HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA1968CFJ M r:: 0... -· ("tt (JJ b -· (JJ n c (JJ (JJ -· § 0 ~ ·voL. 1 E~VIRONMENTAL :._fjJNOMlC ASPECTS CONTEMPORANEOUS / .. II II ~r .ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION LINE -. I! II · 1/ RIGHT-OF-WAY MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES fVolumef /. GENERAL ME'"l'HODS, SPECIAI4 STUDIES, II I I /// ' // . DISCUSSION OF ~fRENDS#' ' ' • JUNE 197·7 Empire State Electric Energy Research Corporation (EsEERCO) Environmental And Economic Aspects Of Contemporaneous Electric Transmission Line Right-Of -Way l\la:nagement Techniques VOLUME 1 GENERAL METHODS, SPECIAL STUDIES, DISCUSSION OF TRENDS, AND CONCLUSIONS PREPARED FOR THE EMPIRE STATE ELECTRIC ENERGY RES.EARCH CORPORATION (ESEERCO) JUNE 1977 Prepared by: ASPLUNDH ~~l~fc?GJdENTAL BLAIR MIU RQU) WlLWW Gf((WE, :w.. 19090 Under the Supervision of: D. E. Holewinski, Division Manager A. J, .Zeigler, Project Coordinator 'f.D .. Mayer, Project Manager Approved by : H. R. Johns, Senior Vice President jASPLUNDHj ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES BLAIR MILL ROAD, WILLOW GROVE, PA. 19090 • AREA CODE 215 • TELEPHONE: 784-4247 Mr. William S. E. Gr.eenwald ESEERCO Administrator, Land Use Programs. c/o New York Pmqer Pool 3890 Carman Road Schenectady, New York 12303 Dear Mr. Greenwald: Asplundh Environmental Services takes pleasure in submitting to the Empire State Electric Energy Research Corporation (ESEERCO), ''Study of Environmental and Economic Aspects of Contemporaneous Electric Transmission Line Right-of-Way Management Techniques". This report represents over two years of intensive field analysis and study of twenty-two sites in all major forests and physiographic re- gions in the state of New York. In order to clearly define the magnitude of effort which led to both the synthesis of trends and to conclusions regarding the impact of right- of-way (ROW) management techniques, it is important to note that this case history study reflects not only the professional involvement of a multi- disciplinary team of researchers, but also reflects state, local and county agency experience within each of the areas studied. It" also reflects the effort of New York State utilities to provide environmentally and economically acceptable ROW management programs and safe, reliable electric service to its consumers. This report began with the development of methods and selection of sites which would .fulfill the objectives outlined in this study. Collection of all applicable case history data covering each of twenty-two specific locations, required extensive searching for photographic or other documentable material as far back as 1906. A search for information was conducted to provide a complete c~se history before the ROW was constructed and to include ROW management events following construction. In many cases, this search provided only partial or incomplete information. We believe the great volume of written, tabular, mapped or photographed information collected will provide the basic information necessary for future studies and research to be conducted in the ESEERCO Right-of-Way Management Research Program. Maps and information have been prepared for maximum-flexibility and use for further analysis or field research. This study is presented so that it may be reviewed by: methodology of site selection and field data collection; i~dividual case studies of sites; special vegetational and soils studies; and discussion of trends. REGIONAL OFFICE.: P.O. BOX 1571, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN 48106 • AREA CODE 313 • TELEPHONE 434-0700 Mr. William s. E. Greenwald ESEERCO Page 2 We believe this organization will provide a clearer understanding of information and maximum flexibilit:y for useful application. This ~nique project represents tremendous foresight by ESEERCO to provide this comprehensive and indepth case history study of electric transmission line ROW management techniques. It has indeed been a pleasure to be associated with this project, and we thank you for the opportunity to be of service. DEH: tm Very truly yours, ASPLUNDH ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ~~d!f:.,/1/J~L... Dennis E. Holewinski Manager • ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study was prepared by Asplundh Environmental Services for the Empire State Electric Energy Research Corporation, with cooperation and assistance in methodology development, site selection, analysis, and recom- mendations from the following individuals: Dr. William C. Bramble -Purdue University, Professor Emeritus, Department of Forestry and Conservation. Dr. William R. Byrnes -Purdue University, Department of Forestry and Natural Resources. Dr. Xenneth L. Carvell -West Virginia University, Division of Forestry. Dr. Edwa-r.d C.~ Raney -'Ichthyological Associates Inc., Aquatic Biology. Acknowledgment is also given to John Homa Jr., of Ichthyological Asso- ciates for his review and preparation of water studies; to Virginia Hayer for her assistance in both field studies and preparation of the final report; and especially to the other members of the AES staff, including: Susan Borresen, Glenn Shearer, Robert Borie, Mark Pmvell, Joe Bickel, Joan Harris, Erma Hill, ~.nd April Huffman, Trish Madden and Tom Polulak. "LEGAL NOTICE" "This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by Asplundh Environmental Services ("ASPLUNDH") and the Empire State Electric Energy Research Corporation ("ESEERCO"). Neither ESEERCO, members of ESEERCO, nor ASPLUNDH nor any person acting on behalf of either: "a. Makes any warranty or representation, express or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process dis~ closed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or "b. Assumes any ·liability with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of, any information, apparatus, method or process disclosed in this report". I-v FOREWORD • The Empire State Electric Energy Research Corporation (ESEERCO) is a non- profit corporation whose members are Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation, Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc., Long Island Lighting Company, New York State Electric & Gas Corporation, Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation, Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc., the Power Authority of the State of New York, and Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation. ESEERCO supports and di- rects, on behalf of its members, research and development programs oriented toward improving the safety, reliability, economy and environmental compati- bility of the provision, use, and conservation of electric energy in New York State. Many problems facing the electric systems ~n New York are common to electric utilities nationally. These are most often adequately addressed by national research organizations such as the Electric Power Research Institute (to which the member systems of ESEERCO also belong), or the federal Energy Research and Development Administration. To complement national efforts, the research and development programs supported and directed by ESEERCO tend to concentrate on those problems common to its member systems which are also somewhat peculiar to,or particularly important in New York and the Northeast, or for other reasons are not adequately treated by national research organi- zations. One challenge faced by nearly all electric utilities is how to continue improving the management of transmission rights-of-way (ROW's), especially in terms of economy, reliability, and environmental compatibility. The challenge is as complex and multi-faceted as ROW management itself which begins with certain aspects of selecting the final route location and goes on to encompass: -Vegetation clearing, including slash disposal the layout and design of access roads, stream crossing sites and devices, lay-down sites and cable pulling sites, -erosion control during and after construction, -certain aspects of the selection of the location for support structures and of the methods for erecting them, and -management of vegetation on the ROW over the life of the line. In 1973, ESEERCO initiated a research program into rights-of-way management. At that time, there was very little formal research in this area sponsored at the nation or company level. Even had there been a more extensive ROW research program at the national level, there was still a role for ESEERCO. For while the problems facing ROW managers nationally may have much in common, their solutions vary significantly from one region I-vi of the nation~to another, and also differ to some extent from state to state due to differences in climate, topography, soils, native flora and fauna, land uses, laws, and social values. The goal of the ESEERCO ROW management research program is to increase the safety, economy, and environmental compatibility of the ROW management programs which are carried out to ensure reliable transmission of electric energy in New York State. The ROW Management Research Program addresses this goal through an open-ended series of research projects. These projects are intended to develop and·make available new or improved information, methods, and tools useful to ROW managers in selecting and executing elements of safe, economical, and environmen~ally compatible ROW management programs. Due to the complexity of ROW management, and its relative lack of docu- mentation as a specialized field of endeavor, ESEERCO chose to establish the state of knowledge concerning ROW management techniques and their environ- mental impacts and economics, as the first project in the ROW management research program. The objectives of this first project were to provide ESEERCO with one basis for selecting further experimental research, and to produce a summary reportl on the current state-of-the-art for use by ROW managers of the ESEERCO member electric systems. The Applied Forestry Research Institute of the State University of New York jointly funded the project with ESEERCO, and carried it out by means of a literature search and interviews with nationally recognized experts in the field. As a second project in the ROW management research program, ESEERCO engaged Asplundh Environmental Services to study the results of the state- of-the-art as applied in New York by examining the "record in the field". This was done by carefully observing and recording a wide variety of con- ditions in the field on 22 ROW sites selected to be representative of the various conditions encountered by ROW managers and of the various ROW management techniques employed. The recorded observations were then used with the histories of management events on each site to impute cause-effect relationships between the management techniques used, and observed conditions on the sites. These imputations will serve as another basis for designing further projects in the ROW management research program. They will also serve as interim research results for consideration by ROW managers in se- lecting and executing elements of safe, economical and environmentally compatible management programs for ROW's in New York State. The results of the second project are presented in this report. 1 The Applied Forestry Research Institute of the State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry has printed this report in two volumes for distribution to the interested public: Vegetation Management on Power Line Rights-of-Way, A State-of-the-Knowledge Report (research report #28), and Vegetation Management on Utility Rights-of-Way, An Annotated Bibliography (research report #27). Both reports are available from the Institute, Syracuse, New York 13210. I-vii GENERAL TABLE OF CONTENTS • FORE\-JARD 1 Summary and General Conclusions 2 Introduction. 3 General Methods • 3.1 Site Selection • 3.2 Field Data Collection. 3.2.1 General Reconnaissance. 3.2.2 Vegetation Analysis • VOLUME 1 3.2.3 Special Vegetation Studies. 3.2.4 Soils Analysis. 3.2.5 Water Studies • 3.2.6 Wildlife Studies. 3.2.7 Photo Stations. 3.2.8 Land Use and Value. 3.3 Definition of Terms. .. '4 Individual Case Studies of Sites (See Volumes 2 and 3). 5 Special Studies • 5.1 Response of Forest-grown Eastern Hemlock to Topping on Selectively-cleared Electric Transmission Line Corridors • 5.1.1 Location of Study Area. 5.1.2 Field Procedure • 5.1.3 Analysis of Data. 5.1.4 Discussion. 5.1. 5 Summary • 5.2 Condition and Vigor of Edge Trees E~posed by Clearing: Circular Openings for Tower Construction. 5.2.1 Purpose • 5.2.2 Description and History of Study Area • 5.2.3 Field Measurement Procedures. 5.2.4 Analysis of Results • 5.2.5 Discussion. 5.3 Direct Seeding Study • 5.3.1 Seeding Methods • 5.3.2 Observations and Discussion • 5.3.3 Conclusions • 5.3.4 Method of Estimating Abundance, Cover, and Grouping • 5.4 Estimation of Soil Erosion Potential on the ROW's and Adjacent Woodlands by the Universal Soil Loss Equation. 5.4.1 Introduction. 5.4.2 Procedures. I-viii Page I-vi 1-1 2-1 3-1 3-1 3-2 3-2 3-3 3-5 3-S 3-7 3-8 3-10 3-10 3-11 4-1 5-1 5-1 5-1 5-2 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-4 5-4 5-5 5-5 5-6 5-7 5-8 5-9 5-10 5-13 5-14 5.4.3 Results and Discussion. 5.4.4 Summary and Conclusions 6 Synthesis and Discussion of Trends. 6.1 Introduction ••••••.•.. 6.2 Trends in the New England Highlands and Mohawk-Hudson regions ...••.......... 6.2.1 Trends 1n Impact on Vegetation. 6.2.2 Trends 1n Impact on Soil ... 6.2.3 Trends in Impact o~ Wildlife. 6.2.4 Trends 1n Impact on Water .. 6.2.5 Trends in Impact on Land Use. 6.3 Trends in Appalachian Highlands and Catskill Regions 6.3.1 Trends 1n ·Impact on Vegetation. 6.3.2 Trends 1n Impact on Soil ... 6.3.3 Trends in Impact on Wildlife. 6.3.4 Trends in Impact on Water .. 6.3.5 Trends in Impact on Land Use. 6.4 Trends in the Lake Plain Region 6.4.1 Trends 1n Impact on Vegetation. 6.4.2 Trends 1n Impact on Soil ... 6.4.3 Trends 1n Impact on Wildlife. 6.4.4 Trends 1n Impact on Water .. 6.4.5 Trends in Impact on Land Use. 6.5 Trends in the Adirondack, Tug Hill, and St. Lawrence-Champlain Regions. • . . • . . . . . . . . . 6.5.1 Trends 1n Impact on Vegetation. 6.5.2 Trends 1n Impact on Soil •.. 6.5.3 Trends 1n Impact on Wildlife. 6.5.4 Trends 1n Impact on Water .. 6.5.5 Trends 1n Impact on Land Use. 7 Statewide Trends and General Conclusions. 7.1 Introduction ........ . 7.2 Trends in Impact on Vegetation .. 7.2.1 General Impact of the ROW's .. 7.2.2 Re-establisment of Forest Cover 7.2.3 Mapped Plots on the ROW's .•. 7.2.4 Common Plant Communities Developed on the ROW's 7.2.5 Diversity of Plant Species on the ROW's 7.2.6 Impacts of Shrubs and Low-Growing Trees 7.2.7 Impacts on Herbaceous Plant Cover 7.3 Trends in Impact on Soil .. 7.3.1 Impact on Organic Layers. 7.3.2 Impact on Soil Erosion .. 7.4 Trends in Impact on Wildlife 7.5 Trends in Impact on Water .. 7.5.1 Impact on the ROW's on Water Temperature. 7.5.2 Impact of the ROW's on Sedimentation. 7.6 Trends in Impact on Land Use ....... . I-ix Page 5-37 5-41 6-1 6-1 6-1 6-1 6-6 6-6 6-7 6-8 6-21 6-21 6-23 6-23 6-24 6-24 6-38 6-38 6-41 6-42 6-42 6-43 6-55 6-55 6-57 6-58 6-58 6-59 7-1 7-1 7-1 7-1 7-1 7-2 7-2 7-3 7-3 7-3 7-3 7-3 7-4 7-4 7-4 7-4 7-4 7-5 7.6.1 Impact on Adjacent Land Use ........... . 7.6.2 Multipoie Uses of the ROW ............ . 7.7 Economic Costs of Clearing, Construction, Restoration, and Management Procedures. . .... 8 Literature Cited 9 Appendix . VOLUME 2 4 Individual Case Studies of Sites Site 1 Sprainbrook to Eastview Site 2 Ramapo to Hudson River (PJM-West) Site 3 Southern Tier Line 77 Site 4 Hillburn to Shoemaker Site 5 Poughkeepsie to Ohioville Site 6 Porter to Rotterdam Site 7 Gilboa to New Scotland. Site 8 Hancock to Stilesville. Site 9 Hillside to Oakdale Site 10 Falconer to Homer Hill. Site ll Station 82 to Station 162 Volume 3 4 Indiv:idual Case Studies of Sites Site 12 Lockport to Solvey. Site 13 Station 121 to Station 13A Site 14 Oswego to Volney. . Site 15 Oswego to Clay #4 Site 16 National Lead Line. Site 17 Lyon Mountain to Saranac. Site 18 Moses to Plattsburg Site 19 Moses to Adirondack Site 20 Adirondack to Porter. Site 21 Fitzpatrick to Edic Site 22 Gardenville to Dunkirk. I-x Page 7-45 7-45 7-45 8-1 9-i 1-i 2-i 3-i 4-i 5-i 6-i 7-i 8-i 9-i 10-i ll-i 12-i 13-i 14-i 15-i 16-i 17-i 18-i 19-i 20-i 21-i 22-i LIST OF TABLES 3.1 Site selection data summary ... 3.2 Three major game species in the vicinity of the 22 project site locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1 Vigor of hemlocks 4 years after varying degrees of topping based on original relative crown position and percent of crown removed in topping operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Total number of edge trees examined in this study by species and location on circular opening _5.3 Number of trees with one or more exposed roots by species and location of tr~e on tower site opening . . . . . . . 5.4 Number of roots exposed per tree, by species and location of trees on tower site opening .... 5.5 Mechanical damage to edge trees by species and location in tower site open~ng . 5.6 Average vigor rating of all trees by spec~es and location in tower site opening . . . . . . . . . . . 5.7 Percent of edge trees with sunscald by species and location'in tower site opening . . . 5.8 Percent of beech with sunscald.by diameter class and location of edge tree in tow~r site opening . . . . . . . . 5.9 Percent of hemlock with sunscald by diameter class and location on tower site opening. 5.10 Ramapo to Hudson River Line, Tower Site 4. Composition of plant communities in tower area 4 growing seasons after seeding with perennial rye-grass, Chewings fescue, common rye grass, Page 3-15a 3-16 5-16 5-17 5-18 5-19 5-20 5-21 5-22 5-23 5-24 and various trees and shrubs . . . . . . . . . . 5-25 5.11 Ramapo to Hudson River Line, Tower Site 5. Composition of plant communities in tower area 4 growing seasons after seeding with perennial rye-grass, Chewings fescue, common rye grass, and various trees an~ shrubs . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-25 5.12 Ramapo to Hudson River Line, Tower Site 2. Composition of plant communities in tower area 3 years after seeding with Chewings fescue, perennial rye--grass, Kentucky 31, white clover, and various shrubs and trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-26 I-xi 5.13 Ramapo to Hudson River Line, Tower Site 3. Composition of plant commu~ities in tower area 3 years after seeding with Chewings fescue, perennial rye-grass, Kentucky 31, white clover, and various shrubs and tre_e_s . . . . . . . . . . . 5.14 Oswego to Volney Line, Tower Site 56. Composition communities tn tower area after 2 growing seasons. seeding was not used on this tower site ..... of plant Direct 5.15 Oswego to Volney Line, Tower Site 57. Composition of plant communities in tower site area 2 growing seasons after seeding with perennial rye-grass .. 5.16 Oswego to Volney L'ine, Tower Site 60. Composition of plant communities in tower area 2 growing seasons after seeding with perennial rye-grass ..... 5-17 Fitzpatrick to Edic Line, Tower Site 3. Composition of plant commun~t~es in tower area 3 growing seasons after seeding with creeping red fescue, perennial rye-grass, and white clover .. 5-18 Fitzpatrick to Edic Line, Tower Site 4. Composition of plant communities in tower area 3 growing seasons after seeding with creeping red fescue, perennial rye-grass, and white c~over • . . . . . • . . . . . . . 5.19 Fitzpatrick to Edic Line, Tower Site 5. Composition of plant commun~t~es in tower area 3 growing seasons after seeding with creeping red fescue, perennial rye-grass, and white clover 5.20 Gilboa to New Scotland Line, Tower Site 6. Composition of plant communities in tower area 5 growing seasons after seeding with perennial rye-g!:ass . . . . . . 5.21 Gilboa to New Scotlant Line, Tower Site 7. Composition of plant communities in tower area 5 growing seasons after seeding with perennial rye-grass . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.22 Gilboa to New Scotland Line, Tower Site 8. Composition of plant communities in tower area 5 growing seasons after seeding with perennial rye-grass .............. . 5.23 LS values for uniform slopes of given lengths and steepness. 5.24 "C" values for permanent pasture, rengeland, and idle land . 5.25 "C" factors for woodla"nd 5.26 Estimation of potential sheet and rill eros~on by Universial Soil Loss Equ~tion for selected soil types and slopes under forest and ROW conditions ..... . I-xii Page 5-26 5-27 5-28 5-29 5-30 5-30 5-31 5-32 5-33 5-34 5-43 5-44 5-45 5-46 5.27 Estimation of potential sheet and rill erosion by Universal Soil Loss Equation for selected soil types and slope steepness of the ROW assuming different cover conditions and constant slope length of 100 feet on the Poughkeepsie to Ohioville Site 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.28 Estimation of potential sheet and rill erosion by Universal Soil Loss Equation for selected soil types and slopes under forest and ROW conditions on the Hillside to Oakdale Site 9 5.29 Estimation of potential sheet and rill erosion by Universal_ Soil Loss Equation for selected soil types and slope steep- ness of the ROW assuming different cover conditions and slope length of 100 feet on the Hillside to Oakdale Site 9. 5-30 Estimation of potential sheet and rill erosion by Universal Soil Loss Equation for selected soil types and slopes under forest and ROW conditions on the Oswego to Clay # 5 Site 15 5.31 Estimation of potential sheet and rill erosion by Universal Soil Loss Equation for selected soil types and slope steepness of the ROW assuming different cover conditions and constant slope length of 100 feet on the Oswego to Clay #4 Site 15 5.32 Estimated sheet and rill erosion by Universal Soil Loss Equation for selected soil types and slopes under forest and ROW conditions on the Moses to Adirondack Site 19 . . . 5.33 Estimated sheet and rill erosion by Universal Soil Loss Equation for selected soil types and slope steepness of the ROW assuming different cover conditions and constant slope length of 100 feet on the Moses to Adirondack Site 19 ... 6.1 Trends in i~pact on vegetation in the New England Highlands and Mohawk-Hudson regions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2 Trends in plant community development in relation to forest type and habitat of the New England Highlands and Mohawk-Hudson regions. The figures in parenthesis are percent constancy ... 6.3 Comparison of species diversity, based upon number of species, on ROW's with that in adjoining forests in the New England Highlands and Mohawk-Hudson regions . 6.4 Abundance and cover value of trees on ,the ROW for the New England Highlands and Mohawk-Hudson regions 6.5 Abundance and cover value of trees on the ROW for the New England Highlands and Mohawk-Hudson regions 6.6 Abundance and cover value of trees on the ROW for the New England Highlands and Mohawk-Hudson regions I-xiii Page 5-47 5-48 5-49 5-50 5-51 5-52 5-53 6-9 6-10 6-11 6-12 6-13 6-14 6.7 Trends in impact on soil organic layers and humus types Ln the • New England Highland and Mohawk-Hudson regLons .. 6.8 Trends in impact on erosion in the New England Highlands and Mohawk-Hudson regions . . • . . . • • . . . . . 6.9 Trends in impact of wildlife use of the ROW's in the New England Highlands and Mohawk-Hudson regions . . . . . . . 6.10 Trends in impact on water Ln the New England Highlands and Mohawk-Hudson regions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.11 Percent change of land use prior to (or near the time of con- struction) and after construction of the ROW for sites within the New England Highlands and Mohawk-Hudson r.egions . . . . . 6.12 Multiple land use of ROW sites within the New England Highlands Page 6-15 6-16 6-17 6-18 6-19 and Mohawk-Hudson regions . . . . 6-20 6.13 Trends in impact on vegetation in the Appalachian Highlands and Catskill regions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-26 6-14 Trends in plant community development in relation to forest type and habitat of the Appalachian Highlands and Catskill regions The figures in parenthesis are percent constancy. . . . . . . . 6-27 6-15 Comparison of species diversity, based on the number of species, on the ROW with that in the adjoining forests in the Appalachian Highlands and Catskill regions. . . . . . . . . 6-28 6-16 Abundance and cover value of trees on the ROW for the Appalachian Highlands and Catskill regions. . . . . . 6-17 Abundance and cover value of trees on the ROW for the Appalachian Highlands and Catskill regions. . . . . . 6-18 Abundance and cover value of trees on the ROW for the Appalachian Highlands and Catskill regions. . . . . . 6.19 Trends in impact on soil organic layers and humus types in the Appalachian Highlands and Catskill regions. 6.20 Trends in impact on erosion Ln the Appalachian Highlands and Catskill regions. . . . • . . . . . . ...... . 6.21 Trends Ln impact on wildlife use of the ROW's Ln the Appalachian Highlands and Catskill regions. . . 6.22 Trends in impact on water Ln the Appalachian Highlands and Catskill regions. . . .. . . . . . . . I-xiv 6-29 6-30 6-31 6-32 6-33 6-34 6-35 1 .1 6.23 Percent change of land use prior to (or near the time of con- struction) and after construction of the ROW for sites within the Appalachian Highlands and Catskill regions ....... . 6.24 Multiple land use of ROW sites within the Appalachian Highlands Page 6-36 and Catskill regions. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-37 6.25 Trends 1n impact on vegetation in the Lake Plain region 6-44 6.26 Trends in plant community development in relation to forest type and habitat of the Lake Plain region. The figures in parenthesis are percent constancy . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.27 Comparison of species diversity, based on number of spec1es, on ROW's with that 1n the adjoining forests in the Lake Plain region. 6.28 Abundance and cover value of trees on the ROW for the Lake Plain region. 6.29 Abundance and cover value of trees on the ROW for the Lake Plain region. 6.30 Abundance and cover value of trees on the ROW for the Lake Plain region. 6.31 Trends 1n i~pact on soil organ1c layers and humus type 1n the 6-45 6-46 6-47 6-48 6-49 Lake Plain region . . . . . 6-50 6.32 Trend in impact on eros1on in the Lake Plain region 6-51 6.33 Trends 1n impact on wildlife use of the ROW's in the Lake Plain ~ reg1on. 6.34 Percent change of land use prior to (or near the time of con- struction) and after construction of the ROW for sites within 6-52 the Lake Plain region . • 6-53 6.35 Multiple land use of ROW sites within the Lake Plain region 6-54 6.36 Trends in impact on vegetation in the Adirondack, Tug Hill, and St. Lawrence-Champlain regidns. . 6-60 6.37 Trends in plant community development in relation to forest type and habitat of the Adirondack, Tug Hill, and St. Lawrence- Champlain regions. The figures in parenthesie are percent constancy . . 6.38 Comparison of spec1es diversity, based on number of species, on ROW's with that in the adjoining forests in the Adirondack, 6-61 Tug Hill, and St. Lawrence-Champlain regions. . . . . . 6-62 6.39 Abundance and cover value of trees on the ROW for the Adirondack, Tug Hill, and St. Lawrence-Champlain regions. . . . . . 6-63 l"'"XV • Page 6.40 Abundance and cover value for trees on the ROW for the Adirondack, Tug Hill, and St. Lawrence-Champlain regions. . . . . . . 6-64 6.41 Abundance and cover value of trees on the ROW for the Adirondack, Tug Hill, and St. Lawrence-Champalin regions. . . . . . 6-65 6.42 Trends in impact on soil organic layers and humus types in the Adirondack, Tug Hill, and St. Lawrence-Champlain regions. . . . . 6-66 6.43 Trends in impact on erosion in the Adirondack, Tug Hill, and St. Lawrence-Champlain regions. . . . . . .......... 6-67 6.44 Trends in impact on wildlife use of the ROW's in the Adirondack, Tug Hill, and St. Lawrence-Champlain regions. . . . . . . . . . . 6-68 6.45 Trends in impact on water {n-the Adirondack, Tug Hill, and St. Lawrence-Champlain regions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-69 6.46 Percent change of land use prior to (or near the time of con- struction) and after construction of the ROW for sites within the Adironadack, Tug Hill, and St. Lawrence-Champlain regions ... 6-71 6.47 Multiple land use of ROW sites within the Adirondack, Tug Hill, and St. Lawrence-Champlain regions. . . . . . . . .... 6-72 LIST OF FIGURES 3.1 Forest regions of New York State. 3.2 Physiographic areas of New York State 3.3 Major soil orders and suborders of New York State 3.4 Important bedrock areas of New York State 5.1 Visual characteristics ................ . 5.1.1 Mechanical damage to hemlock at site 7, in the summer of 1976 5.1.2 Sunscald on red maple at site 7, in the summer of 1976 .. 5.1.3 Sunscald on beech at site 7, in the summer of 1976. 5.1.4 Tree with exposed roots on site 7, in the summer of 1976. 5.1.5 Seeded area at site 14, in the summer of 1976 . 5.1.6 Current active erosion at tower 4 at site 2, in the summer of 1976. . . . . . . . . . . ... I-xvi 3-17 3-18 3-18 3-19 3-35 3-35 3-35 3-35 3-35 3-35 3-35 1 Summary and General Conclusions Case history studies of 22 rights-of-way were carried out in New York State from 1975 through 1976. These rights-of-way, (ROW's) had been managed employing a wide range of commonly accepted methods of clearance and mainten- ance and were located in all major forest regions of the state. Vegetation management over the past 25 to 30 years on these ROW's has brought about the development of a complex shrub-herb grass community as a general form of ROW plant cover. There was a general trend towards tree species in the adjacent forest also being present in the herb or shrub layers on the ROW's. Although a protective cover of shrubs, herbs, ferns, and grasses covered the ROW's, trees still invaded in large numbers and would re- establish forest cover if not controlled. Characteristic plant communities developed in relation to habitat and were identified as: Blackberry-Goldenrod or Sumac-Goldenrod on mesic habitat areas; Blueberry-Sweet-fern or Bluebe.rry- Bracken on xeric areas; and Willow-Sensitive Fern, Red Osier Dogwood-Sensitive Fern, or Spirea-Sensitive Fern on hydric areas. Species diversity on all habitat areas was found to be consistently higher on the ROW's than in adjacent forests. Most shrub species of the forests persisted on the ROW!s and formed a prominent part of plant cover. Herbaceous species on the ROW's consisted of a complex misture of forest species, conbined with plants more typical of open areas. Impact of ROW management on soil was negligible over the general ROW. Construction disturbances and other uses, however, have resulted in acceler- ated erosion where such areas were not fully restored to a complete plant cover. ROW habitats and associated dominant plant communities were closely related to soil types and physiography of the sites studied. Impact of the ROW's on stream temperatures was also negligible for the cases studied. Sedimentation of streams from the ROW was only evident where access roads crossed streams and where flow from disturbed construction areas carried material overland into a stream or pond. ROW management has produced improved wildlife food and cover conditions and plant species diversity. All the ROW's studied were freely used by common wildlife species of the areas•and prominent among these were numerous song birds and raptors. Generally, there is little change in land use adjacent to the ROW's from before the ROW was constructed (or near the time of construction) to a variable period of many years after the ROW was constructed. There is a de- crease in agricultural use which appears to follow the statewide decrease. There is a general absence of long-term negative visual characteristics re- sulting from clearing, construction, and maintenance of the ROW's that appear in objectionable visual contrast with the surrounding area. A variety of multiple uses, particularly recreation, were found to exist with hunting pre- dominant in all the regions studied. Based on the meager and non-comparable historic cost data available for this study, it is not possible to postulate cost effectiveness or other economic conclusions concerning the various clearing, construction, restoration, and management procedures used on the study sites. The flow of the report is from sites - - -:> trends for regions - ---1> state-wide trends - --:> general conclusions. As the report proceeds in this fashion, less and less detail is presented so that the general conclusions at the end are simple statements of fact. For supporting data, one must proceed backwards towards the individual sites which can be done in 3 steps: first, to state-wide trends; second, to regional summaries of trends; and third, to the individual sites. 1-1 2 Introduction "The primary purpose of the study is to document, for approximately twenty representative electric transmission right-of-way sites, each of about one to two miles in length; •• the existing condition of the right-of-way site in terms of such characteristics as vegetation, fish and wildlife, erosion and sedimentation, visual aspects, and multiple uses b.eing made of the right-of-way • •• the conditions and events which could be reasonably imputed to have caused or influenced the existing condition of the right- of-way site such as construction and management techniques used on the site (including the economic costs of techniques used): soils; moisture; slope; exposure; multiple uses; and conditions, especially vegetation, prior to specific construction or manage- ment events". "The secondary purpose of the study is to reasonably impute, based on the information documented above, the short and long term impact of various construction and management techniques actually used on each site, upon the condition of that site. It is recognized that these imputations will not constitute proof, according to commonly accepted scientific standards, that certain construction and management techniques produce certain results under certain conditions. Rather, these imputations will be recognized as the opinions of trained and informed persons in the field of ·rights-of-way manage- ment based on documented empirical information. (Empirical information, as it is used here, refers to available, reliable, previously documented material, plus documented observed information). The documented information, and the imputations made by Asplundh, will be used as a guide to rights-of-way managers when making management decisions, and to suggest further work and experimenta- tion to be conducted in the on-going ESEERCO Rights-of-Way Management Study".l The first of 3 volumes of this report is organized to first present the · "General Methods" from which the study is based. This section establishes methods for.site selection and for field data collection. These met:hods apply to each of the 22 sites. In addition to special studies, discussion of trends for these sites are also included in Volume I. The "Individual Case Studies of Sites" follows in Volume II (Sites 1-11) and III (Sites 12-22) with specific detail pertinent to each site, depicting both information obtained from field observations and other sources, and further detail on the field studies conducted at the site according to the "General Methods" section. Tables and figures are presented not only to record data but to mor.e clearly depict relationships as a useful method of analysis for arriving at conclusions. The maps in this report are also available at full scale (1"-200') for future field research studies. Each individual site case study is concluded with an evaluation and summary of results. 1 ESEERC0 -Asplundh contract governing this work. 2-l 3 General Methods 3.1 Site Selection Proper site selection for an ecological study, was vital 1n order to satisfy study objectives. Vegetation is the environmental factor most affected by a transmission ROW. The New York environment exhibits 9 distinct forest regions (Fig. 3.1) and 12 unique physiographio areas (Fig. 3.2). Therefore, to insure proper site distribution, site selection was based on physiographic regions as they correspond to forest regions. These major regions of the state correlate closely with the major soil orders and suborders (Fig. 3.3), and important bedrock areas (Fig. 3.4). Thus, a 4-way check of physiographic, forest type, soil, and bedrock characteristics was made. To accomplish the prime objective of management technique evaluation, major physiographic areas and forest regions were cross-referenced with ROW management techniques of clearing, construction, restoration, and maintenance (Table 3.1). It was impossible for each site chosen to exhibit all of the major characteristics described, but as many as possible were included in order that a representative comparison of management techniques with major physio- graphic/forest regions could be made. Sites selected also exhibited a good composite of the following essential characteristics: Major moisture regimes: wet (hydric), moist (mesic), and dry (xeric); Variation in steepness and aspect of slopes; Representative water resources, e.g., surface water and/or wetlands; Length of growing season and climate; Location: suburban, rural, and remote areas; arid Special sites, where unusual management techniques were employed. Following the above recommendations and prior to field visitation, mem- bers of the New York Power Pool (NYPP) were asked to submit sites representa- tive of their systems and management techniques. Asplundh Environmental Services (AES) suggested a maximum 2-mile study site. By confining site size, time and distance traveled was minimized in plot establishment and overall project work flow without limiting study objectives. Initially, 35 potential sites were considered. These were reduced to 22 sites, which were visited during early spring, 1975, to inventory general site characteristics. The information obtained was set forth in AES's "Proposed Sites and Studies to Evaluate Environmental and Economic Aspects of Contemporaneous Electric Transmission Line Right-of-Way Management Tech- niques", June 2, 19751 . This provided necessary information to establish 1 Revised July 10, 197i. 3-1 tentative mapped plots, and proposed detailed methodologies for study of each site to achieve objectives. Sites on L~ng Island were inventoried and discussed with the NYPP Land Use Subcommittee. Management techniques utilized there were more in the nature of horticultural practices, and, therefore, of limited value to ROW managers in other areas of the state. Thus, due to the lack of "management techniques" as found within the scope of this study, no sites on Long Island were deemed potential study areas. Distribution of the 22 sites and their geographic locations with refer- ence to the Principal Forest Regions of New York State (Stout, 1958) is illustrated in Fig. 3.1. A composite Site Selection Data Summary (Table 3.1) provides an overall comparison of each site's characteristics. 3.2 Field Data Collection 3.2.1 General Reconnaissance A general reconnaissance was made of the study area by traversing the ROW and adjacent areas on each side. The following information observed and collected in this reconnaissance was plotted on a base map showing general habitat conditions. Information obtained and plotted included plant community distribution, soil types, water resources, access road locations, slope, aspect, tower sites, and major soil disturbances. Hydric, mesic, and xeric areas were identified by cor~elating plant community distribution with soil types. The location of vegetation plots in the 3 moisture regimes was verified by the nver]Rpning of sni]s And vegetative types. Characteristic plant communities were identified on hydric, mesic, and xeric habitats. Where these broad communities were found to indicate one such habitat, generally to the exclusion of the other 2, they were used as indicator species and noted on the site habitat conditions (base) map. In general, a shrub-herb designation was utilized, and because of these plants' use as indicators of the various moisture regimes, they did not necessarily form the most abundant components of the ROW community. They were, however, most indicative of the habitat. Trees were not included 1n this designation as they are generally not considered desirable species on the ROW, and may be considered of temporary importance. A determination of forest types adjoining the ROW was made largely through the use of Stout's Atlas of Forestrz in New York (1958), although reference was also made to the Forest Cover ~ of North America (Society of American Foresters, 1973), Common names were used for purposes of the general reconnaissance in particular, and for the project in general (Appendix 1). Where common names were assigned in Gray's Manual of Botany (1970), those names were generally used. \~ere common names were not so assigned, often the common names desig- nated by Britton and Brown (1970) were used. The Flora of West Virginia was generally used where common names were not found in the first 2 sources. In all instances the Latin names were obtained from Gray's Manual of Botanz (1970). Mosses were generally referred to as in Grout's Mosses with Hand-Lens and Microscope (1972), the better known among which are often designated by common names, and the others designated by Latin names. 3-2 3.2.2 Vegetation Analysis Vegetation Analysis on the ROW ROW vegetation plots were rectangular, 1/5 acre in size, generally at right angles to the ROW centerline, and where possible extended the full width of the cleared ROW. One-tenth acre plots were used only where the small area of a particular site condition dictated a smaller plot size. Vegetation was mapped using a 100-foot tape with chaining pins dropped at 10-foot intervals on each side of the plot. Herbaceous plant communities and woody plants were mapped on graph paper. All plot corners were marked with stakes and tagged for future indentification. These corners were tied in to the nearest tower structure. Major plant communities were identified and mapped. The names of plant communities were obtained by using plant species names which singly or combined comprised 50% or more of the composition of the community. Where only 1 species appears on the community name, then that species alone predominates. The location of woody vegetation was designated by letter symbols. Woody plants were usually of seed origin. When these were of stump-sprout or root- sucker origin, this was indicaued: * stump sprout ** root sucker Height of woody vegetation was also recorded. ' Vegetation Analysis of Interior Woods Adjacent to ROW A forest study plot was generally established when a ROW plot was established, with the same habitat conditions as far as was possible. In those few instances where the forests on both sides of the ROW were sufficiently dissimilar in composition, forest plots were established in both forests. All forest study plots were circular in shape and 1/5 acre in size. A central point for each plot was chosen approximately 77-1/2 feet from the ROW edge in the interior woods. This was located as follows: 1. The mid-point at the woods' edge of the ROW vegetation plot was determined; 2. A distance of 25 feet perpendicular to the ROW edge was measured off in the interior woods to eliminate edge vegetation; 3. An additional 52-1/2 feet was then measured to obtain a central point for the off-ROW circular plot; 4. A radius of 52-1/2 feet from the central point was used in estimating a 1/S'acre circular plot. This was obtained by use of a range finder, or 100-foot tape, as site conditions per- mitted. Vegetation was recorded as follows, indicating abundance and socibility: 1. Tree layer (greater than 3 inches in diameter breast (d.b.h.) high); 3-3 2. · Shyub layer a. shrubs b. trees in shrub layer (less than 3 inches d.b.h.) 3. Herb layer. The shrub layer includes woody v~nes listed under shrubs. The herb layer includes all herb species as well as other components such as ferns and grasses. This was done to simplify recording' data. Comparison of On-ROW With Off-ROW Vegetation An analysis of plant cov:er on the ROW plots and in the adjacent forest was maae by means of a combined estimate of abundance and cover (Braun-Blanquet, 1932 and 1964). Each plant community was described and its layers estimated separately, i.e., by tree layer, shrub layer, and herb layer. In this section, "plant community" refers to a major unit occupying a uniform habitat. The shrub layer includes woody vines; the herb layer includes all herb species as well as other components, such as ferns and grasses, to simplify data recording (Appendixes 2 and 3). This technique described the floristic and structural characteristics of each plant community in the various habitats studied. In addition to the cover ·value of each species, its typical grouping was described, i.e., whether it grows singly, in groups or tufts, patches, and so forth. From this data, a comparison of ROW communities of various habitats was made with adjacent forests having the same habitat conditions. A correlation of ROW vegetation with a specific forest type may be attempted. The scales used to make the estimates are: For abundance and cover: ++ -occasional + -sparsely present, covering less than 1/20 of the plot area 1 -plentiful but of small cover value, covering less than 1/20 of the plot 2 -very numerous, covering at least 1/20 of the plot area 3 -covering 1/4 to 1/2 of the plot area 4 -covering 1/2 to 3/4 of the plot area 5 -covering more than 3/4 of the plot area; For grouping: 1 -growing one in a place, singly 2 -grouped or tufted 3 -in troops, small patches, or cushions 4 -in small colonies, extensive patches, or forming carpets, more than 1 milacre 5 -in pure populations 3-4 The comparison of on-ROW vegetation with off~ROW vegetation ts based mostly on the A.S. observations for the on and off-ROW vegetation plots. Where a plant species occurs on the ROW or in the woodland, but not on the study plot; that is indicated by enclosing the combined estimate of abundance and cover in parentheses. The combined estimate is underlined by broken lines where the grouping is.invaded by other species. Included in Appendix 4 are those plant species occurring in New York which are proposed by the u.s. Fish and Wildlife Service for classification as endangered or threatened under the federal Endangered Species Act of 1973. 3.2.3 Special Vegetation Studies Procedures for special vegetation studies concerning topping, structural openings, and seeding are included in Section 5 of this report. 3.2.4 Soils Analysis Soil Evaluation In the field inventory for site selection, soils were identified as to soil order and suborder (Buckman and Brady, 1969; Soil Survey Staff, 197§) and soil association (Cline, 1970). Also, bedrock ge- ology was listed for the respective sites according to the general map of important bedrock areas of New York (Cline, 1970). On ROW segments selec.ted.for study, the surficial and bedrock geology was determined through reference to geologic maps of New York State (Broughton et al., 1973). A knowledge of geologic formations in which soils have de- veloped are important to proper understanding and interpretation of existing soil properties. Soils in turn may affect kind, abundance, and quality of natural vegetation (tree, shrub, and ground layer plants), wildlife habitat, engineering activities, and water resources on and adjacent to the ROW. Soils on and adjacent to the ROW study sites were sampled with a soil aHger to determine soil series (verified through reference to County Soil Survey Reports where available), effective depth, internal drainage character- istics, and occurrence of restrictions such as fragipans. This survey was accomplished by traversing the ROW and adjacent areas on each side of the ROW in a systematic manner to provide coverage of the entire study area. Texture and reaction (pH) were determined by standard field procedures for the minerai soil surface layer of each soil series identif~ed. Data was recorded in the format shown in the Field Data Form for Soils Evaluation (Appendix 5). Soil orders and suborders for New York soil series present on ROW study areas were identified by information obtained through perso~al communication in 1976 with William Hanna, Soil Conservation Service, (SCS), Syracuse, New York. Additional information was obtained from County Soil Survey Reports where available. Soil boundaries and mapping symbols (identifying soil series and slope classes) were plotted on aerial photographs in the field survey and transcribed onto base maps at a scale of 1 inch = 200 feet. Soil boundaries also were plotted on the ROW centerline profile to show relationship to relief and ex- tended to a distance of 300 feet into adjacent undisturbed areas on both sides ·of the ROW. Soil boundaries were related to forest type boundaries and ROW plant communities. 3-5 Soil mapping units were correlated with recognized Woodland Suitability • Groups established on a state wide basis by the SCS. Woodland Suitability Groups provide relative information on productive capacity of tree species·, erosion hazards, and specific use limitation of existing soils. Each Woodland Suitability Group is identified by a 3-part symbol such as 2ol, 3d2, or 4s2. The first part of the symbol, a-number, indicates the productivity class from 1 (highest) to 5 (lowest); the second part, a letter, identifies the soil property causing a management problem, namely, stoniness (x), ex- cessive wetness (w), restricted rooting depth (d), sandy soils (s), relief or slope (r), or no limitations (0); and, the third part is a consecutive numbering of groups of soils having similar management problems, similar productivity, and similar suitability for the same kind of trees. This latter part of the symbol was deleted when information for respective soils was unavailable. In counties where information was available, estimated Site.Index was present for indicator species such as sugar-maple, red maple, and white pine. Site Index as a measure of productivity refers to the height, in feet, that dominant trees in relatively pure, even aged, well-stocked stands will achieve in 50 years. A Site Index Guide (Appendix 6) was obtained through personal communication in 1976 with William Hanna, SCS, Syracuse, New York. A brief description of geology, soil profile characteristics, and soil properties was prepared from published County Soil Survey Reports for the soil series identified on each study area. Where no adequate information was available from a County Soil Survey Report, Soil Survey Interpretations of Soils in New York State (Anon., 1972) was used. Soil Erosion Observations on erosion were made at the time of the soil su~vey on the respective study areas. Soil erosion was related to existing soil types and slopes and documented as to location or land use, plant cover, class of erosion, and kind of erosion. Areas exhibiting gully erosion were plotted on the ROW base map and depth of gullies were measured. Data was recorded in the format shown in the Field Data Form for Soil Erosion Classi- fication (Appendix 7). Observations of stream bank and floodplain erosionc·and sedimentation were included under water studies on streams and wetlands.- In addition to active soil erosion, the respective sites were examined for possible areas of mass land movement, such as landslides, which, if present, were to be measured, plotted on base maps, and probable cause de- termined. ~reas of major soil _disturbance were photographed to show visual aspects and to supplement field data. Humus Study The organic layers (0 soil horizons) occur on the surface of mineral soil under forest cover conditions. Depending on forest types, soils, and climatic conditions, 3 distinct organic layers collectively called the forest floor may be present. These organic layers are referred to as litter (undecomposed organic matter), fermentation (partiqlly decomposed organic matter), and humus (well-decomposed organic matter). The presenc~ or absence of the various organic layers, plus organic matter incorporatio~ 3-6 ~n the mineral soil (Al horizon), serve as a basis for forest humus type classification. The organic layers of a soil profile are sensitive to changes in the aerial environment and likely will exhibit effects of forest canopy removal and surface disturbance before the underlying mineral soil. rberefore, these layers were identified, measured to determine thickness, and classi- fied by humus type pCCording to the Rey (Appendix 8) developed by Hoover and Lunt (1952). Evaluation of organic layers and associated humus types were made at 5 sampling points distributed across the ROW, to include ROW center and edges, along the boundaries of mes~c and xeric vegetation plots. Five additional samples were taken in the adjacent woodland with even distribution through the center of the circular woodland analysis plots. Consistent with evalu- ation on the ROW, humus measurements in the woods were made on the mesic and xeric moisture regimes existing on the study area. Data was recorded accord- ing to the format shown in the Field Data Form for Humus Classification (Appendix 9). The humus classification key is ncit adaptable to aieas exhibit- ing prolonged water saturation in the surface soil; therefore, similar measurements were not made on the hydric sites. 3.2.5 Water Studies Streams Office Studies Stream order and directional flow were determined for the study streams from United States Geological Survey (USGS) Quadrangle Maps. Stream aspect was also obtained from USGS Quadrangle Haps, and meteorological data were obtained from the U.S. Weather Bureau sources nearest the area of the ROW. Field Measurements All water data collected in the field were recorded on standardized field sheets (Appendix 10). Temperature, pH, and dissolved oxygen (DO) measurements were taken at points upstream, downstream, and on the ROW. The specific number of field measurement stations depended upon the particular stream. Stream depth, volume, velocity, and width were noted in the field. Alterations and bank erosion due to construction/maintenance practices on the ROW were measured and a comparative analysis made upstream from the ROW. Changes in stream bottom characteristics were recorded. As an example, stone and/or gravel to silt areas were noted and compared with upstream con- ditions. Changes in stream bank vegetation and its impact on overhead shading was assessed and water temperature measured. Obvious elimination of poten- tial fish habitats was also noted. Artificial tributaries created due to either construction/maintenance practices and/or alterations in stream chan- nelization or direction were noted and mapped on the site habitat conditions map where applicable. Floodplain erosion due to vegetation removal was noted, then compared with upstream conditions. Run-off erosion due to hydrological events was noted as to. type (sheet, rill, or gully). An attempt to estimate the annual sediment stream yield was made by· stake pedestals, graded at incre- ments of 1/4 inch, using "O" as a data basis at time of installation. Obvious key construction/maintenance practices which precipitated current conditions 3-7 were noted. Stream uses by man and/or wildlife were noted. The use and attendant classification (Appendix 11), for Designated Waters of New York State were noted. The existence of obvious sediment traps was noted on the ROW at the sampling locations •. Wetlands Office Studies USGS Quadrangle Maps. Weather Bureau sources Directional flow and aspect were determined from Meteorological data were obtained from the U.S. nearest the area of the ROW. Field Measurements All water data collected ~n the field were re- corded on standarized field sheets (Appendix 10). Wetlands were classified in accordance with the following classification guide: wet meadows, marshes, and swamps (Appendix 12). Vegetation succession was observed and noted throughout the wetland. ROW wetlands were compared with wetlands in adjacent woods and natural versus man-made areas were identified. Identification of positive, negative, or neutral effects of ROW con- struction and/or maintenance practices was made. Measurements of pH, temperature, and DO on the ROW and for those wetlands having portions in adjacent woods were made. Obvious evidence of eutropthication was noted (e.g., algae blooms). Quarterly varitations in ROW wetland areas and depth were noted and compared with adjacent wetlands. ROW construction/maintenance practices were observed, noted, and physical measurements made where possible with regard to sediment contribution. 3.2.6 Wildlife Studies Actual Wildlife Use Studies for wildlife were determined by the major species present. The 3 major game species for each site were determined by AES in conjunction with the New York State Department_of Environmental Con- servation (DEC) and are listed on Table 3.2. Wildlife observed directly or indirectly on the 22 sites in New York are listed in Appendix 13. White-tailed Deer Pellet Counts This sp(!cial study was made at site 8, Hancock to Stilesville, which is located in Delaware County. This county in past years has had the highest deer harvest on the State (DEC, 1975) and is endowed with a heavy population as noted in field observations by Mayer in 1975 and 1976. The pro- cedures for this study are included with th~ actual use section for site 8. Woody Browse Transect Woody browse transects were established at all permanent vegetation plot locations to determine the amount and location of the woody browse present. Transects were 100 feet long and 2 feet wide. All woody material 6 feet or less in height was tallied. The 50-foot mark on the tape was placed on the edge of the ROW so that equal areas were studied on the ROW, the ROW edge, and in the adjacent woods. This.was done on each side of the ROW. The ratio of the number of stems per species, browsed and unbrowsed, was used to obtain a percentage of the actual use for each species present on each transect. This method allowed comparison of available browse and use among the ROW, the ROW edge, and the adjacent woods. These transects were established in the spring of 1976.for each ROW study plot, where white-tailed deer was a major game species. 3-8 Woodcock Actual use data for woodcock were obtained during the spring of 1976. Singing ground surveys were performed during the breeding season to determine if the birds were using the ROW for singing grounds (Sheldon, 1971). A section of ROW was walked at approximately 1/2 hour before dusk. Stops were made every 1/4 mile and the observer listened for the call of the male woodcock. Results were then recorded, and approximate locations of the singing grounds on the ROW and adjacent areas were plotted on the site habitat conditions map for each site where the surveys were performed. Ruffed Grouse A ruffed grouse census of drumming males was made by noting their approximate drumming log locations during the spring of 1976 (Trippensee, 1948). Drumming counts were performed by walking a section of the ROW, stopping at intervals, and listening for a cock bird to drum. The approximate locations of grouse drumming logs were plotted on the site habi- tat condit;ions map for those sites where counts were made. Flushing counts were made at the same time. The observer walking a section of the ROW recorded the number of birds flushed. The cover type from which the birds were flushed was also recorded; this illustrated cover preference. Cottontail Rabbit or Varying Hare Cottontail rabbit and varying hare data were collected by the complete census (Trippensee, 1948). This method was modified to consist of traversing the study area and recording the number of rabbits and hares flushed, aiong with location on the·ROW and cover type from which species were flushed. This method was employed over the period of this study, spring 1976 through summer 1977. Birds Bird data were recorded for each study area. Birds seen and heard~he ROW and ROW edge were identified and noted on a separate field check list for each site (Appendix 13). Those birds observed on the 22 sites Ln New York during the study period are listed in Appendix 15. Miscellaneous Wildlife Observations All other pertinent wildlife data were recorded. This included direct observations of wildlife with species, activities, and locations on the ROW, ROW edge, or in the adjacent woods. Also included were indirect observations, IDainly signs such as pellets and tracks. Potential Wildlife Use Plants located on the ROW and woods plots were rated for wildlife value for the 3 major species for each site using the existing ratings from Martinet al. (1951). In this rating, stars (aster- isks) were used instead of percentage figures to indicate the extent of use of food items. There are 2 reasons for this usage: one is that there is a danger of attributing unwarranted finality or accuracy to the food-habits data as expressed in percentages, when an approximate, tentative picture of the food habits of an animal or the extent of food use of a plant is all that should be attempted or implied; the other point in favor of rating by stars is the fact that this method is easy to grasp. Important items stand out and automatically receive attention (Martinet al., 1951). The star rankings are, for the most part, based directly on percentages from food-habit ·tabulations. The system, as used here, has the following 3-9 approximate percentage equivalents:· • + = 1/2 to 2% of diet * 2 to 5% of diet ** = 5 to 10% of diet *** 10 to 25% of diet **** 25 to 50% of diet ***** 50% or more of diet All items preceded by 1 or more stars are likely to have some importance for the wildlife species concerned. There are few 5-star items. These are so exceptional that they imply a very unique relationship between a wildlife species and a particular plant group. In these few cases the actual percentage base is also given, as a matter of interest (Martinet al., 1951). In addition to asterisk ratings from New York, asterisk ratings from other states were included for those plant species present on each study area not rated in the New York evaluation for some wildlife species. Additional information pertaining to potential wildlife use for white-tailed deer in New York is found in Appendix 16. Those plants not included in the potential wild- life use evaluation do provide a certain amount of cover for wildlife species and may also provide seasonal food of value. 3.2.7 Photo Stations Photo stations were established to illustrate the entire study area from on-and off-ROW points (Appendix 17). These locations were selected to include: 1 Gener.al views; 2. Unique and abundant plant communities; 3. Open and eroded areas; 4. Special·site conditions; 5. Views from major points of observation. Photo station locations were appropriately marked, tagged for identification, and tied in by structure number and location. 3.2.8 Land Use and Value Land uses adjacent to the ROW segments were analyzed to determine those uses which benefit or thrive near the ROW as opposed to those which decline from its presence. To adequately evaluate these effects, 3 factors were considered, these being: 1. The date of construction of the l~ne; 2. Adjacent land uses pr1or to the construction of the ROW; 3. Adjacent land uses after the construction of the ROW. The adjacent land uses were determined through reference to the following data sources: New York State Land Use and Natural Resource (LUNR) Inventory System, designed to supply updated land use across the state; USGS Quadrangle Maps of New York State; aerial photographs prior to construction (when avail- able) and also the most recent aerial photograph; and other pertinent docu- mentable material that was available to aid in the evaluation of land use. 3-10 To reasonably evaluate land change, the bound8;ries of the selected study sites were extended to approximately 2,000 feet from the ROW. This total area, including both the adjacent land and the ROW, was 1,658.40 acres. From these data, the following procedures were used to determine land use changes: 1. Classification of land uses was in accordance with the Land Use and Natural Resource Classification Manual of New York State (LUNR, 1974), as indicated in Appendix 18. 2. Identification of those land uses that existed prior to construction of"the ROW. These data were developed by inter- preting aerial photographs flown prior to the construction (when available) or other available sources, and were plotted on 7.5 minute USGS Quadrangle Maps; 3. Identification of those land us~s that presently exist after the construction of the ROW. These data were obtained from 2 dif- ferent sources, namely interpretation of the most recent aerial photograph after the construction, and use of the LUNR area land- use overlays, and were plotted; 4. Verification and updating of existing land use changes s~nce 1974, were done by field check; 5. Determination of the acreage of after construction of the ROW. to the following equations: separate areas prior to and Percentages were computed according a/k x 100 = P where: a area of the land use type k total area of the study site (1,658.40 acres) P = percentage of that area in comparison to the total area. These percentages were presented in the table compar~ng land use before and after ROW construction for each study area. 3.3 Definition of Terms Definitions of the following terms used throughout the report are ~n­ cluded here for the reader's reference: abundance annual aspect The plentifulness of a species. A plant that completes its life cycle within 1 year's time and then dies. A position facing a particular direction. 3-11 biennial • browse codominant constancy cover diversity dominant duff mull ecotone edge eros~on A plant which completes its life cycle within 2 years and then dies . Woody plant parts such as twigs, leaves, buds, etc. eaten by wildlife, in particular by white-tailed deer. Trees with crowns forming the general level of the crown canopy and receiving full light from above, but comparatively little from the sides; usually with medium-sized crdwns more or less crowded on the sides. A term used to denote the regularity of occurrence of species in stands of a plant community; also called "presence". Usually indicated by a percent of the total number of stands in which the species occurs. The area of ground covered by a species, or .by a combination of species. The number of species in a community, unweighted. Trees with crowns extending above the general level of the crown canopy and receiving full sunlight from above and partly from the side; larger than the average trees in the stand, and with· well-developed crowns. Humus and fermentation layers are present with an underlying A1 horizon essentially similar to that of a true mull. Gradual transition from the humus layer to the A1 horizon and mineral soil beneath. The transition zone between 2 different plant com- munities, such as between forest and prairie. A transition zone where 2 or more different vege- tational communities meet and integrate (e.g., a zone between a field and a forest). The wearing away of the land surface by running water, wind, ice, or other geological agents. (1) sheet erosion -the removal of a fairly uniform layer of soil from the land surface by run-off water. (2) rill erosion -an erosion process in which numerous small channels of only several inches in depth are formed; occurs mainly on recently cultivated soils. (3) gully erosion -the erosion process whereby water accumulates in narrow channels and, over short periods, removes the soil from this narrow area to considerable depth. fermentation forb fragipan habitat humus hydric intermediate litter mesic moistu::.:e reg1me mar mull Transformation of an organic substance by the action of ferments. Any herbaceous plant that is neither a grass nor at all like one (e.g., such weeds as geranium and buttercup). Dense and brittle pan or layer in the soil that owe their hardness mainly to extreme density of com- pactness, rather than high clay content or cementa- tion. Removed fragments are friable, but the material in place is so dense that roots cannot penetrate and water moves through it very slowly. The dwelling place of a species or plant community including all of the operative factors such as climate, soil, topographic, and biotic. Moisture regime areas hydric, mesic, and xeric represent different habitat conditions. A brown or black complex variable material result- ing from partial decomposition of plant or animal matter and forming the organic portion of soil. Pertaining or adapted to a wet or moist environment, drainage impeded. Trees shorter than those in the dominant and codominant crown classes, but with crowns extending into the crown canopy formed by the tree crowns; receiving a little direct light from above, but none from the sides; usually with small crowns considerably crowded on the sides. The uppermost, slightly decayed layer of organic matter on the forest floor. Pertaining or adapted to an environment having a moderate supply of moisture, i.e. well drained, but moist. Environments designated as either xeric, mesic, or hydric and pertaining to the supply of water and drainage characteristics (i.e., impeded or excessive). Humus layer is present. There is pratically no mixing of organic matter with mineral soil. Abrupt transition from surface organic matter to under- lying horizon exists. A soil that exhibits no humus layer. The A1 horizon consists of an intimate mixture of organic matter and mineral soil, with gradual transition between the A1 and the horizon beneath. Fermen- tation layer may or may not be present. 3-13 6vertopped pellet group perennial plant community plot pole-stage sapling sawtimber seedling site slope slope aspect sociability Trees with crowns enti~ely below the general level of the crown cover, receiving no direct light from above or from the sides. A group of small pellets defecated by deer about 13 times each day. A plant which continues to grow year after year. A combination of species which may be differenti- ated from other combinations and recognized as a unit of vegetation through use of characteristic species. A designated section of study area for special intensive study. Stands made up of trees at least 4 inches d.b.h. and no larger than 12 inches d.b.h. A young tree over 3 feet in height, but less than 4 inches d.b.h. A tree greater than 12 inches d.b.h. A woody plant less than 3 feet tall. A segment of a ROW used for a study area. Ground that forms a natural or artificial incline. The compass direction faced when looking down a slope in the steepest direction. The type of grouping of individuals of a species, i.e. for example, in patches. soil association - A group of defined and named taxonomic soil units occurring together in an individual and character- istic pattern over a geographic region, comparable to plant associations in many ways. soil horizon soil order species A layer of soil or soil material approximately parallel to the land surface and differing from adjacent genetically related layers in properties such as color, structure, texture, consistency, biological and chemical characteristics. The first breakdown in the nomenclature of soil classification. A group of individuals of the same ancestry of nearly identical structure and behavior, and of relative stability in nature. SITE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Table 3.1. Site Selection Data Summary. (Stout, 1958; Cline 1970; Buckman and Brady, 1969; Mayer 1975) ·- • MOIS-ROw :>.. LOCATION SOILS WATER TURE AGE REGIONS C). CLEARING s:: Q) l-1 .. Q) ::l (/)(/) I l-1 0' 0 s:: ~~~ 0.. ::l Q) ,...... s 0 s:: C) ..... 0 Ul l-1 :;t l-1 0.. (/) 0 •.-I ::l E-< 01':. 0 <11 s:: @ :;t <11 Ll"'Vl ·.-I ..c (.) (/) 0.. ...:l 4-l s 0 Q) bO 0.. Q) Q) ><:.--< :;t s:: l-1 "'0 l-1 ·.-I :;t 0 4-ICIJ s::s:: Q) <11 s:: ..... Ql•.-1 :> r.l <11 Ql l-1 0 <11 c Q) ..... CJ:l"'t) 0 ~~ p::: 1-1 0 ::l :>C) <11•.-l •.-! •.-! 0 z !':. <11"'0 <11 <11 bO bO ·.-I (.) ·.-IQ)Q)+J~ .--<+J:> I 1-1 ..... s ~w ..cs:: C) ..... 0 bO ..... 0.. 1-1 C) s:: ·.-I ..c::o:: .......... <11 s:: ..c s:: .--< .--< 1-1 0 C) Q) C) <11 +.J•.-1 ·.-I C) C) (/) ·.-! Q) 1-1 ~ CJ:l <X: ~ ·~ ~~~:3 <11 <11 <11 Q) I 0 0.. Q) Q) en bO:;t 1-1 •.-I •.-I U)Q) Q) (/) p::: <11 ..0 1-1 1-1 "'0..0 (/) 0 0.. 1-1 ,._. ..... s::o ~~ (/) 1-1 Ul!-1 1-1 :>.. Q) .--< :>.. :>.. Q) •.-! 0 ::r: 1-1 ::l ::l 1-1 ::l (/) ,....{ (/) ..... ~~ Q) 1-1 ~ Q) ~t:2 0 ..c .--< Ql..O..OCIJ :>o.. '-" :::> p::: p::: OCIJ ~ {/) ~ {/) ...:lO ::r: ::< !':. 0.. (.) CJ:ll I I 0-N-165- H X 13 16 13% S-E 180 X ~ H H-5 X X 16 0 NE L X 13 17 .40% sw X 180 X X X X H H-5 X X 0-NS H X 13 18 .33% NW X X 180 X X X X P. H-5 X X 0-NS H X 13 18 33% NW X X 180 X X X ~-R H-5 X 0-NW L X 13 23 70% SE X X 165 X X X X G L-3 X 0-NW H X 13 4 15% SE X 150 X X X IX. G L-4 X 0 Flat L X 13 14 35% to W 150 X X F H-3 X X X 0 L X .13S 12 25% N,S X 150 X X X :X .F · H-4.·. X 24 0- L X 13 15 40% E,W X 150 X X X E H-3 X 0 flat H X 13 13 40% E X 135 X x:X X E H-3 X 7 0-NS L X A3 11 30% N-S X X 165 X X X D L-5 X 0 H X A3 6 5% E-W X 165 X X X D L-5 X 0-NS L X A3 20 5% Flat X 165 X X X D L-5 X 0-Var1 NS H X A3 21 8% able X X 165 X X X X D L-5 X 0-Vari NS H X A3 21 10% able X X 165 X X :X X D L-5 X 9 0- L X S2 10 35% E-W X X 135 X X X X A H-1 X 19 0 NS L X S2 22 15% N X 120 X X X c H-1 X 1 0 L X S2 3 10% E-W 135 X :X :X X c L-2 X: 0- L X S2S 2 15% N-S X X 135 x.·x X A H-1 X 0-NS L _X S2S 1 5% N-S X 135 x IX X A H;..l X 0- L X A3 is 5% Flat X 135 XX IX B H.;...2· X ·x. 0-NS L X 13 .8 5% Flat X 165 X lx X D L 5 X 1 Only major ROW management techniques that were used are summarized here. others used are discussed within the individual case studies of sites. 2 NS = No Sampling Performed 3-15a ROW MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES 1 BRUSH CONSTRUe- DISPOSAl. TION !RESTORATION MAINTENANCE ,...... .--< "'t) "0 (/) <11 ..... Ql I .--< I ..... (/) ::l S::"'O 0 (/) Ul l-1 <11 (.) l-1 S:: "'t)CIJ "0 ·(/) Q) 1'!:1 ::l ·.-I .~ <11 0 :> Q)Q)+JQ) .--< ..... Q) 1'!:1 :;: «:l 0 lo-1.--< ~ .~ : ~ ~ <11 ::l :> ........ "'t) :g p::: (.) ::l bO .--< C) (.) •.-! «:l "'t) Q) "0 C) bO bO s:: <11 ..... ·.-! CJ•.-1 ·a '"' t; ~ Q) :;t ...:l Q) (/) S'-" s:: s:: •.-I C) O..CJ.--<"0.--< "'t) ~ 0 ·~ :> (/) <11 ·.-I ·.-I ..... ·.-I s Q) 0 <11 0 <11 <11 Ql·.-1 Q) CJP::: ~ Q) Q) (/) "'t) "'t) s:: s ::l.--<JJ:.OIJ:. ..c Q) .--< :;t .--< <11 0 C) 1-1 bO <11 Q) <11 Q) ..... Q) 1-1 C).--lQJO •.-I ..... 1-1 Q) C) ..... s:: 1-1 Q) .--< ..CCJ:lCIJ 1'!:1 QJUCJ:l::E: 0.. CJ:l 0 p::: <X: CIJ ·.-! 0 CJ:l 0.. (.) I I I ::<:: I I I X X X X X X X X X X X X X X .. - X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X x X X X X x.· • X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Detailed informaticn regarding these techniques and Key to Site Selection Data Summary, Table 3.1 i I Forest Reiions of New York State A -Adiron)dack B -Tug Hiill C -St. Lahr~mce-Champlain D -Lake Pla1n E -Appa_lachian Highlands F -Catski~l G -Mohawk~Hudson H -New England Highlands I -Long Island I i Physiographic Regions of New York State l L Lowland Areas Ll -Champlain Valley L2 -St. Lawrence Valley L3 -Hudson Valley L4 -Mohawk Valley L5 -Erie Ontario Plain L6 -Black: River Valley L7 -Long Island Coastal Plain Soil Associiation Soils H -Highland Areas Hl -Adirondack Highlands H2 -Tug Hill Plateau H3 -Allegheny Plateau H4 -Catskill Mountains H5 -New England Uplands Order & Sub-order 1. 2. 3. 4 . 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Adams-Colton Adam~-Croghan-Saugatuck-Scarboro Adams-Walpole A3 13 13S S2 S2S Alfisols -Udalfs Inceptisols -Ochrept Inceptisols -Ochrept Spodosols -Orthods Spodosols -Orthods 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Camrpden-Marcy Canaan-Rock Outcrop Colonie-Elnora-Minoa Farmington Fulton-Toledo Gloucester-Essex-Rockland Hermbn-Becket-Rockla~d Honeoye-Lima Lackawanna-Oquaga-Wellsboro Lords town Lords town-Mardin Lordstown-Volusia-Mardin Rocliliway-Chatfield Rockland Rockland-Chatfield Rough Mountain Land Soduk-Ira Sodus-Ira-Scriba Ston~ Land Troy~Cossayuna Volupia-Lordstown Wortp-Empeyville I stream aspect stand xer~c The compass direction of stream flow. The concrete representative of a plant community in nature. Pertaining or adapted to a dry environment, drain- age excessive. 3-15 Table 3.2. Three major game species 1n the vicinity of the 22 project sites locations. Major Game Species ,... +J Q) •r-1 Q) ,..0 Cl ,..0 C'il Q) "0 ..::: Q) (/) Q) ,... ::I r-1 r-1 C'il 0 •r-1 •r-1 :::t:: ,... Number and Name of ROW Location C'il +J C'il r-1 c.!l .!G +J ~ +J bO Q) u +J ~ I C'il ~ ~ ,... "0 0 C'il ,... :>.. 0 Q) (/) 0 •r-1 ,... Q) u ,... Q) Q) 0 -+J C'il +J :>.. •r-1 ~ "0 .!G :> .!G u •r-1 Q) +J ,... ::I ~ 0 (/) C'il ,... u li ..r:: 0 C'il 0" ::I 0 ::I Q) ::I C'il P-t C,) :> Cl) ..::: ::s: ::;::: j:Q E-1 ..::: Site 1 Sprainbrook to Eastview X X X Site 2· Ramapo to Hudson River (PJM-\Vest) X X X Site 3 Southern Tier Line 77 X X X Site 4 Hillburn to Shoemaker X X X Site 5 Poughkeepsie to Ohioville X X X Site 6 Porter to Rotterdam X X X , Site 7 Gilboa to New Scotland X X X Site 8 Hancock to Stilesville X X X Site 9 Hillside to Oakdale X X X Site 10 Falconer to Homer Hill XI X X Site 11 Station 82 to Station 162 X X X Site 12 Lockport to Solvay X X X Site 13 Station 121-13A X X X Site 14 Oswego to Volney X X X Site 15 Oswego to Clay /14 X X X Site 16 National Lead Line X X X Site 17 Lyon Mountain to Saranac X X X Site 18 Moses to Plattsburg X X Site 19 Moses to Adirondack X X X Site 20 Adirondack to Porter X X X Site 21 Fitzpatrick to Edic X X X Site 22 Gardenville to Dunkirk X X 3-16 Q) bO "0 ·r-1 ,... +J ,... C'il P-t ~ C'il •r-1 ,... C'il bO ~ ::I :::t:: X 11 SITE LEGEND ----- SPRAINBROOK TO EASTVIEW 2 RAMAPO TO HUDSON RIVER (PJM..WEST) 3 SOUTHERN TIER LINEn 4 HILLBURN TO SHOEMAKER 5 POUGHKEEPSIE TO OHIOVILLE 6 PORTER TO ROTTERDAM 7 GILBOA TO NEW SCOTLAND 8 HANCOCK TO STILESVILLE 9 HILLSIDE TO OAKDALE 10 FALCONER TO HOMER HILL 11 STATION 82 TO STATION 162 12 LOCKPORTTOSOLVAY 13 STATION 121 TO STATION 13A 14 OSWEGO TO VOLNEY 15 OSWEGO TO CLAY #4 16 NATIONAL LEAD LINE 17 LYON MOUNTAIN TO SARANAC "18 MOSES TO PLATTSBURG 19 MOSES TO ADIRONDACK 20 ADIRONDACK TO PORTER 21 FITZPATRICK TO EDIC 22 GARDENVILLE TO DUNKIRK FOREST REGIONS [;;)A. ADIRONDACK RED SPRUCE AND BALSAM FIR ARE PLENTIFUL. ALSO PRESENT ARE SUGAR MAPLE, YELLOW BIRCH, BEECH, WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK, ASPEN, POPLAR AND PAPER BIRCH. LOWLAND SWAMPS SUPPORT BLACK SPRUCE AND TAMARACK. Iii B. TUG HILL THE PRINCIPAL TREES IN CUTOVER WOODLOTS ARE SUGAR MAPLE, YELLOW BIRCH, AND BEECH. COMMON, TOO, ARE ASPEN, RED MAPLE, AND BLACK CHERRY. RED SPRUCE AND BALSAM FIR ARE RESTRICTED TO POORLY DRAINED LAND WHERE HARDWOODS OFFER LITTLE COMPETITION. ~ C. ST. LAWRENCE ·CHAMPLAIN SUGAR MAPLE AND BEECH ARE FOUND IN ALL SECTIONS. WHITE PINE IS COMMON ON THE CHAMPLAIN VALLEY; ELM, RED MAPLE AND HEMLOCK GROW IN BOTTOMLANDS THROUGHOUT THE AREA. CEDAR IS PLENTIFUL IN NOTHERN FI:'ANKLIN COUNTY AMi ON LIMESTONE OUTCROI'I'INGS IN ALL SECTIONS. GRAY BIRCH AND ASPEN ARE ALSO PRESENT, BUT ARE USUALLY SMALL. mJ D. LAKE PLAIN ELM AND RED MAPLE ARE ABUNDANT. ON BETTER DRAINED LANDS, BEECH. BASSWOOD, WHITE ASH, ·SUGAR MAPLE, HICKORY, HEMLOCK. TUUI' POPLAR AND BLACK WALNUT ARE FOUND. ~ E. APPALACHIAN HIGHLANDS THE WOODLOTS CONSIST IIAINL Y OF BEECH, SUGAR MAPLE, 1~. WHITE ASH, AND ILACK CHERRY. WITH 10TH RED AND WHITE OAK ON THE DRIER SLOPES. l\\\1 F. CATSKILL BEECH. IU8AIIIMI'LE, .. TE ASH. AND ILACK atERRY I'REI a I IlliTE WITH ~IICIAL · •ze YELLOW .liCit AT THE HMIHER ELEV~}loM.. .. TE .... 1 ... 8CK. AND OAK ARE l'ltUI!IItT IN ICATTEREO I'OCitElS; RED JI'IIUCE ..._ AT·THE HMIHER ELEVA-no. tii"UU..sn:R AND fHIEEN CIOU'IllES. Fig.3.1 Forest regions of New York State 3~17 18 fZl G. MOHAWK · HUDSON THE WOODLOTS ARE GENERALLY IN POOR CONDITION BECAUSE OF OVERCUTTING. TREES MOST LIKELY TO BE ENCOUNTERED ARE BEECH. YELLOW BIRCH, SUGAR MAPLE, RED MAPLE , WHITE ASH, WHITE PINE, BASSWOOD, PAPER BIRCH, BLACK BIRCH, BLACK CHERRY, HEMLOCK, RED AND WHITE OAK, AND ELM. • H. NEW ENGLAND HIGHLAN~S OAKS ARE PREVALENT; OTHERWISE, THE KINDS OF TREES ARE LARGELY THE SAME AS IN "G". SPRUCE AND BALSAM FIR ARE PRESENT IN THE NORTH. §:) I. LONG ISLAND OAK IS THE PREDOMINANT TYPE OF FOREST. I'ITCH PINE, THE PRINCIPAL CONIFER, GROWS CHIEFLY IN •xTURE wtTH RED AND WHITE OAKS. ALTHOUGH IT IS FOUtiiD IN A FEW PLACES IN PURE STANDS. MUCH OF THE FOREST IS SCRUBBY BECAUSE OF POOR SOILS. LIGHT ~R PRECII'ITATION, CONSTANT DESICCATING WINOS, AND FREQUENT FIRES. mui!CE: SYOUf,IIBt. L ATLMOF-,_ II ASPLUNDH ENVIRONMENTAl SERVICF~~ • ~~~\~_n.., J'I(J'~, L . Lowland· Areas • L1-Champlain Valley L2-St. Lawrence Valley L3-Hudson Valley L4-Mohawk Valley L5-Erie -Ontario Plain L6-Black River Valley L7-Long Island Coastal Plain H Highland Areas H1-Adirondack Highlands H2-Tug Hill Plateau H3-Allegheny Plateau H4-Catskill Mountains H5-New England Uplands SOURCE CLINE, 1970 Fig. 3.2 Physiographic areas of New York State ALFISOLS .... Soils with gray to brown surface horizons, medium to high base supply, and subsurface horizons of clay accumulation; usually moist but may be dry during warm season A3-UDALFS (temperate or warm, and moist) gently or moderately sloping·,!mostly farmed, corn, soybeans, small grain, and pasture (Gray-Brown Podzolic soils) I NCEPTISOLS .... Soils that are usually moist, with pedogenic horizons of alteration of parent' materials but not of accumulation 13 -OCHREPTS (with thin or light-colored surface surface horizons and little organic matter) gently to moderately sloping;· mostly Alluvial soils) 13S· · PCHREPTS gently sloping to steep; woodland, pasture, small grains SPODOSOLS ... Soils with accumulations of amorphous materials in subsurface horizons S2-ORTHODS (\(Vith subsurface accumulations-of iron, aluminum, and organic matter) gently to moderately sloping~ woodland, pasture, small grains, special crops (Podzols, Brown Podzolic soils) S2S-ORTHODS steep; mostly woodland SOURCE 52 BUCKMAN AND BRADy, 1969 Fig.3.3'Major soil orders and suborders of New York _State 3-18 j Ls-Dominantly limestone Ls & Sh -Alternating limestone and shale formation, .mainly calcareous Sh -Dominantly shale Ss -Dominantly sandstone Ss & Sh -Interbedded sandstone and shale Sl Dominantly slate and schist G Dominantly granitic rocks U Deep unconsolidated deposits Fig.3.41mportant bedrock areas of New York State 3-19 SOURCE CLINE, 1970 4 Individual Case Studies of Sites .The individual case studies qf the 22 sites in New York are contained ~n Volumes 2 and 3 of this report. Listed below according to the volume ~n which they are located are the site numbers and names of these sites. VOLUME 2 Site 1 Sprainbrook to Eastview Site 2 Ramapo to Hudson River (PJM-West) Site 3 Southe~n Tier Line 77 Site 4 Hillburn to Shoemaker Site 5 Poughkeepsie to Ohioville Site 6 Porter to Rotterdam Site 7 Gilboa to New Scotland Site 8 Hancock to Stilesville Site 9 Hillside to Oakdale Site 10 Falconer to Homer Hill Site 11 Station 82 to Station. 162 VOLUME 3 Site 12 Lockport to Solvay Site 13 Station 121 to Station 13A Site 14 Oswego to Volney· Site 15 Oswego to Clay #4 Site 16 National Lead Line Site 17 Lyon Mountain to Saranac Site 18 Moses to Plattsburg Site 19 Moses to Adirondack Site 20 Adirondack to Porter Site 21 Fitzpatrick to Edic Site 22 Gardenville to Dunkirk 4-1 5 Special Studies 5.1 Response of Forest-grown Hemlock to Topping on Selectively- cleared Electric Transmission Line Corridors During the past decade selective clearing of electric power line corridors has become an increasingly common practice. Partial clear- ing softens the visual impact of corridor establishment and manage- ment. This concept basically entails removal of only those trees, or portions of trees, which interfere now, or will interfere in the future, with safe and uninterrupted electric current transmission, and with erection and inspection of towers and conductors. In selective clearing many trees are topped rather than completely removed, If the amount of tree crown removed during topping is determined only by the distance from the electric transmission wires rather than by biological considerations of a specific tree's condition or probable reaction to such treatment, then some trees may be topped too severely, even to the point of removing the major photosynthetic area of their crowns. It should be pointed out that tree topping for transmission line construction is not normally comparable to the trimming so commonly done in urban areas ?long electric distribution lines. Street shade trees have developed under open conditions, and have large, deep crowns. During each successive trimming of shade trees a relatively small por- tion of the total crown area is removed. Where transmission line cor- ridors penetrate established forests, however, individual trees are closely spaced, and the entire crown area of each tree is restricted to a small percent of the total tree height. Forest-grown trees usu- ally have less than 40% of their total height in crown; many have a smaller crown ratiol. Thus, topping may result in removing a signi- ficant percent of the most active photosynthetic surface of a tree. Topped forest-grown trees respond in a number of ways after such treat- ment. They may die back from the top and expire quickly, remain in a static condition with little immediate change in crown area, or sprout from dormant buds and rapidly restore much of their former crown area. This study was designed ·to determine: L The response of hemlocks to topping; 2. What percentage of the live crown of hemlock can be re- moved before vigor is seriously reduced and decline sets in; and 3. Guidelines for topping hemlocks to identify which indivi- duals can be topped with little serious effect on vigor, and when topping results in decline and mortality justi- fying immediate removal of such trees at the time of cor- ridor establishment. 5.1.1 Location of Study Area The selectively-cleared and topped Rmv area used for this resear~h is along the Ramapo to Hudson River transmission line (site 2) established by Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc., in 1971. This is a 1 Crown ratio is the "length of the tree crown/total tree height" expressed as a percent. 5-1 . I 345 kV line. At the time of clearing all vegetation within 18 feet of the electric wires were felled or topped. Th~study area occupies a southeast-facing slope. The stand formerly occupying the ROW area consisted of white oak, red oak, and hickory with tulip-poplar, white ash, and sweet birch as associates. Hemlock becomes an increasingly abundant component on the lower- third slope and on the alluvial soils along a stream drainage, approx- imately 1,000 feet from the Ramapo substation. During construction of this section of the ROW many trees were completely removed, but 24 hemlocks along an 800-foot length of this corridor were left. Twenty of these had been topped. After ROW ciearing, the increased sunlight had allowed such understory shrubs as sweet-fern, willows, maple-leaved viburnum, and mountain-laurel to gain vigor, and to occupy increasing areas of this corridor. Grasses, sedges, and various herbs have become established bet,..:reen these shrubs. Open and eroding soil is rare on this section of the corridor except on excessively steep grades near tower sites and along the steeper sections of the access road where sheet and gul- ly erosion is active. The study area on this transmission corridor follows a northwest- southeast course. 5.1.2 Field Procedure During July, 1975, topped hemlocks on the ROW area were selected for study. Trees that had been subjected to excessive soil disturbance due to corridor construction, or those where fill had been deposited over their root area during road construction, were not included among the sample trees, since it was determined that these activities had had a greater impact on tree vigor than that of topping. The following measurements were made on topped hemlocks: diameter breast high (4.5 feet), height to lowest live branch, and height to point of topping. In addition, a vigor rating was assigned to each tree: 0, dead; 1, ~oor; 2, average; and 3, high. In the immediately adjacent woods at points where the site index was determined to be the same as that on the power line corridor, 20 hemlocks, representing the same range of diameter classes as the line study trees, were selected for controls. These trees were located 30 feet or more from the corridor edge. For these controls the follow- ing measurement.s were made: diameter breast h~gh, total height, height to lowest live branch, relative crown position· , and vigor rating. 5.1.3 Analysis of Data Using the control tree data, regression analysis was used to es- tablish the relationship between diameter and total height. Preliminary 2 Dominant: Trees with crowns extending above the general level of the crown canopy and receiving full light from above and partly from the sides. Codominant: Trees with crowns forming the general level of the crown cover and receiving full light from above but comparatively little side light. Intermediate: Trees shorter than those in the 2 preceding classes; crowns extend into the cover formed by the codominant and dominant trees, but receive little direct light from above and none from the sides .. 5-2 plotting of these data indicated this to be a straight-line relation- ship within the diameter range included in this study. This regression equation, significant at the 5% level, is as follows: Y = 44.580 + 0.532 D where: Y tree height in feet, and D diameter breast high in inches. From this equation an estimate of the original (1971) heights of each of the topped tr"ees was calculated. Using the 1971 height of these trees, and the height to the lmvest live branch, the original length of live crown for each of the line study trees was established. After preliminary plotting of those parameters (independent var-· iables) with present vigor (dependent variable) to determine which var- iable or variables would best predict the vigor which could be antici- pated 4 years after trees of various crown positions had been subjected to crown removals of various intensities, the following regression equa- tions were calculated: where: (1) y (2) y 0.934 + 0.929 + p o-.o7o R p2 o.o32 "R Y present vigor rating, P crown position prior to topping, and R portion of crown removed in topping, expressed as a decimal. Equation 2, significant at the 5% level, gives the closest cor- relation between crown position, percent crown removal, and present vi- gor. From this equation Table 5.1 was calculated to indicate expected vigor 4 growing seasons after hemlocks have been topped. 5.1.4 Discussion In this analysis it became apparent that the relative crown po- sition of a hemlock prior to topping was the most important factor in determining the tree's response to topping. Dominant trees, those with large vigorous crowns, still retained good or average vigor after crown removal of up to 30%. Codominant and intermediate trees withstood lighter topping, 20% of crown removed,' without serious loss of vigor. All topping operations, however, where 50% or more of the live crown was removed, resulted in drastic reductions in vigor. Recent field inspection of successful long-term topping operations on electric corridors managed by Philadelphia Electric Company sub- stantiate the results of this analysis. This Company's policy is to leave 2/3' s of the crown when topping vigorou,s trees. Trees that require more severe topping, to provide safe and uninterrupted electric current transmission, were completely removed, as vigor decline and mortality were certain. 5-3 ,i The comparatively high vigor ratings for trees which had 10%. of their crown length removed by topping (Table 5.1) may reflect the res- ponse of•these hemlocks to greater sunlight after the release provided by selective clearing of this corridor. The narrow width of this cor- ridor and the compass direction followed by this line did not provide full sunlight for these hemlocks following selective clearing. How- ever, hemlocks generally respond better to partial release than to sudden exposure to full sunlight. Field observations on power line corridors in New York State (see Sec. 5.2) indicate that the degree of disturbance around_trees left during selective clearing operations is a decisive factor influencing subsequent vigor. Where mechanical skidding operations have disturbed much of the surface soil around "leave trees," these trees generally decline rapidly even when not subjected to topping. Where the original ground level around a tree is raised by deposition of soil, decline and mor- tality arealso common. Much vigor decline and mortality on selectively- cleared corridors can be attributed to destruction of surface roots, soil compaction, and smothering, even where topping practices have been conservative. In topping trees, the cut should be made immediately above a strong branch. During this study it was observed that when this rule was not followed the tree bole often died back to the closest live branch. Such dead stubs provide a point of entry to heartwood-rotting fungi. 5.1.5 Summary Hemlocks with dominant crown positions, those with deep full crowns which receive both top light and side light, can withstand heavier top- ping than trees of lower crown positions (codominants and intermediates). Dominant hemlocks can withstand removal of up to 30% of their crown length without seriously impairing vigor. Codominants and intermediates can with$tand lighter topping, with no more than 20% crown removal. In selective clearing of electric corridors, even where trees are not subjected to tcpping, great care must be taken not to disturb the soil surface and alter the ground level beneath "leave trees" since this results in breakage and smothering of surface roots, major factors in vigor decline and eventual mortality. Topping to a strong live branch avoids top die back, and thus re- duces the danger of attack by heartwood-rotting fungi. 5.2 Condition and Vigor of Edge Trees Exposed by Clearing: Circular Openings for Tower Construction 5.2.1 Purpose Forest-grown trees· are subjected to radical environmental changes when suddenly exposed to complete sunlight and other site alterations by the construction of ROW corridors. Similar exposure also results on selectively-cleared ROW's when clear-cut openings are created for tower structures. Where electric transmission facilities penetrate forest land, edge trees which have developed in closed stands with the protec- tion of neighboring trees are suddenly exposed to greater sunlight on 1 side of their bole and crown area. They are also subjected to changes 5-4 in wind velocity and direction, and lose the_protection of neighbor- ing tree crowns which provide support when subject to the weight of heavy snow and glaze. Clearings for electric corridors result in immediate environmental change, allowing not time ·for adapt ion, which might occur when neighbor- ing trees are removed gradually over many years. Dead and dying trees, occasionally encountered along transmission line corridor edges, have often declined from exposure, not from ROW maintenance practices, even though maintenance methods, including herbicide drift, are often blamed for this mortality. The purposes of"this study were to determine: (1) Those tree species which are most susceptible to decline and mortality following exposure; (2) The direction of exposure which has the most deleterious effect; (3) The causes of edge tree decline; (4) The extent of mechanical damage caused by clearing opera- . tions. 5.2.2 Description and History of Study Area The 3 circular tower-site openings used for this study are located on the Gilboa to New Scotland 345 kV transmission line, which was con- structed by the Power Authority of the State of New York. These study areas surround towers 1/6, 1/7, and 1/8 on land adjacent to the Blenheim- Gilboa Pumped Storage Power Project in Schoharie and Greene counties in the Allegheny Plateau (Cline, 1970). These tower openings vary from 0.72 to 1.0 acre in area. The Hemlock-Northern Hardwoods forest type, comprised of beech, hem- lock, sugar-maple, with white ash, yellow birch, red maple,and American hop-hornbeam as associates, is the most widespread forest cover in this locality. The stand in which the tower openings were place is real- tively evenaged, with the upper canopy trees approximately 70 years old. Lower-crown-class and understory trees were usually the same age as the overstory, except for scattered younger shade-tolerant trees, such as sugar-maple, beech, and hemlock, that had seeded-in more recentJy. The tower openings used for this study were cleared during the fall of 1970 and the spring of 1971. All trees and brush over 3 feet tall, cut from these openings, were removed from the site or hurned. There was no evidence of bark scorch from slash fires on any of the edge trees. Brush, trees, and stumps were cut as close to .the ground as practicable, and never exceeded 6 inches above ground level. Stumps were treated with a basal spray of low volatile picolinic acid and 2,4,5-T ester in an oil carrier. The open soil was then seeded. 5.2.3 Field Measurement Procedures For each tower site opening a map was constructed on polar coor- dinate paper showing the location of each edge tree from the plot cen- ter. In plotting the location of each tree from this center a compass bearing was determined and the distance was measured to the nearest foot For each tree the species, diameter breast high (d.b.h., nearest 0.1 inch). 5-5 total height (nearest 1 foot), and relative crown position were recorded. In addition, the extent of mechanical damage, sunscald, and root exposure were obt;ined. General tree vigor was gauged on the basis of crown structure, compactness and density of crown, and presence or absence of dead and dying branches. Mechanical damage was (Fig. 5.1.1) recorded for that portion of the tree bole facing the opening. This damage included scraping of bark and wood by heavy equipment, and other man-caused damage that would result in an entrance court for fungi or insects. The number of such damages per tree was determined whether or not the wounds were in the process of healing. Sunscald (Figs. 5.1.2 and 5.1.3) was recorded based on the number of such wounds on the tree trunks. Sunscald was differentiated from mechanical damage by the location on the bole, and the absence of sharp indentations or tears in the bark or wood. The number of exposed roots (Fig. 5.1.4) was counted for each edge tree. Exposed roots were tallied only if there was evidence of damage and decline to the root as a result of exposure. Where partially exposed roots were live and healthy, and retained their bark, they were not in- cluded in the "exposed root" category. Vigor of edge trees was rated on a scale of 0 through 5. A 0 rat- ing was given to trees that had died since the~tower opening had been made; 1 represented poor vigor; 2, below average vigor; 3, average vigor; 4; above average vigor; and 5, high vigor. 5.2.4 Analysis of Results A total of 255 edge trees were studied along the margins of these 3 openings. In tabulating these data, edge trees from all 3 openings were grouped tog-ether. Sixteen tree species were represented in this tally ETable 5.2.) Hemlock, beech,' red maple, sugar-maple, and American hop-hornbeam made up the majority of these trees. Some species occurred only once, includ- ing yellow birch, aspen~ serviceberry, chestnut, and bitternut hickory. These were included in the tabulations to give a more complete picture of stand composition. The variation in number of edge trees for dif- ferent locations is due to access roads. These reduced the number of edge trees on the east-southeast, southeast-south, and west-northwest positions. Table 5.3 gives the number of trees by species which have one or more exposed roots for various locations surrounding the tower site openings. This table also includes the total number of trees in each location by species, for comparison. Table 5.4 presents the average number of exposed roots per edge tree by species and tree location. Table 5.5 shows the number of edge'trees with mechanical damage. This damage was primarily from heavy equipment used at the time the opening was established. Table 5.6 gives average vigor ratings for all tree species based on a scale of 0 to 5. Percent of trees with sunscald, the most prevalent damage next to mechanical injury, is given in Table 5.7. The 2 most sensitive species, beech and hemlock, have been further separated into diameter distribu- tions in Tables 5.8 and 5.9, respectively. 5-6 5.2.5 Discussion Root Exposure Root exposure of edge trees from loss of the litter layer due to increased solar radiation reaching the ground surface was most severe on the north, through east to south margins of these openings (Tables 5.3 and 5.4). Since this edge of the opening receives the hot afternoon sun, the increased temperature and lower moisture content from rapid evaporation causes the ;null humus. litter layer 1 typical of northern forests, to gradually disintegrate, resulting in the ex- posure of superficial roots. It was observed that the litter layer on this portion of the clear- ing had disappeared, .or remained only as a dark brown, powder-like cover. This condition on the north through east edge of the tower opening ex- tended several feet back into the forest stand. Such shallow-rooted species as beech, hemlock, sugar-maple, and red maple (Tables 5.3 and ,5.4) were affected by this loss of litter, grad- ually exposing the upper root surface, resulting in the death of many important surface roots. Invasion of these marginal areas by herbaceous plants, as the litter disappears, takes place slowly, teaberry being conspicuous in this initial invasion. The decaying humus layer evidently is a poor medium for seedling establishment, since plant invasion is delayed for 4 years or longer. This is probably due to the low moisture- holding capacity of this decaying organic layer which makes it difficult for new seedlings to survive unless their roots can penetrate to mineral soil. This forest stand, prior to the time the clearings were established, contained only a sparse understory of shrubs and herbs due to the heavy shade from the hemlock, beech, and other dense-crowned species. Thus, after the openings were cleared there was only a sparse nucleus of shrubs present along the clearing margin to protect the litter from direct sunlight. Mechanical Damage Mechanical damage showed no definite trends re- lated to position on ROW clearing, as might be expected (Table 5.5). In general, those species with thin bark are most subject to mechanical dam- age· from contact with heavy equipment. These include beech, red maple, American hop-hornbeam, aspen, and white birch. A high incidence of mech- anical damage was noted where access roads entered these tower site open- ings. Vigor Ratings Vigor ratings indicate that many trees which sustained root damage and Bunscald had not, as yet, started to decline as a result of root and bole damage (Table 5.6). Vigor ratings on the northern and eastern edges were higher than those for other opening positions, even though northern and eastern edges had higher indices of sunscald and root exposure. Observations on decline from sunscald and root exposure in other parts of the Northeast indicate that these damages result in entrance points for fungi and that decline often follows 10 to 20 years after ex- posure of edge trees. The higher vigor ratings of_ the north-and east- edge trees at present can be explained by the increased amount of 5-7 I I I i' direct solar radiation received by these trees, allowing greater photo- synthetic activity and retention of lower branches on the face of the trunk towards the opening. Beech and sugar-maple had particularly high vigor ratings. These species are noted for their shade tolerance and rapid recovery of vigor when exposed to increasing amounts of light. The low vigor ratings for white and sweet birch is due to the lower crown position occupied by these trees prior to the time these openings were made, and their inability to respond to release. Sunscald Sunscald was most prevalent ori the west through north to east margins of these openings, with the highest incidence on the north-northeast section (Table 5.7). Species most heavily affected by sunscald were beech, red maple, red oak, and hemlock. Although the samples of aspen and basswood were small, these species are susceptible to sunscald in other sections of the United States. American hop-horn- beam, white ash, and sugar-maple did not appear subject to sunscald damage. Sunscald was common on all beech below 12 inches d.b.h., and was particularly prevalent on beech 8 to 12 inches in diameter (Table 5.8). Beech of these diameter classes were lower-crown-class trees in this evenaged stand prior to the time the circular tower openings were made, and thus were not subject to any direct sunlight on their boles and branches until exposed by the tower clearing. s·unscald seemed equally abundant on hemlocks of all diameter classes, with those in the 6 to 8 inch d.b.h. class most heavily af- fected (Table 5.9). 5.3 Direct Seeding Study With the widespread use of direct seeding along highways and for re-vegetating coal strip mines, many plant species have been identified which give quick cover on exposed soil, often under adverse growing con- ditions. With this increased knowledge of species and seeding mixtures, new techniques and equipment, including hydro-seeders, mulching agents, and fertilizer additives, have been developed. These have all contri- buted to establishing quick cover, even of compact soil or excessively steep slopes ..• Large scale seeding of disturbed soils following electric trans- mission corridor construction is a relatively new field. ROW managers, of necessity, have had to rely heavily on information, techniques, and experience of state highway department personnel and the Soil Conser- vation Service for proper seed and slurry mixes and application methods. Although many of the problems encountered by highway departments are similar to those of electric corridors, power line ROH's do present some unique aspects. Among these are extreme soil compaction around tower sites, limited-use access roads which often traverse steep grades, and the relative inaccessibility of remote sections of these corridors, restricting the feasibility of periodic future maintenance (Fig. 5.1.5). Observations were made on the success of direct seeding for 4 transmission line corridors to determine the 9uccess of several direct seeding methods under a variety of environmerttal conditions; to deter- 5-8 ~; mine which plant species give satisfactory survival; and to determine where natural plant invasion might have effectively·covered bare soil, thus eliminating the need for costly seeding. 5.3.1 Seeding Methods A description of the 4 study areas and direct seeding methods employed is as follows: Site 2 Ramapo to Hudson River (PJM-West) This corridor was cleared during the winter of 1970-71, using selective clearing with topping or complete tree removal, as needed. During the clearing operation sawlogs were stacked at the RQW margin and brush was burned on site. In the fall of 1972, open soil, primarily along construction roads and at tower sites, was seeded using a hydro-seeder. At 2 of the tower sites included in this study (towers 4 and 5) the following shrub-seed mixture was used: Perennial rye•grass Chewings fescue Common rye grass White clover Smooth sumac Stag horn-sumac Scotch broom White pine Sweet-fern Silky dogwood Mountain-laurel 40 pounds 40 25 7 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 '125 pounds per acre Seeding specifications called for the following additives to the slurry: Lime - 2 tons ground agricultural limestone or 500 to 700 pounds of high magnesium hot lime; Fertilizer -1,000 pounds of 10-10-10 500 pounds of dehydrated manure (2~1-1) or 500 pounds of organic humus builder; Mulch-1,500 pounds of wood fiber. At tower sites 2 and 3 a slightly different seed mixture was em- ployed. This included the following species: Chewings fescue 40 pounds Perennial rye~grass 30 Kentucky 31 25 White clover 7 Fragrant sumac 1 Smooth sumac 1 Scotch broom 1 White pine 1 Scotch pine 1 107 pounds per acre 5-9 II! I I I I I I I' li: :1l •I I Seeding specifications called for the following additives to the slurry: • Lime -ground agricultural limestone, 4,000 pounds; Fertilizer -10-10-10 at 1,000 pounds, dehydrated manure (2-1-1) at 500 pounds or organic humus builder; Mulch -Wood cellulose fiber or a suitable substitute, 1,500 ·pounds The above were mixed in water in proportionate amounts and the re- sultant slurry was then sprayed with a hydro-mulcher at a pressure of 300-350 PSI to provide an equally-distributed coverage of all disturbed areaso The total rate of application was 107 pounds of shrub-seed, 400 pounds of lime, 1,000 pounds of fertilizer, 500 pounds of dehydrated manure or humus builder, and 1,500 pounds of mulch per acre. All direct seeding was done under the supervision of the company forester. Site 14 Oswego to Volney The section of this line area under study was selectively cleared in 1974. Open areas were seeded in early 1975. Perennial rye-grass, at the rate of 5 pounds per 1,000 square feet, was used on most of the e~posed soils around tower sites. Along water bars white clover and perennial rye-grass (40%-60%) was applied. at the same rate. Site 21 Fitzpatrick to Edic This line corridor was cleared in June-July, 1971. All trees were removed and slash was burned on site or chipped. Around tower and work sites restoration and seeding was done in July and August, 1973, using a hand cyclone seeder. The following mixture was used: Creeping red fescue Perennial rye-grass vJhite clover 35 pounds 10 5 50 pounds Site 7 Gilboa to New Scotland Line Three tower sites in the vicinity of the Blenheim-Gilboa Pumped Storage Power Project were used for observing success of direct seeding operations. These tower open- ings vary from 0.7 to 1.0 acre in area, and were cleared during the winter, 1970, and spring, 1971. Brush, tree~ and stumps were cut close to the ground and stumps were treated with a basal spray of Tordon 155 in an oil carrier. During the late spring, 1971, these openings were seeded with 5 pounds of perennial rye-grass seed per 1,000 square feet, covering all open soil. 5.3.2 Observations and Discussion Site 2 Ramapo to Hudson River Line, Towers 4 and 5 (Tables 5.10 and 5 .• 11) These tower areas are located on a southwest-facing slope, and classify as mesic sites. The ground surface around these towers was drastically altered during corridor construction to provide level areas for the tower footings. On 2 sides of these towers steep slopes are present where cutting was necessary. The large amount of cut and fill required 5-10 to construct these tower sites resulted in loss o.f the original topsoil, and excessive compaction of much of the present surface soil. Chewings fescue is the major vegetation surviving from the seeding operation. After 4 growing seasons this grass still dominates the vegetation. On level portions of this clearing this fescue forms dense stands. As the slope increases, the density of these grass communities decreases, and on the steepest portions little or no Chewings fescue survives. Common rye grass is no longer present in the tmfer areas, but probably formed an important cover during the first year, giving vmy to· the more aggressive Chewings fescue during the second growing seasono The quick germination of this rye grass was probably beneficial.during the first growing season in preventing erosion and in stabilizing the soil, facilitating the invasion and establishment of other species" It is not clear why perennial rye grass has not persisted here, but many strains of this grass, now available, die out after the third or fourth year. This grass is considered an undesirable grass in many states. Crown-vetch, although not included in the seeding specifications, occurs at scattered points around these towers, and the 1975 and 1976 field observations indicate that this legume is spreading. The seed source for this cover was probably from the seeding mixture, as vetch seed likely occurred in the seeding equipment from previous seeding op- erations. Sweet-fern is abundant on both tower sites, and appears to be spread- ing rapidly. This shrub will become a dominant species within the next decade. Some of these plants may have come from the seeding operation, but this native shrub is locally abundant, and much of the sweet-fern on the study area no doubt came from broken roots in the soil during bulldozing, or from seed from nearby native shrubs. There is no trace of the sumacs, Scotch broom, Scotch pine, white pine, or mountain-laurel. Some silky dogwood, no doubt of direct seed- ing origin, occurs around tower 5. The open bank circling part of tower 4 (where the slope in places exceeds 60%) is still eroding (Fig. 5.1.6), although healing is taking place from the edges and from stabilized centers in the middle of the slone. In- vasion along the margins is primarily by root spread. Sweet-fern, · whorled loosestrife, and various grasses are extending their root sys- tems into this bare soil. Many of the stabilized centers in the inter- ior of this eroding area have developed where undermined clods of soil and vegetation from the level ground above have broken off, moved down the slope, and then lodged and rooted. Sweet-fern and whorled loose- strife are notable plants in this method of healing. Site 2 Ramapo to Hudson River Line, Towers 2 and 3 (Tables 5.12 and 5.13 These tower areas are located on a more gentle slope than the 2 areas discussed previously; thus less site modification was needed to prepare the tower areas. Leveling operations exposed several large ledges with- in the tower area. Small rocks and boulders also protrude through the soil. These outcropings account for the 85 and 90% vegetation density ratings, respectively, assigned to these plots. Actually complete vege- tative cover occurs on these tower areas except for rock outcrops. There is also some open soil where tires of maintenance vehicles have compacted the ground on the service road. 5-11 ·.·.1'1! ! I ' 'II I ! I I ill 1' .. ' ,11''1 'il ~1 1 I I Kentucky 31 and Chewings fescue are the dominant plant cover, al- though several native grasses and herbs are slowly invading. Most con- spicuouil of these invaders are panic-grass and broom-sedge. There is no trace of the perennial rye-grass, sumac, Scotch broom, Scotch pine, and white pine from the original seeding mixture. Silky dogwood and white clover are present, scattered through the grass cover, and are no doubt of direct-seeding origin. The variable density of the Kentucky 31 and Chewings fescue com- munities throughout the study areas reflects differences in soil com- paction and ston~ content at or immediately beneath the soil surface. Site 14 Oswego to Volney Line, Tower 56 (Table 5.14) Tower 56 is located ·on a hydric site. No seeding was done in this area since the level terrain did not require grading, and thus little soil was dis- turbed during tower construction. After removal of the overhead tree canopy, the area was invaded quickly by a variety of wet-site herbs (Fig. 5.1.6), with sedges and rushes most abundant. These were inter- spersed with sensitive fern, virgin' s-hower, boneset, and Canadian St. John's-wort. No service road passes through this tower area, leaving the herbaceous cover undisturbed. Percent vegetative cover is 100%. The common elderberry and speckled alder sprouts have persisted from the understory of the previous stand. This area was not seeded after tov1er construction. The small amount of soil disturbance and the existing shrub and herb cover indicated that natural vegetation would invade quickly. Site 14 Oswego to Volney Line, Towers 57 and 60 (Tables 5.15 and 5.16) GracFing. of these areas lvas necessary during tower construction. This was followed by seeding with perennial rye-g:tass. Due to the aggressive herbaceous vegetation, no perennial rye perists at present on tower 60. Tower 57, however, is still dominated by this grass. The percent vegetative cover at tower 57 is 80%, and at tower 60 vegetative cover iE lOQ%. Perennial rye-grass on site 57 dominates all areas except where water flowing in a wide intermittent stream channel had washed the seed away prior to germination. Near the tower base, where the soil was. disturbed and compacted, and along a frequently-used access road, rye- grass is also absent. Site 21 Fitzpatrick to Edic Line, Towers 3, 4 and 5 (Tables 5.17, 5.18, and 5.19) Towers 3 and 4 ,are located on wet sites and the present plant cover in the vicinity of these structures is 100%. Due to the relatively level terrain where these towers were placed, a minimum of site alteration was necessary to prepare these areas for tower con- struction. Creeping red fescue is the dominant plant in the tower area, cover- ing between ~ and ~ of the area. None of the perrennial rye-grass remains. Other conspicuous plants in this community include sedges, cat-tail, and horsetail. Although fescue is the most prominent plant on this site, it appears that quick and complete cover would have been obtained even without direct seeding, since the native vegetation on this site prior to line clearing is very aggressive. This and the fact that much of ·the 5-12 surface soil was not disturbed would result in quick and complete vege- tative cover. At tower 5, a mesic site, the percent cover is also 100%. Creeping red fescue is the dominant plant, although woolly panic-grass, sedges, and such perennials as boneset, are conspicuous associates. Some white clover persists where native vegetation is not dense. No perennial rye-grass was observed. Site 7 Gilboa to New Scotland Line, Towers 6,. 7, and 8 _(Tables 5.20, 5.2l,o_and 5.22). These 3 tower areas are located on a southwest- facing slope with a grade of approximately 25%. Although it was not necessary to alter the entire ground surface throughout these tower clearings, bulldozing was used to prov{de access roads and· leveling in the vicinity of tower st-ruct"ures. The most extensive ground disturbance is in the vicinity of tower 6. Spot-seeding with perennial rye-grass was done 5 years prior to this study. It was apparent that seed was sown only where open or com- pact soil occurred. Perennial rye-grass is still a conspicuous plant locally on these areas, comprising as little as 5% of .the cover at tower 8 where little seeding was needed,. to a high of 50-75% of the cover at tower 6. Per- ennial rye-grass has persisted well where seeded except on one steep road bank at tower-7. Here the excessive slope has resulted in erosion, and the shallow soil to bedrock has created adverse conditions for germina- tion and survival. Hair-cap moss and lichens are presently invading this open soil, but at present the rate of healing is slow, and bare soil will be present for several years moreo Where direct seeding was not done, a complex mixture of grasses, ferns and other herbaceous plants now completely occupies the site. Most of these have become established since the tower clearing was made, and few herbaceous plants from the understory of the former forest stand persist. At towers 6, 7 and 8 the percentage of vegeta- tion cover are 95, 90 and 95%, respectively. 5.3.3 Conclusions Direct seeding to stabilize disturbed soil around tower sites and along maintenance roads on 4 electric transmission line areas was gen- erally successful -in providing quick and attractive cover and prevent- ing erosion. Results of mapping and community analysis on these line areas indicate the following: 1. Kentucky 31 is extremely effective in providing attractive cover and rapid soil stabilization even on compacted soils. On slopes of moderate grade this grass persists in dense stands. On steep slopes, however, the cover is less dense, and where the grade exceeds 30%, establishment is poor. 2. Creeping red fescue and Chewings fescue also provide good cover after direct seeding operations. These grasses persist for many years and facilitate the gradual invasion of native vegetation. 3. Although short-lived, common rye grass germinates quickly, and no doubt plays an important role in stabilizing the soil and facilita- ting the establish~ent of other seeded and native plants. Perennial rye- 5-13 ' grass apparently does not persist for more than 3 or 4 years, and where this grass has died out, herbaceous cover may be sparse. 4. ·.After direct seeding, silky dogwood became established in some situations. Seeding of sumacs, Scotch broom, Scotch pine, white pine, and mountain-laurel did not result in establishmento Where sumacs, mountain-laurel,and other woody plants are desired for aesthetic pur- poses or wildlife food, planting of seedlings would be the best policy. 5. Although some direct seeding of sweet-fern was successful, field observations indicated that many centers of this shrub originated from broken roots of sweet-fern that were left throughout the tower site in the bulldozing operation. Research may show that this shrub can be quickly established by planting short segments of roots at regu- lar intervals, particularly on slopes with excessive grade. 6. When practicle~ top~oil from tower sites should be saved and redistributed over the tower area after leveling operations are com- pleted. Much of the surface soil on these study sites had been removed, and the heavy texture of the compacted fill provided extremely adverse growing conditions for both direct seeded species and for quick inva- sion by native plants. In addition, surface soil contains many native seeds that would facilitate quick ground cover. 7. Crown-vetch shows great promise for successfull direct seeding on critical sites of electric ROW's; This aggressive legume was thriving under adverse growing conditions. on the Ramapo-to Hudson River Line. 8. White clover, of value for certain wildlife species and as a soil builder, does not compete successfully with taller vegetation, and thus offers little promise on hydric sites where the dense herbaceous mantel often reaches a height of 3 to 5 feet by mid-summer. White clover did persist on seeded road berms and along water bars on the Oswego to Volney Line since the associated species were low and not aggressive. 9. Seeding was less effective on slopes exceeding 30%. On steep slopes much of the seed was washed from the site by surface water be- fore germinationo 10. Direct seeding is particularly important where soils have been radically disturbed and compacted during site preparation for tower construction or maintenance roads. Native seed is not present in the fill soil, and the compaction reduces the survival of the native seed that does reach the site. 5.3.4 Method of Estimating Abundance, Cover, and Grouping In evaluating the composition of the direct seeding areas a com- bined estimate of abundance and cover was made for each study area. In this study no tree layer was present; thus the following tables des- cribe the composition of the herbaceous plants. The presence of tree seedlings and shrubs, however, is also included. In addition to the cover value of each species, its typical group- ing is described, i. eo' whether it grows singly' in groups, tufts, patches, etc. 5-14 The scales used in these tables is as follows: For abundance and cover: ++ -occasional + sparsely present, covering less than 1/20 of the plot area 1 -plentiful but of small cover value, covering less than 1/20 of the plot area 2 -very numerous, covering at least 1/20 of the plot area 3 -covering 1/4 to 1/2 of the plot area 4 -covering 1/2 to 3/4 of the plot area 5 -covering nore than 3/4 of t~e plot a~ea; For grouping: 1 -growing one in a place, singly 2 ~ grouped or tufted 3 -in tr6ops, small patches, or cushions, less than 1 milacre3 4 -in small colonies, extensive patches, or forming carpets, more than 1 milacre3 5-in pure populations (after Braun and Blanquet, 1932). 3 1 mi1acre 1s 1/1000 of an acre or 43.56 sq. feet I 5-15 I i Table 5.1, Vigor of hemlocks 4 years after varying degrees of topping based on original relative crown position and percent of crown ~emoved in topping operation. Percent of Crown Removed 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Relative Crown Position Dominant Codominant Intermediate 3.6 2.4 1.9 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.2 V . R . 1 1gor at1ng 2.2 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 1 Based on rating of 1 for poor vigor, 2, average vigor, and 3, high vigor. 5-16 Table 5.2. Total number of edge trees examined in this study by species and location on circular opening. Location on OEenin~ Species N--NE NE--E E--SE SE--S s--sw sw--w W--NW NW--N Total Hemlock 15 7 8 9 7 11 6 15 78 Beech 12 23 7 2 8 8 5 4 69 .American Hop-3 1 2 1 5 2 0 1 15 Hornbeam Sugar-Maple 2 4 1 2 9 0 1 2 21 Red Maple 4 6 4 2 9 4 1 1 31 Red Oak 1 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 5 White Pine 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 4 White Birch 0 0 0 0 1 2 4 1 8 Yellow Birch 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Sweet Birch 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 5 Aspen 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Serviceberry 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Chestnut 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 V1 White Ash 0 0 1 7 1 0 0 2 11 I Bitternut Hickory 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 t--' -....j Basswood 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 3 Total 39 42 25 23 47 29 20 30 255 Table 5. 3. Number of trees with one or more exposed roots by species and location of tree on tower site opening a Location on Opening Species N-NE NE-E E-SE SE-S s-sw SW-W W-NW NW-N Total Percent 9-151 • Hemlock 5-7 3-8 7-9 4-7 2-11 0-6 5-15 35-78 44.9 Beech 9-12 17-23 7-7 1-2 4-8 5-8 4-5 2-4 49-69 71.0 American Hop-1-3 1-1 0-2 0-1 1-5 0-2 ---0-1 3-15 20.0 Hornbeam Sugar-Maple 1-2 0-4 1-1 1-2 5-9 ---1-1 0-2 9-21 42,8 Red Maple 1-4 2-4 2-4 1-2 2-9 1-4 0-1 1-1 10-31 32.3 Red Oak 0-1 ---------0-2 ---0-2 ---0-5 o.o White Pine ---------------0-1 0-1 0-2 0-4 o.o White Birch --- --- ------0-1 0-2 1-4 0-1 1-8 12.5 Yellow Birch ---------------------0-1 0··1 o.o Sweet Birch 0-1 0-1 1-1 ---0-1 0-1 ------1-5 20o0 Aspen --- --- ------------------0-1 o.o I.J1 I Serviceberry 0-1 --- --- ---------------0-1 o.o t-' co White Ash ------0-1 3-7 0-1 ------1-2 4-11 31.4 Basswood ------0-1 ---1-2 ---------1-3 33.3 Chestnut --------- ---0-1 ---------0-1 o.o Bitternut --- --- --- ---1-1 ---------1-1 100.0 Hickory Total 21-39 25-40 14-25 13-23 18-47 8-29 6-20 9-29. 114-55 Percent 53o8 59.5 56o0 56.5 38.3 27.6 30.0 30.0 50.7 44.7 1 Indicates that 9 of the 15 trees had one or more roots exposed. Table 5.4. Number of roots exposed per tree, by species and location of trees on towE;r site opening. Species Location in Opening N-NE NE-E E-SE SE-S S-SW sw-w W-NW NW-N Total Hemlock 1.2 0.9 1.2 1.9 1.3 0.4 o.o 0.7 1.0 Beech 1.3 1.5 1.7 0.5 1.9 1.3 1.0 1.0 1.3 American Hop-0.3 3.0 o.o 0.0 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.4 Hornbe~ 1.5 o.o 3.0 0.5 0.8 2.0 o.o 0.8 Sugar-Maple Red Maple 0.9 2.0 0.8 o.s 0.4 0.5 0.0 2.0 0.9 Red Oak 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 White Pine 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 White Birch 0.0 0.0 0.5 o.o 0.2 Yellow Birch o.o o.o Sweet Birch 0.0 o.o 4.0 0.0 o.o 0.8 Aspen o.o o.o Serviceberry o.o o.o White Ash o.o 0.6 0.0 0.5 0.5 Basswood o.o 1.0 0.7 Chestnut o.o o.o Bitternut 2.0 2.0 Hickory Average 1.0 1.3 1.2 1.1 0.7 0.5 0.4 1.7 . 5-19 Table 5.5. Mechanical damage to edge trees by species and location on tower site opening. Species Location on OJ2ening N-NE NE-E E-SE SE-S s-sw sw-w W-NW NW-N Total Percent --• Hemlock 3-15 1-7 2-8 1-9 3-7 5-11 5-6 7-15 27-78 34.6 Beech 7-12 10-23 2-7 1-2 3-8 4-8 3-5 2-4 32-69 46.4 American Hop-1-3 1-1 0-2 0-1 2-5 1-2 ---1-1 6-15 40.0 Hornbeam Sugar-Maple 2-2 1-4 0-1 0-2 2-9 ---1-1 1-2 7-21 33.3 Red Maple 1-4 3-6 0-4 1-2 5-9 4-4 1...;1 0-1 15-31 48.4 Red Oak 1-1 --- ------1-2 ---1-2 ---3-5 60.0 White Pine --- --- --- ------0-1 0-1 0-2 0-4 0.0 White Birch ------------0-1 2-2 2-4 1-'l 5-8 62.5 Yellow Birch --- --- --- ------ ------0-1 0-1 o.o Sweet Birch 0-1 0-1 0-1 ---1-1 0-1 ------1-5 20.0 Aspen ------------------ ---1-1 1-1 100.0 V1 Serviceberry 0-1 --- --------- --- o.:..1 o.o I ------ N Chestnut ---0-1 ---------0-1 0.0 0 --------- White Ash ------0-1 1-7 1-1 ------0-2 2-11 18-2 Bitternut Hickory ------------1-1 ---------1-1 100.0 Basswood ------0-1 ---1-2 --- ------'1-3 33.3 Total 15-39 16-42 4-25 4-23 20-47 16-29 13-20 13.,...30 101~255 Percent 38.5 38.1 16.0 17.4 42.6 55.2 65.0 43.3 31.4 ,,,..__,..,__,.~, ..... ~; .. , .:i-b'>ec...·wi·zi· ··d Table 5.6. Average vigor rating of all trees by ~pecies and location in tower site opening. Species Location on OEenin~ ' N-NE NE-E E-SE SE-S s-sw sw-w W-NW NW-N Ave. Hemlock 1.7 2.4 2.9 1.9 1.4 3.0 2.5 2.3 2.2 Beech 2.4 3.4 2.7 4.0 2.1 2.4 1.4 2.0 2.7 American Hop-1.7 4.0 2.0 2.0 2.2 2.5 4.0 2.3 Hornbeam Sugar-Maple 2.5 3.0 1.0 3.0 3.1 1.0 1.5 2.7 Red Maple 1.0 2.8 2.0 3.0 2.9 1.5 5.0 3.0 2.3 Red Oak 1.0 1.0 4.5 2.4 White Pine 2.0 2.0 3.5 2.8 White Birch 1.0 1.5 1.3 o.o 1.0 Yellow Birch 4.0 4.0 Sweet Birch o.o 4.0 1.0 1.0 OaO 1.2 Aspen o .. o o.o Serviceberry 3.0 3.0 White Ash 1.0 2.1 3.0 1.0 1.9 Basswood 3.0 4.5 4.0 Bitternut 3.0 3.0 Hickory Chestnut 1.0 1.0 Average 1.9 3.0 2.4 2.4 2.5 2.3 2.2 3.3 5-21 Table 5. 7. Percent of edge trees with sunscald by species and location on tower site opening. • Species Location on Openirig N-NE NE-E E-SE SE-S S-SW sw-w W-NW NW-N Ave. I 'I :II Hemlock 20.0 14.3 16.7 11.1 28.7 18.2 16.7 13.3 15.4 Beech 25.0 47.8 o.o 50.0 16.7 o.o 60.0 0.0 27.5 IIi American Hop-o.o 0.0 o.o 0.0 o.o 0.0 o.o 0.0 Hornbeam ill Sugar-Maple 0.0 25.0 o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o 4.8 I! I Red Maple 25.0 33.3 25.0 o.o o.o 25.0 o.o 0.0 16.1 Red Oak o.o o.o 50.0 20.0 lr~ White Pine o.o o.o o.o o.o I·: 111 White Birch o.o o.o o.o 100.0 16.7 il Yellow Birch o.o o.o Sweet Birch o.o 0.0 o.o 0.0 o.o o.o Aspen 100.0 100.0 Serviceberry o.o o.o Chestnut o.o o.o White Ash o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 o.o Bitternut Hickory o.o o.o Basswood o.o 50.0 33.3 Average 18.0 35.7 8.0 8.7 6.4 10.3 25.0 13.3 i i 5-22 Table 5.8. Percent of beech with sunscald by diameter class and location of edge tree on tower site opening •. D.B.H. Location on Oeening Class N-NE NE-E E-SE SE-S s-sw S~v-W W-NW NW-N Ave. 2.0-3.9 40.0 25.0 o.o o.o o.o o.o 19.0 4.0-5.9 o.o 50.0 o.o o.o 0.0 50.0 26.3 6.0-7.9 o.o 50.0 o.o 33.3 o.o o.o 12.5 8.0-9.9 100.0 5o:o o.o 100.0 o.o 50.0 10.0-11.9 o.o 100.0 o.o o.o 100.0 o.o 44.4 12.0-13.9 ---o.o 0.0 14 .. o-15. 9 o.o o.o 16.0-17.9 o.o o.o Average 25.0 43.5 o.o o.o 12.5 o.o 80.0 o.o 5-23 Table 5.9. Percent of hemlock with sunscald by diameter class and location on ~ower site opening. D;. B. H. Location on 0Eening Class N-NE NE-E E-SE SE-S s-sw sw-w W-NW NW-N Ave. 2.0-3.9 50.0 33.3 100.0 o.o 20.0 o.o o.o o.o 19.0 4.0-5.9 o.o o.o o.o 50.0 o.o o.o 25.0 7.1 6.0-7.9 o.o o.o o.o o.o 66.7 100.0 o.o 25.0 8.0-9.9 o.o o.o o.o o.o 50.0 7.7 10.0-11.9 25.0 o.o o.o o.o o.o 8.3 12.0-13.9 o.o o.o o.o o.o 14.0-15.9 100.0 o.o 50.0 16.0-17.9 o.o o.o Average 20.0 14.3 12.5 11.1 14.3 18.2 16.7 13.3 I I 5-24 Table5.10. Ramapo to Hudson River Line, Tower S~te 4. Composition of plant communities in tower area 4 growing seasons after seeding with perennial rye-grass, Chewings fescue, common rye grass, and various trees and shrubs. Species Rating Species Rating Shrubs Blackberry 1.1 Poison Ivy -t+.l Sweet-fern 1.4 Herbaceous Plants Kentucky 31 5.5 Lace-Grass +.2 Old-field Cinquefoil 2.3 Crown-Vetch 1.3 Nimble Will Grass +.2 Whorled Loosestrife 1.4 Cud weed -t+.l Table 5.11. Ramapo to Hudson River Line, Tower Site 5. Composition of plant communities in tower area 4 growing seasons after seeding with perennial rye-grass, Che,vings fescue, common rye gras~ and various trees and shrubs. Species Trees Sweet Birch Black Locust Red Maple Red Oak Tulip-Poplar Kentucky 31 Whorled Loosestrife Old-field-Cinquefoil Goldenrods Hair-cap Moss Panic-Grass Rating +.1 +.1 ++.1 -t+.l +.1 Species Shrubs Blackberry Blueberry Dewberry Silky Dogwood Poison Ivy Swee-t-fern Willows Witch-Hazel He~b~ceous Plants 4.2 2.1 2.4 +.2 +.3 +.3 5-25 Hawkweed (yellow) White Clover Milkweed Bush-Clover Sedges Violets Rating +.1 +. 2 +.1 +.1 ++.2 2.5 ++.1 ++.3 ++.1 +.2 ++.1 +.2 +.2 +.2 il 1 Table 5.12. Ramapo to Hudson River Line, Tower Site 2. Composition of • plant communities in tower area 3 years after seeding with Chewings fescue, perennial rye-grass, Kentucky 31, white clover, and various shrubs and trees. Species Rating Species Rating Trees Shrubs Quaking Aspen ++.1 Blueberry 1.3 Sweet Birch +. 2 Blackberry +.1 Black Cherry ++.1 Silky Dogwood 1.1 Red Haple +.1 Spiraea +.2 Chestnut-Oak +.1 Sweet-fern +.3 Herbaceous Plants Chewings Fescue 3.2 Thistle 1.1 Kentucky 31 3.2 Old-field-Cinquefoil +.2 Goldenrods +.2 Common Ragweed +.2 Deer-tongue Grass +.3 Orchard-Grass +.2 Whorled Loosestrife +.1 Indian Hemp +.1 Sedges +.2 Velvet-Grass +.2 Violets +.2 Common Plantain +.2 Bush-Clover +.1 Broom-sedge 1.2 Common Cinquefoil +.3 Bird's-foot Trefoil +. 2 Common Mullein ++.1 Table 5.13.Ramapo to Hudson River Line, Tower Site 3. Composition of plant communities in tower area 3 years after seeding with Chewings fescue, perennial rye-grass, Kentucky 31, white clover, and various shrubs and trees. Species Trees Quaking Aspen Sweet Birch Black Cherry Red Maple Black Oak Chestnut-Oak Chewings Fescue Kentucky 31 Panic-Grass Deer-tongue Grass Whorled Loosestrife Goldenrods Rating +.1 +.1 1.1 +.1 +.1 +.1 Species Shrubs Blackberry Low Blueberry Silky Dogwood Poison Ivy Spiraea Sweet-fern Willows Herbaceous Plants 3.2 4.2 2.2 +.2 1.1 +.1 5-26 Bird' s ... :foot Trefoil Velvet-Grass Timothy Sedges White Clover Rating +.3 +. 2 1.1 +.2 +.1 +.3 ++.1 +.2 +.2 +.2 +.2 ++.2 Table 5.14. Oswego to Volney Line, Tower Site 56. Composition of plant communities in tower area after 2 growing seasons. Direct seeding was not used on this tower site. Species Rating Species Rating Trees Shrubs and Vines Gray Dogwood +.2 Slippery Elm 2.1 White Elderberry 2.2 Red Maple 1.1 Choke-Cherry +.1 Virgin' s-bovrer 2.2 Poison Ivy +.1 Speckled Alden 1.3 Herbaceous Plants Sedges 3.2 Ox-eye-Daisy +.3 Rushes 3.2 Lady-Fern +.3 Rough-leaved Golden-rod 1.3 Lace-Grass 3.3 Avens 1.2 May-apple 1.3 Bellwort sp. 1.1 Common Stitch~wrt 1.1 Sensitive Fern 1.1 Canadian St. John' s-wart 2.3 Buttercup 1.2 .Blue-eyed Grass +.1 Early Meadow-Rue 1.1 Tear thumb +.2 Yellow Dock +.1 Speedwell +.1 Old-field-Cinquefoil +.1 White Clover +.2 Jewelweed +.2 Redtop Clover +.2 Sheep-Sorrel +.2 Orchard-Grass +.3 Bugle-weed +.3 Boneset 2.2 5-27 Table 5.15. Oswego to Volney Line, Tm·rer Site 57. Composition of plant communities in tower site area 2 growing seasons after seed- • ing with perennial rye-grass. Species Rating Species Rating Trees Shrubs & Vines Large-toothed Aspen +.1 Staghorn-Sumac +.1 Red Haple ++.1 Willows. ++.1 Black Cherry ++.1 Virgin's bower ++.2 Shrubby-Cinquefoil +.1 Herbaceous Plants Perennial Rye-grass 4.4 Lace-Grass 1.3 Nightshade ++.2 Rushes +.2 Daisy-Fleabane +.1 Ox-eye-Daisy 1.2 Dwarf Dandelion +.2 Common Plantain 1.2 Dandelion +.2 English Plantain 1.2 Strawberry +.2 Pokeweed +.1 Upright Yellow Common Mullein +.1 Wood-sorrel 1.2 Common Ragweed .+.2 Grass-leaved Goldenrod 1.1 Sensitive Fern +.2 Thistle +.1 Horsetail 1.3 Sepges L2 Chickweed 1.3 May-apple ++.1 Heal-all +.2 Narrow-leaved Cat Tail +.2 Yellow Dock 1.2 Boneset 1.2 5-28 Table 5.16. Oswego to Volney Line, Tower Site ~0. Composition of plant communities in tower area 2 growing seasons after seeding with perennial rye-grass. Species Trees Black Ash Large-toothed Aspen Black Oak Sheep-Sorrel Ox-eye-Daisy Yellow Clover Red Clover Timothy Panic-Grass Redtop Grass Heal-all Sedges Blue-eyed Grass Dwarf Dandelion Butter-and-eggs English Plantain Horsetail Rating +.1 +.1 +.2 Herbaceous 3.2 1.2 1.3 1.2 2.2 2.3 +.z +.2 3.2 2.2 +.2 +.2 +.2 1.3 5-29 Species Arrow-wood Poison Ivy Willows Plants Black-eyed Boneset Shrubs Susan Daisy-Fleabane Common Ragweed White Clover Hawkweed (yellow) Rushes Orchard-Grass Chickweed Buttercup Strawberry Common Evening- Primrose Queen Anne's~lace Rating +.1 1.3 1.1 ++.1 +.1 +.1 2.1 2.2 +.2 +.2 ++.2 2.2 +.2 +. 2 +.1 ++.1 Table 5.17. Fitzpatrick to Edic Line, Tower Site 3. Composition of plant communities in tower area 3 growing seasons after • seeding with creeping red fescue, perennial rye-grass, and white clover. Species Rating Species Rating Shrubs & v~nes Gray Birch +.1 Blackberry +.1 Virginia Creeper +. 2 Willows 1.1 Herbaceous Plants Creeping Red Fescue 3.3 Cat-tail 1.3 Kill-cow 1.2 Horsetail 2.4 Rushes 1.2 Blue-eyed Grass +.1 Boneset 1.1 Bedstraw 1.2 Yellow Dock ++.2 Ox-eye-Daisy ++.3 Spreading Dogbane ++.3 Goldenrods +.2 Jewelweed ++.2 Asters +.2 Woolly Panic-grass +.2 Canadian St. John's-1.2 wort Table 5.18. Fitzpatrick to Edic Line, Tower Site 4. Composition of plant communities in tower area ~ growing seasons after seeding with creeping red fescue, perennial rye-grass, and white clover. Species Blackberry White Elderberry Creeping Red Fescue Sedges Rushes Hawkweed (yellow) Goldenrods Strawberry Jewelweed Meadow-Rue Cinnamon-Fern Blue-eyed Grass Rating +.1 1. 2' Shrubs Species Willows Herbaceous Plants 3.3 3.2 1.2 +. 2 +.3 ++.2 +.2 +.1 +.2 +.2 5-30 Cat-tail Boneset Bedstraw Sensitive Fern Northern Lady Fern Tear thumb Wild Lettuce Ox-eye-Daisy Horsetail Canadian St. John's- wart Rating +.1 1.2 1.2 +.2 +.2 +.2 ++.2 +.1 +.2 2.3 ++.2 i I : Table 5.19. Fitzpatrick to Edic Line, Tower Site 5. Composition of plant communities in tower area 3 growing seasons after seeding with creeping red fescue, perennial rye-grass, and white clover, Species Rating Species Rating Trees Shrubs Gray Birch +ol Blackberry 2.4 Sweet Birch lol Red Elderberry +.3 Red Maple +.1 Herbaceous Plants Creeping Red Fescue 3.4 Sheep-Sorrel 1.2 Woolly Panic-grass 2.2 Bone set 2.1 Goldenrods +.2 Sedges 1.2 Rushes +.2 Indian Cucumber-root +.1 Hay-scented Fern +.3 Hair-cap Moss +.3 Ox-eye-Daisy ++.3 Timothy ++.1 Lady-Fern ++.2 Violets ++.2 Black Medick ++.2 White Clover ++.2 5-31 Table 5.20. Gilboa to New Scotland-Line, Tower Site 6. Composition of • plant communities in tm1er area 5 grmving seasons after seeding with perennial rye-grass. Species Rating Species Rating Trees Shrubs and Vines White Ash +.1 Blackberry +.2 Quaking Aspen +.1 Grape ++.1 S>leet Birch +.1 Willm1s 1.1 Gray Birch 1.1 Black Locust ++.1 Herbaceous Plants Blue-eyed Grass 3.2 White Clover 2.3 Ox-eye-Daisy 1.2 Heal-all +.3 Perennial Rye-grass 4.2 Thistle 2.1 Velvet-Grass ++.2 Wild-pink ++.1 Violets 1.2 Rushes +.2 Sensitive Fern 1.2 Narrow-leaved Cat-tail +.3 Sedges 1.2 Panic-Grass 1.2 Everlasting +.2 Basil 1.2 Chickweed +.2 Strawberry 2.3 Common Vetch 1.2 Old-field-Cinquefoil 2.4 Horsetail 3.4 Upright Yellmv Hood- Grass-leaved Goldenrod 1.2 sorrel +.2 Water-Pennywort 1.3 Boneset 1.1 Buttercup 1.1 Timothy +.1 Rough-leaved Gold~n-rod +.2 Asters 1.2 Spreading Dogbane ++.1 Rough Bedstraw . +. 2 Spotted St. John's-wort +. 2 Coi:1Illon St. John's-wort +.2 5-32 Table 5.21. Gilboa to Scotland Line, To-v1er Site 7. Composition of plant conununities in tower area 5 'growing seasons after seeding with perennial rye-grass. Species Rating Species Rating Trees Shrubs Quaking Aspen +.1 Blackberry 1.3 Gray Birch 2.1 Bush-Honeysuckle ++.2 White Birch 2.1 Willm-1s +.1 Hemlock 1.1 Red Haple 1.1 Herbaceous Plants Perennial Rye-grass 3.2 Pearly Everlasting 1.3 Ox-eye-Daisy 3.2 Spotted St. John's-++.1 White Clover 1.3 wort Hawkweed (yellow) 1.2 Violets +.2 Hawkweed (orange) ++.2 Thistle +.1 Bird's-foot T~efoil 1.3 Old-field-Cinquefoil 1.4 Panic-Grass +.2 Fox Sedge +.2 Sedges +.2 Strawberry +.5 Timothy +.2 Sensitive Fern +.2 Rushes +.2 Hay-scented Fern +.2 Ceratodon Euq~ureus +.3 Hilkweek ++.1 (moss) Wood-Sorrel +.2 Speedwell +.2 Grass-leaved Goldenrod 2.2 Hair-cap .Moss 1.3 Black Mustard ++.2 Sheep-Sorrel +.2 Mouse-ear Hawkweed ++.2 Japanese Clover +.4 Connon Plantain +.2 5-33 .~ Table 5. 22. Gilboa to New Scotland Line, Tm-1er Site 8. Composition of • plant communities in tower area 5 growing seasons after seeding with perennial rye-grass. Species Rating Species Rating Trees Shrubs Quaking Aspen 2.1 Blackberry 3.4 Beech 2.2 Spiraea 1.2 White Birch 3.1 Willows 1.2 Hemlock ++.1 Striped Maple +.1 Red Maple 1.1 Herbaceous Plants Perennial Rye-grass 1.2 Ox-eye-Daisy 1.3 Rushes 1.2 Hawkweed (yellow) +.2 Pearly Everlasting 1.2 Hawkweed (orange) ++.2 Speedwell 1.2 Timothy 1.3 Poor -Man's Pepper +.2 Butter-and-eggs +.3 Joe-Pye-weed +.1 Sedges 1.2 Narrow-leaved Cat-tail +.3 Grass-leaved Goldenrod 1.2 Horsetail 3.4 Common 11ullein +.1 Common Vetch 1.2 Thistle 1.1 Hair-cap Moss 1.4 Strawberry 1.2 Hay-scented Fern +.2 Old-field-Cinquefoil 1.2 Redtop Grass 1.2 Annual Bluegrass +.3 Basil +.3 Dock ++~ 2 Upright Yellow Wood-1.2 Common Stitchwort +.2 sorrel Sheep-Sorrel +.3 5-34 FIG. 5.1.5 Seeded area at site 14, in the summer of 1976. FIG. 5.1. Visual characteristics 5-35 FIG. 5.1.2 Sunscald on red maple at site 7, in the summe r of 1976. FIG. 5 .1.4 Tree with exposed roots on site 7, in the summer of 1976 . . '"', ·-; FIG . 5.1.6 Current active erosion at tower 4 at site 2, in the summer of 1976. J l'l,i 1.' 5.4 Estimation of Soil Erosion Potential on the ROW's and Adjacent Woodlands by the U~iversal Soil Loss Equation 5.4.1 Introduction The Universal Soil Loss Equation (Wischmeier, 1965) was initially developed for use on cropland, but recently was modified to permit evaluation of soil loss on woodland, range, and idle lands (Wischmeier, 1971 and 1975) and on construc- tion sites (Wischmeier and Meyer, 1973). In 1974, the Universal Soil Loss_ Equation was used to obtain quantitative values in an erosion and sediment in- ventory of New York (Soil Conservation Service, 1974). In this inventory, soil loss was estimated on construction sites, woodland, and open land as well as on crop and pasture land. In this preliminary investigation, the Soil Loss Equation was applied to existing soil, slope, and plant cover conditions on several study areas to evaluate its potential as a predictor of soil erosion and sediment production on transmission ROW's and adjacent woodlands. The Soil Loss Equation is limited to maximum slope gradients of 20% and slope lengths of 400 feet. Data can be extrapolated beyond these points, but reliability of estimated soil loss is reduced. The Universal Soil Loss Equation ~s A = RKLSCP Where: A = R = K = L = s = c soil loss per unit area (tons/acre/year); the rainfall factor, the number of erosion-index units in a normal year's rain. The erosion index is a measure of the erosive force of specific rainfall; the soil erodibility factor, the erosion rate per unit of erosion index for specific New York soils; the slope-length factor, the ratio of soil loss from the study area slope length to that from a 72.6 foot length on the same soil type and gradient; the slope-gradient factor, the ratio of soil loss from ·the study area gradient to that from a 9% slope; the cropping-management factor, the ratio of soil loss from a field with specified cropping and management to that from the fallow condition on which the factor K is evaluated. (This factor is modified to account for canopy cover, surface mulch such as humu~, and close- growing vegetation associated with woodland and open lands such as a ROW.); P = the e~osion control practice factor. 5.4.2 Procedures The Universal Soil Loss Equation was utilized on 4 study areas: Pough- keepsie to Ohioville (site 5), Hillside to Oakdale (site 9), Oswego to Clay#4 (site 15), and Moses to Adirondack (site 19). These sites were selected to provide erosion predictions on the ROW's for counties and regions of New York with different Rainfall Factors (R) and to include examples with variable soil types. The Soil Erodibility Factor (K) for each soil series was obtained from the list of K-values for New York soils provided by the Soil Conservation Service. Where necessary, K-values were adjusted according to instructions to account for changes in soil erodibility due to channery, gravelly, or 5-36 shaly surface soil conditions. Slope-length and Slop-e-gradient Factors (LS), for.assumed uniform slopes, were calculated from values presented in Table 5.23 (from Wischmeier, 1975) for slopes used in this evaluation. Appropriate C-values were selected from Tables 5.24 and 5.25 (from Wischmeier, 1975) to represent actual or possible plant and mulch cover under ROW and woodland conditions. This involves a modification of the Equation, recommended by Wischmeier (1971 and 1975), for application to these land-use conditions in contrast to conventional use on cropland. The Erosion Control Factor (P) was deleted since it it not applicable in these situations. Estimated sheet and rill erosion, expressed in tons/acre/year, was calcu- lated for 4 slope-length aud 4 slope-steepness categories, assuming uniform slope configurations, with comparisons between the general ROW and undisturbed bordering forest on each study area. These categories were selected to show the effect of increasing slope length up to 400 feet and slope gradient up to 18% on erosion potential when all other factors are held constant. Erosion estimates also were made to compare different vegetal canopies, organic mulch, and surface mineral soil conditions on the ROW's with a constant slope length of 100 feet and 3 slope gradients. These comparisons were made to simulate possible ROW conditions following construction and maintenance activities. The soil loss predictions presented in this evaluation do not apply to specific segments of each study area, but are based on actual soil, slope, and plant cover conditions present. 5.4.3 Results and Discussion Site 5 -Poughkeepsie to'Ohioville This study area is located in Ulster County (Rainfall Factor = 150) and is included in the New England Highlands and Mohawk-Hudson regions. The Soil Loss Equation was applied to 4 soil types present: Bath gravelly loam, Canandaigua silt loam, Chenango gravelly silt loam, and Erie very stony loam. These included two textural classes, loam and silt loam, with adjustments in the Soil Erodibility Factor (K) for Bath and Chenango series which exhibited high grave.l content. Under existing rainfall, soil, plant cover, and humus type conditions on this study area, it is evident that normal sheet and rill erosion is very low, even on 'the longest and steepest slopes utilized in this evaluation Table 5~26). Predicted erosion on the 3 and 6 percent slopes was minimal, generally less than 0.3 and 0.6 tons/acre/year for the forest and ROW, respectively, on any soil and slope length category. In this example, erosion is somewhat lower in the undisturbed forest than on the general ROW, areas where woody brush was controlled but with minimal disturbance to the ril.ineral soil, organic mulch,, and low plant cover: The highest estimated erosion occurred on the silt loam soil, next highest on the very stony loam, and least on the loam and silt loam where inherent soil erodibility is moderated by the gravelly surface conditions. As expected, potential erosion increases in accordance with increases in slope length and steepness for all soil and cover condi- tions. This emphasizes the importance of careful management on long, steep gradients, especially on soils such as silt loams that exhibit high erodibil- ity. Predicted soil erosion rates in tons/acre/year for various land uses in Ulster County by the Soil Conservation Service (1974) for average slope conditions are: woodland, 1.23; open land formerly cropped, 0.27; and pas- tureland, 0.80. Similar predictions in the Lower Wallkill Watershed near 5-37 site 5 are: woodland, 0.66; open land formerly cropped, 0.18; and pasture- land, 0.62. I~ is evident that estimated erosion on the study area (Table 5.26) is equivalent to, or less than, these rates on ~ower slope gradients, and slightly higher on steeper slopes up to 18%. In addition, it is inter- esting to note that erosion estimates by the SCS were slightly higher on woodland than on idle land (open land formerly cropped) that may be some- what analogous to general ROW conditions. The comparison in predicted erosion among the ROW cover conditions for the same soil types on 100-foot slopes shows the dramatic impact of partial and/or complete removal of vegetation and organic mulch, and disturbance of the surface mineral soil (Table 5.27). The greatest effect occurs on the erodible Canandaigua silt loam, 18% slope, where estimated erosion was 1.5 tons/acre/year under normal ROW cover conditions, and 256 tons/acre/year estimated soil loss when plant cover and mulch were removed and surface mineral soil exposed and disrupted. These conditions and related soil ero- sion rates could occur on the ROW tower sites, stringing areas, and access roads that are bare or only partially stabilized by plant cover. Inter- mediate conditions such as "B" and "C" in Table 5.27 could occur on a ROW following chemical brush control and possible breakdm;m of litter and humus layers; however, such an effect likely would be of short duration due to invasion and regrowth of plants. Estimated soil losses for disturbed conditions on this site are comparable to average predicted losses by the SCS (1974) on construction sites in Ulster County and the Lower Wallkill Watershed, which are 202.72 and 85.89 tons/acre/year, respectively. Site 9 -Hillside to Oakdale This study area is located in Chemung County (Rainfall Factor = 100) and is included in the Appalachian Highlands and Catskill regions. The Soil Loss Equation was applied to 3 soil types present: Chenango channery silt loam, Mardin channery silt loam, and Volusia channery silt loam. These silt loam soils occurred on slopes with gradients in the range 0-8% up to 35-50%. Due to inherent soil properties, these soil series had different Soil Erodibility Factors (K), but each was reduced ac~ cordingly to account for the less erodible channery phase. Predicted erosion on the 3 soils was less in the undisturbed forest than on the general ROW, but both were very low, less than 0. 5 and 1. 0 tons/ acre/ year on the forest and the ROW, respectively, for all soil types and slopes (Table 5.28). Estimated erosion did not exceed 0.2 tons/acre/year on either the ROW or the forest on slope gradients of 3 and 6%; however, the soil loss was 3 to 5 times greater on slopes of 12 to 18%. This shows the effect of increasing length, up to 400 feet, and steepness, up to 18%, for these assumed uniform slopes. The greatest estimated erosion for all slope categories under both cover types occurred on the Volusia soils, which are somewhat poorly drained and possess a strong fragipan; next highest on the moderately well' drained Mardin; and least on the well to excessively drained Chenango series. Although erosion.potential should be considered under all ROW conditions, these data reveal that it is especially important on long, steep slopes. Furthermore, it emphasizes the need to be. familiar with existing soil types and associated properties such as texture, structure, and permeability that ar~ related to soil erodibility. Erosion estimates in relation to,4.assumed ROW cover conditions for each of the 3 soil types provides some insight into potential effects of 5-38 vegetation manipulation, breakdown, or removal of organic mulch, and di- turbance of surface mineral soil (Table 5.29). For the most erodible soil, Volusia channery silt loam, predicted erosion on slopes 100 feet long and with a 6% gradient was 160 t~mes greater when vegetation and organic mulch were removed and mineral soil disturbed (Condition "D") than under normal ROW cover (Condition "A"). The potential impact is even greater on steeper slopes. In this example, predicted erosion on the 18% slope, for the same soil type and slope length, was 84 tons/acre/year on cover condition "D", as compared with less than 1~0 tons/acre/year on cover condition "A". Maximum predicted soil loss on soils with lower inherent erodibilities, Mardin and Chenango, was less than Volusia, but both soils had comparable dramatic increases related to changes in the ROW cover conditions from normal to drastically disturbed. Reference to the Erosion and Sediment Inventory for New York (Soil Conservation Service, 1974) reveals the following average erosion rates in tons/acre/year for various land uses in Chemung County: woodland, 0.79; open land formerly cropped, 0.92; pastureland, 0.69; and construction sites, 131.78. Erosion rates in watersheds near site 9, Goldsmith Creek and Wyn- coop Creek, were similar to county averages except on construction sites. These were: woodland, 0.80; open land formerly cropped, 0.93; pastureland, 0.63; and construction sites, 230.00 tons/acre/year. For the ROW and adjacent forest cover and soil conditions used in soil loss calculations for site 9, it appears that potential erosion is generally less than that predicted on the county or local watershed basis. · Site 15 -Oswego to Clay #4. This study area is located in Oswego County. (Rainfall Factor = 85) and is included in the Lake Plain region. The Soil Loss Equation was applied to 4 soil types present: Alton gravelly fine sandy loam, Minoa very fine sandy loam, Oakville loamy fine sand, and William- son very fine sandy loam. These are coarse-textured soils tha~ range from · excessive to somewhat poorly drained and have different Soil Erodibility Factors (K), except Alton, which was modified to account for high gravel con- tent. These soils occurred mostly on 0-8% slopes on this study area, but may occupy steeper slopes up to 35%, except Minoa, at other locations. Average erosion estimates for all soils and slopes used in this evalu- ation were 0.14 and 0.28 tons/acre/year in undisturbed forest and general ROW, respectively. Erosion under these conditions is quite low and reason- ably close to overall average erosion predicted by the SCS (Soil Conservation Service, 1974) for somewhat related land uses. SCS predictions for Oswego County and the Lower Oswego River Watershed, which includes site 15, re- spectively, are·: woodland, 0.18 and 0.24; open land formerly cropped, 0.15 and 0.16; and pastureland, 0.68 and 0.70 tons/acre/year. Erosion varied with slope, as anticipated, with increases related to increases in slope length and steepness (Table 5.30). The greatest change 1n erosion rate occurred on long, steep slopes, up to 400 feet length and 18% steepness in this example; thus, emphasizing the need for careful management on such sites. Erosion also varied among soils, being highest on Williamson that is· moderately well drained with a fragipan; next highest on Minoa that is somewhat poorly drained; and least on Alton and Oakville series which are well to excessively drained. It is likely that erosion would be similar for other soils on site 15, since all have erodibility factors within the range 5-39 (K = 0.17 to 0.49) used in this evaluation. However, rates of soil. loss and potential.sediment production may be higher on steeper slope segments and on all conditions where vegetation and surface soil are disturbed. Comparison of estimated erosion rates on the ROW for the same soils on 3 slope-gradients and 100-foot slope length, but with different land treatments, shows the effect of vegetation manipulation, removal or deteri- oration of organic matter, and disturbance of mineral soil (Table 5.31) • When comp~red with general or normal ROW cover conditions (Condition "A"), erosion rates on the most drastic treatment (Condition "D"), which involved complete removal of all vegetation and organic layers plus disruption of the mineral soil, were about 164 times greater on all soil types and slope steepnesses. The highest erosion rates for all the ROW cover conditions and slope gradients evaluated occurred on the Williamson soil, which ex- hibits the greatest inherent erodibility. Simulated cover conditions used in this model are realistic and do occur on the ROW's followirtg construction activities, particularly access roads, tower sites, and stringing areas, and vegetation maintenance. Some effects, however, are short-term, depending on reestablishment of plant cover and perhaps installation of erosion control structures. Soil erosion on cover condition "D" may be analogous to that on construction sites which was estimated by the SCS (1974) to average 124.10 and 40.89 tons/acre/year for Oswego County and the Lower Oswego River Water- shed, respectively. Site 19 -Moses to Adirondack This study area is located in Lewis County (Rainfall Factor = 125) and is included in the Adirondack, Tug Hill and St. Lawrence-Champlain regions. The Soil Loss Equation was applied to 3 soil types present: Adams loamy fine sand, Croghan loamy fine sand, and Gloucester sandy loam. · The somewhat poorly drained Croghan soils normally occupy slopes of less than 15% gradient, while the moderately we1l to excessively drained Adams and Gloucester soils may occur on slopes up to 35%. Under existing and assumed conditions on this study area, estimated sheet and rill erosion is less in the bordering forest than on the general ROW (Table 5.32). However, erosion rate is very low under both cover types .. aver- aging 0.14 and 0.27 tons/acre/year in the forest and on the ROW, respectively, for all soil and slope categories combined. Erosion of these coarse-textured soils increased with increasing slope length and steepness, the rate being about 3 times greater on 400-foot than ori 50-foot slope lengths and 11 to 12 times greater on 18% than on 3% gradients. This indicates -that slope steep- ness is more critical than slope length in respect to erosion potential on these soil and plant cover conditions. To minimize the erosion hazard, especially when vegetation and surface soils may be disturbed, both slope length and gradient must be considered. Predicted erosion was greatest on the somewhat poorly drained Croghan loamy fine .sand than on well-drained Adams loamy fine sand and Gloucester sandy loa~which differ in texture but have similar erodibility factors. Soil Conservation Service (1974) predictions of average soil loss in tons/acre/year for various land uses in Lewis County are: woodland, 0.14; open land formerly cropped, 0.10; and pastureland, 0.64. Similar soil loss estimates were obtained for 3 nearby watersheds: Tributary at New Breman, Middle Black River, and Beaver River in Lewis County. Predicted soil loss on the Moses to Adirondack ROW and adjacent woodland, therefore, is comparable 5-40 to the average losses determined by the SCS for woodland and open land sit- uations in this county. Although the 3 soils utilized in this evaluation have low erodibility factors (K = 0.17 to 0.20), all are subject to accelerated erosion when protective vegetation, organic layers, and surface soil are disturbed. Com- parisons among simulated ROW cover conditions show major increases in esti- mated soil loss and sediment production when the vegetal canopy and organic mulch are removed and surface mineral soil exposed and graded (Table 5.33). These comparisons, limited to 100-foot slopes, reveal that the most drastic effect of cover manipulation on soil erosion is expressed on the steeper slopes. For the most erodible soil, Croghan loamy fine sand, estimated soil loss on 18% slopes increasetl from 0.52 tons/acre/year under general ROW conditions (Condition "A") to 87.25 tons/acre/year when the soil is denuded and graded (Condition "D"). A similar ratio of increased soil erosion among cover conditions also occurred on the lower slope gradients, but the magni- tude of soil loss was considerably less. Estimated erosion on all soils for the ROW cover condition "D", which involves disturbance of surface mineral soils, is less than average soil losses of 97 to 133 tons/acre/year predicted by the SCS (1974)·on construc- tion sites in Lewis County and nearby watersheds, respectively. However, erosion estimates under disturbed conditions on the ROW are comparable to predicted SCS soil losses on roadbanks of 43.33 to 53.20 tons/acre/year in Lewis County and on local watersheds, respectively. 5.4.4 Summary and Conclusions The Universal Soil Loss Equation was applied to actual data representing environmental conditions of the ROW's and bordering forests of 4 study areas located in different counties, physiographic regions, and forest types of New York. The objective was to evaluate the applicability of this equation for estimation of soil erosion and sediment production under these nonagricultural land uses. The evaluation was based on overall or average soil and plant cover conditions present on each area and does not apply to conditions on specific segments of the ROW or adjacent forest. The equation is limited to estimates of sheet and rill erosion; therefore, it is not applicable to assessment of soil loss in gully erosion which may occur on the ROW areas such as access roads where runoff-water is channelized and concentrated. In this preliminary evaluation, soil erosion estimates varied markedly among existing soil types, slope lengths and gradients, plant covers, and organic mulch conditions. Predicted erosion rates were somewhat lower in woodlands than on the general ROW's, but both cover types exhibited low ero- sion potential. This is apparently due to the protective tree and shrub layers in the forest, dense low plant cover on the general ROW, and nearly complete organic layers on the soil surface of both cover types that are relatively undisturbed. Accelerated soil erosion on long, steep slopes em- phasizes the importance of careful management on such critical areas of the ROW. Variation in erosion among soils, within and between study areas, shows the need for an adequate knowledge of soil types and associated prop- erties that may be related to inherent erodibility. Dramatic increases in estimated soil erosion occurred in a simulation of the ROW cover conditions where the vegetal canopy and organic mulch were partially or completely removed and surface mineral soil disturbed by 5-41 grading or bulldozing. The most drastic treatment resulted in soil loss rates 167 times greater than that predicted on normal cover conditions of the gen~ eral ROW. Afthough this analysis was based on a simulated model, such con- ditions do occur on the ROW areas such as access roads, staging-stringing sites, and tower sites where the soil and plant cover is drastically modified. In a like manner, the simulated model can be reversed to show a reduction in soil erosion potential due to partial or complete stabilization of such disturbed areas by natural plant invasion, restoration seeding, or installation of erosion control structures. Based on this preliminary evaluation, it is evident that the Universal Soil Loss Equation has potential as a management tool on transmission ROW's. In application, it can be used on specific segments of the ROW to evaluate actual existing vegetation, soil, and slope conditions; predict soil losses resulting from construction disturbances; and show potential reduction in erosion due to re-vegetation and installation of control structures on dis- turbed areas. In essence, it may be useful to show potential consequences of alternative management activities in respect to erosion and sedimentation. In addition, more precise predictions can be made for specified areas with modifications in the equation to account for variable slope configurations, exposed subsoil properties associated with deep excavations, and other local factors. However, additional research is needed to test, modify, and adapt the Soil Loss Equation to conditions encountered on transmission ROW's. 5-42 1 Table 5.23.LS values for uniform slopes of given le~gths and steepnesses. (Adapted from Wischmeier, 1975) Length Steepness (%) (ft. ) 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 20 50 0.22 0.38 0.58 0.83 1.12 1.45 1. 83 2.95 100 .30 .53 .82 1.17 1. 59 2.06 2.59 4.19 150 .37 .65 1.01 1.44 1. 94 2.52 3.17 5.14 200 .43 .75 1.16 1.66 2.24 2.91 3.67 5.93 250 .48 .84 1. 30 1. 86 2.51 3.25 4.10 6.63 300 .53 .92 1.43 2.03 2.75 3.56 4.49 7.26 350 .57 1.00 1.54 2.20 2.97 3.85 4.85 7.85 400 .61 1.07 1.65 2.35 3.17 4.12 5.18 8.39 450 .65 1.13 1. 75 2.49 3.36 4.37 5.50 8.90 500 .68 1.19 1. 84 2.62 3.54 4.60 5.80 9.38 550 .71 1. 25 1. 93 2.75 3. 72 4.83 6.08 9.84 600 .75 1. 31 2.02 2.87 3.88 5.04 6.35 10.27 1 Derived from standard slope-effect chart (Wischmeier and Smith, 1965)) which assumes a length exponent of 0.5. Values for other slopes, not exceeding 20% or 800 feet can be computed by the equation, LS=O.Ol{'["" (0.76+0.53s+0.076s2) where L =slope length in feet and s = percent slope. However, interpolation between values in the table is usually adequate. Where appropriate value of the slope-length exponent :LS other than 0.5, follow procedure given in Agricultural Handbook 282 (Wischmeier and Smith, 1965) . 5-43 '' :j' 1 All values shown assume: 1) random distribution of mulch or vegetation, and 2) mulch of substantial depth where credited. 2 Average fall height of waterdrops from canopy to soil surface. m = meters. 3 Percentage of total-area surface that would be hidden from view by canopy ~n a vertical projection. 4 G: cover at surface ~s grass or decaying, compacted duff of substantial depth. W: cover at surface is weeds (plants with little lateral-root network near the surface), or undecayed residue. 5-44 Table 5.25. "C" factors for woodland. (Adapted froni Wischmeier, 1975) Forest Stand Tree Cano~? Litter 2 3 "C" Condition % of Area % of Area Undergrowth Factor Well stocked 100-75 100-90 4 .001 Managed 4 Unmanaged . 003-.011 Medium stocked 75-40 90-75 Managed .002-.004 Unmanaged .01 -.04 Poorly stocked 40-20 70-40 Managed .003-.009 5 Unmanaged .02 -.09 1 When tree canopy is less than 20% the area will be considered as grassland or cropland for estimating soil loss. See Table 5.24. 2 Forest litter is assumed to be of substantial depth over the percent of the area on which it is credited. 3 4 5 Undergrowth is defined as shrubs, weeds, grasses, vines, etc., on the sur- face area not protected by forest litter. Usually found under canopy open~ngs. Managed -grazing and fires are controlled. Unmanaged -stands that are overgrazed or subjected to repeated burning. For unmanaged woodland with litter cover of less than 75%, C values should be derived by taking 0.7 of the appropriate values in Table 5.24. The fac- tor of 0.7 adjusts for the much higher soil organic matter on permanent woodland. 5-45 Table 5.26.Estimation of potential sheet and rill erosion by Universal Soil Lqps Equation for selected soil types and slopes under forest and ROW conditions on Poughkeepsie to Ohioville Site 5.1 Location and Slope Steepness Percent Forest ROW Soil Type Slope Length (ft.) 3 6 12 18 3 6 12 18 Bath gravelly loam (K = 0.17) Canandaigua silt loam (K = 0.49) Chenango gravelly silt loam (K = 0.17) Erie very stony loam (K = 0.32) 50 100 200 400 50 100 200 400 50 100 200 400 50 100 200 400 0.02 .02 .03 .05 .OS .07 .09 .13 .02 .02 .03 .05 .03 .04 .06 .09 0.04 .05 .07 .10 .10 .15 .21 .30 .04 .05 .07 .10 .07 .10 .14 .19 1 Existing conditions and assumptions: 0.10 .14 .20 .28 .28 .40 .56 .80 .10 .14 .20 .28 ·.18 .26 .37 .52 0.19 .27 .38 .53 .54 .80 1.08 1.54 .19 .27 .38 .53 . 35 .50 .71 1. 01 0.03 .05 .07 .09 .10 .13 .19 .27 0.03 .05 .07 .09 .06 .09 .12 .18 0.07 .10 .14 .21 .21 . 30 .41 .59 .07 .10 .14 .21 .14 .19 .27 .39 a. Rainfall factor (R) = 150 for Ulster County, New York. 0.20 .28 .39 .55 .56 .80 1.12 1. 59 .20 .28 .39 .55 .37 .52 .73 1.04 0.37 .53 .75 1.07 1. 08 1. 54 2.17 3.08 .37 .53 .75 1.07 .71 1. 01 1.42 2.01 b. Slope length-steepness factor (LS) from Table 5.23 for uniform slopes. c. Cover conditions - Forest: medium stocking; canopy cover 75%; litter cover 85%; undergrowth managed, ungrazed-no recent fires (e = 0.003) ROW: canopy of tall weeds and short brush; canopy' cover 75%; surface cover grass-weeds-duff; surface cover 90%. (C = 0.006) d. Humus type - Forest: ROW: thin duff mull thin duff mull 5-46 Table 5.27.Estimation of potential sheet and rill e~osion by Universal Soil Loss Equation for selected soil types and slope steepness of th~ ROW assuming different cover conditions and constant slope lt;~6Ln of 100 feet on the Poughkeepsie to Ohioville Site 5.1 Soil Type Bath gravelly loam (K = 0.17) Canandaigua silt loam (K = 0.49) Chenango gravelly silt loam (K = 0.17) ROW Cover Condition2 A B c D A B c D A B c D Erie very stony loam A (K = 0.32) B c D 6 0.10 0.38 7.69 17.08 0.30 1.08 22.16 49.24 0.10 0.38 7.69 17.08 0.19 0. 71 14.47 32.16 Slope Steepness (%) 12 18 tons/acre/year 0.28 0.53 1.02 1. 96 20.77 40.05 46.15 89.00 0.80 1.54 2.93 5.64 59.87 115.43 133.03 256.52 0.28 0.53 1.02 1. 96 20.77 40.05 46.15 89.00 0.52 1. 01 1. 91 3.69 39.10 75.38 86.88 167.52 1 See Table 5.26, footnote 1, for existing conditions and assumptions. 2 ROW cover conditions: A -Normal grass-herb-shrub cover and organLc mulch as Ln Table 5.26. (C = 0.006) B -No vegetal canopy except sparse grass and herbs; 90% organic mulch cover; no disturbance of mineral soil. (C = 0.022) C -No vegetal canopy; no organic mulch; mineral soil exposed, but not disturbed. (C = 0.45) D -Condition "C" above, plus disturbance of mineral soil by light bulldozing or grading with no erosion control structures. (C = 1.00) 5-47 Table 5.28.Estimation of potential sheet and rill erosion by Universal Soil Los~ Equation for selected soil types and slopes ¥nder ROW conditions bn the Hillside to Oakdale Site 9.~ forest and Slope Location and Slope Steepness Percent Length Forest ROW Soil Type (ft.) 3 6 12 18 3 6 12 18 tons/acre/year Chenango channery 50 0.01 0.02 0.07 0.12 0.02 0.05 0.13 0.25 silt loam 100 .02 .03 .09 .18 .03 .07 .18 .36 (K = 0.17) 200 .02 .05 .13 .25 .04 .10 .26 .50 400 .03 .07 .18 .36 .06 .14 .37 .71 Mardin channery 50 .01 .03 .08 .15 .03 .06 .15 .29 silt loam 100 .02 .04 .11 .21 .04 .08 .22 .42 (K = 0.20) 200 .03 .06 .15 .30 .05 .11 .31 .59 400 .04 .08 .22 .42 .07 .16 .43 .84 Volusia channery 50 .02 .03 .09 .18 .03 .07 .18 .35 1 silt loam 100 .02 .05 .13 .25 .04 .10 .26 .50 (K = 0.24) 200 .03 .07 .18 . 35 .06 .14 .37 .71 400 .04 .10 .26 .50 .09 .19 .52 1. 01 Existing conditions and assumptions: a. Rainfall factor (R) = 100 for Chemung County, New York. b. Slope length-steepness factor (LS) from Table 5.23 for uniform slope. c. Cover conditions - Forest: medium stocking; canopy cover 75%; litter cover 80%; undergrowth managed, ungrazed-no recent fires. (C = 0.003) ROW: canopy of tall weeds and short brush; canopy cover 75%; surface cover grass-weeds-duff; surface cover 90%. (C = 0.006) d. Humus type - Forest: thin duff mull ROW: thin duff mull 5-48 Table 5.29. Estimation of potential sheet and rill erosion by Universal Soil Loss Equation for selected soil types and. slope steepnesses of the ROW assuming different cover conditions and coystant slope length of 100 feet ·on the Hillside to Oakdale Site 9. ROW Gover Soil Type Coridition2 Slope Steepness (%) 6 12 18 torts/acre/year Chenango channery A 0.07 0.18 0.36 silt loam B 0.25 0.68 1.31 (K = 0.17) c 5.13 13.85 26.70 D 11.39 30.77 59.33 Mardin channery A 0.08 0.22 0.42 silt loam B 0.29 0.80 1. 54 (K = 0.20) c 6.03 16.29 31.41 D 13.40 36.20 69.80 Volusia channery A 0.10 0.26 0.50 silt loam B 0.35 0.96 1.84 (K = 0.24) c 7.24 19,55 37.69 D 16.08 43.44 83.76 1 See Table 5.28, footnote 1, for existing conditions and assumptions. 2 ROW cover conditions: A -Normal grass-herb-shrub cover and organic mulch as in Table 5.28. (C = 0.006) B -No vegetal canopy except sparse grass and herbs; 90% organic mulch cover; no disturbance of mineral soil. (C = 0.022) C -No vegetal canopy; no organic mulch; mineral soil exposed, but not disturbed. (C = 0.45) D -Condition "C" above, plus disturbance of mineral soil by light bulldozing or grading with no erosion control structures. (C = 1.00) 5-49 Table 5.30. Estimation of potential sheet and rill erosion by Universal Soil Loss Equation for selected soil types and slopes under forest and ROW conditions on the Oswego to Clay #4 Site 15.1 Slope Location and slope Steepness percent Length Forest ROW Soil Type (ft.) 3 6 12 18 3 6 12 18 tons/acre/year Alton gravelly 50 0.01 0.02 0.06 O.ll 0.02 0.04 O.ll 0.21 fine sandy loam 100 .01 .03 .08 .15 .03 .06 .16 .30 (K = 0.17) 200 .02 .04 .ll .21 .04 .08 . 22 .43 400 .03 .06 .16 .30 .05 .12 .31 .61 Minoa very fine 50 .02 .03 .09 .17 .03 .07 .18 . 35 sandy loam 100 .02 .05 .13 .25 .04 .10 .26 .50 (K = 0.28) 200 .03 .07 .18 .35 .06 .13 .36 .70 ,400 .04 .10 .26 .so .09 .19 .52 1. 00 Oakville loamy 50 .01 .02 .06 .ll .02 .04 .ll .21 fine sand 100 .01 .03 .08 .15 .03 .06 .16 .30 (K = 0.17) 200 .02 .04 .ll .21 .04 .08 .22 .43 400 .03 .06 .16 .30 .05 .12 .31 .61 Williamson very 50 .03 .06 .16 .31 .05 .12 .32 .61 1 fine sandy loam 100 .04 .08 .23 .44 .07 .17 .45 .87 (K = 0.49) 200 .05 .12 .32 .61 .ll .23 .64 1. 23 400 .08 .17 .45 .87 .15 .33 .90 1. 74 Existing conditions and assumptions: a. Rainfall factor (R) = 85 for Oswego County, New York. b. Slope length-steepness factor (LS) from Table 5.23 for uniform slopes. c. Cover conditions - d. Forest: medium stocking; canopy cover 75%; litter cover 75%; undergrowth managed, ungrazed-no recent fires. (C 0.003) ROW: canopy of tall weeds and short brush; canopy cover 75%; surface cover grass-weeds-duff; surface cover 90%. (C = 0.006) Humus types - Forest: mes1c sites-thin duff mull; xer1c sites-very shallow sand mull. ROW: mes1c sites-thin duff mull; xer1c sites-very shallow sand mull. 5-50 Table 5.31. Estimation of potential sheet and rill erosion by Universal Soil Loss Equation for selected soil types and"slope steepnesses of the ROW assuming different cover conditions and constant slope length of 100 feet on the Oswego to Clay #4 Site 15.1 Slope Steepness (%) Soil Type ROW Cover Condition2 6 12 18 tons/acre/year Alton gravelly fine A· 0.06 0.16 0.30 sandy loam B 0.21 0.58 l.ll (K = 0.17) c 4.36 11.77 22.69 D 9.68 26.15 50.43 Minoa very fine A 0.10 0.26 0.50 sandy loam B 0.35 0.95 1. 83 (K = 0.28) c 7.18 19.38 37.38 D 15.95 43.08 83.06 Oakville loamy fine A 0.06 0.16 0.30 sand B 0.21 0.58 l.ll (K = 0.17) c 4.36 ll.77 22.69 D 9.68 26.15 50.43 Williamson very fine A 0.17 0.45 0.87 sandy loam B 0.61 1.66 3.20 (K = 0.49) c 12.56 33.92 65.41 D 27.91 75.39 145.36 1 See Table 5.30 footnote 1, for existing conditions and assumptions. 2 ROW cover conditions: A -Normal grass-weed-shrub cover and organ1c mulch as in Table 5.30. (C = 0.006) B -No vegetal canopy except sparse grass and herbs; 90% organic mulch cover; no disturbance of mineral soil. (C = 0.022) C -No vegetal canopy; no organic mulch; mineral soil exposed, but not disturbed. (C = 0.45) D -Condition "C" above, plus disturbance of mineral soil by light bulldozing or grading with no erosion control structures. (C = 1.00) 5-51 .... ·~· Table 5.32. Estimated sheet and rill erosion by Universal Soil Loss Equation for seler:ted soil types and slopes. under forest and ROW conditions on•the Moses to Adirondack Site 19.1 Location and Slope Steepness fercent Forest ROW Soil Type Slope Length (ft.) 3 6 12 18 3 6 12 18 tons/acre/year Adams loamy fine 50 0.01 0.03 0.08 0.16 0.03 0.06 0.16 0.31 sand 100 .02 .04 .12 .22 .04 .09 .23 .44 (K = 0.17) 200 .03 .06 .16 .31 .05 .12 .33 .63 400 .04 .09 .23 .44 .08 .17 .46 .89 Croghan loamy 50 0.02 0.04 0.10 0.18 0.03 0.07 0.19 0.37 fine sand 100 .02 .05 .14 .26 .05 .10 .27 .52 (K = 0.20) 200 .03 .07 .19 .37 .06 .14 .38 .74 400 .05 .10 .27 .52 .09 .20 .54 1.05 Gloucester sandy 50 0.01 0.03 0.08 0.16 0.03 0.06 0.16 0.31 1 loam 100 .02 .04 .12 .22 .04 .09 .23 .44 (K = 0.17) 200 .03 .06 .16 .31 .05 .12 .33 .63 400 .04 .09 .23 .44 .08 .17 .46 .89 Existing conditions and assumptions: a. Rainfall factor (R) = 125 for Lewis County, New York. b. Slope length-steepness factor (LS) from Table 5.23 for uniform slope. c. Cover conditions - Forest: medium stocking; canopy cover 75%; litter cover 90%; under- growth managed, ungrazed-no recent fires. (C = 0.003) ROW: canopy of tall weeds and short brush; canopy cover 50%; surface cover grass-weeds-duff; surface cover 90%. (C = 0.006) d. Humus type - Forest: thin duff mull ROW: thin duff mull 5-52 rable 5.33. Estimated sheet and rill erosion by Universal Soil Loss Equation for selected soil types and slope steepnesses of the ROW assuming. different cover conditions and constant slope length of 100 feet oh the Moses to Adirondack Site 19.1 Slope Steepness (%) Soil Type ROW Cover Condition2 6 12 18 t?ns/acre/year Adams loamy fine A 0.09 0.23 0.44 sand B 0.31 0.85 1. 63 (K = 0.17) c 6.41 17.31 33.37 D 14.24 38.46 74.16 Croghan loamy fine A 0.10 0.27 0.52 sand B 0.37 1.00 1. 92 (K = 0.20) c 7.50 20.36 39.26 D 16.75 45.25 87.25 Gloucester sandy A 0.09 0.23 0.44 loam B 0.31 0.85 1.63 (K = 0.17) c 6.41 17.31 33.37 D 14.24 38.46 74.16 1 See Table 5.32, footnote 1, for existing conditions and assumptions. 2 ROW cover conditions: A -Normal grass-herb-shrub cover and organ1c mulch as in Table 5.32. (C = 0.006) B -No vegetal canopy except sparse grass and herbs; 90% organic mulch cover; no disturbance of mineral soil. (C = 0.022) C -No vegetal canopy; no organic mulch; mineral soil exposed, but not disturbed. (C = 0.45) D -Condition "C" above, plus disturbance of mineral soil by light bull- dozing or grading with no erosion control structures. (C = 1.00) 5-53 6 Synthesis and Discussion of Trends 6.1 Introduction The trends discussed in this section are based upon documented observations obtained through field data collection and careful analysis of those data. Only obvious trends which are clearly indicated by data collected were considered. For most trends, there was sufficient replication to permit a reasonably sound trend analysis to be made. In a few cases, however, more data is needed to further support trends indicated by a com- paratively few sites. For example, while trends have been given for impact of ROW's on stream temperature, and while these are v;alid for a few cases and conditions, more data is needed on more streams to further clarify the nature of the impact. Aiso, there are areas from which no trends have been presented in this report as more research is needed to clarify them. For example, trends in effect of selective vs. broadcast herbicide sprays were not presented as there were not sufficient sites with clearly des- cribed treatments to do this. Trends are first described in this report for each of four natural vegetation regions of the state. This was done for two primary reasons: 1) to simplify handling of complex data, and 2) because trends are most apt to be consistent within such regions. Following this, certain trends which appear consistent for all 4 regions are described as statewide trends. Naturally, these were fewer in number than regional trends, but do not reduce the significance of regional trends. A plant community, as used in this synthesis and discussion of trends, is a combination of species which may be differentiated from other combi- nations and recognized as a unit of vegetation in the field. A community so defined should have characteristic species (Characterarten) which differentiate it from other communities. For example: Blackberry- Goldenrod may be recognized as different from Blueberry-Sweet-fern. The possible combinations of plant species are endless and to attrib- ute to every actual combination in nature the value of a community would result in a chaotic splitting up of units of vegetation. Every square meter, or less, of a ROW would form a separate unit, therefore, pieces of vegetation with similar combinations should be united into one abstract type. These types are called communities, the separate pieces being called stands. 6.2 Trends in the New England Highlands and Mohawk-Hudson Regions 6.2.1 Trends in Impact on Vegetation Relation of plant communities to habitat and forest type Four sites (sites 2,3,4, and 5) located in southeastern New York, where Oak forest types are the characteristic natural vegetation, and 1 site (site 6) in the Mohawk Valley area have shown some very definite trends which cor- relate the ROW community with habitat and forest type. Site 1 was not used as it is a very special case, difficult to relate to the other sites, owing to the presance of unusual species not found on other sites such as black locust and tartarian honeysuckle. Also, there was a large variation in the mesic habitat which was the only one present. Recent maintenance was also irregular over the entire ROW. These trends will enable a ROW manager to predict with considerable certainty the general type of ROW shrub-herb-grass community that will be developed over a period of years following ROW clearance and maintenance with commonly used spray maintenance techniques. 6-1 .Predi~tion can also be made of the shrubs which may be expected to remaLn as Lmportant species on the ROW's. It is important to note that t~ese are sh•ubs which usually do well in full sunlight and in competition WLth ot~er plants of open areas. Shrubs such as blackberry, which, while susceptLble to 2,4,5-T damage, reproduce by suckers from underground stems, also have persisted on ROW's and are important to wildlife. Other species such as striped maple and partridge-berry rarely persist in the open away from the shade of woodlands, and are rarely found on the ROW's. The general trends in vegetation on the ROW's in relation to mesic (moist), xeric (dry), and hydric (wet) habitats and forest type are shown Ln Table 6.1 and Table 6.2, and may be summarized as follows: (1) Where the ROW's are adjoined by Oak-Hickory forest types on moist habitat areas, a Blackberry-Goldenrod plant community was dominant. This was true both where only selective sprays were used (sites 2 and 3) and where broadcast sprays followed by selective sprays have been applied (site 4). Only one site was studied where only broadcast sprays had been used. In this case, a different ROW community had developed on a mesic habitat area which was dominated by grasses and herbs with raspberry and gray dogwood as dominant shrubs (Raspberry-Goldenrod). However, no trends can be safely drawn from this single site (site 6). (2) Where the ROW's are adjoined by a Chestnut-Oak or Oak-Hickory forest type on dry habitat areas, a Blueberry-Sweet-fern or Huckleberry-sweet fern community had developed (sites 2,4,5, and 6). This condition held true for all types of spray programs used on these sites: selective, broadcast plus selective, and broadcast maintenance. (3) On wet habitat areas, it was more difficult to detect a general trend related to forest type. However, a Willow-Sensitive Fern plant community developed on 4 sites with all spray techniques used. On site 3, the Alder community was not disturbed by the ROW management program. A wide variety of moisture-loving shrubs were present on wet habitat areas, plus a number of spe- cies of herbs, sedges, and ferns. Description of ROW Communities Blackberry-Goldenrod Community (Rubus-Solidago) This community is typically located on mesic middle slopes which are moderately well drained. from pH 4.7 to pH 5.0, with an average pH of 4.9. sites on lower and The soil pH ranged Characteristic Species Blackberry and goldenrods are constantly present in all stands and are usually among the dominant species. Hay-scented fern is often a major plant species growing in large patches, although it is also prominent on xeric sites. Also characteristic are asters, violets, and cinquefoils which are constantly present. E-2 Companion Species Species of high constancy 1 which are also found on other sites are witch-hazel, spiraea, and blueberry. Also included in this group are hair-cap mosses, whorled loosestrife, poverty-grass, and bracken. Blueberry-Sweet-fern Community (Vaccinium-Comptonia) This community is typically located on xeric sites on upper slopes and ridge tops which are excessively drained. The soil pH ranged from pH 4.5 to pH 5.0, with an average pH of 4.8. Characteristic Species Blueberries are a constantly present species with high abundance and cover values and usually occur in large patches. Sweet-fern is highly characteristic and seldom occurs on other sites. Hay-scented fern often occurs in large patches, although it ~s also found on mesic sites as well. Also characteristic are pearly everlasting and broom-sedge. Companion Species Species Which are constantly present but which are also common on other sites are witch-hazel, spiraea, whorled loose- strife, hair-cap mosses, asters, cinquefoil, and bracken. Blackberry and goldenrod are constantly present but with lower abundance and cover values than on mesic sites. Willow-Sensitive Fern Community (Salix-Onoclea) This community is typically lo-cated on hydric sites ~n stream bottoms and depressions with impeded drainage. The soil pH ranged from pH 5.2 to pH 6.4, with an average pH of 6.0. Characteristic Species Willows and sensitive fern are con- stantly present (100%) and usually with high cover values. Spiraea is also of high constancy (80%) and usually has a medium cover value which is higher than on other habitat areas. Sedges are typically present in all stands (100%) and have high abundance and cover values. Cat-tail is also typical (80%) where standing water accumulates for long periods and is usually accompanied by sphagnum moss. Typical herbs of high constancy (60%) are touch-me-not, jack- in-the-pulpit, tearthumb, horsetails, and interrupted fern. Also typical on wet sites in~ few stands (20-40%) are reeds, rush, cinnamon-fern, smartweeds, water-purslane, royal fern, iris, bullhead-lily, eelgrass, duckweed, marsh St. John's-wort, skunk- cabbage, spiked loosestrife, swamp-buttercup, and cowslip. Typical shrubs of low constancy (20-40%) include elderberry, red osier dogwood, alder, winterberry, wild-raisin, highbush-blueberry, and gray dogwood. 1 ~ Constancy ~s a percentage which equals No. of stands in ·which found X 100 Total no. of stands 6-3 1 Species Diversity In general, species diversity was greater on the ROW's ·: than in adjacent forests in the New England Highlands and Mohawk-Hudson re- gions in sodtheastern New York, (Table 6.3). This means, in brief, that the creation and maintenance of the ROW's in this region brings about an increase in the number of plant species present which measurably enhances wildlife habitat in an area affected by a ROW. The average number of shrubs and herbs was greater on the ROW than in adjacent forests on all habitat areas. While the average number of low- growing trees was equal on the ROW and in the forest on mesic habitats, 3 of 5 sites showed more low-growing trees on the ROW. Impacts on Shrubs and Low-growing Trees Shrubs are important plants of special interest on the ROW's, as they can be readily managed either to pro- duce a positive, or beneficial, impact or not managed. In general, it appears that the positive impacts of the ROW's on common shrubs outweighed ne~ative impacts so that shrubs formed an important component of sprayed ROW's. On the ROW's studied in the New England Highlands and Mohawk-Hudson regions of southeastern New York, 26 species of shrubs were present on mesic ROW habitats, 29 species on xeric habitats, and 27 species on hydric habitats. Regardless of the type of management program, they were important contributors to the ROW vegetation. Some trends which could be gleaned from the data cotlected on 5 sites are as follows: 1. Shrubs and low-growing trees which were more prominent, or of equal prominence, on the ROW's as compared with the adjacent forest are: alder arrow-wood blackberry blueberry buttonbush choke-cherry flowering dogwood gooseberry grape gray dogwood highbush-blueberry mountain-laurel mountain-maple pinxter-flower purple-flowering· raspberry raspberry red osier dogwood Virginia creeper wild rose 2. Shrubs and low-growing trees which occurred only on the ROW's are: alternate-leaved dogwood dewberry fly-honeysuckle hazelnut po~son sumac scrub-oak smooth sumac spiraea staghorn-sumac sweet-fern virgin's-bower wild-raisin winter berry 3. Shrubs and low-growing trees which occurred only in the forest are: bladdernut poison ~vy spicebush 4. Shrubs and low-growing trees which were more prominent ~n the forest than on the ROW's are: barberry buckthorn nanny berry partridge-berry 6-4 teaberry witch-hazel .\ Impacts on Herbaceous Plants When the ROW's studied were cleared and ma1n- tained, long narrow openings were created which di·ffer markedly in habitat con- ditions from the adjacent forests. A new flora invaded the ROW's and was dominated by plants of open areas. However, many forest-dwelling plants of the region thrived under the new conditions, also, and are now common both on the ROW's as well as in the forests. A few did not thrive under the open ROW conditions and now appear only sparingly, or not at all, on the ROW's. The most important change in herbaceous cover was caused by the invasion and spreading of plants typical of open areas or old fields. Some 15 plants of this kind were prominent on the ROW's, including species such as wild straw- berry and sheep-sorrel, especially valuable for wildlife. Other plants showing floral displays such as goldenrods, asters, daisies, pearly everlasting, Queen Anne's-lace, and hawkweeds have developed on the ROW's. The combinations of old field with forest species make up the present characteristic vegetative cover of the ROW's. Such cover provides excellent protection of the ROW's from active erosion and offers excellent food and cover for wildlife. Very few forest dwelling plants such as wild sarsaparilla, Solomon's-seal, bluebead-lily, purple trillium, May-apple, bedstraws, and spotted wintergreen were found in the forest adjacent to the ROW's and only sparsely on the ROW's. Many common plants of the forest, including wild lily-of-the-valley, whorled loosestrife, bellworts, twisted-stalk, false Solomon's-seal, and panic-grasses, were common both on the ROW's and in the forest. Woods inhabiting ferns are of special interest and there was no general adverse impact observed on them. All of the 10 species of ferns encountered in the forest were also found on the ROW's. However, there were some dual impacts observed; of the two flowering ferns present, interrupted fern was found more often on the ROW's and cinnamon-fern was found more often in the forest. Other ferns which were more abundant in the forest include maiden- hair-fern, marginal shield-fern, and Christmas-fern. On the other hand, the common bracken, sensitive, and hay-scented ferns were all prominent on the ROW's as well as in the adjacent forest. Trees on the ROW (Sites 2,3,4,5, and 6) Xeric Habitat (Table 6.4) The most common tree species on the ROW's were red maple and red oak which ranged from sparse (+) to covering 1/4 to 1/2 of the ROW area (3). Other common species were white ash, chestnut oak, black cherry, white oak, gray birch, and quaking aspen. The number of species on a ROW ranged from 8 to 14. A total of 26 tree species were recorded as invading the ROW on the plots. While brush control was excellent on all ROW's, with height mostly under 8-10 feet, there was a large reservoir of resurging tree species present on all ROW's. These trees can be expected to gradually emerge from the shrub layer. Mesic Habitat (Table 6.5) The most common species on the ROW were red maple, flowering dogwood, red oak, and white oak which ranged from sparse (+) to covering 1/4 to 1/2 of the ROW area (3). Other common spe- cies were sassafras, black cherry, willow, white ash, chestnut oak, sweet birch, and pignut hickory. The number of species on a ROW ranged from 7 to 13. A total of 23 species was recorded as invading the ROW. While brush control was ex- cellent, there was a reservoir of resurging tree species present under 10 ft. height ~hich can be expected to slowly emerge. 6-5 Hydric Habitat (Table 6.6) The most common species on the ROW were willow and red maple which ranged from sparse (+) to covering 1/2 to 3/4 of the ROW area (4). Other common species were American elm and white ash. The number of species on a ROW ranged from 3 to 13. A total of 20 species was recorded as invading the ROW. While brush control was excellent, there was a reservoir of resurging tree species under 10 ft. height which can be expected to slowly emergy. 6.2.2 Trends in Impact on Soil Bedrock geology of study areas in the New England Highlands and Mohawk- Hudson regions is composed predominantly of gneiss, marble, quartzite and granite in the New England Highlands (sites 1,2,3, and 4) and shale and sand- stone in the Mohawk-Hudson Valley (sites 5 and 6). Soils formed mostly in unstratified glacial till; major orders are Inceptisols and Spodosols, with some inclusions of Alfisols, Entisols and Histosols. Surface mineral soils generally are strongly acid and textures primarily sand loam, silt loam, and loam in the New England Highlands and silt loam and loam in the Mohawk- Hudson Valley. There was no significant negative impact on soils of the general ROW areas where tree cover had been removed and resurging brush controlled with selective, broadcast, or broadcast followed by selective sprays with minimal disturbance --to surface soil. Some differences were observed in thickness of organic layers between ROW and forest and between mesic and xeric habitats; the overall average for all sites and moisture regimes combined being 1.5 inches in the forest and 1.2 inches on the ROW (Table 6.7). Likewise, organic matter accumulation for all sites combined was somewhat greater on xeric than on mesic habitats. Humus types on both the ROW and forest were characteristi- cally duff mulls, except on site 6 where a medium mull occurred on the mesic habitat. Source of organic matter on the ROW was consistently leaves and stems of grasses, herbs, and shrubs in contrast to tree leaves, twigs, and fruit in the forest. Very little active erosion occurred on the general ROW of all sites which were maintained by chemical sprays with minimal disturbance to the organic mulch and surface mineral soil. However, slight to severe and pro- gressive erosion was evident on access roads, tower sites, and other dis- turbed areas of all sites where plant cover had been removed and mineral soil exposed. Stabilization of these areas by natural plant invasion and/or restoration seeding was sporadic. Periodic use of access roads on several sites, presumably for ROW inspection and maintenance as well as local recreation, interferes with plant establishment and accelerates eros1on. Most erosion sediment collected on lower slopes of the ROW, but some entered swamps on the ROW (site 5) and small amounts moved into flowing streams (sites 2,3, and 6) (Table 6.8). 6.2.3 Trends in Impact on Wildlife The impact of the ROW's on wildlife use was positive, or beneficial, and a total of 11 common species, plus numerous song birds and raptors, were found to use the ROW's and their edges on the 6 sites studied (sites 1 to 6) (Table 6. 9). Large populations of nongame birds, which included song birds and raptors, were observed using the ROW's and their edges on all sites. The number of species ranged from 20 on site 6 to 28 on site 4. Of particular interest were the Cooper's hawk nests which were observed in the forest near the ROW's on 2 sites, and the osprey observed on site 5. 6-6 Of the common game mammals of the reg1on, white-tailed deer made use of the ROW's on 5 sites; no deer were observed on site 1 which was in an urban- ized area near a small industrial plant. The important woodchuck burrows were found on 2 sites and woodchuck were observed using 3 sites. Cottontail rabbits, which use the burrows, were using the ROW's on 5 sites. Raccoon used the ROW's on 3 sites. Gray squirrels were observed on 6 sites, 4 on the ROW's. Of the common game birds of the region, ruffed grouse were observed on the ROW's on 3 sites and in the forest near the ROW on 1 site. Woodcock used the ROW's on 2 sites, one for a singing ground. An important trend in'wildlife use was reflected by deer browse studies carried out in March on 3 sites. While percent browse of woody stems averaged slightly less (57%) on the ROW's than in the forest (59%), the total stems available were greater on the ROW's in all 3 cases. The following common shrubs of the ROW were heavily browsed by deer: blueberry, huckleberry, maple-leaved viburnum, sweet-fern, willow, witch- hazel, elderberry, and blackberry. This indicates that the ROW's offer essential winter food for deer. The ROW's under various management programs, both selective spraying and broadcast, did not show any major difference in respect to wildlife use. The commonly used techniques produced excellent game food and cover. The general trend, therefore, has been for the ROW's to have a favorable effect, or impact, on wildlife use in general. Also, the trend has been for the ROW's to provide for increased deer browsing and to furnish desirable shrubs for important winter food for deer. 6.2.4 Trends in Impact on Water Of the sites studied in the New England Highlands and Mohawk-Hudson re- gions, 1 ROW (site 2) crossed a permanent ·class B s~ream. This was a small stream (Torne Brook) which passed through a Hemlock-Yellow Birch forest type on both sides of the ROW. The Brook was partially shaded on the ROW by ~ellow birch and hemlock which had been topped. Water temperature sampled once each quarter indicated the ROW had no unfavorable impact on water quality at the times sampled (Table 6.1~. There was no sedimentation at the ROW crossing proper which was well protected by border vegetation. The ROW did cause sedimentation which entered a small feeder stream which joined Torne Brook about 125 yards below the ROW. The feeder carried sediment from an access road on the edge of the ROW. On the second site (site 5) the ROW crossed a swamp which was well shaded by small trees, shrubs, and herbs on the ROW. The effect of the <ROW on water quality was negligible (Table 6.10). The trend for the ROW's where vegetation has been maintained at stream crossings by good management is not to have a negative impact on water tem- perature and sedimentation. The same trend is true for the ROW's crossing swamps or wetlands, i.e. where small trees, shrubs, and herbs have been maintained on the ROW, there was no negative impact on water quality. Where access roads have remained open to erosion near streams, however, negative impacts have been observed. 6-7 6.2.5 Trends in Impact on Land Use Change~ in Adjacent Land Use The percent change in land use pr1or to (or near the time of construction) and after construction of the ROW has been compared for 6 sites (sites 1,2,3,4,5, and 6) found within the New England Highlands and Mohawk-Hudson regions (Table 6 .11). Percent change by land use type is measured for each site and for all 6 sites as an aver- age percent change. The highest percent change in land use for any single site was a decrease in forest land for site 5 by 8.1%. Zero% change in land use was by far most frequently recorded, both by land use type and by site. As a result, the average percent change by land use are consistently low, with the highest average percent change being a -1.9% decrease for forest land for sites in this region. Other average percent changes in- cluded a slight decrease in agriculture (-1.2%), a slight increase in transportation (1.2%), and an increase in water resources (1.0%). Factors· which may influence the impact on adjacent land use include visual characteristics of the ROW's. General reconnaissance of visual characteristics associated with vegetation and other ROW features specific to each site indicates that of the 6 sites, 3 are generally pleasing to view (sites 2,3, and 4), with the remaining 3 (sites 1,5, and 6) neither pleasing nor objectionable withi~ the context of their locations. Visual assets of the sites which are pleasing include opening of vistas, and well vegetated ROW's that are attractive all seasons, with many flowering species. The 3 remaining sites are described as neither pleasing nor objectionable, generally because they lack visual assets or include undesirable character- istics such as erosion. Considering all sites in this region, negative visual characteristics which exist include only erosion, or exposed stumps and brush left after clearing. A general trend for land use adjacent to the ROW sites within the New England Highlands and Mohawk-Hudson regions is that they have changed very little for the period measured. Slight increases or decreases measured are generally distributed among all 11 land use types. In addition, there 1s a general absence of long-term negative visual characteristics resulting from clearing, construction or maintenance of the ROW, that would influence adja- cent land use changes. It would be difficult to derive other distinct trends because of the few number of sites sampled and the high variability of ln- fluences other than the ROW which could affect land use change. Multiple Uses Multiple uses of the ROW's within these r~gions include hiking, hunting, horseback riding, agriculture, and other various recreational activities (Table 6.12). Of these, all 6 sites have been used for hunting. It is clear that the ROW's have generally opened the land for a variety of recreational uses. An important trend in multiple use is shown by the variety of recrea- tional activities which take advantage of the linear character of the ROW's. Hunting is by far the predominant multiple use, indicating that the ROW's are ideally suited for this activity. 6-8 Table 6.1. Trends in impact on vegetation in the New England Highlands and Mohawk-Hudson reg~ons. Site Region Habitat For~st Type Type of Management ROvv Community 2 New England Highlands Mesic Oak-Hickory Selective Only Blackberry-Goldenrod 3 New England Highlands Dry-Mesic Oak-Hickory Selective Only Blueberry-Goldenrod 4 New England Highlands Mesic Oak-Hickory Broadcast & Blackberry-Goldenrod Selective 5 Mohawk-Hudson Mesic Oak-Hickory Selective Only Blackberry-Goldenrod 6 Mohawk-Hudson Mesic Oak-Hickory Broadcast Only Raspberry-Goldenrod ---------------------------------.------;; .... :---------------------------------------------------------------------~ 0\ 2 New England Highlands Xeric Chestnut-Oak Selective Only Blueberry-Sweet-fern I \0 New England Highlands Selective Only 3 Xeric Chestnut-Oak Blueberry-Bracken 4 New England Highlands Xeric Chestnut-Oak Broadcast & Huckleberry-Sweet-fern Selective 5 Mohawk-Hudson Xeric Chestnut-Oak Selective Only Blueberry-Sweet-fern 6 Mohawk~ Hudson Keric Oak-Hickory Broadcast Only Blueberry-Sweet-fern ------------------------------------------------------__________ ......;_ ------------------------------------------- 2 New England Highlands Hydric Hemlock-Yellow Selective Only Willow-Sensitive Fern Birch 3 New England Highlands Hydric Alder Selective Only Alder 4 New England Highlands Hydric Hemlock-Yellow Broadcast & Willow-Sensitive Fern Birch Selective 5 Mohawk-Hudson Hydric Elm-Red Maple Selective Only Willow-Sensitive Fern 6 Mohawk-Hudson Hydric Elm-Red Maple Broadcast Only Willow-Sensitive Fern ! ,,, ' :1 ' ill I ,II Table 6.2. Tr~nds in plant community development in relation to forest type and habitat of the New England Highlands and Hohawk-Hudson regions. f . . h . 1 The ~gures ~n parent es~s are percent constancy. Adjacent Forest ROW Community MESIC Oak-Hickory --------------------> Blackberry (100) - with Maple-leaved XERIC Viburnum (80) Witch-Hazel (60) Spiraea (60) Grape (60) Wild Rose (60) Chestnut-Oak -------------------> Blueberry (100) HYDRIC with Witch-Hazel (100) Blackberry (100) Spiraea (80) Dewberry (60) Elm-Red Maple ------------------> Willow (100) and with Hemlock-Yellow Birch Spiraea (80) Elderberry (60) Red Osier (20) Alder (20) Goldenrod (100) Whorled Loosestrife (80) Cinquefoils (100) Asters (100) Violets (80) Hay-scented Fern (60) Mixed Grass (100) Sweet-fern (80) Bracken (60) Hay-scented Fern (60) Pearly Everlasting (60) Broom-sedge (60) Mixed Grass (100) Sensitive Fern (80) Ca t-tai.l ( 80) Sedges (100) Sphagnum (60) Jack-in-the-pulpit (60) Touch-me-not (60) Tearthumb (60) Water-purslane (60) Horsetails (60) Mixed Grass (100) 1 Constancy ~s a percentage which equals No. of stands ~n which found ----------------------------X 100 Total no. of stands 6-10 ~ . Table 6.3 Site 1 2 3 4 5 6 Average - Comparison of species diversity, based upon number of species, on ROW's with that in adjoining forests in the New England Highlands and Mohawk-Hudson regions. No. of Speciesl Mesic Xeric Hydric Forest ROW Forest ROW Forest ROW Shrubs 4 10 1 9 3 8 3 8 3 8 4 4 6 6 4 6 6 9 3 9 7 15 6 16 5 10 4 8 3 12 5 6 3.8 9.3 4.4 9.8 4.4 7.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Herbs 1 8 18 2 4 17 2 12 15 27 3 18 11 8 10 12 12 4 6 17 8 11 15 28 5 9 28 12 21 14 19 6 8 20 9 24 9 17 Average -. :8·.8. 1s::5. ~ . ' ., ',;6.~2 1 , ':'q.~ 6, 13 20.6 1 If a habitat occurs twice on a site, the total number of respective· shrub or herb species for both areas is totaled, then divided by two for an average. This average is then rounded off to the nearest whole number. 6-11 I ~~ I I llii :Ill :.I Table 6.4 Abundance and cover value of trees on the ROW for the New England Highlands and Mohawk-Hudson regions. (see Vol. 1, p. 3-3 for value of symbols) . • Xeric Habitat on Sites Species on ROW 2 3 4 5 6 Red Maple 2 1 2 2 1 Red Oak + l l 3 1 White Ash + 2 2 Chestnut Oak + 1 + Black Cherry + +t 1 White Oak +t + + Gray Birch + + 1 Quaking Aspen +t + + Sweet Birch 3 1 Hornbeam + +t Bitternut Hickory +t + Tulip Poplar + +t American Elm 1 +t Flowering Dogwood + + Shagbark Hickory + White Pine 3 Sassafras 2 Pin Cherry 2 Serviceberry 1 Red Cedar + Yellow Birch + Apple ++ Pitch Pine + Hemlock +t Pignut Hickory + Large-tooth Aspen + No. Species (Total = 26) 8 9 9 14 12 Average No. of Species = 10.4 6-12 · e 6.5 Abundance and cover value of trees on the ROW for the New England High lands and Mohavlk-Hudson regions. (see Vol. 1, p. 3-3 for value of sympols) .. Mesic Habitat on Sites on ROW 2 3 4 5 6 2 1 + 1 Dogwood + 3 + ++ Oak + 1 + 1 Oak 1 1 + + Sweet Birch 2 1 + White Ash 1 + 1 Sassafras + + 3 Chestnut Oak + + + Willow 1 + + + Pignut Hickory + + + ~ Black Cherry + + ++ " Yellow Birch 3 2 " Gray Birch 1 1 Quaking Aspen + + Basswood ++ + White Pine 3 Bitternut Hickory 1 Large-tooth Aspen 1 Pin Cherry 1 Hornbeam + Shagbark Hickory + American Elm ++ Sugar Maple ++ No. Species (Total = 23) 10 12 7 13 12 Average No. of Species =·10.8 1 Listed under shrub layer in individual site summaries. 6-13 l;' i!ll II' I ll'ii I ,' I I Table 6.6 Abundance and cover value of trees on the ROW for the New England Highlands and Mohawk-Hudson regions. ,, • (see Vol. 1, 3-3 for value of symbols) . ,, p. 1', ll1 Hydric Habitat on Sites r; II Species 2 3 4 5 6 ,1 .I II Willow1 2 + + 4 2 ! 1 , II Red Maple 1 1 + 2 ,[ I American elm + 2 + '::II) I White Ash ++ + 2 1 ·' [t Flowering Dogwood + 2 I I I ~~~ Red Oak + ++ ! ',I Apple + + •I I' Shagbark Hickory ++ ++ Yellow B"irch 2 Hemlock 1 Sassafras 1 Quaking Aspen 1 White Pine 1 Tulip Poplar + Red Cedar ++ Black Cherry + Beech + Sugar Maple ++ Gray Birch ++ Large-tooth Aspen ++ No. Species (Total = 20) 10 5 3 13 5 Average No. of Species = 7.2 1 . L~sted under shrub layer ~n individual site sununaries. 6-14 Trends in impact on soil organic layers and humus types 1n the New England Highlands and Mohawk-Hudson regions. 1 Organic Layer Thickness (inches) Moisture Predominant Humus Type ROW Forest --------~~~~~~~~~~~--------~~-=~--~----~~~~--~-Regime ROW Forest Mesic Xeric Mesic Xeric Mesic Mesic & Xeric Mesic Xeric Mesic & Xeric Mesic & Xeric Mesic Xeric Thin duff mull w/ very shallow Al Thin duff mull w/ very shallow Al Thin duff mull w/ very shallow Al Thick duff mull w/ very shallow Al Thin duff mull w/ very shallow Al Thin duff mull w/ very shallow Al Very shallow medium mull Thin duff mull w/ very shallowtAl Thin duff mull w/ shallow Al Thin duff mull w/ very shallow Al Thin duff mull w/ very shallow Al Thick duff mull w/ very shallow Al Thin duff mull w/ very shallow Al Thin duff mull w/ very shallow Al Very shallow medium mull Thin duff mull w/ shallow Al 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.8 1.4 0.6 1.9 1.4 2.1 1.0 2.0 1.5 1.9 1.5 1.2 1.8 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.8 1.6 ·-----------------·----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Average thickness -all sites 1.0 1.4 1.4 1.6 Average thickness -mesic and xeric combined 1.2 1.5 1 Includes all layers (litter, fermentation, and humus) where present. 6-15 Table 6,8. Trends in impact on erosion ~n the New England Highlands and Mohawk- Hudson regions. Site 1 2 3 4 5 6 Active Erosion ROW None on general ROW; prominent on access roads and tower sites Slight on general ROW; slight to severe on access roads and tower sites Negligible on general ROW; slight to severe on access roads and tower sites Negligible on general ROW; slight to severe on access roads and tower sites Slight on general ROW with moss cover; slight on ac- cess roads and tower sites Severe on bare areas of general ROW; severe on access roads, tower sites and excavations Forest Slight to moderate on steep slopes Moderate on one bare steep slope None except one steep slope Slight on steep slopes Slight on bare and dis- turbed areas Moderate on one steep slope 6-16 Sediment Disposition Lower slopes on ROW Lower slopes on ROW; some in brook Most on lower slopes of ROW; some in streams Lower slopes on ROW Lower slopes on ROW; some in swamp Most in streams; some on lower slopes of ROW le 6.9. Trends in impact on wildlife use of the ROW's· in the New England Highlands and Mohawk-Hudson regions. dlife Species I mannnals · te-tailed deer 1 C0ttontail rabbit ROW & Forest squirrel {Raccoon Game birds Ruffed grouse Woodcock Black duck Ringnecked pheasant Nongame birds ROW & Forest ROW- Burrow ROW ROW Edge Near ROW Edge ROW & Areas Used by Wildlife 2 'ROW & Forest ROW ROW & Forest Forest near ROW ROW & Sites 3 ROW & Forest ROW & Forest ROW & Forest ROW ROW & 4 ROW & Forest ROW Forest near ROW Forest near ROW ROW & Edge ROW ROW & 5 ROW ROW & Forest ROW & Forest Forest ROW & Forest ROW & Edge ROW & 6 ROW ROW Forest near ROW ROW- Burrow ROW & Forest ROW Singing ROW & Song birds & rap tors Edges Edges Edges Edges Edges Edges 26 species 21 species 23 species 28 species 27 species 20 species Cooper's hawk ROW & Forest (nest) Small nongame mannnals ROW ROW & Forest (nest) ROW & Edges ROW & Forest 6-11 ROW & Edges ROW & Forest ROW & Edges ROW & Forest Table 6.10. ·Trends in impact on water in the New England Highlands and Mohawk- Huds'bn regions Location 1n respect to ROW Border Vegetation Stream Temp. in Centigrade; Sedimentation 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Site 5 -Swamp Oct. 100 yards south of Elm-Red Maple 11.2 the ROW (upstream) Shaded mid ROW Shrubs & Herbs 10.5 Well shaded 100 yards north of Elm-Red Maple 11.0 the ROW (downstream) Shaded Site 2 -Torne Brook (Class B)2 100 yards upstream from the ROW mid ROW 50 ya:r:ds downstream 200 yards downstream 100 yards upstream from the ROW mid ROW 50 yards downstream 200 yards downstream Sept. Hemlock-Yellow Birch 12.8 Shaded Hemlock-Yellow Birch 12.7 Partial Shade Hemlock-Yellow Birch 12.7 Shaded Hemlock-Yellow Birch 12.8 Shaded On August 5, 1976, sampling location 1 was relocated. \ 2 Feb. 5 May 12 Aug. 5 Tem2erature 0.5 13.0 No water 16.0 2.0 13.0 15.0 0.0 13.0 16.0 23 Feb. 3 Jf.lay 11 Aug. .5 Tem2erature Near 10.2 18.5 freezing Near 10.5 17.0 freezing Near 11.0 18.0 freezing Near 11.0 17.0 freezing Sedimentation No sediment No sediment No sediment 1" sand and gravel 2 Stream was 12-14" deep x 13.5'-19.5' in September; 5-11" deep x 9.5'-16' wide in August. Class B stream -bathing and recreation. 6-18 le 6.11. Percent change of land use prior to (or near.the time of construction) and after construction of the ROW for sites within the New England Highlands and Mohawk-Hudson regions. Percent change expressed as ~ncrease (+), decrease (-), no change (O); or no recorded land use with no change (NC). l Land Use Sites Ave. % 1 2 3 4 5 6 Change (A) Agriculture 0 NC NC NC -4.4 -2.6 -1.2 (C,I) Commercial & 0 NC NC NC 1.0 0 0.2 Industrial (E) Extractive NC 0 NC NC 1.4 -1.3 0 Industry (F) Forest Land 0 -1.2 0 0 -8.1 -1.8 -1.9 (N) Non-productive NC -0.2 NC NC NC NC 0 (OR) Outdoor Recrea-0 -.1 NC NC 0.3 NC 0 tion (P) Public & Semi-0.7 NC NC NC 2.2 0.1 0.5 public (R) Residential 0 NC NC NC 1.3 0.3 0.3 (T) Transportation 0 1.4 NC NC 0.4 5.2 1.2 (u) Urban Inactive -0.7 NC NC NC NC NC -0.1 (W) Water Resources 0 0 0 0 5.9 0.1 1.0 1 Percentages are derived from each individual case history of the sites and expressed to a lOth of a percent. Percentages were not adjusted to ~nsure cancellation of land use increase or decrease by site. 6-19 Table 6.12.Multiple land use of ROW sites within the New England Highlands and Mohawk-Hudson regions. Multiple Use 1 Use of access roads for adjacent logging opera- tions Agriculture Extension of residential property Fishing Hiking Horseback riding Hunting X Industrial 1 uses Other recreational 2 X uses Snowmobiling Sites 2 3 4 5 X X X X X X X X X X 6 X X % of Sites with Multiple Use 0 17 0 0 50 17 100 0 50 0 1 Use by adjacent industry as extension of property, or piling of discarded ma- terial associated with that industry. 2 Other recreational uses include such functions as: Use by children for play; motorcycle trails; use by all-terrain vehicles; and camping activities. 6-20 6.3 Trends in the Appalachian Highlands and CatskilJ Regions 6.3.1 Trends in Impact on Vegetation Relation of plant communities to habitat and forest type Four sites (sites 7,8,9,and 10) were located in the Appalachian Highlands and Catskill regions of New York where Hemlock-Northern Hardwoods and Oak-Northern Hard- woods are characteristic natural vegetation. Three of these sites (sites 8, 9,and 10) showed definite trends which correlated the ROW community with habitat and forest type. Site 7 was not used for trends as data on plant species were not taken; the site was selected for special studies. A fifth site (site 22) was added from the border of the adjacent region as it fit more nearly in this region. General trends in vegetation on the ROW's in relation to habitat and forest type are shown in Table 6.13 and Table 6.14 and may be summarized as follows: (1) On mesic areas where Hemlock-Northern Hardwoods adjoin the ROW's, a Blackberry-Goldenrod plant community developed on the ROW. This held true for all types of management used which included: selective followed by broadcast sprays and broadcast sprays only. (2) On xeric habitats where Oak-Northern Hardwoods adjoined the ROW's, a Blueberry-Sweet-fern plant community developed on the ROW's. This held true for all types of management used. (3) On hydric habitats, where the ROW's were adjoined by Hemlock- Northern Hardwoods or Hemlock-Yellow Birch, a Sensitive Fern plant community developed. Where an Elm-Red Maple type bordered a small stream, a Willow-Sensitive Fern plant community developed on the ROW. Species Diversity The number of species present was greater on the ROW's than in the adjacent forest on all sites and all habitat areas, (Table 6.15). This means that the presence of a ROW greatly enhanced the diversity of species and thus the wildlife habitat of the area. Impacts on Shrubs and Low-growing Trees As shrubs and low-growing trees are important species on the ROW's, special attention has been paid to them. Some common species may be grouped for comparative purposes as follows: 1. Shrubs and low-growing trees which were more prominent, or of equal prominence, on the ROW's as compared to the adjacent forests are: American hophornbeam American hornbeam blackberry blueberry hawthorn hazelnut maple-leaved viburnum mountain laurel raspberry 2. Shrubs and low-growing trees which occurred only on the ROW's are: dewberry gooseberry spiraea sweet-fern 6-21 willow 3. Shrubs and low-growing trees which occurred only ~n the forests are: flowering dogwood gray dogwood teaberry 4. Shrubs and low-growing trees present ~n the forest, and also on the ROW's, but ~n lesser abundance, are: serviceberry striped maple witch-hazel Impacts on Herbaceous Plants A different herbaceous flora developed on the ROW's in contrast to that in the adjoining forests. This was primarily owing to invasion by plants of open areas on the ROW's which then formed complex mixtures with plants formerly in the forest. Nine common species were found on the ROW's which were absent or sparse in adjoining forests. These were typical plants of open areas such as golden- rods, sheep-sorrel, pearly everlasting, hay-scented fern, daisy, hawkweeds, Queen Anne's-lace, daisy-fleabane, and pokeweed. A number of plants typical of the forest were not found on the ROW's, or were very rare. These include: beech-fern, Christmas-fern, marginal shield- fern, star-flower, twisted-stalk, wild sarsaparilla, partridge-berry, trilliums, bluebeard-lily, Solomon's-seal, false Solomon's-seal, and club-mosses. Many plants, however, were found both on the ROW's and in the forest and include: wild lily-of-the-valley, strawberry, May-apple, trout-lily, New York fern, sedges, Spring-beauty, hair-cap mosses, wood-sorrel, cinquefoil, asters, interrupted fern, foamflower, whorled loosestrife, and bracken. ; Trees on the ROW (Sites 8, .9, 10, 22). Xeric Habitat (Table 6.16) The most common species were red maple and red oak which each covered 1/2 to 1/4 of the ROW (2). Other common species were sweet birch, quaking aspen, yellow birch, and white oak. The number of species on a ROW ranged from 10 to 11. A total of 15 species where recorded as invading the 2 ROW's. While brush control was excellent on both ROW's, with height mostly under 8-10 feet, there was a large reservoir of resurging tree species present on all ROW's. These trees can be expected to gradually emerge from the shrub layer. Mesic Habitat (Table 6.17) The most common species were red maple and red oak which were occasional (++) to sparse (+) to covering up to 1/4 of the ROW area (2). Other common species were quaking aspen, sweet birch, and hawthorn. The number of species on a ROW ranged from 7 to 18. A total of 25 species was recorded as invading the ROW. While brush control was excellent on all ROW's, with height mostly under 8-10 feet, there was a large reservoir of resurging tree species present on all ROW's. These trees can be ex- pected to gradually emerge from the shrub layer. Hydric Habitat (Table 6.18) The most common species were willow, red oak, and red maple which ranged from numerous to covering up to 1/2 of the ROW area (3). Other common species were white ash, hornbeam, black cherry, American elm, and sweet birch. The number of species on a ROW ranged from 1 to 9. A total of 15 species were recorded invading the ROW. While brush control was ex- cellent on all ROW's, with height mostly under 8-10 feet, there was a large reservoir of resurging tree species present on all ROW's. These trees can be expected to gradually emerge from the shrub layer. 6-22 6.3.2 Trends in Impact on Soil Bedrock geology of the 4 study sites in the ~ppalachian Highlands and Catskill regions is predominantly shale, sandstone and siltstone. Soils on 3 areas (sites 7,8, and 9) formed mostly in unsorted glacial till, some stratified glacial outwash (site 7) and bottomland alluvium from glacial drift (site 9). One area (site 10) was unglaciated and soils developed in weathered bedrock and alluvium from this material. Soil orders are pre- dominantly Inceptisols with one inclusion of Entisols on recent alluvium. Surface mineral soils are strongly acid, pH 4.0 to pH 5.8, with silt loam textures except for silty clay loam on 1 poorly drained bottomland. There was some impact of ROW management on surface organic layers, pri- marily a change in source.of litter from tree parts (leaves, twigs, and fruit) in the forest to leaves and stems of shrubs, herbs, and grasses on the ROW's and reduction in total thickness. For all plots combined, average depth of organic matter on the ROW's was 0.9 inches versus 1.3 inches in the forest. This relationship remains about the same when variation for disturbance on mesic of site 7 and different humus type on mesic of site 10 are deleted in comparisons (Table 6.19). There were only slight differences in thickness of organic matter between mesic and xeric habitats. Overall on the general ROW's, however, the major humus type, "thin duff mull with very shallow Al", was the same as that in the forest. The only exception is the "very deep medium mull" on the forest mesic of site 10 which likely resulted from local variation in soil type and properties. Active erosion on the general ROW's, as with the undisturbed forest, was limited mostly to slight to moderate sheet and rill erosion and some gully erosion on bare steep slopes in silt loam soil. More severe erosion of all kinds occurred primarily on access roads, tower sites and other dis- turbed areas. Also, slight to moderate erosion occurred along stream banks both in the forest and on the ROW's. The trend, therefore, was for the ROW's in this region to show a negative impact only on disturbed areas and not on the general ROW's which were adequately covered with vegetation and duff mull humus layers (Table 6.20). 6.3.3 Trends in Impact on Wildlife The trend in impact on wildlife use of the ROW's was positive as shown by the 14 common species found using the ROW's, in addition to numerous song birds and raptors (Table 6.21). White-tailed deer commonly used both the ROW's and forest on all sites. Cottontail rabbits used the ROW's on 4 of the sites and the forest on 2 sites. Woodchuck were observed on the ROW's on 4 sites; along with their burrows on 2 sites. Fox scats were observed on 3 sites on the ROW's and gray squirrels used the ROW's on 3 sites. Skunk were detected on 1 site. Of the common game birds, ruffed grouse and wild turkey were observed on the ROW's on 2 sites and woodcock on 1 site on the ROW. From 10 to 23 species of song birds and raptors were observed using the ROW's on all sites. Two bald eagles were seen on the study area of site 7. Studies of deer browsing on 3 sites indicated an important trend in wild- life use, namely, that 8 common shrubs on the ROW's and edges were heavily browsed and thus furnished valuable wildlife food for winter use. While per- cent of stems browsed was higher in the forest (58%) than on the ROW's (44%) on all sites, there were considerably more stems available per unit area on the ROW's (258) than in the forests (119) on all sites. A pellet group count on 1 site indicated that deer were active during the winter on the ROW, the edges, and in the adjacent forest. There were no significant differences between use in any of these locations. ,6-23 6.3.4 Trends in Impact on Water Three streams were sampled on sites 1n this region: Travis Brook (site 8) and Baldwin C~eek (site 9) were Class D streams, agricultural and/or industrial water supply (Table 6.22). The third stream, which was unnamed and unclassified and occurred as a man-made pond and wet meadow on the ROW, was not used for these trends. was negligible as it varied yards downstream and 16.5 C was the ROW's consisted of herbs The 2 ROW's were 150 and 250 Impact of the ROW's on stream temperature from only 0.5 to 2.0 C from upstream to 50-100 the highest temperature measured. The cover on and grasses which furnished only partial shade. feet wide, respectively. Active sedimentation from the ROW's was not observed, although Travis Brook did have a measurable deposition in May with no additional by August at mid-ROW and 100 yards downstream. However, little turbidity was observed in Travis Brook in September after heavy rain. Baldwin Creek showed no sediment deposit in May or August. 6.3.5 Trends in Impact on Land Use Changes in Adjacent Land Use The percent change in land use prior to (or near the time of construction) and after construction of the ROW has been com- pared for 5 sites (sites 7,8,9,10 and 22). Sites 7 to 10 are found within the Appalachian Highlands and Catskill regions, with site 22 being added from the border of an adjacent region (Lake Plain) because it fits more nearly with this regions vegetative cover. For consistency of analysis with other trend analyses, this grouping is included for the land use section as well. The percent change by land use type is recorded for each site and for all 5 sites as an average percent change (Table 6.23). High percent changes in land use for any single site included a decrease in agriculture for site 22 by 21.5%, and an increase in forest l~nd by 16.4% also for site 22. Zero % change in land use was most frequently measured as a percent change by land use type. The average percent change by land use is generally low, with the highest average percent change being a 5.4% decrease in agriculture for sites in this grouping. Other average percent changes included a slight increase in extractive industry (0.3%); an increase in forest land (3.9%); a slight increase in residential (0.6%); an increase in transportation (1.2%); and a slight decrease in water resources (-0.6%). Factors which should be considered and may influence the impact (or change) on adjacent land uses include visual characteristics of the ROW's. General reconnaissance of the sites indicates that of the 5 sites, 2 are generally pleasing to view (sites 7 and 8) with the remaining 3 neither pleasing nor ob- jectionable (sites 9,10, and 22). Sites which are pleasing to view either include visual assets of vistas, are well vegetated, or open attractive rugged terrain to view. The remaining 3 sites are described as neither pleasing nor objectionable, generally beeause they lack visual assets or expose undesirable visual characteristics due to erosion. In this region negative visual char- acteristics which have been identified are a result of either soil erosion or poor drainage conditions. No effect on adjacent land use change as a result of visual characteristics is apparent. 6-24 A general trend for land use adjacent to the ROW's within the Appalachian Highlands and Catskill regions is the lack of change or absence in recorded land uses for 5 land use types: Commercial & Industrial, Non-productive, Outdoor Recreation, Public & Semi-public, and Urban Inactive. This may be a reflection of the rural-farm, or rural non-farm composition of the regions' areas involved. There is a trend towards a consistent decrease in agricul- tural land. Another trend is the general absence of long-term negative visual characteristics that would be an objectionable contrast with the surrounding land use. Due to the few number of sampled sites, and variability of influ- ences other than the ROW's construction and maintenance which could affect land use change, other distinct trends are not apparent. Multiple Uses Multiple uses of the ROW's for these sites include agri- culture, hunting, horseback riding, and other recreational uses (Table 6.24). All of the 5 sites recorded multiple land uses. Of these 5 sites, the only multiple uses in common are hunting and agriculture. An important trend 1s shown by the existance of hunting and agriculture. 6-25 0\ I N 0'\ Table 6.13. Trends in impact on vegetation in the Appalachian Highlands and Cat~ki!l regions. Site Region Habitat --•. ·-·- 8 Appalachian Highlands Mesic 9 Appalachian Highlands Mesic 10 Appalachian Highlands Mesic 22 Appalachian Highlands Mesic 8 Appalachian Highlands Xeric 22 Appalachian Highlands Forest Type Hemlock-Northern Hardwoods Hemlock-Northern Hardwoods Hemlock-Northern Hardwoods Northern Hard- woods Oak-Northern Hardwoods Hardwoods Type of Management ROW Community Selective & Broadcast Blackberry-Goldenrod • Selective & Aerial Blackberry-Goldenrod Broadcast Blackberry-Goldenrod Broadcast & Selective Blackberry-Goldenrod Selective & Broadcast Blueberry-Sweet-fern ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 Appalachian Highlands Hydric 9 Appalachian Highlands Hydric 10 Appalachian Highlands Hydric 22 Appalachian Highlands Hydric Hemlock-Yellow Birch Alder-Sensitive Fern Selective & Broadcast Selective & Aerial Hemlock-Northern Broadcast Hardwoods Elm-Red Maple Broadcast & Selective Spiraea-Sensitive Fern Alder-Sensitive Fern Dewberry-Sensitive Fern. Willow-Sensitive Fern 6.14. Trends in plant community development in relation to forest type and habitat of the Appalachian Highlands and Catskill regions. The figures in parenthesis are percent constancy.1 Adjacent Forest ROW Community MESIC Hemlock-Northern Hardwoods----------~ Blackberry (100) -Goldenrod (100) XERIC with Witch-Hazel (100) Hawthorn (100) Raspberry (66) Sheep-Sorrel (100) Strawberry (100) Hair-cap Moss (100) Asters (66) Hay-scented Fern (66) Mixed Grass (100) Oak-Northern Hardwoods--------------~ Blueberry (100) -Sweet-fern (100) HYDRIC with Witch-Hazel (100) Hemlock-Yellow Birch----------------~ Spiraea (66) with Witch-Hazel (66) Raspberry (66) Bracken (100) Pearly Everlasting (100) Whorled Loosestrife (100) Strawberry (100) Mixed Grass (100) Sedge (100) Goldenrod (100) Sensitive Fern (100) Interrupted Fern (66) Sedge (66) Violet (66) Horsetail (66) Blue-eyed Grass (66) Cinquefoil (66) Spring-beauty (66) Mixed Grass (66) 1 Constancy 1s a percentage which equals No. of stands 1n which found X lQQ Total no. of stands 6-27 ilfi '11:::1 'I ill 'i ,li I' I: ,! I, I I 'I 'I: I, II II I, ''ll''l ! i'i Table 6.15 Site 7 8 9 10 22 Average~- 7 8 9 10 22 Average - Comparison of species diversity, based on the number of species, on ROW's with that in the adjoining forests in the Appalachian Highlands and Catskill regions. No. of Species Mesic Xeric Hydric Forest ROW Forest ROW Forest ROW Shrubs 4 7 4 5 2 3 2 6 2 4 6 7 1 4 2 6 4 8 2.5 5.8 5 6 2.3 5 Herbs 11 15 6 14 10 20 11 19 17 25 10 16 14 18 8 13 9 18 11.75 18 8 15 11 18.7 6-28 Table 6.16. Abundance and cover value of trees on the ROW for the Applachian Highlands and Catskill regions. (see Vol. 1, p. 3-3 for value of symbols). Xeric Habitat on Sites Species on ROW 8 9 10 22 Red Maple 2 2 Red Oak 2 2 Sweet Birch 3 + Quaking Aspen + 2 Yellow Birch 1 + White Oak 1 + Beech 1 Gray Birch 1 White Birch 1 Chestnut Oak 1 Large-tooth Aspen + White Ash + Serviceberry + Black Cherry + Shagbark Hickory + No. Species (Total = 15) 11 10 Average No. of Species = 10.5 6-29 ,:!; , I I 'I i' il '' l'j, . I, fl 'i' I I I I ,II :I ·i ]! Table 6.17. Abundance and cover value of trees on the ROW for the Applachian Highlands and Catskill regions. • (see Vol. 1, p. 3-3 for value of symbols). Mesi~ Habitat on Site Species ROW 8 \: 9 10 on Red Maple 1 2 1 Red Oak 2 + + Quaking Aspen 1 3 Sweet Birch 3 1 1 1 Hawthorn + + 2 Hornbeam 3 2 White Ash 2 Black Cherry 2 1 Yellow Birch 1 2 Pin Cherry + Beech 1 + Serviceberry 1 Bitternut Hickory + Apple 2 Red Pine 1 Willow 1 Chestnut + Gray Birch + White Birch + White Pine ++ Large-tooth Aspen + Scotch Pine + American Elm ++ White Oak American Hop-Hornbeam + No. Species (Total = 25) ll 18 7 Average No. of Speices = ll.2 1 Listed under shrub layer individual site summaries. ~n 6-30 22 2 ++ 2 3 1 ++ + 1 ++ 9 Table 6.18. Abundance and cover value of trees on. the ROW for the Appalachian Highlands and Catskill regions. (see Vol. 1, p. 3-3 for value of symbols). Hydric Habitat on Species on the ROW 8 9 10 Willow 1 1 Red Maple 1 Red Oak ++ White Ash Hornbeam 2 Black Cherry 1 American Elm Sweet Birch 1 Quaking Aspen + Serviceberry + Shagbark Hickory Pin Cherry Apple Basswood Pignut Hickory No. Species (Total = 15) 1 3 4 Average No. of Species = 4-.3 1 Listed under shrub layer ~n individual site summaries. 6-31 Sites 22 3 2 ++ 3 1 + ++ ++ ++ 9 il. ill \il:l I :l'.l;l il;. I . :tr. ) I' l·! I Table 6.19. Tren~s in impact on soil organic layers and humus types Ln the Appalachian; Highlands and Catskill regions. Moisture Site Regime 7 Mesic 8 Mesic & Xeric 9 Mesic 10 Mesic Xeric 22 Mesic Predominant Humus Type ROW Forest Disturbed tower openings -no humus type Thin duff mull w/ very shallow Al Thin duff mull w/ very shallow Al Thin duff mull w/ very shallow Al Thin duff mull w/ very shallow Al Thin duff mull w/ shallow Al Thin duff mull w/ very shallow Al Thin duff mull w/ very shallow Al Thin duff mull w/ very shallow Al Very deep medium mull Thin duff mull w/ very shallow Al Thin duff mull w/ shallow Al Average thickness -all sites Average thickness -mesic and xerLc combined 0 . 1 . (. rganLc Layer ThLckness Lnche~ ROW Forest Mesic Xeric Hesic Xeric 0.3 1.9 1.0 0.8 2.1 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.6 0.3 1.2 1.7 0.9 1.0 0. 7 1.2 1.4 0.9 1.3 1 · Includes all layers (litter, fermentation, and humus) where present. 6-32 Trends in impact on erosion in the Appala~hian Highlands and Catskill regions. Active Erosion ROW Slight sheet erosion on general ROW; slight to moderate sheet and rill erosion on tower sites Hoderate sheet erosion on steep slope of general ROW; moderate sheet, rill and gully erosion on ac- cess roads, tower sites and equipment cuts Slight to severe sheet and gully erosion on steep bare areas of gen- eral ROW; slight to moderate sheet, rill and gully erosion on access roads, intermittent stream bed, stream banks, ditch and equipment cuts Moderate sheet erosion in equipment tracks on gen- eral ROW; severe gully on tower site; moderate sheet, rill and gully erosion on access road and stream banks Slight sheet erosion on general ROW Forest Hoderate sheet and rill erosion in general for- est; slight to severe gully erosion in runoff area Slight to moderate sheet and rill erosion on steep slopes of general forest Slight sheet, rill and gully erosion on bare, steep slopes of general forest; severe sheet, rill and gully erosion on stream bed and stream banks Slight sheet erosion on heavy soil in general forest; slight to mod- erate sheet and gully erosion on stream banks Slight sheet erosion in general forest; moderate sheet, rill and gully erosion on sanitary land fill adjacent to ROW 6-33 Sediment Disposition Most on lower slopes of ROW; some leaves ROW through gully Host on lower slopes of ROW; some moves into intermittent streams Lower slopes on ROW; some deposited in stream crossing ROW and in pond on ROW edge Host on lower slopes of ROW; some in stream and ponded area on ROW All sediment collected on lower slope in de- pression :I Table 6.21. Trends in impact on wildlife use of the ROW's Ln the Appalachian High- lands and Catskill regions. • Areas Used by Wildlife Wildlife Species Sites 7 8 9 10 22 Game mammals White-tailed deer ROW & Forest ROW & Forest ROW & Forest ROW & Forest ROW & Cottontail rabbit ROW ROW & Forest ROW & Forest ROW Gray squirrel ROW & Forest ROW ROW Woodchuck ROW ROW ROW-Burrows ROW & Forest- Burrows Fox ROW ROW ROW Muskrat ROW-Burrows Game birds Woodcock ROW Wild turkey Forest ROW & Forest Ruffed grouse ROW ROW & Forest Nongame birds Song birds & ROW ROW ROW ROW ROW Fores raptors 10 species 23 species 20 species 21 species 15 species Bald eagle ROW Small nongame mammals Chipmunk Forest Skunk ROW & Forest Raccoon ROW Miscellaneous Rattlesnake ROW ROW Spring peeper ROW 6-34 Trends in impact on water ~n the Appalachi~n Highlands and Catskill regions. ~n Respect to ROW Border Vegetation Stream Temp. ~n Centigrade Site 8 -Travis Brook (Class D) Sept. 25 Jan. 28 May 19 Aug. 5 -100 yards upstream 'Hemlock-Northern 9.5 -1.0 6.0 13.0 Hardwoods < shaded 2 -Upstream edge of ROW Forest edge 10.0 0.0 6.6 13.5 partial shade '3 -Mid ROW Herbs, grasses 10.0 -2.0 7.3 14.0 partial shade '4 -Downstream edge of ROW Forest edge 10.0 0.0 7.5 14.0 shaded 5 -100 yards downstream Hemlock-Northern 10.0 0.0 8.0 14.0 Hardwoods shaded ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Site 9 -Baldwin Creek (Class D) Sept. 27 Feb. 12 May 19 Aug. 3 1 -100 yards upstream Forest canopy 12.0 0.0 7.0 15.5 partial shade 2 -Mid ROW Herbs, grasses 12.0 0.0 7.0 16.0 partial shade 3 -50 yards downstream Forest canopy 11.3 0.0 7.5 16.5 partial shade 6-35 ·'I II II, I . i II 'I I[ I I i 'I II i i·\ i I II 'I 'jl II !II II I 'II' ,., il ·.· Table 6.23. Percent change of land use prior to (or near the time of construction) and ~fter construction of the ROW for sites within the Appalachian Highlands and Catskill regions. Percent change expressed as increase (+), decrease (-), no change (0), or no recorded land use with no chan~e (NC). l Land Use Sites2 Ave. % 7 8 9 10 22 Change (A) Agriculture -0.7 -4.3 -0.5 NC -21.5 -5.4 (C,I) Commercial & NC NC NC NC NC 0 Industrial (E) Extractive 0.4 NC NC NC 1.2 0.3 Industry (F) ~Forest Land -1.5 4.3 0.4 0 16.4 3.9 (N) Non-productive NC NC NC NC NC 0 (OR) Outdoor Recrea-NC NC NC 0 0 0 tion (P) Public & Semi-NC 0 NC NC NC 0 public (R) Residential NC NC 0.1 NC 2.8 0.6 (T) Transportation NC NC NC 4.7 1.4 1.2 <u) Urban Inactive NC NC NC NC NC 0 (w) 1-Jater Resources 1.8 NC 0 -4.7 -o. 3 -0.9 1 Percentages are derived from each individual case history of the sites and express- ed to a lOth of a percent. Percentages were not adjusted to insure cancellation of land use 1ncrease or decrease by site. 2 Site 22 was added from the border of the adjacent region (Lake Plain) as it fit more nearly with this region. 6-36 Table 6.24. Multiple land use of ROW sites within the Appalachian Highlands and Catskill regions.l Multiple Use 7 Use of access roads for ad- jacent logging operations Agriculture Extension of residential property Fishing Hiking Horseback riding Hunting X Industrial 2 uses Other recreational 3 X uses Snowmobiling Sites 8 9 10 X X X X X X X X 22 X X % of Sites with Multiple Use 0 80 0 0 0 20 100 0 40 0 1 Site 22 was added from the border of the adjacent region (Lake Plain) as it fits more nearly with this region. 2 Use by adjacent industry as extension of property, or piling of discarded ma- terial associated with that industry. 3 Other recreational uses include such functions as: Use by children for play; motorcycle trails; use by all-terrain vehicles; and camping activities. 6-37 6.4. Trends in the Lake Plain Region 6.4.1 Tren~ in Impact on Vegetation Relation of plant commun~t~es to habitat and forest type Five sites (sites 11,12,13,14,and 15) were studied in the Lake Plain region where Elm- Red Maple and Northern Hardwoods are characteristic natural vegetation (Table 6.25). One site (site 22), which was on the southern border of this region, was put in the Appalachian Highlands and Catskill region owing to its obvious relationship to that region. General trends in vegetation on the ROW's in relation to habitat and forest type are shown in Table 6.25 and Table 6.26, and may be summarized as follows: (1) On mes~c habitat areas where Northern Hardwoods adjoined the ROW's, a Sumac~Goldenrod plant community developed on the ROW. It is important to note that on 3 sites with widely different ROW treatments (sites 12,14,and 15), all the ROW's had developed the same plant community, Sumac-Goldenrod. This included site 14 where no herbicides had been used and sites 12 and 15 where broadcast sprays had been used. (2) Only 2 xeric sites were studied in this region. However, on these a different community, Blueberry-Bracken, had developed which lacked sweet-fern so typical of xeri~ habitats in the New England Highlands and Mohawk-Hudson reg~ons. (3) On hydric habitat areas, a Red Osier Dogwood-Sensitive Fern plant community had developed on all sites regardless of the ROW manage- ment used. An Elm-Red Maple forest type, or close variant adjoined the ROW's on these habitats. Description of ROW Communities Sumac-Goldenrod Community (Rhus-Solidago) This community is typically located on mesic habitat areas on lower and middle slopes with free drainage. Surface soil pH ranged from.pH 5.0 to pH 7.0, with an average pH of 6.2. Characteristic Species Staghorn-sumac ~s constantly present (100%), and with high abundance and cover values. Goldenrods are constantly present (100%), and with high abundance and cover values. Blackberry is also a constant species (60%) of variable cover value. Small to large patches of grasses mixed with old field herbs were typical of this community. Other species of high constancy (80%) are grape, asters, strawberry, yarrow, and sheep-sorrel. Species with medium constancy (40-60%) and not common to other habitats are prickly ash and climbing bittersweet. 6-38 Blueberry-Bracken Community (Vaccinium-Pteridium) This community is typically located on xeric habitat areas mostly on upland flats and slopes with excessive drainage. The soil pH was 4.8. Characteristic Species Blueberry occurred on the 2 sites (sites 14 and 15), while sweet-fern was absent. Bracken fern also occurred on both sites with high abundance and cover values. Dewberry, flowering dogwood, and arrow-wood all were found on both sites with high cover yalues. A number of herbs typical of old fields were found on both sites: goldenrods, asters, hawkweeds, sheep-sorrel, Queen Anne's-lace, straw- berry and yarrow. Small patches and clumps of grasses were typical of this community. Red Osier Dogwood-Sensitive Fern Community (Cornus stolonifera-Onoclea) This community is typically located on hydric habitat areas in stream bottoms and depressed areas with impeded drainage. The soil pH ranged from pH 6.5 to pH 7.1, with an average pH of 6.8. Characteristic Species Red osier dogwood is constantly present (100%) and usually has a high abundance and cover.value. Willow is also a constant species (100%) with low to high cover values. Sensitive fern is a highly constant species (100%) with very high abundance and cover values. Elderberry is also a highly constant (80%) species although vari- able in its abundance. Sedges and horsetails are highly constant (100%) with very high cover values. Touch-me-not and boneset are species of high constancy (80%) usually with high abundance and cover values. Other characteristic species of wet areas with medium constancy values (40 to 60%) are: cowslip, cat-tail, rush, marsh-fern, flag iris, lady-fern, and nightshade. Mixed grasses occur in clumps and small patches and are constantly present (100%). Goldenrods and asters are highly constant species (100 and 80%), usually of high cover value. Species Div~rsity The average number of species present on the ROW's was considerably greater than in the adjoining forests on all habitat areas for the 5 sites studied (Table 6.27). The only exception was on the hydric habitat of site 11 where there were many more herbs present in the ~orest than on the ROW. The forest in this case was an open cedar swamp mixed with Elm-Red Maple. This indicates a general trend towards development of a more diverse vegetation on the ROW's which, in turn, means a g~eater richness of flora and improved wildlife habitat. 6-39 .... ' I ! 'I': l' I I' /,, ~ : I Impacts on Shrubs and Low-Growing Trees Shrubs are important components of the ROW cowmunities which enhance wildlife habitat and add to the attrac- tiveness of scenery. Therefore, special attention has been paid to them and they are grouped below to indicate their development on the ROW's studied. 1. Common shrubs and low-growing trees which were more prominent, or of equal prominence, on the ROW's as compared with adjoining forests are: alder arrow-wood blackberry blueberry buckthorn elderberry grape gray dogwood hawthorn northern prickly ash red osier dogwood rose 2. Common shrubs and low-growing trees which occurred only on the ROW's - are: climbing bittersweet dewberry flowering dogwood honeysuckle nanny berry spicebush staghorn-sumac virgin's-bower winter berry 3. Common shrubs and low-growing trees which occurred only in the forests a~e: gooseberry maple-leaved viburnum striped maple teaberry 4. Common shrubs and low-growing trees which occurred both in the for- ests and on the ROW's, but in lesser abundance on the ROW's are: choke-cherry poison ivy raspberry Virginia creeper witch-hazel Impact on Herbaceous Plants A different flora developed on the ROW's which contrasted sharply with that of the adjoining forests. This was caused by in- vasion of the ROW's by plants typical of open areas which then mixed with plants of the forests to produce a complex mixture of shrubs, herbs, ferns, and grasses. Patches of grass were typical of all habitats and were usually mixed with herbs such as goldenrods, asters, wild strawberry, butterfly-weed, yarrow, and sheep-sorrel. Along with these were such plants of the forest as wild geranium, yellow wood-sorrel, cinquefoils, bracken, sensitive fern, sedges, touch-me-not, boneset, bedstraw, lady-fern, false Solomon's-seal, and May-apple. Some plants of the forest were either not found on the ROW's, or were extremely rare. These included: twisted-stalk, wild sarsaparilla, partridge- berry, large-leaved aster, Indian cucumber-root, false spikenard, white baneberry, and sweet Cicely. A number of ferns typical of shaded habitats were not found on the ROW's. These included: marginal shield-fern, beech- fern, spinulose wood-fern, and cinnamon-fern. These are mostly plants adapted to growing under the canopy of a forest and do not thrive in open areas of any kind. 6-40 Trees on the ROW (Sites 11, 12, 13, 14, 15) Xeric Habitat (Table 6.28) The most common species on the 2 xeric sites were sassafras, red oak, and white oak which ranged from numerous (1) to covering 1/4-1/2 of the ROW area (3). Other common species were flowering dogwood and large-tooth aspen. The number of species on a ROW ranged from 9 on one ROW to 11 on the other. While brush control was excellent on both ROW's, with height mostly under 8-10 feet, there was a large reservoir of resurging tree species present on both ROW's. These trees can be expected to gradually emerge from the shrub layer. Mesic Habitat (Table "6.29) The most common species were black cherry, red maple, red oak, white ash, and American elm with a range from very sparse (+) to covering 1/4 ~ l/2 of the ROW area (3). Other common species were bitternut hickory, pin cherry, and hawthorn. The number of species on a ROW ranged from 7 to 17. A total of 25 species was recorded as invading the ROW. While brush control was excellent on all ROW's, with height mostly under 8-10 feet, there was a large reservoir of resurging tree species present on all ROW's. These trees can be expected to gradually emergy from the shrub layer. Hydric Habitat (Table 6.30) The most common species were willow, white ash, and American elm which ranged from sparse (+) to covering 1/4 -1/2 of the ROW area (3). Other common species were black cherry, red maple, and quaking aspen. The number of species on a ROW ranged from 5 to 9. A total of 15 species were recorded as invading the ROW. While brush control was excellent on all ROW's, with height mostly under 8-10 feet, there was a large reservoir of resurging tree species present on all ROW's. These trees can be expected to gradually emerge from the shrub layer. 6.4.2 Trends in Impact on Soil Bedrock geology of study areas in the Lake Plain region is predominantly shale, sandstone, and limestone with minor inclusions of siltstone, dolostone, and granite. Upland soils formed mostly in glacial till and o:utwash, and bottomland soils in lake deposits and alluvium from glacial drift. Parent soil materials and associated ground water are generally calcareous. Drumlin for- mations and wind-blown silt and fine sand deposits are prominent on several sites (sites 12,14,and 15). Major soil orders are Inceptisols, Alfisols, and Entisols. Surface mineral soils vary in texture and reaction apparently due to different parent materials, mostly medium to strongly acid sandy loams and loamy sands on sites 12, 14, and 15, and slightly acid to neutral silt loams and loams on other sites. Impacts on surface soil organic layers of the general ROW's were very minor in this region (Table 6.31). There was a change in source of annual litter deposits from tree parts under forests to leaves and stems of mixed grass-herb-shrub cover on the ROW's, but overall, organic layers on the ROW's were equivalent to,or slightly thicker than,those in the forests. Humus types were generally similar under ROW and forest conditions, but varied among sites .. Medium mulls and sand mulls were prominent on mesic habitats of sites 11, 12,and 13, and sand mulls on the xeric habitat of site 15, while thin duff mulls occurred on mesic areas of all other sites. Another minor effect was the consistent occurrence of thinner Al horizons on the ROW's than in the forests where mull humus types we.re present, while no difference occurred on duff mulls. Although not related to ROW management, the mull humus type on site 13 was some- what modified by past plowing in this area. 6-41 • Impacts on soil erosion were negligible on the general ROW's, those areas where woody brush was maintained by chemical sprays or mowing but with minimal soil disturbance. Some slight to moderate sheet and rill erosion did occur under these ROW conditions on several sites, but did not exceed normal erosion observed under bordering forest conditions (Table 6.3V. More serious sheet, rill and some gully erosion, associated with ROW management activities, occur- red on disturbed areas such as access roads, tower sites, staging-stringing areas, and excavations. In addition, other uses not related to ROW management caused further site deterioration leading to erosion on access roads and stream- banks of some sites. Small amounts of erosion sediment on 3 sites (sites 12, 14, and 15) entered streams on the ROW, but otherwise accumulated on lower slopes with no apparent adverse effects. The major trend, therefore, was for the ROW's in this region to show negative impacts, primarily soil erosion and some stream sedimentation only on disturbed areas, with none or minimal effects on the general ROW's which were stabilized by low plant. cover and organic mulch. 6.4.3 Trends in Impact on Wildlife Wildlife use on the 5 sites studied was relatively high and 12 common species were observed using the ROW's, or their edges, in addition to numer- ous song birds and raptors (Table 6.33). From 11 to 31 species of song birds and raptors were observed using the ROW's on all sites. A Cooper's hawk was observed on one site on the ROW. White-tailed deer used the ROW's on 4 sites, with one highly urbanized area (site 12) lacking deer. Cottontail rabbits used the ROW's on all 5 sites, along with woodchuck on 2 sites whose burrows are valuable as escape cover. Raccoon used the ROW on 1 site, while gray squirrel on 2 sites used the adjacent forest and crossed the ROW's on 2 sites. Of the common game birds of the region, woodcock used the ROW's on 4 sites, with singing grounds either.on the ROW's or adjacent to it on all sites. Ringnecked pheasant used the ROW's on 3 sites, Canada goose on 3 sites, and c·anvasback on 1 site. Deer browse surveys which were carried out on 2 most browse was available on the ROW's or its edges. winter food was furnished by the ROW's, as 10 common deer. 6.4.4 Trends in Impact on Water sites indicated that An important source of shrubs were browsed by Water impact was studied on site 11 where the ROW crossed a large swamp located in the Genessee River basin. The swamp was 1.7 miles long by 0.3 miles wide. Flow was negligible and measurements were taken in depressions containing water. Temperature difference on the ROW compared to 2 adjacent locations varied, but no distinct trend could be detected between the locations to indicate a warming trend on the ROW or other changes in water quality. 6-42 6.4.5 Trends in Impact on Land Use Changes in Adjacent Land Use The percent chang~ in land use pr1or to (or near the time of construction) and after construction of the ROW has been compared for 5 sites (sites 11,12,13,14, and 15). One site (site 22) which was on the southern border of this region, was put in the Appalachian High- lands and Catskill regions due to its vegetative relationship to that region. For consistency of analysis with other trends sections, this grouping was kept. Percent change by land use type is measured for each site and for all 5 sites as an average percent change (Table 6.j4). The highest percent change in land use for any single site was a decrease in agriculture by 58.8% for site 12. Another very high percent change for site 12 was an increase in residential by 43.3%. Sites .14 and 15 also had high percent changes in agri- culture (-7.1%), forest land (17.8%), and water resources (-11.0%). As a result, the average percent changes by land use are consistently high for agriculture (-14.8%), forest land (7.0%), residential (8.8%), and water resources (-4.8%). Because of the high variability in land use changes, special considera- tion should be given to other factors which may influence the impact on adjacent land uses, including visual characteristics. General reconnaissance of the ROW's indicates that of the 5 sites, 2 are generally pleasing to view (sites 14 and 15), and 3 are neither pleasing nor objectionable (sites 11,12, and 13). Sites which are pleasing to view generally lack undesirable char- acteristics and include vistas and flowering vegetation pleasing to view. The remaining 3 sites are described as neither pleasing nor objectionable generally because they lack visual assets, although they may visibly blend with adjacent land use and land cover types. Variability associated with the ROW~s in the context of their location makes this series of general re- connaissance no less subjective, but does not strongly reflect criteria which would impact adjacent land uses in a negative fashion. Within this Lake Plain region, one trend is a decrease 1n agriculture. For sites considered here there is also a general absence of long-term negative visual characteristics that appear in objectionable con- trast with the surrounding landscape. The combined effect of high percent changes specifically associated with site 12, and the double counting of changes for parallel sites 14 and 15, make it difficult to derive other dis- tinct trends. The high variability of influences other than the ROW which could affect land use change are apparent within this region, most noticeably with site 12. Multiple Uses Multiple uses of the ROW's within these regions include agriculture, extension of residential property, hiking, hunting, snowmobiling and other recreational uses (Table 6.35). Of these, 4 sites are used for snowmobiling. It is clear that the ROW's have opened the land for a variety of recreational uses. Extension of reSidential property for 2 sites (sites 12 and 13), as well as other multiple uses, are positive impacts associated with the. ROW's. An important trend for multiple use for this region is also shown by the variety of recreational activities which take advantage of the linear char- acter of the ROW's. Snowmobiling is a predominant multiple use found on 4 sites and would indicate that the ROW's in this region are ideally suited for this activity. 6-43 f II,, l'i' ,, Table 6.25. Trends 1n impact on vegetation 1n the Lake Plain region . Site 1l 12 13 14 15 14 15 11 12 13 14 15 • Habitat Ivlesi.c Mesic Mesic Mesic Mesic Xeric Forest Type Oak-Nort.hern Hardwoods Northern Hardwoods Northern Hardwoods Northern Hardwoods Northern Hardwoods Oak-Northern Hardwoods Moist-Xeric Oak-Northern Hardwoods Type of Management Selective Stump Broadcast & Mowed Selective Stump Mechanical None Broadcast & Selective None Broadcast & Selective & Hydric Northern White Cedar Mechanical with Elm-Red Maple Hydric Northern Hardwoods Broadcast & Selective Hydric Red Maple-Ash Not given Hydric Elm-Red Maple None Hydric Elm-Red Maple Broadcast & Selective 6-44 ROW Corrnnunity Suma.c-Goldenrod Sumac-Goldenrod Sumac-Goldenrod Sumac-Goldenrod Sumac-Goldenrod Blueberry-Bracken Blueberry-Bracken Red Osier Dogwood- Sensitive Fern Red Osier Dogwood- Sensitive Fern Red Osier Dogwood- Sensitive Fern Red Osier Dogwood- Sensitive Fern Red Osier Dogwood- Sensitive Fern Trends in plant community development in relation to forest type and habitat of the Lake Plain reg1on. The fig~res in parenthesis are percent constancy.l Adjacent Forest ROW Community MESIC Hardwoods----------~-~----~ Sumac (100) XERIC Grape (80) Blackberry (60) Hawthorn (60) Blackberry (60) Arrow-wood (60) Oak-Northern Hardwoods-------------~ Blueberry (100) HYDRIC Dewberry (100) Flowering Dogwood (100) Arrow-wood (100) with with Goldenrod (100) Asters (80) Strawberry (80) Yarrow (80) Sheep-Sorrel (80) Mixed Grass (100) Bracken (100) Asters (100) Yarrow (100) Sheep-Sorrel (100) Strawberry (100) Hawkweeds (100) Queen Anne's-Lace (100) Mixed Grass (100) Maple---------------------~ Red Osier Dogwood (100)-Sensitive Fern (100) with Willow (100) Elderberry (80) Gray Dogwood (60) Grape (60) Arrow-wood (60) Asters (100) Sedge (100) Horsetails (100) Goldenrod (100) Boneset (80) Touch-me-not (80) Mixed Grass (80) Constancy 1s a percentage which equals No. of stands 1n which found Total no. of stands x 100 6-45 I II II 1il 1', 1,1 ,! H '[' d ,, II': 'I r ''" I 1,1 '!I I :I I' ( Iii I 1! II' :' I Table 6.27 • Site 11 12 13 14 15 Average - 11 12 13 14 15 Average - ) Comparison of species diversity, based on number of species, on ROW's with that in the adjoining forests in the Lake Plain region . f S . 1 No. o pec1.es Mesic Xeric Hydric Forest ROW Forest ROW Forest ROW Shrubs 5 9 7 9 1 5 2 6 4 8 6 8 3 6 5 6 4 9 4 5 5 7 2 7 3.4 6.6 5.0 6.5 4.2 7.8 Herbs - 11 17 32 14 9 24 13 31 9 12 7 18 14 20 17 20 5 18 9 11 15 30 21 25 10.4 16.8 16.0 25.0 15.6 21.2 1 If a habitat occurrs twice on a site, the total number of respective shrub or herb species for both areas is.totaled, then divided by two for an average. This average is then rounded off to the nearest whole number. 6-46 .·.· Table 6.28. Abundance and cover value of trees on the ROW for the Lake Plain region. (see Vol. 1, p. 3-3 for value of symbols). Xeric Habitat on Sites Species on ROW 11 12 13 14 15 Sassafras 3 3 Red Oak 1 2 White Oak 1 1 Flowering Dogwood 1 + Large-tooth Aspen 3 Black Cherry 1 White Ash 1 Sugar Maple 1 Black Oak 1 Scotch Pine 1 Hawthorn1 + Quaking Aspen + Shagbark Hickory ++ Red Maple ++ Bitternut Hickory ++ White Pine ++ No. Species (Total = 16) 9 11 Average No. of Species = 10 1 Listed under shrub layer in individual site sunnnaries. 6-47 Table 6.29. Abundance and cover value of trees on the ROW for the Lake Plain regions. (~ee Vol. 1, p. 3-3 for value of symbols). Species on ROW Black Cherry White Ash American Elm Red Maple Red Oak Bitternut Hickory Pin Cherry 1 Hawthorn Quaking Aspen Hornbeam Sassafras Flowering Dogwood Basswood Willow1 Apple White Birch Shagbark Hickory Black Ash Black Locust Large-tooth Aspen Cottonwood White Oak Alternate-leaved Dogwood Chestnut Oak White Cedar No. Species (Total = 25) 11 2 3 1 3 + ++ 3 3 ++ + ++ ++ 2 3 ++ ++ + 17 Average No. of Species = 10.4 12 + ++ + 1 ++ 2 + 2 8 1 Listed under shrub layer 1n individual site 6-48 Mesic Habitat on Sites 13 + ++ + + ++ 1 + 7 sunnnar1es. 14 1 1 + 3 2 + 3 1 3 ++ 3 1 + 13 15 4 + ++ 2 1 1 1 7 Table 6.30. Abundance and cover value of trees on the ROW for the Lake Plain region. (see Vol. 1, p. 3-3 for value of symbols). Hydric Habitat on Sites Species on ROW 11 12 13 14 15 Willow 1 1 2 3 1 + White Ash + 3 1 4 American Elm 2 3 + 1 Black Cherry + + ++ 1 Red Maple + 3 3 Quaking Aspen + + 3 Apple + 1 Black Locust 1 + Black Ash 1 White Cedar 1 White Oak + Hawthorn 1 + Basswood ++ Red Oak ++ Bitternut Hickory ++ No. Species (Total = 15) 8 9 6 5 6 Average No. of Species = 6.8 1 Listed under shrub layer in individual site summaries. 6-49 :]i II: II i'l' ,, ,, Table 6.31· Trends in impact on soil organic layers and humus types 1.n regiofl.. Moisture Predominant Humus Site Regime ROW Forest Mes1.c ll Mesic Deep medium mull Deep medium mull 0.3 Al=4.0" thick Al=4. 6" thick 12 Mesic Deep sand mull Very deep sand mull 1.1 Al=4.0" thick Al=5.0" thick 13 Mesic Deep medium mull-P Very deep medium 0.6 Al=4.0" thick mull Al=5 .5" thick 14 Mesic Thin duff mull w/ Thin duff mull w/ 0.6 very shallow Al very shallow Al 15 Mesic Thin duff mull w/ Thin duff mull w/ 0.8 very shallow Al very shallow Al Xeric , Very shallow sand Very shallow sand 0.5 mull mull Al-0.3" thick Al=0.4" thick Average thickness -all sites 0.7 0.5 Average thickness -mesic and xer1.c combined 0.6 1 Includes all layers (litter, fermentation, and humus) where present. 6-50 Mes1.c 0.3 1.1 0.4 0.7 0.9 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.7 Trends ~n impact on eros~on ~n the Lake Plain regior Active Erosion ROW Moderate sheet and rill erosion on one area of general ROW; moderate sheet and rill erosion on logging road, exca- vation, and path at spring seep Slight sheet erosion on several bare areas on general ROW; moderate sheet, rill and gully erosion on tower site, stream bank and sand pile Slight sheet erosion on several bare areas of silt loam soil on gen- eral ROW and tower site; slight to moderate sheet and gully erosion along drainage ditches No erosion on general ROW; slight to moderate sheet and rill erosion at 6 tower sites and 2 staging-stringing areas; slight erosion of access road water bars; severe erosion at culvert crossing No erosion on general ROW; slight to moderate sheet erosion on access road, road water bars and culvert crossing Forest Moderate sheet erosion on one area of general forest Slight sheet erosion on several areas of bare soil in general forest; moderate to severe sheet and gully erosion on dis- turbed stream bank and building excavation Slight sheet erosion on several bare areas of silt loam soil in general forest No eros~on under forest conditions No erosion under forest conditions 6-51 Sediment Disposition All sediment depos- ited on lower slopes of ROW or forests Sediment from stream bank erosion enters stream; all other collects on lower slopes Sediment from ditch banks leave ROW via ditches; other col- lects on lower slopes Some from bank ero- sion at culvert entered streams; most accumulated on lower slopes of ROW Some from bank ero- sion at culvert entered stream; most accumulated on lower slopes on ROW Table 6.33. Trends 1n impact on wildlife use of the ROW's 1n the Lake Plain region. • Areas Used b~ Wildlife Wildlife Species Sites 11 12 13 14 15 Game mammals White-tailed deer ROW & ROW ROW ROW Forest Cottontail rabbit ROW ROW & ROW ROW ROW Edges Raccoon ROW Woodchuck ROW ROW 2 burrows 1 burrow Gray squirrel Adjacent ROW to ROW Game birds Ruffed grouse ROW Woodcock ROW ROW ROW ROW Canvasback ROW Ringnecked pheasant ROW ROW ROW Canada goose ROW ROW ROW Nongame birds Song birds & ROW ROW ROW ROW ROW rap tors 31 species 11 species 16 species 30 species 24 species Small nongame mammals Oppossum ROW Mole ROW ROW 6-52 .6.34. Percent change of land use prior to (or near the time and after construction of the ROW for sites within t' ~ construction) 1 Lake Plain region. Percent change expressed as increase ( +)' decrease (-), no change (0), or no recorded land use with no change (NC). 2 Land Use Sites Ave. % 11 12 13 14 15 Change (A) Agriculture -1.0 -58.8 0 -7.1 -7.1 -14.8 (C,I) Commercial & NC -0.3 NC 0 0 -0.1 Industrial (E) Extractive NC NC 0.3 NC NC 0.1 Industry (F) Forest Land 1.0 -1.4 -.3 17.8 17.8 7.0 (N) Non-productive NC NC NC NC NC 0 (OR) Outdoor Recrea-NC / NC NC 0 0 0 tion (P) Public & Semi-NC 5.4 NC NC NC 1.1 public (R) Residential 0 43.3 0 0.3 0.3 8.8 (T) Transportation NC 0 NC 0 0 0 (U) Urban Inactive NC 11.8 NC NC NC 2.4 (W) Water Resources 0 0 0 -11.0 -11.0 -4.4 1 Site 22,which is on the southern border of this region, was put in the Appalachian 2 Highlands and Catskill regions owing to its closer vegetative relationship to that region. For consistency of analysis with trends of vegetation, soils; 'wildlife and water sections a similar change was made here. Percentages are derived from each individual case history of the sites and express- ed to a lOth of a percent. Percentages were not adjusted to insure cancellation of land use increase or decrease by site. 6-53 ., Table 6.35. Multiple land use of ROW sites within the Lake Plain region.1 • Multiple Use Use of access roads for ad- jacent logging operations Agriculture Extension of residential property Fishing Hiking Horseback riding Hunting 2 Industrial Uses Other recreational uses Snowmobiling 11 12 X X X X Sites 13 14 15 X X X X X X % of Sites with Multiple Use 0 20 40 0 20 0 40 0 20 80 1 Site 22, which is on the southerP border of this region, was put in the Appal- achian Highlands and Catskill regions owing to its closer vegetative relation- ship to that region. For consistency of analysis with trends of vegetation,. soils, wildlife and water sections, a similar change was made here. 2 Use by adjacent industry as extension of property, or piling of discarded material associated with that industry. 6-54 6.5 Trends in the Adirondack, Tug Hill, and St. Lawrence-Champlain Regions 6.5.1 Trends in Impact on Vegetation Relation of plant communities to habitat and forest type Six sites were studied in the Adirondack, Tug Hill, and St. Lawrence-Champlain regions where a diversity of northern forest types are characteristic natural vegetation (Table 6.36). General trends in development of vegetation on the ROW's in relation to habitat and forest type may be summarized from the data collected as follows (Table 6.37): (1) On mesic habitat-areas where northern hardwoods and mixtures of those species with white pine, hemlock, and spruce fir adjoined the ROW's, or where aspen and birch were present as an early suc- cessional stage, a Blackberry-Goldenrod ROW community developed. (Table 6.37). These mesic habitats were characterized by their location on lower to middle slopes with free drainage. The soil pH ranged from pH 4.0 to pH 5.8, with an average pH of 4.7. (2) On xeric habitat areas where white pine was the dominant tree species, or where aspen and birch were present as an early successional stage, a Blueberry-Bracken ROW community developed (Table 6.37). These xeric habitats were characterized by their location on upper to middle slopes, or upland areas, with excessive drainage. The soil pH ranged from pH 4.6 to pH 5.4, with an average pH of 4.9. (3) On hydric habitat areas where elm, red maple, red spruce, and balsam fir were dominant, a Willow-Sensitive Fern, or a Willow- Sphagnum ROW community developed (Table 6.37). These hydric habitats were characterized by their location in stream bottoms and in depressed areas with impeded dr~inage. The soil pH ranged from pH 4.7 to pH 6.8, with an average pH of 5.5. Species Diversity A consistent trend was shown in species diversity on all habitat areas for all sites. The number of species was markedly greater on the ROW's than in the adjoining forests (Table 6.38). This more diverse flora on the ROW's indicates better wildlife food conditions, as well as an attractive appearance. Impacts on Shrubs and Low-Growing Trees Shrubs are important components of the ROW communities which enhance wildlife habitat and add to the attrac- tiveness of scenery. Therefore, they received special attention and are grouped below into various categories to indicate their status on the ROW's studied. 6-55 1. Common shrubs and low-growing trees which were more prominent, or of equal prominence, on the ROW's as compared with adjoining for- ests are: • blackberry blueberry, low blueberry, sour-top bristly sarsaparilla spiraea Virginia creeper 2. Common shrubs and low-growing trees which occured only on the ROW's are: hawthorn mountain-holly smooth sumac staghorn-sumac 3. Common shrubs and low-growing trees which occurred only 1n the for- ests are: fly-honeysuckle gooseberry hobble bush maple-leaved viburnum trailing arbutus 4. Common shrubs and low-growing trees which occurred both in the for- ests and on the ROW's, but in lesser abundance on the ROW's, are: alder black chokeberry dewberry mountain-maple striped maple teaberry Impact on Herbaceous Plants Herbaceous vegetation on the ROW's had de- veloped to form a complex mixture which consists of species from the forest mixed with invading species typical of open areas such as old fields. As a result, there were considerably more herbaceous species on the ROW's than 1n the forests on all sites studied in these regions. Species of open areas which were found commonly on the ROW's and were either absent, or very sparse, in the forests included: goldenrods, asters, St. John's-wort,·yarrow, sheep-sorrel, sedges, wild strawberry, spreading dogbane, and boneset. Certain important species, however, were common both in the forests and on the ROW's and these included such common plants as bracken, trout-lily, poverty-grass, hair-cap moss, bluebead-lily, sensitive fern, false hellebore, wild lily-of-the-valey, horsetails, touch-me-not, and sphagnum. Also found both on the ROW's and in the forests were: interrupted fern, cinnamon-fern, and royal fern. Some characteristic forest plants were either absent, or very sparse, on the ROW's. Prominent among these were: partridge-berry, shining club-moss, tree-club-moss, wild sarsaparilla, goldthread, painted trillium, purple trillium, twisted-stalk, and wood-anemone. Forest ferns not found on the ROW's included: .mq.rgin~l shield-fern, lady-fern, and oak-fern. Trees on :the ROW (Sites 16 -21) _ Xeric Habitat (Table 6.39) The most common species on the 2 xer1c plots in this region were pin cherry, red maple, white pine, gray birch, and hawthorn which ranged from very sparse (++) to covering 1/4 -1/2 of the ROW area (3). Other common species were quaking aspen and red oak. The number of species was 7 on both sites. A total of 9 species was reported as invading the ROW. While brush control was excellent on both ROW's, with height mostly under 8-10 feet, there was a large reservoir of resurging tree species present on both ROW's. These trees can be expected to gradually emerge from the shrub layer. 6-56 Mesic Habitat (Table 6. 40~ The most connnon species were quaking aspen, pin cherry, red maple, black cherry, gray birch, and yellow birch which ranged from very sparse (++) to covering 1/2-3/4 of the ROW (4). Willow was also fairly common on the ROW's. The number of species on a ROW ranged from 3 to 15, A total of 26 species was reported as invading the ROW. While brush control was excellent on all ROW's, with height mostly under 8-10 feet, there was a large reservoir of resurging tree species present on all ROW's. These trees can be expected to gradually emerge from the shrub layer. Hydric Habitat (Tqble 6.41) The most common species were red maple and willow which ranged from very sparse (++) to covering 1/4 -1/2 of the ROW area (3). Other common species were gray birch, quaking aspen, pin cherry, black cherry, and red spruce. The number of species on a ROW ranged from 5 to 11. A total of 19 species were reported as invading the ROW. While brush control was excell~nt on all ROW's, with height mostly under 8-10 feet, there was a large reservoir of resurging tree species present on all ROW's. These trees can be expected to emerge from the shrub layer. 6.5.2 Trends in Impact on Soil . Bedrock geology in this region is predominantly gran1te and gra~1t1c gneiss on sites 16, 17, 19, and 20, and sandstone, shale, ~nd s?me l1mestone on sites 18 and 21. Soils developed in both unsorted glac1al t1ll and strat- ified glacial outwash deposits on all. sites. The 28 soil series mapped on these study areas were classified mostly as Spodosols and Inceptisols. Sur- face mineral soils are strongly to very strongly acid sandy loams, loamy sands and loams, except for minor inclusions of neutral soil variants on site 18. There were no major negative effects of ROW management on organic layers of the general ROW's in this region. Minor differences observed, in contrast to forest conditions, included a change in origin of litter from tree-part remains to leaves and stems of grasses, herbs, and shrubs and a slight reduction in average thickness of organic mulch on the ROW's (Table 6.42). Humus types were thin duff mulls on both the ROW's and forests of sites 16, 17A, 19, 20, and 21, and thin mars on site 17B and xeric habitat of site 18. The difference in humus types on the mesic habitat of site 18, thick mar in the forest and thin duff mull-G on the ROW, was likely a result of modification on the ROW due to past grazing activities. Impacts of ROW management on soil erosion in this region were most severe on disturbed areas such as access roads, tower sites, and excavations where various degrees of sheet, rill, or gully erosion occurred on all sites (Table 6.43). In addition, wind erosion occurred in exposed fine sandy soils on some disturbed areas of sites 18 and 20. Soil erosion on relatively undisturbed general ROW's was minimal; limited to sporadic sheet and rill erosion on 3 of the 6 study areas. Erosion in· the bordering forest was practically non- existent, restricted to 1 small area of sheet erosion on site 16. Some sedi- mentation occurred in streams and water impoundments on the ROW's of sites 16, 17, 20, and 21, and some sediment was carried by wind (sites 18 and 20), but otherwise, they accumulated on lower slopes and did not leave the ROW's. The most obvious trend, therefore, was for the ROW's in this region to show negative impacts only on disturbed segments of the ROW, with minor insignificant effects on the general ROW's where good organic mulch and vegetation cover was main- tained. 6-57 ' I" ''I 6.5.3 Trends in Impact on Wildlife Fifteen conunon wildlife species, plus numerous song birds and raptors, made active u~e of the ROW's on the 6 sites studied in the regions (Table 6.44). From 10 to 27 species of song birds and raptors were using the ROW's. Special notice was paid to the use of the ROW's on 5 of the 6 sites by pileated woodpeckers and on 1 site by a Cooper's hawk. White-tailed deer used the ROW's on all 6 sites. Woodchuck burrows were observed on 2 ROW's and varying hare on 3 ROW's. Other small mammals using the ROW's included gray squirrel, red squirrel, chipmunk, and raccoon. Vari- ous snakes and frogs also made use of habitats on the ROW's which suited their needs. Deer browse studies on 4 sites yielded data indicating that the ROW's and edges were producing more browse than the adjacent forests. Deer utilized the woody shrubs and low trees in all the ROW areas. These included: black- berry, raspberry, red osier dogwood, mountain-holly, black chokeberry, alder, nannyberry, wild-raisin, elderberry, alternate-leaved dogwood, spiraea, and shrubby willows. This is a valid indication that 'the ROW's are supplying valuable winter food for deer. 6.5.4 Trends in Impact on Water Four streams were sampled on sites in these regions (Table 6. 45), and 3 of these were officially classified as trout streams. On site 16, a Class C trout stream and an unnamed tributary were par- tially shaded on the ROW by shrubs and tall herbs. Water temperature in Putnam Creek on August 4 was 1.0 C higher on and below the ROW than 100 yards above. Sediment was negligible. On site 19, a small ytream in a wet meadow was shaded on the ROW, mostly by shrubs and tall herbs. Water temperature in August was equal downstream of the ROW as compared with above, although the temperature was 1.0 C higher on the ROW. Sediment was composed of debris trapped between rocks and fallen branches. On site 21, a Class AA trout stream was partially shaded on the ROW by trees, shrubs, and tall herbs. Water temperature in August was 2.0 C higher on and below the ROW than above. Also on site 21, a Class C trout stream was ponded on the ROW. Water temperature in August was 1.0 C lower below the ROW than above. Sedimentation was high on the ROW where the pond acted as a sediment basin and the access road forded the pond. In September, the pond temperature was 4.0 C higher than above the ROW. In general, the ROW's had a slight effect on temperature of free-flowing water at the times sampled. The maximum temperature recorded (18 C) was below the toleration limits of trout (24 C to 28 C) and within the good fishing temperatures of 18 C to 20 C often given by New York fly fishermen (Heacox, 74) 6-58 6.5.5 Trends in Impact on Land Use Changes in Adjacent Land Use The percent change ~n land use prior to (or near the time of construction) and after construction of the ROW has been com- pared for 7 sites (sites 16,17a,l7b,l8,19,20, and 21) found within the Adiron- dack, Tug Hill, and St. Lawrence-Champlain regions (Table 6.47). Percent change by land use type is determined for each site and all 7 sites as an average percent change. The highest percent change in land use for any single site was a decrease in agriculture for site 18 by 21.1%. Zero % change in land use was by far most frequently recorded, both by land use type, and by site. As a result, the average percent changes by land use are consistently low, with the highest average percent change being a 3.3% decrease in agriculture for sites in this region. Other average percent changes recorded are a slight increase in extractive industry (0.2%), and an increase in forest land (3.1%). Other factors which may influence the impact on adjacent land use include visual characteristics of the ROW's. General reconnaissance of pleasing or objectionable visual characteristics associated with vegetation and other features specific to each site, indicates that of the 7 sites, 3 are generally pleasing to view (sites 16,2~ and 21) and 4 are neither pleasing nor ob- jectionable (sites 17a,l7b,l8, and 19). Visual assets of the sites which are pleasing include: opening of vistas, complement of adjacent woods by on ROW vegetation species, and general harmony with the surrounding landscape. The 4 remaining sites are described as neither pleasing nor objectionable, gen- erally because they lack visual assets or expose undesirable characteristics such as erosion and other less desirable features. Although subjective, reconnaissance of these sites reflects a general absence of long-term nega- tive visual characteristics in objectionable contrast with the surrounding landscape. No effect on adjacent land use change or a specific visual char- acteristic is apparent. A general trend for land use adjacent to the ROW sites within the Adi- rondack, Tug Hill, and St. Lawrence-Champlain regions is that there is very little change in land use for the period measured. Of the changes recorded, agriculture was decreasing, and being replaced by forest land. Another trend is the general absence of long-term negative visual characteristics resulting from clearing, construction, or maintenance of the ROW, that appear in ob- jectionable contrast with the surrounding land use. It would be difficult to derive other distinct trends because of the few number of sites sampled and the high variability of influences other than the ROW which could affect land use change. Multiple Uses Multiple uses of the ROW's within these regions include: use of access roads for adjacent wood cutting and logging operations; agri- culture; extension of residential property; fising; hiking; horseback riding; snowmobiling; hunting; and other recreational uses (Table 6.48). Most notice- able is the large number of different multiple land uses found within this group of sites. No distinguishable trend can be observed on the ROW's, as a variety of multiple_uses are occurring. 6-59 -----;~~,.~~~c"o"---"-------~~ Table 6.36. Trends in impact on vegetation in the Adirondack, Tug Hill, and St. Lawrence-Champlain regions. "' l "' 0 Site 16 17 18 19 20 21 16 18 16 17 18 19 20 21 Region 1l~b:i.t:,flt Adirondack East Mesic Adirondack East Mesic St. Lawrence-Champlain Mesic Adirondack West Mesic Adirondack West Mesic Tug Hill Border Mesic Adirondack East Xeric St. Lawrence-Champlain Xeric Adirondack East Hydric Adirondack East Hydric St. Lawrence-Champlain Hydric Adirondack West Hydric Adirondack West Hydric Tug Hill Border Hydric Forest Type Type of Management ROW Community White Pine-Northern Selective & Broadcast Blackberry-Goldenrod Hardwoods • Spruce Fir-Northern Selective & Broadcast Blackberry-Goldenrod Hardwoods Northern Hardwoods Broadcast, Foliar Blackberry-Goldenrod Northern Hardwoods Selective & Broadcast Blackberry-Goldenrod \ Aspen-Birch Broadcast Blackberry-Goldenrod Hemlock-Northern Selective Blackberry-Goldenrod Hardwoods White Pine Selective & Broadcast Blueberry-Bracken Aspen-Birch Broadcast, Foliar Blueberry-Bracken Elm-Red Maple Selective & Broadcast Willow-Sensitive Fern Northern Hardwoods-Selective & Broadcast Willow-Sensitive Fern Red Maple Elm-Red Maple Broadcast, Foliar Willow-Sensitive Fern Spruce-Fir Selective & Broadcast Willow-Sensitive Fern Spruce-Fir Broadcast Willow-Sphagnum Elm-Red Maple Selective Willow-Sensitive Fern le 6.3]. Trends in plant community development in relation to forest type and habitat of the Adirondack, Tug Hill, and St·. Lawrence-Champlain regions. The figures in parenthesis are percent constancy.1 Adjacent Forest ROW Community MESIC White Pine-Northern Hardwoods---------~ Blackberry (100) - Spruce Fir-Northern Hardwoods · with Northern Hardwoods Aspen-Birch Hemlock-Northern Hardwoods XERIC Spiraea (100) Raspberry (50) Choke-cherry (50) White Pine----------------------------~ Blueberry (100) Aspen-Birch with HYDRIC Spiraea (100) Hawthorn (100) Blackberry (100) Goldenrod (100) Asters (100) Bracken (100) Sedge (83) Strawberry (83) Hair-cap Moss (83) Mixed Grass (83) Dog's-tooth Violet Wild Lily-of-the- valley (66) Bracken (100) (66) Mixed Grass (100) Spreading Dogbane (100) Goldenrod (100) Poverty Grass (100) Hair-cap Moss (100) Reindeer Lichen (100) Elm-Red Maple-------------------------~ Willow (100) Sensitive Fern (83) Spruce-Fir with 1 Constancy 1s a percentage which equals Spiraea (100) Blackberry (83) Wild-raisin (50) Black Choke- berry (100) Common Alder (50) Mixed Grass (83) Strawberry (66) Boneset (50) False Hellebore (50) Dog's-tooth Violet (SO) Royal Fern (50) No. of stands in which found X 100 Total no. of stands 6-61 Table 6.38. • Site Comparison of species diversity, based on number of species, on ROW's with that in the adjoining forests in the Adirondack, Tug Hill, and St. Lawrence- Champlain regions. S . 1 No. of pec1es~ Mesic Xeric Hydric Forest ROW Forest ROW Forest ROW 1 If a habitat occurs twice on a site, the total number of species for both areas is totaled, then divided by 2 for an average. This average is then rounded off to the nearest whole number. 6-9~ Table 6.39. Abundance and cover value of trees on 'the ROW for the Adirondack, Tug Hill, and St. Lawrence-Champlain regions. (see Vol. 1, p. 3-3 for value of symbols). Xeric Habitat on Sites Species on ROW 16 17 18 19 Pin Cherry 3 1 Red Maple ++ 2 White Pine + 1 Gray Birch ++ 1 1 1 Hawthorn ++ Quaking Aspen 2 Red Oak + White Ash ++ Hemlock ++ No. Species (Total = 9) 7 7 Average No~of Species = 7 1 Listed under shrub layer in individual site sunnnaries. 6-63 20 21 ,. i ! I '·' 1:, I.'L f: I r :, 1! \I ]ii I' 'I~ il!i ~~~I :il ·~ ''I 'I I Table 6.40. Abundance and cover value for trees on the ROW for the Adirondack, Tug Hill, and St. Lawrence-Champlain reg~ons. (~ee Vol. 1, p. 3-3 for value of symbols). Mesic Habitat on Sites Species on ROW 16 17 18 19 20 Quaking Aspen 2 3 2 ++ Pin Cherry 1 1 + 3 Red Maple 3 3 + Black Cherry + 3 2 Gray Birch ++ 3 2 Yellow Birch ++ + + Willow 1 2 + Flowering Dogwood ++ + Serviceberry 1 White Ash 1 + Large-tooth Aspen 1 White Pine + + Hemlock + Scotch Pine + Red Oak ++ + Hornbeam ++ Basswood + Red Cedar + White Birch 1 Hawthorn 1 1 Sugar Maple Beech White Cedar ++ Red Spruce ++ Apple ++ American Elm ++ No. Species (Total = 26) 13 9 12 3 6 Average No. of Species = 9.7 1 Listed under shrub layer in individual site summaries. 6-64 21 1 4 2 3 2 3 + ++ + ++ ++ + + + + 15 Table 6.41. Species on ROW Red Maple Willow1 Gray Birch Quaking Aspen Pin Cherry Black Cherry Red Spruce Serviceberry White Ash White Pine American Elm Balsam Fir White Birch Abundance and cover value of trees on the ROW for the Adirondack, Tug Hill, and St. Lawrenc·e-Champlain regions. (see Vol. 1, p. 3-3 for value of symbols). Hydric Habitat on Sites 16 17 18 19 20 .++ 3 3 + 2 3 2 1 1 2 3 3 + 1 1 ++ + + + + 1 1 1 1 ++ 1 ++ ++ ++ 2 1 Flowering Dogwood Black Walnut + Beech + Basswood ++ Apple ++ Yellow Birch + No. Species (Total = 19) 5 11 6 5 9 Average No. of Species = 7.3 1 Listed under shrub layer in individual site summaries. 6-65 21 1 3 1 1 1 2 ++ 1 8 Table 6.42. Trends in impact on soil organic layers and humus types 1n the Adirondack, Tug Hill,•and St. Lawrence-Champlain regions. Organic Layerl Thickness (inches) Moisture Predominant Humus Type ROW Forest Site Regime ROW Forest Mes1c Xer1c Mes1c Xer1c 16 Mesic Thin duff mull w/ Thin duff mull w/ 1.8 1.1 shallow Al shallow Al Xeric Thin duff mull w/ Thin duff mull w/ 1.2 1.1 very shallow Al very shallow Al 17A Mesic Thin duff mull w/ Thick duff mull w/ 1.0 1.6 very shallow Al very shallow Al 17B Mesic Thin mor Thin mor 1.3 0.5 18 Mesic Thin duff mull-G w/ Thick mor 0.6 1.2 very shallow Al Xeric Thin mor Thin mor 0.4 0.8 19 Mesic Thin duff mull w/ Thin duff mull w/ 1.2 1.5 very shallow Al shallow Al 20 Mesic Thin duff mull w/ Thin duff mull w/ 0.5 1.1 very shallow Al very shallow Al 21 Mesic Thin duff mull w/ Thick duff mull w/ 0.7 1.6 very shallow Al very shallow Al ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Average thickness -all sites 1.0 0.8 1.2 1.0 Average thickness -mesic and xer1c combined 1.0 1.2 1 Includes all layers (litter, fermentation, and humus) where present. 6-66 le 6. 41 Trends in impact on erosion Ln the Adirondack, Tug Hill, and St. Lawrence- Champlain regions. Active Erosion ROW Slight to moderate sheet erosion on soil-slumps around boulders on gen- eral ROW; moderate to severe sheet and rill erosion on excavation, · equipment cut and area disturbed by animal dig- ging No erosion on the gen- eral ROW; slight sheet and rill erosion on access road and bank cut; slight to moderate sheet, rill and gully erosLon on an abandoned mining area Slight sheet erosion on general ROW; slight to severe sheet and rill erosion on access road, tower sites and equip- ment custs. Some wind eroS LOn No erosion on the gen- eral ROW; moderate to severe gully erosion on access road; moderate sheet erosion on exca- vations Slight to moderate sheet and rill erosion on general ROW; slight to moderate sheet erosion on access road and exca- vation. Some wind eros Lon No erosion on general ROW; slight to moderate sheet; rill and some gully erosion on access roads and tower sites Forest Moderate sheet erosion on soil-slump around boulders in general forest; moder- ate sheet and rill erosLon in excavated area No erosion under general forest conditions No erosion under general forest conditions No erosion under general forest conditions No erosion under general forest conditions No erosion under general forest conditions 6-67 Sediment Disposition Some in pond and stream on ROW; remainder on lower slopes Most on lower slopes of ROW; small amounts enter stream at road crossing Most collected on lower slopes; some carried by wind Accumulated on lower slopes of ROW Some in streams on ROW; some carried by wind Some entered streams and water impoundment on ROW; remainder col- lected on lower slopes .. Table 6.44. Trends in impact on wildlife use of the ROW's ~n the Adirondack, Tug Hill, and St. Lawrence-Champlain regions . • Wildlife Species Game Mammals White-tailed deer Woodchuck Varying hare Gray squirrel Game birds Ruffed grouse Canada goose Shoveler duck Black duck Nongame birds Song birds & rap tors Pileated wood- pecker Small nongame mammals Fox Red squirrel Muskrat Chipmunk Beaver Coyote Raccoon 16 ROW Adjacent to ROW 17 ROW Adjacent ROW to and on ROW ROW ROW ROW Areas Used by Wildlife 18 ROW ROW ROW ROW ROW Sites 19 ROW ROW ROW 20 ROW ROW Adjacent ROW & to ROW Adjacent ROW 21 ROW ROW ROH & Edge ROW 22 species 10 specles 20 species 27 species 15 species 27 species on Rm~ on ROW on ROW on ROW on ROW on ROW ROW Adjacent to ROW Adjacent to ROW Adjacent to ROW ROYJ ROW 6-68 ROW ROW ROW ROW ROW ROW Adjacent to ROW Trends in impact on water Ln the Adirondack, ';('ug Hill, and St. Lawrence- Champlain regLons. Ln Respect to ROW Border Vegetation Stream Temp. in Centigrade; Sedimentation. Site 16 -Putnam Creek (Class C Trout) Oct. 1 Feb. 19 May 13 Aug. 4 Temperature 100 yards upstream Trees -shaded 13.0 0.0 10.0 17.0 -North of ROW Trees -partial 13.0 0.0 10.0 17.0 shade 3 -Mid ROW Shrubs and herbs 13.5 0.0 10.0 18.0 ' partial shade Tributary 25 yards up-Shrubs and herbs 11.6 Lee 12.0 16.0 stream shaded 100 yards downstream Trees -shaded 13.5 0.0 10.8 18.0 Sedimentation Stakes set none none -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Site 19 -Small Stream Ln a Wet Meadow (Nonclassified) Sep~ 30 Feb. 18 May 20 Aug. 1 Temperature 100 yards upstream Trees -shaded 10.5 -1.0 6.0 15.0 Upstream edge Trees, shrubs and 10.5 0.0 6.0 15.0 herbs -shaded 3 -Downstream edge Trees, shrubs and 10.0 -0.5 6.0 16.0 herbs -shaded 4 -50 yards downstream Trees -shaded 10.2 0.0 6.0 15.0 Sedimentation Stakes set Debris at l"debris all stakes at all stakes ~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-69 Table 6.45. Continued • Location 1n Respect to ROW Border Vegetation Stream Temp. in Centigrade; Sedimentation Site 21 -Florence Creek (Class AA Trout) 1 -100 yards upstream 2 -Upstream edge 3 -Downstream edge 4 -100 yards downstream 5 -100 yards upstream 6 -Mid ROW 7 -100 yards downstream Trees -shaded Trees, shrubs and herbs - partial shade Trees, shrubs and ·herbs partial shade Trees -shaded Sept. 29 Feb. 17 May 20 Aug. 1 8.5 8.5 10.0 10.5 Stakes set Temperature 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.3 7.0 7.2 7.1 Sedimentation 15.0 15.2 17.0 17.0 none 2~"gravel at 3 Site 21 -Small Stream (Class C Trout) Sept. 29 Feb. 17 May 20 Aug. 1 Temperature Trees -shaded 11.5 0.0 7.1 16.5 Man-made pond 15.5 0.0 7.0 16.0 partial shade Trees, herbs 1n 14.0 0.0 7.0 15.5 swamp-shaded Sedimentation Stakes set ~" at 5 l~"at 5 1" at 6 5" at 6 ~" at 7 6-70 Table 6.46. Percent change of land use prior to (or near the time of construction) and after construction of the ROW for sites within the Adirondack, Tug Hill, and St. Lawrence-Champlain regions. Land Use (A) Agriculture (C,I) Commercial & Industrial (E) Extractive Industry (F) Forest Land (N) Non-productive (OR) Outdoor Recrea- tion (P) Public & Semi- public (R) Residential (T) Transportation (U) Urban Inactive (W) Water Resources Percent change no change (0), 16 17a NC NC NC 0 · NC NC 0 0 NC NC NC 0 NC NC NC 0 NC NC NC NC 0 0 expressed as increase (+), decrease (-), 1 or no recorded land use with no change (NC). Sites Ave. % 17b 18 19 20 21 Change NC -21.1 0 -0.6 -1.6 -3.3 0 NC NC NC NC 0 NC 0.2 NC 1.1 NC 0.2 0 20.7 0 -0.5 1.6 3.1 NC 0 NC 0 NC 0 NC NC NC NC NC 0 0 0.2 NC NC NC 0 0 NC NC 0 NC 0 0 NC NC NC NC 0 NC NC NC NC NC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Percentages are derived from each individual case history of the sites and express- ed to a lOth of a percent. Percentages were not adjusted to insure cancellation of land use increase or decrease by site. 6-Tl . \ ' I Table 6.4h. Multiple land use of ROW sites within the Adirondack, Tug Hill, and St. •awrence-Champlain regions. Multiple Use Use of access roads for ad- jacent logging operations Agriculture Extension of residential property Fishing Hiking Horseback riding Hunting Industrial 1 uses Other recreational 2 uses Snowmobiling Sites 16 17a 17b 18 19 X X X X X X X X X X 20 21 X % of Sites with Multiple Use 14 14 14 14 14 14 29 0 14 29 1 Use by adjacent industry as extension of property, or piling of discarded mater- ial associated with that industry. 2 Other recreational uses include such functions as: Use by children for play; motorcycle trails; use by all-terrain vehicles; and camping activities . 6-72 7 Statewide Trends and General Conclusions 7.1 Introduction When the important regional trends for each of the 4 major regions of the state were examined critically, certain trends appeared to be statewide in their scope. In other words, some general impacts of ROW management have appeared which are common to all regions of New York. This, in turn, has led to a series of general conclusions which are important to improvement of the ROW management systems. These statewide trends will be taken up under the various components of natural systems which were studied in the following sections discussing vege- tation, soil, wildlife, and water. Discussion of land use and economic costs of clearing, construction, and management procedures follow. 7.2 Trends in Tmp:1ct nn V<'gPt::~tion 7.2.l.~eneral Impact of th<O ROW's In all cases studied (22), the general RflW plant community which has developed under past management was composed of a mixture of growth forms that included low-growing trees, tall shrubs, low shrubs, herbs, grasses, ferns, and mosses. This complex mixture on the ROW's has replaced what is now in the adjacent ~orest and has produced a diversity of vegetation of high value to wildlife. 7.2.2 Re-establishment of Forest Cover On all sites there was a general trend towards tree species in the adjacent forests being also present in the herb or shrub layers on ROW's. This means that, although a protective cover of shrubs, herbs, ferns, and grasses covered the ROW:s, trees still invaded in large numbers and formed a reservoir of reproduction which would re-establish forest cover if not controlled. Owing to such factors as plant competition with ROW vegetation, animal browsing, microclimate changes, etc. which retard tree growth, many tree seedlings do not emerge from the ground layer, or are slow in doing so. This means further that ROW vegetation may be held as a shrub stage indefi- nately, as long as the emerging trees are periodically removed as they be- come a threat to electric power transmission. Common species While most of the common tree species of the adjoining forests were represented on the ROW's sampled in the 4 major forest regions of New York, there was a definite trend for certain species to occur on nearly all sites and in all regions. For example, red maple \-laS outstanding in that it was prominent on ROW's on all habitat areas in 3 of the 4 regions, while red oak was prominent on both xeric and mesic habitat areas also in 3 regions. White ash was a common species on all habitats in 2 regions, and willow was a common species on hydric habitats in all regions. Regional differences Some distinct regional differences appeared in common key species v1hich made a regional approach advisable. For example, chestnut oak occurred as a typical species on ROW's only on xeric habitats in the New England Highlands and lfuhawk-Hudson region. In the same region, sweet birch was typical of both xeric and mesic habitats while flowering dogvmod was typical of mesic and hydric habitats. The common species of the Appalachian Highlands and Catskill regions were similar to those of the pre- ceeding region. 7-1 On the other hand, sassafras was the most common species typical of the Lake Plain Qn xeric habitats, with black cherry most common on mesic habitats and American elm typical of mesic and hydric habitats. In the northern region (Adironack, et. al.) pin cherry, quaking aspen along with gray birch were typical species on all habitats. White pine was common and typical on xeric habits. Number of species on ROH' s The total number of tree species on all ROW's in a region was about the same in all 4 regions ranging only from 18 in 3 regions to 22 in one region. Number of species on any one ROW, however, varied considerably from a low of one on the site 8 hydric habitat in the Appalachian Highlands to a high of 18 on the site 9 mesic habitat. There was a trend towards more species on mesic habitats than on xeric and hydric habitats. 7. 2 • 3 Napped Plots on the ROW's Vegetation has been mapped on permanent plots in each habitat on all the ROW's, except site 7 which was used for special studies. These plots have produced exact maps of the nature and distribution of plant components of the ROW vegetation as it existed in 1975-76.· Their use in future years will permit the process of vegetation development to be fol- lowed and serve as an accurate check on impact of current ROW management. 7.2.4 Cownon Plant Communities Developed on the ROW's ~1esic habitats A definite trend appeared in the common type of plant community developed on mesic (moist) habitat areas. This community was designated as Blackberry or Rasberry-Goldenrod, (Rubus-Solidago) in 3 regions where those species occurred in 100% of the stands, and Staghorn· Sumac-Goldenrod in 1 region, where blackberry occurred in only 60% of the stands. The two characteristic species used to identify the community, black- berry (or rasberry) and goldenrod, were not only high constancy (100%), but also exhibited higher cover and abundance on mesic than on other habi- tats on which th~y also occurred. Other chara-cteristic species were asters, wild strawberry, and hay- scented fern. A typical component of the community was mixed grasses which typically grew in small to large patches and was an important soil cover. Further research may indicate that this widespread community is a generic type which can be subdivisioned on a regional basis through differ- ential species. Xeric habitats On xerlc (dry) habitat areas in all regions, blueberry was a characteristic species of high constancy (100%) and with high abundance and cover values, On some habitat areas huckleberry replaced blueberry. Sweet-fern was a highly characteristic species wherever it occurred. Where it was absent, bracken was used. The typical community has been designated, therefore, as either Blueberry-Sweet-fern or Blueberry-Bracken. Mixed grass in patches was also a typical component of these cornmunities and an important soil cover. 7-2 Hydric habitats On hydric (wet) habitat areas in all regions, sensitive fern was a characteristic species of high constancy (80-100%). Willows were also characteristic with a 100% constancy in 3 regions, but were ~eplaced in 1 region by spiraea; and in a second region, red osier dogwood was considered more characteristic than willow. The typical plant commun~cies were desig- nated, therefore, as either Willow-Sensitive Fern, Spiraea-Sensitive Fern, or Red Osier Dogwood-Sensitive Fern. Mixed grass in patches was a typical component of these communities and an important soil cover. 7.2.5 Diversity of Plant Species on the ROW's The presence of a greater number of plant species on the ROW's than in- adjacent forests was a consistent statewide trend in all regions. This produced a greater diversity of wildlife food and cover on the ROW's under all types of ROW management~ 7.2.6 Impacts on Shrubs and Low-Growing Trees Great variation occurred impacts on shr-ubs among regions and among habitats within regions; but, in general, shrubs were always present on the ROW's and usually played a dominant role in plant cover. When all sites were examined for statewide trends, all shrubs of the forest and low-growing tree species were found somewhere on a ROW. However, 1 low-growing tree, stripped maple, was typically absent from the ROW's, or very sparse, and the same was true of a few forest-dwelling shrubs including hobblebush, spicebush, and partridge- berry (a viny herb), i.e., they were absent, or very sparse, on the ROW's. Of more importance to ROW management is that a number of important shrubs and low trees were found only on the ROW's, or were much more vigorous and abundant on them than in the adjacent forest. These include blackberry, raspberry, spiraea, blueberry, huckleberry, hazelnut, sumac, scrub-oak, sweet-fern, shrubby willows, hawthorn, and red osier dogwood. Favoring these species in management will be most effective in producing good wildlife food and cover. 7.2.7 Impacts on Herbaceous Plant Cover A complex herbaceous vegetation developed on the ROW's in all regions which was composed of species from former forest types, along with invaders from open field areas and roadsides. Many of the common and abundant species of the ROW's were absent, or very sparse, in adjacent forests. These were typical plants of open places such as goldenrods, asters, hawkweeds, daisies, pearly everlasting, Queen Anne's-lace, yarrow, wild strawberry, dogbane, boneset, and sheep-sorrel. Patches of mixed grasses were typical of all the ROW communities. ·certain common species of the forest were also common and abundant on the ROW's. These include bracken, hay-scented fern, whorled loosestrife, large- flowered wake-robin, sensitive fern, touch-me-not, wild lily-of-the-valley, cinquefoils, Spring-beauty, and blueb~ad-lily. Some characteristic plants of the forests were either absent, or very sparse, on the ROW's. These include wild sarsaparilla, Solomon's-seal, spotted wintergreen, trilliums, twisted-stalk, Indian cucumber-root, shin- ing club-moss, and some woods-inhabiting ferns. 7.3 Trends in Impact on Soil 7.3.1 Impact on Organic Layers Sources of organic matter on the ROW's differed from adjacent forests in that they were mostly leaves and twigs of shrubs, herbs, and grasses as 7-3 I., I I I •I ~ contrasted with tree.parts in the forest. However, little difference was .found in occwrrence or depth of organic layers on the ROW's and in the forests in any region. The small differences that were found in organic layer thickness were not of practical significance. In general, the same humus type was found on the ROW's as in adjacent forests, with some minor exceptions. 7.3.2 Impact on Soil Erosion Very little active erosion occurred on the general ROW areas as they were covered with adequate protective plant cover and organic mulch. Prob- lem areas on the ROW's, where erosion was significant, were almost entirely places which had been disturbed by construction activities, or other uses not connected with transmission of electric power. These included tower sites, access roads, and excavations that had not been adequately restored to a tight cover by natural plant succession or artificial seeding. It appears important, therefore, that special attention be paid to restoration of disturbed areas on the ROW's even if it must be done some time after the line has been in use. 7.4 Trends in Impact on Wildlife All the ROW's studied (22) were used by numerous song birds and raptors. The actual number of species observed using a ROW ranged from 11 to 35, with an average of 23 species. Local game species commonly found using the ROW's included white-tailed deer, ruffed grQuse, woodcock, wild turkey, cottontail rabbit, varying hare, woodchuck, gray squirrel, and raccoon. Deer used the ROW's on all but 2 of the 22 sites, and those not used were in highly urbanized areas. The common shrubs on the ROW's were heavily utilized by deer as woody browse which is important as winter food. More browse was available on the ROW's and their edges than in adjacent forests. 7.5 Trends in Impact on Watei 7.5.1 Impact of the ROW's on Water Temperature The general effect of the ROW's on water temperature of free-flowing streams was negligible. Although some streams were partially shaded by shrubs and herbs as contrasted with forest cover above and below the ROW's, the partial shade, rate of flow, and width of the ROW were sufficient to prevent significant downstream increase in water temperature at the time of sampling at the sites monitored. Types of water studied included the following diverse situations: 2 swamps, 1 Class B stream, 2 Class D streams, 2 Class C trout streams, 1 Class AA trout stream, and 1 unclassified stream in a wet me~dow. Water temperature downstream of the ROW's ranged from 1.8 C less than to 2.5 C greater than that upstream of the ROW's. The maximum temperature recorded below the ROW's was 18.5 C (64.4 F) which was well below the tolerance limit of trout (24.0 Cor 75.2 F). 7.5.2 Impact of the ROW's on Sedimentation Most stream borders on the ROW's were well protected by vegetation and did not contribute materially to sedimentation and cause deterioration of stream quality. Where sedimentation was observed, it was caused by flow 7-4· into streams from used access roads, often where they forded the stream, or where erosion from disturbed areas was carried into a stream, or where soil types in the watershed led to erosion along the length of the stream. 7.6 Trends in Impact on Land Use 7.6.1 Impact on Adjacent Land Use There is a general trend for all the regional groups considered of very little change in land use for the period measured. Of all the land uses considered, there is a trend towards a decrease in agricultural uses adjacent to the ROW's. This trend appears to reflect a statewide decline in agriculture. Another general trend is the absence of long-term nega- tive visual characteristics that appear in objectionable visual contrast with the surrounding land use. It was noted that for all regions, a high variability of influences other than the ROW could affect land use changes, based on the limited number of sites (22) for which data was compared. 7.6.2 Multiple Uses of the ROW ; A variety of multiple uses, particularly recreational uses which are able to take advantage of linear ROW's, were found to exist. Hunting is the most predominant for all sites considered, indicating the ROW's are well suited for this activity. 7.7 Economic Costs of Clearing, Construction, Restoration, and Management Procedures Based on the sparseness of historic cost data available as documented under background information for each of the 22 sites, it would be useless and misleading to postulate cost effectiveness or other economic conclusions concerning the various construction and management procedures used on the study sites. This is due to the wide variation in current costs of the various ROW procedures used, which are, in turn, caused by variations in re- gional labor rates, site conditions, company practices, wide variation of time in years work was performed, and other factors which vary from site to site. For these reasons, an attempt to assemble even typical costs and as- cribing them to the procedures used historically on study sites for purposes of cost-effectiveness analyses was not considered further~ 7-5 8 Literature Cited Anon~ous. 1940. New York: a guide to the Empire State. New York State Historical Association. Oxford Universtiy Press, New York. 782 pp. Anonymous. 1972. Soil survey intrepretations for soil in New York State. U.S. Dept. of Agric., Soil Conserv. Serv. and Cornell Univ., Dept. Agron. Agron. Mimeo 72-4 453 pp. Braun-Blanquet. J. 1932. Plant sociology: the study of plant communities. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. Braun-Bl~quet. J. 1964. Pflanzensoziologie; Grudiuge der Vegetationskunde. 3rd ed. Springer,Wein. 856 pp. Braun-Blanquet. J. 1972. Plant sociology: the study of plant communities. Hafner Publishing Company, New York. 439 pp. Britton, N. L. and A. Brown. 1970. An illustrated flora of the northern United States and Canada. 2nd ed. Revised ed. 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West Virginia University Bulletin, Series 65, No. 3-2. 214 pp. Taylor, A. E., F. B. Howe, C. S. Pearson, and W. J. Moran. 1929. Soil survey of Erie County, New York. U. S. Dept. Agric. Bur. Chern. and Soils and Cornell Univ. Agric. Exp. Sta. Series 1929, No. 14. 52 pp. Thompson, J. &., ed. 1966. Geography of New York State. Syracuse University Press, Syracuse, New York. 543 pp. Tornes, L.A., L. Crandall, and J. H. Brown. 1973. Ulster County soil inter- pretation report. U. S. Dept. Agric. Soil Conserv. Ser., Ulster Planning Board, Ulster County Coop. Ext. Serv. and Cornell Univ. Agric. Exp. Sta. 51 pp. Trippensee, R.E. 1948. Wildlife management: upland game and general principles. McGraw~Hill Book Company, Inc., New York. Vol. 1, 459 pp. U. S. Bureau of the Census. abstract supplement. D.C. X vols. 1972. County and city data book: a statistical U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, U. S. Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service. 1974. 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Serv. 63 pp. 8-5 9 Appendix • LIST OF APPENDIXES 1. Tree, Shru~ and Herb Species on the 22 Sites 1n New York, on the ROW and in the Adjacent Forest . . . . . 2. Field Data Form for Plant Species 1n Adjacent Forest 3. Field Data Form for Plant Species on ROW .... 4. Plant Species Occurring in New York and Proposed for Designation as Endangered or Threatened Under the Federal Endangered Species Act of 1973. . . . . . . . . . ... 5. Field Data Form for Soils Evaluation 6. Site Index Guide as Received November 15, 1976, from William Hanna, Soil Scientist, Soil Conservation Service, Syracuse, New York . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 7. Field Data Form for Soil Erosion Classification. 8. Key for the Classification of Forest Humus Types 9. Field Data Form for Humus Classification 10. Water Survey Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . 11. Recommended Classifications and Assignment of Quality arid Purity for Designated Waters of New York State 12. Wetlands Definitions . . . 13. Wildlife Observed Directly or Indirectly on the 22 Sites 1n New York 14. Field Check List for Birds Seen and/or Heard on the ROW and ROW Edge . . . . . . . 15. Birds seen and/or heard on the ROW and the ROW edge during the study period . . . . . 16. Partial List of Preferred Foods of White-tailed Deer in New York Compiled by the Department of Environmental Conservation. 17. Photo Stations for the 22 Sites in New York. 18. Land Use Classification for New York State . 9-i Page 9-1 9-11 9-12 9-13 9-14 9-15 9-16 9-lil 9-20 9-21 9-22 9-23 9-24 9-26 9-27 9-28 .9-30 9-50 Appendix 1. Tree, Shrub, and Herb Species on the 22 s·ites in New York, on the ROW and in the Adjacent Forest. Common Name Alternate-leaved Dogwood American Elm American Hop-Hornbeam American Hornbeam Apple Aspen Balsam-Fir Basswood Beech Bitternut Hickory Black Ash Black Cherry Black Gum Black Locust Black Oak Black Walnut Butternut Chestnut Chestnut-Oak Common Juniper Cottonwood Flowering Dogwood Gray Birch Hemlock Hickory Juniper Large-toothed Aspen Mockernut Hickory Norway Spruce Oak Pignut Hickory Pin-Cherry Pine Pitch-Pine Quaking Aspen Red Cedar Red Maple Red Oak Red Pine 'Red Spruce Sassafras. Scotch Pine Scrub-Oak Serviceberry Trees 9-1 Scientific Name Cornus alternifolia Ulmus americana Ostrya virginiana. Carpinus·eatolirtiana Pyrus malus Populus spp. Abies balsamea Tilia americana Fagus grartdifolia Carya cordiformis Fraxinus nigra Prunus serotina Nyssa sylvatica Robinia Pseudo-Acacia Quercus velutina Juglans nigra Juglans cinerea Castanea dentata Quercus Prinus Juniperis· communis Populus deltoides Cornus florida Betula populifolia Tsuga canadensis Carya spp. Junipertis spp. Populus grandidentata Carya tomentosa Picea Abies Quercus spp ~- Carya glabra Prunus pensylvanica Pinus spp. Pinus rigida Populus trerouloides Juniperus virginiana Acer rubrum Quercus rubra Pinus resinosa Picea rubens Sassafras spp. Pinus sylvestris Quercus ilicifolia Amelanchier spp. , Appendix 1. Continued • Common Name ;Shagbark-Hic~ory Slippery Elm Sugar-Maple S\'1eet Birch Sycamore Tree-of-heaven Tulip-Poplar White Ash \fuite Birch \fuite Cedar White Oak White Pine White Sassafras Yellow Birch Alder American Bladder-nut American Hazelnut American Yew Arrow-wood Azalea Barberry Bayberry Blackberry Black Chokeberry Black-haw Blueberry Bristly Sarsaparilla Buckthorn Bush-Honeysuckle Buttonbush Chokeberry Choke-Cherry Climbing Bittersweet Common Alder Crab-Apple Dewberry Dogwood Elderberry Fly-Honeysuckle Fragrant Sumac Gooseberry Grape Shrubs 9-2 Scientific Name Carya ovata Ulmus rubra ---Acer saccharum Betula lenta Platanus occidentalis Ailanthus altissima Liriodendron Tulipifera Fraxinus americana Betula papyrifera Chamaecyparis thyoides quercus alba Pinus Strobus Sassafras albidum Betula ltitea Alnus spp. Staphylea trifolia Corylus americana Taxus canadensis Viburnum recognitum Rhododendron spp. Berberis spp. Myrica pensylvanica Rubus alleghenienses Pyrus melanocarpa Viburnum prunifolium Vaccinium spp. Aralia hispida Rhamnus spp. Diervilla LciJ.icera Cephalanthus occidentalis Pyrus spp. Prunus virginiana Celastrus scandens Alnus serrulata Pyrus spp. Rubus spp. Cornus spp. Sambucus spp. Lonicera canadensis Rhus aromatica Ribes spp. Vitis spp. Appendix 1. Continued Common Name Gray Dogwood Ground~Juniper Hardhack Hawthorn Hazelnut Highbush-Blueberry Hobblebush Honeysuckle Huckleberry Japanese Honeysuckle Labrador-tea Low Blueberry Low Sweet Blueberry Maple-leaved Viburnum Meadow-sweet Mountain-Ash Mountain-Holly Mountain-Laura! Mountain-Maple Nannyberry New Jersey Tea Ninebark · Northern Prickly Ash Pinxter-flower Poison Ivy Poison Sumac Purple-flowering Raspberry Pussy-Willow Rambler Rose Raspberry Red Elderberry Red Osier Dogwood Rhododendron Rose Rubus Shrubby Cinquefoil Silky Dogwood Smooth Sumac Sour-top-Blueberry Speckled Alder Spicebush Spiraea Staghorn-Sumac Striped Maple 9-3 Scientific Name Cornus racemosa Juniperis communis var. depressa Spiraea tomentosa ·Crataegus spp. Corylus spp. Vaccinium corymbosum Viburnum alnifolium Lonicera spp. Gaylussacia spp. Lonicera japonica Ledum groenlandicum Vaccinium vacillans Vaccinium angustifolium Viburnum acerifolium Spiraea latifolia Pyrus spp. Ilex montana K:aTmia latifolia Acer spicatum VibUrnum LentagQ Ceanothus americanus Physocarpus opulifolius Xanthoxylum americanum Rhododendron nudiflorum Rhus radicans Rhus Vernix Rtiblls odoratus Salix discolor Rosa multiflora Rtiblls idaeus £ambucus pubens Cornus stolonifera Rhododendron spp. Rosa spp. Riiblls spp. Potentilla fructicosa Cornus obliqua Rhus glabra vaccinium myrtilloides Alnus rugosa Lindera Benzoin Spiraea spp. Rhus typhina ~ pensylvanicum Appendix 1. Continued • Connnon Name Sumac Sunnner-sweet Sweet-fern Tartarian Honeysuckle Teaberry Trailing Arbutus Viburnum Virginia Creeper Virgin's-bower White Elderberry Wild-raisin Willow Winterberry Witch-Hazel Algae American Dog-Violet American Marsh-Pennywort Angelica Annual Bluegrass Arrowhead Asparagus-- Aster Avens Barren Strawberry Basil Bastard Toad-flax Bedstraw Beech-Fern Bell wort Bindweed Bird's-foot Trefoil Black Cohosh Black-eyed Susan Black Hedick Black Hustard Black Snake-root Bloodroot Blue Cohosh Bluets Bluebead-Lily Blue-eyed Grass Blue-join~ Grass Bog Club-moss Herbs 9-4 Scientific Name Rhus spp. Clethra alnifolia Comptonia peregrina Lonicera tatarica Gaultheria procumbens Epigaea spp. Viburnum spp. Parthenocissus qu.inquefolia Clematis virginiana Sambucus canadensis Viburnum cassinoides Salix spp. Ilex verticillata Hamamelis virginiana Algae spp. Viola conspersa Hydrocotyle americana Angelica spp. Poa annua Sagittaria spp. Asparagus officinalis Aster spp. Geum sp. Waldsteinia fragariodes Satureja vulgaris Comandra umbellata Galium spp. Dryopteris spp. Uvularia spp. Convolvulus spp. Lotus corn.iculatus Cimicifuga racemosa Rudbeckia serotina Medicago lupulina Brassica nigra Sanicula marilandica Sanguinaria spp. Caulophyllum thalictroides Houstonia caerulea Clintonia borealis Sisyrinchium spp. Calamagrostis canadensis Lycopodium inundatum Appendix 1. Continued Common Name Boneset Bouncing-Bet Bracken. Bristly Club-moss Broad Beech-Fern Broom-sedge Bugle-weed Bullhead-lily Burdock Bush-C1over Butter-and-eggs Buttercup Butterfly-weed Campion Canada Lily Canadian St. John's-wort Cardinal-flower Carolina Crane's-bill Carolina Spring Beauty Cat-tail Ceratodon purpureus . Chewings Fesque Chickweed Chinese Mustard Christmas Fern Cinnamon-Fern Cinquefoil Climacium dendroides Closed Gentian Coltsfoot Columbine Common Buttercup Common Cinquefoil Common Evening-Primrose Common Fern Moss Common Motise-ear Chickweed Common Mullein Common Periwinkle Common Plantain ·common Ragweed Common Rye Grass Common St. John's-wort Common Speedwell Common Stitchwort Common Vetch 9-5 Scientific Name Eupatorium spp. Saponaria officinalis Pteridium aquilinum Lycopodium annotinum Dryopteris hexagonoptera Andropogon virginicus Lycopus virginicus Nuphar variegatum Arctium spp. Lespedeza spp. Linaria vulgaris Ranunculus spp. Asclepias tuberosa Lychnis spp. Lilium canadense Hypericum canadense Lobelia Cardinalis Geranium carolinianum Claytonia caroliniana Typha spp. Ceratodon purpureus Festuca rubra var. commutata Stellaria sp. Brassica juncea Polystichum acrostichoides Osmunda cinnamomea Potentilla spp. Climacium dendroides Gentiana clausa Tussilago Farfara Aquilegia spp. Ranunculus acris Potentilla canadensis Oenothera biennis Thuidium delicatulum Cerastium vugatum Verbascum Thapsus Vinca minor Plantago major Ambrosia artemisiifolia Elymus sp. Hypericum perforatum Veronica. officinalis Stellaria graminea- Vicia angustifolia Appendix 1. Continued • Common Name Common Wood-Sorrel Cowslip Creeping Red Fesque Crown-Vetch Cudweed Cutgrass Cut-leaved Grape-fern Daisy Daisy-Fleabane Dame's-Violet Dandelion Deer~tongue Grass Deptford Pink Devil's Paint-brush Dicranum scoparium Dock Duckweed Dwarf Cornell , Dwarf Dandelion Dwarf Ginseng Early Meadow-Rue Elecampane English Plantain Everlasting Everlasting Pea False Hellebore False Spikenard Field Cat's~foot Fireweed Foamflower Fox Sedge Fringed Loosestrife Fringed Polygala Gill-over-the-ground Golden Ragwort Goldenrod Goldie's Fern Gold thread Grass-leaved Goldenrod Great Lobelia Great-spurred Violet Ground-Pine Hair-cap Moss Hairy Solomon's Seal 9-6 Scientific Name Oxalis montana Caltha palustris Festuca rubra Coronilla varia Gnaphalium sp. Leersia spp. Botrychium dissectum ·chrysanthemum spp.; Matricaria spp. Erigeron annuus Hesperis matronalis Taraxacum spp. Panicum clandestinum Dianthus Armeria Hieracium aurantiacum Dicranum scoparium Rumex spp. Lemna spp. Cornus canadensis Krigia spp. Panax trifolium Thalictrum dioicum Inula Helenium Plantago lanceolata Antennaria spp. Lathyrus latifolius VeratrUiil· spp. Smilacin~ racemosa Antennaria neglecta Epilobium angustifolium Tiareila cordifolia Carex vulpinoidea Lysimachia ciliata Polygala paucifolia Glechoma hederacea Senecio aureus · Solidago spp. Dryopteris Goldiana Coptis groenlandica Solida&o graminifolia Lobelia siphilitica Viola Selkirkii Lycopodium comElanatum Polytrichum spp. Polygonatum biflorum Appendix 1. Continued Common Name Hawkweed Hay-scented Fern Heal-all Helleborine Hepatica Horsetail Hyprttim · spp. Hypnum imponens Indian Cucumber-root Indian Hemp Indian-tobacco Interrupted Fern Iris Jack-in-the-puplit Japanese Clover Jewelweed Joe-Pye-weed Kentucky 31 Kidneyleaf-Buttercup Kill-cow King Devil Knotweed Lace-Grass Lady-Fern Large-flowered Bellwort Large-flowered Wake-robin Large-leaved Aster Large-leaved Mnium Large Yellow Lady's-slipper Lion's-foot Long-spurred Violet Maidenhair-Fern Harginal Shield-Fern Marsh-Fern Marsh St. John's-wort Maryland Golden Aster May-apple Meadow-Rue Milkweed Mint Hixed Grass Moss t1oth~Mullein Mouse-ear Hawkweed 9-7 Scientific Name Hieracium spp. Dennstaedtia punctilobula Prunella vulgaris Epipactis Helleborine Hepatica spp. Equisetum spp. Hypnum spp. Hypnum imponens Medeola virginiana Apocynum cannabinum Lobelia inflata Osmunda Claytoniana Iris spp. Arisaema atrorubens Lespedeza striata Impatiens spp. Eupatorium spp. Festuca sp. Ranunculus abortivus Eleocharis tenuis Hieracium floribundum Polygonum spp. Eragrostis capillaria Athyrium Filix-femina Uvularia grandiflora Trillium grandiflorum Aster macrophyllus Mnium punctatum var. elatum Cypripedium Calceolus var. pubescens Prenanthes Serpentaria Viola rostrata Adiantum pedatum Dryopteris marginalia Dryopteris Thelypteris Hypericum virginicum Chrysopsis mariana Podophyllum peltatum Thalictrum.spp. Asclepias spp. Mentha spp. Gramineae Musci Verbascum Blattaria Hieracium Pilosella Appendix 1. Continued Common Name Narrow-leaved Cat-tail New York Aster New York Fern Nightshade Nimble Will Grass Nodding Ladies'-tresses Northern Lady Fern Northern Water Plantain Oak-Fern Old-field-Cinquefoil Onion Orchard-Grass Qstrich-Fern Ox-eye-Daisy Painted Trillium Pale Corydalis Panic-Grass Papoose-root Partridge-berry Partridge-Pea Pearly Everlasting Pennsylvania Bitter-cress Perennial Rye-grass Perfoliate Bellwort Plantain Pokeweed Pondweed Poor-Man's Pepper Poverty-Grass Prostate Tick-trefoil Purple Trillium Queen Anne's-lace Rattlesnake-Fern Red Clover Redtop Grass Reed Reindeer Lichen Rock-Polypody Rose Pogonia Rough Bedstraw Rough-fruited Cinquefoil Rough-leaved Golden-rod Round-leaved Sundew Roundlobe Hepatica Royal Fern 9-8 Scientific Name Typha angustifolia Aster novi-belgii ~teris noveboracensis Solanum Dulcamara Muhlenbergia Schreberi Spiranthes cernua Athyrium Filix-femina var. Michanxii Alisma triviale Dryopteris disjuncta Potentilla simplex Allium spp. Dactylis glomerata Pteretis penslyyanica Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum Trillium undulatum Corydalis sempervirens Panicum spp. Caulophyllum thalictorides Mitchella repens Cassia fasciculata Anaphalis margaritacea Cardamine pensylvanica Lolium perenne Uvularia perfoliata Plantago spp. Phytolacca spp. Potamogeton spp. Lepidium virginicum Danthonia spicata Desmodium rotundifolium Trillium erectum Daucus Carota Botrychium virginianum Trifolium pratense Agrostis alba Phragmites spp. Cladonia rangiferina Polypodium virginianum Pogonia ophioglossodies Galium asprellum Potentilla recta Solidago pa~ Drosera rotundifolia Hepatica americana Osmunda regalis Appendix 1. Continued Conmi.on Name Rue-Anemone Rush St. John's-wort Schreber' s Moss Scotch Broom Sedge Sensitive Fern Sharp-lobed Hepatica Sheep-Sorrel Shining Club-moss Shinleaf Skullcap Skunk-cabbage Smartweed Smooth Yellow Violet Solomon's-seal Speedwell Sphagnum Spiked Loosestrife Spinulose Wood-Fern Spotted Knapweed ~potted St. John's-wort Spotted Touch-me-not Spotted Wintergreen Spreading Dogbane Spring-beauty Spring-Cress Square-stemmed Monkey-flower Squirrel-corn Star-flower Star-flowered Solomon's Seal Stemless Lady's-slipper Stonecrop Strawberry Swamp-Buttercup Sweet Cicely Sweet-scented Bedstraw Tall Headow-Rue Tear thumb Teasel Thistle Thoroughwort Tick-trefoil Timothy Toothwort 9-9 SciE:CLtific Name Anemonella thalictroides Juncus spp. Hypericum spp. Calliergon Schreberi Cytisus scoparius Carex spp. Onoclea sensibilis Hepatica acutiloba Rumex Acetosella Lycopodium Lucidulum Pyrola elliptica Scutellaria spp. Symplocarpus foetidus Polygonum spp. Viola pensylvanica Polygonatum spp. Veronica spp. Sphagnum spp. Lythrum Salicaria Dryopteris spinulosa Centaurea maculosa Hypericum punctatum Impatiens capensis Chimaphila maculata Apocynum androsaemifolium Claytonia spp. Cardamine bulbosa Mimulus ringens Dicentra canadensis Trientalis borealis Smilacina stellata Cypripedium acaule Sedum spp. Fragaria spp. Ranunculus septentrionalis Osmorhiza spp. Galium triflor~m Thalictrum polygamum Polygonum spp. Dipsacus spp. Cirsium spp. Eupatorium spp. Desmodium spp. Phleum spp. Dentaria spp. Appendix 1. Continued • Common Name Tree Club-moss Trillium Trout-Lily Twisted-stalk Upright Yellow Woo"d....;sorrel Various-leaved Water-Milfoil Velvet-Grass Violet Virginia Knotweed Water-celery Water Moss Water Parsnip Water-Pennywort Water-purslane White Baneberry White Clover White Moss White Snakeroot Whorled Loosestrife Wild Cranesbill Wild Leek Wild Lettuce Wild Lily-of-the-valley Wild Lupine Wild-oats Wild-pink Wild Sarsaparilla Wild Yam-root Winter-Cress Wood-Anemone Wood-Fern Wood-Lily Wood-Sorrel Woolly Blue Violet Woolly Panic-grass Yarrow Yellow Clover Yellow Dock Yellow Loosestrife 9-10 Scientific Name Lycopodium obscurum Trillium spp. Erythronium americanum Streptopus spp. Oxalis stricta Myriophyllum heterophyllum Holcus lanatus Viola spp. Tovara virginiana Vallisneria americana Fontinalis spp. Sium suave ---Hydrocotyle spp. Ludwigia palustris Actaea pachypoda Trifolium repens Leucobryum glaucum Eupatorium rugosum Lysimachia quadrifolia Geranium maculatum Allium Ampeloprasum Lactuca canadensis Maianthemun canadense Lupinus perennis Uvularia sessilifolia Silene caroliniana var. pensylvanica Aralia nudicaulis Dioscorea villosa Barbarea spp. Anemone quinquefolia Dryopteris spp. Lilium philadelphicum Oxalis spp. Viola sororia Panicum lanuginosum Achillea spp. Trifolium agrarium Rumex crispus Lysimachia terrestris Appendix 2 Field data form for plant species ·in adjacent forest. Area Adjacent to the ROW: Vegetation Type: Forest Type: Non-forest Type: Tree Layer: % Cover Height Type Stand Dominant and Characteristic Species: Shrub Layer: % Cover Herb Layer: % Cover ---------------- Remarks: Primary Land Use: General Aesthetics: Height Height ------------------------------------------~----------- Other Use: 9-11 Appendix 3. Field data form for plant spec~es on the ROW • • Data on the ROW Management History: Clearance: Data: Type: Maintenance: Data: Treatment: Present Vegetation Type: Shrub Layer: %Cover Height Tree Species: Shrub Species: Groul).d Layer: % Cover Heigth Herbs and Grasses: 9-12 Appendix 4. Plant 1 Species Occurring in New York and Proposed for Designation as Endangered or Threatened Under the Federal Endangered Species Act of 1973. Scientific Name Common Name Proposed Status . . h 2 Sc1rpus anc1stroc aetus Isotria medeoloides Plantago cordata Calamagrostis perplexa Phyllitis Scolopendrium var. amer1cana Aconitum noveboracense Trollius laxus Prenanthes Boottii Helianthemum dumosum Cypripediurn arietinu~ ~yp!:_ipedi~:~m c~ndidum Listera auriculata 3Plantanthera leucophaea 3 Plantanthera peramoena Calamagrostis Porteri .Panicum aculeatum Poa paludigena Potamogeton Hillii Schizaea pusilla 5Agalinis acuta Micranthemum micranthemoides Bulrush (unnamed) Pagonia, smalled whorled Plantain, heart-leaf Reed Bentgrass (unnamed) Hart's tongue fern, American Monkshood, northern wild Globeflower, spreading A rattlesnake root (unnamed) A rockrose (unnamed) Ram's head Ladv's slipper Small white lady's slipper Auricled twayblade Prarie white fringed orchid Purple fringless orchid4 A reed bentgrass (unnamed) A panic grass (unnamed) A meadow grass (unnamed) A pond weed (unnamed) Curly grass A figwort (unnamed) A figwort (unnamed) Endangered Endangered Endangered Endangered Endangered Endangered Endangered Threatened Threatened Threatened Threatened Threatened Threatened Threatened Threatened Threatened Threatened Threatened Threatened Treatened Threatened 1 The first seven species listed were proposed for designation as endangered in the Federal Register of Wednesday, June 16, 1976. None of these seven species were identified in conjunction with the individual site studies for the ESEERCO study. The last fourteen species listed.were proposed for designation as threatened in the Federal Register of Tuesday, July 1, 1975. Unless otherwise noted, scientific names are as in Gray's Manual of Botany. 2 This species is not listed in either Gray's Manual of Botany or the New Britain and Brown Illustrated Flora. 3 This genus (Platanthera) 1s listed as Habenaria in both Gray's Manual of Botany and the New Britton and Brown Illustrated Flora. 4 Also known as pride of the peak. 5 This genus (Micranthemum) is listed as Hemianthus 1n the New Britton and Brown Illustrated Flora. 9-13 \.0 I 1-' .p.. Appendix 5 •. Field data form for soils evaluation. Site Location and Description Site Name Data --------------------Recorder County ------------------~-------------------------Geology ---------------------------------------------------- Forest Region Surficial ---------------------------------------------------- Physiographic Region ------------------------------Bedrock ------------------------------------------------------- Soils • Soil Order and Suborder Soil Association Soil Series Map Symboll Effective Depth (in.) Drainage Class2 Surface Mineral Soil pH Texture Woodland Suitability Group ·,' 1 Map Symbol: Soil series and slope class (A=0-8%, B=8-15%, C=2S=35%, E=35=50%, F=S-=70% 2 Drainage Class: VPD=very poorly drained, PD=poorly drained, SPD=somewhat poorly drained, ID=Imperfectively drained, 3 MG=moderately good, G=good, E=excellent (excessive) h'i·o>·. ·. 'Provides information on potential productivity for tree species and hazards and limitations in woodland &iillr ,. , . . ma:nagement. • ..... . , •. ;.•,•q Appendix 6. Site Index Guide as Received November 15, · 1976, from William Hanna, Soil Scientist, Soil Conservation Service, Syracuse, New York. Productivit~1 Classes for ImEortant Timber SEecies Very Very Tree Species Excellent Good Good Fair Poor Poor 12 2 3 4 5 6 Red and White Pine 90+ 90-80 80-70 70-60 60-50 50-40 Red Maple 80+ .. 80:-70 70-60 60-50 50- Oaks and Black Cherry 85+ 85-75 75-65 65-55 55-45 45-35 w. Spruce, Balsam-Fir 80+ 80-70 70-60 60-50 50-40 40-30 Red Spruce 70+ 70-60 60-50 50-40 40-30 30- Sugar-Maple 73+ 73-66 66-59 59-52 52-45 45-38 1 Productivity is based on average site index of an indicator tree species or forest type for each soil. This is the woodland suitability class for the soil. Site index figures refer to the height at 50 years of age for the particular species or forest type. 2 Woodland Suitability Group is referred to by number. 9-15 \0 I ...... (j'\ Appendix 7. Field data form for soil erosion classification. Site Name ------------------------------------------------Date -------------------Recorder Erosion Classification -------Er-osion cfa-8s2-ancf KindJ -·- Soil Type Average Slope % Plant Cover . 1 Locat1.on Class Woodland Kind Depth Gullies (in.) Class ROW Depth Gullies Kind ' (in.) 1 Location: A= (indicate such general ROW, B= access road, C = tower site, D = stringing site, E • forest, F = other as horse trail, animal path, bike trail, etc.). 2 Erosion Class: 0 = none, 1 = slight, 2 -moderate, 3= severe 3 . . d Eros1.on K1.n : S = sheet, R • rill, G = gully. .irt>ffii~'"-··-·· ..... '"~ Appendix 8. Key for the Classification, Forest Humus Types (1)1 Prepared by the Committee on Humus ClassificationJForest Soils Sec- tion, Soil Science Society of America.2 A. No H-layer; the Al;horizon consists of an intimate mixture of organic matter and mineral soil, with gradual transition between the Al and the horizon beneath. F-layer may or may not be present. -------------------------------------------------------------Mull (2,3,4) 1. The Al is essentially single grain or massive without aggregates. Organic matter appears to be more or less uniformly distributed throughout. (a) Massive and firm with generally less than 5% organic matter by weight. ----------------------------------------------------Firm Mull (b) Loose, with low to medium organic matter content (usually less than 10%) and consisting of a mixture of mineral soil and or- ganic matter as single grains. Typically on sandy soils. ----------------------------------------------------Sand Mull 2. The Al-horizon has a granular· or crumb structure·. The concentra- tion of organic matter and the granular structure are most pronounced in the upper Al and decrease gradually with depth. (a) Coarse granular or crumb structure; many granules 1/8" (2-3mm.) or larger. Usually 5-20% organic matter. ----------------------------------------------------Coarse Mull (b) Medium granular or crumb structure; the larger granules about 1/16" (2mm.) or slightly smaller. Wide range of organic matter content usually 5-30%. ----------------------------------------------------Medium Mull (c) Fine granular structure; frequently has the appearance of fine black sawdust; organic matter content high, usually over 30%. ----------------------------------------------------Fine Mull 3. Complex mull types. Distinct structural differences between layers within the zone of organic matter incorporation. (a) A fine mull underlain by coarse or medium mull. ----------------------------------------------------Twin Mull B. H and F-layers present with an underlying Al-horizon essentially similar to that of a true mull. Gradual transition from the H to Al and mineral soil beneath. (This type possesses some of the characteristics of both mulls and mors.) --------~----------------------------------------------------Duff Mull (4,5) 1. Combined F and H-layers more than one inch thick. 2. 1 2 ---------------------------------------------------------Thick Duff Mull Combined F and H-layers less than one inch thick. ---------------------------------------------------------Thin Duff Mull Numbers in parentheses refer to explanatory material on the following pages. Hoover, M.D. and H.A. Lunt. 1952. A key for the classification of forest humus types. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 16: 368-370. 9-17 Appendix 8. -Gontinued C. H-layer present (except in 3 below). Practically no m1x1ng of organic matter with mineral soil. Abrupt transition from surface organic mat- ter to underlying horizon. -------------------------------------------------------------Mor (6) 1. The H-layer more than 1/2 inch thick. ---------------------------------------------------------Thick Mor (a) The H-layer has a fine granular structure. ------------------------------~---------------------Granular Mor (b) The H-layer structureless, feels greasy when wet, but hard and brittle when dry. ----------------------------------------------------Greasy Mor (c) The H-layer feels and looks felty, due to presence of fungal hyphae and/or plant residues but not living roots. ----------------------------------------------------Felty Mor. 2. The H-layer less than 1/2 inch in thickness. ---------------------------------------------------------Thin Mor 3. The H-layer lacking or present only as a thin film in depressions. ---------------------------------------------------------Imperfect Mor Explanatory Material (1) This key does not apply on areas where the upper A-horizon shows evidence of prolonged water saturation. Such as mottling, peat layers, or bog conditions. (2) Following disturbance of the forest cover a mull may develop on an old podsol. As a result, a remnant of a leached layer may be present in the profile even though the layer above it resembles the Al of a mull. In such a case, the humus type is typed as a mull on the basis of the char- acteristics of the Al-horizon. (3) A complete description of a mull or duff-mull type should furnish the depth of organic matter incorporation in inches. For grouping data and recon- naissance use the following depth classes are suggested: very shallow, less than 1", shallow, 1-2", deep, 2-4", and very deep, more than 4". For example, a sand mull with organic matter incorporated to a depth of 1-1/2" would be a "Shallow Sand Mull." , (4) When it is apparent that plowing or grazing have modified or eliminated the natural humus type, this should be indicated by adding the letter "P" or "G" to the name of the humus type. For example, Firm Mull-P or Firm Mull-G or Firm Mull-PG if both plowing and grazing have caused present con- titions. On previously cultivated land, there is frequently an old plow layer which is comparatively homogenous throughout but may usually be re- 9-18 i i J Appendix 8. Continued cognized by the sharp line of demarcation at ·the base of the plow layer. The humus type should be based on the characteristics of the H and/or Al-horizon, and not on the properties of the entire plowed horizon. Graz- ing causes compaction of the organic horizons and may reduce a mull with granular structure to firm mull. Or may mix the H-layer of a mor with mineral soil creating a mull like condition. Again humus type should be based on the H and/or Al-horizon adding the letter "G" to indicate that grazing was responsible. (5) As stated in explanatory note 113 the d~pth of organic matter incorporation should be given in description. The adjectives for the depth classes should be used as prefixes in describing the Al portion of the duff-mull. For example, "Thick Duff Mull with shallow Al" would be used to describe a duff-mull with F and H-layers more than 1" thick and the Al-horizon 1-2" deep. (6) Because of the high organic matter content in the Al-horizon of fine-mull it may occasionally be difficult to determine in the field whether the layer is the H-layer or granular mor. This is particularly true when the hori- zon or layer is shallow or thin. In this case, if transition to the min- eral soil horizon below is rather abrupt and the organic content so high it cannot be determined in the field whether it is actually fine mull or a granular mor the layer should be classed as an H-layer and typed as mor. \ 9-19 \0 I N 0 lie. ~': Appendix 9. Field data form for humus classification. Site Name Classification of Humus Layers ROW Number Location1 y----------------------------- T.ayer 'Thickness (in) . Humus L F H Al Type Date Recorder Woodland Layer 2 Thickness (in) L F H Al -- 1 Location: edge, mid (between edge and center), and center of ROW or circular woods plot. Humus Type 2 Layers: L = litter, F = fermentation, H = humus, Al = mixed organic and mineral soil horizon. • ---~· ·· .· .. ccC•.'•,-btoC~ Appendix 10. Water sMrvey sh~et. Survey: Date: City: Weather Water: Time: County: Field Engineer: --------------Quadrangle: Velocity: Depth Width: DO: Temp. Sediment Traps: Sediment Depth (Stake Marking) Stream Vegetation: Potential Fish Habitats: Bank Vegetation Stream Uses Physical Perturbations Floodplain: Erosion: Sheet: Wetland: Wet Meadow Vegetation: Noticeable Succession: Soils: Silt Marsh Yes ----- Loam %0 2 Sat: Pool-riffle Ratio Rill: Swamp No Humus pH Gully: Clay ____ _ -----:..._,_ ___ _ -----Sand. ___ _ Gravel Other :.._.. ___ _ --------------------------------------------------- Comments: _________________________________________________________________________ _ 9-21 Appendix 11. Recommended Classifications and Assignment of Ouality and Purity for Designated Waters of New York Stater,2 • Usages Class Domestic water supply (unfiltered) AA Domestic water supply (filtered) A Bathing and/or recreation B Fishing c Agriculture and/or industrial water supply D Sewage and/or waste disposal and/or transportation E Sewage and/or waste disposal F In addition, where trout water (T) are involved there is a special dissolved oxygen standard established for the protection of such waters. 1 ·Information presented here is derived from Chemung River Drainage Basin Survey Series Report, No .. 2, Water Pollution Control Board, New York State Department of Health. 2 In line with the objectives of the Public Health Law relating to water pollution control, one of the most important items considered is the various present and contemplated future usages of waters within a drainage basin. The usages and attendant classifications for the majority of situations have been established_ as noted here. 9-22 Appendix 12. Wetlands Definitions. The term "freshwater wetland" shall mean wet meade ,, marshes, swamps, or areas where ground water, flowing or standing surf water, or ice provide a significant part of the supporting substra for emergent or submergent plant communities for at least 5 months of the year. "Wet meadows" is described where ground water is at the surface for a significant part of the growing season and near the surface throughout the year, and where a significant part of the vegetational community is composed of various grasses, sedges, and rushes. Made up of but not limited to nor necessarily including the following plants or groups of plants: iris (Iris), vervain (·Verbena), thoroughwort (Eupatorium), dock (Rumex), false loosestrife (Ludwigia), hydrophillic grasses (Graminae), loosestrife (Lythrum), marsh-fern (Dryopteris thelypteris), rushes (Juncaeae), sedges (Cyperaceae), sensitive fern (Onoclea sensibilis), smartweed (Polygonum). "Marshes" shall mean areas where a vegetational community exists in standing or flowing water during the growing season and where a significant part of the vegetational community is composed of, but not limited to nor necessarily including all of, the following plants or groups of plants: arums (Araceae), bladderworts (Utricularia), bur-reeds -(Sparganiaceae) buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis), cat-tails (Txpha), duckweeds (Lemnaceae), eelgrass (Vallisneria), frogs-bits (Hydrocharitaceae), horsetails (Equisetaceae), hydrophilic grasses (Gramineae), lether-leaf (Chamaedaphne calxculatea), pickerelweeds (Pontederiaceae), pipeworts (Eriocaulon) pond weeds (Potamogeton), rushes (Juncaceae), sedges (Cyperaceae), smartweeds (Polxzonum), sweet gale (Mxrica gale), water-milfoil (Haloragaceae), water- lilies (Nymphaeceae), water-starworts (Callitrichaceae), water-wiJlow (Decodon verticillatus). "Swamps" shall mean areas where ground water is at or near the surface of the ground for a significant part of the g-rowing season or where runoff water from surface drainage frequently collects above the soils surface, and where a significant part of the vegetational community is made up of, but not limited to nor necessarily include all of, the following plants or groups of plants: alders (Alnus), ashes (Fraxinus), azaleas , (Rhododendron canadense and R. viscosum), black alder (Ilex verticillata), black spruce (picea mariana), buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis), American or white elm (Ulmus americana), white Hellebore (Veratrum viride), hemlock (Tsuga canadensis), highbush-blueberry (Vat~inium corymbosum), larch (Larix laricina), cowslip (Caltha palustris), poison sumac (Rhus vernix) red maple,(Acer rubrum), Skunk-cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidu~sphagnum mosses (Sphagnum), spicebush (Lindera Benzoin), black gum (Nxssa sxlvatica), sweet pepperbush (Clethra alnifolia), white cedar (Chamaecxparis thyoides), willow (Salicaceae). 9-23 Appendix 13. Wildlife Observed Directly or Indirectly on the 22-Sites.in 'New York • • Common Name American woodcock Beaver Black rat snake Blanding's turtle Bullfrog Carrion beetle Chipmunk Cottontail rabbit Coyote Crayfish Earthworm Eastern box turtle Fox Frog Garter snake Gray squirrel Green snake Ground bee Hornet Leopard frog, northern Lice Meadow vole Mole Mosquito Mouse Muskrat Northern water snake Oppossum Praying mantis Raccoon Red eft (red-spotted newt) Red squirrel Ribbon snake Ring-necked pheasant Ruffed grouse Shrew Skunk Spotted salamander Spotted turtle Spring peeper Timber rattlesnake Toad 9-24 Scientific Name Philohela minor Castor canadensis Elaphe obsoleta obsoleta Emydoidea blandingi Rana catesbeiana Silpha spp. Tamias striatus Sylvilagus floridanus Canis latrans Cambarus spp. Lumbricus Terrapene carolina carolina Vulpes spp. Rana spp. 'T'ha"mnophis spp. Sciurus carolinensis Opheodrys · f3PP· Vespa spp. Vespula maculata Rana pipiens pipiens Mallophaga spp. Microtus pennsylvanicus Scalopus aquaticus Culicidae Peromyscus spp. Ondatra zibethica Natrix sipedon sipedon Didelphis marsupialis Mantidae Procyon lotor Diemictylus viridescens viridescens ramiasciurus hudsonicus Thamnophis sauritus sauritus Phasianus colchicus Bonasa umbellus Sorex spp. Mephitis spp. Ambystoma maculatum Clemmys guttata Hyla crucifer Crotalus horridus horridus Bufo spp. Appendix 13. Continued Common Name Varying hare White-tailed deer Wild turkey Woodchuck 9-25 Scientific Name Lepus americanus Odocoileus virginianus Meleagris gallopavo Marmota monax \0 I N 0\ ~ · .. W,.i\l.;i,,.~, •• Appendix 14. GAVIIFORMES Gft•ld• · Loons ( I Common Loon • ( 1 Rec:Hhroated Loon POOICIPEOIFORMES PodiCIC)tChdae • Gret.t { I Horned Grebe ( I Pied·b•lled Greoe PELECANIFORMES Ph-*='OCOtac•O. ( I Ooub•e--cf11'Sted Cormorant CICIONIIFORMES ArdetdH • Herons&: 81tteftn ( I Blick-erowned N•ght Heron ( I Greet Slue r..,ran ( I Green Heron { I Amencan B•ntrn (I Le.t:St Bcttern ( J C.)rnmon E ;ret ANSER•FORMES An•t~ ·Swans, Geete & Ducks sf. Cv~nuwe I I Wh~~~~ S""ao sf. Anser.nae · G~ i 1 a1ue Gov. [ 1 Ca,,f!(.!, {jlo)()W [ 1 s.,ow ~00!1!' sf. Arwnnae · Surfac:e·feed•nq Ducks ( 1 Amenan Widqeon ( ) 81ac:lf. Duck [ J Blue-wu'l9ed Teal {I Gadwall (I Green-wu'lqed Teal (I Mallard { 1 Pinta•! ( 1 ShO"W'el« ( ( Wood Duck sf. Avthv•nolt • OIYing Ducks ( 1 BuHie-heao ( I Canvasblck II Common Goldeneve 1 1 Gre.ner Scauo {I L.-:;c.up I I Olcb<!u- 1 1 Redhe•d I 1 Rinq-necked Duck ( ) 'lllh•t•..,.,•nqed $cater d. Oxyurmae ( I R..,d~v Duck rl. ~,.l!"'ginae • Merq.ansen : I .:ammon Mef'~r ( j Hooo.o ~e~M~:"r i I ~eC·:'f.~nt.a Mt'l'ljoSI11P.r Field check list for birds seen anrl/or heard on the ROW and RQTJ edge. F~LCONIFORMES C-.Jt~r-•do~e Vclturn • 1 31acll. V•JI ture ( I Turl..ev VulturP Acc•pitr•dae ·Hawks iEaqlesl I I Broad-w•nqed Hawll'. ( I Coooer·s HawK ( I Marsn Hawk ( I Red 'ihOuldered Hawk ( I Rl!'d·taned Hawk. { I Rouqn-le9Qed Hd'ftk ( J Sharp-stunned Hawi( [ I B.tld E .tqle ( i Glllden Eagle Pand•on•d.)e (I Oso .. v Fetcon1dae. Falcons I Hawks) ( J Pereqnne !-= dlcon I I P1q,:!On Hawk. { 1 Sparrow Hawk (Amencan l(estre' GALLIFORMES Tetraomdae { ! Rutted Grouse Phestan•dae ! I Boo...,hlte t 1 Rmg-n"!'Cked Pheasant Meleagr1d1dae (I Turkev GRUIFORMES R•llldae • Ra1h, Gallinules. & Coou (I K.•ng Aa.t ( 1 Sora IRa• II t I V•rg•n•a R3•1 [ l Common Gallinule ( I Amer•can Coot CHARAORIIFORMES Charadrudae · Ploven i j 61.tclvbelhed Piov~r l !·Ktlldeer •oloverl ! ! Senlloalmated Plover Scolooac•dae ·Woodcock. Sntpe. & So~ndptQ.tr\ I 1 AmencJn '.\'oodcoc~t l 1 Common Sn~oe ; i Gredter Yetlowl~qs l~nd:>•oerl : ! Le\Ser Vello.,..leqs l~nt10to~rl ' UOtdnd lllov~ ts.andP•oert :·! Oom'"' l'i.l,.,du•o~r 1 I Lea~ 'idndc•oer 'ectoral s .. noo•per , I SemiOCJimated Solnoo.per : I Sol!urv Sdndo•P~r I I Sootted SCJndp,per Ptwl..-06-ouU•llae t I Northern Ptla~rope Lartdae ·Gulls & Tel'n'l {I Bona~ne·s Gull (I Hemnq c ... n I I H:inq Otlled Gull { I Black T~rn [ I C-HPioln Tern I I Common Tern COLUMS!FOAMES ColumDadae · Doves & p,qttoo\ ( J '.1ourn•nq Oovt I I Rock Cove (Ptgeonl CUCULIFORMES Cucuhdae \:uc:kom ( 1 Slack b1iled Cuckoo I l Yellow·b•lled Cuckoo STRIGIFORMES Tvton•d<~~~ ( l B,un Owl Stt1q•d~. TvP•C<~l v....t11 { I B.trreo Owl { 1 Great Horneo Owl I 1 Long-(!ared Owl ( I Saw·whet Owl I J Sct"eeCn Owl [ I Short e•rea Owl CARPRIMULGIFORMES Capnmull)tct. · Oo.atwcken ( I Common N•ghthawk. [I WlliO·jl()Ot'·WIII APODIFORMES Apod•dae { I C!'Hmnev $'htft Troch1hdae ( I RuDy-~hroated Humm•ngDtrd CORACIIFORMES Alced•n•dde ( I 6eltl!d K.nghsher PICIFORMES Pic1dae · Woodpeckers ( I Oownv Woodoecur 1 1 Hil•rv Wooooec,.,er t 1 P·l~ated Woodpecker ( 1 Red bellied Woodoecker [ I Red heo~ae(l Woooo~ker l I VeHOV~o·belhed So~csucker ll Yellow.¢ahed Fl•cker PASSERO FORMES Tyrann•G.M. Flycatchers l 1 Ac.td1<Jn Ftvc..tcher I i EJ\tern (H•gbard : I Eastern P~oeoc I I £J11otern Wood Pewee I 1 Gre.at Creost~d F !vc.ttcner I I L~~st Ftvc3t.:ner [ l Olt~e \tded F lvc.Jtcher [ J frJdl"osFiv~tcher { I Yl!'tlow u~tlted Flvc.ucnttt Alaud•dae i l Horn~ l.lfl( H~rundm1d.w s.,..allow-s ( Sank. $.,..<i110w { Barn S>Nallo""' I Cliff 5-.NtiiiOW ! Purple Milrt•n I Rouqn w.nqe<l Swdllnw I Tr~e ':)wat\ow Contdae : I 61ue Jav I I Common Crow i I Common ~dven Paodae l I Black ClOoed Ch•ckMiee I I C..rohna Ch•ck•t.:H: I I Tufted T1tmouse Stn1d.M 11 Red-brea\ted Nut~atch I I Whtte bte•nted Nutl'l6tch Cerlhud .. ' ! Brown Creeoer T f'OC}iodvtta• . .Vrem { 1 8ewtc\c."'i Wren { 1 Carolin.t wren ( 1 House Wreo ( I Long-billod Mil~ Wren ( 1 Short·btlled MarY! Wren I 1 W•nter Wren Mimtdae . Mockinqbtrch & Thr.t:ahen ( I Brown-tnrasner (I Catbord [ 1 Moclunqturd Turd1dae • Thruthel ( 1 E.stern Bluttb•rd ll Grav-c~ked Th~uSh [ I Hermtt ThruSh · { 1 Robtn I I Swamson·'l Thru\h {I Veert ( I Wood Thrusn Sylv11d.tu · Gnatcatchen & Ktnq1ets l 1 81.J~rav Gnatcatcr,~r ! I Golden crowned l(lnQiet I J Rubv crowl"ed Ktnglet MotactlildM I I Wa~~r Ptplt Bombvcall•d.Je I I Ced.u W.tli.Winq Unud .. - 1 I Lcqqefnud Shnke Stumtdaa { 1 Starl1nq V.reontd.wa · Vireot [ I Ph•lade\phla V •reo [ I Red-eyeo v.reo I I Solttarv Vireo { I War'Oling V1reo { I Wh1te·~ved V•reo { 1 Yeltow-tnroated Vtreo Paruhdae. Wood Warblen I I Am~nc.an Redstart I i Sav-brect!.tea Warblttr I I Blac:k·iln'd-Whtte Warbler I 1 BlackDurntan Warbler { I BlcKKpoll Warbler ( I Black thrOdted Blue Warbl~r I I Black tnroated Green ( J Blue-w.ng~ Warbler { I C•nad• WaroiP.r ( I ~ Mc~y WdrDier [ I Wrulean Warbler ( 1 Chestnut-s•Oed Waroter ll Connecucut WarOIP.r ( 1 Golden-wmqed W3f'Diet ( 1 Hooded Warbler ( ) Kentuettv Warbl~r I I Lcxus•ana w.nerthrusn lJ Maqnol•l Waroler { I Mournu'"IQ WJrbler ( I Mvrtle WJtDier I 1 Na-'ihv•ne warbler ( I Non.n.,-n Watertflrush ( I Oranqe-crowned Warbler {I Ovenbud ( I Palm Warbler ll Parula WJtbler II P1ne Warbler I I Pra•rte WarOj.er ( I Svw.J•nwn ~ WarOier () Tenn~e Warbler () W•I\On"os W~rbler ( I Worm edtU"'CJ Wdrb~r I I Yellow Ored~ted Crut I I Yellow •\larOI•r ( I Yenowtnro•t ( I Yellow lnrodted Warbler P1ool.d.e . w..,_ F met.. (I Houoo Soo"""' 1~.0. • Blackb•rds ( I Baitunon Onole ( 1 Orct'\.a:r"d Or~ole {I 8-hnl< I I s_...,.odod Cowbird ( I Common Gncklo • ( 1 Eat8tn Me.OOWiarl( l I A.O.Wu"'9'd Blackb•rd ( I RI.KtY 81Kkblr0 ~ II ~ncthn­ IIS..mmo<Ta,_.- Frift9111tG. • G~. Finctw. Sparrows & 6unt1ngs sf, Ric:t\t'¥1ondenu'\MI · C.rdTI"'oots & Allift ( ) Bh ... e Grosoe..k. ( 1 C..rdtn!ll {I Oick.ctDel ( J lnc:hqo Bunttnq I I RoN-0.-e,med Grasoo.ak sf. C.rduehnH. Purole Fincre. Goldfinchft & An~ ( I Amettcan Goldfinch ( I Common Redooll ( ) E..-enu-.q GrO'Sbe•k II Pone~ (I Pine Sf.tk1n { I Pu.,oo Fincn { 1 Rod c,..-u ( I Whlte--w•nqed Crossbtll sf. Emoeru:M\M • S'*'ro~ & Bunt•ngs I I s-....,·, Souo'ow l I Choooinq s,_ow { I F;.ld Soom>w { I F oc Spo""" 1.1 G'-s""'"""' ( 1 Htcw.ow's S~rrow ( I LM1< Spo"ow ( 1 Lincoln·s :iparrow ( I S.Votnn.h Soarrow ( I Sonq Soo"ow ( J Swo~mp Sparrow I I r,.. Soo"ow [ I Whttt<:rowned Sparrow ( I Wh•te-thro.~ted S.urrow ( I v.~., Soo"ow ( ) L•ltt•nd LOf1950Ut { 1 Rufous-stdlKJ Towhee ( I Sllt.-cofored Junco { ) Snow Bun11n9 --------------------_,~==~ Appendix 15. Birds observed and or/heard on the ·ROW and on the ROW edge during the study period. Common Name Great blue heron Green heron Canada goose Black duck Shoveler Canvasback Turkey vulture Cooper's hawk Red-shouldered hawk Red-tailed hawk Sharp-shinned hawk Bald eagle Osprey Sparrow hawk Ruffed grouse Ring-necked pheasant Turkey Killdeer American woodcock Solitary sandpiper Spotted sandpiper Herring gull Ring-billed gull Mourning dove Rock dove. (domestic pigeon) Great horned owl Whip-poor-will Ruby-throated hummingbird Belted kingfisher Downy woodpecker Hairy woodpecker Pileated woodpecker Yellow-shafted flicker Eastern kingbird Eastern phoebe Eastern wood pewee Great crested flycatcher Olive-sided flycatcher Bank swallow Barn swallow Purple martin Rough-winged swallow Tree swallow Blue jay 9-27 Scientific Name Ardea.herodias ---·Butorides·virescens Brartta:c-artadertsis · Artas · rubripes ·sparura·ciYPeata Aythya valisin-eria Cathartes aura Accipiter·eooperii ·Buteo ·lirieatus · Buteo ·;a.maicensis · ·Accipiter st:datus Haliaeetus leucocephalus Pandion.haliaetus Falco · sparve:dus · Bonasa umbellus Phasianus colchicus Meleagris ·gal16pavo . Charadrius vociferus Philohela minor ---Trirtga solitaria Actitis macularia Larus ·argeritatus · Latus dela\-1arertsis ·zeriaidura macroura Columba livia · Bubo viqdniarius Caprimulgus vociferus . Archilochus . cohibris Megaceryle alcyon ·nendrocopos ·pubescens · Dendrocopos.vi11osus · Dryocopus pileatus . ·co1aptes auratus · Tyraririus tyraririus · Say6inis ·phoebe · ·caritopus virens · ·nyiarchus cririitus Nuttallorriis borealis Riparia · riparia Hirurida·rustica . Progne subis Stelgidopteryx ruficollis ·rridoprocne·bicolor · Cyariocitta·cr1stata Appendix 15. _Continued • Common Name Common crow Black-capped chickadee Carolina chickadee Tufted titmouse White-breasted nuthatch Brown thrasher Catbird Mockingbird Robin Veery Hood thrush Ruby-crowned kinglet Cedar waxwing Starling Red-eyed vireo American redstart Black-and-white warbler Black-throated blue warbler Cape May warbler Chestnut-sided warbler Hagnolia warbler Myrtle warbler Horn-eating warbler Yellow-breasted chat Yellow w·arbler Yellowthroat Baltimore oriole Brown-headed cowbird Common grackle Red-winged blackbird Scarlet tanager Cardinal Indigo bunting Rose-breasted grosbeak American goldfinch Evening grosbeak Chipping sparrow Field sparrow Fox sparrow Song sparrow White-throated sparrow Vesper sparrow Rufous-sided towhee Slate-colored junco Scientific Name Corvus brachyrhynchos Parus atricapillus Parus·carolinerisis ---· · Parmi bicolor · ·sitta carolinerisis ~toma·rufum Dumetella ·carolirierisis Hinius ·Eolyglottos Turdus migratorius Hylocichla fuscescens ·Htlocichla niustelina Regulus·caleridlila Bombycilla cedrorum Sturrius vulgaris Vireo olivaceus Setophaga ruticilla Mniotilta var~a Dendroica caerulescens Deridrciica tigrina Dengroica pensyl vapica Dendroica magnolia Dendroica cororiata Helniitheros verniivoius Icte:ria virens · Dendrciica petechia Gecithlypis trichas Icterus galbula Molothrusater guisca:Ius guisctila Age'laius phoeniceus Pirariga: olivacea Richmoridena: cardina:lis Passeriria cyanea Pheucticus ludovicianus Spirius tristis HesEeriphona vespertina Spizella passerina Spizella pusilla Passerella iliaQa Melo-spiza· nielodia Zonotrichia albieol'lis Pooecet.es ·gr.amin.eus Pipilo erytbropbthalnlJls Junco hyemalis 1 sequence from American Ornithologists' Union in the main, although alphabetical rearrangements have been made. 9-28 Appendix 16. Partial Listl of Preferred Foods of White-tailed Deer in New York Compiled _by the Department of Environmental Conservation. Preferred or Best Liked Cedar, white or arbor-vitae Yew Apple Sassafras Maple, mountain Wintergreen Maple, striped Dogwood, alternate leaved Dogwood, flowering Sumac, staghorn Maple, red Witch hobble Basswood Second Choice Elderberry Elder, red berried Ash, mountain Cucumber tree Cranberry, highbush Nannyberry Arbutus Honeysuckle, fly Honeysuckle Hemlock Wild raisin Blueberry, highbush Dogwood, silky Dogwood, red osier Dogwood, round-leaved Willow*2 Readily Eaten Greenbrier Ash, white Maple, sugar Arrow wood, maple leaved Oaks* Grape, wild Birch, yellow Birch, black Chestnut Hickory Cherry, choke Cherry, wild black Witch hazel Spice bush Elm Choke berry, black Arrow wood Honeysuckle, bush Walnut, black Butternut Hazelnut Juneberry or shadbush Holly, mountain Holly or winterberry* Ash, black Blueberry, low sweet Blueberry, sour top Blueberry, low bush Leatherwood Starvation or Poor Food Pine, scots**J Pine, pitch** Beech Sweet fern Aspen or poplar Gooseberry and currant* Buckthorn Raspberry and blackberry Steeplebush Laurel, mountain** Rhododendron** Pine, white ** Pine, red or Norway** Balsam** Birch, paper Birch, gray Ironwood, or hop hornbeam Blue beech, or muscle wood Meadowsweet Cedar, red** Juniper, pasture** Cherry, fire or pin Hawthorn Laurel, sheep Dogwood, grey-stemmed Locust, black Huckleberry, black Tamarack Alder Spruces 1 This ~s a partial list of tree and shrub species eaten by deer arranged with the best foods at the beginning, fair foods in middle and starvation foods toward the end. The arrangement is based on thousands of observations in hundreds 2 3 of wintering areas over many years in all parts of New York. A * indicates there is considerable difference in palatability or preference of the different species of this genus. They vary from this point to very low. A ** indicates this species is often browsed heavily enough to appear to be second choice food in areas where food is inadequate. 9-29 Appendix 17. Photo Stations for the 22 Sites in New-York Photo Station • Description and Location Site 1 1 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking north. (Taken from 2nd tier of tower 1, north-northwest leg). 2 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking north-northwest. (Taken from 2nd tier at middle of north-northwest side of tower 2). 3 Slight, moderate, and severe gully erosion on access road, looking south-southwest. (Taken 3 feet north-northeast of edge of access road, 103 feet northwest of west leg of tower 3A.) 4 Example of spot-cutting maintenance procedure on the ROW, looking southeast. (Taken 3~ feet from north-northeast edge of ROW, 112 feet northwest of west leg of tower 3A·.) s· Ground water on access road, looking southeast. (Taken on north- northeast edge of access road, 252 feet southeast of east leg of tower 4A.) 6 Open area on mesic plot 2, showing spotty maintenence on the ROH, and tartarian honeysuckle community, looking southeast. (Taken 7 feet southwest of south leg of tower 4, 73 feet southeast.) 7 Access road climbing extreme slope looking northwest toward towers 5 and SA, with some erosion. (Taken from northeast side of access road, 305 feet northwest of north leg of tower 4A.) 8 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking southeast. (Taken from 2nd tier of tower 5, southwest leg.) 9 Severe gully erosion along edge of access road on the ROW, looking north-northwest. (Taken 40 feet southwest of south leg of tower 6.) 10 Severe gully erosion along edge of access road on the ROW, looking southeast. (Taken 105 feet northwest of north leg of tower 6.) 11 General view qf the ROW and adjacent forest, looking southeast. (Taken from 2nd tier of tower 7, south leg.) 12 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking northwest toward railroad track and end of study area, with staghorn-sumac, a root- suckering species, on the ROW. (Taken from 2nd tier of tower 7, west leg.) 13 Interrupted fern, royal fern, and wild cranesbill on the ROW, with cinnamon-fern near the railroad ~racks, looking southwest, between towers 7 and 8. (Taken in_area of wood chips 75 feet southwest of the ROW's northeast edge, 60 feet southeast of the railroad tracks.) 9-30 Appendix 17. Continued Photo Station Description and Location 14 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking southeast. (Taken from east leg of tower 8.) 15 Panoramic view of study area, looking southwest, as seen from Rt. 9A. (Taken at. light pole at corner of Rt. 9A and Fairview Park Road.) 16 Panoramic view of study area, looking northwest, as seen from Rt. 9A. (Taken at light pole at corner of Rt. 9A and Fairview Park Road.) 17 Panoramic view of study area, well screened by trees where ROW crosses Saw Mill Parkway, looking north. (Taken from median strip of Saw Mill Parkway-South, at exit to Rts. 287/87.) 18 Panoramic view of the site, looking south-southwest from Rt. lOOC. (Taken at south edge of Rt. llOC from base of de-energized electri- cal pole #Wll44S.) 19 Panoramic view of site, looking south from Saw t1ill Parkway -South. {Taken immediately past entrance ramp from Rt. 100 _ of road, 84 feet east of "50 mph" sign.) Site 2 1 General view of the ROW and adjacent fores4 looking south-southwest toward substation. (Taken from west corner of the base of tower 2.) 2 General view of the ROW and adjacent fores~ looking south-southeast. (Taken from south corner of the base of tower 2.) 3 Logs piled at the northeast edge of the ROW. (Taken 3 feet north- northeast of north corner of the base of tower 3.) 4 Topped hemlock on the ROW along a stream bank, looking east. (Taken 9 feet south-southeast of middle edge of access road above stream, 11~ feet north-northeast of 2-inch dl, b. h. sweet birch). 5 Horsetail community on the ROW, looking northwest. (Taken at corner of access road and ROW, near southeast corner of hydric plot 1.) 6 7 8 Severe sheet and rill erosion on bank cut at was apparently unsuccessful, looking north. 0 of tower 4 at a 45 angle.) General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, 12 feet west of tower 5~) Swee.t-fern invading the ROW, looking north. tower 5.) tower 4, where seeding (Taken 84 feet southeast looking northwest. (Taken (Taken 16 feet west of 9 General view of the ROW and. adjacent forest, looking southeast. (Taken 11 feet south-southwest of tower 5.) 9-31 Appendix 17. Continued • Photo Station Description and Location 10 Seeded area on the ROW at tower 6. (Taken 87 feet southwest of 0 11 tower 6, at a 45 angle to the tower.) General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking southeast toward tower 8, where ROW changes direction. (Taken from east cor- ner of base of tower 7.) 12 Pure sweet-fern community crosses the ROW north of·tower 7. (Taken 0 30 feet south-southwest of tower 7, at a 45 angl\ from the base of the tower.) 13 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking east. (Taken from middle of base of tower 8.) 14 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking northwest. (Taken from west corner of base of tower 8.) 15 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking east. (Taken from middle of base of tower 10.) 16 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking west. (Taken from southwest corner of base"of tower 12.) 17 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking west. (Taken 3 feet west of rock, 65 feet southeast of tower 13 at a 45° angle to the tower.) 18 View of the study area from Rt. 17, looking east. (Taken from Rt. 17 -North, 50 feet from "No Parking" sign with sign beneath it designating 17/8511/1033.) 19 View of the study area from Rt. 202. (Taken from Rt. 202 and Babbling Brook Lane.) Site 3 1 General view of the ROW artd adjacent forest, looking south. (Taken approximately 381 feet south of the base of tower 61, beside a large rock.) 2 Private gardens on the east side of the ROW. (Taken approximately 381 feet south of the base of tower 61, beside a large rock.) 3 American hornbeam on the ROW, left from selective clearing, looking southwest. (Taken 150 feet beyond photo station 2.) 4 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest showing drop and lop method of slash disposal, looking north. (Taken from the base of tower 60.) I .,. Appendix 17. Continued Photo Station Description and Location 5 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking south. · (Taken from base of tower 60.) 6 Slight sheet and rill erosion along access road on the ROW near tower 59, with a community of pokeweed which has invaded since line clearing, looking west. (Taken about 90 feet north of tower 59.) 7 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking north. (Taken 63 feet south of tower 59.) 8 Remnants of chestnut on the ROW, on the east side of the ROW. (Taken 63 feet south of tower 59.) 9 General view of the ROW and the adjacent forest, looking south. (Taken from base of tower 58.) 10 Wet area on ROW where culvert is needed at access road. (Taken approximately 300 feet south of tower 58, shooting northeast.) 11 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking north. (Taken 52 feet north of tower 57.) 12 Severe gully erosion on the ROW near tower 57. (Taken 52 feet north- west of tower 57, looking east.) 13 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking south. (Taken approximately 500 feet north of _tower 56.) 14 Hullein growing on the ROW, having invaded since line clearing. (Taken 264 feet northwest of tower 54, looking southeast.) 15 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking south. (Taken from base of tower 54.) 16 Noxious weeds, including thistle, invading disturbed areas of the ROW. (Taken approximately 396 feet north of tower 53, looking north.) 17 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking north. (Taken from base of tower 53.) 18 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking south. (Taken from base of tower 53.) 19 Slash in gully on the ROW, looking south-southeast. (Taken from base of tower 53.) 20 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking north from Sterling Lake Road. (Taken from edge of road.) Site 4 1 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking south. (Taken from base of tower 107.) 9'-33 Appendix 17. Continued Photo Station . . Description and Location 2 Hay-scented fern community on the ROW, looking southwest. (Taken about 119 feet south of southwest leg of tower 107.) · ~ Gray birch on the ROW, looking south. (Taken approximately 441 feet south of southeast leg of tower 107.) 4 Flowering dogwood on the ROH looking southwest. (Taken approximately 522 feet south of tower 107.) 5 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking north. (Taken approximately 216 feet north of the northeast leg of tower 108, from a large rock.) 6 Open soil under tower 108 exhibiting moderate sheet and rill erosion. (Taken 10 feet east from tower 108.) 7· General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking south. (Taken from base of tower 108.) 8 Hay-scented fern community on the ROW, .looking northwest. (Taken south of tower 58, at corner of large rock near access road, approximately 651 feet south of tower 109.) ·9 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking north. (Taken 62!2 feet north of the east leg of tower 110.) 10 Open area under tower, invading with huckleberry, mixed grass, hay- scented fern, and scattered hemlock. Wood-lily is also shown. (Taken 9 feet east of photo station 9.) 11 (Taken General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking south. from base of tower 111.) General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking north. 12 (Taken from base of tower 114.) 13 General view of the ROW with alder swamp and Sterling Lake Road in the background, looking south. (Taken 100 feet south of base of tower 114.) 14 General view of the ROW with alder swamp, looking north from Sterling Lake Road. (Taken from edge of road.) Site 5· 1 General view of the ROW and adjacent area from South Street, looking southeast. (Taken 18 feet southwest of telephone pole 152/15 south- east of South Street.) · 2 General view of apple orchard on the ROW, looking southeast.· (Taken 10 feet southwest of stake at edge of north woods, adjacent to tower 58.) 9-34 Appendix 17. Continued Photo Station Description and Location 3 Open soil under tower 57 exhibiting slight sheet and rill erosion, looking northeast. (Taken 6 feet southwest of tower 57.) 4 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking southeast toward wet area. "(Taken from base of tower 57.) 5 General view of the ROW and adjacent area, looking northwest. (Taken from northwest base of tower 57.) 6 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking southeast. (Taken from base of tower 56.) 7 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking northwest. (Taken 30 feet southwest of structure 54.) 8 Staghorn-and smooth sumacs, typical species on the ROW not found in the adjacent forest, looking south. (Taken from southeast side of 0 access road, 90 feet east of structure 55 at a 45 angle.) 9 Remnants of logs piled on the ROW, probably left from ROW clearing, west of tower 53. (Taken approximately 390 feet east of structure 54, 5 feet north of the logs.) 10 View of the ROW, looking northwest down steep slope at sumac community with sassafras in the background of tower 52. (Taken on steep slope approximately 150 feet southeast of tower 52.) 11 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking northwest. (Taken from 2nd tier of tower 51.) Site 6 1 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking northwest. (Taken 3 feet southwest of structure 720.) 2 Partially dead red maple and oak with chemical retention. (Taken 30 feet northwest of structure 718, looking east.) 3 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking southeast. (Taken 25 feet northeast of structure 692, 90 feet northwest.) 4 Open area from grading of access road going through successional stages, invading with mixed grass, herbs, white pine, and gray birch. (Taken 12 feet southwest of structure 692, 66 feet southeast, looking south.) 5 General view of the ROW and adjacent area, looking north. (Taken 30 feet southeast of structure 691.) 6 Ruts on the ROW caused by heavy equipment damage in wet weather, looking west. (Taken 262 feet southwest of pole 691.) 9-35 , Appendix 17. Continued • Photo Station Description and Location 7 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking northwest toward Thruway (Rt. 90) where study area ends. (Taken 45 feet northwest of pole 690A.) 8 Dead or partially dead red maples left on the ROW after spraying, looking east. (Taken 4 feet north of pole 691A.) 9 Ground-juniper and white pine invading the ROW, with a sweet-fern community in the background, looking northeast. (Taken 25 feet southwest of tower 12, 52 feet northwest.) 10 Spiraea on the ROW, looking north. (Taken 24 feet southwest of tower 12, 197 feet northwest.) 11 Dead gray dogwood from chemical spray on the ROW, looking southwest. (Taken 13 feet southwest of tower 13, 36 feet southeast.) 12 Open soil under tower 14, exhibiting slight sheet erosion, looking northeast. (Taken 10 feet southwest of tower 14.) 13 Intermittent stream on the ROW, with a cat-tail community in the background, looking west.. (Taken 144 feet northeast of milepost 161/7 on the Thruway, 108 feet southeast, on southeast side of stream.) 14 Severe gully erosion on access road, looking north. (Taken 120 feet east of tower 10 at a 45° angle, on south side of access road.) 15 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking southeast from Thruway (Rt. 90). (Taken from"southeast side of Thruway, going west, immediately prior to exit 26, at milepost 161/7.) Site 7 1 General view of the study area from Rt. 30, looking southeast. (Taken on Rt. 30 North at green sign 30/9502/1056.) 2 General view of PASNY's Blenheim-Gilboa Pumped-Storage building from Rt. 30. (Taken from Rt. 30 North at electric distribution pole M+l84, near pole NM 45.) 3 View of substation from Rt. 30. (Taken from Rt. 30 North, electric . pole NM 44.) 4 General view of study area, looking southeast from substation. (Taken from northwest corner of fence surrounding substation.) 5 North side of tower GNS-1/1/8 structure opening, looking north-north- west. (Taken 9 feet north of southeast leg of tower GNS-1/1/8, 94 feet east of same.) . 9-36 Appendix 17. Continued Photo Station Description and Location 6 East side of tower 8 struct~re opening. (Taken 40~ feet north of northeast leg of tower GNS-1/1/8, 31~ feet east of same.) 7 South side of tower 8 structure opening. (Taken 40~ feet north of northeast leg of tower GL 1/8, 143 feet east of same.) 8 West side of tower 8 structure opening. (Taken 2nd tier of tower GL 1/8, southeast leg.) · 9 General view of structure opening at tower 8, looking northeast. (Taken 41 feet south of southeast leg of tower G 1/8, 31 feet east.) 10 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking ~lest. (Taken from west side of tower GNS-1121.) 11 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest with feathering obvious, looking west. (Taken from 3rd tier of tower GNS-1/2/2, southwest leg.) 12 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking east. (Taken from northeast leg of tower GNS-1/2/2.) Site 8 1 General view of the ROW and adjacent area from Rush Road, looking south. (Taken from south edge of Rush Road.) 2 General view of the ROW and adjacent area, looking basically west toward Rush Road. '(Taken 24 feet north of center of structure 34.) 3 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking south. (Taken 80 feet south of structure.34, between 2 easternmost poles.) 4 Whorled loosestrife and hay-scented fern communities on the ROW, with sweet birch and red oak seedlings, and sweet-fern and witch-hazel in the background. (Taken about 10 feet north-northeast of photo station 3, looking north-northeast.) 5 Equipment cut exhibiting moderate sheet erosion on the ROW, looking northeast. (Taken 12 feet southwest of photo station 3.) 6 Deer browse on sweet-f:ern and sweet birch on the ROW between structures 34 and 33, looking east. (Taken approximately 261 feet north of structure 33, on west edge of access road.) 7 Water running down access road on the ROW, looking south. (Taken 6 feet northeast of photo station 6, on east edge of access road.} 8 Sweet birch invading the RO\-J, with deer stand in backgnound, looking northeast. (Taken 30 feet northeast of structure 33, on west side of access road.) .9-37 , Appendix 17. Contin~ed • Photo Station Description and Location 9 Sweet birch browsed by deer on the ROW. (Taken 75 feet south of mesic plot 3, south of structure 33.) 10 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking west. (Taken 70 feet north of structure 32, easternmost pole.) 11 Access road healed with whorled loosestrife and mixed grass, looking north-northeast. (Taken 20 feet west of structure 31.) 12 Equipment cut exhibiting moderate sheet erosion on the ROW, looking south-southeast. (Taken from east side of access road, 87 feet southeast of structure 32.) 13 Remnants of past line clearing practices, charred logs on the ROW, looking southwest. (Taken from northeast edge of access road, north- west of structure 30.) 14 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking northwest. (Taken from edge of access ro~d, southwest of structure 30.) 15 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking southeast. (Taken from northeast edge of access road, southwest of structure 29.) 16 Xeric plot 5, with deer-browsed yellow birch at end of plot, looking northeast. (Taken 50 feet southwest of photo station 15.) Site 9 1 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking east from Breezeport Road. (Taken from Breezeport Road.) 2 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking west from Breezeport Road. (Taken from Breezeport Road.) 3 Stream crossing the ROW, looking north. (Taken from corner of access road on east side of stream.) 4 · Depression, result of old equipment damage, and poles left on the ROW, looking northwest. (Taken from northern edge of ac~ess road, on west bank of stream.) 5 Grass community on the ROW, with partially dead cherries in background. not completely killed by chemicals, looking southeast. (Taken from base of pole 38B.) 6 Severe gully erosion along wash, apparently an intermittent stream, looking southwest. (Taken from northwest side of wash, 33 feet north of pole 38A.) 7 Severe gully erosion along wash, apparently looking southwest into the adjacent forest. 10 feet south of pole 37C.) 9-38 an intermittent stream, (Taken approximately Appendix 17. Continued Photo Station Description and Location 8 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking east. (Taken approximately 10 feet south of pole 37C.) 9 Dead aspen off the ROW, which may have been caused by drift, looking southeast. (Take~ approximately 8 feet south of pole 37D.) 10 Partially killed Fed maple, killed by chemicals on ROW. Approximately 28 feet south of pole 37D. 11 Dead and partially dead trees, mainly cherry, looking east. (Taken approximately 125 feet east of pole 37D at south corner of access road.) 12 Past land use practices evidenced, with apple trees seeding in on the Rmv from an old orchard south of the ROW, looking north. (Taken approximately 20 feet south of pole 41B.) 13 Dead and partially dead quaking aspen, looking east. (Taken 12 feet south of pole 41B.) 14 Diversion ditch on the ROW, looking northeast. (Taken 227 feet south- east from corner of pole 41B.) 15 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking west, with Breezeport Road in background. (Taken from structure 42.) 16 Slight sheet and rill erosion on the access road on the ROW, looking northwest. (Taken 56 feet east, 140 feet south of structure 32, on the south side of the access road.) 17 Equipment cut on the ROW exhibiting slight sheet and rill erosion, looking south. (Taken 56 feet east of structure 32.) Site 10 1 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking west from Rt. 17. (Taken at sign 17/5102/1150 on Rt. 17 West.) 2 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking south from Rt. 17. (Taken at sign 17/5102/1151 on Rt. 17 East.) 3 Witch-hazel, a desirable shrub on the ROW,-looking south. (Taken 112 feet south of base of tower 198.) 4 Stream crossing the ROW, looking south. (Taken 35 feet west of pole 59.) 5 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, showing cultivated area on the ROW, looking west. (Taken from tower 199.) 6 Ponded area on the ROW, looking south-southwest. (Taken 10 feet from base of tower 62.) 9-39 Appendix 17. Continued • Photo Station Description and Location 7 American hornbeam, a desirable species, on the ROW, looking south- southwest. (Taken from base of pole 63.) 8 Cat-tail community on the ROW, looking northwest. (Taken 12 feet west of tower 202.) 9 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking east. (Taken from base of tower 203.) 10 Moderate sheet and rill erosion on the ROW at a bank cut at tower 203, looking southwest. (Taken approximately 50 feet northwest of northwest leg of tower 203.) 11 Willow and quaking aspen at the bottom of a bank cut at tower 203. Taken approximately 50 feet northwest of northwest leg of tower 203.) 12 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking east. (Taken from base of tower 205.) 13 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking west, with xeric plot 3 shown. (Taken from base of tower 203.) 14 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking east. (Taken from base of tower 207.) Site 11 1 General view of the stu ' area from Feeley Road, looking west. (Taken from edge of Feeley Roa at pole NM 17/RTClO.) 2 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking east. (Taken from base of structure 145.) 3 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking west. (Taken from base of structure 145.) 4 Northern White-Cedar forest adjacent to the ROW, looking northwest. Taken from base of structure 145.) 5 Scotch pine seedlings on,the ROW, with pasture in background, looking southeast. (Taken 60 f~et east of pole 145A.) 6 Multiple sterns from stump sprout of American hornbeam on the ROW, looking northeast. (Taken 27 feet north of southwest corner of mesic plot 3, at edge of cleared corridor for logging.) 7 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking east. (Taken 47 feet east of base of pole 149A.) 8 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking west. (Taken 40 feet east of ·base of pole 149A.) 9-40 -Appendix 17. Continued Photo Station Description and Location 9 Multiple stems of gray dogwood on the ROW, looking northwest. (Taken 27 feet north of southwest corner of mesic plot 3, at edge of cleared corridor for logging. Site 12 1 General view of the ROW and adjacent area, looking west from Rt. 250. {Taken from east side of Rt. 250, 15 feet north of "International Rotary" sign.) 2 Open area on th~ ROW under tower 122 exhibiting moderate sheet erosion, looking southeast. (Taken approximately 4 feet south of southeast leg of tower 122.) 3 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking east toward Rt. 250. (Taken from base of tower 122.) 4 Grape growing up tower 123, looking northwest. (Taken 64 feet east of tower 123, 13 feet north.) 5 Sand pile on the ROW, looking west. (Taken 60 feet west of northwest leg of tower 123.) 6 Tower 122 with grape, poison ivy, sassafras, white ash, quaking aspen, and rose, looking west. (Taken 72 feet east of northeast leg of tower 123.) 7 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking east, showing vegetation at stream crossing the ROW. (Taken 212 feet east of north leg of tower 119.) 8 Sassafras on the ROW, looking west. (Taken 212 feet east of north leg of tower 119.) Site 13 1 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking west from County Line Road. (Taken approximately 50 feet north of telephone pole 276, 13 feet east of County Line Road.) 2 General view of the ROW and adjacent area, looking east from County Line Road. (Taken approximately SO feet north of telephone pole 276, 13 feet east of County Line Road.) 3 Solid community of gray dogwood at the north edge of the ROW. (Taken from base of north pole of structure 135.) 4 Community of staghorn-sumac at the north edge of the ROW, looking northeast. (Taken from base of north pole of structure 135.) 9-41 , Appendix li7. Continued Photo Station • Description and Location 5 Gray dogwood community on the ROW, looking west. (Taken 66 feet southeast of south pole of structure 136.) 6 Solid community of gray dogwood on the ROW, looking northwest. (Taken 183 feet east of structure 141, on south side of access road.) 7 On the ROW, gray dogwood gives way to aspen, looking north. (Taken 26 feet west of tower 141 on south side of access road.) 8 Enclosure of access road by gray dogwood, looking northwest. (Taken 82 feet west of structure 141.) 9 Irrigation ditch crossing the ROW with sprouts of red maple on the northwest bank, looking northwest. (Taken 22 feet north of struc- ture 142, 80 feet east along south side of access road.) 10 Large-toothed aspen, an undesirable species on the ROW, looking west. (Taken 9 feet north of structure 136.) Site 14 1 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking west. (Taken from base of tower 63.) 2 Topped sugar-maple on the ROW at Rt. 48, looking northwest. (Taken 145 feet east of Rt. 48, on north side of access road, at base of tree- of-heaven.) 3 General view of the RO\ and adjacent forest, looking east. (Taken at corner of access road and west edge of Rt. 48.) 4 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking west. (Taken 300 feet west of base of tower 62, on south side of access road.) 5 Stream with culvert under the road on the road, looking north. (Taken 217 feet east of base of tower 61, 26 feet south of access road.) 6 Brush pile on the ROW, looking south. (Taken 128 feet west of tower '60, northern structure.) 7 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking east. (Taken 18 feet south, 121 feet west of tower 58, northern structure.) 8 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking west. (Taken 18 feet south, 121 feet west of tower 58, northern structure.) 9 Open area showing natural succession, looking southeast. (Taken from northeast leg of tower 56, northern structure.) 10 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking west toward County Rt. 8. (Taken from base of tower 55, northern structure.) 9-42 Appendix 17. Continued Photo Station 11 12 13 Description and Location Dead trees in swamp on the ROW, looking northeast. (Taken from northeast leg of tower 54, northern structure.) General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking east from Doolittle Road. (Taken from corner of Doolittle Road and access road, at telephone pole 109.) General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking west from Doolittle Road. (Taken from corner of Doolittle Road and access road, at telephone pole 109.) Site 15 1 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking west. (Taken 7 feet south of pole 84B, 38 feet east.) 2 ·slight sheet erosion on the ROW on healed-over access road, looking east. (Taken 125 feet west of pole 84.) 3 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking west from Rt. 48. (Taken 15 feet east of Rt. 48.) 4 View of the ROW, looking west toward a wet area with structure 81 in the background.· (Taken 83 feet east of structure 8.) 5 Alder community on the ROW, looking west. (Taken 203 feet west of pole 81.) 6 Cat-tail community on the ROW, looking east. (Taken from middle of culvert at east edge of access road, east of pole 80.) 7 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking east. (Taken 81 feet east of pole 78A.) 8 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking west. (Taken 81 feet east of pole 78A). 9 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking west. (Taken at base of structure 77.) 10 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking west. (Taken 36.feet southeast of pole 75.) 11 Small stream crossing the ROW, well shaded by sedge, spiked loosestrife, elderberry, and alder, looking northwest. (Taken west of culvert, 57 feet east of structure 74, north of access road.) 12 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking west (Taken from base of structure 71.) General vie~ of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking west. (Taken from south side of pole 69.) 9-43 Appendix 17. Continued Photo Station • Description and Location Site 16 1 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking east. (Taken from Crown Point Road.) 2 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking west from Crown Point Road. (Taken from Crown Point Road.) 3 Severe sheet erosion on the ROW caused by equipment cut, looking northeast. (Taken 6 feet south of pole 86, SO feet west.) 4 Pit on the ROW, made by equipment, looking southeast. (Taken 60 feet east of structure 86.) 5 Wet area on the ROW, looking southeast. (Taken 25 feet northeast of photo station 4.) 6 Ground-juniper, a desirable species, killed on the ROW by aerial application, looking southeast. (Taken 87 feet west of structure 86.) 7 Stream crossing the ROW, looking north. (Taken 7 feet west, 7~ feet north of black cherry with 9~ inch d. b. h. at south ROW:_ edge). 8 Boulder where earth has fallen off naturally, lboking southeast. (Taken 258 feet west of pole 85.) 9 Looking southeast off the ROW at apple trees in an old field going through natural succession. (Taken 120 feet east of structure 85.) 10 Excavation on and off the ROW, made by equipment, looking northeast. (Taken 85 feet west of pole 84-1, 5 feet north.) 11 Stream crossing the ROW, looking east. (Taken from base of pole 84-1.) 12 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking east. 13 Ground-juniper on the ROW, looking southwest. (Taken 30 feet west of· structure 30.~ 14 Mullein on the ROW, looking north. (Taken 20 feet south of pole 87, 125 feet west.) Site 17 1 View of the study area, looking west from Chazy Lake Road. (Taken from the lake side of Chazy Lake Road, 3/10 mile south of "Copper Hopper" sign.) 2 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking northwest. (Taken 30 feet west of structure 30.) "9-44 Appendix 17. Continued Photo Station Description and Location 3 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking southeast, showing pin-cherry and aspen with mixed grass-herb on the ROW, and largely northern hardwood species in the forest. (Taken from base of pole 30A.). 4 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking northwest. (Taken from base of pole 30A.) 5 White ash, typical of height of woody species on east side of Lyon Hountain, looking north. (Taken 24 feet southwest of pole 29B, 54 feet southeast.) 6 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking south. (Taken from base of pole lD.) 7 General view of study area, looking north toward Rt. 374 and the Lyon Mountain substation. (Taken from base of pole 2B.) 8 Tall white ash on the ROW, looking southeast· (Taken from base of pole 2C.) 9 Moderate sheet and rill erosion occurring on disturbed soil resulting from past mining use on the ROW. (Taken 135 feet southeast of pole 2B, looking south-southeast.) 10 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking northwest. (Taken 4 feet southwest of pole 3A.) 11 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking northwest. (Taken 15 feet southwest of pole 4A, 74 feet northwest.) Site 18 1 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking southeast. (Taken 9 feet southwest of northeast pole of structure 1, 147 feet northwest.) 2 Cut and left Scotch pine left from initial ROW clearing, and new Scotch pine seedlings, looking south. (Taken from base of northeast pole of structure i.) 3 Slight sheet erosion on open sandy soil on the ROW, looking northeast. (Taken 12 feet southwest of southwest pole of structure 1, 162 feet southeast.) 4 General view of the ROW and adjacent area, with pasture and small wet depression in the background, looking northwest. (Taken 8~ feet southeast of northeast pole of structure 2, 43 feet northeast.) 5 Woody species on the ROW, birch, looking southeast. structure 3.) including red maple, quaking aspen, and gray (Taken from base of southwest leg of 9-45 l Appendix 17. ·Continued Photo Station • Description and Location 6 Mountain-holly, a desirable shrub, on the ROW, looking south. (Taken from base of northeast pole of structure 4.) 7 Dry site with moss-lichen community invading with blackberry, birch, and white pine, looking northeast. (Taken 2 feet northeast of southwest pole of structure 4, 200 feet southeast. 8 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking southeast. (Taken from base of northeast pole of structure 5.) 9 General view of the ROW and adjacent area, looking southeast. (Taken from base of northeast pole of structure 6.) 10 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking northwest. (Taken from base of southwest pole of structure 7.) 11 General view of the ROW and adjacent area, looking east. (Taken from base of center pole of structure 8.) 12 General view of the ROW and adjacent area, looking west. (Taken from south pole of structure 29-2.) Site 19 1 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking north. (Taken 3 feet west of east pole of structure 2W/75/9, 64 feet north.) 2 Sheet and rill erosion on borrow pit on the ROW. (Taken 17 feet north of east pole of structure 2W/75/9, 40 feet east, looking south.) 3 Blackberry and bracken community on the ROW, with occassional black cherry, looking east. (Taken 49 feet west of west pole of structure 2W/75/8, 34 feet south.) 4 Dead and dying black cherry and hemlock, apparently due to changes in drainage patterns, looking southeast. (Taken 25 feet west of west pole of structure 2W/75/7, 267 feet south.) 5 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking south. (Taken 57 feet south of west pole of structure lE/75/5, 54 feet west.) 6 General view of the ROW 'and adjacent forest, looking north. (Taken 57 feet south of west pole of structure lE/75/5, 54 feet west. 7 Borrow pit excavation on the ROW, looking east. (Taken 33~ feet east of east pole 2B of structure 2W/75/5, 17 feet south.) 8 Stream crossing the access road via a culvert on the ROW. (Taken 14 feet south of east pole of stru~ture 2W/75/4, looking east.) 9 Balsam-fir and black cherry on the ROW, with a cat-tail community in the background. (Taken from base of west pole of structure lE/75/2, looking northwest.) 9-46 Appendix .17. Continued Photo Station Description and Location 10 Severe gully erosion on the access road on the ROW, looking north- west. (Taken 159 feet south of east pole of structure lE/75/1, 11 feet east.) 11 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking south. (Taken 89 feet north of east pole of structure, 10 feet east; structure is on west side of ROW, beyond structure 2W/75/l.) Site 20 1 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking north from Kirch Road. (Taken from south edge of Kirch Road.) 2 Round-leaved sundew on the ROW in area dominated by Sphagnum. (Taken from south edge of Kirch Road.) 3 Quaking aspen on the ROW, looking east. (Taken 57~ feet south of structure CKTll/37, 6~ east, and 6 inches northwest of photo station 2.) 4 Partially dead black cherry off the west side of the ROW, looking northwest. (Taken from base of west pole of structure CKTll/37.) 5 Equipment damage on the ROW, looking northwest. (Taken 45 feet north- west of west pole of structure CKTll/37.) 6 Slight sheet erosion on the ROW, looking west. (Taken 123 feet north of west pole of structure CKTll/37, 14 feet west.) 7 Moderate sheet erosion occurring on the ROW from an excavated area. (Taken 25 feet west of west pole of structure CKTll/36, 215 feet north, looking north.) 8 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking south. (Taken 147 feet west of west pole of structure CKT12/35, 45 feet south from fence.) 9 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking south. (Taken 40~ feet west of west pole of structure CKTll/35.) 10 Red spruce, apparently killed by spray or exposure, off the ROW, looking southeast. (Taken from east pole of structure CKT 12/37.) 11 Juniper, a desirable species, on the ROW, looking west. (Taken 25 feet east of east pole of structure CKT12/38, 60 feet north,) 12 Stump sprouts of black cherry and red maple on the ROW, looking northwest. (Taken 25 feet east of east pole of structure CKT12/38.) 13 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking south. (Taken 33 feet east of east pole of structure CKT12/38, 78 feet south.) 9-47 Appendix ~7. Continued • Photo Station Description and Location 14 Several species of'Lycopodium on the east side of the ROW, looking east. (Taken 4 feet east of east pole of structure CKT12/37, 9~ feet south.) 15 Dead hemlock on east side of the ROW. (Taken 4 feet east of west pole of structure CKTll/39, 68 feet noth.) Site 21 1 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking northwest from Blake Road. (Taken 25 feet northwest of Blake Road, 30 feet northeast of ROW edge.) 2 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking west. (Taken from base of tower 5.) 3 Florence Creek crossing the ROW, looking south. (Taken 70 feet north of tower 5, 340 feet west, on east bank of creek 60 feet north of access road.) 4 Stump sprouts of red maple on the ROW, looking south. (Taken 60 feet north of tower 5, 340 feet west, on east bank of creek 50 feet north of access road~) 5 Quaking aspen and pin-cherry invading the ROW, looking southeast. (Taken 250 feet east of tower 4, on north side of access road.) 6 Wet area on the ROW, seeded around tower 4, rapidly invading with native vegetation. (Taken 93 feet west of tower 4, looking east.) 7 Equipment cut exhibiting severe sheet and rill erosion on the ROW, looking west. (Taken 75 feet west of tower 4.) 8 Dead Scotch pine along north edge of the ROW. (Taken 118 feet west of tuwer 4.) 9 General view of the ROW and forest showing live Scotch pine along south edge of the ROW. (Taken 118 feet east of tower 4.) 10 Healthy hemlock along south edge of the ROW, looking southeast. (Taken 93 feet west of tower 4.) 11 Dead hemlock along north edge of the ROW, looking northeast. (Taken 93 feet west of tower 4.) 12 Drainage ditch on the ROW, looking north toward wet area of access road. (Taken 269 feet west of tower 4.) 13 Stone wall on the ROW indicating past agricultural use, looking northwest. (Taken 44 feet south of tower 3, 148 feet west.) 9-48 . ·Appendix 17. Continued Photo Station Description and Location 14 Cinnamon-fern, interrupted fern, sensitive fern, and hay-scented fern on the ROW, looking northwest. (Taken 44 feet south of tower 3, 14 feet north.) 15 Wet area on the RE>W between towers 1 and 2, with wood chips on the access road, looking west. (Taken from tower 2.) 16 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking east. (Taken approximately midway between towers 1 and 2, on south side of access road.) 17 Ostrich-fern on the ROW. (Taken from west bank of Florence Creek, 30 feet south of access road, looking south-southwest.) Site 22 1 General view of the ROW and adjacent area, looking west from Derby Road. (Taken from west side of Derby Road, north base of pole 151~.) 2 Tartarian honeysuckle on the ROW, looking north. (Taken 13 feet north of pole 143A, Line 73, 165 feet east.) 3 Open area on the ROW mechanically or hand cut with dead material from Ammate in the background. (Taken 24 feet northwest of pole 143A, Line 74.) 4 Chemically treated white ash on the ROW with some resurgent growth, looking north-northwest. (Taken 75 feet west of pole 143A, Line 74.) 5 General view of the ROW and adjacent forest, looking west. (Taken from pole 143A, Line 74.) 6 7 8 Arrow-wood community on the ROW, with chemically treated white ash near the middle, looking north. (Taken 65 feet northwest of pole 143A, Line 74.) Staghorn-sumac community on the ROW, looking northwest. (Taken from base of pole 144, Line 74.) General view of the ROW and adjacent area, looking east. (Taken 115~ feet west of pole 147B, Line 74.) " 9-49 l Appendix 18. Land use classification for New York State - • Agriculture (A) Active Areas Ao Orchards Av -Vineyards Ah -Horticulture or floriculture At -High intensity cropland Ac -Cropland and cropland pasture Ap Pasture Ay -Specialty farms Inactive Areas Ai -Inactive agricultural land Ui -Urban inactive Uc Under construction Commercial and Industrial Land Uses (C and I) Commercial Areas Cu Central business sections Cc -Shopping centers Cr -Resorts Cs -Commercial strip development Industrial Areas Il Light manufacturing and industrial parks Ih -Heavy manufacturing Extractive Industry land Use (E) Forest Land (F) Open Mining Es -Stone quarries Eg -Sand and gravel pits Em -Other mining Underground Mining Eu -Underground mining Fe -Forest brushland Fn Forest lands Fp -Plantations 9-50 Appendix 18. Continued Non-productive Land (N) Ns -Sand Nr -Exposed rock cliff, rock slopes and slide areas Outdoor Recreation Land Use (OR) Or -Outdoor recreation Public and Semi-public Land Uses (P) P -Public and semi-public land use Residential Land Use (R) Residential Areas Rh -High density Rm -Medium density Rl -Low density Rs -Strip development Rr -Rural hamlet Rc -Farm labor camp Re -Rural estate Cottages and Vacation Homes Rk -Shoreline development Transportation Land Uses (T) Th -Highways Tr -Railway Ta -Airport Tb -Barge Canal Marine Shipping Tp -Areas of port or dock facilities Ts -Areas of shipyards and dry docks Tl -Areas of locks and water control structures Tt -Communications and utilities Water Resources (W) Lakes and Ponds Wn -Natural ponds and lakes We -Artificial ponds 9-51 Appendix 18. Con.tinued Streams and Rivers Ws -Streams and rivers Wetlands Wb -Marshes, shrub wetlands and bogs Ww -Wooded wetlands Wk -Marine (salt) wetlands Marine Lakes, Rivers and Seas Wm -Areas in embayments and sounds Hudson River Wh -Uncontrolled section of the Hudson River from New York City to the mouth of the Mohawk River and the federal dam at Troy 9-52 .. ..