HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA1930dALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME SUSITNA HYDRO AQUATIC STUDIES REPORT NO .. ::; Part I, Chapter 1 A TIC H T AND iNSTR M FLOW INVE TIONS (MA 1983) ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME SUSITNA HYDRO AQUA TIC STUDIES REPORT NO .. 3 Part I, Chapter 1 AQUATIC HABITAT AND iNSTREAM FLOW INVESTIGATIONS (MAY-OCTO 1983) Edited by: Christopher C .. Estes and for: AUTHORITY 1 $ i vid into i' ters 1 St i g ion t ver 2 ann y i ig ons n ver er "':!' tinuous t er ure in ig an ._. itna. River basin ter 4 er ity i ig ions the it R ver basin. 5 Dissolved gas concentration in ig ions Q the Susitna River basin .. resu1 i ca 1 ( o g. in a si 1 II 3 or· 1 on wa 1 i c ( e ., g ., ma i n s er 1 or sl shelf of a si sl or 1 si ls .. i three conditioms of i d or si mai si 1 or side slough (see also initial, i con 11ing breaching discharges). 1 i 0 i , a Controliing Breaching Discharge-The breaching condition in whi mainstem discharges at Gold Creek are equal to or greater than mainstem discharge required to directly govern the hydraulic Cross characteristics within a side slough or side channel. is condition can be denoted as equa 11 i ng the segment of flow rating curve beginning with the point of inflection and beyond .. envi dis so ion Profile -A profile describing the cross try of a channel~ i u sly .. g.. ir or ional ion ( r 1~ 2 a 5). va i vo1 i a t. ' s sl ly sl c 1 1 t on a a i tion -s on a si which es 1 is monitoring stage, flow and/or di dient -Rate dis nee .. change in vertical elevation per unit horizon 1 The upstream uence or int gin a lotic wa I ection Poi i on a curve at ich the line i sl I tia1 i mains discha at 1 i ) or i h i i 11y mul ple i a ve i si i f it ions wa or si ins th,ose portions throughout the are i nc 1 u ded i n ns is tributary inflow appear to i i i tors to the overall characteristics of mains 1 1 i i t .. instem habitat is typically characte:rized by h1gh wa r velocities and we11 armored streambedse Substrates aenerally consist of boulder· and cobble size materials with interstitial spaces filled with a grout-like mixture of small gravels a glacial sands. Suspended sediment concentrations and turbidity are high during summer du~ to the influence of g 1 ac i a 1 me 1 t-wa Discharges recede in early fall and the mainstem clears appreci in October. An ice cover forms on the river in 1a November or December .. Mean Oa i 1y Oi rae -·' mean discha 24 r i a i s ti 1 di in is t. on s on r 1 i uence of one or more wa i b i ral Habi ti~ itats peripheral i River itat (e .. g.. side nnel, si s 1 , tr·ibutary mouth and/or tribu habi mains s1 1 -A portion of a water course that is relatively a s1ow-moving in comparison to the rest of the wa coursee pl Project Datum - A series of elevations ti~~ to sea level that are us by project personnel to tie relative data bases together$ Rating Curve - A curve that is constructed from data rep dependent va ri ab 1 es (e.g. stage, flow or d i scha i r.g da ) describes the relationship between the two variables at a si Riffle a .. A portion of a water course that is relatively s 11ow a t-running in comparison to the rest of wa course., 1 -5-1 nnel i t is of i i r 1 in 1 ow 1 s, or in ned wa courses a11y is1 along i mai river~ channe 1 s ons re ica11y lower mean monthly water su evations mainstem Susitna River observed during June~ St~ habitats are characterized by 11ower oci es smaller streambed materials than i mainstem river. Si Slough Habitat -is located in overflow channels between the edge of the fl oodp 1 a in and the rna ins tern and side channe 1 s of the Susitna River. rt is usually separated from the mains:err. and/or side channels by well vegetated bars. An exposed alluvial berm often separates the head of the slough from mainstem discha or side channel flows. The controlling streambed/bank elevations at the upstream end of the side sloughs are slightly less than the water surface e 1 evat ions of the mean month 1 y discharges of the mainstem Susitna River observed for June, July, and August. At i ntermedi a and 1 0~1-di scha rge periods, the s i s 1 oughs clear wa from small tributaries and/or upwelling ground\-JatP.r. These clear water inflows are essential contri tors to exis is i wa su elevation of i 11 y c:ause:s a ex sl i h this su n i ser exists, s1 on 1 i 11 v small s 1 of mai eleva ons is su s 1 in s i 11y a function of air , solar of local runoffo -A ice used to ins 1y moni a si -A measure of water depth which can surface elevation when surveyed to a benchma wa at a si It be converted to true water surface elevation if it is ti in project datum. Thalweg Profile -A longitudinal profile that describes the st elevation of the deepest portion or middle of mainstem, tributary, slough or other riverine habitats. Tributary Habitat ... consists of the full complement of hydr·aulic and morphologic conditior.s t occur in taries. ir seasonal flow') sediment, and thermal reg·imes r~~f1 in ration of the hydrology, geology? and climate the t inage.. The physical attri tes of tri i are not on mains i ons., 1 i ser i t -ex i mains ition wa i rr.rgani c u si rmost ver of Susitna River or sl qua 1 i at a s i and/or c su Habi t -differs from side slough i f the slough does no interconnect p1 wa cla in th 1 the su i is a1s of mainstem Susitna River or i side channeis even at high mainstem discharges .. These· sloughs are characterized ,.. presence of beaver dams and an accumulation of silt covering t subst.r·ate resulting from the absence of rna~nstem scourAing d ·: sc ha r·ges. Water Surfac~ Elevation -The elevation of the water surface. WSEL -See water surface elevation. ~ Report Noe 3, Chapter 1 m Quane, t rrow, Al Department Fish and Game itna Hydro Aquatic Studies 2207 Spenard Anchorage, Alaska 99503 row ) I 1.,2 .. 2- i Side Channel, Siae Slough and Upland Slough Habitats~ ~1ETHODS ................ e .. 2.1 Site Selection. 2.1 .. 1 2.1 .. 2 Side Channel, Side Slough and Upland Slough Habitats ........ . 2.1.3 Tributary Habitats. 2.2 Stage .................. "' .................. ., ................................. .. 2 .. 2 .. 2 Analytical Approach ........ ., Mai Habitats. \ J I ) ) .. 1 i 3 .. 2 Si 2 Si 3.2. 1 .. 2 General 1 3.,2.1 .. 3 Stage/Discharge Rel 3.2.1 .. 4 i di 3. 2.1$5 Backwater .................. •t ......... ., .............. ., <l> .. .. .. .. 3~2 .. 2 .. 3 Stage/Discharge Relationship ...................... .. Mainstem Controlling i Discharges ......................................... ~ .. .. 3.2.3 Lower Side Channel 11 {RM 134.6) .... e •.• .. 0". e 0 .. <HHH> I I 3 .. 2 .. 3.3 Stage/Discharge Relationship ...................... o D 3.2.3 .. 4 Mainstem Controlling and Breaching 't~ ~' ,# "-,Q! ~~hwa " "' .... c. .... "' .......... " .. " ..... ., ...... "' .......... .. ..J· 4;, ..J ~ u IIIIJ ...,' ~ ..... r · -· · -~ .......... -.. -.. ----... 3 .. 2.4 Upper Side Channel 11 (RM 136 .. 2) •••••••••• ~····· General Resul Stage/Discha • f II f li 3 .. 2 .. 5 3 .. 2@5 1 3 .. 2 .. 5 .. 2 3 .. 2 .. 5 .. 3 .. 2)"' ........ ., Re1 3 .. 2 .. 5 .. 4 Mainstem Controlli i ( 101e2)eO$G.@Ili"OOOI!lOII>$0 0 3 .. 3 .. 1 .. 3 Stage/Discharge Relati 3 .. 3 1 .. 4 Mainstem Controlling and Breachi DischargeS., ... .,., •• ., .. .,.,o.,oeeoeooeoeooe@eoo 3 .. 3.2.3 Stage/Discharge Relationship ................... .. 3o3 .. 2 .. 4 Mainstem Controlling and Breaching 3 .. 3 .. 3 .. 2 J .. 3s3e3 3 .. 3"3 4 Discharges.... .. ........................... e ................ .. Resu1 lli B i I 61 b b b b b (,q ~ b~ b~ t 3 .. 3 .. 3 .. 5 3 .. 3 .. 4 Si 3 .. 3.4 .. 2 3 .. 3.4 .. 3 3 .. 3 .. 4.4 3 .. 3.5.3 Stage/Discharge Relationship ••• ~ ............. ~ 3 .. 3 .. 5.4 Mainstem Controlling and Breaching D.. h 1 SCa.a rges 0 " II ... II .. Ill " " .. C!l ., 6 ... e e " <!) .. 0 .. G .. I> .. ., 1!1 Gl 3. 3 c 5" 5 Backwater 0 0 •• G" .... "' .. ., .. e. tt .. 0., 0 ....... " ....... .," ...... " 3 .. 3 .. 6.2 General Results ......................................... §.... 1 I 3 .. 3 .. 6 .. 3 Stage/Discharge Re1 onship .................... .. 3 .. .. .. 5 .. 3 .. 7 Si Sl 3 .. 3 .. .. 1 3 .. 3 .. 7 .. 2 ::L,3 .. 7 .. 3 q 3 .. 3e7e4 3.3.8 Si Slough 21 (RM .. 4 Mainstem Controlling Oischarges ............................................ s .......... o 3 I 3.3.9 0 3 .. 3 .. 9 .. 3 Stage/Discharge Relationship..................... )11 3 .. 3 .. 9 .. 4 Mainstem Controlling and Breaching Discharges ................................................ .. 3 .. 4 .. 1 Upland Slough 6A (RM 112.3) ............................ 0 .... .. II 3 .. 5 3 .. 4 .. 2 .. 1 Si 3 .. 4 .. 2 .. 2 3.,4 .. 2~~3 3.4 .. 2.4 i ( ion ...... i 3 .. 5.1 .. 1 Si Description......................... .... .. .. .. 3 .. 5 .. 1 .. 2 General Resul ........................ ., .............. ~ ..... .. ~ 3 .. 5 .. 1.3 Stage/Discharge Relati p ........................ .. 3 .. 5 .. 2 Lane C (RM 113.6)., .................................. 0 ............ .. 3 .. 5 .. 2.1 Site Description .......................................... .. 3 .. 5 .. 2.3 ·Stage/Discharge Rel onship ................... .. 3.5 .. 3 Fourth of July Creek (RM 131 .. 1) .............. 0 .. @ .... ~ •• I Site Description......................... 1 General Results......................... 1 Stage/Discharge Relationship............. 1 3.5.4 Waterfall Creek (RM 140.1) ............... ~······· 1 Site Description......................... I General Resul Stage/Oi 3.5.5 Unnamed Tri 3.5.5'12 3.5 .. 5.3 3o5o6 d ( I 3 5 .. 6 .. 1 Si i 3 .. 5 .. 6 .. 2 3 .. 5 .. 6 .. 3 ons ":.) 'i .. 7 an ..li .. 6)"" 0 "'"' .. "., .. " .... ·~ """ .. 0 3 .. 5 .. 7 .. 1 Si ri 3 .. 5 .. 7.,2 ip .. Portage Creek ( Site Descri 3.5.8.,2 Stag~/Discharge Rel DI I I leO LITERATURE CITED •••••••••••••••• ~. o ••••• ., ••••• e ••••••••• o o. fli 4lJ I 1 on in i mean daily di ons at Susi Station, on~ Gold Creek on son of rna 1 nstem scha rge Go 1 d (USGS 15292000) for 1981, 1982 1 d season (May-October) •...••••••••..••• * of Mainstem II Side Channel ich is on the east bank of the Susitna River 1 Stage versus flow rating curve for Mainstem II Si Channel (NW Channel), staff gage 114.4S5~·············Q· Stage versus flow rating curve for.Mainstem r; Side Channel (NE Channel), staff gage 114o4S8 •••••••••••••••• 1 Side Channel flow versus mainstem discharge rating curve for Mainstem II (NW Channel), staff ga,ge 114 • S5 • o o til o 1!1:1 o o o e • e e • e o G e o G o «t e • o a o • ®' o o o * o e o e o o e c e e e o o $ 0 e e Side Channel ow versus mainstem discharge rating curve for Mainstem II (NE Channel), staff 11 map of Side Channe·! 10, which is 1 on bank of the Susi tna River river mile 12 Channel 1- curve I 3 1- 1-1 1- 1- i on i di 11, Si Channel 11, i is 1 of the Susi ver versus flow ng curve for 11, staff gage 136. $600~~eeooooooooeoee~o ·~· 1 flow versus mainstem curve for de Channel 1 map of Side Channel 21, whi is 1 bank of the Susitna River at on le 1 Stage versus flow rating curve for Side Channel ~ staff gage 140.654 ••••••••• ~~·······0··············· ... 1 Stage versus flow rating curve for Side Channel 21, staff gage 140.657 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1-23 Side Channel flow versus mainstem discharge rating curve for Side Channel 21 1, staff gage 140 o 6 $4 o • e o e o co e o e o o e e "' e o o o o o o "' o o o "' • e ., o • o "' o o e " "' e o "' o " e ., e e ., 1-24 Side Channel flow versus mainstem discharge curve for Side Channel ;~1, staff 140 e 6 S 7 o .. o e o " e e e ., e co e o • • e e o e e e <111 o e " <1> e o & o o e e e e e ., " "' " 0 ., "' e e ., <II 0 Site map of Whiskers de Slough, which is 1 on the west bank the Susitna River at river 101.2 e " ,. e e ., '!'." e 111 " " o o e • o e • o o " • " e '" e e " " e ., " ,. e " e o <11 ., e ,. o ., ,. 11 ., <II ., • ., 1-26 versus flow rating curve for Wh~ ·~r~ Slough, 101.2S3 . ., .• o .... * ..... 1-27 Slough 8, i is 1 Susi River 1 curve 8 I 6 1 1 1 1 1 Slough flow versus Side Slough 21, map bank eas 2." Si the e '~> e $ " curve curve 9, whi is on itna ver ng curve Si rge ng curve .JSle•••~oooo •eeeo~ is 1 river mile curve Si Sl curve Sl is on i 1 "'"'" • • 0 "' • <!I !1\ 0 Q .. I 1 1 1 1 1-51 cu i 21, i curve is 142. OS6 .......................................... o................ .. .... ., .. Slough ow Si Sl map north bank Slough , whi is 1 Susitna River versus fl o~t rating curve Si S1 curve gage 144 .. 356 ............................................................ . flow versus mainstem di Sl~ugh 22, staff gage 144 .. curve Site for Upland Slough 6A, which is 1 on the bank of the Sus i tna River at river 1 e 1-54 Site map of Upland Slough 19, which is located on the east bank of the Sus i tna River at river mi 1 e 1-55 Site map of Whiskers Creek, which is located on Jl I west bank of the Susitna River at river mile 101 .. 4.......... I 1-56 Stage versus flow rating curve for Whiskers Creek, Staff gage 101 .. 2T2 ..................................... ~................. I 1-57 Site map of Lane Creek, which is located on east bank of the Susitna River at river mile 1 1 Stage versus flow rating curve for C , staff 114.6T7 ............ ~ ................................ .. Si on of Fourth of July bank of itna is 1 river 131 .. 1 ... " .... "' ......................... 0 ......................... 1//J "' .................. " " ........ .. curve ) 0 1 1 i i ve Portage ch is of Susitna River ( ) versus , continuous ng curve curve mai Tal il stage/discha es eld season •••••••• G.eeee••····Q e1 on the time of measu'II"Qifli'!On 1 ocati on within 1 water surface elevation scharge at the time of measu monitorin~r~ location within Si -& 8 • a • o o e 11 e e • s o • e o <r~ e 10 o 0 • o • G e • e o o e e c s fD o -e = • a v w • 1 of surface elevation and correspondi mainstem discharge at the time of measurement stage monitoring location within Lower Si Channel 11 at RM 134.6 •••••••••••••.••••••.••••••••..••. 1 Ranges of water surface elevation and corresponding mainstem discharge at the: time, of measurement for each stage monitoring location within Upper Side Channel 11 at RM 136.2 •••.•••••••••.•••••••• $ ••••••••••• 1-8 Ranges of water surface e·Jevation and corresponding mainstem discharge at th~~ time of measurement for each stage monitoring location within Side Channel 21 at RM 141.2 ..... @6$f>9C!I'I0&6G$<DOGG<ii<IIG0<1e80GCIOOOI!IQS00&$ ... 1!1 ...... 1-9 Ranges of water surface elevation and corresponding mainstem discharge at the time of measurement for each stage monitoring location within Whiskers Side S 1 ou g h RM 10 1 • 2 .. .. ........... tl> ......................................... o ...... ., .. .. 1-10 Ranges mai each ( 6{, 1- 1- 1- 1- surface on a.t of. mea ng location within 137,. 8"' o 111 "' "' e o o o o 1> o e e e o o & " .. o <n e e e e $ e e 0 e e " 0 0 flt surface elevation discharge at the time of stage monitoring location within 140 . 2 .!) 4 $ ~ 0 & e C 4l' G 4lt C> Iii & 0 $ 18 CO 8 G G S 0 0 G G 0 (9 0 C 0: $ CP 19 water surface elevation and co mainstem discharge at the time of measurement each stage monitoring location within Side Sl 21 at RM 14li!'811>., .................. $ ................. 1ii$Gile9t>G1i>611Goeeee .. I 0 tJ 1-17 Range of water surface elevation and corresponding mainstem discharge at the time of measurement for each stage monitoring location within Side Slough 22 at RM 144.2.................................................. // 1-18 Ranges of water surface elevation and corresponding mainstem discharge at the time of measurement 'for each stage monitoring location within Upland Slough 6A RM 112 e 3 o <~> o 0 & "' .,. o e o s ., o e o e o"., o 11> o,. o " e "'., e ., o o e ., o e e o 0 e ., 0 e., e } / 1-19 Ranges of water surface elevation and correspondi mai nstem di schargs the time of measurement each stage monitoring location within Upland Sl 19 at RM 1401!00 ... $ ....... "' ............. <11 •• "' .... * ...... .,<1) • .,.,@.......... I 1-20 ) and d ry for 1983 .......... * ...... " 0 ............ * ......... ., .......... <> .. ., I 1-21 I 1 1 i ili i ( co11 ver basin since 1981., lection main stem di s on ns on of river si channel, side slough, i Although measurements in the lower river (Cook Inl the collection program has la ) ro 1 the Susitna River from Talkeetna upstream il on ine su ect related impacts are expected to be most severe in is lts of these investigations (ADF&G 1982, 1983) have indi c range of mainstem discharges experienced during 1981 and 1 were rel ve1y higher for 1981 and normal for 1982 as compared historical 25 year mainstem discharge conditions ( gure 1-1) ( 1978). It was found that f'1r the range of mainstem 8,000 to 30,000 cfs, the relationship between su mai various mai and mainstem discha is r'el vely locations between Talkeetna Devil re1 ip lie i si s 1 ou i di on in ---1981 ~---1982 25 ·--·~~= R re ·-·- \ \ s in mains si s'l habitats during moderate to high mainstem gations in side channel habitats show that lie mainstem discharges are similar to those occurri in itats, although lower mainstem discharges initiate these se in side channel habitatso Investigations in upland slough habitats have shown that raulic characteristics in these habitats are less directly rel to main discharges than ~hey are in side .~.;laugh or side 1 i Upland slough habi were found to overtops Extensive r areas were, , observ~~d to occur at sl to high mains i al i in seven es in 1 i 1 i six ' L 1 c I an 1 ives d season ( 1 1 on was s on ver., c ves OWe 1 .. 2 .. 1 objectives of the 1983 open wa seas or• conducted in the mains tern Susi tna River i1 Canyon were to: 1) Collect sufficient water surface elevation 1 e1 i ons on define mai occu ve ip di during u ineers ous lie simul i 1 a 11 1 mai mai season .. 1 ion s 1 1 i season 1 ) i i1 ) 1 and measu s (upland si i enced 1 1 sea ) 1 su ons in ( and i on are i mai ) 1 measu in 1 i sl si i ( i si ( sh s ' I 1) 1 ins ons .. ves the 1 i 1 curves ng the 1983 open moni measu i1 1 d season; 2) Collect measurements of stage and di tributary and tributary mouth habitats to su~.., :--t habitats in these habitat zones .. il i 1 i i n se 1) 2) 1 dis s ons mai i season to on ng 1 surface are on th ons occurring ons V11ere pl ion over ect engineers for use ib L .. ,... .. , .• c··de mainstem water surface elevation data ning the influence that mainstem di hydrau1 i c characteristics of se 1 side channel, slough, and mouth habitats,. data coll in the mai in Tal of si River ( gure 1 ) is i the U.S .. G .. S .. Gold C d i s 'ion was on ose i ions in i i ive i 1 1 11 on u has on 1a as mon in si il ) ~ ·--,----- 1 .. eS .. 0 .. 2 .. 2 o9 04 "7 .. 4 112.3 1 .. 4 113 .. 0 Creek Mouth 113 .. 4 Mouth 113 .. 6 Creek Mouth 113 .. 7 nstem 2 Mouth 1 .. 4 instem 2 NW Head 1 .. 5 Mainstem 2 NE Head 115.9 shwheel Station 120 .. 6 Bank LRX 24 120.7 Bank at LRX 28 124 .. 4 Channel Slough SA Mouth 125e3 Bank LRX 29 126 .. 1 nstem Above Slough 8A NE Head 127.1 ght Bank at LRX 31 128 .. 7 ght Bank at LRX 32 129.7 Right Bank LRX 33 130.1 Right nk at LRX 34 130.5 Right Bank LRX 130 .. 8 Mainstem B/L Fourth of July C 131el LRX 37 131 .. 8 Mai Side 10 Mouth 133e8 Left LRX 40 134 .. 3 Side Channel L ough 11 .3 Si Channel ough 11 135 .. 3 Sl 16B 138 .. 0 S1 .. 3 1 1 .. 3 .. 5 .. 9 .,8 1 i 1 ( ~ --·--------------------- ~$ fll'@'flflj JI Nit !i<IHilCS MS i.,@fHi Cn@m M~H~f" S 1.U l..llliUI Cns' Mlll~t~ WS low Ltt CneJIII •U t.IU\ I 2) s 2 le ons were moni ve si ) si ).. Si \~ere 1 neers biol i ine on i ni several cs of si i (i .. e .. , b i , bac a ow surface elevation data by ect bio1ogi in si channel 1 di me eva1ua ons s1 on s1 ons)" was moni red thin the mouth portion, free-flowing po on, rti on of each si In addition, discharge was moni in the free-flowing portion each study s i ined thin the evaluate flow" rtion of study curve ev s di si was u b u 1 di si portion of rg~ was u of to that main on ( n study si was as a nction thin i mains ) si on i i si 1 .. 2 1 .. 3 113 .. 6 1 .,4 125 .. 3 128 .. 3 1 .. 8 1 11 .,0 .. 3 11 .. 2 137 .. 8 .. 7 1.40 .. 1 140.,6 141~8 144 .. 2 "1 di were mor1i ( 1 pl in areas di i were on consul p curves ons fish ~~ b 0 2 .. 2 .. 1 were obtained 1 izi ei ' I .. Stage data obtained using standard Leopold {0. gages were determined to the nea one-hundredth of a assigned elevation, which is was elevation (proj 1 for each gage datum) .. This all su can 1 i 1 I a 11 resu·l in ( 1d t ( i 11 on i is 1 .. 0 1 3 6 0 3 ly c 131 1 0,2 d c .. 7 2 an ver .. 6 0 .,3 0 1 Sl OL!Ql'l .. 6 0 1 c .. 9 0., --~~ ------- 1 mai i season v~ere eva 1 u inually 1 r e1 ( ) 1 11i ( ) 0 I" .) 1.,0 i over a 1 i 0 .. 2 ( i .. e .. , 0.,4 i wa ) .. programmed to record t i ls on a UV-erasable, id ( ) c Using a 60-minute recording interval, :i in 40 :) and then mu be exchanged for an ( c 1 ~ea res involved in the install on moni can be in FY84 ADF&G Su Hydro ic ies p "es Manual Final Draft ( AOF&G 1984) .. 2 .. 2 .. 2 Di me as were i in ion :! area s d or me di ' a was also i 1 2 .. 3., i mains i to proj were daily discharges of mai d (USGS 15292000) were plotted as simple curv th water surface elevation presented on y axis mean i ma i n stem on the x ax i s .. At 1 ion on bing ·the relationship of each plot was also 2 .. 3.2 Side Channel, Side and UE]and Sl~aHabitats 1 stage data obtained at side side channel and slough (si and) habitats were reduced to trtu~ water surface. e'levations (as referenced to project datum) and plotted against the mean daily main.stem dischar"ge recorded at Gold Creek (USGS 15292000)., In addition, data collected in conjunction with discharge data at the stage/discha monitoring station located ·in the free-flowing portion of each study site were platte~ as, simple stage/duischarge rating curves .. tvleastu~ed site discharge was also plotted with corresponding mean daily mainstem dischar,ge as measu at Gold Creek {15292000) • . J i i i i 20 were as curves e At si i was moni nuous data ('Portage d ' ver) measu of water depth were mean ily of depth obtained in conj ion were plotted as simple rati curves .. curves, discharge levels were estimated from nuous depth for Portage Creek, Indian River, ld -I was monitored at 46 stations in the mainstem from Ta 1 Devil Canyon during the 1983 open water field season. All measurements were converted to true water surface elevations as referenced to project datum. These water surface elevations, along corresponding mean daily discharge of the mainstem Susitna River as measured at the USGS Gold Creek gaging station (15292000) are tabula in Appendix Table 1-A-6. These data were used to generate simple surface elevation/discharge curves (Appendix Figures 1-A-1 .... 1 ) • The mainstem water surface elevations obta·~ned LRX 53 incl the ~983 data. 1983 and 1982 staff gage sites were not in 1 on for each years observations~ main stem su i for were lly 0 Og 0 - APR~L us MAY F re 1 31 15 30 JUNE of mean dei R SUSITN STATIOH (USGS 152 50~ R~ YENTNA RIVER (USGS 1529434~8 RN SUNStUNE STATiON GS 152927 RM GOLD CREEK STATION (USGS 15292000, Rhfi 13i") CANTWEll STATtON (USGS 152.91500D RM 223 ~5 15 JULY AUGUST :\ t at ·. - 1 of ma 2 A ~~ \ \ I \ \ \ \ G surements of s and dis were i 1 eld season at selected si thir. five si c nnels 1 i 1 nyon reach of the Susitna River., sul investi tions are below by si 3.2.1 Mainstem 2 Side Channel (RM 114.4) n 2 Side Channel (Figure 1-3) is located on the east bank sitna River at river mile 114.4.. It is approximately one mile in length and is separated from the mainstem, by two relati y la vegetated islands., A fork, approximately 0 .. 3 miles upstream of this side channel, divides the channel into two forks, as the northeast (NE) and northw~st (NW) channels. Prior breaching, flow in the side channel is provided by local surface wa runoff and groundwater inflow. Subsequent to breaching, the majority of the flow i ~ pr'"ovi ded by turbid water from the rna i nstemo A substantia 1 area of backwater exists at the mouth of this side channel during low and high mainstem flowso During the 1983 open water field season, stage was monitor·ed at seven si within this side channel, at which streamflow was also manito of these sites (Figure l-6)o F re 1 t at su e evation i time in 1 1 on a1 mains i each moni di i on are streamflow along with evation and mainstem di me are presented in Appendix Table 1 3e2ol.3 Stage/Discha~ge Relationship Simultaneous measurements of stage and streamflow were obtained n free-flowing portions of the NW and NE channels of the Mai 2 Side Channel study site (Appendix Table 1-A-8)e From measurements, simple stage/stream flow rating curves were devel each channel (Figures 1-7 and 1-8) .. In addition, the streamflow obta~ned in each channel was plotted against the correspondi mai discharge at Gold Creek (Figures 1-9 and 1-lO)e These curves breached hydraulic condition of each channel. ) F re 1-7 S I r = 0.,9961 ISCH RG rat s. GOLD CR {xl cfs) tem II S 1 (N - w E versus f 114 .. EAT rat curve EK (x s) Ma tem II S s (N "'10.4320 0= 10 (WSEL- r1= Oo9973 s (f ) rat - { EL- ) 0 s (N .. E .. rat curve t on avail 1e ow su ~, ii,;.;;i on siona1 ic in s mains 11 of 16,000 ld vell, • ..} 0 b i for the NW ls d ' respPr:tive1y .. A area of backwater occurs at the is si periods of low and hi mainstem flow. Based on avail 1e channel geometry data (see Cha.pter 2), the area to a point least 2,000 feet upstream at mainstem from 16,000 to 31,700 cfs .. , at Gold Creek.. At a mai scharge of 7,000 cfs, however, this area of backwater became in size extending approximately only 800 feet up the side channel. 3.2.2 Side Chan~e1 10 (RM 133 .. 81 Side Channel 10 (Figure ) is located on the River at ver mile 133 .. 8"' It is approximately 0 .. 4 miles in 1 is mai by a la o- in s si 1 is i i A s i mai water d season, was moni is si channel, at which discharge was so moni sites (Fi 1 1). General Results of surface elevation and corresponding mai at Gold Creek at time of measurement for each on are presented in Table 1-5. Measurements of on along with corresponding mainstem discharge at Gold of measu~ement obtained at each monitot .. ing station are in Appendix Table 1-A-7. Plots of water surface elevation versus corresponding mainstem discharge at Gold Creek at time of measu!f"omt:~n,.. for each monitoring site are presented in Appendix Figures 1 47 .... 1-A-39. Measurements of streamflow along with corresponding measurements of water surface elevation and mainstem discharge Gold Creek at the time of measurement are presentgd in Appendix Table 1 on Si i si in ( 1 STAFF GAGE 0 250 ~~ I I --- 34 ........ F re 1-ll Site Clap f Sid 10D ich s locat on o he sitna R r t 33.8 1 1 " u ... u w 0 en F 1-12 a..-.....--Q: I EL- 0.9796 curve - (feet) s f r 10 s} J s X 1 1 } G ow a si 1-2)G n ow i was pl me in is i in geometry the station. on available streamflow and water surface el on i opinion of the project engineer, the lie in is side channe 1 become governed ma i contro11 ing breaching discharge of 19,000 cfs at Gold controlling breaching discharge is the same as the 1 breaching .discharge ~or this side channel. An area of backwater was observed to occur throughout the water field seas9n at the confluence of the side channel i mainstem Susitna River. Based on stage and channel geometry (see Chapter 2), the area of backwater extended upstream From 1 mains mainstem discharges as low as rison of surface a of a point 1 ,000 ex area so Si 11 (Fi 1-3) is 1 on ver ver mile 6eo is les in is from the ma i nstem by at we 11 of confluence of Slough 11, , a NE fork and NW forko Prior to breaching vi i ow ir is si clear water flow from ough 11 groundwater seepage. Subsequent to sufficient flow is provided by turbid water from the mai was observed at the mouth of this side channel@ 1 ng the 1983 open water field season, stage was monitored at r si n this side channel, at which discharge was monitored at one si (Figure 1-14). General Results Ranges of water surface elevation and corresponding ranges of mai discharge at Gold.Creek at time of measurement for each stage monitori station are presented in Table 1-6.. Measurements of water su elevation along th corresponding mainstem discharge at Gold C time of measurement obtaitted each monitoring station ar~e in Appendix Table l-A-7o of e 1 on versus ; i d ST f re 1 i t 1- 2. 2.50 4. 2. i si are i me are in 3.,2 .. 3.,3 of and ow were i n owing portion of the Channel 11 X ) . From these emeasu ' a simple ow constructed (Figure 1-15)$ ow ~01\.)t+ot;4Uj &tt::f./o,v W(\. ~ mainstem discharge at Gold Creek of measu ( 1 ) " Both these curves s OW ng breached conditions., 3.2.3 .. 4 Mainstem Controlling and Breaching Dischar~! Based on available streamflow and water surface elevation data professional opinion of the project engineer, the hydraulic ons present in this side channel become governed by the mai a. controlling breaching discharge of 5,000 cfs Gold C controlling breac~ing discharge is the same as the 1 breaching discharge for this side channel. -I) This Q = EL--- 100~--m.---~---.--~---F----~--~~--~~~-F------~--~--~--~--~-~ .· a L-6 ( f t) 5 f curve s N DISCHARGE D E (x c re 1 6 ~~ufla.:U.IUI\1; l f versus Vi!U;li.II.UIIII'.;O l 11 9 fJ f - area 1 Prior 3 2.,3 .. 5 d season .. 3~2 .. 4 was mai occur Channel 11 (Figure 1 ) is 1 ·on ver river mile 136,.2.. It is approxi mou is separated from the mainstem by a 'large of Slough 11 confluences this side channel just breaching, flow in the side channel is provided by 1 groui1dwater seepage., Subsequent to sufficient majority of the flow is provided by turbid water fr~om' the mai area of backwater occurs at the mouth of this side channel mainstem discharge .. si es in During the 1983 open ~later< field season, was monitored ve si within this side channel at ow was also monitored one of these sites (Figure 1-17)~ 3.2.4 .. 2 on ma:i 1d r i F re 1 Q STATION 1 Site of of 136.2W3- are mile "l 6 .. 2 .. s on 1 1 ( ( ( ) ) 2. 2., 1 .. 38 2.87 2 .. 72 i of stage and streamflow were obtai owing portion of the Upper Side Channel 11 s le 1-A-8). From these measurements a simple stage/ curve was developed, (Figure 1-18). The stage ationship occurring in this sidechanne1 is found to change upper range of stream flows with a point of inflection occur at a flow of 403 cfs ~~ Only one flow measurement was while the side channel was not breached. In addition, obtained at this mon·Jtoring station was plotted against mainstem discharge at Gold Creek (Figure 1-19). on available siona1 opinion 0,1 su ineer, on 1 i c ow 5 { fe ) 1 f curve s N DISCH~_RGE ) '!a911i.iu~~~~~~~.jn••l f v~rsus ma tem 'io!l'ilal~~IUI-'Iilliii 1 llil n is si rea of ring peri on avail e s was observed to occur madera te and hi channel geometry (see 1 is si mouth , an area was observed to occur at the mouth of this 1 a 1 400 ft. upstream at mainstem discharges as low as 11, Gold Creek. 3.2.5 Side Channel 21 (RM 141.2) Side Channel 21 (Figure 1-3) is located on the east bank of the Susi River at river mile 141.2. It is approximately 0.9 miles in length is separated from the mainstem by a series of well vegetated isl gravel bars. Prior to breaching, flow in the side channel is provi by flow from Slough 21 and local runoff and groundwater Subsequent to breachi , flow in the si channel is provided ow channels which provi turbid wa from mainstem. of this de channel hi mai ows~ d season moni moni ons ( re 3 .. 2 .. 5 .. 2 discharge at time of monitoring si are presented in ~~ppendix Figures 1 surement.s streamflow along with corresp~nding measulf"t:llll'1ncn r surface elevation and mainstem discharge at Gold Creek measurement .a~e pres~nted in Appendix Table 1-A-8 .. 3 .. 2 .. 5 .. 3 Stage/Discharge RelationshiE Measurements of stage and streamf1 ow were obtai ned at within the free-flowing portion of Side Channel 21 (Fi Appendix Table 1-A-8). From these measurements, simple 1 flow rating curves were constructed for each location (Fi 1 1-22). Both curves streamflow conditions in duri le channel was b In ined 1 ons 140.iM4 1 .J.. 140.6S4 ADf a G Q STAT ION 142 .OS6 RaM STAff GAGE on f 1 1 " ) ) 1. Oe 2" 2. 1. 2 .. 3.31 u w F 1-21 EL-730( t) s l F Q = IOT .. G?GO( r 2 = 0 .. 9746 WS L·- rat curve (f ) s f i 1 cur·ves only ons in ~. ·' O\tt i 1 e si was b on avail 1e ow and su on iona 1 opinion of project engineer, the lie 1 ions in this si channel become governed t mai ma i nstem discharge of 12 ,000 cfs d 11 ng breaching discharge is the" same ~s the 1 ing for the AS overflow channele area of backwater was observed to occur at the mouth of this si during periods of high mainstem discharge. Based on avail e stage and channel geometry (see Chapter 2). This side channel has observed to have an ar·ea of backwater high mainstem discharges. 3.3 Side Sloua~ Measurements of stage and discharge were obtai ned during the water field season at selected locations wi th i n n i ne s i sl sites located in the Talkeetna to Devil Canyon reach of River e ) . ts of these i ons are si lll n I 0~ - u s) z IN DISCHA CR EK(xl ! 3 .. 3 .. 1 .. 1 During the 1983 open water field season, stage was moni sites within this side slough at which streamflow was also measu one of these sites (Figure 1-25). 3 .. 3.1 .. 2 General Results Ranges of water surface elevation and corresponding ranges of mai di at Gold Creek at time of measurement for ea station are presented in Table 1 elevation ong with correspondi i i d c n ' s on at r 1 ( ( ite) (Mouth) 8, 8 ------~-------------------------*--------------------· ----0 of stage and streamflow were ined on of Whiskers Creek Side Slough above i Creek (Figure 1-25, Appendix e 1 a simple stage/streamflow rating curve was ( re 1-26). This curve represents streamflow conditions and unbreached conditions. Insufficient flow available during the breached condition to plot the slough flow mainstem discharge. in uence was Mainstem Controlling and Breaching Dischar·ge~ Based on available streamflow and water surface elevation data professional nion of the project engi ne~~r, the hydraulic ons present in this si slough governed by mainstem · a controlling mains tern discharge of 23,000 at Gold is 1i breaching di the 1 i di d ·Js i s1 -6 2 ( EL- ( 1 curve s Si rs low as 8 3 .. 3 .. 2 3 .. 3 .. 1.5 area of low hi of this occurs di slough mai ough 8, also known as Lane Creek Slough, is 1 1 on 1 c on the Susitna River at river mile 133 .. 6, (Figure 1 ).. is a a imately 0 .. 4 m11es in length and is separated from the mai 1 vegetated bar.. P_rior to breaching, flow in this side sl ded by local runoff and groundwater seepage. Subsequent to ci breaching, flow is provided from turbid water in mainstem .. area of backwater occurs at the mouth of this side slough during of moderate to high mainstem flows .. is During the 1983 open water field season, stage was moni at ree si within this si slough, at which streamflow was also mea one of si (Fi re 6 ~suS!TNA I Site . 1 1 3 .... 2 .. 2 su d le 1-A-7 .. el in i on me Plots ng mainstem discharge corres su Gold Creek site are presented Measurements of streamflow water surface elevation and mai me of measurement are presented in 3.3.2 .. 3 Stage/Discharge Relationshi~ le 1 rements of stage and streamflow were obtained within i d owing portion of Side Slough 8 (Appendix Table 1-P-8).. From these measurements, a simple stage/streamflow rating curve was constructed {Figure 1-28). In addition, streamflow data obtai is site were plotted against corresponding mainstem discharge d Creek at the time of measurement (Figure 1-29).. Both of these p·r represent streamflow conditions during periods when the slough was and breached by mainstem discha 1 " 1 .. 113e 1 ( ) (Q-Si ) 0 .. 80 2.78 3o 9 9 ) -31, 0 {fe ) F 1 versus rat s f 113 -- Q r STE X (1000 Figure 1 Slough f versus ma tem d curve s S 8, staff 113$ 2 .. avail le s ow r su i on in ·f s i slough 1 1 mad d i is same as 1 i is si rea was observed occur is of moderate to high main on avail 1e channe 1 geometry (see Chapter 2) occurs the mouth of this side slough at mai ows ri Creek as low as 11,600 cfs. 3.3.3 Side Slough 8A (RM 125.~ Slough SA ( Fi 1 ) is located on the east k i ver at river mile .,3. It is appro)dmate ly 1es in is from mai i is- 1 0 .. 5 miles u i ' a are on si one occu iu t,J p si ow in as occurs hi mains OWSe ree is si wa (Fi re 1 i mains i si e 1 d season,~ i sl of surface elevation and corres at Gold Creek at time of measurement station are presented in Table 1-11.. Measu' 1 was moni ow \~as so evations along with corresponding mainstem discharge at time of measurement obtained at each monitoring su in Appendix Table 1-A-7,. ots of water surface i versus corresponding mainstem discha at Gold cit measu for each monitoring station are Fi res 1-A-32 1 of d c me .measu are 1e 1 in ow al mai X - STA GA 0 2000 FEET F re 1 Site map of of s1 c Slou loc e on east ( (Mouth) 04>55 Q-S i ) 1. 0. Oo 0., 0., 2~61 3., i only b 3 ow \t,_t!re , 5I si le ow 1 1 1 ) 6 cu»~ves le the s1 was on for the curve ow conditions ri rge station WaS also plotted agai corres ld c (Figures 1.-34 1-35) 0 ows in the N E chan ne 1 , th ·i s s i was pl 3 .. 3 .. 3 .. 4 Based on available streamflow and water surface elevation i i professional opinion of the project engineer, the hydraulic condi ons present the NW and NE forks of this si slough become mainstem at. a controlling mainstem discharge of 27,000 controlling flows are the same as the 1 observed b ing discharge 3 .. 3 .. 3 .. 5 a sl 1 each fork .. occur mai i d 1 = 10 .. t~.o ( 0.9726 ) F 1 fl rat 1 re 1 versus at s 5 s 1 ( r = 1 ( ) 1 mai d wa in is si sl si ( re 1 ) 3 .. 3 2 wa ce di n d season, i ch was ow i 1 ) ) 0., 1 .. 4~ i 1 1 measu 1 1 streamflow were i i on of Side S 1 9 ( and those obtained by were pl as a simple stage/streamflow cu ) ., The stage measurements obtai simul 1y ow measurements in 1982 have been found i the stage measurements corresponding This variation has been Because of difference ons lines at ions n i d c ( re ( ( 10 '1 a t,, :ur to high mains (see at mouth this si 5 cfs. Si 11 ( re 1 ) is 1 ver is mou 2) s'iough on i i at i si on ava , an mai i y 0 .. 9 les in 1 sl 1 d s in is s1 i ow si ( re 1 ) .. su ns d at me of measu in Table 1 3 .. on a1 th corresponding mainstem obtai ned each moni 11 are presented in Appendix Table 1-A-7 .. on versus corresponding mainstem·discharge at Gold C for each monitoring site are Measurements of ng measurements of di Gold at the Appendix Table 1 o 3 .. 3.5 .. 3 i n on ow ion are ow \~ere 1 ( i X in re 1 sU 1 rN ADF&G Q STATION f i on onl i area backwater was observed to occur at mouth of is sl ods of moderate to on avail and channel (see ' an area occurs this si sl a mai as low s area is locali n sl t) 1 11~ s of .,3 6 1 1 is 1 on ( ) G i mai a 1 nw in is si is i i open water field season, stage was moni in thi side slough sites (Figure 1-41). which streamflow was also measu General Results surface e 1 evil t ion and at Gold Creek time of measu are in le on a1 mai 1 e mai di d moni i are in X ns at in s s GAGE. FEET Sea It ) STATION 137. I 1 ) ) 1 .. l .. 2 .. 11 11~ 3 s ow i e 3). , a mai ( on ava i 1 e ow and ion p in mai li ing 1 s si <II ( ) versus f s 1 f rat i1 1 ) occur is 1 on i <)2 { ) e It is 1es mainstem by a isl ' ow n this side slough is pro vi es and ·local runoff and groundwater ent breaching, flow is provided primarily by nstem ana the la.rger of the two tributaries area of backwater occurs at the mouth of is s1 Duri si one ods of low to hi mainstem flows. 1983 open water eld season, s si { 1 ). was moni '11'111.5!!lilf'n"'l" ow \'lias a 1 so measu i or 11 E Df &G STAT ION SUS IT I in on are in ow aJ on i are i ltaneous measurements of stage and streamflow were i one si thin the free-flowing on of Side Slough 20 ( x 1 ) .. Fr·om these measurements, a simp 1 e stage/ was (Figure 1-45)~ This curve tions.. a.ddi was was i ma1 di d { 1 ) " ) 2 ) ) 7 ' rat s r avail l i i i in e ni 4 3 .. 3 .. 7 .. 5 was i 1 d is si occur moderate to high mai channel geometry (see occurs in the immediate vicinity of 1 a mainstem flows as low as 7,230 cfs at Gold 3 .. 3a8 Side Slough 21 (RM 141.8) Si Slough 21 is 1 on bank Susi coB { is 0 .. 5 les a 1 is1 lf 1 vi i , ow in is i 1 1 i on ver ver in is ·f n i 1 is i s1 d season~ mon in is si i ow mon si ( 1 ) .. on corres rna in e th corresponding main ., t monitoring on i Plots of water surface ng mainstem discharge at Gold Creek each monitoring site are presented in Appendix Measurements of streamflow along surface el on mai at the time of measurement are e 1 Simul ow was i si in ow Si 140.6MI te t 140.6S4 AOF& G 0 STATION 142 .OS6 R & M STAFF GAGE 2 ~~~~~ (' ) 0@ ' ( ) 0@ I ) 2., \ ( ) 2e 7 lO 1 ( ) on avail e ow su on i neer, 1 'l 'i s of ~i ~ 1 ing discharges These controlling di s 000 and 26,000 cfs Gold C y Backwater ava i 1 ab 1 e stage and channe 1 geometry (see 2) d observations no backwater was found to occur in this si sl Si S1 is 1 on si ver ver mile is i in 1 is mai a narrow i 1 -- SEL- S L-( ) 1 rat r (f) t 2 i r is s is occurs sl d season i i 1 s 11~as moni n was ·1 so evatiotl at time of ... _ .... _ ... Y~~amtflllf'il'll" in Tab 1 e 1-17 il on along th corresponding mainstem di measurement obtained at ea(:h monitoring station are I"U'"iU!!I\il"'l.?11ix Table 1-A-7 e Plots of water surface el ng mainstem discharge at Gold at each monitoring site are presented in Appendix Measurew.~nts of streamflow along measu of surface elevation mai time s mai d le 1 i I A I 1 i on i si 1 l)o is curve ons .. I on i measu ( re 1 ) 0 on avail e ow su em i on lie in is si slough mai li mai discharge of d 1 i di rge compares the lowest i cfs at Gold Creek for this si on available and channel geometry (see 2) e 1 d ob se rv at ions very 1 itt 1 e s s1ougho occurs at the ow were i si in 1 i is 1 1 s s E C E K ) rat sources . ., rj 3.. 1 ver is ons are ( } 1 <03@ mai is s1 A slough ow is 1 on 1 s t no it's 1 during low hi mains the 1983 open water fi e1 d season, stage was moni 1 ........... ,,. ....... ons \lrfthin this upland slough at which ow was also at one of these site (Figure 1-53}. el on mains on 1d me i on in s u Sl.AFF GAGE 0 L __ ,....,.....J fEET f AlP6U'it'dJc II ~Sill) \ ~--s str I i 7 d in ow in e 1 Simu1 measu ow were i ( Fi 1 , e 3) .. i at this site, a ow curve could be constructed. Backwater .........,..... • w A a1 area of backwater occurs at mouth of slough during peri of low to high mai on avail le stage and ch.anne 1 (see 2) ' an a occurs the mouth of ic: l-upl sl mai 1 s as low as 7 cfs. 3 .. .,2 .. ( re 1 ) i 1 on ver 1e in all t it is ow area is s1 low OWSo d season, was ons in this upland slough one these sites (Figure 1 ) .. of surface elevation and corresponding mai scharge at Gold Creek at time of measurement for each on are presented in Tab 1 e on ong th obtained at on are X on versus mai measu are X s 19 E 5 RIV --- Iough I ) 7 1 s si could al area occurs low to high mai geometry (see Chapter 2) occu of this si slough 3.5 Tributar"ies ---- Simu1 taneous measurements of and ected tri es thin 1 i ver. ts are c ( ) i 1 i , an area a mai ow ow were i in 1 . ow si i i i mai ows, an area i d season one 1 on in s ( re 1 ) surface el on al at Gold Creek at the time toring station in Whiskers Creek are e 1-A-9. Measurements of streamflow along wi of water )Urface elevation and mairistem at the time of measurement are presented in Appendix e Simu1 s the e 1 0\111 of curve ( I ow were i were 1 ) .. 1 i 1 1 3 .. <> 1 ( is 1 on i o6 It can runni , clear~ i d season, was ow ~Jas so mea 3. 02.2 General Results of water surface elevation along discharge at Gold Creek at the time of measuw•anriDH monitoring si in Lane Creek are presented in of streamflow a, 1 ong with coJ"'resolJna surface mainstem discharge Gold C corres measu~Q~~m~~· are presented in x Table 1-A~B~ ow were i si c 1 ( e I -- ,. Ll 2 t.i ~ ~~ s E L GP ( ... i 1 1 9 i Si 1 i 1 y i 1y 1 3 "1 ( ows i , narrow, It can 11ow d season one s~i n is ( re 1 ) , of water su scharge at b~ld Creek el on ong the time monitori station in Fourth of July of ow along mai in on X le 1 0'11'1 d c X measuremen { 4t J CR ST GAGE 150 • ____ _.j F ET ~f.H'IU. l<ilih) K I ) 1 ( r~e 1 ) is a i ver as a y sma 11 i es .. d . season j one si in is ( 1 1)~ 3 .. 5 .. 4 .. 2 ti are in e 1 Simul ow were i si 1 ~--~--SUS I GH 2 rooni imu one si of ( re 1 } i s a sma 11 occurs i ver y narrow, hi water fi e1 d season, s thin this tributary ( elevation Go 1 d Creek at the time of measu s on ar~e presented in X le 1 ow along cor res mai are in X e 1 3 .. 5 .. 5 .. measu ow ow corres su su time i ( -........,_,SUS IT I 8 o. a i cu ( .. . l 3 .. 5 .. 6 .. 1 d c ( 1 ) is a urn s ·i i ver on k 1 ~:!! 1 as a y runni 1 r i ma s frles .. water fie 1 d season~ was moni d Creek. At one of moni was continuously monitored usi a associ pressure transducer. In odi ca11y rnonl the si which moni {Figure 1 ) .. su el on) i s ions i mains ld le 1 mea L. 7 SE 3 {f t) versus flow r ti curve f.f 1 re 9 \t1hi l m 1 a in ld e curve ( 1 ' ) " on r i hourly ow in 3o5 .. 7 I an ver ( ) .; a re1 y 1a ·f a ver ~Jences 1e .. 6<11 can as a ' clear consi i ls T 0., 0 .. 0., 1., ( DEP F R { et) f rat curve I nuous ( re ) su on i ng n I le ow of su on in d at the time are e Js Measurements of streamflow a1 ng measurement of water depth obtained are presented in Table Simultaneous measurements depth and ow were i si of the continuous I an ver .. were to a simple curve ( 1 1 i ne {a 1 on r ow was ver nuous i were 1 0 F (f ) 1 1 in 3 .. 5 .. 8.,1 ( 1 ) is a ve 1a s es., It River at river le .. 8 field season, was moni using a continuous stage a ition, streamflow was periodically measured is si ( ow ong mea i sure a in ... ~~ ·•. ·~ . .. ·.:: 148.STI DF&G Q ow are in { ~ .. i co 1 n on va ou i in ow V....UII>IiY'Ures 1981 open d season hi 25 year streamflow ly the 1983 water fi d season, streamflows 1 7,500 cfs on October 9 to a high of 36,000 cfs at ld in on ) 1 i ip ma1 1 i mai 1 i si i were ) ' i i i In as mai was also on ow condi related to ows are small 1 di i on ons i uence, ons mainstem and Streamflow is primarily contri 1i or seepage, wat~r runoff, and tri va occur or in i ow .. occurrence of breaching a si channel or si sl i higher 1 s mai di , a success on occurs in occurs in succession mai b i i on si i 1 i is c 1 1 hi s n at 1 occu i 1 i i ose if 1, ini breaching scha for si for si sloughs. Initial mainstem i ected for study in the middle reach of from 5 ,000 to 20,000 ( cfs) as measured the USGS station§ sloughs in ,000 ,000 ( ) as on§ ( le 1 )e di to mainstem e reach of i di d i i d on si i i 1 .4 1 .5 .2 11 .o 5 11 .2 .. 6 .9 Si Slough 101.2 22 8 1 .6 .. 2 .. 7 Si 9 .3 11 Si .2 7 n ' in si a s i of are d 11 i on , our ic on mean i on. se s, some error erro1"" is i 1 i 1 occu 1 ons in es in i 1 ~"JW mai di sl i li ow 1 ume ow ) d (c 11 ..... """ ........ ,.. ow for i of i curves ow es i ) $ 1