HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA1723 supplUNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE Supplement to SOIL SURVEY OF FAIRBANKS AREA, ALASKA September 1963 containing SOIL INTERPRETATIONS for NONAGRICULTURAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Soil Conservation Service April 1974 The soil survey of the Fairbanks Area, Alaska, published in September 1963, included some interpretations of soil properties for use by engineers and others involved in construction, but emphasized interpretations for agricultural use of the soils. This supplement contains additional inter- pretations for use by planners, contractors, engineers, home builders, and others concerned with nonfarm uses of soils. Detailed descriptions of the soils and soil maps are in the original report and are not repeated here. Among properties of soils that are highly important in engineering are permeability, strength or bea~ing capacity, compaction characteristics, drainage condition, shrink-swell potential, particle-size distribution, plasticity, and reaction. Depth to the water table and to permafrost, and soil slope are also of considerable importance. These properties, in various degrees and combinations, affect construction and maintenance of roads, airstrips, pipelines, foundations for small buildings, embank- ments and dams, and systems for disposal of sewage and refuse. The information in this supplement can be helpful to those who-- 1. Select potential residential, industrial, commercial, and recre- ational areas. 2. Evaluate alternate routes for roads, pipelines, and underground cables. 3. Seek sources of gravel or sand. 4. Correlate performance of structures already built with properties of the kinds of soil on which they are built, for the purpose of predicting performance of structures on the same or similar kinds of soil in other locations. 5. Predict the trafficability of soils for off-road movement of vehicles and construction equipment. 6. Develop preliminary estimates pertinent to construction in a particular area. Much of the basic information on which the interpretations are based is presented in Table 1. This table of estimated physical properties is revised from the comparable table in the original report to reflect more recent information and new national standards for presentation of information of this kind. Interpretations for various engineering uses of soils are presented in Table 2. From the information given in the original publication and this supplement, along with the soil map, it is possible to make interpretations in addition to those given in Table 2 and to make other useful maps. This information, however, does not eliminate the need for further investigations at sites selected for engineering works, especially works that involve heavy loads or that require excavations to depths greater than shown in the tables. Also, inspection of the sites, espe- cially the small ones, is needed because the delineated areas of a given mapping unit may contain small areas of other kinds of soil that have strongly contrasting properties and different suitabilities or limitations for soil engineering. - 2 - How to Use this Report The first step in using this supplement is to determine, from the soil map in the original report, the soil series and phases included in the area of interest and to read the descriptions of the soils in that report. It is then only necessary to consult Table 2 in this supplement to determine the degree of limitation for any specific use or uses. The table also indicates the principal reasons for any adverse rating. The criteria used in making assessments of soil limitations are discussed in this supplement. It should be noted that, in many cases, even severe limitations can be overcome by appropriate design of structure or instal- lation, though costs of construction and maintenance may be considerably higher than average. For example, flood proofing of structures may over- come many of the hazards of building on flood plains. For planners and others concerned with the entire soil survey area, it is possible to depict the location of soils that are suitable {or impractical) for a particular use by coloring or otherwise marking areas on the soil map according to their degree of limitation. For example, a list of mapping ~mits and their symbols can be made of soils that have slight limitations for sanitary landfills. All areas with the listed symbols on the soil map can then be colored green. Similar lists can be made of soils wi t:h moderate and severe limitations for this use, and cor- responding areas can be colored yellow and red. The completed colored map will then indicat:e at a glance where sanitary landfills are easily developed, where they are possible if moderate limitations are overcome, and where they are impractical because of sev-:re limitations. Similar - 3 - coloring or marking schemes are possible for any other potential use or combination of uses. It is important to recognize that, because of the map scale used in most surveys, very small soil areas cannot be shown. Many mapped areas, therefore, include spots of soils of some other kind that are too small to delineate separately. Also, in this survey soils were examined only to a depth of 40 to 60 inches. Though the properties of material beneath this ~epth can commonly be inferred from the soil description, no actual observations were made. The soil map is a guide to probable soil condi- tions at any point, but it cannot be used as a substitute for detailed investigations at the site of any proposed construction. Engineering Soil Classification Systems Two systems most commonly used in classifying samples of soils for engineering purposes are the Unified system used by the Soil Conservation Service, Department of Defense (3), and other agencies, and the system adopted by the American Association of State Highway Officials (1). The Unified system is used to classify soils according to those prop- erties that affect use as a construction material for purposes other than highway construction and maintenance, and as a foundation material. In this system soils are classified according to particle-size distrib- ution, plasticity, and organic matter content and are grouped in 15 classes. There are eight classes of coarse-grained soils, identified as GW, GP, GM, GC, SW, SP, SM, and SC; six classes of fine-grained soils, identified as ML, CL, OL, MH, CH, and OH; and one class of highly organic soils, - 4 - • identified as Pt. Soils with properties intermediate between two classes are designated by a hyphenated symbol; for example, CL-ML. The AASHO system is used primarily to classify soils according to properties that are important in highway construction and maintenance. There are seven basic groups in this system, A-1 through A-7, defined by grain-size distribution, liquid limit, and plasticity index. In group A-1 are gravelly soils of high bearing strength, or the best soils for subgrades. At the other extreme, in group A-7, are clayey soils that are poor for subgrades. An additional group, A-8, is used to identify organic soils. Both Unified and AASHO classifications are given in Table 1 for all soils mapped in the Fairbanks area. More detailed explanations of both systems are given in the PCA Soil Primer (2) and in standard textbooks on soil mechanics. In addition to the engineering classifications, Table 1 gives soil textures according to the classification of the u.s. Department of Agri- culture. The u.s.D.A. texture is determined by the relative proportions of sand, silt, and clay in soil material that passes the No. 10 (2 mm) sieve. If the soil contains gravel or other particles coarser than 2 mm, or large quantities of organic matter, a modifier such as "gravelly" or "mucky" is added to the textural class name. Definitions of some of the terms used in the U.S.D.A. textural classification are given in the original Fairbanks Area soil survey report. - 5 - Soil Properties Significant in Engineering Estimates of several properties of soils that are significant in engineering are given in Table 1. These estimates are made for typical soil profiles, by layers sufficiently contrasting so that there are important engineering differences. They are based on field observations made in the course of mapping, on test data for these and similar soils, and on experience with similar soils in other areas. Some of the properties estimated in Table 1 are discussed below. Depth to seasonally high water table refers to distance from the sur- face of the mineral soil to the highest level reached by ground water in most years before clearing of the native vegetation. Temporary wetness during the spring thaw is not considered. In soils with free water perched above permafrost, the water table may be lower after the surface mat of vegetation is removed and the permafrost table drops. Depth to the permafrost table refers to distance from the surface of the mineral soil to the upper level of perennially frozen soil--that is, soil in which the temperature does not exceed 32°F at any time during the year--under the native vegetation. When the vegetation and the mat of organic material on the soil surface is removed, the permafrost table recedes to much greater depths. Liquid limit and plasticity index are measures of the effect of water on the strength and consistence of soil material. As the moisture content of a fine-grained soil is increased from a dry state, the soil at a particular moisture percentage changes from a noncohesive to a moldable or plastic state. This is the plastic limit. At a still higher - 6 - • moisture percentage the soil becomes sufficiently fluid to flow when lightly jarred. This is the liquid limit. The numerical difference between the plastic and liquid limits is called the plasticity index, and indicates the magnitude of the range of moisture contents over which the soil is in a plastic condition. Permeability is the property of a soil that enables it to transmit water or air. The estimates in Table 2 are based largely on field obser- vations of soil texture and structure, and are for soils that have not been compacted. For wet or frozen soils, the permeability is that to be expected after thawing of permafrost and removal of free water. Available water caracity is defined as the difference between the amoant of water the soil can hold against the force of gravity and the amount it contains at the wilting point of most crop plants. It represents the ability of the soil to furnish water for plants. In poorly drained soils, water in excess of this amount is normally present before drainage. Reaction is the degree of acidity of alkalinity of a soil, expressed as pH values. Shrink-swell rotential is the relative change in volume of soil material to be expected with changes in moisture content; that is, the extent to which the soil shrinks as it dries or swells as it is moistened. A high shrink-swell potential'indicates a hazard to maintenance of struc- tures built in, on, or with soil having this rating. Soil Limitation and Suitability Ratings For most purposes, three degrees of limi~ation or suitability are recognized in Table 2. These are defined as follows: - 7 - Slight or Good -Soils are relatively free of limitations for the intended use, or the limitations are easy to overcome. Moderate or Fair -Soils have some limitations for the intended use because of slope, texture, depth, wetness, flooding or some other property or environmental consideration. Normally, these limitations can be overcome by good planning, design, or management. Severe or Poor -Soils with limitations that are difficult or not economically feasible to overcome. Reasons for this rating include steep slopes, flooding, and stoniness. In some cases, however, the soils may be made suitable for the intended purpose by major recla- mation work or careful design. A rating of unsuited is used only in evaluating soils as sources of sand or gravel. Roadfill -Ratings for this purpose indicate how well a soil is expected to perform after it is removed from its original location and placed as a subgrade material elsewhere. They also are intended to evalu- ate soil characteristics that influence the difficulty of excavation of the soil. It is assumed, in the suitability ratings, that the whole soil to a depth of 5 or 6 feet will be thoroughly mixed and will be used in embankments that are less than 6 feet high. For higher embankments, roadfill requirements are more stringent. Soils that are considered to be good sources of roadfill are at least moderately well drained, and dominantly sandy or gravelly with low plasticity, low susceptibility to frost action, and low shrink-swell potential. They have only a few large stones and have slopes of less than - 8 - 15 percent. Poor sources of roadfill are soils that are clayey or plastic, highly organic, highly susceptible to frost action, very stony, or poorly drained, or that have slopes steeper than 30 percent. Fair sources have intermediate properties. Gravel -Soils are considered to be suitable sources of gravel if they are underlain by or contain a layer at least 3 feet thick and the upper limit of this layer is no more than 6 feet deep. In soils with a rating of good, at least 50 percent of the material in the gravelly layer is coarser than 0.7 mm (approximately .03 inch), a significant portion of this is coarser than 4.8 mm (approximately 0.2 inch), and less than 5 percent of the material is silt or clay. A rating of poor is given where silt and clay comprise more than 12 percent of the soil. Soils that contain less than 25 percent gravel are rated as unsuited. Sand -Suitability ratings for sand are similar to those for gravel, except that sand and gravel combined must make up at least 50 percent of the coarse-textured layer and significant portion of the layer must be of sand size (0.7 to 4.8 mm, or approximately 0.03 to 0.2 inch). Topsoil-The term "topsoil", as used here, refers to soil material used to cover surfaces that are barren as a result of construction activities in order to create more suitable conditions for the establish- ment and maintenance of vegetation. The properties considered in rating soils as sources of topsoil are those that affect ease of handling and suitability as a seedbed for a new planting. Also considered are features that determine the difficulty of excavating and of reclaiming the site after excavation. -9 - Soils that are good sources of topsoil have more than 16 inches of loamy, friable material, less than 3 percent by volume of gravel or stones, slopes of 7 percent or less, and are better than poorly drained. Poor soils are sands or clays, are less than 8 inches thick.over unsuitable material, have more than 15 percent gravel or stones, have slopes steeper than 12 percent, or are poorly drained. Seftic tank absorption fields -These are soil absorption systems for sewage disposal, consisting of subsurface tile systems laid out in such a way that effluent from the septic tank is distributed with reasonable uniformity into the natural soil. Criteria used for rating soils for this purpose are based on their ability to absorb effluent.· The portion of the soil that is rated is that which lies at and below the depth of the tile line. Factors that are considered are soil permeability, depth to imper- vious or slowly permeable layers, seasonal ground water levels, flooding, and slope. Soils with slight limitations are those with permeability rate of more than 1 inch per hour (but see below), the water table and any imper- vious layer at least 4 feet below the tile level, and no permafrost. They may not be subject to flooding, and slopes must be 7 percent or less. For ease of construction, they should be free of large stones and boulders. Some sandy or very gravelly soils are so porous that unfiltered raw sewage may pass through them and contaminate the ground water or nearby lakes and streams. Although such soils are rated as having slight limitations for septic tank absorption fields, this hazard must be considered before in- stallation. -10 - Soils are considered to have severe limitations if permeability is less than 0.6 inches per hour, the water table or an impervious layer is less than 2 feet below the tile line, slopes are steeper than 12 percent, flooding is likely, or if they are perennially frozen at some depth. Sewage lagoons -Sewage lagoons--constructed shallow ponds used to hold sewage for the time required for bacterial decomposition--require soils that are capable of holding water with minimum seepage and contam- ination of ground or surface water. Factors that are important in rating soils for this use are soil texture, organic matter content, permeability, depth to the water table, sesceptibility to flooding, and permafrost. Soils with slight limitations are those with a deep water table, a permeability rate slower than 0.6 inches per hour, and a slope of 3 percent or less. For proper compaction, the soils should contain few large stones and the organic matter content should be less than 2 percent. They should have no permafrost and should never flood. Severe limitations exist where the water table is less than 40 inches deep, permeability is greater than 2 inches per hour, slopes are steeper than 7 percent, or organic matter content is higher than 15 percent. All very stony soils, soils subject to flooding, and soils with permafrost are also considered to have severe limitations. Sanitary landfill (trench type) -A trench-type sanitary landfill is an excavated trench in which refuse is buried daily with a layer of soil material at least 6 inches thick. The material used for the daily cover is the soil excavated in digging the trench. Because the final cover should be material that is favorable for the growth of plants, the original -ll - surface layer of the soil should be set aside for this final blanketing of the fill. Slope is also important because it affects both the amount of earthwork needed to provide access to the landfill and the.disposal of surface water, including that from adjacent higher elevations. Soils with slight limitations have a water table deeper than 6 feet, permeability of 2 inches per hour or lees, slopes of less than 12 percent, medium texture, and few stones. They have no permafrost and are not subject to flooding. Limitations are considered severe if a soil is poorly drained, underlain by permafrost, subject to flooding, very sandy, clayey, or stony, or if slopes are steeper than 30 percent. Sanitary landfills {area t~e) -In an area-type sanitary landfill. refuse is placed on the surface of the soil in successive layers. Daily and final cover material generally is obtained from another site. Ratings of soils for this use are generally .similar to those for trench-type sanitary fills except that soil texture and stoniness are less important because no extensive earthwork is involved. Soils with slight limitations have a water table deeper than 5 feet, permeability of 2 inches per hour or less, and slopes of less than 7 percent. They are not subject to flooding. Severe limitations are shallow water tables or poor drainage, permeability rates in excess of 2 inches per hour, slopes greater than 12 percent, and occasional or frequent flooding. Daily cover material for area-type sanitary landfills -The suitability ratings of a soil for use as cover material for landfills is based primarily on properties that affect its workability, or ease of digging, moving, and spreading, and its acceptability as a borrow site. Problems in reclamation -12 - of the site, including revegetation and erosion control, are important considerations. Soils that are rated good for this use are medium-textured and easily worked, not gravelly or stony, more than 40 inches thick over unsuitable material, and have slopes of 7 percent or less. Poor soils include those with clay or sand textures, thick organic layers, depths of less than 20 inches over unsuitable material, more than 35% gravel, or many large stones, slopes steeper than 12 percent, or poor drainage. Shallow excavations -The ratings for shallow excavations--those that require digging or trenching to depths no greater than 5 or 6 feet--are based on factors that influence ease of digging, maneuverability of machinery, and stability of the completed excavation. Among these are soil texture and stoniness, permafrost, slope, soil drainage and depth to the water table, and flooding. Soils with slight limitations are deep, medium textured, free of stones, and well-drained. They have slopes of 7 percent or less, and are not subject to flooding. Soils are considered to have severe limitations if they are either dominantly stony or gravelly, poorly drained with water tables shallower than 30 inches, underlain by ice-rich permafrost, subject to flooding, or have slopes steeper than 12 percent. Dwellings and small commercial buildings ~ Dwellings are defined as single-family structures with no more than three stories. They may or may not have basements. The emphasis in rating soils is on properties that affect stability of foundations, ease of excavation, installation of underground utility lines, and utility of the structure after construction. -13 - These include soil texture and stoniness, permafrost, slope, soil drainage and depth to the water table, potential frost action, and susceptibility to flooding. Soils with slight limitations are deep and free of stones, well- drained, not susceptible to expansion and contraction as a result of frost action or swelling clays, and not subject to flooding. They have slopes of 7 percent or less and are underlain by neither ice-rich permafrost or deeply buried masses of ice. Severe limitations are poor drainage, a water table shallower than 30 inches, high susceptibility to frost action, potential flooding, slopes steeper than 12 percent, and the presence of permafrost or buried masses of clear ice that can cause pitting or uneven subsidence below the foundation. Limitations for dwellings without basements are essentially the same as for those with basements except that the hazard of frost action is of greater importance in that footings may not be as deep. For small com- mercial buildings, slope is of greater importance than for dwellings. Soils with slopes of 3 to 7 percent are considered to have moderate limitations. Slopes greater than 7 percent are severely limiting for those structures. Local roads and streets -Ratings apply to the use of soils for con- struction and maintenance of local roads and streets with all-weather surfacing. The ratings are not intended to evaluate the suitability of soils for major highways, and in no case can they substitute for detailed investigation before actual construction. -14 - Roa~s commonly consist of (l) the subgrade, or the underlying local soil material, (2) the base material placed above the subgrade during construction, and (3) the road pavement. Except for the pavement, local roads normally utilize materials from soils in the immediate vicinity, and cuts and fills are generally less than 6 feet thick. The factors used in the ratings are soil drainage, texture and stoniness, slope, suscep- tibility to frost action, and frequency of flooding. Soils with slight limitations are at least moderately well drained, have few large stones, have little potential for frost action, and are free of permafrost. They are not subject to flooding and have slopes of 7 percent or less. Soils are considered to have severe limitations if they ·are poorly drained, made up of organic materials, underlain by ice- rich permafrost or buried masses of ice, highly susceptible to frost action, very stony, or if they are subject to frequent flooding or have slopes steeper than 12 percent. Picnic areas -Picnic areas are attractive natural or landscaped tracts used primarily for preparing meals and eating outdoors. These areas are subject to heavy foot traffic, but most vehicular traffic is confined to access roads. Soils with slight limitations for this use are at least moderately well drained, have neither excessively clayey nor sandy surface textures, are free of flooding during the season of use, have slopes of 7 percent or less, and are relatively free of stones. Those with severe limitations are poorly drained, have clay or sand surface layers, are subject to frequent flooding, have slopes steeper than 12 percent, or are stony. -15 - Playgrounds -Playgrounds are areas that are used intensively for organized games such as baseball or football. Soils suitable for this use need to be able to withstand intensive foot traffic, and should require little grading and leveling. Soils with slight limitations are at least moderately well drained, are not subject to flooding, have loamy ~extures, and have permeability rates greater than 0.6 inches/hour. Slopes may not exceed 3 percent, and the soils must be essentially free of stones. Severe limitations are poor drainage, frequent flooding, permeability of less than .06 inches/ hour, very clayey or sandy surface textures, slopes greater than 7 percent, and coarse fragments covering more than 20 percent of the surface. Pond reservoir areas -Soils over which water is impounded behind a dam or embankment must have low seepage rates. This is related to their permeability and to other soil features, such as subsurface ice masses subject to melting, that may result in loss of water through the soil. Soils are not rated for this purpose, but those characteristics that may adversely affect use as a reservoir area are listed. These include rapid permeability, presence of permafrost or isolated buried ice masses, susceptibility to piping (underground tunneling) or pitting, steep slopes which can reduce the storage potential of the area, and high susceptibi- lity to erosion. Embankments( dikes, and levees -Earthfills intended to contain or hold back water require soil material that is stable after compaction and that is resistant to seepage. Soil properties that adversely affect use for this purpose are low shear strength, high permeability after compac- -16 - tion, susceptibility to piping, and poor compaction characteristics. The presence of stones or organic material in a soil are among factors that are unfavorable. No ratings are given in Table 2 for this purpose, but the principal unfavorable features are listed for each soil. Corrosivit1 -Structural materials, such as metal or concrete, corrode when buried in soil. The corrosivity potential is different for different soils and for different materials. In this report, soils are rated according to potential corrosivity of untreated steel and ordinary concrete. Protective coatings in the case of steel and special cements and manufacturing methods in the case of concrete may b.e used to reduce the rate of corrosion. Corrosion of steel in soils is a physical-biochemical process that converts iron into soluble forms. Some of the factors that influence this process are soil moisture content, electrical conductivity of the soil solution, degree of soil acidity, oxygen concentration in the soil, and the activity of organisms capable of causing oxidation-reduction reactions. The potential corrosivity of soil for untreated steel pipe is commonly determined by measurements of electrical resistivity, soil acidity, and soil texture, and by evaluation of fluctuations of the water table. No single measure is adequate to determine potential corrosivity. Soils with low potential generally are well drained except that sandy soils may be somewhat poorly (imperfectly) drained, are moderately to rapidly permeable, have pH values higher than 6.0, and have an electrical resis- tivity when saturated of more than 5000 ohms/em. Soils with high corro- sion potential generally are either fine-textured or are somewhat poorly -17 - or poorly drained, have pH values of 5.0 or less, or resistivity of less than 1500 ohms/em. Soils with textural stratification usually have a higher corrosion potential than soils with uniform textures throughout the profile. Similarly, the potential is higher at the boundary between different soils. Organic (peat) soils with fluctuating water tables generally have high corrosion potential; those with water tables at the surface throughout the year are generally rated as having moderate cor- rosivit¥ for steel pipe. The rate of deterioration of concrete buried in soil depends on soil texture, soil acidity, and the amount of soluble sulfates in the soil. Soils with low corrosion potential generally are those with pH values of 6.0 or higher and less than 1000 parts per million of soluble sulfates. Those with high corrosivity generally have pH values of 5.0 or less and more than 2000 parts per million of sulfates. In general, coarse-textured soils are more corrosive than medium-or fine-textured soils. Construction of buildings, paving, fill and compaction, and additions to the surface that alter soil permeability can increase the corrosion probability. Any mechanical agitation or excavation that results in aeration and nonuniform mixing of soil layers of different textures may also accelerate the rate of corrosion. -18 - References Cited 1. American Association of State Highway Officials. 1961. Standard Specifications for Highway Materials and Methods of Sampling and Testing. Ed. 8, 2 v., illus. 2. Portland Cement Association. 1962. PCA Soil Primer, 52 pp. and charts. Chicago, Ill. 3. u.s. Department of Defense. 1968. Unified Soil Classification System for Roads, Airfields, Embankments, and Foundations. MIL-STD-619B, 30 pp., illus. Table 1. Brief description of soils and their estimated physical properties Sym- bol on map Ad Br Ch EsD EsE EsF FaA FaB FaC FaD FaE FaF FmB FmC FmD FmE FmF GmB GmC GmD GmE GmF Depth to Perma- frost table Soil name season- ally high water table (feet) (feet) Alluvial land Bradway very fine sandy loam Chena very fine sandy loam Ester silt loam, 12 to 20 percent slopes Ester silt loam, 20 to 30 percent slopes Ester silt loam, 30 to 45 0 3 loam, 7 slopes loam, 12 to 20 percent slopes 0-1 0-1 >6 0-1 Deep Fairbanks silt loam, 20 Deep to 30 percent slopes Fairbanks silt loam, 30 to 45 loam, Deep moderately deep, 3 to 7 percent slopes Fairbanks silt loam, moderately deep, 7 to 12 percent slopes Fairbanks silt loam, moderately deep, 12 to 20 percent slopes Fairbanks silt loam moderately deep, 20 to 30 percent slopes Fairbanks silt loam, moderately deep, 30 to 45 ercent slo es Gilmore silt loam, 3 to Deep 7 percent slopes Gilmore silt loam, 7 to 12 percent slopes Gilmore silt loam, 12 to 20 percent slopes Gilmore silt loam, 20 to 30 percent slopes Gilmore silt loam, 30 to 45 None None <1 None None None None Description of soil and site Depth from surface (typical profile) (inches) Thin silty mantle over 0-60 rounded alluvial gravel; frequently flooded Poorly drained very fine sandy soils of flood plains; perma- frost Excessively drained very shallow soils over rounded alluvial gravel 0-2 2-40 0-7 7-40 Grain-size distribution Percent Percent of material less coarser than 3 inches passing sieve Soil Classification than 3 No, 4 No. 10 No. 40 No. 200 ;;U;::S:;:D::A-::T:-e-::x-::t-=:ur;.::.:e:.:......:::.:~U:=n~i~f~i:.::e:.::;d~='=AA"':"":S:o::H:-:0:----inches (4. 7mm) (2.0mm) (0.42mm) (0.074mm) Very gravelly sand GW or GP Mucky silt loam OL Very fine sandy ML loam with lenses of silt loam and fine sand Stratified silt loam, very fine sandy loam, and fine sand Very gravelly sand SM or ML GW or GP A-1 15-40 A-5 0 A-4 0 A-4 0 A-1 15-40 25-45 25-40 15-25 0-5 ;wo 100 95-100 60-70 100 95-100 90-100 50-60 100 95-100 85-95 40-70 25-45 25-40 15-25 o-5 Liquid Limit Plasti- city index NP NP NP NP NP Permea- bility (inches/ hour) 6.0-20 0.6-2.0 0,6-2,0 0.6-2.0 6.0-20 Available water capacity in./in. of soil .02-.04 .20-.25 .12-.16 ,12-.16 .02-.04 Reaction Shrink-swell pH values potential 6.1-6.5 Low 6.1-6.5 Low 6.1-7.8 Low 5.1-6.5 Low 6.1-6.5 Low Poorly drained, shallow~o~-~l~0~-7.S~i~l~t~l~o~am~~---~ML~,~C~L~-~ML~-~A~-~4~o~r~A~-~5~0~-;l~0~--9~0~-~1~0~0~~8~0~-~9~0~--7~5~-~8~5~--7~0~-~8~0~----2~5~-~4~5--~2~-~l~0~----0~.6~-~2~.o~--~·~2*5-~,~30~--4~.~5--75~.~5-~Lo~w~-------- silty soils over shat-10-30 Very gravelly GM or A-1 45-55 10-35 10-30 10-25 5-20 NP 0.2-0,6 .03-.05 5.6-6.0 Low tered bedrock; occurs sandy loam and GP-GM on north slopes very gravelly silt loam Well-drained, deep 0-40 silty soils of uplands Well-drained, deep 0-40 silty soils of uplands Well-drained, moder-0-25 ately deep silty soils of uplands 25-40 Well-drained shallow 0-17 silty soils of uplands 17-40 Silt loam of silt Silt loam or silt Silt loam or silt Very gravelly sandy loam and very gravelly silt loam Silt loam or silt Very gravelly sandy loam and very gravelly silt loam ML or CL-ML ML or CL-ML ML or CL-ML GM or GP-GM ML or CL-ML GM or GP-GM A-4 A-4 A-4 A-1 A-4 A-1 0 100 95-100 0 100 95-100 0 100 95-100 45-55 10-35 10-30 0 100 95-100 45-55 10-35 10-30 90-100 85-100 25-40 2-10 0,6-2,0 ,25-.30 5.6-6.5 Low 90-100 85-100 25-40 2-10 0.6-2.0 .25-.30 5.6-6.5 Low 90-100 85-100 25-40 2-10 0.6-2.0 ,25-.30 5,6-6,5 Low 10-25 5-20 NP 0.2-0,6 .05-.10 6.1-6.5 Low 90-100 85-100 25-40 2-10 0.6-2.0 • 25-.30 5.6-6.5 Low 10-25 5-20 NP 0.2-0.6 .05-.10 6.1-6.5 Low Table 1. Brief description of soils and their estimated physical properties (Continued) Depth to season- ally high water table (feet) Depth from surface Grain-size distribution Sym- bol on map Perma- frost table (feet) (typical profile) (inc:h.es) Percent Percent of material less coarser than 3 inches passing sieve Soil name Description of soil and site ~~~~~S~o~i~l~C~l~a~s~s~i~f~i~c~a~t~i~o~n~~~-----than 3 No. 4 No. 10 No. 40 No. 200 USDA Texture Unified AASHO inches (4,?mm) (2,0mml (0.42mm) (0.074mm) GrB GrC GrD GrE GrF GtA GtB GtC Me MnA MnB MnC Sc Sm Ss SuB sue SuD Ta Gilmore silt loam, very shallow, 3 to 7 percent slopes Gilmore silt loam, very shallow, 7 to 12 percent slopes Gilmore silt loam, very shallow, 12 to 20 percent slopes Gilmore silt loam, very shallow, 20 to 30 percent slopes Gilmore silt loam, very shallow, 30 to 45 ercent slo es Goldstream silt loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes Goldstream silt loam, 3 to 7 percent slopes Goldstream silt loam, 7 to 12 Mine tailings Minto silt loam, o to 3 percent slopes Minto silt loam, 3 to 7 percent slopes Minto silt loam, 7 to 12 rcent slo es Deep Q-1 0-1 Deep 3-5 Salchaket very fine Deep sandy loam Salchaket very fine Deep sandy lo", moderate- ly deep - Salchaket very fine 21 sandy loam, shallow =- Saulich silt loam, 3 to 0-1 to 7 percent slopes Saulich silt loam, 7 to 12 percent slopes Saulich silt loam, 12 to 20 ercent slo es None 1-2 2-3 Well-drained, very shallow silty soils of uplands Poorly drained silty soils of flood plains and upland valleys Very poorly drained eat soils' 0-8 8-30 4-30 0-50 Deep Coarse angular gravel 0-60 Silt loam or silt Very gravelly sandy loam and very gravelly silt loam 3ilt loam Silt loam Peat ML or CL-ML GM or GP-GM 'OL ML Pt :;w or GP A-4 0 A-1 45-55 _\-5 or A-4 o A-4 or A-5 0 A-8 A-1 70-80 Variable, Moderately well drained, 0-40 Silt loam or ML or CL-ML A-4 0 discon-deep silty soils on foot-silt tinuous slopes None None 1-3 2-4 Well-drained, deep 0-13 stratified sandy loam, fine sand, and silt 13-40 loam1 substratum of very gravelly sand Well-drained, moder-0-26 ately deep and shallow stratified soils over very gravelly sand. 26-40 Poorly drained, deep 0-30 silty soils over bed- rock Somewhat poorly drained 0-40 deep silty soils of flood lains Very fine sandy ML A-4 0 loam Stratified fine SM or ML A-4 0 sand, fine sandy loam, and fine silt loam Stratified very SM or ML A-4 0 fine sandy loam, silt loam, and fine sand Very gravelly GW or GP A-1 15-40 sand Silt loam ML A-4 or A-5 0 Silt loam ML A-4 or A-5 0 !/ Fairbanks silt loam, moderately deep, is now classified as Steese silt loam. The original name is retained in this supplement Moderately deep and shallow phases of Salchaket very fine sandy loam are now classified as phases of Jarvis very fine sandy loam. The original name is retained in this supplement. 90-100 80-95 75-90 70-85 10-35 10-30 10-25 5-20 100 95-100 90-100 ao-100 100 95-100 90-100 80-100 5-30 0-20 0-5 0 100 95-100 90-100 85-100 100 95-100 90-100 75-100 100 90-100 85-100 40-70 100 90-100 85-100 40-70 25-45 .25-40 15-25 0-5 100 95-100 90-100 85-95 100 100 95-100 90-100 Liquid Limit 25-40 30-50 30-50 25-40 Plasti- city index 2-10 NP NP 0-10 NP 2-10 NP NP NP NP 30-50 3-10 30-65 5-10 Permea- bility (inches/ hour) 0,6-2,0 0.2-0.6 0.6-2,0 0.6-2.0 6.0-20 0.6-2.0 0,6-2.0 0.6-2.0 0.6-2.0 6,0-20 0,6-2.0 0,6-2.0 Available water capacity in./in. of soil .25-.30 ,05-.10 .25-.30 .25-.30 .02-.04 .25-.30 .18-.23 .12-.16 .12-.16 .02-.04 .25-.30 .25-.30 Reaction Shrink-swell pH values potential 5,6-6.5 Low 6.1-6.5 Low 4.5-5.5 Low 5.1-5.5 Low 4.0-5.0 Low 5.o-7.8 Low 5.1-6,0 Low 5,6-6,5 Low 5.1-6,5 LOW 6.1-6,5 Low 6,1-6,5 LoW 6.1-7.3 Low Table 2. Interpretations of engineering properties of soils. Soil series and map symbol(s) Alluvial land (Ad) Bradway (Br) Chena (Ch) Ester (EsD, EsE,EsF) Suscepti- bility to frost action High Low High Degree of limitation rating for-- Suitability as source of Septic tank Sanitary ----'===:.;:s:-=a:.:n=-d::-<-a-n;:.:;d.....::.::..:==_:;~----absorption Site for landfill Road fill gravel Topsoil Poor-WET Good Poor-SST Poor-WET, Unsuited Poor-WET FST Good Good Poor-THN,SST Poor-THN, Sand; Poor-THN,LST LST Unsuited Gravel; Poor-FIN fields sewage lagoon. (trench type) Severe-WET Severe-WET, FLD Severe-FLO Severe-LST, PFT Severe-WET, PCR Severe-FLD, PFT Severe-FLD, PCR Severe-LST, STP Severe-WET, FLD Severe-WET, FLD Severe-FLO, PCR Severe-PFT, BDR Sanitary landfill (area type) Severe-WET, FLD Severe-WET, FLD Severe-FLO, PCR Severe-STP, PFT Daily cover for landfill Poor-WET,SST Poor-WET Poor-SST,LCO Poor-LST,PFT Shallow excavations Severe-WET, SST Severe-WET, PFT Severe-FLD, SST Severe-STP, PFT Dwellings Without With basement basement Severe-WET, FLD Severe-WET, PFT Severe-FLO Severe-STP, PFT Severe-WET, FLD Severe-WET, PFT Severe-FLO Severe-STP, PFT . Small commercial buildings Severe-WET, FLD Severe-WET, PFT Severe-FLO Severe-STP, PFT Local roads and streets Severe-l'lET, FLD Severe-WET, PFT Moderate-FLO Severe-STP, PFT Picnic areas Severe-WET, FLD Severe-WET Moderate-FLO Severe-STP, WET Playgrounds Severe-WET, FLD Severe-WET Moderate-FLD Severe-STP, WET Fairbanks High FaA-FaD; Poor-FST Unsuited FaA-FaB;Good FaA-FaB;Slight FaA;Moderate- FaC;Moderate-PCR FaA-FaC;Slight FaA-FaB;Slight FaA-FaB;Good FaA-FaB; Slight FaA-FaC; FaA-FaB; Moderate-LBC FaC;Moderate- LBC,STP FaD-FaF; Severe-STP FaA-Moderate- LEe FaB;Moderate- LBC,STP FaC-FaF; Severe-STP FaA-FaC; Severe-FST FaD-FaF; Severe-FST·, STP FaA-FaB;Slight FaA;Slight (FaA,FaB,FaC, FaD,FaE,FaF) Fairbanks, High Moderately deep (FmB,FmC,FmD, FmE,FmF) Gilmore (GmB, GmC, GmD, GmE , GmF) Gilmore, very shallow (GrB, GrC,GrD,GrE, GrF) Moderate Low Goldstream High (GtA,GtB,GtC) Lemeta (Lp) High Mine tailings Low (Me) Minto (MnA, MnB,MnC) High Salchaket (Sc) Moderate FaE-FaF; Poor-FST, STP FmB-FmD; Poor-FST FmE-FmF; Poor-FST, STP GmB-GmC; Fair-LST GmD;Fair LST,STP GmE-GmF; Poor-STP GrB-GrD; Poor-LST GrE-GrF; Poor-LST, STP Sand; Unsuited Gravel; Poor-FIN Sand; Unsuited Gravel; Poor-FIN Sand; Unsuited Gravel; Poor-FIN Poor-WET, Unsuited PFT Poor-HUM, Unsuited LBC Fair-LST Good Poor-FST Unsuited Fair-FST Good Salchaket, Moderately deep (Sm) Salchaket, shallow (Ss) Moderate Fair-FST Good Saulich (SuB, SuC,SuD) Tanana (Ta) High High Limiting Features SuB-SuC; Unsuited Poor-PFT, FST SuD;Poor- PFT STP Poor-FST, Unsuited PFT FaC;Fair FaD-FaF; Poor-STP FmB;Good FmC;Fair-STP FmD-FmF; Poor-STP Poor-THN,LST ,Poor-THN, LST Poor-WET Poor-WET Poor-LST MnA-MnB;Good MnC;Fair-STP Good Fair-THN,SST SuB-SuC;Poor- PFT,WET SuD;Poor-PFT, STP Good BDR -Bedrock too shallow for the intended use ERO -Soil is highly erodible STP FaB;Moderate- FaD-FaF; PCR,STP Severe-STP FaC-FaF; FmB-FmC; Severe-Pes, LST FmD-FmF; Sev~re-PCS, STP GmB-GmC; Severe-Pes, LST GmD-GmF; Severe-Pes, STP GrB-GrC; severe-Pes, LST GrD-GrF; Severe-Pes, STP Severe-WET, PFT,FLD Severe-WET, PFT Severe-LST MnA-MnB; Moderate-PIT MnC;Moderate- PIT,STP Severe-FLO Severe-FLO Severe-WET, PFT Severe-WET, PFT Severe-STP Severe-LST, STP Severe-LST, STP Severe-LST, STP Severe-FLO, PFT Severe-PFT, HUM Severe-PCR MnA-MnB; Severe-PIT MnC;Severe- PIT,STP severe-FLO Severe-FLD, PCR SuB;Severe- WET,PFT sue-SuD; Severe-PFT Severe-FLO, PFT FaD-Moderate- STP FaE-FaF; Severe-STP FmB-FmC; Severe-LST FmD-FmF; Severe-LST, STP GmB-GmC; Severe-LST GmD-GmF; Severe-LST, STP GrB-.GrC; Severe-LST GrD-GrF; Severe-LST, STP Severe-WET, FLD Severe-WET, PFT,HUM Severe-LST, PCR Moderate-WET, PIT Severe-FLO Severe-FLD, PCR Severe-WET, PFT Severe-WET, FLD FaC;Moderate- STP FaD-FaF; Severe-STP FmB;Slight FmC;Moderate- STP FmD-FmF; Severe-STP GmB;Slight GmC;Moderate, STP GmD-GmF; Severe-STP GrB;Slight GrC;Moderate- STP GrD-GrF; Severe-STP Severe-WET, FLD severe-WET Severe-PCR MnA-MnB; FaC;Fair-STP FaD-FaF;Poor- STP FmB; Fair-THN FmC;Fair-THN, STP FmD-FmF;Poor- STP GmB-GmC;Poor- LST GmD-GmF;Poor- LST,STP GrB-GrC;Poor- LST GrD-GrF;Poor- LST,STP Poor-WET Poor-WET, LCO Poor-LST MnA-MnB;Good Moderate-WET, MnC;Fair-STP PIT MnC;Moderate- WET,STP Severe-FLO Severe-FLO, PCR SuB-SuC; Severe-WET SuD;Severe- WET,STP severe-FLO Good Poor-SST,LCO SuB-SuC; Severe-WET, PFT SuD;Severe- PFT STP Moderate-PFT FaC;Moderate- STP FaD-FaF; Severe-STP FmB-FmC; Severe-LST, FmD-FmF; Severe-LST, STP GmB-GmC; Severe-LST GmD-GmF; Severe-LST, STP GrB-GrC; Severe-LST GrD-GrF; Severe-LST, STP Severe-WET, PFT FLD Severe-WET, PFT Severe-LST MnA-MnB; Moderate-WET MnC;Moderate- WET,STP Severe-FLO Severe-FLO, SST SuB-SuC; Severe-WET, PFT SuD;Severe- PFT,STP Severe-WET, PFT LCO -Soil has poor compaction characteristics, is hard to pack LST -Large stones limit suitability for the intended use FIN -Excessive proportion of fine-grained material for the intended use FLD Soil is subject to flooding PCR -Permeability is too rapid for the intended use PCS Permeability is too slow for the intended use FST Soil is susceptible to frost action HUM Peat soil LBC -Soil has low strength or bearing strength PFT Permafrost restricts use or is a hazard to structures PIP Soil is subject to underground tunneling or piping Severe-FST FaD-FaE; Severe-FST, STP FmB-FmC; Severe-FST FmD-FmF; Severe-FST, STP GmB;Moderate- FST GmC;Moderate- FST,STP GmD-GmF; Severe-STP GrB;Slight GrC;Moderate- STP GrD-GrF; Severe-STP Severe-WET, PFT,FLD Severe-WET, PFT,HUM Severe-LST Severe-PIT, FST Severe-FLO Severe-FLO SuB-SuC; Severe-PFT, FST SuD;Severe- PFT,STP Severe-FLO, PFT FmB;Slight FmC;Moderate- STP FmD-FmF; Severe-STP GmB-GmC; Severe-LST GmD-GmF; Severe-.LST, STP GrB-GrC; Severe-LST GrD-GrF; Severe-LST, STP Severe-WET, PFT,FLD Severe-WET, PFT,HUM Severe-LST Severe-PIT Severe-FLO Severe-FLO SuB-SuC; Severe-PFT, FST SuD;Severe- PFT STP Severe-FLO, PFT FmB;Moderate- STP FmC-FmF; Severe-STP FmB-FmC; Severe-FST FmD-FmF; Severe-FST, STP GmB;Severe-LST GmB;Moderate- GmC-GmF; FST Severe-LST, STP GmC;Moderate- FST,STP GmD-GmF; Severe-STP GrB;Severe-LST GrB;Moderate- GrC-GrF; LST Severe-LST, STP Severe-WET, PFT,FLD Severe-WET, PFT,HUM Severe-LST MnA-MnB; Severe-PIT MnC; Severe-PIT, STP Severe-FLO Severe-FLO SuB;Severe- PFT,FST sue-suD; Severe-PFT, STP Severe-FLO, PFT GrC;Moderate- LST,STP Severe-WET, PFT FLD Severe-LBC, PFT,HUM Moderate-LST Severe-FST, PIT Moderate-FLO Moderate-FLO SuB-SuC; Severe-PFT, FST SuD;Severe- PFT STP Severe-FST FaC;Moderate- STP FaD-FaF; Severe-STP FmB;Slight FmC;Moderate- STP FmD-FmF; Severe-STP GmB;Slight GmC;Moderate- STP GmD-GmF; Severe-STP GrB;Slight GrC;Moderate- STP GrD-GrF; Severe-STP Severe-WET Severe-WET Severe-LST MnA-MnB; Moderate-WET MnC;Moderate- WET,STP Moderate-FLO Moderate-FLO SuB-SuC; Severe-WET SuD;Severe- WET,STP Moderate-FLO, WET PIT -Possible pitting beeause of thawing of buried ice masses SST -Small stones limit suitability for the intended use STP -Slopes are too steep for the intended use THN Soil is thin over a substratum not suitable for the intended use UNS -Soil is unstable when used in embankments WET -Soil is too wet, or too poorly drained for the intended use FaB;Moderate- STP FaC-FaF; Severe-STP FmB;Moderate- STP FmC-FmF; Severe-STP GmB;Moderate- STP GmC-GmF; Severe-STP GrB;Moderate- STP GrC-GrF; Severe-STP Severe-WET Severe-WET Severe-LST MnA;Moderate- WET MnB;Moderate- WET,STP MnC;Severe-STP Moderate-FLO Moderate-FLO SuB;Severe- WET sue-suD; Severe-WET, STP Moderate-FLO, WET Features affecting use for-- Pond Embankments, Corrosivity reservoir dikes, and Untreated area PCR PFT PCR STP ,PFT PIP,STP ERO,STP ERO,STP STP PFT PFT PCR PIT,ERO, STP PCR PCR PFT,STP PFT levees PCR LCO,PIP PCR THN,LST LBC,PIP, LCO LBC,LST LST LST LBC,PIP UNS,LCO, HUM LST LBC,PIP, LCO PCR PCR LBC,PIP LBC,PIP steel Concrete High Moderate High Low Low Low Moderate Moderate Low Moderate Low Moderate Low Low Low Low High Moderate Low Low Low Moderate Low Moderate Low Low High Low High Low