HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA1783I I I I I I I I I I I I I [}{]£00 ~& o ~OO&$S©@ Susitna Joint Venture Document Number I ._,. ....., 7 r . i ...,~_ Please Return To DOCUMENT CONTROL ELECTRIC 'fRJ\NSMJSSION r~INE EFFECTS ON LAND VALUES: A CRITICAL REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE Rr~JSED DRJ\FT WORKING PAPER Prepared for: The Bonneville power Administration u.s. Department of Energy Portland, Oregon .. Prepared by: Gunnar Fridriksson Michael MacFadyen Kristi Branch Mountain Hest Research, r nc. Billings, Montana March 1982 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I [M]£00~& c §00&®©@ Susitna Joint Venture Document Number 1 78 3 Please Return To DOCUMENT CONTROL ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION LINE EFFECTS ON LAND VALUES: A CRITICAL REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE R}~JSED DRAFT WORKING PAPER Prepared for: The Bonneville Power Administration UoSo Department of Energy Portland, Oregon Prepared by: Gunnar Fridriksson Michael MacFadyen Kristi Branch Mountain West Research, Inc. Billings, Montana March 1982 I· ·I I TARLE OF CONTENTS I ~ Foreword., vi • • • • • .. • • .. • • • .. 0 • . • • • • • I Abstract., • • • • • • • .. 0 • 0 • • • . 0 • • • • vii 1. Introduction. • • 0 .. • 0 • .. • • • • .. 1 I 1 .. 1 Environmental context. • • • • • • 1 1 .. 2 purpose of the Report. • • • 3 1.3 The Review Process . . • • 4 I 1.4 Structure of the Report. • • • 5 2. The Legal context . • • • 6 I 2.1 Introduction . • . • • 6 2.2 The Legal Origins of the Land Value Issue. • 6 I 2.3 Determination of Just compensation . • • • 8 3 .. Net Land Value Effects: Results of the Key Studies 13 0 I 3.1 Introduction . . . • • • 13 3.2 General Characteristics of the Key Studies . 13 3.3 conclusion Regarding Net Land value Effects • 15 I 3 .. 4 Summary and conclusions • • • • 20 4 .. Major causal Factors. 23 • • • • • • I 4.1 Introduction .. • • • • • • • • • • . • • 23 4.2 causal Factors . . . • • • • . . • • • • 23 I s. Methodological Issues • • • • • • • • .. 27 s.1 Introduction . • • • . . • • 27 5 .. 2 conceptual Framework • • • • • • • • • • • • 27 I 5.3 Units of-Analysis. • • • • . • • • 28 5.4 Sample Design and Size • • • . • e 28 5 .. 5 Statistical Controls • • • . • 29 I 6. Summary and Implications for the Bonneville Power Administration. . • . • • • 32 I Appendix A: Summaries of Key studies . e .. ~-1 I Appendix B: Bibliography • • B-1 I iii I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LIST OF FlGURF.S Fiqure 1-1 Terminology used in this Report to Describe Land Relationships. • e e iv eooeeCioeeeoe 2 I;· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table 3-1 LIST OF TABLES Summary of Key Studies• Characteristics and conclusions. • e • • • • • • 0 • • e c a ~ 0 e 0 Q • 0 14 v I \ I· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FOREWORD This report presents a critical review of the literature concerned with the effects of high-voltage transmission line right-of-way ease~ ments on the market value of land. The objective of the review was to identify sound, general conclusions in the literature that would be applicable to the socioeconomic impact assessment component of the Garrison-Spokane 500-kV Transmission Project revised EIS being prepared by the Bonneville power Administration (BPA). While the preparation of this document was sponsored by the Bonne- ville power Administration, Mountain West Research, Inc., is solely responsible for its content. The authors wish to acknowledge the invaluable editorial assistance of BPA's Dan Bisenius, Judy Montgomery, and Gary Stark. Kristi Branch, Michael MacFadyen, James Moore, and Janice von vogt of Mountain West Research, Inc. contributed to the organization and text of the report. In addition, Dr. James Chalmers and or. Robert St. Louis provided valuable information and comment. vi .. ' ' 1·- I. I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ABSTRACT During public hearings or meetings on proposed projectc such as the Garrison-Spokane 500-kV Transmission Project, local residents have expressed concern about the impact of transmission lines on land values and about the fairness of compensation processes. This report focuses on key studies which have addressed those issues, summarizes their con- clusions, evaluates their methodologies, and discusses policy implica- tions for the Bonneville power Administration. of the twenty-seven key studies identified, twelve concluded that trans- mission lines had •no effect,• or •no significant adverse effect,• on land values. Another eleven studies were inconclusive or internally contradictory. Five of the studies concluded that transmission lines did have adverse ef!ects on land values. The studies were conducted between 1959 and 1981, used several different methodologies, and pre- sented their results in varying levels of detail. These differences were of sufficient magnitude to limit the comparability of the research, leaving many of the key relationships in question and leaving the exact nature of transmission lines effects on land values unclear. In the course of reviewing the literature, it became evident that assessment and prediction of land value effects required a ~ore explicit statement and understanding of the factors actually causing the ef- fects. Generally, these factors were related to restrictions on land use and control, effects on the productivity of land and workers, health and safety effects, and visual effects. In evaluating these causal factors, the studies exhibited several methodological weaknesses which include the lack of a conceptual framework, nonrigorous determination and confirmation of sales prices, inadequate sample sizes, and lack of statistical controls for other factors that may have affected land values. In future research, all of these weaknesses need to be elim- inated in order to determine relationships among the various factors that influence transmission lines• land value effects and to develop data that will facilitate prediction of future lines' land value effects. Because the key studies exhibited contradictory conclusions and method- ological weaknesses, and because they focused on cases in the eastern and southwestern United States, they do not provide the type of evidence upon which forecasts regarding the potential land effects of the BPA Garrison-Spokane 500 kV Transmission Project can reliably be based. When combined with the public concern about the lines' potential lan~ value effects, this lack of evidence highlights the need for BPA to be very sensitive in conducting right-of-way negotiations in th~ area. In addition, the inconclusiveness of the literature also highlights the need for more research on the causal relationships between transmission lines and property characteristics, such as land use type and distance from the line. vii ' ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Environmental context The environmental movement of the late 1960s and early 1970s brought political pressure on all levels of government to consider the environ- mental consequences of their programs. The major legislative impetus for the government was the National Environmental policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 and subsequent guidelines issued by the council on Environmental Quality (CEQ). In the case of energy developments, this legislation required an evaluation of both the need for and the likely environmental impacts of a proposed project at its preferred as well as its alterna- tive locations (Casper and Wellstone 1981;:-young 1973)-. Once the need for a transmission line is established and after a siting decision is made, the sponsoring utility can either utilize previously acquired rights-of-way or acquire new land andfor easements through negotiation or condemnation. Transmission line easements acquired through condemnation have often become controversial because of forced takings and because of sentiment that "just compensation" has not been paid. In addition, during public hearings or meetings on proposed projects such as the Garrison-Spokane 500-kV Tranmission Project, there have been local expressions of concern about the impact of transmission 1 • i 11 . b d t" 1 • 1 1 1nes on.prox mate as we as encum ere proper 1es. F1gure - provides a graphic definition of these property relationships. Just compensation is defined as the difference in fair market price between a parcel of land without the transmission line easement and the same parcel of land with the easement (and the line). Historically, compensation has usually been limited to payment for the property within the easement itself. Just compensation has typically been determined by lproximate in this context refers to properties which are near and sometimes contiguous to right-of-way easements but are not encumbered by an easement. • I· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I n FIGURE 1-1 Terminology Used in this Report to Describe Land Relationships B 1 D 1 Each letter represents a separate owner. Encumbered land= (A1 + A2 ), CB1 + B2 ) a Easement area = A2 , B2 Adjacent land = A1 , B1 Proximate land = c 1 , Dl Source: Mountain West Research, Inco, 198lc aAlso referred to as the right-of-way or "taken" land. ? " t \ C .. . [ [ c [ [ [ c n L [ [ c 0 E c p u [j 6 [ .. ~ .. ~ppralsers, based upon their estimates of the fair market value o! the property taken. Challenges to appraisers• methods of determining fair market value have been raised in court, as well ~s by researchers, on the grounds that the appraisal methods utilized have not adequately incorporated a variety of indirect economic, visual, and biological impacts ~lleged to increase the transmission line's adverse effect on the entire parcel's value. Furthermore, the justness of the legal structure which does not admit compensation for these types of impacts has also been. challenged. •. 1.2 Purpose of the Report concerns regarding possible land value effects were raised at public meetings held as part of the environmental assessment for the Garrison-Spokane 500-kV Transmission Project. AS a result, the Bonneville Power Administration authorized Mountain West Research, Inc. to critically review the literature on land value effects and to determine the impli-cations, if any, for the Garrison-Spokane EIS. This report ·focuses on the literature which addressed the possible measurable effects of extra-high-voltage (500-kV to 750-kV) overhead transmission lines and right-of-way easements on the market values and sales prices of properties encumbered by and proximate to the easements. In this review, the research methods used in previous studies, their conclusions, and the factors identified as contributing to any land value effects received primary attention. In particular, factors which limited the validity of previous studies or their applicability to the Pacific Northwest were examined. In brief, the objectives of the study were to: 1) Identify and critically review the pertinent literature 2) Present and analyze the results of the key studies 3) Identify and discuss the factors postulated to be causally • associated with land value effects 4) Provide guidance and a conceptual framework for conducting or evaluating research on land value impacts in the Pacific North-west .. .. t \ ·c ["' ___ _) [ c [ ·' [ L c r b [ L c [~ L [ F L L L L 5) Identify and evaluate the policy implications of the study's conclusions for the Bonneville power Administration le3 The Review Process In order to identify the relevant literature, a broad range of sources were identified and reviewed. The strategy involved an exten-sive search of the literature of the social and physical sciences, including computer-assisted searches of national technical and legal 1 data bases. The literature associated with numerous professional interest groups, such as right-of-way, professional appraisal, and agricultural protective associations, was also searched. This effort was augmented by contacts with organizations and individuals active in the field. · The literature search uncovered 118 ·references from the social science, physical science, and legal literature, several of which were from other countries. From these, twenty-seven were identified as key studies meriting intensive review. The following criteria were used to identify key reference works: 1) The degree to which the study addressed the specific question with which this review is concerned 2) The presence of a conceptual framework and empirical research and analysis, with results that could be used to derive generally applicable conclusions 3) The frequency and authority of references to the study in the related literature As shown in the summaries of the twenty-seven key studies that are included in Appendix A, the pertinent literature reported contradictory results and conclusions. Although the bulk of the literature concluded !computerized data bases consulted include the-u.s. Department of commerce's National Technical Information Service: the commercial Engi-neering Index, File No. a, compendix; File One of the u.s. Department of Energy Data Base: the Lexis Legal Decisions File; and the public Affairs Information Services (PAIS). .. [ .. [ [ [ [ [ [ c r L [ [ c c [ c r: L_j [ b [ -· that transmission lines have no adverse effects on land values, a few of the key studies concluded that tranGmission lines do have an adverse effect on land values. The twenty-seven key studies were conducted over . . a time period that extrnded from 1959 to 1981 and were further differen-tiated by their study areas, which included examples from both urban and rural areas throughout the·united States and Canada. Because of this lack of concensus, this review has emphasized evaluating and comparing the conceptualization, statement of issues, methodology, analytic technique, and evidence presented in each of the key studies. 1.4 Structure of the Report This report consists of six chapters. Chapter 2 develops a meaning-ful context for understanding the land value issue by familiarizing the reader with the concept of just compensation as it has been established in the courts. Chapter 3 identifies and summarizes the characteristics and conclusions of twenty-seven key studies. Chapter 4 discusses four major causal factors which the literature postulates could influence transmission lines effects and land values. Chapter 5 uses the results of Chapte~s 3 and 4 to address pertinent methodological issues associ-ated with the design of research on land value effects. Chapter 6 summarizes the results of the literature review and discusses the impli-cations for the Bonneville power Administration. Appendix A presents individual summaries for each of the twenty-seven key studies, and Appendix B presents an in-depth bibliography of the works included in the literature review. .. t \ C-C [ [ [ [ [ c r L [ [ c c c c f L [j L t .-2. THE LEGAL COl~TEXT 2.1 Introduction In order to properly identify th~ issues related to the assessment of the potential land value effects-of transmission lines and easements, it is necessary to understand the legal context of the problem& Basic precedents in real property law and the law of eminent domain, along with established regulatory processes, have set the parameters within which the courts will consider land value issues. This'chapter presents a brief summary of the major elements of this legal context, emphasizing those methods for determining land value effects that have an estab-lished legal precedent. 2.2 The Legal Origins of the Land value Issue The siting of major industrial facilities has been subject to governmental regulation since the mid-1920s~ Statutory land use con-trols have been used by governmental agencies to regulate the design and location of major facilities through the issuance of construction per-mits. Issuance of such permits has been based on evaluation of the project's compatibility with existing land use patterns and the physical, technical, and economic suitability of the project and the site. Site suitability assessments have been conducted with increasing frequency since the implementation of the National Environmental policy Act of 1969. They focus on the physical characteristics of the project and the site (e.g., soil stability, seismic activity, etc.) in relation to a range of environmental, economic, social, and technica1 engineering parameters (Hamilton 1979). The selection of a route and the acquisition of a right-of-way ease-ment andfor land·parcels are prerequisites for the construction of a transmission line~ In the right-of-way acquisition process, the utility or government agency that will operate the transmission line obtains " p.· L,. c [ [ [ [ [ c r L r L [ c u c c r L u L L specified access road and/or line casements from the land ~ncr or land managing agency. These easements give the operating utility or agency the right to enter, construct, maintain, and operate the electric trans-mission line. Easement rights are obtained only for the land needed for the access roads ~nd/or line and not for the total land parcel which is to be crossed. The casement rights are acquired through a mutually negotiated purchase, or in the event that a mutual agreement cannot be reached or that a clear title to the right-of-way cannot be obtained, through an emincnt'domain action. In an eminent domain proceeding, a court deter-mines just compensation based on evidence presented by the landowner and by the utility or agency seeking easement rights. Although eminent domain is used only· when a negotiated agre.ement cannot be reached, it is important to note that the utility or government agency's power to exercise eminent domain can affect the negotiation process and influence easement prices. This effect can occur when landowners who desire to avoid the eminent domain process do so by accepting a negotiated price for the easement which is below the value they believe is just compensation. In these cases the utility or government agency's right of eminent domain can put the landowner at a disadvantage in the negotiation process.1 When eminent domain is used, property values cannot be determined through the natural operation of the market place, where land and easement buyers and sellers can decide whether they wish to complete a transaction at a particular price. Rather, eminent domain proceedings focus on the determination of just compensation, which is required by the Fifth Amendment of the United States constitution when private lrt can also affect the market mechanisms by forcing transactions on owners who do not wish to sell. However, it should also be that higher prices may be paid by utilities/agencies wishing to avoid the politically sensitive exercise of eminent domain. " f:: l · .. .. -~ n f c [ [ [ c r L [ [ c c [ c r L [' . c 6 [ ·. ,. .. property is acquired for public use. Jn these circumstances. just compensation for th~ land or easement is determined through legally-sanctioned procedures. Challenges to the validity of the procedures used to appraise the value of the casement have resulted in a complex set of precedents regarding accepted methods of appraisal, the factors allowed to be considered and the weights assigned to them, and valuation standards (Interagency Land Acquisition conference 1973). Nevertheless, the establishment of just compensation has continued to pose many problems requiring legal resolution. The next section provides a brief description of methods used to determine just compensation. More complete descriptions of these appraisal practices and of land acquisition procedures ar~ presented in u.s. Department of Justice, Land and Natural Resources Division, A Procedural Guide for the Acquisition of Real Property by Governmental Agencies, and in Interagency Land Acquisition conference, uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisition. 2.3 Determination of Just compensation 2.3.1 Fair Market value Established law has determined that the criterion for just compensa-tion is the fair market value of the property at the time of the taking. In the case of easements, which result not in the purchase of the entire parcel but the burdening of the property with an encumbrance, the criterion has been the difference between the fair market price of the parcel without the encumbrance and its fair market price with the encumbrance. When an easement or servitude over land is condemned for the public use, the appraisal should be in the amount of the difference between the fair market value of the land before an~ the fair market value immediately after the imposition of the easement. Full consideration should be given to and due allowance made for the substantial enjoyment and beneficial ownership remaining to the owner, subject only to the interference occassioned by the taking and exercising of the easement. In the case of easements such as those acquired for domestic electric ••• ' ~ ·[·· -· _j [ [ c [ L [ c r L [ [ L [ C. c f. ~ L [ L L lines, where there is an established going rate per pole and per line mile, such transactions may be considered among market datae In the absence of better evidence of market value, the •before and after• method should be employed. (Interagency Land ~cquisition conference 1973.) "Fair market value• is defined as the amount in cash, or in terms reasonably equivalent to cash, for which in all probability the property would be sold by the knowledgeable owner willing but not obliged to sell to a knowledgeable purchaser who desires but is not obligated to buy. Under this definition, consideration should be given to all matters that might be brought forward and reasonably given substantial weight in bargaining by persons of ordinary prudence, but no consideration should be given to matters not affecting market value. While the law recog-nizes that appraisal is inexact and that it is difficult to compute an estimated value in an exact dollar amount, it does require that a specific dollar amount be determined. The law predicates that fair market value incorporates all important considerations and that no consideration should be given to any senti-mental or other special value of the property not directly reflected in the market value. congress has established • ••• a uniform policy for the fair and equitable treatment of persons displaced as a result of federal ot federally-assisted programs in order that such persons shall not suffer disproportionate injuries as a result of programs designed for the benefit of the public as a whole• (Uniform Relocation ~ssistance and Real Property Acquisition policies Act 1970). Fair market value as a standard of valuation must be applied to an entire property, a whole parcel or tract. Improvements and natural resources found on the property are considered to the extent that they enhance the market value of the property as a whole. The value of property must be appraised at or as near to the time of taking as possible. Physical changes that occur after the taking which lead to changes in its value may not be reflected in the appraised value. " I \ fl .. L [ [ [ [· [ [ c r L [ c n u c E [ r= L c 6 C·. 9 Fair market value determination must include consineration of the highest and best use for which the property is suitedo Under normal circumstances, the law predicates that because of existing economic pressures, the existing use constitutes the highest and best useo Neverthel~ss, determination of the highest and best use of the property requires consideration ofz (1) the supply and demand for properties with similar characteristics, (2) conformity of a particular land use with land uses on adjacent or neighboring properties, (3) the size of the property and its potential as a location for different types of sizes and improvements, and (4) local zoning regulations. Partial takings (such as easements for transmission lines) leave remainders, the values of which are largely governed by the highest and best use of the remainder after the taking. If the taking causes the remainder of a single tract to change in value, then compensation must reflect this change. The law holds that when the United States acquires only part of a single tract or parcel that is under one ownership (such as parcels A or B in Figure 1-1) , if the taking diminishes the value of the remainder., then the owner is entitled to compensation for any loss in the value of the remainder as well as for the taking itself. A crucial point is that all tracts separate from those containing the partial taking (such as parcels c and D in Figure 1-1) are excluded from consideration for compensation. It is well established that "damages may not be awarded for injury to remaining land which, even in the same ownership, is a different tract from the land condemned" (Interagency Land Acquisition conference 1972). 2.3.2 Methods for Determining Fair Market value A number of methods have been developed to determine Fair Market Value. Those most commonly used are described in the following section. ., c; r lJ c r . ~ [ [ [ n LJ r 1::] [ c c c E c· r L L L t r. 2.3.2el Land Value in Prior Sales of the Identical Property Since market vnlue determines compensation, prior sales of the iden-tical property, which are reasonably recent and not forced, have been considered the best evidence of market value. Data on the recent sale of the condemned property (as well as data on all sales of the property within ten years of the taking), adjusted for changed market conditions, have formed the basis of the preferred method for determining a prop-erty's current market value. Value Estimated by Market Method (Comparable Sales) When data on prior sales are unavailable, the law holds that trans-actions involving lands in the vicinity of those taken and occurring at about the time of_taking are_the best evidence of market value. This approach compares sales transactions for. comparable properties to the property being appraised utilizing six elements: 1) The interval between the date of sale and the appraisal date 2) Factors .motivating the sale 3) The property's location, including its proximity to roads, schools, etc. 4) Similarity of highest and best use positions, including intensity of that use 5) physical similarities and dissimilarities 6) Economic similarities and dissimilarities Since this approach reflects the balance of supply and demand in actual trading in the market place, it is capable of developing acceptable and convincing evidence of the property's fair market value. The cost approach entails adding the fair market value of the bare land to the depreciated replacement cost of the improvements to arrive at a valuation of the property. comparable sales are always the basis for determining the value of the land (bare and subject to improvement), while the current cost of labor and materials for construction (minus " c;··. [ [ c [ [ [ c r L [ [ c c [ [ F L lJ [ L .. · ':·· all forms of depreciation) is the basis for determining the replacement cost of the improvements. value Estimated by Income Method Investment properties which produce income may be more accurately valued by the income approach than by the comparable sales method. The capitalization of incomP. approach considers the income which the prop-erty itself will produce, not the income produced from the business enterprise conducted on the property. However, the income approach is time-consuming and complicated be.cause it requires the comparison of rates from comparable investments. 2.3.3 Limits on the Fair Market value concept comp~nsation normally does not include future loss of profits, the expense of moving removable fixtures and personal property from the premises, loss of the goodwill which inheres in the location of the land, or other losses which would ensue from the sale of property, although the owner would take all these factors into account in deter-mining whether and at what price to sell under market conditions. The courts have generally held that these factors are not to be accounted for in the determination of compensation. It has been established that the United States is obligated to pay only for what it takes, not for opportunities which the owner may lose. As the u.s. Supreme court put it, •frustration and appropriation are essentially different things• (Omnia commercial co. v. u.s., 261 u.s. 502 (1923)). .. I ~ [: [ [ r [ [ [ [ r L [ [ c c [ [j r L l L L ._ .. # ... ; .. ~· :-: 3. NET LAND VALUE EFFECTSI RESULTS OF THE KEY STUDIES 3.1 Introduction Based on the review process described in Chapter 1, twenty-seven studies were identified as the key literature rele~ant to the questions concerning the existence and magnitude of land value effects due to transmission lines and right-of-way easements. This chapter presents a description of these twenty-seven studies and discusses their conclu-sions regarding the effects of transmission lines on the sales price of land. 3.2 General Characteristics of the Key Studies As shown in Table 3-1, the twenty-seven key studies were conducted over a period that extended from 1959 to 1981. Seventeen of the twenty-seven key studies were conducted by professional appraisers. Seven were carried out by individuals associated with universities, and one was conducted by a management consultant. rn two of the studies, the authors' affiliation was not specified. Eighteen of the twenty-seven key studies were sponsored by the utility industry~ These studies had generally been precipitated by con-troversY. over a particular tranmission line's effect o~ land values. Although many of the other studies were conducted by individuals assoc-iated with universities, the exact sponsors of these studies were not specified. The studies were conducted between 1959 and 1981. They were based primarily on case histories of property sales and on interviews with residential developers. The case histories of property sales occurred at a wide variety of locations throughout the united States and canada . and included examples of urban commercial, urban residential, rural residential, and agricultural land use typesr .. I ~ ·l'J r::::-1 ~ C~ c-1 l':':"J c-::J a::J ~1 C:l CJ rl 9.l1maiy of JIBy Stu:Ues' Olaracteristics am ())rcl.usicns ~, ' ) Ll r:-3 . ·:----l LJ L .. ·.J· ~ my Allthor(s) \'ear AUthx's Professioo S{:onscr of Stlrly atber . P\lbli.Ehed ~aiser ~rc:c UtUity other ex Olkrown t.Jnl<n:N\ .Adverse Effa::t Studies . Ball 1979 X X Breman 1963 X X EVerhart n.d. X X Everhart 1977 X X EVer~E\'erhart 1977 X X Frarcj 1974a X X Frarcy 1974b X X Frarcy 1974C X X Laytoo 1961. X X NeW Ergland Ps:: 1963 X X . Fb:xles 1970 X X Snith 1965 X X crclusive Studies carOOial mt: 1973 X X Clark 1972 X X Clark/l'reaiMir:/ 1972 X X HanSel'l/Petersc:n 1961 X X LaJTb 1963 X X Laytm 1960 X X Manley 1959 X X Ieews/Snran 1960 X X WXlds Goeden 1981 X Zl.lrrlel 1959 X X erse Ef feet studies COl\<Wel.l/FOlwey 1979 X X Kel.l.o.xjh 1980 X X J<il'll'md 1967 X X Kimard/Steprens 1965 X X U'liv. of water leo 1978 X xa Source~ M:urt:ain ~t ~seaich, In::., 1981. ~= · Mxe CXllplete des:::riptims of each stirly are presented in lt:p!n.iix B. "university of waterlco st:OOy ~ISCCed kf the canadian goyermmt., --cacl.usim NO ·No Significant In:::aclusbe or ld'~er~ Effa::t .Adverse Effect Internally o:ntra.iicta:y . Effu:t X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X .. '_• .. . ~-· 1!'. ·.l.: ·,. f· f ....... · . ~~':r'. I, '. •'1"1 t .\ !·· ·,. ... i'. •• ·.r :·' X X X X X .. I ·. r;~ . c [ [ r= ~ [ [ r; L c 6 [ [ 0 c C· [ -· r L [j t r -" -::. 3.3 c-onclusions ~egarding Net t.and Value Effects TWelve of the key studies concluded that transmission lines had •no effect• or •no significant adverse effect• on land values. Hereafter, •· these studies will be referred to as the •no adverse effect• studies. Ten studies were either inconclusive or relied on data that implied contradictory conclusions. These studies will be referred to as the •inconclusive• studies. Five of the key studies concluded that trans-mission lines did have adverse effects on land values. These five studies will be ref'erred to as the •adverse effect• studies. When evaluating and comparing the results of the no adverse effect, inconclusive, and adverse effect studies, it is important to note that they were conducted during a time period (1959 to 1981) in which concern about social and intangible effects was rapidly increasing~ The earlier studies typically relied on more simple methodologies which used realtors selling price as a measure of land value and did not control for the effect of other factors (such as lot size or house character-istics) which could have influenced land values. Some of the later studies have recognized the importance of controlling for the other factors and developed more rigorous analytical frameworks and elaborate research designs. As a consequence, the twenty-seven studies' method-ological differences are often so confounding that they prohibit meaningful comparison of the studies• results. 3.3.1 No Adverse Effect Studies The no adverse effect studies can be divided into two subgroups: 1) Those which conclude that transmission lines have no effect on property values ..... 2) Those which conclude that transmission lines have no signifi-cant adverse effect on property values Of the twelve studies in this group, the five which concluded that transmission lines have no effect on property values were by Ball (1979), Francy _(1974b), Francy (1974c), Layton (1961), and Smith (1965). The seven studies which found no significant adverse effects on property ~ I . ~ c· r" [ c [ [ [ n L r 6 [ [ c c E D r L u [ t·· • _•J' 'Jo :". -"" ~ .. values were conducted by Brennan (1963), Everhart/Everhart (1977), Everhart (n.d.), Francy (1974a), New England Power Service Company (1963), and Rhodes (1963). Several of these studies merit additional attention. . Thomas A. Ball's Arizona study of transmission line effects on resi-dential properties (1979) obtained-data through interviews with fourteen residential developers. Of the fourteen, all but one felt that residen-tial sales were unaffected by transmission line easements. However, in evaluating the results of this study, it is not clear whether developers and the market evaluate the impacts of transmission line easements in a similar manner. Sales data would be required to determine the market evaluation of the __ imp_ac_t. __ ------------_________ _ TWO of Robert E. Francy's studies of· rural land sales in Arizona (1974b, 1974c) concluded that transmission lines had no measurable effects on the sales prices.of subdivided and other rural land in close proximity to the easewPnt. Neither of the two studies had adequate sample sizes or made attempts to control for other factors that could have affected land values. charles w. Layton's study of subdivision land values near Detroit, Michigan (1961) concluded that lots proximate to transmission line ease-ments sold for the same price and just as quickly as lots which were not proximate to the easements. The study did not control for lot size and house characteristics or other factors that could also have affected land values. Marion and David Ev~rhart's 1977 study in Scottsdale, Arizona con-cluded that transmission lines crossing parallel to commercially zoned lots had no effect on the per square foot lot value when corr.pared to similar sized lots not crossed by a transmission lineo Although this study did control for lot size, it did not specify the sample selection or appreciation adjustment methods used. r. 11! .. ' I. [' ~ . _; n [ c [ [ [ c r L [ [ c c c c p L u C l.:. . ..... , . . t ·.-::,. ~ .. 3o3.2 Inconclusive Studies The ten studies which reported results that were inconclusive or internally contradictory were the canadian Real Estate Research corporation, Ltd. (1973), Clark (1972), Clark and Treadway (1972), Hansen and Peterson . (1961), Lamb (1963), Layton (1960), Manley (1959), Reeves (1960), Woods Gordon Management consultants (1981), and Zundel (1959). TWO of these studies (Layton 19601 Clark 1972) reported that the data would not support any firm conclusions, one (Hansen 1961) was inconclusive, one (Reeves 1960) concluded that the impacts would be •small, if any:• another (Manley 1959) held that the effect would not adversely affect community development: two (Lamb 1963: Zundel 1959) presented the conclusion that the effects would be minimal, although their data clearly showed that adverse effects were occurring: and one (Woods Gordon 1981) concluded that there would be no effects on agricultural land but significant adverse effects on residential land. Another study (Canadian Real Estate Research corporation, Ltd. 1973) included several case studies in which the results were split between no effect and adverse effect. Several of the inconclusive studies merit closer attention. Although Layton (1960) indicated that the intent of his study of land value effects near Detroit for the Detroit Edison Company was to generate a valid data base rather than to draw definitive conclusions, his data indicated that lots proximate to the transmission line either sold for less or were larger than nonproximate lots. The problem of controlling for lot size will be addressed in more detail in a later section. John T. Hansen and David Peterson's study of land value effects in the Paradise valley near Phoenix for the Arizona Public Service company (1961) concluded that there were no apparent trends in transmission line effects on property values. However, it was noted that there was a tendency for adverse impacts to result from transmission lines in areas / "'· • ' r;· [: c [ [ [ [-~ -~ [ n LJ n L [ c D c [ c F u f = 0 " -· [ t··:-. -_, o! higher-priced lands. The study did not incpect property, confirm sales prices, or control for property sizee Jn his study for thP. Pennsylvania power and r.ight company (1959) , R.C. Zundel contended that prospective purchasers of residential lots were willing to pay approximately the same price for land in close proximity to a transmission line as for land in other sections of a development. However, his data showed that sales prices for lots in close proximity to a transmission line were about 6 percent lower than for lots in other FP.ctions of the development. Similarly, appraiser Robert B. Lamb, who conducted a study of residential property sales for the Southern California Edison company (1963), concluded that the factors which devalued land prices were confined to the easement alone and did not affect adjacent areas. This conclusion was made despite testimony by a developer that he discoun.ted lots proximate to trans-mission line easements by $1,000 and despite the study's own data which showed that lots proximate ~o transmission line easements were larger than the "comparable" lots more distant from the easement. This report concluded that when a transmission line easement is taken on undeveloped land, the value of the rest of the property may be adversely affected if the reduction of the property's size has decreased its development potential. The Canadian Real Estate Research corporation, Ltd. (1973) concluded that the presence of high voltage transmission lines had no appreciable impact on adjoining or nearby properties. However, since two of the four case studies in this report indicated a 3 to 4 percent difference in price for property along the transmission line easement, the study has been categorized as showing contradictory or inconclusive results. The Woods Gordon Management consultants' study of six rural areas for Ontario Hydro (1981) concluded that while transmission lines did not appear to affect the value of land in agricultural areas, they did appear to lower (by 10 to 15 percent) the _selling price of properties in areas where real estate development was likely to occur. ,. I \ . •·'' I f-_, __ ,.: .. :·. 0 ·-.• -·· • _ _J r: [ c [ r· [ c r L [ [ c c c c F L u L L i . ... ~--: .. <: ... · ... : .::·· ~--.. '":) :--· ·.•· . .. ....-: ··:-; ·-~--~~... ~-., ~-.:. " 3.3ol Adverse Effect Studies Five of the twenty-seven key studies concluded that transmission lines had significant adverse effects on property values (Colwell and Foley 19791 Kellough 1980aJ Kinnard 1967; Kinnard and Stephens 1965J University of Waterloo 1978). The findings of these studi.es are briefly described below. Kinnard and Stephens' report (1965) summarizing case studies of forty-two residential subdivisions in the Hartford, connecticut area concluded that transmission line effects were not evident on most residential property but were occasionally evident in higher-income subdivisions. Although the sample-size in this study was adequate, it did not use a theoretical model for analysis. Despite the reports assertion that statistical techniques would be applied to the data, the interpretation of results was intuitive and impressionistic. The study did not control for other factors that might have affected property values. Kinn~rd's subsequent 1967 article in The Appraisal Journal used data from his·l965 study and concluded that any negative effects experienced immediately after construction or when a new subdivision is established next to an existing line could be expected to diminish with time. Because it relied on the same data used by Kinnard and Stephens (1965), this article was subject to the methodological flaws noted above. Kellough's 1967 article in Right of Way reviewed existing Canadian literature and concluded that transmission line easements have reduced property values by as much as 15 to 30 percent. Kellough concluded that the effects depended on the size and type of the property unit. The study was based on a large sample, but neither the sample selection •. process nor the type of statistical controls was disclosed. The University of Waterloo study (1978) examined long-term social and economic impacts of ~ranmission lines in eastern canada. The study concluded that per-acre property values near transmission lines were 16 to 29 percent lower than similar properties elsewhere. ·Furthermore, the ., I l .. ' ~.;... [.;. [ ~ r [ [ [ p l__j r L r L [ c c t c r= L ~ [ L: ... ' ~ --· ., • study noted that the percentage differences were more ~ignificant for smaller properties than for larger properties. The study examined 1,007 property sales over the 1967-1977 period, confirmed sales and prices, and controlled for other factors that could have affected property values. Colwell and Foley's 1979 st~dy examined 200 single family housing unit sales in Decatur, Illinois and concluded that transmission lines had an adverse effect on sales prices. The study, which controlled for time of sale and six other types of house and lot characteristics that could have affected property values, found a statistically significant relationship between proximity to transmission lines and sales prices. The results of the study indicated that between 1968 and 1978, an average house (1,600 square feet, 2 baths, on 9,785 square feet of property) sold for approximately $45,600 when the center of the property was located SO feet from the transmission line. Sales prices for the same average house rose as distance from the line increased to about $48,200 when the center of the property was 200 feet from the line~ Although a difference of $2,600 was shown to exist in selling prices between 50 and 200 feet, very little difference was shown to exist between 200 and 400 feet. Hence, although the study found a significant reduction in selling price relative to proximity, the differences were found to decrease as distance to the line increased. 3.4 Summary and Conclusions TO summarize, the twelve key no adverse effect studies included five works which found wno effect,w and seven which found wno significant adverse effect.• Ten key studies were either inconclusive or internally contradictory. The five adverse effect studies, which relied on four sets of data, concluded that transmission lines have adverse effects on property values and that the adverse ~ffects were more likely to occur (1) in higher-income subdivisions, (2) as proximity to the line in-creased, (3) when lot sizes were small, and (4) _immediately after the line was constructed, but tended to diminish over time. ~ .. ., I \ r~· [ [ r [ [ L c r~ L [ L c c [ c f' L (J L ( .. -·· , . : .. When evaluated by current standards, all three groups of studies included works whose methodologies were flawed. In most cases, the flaws in the earlier studies are understandable, as the researchers (1) expected that land value effects would be clearly evident if they existed at all, and (2) were less concerned with controlling for effects from other factors that could also influence land values. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, a few studies utilized more careful research designs which avoided the flaws evident in earlier studies. Of these later studies, only two (University of Waterloo 19787 colwell and Foley 1979) had adequate sample sizes, used actual sales prices, and implemented statistical controls to remove the effects of other factors that could influence land values. Both studies concluded. that transmission lines had adverse effects on land values. However, ·despite their methodological soundness, ·these two studies present results only on land value effects for specific types of land uses in Illinois and Canada. Hence, they a~e not sufficient enough by them-selves to support an adverse eff~ct conclusion for other types of land uses in other regions. The above discussion demonstrates that although numbers may be useful in identifying and describing the conclusions of the key studies, they should not be used to generalize transmission lines' effects on land values or as evidence to support either the "no adverse effect" or "adverse effect" positions. The studies were conducted over a time period when methodologies for quantification of intangible effects were changing. They were conducted in a wide variety of locations throughout the United States and canada and included several different types of land uses. And finally, the studies described their methodologies, data, and results in varying degrees of detail. When combined, these differences were sufficiently great that they left many of the key relationships between transmission lines and land values in question. Subsequent sections of this report summarize the causal factors that may influence these relationships and suggest methodologies that could be used to investigate and account for them in future research. .. I ~ .. ~-fl· _j~ '· [ [ c [ [ r'· ...• c r L [-. _, [ c c [ c p tj r: li c [ .. '. ~ .· 4 • MAJOR CAUSAL FACTORS 4el Introduction In the course of reviewing literature, it became evident that to properly assess the adequacy of the key studies and to develop the ability to predict or assess proposed transmission lines• land value effects requires a more explicit statement and understanding of the factors actually causing the land value effects than was formulated in the literature. Although few studies explicitly addressed the issue of why or how transmission lines affects land values, the review of the literature identified four factors which have been implicitly or explicitly postulated as causal agents. These include;--·--· 1) Restrictions on land use and control 2) Effects on the productivity of land and workers 3) concern about health and safety effects 4) visual and aesthetic effects This chapter discusses each of these four factors and their postu-lated causal relationship with land value effects. 4.2 causal Factors 4.2.1 Restriction on Land use and control The establishment of a transmission line easement on a property places encumbrances on the property which give use rights to the ease-ment's holder and which place specific restrictions on the parcel's owner. These restrictions and rights exist whether or not the easement is utilized for a transmission line, and can limit the freedom of the parcel's owner to control and utilize the land. The importance of such restrictions would appear to vary according to the location of the ease-ment on the property, and on the actual or planned land use of the affected property. For instance, the restrictions' effects on resi-dentia~ land could be very different from their effects on cropped-, range-, or forested-land. "' t ~ ... -·c ,. [ [ [ [ [ [ [J r L [ [ c Q E c p L. [ L l. 4.2.2 Productivity The literature gives substantial attention to the indirect economic effects of transmission lines and easements. Much of this has been focused on transmission lines' effects on agricultural production. Four types of transmission line impacts on productivity have been identifiedw 1) Short-term crop losse~ during the construction period 2) LOng-term crop losses under tower bases 3) Economic costs of operating around the tower bases 4) Economic effects of workers• and/or animals' reluctance to work or graze near the lines The first and second of these effects are acknowledged, and utili-ties generally compensate landowners for short-and long-term crop losses associated with these effects. The remaining two types of ef-fects are recurrent, lP.ss tangible, and· not easily quantifiable. conse-quently, these effects are less often specifically accounted for in compensation negotiations. As a result, many landowners have claimed that one-time right-of-way acquisition payments are not adequate com-pensation for these longer-term and less tangible effects. 4.2.3 Concern about Health and Safety Effects Although none of the twenty-seven key land value studies have incorporated potential health and safety effects into their research, several of them mentioned that residents who live near transmission lines have expressed concern about the lines' health and safety effects. When evaluating the role of concern about health and safety effects as a causal factor in land value impacts, the most important question is not so much whether the effects exist or not. Rather, the question is whether people's concern about health and safety effects is great enough to be reflected in the price they are willing to pay for property located near transmission lines. Hence, the difficulty in deter~ining whether health and safety effec~s are a causal factor in the relationship between transmission lines and land values stems first from.the general public uncertainty .. I ~ ~~-'. L [ [ E [ [ [ c r L [ [ c [ E C·. f L r: ~ b L . t . .. ·· --~-. _,· ~-· ~ .. -~-~-. .,.. l' ··.-. ;-· -.-. -... -~_ ..... ~. {--;-:....;.:....~ ~ . __ ... · regarding the exintencP or health and safety ef!ectse And second, even if public concern about transmission lines• health and safety effects could be quantified, it would still be difficult to relate these concerns to economic behavior in making land purchase decisionse 4.2.4 Visual and Aesthetic Effects Visual and aesthetic effects may be defined as a perceivable change in the visual landscape, involving the addition and/or removal of land-scape elements which result in a negative human response (University of Guelph 1974). This negative response has been postulated as a factor which would cause a reduction in property value. The visual/aesthetic changes associated with transmission lines include the addition of towers, conductors, and substations and the alteration or removal of ground cover and man-made structures. The effects of the changes depend on the nature of the surrounding landscape and on the perceiving dis-tance, among other factors. Kellough (l980a), Hamilton (1977), the University of Guelph (1974), and the Minnesota Department of Health (1977) noted that significant portions of the public react negatively to the imposition of tranzmission lines onto the landscape. Several reasons for the strength of this effect have been suggested: 1) The presence of a transmission acts as a symbol of the perva-siveness of emerging technological society, which people may· oppose. 2) The construction of transmission lines across unspoiled land is an event that is generally aesthetically undesirable, particu-larly to naturalists and environmentalists. 3) The visual presence of the line can serve as a continuous reminder to viewers of their other concerns about the lines. Several studies in the literature reviewed addressed the visual effects of transmission lines and their relationship to land values. Kellough (1980a) concluded that when a transmission line is constructed, local landowners are usually affected by the structures and that this effect translates into a reduced market value for those lands. Kellough strengthened his argument by citing court decisions which have granted compensation for visual damages~ '· .. .. ~-. t ' r::;: L ~ [ C [ [ [ c r L [ [ c c [ c p L [ 6· [. -. . ·. ':·. Mitchell (1978) attached great'significance to visual i~pact. He claimed that properties located one to two miles from the easement had market values higher than those comparable properties closer to the easement. The study of residential property values conducted by colwell and Foley (1979) confirmed the general findings of the Mitchell study. colwell and Foley analyzed sales data for residential subdivisions that had been built after the transmission line was constructed. They ·round that transmission lines had little impact at. distances beyond 200 feet, but that substantial differences in selling price existed for land located between 50 and 200 feet from the transmission line. The above studies demonstrated that both the nature of the surround-ing landscape and the distance at which an object is perceived are 'important variables in determining the visual impacts of transmission lines. canada's Solandt commission (1974, 1975) defined a comfortable viewing distance for a tall object to be about three times the height of the object. At this distance, a transmission line tower was thought to blend into the surrounding environment well enough to minimize visible intrusion. However, as Kellough (l980a) noted, such a rule of thumb is less than satisfactory when the objects viewed are multiple towers and cables in a rural setting. By comparison, the University .of Guelph study (1974) suggested that a critical perceiving distance for trans-mission lines was between one and two miles in most landscapes. At this distance, they argued, the towers tend to neither dominate nor contrast with the landscape. •. ... • t ---r~ •• ,... r _, c [ C [ [ [ c [ [ [ c c [ c F L 0 -· L c· -· --...-5. METJJODOL<X;ICAL ISSUES 5.1 Introduction This section addresses the pertinent methodological issues associ-ated with the design of research on the land value effects of trans-mission lines. When·evaluated by current standards, a number of methodological weaknesses were foun~ in the key studies that limited their usefulness. Although many of these weaknesses can be understood in light of the research conditions that prevailed at the time the studies were undertaken, they must be corrected if the resul~s of future research is to yield generalizable conclusions about transmission lines' effects on land values. This chapter briefly identifies the method-ological issues identified in the literature, and, whenever possible describes potential solutions. Among the principal methodological issues are the lack of a comprehensive, rigorously developed conceptual . framework, nonrigorous determination and confirmation of selling prices, inadequate sample sizes, and lack of statistical controls for other factors that may have affected land values. As indicated in the previous section, several factors need to be controlled in order to quantify the relationships among the various factors that influence transmission lines' effects on land values and to develop the data that would allow prediction of a proposed line's effects on land values. 5.2 conceptual Framework Much of the land value effects research bas been done without bene-fit of a comprehensive formulation of the theoretical and practical issues or a concise and rigorous problem statement. From a scientific perspective, such a formulation is a prerequisite for the design of an analytical framework that will yield valid evidence concerning land value effects. In brief, to desi~n or assess a land value study, it is necessary to identify and control for the factors which determine the effect of overhead transmission lines on the selling price of the land " t ~ c;--~ _ _j r [ C [ r [ n r L [ c c c [ c F L D b L-;-.:· ·-. _ .. --encumbered by the right-of-way casement as well as on the selling price of land in the proximity of the alignment. Sol units of Analysis As discussed in Chapter 2, the established measure of the value of real property is its fair market market price. When measuring the value of residential properties encumbered by or in the vicinity of trans-mission lines, severa~c, studies used developers' original selling prices. Although a very convenient and inexpensive way of ascerta_ining property values, this measure has two major weaknesses. First, it reflects the developer's evaluation of a property's value and not the market's evaluation, as reflected in the actual price paid for the property at the time of sale. Second, developers sometimes inten-tionally do not price properties at their fair market value. Developers have been known to underprice less desirable properties and overprice more desirable properties within subdivisions to expedite total sales and still maintain an acceptable profit margin. Such a practice could introduce bias into the analyses of transmission lines• effects on proximate properties' desirability and market value. Several other studies have recognized these weaknesses and avoided them in two ways. , First, when using a newly-constructed subdivision as an example, they have confirmed actual sales prices rather than the developer's asking prices. And second, several studies used only resale prices which were paid by individual buyers to individual sellers. This practice was more likely t~ have captured the market's evaluation of land values and avoided developer-introduced biases. 5.4 Sample Design and Size Given the number of factors thought to be causally related to land value_effects, sample design and sample size play an important role in· the validity of the data and the confidence that can be placed in the results. Whereas the sample sizes used in many of the case studies may have been large enough to justify conclusions on an intuitive basis, e ' \ [ . .;. o, _j ~ [ c [ [ [ n r L [ [ c c [ c p L [ L L . ~ -. <.7_:. _-.-~ . . ... -..,., __ .,,.,f they were not large enough to support the statistical signific~nce of the results. Inadequate sample sizes constitute a weakness because they allow extraneous variables and measurement errors to account for per~ ceived differences in the effects being measurede Pr~perly designed experiments should use samples which are large enough to reduce these undesirable effects• proportion of the total effect to five percent or less. Of course, in designing any experiment, a balance must be struck between precision gained by increasing the sample size and the added cost of obtaining such information. 5.5 Statistical controls In order to adequately control for and separate out the individual effects of the four factors identified in Chapter 4, the sample of prop-erties examined must be designed to allow statistical control of those line and property characteristics that would affect the magnitude of the land value effects. 5.5.1 Transmission Line Characteristics Size (Voltage) Because of the postulated relationship between the size of the line and actual andjor perceived health and safety effects, it is important that the research design control for this factore Tower Design and placement Although tower design is closely associated with line voltage, there is evidence that tower design is related to the visual and aesthetic effects of the line. The physical placement of the towers on the parcel and in the scenic environment has also been identified as an important variable influencing the lines effects on agricultural productivity, • control and use of the land, and the line's visual/aesthetic effects. Consequently, unless they are controlled, these characteristics can introduce ambiquity in the data. "' ' ~ --[~:· " [ [ E [ [~ [ p r L [ [ c c [ [ r~ u L . ' c [· .. .-_.: .~ -~ .. ---·-- Project Phase Although most of the studies appear to have accounted for the effects of inflation on land values, very few of them controlled for the . phase of the transmission line project at the time of salee The plan-ning, siting, construction, and energization phases of a transmission line project typically occur over a period of several yearse To ensure . that this factor does not create ambiguity in study findings, land sale data could be grouped and analyzed according to the time of sale rela-tive to the phases of transmission line installation. 5.5.2 Property Characteristics 5m5.2.1 Relationship to the Easement One evident characteristic of property that bas a clear bearing on the analysis of transmission line effects is the relationship of the easement to the property. Because the presence of an easement places an encumbrance on the entire parcel of land, not just on the easement area, the relationship of the land to the easement is potentially an important factor· in the analysis and must be carefully controlled. A number of the key studies failed to make clear whether distinction was made betweeen parcels that abutted the easement and those that included the easement. Thus, they created an ambiguity in their results that could have been avoided by adequate control of this variable. Type of Land The majority of the key studies examined transmission line effects on residential land. A few considered agricultural land. None, how-ever, specifically explored the relationship between transmission line effects and land use type. Transmission lines frequently cross land. used for a variety of purposes. Since the available evidence indicates that land use characteristics could influence the nature and magnitude of transmission line effects, it is essential that the research design . provide a basis for examining and controlling for this variable. -~ o· ' \ n·· . ~J r~ -~ [ r .• J [ f~ .J [ n L> r L [ [ 0 c c c r u [ . [ • [ .. .. 5e5o2e3 Distance from Line If transmission lines do affect land values, it seems likely that their effects would be inversely related to distance from the lines. Omission of this variable could bias the results of the study either in favor of or against the adverse effect conclusion, depending on the nature and location of the sample. A few of the studies compared the price of the same parcel of land before and after a transmission line was constructed in the area. However, in constructing their sample and analyzing their data, the studies' researchers did not account for the distance of the lots from the transmission linese consequently, the results of these studies remain ambiguous, a problem which could have been alleviated through more complete analysis of the distance variable. '· -.. I ' . ~ ..... . C . .:.~,_; ). ~ ~ [ [ r [ L [ r '--' r L [ [ c c c c f' L L b [-~-~ ----6. SUMMARY AND IMPLICATIONS FOR THE BOUUEVJLJ.E POWER ADMINISTRATION The legal origins of the land value issue stem from industrial-siting regulations, which have been present in many states stnce the 1920s; from site suitability assessments, which have been required for many projects since 1969: and from the legal procedures which have been established to guide right-of-way acquisition processes. In the right-of-way acqusition process, the utility or government agency that will operate the transmission line obtains property or easements, which give them the right to enter, construct, maintain, and operate the transmission line and/or access roads. The utility or government agency attempts to obtain the right-of-way first through negotiation, and then if necessary, by exercising its right of eminent do~aine In both negotiation and eminent domain proceedings, the central issue is the determination of just compensation or "fair market value• of the property taken for the easement. Because neither procedure allows fair market value to be determined through natural market forces (where a knowledgeable owner willing but not obliged to sell negotiates with a knowledgeable purchaser who desires but is not obligated to buy) several methods for determining just compensation have been developed. These methods incorporate all important considerations that are reflec-ted in market value. However, despite their apparent objectivity, the law still recognizes that appraisal is inexact and that it is difficult to compute an exact dollar value of the pcoperty or easement being taken., The review of the literature identified a number of studies which addressed the issue of net land value effects. Twenty-seven key studies were reviewed in detail and were categorized into three groups based on their conclusions. Twelve of the key studies concluded that transmission lines had no adverse effects on land values. Ten were inconclusive or were ~-~ • --· C·.· .. -• ..1 c [ C [ [ L_ c r L [ [ c c [ c f' L L L i~ ·:.:-... --.. __ .... _. PI •-· --::.,-.. -. '.· ~ :. :~.: internally contradictory. When evaluated by current standardsf most o£ these studies exhibited methodological weaknesses in the form of unclear or nonexistent problem statements, use of developers• sales prices, "'-inadequate sample sizes, and lack~of statistical controls for other characteristics that could have affected land values. The five remaining key studies concluded that transmission lines had adverse effects on land values. Three of the key adverse effect studies exhibited methodological weaknesses similar to these noted above. However, the other two adverse effect studies (Colwell and Foley 1979~ University of Waterloo 1978), were judged to be methodologically sound. Both of these studies reported a statistically signficant inverse relationship between selling price and the distance of residential properties from a transmission line. Despite the substantial amount of literature on the subject, the exact nature of transmission lines• effects on land values remains un-clear. The efforts to quantify transmission line effects on land values have been complicated by the complexity of the relationships involved and by changes that have occurred in transmission line'characteristics and the human environment over the past decade. Increased concern about environmental quality has led to claims that high-voltage transmission lines cause a variety of visual, health and safety, indirect econom~c, and quality of life effects that are reflected in long-term changes in land v~lues, but which have not been adequately quantified in most of the key studies. Because of the methodological weaknesses and contradictory conclu-sions of the existing lund value studies, the literature reviewed does not provide the type of evidence upon which forecasts regarding the potential land value effects of the BPA Garrison-Spokane 500-kV Trans-mission Project can reliably be based. Even if more of the studies were methodologically sound and reached mutually supporting conclusions, the preponderance of case studies carried out in the eastern and south-_ western United States would have -left questions about the applicability 0 ' ' ·r-: . ·-· _j [ [ [ [ [~ [-, -• c r' L [ [ c c [; c c F L u L-t " -,. . .... · e . ~ .. of their findings to a transmission line projects in the Garrison-Spokane area. The questions could be expected to arise not only because of geographical differences, but also because of the unlque landscape and aesthetic values which characterize the area through which the Garrison-Spokane line would pass. When combined with the public concern about the line's potential land value effects, the inconclusiveness of the literature highlights the need for BPA to be very sensitive in conducting right-of-way negotiations in the area. It also highlights the need for more careful studies on land value effects in this region and/or quantification of the causal relationships between the various transmission line, property, and ownership characteristics. More details on the type of research required to determine land value effects in the Garrison-Spokane and BPA service areas are provided below. Because future transmission lines fn the BPA service area would cross significant amounts of nonresidential land, an adequate assessment of land value effects should address transmission lines' effects on a variety of land use types, including irrigated and nonirrigated agricul-tural, recreational, and commercial/industrial lands. This assessment should address transmission lines' effects not only on parcels of land encumbered by the easement but also their effects on parcels of land located at various distances from the lines. Effects on land that is encumbered by an easement are important to BPA because these effects can legally be considered in the determination and payment of just compen-sation. However, the potential land value effects or landowners whose properties are located in the vicinity of (but not encumbered by) proposed easements are also important because of federal regulations which require BPA to include them in their EnvirQnmental Impact Statement processes. An adequate assessment of transmission lines' effects on land values would need to control for transmission line characteristics. If land value effects occur, their magnitude could be influenced by line voltage and tower design, two transmission line characteristics that are highly .... u~-~~·~) :::.:-. [ ,. L. F [ r, L [ c r L [ [ c. c ~ [ . c p L [~ b [:,. . . . . .. -J . ~ • .. ~ : • --~:. '":-·: ': ... · . . -··· . ~ ... --...... ... ~--·· ~·· --,.. . --·-;_, .. ' .. -~ .. -·---: ;• .A--... correlated. In addition, land value effects might also be affected by the phase of transmission line installment in which the land's valuation occurred. Hence, if sales prices are used as a measure of land value, it would be important to note whether the sale took place during the ' planning, construction, or operations phase of the projectc (i> ' \ • t .. S3IOO..LS .13}{ ~0 SSil:IVHWOS :v XlON3ddV ..;,._ .. ' . .;... . ": ·-. -.... ~ _.-,o.-,._ •• --. . . . .. -_._. -:': : • ~~,--r ' ~ :.-_~.--.",.::-: ', ~ . -. . ~ ... -:-.; .-. .... -~. ; o'L •• -·. ~--. .· ··] ~ J D J J J J J J ] J J .n -----~u .. ~ ; ·-· Ball, Thomas A. 1979 The Economic Effects of power Lines Adjacent to Residential Properties in Phoenix and Tempe, Arizonao Phoenix~ Arizona* Thomas A. Ball, MAl. Summaryr This phoenix, Arizona case study examined the effects of high-voltage electric transmission lines on the value of residential properties located proximate to them. conclusion: This study concluded that transmission line easements had no effect on proximate properties. Only one out of fourteen developers inter-viewed (or 7 percent) said that sales were affected by the easementr none reported giving discounts for lots proximate to an easement. Methodological Evaluation: Developers may have spread costs over all of the lots in a sub-division. There is no assurance that the developer and the market evaluate the impact of transmission line easements in the same man= ner. Sales data is required to determine the market evaluation of the impact. Comments: This study was sponsored by the ·author to assist him in making decisions when appraising similiarly situated properties. • t "" -~ ..... f,-·---.J .... · _j [ [ c [ r [ c r 1,_ [ [ c c E c r L [-l > ~ ~ . :.~ .. -. L~ . •' . ·' .. -:·~.·~ ~ .~. .. ............... -.... .. ·-c:-------~-->~·· :.:' ·.•· . ··~ . -· .:' ~. Brennan, 1963 P. F. Summarrs A Study of the Effects of Tran~mlssion Line Ri9hts of Way On Adjacent Residential Property. LOs Angeles, California& Pe Fe Brennan, Property Appraisere This LOG Angeles, california, case study examined the effect of transmission line easements on the value of proximate residential properties. Conclusions This study concluded that developers did not discount lots located proximate to transmission line easement, and their lots sold faster than those that were not proximate to a line. Methodological Evaluation: A very large sample was selected& Only developers' sales prices were gathered. No explicit attempt was made to control for lot size or distance from the transmission line. comments: This study was sponsored by the Southern california Edison Companys A-3 "' ~ ·t ~· r· [ [ [ [ [ [ c c [ [ c c [ [ F L L l L-. -~---· . . -· canadian 1973 Real Estate corporation Summary: High voltage Electric Transmission Lines and Property values. Toronto, canadaz canadian Real Estate corporation, Ltd. This canadian study examined four areas to determine the effect of transmission lines on the value of proximate and neighboring properties. conclusion: The presence of high-voltage transmission lines had no appreciable impact on the value of adjoining and aproximate property. However, two of the four areas studied indicated a 3 to 4 percent difference in price for adjoining properties. Methodological Evaluation: The sample size was large, but other factors that could have affected sales prices were not controlled for. Comments: The sponsor of this study is not known. " 11 ~-" 't --..... c;· [ [ t [ [ [ c r L [ c c c E c r u l L t-: ·-,.-_._ ·-··'· . ......_._. Clark, LOuis F.., Jr. 1972 Electric Transmission Lines and Real Property Valuese Chattanooga, Tennesseez Tennessee Valley Authorityo Sununaryz This report reviewed several studies on the effect of on value of properties proximate to the transmission line easements in Tcnnesseee conclusion: The study concluded that the only reliable method for measuring damages consists of assessing the value of the tract with and with-out the easement. This is best done by examining a very small number of comparable properties. Methodological Evaluation: Existing methodologies are reviewed, but they are not evaluated criticially from a statistical point of view. conunents: This study was conducted for the American Right-of-Way Conference: its sponsor is unknown. .. ' ' r""" . ~~-·~ . ' [ [ c [ [' [ c r: L [ [ 0 c [ . [ F L c u [_ Clark, Lewis E., Jr. and F.H. Treadway, Jr. 1972 Impact of Electrical power Transmission Real Estate Values. Chicago, Illinois: of Real Estate Appriasierso Summary: Line Easements on American Institute This study analyzed several Illinois cases of transmission lines• effects on values of properties located proximate to the lineso conclusion: Unless the easement affects proximate land uses, damages are limited to the easement. Methodological Evaluation: Both the case studies and the sections on methodology ignore statis-tical controls for other factors which could affect property valuese comments: This study was conducted for the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers and sponsored by clark and Treadway. .. ·C-; [ [ r [ c [ c r-L [ [ [_ [ [ [ F L L L [ colwell, Peter F., and Kenneth w~ Foley 1979 F.lcctrical Trannmission Lines and the Selling Price of Resi-dential Property. The Appraisal Journal 47:490-99. Summary: This study analyzed the effect of high-voltage transmission lines on residential property values in two urban areas, with a sample of 200 single family housing sales representing over a decade of trans-actions. conclusion: This study concludeu that proximity to a transmission line is as-sociated with decreased property value and that value decreases with proximity to the transmission line. There is a large and statis-tically significant effect of proximity to transmission lines on the selling price of houses. The size of the estimated coefficient in-dicated that a house located 50 feet from the transmission line would sell for $2,600 less than the same house located 200 feet from the line. Methodological Evaluation: careful review of this article finds it to be one 'of the most sound pieces of research done on this question to date. A sample of 200 sales is used, and the month of sale and six characteristics of the house and lot are controlled for. comments: This study was sponsored by Colwell (University of Illinois) and Foley (Illinois power company). It casts doubt on the conclusions of previously published studies. Nevertheless, it is only a single. study, and its results will have to be replicated in other areas before more general conclusions can be drawn. ., I \ -~-L _ _/ c [ E [ [ [ c r L [ [ c c [ c r L ~ L L -· ' Everhart, 1977 Marion Ee Summarys A Land Economic Study of Transmission Lines and Land Values Mead-Liberty 345-kV, Maricopa county, Arizonao Phoenix, Arizona: M.E. Everhart, MAI~ This study examined the effect of the 345-kV Mead to Liberty trans-mission line on land values in Maricopa county, Arizonae Conclusion: This study concluded that transmission line easements did not depress land values. Methodological Evaluations The sample selection process was not explained. Althought the study statistically controlled for some other factors which could have affected property values it did not control for lot sizes. comments: This study was sponsored by the Salt River Project (a utility). " • ~ f} c . [ [ [ [ [ c c L [ [ c c c c p L [ L [ ... ~~---... "'" Everhart, Marion Ee n.do A Land Economic Study of Transmission Lines and Prescott-Mesa 230-kV, Maricopa County, Arizonao Arizona: M.E. Everhart, MAl. Sununary: Land Values, Scottsdale, This study examined the Prescott to Mesa 230-kV transmission lines effect on land values in Maricopa county, Arizonae conclusion~ This study concluded that transmission line easements crossing acreages or lots have no depressing effect on unit values of property. Methodological Evaluations ... The study did not control for other. factors which. could. have -.~f.--: .. ________ _ fected property values. comments: Study was sponsored by the Salt River Project (a utility)e I t .[ ]~_· ... ,-·· [ [ [ [ r [ c r' L [ [ c [ [ c r L L L L. ..-.:" ,_ .... . ~ ... ~-·-Francy, Robert E. 1974a Study of powerline Effects, Buyer Resistance; Blue Hills Farm, Yavapai County. Phoenix, Arizonaz R.Eo Francy. summary a This study examined the relationship between the presence of a high-voltage transmission line and the hypothesized resistance of prospective buyers to purchasing residential lots proximate to the transmission line. The study examined Blue Hills Farm subdivision in Yavapai county, Arizona. conclusion1 The study concluded that prospective buyers did not exhibit resis-tance to purchasing lots proximate to the transmission line. Methodological Evaluation: The report did not disclose whether lot sizes or distance from the transmission line were controlled for. comments: This study was sponsored by the Salt River Project (a utility). Since no buyer resistance was exhibited, the report infers that the transmission lines did not affect land values. "' • \ ~· 0·-L'-[ [ p L [ l' [ r ~ r L [ [ c c L [ p L L L [ . ' ..,... __ : .. :-.· -. ~· r Francy, Robert E~ 1974b Study of powcrline Effects on Rural Land Sales, Buckeye Area, Maricopa county. Phoenix, Arizona: R.Ec Francy. summarxs This study examined a transmission line's effect on the sales of rural properties located proximate to the line in the Buckeye area of Maricopa county, Arizona. Conclusion: The study c9ncluded that the existence of a transmission line and its structures had no meaningful effect on the sale price of rural lands. Methodological Evaluations The sample size was too small to be reliable and no explanation was given for the selection of this particular sample. Minimal attempts were made to control for factors such as: (l) time of sale, (2) presence or absence of utilities (e.g;, water and electricity), (3) road conditions, and (4) other land characteristics. comments: This study was sponsored by the Salt River Project (a utility). .. , , 117 t ~ -..... c:.:. -'··· .··. [ [ r [ C' [ 0 r L [ [ c [ [ [ F L [j G r-__ . Francy, Robert E. 1974c Study o( county. Summary: ~-----..;.~·~ powerline Effects on Rural Subdivisions in yavaeai Phoenix, Arizona: R.E. Francy~ This case study examined the effect of a hign-voltage transmission line on the sales of proximate subdivided rural properties in Yavapai County, Arizona. Conclusion: The study concluded that the existence of a transmission line ease-ment and its structures had no measurable effect on either the sale price or marketability of proximate land. Methodological Evaluation: The sample size was too small to be reliable, and no explanation was given for the sele~~i9~-~~_this par~!~?lar _sa~~le. No attempt was made to control for other factors which might have--affected property values .. comments: This study was sponsored by the Salt River Project (a utility). -..... .. • \ . .a..[.,··--.. . . ~" .. :~-.. ~-; .. I :.,-,.· \. ,.{ [ [ [ [ [ [ .. ~> c r L [ L c E [ [ f' L l 6 [. ... -.h.. .: ... ·-··---· __.. nanscn, John T., and David N. peterson 1961 A Study of the Effect of an Electric Trancmission Line on Property Values in paradise Valley North of Phoenix, Arizona. Phoenix, Arizona: J .. Leslie nansen & Son, AppraiJiers .. Summary1 This study examined the effect of a high-voltage transmission line on the value o( proximate properties in the Paradise valley north of phoenix and Scotts~ale, Arizona. Conclusion: The study identified no clear-cut trend in property value impacts. However, it concluded that in areas of higher-priced land, trans-mission lines have had adverse effects on property values. Methodological Evaluation: The study did not appear to inspect_property, confirm sales prices, or control for lot size. Comments: This study was sponsored by Arizona public Service (a utility). fi> ' \ T. --------[ [ r [ L [ c r L [ [ c c [ c f' L ti [ [_ --:. Kellough, W .. R, 1980a Impact Analysis of Electrical Transmission Line: part Ic Right of Way 46~50-SS .. Summaryr This article reviewed the existing literature.. It reviewed evidence concerning the effects of 500-kV lines in Canada and reported on results obtained in other studies which indicated that transmission lines have had significant adverse effects on land values, Conclusion: The study concluded that transmission line easements have had sig-nificant adverse effects on land values. The effect has ranged from 15 to 30 percent, depending on the size and type of property. Methodological-Evaluations The sample size-was large, but the sample selection process was not presented. Types of statistical controls were not specified. comments: This study was sponsored by Kellough. .,_ t ~ -"c·· .. C···-'. ~-' [ [ p L [ [ [ c r 6 [ [ c c c [ r L L: L c .. · .. ~~ ·-'· Kinnard, William N., Jr. 1967 Tower Lines and Residential Property Valuese The Appraisal Journal 35:269-8~. Summary: This article highlighted· the results of forty-two case studies per-formed by Kinnard and Stephens the Hartford, connecticut area. The case studies addressed transmission lines' effects on subdivided residential properties. conclusion: The study concluded that those transmission line effects on property values which occur immediately after construction of the line or after a new subdivision is established next to an existing line could be expected to diminish with time. Methodological Evaluation: For the most part, this study is methodlogically sound., Although lot size, square footage, time of sale, and other factors were all controlled in some manner, it is not possible to adequately assess the methodology used. comments: , This study was conducted for the Institute of Urban Research of the University of connecticut and sponsored by the connecticut Light and Power company and the Hartford Electric Light companye II>" t ' -.. . . ... f""":_ -. ,_._·:.. . :.. ... _: .. · -"' . . . -L;'7~--~ ..... -·. -. .. ·:~ _::._ ....... _:-._,. .. _ ; [ [ l [ [ [ c [ [ [ c c c c [::: L l L [ .. .... . . . . Kinnard, William N., Jr. and G.Ro Stephens 1965 Transmission Line Rights-of-Way and Residential values, volume ls Text. Storrs, Connecticut: Institute of Urban Research, University of connecticutG Summaryz An important work in its field, this report is a compendium of cita-tions from forty-two case studies concerning the effect of trans-mission lines on land values. The case studies addressed land value effects in residential subdivisions around Hartford, connecticut. They examined twelve hypotheses about the i~pact of transmission linesG Conclusions: The study concluded thata 1) The value of most residential property was adversely affected by being proximate to or intersected by transmission line rights of-way. 2) Adverse effects were present in the form of larger lots near the lines, which sold for the same price as smaller lots away from the line. 3) Higher-income subdivisions were more likely t~ have experienced adverse effects on property values. In these subdivisions, substantially larger lot sizes were common close to the right-of~way. Although it was not conclusive, the study supported the hypothesis that the "costs" of transmission lines may be depen dent on residential landowners' income levels. 4) The report contains some evidence that sales price differentials decrease over time. Methodological Evaluation: These studies have no basic theoretical model for an!'llysis; the general approach is intuitive and the interpretation of the results is impressionistic, despite the report's assertion that simple · t-tests and certain nonparametric techniques would be applied to the data. Also, no attempts were made to statistically control for fac-tors affecting sales price, and the experimental controls that were used may not have been adequate. comments: This study was conducted for the Institute for Urban Research of the University of connecticut and financed by the Connecticut Light and power Company and the-Hartford Electric Light Company. ,., • ' [J ~. ; ; ~ . ;<';·-,·: ~--. . . r: ·-' r~ f [ L [· c r L [ [ c [! [ [ r L [ L 1~.---~ .· .. . ... :-".. .. . ' .... -. . . -... .. ~ b._..·. Lamb, Robert B. 1963 Effects of Transmission Lines on Adjacent Landso ventura, California: Robert B. Lamb, Appraiser. Summary1 This southern california study examined transmission lines' effects on residential property valueso Conclusion: The study concluded that transmission line effects were confined to property in the easement. However, proximate properties may be ad-versely affected if their size is reduced to the point where their utility is reduced. Methodological Evaluations The above conclusions were reached despite the fact that the data showed lots proximate to transmission line easements were usually larger and despite a developer's te·stimony that he had discounted proximate lots by $1,000. The data was not analyzed in a rigorous manner, and developer's opinions were given more weight than actual sale prices. comments: The study was spons.ored by the Southern California Edison company. ~ ... ' ' -~ ... (···-. ::~-· .. 1-: .• c l, E [ [ [ E r L [ [ c c E c r l~ [ J ' [ [ ,. ~-:·-__ ........__._.:.:-. . . ... •·.,.·.·-:"·, ~ Layton, Charles w. 1960 A Study of Land values Adjacent to Steel Tower Transmission Line Easements. Detroit, Michigan: Detroit Edison Companyo Summaryi This study generated a data base on the value of properties located proximate to transmission line easements near Detroite Conclusion~ The study did not draw conclusions. However, the data indicated that lots proximate to the transmission line either sold for less or were larger than nonproximate lots. Methodological Evaluation: The sample size was too small to support conclusions. Furthermore, it presented lot prices asked by developers rather than actua~ sales prices. The data base did not include information on other factors that might have affected sales prices. comments: This study was sponsored by the Detroit Edison companyG ... • \ fL.-.--~ .~-t_j:::_. -., ~ . [ [ [ c [ [ D r u [ [ c 8 [ c r L L L L~ .----...... . -·' ~ ... ". . -· . . .. ' . .. ., J.ayton, Charles w. 1961 Subdivision Values Unaffected by Tower Lineso Detroit, Michigan: Detroit Edison Companys Summarys This study used thE" data base established in 1960 to determine transmission lines' effects on the value of sudivided residential properties near Detroit, Michigano conclusion: The study concluded that lots proximate to transmission line ease-ments sold for the same price and just as quickly as lots which were not proximate to the easements. Methodological Evaluation: Failure to consider resale data precluded accurate determination of impacts on land values. controls for lot size and house character-istics were not utilized. comments: This study was sponsored by the Detroit Edison companyo ,.,. . ' I. ,_, C-_,. --.. . . \·-.-: ""'·~ v..~_.· ....... J c [ p L [ [ [ n LJ r L [ u D c [ c r , u [ [ [._ . ... ~·-· ..... ,:· Manley, Francis Ee 1959 The community Aspect of a Utility Right-of-Wayo Nyack, New York: Orange and Rockland Utilities. Summarxz This study examined utility easements• effects on community develop-ment planninge conclusion: The study concluded that once utility easements were established, they did not adversely affect community development. Methodological Evaluation: Sample sizes were to small to allow determination of transmission line easements' effects on the value of proximate lots. comments: This study conducted for the American Right-of-Way Association and sponsored by the Orange and Rockland Utilities. .. "' -I ~ . ·~ -.... [.5i':. ~ ~ ,.:.::. [ [ C [ [ [ n L.l r L [ [ c 0 [ c r u [ L [ . -. ............_ .. -~ -New England Power Service company 1963 A Study of the Effect of High voltage Transmission Lines on Adjacent Real Estate Use and Valuese Boston, Massachusettsz New England power Service Companye Sununary: This study examined transmission lines' effects on the use and value of proximate properties in New Englande conclusion: The study concluded that transmission lines did not adversely affect proximate properties. Methodological Evaluation: The study did not control for differences in lot size, proximity to the easement, or other factors that might have affected land values. conunents: This study was sponsored by the New England Power Service Coo ,., ' ~ C.. ;. ---.-··-~· ... 'l· -·· .. :.· ..... ·;;-..-~-=--....... [ [ C [ [ [ n LJ r L [ [ c c E c r L [ 6 [ .. . -~ .-.. --~--.. ·'-":.·~·· .. .· .. .. ~... . -.,. . ·o-Reeves, George A., and Russell E. Swan 1960 The Effect of High Volta9e Transmission Real Estate. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: Appraisal Service. summarx: Lines on the value of Swan Real Estate using the results of an Oklahoma case study, this report analyzed transmission line's effect on the value of proximate properties. conclusion: The study concluded that any effect of an easement on the value of residential properties was small, provided the easement and location of supporting structures did not prevent the construction of a dwel-ling similar to the other houses in the neighborhood. Methodological Evaluation: Sample sizes were too small to produce reliable results, and the study did not control for other factors which might have affected land values. comments: This study was sponsored by the Oklahoma Gas and Electricity Company. -. ·:. ~ -~ .... 0> ' ' ~n.:~. ~. .. ~:. _; J c [ c [ [ [ 0 r L [ [ 0 c c c r L [ [· c ... ~ '·. -... ··· -~" .. ...... ·-~---' ........ , .... Rhodes, Richard M. 1970 Economic Effect of High Voltage Transmission Line Con-struction on Adjoining Properties. Right of Way 16:6-11. Summary: This study was a noncritical literature review which examined pre-viously done studies' conclusions about transmission lines' effects on land use and property values in agricultural arease conclusion: This study concluded that transmission lines adversely affected property values only when they created changes in land use. More-over, farm productivity was affected only at the towers and, for some crops, in the area under the linese Methodological Evaluation: This study was a noncritical survey of prior studiese comments: This study was conducted for the International Right-of-way Association and sponsored by Rhodese "' . ' \ L--· .. -...,: 7' ~~ ..J• -.J ~ [ [ [ [ [ c r L [ [ D c c c f L [ [ [ ·-_.. ~ ... . ...:;,·.: Smith, nerbert H .. 1965 An Economic Research and Property values. Associates. Summarys ~---.. --.;·., -~ -··· -. Study of Electrical Transmission Lines West Trenton, New Jerseyz Ho He Smith This study examined the effects of transmission lines on property values in Montogomery, Prince George, and Howard counties, Maryland. It attempted to ascertain whether properties proximate to transmission tower facilities increased in value at a slower rate than did similar properties not proximate to transmission towers. In each of nine subdivisions, propert~es were divided into those proximate to the transmission facilities and those not proximate. The latter were used as control properties. In smaller subdivisons, all of the properties were included in the analysis. In larger sub-divisions, a sample of comparable properties made up of two to four times the number of lots proximate to the right-of-way were chosen as the control area. Sales recorded since 1950 were compiled and confirmed, and an annual percent increase was estimated~ conclusion: The study concluden that electrical transmission facilities have no adverse or beneficial effect on the value of proximate properties. Methodological Evaluation: The lots studied were not randomly selectede Lot size and qther variables affecting price were not statistically or experimentally controlled. No test for significance was completed for the observed differences in the property value increase between proximate and nonproximate properties. · I comments: This study was sponsored by the potomac Electric Power company. r ' \ ·~: . .:.~ ....._...._ .. , --· .. University of Waterloo, Faculty of Environmental Studies 1978 The Socio-EConomic Impacts of Electrical Transmission corridors -A comparative A~alysisQ April 1978. Summary a This-study examined long-term social and economic impacts of SOO-kV and 230-kV transmission lines in eastern canada. The influence of line differences (age, voltage, physical size) on impacts was inves tigated. A review of canadian and United States literature was included. Conclusion a The study concluded that, with the exception of more frequent sales of property along the 500-kV line during the right-of-way acquisi-tion period, no significant differences in property value effects were found between the two lines. However, properties located adjacent to the lines had average prices that were 16 to 29 percent lower than similar lots in the control group, which was located awa from the transmission lines.· The percentage differences were generally greater for small properties than for larger properties. Methodological Evaluation: The sample consisted of 1,007 properties that were located along th lines and in the control-group during the 1967-77 period. The stud confirmed sales and average prices per acre for different sizes and types of property. By setting up control groups, the study con= trolled for other variables that could have affected property value comments: The study was sponsored by the Royal commission on Electric Power Planning, an agency of the Canadian government. ~ t " . , [}~:·;,~._.-;.; ;~-~ ~ . ---. ;' .., .:.·-~ :.. . <.. -:..:----:·s._ .... ._. ..... ,.;,~ ·'• ' _, ~ ... I~-c [ c [ [ [ 0 r L [ c D c [ c r L R L 6 [-.. .. Woods Gordon Management Consultants, Urban, Regional and Environmental Affairs Group 1981 Studt on the Economic Impact of Electrical Transmission corr dora on Rural Property values. Toronto, Canadat Prepared for Ontario Hydro. Sununarys This paper consists of six rural canadian case studies of the effect of high-voltage electric transmission lines on the value of adjacent properties. conclusions The paper concluded that transmission lines did not affect the value of land in agricultural areas. However, transmission lines did appear to lower (by 10 to 15 percent) the selling price of proper-ties in areas were residential development was likely to occur. Methodological Evaluat-iom -------------------The study's model would probably have explained more of the varia-tion in property values it had controlled variables such as lot size, distances from the transmission line, highways, and towns. Also, a more powerful test could have been conducted by combining the test and control groups and using binary variables to estimate the effect of the transmission line. The study indicated that developers do not usually discount _the price of lots located adjacent to transmission line easements but occasionally increase lot sizes. The study relied upon cases where the sample sizes were too small to produce reliable results, and the few cases with adequate sample sizes generally failed to statis-tically control for other factors affecting sales prices. Moreover, most of the studies looked only at the prices charged by developers and, hence, picked up only what the developer thought the impact of transmission line easements would be, rather than the market evalu-ation of the impact. The one case that had an adequate sample size, statisticaliy controlled for other factors which affected sales prices, and included both original and resale prices indicated transmission lines had negative effect on adjacent property values. Comments: .. The study's sponsor is unknown. -.. ... ' I [ ---· ·.. -· '.. ~ . ·'" ' . . . . . . --..... ' t .... -=-·· . > .~ · ... -.~· .. ~ ... _ . ·--':" ..,... ............ . -·-[ [ r [ l-[ p ~ r be> [ [ r~ L c c c r L L L t ~ ... ;...:,. .-· Zundel, R. 1959 Summary~ c. A Study of the Effects which an Existing Transmission Line has of the Development of the Immediate Area for Residential Housing. Allentown, Pennsylvania: pennsylvania power and Light Company. This study examined the effect of an existing high-voltage electric transmission line on the development of residential housing in Pennsylvania. conclusions The study concluded that prospective purchasers of residential lots were willing to pay approximately the same price for land which was close to a transmission line as for land in other sections of the development. However, the data indicated the sales price of land in close proximity to a transmission line was about 6 percent lower than the sales price of land in other sections of the development. Methodological Evaluation: The study's sample size was too small to produce reliable resultse Sales comparison were made on a front-foot basis and did not consider the overall size of the lot. comments: The study was sponsored by the pennsylvania power and Light companyG .,. . ! I XHc:IVH~I'lQIQ :g XIQN:3:ddV -.· -... -"""": · .. )_ ··-·. -.. ·-~ .. •. ' ' 0 ...... .:. '• .··"'! '•'] ~] ·- J J ] J ] J '1 J J ] ~·~ J J J J ~-;; .-L ... ~\;~~]' ' ---. "'; ,•. ~:-v·. --U. . . ..:... ~. .b .. f-"7·· . . . :·: -~::-.. -·.: .. --). ---~­~~--~-·-~ .-....... . _j~,--.. ·~·-~-··_"'_ .b [ r c [ [' _, [ c r L [ [ c c [ c f' L [. L [,., -·:·-·· .......... -. . . . -BIBLIOGRAPHY Alleman, Ro G. 1968 On the puzzle of the powerline (letter). The ~ppraisal Journal 36. Arizona public Service company and the San Diego·Gas and Electricity Company ned. Interconnection A9_riculture Study. Asplundh 1977 Environmental Services Bahl, Ray 1974 Environmental and Economic Aspects of Contemporaneous Electric Transmission Line Right-of-Way Management Techniquese New York: June 1977. Prepared for the Empire State Electric Energy Research Corporation. Measuring the Social costs of Transmission Tower Lines: A Property value Approacho In Hendrickson, PeH., et a1.1 Measuring the Social Attitudes and Aesthetic and Economic considerations which Influence Transmission Line Routing. Richland, wash.: Battelle pacific Northwest Laboratories. Ball, Thomas A. 1979 The Economic Effects of power Lines Adjacent to Residential Properties in Phoenix and_Tempe, Ariz. phoenix: Thomas A. Ball, MAl. Battelle 1977 1974 Pacific Northwest Labo~atories Alternative Electrical Transmission Systems and their Environmental Impact. Richland, Wash.: Prepared for u.s. Nuclear Regulatory commission, washington, n.c., 1977. the August Measuring the Social Attitudes and Aesthetic and Economic Considerations which Influence Transmission Line Routing. Richland, wash.: Prepared for the u.s. Atomic Energy commission, July 1974. Bennett, Charles J. 1979 Assessment of potential Socioeconomic Impacts of Transmission corridor Development. paper presented at Second Symposium on Environmental concerns in Rights-of-Way Management at the· University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, October 1979. Blinder, 1979 Calvin L. The Effect of Transmission Lines on Residential Property Values. Paper presented at the Second Symposium on Environmental concerns in Rights-of-Way Management, · University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, October 1979. .,.. ! • ........ ' ;\· .... -[-: # •• '. : :~. -·-.-• ;;··-. -. . :. -."t -~·· ~:.-·· .... --.-4' .. ··~'-I ·. -'\:.~·:: . -. ~., .. · ~..... .... ~ . ' i~-.... ~·-... · .. ... ····: '• '-·" ; ' • ..1. [ [ c [ [ [~ c r L [ [-, _j c [; [ [ t:J u [ c L -... P.F. Brennan, 1963 A Study of the Effects of Transmission Line Rights of Way On Adjacent Residential Property. LOs Angeless P&Fu Brennan, Property Appraiser. Brookshire, David s. ·1977 Some Results and problem Areas in the Application of Bidding Games. Electric power Research Institute Special Report, March 1977. canadian Real Estate corporation 1973 High Voltage Electric Transmission Lines and Property Values. Toronto: Canadian Real Estate corporation, Ltdo canadian Royal commission on Electrical planning 1978 The Socioeconomic Impacts of Electrical Transmission corridors. April 1978. Carll, Cloice D. 1956 Valuation of a power Line Right Awaye The Appraisal Journal 24:248-56. casper, Barry H., and paul D. Wellstone 1981 Powerline: The First Battle of America's Energy War. Amherst: University of Massachussets Press, 1981. Clark, LOuis E., Jr. 1972 Electric Transmission Lines and Real Property Values. Chattanoog_a: Tennessee Valley AUthority. Clark, Louis E., Jr. and F.H. Treadway, Jr. 1972 Impact of Electrical power Transmission Line Easements on Real Estate values. Chicago: American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers. Colwell, peter F., and Kenneth w. Foley 1979 Electrical Transmission Lines and the Selling Price of Residential Property. The Appraisal Journal 47:490-99. commonwealth Associates, Inc. n.d. An Estimation of Selected Annual costs to the Farmers and the cooperatives of TWo Structure Designs in carver county, Minnesota. Jackson, Mich. Commonwealth Associates, Inc. 1975 A Comprehensive Approach to Transmission Rights-of-Way. 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