c c u r a c y o f 0 • 0 1 s q u a r e l n c h e s. For t h e 1 i n c h = 1 • 0 0 0 feet s c a I e p h o- tography, this represents an accuracy ot 10,000 square feet. Each individual photo plate and its accompanying enlargements were digit zed and evaluated separate y. The total surface area of the carr dor wa.s d igitizcd to establish a control area. Individual habitat areas, excluding those within a designated enlargement, were assigned a unique sequential number and their surface areas digitized. Replicate measurements were made of Individual areas to ensure repeatabll lty within 5 percent. Follow lng completion of these area measurements, the total surface area of eniaroements appearing on the plate were digitized. Individual areas within each enlar~gement were then assigned a unique sequential number fol !ow lng the last number assigned to an indhlidtJal area on the photo plate or pr'3vlcus enlargement. These areas were then dlglti~ed and the Individual areas totaled for comparison to the total d gitlzed area ot the en I argement. 5 Fell ow cornDietion of d gitizi for a i "en lv' measurements were summed and compared To ic:a i the corridor-. A c i ference ess tha per ni si acceptaoi~ Th s pro=edure was repeated for al 1 18 photo pi ai 01 four discharges. Thus, each d g t zed arE.·a on a photo p: ':! or assoc ated en!argements had a unique dentlfy ng number ~ssociated th a four d scharges; ar:d the sum tota of these !ndividua areas was within 5 perce~t of the total carr dar area Area measurements were entered Into a computer zed data base for storage;> sorting, and subsequent analysis. Each ndividual surface area measurement was entered as a separate record that enab ed ldent t cat on by discharge, photo plate (corresponding to a river mile ndex), and ndividual area number. Data may be retrieved In a var ety of formats by discharge. by river mile inaex, or identifying and comb!n ng specific ind!v dual areas. In this wayp the influence of mainstem discharge on the surface area of spec tic habitat types or I ons could be investigated" Correct on factors were entered to standardize measurements to a common scale of 1 inch=1 ,000 feet. Surface areas 1·1 thin enlargement ar·eas 1r1ere divided by a factor of 16 to account tor the four-fold d tference In scale between 1 nch=2.50 feet and 1 inch=l ,000 feet. Due -t·o poor weather and assoc ated ow cloud cover, the 9,000 crs photography 1-tas flown a7 a scaie of 1 lnch"'920 feet v{hereas the other three set or photogr-aphy were obtained at a scale of 1 inch='i,OOC' fee1. Tt1eref ore, all surface area measurements for the 9,000 cts photography were multipl led by a factor of 0.85 to corr·ect for the difference in scale. Totai surface areas were calculated for the entire control corridor between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon by aquatic habitat type for each of i-he tour discharges. Summations of surface area for the corridor and aquatic habitat types were also made by incJividual plate (Appendix 2). Percentages of the total surface area represented by each aquatic habitat type were calculated for each of the four discharges by river reach and lndlv idual plate. A series of procedures were employed to evaluate the rei iabll ity of the digitizing. These procedures identified flow-dependent trends In the digitized data that would verify the accuracy and consistency of the methode og~ Comparisons were made between total surface areas digitized at each of the four discharges for the corridor, vegetated bar, back- grounds and tributary areas. In addition, percentages of the total surface area represented by each aquatic habitat type were calculated as were the percentages of total surface area for exposed gravel, vegetated bars and background area at each of the four discharges. These per- centages wbre summed and the deviation from 100 percent was determined. Average monthly discharges for the Susltna River at Gold Creek range from 1,500 cts/day In winter to 28,000 cfs/day during summer, with the average annual discharge being 9,700 cfs/day (Figure 3a). Sno~>~melt 6 runof our ng June ':July accompan ecJ by gl0c: i a I I unoff durin Juiy and August ov i e r pers i ::tent summer j (Figure 3 d), ~ I L,i bi cnC ::-r·om an cP1cdysls of hydrologic datap !t was determined i·hat the aeri photography obta ned at a mainstem discharge of 23,000 cfs represents a typical m d-summer discharge for the Talkeetna-to-Devil Canyon r-each of the Susitna River. Therefore, this photographv was used to dep ct base ine mid-summer habita·r surface areas~ and the percent change in surface areas as a function of rnalnstem dischar·ge was r·eferenced ·ro the digitized surface areas on the 23,000 cfs photograph~ Because the change in surface area of aquatic habitat is a funct on of discharge and channe I geometry: the Ta I keetna-to=Dev I I Canyon reach was subdiv !ded into four segments, each possessing somewhat di ferent geomorphological char·acterlstics. Total surface areas of each hab tat type within these segments were deter-mined to focus attention on the diversity of habitat types and surface area responses among the four river segments. RESULTS Total surface areas within the :ontrol corridor are presented In Table 1 by aquatic habitat type and sub-area tor each mosaic. The areal equivalent of the precision of measurement for eacn lndlvlduai digitized area !s ± 0.23 acre. Ui ~ C!J £' rtl -5 <ll Ci A. 8. Average Monthly 10 20 30 '!U 50 60 70 SO 90 lOO % of Time Discharge Equa!!ed or Exceeded ON D J FMAMJ A S Months c. D. 2 8 5 4 !Ol B 6 4 10 20 30 <lO 50 60 70 80 90 100 % of Time Discharge Equalled or ElCceeded FIGURE J Average annual ni~:,..~,,.~·~,.~ 10 20 30 llO 50 60 70 80 90 101! % o! Time Disr:harge Equaii~ed or Exceeded for the Susitna River at Creek ~~ri::!J,.,!I~r! Leveen, and George i 978); b,c,d. curves for the Susitna River at Acres American Inc. 198;l). 7 1 e 1; Canyon Dy ..sm:_t~tCJ-.t .b.:,: lli~9.C:J~ ka:(J)_flQL\{: .SL.Q.O_Q r;_f_s_ ci.J2 lU.Q.Q £G Mair.stem 2,399.30 2 850.45 3,158.47 3 p s de Channel 761 .54 1,095.4f 1,222. l7 ,240 ,.69 s de s 155,64 1 8.06 85.78 52,54 Upland Slough 23 85 23.62 . 56 24 . Tr 1 butar·y Mouth 13,84 26.20 25.30 2.08 Tributary 3.48 2.80 2.66 2 83 Gravel Bars 2}096.60 1 '727 < 70 1 ,419.18 8 :!.83 Ve3etated Bars 1 g 7 4,20 1 $919.11 2,011 .35 1 9 718.41 Background 3,307.96 3,695.06 3,444.13 ;327.21 Tot-ai Corridor 10,476.41* 11,458,46 11 ,391 .60 10 93L Area * Snow and shore! fne !C& compl ca-red the dig t zing of this set t)f photography v 1 u0s ;;resentec in lao:e i were f-IG·tif::O TO i lit-51 Qte ine sur ace: art:<:: re~porsE:s of indiv dual hab iat types to changes in rna i;~.rem ci 01ar c!:> mea rec ct tr,e USGS Gold Creek gag ng station (figure 4. rf e arE:as cf rr,ainstern and side channel habitats increased w th s ng ma nstem di charge. Concurrently. exposed grc.;vt:d bars h itn increasing dlscharga Sur ace area ot s ae slough habitats ncreased with decreasing malnstem cischarge. Upland slough surface area showed a dec ining trend with decreas ng discharges. Tr butary mouth habitat was low at 9~000 cfs, increased at discharges of l2F500 and 16,000 cts, then decl !ned at 23,000 cfs. Surface area of vegetated bars remained relatively constant over the range of malnstem discharges. Tributary habitat Increased sligl1tly with decreasing dis- charge. Percen~ages of total surface area within the control corricor are presented n Table 2 by category for each of the four discharge~ Tab e 3 p esents the percentage change in the surface area ot each habitat type w th decreasing malnstem discharge as calculated from a base I ne discharge cf 23,000 cts. Figures 5~8 present the surface area response of Individual habitat types to mal nstem d scharge in four segments of the Ta keetna-to-D~v i l Canyon rEach. These segments extend t rom r ver m i I es (RM) 101 to 113. 13 to 122, 122 to 138, and 138 to 149, The percentage of the total 6 Vi' ~ u .!£. ro (!) ~ Q) (.J ~ ::I In m 0 I- 9 1 0 11 1 2 13 1 4 15 1 6 : 7 18 19 2Q 21 2£ 2 3 FIGURE Mainstem Discharge at Gold Creek (xH1 3 , cis) Sut'face area responses to mainstern the Talkeetna-to-Devil reach the Susitna River (AM 101 to 149). ~ 0 §: 0 ~: N. rn !:I. (J) c: ill ('") ro ~ !'!:> !.;.: ~: _ _.. Tab i e L. Disitized ;:,urface areas 1<.'iti1i "7h& river segment expre.sseo as a ~·er,~ -~ area less tne background area. J~ 2_._C!QQ .kll ll.....2_QQ ~ t"la l nstGm 33.47 36,70 Side Channel 10.62 14.10 Side Slough 2.17 i.52 Upland Slough 0,33 0.30 Trfbutary Mouth 0 19 0.34 Tributary 0.05 0.04 Gr·ave J Bars 29.25 22.24 Vegetated Bars Z3.91 24.71 the 1otal corridor Discharge l_Q_J) 0 0 £;b Q_,_QQQ ill 39.74 49.15 15.38 16.32 1.08 0.69 0.28 0.32 0.32 0.16 0.03 0,04 17.86 10.73 25.31 22.60 9 Table 3, Percen ge c ange lscharges re ative s. 2..._Qj)_Q i,;_f_;;_ Ma!r.stem -35.80 Side Channel -33.62 .Side Slough 196.22 Upland Slough ,40 Tributary Moulh 14.56 Tributary 23.21 Gravel Bars 15639 Vegetated Bars 0.51 Background ;,:~g Ci iliZ·2C S ;;onc;n:;: kllill~ b_:t· l2_._2.Q.Q ~_b ~_dQ_Q .£, f 5 -23.73 48 -11.71 .49 130.99 63.26 -3,34 -7.69 116.86 109,47 .89 -6.09 1 t 1. 77 73,96 12,53 17.93 11.06 3 fJj Q 0 ~ «! (!.) ~ (!.! 0 ~ ~ (f) -rn 0 1- 1ooof-------~--------~~==========::~~~;;~::::::======~~ MAINSTEM 50 40 TRIBUTARY MOUTH Mainstem Discharge at Gold Creek (x10 3 , cfs) FIGURE 5 Surface area responses to mainstem discharge in the TalkE:etna-to~Lane Creek reach of the Susitna River 101 to 113). -l 0 §: 0 ~ N. (l) a. U'J :; i,ij n (1.1 > ...., (l) w ] 1000 MAINSTEM -1 2 Cii' ru OJ 0 ti ~ 05' ctl N. (jJ ro ~ 0.. (lJ u ~ :::J (f) );:. ~ '"' i1l 0 fi.! 1- Mainstem Di::Jcharge at Gold Creek (x10 3 , cfs) FIGUF~E 6 Surlace area re:.ponses to m3instem discharge Lane reac:h of the Susitna River 1 i 3 ~0 10 m- GJ t; -5.- ro e: <:t Q,l u !2 ::; en ro 0 1- 9 10 11 12 13 14 , 5 16 17 , 8 19 20 FIGURE 7 Mainstem Discharge at Gold Creek (.ll:i 0 3 , cfs) Surface area responses to mainstem discharge in the Curry-to-Gold Creek reach of the Susitna River (HM 122 to 138) -1 0 [ 0 ~ N. 11> a. en c ::1. 1:11 !:': rn ~ rn ru s· ~ 1000 71) ru 9. 0 ,g '~ m N~ (!.1 fil c.. ~ In ClJ e: u .., ;;; ~ Ci :i ((; en ;~ ro @ 0 !1J }- Main stern Discharge at Gold Creek (x 10 3 • FIGURE 8 Surface area responses to mainstern the Creek-to·Devil reach of the Susitna ll 1 to 149). area that each habitat type represents var iE:s for each of these river segments, but the general trends displayed by the entlre study reach are evident in each segment. Figure 9 presents a relative comparison of total surface areas cal cuJated tor va,-ious habitat categories within the entire Talkeetna-to- Dev! I Canyon reach and w lthin the four segments for each of the four discharges. In a II segments, rna i nstem and vegetated bar surface i'Jreas )redom i nate. The greatest diversity occurs l n the Lane Creek-to-Goi a Creek reach of the Susitna River (RM 113 to 138), in which a greater percentage of the tote l surface area Is represented by gravel and vege- tated bars. This river segment is characterized by a more braided channel pattern. DISCUSSION Air photo lnterpretatton is highly dependent on the qua! lty of the photography. AI though each set of photographs obtaI ned In this study \'Jere genera! ly clear and comple't-e, the time of day 6 datf;, and pre- vail ing weather conditions at the time the aerial photographic missions were flown affected the extent to which detailed riverine features were visible. The 9,000 cfs photographs, obtained on October 10, 1983, were taken after lee ~ad begun to form along the river and a I ight snowfall had covered the ground. in some cases, this made the determination of the water's edge more difficult. In other cases, particular!/ for up 1 and s i oughs, the sharp contrast between the dark open ~>Jater and the sno\11 covered shoreline combined with a lack of deciduous foliation greatly assisted visual determination of the slough boundary. 12 Talkeetna to La.-.~ Creek (RM 101 to 113) Lane Creek to Curry (RII!i 113 to 122) Curry lo Gold Creek (RM 122 !o 138) Gold Creek to De>vl! (f>M 138 !O rr:lTIJI' I l! I 1 M<:Hnstem l ~~·:,~1,';,',,,',1 1 !~j_u Side Channe~ LEGEND SS Side Slough US Upland Slough TM Tributary Mouth I D Gravel Bars LJ Vege:ted Ears ------------------~-- FIGURE 9 various reaches of River at four mainstem discharges. The 23,000 cts photographs, taken on JunE: 1, l~b:.:', ~«·ere cL:~' 61 2. time of the year when the sun was at a high angle and deciouous veget~ tlon had not tully leafed-out. This resulted in few sr~aaows, r.h!cr1 enabled excellent delineation of water's edge and slough bouncaries. The 12,500 and 16,000 cfs photographs were obtained on September· 11, 983, and September 6, 1983, respectively. At this time of year the sun ls at a low angle, and deciduous foliation is we! I developed, resulting in extenslve shadows along the south and east shore! ines. These shadows somet i rnes obscured the water's edge and made some surface area de If nea- t ions d fficult. In spite of the minor differences In photographic detail, the accuracy and reliability of areal measurements obtained by the digitizing technfque appear to be good. A comparison between total surface areas for the centro i corridor at each of the four discharges devIated from 1.1 to 5.3 percent of their arithmetic mean. This suggests that a high level of precision and good repl icabil ity were maintained during the digitizing of all four sets of aerial pnotgraphy. Total sJr'face areas for vegetated bars and back ground areas were com pared among the four discharges and were found to remain relatively constan~ This would be expected due to the I lmlted Influence of the flow fluctuations on these areas. Surface area responses are a function of streamflow and channel geometry. It channel geometry remains constant over t l me., the surface area responses can also be expected to remain constant. Within the l evt:l of prec sion of this work, smal 1 local changes :~t may have 13 occurec ct·, a n ef c1 on e C I of rt:su Its prest.rte this st n iv2 if the perc proposed project results n no i~e formation and coes no1 alter existing char;n~ geometry in the Taikeetna-to·-Devil 0 then the response patterns presented here ere appl cable to a year-rounQ assessment of habitat ava !abi ty under project conditions. Definitiors for aquat c habitat used In this represent a seT of visual l y recogn zab I e~ stream t I ow ~a pendent phys ca I ch arader i st i cs that do not restr ct the occurrence of a particular hab tat type to fixed geographical !ocat ons. An examf; i e of the i·l ow-dependent nature of these defln tions is reflected by s!de s!oJgh and side channc habitats. Sfde s oughsp by definition are ciear-water habf s fn which the f ow Is maintained by upwel ing and local surface water run- off. A non-vegetated a !uv a! berm and dewatered over low cha el separates the clear water habitat from the active channeL Ylhen mai stem discharge Increases and river stage ises, the ai I uvial berm at the head of th~ s l is overtopped. Turbid mainstem wa+er flows Into e overflow channel and replaces the former clear water haor deeper, faster flowing. turbid water. The aquatic habi th i 5 !ocatior: then fits the defin·tion of side ::::hanne 1 hcbitat. Converse i y, as ma I ns·ren1 d i sd;arse aecreases, areas c i ass if i ed as ide become cu+ of fr·om ihe malnstem flmv at thei upstl-eam end and become c i ear water hat i ats. f these clea,-water ar.3as are conti connected to the ma nstem at the downstream enG of the channe I, rhe·: t h e r: c l a s s i t ; e d a s s i de s I o u g h s. I f t h e s e c i E: a r a t r a : c s 11 e ( F: r: o 1 contiguous and connected to the mainstem, thev were cons i oereo 11 pondec water" end the!r surface ;:,rea was Included in the measur2i7H::nt ot oew ctered grave I bars. lnsuft cent time and resources were available to make on-site inspec- tlons to determine 1~hei"her the c:ear water ilow in these cutoff side channels wou d be ;o~dintained by upwelling, or whether it l'rBS a short- term p;~enomer0n attr i butab I e to bank storage draining i r:tc the channe I. Fie d sampling is necessary to determine the source of the clear water before assigning these new side slough habitats any significance In t.:.:1-ms O"f fish habitat. A reduction of mainstem and side channel surface area and ~n Increase In side slough and exposed gravel bar surface areas was ooserved at lower discharges. This results from both the dewatering of areas ~~d the change in their habitat class:fication. The increase in side slough area results primarill from reclassification of slde channel habitat and ami n m i zal-iun of backwater effects at the dO\'instream end of the s oughs, Surface areas c: tributary streams were su rred and found to increase slightly at a mainste:;~ discharge of 9,000 cb. As .Y!dths of the main- stem channe Is decrease 1'1 I th decreasing j i scharge, 1T 1 butar i es musi-i 1 ow a grt::c<ter distance end., therefore, tr-l butar-y sur face area tends to in- cr ease at low mainstern •Jischarge. 4 ; t~utary ;nouth hnb; s stt.m discharge habi-ta at ,000 cfc dS indicated b trl a iysi is thoL;gr. ro artifact of the photography rather an the inti c:e of di o.-channel geometry. The 9,000 cfs photographs tvere obtal October 10, 1983 we! l after tr·e Susitna River-had begun to le Because much l es:: contrast existed between the clear water pI ;.me of the tribu+ary and the more turbid malnstem water at this time of year, t is un 1 ike I y tr,at the entire sur face areas of the tr l butary mouth habItats were d gitizsd. Therefore, ths total amount of lbutary mouth habitat surface area may be si ightly under est ;:Jated at 9,000 cfs. B I BL I OGRP,PHY Acres Arr:er!car: Inc. 1983. Susitna hydroEdec:tric project FERC i icense appl kation, Exhibit E, Cha~ter 2, Anchorage, M. A I ask a Department of Fish and Game, Sus i i·na Hydro Aquatic Studies. 1983. Sl.!s tna hydro aquatic studies. Phase II basic data report. Vol. 4 Aquatic hab tat and instream 1·1 ow studies, 1982. Anchorage, At\. Part 1 p p. 2. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies. 19b4, ReporT No. 1. Adult anadromoLiS fish investigations: May- October 983. Anchorage, AK. Bredthat..:er, S., and B. Drage. 1982. Alaska Power Author·ity, Susitna hydroelectric project:; tc:1sk 3 -hydr-ology; r ver morphology. R&M Consultants, l nc.~ Anchorage§ AK Report for Acres AmerIcan Inc. Scu; l y, D. R., L. S. Leveen, and R, S. George" I 978. Surface water ecords of Cook Inlet Basin, Alaska, through Septembe, 1975. U. S. Geo Of;'ical Survey, Anchorage, AK. Open-flle Report 78-498. 102 pp, Appendix 1. Plqtes. SC SlOE CHANNEL SS SIDE SlOUGf-~ US U?LANO TM TRIBUTARY RIVER l'tili!.£ TM TRIBUTARY MOUTH T TBIBUH\F\Y RiVER ~~~ILE lEG~HO ..... -......::u.:.. ... .,..,.. -~ M.~.msn::~'t.~ StDE CHA?-~NF..L S~D~ S:'.U)iPJH UPU•.N D S!..~)UGH -"-=-.,_..--->1 I TM TRii3UiA::tV t~OUTH ii T lR!3UT ~~~~y + P.ltt:::r~ P.t:ii..~ ~ ~ -~'Z...:II'IIIP".......:..:....""""Z.~·-~~.,a.r-+'~-=---~ .. ~~..:.~~ r·~~-·~~------:~:.~.~-~~~:~~~·-, ~ uq:j~D~1~ ~ tloUSq ~--b-'6 Rn~ '-f..,.· r i .. ... "" ., -. . . -..... . I ! PLA .,..;~ 3 r.~:;; 1 ~ ~ :~·~;• MRi ;: ~ ~2 ~t) '14"~ ~ L .. ~~.~-: .. =~~. --·~~~----~~--.,,,.::--=.~---~=~.J ~A\.t~·SKA PC~~j8;:;i77~~~~;~~ i ~J~;:-:·r-;A n\'r:\I~OEti·;L-n·v: ~!::.t(l .. l~; ~,_.._....:..:zu-.·.~, ..... ,y~:"' ....... .._.o..:r.~..,-:..-"'•-......~Jr-.-• ..-r,.._.:.~ ; ·;-·&~¥~:~~;~: ~ ~;;:~~~~:~:~~~;~-~~; ~ ~ ~.v..·-......:.-."'C.:::IIw:ft'I.~J·-·---.. :.:..:.:.::z:o:l-:-........ -....:.. ~ ....... '111.., •• __ ......_ , ~~~::1~~:~-:::~~:~.:~.~T>I il' ~·;.. 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I TM T SIDE SLOUGH + UPLANO SlOUGH MS lViAINSTEM SC SIDE CHANNEl SS SIDE SLOUGH US UPlAND SlOUGH TM T + MIDDLE SUSiTNA RIVER PlATE "i 7 OF 1 YO 104 f'll'UDDlE ~s MAINSTEM TM ;C SIDE CHANNEL T .s SIDE SLOUGH + ~s UPLAt~D SlOUGH FiiVEA MILE 101 TO Appendix 2. surface area totals for plate for Creek Flo~.r 1 = 9000 cfs Type 1 Main stem Type 5 Tributary mouth Type 9 Background Floo 2 "" 129.500 cfs Type 2 = Side channel Type 6 Tributary Flow 3 = 161000 cfl:l Type Side slough Type 7 Gravel bars Flow 4 231'-000 cfs Type 4 Upland slough Type 8 Vegetated bars TOTAL NUMBER 21 TOTAL P,RE A SO. HJ. 8. !:1881 SUM BY l-1148 I TAT: TOTAL TYPE TYPE TYF'E --: TYF'E 4 TYF'E 5 TYPE 6 TYF'E 7 TYPE 8 TYPE 9 TOTAL =· ~ s:-.c;a t~l. (i!J!:1(l ,:, . !21(1t~1!!i (!. 1.:1•21!!1!~1 . 1217 i(l.!-?ll?l!Zl!il 1. 9T:.(! .51::'6 8. 1471 NUMBEF: FLOt-<l 1 TOTAL NUI'WEF: F'LATE # 34 TOTAL AREA SQ. IN. SUM BY HABITAT: TYF"E TYPE TYF'E TYF·E TYPE TYPE TYF'E TYPE TYPE TOTAL 4 C" .J 6 7 8 9 TOTAL 5.3754 1. 534!?1 .!21947 <.2l.!?l<.:l!2l<.2l • !21119 !21.!?10<.21<.21 3. 31<.~!3 3.7125 !Zf. i?l!:l<.2H:l 14. !21388 14. iZ1699 NUMBEF: 2 .... ) !!l 19 6 <.21 34. FLQt.J F'LATE # 3 TOTAL NUMBEF: 49 TOTAL AREP1 SO. IN. 1 7 • 8<.2121 SUM BY HABITAT: TYPE TYFE : TYPE .:· TYFE 4 TYF'E 5 T·n:·E b TYF·E 7 TYF·E 8 TYF'E 9 TO f.::.L TOTAL 4.6978 1. 7992 .6678 ~?l. ,:100121 0. •:l•:!(!t) .!;1<.:154 5. 4::·81 1 7. 8'=17 1 NUMBEF: 4 9 til 49. MEAN 1. :::85!21 ~21. Ql!?l!?ll!l ('. ~Mlel<.2l !?1. !?1!21<.21!21 . 1217 ~?1. 1.21!?10!21 .1315 .5126 ~21. !:11!21 f1!2l • 239!!1 MEAN 1 • 7918 • 767~?1 .!21316 !?1. !Zifl~.2\!?l • !ZI119 !El.!?i!2l!!l!!l .1742 .6188 !ZI. !~1!3!21~,:1 .3772 MEAN 2.3489 .4498 • f,~f742 Ql. 'iiO•:l9 !~l • •:l ~~~!!I ~21 .!:l•i154 • ::"481 .::::8::1 1 . (1~:11 :. F'EF:CENT 68.5 !21.!!1 (1. l?l !?1. ('I 1.5 !21.1.!1 :24.4 F'EF:CENT 38.2 Hl.9 .7 • 1 26.4 O.l;l 99.8 F'EF:CENT :h .. 4 Hl.l 3.8 1il.•il O.•il .•?1 ::;t;l. 7 1:2.7 16.9 TQT,:C,L rHif<~<::.:F T[IT:.:,L ?;f-.:(::; SUM B'f H.:-t'l T;,T: TYF'E TYF'E TYF'E TYF'E TYPE TYF'E TYF'E TYF'E TYF'E TOTAL 4 6 8 q TOTriL 1. 8:::·:..::'!:1 • -:;.C?9:::.' . (1773 • 14•?1:::.' • !:1117 3.8767 1 • !?1151 35. 7H39 6 6 51 HI 8 94. FLOVJ F'LATE # 97 TOTAL N'.Jf'IBER TOTAL AREA SQ. IN. 39. 482:::.' SUM BY HABITP,T: TYF'E TYF'E TYPE TYF'E TYF'E TYPE TYPE TYPE TYF'E TOTriL 4 6 7 8 9 TOTAL 6.5130 .6169 . 629!21 • 1856 .1947 1.21. !i!iilQl<21 6.4:::::5 3. 1299 = 1. 8•J'=?4 NUI'1BEF: 8 3 14 4 2 97. TOTAL NUI'1BEF: PLATE # 6 1 1 1 fOT riL AF:EA SQ. I . 34 l•T:::a SUM BY HABITAT: TYPE TYFE T'(FF T'(l~'E Lf T 'iF'E T'fFE T'WE T'i~'E T(FE roTr-.L TOT PoL 4. qc;>8;:j -.08!:14 . •l457 . 1 :.::. 1:1. tlr:I•Jr·j i : j ., ( ~ ' ~ :) I ~ }I~} 7 ... ::.-:1 ~ r·lUMBEF: b 7 111. f1EAtJ 1. C?-::.61 • -:::.r.?!87 .(li :o .. ~~} 7 ~:i 1 .. !,~~~?15 q • !2176(1 • 1 !?115 :::.8173 MEAN .8141 .0449 • (14b4 • Ql974 ~~~ • (21!~1 ~:\ !21 • 16•218 .1956 2" 1809 .4162 "!!4· ll • 1 t! 4 • •Y:::-1 ~ . 12l•.i • _::qq~l l. -:"14--, :2 .. 7 6~~} ~· PERCENT 16.5 1.6 1.6 9. '21 16.:: 7.9 F'EF:CEI'lT 14.7 1.-::-: 1:: .b 87 TOTAL AREA SO. IN. 34.898:;::: TYF'E TYF'E TYF'E T'tF·E Tv'PE 4 TYPE 6 TYF'E 7 TYF'E 8 TYF'E q TOT ril TOTAL 4.7bl~ : .• 4:;:::77 . :!:119 .. ~::~Zf56 .. ~:J=:l!~?) ...,_J:::s 5.0 161 1.:?. 7;:.:::::.7 NUI'1BEF: 6 2 43 .:?1 6 87. FLCl\!l 1 TOTAL NUr·mEF: PLATE # 8 93 TDTAL AREA SQ. IN. 36.!:•72:'::, SUl'l f.'.' HABITAT: TYF'E TYF'E TYF'E TYF'E T'/F'E TYF'E TYF':= TYPE TYPE TOTriL 7 TOTAL 6 •. s 1 9'7 3.<ii7J212 , 464 121 fl ~!~8~.2}6 n. <:I!ZiO,:! • •11017 q. 0!21':::0 11. :::493 5 •. :':.665 NUT·lBEF: 4 6 45 3l!l 93. FLm•l F'LATE # 9 TOT HL NUf'18EF: TOTAL ~REA SQ. IN. SUM PV HAE:IT.:;T: T'r'F'E TYr:·~ T ·;p;: :·:TE T rTf? r·.'r'E r·,'FE rn 1 ;.1 "" ,I 6 7 TOTAL 5.5941 1. :o:-;r;l " ~~~!)58 .. !:'159 •'l.l710r;!til 7 .t:·ll s 1 ~. 16~Jb 1 . '34.~/·i l'g!Zi 31. 9'-=167 6 4 ]Q 5 MEAN .9524 • 571 .351!21 .![1!2156 0 ~1366 • )!~~85 • 1661!1 .:2817 2.1256 MEAN 1. 6550 • 5117 • 1.547 .1!1806 P. \2i0!!h?.l • !:1!2117 .3783 1. 8888 .5412 MEAN .93:4 .b:::-::s • l:l-=7:2•1 . ')!:158 • ··1159 • ::1 !il I •j ~:~ ,. 1 s~::: 13.6 9.8 :. !'! .. ~zs • 1 2!!1.5 17. ~~~ 36.5 99.7 F'EF:CHJT 18. 1 8.4 1.3 !21 .:21 24.6 31. <~) 15.5 F'EF:CENT 17.5 7.0 Ll. •) • (I .•:1 <11.•:1 ::::::. •3 4t. l 5 .. 8 TYF·E TYFE TYF'E TYFE TYFE 4 TYF'E 6 TYF'E TYF'E 8 TYF'E 0 TOTAL • 1 L?44 s. 1 ::·:;>•) 4. 11- 5 5 l~l 0 1 1 4 67. FLGVI TOT.::.L_ NUI"lBEF: F'LATE..., 11 78 TOTAL ~F:EA SC•. TYPE TYF'E TYf'E TYF'E TYF'E TYF'E TVF'E TYPE TYF'E TOTAL 6 7 8 q TOT t-iL 6. 1s:::::s .4838 . 1 m(:'6 ••. ;i3•+2 .G415 .!21:)9~:.; 4.6676 ::.. 934: 12. ,;1.~44 r!UI'1BEF: 5 6 2 15 1 1 78. FLOW PLATE M 12 TOTAL MJMBER 47 TOTAL PREA SQ. IN. 20.1540 SLW1 J?.Y Hi4BIT{H: TYPE TYI:·E TYf'E T'!t:'E T'r'PE .,.F·r= TYF'E 4 TOTAL '. :":::'.44- .7787 NUf'iBEF: q. 4 .. ~·16~1 ~ f.~~q :.6 .. ·~~~.f30 f1EAN 1. 23•i!8 • 414•!1 • ~~1335 • •:11 71 .IZC12!8 • !21•~148 . 14':·q .. -::::56 1. ~y:;;68 .3666 MEAN .;j::•:l'l t-::::n rz; .. Uf.h·i!i Iii. .. ::'98 . 2•l:~ l. l :::4. 17 c;> 4.[:. ' ~ 1 • ' . 7 18.7 17.1 39.8 5 0 14.9 16. 1 38.6 97.8 F'EF:CENT f'-L ~·~J 1 Ten AL r RJr·wc: R TOTAL AREA SO. t·· . ~ -t 1 ! c. fl ::.q J N • 1 q • :? Ql 7l21 TYF·E TYF"E TYF·E TYPE 4 TYF'E ~· TYPE 6 TYF-'E 7 TYPE 8 TYF'E 9 TOTAL 5. 6:21~.6 2. 1148 .4559 !21. ~!H2l•!l~21 . !!i21 q .!!1Hl4 :: .• 1 ~2116 2.8675 =~9649 1 q. 1426 6 6 6 27 8 4 FLOW F'UHE # 14 TOTAL NUMBEF,: TOTAL AREA SQ. IN. SUt1 BY HABIT,:n: TYF·E TYF'E TYF'E TYPE TYPE TYF'E TYF'E TYPE TYPE TOTAL 4 6 8 TOTAL 5.4498 :. . 121336 .2424 . 1325 • ~~1085 !:l.t,ZIO!:lO 4.6061 4. 99!il9 9.7413 28. 2!2151 28.3389 NU!'1BEF: 4 ;;.. 4 0 24 9 6 53 .. F!....OvJ F·LATE # 15 TOTAL NUMBER ~7 TOTAL APEA SQ. IN. 19.5996 SUI1 E!Y HABIT?.) T: T'fF'E T\TE T'(FE T'r'FF: r·.:F~ 4 T';T E 6 T't'F··E 7 TY~-'E 8 T'(F t.: '? TOTAL 6.9799 1. 3<~54 l~l. ~:l!:lt;P,:I • ~~14 1•21 G. !0:1•~1·;1<,~1 0. ~~11.2lO;Zl l. 92~ .. :. 1.2236 8.1 1%6 NUt1BEF: •:! s -:--r=-~1::" ... ...; .... J..:..._l • 076!21 0. t.:l;21;:1•2! • i;l21 Q • 01 1!14 • 1889 • :::5B•t .7412 .2982 MEAN 1.3625 1.!~ll12 • !2161216 . '21663 • QHEl85 !21. !?100!~1 • 1919 .5545 1.62:::6 .5421 MEAN 2.3266 .. 68:7 '21. ~[1';1•21!~1 .. ·~j~!215 •J. or;!n•::l '21 • ~~t~:JrJ~~i • 1 tJ·t:. .. .L.}f~J7S) t. t;.::: 1 ·.::: .5799 F'EF-:CDJT :?9.::: 1 1 • (I 2.4 • 1 • 1 26.6 14.9 15.4 99.7 F'EF:CENT 19.2 1 ~~~. 7 9 lb.3 17.b 9q.s ;;s. (l •:l.•;l 9.8 6 .. : t L. :_ 1 Cll .:.L IJUf·'F'U 1 cn.:.L ;;r-E;.:. 5 U r·1 G Y H A B I 1 ,; T : TYF·E TYF'E T'l"F'E T'fTE l\ TYF'E 5 TYF'E 6 TYF'E 7 TYPE 8 TYF'E q TOTAL 8 .. 1-,b·~ • 46·~~~::. • J :59 .. (j::,87 .'Y·J-=?8 . i:l115 :::.6Q:.4 l. ST:::.:: 12 • .1 -::-.. ::;.-:;; -.~~...-. -~· .. -·~- NUf'1BEF: 14 6 FLOW F'!_ATE # 17 TOTAL !l!JME~EF: TOTAL AREA SO. IN. SUt'-1 BY Hi4BITAT: TYPE TYPE TYF'E TYF'E TYPE TYF'E TYF'E TYi=·E TYF'E TOTAL 4 5 ·:S 7 8 9 TOTAL .8796 !:1. O!~lt,i!•ZI 1,~1. 0'2it,2i~2l 0. !~lt,2!12!i,21 1.ZI. 0QJ2l(l 3. 1~15.:.-.::: .. 4~2i95 •). r~i·:liZIO 9.9761 14 1!21. •21108 NUt1BEF: 2 14. FLQl.oJ PLATE l* 18 TOTAL NUMBEP 66 TOTAL APEA SQ. IN. 22.7779 TYF·E T'ff'E T fF·:::: r·{r-·E T .'F·E T'.'I-"E .-, f',FE Tvf'·E 8 T I!=·~ ·-) 4. 4 3E!9 :::.8711 '2l .. t'it·lt•i!;} "1)4 .'~(:\ . :: .• 44.23 'l. ·-"=·'1'::. -.. =1':..· )q l·lUr·mEF: 4 ':I 1 7 4 .. ::~.(i:". .. ~:J=~s~ • (i(198 • •~I 1 l ;:, . 1 q::4 . 5241 MEAN .43q8 ~~5 0 ~~j ~2) ~~i 0 IZI.!:i<Yi() •). oor;;r:; ~~, .. ~~~t~\,~j~~5 . ::::s:~J .. 1365 .7321 1'1EAr.l 1. 1•:19' • -+ 1 ·I=· ·YI·~...., • :::'4 ':-: • :.:: :-1 : 3:.::'.4 1.8 C' . -· 6 .. : 48. !?I qq_q 99.7 1:.::'.6 := .. 6 ::a.-: . 17 - 1 _\l" l T01 AL NLIME<EF: TOTAL AREA SQ. IN. SUM BY HABITAT: TYF'E TYPE TYF·E TYF·E TYF·E TYF'E TYF'E TYF'E T'rF'E TOTAL. 4 6 7 Et TOTAL 6.3881 Ql. (:1!;1•21!?1 o. !2l!~~no !~i • !21 !21!21 !?i .1594 Q!. !~l!?l!?l!!l l. 475!21 .5773 ;z1. r.ZI0r.21!21 8.5998 8. 71 q-:-, NUMBEF: (l 15. FLOVl :2 PLATE # 2 TOTt-iL NUI'1BEF: TOTAL APEA SO. IN. 15.2198 SUM f:'Y HAEqTriT: TYF·E TYF'E TYF'E TYF'E TY'F'E TYF'E TYF'E TYF'E TYF'E 4 t::" ·-' b 7 q q TOTP,L 1.q217 • :::>2121 •21.!21•21•;1•!; 4.<2lr.!l25 !21. •2!12101~) NUMBEF: 4 4 34 8 0 TOTAL 15. H184 FLOVJ F'LATE # TOTAL NUMBER 50 TOTAL i.:;F~EA SC1• IN. 19 .. 2524 SUr1 f<Y HABITAT: r YF·E-_ T'.TE T n:'E r , F"r:: r '( PF T',TE r·,TF r {f-'E .') TOTAL_ 5.361b :. -::::.::.[!9 ,;1. •21U<:I•J •:I.•'Jo:ioJr) ,;,_ (iiJ•:l(l 4.5'-'N"-_; ::::" ~.~;4~. f·HJMBEF:: :2.12q4 !.:1.•21<21•21121 0. !;1<,~1<2!::21 •:1. ~21•21!21'21 .15C?4 •2l. Or.2l!21!21 ,l.IPS .3348 MEAN 1. 6418 .4l304 . 2!2121 ·~j. r,?l•il9(1 .!21647 QS , (~I ~~5 !2~ t~) • •21691 .. 5~~)~~J3 ·:!. ,jr~l<2l~2l .3287 f•1EAN 2 • .::.8•J8 .78'::16 • 1::::8.:::. •). 1~\!:ls;j;:j <~ .. f~)l)~~lt~i ') .. ~ ·b.:~J~\i~) • 1 :34•,:1 • 1 i3l \ 1.:--F;.--:: F'E F:C EI'-JT 73.3 •!!. (I ~zs • ~Z! ~~l 0 !.!J 1.8 0.0 16.9 6.6 (?\. Ql 98.6 F'EF:CEI'JT 43. 1 1.3 !21.!21 .4 !2! • ~!! 15.4 26.3 ~21 • !Zl 99.3 F'EF:CEI'·iT ::'7.8 12.3 1:!. ·J •. ;!. ') f~1 .. '~~ 18. = ~-.:, ~ ~ 1 !_ 1 r .. 1 E-, E.. f. T 0 T :.; ~ ~ r::: E ?-1 ·3 l· ~ ~ r l ~ S L 11'-" f< Y H A F< J 1 ,; T : TYF'E. TYF'E Tvr~·E TYF'E T'r'F'E TYF'E:- TYF'E TYF'E TYF'E TOTAL FUJvl 4 6 7 8 TCiT ,~L 7" '"":.·1 ~:·j= -:-.• 61]-;- • •2'7·1:::· . ·)El•Jl 3.1~<1':· :.'. ] ::'4 ~~ :::: •• 1 l -:_:: 1 TDT Al_ NUMEtE:f.: TOTAL AREA SQ. IN. SUM BY HAEc IT ~,T: TYF'E TYF'F TYF'E T'r'F'E TYF·E TYF'E TYF'E TYF'E TYF'E TOTAL 4 t:_" _, b 8 q TOTAL_ 1. 8!::P9 • 414 121 • 2tZ12!2i (1. !~!('1121!21 5 (S 4 1"Zi81 4 l .. ~ -. 8 6 93 45. b3::·6 NU!'1BE~: 8 8 9:-::. FLOI.>J F'LATE # TOTAL NUMBER 94 TOTAL AREA SQ. IN. 41.7254 SUf·1 DY HABI TP,T: T'rTE T'r'i-=·E: Tr'F'E T'rTE -'1- TrTE T'.'F·F T -.·F·E -~ r' 1-'F: T': F·F TOTAL .~. 3Sqb 4.177'=? . 1., ;r:l•)•J •;1.•:1•:1<:H NLIMBEF: 4 7 ::::: . .:w-:-. • 4~·l l:!. o)r)•;j() .!:•'88 ME;':,N • q;.O)i) 1 .. ~·616 . •:1518 . 1-::::s: • :::::-:-.C?8 I ) ~ '_'I :J. I J > _) 17.-::-. 8.7 .. 8 Ql .. (~j 7 .. 6 5 .. 1 60. -=-· F'EF:Ca.JT 15.8 4.•J 9 . 4 O.t;l 11.9 7.9 .8 FEFCEr.JT 15_-:::: 1(:1.':! •I f·l_l_IL•J J-i_t, il_ .}i TOTAL NUf'll:-!EF; TOTAL AF:EA SO. SUM E<Y HABITAT: TYPE TYPE 2 TYPE -: TYF'E 4 TVF'E 5 TYF'E 6 TYF'E 7 TYF'E 8 TYF'E 9 TOTAL TOTAL 6.4581 2.6179 . 5937 • !ti 11 El .. QI.Y.65 .~ . ::516 6., 53,~.q 13. 1 :'595 35~7516 q= NUMBEF: 4 6 28 9 92. FLOW PLATE # 8 TOTAL NUMBER 90 TOT~L AREA SQ. IN. 38.5323 SUM BY H;;8ITAT: TYFE TYF·E TYF'E TYF'E 4 TYF'E TYF'E TYPE TYF'E TYF'E TOTAL 6 7 8 q TOTAL 6 e 7:.?~~Ll 5. 7!2164 .3442 !:1 • ~?l (I(.~! r.:! !!l. !ti!~li~h:! 7. 59(111 12. !2il~l.39 6.1364 38.5786 NUMBEF: 5 6 Ql 0 43 31 .... ..... PUHE # 9 TDT .~L r·lUt·lBEr: 86 TOTAL AF'EA so. [I'J. 35.0650 Sllf'1 E<Y H~\8ITriT: TYF'E T'rT[ T IF'E. r' F·F.: I .T·E r rF'·f : ·,·FF r.T>: Tor ..:.1 :-I TOTAL 6. 859•:1 :.::.47-:1~, • •!11 •:1•1 • '·''1 ·:r:· ,;1. (-'i(ll·lt;) -·e -,·,--.._•.-' NUI"18EF: "" -· 4 6 :Jb. i'lEAi-l 1. 6145 • Lj~)63 .2969 • 1,~1118 .. ~~1756 .!~C33 • 16!213 .-..---c= c.....:.-~·-....:·-' 1.4622 • 47':;l4 l"iEAN 1. 3451 .9511 . 1147 (I • i.~~ Ql (I (i Q!. Q\Or2l;21 • 1765 • 387:2 6. 1364 MEAN 1. -:;718 • 1 ::4.:+ . i:ll ·~14 • •;ll !~17 ,:; .. ,Jrilt!lt~j • 1 t;.'7'7J •• ::.•ll4 •. ::.::Je:.G 17.9 .. ·-·· J. 6 .0 . 1 18. 1 ::6.5 S'S'. 1 F'EF:CE!'IT 17.5 14.8 .9 ;.2l.r,ZI rzl. ;~i 19.7 31.2 15.9 F'EF:CENT 1 '-7. 6 ,-i. r~ :tJ .. 3 5 .. r_..) -1 [cl ~,L I HY'1E;E_~· =·4 TOT ~4L t=,F:[I-1 ·SQ., IN. ~8.:. SUt·1 BY HPd?. .I 1 ;..r: TYF'E TYF'E TYF·E TYF'E TYF'E TYF'E TYF'E TYPE TYFE TOTAL 4 r ,_) 6 7 8 TOT;,[_ ·~'" 8~:)::6 1 .. 5::6EJ .4684 . ~:!~31 7 ~) .. ~ZIQ'!.~)!!i •:1. ~2l!X!~?l 4.481-:: .. 9 .. 7868 28.B819 NUME>EF: 4 FLOW PLATE# 11 TOTHL NUMBER 81 TOTAL AREA SQ. IN. 34.3280 SUI"1 EiY HAB I TPoT: TYF'E TYF'C:: TYPE TYFE 4 TYPE TYPE TYPE TYF'E TYPE 5 7 8 9 TOTAL FLOW TC.lTAl_ TOT.:C.L 7.674:2 3 .. 1267 .4134 .!214!2!3 .<,21333 • !21114 3 .. 561'5 5209586 i3.<i-753 NUMBEF: 7 6 4 . .:_·, _;. 13 11 81. F'LATE # 1 ~ NUr·IE:EF: 51 ~·FEf~, ~-30. IN. 21.8 1:1~.35 SUf'l GV 1-H~Et!TAT: T'r'F·E rtr=·F: T r'F'E r -'~=·F 1'-T·F r 'r'f'E 8 8.-:::8-:::1 ,~,., I :~~:~IJI:f tJ .. i ~j~ ·if :i(1 1l .. /:1:i·:i 1 :: t •. 1,. I·~ -~ f·lUMElEF: o·\ 1.:; • '>:'· 4 • l 1 t!l.•)o'lt:li) ::l .. !~1!:~~~1~) 4. 8°-::-.. ~ .9674 1.0963 . 5211 • 1034 .1,~1111 .(!l1T38 • 111:: .4584 1. :::25!:1 .3945 MEHN 1. 1'=17b . -:::1•:1 1 • ,:1:::8~=· . ' 11 l ·..:: tl ,I 1t (• . ..::l'Jl ~ 'o -..''I 1 F ERCD.JT =·· 4 1 .. 6 F'EF:cc:rn 2:::.4 q. 1 1.2 • 1 • 1 .t:l u:1.4 17.4 ::::<:?.3 99.9 F'EFCEJ.l T . 4 . l ' j .. '~) •l •I -l l·:l. u f-L!J\iJ jC'Lt< i E-. j.i 1 -· TOTAL NUMBER 61 TOTAL_ AF:EA SO. lN. ::::'1. Hl'::·!:l SUM BY HAE;JTAT: TYF'E T'WE ::::' TYF·E ..:· TYF'E 4 TYF'E 5 TYPE 6 TYPE -, TYF'E 8 TYF'E 9 TOTAL FLO!-J "' 6.6998 :: .. 4947 . ].964 (~!. ~~l!21r2f!!l .1:?69 • 0!!172 4. !21999 3.4:?11 ::.q:::25 NUMBER 6 7 61. F'LATE # 14 TOTAL NUI•mEf:: TOTAL AREA SQ. IN. 30.0336 SUr"1 BY HABITAT: TYF'E T'r'F'E TYF'E T'tf;·E T"r"FE TYF'E TYF'E TYF·E TYF'E TOTAL FLDVJ 4 6 7 8 9 TOTAL 6.34:?8 4 .. 7282 .2866 • 18!~10 ~). !:lf.?I!Jr) Ql. !ZI!Zl1Zl!2l 2 .. 8592 5 .. 464~~, 29.6662 NUME<EF: 5 . .:.:. 29 8 4 PLATE I* 15 TOTAL flUI'lBER 3!21 TOTAL AREA SQ. IN. 20.7850 SUM GY HABITAT: TYF'E TYPE TYFE TYPE 4 TlFE 5 T':TE .S TI'FE T':'F'[ T r'F':: Tor;,L TOTAL 7" ·==·=q 1 1. E3884 •J. •J<:li;h,'l • •T:_":61 <:l. ,;l•:I<.·IIJ •il • r:lr:l(~fi:l 1.::786 8.:-_i9.p NUMBEF: 14 4 MEAf\J 1.1166 .6c;>89 . ~~l655 ~!l. !~lr,?!Ogl . 1269 . (!Ql72 . 1281 .4887 .4871 . 3466 t'1EAN 1. 2686 1.5761 .2866 • i219!Jl!ZI !Zl !!1!.21!2!!21 !21. r,2!~2:lr,Ml • !,~1986 • 683!!1 2.4514 .7171 1'1EAN :? . 543!21 . <P21 ~il. 'il(li~l<.il • <!1181 •:l. •:1•.:!\Zif:! •il. ·:11:1(1!21 • rJ985 . :~::::'87 ::::'. 1487 F'ERCEI'H 31.7 16.6 . 9 Ql. (!J .6 .!.!1 19.4 16.2 13.8 99.4 F'EFCENT 21.1 15.7 1. ~~~ .6 !!I. iii !21.!21 9.,5 18.2 32.6 98.8 PEF:CENT 9.1 !'1.•;1 (~j • •:! 6 .. 6 6.::::' 41.4 1 (10. 1 ',_ •_i. J TQT,:'\L r lUi1c:ET TDTAL r:;r;Er-'! SC•. II>~. SUt-1 8Y H~\E~ IT.; T: TYF'E TYPE TYF·E TYPE TYPE 4 TYPE 6 TYPE 7 TYPE 8 TYPE S' TOTAL FLOVJ TOTAL '=?. l-=--57 . 85b1 f·\. •'l~)•:lrJ .. i~)t_, :.(~ l.S'516 1 .. 6:'::4 1 :: .. l t.j7(i TOTAL NUI·1DEF: i'lUi·1BEF 14 14 TOTAL AF:Er~. SO. IN. 1i.183':;> SU!'1 BY Hi:;PITAT: TCT(-'tL t·lUMBEF: TYF'E T't'FE TYPE T'fF'E TYPE TYPE TYF'E TYPE TYF'E TOT1~L FLOvJ 4 7 8 q 7. l3b1 .. 9=-·t:!.Zi ~~~ .. !.2' ~z; ~~~ !~~ ;~\. f)l:l•:!lil ::::'. -4·::::.~8 .4°35 0. :Jt:!IJr.J 1 L FLATE Jt 18 TDTAL NUMBER 78 TOTAL AREA SQ. IN. :5.139':;> SUM BY HABITAT: TYF'E TYFE T'r'F'E T" PE •1 T .'FE TYFE ,:, TYFE T·,,•··F:: T r'F E r 1_1 r, .;_ TOTAL ~ ~--,r..:-- . .' .. -. ~~· - I·JUMPEF: . 1394 . ::.Lql 7. 1 '2"-61 .. 478~2 1 (i .. (1~2~~:t~~~ ~2i ~ ~~j~~i~~ft2j (l.•)(l<Yl I:' . ~ZJ ';, !21 ~~i . 31:\4.1 .. 1645 ·J. l)rJt:i•J .. 8°81 ME.;r-t . 1 1 ':;l -;. . •f! 1 1 ::. (l. 1 . " 47. 1 F'EF:CEN1 8 .. 5 ·:!,1:! (l. ::) :1.8 4.4 IJ, (I G8.,5 F·EFCEJJT :•:~. 7 w. '-) ~ T [IT AL f'llii"H->EF: TOTAL AREA SO. IN. SUM BY HAPJTAT: TYF'E TYF'F. TYF'E TYF'E TYF·E TYF'E TYF'E TYPE TOTAL 4 7 8 q TOTAL 6 .. 5::~8 ~2) ... !.~)(S~~t!-2> t.Zl. Q!t.~i,~l•:l Ql. !21!2li:1!2\ . 141; i.~l. 0~2)1210 c:-"":""'"":"'._ ... ._,f.~··-··-· ; ~- q 14. FLOW _. F'LATE :J:t :2 TOTAL NUI'1BEF: 24 TOTPd_ 1'-iF:EA SQ. II'L 15.2144 SUI'l BY HABITAT: TYF'E TYF·E TYF'E TYF'E T'tF·E TYF'E TYFE TYF'E T'fF'E 4 <::" -· s 7 tl q TOTAL 7. 5!2192 1 D 5324 .2!2167 !!1. !ll!2h!l!~l • ~~!66:2 ~~~. l2HZl•Zl!.!l 2. !21198 4. 98~·5 rEl.f.2!!,2j!E10 NUI'1BEF: 4 Qi 12 TOTAL 15.4198 24. FL[!l>J T'!FE T'r'FE T':'FE T'rTT rwE T (i:E T rf>[ f ,I:E F'L(;TE # ...::. TOTAL NUMBER 37 TOTAL. AF:Er.C. '30. IN. 18.1971 c .J '3 TOTAL !J .. <Jt~;i.:l·~l (j • ~ :i ~.;)l:i I :j • ~:i 15-:: (~} • I 21 f ~If:; I~~ NUMBEF: -·' .. MEAN 2. 1 '74:::-: •21.•::lt.:!<21t.(l 12!. 0121!21!~1 (I. !.~i0t.210 . 1417 !.~!. ~21!21!J!21 .0618 .. 5333 ..,.-.~C"' "-...:•..:.:. . ...:·-' MEAN 1. 8773 1. 5324 .2067 !!1. (@i~l!!l .0662 !21. !Z1!21!21!21 .1683 .8171 O.t.Zl!Zl!!I!Zl .5187 1"1EAI'l 3.:836 1. 0 1Zl91 •J. ·:H)t2hZI •:1,\:;c:!>:'O .·:115-:.:: 1;1. o.;ii;I<JI~I .19·)1 • ::(:181 1. :::A'=~ F'EF:CEJ.IT 84. 1 t.(l. (2! Ql. 1.21 121. Q! 1.8 t.2l.G 7 .. 2 6.9 99.9 PEF:CENT 49.4 Hl.l 1.4 0.1.~1 • 4 Qi. !21 13.3 26.9 !ZI. !,~! 1!211. 4 F'EF:CENT 36. 1 16.6 t.~l. •J ·:•.·:! • 1 :::::1.9 15.: 6 .. 8 TC11 HL ~-IU1'1tiEF,. TOTAL ARE~ SO. IN. -· " J SUM BY H,::,8IT~,T: TYF·E T'WE T'fF'E T'rTE TYF'E TYF'E TYPE TYF'E TYF'E 4 6 ...., 8 q TOTP<L 7 .. ~6=5 3.9.::::88 • 1357 • ~218(~\= • .::::216 1Q9583 ~ .. 2337 23.7:.67 39~5575 T CiT AL NU11E1EF: F'Lf:,TE # 74 TOTAL AF:E:; 4 1 8 7 SUt1 BY HABITt;T: TYPE TYF'E TYF'E TYPE TYF'E T'.'!=·E TYF·E TYF'E T'/FE 5 6 8 9 TOTAL 8. 17bl 2.•2lB46 .4351 4.47':t4 :::::. 46!~1-= 21a6815 4i,2l. 8677 NUI'1BEF: 6 4 . .:_. 3 74. PLATE it TOTAL NUMBER 75 e -· 6 TIJTAL f.::.FEA SQ. Il'l. 36 • ..s7..::f2 SUI1 [!Y Hf-:;8IT;:--,T: TYF'E TYFE UF'E T\'1-'E T'.'F'I::: TYFE T'/F·E !"'fi:·E r ·n::::: 'i TOTr;L ·~"' 9.~6·;~ • -:.::::·''7 • 1 :~-~8 ;_!.··l·i•·ln i:j • f~ii ~h~il ~i -.. -·~~-1-.:;rL:_, r·IUMDEF: ~. 4:::'•:>8 .. 48:: • 1 ~5! 1'1EAN 1. 168(1 .3474 • ;,~!854 .(1698 • 145Ql o. o,zj;:1e1 u 15-45 ... :307 ......... , 18.5 . 6 F'EF:CENT .8 .. 5 1.1 !21.0 11 • 1 8.6 5: .. a 1 1). 8 ::; l4.Q l :3. 1:. TCiTAL i'·lUt-1f•EF-: TOTAL AREA SO. lN SUM BY HAB I"! Ptl": TYF'E TYF'E TYFE TYF'E IYF'E TYF'E T\'FE TYF'E TYPE 4 6 7 8 q TOH~L 7.,18•<'!'::;> 4.4831 •:l. • ![1118 • 1!215:; • ~21431 5. ::::'(11 1 .6616 ,t_ ~ NUf'lf!EF: e -· 18 4 65. FLOll F'LATE fl UTA!_ l·lUI"iBEF: TOTAl_ r~f'::E:J.:. SO. Jl'l. SUM BY H!-1BlT~H: TYF'E TYF'E TYPE TYF'E TYF'E TYPE TYF'E TYPE TYF'E TOTAL 4 7 8 9 TQT,;L 7 • 5!.!~!.~l!?~ 6.2198 .61!217 • •2i6~217 0. 6. 3•:i·;i.: 1 ~,.. l6tl~3 37.9:21'? NUt'1BE~: ._:. 81. FLOW FLATE # TOTAL NUMBER 75 8 9 TOTAL ;.;F:EP1 SO.. IN. 3.:J.. 1873 SUf1 8Y HABITAT: fYFE TYFE TtPF:; -; T':'FE T':"F·E TrrE T ,-c·t:: r·;t:·E r < r-c:: TOTf';L 1 ~ i2l7 ·~~'5 .. '~'')58 .. t2i:7f-j s:i.•J!:H') ::. 7 £H::l5 • El 0 66 (:1. 9l21~~l(;l • \21118 .. 1576 .3761 :2.3915 • 858Qj 2 ~ 5QH~J!2J 1 .. 555!:2j • 61!217 .. fZ16:~!7 ~~~. !:lQ@sZJ • •:h;!OtZ! .137::: .5789 1.6856 .7864 !'1EAN t .. ::653 .... , 15:: .•)J2i58 • •:1:7r:1 ~·j < ·:!(il(l!~l • 14•:11:1 • :::1<;114 F'EF:CENT ~:.1 13.3 Ql.!Z! .o . 1 15.4 28.3 99 .. 6 2l~l. 1 16.7 1.6 !Ei.!Zi !Z!. iZI lb.q 3:2 .. 6 13.5 F·EF:CENT 2(1. <:;>.7' .•. 1 • 1 16.4 4.':l. 4 b.8 ;-!_' TYF'E TYF'F. TYF'E Tvr:·E TVF'E TVF'E T'fFE TYF'E TYF'E FLOvJ TYF'E TYF'E TYPE TYF'E 7YF'E TYF'E TYF·E TYF'E TYF'E r ~, L TQTt=;L NUMBEF .-:-:81 4 4 ::5 8 5 .. ·:J.q7j 4 56. ~=·u~TE ~ 11 Tcn·,;L N\.11'1BEF: TOT~L AREA SO. IN. 4 7 TOTAL : .• 6324 . 17'l5 .0130 .. ~J4~ .. s "~~H:f77 b. 2(3!.210 14.9712 I'.!U1'1BEF: 6 7 4 12 1 1 TOTAL :36.4784 75. PLATE # 1:: TOT~L NUMBER 46 TOT ~l-;.:;F;E,:.:, '3Ct. HL 22. (Zl7:.2-:: SUM Gt' HA8IT.::.T: fYFF: T'>F'E T: FL:: :· .,. r:E T'(i":•[ T 'lf·f: r I 'I ·F. r ·, F TOT;.i_ f;i .. l+ .. I:;~~ ..-:• :; : ... ::..'-~-~~3 6 1 f J. ~ . .:>.:::.-=< • :':_.9}-:' ""•):)~,:: .. r:r:::>l • 1 ::-•. ::.1 • -1 -=·~6 c ~~J 89 .. ~)87:. • ~:1!2165 • 1 . s=~~..; 1 • ::.:::.1 f"1E.;r.J 1. 89)._: • ::.>+ :11 '1 .l. 1 ~. 1 j8,4 4 ~ 1 F'EFCENT • 1 8. :. 17.4 41.5 1 3. :~ !:.. i!. F Ll·''" I· Lr~ I~-11 J .· TOTAL NUMBER ~~ TOTAL AREA SO. IN. 21.1129 5Ut1 8Y HABITAT: TYF·E TYPE TYF'E TYF'E TYF'E TYF'E TYF'E TYF'E TYPE TOTriL 4 6 8 9 TOTAL 7. ::;:?57 4. !~1877 .2316 !~l. l2H?1t.Zl!?l .•!i385 •21. i~J!:l(l!?l 3.3C?42 2.9858 ::.'1.5398 NUt<iBEF: 6 4 !21 27 8 4 FLOW ~ PLATE # 14 TOTAL NUMBER 39 TOTAL AREA SQ. IN. 31.8337 SUM BY HABITAT: TYF-'E TYPE 2 TYF'E 3 TYPE 4 TYPE 5 TYPE 6 T'tF'E 7 TYF'E 8 TYF·E 9 TOTAL TOTAL 6.6849 5. 38•:>3 r.21. OQ1•Z1tZI • 1827 0. l.~l!?IOO ~:1. i2l!2hZI<.il 2.7313 6.4544 lf!.77::::G NUMBER 8 2 39. FLO\Il ... TOTAL. Nur·1E1ER PLATt=:: # 26 15 TOTAL AF:E.:::. SQ. If'L 21.7788 MEAN 1. 2126 • 8175 .1.21579 Ql. r!H?>Ot2! • !21385 . 13~216 .4243 .7465 MEAN 6.6849 1.3451 !?l. Ql(l(;l,:t • >!1914 r.21 • ~21!21!2>!21 !!l. !?10(11.~1 .. 1242 .8!2i68 5.38o5 1. 6043 TOT.:::.L fiUnGEF: 1'1E?1H T'f F'E T",tL·E r,·p~: T (l~E <1 f·(FL=: 7 T d'!: !.::l T,.:.: E r; 8. ! 148 1. q 1 ::t-. •J. r;l•:•<l•J .. ,~;4 -:.,~\ tl. ·)·:i·)··i ':!. ·~i(\•:l!:l . -~s·-~: 1. i\.::·::.1 :.:1 ... :_,'i,~.':J 11 ~.:;. 7(14'-? • ·::;.:-;o -1 •:1. •·I·J•:It:l . 1:\::: t :-J tJ • ·~I•)• ·!o~l • ,:;E3q<7 l. 2.:! ll F'EF::CENT 34.5 19.4 1.1 !21.!!1 .2 !21. !21 16.7 16. 1 14. 1 F'EF:CENT 21. !~1 16.9 fi1.!II .6 !21. (I !Z!.!Z) 8.6 33.8 F'EF:CE-:t-n ~3" d •'1.•'1 4.5 T'iF'E TYF"E T'rTE TYf='E T'fF'E TYFE TYF"E TYF'E T'IF'E 1 [1-;-~ i 1~H~H-~Et:· T[•T,~~ .::.F:E?~ SQ. IN. 4 6 8 q 9 .. 0 7:36 .. 86 ~.~~l ~~~. !~~(1!~1!.~) . ·~!71 = ~ ~2)(178 . !2i07:. l. :::'Q95 1. 7-:=;(:15 1:::'.8776 r·IUMBEF: 4 :8 .. FL.Oi•l -: TOT;:.)L NUt·1BEF: PLATE # 17 17 T!JTi~L AF:EA SC1 • IN. ll. :::'6!211 TYF'E TYF'E T 'rF'E TYFE T\'F'E TYFE TYFE TYFE TYFE TOTAL 6 7 8 q TOTAL 7.4385 1. 49!~12 rz;. !~l!ZIO<Zi 1:1. i~!O!ZI!ii <21. 00(1(1 l~i. •;10(1'-2) l. 97•2!4 .3317 11.:::':::08 NUMBEF: 1 4 17. F'LATE fl: 18 TOTAl_ t'ILWIDEF·: SIJ TCI r P.t_ ,c,F:E~, SQ. I I'~ • : 5 . ::::: 1 <il (! SUt1 f:';'( HAE!l H~T: TOTAL T'.-T'l: T':i-·c r .TE T'.TE T'.'r-:·:::: T'1 1' F ,•, T '; F'E r .'f·t-· ;"'( r "r:·r: ·; 1:.1 I ...:.L 7. 419:::: t+. •Z!4-;::-·<:f • 13-+•;i .. lj4,s:- .. (:;,:ti;ll'l 4.7-:::47 4. ~.--n.cL7 4. =·~·8: •I ·':-·.1. MEAN -:::. :::-.24=-· • 2877 iii. !iltill~l(l .. !~171:? • !ti<J78 .!21073 . i ~218-::'. MEAN .. 372C. iil. ~~~r:Hi!U !2l.!~l!i~>:H !:1 .. ·!~o~~~~:J • 197(1 . 165c:,> ii! • (l•JI:I(_\ .. cr~~s: • 1 -lC.b_i . .:_:;:p.~ 1 • .{:-·.:::q 1. 1 ~-.-s F-'EF"CEI'H 4.8 b.4 ·+7. 7 F'EF:CENT 66 .. 1 1 ::: .• :: •J. !21 (I. 1,~1 ~21 • :s 17 .. 5 ::.9 (1. ;::q_ t.;. i I i_.t;J 4 TOT riL ~·JUMBEF: 1-'L;.-, ll_ f! 1 1 TOTAL AREA SQ. IN. 7.4819 SUM 8Y HAB1TAT: TYFE TYPE TYPE T'tF'E TYPE TYF'E TYF'E TYPE TYPE TOTAL ,.) 6 7 EJ q TOTAL 6. 597'2 \!l. i~H~li(l!!l !Zl • !~ll!lf.~liZ! i:l. O!:lr.Zh'l .!F88 0. (11!~11.7\Ql • 1763 .5625 !21. !)t!lOQl NUMBEF: 6 1 1 • FLOW 4 F'LATE # 2 27 TOTAL NUI'1FIEF· TOTAL AF:EA SQ. IN. 1 4, 5:::~56 SUI'! PY HABITAT: TYPE TYF'E TYF'E TYF'E TVF'E TYF'E TYFE T'r'F'E TYF·: ... TOTAL 4 7 8 9 9. !~l2b.::;> .744:::: !:l. ~Zl(hZi!Zl tZI. !!~>2ir,2it!! • 95'=?3 :-::. 86EJ9 Ql. !:10(1!2! 14.6:244 rJUI"lBEF: 4 ~-J 11 27. FLO!.>J 4 TOHiL NUMBEF: Fl r;TE ~ 3 43 TOTAL r-.F:EA SQ. U·J. 18. 1609 SUM BY HA[~ITAT: T'(F'E T'.'FE rn=·r-: T'fFE T'IF'E T f!=·E T'ft:r:: TOTAL 8.7487 • 1 •)7'7 lZ!. t;l!:~>'~<J .4'!141 -'· :2(11 •:i =. -:::-+4.'~. w f3b4 7 NUMBEF: MEAN .2.1997 !(1. !!lQl!!l!!l !21. (,fl(~l~!lt!l ~'l. !:Zl!Ml!!l • !.Zl788 r!i. ~~IOO!Zl • !21.294 .5625 • 3189 !"lEAN . 1861 '"'· Q!(:lrM! r2l. Q<:J;ZI!!l • i2l251 !!l. ~2l0~2f~2l • !2!87:: . 345:. MEt-iN 4.3744 • 98::::.2 • 1 1J77 t). !;l(lr;)(:) . •:!141 t;l. •:l!~li;l(l . ''i78b • -:::-::::.lQ .0647 F'EF:CENT 88.: !:l. Ql til.!Zl ~Zl. 0 1.1 !21.!!1 2.4 .., C" ! • -· 99.1 F'EF:CENT 62. 1 5. 1 !21 • ~!l (21.!21 .2 !21.!21 6.6 26.6 !21. !Zt F'EF:CErH 48.2 16. :: .t (l. 0 • 1 (;l.r2l 1::::. 1 1:2.9 4.3 94.9 TYF'E TYF'E TYF·E TYF'E TYPE TYF'E TYF'E TYPE TYF'E r-~ L 1 h_ ~I·~ ~· : ~~ r- T Cl7 ?-':!_ t·-iF·E ;~ SC'" 4 5 6 .., I 8 q TOT P.t. 8. 71 ~· ~·~45 6 0 14 ? . 11:::: • 14 =-·8 .-., .. '"! ......... "7,_.,....., --• .__I·~- ! t_ r·Jur·1BEF: 4 7 FLOW 4 F'L?2oTE # ~· TYF'E TYF'E T'tF·E TYF·E TYF'E TYF'E TYPE T'tF'E TYF'E TOTAL r-JUM8EF: TOTAL AF:EA SQ. 4 6 7 8 TOTAL q_ 22•)7 2.5474 .. 585-:. .2617 '"(i337 0. ~JO!:lrZI ~.4934 .::•J.71•t4 TOTAL 38 .. 5'295 5 7 FLOl>i 4 F'LATE # 6 TDTAL tlUMBEF: 68 TCI r AL o4F:E(..; SO. IN. 35.5166 SLIM 8'( H~,E<I TAT: T';'TE T'fF'E T ... TF r·rTT T'.'t-E TYI:[ T ·,'f.' 1:: T !T T ·FE TOTAL 1 121. <t 1 ct:: -:-.• •Y::-.'~:.,J D ·~)8'-J ::.~ 1)"' ~:;r:)r:;i;l 1') .... ·}l )I ;i <~ "f •. ~:_::.::J..:j ~.::: l t .::, 1 =. ·:-·~ c:. 7 1-l MEAN . 1 1~58 • (11~l:'9 . n-.:-.aq :..1817 1. q441 • -·0·-· ::;· • :''=I:::-, .. ·:18-:':.::' .•'1-:::-:::"'"' ~~~ <> ~~; f~)t~J I :1 • •)8q 1 • -:::11- .-:'10~ • 4 .121 :.4 F'EF:CErn :24.::: .b .. 7 1.5 7 . 1 6.5 54.-:. 8 .. :: . F L\.J ~·J 4 r L n 1 l:: H TOTAL NUMBER 46 TOTAL AREA SQ. IN. 3:.0548 SUM BY HA81TAT: TYPE TYPE TYF"E TYF'E TYF'E TYF'[ TYPE TYPE TYPE 4 5 6 ..., 8 9 TOTAL 8.7299 5.3678 !21. !Cll!H2H21 • !2!118 • i!J8~2l6 I • Ql53'2l :2.5Hl4 5.84<;>5 9.3271 NUMBEF: 2 4 Ql 1 18 15 4 46. FLOliJ 4 PLATE # B TYPE TYPE T'WE TYF'E TYF·E T'fF'E TYPE TYF'E TYPE TOTAL NUf1BEF: TOTAL AREA SQ. IN. 4 5 8 9 TOTAL 8.7691 9. (!1145 .0584 •21. (21!~hJr;l • ~Z~!.~;~;~~ZJ Hl.5"26? 8. 596!.Zl TOTAL 71 4!21. 7477 NUMBER 3 4r.~l 17 4 71. FLOI,.J 4 F'LATE # 9 TOTAL t•HJMDEF: TOT I~L {~F:EA SQ. IN. 32.4582 SUI1 BY HABITAT: T'IF'E T'fF'E T'.'F'E TYF'E 4 T'IF'E 5 TYFE ,::_, TfF'E TYI:·E :J TYf'E 't TQT.:4L TOTAL 6.6513 5.4142 .82<7•;i • !;\•~158 ,;1.1ii•(I•Z>r:! -. 1 :r:LS 1 ... s:.s1 ::.4:8~ !'JUMEtEF: 4 MEAN 4. 365!3 1. ::A2QI !11. !21!2!!21~1 • !21118 • !,:18(116 • !2153!?1 .1395 • 39 1~1!?! 2. ::.318 .9682 MEAN 1. 8!Z129 • !21584 1.~1. llJ!!It.;l!!l ~~~.!Ml!EI!Zl • Hl13 .bl92 :::. 149~.!1 .8755 1. 67!~15 1. •:•s::s *:763 .9;:158 •:1. ·.~!(h:l,:l • <%64 • :364'~ 1 • 14:...:8 FEF:CENT ]6.7 !21.!21 7.8 1!3.2 29. 1 99.6 F'ERCENT 21 .. 5 22. 1 .6 • 1 lZI • ~ZI !ZI. ~D 9.9 25.8 21.1 1!~11. 2 F'EF:CENT 4:::: • .s 1 1'1. b TYf:'E TYF'E TYFE TYF'E TYF'[ T\·'P~ '{YF'i::: TYPE I en i :UM[iEF TOT.:;;~ ;.;f,:E.C~ SO. IN. 4 6 7 3 :oTAL 7.q9::.: .1788 • 1!2197 • 11:1q5 i,:l. :.lbl8 5.:::-1 1::. ~56 :A TOTriL NUI'iBEF: 4 4 61. FLOW 4 PLATE # 11 TQT(:::.L r-lUMBEF: 61 TOTAL AREA SC. IN. 33.2661 TYPE T'WE TYPE TY~-=·E T't'F'E T'iF'E TYF'E 1'( F'E TYPE TOTAL lj 6 8 q FLDI>J •t TOTAL 8.9:::95 4. 2r~I!Z17 • 168:2 .!::14•213 • !E1147 • ·~1!2197 ::. <21861~1 5.1::A:21 12.7531 NUt1BEF: . ..,:. 8 3 1:2 8 6L TDT~o"'L NUI"IBEF: FLATE # 1~ 47 TOTAL PrF:EA SO. IN. :;::el. 7518 SUM BY HABITAT: fYF·E T'WE-: T'fFE r·{FE T'{F'E f'1'F'E 4 r·. f:·::: 8 T l'f-'E ·=1 TOTP.L '). IJO' h:l .. ;q ... "=; ·:1. : .. ~ .. ·)' -;i:jJ :) 1 • q '=I~---.. ::'. 158 4. 7! ::·: 1 [l NUt1[lEF: ""' _, i'lEAN 1. 998::::' . ;o.p , u;1q7 0274 ,z,. r~lf?lifl •21 i:l • ~~~ !~1>21 :~1 • !2L~76 . 4!il21 4. 1878 .5::?51 .1~1":::;6 1 : ... ::51~ .. 4~}'='8 1 Ql, • 4 7. 1 l 7. 1 41. 1 w:. 6 F'EF;CENT :26.9 12. c:· . -· 6. 15.4 :a - F'EF:CENT 4--, 11. ,, F L:JL•I Ll TOTAL I'JUI'1BEF: -:.9 TOTAL AF:EA SQ. lN. 19. 751b SU11 BY HABITAT: TYPE TYPE TYF'E TYPE TYPE TYPE TYF'E TYPE TYPE TOTAL 2 4 5 6 7 8 q TOTAL 1184 • !(17[~17 !!1.!~1!:1'!1!21 • !(1374 !il • iil!?lt[l!~l 2.21-:::..9 1. 44-::.9 NUMBEF: 0 21 8 FLOW 4 PLATE # 14 TOTAL NUMBER 29 TOTAL AREA SQ. IN. 30.4436 SUI'1 BY HABIT;,T: TYPE TYPE TYPE TYF'E TYPE TYF'E TYPE TYPE T'fF'E TOH4L 2 4 5 6 8 9 TOTAL 9. ~21i:11 :: .. 9372 O.!MI!ZI(! fl 168'-i ~:·. !~10!:1!21 r!l.!:llY~I,!l • 991 J 5. Hl1S t 1. 3548 NU11BEF: 12 7 3 29. F'Lml 4 PLATE # 15 TOTAL NUI"IBEF: 21 TOTAL AREA SQ. IN. 1Q.9599 SUM 8'f HABITAT: TYPE T':'F'E TYPE TVFE 4 T n::E <=: TiFE f\ F~ ;3 r·n: ') fl~, T 2.L TOTAL 9. 94·!:>9 .2142 r:1. •il•119'~' • 1 H?l9 Iii. !21<;1•:11,·1 ~~~ ., I:; i~~~~~~~) • 1 q'5•21 1. -=-·~2!3 8. ·:::1--::8 NliMBEF: 5 ,., 1 • 11EAf\.l ..:• .. _.,__t.._t_ 1. 5592 .l~l:::-:54 Ql. !£1iZI!iH!I • Ql374 Ql!i';ii!2J . U~l54 • 4Ql8!ZI • 722r,!l .6914 1'1EAN 9. !ZI!ZillZI • 984::!. !!l. QI!ZI(Il21 • <,!1845 ~~. !M1!~!!2J !~I • !!l!?l ~~~ t,2l • !21826 .7288 3.7849 1. 6296 MEAN 3.3156 • l!i71 L\ .:1. •ZI!Zil~l!!l <d. fZl<:l!ll!ll r~l. !!h!lt!ll~l • •:1'39•21 .4476 l. 64::2.8 . 61 '11 F'E~:CENT 51. !21 15.8 .4 !2! • l~l 11.2 16.5 7.3 Hl2.3 PERCENT 29.6 12.9 !!1. !ll .6 ~~~. !Jl P.J • !~l 16.8 PEF:CENT 4q.8 1 • l til.O (~! • 121 t!I.!Zl 1 • !~1 6.7 ·~ 1. = 1 !~li;l. ::: FLClv! T SUr·1 BY HABIT,:,r TYF'E TYPE TYF'E T'WE TYPE TYF'E TYPE TYFE TOTAL 5 7 8 FLDvJ 4 <:::: 39•h ~ ~7 ::88 .. =·1 =-~s 1 ~ 6:-.:::,s TOTAL NU :BEF: TOTAL ARE~ SQ. IN. SU!•1 BY HABITAT: TYF'E TYFE T'r'F'E TYF'E TYF·E TYi=·E TYF'E Tn::'E 4 6 7 8 TYF·E q TOTAL T0TAL 8.8291 g6573 •Z1.·:~•:@•21 I~' !2,~2i!.2f •:1. ::1!'~1!2li?! .!)!!lrZl!!l 1.1 13 . :~832 rlUMDEF: 14 4 1 7 j b l 1. !Zl41QI t·JUMBEF: 2 14. FL!ll•J 4 F'LATE fl: 13 Tr:n1:;L r·ltlt'lPEF: lOTAL AREA SQ. lN. SUf·1 GY Hf-18 I TAT r,! 'E T, r · r·r: • ·1·:1'':}::::' , I)~·':. •l -'7 \. f-IU1'1[<E = 6598 • A:-94 .9:::74 • !il!~i9;) "!217:,6 .. 54.':5 ~21 " ~:~~ ~!i (l ~) ~Z)tZJQi~~i !~l.r)<21!Jl:l <;! ;ilt;li~l!ZI i. . ...::··.1 t • ."•.1-::-.:, 41 - = .. q • 1 6. ~· . 1 r-·EF:cnn F- 8t1i • 6.!21 1.21.