HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA1756TR 161 Technical Report 161 SURVEY OF ARCTIC AND SUBARCTIC TEMPERATURE INVERSIONS by Michael A. Bilello OCTOBER 1966 U.S. ARMY MATERIEL COMMAND COLD REGIONS RESEARCH & ENGINEERING LABORATORY HANOVER, NEW HAMPSHIRE Technical Report 161 SURVEY OF ARCTIC AND SUBARCTIC TEMPERATURE INVERSIONS by Michael A. Bilello OCTOBER 1966 U.S. ARMY MATERIEL COMMAND COLD REGIONS RESEARCH & ENGINEERING LABORATORY HANOVER, NEW HAMPSHIRE DA Task IV014501852A02 Distribution of this document is unlimited. ii PREFACE This study was conducted under the general supervision of Dr. R. W. Gerdel, former Chief, Environmental Research Branch, and Dr. A. Assur, Chief Sci- entist, USA CRREL. The machine-tabulated data used in the survey were processed and prepared at the Weather Bureau National Weather Records Center; Asheville, North Carolina. The research was requested and funded by the Defense Atomic Sup- port Agency under Nuciear Weapons Effects Research subtask number 02. 046. The author wishes to thank Mr. Roy Bates for his assistance in the prepara- tion of the tables. USA CRREL is an Army Materiel Command laboratory. iii CONTENTS Page Preface------------------------------------------------------------ii Summary----------------------------------------------------------iv Introduction--------------------------------------------------------1 Selection of stations-----------------.,--------------------------------2 Description of data--------------------------------------------------2 Tabular presentation------------------------------------------------4 Graphical presentation of data----------------------------------------5 Discus sian of results------------------------------------------------5 Literature cited ----------------------------------------------------13 Appendix A. Typical Arctic temperature inversions --------------------31 ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 1. Station map --------------------------------------------------3 2. Statistical summary of inversions with the base at the surface, Alert, Canada-----------------------------------------------~----6 3. Statistical summary of inversions with the base above the surface, Alert, Canada----------------------------------------------6 4. Frequency of inversion occurrence, in terms of thickness and tern- perature gradient, for two 6-rnonth periods--------------------7 5. Inversions with base at the surface-----------------------------8 6. Inversions with base above the surface--------------------------9 7. Frequency of various inversion thicknesses----------------------10 8. Frequency of various inversion temperature gradients ------------11 9. Day-to-day variations in height of warmest temperature in the lower Table I. II. III. IV. atmosphere ------------------------------------------------14 TABLES Period of record and elevation of stations covered in the survey --- Statistical summary of inversions in which the base is at the surface Statistical summary of inversions in which the base is above the surface---------------------------------------------------- Frequency of inversion occurrence, in terms of thickness and tern- perature gradient, for two 6-rnonth periods-------------------- 2 15 19 23 iv SUMMARY This study provides a statistical analysis of available data on Arctic and subarctic inversions, and includes data from locations in Canada, Greenland, and Alaska. The analysis considers in- versions with respect to frequency, base height, thickness, base temperature, and temperature gradient. SURVEY OF ARCTIC AND SUBARCTIC TEMPERATURE INVERSIONS by Michael A. Bilello Introduction A temperature inversion is defined meteorologically as a layer of air in which the temperature increases with altitude. As noted in the Glossary of Meteorology ( 1959), the principal characteristic of an inversion layer is its marked stability, which allows very little turbulent exchange to occur within it. Wexler (1936) points out that during clear, calm nights, the temperature of a snow surface falls below the temperature of the air. He describes how the snow surface radiates energy practically as a black body and receives, by conduction from the snow and air and also by atmospheric radiation, less energy than it loses through its own radiation; consequently, its temperature decreases. In polar regions, inversions are observed throughout the year, but are usually steeper during the cold period of the year than during the warm period. The bases of these inversions are not always located at the earth's surface. When the layers adjacent to the earth's surface are warmed, an inversion may still persist, but the base then is located off the ground. The heights to which inversions extend and the intensity of tem~~erature-increase-with-height vary from place to place and from month to month. The purpose of this study is to provide a statistical analysis of available data on Arctic and subarctic inversions. The study includes data from locations in Canada, Greenland, and Alaska, and the analysis considers inversions with re- spect to frequency, base height, thickness, base temperature, and temperature gradient. A major study of this type was conducted by the U.S. Navy (1963). There- sulting Marine Climatic Atlas of the World presents climatic data for 47 stations throughout the North American Arctic and subarctic. Included are charts giving monthly percentage-frequencies of three intensities of temperature inversion within each of seven layers from the surface to 700 millibars. However, these charts do not provide information on: l) the thickness of the inversion; 2) standard deviation from the average base height or thickness; 3) temperature at the base of the inversion. To provide this information the author has reanalyzed data for some of the stations in the Navy survey, and included certain areas not covered in the Atlas, such as central Alaska. Wyatt (1952) notes that inversions in polar regions have also been studied by Sverdrup ("Maud" Expedition to the Arctic Ocean), Flohn (Siberia), Wexler (Alaska), and the German Expedition to the Antarctic in 1911-12. These studies consider only short periods of record and do not provide detailed statistical information for each month of the year. In an investigation on the distribution of temperature lapse rates over the Arctic regions, Putnins and Choate ( 1960) considered mean temperatures and the following standard layers: surface to 850mb, 850-700 mb, 700-500 mb, and 500-300 mb. In the study, daily lapse rates observed during a 1950-51 Russian expedition on drifting ice; mean monthly lapse rates for Fletcher's Ice Island (T-3) observed during 1952-54; and mean seasonal lapse rates for one Iceland, eight Greenland, and five Canadian stations are presented. Mean values on the magnitude of inversions observed at these stations for the intervals noted above also were included. Recently, Vowinckel ( 1965) conducted a study on inversions over the Arctic Ocean proper. Radiosonde data from North Pole stations 4, 6 and 7 and for 30 coastal stations surrounding the Arctic Ocean were used. He found slightly stable 2 SURVEY OF ARC TIC AND SUBARCTIC TEMPERATURE INVERSIONS temperature gradients over the Arctic Ocean in summer changing to very strong inversions by late winter. Unstable gradients predominated over the warm waters of the Norwegian-Barents Sea. The most intense inversions were found over the Beaufort Sea and northwest of the Canadian Archipelago. In an informal, unofficial USA CRREL Research Note, data on some typical inversions in the Arctic were compiled by the author. These data are appended to this survey (Appendix A). Selection of stations A statistical analysis of inversions requires data from upper air soundings made over a reasonable duration of time. Statistical computations on the bulk data were made by computers at the Weather Records Center in Asheville, North Carolina. Except for Thule, the stations used in this study had approximately 8 to 10 years of record available on punch cards. For Thule there was just over 5 years of record. The period of record for some stations was not continuous: e. g., the record for Alert, Canada, is from September 1950 through December 1959 and contains occasional short gaps during the first twenty days of April 1952. These variations have a negligible effect on the overall statistics because the number of soundings, rather than the number of days, was considered in the com- putations. Although upper air soundings have been made in the arctic regions of Asia and Europe, only a small portion of the data is available on punched cards. For this reason the study was confined to stations in the Western Hemisphere. The number of stations that could be studied with the allotted funds was deter- mined by: 1) the format and extent of the statistical computations; and 2) the number of cards used per station. Table I gives the name, elevation, and ;:>eriod of record of each station in the survey. The location of each station is shown in Figure 1. These stations were selected on the basis of geographical coverage, length of record, and availability of punched cards. Also, an attempt was made to include stations omitted in the Naval Marine Atlas. Table I. Period of record and elevation of stations covered in the survey. Station Alert, Canada Barrow, Alaska Churchill, Canada Clyde River, Canada Coppermine, Canada Coral Harbour, Canada Fairbanks, Alaska Mould Bay, Canada Nome, Alaska Thule, Greenland Yakutat, Alaska Description of data Period of record 9 I 50 - 7 I 52 - 1 I 50 - 1 I 50 - 2155 - 1 I 50 - 4152 - 8150 - 7 I 52 - 1 I 50 - 7 I 50 - 8152 - 1 I 53 - 12159 10159 12159 41 54; 12159 21 52; 12159 12159 3161 12159 12159 12157 12161 Elevation (m) 62 7 35 3 9 53 133 15 4 37 9 The machine-tabulated data were divided into two sections, and each section was divided into two parts. The first section is a monthly tabulation of the number of upper-air soundings taken and the number of inversions observed. Two types of inversions are listed: 1) those in which the base of the inversion is at the earth's surface; and 2) those in which the base is above the surface. Subsequently, these inversions will be Figure 1. Station map. H z < M :::0 (/l H 0 z (/l 4 SURVEY OF ARC TIC AND SUBARCTIC TEMPERATURE INVERSIONS identified as type 1 and type 2, respectively. For this survey, any layer having more than one degree (C) increase in temperature per kilometer was considered to be an inversion layer (U.S. Weather Bureau, 1961). Statistical computations for each month and each type of inversion were made. For type 1 the following information was provided: a. Average thickness of the inversion, in meters, and the standard deviation. b. Average increase in temperature with height (or temperature gradient), in ° C per 100 meters, and the standard deviation. c. Average temperature at the base of the inversion (i.e., earth's sur- face) in °C. Standard deviation was computed from the formula: S =J n L;vZ -(L;v)Z n (n-1) where v =the observed values and n =the number of counts. For inversions in which the base was above the surface (type 2), computations a, b and c were made, and, in addition: d. Average height of the base of the inversion, and the standard deviation. Two upper soundings are normally made each day: one at 2400 and another at 1200 Greenwich Meridian Time. Unfortunately, only the 2400 GMT observations were available on punch cards for all the stations except Nome and Fairbanks, Alaska. The cost of punching the 1200 GMT data was too expensive to justify its inclusion in the study. Since locations in high latitudes experience long periods of light and dark, omission of diurnal variations is negligible. However, for the purpose of noting diurnal variations at lower latitudes, statistical analyses of both 2400 and 1200 observations were conducted for Nome and Fairbanks, Alaska. The second section of the machine-tabulated data gives the number of inver- sions in terms of thickness and temperature difference from the base to the top of the inversion; increments of 50 meters thickness and lC temperature difference were used. This second section was divided into two arbitrarily defined time periods: 1) the months November through April and 2) the months May through October. For those stations located in the Arctic, the first period defines approximately the months of continuous dark, and the second period the months of continuous light. For stations at lower latitudes these periods define the relative cold and warm months, respectively. Tabular presentation The data are presented here as Tables II, III and IV. The major portion of this statistical survey consists of a set of these tables for each station studied. Table II gives statistical summaries by month for inversions with the base at the earth surface (type 1), including: number of soundings, number and frequency of occurrence, average thickness and temperature gradient, and standard deviation of thickness and temperature gradient. · Assuming that the observations on thickness and temperature gradient are fairly symmetrical with respect to the mean (or average) value, the standard deviation gives a measure of the range within which a large proportion of the re- ports will be included. In a normal distribution the interval from the distance of one standard deviation below the mean to the distance of one standard deviation above the mean will include about 2/3 of the observations (Ezekiel and Fox, 1959). SURVEY OF ARC TIC AND SUBARCTIC TEMPERATURE INVERSIONS 5 Since the lower limit of the inversion thickness in Table II is finite and the upper limit unbounded, the data are probably not normally distributed. This means that fewer than 2/3 of the observations can be expected to occur within the limits de- fined by the standard deviation. The average inversion temperature gradient (the rate of increase in tempera- ture with height) is the mean of the gradients for all the inversions, assuming a uniform increase in temperature from the base to the top for each individual in- version. Table III gives the same information for type 2 inversions, with two more columns giving the average height of the base of the inversion above the surface and the standard deviation of the base height. Base height plus thickness gives the average height of the top of the inversion. Table IV gives the frequency of inversion occurrence in terms of various thicknesses and temperature gradients. The machine data were analyzed in terms of 50-meter increments of inversion thickness, but are presented in Table IV in increments of 200 meters. The breakdown given in Table IV is somewhat detailed. The format, however, allows the user to combine categories as required. Graphical presentation of data Types of figures adaptable to graphical presentation of the inversion data are shown in Figures 2, 3 and 4. The data for Alert have been presented in graphical form as an example. Note that the sloped lines in Figures 2C and 3C extend to 500 meters. This level was arbitrarily selected and does not indicate specific inversion thicknesses. To compute temperature gradient in terms of oc /100 meters, subtract the tem- perature at 500 meters from that at the base and divide by five. Discussion of results Seasonal variations. Inspection of the data in Tables II and III shows differ- ences in inversion frequency and physical characteristics between the six cold months (November through April) and the six warm months (May through October). The outstanding difference is the variation in inversion thickness; inversions during the cold months are deeper (extend to a greater height) than those observed Addendum -USA CRREL Technical Report 161 On page 5, next-to-last paragraph, add: V""\l,,,f-":l.t- In Figures 5 and 6 only the 2400 Z data were used in the tabulations for Fairbanks and Nome. to a o-mCJillll pt:J.~UU.o ~H~ -·---o- "''"e Jnths. r ~r- .rm'' Lfy re .gh •ccur .rd. ·ing :y. SURVEY OF ARCTIC AND SUBARCTIC TEMPERATURE INVERSIONS 5 Since the lower limit of the inversion thickness in Table II is finite and the upper limit unbounded, the data are probably not normally distributed. This means that fewer than Z/3 of the observations can be expected to occur within the limits de- fined by the standard deviation. The average inversion temperature gradient (the rate of increase in tempera- ture with height) is the mean of the gradients for all the inversions, assuming a uniform increase in temperature from the base to the top for each individual in- version. Table III gives the same information for type Z inversions, with two more columns giving the average height of the base of the inversion above the surface and the standard deviation of the base height. Base height plus thickness gives the average height of the top of the inversion. Table IV gives the frequency of inversion occurrence in terms of various thicknesses and temperature gradients. The machine data were analyzed in terms of 50-meter increments of inversion thickness, but are presented in Table IV in increments of ZOO meters. The breakdown given in Table IV is somewhat detailed. The format, however, allows the user to combine categories as required. Graphical presentation of data Types of figures adaptable to graphical presentation of the inversion data are shown in Figures Z, 3 and 4. The data for Alert have been presented in graphical form as an example. Note that the sloped lines in Figures ZC and 3C extend to 500 meters. This level was arbitrarily selected and does not indicate specific inversion thicknesses. To compute temperature gradient in terms of oC/100 meters, subtract the tem- perature at 500 meters from that at the base and divide by five. Discussion of results Seasonal variations. Inspection of the data in Tables II and III shows differ- ences in inversion frequency and physical characteristics between the six cold months (November through April) and the six warm months (May through October). The outstanding difference is the variation in inversion thickness; inversions during the cold months are deeper (extend to a greater height) than those observed in summer. Subarctic locations under a maritime influence, e. g. Yakutat, are an exception to the rule. Type l inversions occur more frequently during cold rather than warm months. In general, the opposite is true for type Z inversions. Temperature gradients (inversion steepness) at most locations are greater during the cold period of the year. This is true for both type l and type 2 inver- sions. It is difficult to make a precise separation of the year into "cold" and "warm" 6-month periods, but the physical characteristics of the inversions change sufficiently between April and May and between October and November to justify a separation at these times. Regional variations. Regional variations in inversion characteristics were analyzed using the seasonal break. The results are shown in Figures 5 through 8. From Figure 5 it can be seen that throughout the year type l inversions occur most frequently at Alert and Coral Harbour and decrease in frequency westward. Note that two frequencies (in percent) are shown for each station, each referring to a 6-month period. The average of the two values gives the annual frequency. 100 ;e !.. 80 >-(.) 60 z LoJ ::::> 40 0 LoJ 0:: u.. 20 0 800 in 0:: LoJ ~ LoJ ::::e ~ :I: (!) ~ SFC :I: I • I I JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. o.FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE FEB APR b. _, .. "-----"""' ''--"'-STANDARD ----DEVIATION JUNE AUG OCT. DEC. 600r--.---.--.---r--.---r--.---.--.---r--.---.---r--, in 0:: LoJ ~ LoJ 400 ::::e (/) (/) LoJ z 200 ::.:: (.) :I: ~ 01 ,, -, ., I I I I ." WI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . -40 -32 -24 c. AVERAGE TEMPERATURE AT SURFACE AVERAGE TEMP. GRADIENT 16 c Figure 2. Statistical summary of inversions with the base at the surface, Alert, Canada. i" ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I U.. JAN FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. (/) a:: o.FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE 12oo~.....,....-,..----r--.----r-r-r-ll--r-rll LoJ ~ BOO LoJ ::::e LoJ :I: FEB. APR. JUNE AUG. OCT DEC. SFCL--J~A~N.~L_~M~AR~.~~M~A~Y~~~J~U~LY~L_~SE~P~T~._L~NLOV~.~--~ b. AVERAGE HEIGHT OF BASE AND TOP OF INVERSION 600r-~---.--~--r--.---r--,---.-~r-~--~ (/) a:: LoJ ~ w 400 ::::e (/) (/) w z 200 :.:: u :I: ~ Ol I, I I u I I I I I ., I -8 0 8 c c. AVERAGE TEMPERATURE AT BASE AND AVERAGE TEMPERATURE GRADIENT Figure 3. Statistical summary ofinversions with the base above the surface, Alert, Canada. 0' Vl c::: :;o < M >..::: 0 t-Ij ;:r> :;o (l >-:l H (l ;:r> z t::1 (/) c::: ~ (l >-:l H (l >-:l M ~ '"0 M :;o ;:r> >-:l c::: :;o M H z < M :;o (/) H 0 z (/) SURVEY OF ARCTIC AND SUBARCTIC TEMPERATURE INVERSIONS 7 ~1000 (/) a:: w 800 I-w :!: 600 (/) (/) w z ~ 400 u :X: I- 200 A) INVERSION THICKNESSES WERE GROUPED IN INCREMENTS OF 200 METERS B) C) RATES OF TEMPERATURE INCREASE PER 100 METERS INCREASE IN HEIGHT WERE GROUPED AS FOLLOWS: O.lto<I.0°C 3.0° c 1.0 to< 3.0°C TWO PERIODS WERE CONSIDERED: NOVEMBER THROUGH APRIL AND MAY THROUGH OCTOBER NOVEMBER THROUGH APRIL 1635 SOUNDINGS ( 10 Years of record) 1598 INVERSIONS (Frequency of occurrence= 98 °/0 ) 1357 WITH BASE AT SURFACE (Frequency= 83°/0 ) 241 WITH BASE ABOVE SURFACE (Frequency= 15%) I'"= II% (15.5% minus 4.5%) of all soundmgs taken durmg 10 20 30 November through Apnl recorded thtclrness of < 200 meters and temperature 1ncrease of 1.0 to< 3.0°C/IOO meters. FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE (%) ~1000 (/) a:: w 800 1-w :!: (/) (/) w z 600 ~ 400 u :X: I- 200 0 o~--~--I~0--~--~2~0--~--~30 FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE (%) MAY THROUGH OCTOBER 1649 SOUNDINGS ( 10 Years of record) 1381 INVERSIONS (Frequency of occurrence= 84°/0 ) 743 WITH BASE AT SURFACE (Frequency= 45 °/0 ) 638 WITH BASE ABOVE SURFACE (Frequency= 39°/0 ) Figure 4. Frequency of inversion occurrence, in terms of thickness and tempera- ture gradient, for two 6-month periods. LEGEND Nov. -Apr. 44 560 1.6 May-Oct. 28 320 1.4 Frequency of occurrence (o/o) f> based on the 6-month period. J.t' Average inversion thickness. Average temperature gradient. Figure 5. Inversions with base at the surface. 00 C/l c::: ~ < M >-<: 0 f-Ij ~ ~ 0 "":] H 0 ~ t:J C/l c::: IJ:j ~ ~ 0 "":] H 0 "":] M ~ f-(J M ~ ~ "":] c::: ~ M H z < M ~ C/l H 0 z C/l LEGEND Nov. -Apr. 51 530 ( 480) 1.4 May-Oct. 41 Frequency of occurrence (o/o) p based on the 6-month period. 330 ( 660) 1.2 Avg inversion thickness (m). Avg height of base above sfc (m) Average temperature gradient (°C/l00m) Figure 6. Inversions with base above the surface. (/) c: ::u <: M ~ 0 "'1 > ::u 0 j 0 > z tJ (/) c: l:d ;:t:> ::u 0 f-3 H 0 f-3 M ~ 1:1 M ::u > f-3 c: ::u M H z <: M ::u (/) H 0 z (/) "' LEGEND Frequency of occurrence (o/o) based on the following 6-month periods: Nov. -Apr. 44 30 22 May-Oct. 51 14 4 ( 001 to 399 m thick) ( 400 to 799 m thick) ( ~ 800 m thick) p Figure 7. Frequency of various inversion thicknesses. ...... 0 (/) c: ::0 < M ...:: 0 f-rj ~ ::0 ' () t-3 H () ~ z t) (/) c: tJj ~ ::0 () t-3 H () t-3 M ~ "d M ::0 ~ t-3 c: ::0 M H z < M ::0 (/) H 0 z (/) LEGEND Frequency of occurrence ( o/o) based on the following 6-month periods: Nov. -Apr. May-Oct. 41 46 9 38 26 5 0. 1 to < 1. 0°C/100 meters. 1.0 to< 3.0°C/100 meters. > 3.0°C/100 meters. p 41 46 9 Figure 8. Frequency of various inversion temperature gradients. ' (fJ c: !:U <: M ><: 0 t-rj ;:t> !:U () 1--:l H () ;:t> z tj (fJ c: IJj ;:t> !:U () 1--:l H () 1--:l M ~ 1:J M !:U ;:t> 1--:l c: !:U M H z <: M !:U (fJ H 0 z (fJ ..... ..... 12 SURVEY OF ARCTIC AND SUBARCTIC TEMPERATURE INVERSIONS During the cold months the thickness of type 1 inversions varies to some ex- tent from place to place. During the summer months the thicknesses are regionally uniform, except at Fairbanks, where shallow surface inversions are observed. Average temperature gradients for type 1 inversions also vary from pl3.ce to place during the cold months, ranging from 1. 0 to 2. 5C I 1OOm. During the warm months this variation is less marked, 0. 6 to 1. 4C/100m. In the study on typical Arctic inversions (App. A) it was found that extremely steep surface in- versions occur on the Greenland ice sheet during the winter months. An observa- tion made on 20 December 1949 at Station Eismitte in central Greenland, at latitude 70° N, showed a temperature increase of 29. 4C in 350m. From Figure 6 we find that, during the winter months, type 2 inversions are least common at Thule and Alert and generally increase in frequency to the south and west. Yakutat's climatic regime again makes this station an exception to the rule. During the summer months, variations in frequency of occurrence of type 2 inversions do not follow any geographical pattern. Thicknesses of type 2 inversions, like those of type 1, vary from place to place during the cold period and in general are regionally uniform during the warm period. Some regional variation in average base heights occurs during each seasonal period. At all locations except Yakutat, average heights are greatest during the summer months, especially in interior Alaska. Examination of Table Ill reveals a notable phenomenon at many locations - a definite increase in base heights during September and October. This phenomenon, however, is not always consistent. At Alert, for example, it is only evident during September; and at Fairbanks, only during the 1200 Z observations (Table IIIB). Temperature gradients of type 2 inversions show little seasonal and regional variation. The average range f::>r all locations during both seasons is 0. 7 to 1. 6CI lOOm. Regional variation of frequency of occurrence for three categories of inversion thickness (001 to 399m, 400 to 799 m, and> 800 m) is shown in Figure 7. The frequencies are obtained from Table IV. Inversions less than 400 m thick pre- dominate during the warm months. Inversions thicker than 800 m are observed much more frequently in winter than in summer, and at some stations (Barrow, Mould Bay and Coppermine) they actually occur more often than either of the other two categories. Figure 8 gives frequency of occurrence of three categories of inversion tem- perature gradients (also from Table IV). Temperature gradients of 0. 1 to< 1. OCI 100m predominate during the warm months. In winter, inversions are much steeper, as indicated by the marked increase in frequencies for the cate- gories above 1. OC I 100m. Diurnal variations. Data on two observations per day were available for Fairbanks and Nome, Alaska, only. Nome time is 11 hours earlier, and Fair- banks is 10 hours earlier than Greenwich Meridian Time. This means that the 2400 Z observation is made at 1300 local time in Nome and at 1400 in Fairbanks, and the 1200 Z observation is made at 0100 and 0200 local time in Nome and Fairbanks respectively. These times are given to show how the release time for the upper air soundings varies from east to west. Therefore, attempts to asso- ciate diurnal variations between locations longitudinally distant from each other are not possible. Inspection of the data for Fairbanks and Nome shows some diurnal variations with respect to seasons. For example, for type 1 inversi:::ms, frequency, height, and temperature gradient (Table IIA) show seasonal variations for the 2400 Z observation, but only temperature gradient varies (Table liB) seasonally for the 1200 Z observation. For type 2 inversions (Table IliA), height of base, thickness, and temperature gradient show seasonal variations for the 2400 Z observation at SURVEY OF ARCTIC AND SUBARCTIC TEMPERATURE INVERSIONS l3 Fairbanks only, whereas only thickness shows seasonal variation for the 1200 Z observation (Table IIIB). Almost no seasonal variations are noted for type 2 inversions at Nome for either observation. This absence is probably due to •naritime influence. Apparently the Pacific Ocean cools the lower atmosphere during summer and warms it during winter. This maritime effect at Nome is further indicated by the relatively narrow range in inversion base temperatures noted in column 7 of Tables liB, IliA, and IIIB. On a year-round basis, type 1 inversions for both stations are more frequent and steeper (although not necessarily deeper) during the 1200 Z observation. This may be attributed to nighttime radiational heat loss. Type 2 inversions, on an annual basis, occur only slightly more often during the 2400 Z observation than at 1200 Z; and, except for base heights at Fairbanks, few diurnal variations are found at the stations. At Fairbanks the average base height during June, July and August is almost twice as high during the day as at night. The diurnal variations noted at these stations indicate that two observations per day are required at stations below the Arctic Circle. For the purposes of inversion studies, it would also be beneficial if these observations were made at the time of local maximum and minimum daily temperatures rather than according to Greenwich Meridian Time. Finally, the day-to-day variations must be considered. Figure 9 is an excerpt from Wyatt's ( 1951) study on daily variations in Arctic inversions. The temperatures from the surface to 300m for each day are indicated by 5C iso- therms (thin lines). The heavy line connects the warmest points on the successive sounding curves and thus shows the daily variations in the height of the inversion. The great day-to-day variation in the height of the inversion is immediately evident from these curves. Attempts to predict such variations on a day-to-day basis obviously would be difficult; therefore a statistical study such as the one given here is the next best prognostic approach. LITERATURE CITED Ezekiel, M. and Fox, K. A. ( 1959) Methods of correlation and regression analysis. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 3rd ed. Huschke, R. E. (Editor) (1959} Glossary of meteorology. Boston, Massachusetts: American Meteorological Society. Putnins, P. and Choate, M. ( 1960} The distribution of temperature lapse rates over the Arctic region, U.S. Weather Bureau, Quarterly Report, February-April. U.S. Army Signal Research and Development Labora- tory, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey. U.S. Navy ( 1963) Marine climatic atlas of the world, Vol. VI, Arctic Ocean, Chief of Naval Operations, NAVWEPS 50-lC-533. U.S. Weather Bureau (1957, 1960, 1961} Reference manuals, Office of Climatol- ogy, National Weather Records Center, Reference manuals for radiosonde card decks 542, 544, 545, 505 and 524. Vowinckel, E. ( 1965) The inversion over the polar ocean, McGill University Publication in Meteorology No. 72. Wexler, H. (1936} Cooling in the lower atmosphere and the structure of polar continental air, U.S. Weather Bureau, Monthly Weather Review, April, p. 122-136. 14 SURVEY OF ARCTIC AND SUBARCTIC TEMPERATURE INVERSIONS LITERATURE CITED (Cont 1 d) Wyatt, Lt. Col. W.H. (1951) Interesting variations in the arctic inversion, U.S. Air Force, Air Weather Service Bulletin, November, 1952, p. 58-60. Based on paper presented at the Washington, D. C. meeting of the American Geophysical Union, 1 May 1951. 3000 _; 2500 vi 2 : 2000 .. .. ~ 1500 !: ~ 1000 ~ .. .... ... .... ,.; "' "' 0: .. ,_ .. "' !: z 0 ;::: ~ ... .... ... 500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 -tl -11 -e ·tO If ·~ ... ... -... .... 15 20 POINT BARROW, ALASKA JANUARY 1949 (1500Z) 25 30 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 3000 2500 2000 500 -~::~~ s~~:~EL-··~~~-~·~~--~._~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...i .,; 2 "' a: .. .... ~ !: z 0 ~ .. .... ... 88M I 10 15 20 NORMAN WELLS, CANADA JANUARY 1949 (1500Z) CHURCHILL , CANADA JANUARY 1949 (1500Z) 25 30 3000 2500 1500 1000 500 --LEV[L til __,.IT Tt .. [RAT\111 IN THE LOWEW ATMOSPMJtE --ISOTHERMS I°CI Figure 9. Day-to-day variations in height of warmest temperature in the lower atmosphere. (From W. H. Wyatt, 1951) SURVEY OF ARC TIC AND SUBARCTIC TEMPERATURE INVERSIONS Table II. Statistical summary of inversions in which the base is at the surface. z NUmber of Month soundings Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 274 251 262 246 276 247 Z77 zn 275 302 295 307 216 195 187 181 217 207 248 245 238 248 210 217 300 275 301 287 301 298 306 300 289 305 279 289 Number of inversions (with base at sfc} 223 217 234 200 121 80 78 108 165 191 224 259 134 97 76 47 4 25 50 32 39 67 80 123 155 148 157 109 79 81 108 98 83 58 n 130 3a* Frequency of occurrence 00 5 Average thickness ~ Sat 6 6at Standard Avg temp Standard deviation gradient deviation ("C/lOOm) Alert, Canada (~1 0-yr <record) 81 86 89 81 44 32 28 40 60 63 76 84 550 580 61}0 610 490 310 310 330 370 470 460 590 480 440 470 490 390 220 180 180 360 390 390 490 Barrow, Alaska ("'8-yr record) 62 50 41 26 2 12 20 13 16 27 38 57 880 990 820 540 290 350 350 280 240 330 530 790 600 580 450 400 140 210 zoo zoo 260 310 430 550 Churchill, Canada, (~I 0-yr record) 52 54 52 38 26 27 35 33 29 19 26 45 690 670 520 420 420 330 310 280 230 370 410 660 480 470 440 290 270 zoo zoo 170 140 270 270 430 z. 1 Z. I Z. I 1.8 1.3 1.2 1.4 1.2 1.7 1.8 2.0 1.9 2.0 1.6 1.4 1.6 0.7 1.3 1.2 0.9 z.o 1.9 1.7 1.8 1.6 1.5 1.8 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.1 1.3 1.2 1.6 1.7 1.4 1.8 I. 8 1.6 1.8 1. 3 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.2 1.3 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.9 z.o 1. 7 1.4 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.7 1.3 1. 5 1.5 0.9 1.3 1.1 1.4 1.7 1.0 7 Avg temp at base ~ -32 -34 -34 -25 -14 0 + 5 + 1 -I 0 -21 -26 -30 -28 -30 -26 -14 -2 + 4 + 6 + 6 + z -10 -22 -28 -30 -27 -19 - 8 -I + 8 tl4 tl4 + 8 + z -14 -24 * 3.a is the frequency of occurrence for inversions in which the base is at the surface (column 3 /column Z). Sa and 6a are standard deviations for the data given in columns 5 and 6, respectively. 15 16 SURVEY OF ARC TIC AND SUBARCTIC TEMPERATURE INVERSIONS Table II (Cont'd). Statistical summary of inversions in which the base is at the surface. Month Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March Arpil May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept ()ct Nov Dec 2 Number of soundings 260 250 288 287 237 263 254 259 241 267 253 261 296 273 272 298 306 286 305 284 269 276 261 293 269 245 271 257 277 261 265 300 228 291 290 290 3 Number of inversions (with base at sf c) 158 174 216 181 74 59 75 70 41 55 117 !58 164 178 169 141 82 93 92 76 67 67 121 182 231 210 234 187 99 59 58 75 46 119 219 239 3a* Frequency of occurrence (%) 5 Average thickness (m) Sa Standard deviation Clyde River, Canada (~9-yr record) 61 70 75 63 31 22 30 27 17 21 46 61 450 470 560 390 330 380 340 340 340 320 410 520 370 380 470 320 250 250 190 180 220 190 320 458 Coppermine, Canada (~10-yr record) 55 840 590 65 62 47 27 33 30 27 25 24 46 62 910 840 630 410 400 380 340 280 400 650 790 540 510 410 220 210 200 140 140 280 440 460 Coral Harbour, Canada (~9-yr record) 86 86 86 73 36 23 22 25 20 41 76 82 520 520 560 460 350 370 310 250 270 340 400 480 400 410 400 330 290 230 ISO 200 190 300 270 340 6 6a Avg temp Standard gradient deviation ("C/IOOm) 1.6 2,2 2.0 2.2 1.4 0.9 1.0 1.0 o. 8 1.1 1.4 1.7 1.1 1.0 1.0 0,8 0.8 1.3 1.4 1.1 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.1 2.5 2.3 2. 0 1.7 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.0 1.7 1.9 2.3 1.3 1.9 1.7 1.8 1.4 0. 9 1.0 o. 9 o. 7 1.1 1.2 1.5 1.1 0.5 0.7 o. 6 0.6 1.1 1.4 0.9 0.7 0.6 0. 7 0.9 2.4 2.2 1.9 1.7 o. 9 0. 8 0.8 1.2 o. 9 1.7 1.7 2.2 7 Avg temp at base ("C) -29 -30 -28 -21 - 9 + 3 + 6 + 5 - I - 8 -20 -26 -32 -33 -27 -16 - 3 + 5 +10 +12 + 5 - 8 -22 -28 -31 -31 -25 -15 - 8 + 3 +10 + 8 + 2 -12 -20 -27 * 3a is the frequency of occurrence for inversions in which the base is at the surface (column 3/colurnn Z). t Sa and 6a are standard deviations for the data given in columns 5 and 6, respectively. SURVEY OF ARCTIC AND SUBARCTIC TEMPERATURE INVERSIONS Table II (Cont 1d}. Statistical summary of inversions in which the base is at the surface. 2 Number of Month soundings Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 299 269 30! 260 303 296 3~9 305 293 298 293 305 133 137 !52 148 !53 149 !55 179 172 "169 170 180 276 252 277 27J 270 269 277 278 269 277 268 278 3 Number of inversions (with base at sfc} 215 221 251 144 39 24 62 48 62 141 !86 222 97 103 !25 99 25 21 !8 35 56 89 110 150 170 101 42 18 10 4 4 2 15 73 !18 154 3a* Sat 6 6at Frequency of occurrence Average thickness Standard Avg temp Standard deviation gradient deviation 00 ~ Mould Bay, Canada (~I 0-yr record) 72 82 83 55 13 8 20 16 21 47 63 73 840 800 860 690 470 430 320 410 440 490 590 710 480 450 450 350 300 290 200 270 300 310 360 400 Thule, Greenland (~5-yr record) 73 75 82 67 16 !4 12 20 33 53 65 83 280 340 330 350 220 370 270 300 200 210 250 290 250 280 300 320 !50 !50 110 180 140 170 240 260 Yakutat, Alaska (~9-yr record) 62 40 15 7 4 6 26 44 55 210 2!0 160 210 150 330 450 170 270 180 !80 190 160 170 90 !60 60 130 170 70 120 90 90 120 (•c /! OOm) 1.7 1.5 1.6 1.2 1.0 0.7 1.1 0.8 !.I 1.3 1.5 1.5 2.5 2.8 2.6 2.2 0.8 l.O 1.2 1.0 1.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2. I 1.2 0.8 0. 7 0.4 0.6 0.5 0. 3 o. 5 1.1 2.0 2.2 1.0 0.9 1.0 0.8 1.0 o. 6 0.8 0. 6 0.7 1.0 0. 9 0.8 1.8 2.8 2.6 2. I 0.8 0. 7 1.2 0. 9 0.9 1.8 !.8 2.6 2. I 1.0 0.5 0.6 0.4 0. 3 0. 3 0. I 0. 5 0.8 1.8 2.2 7 Avg temp at base -35 -37 -33 -23 -12 + 4 + 6 + 5 - 7 -18 -27 -32 -25 -26 -26 -17 - 7 + 4 + 7 + 5 - 3 -II -20 -23 - 3 -2 + l + 5 + 8 +14 +18 +14 +II + 5 - 3 * 3a is the frequency of occurrence for inversions in which the base is at the surface (column 3/cobmn 2). t Sa and 6a are standard deviations for the data given in columns 5 and 6, respectively. 17 18 SURVEY OF ARC TIC AND SUBARCTIC TEMPERATURE INVERSIONS Table Ila. Statistical summary of inversions in which the base is at the surface (2400 Z observations). Month Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 2 Number of soundings 277 253 279 240 248 239 279 279 270 279 271 279 275 252 276 270 279 267 310 3!0 300 31) 297 308 Number of inversions (with base at sf c) 224 142 84 15 0 2 4 2 14 78 179 230 164 138 76 36 44 45 27 6 38 127 !86 3a* 5 Sat 6 6at Frequency of occurrence Average thickness (m) Standard Avg temp Standard deviation gradient deviation (%) Fairbanks, Alaska (~9-yr record) 81 690 500 56 30 6 5 28 66 82 480 190 120 150 180 170 130 230 440 680 410 180 50 II 0 80 !0 60 220 360 500 Nome, Alaska (~9-yr record) 60 55 28 13 16 17 9 2 2 12 43 60 430 370 380 340 190 250 300 400 !20 140 240 330 420 360 340 330 II 0 !70 230 180 60 60 230 32.0 ("C/IOOm) 2.6 1.8 1.3 0.8 1.1 0. 6 o. 7 0. 7 1.4 2.6 2.6 2. 3 1.9 1.0 0.8 1.5 1.3 1.3 0.4 0.4 1.0 1.9 3 0 3 2.3 1.5 1.3 0.6 0. 7 0.2 0. 7 o. 5 1.4 2. 6 z.. 5 2.2 1.9 l.O 0.8 1.5 1.3 1.3 0.4 0. 3 1.0 1.9 3.3 7 Avg temp at base ("C) -23 -17 -6 + 2. +16 +2.0 +17 +12 0 -14 -2.3 -16 -16 -13 -I + 5 +I 0 +13 +15 + 7 -2. -10 -19 Table IIb. Statistical summary of inversions in which the base is at the surface (1200 z observations). Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 2.77 254 2.79 2.39 248 239 2.80 2.78 269 279 2.72 2.78 2.32 2.10 2.39 191 179 149 173 193 191 186 2.!1 2.2.9 Fairbanks, Alaska (~9-yr 84 640 83 86 8,) 72 62. 62 69 71 67 78 82 560 420 310 240 280 320 310 290 350 500 6!0 record) 480 460 340 250 140 130 170 140 160 280 4!0 490 3.4 3. 0 3.0 1.9 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.5 2. I 2.7 3.2 3.2 2.8 2.9 1.7 1.5 l.Z. 1.1 l.O 1.4 2.0 2. 6 3.2 -25 -22 -18 -5 + 5 +II +II + 9 + 3 -7 -!6 -24 * 3a is the frequency of occurrence for inversions in which the base is at the surface (column 3/column 2). t Sa and 6a are standard deviations for the data given in columns 5 and 6, respectively. SURVEY OF ARCTIC AND SUBARCTIC TEMPERATURE INVERSIONS Table IIb (Cont'd). Statistical summary of inversions in which the base is at the surface (12.00 Z observations). 2. 3 3a* 5 Sat 6 6at 7 Number of inversions (with base Frequency of occurrence Average thickness Standard Avg temp Standard Avgtemp at base Number of soundings deviation gradient deviation Month Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 2.75 2.53 2.75 2.69 2.78 2.69 310 310 30,J 309 2.96 308 at sfc} 161 164 169 165 161 138 12.6 116 12.8 ISO 146 184 00 ~ Nome, Alaska (~9-yr record) 59 65 61 61 58 51 41 37 43 49 49 60 450 380 410 32.0 2.2.0 2.8"0 300 2.00 180 170 2.00 340 440 360 400 300 130 2.10 2.2.0 140 130 140 170 330 (•c/lOOm) 2..7 2..8 3. 0 2..9 2..0 1.8 1.7 1.8 2..1 2..3 2..4 3.3 2..7 2..8 3.0 2..9 1.8 1.5 1.4 1.4 2..1 2..3 2..4 3. 3 w -18 -18 -17 -10 + 2. + 7 + 8 + 8 + 3 - 4 -10 -19 * 3a is the frequency of occurrence for inversions in which the base is at the surface (column 3/colurnn Z). t 5a and 6a are standard deviations for the data given in columns 5 and 6, respectively. Month Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Table III. Statistical summary of inversions in which the base is above the surface. 2. 3a* 4 4at 5 Sat Number of Avgheight inversions Frequency of of base Number of (with base occurrence above sfc Standard Average Standard deviation thickness deviation (m) soundings above sfc) ('l'o) (m) 2.74 2.51 2.62. 2.46 2.76 2.47 2.77 2.72. 2.75 302. 2.95 307 2.16 195 187 181 2.17 2.07 2.48 2.45 2.38 2.48 2.10 2.17 44 2.9 2.2. 38 12.3 12.5 12.0 101 76 93 65 43 73 95 108 12.6 2.06 161 157 156 134 133 12.7 90 16 12. 8 15 45 51 43 37 2.8 31 2.2. 14 34 49 58 70 95 78 63 64 56 54 60 41 Alert, Canada (~I 0-yr record) 52.0 350 440 42.0 440 380 470 450 450 550 640 52.0 510 42.0 300 2.50 2.50 360 340 340 360 410 310 2.90 2.10 430 370 480 440 360 340 32.0 400 500 410 470 Barrow, Alas~a (""8-yr record) 340 2.90 2.30 300 42.0 340 310 400 590 580 400 330 2.50 180 150 2.50 2.30 2.2.0 300 2.60 330 350 2.50 2.10 780 870 840 660 550 480 480 430 380 390 560 640 350 310 2.50 440 300 2.30 2.00 2.70 2.90 400 32.0 370 450 550 430 42.0 350 2.60 310 2.60 2.30 2.60 410 42.0 6 Avgtemp gradient (•ctioo m} 1.4 1.2. 1.4 1.2. 1.4 1.2. 1.0 1.0 0.8 1.2. 1.4 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.7 1.5 1.2. 1.1 1.4 l. 6 1.6 6at 7 Standard Avg temp deviation at base 1.1 0.9 0.8 o. 9 1.4 1.2. 1.0 1. 0 0. 6 1.2. 1.2. l. 0 1.1 1.2. 1.2. 1.4 1.2. 1.3 1.5 1.1 1.1 1.2. 1.3 1.6 (•c) -32. -30 -31 -2.5 -14 - 5 - I - 3 -11 -2.0 -2.4 -2.9 -2.6 -30 -2.7 -18 -10 -2. + l 0 - 5 -14 -2.0 -·2.5 * 3a is the frequency of occurrence for inversions in which the base is above the surface (column 3/column 2). 4a, Sa and 6a are standard deviations for the data given in columns 4, 5 and 6, respectively. 19 20 SURVEY OF ARCTIC AND SUBARCTIC TEMPERATURE INVERSIONS Month Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Table III (Cont 1d). Statistical summary of inversions in which the base is above the surface. 2 3a* 4 4a Sat Number of A vg height Standard inversions Frequencyof Number·of (with base occurrence soundings above sfc) (o/o) of base deviation above sfc Average Standard thickness deviation (m) 300 275 301 287 301 298 306 300 289 305 279 289 260 250 288 287 237 263 254 259 241 267 253 261 296 273 272 298 306 286 305 284 269 276 261 293 139 121 134 167 190 135 62 78 106 166 174 152 82 67 64 90 115 130 113 103 63 79 111 84 107 83 91 130 173 110 96 77 91 126 117 92 46 44 45 58 63 45 20 26 37 54 62 53 32 27 22 31 49 49 44 40 26 30 44 32 36 30 33 44 57 38 31 27 34 46 45 31 {m) Churchill, Canada ("-l 0-yr record) 450 23 0 590 450 410 450 580 580 440 690 890 810 640 470 240 230 250 330 420 370 470 440 360 370 280 660 560 440 370 340 310 310 320 330 380 540 Clyde River, Canada ("-9-yr record) 630 550 570 660 680 590 490 640 960 940 680 600 320 260 370 320 350 390 350 380 380 340 310 320 520 500 490 450 400 370 320 350 340 320 380 470 Coppermine, Canada ("-l 0-yr record) 610 590 460 510 620 680 680 640 880 840 640 610 310 300 220 300 330 440 420 440 360 340 360 310 690 890 740 580 440 360 370 330 310 380 530 620 380 430 370 290 270 240 180 230 250 240 330 430 400 360 280 310 250 250 220 220 220 240 260 310 430 580 390 410 310 240 210 170 150 260 300 410 6 Avg temp gradient ("C/100 m) 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.4 1.6 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.0 0. 9 1.1 0.8 0.9 1.2 1.0 1.2 1.0 0. 9 1.1 0.9 o. 8 1.2 0.9 o. 8 0.7 0.8 1.0 1.1 6at 7 Standard Avg temp deviation at base 1.3 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.4 1.0 0. 9 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.1 o. 7 0.7 o. 8 0.8 o. 7 0.7 1.1 0. 7 0.8 1.2 0.8 1.1 o. 7 o. 5 o. 6 o. 7 0.6 1.2 0.9 0. 8 0.6 0.7 o. 8 0.9 (•c) -30 -28 -22 -13 -7 -1 + 7 + 5 -1 -7 -15 -23 -27 -28 -24 -19 -10 -3 0 -1 -7 -14 -20 -24 -30 -31 -25 -19 -9 -3 + 4 + 4 -3 -12 -21 -26 * 3a is the frequency of occurrence for inversions in which the base is above the surface (column 3/column 2). t 4a, Sa and 6a are standard deviations for the data given in columns 4, 5 and 6, respectively. SURVEY OF ARCTIC AND SUBARCTIC TEMPERATURE INVERSIONS Month Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Table III (Cont'd). Statistical summary of inversions in which the base is above the surface. 2 3 3a* Number of inversions Frequency of Number of (with base occurrence soundings above sfc) (%) 4 Avg height of base above sfc .0.:2 4a Standard deviation Average thickness (m) Sat Standard deviation Coral Harbour, Canada (~9-yr record) 269 245 271 Z57 277 Z61 265 300 228 291 290 290 Z99 Z69 301 260 303 296 309 305 293 298 293 305 133 137 !52 148 !53 149 !55 179 172 169 170 180 37 32 35 64 159 133 93 99 lOZ 116 57 38 74 44 44 102 241 215 !68 199 203 141 97 73 19 22 14 27 65 71 84 70 28 25 27 12 14 13 13 25 57 51 35 33 45 40 20 13 25 !6 15 39 80 73 54 65 69 47 33 24 14 16 9 !8 42 48 54 39 !6 15 16 7 380 210 510 440 490 510 620 700 620 680 760 720 640 550 230 310 270 330 370 410 420 370 370 370 310 480 420 390 330 330 300 260 270 280 310 420 Mould Bay, Canadq (~1 0-yr record) 310 350 290 340 540 630 600 570 500 450 350 410 250 190 190 290 330 320 310 340 300 320 210 250 620 660 690 540 370 300 300 330 340 340 480 550 Thule, Greenland ("-5-yr record) 800 600 6!0 750 640 390 280 640 760 840 730 760 460 420 450 460 460 430 270 530 450 510 390 400 270 250 300 340 260 320 Z50 300 Z70 zoo 270 32J 430 310 290 280 2!0 230 zoo 160 160 2!0 zoo 290 400 420 370 350 250 zzo zoo 230 2!0 220 330 350 260 13 0 zoo 310 180 ZJO 140 zoo 160 170 170 280 6 Avg temp gradient ("C/100 rn2 1,2 1,2 1.3 ],I 1.2 1.1 0.8 0, 9 1,0 1.3 1.4 1.3 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.3 1.0 1.3 1,1 !.6 !.6 1.6 0. 8 1,4 1.4 0. 7 0, 9 1.2 1.2 0. 9 0.9 1.3 l.Z 0. 6 6at 7 Standard Avg temp deviation at base 1,0 0,6 1,0 0,8 1,0 o. 8 0.8 o. 7 0.9 0.9 1,0 1.3 !.1 !,4 0.9 1.3 1.6 !.2 0.8 1.3 0.8 ],] 1.2 1.0 0,8 1.3 ],] 0. 3 0. 9 l.Z ],] 0. 9 0. 9 ],] l.Z 0.4 (•c) -24 -28 -20 -16 - 8 - 3 + 5 + 3 -4 -11 -16 -20 -31 -33 -29 -22 -14 - 4 0 - 2 -8 -18 -26 -28 -zz -24 -24 -19 - 9 -I + 3 0 - 5 -12 -17 -Z4 * 3a is the frequency of occurrence for inversions in which the base is above the surface (column 3/column 2). 4a, Sa, and 6a are standard deviations for the data given in columns 4, 5, and 6, respectively. 21 22 SURVEY OF ARC TIC AND SUBARCTIC TEMPERATURE INVERSIONS Table III (Cont'd). Statistical summary of inversions in which the base is above the surface. 2 3 3a* Number of inversions Frequencyof Number of (with base occurrence Month soundings above sfc) (%) Jan 276 Feb 252 March 277 April 270 May 270 June 269 July 277 Aug 278 Sept 269 Oct 277 Nov 268 Dec 278 15 22 13 28 45 89 84 66 34 25 11 7 5 9 5 10 17 33 30 24 13 9 4 3 4 4at 5 Sat Avg height Standard Average Standard of base deviation thickness deviation above sfc (m) (m) Yakutat. Alaska (~9-yr record) 480 360 310 860 1060 860 770 670 780 680 800 790 820 580 410 450 440 500 410 430 450 420 470 400 570 260 370 390 310 340 390 380 390 280 430 190 300 150 230 270 210 220 220 240 350 180 280 80 6 Avgtemp gradient (•ct1oo m) 1. 0 o. 6 1. 0 o. 6 1.0 1.2 o. 9 o. 9 o. 7 0.6 o. 4 o. 6 6at Standard deviation o. 8 o. 6 o. 7 o.s 1.0 0.9 o. 8 o. 6 o. 7 o.s o. 4 0.5 7 Avgtemp at base (•c) - 7 - 5 - 6 - 2 + 3 + 7 + 8 +10 + 6 + 3 - 1 - 2 Table Ilia. Statistical summary of inversions in which the base is above the surface (2400 Z observations). Jan 277 Feb 253 March 279 April 240 May 248 June 239 July 279 Aug 279 Sept 270 Oct 279 Nov 271 Dec 279 Jan 275 Feb 252 March 276 April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 270 279 267 310 310 300 310 297 308 42 95 127 57 8 2 4 7 39 121 78 44 39 56 102 113 66 77 122 82 53 92 67 52 15 38 46 24 .J..r 3 14 43 29 16 14 22 37 42 24 29 39 26 18 30 23 17 Fairbanks, Alaska (~9-yr record) 410 540 720 980 1120 1100 1100 1220 880 740 500 370 330 360 370 340 400 330 280 140 390 370 350 280 670 520 390 290 270 110 220 370 290 410 530 650 Nome, Alaska (~9-yr record) 570 290 590 550 470 540 700 510 520 800 1010 950 660 660 310 320 370 450 410 380 390 340 350 280 360 570 530 420 350 390 370 330 330 350 390 390 450 340 350 180 220 20 120 zoo 200 260 400 410 500 370 350 270 220 290 290 230 190 240 270 320 I. 3 1.1 0.9 0.8 o. 5 1.1 o. 8 o. 4 o. 6 o. 8 1.1 1. 3 1.0 o. 9 o. 9 0.8 o. 8 1.4 1. 3 0.9 o. 7 o. 7 I. 0 1. 2 0.9 o. 8 0.8 o. 8 o. 4 0.8 0.8 o. 4 o. 6 0.6 0.8 o. 7 o. 8 0.8 0.9 o. 7 0.7 1.4 1. 3 0.9 o. 7 o. 7 1.0 1.0 -19 -18 -16 -10 0 + 8 + 8 + 5 + 1 - 7 -15 -23 -15 -14 -15 - 9 - 3 + 4 + 6 + 5 - 1 - 6 -10 -15 >:• 3a is the frequency of occurrence for inversions in which the base is above the surface (column 3/column 2.). 4a, Sa and 6a are standard deviations for the data given in columns 4, 5 and 6, respectively. SURVEY OF ARCTIC AND SUBARCTIC TEMPERATURE INVERSIONS Table Illb, Statistical summary of inversions in which the base is above the survace (lZOO Z observations). Month z 3 3a* Number of inversions Frequency of Number of (with base occurrence soundings above sfc) (o/o) 4 Avgheight of base above sfc i!cl 4a1 5 Sat Standard Average Standard deviation thickness deviation (m) Fairbanks, Alaska (~9-yr record) Jan Z77 Feb Z54 March 2.79 April Z39 May 2.48 June 2.39 July 2.80 Aug 2.78 Sept 2.69 Oct 2.79 Nov 2.72. Dec 2.78 Jan 2.75 Feb 2.53 March 2.75 April Z69 May 2.78 June 2.69 July 310 Aug 310 Sept 300 Oct 309 Nov 2.96 Dec 308 38 38 32. 2.8 2.7 19 2.1 15 Z2. 54 55 42. 43 33 34 2.6 2.8 47 79 51 ZB 44 58 45 14 15 11 12. 11 8 8 5 8 19 2.0 15 16 13 12. 10 10 17 2.5 16 9 14 2.0 15 410 440 570 680 660 390 2.80 400 850 740 52.0 370 310 2.80 390 410 440 32.0 2.70 390 460 360 370 2.90 72.0 630 410 450 2.50 2.30 2.40 2.00 2.70 330 550 72.0 Nome, Alaska (~9-yr record) 560 570 560 540 690 570 640 830 1000 92.0 72.0 670 330 330 300 300 300 380 300 370 2.90 400 360 350 540 42.0 330 330 380 390 450 460 310 360 390 460 470 440 2.40 no 190 100 160 110 170 2.10 400 530 470 ZBO 180 2.60 2.60 2.40 zso 2.80 2.40 2.60 Z60 310 6 Avg temp gradient ("C/100 ml 1,2. 1. 2. o. 7 0, 6 0.9 o. 8 1. 3 1. 0 o. 7 1,0 1. 2. 1.3 1. z 1.2. 1, 1 0, 8 1. 1 1. 4 o. 9 o. 7 o. 9 0, 7 1.0 1.0 6at 7 Standard Avg temp deviation at base 0, 8 o. 8 o. 5 0, 5 0, 8 0, 6 o. 8 o. 8 o. 5 1, 0 1. 2. 0, 7 1.2. 1, 2. 0, 7 o. 8 1. 1 1. 2. o. 7 0,7 0, 8 o. 6 o.s 0, 7 (oc) -2.1 -2.0 -16 -11 + + 9 +10 + 8 - 1 - 8 -17 ·2.1 -13 -14 -14 - 8 - 5 + 1 + 4 + 4 -2. - 6 -10 -15 * 3a is the frequency of occurrence for inversions in which the base is above the surface (column 3/column 2.), t 4a, Sa and 6a are standard deviations for the data given in columns 4, 5 and 6, respectively, Table IV~ Frequency of inversion occurrence, in terms of thickness and temperature gradient, for two 6-month periods, Alert, Canada November through April: 1635 soundings (approximately 10 years of record), 1598 inversions observed (frequency= 97. 7o/o) of which 1357 were with base at the surface, and 2.41 were with base above the surface. Thickness i!cl 001-199 Z00-399 400-599 600-799 800-999 ~ 1000 .0.1 to <.1,0" Number of Frequency of inversions observed 76 95 88 69 44 12.2. occurrence 00 4. 6 5.8 5, 4 4.2. z. 7 7, 5 Temperature gradient ("C/100 m) 1. 0 to< 3. o· Number of Frequency of inversions observed 179 181 110 138 90 137 occurrence 00 10,9 11. 1 6. 7 8,4 5, 5 8. 4 ~ 3. o• Number of Frequency of inversions observed 199 55 10 5 0 0 occurrence 00 12.,2. 3,4 o. 6 o. 3 23 24 SURVEY OF ARC TIC AND SUBARCTIC TEMPERATURE INVERSIONS Table IV (Cont1d). Frequency of inversion occurrence, in terms of thickness and temperature gradient, for two 6-rnonth periods. Ale.rt, Cjlnada (Cont 1d) May through October: 1649 soundings (approximately 10 years of record), 1381 inversions observed (frequency = 83. 7 o/o) of which 743 were with base at the surface, and 638 were with base above the surface. Thickness (m) 001-199 200-399 400-599 600-799 800-999 ~ 1000 o. 1 to < 1. o• Number of Frequency of inversions observed 155 231 135 92 44 62 occurrence (%) 9.4 14,0 8. 2 5. 6 2.7 3. 8 November through April: Temperature gradient (•C/100 m) 1. o to< 3. o• Number of inversions observed 193 174 96 41 22 14 Frequency of occurrence (%) 11.7 10,6 5.8 2,5 1.3 o. 8 Barrow, Alaska 1206 soundings (approximately 8 years of record). ::::. 3. o• Number of Frequency of inversions observed 108 12 2 0 0 0 occurrence (%) 6, 5 o. 7 0, 1 1176 inversions observed (frequency= 97. 5%) of which 557 were with base at the surface, and 619 were with base above the surface. 0,1 to< 1.0• Number of Frequency of Thickness inversions occurrence (m) observed (%) 001-199 36 3,0 200-399 35 2.9 400-599 39 3.2 600-'799 40 3, 3 800-999 61 5, I ~ !000 266 22. I Max through October: Temperature gradient (•c /100 m) J,Oto<3.0• Number of Frequency of inversions occurrence observed (o/o) 66 5, 5 109 9.0 122 I 0, I 103 8.5 61 5.1 98 8,1 1403 soundings (approximately 8 years of record). ::::. 3. o· Number of Frequency of inversions occurrence observed {%) 68 5.6 48 4,0 23 1.9 I 0,1 0 0 1164 inversions observed (frequency= 83,0%) of which 217 were with base at the surface, and 947 were with base above the surface. 001-199 52 3. 7 110 7. 9 77 5, 5 200-399 149 !0, 6 209 14.9 53 3.8 400-599 118 8, 4 133 9. 5 2 0, I 600-799 80 5, 7 48 3.4 0 800-999 66 4,7 4 0.3 0 ~ 1000 60 4.3 3 o. 2 0 Churchill, Canada November through April: I 731 soundings (approximately I 0 years of record), 1658 inversions observed (frequency= 95, 8%) of which 771 were with base at the surface, and 887 were with base above the surface. Temperature gradient (•c/!00 m) 0, I to < I, o• 1.0 to< 3,0• ~ 3. o· Number of Frequency of Number of Frequency of Number of Frequency of Thickness inversions occurrence inversions occurrence inversions occurrence (m) observed (%) observed (%) observed (%) 001-199 85 4.9 !52 8,8 109 6,2 200-399 133 7. 7 232 13.4 45 2. 6 400-599 114 6. 6 207 12,0 6 o. 3 600-799 99 5.7 100 5,8 0 800-999 84 4,8 54 3, I 0 ~ 1000 192 II, I 46 2.7 0 SURVEY OF ARCTIC AND SUBARCTIC TEMPERATURE INVERSIONS Table IV (Cont 1d). Frequency of inversion occurrence, in terms of thickness and temperature gradient, for two 6-rnonth periods. Churchill, Canada (Cont 1d) May through October: 1799 soundings (approximately 10 years of record). 1244 inversions observed (frequency= 69.lo/o) of which 507 were with base at the surface, and 737 were with base above the surface. o. I to < I. o• Temperature gradient (•c I I 00 m) I. o to< 3. o• ~ 3. o• Number of Frequency of Thickness !!cl 001-199 200-399 400-599 600-799 ·800-999 ~ 1000 inversions observed 152 297 124 53 34 26 November through April: occurrence 00 B. 5 16.5 6. 9 2.9 1.9 I. 4 Number of Frequency of inversions occurrence observed (%) 203 11.3 171 9. 5 66 3. 7 18 1.0 4 o. 2 2 o. 1 Clyde River, Canada 1599 soundings (approximately 9 years of record}. Number of Frequency of inversions occurrence observed (%) 60 3. 3 32 1.8 2 o. 1 0 0 0 1502 inversions observed (frequency= 93. 9o/o) of which 1004 were with base at the surface, and 498 were with base above the surface. 0.1 to< 1.0• Temperature gradient (•c/100 m) 1. o to< 3. o• ~ 3. o· Thickness !!cl 001-199 200-399 400-599 600-799 800-999 ~ 1000 Number of inversions observed 95 157 127 95 55 H5 May through October: Frequency of occurrence 00 5. 9 9. 8 7. 9 5.9 3.4 7. 2 Number of inversions observed 176 204 110 78 45 37 1521 soundings (approximately 9 years of record). Frequency of occurrence (%) II. 0 12.8 6.9 4.9 2.8 2.3 977 inversions observed (frequency 64. 2%) of which 374 were with base were with base above the surface. 001-199 137 9.0 121 8. 0 200-399 206 13. 5 149 9.8 400-599 159 10.4 39 2.6 600-799 63 4.1 10 o. 7 8Q.0-999 36 2.4 2 o. 1 ~ 1000 13 o. 8 0 Co.E.E.errnine, Canada November through April: 1693 soundings (approximately 10 years of record). Number of Frequency of inversions occurrence observed (%) 166 10.4 33 2. 1 9 o. 6 0 0 0 at the surface, and 603 38 2.5 4 o. 3 a 0 0 0 1575 inversions observed (frequency= 93. Oo/o) of which 955 were with base at the surface, and 620 were with base above the surface. Temperature gradient (•c /100 m) o. 1 to < 1. o· 1. o to < 3. o• ~ 3.0· Number of Frequency of Number of Frequency of Number of Frequency of Thickness inversions occurrence inversions occurrence inversions occurrence (m) observed (%) observed (%) observed (%) 001-199 46 2. 7 55 3. 3 17 I. 0 200-399 197 II. 6 167 9.9 7 0.4 40n-599 148 8. 7 107 6. 3 4 o. 2 600-799 108 6. 4 107 6. 3 0 800-999 117 6. 9 81 4.8 0 ?. 1000 330 19.5 84 5.0 0 25 26 SURVEY OF ARCTIC AND SUBARCTIC TEMPERATURE INVERSIONS Table IV (Cont'd). Frequency of inversion occurrence, in terms of thickness and temperature gradient, for two 6-month periods, Coppermine, Canada {Cont 1d) May through October: 172.6 soundings (approximately 10 years of record}. ·1150 inversions observed (frequency= 66. 6%) of which 477 were with base at the surface, and 673 were witb base above the surface. Temeerature gradient ("C /100 m) o. 1 to < 1' o• l,Oto<3,0" -'! 3. o· Number of Frequency of Number of Frequency of Number of Frequency of Thickness inversions occurrence inversions occurrence inversions occurrence _i~ observed ('l'o) observed ('l'o) observed ('l'o) 001-199 125 7. 2 102 5.9 17 I. 0 200-399 310 17.9 160 9.3 24 1.4 400-599 186 10.8 76 4.4 2 0.1 600-799 76 4.4 10 o. 6 2 0.1 800-999 31 I. 8 2 0. I 0 ;::_ 1000 26 I, 5 1 0. I 0 Coral Harbour, Canada November through April: 1622 soundings (approximately 9 years of record). 1583 inversions observed (frequency= 97, 6'l'o) of which 1320 were with base at the surface, and 263 were with base above the surface. Temperature gradient (•c /100 m) 0. I to< I. o• I. 0 to < 3. O• -'! 3. o• Number of Frequency of Number of Frequency of Number of Frecpency of Thickness inversions occurrence inversions occurrence inversions occurrence (m) observed !'l'ol observed ('l'ol observed (o/o) 001-199 50 3. 1 140 8. 6 196 12..1 200-399 133 8.2 252 15. 5 81 5.0 400-599 91 5.6 177 I O. 9 6 o. 4 600-799 74 4.5 118 7. 3 0 800-999 54 3. 3 58 3. 6 0 -'! 1000 105 6. 5 48 3.0 0 May through October: 1622 soundings approximately 9 years of record). 1158 inversions observed (frequency= 71;4'!o) of which 456 were with base at the surface, and 702. were with base above the surface. 001-199 162 1 o. 0 225 13. 9 62 3.8 2.00-399 257 15.8 159 9.8 6 • 4 400-599 128 7.9 48 3. 0 0 600-799 53 3.2 11 0.7 0 800:999 27 I. 7 2 • I 0 -'! J()J9 18 Ll 0 0 Fairbanks, Alaska* November through April: 3188 soundings (approximately 9 years of record). 2862 inversions observed (frequency= 89. 8%) of which 2186 were with base at the surface, and 676 were with base above the surface. Temperature gradient (•c /I 00 m) o. 1 to < 1. o• 1.0 to< 3.0• ?. 3. o• Number of Frequency of Number of Frequency of Number of Frequency of Thickne11 inversions occurrence inversions occurrence inversions occurrence (m) observed (%) observed ('l'o) observed (%) 001-199 164 5. I 274 8. 6 335 I 0. 5 200-399 219 6. 9 267 8. 4 227 7. 1 400·599 133 4.2 222 7. 0 82 2.6 600-799 99 3. 1 191 6. 0 8 0. 2 800-999 83 2.6 131 4. l 0 -'! 1000 174 5. 5 253 7. 9 0 *Computations based on 1200 and 2400 Z observations. SURVEY OF ARCTIC AND SUBARCTIC TEMPERATURE INVERSIONS Table IV (Cont 1d). Frequency of inversion occurrence, in terms of thickness and temperature gradient, for two 6-month periods. Fairbanks, Alaska*(Cont 1d) May through October: 3187 soundings (approximately 9 years of record). 1510 inversions observed (frequency= 47. 4o/o) of which 1171 were with base at the surface, and 339 were with base above the surface. Temeerature gradient {"C/100 m) o. 1 to < 1. o• l. 0 to< 3. o• ~ 3. o• Number of Frequency of Number of Frequency of Number of Frequency of Thickness inversions occurrence inversions occurrence inversions occurrence {!cl_ observed {o/o) observed {o/ol observed {o/ol 001-199 180 5. 6 248 7. 8 125 3.9 200-399 295 9. 2 282 8.8 19 o. 6 400-599 158 5. 0 88 2.8 0 600-799 56 1.8 24 o. 8 0 800-999 17 o. 5 5 o. 2 0 ~ 1000 13 o. 4 0 -0 Mould Bay, Canada November through Aeril: 1727 soundings (approximately I 0 years of record). 1673 inversions observed (frequency = 96. 9o/o) of which 1239 were with base at the surface, and 434 were with base above the surface. Temeerature gradient ("C/100 m) o. 1 to< 1. o• 1. 0 to< 3. o· ~ 3. o· Number of Frequency of Number of Frequency of Number of Frequency of Thickness inversions occurrence inversions occurrence inversions occurrence ~ observed (o/ol observed (o/ol observed {o/ol 001-199 35 2.0 76 4.4 56 3.2 200-399 63 3. 6 185 10.7 46 2.7 400-599 56 3.2 220 12.8 19 1.1 600-799 60 3.5 207 12.0 4 0.2 800-999 72 4.2 179 10.4 0 ~ 1000 222 12.9 173 1 o. 0 0 May through October: 1804 soundings (approximately 10 years of record). 1543 inversions observed (frequency= 85. 5%) of which 376 were with base at the surface, and 1167 were with base above the surface. 001-199 148 8.2 264 200-399 264 14.6 235 400-599 177 9.8 112 600-799 102 5. 7 43 800-999 56 3. I 11 ~ 1000 29 1.6 4 Nome, Alaska* November throu~ril: 3354 soundings (approximately 9 years of record). 14. 6 13.0 6. 2 2.4 o. 6 0.2 79 19 0 0 0 0 4.4 1.1 2384 inversions observed (frequency= 71. 1 o/o) of which 1716 were with base at the surface, and 668 were with base above surface. o. 1 to < 1. o• Number of Frequency of Thickness inversions occurrence {!cl_ observed (%)" 001-199 223 6. 6 200-399 272 8. I 400-599 169 5.0 600-799 114 3.4 800-999 92 2. 7 > 1000 146 4.4 Temeerature gradient ('C/100 m) l. 0 to< 3. o• \lumber of Frequency of inversions occurrence observed (o/o) 409 12.2 202 6. 0 114 3.4 56 1.7 42 1.3 49 1.5 ~ 3. 0' Number of Frequency of inversions observed 419 63 14 0 0 0 occurrence .(.f!l 12.5 1.9 o. 4 * Computations based on 1200 and 2400 Z observations. 27 28 SURVEY OF ARC TIC AND SUBARCTIC TEMPERATURE INVERSIONS Table IV (Cont 1d). Frequency of inversion occurrence, in terms of thickness and temperature gradient, for two 6-rnonth periods. Nome, Alaska *(cont'd) May through October: 3552 soundings (approximately 9 years of record). 1755 inversions observed (frequency = 49. 4%) of which 986 were with base at the surface, and 769 were with base above the surface. Temperature gradient ("CilOO m) o. 1 to < 1. o· 1. 0 to< 3. o· ;::: 3. o· Number of Frequency of Number of Frequency of Number of Frequency of Thickness inversions occurrence inversions occurrence inversions occurrence (m) observed (%) observed (%) observed 001-199 231 6. 5 341 9.6 217 200-399 361 10.2 197 5. 5 13 400-599 167 4.7 50 1.4 0 600-799 87 z. 4 13 0.4 0 800-999 52 1.5 0 0 <::. 1000 26 0. 7 0 0 * Computations based on 1200 and 2400 Z observations. Thule, Greenland November through April: 920 soundings (approximately 5 years of record). 805 inversions observed {frequency = 87. 5%) of which 684 were with base at the surface, an·d 121 were with base above the surface. o. 1 to < 1. o• Temperature gradient (• C I 100 m) 1. o to < 3. o• ;::: 3. o· (%) 6. 1 0.4 Number of Frequency of Number of Frequency of Number of Frequency of Thickness inversions observed occurrence inversions occurrence inversions occurrence (m) 001-199 200-399 400-599 600-799 800-999 ?. 1000 75 76 28 25 6 17 May through October: (%) 8. 2 8. 3 3.0 2.7 • 6 1.8 observed 153 102 69 39 19 6 977 soundings (approximately 5 years of record). (o/o) observed 16.6 171 11. 1 18 7.5 1 4.3 0 z. 1 0 • 6 0 587 inversions observed (frequency = 60. 1 %) of which 244 were with base at the surface, and 343 were with base above the surface. 001-199 103 1 o. 5 126 200-399 133 13.6 59 400-599 63 6. 5 22 600-799 19 z. 0 3 800-999 2 • 2 1 ?. 1000 3 • 3 0 Yakutat, Alaska November through April: 1621 soundings (approximately 9 years of record). 12.9 6.0 2.3 • 3 .1 48 5 0 0 0 0 699 inversions observed {frequency = 43. 1 %) of which 603 were with base at the surface, and 96 were with base above the surface. Temperature gradient ("C I 100 m) 0.1 to< 1. o· l.Oto<3.0" ;::: 3. o· (%) 18.6 z.o .1 4.9 • 5 Number of Frequency of Number of Frequency of Number of Frequency of Thickness inversions occurrence inversions occurrence inversions occurrence (m) observed (%) observed (%) observed (%) 001-199 162 10.0 177 10.9 99 6. 1 200-399 132 8. 1 63 3.9 11 0.7 400-599 18 1.1 12 0.7 0 600-799 9 o. 6 5 0. 3 0 800-999 5 0.3 o. 1 0 > 1000 4 o. 2 o. 1 0 SURVEY OF ARCTIC AND SUBARCTIC TEMPERATURE INVERSIONS Table IV (Cont 1d). Frequency of inversion occurrence, in terms of thickness and temperature gradient. for two 6-month periods. Yakutat, Alaska (Cont'd) May through October: 1640 soundings (approximately 9 years of record). 451 inversions observed (frequency~ 27. So/a) of which 108 were with base at the surface, and 343 were with base above the surface. Thickness ~ 001-199 200-399 400-599 600-799 800-999 ~ 1000 0. 1 to< 1. 0' Number of inversions observed 67 121 52 37 10 7 Frequency of occurrence _{%) 4. 1 7.4 3.2 2.2 o. 6 0.4 Temperature gradient, ('C I l 00 m) I. 0 to< 3. 0' 2 3. o• Number of Frequency of Number of Frequency of inversions occurrence inversions occurrence observed (o/o) observed (%) 84 5. l 12 0.7 47 2.9 1 o. 1 9 o. 5 1 o. l 3 0.2 0 0 -0 0 -0 29 31 APPENDIX A. TYPICAL ARC TIC TEMPERATURE INVERSIONS MOU~ r-J'\. BAY v--' ~~ALERT \)(:7 cG;/ ~ CENTURY j oSITE II GREENLAND 0 EISMITTE Figure Al. Location map. Information on temperature inversions on ice sheets is limited because few radio- sonde observations have been made in these areas. A thorough search for immediately available material provided short records for three stations on the Greenland ice sheet (Eismitte, Site 2, and Camp Century) and for three other widely separated Arctic sta- tions ( Camp Tuto #1, Alert, and Mould Bay). The locations of these six stations are shown in Figure Al. The most useful information was ob- tained from Georgi (1957). This information is unique because it provided temperature soundings on an ice sheet during the winter period. Figure A2 is a reproduction of the temperature profiles taken during the Deutschen Gronland Expedition A. Wegener 1930-31 and Expeditions Polaires Francaises 1949-50 to interior Greenland. The Ger- man text* which accompanied the figure was translated by Dr. Fritz Kasten, Envi- ronmental Research Branch, as follows: "The main reason for the soundings was to investigate the temperatur.e inversion; this inversion is formed at a few hundred meters above the ice cap, when in calm "radiation weather" ( 1Ausstrahlungswetter') the firn surface cools down well be- low the temperature of the air above the ice cap. Due to the lasting contact, the air layer immediately above the firn cools down as much as the firn itself; the air layers above also cool down due to contact with the colder layers underneath. But one realizes at once that this cooling decreases with increasing height due to the low heat conductivity of the air, until, by sudden transition, the original air tem- perature is reached again. "That there is not necessarily a temperature inversion above the surface of the ice cap -although inversions are very frequent -is demonstrated by the two dashed soundings. High wind velocity, particularly, causes strong vertical mixing of the lowest layers even in winter whereby a potential inversion is destroyed. In summer, the firn surface and the incumbent air layer can be warmed up by strong solar irradiation so that the temperature decreases steadily with height; this is represented in the two soundings of 19 January 1950 and 2 September 1930." Upper air observations during two summer periods were conducted at Site 2, and a brief record (32 days) during the summer-winter transition period was avail- able for Camp Century, Greenland. t The average temperature profiles and the maximum inversions observed are shown in Figures A3 and A4. *Georgi, J. (1957) 1m eis vergraben, Leipzig: Brockhaus Verlag (text in German). tDepartment of Commerce (U.S. Weather Bureau). Summary of Constant Pressure Data, Form WBAN -33. Site II, (Camp Fist Clench), Greenland, May-August ~May-August 1960. Camp Century, Greenland, September-October 1960. 32 APPENDIX A The significant points derived from these diagrams are: 1) inversions on the Greenland ice sheet become steeper toward winter and, 2) they appear to be con- fined to within 400 to 500 m above the snow surface. The average increase in temperature over that height varies from negligible amounts in summer to about rc in early winter. Numerical coded soundings from the French expedition at Station Centrale in Greenland indicate the average winter inversion is about 300m deep with an increase in temperature of 8°C. * Isothermal conditions and instances of decreasing temperatures, however, are common during the summer and can occur at any time of the year. Soundings were available for Camp Tuto at the edge of the Greenland ice sheett and two locations at sea level in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, Alert and Mould Bay.>:<* A plot of the record (only summer months available) for Camp Tuto #1 (Fig. A5) indicates that few inversions can be expected here during this time of the year. The soundings at Alert and Mould Bay could be definitely classified into two seasons: the "light" or summer period and the "dark'' or winter period. The temperature profiles from May to near the end of October were isothermal for most of the time or the temperature decreased with height, whereas between Novem- ber and April the bulk of the soundings showed inversions. The average temperature profiles for these two periods and the maximum inversions observed are shown in Figures A6 and A 7. It is noted that the inversions apparently extend higher (1200 to l500m) at stations of lower elevation than on the ice sheet. Also, the average increase in temperature for the winter inversions at the sea level stations approximates 7° C. Acknowledgements: This research note was prepared with assistance from Dr. Fritz Kasten and Mr. Roy Bates. >:<Victor, P.E. (1950) Recueil des Observations Meteorologiques, effectuees par la Station Francaise du Groenland entre le 20 Juillet 1949 et le 14 Juillet 1950, Expeditions Polaires Francaises. tDepartment of Commerce (U.S. Weather Bureau). Summary of Constant Pressure Data, Form WBAN -33. Cam_? Tuto (Station I), Greenland, May-September 1958. *':<Department of Transport (Canada), Arctic Summary, Semi-annual Summary of Meteorolo ical Data from Weather Stations on the Canadian Arctic Islands. De- partment of Transport, Meteorological Branch, January 19 0-June 1961. 6000 3000 w u <( 2000 ~ ::;) VJ 3: 0 1500~ ( w I I > 2 SEP\ 0 1930 \ 1000~ E I ..... I J: _j I (!) w I w > I w I J: .J I I <( I w I Ul I w ~INVERSION OF 29.4 °C~ > 0 Ill IN 350m. SNOW SURFACE <( EISMITTE, GREENLAND ..... J: <!) w J: OL-~~--~_L~L_.J_~ __ L_-L_.J __ ~-L--L-~ -so -5o -4o -30 -2o -10 o 10 TEMPERATURE, °C 6000 E _j w > w .J <( w Cf) 3000 - w > 0 Ill <( 2500 ..... J: (!) w J: ---- I 500 [_ I I I I I I \ I I I \ AVERAGE 1 PROFILE" I I I I \ \ I I I I \ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SNOW SURFACE SITE 2, GREENLAND If Period of Recora: 28 May to 2 August 1959 and 20 May to 21 Aur;usl 1960 -1 3000 2500 E w u <( LL 2000 !3 VJ 3: 0 1500 iii w > 0 Ill I 000 <l ..... J: <!) w J: Q'-----'--..__---'-_J__~--'-------'-_L_--'---'--'----'--.L._----' -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 TEMPERATURE, °C Figure A2. Temperature profiles, Eismitte, Green-Figure A3. Temperature profiles, Site 2, Greenlansf, land 1930-31 and 1949-50. > 1:) 1:) M z tj H :><: > I.N I.N 6000. \ 6000 ~ I I I I I J ~ \ 5500 1 500C \ \ I 3000 \ I I I I \ I . AVERAGE\ 5000 \ --,4500 PROFILE*\ I \ 2500 E \ I • \ \ t_j 4500 I -l4000 I ~ \ \ ll.. \ 1 2000 ~ \AVERAGE I (/) 1 PROFILE• E ~ 3500 \ <500 ! ~ :::: ~" \ :::: : ...J I 0 W (f) I ID -' 3: ~ \ I 000 ~ ~ 0 1-1-1-z l: :I: J: tl ~ 0 ~ ~ H :r: 2ooo ~ 2000 L 16oo ~ ::>< SNOW SURFACE I > CAMP CENTURY, GREENLAND ~ I 500 t-I I 500 r ·~ \ --j I 000 I 000 ~ 1000 L i I _, 500 ! SURFACE, 490 m ~ CAMP TUTCl I. GREENLAND Mpsriotl of Record: 9 Sepfsmbsr to II Ocfob" 1960 L _L 5oo -5oo ---" -lo *Period of Record: 15 May lo 12 September !9'8 0 O'-----'---'------'---'---..._____.__~ -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 TEMPERATURE, °C TEMPERATURE,"c Figure A4. Temperature profiles, Camp Century, Figure A5. Temperature profiles, Camp Tuto # 1. Greenland. 6ooor-~-,--~~--.--r-.--.--.--.--.-.--.-~ 5500 5000 4500 4000 E ...J ~ 3500 w ...J <t w C/) 3000 w > 0 CD <t 2500 1-:r ':2 w :r 2000 1500 1000 500 c -60 "oar It" or Winter Period: I./on to 30 Apr 1960 and I Nov 1960 to 30 Apr 1961 "Ligflt" or Summer Penod: I May to 31 Oct /960 -50 I I I I I I I I I I I I I AVERAGE I ~RO~,ILE \ I I I I I I I I I I I Dark or \ Winter Period \ I I I I I \ I I I I I I I I I I \ AVERAGE I PROFILE \ "uoht" or ,summer Period I I I I \ I I I I MAXIMUM \--- INVERSION---------r- I I I I I 2 JAN 1960 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ -40 -3P -20 -10 TEMPERATURE, °C 0 10 Figure A6. Temperature profiles, Alert, N. W. T., Canada. 6000 'Dark" or W1nfer Period: I Jan to 30 Apr /960 and II Jon fo30 Apr 1961 5500 /-'Lqnt"or Summer Period: I May to 31 Oct /960 I I I I 5000 f--\'. I I I I I I 4500 f--' I I I I I I I 4000 I I I E I I .] I I I I w AVERAGE I \ AVERAGE ~ 3500 PROFILE I I PROFILE ...J "Dark" or I \ "Light" or Winter Period I \ Summer Period <t I I w I \ :3000 \ I > I I 0 I \ CD I I <t I I I-2500 I I :r I I ':2 I I w MAXIMUM~ I :r I 2000 INVERSION \ I 16 FEB 1960 1 I I I I I 1500 r-I I I I I I I I I I I 000 f--I I J I I I I SURFACE, 15m I I 500 f--MOULD E!AY, N.W.T. CANADA I. I 0 -60 -50 Figure A7. I I I I I -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 TEMERATURE,°C Temperature profiles, Mould Bay, N. W. T., Canada. > 1::) 1::) M z ~ :>< > I..V \J'1 Unclassified Security Classification DOCUMENT CONTROL DATA · R&D (Security claeeillcation ol title, body of abstract and indexing .-,notation must be entered when the overall report is classilied) 1. ORIGINATING ACTIVITY (Corporate author) 2a. RI!POAT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION Unclassified u.s. Army Cold Regions Research and 2b GROUP Engineering Laborator_y. Hanover N.H. 3. REPORT TITLE SURVEY OF ARCTIC AND SUBARCTIC TEMPERATURE INVERSIONS 4. DESCRIPTIVE NOTES (Type ol report and inclusive dates) Technical Report s. AUTHOR(SJ (Lll8t nllme. first name, Initial) Bilello, Michael A. 6. REPORT OA TE 7a. TOTAL NO. OF PAGES: 17b. NO. OF 8EFS Oct 1966 38 Sa. CONTRACT OR GRANT NO. 9a. ORIGINATOR'S REPORT NUMBER(SJ b. PROJECT NO. Technical Report 161 I cDA Task IV014501B52A02 9 b. OTHER REPOR:T NO(S) (Any other numbers that may be assillned I this report) d. 1 O. AVAIL ABILITY /LIMITATION NOTICES Distribution of this document is unlimited. 11. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 12. SPONSORING MILITARY ACTIVITY U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory 13. ABSTRACT This study provides a statistical analysis of available data on Arctic and subarctic inversions, and includes data from locations in Canada, Greenland, and Alaska. The analysis considers inversions with respect to frequency, base height, thickness, base temperature, and temperature gradient. - DO FORM 1 .JAN 84 1473 Unclassified Security Classification Unclassified Security Classification 14. LINK A LINK 8 LINK C KEY WORDS ROLE WT ROLE WT ROLE WT ~-----------------------------------------------------+------+-----~- Air temperature -Alaska Air temperature -Canada Air temperature -Greenland Air temperature -Statistical analysis Atmospheric circulation -Arctic regions Atmosphere_-Thermodynamic properties INSTRUCTIONS 1. ORIGINATING ACTIVITY: Enter the name and address of the contractor, subcontractor, grantee, Department of De- fense activity or other organization (corporate author) issuing the report. 2a. REPORT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION: Enter the over- all security classification of the report. Indicate whether "Restricted Data" is inc! uded. Marking is to be in accord- ance with appropriate security regulations. 2b. GROUP: Automatic downgrading is specified in DoD Di- rective 5200.10 and Armed Forces Industrial Manual. Enter the group number. Also, when applicable, show that optional markings have been used for Group 3 and Group 4 ·as author- ized. 3. REPORT TITLE: Enter the complete report title in all capital letters. Titles in all cases should be unclassified. U a meaningful title cannot be selected without classifica- tion, show title classification in all capitals in parenthesis immediately following the title. 4. DESCRIPTIVE NOTES: If appropriate, enter the type of report, e. g., interim, progress, summary, annual, or final. Give the inclusive dates when a specific reporting period is covered. 5. A\]THOR(S): Enter .the name(s) of author(s) as shown on or in the report. Enter last name, first name, middle initial. If military,• show rank and branch of service. The name of the principal author is an ,absolute minimum requirement. 6. REPORT DATE: Enter the date of the report as day, month, year; or month, year. If more than one date appears on the report, use date of publication. 7a. TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES: The total page count should follow normal pagination procedures, i.e., enter the number of pages containing information. 7b. NUMBER OF REFERENCES: Enter the total number of references cited in the report. 8a. CONTRACT OR GRANT NUMBER: If appropriate, enter the applicable number of the contract or grant under which the report was written. 8b, 8c, & 8d. PROJECT NUMBER: Enter the appropriate military department identification, such as project number, subproject number, system numbers, task number, etc. 9a. ORIGINATOR'S REPORT NUMBER(S): Enter the offi- cial report number by which the document will be identified and controlled by the originating activity. This number must be unique to this report. 9b. OTHER REPORT NUMBER(S): If the report has been assigned any other report numbers (either by the originator or by the sponsor), also enter this number(s). 10. AVAlLABILITY /LIMITATION NOTICES: Enter any lim- itations on further dissemination of the report, other than those imposed by security classification, using standard statements such as: (1) "Qualified requesters may obtain copies of this report from DDC '' (2) "Foreign announcement and dissemination of this report by DDC is not authorized." (3) "U. S. Government agencies may obtain copies of this report direct! y from DDC. Other qualified DDC users shall request through (4) "U. S. military agencies may obtain copies of this report directly from DDC Other qualified users shall request through (5) "All distribution of this report is controlled. Qual- ified DDC users shall request through If the report has been furnished to the Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, for sale to the public, indi- cate this fact and enter the price, if known. 11. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES: Use for additional explana- tory notes. 12. SPONSORING MILITARY ACTIVITY: Enter the name of the departmental project office or laboratory sponsoring (pay- ing for) the research and development. Include address. 13. ABSTRACT: Enter an abstract giving a brief and factual summary of the document indicative of the report, even though it may also appear elsewhere in the body of the technical re- port. If additiona·l space is required, a continuation sheet shall be attached. It is highly desirable that the abstract of classified re- ports be unclassified. Each paragraph of the abstract shall end with an indication of the military security classification of the information in the paragraph, represented as (TS), (S), (C), or (U). There is no limitation on the length of the abstract. How- ever, the suggested length is from 150 to 225 words. 14. KEY WORDS: Key words are technically meaningful terms or short phrases that characterize a report and may be used as index entries for cataloging the report. Key words must be selected so that no security classification is required. lden- fiers, such as equipment model designation, trade name, '11ili- tary project code name, geographic location, may be used as key words but will be followed by an indication of technical context. The assignment of links, rules, and weights is optional. Unclassified Security Classification