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Neither the United States nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, expressed or· implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for any third party's use or the results of such use of any information, apparatus, product or process dis- cl osed in this report, or represents that its use by such third party would not infringe privately owned rights. . .f' Printed in the United States of America Available from National Technical Information Service U.S. Department of Commerce 5285 Port Royal.Road Springfield, VA 22161 NTIS price codes DOE/EV-0072 TECHNOLOGY CHARACTERIZATIONS Environmental Information Handbook U.S. Department of Energy Assistant Secretary for Environment Office of Environmental Assessments Technot·ogy Assessments Division · Washmgton, D.C. 20545 June 1980 Supersedes DOE/EV-0081 /1 Printed January 1980 'I II I I I ,, I 'o·· I I I I I I I I· I I -I I I I I I I • I I I I I I I I I I .. FOREWORD The business of the public sector is to make governmental policy decisions and to implement those already made. These activities demand cons'iderable amounts of time and resources. Furthermore, they require the gathering and analyses of large amounts of information for successful operation and com- pletion. Policy debates, often conducted in a hurried atmosphere, initiate an immediate requirement for new analytical information for a particular issue under consideration. When a new subject is begun, the previously developed information is set aside to be used later for similar discussions. Even then, the users tend to be the same people who were familiar with the prior data base. · Information developed in thi.s manner is generally not available to the open literature. This is true not because of any desire for secrecy, but because it takes time and resources to organize information for.purposes other than policy decision inputs. The inclination is usually lacking in the bureaucracy to take the additional time and spend the resources to transform information for other uses or even to initially develop it in a format for additional possible applications. Furthermore, there is often the suspicion that public sector information from a mission agency is not apt to be totally unbiased, and this.can result in tacit dismissal. The Envirorvnental Handbook Series is designed to overcome the deficiency of information utility and transfer. Each of the works in this series will bring together information in an area and format that is useful to both public and private·sector needs. It is meant to serve as a basic reference document that will stand for a period of time and help to enri~ decisionmaking and research in the interface of energy and the envi·rorvnent. Further, the production of summary documents, such as in this Handbook, helps to more sharply focus the adversarial nature of policy debates. By making explicit the information base available and by exposing it to peer review prior to input into policy deliberations, an organ.ization insures the credibility of the data, or has a basis for not using it. The policy debate then narrows considerably· as the quality of the technical detail is sub- stantiated. This particular handbook deals with environmental characterization data for the energy technologies and presents the data in a format for use by DOE policy analysts. This treatment includes not only the actual information base, but also a Preface which explains the present concept, the historical growth of the program, and the new direction for improved utility. The information base, itself, is constantly being enhanced and is republished periodically as necessary. iii The development and maintenance of tht! Environmental Characterization Infonna- don Base is the responsibility of th~> Technology Assessments Division. Assis- tance was provided by The Mitre Corporation in the preparation of the summary information sheets, and by the Aerospace Corporation in the development of the draft Environmental Information Characterization Report (Appendix A). Special acknowledgement goes to Albert E. Fry, consultant, for assistance provided in the preparation of the Preface. o . . . ~ Peter w. House, Director Office of Environmental Assessments Office of Environment iv .., I I I " I. \qr I I I ·I I I I I I I I 0> I .;;/ I I I I II I ! I I • I (" I I I I I I I I ~ .. ... ... . PREFACE Environmental Information Requirements for Energy Technologies The availability of quality energy-related environmental information for use by the Department of Energy is essential for evaluating alternative energy policies and technology strategies, and for carrying out responsibilities assigned by the Congress. Environmental information is ·required for two dif- ferent purposes. First, the Department conducts strategic energy policy and planning analyses which forecast the future levels of U.S. energy consumption and supply as well as the shares to be provided of the various fuels by the competing energy technologies. Second, the Department plays a leading role in the development and advocacy of specific new energy technologies. Simply stated, energy planners are seeking to determine how much energy will be required and produced domestically, and how much of this domestic share will be produced from the various energy sources. Strategic energy planning should include an assessment. of the environmental implications of the various energy generating technologies. The relative success or failure of the competing energy technol- ogies depends upon economic, engineering and environmental considerations. These considerations are inseparable since engineering design modifications and the implementation of additional control technologies can reduce pollution residuals at some added cost. efficiency and safety of the energy technologies involved. The Department also needs environmental information for other program requirements ranging from the preparation of Environmental Impact Statements to working with the Environmental Protection Agency in the development of environ- mental regulations for emerging energy technologies. Department of Energy en- vfronnental information fs often used by State and Local planners, by public interest groups, and by the business community in the process of formulating industrial policy. However, the first two purposes identified are representa-• tive of the Department of Energy's needs in this area and also provide a focus for identifying certain inherent problems with the information. To conduct strategic energy policy and planning analyses. national or regional energy models are usually employed. Given existing resource and time limitations, collection of accurate and current information for each individual energy facility is costly. Energy analysts are forced to rely on limited in- formation for existing or hypothetical facilities for·estimating the environ- mental impacts. For example, the analyst may rely on real data from existing plants collected by the Environmental Protection Agency or State environmental control agencies, or, based on existing and proposed environmental regulations. ~ the analyst may develop a representative model of future plants and extrapolate existing data to fit the representative model. No real plant will match this model plant precisely since site ·specific conditions~-coal type, system com- ponents, engineering design, environmental control technology and other factors may vary somewhat from the model in reality. Over a reasonable sample size this representative plant works very well. But for a single site specific plant there will be variations from the expected information. The problem of ascribing data to hypothetical facilities is heightened when dealing with new v emerging technologies, which are usually dependent upon a limited number of prototype or demonstration facilities and may not reflect· future reality. The description of most model process systems with the related data can always be improved since more resources enable the analysts to perform a more comprehensive study, and apply more quality control. Data elements in partic- ular, always require continuous validation and updating. A problem facing every information manager is the determination of which information require- ments can be satisfied within given budgetary constraints. For analyses re- quired to support the development of emerging new energy technologies, the· level of specificity of environmental information desired is very high. The program manager needs assurance that information is generated from an engineer- ing design or operation which most accurately reflects the program manager's current projection of the specific· energy technology to be carried through to commercialization. The fewer the number of existing facilities, the more difficult it is to develop a representative model plant. If the analyst attempts to average a wide range of estimates, the decision makers find that the information is no longer useful. In sumnary, enviromtental characterization information needs to meet both the general requirements of the strategic energy policy planner and the more specific requirements of the managers of developing technologies. Additionally, the information should be documented~ verifiable, consiStent, current and available in a format applicable to the diverse users inside and outside the Department. Evolution of the Activft,y The conception of the Environmental Characterization Information activity began with information requirements for the Strategic Environmental Assessment System (SEAS). SEAS, a mathematical model for assessing environmental impacts on a national scale, was originally developed by the Washington Environmental Research Center of EPA. Subsequently, use of thi'S model was incorporated into the analyses conducted by .the Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA) Assistant Administrator for Environment and Safety. SEAS contains ex- tensive environnental data files which were drawn initially from a wide range of sources such as the EPA National Emissions Data System, the EPA New Source Performance Standards and Effluent Guidelines, Hittman Associates "Environ- mental Impacts, Efffdency, and Cost of Energy Supply and End Use" (Contract for CEQ), the EPA "Cost of Clean Air" and "C!>st of Clean· Water," and the EPA "Industry Studies-." Subsequently, additional data from the Bureau of Mines, Federal Power Commission, Federal Energy Administration, Brookhaven National Laboratory and from ERDA's Market ·oriented Program Planning Study (MOPPS) were added to the SEAS data bases. The data developed were normalized to 1D12 Btu of energy output for use by the model. These extensive environmental data bases, despite existing inadequacies, comprised the most complete data set of environmental characterization .information available to· ERDA-and subsequently to the Department of Energy. . vi A I I I -2 { y" I I I I I I .I I ·I I I ;;J I . . -.t I I I I I I -I :• I I I I. ·a I I I ~ I •· ' ) i l In 1977, with contractual assistance from the MITRE Corporation, Consad, Inc., Control Data Corporation, and International Research and Technology, Inc., SEAS was used by ERDA to produce the information for the first Annual Environ- mental Analysis Report which provided a national and regional analysis of President Carter's first National Energy Plan. Distributed widely, the report became an important element in the energy policy debate which followed. In 1978, the Office of Technology Impacts, under the DOE Assistant Secretary for Environment, accelerated the validation and updating of the data in SEAS. As an integral part of this activity, a series of documents gradually evolved which presented comprehensive environmental data on the environmental pollution po- tential of the various energy technologies. The first step was the production of summary data sheets for. a set of energy technologies. These summary sheets were generated in a format which reflected SEAS requirements. The first volume, "Environmental Data for Energy Technology Policy Analysis," was published in January 1979,. with a supplement adding sev- eral new technologies appearing in August 1979. In January 1980, a revision entitled, "Environmental Data/Energy Technology Characterizations" was issued. Approximately one-half of the data summary sheets had undergone considerable revision with improved quality control and data source documentation. In addition, supplemental publications for each major energy fuel source (coal, nuclear, petroleum, solar, etc.) have since been pre- pared to explain the methods used to develop the summary volume. The chapters in each supplementary volume, relating specifically to the organization of the summary, begin with a brief description of standard characteristics, size, avail- ability, mode of operation, and place in the fuel cycle. Next, major legislative and/or technological factors influencing the commercial operation of the activity are identified as well as coefficients for resources consumed, residuals producea, and economic.infonnation. The data sUIMiilry sheets presented in subsequent pages of this publication complete the ~ajar revision begun in January. Present Limitations The purpose of the. present activity is to present environmental character- ization information in a useful format for environmental policy and planning analyses relating to energy technology development and deployment. The infor- mation should represent the best available data on resource requirements and environmental effects for each principal energy technology considered. . ~ Evaluation of·the present information base has revealed inherent weaknesses. Some data are inconsistent with the base model description, some are based on faulty assumptions or outdated engineering designs, some data have been entered incorrectly into the system, and some elements have been derived from studies of questionable validity. As a result, approximations have been made by analysts. Also, missing data are prevalent, particularly for coal conversion and other new technologies. While approximations assuming reasonably valid and consist- ent information are. ordinarily adequate for general environmental policy and vii planning activities. this approach is not adequate for site specific analyses. If one is concerned with the distribution of plants. across the country, then the fnfonnation can be used ··to develop estimates of the total loadings in a particular geographic region, representing the total environmental impact for that reg,ion. Although aggregations of the residuals can be computed in this way result- ing in an understanding of the changes or rates of changes of total pollutants in the environment. problems remain. The information in "Environmental/Energy Data Characterizations" is not realistically representative of specific operations nor realistic in terms of being able to identify the need for particular control equipment that might have modified these systems. In many cases, the hypothetical plant on which the,characterizatfon fs based is an average of several installa- tions which ~ have used different technological bases. The energy systems used to develop the model plant vary in. character and raw material input require- ments. The hypothetical basi's i'$ ineffective for real world analyses. While. the net result of the present effort has sign.ificantly improved in- fonnation, certain deficiencies in consisfency and reliability-remain. Because the data have· been di!rivei:t from mtiltipie sources, the. numbers represent outcomes of engineering analyses which have been developed using different criteria. The residuals computed for a particular ty,pe of technology are sometimes derived from the analyses of two or more specific engineering-systems, each behaving differently and discharging different levels of residuals. Moreover. in addition to not us·ing staridard criteria for base system selection., certain parameters have been d\rived by calculations which do not have a clear relationship to a specific engineering system. Consequently, the environmental residual coefficients combined in the summary volume· as a single value are not always consistent in representing actual residuals output. Failure· to apply standard criteria from component to component within. the process result~ in certain of the environmental residual.coefffcfents· being noncomparable· to other coefficients within the same technology or the other technologies. Becaus-e work has conttnued'on the development of engineering systems, specific.infonna.tion has become available· over time on new energy technologies. In particular. operating data from pilot operations and ino.re detailed designs have become available. This presents a unique opportunity to take the next logical step to improve the· infonMtion base by substituting this new engineer- ing specific environmental data. In cases where actual data based on engineering. operations is not yet-available, computations and energy balances can be made to provide information about the unit operation and.steps within the overall process. A more accurate ~nd detailed set of infonnation including operating parameters. resources. and environmental pollutants under specific conditions of energy generation and operation of facilities would.'result. Thfs would provide the user not only with'better information for decision·making at the policy level. planning, and identification of envir9nmental control require- ments. but also·with information which identifies the need for specific en- vironmental R&D and control technology data. It would also·provfde DOE with vHf I I I -~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .. I ~.! I I I I I I I I .. -l .-"'-, ' ' ' ' j t ~ specific environmental information for the analysis of systems being developed at particular sites. The value of this information for environmental impact assessment to satisfy NEPA requirements would be an important example. All these considerations point to the need for a new progranmatic approach. Future Direction The development of a new approach will significantly alter the present process. Instead of environmental information flowing from the SEAS data base to the information file, the process will be reversed. Environmental character- ization information will be derived through a detailed engineering analysis of a specific energy technology process, and developed through an Environmental Characterization Information Report. The process specific data sheets will be pulled together in a sunmary volume for all technologies. This new information will be available to augment SEAS as appropriate. The next. section will outline the proposed changes in the system and describe the Energy Characterization Information Report concept. If environmental characterization information is to effectively serve planning and analyses by the Department and other users, the information contained in the file must be at a level of quality that will ensure its acceptance. and use. As noted above, the Office of Technology Impacts has determined, after objective appraisal, that the quality of information must be improved. The improvements will be directed at enhancing several important quality attributes of the information; its representative character, its inherent consistency and validity, and its currency. Users of the information will be able to track or replicate the data independently. This means that all initial calculations or subsequent revisions will be explicitly documented.· Accordingly, the Office of Environment is establishing a revised approach for & conducting these related activities, as described in Figure 1. (Figure 1 is shown on the next page.) fx f'L 'i.· ;il. -- )( ~·~'--' ~- ® "' .. .. INFORMATION FLOW <D ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERIZATION INFORMATION R~PORT 1 L ION L ION \ I. ---eun.nt ----Future ''---~ ~ ® SYST£fAS USERS -Strategic Environmental Assessment System -Policy Analysis Screening System -Energy lnlormallon Admlnlslrallon -Other Federal Syslems ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERIZATION INFORMATION PROGRAM ----.. ~') --~;-"-- - [ [ [ • c ., [ [ E c u r: w [ [ c [ F I_ c_ L "- [ "' c c [ ' -·~ lf ~- All information developed through the new· approach will be subjected to technical review 1 conducted by the appropriate technology specialist from the Office of Technology Impacts consulting with recognized experts in the related fields. The activity to develop the information and present it for technical is the central element in this new system. The final presentation of the characterization information will be the report 2 . Each report will be technology specific. Basic information developed in the report will be used for updating the automated information base 3 and for preparing the summary volume 4 which encompasses all of the energy technologies. The automated information base can be used to transfer the data automatically to other Departmental users 5 as appropriate. A report will be prepared for each specific energy 'base system. It will represent one or typical elements of an energy fuel cycle. The basis for the characterization information in the report will be a specified energy tech- nology system typical of systems in current operation or under development for eventual commercialization. Since ft is not feasible to produce a char- acterization for every possible system variant, the selection will insure, as availability permits, that the energy technology system chosen for characterization is representative of actual systems and broadly representative of a segment of the overall energy supply or conservation system. By associating the characterization information with actual systems, the credibility of the information will be enhanced for systems of that type. There are components of an emerging energy technology system which equate to actual functioning systems and for these components the information represented will be accurate and can be used for purposes of predicting how a particular segment of a new system might function in the future. The representation can be regarded as highly reliable because it is closely based upon real or as near to real system data as i_s obtainable. In the Environmenta'l Characterization Information Report, the analysis of resource requirements, environmental residual coefficients, and certain impacts will be carried out for each major component and environmental point-of-interest fn the system. The system will be graphically portrayed with all environmental points-of-interest identified and related to the narrative discussion in the text. The assumptions and methods used to derive the information will be clearly shown. Information will be taken either directly from the technical literature (if its validity and usefulness is confirmed by qualified experts) or extrapolated by computation or by suitable estimating technique from such information. In instances where information is. not available directly, a valid estimating method may be employed and will be documented. For those components of the process that are not fully developed, the best available exp~rfmental information will be used. xi • The results of this new approach, to managing the selection, review and presentation of the information, should represent a significant step forward in providing useful information for environmental analyses and planning. The fundamental advantages for adopting this approach are several: o a baseline will have been established for focusing continuing review, and update of environmental information, o the baseline will provide a common reference point for individual users to extrapolate from with respect to their specific situations, o the user will have assurance that all information in the file has been subjected to expert review, o the user will have an accessible, easy to understand, and well documented presentation showing the derivation of informaUon for each envf.ronmental point-of-interest in the system, o standard criteria for environmental information development will be used, and, o availability and relevancy to other Departmental programs will be enhanced. To illustrate the new approach, a draft prototype Environmental Characterization Information Report has been developed for a new coal-fired power plant burning typical Eastern United States bituminous coal. The prototype Report is in Appendix A . In this instance, the best available characterization of both the tech- nology and its associated impacts were developed for each step and module .fn a specific engineering design. For each component step or module, computations were carried out based upon the best information available in order to specify ·what the environmental characterization of that particular module would be and to put the results in terms and dimensions convenient to the user. The infor- mation is expressed in conventional engineering units, metric units, and in terms compatible with computer modeling requirements. Coefficients are express- ed for a variety of parameters of interest: Resources Coal Consumption Water Consumption Raw Materials Land Environmental Residuals Air Pollutants Water Contaminants frace Meta 1 s Solid Wastes Heat Losses xii ' [ r [ ' [ .~ [ [ [ [ Q [ c [ [ [ ·" c [ ·~ [ c .[ [ [ [ .. [ ~. [ [ [ c 0 c c c c [ c ,, [ [ [ [ Further development of the prototype will include information relevant to capital costs, pollution contr,ol costs. manpower requirements, more occupa- tional health and safety factors, and other parameters as needed. The infor- mation will be uniformly presented in all Environmental Characterization Information Reports. Priority will be given to emerging technologies which are the primary focus of DOE's energy policy analyses. Ultimately, as resources permit. a complete library of these reports will be developed comprising about 50-60 energy technology systems of interest. Initially, the program will focus on those conventional and emerging energy syst.ems that are critical to National energy policy in the near and intermediate term. Subsequently, second and third generation technologies for use in the 1990 era will also be addressed. These will be evolving .documents and will be revised as appropriate. SUJTmary In conclusion, this revised activity is designed to overcome discrete deficiencies in the present system. The new approach emphasizes realistic representation and expert verification. Information sources, calculations. or data manipulations will be documented. Users of the information will be able to trace the source of the data and have confidence in its credibility. Environmental Characterization Information Reports will represent a significant advance in specificity, reliability and comprehensive untility over earlier presentations of environmental/energy technology data. xfii i J J : J J ] 0 0 J 0 J J J J J J J J [ [ [ " [ ... [ TABLE OF CONTENTS [ FOREWORD Page iii PREFACE v TABLE OF CONTENTS xv INTRODUCTION xxiii [ NUCLEAR ENERGY 1 Open Pit Uranium Mining 3 Underground Uranium Mining 5 Uranium Milling 7 c Uranium Hexafluoride .Conversion 9 Uranium Enrichment. Gaseous Diffusion 11 Uranium Enrichment Gas Centrifuge 13 Fuel Fabrication Plant 15 Light Water Reactor Nonradiological Effluents 17 0 Light Water Reactor Radiological Effluents 19 High Temperature Gas Reactor · 21 Light Water Breeder Reactor 23 COAL . . 25 c Surface Coal Mining -Eastern ·27 Surface Coal Mining -Western 29 Underground Coal Mining -Eastern 31 Coal Beneficiation 33 Conventional Boiler -Eastern Coal 35 0 Conventional Boiler -Western Coal 37 c Atmospheric Fluidized-Bed Combustion -Bituminous Coal 39 Atmospheric Fluidized-Bed Combustion -Western Subbituminous 41 Coal Magnetohydrodynamic System 43 Coal-Oil Mixture Retrofit Boiler· 45 Central Coal-011 Mixture PreparaUon Plant 47 Eastern Coal Unit Train · 49 Western Coal Unit Train 51 0 Eastern Coal Conventional Train 53 Western Coal Conventional Train 55 Barge Transportation -Eastern Coal 57 Barge Transportation -Western Coal 59 c Coal Transportation by Truck -Eastern Coal 61 b XV [ Preceding page b1ank C r~ G [ J J J J J J n u J 0 D 0 ] g J J J J J J [ [ [ " [ .. [ c c c 0 0 c c c [ [ [ , [ c [ ' TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page Slurry Pipeline 63 High Voltage Transmission 65 Very High Voltage Transmission 67 PETROLEUM. 69 Section Notes 71 Onshore Oil Exploration -Lower 48 States 73 Offshore Oil Exploration -Lower 48 States 77 Onshore Primary 011 Extraction -Lower 48 States 81 Offshore Oil Extraction -Lower 48 States 85 Onshore· Enhanced 011 Recovery -Steam Injection -Lower 48 89 States Oil-Fired Steam Electric Power Plant 91 Crude 011 Storage fn Salt Dome Caverns 95 NATURAL GAS Section Notes Onshore Gas Exploration -Lower 48 States Offshore Gas Exploration -Lower 48 States Onshore Gas Extraction -Lower 48 States Offshore Gas Extraction -Lower 48 States Natural Gas Purification Gas-Fired Steam Electric Powe~ Plant Underground Natural Gas Storage Natural Gas Transmission Pipeline LNG Tanker SYNTHETIC FUELS Solvent Refined Coal II H-Coal (1) Lurgi Process -Lignite Coal Lurgi Process -We~tern Subb1tuminous Coal In-Situ Coal Gasification Surface Oil Shale Mining Underground Oil Shale Mfnfng TOSCA II Shale Retorting Modified In-Situ Shale Retorting In-Situ Shale Retorting xvif i· Preceding page blank 97 99 101 105 109 113 117 119 123 125 127 131 133 135 137 139 141 143 145 147 149 151 ]- ] J J J J J J J 0 0 J J ] J J J J J l [ [ [ [ [ c c 0 [ c c [ [ E [ [ [ [ TABLE OF CO~TENTS (continued) Page SOLAR E~ERGY 153 Solar Heating and Cooling of Building Systems 155 Residential/Commercial Hot Water Heating 157 Residential/Commercial Heating-Active System 159 Residential Heating and Cooling -Active System 161 Residential/Commercial Heating -Passive System 163 Solar Agricultural and Industrial Process Heat Systems 165 Low Temperature Solar AIPH 167 Medium Temperature Solar AIPH 169 Photovoltaic Energy Systems 171 Residential Photovoltaic System 173 Solar Photovoltaic Pbwer Plant (Central Utility) 175 Wind Energy Conversion Systems 177 Residential/Commercial Wind Energy Conversion System 179 Wind Energy Conversion System -Electric Utility Application 181 Solar Thermal Power Systems 183 Solar Thermal Power Plant (Central Facility) 185 Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion 187 Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion 189 Biomass Energy Systems 191 Wood-Fired Steam Electric Plant 193 Deleted 195 Deleted 197 Deleted Deleted Deleted Deleted GEOTHERMAL ENERGY Geothermal -Vapor Dominated System Geothermal -Flash Injection System xix Preceding page blank 199 201 203 205 207 209 211 J J J J J ] J J I - ! J J 0 J J J J J J J J [ [ [ [ ... [ [ E c r L c c [ [ [ E [ [ [ [ TABLE OF CONTENTS (concluded) HYDROELECTRICITY Large Hydroelectric Plant Small Hydroelectric Plant Pumped Storage System APPENDIX A Environmental Characterization Information Report: Coal Ffred Power Plant (Eastern Coal) xxf Preceding page blank Page 213 215 217 219 A-1 ] J J J J J J J J 0 0 J d J J J J J ~ c [ [ • [ ~ [ [ [ c c c c [ c [ E ~ [ [ r~ c [ lNTROOUCTI ON Revised sections of this publication also include new summary sheets for the solar, oil, and gas technologies. Assumptions and methods use~ to derive the total of summarized information are available as additional volumes. The total library of documentation includes the following: SUIIIMry (Handbook) Nuclear · · Coal Petroleum Natural Gas Synthetic Fuels Hydroelectricity Backup documentation for the solar technologies is available through a variety of reports published under the Technology Assessment of Solar Energy Project. The reports are referenced in this volume on the applicable pages. The infonnatfon summarized in this Handbook represents the current status of data development and verification performed by technology specialists in the Technology Assessments Division, Office of Environment. If there are any questions regarding the information presented herein, please contact the technology specialists listed below for further discussions. Nuclear Energy: Coal: Synthetic Fuels from Coal: Petroleum and Natural Gas: Oil Shale: Solar Energy: Geotherma 1: Hydroelectricity: Conservation : W. Neill Thomasson William G. Wilson Bipin c. Almaula George J. Rotariu George J. Rotariu Gregory J. D'Alessio Robert P. Blaunstein Robert P. Blaunstein David 0. Moses 353-4327 353-4414 353-4401 353-5865 353-5865 353-5141 353-5849 353-5849 353-4665 Comments or questions dealing with the scope or objectives of this program should be addressed to the EV Program Manager, Nevaire M. Serrajian, Mail Station E-201, Germantown (telephone 353-4658). · Notes on the Format The specific energy systems for which environmental/technology characterization information is provided are grouped as follows: o Nuclear Energy o Coal o Petroleum o Gas o Synthetic Fuels o Solar Energy o Geothermal Energy o Hydroelectricity xxiii Preceding page b1ank Information for each energy system is presented in a unifonn three-column format with one system per page. Because of extensfve information on some systems, continuation pages have been included. The first column "Energy System" provides the basic technical information for the system or process. Included are the following: o Size of a typical plant or operating system, which includes typical operating capacities, yields, efficiencies and annual production capacities. o Description of the process and its mode of operation .. o Principal components of the system. o Major environmental concerns. The third column presents information on environmental residuals and energy products •. The residuals listed include air pollutants, water pollutants, radiation, and solid wastes. In cases where the technology is not sufficiently advanced to provide quantitative information, the anticipated pollutants are listed to indicate their existence. Again, because the different energy systems vary widely in size, all residuals and roducts information is iven for a h othetical ener s stem or ant o one tr on tu ro uction c;apocity. xxiv [ [ [ [ [ [ E [ 0 [ c [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ J J J J ] J J J J z = J ;. e: l'!l ; J a J d J J J ] J J J J J J I] I I J J J J J J J J ] ] J J J J £ ~bt ii;l i ;;;;i l ~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~ :i -.: e !. ~- e £ J J J ]· ] J J J J J J J J J J J J J l ] J J J -J 0 J J J J J J J I . ... 6 i::t "· ~. ~~ l!li !If ., M; .. , ~ o· ., .... e-: Oi o: -~· <~' ~! • oi !:'" J J ~1 L .. J J J J J J ] ] ] ] J J J J J J 11 J J J ] J J J ] J J J J J Q . 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". a ... ;Q~n .. =s i ~-f . =-!"'· ::· f f==j sr·l ~~-f r" ~, ~;a :-~u ·~rr ~rn -~ r --u ;!11 !jr~ rifE J~i~ if:! -hi ;:-i~ ~HI .. ... .. .. ei~f [,~. .,.!fO.,. !u~ hi[ ,,;, r~ r:. f'l~ !£5 i •. ~oi. a=a i~· f ... is [ .. ~-~~ : 2 i!lf f 1 a. ~ l ~ ll= i i f iE ~ i EJ a" [ E ~ i~ f J ~ r ~ ! l ! i"[ I i 8 r· i ~ I 1 j_ ;;- 5 i ~ ~ t if . ~ = ~ i :. l: i 1 . ~ ~ ....... :.. kklr 0 0 " 6 = J J J J ] J -] J J J J ] J~ J J J ] J J J J ] ] J J ] J J J J J J J ------~ ~ .e ~.:::: 0 0 liD ... 6 ... ... J J J J ] ] ] J J J ] J J J J J l J J J ] J J J 'I J J J ~ J ] J J J J rs I Se6;9~E ~ ~rii~f[ ~~!~Ef ·!~.r~ ·_;!lH Fti h ~a~rF ! ··;t . ',.__ 1 = .rhr ~f~rH c u "f rw1 i ,:!! f' " rJ~•! . w : ~ I irill :;b.r • wl • !• • ;Q w 1 •a = • ~i ~ l [1i-l l ir:..l ;ail~ !"" e. ...... : i'i£i r ~~lg,F ' . . l h~n . .II ~ ~ .. f :a is~~ ~ ~ r· £!' ,. . [ '!I .; i iH :--1,;;:: l ~ ~p ;: i ~ l~i i¥ ~gi [~ i. t! . •' [ i ! ~ £5 . . ·'I ; e.s • ~·r• i i 1 ~ i;HI i L r 1! ~ ~E == :;- ; 1 , IIIII It • ... = ·~:~ 0 0 •• ... 0 0 = • 1:1 .. 0 ~:~· • -· ~o~l ,., ;I J J J '--J ] J J J J J J J J J J ] J J J J J J ] J ] ] J ss H11 v.~ ·i I i • It • r; ~ t1 0 0 • -0. 0 ~ • 1:1 ... 0 ~ - J J J. J ._, LS l J ] J J J J J ] J ]~ ] <, J J j I j ] J J J J ] J J ] 1 w J d J J ] ] J J 65 !' '1 u t i 'I I • r I tli Cl .. ... ~· 1:1 C• £ 19 J. 0 o· PI - l!lil PI ID ... ~ 1:1 0 0 PI - J J J . ~-J J J J J J J ]~ J J J J J J J J ] J J J ] J J J J ] ] J J J £9 !' Q) ... s:: '1 ·' '1 Col "'11 ... -· 'tl , CD ... ... 1:1 CD l J . J ~ue1q a3ed 3u!pa:>aJd _, J " 59 J J r] J J J J r: i I • : f ~ " J ] J J " ] .. ]t .... Ji ------------·--·· --- '] J J J J J L9 J I 'Frl it~ft e:-!{ J f~~· ~~tl· if-s' . r t ''t'f! J ,: [1 ii. e~d I !u J ~!(1 t t ; J !~~ l i i -~~[J iti J rr .•· §' ~ J ~! :r~ ,. d ' j ; ;: ] J ~- ] J J J J J J .., J . 69 J J J J J J D J d / J ~ I 1 ]~ J J J J l'i rJ ' ,_ ~ (1) (") (1) 9: ::;:, OQ ~ Q) OQ (1) g: Q) ::;:, =--- r-l '· r--1 .... - r:-J ., ·., \ The followfng should be recognized as limitations of the infonaation provided on the ·summary sheets of this section: 1. The impacts and costs of oil and gas operations vary widely over the period of development. Typically capital costs will be concentrated in the initial phases of development while operation and maintenance costs and impacts will be spread over a longer period of time. Annualizing costs and impacts over the life cycle of a project ignores the actual pattern in which they occur. 2. The figures presented in the data sheets apply to specific representative cases. The variation around these cases may be quite extensive. Some costs, such as platforms, will vary geometrically rather than arithmetically. Thus, an 18-well platform in 400 feet of water will be much more than twice as expensive.than one in 200 feet. Unless production per platform changes ·in exactly the same proportion, the numbers provided fn the data sheets may be unrealistic. · 3. The data sheets also do not consider changes in the underlying conditions determining the economic limit for oil and gas development. The rapid escalation of crude oil prices and changes in price/cost relationships will bring formerly uneconomic projects tnto production. These projects· will generally have unit cost characteristics which are very different from the "representative" projects shown on the data sheets. It is likely that for these new projects the costs per 1012 Stu produced will be much higher. The estimates of environmental iiPact also do not include the fact that ma~ of the new projects will have improved environ- mental control systems which are not yet defined. For example, new steam Enhanced Oil Recovery projects will be requi.red to have afr emission levels which are much lower than the national averages shown on the data sheets. r-: r:J r-::1 r-J C) C':'1 ll rn r-l ll r---1 [""""] :--1 ~ rJ r-l ' ll ., ~ (1) C') (1) Q ::J OQ "0 Q.) OQ (1) sz: Q.) ::J =-:- [! r-:1 c:: C'J r-J c-1 r-:J ~ ~ r-1 rn lJ Ll·> L1 ....-ntNia J!1!1 o IGO,OOI ._.... -floU -.... .._ .. ~ ~ p.-.cd.-. ,._, .... ~ .... , ........ ,.., • 17.161 .--nct.e • • .....tu '4.1*. ,, ..... raJ. .. u. e 1-~WOP S.Utkl ., ... ua. • ~ u/t It•'• .... 'Nnel • au • tolJ It• ,_ , .... •ll•c• .......... • a otl ....-.oh' l'ecci'MIJ .trtca.c, !!!ll!!i!lm!'!! ·----..... ,..,...._ _. uate w rellenl e-lao offt.c. ,_ w ...... , .. - ndt fometS.. ... OIIPCrop. •c..u .., PI'"~ Otl'adp.,..tc 41'111-... -.. ....._ Ntalltt• .... r,o for tot•U .. l -• Lec:tl .....,. ..,. ...,.,.tcs..c ~-... ~-.tu)" ,.a. -low ..... ,lc ,_,.n ... ~-..... roek a.c~ pnt- CM'-d P•ll , -a.~; ... ,~ llllwtck -·-....... ce wru... auate l'ac:o.._. • luulanfrld~ con can• co ----auau fw ~~ _. ..-a.Je tPoe~ or oU, .... r-.tte • ..a.. ....... ..,uJa •l'llll• pemita _. ..,._lr.c.J '" • Ilea ece41N; alto f':hf'U•tto. . • tlllt'*l' fttiU..,fUQ e.curfMI thftMII• welt. or ·~-·-......... • ..._..141 ti&J btU to .. , ...... tla • ~c .._.... (oleeuu, etc) eMJ.,.t. • co ~-·w ~UwttJ • II _...._...protttale, .--s-&.1' olwll ICMM _. ~Dall trM S..tall .. ; If .ot, -.11 pl48e.l .. u ce..t _. crillpl4 .. low -~leal.....,.... ...-&..-c/Ntdltta -• ldW..Il', Me ........... twdr. • "-fos'.uy .. , ... Jan.. • IDtarp •rtU .... : llotau ... nury _. fi•U dl'ad.atloa .,..,_, 4rUI atria& _, ••t• • k•U• ~~-. _. c .. c • ~teal ............ s, ............. , .......... ~tt-hlll>laa ... Qrlamat the l!f1!!J!P!1AL !!'e!!!!! • ,...lble ll'~~etutac or cooaecttoa of -...r- 1~ •"•ra or ··~toe .-uuu • All' f'MNIGM fr. lllrllltftl rtp -.4 atu •H~Pal'•t'-........ t • loll eroelGD 1 ..... aDd 4.c...,..ed ferttlttJ -...ltllle fn. elte ace ... ad ,npernloQ _. ,.,..Otle ...,attc aedt.autloa U. .... n, eu-. • .... u.a • ._l<*OUt or acct~tlal 4rtll ,..,.. na ... . ---· cr-•ol' ... -•1) WLftftr,. ... Of OA (l) ~ ....... .......,_ • ... 4rt1Uooo WI!R(l) lllllpont'ilr ~,, .. ~~,~elM (l) ~u.a• I!!!!!!!!! U) CM ..... , ..... --'ece .. -..r-ee -· __ , ... _, .,....u, iiiiO ... torp 4rn•• .. .,.., ..... 20 ell wl~ ., ... · Oiiib.ore u~xpiOrillon -'Lower~asea -~ a.z• ~· I!!!! a.c 7.1 . .. .... , Do1l.H! .. 1!71 zs.sso 16,4)1 :.~== -l!!W!t4!1!!(l) =· IC :!hacwc .. ~"t¥.:!S':,. ., ....... ....._. c-.trYCtto. atte ...... ,. ....... MNob .. lolU. ~(1) Drill a.cuap • ._,c •• .,_uatce._.....,..,. I!; O.Jl "·"' o.u I.JJ ..=.. •lte ...,eUlc O~U•-J,N .... -z ... !tr Note: Please refer to the qualification statements at the beginning of this . section on Petroleum. c-l ::--n r-:-1 & J J J J J !] J J J 0 J d J J J J ] J _I .S£ ' ,"~_ .J . : .. -;; a 0 g ~ !. - r-: r-: ·-1 r-J' r--l -o -(D (') (D e: ::::s OQ :g OQ (D g; I» ::1 ,::- c-:-:1 .... .... c--1 r-:1 c-1 h .. .;· 8111:1JYI.TIIf; .!!U • 4,000 ~ureb ,. .. pllitfora pu .. ,<10 nereaa elrt.lta prt.t7 prod..c:U• • 1,4&0.000 .. nola IMI' platlon per t:!,:."fa\\1• ultlallta pd•rt pro- • !!;!!.!•:.::.~:&£..., ... uplorator, • !~,::!:~cnfl• ,.r ••~nron • :::.::!:"!!~~ ~·: .. :~~~:· ..!:.(6) • ::;-:: :~!.~:·:~!b 4:;::.:r.:.\J) a 1/) ,.... of aplol'atory •rnu ... ca.. a Z-l ,.... laJOYu lllalla ,.,. •...topMat plu la f._ll...,. ... =-=~.!!:,:!·!!:~ .. e:ti!:tl,.. a S.l a 10 ltoa Pe1' Nnal a 1.41 a ·utU ltua per platfon ,. .. ,... a 401 oil ra .. rvotr ofhblwa I'KO'f'ei'J' afflc.t-.c,<l7) ~u.z.•l ---elijotoratoc, ,.ndt Htal ... a .. so.al .. .,.,. ,.rfo~ • ....-d-.tu; alr 0'1' .. l.t-k~ ...... ...._uorc.-..alaeartl••• -.-rae Ua14 • Cl'nS..tar: qr&au-. Ia pariu- ,..._1 pdl of wUtl*l rod~ ,,.. ·•hnloU...,. • .. tdUta ... lafnr_. t .... ry a Loeal IIUIYefO .. S.t..ac • .....,. 1a •tcJ. h0Mt .. ... rab.ct .. __. _.... ltelp al~~eW.ta ..._l'fac:a an.actan. _. atrau .... ,ha ..... J.ae ... COl' ... U00-1000 tc ..... ,.ndc ~u .. • ,.., .... ,., ... uu .. -•cea.t .... -._, • •rot ...,.., 41rtll ..... Jack- ..... t ....... nU•I• Dl' ......... , ••• .. ,_.be • -c•r '-Ptll, cl&M.Uc CIM4ittt-., ... nOOI' ceatt.awr.tt• _. ... lldollltp ... rr....-c ... uu ..... n~ ,. t.c:a;ttc-. _. Mt .. ll:o.dlt -Ddll to 41 .. lhd • .,t,, aul .. c ... e-teuS.., -toe .. -lpe tlrle .. u ,_ ~tal ~,, .. ... U ,. .. .a.euwe. 1~ -. ...... u, ....,_ nt• tile ca•t.e. f~ • ecWlae &I ~~ .... l.aM:all ~t-hl>lail _. t..,oruy Q«ht.u ,..._ -If •t pro~hacu-, ,, ... .ttll cea.M ... Cl'..._ cutac l~lt .. , .. ......n... (7'J 'r-1 ~==-~~-) !I!CIIJCI DPII!l(J! • 9lL ftP.D IIIIB'OII ~ !!!!!!£! -=~:-~ri.::'~il·f·• (ll .. !1AJ!! !U!!ACI. ADl UIID UH(a)(t) Jad.--upa ,... 41rlll ... ,,. a..t-..... ratllla If ... etta ft.aillc Wfu la(l..._.. ........ wanaf•)U.II) kiii ......... _, ... Ch•ll or .. u) fOil' ,.,. -u• ,...... •t• "'t'llt~ frrr ....-bl'a S!!!!,., c:.acu ...... J•k-. rta -....1• cot1ta llr.tpPar41 Jural...,. ~-t• a.u, uatuner • .,.. lap llec:tl'-.c:Molc.J N11-:.-actac ..... c.......,c .......... llfol't en... wla.r: ..... ..,.11:, ........ ,. ·--a..r-hn.l-.. ~'· ........ u ............ u n ... u .. .aoc~a aM •rracll ....-... t,...e:..ct.aa_. .,._, ..... r. .. , ....... ...,.t, ... l .... l =:=~•(•) .. c.. aacc ... f•l •11• . .. , ...... C«Mflal .... 111& -..ul •c• (US ..,.) st.llw •t.N ..... .... ., ... n.,. (o)(J.tl ~NJ.rtlU .. •Jad. .... OCPJ!!!l!lfl. I!!!T!(c)(MJ ...... , . rac • .uuu 1-J•I' ... rthl_,..,., .. fatal let• ..., ..... 111-.11...,... .tccw.ta fataUCI• laJu._ r-J r7J rl ri' c--1. Offshore Oll Bxplor&tlon -.Lower 48 States ·~--~ "''J':'H> .!!.!!!. 0.24 ... D.st lt.1 1J7.4 ~ 77.4 1.sn.1 DDllan -ltJ!. 1.111.100 SJ6.)00 1.7,000 161.700 os.soo IS,OOD u.zoo UI,IGO J.iil.Tai 4ll,l00 410,000 216.250 -J2S,OOO Ml,no-su.zso . ....... ... , -lO.J -..... ·-,0050 ·-•• 12 ..... . .... ...... ':;!~1 1tu Produc .. ) All. f'QLUJ'tNI!!t•) :. •ba•t .,.rocarMna hrtlcalataa ... 11&1'11. fOI.uri'AIITS Callpooeata of drUUaa ~ u.~ .. uadar aolt41 _ .. a..t ..... rtq•ll teatlna !2!:!!....!!!!! (a)(t) III'Ul cottlaaa -t.SOO foot wlla DrUUac lt.a4a ::::.~:-:t) M:u,ulatt• Clap C.uatlc: Soda Al'-.tlc Dataraaat Ol'i;a~:~sc Pol,_u Pcnachro. LSaooaulfooata 'htal Drllllna tbla ·-Ji:2i .... '·"' 2.7) .... ... u ••••• .... ur.l U7.t lt.5 ... ... 1.2 '·' iii:l Note: Please refer to the qualfffcatfon statements at the begfnnfng of this section on Petroleua. . --··---·-----------Ll r-:D r-.l r--i r-1 ~ ~ <D c.. :r OQ ~ OQ <D S!: C» :::a ;:.::- rJ rJ .... "' " · "'nelio...-on ~zpJOr~n ;:ici-j;w m'~'•• room t 4 41 I ,. .OIU. -.n ...... =-~ :-:;..... .. , ;:.n:H· ... - ~·····' • c::•k•l ...,.,.... ......... /..With •' ,,u{L. -=: .. ~ .:!U" •• ,. ,_~. ........... raQla• ........ •W• ......... u ,., .... .c .... I'.CMJ' .. ,._.. ... ..,_u.,..,..._ a hUI .......... '''• _. ..ca ...... ..... ......... &at ... ~ . .....,. ... , ......... --"··· ~ • ,. .. ,.a.. ,....._u .. t..W. -"' a.ra.c.a r._ .. ''111 ~1.ett:.a. -=-.:c:~.:;-::: ,::,nl .... IIIIR• ..a..uc l~ ..._. pbttan &.caua .. ~t) -:=-:.=•::· .::t=:~or ....... u .. • •car poll•tao. u..a '' ,_.uta fon.t.oa ....... ,.,. ..... c~ ~•• aua . .,. ~ '=~:. -:.:~~ o::-:.!:~·) Note: Please refer to the qualtffcatfon state~~ents at the begfnn.fng of thfs section on PetroleuM. . .... . • ib ..a..a... ln. ... uu .... d.el:hi.c . .......... l'at • .C:Oh (•) =·:!h.t"::.::!'is':ii!f:'i,::r'~;·~,':=.m:r.u.·.:.T:r! r.=c.~.(.~~.a;;i2'i:;·.=:.,.=.t ~U•) • U.lt! il: &ot ltd of t..l/to12 ka ~. (•t• tllllt ~1.1 ............ tM Ktal ,.n .. • .we• CMta ~·.,._,.~cu.) C•) ..... , • ..,lontory rta COIIta .......... tO ut .. cnt.e UM capital ou.u..,. for tile aploretoq" rll; ~. llacl .., .. l ... atoq walb . ..U ~ .1'111 .. fal' a ................. of •rtllhlc proJect• wltlt tiM ... dl. ct. l'lf; r..tal rata a. lAd..-. .. e We rMIIM:Ic _,lontoq cO.. (c) ~:,;;:~ •c...-•. lajul .. u4 fat•UU~ *lcb oecaft .. Iliac~ aplor.-tloa, .... a1~ _. ,n6ac.t._ of off.._• fec:Uit ... .___ s.aal• (U ...... ._ 1.1 l.L. Nee, 1.1. leQe1 1 a.A.. ~·. a.D • ._.._, &.L. a......N, 1.8 • ...__ _. a.w. y._, liD. .11!UL!!111E r-1 lfJ:::'· A tcleal¥p ' t of a.w Ccetletal lbeU Otl ..a C.. IIP!!'!t.1.!M· ....... ,q fill OUU... lhU. -..-,, cz> ~~.~~:7'~':-~ .. =:.,-: =: :'u~::=.~~-=~~/U.ou _.c. .•• ._ t: a.c.-z (J) ,..., lllntt•, 1971. •atft-IG ot.cector of llldtaa DI'Wb& J.laa': Oc• lai•!!J· 14:g..U6. (4) ....._, L.l., l.r. "~•. _. C.J• .u .. ~~~;. 1972. Ofl•lun retnl-ttu•ll•. c-o.ut. of tM Off..._. a.s. Pcnle !Mutn M4 !ttJMtt4 Cottt of hohdy P•tni.a 1a. tbe QaU of .. leo. laf'DI*t'-Cll'~ liD. ....._ ol ..... 1.1. ~ et t .. lD.t.ewlor. U)·r.-.. lokrt c._. v.o. ~ •• lt7t. ""Off.._.• DI"Wioa: lecc»d kt.tdc7 , •--._ ..,.. •• 011_. c.. Je!Ml. n:W-tSJ. (6) •c._,, a.-t .• ttJt. •n..u c:r .... te aqut1 '-•l,.lac topac n.u·. ou _. c:u Jez:!fl. ff:I&0:16s. (7) Oc: ... bdutr,, lt7t. "'J'act• IOd PorKMt.e•. 0c ... lAiu•tg. 9ot..e 14tl'-t1. (I) eou.etl OCII lnlZ'__.c.l Qaallt7 1 lt74. 0CS 011 aad CU. VoW.. I, U,J, Co'l'...-c PZ'Iat.iat: Offtc.e, IIMIWI&t•• D.C. (9) U.S. Depat"ta•t of tba lataoloir0 ltf7, lllaual TMirbook, 9obae l, Bat&J.a. 8iaen.l.l; .. ~. •r-el ·~· D.l. C. h1a.t1Qa OfUca. 1lulaJ.aat.a. D.C. -uo> a::·.!tt'c.~ ~~~-;,!:"..:\;,~:~::~ .:::::-;ato~!.~!.T£~::_oc,::r.:.ot:a-,aJ:;;11l~-ttt. !fleet•. u.~a (11) .-.ac• Penol•a lutltu.u. 1971. Julc Petrol-Det• loolt. Pet1r0t..& r..tl•tu ltatbdca. :~~: ~~ !:!r:!:.,!::!!~;;.~'7:;.!:!!.;'=:U~!:!!:. '::!tL~a:u~~~~to (U) lat.uUoul Oll SCQlh Meoca..u-. 1171. lptW[MUgptlOtl tad C.a Dfto•l...,.., h:rt b. Yoa... 47. ANta., t .... :::~ ~~==~·:.,:;;,~9i:; •. "'':~=~"~C:::UC.:'::.~~:iac~:-i,~;JP.· e!:!:at~ -=i.,~..!~io_tul •..-, .. .....,._t of lat•lor. V.ahiDatoo. D.C. ()7) Dabvattr of ou.bou.. ltlS. IDup .l..lt--..Uw•: ·A eo.panr.ln A~~ollri•· 1.1. ~ Prlat'-1 Office, Vull.'-l:taa. D.c. Ul) U.l • ..._ta.at of latwlor. ttJl. Diraft. ..,...tn.•tal Stat_..r. • 'J>ropo!ad lt74 O.t• ea.ta..t.al JWJ Otl -a C.. GeDna1 '-" a.Je Oftehou Loubaoa. OCI s .. :le Jlo, li DIS 13=69. ..1'_ of ~ •ua-..t. ----~ ('"') c-J rJ r-J r1 C':iJ rJ rn ll c-l r-1 c-l r-1 ~ J J J <> J 18, ] ] J J J J 0 1:' • J .,. .0 . ... CD :: fi J • ~ 0 = ... d " .. .. • 0 .. .... 0 J 1:' . t'4 0 .. CD J .. .. Cit CD ,; .. ~ J CD • J J ] J J J J ] J J J J J J J d ] ] J J J J &8 rJ r-1 r---'1 t .. j -o ... CD (") CD c.. s· OQ -g OQ CD sz: Q) ::s ';Ill:" rJ ,, r-1 CD "' l1 r:-J ('j _...,.., !!!I • ::::.:-::::r:-;r!!:!!:~,\)' day . ~=.::':::.:' ,:!:::::. tff, u 0 7f, )I .. llo,.nt •U IUC:CHI rattcf' a II ..... ~t .. u, -111 k olrlllM t<t .ruct.u, tap tM r•anoh'; as. *Y lloJ• -lol .a .. IN ..,_ctM, ,......_c totbonpJorac~>...,.olkUll•, lla,.ec .. fu!•11-llAI...,tMaaolr'J' llol .. -'.ol M •rtlle4 hrlq tM """-J~tplwoaa.OI oll-thf, toCOIIp1Uo4r11llal. •uual pro6tcU011 '""'" ..,,, Mfo;~ra dllot'-.... •~ed. o ""''•' olrUU.,. ... u. '•* f•t fU,I..,I (ftD); _, of tbe -n• au lft-tar.-J : ~~a: ~:r tt":!',!!':.:::c'-'f41 at.naJolltt._,.,,,.uo~,.., ,_, o ==~:~:::;L'o oU ra .. nr .. tr r.c-.r, DaOUnt•n,z.,,~,, oAftora.,lorato..,olrUll•·t,c- plotA<I, tbe-llot•tlld, -.d tllo Mtaaubr4'4. aproG.octiOIIplaRIIu to M olll'nllop.W -.d a lao .. '*t.aiDH. o fnohoctl ... pl.uto .. .,,.,,,.,., r•rlcau4, t .... IOI'OelliCIOII,-.cll&l_.lM. 0 111"_1 .... 1 •uu ... b Clf1"1 .. OUI ..:a:tr4t.t to prool~~ell-pl., M4 ta tba ._ll'ed ..,ch, a4 Ull' pl ... Ia •111 .. U~or a,....,..,,_,c_10o1' u .., .. u. ,,, ., .. ~, • let _, c-t c-.a ... : ,,. •• -~,. .. tM ..... ,.. . !'I U ph61ctl ... , fl•hb CMlq , ... bolt~ of ~ ..... ,.rtor•t• til• cui•, ft..:• tw•oa-acJila•ltHc-r,,_,a..acau ~u .. 1•'-1 •• a.rtu-.. u .. or ...._ c-.latiOII .,.,,,.,., •UMI,ro.I!Ktl .. ,plllf;wttllc_t_, rru. "-'• u ft •••-... rzoor or .. , for 1"ei,.J•nto. of to.-..cl• •ur. • .._ ..,.. • .,..., 4tlllt .. •• c~httol, me ... ,11'-1 .... ,,..., •• ••-.-.•" ..... ~~~ .. ,,._ ........ ~.~ ...... b bet.ell., .. Da -pluton • • troc: ... "-DU •llltur. filii ~ '-• -•.., .,.,,,.., ... """u"". • ,_ -.~actr. It tM rw I• .... n .. ual _, ....,'-1 ~cal: ot~ ........ nora -----!I:!!!~!D!...'.u. .. r!!bt· S!!!!!!I!!!!.!Ju,:.•,s.u • • A ,..._, 4tU1 .... _. ptoot\icU.,. pa.t-r,.. • IMay ITUI t"ia;~ ltolatt .. , Nt&r'J', _, n.u .... _..u • .,...,_ • •nl attlq ,_. "''· 1D4 •tar ,...,,,, -·-•• , .. lCM'-1: .. _1 . ~._ ..... _, .... ,.. .......... , • ,..,.._,,_ ......... ClltiiC... thll • 011 alta ...,_atl• _, P"r"OC"-iq "'UI,._t ~.R'JF'-... -:;-:=~~!:!r:'!=:!!.rr--•· .. C......lc ....... ___, platfono • llical- 1 ... -'-'-....... , ......... "-.. , ... ,.u.c'--u M ...... u.• • ._,., "ll"''-c-.. lo7 for.tl• k1Mno.9J fl•~folllf:t"e'-J•u .. otpl",l'l=__, ... _ • &.It" ..._ .. ,_ fna *tll .... _, alacetlc ,... ........ u .. ~a,_, r-:-1 r-.J :::u~~~ ~:~:1o4M .. ) 1 usouaca DIJ1.D~ ........ pat .. ta.l 4.,.1-cWD of , .... otlt-n'Otrr•c.o-r.rr•Uid.cr !!l!!m .... ,....,.,.,,tii••U•-nH• :~!,:!·:.: !..!:~-:<~ ,.. ___ .. ,._.. ~•rn ... cu(")lhl"'' ouoar ,,~, • .,.-.. --..ou . ... ,,-.:. \IAf!! II:I;PACl .t.UAJ:!!!...i!!C.) Drtlll .. pl,uf.,. lf-IIILofL.alll ..... rl .. l.cl ..... ,. ,. .. u .!!!!!! D'I"IUI .. .., .. IM\ef oha~ ~~ .. :~) - n-u•f•) rr .. ~ -~" ,...,.,_.,_ , .. _,..,.«•J !!!!!!!!:Y. c-uu .. ,IC•••-•:.a:,. Su•l Copp.r, .~ ... ~-. _p:oe .. , ~lt!'l•l, _... -~u••-:ros, stM!, •~•:•• ...._ U•M ·••tl .. • s,..,..,.,,t .... a-..~~ ....... '"u• ,.,., ....... ..,......, ...... ... cons ii&ii .. "'caJ ...... lilatal"~a~ he 4,._...,_ u ... l •l•cfo,. Off~r-:. ~-~..:.~'"""" ~·~~ .. ~, ........ ::., ......... , '=r-a;..,nt-.t:,-: ..... nun llatat .... ,._ ts.c~-•:e'~on.ntoe Nlllt\11 tlt..,., • ·..-.••·--~ ....... -"":• ~JU ........ trt•'·UC. -~UI·lrto boNl acW•••· fl~•flp;• ... .,...,,_.,., ..tla-......r•. ul ..... MUHiaMU .. :~~-:~~:;.•::·_u,-;4~: otl •It•(•) ~~~.:7!."::.m Lonor, ._..rrioola, ..,. ,...,,,u _,..., .. roM _. u_.,..,uu ... S.d.c• ~·sa,..., -.,. ... ,,.,., ..,.u •• llooll.crnt ~'"'''-.'"-:u""''"' '-·-~· ,_ ~~wci~c c.-all .... _. ,, .... nl• ..,.,_..,,..._a:.~ar•-t•) l'roWHtoalftl Ef'...U.Wt!"Ccl . .. f•Willeo l•J-1 .. ""'_...,.,_,_ racaJttl- laJ..-1• "i..:aU_,_ KC.u..ts Pac•UUM I•Jnte• r:--7) r1 r:J ll [")() r-ll "'4"" ... u" .. uu ;o ...... ·oce..it.u ·-~ er 48 States Ul,OGt Mn•h -o,.rc-.a l&j. l.l. .... I.D$) t.U6 , ..... lJ ..... o.z• • o.u !JJ •• ""'1• --;;n l.tU • .l .. .. .. .. .. ..!!!!!U..1l.!! ~l1.SOO no,soo :ur.• ll,S90 .:1.100 19,A0to IH,4.00 ),JD6,l!!i! •to.OOO ...... ...... .. ..... ...... n,ooo ..,,..n s:r=T.r ... ....... racc"'-c• 01".11odca"• .OiDiO ..... . ..... . .... ..... ,OOJ:Z .0026 .oo.u ·- =~:Htltll fiMtc .. , ::.=:-:u•~'··' :- lbll.aiiiCIJdto~euMu ·--.ucTiiitac .. ... Product I"(\) ... co ..._.t .,.II'OUI1Ioou 'attlculst.•• ... 1!!AJP IU.wr.wnCO -C>•W. ..,.("lit)' !!!! I•U.40 )1,61 11.6) IO.Jt ,_., n.t: .... z.u z.a• l.ll .1!!!! o.Ol.ot~ O,OO)S4 o.~ .. u •. J40 n ... ! Tot.aJ CWI8111C .:•"'"' {t.clMtDCoU) Tohi_,.....MI ... 1o«al.411HI.,.d Hll4a atl•u••• M,tn.o .n,tu.o ~ •• ,,u. SGI.ID Wo\Sn(l) Diii1"C";iii•• • t,SOO fOG& "'lh rarnu ....... :!!!:.!:-:a) &clll*laua C:l•r C..UciDU(-.oll) ..--uc Dott ... aaa( Oqaalc Pol,_,:, , ........ v-u..-.... , ... " Total OrUl...,_..,, 2li~at!UCI ttiLD fliODUC'I'I.W ... ,c .. c .. , !!!!! l.a •. .l ,loei,O ,,,) ,,, '·' '·' !l.t Ul,o) ~~=·:o':r.!:~:a.l. saiD(;(:IIIIDCPAI:IIfal.~ Note: Please refer to the qualification statements at the beginning of this section on Petroleum. r-l r-1 :-:-J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J l8 I o: .... .... • *" ~~ G, 0 =:: 1111, IJCi .. ... ... 0 .. ... 0 1:1 tot i ; ~ • .. ... Cll Cll .. .. .. • • 0 0 1:1 0 ... ~ g. • ' g. ...... ~ r: r---"'"1' • J r--"1 {, ~ l J ~" I j ~ CD ("') CD c.. :r OQ -o &» OQ CD !2: C» :::s ~ I r--} '-' C""J r-1 -lli'rftl'llllll !l!!' • ::=:.:;-;;:~;:-.::,:-::c: .. , I} 1 ,.. ..... *' c•t...c 6,) 1 a:t'lu•/.,.1 ............... , ............ «"" ... ... ,. aan k• • .....,., •• -n• ,,,.,cu a rtol• ''" J,4oM •re• • ••••• ........... ,, JCJ:r 1 Ufot~M IS,..,, 1 .. .,..,, otflcl.-q JOI e1 00111") • :r~:=:·:::,:!;crr•• .. " ... ~,. !IIS!l!II!I .............. ,...._, ~ 11111 tee""" .,.,...,. ....... •- tiC..C'-hiiiJeci .. IW ...... .......... u •. liMa..~ .... ~ ... , ....... _ (..,...._, .. ell _, ,...a~&e ,.._..lllt:r •f '"' ............. ., ........ ~ .. ,,_ ~ ·-· a._,.. etlo •tero ,_ ab'ls,_. I• u .. IM I• ..... ,..u••••· ~ .... " . ,.,. ... ""'• ................ ••c.r•lt.-..cs ............. ... ~.-...... u..... '-lac .... ..... ~ ............... ., .... , ... ""!'!'e'!f!E ,,_ ... , ... ... ...... , .......... , • , .............. ._ ,,_ ... 11 ..... . ... ,.. ................. ...a-........ . ... ....... .... •HI ... .,..... .,ua. • ;!:1.!' K ... "JI .. ,.., etl .,._ ................. 1..-&c ......... r-1 rJ r:-::J r-J r-;1 r-J r-1 r-1j -~ ~ • ----~""'vw. ·-.,.&.-_ _._...,. ""'•.J u,.,., .. _ ... ._,cru .. vu_(Lvwel'' 4~ Statea) ~:c-:-~, ~'!fti!WI'• ,.,.,,.,lloNcc-hol -~~!::::m .. ~-" __ ,., !!!:f!!.,._r&e. cMto•(:t) ~, .... l41tal11-l• .Sic~.,.t•~l ...... • ~ ·-~~ ... c ..... •u> ---~~~ --• .:;-:.,aul "''_.U) (U .,.,..'-... -···-· ~tJWttfJ• (l ,..n)(J) ........... !~·~cr::~ 1m! UA ~ftf.P-· l!H ..... ... ... ~ l.U a 1o' .:::~ o.u.ai' S.tlalol a.uaa.., ~ ... IISiiXAIIS .. ...uc:lll ,cterJ.UII:o~ .. ) ~(-tat) :'1~-:,;u.•> ctl4) l!IIJ ............. !tl:,"r.!!.. --1 ..... c-.t\ ... .... ,~•nMen) ~ .. •• ,... ... c.r•• !if ... " ... . .. .~ ... !!!I ...-u,,,,...._ _. atr••••nfk !~·~-:J~.~· .,...,, "'-" ...... .-thee ... -"• ~ ....... ,_. ~d,..., ~~~Sa uuu-lew '* .... a.w.Jicy nc.). --=-., fl) .......... ~ ..... ....._., ou .......,-.au. .. G!t .s-..t. liJI. m ::..'"!: ::::::.=.-=:.. 'i::i:-:~:c:· 0:::0..~7-==· .... (4) 1,1 ....... ~ fl•ettt. ~0 • ....,. flllie WI otl .. !Uml...!!!lo ........,J.,......o 1171. Note: The project selected for analysts fs the largest project fn operation. thus. factors based 'on thfs project uy not provfde average estfutes. Note: Please refer to the qualfffcatfon stateaents at the begfnnfng of thfs sectfon on PetroleUM. r-1 ·:---TJ -. ) J J J J J ] J J J J J J rA J ] J ] ] J . i ~ I c--; r1 r--"'1~ l. j rJ -c -(I) n (I) c.. :r OQ -g OQ C'D 52: £» :::s ::11:'" r:J ... ... c-J I L"") r-y r--J ro rl r=1l r-::1 r-:J C:-1 r-J r-J ou~:rtreci ste&m-iteotrto Power Pla~t (Co~oluded) aDt:'l S'riTDI =:n ~::·~ ...... . ••••ut.-au,.aotwMJ ~ .... c-•·.,crl• _:,.c..,Hilll -'-C«liiiiiiCIIII _, ••• u .. --_, .. _. -·tKJWIHIIII -~ .. ,.u~~ . .-u~•• -· '" -~-.;·:!_~.;:,~-~ ... ,"'- 1:~: .. ••• .. ......,,:--.c '"'-t• ,,uc .. le co -.... t,.....t, 100t rdrdlr ,.~ ••All-• l.O pare-& Nlfur, to~ r~y•l .rt::u-..,~. ,, ..... ·-S.co.l: •r;:;;:•tr hunh 11111111' fUr TMr ... ... IL ... ... ... !!!:.} 2:1.1 lf!rbu/YM., ... ... hl u.o =~~~;'~ o.UJ 7,10 . .. ).) !1.:.! 51.0 '·' ... !.:..! ,.,, ,.., .... tM' :.s '·' ~ 14.1 Wl.llltl:$: ( ...... !.·~~ .!f'..!~ .... ~•lt•Uoa C.Udl11111• ...t l!ew Source Pertonr!ece Su•od•roll hr ,., ttA, TeCiini@'i.'iOH_to_r_~11:::"~~!.\~t~!1;-H;.!:'~~.!:!:,:: ::=t~~!~!'s.,,..,. .. 1971 . (c) Tril--roa, Vaur l'oll .. rt...,. C-Hni t~r ~-Ue-i:..:tn.: P-r ladiiiUY, Vol. I, 191$ .... W .. cllral Co~r;G'h'i'iOft."'rf'..;,....,..-s;,.T~;·.o~;...r.•.t ow.;."' ••h. ::; :r:;~;{~~~~l~:!:!"IE-i?~i~~~~~~-~lr e eoavent0111, 197:. Ul L._hetau, of flllh'-. ~-!1L•-~.!.!-~-~.f!!t!!arha .... lnta, 1975. fh) !!:!t!!.!l_.I!!J.!..•.!!!• Vol. •4-, V.O, Ul, ... ~ .. -..... :.~~-~. 1919. IU t_...-. of Pedu..._l_~l!!!.!• fllh .C:, hrt .Xu W4.J UJ Dnc:/aPA, ~!!!~•-~...!!!!!!.....~'· : ... :,.;..,. roeaU F•l su ... !leurtc: ~r•Ufll !!dunn, ltn .. til) Petrol•-.. IIDerl Ill&~, 4.~ ... , __ ""c:•:r__..tll, 1911. tU IUU-. lnvtr.:o-t•l l!f.&U!.~,_!,Ulo!.~ ~ :.:O.t o! lauq Smb ..S W UN, Ul4. ':!~!\J :.: =~!!r eJMnictt,,.....r_,, SOUD WAS1'1 tt-_•l") •n~r•l...q. Ito% .. ter 601•r, .. u .. , u,. ... UOOZIIIrJ"hiii•J toulaolht•••• ~(<) IIAd, lOH coeuaa-.. r lo .. +ldecllll&.-•••cto•l" ... .!!!!!a !!!!!!IS! 1111MUI<:1CJ PI ....rAJ. c.owna. ~ u~1 ~ . .s..o..w· c-ud cr•••-c ,,., ..... UanaJIOrt Ulllilll-1111 ..... 1'l>Mitttr•••-t coa4-r .:-U•a wauruqhltellor) -u ... -.. ~•-­u ... ~t cooliq .,u. -.-c•rOoutJt 4ort ft'llf'OJ'IIIUWIIIC.:MIIl .. t-Ill "'" .... ' ~~ • .l'.) ~i;~~~! & ... a lOU ~T;~~-/ ~IJ.t,n_{_l''.!l:"' I ..... ·x. :•.J-..:. lt,'l'lO '·"" "·~ 141.~ Mcb.aalcd 4rdt lctl ,, ),000 -uul olr•f~ J,~to.:IOCI Uut ••• 4•eult~n,ut"" •. t.X:.JoJO .,u_ u• · 1~ ),)>)( -·:• :.o::o ...!t:.tUl.L'"Ua!l~J. .:Cf!Jp· c"tral tre•r-t pW.t :.:.~ ••ll ua~•pon neu .. at a,»~ ere• ru.oU ueet.lnt -.:.::. c_.,.n.ercoall•IY~~flf u-r••t (01'1 cooUac t-r t.l_.... rrut-c coolha ,,.,,. OGea-chroo..ah Cor• ..,ator.th•• cool& .. '""""" -dr.aotc•t •r•h lorJ .,.., ..... , ~,.,, n ... ,..d••utt..,.t ... tlcoa ., ... l.~ ·""' ;.,-).)() ..... :.'JOe \l:.x.o Whll~~ott-~ae .. uuw l ... ,._.!.S..~ 16,000 ... "·)10 Note: Please refer to the qualification statements at the begfnnfng of thfs section on Petroleum. ':-n c-:l ri r-1 CJ " -. ~ C'D e: ::::J OQ "'C &» OQ C'D 2: &» ::::J :::-::- r--1 .. IICT!YSRII•(o) !.!!! • 60 aUUoa barrell 12 e ... erS}' ltOt4IC: ))6 • JO ltu DIJOIInlOII(o) ~salt 40MI cavena are cr .. r:N bJ le.:htq wtth IMUr; the re- aultiAa brlaa 11 dbc:har&ed lato a a.r1• body of vater .cb ... tbe au.u of lllxlco la ao ...,,r__.. tallJ acceptable ....,,. · TW•• Cllfti'IU are pl'ov1ded vU:h a ~t .. cad111 to protect IUb- turhce IMler .-.attJ .-4 vUti pt,.liD .. to ba41• .. u.ar/brtae ..,. cnad• otl. IMJOI OORPOIIIJitS(o) • adt .so.t e.vana • a .. Jor bo.tp of Vo~~ter uarbr • •tu wlchdrawl .-4 brlae db- cbara• •r•t• • crwl• otl deu .. r, -.d ~U.q: .,.,_ ... 1!11YliOIIICII'UL <X*ZIJIS(a) Ul I • dhcbar&• of briDe ad tt• blpact oa cudro..-r:/ecolon • ria'; of oil apll h •d aJto- ciated lauarda • bJdtocar\oo .-iadooa • fq1t1•• dun durtb& coa.atructi.Go • .-ill toGa Ira coollnael: too. fthtcl•• . ;, . ---.. Cr~de. on 'Btoratre !n __ Balt Dome Caverns IIIOUII:IUQUlu.rmll (Per toU ltu llluu ltoNd.) :,:¥~. operata PWIII• Ulll> US& UQU!,._(b) ptpeUau, atte f~tdUtl• ..... bdDrl dtapo .. l ptpeUDN l'labt of ~~~ IIAnl IIQUIUIIIIIT(b) tatctal leacbtaa operatJoa 56,250,000 .. uou -.-Saa (erudo vttb4-al) operatloa a!STS(a). .ec;;;t'rucuoa of tota1 .,.,_ ~rattoa. ad •lD~ -(b) c:outtw:t:f.Oil oa-rattga aDd Minteuace -all.&"l• ~ ••• 0.1 ~- lJ] 24 lkllian (1976) no.ooo DDt --.u.•l• !!!!:!!!!! 0.6 aot ... nabla USll!llfoLSMDP~' (ru 1012 ltu loeray Stored) UStDUAl.S II All .,_.-col IUl!!!W,S D ... ta .., ............ :tmr ,:: a:!:i:-n ...:111 craM oil fUltaa oterattOG SCUD IIAStl •111&"1• .. rt .. o,.rattoe BAT DISSUATID ... uau.la IUIGIP--=r c~ ott ~u.-tltJ •W* ~ 2.Z7 .... aot"""i¥iUMla Acre-Pt. '" 21 ....... lo ua;57z SOIIICIS: (a) Petro~ Storqe for a.u...t SKuttJ, 1975. •ttoaal Petrol-eou.eu, V..U.t•, D.c. (t.) suateatc Patroleua ......... It77. ..,1.-zat rtul Savtr,.._.w blpact scac--t. U..t a.cu.r~ Salt .,... lftS,. n-ZU-796. C"'"7J c:-J c:-J C-:J Note: Please refer to the qualification statements at the beginning of this section on Petroleum. r:J c:--') [:::1 c-J ro ;----"1 l .J lJ r-l ['") ~~ c--:J L6 - I f J J ]~ J J J J J J J J J J J ]~ J J ] J l'"j r-:; ~ ~ (I) c.. :r OQ "'0 D,) OQ CD r--; !:!: D,) :;:, ::II:'" :s rl r:J The following should be recognized as ltlltutions of the info,..tion provided on the s..-ry sheets of this section: 1. The iMPacts and costs of oil and gas operations vary widely over the period of developaent. Typically capital costs wfll be concentrated in the inftfal plllses of develo.-ent whfle operation and •intenance costs aild iiiiPicts wfll be spread over 1 longer period of ti•. Annualizing costs aild fiiPictS over the ltfe cycle of 1 project ignores the actual pattern in which they occur. 2. The figures presented in the diu sheets apply to specific representAtive cases. The variation around these cases •Y be quite extensive, ~ costs. such 1$ platforas. wfll vary gi!Cllletrically rather thin aritt.etically. Thus. an 18-wll platfol"'l in 400 feet of water wfll be IIIUch 110re thin twice as expensive than·one in 200 feet. Unless production per platfonn changes· fn exactly the sa.e proportion. the nuabers provided in the data sheets lillY be unrealistic. · · 3. The data sheets also do not consider changes in the underlying conditions determining the econoaic li•it for oil and gas develop-.nt. The rapi4 escalation of crude oil prices and .changes in prfce/cost relationships wfll bring fonnerly uneconcJaic projects into production. These projects wfll generally hive unit cost chlracter1stics "which are very different fro. the •representative" projKts shown on the data sheets. It is lfkely that for these new · projects the costs per lOll Btu produced will be 1111ch higher. The esti11111tes of enviro1111ental il!lpact also do not include the fact thlt •ny of the new projects will have i111proved environ- •ntal control systi!IDS which are not yet defined. For exuple. new steal! Enhanced Ofl Recovery projects wfll be required to hive air emission levels which are much lower than the national averages shown on the data sheets. r-J r:-1 L1 rJ lJ r:-:J rJ l~ IJ c-l r-l c-l [""") ·:-lJ c-:l r--; r-:-; c-J r-:; ., .... CD (") CD CL s· OQ "'C I» OQ CD e: Q) :::1 X" ~ .... 0 - (") ~ r-J .......... , lUI !';:::·:·:tt· .:;·~ ............. .. r.:~.!! ... , ............ ~ .. .. • tO.IU • &o• tv It ... ,_ .. taeW ,.., ,.., -· ''" .. '• ........ ~ u,t,n ........... If ........ (IJ • UO -.... r .. a wlh ,., IMW ...... , •• , .. en .... " ................. ,., .. u. ....... , • _ ..... ool ... Jl' - -~fttl .,.u, •••U .. CJ'J • 0.. r• ... _. • UU ,_.,, et bUl- l ..... _., ........... Mcla ..... . ...... , ... -c•l• . • ...... •nu .. ..,,., i,ooo '' c•• • W.U hie _,..,_,. U-n ,_, Ul e UIDt k• ,_.. _, ... ~lc 1-•f -• 10 ,., ... ,,,.. .. , ... hi ...... .. . :::r: :~J'~-:' ::~ ···" .... ,.u II!UMieft .. ...c:Uo. 1!15&1!ll.."! • ... ,_, '""-,. c•• -........................ u." ........... 1oo efUCM l•r ...,_ •'-1111 tec:l ,_,.._ _. .. ,n.,. • at.~·_, ,, .. , ... •n•cl.p'_,..c .... u ...... ~ ..... .. aa-JM MteiUte ...,_., lor "" .......... ... • &.cal ... ,..,. ,, ~,. ••••• f•J .. ~·1'\ ... ._,., ... -..- a. .... uc ••oren•• -er ... ._,,,, ._.. rod. lacr ..... ••-u•u-t,.tl · . -.. .._.,.,.; "n~• .-k • ._ u ... a ,,. ''''-'"''' ~re.c.....,. • 5n•U.ar.,...tc dh •••• to .-1• •n•c. '" '"~' ..,. .-tue u.c• at ell .... or ,_,h (6J ........ 1-.., ... te ...... uu .. ,...,.u. _, .. ,-'II r•tel •• (4) • au. _, .... ,,.,.....u-. fU • •~ .. ati.4Utcr .-c .. tlrw....., .. aa..r....,..I'UJ•t•rl..,_(l) • c..hc:t l ... a.. -u-ta ta ._ • ...._ .. JIIIIIC..CW,..o6al:tl'tatrtU • II _, .. ..., ""'lt .. la, r-b4u ol •U ~ _, Grt•tMe tr .. t--«•11.,~ "-c .• u ....... ..t,a. ~ .... U&llf'M MJ.• 11-.t (l) SI!!E!!I!!!!!I! • ~-·~ .., .... rtoa: ..... pillet/ •••lltPata.oeerr a lot.l!iloeet, kclJiow ...... II\OQ. • t-.oruy _,., .. _ • ......., •uu ua: ._ •• u ... roc•CJ" _. ft.J.I drcdaU.• •J••-• CrUI anl .. ...... altMlU. ..... C_f • ~eal ........ -.1 -b•h ..-tr • ,_.Uola •r-.cuoa t~lna aU Oortat-•- 'PI!CM!T!I......,.... a .... Uot.fll'-ctarl.qarc-Uot~oof .....,_..._. .. utfaraor,....,a .. ..,aHUaa • Ur ..taatoaa fr• •rUUq rlaa •• dta ,.....,.uoa-.,at,..., • lell •••• •-•..., ••uu.4 rar• UUqof'--.dr1 .. h-alce-.ce!'ella_. ,..,....au• _,,_albia aq..Uic ... ._. t.etloe.1a....,.,.au- • .._1a.la &.1-t, u ... or ...:cl,...&d hill,...,.._. r:J ~ ::-:u:.·~ ......... ...,.. P OIL f!M api!!Op 9~.!!i~~, .... (11 .. u.- ,.,no "''''-U" ... ,__...,. ,_ ..... " . .._' feft !!!! ... --.. ......, •• ~~~ lbW Ul •Ue)• ~ ~u:):oeu • ;1-:::=.:-.:;a:: ... • .!!!!!!!!!S: (U,UJ C...ChCU• _. •rUU .......... ,_,. UI•U•J" Utatoec-IUe ,.....,..u_ lieU ftUU .. ,_, .... ,_ _. el-... <•-'.t .. ua) .... c ..... ::"rfft:H' ""!" (~)c laj~­_ .... r---"1 \.._,,," ,!c-'Jl r:'J rJ ~ .. ,)31) Ll ·:--1· onsliore-oa8Bxplorat1on -Lower·4a states ~ n.oT--5i' ~ ., .. 11,7JO zn.•• !l!!:!!!D .... 51.1 ... .. u.l ZS.t ~ . ..... o.u :=ra:tt==) ~g~;!:;·=~ :- "' :::.. ....... !1:.~ •••• , .. CH:::.. (Z6-MOO It ...... ) • -n.a ... ... ... . .. -lfr., Note: Please refer to the qualification statements at the beginning of this section on Natural Gas. r-1 r-:J c-:J J J J J J J J 1 ,J J J J J d J J J J rl d J £01 J Olt:Z noo n ... ... no o·· "'~ ono .... ... :zno ... ...... CID ...... .. no _.., C') ... "'0 ... . ... :r no .D c: ... ... :::! n ... ~ g ... ... ... i ... "' ... ... ... i" tT no ~ "' ~ "' .... 0 ... ... :; "' sot -~·· Ei ~§ ~'8 J ] J J J J J J J J J J. J J J J ] J J J J J J J J ·J J g J J J J J J tOt 0 :: 1:1' 0 . .. Cl ~ .. • " 'I:S i .. ' .. 0 -~ (') c:-7J rJ ~ C'D (") C'D e.: ::::1 OQ i CD S!: Q) ::::1 ::11:'" rJ C71 s ... c-J C-:J c-J --· Jill !•.a:::•:.•tol•!;~) II ... tw ..U IUW ,_.., .._. ... ~~-U,J,l) e IO.IU a 1 .. •• ft. 1M ,., .. u fS.W ,_,.. ................. (1,J.7) : ~~tr: ;r=. ;!~,.!'!.u PM .., (J) • ue ..u. -u M 4rUI .. ce MIW....lr c..., ... ~,IIO•r, .. L....U .a..MIIIq<eCI ...... ....,.CC.U. ........ aury lrtU&aeo U6 ..CC:..f-.1 ,_ ..u ... )I ~sJ. *' .... ...u. .. ~ ......... ~.up ... e J ,_... t• .U UUU., _. fac.JUCJ • :::.-::r.::. ~~= ~!). ,,, • ..U We~ L"-U ,..,. ()) : =-~'(,._-;:;r .. ~!:.!:r •:.::.,. e =~~~ ..... ,.r ft.U ...-.-e ~'!;!: .... c., ouu .. c-.an .. , u. .u. c.c ......... -.1, ..... ~ca..,a.u.c. .. .._z.,..~_,._ ....... UiMII. ·~••.n ..... c~tetk ..... t.t. JL. ... to ... b .. ~. ... eM ·-Ia ... uw u wPou -....,,.,.....,._ .. uar•..,w• --· ...... ~ u.a.e. lot _, ...t,.. IIIII Mrata. • II~~~-. ft.af.M ca.'-1 me "-tc• ., tile ...... ..., ...... -~-. ,.. __ *'-" • .ua .. ar ~. _. ... wa ,.....,._ hill"'& ... Ckl.ec... ,,..., au.ot,..._u ...... wtdt~c·_, ~~---...... . • Aile~ ... uu .. -..kr., .q.. ..... la •d.lltaa ... te-at ... '-t&U ~ ,s,.u.. to U.-..,.or& 1M IIWo a. ..u. •tc• to ... flaW ........ '-'1117 ............ ...-at-... -· ~ ....................... ~. ~.~ ..... m.ck ....... ..., ... ...... • ......., ...w .... , ..... ,-. INtMJ' .. lbU circ.IM.'-.,.'-• •w •utac _, ~Ito ek..J.e.. ...... ~ ·~w~_,--..1,.._~ • ......... ...... d_ ~--... an.c.... .... • C. ,nc..laril I•IUCJ ~tltl."'f.!:'.,.. ... --.e&~ .. ....... ..... ~·-· of ..,.,.. ..... sc .. . • ,.. ........... ln. ... uu ........... ••te ............ ..,.s,..., • a.u -"'-~ 1 ..... _. -~ r-uu• .-.J.U.. r,_ •U• _.... _. ......... u.., .......... ,, ..... le .... l:lc ......... c.u. Ia....., -~-• '-S.k ''-'• lire 01' accw.&a~ '"11 -- r:J r:J L .. J rJ rn r-J (~ r-1 'Onshore Gas Bztraot1on -Lower 48 States a;::a:ft ::'~ .. , e::: .::rrr YM&,, ~lei_._ ..... ... ~ hM\W'f .,,~(1) ~ (t,lO,Io,U,U,lJ) ~~ tlatUtac 1-.1 (114 ~M~~J!~~ ' c. f'noceMUe ..... ., ....... ~ (10) --._ ... liM!! (U) • ==::? 19JL!:4!.. n.u cu2 .u.J• .. ~ .. ,. .......,.,_, .. t..ilelllait• ·-~. ~.--. ot._. ...... l._laehp_.ll&.-lpllte ..... ~ ............ ... lrrtll .. q, ..... ~ .. .... _ S!!!! (1) -· ~<~.~ ..... ,. ~.etc.) ~<~.-~~ ..... ~ ......... .......U.('-1, --.tnctU. -.n,.._., uc-t, etc.) T•r.l c:-,~ I DcQ.Uarl C..tell -... illll (ca.l.caJ.e, ,....'-..... 41Cr. • .c.ll.c:ar...ub) ~ ............ ~eae ..... c. -::J.c.~·,ntal"-· &-. ... a.....1 o,u.u.. e...• ~, .. fiidiiOil-..........,, ..-ted!IU;cal ......... --~ C..thCU. ....._. --~ • ..-teclllll.cal....,_ ~.::-........ • ~"ffl:"ynn , .... --- u • .,.. •10'.• lc 70 _(SQ..tO) ,.rc.t ~ ..... ,....t.s.o ft ,.,, -Iiif .• 2.\6.0 IS6l.O l).7 11.4 UIJ.I 17.l ~ 1,741.~ 1,212,100 t.!lW!!! 18,Ju.ooa w .... .. .... U,liO -l!L!!l ....... ~ . .. M1 loU .... +.1 ~ .. ... ., O.OliO ........... (Pulolllhh ..... ) ~.n~:t'::~::.!'i ,..,..-&&loa/~ ....... .,.._ coutc.cd,•• ::-.. ::,ticulet.. • --...l~tt-~ :· IC ... PU"IIwl•'- :::.S."'::"-!!~ ·-c.• .... ... .... _ ""--.... ,. Qlol'l ... .. u ... m :::!f ... ,uz ... ,_ h;. -.J.Iaf "DMii!'!II.P!PKD• ..... -.~ '- ... C.C•c - uo.s 21.7 .. .. ... ... .... l.t ... W4.6 ... -1.11 u.to )4.27 . ... o.o:t '"·" l:t.ll ..... • 1 • ao' c..rt . Wit ••• ,_, Note: Please refer to the qualfffcatfon statements at the begfnnfng of thfs section on Natural Gas. c-J ~ r=J :J J J J J J J J J J J J J d ] J ] ] cl d J nt L"l c:--:J r-J -o -(I) . (") (I) Q. s· OQ "C Q) OQ (I) S!: Q) :::1 ~ rJ C7'7l r-J c--J L'l r-:J .r-J C":J r-J [TJ r-J r-J ... ... w ~IJI'IIIII lll!u.•.•·••·"·u·"·.,, • :;'!:;o:.:·;. ·~~r&!.!i' ,:!:!:::..• .. , • '·'* . aoal-"· •• ... ••• •••••·~ ... • :~r ....:::::.~w;-:::-.!:=:1tn a 1.1 ~ -.lla .-111M lrtUM ta .......... , ... ·-~n.lrl ..... , .. a. -u •••.,. ••••n ........... , .. 1M ..,UrM•IJ ... , ..... , •• ._, .. ,. lal 111 ...... ·--*' ...... _.. .. .. uw .......................... . • !a!,!fe~ltn ucat ._.,.,_, •••""'- • ..., ... uc.al ,.nkal lrUUq .. ,. .. ::-a!.:.m,hoJ .. , ..... -u· an • n-n ,.. .. w~t ura ••••u-,n•, : ~ .. ~.:u ::..·~·:.::; ... ,.. ,.., ....... --·'-' .. ,... .• • :;:.:;m, ... HHI'Wlr ,,,_, .. n.r:::·:~:::::: .. ,u ... _, ....... ... -u• , •• , ... _. •"• uca -h• ... • ,t. ... na.,,~ ... &aM .. "''•' •• • a.-Mta'-' a ~U• ,tadant anthill, taloduiM, ..-. ...... , ............. , .. a tlftC.t '-' 1rUll•1 I• una .. .,., -··"'· ••• ~ .......... le .... -·~ ............ u ........... u .. .. ...... .. ·-.. , --,_ ... . ., • ., .......... u. .... 11111: _._tcul .. ol .. •l-.alpM a. aar.u 1 U •~"-· UatH ~Ia& ,.,. "-n- •1 c'-o ..... ,.doraca &M QO&q, lnocc ... "' ac1.4Uo U -u•r,. •• '-11All ,,...,u.-C ....... QrUt:- u .. at ...... cc·.,.l~~t ....... rat ... • U •t ,noot.cclw, ...... wttll ,_, _. c~ u.'&q IJ h .• IM1aw -n-r 01: -'"' nlaJec:t ... of rar.oti.ae -cat I Aft• .... lot-t ftUU•a COIIflOEOo • .__.. .. •uu ..... .,_., _. 1 ..... , ~t:1.aal ............. , ..,..r-oo, -~-•latlare • .._ ... u. •• for •u ... IIJ4rotU -.~.u ... _. • ._...,_.lfOCU..__,. .... It --~~ ttln ..... s-a ~,u .• ,,, --.-.-;.-1: ... uu ...... rMolctU.O. ....... 1 .,..."? ftlll rte.: .,..,.tl•l• roUr'J .... flaUdfttllot..,.•r•- • lltll etrtaa _. IIIU, .... c ... ,..lqapt• olt..acu&q••~c • ~plcal 1..,1q •• aulrota ... .,_., I ~lW. , ........ Clllfht-UM 1 O...Olta .. ,.n.t:t• •• ,,ocuotaa ..,a~c P~l~u ... uru 1 ...... ,.u.,&o. r .... for.ct.. llrlM, •a.-== :!~C~·.:~'!!!:foc-::.,cn.uJ 1 All' _. .. ,_ fna •ruu.,. _, allt~rlc ,_., .-.. act• ao11r• Offehori G&a Bztra.otton -Lower 48 &tatea :-'.:":11 ==-~!!MM .. , 'Sfl"'"'• or w rJM 4wl'•• ,. •• , .. , ,..,,, ..,lua- 0:.' ,:::,...,, •-r, • ., .. ._,nn l!l!().l.l,ll,lt,:t',:rM -''~• .:;•~::,l!~,,~~~~:c ... t•t o,acec ... •• •&.t-ea tdCII,ltt CM ,.,. ... c-.1 tal' u .. crau.u _ ... ac.t· ... ZHf&:'!t!i~ ~ bM(aiUU If-.... ,. ..... ..,, ......... ... ,.,.,, ~(t.U). iiilT ......... ,r.:, """"' ... Mltl ,., h:.':"".::t:-:!!!t:_t Ill' .. .,._,tc) ~tt.l4,J0,2l) fiiiT••'•I .._, ... ,.,,Ill. -6000 u. ••Ml ••• ,, ... Offoa.ca &DIUlllt ... cMt ...... ,, .. u ........ rtltl ::-!:.-:w.!J~::::!:!C::.Uit!: c•n•l . oc.._ -c_,r••'" ..,...,._,, •U . ...... tn.t:Lq .... ,_,, a..& ••cbaqon, fln flllltlq ~ • ..... .._.. ...... a-;41'rrt.r:k ........ tlllp,uc . !Mal .. flatf--~~· arUl'-4 -u -'!.ii.f::':f(L,~; - J • .., llolea ::!t ~:;!!!if.:-:!:C.cc~ui,20,u) ........ ...,..,._._ t. ,.,rou -c\M41 ..,.._.n .. ,an••'- 1.419 a 101 Cll.f&, ,. (M-10) .-c•• ...._._,.. --..:m- 1.ot1 . .J'!"!-.,.' U.lO ljf.Jl< ns.J l!!.1!!!!..:..! t1aJ.600 Ul,400 ...... U,JOO ...... u.aoo nt,400 •Tii':iiiiO uu.soo ~ ........ lllrfaco .... .,...., _, ... raca., ,.,.u. 'u.JOO 12,700 ..... lt,too .......... , . c.-tuta-/-.Adatotntt"l...,..a.co "-... ' --• ~r·•••• "'"" J!!!i!!:·~!u&aa ~ ,....-u .. rr!:c':'::l~r-u'l.aca.-C•) OCQI!ATIQ!AI. !Aft!!(d) (:12) ·-· ,.,.u ..... .. ,111'110 "-....... , ..... htdlUU '-J•"- IUKoll•-. ktUMtll racdttt.u loJ•rtu .~ ~ l.Jt-t.OI ..... -:iiii" ·-· ·-. .... ·-.oon ·""' .oou ·- .......... (hr Utll K11 rr.lllc. .. ) ~n.t.,l,t,ta.u.n,z•J liftiijjiiiiiiil tiuaa.,C•) ... ... ...,_.ll,.rec:uMu .. ..!::~C.:. •ra.a pn,fwctlo.(d ... . ... _.,._ .. hn&c.tat• m..fi!!U.!U!I'!(I)(IJ) .,_ ... -... t.hl...-tcun... r.tu........,..u._ 1'Md .............. ClalorW.. aaLDiaSI'I:(a)tll) liifridiio .. -t,600 foot •11• Drllllq_.. ...... ... , .. lttc_.Att.,..lattoC~ C..t&.c ..... (-...) a-tt.r: ~---~ hpot.c. .. l,.... ~·.....-·'-" Tohl4rUlllll_.. anuGI fiiUI Pl!§!l!UC!IC. ... ""' ... ..... ~,-· :BH •.. , I.U .... .... a.n O.Uit 0.06JJ ··-O.OOOJ .,. ~ O.OGUt o.oootJ 0.00005 •• Ill I,JM4 li,UI.O S,t44.0 .J:ii '"·" 14.5l .... .... .... nHI t,o 11 arl n. rc . 1001M.J"t Note: Please refer to the qua11f1cat1on statements at the beginning of th1s section on Natural Gas. r-J r-J r:J r:J J J J J J J J J J J J J ~~ u J J J J d J sn . t" i & ' ·~ .. • • a i I c--; e--n [j' -1,, j ~ CD (") CD c. :r OQ "0 I» OQ CD sz: I» :::1 ~ C'l'1 r--J r:-J C""':"":J r::J rJ CJ r-J r:J ~ ["'"""""]~ rJ --------~----~------------·B&sural (Jir.a .t>urlf10&Slou; ... ... ...... --· !!!!f•rbo .. u ... _,,. ., ct ..... _,,., • -t.--.t-• . ..,.,.. .. ,. .,. ,., ,... • ,. ,._c ... u .. uarr · • p'-t offlct.-q 17 ta. t.JI • ,._ !th JO ,..... • DDC:aiJ'II··~ • ..-llllhll'al.-c.uaJM .... aa .. U.* '*kl! ...,. to M .._ .. Mlon cJ. _ ......... u. ... pUc ...... , ... r~u-. n... ..... ... u..,u. ua ~-~ .uu. """'" .. au•, c.an.. •a.-we, altro .... .. ..,.._ .... IIK&I1Iou Madt .. et:MM, ~. kt ... , .-c4 ... wlar. ~ ,.nftee.t'-~••• l.c:vr,.ratM c-.. .,__ -• u •nyd:rauo-., •••lf•rlatt-. _. u1'11oa dtoatde r-.1 « ... ...-.t.q:), ..,. Mt"ral ... ........ (81:L) .-parattOG r .. ~tr..S c. ~w. .... , ......... prod..::t -.it416Ja IM" •lpda-4latrt.INUIJO. __.... .. -..;,_ ..,.,,.., eo..lata ol ca.uctora, a1.Ula, tdollan, .._tara, coa.d,..,..r•. ,.... a.l .:OIIIPr .. Mn, plua aolltarr ._r._ ... ....c:lat .. vtcb tbt. foll-1 .. ~-ue ar•&-. na. .. p~rocaaNa, •k• .., 1M atULI .. atrbar .. ,.nralr ... ta ~a-r&oa. Uclada tlla lon-taa• -... ,..I'Ott-'" C .... OCCOIIfl lehed .. , . ~neet-, tron-at vUII drrt ... ....,,_. .. _ .. •• dtarllorl ... atrcol, .._..,,liM, ...,. nh'taanttOII. -· ::...O.!.t ... rt .. c'" • ,_ p• 1s , • ..,.n,. • .._.... vt.u .,_. eon of ••ueou• ~ .. .ol•"l .. IIIICh 11, -.o, til 01' :rlet~l-lG4o AltolltloMl plooca•-• IM ... tM CI..u1 PI'OCIII ., M a44ed u .. ~, ... u\4 ho. the ~YII .. OJ•• -.lfU. off ..... . • •:':IU.~ ;.. :.t .. t•• S.pll'ltlon • two of o:!N •J•r proc••M• '"'" "' nhtaer· •tert u.ot'ptln &ftd lov t•pcr•r.~o~n tllttl!atlo. • .... I&CIIG:ft&L a.aDI • Y•: a-r..-a-Pl.,t ,_, r..-atr• tall SM cl_, racuu, U •l .. iou .. caect ..,liu":• rq\llltloaiA. :a:n :!'!, d ... .. hl'al ... ,..... .. , e(·:. 1U """''"-~ •Uur ..-..1 .......... tt• ol Mhlf•l ... u ...... , ••. ,~ ... , .... :!:;. !:' ,=!'{otl :: :; c~= .. wr&l IU •• ••t•IUMII "' eM .._..u fi'DC'" afflclaMJI (IJ' t• t21), _. eM Matbc nl ... a.t ..-cut. .. ol .,~u ~ .. butr .... ti'Of<MI.· kt .... .cc.) -alec:nlcltJ ....!__Jl Piii< ~n)0)(c) k!Ualf-"-t !!!m cOMtnctt- G .. rlt.ta. _. -••t•-• -C-Uvctlota opentlo. aad •••c-..ca .. O.JJJ Kl' .. s.o ec;t.-h, Doli-. .. .. WorkM•I1•r .. •• ="i:tt:: =-=:· .u ....... , ....... , t'.:t~(~)(e)(f) .. :> co .,_ !!il!"'cr .. ~.~~ .... ,...u.-.t••. tiOP&Mo .... UK•, ate, -~·l c~. .... T.A ... ... ~. .......... u: .. ... ~u .. cz> .. , ... ... -.,.,.,. . .... ,_ .,_, .. :~z .~ .... 0,0054 . ... 0.00)6 0.02J' ~ .. ZSO .. Ill• Kf/D 1.ou co l,otl k•/acf lt-:!i% Z,J Co 7.0 0.1 ,., a.a o.a co o.• 0.01 to 0.66 O.t. to 1,0 o u t.z • Strt.~r eol•tl-'IP'ftlta. • ~u:::a ltrlp,.r boUa.a dlpoNl.· ~ ... hef. valva -.II '""t •hlfona, Note: Please refer to the qua11ftcat1on statements at the beg1~n1ng of this • "-ILe-.IJ _, ... req,.tr-r.t•. 11) !l::t-tH ~r-101.or:c (c.), Ul 5'1'Dt~t.11K h:. ~<!'!.!tee (a). (]\ \'1:~1 u·· ml!.loll:taN HI' tr111tnft h~o~, section on Natural Gas. - s.o.tae!S: (&I ::'-teal Ptou11 1a4unrl••· 1.111. :.hr••• 1nd J.#o. ltlak, Jr., ISdOr-HIU, 1971. (llo; ~n-llron, lac. (n.-, M. Plalor4, '' •1.) rual Ctcl" for ll•culc•l r-r G.ur•tiOI!.. Pfl••• I Toward c-r.un.tva Sr.•aotncl• eM llec:ulc r-r C&aa (NTJC iP1 Ul :521). C.Utca of l•a .. rctl aeld Hol!.hoiiiil-: la.Lr~otal Prot•cttoa A1ency, Jn~ •oti llblte, , P, _, O.J. Klil'l•n, "Sour•CO.I Phat lootc• CIG 0 1 Supply", L!U ~ad C.• Jour-Ml, 1919. ~~~~ lrvto L. al11k1 1nd St1vn Ill. s,-, (t .. u ~tr Cl!f'trol to.rd), "PoliU't'iOa"~u11 U1•1• of C.U he•tl .. •M Proc~ulnl Pl1nt1, ... lournel of tM Air Pollution Control A .. ocletlor~, VolUM U, !kl. ll,liO'I'IMI•r 1917. ·- ~'ahenUJ of Oklatl~. !n.tar Altunulv••: A CCISienllva lon.llYI1,!1 (U.S. CPO IOU••Oil-0002:)-4.), (I&Mh.t .. toa, D.C.: Cwnrll·~ Er1Ylr-ntall)ulllty, Kly 191)). fit llarr,. lutcher •rid T<* &..hr., "'lt.uurel t:•• ~roc•••taa." CO!I!Ibttotl of loU Pollut.~at ~J11lun F•cton, :Mr4 EtiUion, {AP·U'hrt l}, l••••rch Trlaq,l• P•rk, I.C: !!_.5. Envlrot~~~~nt.d PI'OUcttOI!. AI,•IICJ • VffJ.:a od .Ur on.d w .. t, "'uo.-ctt. lou~tuct, 1t77, pp. 9.2:·1 •. r-J c-:;J r::-J r-J r--:1 ~ CD n CD c.. s· OQ ~ f» OQ CD 2: D) ::s :II:" r-: r-1 ... ... 'P ...., ftftDI; 1!!1• ..... o u.,_l atr&tt.e.cr M.OI • ..., .... ,. 10.000 .,.,... • c-.-cur lecroe »I • .,..,,..... Ulan• n,..r• _., .. , ahctrlul _ .. ., ..... ,u. u.u • aou k•/r-n I!!!Q1l:!!!!! • C...rtr .. u-alaurlc ,_, r*ta .... ra~alac&ricur •hi ,._ ··-,,.... ..... ... kotl.r0 •Ub Mat fr• ... , ........ c .... u .. CUOOUII'IS • .. ............. u •• ,.,_ ... uu • ~-•r • ,.,.._,c-u .. -car ••••• -.tU..P Car) caou .. , .... n ... _ ....... . • a-ntor a c•t1'111 .. aata rr•Nft'll ~>l•t a att rralwrat.r • IIC-lc.r ~~ ..... -s.···--., a ~leal -•• •atCt affl-ta • .... u .. unr •f _,., a U..r.l•lact.er~ ro r-J ·~ ~ .. 'i ~;.. .... t.., ....... lc ...... ......... , I!!IL .......... ... ,,., .. , ~,., ... _) < ... ~ .... . II!!!!E!., ..... ,,_,., ... ,.uatl• n.nol ...,,~, ,.._.u. _.utcut- c•n•t -•• uaa-t ..... ...,o:ratl" c•U.,. ,_,. .. , .. c-u•l ~ ..... •••• araa ••...,..atl .. .:ooll .. , ....... !'!!!! _ ... ,~r~ ....... ........ u .. ,.u .. ........ S!m c_u .. cu- 1 ... • ., ..... ,. ........ , Mllnc-tNC:t ... ......... ,....,u ... , .. , ... , total .,..,.,, .. _, -····-· ·-~ •cedala ........... , utlUU•• --· ... ,.u .. c:•• 1,11 I tOt C(ll,h, a.oz• k•k•·'•· .!. .... ...• ... ... ... ·-·· ·-.. ~ ... ... ~ 0.1 !!IS.()) 0.14··· VICWf-l(ll~(d caa .. h/,...1 (An•-1•1-,r) ... -... ··-... !!.!.tM.! .. U!!!Iu tt,no.ooo UO,OOfl ·····--J,UI,QGO 1\,0110 lt),OOO lll,fltl.- UII,DOO ...... ,,,.. __:t.1t!! pn.• Ga,a-l'lred Steam Bleotrlo Power Plant IU~ ... ....nsz (tw ·"~ at. ...,.u ..... , .t.ut.c....,... .... rat .. ) -·----·--··-·-·· -..-··l !!!!!! !!!P. .~ ....... u.u == 0.111 . .... .... ... ... :C .. o,• t.4J l4.4 ...... ' llbtl .... ~ ......... ··· co':V!~· l:l-c:rua Cr.• 'hill• ..... -u:o-·,....-· _ ... 17 51.4 0 -..... loll -J).4 n.s .... .. .. .... .. .... . .. -O,OJOO o.olteo aill:l'.r. o.sM o.!JM -o.out o.ant ..Uuo , . ... ....... .... .,_, .. _ t.l7 a.u -O.Ollt o.on• ·-· ...... 0.0440 ... • ... 2 o.M:r --.... .... •kbl ,_, 4.l1 .... ..... o • .os -·-.... ,,,, ...., ..... us ... •U 6....., . ...... ··- I!!S: !211:5 u...lln'IUI St!!!-1;!!! --0.1100412 ...... . ... -.... MrriU• . ... ...... .... dt.lon:f-. o.oooosu ··-0.00644 ·-.... -" .. o.oooou• _. .... ........ 0.000147 .. ,_ 0.00104 Note: Please refer to ~he qualification statements at the beginning of this section on Natural Gas. ~ r:-"J c:--J r:-:3 L1 rn r-J L1 rJ ~ J r-n r:1 r--J c-:; r-:· t"'J .., -CD (") CD e.: :::::1 OQ ~ C» OQ CD 2: C» :::::1 ~ ~ ~ ' ' _,) -N .... r--J auG'r lbTDI• -~ r-J c-1 r--:71 c:-J r-J rJ r: r-1 rJ Gas~l'b-'~4 Sltt.•m Bleotrlo ·;powitr l'l•»t. J(Conoluded) lltii\I!GioU-Alii "'*!Cfl: ( .. , 1012 ............ '" olac:trtc ,._, ..... ratio•) :::~~~~ ~:!P~l•ll.-c oloctr&l' ,_., ........... , ,. ......... .._._, ..,. .. n., ...... ,.u ................ , ... _,_ .. , ......... ....., .. ,,-u .. ........ _ '"' .... ._.,_," ...... ...... , .... -u ... ,., .. -... cu...,. Cor) -::::·· ........ -..IIM.Ic•t•r•h ·-· ........ , ..... ..,...u, .. _..,.,_.. ceMI'II III'M._t 11.-1 ... .-.ru .... ,_, ......... c .. u ....... ......... (at I c .. u .. ,_ .. u......_ ·-•• u ........ -~........., <•rl -::cl, .. c:.U .. ~ul•ralt ·-· M&wal •ral& !la!!!!!U:.'.) --·--·t. -..I Mdalal .......,,_,__,o::al _, _, ............. lllel ... "* ............. __ .., _, -c.ca.aw _, ,... ......... ~ ........ , ... ::..n.u.. I:I!ID(f) ........ -- ur,oao . .... ..... . ..... ••• OliO 75:1,000 l,ltO,OOO li,IOO ... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... !!!I!!WL!al ""' --·-... . .. ... . .. b d;j -... ... ...w ... ':?.i;JP"' e.uJ .... ... .. ·-. .. '·' ~ !!!Y!..!!!m !!!I uackl--•a..•rarl ... ••~u-•••ao.• .... C .. 'r:"' ,_ .. ·-'·' . .. i:t .... , .... ~·· f.f,. ,.u •• , • toiJ ~ .. · Ul CINtl ..,ucUia ta !r ...,, .... , lc-. •• ranoflt c.._, (2) ::!!t-:.'!!'a:=~:. .~:·;.:r~ .. :.:~ rMIM:ct ... -..~r-.c -•* U 101 (.U ..,_ •" -l~• .. ,.... nUll• leu • ......,.,, Note: Please refer to the qualification statements at the beginning of this section on Natural Gas. lJ r-:J rl r---1 r-11 t- -o -(I) n (I) c.. :;· OQ r-: "2 OQ (I) g: C» :::J ~ r-J ;;;; w " Vndergrouna .-atu~al CJ.u S"torace --JIB:::-:&·.:-.:r:u~=:" ·'*~10 • u.z ;..--,~;,at. --.1 llali.-... u,, : :.;71 ef~)ndlaqa • JIJ ..... *' ... ..,. ... ,.._ • 50,_.. life .aBilllll!l • .,.._ C..leh ., so -.lle ~ .. ....... hill .............. ., ... ... -~ .. ~e ... --.. .. wt&Wa-......... .sata. ...,..,... :':"'JJ ~ :"!':J-::.u:l "' ..... , ...... ._, ,_ ,... wu- Jt.MJ. facWt._ a.'-111 .....,...... •• -.&US. f8d.ll:tl• • .m.WI ...... ...,..., ............ , .... JO .u.. •• ..... ~, ........... . llll!!!!!lll!l! • Dllf'leitet ......... o..a ............. s .. eWle • .. tal'tae fed.Utl .. • c. ~lac rectuu .. • JD lllda " ... cer ,a, .. u.- ~-"":!1-... --"elM'-· e .... "-ea.n...c. ....... OIIMihCI ... • ......,. ca.t.-IMt.a.. ........ u .. .. ..UU!It ... ·. ::-:u::-~, ........ ~ -~-............ ---e ........ _. ..s,., ...... ,...-w fll'ei .... U. .. -dte. M!IIWI c.a.u (~ _...,, -.. (P ftlWoe-'> ...... ( ..... W.0-1 ·----..... otcM1 C.t .... !!!c .. , .... 'hlal .... .......... __. ..... -~a.tlaC.UI .,.... ___ btal .... --emu nM&hcU.-,.te !&E!!!!II. c-.ncU• ()-l•n> ---....-l ... t~ -........... ~ --· __ ._.... - .... ~.00-­ ••• ijU ... ft, 11.1110 -~ Jr.lm S.JU J.lll ou.sa l.JIJ o.4n J.JU ••• 41 ·~·Jl .. .., 2 lhf.V' (Ulll BJ.OO ...... Jlll.OO m.oo lS.IS l.OJ I.Q , ... .. ,. ~-~ e.u• e.m .o.m l.JOJ J,JJI J.ut O.IUSJ ··-o.oun ~u:H==> ~M :: ... 111!1!191.LDW11 C...tnctta ecti'l'iU...., ~ ..... u. ...,.... •u-...... , 1oelt.ap.' hc.tld ateu r ... "N'wt•tt• of locl1 ........ ~ ..,., ....... ..u a.a.p . ::'1: :::.. t:Mt -.u. will .. *'1W 101' ... illjecU• _. wt.CWr-.1. ~ .. -.&:• of .. u ... ,. ft11 .. ..-. Ill!! . .. u. ..... ..,...., .......... ..ntc&M &e ~ .. auc.~-.. ..U_l, .. leoo_IO ... ac,..,.n,..._._,. IP.Bl~---"'­u oloU IP<I Jr-...... Ul.tl t.MJ ).115 Note: Please refer to the qualtftcatton statements at the begtnntng of thfs section on Natural Gas. · (a) .._ U • 101 acr &at. fectU~ ,. .. ,.... _, 11 • u' ICI ..u ...... ln. ......... ~) ..__.. 11,000 If ef Clllill'nMa. &a .. ~u ... .u,. Ia .ct.J. feet, eo191.,.... ,.....__hi will 9a7 ~ • .-...1 a.. _, .,.dUe ..... actartauca of 1M .,. .... ICIGICIIJ ledltel c.,.nu ... ltJI. .....,. .... ., n-tae .al. S. h.-ct._, C.UfOftle, ....,at ,__ c-~Mt•, un. f'talllnt~ r..ecc lta~t fw &M III'CO heJect •. ,_. n,.l ... C:O.,.r, at al. a.c..e ... ct Jf•liO .c al. ........_ .. , I.C. lilt•. I.L., a. c.n..U, 1 • ....,..U, 1.1. he&:~, J.A. IM7, J,l. 11....._, _, c.J. ...... ._.._ _, ....................... . ~ ... '1 .... 1.1. a..s~ hotMU• a.-cr. ltn. ~tuu .. •• as. r.u.c.c w..u. ,_~... DffU. .r .u .. _. .._, • ..,.._,, a....n. IT~ rat:, .. nit cuou... r----~, rl I'"") r--1 r1 r-J rJ r-J rj c-1 rn ~i ["") r-n r:J r--; rt r--J r:-1 ~ (1) (") (1) ~ ::I OQ -c I» CJQ CD S!: I» ::I ~ rn -.., ... c--1 C"'J c:--J . ('7"') c-1 C ... UJ r-J r::J r--J ~ , __ . ·r-:1· r-J ·' ' ., JJatural Gas 'l'ransm18a1on Pipeline •uat n1ftiC1 Jl!ll • )G ...., ntaW. ll&a.tu ,..,.u .. • toO ..... ·--· ) • toCl Ml I ,.. t-z: utK!&J, II:C I oM factor (a Q, fJI,. a lQI It• .. E .., &aiKit ..... , .. , .. ...., e lDOJ a¥aUDUitJ 0. tJIIt • Jl)12 ltM .... I&J output CNI 1..i factor) • Jto.4N • Jol2 It• per ,. ... output (MIa. .. f.ctod 20 ,..r ......Se 1Ua DUC!Irn.c:.J C•J • A 600 •U• _,.ra:ro•• at•l pt,.Uaa e.utnteta41 af lO"' 0.0 • 0,625" All · 51.111110 Plr' -.6 .,. .. .c-taa at 1200 .... --.a-. da-Mt. ......... .., ..... . ... Ia .. ,.., 'r eta c~nifupl COII)f,....ra I«A~t .. at 100 ana Jatarwab. 1M c-tr-..r• •r• ., .. ltJ ... turbtua fueW ~ , ... utu&l ... S. tba p.,.laaa. A •cnta, atatt.M t. local .. at uc:b _. of ,.,. pa.p.laa.. OJtiNIIMii: • ..._.~ •teal ,~u .. • eo..rMMr lltatlou • litter ... atatUU: .. ~~· • •o .._'-' ra. tlaa ~n.aol' • dtlCIN . ' • t.4 •s..cun.c. .... .., c.atnact&oe. ,.n.lcululJ 19 •tl'.-_. dwel'e ~~~u :::· ..._ .. , ~nl .. ..... .,, .. ,.~. . rw.t ... c....-. J!!!!!!!!!!l!!! ( ....... ,,<•l •tMaa ...... pm.-• ·"'-·· ,..c .... buaaaaodla.,.._ alli'DI• ca~:lloia •toxlde bell• IJlTDW. ataal =. .••• Ut\11'~ ,.~ "-' •lfactad !!!!!!! c_,.r•EJ U.• (laJ'4f;nec."k . c-.uaa> wall upec.lw;.J ., COIIf'H ... t etat loA• ~ cooatnc:t!Ga ..-rat lOll ::!!naedoa t.OU7 • 101 ICf Japut ~~; :';,r:r 10 t.onu • ,:fi •••l Qa.ollllon OU Shore ~ Le!dt'r.,ru 7.oo a.OJ 4.40 o.u O.H O.lJ 0.02 o.os 0 0,)1 u.s 0 0 0 .lO o.sa o ::~i!' ,!:)<C> 43. JS ecr .. (2.167 a«u) (c) lt.S6 acre. (0.971 aCC"N) . ' :i~::· ... ~ ~.!:)<c:> O.lJl • 106 ptl..,. (a} :1::: =:::)(c) 0.21 __, .. n :;7~~ -":!!!:.)(c) MSDCJI,U. AIID IIQDUC'tS; (:tu 1012 k~ ho6!M: .. AD I!!.U1!A!!I ,.ntculat .. :· IC .... -!!!W!UI!t! C..l~tklll acUdUq panlc.t.rlJ ., .... ~s.. •• , u.,ora .. u, tw:r .... au ... 8edw.& ...,,..., •r-~ ~ra­ u .. MouJ• IWIC affect Mate~: .-uc,. ... '" ..... -•taU) i;iM' •rba coaatruc:ttDu of plfe.Uaa •• c-.n ... or auttoa• coW.• ~raault 1r&l Ia aoaa• loMb of to ... a1Doa .... ~· rlpt .of__,. :IAet•t•eou• ..... le .. bof IZldM caU.• KCUI' dllrlq bb&- tq. · •uadudq . opei:Ottoa •uW be ft:~it11.cted to co..,c .. IM'. · atadou Md ..u• be 1 ... U.IOGlat ....._"7 of pnpe,rtJ • :::::::S,..auc, of ~~e .... ,.nlcularlJ ta forat .. UN~!, rill .. alt__. fol' , ... ltfa r.a-of t!ae pi,..U.oa. :r.:l:1F 10 aataral &U (1 11 1012 Ita) l..&cral ,__. co.at.uua. UJJ. ..,,_al Qu I~• VOl. Ill. tr...-.as.. llublaacoa.D.C. Olar&ctart•ttce of tlae utuU ... u .. ..t .. tce 11•• an kH4 oa a r.,_al ,_... eo.t.aioo UlpOn applteatS. flU., ., ,_.. ... ICIUICU: (a) <•I (c) (4) <•l (f) Col Atlac&.c ra,au ••• nc Docbc •· CP77-l00 .!! .!!.· 1 Pol' a -. ct.a c~t...c of raeourc ..... tba ttrat u-.ra Pfi'O ... ta r..-.-caa .~ per -ual 10 2 ltiiMI, tbe ftlue Ia ,.r•theaill aa.tcataa the rUG~~rcaa uad par-lol:t ltu cr~er tbe 20 JUI' ecocaa.lc lUa of 1M project. a.aalu. C.C .... 1964. Gu lopa .. u ._e.oot. lad-.ut.al heN • ._ Yod. O.rl.., fr•t u.s. ID~al frotactloa Aa•cr. 1977. CaMvUatt. of &1r Pollutu.t Dd.aalaa rectoC"a. Ofltca of Ur * Yaata ..._.,_t, ..... reb Trfaa\ala Parlt. •rtb Caroltaa. Federal Pow.r eo.Jaaloo., 1917. Plul •n~tal Z.,.ct SUt..-c fol' tba IAI'CO hoject, T-eeo A.tt..tlc I'Sfdiaa ColpaaJ. .!!. .!!_. ~kat Mo. QJI-100..!!, al. VUbla&t0110 D.C. U ilell up&Cltf rapr .. aeta tlae: &IUl~ total c..,:lt)t of 20 plloae pal: aloata of tho welh. at eta eGI!f'I'UMI' atetlOU pal' 10 lt.- pn4ucad. It S. -.ot u.Uctpatad tbet aDJ of tbeaa -.lla wodd opal'ata et cepacltJ for ..., l-ath of ta..t. y_.C•) il 4.001 1.511 o.ust o.ooss Note: Please refer to the queliftcatton statelllents et the beginning of tilts section on Neturel Gas. rJ CLl r:l ... ,. \ r-; l1 r-:· ~ CD n CD Q ::s OQ "2 OQ CD S!: C» :::s ~ I r1 ... N ..... " "· LBG Tanker IIIUC'I RSTIM: !!!,! a 125.0011 c .. ac •ter cap.cltJ (2.6 ICP) -· a tJ.U ..,atl.W.UtJ ()41 q,_) • ts.a etfict.., (,.rc•t of c.erao .. It ward) a 11 PWMI.trtpa ,. .. ,.. .. (26 "-1• at .... ,. .. ,. 181 port) • 20 ... , ... ntce .,.... 12,000 uutic.al .Ua routitrtp • !:_,;=t~c r to:-... ':!;;!.f:ttc •tan) a ll.OSJ a ~i ltu .. u ...... pet' JUt • ~~o;:.:c::.::. c~~:,:rt ... ) !!l!!i!l!l!J!!! a a n • ..o ...._...,.t t• tubr .ath u .. JJ.ooo .e.lltc .. tal' latluiAt .. c.,.....c ........ co llol4 u.-rt .. •CU. at ~210•r. IWp ~''• Zit~ '--• 4li 4a.tp draft. u, ...S... .Uft lwtr....-.r,. 40,00!); JS c...., ~c~ttou• .. nlca .,.... lO ... ,.. 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IU.aa, C., P. Clltron., c:. Gol4«r.._, J •. G.-af...,....tar, E. blc:1e.llh:rp~, 1 • ..-....u, ..._ 1. u-~. 1176. Acct._u _. a..c:~~M....­ .._,. AeHC:lat .. -sr• ....... cl!NI' ... IV ..._rc:. _. ft~Ck!oloo. n.. III'IU eor,orau .. , 1176-61, ~. flrjiata. Aeou-rh, 'f., ltJS. & C... Ut~tol)': ac.-tca of • &.-hojw:t, Oc:eM ..._,~, ~~arc• lt7S. ' a.s • ..,. .. ._.r of t:MI'Q, lt71. W..tah .,.; ProJect. P!Ml IPSra.ntal ~~ Sta~r. ~~ •· CP7s-J40, r•r•l ._ru .._.. .. torr ec.a .. toa. 'llaabl-eu-. D.c. ~ • .Joll!lt. lt7t. Office of aJ~ C..t1 u.s. 111r1t'-A41a!a1auac1... Pal',_.. c:-s.e.u •• Gall .... l'o .J.a. at a.l •• ltl'l. leeoua'ce ...... ~b. laipKta. _. Poc.tJ.al C..treiatll ••evctn .. .atb ....... IMrg ht.,.. lec:a.tel eo .......... u ... lac •• ,..., lt71 • ._ h~. CalUorat.. ·-...,. J.U4 S.IU o.su 1.40S "'·" lote: Please refer to the qualtffcetton st&tellents 1t tile begfnning of this section on Matur11 Ills. ro ~----"\ ( " -c-1· r:-1 r-J ~ r-J :--., O..J l.-,.J (-') r::-1 n ' .. 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Draft June1B APPENDIX A Coal-Fired Power Plant (Eastem Coal) Environmental Characterization Information Report @ William G, Wilson: Technical Project Officer U.S. Department of Energy Assistant Secretary for Environment Office of Environmental Asse~&ments A· i J J J ] J J J J J J 0 J J J J J J J J [ C [ [ r [ [ c c L [ c c [ [ [ ., [ t [ FOREWORD This Environmental Characterization Information Report (ECIR) is a synthesis of en"lronmental data and information relevant to a coal-fired power plant that bums eastern coal. It is prototypical of a set of ECIRs that will be developed for a range of fossil, solar, geothermal, nuclear, and conservation energy systems. The ECIRs are designed to have several related purposes: to commlllicate to aU potential users environmental data and information characteristic of an energy system; to present an organized data and information base for application in manual and computer-based analytical systems; and to provide tne medium for facilitating development, maintenance,· and critical review of the data and information base. The set of ECIRs is designed to replace the general technical backup volumes formerly s~plled with "Environmental Data Energy Technology Characterizations," Summary, January 1980. Responsibility for the contents and development of an ECIR is assigned to individual technology specialists in the Technology Assessments Division. In this endeavor, we expect -to draw upon the technical support and assistance of qualified experts famHiar with the energy systems. Technical comments regarding this ECIR should be directed to Mr. WiUiam G. WHson, (301) 3'3-4414. Suggestions or recommendations for improving the ECIR concept should be addressed to me. Preceding page blank A-/t'i • LD~M~- Dario R. Monti Director, Technology .Assessments Division Office of Technology Impacts J J J ] J ] J J J J J J J J J J J J J [ C [ [ [ [ c [ c c c c [ c [ [ [ [ [ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Many people assisted in the development of this prototype Envh·onmental Characterization Information Report (ECIR), and to these people, acknowledgment is made: Dr. Arnold J. Goldberg, Chief, Fossil Technologies Branch, Technology Assessments Division, for technical and planning advice. Ms. Ne·vaire Serrajian, Systems Analyst, Technology Assessments Division, for administrative coordination and assistance. · Mr. John W. Holt, Jr., and Mr. Fred J. Gatchell of the Rural Electrification Administration, Power Plants Branch, for help in characterizing a typical coal-fired power plant. Dr. John M. Ondov, University of CaJifornia, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, for supplying the basic information that was used to generate the trace element emissions algorithm. Mr. Robert Bee, Mr. Kenneth Stephens, Dr. Lawrence Weinberger, and others, The Aerospace Corporation, for technical support and assistance in developing the. structure of the ECIR. Preceding page blank v J J J J J J J J J J J J ] J J J J d J [ C [ '"· [ t [ [ c c c c [ [ [ [ ,. [ [ [ [ J. u. CONTENTS SUMMARY .•..... · ......••••• PROCESS DESCRIPTION AND ENVIRONMENTAL POINTS OF INTEREST . . • ; . • . . . . 1. 2. 3. 4. '· 6. 7. &. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 1.5. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Run-of -Mine Coal to Coal Preparation. Makeup Water to Coal Preparation . • Fugitive Dust From Coal Preparation • Solid Waste From Coal Preparation . • . • Surface Runoff from Coal Preparation Waste Storage •..... .-.•.•..••••• Fugitive Dust From Onslte Coal Storage . . . Controlled Runoff From Onsite Coal Storage . Coal Feed to Generating Plant . . . . . . . . Evaporative and Drift Losses From Wet Cooling Towers ..••.•.•..... Cooling Tower Slowdown . , ... Cooling Tower Makeup . . . . . . MisceUaneous Plant Drains . . . . Makeup Water to Generating Plant Bottom Ash From Coal Combustion Excess Water to River or Sewer •• RecycJe Water . . . . . . . . . . Fly Ash· From Particulate Control . Makeup Water for Fly Ash Transport Sludge From S02 Control . . . . . . Solid Waste Handling . . . , . . . . ·, Makeup Water for S02 Control .•..... Lime/Umestone Requirement for S02 Control Flue Gas ..••..• Ill. PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS • Water ..• Land ••• IV. PERSONNEL V. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH . APPENDIX A. Air Emissions Under Various Regulatory and Control Technology Assumptions • APPENDIX B. Cost Information Preceding page blank vii Page A-1 A-4 A-7 A-9 A-10 A-11 A-13 A-14 A-15 A-16 A-19 A-21 A-22 A-23 A-24 A-27 A-28 A-30 A-31 A-33 A-34 A-36 A-40 A-42 A-43 A-50 A-50 A-50 A-53 A-54 A-55 A-56 APPENDIX C. Trace Element Analysis • • • GLOSSARY •••••••••••• ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS vlii • • • • • • Page A-58 A-62 A-64 [ r [ ·" [ -~ [ [ L [ c --C. [ [ c [ c [ ... [ [ [ [ r '-, .~ [ [ [ C [ [ [ r L c [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ I. SUMMARY . This Environmental Characterization Information· Report (ECIR) for Coal-Fired· Power Plants (Eastern Coal) has been prepared from the latest available environmental and technical information collected from a number of sources. The typical plant chosen for characterization .is a '00-MWe nameplate rating pulverized-coal plant with an electrostatic precipitator, wet scrubber, and a wet-mechanical-draft cooling tower. It is a mine-mouth facility, with its own coal preparation plant. The process, plant operating parameters, resources needed, and the t!nVironmental residuals and products asso.ciated with the power plant are presented in this secton in the summary table (Table 1). Annual resource usage and pollutant discharges are shown in English and metric units, assuming an annual plant capacity factor of 80 percent. While this capacity factor is representative of tile reliability of generating units of this size, it does not ·consider unscheduled shutdowns for repairs of the plant and associated environmental control equipm~t or factors independent of the plant itself, e.g., reserve requirem.ents. In addition to annual quantities, the summary table gives quantities in terms of 1012 Stu of electric energy produced. These figures are provided to allow comparison between different energy processes and to facilitate application of the information in computer models. The supporting information and calculation procedures for the data are given in Section II. Twenty-three environmental points of interest are discussed individually, giving a brief description of the pollutants or resources involved, standards to be met, example calculations showing the derivation of quantities, scaling laws and extrapolation methods to adjust to other conditions, and a bibliography of cited references. Specific environmental regulations are discussed in the individual sections. The calculations of allowable emission levels are based on current Federal regulations applicable to new plants. For information on similar sized plants operating under previous Federal regulations, see Appendix A. For information on impending regulations, see Reference I. Section m discusses the overall physical .requirements of the plant for land and water. A glossary of terms, cost information, and a trace element analysis are included as appendixes to this report;. Data pertaining to additional subjects such as construction resources will ~ covered in a later version of this ECIR. Reference 1. U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Technology Impacts, Office of Environment, "Environmental Issues Briefing Book for Policy Analysis Division," original issue April 1979 (compiled by the Mitre Corporation). A-1 TABLE 1. SUMMARY SHEET COAL-FIRED POWER PLANT (EASTERN BITUMINOUS COAL) ENERGY SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Mlne-Mautl\ Con-.kMIM Steem Eleclric "- l'llnt Uling Typlc:al Ealem Bituminous COlli; No Cogei11111ion; ~ic PrecipiUtor fa< .Pit; 1icullle Control: Wat· l.iiNI Limlltone Scrubber lot ~Control: On-Sill Solid wme ~;-On· 11111 w-T...-. 1ot lledrcul~Uon to Minimize D~~ctw;e .. New Plant Subject to eu,_,,....,.. tlonl. PROCESS FLOW ... ----~-....... ~-­-..-- RESOURCES USED PLANT OPERATING· PARAMETERS "-Output to Grid: Annu.ll c.p.city FICior: Owerill Pllnt Efficiency: Arinull E'*9Y ProduCiion: Plant Ufltlme: !OOMWe 1091. ·-medl 3691. 12 x 1012 Btu 13.5 x 101 MW·h,.l 30~ !® K L I ~ • • I ·----' Ouentitiea Used Code l!.2.. II!!Ourc• fill! (l) II~ lelllm bllumlnoua . 0011 ® Colt fllcl·to boiler• ® DE Colt PftiiiiiStloll ,._ wtiler ®.@ "-pient ,._- 8 ·~ :::,or-I•IIIICIMning ftllll- ....., Mitefllll lot PI'C cs•ina 8 . ...,_IQIIC!Ubber ® ~ Und far CCIII .,...._ ao1ic1 --.·-Section 1111 8 Undlot-'*"'--iniiiiMIRIIIOiid -1111 ClilpOIIII-Section Nil ~ "-l'llnt ,_..,.., Plant fttw Mlllril!t !or Contvuction ~ Cgatrq!C.. AnnUli Uaege• L~ MttrisUnjta 1.96•10itona .1.n x 101tonne 1. ~a to' tona 1.3x 101tonne 1l'·45 • 1o' gal 57-t10a1011 2.2a101'gal 3.2 •. 1o7 u•• 8.3. 1011 12a107 1 146 a 10ltons 132 a 1ll=ltonne 16acres 6.5ha 12 .. 3acrn 5ha 136~yr 3) IIMOft-YI }'··-. A-2 Per101lBtu Energy Proc!ucpd O.th10itona 0.12 a 1o'tona 1.25-3.75 a 1o' gal 0.18·•10'gal· 0.27a107 gal 12.2a1ll=ltons 1.3acrn 1.03acres 11.3 .,._.yr 1. 7 1*1011-YI .!!!!!J!!!!! Hlgh-IUifur COli 13.3'11o SJ au.litvnot C!itiQI Suffoclent ..,,._., lora 30 ~~Hie . .._.ontf\1....,.....10'-'~••••0r [ L [ [ [ [ L [ c [ [ [ [ [ c [ [ l L [ C [ '" [ .... [ [ [ [ c [ [ [ [ c [ [ [ l ., ... [ TABLE 1. CContlnueciJ COAL-FIRED POWER PLANT (EASTERN BITUMINOUS COAL) INVIRONMENTAL RESIDUALS fl PRODUCTS a...,,,, ... 11-..cl A....-l:evft" Code Ho. <!).® • (!) (!) G ® a @) (!) "-iccuaa or ProdUCI AlrPMY9nt1 FugitMt dim. f1om COel -Ilion 8lld -. ,_.Comtol Flue Ga ~·· Sulfur Dioxide 15021 Oaiclel of Nitrogen I NO.I T0181 Suependell P1niculetn ITSPI ~ Hydroclrbona IHCI Cartlon Monoxide ICOI Cartlon Dioaide IC02I ~(Aal a.ytliurn lhl . Cadmium I Cell Mengat-IMnl Lied IPbl · &ellnium ISel W..., Polutln1l AlrllorM _., from cootong tower drift 8lld l¥epomion lllrtece run-ott f1om coal prepare lion IO((d -· IIOrlgl e.-_., runoff from treatment/ ...cycling llolcling ponda TOIII 8ulpencNd SoliCit ITSS 1 011811do.- Coslplt Iron Clllohnl loldWW E1191i!h Unlta 10.2 • 103 toni 10.2 • 103 tona !OOtona 220tona 720 rona· 3. 7 • tal-· 2251b 9.31b 4.1 lb 181 lb lt41b lillb 2. iO'gal Solid -• from coal prepararoon 0 52!> i !altona no -.gal lonom ea11 from boiler·ldryl 2!i • 103 tona ColllcNIIIIyitto ldryl from 100 • t03tona pNCOpitetoi IJmeM-ecrullber llv~ ldryl 193 • 103 tona 1:!!11 fOUl heel '-a to.., 34 • 1012 ltu ..,_ ____ ..... _ .... __ _ .......... __.. ... ~ tac10f . .._.....__.....~-..-,.,II ... ...,. ...... fat II,..... llill"1 ......... -~ ......... OCCUPAnONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH Dl.lt. .... ............ l'llnt ~ OJIIIIM.aaD 1.1o3. 1 ,., 1012atu O.IIOCD-O.GOIM 0.11-0.21 A-3 MetriC Unill Not quanrofilble 9.3 • 103 ,. 9.3 • 103t• •••• 200 •• ••• 3.4 • IOite '102 kg 4.2 kg 1.9 kg . 74 kg 52 kg 25 kg 7.8 a tot I Not Qulntrlolble 30mg·l'' 15.2mg I 0.009 mg I 0.009 mg I 30.11mg I 0.41. 10'11 22.8 • t03 II 91 .• 103 •• 17!1 • 103 •• 10 • tO' MW-IIo ~ 0.0.11 1 ... 2.3 l'er 10'21tu Energy ~ 160 tona 160 tons 42tona 18tona IOtona 0.3 • !altona 18.81b 0.81b 0.41b 13.41b 9.51b 4.71b 0.17a 1gigel 0.04 • 10' tons 2. 1 • 103 tons 8.3 • 103 tona 16 • 103 tona 2.8 • 10128tu "-l'llnt llegulatory Cornplilnce !:!.!!!! 0.8 lb/tal Btu 0.8 lb/10' Btu 0.03 lb11al Btu Not WUiblilhld 1 30 mgf1••• Nona I mg/1"'" 1 mg11•eo NOne Pit 1ot2B1u 0.0.00115 0.1M.11 . .II. PROCESS DESCRIPTION AND ENVIRONMENTAL POINTS OF INTEREST To identify current trends in coal-fired power plant design, the features of 4.3 modern plants were examined.! On the basis of the observed trends, ·i!nd through discussions with power engineers, a typical plant was chosen for characterization. This composite plant is a .500-MWe pulverized-coal plant with an electrostatic precipitator to control particulate emissions; a wet lime/limestone scrubber for ·flue gas desulfurization; and a wet, mechanical draft cooling .tower. The plant was assumed to be a mine-mouth facility with its own coal preparation plant. The net station heat rate of 9760 Btu/kWh 1 which corresponds to an overall efficiency of 3.5 percent, was taken from an actual 500-MWe plant with similar controls and design features.2 The coal used in the analysis is an eastern bituminous coal with a heat value of 12,000 Rtu/lb, 1.3 oercent sulfur, and 8.8 percent ash.3 · · The use of an eastern high-sulfur coal for electrical generation is shown in Figure 1. Twenty-three environmental points of interest have been identified in Figure 1 and are discussed in the following sections. Items <D through~ deal with coal preparation,@ and <Z) deal with onsi~ coal stora~, {§)through @ deal with the generating plant itself, and (l!f)· through ~ deal with pollution controls. Cost information for the plant is given in Appendix B. References 1. 2. 3. J.J. O'Connor, ed., Power, 1978 Plant Design Issue, Vol. 122, No. 11, November 1978. -- Final Environmental Impact Statement, Spurlock Station, Unit No. 2 and Associated Transmission, USOA-REA-EIS-76-4F, Chapter I, November 1976. G.K. Nielsen, ed., 1978 Keystone Coal Industry Coal Manual, Kentucky 1111 Coal, McGraw-Hill, New York, New York, 1978. A-4 [ r [ [ [ [' _, [ [ c c [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [·: -' [ rJ c-:; r--1 > I U1 r-1 ·-.. .. _ rJ --= r--J RIC'Itllah' _ .. IOUIWAitiS , ......... . -·- C---:1 IIIOfl: .... II .......... IIIALII'OilltiO' .. rtMif UIIU•OM INti Jl~ CfiUIT AJII DIKUU1 . -. ·----~ cv • I fWQmft DUll ' ..... -D I ..... ..... ..... I~ ......... _,,_ .. ., .... ,...,.. ""'J"AIIAltON d) ® -u.c•• -.... , .... , . .. ""-___ ... ....... .....,. @ .. COM. CLIANJHQ WAITE ITOAAGI ... _ , ..... -""· -· (!) . c--.1 ® • 1·-·,. .... I I ..... llOOAOI .......... ~ 18U&,.IIJCM•41 ... ,. ....... »Nrc~rllllfGtltCr . ., ........ r1 L1 e-n ~ FIGURE t. PROCESS FLOW CHART WITH ENVIRONMENTAL POINTS OF INTEREST COAL·FIRED POWER PLANT - EASTERN BITUMINOUS COAL - 10% CAPACITY FACTOR ® • ...,, anMOUr..,..J ,em~, I , .... ....., I I COOliNG @ ... ,.,. .. ,... .. ,.,...,. 1---l JOWEA ::= @ ® ·-.... r.l II.IC~IfY -- 'MITICULATI · · CCMlhOI.. , ... ·.::~ llfAM ELlCTihC ... S:~":::::::,:~:~ .. ~--...... ..,E,tCIENJ HOI$1DI ELICJIIO$.TATtC NECifltTAIOR ®f COI.LICfte -.cllL.,_OVI ® "Lf&SMIMn -·-_, .. ...... ...,.. .,. ......... .., . @ IOno. .... -•, @ .......... . ........... 0 . Jr = CCNifiiOule -· WAUit TMATIIINJI .. ". .. _ .. III("YCUNQ 'ACIUIY ® •era• ... ,,. IICIUWAit• IO .. UOtiSiwt•@ c--J .. .. 1-..:=._ ~ INU~••n• ...... ~ . ll ~ ,., .. @ I I .. - I ACK IJlNAUIT SJACK l I so, J COOITIIOl 1--., EFFtCliNf UltiEI FlUE L:::sc:.o::L,U.A ~ IZAJION UNIY L*lll .• ~~~~t.@ • @ ····~ . .. ,. ~ ..... ...,. ~ lOtti'"• ......... ·.co, 1® 101ALW&Ifl »tote•......,.. IOUOWASfE HANiktfrtO AND DISPOSAl talec....,.. ,CM."" ~ r-1 r---j J J ] ~ ] J J J J ]. J J J J J J ' J ~ J j ] r [ [ [ [ [ [ [ u c [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ --·. ·------------------- G) Run-of-Mine Coal to-Coal Preparation The amount of run-of-mine (ROM J coal to the coal preparation plant is 1.96 x 106 tons/yr. The ROM coal is assumed to be ex~racted from an ~derground eastern mine (crift mine operating in thin seam ( < 40 inches thick) bituminous coal). I ,2 The mined material is assumed to contain rock, slate, and other refuse normally associated with utderground mining. The material has moisture, some of which occurs naturally, and some of which is added by in-mine sprays for dust control. The material is carried to the surface preparation plant by conveyor and to the out•of-mine sections, which are enclosed. No Federal regulations apply to the characteristics of the mined material. To determine the quantity of ROM coal entering the preparation plant, the heat rate, the proposed operating power level of the power plant, and the operating characteristics of the coal preparation plant must be . known. The typical power plant design used in ttlis ECIR has a heat rate of 9760 Btu/l<Wh, and the generating plant operating level is 500 MWe. The coal preparation plant can operate effectively between 20 percent and 30 percent rejection rates.2 It is assumed that the rejection rate for this coal in this preparation plant has been found empirically to be 27 percent. This typical operating point was established through review of similar circuit · operation and accumulated operating experience.:f · The calculations are as follows: ReqUired heat fnput • (Station power output)(net station heat rate)(hr/day) • (5.0 x lOS kWh/hr)(9760 Btu/kWh)(24 hr/day) • 117 x 109 Btu/day Using the coal cleaning plant operating point of 27 percent rejection, the cleaned coal will have an energy content of 12,000 Btu/lb. Therefore, ROK coal fnto the preparation plant • (heat fnoutl (coal neat contentJ(l -reJect1on rate) • · (117 x 109 Btufday) (12.o x1oJ Stu/16)(2 x toJ ~b/ton)(1 -o.21) • 6.7 x 103. tons/d~y A..;.7 Preceding page blank On a yearly basis, ROM coal into the preparation plant • (6.7" 103 tcins/day)(0.8 capacity factor)(365 days/yr)" • 1.96" 106 tons/yr The amount of ROM coal input for any preparation plant and power plant combination can be calculated for any coal by applying the plant's known heat rate, the typical preparation .plant rejection rate, . and cleaned coal Btu content to the above formulas. References I. G.K. Nielsen, ed., 1978 Keystone Coal Industry Coal Manual, Kentucky Ill Coal, McGraw-Hill, "'ew York, New York, 1978, p. 505 and pp. 920-921. . 2. S.M. Cassidy, "Eiem~nts of Practical Coal Mining," Society of Mining Engineers, New York, New York, 1973, pp. 346-356. 3. P.J. Phillips and P.P. DeRienzo, "Assessing the Economics of Steam," Coal Preparation, Coal Mining and Processing, September 1977, p, 75. A-8 [ [ L [ [ [ [ [ c [ [ [ [ [ ~[ [ [ [ [ 1[ I -~ f"' !L [ [ l~ [ [ [ c c c [ c [ [ [ [ [ [ @ Makeup Water to Coal Preparation The required makeup water for the cos/ preparation plant ranges from 15 x 106 gsl/yr to 45 x 106 gal/yr. The coal preparation plant assumed in this system design consists of crushing, washing, and sizing/screening operations, all of which are conducted in the presence of moisture (wet circuit). The system is designed to dewater the coal prior to delivery using screen and hycfrrocyclone separators and to recirculate the water in the system through a thickener to remove suspended sellds. . Some water will leave the plant as surface moisture on the clean coal and the rejeeted refuse material and must be made up by moisture arriving on the surface of the input ROM coal or from a makeup water source. The quality of this makeup water is not critical, and it may come from any of a number of sources such as wells, streams, or mine dewatering. Because the surface moisture on the input coal is not highly controlled, the makeup requirement will be variable. In general, however, some makeup water will be required.! While the makeup water requirement will vary with the preparation plant capacity, it is not necessarily directly scalable and will depend on empirical experience with a particular preparatiorLcircuit and ROM coal.2 However, this value will not Renerally exceed 20 gal/ton of ROM coal processed, which equals 40 x 10° gal/yr at an 80-percent capacity factor. References 1. 2. S.M. Cassidy, "Elements of Practical Coal Mining," Society of Mining ~ineers, New York, New York, 1973, p. 43S. sonal Comm~ication, Mr. William Ostarello, Roberts and Schaefer Co. Engineers and Contractors, Chicago, Illinois, (312)-236-7292. A-9 ® Fugitive Du~t From Coal Preparation Fugitive or stack particulate emissions from the coal preparation plant are negligible because no thermal drying or onsite open coal storage is employed. Because the entire preparation facility is enclosed and the preparation circuit is operated in a wet mode, there is little opport~mity for fugitive dust emissions from the plant.l Typical enclosed silo type coal storage would add little to these emissions if used. Exposed pile storage (seldom used in the east) could be the source of windblown dust if no dust control measures such as compacting, water sprays, or. S!.l'face coatings are used. If thermal drying of coal were used in. this plant design, either to facilitate dry processing or for shipment preparation, dust emissions to the environment would occur. The ~.ncontrolled emissions from three popular coal drying systems range from 15 to 25 pounds of. dust per ton of coal processed. The emissions to the · atmosphere could be reduced to less than .075 pound per ton using cyclones followed by wet scrubbing.! The low-level fugitive dust emission characteristics of total wet circuit processing plants are generally applicable to all plant sizes. The emissions factors for thermal drying are directly applicable to any size of processing ...-tit.l . Reference 1. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, .Third Edition, including supplements ·t-7, PB 21.S-.S2.S, August 1977, pp. 346-347. A-10 [ [ [ [ [. [' [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ . [ .. [ [ [ [ '· l~ r -· .. r, -" t~ [ o, •· :.: :..,· [ [ ... G "[:·:= ,. .c '[ [ -t~: . -~, L. [ . ~ ... .. , .. ·. c· ,, [ [ [-/ [ 'j. -'_-..:.· :' "' . ~ .. @ Soiid Waste From Coal Preparation The solid ·wastes discharged by the coal preparation plant amount to 0.525 x 106 tons/yr. Solid waste discharged from the p~paratlon plant consists of approximately 93 percent rock, · slate, and shale; . 2 percent coal fines rejected in the cleaning process; and .5 percent P.Yritic mater ial.l '2 The exact composition of this material will vary widely from coal to coal and as site mining coriditions change, but the coal content wHl be kept to a minimum.2 Analyzed samples of Contemporary coal preparation plant waste piles show concentrations of pyritic material ranging from 1.1 percent fer fines (the size fraction in which pyrites would· be expected .to concentrate) to 3.1 percent in course. rewash refuse. 2 · . The calculation is as follows: Coal p~eparation waste ··(Rejection ratt)(ROM coal feed rat~) For the typical pl~t, On a. yearly basis , Coal preparation waste .• (0.27)(6.7 x 103 tons/day) • 1800 tons/day . . . Coal pr.eJ)aration wiSte.• (1800'tons/day)(0.8 capacity factor)(36S days/yr} .• d.szs x 1o6 tons/yr This material is transported with associated moisture ( 10 to 15 percent) to nearby slrface landflU where it will be compacted and rehabilitated through revegetation and stabilization techniques.3 . Such sites must be design.ated and permitted by state/local . authorities.: . Section m discusses land requirem~ts for solid waste disposal. Wate~ control must be installed for both surface and sUbsurface drainage 9f the area • The production of solid waste fer . a. given coal 11'\d a given preparation plant is linearly s~leable for changes· in plan' coal use. As more rock or slate enters in the ROM coal, as in coal from thlMer seams, the rock refuse fraction can be expected to rise accordingly, but the coal fines fraction and the pyritic material fraction can be expected to remain constant, based on the clean coal P!an.t output. · A-ll ~.,. ----- ........,~-,__,.--:; ·~-~~ ' \ ··.,\ References 1. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, "Environmental Assessment of Coal Cleaning Processes: Technology Overview," EP A-600/7 -79-073e, September 1979, p. 47. 2. C. Treworgy, Illinois Geological Survey, In House Studies of Processing Wastes, April 2, 1980. 3. Federal Register, "Surface Coal Mining and Reclamation Operations, Permanent Regulatory Program," Vol. 44, No. 50, March 13, 1979, pp. 1.543.5-1.5439. A-12 [ [ [ [ " [ [ [ [ c c 0 c [ [ [ .. [ [ [' ' L [ [ L [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ L [ ® Surface Runoff From Coal Preparation Waste Storage Surfa£e runoff for coal processing disposal sites is, in general, not quan- tif~ble because it depends on rainfall and subsurface water quantities that mlfY come in contact with the waste material. 1 RWlOff from coal deaning refu$e waste piles will originate from two sourcesa rainfall on the S\.l'face of the flll and subsurface water including moisture on the s\.l'face of. the' material. The requirement to cover with "topsoil" and revegetate and control crainage on the surface of the disposal area willf in general, isolate the rainfall and surface water from the waste material. ,2 Subs\.l'face water can more readily come in contact with the waste material and this c:Ontact can result in the dissolving of solids (forming, for example, sulfates); the acidification of the liquids; or the deposition of suspended solids in the liquid. It is possible that a properly designed and operated crainage system wUl result in acceptable water quality for discharge to surface waters. If this quality cannot be achieved, treatment of the drainage from the area may be necessar~ to meet local regulations for dissolved solids, suspended solids, and acidity. For this processing plant, the dry landfill method of disposal has been chosen. As the surface area of the fUJ increases, there will be a general increase in . the opportunity for ingress of surface (rain) water and for intrusions of subsurface water. Neither of these sources can be accurately quantified. References 1. 2. 3. u.s. Environmental Protection Agency, "Environmental . A5sessment of Coal Cleaning Processes: Technology Overview," EPA-600/7-79-073e, September 1979, p. 48. Federal Re,ster, "Surface Coal Mining and Reclamation Operations, Permanent egulatory Program, 11 Vol. 44, No. ·50, March 13, 1979, pp. 1S434-1,436 and 1~424-15430. · Personal Communication, Harry Chappel; Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, April 3, 1980. A-13 @ Fugitive Dust From Onsite Coal Storage It is not possible to sccurste/y quantify the fugitive dust emissions from the coal storage area. Wind erosion resulting in airborne dust should not be a significant sir pollution source for active piles if dust control measures are maintained. Coal fines are an inevitable! ,2 result of coal preparation and handling operations. Oust emissions from the storage areas, especially active storage,_ can be effectively controlled through the use of water sprays and surface compaction. tn addition,· oil, asphalt, or latex coatings can be applied to long-term storage piles to control dust emissions. It should also be noted that .the surface of a properly compacted long-term storage pile will quickly lose the fines, which can become airborne, and the dust · emissions will drop to a very low level unless the pile is physically disturbed. The dust emissions -from an open coal storage pile are not, in general, quantifiable. Ttiey are, however, proportional to the exposed surface of the coal pile and generally will increase with increase~ in surface wind velocity.2 References 1. 2. T.H. Pigford et al., "Fuel Cycles. for Electrical Power Generation," EEED-101 Tekriekron, Inc., Berkeley, California, January 1973. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, "Survey of Fugitive Oust From. Coal Mines," EPA-908/1-78-00.3, February 1978, pp. 2 and ,6. A-14 [ r [ [ ... r~ L r' L r~ [ [ [ [ [ [ r·- L [ "" [ [ r~ L L [ ' ' t~" ·;··. ) . ' '[ .• ~ --' :.,[· ., ~[ .[ [ '[ c [ [ [ [ [ "[ .... ··r L [ [ [ (i) Controlled Runoff From Onsite Coal Storage .It is not possible to accurately quantify the liquid runoff from the cos/ storsge areas becsuse the source. of this liquid is primarily fllinfslland, tO II lesser extent, the WBter sprays thst may be used tO COntrol dust. 1 Subsasface water is excluded from the ·area by a liner, usually day or an impermeable membrane. Water that falls on the sli'face of the coal pile will either be lost to . the air through evaporation or be crained to a peripheral crainage channel where it can be routed to the power plant water treatment system. · This water may contain suspended solids and dissolved sollds; be slightly acidic; and contain oil, if oil sprays are used in dust control. The receiving water treatment system is designed to handle such pollutants t!Yough settling, neutralization, oil removal, and blending to achieve acceptable water quality for either . recycling uses in the system or discharge to sasface water. · The quantity of runoff is generally proportional to the sasface area of the coal storage pile and the relative quantity of precipitation at the site. Reference 1. U.S •. Environmental Protection Agency, "Environmental Assessments of · Coal Cleaning Processes: Technology Overview," EPA-600/7-79-073e, September 1979, pp. 44 and 4S. A-15 @ Coal Feed to Generating Plant The amount of prepared cos/ required for the typical plant assumed in this ECIR is 1.43 x 10' tons/yr. To determine how much coal is required to run any given power plant; the following information is need~d: • • • Net power delivered to the transmission grid (P) in MWe Net station heat rate (Q) in Btu/kWh Heat content of coal, as fired (Q) in Btu/lb The power delivered to the grid is known for· a . given plant (i.e., the nominal rating of ~0 MWe, 1000 MWe, etc.) The net station heat rate (Q), ·which varies from plant to plant, is a measure of the amount of heat (Btu) that must be fed into the boiler to get 1 kWh of electricity out to the grid. Net power delivered to the grid equals total power generated minus power required to operate plant auxiliaries, including environmental control equipment. The actual overall plant heat. rate is llsted in the plant's major documents, such as the Environmental Impact Statement or the Power Plant Design Report. The heat content of coal (Q) as fired is a parameter given in the coal• analysis. Using the above definitons, the coal required on a daily basis is as follows: ill.C.Q}_!(1 x 103 kWe.\( 1 · ton)(2.C x 10 hr )} • 12 PO/Q tons/cia ---o-IIJe I 'f"i'"1'G11D. daY: . Y In the typical· plant , P = .500 MWe Q = 9760 Btu/kWh Q = 12,000 Btu/Jb Thus, for the typical plant, Coal feed rete • 12 PQ/Q tons/day ~ Coel f .. d rete • 12 (500 MWoa6(9760 Btu/kWh) lz, Stu/16 • C.9 x 103 tons/day A-16 n n l LJ [ [ r (__, [ [ c c f' L r L [ [ [ • [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ « [ [ [ [ c c [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ L On a yearly basis, COil feed rata • (4.9 x 103 tons/day)(O.S capac1t~ factor)(365 days/yr) • 1.43 x 106 tons/yr The analysis for the coal used in this ECIR is as followsl: Proximate Analysis· (96) Ultimate Analysis (96) ash fixed C volatile moisture 8.8 44.3 38.7 8.2 Heat value 12,000 Btu/lb c 0 H· N s ash moisture 64.9 8.7 4.6 1 • .5 3.3 . 8.8 8.2 In subsequent sections of this ECIR, values from this coal analysis are · used to calculate the resources and residuals associated with operation of the plant, e.g., in item ® the ash content of the coal is used to calculate the amount of bottom ash from combustion. If a coal different from the one shown in the above table were used, the values from the new coal analysis Would be substituted in· the. equations. In the calculations of environmental pollutants, it is assumed that 20 percent of the ash is emitted as bottom f.h and that the remaining 80 percent is emitted from the boiler as fly ash. ,3 It is also assumed that 10 percent of the sulfur is retained in the bottom ash and fly ash or· removed as a result of· pyrite removal in the coal pulverizer, and the remaining 90 percent is converted to sulfur dioxide. 4' .5 . The energy content of the coal feed into the boilers is converted into electricity with an efficiency of 3.5 percent. The remainder of the energy is lost in the form of thermal energy according to the following table.6 A-17 ----------------------------·---·--- Energy It Ptrctnt of 100-Perctnt lni!!!.L_ Captcity (Stu/day) Net Electrical Output 35 41 X 109 Heat Rejected to Condenser so 58.5 X 10 9 Sensible Heat in Flue Gas 10.7 12.5 X 109 Internal Thermal Losses and 4.3 5 X 109 Plant Consumption Total Energy From 4.9 x 10 3 100 117 X 10 9 tons/day Coal Feed at 12,000 Btutlb These heat losses pose little environmental concern: the heat rejected directly to the atmosphere is negligible, the heat rejected to the main condenser is cooled by .closed-cycle cooling towers, and heat rejected through the cooling tower blowdown line · is dissipated into the atmosphere through water treatment/recycling facility holding ponds. References 1. 2. 3. 4. .5. 6. G.K. Nielsen, ed., 1978 Keystone Coal lndustr( Coal Manual, Kentucky 1111 Coal, McGraw-Hill, New York, N~w Yor , 1978. u.s. Environmental Protection Agency, "Electric Utility Steam Generating Units: · Background Information for Proposed Particulate Emission Standards," EPA-4.50/2-78-006a, July 1978, p. 3-14. Teknekron, Inc., "Comprehensive Standards: The Power Generation Case," EPA No. 68-01-0.561, March 197.5, p~ 91. Personal Communication, Robert Statnick, (202) 426-2683, Senior Staff Engineer, Offic~ of Energy, Minerals, and Industry, Office of Research . and Development, U.S. Environmental · Protection Agency, Washington , D.C, April 1980. ·Personal Communication, Walter Stevenson, (919} .541-.5477, Staff Scientist, Office of Air Quality, Planning, and Standards, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Ral.eigh-Durham, North Carolina, A.prll 1980. Teknekron, Inc., "Towards Comprehensive Standards: The Electric Power Case," EPA No. 68-01-0.561, January 1973, p. 70. A-18 [ r [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ c [ [ [ [ [ L [ [ [ [ A [ c [ [ c [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ® Evaporative and Drift Losses From Wet Cooling Towers · Evapoi'lltive losses from the cooling towers into the atmosphere are approximately 2 x 109 gal/yr for a typical saJ..MWe power plant opersting at full /~d. Additionally, another 0.25 percent or 5 x 106 gallyr will be lost in the form of drih if drih eliminators are not used. The above values are based on the assumptions that .50 percent of the gross heat released from coal combustion is dissipated to the circulating water system and that the water heat of vaporization at standard conditions is 10.50 Btu/lb water evaporated.!, 2, 3 In general, the water requirements due to cooling tower evaporation are given by · W£VAP• gal/day • 2880 (percent heat rejected to circulating water system) QP/(water heat of vaporization) , · For the typical plant, WEYAP • (2880)(0.50)(9760 Btu/kWh)(SOO ~e)/(1050 Btu/lb) • 6.7 x 1o6· gal/day On a yearly basis, WEYAP • (6.7·x 106 gal/day)(O.B capacity factor)(365 days/yr) • 2 x 109 gal/yr . Similarly, requirements due to cooling tower drift for the typical plant are WoRIFT • 0.0025 WEVAP • 0.0025 (6.7 x 1o6 gal/day) • 16.8 x 103 gal/day A-19 On a yearly basis, WDRIFT • (16.8 x tol_ gal/day)(O.S capacity factor)(365 days/yr) • 4.91 x 1o6 gal/yr These cooling tower losses may interact with the local meteorology and cause visibility impairment, fogging, or. icing conditions. There are no existing regulations limiting cooling tower losses _to the atmosphere. References 1. ~. 3. R.F. Probstein and H. Gold, Water in Synthetic Fuel Production: The Technology and Alternatives, The MIT Press, 1978, pp. 47-81. Water Purification Associates,· "Final Report: An Assessment of Minimum Water Requirements for Steam-Electric Power Generation and Synthetic Fuel Plants in the Western United States," prepared for Science and Public Policy Program, University of Oklahoma, Contract No. 68-0l-1916, August 24, 1976, pp. 61-10.5. Power Handbook: Basic Power Facts Made Easy, Part One and Part Two, Power Magazine, 197.5, p.-104. A-20 c· [ [ [ ,.., l~ f"' L [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ L [ [ I I ![ ,, [ ... [ [ [ [ c ~ c [ [ [ [ [ - L " [ [ L i @ Cooling Tower Slowdown Cooling tower blowdown represents approximately 10 percent of the evaporation losses. 1•2 For a typical plant, blowdown is 0.2 x 10s gall yr and goes to the water treatment/recycling facility to be reused a$ makeup water. ~lowdown water typically contain the following environmental residuals: 'liocides (e.g., chlorine), added for marine and biological growth control; corrosion inhibitors (e.g., chromates), a high concentration of total dissolved solids; and excess heat. Because these residuals are collected and controlled in the water treatment.tc!:cycling facility, there is no direct influence on the environment (see item @· · For any plant, WStOWDOWN .• 0.1 WEVAP For the typical plant, Wstowoowtl • 0.1 (6.7 x 106 gal/day) WBLOWDOWN • 0.7 x 106 gal/day On a yearly basis , WsLOWDOWN • (0.7 x lo6 gal/day)(O.S capacity factor)(365 days/yr) !' 0.2 x 109 gal/yr References 1. 2. R.F. Probstein and H. Gold, Water in Synthetic Fuel Production: The Technology and Alternatives, The MIT Press, 1978, p. 4.7. Water Purification Associates, "Final Report: An Assessment of Minimum Water Requirements for Steam-Electric Power Generation and Synthetic Fuel Plants in the Western United States," prepared for Science and Public Policy Program, University of Oklahoma, Contract No. 68-01-1916, August 24, 1916, p. 69. A-21 ,. ~~- @ Cooling Tower Makeup ApproxitMte/y 2.2 x 109 gallyr are needed to make up cooling tower losses due to drift. evaporation. and blowdown for a typical plant. Cooli~ tower makeup is obtained ~summing WevAP and WoRIFT from item(!> and WsLOWOOWN from item~ as follows: "roW •_W[VAP +.WDRIFT + WBLOWDOWN For the typical plant, "row • (6.7)(1()6 gal/day+ 0.02}(1o6 gal/day+ 0.67)(10.6 gal/day) ~ 7.4 ~ 106 gal/day On a yearly basis, Wfow • (7.4 x to6 gal/day)(o.s· capacity factor)(365 days/yr} • 2.2 x 109 gal/yr The above analysis is for a we.t cooling system only. When water is expensive, however, (greater than about $0.80/103 gallons) or of limited availability, combined wet and dry cooling systems would . be used. For such systems, the average annual water consumption is between 10 and 2.5 percent of the all wet system.l Reference 1~ R.F. Probstein and H. Gold, Water in Synthetic Fuel Production: The Technology and Alternatives, The MIT Press, 1978, pp. 47-81. · A-22 "' '·· --------~---[ [ L [ [ [ [ [ c [ [ [ [ [ [ ~ [ [ \' L [ [ [ [ [ ~ [ [ [ [ c [ r L [ c c [ .. [ ... ~ [ [ [ @ Miscellaneous Plant Drains The typical liquid waste flow from miscellaneous plant drains is 175 X 106 gallyr, all of which goes to the water treatment/recycling facility.1 The liquid waste consists of various water streams used in maintaining plant operation (e.g., boiler blowdown and bearing cooling) and can be slightly contaminated with oil or chemicals. The waste figure given above was taken from an operating .500-MWe power plant.l Because the magnitude of the waste stream ~s not a linear function of plant power level, the waste from a power plant of a size other th~ 500 MWe should be obtained from an actual plant of that size. Such. information is contained in the plant's Environmental Impact ~tatement. The ch~mical nature of the waste stream as potentially released to the environment is discussed in item @• , Reference 1. Environmental Analysis, Spurlock Station Unit No. 2, Docket No. 6'00-0,, July 19n, p. u-,4. A-23 ;, @ Makeup Water to Generating Plant The tn~~keup water to the generating plsnt is 180 x 106 gsl/yr. Makeu~ water is required for two purposes: for the operations discussed in item (!;.) and for handling bottom ash from the boiler. Bottom ash is collected and quenched in water-filled hoppers before it is sluiced to a disposal site. The rate at which water is evaporated from the hopper, WvAP• b a function .of the ash specific heat, temperature drop, quenching rate, and water heat of vaporization, i.e., WvAP• gal/day • Z40 (ash fraction in coal}(coal feed rate)(bottom ash fraction) (bottom ash temperature change)(bottom ash specific heat)/ (water heat of vaporization) For the typical plant, if it is assumed that then Ash removal temperature Ash quenched temperature Ash specific heat Water heat of vaporization Bottom ash fraction = 1200° F = 200° F = 0.2 Stu/lb-o F = 1.050 x to3 Btu/Ib = 0.2 WvAP • 240 (0.088)(4.9 ~ 1ol tons/day)(0.2)(10000F)(0.2 Btu/lb-°F)/(1050 Btu/lb) • j,g ~ 1ol gal/day On a yearly basis, WvAP • (3.9 ~ lOl gal/day)(0.8 capacity factor)(365 days/yr) • 1.14 x lo6 gal/yr A-24 [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ c [ [ .J. [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ .. [ [ [ [ 0 c [ c G [ [ .... [ ~[ [ [ Of equal importance to the water evaporated is the amount of excess water needed for bottom uh handUna and disposal, WHAD• If the weight of water remaJnin& in the quenched ash is 30 percent of the ash weight, then WMAD• ga1/day • 72 (ash fractton fn coa1)(coa1 feed r&~)(bottom ash fraction) For the typical plant, WKAo • 72 (0.088)(4.9 x 103 tons/day)(O.Z) a 6.2 x 103-gal/day On a year iy basis, WHAo • (6.2 x )03 gal/day)(0.8 capacfty factor)(365 days/yr) • 1.81 x 1o6 gal/yr The total water requirement for bottom ash disposal, WBA• is therefore given as I WaA-• WvAP + WHAO For the typical plant, WaA • (3.g)(103 gal/day + 6.2)(103 gal/day) • 10.1 x 103 gal/day A-25 On a yearly basis, WaA • (10.1 x 103 ga1/day)(0.8.capac1ty factor)(365 days/yr) • 3 x 1o6 gal/yr • 0.03 x 108 gal/yr f. majority of this water will be supplied from recycl~ water (see item • Thus, the total makeup water requirement. for the gener*ng plant is 1.7, x 108 gal/yr for general plant oQerations (see item~) plus the 0.03 x 108 gaJ/yr given above, or 1.78 x 108 gal/yr ~ 180 x 106 gal/yr. ~eference I. Water P~.rification Associates, "Final Report: An Assessment of ~inimum Water Requirements for Steam-Electric Power Generation and Synthetic Fuel Plants in the Western United States," prepared for Science and Public Policy Program, University of Oklahoma, Contract No. 68-01-1916, Chapter 8-, August 24, 1976, p. 141. A-26 [ [ [ [ [ [ [ L c [ [ [ r ~~ [ E -1 [ " [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ L @ Bottom Ash From Coal Combustion The 11mount of bottom 11sh generated is 25 x 103 tons/yr. As desaibed earlier, the quantity of ash in the coal assumed for this ECIR is 8.8 percent, and 20 percent of this ash becomes bottom ash.l '2 Thus, Bottom ash • (ash fraction 1n coal){coal feed rate}(bottom ash fraction) For the typical plant: Bottom ash • (0.088)(4.9 x tol tons/day){0.20) • 86 tons/4ay On a yearly basis, Bottom ash • (86 tons/day)(O.S capacity factor){365 days/yr) • 25 x tol tons/yr Bottom as'l from a dry bottom pulverized coal boiler is coUected and quenched in hoppers, located beneath the boiler, where it is sluiced with water to settling ponds or dewatering bins.3 References 1. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, "Electric Utility Steam Generating Units: Background Information for Proposed Particulate Emission Standards," EPA-450/2-78-006a, July 1978, p. 3-14. ?. Teknekron, Inc., "Comprehensive Standards: The Power Generation Case," EPA No. 68-01-0561, March 1975, p. 91. 3. Water Purification Associates, "Final Report: An Assessment of Minimum Water Requirements for Steam:.EJectric Power. Generation and Synthetic Fuel Plant in the Western United States;" prepared for Science and Public Policy Program, University of Oklahoma, Contract No. 68-01-1916, August 24, 1976, p.142. A-27 .,<.1-· ...... . -~· ••.• .J.'1Q. .. -.. -~ ........ @ Excess Water to River or Sewer • • ~-.·_····~ ·: ••• ::: ~ ... ~ ~:.--·-•• 1 f!l:''~; /"~._ • , .:-~ \ ·. -· . :·, >.· \ _,. :' Whenever the holding pondlrom the water treatment/ recyCling facility overflows during low demand periods, the excess .water.. is directed to the area. surface waters (lake or iiver) or to a sewer system. The quantity and quality of the overflow is controlled to within standar:.ds established by either the Federal Government or the state based on National PolJutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) procedures and guidelines. Projections for the typical coal-fired 500-MWe power plant show that the maximum flow rate from the holding ponds under worst-case conditions is 26 x 106 gaJ/day.4 The maximum daily average concentration of controlled residuals observed _for 30 consecutive days and 'the amount of residuals that would be released at the maximum flow rate are as fo1lows:4 Where . ..~ ~-····~·-· ~ Total Suspended Solids 011 and Greases Copper Iron Chlorine \ ... Maxirilum Amount Released 3.3 tons/day 1. 7 tons/ day 2 lb/day 2 lb/day 24.2 lb/day Kentucky Maximum Water Measured Quality Concentration Standards (mg/! l ~ 30 30 15.2 None 0.009 0.009 0.11 None MaxfiiUII amount • ( ,\(Maximum average ) . released per day Maximum flow rate/ 30-day ~oncentrat1on The allowable concentrations of the pollutants shown above are specified by the appropriate state NPDES permitting authority5 based on Federal regulations in the Clean Water Act, local pollutant regulations, and the water quality characteristics of the receiving water. The 26 x 106, gal/day ~orst-~ase .·discharge is not characteristic of the expected flow. The actual flow would be considerably lower and would depend on site-specific conditions, such as precipitation. .-., A-28 ·[ [ [ [ C [ t [ c [ [ c c [ [ ·J [ ·~ [ [ L [ [ [ [ " [ [ E [ c c c· [ c [ [ [ [ [ [ ~eferences 1. "2. l. 4. 5. Federal Water Pollution Control Act, P.L~ 92-500 (as ammended}, 1972. Clean Water Act, P.L. 95-?.17, 1977. U.S. Environmental Protection · Agency, "A Guide to New Regulations for the NPDES Permit Program," r.-1, June 197q. Environmental Analysis, Spurlock Station Unit No. "2, Docket No. li500-05, July 1975, p. Tl-55. Personal Communication, Division of Water Quality, Kentu<:ky Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, ( 502) 564-2126. A-29 @ Recycle Water Recyclsd wster csn be used for the solid wsste hsndling requirement of 2.9 x 107 gsllyr. ~ecycle water in this plant cOnfiguration is water that has been withdrawn from the plant water treatment system after settling, oil removal, and acidic neutralization. This water will contain varying degrees of dissolved solids as well as suspended particulates. In general, it will be of such quality that it could be discharged to surface waters. The amount of water required in solid waste handling systems, assuming a 50-percent total sollds mixture is givrn by Water required, gal/day • 240 [(bo-ttom ash, dry) + (fly ash, dry) + (scrubber sludge, dry) -(water 1n scrubber sludge)) For the typical plant, Water required • 240 [86 tons/day + 345 tons/day + 660 tons/day -660 tons/day) • 0.1 x 106 tons/day On a yearly basis, Water required • (0.1 x lo6 gaT/day)(0.8 capacity factor)(365 days/yr) . • 2. g x .. 107 gal/yr The amount of recycle water required for ash handling is directly and linearly scalable with plant capacity for a given coal and scrubber operatiOn and will increase linearly as the dry solids .to be transferred increase. Reference 1. Final Environmental Impact Statement, Spurlock Station Unit No. 2, and Associated Transmission, USDA-RF.A-EIS-76-4F, November 1976. A-30 [ [ [ [ ,~).. [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ r, -' [ > [ ··;> [ [ [ [ [ [ ~ [ .. [ [ [ [ c c c [ [ [ [ .. [ [ C L @ Fly Ash From Particulate Control The tots/amount of fly ash generated is 100 x 1()3 tons/yr. Dry electrostatic precipitators are used to remove the coal fly ash from the flue gas. Eighty percent of the ash in the coal is emitted as fly ash, 1,2 or Fly ash • (ash fracti"on fn coal)(coal feed rate)(fly ash fraction) For the typical plant, On an annual basis, Fly ash • (0.088)(4.9 x 103 tons/day)(O.SO) • 345 tons/day Fly ash • (345 tons/day)(0.8 capacity factor)(365 days/yr) • 100 x 103 tons/yr To meet th_e current NSPS of 0.03 lb/106 Btu, only 0 • .5 percent of this amount is emitted to the ambient atmosphere, and 99.5 percent is captured by the electrostatic precipitator. From these precipitators, the collected ash is discharged into storage hoppers by rapping. The dry fly ash is transported by pneumatic conveying from the precipitator to the sluicing vstem, where it will become part of the bottom ash scrubber sludge mixture. A second particle control technology now in use and gaining in popularity is the baghouse. Although the technology has been applied to· large utility boilers both in the East and in the West, it is more predominantly applied in the West to collect the high resistivity fly ash from western coals that is difficult to coUect in an ESP4 and to meet mere stringent particulate emission standards imposed by some western states. Baghouses generaUy have higher colJection efficiencies than ESPs (96 to 99.5 percent fer ESPs versus >99 percent fer baghouses in most cases) and are especiaJJy effective in the control of fine particles ( < 3,.). If a baghouse is to be considered, A-31 -------------------------------. -- the assumed collection efficiency of the unit can be directly substituted in the example given in place of the 99 • .5 percent removal efficiency assumed for the ESP. Although the removal efficiency is variable for both ESPs and baghouses, the individual utilities will generally operate the units to meet the standards that apply in each specific case. References 1. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, "Electric Utility Steam Generating Units: Background Information for Proposed Particulate Emission Standards," EPA-4.50/2-78-006a, July 1978, p. 3-14. 2. Teknekron, Inc., "Comprehensive Standards: The Power .Generation Case," EPA No. 68-01-0.561, March 1975, p. 91. 3. Water Purification Associates, "Final Report: An Assessment of Minimum Water Requirements for Steam-Electric Power Generation and Synthetic Fuel Plants in the Western United States," prepared for Science and Public Policy Porgram, University of Oklahoma, Contract No. 6&-01-1916, August 24, 1976, p. 144. . 4. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, "Electric Utility Steam Generating Units: Background Information for Proposed Particulate Matter Emission Standards," EPA-4.50/2-78-006a, July 1978 p. 4-1• A-32 [ [ [ ,.. r L, ;,. [ [ E [ [ [ [ [ [ [ c [ [ [ L [ [ J [ .. [ ... [ [ c [ C c c [ [ [ [ • [ [ [ [ @ Makeup Water for Fly Ash Transport W11tertJddf!Jd to the captured fly ash to transport it to the dispossl area is 24 x 10' gill/yr . Dry electrostatic precipitators are used to remove the coal fly ash from the flue gas. In these precipitators, the coJJected ash is discharged into a sluicing system by rapping. The ash is. then ·COmbined with recycle water until the mixture is at least .50-percent liquid by weight.l Note that the fly ash, bottom ash, and scrubber sludge are aU individually fed into the sluicing system. ihe amount of water required to transport the ash in the sluicing system is given as Water required, gal/dey • 240 (ash fraction· in coal)(coel fied rate)(fly ash fraction) For the typical plant, Water required • 240 (0.088)(4.9 ~ to3 tons/day)(0.8). • 83 x·to~ gal/dey On a yearly basis, Reference Water required • (83 x ·to3 ga1/day)(0.8 capacity factor)(365 days/yr) • 24 x 106 gal/yr 1. Electric Power Research Institute, "FCC Sludge Disposal Manual," FP-977, January 1979, p. 4-7, Table 4-2. A-33 @ Sludge From S02 Control The,amount of scrubber sludge generated (on a dry basis) is 193 x 103 tons/yr. The use of a limestone scrubber is assumed for S02 control based on the current number of such units in operation and their combined record of effectiveness and reliability. The operation of such units involves the creation and requirement for disposal of sludge (spent reactants mixed in the same ratio with water). · The quantity of sulfur' in the coal used is 3.3 percent. Therefore, the quantity of sulfur entering the boiler is S • (sulfur fraction in coa1)(coal feed rate) • 0.033 (4.9 x 103 tons/day) • 162 tons/day If it is assumed that a total of 10 percent of the sulfur is retained in the bottom ash and fly ~sh or removed as a result of pyrite removal in the coal pulverizer, and that the remainder of the sulfur is converted to S02, then SOz • 0 •. 9 (sulfur entel'fng b0iler)(2) • 0.9 (162 tons/day)(2) • 292 tons/day Thus, 292 tons/day of S02 enter· the scrubber."l-4 (Note: The factor "2" in this equation is used because e.very mole of sulfur req:.~ires 1 mole of oxygen to form 1 mole of S02.) As will be shown. in item 22, the amount of dry limestone used is 500 tons/day, i.e., 1.25 times the stoichiometric requirement. This excess 25 percent of the stoichiometric requirement will become part of the sludge resid1,1e. Jt is generally accepted' that the spent slurry consists of 75 percent CaS03·~H20 and 25 percent· CaS04•2H20. As will be shown in item @, the scrubber must operate at 88 percent efficiency to meet the standard. Consequently, the amount of scrubber sludge (dry basis) generated each clay. is Sludge • (0.25 (100/64) + (140/64)1 (scrubber efffcfency)(S02 feed rate) • (0.25 (100/64) + (140/64)](0.88)(292 tons/day) • 660 tons/day A-34 [ r r r l~ .,_ [ [ t [ [ [ [ [ [ l t ' [ [ [ L [ [ [ [ [ ~" [ [ [ c [ __ _ c [ c [ [ [ [ [ L On a yearly basis, Sludge • (660 tons/day)(O.S capacity facto~)(365 days/yr) • 193 x Jol tons/yr where 100(64 = 140/64 . = Hmestone/S02 molecular weight ratio (CaS03·~H20 and CaS04•2H20) mixture/S02 weight ratio molecular Based on current usage and projections of new instaUations, lime/limestone scrubbers are the most popular· form·. of S02 control now available and are expected to remain so in the foreseeable future. Other S02 control systems have been demonstrated at utility scale, however. These include sodium car- bonate scrubber systems, dual alkali scrubber systems, WeHman-Lord regen- erative scrubber systems, magnesium oxide regenerative scrubber systems, and dry lime or alkali injection systems. Although these systems are now or have been in commercial operation, their overaJJ number is smaU and for this reason have not been included in the detailed evaluation of control tech- nology. The major points ·of environmental interest for these systems are generally the same as those for lime/limestone. The interest in these sys- tems centers primarily on their potential for desirable modification or reduc- tion in the waste (generally considered solid waste) streams from the process. Although the current NSPS for S02 control excludes the use of low-sulfur coal alone to achieve compliance, low-sulfur coal can be used in combination with other S02 removal techniques to achieve a more desirable system from the standpoint of reliability, economics, or both. For those plants operating under the previous Federal NSPS, the use of low-sulfur coal is a viable option to achieve the 1.2 lb/106 Btu S02 emission Hmit. Older plants, not controlled by Federal regulations, may also use low-sulfur coal to comply with applicable state and local so2 standards. References 1. Personal Communication, Robert Statnick, ( 202) 426-2683, Senior Staff Engineer, Office of Energy, Minerals, and Industry, Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. 2. 3. 4. '· Communication, Walter Stevenson, (919) '41-,477, Staff Scientist, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, ·· U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina, April 1980. . U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, "Electric Utility Steam Generating Units: Background Information for Proposed S02 Emission Standards," EPA-4,0/2-78-007a; July 1978. · U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, "Position Paper on Regulation of Atmospheric Sulfates," EPA-450/2-n-007, September 19n. Aerospace Corporation, "ControUing S02 Emissions from Coal-Fired Steam-Electric Generators: Solid Waste Impact, Vol. II. Technical Discussion," EPA-600/7-78-0446, March 1978. A-35 @ Solid Waste Handling The typical plant and associated pollutant controls generate 320 x 103 tonslyr (dry basjs) of solid sludge. Waste streams entering the disposal site contain pyrites sluiced from the coal pulverizer and bottom ash sluiced from the boiler, fly ash sluiced from the electrostatic precipitator, and scrubber sludge ~.nderflow from a tl,ickener located downstream of the scrubber. The scrubber wastes in the disposal site settle to approximately .50 per~ent solids. Excess water, i.e., from the settling of the scrubber sludge .and lJlevaporated rainwater, is returned to the water treatment/recycle facility. The wastes are contained in impoundments formed by the excavation of the disposal site. Sides of the impoundment are sloped and extend .above grade level to complete the basin and form berms and dikes around the periphery of the site. A total depth of 30 feet of waste material is considered typical. For the typical plant, determination of total solid wastes on a dry basis and required land area are as follows: 1. 86 tons/day 345 bottom ash fly ash 560 !122. reacted limestone (75S:CaS03·1t H~ & 25S:CaS04 ·Z HzO) 1 unreacted limestone 1100 tons/day (solids, dry} at 88.6 lb/ft3 2. Adding sluicing water results in +~ tons/day (sluicing water) 2200 tons/day wet waste . 3. To determine land required:Z (2200 tons )12000 lb )( 1 ftl)( 1 · 1 acre)( · ) "4iY \ tOri M:l' 1'i) 30 ft x ~ '1tZ"" 1.1, impoundment sf ze factor (365 days)·· 15.3 .!£!:!! year year 4. This results in a land acreage requirement of (15.3 ~J· (30 ye.ars) • 460 acres at 100 percent c:apac:fty factor year (hfe) A-36 c [ [ T I L > [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ·"' [ " [ [ [ [ [ [ I [ [ r -, -" [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ :! ·~· ~ On !WI annual basis, and 'Sludge • (1100 tons/dly}(0.8 capacity factor}(365 days/yr} • 320 x 103 tons/yr Land requirement •-(460 acres/yr}(0.8 capacity factor) • 370 acres for 30 years, 30 feet deep Regardless of the solid waste treatment or stabiUzation method used, upon fiUlng of the ·disposal impoundment 1 it is expected that a layer of soil will be placed over the wastes and will be graded and · sloped to encourage rainwater runoff and to minimize seepage of rainwater through the wastes. Three alternative sludge treatment and stabilization methods are avaiJable for dlspos;sl of the wastes: (1) Settling the wastes over an impervious layer and decauting of supernatant liquid; the impervious material can be clay or an elastomeric liner with a permeability coefficient of lo-7 crrysec or less. (2) Reducing the leachability of the waste (to to-.5 to Jo-em/sec) by chernicalJy treating the scrubber sludge-ash waste with lime, forming a solid material with low permeability characteristics and high load-bearing characteristics.2 (3) lnst<llling an underdrainage or dewatering system of perforated pipes in the soil immediately below the sludge-soil interface. Settling of the wastes up to 60 percent solids has been observed.2 Further settling to 80 percent solids (with a correspondent reduction of waste volume and disposal land area) can be achieved if the scrubber sludge were oxidized to gypsum within the scrubber ar in an oxidation tower downstream of the scrubber. Decisions on the· use of these alternatives· wiJJ be based on site-specific considerations, including sludge and soil characteristics, land reclamation requirements 1 and cost factors. Radon Emanation From -Solid Waste Storage Analysis of the ash produced by the combustion of bituminous coal has shown that a power plant solid waste burial site wHI emit_ approximately 2.23 x 10-lf Ci/day of radioactive radon-222 gas for every acre of covered solid waste disposed of. Over a 30-year plant li_fetime, radon emissions will A-37 average 4.1 x J0-2 Ci/day for a typical 500-MWe plant, assuming that aU of the solid wastes are buried with approximately 2 feet of earth cover at the r)ower plant site and the plant operates at an average capacity factor of 80 percent. Radon emanation from ash• piles is a function of the surface area and depth of the buried waste and the depth of earth cover over the waste. Waste containing radium-226 (the parent nuclide of radon-222 gas) buried at a depth of 10 feet wHJ emit approximately the same amount of radon gas as waste buried in deeper layers. because .of the self-shielding effect of the waste. Using data coJJected by the U.S. Geological Survey, 3 Goldman has shown that the annual radon-222 gas emissions from Appalachian coal ash waste with. a radium-226 · concentration of 3.48 pCi/gm would be 0.191 Ci/acre-yr assuming a 25-:percent reduction due to a 2-foot earth cover. 4 Using these data and adjusting for the higher radiurJ:~-226 concentration assumed in item @, a radon. gas emanation rate fa~tor of 5.69 x 10-4 Ci/day-acre is produced, assuming a 2-foot earth cover and an ash depth of at least 10 feet. This factor must be adjusted downward according to the amount of non-ash waste, e.g., scrubber sludge, in the solid waste piles. Because radium-226 decays to radon-gas at a. very slow rate (the haJf-Jife of radium-226 is over 1600 years}, it· can be assumed. that, over the 30-year plant life, radon gas emanation is directly proportional to the waste pile surface area and the amount of ash containing radium-226 in the waste; therefore, · Radon gas Cf/day • (ash content fn solfd·waste)(surface area of waste·pfles acres) • total solid waste d1sposed • (5.69 x lo-4 Cf/dly-acre) For the typical plant, Radon gas Cf/day • (431 tons/day bottom and fly ash )(s.urface area of waste piles) ' 1100 tons/diy.tota1 solid waste (5.69 x lo-4 Cf/dly-acre) I (See 1tem 20 for solfd waste quantftfes) • (2.23 x to·4 Cf/dly-acre)(surfice area of waste p11e, acre) A-38 [ [ r· ~ [ ~ [ [ t [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ •. , [ [ [ L [ [ [' J>; [ <I [ [ l~ c c c [ [ .1 _..:; [ [ [ "' [ i .,. ' [ L: [ For item @, the total area necessary for the disposal of solld wastes at a depth of 30 feet over the 30-year lifetime for the typical .500-MWe plant, assuming an 80-percent capacity factor, is 370 acres. Therefore, the avera&e daily radon emission from the burial site over the 30-year plant life is as foUows: Radon gas • (2.23 x to-4 C1/dey-acre)(370 ;cres} •· 4.1 X 10·2 C1/day The factor of 2 is used to compute· the average area of the solid waste buriilldround assuming a constant buildup at 10 acres/yr over 30 years (see item@). . · Therefore, the annual average radon emission, assuming a 80-percent capacity factor, is · Annuel radon gas • (4.1 x.1o·2 Ci/day)(365 days/yr} • 14.9 Ci/yr There are no current regulations controJJing the release of radon from coal waste storage piles. References 1. P.P. Leo and J. Rossoff, "Controlling S02 Emissions from Coal-Fired Steam-Electric Generators: Solid Waste Impact," EPA-600/7-78-044b, Aerospace Corporation, March 1978. 2. R.B. Fling et al., "Disposal of Flue Gas ·Cleaning Wastes: EPA Shawnee Field Evaluation -Third Annual Report," EPA-600/7-80-0J 1, Aerospace Corporation, January J 978. 3. V.E. Swanson, "CoJJection, Chemical Analysis, and Evaluation of Coal Samples," USGA Open File Report 76-468, 197.5. 4. M.l. Goldman, "Energy: What About the Waste?'' Chemical Engineering Progress, November 1979, p. 6.5. · A-39 @'j) Makeup Water ~or S02 Control The amount of makeup water required for flue gas desulfurization is 3{)() x f06ogallyr. For this analysis, a lime/limestone slurry is used in the scrubber, and it is assumed that the flue gas is saturated with water vapor upon leaving the saubber. Typical conditions at this location are P = 15.056 psia and T = 102°F, which correspond to flue gas containing 0.127 mole water/mole dry gas. If the fractional weights of carbon (C), sulfur (S), hydrogen (H), oxygen (X), and water (W) in the coal are known, and 15 percent excess air is assumed, it can be shown that ··the makeuP. water requirement per unit weight of coal is given by the following relation:! ,2 · lb makeup water • 12 0 8-(.$... + ft) + 10o5 {~-ft) -W -~ lb coal · . ·~ Using the coal feed rate. obtained previously, the above equation can be modified to give the required daily water feed rate, WFtD: WF~O• gal/day • 112.8 (-& + ft) + 10o5 (~-ft) · W • ~J(2o88 x 103 *) In addition to leaving with the flue gas, there is also going to be some water leaving with the solid wastes, e.g., CaS03·~H20 and CaS04.2H20. It is to be noted that, for the purposes of these calculations, the amount of water of hydration is considered negligible. The amount of water leaving in the solid wastes is a fl.llction of the sulfur concentration of coal and the slurry concentration, 1 • 2 i.e., · lb makeu~ water • 5 9 (~} lb su fur . 0 m I where m = weight fraction of solids in waste = (weight of solids)/(weight of solids plus water) The above equation can similarly be .modified to give the required daily water feed rate, WFG20 : 2 0 WFGO• gal/day • lo7 x 104 ~ S (l;m) A-40 [ [ [ .. r~ L .; [ L t [ c [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ " [ t [ r= [ c c [ [ C [ [ .. [ .., [ [ [ The total required daily water feed rate is therefore given as I . 1 2 WFGD • WFGD + WfGD For the typical plant, application of the above equations gives WF~D • 0.80 x 1o6· gal/day (vaporized) Wf~D • 0.2.3 x 106 gal/day (SO·percent solids-) WFGO • 1.0 x lo6 gal/day On an annual basis, WFGD • (1.0 x 106.ga1/day)(0.8 capacity factor)(365 days/yr) • 300 x 106 gal/yr References 1. 'Z. R.F. Probstein and H. Gold, Water in Synthetic Fuel Production: The Technology and Alternatives, The MIT Press, 1978, pp. 40-44. Water Purification Associates, "Final Report: An Assessment of Minimum Water Requirements for Steam-Electric Power Generation and Synthetic FueJ Plants in the Western United States," prepared for Science and Public Poli-cy Program, University of Oklahoma, Contract No. 68-0l-1916, August 24_, 1976, pp. 110-120 • A-41 @ Lime/ Limestone Requirement for S02 Control The amount of lime/limestone required for flue gas desulfurization is 146 x 103 tons of dry CaC03!yr. (The requirement is given solely in terms of limestone because of the relatively large economic penalty incurred if lime is purchased rather than obtained during calcination of limestone. J ' For limestone scrubbing, absorbent utilization is general~ 0.81 (i.e., the calcium-to-sulfur ratio is 1.25) and, as shown in item Figure 2, the scrubber has to achieve 88-percent removal efficiency t satisfy the S02 emission standard. The limestone requirement is therefore given by _Limestone • (1.25)(100/64)(SOz feed rate)(scrubber efficiency) • i.zs {100(64)(292 ton SOz/day)(0.88) • 500 tons dry CaCOj/day where 100/64 = limestone/S02 molecular weight ratio. On an annual basis, Reference Limestone • (500 tons/day)(O.S capacity factor)(365 days/yr) • 146 x 103 tons/yr 1. Aerospace Corporation, "ControJJing S02 Emissions from Coal-Fired Steam-Electric Generators: Solid Waste Impact, Vol. ll. Technical ·Discussion," EPA-600/7-78-044b, March 1978. A-42 [ [ [ ., [ I [' r F [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ _,. [ ;>- [ [ L [ [ [ ,,. [ ,. [' [ [ [ [ c [ [ [ [ L [ ,. [ [ [ (§) Flue Gas The pollutants and trace elements that are part of the flue gas emitted to the ambient atmosphere past control are as follows: The. amount of S02 emitted to the ambient atmosphere is 0.6 lb/1 o6 Btu. The current New Source Performance Standards for S02 regulation are summarized below.! Uncontrolled Controlled Emissions Emissions ( 1 b 50 21106 Btu) Percent (lb 50 21106 Btu) Reduction > 12 > 90 1.2 maximum 12 to 6 90 1.2 --o.6 6 to 2 90-70 0.6 (constant} < 2 70 < 0.6 BasicaUy, for steam coals burned by utlHties with uncontroUed emissions exceeding 12 lb S02/106 Btu, S02 reductions exceeding 90 r_rcent would be required to limit emissions to a maximum of 1.2 lb S02/JO Btu. For those coals whose ~.r~controUed emissions would range from 12 to 6 lb/106 Btu, a constant 90-percent removal is required, res~lting in controlled emissions ranging from 1.2 lb S~/106 Btu to 0.6 lb/10 Btu. For coals with sulfur contents that would emit 6 to 2 lb S~/106 Btu, a variable removal ratg between 90 and 70 percent is required to achieve a constant 0.6 lb S02/10 Btu. For example, at 6 lb S02!106 Btu, 90-percent removal is required; at A-43 .. -·· ···•· · '2 lb S02/J06 Btu, 70 percent is required; and at 3 1!) S02/106 Btu, 80 percent is net"ded. In aU cases,. it sho.uld be noted that th,~ controlled emissions are 0.6 lb/106 Btu. If the uncontrolled -emissions ... , are less· than 2 lb/J06 Btu, 70 percent S02 is then required. . ·· On. a yearly ~is, contrplli~S··~P"···~r:td:<NOx to 0~6-lb/J06;•.stu gives (at 80-i>ercent eapacity factor), . _ . . ~ ·:. .· ·SOx (_and NOxl _. ({);6' 1bf1Q6 Btu)(34 x 1012 Btu/yr) • 20.4 x 1o6 lb/yr • 10.2 x 103 tons/yr The S02 removal requirements for a 12.,000 Btu/lb coal are illustrated in Figure 2. Seventy percent S02 removal is required up to a sulfur content of 1.2 percent. Between 3.6 and 7.2 percent, 90-percent removal is required. If the sulfur content is in the range between 1.~ and 3.6, different removal rates, as shown, are required to maintain the 0.6 lb S02/106 allowable. For the coal used in this ECIR (3.3 percent sulfur and 12,000 Btu/lb), an overall 89.1-percent S02 removal is. needed. With a total of 10 percent sulfur removed as a result of pyrite removal .in the coal pulverizer and as sulfur retained in the bottom ash and fly ash, the sulfur content as seen by the scrubber is 3~0 pt>rcent (3.3 -0.1 x 3.3). The scrubber will therefore be required to remove 88 percent -~o achieve the overall 89 .!-percent reduction. ,. l] I I I' .> I I I I I I I i l I COittiiOI.LIDI__,.. I I I # "' I I 1.1 I _., • I _ ..... •• .... II I I I I I I • • I z , . 4 5 .. 7 • ""' ..,··-~.~ · FIGURE 2. OVERALL 502 REDUCTION REQUIRED FOR A 12,000 Btunb COAL , TO MEET CURRENT NSPS REGULATIONS '\ .. _.· -A-44 [ [ L. , [ 7' [ [ [ [. [ [ C [ [ ,- L L " [ ,. [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ E [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ NO -X The current New Source Performance Standard for NOx regulations isl 0.6 lb/106 Btu. The amount of NOf emitted to the ambient atmosphere is 0.6 lb/10~; Btu. The general way o achieving compliance with NOx emissions is to employ combustion modification techniques),~ The boiler manufacturer usually includes in his performance guarantee the provision that emissions of nitrogen olCides ·.~o·hile firing coal shall be less than 0.6 lb/106 Btu.3 Emissions of oxides of nitrogen are limited by low flame and furnace temperatures, by short residencf! time of the gases at high temperatures, and by reduced amounts of excess air present in the flame. Particulates The current New Source Performance Standard for particulate regulation is ~.03 lb/106 ~tu. The amount of particulates (i.e., fly ash that is not captured in the electrostatic precipitator) emitted to the ambient atmosphere is 0.03 lb/106 Btu. The amount of ash in the coal used in this ECIR is 8.8 percent. If 80 percent of the ash is emitted as _fly ash and the electrostatic precipitator efficiency is 99.5 percent, the particulate emission to the atmosphere is given by Particulates • (ash .fraction i.n coal)(fly ash fraction)(coal feed rate) (1-e1ectrostatic precipitator efficiency) For the typical plant, Particulates • (0.088)(0.80)(4.9 x 103 tons/day)(1-0.995) • 1.7 tons/day On a yearly l)asis, Particulates • (1.7 tons/day)(0.8 capacity factor)(365 days/yr) • 500 toils/yr On a yearly basis, controlling particulates (TSP) to 0.03 lb/106 Btu gives (at SO-percent capacity factor), TSP • (0.03 1b!1()6 Btu)(34 x 1012 Btu/yr) • 1.02 x 106 1b/yr • 500 tons/yr A-45 Carbon Monoxide and Hydrocarbons There are no New Source Performance Standards for carbon monoxide (CO) or hydrocarbons { HC). The amounts of CO and HC emitted to the ambient atmosphere are 2.4j tons/day and 0.74 ton/day, respectively. The emission factors for )0 and HC are 1 Jb/ton coal burned and 0.3 1b/ton coal burned, respectively. Hence, the daily emissions of these pollutants are given by CO, HC • (emission factor)(coa1 feed rate) For the typical plant, On a year 1y basis , CO • (1 1b/ton)(4.9 x 103 tons/day)/2 x 1o3·1b/ton • 2.45 tons/day HC • (0.3 1b/.ton)(4.9. x 103 tons/day)/2 x 103 lb/ton • 0.74 ton/day CO • (2.45 tons/day)(0.8 capacity factor)(365 days;yr) • 720 tonsiyr HC • (0.74 tons/yr)(0.8 capacity factor)(365 days/yr) • 220 tons/yr An indication of the completeness of a com'Justion ___ process is tl,e concentration of carbon monoxide (and, to a Jesser exteont, t,ydrocarbon concentration). As such, pulverized coal-fired boilers have negligi':llE! emissions-of carbon monoxide and hydrocar'Jons. Careful monitoring of excess air and temperature in the boiler ensures that the emissions of these !)oll~tants are lo"'· ,6 · Trace Elements Atmospheric emission rates for the trace elements are calculated as follows (Appendix C): lb/day at 100"6 lb/yr at 80% Element capacity factor £22,acitv factor As 0.?7 225 Be 0.03 9.3 Cd 0.01 4.1 Mn 0.55 161 Pb 0.39 114 Se 0.19 56 A-46 [ [ l_ ·1 r L_ I I' L [ [ [ r L [ [ [ [ [ [ "' [ [ [ L [ [ [ [ I [ [ [ .[ [ c [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ T!'le trace elements are species found in small quantities i., the raw coal. They become distributed among the bottom ash slag or the fly ash and flue ~ases. In the latter, some are emitted past the precipitator and enter the atmosphere. Because many trace elements exhibit preferential concentrations i:1 the smaller particles emitted, about ~ percent of tt,e initial concentrations of most trace elements are emitted to the ambient atmosphere.7 Based on recent work at La•vrence Livermore laboratory, a method was dt"velopec! to calculate trace element emissions to the atmosphere. The generalized methodology, algorithm, and associated references for c~lc;:ulating trace element emissions are given in Appendix B. Carbon Dioxide . The amount of C02 emitted to the ambient atmosphere is 12.5 x 10 ~ tons/day. Durin·g the combustion of ">ituminous coal, 0.21 11) C02 are emitted to the atmosphere for every 103 Btu generated.8 · Hence; (C02lcoHB • (emission factor)(coa.l feed rate)(heat content of coal) For the typical plant, (C02lcOMB • (0.21 lb/103 Btu)(4.9 x 103 tonstday)(l2 x l.o3 Btu/lb) • 12.3 x 103 tons/day Additiona.Uy, a small amount of C02 is released to the atmosphere from the limestone reaction with the S02.9 This amount is estimated as follows: (C0 2 ) • (500 tons/day, limestone into)( 44 molecular weight) LIMESTONE scrubber TOO' of SOz/CaCOJ • 0.220 x 103 tons/day The total amount of C02 emitted to the. atmosphere is given by C02 • (C02lcoHB + (C02)LIHESTONE • 12.3 x 103 tons/day+ 0.22 x 103 tons/day • 12:s x 103 tons/day On a yearly basis, Radionudides COz • (12.5 x 103 tons/day)(O.B capacity factor)(365 days/yr) • 3.7 x 106 tons/yr Analysis of the fly ash produced by combustion of eastern bituminous coal has shown that a typical .500-\1We plant will discharge into the atmosphere approximately 10.3.5 x 10-6 Ci/day of radioactive radium. A-47 """-"''· > •• ~··~~, ••..• :.-... --.-~ ·' .. ~·· .... ·-~-"'···· ·-·-~··"~"'· _:,. ____ ..., ... Because over 80 percent of the trace radioactive particles in coal remain with the fly ash after combustion, removal of the fly ash by electrostatic precipitators is the most effective con~roi technology available.lO · Samples from th'e .. com';lustion . of r·silt 'different batches . of Appalachian coal were analyzed for its>radium ·COI'It~t ~By Ei5enbud, anq Petrow with the following results:lO .. •·· ... '·· .:. ·· ·· -: .... ;: '·"· Concentration of !Zadioactive Elements in FlY Ash Radium-"!26 Radjum-228 3.8. x IQ-12 Ci/gm 2.~ x ro-12 Ci/gm or 1.73 X lQ-9 Ci/Ib l~l)q x JQ-9 Ci/lb ()tf.Jer trace radioactive elements are emitted, e.g., thorium and uranium, out pose a much smaller health hazard than radium. Assuming the total activity released to the . environment is through t'"le fl v ash escaping ,,the. electrostatic< precipitators, the daily release of an}· radioactive isotope may be calculated as. follows: Activity of isotope ~. C·i/day. • ('cortcentratiori of isotope i in fly ash) ·-{fly-ash generated, tons/dity)(ZOOO lbs/ton) (l·ESPEFFICIENCY) For the typical plant, Radif.ln-ZZ6 • (i.7J x to-9 Ci/1b)(J67 tons/day)(ZOOO lbs/ton)(l-.995) • 6.35 x 10-6 Ci/day Radium-ZZS • (1.09 x 10·9 Ci/1b)(J67 tonstday)(ZOOO 1bs/ton)(1-.995) · • 4.oo· x to-6 Ci/day · Total radium activity emitted daily for the typical plant is therefore 10.35 x to-:6 Ci/day. On a yearly' basis, Radium • ( 10.35 ··x 10..:6 Ci/day)(O.S capacity factor)(365 days/yr) • 3 x to-3 Ci/yr· To date, there are no regulations that apply to the release of radioactive pollutants from coal-fired power plants. References I. Federal Register, Vol. 44, No. ll 3, 40 CFR Part 60, "New Sources Performance Standards; Electric Utility Steam Generating Units," June ll, 1979. ~~: A-48 [' [ [ [ ) I L [ F L~ [ r~ L [ [ [ [ [ [ >, [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ I [ [ [ c 0 c n L [ 0 [ [ [ [ [ [ 1 -? 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1.' 8. 9. 10. J. Ando, "NOJ{ Abatement for Stationary Sources in Japan," EPA-600/7-79-205, August 1979. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, "Electric Utility Steam .: Generating Units: Background Information for Proposed NO;c Emission Standards," EPA-450/2-78-00.5a, July 1978. National .4.caderny of Sciences, "Air Quality and Stationary Source Emission Control," prepared for the Committee on Public Works, U.S. Senate, Serial No. 94-'1, 197.5. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, "Compilation of Air Pollution Emission Factors," 2nd edition, EPA AP-42, 197~. Final Environmental fmpact-Statement, Spurlock Station, Unit No. 2 and Associated Transmission, UsoA-REA-ErS-76-4F, November 1976. K.K. Bertin and E.O. Goldbert, Science, Vol. 183, p. 233, i971. U.S. Department of Energy, "C02 Emissions from Synthetic Fuels Energy Sources," August 8, 1979, p. 2, Table 1. Aerospace Corporation, Estimation, April 1980. M. Eisen bud and H.G. Petro\!/, "Radioactivity in the Atmospheric Effluents of -Power Plants That Use Fossil Fue Is," Science 144, April 17, 1964, p. 288 A-49 Ill. PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS l,.arge amounts of land and water resources are required for a coal-fired power· plant. The section on Water ·summarizes the requirements and uses of makeup water . discussed in Section II. The· section on Land discusses the land needed for plant siting and solid waste disposal. ~ The maximum makeup water requirement estimated-for the . typical plant operating at 80-percent capacity factor is 2.7 x 109. gal/yr. Some of this water is recovered, treated in the water treatment facility, and recycled back to the plant (see Section II, item @>. The remainder is obtained from local water sources and is lost primarily through evaporation and drift losses in the cooling towers, holding pond surface losses, and dust suppression systems. The ·major uses of makeup water are listed in Table 2~ . !::!!!5! The sizes of actual power plant sites vary oyer a considerable range and depend on a number of factors such as· utility preference, cost of land, onsite versus offsite waste disposal, plant location, and the power of the plant. Although there is not a strong link between site · size and the particular features of the plant (sueh as MWe), broad relationships exist. For plants in the .500-MWe range, site sizes appear to· vary from about .500 to 1000 acres. There are a number of older plants sited in urban areas with much smaller sites, but they should not be considered typical for new plants. Because the land needed for buildings is a relatively small portion of the site, the bulk of the site is needed for' coal storage, onsite waste disposal (ponds, etc.), and general working room. Solid waste disposal area for a plant similar to the typical plant was estimated at 370 acres (30-foot depth) for the 30-year lifetime of the plant (see Section II, item @>.1 A representative .500-MWe plant that does· not have onsite solid waste disposal for the ·entire life of the plant has a site size of approximately 400 acres, excluding waste disposal.2 Accordingly, 800 acres is a typiCal site size when lifetime waste disposal is included. The typical plant was designed as a mirie-mouth plant with its own coal preparation plant. The actual coal preparation facilities would require a minimum of 1 • .5 acres) In addition, if the refuse from the preparation plant is kept aboveground, di~posal area will be required. The preparation plant will generate 1800 tons/day of refuse (see Section II, item@tor A-50 [ [ [ ... [ ) [ [ l [ [ [ [ [ [ [ L ... [ [ [ L [ [ [ [ [ [ f= L_; [ [ [ [ c [ [ [ [ [ [ L Table 2. Mal<eup Water Demands for Major Plant Processes (at 80-Percent Capacity Factor) ~ Cooling tower makeup SOx control Generating plant makeup Electrostatic precipitator fly ash transport Total estimated makeup water demand Recovered Water for Recycling Controlled runoff from coal storage Boiler blowdown and miscellaneous plant drains Cooling tower ~lowdown ·Water removed from solid· waste handling system Total estimated recycled water available for makeup Net makeup water requirements Total estimated·makeup water demand Total estimated avail- ability of recycled water En vi ronmenta 1 Point of Interest on Flow Chart A-51 -11 . 21 13 18 7 12 10 20 16 Estimated Quant it} (gal/yr 2.2 X 109 300 X )()6- 180 X 1()6 24 X 1()6 •2.7 X 109 Variable 175 X 1()6 200 X 1()6 Variable •29 X 106 2.67 X 109 2.7 X 109 29 X 106 calculation). .'\ssuming a density of .50 lb/tt3, and a 30-foot depth, the land requirements for waste disposal are calculated as foJJows: Land requirements, acres/yr. 0.34 ~solid was~e disyosa1, tons/day) epth .of d1sposa site, ft For the typical plant, Land c 0.34 (1800 tons/day} 30 ft • 20.4 acres/yr (at 10Q-percent capacity factor) • (20.4)(0."8) = 16 acres/yr (at SO-percent capacity factor) For the 30-year lifetime of the plant, the land required for. coal preparation waste disposal is therefore approximately .500 acres. References 1.. U.S.· Environmental Protection Agency, "Electric Utility Steam Generating Units: Background Information for Proposed S02 Emission Standards," EPA-4.50/2-78-007a, pp. 6-18, July 1978. 2. Final Environmental ImpaCt Statement, Spurlock Station Unit No. 2, and Associated Transmission, USDA-REA-EIS-76-4F, November 1976, p. 69. 3. Personal Communication, Phillip Halch, Roberts and Schaefer Engineers and Contractors, April 1980. A-52 [ r [ j [ ) [ [ F [ c [ [ [ [ [ E K [ " [ [ [ [ [ [ .. [ '\ [ [ [ c 0 [ c [ c [ [ .. [ [ [ [ / IV. PERSONNEL Although the number of people required for the operation and planned maintenance of a power plant is highly. dependent on the philosophy of the particular utility, certain standards are used. One such guideline is 0.089 persons/MWe for each shift. This number, which includes support personnel and personnel for opera-ting and maintaining pollution control -equipment, equates to 4.5 persons per shift or 1).5 persons total per day for a .500-MWe plant. · In addition to the above requirement, personnel will be needed for the coal preparation plant. Although preparation plant staUing levels ·· vary, discussions with power engineers revealed that 10 persons per shift or 20 persons total for the two preparation plant shifts would be a reasonable figure. Reference 1. Personal Communication, John W. Holt, Jr., Power Plants Branch, Rural Electrification Administration, Washington, D.C., April 19_80 • A-53 V. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH Occup'!tional safety and health implications of coal-fired power plants have been examined using actual death and injury statistics.! For coal processing plants, the report lists (per 108 tons processed) 1.7. to 2.7 deaths and 98 to 1.59 injuries. The corresponding figures for power plant workers (per 1<)12 Btu output) are 0 to 0.009.5 deaths and 0.16 to 0.19 injuries. For the plant assumed in this ECIRf the amount of coal processed is 1.96 x 106 tons/yr and 0.16 x 106 tons/10 2 Btu. The output of the plant is 12 x 10_1~ Btu/yr. Thus, the projected deaths and. injuries for the plant are as follows: Deaths Injuries Reference Preparation Plant Annual Per tol2 Btu 0.0033-0.00.53. 1. 9.;.3.1 0.0003-0.0004 0 • .16-0.26. · Power Plant Annual Per 1012 Btu 0-.0.11 1.9.;.2.3 0-0.009.5 0.16-0.19 1. S.C. Morris, K.M. Novak, and LD. Hamilton, "Health Effects of Coal in the National Energy Plan," Brookhaven National Labor a tory, BNL-.51043, April 1979, pp. 8-9. A-54 [ [ [ j [ f' [ r· F [ [ [ [ r' _, [ [ L ... [ [ L L [ [ [ tl [ .'1 [ [ t [ c c [ c c [ c [ ,. [ [ [ APPENDIX A." AIR EMISSIONS UNDER VARIOUS REGULATORY AND CONTROL TECHNOLOGY ASSUMPTIONS The air emissions calculated for the coal-fired power plant described in this document are based on t:4rrent Federal NSPS . for coal-fired pawer plants using bituminous coal and that commenced construction after September 18, 1978. The units coming on line now and for several years into the future are generally subject to the previous Federal NSPS. There are also many units now operating that were under constructon or operating prior to the effective date of the previous NSPS and are therefore not subject to any Federal NSPS. Although these plants are subject to Federal NSPS less stringent than the current regulation, they will in many instances be subject to more stringent state and local air emission regulations. In many instances, the new plants, subject to current Federal NSPS, will also be subject to more. stringent state or local standards that will effectively establish the allowable air pollutant emission levels. Table A-1 provides a ·summary of air emissions under current NSPS and previous NSPS, as well as emissions from uncontrolled plants. · It should also be noted that under ·the previous NSPS ·and uncontrolled assumptions, coals having low-sulfur content could be used to reduce S02 emissions and to thus comply with the NSPS standard. The new NSPS do not allow the use of low-sulfur coal alone as an S02 -control for new plants. In addition to impacts on air emissions, the use of a limestone or lime scrubber generates· a varying amount of solid waste (scrubber sludge). As S02 removal requirements increase, the amount of scrubber sludge-· will increase (see item @, Sludge From S02 Control). Solid wastes wiU also be increased if a higher ash coal is selected (see item @, Fly Ash From Particulate Control). · Table A-1. Federal Regulation Current NSPS As of 6/11/79 Previous NSPS 12/23/71 to 6/11/79 Uncontro 11 ed emissions Air Emissions Under Various Regulatory Assumptions* firing Rate -34 x 1012 Btu/yr SOz .6 lb/106 Btu 10.2 x )03 tons/yr 1.2 lb/106 Btu 20.4 x 103 tons/yr 85 x 103 tons/yr NOx .6 lbilo6 Btu · 10.2 x 103 tons/yr . 1 lbtlo6 at~ 11.9 x 103 tons/yr **"Nonnal fi rigg" @ '.82 !b/10 Btu 13.9 x 10 tons/yr Particulate .o3 lbtlg6 Btu .50 x 10 tons/yr .1 lb/106 Btu . 1.7 x 103 tons/yr SOl mechanical remova 1 of fly ash 50 x to3 tons/yr * Based on the plant assumed in this ECIR, using a coal with 3.3 percent sulfur content. . -U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, "Electric Utility Steam Generating Units: Background Infonnatfon for Proposed NOx Emission Standards," · EPA-450/2-7B-005a, July "1978, p. 6-9. A-55 ---------------,..------------··---- A-PPENDIX B. COST INFORMATION Obtaining an accurate estimate of the costs associated with any power plant is an ·ambitious undertaking and beyond the scope of this study. However, sufficient information is available to approximate the costs for the typ_ical plant • . 1\n extensive effort by ~e Department . of Energy (DOE) and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) 1 examined . the total costs (capital, fuel, and operating and maintenance) for various plant types and sizes under a range of economic assumptions. The plant most similar to the typical plant in this Environmental Characterization In-formation Report (ECIR) is a 794'-MWe plant burning high-sulfur coal. It, too, _is a pulverized coal plant with electrostatic precipitator and flue gas scrubbers. There is sufficient information in the study to determine approximate economies of scale with respect to plant size. When the data for the 794-MWe plant are converted to out 500-MWe plant size, the result for plant capital cost is $450/kW (1976 doHars) or $225,000,000. The DOE/NRC study provided an analysis that assumed an 8-percent escalation rate and a 1985 date for first operation. Under these assumptions, correcting for escalation, interest during construction, and contingency~ the total (integrated) capital cost for the 500-MWe plant is $1270/kW, or $635,000,000. If the escalation rate were only 5 percent, the capital cost would be $1030/kW, or $514,000,000. · The study _also calculated the total costs for the 1985 plant in miUs/kWh (including capital, fuel, and operating and maintenance), assuming 8-percent escalation and a 12-percent discount rate, as weJJ as the alternate economic assumptions of 5:-percent escalation· and 10-percent discount rate. As might be expectc~d, this total cost wHI depend on the portion of time the plant actuaJJy-operates (capacity factod. The "total costs for the 500-MWe plant are as foJJows: Capacity Factor (96) 50 60 70 80 A-56 Total Generating Costs (mHls/kWh) 896 Escalation -5% Escalation 1296 Discount 10% Discount 116.9 107.4 101.1 96.0 87.4 78.8 72.8 68.1 [ [ [ j [ [ [ C [ [ [ [ [ c· [ L [ [ [ [ [ [ [ l [ '"i [ [ E [ c c c c -c [ [ .. [ [ . [ [ These cost figures include transportation of coal 900 miles from the eastern high-sulfur coal mines to a hypothetical northeastern coastal location. If coal transportation were not necessary, as in the case of the mine-mouth typical plant, the total generating costs would be reduced by 23.6 mills/kWh for tht! 8-percent escalation/ 12-percent discount case and 13.8 mills/kWh for the 5-percent escalation/ 10-percent discount case. Thus, the costs far .the typiCal plant,. excluding coal preparation, are as follows: Capacity Factor (%) 50 60 70 80 Total Generating Costs (mills/kWh) .. ~Escalation 5% Escalation 1296 Discount 10% Discount 93.3 83.8 77.5 72.4. 73.6 65.0 59.() 54.3 Tille capital cost for the coal preparation plant is estimated at $10.5 million in 1976 dollars, w~th operating and maintenance costs of $1.33/ton of coar.2 This total cost for the coal preparation plant, which is not very sensitive to the capacity factor, is 5.8 mills/kWh f.or the 8-percent escalation/ 12-percent discount case and 3.9 miilS/kWh for the· 5-percent escalation and 10-percent discount case. References 1.. United Engineers and Constructors, Inc., "Total Generating Cost: Coal and Nuclear Plants," Vol. 8 in a Series of 8 Commercial Electric Power Cost Studies, NUREG-0248, C00-2477-12, February 1979. 2. J.F. Wilkinson, ed~, "What's New in Preparation: Equipment, Processes, and Training," Coal Age, Vol. 85, No. 1, pp. 54-109, January 1980. A-57 APPENDIX C. TRACE ELEMENT ANALYSIS Trace elements are species that are found in small quantities in a mineral. During coal combustion, they become distributed among slag, fly ash,. or gases and are emitted into the environment. Based on industrial experience with pulverized coal boilers, it is . generally accepted that 80 percent of the ash present in coal is charged as fly ash, while only 20 percent is discharged as. bottom ash,1,2 · Because many trace elements exhibit preferential concentrations in the smaller particles emitted from coal-fired power plants,3,6 .about .5 percent of the initial concentrations of most trace elements are emitted to the ambient atmosphere.7 In addition, due to the nonhomogeneity of coal, the composition and concentration of combustion products will vary with coal. However, based on recent work conducted by Lawerence Livermore Laboratory,. it is possible to calculate trace element emissions if certain system operating parameters and coal composition are known.8 An explanation of how this is done follows.* Needed information: • • • • Trace element concentrations "in coal being fired (Cj, i=l, ?., ... n, ~g/g) Coal feed rate (F, g/sec) Plant net power output (P, watts) Overall thermal efficiency (TJp) • Electrostatic precipitator overall efficiency (11EsP> Definitions: * ** plant total power input (consumption rate )i ESP efficiency ratio = (plant net power output)/(overall thermal efficiency) = P/TJp = (trace element i concentration in coal) (coal feed rate)/(plant total power input)** · = (Ci)(F)/P/'Ilp) = ( 1-ESP overall efficiency)/( I-ESP overall efficiency used in LLL study) = 0-TJESP)/0-0.97) There---are other methodologies for determining trace element emissions; see, for example, Reference 9. Note: 1 watt = 1 joule/second. A-58 r r~ [ ) [ l"· [ [ t [ [ [ [ [ [ L [ ? [ .. [ [ [ n [ [ 1!. [ "' [ [ [ [ c [ i c ·1 I c c [ [ [ [ [ [ (atmospheric emission rate)i -= (stack emission of trace element i)/(plant total power input) (AER)i = l.llknown to be determined (penetration )i = ( 10096) (atmospheric emission rate)j/(consumption rate)i = given in following Table C-1 Procedure: 1. When the needed information is obtained,. determine • plant total power input • (consumption rate )i· • ESP effiCiency ratio 2. Obtain (penetration )i from Table C-1 3. (atmospheric emission ratelj = (penetration)ikonsumption rate)i (ESP efficiency ratio)/ 100 (AER, ug/joule); • (penetration); [(C; )(F)/(P/np), ug/joulel (1-nESPl/!(1-0.97)1 For the typica,l plant ~ representative coal from Kentucky was chosen.lO Trace element concentrations of this coal are listed as follows: Element As Be Cd Mn Pb Se Concentration (Mg/g) 4.1 2.2 0.1 "21.0 4.3 1.5 To find the atmospheric emission ,rates for. the trace elements, the following information is used: P = 5 )( 108 watt TJ = 35 percent f! = _5.1:5 x 10 4 g/sec TJESP = 99.5 percent A-59 Table C-1. Penetration of Elements Contained in .Partides Emitted From an _E~P;-Equipp~9 _ Coa.l-Fired· Generating Unit (%) i ~~: l .. .. Element ES~ unita Element ESP ~;n; t' ---; ! ... A1 1.1 ,t 0.1 Mo 5.1 * 1.2 As 11.5 * 3.0 Mn 1.6 *0.5 Ba 4.0 * O.B Na 1.55 * 0.09 Be 0.9 * 0.3 Pb 5.5 * 1.1 Br 0.14 * 0.0/l Rb 1.3:1:0.1 Ca 1.3 * o.i Sb 7.7:1:0.7 Cd 8.8 * 3.0 Sc 1.46 * 0.06 Ce 1.29 ,t 0.09 Se 7.7·:1: 0.8 Co_ 2.5 * 0.3 . '~ Sr 2.0 * 0.3 Cr 3.8 * 0.3 Ta 1. 3 :1: 0.1 Cs 1.2 :1: 0.2 .Th 1. 32 :1: 0.08 Fe 1.32 ,t 0.09 Ti 1.51 :1: 0.03 Ga 4.4 * 0.7 ·u ·3. 7 :1: 0.4 In 5.4 :1: 0.7 -· v 3. 7 :1: 0.6 K LO :1:0.3 w 7.2 * 2.2 La 1.29 :1: 0.07 . Zn 6.3 * 0.8 Mg 1.2 :1: 0.4 Zr 1.4 * 0.3 a Number of samples was'efght unless othe,..,ise .indicated. T'le atmosoheric emission rate for arsenic .is therefore · (AER) • l(pen~tratiori)A~ (CAsl!FlJjl-ESP ~- As . (P/np .,-:Q.97" • ~~115)(4.1 Tg/gj(S.15 x 104 g/slJil-0.9951 5 X OB Is I 0. 35 . ~ • 2.83 x 1o-6 ~g/J On a daily basis, · (AERlAs a (2.83 X lo-6 ~g/J)(l.055 X 103 J~Btu}\0.117 X 1o12 Btu/day}(l X lo-6 9IH9l (4. 4 x o2 g/1b) • 0.77 ltJ/day A-60 [ [ [ ;) [ ,, [ [ t [ [ ·. [ [ [ [ r [ !> [ .. [ [ [ [ [ [ -l "~ [ [ [ [ [ c c c c c [ [ L ·[ .[ [ i ./ i ' t' I .' I i ; l Daily atmospheric emission rates for the trace elements are as follows: lb/day at 100% lb/yr at 80% Element caeaci t:z: factor caeacit): factor As 0.77 225 13e 0.03 9.3 Cd 0.01 4.1 Mn 0.55 161 Pb 0.39 114 Se 0.19 56 References 1. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, "Electric Utility Steam Generating Units: Background Information for Proposed Particulate Emission Standards," EPA-450/2-78-006a, July 1978, p. 3-14. 2. Teknekron, Inc., "Comprehensive Standards: The Power Generation Case," EPA No. 68•01-0561, March 1975, p. 91. 3. D.F.S. Natusch, J.R. WaUace, and C.A. Evans, Jr., Science, Vol. 183 No. 4121, pp. 202-4, 1974. 4. N.E. Bolton et al., "Trace Element Measurement at the Coal-Fired Allen Steam Plant, Progress Report, June 1971 -January 1973," ORNL-NSF-EP-43, March 1973. . -'• N.E. Bolton et al., "Trace ElE"ment Measurements at the Coal-Fired Allen Steam Plant, Progress Report, February 1973 -July 1973," ORNL-NSF-EP-62, 1974. 6. G.E. Gordon et al., "Study of the Emissions from Major Air Pollution Sources and Their Atmospheric Interactions," University of Maryland Department of Chemistry and Institute for Fluid Dynamics and Applied Mathematics, CoUege Park, Maryland, 1974. 7. K.K. Bertine and E.D. Goldbert, Science, Vol. 173, No. 233, 1971. 8. J.M. Ondov, R.C. Ragaini, and A.H. Biermann, "Emissions and Particle-Size Distributions of Minor and Trace Elements at Two Western Coal-Fired Power Plants Equipped with Cold-Side Electrostatic Precipitators,"" Environmental Science and .Technology, Vol. 13, pp • 946-9.53, 1979. 9. Radian Corporation, "Trace Elements of Fly Ash: Emissions from Coal Fired Steam Plants Equipped with Hotside and Coldside Electrostatic Precipitators for Particulate Control," EPA 908/4-78-008, December 1978, Final Report. 10. H.J. Gluskoter et al., "Trace Elements in Coal: Occurrence and Distribution," Ulinois State Geological Survey, Circular 499, 1977. A-61 -------------------------------" Slowdown 8ottom ash Capacity factor Circulating water Cooling tower drift loss Cooling tower evaporation loss Dead storage Discount rate Electrostatic precipitator. Escalation Flue gas Flue gas desulflrization saubbers Fly ash Fugitive emissions GLOSSARY Water that is periodically removed from either the cooling towers or the coal-fired boiler to prevent concentration of total dissolved solids. Noncombustible residues of coal combustion that are collected and removed from the boiler. The actual plant output in a year divided by the output that would be achieved if the plant were to operate at 100-percent power for 365 days/year. Water supplied to the main condenser in the generating plant that is cooled by the cooling towers. Aerosols of water that are lost in the atmosphere from the cooling towers. Circulating water that is. evaporated as a result of heat transferred from the circulati11g water system and lost in the atmosphere via the cooling towers. Long-term storage in which the coal is typically compacted and sealed. A factor in formulas used for analyzing the time value of money. Its magnitude depends · on the cost of capital, financing schemes, etc. Environmental control device used to remove a high percentage of the fly ash in the flue gas. Increases in cost of equipment, materials, labor, etc., as a result of inflation. Gases generated from ttie combustion of fossil fuel in the boiler. Environmental control device used to remove a high percentage of the sulfur dioxide in the flue gas. Noncombustible residues of coal combustion that are carried out of the boiler in the flue gas. Unintentional emissions, such as blowing dust from a coal pile. A-62 r r [ !.J. [ ) [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ., ·' l-· [ ~ [ ;~ [ [ L [. [ [ " [ "( [ [ [ [ c [- c [ c [ [ • [ r. [ [ L " ~ Net station heat rate (Q) Pyritic ·material Recycle water Rll"'-of-mine coal Sludge Amount of fuel input (in Btu) necessary to generate 1 kWh of electricity, Metallic compounds of sulfur naturally occurring in coal. Water that is collected, treated, and reused at the power -plant. Coal as it comes from the mine prior to sizing or other preparation. Wet residue of lime/limestone and sulfur that is generated in the flue gas desulfurization unit. A-63 A AERj As Be Btu c CaS03 Cd Ci Ci Cl ·co C02 Cu ;)OE ECIR 'Jlp 'llEsP EPA ESP F Fe FGO g gal H ha HC J kg kWh 1 lb mg 118 Mn lid We MWt NOx NRC NSPS 0 p Pb Q Q ROM ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS .·· 'ajj{ co;,t~nt in coa;l .. · '-atmos'pheric" emission rate of trace element arsenic IM!ryllium- British thermal 1.rlit carbon limestone cadmium curie concentration of trace element i chlorine carbon monoxide carbon dioxlde'. ·.. '·. copper Department of Energy Environmental Characterization Information Report overall thermal efficiency of plant overall efficiency of electrostatic precipitator Environmental Protection Agency electrostatic precipitator feed rate of coal iron flue gas desulfurization gram gallon hydrogen hectare hydrocarbOns joule kilogram kilowatt-hour liter pound milligram ( to-3 fram) micrograms ( 10-grams) manganese megawatt -electrical megawatt -thermal nitrogen oxides Nuclear Regulatory Commission New Source Performance Standards oxygen net power delivered to the transmission grid lead heat content of.coal net station heat rate run-of-mine A-64 ~ . [ [ [ .> [ ~ [ [ E [ [ [ [ [ [ [ E ~ [ ,I [ [ c· L n [ ; [ .J J' 'L~ t [ [ c 0 c c [ [ [ [ 4. [ 'f [ [ L "' ... s s Se 502 te TSP TSS WsA WBLOWDOWN WoRIFT WEVAP WFGD WHAD Wrow WvAP second sulfur· selinium sulfur dioxide tonne total suspended particulates {air) total suspended solids {water) total makeup water requirements for bottom ash handling amount of cooling tower blowdown amount of drift Joss from cooling tower amount of evaporation Joss from cooling tower makeup water for dust control of S02 scrubbers amount of water needed for bottom ash handling and disposal total makeup water requirements to the cooling towers amount of evaporation loss from bottom ash hopper •u.s. 110Vllllllli21T PRIIITIIIO OFFICE : 1980 0..511•678/261 A-65 ] J ] ( ] <, ] J ] ] ] J J ] d J J -; \: J \ ]. ] J