HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA1706-2-· --.......--~ ~-· (~-•< -.·;le i.l::lpou~ent ürca of the Susitna River •. :Recause of a lac:k of previous sightin~s. or observations of ·b-recding. percgrines in tl1e .. Yentna -Chulitna -Susitna -~~tanuska rivera drainar.c basin, this entire region see~ingly representa an hiatus in the breeding r~n~e of the species. The :ic~1ana River~ hawever,. oay yet be ahO"..m to h.:"'!.ve breeding pere~ri::1cs. Orn:ltholo~ically trained persc~l".s have \."Orked. bowever. along th~t portion of the river between Mcr.inely Park and Healy 4l"d 2.lthour,b they have acen gyrfalcons occasio1n:llly, they have f ail.ed t:o see pcrcr.:rines. ·.··. · · :. --~ ~ The only breeding large fnlcon found was the gy-rfalcon. 'IVo nests of thia spccies vere founù within 6 miles of the Devil C~nyon Dam axis. This spli!cies vi.ll probably be little affccted by the~ ?resence of da:~ s:!.nce both nest.s ~cre back from high "'at:er lir1it:s about 1/:! mile and their food derives fro::t the surrounding al~ine rc~ions. It is doubtful that they ~ould enter the canyon co hunt ~:cept on a fe".J occasions. .- The one cliff nest.ing large bird most: effec.ted by the dans will be the raven -auhst:antial populations oecur there. This e1pecies is mentioned beC3use its nent:s ar~ ~qed by other rapt:ors, pere&rincs, and gyrf~lcons and thus the placc:Jcnt of a raven nest ca.y permit use of a led ge or a1:ca thttt v:~~ for.::crly unsui table to eithe1: falson. However. since ueither fa.lcon 1;Gs found nest:ing in .the èanyons proper thcre is little, .ehance·that these nesta vould figuré importantly to th~ir population r truet:ura. Ra"·cr;;;. ;cre co::r..ou in t..'la lover 70 aile~:= of the dam area. }ifteen nests occurred in that area for.-an average distance of about· 4.6 miles i>etve(m ncsts._ -· (~;~:~··c',_:~}_:~;,_:)· 'l'he UG-Stiup, a:'e~S Of f:hree pair, Of. hAld. eag:les OC:CUl:TCJ ill the d3m- sitCS in 1974. Add:ition.al e:tgles r:my. oécur in otllCl:' 7ears but it appears th~t: the population is law and prob3bly not a signifieant loss · to the S?C.C.ics since they· nest t'lore. coc:notû.y along t:he river belo':.7 the: canyon and alao alons: the tle:1ana _Ri~a& near t:be~ uppE~r end of the. Denall sita .. :=:"':,. Golden C:!~1.;:,s ·rr::::'!1J~nely occ-.J..,.,icd upl!!nd · c:liffs :~rot:rd t~1e '!'eri!>hcry of cspecitily ::!m Dm!3ii site. • Since J.;t · i.s not klloûn -where tilcse b ir.t .... ,.,·,. ,.:,.. ~-. --:-·· ·. '·-·r F.·.o-t,. ::.,... ... ;le v ... ,~., .• .,<:,----'-"~· -"'•·nr or i·~ -_..,. _,....,. .... ___ ................... ----·-·-.___. .... il!o4. .... ~-J ...._.._ • .ac \,..-. ..... .i....Lit-6oo-.&..6- uplJlnd alpine arcas ~ state::1ents nbouè the il:fpact tht~ Denall site '-ill· have on thea vould be cpeculativë.' ·. ·· Couclusions·and Ri!cc:..zendations: .. Oa· the ba::li$ of ti1e ~974 findi.n~s~ :tt"·'iâ: èoucluded that the icpttct of the de1msites. alonr: t.i:e Susitna River. to perc~ne flllcon populations will be nc:~gible. ' Tue impact of_; da=sites on othel~ raptor-populations . . · -~:·c·.<i•::~:.?~~·<.· . ' . . . . .~ --. '!'·::·~. : :.-.;. ..... · <"",. -<> -· ,..: >-:-i :·· .. 4- .... : ~- :-:· • ;.~;-. ,, __ ~.!.~ . ~ •.. ·.,i ~ · •. -.. -:.: ~~·· • -4!:'.- ,-~-'"'·· • '··"'·· . -~.: . . .. · · .. ::---.. -:· ·, ~~~,·,.