HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA2170A Report of the ·
C0mmittee on Water Quality Criteria
Environmental Studies Board
National Ac~demy of Sciences·
NationarAcademy of Engineering
Washington, D.C., 1972
Anhe:·request of·
. and '.funded by·
The ETivirf)ntnental ·Frotectiorr Agency
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EPA Review Notice
This report was prepared under a contract financed by the Environmental
Protection Agency and is approved by the Agency for publication as an important
contribution to the scientific literature, but not as the Agency's sole criteria for
standards setting purposes. Neither is it necessarily a reflection of the Agency's views
and policies. The mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute
endorsement or recommendation for their use.
The study reported herein was undertaken under the aegis of the National Re-
search Council with the express approval of the Governing Board of the NRC. Such
approval indicated that the Board considered that the problem is of national signifi-
cance, that elucidation or solution of the problem required scientific or technical
competence, and that the resources of NRC were particularly suitable to the conduct
of the project. The institutional responsibilities of the NRC were then discharged in
the following manner:
The members of the study committee were selected for their individual scholarly
competence and judgment with due consideration for the balance and breadth of
disciplines. Responsibility for all aspects of this report rests with the study committee,
to whom we express our sincere appreciation. .
Although the reports of our study committees are not submitted for approval to
the Academy membership nor to the Council, each report is reviewed by a second
group of appropriately qualified individuals according to procedures established
and monitored by the Academy's Report Review Committee. Such reviews are in-
tended to determine, among other things, whether the major questions and relevant
points of view have been addressed and whether the reported findings, conclusions,
and recommendations arose from the available data and information. Distribution
of the report is approved, by the President, only after satisfactory completion of this
review process.
Environmental Protection Agen0J
Washington, D.C.
July 22, 7972
It is our pleasure to transmit to you the report Water Quality Criteria, 7972 pre-
pared by the National Academy of Sciences-National Academy of Engineering Com-
mittee on Water Quality Criteria.
This book is the successor to the Water Quality Criteria Report of the National
Technical Advisory Committee to the Secretary of the Interior in 1968. The 1972
Report drew significantly on its 1968 predecessor; nevertheless the current study
represents a complete reexamination of the problems, and a critical review of all
the data included here. The conclusions offered reflect the best judgment of the
Academies' Committee.
The Report develops scientific criteria arranged in categories of major beneficial
use. We are certain that the information and conclusions contained in this Report
will be of use and value to the large number of people throughout the country who
are concerned with achieving a high level of water quality for the Nation.
It is our pleasure to note the substantial personal contributions of the members
of the Committee on Water Quality Criteria and its Panels and advisers. They have
contributed more than 2,000 man-days of effort for which they deserve our gratitude.
In less than a year and a half, they have collected a vast amount of scientific and
technical information and presented it in a way that we believe will be most helpful
to Federal and State officials as well as to the scientific community and the public.
Oversight responsibility for the document, of course, re~ts with the Committee on
Water Quality Criteria ably chaired by Dr. Gerard A. Rohlich of the University of
Texas at Austin.
We wish also to express our appreciation to the Environmental Protection Agency
which, without in any way attempting to influence the Committee's conclusions,
provided technical expertise and information as well as the resources to undertake
the study.
In the course of their work the Committee and Panels identified several scientific
and technical areas in which necessary data is insufficient or lacking. The Academies
find that a separate report is urgently required that specifies research needs to enable
an increasingly effective evaluation of water quality. We are currently preparing
such a report.
Sincerely yours,
National Academy of Sciences
National Academy of Engineering
Enviromental Studies Board
National Academy of Sciences-National Academy of Engineering
Dr. DAVID M. GATES, Chairman
Dr. ALEXANDER ZUCKER, Executive Director
Dr. GERARD A. ROHLICH, University of Texas, Austin, Chairman
Dr. ALFRED M. BEETON, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Dr. BOSTWICK H. KETCHUM, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Dr. CORNELIUS W. KRUSE, The Johns Hopkins University
Dr. THURSTON E. LARSON, Illinois State Water Survey
Dr. EMILIO A. SA VINELLI, Drew Chemical Corporation
Dr. RAY L. SHIRLEY, University of Florida, Gainesville
Dr. CHARLES R. MALONE, Principal Staff Officer
Mr. CARLOS M. FETTEROLF, Scientific Coordinator
Panel Members
Dr. CORNELIUS W. KRUSE, The Johns Hopkins University, Chairman
Dr. MICHAEL CHUBB, Michigan State University
Mr. MILO A. CHURCHILL, Tennessee Valley Authority
Mr. NORMAN E. JACKSON, Department of Environmental Services,
Washington, D.C.
Mr. WILLIAM L. KLEIN, Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission
Dr. P. H. McGAUHEY; University of California, Berkeley
Dr. ERIC ·w. MOOD, Yale University
Mr. RALPH PORGES, Delaware River Basin Commission
Dr. LESLIE M. REID, Texas A & M University
Dr' MICHAEL B. SONNEN, Water Resources Engineers, Inc.
Mr. ROBERT 0. SYLVESTER, University of Washington
Mr. C. W. THREINEN, Wisconsin Department ofNatural Resources
Dr; RICHARD I. PIETZ, Scientific Secretary
Advisors and Contributors
Dr. W. N. BARNES, Tennessee Valley Authority
Mr. A. LEON BATES, Tennessee Valley Authority
Dr. ERNEST BAY, University of Maryland
Dr. HARWOOD S. BELDING, University of Pittsburg
Dr. KENNETH K. CHEW, University of Washington
Dr. T. F; HALL,.JR., Tennessee Valley Authority
Dr: A. D. HESS, U.S. Department·ofHealth; Education, and Welfare
Mr; ROBERT M. HOWES, Tennessee Valley Authority
Dr. RAY B. KRONE, University ofCalifornia, Davis
Mr. DAVID P. PQLLISON, Delaware River Basin Commission"
Dr. K A; STANLEY;Tennessee Valley'Authority
Dr; EUGENE-B. W-ELCH, University:ofWashington
Dr. IRAL. WHITMAN,.Ohio:Department_ofHealdi
EPA Liaisons-
Panel Members
Dr. THURSTON E. LARSON, Illinois State Water Survey, Chairman
Dr. RUSSELL F. CHRISTMAN, University of Washington
Mr. PAUL D. HANEY, Black & Veatch, Consulting Engineers
Mr. ROBERT C. McWHINNIE, Board of Water Commissioners, Denver,
Mr. HENRY J. ONGERTH, State Department of Public Health, California
Dr. RANARD J. PICKERING, U.S. Department of the Interior
Dr. J. K. G. SILVEY, North Texas State University
Dr. J. EDWARD SINGLEY, University of Florida, Gainesville
Dr. RICHARD L. WOODWARD, Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc.
Mr. WILLIAM ROBERTSON IV, Scientific Secretary
Advisors and Contributors
Dr. SAMUEL D. FAUST, Rutgers University
EPA Liaisons
Panel Members
Dr. ALFRED M. BEETON, University of Wisconsin, Chairman
Dr. JOHN CAIRNS, JR., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Dr. CHARLES C. COUTANT, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Dr. ROLF HARTUNG, University of Michigan
Dr. HOWARD E. JOHNSON, Michigan State University
Dr. RUTH PATRICK, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Dr. LLOYD L. SMITH, JR., University of Minnesota, St. Paul
Dr. JOHN B. SPRAGUE, University of Guelph
Mr. DONALD M. MARTIN, Scientific Secretary
Advisors and Contributors
Dr. IRA R. ADELMAN, University of Minnesota, St. Paul
Mr. YATES M. BARBER, U.S. Department of the Interior
Dr. F. H. BORMANN, Yale University
Dr. KENNETH L. DICKSON, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
Dr. FRANK M. D'ITRI, Michigan State University
Dr. TROY DORRIS, Oklahoma State University
Dr. PETER DOUDOROFF, Oregon State University
Dr. W. T. EDMONDSON, University of Washington
Dr. R. F. FOSTER, Battelle Memorial Institute, Pacific Northwest Laboratory
Dr. BLAKE GRANT, U.S. Department of the Interior
Dr. JOHN HOOPES, University of Wisconsin
Dr. PAUL H. KING, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Dr. ROBERT E. LENNON, U.S. Department of the Interior
Dr. GENE E. LIKENS, Cornell University
Dr. JOSEPH I. MIHURSKY, University of Maryland
Mr. MICHAEL E. NEWTON, Michigan Department of Natural Resources
Dr. JOHN C. PETERS, U.S. Department of the Interior
Dr. ANTHONY POLICASTRO, Argonne National Laboratory
Dr. DONALD PRITCHARD, The Johns Hopkins University
Dr. LUIGI PROVAZOLI, Yale University
Dr. CHARLES RENN, The Johns Hopkins University
Dr. RICHARD A. SCHOETTGER, U.S. Department of the Interior
Mr. DEAN L. SHUMWAY, Oregon State University
Dr. DAVID L. STALLING, U.S. Department of the Interior
Dr. RAY WEISS, Scripps Institute of Oceanography
EPA Liaisons
Panel Members
Dr. BOSTWICK H. KETCHUM, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution,
Dr. RICHARDT. BARBER, Duke University
Dr. JAMES CARPENTER, The Johns Hopkins University
Dr. L. EUGENE CRONIN, University of Maryland
Dr. HOLGER W. JANNASCH, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Dr. G. CARLETON RAY, The Johns Hopkins University
Dr. THEODORE R. RICE, U.S. Department of Commerce
Dr. ROBERT W. RISEBROUGH, University of California, Berkeley
Dr. MICHAEL WALDICHUK, Fisheries Research Board of Canada
Mr. WILLIAM ROBERTSON IV, Sci'entijic Secretary
Advisors and Contributors
Mr. CLARENCE CATOE, U.S. Coast Guard
Dr. GEORGE R. HARVEY, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Dr. THEODORE G. METCALF, University of New Hampshire
Dr. VICTOR NOSHKIN, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Dr. DONALD J. O'CONNOR, Manhattan College
Dr. JOHN H. RYTHER, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Dr. ALBERT J. SHERK, University of Maryland
Dr. RICHARD A. WADE, The Sport Fishing Institute
EPA Liaisons
Panel' Members
Dr. RAY L. SHIRLEY, University of Florida, Gainesville, Chairman
Dr. HENRY V. ATHERTON, The University of Vermont
Dr. R. D. BLACKBURN, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Dr. PETER A. FRANK, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Mr. VICTOR L. HAUSER, U.S: Department of Agriculture
Dr. CHARLES H. HILL, North Carolina State University
Dr. PHILIP C. KEARNEY, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Dr. JESSE LUNIN, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Dr. LEWIS B. NELSON, Tennessee Valley Authority
Dr. OSCAR E. OLSON, South Dakota State University
Dr. PARKER F. PRATT, University of California, Riverside
Dr. G. B: VAN NESS,, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Dr. RICHARD I. PIETZ, Scientijfc Secretary
Advisors and Contributors
Dr. L. BOERSMA, Oregon State University
Dr. ROYCE J. EMERICK, South Dakota State University
Dr. HENRY FISCHBACH, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and
Dr. THOMAS D. HINESLY, University of Illinois
Dr. CLARENCE LANCE, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Dr. J. M. LAWRENCE, Auburn University
Dr. R:. A. PACKER, Iowa State-University
Dr. IVAN THOMASON, University of California, Riverside
EPA Liaisons
Panel Members
Dr. EMILIO A. SAVINELLI;.Dtew Chemical Corporation, Chairman
Mr. L KDICK, Consulting Chemical Engineer
Mr. CHARLES C. DINKEL, Drew Chemical Corporation
Dr. MAURICE FUERSTENAU, South Dakota School of Mining and
Mr. ARTHUR W. FYNSK,.E .. Ldu Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc.
Mr. GEORGE J. HANKS, JR., Union Carbide Corporation.'
Mr. WILLIAM A. KEILBAUGH, Cochrane Division, Crane Company-
Dr. JAMES C. LAMB, III, University of North Carolina
Mr. JAMES K. RICE, Cyrus Wm. Rice Division, NUS Corporation
Mr. J. JAMES; ROOSEN, The Detroit Edison Company
Mr. ROBERT H. STEWART, Hazen and Sawyer
Dr. SIDNEY SUSSMAN, Olin Corporation
Mr. CHARLES H. THORBORG, Gulf Degremont Inc.
Dr. WALTER ]:·WEBER, JR., The University of Michigan
Mr. DONALD M. MARTIN; Scientijio.Secretary
Advisors· and Contributors
Mr. MAXEY"BR00KE, Phillips Petroleum Company
Mr. ROY V. COMEAUx; SR.,.Esso Research and Engineering Company
Mr. HARRY V. MYERS, JR., The Detroit Edison Company
EPA Liaisons
In 1971, at the request of the United States Environmental Protection Agency,
the National Academy of Sciences-National Academy of Engineering undertook the
revision of WATER QUALITY CRITERIA, the 1968 Report of the National
Technical Advisory Committee (NTAC) to the Secretary of the Interior. The Acad-
emies appointed a Committee on Water Quality Criteria and six Panels, and the
responsibility for overseeing their activities was assigned to the Environmental
Studies Board, a joint body of the Academies.
The guidelines for the Academies' Committee were similar to those followed by
the NTAC. The Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1948, as amended by the
Water. Quality Act of 1965, authorized the states and the federal government to
establish water quality standards for interstate and coastal waters. Paragraph. 3,
Section 10 of the 1965 Act reads as follows:
Standards of quality established pursuant to this subsection shall be
such as to protect the public health or welfare, enhance the quality of water
and serve the purposes of this Act. In establishing such standards the Secre-
tary, the Hearing Board, or the appropriate state authority shall take into
consideration their use and value for public water supplies, propagation of
fish and wildlife, recreational purposes, and agricultural, industrial, and
. other legitimate uses.
Because of the vast amount of material that falls into the rubric of fish and wildlife,
the Academies established separate Panels for freshwater and marine aquatic life
and wildlife. Thus the Committee's six Panels were: (l) Recreation and Aesthetics,
(2) Public Water Supplies, (3) Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife, (4) Marine
A:quatic Life and Wildlife, (5) Agricultural Uses of Water, and (6) Industrial Water
The members of the Committee and its Panels were scientists and engineers
expert and experienced in the various disciplines associated with the subject of water
quality. The Panels also drew upon special advisors for specific water quality con-
cerns, and in addition were aided by Environmental Protection Agency experts as
liaison at the Panel meetings. This arrangement with EPA facilitated the Panels'
access to EPA data on water quality. Thirty-nine meetings were held by the Com-
mittee and its Panels resulting in an interim report to the Academies and the Environ-
mental Studies Board on December 1, 1971. This was widely circulated, and com-
ments on it were solicited from many quarters. The commentaries were then considered
for inclusion by the Committee and the appropriate Panels. This volume, submitted
for publication in August 1972, within eighteen months of the inception of the task,
is the final version of the Committee's report.
The 1972 Report is vastly more than a revision of the NTAC Report. To begin
with, it is nearly four times longer. Many new subjects are discussed in detail, among
them: the recreational impact of boating, levels of use, disease vectors, nuisance
organisms, and aquatic vascular plants; viruses in relation to public water supplies;
effects of total dissolved gases on aquatic life; guidelines for toxicological research on
pesticides and uses of toxicants in fisheries management; disposal of solid wastes in
the ocean; use of waste water for irrigation; and industrial .;ater treatment processes
and resultant wastes. Many toxic or potentially toxic substances not-considered. by
the NTAG are.discussed including polychlorinated biphenyls, phthalate esters, nitrile-
triacetate (NTA), numerous metals, and chlorine. The additional length also reflects
the greater current awarenc;_sg; of how various characteristics of water affect its quality
and use; and the expansion of the information base of the NTAC Report through
new data from recent research activities and the greater capabilities of· information
processing, storage, and retrieval-especially evident in the three appendixes_;have
made their impact on.the increase in size. In spite of these additions, however, the
1972 Report differs from the NT AC Report in that its six ·Sections do not provide
summaries. The Committee agreed that an understanding of how,the,recommend-
. ations should be interpreted and used can· be gained only by a thorough reading of
the rationale and the evaluation of criteria preceding the recommendations.
Although each Section was prepared by its appropriate Panel, some discussions
reflect the joint effort of two or more Panels. These combined-discussions attempt to
focus . attention where desirable on such subjects as radioactivity, temperature,
nutrient enrichment, and growths of nuisance organisms. However, the majoritycof
topics were most effectively treated. by individual Panel discussions, and the reader
is encouraged to make use of the Tables of Contents and the index in assessing the full
range of the Report's coverage of the many complex aspects·ofwater quality.
Water quality science and its application have expanded rapidly,· but much
work remains to be done. In the course of this revision, the Committee and its Panels
have identified many areas where further knowledge is needed, and these findings,
now in preparation, will be published separately by the National Academy of Sci-
ences-National Academy of Engineering as a report on research needs.
Social perspectives and policies for managing, enhancing, and preserving water
resources are undergoing .. rapid and pervasive change. ·Because-of .the.,stiptilations of
the l96YW ater Quality Act, interstate water resources are currently categorized by
use designation, and standards to protect those uses are developed from criteria. It is
in this context that the Report of the NAS-NAE Committee, like that of the NT AC,
was prepared. Concepts of managing .water resourees,are . .slll;>ject.to social, economic,
and•politimil.deeisions arid will continue to evolve; but the Committee believes·that
the ·criteria and recommendations in this Report will be of value in the context of
future as well as current approaches· that might be taken to preserve and enhance
the quality of the nation's water resources.
·Chairman, Committee on Water Quality Citeria
k·~ '
. . .
The NAS-NAE Committee on Water Quality Criteria and its Panels are grate-
ful for the assistance of many institutions, groups, and individuals. The Environmental
Studies Board provided guidance throughout all phases of the project, and the En-
vironmental Protection Agency cooperated in making available their technical and
informational resources. Many research organizations and individuals contributed
unpublished data for the Panels' examination and use in the Committee's Report.
·Numerous .groups and individuals provided reviews and comments, among
them several Federal agencies with staff expertise in water quality sciences, includ-
ing NOAA of the Department of Commerce, the Department of the Interior, the
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, the Atomic Energy Commission,
the Department of Agriculture, and the Department of the Army; scientists from the
University of Wisconsin, especially Drs. Grant Cottam, G. Fred Lee, Richard B.
Corey, David Armstrong, .Gordon Chesters, Mr. James Kerrigan; and many others
from academic, government, and private research institutions, including the National
Research Council.
Much useful information including data and literature references was provided
by the Water Resources Scientific Information Center of the U.S. Department of
the Interior, the National Referral Center of the Library of Congress, the Defense
Documentation .. Center ,p£ .the, U\S;o Department .of Defense, and .the Library of the
··National 'Academy of Sciences-'-N ational Academy ofEngineering. We _are-indebted
to James L. Olsen, Jr. ~nd Marilyn J. Urion of the Academies' Library and to
Robert R. Hume, National Academy of Sciences Publications Editor, for their
Thanks are also due the many staff personnel of the Academies who assisted the
project, particularly Linda D. Jones, Patricia A. Sheret, Eva H. Galambos, and
'Elizabeth A. 'Wilmoth. Mrs. Susan· B. Taha was a tireless editorial assistant. The
comprehensive author and subject indexes were prepared by Mrs. Bev Anne Ross.
Finally, each Committee and Panel member is indebted to his home institution
and staff for their generous support of his efforts devoted to the Report of the Com-
mittee on Water Quality Criteria.
NOTICE ..................... :.................................... v
LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL..................................... vi
TRIBUTORS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VIn
PREFACE ........ ··········....................................... XV
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii
GENERAL INTRODUCTION...................................... 1
SECTION II PUBLIC WATER SUPPLIES......................... 48
GLOSSARY....................................................... 519
CONVERSION FACTORS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524
AUTHOR INDEX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535
SUBJECT INDEX................................................. 562
The past decade has been a period of unprecedented
activity directed to man's concern for the quality of the
environment, but a look at history shows that this concern,
although currently intensified, is not new. The lessons of
history and the findings of archaeologists provide concrete
evidence that at least three thousand years before the birth
of Christ man was cognizant of the need to dispose of his
wastes and other refuse if he was to keep his environment
livable.1 For thousands of years the guidelines to quality
of the water resource apparently were based on the senses
of smell, sight, and taste. Whether or not these organoleptic
observations on the suitability of water for use would
match today's criteria is questionable in light of Reynolds'
reference to "the old woman in the Fens" who "spoke for
many besides herself when she asked of the new and pure
supply: Call ye that water? For she said, it has neither taste
nor smell"2 ; or in light of the more recent decision of a state
supreme court in 1904, which took the position that it is
"not necessary to weigh with tenderness and care the
testimony of experts ... an ordinary mortal knows whether
water is fit to drink and use. "3
Although the concern for water quality is not new,
progress has been made in moving from sensory associations
as a means of control to the application of knowledge and
criteria gained from scientific advances in detection and
measurement, and in a greater understanding of the char-
acteristics of water. Essentially it has been the develop-
ments of the past century that have provided criteria for
and knowledge of water quality characteristics upon which
we base determinations of its suitability for particular uses.
Until recently, relatively few scientists and engineers had
been engaged' in this field. The past decade, however, has
seen a tremendous increase in the number of workers de-
voted to the subject of water quality asses>ment. Con-
currently, an increasing awareness of the public has become
apparent. As Leopold states, "The outstanding discovery
of the twentieth century is not television, or radio, but
rather the complexity of the land organism"; and he points
out that "by land is meant all of the things on, over, or in
the earth."4 The growing public awareness of environ-
mental quality has helped to accelerate activity directed to
the solution of problems relating to water quality.
Forty centuries before the germ theory of disease had the
support of scientifically conducted experiments, some con-
trol measures to provide safe water supplies were in use.
Boiling, filtration through charcoal, and the practice of
siphoning off water clarified by sedimentation were among
the early methods used to improve water quality.5 The
regard of the Romans for high quality water is well known,
and their civil works in obtaining water by the construction
of aqueducts and the carrying away of waste waters in the
cloacae or sewers, and in particular the Cloaca Maxima,
are matters of common knowledge. The decline of sani-
tation through the Middle Ages and into the early part ot
the past century brought on the ravages of pestilence and
the scourges of cholera, typhoid fever and dysentery, which
led to the resurgence of public concern over water quality.
There were many experiments and suggestions regarding
filtration for purification as early as the 17th century. They
culminated in design of the first filters for municipal supplies
by Gibbs in Scotland in 1804 and in England in 1829 by
Simpson who is probably most renowned for his work in
constructing filters for the Chelsea Water Company to
supply water for London from the Thames River.
The relationship of water quality to disease was firmly
established by the report on the Broad Street Well in
London by Sir John Snow in 1849, and in Edwin Chad-
wick's report of 1842 "On an inquiry into the Sanitary
Condition of the Labouring Population of Gt. Britain."6
The greatest part of Chadwick's report developed four
major axioms that are still of relevance today. The first
axiom established the cause and effect relationship between
"insanitation, defective drainage, inadequate water supply,
and overcrowded housing" on the one hand, and "disease,
high mortality rates, and low expectation of life" on the
other. The second axiom discussed the economic cost of
ill health. The third dealt with the "social cost of squalor,"
and the fourth was concerned with the "inherent inefficiency
of existing legal and administrative machinery." Chadwick
argued that the "only hope of sanitary improvement lay
in radical administrative departures" which would call for
new institutional arrangements.
2/Water Quality Criteria, 1972
It is evident from these few glimpses into the early years
of development of control that the basic arfProach, and
justifiably so, was to provide water suitable for human use.
A century ago the principal aim was to provide, by bac-
teriological examination, a scientific basis on which to
establish water quality practices for protection of the public
health. Increasingly, however, we have come to recognize
that a multitude of materials that may occur in water have
adverse effects on beneficial uses other than that for public
water supplies.
McKee and Wolf have provided an excellent historical
background to the development of water quality standards
and criteria and have ·summarized the water quality criteria
promulgated by federal, state, and interstate agencies up
to 1963.7 Since then, many federal and state acts have been
passed and modifications made in state administrative codes
designed to establish criteria and standards. Of particular
significance in this respect was the impact of the Federal
Water Pollution Control Act of 1948 8 as amended by the
Water Quality Act of 1965.9 The latter required that the
states adopt: '
• water quality criteria applicable to interstate waters;
• a plan for the implementation and enforcement of
the water quality criteria adopted.
The Act further noted that the criteria and plans would,
upon approval by the federal government, become the
applicable water quality standards. At that time the Fed-
eral Water Pollution Control Administration was in the
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. In May
of 1966, the FWPCA was transferred to the Department of
the Interior, and in April, 1970 it was renamed The
Federal Water Quality Administration. In December, 1970,
interstate water quality and pollution control activities
became the concern of the Environmental Protection
On April 1, 1968, the FWPCA published the report of
the National Technical Advisory Committee to the Secre-
tary of the Interior entitled Water Quality Criteria.10 This
report, often referred to as the "Green Book," contains
recommendations on water quality criteria for various uses.
The present volume is a revision of that work with the
objective of compiling and interpreting the most recent
scientific data in order to establish what is known about
the materials present in water as related to specific uses.
Although it is recognized that consideration must be
given to the multiple use requirements placed on our water
resources, this revision has followed the approach of the
1968 report in making recommendations in certain use
categories. Such an approach provides a convenient way
of handling an otherwise unwieldy body of data. Neither
the approach itself nor the sequence in which the uses are
arranged in the Report imply any comment on the relative
importance of each use. Each water use plays its vital role
in the water systems concept discussed above, and political,
economic, and social considerations that vary with· his-
torical periods and geographic locations have brought par-
ticular water uses to positions of preeminen't importance.
In contemporary terms, it is not difficult to argue the
primary importance of each water use considered in this
Report: the recreational and aesthetic use of the Nation's
water resources involves 3. 7 billion man-days a year ;11 our
public water supply systems prepare 15 billion gallons per
day for the urban population alone ;12 commercial fishermen
harvested 166,430,000 pounds of fish from the nation's
public inland freshwater bodies in 1969 ;13 our marine
waters yield five billion pounds of fish annually for human
use ;14 agriculture consumes 123 billion gallons of water per
day in meeting its domestic, livestock, and irrigation needs ;15
and our industries must have 84,000 billion gallons of water
per year to maintain their operations.l6
Clearly, the designation of one water use as more vital
than another is as impossible as it is unnecessary. Further-
more, we must not even restrict our thinking to present
concepts and designated uses. Those concerned with water
quality must envisage future uses and values that may be
assigned to our water resources and recognize that man's
activities in altering the landscape and utilizing water may
one day have to be more vigorously controlled.
In current practice, where multiple uses are required, as
they will be in most situations, our guidelines to action will
be the more stringent criteria. Criteria represent attempts
to quantify water quality in terms of its physical, chemical,
biological, and aesthetic characteristics. Those who are
confronted with the problem of establishing or evaluating
criteria must do so within the limits of the objective and
subjective measurements available to them. Obviously, the
quality of water as expressed by these measurements is the
product of many changes. From the moment of its conden-
sation in the atmosphere, water accumulates substances, in
solution and suspension, from the air, from contacts as it
moves over and into the land resource, from biological
processes, and from human activities. Man affects the
watershed as he alters the landscape by urbanization, by
agricultural development, and by discharging municipal
and industrial residues into the water resource. Thus cli-
matic conditions, topography, geological formations, and
human use and abuse of this vital resource significantly
affect the characteristics of water, so that its quality varies
widely with location and the influencing factors.
To look ahead again, it should be stressed that if coming
generations expect to use future criteria established by
Qualities and quantities, based
on scientific determinations,
which must be identified and
may have to be controlled.
I den tifica tion
Analytical methods (chemist,
biologist, engineer, recreational
specialists & others).
Deployment of measuring instru-
ments to provide criteria and
information for assessment and
Definition of acceptable quality
related to unique local situation
involving political, economic and
social factors and including plans
for implementation and ques-
tions of water use and manage-
for specific
uses in
General Introduction/3
Recreational and
Aesthetic Waters
Public Water Supplies
Fresh Waters
Marine Waters
Agricultural Waters
Industrial Water Supplies
(The operation needed for de-
tecting and measuring character-
istics of water.)
(The chronological and spatial
sampling operations needed.)
FIGURE 1-Conceptual Framework for Developing Standards from Criteria
4/Water Quality Criteria, 1972
aquatic scientists, baseline areas must be preserved in which
the scientists can work. Limnologists, oceanographers, and
freshwater and marine biologists obtain baseline data from
studies of undisturbed aquatic ecosystems. Because all the
basic information has not yet been extracted from im-
portant study sites, it is essential that the natural condition
of these sites prevail.
The fundamental point of departure in evaluating cri-
teria for water quality in this Report is that the assignment
of a level of quality is relative to the use man makes of that
water. To evaluate the quality of water required for various
uses, it is essential to know the limits of quality that ha~e a
detrimental effect on a designated use. As a corollary, in
deciding whether or not water will be of suitable quality,
one must determine whether or not the introduction into,
or presence of any material in the resource, interferes with,
alters, or destroys its intended use. Such decisions are sub-
ject to political, social, and economic considerations.
The distinction between criteria and standards is important,
and the words are not interchangeable nor are they syno-
nyms for such commonly used terms as objectives or goals.
As a clarification of the distinction that must be recognized
and the procedural steps to be followed in developing
standards from criteria, a conceptual framework based on
the report "Waste Management and Control" by the Com-
mittee on Pollution NAS-NRC17 is presented in Figure l.
In this context, the definition of criteria as used in this
Report is "the scientific data evaluated to derive recommen-
dations for characteristics of water for specific uses."
As a first step in the development of standards it is es-
sential to establish scientifically based recommendations for
each assignable water use. Establishment of recommen-
dations implies access to practical methods for detecting
and measuring the specified physical, chemical, biological,
and aesthetic characteristics. In some cases, however, less
than satisfactory methods are available, and in other cases,
less than adequate methods or procedures are used. Moni-
toring the essential characteristics can be an operation
concurrent with the identification step. If adequate criteria
for recommendations are available, and the identification
and monitoring procedures are sound, the fundamentals
are available for the establishment of effective standards.
It is again at this step that political, social, and economic
factors enter into the decision-making process to establish
Although the Committee and its Panels recognize that
water quality, water quantity, water use, and waste water
disposal form a complex system that is further complicated
by the interchanges that occur among the land, air, and
water resources, this Report cannot be so broad in scope:
its explicit purpose is to recommend water quality char-
acteristics for designated uses in light of the scientific
information available at this time. We are aware that in
some areas the scientific information is lacking, inadequate,
or possibly conflicting thus precluding the recommendation
of specific numerical values. The need to refine ·the recom-
mendations and to establish new ones will become increas-
ingly important as additional field information and research
results become available. Realistic standards are dependent
on criteria, designated uses, and implementation, as well as
identification and monitoring procedures; changes in these
factors may provide a basis for altering the standards.
Recommendations are usually presented, either as nu-
merical values or in narrative form as summaries. In some
instances in place of recommendations, conclusions based
on the preceding discussion are given. It is important that
each discussion be studied because it attempts to make
clear the basis and logic used in arriving at the particular
recommendation. The Committee wishes to emphasize the
caveat so clearly stated in the introduction to the "Green
Book." The Committee "does not want to be dogmatic"
in making its recommendations. "They are meant as guide-
lines only, to be used in conjunction with a thorough knowl-
edge of local conditions."~8
1 Klein, Louis (1957) Aspects of water pollution. Academic Press,
Inc. New York.
2 Reynolds, Reginald (1946) Cleanliness and godliness. Doubleday
and Company, Inc. Garden City, New York.
3 Malone, F. E. (1960) Legal viewpoint. Journal America[ Water Works
Association 52:1180.
4 Leopold, A. (1953) Round river. Luna Leopold, ed. Oxford Uni-
versity Press. New York.
5 Baker, M. N. (1949) The quest for pure water. The American Water
Works Association, New York.
6 Flinn, D. W., ed. (1965) Report on the sanitary condition of the
laboring population of Great Britain, 1842, by Edwin Chadwick.
Edinburgh at The University Press.
7 McKee, J. E. and H. W. Wolf (1963) Water quality criteria, second
edition. State Water Quality Control Board, Sacramento, Cali-
fornia. Publication No. 3-A.
8 U.S. Congress. 1948. Federal Water Pollution Control Act, Public
Law 845, 62S., June 30, 1948, p. 1155.
9 U.S. Congress. 1965. Water Quality Act, Public Law 89-234, 79S.,
October 2, 1965, p. 903.
10 U.S. Department of the Interior. Federal Water Pollution Control
Administration (1968), Water quality criteria: report of the
National Technical Advisory Committee to the Secretary of the
Interior (Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.).
11 See page 9 of this Report.
12 U.S. Department of Agriculture, Division of Econ01nic Research.
13 U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmos-
pheric Administration, Statistics and Market News Division.
u U.S. Department of Commerce (1971) Fisheries of the United
States. (Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.)
15 U.S. Department of Agriculture, DiviSion of Economic Research.
16 See page 369 of this Report.
17 NAS-NRC Committee on Pollution (1966) Waste management
and control. Publication No. 1400 NAS-NRC, Washington, D.C.
18 U.S. Department of the Interior. op. cit. p. vii.
INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
AND AESTHETICS......................... 8
APPLYING REcoMMENDATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
THETIC VALUES ........................ .
PuRPOSES ...........••..................
Recommendations .................. .
WATER .................................. .
The Role of Regulation ............... .
Factors Affecting Recreational Carrying
Capacity .......................... .
Conclusion ........................ .
Effects on Water Quality .............. .
Recommendation ................... .
Conclusion .................••......
Defining Eutrophication and Nutrients .. .
Effects of Eutrophication and Nutrients ..
Determination of Trophic Conditions .....
Summary of Measurement of Nutrient
Enrichment ........................ .
Recommendations .................. .
AQ.UATIC vASCULAR PLANTS ................ .
Interrelationships With Water Quality .. .
Interrelationships With Other Biota ..... .
Effects on Recreation and Aesthetics .... .
Control Considerations ................ .
Recommendation ................... .
INTRODUCTION OF SPECffiS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Extent and Types of Introductions....... 27
Some Results of Introductions........... 27
Introductions by Official Agencies. . . . . . . 28
Recommendations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
ATIONAL WATERS ....................... .
Aesthetic Considerations ............... .
Recommendation ................... .
Microbiological Considerations ......... .
Conclusion ........................ .
Chemical Considerations .............. .
Recommendations .................. .
MING WATERS .......................... .
Microbiological Considerations ......... .
Conclusion ........................ .
Temperature Characteristics ........... .
Recommendation ................... .
pH Characteristics .................... .
Conclusion ........................ .
Clarity Considerations ................ .
Conclusion ........................ .
Chemical Considerations .............. .
Recommendation ................... .
BoATING ................................ .
Conclusion ........................ .
Maintenance of Habitat ............... .
Variety of Aquatic Life ................ .
Recommendations .................. .
SHELLFISH ............................... .
Bacteriological Quality ................ .
Recommendation ...................•
' .
Pesticides ............................ .
Recommendation ................... .
Marine Biotoxins ..................... .
Recommendation ................... .
Trace Metals ........................ .
Recommendation ................... .
Radio nuclides ........................ .
37 WATERS OF SPECIAL VALUE ........... .
3 7 WILD AND ScENIC RivERs ................. .
38 Conclusions . . ..................... .
38 LITERATURE CITED ...................... .
This section considers water quality in the context of
recreation and aesthetics, on the basis of available scientific
data tempered by experience and judgment. In view of
today's burgeoning population in the United States, the
importance of water quality criteria to preserve and enhance
the recreational and aesthetic values of water resources is
manifest. The problems involved are both great and urgent.
Our urban centers bear the brunt of the growth of a popu-
lation that needs and demands water-oriented recreational
resources. But those resources, already overloaded, are de-
graded or rendered unfit for recreation by the effects of
man's activities. The quality of water can be assessed and
to some extent controlled, but the principal cause of water
pollution is what man does on the land. Water must be
protected from harmful land-water relationships, and man
must be protected from the consequences of degraded water
Recreation is an enigma: nearly everyone participates in
some type of recreation, but few are likely to agree on an
acceptable definition of it. Most persons who are not pro-
fessionally involved with recreation tend to define it nar-
rowly in terms of their own experiences. Many feel that
the term implies some form of strenuous physical activity;
to them, aesthetic appreciation and other leisure activities
that primarily involve the mind are not "recreation."
There is also a tendency for some to include only those
physical activities that are commonly identified as "recre-
ation" by public or quasi-public recreation agencies.
Charles E. Doell, an internationally known authority on
park and recreation planning and administration, defines
recreation as "the refreshment of the mind or body or both
through some means which is in itself pleasureful." He
states "almost any activity or mental process may be recre-
ation depending largely upon the attitude assumed in the
approach to the process itself' (Doelll963)4.* This concept
*Citations are listed at the end,ofthe Section. They can be located
alphabetically within subtopics or by their superior numbers which
run consecutively across subtopics for the entire Section.
is supported by many others (Brightbill 196!2, Butler 1959 3,
Lehman 1965 6). If the attitude of the individual concerned
is the key to whether or not an activity may be classed as
"recreation," it follows that one man's work may be an-
other man's recreation; and an unwelcome social duty to
one person may be a valuable recreational experience to
another. Certain activities may be either recreational or
part of the daily routine depending on the attitude of the
participant. Recreation is, therefore, an elusive concept
that can bear some relationship to any of the major con-
cerns of living-work and education, social duty, or bodily
needs. Whether or not an individual's activity falls within
the psychological realm of recreation depends upon his
attitudes, goals, and life style at a point in time.
For the purposes of this report a broad view of recreation
is adopted, and aesthetic appreciation is considered part of
recreation. Thus the term "recreation" includes all types
of intensive and extensive pleasurable activities ranging
from sedentary, purely aesthetic experiences to strenuous
activities that may involve a relatively small aesthetic
The scope and significance of water-related -recreational
activities is not well documented quantitatively, but an
impression of its importance in the lives of Americans can
be obtained from such evidence as license registration and
sales data, user surveys, economic impact studies, and new
legislation programs and regulations.
License Re~istration and Sales Data In 1960, 19
million persons bought 23 million state fishing licenses,
tags, permits, and stamps. Ten years later more than 31
million licenses, tags, permits, and stamps were held by
over 24.5 million purchasers, an increase of about 28 per
cent over 1960 (U.S. Department of the Interior 1961,12
1971 14). In 1970 sportsmen spent an estimated $287.7 mil-
lion on fishing tackle -and equipment on which they paid
$14 million in federal .excise taxes (Dingle-Johnson Act).
They also added $90.9 million to state treasuries (Slater
1972), 7 and in many cases these funds were matched with
federal funds for use in fisheries improvement programs.
The numbercofrecreational boats in use increased even
more;substantially. It was estimated that there were almost
9 million boats of various types in ,use· during 1970, an
increase of 9 per cent over 1966. ·Mere than $3 billion were
spent at the retail level on boating equipment, services,
insurance, fuel, mooring fees and memberships, a 22 per cent
increase.:overl966 (The Boating Industry 1971)1 •. 1n 1970, an
estimated million pairs of water skis were solO, .. a 5 per cent
increase in domestic and export sales for that year (The
Boating Industry 1971)1.
· Economic Impact Studies In fiscal 1969-7.0, the
Corps of.Engineers spent $27.6 million to develop or expand
facilities for swimming, fishing, boating, and other water-
oriented activities (Stout personal communication 1971 )18• The
state parks of the nation, the majority of which are water-
. oriented, spent $125.8 million in 1970 on capital improve-
ments and $177 million on operations and maintenance
(Stout personal communication 1971)18•
Although public.:expenditures for water-oriented recre-
ational developments are large, expenditures in the private
and commercial sectors are of even greater ·magnitude. In
regions of the country where water bodies are reasonably
.numerous, most seasonal homes are' built on or adjacent to
water. In 1970, it was estimated that 150,000 seasonal
homes were built at·a cost of $1.2 billion (Ragatz 1-971)6•
Some waterfront locations-have been extensively developed
for a variety. of public, private, and commercial recreational
purposes. The lakes and lake frontage properties of the
Tennessee Valley Authority alone were:estimated to contain
water-based recreational equipment and facilities worth $77
million and land-based facilities and improvements valued
at $178 million in 1968 (Churchill personal communication
Expenditures for other goods and services·a:ssociated with
water-oriented recreation are also· a ·major factor in the
economy. Boaters, fishermen, campers, picnickers, and
others spend considerable sums· on transportation, accommo-
dations, and supplies. For· example, preliminary data show
that some 2.9.million waterfowl hunters spent an estimated
.$245 million duting 25 million recreation days in 1970
(Slater personal communication 1971)17."The Tennessee Valley
Authority estimated in 1967 that sports fishermen using its
reservoirs spent some $42 ni.11Iion in order to harvest 7,000
. to 10,000 tons of fish (Stroud and Martin 1968)8•
User Surveys :Since World War II, per capita par-
ticipation in most types of recreational activities has in-
creased even more rapidly than the preceding data indicate.
Attendance at National Par;k Service areas rose from 133
· million visits in 1966 to 172 million in 1970, an increase of
29: l_jer cent. In the same period, visits to Corps of Engineers
reservoirs increased 42 per cent to a total of 276 million.
Comparable figures for the national forestswere 151 million
in 1966, rising 14 per cent tq 173 million-in1970 (Bureau
· of Outdoor· Recreation per'sonaUommunicatiQn 1971 )15 • Most
: of the recreation opportunities at Corps of. Engineers areas
Introduction; 9
and a good proportion of those available on Park Service
lands and in -national forests are water-based or water-
related. Similar growth rates and a predominance of water-
related recreational experiences characterize the use of
recreational lands managed by the'Bureau of Sport Fisheries
and Wildlife, the Bureau of Land Management, the Bureau
of Reclamation, and the Department of Defense. ·
The preeminent role of water resources in recreation was
emphasized' by the President's Outdoor Recreation Re-
sources Review Commission in 1960. Extensive surveys
showed that most people seeking outdoor recreation (90
per cent· of all Americans) sought it in association with
··water, as indicated by the preliminary figures in Table 1-1,
a study made as part of the 1970 U;S. Census (Slater
1972)17 • Although it is impossible to estimate what pro-
portion of the use reported by the survey was actually
associated with water for those activities that are not water-
based but .are often water-related, the data nevertheless
emphasize the magnitude of current participation in water-
oriented recreation.
If no more than half the time spent on the frequently
water-related activities was in fact associated with water,
the total man days for water-based and water-related ac-
tivities in 1970 would be at least 3.7 billion man days.
Participation in water-based· and water-oriented recre-
ation is likely to increase in the forseeable future. The
Bureau of Outdoor-Recreation (1967)13 predicts that by the
year 2000 summertime participation in swimming will in-
crease over the year 1965 by 207 per cent, in fishing 78 per
.cent, in'· boating 215 per cent, in waterskiing 363 per cent,
·and in such water-related activities as camping, picnicking,
and sightseeing 238, 127,-and 156 percent respectively.
Legislation, .:Regulations, and Programs The
importance of water-based ·and·water-related recreation to
society is reflected in the increase in legislation and the
number of regulations~ arid programs intended to increase
TABLE 1-l....:.,;Participation in Water-Oriented Recreation
Activities in 1970
SWimming ..• , .••.....................
Fishing ...........•...•...............
Boating ....•..............•.•••.•.....
•Percent of U.S. population
< 29
Bilnons of man days
·Total man days .••......••........ , ................ ·. . . . . . . . • • . . . • . • 2. 10
Frequently water related
Picmcking .•...........•.••..•..• .-..••
Birdwatching ...•............•......••.
Campiilf ......•••.....................
~: Nature walks: .•.•..•.••...............
Hunting ...•.•..........•..••..••.•..•
Wildlife photography .....•.....••..•.••
Total man days .....••..•....• ,.......... • . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • • . ~.00
• For many activities, double countinc will occur. (Slater 1972)'
10/Section !-Recreation and Aesthetics
or protect opportunities for these activities. One example
is the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act U.S. Congress 1968)9
that authorized a national program to preserve free-flowing
rivers of exceptional natural or recreational value. The
Federal Power Commission has required the submission of
recreation and fish and wildlife development plans as inte-
gral parts of hydroelectric license applications. The Federal
Water Project Recreation Act (U.S. Congress 1965)10 en-
courages state and local participation in planning, financing,
and administering recreational features of federal water
development projects. The Estuary Protection Act (l:J .S.
Congress 1968)11 authorizes cooperative federal-state-local
cost sharing and management programs for estuaries, and
requires that federal agencies consult with the Secretary
of the Interior on all land and water development projects
with impacts on estuaries before submitting proposals to
Congress for authorization.
The Soil Conservation Service of the U.S. Department of
Agriculture assists in the development of ponds that often
are used for recreational purposes and watering livestock.
Federal assistance for waterfront restoration and the preser-
vation of environmental values is available under the urban
renewal, open space, and urban beautification programs of
the 'Department of Housing and Urban Development, the
Land and Water Conservation Fund program ofthe Bureau
of Outdoor Recreation, and the historic preservation pro-
gram of the National Park Service.
Although there have been instances of rapid water
quality deterioration with drastic effects on recreation,
typically the effect is a slow, insidious process; Changes
have come about incrementally as forests are cut, land
cultivated, urban areas expanded, and industries developed.
But the cumulative effect and the losses in recreation oppor-
tunities caused by degraded water quality in this country
in the past 100 years have been great. In many urban areas,
opportunities for virtually every type of water-based ac-
tivity have been either severely curtailed or eliminated.
The resource-based recreation frontier is being forced
further into the hinterland. Aesthetic values of aquatic
vistas are eliminated or depreciated by enchroachment of
residential, commercial, industrial, military, or transpor-
tation facilities. Drainage of swamps to control insect
vectors of disease and channelization to control floods have
a profound effect on water run-off characteristics. A loss in
water quality and downstream aquatic environments and
recreational opportunities is often the price paid for such
The application of adequate local, state, and national
water quality criteria is only a partial solution to our water
quality problems. A comprehensive national land use policy
program with effective methods of decision-making, imple-
mentation, and enforcement is also needed.
Throughout this report the recommendations given are
to be applied in the context of local conditions. This caveat
cannot be over emphasized, because variabilities are en-
countered in different parts of the country. Specific local
recommendations can be developed now in many instances
and more will be developed as experience grows. Numerical
criteria pertaining to other beneficial water uses together
with the recommendations for recreational and aesthetic
uses provide guidance for water quality management.
Aesthetics is classically defined as the branch of philos-
ophy that provides a theory of the beautiful. In this Section
attention will be focused on the aesthetics of water in
natural and man-made environments and the extent to
which the beauty of that water can be preserved or en-
hanced by the establishment of water quality recommen-
Although perceptions of many forms of beauty are pro-
foundly subjective and experienced differently by each indi-
vidual, there is an apparent sameness in the human re-
sponse to the beauties of water. Aesthetically pleasing waters
add to the quality of human experience. Water may be
pleasant to look upon, to walk or rest beside, or simply to
contemplate. It may enhance the visual scene wherever it
appears, in cities or in the wilderness. It may enhance values
of adjoining properties, public or private. It may provide a
focal point of pride in the community. The perception of
beauty and ugliness cannot be strictly defined. Either
natural or man-made visual effects may add or detract,
depending on many variables such as distance from the
observer or the composition and texture of the surroundings.
As one writer has said when comparing recreational values
with aesthetics, "Of probably greater value is the relaxation
and mental well-being achieved by viewing and absorbing
the scenic grandeur of the great and restless Missouri.
Many people crowd the 'high-line' drives along the bluffs
to view this mighty river and achieve a certain restfulness
from the proximity of nature" (Porges et al. 1952)19 •
Similarly, aesthetic experience can be enhanced or de-
stroyed by space relationships. Power boats on a two-acre
lake are likely to be more hazardous than fun, and the
water will be so choppy and turbid that people will hardly
enjoy swimming near the shore. On the other hand, a
sailboat on Lake Michigan can be viewed with pleasure.
If a designated scenic area is surrounded by a wire fence,
the naturalness is obviously tainted. If animals can only be
viewed in restricted pens, the enjoyment is likely to be less
than if they could be seen moving at will in their natural
The management of water for aesthetic purposes must be
planned and executed in the context of the uses of the land,
w.._________ _______ ----
the shoreline, and the water surfaces. People must be the
ultimate consideration. Aesthetic values relate to accessi-
bility, perspective, space, human expectations, and the
opportunity to derive a pleasurable reaction from the senses.
Congress has affirmed and reaffirmed its determination
to enhance water quality in a series of actions strengthening
the federal role in water pollution control and federal sup-
port for water pollution control programs of state and local
governments and industry; In a number of states, political
leaders and voters have supported programs to protect or
even restore water quality with aesthetics as one of the
The recognition, identification, and protection of the
aesthetic qualities of water should be an objective of all
water quality management programs. The retention of
suitable, aesthetic quality is more likely to be achieved
through strict control of discharges at the source than by
excessive dependence on )tssimilat~on by receiving waters.
Paradoxically, the values that aesthetically pleasing water
provide are most urgently needed where pollution problems
are most serious as in the urban areas and particularly in
the central portions of cities where population and industry
are likely to be heavily concentrated.
Unfortunately, one of the greatest unknowns is the value
of aesthetics to people. No workable formula incorporating
a valid benefit-to-cost ratio has yet been devised to reflect
tangible and intangible benefits accruing to conflicting
uses or misuses and the cost of providing or avoiding them.
This dilemma could be circumvented by boldly stating that
aesthetic values are worth the cost of achieving them. The
present public reaction to water quality might well support
this position, but efforts in this area have not yet proceeded
far enough to produce values worthy of wide acceptance.
(See Appendix 1.)
All surface waters should be aesthetically pleasing. But
natural conditions vary widely, and because of this a series
of descriptive rather than numerical recommendations is
made. The descriptions are intended to provide, in general
terms, for the protection of surface waters from substances
or conditions arising from other than natural sources that
12/Section !-Recreation and Aesthetics
might degrade or tend to degrade the aesthetic quality of
the water. Substances or conditions arising !rom natural
sources may affect water quality independently of .human
activities. Human activities that augment degradation from
natural sources, such as accelerated erosion from surface
disturbances, are not considered natural. The recommen-
dations are also intended to cover degradation from "dis-
charges or waste," a phrase embracing undesirable inputs
from all sources attributable to human activities whether
surface flows, point discharges, or subsurface drainages.
The recommendations: that follow are essentially finite
criteria. The absence of visible debris, oil, scum, and' other
matter resulting from human activity is a strict requirement
for aesthetic acceptability. Similarly, recommended values
for objectionable color, odor, taste, and turbidity, although
less precise, must be measured :as. no significant increase
over background. Characteristics such as excessive nutrients
and temperature elevations that encourage objectionable
abundance of organisms, e.g., a bloom of blue-green algae
resulting from discharge of a waste with a high nutrient
content and an elevated temperature, must be considered.·
These recommendations become finite when applied as
intended in the context of natural background conditions.
Specific numbers would add little to the usefulness of the
descriptive recommendations because ofthe varying acute-
ness of sensory perception and because of the variability of'
substances and -conditions so ·largely dependent on local
The phrase "virtually free" of an objectionable,constituent
as used in the recommendations implies the concept of
freedom fr0m the undesirable effects of the constituent but·:
not necessarily· freedom from the constituent itself. This
recognizes the practical impossibility of complete absence
and the inevitability of the presence of potential pollutants
to some degree.
Surface waters will be· :aesthetiCally pleasing if
they are virtually free of substances attributable
to discharg~s.or waste as follows:
• materials that will settle to form objectionable
• floating debris, oil, scum, and other matter;
•<substances producing objectionable color, odor,
taste, or turbidity;
• substances and conditions'' or combinations
thereof· in concentrations whiCh produce' un-
desirable aq11atieJife.
The many factors that influence the recreational and
aesthetic value of water may be broadly grouped in two
imprecise and overlapping but useful categories: physical
and biological. Physical factors include geography, manage-
ment and land use practices, and carrying capacity. Bio-
logical factors involve the effects of nuisance organisq~s and
eutrophication, the role of aquatic plants, species diversity,
and the introduction of exotic species. In making water
quality recommendations that will maintain recreational
and aesthetic values of surface waters, it is necessary to
understand the interrelationships between these factors and
water quality. The discussions in this Section emphasize
those interrelationships, but additional useful detail can be
found in other Sections of this Report, i.e., Public Water
Supplies (II), Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife (IV), and
Agriculture (V). Cross references direct the reader to other
sources at appropriate points in this Section.
Physical Factors Recommendations applicable to
water-related environmental goals may well define those
constraints that must be imposed on man's land-based ac-
tivities and upon his physical contact with water if the
quality of water is to be maintained at a level suited to
recreational use. This is especially true of aesthetic enjoy-
ment of water, because pleasurable aesthetic experiences
are related to water in its environmental setting and to its
changing appearance caused by wind, light, and other
natural phenomena.
Man-made impoundments -have provided numerous· op-
portunities for recreation that have not existed before, but
their-operation in some-· instances presents a paradox for
recreational users. Often such reservoirs ar:e located on the
upper reaches· of rivers where the natural setting-is itself
conducive to aesthetic recreational enjoyment; but because
they are often multipurpose projects, their operation for
water supPly; seasonal pr:ovision of. flood-storage, daily
provision .ofh.ydroelecJ;ric_power, or even seasonal fluctu-
ation for mosquito control wilf change tile water surface
·elevation; -leave banta 'bankS exposed; or cause noticeable
or transient disruptions of Jhe otherwise natural'-appearing
setting •. Where ~th~' im'pauadineht speeifically pmvidesc a
public water supply, concerned water works' -p~rsonnel,
-(earihg degradation efthe' quality of the-water stor~ for:
this purpose, may impose limitations on the scope of recre-
ational opportunities. Thus, the full potential for recre-
ational and aesthetic uses of water may well be curtailed
somewhat by the operational schedule of a water body
needed for other purposes, even if the quality of the stored
water meets the stipulated water quality criteria.
Control of turbidity represents another environment-
related problem, one that must often be dealt with in terms
of somewhat subjective local considerations. Recommen-
dations for turbidity limits are best expressed as percentage
increases over natural background conditions. The waste-
water treatment processes normally employed are intended
to control suspended particles and associated problems.
Steps can also be taken to minimize erosion of soil disturbed
by agriculture, construction, logging, and other human
activities. Turbidity from urban and rural areas can be
reduced by ponding or other sedimentation facilities.
Wherever possible, spoils from dredging of navigable waters
should be disposed of on land or at water sites in such a
way that environmental damage is minimized. If necessary
dredging for new construction or channel maintenance is
performed with caution, it will not have adverse effects on
water quality. (Effects of physical manipulation of the en-
vironment are discussed further in Section III on Fresh-
water Aqua ic Life and Wildlife.)
Biological Factors Two principal types of biological
factors influence the recreational and aesthetic value of
surface waters: those that endanger the health or physical
comfort of people and animals, and those that render water
aesthetically objectionable or unusable as a result of its
overfertilization. The former include vector and nuisance
organisms; the latter, aquatic growths of microscopic and
macroscopic plants.
The discussion turns· next to the physical factors of recre-
ational carrying capacity and sediment' .and suspended
materials, and then to-the biological factors.
In both artificial· impoundments and natural bodies of
water tire physical~ chemical:, and biological ehara:cteristics
of the water itself are not the' onfy factors influ'eilcing water-·
14/Section !-Recreation and Aesthetics
oriented recreation. Depreciation of the recreational value
of water caused by high levels of use is a growj.ng problem
that can be solved only by management techniques that
either create more extensive facilities or limit the types and
amounts of use to predetermined desirable levels or carrying
The recreational resource carrying capacity concept is
not new. Recreation land managers have used carrying
capacity standards for decades, but such standards have
generally been developed intuitively rather than experi-
mentally. Dana (1957)24 called for empirical research in
this field to provide better guidelines for management of
recreation resources. The National Recreation and Parks
Association reported in 1969 that almost no research of this
type had been completed and that standards for water-
oriented recreational activities then in use exhibited a dis-
turbingly wide range of values (Chubb 1969)21 • Among
investigations of the carrying capacity of water for recre-
ational boating currently being made are those at North
Carolina State University and Michigan State University
(Ashton and Chubb 1971).20 A comparative study of the
canoeing and trout fishing capacity of four rivers is taking
place in Michigan (Colburn, personal communication 1971)27•
Lucas (1964)25 reported on an on-going recreational carry-
ing. capacity study of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area.
Until a number of these investigations are completed,
the true nature and complexity of the factors involved in
recreational carrying capacity will not be known. However,
in the case of many water-oriented activities it is apparent
that social, psychological, and economic factors are in-
volved, as well as the physical characteristics of the water
body (Chubb and Ashton 1969)22 • For example, boaters on
heavily used lakes in Southeast Michigan represent a broad
spectrum of behavioral patterns and attitudes. Fishermen
generally dislike high-density use and are particularly an-
noyed by speeding boats that create waves. They believe
such activities disturb the fish. Waterfront home and cottage
owners abhor the noise and litter generated by owners of
transient boats on trailers. On the other hand, many water
skiers enjoy relatively crowded conditions because of the
social aspects of the experience; and some cruiser and pon-
toon boat owners enjoy viewing the skiers from their boats.
Thus the boating carrying capacity of these waters involves
the relative proportions of the various kinds of uses taking
place and the life styles, recreational goals, and social
aspirations of the boaters. Carrying capacity becomes a
function of the levels of satisfaction achieved by the par-
ticipants (Ashton and Chubb 1971).20
Screw propellers of powerboats operating in shallow
waters create currents that often suspend sediments. Power-
boats can also produce wake waves that cause shore erosion
and result in water turbulence. Marl-bottomed lakes and
silty, relatively narrow rivers are especially susceptible to
prolonged turbidity generated by such disturbances. In
many cases, bank erosion has been so severe that speed
limitations and wake-wave restrictions have had to be
The size and configuration of a water body influence its
recreational use and carrying capacity. Large lakes with a
low ratio of shoreline-to-surface area tend to be under-used
in the middle; conversely, lakes with a high ratio of shore-
line-to-surface area tend to sustain more recreational use
per acre.
The Role of Regulation
Rapid increases in recreational use have necessitated
regulations to protect the quality of the experiences ob-
tained by limiting use so that carrying capacity is not
exceeded. Examples are boat speed regulations, limitations
on horsepower, number of boat launching sites, number of
· parking places, and zoning and time limitations on water
skiing and high-speed boating. Motorized crafts are often
prohibited. Michigan is planning to use data from it~
current series of boating carrying capacity studies to es-
tablish new criteria for its boating access site program
(Ashton and Chubb 1971).20
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources (1970)26
has proposed rationing recreation on stretches of the Au
Sable, Manistee, Pine, and Pere Marquette Rivers by
means of a canoe permit system to reduce conflicts between
canoeists and trout fishermen. The proposed regulations
would limit the release of canoes to a specified number per
day for designated stretches of these rivers. Other regulations
are intended to promote safety and reduce trespass, river
bank damage, vandalism, and littering. The National Park
Service has limited annual user days for river running on
the Colorado through the Grand Canyon (Cowgilll971).23
Factors Affecting Recreational Carrying Capacity
The carrying capacity of a body of water for recreation is
not a readily identifiable finite number. It is a range of
values from which society can select the most acceptable
limits as the controlling variables change.
The schematic diagram (Fig. 1-1) provides an impression
of the number of relationships involved in a typical water
body recreation system. Recreational carrying capacity of
water is basically dependent upon water quality but also
related to many other variables as shown in the model.
At the threshold level a relatively small decline in water
quality may have a considerable effect on the system and
result in a substantial decline in the annual yield of water-
oriented recreational opportunities at the sites affected.
No specific recommendation is made concernin~
recreational carryin~ capacity. A~encies establish-
in~ carryin~ capacities should be aware of the
complex relationships of the interactin~ variables
and of the constant need to review local established
values in li~ht of prevailin~ conditions. Carryin~
Factors Influencing the Recreational and Aesthetic Value of Water /15
(broken box line indicates high probability of change)
quantity, type, accessibility
Water Quality
r - --- - - ---...,
Cultural Factors 1
recreation behavior, I
: ownenhip, access, and I
I regulations I
.... ____ ---~-J
: Changing Patterns of Use: :
1 relationship to supply-demand, 1
I socio-economics, and I
I water quality I
L _J _______ 1 _______
Excessive Use:
reduced water quality and
recreational value
Reduced Carrying
chemical, physical, and
biological characteristics
I Human 1
I Activities 1 1..--__ _,
FIGURE I-1-Relationships Involved in a Water Resource Recreation System
16/Section !-Recreation and Aesthetics
capacity was discussed in this Section to call at-
tention to its potential effects on water ~uality for
recreational use.
Weathering of the land surface and the transport of
particles such as sand, silt and clay by water, wind, and ice
are natural processes of geologic erosion that largely de-
termine the characteristics· of our land, rivers, estuaries,
and lakes. Man, however, can drastically alter the amount
of material suspended in surface waters by accelerating
surface erosion through various land use and management
practices. Sources of these sediments and suspended ma-
terials such as erosion, mining, agriculture, and construction
areas are discussed in Section IV on Marine Aquatic Life
and Wildlife. In addition to causing siltation problems and
affecting biological productivity, sediments and suspended
materials affect the quality of surface waters used for
recreational and aesthetic enjoyment.
Effects on Water Quality
The importance of suspended particle composition and
concentrations to the recreational and aesthetic value of
surface water relates to its effects on the clarity, light
penetration, temperature, and dissolved constituents of
surface water, the adsorption of toxic materials, and the
composition, distribution, and rate of sedimentation of
materials. These in turn not only affect recreational and
aesthetic values directly, but they control or limit biological
productivity and the aquatic life the waters will sustain-for
enjoyment by people (Buck 1956,28 Cairns 1968) .29 Although
the qualitative effects of suspended particles on surface
waters are well recognized, quantitative knowledge and
understanding are limited. (Biological effects are discussed
in Sections III and IV on Freshwater and Marine Aquatic
Appearance The appearance of water is relative to
the perspective of the viewer and his expectations. For
example, the surfaces of lakes, streams, or oceans viewed
from shore appear less turbid than they do viewed from
above or during immersion. The responses of people viewing
the spectacularly clear waters of Lake Tahoe or Crater
Lake are almost surely aesthetic in nature, and allowing
the Clarity of such waters to decrease would certainly lower
their aesthetic appeal. On the other hand, the roaring
reaches and the placid stretches of the muddy Colorado
River and miles of the muddy Mississippi afford another
kind of aesthetic pleasure and -recreation which many also
-appreCiate. People seem 'to adapt to ·and accept a wide
range of water turbidities as long as changes in turb:dity
are cpart of natural processes. However, increases in tur-
·bidity of water due to m:an's disttirband: of the "land sutface,
"<ilscharge of wastes, or modification of "the water-body bed
are 'subjectively regarded by m;iny people as pollution,
and so in (act or in fancy· they reduce aesthe'tic enjoyment.
Light Penetration The presence of suspended solid
materials in natural waters limits the penetration by sun-
light. An example of the adverse effe-ets of reduced available
light is the inability of some fish to see their natural food
or even the sport fisherman's lure (note the discussion in
Section III, Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife, pp.
126-129). In turbid, nutrient-rich waters, such as an estu-
ary or lake where lack of light penetration limits algal repro-
duction, a water management project that reduced sedi-
ment input to the water body could conceivably result in
increases of algal production to the nuisance level.
Temperature When suspended particles inhibit the
penetration of water by sunlight, greater absorption of
solar energy occurs near the surface and warms the water
there. With its density thus decreased, the water column
stabilizes, and vertical mixing is inhibited. Lower oxygen
transfer from air to water also results from higher water
surface temperature. Together with inhibited vertical mix-
ing, this reduces the downward rate of oxygen transfer,
especially in still or slowly moving water. In combination
with the oxygen demand of benthic accumulations_, any
reduction in downward transfer of oxygen hastens the de-
velopment of anaerobic conditions at the bed of shallow
eutrophic ponds, and the result may be a loss of aesthetic
Adsorption of Materials Clay minerals have irregu-
lar, platy shapes and large surface areas with electrostatic
charges. As a consequence, clay minerals sorb cations,
anions, and organic compounds. Pesticides and heavy
metals likewise sorb on suspended clay particles, and those
that are strongly held are carried with the particles to their
eventual resting place.
Microorganisms are frequently sorbed on particulate
material and incorporated into bottom sediments when the
material settles. Rising storm waters may resuspend the
deposited material, thereby restoring the microorganisms
to the water column. Swimming or wading could stir
bottom sediments containing bacteria, thereby effecting a
rise in bacterial counts in the water (Van Donsel and
Geldreich 1971)33.
The capacity of minerals to hold dissolved toxic materials
is different for each material and type of clay. The sorptive
phenomenon effectively lends a large assimilative capacity
to -muddy·waters. A reduction in suspended mineral solids
in surface waters can, therefore, cause an increase in the
concentrations of dissolved toxic materials contributed by
existing waste discharges (see Section III on Freshwater
Aquatic Life) .
. Beach Zone Effects When typical river waters con-
taining dispersed clay minerals mix with "ocean water in
estuaries to the·extent of one part or· more· of ocean water to
33 parts -i:iver water, the dispersed clay a:nd ·silt .partiCles
become cohesive, and aggregates are formed under 'the
. prevailing hydraulic conditions· (Krone 1962). 30 Such a:ggte-
,gates of material brought downstream 'by storms either
Factors Influencing the Recreational and Aesthetic Value of Water fl T
settle in the estuary, particularly in large shallow bays, or
are carried directly to sea where they often are distributed
over large areas of the sea floor. Those that settle in shallow
bays can be constantly resuspended by wind-generated
waves and held in suspension by waves while tidal currents
circulate the waters throughout the estuary and carry a
portion of the suspended material out to sea. Suspended
clay mineral particles are weakly cohesive in river waters
having either unusually low dissolved salt concentrations
or high proportions of multivalent cations in the dissolved
salts. When Buch rivers enter lakes and impoundments, the
fine particles aggregate and settle to the bed to forrn soft,
fluffy deposits.
On lakes, the natural wind waves maintain beaches and
sandy littoral zones when there is sufficient fetch. Wind-
driven movement of the water through wave action and
subsequent oscillation provides the minimum velocity of
0.5 feet per second to sort out the fine particles of mineral
soils and organic micelles and allow them to settle in the
depths. Wave action extends to depths of approximately
one-half of the wave length to sort bottom sediments. This
depth is on the order of 5 feet (1.5 m) for a one-mile (1.6
km) fetch. When the waters are deep enough to allow
settling, fine sed:ments which are suspended drop down
over the wave terrace leaving sorted sand behind. In shallow
water bodies where the orbital velocity of the water particles
of wave action is great enough to lift fine sediments, waters
may be kept in 4 state of turbidity (Shephard 1963). 31
Waters without adequate wind-wave action and circulation
do not have appreciable sorting; and therefore:soft bottom
materials, undesirable at facilities like· swimming beaches,
may build up in the shallows. These conditions reduce
clarity and not only affect the aesthetic value but also
present a hazard in swimming.
The natural phenomenon of beach maintenance, sup-
plying sand to beaches and littoral zones, is dependent in
part upon having ample sources of sand such as those pro-
vided by river transport and shore erosion. Impoundment
of rivers causes sand to settle behind dams and removes it
as a future source for beach maintenance. Man's protection
of shorelines from erosion also interrupts the supply of sand.
In the erosion process, sand is commonly moved along the
~hore in response to the net positive direction of the wind-
wave forces, or it is carried into deep water to be deposited
on the edge of wave terraces. The location of man-made
s~uctures can, therefore, influence the quality of beaches.
Piers and jetties can intercept the lateral movement ofsand
. and leave impoverished rocky or hardpan shores on the
up:-current .side. Such conditions are common -along the
shores of the large Great Lakes and many coastal waters
(U.S. Army, Coastal Engineering Research Center 1966). 32
Sedim.ent-A'Juatic Plant Relatioo.ships When
the .sediment lead exceeds the transport capacity of the
river, deposition results. The accumulation 'of sediment.s in
reservoirs and distribution systems has been a problem
since ancient times. The deposited materials may so alter
the original bed materials of surface waters that rooted
aquatic vascular plants are able to grow in the newly
available substrate, thus changing the aquatic environment.
Fine sediments are often rich in the nutrients required for
plant growths; and once the sediments are stabilized with
a few plants, extensive colonization may follow .. (See the
discussion of Aquatic Vascular Plants in this Section.)
Clear waters are normally preferred for recre-
ation. Because sediment-laden water reduces water
clarity, inhibits the growth of plants, displaces
water volume as sediments settle, and contributes
to the fouling of the bottom, prevention of un-
natural quantities of suspended sediments or de-
posit of sediments is desirable. Individual waters
vary in the natural amounts of suspended sedi-
ments they carry; therefore, no fixed recommen-
dation can be made. Management decisions should
be developed with reference to historical base line
data concerning the individual body of water.
The impact of both aquatic vectors of diseases and
nuisance organisms on water-related recreational and aes-
thetic pursuits varies from the creation of minor nuisances
to the closing of large recreational areas (Mackenthun and
Ingram 196 7). 58 Organisms of concern are discussed by
Mackenthun (1969).57
Massive emergences of non-biting midges, phantom
midges, caddisflies, and mayflies cause serious nuisances in
shoreline communities, impeding road traffic, river navi-
gation, commercial enterprises and recreational pursuits
(Burks 1953,4° Fremling· 1960a, 46 1960b ;47 Hunt and Bis-
choff 1960;54 Provost 1958 60 ). Human respiratory allergic
reactions to aquatic insect bites have been recognized for
many years. They were reviewed by Henson (1966),49 who
reported the major causative groups to be the caddisflies,
mayflies, and midges.
Among 'common diseases transmitted by aquatic hwerte-
brates are encephalitis, malaria, and schistosomiasis, inM
eluding swimmers' itch. The principal water-related arthro-
pod-borne viral disease of importance to public health in
the United States is encephalitis, transmitted by mosquitoes
(Hess and Holden 1958). 51 Many polluted urban streams
are ideally suited to production of large numbers of Culex
fatigans, a vector of St. Louis encephalitis in urban areas.
Although running waters ordinarily are not .suitable for
mosquito breeding, puddles in drying stream beds. and
floodplains a:re ·excellent breeding sites for this and other
species ·of Culex. I:f such pools contain polluted waters,
organic materials. .present may serve as an increased food
supply that will stimulate production (Hess 1956,50 U.S.
18/Section !-Recreation and Aesthetics
Department of the Interior, FWPCA 1967). 65 Aquatic
plants also provide breeding sites for some moequitoes and
other nuisance insects. This relationship is discussed else-
where in this Section (p. 25).
Other than mosquitoes, perhaps the most common nui-
sance insects associated with standing freshwater are chir-
onomid midges. These insects neither bite nor carry disease,
but their dense swarms can interfere with man's comfort
and activities. Nuisance populations have occurred in pro-
ductive natural lakes where the larvae thrive in the largely
organic bottom sediments (Provost 1958,60 Hunt and Bis-
choff 1960,54 Hilsenhoff 1959). 52 In poorly designed sewage
lagoons mosquitoes and midges may thrive (Beadle and
Harmstrom 1958,38 Kimerle and Enns 1968).56 Reservoirs
receiving inadequately treated municipal wastes are po-
tential sources for abundant mosquito and midge production
(U.S. Department of the Interior, FWPCA 1967).65 In-
creased midge production may be associated with deterior-
ation in water quality, but this is not always the case. For
example, excessive production can occur in primary sewage
oxidation ponds as well as in reservoirs ( Grodhaus 1963,48
Bay 196435) ; and in sequential oxidation pond treatment,
maximum midge production may sometimes occur in those
ponds furthest from the plant effluent where water quality
is highest (Bay et al. 1965). 36
Abrupt changes in water quality such as dilution of sea-
water by freshwater, especially if accompanied by organic
loading, can precipitate extraordinarily high midge pro-
duction (Jamnback 1954).55 Sudden decline in oxygen
supply in organically overloaded ponds or drying lakes can
disrupt or destroy established faunal communities, thus
favoring midge larvae because they are tolerant to low
dissolved oxygen and are primarily detrital feeders (Bay
unpublished data). 67
The physical characteristics of certain water bodies, as
much as their water quality characteristics, may sometimes
determine midge productivity (Bay et al. 1966). 37 For
example, freshly filled reservoirs are quickly sedimented
with allocthanous detritus and airborne organic matter
that provide food for invading midge larvae. The rate of
sedimentation can depend on watershed characteristics and
basin percolation rate or, in the case of airborne sediment,
on the surrounding topography. Predators in these new
environments are few, and initial midge larval survival is
high. Thomas (1970)64 has also reported on the potential
of newly or periodically flooded areas to produce large
populations of midges and mosquitoes.
Midge production in permanent bodies of water is ex-
tremely variable. Attempts have been made (Hilsenhoff
and N arf 1968,53 Florida State Board of Health unpublished
data 69 ) to correlate factors of water quality with midge
productivity in neighboring lakes and in lakes with certain
identifiable characteristics, but the results have been incon-
Organism response in organically polluted flowing water
was discussed and illustrated by Bartsch and Ingram
(1959).34 As water quality and bottom materials change in
streams recovering from organic waste discharges, large
numbers of midges and other nuisance organisms may be
produced in select reaches.
Though blackfly larvae are common in unpolluted
streams, an increase in suspended organic food particles
may stimulate increased populations, and abnormally large
numbers of larvae have been found downstream from both
municipal and industrial waste discharges (u:s. Depart-
ment of the Interior, FWPCA 196 7). 65 The larvae feed on
drifting organic material, and either municipal, agricultural,
or certain industrial wastes can provide the base for an
increased food supply. Bacteria from soils and sewage may
be important in outbreaks of blackflies (Fredeen 1964).45
Toxic wastes can also affect situations where nuisance
organisms are found in increased numbers. The most
obvious mechanism is the destruction of more sensitive
predators and competitors, leaving the food supply and
space available for the more tolerant forms. Surber (1959)63
found increased numbers of a tolerant midge, Cricotopus
bicinctus, in waters polluted with chromium. Rotenone
treatment of waters has resulted in temporary massive
increases in blackfly and midge populations (Cook and
Moore 1969).41 Increased numbers of midge larvae were
found in a stream reach six months after a gasoline spill
(Bugbee and Walter 1972). 68 The reasons for this are not
clear but may be linked to the more ready invasion of an
area by these highly mobile insects as compared to less
mobile competitors and predators.
Persons involved in water-based activities in many areas
of the world are subject to bilharziasis (schistosomiasis), a
debilitating and sometimes deadly disease (World Health
Organization 1959).66 This is not a problem in the conti-
nental United States and Hawaii because of the absence of
a vector snail, but schistosomiasis occurs in Puerto Rico
due to the discharge of human feces containing Schistosoma
eggs into waters harboring vector snails, the most important
species being Biomphalaria glabrata. B. glabrata can survive
in a wide range of water quality, including facultative
sewage lagoons; and people are exposed through contact
with shallow water near the infected snails. Cercariae shed
by the snail penetrate the skin of humans and enter the
Of local concern in water-contact recreation in the
United States is schistosome dermatitis, or swimmers' itch
(Cort 1928,42 Mackenthun and Ingram 1967,58 Fetterolf
et al. 1970).44 A number of schistosome cercariae, non-
specific for humans, are able to enter the outer layers of
human skin. The reaction causes itching, and the severity
is related to the person's sensitivity and prior exposure
history (Oliver 1949).59 The most important of the derma-
titis-producing cercariae are duck parasites (Trichobilhar;:,ia).
Factors Influencing the Recreational and Aesthetic Value of Water/19
Snails serving as intermediate hosts include Lymnaea, Physa,
and Gyraulus (Cort 1950).43 Although swimmers' itch,has
wide distribution, in the United States it is principally
endemic to the north central lake region. Occasional inci-
dence is reported in marine waters (Stunkard and Hinchliffe
About 90 per cent of severe swimmers' itch outbreaks are
associated with Cercaria stagnicolae shed from varieties of the
snail Lymnaea emarginata. This relationship is promoted by
(1) clean, sandy beaches ideal for swimming and preferred
by the snail; (2) peak populations of the snail hosJ that
develop in sandy-bottomed lakes of glacial origin; (3) the
greatest development of adult snails that do not die off
until toward the end of the bathing season; and (4) the
cycle of cercaria! infection so timed that the greatest num-
bers of cercariae emerge during the hot weather in the
middle of the summer when the greatest amount of bathing
is done (Brackett 1941). 39 Infected vector snails are also
found throughout the United States in swamps, muddy
ponds, and ditches; but dermatitis rarely results, because
humans seldom use these areas without protective clothing.
In some marine recreational waters jellyfish or sea nettles
are ,serious problems. Some species possess stinging mecha-
nisms whose cnidoblast filaments can penetrate human skin
causing painful, inflammed weals. The effects of water
quality on their abundance is not known, but Schultz and
Cargo (1971)61 reported that the summer sea nettle,
Chrysaora quinquecirrha, has been a problem in Chesapeake
Bay since colonial days. When these nettles are abundant,
swimming is practically eliminated and fishermen's nets
and traps are clogged.
The role of water quality in either limiting or
augmenting the production of vector and nuisance
organisms involves.many interrelationships which
are not clearly understood. Since organic wastes
generally directly or indirectly increase biomass
production, there may be an attendant increase
in vector or nuisance organisms. Some wastes
favor their production by creating water quality
or habitat conditions that limit their predators
and competitors. Increased production of vector
and nuisance organisms may degrade a healthy
and desirable human environment and be ac-
companied by .a lessening of recreational and aes-
thetic values (see the discussion of Aquatic Life
and Wildlife in this Section, p. 35.)
Man's recent concern with eutrophy relates primarily to
lakes, reservoirs, rivers, estuaries, and coastal waters that
have been or are being over-fertilized through society's
--:.._______ __ _
carelessness to a point ~here beneficial uses are impaired
or threatened. With increasing urbanization, industriali-
zation, artificial soil fertilization, and soil mantle disruption,
eutrophication has become a serious problem affecting the
aesthetic and recreational enjoyment of many of the nation's
Defining Eutrophication and Nutrients
Lakes have been classified in accordance with their
trophic level or bathymetry as eutrophic, oligotrophic,
mesotrophic, or dystrophic (National Academy of Sciences
1969,97 Russell-Hunter 1970,1°5 Warren 1971,114 Stewart
and Rohlich 1967).107 A typical eutrophic lake has a high
surface-to-volume ratio, and an abundance of nutrients
producing heavy growth of aquatic plants and other vege-
tation; it contains highly organic sediments, and may have
seasonal or continuous low dissolved-oxygen concentrations
in its deeper waters. A typical oligotrophic lake has a low
surface-to-volume ratio, a nutrient content that supports
only a low level of aquatic productivity, a high dissolved-
oxygen concentration extending to the deep waters, and
sediments largely inorganic in composition. The character-
istics of mesotrophic lakes lie between those of eutrophic
and oligotrophic lakes. A dystrophic lake has waters brown-
ish from humic materials, a relatively low pH, a reduced
rate of bacterial decomposition, bottom sediments usually
composed of partially decomposed vegetation, and low
aquatic biomass productivity. Dystrophication is a lake-
aging process different from that of eutrophication. Whereas
the senescent stage in eutrophication may be a productive
marsh or swamp, dystrophication leads to a peat bog rich
in humic materials but low in productivity.
Eutrophication refers to the addition of nutrients to
bodies of water and to the effects of those nutrients. The
theory that there is a natural, gradual, and steady increase
in external nutrient supply throughout the existence of a
lake is widely held, but there is no support for this idea of
natural eutrophication (Beeton and Edmondson 1972).74
The paleolimnological literature supports instead a concept
of trophic equilibrium such as that introduced by Hutchin-
son (1969).91 According to this concept the progressive
changes that occur as a lake ages constitute an ecological
succession effected in part by the change in the shape of the
basin brought about by its filling. As the basin fills and the
volume decreases, the resulting shallowness increases the
cycling of available nutrients and this usually increases
plant production.
There are many naturally eutrophic lakes of such recre-
ational value that extensive efforts have been made to con-
trol their overproduction of nuisance aquatic plants and
algae. In the past, man has often accepted as a natural
phenomenon the loss or decreased value of a resource
through eutrophication. He has drained shallow, senescent
lakes for agricultural purposes or filled them to form building
20/Sectz"on !-Recreation and Aesthetics
sites. The increasing value of lakes for recreation, however,
will reorder man's priorities, and instead of aocepting such
alternative uses of lakes, he will divert his reclamation
efforts to salvaging and renovating their recreational values.
Artificial or cultural eutrophication results from increased
nutrient supplies through human activity. Many aquatic
systems have suffered cultural eutrophication in the past
50 years as a consequence of continually increasing nutrient
loading from the wastes of society. Man-induced nutrients
come largely from the discharge of municipal and industrial
wastewaters and from the land runoff effects of agricultural
practices and disruption of the soil mantle and its vege-
tative cover in the course of land development and con-
struction. If eutrophication is not to become the future
major deterrent to the recreational and aesthetic enjoyment
of water, it is essential that unnatural additions of nutrients
be kept out of water bodies through improved wastewater
treatment and land management.
Effects of Eutrophication and Nutrients
Green Lake, a lowland lake with high recreation use in
Seattle, is an example of a natural eutrophic lake (Sylvester
and Anderson 1960), 109 formed some 25,000 years ago after
the retreat of the Vashon glacier. During the ensuing
years, about two-thirds of the original lake volume was
filled with inorganic and organic sediments. A core taken
near the center of the lake to a sediment depth of 20.5 feet
represented a sediment accumulation over a period of ap-
proximately 6, 700 years. Organic, nutrient, and chlorophyll
analyses on samples from the different sediment depths
indicated a relatively constant rate of sedimentation, sug-
gesting that Green Lake has been in a natural state of
eutrophy for several thousands of years.
The recreational and aesthetic potential of the lake was
reduced for most users by littoral and emergent vegetation
and by heavy blooms of blue-green algae in late summer.
The aquatic weeds provided harborage for production of
mosquitoes and interfered with boating, swimming, fishing,
access to the beach, an:d ·model boat activities. The heavy,
blue-green algal blooms adhered to swimmers. The wind
blew the algal masses onto the shore where they decomposed
with a disagreeable odor. They dried like a blue-green paint
on objects along the shoreline, rendered boating and fishing
unattractive, and accentuated water line marks on boats.
Nevertheless, through the continuous addition of low-
nutrient dilution water by the City of Seattle (Oglesby
1969), 98 Green lake has been reclaimed through a reversal
of the trophic development to mesotrophic and is now
recreationally and aesthetically acceptable.
Lake Washington is an example of a large, deep, oligo-
trophlc-mesotrophic lake that turned eutrophic in about
35 years, primarily through the discharge of treated and
untreated domestic sewage. Even to laymen, the change
was rapid, dramatic, and spectacular. In the period of a
year, the-apparent color of the lake water turned from
bluish-green to rust as a result of massive growths of the
blue-green alga, Oscillatoria rubescens. This threat to aesthetic
and recreational enjoyment was a key factor in voter ap-
proval of Metro, a metropolitan sewer district. Metro has
greatly reduced the nutrient content of the lake and conse-
quent algal growth by diverting wastewater discharges out
of the drainage basin (Edmondson 1969,82 1970). 83
Lake Sammamish at the northern inlet of Lake Wash-
ington appeared to be responding to the enrichment it
received from treated sewage and other nutrient waste,
although it had not yet produced nuisance conditions to
the extent found in Lake Washington (Edmondson 1970).83
However, subsequent diversion of that waste by Metro has
resulted in little or no detectable recovery in three years, a
period that proved adequate for substantial recovery in
Lake Washington (Emery et al. 1972).85 Lake Sebasticook,
Maine, affords another example of undesirable enrichment.
Although previously in an acceptable condition, it became
obnoxious during the 1960's in response to sewage and a
wide variety of industrial wastes (HEW 1966).112 The
nutrient income of Lake Winnisquam, New Hampshire,
has been studied to determine the cause of nuisance blooms
of bb.1e-green algae (Edmondson 1969).82 The well-known
lakes at Madison, Wisconsin, including Monona, Waubesa,
and Mendota, have been the object of detailed studies of
nutrient sources and their deteriorating effect on water
quality (Sawyer 1947,106 Mackenthun et al. 1960,95 Ed-
mondson 1961,80 1968).81
A desirable aspect of eutrophication is the ability of
mesotrophic or slightly eutrophic lakes typically to produce
greater crops of fish than their oligotrophic or nutrient-poor
counterparts. As long as nuisance blooms of algae and
extensive aquatic weed beds do not hinder the growth of
desirable fish species or obstruct the mechanics and aes-
thetics of fishing or other beneficial uses, some enrichment
may be desirable. Fertilization is a tool in commercial and
sport fishery management used to produce greater crops of
fish. Many prairie lakes in the east slope foothills of the
Rocky Mountains would be classed as eutrophic according
to the characteristics discussed below, yet many of these
lakes are exceptional trout producers because of the high
natural fertility of the prairie (Sunde et al. 1970).108 As an
example of an accepted eutrophic condition, their waters
are dense with plankton, but few would consider reducing
the enrichment of these lakes.
Streams and estuaries, as well as lakes, show symptoms
of over-enrichment, but there is less opportunity for buildup
of nutrients because of the continual transport of water.
Although aquatic growths can develop to nuisance pro-
portions in streams and estuaries as a result of over-enrich-
ment, manipulation of the nutrient input can modify the
situation more -rapidly than in lakes.
Man's fertilization of some rivers, estuaries, and marine
embayments has produced undesirable aquatic growths of
algae, water weeds, and slime organisms such as Cladophora,
Ulva, Potamogeton, and Sphaerotilus. In addition to interfering
with other uses, as in clogging fishing nets with slime
(Lincoln and Foster 1943),94 the accompanying water-
quality changes in some instances upset the natural fauna
and flora and cause undesirable shifts in the species compo-
sition of the community.
Determination of Trophic Conditions
It should be emphasized that (a) eutrophication has a
significant relationship to the use of water for recreational
and aesthetic enjoyment as well as the other water uses
discussed in this book; (b) this relationship may be d;sirable
or undesirable, .depending upon the type of recreational
and aesthetic enjoyment sought; and (c) the possible dis-
advantages or advantages of eutrophication may be viewed
subjectively as they relate to a particular water use. There
are no generally accepted guidelines for judging whether a
state of eutrophy exists or by what criteria it may be meas-
ured, such as production of biomass, rate of productivity,
appearance, or change in water quality. Ranges in primary
productivity and oxygen deficit have been suggested as
indicative of eutrophy, mesotrophy, and oligotrophy by
Edmondson (1970)83 and Rodhe (1969),104 but these ranges
have had no official recognition.
The trophic state and natural rate of eutrophication that
exists, or would exist, in the absence of man's activities is
the basis of reference in judging man-induced eutrophi-
cation. The determination of the natural state in many
water bodies will require the careful examination of past
data, referral to published historical accounts, recall by
"old-timers," and perhaps the examination of sediment
cores for indicator species and chemical composition. The
following guidelines are suggested in determining the refer-
ence trophjc states of lakes or detecting changes in trophic
states. Determination of the reference trophic state ac-
companied by studies of the nutrient budget may reveal
"'that the lake is already in an advanced state of eutrophy.
For temperate lakes, a significant change in indicator com-
munities or a significant increase in any of the other four
indices, detectable over a five-year period or less, is con-
sidered sufficient evidence that accelerated eutrophication
is occurring. An undetectable change over a shorter period
would not necessarily indicate a lack of accelerated eutrophi-
cation. A change detectable only after five years may still
indicate unnaturally accelerated eutrophication, but five
years is suggested as a realistic maximum for the average
monitoring endeavor. Where cultural eutrophication is sus-
pected and changes in indices are not observable, analysis
of sediment cores may be necessary to establish the natural
state. The dynamic characteristics and individuality of
lakes may produce exceptions to these guidelines. They are
not infallible indicators of interference with recreation, but
for now they may serve as a beginning, subject to modifi-
cation as more complete data on the range of trophic con-
ditions and their associated effects become available.
Factors Influencing the Recreational and Aesthetic Value of Water /21
Primary Productivity Ranges in the photosynthetic
rate, measured by radioactive carbon assimilation, have
been suggested by Rodhe (1969)104 as indicative of trophic
conditions (Table 1-2).
Biomass Chlorophyll a is used as a versatile measure
of algal biomass. The ranges presented for mean summer
chlorophyll a concentration determined in epilirrinetic water
supplies collected at least biweekly and analyzed according
to Standard Methods (American Public Health Assoc.,
American Water Works Assoc., and Water Pollution Con-
trol Federation 1971)7° are indices of the trophic stage of a
lake: oligotrophic, 0-4 mg chlorophyll afm3 ; eutrophic,
10-100 mg chlorophyll a/m3•
These ranges are suggested after reviewing data on
chlorophyll concentrations and other indicators of trophic
state in several lakes throughout the United States and
Canada. Of greatest significance are data from Lake Wash-
ington which show that during peak enrichment, mean
summer chlorophyll a content rose to about 27 mg/m3 and
that the lake was definitely eutrophic. The post nutrient
diversion summer mean declined to about 7 mg/m3, and
the lake is now more typically mesotrophic (Edmondson
1970;83 chlorophyll a values corrected to conform to recent
analytical techniques). Unenriched and relatively low pro-
ductive lakes at higher elevations in the Lake Washington
drainage basin show mean summer chlorophyll a contents
of 1 to 2 mg/m3• Moses Lake, which can be considered
hypereutrophic, shows a summer mean of 90 mg/m3
chlorophyll a (Bush and Welch 1972). 76
Oxygen Deficit Criteria for rate of depletion of hy-
polimnetic oxygen in relation to trophic state were reported
by Mortimer (1941)96 as follows:
oligotrophic eutrophic
>550 mg 02/m2/day
This is the rate of depletion of hypolimnetic oxygen de-
termined by the change in mean concentration of hypolim-
netic oxygen per unit time multiplied by the mean depth
of the hypolimnion. The observed time interval should be
at least a month, preferably longer, during summer stratifi-
TABLE 1-2-Ranges in Photosynthetic Rate for Primary
Productivity Determinationsa
Mean daily rates in a grOWing season, mgC/IIJil/day ... .
Toial annual rates, gCjm2jyear ..................... .
• Measured by total carbon uptake per 511uare meter of water surface per unit of time. ProductiviiJ estimates sbaold
be determined from at least montllly measuramenls acconliaglo Standard Methods.
Americaa PubDc Health Association, American Water Works Assoc., and Water Pollution Control Federation
1971"'; Rod~e 1969.' ..
22/Section !-Recreation and Aesthetics
Indicator Communities The representation of cer-
tain species in a community grouping in fresb. water en-
vironments is often a sensitive indicator of the trophic state.
Nutrient enrichment in streams causes changes in the size
of faunal and floral ·populations, kinds of species, and
numbers of species (Richardson 1928,103 Ellis 1937,84 Patrick
1949,99 Tarzwell and Gaufin 1953110). For example, in a
stream typical of .the temperate zone in the eastern United
States degraded by organic pollution the following shifts
in aquatic communities are often found: in the zone of
rapid decomposition below a pollution source, bacterial
counts are increased; sludgeworms (Tubificidae), rattail
maggots (Eristalis tenax) and bloodworms (Chironomidae)
dominate the benthic fauna; and blue-green algae and the
sewage fungus (Sphaerotilus) become common (Patrick
1949,99 Tarzwell and Gaufin 1953,110 Patrick et al. 1967100).
Various blue-green algae such as Schizothrix calcicola, Micro-
coleus vaginatus, Microcystis aeruginosa, and Anabaena sp. are
commonly found in nutrient-rich waters, and blooms of
these and other algae frequently detract from the aesthetic
and recreational value of lakes. Diatoms such as Nitzschia
palea, Gomphonema parvulum, Navicula cryptocephala, Cyclotella
meneghiniana, and Melosira varians are abo often abundant
in nutrient-rich water (Patrick and Reimer 1966) .101 Midges,
leeches, blackfly larvae, Physa snails, and fingernail clams
are frequently abundant in the recovery zone.
Nutrients Chemicals necessary to the growth and
reproduction of rooted or floating flowering plants, ferns,
algae, fungi, or bacteria are considered to be nutrient
chemicals. All these chemicals are not yet known, but those
that have been identified are classified as macronutrients,
trace elements or micronutrients, and organic nutrients.
The macronutrients are calcium, potassium, magnesium,
sodium, sulfur, carbon and carbonates, nitrogen, and phos-
phorus. The micronutrients are silica, manganese, zinc,
copper, molybdenum, boron, titanium, chromium, cobalt,
and perhaps vanadium (Chu 1942,77 Arnon and Wessell
1953,72 Hansen et al. 1954).89 Examples of organic nutrients
are biotin, B12 , thiamine, and glycylglycine (Droop 1962). 79
Some of the amino acids and simple sugars have also been
shown to be nutrients for heterotrophs or partial hetero-
Pl9-nts vary as to the amounts and kinds of nutrients they
require, and as a result one species or group of species of
algae or aquatic plants may gain dominance over another
group because of the variation in concentration of nutrient
chemicals. Even though all the nutrients necessary for
plant growth are present, growth will not take place unless
environmental factors such as light, temperature, and sub-
strate are suitable. Man's use of the watershed also in-
fluences the sediment load and nutrient levels in surface
waters (Leopold et al. 1964,93 Bormann and Likens 1967).75
Thomas (1953)m found that the important factor in
artificial eutrophication was the high phosphorus content
of domestic wastes. Nitrogen became the limiting growth
factor if the algal demand for phosphorus was met. Nu-
merous studies have verified these conclusions (American
Society of Limnology and Oceanography 1972).71
Sawyer (1947)106 determined critical levels of inorganic
nitrogen (300 JLg/1 N) and inorganic phosphorus (10 JLg/1
P) at the time of spring overturn in Wisconsin lakes. If
exceeded, these levels would probably produce nuisance
blooms of algae during the summer. Nutrient concentrations
should be maximum when measured at the spring overturn
and at the start of the growing season. Nutrient concen-
trations during active growth periods may only indicate
the difference between amounts absorbed in biomass (sus-
pended and settled) and the initial amount biologically
available. The values, therefore, would not be indicative
of potential algal production. Nutrient content should be
determined at least monthly (including the time of spring
overturn) from the surface, mid-depth, and bottom. These
values can be related to water volume--in each stratum, and
nutrient concentrations based on total lake volume can be
One of the most convincing relationships between maxi-
mum phosphate content at the time of lake overturn and
eutrophication as indicated by algal biomass has been
shown in Lake Washington (Edmondson 1970).83 During
the years when algal densities progressed to nuisance levels,
mean winter POcP increased from 10-20 JLg/1 to 57 JLg/l.
Following diversion of the sewage mean POcP decreased
once again to the preenrichment level. Correlated with the
POcP reduction was mean summer chlorophyll a content,
which decreased from a mean of 27 JLg/1 at peak enrichment
to less than 10 JLg/1, six years after diversion was initiated.
Although difficult to assess, the rate of nutrient inflow
more closely represents nutrient availability than does
nutrient concentration because of the dynamic character
of these nonconservative materials. Loading rates are usually
determined annually on the basis of monthly monitoring of
water flow, nutrient concentration in natural surface and
groundwater, and wastewater inflows.
Vollenweider (1968)113 related nutrient loading to mean
depths for various well-known lakes and identified trophic
states associated with induced eutrophication. These find-
ings showed shallow lakes to be clearly more sensitive to
nutrient income per unit area than deep lakes, because
nutrient reuse to perpetuate nuisance growth of algae in-
creased as depth decreased. From this standpoint nutrient
loading was a more valid criterion than nutrient concen-
tration in judging trophic state. Examples of nutrient load-
ings which produced nuisance conditions were about 0.3
g/m2/yr P and 4 g/m2 /yr N for a lake with a mean depth
of 20 meters, and about 0.8 g/m2 /yr P and 11 g/m2 /yr N
for a lake with a mean depth of 100 meters.
These suggested criteria apply orily if other requirements
of algal growth are met, such as available light and water
retention time. If these factors limit growth rate and the
increase of biomass, large amounts of nutrients may move
through the system unused, and nuisance conditions may
not occur (Welch 1969).116
Factors Influencing the Recreational and Aesthetic Value of Water /23
Carbon (C) is required by all photosynthetic plants. It
may be in the form of C02 in solution, HCO;, or C0'3.
Carbamine carboxylate, which may form by the complexing
of calcium or other carbonates and amino compounds in
alkaline water, is an efficient source of C02 (Hutchinson
1967).90 Usually carbon is not a limiting factor in water
(Goldman et al. 1971).88 However, King (1970)92 estimated
that concentrations of C02 less than 3 micromoles at equi-
librium favored blue-green algae, and concentrations greater
than this favored green algae.
Cations such as calcium, magnesium, sodium, and po-
tassium are required by algae and higher aquatic plants
for growth, but the optimum amounts and ratios vary.
Furthermore, few situations exist in which these would be
in such low supply as to be limiting to plants. Trace ele-
ments either singly or in combination are important for the
growth of algae (Goldman 1964).86 For example molyb-
denum has been demonstrated to be a limiting nutrient in
Castle Lake. beficiencies in trace elements are more likely
to occur in oligotrophic than in eutrophic waters (Goldman
The vitamins important in promoting optimum growth
in algae are biotin, thiamin, and B12. All major groups
require one or more of these vitamins, but particular species
may or may not require them. As Provasoli and D' Agostino
(1969)102 pointed out, little is known about the requirement
for these vitamins for growth of algae in polluted water.
Under natural conditions it is difficult to determine the
effect of change in concentrations of a single chemical on
the growth of organisms. The principal reasons are that
growth results from the interaction of many chemical,
physical, and biological factors on the functioning of an
organism; and that nutrients arise from a mixture of chemi-
cals from farm, industrial, and sanitary wastes, and runoff
from fielci~· However, the increase in amounts and types of
nutrients can be traced by shifts in species forming aquatic
communities. Such biotic shifts have occurred in western
Lake Erie (Beeton 1969).73 Since 1900 the watershed of
western Lake Erie has changed with the rapidly increasing
human population and industrial development, as a result
of which the lake has received large quantities of sanitary,
industrial, and agricultural organic wastes. The lake has
become modified by increased concentrations of dissolved
solids, lower transparency, and low dissolved oxygen concen-
tration. Blooms of blue-green algae and shifts in inverte-
brate populations have markedly increased in the 1960's
(Davis 1964,78 Beeton 1969).73
Summary of Measurement of Nutrient Enrichment
Several conditions can be used to measure nutrient en-
richment or its effects:
• a steady decrease over several years in the dissolved
oxygen content of the hypolimnion when measured
prior to fall overturn, and an increase in anaerobic
areas in the lower portion of the hypolimnion;
• an increase in di~solved materials, especially nu-
trients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and simple
• an increase in suspended solids, especially organic
• a shift in the structure of communities· of aquatic
organisms involving a shift in kinds of species and
relative abundances of species and biomass;
• a steady though slow decrease in light penetration;
• an increase in organic materials and nutrients, es-
pecially phosphorus, in bottom deposits;
• increases in total phosphorus in the spring of the
The principal recommendations for aesthetic and
recreational uses of lakes, ponds, rivers, estuaries,
and near-shore coastal waters are that these uses
continue to be pleasing and undiminished by ef-
fects of cultural activities that increase plant nu-
trients. The trophic level and natural rate of
eutrophication that exists, or would exist, in these
waters in the absence of man's activities is con-
sidered the reference level and the commonly de-
sirable level to be maintained. Such water should
not have a demonstrable accelerated production
of algae growth in excess of rates normally ex-
pected for the same type of waterbody in nature
without man-made influences.
The concentrations of phosphorus and nitrogen
mentioned in the text as leading to accelerated
eutrophication were developed from studies for
certain aquatic systems: maintenance of lower
concentrations may or may not prevent eutrophic
conditions. All the factors causing nuisance plant
growths and the level of each which should not be
exceeded are not known. However, nuisance
growths will be limited if the addition of all wastes
such as sewage, food processing, cannery, and in-
dustrial wastes containing nutrients, vitamins,
trace elements, and growth stimulants are care-
fully controlled and nothing is added that causes
a slow overall decrease of average dissolved oxygen
concentration in the hypolimnion and an increase
in the extent and duration of anaerobic conditions.
Aquatic vascular plants affect water quality, other aquatic
organisms, and the uses man makes of the water. Generally,
the effects are inwersely proportional to the volume of the
water body and directly proportional to the use man wishes
to make of that water. Thus the impact is often most
significant in marshes, ponds, canals, irrigation ditches,
rivers, shallow lakes, estuaries and embayments, public
water supply sources, and man-made impoundments. Dense
24/Section !-Recreation and Aesthetics
growths of aquatic vascular plants are not necessarily due
to. human alteration of the environment. WD.ere an ap-
propriate environment for plant growth occurs, it is ex-
tremely difficult to prevent the growth without changing
the environment. Addition of plant nutrients can cause
aquatic vascular plants to increase to nuisance proportions
in waters where natural fertility levels are insufficient to
maintain dense populations (Lind and Cottam 1969).147 In
other waters where artificial nutrient additions are not a
problem, natural fertility alone may support nuisance
growths (Frink 1967).135
Interrelationships With Water Quality
Through their metabolic processes, manner of growth,
and eventual decay, aquatic vascular plants can have sig-
nificant effects on such environmental factors as dissolved
oxygen and carbon dioxide, carbonate and bicarbonate
alkalinity, pH, nutrient supplies, light penetration, evapo-
ration, water circulation, current velocity, and sediment
composition. The difficulty in understanding the inter-
relationships among plant growth and water quality is
described in part by Lathwell et al. (1969).144 Diurnal
oxygen rhythm with maximum concentrations in the after-
noon and minimums just before dawn is a universally-
recognized limnological phenomenon, and metabolic ac-
tivities of vascular plants can contribute to these rhythms.
'l'he effect of aquatic plants on dissolved oxygen within a
reach of stream at a particular time of day is a function of
the plant density and distribution, plant species, light in-
tensity, water depth, turbidity, temperatl,lre, and ambient
dissolved oxygen. Oxygen production i~ proportional to
plant density only to a certain limit; when this limit is
exceeded, net oxygen production begins to decrease and,
with increasing density, the plants become net oxygen con-
sumers (Owens et al. 1969).159 It is hypothesized that this
phenomenon occurs because the plants become so dense
that some are shaded by other overlying plants. Westlake
(1966)1 73 developed a model for predicting the effects of
aquatic vascular plant density and distribution on oxygen
balance which demonstrates that if the weeds are concen-
trated within a small area, the net effect of the weeds may
be to consume more oxygen than that produced, even
though the average density may be relatively low.
After reviewing the literature on the direct effects of
plants on the oxygen balance, Sculthorpe (1967)162 con-
cluded that the extent of oxygen enrichment at all sites
varies with changing light intensity, temperature, and plant
population density and distribution. On a cloudy, cool day
community respiration may exceed even the maximum
photosynthetic rate. Although vigorous oxygen production
occurs in the growing season, the plants eventually die and
decay, and the resulting oxygen consumption is spread over
the cooler seasons of the year.
Light penetration is significantly reduced by dense stands
of aquatic vascular plants, and this reduces photosynthetic
rates at shallow depths. Buscemi (1958)129 found that under
dense beds of Elodea die dissolved oxygen concentration
fell sharply with depth and marked stratification was pro-
duced. Severe oxygen depletion under floating mats of
water hyacinth (Lynch et al. 1947),150 duckweed and water
lettuce (Yount 1963)170 have occurred. Extensive covers of
floating or emergent plants shelter the surface from the
wind, reduce turbulence and reaeration, hinder mixing,
and promote thermal stratification. Dense growths of phyto-
plankton may also shade-out submerged macrophytes, and
this phenomenon is used to advantage in fisheries pond
culture. Fertilization of ponds to promote phytoplankton
growth is recommended as a means of reducing the standing
crop of submerged vascular plants (Swingle 194 7,167 Surber
Interrelationships of plants with water chemistry were
reported by Straskraba (1965)165 when foliage of dense
populations of Nuphar, Ceratophyllum, and Myriophyllum were
aggregated on the surface. He found pronounced stratifi-
cation of temperature and chemical factors and reported
that the variations of oxygen, pH, and alkalinity were
clearly dependent on the photosynthesis and respiration of
the plants. Photosynthesis also involves carbon dioxide, and
Sculthorpe (1967)162 found that for every rise of 2 mg/1 of
dissolved oxygen the tota1 carbon dioxide should drop
2. 75 mg/1 and be accompanied by a rise in the pH. A rise
in pH will allow greater concentrations of un-ionized am-
monia (see Freshwater Aquatic Life, p. 140).
Hannan and Anderson (1971)137 studied diurnal oxygen
balance, carbonate and bicarbonate alkalinity and pH on a
seasonal basis in two Texas ponds less than I m deep which
supported dense growths of submerged rooted macrophytes.
One pond received seepage water containing free carbon
dioxide and supported a greater plant biomass. This pond
exhibited a diurnal dissolved-oxygen range in summer from
0.8 to 16.4 mg/1, and a winter range from 0.3 to 18.0 mg/1.
The other pond's summer diurnal dissolved-oxygen range
was 3.8 to 14.9 mg/1 and the winter range was 8.3 to 12.3
mg/1. They concluded that (a) when macrophytes use bi-
carbonate as a carbon source, they liberate carbonate and
hydroxyl ions, resulting in an increase in pH and a lowered
bicarbonate alkalinity; and (b) the pH of a macrophyte
community is a function of the carbon dioxide-bicarbonate-
carbonate ionization phenomena as altered by photosynthe-
sis and community respiration.
Dense colonies of aquatic macrophytes may occupy up
to 10 per cent of the total volume of a river and reduce the
maximum velocity of the current to less than 75 per cent
of that in uncolonized reaches (Hillebrand 1950,139 as re-
ported by Sculthorpe 1967162). This can increase sediment
deposition and lessen channel capacity by raising the sub-
strate, thus increasing the chance of flooding. Newly de-
posited silt may be quickly stabilized by aquatic plants,
further affecting flow.
Loss of water by transpiration varies between species and
growth forms. Otis (1914)158 showed that the rate of tran-
spiration of Nymphaea odorata was slightly less than the rate
of evaporation from a free water surface of equivalent area,
but that of several emergent species was up to three times
greater. Sculthorpe (1967)162 postulated that transpiration
from the leaves of free-floating rosettes could be at rates six
times greater than evaporation from an equivalent water
surface. Loss of water through water. hyacinth was reported
by Das (1969)133 at 7.8 times that of open water.
Interrelationships With Other Biota
Aquatic macrophytes provide a direct or indirect source
of food for aquatic invertebrates and fish and for wildlife.
The plants provide increased substrate for colonization by
epiphytic algae, bacteria, and other microorganisms which
provide food for the larger invertebrates which, in turn,
provide food for fish. Sculthorpe (1967)162 presented a well-
documented summary of the importance of a wide variety
of aquatic macrophytes to fish, birds, and mammals. Sago
pondweed (Potamogeton pectinatus) illustrates the opposite
extreme in man's attitude toward aquatic macrophytes:
Timmons (1966)168 called it the most noxious plant in
irrigation and drainage ditches of the American west,
whereas Martin and Uhler (1939)155-considered it the most
important duck food plant in the United States.
Aquatic vegetation and flotage breaking the water surface
enhance mosquito production by protecting larvae from
wave · action ancf aquatic predators and interfering with
mosquito control procedures. Two major vectors of malaria
in the United States are Anopheles quadrimaculatus east of the
Rocky Mountains, and A. freeborni to the west (Carpenter
and La Casse 1955) .130 Anopheline mosquitoes are generally
recognized as permanent pool breeders. The more important
breeding sites of these two mosquitoes are freshwater lakes,
swamps, marshes, impoundment margins, ponds, and seep-
age areas (Carpenter and La Casse 1955).130 The role of
various aquatic plant types in relation to the production
and control of A. quadrimaculatus on artificial ponds and
reservoirs indicates that the greatest problems are created
by macrophytes that are (1) free-floating, (2) submersed
and anchored but which break the water surface, (3) floating
leaf anchored, and (4) emersed floating-mat anchored (U.S.
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public
Health Service, and Tennessee Valley Authority 1947).169
In addition to vector mosquitoes, pestiferous mosquitoes
develop in association with plant parts in shoreline areas.
Jenkins (1964)142 provided an annotated list and bibli-
ography of papers dealing with aquatic vegetation and
-Generally, submersed vascular plants have lower nutrient
. requirements than filamentous algae or phytoplankton
(Mulligan and Baranowski 1969).157 Plants with root systems
in the substrate do not have to compete with phytoplankton,
periphyton, or non-rooted macrophytes for the phosphorus
in the sediments.
Factors Influencing the Recreational and Aesthetic Value of Water /25
Boyd (197lb),126 relat~ng his earlier work on emergent
species (Boyd 1969,122 1970a,123 197la125) to that of Stake
(1967,163 1968164) on submerged species, stated that in the
southern United States most of the total net nutrient ac-
cumulation by aquatic vascular plants occurs by midspring
before peak dry matter standing crop is reached, and that
nutrients stored during early spring growth are utilized for
growth later. Thus nutrients are removed from the environ-
ment early in the season, giving the vascular hydrophytes
a competitive advantage over phytoplankton. Boyd (1967}121
also reported that the quantity of phosphorus in aquatic
plants frequently exceeds that of the total water volume.
These phenomena may account for the high productivity
in terms of macrophytes which can occur in infertile waters.
However, if the dissolved phosphorus level is not a limiting
factor for the phytoplankton, the ability to utilize sediment
phosphorus is not a competitive advantage for rooted plants.
Further interaction between aquatic vascular plants and
phytoplankton has been demonstrated recently in studies
showing that concentrations of dissolved organic matter can
control plant growth in lakes by regulating the availability
of trace metals and other nutrients essential to plant photo-
synthesis. An array of organic-inorganic interactions shown
to suppress plant growth in hardwater lakes (Wetzell969,174
19711 75) appear to operate in other lake types and streams
(Breger 1970,127 Malcolm et al. 1970,1 52 Allen 197PU).
Wetzel and Allen in press (1971)176 and Wetzel and Manny
(1972)17 7 showed that aquatic macrophytes near inlets of
lakes can influence phytoplankton growth by removing"
nutrients as they enter the lake while at the same time_
producing dissolved organic compounds that complex with
other nutrients necessary to phytoplankton growth. Manny
(1971,153 1972154) showed several mechanisms by which
dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) compounds regulate
plant growth and rates of bacterial nutrient regeneration.
These control mechanisms can be disrupted by nutrients
from municipal and agricultural wastes and dissolved or-
ganic matter from inadequately treated wastes.
Effects on Recreation and Aesthetics
It is difficult to estimate the magnitude of the adverse
effects of aquatic macrophytes in terms of loss of recreational
opportunities or degree of interference with recreational
pursuits. For example, extensive growths of aquatic macro-
phytes interfere with boating of all kinds; but the extent of
interference depends, among other things, on the growth
form of the plants, the density of the colonization, the
fraction of the waterbody covered, and the purposes, atti-
tudes, and tolerance of the boaters. Extremes of opinion on
the degree of impact create difficulty in estimating a mone-
tary, physical, or psychological loss .
Dense growths of aquatic macrophytes are generally ob-
jectionable to the swimmer, diver, water skier, and scuba
enthusiast. Plants or plant parts can be at least a nuisance
to-swimmers and, in extreme cases, can be a factor in
26/Section !-Recreation and Aesthetics
:lrowning. Plants obstruct a diver's view of the bottom and
11nderwater hazards, and fronds can become egtangled in
:t scuba diver's gear. Water skiers' preparations in shallow
water are hampered by dense growths of plants, and fear
)f falling into such growths while skiing detracts from en-
ioyment of the sport.
Rafts of free-floating plants or attached plants which
have been dislodged from the substrate often drift onto
beaches or into swimming areas, and time and labor are
entailed in restoring their attractiveness. Drying and decay-
ing aquatic plants often produce objectionable odors and
provide breeding areas for a variety of insects.
Sport fishermen have mixed feelings about aquatic macro-
phytes. Fishing is often good around patches of lily pads,
over deeply-submerged plants, and on the edges of beds of
submerged weeds which rise near the surface. On the other
hand, dense growths may restrict the movement and feeding
of larger fish and limit the fishable area of a waterbody.
Aquatic plants entangle lures and baits and can prevent
fishermen from reaching desirable fishing areas.
Marshes and aquatic macrophytes in sparse or moderate
densities along watercourse and waterbody margins aug-
ment nature study and shoreline exploration and add to the
naturalistic value of camping and recreation sites. It is
only when the density of the growths, or their growth
forms, become a nuisance and interfere with man's ac-
tivities that he finds them objectionable. An indication of
how often that occurs is provided by McCarthy (1961),156
who reported that on the basis of a questionnaire sent to
all states in 1960, there were over 2,000 aquatic vegetation
control projects conducted annually, and that most states
considered excessive growth of aquatic vegetation a serious
and increasing problem.
The aesthetic value of aquatic macrophytes is in the
mind of the beholder. The age-old appeal of aquatic plants
is reflected in their importance as motifs in ancient archi-
tecture, art, and mythology. Aquatic gardens continue to
be popular tourist attractions and landscaping features,
and wild aquatic plant communities have strong appeal to
the artist, the photographer, and the public. To many,
these plants make a contribution of their own to the beauty
of man's environment.
Control Considerations
Aquatic vascular plants can be controlled by several
methods: chemical (Hall 1961,136 Little 1968148); biological
(Avault et al. 1968,117 Maddox et al. 1971,151 Blackburn
et al. 197!120); mechanical (Livermore and Wunderlich
1969149); and naturalistic environmental manipulation (Pen-
found 1953).160 General reviews of control techniques have
been made by Holm et al. (1969),141 Sculthorpe (1967),1 62
and Lawrence (1968).145
Harvesting aquatic vascular plants to reduce nutrients
as a means of eutrophication control has been investigated
by Boyd (1970b),l24 Yount and Crossman (1970),171 and
Peterson (1971).161 Although many investigators have re-
ported important nutrients in various aquatic plants, the
high moisture content of the vegetation as it is. harvested
has been an impediment to economic usefulness. Peterson
(1971)161 reported the cost per pound of phosphorus, ni-
trogen, and carbon removed from a large lake supporting
dense growths of aquatic vascular plants as $61.19, $8.24
and $0.61 respectively.
Nevertheless, improved methods of harvesting and proc-
essing promise to reduce the costs of removing these bother-
some plants and reclaiming their nutrients for animal and
human rations or for soil enrichment. Investigation into
the nutritive value of various aquatic plants has frequently
been an adjunct of research on the efficiency and economy
of harvesting and processing these plants in an effort to
remove nuisance growth from lakes and streams. Extensive
harvesting of aquatic vegetation from plant-clogged Caddo
Lake (Texas-Louisiana) was followed by plant analysis
and feeding trials. The dehydrated material was found to be
rich in protein and xanthophyll (Creger et al. 1963,132 Couch
et al. 1963131). Bailey (1965)118 reported an average of 380
milligrams of xanthophyll per pound of vacuum oven-dried
aquatic plant material with about 19 per cent protein.
Hentges (1970),138 in cooperation with Bagnall (1970),119
in preliminary tests with cattle fed press-dehydrated. aquatic
forage, found that pelleted Hydrilla verticillata (Florida
elodea) could be fed satisfactorily as 75 per cent of a bal-
anced ration. Bruhn et al. ( 1971 )128 and Koegel et al.
(1972)143 found 44 per cent mineral and 21 per cent protein
composition in the dry matter of the heat coagulum of the
expressed juice of Eurasian water milfoil (Myriophyllum
spicatum). The press residue, further reduced by cutting
and pressing to 16 per cent of the original volume and 32
per cent of the original weight, could readily be spread for
lawn or garden mulch.
Control measures are undertaken when plant growth
interferes with human activities beyond some ill-defined
point, but too little effort has been expended to determine
the causes of infestations and too little concern has been
given the true nature of the biological problem (Boyd
197lb).126 Each aquatic macrophyte problem under con-
sideration for control should be treated as unique, the
biology of the plant should be well understood, and all the
local factors thoroughly investigated before a technique is
selected. Once aquatic macrophytes are killed, space for
other plants becomes available. Nutrients contained in the
original plants are released for use by other species. Long-
term control normally requires continued efforts. Herbi-
cides may be directly toxic to fish, fish eggs, or invertebrates
important as fish food (Eipper 1959,134 Walker 1965,172
Hiltibran 1967).140 (See the discussion of Pesticides, pp.
182-186, in Section III.) On man-made lakes, reservoirs
and ponds the potential for invasion by undesirable aquatic
Factors Influencing the Recreational and Aesthetic Value of Water /27
plants may be lessened by employing naturalistic methods
which limit the available habitat and requirements of par-
ticular species. It is difficult to predict what biotic form will
replace the species eliminated. Boyd (1971 b )126 states that
in some Florida lakes, herbicide applications have upset
the balance between rooted aquatics and phytoplankton,
resulting in nuisance phytoplankton blooms that were
sometimes more objectionable than the original situation.
Control of aquatic vascular plants can be a positive
factor in fisheries management (Leonard and Cain 1961) ;146
but when control projects are contemplated in multi-pur-
pose waters, consideration should be given to existing inter-
dependencies between man and the aquatic community.
For example: what biomass of aquatic vascular plants is
necessary to support waterfowl; what biomass will permit
boating; what is a tolerable condition for swimming; must
the shoreline be clear of plants for wading; will shore
erosion increase if the shoreline vegetation is removed? The
interference of aquatic vascular plant communities in human
activities should be controlled with methods that stop short
of attempted plant eradication.
The complex interrelationships among aquatic
vascular plants, associated biota, water quality,
and the activities of humans call for case-by-case
evaluation in assessing the need for management
programs. If management is undertaken, study of
its potentialimpacts on the aquatic ecosystem and
ori various water uses should precede its imple-
Extent and Types of Introductions
Purposeful or accidental introductions of foreign aquatic
organisms or transplantations of organisms from one drain-
age system to another can profoundly influence the aesthetic
appeal and the recreational or commercial potential of
affected waterbodies. The introduction of a single species
may alter an entire aquatic ecosystem (Lachner et al.
1970).188 An example of extreme alteration occurred with
the invasion of the Great Lakes by the sea lamprey (Petro-
nryzon marinus) (Moffett 1957,190 Smith 1964197). Introduced
and transplanted species account for about half of the fish
fauna of Connecticut (Whitworth et al. 1968),199 California
(Shapovalov et al. 1959),195 Arizona, and Utah (Miller
1961).189 The nature of the original aquatic fauna is ob-
scured in many cases, and some indigenous species have
been adversely affected through predation,. competition,
hybridization, or alteration of habitat by the introduced
species. Exotics that have established reproducing popu-
lations in the United States (exclusive of the Hawaiian
Islands) include 25 specie.s of fish (Lachner et al. 1970), 18S
more than 50 species of land and aquatic mollusks (Abbott
1950),178 and over 20 species of aquatic vascular plants
(Hotchkiss 1967)1 85 in addition to aquatic rodents, reptiles,
amphibians, insects, and crustaceans.
Growths of native aquatic vascular plants and a variety
of exotic species commonly interfere with recreation and
fishing activities (see p. 25) and a variety of other water
uses including industrial and agricultural use (Holm et al.
1969,1 84 Sculthorpe 1967) .194 Water hyacinth (Eichhornia
crassipes) caused loss of almost $43 million through combined
deleterious effects in Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and
Louisiana in 1956 (Wunderlich 1962).200 Penfound and
Earle (1948)192 estimated that the annual loss caused by
water hyacinth in Louisiana before the growths were
brought under control averaged $5 million and in some
years reached $15 million. Water chestnut (Trapa natans)
produced beds covering 10,000 acres within ten years of its
introduction near Washington, D.C. (Rawls 1964).193 The
beds blocked navigation and provided breeding sites for
mosquitoes, and their hard spined seed cases on the shore-
lines and .bottom were a serious nuisance to swimmers,
waders, and people walking the shores. Eurasian milfoil
(Myriophyllum spicatum) infested 100,000 acres in Chesapeake
Bay. The plants blocked navigation, prevented recreational
boating and swimming, interfered with seafood harvest,
increased siltation, and encouraged mosquitoes (Cronin
Invertebrate introductions include the Asian clam (Cor-
bicula manilensis), a serious pest in the clogging of industrial
and municipal raw water intake systems and irrigation
canals (Sinclair 1971),196 and an oriental oyster drill
( Tritonalia japonica) considered the most destructive drill in
the Puget Sound area (Korringa 1952) .187
Some Results of Introductions
Some introductions of exotics, e.g., brown trout (Salmo
trutta), and some transplants, e.g., striped bass (Morone
saxatilis) from the Atlantic to the Pacific and coho salmon
(Oncorhynchus kisutch) from the Pacific to the Great Lakes,
have been spectacularly successful in providing sport and
commercial fishing opportunities. Benefits of introductions
and transplantations of many species in a variety of aquatic
situations are discussed by several authors in A Century of
Fisheries in North America (Benson 1970).179
The success of other introductions has been questionable
or controversial. In the case of carp (Cyprinus carpis), the
introduction actually decreased aesthetic values because of
the incre<lJled turbidity caused by the habits of the carp.
The increased turbidity in turn decreased the biological
productivity of the waterbody. The presence of carp has
lowered the sportfishing potential of many waterbodies
because of a variety of ecological interactions. The grass
carp or white amur (Ctenopharyngodon idella), a recent impor-
28/Section [-Recreation and Aesthetics
tation, has been reported from several major river systems
including the Mississippi as far north as Illwois (Lopinot
personal communication 1972).201 Pelzman (1971),191 in recom-
mending against introducing grass carp into California,
concluded that their impact on established game fish would
be detrimental and that they might become more trouble-
some than the common carp. This view was expressed
earlier by Lachner et al. (1970)188 in considering the impact
of establishment of the species in major river systems. The
walking catfish (Clarias batrachus), accidentally released from
outdoor. holding ponds of aquarium fish dealers in southern
Florida, quickiy established reproducing populations in a
variety qf habitats (Idyll 1969).186 Natural ponds have pro-
duced up to 3,000 pounds per acre of this species and there
is no current American market for its flesh. This aggressive
and omniverous species apparently reduces the entire fresh-
water community to walking catfish (Lachner et al. 1970) .188
Introductions by Official Agencies
The objectives of introductions of new species by agencies
include pond culture; aquatic plant control; insect control;
forage; predation; and improvement of sport and com-
mercial fishing. Boating, swimming, and sport and com-
mercial fin and shellfishing are influenced by water quality
and the biotic community. Lachner et al. (1970),1 88 after
reviewing the history of exotic fish releases, concluded that
most official releases satisfy certain social wishes but have
not served effective biological purposes, and that some may
result in great biological damage. The guiqelines of Craig-
head and Dasmann (1966)181 on introductibn of exotic big
game species offer an excellent parallel to the considerations
that should precede the introduction of aquatic organisms.
Such guidelines call for (a) the establishment of the need
and determination of the predicted ecological, recreational,
and economic impact; (b) studies of the proposed release
area to determine that it is suitable, that a niche is vacant,
and that indigenous populations will not be reduced or
displaced; (c) life history studies of the organism to de•
termine possible disease interrelationships, hybridization
potential, and the availability of control technology; and
(d) experiments conducted under controlled conditions that
indicate how to prevent escape .of the organism.
The California Fish and Game Commission (Burns
1972)180 investigated introducing the pancora (Aegla laevis
laevis), a small freshwater crab, into streams ·as a food
for trout to increase natural trout production and sport
fishing potential. The plan was ultimately rejected, but the
on-site studies in Chile and the experimental work in
California illustrate the breadth of <:onsideration necessary
before any informed decision can be . reached. Problems
associated with introductions of aquatic animals were the
subject of two recent symposia (Stroud 1969 ;198 Department
of Lands and Forests, Ottawa 1968183). Persons contem-
plating introductions are referred for guidelines to the
Committee on Exotic Fishes and Other Aquatic Organisms
of The American Fisheries Society. This committee has
representation from the American Society of Ichthyologists
and Herpetologists and is currently expanding the scope of
its membership to include other disciplines.
Introduction or transplantation of aquatic orga-
nisms are factors that can affect aesthetics, boat-
ing, swimming, sport and commercial fin and
shellfishing, and a variety of other water uses.
Thorough investigations of an organism's potential
to alter water quality, affect biological relation-
ships, or interfere with other water uses should
precede any planned introductions or transplan-
The deliberate introduction of non-indigenous
aquatic vascular plants, particularly in the warmer
temperature or tropical regions, is cautioned
against because of the high potential of such plants
for impairing recreational and aesthetic values.
Aquaculturists and others should use care to pre-
vent the accidental release of foreign species for
the same r-easons.
Historically, public health.officials have been concerned
about the role of sewage-contaminated bathing water in
the transmission of infectious disease. In 1921, the Com-
mitte_e on Bathing Places, Sanitary Engineering Section,
American Public Health Association, conducted a study
"to determine the extent and prevalence of infections which
may be conveyed by means of swimming pools and other
bathing places" (Simons et al. 1922).226 The results of the
study, though inconclusive, suggested that contaminated
bathing water may transmit infectious agents to bathers.
Th€ Committee attached special importance to the data
they collected on epidemics of conjunctivitis and other skin
diseases, middle ear infections, . tonsillitis, pharyngitis, and
nasal sinus infections caused by contaminated bathing
waters. However, the 1935 Report of the Committee (now
designated as the Joint Committee on Bathing Places of
the Public Health Engineering Section of the American
Public Health Association and the Conference of 'State
Sanitary Engineers) included the following stateme:q.t: "The
summary of the replies in the 1921 report when considered
in the light of known epidemiological evidence, leaves this
committee unconvinced that bathing places are a major
public health problem even though bathing place sanitation,
because of the health considerations involved, should be
under careful surveillance of the public health authorities,
and proper sanitary control of bathing • places should be
exercised" (Yearbook of APHA 1936).202
The suggested standards for design, equipment, and
operation of bathing places that :were part of the ·1935
-report included a section entitled "Relative Classification
of Bathing Areas Recommended" (Yearbook of APHA
1936).202 This section reads, in part, as follows:
In passing on waters of outdoor bathing places, three
·aides are available: (1) the results of chemical analyses
of the water; (2) the results of bacteriological analysis
of the water; and (3) information obtained by a sani-
tary survey of sources of pollution, flow currents, etc.-
It is not considered practicable or desirable to recom-
mend any absolute standards of safety for. the waters
of outdoor bathing places on. any of the three above
In 1939 (Yearbook of APHA 1940)208 .and again in 1955
(Yearbook-efAPHA 1957),204 fhe Joint Committee surveyed
all state health departments for additional information on
reported cases of illness attributable to bathing places, but
these surveys uncovered little definite information. Con-
taminated bathing waters were suspected ia cases of sleeping
sickness, sinus infections, intestinal upsets, eye inflammation,
"swimmers itch", -.ear infections, and leptospirosis.
Several outbreaks ofhuman leptospirosis, which is pri-
marily an infection of rats and dogs, have been associated
with recreational waters contaminated by the urine of
infected animals (Diesch and McCulloch 1966).210 One
source of infection to man is wadi.qg or swimming in waters
contaminated by cattle wastes (Williams -et al. 1956,281
Hovens et al. 194!216). Leptospirosis is prevalent among
"wet crop" agricultural workers, employees of abattoirs,
handlers of livestock, and those who swim in stock-watering
ponds. The organism is not ingested but enters the body
through breaks in the skin and through intact mucous
membrane, particularly the conjunctiva."
The most recent reports on disease associated with
swimming suggest that a free-living, benign, soil and water
amoeba of the Naegleria group (Acanthamoeba) may be a
primary pathogen of _animals and man. Central -nervous
system ·amoebiasis is usually considered a complication of
amoebic dysentery due to E. histolytical; however, recent
evidence proves that Naegleria gruberi causes fulmenting
meningoencephalitis (Callicot 1968,208 Butt 1966,207
Fowler and Carter 1965,212 Patras and Andujar 1966224).
The amoeba may penetrate the mucous membrane. Free-
living amoebae and their cysts are rather ubiquitous in
their distribution on soil and in .natural waters; and
identifiable disabilities from free-living amoebae, similar to
the situation with leptospirosis, occur so rarely as a result
of recreational swimming in the United· States that both
may be considered epidemiological curiosities ( Cerva
In 1953, the Committee on Bathing Beach Contamination
of.the :Public Health Laboratory Service oLE11gland and
Wales began a five-year study of the risk to health from
30/ Section 1-/!.ecreation and Aesthetics
bathing in se~age-polluted sea water and considered "the
practicability of laying down bacteriological stttndards for
bathing beaches or grading them according to degree of
pollution to which they are exposed" (Moore 1959).222
This committee concluded in 1959 that "bathing in sewage-
polluted sea water carries only a negligible risk to health,
even on beaches that are aesthetically very unsatisfactory."
The consensus among persons who have studied the
relationship between bathing water quality and bathers'
illness appears to be that scientific proof of a direct relation~
ship is lacking, yet there is evidence to suggest that some
relationship exists. Some experts contend that outbreaks of
illness among bathers have not been studied thoroughly
with modern epidemiologic techniques, and that if such
occurrences were to be studied vigorously, specific knowl-
edge about the relationship of bathing water quality to
infectious disease would be established. In some studies
where bathing water was apparently implicated in the
transmission of disease agents, the water quality was rela-
tively poor, yet no attempts were made to define the specific
Water quality requirements for recreational purposes
may be divided into two categories: (1) general require-
ments that pertain to all recreational waters, and (2) special
requirements, usually more restrictive, for selected recre-
ational use of water.
Aesthetic Considerations
As has been stressed earlier in this Section (See Applying
Recommendations, p. 10), all waters should be aesthetically
pleasing, but the great variety of locales makes it impossible
to apply recommendations without considering the par-
ticular contexts. Color of swamp waters would hardly be
acceptable for clear mountain streams. Specific recommen-
dations should reflect adequate study of local background
quality and should consider fully the inherent variability
so that the designated values will be meaningful. Therefore,
specific local recommendations might better encompass
ranges, or a daily average further defined by a sampling
period, and possibly an absolute maximum or minimum as
appropriate. The best technical thought should be given to
establishment of such values rather than dependence on
administrative or judicial decision.
All recreational surface waters will be aestheti-
cally pleasing if they meet the recommendations
presented in the discussion of Water Quality for
Preserving Aesthetic Values in this Section, p. 12.
Microbiological Considerations
The hazard posed by pathogenic microorganisms in
recreational water not intended for bathing and swimming
is obviously less than it would be if the waters were used for
those purposes, but it is not possi!?le to state to what degree.
Although there is a paucity . .Of epidemiological data on
illnesses caused by bathing and swimming, there appear to
be no data that analyze the relationship of the quality of
recreational waters not intended for bathing and swimming
to the health of persons enjoying such waters. Criteria
concerning the presence of microorganisms in water for
general recreation purposes are not known.
No specific recommendation concerning the
microbiological qualities of general recreational
waters is presented. In most cases of gross micro-
biological pollution of surface waters, there will be
concomitant foreign substance of such magnitude
as to cause the water to be aesthetically unac-
Chemical Considerations
The human body is capable of tolerating greater concen-
trations of most chemicals upon occasional contact with or
ingestion of small quantities of water than are most forms
of aquatic life. Therefore, specific recommendations for the
chemical characteristics of all recreational waters are not
made since such recommendations probably would be
superseded by recommendations for the support of various
forms of desirable aquatic life. (See Sections III and IV:
Freshwater and Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife.)
No specific recommendation concerning the
chemical characteristics of general recreational
waters is presented. However, the following general
recommendations are applicable:
• recreational waters that contain chemicals in
such concentrations as to be toxic to man if
small quantities are ingested should not be used
for recreation;
• recreational waters that contain chemicals in
such concentrations as to be irritating to the
skin or mucous membranes of the human body
upon brief immersion are undesirable.
Since bathing and swimming involve intimate human
contact with water, special water quality requirements
apply to designated bathing and swimming areas. These
requirements are based on microbiological considerations,
temperature and pH, and clarity and chemical character-
istics. They are more precise than the requirements for
general recreational waters. If a body of water cannot meet
these specialized requirements, it should not be designated
a bathing and swimming area but may be designated for
a recreational use that does not involve planned immersion
of the body.
Microbiological Considerations
All recreational waters should be sufficiently free· of
pathogenic bacteria so as not to pose hazards to health
through infections, but this is a particularly important
requirement for planned bathing and swimming areas.
Many bodies of water receive untreated or inadequately
treated human and animal wastes that are a potential focus
of human infection.
There have been several attempts to determine the spe-
c:fic hazard to health from swimming in sewage-contami-
nated water. Three related studies have been conducted
in this country, demonstrating that an appreciably higher
overall illness incidence may be expected among swimmers
than among nonswimmers, regardless of the quality of the
bathing water (Smith et al. 1951,229 Smith and Woolsey
1952,227 1961 228). More than one half of the illnesses reported
were of the eye, ear, nose, and throat type; gastrointestinal
disturbances comprised up to one-fifth; skin irritations and
other illnesses made up the balance.
Specific correlation between incidence of illness and
bathing in waters of a particular bacterial quality was ob-
served in two of the studies. A statistically significant
increase in the incidence of illness was observed among
swimmers who used a Lake Michigan beach on three se-
lected days of poorest water quality when the mean total
coliform content was 2,300 per 100 ml. However, only the
data concerning these three days could be used in the
analysis and differences in illness were not noted in com-
parison with a control beach over the total season (Smith
et al. 1951).229 The second instance of positive correlation
was observed in an Ohio River study where it was shown
that, despite the relatively low incidence of gastrointestinal
disturbances, swimming in river water having a median
coliform density of 2, 700 per 100 ml appears to have caused
a statistically significant increase in illnesses among swim-
mers (Smith and Woolsey 1952).227 No relationship between
illness and water quality was observed in the third study
conducted at salt water beaches on Long Island Sound
(Smith and Woolsey 1961).228
A study in England suggested that sea water carries only
a negligible risk to health even on beaches that were
aesthetically unsatisfactory (Moore 1959).222 The minimal
risk attending such· bathing is probably associated with
chance contact with fecal material that may have come
from infected persons.
Water Quality for General Recreation, Bathing, and Swimming/31
Neither the English nor the United Stai:es salt water
beach studies indicated a causal or associated relationship
between water quality and disease among swimmers and
bathers. While the two United States fresh water studies
suggested some presumptive relationship, the findings were
not definitive enough to establish specific values for micro-
biological water quality characteristics.
Tests using fecal coliform bacteria are more indicative
of the possible presence of enteric pathogenic microorga-
nisms from man or other warm-blooded animals than the
coliform group of organisms. The data for total coliform
levels of the Ohio River Study were reevaluated to de-
termine comparable levels of fecal coliform bacteria (Geld-
reich 1966).213 This reevaluation suggested that a density
of 400 fecal coliform organisms per 100 ml was the approxi-
mate equivalent of 2, 700 total coliform organisms per 100
mi. Using these data as a basis, a geometric mean of 200
fecal coliform organisms per 100 ml has been recommended
previously as a limiting value that under normal circum-
stances should not be exceeded in water intended for bathing
and swimming (U.S. Department of the Interior, FWPCA
There may be some merit to the fecal coliform index as an
adjunct in determining the acceptability of water intended
for bathing and swimming, but caution should be exercised
in using it. Current epidemiological data are not materially
more refined or definitive than those that were available in
1935. The principal value of a fecal coliform index is as an
indicator of possible fecal contamination from man or other
warm-blooded animals. A study of the occurrence of
Salmonella organisms in natural waters showed that when
the fecal coliform level was less than 200 organisms per 100
ml, this group of pathogenic bacteria was isolated less
frequently (Geldreich 1970).214 Salmonella organisms were
isolated in 28 per cent of the samples with a fecal coliform
density less than the 200 value, but they were isolated in
more than 85 per cent of the samples that exceeded the
index value of 200 fecal coliform per 100 ml, and in more
than 98 per cent of the samples with a fecal coliform
density greater than 2,000 organisms per 100 ml.
In evaluating microbiological indicators of recreational
water quality, it should be remembered that many of the
diseases that seem to be causally related to swimming and
bathing in polluted water are not enteric diseases or are
not caused by enteric organisms. Hence, the presence of
fecal coliform bacteria or of Salmonella sp. in recreational
waters is less meaningful than in drinking water. Indi-
cators other than coliform or fecal coliform have been sug-
gested from time to time as being more appropriate for
evaluating bathing water quality. This includes the staphylo-
cocci (Favero et al. 1964),211 streptococci and other entero-
cocci (Litsky et al. 1953).218 Recently Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
a common organism implicated in ear infection, has been
isolated from natural swimming waters (Hoadley 1968)215
32/Section~-Recreation and Aesthetics
and may prove to be an indicator of health hazards in
swimming: water. Unfortunately, to date, n~ne of the al-
ternative· microbiological indicators have been supported
by epidemiological evidence.
When used to supplement other evaluative measurements,
the fecal coliform index may be of value in determining the
sanitary quality of recreational water. intended for. bathing
and swimming. The index is a· measure of the "sanitary
cleanliness" of the water and may denote the possible
presence of untreated or inadequately treated human wastes.
But it is an index that should be used only in conjunction
with other evaluative parameters of water quality such as
sanitary surveys, other biological indices of pollution, and
chemical analyses of water. To use the fecal coliform index
as the sole measure of "sanitary cleanliness," it would be
necessary to know the maximum "acceptable" concentra-
tion of organisms; but there is no agreed-upon value that
divides "acceptability" from "unacceptability."* Thus, as
a measure of "sanitary cleanliness," an increasing. value in
the fecal coliform index denotes simply a decrease in the
level of cleanliBess of the water.
No specific recommendation is made concernin~
the presence or concentrations of microor~anisms
in bathing water because of the paucity of valid
epidemiolo~ical data.
Temperature Characteristics
The temperature of natural waters is an important factor
governing the character and extent of the recreational ac-.
tivities, primarily in the warm months of the year. Persons
engaging in winter water recreation such as . ice skating,
duck hunting, ~nd fishing do so with the knowledge that
whole body immersion must be avoided. Accidental im-
mersion in water at or near freezing temperatures is dan-
gerous. because the: median lethal immersion time is less
than 30 minutes for children and most adults (Molnar
1946).22° Faddists swim in water that is near the freezing
temperature, but their immersion time is short, and they
have been .conditioned· for the exposure. As a result of
training, fat insulation, and increased body heat production,
some exc<_!ptional athletic individuals (Korean pearl divers
and swimmers of the English channel) can withstand. pro-
longed immersion for as long as 17 hours in water at 16 C
(61 F), whereas children and some adults might not survive
beyond two hours (Kreider 1964).217
From one ixidividual to another, there is considerable
variation in the rates of body cooling and the incidence of
* If an arbitrary value for the fecal coliform index is desired, con-
sii:leration may be given to a density value expressed as a geometric
mean of a series. ohamp1es collected dining periods of normal seasonal
flow. A maximum value of 1,000 fecal coliform per 100 ml could be
TABLE I-3-Lije Expectancy in Water
(Expected duration in hours lor adults wearing Hie vests and immersed in waters of varying temperature)
Temperature of the water
Duration 32 41 50 59 68 78. 86. 95; 104.F"
hours 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40CO
0.5 M M s s s M
1 •• L M s s s L
2.0 L L s s s L
3.0 L L s s s L
4.0 L L s s s L
L= Lethal, 100 per cent expeetancy of death.
M= Marginal, 50 per cent expeetancy of unconsclousnm, probably drowning.
S= Sale, 100 per cent sui'YivaL
Adapated from tables by Pan American Airways and others.
survival in cold water. The variability is a function of body
size, fat content, prior acclimatization, ability to exercise,
and overall physical fitness. The ratio of body mass to
snrface area is greater in large; heavy individuals, and their
mass changes with temperature more slowly than that of a
small child (Kreider 1964).217
With the exception of water temperatures affected by
thermal springs~ ocean currents such as the Gulf Stream,
and man-made heat, the temperature of natural water is
the result of air temperature, solar radiation, evaporation,
and wind movement. Many natural waters are undesirably
c.old for complete body immersion even during the summer
period. These include coastal waters subjected to cold· cur-
rents such as the Labrador Current on the northeastern
coastline or the California Current in the Pacific Ocean
(Meyers et al. 1969}.219 In addition, some deep lakes and
upwelling springs, .and streams and lakes fed from melting
snow may have summer surface temperatures too cold for
prolonged swimming for children.
The most comfortable temperature range for instructional
and general recreational swimming where the metabolic
Fate of heat production is not high-i.e., about 250 kilo
calories/hr (1000 BTUs/hr)-appears to be about 29-30 C
(84-86 F). In sprint swimming when metabolic rates exceed
500 kilo calories/hr (2,000 BTUs/hr), swimmers can per-
form comfortably in water temperatures in the range of
20-27 C (68-80 F) (Bullard and Rapp 1970).206
The safe upper limit of water temperature for recreation~
immersion varies from individual to individual and seems
to depend on psychological rather than physiological con-
siderations. Unlike cold water, the mass/surface area ratio
in warm water favors the child. Physiologically, neither
adult nor child would experience thermal stress under
modest metabolic heat production as long a8 the water
temperature was lower than the normal skin temperature
of 33 C (91 F) (Newburgh 1949).223 The rate at which heat
is conducted from the immerse€!. human body is-so rapid
that thermal balance for a body at rest in water can only
be attained if the water temperature is about 34 C (92 F)
(Beckman 1963).20 5 The survival of an individual submerged
in water at a temperature above 34-35 C (93-95 F),
depends on his tolerance to the elevation of his internal
temperature, and there is a real risk of injury with prolonged
exposure (Table I-3). Water ranging in temperature from
26-30 C (78-86 F) is comfortable to most swimmers
throughout prolonged periods of moderate physical exertion
(Bullard and Rapp 1970).206 Although data are limited,
natural surface waters do not often exceed skin temperature,
but water at 32 C (90 F) is not unusual for rivers and
estuaries (Public Works 1967).22 5
In recreational waters used for bathing and
swimming, the thermal characteristics should not
cause an appreciable increase or decrease in the
deep body temperature of bathers and swimmers.
One hour of continuous immersion in waters colder
than 15 C (59 F) may cause the death of some
swimmers and will be extremely stressful to all
swimmers who are not garbed in underwater pro-
tective cold-clothing. Scientific evidence suggests
that prolonged immersion in water warmer than
34-35 C (93-94 F) is hazardous. The degree of
hazard varies with water temperature, immersion
time, and metabolic rate of the swimmer.
pH Characteristics
Some chemicals affect the pH of water. Many saline,
naturally alkaline, or acidic fresh waters may cause eye
irritation because the pH of the water is unfavorable.
Therefore, special requirements concerning the pH of
recreational waters may be more restrictive than those
established for public water supplies.
The lacrimal fluid of the human eye has a normal pH of
approximately 7.4 and a high buffering capacity due pri-
marily to the presence of complex organic buffering agents.
As is true of many organic buffering agents, those of the
lacrimal fluid are able to maintain the pH within a narrow
range until their buffering capacity is exhausted. When the
lacrimal fluid, through exhaustion of its buffering capacity,
is unable to adjust the immediate contact layer of another
fluid to a pH of 7.4, eye irritation results. A deviation of
no more than 0.1 unit from the normal pH of the eye may
result in discomfort, and appreciable deviation will ca~se
severe pain (Mood 1968).221
Ideally, the pH of swimming water should be approxi-
mately the same as that of the lacrimal fluid, i.e., 7.4.
However, since the lacrimal fluid has a high buffering
capacity, a range of pH values from 6.5 to 8.3 can be
tolerated under average conditions. If the water is rela-
tively free of dissolved solids and has a very low buffering
capacity, pH values from 5.0 to 9.0 may be acceptable to
most swimmers.
Water Quality for General Recreation, Bathing, and Swimming/33
For most bathing and swimming waters, eye irri-
tation is minimized and recreational enjoyment
enhanced by maintaining the pH within the range
of 6.5 and 8.3 except for those waters with a low
buffer capacity where a range of pH between 5.0
and 9.0 may be tolerated.
Clarity Considerations
It is important that water at bathing and swimming
areas be clear enough for users to estimate depth, to see
subsurface hazards easily and clearly, and to detect the
submerged bodies of swimmers or divers who may be in
difficulty. Aside from the safety factor, clear water fosters
enjoyment of the aquatic environment. The clearer the
water, the more desirable the swimming area.
The natural turbidity of some bathing and swimming
waters is often so high that visibility through the water is
dangerously limited. If such areas are in conformance with
all other requirements, they may be used for bathing and
swimming, provided that subsurface hazards are removed
and the depth of the water is clearly indicated by signs that
are easily readable.
Safety and enhancement of aesthetic enjoyment
is fostered when the clarity of the water in desig-
nated bathing and swimming areas allows the de-
tection of subsurface hazards or submerged bodies.
Where such clarity is not attainable, clearly read-
able depth indicators are desirable.
Chemical Considerations
It is impossible to enumerate in specific terms all the
specialized requirements that pertain to the chemical quality
of bathing and swimming waters. In general, these require-
ments may be quantified by analyzing the conditions
stipulated by two kinds of human exposure, i.e., ingestion
and contact. A bather involuntarily swallows only a small
amount of water while swimming, although precise data
on this are lacking.
Prolonged whole body immersion in the water is
the principal activity that influences the required
chemical characteristics of recreational waters for
bathing and swimming.
The chemical characteristics of bathing and
swimming waters should be such that water is
nontoxic and nonirritating to the skin and the
mucous membranes of the human body. (See also
the Recommendations on p. 30.)
The recreational enjoyment of water involves many ac-
tivities other than water contact sports. Some of these, such
as boating, may have an adverse effect on the quality of
water and require berthing and launching facilities that in
themselves may degrade the aesthetic enjoyment of the
water environment. Others, such as fishing, waterfowl
hunting, and shellfish harvesting, depend upon the quality
of water being suitable for the species of wildlife involved.
Because they are water-related and either require or are
limited by specific water-quality constituents for their con-
tinuance, these specialized types of recreation are given
individual attention.
Boating is a water-based recreational activity that re-
quires aesthetically pleasing water for its full enjoyment.
Boats also make a contribution to the aesthetic and recre-
ational activity scene as the sailboat or canoe glides about
the water surface or the water skier performs.· Boating
activity of all types has an element of scale with larger and
faster boats associated with larger waterbodies. Many of
the problems associated with boating are essentially vio-
lations of scale.
Boating activities also have an impact on water quality.
The magnitude of the impact is illustrated by recent esti-
mates that there are more than 12 million pleasure boats in
the United States (Outboard Boating Club 1971).235 More
than 8 million of these are equipped with engines, and
300,000 have sanitary facilities without pollution control
devices. Because of the large number of boats in use, many
bodies of water are now experiencing problems that ad-
versely affect other water uses, such as public water supply,
support of aquatic life, and other types of water-based
The detrimental effect of boating on water quality comes
from three principal sources: waste disposal systems, engine
exhaust, and refuse thrown overboard. Discharges from
waste disposal systems on boats are individually a small
contribution to contamination and may not be reflected
in water-quality sampling, but they represent a potential
health hazard and an aesthetic nuisance that must be con-
trolled in or near designated swimming areas. Pathogens
in human waste are probably the most important contami-
nant in the discharges, because of their potential effect on
human health (see discussions on Special Requirements for
Bathing and Swimming Waters, p. 30, and Shellfish, p. 36).
Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and suspended solids
(SS) are also involved in the discharges, but the quantities
are not likely to have any measurable effect on overall
water quality. In view of this, it would appear that primary
emphasis should be on the control of bacteria from sanitary
The exhaust of internal combustion engines and the un-
burned fuel of the combustion cycle affect aesthetic enjoy-
ment and may impart undesirable taste and odors to water
supplies and off-flavors to aquatic life. Crankcase exhaust
from the two-cycle engine can discharge as much as 40
per cent of the fuel to the water in an unburned state,
while 10 to 20 per cent is common (Muratori 1968).233 One
study showed that the use of 2.2-3.5 gal/acre-foot (using
an oil:fuel mixture of 1: 17) will cause some indication of
fish flesh tainting, and about 6 gal/acre-foot result in severe
tainting (English et al. 1963). 232 (For further discussions of
the effects of oil on environments, see Sections III and IV
on Freshwater and Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife.)
The amount of lead emitted into the water from an out-
board motor burning leaded gasoline (0. 7 grams of lead
per liter) appears to be related to the size of the motor and
the speed of operation. A 10-hp engine operated at one-half
to three-fourths throttle was shown to emit into the water
0.229 grams of lead per liter of fuel consumed, whereas a
5.6-hp engine operated at full throttle emitted 0.121 grams
per liter (English et al. 1963).2 32
With respect to interference with other beneficial uses,
it has been reported that a large municipal water works is
experiencing difficulties w:th oil on the clarification basins.
The oil occurs subsequent to periods of extensive weekend
boating activity during the recreational season (Orsanco
Quality Monitor 1969).234 Moreover, bottles, cans, plastics,
and miscellaneous solid wastes commonly deface waters
where boaters are numerous, thereby degrading the en-
vironment aesthetically.
Waste discharge including sanitary, litter, sullage, or
bilge from any water craft substantially reduces the water
quality of harbors and other congested areas. The practice
is aesthetically undesirable and may constitute a health
hazard. When engine emissions from boats spread an oily
film on water or interfere with beneficial uses, as in lowering
the value of fish and other edible aquatic organisms by im-
parting objectionable taste and odor to their flesh, restric-
tions should be devised to limit engine use or reduce the
Floating or submerged objects affect boating safety, and
stray electrical currents increase corrosion as do corrosive
substances or low pH values. Growth of hull~fouling orga-
nisms is enhanced by the discharge of high-nutrient-bearing
wastewaters. These conditions represent either a hazard to
boating or an economic loss to the boat operator.
Water that meets the general recommendations
for aesthetic purposes is acceptable for boating.
(see Water Quality for Preserving Aesthetic Values,
pp. 11-12.)
Boats and the impact of boating on water quality
are factors affecting the recreational and aesthetic
aspects of water use and should be considered as
Fish, waterfowl, and other water-dependent wildlife are
an integral part of water-based recreation activities and
related aesthetic values. Wildlife enhances the aesthetic
quality of aquatic situations by adding animation and a
fascinating array of life forms to an otherwise largely static
scene. Observation of these life forms, whether for photo-
graphic, educational nature study, or purely recreational
purposes, is an' aesthetically enriching experience. The
economic importance and popularity of recreation involving
the harvest offish, shellfish, waterfowl, and water-dependent
furbearers have been discussed earlier. Water-quality char-
acteristics recommended for the well-being of aquatic life
and associated wildlife are discussed in detail in Sections
III and IV on Freshwater and Marine Aquatic Life and
Maintenance of Habitat
Pressures placed on the aquatic environment by the in-
creasing human population are of major concern. They
often lead at least to disruption and occasionally to de-
struction of related life-support systems of desired species.
Examples of this are the complete elimination of aquatic
ecosystems by the filling of marshes or shallow waters for
commercial, residential, or industrial developments, or the
sometimes chronic, sometimes partial, and sometimes total
destruction of aquatic communities by society's wastes.
Water Quality Considerations for Specialized Recreation/35
Effects of cultural encroachment are often insidious rather
than spectacular. Aesthetic values are gradually reduced,
as is recruitment of water-associated wildlife populations.
Maintenance of life-support systems for aquatic life and
water-related wildlife requires adequately oxygenated water,
virtual freedom from damaging materials and toxicants,
and the preservation of a general habitat for routine ac-
tivities, plus the critical habitat necessary for reproduction,
nursery areas, food production, and protection from preda-
tors. Each species has its specific life-support requirements
that, if not adequately met, lead to depauperate populations
or complete species elimination. The life-support systems
essential to the survival of desired aquatic life and wildlife
are required for man to enjoy the full scope of water-related
recreational and aesthetic benefits.
Man is often in direct competition for a given habitat
with many species of aquatic life and wildlife. In some
areas, the use of specific waters for recreation based on
aquatic life and wildlife may be undesirable for a number of
reasons, including potential conflicts with other recreational
activities. Limitations on the use of surface water capable
of providing recreational wildlife observation, hunting, and
fishing under practical management should not be imposed
by unsuitable water quality.
Variety of Aquatic Life
Natural surface waters support a variety of aquatic life,
and each species is of interest or importance to man for
various reasons. While water-based recreation often evokes
thoughts of fishing, there are a number of other important
recreational activities, such as skin diving, shell and insect
collecting, and photography, that also benefit from the
complex interrelationships that produce fish. A variety of
aquatic life is intrinsic to our aesthetic enjoyment of the
environment. Urban waterbodies may be the only local
sites where residents can still conveniently observe and
contemplate a complete web of life, from primary producers
through predators.
Reduction in the variety of aquatic life has long been
widely used as an indication of water-quality degradation.
The degree of reduction in species diversity often indicates
the intensity of pollution because, as a general rule, as
pollution increases, fewer species can tolerate the environ-
ment. Determining the extent of reduction can be ac-
complished by studYing the entire ecosystem; but the phe-
nomenon is also reflected in the communitv structure of
subcomponents, e.g., bottom animals, plankton, attached
algae, or fish. Keup et al. (1967)236 compiled excerpts of
early studies of this type. Mackenthun (1969)237 presented
numerous case studies dealing with different types of pol-
lutants, and Wilhm and Dorris (1968)238 have reviewed
recent efforts to express diversity indices mathematically.
While most water quality recommendations in Sections
III and IV on Freshwater and Marine Aquatic Life and
Wildlife are designed for specific and known hazards, it is
36/Section !-Recreation and Aesthetics
impossible to make recommendations which will protect
all organisms from all hazards, including m<!Jlipulation of
the physical environment. In similar habitats and under
similar environmental conditions, a reduction in variety of
aquatic life (species diversity) can be symptomatic of an
ecosystem's declining health and signal deterioration of
recreational or other. beneficial uses. In addition to mainte-
nance of aquatic community structures, special protective
consideration should be given sport, commercial, and en-
dangered species of aquatic life and wildlife.
To maintain and protect aesthetic values and
recreational activities associated with aquatic life
and wildlife, it is recommended that the water
quality recommendations in the Freshwater and
Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife reports (Sections
III and IV) be applied.
Since chan~es in species diversity are often as-
sociated with chan~es in water quality and si~nal
probable chan~es in recreational and aesthetic
values, it is recommended that chan~es in species
diversity be employed as indications that corrective
action may be necessary. (See Section III on Fresh-
water Aquatic Life and Wildlife, and Appendix
11-B on Community Structure and Diversity
Shellfish* are a renewable, manageable natural resource
of considerable economic importance, and the water quality
essential to their protection in estuarine growing areas is
discussed by the panel on Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
(Section IV). However, the impact of shellfish as related to
recreational and aesthetic enjoyment is also important, al-
though difficult to estimate in terms of time and money.
Furthermore, because contaminated shellfish may be har-
vested by the public, it is necessary to protect these people
and others who may eat the unsafe catch.
Clams and oysters are obtained from intertidal areas,
and these marine species have an unusual ability to act as
disease vectors and to accumulate hazardous materials from
the water. As more people are able to seek them in a sports
fishery, the problems of public health related to these
animals intensify.
Because the intent here is to protect persons engaged in
recreational shellfishing, consideration will be given to
numerous factors which affect shellfish and their growing
areas. These include bacteriological quality, pesticides,
marine biotoxins, trace metals, and radionuclides.
Recreational shellfishing should be limited to waters of
quality that allow harvesting for direct marketing. Epi-
* AP. used here, the term "shellfish" is limited to clams, oysters, and
demiological evidence accumulated through 46 years of
operation under the federal-state cooperative National
Shellfish Sanitation Program (NSSP) demonstrated reason-
able safety in taking shellfish from approved growing areas.
The water quality criteria for determining an "approved
growing area" are the basis of the standards given in the
National Shellfish Sanitation Program Manual of Oper-
ations, Part 1, Sanitation of Shelljish Growing Areas (PHS Pub
No. 33, 1965).261 The growing area may be designated as
"approved" when:
(a) the sanitary survey indicates that pathogenic micro-
organisms, radionuclides, or toxic wastes do not reach the
area in dangerous concentrations; and
(b) potentially dangerous concentrations are verified by
laboratory findings whenever the sanitary survey indicates
the need.
Bacteriological Quality
Clams and oysters, which are capable of concentrating
bactcria and viruses, are among the few animals eaten
alive and raw by man. For these reasons, the consumption
of raw shellfish harvested from unclean or polluted waters
is dangerous. Polluted water, especially that receiving
domestic sewage, may contain high numbers of bacteria
normally carried in the feces of man and other animals.
Although these bacteria may not themselves be harmful,
the danger exists that pathogenic bacteria and viruses may
also be present (Lumsden et al. 1925,250 Old and Gill
1946,257 Mason and McLean 1962,251 Mosley 1964a,254
1964b;255 Koff et al. 1967).248 Shellfish are capable of
pumping prodigious quantities of water in their feeding
and concentrating the suspended bacteria and viruses. The
rate of feeding in shellfish is temperature-dependent, with
the highest concentrating and feeding rate occurring in
warm water above 50 F and almost no feeding occurring
when the water temperatures approach 32 F. Therefore,
shellfish meat in the winter months will have a lower
bacterial concentration than in the summer months (Gib-
bard et al., 1942).246 The National Shellfish Sanitation
Program determines the bacteriological quality of commer-
cial shellfish harvesting areas in the following manner:
• examinations are conducted in accordance with the
recommended procedures of the American Public
Health Association for the examination of seawater
and shellfish:
• there must be no direct discharges of inadequately
treated sewage;
• samples of water for bacteriological examination are
collected under those conditions of time and tide
which produce maximum concentrations of bacteria:
• the coliform median most probable number (MPN)
of the water does not exceed 70 per 100 ml, and not
more than 10 per cent of the samples ordinarily
exceed an MPN of 230 per 100 ml for a five-tube
decimal dilution test (or 330 per 100 ml for a three-
tube decimal dilution test) in those portions of the
area most probably exposed to fecal contamination
during the more unfavorable hydrographic and pol-
lution conditions; and
• the reliability of ·nearby waste treatment plants is
considered before areas for direct harvesting are
Recreational harvesting of shellfish should be
limited to areas where water quality meets the
National Shellfish Sanitation Program Standards
for approved growing areas.
Pesticides reach estuarine waters from many sources in-
cluding sewage and industrial waste discharge, runoff from
land used for agriculture and forestry, and chemicals used
to control aquatic vegetation and shellfish predators. Once
pesticides are in the marine environment, they are rapidly
accumulated by shellfish, sometimes to toxic concentrations.
Organochlorine compounds are usually the most toxic and
frequently have a deleterious effect at concentrations near
0.1 J.Lg/1 in the ambient water (Butler 1966b).240 Lowe
(1965)249 observed that DDT at a concentration of 0.5 J.Lg/1
in water was fatal to juvenile blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus)
in a few days.
The biological magnification of persistent pesticides by
mollusks in the marine environment may be very pro-
nounced. Butler (I 966a)239 observed that DDT may be
concentrated to a level 25,000 times that found in sur-
rounding sea water within I 0 days. In some instances, de-
pending upon water temperature, duration of exposure, and
concentration of DDT in the surrounding water, biological
magnification may be 70,000 times (Butler 1966b).240 Some
shellfish species, particularly blue mussel (Mytilus edulis),
appear to have a higher concentration factor than other
species (Modin 1969,253 Foehrenbach 1972).245
In 1966, a nationwide surveillance system was initiated
by the U.S. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries to monitor
permanent mollusk populations and determine the extent
of pesticide pollution in North American estuaries. Butler
(1969)241 reported that sampling during the first three years
did not indicate any consistent trends in estuarine pesticide
pollution. Distinct seasonal and geographical differences in
pollution levels were apparent. Pesticides most commonly
detected in order of frequency were DDT (including its
metabolites), endrin, toxaphene, and mirex. The amounts
detected in North American estuaries varied. In Wash-
ington, less than 3 per cent of the sampled shellfish were
contaminated with DDT. Residues were always less than
0.05 mg/1. On the Atlantic Coast, DDT residues in oysters
varied from less than 0.05 mg/1 in marine estuaries to less
than 0.5 mg/1 in others. In a monitoring program for
Water Quality Considerations for Specialized Recreation/37
TABLE 1-4-Recommended Guidelines for Pesticide Levels
in Shellfish
Aldrin• .•.•••............••.•••••...•..•....•.•.•.•..•....•..•
BHC .....•.•.•........•.•..•....••..•..•.•..........•.......•
Chlordane •.............•.•.•••••.•••.........................
DDE) ANY DNE DR ALL, NDT TD EXCEED ............... .
Dieldrin• ..............•.................••.......•.••........
Endrin• .......••..•..•........................•.....•.•.......
Heptachlor• ...•.....................•.•..••.•••.••.••...•.....
Heptachlor Epoxide• ...............••..•..••......•.••..••.....
Lmdane ......•..................•...••..•••.....•......••...•
Methoxychlor ............................................... .
2,4-D ··•·•··•·•····•··•··•·•••••••··•··•··· ·•••••••·· ·•·•····
Concentration in shellfish
(ppi!Hirained weight)
• II is recommended that if the combined values obtained for Aldrin, Dieldrin, Endrin, Heptachlor, and Heptachlor
Epoxide exceed 0.20 ppm, such values be considered as"alert"levels which indicate the need for increased sampqng
until results indicate the levels are receding. II is further recommended thai when the combined values for the
above five pesticides reach the 0.25 ppm level, the areas be closed until it can be demonstrated that the levels are
U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Pubfic HeaHh Semce 1988.""
chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides in estuarine organisms
in marine waters of Long Island, New York, Foehrenbach
(1972)245 found that residues of DDT, DDD, DDE, and
dieldrin in shellfish were well within the proposed limits of
the 6th National Shellfish Sanitation Workshop (1968)262
(see Table I-4). For most cases, the levels detected were
I 0-to 20-fold less than the recommendations for DDT and
its metabolites, and in many instances concentrations in
the shellfish were lower by a factor of 100.
Although pesticide levels in many estuaries in the United
States are low, the marked ability of shellfish to concentrate
pesticides indicates that the levels approached in waters
may be considered significant in certain isolated instances
(Environmental Protection Agency 1971).244
Concentrations of pesticides in fresh and marine
waters that provide an adequate level of protection
to shellfish are recommended in the Freshwater
and Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife Reports,
Sections III and IV. Levels that protect the human
consumer of shellfish should be based on pesticide
concentrations in the edible portion of the shell-
fish. Recommended human health guidelines for
pesticide concentrations in shellfish have been sug-
gested by the 6th National Shellfish Sanitation
Workshop (1968)262 , Table I-4. They are recom-
mended here as interim guidelines.
Marine Biotoxins
Paralytic poisoning due to the ingestion of toxic shellfish,
while not a major public health problem, is a cause of
concern to health officials because of its extreme toxicity,
and because there is no known antidote. Up to 1962, more
38/Section 1-Recreatio~ and Aesthetics
than 957 cases of paralytic shellfish poisoning are known
toihave occurred, resulting in at least 222 dMths in the
United States (Halstead 1965).24
Paralytic shellfish poison is a non-protein, acid-stable,
alkali-labile biotoxin nearly 10,000 times as lethal as sodium
cyanide. The original source of the poison is a species of
unicellular marine dinoflagellates, genus Gonyaulax. Gony-
aulax cantenella, perhaps the best known of the toxic dino-
flagellates, is found on the Pacific Coast. Gonyaulax tamarensis
is the causative organism of paralytic shellfish poison on
the Atlantic Coast of Canada and the northern United
States. Other dinoflagellate species have been identified in
outbreaks of paralytic shellfish poisoning outside the United
States (Halstead 1965).2 47
Mollusks and other seashore animals may become poison-
ous if they consume toxic planktonic algae. Mussels and
clams are the principal species of edible mollusks that
reach dangerous levels of toxicity. Although oysters can
also become toxic, their apparent uptake of toxin is usually
lower; and they are usually reared in areas free of toxin
(Dupuy and Sparks 1968).243
The level of toxicity of shellfish is proportional to the
number and poison content of Gonyaulax ingested. When
large numbers of Gonyaulax are present in the water, shellfish
toxicity may rise rapidly to dangerous levels (Prakash and
Medcof 1962).258 The extent of algal growth depends on
the combination of nutrients, salinity, sunlight, and temper-
ature. Massive blooms of algae are most likely to occur in
the warm summer months. In the absence of toxic algae,
the poison that had been stored in the shellfish is eliminated
by a purging action over a period of time (Sommer and
Meyer 1937).260
Although Gonyaulax only blooms in the warmer months,
shellfish are not necessarily free from toxin during the rest
of the year, as there is great variation in the rates of uptake
and elimination of the poison among the various species of
mollusks. It is possible for certain species to remain toxic
for a long period of time. Butter clams, for example, store
the toxin for a considerable length of time, especially under
cold climatic conditions (Chambers and Magnusson
Cooking by boiling, steaming, or pan frying does not
remove the danger of intoxication, although it does reduce
the original poison content of the raw meat to some extent.
Pan frying seems to be more effective than other cooking
methods in reducing toxicity probably because higher
temperatures are involved.· If the water in which shellfish
have been boiled is discarded, most of the toxin will be
removed (McFarren et al. 1965).252
A chemical method for the quantitative determination of
the poison has been devised, but the most generally· used
laboratory technique for determining the toxicity of shellfish
is a bioassay using mice. The toxin extracted from shellfish
is injected into test mice and the length of time elapsing
from injection of the mice to the time of their death can
be correlated with the amount of poison the shellfish con-
tain. The quantity of paralytic shellfish poison producing
death is measured in mouse units.
Since there is no analytical measurement for the
biotoxin in water, shellfish should not be harvested
from any areas even if "approved" where analysis
indicates a Gonyaulax shellfish toxin poison con-
tent of 80 micrograms or hi~her, or where a
Ciguateria-like toxin reaches 20 mouse units per
100 ~rams of the edible portions of raw shellfish
Trace Metals
The hazard to humans of consuming shellfish containing
toxic trace metals has been dramatized by outbreaks of
Minimata in Japan. Pringle et al. (1968)259 noted that the
capacity of shellfish to concentrate in vivo some metals to
levels many hundred times greater than those in the en-
vironment means that mollusks exposed to pollution may
contain quantities sufficient to produce toxicities in the
human consumer.
Concentrations of metals in fresh and marine
waters that provide an adequate level of protection
to shellfish are recommended in the Freshwater
and Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife Sections,
III and IV. Recommendations to protect the hu-
man consumer of shellfish should be based on trace-
metal content of the edible portions of the shell-
fish, but necessary data to support such recom-
mendations are not currently available.
Radioactive wastes entering water present a potential
hazard to humans who consume shellfish growing in such
water. Even though radioactive material may be discharged
into shellfish growing waters at levels not exceeding the
applicable standards, it is possible that accumulation of
radionuclides in the aquatic food chain may make the
organisms used as food unsafe. The radionuclides Zn 65 and
P 32 (National Academy of Sciences 1957)256 are known to
be concentrated in shellfish by five orders of magnitude
(10 5). Therefore, consideration must be given to radioactive
fallout or discharges of wastes from nuclear reactors and
industry into shellfish growing areas. For further discussion
of this subject see Section IV, Marine Aquatic Life and
Wildlife, p. 270.
There are still numerous watersheds in the United States
that are remote.from population centers. Almost inaccessible
and apparently free from nian's developmental influences,
these watersheds are conducive to mental as well as physical
relaxation in the naturalness of their surroundings. To as-
sure the preservation of such natural beauty, the Wild and
Scenic Rivers Act of 1968 established in part a national
system of wild and scenic rivers (U.S. Congress 1968).269
Eight rivers designated in the Act in whole or in part
constituted the original components of the system:
1. Clearwater, Middle Fork, Idaho
2. Eleven Point, Missouri
3. Feather, California
4. Rio Grande, New Mexico
5. Rogue, Oregon
6. Saint Croix, Minnesota and Wisconsin
7. Salmon, Middle Fork, Idaho
8. Wolf, Wisconsin
All or portions of 27 other rivers were mentioned specifi-
cally in the Act as being worthy of inclusion in the system
if studies to be conducted by several federal agencies showed
their inclusion to be feasible. Certainly there are many more
rivers in the nation worthy of preservation by state and
local agencies (U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of
Outdoor Recreation, 1970).270 In Kentucky alone, it was
found that 500 streams and watersheds, near urban areas,
would serve purposes of outdoor recreation in natural en-
vironments (Dearinger 1968).264
Characteristically, such wild river areas are: (a) accessible
to man in only limited degrees; (b) enjoyed by relatively
few people who actually go to the site; (c) visited by scout
troops or other small groups rather than by lone indi-
viduals; and (d) productive of primarily intangible, aesthetic
benefits of real value though difficult to quantify (U.S.
Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Commission 1962.271
Sonnen et al. 1970267).
The quality of natural streams is generally good, pri-
marily because man's activities leading to waste discharges
are minimal or nonexistent in the area.* However, fecal
coliform concentrations in some natural waters have been
found to be quite high following surface runoff (Betson and
Buckingham unpublished report 1970 ;273 Kunkle and Meiman
1967266), indicating the possible presence of disease-causing
organisms in these waters. The sources of fecal coliforms in
natural waters are wild and domestic animals and birds,
as well as human beings who occasionally visit the area.
Barton (1969)263 has also reported that natural areas may
contribute significant loads of nitrogen, phosphorus, and
other nutrients to the streams that drain them. These
chemicals can lead to algal blooms and other naturally
occurring but aesthetically unpleasant problems. Barton
(1969)263 also points out the paradox that a significant
contributor to pollution of natural waters is the human
being who comes to enjoy the uniquely unpolluted environ-
ment. In addition to water-quality degradation, man also
contributes over one pound per day of solid wastes or refuse
in ~ampgrounds and wilderness areas, a problem with which
the Forest Service and other agencies must now cope
(Spooner 1971).268
This discussion has concentrated on Wild and Scenic
rivers. However, similar consideration should be given to
the recognition and preservation of other wild stretches of
ocean shoreline, marshes, and unspoiled islands in fresh
and salt waters.
Many large water bodies are located near or in urban and
metropolitan areas. These waters include major coastal
estUaries and bays, portions of the Great Lakes, and the
largest inland rivers. Characteristically, these waters serve
a multiplicity of uses and are an economic advantage to the
* Some of the least mineralized natural waters are those in high
mountain areas fed 15y rainfall or snowmelt running across stable
rock formations. One such stream on the eastern slope of the Rocky
Mountains has been found to have total dissolved solids concentra-
tions often below 50 mg/1, coliform organism concentrations of 0
to 300/ml, and turbidities of less than 1 unit (Kunkle and Meiman
40/Section [-'-Recreation and Aesthetics
region and to the nation as a whole. In addition to pro-
viding water supplies, they have pronounced effects on local
weather and make possible valuable aesthettc and recre-
ational pleasures, ranging from simple viewing to fishing
and boating.
Large urban waterways, because of their location in
densely populated areas, are heavily used commercially
and are also in great demand for recreational and aesthetic
purposes. Consequently, although swimming and other con-
tact activities cannot always be provided in all such waters,
quality levels supportive of these activities should be en-
Water flow in the urban stream tends to be variable and
subject to higher and more frequent flood flows than under
"natural conditions," because storm water runoff from
buildings and hard-surfaced areas is so complete and rapid.
The impaired quality of the water may be due to storm water
runoff, upstream soil erosion, or sewage discharges and low
base flow. Whitman (1968)272 surveyed the sources of pol-
lution in the urban streams in Baltimore and Washington
and reported that sewer malfunctions, many of which might
be eliminated, were the largest causes of poor water quality.
In large metropolitan areas with either separate or com-
bined sewer systems, pollution of the urban waterway can
be expected during heavy rainstorms when the streams may
contain coliform concentrations in the millions per 100 ml.
In addition, these flood waters flow with treacherous swift-
ness and are filled with mud and debris.
Small urban streams are even more numerous. Although
these may have only intermittent flow, they have the ca-
pacity to provide considerable opportunities for a variety
of water-related recreation activities. Unfortunately, these
in-city streams are more often eyesores than they are com-
munity treasures. Trash, litter, and rubble are dumped
along their banks, vegetation is removed, channels are
straightened and concrete stream beds are constructed or
even roofed over completely to form covered sewers.
This abuse and destruction of a potential economic and
social resource need not occur. The urban stream can be
made the focal point of a recreation-related complex. The
needs of the cities are many, and not the kast of them is
the creation of a visually attractive urban environment in
which the role of water is crucial.
The reclamation of downtown sections of the San Antonio
River in the commercial heart of San Antonio, Texas, is
perhaps the best known and most encouraging example of
the scenic and cultural potential of America's urban streams
(Gunn et al. 1971).265 From a modest beginning with WPA
labor in the mid-1930's, the restoration of about a one-mile
portion of the river threading its way through the central
business district has resulted in the creation of the Paseo
Del Rio, or River Walk. Depressed below the level of
adjacent streets, heavily landscaped with native and tropical
vegetation, the river is bordered with pleasant promenades
along which diners relax in outdoor cafes. Fountains and
waterfalls add to the visual attractiveness, and open barges
carry groups of tourists or water-borne diners to historic
buildings, restaurants, clubs, and a River Theater. More
popular with both local residents and tourists each year, the
River Walk has proved to be a significant social and eco-
nomic development, attracting commercial enterprises to
a previously blighted and unattractive area. The River
Walk is widely visited and studied as a prototype for urban
rl.ver reclamation, ·and it demonstrates. that urban rivers
can serve as the environmental skeleton on which an entire
community amenity of major proportions can be built.
Between the remote and seldom used waters of America
at one extreme and the urban waterways at the other are
many unique water recreation spots that are visited and
enjoyed by large numbers of tourists each year. Among·
these are Old Faithful, Crater Lake, The Everglades, the
Colorado River-Grand Canyon National Park, and Lake
Tahoe. These ecologically or geologically unique waters
are normally maintfl.ined in very nearly their natural con-
ditions, but access to them is freer and their monetary
value is greater than that of the wild rivers. To many,
however, their aesthetic value will always be greater than
their monetary value. It is obviously impossibl~ to establish
nationally applicable quality recommendations for such
waters. (It would be ludicrous, for example, to expect Old
Faithful to be as cool as Crater Lake, or The Everglades
as clear as Lake Tahoe.) Nonetheless, responsible agencies
should establish recommendations for each of these waters
that will protect and preserve their unique values.
Municipal raw water supply reservoirs are often a po-
tential source of recreation and aesthetic enjoyment. Peri-
odic review of the recreational restrictions to protect water
quality in such reservoirs could result in provision of ad-
ditional recreational and aesthetic opportunities. (See also
the general Introduction, p. 3-4 regarding preservation
of aquatic sites of scientific value.)
To preserve or enhance recreational and aes-
thetic values:
• water quality supportive of general recreation is
adequate to provide for the intended uses of wild
and scenic rivers;
• water quality supportive of general recreation is
adequate to protect or enhance uses of urban
streams, prO'Vided that economics, flow con-
ditions, and safety considerations make these
activities feasible;
• special criteria are necessary to protect the
nation's unique recreational waters with regard
to their particular physical, chemical, or bio-
logical properties.
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2 Brightbill, C. K. (1961), Man and leisure (Prentice Hall, Englewood
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4 Doell, C. E. (1963), Elements of park and recreation administration
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6 Lehman, H. C. (1965), Recreation, in Encyclopedia Britannica 19:
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7 Slater, D. W. (1972), Review of the 1970 national survey. Trans.
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13 U.S. Department of the Interior. Bureau of Outdoor Recreation
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1162 McFarren, E. F., F. J. Silva, H. Tanabe, W. B. Wilson, J. E.
Campbell, and K. H. Lewis (1965), The occurrence of a cigua-
tera-like poison in oysters, clams, and Gymnodinium breve cultures.
Toxicon 3:111-123.
1163 Modin, J. C. (1969), Chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides in
California bays and estuaries. Pesticides Monitoring Jour. 3:1.
1164 Mosely, J. W. (1964a), A. Clam-associated infectious hepatitis-
New Jersey and Pennsylvania followup report. Hepatitis sur-
veillance. Report No. 19: 35-36.
m Mosley, J. W. (1964b), B. Clam-associated infectious hepatitis-
Connecticut. Follow-up report. Hepatitis surveillance, Report
No. 79:3Q--34.
1!66 National Academy of Sciences. Committee on Effects of Atomic
Radiation on Oceanography and Fisheries (1957), The effects of
atomic radiation on oceanography and fisheries, report (The Academy,
Washington, D.C.), 137, p.
267 Old, H. N. and S. L. Gill (1946), A typhoid fever epidemic
caused by carrier bootlegging oysters. Am. Jour. Publ. Health 30:
266 Prakash, A. and J. C. Me,dcof (1962), Hydrographic and meteoro-
logical factors affecting shellfish toxicity at Head Harbour, New
Brunswick, J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 19(1):101-112.
269 Pringle, B. H., E. D. Hissong, E. L. Katz, and S. T. Mulawka
(1968), Trace, metal accumulation by estuarine mollusks. J.
Sanit. Eng. Div. Amer. Soc. Civil Eng. 94(SA3):455--475.
260 Sommer, H. and K. F. Meyer (1937), Paralytic shellfish poisoning.
Archives of Pathology 24(5): 56Q--598.
261 U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Public
Health Service (1965), National shellfish sanitation program manual
of operations [PHS Pub. 33](Government Printing Office, Washing-
ton, D. C.), 3 parts, variously paged.
362 U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Public
Health Service (I 968), Proceedings 6th national shellfish sanitation
workshop, G. Morrison, ed. (Government Printing Office, Wash-
ington, D. C.), 115 p.
Literature Cited/47
263 Barton, M. A. (1969), Water pollution in remote recreational
areas. J. Soil Water Conserv. 24(4):132-134.
264 Dearinger, John A. (1968), Esthetic and recreational potential of small
naturalistic streams near urban areas, research report No. 13 (University
of Kentucky Water Resources Institute, Lexington, Kentucky),
266 Gunn, C. A., D. J. Reed and R. E. Couch (1971), Environmental
enhancement. Proceedings 16th Annual Water for Texas Conference,
San Antonio. (Texas Water Resources Institute, Texas A & M
University, College Station, Texas).
266 Kunkle, S. H. and J. R. Meiman (1967), Water quality of mountain
watersheds [Hydrology paper 21] (Colorado State University,
Fort Collins), 53 p.
267 Sonnon, Michael B., Larry C. Davis, William R. Norton and
Gerald T. Orlob (1970), Wild rivers: methods for evaluation. [Pre-
pared for the Office of Water Resources Research, U.S. Depart-
ment of the Interior] (Water Resources Engineers, Inc., Walnut
Creek, California), 106 p.
266 Spooner, C. S. (1971), Solid waste management in recreational forest
areas [PHS pub. 199l](Government Printing Office, Washing-
ton, D. C.), 96 p.
269 U.S. Congress (1968), Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, Public Law
90-542, s. 119, 12 p.
270 U.S. Departmei).t of the Interior, Bureau of Outdoor Recreation
(1970), Proceedings: National symposium on wild, scenic, and recrea-
tional waterways, St. Paul, Minnesota, 209 p.
271 U.S. Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Commission (1962),
Outdoor recreation for America (Government Printing Office, Wash-
inton, D. C.), 246 p.
272 Whitman, I. L. (1968), Uses of small urban river valleys [Ph.D. dis-
sertation] The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland,
References Cited
273 Betson, R. P. and R. A. Buckingham (1970), Fecal coliform con-
centrations in stormwaters. Unpublished report presented at the 51st
Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Wash-
ington, D. C. Tennessee Valley Authority, Knoxville, Tennessee.
INTRODUCTION .......................... .
SAMPLING AND MONITORING ................ .
ANALYTICAL METHODS .................... .
ALKALINITY ................................. .
Conclusion ........................ .
AMMONIA ................................. .
Recommendation ................... .
ARS-ENIC ................................... .
Recommendation ................... .
BACTERIA ................................... .
Recommendation ................... .
BARIUM .................................... .
Recommendation ................... .
BORON .................................... .
. CADMIUM .................................. .
Recommendation ................... .
CHLORIDE ........ _ ......•............... , .. .
Recommendation ................... .
CHROMIUM ................................. .
Recommendation .................... .
COLOR ................................... -.. .
Recomll1endation .................... .
COPPER ................................ · .... .
· Recommendation .....• , , ............ .
CYANIDE ...............••.......•...............
· 'Recommendation, ................... .
DISSOLVED-OXYGEN ....... ,, ......• , ..... .
·Conclusion ...... -..•......... , ......... .
. 50
FLUORIDE ................. · ................ .
·Recommendation .................... .
FOAMING AGENTS ................•........
Recommendation ................... .
HARDNESS ................................. .
Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ·
IRON ......................................... .
Recommendation .................... .
LEAD ........................................ .
Recommendation ................... .
MANGANESE .............................. .
Recommendation ................... .
MERCURY ..................................... .
Recommendation ................... .
NITRA TE~NITRITE ......................... .
Recommendation .................... .
NITRILOTRIACETATE .(NTA) .............. .
Conclusion ........... , ............. .
ODOR· ........... · ............................. .
Recommendation ................... .
OIL AND GREASE ......................... .
Recommendation ................•.....
Reco~mendation ................... .
PESTICIDES .......................... , .... .
Recommendation .............. , .... .
·CIDES .............. · .. , .. · ............... .
··Recommendation •....... , .•...........
. CHLPROPHENOXY fuRBiCIDES. ' ' •.... ' ..... .
'Recommep.dation .................•..
pH ......................................... . 80 SODIUM ................................... .
Recommendation ................... . 80 Recommendation ................... .
PHENOLIC COMPOUNDS ................... . 80 SULFATE .................................. .
Recommendation ................... . 80 Recommendation ................... .
PHOSPHATE ............................... . 81 TEMPERATURE ............................ .
Recommendation ................... . 81 Recommendation ................... .
PHTHALATE ESTERS ...................... . 82 TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS (Filterable Resi-
due) ............................. · .... ·····
PLANKTON................................. 82
Conclusion ........................ .
RADIOACTIVITY ............... : .......... .
Recommendation ................... .
SELENIUM ... · ............................. .
Recommendation ................... .
SILVER .................................... .
Conclusion ........................ .
TURBIDITY ................................ .
Conclusion ........................ .
URANYL ION .............................. .
Recommendation ................... .
VIRUSES ................................... .
Conclusion ........................ .
ZINC ........................................ .
Recommendation ................... .
LITERATURE CITED ............ ~ .......... .
Modern water management techniques and a wide va-
riety of available water treatment processes make possible
the use of raw water of almost any quality to produce an
acceptable public water supply. For this reason it is both
possible and desirable to consider water management al-
ternatives and treatment procedures in making recommen-
dations on the quality of raw water needed for public
supplies. Furthermore, these recommendations must be
consistent with the effort and money it is reasonable to
expect an individual, company, or municipality to expend
to produce a potable water supply. Defining a reasonable
effort including treatment processes involves consideration
of present water quality, the degree of improvement in raw
water that is attainable within the bounds of natural con~
trois on water quality, and the help that can be expected
from society in cleaning up its waters. In evaluating the
basis for the recommendations in this Section, the Panel
has left water management_ alternatives open wherever
possible, but it has made certain arbitrary assumptions
about the treatment process.
The federal Drinking Water Standards for treated water
for public supply (U.S. Department of Health, Education
and Welfare, Public Health Service 1962, hereafter referred
to as PHS 1962 6)* are under review and revision, but the
final standards were not available to the Panel on Public
Water Supplies at the time of publication of this Report.
The Panel did, however; have access to the data, references,
and rationale being. considered in the revision of Drinking
Water Standards, and these have had a major influence on
recommendations in this report.
Surface water supplies characteristically contain sus-
pended sediment in varying amounts and are subject to
bacterial and viral contamination. Therefore, it is assumed
that the following defined treatment, and no more, will
be given raw surface water in a properly operated plant
prior to human consumption.
1. coagulation (less than about 50 milligrams per liter
* Citations are listed at the end of the Section. They can be located
alphabetically within subtopics or by their superior numbers which
run consecutively across subtopics for the entire Section.
(mg/1) alum, ferric sulfate, or copperas with alkali or acid
addition as necessary but without coagulant aids or acti-
vated carbon);
2. sedimentation (6 hours or less);
3. rapid sand filtration (three gallons per square foot
per minute or more);
4. disinfection with chlorine (without consideration to
concentration or form of chlorine residual).
The panel recognizes that on the one hand some raw
surface waters will meet federal Drinking Water Standards
with no treatment other than disinfection, and that on the
other hand almost any water, including sea water and
grossly polluted fresh water, can be made potable for a
price by available treatment processes already developed.
However, the defined treatment outlined above is con-
sidered reasonable in view of both the existing and generally
attainable quality of raw surface waters, and the protection
made imperative by the current practice of using streams
to transport and degrade wastes. Assumption of the defined
treatment process throughout this Section is not meant to
deny the availability, need, or practicality of other water
treatment processes.
Unlike surface waters, ground waters characteristically
contain little or no suspended sediment and are largely
free of and easily protected from bacterial and viral con-
tamination. (See Ground Water Characteristics below for sig-
nificant exceptions.) Therefore, no defined treatment is as-
sumed for raw ground water designated for use as a public
supply, although here again this does not deny the avail-
ability, need, or practicality of treatment. Ground waters
should meet current federal Drinking Water Standards in
regard to bacteriological characteristics and content of
toxic substances, thus permitting an acceptable public
water supply to be produced with no treatment, providing
natural water quality is adequate in other respects. The
recommendations in this section based on considerations
other than bacterial content and toxicity apply to ground
waters as well as surface waters unless otherwise specified.
The Panel has defined water quality recommendations
as those limits of characteristics and concentrations of sub-
stances in raw waters that will allow the production of a
safe, clear, potable, aesthetically pleasing and acceptable
public water supply after treatment. In making these
recommendations, the Panel recognized that most of the
surface water treatment plants providing water for domestic
use in the United States are relatively small, do not have
sophisticated technical controls, and are operated by indi-
viduals whose training in modern methods varies widely.
The recommendations assume the use of the treatment
process defined above but no more.
Regional variations in natural water quality ma:ke it
necessary to apply understanding and discretion when evalu-
ating raw water quality ·in terms of the recommendations.
Wherever water zoned for public supply fail to meet the
recommendations in all respects, the recommendations can
be considered the minimum goal toward which to work in
upgrading water quality. In some instances the natural
presence of certain constituents in raw water sources may
make the attainment of recommended levels impractical
or even impossible. When such constituents affect human
health, the water cannot be used for public supply unless
the constituent can be brought to Drinking Water Standards
levels through a specially designed treatment process prior
to distribution to consumers. Where health is not a factor,
the natural level of the constituent prior to man-made ad-
ditions can be considered a reasonable target toward which
to work, although determination of "natural quality" may
require considerable effort, expense, and time.
The recommendations in this report should by no means
be construed as latitude to add substances to waters where
the existing quality is superior to that called for in the
recommendations. Degradation of raw water sources of
quality higher than that specified should be minimized in
order to preserve operational safety factors and economics
of treatment.
The Panel considered factors of safety for each of the
toxic substances discussed, but numerical factors of safety
have been employed only where data are available on the
known no-effect level or the minimum effect level of the
substances on humans. These factors were selected on the
basis of the degree of hazard and the fraction of daily
intake of each substance that can reasonably be assigned
to water.
The recommendations should be regarded as guides in
the control of health hazards and not as fine lines between
safe and dangerous concentrations. The amount and length
of time by which values in the recommendations may be
exceeded without injury to health depends upon the nature
of the contaminant, whether high concentrations even for
short periods produce acute poisoning, whether the effects
are cumulative, how frequently high concentrations occur,
and how long they last. All these factors must be considered
in deciding whether a hazardous situation exists ..
Although some of the toxic substances considered are
known to be associated with suspended solids in raw surface
waters and might thus be removed to some extent by the
defined treatment process, the degree of removal of the
various dissolved toxic substances is not generally known;
and even if known, it could not be assured under present
treatment practices. Therefore, in the interest of safety, it
has usually been assumed here that there is no removal of
toxic substances as a result of the defined treatment process.
Substances not evaluated in this Section are not neces-
sarily innocuous in public water supply sources. It would be
impractical to prepare a compendium of all toxic, dele-
terious, or otherwise unwelcome agents, both organic and
inorganic, that may enter a surface water supply. In specific
locations it may become necessary to consider substances
not included in this section, particularly where local pol-
lution suggests that a substance may have an effect on the
beneficial use of water for public supplies.
In summary: the recommendations in this Section for raw
water quality for public supplies are intended to assure that the
water will be potable-for surface water, with the defined treatment
process; for ground water, with no treatment. For waters zoned for
public supply but not meeting the recommeizdations in all respects,
the recommendations can be considered a minimum target toward
which efforts at upgrading the quality should be directed. In some
instances the natural quality of raw water may make meeting
certain recommendations impractical or even impossible. For con-
stituentsfor which this is the case, and where health is not afactor,
the natural quality of the water can be considered a reasonable
target toward which to work, although determination of "natural
quality" may require considerable effort, expense, and time. Wherever
water quality is found superior to that described in the recommen-
dations, efforts should be made to minimize its degradation.
The importance of establishing an effective sampling and
monitoring program and the difficulties involved cannot be
overemphasized. A representative sample of the water
entering the raw water intake should be obtained. Multiple
sampling, chronologically and spatially, may be necessary
for an adequate characterization of the raw water body,
particularly for constituents associated with suspended solids
(Great Britain Department of the Environment 1971 ;3
Brown et al. 1970;2 Rainwater and Thatcher 1960 4). Moni-
toring plans should take into account the results of sanitary
surveys (U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Wel-
fare 1969;7 American Public Health Association, American
Water Works Association, and Water Pollution Control
Federation 197P hereafter referred to as Standard Methods
197!5) and the possibility of two types of water quality
hazards: ( 1) the chronic hazard where constituent concen-
trations are near the limit of acceptability much of the time,
and (2) the periodic hazard caused by upstream release of
wastes or accidental spills of hazardous substances into the
stream. Samples for the determination of dissolved con-
stituents only should be passed through a noncontaminat-
ing filter at time of collection.
52/Section Il-Public Water Supplies
The recommendations are based on the use'tlf analytical
methods for raw water analysis as described in Standard
Methods (1971). 5 Other procedures of similar scientific
acceptability are continuously evolving but whatever the
analytical procedure used, the panel assumes that it will
conform to the statistical concepts of precision, accuracy,
and reporting style discussed in the introduction to Standard
Methods (1971).5 Analytical results should indicate whether
they apply to a filtered or unfiltered sample.
Development of water quality recommendations for
ground water must provide for the significant differences
between surface water and ground water. Ground water is
generally not confined in a discrete channel. Its quality
can be measured in detail only with difficulty and at great
expense. A thorough knowledge of the hydrologic char-
acteristics of the ground water body can be obtained only
after extensive study. Movement of ground water can be
extremely slow so that contamination occurring in one part
of an aquifer ma1 not become evident at a point of with-
drawal for several, tens, hundreds, or even thousands of
Wastes mix differently with ground waters than they do
with surface waters. Where allowance for a mixing zone in
the immediate vicinity of a waste outfall can be provided
for in surface water standards under the assumption that
mixing is complete within a short distance downstream,
dispersion of waste in a ground water body may not be
complete for many years. At the same time, the long re-
tention time will facilitate bacterial or chemical reactions
with aquifer components that result in removal or decompo-
sition of a pollutant to the point where it no longer degrades
the aquifer. Because these reactions are imperfectly known
and cannot be predicted at the present time, it is necessary
to monitor" the movement of waste in a ground water body
from the point of introduction outward. Bodies of ground
water cannot be monitored adequately by sampling at the
point of use.
Inadvertent or careless contamination of fresh ground
water bodies is occurring today from the leaching of ac-
cumulated salts··frorn irrigation, animal feed lots, road salt,
agriculturalfertilizers, dumps; and landfills, or from leakage
of sewer lines in sandy soil, septic .tank effluents, petroleum
product pipelines, and chemical waste lagoons. Another
source of contamination is the upward movement of saline
water in improperly plugged weUs and drill holes, or as the
result' of excessive withdrawal of ground ·water. Deep-well
mjection causesintentionalintroductioo of.wastes into saline
ground water bodies.
:Because of their common . use as private water supplies
·in rural areas, aU geologically unconfined (water-table)
aq;uife:rs co.uld be placed in a classification comparable ·to
that for raw surface waters used for public water supplies.
Even though not all waters in these aquifers are suitable
for use without treatment, such classification could be used
to prohibit introduction of wastes into them. This in turn
would restrict the use of landfills and other surface disposal
practices. Limited use of the unsaturated zone for disposal
of wastes would still be acceptable, provided that decompo-
sition of organic wastes and sorption of pollutants in the
zone of aeration were essentially complete before the drain
water reached the water table. Bodies of artesian ground
water in present use as public and private supplies could
be similarly classified wherever their natural source of re-
charge was sufficient to sustain the current yield and quality.
Disposal of wastes in either of the above types of aquifers
could be expressly forbidden on the basis of their classifi-
cation as public water supplies. Furthermore, before dis-
posal of wastes to the soil or bedrock adjacent to aquifers
used or usable for public supply were permitted, it could
be required that a geologic reconnaissance be made to de-
termine possible effects on ground water quality.
Water quality recommendations for raw ground waters
to be used for public water supplies are more restrictive
than water quality recommendations for raw surface water
source because of the assumption that no treatment will be
given to the ground waters. The distinction between surface
and ground waters is therefore necessary for proper appli-
cation of the recommendations. In certain cases this dis-
tinction is not easily made. For example, collector wells in
shallow river valley alluvium, wells tapping cavernous
limestone, and certain . other types of shallow wells may
intercept water only a short distance away, or after only a
brief period of travel, from the point at which it was surface
water. Springs used as raw water sources present a similar
problem. Choice of the appropriate water quality recom-
mendations to apply to such raw water sources should be
based on <the individual situation.
The purpose of establishing water quality recommen-
dations and, subsequently, establishing water quality stand-
ards is to protect the nation's waters from degradation and
to provide a basis for improvement of their quality. These
actions should not preclude the use of good water manage-
ment practices. For example, it may be possible to supple-
ment streamflow with ground water pumped from wells, or
to replace ground water removed from an aquifer with
surface water th:rough artificial recharge. These .other
sources of water may be of lower quality than the water
originally present, but it should remain a management
choice whether this lower quality is preferable to no water
at aU. In arid parts· of the nation, water management
practices of this sort have been applied for many years to
partially offset the effects of "mining"· of ground water
(iie., its withdrawal faster than it can be recharged
Furthermore, it is possible, by merely removing ground
water from the aquifer, to degrade the quality of that
remaining-by inducing recharge from a surface or ground
water body of lesser quality. It does not seem reasonable
to forbid the use of the high-quality water that is there
because of this potential degradation. Of what value is it
if it cannot be used?
It would appear, then, that "degradation by choice"
might be an alternative under certain conditions and
within certain limits. This type of degradation is not com-
parable to that resulting from disposal of wastes in the
water body. It is simply the price exacted for using the
water. In the case of mining without artificial recharge,
the philosophy involved is the same as that applied to the
mining of other nonrenewable resources such as metal
ores or fossil fuels. Because considerations of recreation and
aesthetics and the maintenance of fish and wildlife are
generally not involved in this kind of management situation,
Introduction/ 53
it is reasonable that water quality standards should provide
for the mining and artificial recharge of bodies of ground
water zoned for public supply. As in any water manage-
ment program, it would be necessary to understand the
hydrologic system and to monitor changes induced in the
system by management activities.
Preservation of water management choices can be pro-
tected by water use classification. Classification of surface
waters has not been based solely on the fact that those
waters are being used for public supply at the present time.
Presumably it has been based on the decision that the
body of water in question should be usable for public
supply with no more than the routine forms of water
treatment, whether or ncit it is presently in use for that
purpose. Conversely, failure to zone a body of water for
public supply would not necessarily preclude its use for
that purpose. Selective zoning could thus be used to assure
desirable water management practices.
Alkalinity is a measure of the capacity of a water to
neutralize acids. Anions of weak acids such as bicarbonate,
carbonate, hydroxide, sulfide, bisulfide, silicate, and phos-
phate may contribute to alkalinity. The species composition
of alkalinity is a function of pH, mineral composition,
temperature, and ionic strength.
The predominant chemical system present in natural
waters is the carbonate equilibria in which carbonate and
bicarbonate ions and carbonic acid are in equilibrium
(Standards Methods 1971). 8 The bicarbonate ion is usually
more prevalent. A water may have a low alkalinity but a
relatively high pH value or vice versa, so alkalinity alone
may not be of major importance as a measure of water
The alkalinity of natural waters may have a wide range.
An alkalinity below 30 to 50 mg/1, as CaC03, may be too
low to react with hydrolyzable coagulants, such as iron or
aluminum salts, and still provide adequate residual alka-
linity to produce a water that is not excessively corrosive.
Alkalinities below 25 mg/1, as CaC03, may also lead to
corrosive waters when only chlorination is practiced, since
there would be inadequate. buffer capacity to prevent the
pH from dropping appreciably (Weber and Stumm 1963).9
Low alkalinity waters may be difficult to stabilize by
calcium carbonate saturation which would otherwise pre-
vent corrosion of the metallic parts of the system.
High alkalinity waters may have a distinctly unpleasant
taste. Alkalinities of natural waters rarely exceed 400 to
500 mg/1 (as CaCOa).
No recommendation can be made, because the
desirable alkalinity for any water is associated with
other constituents such as pH and hardness. For
treatment control, however, it is desirable that
there be no sudden variations in the alkalinity.
Ammonia may be a natural constituent of certain ground
waters. In surface waters its concentration is normally 0.1
mg/1 or less as nitrogen. Higher levels are usually indicative
of sewage or industrial contamination (McKee and Wolf
Ammonia consumes dissolved oxygen as a result of its
biochemical oxidation to nitrite and nitrate. Reliance on
the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) test (Standard
Methods 1971 33) for measuring the efficiency of sewage
treatment and the quality of effluents has focused attention
principally on the oxygen requirements -of carbonaceous
matter. Ammonia is therefore a common constituent of
treated sewage, and much of the burden of satisfying the
nitrogenous oxygen demand has, in general, been shifted
from the sewage treatment plant to the receiving water
(Sawyer and Bradney 1946,32 Ludzack and Ettinger 1962,29
Johnson and Schroepfer 1964,24 Barth et al. 1966,12 Cour-
chaine 1968,1 8 Barth and Dean 1970,11 :Holden 1970,22
Barth 1971,10 Great Britain Department of the Environment
1971,21 Mt. Pleasant and Schlickenrieder 1971 31).
Ammonia is sometimes corrosive to copper and copper
alloys (La Que and Copson 1963,26 Butler and Ison 196613) ;
it is also a potential algal and microbial nutrient in water
distribution systems (Larson 1939,27 Ingram and Macken-
thun 196323).
Ammonia has a significant effect on the disinfection of
water with chlorine. The reactions of ammonia with chlorine
result in the formation of chloramine compounds having
markedly less disinfecting efficiency than free chlorine.
Ammonia substantially increases the chlorine demand at
water treatment plants that practice free-residual chlori-
nation. Approximately 10 parts of chlorine per part of
ammonia nitrogen are required to satisfy the ammonia
chlorine demand (Butterfield et al. 1943,16 Butterfield and
Wattie 1946,1 5 Butterfield 1948,14 Fair et al. 1948,19 Kelly
and Sanderson 1958,25 Clarke and Chang 1959,17 Laubusch
197!28). It would therefore be desirable to have as low a
level as possible in the raw water.
However, since ammonia is present in ground water and
in some surface water supply sources, particularly at cold
temperatures, and since it can be removed by the defined
treatment process with adequate chlorination, the cost of
the treatment is the determining factor. In the previous
edition of Water Quality Criteria (U.S. Department of the
Interior, Federal Water Pollution Control Administration
1968, 34 hereafter referred to as FWPCA 196820 ) a permis-
sible level of 0.5 mg/1 nitrogen was proposed. This is not a
sacrosanct number, but it is considered to be tolerable.
Because ammonia may be indicative of pollution
and because of its significant effect on chlorination,
it is recommended that ammonia nitrogen in
public water supply sources not exceed 0.5 mgjl.
Arsenic, a metalloid that occurs ubiquitously in nature,
can be both acutely and chronically toxic to man. Although
no form of arsenic is known to be essential, arsenic has
been added in small amounts to animal feed as a growth
stimulant. For 1,577 surface water samples collected from
l30-sampling points in the United States, 87 samples showed
detectable arsenic concentrations of 5 to 336 micrograms
per liter (~g/1) with a mean level of64 p,g/1 (Kopp 1969).50
The chemical forms of arsenic consist of trivalent and
pentavalent inorganic and organic compounds. It is not
known which forms of arsenic occur in drinking water.
Although' comb~nations of all forms are possible, it can be
reasonably assumed that the pentavalent inorganic form is
the most prevalent. Conditions that favor cnemicai and
biological oxidation promote the shift to the pentavalent
species; and conversely, those that favor reduction will
shift the equilibrium to the trivalent state.
Arsenic content in drinking water in most United States
supplies ranges from a trace to approximately 0.1 mg/1
(McCabe et al. 1970).52 No adverse health effects have been
reported from the inges~ion of these waters.
Arsenic has been suspected of being carcinogenic (Paris
1820,55 Sommers and McManus 1953,60 Buchanan 1962,38
Frost 196 7, 45 Trelles et al. 1970,61 Borgono and Greiber
19·72 36}, but substantial evidence from human experience
and aniinal studies now supports the position that .arsenicals
are not tumorigenic at levels encountered in the environ-
ment (Snegireff and Lombard 1951,58 Baroni et al. 1963,35
Boutwell 1963,37 Hueper and Payne 1963,47 Pinto and
Bennett 1963,56 Kanisawa and Schroeder 1967,49 Milner
Several epidemiological studies ill Taiwan (Chen and
Wu 1962)39 have reported a correlation between the in-
<:reased incidence of hyperkertosis and skin cancer with
consumption 0f water containing more than 0.3 mg/1
arsenic. A similar problem has been reported in Argentina.
(Trelles et al. 1970).61 Dermatological manifestations of
arsenicism were noted in children of Antofagasta, Chile,
who used a water supply containing 0.8 mg/1 arsenic. A
new water supply was provided, and preliminary data
showed that arsenic levels in-hair decreased (Borgono and
Greiber 1972).36
Inorganic arsenic is absorbed readily from the gastro-
intestinal tract, the lungs, and to a lesser extent from the
skin and becomes distributed throughout the body tissues
and fluids (Sollmann 1957).59 It is excreted via urine,
feces, sweat, and the epithelium of the skin (Dupont et al.
1942,44 Hunter et al. 1942,48 Lowry et al. 1942,51 Ducoff
et al. 1948,43 Crema 1955,40 Musil and Dejmal 195 7). 54
During chronic exposure, arsenic accumulates mainly in
bone, muscle, and skin, and to a smaller degree in liver and
kidneys. This accumulation can be measured by analysis
of hair samples. Mter cessation of continuous exposure,
arsenic excretion may last up to 70 days (DuBois and
Geiling 1959).42
In. man,_ subacute and chronic arsenic poisoning may be
insidious and pernicious. In mild chronic poisoning, the
only symptoms present are fatigue and loss of energy. The
following symptoms may be observed in more severe intoxi-
cation; gastrointestinal catarrh, kidney degeneration, ten-
ency to edema, polyneuritis, liver cirrhosis, bone marrow
injury, and exfoliate dermatitis (DiPalma 1965,41 Goodman
and Gilman 1965).46 It has been claimed that individuals
become tolerant to arsenic. However, this_apparent effect
is probably due to the ingestion of the relatively insoluble,
coarse powder, since no true tolerance has been demon-
strated (DuBois and Geiling 1959). 42
The total intake of arsenic from food averages approxi-
mately 900 ~g/day (Schroeder and Balassa 1966).57 At a
concentration of 0.1 mg/1 and an average intake of 2 liters
of water per day, the intake from water would not exceed
200 ~g/day, or approximately 18 per cent of the total
ingested arsenic.
Because of adverse physiological etlects on hu-
mans and because there is inadequate information
on the effectiveness of the defined treatment proc-
ess in removing arsenic, it is recommended that
public water supply sources contain no more than
0~1:' mgfl total arsenic.
Procedures for the detection of disease-causing bacteria,
viruses, protozoa,. worms, and fungi are complex, time-
consuming, .and-.in need of further refinement to increase
the levels of sensitivity and selectiVity. Therefore; an indirect
approach to microbial hazard measurement is required.
Coliform bacteria have been used as indicators of sanitary
quality in water since 1880 when Escherica coli (E. coli) and
similar gram negative . bacteria were shown to. be normal
inhabitants of fecal discharges. Although the total coliform
group as presently recognized in the Drinking Water
Standards includes organisms known to vary in charac-
teristics, the total'coliform·concept merits consideration as
an indicator of sanitary significance, because the organisms
are normally present in large numbers in the intestinal'
tracts of humans and other warm-blooded animals.
Numerous·stream•pollution surveys over the years have
used the total coliform measurement'as anindex of fecal con-
tamination. However, occasional poor correlations to: sani.,
tary significance result from the inclusion of some strains
iii the total coliform group that have a wide distribution in
the· environment and are not specific to fecal material.
Therefore, interpretation oftotal coliform data from sewage,
polluted water, and unpolluted'waters:is, sometimes difficult
For example, Enterobacter (Aerobacter) aerogenes and. Entero-
b'acter· cloacae can be found on various types of vegetation.
(Thomas and~ McQl,!illin 1952,78 Fraser et al. 1956,66
Geldreich et al. 1964,73 Papavassiliou et al. 1967 75 ), in soil
(Frank and Skinner 1941,65 Taylor 1951,77 Randall 1956,76
Geldreich.et a[ 1962b72), and in water polluted in· tlie,past.
Also included are phmt pathogens (Elrod 1942)62 and other
organisms of uncertain taxonomy whose sanitary significance
is·' <J!lestionable; All of these coliform subgroups may be
found .in sewage and iirpelluted water ..
A more specific bacterial indicator of warm-blooded ani'-
mal corttamination is fecal coliform, defined as those coli-
form that can ferment lactose at 44.5 C to produce gas in a
multiple· tube·,procedure. (U.S .. Department of Interior,
Federal Water Pollution Control Adfu.inistration 196679
hereafter referred to as (FWPCA 1966}64 or acidity in die
.membrane filter procedure . (M-FC medium: Geldreich
et al. 1965);71 Research showed that 96.14 per Gent of the
coliform in human feces was positive by this.test (Geldreich
et al. 1962a).70 Examination of the excrement from other
warm-blooded animals, including livestock, poultry, cats,
dogs,. and· rodents indicates that fecaF coliform contribute
93.0 per cent of the total coliform population (FWPCJX
1966),64 Geldreich et al. 1968).68
At the present time, the only data available from numer-
ous freshwater stream pollution studies on.. a correlation of
pathogen occurrence with varying levels of fecal colif6rm·
are for Salmonella ( Geldreich 1970,67 Geldreich and Bordner
1971 69 ). These data indicate a sharp increase in the fre-
quency of Salmonella detection when fecal coliform densities
are above 200 per 100 milliliters (ml). For densities.-of 1 to
200/100 ml, 41 examinations showed 31.7 per cent positive
detection ofSalmonella. For densities of 201 to 1,000/100 ml,
30 examinations showed 83percent positive detection. For
densities of 1,000 to 2,000, 88.5 per cent positive detection
was found in 17 examinations, and for densities above-
2,000, 97:6. per cent positive detection was found in 123
The significance is further illustrated by· a, bacterial
quality study at several water plant intakes albng the
Missouri River. When fecal coliform exceeded 2,000 orga-
nisms per 100 ml, Salmonella, Poliovirus types 2 and 3, and
ECHO virus types 7 and 33 were detected· (Environmental
Protection Agency 1971). 63 Any occurrence of fecal coli-
form .in water is therefore prime evidence of contamination
by wastes of some warm-blooded-. animals, and as the fecal
coliform densities increase, potential health hazards-Become
greater and the challenge to water treatment more de-
A study ofthe bacteriological quality of raw water near
six public intakes along the Ohio River showed that of 18
monthly values with maximum total coliform densities in
excess'of 10,000 organisms per 100 ml, 12 were not paralleled
by fecal coliform densities above 2,000 organisms per 100
ml (ORSANCO Water Users Committee 1971).74 The
fecal coliform portion of' these total coliform populations
rang~d from 0.2 to 12 per cent. Data from the Missouri·
River study·showed total coliform densities at water intakes
to be frequentlt in excess of 20,000' ongani.Sms· per roo ml
58/Section 11-Public Water Supplies
with concurrent fecal coliform densities above 2,000 (En-
vironmental Protection Agency 1971).63 This i2-dicates less
coliform aftergrowth, but proportionately more recent fecal
The major limitation to the total coliform index is the
uncertain correlation to the occurrence of pathogenic micro-
organisms. However, fecal coliform occurrences in water
reflect the presence of fecal contamination, which is the
most likely source for pathogens.
Total coliform measurements may be used as an al-
ternative to fecal coliform measurements with the realization
that such data are subject to a wide range of density
fluctuations of doubtful sanitary significance.
A well-operated plant using the defined treatment to
process raw surface water meeting the recommendations
below can be expected to me~t a value of 1 total coliform
per 100 ml with proper chlorination practice. When coli-
form counts in raw surface water approach the recommen-
dations, both pre-and post-chlorination may be required
to achieve proper disinfection.
In light of the capabilities of the defined treat-
ment process for raw surface waters and the sta-
tistical correlations mentioned, it is recommended
that the geometric means of fecal coliform and
total coliform densities in raw surface water sources
not exceed 2,000/100 ml and 20,000/100 ml, re-
---------------· _ _U___
Barium (Ba) ingestion can cause serious toxic effects on
the heart, blood vessels, and nerves. Barium enters the body
primarily through air and water, since essentially no food
contains barium in appreciable amounts.
The solubility product of barium sulfate indicates that
1.3 mg/1 sulfate ion limits the solubility of barium to 1.0
mg/1. There is some evidence that barium may be ad-
sorbed by oxides or hydroxides of iron and manganese
(Ljunggren 1955).83 For the public water supplies of the
100 largest cities in the United States, the median barium
concentration was 0.05 mg/1 with a range of 0.01 to 0.058
mg/1. For 1,577 samples of surface waters collected in 130
locations in the United States the barium concentration in
1,568 samples ranged from 2 to 340 JLg/1 with a mean of
43 JLg/1 (Kopp 1969).82
Barium is recognized as a general muscle stimulant,
especially of the heart muscle (Sollmann 1957).85 The fatal
dose for man is considered to be from 0.8 to 0.9 grams(g)
as the chloride (550 to 600 mg Ba). Most fatalities have
occurred from mistaken use of barium salts incorporated in
rat poison. Barium is capable of causing nerve block
(Lorente and Feng 1946)84 and in small or moderate doses
produces transient increase in blood pressure by vaso-
constriction ( Gotsev 1944). 81
There apparently has been no study made of the amounts
of barium that can be tolerated in drinking water, nor any
study of the effects of long-term feeding of barium salts
from which a standard might be derived. The present
barium standard has been developed from the barium-in-air
standard, 0.5 mg/cubic meter (m3) (American Conference
of Governmental Industrial Hygienists 1958),80 based on
the retention of inhaled barium dusts, and an estimate of
the possible adsorption from the intestines (Stokinger and
Woodward 1958).86 This value is 2 mg/1. The air standard
provides no indication of the inclusion of a factor of safety.
Therefore, it is reasonable to provide a factor of safety of
2. for protection of heterogeneous population.
Because of the adverse physiological effects of
barium, and because there are no data on the
effectiveness of the defined treatment process on
its removal, it is recommended that a limit for
barium of 1 mgfl not be exceeded in public water
supply sources.
The previous Report of the Committee on \<Vater Quality
Criteria (FWPCA 1968)87 recommended a permissible limit
of I mg/1 for boron. When a new Drinking Water Standards
Technical Review Committee was established in 1971, it
determined that the evidence available did not indicate
that the suggested limit of 1 mg/1 was neces~ary. More
information is required before deciding whether a specific
limit is needed for physiological reasons.
Whenever public water supplies are used to irrigate
plants, boron concentrations may be of concern because
of the element's effect on many plants. For consideration
of the possible effect of boron on certain irrigated plants,
see Section Von Agricultural Uses of Water (p. 341).
Cadmium is biologically a nonessential, nonbeneficial
element. The :possibility of seepage of cadmium into ground
water from electroplating plants was reported in 1954 when
concentrations ranging from 0.01 to 3.2 mg/1 were recorded
(Lieber and Welsch 1954).97 Another source of cadmium
contamination in water may be zinc-galvanized iron in
which cadmium is a contaminant. For 1,577 surface water
samples collected at 130 sampling points in the United
States, 40 samples showed detectable concentrations of 1
to· 20 #'g/1 of cadmium with a mean level of 9;5 #'g/1. Six
samples exceeded 10.J£g/l (Kop.p ,1969)~95
Cadniium-is an element of high toxic potential. Evidence
for the serious toxic potential of cadmium is provided by:
poisoning from cadmium-contaminated food (Frant and
Kleeman 1941)92 and beverages (Cangelosi 1941),;88 .t;pi-
demiolqgic ..evidence that .cadmium may be associated with
:remil arterial · hypertension under certain conditions
(Schroeder 1965) ;102 epidemiologic association of cadmium
with Itai-itai disease in Japan (Murata et al. 1970);99 and
long-term oral 'toxicity studies in animals (Fitzhugh.· ana
Meiller 1941,91 Ginn and Volker·J944;93 Wilson and DeEds
'Symptoms of violent nausea were reported for 29 school
children who had consumed fruit ice sticks containing 13-15
mg/1 cadmium (Frant and Kleeman 1941).92 IT'his would be
equivalent to 1.3 to 3.0,~g-df·-cadmium ingested.
.ilt mas .been ·stated :that the concentration and not the
absolute amount determines the acute toxicity of cadmium
(Potts et al. 1950).101 Also, equivalent concentrations of
cadmium in water are consideretl more toxic than .concen~
trations in food because of,the effect of:components in the
The association of cardiovascular disease; particularly
hypertension, with ingestion of cadmium remains unsettled.
Although.€onflicting evidence has been reported for man
(Schroeder 1965,1°2 Morgan-'196~)98 and for animals (Kani-
sawa and Schroeder 1969,94 Lener and Bibr'.l9709fi), it is
notable that hypertension has not been associated with
Itai-itai disease (Nogawa and Kawano 1969).100
In view of the cumulative retention of :cadmium by
hepatic (live:.:) and renal ·(kidney) tissue cDecker eLal.
1958,9° Cotzias et al. 1961,89 Schroeder and Ba1assa 196 P 03)
and the association of a severe endemic Itai-itai disease
syndrome with ingestion of as little as 600 #'g/day (Yama-
,gata 1970),1°5 Drinking Water Standards limit concentra-
tions of cadmium to 10 ·pg/1 so-that '(the .maximum ~daily
intake of cadmium. from water (assuming a 2 liter daily
aonsumption) will. not exceed 20 #£g. This ·is one-third .the
amount of cadmium derived "from 'food .(Schroeder .and
'BaJassa 196l)J03 A no-effect level for intake and accumula-
tion of cadmium in man has not been established.
Because of the adverse ·physiological e:ffects of
cadmium, and because there is inadequate infor-
mation on the e:ffect of the defined .treatment
_process on_removal of cadmium, it is.recommended
that the .cadmium.concentration "in public water
SJipply sources:-not,exceed 0.010 mgfl.
Chloride ion in high concentrations, as part of the total
dissolved solids in water, can be detected by taste and can
:lead'to consurner-n;:jection of the water supply. In undefined
high concentrations it may enhance corrosion _of water
utility facilities and household appurtenances (American
Water Works Association 1971).106
For the public water supplies of the 100 largest cities in
-the ·United States,· the. median chloride concentration was
13 mg/1 with a range of 0 to-540 mg/1 (Durfor and Becker
. ~he .median .. chloride~-concentrations ;'detected' by -taste
by a panel of 10 to 20 persons were 182, 160, and 372 mg/1
from sodium, calcium, and magnesium salts respectively
sodium chloride and calcium chloride respectively (Lock-
hart et al. 1955).108
On the basis of taste and because of the wide range of
taste perception of humans, .·and the absence of information
on· objectionable concentrations,· a limit for public water
supplies of250 mg/l chloride appears to be. reasonable where
sources of better quality water are or can be made available.
However, there may be .a great difference between a de-
tectable concentration and an objectionable concentration,
,and acclimatization might be an important factor .
(Whipple· 1907).110 The median concentration identified On the basis of taste preferences,.not because of
by a la,rger panel of 53 adults w.as _ 395 mg/l.chloride .• for '· toxic.;considerations, and because the defined treat-
,sodium .chloride '(Richter and MacLean· 1939).109 'When ;ment cprocess "~does~, .. not remove chlorides, it is
compared ·with distilled water for a difference in taste, . recommended ·that chlorldeln public water supply'
the median concentration was 61 mg/1. Coffee was affected sources not exceed 250 mg'/lcif sources of lower
,in:.taste·.when brewed with 210 and 222~mg/l chloride from levels are available.
Chromium is rarely found in natural waters. It may
occur as a contaminant from plating wastes, blowdown
from cooling towers, or from circulating water in refriger-
ation equipment where it is used to control corrosion. It
has been found in some foods and in air. Chromium can
be detected in most biological systems. This does not prove
it essential, although there is reasonable evidence that it
does have a biological role (Mertz 1969).119
For 1,577 surface water samples collected at 130 sampling
points in the United States, 386 samples showed concen-
trations of I to 112 pg/1 with a mean concentration of
9.7 pg/1 for chromium (Kopp 1969).11&
The hexavalent state of chromium is toxic to man, pro-
duces lung tumors when inhaled (Machle and Gregorius
1948,117 U.S. Federal Security Agency, Public Health Serv-
ice 1953 123), and readily induces skin sensitizations. Tri-
valent chromium salts show none of the effects of the
hexavalent form (Fairhall 1957).114 The trivalent form is
not likely to be present in waters of pH 5 or above because
of the very low solubility of the hydrated oxide.
At present, the levels of chromate ion that can be tolerated
by man for a lifetime without adverse effects on health are
undetermined. It is not known whether cancer will result
from ingestion of chromium in any of its valence forms.
A family of four individuals is reported to have drunk
water for a period of three years with as high as 0.45 mg/1
chromium in the hexavalent form without known effects
on their health, as determined by a single medical exami-
nation (Davids and Lieber 1951).113
Levels of 0.45 to 25 mg/1 of chromium administered to
rats in chromate and chromic ion form in drinking water
for one year produced no toxic responses (MacKenzie et al.
1958).118 However, significant accumulation in the tissues oc-
curred abruptly at concentrations above 5 mg/1. Naumova
(1965)120 demonstrated that 0.033 mg of chromium from
potassium bichromate per kilogram (kg) of body weight
in dogs enhanced the secretory and motor activity of the
intestines. Although there does not appear to be a clearly
defined no-effect level, other studies (Coun et al. 1932,112
Brard 1935,111 Gross and Heller 1946,115 Schroeder et al.
1963a, 121 Schroeder et al. 1963b122) suggested that a concen-
tration of 0.05 mg/1 with an average intake of 2 liters of
water per day would avoid hazard to human health.
Because of adverse physiological effects, and be-
cause there are insufficient data on the effect of
the defined treatment process on the removal of
chromium in the chromate form, it is recom-
mended that public water supply sources for drink-
ing water contain no more than 0.05 mgfl total
Color in public water supplies is aesthetically undesirable
to the consumer and is economically undesirable to some
industries. Colored substances can chelate metal ions,
thereby interfering with coagulation (Hall and Packham
1965130), and can reduce the capacity of ion exchange
resins (Frisch and Kunin 1960).129 Another serious problem
is the ability of colored substances to complex or stabilize
iron and manganese and render them more difficult for
water treatment processes to remove (Robinson 1963,135
Shapiro 1964136).
Although the soluble colored substances in waters have
been studied for over 150 years, there is still no general
agreement on their structure. A number of recent studies
have indicated that colored substances are a complex mix-
ture of polymeric hydroxy carboxylic acids (Black and
Christman 1963a, 125 1963b, 126 Lamar and Goerlitz 1963,133
Christman and Ghassemi 1966,128 Lamar and Goerlitz
1966134) with the measurable color being a function of the
total organics concentration and the pH (Black and Christ-
man l963a,l25 Singley et al. 1966137).
The removal of color can be accomplished by the defined
process when the dosage and the pH are adjusted as func-
tions of the raw water color (Black et al. 1963,127 American
Water Works Association Research Committee on Color
Problems 1967).124 These relationships may not apply to
colors resulting from dyes and some other industrial and
processing sources that cannot be measured by comparison
with the platinum-cobalt standards (Hazen 1892,131 1896,132
Standard Methods 197P38). Such colors should not be
present in concentrations that cannot be removed by the
defined process.
Because color in public water supply sources is
aesthetically undesirable and because of the limi-
tations of the defined treatment process, a maxi-
mum of 75 platinum-cobalt color units is recom-
Copper is frequently found in surface waters and in some
ground waters in low concentrations (less than 1 mg/1). It
is an essential and beneficial element in human metabolism,
and :it is known that a deficiency in· copper results in nu-
tritional anemia in infants (Sollmann 1957).141 Because the
normal diet provides only little more than what is required,
an additional supplement from water may ensure an ade-
quate intake. Small amounts are ~generally regarded as
nontoxic; but large doses may produce emesis; .and.'pro~
longed oral administration may result in liver damage.
For"l,577 surface water samples collected at 130 sampling
points in the United States, 1,173 showed concentrations of
1 to 280 ,ug/1 with a mean· concentration of 15 ,ug/1 (Kopp
Copper imparts some taste to water, but the detectable
range_ varies from 1 ' to 5 mg/ 1 (Cohen et al. 1960139),
depending upon· the acuity of individuaLtaste ·perceptions.
Copper in public water supplies enhances corrosion of
aluminum.in partiCular and of zinc to a lesser degree. A
limit of 0.1 mg/1 has been recommended to avoid corrosion
of aluminum (Uhlig 1963).142
The limit of 1 mg/1 copper .is based on considerations of
taste rather than hazards to health ..
To-prevent taste problems and because:.tliere: is:,
little information on the effect of the defined treat-
ment process on the removal of copper, it is recom-
mended that copper in public water supply sources
not exceed 1 mgfl.
Standards for cyanide in water have been published by
the World Health Organization in "International Stand-
ards for Drinking Water" (1963)148 and the "European
Standards for Drinking Water" (1970).149 These standards
appear to be based on the toxicity of cyanide to fish, not
to man. Cyanide in reasonable doses (I 0 mg or less) is
readily converted to thiocyanate in the human body and in
this form is much less toxic to man. Usually, lethal toxic
effects occur only when the detoxifying mechanism is over-
whelmed. The oral toxicity of cyanide for man is shown in
the following table.
Proper chlorination with a free chlorine residual under
neutral or alkaline conditions will reduce the cyanide level
to below the recommended limit. The acute oral toxicity
of cyanogen chloride, the chlorination product of hydrogen
cyanide, is approximately one-twentieth that of hydrogen
cyanide (Spector 1955) .14&
On the basis of the toxic limit calculated from the
threshold limit for air (Stokinger and Woodward 1958),147
TABLE Il-1-0ral Toxicity of Cyanide for Man
Dosage Response uterature citations
2.H.7 mgfday .............•..•..•...••. Noninjurious Sm1th 19441"
10 mg, single dose .........•..•........... Nonmjunous Bodansky and Levy 1923'"
19 ml/1 in water ..•.••................... Calculaledlromthesafe thresh· Slokinger and Woodward 19511'"
old limitfor air
5H mg, smgle dose ..................... Fatal The Merck Index 01 Chemicals
and Drugs 19681«
and assuming a 2-liter daily consumption of water contain-
ing 0.2 mg/1 cyanide as a maximum, an appreciable factor
of safety would be provided.
Because of the toxicity of cyanide, it is recom-
mended that a limit of 0.2 mgjl cyanide not be
exceeded in public water supply sources.
Dissolved oxygen in raw water sources aids in the elimi-
nation of undesirable constituents, particularly iron and
m.anganese, by precipitation of the oxidized form. It also
induces the biological oxidation of ammonia to nitrate,
and prevents the anaerobic reduction of dissolved sulfate
to hydrogen sulfide. More importantly, dissolved oxygen
in a raw surface water supply serves as an indicator that
excessive quantities of oxygen-demanding wastes are prob-
ably not present in the water, although there can be sig-
nificant exceptions to this. Therefore, it is desirable that
oxygen in the water be at or near saturation. On the other
hand, oxygen enhances corrosion of treatment facilities,
distributing systems, and household appurtenances in many
Oxygen depletion in unmixed bodies of water can result
from the presence of natural oxygen-demanding substances
as well as from organic pollution. Lakes and reservoirs
may contain little or no oxygen, yet may be essentially free
of oxygen-demanding wastes. This is because contact with
the air is limited to the upper surface, and because thermal
stratification in some lakes and reservoirs prevents oxy-
genation of lower levels directly from the air. Similar con-
ditions also occur in ground waters.
No recommendation is made, because the pres-
ence of dissolved oxygen in a raw water supply has
both beneficial and detrimental aspects. However,
when the waters contain ammonia or iron and
manganese in their reduced form, the benefits of
the sustained presence of oxygen at or near satu-
ration for a period of time can be greater than the
The fluoride ion has potential beneficial effects, but
excessive fluoride in drinking water supplies produces ob-
jectionable dental fluorosis that increases as a continuum
with increasing fluoride concentration above the recom-
mended control limits. In the United States, this is the only
harmful effect resulting from fluoride found in drinking
water (Dean 1936,1 50 Moulton 1942,158 Heyroth 1952,155
McClure 1953,157 Leone et al. 1954,1 56 Shaw 1954,169 U.S.
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public
Health Service 1959160). The fluoride concentrations exces-
sive for a given community depend on climatic conditions
because the amount of water (and consequently the amount
of fluoride) ingested by children is primarily influenced by
air temperature (Galagan 1953,151 Ga1agan and Lamson
1953,152 Galagan and Vermillion 195 7,153 Galagan et al.
Rapid fluctuations in raw water fluoride ion levels would
create objectionable operating problems for treatment
plants serving communities that supplemtnt raw water
fluoride concentrations. From the point of view of a water
pollution control program any value less than that recom-
mended would generally be acceptable at a point of do-
mestic water withdrawal.
Because of adverse physiological effects and be-
cause the defined treatment process does nothing
to reduce excessive fluoride concentrations, it is
recommended that the maximum levels shown in
Table 11-2 not be exceeded in public water supply
TABLE 11-2-Fluoride Recommendation
Annual averaae of maximum daily air temperatures•
• Based on temperature data obtained for a minimum of ova years.
AuOiide maximum ml/1
1 8
Many chemical substances occurring either naturally or
as components of industrial or domestic waste will cause
water to foam when agitated or when air is entrained.
The most common foaming agent in use today is the syn-
thetic anionic surfactant, linear aikyl benzene sulfonate
(LAS). Branched alkyl benzene sulfonate (ABS) was used
prior to I 965 as a base for synthetic detergents. Because of
its persistent foaming properties, however, ABS was re-
placed by LAS. The most objectionable property of sur-
factants is their foaming capacity which can produce
unsightly masses of foam in a stream or at the home tap.
The surfactants also tend to disperse normally insoluble or
sorbed substances, thus interfering with their removal by
coagulation, sedimentation, and filtration.
Although conversion to the more readily biodegradable
linear alkyl sulfonates by the detergent industry has ·de-
creased the persistence of sulfonates in aerobic waters,
measurable concentrations of these substances still can be
found in both surface and ground waters. Concentrations
of anionic surfactants in water can be determined by means
of their reaction with methylene blue dye (Standard Meth-
ods 1971).162 Concentrations of less than 0.5 mg/1, as
methylene blue active substances (MBAS), do not cause
foaming or present serious interference in the defined treat-
ment process and are well below the inferred limit (700
mg/1) of toxicity to humans based on tests on rats fed diets
of LAS (Buehler et al. 1971).161 It must be recognized that
this procedure does not determine the total concentration
of foaming agents, merely the concentration of materials
that react with methylene blue, most of which are anionic
surfactants. Although cationic and nonionic synthetic sur-
factants do not respond, and not all substances that respond
to the methylene blue process cause foaming, the methylene
blue test is the best available measure of foaming properties.
To avoid undesirable aesthetic effects and be-
cause the defined treatment process does little or
nothing to reduce the level of foaming agents, it
is recommended that foaming agents determined
as methylene blue active substances not exceed
0.5 mgfl in public water supply sources.
Hardness is defined as the sum of the polyvalent cations
expressed as the equivalent quantity of calcium carbonate
(CaC03). The most common such cations are calcium and
magnesium. In general, these metal ions in public water
supply sources are not cause for concern to health, although
there are some indications that they may influence the
effect of other metal ions on some organisms (Jones 1938,1 68
Cairns, Jr. and Scheier 1958,164 Mount 1966170). Possible
beneficial and detrimental effects on health have been
postulated but not conclusively demonstrated (Muss 1962,171
Crawford and Crawford 1967,1 66 Crawford et al. 1968,1 65
Masironi 1969,1 69 Voors 197F72). There is considerable
variation in the range of hardness acceptable to a given
community. Some consumers expect and demand supplies
with a total hardness of less than 50 mg/1, expressed as
equivalent CaC03, while others are satisfied with total
hardness greater than 200 mg/l. Consumer sensitivity is
often related to the hardness to which the public has be-
come accustomed, and acceptance may be tempered by
economic considerations.
The requirement for soap and other detergents is directly
related to the water hardness (DeBoer and Larson 1961).167
Of particular importance is the tendency for development
of scale deposits when the water is heated. Variations in
water hardness may be more objectionable than any given
level. Waters with little or no hardness may be corrosive
to water utility facilities, depending upon pH, alkalinity,
and dissolved oxygen (American Water Works Association
1971).163 Industrial consumers of public supplies may be
particularly sensitive to variations in hardness. A water
hardness must relate to the level normal for the supply and
exclude hardness additions resulting in significant variations
or general increases.
Acceptable levels for hardness are based on con-
sumer preference. No quantitative recommen-
dation for hardness in water can be specified.
Iron (Fe) is objectionable in public water supplies because
of its effect on taste (Riddick et al. 1958,178 Cohen et al.
1960175), staining of plumbing fixtures, spotting oflaundered
clothes, and accumulation of deposits in distribution systems.
Iron occurs in the reduced state (Fe++), frequently in
ground waters and less frequently in surface waters, since
exposure to oxygen in surface waters results in oxidation,
forming hydrated ferric oxide which is much less soluble
(American Water Works Association 1971).173
Statistical analysis of taste threshold tests with iron in
distilled water free of oxygen at pH 5.0 showed that 5 per
cent of the observers were able to distinguish between 0.04
mg/1 ferrous iron (added as ferrous sulfate) and distilled
water containing no iron. At 0.3 mg/1, 20 per cent were
able to make the distinction. When colloidal ferric oxide
was added, 5 per cent of the observers were able to dis-
tinguish between 0.7 mg/1 and distilled water. Thus the
form of iron is important. The range of sensitivities of the
observers was surprising, in that 5 per cent were unable to
detect ferrous iron at a concentration of 256 mg/1 in distilled
water. The taste of iron was variously described as bitter,
sweet, astringent, and "iron tasting." (Cohen et al. 1960).175
Concentrations of iron less than 0.3 mg/1 are generally
acceptable in public water supplies as the characteristic
red stains and deposits of hydrated ferric oxide do not
manifest themselves (Hazen 1895,176 Mason 1910,177 Buswell
1928174). This is the principal reason for limiting the con-
centration of soluble iron.
On the basis of user preference and because the
defined treatment process can remove oxidized iron
but may not remove soluble iron (Fe++), it is recom-
mended that 0.3 mgfl soluble iron not be exceeded
in public water supply sources.
Lead is well known for its toxicity in both acute and
chronic exposures (National Academy of Sciences 1972).190
In technologically developed countries the widespread use
of lead multiplies the risk of exposure of the population to
excessive lead levels (Kehoe 1960a).184 For this reason,
constant surveillance of the lead exposure of the general
population via food, air, and water is necessary.
Acute lead toxicity is characterized by burning in the
mouth, severe thirst, inflammation of the gastrointestinal
tract with vomiting and diarrhea. Chronic toxicity produces
anorexia, nausea, vomiting, severe abdominal pain, paraly-
~is, mental confusion, visual disturbances, anemia, and con-
rulsions (The Merck lnde'x of Chemicals and Drugs 1960) .189
For 1,577 surface water samples collected from 130 sam-
pling points in the United States, ll.3 per cent showed
:letectable concentrations of 0.002 to 0.140 mg/1 with a
mean of 0.023 mg/1 (Kopp 1969).187 For the 100 largest
:ities in the United States, the finished waters were found
to have a median concentration of 0.0037 mg/1 and a
maximum of 0.062 mg/1 (Durfor and Becker 1964).182 Of
the 969 water supplies in a community water supply study
:onducted in 1969 (McCabe et al. 1970),1 88 the lead concen-
trations in finished water ready for distribution ranged from
) to 0.64 mg/1. Fourteen of these supplies on the average
!xceeded the 0.05 mg/1 limit for lead in drinking water
~PHS 1962).191 Of 2,595 samples from distribution systems,
n exceeded the limit set by the Drinking Water Standards
~PHS 1962).191 When standing in lead pipe overnight, acidic
;oft water in particular can dissolve appreciable concen-
trations of lead (Crawford and Morris 1967).181
The average daily intake of lead via the diet was 0.3 mg
n 1940 and rarely exceeded 0.6 mg (Kehoe et al. 1940a).186
Data obtained subsequent to 1940 indicated that the intake
)f lead appeared to have decreased slightly since that time
(Kehoe 1960b,185 Schroeder and Balassa 1961).192 When,
under experimental conditions, the daily intake of lead
from all sources amounted to 0.5 to 0.6 mg over one year
or more, a small amount was retained in normal healthy
adults but produced no detectable deviation from normal
health. Indirect evidence from industrial workers exposed
to known amounts of lead for long periods was consistent
with these findings (Kehoe 1947).183
Young children present a special case in lead intoxication,
both in terms of the tolerated intake and the severity of the
symptoms (Chisholm 1964).180 The most prevalent source
of lead poisoning of children up to three years of age has
been lead-containing paint still found in some older homes
(Byers 1959,179 Kehoe 1960a184).
Because of the narrow gap between the quantities of lead
to which the general population is exposed through food
and air in the course of everyday life, and the quantities that
are potentially hazardous over long periods of time, lead
in water for human consumption must be limited to low
A long-time intake of 0.6 mg lead per day is a level at
which development of lead intoxication is unlikely and the
normal intake of lead from food is approximately 0.3
mg/day. Assuming a 2 liter daily consumption of water
with 0.05 mg/1 lead, the additional daily intake would be
0.1 mg/day or 25 per cent of the total intake.
Because of the toxicity of lead to humans and
because there is little information on the effective-
ness of the defined treatment process in decreasing
lead concentrations, it is recommended that 0.05
mgfllead not be exceeded in public water supply
Manganese (Mn) is objectionable in public water supplies
because of its effect on taste (Riddick et al. 1958,196 Cohen
et al. 1960194), staining of plumbing fixtures, spotting of
laundered clothes, and accumulation of deposits in distri-
bution systems. Manganese occurs in the reduced state
(Mn++), frequently in ground waters and less frequently
in surface waters, since exposure to oxygen in surface
waters results in oxidation to much less soluble hydrated
manganese oxides (American Water Works Association
Concentrations of manganese less than 0.05 mg/1 are
generally acceptable in public water supplies, because the
characteristic black stains and deposits of hydrated man-
ganese oxides do not manifest themselves. This is the
principal reason for limiting the concentration of soluble
manganese (Griffin 1960) .195
On the basis of user preference and because the
defined treatment process can remove oxidized
manganese but does little to remove soluble man-
ganese (Mn++), it is recommended that 0.05 mgfl
soluble manganese not be exceeded in public water
Mercury (Hg) is distributed throughout the environment.
As a result of industrial use and agricultural applications,
significant local increases in concentrations above natural
levels in water, soils, and air have been recorded (Wallace
et al. 1971). 209 In addition to the more commonly known
sources of man's mercury contributions, the burning of
fossil fuels has been reported as a source of mercury pollution
(Bertine and Goldberg 1971,199 Joensuu 1971 202 ).
The presence of mercury in fresh and sea water was
reported many years ago (Proust 1799,204 Garrigou 1877,201
Willm 1879,210 Bardet 1913 197). In Germany, early studies
(Stock and Cucuel 1934,206 Stock 1938205) found mercury
in tap water, springs, rain water, and beer. In all water
the concentration of mercury was consistently less than
one JLg/1, but the beer occasionally contained up to 15 JLg/1.
A recent survey (U.S. Department of Interior, Geological
Survey 1970)211 demonstrated that 93 per cent of U.S.
;treams and rivers sampled contained less thap 0.5 JLg/1 of
:lissolved mercury.
Aside from the exposure experienced in certain occu-
pations, food, particularly fish, is the greatest contributor
to the human body burden of mercury (Study Group on
Mercury Hazards 1971).208 The Food and Drug Adminis-
tration (FDA) has established a guideline of 0.5 mg/kg
for the maximum allowable concentration of mercury in
lish consumed by humans, but it has not been necessary
for the FDA to establish guidelines for other foodstuffs.
Mercury poisoning may be acute or chronic. Generally,
mercurous salts are less soluble in the digestive tract than
mercuric salts and are consequently less acutely toxic. For
man the fatal oral dose of mercuric salts ranges from 20 mg
to 30 mg (Stokinger 1963).207 Chronic poisoning from in-
)rganic mercurials has been most often associated with
industrial exposure, whereas that from the organic deriva-
tives has been the result of accidents or environmental
On the basis of their effects on man, several of the mercury
:ompounds used in agriculture and industry (such as
ukoxyalkyls and aryls) can be grouped with inorganic
mercury to which the former compounds are usually me-
tabolized. Alkyl compounds are the derivatives of mercury
most toxic to man, producing illness from the ingestion of
only a few milligrams. Chronic alkyl mercury poisoning is
insidious in that it may be manifest after a few weeks or
not until after a few years.
It has been estimated (Bergrund and Berlin 1969)198 that
of the total mercury ingested, more than 90 per cent is
absorbed via the gastrointestinal tract when taken in the
form of methyl mercury; but only 2 per cent is absorbed if
it is in the form of mercuric ion (Clarkson 1971).200 Human
excreta reveal a biological half-life of methyl mercury in
man of approximately 70 days (Study Group on Mercury
Hazards 1971).208
Acute mercury toxicity is characterized by severe nausea,
vomiting, abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea, kidney damage,
and death usually within ten days. Chronic exposure is
characterized by inflammation of mouth and gums, swelling
of salivary glands, excessive salivation, loosening of teeth,
kidney damage, muscle tremors, spasms of extremities,
personality changes, depression, irritability, and nervous-
ness (The Merck Index of Chemicals and Drugs 1960).203
Safe levels of ingested mercury can be estimated from
data presented in "Hazards of Mercury" (Study Group on
Mercury Hazards 1971). 208 From epidemiological evidence,
the lowest whole blood concentration of methyl mercury
associated with toxic symptoms is 0.2 JLg/g, which, in turn,
corresponds to prolonged, continuous intake by man of
approximately 0.3 mg Hg/70 kg/day. When a safety factor
of 10 is used, the maximum dietary intake should be 0.03
mg Hg/person/day (30 JLg/70 kg/day). It is recognized
that this provides a smaller factor of safety for children.
If exposure to mercury were from fish alone, the 0.03 mg
limit would allow for a maximum daily consumption of
60 grams (420 g/week) of fish containing 0.5 mg Hg/kg.
Assuming a daily consumption of 2 liters of water containing
0.002 mg/1 (2 JLg/1) mercury, the daily intake would be
4 JLg. If 420 g of fish per week containing 0.5 mg Hg/kg
plus 2 liters of water daily containing 0.002 mg/1 mercury
were ingested, the factor of safety for a 70 kg man would
be 9. If all of the mercury is not in the alkyl form, or if
fish consumption is limited, a greater factor of safety will
On the basis of adverse physiological effects and
because the defined water treatment process has
little or no effect on removing mercury at low levels,
it is recommended that total mercury in public
water supply sources not exceed 0.'002 .mgfl.
Serious and occasionally fatal poisonings in infants have
ccurred following ingestion of well waters shown to contain
itrate (N03_:_) at concentrations greater than 10 mg/1
itrate-nitrogen (N). This was first associated with a:tempo-
uy blood disorder in infants called ·methemoglobinemia
1 1945 (Comly 1945).212 Since-then, approximately 2,000
ases of this disease have 'been reported.from private water
1pplies in North America and Europe, and about 7 to
per cent of the infants affected died (Walton 1951,223
attelmacher 1962,218 Simon et al. 1964219 ).
·High nitrate concentrations are frequently found in
1allow wells on farms and in rural communities. These
re often the result of inadequate. protection from barn
ard drainage and from septic tanks (U.S. Department of
[ealth, Education, and Welfare, Public. Health Service
961,221 Stewart et al. 1967220 ). Increasing concentrations
f nitrate in streams from farm tile drainage have been
10wn ·.in regions of intense fertilization .and farm crop
roduction (Harmeson et al. 1971).214
'Many infants have drunk water with nitrate-nitrogen
)ncentrations greater than 10 mg/1 without··developing
1e disease. Many. public water supplies in the United
tates have levels of nitrate that routinely exceed the
andatd, but only one case of methemoglobinemia (Vigil
t al. 1965)222 associated with a public water supply has
ms far been ·reported. Rationale for degrees of suscepti-
ility to methemoglobinemia have yet to be developed.
The development of methemoglobinemia, largely con-
ned to infants less than three months old, is dependent
pon the bacterial conversion of the relatively innocuous
itrate ion to nitrite (N02-). Nitrite· absorbed into the
lood stream converts hemoglobin to methemoglobin. The
lten~d pigment can then no longer transport oxygen;· and
1e clinical effect of methemoglobinemia is that of oxygen
eprivation or suffocation. Older children and adults do
ot seem to be affected, but Russian research reported
1ethemoglobin in five-to eight-year-old school children
•here the water nitrate concentrations were 182 mg/1 as N
Diskaleriko 1968). 213
Nitrite toxicity is wdl known, but a no-effect level has
ot been established. When present in drinking water
itrite would· have a more rapid and pronounced effect
ian nitrate. Concentrations .ire raw water· sources are
sually 'less than 1 mg/1 as N, and chlorinatiQn to a free
hlorihe residual converts nitrite to ni.trate.
'Several reviews <and reports (Walton 1951;223 .Sattel-
lacher 1962;2~8 <Simon et'al. 1964,219 ·'Winton f970,224
Winton et al. 19712~5 ) generally pointed to 10 mg/1 nitrate-
nitrogen in drinkiqg water as the maximum tolerance levels
:for ·infants. Sattelmacher (1962)218 showed 3 per cent of
473 cases of infantile methemoglobinemia to be associated
with levels of less than 9 mg/1 as N. Simon and his associates
(1964)219 found 4.4 per cent of 249 cases to be associated
with levels less than 11 mg/l as N. Analyses of available
·data .• are'. hampered by the fact that samples for water
analysis are sometimes collected weeks or months after the
disease occurs, during which time the concentration of
nitrate may change considerably. Hereditary defects, the
feeding of nitrate-rich vegetables, or the use of common
medfcines may increase susceptibility to methemoglobi-
nemia. Winton and his associates (1971)225 concluded that
"there is insufficient evidence to permit raising the recom-
mended limit."
Extensive reviews on methemoglobinemia associated with
nitrate and nitrite have been provided by Walton (1951),223
Miale (1967),216 and Lee (1970).215 They described the
circumstances that contributed· to the susceptibility of in-
fants under three months of age to methemoglobinemia
from nitrate. These included (a) the stomach pH in infants,
which is higher than that of adults and can permit growth
ofbacteria that can reduce nitrate· to nitrite, and (b) infant
gastrointestinal illness that may permit reduction of nitrate
to nitrite to occur higher in the intestinal tract.
Methemoglobin is normally present at levels of 1 per cent
to 2 per cent of the total hemoglobin in the blood. Clinical
symptoms are normally .detectable only at levels of about
10 per cent. Methemoglobin in the subclinical range has
been generally regarded as unimportant. However, 10
children (ages 12 to 14) were observed to have shown con-
ditioned reflexes to both auditory and visual stimuli, as the
result of a drinking water source with 20.4 mg/1 nitrate-
nitrogen. The average methemoglobin in the blood was
5.3 per cent (Petukhov and Ivanov 1970).217
'On the basis of adverse·physiological effects on
infants and because the defined treatment process
has no effect on the removal of nitrate, it is recom-
mended that the nitrate-nitrogen concentration
in public water supply sources not exceed 10 mgfl.
On the basis of its high toxicity and more pro-
nounced effect than nitrate, it is recommended
that the nitrite-nitrogen concentration in public
water supply sources not exceed 1 mgfl.
Because of its possible large-scale use, nitrilotriacetate
(NTA) should be evaluated in light of chronic low-level
!xposure via drinking water and its potential for adversely
1ffecting the health of the general population. Although
11itrilotriacetic acid, a white crystalline powder, is insoluble
in water, the tribasic salt is quite soluble.
NT A has strong affinity for iron, calcium, magnesium,
md zinc (Bailar I956).226 Its relative affinity for toxic
netals such as cadmium and mercury is not presently
mown, nor have its chelating properties in complex ionic
;oiutions been characterized. Copper and lead concen-
trations in biologically treated waste water after flocculation
with aluminum sulfate (125 mg/1) are a function of the
NTA present (Nilsson I971).227 No information is available
)n the toxicity of such chelates. No cases of acute human
poisoning by NT A have been reported.
In the natural environment, NT A is biodegraded to C02,
N03, and H20, with glycine and ammonia as intermediates
(Thompson and Duthie I968).228 This appears to occur
within four to five days. Degradation is accelerated by
biological waste treatment. Conversion of NT A to nitrate
is on a I to I molar basis.
No recommendation concerning NTA is made at
this time because of the absence of data on affinity
for toxic metals, the absence of adequate toxicity
data, and the absence of demonstrable effects on
man, and because there is doubt about its potential
use as a substitute for phosphates in detergents.
Toxicity information should be developed and
evaluated to establish a reasonable recommen-
dation prior to its use as a substitute.
Odor and taste, which are rarely separable, are the
primary means by which the user determines the accepta-
bility of water. The absence of odor is an indirect indication
that contaminants such as phenolic compounds are also
ibsent, or nearly so. (See Phenolic Compounds, in this sec-
tion, p. 80) Although odor cannot be directly correlated
with the safety of the water supply, its presence can cause
:onsumers to seek other supplies that may in fact be less
Many oqor-producing substances in raw water supplies
ue organic compounds produced by microorganisms and
by human and industrial wastes (Silvey I953,232 Rosen
I966,231 American Water Works Association, Committee
on Tastes and Odors, I970230). The defined treatment
process can aid in the removal of certain odorous sub-
stances (American Water Works Association 197I),229 but,
it may in other cases increase the odor (Silvey et al. 1950)233
as by the chlorination of phenolic compounds explained
on p. 80.
For aesthetic reasons, public water supply
sources should be essentially free from objection-
able odor.
Oil and grease, as defined by Standard Methods (I971 ), 241
)Ccurring in public water supplies in any quantity cause
taste, odor, and appearance problems (Braus et al. 1951,235
Middleton and Lichtenberg 1960,240 Middleton I96Ia,239
American Water Works Association 1966234), can be haz-
ardous to human health (The Johns Hopkins University,
Department of Sanitary Engineering and Water Resources
1956,237 McKee and Wolf I963238), and are detrimental
to the defined treatment process (Middleton and Lichten-
berg I960).240 Even small quantities of oil and grease can
produce objectionable odors and appearance, causing re-
jection of the water supply before health or treatment
problems exist (Holluta 1961,236 McKee and Wolf I963).238
On the basis of odor and other aesthetic con-
siderations affecting user preference and because
oil and grease are unnatural ingredients in water,
it is recommended that public water supply sources
be essentially free from oil and grease.
Organics-carbon adsorbable are composed of carbon-
loroform extract (CCE) (Middleton 1961 b)245 and carbon-
:ohol extract (CAE) (Booth et al. 1965,243 Standard
ethods 19712 48). CCE is a mixture of organic compounds
it can be adsorbed on activated carbon and then desorbed
th chloroform (Booth et al. 1965).243 Middleton and
lsen (1956)246 showed the presence of substituted benzene
npounds, kerosene, polycyclic hydrocarbons, phenyl-
ler, acrylonitrile, and insecticides in CCE materials.
\.E is a mixture of organic compounds that can be ad-
·bed on activated carbon, then desorbed with ethyl alcohol
er the chloroform soluble organics have been desorbed
ooth et al. 1965).243
Hueper and Payne (1963)244 showed that CCE materials
d carcinogenic properties when ingested by rats. This
tdy also suggested a life-shortening effect in rats fed CAE
1terials (Federal Water Pollution Control Administration
ce memorandum 1963).249 The CAE material also contained
least one synthetic organic, alkyl benzene sulfonate
.osen et al. 1956).247
It is important to recognize that the carbon usually does
t adsorb all organic material present, nor is all the
sorbed material desorbed.
:=>rganics-carbon adsorbable recommendations represent
Jractical measure of water quality and act as a safeguard
ainst the intrusion of excessive amounts of ill-defined
tentially toxic organic material into water. They have
ved in the past as a measure of protection against the
esence of otherwise undetected toxic organic materials in
inking water. However, they provide a rather incomplete
fex of the health significance of such materials in potable
In 1965 Booth and his associates (1965)243 developed a
Lrbon Adsorption Method (CAM) similar to the High-
ow CAM Sampler but with a longer contact time be-
tween the sample and the activated carbon. This sampler,
called the Low-Flow CAM Sampler, increased organic
adsorption and therefore overall yield of the determination.
Since that time a more reliable collection apparatus,
called the Mini-Sampler, has been developed (Beulow and
Carswell 1972).242 In addition, the Mini-Sampler also used
a type of coal-based activated carbon that enhanced organic
collection. Further, the extraction apparatus has been
miniaturized to be less expensive and more convenient,
and the procedure modified to be more vigorous, thereby
increasing desorption and organic recovery (Beulow and
Carswell 1972).242 However, the Mini-Sampler has not
been evaluated using raw waters at this time. Therefore,
the Low-Flow Sampler (Booth et al. 1965)243 was used for
establishing the recommendation.
Adjustment of the High-Flow Sampler data (1961 Inter-
state Carrier Surveillance Program) to make them com-
parable to the recent results from the Low-Flow Sampler
show that waters with concentrations exceeding either 0.3
mg CCE/1 or 1.5 mg CAE/1 may contain undesirable
and unwarranted components 'and represent a generally
unacceptable level for unidentified organic substances.
Because large values of CCE and CAE are aes-
thetically undesirable and represent unacceptable
levels of unidentified organic compounds that may
have adverse physiological eftects, and because the
defined treatment process has little or no eftect on
the removal of these organics, it is recommended
that organics-carbon adsorbable as measured by
the Low-Flow Sampler (Standard Methods 1971 248)
not exceed 0.3 mgfl CCE and 1.5 mgfl CAE in
public water supply sources.
Pesticides include a great many organic compounds that
are used for specific or general purposes. Among them are
chlorinated hydrocarbons, organophosphorus and carba-
mate compounds, as well as the chlorophehoxy, and other
herbicides. Although_ these compounds have been useful in
improving agricultural yidds, controlling disease vectors,
and reducing the mass growth of aquatic plants in streams
and reservoirs, they also create both real and presumed
hazards in the environment.
Pesticides differ widely in chemical and toxicological
characteristics. Some are accumulated-in the fatty tissues
of the body while others are metabolized. The biochemistry
of the pesticides has not yet been completely investigated.
Because of the variability in their toxicity to man and-their
wide range of biodegradability, the different groups -of
pesticides are considered separately below.
Determining the presence of pesticides in water requires
expensive specialized equipment as well as specially trained
personnel. In smaller communities, it is not routine to make
actual quantitative determinations and identifications.
These are relegated to the larger cities, federal and state
agencies, and private laboratories that mpnitor raw waters
at selected locations.
but differ in severity. The severity is related to concentration
of the chlorinated hydrocarbon ill; the nervous system,
primarily the brain (Dale et al. 1963).256 Mild intoxication
causes headaches, dizziness, gastrointestinal -disturbances,
numbness and weakness of the extremities, apprehension,
and hyperirritability. In severe cases, there are muscular
fasciculations spreading from the head to the e~tremities,
followed eventually by spasms involving entire muscle
groups, leading in some cases to convulsions and death.
Very few long term studies have been conducted with
human volunteers. The highest level tested for dieldrin was
0.211 ing/tnan/day for 2 years with no observed illness
(Hunter and Robinson 1967;268 Hunter et al. 1969).269 Since
aldrin is metabolized-to dieldrin and has· essentially the
same toxicity as dieldrin, these data can also be applied
to aldrin.
Methoxychlor levels of 140 mg/man/ day produced no
illness in subjects over a period of 8 weeks (Stein et al. _
1965).280 The maximum level of DDT seen to have no
apparent ill effect was 35 mg/man/day for 2 years (Hayes
et al. 1971).265
The dosage is one of the most important factors in ex-
trapolating to safe human exposure levels. Using tumor'-
susceptible hybrid strains of mice, significantly increased
incidences of tumors were produced with the administration
The chlorinated hydrocarbons are one of the most im-of large doses of DDT (46.4 mg/kg/day) (Innes et al-.
portant groups of synthetic organic insecticides because of 1969).270 In a separate study in mice extending over five
their number, wide use, great stability in the environment, generations, a dietary level of 3 ppm of DDT produced a
and toxicity to certain forms of wildlife and other nontarget --greater incidence of malignancies and leukemia beginning
organisms. If absorbed into the human·body, some of the in the second filial and third filial generations, respectively,
chlorinated hydrocarbons are not metabolized rapidly but and continuing in the later generations (Tarjan and Kemeny
are stored in fatty ti~sues. The consequences of such storage 1969).281 These results are preliminary in nature and require
are presently under investigation (Report of the Secre-confirmation. The findings .of both of these studies conflict
tary's Commission on Pesticides and Their Relationship to with earlier studies·nf the carcinogenic effect of DDT-which-·
Environmental Health. U.S. Department-of Health, Edu-yielded generally negative results.
cation, and Welfare 1969).284 The major chlorinated hydro-A summary of the levels of several chlorinated hydro-·
carbons have been in use for at least three decades, and yet carbons that produced minimal toxicity or-no effects when '
no definite conclusions have been reached regarding the fed -chronically to-_dogs and rats is shown ih -Table II~3-
effect of these pesticides on man (HEW 1969):284 (Lehman 1965;272 Treon and _Cleveland 1955/~82 Cole ;un-'
Regardless of how they enter. organisms, chlorinated published daia 19662 86). _Limits for chlorinated -hydrocarbons
hydrocarbons cause symptoms of poisoning that are similar -in -drinking· water have ·been' <;al$ulated ,primarily :on:-.th.e ·
TABLE II-3-Recommended Limits for Chlorinated Hydrocarbon In~ecticides
Calculated maximum, sale levels
Long-term levels with minimal or no effects from all sources of exposure Intake from diet
Species ppm in diet Reference mg/kgbody Reference Safety Factor mgfkg/day mg/man/day• mgfmanfday
weight/day•. (X) (8)
Aldrin •••••.•••..•..• Rat 0.5 (1) 0.083 .............. 1/100 0.00083 O.U581
Dog 1.0 . (1) 0.02 .............. 1/100 0.0002 0.014d 0.0007
Man ............................. 0.003 (2), (3) 1/10 0.0003 0.021
Chlordane .•.•.......•. Rat 2.5 (1) 0.42 .............. 1/500 0.00084 0.588d
Dog· N;A.·· ............... N.A. .............. ............................................ .T
Man N.A. ............... N.A. . ...........................................
DDT ................. Rat 5.0 (1) 0.83 .............. 1/100 0.008 0.56<'
Dog ' 400.0 (1) 8.0 .............. 1/100 0.08 5.6 0.021
Man ····························· 0.5 (4) 1/10 0.05 3.5
Dieldrin .............. Rat 0.5 (1) 0.083 .............. 1/100 0.00083 0.0581
Dog 1.0 (1) 0.02 .............. .1/100 0.0002 O.OJ4d 0.0049
Man ······························ 0.003 (2), (3) 1/10 0.0003 0.021
Endrin ............... Rat 5.0 (5) 0.83 .............. 1/500 0.00166 0.1162
Dog 3.0 (6) 0.06 .............. 1/500 0.00012 0.0084d 0.00035
Man N.A. ............... N.A.
Heptachlor ........... Rat 0.5 (1) 0.083 .............. 1/500 0.000166 0.1162
Dog 4.0 (1) 0.08 .............. 1/500 0.00016 0.0112d 0.00007
Man N.A. ............... N.A.
Heptachlor Epoxide •..• Rat· 0.5 (1). 0.083 .............. .1/500 0.000166 0.01162
. Dog 0.5 (1) 0.01 .............. 1/500 0.00002 O.OOJ4d 0.0021
Man NA. ............... N.A.
Lindane ............. Ra: 50.0 (1) 8.3 .............. 1/500 0.0166 1.162
Dog 15.0 (1) 0.3 .............. 1/500 0.0006 0.042d 0.0035
Man . N.A. . .............. N.A.
Methoxychlor ......... Rat 100.0 (1) 17.0 .............. 1/100 0.17 11.9d
Dog 4000.0 (1) 80.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/100 0.8 56.0 T
Man ............................. 2.0 (7) 1/10 0.2 14.0
Toxaphene ........... Rat 10.0 (1) 1.7 .............. 1/500 0.0034 0.238d
Dog 400.0 (1) 8.0 .............. 1/500 0.016 1.12 T
Man N.A. N.A.
LEGEND: • Assume .weight of ral=0.3 kg• and of dog=10 kg; assume average daily food consumption of rat=
0.05 kg and of dog=0.2 kg.
REFERENCES: (1) Lehman (1965)"'
(2) Hunter & Robinson (1967)268
(3) Hunter et al. (1969)2" ~ Assume average weight of human adult= 10· kg.
• Assume average daily intake of water for man=2 Diers
d Chosen as basis on which to derive recommended lililil
-• Adjusted fotorpnolepti~ effects.
I Adjusted for inlerconversion to H. epoxide.
N.A. No data available.
· . T Infrequent occurrence in trace quantities
(4) Hayes et al. (in press)""'
(5) Treon et al. (1955)28>
(6) Cole (1966)2"
(7) Stein et a 1. (1965)280
(8) Duggan and'Corneliussen (1972)'"
% of Safe level
Pesticides ;n
% of Safe level Recommended
20 0.001
{ 0.05 : ............_,-
20 0.001
20 0.0005
20 0.005)
20 1.0
basis of the extrapolated human intake that would be Thus the human data for aldrin, dieldrin, DDT, and ·
equivalent to that causing minimal toxic effects in mammals methoxychlor are adjusted by 0.1, and the corresponding
(rats and dogs). For comparison, the dietary levels are con-animal data for these agents are adjusted by 0:01. The
verted to mg/kg body Weight/day. Aldrin, dieldrin; endrin, minimal effect levels of chlordane, endrin, heptachlor,
heptachlor epoxide, and lindane had lower minimal· effect heptachlor' epoxide, lindane, and toxaphene -are adjusted
and no-effect levels in ·dogs than·iri rats;·whereas for DDT, . by 1/500; 'since no adequate human data are available for
methoxychlor, and toxaphene the ·converse was observed. comparison. These derived values are considered the maxi-"
Heptachlor :was equally toxic to· both species: Only da:ta mum safe exposure levels from all sources. Because these
from studies using rats were available for chlordane. values are expressed as mg/kg/day,-they are readjusted for
.Such data from human and animal investigations have body weight to determine the total ql,lantity. to' which
been used to. derive exposure standards,.· as for drinking persons may be safely exposed.
water; by adjusting for factors that influence toxiCity such Analysis of the maximum safe levels (mg/man/day) in
as inter..: and intra-species variability, length of exposure, Table Il:-3 reveals -that these levels are not exactly the
aud extensiveness of the·studies~~:ro determine a safe··ex-same .. when one species is compared ·with another. The.
posure' levet for .man; conventionally;-a :factor of 0.1 is · choice of level on which to base ·'a level for water. requires
applie<l lo·human:data-where no effects have been observed; ·selection of the--lowest value from animal ex~rimentation,
whereas. 0.01 is ··applied to ani.mal data when: adequate provided that:the human.;data. are within the same order.
hm:Uaw data. are· ava:ihiole"··for corroboration: A factor .;of of magnitude and substantiate that manis ·no more sensitive.
l/500 is generhllyused•on animal' aata when no. adequate . to a· particular agent than is-the rat or the dog.
and compar'able hNman .dam-ar-e--available.' • To then calculate, a limiufot: water it is necessary to
f, ....
78/Section Il-Public Water Supplies
consider the exposure from other media. In the case of the
chlorinated hydrocarbons, exposure is expected to occur
mostly through the diet, although aerial sj5ray of these
agents can occasionally result in an inhalation exposure.
Dietary intake of pesticide chemicals from 1964 to 1970
have been determined by investigators of the Food and
Drug Administration from "market basket" samples of
food and water (Duggan and Corneliussen 1972).258 The
average intakes (mg/man/day) are listed in Table II-3.
If the intake from the diet is compared with what are
considered acceptable safe levels for these pesticides, it is
apparent that only traces of chlordane, methoxychlor, and
toxaphene are present in the diet. Less than 10 per cent of
the maximum safe level of aldrin, DDT, endrin, heptachlor,
or lindane are ingested with the diet. For dieldrin, approxi-
mately 35 per cent of the safe level comes from the diet.
By contrast, exposure to heptachlor epoxide via the diet
accounts for more than the defined safe level. In general, an
apportionment to water of20 per cent of the total acceptable
intake is reasonable. However, the limits for chlordane and
toxaphene were lowered because of organoleptic effects at
concentrations above 0.003 and. 0.005 mg/1, respectively
(Cohen et al. 1961,253 Sigworth 1965278). The limit for
heptachlor epoxide was lowered to five per cent of the safe
level because of the relatively high concentrations in the
diet; and, accordingly, the limit for heptachlor was lowered
because it is metabolized to heptachlor epoxide.
These limits reflect the amounts that can be ingested
without harm to the health of the consumer and without
adversely affecting the quality of the drinking water. They
are meant to serve only in the event that these chemicals
are inadvertently present in the water and do not imply
that their deliberate addition is acceptable.
Because of adverse physiological effects on hu-
mans or on the quality of the water and because
there is inadequate information on the effect of
the defined treatment on removal of chlorinated
hydrocarbons, it is recommended that the limits
for water shown in Table 11-3 not be exceeded.
The number of organophosphorus and carbamate in-
secticides has steadily increased through special uses in
agricultural production and the control of destructive· in-
sects. At present, there are perhaps 30 commonly used
organophosphates with parathion among those potentially
most dangerous to human health. No evidence has de-
veloped of any significant contamination of water supplies
even in the geographical areas where the use of pesticides
in this class has been extensive. However, because of their
high mammalian toxicity, it is advisable to establish an
upper limit for these pesticides in treated water supplies.
The majority of organophosphorus insecticides in use at
present are somewhat similar in chemical structure and in
physical and biological properties. Although their specific
chemical compositions differ from one another and from
carbamates, they all act by the same physiological mecha-
nism. Their presence in public water supplies as contami-
nants would result in some deleterious biological effect
over a period of time.
Ingestion of small quantities of either of these pesticides
over a prolonged period results in a dysfunction of the
cholinesterase of the nervous system (Durham and Hayes
1962).259 This appears to be the only important manifes-
tation of acute or chronic toxicity caused by these com-
pounds (HEW 1969).284
Although safe levels of these agents have been determined
for experimental animals on the basis of biochemical indi-
cators of injury, more knowledge is needed to make specific
recommendations for water quality (HEW 1969).284
Indications of the levels that would be harmful are
available for some organophosphorus compounds as a result
of studies conducted with human volunteers. Grob (I 950)263
estimated that 100 mg of parathion would be lethal and
that 25 mg would be moderately toxic. On the other hand,
Bidstrup (1950)251 estimated that a dose of 10 to 20 mg of
parathion might be lethal. Edson (1957)260 found that
parathion ingested by man at a rate of 3 mg/day had no
effect on cholinesterase. Similar values were determined by
Williams and his associates (1958).285 Moeller and Rider
(I 962)273 suggested that the detectable toxicity threshold,
as measured by cholinesterase depression, was 9 mg/day
for parathion equivalency and 24 mg/day for malathion.
These investigators also reported that a daily dose of 7 mg
of methyl parathion was near the detectable toxicity thresh-
old for this compound; but it was later found (Rider and
Moeller 1964)276 that 10 mg/day of methyl parathion did
not produce any significant inhibition of blood cholin-
esterase. Therefore, 5 mg/day (0.07 mg/kg/day) of pa-
rathion equivalency should be a safe intake acceptable to
the body.
Frawley and his associates (1963)262 found that a depres-
sion of plasma cholinesterase occurred in human subjects
at a dosage of 0.15 mg/kg/day of Delnav, which would
amount to a total dose of about 7 to I 0 mg/ day of parathion
depending on the body weight of the subjects.
On the basis that carbamate and organophosphorus in-
secticides have similar toxic effects and that parathion is
one of the most toxic of these classes, the data appeared to
show that 0.07 mg/kg/day should be a safe level for the
human body. Assuming a daily consumption of 2 liters of
water containing cholinergic organophosphates or carba-
mates in concentrations of 0.1 mg/1, 0.2 mg/day would be
ingested. This would provide a factor of safety of 25 for
parathion for a man weighing 70 kg.
"It is recommended that the carbamate and
organophosphorus pesticides in public water sup:-
Pesticides /79
TABLE Il-4-Recommended Allowable Levels for Chlorophenoxy Herbicides
Lowest long-term levels with minimal or no effRis
Species Dose mg,tkgfday• Reference
2,4-D •••.•.................... Rat 0.5 Lehman (1965)272
Dog 8.0 Lehman (1965)"2
2,4,5-TP (Silvex) ...••.•••...... Rat 2.6 Mullison (1966)"'
Dog 0.9 Mumson (1966)"'
2,4,5-T ........................ Rat 4.6 Courtney et al. (1970)2"
Courtney & Moore (1971)m
Dog 10.0 Drill & Hiratzka (1953)"'
calculated maximum safe levels from all sources of exposure
Safety factor (X)
0. f4d
.-..% of Safe Level Rec. limit (mg/0'
50 0.02
50 0.03
• Assume weight of rat=0.3 kg and of dog=10 kg; assume average daily food consumption of rat=0.05 kg and of dog=0.2 kg.
• Assume average weight.of human adult=70 kg.
• Assume average daily intake of water for man=2 filers.
d Chosen as basis on which to derive recommended leveL
ply sources not exceed 0.1 mgfl, total, because there
is inadequate information on the effect of the de-
fined treatment process on their removal.
During the past 20 years, numerous reservoirs have been
constructed as public water supplies for cities and com-
munities in the United States. In certain areas as much as
five per cent per year of the total volume of a reservoir may
be lost because of the marginal growth of weeds and trees.
This is especially common in the Southwest where water
levels fluctuate (Silvey 1968).279
In recent years the control of aquatic vegetation has been
widely practiced for water supply sources in many com-
munities in the U.S. Since herbicides may be used for this
purpose, it is possible that some may find their way into
finished water.
Two of the most widely used herbicides are 2 ,4-D (2 ,4-
dichlorophenoxyacetic acid), and 2, 4, 5-TP (2, 4, 5-tri-
chlorophenoxy-propionic acid) (see Table -II-4). Each of
these compounds is available in a variety of salts and esters
that may have marked differences in herbicidal properties
but are rapidly hydrolyzed to the corresponding acid in
the body. There are additional compounds that have been
employed from time to time, such as diquat (I , I' -ethylene-2,
2'-dipyridylium dibromide) and endothal (disodium 3,6-
Studies of the acute oral toxicity of the chlorophenoxy
herbicides indicated that there was approximately a three-
fold variation between the species studied and that the
acute toxicity was moderate (Hill and Carlisle 1947,267
Lehman 1951,271 Drill and Hiratzka 1953,257 Rowe and
Hymas 1954).277 It appears that acute oral toxicity of the
three compounds is of about the same magnitude within
each species. In the rat, the oral LD50 for each agent was
about 500 mg/kg. . .
There are some data available on the toxicity of 2,4-D
to man indicating that a daily dosage of 500 mg (about
7 mg/kg) produced no apparent ill effects in a volunteer
over a 21-day period (Kraus unpublished 1946).288
Sixty-three million pounds of 2 ,4-D were produced in
1965. There were no confirmed cases of occupational
poisoning and few instances of any illness due to ingestion
(Hayes 1963,264 Nielson et al. 1965275). One case of 2,4~D
poisoning in man has been reported recently (Berwick
Lehman (1965)272 reported that the no-effect level ot
2,4-D is 0.5 mg/kg/day in the rat and 8.0 mg/kg/day in
the dog. In 2-year feeding studies with the sodium and
potassium salts of silvex, the no-effect levels were 2.6
mg/kg/day in rats and 0.9 mg/kg/day, respectively, in
dogs (Mullison 1966).274
Terata and embryo toxicity effects from 2,4,5-T were
evidenced by statistically increased proportions of abnormal
fetuses within the litters of mice and rats (Courtney et al.
1970).254 The rat appeared to be more sensitive to this
effect. A dosage of 21.5 mg/kg produced no harmful effects
in mice, while a level of 4.6 mg/kg caused minimal but
statistically.significant effects in the rat. More recent work
has indicated that a contaminant (2, 3, 7 ,8-tetrachloro-
dibenzo-p-dioxin) which was present at approximately 30
ppm in the 2 , 4, 5-T formulation originally tested was highly
toxic to experimental animals and produced fetal and
maternal toxicity at levels as low as 0.0005 mg/kg. However,
highly purified 2, 4, 5-T has also produced teratogenic
effects in both hamsters and rats at relatively high dosage
rates (FDA and NIEHS unpublished data,287 Collins and
Williams 197 12 52). Current production samples of 2, 4, 5-T
that contain less than 1 ppm of dioxin did not produce
embryo toxicity or terata in rats at levels as high as 24
mg/kg/day (Emerson et al. 1970).261
Because of possible adverse physiological effects
and because there are inadequate data on the
effects of the defined treatment process on removal
of chlorophenoxy herbicides, it is recommended
that 2,4-D not exceed 0.02 mgfl, that Silvex not
exceed 0.03 mgfl, and that 2,4,5-T not exceed
0.002 mgfl in public water supply sources.
The pH of a raw water supply is significant because it
:tffects water treatment processes and may-contribute to
~orrosion of waterworks structures, distribution lines, and
:1ousehold plumbing fixtures. This corrosion can add such
~onstituents as iron, copper, lead, zinc, and cadmium to
the-water. Most natural waters have pH values within the
~ange of 5.0 to 9.0. Adjustment of pH within this range is
~elative~y simple, and the variety of anticorrosion pro-
cedures currently in use make it unnecessary to recommend
a more·narrow range.
Because the defined treatment process can cope
with natural waters within the pH range of 5.0 to
9.0 but becomes less economical as this range is
extended, it is recommended that the pH~ofpublic
water supply sources be within 5.0 to 9~0.
Phenolic compounds are defined (Standard Methods
l971) 301 as hydroxy derivatives of benzene and its condensed
mcleL Sources of phenolic·compounds are industrial-waste
.v:ater discharges (Faust and Anderson 1968),292 domestic
:ewage (Hunter 1971),296 fungicides and pesticides (Frear
l969),294 hydrolysis and chemical oxidation of organo-
)hosphorus pesticides (Gomaa and· Faust 1971),295 hy-
lrolysis· and photochemical oxidation ofcarbamate-pesti-
:ides (Aly and El:.Dib 1971),289 microbial degradation• of
)henoxyalkyl acid herbicides· (Menziel969)~298-and natur•
illy occurring su bstances{Christman and Ghassemi 1966). 291
)orne--phenolic_ compounds-are -sufficiently resistant-to
nicrobial degradation to be-transported long distances-by
· Phenols affect water quality in many. ways. Perhaps the
\Teatest effect is noticed ·in-municipal_ water systeins·where
race concentrations of phenolic compounds· (usu'ally less
han LO · mg/1) affect the organoleptic properties;;<}[ the-
lrinking water. For example;; p~cresol has a· threshold otder
:oncentration . of ·0.055 ,, mg/1, : m-cresol o:25 mg/1, ·' and
>~cresol 0.26·mg/l (Rosen· etoal. T962).300 Phenol has a
:hreshold · ocl:or ~concentration of 4.2 · mg/1 :~(Rosen et al.
l962), BOO•whereas the values for the chlorinated phenols; are:·
~,:chlorophenol, ·2.0 : JLg/1; and 4~chlorophenol, . 2i)0 ;JLg/1
~Batttsehell etr ru. t959-).290.General,ly,-phenolic compotirids.
are not removed efficiently-by the defined treatment process.
Furthermore, muniCipal waters are postchlorinatedto insure
disinfection. If phenolic compounds are. present in waters
that, are chlorinated for disinfection, chlorophenols may be
formed. ';['he kinetics of this reaction are such that chloro-
·-phenols may not appear until· the water has been dis-
tributed from the treatment plant (Lee and Morris 1962).297
2 ,4-dinitrophenol. has·· been shown to inhibit oxidative
phosphorylation at concentrations of 184 and ·278' mg/1
(Pinchot 1"967).299
The ·development. of criteria for phenolic compounds· is
hampered by the lack of sensitive standard·analytical·tech-
niques -for the detection. of specific phenolic compounds,
Some ofthe-more odorousrcom.pounds arethe para-substi-
tuted-halogenated. phenols;. These escape detection· by the
methodology suggested by Standard Methods (1971)301 un-
less the analytical conditions .are-precisely.set (Falist et ;al.
1971).293 .
.Recommenclati0 n.
Be-cause;the· ctefi.hed·-treatm:eftt process· mayrse.,
verely: increase. the~t>dor; of' many phenolic cont-·
pounds,-itls reoomineiltled; that pltbllc water sup-
, ply's~urees .co11tain":tt'O'_mote..>thanl"•f!tJt~phenolic·
Recommendations for phosphate concentrations have
xen considered but no generally acceptable recommen-
iation is possible at this time because of the complexity of
~he problem. The purpose of such a recommendation would
)e twofold:
I. to avoid problems associated with algae and other
tquatic plants, and
2. -to avoid coagulation problems due particularly to
:omplex phosphates.
Phosphate is essential to all forms of life. In efforts to
imit the developmentofobjectionable plant growths, phos-·
>hate .is often considered the most readily controllable
mtrient. Evidence indicates (a) that high phosphate con-
:entrations are associated with eutrophication of waters
nanifest in unpleasant algal or other aquatic plant-growths
vhen other growth-promoting .factors are favorable; (b)
hat aquatic plant problems develop in ·reservoirs or other
tanding waters at phosphate values lower than those critical
noflowing-streams; (c) that reservoirs and other standing
vaters will collect phosphates from -influent streams and
tore a portion of these within the consolidated sediments;
md (d) that initial concentrations of phosphate that stimu-
ate noxious plant growths vary with other water quality
:haracteristics, producing such growths :in one geographical
Lrea but not in another.
Because the ratio· of total phosphorus (P) to· that form of
1hosphorus readily available for .plant growth is constantly
:hanging and ranges from two to· 17 or more times greater,
tis. desirable to establish limits for total phosphorus rather
han to the portion that may be available for· immediate
1lant use; Mest relatively .uncontaminated Jake ·districts are
:nown to have suiface waters that contain 10 to 30 1-1g/I
otai phosphorus as P; in some waters that·are not obviously
polluted, higher values may occur. Data collected by the
Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, Division
. of Pollution Surveillance, indicate that total phosphorus
concentrations exceeded 50 1-1g/l (P) at 48 cper cent of the
stations sampled across the nation (Gunnerson 1966).302
Some potable surface water supplies now exceed 200 J.~g/1
(P) without experiencing notable problems due to aquatic
growths. Fifty micrograms per liter of total phosphorus
(as P) would :probably restrict noxious aquatic plant
growths in ·flowing waters and in some standing waters.
Some lakes, however, would experience algal nuisances at
and below this level.
Critical phosphorus concentrations will vary with other
water quality characteristics. Turbidity and other factors
in many of the nation's waters negate the :algal~producing
effects of high phosphorus.concentrations. ,When waters are
detained in a lake or reservoir, the resultant phosphorus
concentration is reduced to some extent over that in influent
streams by precipitati<m or uptake by organisms and subse-
quent deposition in fecal pellets or the bodies of dead
organisms. At concentrations of complex;phosphorus on the
order of 100 J.~g/1, ·difficulties with -coagulation are experi-
enced {U.S. Department of the Interior, Federal Water
Pollution Control Administration 1968). 303 (See the dis-
cussion of Eutrophication and Nutrients in Section I for a
more complete description of phosphorus associations with
the enrichment problem.)
No recommendation ~can .. be made :because of the
complexity of relationships between, phosphate
concentrations· in water, -biological ;productivity,
·andresulting problems such. as odor and·filtration
Large quantities of phthalate esters are used as plasticizers
a plastics. Phthalates in water, fish, and other organisms,
epresent a potential but largely unknown health problem.
~hey have been implicated in growth retardation, accumu-
:ttion, and chronic toxicity, but little conclusive infor-
aation is available (Phthalates are discussed in Section III,
Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife.) Because there is
insufficient information on their specific effects on man, no
scientifically defensible recommendation can be made at
this time concerning concentrations of phthalate esters in
public water supply sources.
The quality of public water supplies may be drastically
ffected by the presence of planktonic organisms. Plankton
1ay be defined as a community of motile or nonmotile
1icroscopic plants and animals that are suspended in water.
~he species diversity and density of the plankton com-
mnity a:r;e important water quality characteristics that
!10uld be monitored in all public water supplies. Several
1ethods for counting plankton have been improvised.
.fany reports count plankton as number of organisms per
liquot of sample rather than biomass. Since various species
f algae are much larger than other species, plankton
ounts that simply enumerate cells, colonies, or filaments do
ot indicate accurately the true plankton content of the
rater (Standard Methods 1971). 305
Plankters are primarily important in public water supply
lurces for their contribution to taste and odor problems,
H alteration, or filter clogging. To aid operators in in-
!rpreting plankton data, the algae counted should be
.sted under applicable categories that show the predomi-
ance or absence of certain groups of organisms at any
iven time. The categories used should include green algae,
'lue-green algae, diatoms, flagellated forms, Protozoa,
1icrocrustaceans and Rotifera, as well as related Protista.
Data from plankton counts can be very useful to water
reatment operators (Silvey et al. 1972). 304 Counts of blue-
:reen algae which exceed 50 per cent of the total plankton
community usually indicate potential taste and odor prob-
lems. So long as the green algae comprise 75 per cent of
the total plankton count, it is not likely that serious taste
and odor problems will arise. The diatom population of the
plankton community is also important. During some diatom
blooms, the pH of the water increases enough to require the
addition of more alum or iron than would normally be
used to achieve the desired pH in the distribution system.
Some blooms of planktonic green algae cause the pH of
the water to rise from 7.6 to as high as 10. There are ap-
parently no plankters that tend to reduce pH or remove
minerals in sufficient quantities to alter conditions.
The role which plankton plays in the productivity of a
lake or reservoir is important. The relationship between
productivity and respiration may frequently be used as a
pollution index. In many instances, plankton studies are
more revealing than bacterial studies. A ratio of produc-
tivity to respiration amounting to one or more indicates
that the algae are producing more oxygen than is being
consumed by the bacteria. If the ratio drops below one for
significant periods, an undesirable condition exists that may
cause problems with anaerobic organisms. For further dis-
cussions of productivity and its relation to water quality,
see Section I on Recreation and Aesthetics, Section III on
Fresh Aquatic Life and Wildlife, and Section IV on Marine
Aquatic Life and Wildlife.
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) consist of a mixture of
:ompounds only slightly soluble in water; -highly soluble
in fats, oils, and nonpolar liquids; and highly resistant to
3oth heat and biological degradation. PCB have a wide
variety of industrial uses, primarily as insulating fluid in
!lectrical and heat transfer equipment (Interdepartmental
fask Force 1972).311
Exposure to PCB is known to cause skin lesions (Schwartz
md Peck (1943)320 and to increase liver enzyme activity
:hat may have a secondary effect on reproductive processes
:Risebrough et al. 1968,317 Street et al. 1969,321 Wassermann
!t al. 1970 325 ). It is not clear at this time whether the effects
tre due to PCB or i~ contaminants, the chlorinated di-
Jenzofurans that are highly toxic (Bauer et al. 1961,30 7
khulz 1968,319 Verrett 1970 324). It is also not known whether
:he chlorinated dibenzofurans are produced by degradation
>f PCB as well as during its manufacture.
The occurrence of PCB in our waters has beep. docu-
nented repeatedly (New Scientist 1966,315 Holmes et al.
967,310 Risebrough et al. 1968,317 Jensen et al. 1969,312
(oeman et al. 1969,313 Schmidt et al. 1971,318 Veith and
~ee 1971 323 ). They have been associated with sewage
:ffiuents (Holden 1970,309 Schmidt et al. 197 !3 18) and rain-
vater (Tarrant and Tatton 1968), 322 as well as releases and
eakage. Failures of closed systems using PCB have caused
orne of the more well known releases (Kuratsune et al.
969,314 Duke et al. 1970 308). It has been reported that the
lefined treatment process does little or nothing to remove
>CB (Ahling and Jensen 1970).306
An epidemiological study on severe poisoning by rice oil
contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls in 1968 indi-
cated that about 0.5 grams ingested over a period of ap-
proximately one month was sufficient to cause the Yusho-
disease. Many of those affected showed no signs of relief
after about three years (Kuratsune et al. 1969).314 Price
and Welch (1971)316 have estimated on the basis of 194
samples that 41 to 45 per cent of the general population of
the U.S. may have PCB levels of 1.0 mg/kg or higher
(wet weight) in adipose tissue. Therefore, it appears that
PCB may accumulate in the body. On this basis it can be
calculated that a daily intake of 0.02 mg would require
about 70 years to be toxic. Applying a factor of safety of
10 would permit a daily intake of 0.002 mg, and assuming
a two liter per day intake, suggests a permissible concen-
tration in water to be 0.001 mg/1.
However, evaluation of the retention and accumulation
of PCB from water instead of oil in humans is highly desir-
able. A study on rats with a single oral dose of 170 mg/kg
showed urinary excretion (of PCB) to be limited, while
70 per cent of the dose was found in the feces during an
eight week period (Yoshimura et al. 1971).326 Information
on PCB in the diet would also be helpful.
Because too little is known about the levels in
waters, the retention and accumulation in hu-
mans, and the effects of very low rates of ingestion,
no defensible recommendation can be made at this
The effects of radiation on human beings are viewed as
armful, and any unnecessary exposure to radiation should
e avoided. The U.S. Federal Radiation Council* (196la)~29
rovided guidance for federal agencies to limit exposure of
tdividuals to radiation from radioactive materials in the
rrvironment. The following statement by the U.S. Federal
.adiation Council (1960)828 is considered especialty perti-
ent in applying the recommendations of this report:
There can be no single permissible or acceptable level
of exposure without regard to the reason for permitting
the exposure . .It should be general practice to reduce
exposure to radiation, and positive effort should be
carried out to fulfill the sense of these recommen-
dations. It is basic that exposure to radiation should
result from a real determination of its necessity.
The U.S. Federal Radiation Council criteria (1960,828
96la829) have been used in establishing the limits for radio-
ctivity recommended here. It should be noted that these
uidelines apply to normal peacetime operations. They are
redicated. upon three ranges of daily intake of radio-
ctiviry-as seen in Table 11-5.
The recommended radionuclide intake derives from the
1m of radioactivity from air, food, and water. Daily
1takes were· prescribed with the provision that dose rates
e averaged over a period of one year. The range for
Jecific radionuclides recommended by the U.S.. Federal
.adiation Council (196lb)880 are shown in the following
ABLE n:..s.:....R{mges of Transient Rates of Intake (pCi/day)
for use in·Grailed.Scale of Actiona
Range 1· Range II Range Ill
TABLE II-6--Graded Scale of Action
Ranges of transient raleS'OI daily intake Graded scele of action
Range I. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . Periodic connrmatory surveillance as necessary
Range II. . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. Quantitative surveillance and routine control
Range Ill... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . Evaluation and appUcetion of additional control measures as neces·
For each range, a measure ofcontrol was defined, which
represented a graded scale of control procedures.
The U.S. Federal Radiation Council (196lb)880 further
defined the action to be taken by stating that "Routine
.control of useful applications of radiation and atomic
energy should be ·such that expected average exposures of
suitable samples of an exposed population group will not
exceed the upper value of Range II." Furthermore, they
recommended, with respect to Range III, that "Control
actions would be designed to reduce the levels to Range II
or lower, and to provide stability at lower levels;"
It has not been considered necessary to prescribe criteria
for iodine-131 .or strontium-89 for surface waters. Iodine-131
has never been a problem in water supplies and does not
appear likely to be, .and strontium-89 levels should not be
significant if strontium-90 levels are kept satisfactorily low.
Using the midpoint of Range I, Table 11-5, for transient
rates of intake recommended by the U.S. Federal Radiation
Council, and assuming a 2 liter per day consumption, the
radium-226 'limit is 0.5 Pc/day and strontium-90 limit is
5 Pc/day. These levels are not currently being exceeded in
any surface water supply in the United States, although a
number of ground water supplies have more than 0.5 pCi/1
of radium-226.
~ium-226................. o-2 2-20 Because tritium (hydrogen-3) may. be discharged from
~ne-131b.. ...••..... .... G-10 a 1 d fi 1 . 1 d ontium:so......... •. . .. . . @ 2 nuc ear power reactors an ue reprocessing p ants, an
·ontium-89.... .. . . .•••.... 0-,200 o because it would not be detected. in normal analysis of
'SeeTabren-&. water samples, it has been eonsidered desirable to .. include
'·1n'thecesaoliodine~13f;lhasuitlbluamplewouldinctudaonlysmalli:hildran.Foradlllts,thinadiationprotec• a limit on this low energy radionuclide. The Federal Radi-
I guide lor lhe·1hyroid.would notbe e11:2ededby.ntes of intlke higher<by a factor of tO !han those appliceblt · ati0n Council has not provided guidance on tritium. intake.
small cbildren.'
1 {., A tentative limit of3,000 pCi/1 of tritium has been proposed
*'The·funcf~ons·of the U.S. Federal Radiation Council have been for, the revised edition ~f Drinking Water Standards. This
ansferred .. to :EPA, .. Office of &adiation Pro~a:ms. \'1 r.::-;,:relatively conservative limit has been suggested because of
(} .,: '-!::.';;j
oP]j\lt 84
1. tJ{}()
1mcertainty in the potential genetic effects of tritium in-
:orporated into body tissues as tritiated water. It is a
~enerally attainable level based on data from the Environ-
nental Protection Agency Tritium Surveillance . System.
fhese data indicate that of 70 United States cities surveyed
n 1970, none had an ·annual average tritium activity in
~p water exceeding 3,000 pCi/1, the highest annual average
value being {,900 pCi/1. Levels in surface water collected
:lownstream from nuclear facilities showed only two of 34
.ocations having tritium activity exceeding 3,000 pCi/1.
Precipitation samples taken during 1970 at locations within
the United States indicated less than 700 pCi/1.
Although a large number of other radionuclides may·be
present in water, it has not been considered necessary to
include specific limits for other than the three mentioned
above. If other nuclides are likely to be present, it is recom-
mended that permissible limits be held to I/ 150 of the limit
for continuous occupational exposure set by the Inter-
Gational Commission on Radiological Protection (1960).327
Gross radioactivity limits provide screening techniques
a.nd guides ~o an increased level of radiochemical analysis.
If the gross alpha and gross beta concentrations in a sample
are less than certain minimum concentrations, no additional
radiochemical or radiophysical analyses are required.
Gross Alpha Radioactivity Gross alpha limits or
investigation levels are keyed to the concentratior!limit for
radium-226 (the al~a emitter with the most restrictive
intake limit). A typical scheme is the following:
TABLE 11-7---,Typical Scheme of Gross Alpha Concentration
Gross Alpha concentration (pCifl) . Required action
(a) Notexceeding 0. 5 pCi/1....... . .. .. • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . None
(b) Greater than 0.5 but not exceeding 5 pCijl .......... Radiochemical analysis for radium-226
(c) Greater than 5 pCi/1 ..................... ·-..•.... Comprehensive radiochemical anaylsis
Gross Beta Radioactivity Two beta emitting radio-
nuclides with the most restrictive maximum permissible
concentrations are lead-210 and radium-228. However,
since it is extremely unlikely that either radionuclide will
Radioactivity /85
TABLE Il....S-Gross Beta Radioactivity $o Strontium-90 and
Isotopes of Radioiodine
Gross Beta concentration excluding Potassium-40 Required action
(a) Not greater than 5 pCi/1. ......................... None (with knowledge that lead-210 and radium-228
are essentially absent)
(b) Greater than 5, but less than 50 pCi/1 .............. Analyses for slrontium-90,.iodine-129, and iodine-131
(c) Greaterthan 50 pCi/1.. .......................... Comprehensive radiochemical analysis
ever be present in a significant concentration in a raw
water source, the investigation levels for gross beta radio-
activity are keyed to strontium-90 and isotopes of radio-
The radionuclide concentration limits proposed in the
above tables should not be· considered as absolute maxima
that, if exceeded, constitute grounds for rejection of a
drinking water supply source. Instead, the concentration
limits should be considered guidelines that should not be
exceeded unless there is good reason. The constraints that
should be imposed are based on: (I) a determination by the
appropriate regulatory agencies that the higher :lev.el of
radioactivity is as low as can be practicably achieved, and
(2) quantitative surveillance of all intake pathways to
demonstrate that total dose to a suitable sample of the
exposed population is within Radiation Protection Guide-
lines leve'ls. To permit variances in radionuelide ·concen-
trations in water depending on concentrations in other
environmental media and dietary habits is consistent with
the guidance and recommendations of the U.S. Federal
Radiation 'Council, the National Council on Radiation
Protection and Measurement, and the International Com-
mission on Radiological Protection.
Because the defined treatment process has un-
certain effects on the removal of soluble radio-
nuclides and because of the effects of radiation on
humans, it is recommended that.the limits related
to the guidelines presented above ·be accepted in
the context of the discussion for application to
sources of public water supply.
The toxicity of selenium resembles that of arsenic and
can, if exposure is sufficient, cause death. Acute selenium
toxicity is characterized by nervousness, vomiting, cough,
::lyspnea, convulsions, abdominal pain, diarrhea, hypo-
tension, and respiratory failure. Chronic exposure leads to
marked pallor, red staining of fingers, teeth and hair,
::lebility, depression, epistaxis, gastrointestinal disturbances,
::lermatitis, and irritation of the nose and throat. Both
:~.cute and chronic exposure can cause odor on the breath
;imilar to garlic (The Merck Index of Chemicals and Drugs
1968).336 The only documented case of selenium toxicity
rom a water source, uncomplicated with selenium in the
:liet, concerned a three-month exposure to well water con-
:aining 9 mg/1 (Beath 1962). 331
Although previous evidence suggested that selenium was
~arcinogenic (Fitzhugh et al. 1944),332 these observations
1ave not been borne out by subsequent data (Volganev
md Tschenkes 1967).346 In recent years, selenium has
)ecome recognized as a dietary essential in a number of
:pecies (Schwarz 1960,341 Nesheim and Scott 1961,338 Old-
ield et al. 1963 339 ).
Elemental selenium is highly insoluble and requires oxi-
iation to selenite or selenate before appreciable quantities
tppear in water (Lakin and Davidson 196 7). 335 There is
~vidence that this reaction is catalyzed by certain soil
)acteria (Olson 1967).340
No systematic investigation of the forms of selenium in
:xcessive concentrations in drinking water sources has been
:arried out. However, from what is known of the solubilities
>f the various compounds of selenium, the principal in-
>rganic compounds of selenium would be selenite and
:elenate. The ratio of their individual occurrences would
iepend primarily on pH. Organic forms of selenium oc-
:urred in seleniferous soils and had sufficient mobility in
m aqueous environment to be preferentially absorbed over
:elenate in certain plants (Hamilton and Beath 1964). 334
However, the extent to which these compounds might occur
in source waters is essentially unknown. Toxicologic exami-
nation of plant sources of selenium revealed that selenium
present in seleniferous grains was more toxic than inorganic
selenium added to the diet (Franke and Potter 1935).333
Intake of selenium from foods in seleniferous areas (Smith
1941),342 may range from 600 to 6,340 JLg/day, which ap-
proach estimated levels related to symptoms of selenium
toxicity in man based on urine samples (Smith et al.
1936,343 Smith and Westfall 1937 344). If data on selenium
in foods (Morris and Levander 1970)337 are applied to the
average consumption of foods (U.S. Department of Agri-
culture, Agriculture Research Service, Consumer and Food
Economics Research Division 1967), 345 the normal dietary
intake of selenium is about 200 JLg/day.
If it is assumed that two liters of water are ingested per
day, a 0.01 mg/1 concentration of total selenium would
increase the normal total dietary intake by 10 per cent
(20 JLg/day). Considering the range of selenium in food
associated with symptoms of toxicity in man, this would
provide a safety factor of from 2. 7 to 29. A serious weakness
in these calculations is that their validity depends on an
assumption of equivalent toxicity of selenium in food and
water, in spite of the fact that a considerable portion of
selenium associated with plants is in an organic form.
Adequate toxicological data that specifically examine the
organic and the inorganic selenium compounds are not
Because the defined treatment process has little
or no effect on removing selenium, and because
there is a lack of data on its toxic effects on humans
when ingested in water, it is recommended that
public water supply sources contain no more than
0.01 mgfl selenium.
Silver is a rather rare element with a low solubility of
0.1 to 10 mg/1 depending upon pH and chloride concen-
tration (Hem 1970).348 Data from 1,577 samples collected
from 130 sampling points in the United States showed
detectable (0.1 ~g/1) concentrations in 104 samples ranging
from 1.0 to 38 ~g/1 with a median of 2.6 ~g/1 (Kopp
1969). 352
The principal effect of silver in the body is cosmetic. It
causes a permanent grey discoloration of skin, eyes, and
mucous membranes. The amounts of colloidal silver re-
quired to produce this condition (argyria, argyrosis), which
would serve as a basis for determining the water standard,
are not known; b~ the amount of silver from injected
agarsphenamine that produces argyria is any amount
greater than one gram of silver in the adult (Hill and
Pillsbury 1939,349 1957 350). It is also reported that silver,
once absorbed, is held indefinitely in the tiss~es (Aub and
A study that provided analyses of samples of human
tissues from 30 normal adult males showed three to contain
silver in minute amounts. Comparison of the mean daily
concentrations of silver in successive daily samples of urine,
feces, and food (0.088 mg/day) showed essentially no ab-
sorption of the intake from food (Kehoe et al. 1940b).351
Studies of the metabolism of silver in the rat showed only
about 2 per cent of the element entered the blood from the
gastrointestinal tract and that the biological half life was
about 3 days (Scott 1949).353 However, this work was done
with carrier free silver and may not be representative of the
behavior of larger amounts of element. It does suggest,
however, that ingested silver is not likely to be completely
stored in the body.
Because silver in waters is rarely detected at
levels above 1 ~<?,/1, a limit is not recommended for
public water supply sources.
Sodium salts are ubiquitous in the water environment.
These minerals are highly soluble, and their concentrations
[n natural waters show considerable variation, regionally
md locally. In addition to natural sources of sodium salts,
Jther sources are sewage, industrial effluents, and deicing
;alts. Sodium concentrations in ground waters may also
rary with well depth, and often reach higher levels of
~oncentration than in surface waters. Removal of sodium
s costly and is not common in public water supply treat-
nent ..
Ofthe IOQJargest public water supplies in the U.S., most
>f which are surface supplies, the median sodium content
,vas 12 mg/1 with a range ofl.Img/ltn 177 mg/1 (Durfor
md Becker 1964).355 For a healthy individual, the intake
>fsodiumc is.discretionary and influenced by food selection
md seasoning. The intake of sodium may average 6 g/day
vithout adverse effects on health (Dahl 1960). 354
Various restricted sodium intakes are recommended by
>hysiciims for a significant portion of' the population, in-
:luding persons suffering from hypertension, edema associ-
Lted with congestive cardiac failure, and women with
oxemias of pregnancy (National Research Council, Food
md Nutrition Board 1954).356 The sodium intake from
ources other than water· recommended for very restricted
liets is 500 mg/day. Diets for these individuals permit
~0 mg/1 sodium in drinking water and water used for
:ooking .. If the public water ·supply has .a sodium content
:xceeding this limit, persons. on a very restricted sodium
liet must use distilled or deionized wateF.
For a larger portion of the population who use.a moder;..
Ltely restricted diet, 1,000 mg/day is the recommended
odium intake limit (National Research Council, Food and
Nutrition Board 1954). 356 Under this limit, water containing
a higher concentration of sodium could be used if the
sodium intake from the sources other than water were not
increased above that of the very restricted diet. Then, the
daily intake of sodium from water (20 mg/1 for very re-
stricted diets) could be increased by the additional 500 mg
(250 mg/1) intake permitted in the moderately restricted
diet, thus allowing a significant portion of the population
to use public water supplies with higher sodium concen-
trations. On this basis water containing more than 270 mg/1
sodium should not be used for drinking water by those
using the moderately restricted sodium diet, and water
containing more than 20 mg/1 sodium should not be used
by those using the very restricted sodium diet.
The response· ofpeople who should restrict their sodium
intake for health reasons is a continuum varying with
intake. The allocation of the difference in dietary intake
allowed by the very restricted and the moderately restricted
diets; to drinking water would be an arbitrary decision.
Furthermore, waters containing high concentrations of
sodium (greater than 270 mg/1) are likely to be too highly
mineralized to be considered desirable from aesthetic stand-
points aside from health considerations.
Treatment of an entire public water supply to remove
sodium is quite· c0stly. Home treatment for drinking water
alone for those needing low sodium water can be done at
relatively modest cost, or low sodium content bottled water
can be used.
In view of the above discussion no limit is recom-
mended for sodium.
,. II;
;~w ..
The ·public .water supplies of the 100 largest cities in the
United States were found to contain a median sulfate con-
centration of26 mg/1, and. a maxiiimmof572 mg/1 (Durfor
and Becker 1964). 357 Greater concentrations were present
in·:many ground water supplies for smaller communities
in the Midwest (Larson 1963). 358 Sulfate ions in drinking
water can have a cathartic effect on occasional users, but
acclimatization is rapid. If two liters of water are. ingested
per day, the equivalent sulfate ·concentrations for laxative
doses of Glauber salt and Epsom salt are 300 mg/1 and
390 mg/1, respectively (Peterson 1951,361 Moore 1952 360 ).
Data collected by theNorth Dakota· State Department
of Health on laxat~e effects of mineral quality in water
indicated that more than 750 mg/1 sulfate had a laxative
effect; and less·than -600 ,mg/1 did not (Peterson '1951). 361
If the water was high in magnesium, the effect took place
at lower sulfate concentrations than if other cations' were
dominant. A subsequent interpretation showed that laxative
effects were experienced by sensitive persons not accustomed
-to the water when magnesium was about 200 mg/1, and
by the average person when magnesium was 500-1000 mg/1
(Moore .1952). 360
The median of sulfate concentrations detected by taste
by a panel of 10 to 20 persons was 237, 370, and 419 mg/1
for sodium, calcium, and magnesium salts, respectively
(Whipple 1907). 362 Coffee brewed with 400 mg/1 sulfate
added as magnesium sulfate was affected in taste (Locknart
et al. 1955). 359
On the basis of ·taste and laxative effects and
because the defined ·treatment process does not
remove sulfates, it is recommended that sulfate
in public water supply sources not'exceed 250 mg/L.
where sources with lower sulfate concentrations.
are or: can be. made available.
Temperature affects the palatibility of water by intensi-
fying taste and odor through· increased volatility of the
source compound (Burnson 1938).366 Any increase in tem-
perature may stimulate growth of taste and odor producing
organisms (Kofoid 1923;372 Thompson 1944,378 Silvey et al.
1950 377) but tends to decrease the survival time of infectious
organisms (Peretz and Medvinskaya 1946,375 Rudolfs et al.
1950376) •• The standard treatment process is also affected
by temperature or· temperature changes in the steps of
coagulation (V elz 1934,379 Maulding and' HarriS'". 1968, an
American Water Works Association 1971 363}, sedimentation
(Camp et al. 1940,368 Hannah et al. 1967 370), ·filtration
(lf'annah<eLald967370),and chlorination (Ames and Smith
1944,364 Butterfield and ·Wattie-1946.367} •.
Temperature changes usually are caused by using water
as a coolant, as, a carrier of wastes, or for irrigation
(Brashears, Jr. 1946,.365 ·Moore 1958,374 Eldridge 1960,369
Hoak 1961 371 ). Surface water temperatures,vary with the
seasons, geographical location, and climatiC conditions·,The
same factors along with -geological conditions affect ground
water temperatures;
No temperature change that detracts from the
potability of'public water, supplies: and no temper•
ature change that adversely affects the standard·
treatment process are suggested guidelines for
temperature in public water supply sources.
(Filterable Residue)
High total dissolved solids (TDS) are objectionable be-
cause of possible physiological effects, mineral taste, and
economic consequences. Limited research (Bruvold 1967 380)
indicated that consumer acceptance of mineralized waters
decreased in direct proportion to increased mineralization.
This study covered a range of TDS values of 100 to 1,200
mg/1; one at 2,300 mg/1 TDS. For high levels of minerali-
zation, there may also be a laxative effect, particularly
upon transients. High concentrations of mineral salts, par-
ticularly sulfate and chloride, are also associated with costly
corrosion damage in water systems (Patterson and Banker
Because of the wide range of mineralization of natural
water, it is not possible to establish a single limiting value.
The measurement of specific conductance provides an indi-
cation of the amount of TDS present. The relationship of
~pecific conductance to TDS will vary depending upon the
distribution of the major constituent elements present. For
any given water a relatively uniform relationship will exist.
Where sufficient data exist to establish a correlation between
the two measurements, specific conductance may be used
as a substitute for the TDS measurement. In very general
terms, a specific conductance of 1,500 micro-mhos is ap-
proximately equivalent to 1,000 mg/1 TDS (Standard
Methods 1971). 383
Because drinking water containing a high concentration
of TDS is likely to contain an excessive concentration of
some specific substance that would be aesthetically objec-
tionable to the consumer, the 1962 Drinking Water Stand-
ards (PHS 1962)382 included a limit for TDS of 500 mg/1,
if other less mineralized sources were available. Although
waters of higher concentrations are not generally desirable,
it is recognized that a considerable number of supplies
with dissolved solids in excess of the 500 mg/llimit are used
without any obvious ill effects. Therefore, instead of recom-
mending a general dissolved solids limit, specific recommen-
dations are made in this report for individual substances of
importance in drinking water sources, such as chloride and
The recommendation for acceptable levels of turbidity
Ln water must relate to the capacity of the water treatment
plant to remove turbidity adequately: and continuously at
~easonable cost. Water treatment plants are designed to
~emove the kind and quantity of turbidity to be expected
ln each water supply source. Turbidity can reduce the
~ffectiveness of chlorination by physically protecting micro-
Jrganisms from direct contact with the disinfectant (Sander-
;on and Kelly 1964,384 Tracy et al. 1966). 386
Customary methods (Standard Methods 1971) 385 for
measuring and reporting turbidity do not adequately
measure those characteristics harmful to public water supply
and water treatment processing. A water with 30 turbidity
units may coagulate more rapidly than one with 5 or 10
units. Conversely, water with 30 turbidity units sometimes
may be more difficult to coagulate than water with 100
units. The type of plankton, clay, or earth particles, their
size, and electrical charges, are more important determining
factors than the turbidity units. Sometimes clay added to
very low turbidity water will improve coagulation.
Turbidity in water should be readily removable by
coagulation, sedimentation, and filtration; it should not be
present to an extent that will overload the water treatment
plant facilities; and it should not cause unreasonable treat-
ment costs. In addition, turbidity should not frequently
change or vary in characteristics to the extent that such
changes cause upsets in water treatment plant processes.
No recommendation is made, because it is not
possible to establish a turbidity recommendation
in terms of turbidity units; nor can a turbidity
recommendation be expressed in terms of mgjl
"undissolved solids" or "nonfilterable solids."
The 1968 edition of Water Quality Criteria (FWPCA
1968)387 included a limit for uranyl ion (U02++) of5 rrig/1,
because a 1965 Public Health Service Drinking: Water
Standards Review Committee had tentatively decided to
include it in the next revision of the Drinking Water Stand-
ards. This value was selected because it is below the ob-
jectionable taste and appearance levels as well as the
chemically toxic concentration.
Further investigation of raw water quality data indicated
that uranium does not occur naturally in most waters
above a few micrograms per liter (U.S. Geological Survey
· 1969,388 EPA office memorandum 1971 389).
The taste, color, and gross alpha recommen-
dations will restrict the uranium concentration to
levels below those objectionable on the basis of
toxicity. For these reasons, no specific limit is pro-
posed for uranyl ion.
Many types of viruses are excreted in the wastes of
humans and animals (Berg 1971 392), and som~ have been
implicated in diseases (Berg 1967 391). There are·viruses that
alternate between animal hosts (Kalter 1967)403 and those-
that can infect genetically distant hosts (Maramorosch
1967).407 Because almost any virus can be transmitted from
host to host through water (Mosley 1967), 409 any amount
of virus detectable by appropriate techniques in surface
water supplies constitutes a hazard (Berg 1967). 391
While it is believed that all human enteric viruses have
the potential to cause illness in man, not all have been
etiologically associated with clinical illness. A number of
waterborne local outbreaks attributed to virus affecting
approximately 800 people have occurred in the United
States, but no obvious large scale spread of a viral disease
by the water route is known to have occurred (Mosely
1967).409 Although virus transmission by water has been
suggested for poliomyelitis, gastroenteritis, and diarrhea,
the most convincing documentation exists for infectious
hepatitis (Mosley 1967).409 Twelve outbreaks of infectious
hepatitis have been attributed to contaminated drinking
water in the United States between 1895 and 1971, and
most of these have been linked to private systems.
Berg (1971)392 suggests that waterborne viral disease need
not occur at the epidemic level in order· to be. of significance.
Small numbers of virus units could produce infection with-
out causing overt disease, and infected individwils could
then serve as sources of larger amounts of virus.
The interpretation of virus data presents other problems
in addition to those posed by epidemiological evaluation.
There is evidence that one virulent virus unit can be suffi-
cient to infect man if it contacts susceptible cells (Plotkin
and Katz 1967),411 but in an intact host, this is complicated
by various defenses (Beard 196 7). 390 The interpretation of
data is further complicated by aberrations in survival curves
for virus thought to be caused by clumping. The statistical
treatment of virus data has been discussed by Berg et al.
(1967),393 Chang (1967,395 1968 396), Clark and Niehaus
(1967),399 Sharp (1967),412 and Berg (1971).392
The route of enteric viral contamination of surface waters
is from human feces through the effluents of sewage treat-
ment plants as well as contamination from raw sewage.
Enteric virus densities in human feces have been estimated
by calculation and sampling. Clarke and his associates
(1962)400 suggested that human feces contained approxi-
mately 200 virus units per gram per capita and 12X 10 6
coliform bacteria per gram per capita, or 15 enteric virus
units per 10 6 coliforms. Combining these calculations with
observed data, they estimated that sewage contained 500
virus units per 100 ml, and contaminated surface waters
contained less than I virus unit per 100 ml. These numbers
are subject to wide variation and change radically during
an epidemic.
The removal capabilities of various sewage treatment
processes have been examined individually and in series
both in the laboratory and in the field (Chin et al. 1967,398
92/Settion Il-Public Water Supplies
TABLE 11-9-Average Time in Days for 99.9 Per Cent
Reduction in Original Titer of Indicated Microorganisms
at Three Temperatures
· Microorganism Clean water Moderately polluted water Sewage
28C 20C 4C 28C 20C 4C 28C 20C 4C
PofioYirus 1.. ............... 17 20 27 11 13 19 17 23 110
ECHO 7 .................•.• 12 16 26 5 7 15 28 41 130
ECHO 12 ................... 5 12 33 3 5 19 20 32 60
Coxsackie A9 ................ <8 <8 10 5 8 20 6 No data 12
A. aerilgenes ................. 6 . 8 .. 15 15 18 44 10 21 56
E. coli .........••..•....•... :6 ., 7 10 5 ·' 5 11 .,12 20 48
s. fecans ................... 6 8 17 9 ·18 57 14 26 48
· c•arke et al. 1962""'
Clark and Niehaus 1967,399 England et al. 1967,402 Lund
and Hedstrom 1967,404 Malherbe 1967,405 Malherbe and
Strickland-Cholmley 1967,406 Berg 197!392). These studies
indicated that while some sewage treatment processes
showed virus removal potential in laboratory tests and field
evaluation,. there was no indication that consistent adequate
virus removal, that is no detectable virus, was acCOII,lplished
by present sewage treatment practices (Berg 1971).392 How-
ever, the apparent limited survival time for viruses in water
can be affected by 'factors, such as temperature and adsorp-
tion that protects viruses; arid th~ proximity of water_ users
may make survival for only a short period of time sufficient
to transmit virulent virus (Prier and Riley 1967).410
Table Il-9 gives virus and bacterial survival data for
clean, moderately contaminated; and sewage water.
·· The removal capabilities of various water . treatment
processes are presented' in Table Il-10.
Conventional water treatment processes are variable in
their virus removal efficacy and questionable in their per-
formance under field conditions (Berg 1971,392 Sproul
Disinfection by. chlorination was reviewed recently for
its virus inactivation efficacy (Morris 1971).408 Only undis-
sociated hypochlorous acid (HOCl) was considered effective
in virus inactivation. Approximately 25 mg/1 chloramine;
100 mg/1 hypochlorite or 0.5 to 1.0 mg/1 HOCl with
30-minute contact . .times were required to cause adequate
viral inactivation in potable water. The amount of.chlorine
required to achieve these conditions varied with ·the pH
and the amount of nitrogen present.
TABLE ll-10-Removal of'Viruses from Water and Wastewater by. Biological, Physical, and Chemical Treatment Procedure
Treatment (1) . Menstruum .tested (2)
Primary setting ........ , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Primary effluent
Aclivale d'sludge ......................... ,. Activated sludge effluent
Carbon adsorption (0.5 gal per min per 511 It). Trickling filter effluent
Ca(OH)' coagulation (500 mg per 1) ......... Activated slu_dg~effluent
Al'($04)' coagulation (25 mg per 1) ........... River water
FeCI• coagulation (25 mg per•l) ............ :·River water
·, • Added to the test experimentally.
~ When volatile solids were at least 400 mg per I.
• When good floc formation occurred.
Berg 1971"'
Retention time, in hours (3) Virus• (4)·
3 PofioYirus 1
6. 0-8. 4 Coxsackilivirus A9
6.11,7, 5 Poliovirus 1
............................... :.Phage T·2
....................... , ......... Poliovirus 1
............................ :: ... CoxsackieYirus A2
•................................ Coxsackievirus A2
Virus removed, as a percentage (5)
Clarke et aL 1961401
Clarke et aL 1961401
Clarke et aL 19614••
Spioul·et al. 1967"'
Berget aL 1968'94
Chang et al, 1958'"
Chang at aL l958'"
Considerable progress on virologicalmethod development
has been made in the, past decade. However, virology tech-
niques have;not yet been perfected to a point where they
can be used routinely for monitoring water for viruses . .There
is a need for virus data on relative numbeFs, ·better tech-
niques, relative die-off rates, and·.correlation with existing
indicators, as well as methods' for· direct determination.
'··In view of the· uncertain correlation of virus oc-
currence with existing indicators, the absence of
adequate monitoring techniques, and the general
lack of data, scientifically defensible.criteri~tcannot
·be recommended at this·. time.
Zinc is an essential and beneficial element in".human water containing 50 mg/1 of zinc. was used for a protracted
metabolism. The activity of insulin and several body en-period without harm (Hinman, Jr. 1938418).
zymes is dependent on zinc. The daily adult human intake Statistical analysis of taste threshold tests with zinc in
averages 10 to 15 mg; for preschool children it is 0.3 mg/kg. distilled water showed that 5 per cent of the observers were
(Vallee 1957).420 able to distinguish between 4.3 mg/1 zinc (added as zinc
Zinc is a widely used metal and may be'dissolved from sulfate) and ·water containing no zinc salts (Cohen et al.
galvanized pipe, hot water tanks, or from yellow brass. 1960417 ). When added as zinc.nitrate and as zinc chloride,
It may. also. be present in some corrosion prevention addi-the detection levelswere 5.2.and 6.3 mg/1 zinc, respectively.
tives and in industrial· wastes. 'The solubility of·zinc ·is·~ When zinc sulfate or zinc chloride was added to spring
variable, depending upon pH and alkalinity. water with 460 mg/1 dissolved solids, the detection levels
In 1,577 samples from 130 locations on streams_between for 5 per cent of the observers were 6.8 and 8.6 mg/1 zinc,
October 1962 and September 1967, zinc was detected respectively. .
(2 JLg/1) .in l,207··samples with.a range of. 2. to 1,183 JLg/1
and a mean of 64 JLg/1 (Kopp 1969)~419
Individuals drinking water containing 23.8 to 40.8 mg/1
of zinc. experienced no knowri harmful effects. Communities
' have reported using water containing 11 to 27 mg/1 of
zinc without harmful effects (B~rtow and Weigle 1932,416
Anderson et al. 1934416). Another report stated that spring
Because of consumer taste preference and be-
cause the defined treatment process may not re-
··move,appreciable·amounts of zinc from the source
of the supply, it is recommended that the zinc
concentrations in public water supply sources not
exceed 5 mg/1.
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INTRODUCTION .......................... . 109 Dilution Water ....................... .
CoMMUNITY STRUCTURE AND PROTECTION OF Acclimation ......................... .
SIGNIFICANT SPECIES . . .................. . 109 Test Methods ........................ .
Community Structure ................ . 110 Dissolved Oxygen .................... .
Protection of Significant Aquatic Species .. 110 Concentrations ....................... .
ASSIMILATIVE CAPACITY OF FRESH-Evaluation of Results ................. .
WATER RECEIVING SYSTEMS .......... . Ill APPLICATION FACTORS ..................... .
MIXING ZONES ........................... . 112 MixTURES OF Two oR MoRE ToxiCANTS ... .
DEFINITION oF A MixiNG ZoNE ............ . 112 SUBLETHAL EFFECTS ...................... .
Recommendation ................... . 112 Recommenations for the Use of Appli-
GENERAL PHYSICAL CoNSIDERATIONS ........ . 112 cation Factors to Estimate Safe Concen-
Recommendation ................... . 112 trations of Toxic Wastes in Receiving
GENERAL BIOLOGICAL CoNSIDERATIONS ...... . 113 Streams ........................... .
Recommendation ................... . 113 PHYSICAL MANIPULATION OF THE EN-
Recommendation ................... . 113 VIRONMENT ............................ .
Recommendation ................... . 114 EFFECTS oF SusPENDED PARTICLES IN WATER ..
OvERLAPPING MixiNG ZoNES .............. . 114 ADsoRPTION OF Toxic MATERIALS .......... .
Recommendation ................... . 114 EFFECTS ON FISH AND INVERTEBRATES ....... .
INTERIM GuiDELINE ....................... . 114 Recommendations .................. .
CoNFIGURATION AND LocATION oF MIXING COLOR .................................... .
ZoNES ................................ . 114 Recommendation ................... .
TO RECEIVING SYSTEMS .................. . 114 DisSOLVED OxYGEN ....................... .
Recommendation ................... . 115 Levels of Protection ................... .
ZoNES OF pASSAGE ........................ . 115 Basis for Recommendations ............ .
Recommendation ................... . 115 Warm-and Coldwater Fishes .......... .
BIOLOGICAL MONITORING .............. . 116 Unusual Waters ...................... .
PROGRAMS ............................... . 116 Organisms Other Than Fish ........... .
FIELD SuRVEYS ........................... . 116 Salmonid Spawning .................. .
BonY BuRDENS OF ToxiCANTS ........•...... 116 Interaction With Toxic Pollutants or Other
IN-PLANT BIOLOGICAL MoNITORING ......... . 116 Environmental Factors .............. .
BIOASSAYS ............................... . 117 Application of Recommendations ....... .
SIMULATION TECHNIQUES ................... . II 7 Examples ........................... .
BIOASSAYS ................................ . 118 Recommendations .................. .
MEASuREs oF ToxiciTY ................... . 118 ToTAL DISSOLVED GAsEs (SuPERSATURATION) ..
METHODS FOR BIOASSA YS .................. . 119 Etiologic Factors ..................... .
CHECKLIST OF PROCEDURES ................ . 119 Gas Bubble Disease Syndrome and Effects.
Species .............................. . 119 Analytical Considerations .............. .
Total Dissolved Gas Pressure Criteria ... .
Recommendations .................. .
CARBON DIOXIDE ......................... .
Recommendation ................... .
ToxiciTY TO AQUATIC LIFE ................ .
Recommendations .................. .
Recommendation ................... .
OILS ....................................... .
OIL REFINERY EFFLUENTS ................. .
FREE AND FLOATING OIL .................. .
SEDIMENTED OIL ......................... .
Recommendations .................. .
TAINTING SUBSTANCES .................. .
TERIALS ............................... .
ORGANISMS ............................ .
Test Fish ............................ .
Exposure Period ...................... .
Exposure Conditions .................. .
Preparation of Test Fish and Evaluation ..
STATISTICAL EvALUATION .................. .
Recommendations .................. .
HEAT AND TEMPERATURE ............... .
DEVELOPMENT OF CRITERIA ................ .
TERMINOLOGY DEFINED .................... .
LONGED EXPOSURES ..................... .
LONGED ExPosuRE ...................... .
Recommendation ................... .
VVINTER MAXIMA ........................ :.
Recommendation ................... .
ATURE ............................. · · · ·
Recommendation ................... .
Recommendations .................. .
MUNITIES .............................. .
NmsANCE ORGANISMS ..................... .
Recommendation ................... .
CONCLUSIONS ............................. .
Analytical Steps ...................... .
Aquatic Areas Sensitive to Temperature
Change ....................... : ... .
Cooling VVater Entrainment. .......... .
Entrainment in the Plume ............. .
Bottom Organisms Impacted by the Plume
Mixed VVater Body ................... .
Discharge Canal ..................... .
TOXIC SUBSTANCES ...................... .
ORGANIC MERCURY ....................... .
Biological Methylation ................ .
Biological Magnification ............... .
Mercury in Fresh VVaters .............. .
Toxicity of Organic Mercury in VVater .. .
Tissue Levels and Toxicity ............. .
Discussion of Proposed Recommendations.
Recommendations .................. .
PHTHALATE ESTERS ....................... .
Toxicity ............................. .
Recommendation~ .................. .
Direct Lethal Toxicity ................ .
Feeding Studies ...................... .
Residues in Tissue .................... .
Effects on Reproduction ............... .
General Considerations and Further
Needs ............................. .
Basis for Recommendations ............ .
Recommendations .................. .
METALS ...........•.....................•
General Data ........................ .
Recommendations .................. .
Aluminum .......................... .
Recommendation ................... .
Cadmium ........................... .
Recommendation ................... .
Chromium ........................... .
Recommendation ................... .
Copper ............................. .
Recommendation ................... .
Lead ............................... .
Recommendation ................... .
Mercury ............................ .
Recommendation ................... .
Nickel .............................. .
Recommendation ................... .
Zinc ................................ .
Recommendation ................... .
PESTICIDES ......................•.......•.
Methods, Rate, and Frequency of Appli-
cation ............................. .
Sources and Distribution .............. .
Persistence and Biological Accumulation ..
Residues ............................ .
Toxicity ............................. .
Basis for Criteria. . . . . . . . . ........... .
Recommendations .................. .
OTHER ToxicANTs ............••.•..•.••...
Ammonia ........................... .
Recommendation ................... .
Chlorine ............................ .
Recommendation ................... .
Cyanides ............................ .
Recommendation ................... .
Detergents ............................ .
Detergent Builders .................... .
Recommendation ................... .
1 77 Phenolics ............................ .
1 77 Recommendations .................. .
1 79 Sulfides ............................. .
179 Recommendation ................... .
179 WILDLIFE ................................. .
180 LIFE ...•......•.•.....•.•..... , ...•...•
180 pH ................... · .................. .
180 Recommendation ................... .
180 ALKALINITY ..........•..•.••.•...•....••.•
181 Recommendation ................... .
181 SALINITY ..•..••...•...•....•..•••..•..••.
181 Recommendation ................... ..
181 LIGHT PENETRATION ..•..••.....•.••..•....
181 SETTLEABLE SuBSTANCES ................... .
181 Recommendation ................... .
182 PLANTS ................••...•...........
182 TEMPERATURE ........•...•..•....•....•...
182. Recommendation ................... .
182 Direct Acting Substances .............. .
182 Oils ...............•...•..••.......
183 Recommendation ................. .
183 Lead .............................. .
184 Recommendation ................. .
185 Botulism Poisoning. . . . ............. .
185 Recommendation ................. .
186 Substances Acting Mter. Magnification in
186 Food Chains ......................... .
187 Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Pesticides ... .
189 DDT and Derivatives ............. ..
189 Recommendation ............... .
189 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) ... .
190 . Recommendation ............... .
190 Mercury"~· .......................... .
191 Recommendation ................ · .. .
191 LITERATURE CITim-~ ..................... .
... 198
The biota of a natural aquatic ecosystem is the result of
evolutionary processes in the course of which a delicate
balance and complex interactions were established among
various kinds of organisms and between those organisms
and their environment. Some species can live in a wide
range of environmental conditions and are found in many
different systems throughout the world. Other species are
restricted and their distribution is limited to certain habitats
or in some cases to only one. Frequently, it is the latter
group of species that have been most useful to man. Minor
changes in their environments, especially if such changes
are rapid, may upset the ecological balance and endanger
the species.
Man has the ability to alter-to impair or improve-his
environment and that of other organisms. His use of water
to dispose of wastes of a technological society and his other
alterations of aquatic environments have degraded his water
resources. Water pollutants may alter natural conditions
by reducing the dissolved oxygen content, by changing the
temperature, or by direct toxic action that can be lethal or,
more subtly, can affect the behavior, reproduction, and
physiology of the organisms. Although a . substance may
not directly affect a species, it may endanger its continued
existence by eliminating essential sources of food and
metabolites. Furthermore, conditions permitting the sur-
vival of a given organism at one stage of its life may be
intolerable at another stage.
This Section evaluates criteria and proposes recommen-
dations that reflect scientific understanding of the relation-
ships between freshwater aquatic organisms and their -en-
vironment. Anything added to or removed from natural
waters will. cause some change in the system. For each use
of water there are certain Water quality characteristics that
should be met to ensure the suitability of the. water' :for
that use.
The following general recommendations apply to a. wide
variety of receiving systems-and pollutants:
• More stririgeiit-Iliethods of control or·treatment, or ·
both,.· of waste inputs and land drainage 'Should be
applied to irilprove water quality as the demand for
use increases.
• In recognition of the limitations of water quality
management programs, consideration should be
given to providing reserve capacity of receiving
waters for future use.
• Bioassays and other appropriate tests, including field
studies, should be made to obtain scientific evidence
on the effect of wastewater discharges on the en-
vironment. Test procedures are recommended in
this report.
• A survey of the receiving system to assess the impact
of waste discharges on the biological community
should be made on a regular basis, particularly prior
to new discharges. Such surveys especially should
cover the seasons most critical to the biological com-
munity. Background laboratory data should include
bioassays using important local aquatic organisms
and associated receiving waters. In addition to the
more comprehensive surveys, some form of bio-
monitoring in thereceiving system should be carried
out routinely. A suggested list of ecological consider-
ations is included in the section on Biological
• One of the principal goals is to insure the mainte-
nance of the biological . community typical of that
particular locale or, if a perturbed community exists,
to upgrade the receiving system to a quality which
will permit reestablishment of that community.
The. natural aquatic environment includes many kinds of
plants and animals that vary in their life history and ·in
their chemical and physical requirements. These organisms
are interrelated inmany'ways to form communities. Aq1,1atic
environments are protected out of recreational and scientific
interest, for aesthetic enjoyment, and to maintain certain
organisms of special significance as a source of food. There
are two .schools· of thought as to how this can, be accom-
plir.hed. One .is· to protect the' significant species, the as-
sumption .being that by_ so doing, .the. entire system is pro-
tected.-The other approach-is to protect the aquatic com-
110/Section Ill-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
munity, the assumption being that the significant species
are not protected unless the entire system is maintained. ..
Community Structure
Because chemical and physical environments are con-
tinually changing-sometimes gradually and sometimes
catastrophically-many species are necessary to keep the
aquatic ecosystems functioning by filling habitats vacated
because of the disappearance of other species. Likewise,
when one kind of organism becomes extremely abundant
because of the disappearance of one or more species,
predator species must be available to feed on the over-
abundant species and keep it from destroying the function-
ing of the community. In a balanced ecosystem, large
populations of a single species rarely maintain themselves
over a long time because predators quickly reduce their
Therefore, the diverse characteristics of a habitat are
necessary to the maintenance of a functioning ecosystem
in the process of evolution. In the fossil record are found
many species that were more common at one time than
they are today and others that have been replaced entirely.
If it were not for diverse gene pools, such evolutionary
replacement would not have been possible.
Some aquatic environments present unusual extremes
in their chemical and physical characteristics. They support
highly specialized species that function as ecosystems in
which energy flows and materials cycle. If these species
are not present and functioning in this manner, such areas
may become aesthetically distasteful, as has occurred for
example in the alkaline flats of the West and the acid bogs
of the Northeast, Midwest. and East.
Rare habitats support rare organisms that become extinct
or endangered species if their habitats are impaired or
eliminated. In the aquatic world there are many species
of algae, fish, and invertebrates that are maintained only
in such rare, fragile habitats. Man must understand them
if he is to appreciate the process of evolution and the
trend of ecological change that brings about drastic alter-
ations to fauna and flora.
Protection of Significant Aquatic Species
An essential objective of freshwater quality recommen-
dations is the protection of fish and other aquatic organisms
for sport or commercial harvesting. This does not imply
that all other aquatic species will be subject to potential
extinction, or that an unaltered environment is the goal to
be attained in all cases. The average person is usually
interested in only a small number of aquatic species, prin-
cipally fish; but it remains necessary to preserve, in certain
unique or rare areas, a diversified environment both for
scientific study and for maintaining species variety.
It is sometimes difficult to justify protection of isolated
organisms not used by man unless it can be documented
that they are ultimately essential to the production of
desirable biota. In some instances it may be that a critical,
sensitive species, irreplaceable in the food web of another
more important species, is one known only to the biologist.
In such instances, protection of the "less important" sensi-
tive species could justifiably determine the water quality
Because no single recommendation can protect all im-
portant sport and commercial species unless the most
sensitive is protected, a number of species must be con-
sidered. The most sensitive species provide a good estimate
of the range of sensitivity of all species.
~ .·
Waste discharges do not just go into water but rather
into aquatic ecosystems. The capacity of such a system to
receive and assimilate waste is determined by the physical,
chemical, and biological interactions within the system.
Thus the response is a function of the characteristics of
both the ecosystem and the nature and quantity of the
waste. Understanding the unique characteristics of each
ecosystem will enable wise users to develop means to obtain
maximum beneficial use with minimal damage to the system.
Each aquatic ecosystem is sufficiently unique to require
professional ecological advice to define the problems as-
sociated with waste discharge into a particular ecosystem.
Such a procedure has not been customary in the past, and
this has led to some unfortunate consequences, but the
practice is becoming increasingly prevalent.
Aquatic systems receive from natural and man-made
sources a variety of organic and inorganic materials. These
materials through physical, chemical, and biological inter-
action are transported, rendered, converted, respired, in-
corporated, excreted, deposited and thus assimilated by the
system. However, not all systems can receive and assimilate
the same quantity or kinds of waste materials. The capacity
of each system to transform waste without damage to the
system· is a function of the complexity of environmental
Physical factors such as flow velocity, volume of water,
bottom contour, rate of water exchange, currents, depth,
light penetration, and temperature, govern in part the
ability of a system to receive and assimilate waste materials.
This ability is a function of the reaeration capability of the
system, the physical rendering of wastes, and other physical,
chemical, and biological factors. Most flowing systems have
a greater reaeration capacity than standing waters. Fur-
thermore, flowing systems are open systems with continual
renewal of water, whereas standing waters are closed sys-
tems and act as traps for pollutants.
Temperature plays a vital role in the rate of chemical
reactions and the nature of biological activities in fresh-
water and. in governing the receiving and assimilative ca-
pacity of a system. Most temperate lakes are thermally
stratified part of the year, except when there are small
diffenfnces between surface and bottom temperatures in
the spring and fall. As a consequence little exchange occurs
between layers during the period of stratification. In
organically enriched lakes and reservoirs, depletion of
soluble oxygen typically occurs in the bottom layer because
there is little ~r no photosynthesis and little mixing with the
oxygen-rich surface layer. As a result, substances are re-
leased from the sediments because certain compounds have
a much greater solubility in a reduced state.
The unique chemical characteristics of water govern in
part the kinds and quantities of waste a system may receive.
Some of the important chemical characteristics are hard-
ness, alkalinity, pH (associated with the buffering capacity),
and nutrients such as carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus.
Because of synergistic or antagonistic interaction with re-
ceiving water, the effects of a waste on a wide variety of
receiving systems are hard to predict.
When a liquid discharge is made to a receiving system,
. zone of mixing is created. Although recent public, ad-
ainistrative, and scientific emphasis has focused on mixing
ones for the dispersion of heated discharges, liquid wastes
,f all types are .included in the following considerations.
For a further discussion of Mixing Zones see Appendix
A mixing zone is a region in which a discharge of quality
haracteristics different from those of the receiving water
; in transit and progressively diluted from the source to the
eceiving system. In this region water quality characteristics
tecessary for the protection of aquatic life are based on
ime-exposure relationships of organisms. The boundary of
. mixing zone is where the organism response is no longer
ime-dependent. At that boundary, receiving system water
[Uality characteristics based on long-term exposure will
1rotect aquatic life.
Although water·quality characteristics in mixing
:ones may differ from those in receiving systems,
o protect uses ·in both regions it is recommended
hat mixing zones be free of substances attributable
:o discharges or wastes as follows:
, materials which form objectionable deposits;
, scum, oil and floating debris;
• substances producing objectionable color, odor,
taste, .or turbidity;
• conditions which· produce objectionable growth
of nuisance plants and animals.
The mass emission·-rates of the most critical constituents
md their relationship to the recommended values of the
naterial in· the receiving water body are normally the
>rimary factors determining the system-degradation po-
tential of an effiuent. Prior to establishment of a mixing
zone the factors described in Waste Capacity of Receiving
Waters (Section IV, pp. 228-232) and Assimilative Capac-
ity (This Section, p. 111) should be considered and a de-
cision made on whether the system can assimilate the dis-
charge without damage to beneficial uses. Necessary data
bases may include:
• Discharge considerations-flow-regime, volume, de-
sign, location, rate of mixing and dilution, plume
behavior and mass-emission rates of· constituents
including knowledge of their persistence, toxicity,
and chemical or physical behavior with time.
• Receiving system considerations-water quality, lo-
cal meteorology, flow regime (including low-flow
records), magnitude of water exchange at point of
discharge, stratification phenomena, waste capacity
of the receiving system including retention time,
turbulence and speed of flow as factors affecting
rate of mixing and passage of entrained or migrating
organisms, and morphology· of the receiving system
as related to plume behavior, and biological phe-
Mathematical models based in part on the above con-
siderations are available for a variety of ecosystems and
discharges. (See Appendix II-A.) All such mathematical
models must be applied with care to each particular dis-
charge and the local situation.
To avoid potential biological damage or inter-
ference with other uses of the receiving system it
is recommended that mixing zone characteristics
be defined on a case-by-case basis after determi-
nation· that the assimilative capacity. of the re-
ceiving system can .safely accommodate the dis-
charge taking into consideration the physical,
chemical, and biological characteristics of the dis-
charge and the ·receiving system, the life history.
and behavior of organisms in the receiving system,
and desired uses·of the waters.
Organisms in the water body may be divided into two
groups from the standpoint of protection within mixing
zones: (I) nonmobile benthic or sessile organisms; (2) weak
and strong swimmers.
I. Nonmobile benthic or sessile organisms in mixing
zones may experience long or intermittent exposures ex-
ceeding recommended values for receiving systems and
therefore their populations may be damaged or eliminated
in the local region. Minimum damage to these organisms
is attained by minimizing exposure of the bottom area to
concentrations exceeding levels resulting in harm to these
organisms from long-term exposure. This may be accom-
plished by discharge location and design.
The mixing zone may represent a living space denied the
subject organisms and this space may or may not be of
significance to the biological community of the receiving
system. When planning mixing zones, a decision should be
made in each case whether the nonmobile benthic and
sessile organisms are to be protected.
To protect populations of nonmobile benthic
and sessile organisms in mixing zones it is recom-
mended that the area of their habitat exposed to
water quality poorer than recommended receiving
system quality be minimized by discharge location
and design or that intermittent time-exposure
history relationships be defined for the organisms'
2. Biological considerations to protect planktonic and
swimming organisms are related to the time exposure history
to which critical organisms are subjected as they are carried
or move through a mixing zone. The integrated time
exposure history must not cause deleterious effects, including
post-exposure effects. In populations of important species,
effects of total time exposure must not be deleterious either
during or after exposure.
Weak swimmers and drifting organisms may be entrained
into discharge plumes and carried through a mixing zone.
In determining the time exposure history and responses of
the organisms, the possibility of delayed effects, such as
death, disease, and increased vulnerability to predation,
should be investigated.
Strong swimmers are capable of moving out of, staying
out of, or remaining in a mixing zone. Water quality
characteristics which protect drifting organisms should also
protect migrating fish moving through mixing zones. How-
ever, there are some discharges that attract animals into
discharge channels and mixing zones where they are vul-
nerable to death or shock due to short-term changes in
water quality, such as rapid temperature fluctuations. This
vulnerability should be recognized and occurrences that
expose it should be guarded against (see Chlorine, page 189).
Mixing ..(ones/113
Some free-swimming species may avoid mixing zones and
as a consequence the reduced living space may limit the
Free-swimming species may be attracted to a discharge.
Chronic low-level exposure to toxicants may cause death
or affect growth, reproduction or migratory instincts, or
result in excessive body-burdens of toxicants hazardous for
human consumption.
To protect drifting and both weak and strong
swimming organisms in mixing zones it is recom-
mended that scientifically valid data be developed
to demonstrate that the organisms can survive
without irreversible damage, the integrated time-
exposure history to be based on maximum expected
residence time so that deleterious effects on popu-
lations of important species do not occur.
In mixing zones the exposure of organisms to stress is of
greater intensity but usually of shorter duration than in
the receiving waters, assuming no attraction by the dis-
charge. The objective of mixing zone water quality recom-
mendations is to provide time exposure histories which
produce negligible or no effects on populations of critical
species in the receiving system. This objective can be met
by: (a) determination of the pattern of exposure in terms
of time and concentration in the mixing zone due either to
activities of the organisms, discharge schedule, or currents
affecting dispersion; and (b) determination that delayed
effects do not occur.
Protection would be achieved if the time of exposure met
the relationship T /ET(x) ~I where T is the time of the
organism's exposure in the mixing zone to a specified
· concentration, and ET(x) is the effective time of exposure
to the specified concentration, C, which produces (x) per cent
response in a sample of the organisms, including delayed
effects after extended observation. The per cent response,
(x), is selected on the basis of what is considered negligible
effects on the total population and is then symbolized
ET(25), ET(5), ET(O.I), etc.
Because concentrations vary within mixing zones, a more
suitable quantitative statement than the simple relationship
T/ET(x)~l is:
T1 + T2 + Ta
ET(x) at C1 ET(x) at C 2 ET(x) at C 3
. Tn <I + ET(x) at Cn-
where the time of exposure of an organism passing through
the mixing. zone has been broken into increments, T1, T2, T 3,
etc. The organism is considered to. be exposed to concen-
14/Section Ill-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
·ation C 1 during the time interval T1, to concentration C 2
uring the time interval T2, etc. The sum of the individual
1tios must then not exceed unity. (See cav:at below,
hort Time Exposure Safety Factors.)
Techniques for securing the above information, appli-
ltion to a hypothetical field situation, comments, caveats,
r1d limitations are expressed in Appendix II-A, Mixing
ones, Development of Integrated Time Exposure Data,
. 403. Tabular data and formulae for summation of short-
:rm effects of heated discharges on aquatic life are provided
t the Heat"and Temperature discussion, page 151.
This concept of summation of short-term effects and
'trapolation is an approach which tests the applicability
' present bioassay methodology and precision and may
Jt be universally applicable to all types of discharges.
onservatism in application should be practiced. When
~veloping the summation of short-term thermal effects
:tta, a safety factor of two degrees centigrade is incorpo-
Lted. In development of summation of short-term toxicity
fects data, a safety factor exists if a conservative physio-
'gical or behavioral response is used with effective time of
'posure. However, when mortality is the response plotted,
r1 application factor must be incorporated to provide an
:!equate margin of safety. This factor can most easily be
pplied by lowering the sum of the additive effects to some
action of I so that the sum of Tl/(ET(x) at C1) · · · +
'n/(ET(x) at Cn) then equals 0.9, or less. The value must
e based on scientific knowledge of th~ organism's behavior
r1d response to the contaminants involved.
When developing summation of short-term ex-
osure effects it is recommended that safety
tctors, application factors, or conservative physio-·
>gical or behavioral responses be incorporated
1to the bioassay or extrapolation procedures to
rovide an adequate margin of safety.
If mixing zones are contiguous or overlap, the formula
"pressing the integrated time exposure history for single
lumes should be adjusted. Synergistic effects should be
1vestigated, and if not found, the assumption may be made
1at effects of multiple plumes are additive.
When two plumes are contiguous or overlap and
ynergistic effects do not occur, protection for
quatic life should be provided if the sum of the
ractions of integrated time exposure effects for
ach plume total ::::;0.5. Alternatively, protection
hould be provided if the sum of the fractions for
both plumes (or more than two contiguous or
overlapping plumes) is ::::; 1. (See caveat above, Short
Time Exposure Safety Factors.)
In the event information on summation effects ·of the
integrated time exposure history cannot be satisfactorily
provided, a conservative single figure concentration can be
used for all parts of the mixing zone until more detailed
determinations of the time-exposure relationships are de-
veloped. This single, time-dependent median lethal concen-
tration should be subject to the caveats found througho~t
this Section and Appendix II-A regarding delayed effects
and behavioral modifications. Because of the variables in-
volved, the single value must be applied in the light of
local conditions. For one situation a 24-hour LCSO might
be adequate to protect aquatic life. In another situation a
96-hour LCSO might provide inadequate protection.
The time-dependent three dimensional shape of a dis-
charge plume varies with a multitude of receiving system
physical factors and the discharge design. While time ex-
posure water quality characteristics within mixing zones
are designed to protect aquatic life, thoughtful placement.
of the discharge and planned control of plume behavior
may increase the level of ecosystem protection, e.g., floating
the plume on the surface to protect the deep water of a
channel ; discharging in midstream or offshore to protect
biologically-important littoral areas; piping the effluent
across a river to discharge on the far side because fish
historically migrate on the near side; or piping the dis-
charge away from a stream mouth which is used by mi-
grating species. Such engineering modifications can some-
times accomplish what is necessary to meet biological
Onshore discharges generally have more potential for
interference with other uses than offshore discharges. For
example the plume is more liable to impinge on the bottom
in shallow areas of biological productivity and be closer to
swimming and recreation areas.
Recommendations for mixing zones do not protect against
the long-term biological effects of sublethal conditions.
Thus water quality requirements necessary to protect all
life stages and necessary functions of aquatic organisms
such as spawning and larval development, are not provided
in mixing zones, and it is essential to insure that adequate
portions of every water body are free of mixing zones. The
decision as to what portion and areas must be retained at
receiving water quality values is both a social and scientific
decision. In reaching this decision, data input should in-
clude current and projected information on types and
locations of intakes and discharges; percentage of shoreline
necessary to provide adequate spawning, nursery, and
feeding areas; and other desired uses of the water.
It is recommended that the total area or volume
of a receiving system assigned to mixing zones be
limited to that which will: (1) not interfere with
biological communities or populations of i!Jlpor-
tant species to a degree which is damaging to the
ecosystem; (2) not diminish other beneficial uses
In river systems, reservoirs, lakes, estuaries, and coastal
waters, zones of passage are continuous water routes o.f
such volume, area, and quality as to allow passage of free-
swimming and drifting organisms so that no significant
effects are produced on their populations.
Transport of a variety of organisms in river water and
by tidal movements in estuaries is biologically important
in a number of ways; e.g., food is carried to the sessile
filter feeders and other nonmobile organisms; spatial distri-
bution of organisms and reinforcem'ent of depauperate
populations is enhanced; embryos and larvae of some fish
species develop while drifting. Anadromous and cata-
dromous species must be able to reach suitable spawning
areas. Their young (and in some cases the adults) must be
assured a return route to their growing and living areas.
Many species make migrations for spawning and other
purposes. Barriers or blocks which prevent or interfere with
these types of essential transport and movement can be
created by water of inadequate chemical or physical quality.
Mixing ..(ones/115
Water quality in the :z:one of passage should be such that
biological responses to the water quality characteristics of
the mixing zone are no longer time-dependent (see Defini-
tion of Mixing Zone on page 112). However, where a zone of
passage is to be provided, bioassays determining time-
exposure responses in the mixing zone should include addi-
tional requirements to assess organism behavior. In the
mixing zone discussion above it is assumed that entrainment
in the plume will be involuntary. However, if there is at-
traction due to plume composition, exposure in the plume
~ould be very much longer than would be predicted by
physical modeling. If avoidance reactions occur, migration
may be thwarted. Thus, concentrations in both the mixing
zone and the zone of passage should be reduced before dis-
charge to levels below those at which such behavioral
modifications affect the populations of the subject organisms.
Modern techniques of waste water injection such as
diffusers and high velocity jets may form barriers to free
passage due to responses of organisms to currents. Turbu-
lence of flows opposing stream direction may create traps
for those organisms which migrate upstream by orientation
to opposing currents. These organisms may remain in the
mixing zone in response to currents created by the discharge.
Because of varying local physical and chemical
conditions and biological phenomena, no single-
value recommendation can be made on the per-
centage of river width necessary to allow passage of
critical free-swimming and drifting organisms so
that negligible or no effects are produced on their
populations. As a guideline no more than % the
width of a water-body should be devoted to mixing
zones thus leaving at least H free as a zone of
Monitoring of aquatic environments has traditionally in-
tded obtaining physical and chemical data that are used
evaluate the effects of pollutants on living organisms.
Jlogical monitoring has received less emphasis than
emical or physical monitoring, because biological assess-
:nts were once not as readily amenable to numerical
pression and tended to be more time consuming and
>re expensive. This is no longer true. Aquatic organisms
J. serve as natural monitors of environmental quality and
mld be included in programs designed to provide con-
uous records of water quality, because they integrate
of the stresses placed on an aquatic system and reflect
: combined effect. Chemical-physical assessments identify
lividual components, so the two types of assessments are
ttually supporting rather than mutually exclusive.
I\ biological monitoring program is essential in de-
mining the synergistic or antagonistic interactions of
nponents of waste discharges and the resulting effects on
[ng organisms. However, biological monitoring does not
>lace chemical and physical monitoring; each program
>vides information supplemental to the others.
1-\n. ideal biological monitoring program has four com-
o.ents: ( l) field surveys, (2) in-plant biological monitoring,
bioassays, and (4) simulation techniques. Obviously no
1logical monitoring program is routine, nor does it neces-
ily-have to include all ofthe:above components. However,
:h of the components provides valuable and useful
ti'ield surveys are. needed to obtain adequate data on
1logical, chemical; and physical water quality to de-
mine the nature~ of the system and the possible adverse
~cts of waste discharges on benefiCial-uses of the·system.
ro methods for continuously monitoring the effects of
llution on a receiving water have been described. Patrick
:tl, (1954)6* described the use of diatoms as natural morri-
s of various types of pollution. Various species of shellfish,
especially oysters suspended in trays, have been described
as an effective method of monitoring pollution (Galtsoff
et al. 194 7). 4 Field surveys should be carried out at suitable
intervals depending on local conditions. For example, in
determining the impact of a new or relocated municipal
or industrial discharge, it is desirable to perform the
following functions :
• survey the stream as a part of the site selection pro-
• continue the field survey prior to construction to
determine existing water quality: at this time it is
also useful to make bioassays using simulated pla:g_t
wastes and representative organisms from the re-
ceiving systems, and to establish biomonitoring
• monitor the effects of construction;
• carry out bioassays using actual plant wastes and
effluents after the plant is in operation, and make
field surveys to determine any changes from pre-
construction results.
Body burdens of toxicants that can be concentrated by
biota should be measured regularly. These data can1provide
early warning before concentrations in water become-readily
available and can provide warnings of incipient effects in
the biota being monitored.
Present information systems do not provide data rapidly
enough to be of use in environmental management, because
the constituents of a waste stream are likely to vary from
hour to hour and from day to day. Potentially harmful
materials should be detected before they enter the receiving
water and before substantial damage has been done to the
* Citations are listed at the end of the Section. They can be located
alphabetically within subtopics or by their superior numbers which
run consecutively across subtopics for the entire Section.
Several potentially useful methods for rapid in-plant
monitoring are being explored (Sparks et al. 1969,7 Waller
and Cairns 19698), and one rapid in-stream method is now
operational (Cairns et al. 1968,2 Cairns and Dickson 1971 3).
These in-plant methods use changes in heart rate, respi-
ration, and movements of fish within a container to detect
sublethal concentrations of toxicants in a waste discharge.
Continual information on toxicity of a waste should enable
sanitary engineers to identify those periods likely to produce
the most toxic wastes and to identify those components of
the production process that contribute significagtly to
toxicity. This could be accomplished with bioassays as
they are currently used, but rarely are enough samples
taken over a period of time sufficient to give the range of
information that would be available with continually oper-
ating bioassay techniques.
Of equal importance to the river surveys and the in-plant
and in-stream monitoring systems is the availability of
toxicity information based on a predictive bioassay. The
bioassay provides valuable information pertaining to the
effects of potential or contemplated discharges on aquatic
life. Acute bioassays are useful as a shortcut or predictive
method of estimating safe concentrations by use of suitable
application factors for many pollutants, as recommended
throughout this Report.
However, determining only the acute lethal toxicity of
Biological Monitoring/ 11 7
wastes is no longer adequate. Good health and an ability
to function vigorously are as important for aquatic eco-
systems as they are for humans. The former end point of
bioassays, viz., death, has been supplanted by more subtle
end points such as the protection of respiration, growth,
reproductive success, and a variety of other functional
changes (Cairns 1967).1 Acute toxicity determinations are
~being supplemented by long-term tests often involving an
entire life cycle. The latter require more time and expense
than short-term tests, but they provide better predictive
information about biologically safe concentrations of various
toxicants. Bioassays of organisms other than fish are be-
coming increasingly common because ·of the realization
that elimination of the lower organisms can also have serious
The fourth component now available to provide ecological
information is the use of scale models. Models are used to
study major ecological or environmental problems by simu-
lating prospective new uses. Engineering scale models are
common, but ecological scale models or environmental
simulation systems are not yet as commonly used. Experi-
mental streams and reservoirs have been constructed to
predict toxicity of waste discharges, determine factors re-
sponsible for productivity of aquatic communities, and
answer questions about plant site location (Haydu 1968,5
Warren and Davis 1971 9).
Bioassays are used to evaluate a given pollutant in terms
f existing water quality. Most pollution problems involve
ischarges of unknown and variable composition where
1ore than one toxicant or stress is present. In evaluating
riteria for specific toxicants, consideration must be given
D other environmental influences such as dissolved oxygen,
emperature, and pH.
Harmful effects of pollutants can be described by one or
t1ore of the following terms:
acute--involves a stimulus severe enough to bring
about a response speedily, usually within four days
for fish.
subacute-involves a stimulus less severe than an
acute stimulus, producing a response in a longer
time; may become chronic.
chronic-involves a lingering or continuous stimu~
lus; often signifying periods of about one-tenth of
the life span or more.
lethal-causes death by direct action.
sublethal-'-insufficient to cause death.
cumulative--brought about, or increased in strength,
by successive additions.
Two broad categories of effect (Alderdice 1967)10 may
be distinguished: acute toxicity which is usually lethal, and
chronic toxicity which may be lethal or sublethal.
Most of the available toxicity data are reported as the
median tolerance limit (TLm or TL50) or median lethal
concentration (LC50). Either symbol signifies the concen-
tration that kills 50 per cent of the test organisms within a
specified time span, usually in 96 hours. The customary
96-hour (four-day) time period is recommended as adequate
for most routine tests of acute toxicity with fish. A threshold
of acute toxicity will have been attained within this time
in the majority of cases (Sprague 1969). 43 This lethal threshold
concentration is usually noticeable in the data. Sometimes
mortality continues, and tests of a week or longer would be
necessary to determine the threshold. The lethal_ threshold
concentration should be reported if it is demonstrated,
because it is better for comparative purposes than the
arbitrary 96-hour LC50. Absence of any apparent threshold
is equally noteworthy.
The median lethal concentration is a convenient reference
point for expressing the acute lethal toxicity of a given
toxicant to the average or typical test animal. Obviously it
is in no way a safe concentration, although occasionally
the two have been confused. Safe levels, which permit
reproduction, growth, and all other normal life-processes
in the fish's natural habitat, usually are much lower than
the LC50. In this book, the recommended criteria are
intended to be safe levels.
Substantial data on long-term effects and safe levels are
available for only a few toxicants. Information is now ac-
cumulating on the effect of toxicants on reproduction, an
important aspect of all long-term toxicity tests. Other infor-
mation is being gathered on sublethal effects on growth,
performance, avoidance reactions, and social behavior of
fish. Also important is the sensitivity of organisms at various
life stages. Many organisms are most sensitive in the larval,
nymphal, molting, or fry stage; some are most sensitive in
the egg and sperm stage.
It would be desirable if a single, universal, rapid, bio-
logical test could be used to measure directly sublethal
effects of a pollutant. Data on sublethal responses of fish
have been used, such as respiratory rates and "coughing,"
swimming speed, avoidance behavior, and specific physio-
logical and biochemical changes in various organisms; and
histological studies have been made. A review of these
(Sprague 1971)45 shows that no single test is meaningful for
all kinds of pollutants. Therefore, it is recommended that
routine assessment and prediction of safe levels be made by
carrying out bioassays for acute lethal toxicity and multiply-
ing the lethal concentration by a suitable application factor.
The application factors used and recommended here have
been derived principally from chronic or sublethal labora-
tory experiments or from well documented field studies of
polluted situations.
Acceptable concentrations of toxicants to which organisms
are exposed continually must be lower than the higher
concentrations that may be reached occasionally but briefly
without causing damage. Both maximum short-time con-
centrations and the more restrictive range of safe concen-
trations for continuous exposure are useful. The recommen-
dations in this Report are those considered safe for con-
tinuous exposure, although in some cases there has also
been an indication of permissible higher levels for short
In field situations and industrial operations, average
24-hour concentrations can be determined by obtaining
composite or continuous samples. Mter 24 hours, the
sample may be mixed and analyzed. The concentration
found will represent the average concentration. Samples
obtained this way are more reproducible and easier to
secure than the instantaneous sample of maximum concen-
trations. However, average concentrations are of little sig-
nificance if fish are killed by a sharp peak of concentration,
and for that reason maximum concentrations must also
be considered.
Although there are many types of assays, two are in
general use :
l. the static bioassay in which the organisms are held
in a tank containing the test solution, and
2. the continuous flow or flow-through bioassay in
which the test solution is renewed continually.
The difference between the two types is not always great,
but one can have clear advantages over the other.
An outline of methods for routine bioassays has been
given in "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water
and Wastewater" (American Public Health Association,
American Water Works Association, Water Pollution Con-
trol Federation, 1971,11 hereafter referred to as Standard
Methods 1971 48). Cope (1961)21 described bioassay re-
porting, and Cairns (1969)20 presented a rating system
for evaluating the quality of the tests. Sprague (1969, 43
1970,44 1971 46) reviewed research to develop more incisive
testing methods. Their findings are utilized in this Report.
Procedure for acute bioassay with fish is now relatively
standardized and usually incorporates:
• a series of replicate test containers, each with a
different but constant concentration of the toxicant;
• a group of similar fish, usually 10, in each container;
• observations of fish mortality during exposures that
last between one day and one week, usually four
days; and
• final results expressed as LC50.
Other factors that are required for good bioassay pr(lctice
are briefly summarized in the references mentioned above.
A selected strain of fish or other aquatic organisms of
local importance should be used in bioassays conducted
for the purpose of pollution monitoring. Preferably it
should be a game or pan fish, which are usually among the
more sensitive. Ability to duplicate experiments is enhanced
by the use of a selected strain of test organisms (Lennon
1967).31 A selected strain can also help to determine the
difference between toxicants more reliably, and to detect
discrepancies in results due to apparatus. A National Re-
search Council subcommittee chaired by Dr. S. F. Snieszko
is currently preparing a report, Standards and guidelines-for
the breeding, care, and management of laboratory animals-Fish,
which will be useful in this area. Susceptibility to toxicants
among different species of fish is generally less than might
be expected-sometimes no greater than when a single
species is tested in different types of water. For example,
trout and certain coarse fishes were equally resistant to
ammonia when tests continued for several days to give the
less sensitive species time to react (Ball 1967a) ;13 and even
for zinc, the coarse fishes were no more than 3.8 times as
resistant as trout (Ball 1967b).1 4 Recommendations for the
selected test fish will often provide protection to other
aquatic animals and plants. There are exceptions to this
generalization: for example, copper is quite damaging to
algae and mollusks, and insecticides are especially dangerous
to aquatic arthropods. Sufficient data exist to predict these
situations. When they are expected, bioassays should be
run with two kinds of invertebrates and two kinds of algae
(Patrick et al. 1968). 41
In the case of important bodies of water, there is good
reason to test several kinds of aquatic organisms in addition
to fish. Patrick et al. (1968)41 made a comparative study of
the effects of 20 pollutants on fish, snails, and diatoms and
found that no single kind of organism was most sensitive
in all situations. The short-term bioassay method for fish
may also be used for many of the larger invertebrate ani-
mals. A greater volume of test water and rate of flow, or
both, may be required in relation to weight of the animals
since their metabolic rate is higher on a weight basis.
Larvae of mollusks or crustaceans can be good test ani-
mals. The crustacean Daphnia is a good test animal and was
widely used in comparative studies of toxicants by Ander-
son (1950).12 Rec~tly Biesinger and Christensen (unpub-
lished data, 1971)62 have carried out tests on the chronic
effects of toxicants on growth, survival, and reproduction
of Daphnia magna. Because of the rapid life cycle of Daphnia,
experiments on chronic toxicity can be completed in about
the same time as an acute toxicity test with fish.
Patrick et al. (1968)41 have shown that diatoms, snails
and fish exposed for roughly comparable periods of time
and in similar environmental conditions very often have
similar LC50's, but at other times these may differ greatly.
~---~ --------------
)/Section III-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
,wever, for some toxicants diatoms were most sensitive;
others, fish; and for others, snails. When one is cq_mparing
:a of this type, one questions whether a LC50 for a diatom
Julation in which a number of divisions have occurred
ring the test period is comparable to that obtained for
t and snails in which no reproduction has occurred during
test period. In the sense that there are 50 per cent fewer
ls in the LC50 concentration than there are in the diatom
1trol culture, the test is somewhat equivalent to a test
acute toxicity that results in 50 per cent fewer surviving
tin the LC50 than in the control container. Also loss of
lity to grow and divide might be just as fatal to a micro-
! population as death of a substantial number of its
mbers would be to a fish population.
When the absolute time for the test is considered, there
: also reasons for believing that exposure of diatoms to a
:icant through several generations might not constitute
hronic test, because it is quite possible that for toxicants
accumulate in a cell may require a period of exposure
tch more lengthy than that encompassed in the average
t which only spans a few generations. This would be
rticularly true when the organisms were dividing rapidly
:1. the additional protoplasm diluted the material being
ution Water
Toxicants should be tested in the water that will receive
: pollutant in question. In this way all modifying factors
:1. combined toxicities will be present. It is not advisable
use tap water for dilution, because it may contain chlorine
d other harmful materials such as copper, zinc, or lead
m plumbing systems. Routine dechlorination does not
:ure complete removal of chlorine.
Variations in physical and chemical characteristics of
Lter affect toxicity of pollutants. Effects of five environ-
:ntal entities on the lethal threshold of ammonia were
1strated a decade ago (Lloyd 1961 b). 34 Hardness of water
particularly important in toxicity of metals. Hydrogen
1 concentration is an important modifying factor for
1monia and cyanide. Higher temperatures sometimes
:rease toxicity of a pollutant, but recent work shows that
Lenol, hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, and zinc may be
Jre toxic at low temperatures (United Kingdom Ministry
Technology 1969).0° Dissolved oxygen levels that are
Iow saturation will increase toxicity, and this is predictable
.loyd 196la;33 Brown 1968).16
The supply of dilution water must be adequate to main-
in constant test conditions. In both static and continuous
1w tests, a sufficiently large volume of test water must be
ed, and it must be replaced or replenished frequently.
:1is is to provide oxygen for the organism and dilution of
etabolic wastes, to limit changes in temperature and pH,
td to compensate for degradation, volatilization, intake,
td sorption of the toxicant. In static tests, there should be
ro or three liters of water per gram of fish, changed daily,
or increased proportionally in volume for the number of
days of the test. In continuous flow tests, the flow must
provide at least two or three liters of water per gram of fish
per day, and it must equal test-volume in five hours or
less, giving 90 per cent replacement in half a day or less.
Acclimatizing the test organism to the specific water
before the bioassay begins may have marked effect upon
the outcome. Abrupt changes in quality of the water should
be avoided. Time for acclimation of the organisms to the
conditions of the diluent water should be as generous as
possible, dependent on life span. At least two weeks is
recommended for fish.
Test Methods
Test methods must be adequately described when the
results are given. Several bioassay procedures are listed in
Table III-1. Adequate and appropriate control tests must
always be run (Sprague 1969).43 Survival of the control
organisms is a minimum indication of the quality of the
test organisms. In addition, levels of survival and health
in holding tanks should be indicated and the conclusions
TABLE III-1-Recommended Literature Sources for Bioassay
and Biomonitoring Procedures with Various Aquatic
Kind of organism Type of response Appropriate situations lor use Reference
Fish and Macroinverte· 96-hour lethal concen-To measure lethal toxicity of a Standard Methods 1971••
brates !ration waste of known or unknown
composition. To serve as a
foundation lor extrapolating
to presumably sale concentra-
lions. To momtor industrial
Fish and macroinverte-Lethal threshold con-For research applications to Sprague 1969, .. 19711"
brates centralion document lethal thresholds.
Fish and inverle· Incipient lethal tern-For research to determine Fry 1947," Brett 1952"
brates peratures & ultimate lethal temperature ranges of
incipient lethal tern-a given species.
Fish .................. Respiratory movements Quick (1 ·daY) indication of Schaumburg et al. 196742
as acute sublethal possible sublethal effects.
response For research and monitoring.
Fish (i.e., fathead min· Reproduction, growth, Chronic tests lor research on Mount 1968,., Mount &
nows, brook trou~ and SUrYIYal sale concentrations. Stephan 1967,"
bluegill) Brungs 1969,•• McKim
& Benoit 1971,•• Eaton
Daphnia.. .. ·' ......... Survival, growth, and Rapid completion of chronic Anderson _1950," Bie-
reproduction tests lor testing special sus-singer & Christensen
ceptibifity of crustaceans (UnpubHshed data)"
Diatoms ............... Survival, growth, and A sensitive, rapid, chronic test Patrick 1968••
reproduction lor research, prediction, or
Marine crustacean, Survival, growth, and A sensitiYe, rapid, chronic test Woelke 1967"
larvae mollusks development through lor research. prediction, or
immature stages monitoring•
• requites an operator with some speciafized biological training.
Dissolved • Oxygen
The problem of maintaining dissolved oxygen concen-
trations suitable for aquatic life in the test water can be
difficult. The suggestions on test volume and replacement
times (see Dilution Water above) should provide for ade-
quate oxygen in most cases. However, with some pollutants,
insufficient oxygen maybe present in the test water because
a biochemic~! and a chemical oxygen demand (BOD and
COD) may consume much of the available dissolved oxygen.
Aeration or oxygenation may degrade or remove the test
material. Devices for maintaining satisfactory dis11olved
oxygen in static tests have been proposed and used with some
degree of effectiv~ness, and· are described in Doudoroff
et al. (1951).22
Con cenf!afion s
Periodic measurements of concentration of the toxicant
should be made at least at the· beginning and end of the
bioassay. If this is not possible, introduced concentrations
may be stated alone, but it should be realized that actual
concentrations in the water may become reduced.
In the flow-through type of bioassay, a large quantity of
test water can be made up and used gradually. More often
a device is used to add toxicant to a flow of water, and the
mixture is discharged into the test container, using apparatus
such as "dipping bird" dosers described by B~ungs and
Mount (1967).19 Other devices have been developed by
Stark (1967),47 and Mount and Warner (1965),39 using
the doser technique.
Evaluation of. Results
Mortality rates at the longest exposure time should be
.plotted on a vertical probit scale against concentrations of
toxicants on a horizontal logarithmic scale. The concen-
tration which causes 50 per cent mortality can be read and
used as LC50. Errors in LC50 can be estimated using the
simple nomograph procedures described by Litchfield and
Wilcoxon (1949). 32 ·A more refined estimate of error may
be made using the methods of Finney (1952),25 which can
be programmed for a computer.
The value of the results would be improved if the LC50's
were estimated (by the above procedures) at. frequent
exposure times such as 1, 2, 4, R±l, 14±2, 24, 48, 72,
and 96 hours. A toxicity curve of time versus LC50 could
then be constructed on logarithmic axes. The lethal thresh-
old concentration could then be estimated in many_ cases
(Sprague 1969)43 to provide: a more valid single number
for description of acute toxicity. than the arbitrary 96-hour
For some purposes, such· as basic research or situations
where short· exposures are of particular concern, it would
be desirable to follow and plot separately the mortality of
the group of fish in each tank. In this way, the median
lethal time can be estimated for a given concentration.
Methods for doing this are given in Appendix II-A.
Bioassays /121
Short-term or acute toxicity tests do not indicate concen-
trations of a potential toxicant that are harmless under
conditions of long-term exposure. Nevertheless, for each
toxicant there is obviously .a numerical value for the ratio
of the safe concentration to the acutely lethal concentration.
Such values are called application factors. In some cases
this safe-to-lethal ratio is known with reasonable accuracy
from experimental work, as in the'examples given in Table
III-2. However, for most toxicants, the safe level has not
been determined, and must be predicted by some approxi-
mate method. In these cases, the assumption has been
made in this Report, that the numerical value of the safe-
to-lethal ratio, the application factor, is constant for related
groups of chemicals. Values for the ratio will be recom-
mended. The safe level of a particular toxicant can then
be estimated approximately by carrying out an acute bio-
assay to determine the lethal concentration, then multi-
plying this by the suggested application factor. An appli-
cation factor does not make allowance for unknown factors.
It is merely a fractional or decimal factor applied to a
lethal concentration to estimate the safe concentration.
Ideally, an application factor should be determined for
each waste material in question. To do this, it is necessary
first to determine the lethal concentration of the waste
according to the bioassay procedures outlined above. To
obtain the application factor, the safe concentration of the
same waste-must be determined for the same species by
thorough research on physiological, biochemical, and be-
havioral effects, and by studying growth, reproduction,
and production in the laboratory and field. The safe-to-
lethal ratio obtained could then be used as an application
factor in a given situation, by working from the measured
LC50 of a particular kind of waste to predict the safe
TABLE III-2-Ratios between the safe concentration and the
lethal concentration which have been determined experi-
mentally for potential aquatic pollutants. Sources of data
are given in the sections on the individual pollutants.
Material Species of animal
LAS................. Fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas)
Chlorine... . . . . . . . . . . . Fathead minnow
sumdes. .. . . . . . . . . . . • Fathead minnow and white sucker (Catostomus.commersoni)·
Walleye pike (Stizosledion Yitreum v.)
Copper. .. .. . .. . .. .. . . Several species of fish
Trivalent chromium. . . . Fathead minnow
Hexavalent chromium.. Fathead minnow
Brook trout (Salveiinus fontinalis)
Rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri)
Malathion. . . . . . . . . . . . Fathead minnow and bluegill (lepomis machrochirus)
Carbaryl.... .. .. .. .. .. Fish species
Nickel............... Fathead minnow
-lead................. Rainbow and Brook trout
Zinc...... .. .. . . . . . . .. Fathead minnow
Safe-tcrlethal ratio .
Between 0.14 and 0.28
(=about 0.21)
dose to 0.1
22/Section III-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
In this approach, a 96-hour LC50 is determined for the
ollutant using water from the receiving stream for dilution.
'he test organisms selected should be among• the most
:nsitive species, or an important local species at a sensitive
fe stage, or a species whose relative sensitivity is known.
'his procedure takes into consideration the effects of local
ater quality and the stress or adverse effects of wastes
.ready present in the stream. The LC50 thus found is
ten multiplied by the application factor for that waste to
etermine its safe concentration in the specific stream or
:ction of stream. Such bioassays should be repeated at
ast monthly or when changes in process or rate of waste
ischarge arc observed.
For example, if the 96-hour LC50 is 0.5 milligrams per
ter (mg/1) and the concentration of the waste found to be
tfe is 0.01 mg/1, the ratio would be:
Safe Concentration 0.01
96-hour LC50 0.50 50
o. this instance, the safe-to-lethal ratio is 0.02. It can be
sed as an application factor in other situations. Then, in
given situation involving this waste, the safe concentration
1 the receiving stream would be found by multiplying the
mr-day LC50 by 0.02.
This predictive procedure based on lethal concentrations
: useful, because the precise safe level of many pollutants
: not known because of the uncertainty about toxicity of
1ixed effluents and the difference in sensitivity among fish
nd fish food organisms. Henderson (1957)27 and Tarzwell
1962)49 have discussed various factors involved in de-
eloping application factors. Studies by Mount and Stephan
1967),38 Brungs (1969),18 Mount (1968),37 McKim and
ienoit (1971),36 and Eaton (1970)24 in which continuous
xposure was used, reveal that the safe-to-lethal ratio that
1ermits spawning ranges over nearly two orders of magni-
ude. Exposure will not be constant in most cases, and
tigher concentrations usually can be tolerated for short
Lethal threshold concentrations, which may require more
han 96-hour exposures, may be beneficially used (Sprague
969)43 to replace 96-hour LC50 in the above procedures,
tnd there is a trend today to use such threshold concen-
rations (Eaton 1970).24
At present, safe levels have been determined for only a
ew wastes, and as a result only a few application factors are
~nown. Because the determination of safe levels of pollutants
s an involved process, interim procedures for estimating
olerable concentrations of various wastes in receiving waters
nust be used. To meet this situation, three universal appli-
:ation factors selected on the basis of present knowledge,
:xperience, and judgment are recommended at the end of
:his section. Where toxicants have a nonpersistent nature
:a half life of less than 4 days) or noncumulative effects,
m application factor of 0.1 of the 96-hour LC50 should
10t be exceeded at any time or place after mixing with the
receiving waters. The 24-hour average of the concentration
of these toxicants should not exceed 0.05 of the LC50 if
aquatic life is to be protected. For toxic materials which
are persistent or cumulative the concentrations should not
exceed 0.05 of the 96-hour LC50 at any time or place, and
the 24-hour average concentration should not exceed 0.01
of the 96-hour LC50 in order to protect aquatic life. It is
proposed that these general application factors be applied
to LC50 values determined in the manner described above
to set tolerable concentrations of wastes in the receiving
The toxicity of a mixture of pollutants may be estimated
by expressing the actual concentration of each toxicant as
a proportion of its lethal threshold concentration (usually
equal to the 96-hour LC50) and adding the resulting
numbers for all the toxicants. If the total is 1.0 or greater,
the mixture will be lethal.
The system of adding different toxicants in this way is
based on the premise that their lethal actions are additive.
Unlikely as it seems, this simple rule has been found to
govern the combined lethal action of many pairs and mix-
tures of quite dissimilar toxicants, such as copper and
ammonia, and zinc and phenol in the laboratory (Herbert
and Vandyke 1964,29 Jordan and Lloyd 1964,30 Brown
et al. 1969).17 The rule holds true in field studies (Herbert
1965,28 Sprague et al. 1965). 46 The method of addition is
useful and reasonably accurate for predicting thresholds of
lethal effects in mixtures.
There is also evidence of a lower limit for additive lethal
effects. For ammonia and certain other pollutants, levels
below 0.1 of the lethal concentration do not seem to con-
tribute to the lethal action of a mixture (Brown et al. 1969,17
Lloyd and Orr 1969).35 This lower cutoff point of 0.1 of
the LC50 should be used when it is necessary to assess the
lethal effects of a mixture of toxicants.
Sublethal or chronic effects of mixtures are of great im-
portance. Sublethal concentrations of different toxicants
should be additive in effect. Here again, it would be ex-
pected that for any given toxicant there would be some low
concentration that would have no deleterious effect on an
organism and would not contribute any sublethal toxicity
to a mixture, but there is little research on this subject.
Biesinger and Christensen .. (unpublished data 1971),52 con-
cluded that subchronic concentrations of 21 toxicants were
close to being additive in causing chronic effects on repro-
duction in Daphnia. Copper and zinc concentrations of
about 0.01 of the LC50 are additive in causing avoidance
reactions (Sprague et al. 1965).46 On the other hand, some-
what lower metal concentrations of about 0.003 of the LC50
do not seem to be additive in affecting reproduction of fish
(Eaton unpublished data 1971).53 Perhaps there is a lower
cutoff point than 0.01 of the LC50 for single pollutants
contributing to sublethal toxicity of a mixture.
As an interim solution, it is recommended that the con-
tribution of a single pollutant to the sublethal toxicity of a
mixture should not be counted if it is less than 0.2 of the
recommended level for that pollutant. Applying this to a
basic recommended level of 0.05 (see the Recommendation
that follows) of the LC50 would yield a value of 0.01 of the
LC50, corresponding to the possible cutoff point suggested
ltois expected that certain cases of joint toxicity will not
be covered by simple addition. The most obvious exception
would ·be when two toxicants combine chemically. For
example, mixed solutions of cyanides and metals could
cause addition of toxicity or very different effects if the
metal and cyanide combined (Doudoroff et al. 1966).23 A
thorough understanding of chemical reactions is necessary
in these cases.
For further discussions of bioassays and the difficulties
posed in assessing sublethal effects of toxicants on organisms,
see Section IV, pp. 233-237.
Recommendations for the Use of Application Factors to
Estimate Safe Concentrations of Toxic Wastes in Receiving
Where specific application factors have been determined
for a given material, they should be used instead of the safe
concentration levels of wastes given below:
(a) Concentration of materials that are nonpersistent
or have noncumulative effects should not exceed 0.1 of
the 96-hour LC50 at any time or place after mixing with
the receiving waters. The 24-hour average of the concen-
tration of these materials should not exceed 0.05 of the
LC50 after mixing.
(b) For toxicants which are persistent or cumulative,
the concentrations should not exceed 0.05 of the 96-hour
LC50 at any time or place, nor should the 24-hour average
concentration exceed 0.01 of the 96-hour LC50.
(c) When two or more toxic materials are present at
the same time in the receiving water, it should be assumed
unless proven otherwise that their individual toxicities are
additive and that some reduction in the permissible concen-
trations is necessary. The amount of reduction required is
a function of both the number of toxic materials present
and their concentrations in respect to the permissible con-
centrations. The following relationship will assure that the
Bioassays /123
combined amounts of th~ several substances do not exceed
a permissible concentration:
C,. Cb Cn -+-+ ••• +-< 1.0
L,. Lb Ln-
This formula may be applied where C,., Cb, ... Cn are the
measured or expected concentrations of the several toxic
materials in the water, and L,., Lb, ... Ln are the respective
concentrations recommended or those derived by using
recommended application factors on bioassays done under
local conditions. Should the sum of the several fractions
exceed 1.0, a local restriction on the concentration of one
or more of the substances is necessary.
C and L can be measured in any convenient chemical
unit as proportions of the LC50 or in any other desired way,
as long as the numerator and denominator of any single
fraction are in the same units. To remove natural trace
concentrations and low nonadditive concentrations from
the above formula, any single fraction which has a value
less thq.n 0.2 should be removed from the calculation.
Small quantities of five toxicants are measured in a
stream as follows:
3 micrograms/liter (JLg/1) of zinc; 3 JLg/1 of phenol;
3 JLg/1 of un-ionized ammonia as calculated from
Figure 111-10 (see Ammonia, p. 186); I JLg/1 of
cyanide; and I JLg/1 of chlorine.
A bioassay with zinc sulphate indicates that the 96-
hour LC50 is 1.2 mg/1. The application· factor for
zinc is 0.005; therefore, the allowable limit is 0.005 X
1.2 =0.006 mg/1. Initial bioassays with phenol, am-
monia, and cyanide indicate that the recommended
values are the safe concentrations stated in other sec-
tions of the Report, not the fractions of LC50; so the
limits are 0.1 mg/1, 0.02 mg/1, and 0.005 mg/1. The
permissible limit for chlorine (page 189) is 0.003 mg/1.
Therefore, the total toxicity is estimated as follows for
zinc, phenol, ammonia, cyanide, and chlorine, re-
0.003 + 0.003 + 0.003 + 0.001 + 0.001
0.006 0.1 0.02 0.005 0.003
The second and third terms, i.e., phenol and ammonia,
should be deleted since they are below the minimum
of 0.2 for additive effects. This leaves 0.5+0.2+0.33 =
1.03, indicating that the total sublethal effect of these
three toxicants is slightly above the permissible level
and that no higher concentration of any of the three
is safe. Thus none can be added as a pollutant.
Numerous activities initiated to maximize certain uses of
water resources often adversely affect water quality and
minimize other uses. These activities have caused both
benefit and harm in terms of environmental quality. The
::ommon forms of ·physical alteration of watersheds are
::hannelization, dredging, filling, shoreline modifications
(of lakes and streams), clearing of vegetation, rip-rapping,
diking, leveling, sand and gravel removal, and impounding
of streams:
Channelization is widespread throughout the United
States, and many studies have been conducted documenting
its effects. Channelization usually increases stream gradient
ana flow rates. The quiet areas or backwaters are either
eliminated or cut off from·the main flow of the stream, the
stream bed is made smooth, thus reducing the habitats
available to benthic organisms, and surrounding marshes
and swamps.are.more rapidly drained. The steeper gradient
increases velocity allowing the stream to carry a greater
suspended load and causing increased turbidity. The rate
of organic waste transformation per mile is usually reduced,
and destruction of spawning. and nursery areas often occurs.
Trautman (1939), 67 Smith and Larimore (1963), 65 Peters
and Alvord (1964), 64 Welker (1·967), 69 Martin (1969), 63
and Gebhards (1970)58 have discussed the harmful effects
of channelization on some fish populations and . the effect
on stimulation of less desirable species.
Dredging undertaken to increase water depth often
destroys highly productive habitats such as marshes (Mar-
shall 1968,62 Copeland and Dickens 1969). 56 The spoils
from dredging activities are frequently disposed of in other
shallow sites causing further loss of productive areas. For
example, Taylor and Saloman (1968)66 reported that since
1950 there has been a 20 per cent decrease in surface area
of productive Boca Ciega Bay, Florida, due to fill areas.
It has become common practice to fill in marshy sites near
large metrqpolitan areas (e.g., San Francisco Bay, Jamaica
Bay) to provide for airport construction and industrial
In addition to the material that is .actually removed by
the dredging process, a considerable amount of waste ·is
suspended in thewater·resultingin high turbidities (Mackin
1961).61 If the dredged sediments are relatively nontoxic,
gross effects on motile aquatic life may not be noticeable,
but benthic communities may be drastically affected by the
increased redeposition of silt (Ingle 1952). 59
In many instances either high nutrient or toxic sediments
are suspended or deposited during the dredging process.
This action may kill aquatic organisms by exposure to the
toxicants present or by the depletion of dissolved oxygen
concentrations, or both. Brown and Clark (1968)54 noted
a dissolved oxygen reduction of 16 to 83 per cent when
oxidizable sediments were resuspended. In many cases dis-
turbed sediments containing high nutrient concentrations
may stimulate undesirable forms of phytoplankton or
Cladophora. Gannon and Beeton (1969) 57 categorized harbor
sediments in five groups. Those most severely polluted
were toxic to various animals and did not stimulate growth
of phytoplankton. Other sediments were toxic but stimu-
lated plant growth. The least polluted sediments were not
toxic and stimulated . growth of phytoplankton but not
Three basic aspects must be considered in evaluating the
impact of dredging and disposal on the aquatic environ-
ment: (I) the amount and nature of the dredgings, (2) the
nature and quality of the environments of removal and
disposal, and (3) the ecological responses. All vary widely
in different environments, and it is not possible to identify
an optimal dredging and disposal system. Consequently,
the most suitable program must be developed for each
situation. ·Even in situations where . soil is deposited in
diked enclosures or used for fill, care must be . taken to
monitor overflow, seepage, and runoff waters for toxic· and
stimulatory materials.
Artificial impoundments may have serious environmental
impact on natural aquatic ecosystems. Dams and other
artificial barriers frequently block migration cand may
destroy large areas of specialized habitat. Aquatic organisms
are frequently subjected to physical damage if they are
allowed to pass through or over hydroelectric power units
and other ·man-made objects when properly ·designed
barriers are not provided. At large dams, espedally those
designed for hydroelectric power, water drawn from the_
pool behind the dam is frequently taken from great depths,
resulting in the release to the receiving stream of waters
low.in dissolved oxygen and excessively cold. This can be a
problem, particularly in areas where nonnative fish are
Cutting down forests, planting the land in crops, and
partially covering the surface of a watershed by building
roads, houses, and industries can have detrimental effects
on water ways. Wark and Keller (1963)68 showed that in
the Potomac River Basin (Washington, D.C.) reducing the
forest cover from 80 per cent to 20 per cent increas~d the
annual sediment yield from 50 to 400 tons per square mile
per year. The planting of land in crops increased the sedi-
ment yield from 70 to 300 tons per square mile per year,
or a fourfold increase as the land crops increased from 10
per cent to 50 per cent. Likens et al. (1970)60 showed that
cutting down the forest in the Hubbard Brook area (Ver-
Physical Manipulation of the Environment/125
mont) caused substantial.changes in the streams. The sedi-
ment load increased fourfold over a period from May 1966
to May 1968. Furthermore, the particulate matter drained
from the deforested watershed became increasingly in-
organic in content, thus reducing the value of the sediment
as a food source. The nutrient content of the water was also
affected by cutting down the forests. The nitrate concen-
tration increased from 0.9 mg/1 prior to the cutting of
vegetation to 53 mg/1 two years later. Temperatures of
streams in deforested areas were higher, particularly during
the summer months, than those of streams bordered bv
forests (Brown and Krygier 1970).55
Prior to any physical alterations of a watershed, a
thorough investigation should be conducted to determine
the expected balance between benefits and adverse environ-
mental effects.
Suspended and settleable solids include both inorganic
and organic materials. Inorganic components include sand,
silt, and clay originating from erosion, mining, agriculture,
and areas of construction. Organic matter may be com-
posed of a variety of materials added to the ecosystem from
natural and man-made sources. These inorganic and organic
sources are discussed in the Panel Report on Marine
Aquatic Life and Wildlife (Section IV), and the effects of
land-water relationships are described in the report on
Recreation and Aesthetics (Section I).
Soil structure and drainage patterns, together with the
intensity and temporal distribution of rainfall that directly
affect the kind and amount of protective vegetative cover,
determine the susceptibility of a soil to erosion. Where
rain occurs more or less uniformly throughout the year,
protective grasses, shrubs, or trees develop (Leopold, et al.
1964). 78 Where rainfall occurs intermittently, as in arid
areas, growth of protective plants is limited thus allowing
unchecked erosion of soils.
Wetting and drying cause swelling and shrinking of clay
soils and leave the surface susceptible to entrainment in
surface water flows. Suspended soil particle concentrations
in rivers, therefore, are at their peak at the beginning of
flood flows. Data on the concentration of suspended matter
in most of the significant streams of the United States are
presented in the U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply
Streams transport boulders, rocks, pebbles, and sand by
intermittent rolling motions, or by intermittent suspension
and deposition as particles are entrained and later settled
on the bed. Fine particles are held in suspension for long
periods, depending on the intensity of the turbulence. Fine
silt particles, when dispersed in fresh waters, remain almost
continuously suspended, and suspension of dispersed clay
mineral particles may be maintained even by the thermally
induced motions in water. These fine mineral particles are
the soil materials of greatest significance to the turbidity
values of a particular water.
The suspended and settleable solids and the bed of a water
body must be considered as interrelated, interacting parts.
For example, Langlois (1941)77 reported that in Lake Erie
the average of 40 parts per million (ppm) of suspended
matter in the water was found to change quickly to more
than 200 ppm with a strong wind. He further explained
. that this increase is attributed to sediments resuspended by
wave action. These sediments enter from streams or from
shoreline erosion.
Suspended clay mineral particles are weakly cohesive in
fresh river waters having either unusually low dissolved salt
concentrations or high concentrations of multivalent cations.
Aggregations of fine particles form and settle on the bed to
form soft fluffy deposits when such waters enter a lake or
impoundment. However, clay mineral particles are dis-
persed or only weakly cohesive in most rivers.
The composition and concentrations of suspended parti-
cles in surface waters are important because of their effects
on light penetration, temperature, solubility products, and
aquatic life (Cairns 1968).72 The mechanical or abrasive
action of particulate material is of importance to the higher
aquatic organisms, such as mussels and fish. Gills may be
clogged and their proper functions of respiration and
excretion impaired. Blanketing of plants and sessile animals
with sediment as well as the blanketing of important
habitats, such as spawning sites, can cause drastic changes
in aquatic ecosystems. If sedimentation, even of inert
particles, covers substantial amounts of organic material,
anaerobic conditions can occur and produce noxious gases
and other objectionable characteristics, such as low dis-
solved oxygen and decreases in pH.
Absorption of sunlight by natural waters is strongly
affected by the presence of suspended solids. The intensity
of light (/) at any distance along a light ray (L) is, for a
uniform suspension, expressed by the formula:
l=lo -kcL,
where /0 is the intensity just below the water surface (L ==: 0),
: extinction coefficient for the suspended solids, and
concentration of suspended solids. L can be related
water depth by the zenith angle, i, the angle of
.on, r, and the index of refraction of water, 1.33, by
. sin i
Sin r=--
:pth, D, is L cos r. Refraction makes the light path
J.early vertical under water than the sun's rays,
when the sun's rays are themselves normal to the
growth of fixed and suspended aquatic plants can
.ted by the intensity of sunlight. An example of the
;e in the photic zone was calculated for San Francisco
~rone 1963),76 where k was 1.18Xl03 square ceil.ti-
per gram. For a typical suspended solids concen-
of 50XI0-6 grams per cubic centimeter, for an
:equiring 20 foot candles or more for its multipli-
~nd under incident sunlight of 13,000 foot candles
otic zone did not exceed 1.1 meters. A reduction in
:led solids concentration to 20X I0-6 g/cm3 increased
.ximum depth of the photic zone to 2.8 meters.
.use suspended particles inhibit the penetration of
tt, water temperatures are affected, and increasing
ty results in increasing absorption near the water
: so that turbid waters warm more rapidly at the
: than do clearer waters. Warming and the accom-
,g decrease in density stabilize water and may inhibit
I mixing. Lower oxygen transfer value from air to
results when surface waters are heated. This action
J.ed with inhibited vertical mixing reduces the rate of
t transfer downward. Still or slowly moving water is
. ffected.
rate of warming, dT / dt, at any distance from the
: along a light path, L, in water having uniform
ded material is
dT = _[Ike] -kcL
dt pC
p is the water density and C is the specific heat of
ter. This equation shows that an increase in suspended
:nt concentration increases the rate of warming near
rface and decreases exponentially with depth. The
ical significance of this relationship is in the effect on
,f formation, vertical distribution of thermal stratifi-
' and stability of the upper strata. Increasing tur-
could change the stratification patterns of a lake and
hange the temperature distribution, oxygen regime,
>mposition of the biological communities.
Jended mineral particles have irregular, large surface
with electrostatic charges. As a consequence, clay
Suspended and Settleable Solids/127
minerals may sorb cations, anions, t,tnd organic compounds.
Pesticides and heavy metals may be absorbed on suspended
clay particles and strongly held with them. The sorption
of chemicals by suspended matter is particularly important
if it leads to a buildup of toxic and radioactive materials
in a limited area with the possibility of sudden release of
these toxicants. One such example has been reported by
Benoit et al. (1967).70 Gannon and Beeton (1969)7 5 reported
that sediments with the following characteristics dredged
from various harbors on the Great Lakes were usually toxic
to various organisms: COD 42,000 mg/1, volatile solids
4,000 mg/1, ammonia 0.075 mg/g, phosphate-P 0.65 mg/g.
The capacity of minerals to hold dissolved toxic materials
is different for each material and type of clay mineral. An
example illustrates the magnitudes of sorptive capacities:
the cation exchange capacity (determined by the number
of negatively charged sites on clay mineral surfaces) ranges
from a few milliequivalents per hundred grams (me/100 g)
of mineral for kaolinite clay to more than 100 me/100 g for
montmorillonite clay. Typical estuarial sediments, which are
mixtures of clay, silt, and sand minerals, have exchange
capacities ranging from 15 to 60 me/100 g (Krone 1963).76
The large amounts of such material that enter many
estuaries and lakes from tributary streams provide continu-
ally renewed sorptive capacity that removes materials such
as heavy metals, phosphorus, and radioactive ions. The
average new sediment load flowing through the San Fran-
cisco Bay-Delta system, for example, has a total cation
exchange capacity of a billion equivalents per year.
The sorptive capacity effectively creates the large assimi-
lative capacity of muddy waters. A reduction in suspended
mineral solids in surface waters can cause an increase in
the concentrations of dissolved toxic materials contributed
by existing waste discharges .
The surface of particulate matter may act as a substratum
for microbial species, although the particle itself may or
may not contribute to their nutrition. When the presence
of particulate matter enables the environment to support
substantial increased populations of aquatic microorganisms,
the dissolved oxygen concentration, pH, and other char-
acteristics of the water are frequently altered.
There are several ways in which an excessive concen-
tration of finely divided solid matter might be harmful to
a fishery in a river or a lake (European Inland Fisheries
Advisory Commission, ElF AC 1965). 73 These include:
• acting directly on fish swimming in water in which
solids are suspended, either killing them or reducing
their growth rate and resistance to disease;
• preventing the successful development of fish eggs
and larvae;
128/Section Ill-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
• modifying natural movements and migrations of fish;
• reducing the food av.ailable to fish;
• affecting efficiency in catching _the-fish;•
With respect to chemically inert suspended solids and to
waters that are otherwise satisfactory for the maintenance of
freshwater fisheries, EIFAC (1965)7 3 reported:
• there is no evidence thatconcentrations of suspended
solids less than 25 mg/1 have any harmful effects
on fisheries;
• it should usually be possible to maintain good or
moderate fisheries in waters that normally contain
25 to 80 mg/1 suspended solids; other factors being
equal, however, the yield of fish from such waters
might be somewha:t lower than from those in the
preceding category;
• waters normally containing from 80 to 400 mg/1
suspended solids are unlikely to support good fresh-
water fisheries, although fisheries may sometimes
be found at the lower -concentrations within this
• only poor fisheries are likely to be found in waters
that normally contain more than 400 mg/1 suspended
In addition, although several thousand parts per million
suspended solids may not kill fish during several hours or
days exposure, temporary high concentrations should ·be
prevented in rivers where good.fisheries .are to be main-
tained. The spawning grounds of ri:mst fish should be kept
as free as possible from finely divided solids.
While the low turbidities reported above reflected values -
that should protect the ecosystem, Wallen (1951)80 reported
that fish can tolerate higher concentrations. Behavioral
reactions were not observed until concentrations of tur-
bidity neared 20,000 mg/1, and in one species reactions did
not appear until turbidities reached 100,000 mg/1. Most
species tested endured exposures of more than 100,000 mg/1
turbidity for a week or longer, but these same fishes finally
died at turbidities of 175,000 to 225,000 mg/1. Lethal
turbidities caused the death of fishes within 15 minutes to
two hours exposure. Fishes that succumbed had opercular
cavities and gill filaments clogged with silty clay particles
from the water.
In a study of fish and macroinvertebrate populations
over a four-year period in a stream receiving sediment from
a crushed limestone quarry, Gammon (1970)74 found that
inputs that increased the suspended solids load less than
40 mg/1 (normal suspended solids was 38 to 41 mg/1 and
volatile suspended solids 16 to 30 mg/1) resulted in a 25
per cent reduction in macroinvertebrate density in the
stream below the quarry. A heavy silt input caused increases
of more than 120 mg/1 including some decomposition of
sediment, and resulted in a 60 per cent reduction in density
of macroinvertebrates. Population diversity indices were
unaffected because most species responded to the same
degree. The standing crop of fish ·decreased dramatically
when heavy sediment occurred in the spring; but fish re-
mained in pools during the summer when the input was
heavy and vacated the pools only after deposits of sediment
accumulated. After winter floods removed sediment de-
posits, fish returned to the pools and achieved levels of 50
per cent of the normal standing crop by early June.
Not all particulate matter affects organisms in the same
way. For example; Smith, .et aL (1965)7 9 found that the
lethal action of pulp-mill fiber on walleye fingerlings
(Stizostedion vitreum vitreum) and fathead minnows (Pimephales
promelas) was influenced by the type of fiber. In 96-hour
bioassays, mortality of the minnows in 2,000 ppm suspen-
sions was 78 per cent in conifer groundwood, 34 per cent
in conifer kraft, andA per cent in aspen groundwood. High
temperatures and reduced dissolved oxygen concentrations
increased the lethal action of fiber.
Buck ( 1956) 71 studied the growth of fish in 39 farm ponds
having a wide range of turbidities. The ponds were cleared
of fish and then restocked with largemouth black bass
(Micropterus salmoides), bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus), and
redear sunfish (Lepomis microlophus). After two growing
seasons the yields of fish were :
•· clear ponds (less than 25 mg/1 161.5 lb/acre
suspended solids)
• intermediate (25-100 ~g/1 94.0 lb/acre
suspended solids)
• muddy (more than roo mg/1 29.3 lb/acre
suspended solids)
The rate of reproduction was also reduced by turbidity,
and the critical concentration for all three species appeared
to be about 75-100 mg/1. In the same paper, Buck reported
that largemouth black bass (Micropterus salmoides), crappies
(Pomoxis), and channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) grew more
slowly in a reservoir where the water had an average
turbidity of 130 mg/1 than in another reservoir where the
water was always clear.
Floating materials, including large objects as well as very
fine substances, can adversely affect the activities of aquatic
life. Floating logs shut out sunlight and interfere particularly
with surface feeding fish. Logs may also leach various types
of organic acids due to the action of water. If they have
been sprayed with pesticides or treated chemically, these_
substances may also leach into the water. As the logs float
downstream their bark often disengages and falls to the
bed of the stream, disturbing benthic habitats. Aquatic life
is also affected by fine substances, such as sawdust, peelings,
hair from tanneries, wood fibers, containers, scum, oil,
garbage, and materials from untreated municipal and in-
dustrial wastes, tars and greases, and precipitated chemicals.
• The combined effect of color and turbidity should
not change the compensation point more than
10 per cent from its seasonally established norm,
nor should such a change place more than 10
per cent of the biomass of photosynthetic orga-
nisms below the compensation point.
Suspended and Settleable Solids/129
• Aquatic communities should be protected if the
following, maximum concentrations of suspended
solids exist:
High level of protection 25 mg/1
Moderate protection 80 mg,fl
Low level of protection 400 mg,/1
Very low level of protection over 400 mg,/1
The true color of a specific water sample is the result of
substances in solution; thus it can be measured only after
suspended material has been removed. Color may be of
organic or mineral origin and may be the result of natural
processes as well as manufacturing operations. Organic
sources include humic materials, peat, plankton, aquatic
plants, and tannins. Inorganic substances are largely me-
tallic, although iron and manganese, the most important
substances, are usually not in solution. They affect color as
particles. Heavy-metal complexes are frequent contributors
to the color problem.
Many industries (such as pulp and paper, textile, refining,
chemicals, dyes ·and explosives, and tanning) discharge
materials that contribute to the color of water. Conventional
biological waste treatment procedures are frequently in-
effective in removing color. On the other hand, such treat-
ment processes have caused an accentuation of the level
of color during passage through the treatment plant.
Physicochemical treatment processes are frequently pre-
ferable to biological treatment if color removal is critical
(Eye and Aldous 1968,81 King and Randall 197083).
The tendency for an accentuation of color to occur as a
result of complexing of a heavy metal with an organic sub-
stance may also lead to problems in surface waters. A rela-
tively color-free discharge from a_manufacturing operation,
may, upon contact with iron in a stream, produce a highly
colored water that would significantly affect aquatic life
(Hem 1960,82 Stumm and Morgan 196286).
The standard platinum-cobalt method of measuring color
is applicable to a wide variety of water samples (Standard
Methods 1971). 85 However, industrial wastes frequently
produce colors dissimilar to the standard platinum-cobalt
color, making the comparison technique of limited value.
The standard unit of color in water is that level produced
by I mg/1 of platinum as chloroplatinate ion (Standard
Methods 1971).85 Natural color in surface waters ranges
from less than one color unit to more than 200 in highly
colored bodies of water (Nordell 1961). 84
That light intensity at which oxygen production in photo-
synthesis and oxygen consumption by respiration of the
plants concerned are equal is known as the compensation
point, and the depth at which the compensation point oc-
curs is called the compensation depth. For a given body of
water this depth varies with several conditions, including
season, time of day, the extent of cloud cover, condition of
the water, and the taxonomic composition of the flora in-
volved. As commonly used, the compensation point refers
to that intensity of light which is such that the plant's
oxygen production during the day will be sufficient to
balance the oxygen consumption during the whole 24-hour
period (Welch 1952). 87
The combined effect of color and turbidity should
not change the compensation point more than 10
per cent from its seasonally established norm, nor
should such a change place more than 10 per cent
of the biomass of photosynthetic organisms below
the compensation point.
I I~ ~-
Oxygen requirements of aquatic life have been extensively
studied. Comprehensive papers have been presented by
Doudoroff and Shumway (1967),89 Doudoroff and Warren
(1965),91 Ellis (1937),93 and Fry (1960).94 (Much of the
research on temperature requirements also considers oxygen,
and references cited in the discussion of Heat and Temper-
ature, p . .151, are relevant here.) The most comprehensive
review yet to appear has been written by Doudoroff and
Shumway for the Food and Agriculture Organization
(FAO) of the United Nations (1970).90 This FAO report
provides the most advanced summary of scientific research
on oxygen needs of fish, and it has served as a basis for most
of the recommendations presented in this discussion. In
particular, it provided the criteria for citing different levels
of protection for fish, for change from natural levels of
oxygen concentration, and for the actual numerical values
recommended. Much of the text below has been quoted
V"erbatim or condensed from the FAO report. Its recommen-
dations have been modified in only two ways: the insertion
of a floor of 4 mg/1 as a minimum, and the suggestion that
natural minima be assumed to be equal to saturation
levels if the occurrence oflower minima cannot be definitely
established. Doudoroff and Shumway covered oxygen con-
[;entrations below the floor of 4 mg/1; however, the 4 mg/1
floor has been adopted in this report for reasons explained
Levels of Protection
Most species of adult fish can survive at very low concen-
trations of dissolved oxygen. Even brook trout (Salvelinus
fontinalis) have been acclimated in the laboratory to less
than 2 mg/1 of 02. In natural waters, the minimum concen-
tration that allows continued existence of a varied fish
fauna, including valuable food and game species, is not
high. This minimum is not above 4 mg/1 and may be much
However, in evaluating criteria, it is not important to
know how long an animal can resist death by asphyxiation
at low dissolved oxygen concentrations. Instead, data on
the oxygen requirements for egg development, for newly
hatched larvae, for normal growth and activity, and for
completing all stages of the reproductive cycle are pertinent.
Upon review of the available research, one fact becomes
clear: any reduction of dissolved oxygen can reduce the
efficiency of oxygen uptake by aquatic animals and hence
reduce their ability to meet demands of their environment.
There is evidently no concentration level or percentage of
saturation to which the 0 2 content of natural waters can
be reduced without causing or risking some adverse effects
on the reproduction, growth, and consequently, the pro-
duction of fishes inhabiting those waters.
Accordingly, no single, arbitrary recommendation can
be set for dissolved oxygen concentrations that will be
favorable for all kinds of fish in all kinds of waters, or even
one kind of fish in a single kind of water. Any reduction in
oxygen may be harmful by affecting fish production and
the potential yield of a fishery.
The selection of a level of protection (Table III-3) is a
socioeconomic decision, not a biological one. Once the
level of protection is selected, appropriate scientific recom-
mendations may be derived from the criteria presented in
this discussion.
Basis for Recommendations
The decision to base the recommendations on 02 con-
centration minima, and not on average concentrations,
arises from various considerations. Deleterious effects on
fish seem to depend more on extremes than on averages.
For example, the growth of young fish is slowed markedly
if the oxygen concentration falls to 3 mg/1 for part of the
day, even if it rises as high as 18 mg/1 at other times. It
could be an inaccurate and possibly controversial task to
carry out the sets of measurements required to decide
whether a criterion based on averages was being met.
A daily fluctuation of 0 2 is to be expected where there is
appreciable photosynthetic activity of aquatic plants. In
such cases, the minimum 0 2 concentration will usually be
found just before daybreak, and sampling should be done
at that time. Sampling should also take into account the
possible differences in depth or width of the water body.
The guiding principle should be to sample the places where
132/Section Ill-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
aquatic organisms actually live or the parts of the habitat
where they should be able to live.
Before recommendations are proposed, it is necessary to
evaluate criteria for the natural, seasonal 02 minimum
from which the recommendations can be derived. Natural
levels are assumed to be the saturation levels, unless scien-
tific data show that the natural levels were already low in
the absence of man-made effects.
Certain waters in regions of low human populations can
still be adequately studied in their natural or pristine con-
dition. In these cases the minimum 02 concentration at
different seasons, temperatures, and stream discharge vol-
umes can be determined by direct observation. Such ob-
served conditions can also be useful in estimating seasonal
minima in similar waters in similar geographical regions
where natural levels can no longer be observed because of
waste discharges or other man-made changes.
In many populated regions, some or all of the streams
and lakes have been altered. Direct determination of
natural minima may no longer be possible. In these cases
the assumption of year-round saturation with 02 is made
in the absence of other evidence.
Supersaturation of water with dissolved oxygen may
occur as the result of photosynthesis by aquatic vegetation.
There is some evidence that this may be deleterious to
aquatic animals because of gas bubble disease (see Total
Dissolved Gases, p. 135).
Despite the statements in previous paragraphs that there
is no single 0 2 concentration which isfavorable to all species·
and ecosystems, it is obvious that there are, nevertheless,
very low 0 2 concentrations that are unfavorable to almost
all aquatic organisms. Therefore, a floor of 4 mg/1 is
recommended except in situations where the natural level
of dissolved oxygen is less than 4 mg/1 in which case no
further depression is desirable. The value of 4 mg/1 has
been selected because there is evidence of subacute or
chronic damage to several fish below this concentration.
Doudoroff and Shumway (1970)90 review the work of
several authors as given below, illustrating such damage.
Fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) held at 4 mg/1
spawned satisfactorily; only 25 per cent of the resultant
fry survived for 30 days, compared to 66 per cent survival
at 5 mg/l. At an oxygen level of 3 mg/1, survival of fry
was even further reduced to 5 per cent (Brungs 1972101
personal communication). Shumway et al. (1964)98 found that
the dry weight of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) alevins
(with yolk sac removed) was reduced by 59 per cent when
they had been held at 3.8 mg/1 of oxygen, compared to
weights of the control~>. The embryos of sturgeon (Acipenser)
suffered complete mortality at oxygen concentrations of
3.0 to 3.5 mg/1, compared to only 18 per cent mortality at
5.0 to 5.5 mg/1 (Yurovitskii 1964).100 Largemouth bass
(Micropterus salmoides) embryos reared at 25 C showed sur-
vival equal to controls only at oxygen levels above 3.5 mg/1
(Dudley 1969).92 Efficiency of food conversion by juvenile
bass was nearly independent of 02 at 5 mg/1 and higher,
but growth rate was reduced by 16.5 per cent at 4 mg/1,
and 30 per cent at 3 mg/1 (Stewart et al. 1967).99 Similar
reductions in growth of underyearling coho salmon oc-
curred at the same 02 concentrations (Herrmann et al.
1962).95 Although many other experiments have shown
little or no damage to performance of fish at 4 mg/1, or
lower, the evidence given above shows appreciable effects
on embryonic and juvenile survival and growth for several
species of fish sufficient to justify this value.
Warm-and Coldwater Fishes
There are many associations and types of fish fauna
throughout the country. Dissolved oxygen criteria for cold-
water fishes and warmwater game fishes are considered
together in this report. There is no evidence to suggest
that the more sensitive warmwater species have lower 02
requirements than the more sensitive coldwater fishes. The
difference in 0 2 requirements is probably not greater than
the difference of the solubility of 02 in water at the maxi-
mum temperatures to which these two kinds of fish are
normally exposed in summer (Doudoroff and Shumway
1970).90 In warmwater regions, however, the variety of
fishes and fish habitats is relatively great, and there are
many warmwater species that are exceedingly tolerant of
02 deficiency.
Unusual Waters
There are certain types of waters that naturally have low
oxygen content, such as the "black waters" draining swamps
of the Southeastern United States. (Other examples include
certain deep ocean waters and eutrophic waters that support
heavy biomass, the respiration of which reduces 02 content
much of the time.) A special situation prevails in the deep
layers (hypolimnion) of some lakes. Such layers do not mix
with the surface layers for extended periods and may have
reduced 0 2, or almost none. Fish cannot live in the deep
layers of many such lakes during a large part of the year,
although each lake of this kind must be considered as a
special case. However, the recommendation that no oxygen-
consuming wastes should be released into the deep layers
still applies, since there may be no opportunity for reaeration
for an entire season.
Organisms Other Than Fish
Most research concerning oxygen requirements for fresh-
water organisms deals, with fish; but since fish depend upon
other aquatic species for food, it is necessary to consider
the 0 2 requirements of these organisms. This Section makes
the assumption that the 0 2 requirements of other compon-
ents of the aquatic community are compatible with fish
(Doudoroff and Shumway 1970).90 There are certain excep-
tions where exceedingly important invertebrate organisms
may be very sensitive to low 0 2, more sensitive than the fish
species in that habitat (Doudoroff and Shumway 1970).90
I ,,
~he situation is somewhat more complicated for inverte-
'rates and aquatic plants, inasmuch as organic pollution that
auses reduction of 02 also directly increases food material.
Iowever, it appears equally true for sensitive invertebrates
.s for fish that any reduction of dissolved 0 2 may have de-
~terious effects on their production. For example, Nebeker
1972)97 has found that although a certain mayfly (Ephemera
imulans) can survive at 4.0 mg/1 of oxygen for four days,
ny reduction of oxygen below saturation causes a decrease
11 successful transformation of the immature to the adult
;almonid Spawning
For spawning of salmonid fishes during the season when
ggs are in the gravel, there are even greater requirements
:>r 0 2 than those given by the high level of protection.
See Table III-3 for description of levels.) This is because
he water associated with the gravel may contain less oxygen
han the water in the stream above the gravel. There is
1bundant evidence that salmonid eggs are adversely affected
n direct proportion to reduction in 02. The oxygen criteria
or eggs should be about half way between the nearly
naximum and high levels of protection.
TABLE III-3-Guidelines for Selecting Desired Type and
Level of Protection of Fish Against Deleterious Effects of
Reduced Oxygen Concentrations
Level of protection Intended type of protection Possible application
early Maximum• For virtually unimpaired productivity and Appropriate for conservabon areas, parks, and
ligh: ............. .
loderate .......... .
ow .............. ..
unchanged quality of a fishery. water bodies of high or unique value. Re-
quires, practically speaking; that little or no
deoxygenating wastes be added to natural
waters. Nor must there be any activities
such as unfavorable land use which would
Not likely to cause appreciable change in
the ecosystem, nor material reduction of
fish production. Some impairment is
risked, but appreciable damage is not to
be expected at these levels of oxygen.
Fisheries should persist, usually with no
serious impairment, but with some de·
crease in production.
Should permit the persistence of sizeable
populations of tolerant species and suc-
cessful passage of most migrants•. Much
reduced production or elimination of sen·
sitive fish is likely.
reduce 02 levels.
Could be appropriate for fisheries or aquatic
ecosystems of some importance, which
should not be impaired by other uses of
Could be used for fisheries which are valued,
but must co·exist with major industries or
dense human population.
Appropriate for fisheries that have some com-
mercial or recreational value, but are so
unimportant compared with other water
uses, lhallheir maintenance cannot be a
major objective of pollution control.
This type of protection should however, pro-
vide for survival of sensitive species in aduH
or subadull life stages for.short periods
during the year, if oxygen levels at other
times are satisfactory for growth, reproduc-
tion, etc.
· Note that there could be a higher level of protection I hal would require oxygen to be near natural level at all times,
lhlll'eas nearly maximum requires only thai oxygen should not fall below the lowest level characteristic of the season.
• But will not protect migrating salmonids, which would require at least a Moderate level of protection, for zones or
Dissolved Gases/ 133
Interaction with Toxic Pollutants or Other Environmental
It is known that reduced oxygen levels increase the
toxicity of pollutants. A method for predicting this inter-
action has been given by Brown (1968),88 and a theoretical
background by Lloyd (1961).96 The disposal of toxic pol-
lutants must be controlled so that their concentrations will
not be unduly harmful at prescribed acceptable levels of
02, temperature, and pH. The levels of oxygen recom-
mended in this Section are independent of the presence of
toxic wastes, no matter what the nature of the interaction
between these toxicants and 02 deficiencies. Carbon dioxide
is an exception, because its concentration influences the
safe level of oxygen. The recommendations for 0 2 are
valid when the C02 concentration is within the limits
recommended in the section on C92·
Application of Recommendations
As previously stated, the recommendations herein differ
in two important respects from those widely used. First,
they are not fixed values independent of natural conditions.
Second, they offer a choice of different levels of protection
of fishes, the selection of any one of which is primarily a
socioeconomic decision, not a biological one.
Table III-4 presents guidelines for the protection of
fishes at each of four levels. Each column shows the level
to which the dissolved 0 2 can be reduced and still provide
the stated level of protection for local fisheries. The values
can be derived from the equations given in the recommen-
dations. These equations have been calculated to fit the
curves shown in the figure on page 264 of Doudoroff and
Shumway (1970),90 which serve as the basis of the recom-
mendations. To use Table III-4, the estimated natural
seasonal minimum should first be determined on the basis
of available data or from expert judgment. This may be
taken to be the minimum saturation value for the season,
unless there is scientific evidence that losses of 02 levels
prevailed naturally. The word "season" here means a
period based on local climatic and hydrologic conditions,
during which the natural thermal and dissolved 02 regime
of a stream or lake can be expected to be fairly uniform.
Division of the year into equal three-month periods, such
as December-February, March-May, is satisfactory. How-
ever, under special conditions, the designated seasons could
be periods longer or shorter than three months, and could
in fact be taken as individual months. The selected periods
need not be equal in length.
When the lowest natural value for the season has been
estimated, the desired kind and level of protection should
then be selected according to the guidelines in Table III-3.
The recommended minimum level of dissolved oxygen may
then be found in the selected column of Table III-4, or as
given by the formula in the recommendation.
134/Section Ill-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
TABLE 111-4-Example of Recommended Minimum
Concentrations of Dissolved Oxygen
Estimated natural Recommended minimum concentrations of o. for
seasonal minimum Corresponding temperature of selected levels of protection
·concentration of oxygen-saturated fresh water
oxygen in water Nearly High Moderate Low
5 (a) (a) 5 4.7 4.2 4.0
6 46C(a) (115F)(a) 6 5.6 4.8 4.0
7 36C (96.8F) 7 6.4 5.3 4.0
8 27. 5C (81. 5F) 8 7.1 5.8 4.3
9 21C (69.8F) 9 7.7 6.2 4.5
10 16C (60.8F) 10 8.2 6.5 4.6
12 7.7C (45.9F) 12 8.9 6.8 4.8
14 1.5C (34. 7F) 14 9.3 6.8 4.9
•Included to cover waters that are naturally somewhat deficient in o .. A saturation value of 5 mg/1 might be
found in warm springs or very saline waters. A saturation value of 6 mg/1 would apply to warm sea water (32 C=
90 F).
Note: The desired kind and level of protection of a given body of water should first be selected (across head of
table). The estimated seasonal minimum concentration of dissolved oxygen under natural conditions should then be
determined on the basis of available data, and located in the left hand column of the table. The recommended mini·
mum concentration of oxygen for the season is then taken from the table. All values are in milligrams of o, per
ter. Values for natural seasonal minima other than those listed are given by the formu Ia and qualifications in the
section on recommendations.
• It is desired to give moderate protection to trout
(Salvelinus fontinali"s) in a small stream during the
summer. The maximum summer temperature is 20 C
(68 F); the salt content of tne water is low and has
negligible effect on the oxygen saturation value. The
atmospheric pressure is 760 millimeters (mm) Hg.
Oxygen saturation is therefore 9.2 mg/1. This is as-
sumed to be the natural seasonal minimum in the
absence of evidence of lower natural concentrations.
Interpolating from Table III-4 or using the recom-
mended formula, reveals a minimum permissible con-
centration of oxygen during the summer of 6.2 mg/1.
If a high level of protection had been selected, the
recommendation would have been 7.8 mg/1. A low
level of protection, providing little or no protection
for trout but some for more tolerant fish, would require
a recommendation of 4.5 mg/1. Other recommen-
dations would be calculated in a similar way for other
• It is decided to give moderate protection to large-
mouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) during the summer.
Stream temperature reaches a maximum of 35 C
(95 F) during summer, and lowest seasonal saturation
value is accordingly 7.1 mg/1. The recommendation
for minimum oxygen concentration is 5.4 mg/1.
• For low protection of fish in summer in the same
stream described above (for largemouth bass), the
recommendation would be 4.0 mg/1, which is also the
floor value recommended.
• It is desired to protect marine fish in full-strength
sea water (35 parts per thousand salinity) with a maxi-
mum seasonal temperature of 16 C (61 F). The satu-
ration value of 8 mg/1 is assumed to be the natural dis-
solved oxygen minimum for the season. For a high level
of protection, the recommendation is 7.1 mg/1, for a
moderate level of protection it is 5.8 mg/1, and for a
low level of protection it is 4.3 mg/1. .
It should be stressed that the recommendations are the
minimum values for any time during the same season.
(a) For nearly maximal protection of fish and
other aquatic life, the minimum dissolved oxygen
in any season (defined previously) should not be
less than the estimated natural seasonal minimum
concentration (defined previously) characteristic of
that body of water for the same season. In esti-
mating natural minima, it is assumed that waters
are saturated, unless there is evidence that they
were lower in the absence of man-made influences.
(b) For a high level of protection of fish, the
minimum dissolved oxygen concentration in any
season should not be less than that given by the
following formula in which M =the estimated
natural seasonal minimum concentration char-
acteristic of that body of water for the same season,
as qualified in (a):
Criterion*= 1.41M -0.0476M2 -1.11
(c) For a moderate level of protection of fish, the
minimum dissolved oxygen concentration in any
season should not be less than is given by the
following formula with qualifications as in (b):
Criterion*= l.OSM-0.0415M 2 -0.202
(d) For a low level of protection of fish, the
minimum 02 in any season should not be less than
given by the following formula with qualifications
as in (b):
Criterion*=0.674M-0.0264M2 +0.577
(e) A floor value of 4 mgfl is recommended except
in those situations where the natural level of dis-
solved oxygen is less than 4 mgfl, in which case no
further depression is desirable.
(f) For spawning grounds of salmonid fishes,
higher 02 levels are required as given in the follow-
ing formula with qualifications as in (b):
Criterion*= 1.19M-0.0242M 2 -0.418
(g) In stratified eutrophic and dystrophic lakes,
the dissolved oxygen requirements may not apply
to the hypolimnion and such lakes should be con-
sidered on a case by case basis. In other stratified
lakes, recommendations (a), (b), (c), and (d) apply;
and if the oxygen is below 4 mgfl, recommendation
(e) applies. In unstratified lakes recommendations
apply to the entire circulating water mass.
(i) All the foregoing recommendations apply to
all waters except waters designated as mixing zones
* All values are instantaneous, and final value should be expressed
to two significant figures.
(see section on Mixing Zones p. 112). In locations
where supersaturation occurs, the increased levels
of oxygen should conform to the recommendations
in the discussion of Total Dissolved Gases, p. 139.
Excessive total dissolved gas pressure (supersaturation) is
a relatively new aspect of water quality. Previously, super-
saturation was believed to be a problem that was limited to
the water supplies of fish culture facilities (Shelford and
Allee 1913).135 Lindroth (1957)126 reported that spillways
at hydroelectric dams in Sweden caused supersaturation,
and recently Ebel (1969)112 and Beiningen and Ebel (1968)103
established that spillways at dams caused gas bubble disease
to be a limiting factor for aquatic life in the Columbia and
Snake Rivers. Renfro (1963)133 and others reported that
excessive algal blooms have caused gas bubble disease in
lentic water. DeMont and Miller (in press)110 and Malous
et al. (1972)127 reported gas bubble disease among fish and
mollusks living in the heated effluents of steam generating
stations. Therefore, modified dissolved gas pressures as a
result of dams, eutrophication, and thermal discharges
present a widespread potential for adversely affecting fish
and aquatic invertebrates. Gas bubble disease has been
studied frequently since Gorham (1898,119 1899120) pub-
lished his initial papers, with the result that general knowl-
edge of the causes, consequences, and adverse levels are
adequate to evaluate criteria for this water quality char-
Gas bubble disease is caused by excessive total dissolved
gas pressure but it is not caused by the dissolved nitrogen gas
alone (Marsh and Gorham 1904,128 Shelford and Allee
1913,136 Englehorn 1943,116 Harvey et al. 1944a, 121 Doudoroff
1957,111 Harvey and Cooper 1962).123 Englehorn (1943)116
analyzed the gases contained in the bubbles that were
formed in fish suffering from gas bubble disease and found
that their gas composition was essentially identical to air.
This was confirmed by Shirahata (1966).136
Etiologic Factors
Gas bubble disease (GBD) results when the uncompen-
sated total gas pressure is greater in the water than in the
air, but several important factors influence the etiology of
GBD. These factors include: exposure time and physical
factors such as hydrostatic pressure; other compensating
forces and biological factors such as species or life stage
tolerance or levels of activity; and any other factors that
influence gas solubility. Of these factors perhaps none are
more commonly misunderstood than the physical roles of
total dissolved gas pressure* and hydrostatic pressure. The
following discussion is intended to clarify these roles.
* In this Section gas tension will be called gas pressure and tGtal
gas tension will be called total dissolved gas pressure (TDGP). This
is being done as a descriptive aid to readers who are not familiar with
the terminology and yet need to convey these principles to laymen.
Dissolved Gases/ 135
Each component gas in a~r exerts a measurable pressure,
and the sum of these pressures constitutes atmospheric or
barometric pressure, which is equivalent per unit of surface
area at standard conditions to a pressure exerted by a
column of mercury 760mm high or a column of water
about 10 meters high (at sea level, excluding water vapor
pressure). The pressure of an individual gas in air is called
a partial pressure, and in water it is called a tension; both
terms are an acknowledgement that the pressure of an indi-
vidual gas is only part of. the total atmospheric pressure.
Likewise, each component gas will dissolve in water inde-
pendently of all other gases, and when at equilibrium with
the air, the pressure (tension) of a specific dissolved gas is
equivalent to its partial pressure in the air. This relationship
is evident in Table III-5 which lists the main constituents
of dry air and their approximate partial pressures at sea
When supersaturation occurs, the diffusion pressure im-
balance between the dissolved gas phase and the atmos-
pheric phase favors a net transfer of gases from the water to
the air. Generally this transfer cannot be accomplished fast
enough by diffusion alone to prevent the formation of gas
bubbles. However, a gas bubble cannot form in the water
unless gas nuclei are present (Evans and Walder 1969,116
Harvey et al. 1944b122) and unless the total dissolved gas
pressure exceeds the sum of the compensating pressures such
as hydrostatic pressure. Additional compensating pressures
include blood pressure and viscosity, and their benefits
may be significant.
Gas nuclei are probably unavoidable in surface water
or in animals, because such nuclei are generated by any
factor which decreases gas solubility, and because extreme
measures are required to dissolve gas nuclei (Evans and
Walder 1969;116 Harvey et al. 1944b).122 Therefore, hydro-
static pressure is a major preventive factor in gas bubble
The effect of hydrostatic pressure is to oppose gas bubble
formation. For example, one cannot blow a bubble out of
a tube immersed in water until the gas pressure in the tube
slightly exceeds the hydrostatic pressure at the end of the
tube. Likewise a bubble cannot form in water, blood, or
TABLE Ill-S-Composition of Dry Air and Partial Pressures
of Selected Gases at Sea Level
N2 ......... ..
o, .......... .
Ar ••.•..•....
co, ......... .
Ne .....•..•..
He ......... ..
Molecular• percentage
in dry air
• Glueckaul (1951118),
Times atmospheric pressure
X760 mm Hg
b At standard conditions excluding corrections lor water vapor preuure.
Individual gasb pressure in air or
water at sea level
=593.438 mm Hg
159.189 "
7.098 "
0.250 "
0.0138 "
0.0039 "
759.9927 mm Hg
136/Section Ill-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
tissue until the total gas pressure therein exceeds the sum of
atmospheric pressure (760mm Hg) plus hydrostatic pressure
plus any other restraining forces. This n!lationship is
illustrated in Figure III-1 which shows, for example, that
gas bubbles could form in fresh water to a depth of about
one meter when the total dissolved gas pressure is equal to
1.10 atmospheres; but they could not form below that
Excessive total dissolved gas pressure relative to ambient
atmospheric pressure, therefore, represents a greater threat
to aquatic organisms in the shallow but importantly pro-
ductive littoral zone than in the deeper sublittoral zone.
For example, if fish or their food organisms remain within a
meter of the surface in water having a total dissolved gas
pressure of 1.10 atmospheres, they are theoretically capable
of developing gas bubble disease, especially if their body
processes further decrease gas solubility by such means as
physical activity, metabolic heat, increased osmolarity, or
decreased blood pressure.
Hydrostatic pressure only opposes bubble formation; it
does :o.ot decrease the kinetic energy of dissolved gas mole-
cules except at extreme pressures. If this were not the case,
aerobic animal life would be eliminated at or below a water
depth equivalent to the pressure of oxygen, because there
would be no oxygen pressure to drive 02 across the gill
membrane and thence into the blood. For a more detailed
discussion of this subject, the reader is referred to Van
Liere and Stickney's (1963)138 and Randall's (1970a)131
excellent reviews.
Gas Bubbles Cannot Form
1.10 1.20
Hydrostatic Pressure
Compensation Point
Gas Bubbles May Form
1.30 1.40
Total Dissolved Gas Pressure in Atmospheres
FIGURE 111-1-Relationshippj Total Dissolved Gas Pressure
to Hydrostatic Pressure in Preventing Gas Bubble Formation
A final example will clarify the importance of total dis-
solved gas pressure. Eutrophic lakes often become super-
saturated with photosynthetic dissolved oxygen, and such
lakes commonly approach (or exceed) 120 per cent of
saturation values for oxygen. But this only represents an
additional dissolved gas pressure of about 32mm Hg
(02= 159.19 mm HgX0.2=31.83 mm Hg) which equals:
760 mm Hg+ 31.83 mm Hg -----=------.-..:::= 1.041 atmospheres of total
760 mm Hg dissolved gas pressure
This imbalance apparently can be compensated in part by
metabolic oxygen consumption, blood pressure, or both.
On the other hand, a 1,000-fold increase in the neon
saturation level would only increase the total dissolved gas
pressure by about 1.8 mm Hg or:
1.8 mm Hg+ 760 mm Hg
760 mm Hg
1.002 atmospheres
This would not cause gas bubble disease.
The opposite situation can occur in spring water, where
dissolved oxygen pressure is low and dissolved nitrogen and
other gas pressures are high. In an actual case (Schneider
personal communication),l 44 dissolved nitrogen was reported to
be 124 per cent of its air saturation value, whereas oxygen
was 46 per cent of its air saturation value; total gas pressure
was 1.046 of dry atmospheric pressure. Fish were living in
this water, and although they probably suffered from
hypoxia, they showed no symptoms of gas bubble disease.
How dissolved gases come out of solution and form
bubbles (cavitate) is a basic physical and physiological
topic which is only summarized here. Harvey et al. ( 1944b )122
determined that bubble formation is promoted by boundary
zone or surface interfaces which reduce surface tension and
thereby decrease the dissolved gas pressure required for
cavitation. For this reason, one usually sees gas bubbles
forming first and growing fastest on submersed interfaces,
such as tank walls, sticks, or the external surfaces of aquatic
Gas nuclei are apparently required for bubble formation,
and these are considered to be ultra micro bubbles (Evans
and Walder l969).U 6 These nuclei apparently represent an
equilibrium between the extremely high compressive energy
of surface tension and the pressure of contained gases. Lack
of gas nuclei probably accounts for instances when extremely
high but uncompensated dissolved gas pressures failed to
cause bubble formation (Pease and Blinks 1947,130 Hem-
mingsen 1970).124 Gas nuclei are produced by anything that
decreases gas solubility or surface tension (Harvey et al.
1944b,l22 Hills 1967,125 Evans and Walder 1969)116 and they
can be eliminated at least temporarily by extremely high
pressure which drives them back into solution (Evans and
Walder 1969).U6
Possible causes of gas nuclei formation in organisms in-
clude negative pressures in skeletal or cardiac muscle during
' ' ,,
pronounced aCtivity (Whitaker et al. 1945),1 41 eddy currents
in the blood vascular system, synthetic or biologically pro-
duced surface-active compounds, and possible salting-out
effects during hemoconcentration (as -in saltwater adap-
tation). Once a bubble has formed, it grows via the diffusion
of all gases into it.
Many factors influence the incidence and severity of gas
bubble. disease. For example, the fat content of an animal
may influence its susceptibility. This has not been studied
in fish, but Boycott and Damant (1908),106 Behnke (1942),1°2
and Gersh et al. (1944) 117 report that · fat mammals -are
more susceptible than lean mammals to the "bends" in
high-altitude decompression. This may be particularly sig-
nificant to non-feeding adult Pacific salmon which begin
their spawning run with considerable stored fat. This may
also account in part for differences in the tolerances of
different ,age groups or fish species. Susceptibility to gas
bubble disease is unpredictable among wild fish, particularly
when they are free to change their water depth and level of
Gas Bubble Disease Syndrome and Effects
Although the literature documents many occurrences of
gas bubble disease, data are usually missing for several
important physical factors, such as hydrostatic pressure,
barometric pressure, relative humidity, salinity, temper-
ature, or other factors leading to calculation of total dis-
solved gas pressure. The most frequently reported parameter
has been the calculated dissolved nitrogen (N2) concen-
tration or its percentage saturation from which one can
estimate the pressure of inert gases. Thus the reported N2
values provide only a general indication of the total dis-
solved gas pressure, which unfortunately tends to convey
the erroneous concept that N2 is the instigative or only sig-
nificant factor in gas bubble disease.
Gas bubbles probably form first on the external surfaces
of aquatic life, where total hydrostatic pressure is least and
where an interface exists. Bubbles within the body of ani-
mals probably form later at low dissolved gas pressures,
because blood pressure and other factors may provide ad-
ditional resistance to bubble formation. However, at high
dissolved gas pressure (> 1.25 atm) bubbles in the blood
may be the first recognizable symptom (Schneider personal
communication).144 In the case of larval fishes, zooplankton,
or other small forms of aquatic life, the effect of external
bubbles may be a blockage of the flow of water across the
gills and asphyxiation or a change in buoyancy (Shirahata
1966).136 The latter probably causes additional energy
expenditure or floatation, causing potentially lethal exposure
to -ultraviolet radiation or potential predation.
The direct internal effects of gas bubble disease include a
variety ·Of symptoms that appear to be related primarily to
the level of total dissolved gas pressure, the exposure time,
·and the zn vivo location of lowest compensatory pressure.
Dissolved Gases/137
The following is a resume of Shirahata's (1966)136 results.
As the uncompensated total dissolved gas pressure increases,
bubbles begin to appear on the fish, then within the skin,
the roof of the mouth, within the fins, or within the ab-
dominal cavity. Gas pockets may also form behind the eye-
ball and cause an exophthalmic "pop-eyed" condition.
Probably gas emboli in the blood are the last primary
symptoms to develop, because blood pressure and plasma
viscosity oppose bubble formation. At some as yet undefined
point, gas emboli become sufficiently large and frequent
to cause ·hemostasis in blood vessels, which in turn may
cause extensive tissue damage or complete hemostasis by
filling the heart chamber with gas. The latter is the usual
direct cause of death.
Exophthalmus or "pop-eye" and eye damage can be
caused by several factors other than gas bubble disease
and one should be duly cautious when tempted to diagnose
gas bubble disease based solely on these criteria. While the
above symptoms can be caused ·by excessive dissolved gas
pressure (Westgard 1964),140 they can also be caused by
malnutrition, abrasion, and possibly by infection. Unfortu-
nately there is no known definitive way to distinguish be-
tween latent eye damage caused by previous exposure to
excessive dissolved gas pressure and other causes.
Secondary, latent, or sublethal effects of gas bubble
disease in fish include promoting other diseases, necrosis, or
other tissue changes, hemorrhages, blindness, and repro-
ductive failure (Harvey and Cooper 1962,123 Westgard
1964,140 Pauley and Nakatani 1967,129 and Bouck et al.
1971).1°5 There is no known evidence that supersaturation
causes a nitrogen narcosis in fish (such as can be experienced
by scuba divers), as thisrequires high dissolved gas pressures
probably above lO.atm. However, one can expect that fish
afflicted with gas bubble disease or the above secondary
effects might have their normal behavior altered.
There is no definitive evidence that fishes can detect
supersaturation (Shelford and Allee 1913),135 or that they
actively avo.id it by seeking hydrostatic pressure compen-
sation (Ebel 1969).112 However, the potential capacity to
avoid supersaturation or to compensate by sounding is
limited among anadromous species by the necessity of
ascending their home river and by dams with relatively
shallow fish ladders. This may also apply to other species
that reproduce in or otherwise live in shallow-water niches.
Physiological adaptation to supersaturation seems unlikely,
and this contention is supported by the preliminary studies
of Coutant and Genoway (1968).109
Interaction between gas bubble disease and other stresses
is highly likely but not clearly established. Fish were more
susceptible to a given level of total dissolved gas pressure
when wounded (Egusa 1955) .114 The thermal tolerance of
Pacific salmon was reduced when N 2 levels were 125 to
180 per cent in the case of juveniles (Ebe1 et al. 1971), 113
and when N 2levels were > 118 per cent in the case of adults
(Coutant and Genoway 1968).109 Chemicals or other factors
138/Section Ill-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
that influence body activity or cardiovascular activity may
also influence blood pressure (Randall 1970b),!,32 and this
would be expected to influence the degree to which the dis-
solved gas pressure is in excess, and hence the tolerance to
gas bubble disease.
Variation in biological response is a prominent aspect of
gas bubble disease, which should not be surprising in view
of the numerous influential factors. Some of this variation
might be explained by physiological differences between
life stages or species, degree of fatness, blood pressure,
blood viscosity, metabolic heat, body size, muscular ac-
tivity, and blood osmolarity. For example, susceptibility to
gas bubble disease may be inversely related to blood (or
hemolymph) pressure. There is wide variation in blood
pressure between life stages, between fish species, and be-
tween invertebrate species. Based on aortic blood pressures
aione, one can hypothesize that largemouth bass (Micropterus
salmoides) might be more susceptible to gas bubble disease
than chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) if other fac-
tors are equal. This contention is also supported by the
observations that gas bubbles form in the blood of bullfrogs
more easily than in rats (Berg et al. 1945),104 possibly
because of differences in blood pressure (Brand et al.
1951 ).107
Tolerance to supersaturation also varies between body
sizes or life stages; Shirahata (1966)136 relates this, in part,
to an increase in cardiac and skeletal muscle activity.
Larger fish were generally more sensitive to supersaturation
than were smaller fish in most studies (Wiebe and McGavock
1932,1 42 Egusa 1955,114 Shirahata 1966,136 Harvey and
Cooper 1962).123 Wood (1968)143 has the opposite view, but
he provides no supporting evidence. Possibly larger fish are
more susceptible to gas bubble disease in part because they
can develop greater metabolic heat than smaller fish. In
this regard, Carey and Teal (1969)108 reported that large
tuna may have a muscle temperature as much as 10 C above
the water temperature.
Data are quite limited on the tolerance of zooplankters
and other aquatic invertebrates to excessive dissolved gas
pressure. Evans and Walder (1969)116 demonstrated that
invertebrates can develop gas bubble disease. Unpublished
observations by Nebeker* demonstrate that Daphnia sp. and
Gammarus sp. are susceptible to gas bubble disease. On the
other hand, it is widely known that some aquatic inverte-
brates are capable of diel migrations that may expose them
to a considerable change in dissolved gas pressure; but
apparently these organisms can tolerate or otherwise handle
such changes. In view of the paucity of data, nothing firm
can be said regarding the general tolerance of invertebrates
to supersaturation.
*A. V. Nebeker, Western Fish Toxicology Station, U.S. Environ-
mental Protection Agency, 200 S. W. 35th Street, Corvallis, Oregon,
Analytical Considerations
The apparatus and method of Van Slyke et al. (1934)139
are still the standard analytical tools for most gas analyses.
Scholander et al. (1955)134 and others have developed similar
methods with modifications to accomodate their special
needs. More recently, Swinnerton et al. (1962)137 published
a gas analysis method that utilizes gas-liquid chromatog-
raphy. However, both of these basic methods have draw-
backs, because they either require special expertise or do not
otherwise meet the field needs of limnologists and fisheries
or pollution biologists.
A new device by Weiss* measures the differential gas
pressure between the air and the water within fifteen
minutes. This portable device is simple to operate, easy and
inexpensive to build, and gives direct readings in rom Hg.
Unpublished data by Weiss show that this instrument has
an accuracy comparable to the Van Slyke and the chro-
matographic procedures. The instrument consists of a gas
sensor (ISO ft. coil of small diameter, thin-walled, silicone
rubber tube) connected to a mercury manometer. The
sensor is placed underwater where the air in the tubing
equilibrates with the dissolved gases in the water. The
resulting gas pressure is read directly via the mercury
manometer which gives a positive value for supersaturated
water and a negative value for water that is not fully
Total Dissolved Gas Pressure Criteria
Safe upper limits for dissolved gases must be based on the
total dissolved gas pressures (sum of all gas tensions) and
not solely on the saturation value of dissolved nitrogen gas
alone. Furthermore, such limits must provide for the safety
of aquatic organisms that inhabit or frequent the shallow
littoral zone, where an existing supersaturation could be
worsened by heating, photosynthetic oxygen production,
or other factors. There is little information on the chronic
sublethal effects of gas bubble disease and almost all the
research has been limited to species of the family Salmonidae.
Likewise, gas tolerance data are unavailable for zooplankters
and most other aquatic invertebrates. Therefore, it is neces-
sary to judge safe limits from data on mortality of selected
salmonid fishes that were held under conditions approxi-
mating the shallow water of a hypothetical littoral zone.
These data are:
I. Shirahata (1966)136 reported that advanced fry of
rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) experienced 10 per cent
mortality when N 2 was about 111 per cent of its saturation
value. He concludes that, " ... the nitrogen contents which
did not cause any gas disease were ... less than 110 per
cent to the more advanced fry."
*Dr. Ray Weiss, University of California, Scripps, Institute of
Oceanography, Geological Research Division, P. 0. Box 109, LaJolla,
California 9203 7.
I L_
2. Harvey and Cooper (1962)123 reported that fry of
sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) suffered latent effects
(necrosis and hemorrhages) for some time after normal gas
levels were said to have been restored.
3. Coutant and Genoway (1968)109 reported that sexu-
ally precocious spring chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawyt-
scha) weighing 2 to 4 kg, experienced extensive mortality
in six days when exposed at or above 118 per cent of N2
sawration; these salmon experienced no mortality when
N 2 was below 110 per cent of saturation.
Whether or not other species or life stages of aquatic life
may be more or less sensitive than the above salmonids
remains to be proven. In the meantime, the above refer-
ences provide the main basis for establishing the following
total dissolved gas recommendations.
Available data for salmonid fish suggest that
aquatic life will be protected only when total dis-
solved gas pressure in water is no greater than 110
per cent of the existing atmospheric pressure. Any
prolonged artificial increase in total dissolved gas
pressure should be avoided in view of the incom-
plete body of information.
Carbon dioxide exists in two major forms in water. It
may enter into the bicarbonate buffering system at various
concentrations depending on the pH of the water. In ad-
dition, "free" carbon dioxide may also exist, and this com-
ponent affects the respiration of fish (Fry 1957).151 Because
of respiratory effects, free carbon dioxide is the form con-
sidered most significant to aquatic life.
The concentration of free carbon dioxide, where oxygen-
demanding wastes are not excessive, is a function of pH,
temperature, alkalinity, and the atmospheric pressure of
carbon dioxide. Doudoroff (1957)147 reported that concen-
trations of free carbon dioxide above 20 mg/1 occur rarely,
even in polluted waters; and Ellis (1937)150 found that the
free carbon dioxide content of Atlantic Coast streams ranged
between zero and 12 mg/1. Ellis (1937)150 and Hart (1944)152
both reported that in 90 to 95 per cent of the fresh waters
in the United States that support a good and diverse fish
population the free carbon dioxide concentrations fall below
5 mg/1.
An excess of free carbon dioxide may have adverse effects
on aquatic life. Powers and Clark (1943)156 and Warren
Dissolved Gases/139
(1971)157 reported that fish are-able to detect and to respond
to slight gradients in carbon dioxide tension. Brinley
(1943)146 and Hoglund (1961)154 observed that fish may
avoid free carbon dioxide levels as low as 1.0 to 6.0 mg/1.
Elevated carbon dioxide concentrations may interfere
with the ability of fish to respire properly and may thus
affect dissolved oxygen uptake. Doudoroff and Katz
(1950)148 and Doudoroff and Shumway (1970)149 reported
that where dissolved oxygen uptake interference does occur,
the free carbon dioxide concentrations which appreciably
affect this are higher than those found in polluted waters.
In bioassay tests using ten species of warmwater fish, Hart
(1944)152 found that the gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum)
was the most sensitive and was unable to remove oxygen
from water 50 per cent saturated with dissolved oxygen in
the presence of 88 mg/1 of free carbon dioxide. The less
sensitive, largemou~h bass (Micropterus salmoides) was unable
to extract oxygen when the carbon dioxide level reached
175 mg/1. Below 60 mg/1 of free carbon dioxide, most
species of fish had little trouble in extracting dissolved
oxygen from the water.
High concentrations of free carbon dioxide cause pro-
nounced increases in the minimum dissolved oxygen require-
ment of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), but these fish
acclimatized rapidly , to carbon dioxide concentrations as
high as 175 mg/1 at 20 C when the dissolved oxygen level
was near saturation (McNeil 1956).155
Basu (1959)1 45 found that for most fish species, carbon
dioxide affected the fishes' ability to consume oxygen in a
predictable manner. He further indicated that temperature
affected carbon dioxide sensitivity, being less at higher water
The ability of fish to acclimatize to increases in carbon
dioxide concentrations as high as 60 mg/1 with little effect
has been indicated by Haskell and Davies (1958).153
Doudoroff and Shumway (1970)149 indicate that the ability
of fish to detect low free carbon dioxide concentrations, the
presence of low carbon dioxide levels in most waters, and
the ability of fish to acclimatize to carbon dioxide in the
water probably prevent this constituent from becoming
a major hazard.
Concentrations of free carbon dioxide above 20
mgjl occur rarely. Fish acclimatize to increases in
carbon dioxide levels as high as 60 mgfl with little
effect. However, fish are able to detect and respond
to slight gradients ~nd many avoid free carbon
dioxide levels as low as 1.0 to 6.0 mgjl.
Acidity in natural waters is caused by carbon dioxide,
mineral acids, weakly dissociated acids, and the salts of
strong acids and weak bases. The alkalinity of a water is
actually a measure of the capacity of the carbonate-
bicarbonate system to buffer the water against change in
pH. Technical information on alkalinity has recently been
reviewed by Kemp (1971))62
An index of the hydrogen ion activity is pH. Even
though pH determinations are used as an indication of
acidity or alkalinity or both, pH is not a measure of either.
There is a relationship between pH, acidity, and alkalinity
(Standard Methods 1971) :164 water with a pH of 4.5 or
lower has no measurable alkalinity, and water with a pH
of 8.3 or higher has no measurable acidity. In natural
water, where the pH may often be in the vicinity of 8.3,
acidity is not a factor of concern. In most productive fresh
waters, the pH falls in a range between 6.5 and 8.5 (except
when increased by photosynthetic activity). Some regions
have soft waters with poor buffering capacity and naturally
low pH. They tend to be less productive. Such conditions
are found especially in dark colored waters draining from
coniferous forests or muskegs, and in swampy sections of
the Southeast. For a variety of reasons, some waters may
exhibit quite extreme pH values. Before these are considered
natural conditions, it should be ascertained that. they have
not actually resulted from man-made changes, such as.·
stripping of ground cover or old mining activities. This is
important because the recommendations .refer to estimated
natural levels.
Some aquatic organisms, especially algae, have been
found to live at pH 2 and lower, and others at pH 10 and
higher; however, such organisms are relatively few. Some
natural waters with a pH of 4 support healthy populations
of fish and other organisms. In· these cases the acidity is
due primarily to carbon dioxide and natural organic acids,
and the water has little buffering capacity. Other natural
waters with a pH of 9.5 also support fish but are not usually
highly productive.
The effects of pH on aquatic life have been reviewed in
detail in excellent reports by the European Inland Fisheries
Advisory Commission (1969)160 and Katz (1969).161 In-
. terpretations and summaries of these reviews are given in
Addition of either acids or alkalies to water may be
harmful not only by producing acid or alkaline conditions,
but also by increasing the toxicity of various components
in the waters. For example, acidification of water may
release free carbon dioxide. This exerts a toxic action ad-
ditional to that of the lower pH. Recommendations for pH
are valid if carbon dioxide is less than 25 mg/1 (see the
discussion ofCarbon Dioxide, p. 139).
A reduction of-about 1.5 pH units can cause a thousand-
fold increase in the acute toxicity of a metallocyanide
. complex (Doudoroff et al. 1966).1 59 The addition of strong
alkalies may cause the formation of undissociated NH40H or
un-ionized NH3 in quantities that may be toxic (Lloyd
1961,1 63 Burrows 1964).158 Many other pollutants may
change their toxicity to a lesser extent. It is difficult to
predict whether toxicity will increase or decrease for a ..
given direction of change in pH.
Weakly dissociated acids and bases must be considered
in terms of their toxicities, as well as· their effects on pH
and alkalinity.
The availability of many nutrient substances varies with
the hydrogen ion concentration. Some trace metals become
more soluble at low pH. ·At higher pH values, iron tends
to become unavailable to some plants, and hence the pro-
duction of the whole aquatic community may be affected.
The major buffering system. in natural· waters is the
carbonate system that not only neutralizes acids and bases
to reduce the fluctuations in. pH, but also forms a reservoir
of carbon for photosynthesis. This process is indispensable,
because there is a limit on the rate at which carbon dioxide
can be obtained from the atmosphere to replace that in the
water. Tnus the productivity of waters is closely correlated · ·
to .the carbonate buffering system. The addition of.mineral'
acids preempts·the'·c~rbonate buffering capacity, and thee·
TABLE 111-6-A Summary of Some Effects of pH on
Freshwater Fish and Other Aquatic Organisms
pH Known effects
11.5-12.0.... Some caddis flies (Trichoptera) survive but emergence reduced.
11.D-11.5. .. . Rapidly lethallo all species of fish.
10.5-11.0.... Rapidly lethal to salmonlds. The upper limit is lethal to carp (Cyprinus carpio), goldfish (Carassius
auratus), and pike. Lethal to some stoneflies (Piecoptera) and dragonflies (Odonala). Caddis
fly emergence reduced.
10.Q-10.5 .... Withstood by salmonids for short periods but eventually lethal. Exceeds tolerance of bluegills
(Lepomis macrochirus) and probably goldfish. Some typical stoneflies and mayflies (Ephemera)
survive with reduced emergence.
9.5-10.0.... Lethal to salmonids over a prolonged period of time and no viable fishery for coldwater species.
Reduces populations of warmwater fish and may be harmful to development slages. Causes
reduced emergence of some stoneflies.
9.D-9.5. .... Likely to be harmful to salmonids and perch (Perea) if presentfor a considerable length of time
and no viable fishery for coldwater species. Reduced populations of warmwater fish. Carp avoid
these levels.
8.5-9.0..... Approaches tolerance limit of some salmon ids, whitefish (Coregonus), catfish (lclaluridae), and
perch. Avoided by goldfish. No apparent effecls on invertebrates.
8. o-s. 5. . . . . Motility of carp sperm reduced. Partial mortality of burbot (Lola lola) eggs.
7.D-8.0.... Full fish production. No known harmful effects on adult or immature fish, but 7.0 is near low limit
for Gammarus reproduction and perhaps for some other cruslaceans.
6. 5-7.0..... Not lethal to fish unless h~avy melats or cyanides that are more toxic at low pH are present.
Generally full fish production, but for fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas), frequency of
spawning and number of eggs are somewhat reduced. Invertebrates except crustaceans relatively
normal, including common occurrence of mollusks. Microorganisms, algae, and higher plants
essentially normal.
&.o-6.5. . . . . Unlikely to be toxic to fish unless free carbon dioxide is present in excess of 100 ppm. Good aquatic
populations with varied species can exist with some exceptions. Reproduction of Gammarus and
Daphnia prevented, perhaps other crustaceans. Aquatic plants and microorganisms relatively
normal except fungi frequent.
5.5-6.0..... Eastern brook trout (Salvelinusfontinalis) survive at over pH 5.5. Rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri)
do not occur. In natural situations, small populations of relatively few species of fish can be
found. Growth rate of carp reduced. Spawning offathead minnow significantly reduced. Mollusks
5.Q-5.5..... Very restricted fish populations but not lethal to any fish species unless co, is high (over 25 ppm),
or water conlains iron salts. May be lethal to eggs and larvae of sensitive fish species. Prevents
spawning of fathead minnow. Benthic invertebrates moderately diverse, with certain black flies
(Simuliidae), mayflies(Ephemerella), stoneflies,and midges (Chironomidae) present in numbers.
Lethal to other invertebrates such as the mayfly. Bacterial species diversity decreased; yeasts
and sulfur and iron bacteria (Thiobacillus-Ferrobacillus) common. Algae reasonably diverse and
higher plants will grow.
4.5-5.0..... No viable fishery can be maintained. Likely to be lethal to eggs and fry of salmonids. A salmonid
population could not reproduce. Harmful, but not necessarily lethal to carp. Adult brown trout
(Salmo trutla) can survive in peat waters. Benthic fauna restricted, mayflies reduced. Lethal to
several typical stoneflies. lnhibils emergence of certain caddis fly, stonefly, and midge larvae.
Diatoms are dominant algae.
4.D-4.5. ... . Fish populations limited; only a few species survive. Perch, some coarse fish, and pike can accli-
mate to this pH, but only pike reproduce. Lethaltofathead minnow. Some caddis fliesand dragon-
flies found in such habilats; cerlain midges dominant. Flora restricted.
3.5-4.0. .... Lethal to salmonids and bluegills. Limit of tolerance of pumkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus), perch,
pike, and some coarse fish. All flora and fauna severely restricted in number of species. Catlail
(Typha) is only common higher plant.
3.D-3.5..... Unlikely that any fish can survive for more than a few hours. A few kinds of invertebrates such as
certain midges and alderflies, and a few species of algae may be found alibis pH range and lower
original biological productivity is reduced in proportion to
the degree that such capacity is exhausted. Therefore, the
minimum essential buffering capacity and tolerable pH
limits are important water quality considerations.
Because of this importance, there should be no serious
depletion of the carbonate buffering capacity, and it is
recommended that reduction of alkalinity of natural waters
should not exceed 25 per cent.
Acidity, Alkalinity, and pH/141
Suggested maximum and mmtmum levels of
protection for aquatic life are given in the following
recommendations. A single range of values could
not apply to all kinds of fish, nor could it cover the
different degrees of graded effects. The selection of
the level of protection is a socioeconomic decision,
not a biological one. The levels are defined in Table
111-3 (see the discussion of Dissolved Oxygen).
Nearly Maximum Level of Protection
• pH not less than 6.5 nor more than 8.5. No
change greater than 0.5 units above the esti-
mated natural seasonal maximum, nor be-
low the estimated natural seasonal mini-
High Level of Protection
• pH not less than 6.0 nor more than 9.0. No
change greater than 0.5 units outside the
estimated natural seasonal maximum and
Moderate Level of Protection
• pH not less than 6.0 nor more than 9.0. No
change greater than 1.0 units outside the
estimated natural seasonal maximum and
Low Level of Protection
• pH not less than 5.5 nor more than 9.5. No
change greater than 1.5 units outside the
estimated natural seasonal maximum and
Additional Requirements for All Levels of Protection
• If a natural pH is outside the stated range of
pH for a given level of protection, no further
change is desirable.
• The extreme range of pH fluctuation in any
location should not be greater than 2.0 units.
If natural fluctuation exceeds this, pH should
not be altered.
• The natural daily and seasonal patterns of
pH variation should be maintained, although
the absolute values may be altered within
the limits specified.
• The total alkalinity of water is not to be de-
creased more than 25 per cent below the
natural level.
Surface water at some time and place may contain a
trace or more of any water-soluble substance. The signifi-
cance and the effects of small concentrations of these sub-
stances are discussed separately throughout this Report.
The presence and relative abundance of these constituents
in water is influenced by several factors, including surface
runoff, geochemistry of the watershed, atmospheric fallout
including snow and rainfall, man-created effluents, and
biological and chemical processes in the water itself. Many
of these dissolved materials are essential to th~ life processes
of aquatic organisms. For a general discussion of the chem-
istry of fresh water the reader is referred to Hutchinson
(1957)167 and Ruttner (1963).172
A general term describing the concentration of dissolved
materials in water is total dissolved solids. The more con-
spicuous constituents of total dissolved solids in natural
surface waters include carbonates, sulfates, chlorides, phos-
phates, and nitrates. These anions occur in combination
with such metallic cations as calcium, sodium, potassium,
magnesium, and iron to form ionizable salts (Reid 1961).170
Concentrations and relative proportions of dissolved ma-
terials vary widely with locality and time. Hart et al.
(1945)166 reported that in the inland waters of the United
States which support a mixed biota, 5 per cent have a dis-
solved solids concentration under 72 mg/1; about 50 per
cent under 169 mg/1; and 95 per cent under 400 mg/1.
Table III-7 provides information on ranges and median
concentrations of the major ions in United States streams.
The quantity and quality of dissolved solids are major
factors in determining the variety and abundance of plants
and animals in an aquatic system. They serve as nutrients
in productivity, osmotic stress, and direct toxicity. A major
change in quantity or composition of total dissolved solids
changes the structure and function of aquatic ecosystems.
Such changes are difficult to predict.
Concentrations of dissolved solids affecting freshwater
fish by osmotic stress are not well known. Mace (1953)169
and Rounsefell and Everhart (1953)171 reported that the
upper limit may range between 5,000 and 10,000 mg/1 total
dissolved solids, depending on species and prior acclimati-
zation. The literature indicates that concentrations of tota1
dissolved solids that cause osmotic stress in adult fish are
higher than the concentrations existing in most fresh waters
of the United States. Many dissolved materials are toxic at
concentrations lower than those where osmotic effect can
be expected. (See Toxic Substances, p. 172, and Acidity,
Alkalinity, and pH, p. 140.)
Hardness of surface waters is a component of total dis-
solved solids and is chiefly attributable to calcium and
magnesium ions. Other ions such as strontium, barium,
manganese, iron, copper, zinc, and lead add to hardness,
but since they are normally present in minor concentrations
their effect is usually minimal. Generally, the biological
productivity of a water is directly correlated with its hard-
ness. However, while calcium and magnesium contribute
to hardness and productivity, many other elements (when
present in concentrations which contribute a substantial
measure of hardness) reduce biological productivity and
are toxic. Hardness. per se has no biological significance
because biological effects are a function of the specific
concentrations and combinations of the elements present.
The term "hardness" serves a useful purpose as a general
index of water type, buffering capacity, and productivity.
Waters high in calcium and magnesium ions (hard water)
lower the toxicity of many metals to aquatic life (Brown
1968;165 Lloyd and Herbert 1962).168 (See Figure III-9 in
the discussion of Metals, p. 178.) However, the term
"hardness" should be avoided in delineating water quality
TABLE lll-7-Major Dissolved Constituents of River Waters
Representing About 90 Percent of Total Stream Flow in the
United States
Total dissolved solids ..................... .
Bicarbonate (HCOa) ....................... .
Sulfate (SO,) .....................•.......
Chloride (CI) ............................. .
Calcium (Ca) ............................. .
Magnesium (Mg) ......................... .
Sodium and polassium (Na and K) .......... .
Source: After Hart et al. (1945)'"
Median mgjl
Range mgJI
requirements for aquatic life. More emphasis should be
placed on specific ions.
Total dissolved materials should not be changed
to the extent that the biological communities
Dissolved Solids and Hardness/143
characteristic of particular habitats are signifi-
cantly changed. When dissolved materials areal-
tered, bioassays and field studies can determine
the limits that may be tolerated without en-
dangering the structure and function of the
aquatic ecosystem.
Losses of oil that can have an adverse effect on water
quality and aquatic life can occur in many of the phases of
oil production, refining, transportation, and use. Pollution
may be in the form of floating oils, emulsified oils, or solution
of the water soluble fraction of these oils. -
The toxicity of crude oil has been difficult to interpret
since crude oil may contain many different organic com-
pounds and inorganic elements. The composition of such
oils may· vary from region to region, and petroleum products
produced can be drastically different in character in line
with their different intended uses (Purdy 1958).198 The
major components of crude oil can be categorized as ali-
phatic normal hydrocarbons, cyclic paraffin hydrocarbons,
aromatic hydrocarbons, naphtheno-aromatic hydrocarbons,
resins, asphaltenes, heteroatomic compounds, and metallic
compounds (Bestougeff 1967).175 The aromatic hydro-
carbons in crude oil appear to be the major group of acutely
toxic compounds (Blumer 1971,176 Shelton 1971) .199
Because the biological effects of oils and the relative
merits of control measures are discussed in detail in
Section IV (p. 25 7) of this Report, only effects of special
interest or pertinence to fresh water are discussed here.
The effects of floating oil on wildlife are discussed on p. 196.
Copeland and Dorris ( 1964) 180 studied primary pro-
ductivity and community respiration in a series of oil
refinery effluent oxidation ponds. These ponds received
waste waters which had been in contact with the crude oil
and various products produced within the refinery. Surface
oils were skimmed. In the series of oxidation ponds, pri-
mary productivity and community respiration measure-
ments clearly indicated that primary producers were limited
in the first ponds, probably by toxins in the water. Oxidation
ponds further along in the series typically supported algal
blooms. Apparently degradation of the toxic organic com-
pounds reduced their concentration below the threshold
lethal to the algae. Primary productivity was not greater
than community respiration in the first ponds in the series.
Minter (1964)195 found that species diversity of phyto-
plankton was lowest in the first four ponds of the series of
ten. A "slug" of unknown toxic substance drastically re-
duced the species diversity in all ponds. Zooplankton
volumes increased in the latter half of the pond series,
presumably as a result of decreasing toxicity. Benthic fauna
species diversity in streams receiving oil refinery effluents
was low near the outfall and progressively increased down-
stream as biological assimilation reduced the concentration
of toxins (Wilhm and Dorris 1966,206 Harrel et al. 1967,184
Mathis and Dorris 1968191).
Long-term, continuous-flow bioassays of biologically
treated oil refinery effluents indicated that complex re-
fineries produce effluents which contain cumulative toxins
of substances that cause accumulative deleterious effects
(Graham and Dorris 1968).182 Subsequent long-term con-
tinuous-flow bioassays of biologically treated oil refinery
effluents indicated that passage of the effluent through acti-
vated carbon columns does not remove the fish toxicants.
Of the fathead minnows (Pimphales promelas) tested, half
were killed in 14 days, and only 10 per cent survived 30
days (Burks 197220 7 personal communication). Trace organic
compounds identified in extracts from the effluent were a
homologous series of aliphatic hydrocarbons (CnH22 through
C 18H 38) and isomers of cresol and xylenol. Since the soluble
fractions derived from oil refineries are quantitatively, and
to some extent qualitatively, different from those derived
from oil spills, care must be taken to differentiate between
these two sources.
Free oil or emulsions may adhere to the gills of fish,
interfering with respiration and causing asphyxia. Within
limits, fish are able to combat this by defensive mucous
secretions (Cole 1941).179 Free oil and emulsions may like-
wise coat aquatic plants and destroy them (McKee and
Wolf 1963).193
Fish and benthic organisms may be affected by soluble
substances extracted from the oils or by coating from
emulsified oils. Water soluble compounds from crude or
manufactured oils may also contain tainting substances
which affect the taste of fish and waterfowl (Krishnawami
and Kupchanko 1969).189
Toxicity tests for oily substances provide a broad range
of results which do not permit rigorous safety evaluations.
The variabilities are due to differences in petroleum prod-
ucts tested, non-uniform testing procedures, and species
differences. Most of the research on the effects of oils on
aquatic life has used pure compounds which exist only in
low percentages in many petroleum products or crude oils.
Table III-8 illustrates tht; range of reported toxicities. For
halo-, nitro-, or thio-derivatives, the expected toxicity
would be greater.
Because of the basic difficulties in evaluating the toxicity,
especially of the emulsified oils, and because there is some
evidence that oils may persist and have subtle chronic
effects (Blumer 1971),176 the maximum allowable concen-
tration of emulsified oils should be determined on an indi-
vidual basis and kept below 0.05 of the 96-hour LC50 for
sensitive species.
TABLE III-8-Toxicity Ranges
Aniline ...•..•..••..•••••••.••.•.•.••..•.•
Benzene .•.•••..•..•...•••••.•....•.•...•
Cresol. •••..•.....••.•...•.••.........•..
Cyclohexane ....•.........•.••..•......••.
Ethylbenzene .•...•.•••..•..•..•..........
Hep!Jne .••..•.••..••.••..•••...•.........
Isoprene .•..•.••••••.•..••......•...•.••..
Nephemc acid ....•..•............•..•.....
Naphthalene ...•...••.••••.••...•.....•...
Toluene .•.....•...••.••.•......•..•...•...
Gasoline .••....•..•.....••.....•.....••.•
Cutting oil #2 .••.••..•...•.....•.........
Diesel fuel ......•.....•..•.....••..•..•...
Bunker oil.. .•...•......................••
Bunker coil .•.•...•.....••.......•...•...
ppm. cone.
96 hr LC50
96 hr LC50
96 hr LC50
96 ht LC50
96 hr LC50
96 hr LC50
" ....................................
" ..... ································
'". ... " ............................... .
" .... ································
48 hr LC50
96 hr LC50
" .... ............................... .
" ....................................
" .... ............................... .
" ....................................
" .... ............................... .
48 hr LC50
" .... ································
96 hr LC50
" .... ............................... .
" ....................................
" ....................................
48 hr LC50
96 hr LC50
96 hr LC50
48 hr LC50
" ....................................
168 hr LC50
Daphnia magna
Pimephales promelas
Lepomis macrochirus
Carassius auratus
Lepom1s macrochirus
Pimephales prome1as
Lepomis macrochirus
Carassius auratus
Lebiste• rebculatus
Pi mephales promelas
Lepomis macrochirus
Carassius auratus
Lebistes rebculatus
Gambusia affinis
Pimephales promelas
Lepom1s macrochirus
Carassius auratus
Lebistes reticulatus
Lepomis macrochirus
Physa heterostropha
Gambusia affinis
Pimephales promelas
Lepomis macrochirus
Carassius auratus
Lebistes reticulatus
Alosa sapidissima
Salmo gairdneri
Salmo ga1rdneri
Alosa sapidiss1mia
Alosa sapidissima
Salmo salar
Anderson 194417>
Pickering & Henderson 19661" ,, " ................................................... , , ............... ····································
Cairns & Scheier 195917•
Pickering & Henderson 1966"'
II II ............... ····································
II " ............ ····································
II '' ................ ····································
II II ................ ····································
II II .................................................... , ., ................ ···································· .. ., ....................................................
Wallen et al. 1957"'
Pickering & Henderson 1966"'
, " ....................................................
,, " ................ ····································
II II ....................................................
Cairns & Scheier 1958177
II II ....................................................
Wallen et al. 1957'" , ,, ....................................................
Pickering & Henderson 1966"'
II II ....................................................
II II .. ................................................. .
II II . .................................................. .
Tagatz 1961 2"
Memck et al. 1956'"
Turnbull et al. 1954' ..
Tagatz 1961"'
" , . .................................................. .
Sprague and Carson manumipt 19702••
existence of sedimented oils in association with oil pollution
is widespread.
Ludzack et al. (1957)190 found that the sediment in the
Ottawa River in Ohio downstream from a refinery consisted
ofup to 17.8 per cent oil. Hunt (1957)187 and Hartung and
Klingler ( 1968) 185 reported on the occurrence of sedimen ted
oil in the Detroit River. North et al. (1965)196 found sedi-
mented oils after an oil pollution incident in marine coves
in Baja California. Forbes and Richardson (1913)181 re-
ported 2.5 per cent oils in the bottom deposits of the Illinois
River. McCauley ( 1964 )192 reported finding oily bottom
deposits after oil pollution near Boston. Thus, 'while the
reports may be scattered, the evidence is clear that the
There is an increasing body of evidence indicating that
aliphatic hydrocarbons are synthesized by aquatic organisms
and find their way into sediments in areas which have little
or no history of oil pollution (Han et al. 1968,183 Avigan
and Blumer 1968174). Hydrocarbons have been reported in
the recent sediments of lakes in Minnesota (Swain 1956)202
and the Gulf of Mexico (Stevens et al. 1956).201
Areas which contain oily sediments usually have an im-
poverished benthic fauna; it is not clear to what extent oil
contributes to this, because of the presence of other pol-
lutants (Hunt 1962).188 However, there are recurring reports
II ; -·-~~~-------------~---------~--~-~-
146/Section Ill-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
of a probable relationship between sedimented oils and
altered benthic communities. Sedimented oils may act as
concentrators for chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides (Har-
tung and Klingler 1970),186 but the biological implications
indicate that additional study is required.
Because of the differences in toxicities of sedimented oils
and because of limited knowledge on quantities which are
harmful to aquatic life, it is suggested that the concentration
of hexane extractable substances (exclusive of elemental
sulfur) in air-dried sediments not be permitted to increase
above 1,000 mg/kg on a dry weight basis.
Aquatic life and wildlife should be protected
• there is no visible oil on the surface;
• emulsified oils do not exceed 0.05 of the 96-hour
• concentration of hexane extractable substances
(exclusive of elemental sulfur) in air-dried sedi-
ments does not increase above 1,000 mgfk~ on a
dry wei~ht basis.
Discharges from municipal wastewater treatment plants,
a variety of industrial wastes and organic compounds, as
well as biological organisms, can impart objectionable taste,
odor, or color to the flesh of fish and other edible aquatic
organisms. Such tainting can occur in waters with concen-
trations of the offending material lower than those recog-
nized as being harmful to an animal (Tables III-9 and
Thaysen (I 935)231 and Thaysen and Pentelow (I 936)232
demonstrated that a muddy or earthy taste can be imparted
to the flesh of trout by material produced by an odiferous
species of Actinomyces. Lopinot (1962)224 report~d a serious
fish and municipal water supply tainting problem on the
Mississippi River in Illinois during a period when actino-
mycetes, Oscillatoria, Scenedesmus, and Actinastrum were abun-
dant. Oscillatoria princeps and 0. agardhi in plankton of a
German lake were reported by Cornelius and Bandt
(1933)213 as causing off-flavor in lake fish. Aschner et al.
(1967)210 concluded that the benthic alga, 0. tenuis, in
rearing ponds in Israel was responsible for imparting such
a bad flavor to carp (Cyprinus carpio) that the fish were
unacceptable on the market. Henley's (1970)221 investigation
of odorous metabolites of Cyanophyta showed that Anabaena
circinalis releases geosmin and indicated that this material
was responsible for the musty or earthy odor often char-
acteristic of water from reservoirs with heavy algal growths
in summer and fall.
Oysters occasionally exhibit green coloration of the gills
due to absorption of the blue-green pigment of the diatom,
Navicula, (Ranson 192 7). 225
Phenolic compounds are often associated with both water
and fish tainting problems (Table III~9). However, Albers-
meyer ( 195 7)208 and Albersmeyer and Erichsen (I 959)209
found that, after being dephenolated, both a carbolated oil
and a light oil still imparted a taste to fish more pronounced
than that produced by similar exposures to naphthalene
and methylnaphthalene (phenolated compounds). They
concluded that other hydrocarbons in the oils were more
responsible for imparting off-flavor than the phenolic ma-
terials in the two naphthalenes tested.
Refineries (Fetterolf 1962) ,215 oily wastes (Zillich 1969), 236
and crude oil (Galtsoff et al. 1935)219 have been associated
with off-flavor problems of fish and shellfish in both fresh-
water and marine situations (Westman and Hoff 1963).234
Krishnawami and Kupchanko (1969)223 demonstrated that
rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) adsorbed enough compounds
from a stream polluted with oil slicks and oil refinery
effluents to exhibit a definite oily taste and flavor. In waters
receiving black liquor from kraft pulp mills, the gills and
mantles of oysters developed a gray color (Galtsoff et al.
1947).218 The authors also found this condition in oysters
grown in waters receiving domestic sewage. Newton
(I 967)237 confined trout in live-cages and correlated in ten-
TABLE III-9-Wastewaters Found to have Lowered the
Palatability of Fish Flesh
Wastewater source
2.4·0 mfg. plant. ............
Coal--coking .................
Coal-tar ...................•
Krall process (untreated) ......
Krall process (treated) ........
Krall and neutral sulfite
Municipal dump runoff ........
Municipal untreated sewage
(2 locations)
Municipal wastewater
treatment plants (4 locations)
Municipal wastewater
treatment plant (Primary)
Municipal wastewater
treatment plant (Secondary)
Dilywastes ..................
Refinery .....................
Sewage containing phenols .....
Slaughterhouses (2 locations) ••
Concentration in
water affecting
palatabifity of fish
50-100 mgfl
0. 02-o. 1 mg/1
0.1 mg/1
1-2%by VOL
9-12% by vol.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11-13% by vol.
20-26% by vol.
0.1 mg/1
Species Reference
Trout Shumway 1966"2•
Freshwater fish Bandt19552U
Freshwater fish Bandt19552ll
Salmon Shumway and Chadwick
Salmon Shumway and Palensky, un·
published data"'
Trout Newton 1967"'
Channel catfish Thomas and Hicks 1971"'
(lclalurus punclatus)
Channel catfish Thomas and Hicks 1911"'
Channel callish Thomas and Hicks 1971"'
Freshwater fish Shumway and Palensky, un-
published data"'
Freshwater fish Shumway and Palensky, un-
published data"'
Trout Zillich 1969'"
Trout FeHeroH 1962'"
Freshwater fish Bandt 1955211
Channel callish Thomas and Hicks 1971"'
148/Section Ill-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
TABLE lll-10-Concentrations of Chemical Compounds in
Water That Can Cause Tainting of the Flesh of Fish and
Other Aquatic Organisms
acetophenone .................................. .
acrylonitrile .................................... .
cresol ......................................... .
m-cresol ....................................... .
o-cresol ....................................... .
p-cresol. ...................................... .
cresylic acid (meta para) ......................... .
N-butyl mercaptan .............................. .
o-sec. butytphenol. ............................. .
p-tert. butyl phenol .............................. .
o-chlorophenol .................................. .
p-chlorophenol. ................................ .
2, 3-dichlorophenol .............................. .
2, 4-dichlorophenol. ............................. .
2, 5-dichlorophenol .............................. .
2, 6-dichlorophenol .............................. .
2-m ethyl, 4-chlorophenol ........................ .
2-m ethyl, 6-chlorophenol ........................ .
o-phenylphenol. ................................ .
2, 4, 6-trichlorophenol. ......................... ..
phenol. ............. ; ......................... .
phenols in polluted river ......................... .
diphenyl oxide ................................. .
~.~·dichlorodiethyl ether ..................... ..
o·dichlorobenzene .............................. .
ethylbenzene ................................... .
ethanethiol.. ................................... .
ethylacrytate ................................... .
formaldehyde .................................. .
kerosene ...................................... .
kerosene plus kaolin ............................ .
isopropylbenzene ............................... .
naphtha ....................................... .
naphthalene ................................... .
naphthol. ...................................... .
2-naphthol.. ................................... .
dimethylamine ................................. .
o:-methylstyrene ............................... .
oil, emulsifiable ................................ .
pyridine ....................................... .
pyrocatechol ................................... .
pyrogallol ...................................... .
quinoline ...................................... .
p-quinone ...................................... .
styrene ........................................ .
toluene ........................................ .
outboard motor fuel, as exhaust. ................. .
guaiacol ....................................... .
• Reference key:
a Bandt 1955211
b Boetius 1954212
c English etal. 1963214
Estimated threshold level in water
0.0001 to 0.015
0.01 to 0.05
0.001 to 0.014
0.003 to 0.05
I to 10
0.02 to 0.15
0.09 to 1.0
5 to 28
0.8 to 5
20 to 30
0.5to I
2. 6 gal/acre-foot
b, d, e
d, g, e
d, I, g
d, e
d, g
a, g
a, g
C, h
d Fetterolf 195421• published the results of A. W. Winston, Jr. of the Dow Chemical Company. The data are
also available in an undated mimeographed release of the company
e Schulze 1961227
I Shumway 1966"'
g Shumway, D. L. and J. R. Palensky,"' unpublished data (1971).
h Surber, et at. 1965"0
i Westman and Hoft 19632"
sity of off-flavor with proximity to the discharge of a paper
mill using both the neutral sulfite and kraft processes.
Shellfish have the ability to concentrate and store metals
at levels greater than the concentrations in the water (see
Section I, pp. 36-37, and Section IV, p. 240). Oyster flesh
can become green-colored from copper accumulation. The
copper content of normal-colored oyster flesh from uncon-
taminated areas varied from 0.170 to 0.214 mg copper per
oyster, or from 8.21 to 13.77 mg per 100 grams dry weight
(Galtsoff and Whipple 1931,220 Galtsoff 1964217). Oysters
growing in adjacent areas slightly contaminated with copper
salts had green-colored flesh and contained from 1.27 to
2.46 mg copper per oyster, or from 121 to 271 mg per 100
grams dry weight.
If an effluent containing a variety of components is as-
sociated with a tainting problem, identification of the taint-
producing component or components is necessary for effi-
cient isolation and removal in waste treatment. For ex-
ample, Shumway (1966)228 exposed salmon to various con-
centrations of wastes and waste components discharged
from a plant producing pesticides. Although concentrations
of the combined wastes at about 50 to 100 mg/1 were found
to impart objectionable flavor to test fish, one of the major
components of the plant waste, 2, 4-dichlorophenol, was
found capable of impairing flavor at exposure levels of
about I to 3 J.tg/1.
A preliminary laboratory study (English et al. 1963)214
showed that outboard motor exhaust damages the quality
of water in several ways, the most noticeable of which are
unpleasant taste and odor in the. water and off-flavoring
of fish flesh. A later field study (Surber et al. 1965)230
determined the threshold level of tainting of fish in pond
and lake waters to be about 2.6 gal/acre-foot of fuel as
exhaust, accumulating over a 2-month period. The gasoline
used was regular grade, and the lubricating oil (Y2 pint/gal)
was a popular brand of packaged outboard motor oil.
Experiments involving method and rates of uptake and
loss of flavor-impairing materials by aquatic organisms
have been reported by few investigators. From data avail-
able it is obvious that rates are highly variable. Thaysen
and Pentelow (1936)232 exposed trout to extract from
odoriferous Actinomyces. They showed that fish exposed to
10 ppm of extract acquired an off-flavor in one hour.
The exposed fish were also removed and held in uncontami-
nated water for periods up to five days. The level of tainting,
which showed no diminution after 27 hours, became less
marked after 2 to 3 days, and no tainting could be detected
after 5 days in fresh water.
Shumway and Palensky (unpublished data)289 exposed trout
to three separate concentrations of each of the following
chemicals, a-cresol, 2 , 4-dichlorophenol, pyridine, and
n-butylmercaptan, for periods up to 168 hours. With all
four chemicals, maximum off-flavor generally occurred in
33.5 hours or less. In· a few exceptions, a gradual increase
in off-flavor appeared to occur with increasing time up to
168 hours, although the magnitude of increase in off-flavor
with time was minor in nature. In tests with a-chlorophenol,
Boetius (1954)212 reported that eels required up to II days
exposure before flavor impairment was detected. The time
required to impair flavor was found to be related to the
exposure concentration, with low concentrations requiring
longer exposure periods.
Shumway (1966)228 found that the flesh of salmon exposed
experimentally to industrial wastes containing mainly phe-
nols acquired maximum off-flavor in 35 hours or less, with
much of the tainting occurring within the first 6 hours.
Mter the salmon were transferred to uncontaminated water,
most of the acquired off-flavor was lost within 20.hours,
although some off-flavor remained up to 72 hours.
In other tests, Shumway and Palensky (unpublished data)239
observed flavor impairment in trout after 24-hour exposure
to 2,4-dichlorophenol. Mter only 33.5 hours in uncontami-
nated water, the flavor of the trout had returned to the
preexposure ·level, with most of the reduction in off-flavor
occurring within 6.5 hours.
'Korschgen et al. (1970)222 transferred carp (Cyprinus
carpio) to uncontaminated ponds from two sites, one of
which received effluents from a major municipality and one
ofwhich received little or no effluent. Retention up to 18
days in: the holding ponds failed to improve the flavor of the
carp from the contaminated site. These authors also re-
ported that channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) transferred
from the Ohio River to control water lost about half of
their off-flavor in 7 days and nearly all of it in 21 days.
Determination that a tainting problem exists, or identifi-
cation of a taint-causing material, involves field or labora-
tory exposure periods and organoleptic tests. When properly
conducted, these tests are reliable but time-consuming.
Wright ( 1966)235 reported on the use of gas chromatography
in conjunction with organoleptic tests. The chromatographic
scans were compared with scans of industrial process waste
streams to identify the taint-producing wastes. Gas chro-
matographic techniques are employed routinely in food
technology laboratories investigating flavor and odor prop-
erties (Rhoades and Millar 1965).226
Field exposure tests (bioassays) are used to determine
the existence or the magnitude of a tainting problem in a
water body. Fish or other edible aquatic life are held for a
period of time in cages at selected locations in and around
a suspected problem area or waste discharge and eventually
evaluated for flavor. Laboratory bioassays are normally
utilized to determine the tainting potential of wastes, waste
components, or specific chemicals. Although either static
or continuous-flow bioassays can be used in laboratory tests,
continuous-flow systems are considered far superior to static
Tainting Substances/149
tests. Exposure bioassay~ are followed by the organoleptic
evaluation of the flesh of the test organisms.
In their studies of tainted organisms, investigators have
used a number of different bioassay and flavor-evaluation
procedures, some of which have produced poorly defined
results. The following guidelines are based primarily on the
successful procedures of Shumway and Newton (personal
communications). 238
Test Fish
The flesh of the fish to. be exposed should be mild and
consistent in flavor. For convenience in holding and taste
testing, fish weighing between 200 and 400 grams are de-
sirable, although smaller or larger fish are acceptable.
Largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides), yellow perch (Perea
jlavescens), channel catfish, bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus),
trout, salmon flatfishes (Pleuronectiformes), and others have
proven to be acceptable test fish.
Exposure Period
In general, test fish should be exposed for a period not
less than 48 hours. Shorter or longer exposures will be
advisable in some situations, although possible stress, disease,
and mortality resulting from longer retention of test fish
and maintenance of holding facilities may negate advantages
of long exposure.
Exposure Conditions
The following conditions are desirable m laboratory
Dissolved oxygen 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 near saturation
Temperature 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 .10-15 C for salmonids, and
20-25 C for warmwater fish
pH .. 0 0 .. 0 0 0 0 .. 0 0 .... 0 06.0-8.0, or pH of receiving
Light 0 . 0 0 0 ... 0 .. 0 ..... 0 intensity held at a low level
Water .. 0 .... 0 0 .... 0 ... uncontaminated, or quality
of the receiving water; never
distilled water
Preparation of Test Fish and Evaluation
Exposed fish and control fish, either fresh or fresh-frozen
and subsequently thawed, are individually double-wrapped
in aluminum foil, placed in an oven and cooked at about
375 F for 15 to 30 minutes, as size requires. Large fish may
be portioned for cooking. No seasoning of any kind is
added. Portions of .the cooked fish may be placed in small
coded cups and served warm to the judges for flavor evalu-
ation. A known "reference" may be provided to aid judges
in making comparisons. A minimum of ten experienced
judges, each seated in an isolation booth or similar area,
smell, taste, and score each sample. This method offers
tighter control of variables and conforms more to off-flavor
evaluations conducted in food laboratories than the more
informal procedure below.
150/Section Ill-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
An alternative method is to place the cooked fish, still
partially wrapped in foil to preserve the heat and flavor,
on a large table. The judges start concurr~tly and work
their way around the table, recording aroma and flavor.
If a judge tastes more than six samples during a test, a
lessening of organoleptic acuity may occur.
When investigating the potential of a substance to pro-
duce taint, a word-evaluation scale for intensity of off-flavor
ranging from no off-flavor to extreme off-flavor, has proven
successful with trained, experienced judges. Numerical
values from 0 to 6 are applied to the word scale for deri-
vation of off-flavor indices and statistical evaluation.
When using the above method; less experienced judges
tend to over-react to slight off-flavor. For this reason, in
less formal tests evaluating the effect of a substance on the
palatability of the organism, an hedonic scale accompanied
by word-judgments describing palatability is appropriate,
i.e., 0--excellent, 1-very good, 2-good, 3-fair, 4--just
acceptable, 5-not quite acceptable, 6-very poor, inedible,
and 7--extremely poor, repulsive. Scores of the judges on
each sample are averaged to determine final numerical or
word-judgment values.
To determine whether there are acceptability differences
between controls and test organisms, a triangle test may be
used in which two samples are alike and one is different.
Judges are asked to select the like samples, to indicate the
degree of difference, and to rate both the like and the odd
samples on a preference scale.
The triangle test is particularly well adapted to statistical
analysis, but the organoleptic testing necessary is more
extensive than when hedonic scales are used.
Application of the 'two-way analyses of variance to
hedonic-scale data is an acceptable test, but professional
assistance with statistical procedures is desirable. Reliance
on the word-judgment system is sufficient for general infor-
mation purposes.
• To prevent tainting of fish and other edible
aquatic organisms, it is recommended that sub-
stances which cause tainting should not be pres-
ent in water in concentrations that lower the
acceptability of such organisms as determined
by exposure bioassay and organoleptic tests.
• Values in Tables 111-9 and 111-10 are recom-
mended as guidelines in determining what con-
centrations of wastes and substances in water
may cause tainting of the flesh of fish or other
aquatic organisms.
Living organisms do not respond to the quantity of heat
but to degrees of temperature or to temperature changes
caused by transfer of heat. The importance of temperature
to acquatic organisms is well known, and the composition
of aquatic communities depends largely on the temperature
characteristics of their environment. Organisms have upper
and lower thermal tolerance limits, optimum temperatures
for growth, preferred temperatures in thermal gradients,
and temperature limitations for migration, spawning, and
egg incubation. Temperature also affects the physical
environment of the aquatic medium, (e.g., viscosity, degree
of ice cover, and oxygen capacity. Therefore, the com-
position of aquatic communities depends largely on tem-
perature characteristics of the environment. In recent
years there has been an accelerated demand for cooling
waters for power stations that release large quantities of
heat, causing, or threatening to cause, either a warming of
rivers, lakes, and coastal waters, or a rapid cooling when the
artificial sources of heat are abruptly terminated. For these
reasons, the environmental consequences of temperature
changes must be considered in assessments of water quality
requirements of aquatic organisms.
The "natural" temperatures of surface waters of the
United States vary from 0 C to over 40 C as a function of
latitude, altitude, season, time of day, duration of flow,
depth, and many other variables. The agents that affect
the natural temperature are so numerous that it is unlikely
that two bodies of water, even in the same latitude, would
have exactly the same thermal characteristics. Moreover, a
single aquatic habitat typically does not have uniform or
consistent thermal characteristics. Since all aquatic or-
ganisms (with the exception of aquatic mammals and a
few large, fast-swimming fish) have body temperatures that
conform to the water temperature, these natural variations
create conditions that are optimum at times, but are
generally above or below optima for particular physio-
logical, behavioral, and competitive functions of the species
Because significant temperature changes may affect the
composition of an aquatic or wildlife co~munity, an
induced change in the thermal characteristics of an eco-
system may be detrimental. On the other hand, altered
thermal characteristics may be beneficial, as evidenced in
most fish hatchery practices and at other aquacultural
facilities. (See the discussion of Aquaculture in Section IV.)
The general difficulty in developing suitable criteria for
temperature (which would limit the addition of heat) lies
in determining the deviation from "natural" temperature a
particular body of water can experien«e without suffering
adverse effects on its biota. Whatever requirements are
suggested, a "natural" seasonal cycle must be retained,
annual spring and fall changes in temperature must be
gradual, and large unnatural day-to-day fluctuations
should be avoided. In view of the many variables, it seems
obvious that no single ·temperature requirement can be
applied uniformly to continental or large regional areas;
the requirements must be closely related to each body of
water and to its particular community of organisms,
especially the important species found in it. These should
include invertebrates, plankton, or other plant and animal
life that may be of importance to food chains or otherwise
interact with species of direct interest to man. Since thermal
requirements of various species differ, the social choice of
the species to be protected allows for different "levels of
protection" among water bodies as suggested by Doudoroff
and Shumway (1970)272 for dissolved oxygen criteria. (See
Dissolved Oxygen, p. 131.) Although such decisions clearly
transcend the scientific judgments needed in establishing
thermal criteria for protecting selected species, biologists can
aid in making them. Some measures useful in assigning
levels of importance to species are: (I) high yield to com-
mercial or sport fisheries, (2) large biomass in the existing
ecosystem (if desirable), (3) important links in food chains
of other species judged important for other reasons, and
(4) "endangered" or unique status. If it is desirable to
attempt strict preservation of an existing ecosystem, the
most sensitive species or life stage may dictate the criteria
Criteria for making recommendations for water tem-
perature to protect desirable aquatic life cannot be simply a
maximum allowed change from "natural temperatures."
This is principally because a change of even one degree from
152/Section Ill-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
an ambient temperature has varying significance for an
organism, depending upon where the ambie~t level lies
within the tolerance range. In addition, historic tempera-
ture records or, alternatively, the existing ambient tempera-
ture prior to any thermal alterations by man are not always
reliable indicators of desirable conditions for aquatic
populations. Multiple developments of water resources also
~hange water temperatures both upward (e.g., upstream
aower plants or shallow reservoirs) and downward (e.g.,
:leepwater releases from large reservoirs), so that "ambient"
md "natural" are exceedingly difficult to define at a given
Joint over periods of several years.
Criteria for temperature should consider both the multiple
hermal requirements of aquatic species and requirements
or balanced communities. The number of distance requin·-
nents and the necessary values for each require periodic
eexamination as knowledge of thermal effects on aquatic
pecies and communities increases. Currently definable
equirements include:
• maximum sustained temperatures that are con-
sistent with maintaining desirable levels of pro-
• maximum levels of metabolic acclimation to warm
temperatures that will permit return to ambient
winter temperatures should artificial sources of
heat cease;
• temperature limitations for survival of brief exposures
to temperature extremes, both upper and lower;
• restricted temperature ranges for various stages of
reproduction, including (for fish) gonad growth and
gamete maturation, spawning migration, release of
gametes, development of the embryo, commence-
ment of independent feeding (and other activities)
by juveniles; and temperatures required for meta-
morphosis, emergence, and other activities of lower
• thermal limits for diverse compositions of species of
aquatic communities, particularly where reduction
in diversity creates nuisance growths of certain
organisms, or where important food sources or
chains are altered ;
• thermal requirements of downstream aquatic life
where upstream warming of a cold-water source will
adversely affect downstream temperature require-
Thermal criteria must also be formulated with knowledge
·how man alters temperatures, the hydrodynamics of the
Langes, and how the biota can reasonably be expected to
teract with the thermal regimes produced. It is not
fficient, for example, to define only the thermal criteria
r sustained production of a species in open waters, because
rge numbers of organisms may also be exposed to thermal
langes by being pumped through the condensers and
ixing zone of a power plant. Design engineers need
particularly to know the biological limitations to their
design options in such instances. Such considerations may
reveal nonthermal impacts of cooling processes that may
outweigh temperature effects, such as impingement of fish
upon intake screens, mechanical or chemical damage to
zooplankton in condensers, or effects of altered current
patterns on bottom fauna in a discharge area. The environ-
mental situations of aquatic organisms (e.g., where they
are, when they are there, in what numbers) must also be
understood. Thermal criteria for migratory species should
be applied to a .certain area only when the species is actually
there. Although thermal effects of power stations are
currently of great interest, other less dramatic causes of
temperature change including deforestation, stream chan-
nelization, and impoundment of flowing water must be
Thermal criteria necessary for the protection of species or
communities are discussed separately below. The order of
presentation of the different criteria does not imply priority
for any one body of water. The descriptions define preferred
methods and procedures for judging thermal requirements,
and generally do not give numerical values (except in
Appendix II-C). Specific values for all limitations would
require a biological handbook that is far beyond the scope
of this Section. The criteria may seem complex, but they
represent an extensively developed framework of knowledge
about biological responses. (A sample application of these
criteria begins on page 166, Use of Temperature Criteria.)
Some basic thermal responses of aquatic organisms will
be referred to repeatedly and are defined and reviewed
briefly here. Effects of heat on organisms and aquatic
communities have been reviewed periodically (e.g., Bullock
1955,259 Brett 1956;253 Fry 1947,276 1964,278 1967;279 Kinne
1970296). Some effects have been analyzed in the context of
thermal modification by power plants (Parker and Krenke!
1969;308 Krenkel and Parker 1969;298 Cairns 1968;261 Clark
1969;263 and Coutant 1970c269). Bibliographic information
is available from Kennedy and Mihursky (1967),294 Raney
and Menzel (1969),313 and from annual reviews published
by the Water Pollution Control Federation (Coutant
1968,265 1969,266 l970a,267 19712 70).
Each species (and often each distinct life-stage of a species)
has a characteristic tolerance range of temperature as a
consequence of acclimations (internal biochemical adjust-
ments) made while at previous holding temperature (Figure
III-2; Brett 1956253). Ordinarily, the ends of this range, or
the lethal thresholds, are defined by survival of 50 per cent
of a sample of individuals. Lethal thresholds typically are
referred to as "incipient lethal temperatures," and tem-
perature beyond these ranges would be considered "ex-
treme." The tolerance range is adjusted upward by ac-
climation to warmer water and downward to cooler water,
although there is a limit to such accommodation. The
lower end of the range usually is at zero degrees centigrade
(32 F) for species in temperate latitudes (somewhat less for
saline waters), while the upper end terminates in an
"ultimate incipient lethal temperature" (Fry et al. 1946281).
This ultimate threshold temperature represents the "break-
ing point" between the highest temperatures to which an
animal can be acclimated and the lowest of the extreme
temperatures that will kill the warm-acclimated organism.
Any rate of temperature change over a period of minutes
Ultimate incipient lethal temperature
_ _/._ ----
lethal threshold 50% .-------
{---1 ------lethal threshold 5%
20 ---1: ....... ---I " --( "0 I .i --loading level ....... I c 15 I' (activity growth)
" I I u
I I I "0 -~ I ....... I ...
I ---f I ~ I B I Unhibiting level
!:! I I
3 10 I I (spawning) .
C! I I I )
" I ""' I I --a ..J__, -" I __..
"" I -.,. ----I I ----....... -I ----5 -
Heat and Temperature/153
Acclimation temperature
24° ...........
10"' -()-9 ~~
~ ---.JJ_
o '-.... I B C
5 ~ "':c-y--------
"'-.~ 1/
"" I ·~--------
100 1,000 10,000
Time to 50% mortality-Minutes
After Brett 1952 252
FIGURE III-3-Median resistance times to high tempera-
tun!s among young chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)
acclimated to temperatures indicated. Line A-B denotes
rising lethal threshold (incipient lethal temperatures) with
increasing acclimation temperature. This rise eventually
ceases at the ultimate lethal threshold (ultimate upper
incipient lethal temperature), line B-C.
to a few hours will not greatly affect the thermal tolerance
limits, since acclimation to changing temperatures requires
several days (Brett 1941). 251
At the temperatures above and below the incipient lethal
temperatures, survival depends not only on the temperature
but also on the duration of exposure, with mortality oc-
curring more rapidly the farther the temperature is from
the threshold (Figure III-3). (See Coutant 1970a26 7 and
0 t:---""":::.......l._ ___ .J._ ___ ....._ ___ ....._ ___ __. 1970b268 for further discussion based on both field and
20 25 laboratory studies.) Thus, organisms respond to extreme 5 10 15
Acclimation temperature-Centigrade
After Brett 1960 254
FIGURE Ill-2-Upper and lower lethal temperatures for
young sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) plotted to
show the zone of tolerance. Within this zone two other zones
are represented to illustrate (1) an area beyond which growth
would be poor to none-at-all under the influence of the loading
effect of metabolic demand~ and (2) an area beyond which
temperature is likely to inhibit normal reproduction.
high and low temperatures in a manner similar to the
dosage-response pattern which is common to toxicants,
pharmaceuticals, and radiation (Bliss 1937).249 Such tests
seldom extend beyond one week in duration.
Specific criteria for prolonged exposure (1 week or longer)
must be defined for warm and for cold seasons. Additional
criteria for gradual temperature (and life cycle) changes
during reproduction and development periods are dis-
cussed on pp. 162-165.
154/Section Ill-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
Occupancy of habitats by most aquatic organisms is
often limited within the thermal tolerance range to tem-
peratures somewhat below the ultimate upper incipient
lethal temperature. This is the result of poor physiological
performance at near lethal levels (e.g., growth, metabolic
scope for activities, appetite, food conversion efficiency),
interspecies competition, disease, predation, and other
subtle ecological factors (Fry 1951 ;277 Brett 197!2 56 ). This
complex limitation is evidenced by restricted southern and
altitudinal distributions of many species. On the other hand,
optimum temperatures (such as those producing fastest
growth rates) are not generally necessary at all times to
maintain thriving populations and are often exceeded in
nature during summer months (Fry 1951 ;277 Cooper 1953 ;264
Beyerle and Cooper 1960;246 Kramer and Smith 1960297 ).
Moderate temperature fluctuations can generally be
tolerated as long as a maximum upper limit is not exceeded
for long periods.
A true temperature limit for exposures long enough to
reflect metabolic acclimation and optimum ecological per-
formance must lie somewhere between the physiological
optimum and the ultimate upper incipient lethal tempera-
tures. Brett (1960)254 suggested that a provisional long-
term exposure limit be the temperature greater than opti-
mum that allowed 75 per cent of optimum performance.
His suggestion has not been tested by definitive studies.
Examination of literature on performance, metabolic
rate, temperature preference, growth, natural distribution,
and tolerance of several species has yielded an apparently
sound theoretical basis for estimating an upper temperature
limit for long term exposure and a method for doing this
with a minimum of additional research. New data will
provide refinement, but this method forms a useful guide
for the present time. The method is based on the general
observations summarized here and in Figure III-4(a, b, c).
l. Performances of organisms over a range of tempera-
tures are available in the scientific literature for a variety of
functions. Figures III-4a and b show three characteristic
types of responses numbered l through 3, of which types 1
and 2 have coinciding optimum peaks. These optimum
temperatures are characteristic for a species (or life stage).
2. Degrees of impairment from optimum levels of
various performance functions are not uniform with in-
creasing temperature above the optimum for a single species.
The most sensitive function appears to be growth rate, for
which a temperature of zero growth (with abundant food)
can be determined for important species and life stages.
Growth rate of organisms appears to be an integrator of all
factors acting on an organism. Growth rate should probably
be expressed as net biomass gain or net growth (McCormick
et al. 1971) 302 of the population, to account for deaths.
3. The maximum temperature at which several species
are consistently found in nature (Fry 1951 ;277 Narver
1970)306 lies near the average of the optimum temperature
and the temperature of zero net growth.
4. Comparison of patterns in Figures III-4a and b
among different species indicates that while the trends are
similar, the optimum is closer to the lethal level in some
species than it is in sockeye salmon. Invertebrates exhibit a
pattern of temperature effects on growth rate that is very
similar to that of fish (Figure III-4c).
The optimum temperature may be influenced by rate of
feeding. Brett et al. (1969)257 demonstrated a shift in opti-
mum toward cooler temperatures for sockeye salmon when
ration was restricted. In a similar experiment with channel
catfish, Andrews and Stickney (1972)242 could see no such
shift. Lack of a general shift in optimum may be due to
compensating changes in activity of the fish (Fry personal
observation). 326
These observations suggest that an average of the opti-
mum temperature and the temperature of zero net growth
[(opt. temp.+ z.n.g. temp)/2] would be a useful estimate of
a limiting weekly mean temperature for resident organisms,
providing the peak temperatures do not exceed values
recommended for short-term exposures. Optimum growth
rate would generally be reduced to no lower than 80 per cent
of the maximum if the limiting temperature is as averaged
above (Table III-11). This range of reduction from opti-
mum appears acceptable, although there are no quantita-
tive studies available that would allow the criterion to be
based upon a specific level of impairment.
The criteria for maximum upper temperature must allow
for seasonal changes, because different life stages of many
species will have different thermal requirements for the
average of their optimum and zero net growths. Thus a
juvenile fish in May will be likely to have a lower maximum
acceptable temperature than will the same fish in July, and
this must be reflected in the thermal criteria for a waterbody.
TABLE Ill-11-Summary of Some Upper Limiting
Temperatures in C, (for periods longer than one week)
Based Upon Optimum Temperatures and Temperatures
ofZero Net Growth.
Calostomus commersoni (while sucker) .....
Coregonus artedii (cisco or lake herring) ....
lctalurus punctatus (channel catfish) ........
" .... . ..••.•................•...........
Lepomis macrochirus (bluegill) (year II) .....
Micropterus salmoides (largemouth bass) ....
Notropis atherinoides (emerald shiner) ......
Salvefinus fontinalis (brook trout) ..........•
Optimum Zero net
27 29.6
16 21.2
30 35.7
30 35.7
22 28.5
27.5 34
27 33
15.4 18.8
McCormick et aL
Strawn 1970320
Andrews and Stickney
McCamish 1971•ot
Strawn 1961""
*National Water Quality Laboratory, Duluth, Minn., unpubfished data."•
opt+ Ln.g. % of
28.3 86
18.6 82
32.8 94
32.8 88
25.3 82
30.8 83
30.5 83
17.1 80
Heat and Temperature/155
Qross Conversion Efficiency
70 I
e 60
J ..... 50 0 ... c:: a .... ~
Digestion Rate I
I I I I 1 I Occurrence Threshold
I I 1
30 Optimum
20 I
10 I
0 5 10 15 20 25
Acclimation Temperature C
After Brett 19 71 256
FIGURE III-4a-Perjormance of Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in Relation to Acclimation Temperature
156/Section Ill-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
While this approach to developing the maximum sus-
tained temperature appears justified on the basis ofavailable
knowledge, few limits can be derived from existing data in
the literature on zero growth. On the other hand, there is a
Swimming Performance
0 5 10
sizeable body of data on the ultimate incipient lethal
tempe;rature that could serve as a substitute for the data on
temperature of zero net growth. A practical consideration
in recommending criteria is the time required to conduct
Occurrence Threshold
20 25
Acclimation Temperature C
Mter Brett 1971 256
FIGURE Ill-4b-Perjormance of Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in Relation to Acclimation Temperature
research necessary to provide missing data. Techniques for
determining incipient lethal temperatures are standardized
(Brett 1952)252 whereas those for zero growth are not.
A temperature that is one-third of the range between the
optimum temperature and the ultimate incipient lethal
temperature that can be calculated by the formula
. ultimate incipient lethal temp.-optimum temp. optrmum temp.+ ------'--------'----'~-----'-
(Equation I)
yields values that are very close to (optimum temp. +
z.n.g. temp.)/2. For example, the values are, respectively,
32.7 and 32.8 C for channel catfish and 30.6 and 30.8 for
largemouth bass (data from Table III-8 and Appendix II).
This formula offers a practical method for obtaining allow-
<= " e
tl .s
.?;-100 ...
5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Temperature in C
Anse111968 243
FIGURE III-4c-M. mercenaria: The general relationship
between temperature and the rate of shell growth, based on
field measurements of growth and temperature.
. e: sites in Poole Harbor, England; 0: North American sites.
Heat and Temperature/157
able limits, while retaining as its scientific basis the require-
ments of preserving adequate rates of growth. Some limits
obtained from data in the literature are given in Table
III -12. A hypothetical example of the effect of this limit on
growth of largemouth bass is illustrated in Figure III-5.
Figure 111-5 shows a hypothetical example of the effects
of the limit on maximum weekly average temperature on
growth rates of juvenile largemouth bass. Growth data as a
function of temperature are from Strawn 1961319 ; the ambi-
ent temperature is an averaged curve for Lake Norman,
N. C., adapted from data supplied by Duke Power Com-
pany. A general temperature elevation of 10 F is used to
provide an extreme example. Incremental growth rates
(mm/wk) are plotted on the main figure, while annual ac-
cumulated growth is plotted in the inset. Simplifying as-
sumptions were that growth rates and the relationship of
growth rate to temperature were constant throughout the
year, and that there would be sufficient food to sustain
maximum· attainable growth rates at all times.
The criterion for a specific location would be determined
by the most sensitive life stage of an important species
likely to be present in that location at that time. Since
many fishes have restricted habitats (e.g., specific depth
zones) at many life stages, the thermal criterion must be
applied to the proper zone. There is field evidence that fish
avoid localized areas of unfavorably warm water. This has
been demonstrated both in lakes where coldwater fish
normally evacuate warm shallows in summer (Smith
1964)318 and at power station mixing zones (Gammon
1970;282 Merriman et al. 1965).304 In most large bodies of
water there are both vertical and horizontal thermal
gradients that mobile organisms can follow to avoid un-
favorable high (or low) temperatures.
The summer maxima need not, therefore, apply to
mixing zones that occupy a small percentage of the suitable
habitat or necessarily to all zones where organisms have
free egress to cooler water. The maxima must apply, how-
ever, to restricted local habitats, such as lake hypolimnia or
thermoclines, that provide important summer sanctuary
areas for cold-water species. Any avoidance of a warm area
not part of the normal seasonal habitat of the species will
mean that less area of the water body is available to support
the population and that production may be reduced. Such
reduction should not interfere with biological communities
or populations of important species to a degree that is
damaging to the ecosystem or other beneficial uses. Non-
mobile organisms that must remain in the warm zone will
probably be the limiting organisms for that location. Any
recommendation for upper limiting temperatures must be
applied carefully with understanding of the population
dynamics of the species in question in order to establish
both local and regional requirements .
158/Section Ill-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
_§_ 200
6;, 150 "tl
"' "3 s ::s 60 u u -<
~ s 6
..c: .....
0 5 ...
Annual Accumulated Growth
Elevated (with limit)
/ /
., / ~ Elevated (without limit) -/
2 4 6 8 10 12
Ambient + 10 F
Average Ambient
(Lake Norman, N.C.)
Weekly Growth Rate
(Ambient+ 10 F)
0 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 4 11 18 25
Weekly Growth Rate
8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1
Heat and Temperature/159
FIGURE III-S-A hypothetical example of the effects of the limit on maximum weekly
average temperature on growth rates of juvenile largemouth bass. Growth data as a junction
of temperature are from Strawn 1961; the ambient temperature is an averaged Cf!rvejor Lake
Norman, N.C., adapted from data supplied by Duke Power Company. A general temperature
elevation of 10 F is used to provide an extreme example. Incremental growth rates (mmfwk)
are plotted on the main figure, while annual accumulated growth is plotted in the inset.
Simplifying assumptions were that growth rates and the relationship of growth rate to tem-
perature were constant throughout the year, and that there would be sufficient food to sus-
tain maximum attainable growth rates at all times.
..... ----........ ',
' '· ' ' --------------~-Max. Weekly Avg., largemouth bass
with limit
Growth Rates
\ without limit 11
\ I
\ I
15 22 29 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23
30 7 i4 21 28 4
II 18 25
2 9 16 23 30
" 22 ....
" 0..
" 20 E-<
I il
II' I'll,
-------________________ __._.,, ...
160/Section III-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
TABLE III-12-Summary of Some Upper Limiting Temperatures for Prolonged Exposures of Fishes Based on Optimum Tem-
peratures and Ultimate.Upper Incipient Lethal Temperatures (Equation 1).
Optimum Ultimate upper incipient Maximum weekly average
Species Function Reference lethal temperature Reference temperature (Eq. 1)
c c F c F
Catostomus commersoni (while sucker) ...... 27 80.6 growth unpubl., NWQL"' 29.3 84.7 Hart 1947"' 27.8 82
Coregonus artedii (Cisco or lake herring) ..... 16 60.8 growth McCormick et al. 1971'" 25.7 78.3 Edsall and Colby 19702" 19.2 66.6
lctalurus punctatus (channel catfish) ......... 30 86 growth Strawn 1970;'" Andrews and Stickney 38.0 100.4 Allen and Strawn 19682'• 32.7 90.9
Lepomis macrochirus (bluegiiO (yr II) ........ 22 71.6 growth McCamish 1971'"' 33.8 92.8 Harl1952"' 25.9 78.6
Anderson 19592"
Microplerus dolomieu (smallmouth bass) .... 26.3 83 growth Horning and Pearson 19722" 35.0 95.0 Horning and Pearson 19722" 29.9 85.8
28.3 83 growth Peek 1965'"'
ave 27.3 81.1
Micropterus salmoides (largemouth bass)(fry). 27.5 81.5 growth Strawn 1961"' 36.4 97.5 Hart1952"' 30.5 86.7
Notrop1s atherinoides (emerald shiner) ....... 27 80.6 growth unpubl., NWQL'" 30.7 87.3 Hart 1952"' 28.2 82.8
Oncorhynchus nerka (sockeye salmon) ....... 15.0 59.0 growth Brett et al. 19692" 25.0 77.0 Brett 19522" 18.3 64.9
15.0 59.0 other functions Brett 1971"'
Quveniles) .............................. 15.0 max. swimming
Pseudopleuronectes Americanus (winter
flounder) ............................... 18.0 64.4 growth Brett 19702" 29.1 84.4 Hoff and Westman 19662•• 21.8 71.2
Sa1mo trutta (brown trout) .................. 81o 17 54.5 growth Brell1970"' 23.5 74.3 Bishai 1960"' 16.2 61.2
ave 12.5
Salvelinus fonlinalis (brook trout) ..........• 15.4 59.7 growth unpubl, NWQL"• 25.5 77.9 Fry, Hart and Walker, 19462•• 18.2 64.8
13.0 55.4 growth Baldwin 19572"
15 59 metabolic Graham 1949284
ave 14.5 58.1 scope
Salvelinus namaycush (lake trout) ........... 16 60.8 scope for acli vity Gibson and Fry 1954"'' 23.5 Gibson and Fry 1954"'' 18.8 65.8
(2 metabol1sm)
17 62.6 swimming speed
ave 16.5 61.7
Heat added to upper reaches of some cold rivers can be
retained throughout the river's remaining length (J aske
and Synoground 1970).292 This factor adds to the natural
trend of warming at distances from headwaters. Thermal
additions in headwaters, therefore, may contribute sub-
stantially to reduction of cold-water species in downstream
areas (Mount 1970).305 Upstream thermal additions should
be evaluated for their effects on summer maxima at down-
stream locations, as well as in the immediate vicinity of
the heat source.
Growth of aquatic organisms would be main-
tained at levels necessary for sustaining actively
growing and reproducing populations if the maxi-
mum weekly average temperature in the zone in-
habited by the species at that time does not exceed
one-third of the range between the optimum tem-
perature and the ultimate upper incipient lethal
temperature of the species (Equation 1, page 157),
and the temperatures above the weekly average do
not exceed the criterion for short-term exposures.
This maximum need not apply to acceptable mix-
ing zones (see proportional relationships of mixing
zones to receiving systems, p. 114), and must be
applied with adequate understanding of the normal
seasonal distribution of the important species.
Although artificially produced temperature elevations
during winter months may actually bring the temperature
closer to optimum or preferred temperature for important
species and attract fish (Trembley 1965), 321 metabolic
acclimation to these higher levels can preclude safe return
of the organism to ambient temperatures should the
artificial heating suddenly cease (Pennsylvania Fish Com-
mission 1971 ;310 Robinson 1970)316 or the organism be
driven from the heat area. For example, sockeye salmon
(Oncorhynchus nerka) acclimated to 20 C suffered 50 percent
mortality in the laboratory when their temperature was
dropped suddenly to 5 C (Brett 1971 :256 see Figure 111-3).
The same population of fish withstood a drop to zero when
acclimated to 5 C. The lower limit of the range of thermal
tolerance of important species must, therefore, be main-
tained at the normal seasonal ambient temperatures
throughout cold seasons, unless special provisions are made
to assure that rapid temperature drop will not occur or that
organisms cannot become acclimated to elevated tempera-
tures. This can be accomplished by limitations on tempera-
ture elevations in such areas as discharge canals and mixing
zones where organisms may reside, or by insuring that
maximum temperatures occur only in areas not accessible
to important aquatic life for lengths of time sufficient to
allow metabolic acclimation. Such inaccessible areas would
include the high-velocity zones of diffusers or screened dis-:
eli II
charge channels. This reduction of maximum temperatures
would not preclude use of slightly warmed areas as sites for
intense winter fisheries.
This consideration may be .important in some regions at
times other than in winter. The Great Lakes, for example,
are susceptible to rapid changes in elevation of the thermo-
cline in summer which may induce rapid decreases in
shoreline temperatures. Fish acclimated to exceptionally
high temperatures in discharge canals may be killed or
severely stressed without changes in power plant opera-
tions (Robinson 1968). 314 Such regions should take special
riote of this possibility.
Some numerical values for acclimation temperatures and
lower limits of tolerance ranges (lower incipient lethal
temperatures) are given in Appendix II -C. Other data must
be provided by further research. There are no adequate
d~ta available with which to estimate a safety factor for no
stress from cold shocks. Experiments currently in progress,
however, suggest that channel catfish fingerlings are more
susceptible to predation after being cooled more than 5 to
6 C (Coutant, unpublished data).324
The effects of limiting ice formation in lakes and rivers
should be carefully observed. This aspect of maximum
W'inter temperatures is apparent, although there is insuffi-
~ient evidence to estimate its importance.
Important species should be protected if the
maximum weekly average temperature during win-
. ter months in any area to which they have access
. ~oes ·not exceed the acclimation temperature
~minus a 2 C safety factor) that raises the lower
lethal threshold temperature of such species above
.the normal ambient water temperatures for that
~eason, and the criterion for short-term exposures
is not exceeded. This recommendation applies es-
);)ecially to locations where organisms may be at-
tracted from the receiving water and subjected to
~apid thermal drop, as in the low velocity areas of
~ater diversions (intake or discharge), canals, and
!nixing zones.
. , To protect aquatic life and yet allow other uses of the
~ater, it is essential to know the lengths of time organisms
.$an survive extreme temperatures (i.e., temperatures that
'S?'ceed the 7-day incipient lethal temperature). Both
~:itural environments and power plant cooling systems can
priefly reach temperature extremes (both upper and lower)
~ithout apparent detrimental effect to the aquatic life
,(Fry 1951 ;277 Becker et al. 1971).245
,. The length of time that 50 per cent of a population will
~rvive temperature above the incipient lethal temperature
Heat and Temperature/161
can be calculated from a regression equation of experi-
mental data (such as those in Figure III-3) as follows:
log (time) =a+b (temp.) (Equation 2)
where time is expressed in minutes, temperature in degrees
centigrade and where a and b are intercept and slope,
respectively, which are characteristics of each acclimation
temperature for each species. In some cases the time-
temperature relationship is more complex than the semi-
logarithmic model given above. Equation 2, however, is
the most applicable, and is generally accepted by the
scientific community (Fry 1967).279 Caution is recom-
mended in extrapolating beyond the data limits of the
original research (Appendix II-C). The rate of temperature
change does not appear to alter this equation, as long as the
change occurs more rapidly than over several days (Brett
1941 ;251 Lemke 1970). 300 Thermal resistance may be
diminished by the simultaneous presence of toxicants or
other debilitating factors (Ebel et al. 1970,273 and summary
by Coutant 1970c).269 The most accurate predictability can
be derived from data collected using water from the site
under evaluation.
Because the equations based on research on thermal
tolerance predict 50 per cent mortality, a safety factor is
needed to assure no mortality. Several studies have indi-
cated that a 2 C reduction of an upper stress temperature
results in no mortalities within an equivalent exposure
duration (Fry et al. 1942;280 Black 1953).248 The validity
of a two degree safety factor was strengthened by the results
of Coutant (1970a).267 He showed that about 15 to 20
per cent of the exposure time, for median mortality at a given
high temperature, induced selective predation on thermally
shocked salmon and trout. (This also amounted to reduction
of the effective stress temperature by about 2 C.) Un-
published data from subsequent predation experiments
showed that this reduction of about 2 C also applied to the
incipient lethal temperature. The level at which there is no
increased vulnerability to predation is the best estimate of a
no-stress exposure that is currently available. No similar
safety factor has been explored for tolerance of low tem-
peratures. Further research may determine that safety
factors, as well as tolerance limits, have to be decided
independently for each species, life stage, and water quality
Information needed for predicting survival of a number
of species of fisJ;l and invertebrates under short-term condi-
tions of heat extremes is presented in Appendix II-C. This
information includes (for each acclimation temperature)
upper and lower incipient lethal temperatures: coefficients
a and b for the thermal resistance equation; and information
on size, life stage, and geographic source of the species.
It is clear that adequate data are available for only a small
percentage of aquatic species, and additional research is
necessary. Thermal resistance information should be
obtained locally· for· critical areas to account for simul-
162/Section III-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
taneous presence of toxicants or other debilitating factors,
a consideration not reflected in Appendix II-C data. More
data are available ior upper lethal temperab.1res than for
The resistance time equation, Equation 2, can be
rearranged to incorporate the 2 C margin of safety and also
to define conditions for survival (right side of the equation
less than or equal to 1) as follows:
time 12::-----
1Q!a+b(temp.+2)] (Equation 3)
Low levels of mortality of some aquatic organisms are not
necessarily detrimental to ecosystems, because permissible
mortality levels can be established. This is how fishing or
shellfishing activities are managed. Many states and inter-
national agencies have established elaborate systems for
setting an allowable rate of mortality (for sport and com-
mercial fish) in order to assure needed reproduction and
survival. (This should not imply, however, that a form of
pollution should be allowed to take the entire harvestable
yield.) Warm discharge water from a power plant may
sufficiently stimulate reproduction of some organisms (e.g.,
zooplankton), such that those killed during passage through
the maximally heated areas are replaced within a few hours,
and no impact of the mortalities can be found in the open
water (Churchill and Wojtalik 1969;262 Heinle 1969).288
On the other hand, Jensen (1971)293 calculated that even
five percent additional mortality of 0-age brook trout
(Salvelinus jontinalis) decreased the yield of the trout fishery,
and 50 per cent additional mortality would, theoretically.
cause extinction of the population. Obviously, there can be
no adequate generalization concerning the impact of short-
term effects on entire ecosystems, for each case will be
somewhat different. Future research must be directed
toward determining the effects of local temperature stresses
on population dynamics. A complete discussion will not be
attempted here. Criteria for complete sho"rt-term protection
may not always be necessary and should be applied with an
adequate understanding of local conditions.
Unless there is justifiable reason to believe it
unnecessary for maintenance of populations of a
species, the right side of Equation 3 for that
species should not be allowed to increase above
unity when the temperature exceeds the incipient
lethal temperature minus 2 C:
time 1>-----
Values for a and bat the appropriate acclimation
temperature for some species can be obtained from
Appendix 11-C or through additional research if
necessary data are not available. This recommen-
dation applies to all locations where organisms to
be protected are exposed, including areas within
mixing zones and water diversions such as power
station cooling water.
The sequence of events relating to gonad growth and
gamete maturation, spawning migration, release of gametes,
development of the egg and embryo, and commencement
of independent feeding represents one of the most complex
phenomena in nature, both for fish (Brett 1970)255 and
invertebrates (Kinne 1970).296 These events are generally
the most thermally sensitive of all life stages. Other environ-
mental factors, such as light and salinity, often seasonal in
nature, can also profoundly affect the response to tempera-
ture (Wiebe 1968). 323 The general physiological state of the
organisms (e.g., energy reserves), which is an integration of
previous history, has a strong effect on reproductive poten-
tial (Kinne 1970).296 The erratic sequence of failures and
successes of different year classes of lake fish attests to the
unreliability of natural conditions for providing optimum
Abnormal, short-term temperature fluctuations appear to
be of greatest significance in reduced production of juvenile
fish and invertebrates (Kinne, 1963).295 Such thermal
fluctuations can be a prominent consequence of water use
as in hydroelectric power (rapid changes in river flow rates),
thermal electric power (thermal discharges at fluctuating
power levels), navigation (irregular lock releases), and
irrigation (irregular water diversions and wasteway re-
leases). Jaske and Synoground (1970)292 have documented
such temperature changes due to interacting thermal and
hydroelectric discharges on the Columbia River.
Tolerable limits or variations of temperature change
throughout development, and particularly at the most
sensitive life stages, differ among species. There is no
adequate summary of data on such thermal requirements
for successful reproduction. The data are scattered through
many years of natural history observations (however, see
Breder and Rosen 1966250 for a recent compilation of some
data; also see Table III-13). High priority must be assigned
to summarizing existing information and obtaining that
which is lacking.
Uniform elevations of temperature by a few degrees
during the spawning period, while maintaining short-term
temperature cycles and seasonal thermal patterns, appear
to have little overall effect on the reproductive cycle of
resident aquatic species, other than to advance the timing
for spring spawners or delay it for fall spawners. Such shifts
are often seen in nature, although no quantitative measure-
ments of reproductive success have been made in this
connection. For example, thriving populations of many
fishes occur in diverse streams of the Tennessee Valley in
which the date of the spawning temperature m'!y vary in a
' I
B ,,
Heat and Temperature/163
TABLE Ill-13-Spawning Requirements of Some Fish, Arranged in Ascending Order of Spawning Temperatures
(Adapted from Wojtalik. T. A •• unpublished manuscript)*
Fishes Temp. (C) Spawning site Range in spawning depth Daily spawning lime Ensile Incubation period
days (Temp. C)
Slizostedion canadense ...•.................•....... 5.0 Shallow 11avel bars 2-4foot Night Bottom 25 (5.0)
S. vitreum vitreum •...............................• 7.0 Gravel, rubble, boulders on bar 3-10foot Day, night Boitom ····················
Longnose gar
Lepisosteus osseus .....................•........... 10.8 Flooded shallows Flooded shallows Day Weeds 6 (20.0)
White bass
Marone chrysops .......•.............•.........•..• 11.7 Sand & rock shores 2-12foot Day,long but esp. nilbl Surface 2 (15.6)
Least darter
Elheostoma microperca ..•.•.•....•..•........•..••. 12.0
Spotted sucker
Minytrema melanops .••..•.•......••.........••.... 12.8
White sucker
Caloslomus commersoni... .. . . . ... . . . . .• . . . . . . . . . . • 12.G-13.0 Streams or bars . .. . . . . . . . . . .•. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . Day, night Bottom ····················
Silvery minnow
Hybognathus nucha lis ...............••............• 13.0 Coves .............................. Day Bottom ····················
Banded pygmo sunfish
Elassoma zonatum.... .. . . . . . . . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.9-16.7
White crappie
Pomoxis annuiaris.................................. 14.G-16.0 Submerged materials in shallows ······························ Day Bottom 1 (21.1-23.2)
Fathead minnow 14.4
Pimephales promelas •.........•.........•.......... 25.0 Shallows Nr. surface Day Underside noatlnt objects ····················
Bigmouth bulllllo
lcliobus cyprinellus................................. 15.6-18.3 Shallows ····························•· Day Bottom 9-10 (18.1)
Larpmouth bass
Micropterus salmoides .....•.•..•••........•.•.....• 15.6 Shallows near bank 30 inches Day Bottom 5 (18.9)
Common shiner
Notropis cornutus. .. .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . • . . . . .. . . . •. . . 15.6-18.3 Smalllflvel streams I ·······•······················ Day Bottom
Golden shiner
Nolemigonus crysoleucas ...•...•......•............. 15.6 Bays & shoals, woods ······························ Day Weeds 4 (15.&+)
Green sunfish
Lepomis cyanellus ............•..............••..•.. 15.6 Bank, shaQows Inches to 1 ~foot Day Bottom ····················
Polyodon spathula .•......•........•.....•..•...•... 16.0 Over lfiYel bars Nr. surface Nigh!, day Bottom ····················
Blackside darter
Percina maculata ............•.....••.....•.•...•..• 16.5
Gizzard shad
Dorosoma cepedianum ..•..•.••..•....•.•.•....••.•. 16.7
Smallmouth bass
Micropterus dolomieui .•......•.•••.•.•.......•.•.•. 18.7 Gravel rock shore 3-20foot Day Bottom 1 (15.0)
Spotted bass
Micropterus punctulatus ..••.......••••.•.•..•...•.. 11.8 Small streams, bar ······························ Day Bottom 4-5 (20.0)
Johnny darter
Etheostoma nilfUm .......•...•.•.•...•..•..•.....•• 18.0
Orange spotted sunfish
Lepomis humilis ............•.••.•...•....••.•.•..• 18.3
Smallmouth bulllllo
lcliobus bubalus ..•............•..•..••..•....•.... 18.9
Black bulllllo
I. niger ••.......•.•.•.•...........•••.•••....••..• 18.9
Cyprinus carpio ..........•..................••...•. 19.0 Flooded shallows Nr. surface Day nilbl Bottom 4-8 (16.7)
Lepomis macrochirus ..•........••.•...•........•... 19.4 Weeds, shallows 2-&feet Day Bottom 1~ (22.2)
Redbreast sunfish
Lauritis ................•.............•.•••....... 20.0
Channel catfish 20.0
lctalurus punctatus .....••.•.....•........•......... 26.7 Bank cavity <10feet Day, nilbl Bottom 9-10 (15.0)
While catfish
I. catus ..•...........•..•....•..•...••.......••..• 20.0 Sand lfiVel bar <10feet Day Bottom &-1 (23.9-29.4)
Lepomis gibbosus .••••.•...•.•.•.•...........•....• 20.0 Bank shallows <Sleet Day Bottom 3 (21.1)
Black crappie
Pomoxis ni11omaculatus •..........•...••.......•••• 20.0
Brook silverside
Labidesthes sicculus .......••.•••••..•..•..•••...... 20.0 Over lfiVII Surface Day Weeds, boHoll ····················
Brown bullhead ......•......•......................
lctalurus nebulosus ...•••...•.•..•.................• 21.1 Shallows, woods Inches to &feet . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . Weeds, bottoll 5 (25.0)
Threadfin shad
Dorosoma petenense .••.••.••....................... 21.1 Shallow and open wallr Surface Day Bottom 3 (26.1)
War mouth
Lepomis gulosus ..••••••.•.....•.•.•.•.•••.•....... 21.0 Bank shallows <Sleet Day Bottom 1~ (25.G-26)1)
River redhorse
Moxostoma carinatum. • . . . . . . • . • • • . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . 21.1-24.4 Rimes, streams ....•••............••......... Day Botto• ....................
164/Section Ill-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
TABLE III-13-Spawning Requirements of Some Fish, Arranged in Ascending Order of Spawning Temperatures-Continued
Fishes Temp. (C) Spawning slie Range in spawning depth Daily spawning time Egg site Incubation period
days (Temp. C)
Blue calflsh
lctalurus furcatus. . .. .. .. .. . . .. • .. . . . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. 22.2
Flathead calflsh
Pylodictis olivaris.................................. 22.2
Redear sunfish
lepomis microlophus. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. 23.0 Quiet, various Inches to 10 feet
longear sunfish
l. megalotis.... ... ........ ..... ... ........... ... . . 23.3
Freshwater drum
Apiodinotus grunniens. ... ........... ...... .. ....... 23.0
River carpsucker
carpoides carpio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.9
Spoiled bullhead
lctalurus serracanlhus. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . 26.7
Yellow bullhead
I. natalis ........................................ .. Quiet, shallows 1V.-4 feet
* T. A. Wojlalik, Tennessee Valley Authority, Muscle Shoals, Alabama."'
given year by 22 to 65 days. Examination of the literature
shows that shifts in spawning dates by nearly one month
are common in natural waters throughout the U.S. Popula-
tions of some species at the southern limits of their dis-
tribution are exceptions, e.g., the lake whitefish (Coregonus
clupeaformis) in Lake Erie that require a prolonged, cold
incubation period (Lawler 1965)299 and species such as
yellow perch (Percajlavescens) that require a long chill period
for egg maturation prior to spawning (Jones, unpublished
data). 327
This biological plasticity suggests that the annual spring
rise, or fall drop, in temperature might safely be advanced
(or delayed) by nearly one month in many regions, as long r
as the thermal requirements that are necessary for migra-
tion, spawning, and other activities are not eliminated and
the necessary chill periods, maturation times, or incubation
periods are preserved for important species. Production of
food organisms may advance in a similar way, with little
disruption of food chains, although there is little evidence to
support this assumption (but see Coutant 1968;265 Coutant
and Steele 1968;271 and Nebeker 1971).307 The process is
similar to the latitudinal differences within the range of a
given species.
Highly mobile species that depend upon temperature
synchrony among widely different regions or environments
for various phases of the reproductive or rearing cycle (e.g.,
anadromous salmonids or aquatic insects) could be faced
with dangers of dis-synchrony if one area is warmed, but
another is not. Poor long-term success of one year class of
Fraser River (British Columbia) sockeye salmon ( Oncorhyn-
chus nerka) was attributed to early (and highly successful)
fry production and emigration during an abnormally warm
summer followed by unsuccessful, premature feeding
activity in the cold and still unproductive estuary (Vernon
1958).322 Anadromous species are able, in some cases, (see
studies of eulachon (Thaleichthys pacificus) by Smith and
Bottom 5-10 (18.9) .
Saalfeld 1955)317 to modify their migrations and spawning
to coincide with the proper temperatures whenever and
wherever they occur. ·
Rates of embryonic development that could lead to pre-
mature hatching are determined by temperatures of the
microhabitat of the embryo. Temperatures of the micro-
habitat may be quite· different from those of the remainder
of the waterbody. For example, a thermal effiuent at the
temperature of maximum water density (approximately
4 C) can sink in a lake whose surface water temperature
is colder (Hoglund and Spigarelli, 1972).290 Incubating
eggs of such species as lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) and
various coregonids on the lake bottom may be intermittently
exposed to temperatures warmer than normal. Hatching
may be advanced to dates that are too early for survival of
the fry in their nursery areas. Hoglund and . Spigarelli
1972,290 using temperature data from a sinking plume in
Lake Michigan, theorized that if lake herring (Coregonus
artedii) eggs had been incubated at the location of one of
their temperature sensors, the fry would have hatched
seven days early. Thermal limitations must, therefore, apply
at the proper location for the particular species or life stage
to be protected.
After their specific limitin~ temperatures and
exposure times have been determined by studies
tailored to local conditions, the reproductive ac-
tivity of selected species will be protected in areas
• periods required for ~onad ~rowth and ~amete
maturation are preserved;
• no temperature difierentials are created that
block spawnin~ mi~rations, althou~h some delay
or advancement of timin~ based upon local con-
ditions may be tolerated;
• temperatures are not raised to a level at which
necessary spawning or incubation temperatures
of winter-spawning species cannot occur;
• sharp temperature changes are not induced in
spawning areas, either in mixing zones or in
mixed water bodies (the thermal and geographic
limits to such changes will be dependent upon
local requirements of species, including the
spawning microhabitat, e.g., bottom gravels,
littoral zone, and surface strata);
• timing of reproductive events is not altered to
the extent that synchrony is broken where repro-
duction or rearing of certain life stages is shown
to be dependent upon cyclic food sources or other
factors at remote locations.
• normal patterns of gradual temperature changes
throughout the year are maintained.
These requirements should supersede all others
during times when they apply.
Significant change in temperature or in thermal patterns
over a period of time may cause some change in the com-
position of aquatic communities (i.e., the species represented
and the numbers of individuals in each species). This has
been documented by field studies at power plants (Trembley
1956-1960)321 and by laboratory investigations (Mcintyre
1968). 303 Allowing temperature changes to alter significant! y
the community structure in natural waters may be detri-
mental, even though species of direct importance to man
are not eliminated.
The limits of allowable change in species diversity due to
temperature changes should not differ from those applicable
to any other pollutant. This general topic is treated in
detail in reviews by others (Brookhaven National Lab.
1969)258 and is discussed in Appendix II-B, Community
Structure and Diversity Indices, p. 408.
Alteration of aquatic communities by the addition of heat
may occasionally result in growths of nuisance organisms
provided that other environmental conditions essential to
such growths (e.g., nutrients) exist. Poltoracka (1968)311
documented the growth stimulation of plankton in an
artificially heated small lake; Trembley (1965321 ) re-
ported dense growths of attached algae in the discharge
canal and shallow discharge plume of a power station (where
the algae broke loose periodically releasing decomposing
organic matter to the receiving water). Other instances of
algal growths in effluent channels of power stations were
reviewed by Coutant (1970c).269
Changed thermal patterns (e.g., in stratified lakes) may
greatly alter the seasonal appearances of nuisance algal
Heat and Temperature/165
growths even though the temperature changes are induced
by altered circulation patterns (e.g., artificial destratifica-
tion). Dense growths of plankton have been retarded in
some instances and stimulated in others (Fast 1968;275 and
unpublished data 1971). 325
Data on temperature limits or thermal distributions in
· which nuisance growths will be produced are not presently
available due in part to the complex interactions with other
growth stimulants. There is not sufficient evl.dence to say
that any temperature increase will necessarily result in
increased nuisance organisms. Careful evaluation of local
conditions is required for any reasonable prediction of
Nuisance growths of organisms may develop
where there are increases in temperature or alter-
ations of the temporal or spatial distribution of
heat in water. There should be careful evaluation
of all factors contributing to nuisance growths at
any site before establishment of thermal limits
based upon this response, and temperature limits
should be set in conjunction with restrictions on
other factors (see the discussion of Eutrophication
and Nutrients in Section 1).
Recommendations for temperature limits to protect
aquatic life consist of the following two upper limits for any
time of the year (Figure III-6).
1. One limit consists of a maximum weekly average
temperature that:
(a) in the warmer months (e.g., April through
October in the North, and March through
November in the South) is one third of the range
between the optimum temperature and the
ultimate upper incipient lethal temperature for the
most sensitive important species (or appropriate
life stage) that is normally found at that location at
that time; or
(b) in the cooler months (e.g., mid-October to mid-
April in the North, and December to February in
the South) is that elevated temperature from which
important species die when that elevated tem-
perature is suddenly dropped to the normal
ambient temperature, with the limit being the
acclimation temperature (minus a 2 C safety
factor), when the lower incipient lethal tempera-
ture equals. the normal ambient water temperature
(in some regions this limit may also be applicable
in summer) ; or
(c) during reproduction seasons (generally April-June
and September-October in the North, and March-
May and October-November in the South) is that
166/Section Ill-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
temperature that meets specific site requirements
for successful migration, spawning, egg incubation,
fry rearing, .and other reproductive functions of
important species; or
(d) at ·a specific site is found necessary to preserve
normal species diversity or prevent undesirable
growths of nuisance organisms.
2. The second limit is the time-dependent maximum
temperature for short exposures as given by the .species-
specific equation:
time 1 ~-----
Local requirements for reproduction should supersede
all other requirements when they are applicable. Detailed
ecological analysis of both natural and man-modified
aquatic environments is necessary to ascertain when these
requirements should apply.
A hypothetical electric power station using lake water for
cooling is illustrated as a typical example in Figure III-7.
This discussion concerns the application of thermal criteria
to this typical situation.
The size of the power station is 1,000 megawatts electric
(MW.) if nuclear, or 1,700 MW. if fossil-fueled (oil, coal,
gas); and it releases 6.8 billion British Thermal Units
(BTU) per hour to the aquatic environment. This size is
representative of power stations currently being installed.
Temperature rise at the condensers would be 20 F with
cooling water flowing at the rate of 1,520 cubic feet/second
(ft3/sec) or 682,000 gallons/minute. Flow could be in-
creased to reduce temperature rise.
The schematic Figure III-7 is drawn with two alternative
.disch<!-rge arrangements to illustrate the extent to which
design features affect thermal impacts upon aquatic life
c F
Time-Temperature History A for Short Exposures
30 86
10 50~
0 32
Maximum Weekly
Average, Winter
Limits for
Short\E•po'"'" X/')
/ -I / I
/ I A/ I
1/\ I
I -A
/ / ~Seasons of
\ / Reproduction
'-. _,./ Requirements
Annual Calendar
.A Maximum Weekly Average, Summer
~--, \ (Based on species or community)
I ' \ \
\ \
\ \
\ A' \ f\\
\ \
\ \ _/, }
A s 0 N D
FIGURE lll-6-Schematic Summary of Thermal Criteria
0. a
Average Temp. at D
Heat and Temperature/167
Plume Scale
FIGURE III-'7-Hypothetical Power Plant Site For Application of Water Temperature Criteria
168/Section III-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
Warm condenser water can be carried from the station to
the lake by (a) a pipe carrying water at a high flow velocity
or (b) a canal in which the warm water flowsslowly. There
is little cooling in a canal, as measurements at several
existing power stations have shown. Water can be released
to the lake by using any of several combinations of water
velocity and volume (i.e., number of outlets) or outlet
dimensions and locations. These design features largely
determine the configuration of the thermal plumes illus-
trated in Figure III-7 resulting from either rapid dilution
with lake water or from slow release as a surface layer. The
isotherms were placed according to computer simulation
of thermal discharges (Pritchard 1971)312 and represent a
condition without lake currents to aid mixing.
Exact configuration of an actual plume depends upon
many factors (some of which change seasonally or even
hourly) such as local patterns of currents, wind, and bottom
and shore topography.
Analytical Steps
Perspective of the organisms in the water body and of the
pertinent non-biological considerations (chemical, hy-
drological, hydraulic) is an essential beginning. This
perspective requires a certain amount of literature survey
or on site study if the information is not well known. Two
steps are particularly important:
l. identification of the important species and com-
munity (primary production, species diversity, etc.) that are
relevant to this site; and
2. determination oflife patterns of the important species
(seasonal distribution, migrations, spawning areas, nursery
and rearing areas, sites of commercial or sport fisheries).
This information should include as much specific informa-
tion on thermal requirements as it is possible to obtain
from the literature.
Other steps relate the life patterns and environmental
requirements of the biota to the sources of potential thermal
damage from the power plant. These steps can be identified
with specific areas in Figure III-7.
Aquatic Areas Sensitive to Temperature Change
Five principal areas offer potential for biological damage
from thermal changes, labeled A-Eon Figure III-7. (There
are other areas associated with mechanical or chemical
effects that cannot be treated here; see the index.)
Area A The cooling water as it passes through the intake,
intake piping (A1), condensers, discharge piping
(A2) or canal (A'2), and thermal plume (A3 or
A'3), carrying with it SJ;Ilall organisms (such as
phytoplankton, zooplankton, invertebrate larvae,
and fish eggs or larvae). Organisms receive a
thermal shock to the full 20 F above ambient
temperature with a duration that depends upon
the rate of water flow and the temperature drop
in the plume.
Area B Water of the plume alone that entrains both
small and larger organisms (including small fish)
as it is diluted (B or B'). Organisms receive
thermal shocks from temperatures ranging from
the discharge to the ambient temperature, de-
pending upon where they are entrained.'
Area C Benthic environment where bottom organisms
(including fish eggs) can be heated chronically or
periodically by the thermal plume (C or C').
Area D The slightly warmed mixed water body (or large
segment of it) where all organisms experience a
slightly warmer average temperature (D).
Area E The discharge canal in which resident or seasonal
populations reside at abnormally high tempera-
tures (E).
Cooling Water Entrainment
It is not adequate to consider only thermal criteria for
water bodies alone when large numbers of aquatic organisms
may be pumped through a power plant. The probability
of an organism being pumped through will depend upon
the ratio of the volume of cooling water in the plant to the
volume in the lake (or to the volume passing the plant in a
river or tidal fresh water). Tidal environments (both
freshwater and saline) offer greater potential for entrain-
ment than is apparent, since the same water mass will
move back and forth past the plant many times during the
lifetime of pelagic residence time of most organisms.
Thermal shocks that could be experienced by organisms
entrained at the hypothetical power station are shown in
Figure III -8.
Detrimental effects of thermal exposures received during
entrainment can be judged by using the following equation
for short-term exposures to extreme temperatures:
. . time General cntenon: l > ------
Values for a and b in the equation for the species of aquatic
organisms that are likely to be pumped with cooling water
may be obtained from Appendix II, or the data may be
obtained using the methods of Brett ( 1952). 252 The prevailing
intake temperature would determine the acclimation
temperature to be selected from the table.
For example, juvenile largemouth bass may frequent the
near-shore waters of this lake and be drawn into the intake.
To determine whether the hypothetical thermal discharges
(Figure III-7). would be detrimental for juvenile bass, the
following analysis can be made (assuming, for example,
that the lake is in Wisconsin where these basic data for bass
are available):
Criterion for juvenile bass (Wisconsin) when intake
~ 16
"' .s
" ~
~ 12
Intake Piping
Heat and Temperature/169
12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
Time After Initial Heating {hrs.)
Modified after Coutant 1970c269
FIGURE Ill-8-Time Course of Temperature Change in Cooling Water Passing Through the Example Power Station with
Two Alternate Discharges. The Canal Is Assumed to Flow at a Rate of 3Ft. Per Sec.
temperature (acclimation) is 70 F (21.11 C). (Data
from Appendix II-C).
time 1~---------------1 0134.3649-0.97 89(temp .+2)]
Criterion applied to entrainment to end of discharge
canal (discharge temperature is 70 F plus the 20 degree
rise in the condensers or 90 F (32.22 C). The thermal
plume would provide additional exposure above the
lethal threshold, minus 2 C (29.5 C or 85.1 F) of more
than four hours.
1> 60
Juvenile bass would not survive to the end of the
discharge canal.
Criterion applied to entrainment in the system em-
playing rapid dilution.
1.2 1 > ----------------10134.3649-0. 9789(32.22+2.0)]
1>~ -7.36
Travel time in piping to discharge is assumed to be
1 min., and temperature drop to below the lethal
threshold minus 2 C (29.5 C or 85.1 F) is about 10 sec.
(Pritchard, 1971). 312
Juvenile bass would survive this thermal exposure:
1 ~0.1630
By using the equation in the following form,
log (time) =a+b (temp.+2)
the length of time that bass could barely survive the
expected temperature rise could be calculated, thus
allowing selection of an appropriate discharge system.
For example:
log (time) =34.3649-0.9789 (34.22)
log (time) =0.8669
time =7.36
170/Section Ill-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
This would be about 1,325 feet of canal flowing at
It is apparent that a long discharge canal, a nonrecircu-
lating cooling pond, a very long offshore oioe, or delayed
dilution in a mixing zone (such as the one promoting surface
cooling) could prolong the duration of exposure of pumped
organisms and thereby increase the likelihood of damage to
them. Precise information on the travel times of the cooling
water in the discharge system is needed to conduct this
The calculations have ignored changing temperatures in
the thermal plume, because the canal alone was lethal, and
cooling in the plume with rapid dilution was so rapid that
the additional exposure was only for 10 seconds (assumed to
be at the discharge temperature the whole time). There
may be other circumstances under which the effect of
decreasing exposure temperature in the plume may be
of interest.
Effects of changing temperatures in the plume can be
estimated by summing the effects of incremental exposures
for short time periods (Fry et al. 1946281). For example, the
surface cooling plume of Figures III-7 and III-8 could be
considered to be composed of several short time spans, each
with an average temperature, until the temperature had
dropped to the upper lethal threshold minus 2 C for the
juvenile bass. Each time period would be calculated as if
it were a single exposure, and the calculated values for all
time periods would be summed and compared with unity,
as follows:
time1 time2 timen
10[a+b(temp.t+2)) + 10[a+b(temp.2+2)] + • • • 10[a+b(temp.n+2)]
The surface cooling plume of Figure III-6 (exclusive of
the canal) could be considered to consist of 15 min at
89.7 F (32.06 C), 15 min at 89.2 F (31.78 C), 15 min at
88.7 F (31.4 C), 15 min at 88.2 F (31.22 C), 15 min at
87.8 F (31.00 C), until the lethal threshold for 70 F acclima-
tion minus 2 C (85.1 F) was reached. The calculation would
proceed as follows:
15 1~--------
1 0[34.3649-0. 97 89(32. 06+2)]
+ 10[34.3649-0.9789(31. 78+2)] +
In this case, the bass would not survive through the first
15-minute period. In other such calculations, several steps
would have to be summed before unity was reached (if not
reached, the plume would not be detrimental).
Entrainment in the Plume
Organisms mixed with the thermal plume during dilution
will also receive thermal shocks, although the maximum
temperatures will generally be less than the discharge
temperature. The number of organisms affected to some
degree may be significantly greater than the numbers
actually pumped through the plant. The route of maximum
thermal exposure for each plume is indicated in Figure
III-7 by a dashed line. This route should be analyzed to
determine the maximum reproducible effect.
Detrimental effects of these exposures can also be judged
by using the criterion for short-term exposures to extreme
temperatures. The analytical steps were outlined above for
estimating the effects on organisms that pass through the
thermal plume portions of the entrainment thermal pattern.
There would have been no mortalities of the largemouth
bass from entrainment in the plume with rapid dilution, due
to the short duration of exposure (about 10 seconds). Any
bass that were entrained in the near-shore portions of the
larger plume, and remained in it, would have died in less
than 15 minutes.
BoHom Organisms Impacted by the Plume
Bottom communities of invertebrates, algae, rooted
aquatic plants, and many incubating fish eggs can be
exposed to warm plume water, particularly in shallow
environments. In some circumstances the warming can be
continuous, in others it can be intermittent due to changes
in plume configuration with changes in currents, winds, or
other factors. Clearly a thermal plume that stratifies and
occupies only the upper part of the water column will have
least effect on bottom biota.
Several approaches are useful in evaluating effects on the
community. Some have predictive capability, while others
are suitable largely for identifying effects after they have
occurred. The criterion for short-term exposures identified
relatively brief periods of detrimental high temperatures.
Instead of the organism passing through zones of elevated
temperatures, as in the previous examples, the organism is
sedentary, and the thermal pulse passes over it. Developing
fish eggs may be very sensitive to such changes. A brief
pulse of high temperature that kills large numbers of orga-
nisms may affect a bottom area for time periods far longer
than the immediate exposure time. Repeated sublethal ex-
posures may also be detrimental, although the process is
more complex than straight-forward summation. Analysis
of single exposures proceeds exactly as described for plume
The criterion for prolonged exposures is more generally
applicable. The maximum tolerable weekly average tem-
perature may be determined by the organisms present and
the phase of their life cycle. In May, for example, the
maximum heat tolerance temperature for the community
may be determined by incubating fish eggs or fish fry on the
bottom. In July it may be determined by the important
resident invertebrate species. A well-designed thermal dis-
charge should not require an extensive mixing zone where
these criteria are exempted. Special criteria for reproductive
processes may have to be applied, although thermal dis-
charges should be located so that zones important for
reproduction-migration, spawning, incubation-are not
Criteria for species diversity provide a useful tool for
identifying effects of thermal changes after they have
occurred, particularly the effects of subtle changes that are
a result of community interactions rather than physiological
responses by one or more major species. Further research
may identify critical temperatures or sequences of tem-
perature changes that cannot be exceeded and may thereby
provide a predictive capability as well. (See Appendix
Mixed Water Body (or major region thereof)
This is the region most commonly considered in es-
tablishing water quality standards, for it generally includes
the major area of the water body. Here the results of thermal
additions are observed as small temperature increases over a
large area (instead of high temperatures locally at the dis-
charge point), and all heat sources become integrated into
the normal annual temperature cycle (Figure III-6 and
Figtl.re Ill-7 insert).
Detrimental high temperatures in this area (or parts of
it) are defined by the criteria for maximum temperatures
for prolonged exposure (warm and cool months) for the
most sensitive species or life stage occurring there, at each
time of year, and by the criteria for reproduction.
For example, in the lake with the hypothetical power
station, there may be 40 principal fish species, of which half
are considered important. These species have spawning
temperatures ranging from 5 to 6 C for the sauger (Sti;::,o-
stedion canadense) to 26.7 C for the spotted bullhead (Ictalurus
serracanthus). They also have a similar range of temperatures
required for egg incubation, and a range of maximum
temperatures for prolonged exposures of juveniles and
adults. The requirements, however, may be met any time
within normal time spans, such as January I to 24 for sauger
spawning, and March 25 to April 29 for smallmouth bass
spawning. Maximum temperatures for prolonged exposures
Heat and Temperature/171
may increase steadily throughout a spring period. To
predict effects of thermal discharges the pertinent tempera-
tures for reproductive activities and maximum temperatures
for each life stage can be plotted over a 12-month period
such as shown in Fig. Ill-6. A maximum annual tempera-
ture curve can become apparent when sufficient biological
data are available. Mount (1970)305 gives an example of
this type of analysis.
Discharge Canal
Canals or embayments that carry nearly undiluted
condenser cooling water can develop biological communities
that are atypical of normal seasonal communities. Interest
in these areas does not generally derive from concern for a
balanced ecosystem, but rather from effects that the altered
communities can have on the entire aquatic ecosystem.
The general criteria for nuisance organisms may be
applicable. In the discharge canals of some existing power
stations, extensive mats of temperature-tolerant blue-green
algae grow and periodically break away, adding a decom-
posing organic matter to the nearby shorelines.
The winter criterion for maximum temperatures for
prolonged exposures identifies the potential for fish kills due
to rapid decreases in temperature. During cold seasons
particularly, fish are attracted to warmer water of an
enclosed area, such as a discharge canal. Large numbers
may reside there for sufficiently long periods to become
metabolically acclimated to the warm water. For any
acclimation temperature there is a minimum temperature
to which the species can be cooled rapidly and still survive
(lower incipient lethal temperature). These numerical
combinations, where data are available, are found in
Appendix 11-C. There would be 50 per cent mortality, for
example, if largemouth bass acclimated in a discharge
canal to 20 C, were cooled to 5.5 C or below. If normal
winter ambient temperature is less than 5.5 C, then the
winter maximum should be below 20 C, perhaps nearer
15 C. If it is difficult to maintain the lower temperatures,
fish should be excluded from the area.
Until recently, mercury most commonly entered the
aquatic environment by leaching from geological formations
and by water transport to streams and lakes. Since the
industrial revolution, however, increasing amounts of mer-
cury have been added to the aquatic environment with
waste products from manufacturing processes or through
improper disposal of industrial and consumer products. In
addition, large quantities of mercury enter the environment
when ores are smelted to recover such metals as copper,
lead, and zinc (Klein 1971 ), 343 and when fossil fuels are
burned. Whereas the maximum amount of mercury released
by weathering processes is approximately 230 metric tons
per year worldwide, the amount released by the burning
of coal is on the order of 3000 tons per year; and a further
quantity, probably comparable to 3000 tons, is emitted
from industrial processes (] oensuu 1971). 341
In urban and industrial areas consumer products con-
taining mercury are often disposed of in sewer systems.
These mercury discharges, though individually small, can-
not be considered insignificant, because cumulatively they
add large quantities of mercury to the water ·courses that
receive these effluents. On the average, the mercury concen-
tration in sewage effluent is one order of magnitude greater
than its concentration in the water course that receives it
(D'Itri unpublished data 1971).359 Based on Klein and Gold-
berg's 1970 344 report of mercury concentrations in samples
of ocean sediments near municipal sewer out-falls, it can
be calculated that in an urban area from 400 to 500 pounds
of mercury per million population are discharged to re-
ceiving waters every year. The uses of mercury are varied,
and its consumption is fairly large. The National Academy
of Sciences (1969)347 reported the consumption of mercury
by user category.
World attention focused on the environmental mercury
problem when human beings were poisoned by eating
contaminated fish and shell fish during the middle and late
1950's in Minamata, Japan. Since the first occurrence of
"Minamata disease" in 1953, 121 cases resulting in 46
deaths have been confirmed in the Minamata area with an
additional 47 confirmed cases and 6 deaths in nearby
Niigata (Takeuchi 1970). 352
In Sweden in the 1950's, conservationists charged that
the abundance of methylmercury in the environment was
causing severe poisoning in seed-eating birds and their
predators (J ohnels et al. 196 7). 842 These poisonings could
be related to the use of methylmercury in seed dressings.
When these seed dressings were prohibited, levels of mercury
declined substantially in seed-eating animals. At about the
same time, investigators found high levels of mercury in
fish in waters off Sweden, practically all of it in the form
of methylmercury.
Biological Methylation
Some microbes are capable of biologically synthesizing
methylmercury from mercury ions (Jensen and Jernelov
1969;339 Wood et al. 1969;358 Dunlap 1971 ;333 Fagerstrom
and Jernel6v 1971). 334 At low concentrations, the formation
of dimethylmercury is favored in the methyl transfer reaction
· but at higher concentrations of mercury, the major product
appears to be monomethy1mercury. In any particular eco-
system, the amounts of mono-and dimethylmercury com-
pounds are determined by the presence of microbial species,
the amount of organic pollution loading, the mercury con-
centration, temperature, and pH (Wood et al. 1969). 358
Biological Magnification
Aquatic organisms concentrate methylmercury in their
bodies either directly from the water or through the food
chain (Johnels et al. 1967;342 Hannerz 1968;336 Hasselrot
1968,388 Miettinen et al. 1970 346). Northern pike (Esox
lucius) and rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) are able to as-
similate and concentrate methylmercury directly into their
muscle tissues from ingested food (Miettinen et al. 1970). 346
In general, mercury in organisms eaten by fish increases at
each trophic level of the food chain (Hamilton 1971). 335
The magnitude of the bioaccumulation of mercury is de-
termined by the species, its exposure, feeding habits,
metabolic rate, age and size, quality of the water, and the
degree of mercury pollution in the water. Rucker and
Amend (1969)349 established that rainbow trout contained
mercury levels of 4.0 and 17.3 J.Lg/g in their muscle and
kidney tissue after being exposed to 60 J.Lg/1 of ethylmercury
for one hour a day over 10 days. Fresh water phytoplankton,
macrophytes, and fish are capable of biologically magnifying
mercury concentrations from water 1000 times (Chapman
et al. 1968).330 Johnels et al. (1967)342 reported a mercury
concentration factor from water to pike of 5000 or more.
Johnels et al. (1967)342 had previously shown that when
mercury levels in pike muscle were below 0.2 J.Lg/g, the
level was relatively constant irrespective of weigl;l.t, but
above 0.2 J.Lg/g, the concentration of mercury tended to
increase with increasing age and weight.
Experiments in progress at the National Water Quality
Laboratory in Duluth, Minnesota, (Mount unpublished
data 1971)361 indicate that when brook trout (Salvelinus
fontinalis) are held in water containing 0.05 J.Lg/1 of methyl-
mercury for 2 months they can accumulate more than
0.5 J.Lg/g of mercury. This is a magnification of 10,000
times. In the same experiments, exposure to 0.03 J.Lg/1 for
5 months resulted in continuing accumulation in fish tissue
with no indication of a plateau. In a group of fish held at
one J.Lg/1, some organs contained 30 J.Lg/g. Some fresh water
invertebrates have also been reported to have a 10,000
magnification (Hannerz 1968). 336
Although the mechanisms by which mercury accumulates
and concentrates have not been fully explained, at least
three factors are involved: the metabolic rate of individual
fish; differences in the selection of food as fish mature;
and the epithelial surface of the fish (Wobeser et al. 1970;357
Hannerz 1968).336 The rate at which fish lose methyl-
mercury also has considerable effect on magnification of
mercury in the tissues. Miettinen et al. have shown in a
series ot papers (I 970) 346 that the loss of methylmercury is
both fast and slow in fishes. The fast loss occurs early, while
mercury is being redistributed through the body, and lasts
only a few weeks. The subsequent loss from established
binding sites follows slowly; a half-life is estimated to be
on the order of 2 years. These rates mean that fishes, and
perhaps other lower vertebrates, reduce their content of
methylmercury many times more slowly than do the higher
terrestrial vertebrates. Man, for example, is usually con-
sidered to excrete half of any given mercury residue in
about 80 days. Extremely low rates of loss have also heen
shown in different species of aquatic mollusks and crayfish
(Cambarus) (Nelson 1971).348
Excessive mercury residues in the sediments are dissipated
only slowly. Li:ifroth (1970)345 estimated that aquatic habi-
tats polluted with.mercury continue to contaminate fish for
as long as 10 to 100 years a,fter pollution has stopped.
.Mercyry in Fre.sh Waters
Mercury measured in the water of selected rivers of the
United States ranged from less than 0.1 J.Lg/1 .-to 17 J.Lg/1.
Two-thirds·of the rivers contained·O.l·J.Lg/l.or less (Wallace
Toxic Substancesjl73
et al. 1971).355 The value ofO.l J.Lg/1 is also reported as the
earliest reliable estimate of mercury levels in uncontami-
nated fresh water (Swedish National Institute of Public
Health 1971). 351 Some rivers tested by the Swedish Institute
were as low as 0.05 J.Lg/1, which was also the average mercury
level in some salt waters.
Toxicity of Organic Mercury in Water
The chemical form of methylmercury administered to
fish makes little difference in its toxic effect (Miettinen et
al. 1970). 346 The methylmercury bound to sulfhydryl groups
of proteins, as it would be in nature, is just as toxic as the
free unbound ionic form.
Fish are able to survive relatively high concentrations of
organomercurials for a short time with few ill effects. For
example, fry of steel head trout (Salmo gairdneri) and
fingerlings of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) are able
to survive in 10 mg/1 of pyridyl mercuric acetate for one
hour with no toxic effects (Rucker and Whipple 1951).350
The LC50 of pyridyl mercuric acetate for some freshwater
fish ranges from 390 J.Lg/1 to 26,000 J.Lg/1 for exposures be-
tween 24 and 72 hours (Willford 1966;356 Clemmens and
Sneed 1958,331 1959). 332
As the exposure times lengthen, lower concentrations of
mercury are lethal. On the basis of 120-hour bioassay tests
of three species of minnows, Van Horn and Balch ( 1955) 354
determined that the minimum lethal concentrations of
pyridyl mercuric acetate, pyridyl mercuric chloride, phenyl
mercuric acetate, and ethyl mercuric phosphate averaged
250 f..lg/1.
Recent experiments at the National Water Quality Lab-
oratory (Mount, personal communication 1971) 360 indicated
that 0.2 J.~g/1 of methylmercury killed fathead minnows
(Pimephales promelas) within 6 to 8 weeks. Toxicity data from
this same laboratory on several other species including
Gammarus, Daphnia, top minnow (Fundulus sp.) and brook
trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) indicated that none was more
sensitive than the fathead minnow.
Northern pike seem to be more sensitive. When they
were reared in water containing 0.1 f..lg/1 of methylmercury
for a season and then placed in clean water, they underwent
continuing mortality. Scattered mortality from this source
could ordinarily not be detected in nature, because the
affected fish became uncoordinated and probably would
have been eaten by predators (Hannerz 1968,336 quoted by
Nelson 1971 348).
Some species of plankton are particularly sensitive.
Studies of the effect of mercury on phytoplankton ~pecies
confirmed that concentrations as low as 0.1 J.~g/1 of selected
organomercurial fungicides decreased both the photosynthe-
sis and the growth of laboratory cultures of the marine
alga Nitzschia delicatissum, as well as of some fresh water
phytoplankton species (Harriss et al. 1970).337 Ethyl-
mercury phosphate is lethal to marine phytoplankton at
·60 J.Lg/1, ·and levels as low as 0.5 J.Lg/1 drasticallylimit their
174/Section Ill-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
growth (Ukeles 1962). 353 There is insufficient information
about the thresholds for chronic toxicity.
Tissue Levels and Toxicity
There is almost no information on the concentrations of
mercury in the tissues of aquatic organisms that are likely
to cause mortality of the organisms themselves. Fish and
shellfish found dead in Minamata contained 9 to 24 J.lg/g
of mercury on the usual wet-weight basis; presumably some
of these levels were lethal (Nelson 1971).348 Miettinen et al.
(1970)346 showed that pike which had been experimentally
killed by methylmercury contained from 5 to 9.1 J.lg/g and
averaged 6.4 and 7.4 micrograms of methylmercury per
gram of muscle tissue.
Discussion of Proposed Recommendations
At the present time there are not sufficient data available
to determine the levels of mercury in water that are safe
for aquatic organisms under chronic exposure. There have
not been, for example, any experiments on the effects of
chronic exposure to mercury on reproduction and growth
of fish in the laboratory. Since experiments on sublethal
effects are lacking, the next most useful information is on
lethal effects following moderately long exposures of weeks
or months. The lowest concentration shown to be lethal to
fish is 0.2 J.!g/1 of methylmercury which is lethal to fathead
minnows (Pimephales promelas) in six weeks. Because 0.2 J.lg/1
of methylmercury has been shown to be lethal, it is suggested
that this concentration of mercury not be exceeded at any
time or place in natural waters. Since phytoplankton are
more sensitive, the average concentration of methylmercury
in water probably should not exceed 0.05 J.lg/1 for their
protection. This recommended average is approximately
equal to the supposed natural concentrations of mercury
in water; hence little mercury can be added to the aquatic
environment. The National Water Quality Laboratory
(Mount, unpublished data 1971)3 61 found that exposure of
trout to 0.05 J.lg/1 of methylmercury for 3 months resulted
in concentrations of0.5 J.lg/g, the Food and Drug Adminis-
tration guideline for the maximum level for edible portions
of fish flesh.
These concentrations of mercury or methylmercury in
water are very low and difficult to measure or differentiate
without special equipment and preparation. These low
concentrations can also only be measured as total mercury.
Since sediments may contain 10,000 times the amount of
mercury in water, suspended solids in water can seriously
affect the values found in analyses of water for mercury
(Jernelov 1972). 340 Because of these difficulties and because
the real danger of mercury pollution results from a biological
magnification, recommendations for mercury residues in
tissues of aquatic organisms should be developed. This
would make monitoring and control not only more effective
and certain but ·also more feasible technically. Unfortu-
nately, data are not yet available on the residue levels that
are safe for the aquatic organisms themselves and for
organisms higher in the food chain, such as predatory fish
or fish-eating birds. It is known that concentrations of 5 to
10 J.lg/g are found in some fish that died of methylmercury
poisoning, and that 0.01 to 0.2 J.!g/g is apparently a usual
background level in freshwater fish. Because data are lacking
for safe residue levels in aquatic food chains, it is suggested
that the Food & Drug Administration guideline level of
0.5 J.lg/g of total mercury in edible portions of freshwater
fish used as human food be the guideline to protect predators
in aquatic food chains.
Hence, mercury residues should not exceed 0.5 J.lg/g in
any aquatic organisms. If levels approaching this are found,
there should be total elimination of all possible sources of
mercury pollution.
No distinction has been drawn between organic and in-
organic forms of.mercury in these discussions because of the
possibility of biological transformation to the organic phase
in aquatic habitats. Since the form of mercury in water
cannot be readily determined, the recommendations are
primarily based upon methylmercury but expressed as total
Selected species of fish and predatory aquatic
organisms should be protected when the following
conditions are fulfilled: (1) the concentration of
total mercury does not exceed a total body burden
of 0.5 J.lgfg wet weight in any aquatic organism;
(2) the total mercury concentrations in unfiltered
water do not exceed 0.2 f..lg/1 at any time or place;
and (3) the average total mercury concentration in
unfiltered water does not exceed 0.05 J.lg/1.
The occurrence of dialkyl phthalate residues has been
established in various segments of the aquatic environment
of North America. Phthalate ester residues occur principally
in samples of water, sediment, and aquatic organisms in
industrial and heavily populated areas (Stalling 1972). 366
In fish di-n-butyl phthalate residues ranged from 0 to 500
J.!g/kg, and di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate residues were as high
as 3,200 J.!g/kg. No well-documented information exists on
the fate of ph!halate compounds in aquatic environments.
Phthalate esters are widely used as plasticizers, particu-
larly in polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastics. The most
common phthalate ester plasticizer is di-2-ethylhexyl phthal-
ate. Di-n-butyl phthalate has been used as an insect repellent
(Frear 1969)362 and in pesticide formulations to retard
volatilization (Schoof et al. 1963). 365 Production of dioctyl
phthalate ester placticizers was estimated to be 4.10 X 10 8 lbs
in 1970 (Neelyl 970).363 Total phthalate ester production
was reported to be 8.40X 10 8 lbs in 1968, of which 4.40X 10 8
lbs were dioctyl phthalate esters (Nematollahi et al. 1967). 364
Production of phthalic anhydride was estimated to be
7.60Xl0 8 lbs in 1970 (Neely 1970).363 PVC plastic formula-
tions may contain 30 to 60 parts per hundred of phthalate
ester plasticizer (N ematollahi et al. 196 7). 364
Studies to determine the acute or chronic toxicity effects
of phthalate esters or other plasticizers on aquatic organisms
have only recently been undertaken (Stalling 1972). 366 For
example, the acute toxicity of di-n-butyl phthalate to fish
is extremely low compared to pesticides (Table III-14).
Daphnia magna were exposed to 0.1 JLg/1 of 14 C di-n-butyl
phthalate and the organisms accumulated chemical residues
of 600 JLg/kg within 10 days, or a 6,000-fold magnification
(Saunders, unpublished data 1971).367 However, after transfer
of the Daphnia to uncontaminated water, approximately
50 per cent of the di-n-butyl phthalate was excreted in three
days. It was recently found that a concentration of 3 JLg/1
of di-2-ethylht;xyl phthalate significantly reduced the growth
and reproduction of Daphnia magna (Sanders unpublished
data 1971).367
The acute toxicity of phthalate esters appears to be rela-
tively i'nsignificant, but these compounds may be detri-
mental to aquatic organisms at low chronic concentrations.
Until a more detailed evaluation is made of toxi-
cological effects of phthalate esters on aquatic eco-
systems, a safety factor of 0.1 has been applied to
data for Daphnia magna toxicity, and a level not
to exceed 0.3 ~tgfl should protect fish and their
food supply.
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) have been found in fish
and wildlife in many parts of the world and at levels that
may adversely affect aquatic organisms (Jensen et al.
1969;376 Holmes et al. 1967;375 Koeman et al. 1969;378
Toxic Substances/175
TABLE Ill-14-Acute Toxicity of Di-n-butyl Phthalate to
Four Species of Fish and Daphnia Magna.
Species Temperature 24 hr
Fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) ... .
Bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) ........... .
Channel catfish (lclalurus punclatus) ...... .
Rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) .......... .
Daphnia magna ......................... .
LC50 in l'g/1
48 hr
96 hr
1300 (Sialling)'"
731 (Stalling)'"
2910 (Sialling)'"
6470 (Sanders)'"
>5000 (Sanders)'"
Risebrough et al. 1968). 386 The environmental occurrence,
uses, and present toxicological aspects of PCB were recently
reviewed by Peakall and Lincer (1970), 384 Gustafson
(1970),372 Risebrough (1970),387 and Reynolds (1971).385
Biphenyls may have 1 to 10 attached chlorine atoms,
making possible over 200 compounds (Gustafson 1970).372
PCB occur as residues in fish, and presumably also in water,
as mixtures of chlorinated biphenyl isomers as shown in
Table III -15 (Stalling and Johnson, unpublished data 1970,396
Stalling in press 392 ).
Analysis of PCB has been accomplished by gas chromatog-
raphy after separation of PCB from pesticides. A separation
method has been described by Armour and Burke (1970)369
and modified by S tailing and Huckins ( 19 71). 391 A method
using separation on a charcoal column has shown good
reproducibility (Frank and Rees, personal communication). 395
No standardized gas-liquid chromatography method has
been proposed for the analysis of mixtures of PCB in en-
vironmental samples. The solubility of these formulations
in water has not been precisely determined, but it is in the
range of 100 to 1,000 JLg/1 (Papageorge 1970).383 Since
PCB have gas chromatographic characteristics similar to
many organochlorine pesticides, they can cause serious
interference in the gas chromatographic determination of
chlorinated insecticides (Risebrough et al. 1968). 386
The Monsanto Company, the sole manufacturer of PCB
TABLE lll-15-Composition of PCB Residues in Selected Fish Samples from the 1970 National Pesticide Residue
Monitoring Program
PCB Residue as Aroclor ® lype(pgjg whole body)
River Location Species
1232 1248 1254 1260 Tolal
Ohio ..................................... Cincinnati, D. Carp Cyprinus carpio 10 75 42 6.0 133
Ohio .......•............................. Cincinnati, D. While crappie Poximus annularus 16 17 27 5.6 66
Ohio ..................................... Marietta, D. Channel catfish lclalurus punclalus 38 23 11 4.9 77
Ohio .........•........................... Marietta, 0. Channel catfish 16 5.2 13 4.6 38
Yazoo ···································· Redwood, Miss. Smallmoulh buftalo lctiobus bubalus 72 ················· 1.4 ················· 73
Hudson .................................. Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Goldfish Carassius auratus 9 173 32 ················· 213
Allegheny ................................. Natrona, Pa. Walleye Stezosledion vitreum v. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 25 4.6 35
Delaware ................................. Camden, NJ. While perch Roccus americanus ················ 8.0 6.8 3.9 19
Cape fear ................................ Elizabeth Town, N.C. Gizzard shad Porosoma cepedianum 19 ················· 2.6 1.1 23
Lake Onlario .••......•................... Port Onlario, N.Y. While perch 13 ················· 4.6 1.2 19
Mississippi ••..............•............. Memphis, Tenn. Drum Aplodinolus grunniens 11 ················· 4.5 3.4 19
Merrimac •............................... Lowell, Mass. Drum 14 75 6.1 3.2 98
176/Section Ill-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
in the United States (Gustafson 1970),372 markets eight
formulations of chlorinated biphenyls under ~e trademarks
Aroclor® 1221, 1232, 1242, 1248, 1254, 1260, 1262, and
1268. The last two digits of each formulation designate the
percent chlorine. Aroclor ® 1248 and 1254 are produced in
greatest quantities. They are used as dielectric fluids in
capacitors and in closed-system heat exchangers (Papa-
george 1970). 383 Aroclor ® 1242 is used as a hydraulic fluid,
and Aroclor ® 1260 as a plasticizer. Chlorinated terphenyls
are marketed under the trademark Aroclor ® 5442 and 5460,
and a mixture of bi-and terphenyls is designated Aroclor ®
4465. The isomer composition and chromatographic char-
acteristics of each formulation have been described by
Stalling and Huckins (1971)391 and Bagley et al. (1970).37°
A contaminant of some PCB, especially those manufactured
in Europe, are chlorinated dibenzofurans (Brungs personal ·
communication 1972). 393 Although these byproducts would
appear to be extremely toxic, no data are available on their
toxicity to aquatic life.
Direct Lethal Toxicity
Studies of toxicity of PCB to aqua tic organisms are limited.
They show considerable variation of toxicity to different
species, as well as variation with the chlorine cor tent of the
PCB. Nevertheless, some trends in the toxic characteristics
have become apparent, principally from the work of Mayer
as described below:
• The higher the per cent chlorine, the lower the ap-
parent toxicity of PCB to fish (Mayer, in press).379
This was found in 15-day intermittent-flow bioassays
using bluegills (Lepomis macrochirus) and channel cat-
fish (Ictalurus punctatus) with Aroclor® 1242, 1248,
1254. All LC50 values were in the range 10 to 300
• The bluegill/channel catfish experiments also illus-
trated that all LC50 values decreased significantly
when exposures continued from 15 to 20 days. The
96-hour LC50 of a PCB to fish cannot adequately
measure its lethal toxicity.
• The same tests showed that the toxicity of Aroclor ®
1248 doubled when the temperature was raised from
20 C to 27 C.
To invertebrates, Aroclor ® 1242 has about the same
acute toxicity that it has to fish. In 4-and 7-day tests
(Saunders, in press), 389 it killed Gammarus at 42 ,ug/1 and
crayfish (Cambarus) at 30 ,ug/1, with values that were similar
to the 15-day LC50 reported for bluegills. However, there
is an extreme range in the reported short-term lethal levels
of Aroclor ® 1254 for invertebrates. Saunders (in press)389
reported a 96-hour LC50 as 80 ,ug/1 for crayfish and only
3 ,ug/1 for glass shrimp (Paleomonetes) in 7-day tests; and
:puke et al. (1970)371 reported that as little as 0.94 ,ug/1
killed immature pink shrimp (Panaeus duorarum). Part of this
variation is related to exposure periods in the tests; part
is no doubt the variation in species response. Again this
emphasizes the point that short-term tests of acute toxicities
of PCB have serious limitations.
Marine animals may be more easily killed by PCB than
freshwater ones (see Section IV). When two estuarine fishes
(Lagodon rhomboides and Leiostomus xanthurus) were exposed
for 14 to 45 days to Aroclor ® 1254, mortalities were ob-
served at 5 ,ug/1 (Hansen, et al. 1971). 373 This indicated a
toxicity about five times greater than summarized above
for freshwater fish but about the same as the toxicity for the
marine crustaceans mentioned above.
Feeding Studies
Dietary exposure to PCB seems to be less of a direct
hazard to fish than exposure in water. Coho salmon
(Oncorhynchus kisutch) fed Aroclor ® 1254 in varying amounts
up to 14,500 ,ug/kg body weight per day accumulated whole
body residues which were only 0.9 to 0.5 of the level in
the food after 240 days of dietary exposure. Growth rates
were not affected. However, all fish exposed to the highest
treatment died after 240 days exposure; and thyroid activity
was stimulated in all except the group treated at the lowest
concentration (Mehrle and Grant unpublished data 1971).394
At present, evaluation of data from laboratory experi-
ments indicates that exposures to PCB in water represents
a greater hazard to fish than dietary exposures. However,
in the environment, residue accumulation from dietary
sources could be more important, because PCB have a
high affinity for sediments, and therefore, they readily enter
food chains (Duke et al. 1970;371 Nimmo, et al. 1971).382
Residues in Tissue
It is clear that widespread pollution of major waterways
has occurred, and that appreciable PCB residues exist in
fish. When analyses of 40 fish from the 1970 National
Pesticide Monitoring Program were made, only one of the
fish was found to contain less than 1 ,ug/g PCB (Stalling
and Mayer 1972).390 The 10 highest residue levels in the
40 selected fish ranged from 19 ,ug/g to 213 ,ug/g whole
body weight.
By contrast, residues measured in ocean fish have been
generally below 1 ,ug/g (Risebrough 1970;387 Jensen, et al.
1969).376 Between the ranges in freshwater fish and those
in marine fish are the levels of PCB found in seals (Jensen
et al. 1969 ;376 Holden 1970), 374 and in the eggs of fish-
eating birds in North America (Anderson et al. 1969;368
Mulhern et al. 1971 ;380 Reynolds 1971).385
In laboratory experiments, crustacea exposed to varying
levels of Aroclor ® 1254 in the water concentrated the PCB
within their bodies more than 20,000 times. The tissue
residues may sometimes reach an equilibrium, and in
Gammarusfasciatus PCB did not concentrate beyond 27,000
times despite an additional 3-week exposure to 1.6 ,ug/1
Aroclor ® (Saunders 1972).388 In contrast, PCB residues in
crayfish did not reach equilibrium after a 28-day exposure.
PCB concentration factors by two estuarine fishes, Lagondon
rhomboides and Leiostomus xanthurus, were similar to that
described above for crustaceans, i.e., about 10,000 to 50,000
times the exposure levels in water (Hansen et al. 1971). 873
It is important to note that these accumulations occurred
at water concentrations of PCB that killed the fish in 15
to 45 days.
Also similar were the accumulation ratios of 26,000 to
56,000 for bluegills (Lepomis macrochirus) chronically exposed
to 2 to 15 J.tg/1 of Aroclor ® 1248 and 1254. Fathead minnows
(Pimephales promelas) chronically exposed to Aroclor ® f242
and 1254 for 8 weeks concentrated PCB 100,000 and
200,000 times the exposure levels, respectively. Residues of
50 J.tg/1 (whole body) resulted from exposure for 8 weeks
to 0.3 J.tg/1 Aroclor ® 1254 (Nebeker et al. 1972). 381 These
experiments with bluegills also indicated that the maximum
levels of PCB were generally related to the concentration
of PCB in the water (50,000-200,000 times higher) to which
they were exposed (Stalling and Huckins unpublished data
1971). 397
Effects on Reproduction
PCB residues in salmon eggs are apparently related to
mortality of eggs. In preliminary investigations in Sweden,
Jensen and his associates (1970)377 reported that when
residues in groups of eggs ranged from 0.4 to 1.9 J.tg/g on
a whole-weight basis (7.7 to 34 J.tg/g on a fat basis), related
mortalities ranged from 16 per cent up to 100 per cent.
PCB concentrations in the range of 0.5 to 10 J.tg/1 in
water interfered with reproduction of several aquatic ani-
mals according to recent work of Nebeker et al. (1971).381
About 5 J.tg/1 of Aroclor ® 1248 was the highest concen-
tration that did not affect reproduction of Daphnia magna
and Gammarus pseudolimnaeus. In tests of reproduction by
fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) all died when exposed
chronically to greater than 8.3 J.tg/1 of either Aroclor ® 1242
or Aroclor ® 1254. Reproduction occurred at and below
5.4 J.tg/1 Aroclor ® 1242, and at and below 1.8 J.tg/1 of
Aroclor ® 1254.
The association between residue levels and biological
effects in aquatic animals is scarcely known, but the work
of Jensen et al. (1970)377 suggested that about 0.5 J.tg/g of
PCB in whole salmon eggs might be the threshold for egg
mortality. Such a level in eggs would be associated with
levels in general body tissue (e.g., muscle) of 2.5 to 5.0 J.tg/g.
The residue in muscle corresponded to the present Food and
Drug Administration level for allowable levels of PCB in
fish used as human food. Residues measured in the survey
by the 1970 National Pesticide Monitoring Program were
generally above 5 J.tg/g.
Applying a minimal safety factor of 10 for protection of
the affected population, and for protection of other species
higher in the food chain, would yield a maximum permis-
sible tissue concentration of0.5 J.tg/g in any aquatic organism
in any habitat affected by PCB.
Toxic Substances/177
General Considerations and Further Needs
Another means of control would be justified in view of
the toxicity of PCB, the lack of knowledge about how it
first enters natural ecosystems as a pollutant, and its ap-
parent distribution in high concentrations in freshwater
fish in the United States. This method would be to regulate
the manufacture of PCB and maintain close control of its
uses to avoid situations where PCB is lost to the environ-
ment. The Monsanto Company recently restricted the sale
of PCB for uses in which disposal of the end products could
not be controlled, as with plasticizers (Gustafson 1970). 372
Basis for Recommendations
For PCB levels in water, the most sensitive reaction shown
by aquatic organisms is to the lethal effects of low concen-
trations continually present in water for long periods (weeks
or months). Concentrations in the range of I to 8 J.tg/1
have been shown to be lethal to several animals.
The work of Hansen, et al. ( 1971 )3 73 and Stallings and
Huckins (unpublished data 1971) 391 indicates that concen-
trations of 0.01 J.tg/1 of PCB in water over periods of up to
36 weeks could lead to dangerous levels of PCB in the
tissues of aquatic organisms. Accumulation by factors of
75,000 to 200,000 times is indicated by their work. If the
higher ratio is taken, 0.01 J.tg/1 in water might result in 2.0
J.tg/g in flesh on whole fish basis. This is comparable to the
residue level in salmon eggs associated with complete
mortality of embryos. Therefore, a concentration is recom-
mended that is reduced by a factor of 5, or 0.002 J.tg/1. In
addition, a control based on residue levels is required, as
well as one based on PCB in the water.
Aquatic life should be protected where the maxi-
mum concentration of total PCB in unfiltered
water does not exceed 0.002 J.tgfl at any time or
place, and the residues in the general body tissues
of any aquatic organism do not exceed 0.5 J.tg/g.
General Data
Several reviews of the toxicity of metals are available
(e.g., Skidmore 1964;428 McKee and Wolf 1963;415
Doudoroff and Katz 1953). 406 Some of the most relevant
research is currently in progress or only recently completed.
Some deals with chronic effects of metals on survival,
growth, and reproduction of fish and other organisms. The
completed studies have esti~ated safe concentrations, and
from these application factors have been derived as defined
in the discussion of bioassays (pp. 118-123).
The important relation between water hardness and
lethal toxicity is well documented for some metals (see
Figure III-9). For copper, the difference in toxicity may
118/Section Ill-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
..... -3
" ::; ....
"" s
><l u
,.; ..c:
00 ..;<
~ ---/
0.5 ./ ,
/ 0.05 / ,
10 20
__... L v
/ ,
/ /
/ v
Brown 1968;401 Lloyd and Herbert 1960 414
/ v
VZINC .,. ,.
/ v
100 200
Total Hardness, mg/1 as CaCo3
FIGURE III-9-The 48-Hour Lethal Concentrations of Three Heavy Metals for Rainbow Trout (Salmo gairdneri). (Similar
Relationships Exist for Other Species of Fish.)
not be related to the difference in hardness per se; but to
the difference in alkalinity of the water that accompanies
change in hardness (Stiff 1971).434 Nevertheless, the re-
lation to hardness is a convenient and accepted one. The
hardness classification developed by the U.S. Geological
Survey is the following:
Moderately hard
0-60 mg/1 (hardness as CaC03)
61-120 mg/1
in excess of 120 mg/1
There are many chemical species of metals in ~ater;
some are toxic to aquatic life, others are not. Hydrogen ion
concentration in water is extremely important in governing
the species and solubility of metals and therefore the lethal
toxicity. At high pH, many heavy metals form hydroxides
or basic carbonates that are relatively insoluble and tend
to precipitate. They may, however, remain suspended in
the water as fine particles (O'Connor et al. 1964;421 Stiff
1971). 434
The toxicity of suspended hydroxides of metal depends
on the particular situation. For example, suspended zinc has
been found to be nontoxic (Sprague 1964a& b), 429 ·430 equally
as toxic as dissolved zinc (Lloyd 1960)412 and more toxic
than dissolved zinc (Mount 1966). 417 This indicates that
suspended zinc is at least potentially poisonous, and there-
fore the total metal measured in the water should be con-
sidered toxic. It is difficult to predict the effect of pH on
toxicity. For example, low pH (about 5) as well as high pH
(about 9) reduced toxicity of copper and zinc compared to
that at neutral pH (Fisheries Research Board of Canada
unpublished data 1971). 444 Therefore pH should be regulated
in bioassays with metals in order to simulate local conditions
and to explore any effect of local variation of pH.
In addition to hardness, numerous other factors influence
the lethal toxicity of copper to fish. McKee and Wolf
0963)415 and Doudoroff and Katz (1953)406 included dis-
solved oxygen, temperature, turbidity, carbon dioxide,
Ifiagnesium salts, and phosphates as factors affecting copper
toxicity. Artificial chelating compounds such as nitrilo-
triacetic acid can reduce or eliminate toxic effects of zinc
and other metals (Sprague 1968b)432 and there may be
natural chelating agents that would do the same thing.
Certain organic ligands (Bender et al. 1970)399 and amino
acids from sewage treatment plant effluent (United King-
dom Ministry of Technology 1969)435 also reduce the
toxicity of copper by forming copper-organic complexes
that do not contribute to lethal toxicity. It is safe to assume
that some of these factors will influence the toxicity of other
rp.etals. In addition, the amount of metals found (at least
~emporarily) in living biological matter is included in most
rqutine water analyses. At the present time, however, it is
not possible to predict accurately the amount of total metal
in any environment that may be lethal, biologically active,
.or contributory to toxicity. Consequently, the. following
recommendations are made.
Toxic Substances/179
Since forms or species of metals in water may
change with shifts in the water quality, and since
the toxicity to aquatic life may concurrently
change in as yet unpredictable ways, it is recom-
mended that water quality criteria for a given
metal be based on the total amount of it in the
water, regardless of the chemical state or form of
the metal, except that settleable solids should be
excluded from the analysis (Standard Methods
1971).433 Additionally, hardness affects the toxicity
of many metals (see Figure 111-9).
Metals which have collected in the sediments
can redissolve into the water, and such redissolved
metals should meet the criteria for heavy metals.
To protect aquatic life, amounts likely to be harm-
ful should not occur in the sediments.
It is recommended that any metal species not
specifically mentioned in this report but suspected
of causing detrimental effects on aquatic life be
examined as outlined in the section on Bioassays.
Current research by Freeman and Everhart (1971)407
indicated that aluminum salts were slightly soluble at
neutral pH; 0.05 mg/1 dissolved and had no sublethal
effects on fish. At pH 9, at least 5 mg/1 of aluminum dis-
solved and this killed fingerling rainbow trout within 48
hours. However, the suspended precipitate of ionized alumi-
num is toxic. In most natural waters, the ionized or po-
tentially ionizable aluminum would be in the form of anionic
or neutral precipitates, and anything greater than 0.1 mg/1
of this would be deleterious to growth and survival of fish.
Careful examination of toxicity problems should
be made to protect aquatic life in situations where
the presence of ionic aluminum is suspected.
Aluminum may have considerably greater toxicity
than has been assumed.
This metal is an extremely dangerous cumulative poison.
In mammals (Nilsson 1970), 420 fish (Eaton unpublished data
1971 ), 442 and probably other animals, there is insidious,
progressive, chronic poisoning because there is almost no
excretion of the ~etal. In its acute lethal action on rainbow
trout (Salmo gairdneri), Ball (1967)398 found cadmium un-
usually slow. A lethal threshold of 0.01 mg/1 was not dis-
cernible until seven days' exposure. Other investigators
.(Pickering and Gast, in press, 427 Eaton unpublished data
1971)442 have determined lethal threshold concentrations in
fathead minnows in 2 to 6 days and in bluegill in 96 hours.
The chronically safe levels for both fathead minnows
180/Section Ill-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
(Pimephales promelas) (Pickering and Gast, in press)427 and
bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus) (Eaton unpublished data
1971)442 in hard water (200 mg/1 as CaC'03) are between
0.06 and 0.03 mg/1. In these exposures, death of eggs or
early larvae was one of the effects observed at the lowest
unsafe concentrations tested. Recent exposures of eggs and
larvae at the National Water Quality Laboratory (Duluth)
in soft water (45 mg/1 as CaC03) demonstrated that 0.01
mg/1 was unsafe; 0.004 mg/1 was safe for several warm-and
coldwater fishes, including some salmonids; and the safe
level for coho salmon fry (Oncorhynchus kisutch) was lower,
i.e., between 0.004 mg/1 and 0.001 mg/1 (McKim and
Eaton unpublished data 1971). 445
Daphnia magna appeared to be very sensitive to cadmium.
Concentrations of 0.0005 mg/1 were found to reduce repro-
duction in one-generation exposures lasting three weeks
(Biesinger and Christensen unpublished data 1971). 440 This
sensitivity is probably representative of other crustaceans
as well.
Aquatic life should be protected where levels of
cadmium do not exceed 0.03 mgfl in water having
total hardness above 100 mgfl as CaC03, or 0.004
mgfl in waters with a hardness of 100 mgfl or
below at any time or place. Habitats should be
safe for crustaceans or the eggs and larvae of
salmon if the levels of cadmium do not exceed
0.003 • mgfl in hard water or 0.0004 mgfl in soft
water at any time or place.
The chronic toxicity of hexavalent chromium to fish has
been studied by Olson (1958),422 and Olson and Foster
(I 956,423 195 7). 424 Their data demonstrated a pronounced
cumulative toxicity of chromium to rainbow trout and
chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Duodoroff and
Katz (1953)406 found that bluegills (Lepomis macrochirus)
tolerated a 45 mg/11evel for 20 days in hard water. Cairns
(I 956), 403 using chromic oxide (Cr03), found that a concen-
tration of 104 mg/1 was toxic to bluegills in 6 to 84 hours.
Bioassays conducted with four species of fish gave 96-hour
LC50's of hexavalent chromium that ranged from 17 to
118 mg/1, indicating little effect of hardness on toxicity
(Pickering and Henderson 1966). 426
Recently some tests of chronic effects on reproduction of
fish have been carried . out. The 96-hour LC50 and safe
concentrations for hexavalent chromium were 33 and 1.0
mg/1 for fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) in hard
water (Pickering unpublished data 1971),446 50 and 0.6 mg/1
for brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in soft water, and 69
and 0.3 mg/1 for rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) in soft
water (Benoit unpublished data 1971).438 Equivalent values
for trivalent chromium were little different: 27 mg/1 for
the 96-hour LC50, and l.O mg/1 for a safe -concentration
for fathead minnows in hard water (Pickering unpublished
data 1971). 446
For Daphnia the LC50 of hexavalent chromium was re-
ported as 0.05 mg/1, and the chronic no-effect level of
trivalent chromium on reproduction was 0,33 mg/1 (Bie-
singer and Christensen unpublished data 1971).440 Some data
are available concerning the toxicity of chromium to algae.
The concentrations of chromium that inhibited growth for
the test organisms are as follows (Hervey 1949) :41° Chlor-
ococcales, 3.2 to 6.4 mg/1; Euglenoids, 0.32 to 1.6 mg/1;
and diatoms, 0.032 to 0.32 mg/1. Patrick (unpublished data
1971)447 found that 50 per cent growth reduction for two
diatoms in hard and soft water occurred at 0.2 to 0.4 mg/1
Thus it is apparent that there is a great range of sensi-
tivity to chromium among different species of organisms
and in different waters. Those lethal levels reported above
are 17 to 118 mg/1 for fish, 0.05 mg/1 for invertebrates, and
0.032 to 6.4 mg/1 for algae, the highest value being 3, 700
times the lowest one. The apparent "safe" concentration
for fish is moderately high, but the recommended maximum
concentration of 0.05 mg/1 has been selected in order to
protect other organisms, in particular Daphnia and certain
diatoms which are affected at slightly below this concen-
Mixed aquatic populations should be protected
where the concentration of total chromium in
water does not exceed 0.05 mgfl at any time or
Copper is known to be particularly toxic to algae and
mollusks, and the implications of this should be considered
for any given body of water. Based on studies of effects on
these organisms, it is known that the criteria for fish protect
these other forms as well. Recent work (Biesinger et al.
unpublished data 1971)439 indicated that the safe level of
copper for reproduction and growth of Daphnia magna in
soft water (45 mg/1 as CaC03) is 0.006 mg/1, which is
similar to the concentrations described below as safe for
fish. The relationship of LC50 to water hardness was shown
in Figure III-7 for rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri).
The safe concentration of copper for reproduction by fat-
head minnows (Pimephales promelas) in hard water (200
mg/1 as CaC03) was between 0.015 and 0.033 mg/1
(Mount 1968), 418 and in soft water (30 mg/1 as CaC03)
was between 0.011 and 0.018 mg/1 (Mount and Stephan
1969).419 More recent work with fathead minnows in hard
water indicated that a concentration of 0.033 mg/1 would
probably be -safe (Brungs unpublished data 1971). 441 Ac-
ceptable reproduction by brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis)
in soft water (45 mg/1 as CaCOa) occurred between 0.010
and O.Ql8 mg/1 (McKim and Benoit 1971).416 The safe-to-
lethal ratios determined in these studies varied somewhat;
but that for hard water is close to 0.1 and that for soft water
is approximately 0.1 to 0.2. In very soft water, typical of
some northern and mountainous regions, 0.1 of the 96-hour
LC50 for sensitive species would be close to what is con-
sidered a natural concentration in these waters.
Recent wqrk indicated that avoidance reactions by fish
m:ay be as restrictive as reproductive requirements or even
more so (Sprague 1964b).430 It has been demonstrated that
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) avoid a concentration of0.004
mg/1 in the laboratory. .
Once a 96-hour LC50 has been determined using
the receiving water in question and the most sensi-
tive important species in the locality as the test
organism, a concentration of copper safe to aquatic
life in that water can be estimated by multiplying
the 96-hour LC50 by an application factor of 0.1.
Lead has a low solubility of 0.5 mg/1 in soft water and
only 0.003 mg/1 in hard water, although higher concen-
trations of suspended and colloidal lead may remain in the
:Water. The extreme effects of water hardness on lead toxicity
~re demonstrated by the LC50 values in hard and soft
waters. The 96-hour LC50 values in soft water (20 to 45
mg/1 as CaC03) were 5 to 7 mg/1 and 4 to 5 mg/1 for the
fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) and the brook trout
(Salve linus fontinalis) respectively (Pickering and Henderson
1966,426 Benoit unpublished data 1971). 438 Brown (1968) 401
reported a 96-hour LC50 of l mg/1 for rainbow trout
:csalmo gairdneri) in soft water (50 mg/1 as CaC03). (See
F'igure III-9 for other values for this species.) The 96-hour
LC50 values of lead in hard water were 482 mg/1 and
442 mg/1 for fathead minnow and brook trout (Pickering
and Henderson 1966).426
. There is not sufficient information on chronic toxicity
of lead to fish to justify recommending values as application
'factors. However, preliminary information on long ex-
p'osures (2 to 3 months) on rainbow trout and brook trout
(Everhart unpublished data 1971,443 Benoit unpublished data
1971)438 indicated detrimental effects at 0.10 mg/1 of lead
in soft water (20 to 45 mg/1 as CaC03), a safe-to-lethal
ratio of less than 0.02.
Growth of guppies (Lebistes) was affected by 1.24 mg/1
of lead (Crandall and Goodnight 196~).405 Jones (1939)411
'and Hawksley (1967)408 found chronic or sublethal effects
'on sticklebacks from lead concentrations of 0.1 and 0.3
mg/1. The conditioned behavior of goldfish (Carassius
auratus) in a light-dark shuttlebox was adversely affected
by 0.07 mg/1 oflead in soft water (Weir and Hine 1970).437
' Chronic lead toxicity was recently investigated with
.Daphnia magna (Biesinger and Christensen unpublished data
Toxic Substances/181
1971)440 and the effect on reproduction was observed at a
level of 0.03 mg/1 of lead. This concentration of 0.03 mg/1,
the safe level for Daphnia, is recommended as the criterion
for protection of aquatic life. It is probably also close to
the safe level for fish, because the tests described above,
although somewhat preliminary, indicated that. concen-
trations about 2 or 3 times higher had detrimental effects.
The concentration of lead in water should not
be higher than 0.03 mgfl at any time or place in
order to protect aquatic life.
Most data about mercury involve the organic compounds
(see the discussion of Organic Mercury, p. 172.) Infor-
mation is available, however, for inorganic mercury in the
form of mercuric ions. Short-term 96-hour bioassay studies
indicated that concentrations of 1 mg/1 are fatal to fish
(Boetius 1960,400 Jones 1939,411 Weir and Hine 1970).437
For long-term exposures of 10 days or more, mercury levels
as low as 10 to 20 mg/1 have been shown to be fatal to fish
(U spenskaya 1946). 436
In protecting aquatic life, the recommendations
for organic mercury (p. 174) also pertain here.
The 96-hour LC50 of nickel for fathead minnows
(Pimephales promelas) ranges from 5 mg/1 in soft water (20
mg/1 as CaC03) to 43 mg/1 in hard water (360 mg/1 as
CaC03) under static test conditions (Pickering and Hender-
son 1966).426 In water of 200 mg/1 hardness (as CaC03),
the 96-hour LC50 for fathead minnows was 26 to 31 mg/1
with a chronically safe concentration between 0.8 and 0.4
mg/1 (Pickering unpublished data 1971).446 On the basis of
this work, an application factor of 0.02 appeared to be
appropriate for the protection of fish. If this factor is used,
the estimated safe concentration of nickel for fathead
minnows in soft water would be about 0.1 mg/1. Using
static test conditions and Daphnia magna, Biesinger and
Christensen (unpublished data 1971)440 determined that a
nickel concentration of 0.095 mg/1 reduced reproduction
during a 3-week exposure in soft water (45 mg/1 as CaC03),
and a nickel concentration of 0.030 mg/1 had no effect.
This result indicated that the sensitivity of Daphnia magna
is comparable to that of fish.
Once a 96-hour LC50 has been determined using
the receiving water in question and the most sensi-
tive important species in the locality as the test
organism, a concentration of nickel safe to aquatic
182/Section Ill-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
life in that water can be estimated by multiplying
the 96-hour LC50 by an application fa~tor of 0.02.
The acute lethal toxicity of zinc is greatly affected by
water hardness (see Figure III-7). Pickering and Henderson
(1966)426 determined the 96-hour LC50 of zinc for fathead
minnows (Pimephales promelas) and bluegills (Lepomis macro-
chirus) using static test conditions. For fathead minnows in
soft water (20 mg/1 as CaC03) the LC50 was 0.87 mg/1,
and in hard water (360 mg/1 as CaC03) it was 33 mg/1.
Bluegills were more resistant in both waters. Similarly the
lethal threshold concentration was 3 or 4 times as high for
coarse fish as for trout (Salvelinusfontinalis) (Balll967).398
The 24-hour LC50 of zinc for rainbow trout (Salmo
gairdneri) was reduced only 20 per cent when the fish were
forced to swim at 85 per cent of their maximum sustained
swimming speed (Herbert and Shurben 1964).409 The maxi-
mum effect of a reduction in dissolved oxygen from 6 to 7
mg/1 to 2 mg/1 on the acute toxicity of zinc was a 50 per cent
increase (Lloyd 1961,413 Cairns and Scheier 1958,404 Picker-
ing 1968).425 The effects are small in comparison to the
difference between acutely toxic and safe concentrations.
The recommended application factor recognizes these
A chronic test in hard water (200 mg/1 as CaC03),
involving fathead minnow reproduction, determined the
safe concentration of zinc to be between 0.03 mg/1, which
had no effect, and 0.18 mg/1, which caused 83 per cent
reduction in fecundity (Brungs 1969).402 Using the 96-hour
LC50 of 9.2 mg/1, the ratio of the above no-effect concen-
tration to the LC50 is 0.0034. Interpolation suggests that
about 0.005 of the LC50 would cause 20 per cent reduction
of fecundity, making the best estimate of a valid application
factor close to 0.005.
There was a reduction in reproduction of Daphnia magna
at a zinc concentration of 0.10 mg/1 using soft water ( 45
mg/1 as CaC03) (Biesinger and Christensen unpublished data
1971).440 No effect was observed at 0.07 mg/1, which indi-
cated that Daphnia magna was more resistant to zinc than
the fathead minnow.
Avoidance reactions by rainbow trout in the laboratory
have been caused by 0.01 of the LC50 of zinc (Sprague
1968a). 431
Once a 96-hour LC50 has been determined using
the receiving water in question and the most sensi-
tive important species in the locality as the test
organism, a concentration of zinc safe to aquatic
life in that water can be estimated by multiplying
the 96-hour LC50 by an application factor of 0.005.
Pesticides are chemicals, natural and synthetic, used to
control or destroy plant and animal life considered adverse
to human society. Since the 1940's a large number of
synthetic organic compounds have been developed for
pesticide purposes. Presently there are thousands of regis-
tered formulations incorporating nearly 900 different chemi-
cals. Trends in production and use of pesticides indicate an
annual increase of about 15 per cent, and there are pre-
dictions ofincreased·demand during the next decade (Mrak
1969).477 The subject of pesticides and their environmental
significance has been carefully evaluated in the Report of
the Secretary's Commission on Pesticides and their Re-
lationship to Environmental Health (Mrak 1969).477
Methods, Rate, and Frequency of Application
Pesticides are used for a wide variety of purposes in a
multitude of environmental situations. Often they are
categorized according to their use or intended target (e.g.,
insecticide, herbicide, fungicide), but their release in the
environment presents an inherent hazard to many non-
target organisms. Some degree of contamination and risk
is assumed with nearly all pesticide use. The risk to aquatic
ecosystems depends upon the chemical and physical prop-
erties of the pesticide, type of formulation, frequency, rate
and methods of application, and the nature of the receiving
The pesticides of greatest concern are those that are
persistent for long periods and accumulate in the environ-
ment; those that are highly toxic to man, fish, and wildlife;
and those that are used in large volumes over broad areas.
A list of such chemicals recommended for monitoring in the
environment appears in Appendix II-F. The majority of
these compounds are either insecticides or herbicides used
extensively in agriculture, public health, and for household
or garden purposes. In the absence of definitive data on
their individual behavior and their individual effect on the
environment, some generalization about pesticides is re-
quired to serve as a guideline for establishing water quality
criteria to protect aquatic life. In specific instances, how-
ever, each compound must be considered individually on
the basis of information about its reaction in the environ-
merit and its effect on aquatic organisms.
Sources and Distribution
The major sources of pesticides in water are runoff from
treated lands, industrial discharges, and domestic sewage.
Significant contributions may also occur in fallout from
atmospheric drift and in precipitation (Tarrant and Tatton
1968).485 Applications -to water surfaces, intentional or
otherwise, will result in rapid and extensive contamination.
The persistent organochlorine pesticides have received the
greatest attention in monitoring programs (Lichtenberg
et al. 1970,471 Henderson et al. 1969).461 Their extensive
distribution in aquatic systems is indicative of environ-
mental loading from both point and nonpoint sources.
Many pesticides have a low water solubility that favors
their rapid sorption on suspended or sedimented materials
and their affinity to plant and animal lipids. Soluble or
dispersed fractions of pesticides in the water rapidly decline
after initial contamination, resulting in increased concen-
trations in the sediments (Yule and Tomlin 1971).489 In
streams, much of the residue is in continuous transport on
suspended particulate material or in sediments (Zabik
1969).490 The distribution within the stream flow is. non-
uniform because of unequal velocity and unequal distri-
bution of suspended materials within the stream bed (Feltz
et al. 1971). 454 Seasonal fluctuations in runoff and use
pattern cause major changes in concentration during the
year, but the continuous downstream transport tends to
reduce levels in the upper reaches of streams while increas-
ing them in the downstream areas and eventually in major
receiving basins (i.e., lakes, reservoirs, or estuaries). If
applications in a watershed cease entirely, residues in the
stream will gradually and continuously decline (Sprague
et al. 1971).484 A similar decline would be expected in the
receiving basins but at a slower rate.
In lakes the sediments apparently act as a reservoir from
which the pesticide is partitioned into the water phase
according to the solubility of the compound, the concen-
tration in the sediment, and the type of sediment (Hamelink
et al. 1971). 458 Dissolved natural organic materials in the
water may greatly enhance the water solubility of some
pesticides (Wershaw et al. 1969). 487 Some investigations
indicated pesticides may be less available to the water in
eutrophic systems where the higher organic content in the
sediments has a greater capacity to hold pesticide residues
(Lotse et al. 1968,472 Hartung 1970460). This in part ex-
plained the difference in time required for some waters to
"detoxify," as observed in lakes treated with toxaphene to
eradicate undesirable fish species (Terriere et al. 1966). 486
Herbicides applied to aquatic systems to control plant
growths are removed from the water by absorption in the
plants or sorption to the hydrosoil. The rate of disappearance
from the water may be dependent upon the availability of
suitable sorption sites. Frank and Comes (1967)455 found
residues of dichlobenil in soil and water up to 160 days after
application. They also found that diquat and paraquat
residues were persistent in hydrosoils for approximately 3
to 6 months after· application. Granular herbicide treat-
ments made on a volume basis deposit greater quantities on
the hydrosoil in deep water areas than in water of less depth.
The granules may supply herbicide to the water over a
period of time depending upon solubility of the herbicide,
concentrations in the granule, and other conditions.
Because the distribution of pesticides is nonuniform,
sampling methods and frequency, as well as selection of
sampling sites, must be scientifically determined (Feltz
et al. 1971).454 Pesticides found in the water in suspended
Toxic Substances/183
particulate material and. in sediments may be toxic to
aquatic organisms or contribute to residue accumulation
in them.
Persistence and Biological Accumulation
All organic pesticides are subject to metabolic and non-
metabolic degradation in the environment. Specific com-
pounds vary widely in their rate of degradation, and some
form degradation products that may be both persistent and
toxic. Most pesticides are readily degraded to nontoxic or
elementary materials within a few days to a few months;
these compounds may be absorbed by aquatic organisms,
but the residues do not necessarily accumulate or persist
for long periods. Concentrations in the organism may be
higher than ambient water levels, but they rapidly decline
as water concentrations are diminished. Examples of such
dynamic exchange have been demonstrated with malathion
(Bender 1969), 448 methoxychlor (Burdick et al. 1968), 449
and various herbicides (Mullison 1970).478 If degradation
in water is completed within sufficient time to prevent toxic
or adverse physiological effects, these nonpersistent com-
pounds do not pose a long-term hazard to aquatic life.
However, degradation rates of specific pesticides are often
dependent upon environmental conditions. Considerable
variation in persistence may be observed in waters of differ-
ent types. Gakstatter and Weiss (1965),456 for example,
have shown that wide variations in the stability of organic
phosphorous insecticides in water solutions is dependent
upon the pH of the water. The half-life of malathion was
reduced from about six months at pH 6 to only one to two
weeks at pH 8. Repeated applications and slow degradation
rates may maintain elevated environmental concentrations,
but there is no indication that these compounds can be
accumulated through the food chain.
Some pesticides, primarily the organochlorine com-
pounds, are extremely stable, degrading only slowly or
forming persistent degradation products. Aquatic organisms
may accumulate these compounds directly by absorption
from water and by eating contaminated food organisms.
In waters containing very low concentrations of pesticides,
fish probably obtain the greatest amount of residue from
contaminated foods; but the amount retained in the tissue
appears to be a function of the pesticide concentration in
the water and its rate of elimination from the organism
(Hamelink et al. 1971).458 The transfer of residues from
prey to predator in the food chain ultimately results in
residues in the higher trophic levels many thousand times
higher than ambient water levels. Examples of trophic
accumulation have been described in several locations in-
cluding Clear Lake, California (Hunt and Bischoff 1960), 463
and Lake Poinsett, South Dakota (Hannon et al. 1970). 459
Samples of wild fish have often contained pesticide resi-
dues in greater concentrations than are tolerated in any
184/Section Ill-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
commercially produced agricultural products. The highest
concentrations are often found in the most highly prized
fish. Coho salmon (Oncorhyncus kisutch) from Lake Michigan
are not considered acceptable for sale in interstate commerce
on the basis of an interim guideline for DDT and its
metabolites set for fish by the U.S. Food and Drug Adminis-
tration (Mount 1968).476 Lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush)
and some catches of chubs (Coregonus kiyi and Coregonus hoyi)
and lake herring ( Coregonus artedi) from Lake Michigan also
exceed the guideline limits and are thus not considered
acceptable for interstate commerce (Reinert 1970;481 Michi-
gan Department of Agriculture personal communication).492
Pesticide residues in fish or fish products may enter the
human food chain indirectly in other ways, as in fish oil
and meal used in domestic animal feeds.
Fish may survive relatively high· residue concentrations
in their body fats, but residues concentrated in the eggs of
mature fish may be lethal to the developing fry. Up to
100 per cent loss of lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) fry
occurred when residues of DDT -DDD in the eggs exceeded
4.75 mg/kg (Burdick et al. 1964).450 A similar mortality
was reported in coho salmon fry from Lake Michigan
where eggs contained significant quantities of DDT, di-
eldrin, and polychlorinated biphenyls (Johnson and Pecor
1969;468 Johnson 1968).466 Johnson (1967)467 reported that
adult fish not harmed by low concentrations of endrin in
water accumulated levels in the eggs that were lethal to the
developing fry. Residues in fish may be directly harmful
under stress conditions or at different temperature regimes.
Brook trout (Salvelinus Jontinalis) fed DDT at 3.0 mg/kg
body weight per week for 26 weeks suffered 96.2 per cent
.mortality during a period of reduced feeding and declining
water temperature. Mortality of untreated control fish
during the same period was 1.2 per cent (Macek 1968).473
Declining water temperature during the fall was believed
to cause delayed mortality of salmon parr in streams con-
taminated with DDT (Elson 1967).453
In addition to the problem of pesticide residues in aquatic
systems, other problems suggest themselves and remain to
be investigated, including the potential of resistant fish
species to accumulate levels hazardous to other species
(Rosato and Ferguson 1968) ;482 the potential for enhanced
residue storage when fish are exposed to more than one
compound (Mayer et al. 1970) ;474 and the potential effect
of metabolites not presently identified. The adverse effects
of DDT on the reproductive performance of fish-eating
birds has been well documented. (See the discussion of
Wildlife, pp. 194-198.)
Levels of persistent pesticides in water that will not result
in undesirable effects cannot be determined on the basis of
present knowledge. Water concentrations below the practical
limits of detection have resulted in unacceptable residues in
fish for human consumption and have affected reproduction
and survival of aquatic life. Criteria based upon residue
concentrations· in the tissues of selected species may offer
some guidance. Tolerance levels for pesticides in wild fish
have not been established, but action levels have been sug-
gested by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (Mount
I 968). 47 6 However, acceptable concentrations of persistent
pesticides that offer protection to aquatic life and human
health are unknown.
It should also be recognized that residue criteria are
probably unacceptable except on a total ecosystem basis.
Residues in stream fish may meet some guidelines, but
pesticides from that stream may eventually create excessive
residues in fish in the downstream receiving basins. Until
more is known of the effects of persistent pesticide residues,
any accumulation must be considered undesirable.
Concentrations of pesticides that are lethal to aquatic life
have often occurred in local areas where applications overlap
streams or lakes, in streams receiving runoff from recently
treated areas, and where misuse or spillage has occurred.
Applications of pesticides to water to control noxious
plants, fish, or insects have also killed desirable species.
Fish populations, however, usually recovered within a few
months to a year (Elson 1967).453 The recovery of aquatic
invertebrates in areas that have been heavily contaminated
may require a longer period, with some species requiring
several years to regain precontamination numbers (Cope
1961,451 Ide 1967).465 Undesirable species of insects may be
the first to repopulate the area (Hynes 1961), 464 and in
some instances the species composition has been completely
changed (Hopkins et al. 1966).462 Areas that are contami-
nated by pesticide application are subject to loss of fish
populations and reduced food for fish growth (Schoenthal
1964,483 Kerswill and Edwards 1967). 469 Where residues are
persistent in bottom sediments for long periods, benthic
organisms may be damaged even though water concen-
trations remain low (Wilson and Bond 1969).488
Pesticides are toxic to aquatic life over wide ranges.
Great differences in susceptibility to different compounds
exist between species and within species. For example,
96-hour LC50 values of 5 to 610,000 J.t.g/1 were reported
for various fish species exposed to organophosphate pesti-
cides (Pickering et al. 1962). 479 In addition to species'
differences, the toxicity may be modified by differences in
formulation, environmental conditions, animal size and age,
and physiological condition. The effect of combinations of
pesticides on aquatic organisms has not received sufficient
attention. Macek (unpublished data 1971)491 reported that
combinations of various common pesticides were synergistic
in their action on bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) and rainbow
trout (Salmo gairdneri), while others had additive effects.
Several of the combinations that were found to be syner-
gistic are recommended for insect pest control (Table
TABLE III-1r-Acute Toxic Interaction of Pesticide
Combinations to Rainbow Trout and Bluegills.
Pesticide combination
Compound A Compound B
DDT ...•............•..•......•.• Yapona
•.•. " ••.......................•.• Endrin
.... " ........................... .
" ................................
" ................................
" .... ····························
" . . . . . .......................... .
Parathion......................... Copper sulfate
.... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diazinon
····"· ··················•········ DDT
" .... ····························
" .... ····························
Malathion .............•..........
" .... ····························
" .... ····························
" .... ····························
" .... ····························
" .... ····························
" .... ···························· .... " ........................... .
carbaryl ..•..•................•...
.. " ........................... .
Copper sulfate
Copper suHate
.... ". •••.................•...•.• Azinphosmethyl
.... ". • . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • Methoxychlor
•... " • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . Parathion
Methyl parathion.................. DDT
.... ". ...•...................•..• Endosulfan
... !' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carbaryl
Bidrin............................ Sumilhion
Toxic interaction
• This combination recommended for control of insect pests by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Note: mention of trade names does not constitute endorsement
Most data on pesticide effects on aquatic life are limited
to a few species and concentrations that are lethal in
short-term tests. The few chronic tests conducted with
aquatic species indicated that toxic effects occurred at much
lower concentrations. Mount and Stephan (1967)475 found
the 96·-hour LC50 for fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas)
in malathion was 9,000 JLg/1, but spinal deformities in adult
fish occurred during a 10-month exposure to 580 JLg/1.
Eaton (1970)452 found that bluegill suffered the same
crippling effects after chronic exposure to 7.4 JLg/1 malathion
and the 96-hour LC50 was 108 JLg/1.
Where chronic toxicity data are available, they may be
used to develop application factors to estimate safe levels.
Mount and Stephan (1967)475 have suggested using an
application factor consisting of the laboratory-determined
maximum concentration that has no effect on chronic
exposure divided by the 96-hour LC50. Using this method,
Eaton (1970)452 showed that application factors for bluegill
and fathead minnow exposed to malathion were similar
despite a greater than 50-fold difference in species sensi-
tivity. Application factors derived for one compound may
be appropriate for closely related compounds thaLhave a
similar mode of action, but additional research is necessary
to verify this concept. In the absence of chronic toxicity
Toxic Substances/185
data, the application factors for many compounds must be
arbitrary values set with the intention of providing some
margin of safety for sensitive species, prolonged exposure,
and potential effects of interaction with other compounds.
Basis for Criteria
The reported acute toxicity values and subacute effects
of pesticides for aquatic life are listed in Appendix 11-D.
The acute toxicity values multiplied by the appropriate
application factor provided the recommended criteria. The
96-hour LC50 should be multiplied by an application factor
of 0.01 in most cases. The value derived from multiplying
the 96-hour LC50 by a factor of 0.01 can be used as the
24-hour average concentration.
Recommended concentrations of pesticides may be below
those presently detectable without additional extraction and
concentration techniques. However, concentrations below
those detectable by routine techniques are known to cause
detrimental effects to aquatic organisms and to man.
Therefore, recommendations are based on bioassay pro-
cedures and the use of an appropriate application factor.
The recommendations are based upon the most sensitive
species. Permissible concentrations in water have been sug-
gested only where several animal species have been tested.
Where toxicity data are not available, acute toxicity bio-
assays should be conducted with locally important sensitive
aquatic species, and safe levels should be estimated by using
an application factor of 0.01.
Some organochlorine pesticides (i.e., DDT including
DDD and DDE, aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, chlordane, hepta-
chlor, toxaphene, lindane, endosulfan, and benzene hexa-
chloride) are considered especially hazardous because of
their persistence and accumulation in aquatic organisms.
These compounds, including some of their metabolites, are
directly toxic to various aquatic species at concentrations
of less than one JLg/1. Their accumulation in aquatic systems
presents a hazard, both real and potential, to animals in
the higher trophic levels, including man (Pimentel 1971,480
Mrak 1969,477 Kraybill 1969,470 Gillett 1969). 457 Present
knowledge is not yet sufficient to predict or estimate safe
concentrations of these compounds in aquatic systems. How-
ever, residue concentrations in aquatic organisms provide a
measure of environmental contamination. Therefore, spe-
cific maximum tissue concentrations have been recom-
mended as ~ guidtline for water quality control.
Organochlorine Insecticides The recommenda-
tions for selected organochlorine insecticides are
based upon levels in water and residue concentra-
tions in whole fish on a wet weight basis. Aquatic
life should be protected where the maximum con-
186/Section lll-'-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
centration of the organochlorine pesticide in the
water does not exceed the values li,sted in Table
For the protection of predators, the following
vaiues !ire suggested for residues in whole fish (wet
weight): DDT (including DDD and DDE)-1.0
mgfkg; aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor (in-
cluding heptachlor epoxide), chlordane, lindane,
benzene hexachloride, toxaphene, and endo-
sulfan-0.1 mgfkg, either singly or in combination.
For further discussion, see the section on Wildlife
(p. 197).
If fish and wildlife are to be protected, and where
residues exceed the recommended concentrations,
pesticide use should be restricted until the recom-
mended concentrations are reached (except where
a substitute pesticide will not protect human
Other pesticides The recommended maximum
concentrations of pesticides in freshwater are listed
in Table 111-18 except that where pesticides are
applied to water to kill undesirable aquatic life,
the values will be higher. In the latter instances,
care should be taken to avoid indis~riminate use
and to insure that application of the pesticide
follows the prescribed methods.
Ammonia is discharged from a wide variety of industrial
processes and cleaning operations that use ammonia or
ammonia salts. Ammonia also results from the decompo-
sition of organic matter.
Ammonia gas is soluble in water in the form of am-
monium hydroxide to the extent of 100,000 mg/1 at 20 C.
Ammonium hydroxide dissociates readily into ammonium
TABLE Ill-17-Recommended Maximum Concentrations of
Organochlorine Pesticides in Whole (Unfiltered) Water,
Sampled at Any Time and Any Place. a
Organochlorine pesticides Recommended maximum concentration (pgjl)
Aldrin............................................... 0.01
DDT................................................ 0.002
TOE................................................ 0.006
Dieldrin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. 005
Chlordane. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. 04
Endosullan... ... . ... .. . . . .. . . .. .. . ... .. . . .. .. ... . .. . 0.003
Endrin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. 002
Heptachlor........................................... 0.01
Lindane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. 02
Methoxychlor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o. 005
Toxaphene........................................... 0.01
a Concentrations were determined by multiplying the acute toxicity values for the more sensitive species(Appendix
11·0) by an application factor of 0.01 except where an experimentally derived application factor is indicated.
TABLE III-18-Recommended Maximum Concentrations of
Other Pesticides in Whole (Unfiltered) Water, Sampled at
Any Time and Any Place. a
Organophosphate insecticides Recommended maximum concentration (pg/1)
Abate............................................... (b)
Azinphosmethyl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. 001
Azinphosethyl......... .•. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (b)
Carbophenothion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (b)
Chlorothion.......................................... (b)
Ciodrin.............................................. 0.1
Coumaphos.......................................... 0.001
Oemeton............................................ (b)
Oiazinon............................................ 0.009
Oichlorvos........................................... 0.001
Oioxathion.... ... . ... . .... .. ..... ... ... ... ... ... . .. . . 0.09
Oisulfonton.......................................... 0.05
Ours ban............................................. 0.001
Ethion.. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.02
EPN................................................ 0.06
Fenthion............................................ 0.006
Malathion........................................... 0.008
Methyl Parathion..................................... (b)
Mevinphos.. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.002
Naled.... .. . . . ... . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. ..... .. . .. . ... . .. . 0.004
Oxydemeton methyl.................................. 0.4
Parathion............................................ 0.0004
Phorate............................................. (b)
Phosphamidon....................................... 0.03
Ronnel.............................................. (b)
TEPP..... .. .... ... . ... . .. . ... ... .... .. .... .. . ... ... 0.4
Trichlorophon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. 002
Carbamate insecticides Recommended maximum concentrations (pgjl)
Aminocarb........................................... (b)
~-·············································· 00
Baygon.............................................. (b)
Carbaryl............................................. 0.02
Zectran.. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.1
Herbicides, fungicides and defoliants Recommended maximum concentrations (pg/1)
Acrolein............................................. (b)
Aminotriazole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300.0
Balan............................................... (b)
Bensulide............................................ (b)
Choroxuron.......................................... (b)
CIPC................................................ (b)
Oaclhal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (b)
Oalapon............................................. 110.0
*················································ 00
Oexon............................................... (b)
Dicamba............................................. 200
Oichlobenil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37. 0
Dichlone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. 2
Diquat.............................................. 0.5
Diuron..... .. .. ........ ... ... .... ... ....... ... .... .. 1.6
Difolitan............................................. (b)
Dinilrobutyl phenol................................... (b)
Diphenamid.......................................... (b)
2, 4·0 (PGBE)....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (b)
2,4·0 (BEE)......................................... 4.0
2,4·0 (IDE)......................................... (b)
2, 4·0 (Diethylamine salts)............................ (b)
Endothal (Disodium saH).............................. (b)
Endothal (Dipotassium salt)........................... (b)
Eptam ......................................... · · · · · · (b)
Fenac (Sodium salt).................................. 45.0
Hyamine-1622 ................................... :... (b)
Hyamine-2389....................................... (b)
Hydrothal-47. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . (b)
Hydrothal-191........................................ (b)
Hydrothal plus.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (b)
JPC................................................. (b)
MCPA. ...... .... ........ ... . .. . . ...... ....... ... ... (b)
Molinate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (b)
~~............................................ 00
Paraquat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (b)
TABLE III-18-Continued
Herbicides, fungicide and defoilants Reccommended maximum concentration (J./1)
Pebulate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (b)
Picloram. . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (b)
Propanil............................................. (b)
Silvex(BEE) ...................................... :.. 2.5
Silvex (PGBE). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 0
Silvex (IDE)......................................... (b)
Silvex (Potassium salt)................................ (b)
Simazine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.0
Triftuarann.......................................... (b)
Vernolate. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . (b)
Botanicals Recommended maximum concentrations (l'gjl)
Allethrin............................................. 0.002
Pyrethrum........................................... 0.01
Rotenone............................................ 10.0
• ~oncentrations wer~ d?termined by multiplying the acute toxicity values for the more sensitive species (Ap·
pend IX 11-D) by an application factor of 0.01 except where an experimentally derived application factor is indicated.
b Insufficient data to determine safe concentrations.
and hydroxyl ions as follows:
NHa+ H20~HN4++0H-
The equilibrium of the reaction is dependent upon pH,
and within the pH range of most natural waters ammonium
ions predominate (Figure III-10). Since the toxic com-
ponent of ammonia solutions is the un-ionized ammonia,
toxicity of ammonia solutions increases with increased pH
(Ellis 1937,497 Wuhrmann et al. 194(,508 Wuhrmann and
Woker 1948,509 Downing and Merkens 1955496).
Wuhrmann (1952), 507 Downing and Mer kens (I 955), 496
and Merkens and Downing (1957)505 found that a decrease
in dissolved oxygen concentration increased the toxicity of
un-ionized ammonia to several species of freshwater fishes.
Lloyd (1961)502 showed that the increase in toxicity of
un-ionized ammonia to rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) with
decreased oxygen was .considerably more severe than for
zinc, copper, lead, or phenol.
Much of the data on ammonia toxicity is not useable,
because reporting of chemical conditions or experimental
control was unsatisfactory. Ellis ( 193 7) 497 reported that
total ammonia nitrogen concentrations of 2.5 mg/1 in the
pH range of 7.4 to 8.5 were harmful to several fish species,
but concentrations of 1.5 mg/1 were not. Most streams
without a source of pollution contained considerably less
than 1 mg/1 total ammonia. The sublethal and acutely
toxic concentrations of un-ionized ammonia for various fish
species are given in Table III-19.
Brockway (1950)494 found impairment of oxygen-carrying
capacity of the blood of trout at a total ammonia nitrogen
concentration of 0.3 mg/1. Fromm (1970)499 found that at
total ammonia nitrogen concentrations of 5 mg/1, ammonia
excretion by rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) was inhipited;
at 3 mg/1 the trout became hyperexcitable; and at 8 mg/1
(approximately 1 mg/1 un-ionized ammonia) 50 per cent
Toxic Substances/187
TABLE lll-19-Sublethol and Acutely Toxic Concentrations
of Un-Ionized Ammonia for Various Fish Speciesa
Acute No sublethal
Species mortality effect (mg/1) Author
LC50 (mg/1)
Stickleback........................... 1.8-2.1
striped bass (Marone saxatalis). . . . . . . . . 1. 9-2.8
Rainbow trout......................... 0.39
Perch (Perea).. .. .. .. . .. . .. . . .. .. .. .. . 0. 29
Roach (Hesperoleucus).... . .. . . . .. .. . .. 0. 35
Rudd (Scardinius)..................... 0.36
Bream (Lepomis)...................... 0.41
Rainbow trout..... .. .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. 0. 41
Rainbow trout... .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. 0. 42-11. 89
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)........... 0.38
Rainbow trout... . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . o. 88
Trout .......................................... .
Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus
Hazel et at. (1971)500
" .... ································
0.046 Lloyd and Orr (1969)'"
Ball (1967)<"
" .... ································
" .... ································
" .... ································
" .... ································
Lloyd and Herbert (1960)"'
Herbert and Shurben (1965)'01
" .... ································
<0. 27 Reichenbach-Klinke (1967)506
<0. 006 Burrows (1964)"'
• To insure a high level of protectiolf, the mean of the 96·hour LC50's was used as a base, and an appHcation lac
tor of 0. 05 applied to arrive at an acceptable level for most species in fresh water. Two apparently resistant species
were omitted because they were far out of line with the others. After application of the factor, the resultant level is
approximately baH that projected from the data of Lloyd and Orr (1969).•"
were dead in 24 hours (Fromm 1970). 499 Goldfish ( Carassius
auratus) were more tolerant; at 40 mg/1 of total ammonia
nitrogen, 10 per cent were dead in 24 hours.
Burrows (1964) 495 found progressive gill hyperplasia in
fingerling chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) during
a six-week exposure to the lowest concentration applied,
0.006 mg/1 un-ionized ammonia. Reichenbach-Klinke
(1967)506 also noted gill hyperplasia, as well as pathology of
the liver and blood, of various species at un-ionized am-
monia concentrations of 0.27 mg/1. Exposure of carp
( Cyprinus carpio) to sublethal un-ionized ammonia concen-
trations in the range of 0.11 to 0.34 mg/1 resulted in ex-
tensive necrotic changes and tissue disintegration in various
organs (Flis 1968). 498
Lloyd and Orr (1969) 503 found that volume of urine pro-
duction increased with exposure to increasing ammonia
concentrations, but that an ammonia concentration of 12
per cent of the lethal threshold concentration resulted in
no increased production of urine. This concentration of
un-ionized ammonia was 0.046 mg/1 for the rainbow trout
used in the experiments.
Once a 96-hour LC50 has been determined using
the receiving water in question and the most sensi-
tive important species in the locality as the test
organism, a concentration of un-ionized ammonia
(NHa) safe to aquatic life in that water can be esti-
mated by multiplying the 96-hr LC50 by an appli-
cation factor of 0.05; but no concentration greater
than 0.02 mgfl is recommended at any time or
188/Section Ill-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
"' '2
E <
"0 ...
0 5.0 ·;;;
"" 0
" bO
"' .,; ... u ,_ ... p..
7.0 7.4 7.8 8.2
8.6 9.0 9.4
FIGURE 111-10-Percentage of Un-ionized Ammonia in Ammonium Hydroxide Solutions at 20 C and Various Levels of pH
Chlorine and chloramines are widely used in treatment of
potable water supplies and sewage-treatment-plant effluents,
and in power plants, textile and paper mills, and certain
other industries. Field tests conducted on caged fish in
streams below a sewage outfall where chlorinated and non-
chlorinated effluents were discharged showed that toxic
conditions occurred for rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) 0.8
miles below the plant discharge point when chlorinated
effluents were discharged (Basch et al. 1971).611 It has ~lso
been shown that total numbers of fish and numbers of
species were drastically reduced below industrial plants
discharging chlorinated sewage effluents (Tsai 1968,517
The toxicity to aquatic life of chlorine in water will
depend upon the concentration of residual chlorine re-
maining and the relative amounts offree chlorine and chlor-
amines. Since addition of chlorine or hypochlorites to water
containing nitrogenous materials rapidly forms chloramines,
problems of toxicity in most receiving waters are related to
chloramine concentrations. Merkens (1958)515 stated that
;toxicities of free chlorine and chloramines were best esti-
mated from total chlorine residuals. In monitoring pro-
grams, evaluation of chlorine content of water is usually
stated in terms of total chlorine residuals. Because the
,chlorine concentrations of concern are below the level of
detection by the orthotolidine method, a more sensitive
analytical technique is recommended.
The literature summarized by McKee and Wolf (1963)514
showed a wide range of acute chlorine toxicity to various
aquatic organisms, but the conditions of the tests varied so
widely that estimation of generally applicable acute or
-safe levels cannot be derived from the combined data. It
has also been demonstrated that small amounts of chlorine
.can greatly increase the toxicity of various industrial
Merkens (1958)515 found that at pH 7.0, 0.008 mg/1
residual chlorine killed half the test fish in seven days. The
test results were obtained using the amperometric titration
~ and the diethyl-p-phenylene diamine methods of chlorine
analysis. Zillich (1972),519 working with chlorinated sewage
effluent, determined that threshold toxicity for fathead
minnows (Pimephales promelas) was 0.04-0.05 mg/1 residual
chlorine. In two series of 96-hour LC50 tests an average of
. 0..05-0.19 mg/1 residual chlorine was noted. Basch et al.
(1971)511 found 96-hour LC50 for rainbow trout (Salmo
gairdneri) to be 0.23 mg/1. Arthur and Eaton (1971),510
working with fathead minnows and Gammarus pseudol£mnaeus,
found that the 96-hour LC50 total residual chlorine
(as chloramine) for Gammarus was 0.22 mg/1, and that
all minnows were dead after 72 hours at 0.15 mg/1.
Mter seven days exposure to 0.09 mg/1, the first fish died.
The LC50 for minnows was therefore between these levels.
In chronic tests extending for 15 weeks, survival of Gammarus
Toxic Substances/189
was reduced at 0.04 mg/1, a:rid reproduction was reduced at
0.0034 mg/1. Growth and survival of fathead minnows after
21 weeks was not affected by continuous exposure to 0.043
mg/1 total chloramines, but fecundity of females was re-
duced. The highest level showing no significant effect was
0.016 mg/1. Merkens (1958)515 postulated by extrapolation
that a concentration of 0.004 mg/1 residual chlorine would
permit one half the test fish to survive one year. Sprague
and Drury (1969)516 have shown an avoidance response of
rainbow trout to free chlorine at 0.001 mg/1.
Aquatic organisms will tolerate longer short-term ex-
posures to much higher levels of chlorine than the concen-
trations which have adverse chronic effects. Brungs (1972)512
in a review has noted that 1-hour LC50's of fish vary from
0. 74 to 0.88 mg/1, and that longer short-term exposures
have LC50's lower but still substantially higher than ac-
ceptable for long-term exposure. Available information,
however, does not show what effect repeated exposure to
these, or lower levels, will have on aquatic life.
Because Gammarus, an essential food for fish, is affected
at 0.0034 mg/1, and a safe level is judged to be one that
will not permit adverse effect on any element of the biota,
the following recommendation has beeri made.
Aquatic life should be protected where the con-
centration of residual chlorine in the receiving
system does not exceed 0.003 mgfl at any time or
place. Aquatic organisms will tolerate short-term
exposure to high levels of chlorine. Until more is
known about the short-term effects, it is recom-
mended that total residual chlorine should not
exceed 0.05 mgfl for a period up to 30-minutes in
any 24-hour period.
The cyanide radical is a constituent of many compounds
or complex ions that may be present in industrial wastes.
Cyanide-bearing wastes may derive from gas works, coke
ovens, scrubbing of gases in steel plants, metal plating
operations, and chemical industries. The toxicity of cyanides
varies widely with pH, temperature, and dissolved oxygen
concentration. The pH is especially important, since the
toxicity of some cyanide complexes changes manyfold over
the range commonly found in receiving waters .
"Free cyanide" (CN-ion and HCN) occurs mostly as
molecular hydrogen cyanide, the more toxic form, at pH lev-
els of natural waters as well as in unusually acid waters. Fifty
per cent ionization of the acid occurs at pH near 9.3. Free
cyanide concentrations froq1 0.05 to 0.01 mg/1 as CN have
proved fatal to many sensitive fishes (Jones 1964), 527 and
levels much above 0.2 mg/1 are rapidly fatal for most
species of fish. A level as low as 0.01 mg/1 is known to have
a pronounced, rapid, and lasting effect on the swimming
ability of salmonid fishes.
----.. --~---------------
190/Section Ill-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
The work of Doudoroff et al. (1966)524 has demonstrated
that the effective toxicant to fish in nearly all solutions of
complex metallocyanides tested was molecular HCN, the
complex ions being relatively harmless. The total cyanide
content of such solutions is not a reliable index of their
toxicity. The HCN derives from dissociation of the complex
ions, which can be greatly influenced by pH changes.
Doudoroff (1956)523 demonstrated a more than thousand-
fold increase of the toxicity of the nickelocyanide complex
associated with a decrease of pH from 8.0 to 6.5. A change
in pH from 7.8 to 7.5 increased the toxicity more than
Burdick and Lipschuetz (1948)521 have shown that so-
lutions containing the ferro and ferricyanide complexes
become highly toxic to fish through photodecomposition
upon exposure to sunlight. Numerous investigations have
shown that toxicity of free cyanide increased at reduced
oxygen concentrations (Downing 1954,525 Wuhrmann and
W oker 1955,528 Burdick et al. 1958,52° Cairns and Scheier
1963). 522 The toxic action is known to be accelerated
markedly by increased temperature (Wuhrmann and Woker
1955,528 Cairns and Scheier 1963),522 but the influence of
temperature during long exposure has not -been demon-
strated. The toxicity of the nitriles (organic cyanides) to fish
varied greatly. Henderson et al. (1960)526 found marked
cumulative toxicity of acrylonitrile. Lactonitrile decom-
posed rapidly in water yielding free cyanide, and its high
toxicity evidently was due to the HCN formed.
The toxicity of cyanide to diatoms varied little with
change of temperature and was a little greater in soft water
than in hard water (Patrick unpublished data 1971).529 For
Nitzchia linearis, concentrations found to cause a 50 per cent
reduction in growth of the population in soft water ( 44
mg/1 Ca-Mg as CaC03) were 0.92 mg/1 (CN) a:t 72 F, 0.30
mg/1 at 82 F, and 0.28 mg/1 at 86 F. For Navicula seminulum
var. Hustedtil, the concentrations reducing growth of the
population by 50 per cent in hard water (170 mg/1 Ca-Mg
as CaC03) were found to be 0.36 mg/1 at 72 F, 0.49 mg/1
at 82 F, and 0.42 mg/1 at 86 F. Cyanide appeared to be
more toxic to animals than to algae.
Recommended maximum concentrations of cyanide-bear-
ing wastes of unknown composition and properties should
be determined by static and flow-through bioassays. The
bioassays should be performed with dissolved oxygen, tem-
perature, and pH held at the local ~ater quality conditions
under which cyanides are most toxic. Because the partial
dissociation of some complex metallocyanide ions may be
slow, static bioassays may reveal much greater toxicity
than that demonstrable by the flow-through methods. dn
the other hand, standing test solutions of simple and some
complex cyanides exposed to the atmosphere gradually lose
their toxicity, because the volatile HCN escapes.
Chemical determination of the concentration of undis-
sociated, molecular HCN alone may be the best way to
evaluate the danger of free cyanide to fish in waters receiving
cyanide bearing wastes. Such tests may reveal the occur-
rence of harmful concentrations of HCN not predictable
through bioassay of the wastes. Because an acceptable
concentration of HCN or fraction of a LC50 of cyanides
and cyanide-bearing effluents has not yet been positively
determined, a conservative estimate must be made; and
because levels as low as 0.01 mg/1 have proved harmful
under some conditions, a factor of 0.05 should be applied
to LC50 levels.
Once a 96-hour LC50 has been determined using
the receiving water in question and the most sensi-
tive important species in the locality as the test
organism, a concentration of free cyanide (CN-)
safe to aquatic life in that water can be estimated
by multiplying the 96-hour LC50 by an application
factor of 0.05; but no concentration greater than
0.005 mg/1 is recommended at any time or place.
Detergents are a common component of sewage and in-
dustrial effluents derived in largest amounts from household
cleaning agents. In 1965 a shift from tetra propylene-derived
alkylbenzene sulfonates (ABS) to the more biodegradable
linear alkylate sulfonates (LAS) was made by the detergent
industry. In current detergent formulas, LAS is the primary
toxic active compound, two to four times more toxic than
ABS (Pickering 1966).534 However, toxicity of LAS dis-
appears along with the methylene blue active substances
(MBAS) response upon biodegradation (Swisher 1967). 537
Retrieval of MBAS data from the National Surveillance
Stations throughout the U.S. from 1966 to the present
showed that the mean of 3,608 samples was less than 0.1
mg/1. There has been a downward trend in MBAS concen-
trations. Only four stations reported mean concentrations
greater than 0.2 mg/1.
The MBAS determination has been the routine analytical
method for measurement of surfactant concentrations. Posi-
tive errors are more common than negative ones in the
determination of anionic surfactants in water (Standard
Methods 1971).536 An infrared determination or a carbon
absorption cleanup procedure is recommended when high
MBAS concentrations are found.
Marchetti (1965)533 critically reviewed the effects of de-
tergents on aquatic life. Most available information on
LAS toxicity relates to fish. Short term studies by a number
of investigators have shown that lethal concentrations to
selected fish species vary from 0.2 to 10.0 mg/1 (Hokanson
and Smith 1971).532 Bardach et al. (1965)531 reported that
10 mg/1 is lethal to bullheads (Ictalurus sp.), and that 0.5
mg/1 eroded 50 per cent of their taste buds within 24 days.
Thatcher and Santner (1966)538 found 96-hour LC50 values
from 3.3 to 6.4 mg/1 for five species of fish.
Pickering and Thatcher (1970)535 found in their stu9y of
chronic toxicity that a concentration of 0.63 mg/1 had no
measurable effect. on the life cycle of the fathead minnow
(Pimephales promelas), while a concentration of 1.2 mg/1 was
lethal to the newly hatched fry. A safe level should be
between 14 and 28 per cent of the 96-ho~r LC50. Hokanson
and Smith (1971) 532 reported that a concentration of l mg/1
was an approximate safe concentration for bluegills in
Mississippi River water of good quality. Arthur (1970)5 30
found that the no-effect level of LAS on Gammarus pseudo-
limnaeus was 0.2 to 0.4 mg/l. This investigator also subjected
opculate and pulmonate snails to 60-week exposures of
LAS and showed the toxicity levels to be 0.4 to l.O mg/1
and greater than 4.4 mg/1, respectively.
Detergent Builders
Phosphates have been included in household detergents
to increase their effectiveness, although this use has been
seriously questioned recently. Nitrilotriacetate (NT A) and
other builders have been tried, but most are either less
effective or have been barred for reasons of potential health
hazard. Available builders do not have serious direct effects
on fish or aquatic organisms at concentrations likely to be
encountered in receiving waters. In view of the uncertain
legal status of present commercial detergents and the
extensive search for adequate substitutes now in progress,
recommendations for builders are not practical at this time.
However, it can be stated that a satisfactory builder should
be biologically degradable and nontoxic to aquatic
organisms and humans, and that it should not cause aes-
thetic problems in the receiving water.
Once a 96-hour LC50 has been determined using
the receiving water in question and the most sensi-
tive important species in the locality as the test
organism, a concentration of LAS safe to aquatic
life in that water can be estimated by multiplying
the 96-hour LC50 by an application factor of 0.05;
but no concentration greater than 0.2 mg/1 is
recommended at any time or place.
Phenols and phenolic wastes are derived from petroleum,
coke, and chemical indus tries ; wood distillation; and do-
mestic and animal wastes. Many phenolic compounds are
more toxic than pure phenol: their toxicity varies with the
combinations and general nature of total wastes. Acute
toxicity of pure phenol varies between 0.079 mg/1 in 30
minutes to minnows, and 56.0 mg/1 in 96 hours to mosquito
fish (Gambusia a/finis). Mitrovic et al. (1968)5 41 found a
48-hour LC50 of 7.5 mg/1 to trout; they noted that exposure
to 6.5 mg/1 caused damage to epithelial cells in 2 hours,
and extensive damage to reproductive systems in 7 days.
Ellis (1937)539 reported l.O mg/1 safe to trout; and 0.10
Toxic Substances/191
mg/1 was found nonlethal to bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus)
in 48 hours (Turnbull et al. 1954). 542 These studies illustrated
the wide range of phenol toxicity. There is not yet adequate
documentation about chronic effects and toxicity of mixed
wastes on which to base recommendations of safe levels for
Phenolics affect the taste of fish at levels that do not
appear to affect fish physiology adversely. Mixed wastes
often have more objectionable effects than pure materials.
For example, 2,4-dicholorphenol affects taste at 0.001 to
0.005 mg/1; p-chlorophenol at 0.01 to 0.06 mg/1; and
2-methyl, 6-chlorophenol at 0.003 mg/l. (See the discussion
of Tainting Substances, p. 147.) Pure phenol did not affect
taste until levels of 1 to lO mg/1 were reached (Fetterolf
1964).540 The taste of fish in most polluted situations is
adversely affected by phenolics before acute toxic effects
are observed.
In view of the wide range of concentrations of
phenolics which produce toxic effects in fish and
the generally lower levels which taint fish flesh, it
is recommended that taste and odor criteria be
used to determine suitability of waste receiving
waters to support usable fish populations. Where
problems of fish kills occur or fish are subjected to
occasional short-term exposure to phenolic com-
pounds, a 96-hour LC50 should be determined
using the receiving water in question and the most
sensitive important fish in the locality as the test
animal. Concentrations of phenolic compounds
safe to fish in that water can then be estimated by
multiplying the 96-hour LC50 by an application
factor of 0.05; but no concentration greater than
0.1 mg/1 is recommended at any time or place.
Tests of other species will be necessary to protect
other trophic levels.
Sulfides are constituents of many industrial wastes, such
as those from tanneries, paper mills, chemical plants, and
gas works. Hydrogen sulfide may be generated by the
anaerobic decomposition of sewage and other organic
matter in the water, and in sludge beds. Natural production
of H2S may also result from deposits of organic material.
When soluble sulfides are added to water, they react
with hydrogen ions to form HS-or H2S, the proportion of
each depending on the pH values. The toxicity of sulfides
derives primarily from H 2S rather than the sulfide ion. The
rapid combination of H 2S with other materials, including
oxygen, has frequently caused investigators to overlook the
importance of H 2S as it affects aquatic life, especially when
it originates from sludge beds. Because water samples
usually are not taken at the mud/water interface, the im-
portance of H 2S in this habitat for fish eggs, fish fry, and
192/Section III-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
00 <0 c ..,
u .... v
6.0 6.4 6.8 7.2 7.6 8.0 8.4
~IGURE III-11-Percentage of Hydrogen Sulfide in the Form of Undissociated H2S at Various pH Levels (Temperature
20 C; ionic strength p, = 0.01)
fish food organisms is often overlooked (Colby and Smith
1967). 545
Hydrogen sulfide is a poisonous gas, soluble in water to
the extent of about 4,000 mg/l at 20 C and one atmosphere
of pressure (Figure III-ll). Upon solution, it dissociates
according to the reaction H2S-tHS-+H+ and HS--t
s--+H+. At pH 9, about 99 per cent of the sulfide is in
the form ofHS-; at pH 7 it is about equally divided between
HS-and H 2S; and at pH 5 about 99 per cent is present
as H2S.
Consequently, the toxicity of sulfides increases at lower
pH because a greater proportion is in the form of undissoci-
ated H2S. Only at pH 10 and above is the sulfide ion
present in appreciable amounts. In polluted situations,
where the pH may be neutral or below 7.0, or where oxygen
levels are low but not lethal, problems arising from sulfides
or from hydrogen sulfide generated in sludge deposits will
be increased.
Much available data on the toxicity of hydrogen sulfide
to fish and aquatic life have been based on extremely short
exposure periods and have failed to give adequate infor-
mation on water quality,· oxygen, and pH. Consequently,
early data have suggested that concentrations between 0.3
and 4.0 mg/l permit fish to survive (Schaut 1939,546
VanHorn 1958,550 Bonn and Follis 1967,544 Theede et al.
1969).~49 Recent data both in field situations and under
controlled laboratory conditions demonstrated hydrogen
sulfide toxicity at lower concentrations. Colby and Smith
(1967) 545 found that concentrations as high as 0. 7 mg/l
were found within 20 mm of the bottom on sludge beds,
and that levels of 0.1 to 0.02 mg/l were common within the
first 20 mm of water above this layer. Walleye (Stizostedion
vitreum v.) eggs held in trays in this zone did not hatch.
Adelman and Smith (1970)543 reported that hatching of
northern pike (Esox lucius) eggs was substantially reduced
at 0.025 mg/l of H2S, and at 0.047 mg/l mortality was
almost complete. Northern pike fry had 96-hour LC50
values that varied from 0.017 to 0.032 mg/l at normal
oxygen levels (6.0 mg/1). The highest concentration of
hydrogen sulfide at which no short-term effects on eggs or
fry were observed was 0.814 mg/l. Smith and Oseid (in
press 1971), 548 working on eggs, fry, and juveniles of walleyes
and white suckers (Catostomus commersonni), and Smith
(1971),547 working on walleyes and fathead minnows
(Pimephales promelas), found that safe levels varied from
0.0029 to 0.012 mg/l with eggs being the least sensitive and
Toxic Substances/193
TABLE III-20-96-Hour LCSO and Safe Levels Based on No
Adverse Effect on Critical Life History Stages
Species 96·Hr. LC (mg/0 Safe levels• (mg/0
Northern Pike............................ eggs 0.037 0.014
fry 0. 026 0. 004
Walleye ................................. eggs 0.071 0.012
fry 0.007 0.007
juvenile 0. 017 0.0037
While Sucker............................ eggs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.015
fry 0.0018 0.002
juvenile 0.0185 0.002
Fathead minnows......................... juvenile 0.032 (at20 C) 0.003
adult 0.032 0.003
Bluegill.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . juvenile 0. 032 0. 002
adult 0.032 0.002
Gammarus pseudolimnaeus................ 0.042 (10·day) 0.0033
Hexagenia limbata........................ 0. 350
• Safe levels are construed to mean no demonstrable deleterious effect on survival or growth after long-term
chronic exposure.
juveniles being the most sensitive in short-term tests (Table
III-20). In 96-hour bioassays fathead minnows and goldfish
(Carassius auratus) varied greatly in tolerance to hydrogen
sulfide with changes in temperature. They were more
tolerant at low temperatures (6 to lO C).
On the basis of chronic tests evaluating growth and
survival, the safe level for bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus)
juveniles and adults was 0.002 mg/l. White sucker eggs all
hatched at 0.015 mg/1, but juveniles showed a negligible
growth reduction at 0.002 mg/l. Safe levels for fathead
minnows were between 0.002 and 0.003 mg/l. Studies on
various arthropods ( Gammarus pseudolimnaeus and Hexagenia
limbata), useful as fish food, indicated that safe levels were
between 0.002 and 0.003 mg/l (Smith 1971 ). 547 Some species
typical of normally stressed habitats were much more re-
sistant (Asellus sp.).
On the basis of available data, a level of undis-
sociated hydrogen sulfide assumed to be safe for
all aquatic organisms including fish is 0.002 mgfl.
At a pH of 6.0 and a temperature of 13.0 C, approxi-
mately 99 per cent of the total sulfide is present as
undissociated hydrogen sulfide. Therefore, to pro-
tect aquatic organisms within the acceptable limits
of pH and temperature, it is recommended that
the concentration of total sulfides not exceed 0.002
mgfl at any time or place.
In this report, wildlife is defined as all species of verte-
brates other than fish and man. To assure the short-term
and long-term survival of wildlife, the water of the aquatic
ecosystem must be of the quality and quantity to furnish
the necessary life support throughout the life-cycle of the
species involved. In addition to the quantity, the quality of
food substances produced by the aquatic environment must
be adequate to support the long-term survival of the wild-
life species.
Many species of wildlife require the existence of specific,
complex, and relatively undisturbed ecosystems for their
continued existence. Aquatic ecosystems, such as bogs,
muskegs, seepages, swamps, and marshes, can exhibit
marked fragility under the influence of changing water
levels, various pollutants, fire, or human activity. Changes
in the abundance of animal populations living in such
aquatic communities can result in reactions and altered
abundance of plant life, which in turn will have repercus-
sions of other species of animal life. In general, these transi-
tional ecosystems between land and water are characterized
by very high productivity and importance for wildlife, and
they should thus be maintained in that state to the greatest
possible extent.
In many instances, criteria to protect fish and inverte-
brates or to provide water suitable for consumption by man
or domestic animals will also provide the minimal requisites
for some species of wildlife. This would be true for species
that use water only for direct consumption or that feed on
aquatic organisms to only a minor extent. For many species
of wildlife, however, the setting of water quality criteria is
complicated by their ecological position at the apex of com-
plex food webs, and also by the extreme mobility of some
wildlife, especially birds.
Those substances which are concentrated via food chains,
such as many chlorinated hydrocarbons, present special
problems for those species that occupy the apex of long food
chains. In those instances, environmental levels which are
safe for fish, do not necessarily convey safety to predators or
even to scavengers that consume fish.
A number of factors can be identified that can affect
specific components of the ecosystem and cause reduced
food and shelter for wildlife. These factors also affect fish
and other squatic life and therefore are discussed in greater
detail in appropriate related subtopics.
In bioassays with aquatic plants, Sincock (1968)593 found
that when the pH of the water in test vessels dropped to 4.5,
reedhead-grass (Potamogeton perjoliatus), a valuable water-
fowl food plant, died within a few days. Similarly, in Back
Bay, Virginia, between August and November, 1963, the
aquatic plant production declined from 164 to 13 pounds
per acre. This atypical decline was immediately preceded
by a decline in pH to 6.5 compared to previous midsummer
readings of 7.7 to 9.2. (U.S. Bureau of Sport Fisheries and
Wildlife). 601
Aquatic plants of greatest value as food for water-
fowl thrive best in waters with a summer pH range
of 7.0 to 9.2.
Generally, waters with reasonably high bicarbonate alka-
linity are more productive of valuable waterfowl food plants
than are waters with low bicarbonate alkalinity. Few waters
with less than 25 mg/1 bicarbonate alkalinity can be classed
among the better waterfowl habitats. Many waterfowl habi-
tats productive of valuable foods, such as sago pondweed
(Potamogeton pectinatus), widgeongrass (Rappia maritima and
R. occidentalis), banana waterlily (Castalia jlava), wild celery,
(Vallisneria americana), and others have a bicarbonate alka-
linity range of 35 to 200 mg/1.
Definitive submerged aquatic plant communities develop
in waters with different concentrations of bicarbonate
alkalinity. It is logical to assume that excessive and pro-
longed fluctuation in alkalinity would not be conducive to
stabilization of any one plant community type. Sufficient
experimental evidence is not available to define the effects
of various degrees and rates of change in alkalinity on
aquatic plant communities. Fluctuations of 50 mg/1 prob-
ably would contribute to unstable plant communities.
Fluctuations of this magnitude may be due to canals con-
necting watersheds, diversion of irrigation water, or flood
diversion canals (Federal Water Pollution Control Adminis-
tration 1968, hereafter referred to as FWPCA 1968): 562
Waterfowl habitats should have a bicarbonate
alkalinity between 30 and 130 mg/1 to be pro-
ductive. Fluctuations should be less than 50 mg/1
from natural conditions.
Salinity can also affect plant commumtles. All saline
water communities, from slightly brackish to marine, pro-
duce valuable waterfowl foods, and the most important
consideration is the degree of fluctuation of salinity. The
germination of seeds and the growth of seedlings are critical
stages in the plant-salinity relationship; plants become more
tolerant to salinity with age.
. Salinities from 0.35 to 0.9 per cent NaCl in drinking
water have been shown to be toxic to many members of the
order Galliformes (chickens, pheasant, quail) (Krista et al.
.1961,585 Scrivner 1946,592 Field and Evans 1946561).
, . Young ducklings were killed or retarded in growth as a
~esult of salt poisoning by solutions equal to those found on
the Suisun Marsh, California, during the summer months.
Salinity maxima varied from 0;55 to 1. 74 per cent, and the
means varied from 0.07 to 1.26 per cent during July from
1956 to 1960 (Griffith 1962-63).565
..... ·Salinity should be kept as close to natural con-
ditions _as possible. Rapid fluctuations should be
Criteria for light penetration established in the discus-
sions of Color (p. 130) and Settleable Solids (p. 129) should
-also be adequate to provide for the production of aquatic
·plants for freshwater wildlife.
· •' Accumulation of silt deposits are destructive to aquatic
plants due eSpecially to the creation of a soft, semi-liquid
'Sl!-bstratum inadequate for the anchoring of roots. Back
rBay,Virginia, and Currituck Sound, North Carolina, serve
as examples of the destructive nature of silt deposition.
Approximately 40 square miles of bottom are covered with
soft, semi-liquid silts up to 5 inches deep; these areas, con-
stituting one-fifth of the total area, produce only 1 per cent
of the total aquatic plant production (FWPCA 1968).062
Setteable substances can destroy the usefulness
of aquatic bottoms to waterfowl, and for that
reason, settleable substances should be minimized
in areas expected to support waterfowl.
The production of protozoans, crustaceans, aquatic in-
sects, other invertebrates, and fish is dependent on water
quality. The water quality requirements for the production
of fish are dealt with "elsewhere in this Section, and a normal
level of productivity of invertebrates is also required for the
normal production of fish that feed upon them.
While it is well known that many species of invertebrates
are easily affected by low concentrations of pollutants, such
as insecticides, in water ( Gaufin et al. 1965,563 Burdick et al.
1968,555 Kennedy et al. 1970 584), most of the field studies do
not supply reliable exposure data, and most laboratory
studies are of too short' a duration or are performed under
static conditions, allowing no reliable extrapolations to
natural conditions. The general impression to be gained
from these studies is that insects and crustaceans tend to be
as sensitive as or more sensitive than fish to various insecti-
cides, and that many molluscs and oligochetes tend to be
less sensitive.
The increasing discharge of warmed industrial and do-
mestic effluents into northern streams and lakes has changed
the duration and extent of normal ice cover in these north-
ern regions. This has prompted changes in the normal
overwintering pattern of some species of waterfowl. Thus,
Hunt (1957)576 details the increasing use since 1930 of the
Detroit River as a wintering area for black duck (Anas
rubripes), canvasback (Aythya valisneria), lesser scaup (Aythya
affines), and redhead (Athya americana). In this process,
waterfowl may become crowded into areas near industrial
complexes with a shrinking supply of winter food. The
proximity of sources of pollutants, food shortages, and low
air temperatures often interact to produce unusually high
waterfowl mortalities.
Changes in natural freezing patterns and dates
should be avoided as far as possible in order to
minimize abnormal concentrations of wintering
196/Section Ill-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
Direct Acting Substances
Oils Waterbirds and aquatic mammals, such as musk-
rat and otter, require water that is free from surface oil.
Catastrophic losses of waterbirds have resulted from the
contamination of plumages by oils. Diving birds appear to
be more susceptible to oiling than other species (Hawkes
1961).571 Heavy contamination of the plumage results in
loss of buoyancy and drowning. Lower levels of contamina-
tion cause excessive heat loss resulting in an energy deficit
which expresses itself in an accelerated starvation (Hartung
1967a).567 Less than 5 mg of oil per bird can produce sig-
nificant increases in heat loss. The ingestion of oils may
contribute to mortalities, and this is especially true for some
manufactured oils (Hartung and Hunt 1966).569 When
small quantities of oil are coated onto eggs by incubating
mallaq:ls (Anas platyrhynchos), the likelihood of those eggs to
hatch is greatly reduced (Hartung 1965). 566 Rittinghaus
( 1956) 591 reported an incident in which numerous Cabot's
Terns (Thalasseus sandvicensis) and other shorebirds became
contaminated with oil that had been washed on shore. Eggs
which were subsequently oiled by the plumage of oiled fe-
male terns did not hatch even after 50 days of incubation.
The absence of visible surface oils should protect wildlife
from direct effect.
Oils can be sedimented by coating particulates on the
surface and then sinking to the bottom. Sedimented oils
have been associated with changes in benthic communities
(Hunt 1957)57 6 and have been shown to act as concentrators
for chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides (Hartung and
Klingler 1970570).
To protect waterfowl, there should be no visible
floating oil (see p.146 of this Section and pp. 263-264
of Section IV).
Lead Waterfowl often mistake spent lead shot for seed
or grit and ingest it. See Section IV, pp. 227-228, for a
discussion of this problem.
The recommendation of the Marine Aquatic Life
and Wildlife Panel, Section IV, (p. 228) to protect
waterfowl also applies to the freshwater environ-
Botulism Poisoning Botulism is a food poisoning
caused by the ingestion of the toxin of Clostridium botulinum
of any six immunologically distinct types, designated A
through F. The disease, as it occurs in epizootic proportions
in wild birds, is most commonly of the C type, although
outbreaks of type E botulism have been observed on the
Great Lakes (Kaufman and Fay 1964582 , Fay 1966560).
Ct. botulinum, a widely distributed anaerobic bacterium,
is capable of existing for many years in its dormant spore
form, even under chemically and physically adverse en-
vironmental conditions. Its toxins are produced in the
course of its metabolic activity as the vegetative form grows
and reproduces in suitable media. Outbreaks occur when
aquatic birds consume this preformed toxin.
The highest morbidity and mortality rates from botulism
in aquatic birds have been recorded in shallow, alkaline
lakes or marshes in the western United States, and outbreaks
have most commonly occurred from July through Septem-
ber and, in some years, October. The optimum tempera-
tures for growth of the bacterium or the toxin production,
or both, have been reported as low as 25 C (Hunter et al.
1970)577 and as high as 37 C (Quortrup and Sudheimer
1942588). The discrepancies are probably the result of differ-
ences in the experimental conditions under which the meas-
urements were made and the strains of Ct. botulinum type C
The popular belief that avian botulism epizootics are as-
sociated with low water levels and consequent stagnation is
not necessarily supported by facts. In three of the years of
heaviest bird losses in the history of the Bear River Migra-
tory Bird Refuge (1965, 1967, and 1971), the water supply
was considerably more abundant than normal (Hunter,
California Department of Fish and Game, persorzal communi-
cation; unpublished Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife
reports60o). The high water levels caused flooding of mud
flats not normally under water in the summer months. Simi-
lar inundations of soil that had been dry for several years
have been associated previously with outbreaks on the Bear
River Refuge and in other epizootic areas. A: partial ex-
planation for these associations may be that flooding of dry
ground is commonly followed by a proliferation of many
species of aquatic invertebrates (McKnight 1970587 ), the
carcasses of which may be utilized by Ct. botulinum.
Bell et al. (1955)552 provided experimental support for an
idea expressed earlier by Kalmbach (1934).581 According to
their "microenvironment concept," the bodies of inverte-
brate animals provide the nutrients and the anaerobic en-
vironment required by C. botulinum type C for growth and
toxin production. These bodies would presumably also offer
some protection to the bacterium and its toxin from a chemi-
cally unfavorable ambient medium. Jensen and Allen
(1960)578 presented evidence of a possible relationship be-
tween die-offs of certain invertebrate species and subsequent
botulism outbreaks.
The relationship between alkalinity or salinity of the
marsh and the occurrence of botulism outbreaks is not clear.
Invertebrate carcasses suspended in distilled water support
high levels of toxin (Bell et al. 1955).552 Laboratory media
are commonly composed of ingredients such as peptones,
yeast extract, and glucose, without added salts. The medium
used routinely at the Bear River Research Station for the
culture of Ct. botulinum type C has a pH of 6.8 to 7.0 after
heat sterilization. McKee et al. (1958)586 showed that when
pH was automatically maintai~ed at a particular,level in
laboratory cultures.of Ct. botulinum type C throughout the
growth period, the largest amount of toxin was produced at
pH 5. 7, the lowest level tested. -Decomposing carcasses of
birds dead of botulism commonly contain very high concen-
trations of type C toxin, and in these cases production is
ordinarily independent of the chemical composition of the
Kalmbach (1934)581 tabulated the salt concentrations of
water. samples collected from I 0 known botulism epizootic
areas. The values ranged from 261 to 102,658 ppm (omit-
ting the highest, which was taken from a lake where the bird
losses were possibly from a cause other than botulism).
Christiansen and Low (1970)556 recorded conductance
measurements on water in the management units of the
Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge and the Farmington Bay
Waterfowl Management Area, both sites of botulism out-
breaks varying in severity from year to year. The average
conductance of water flowing into the five units of the Bear
River Refuge in five summers (1959-1963) ranged from 3.7
to 4.9 millimhos per centimeter at 25 C. The readings on
outflowing water from the five units ranged from 4.4 to 8.3
mmhos. Comparable figures for the three Farmington Bay
units were 1.8 to 3.2 (inflow) and 3.2 to 4.8 mmho~ (out-
flow). Thus the salinity range of the inflowing water at Bear
River was comparable to that of the outflowing water at
These data suggest that salt concentration of the water in
an epizootic area is not one of the critical factors influencing
the occurrence of outbreaks. If high salinity does favor their
occurrence, it is probably not because of its effect on Cl.
botulinum itself. Other possible explanations for the higher
incidence of botulism in shallow, alkaline marshes are:
• Saline waters may support higher invertebrate popu-
lation levels than do relatively fresh waters. (Com-
parisons, as they relate to avian botulism, have not
been made.)
• High salinity may inhibit some of the microorganisms
that compete with Cl. botulinum for nutrients or those
that cause deterioration of the toxin.
• Salinity may have no significant effect on the in-
vertebrates or the bacteria, but it increases the sus-
ceptibility of the birds. Gooch ( 1964) 557 has shown
that type C botulinum toxin decreases the activity of
the salt gland in ducks, reducing its capacity to
eliminate salt. Birds so affected succumb to smaller
doses of toxin than do those provided with fresh
• Outbreaks of botulism poisoning tend to be associ-
ated with or affected by insect die-offs, water tem-
peratures above 70 F, fluctuations in water levels and
elevated concentrations of dissolved solids.
Outbreaks of botulism poisoning tend to be as-
sociated with, or affected by insect die-ofis, water
temperature above 70 F, fluctuating water levels,
and elevated concentrations of dissolved solids.
Management of these factors may reduce outbreaks
of botulism poisoning.
Substances Acting After Magnification in· Food Chains
Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Pesticides
DDT and Derivatives DDT and its abundant de-
rivatives DDE and TDE have high lipid solubility and low
water solubility, and thus tend to concentrate in the lipid,
i.e., living fraction of the aquatic environment (Hartung
1967b).568 DDE is the most stable of the DDT compounds
and has been especially implicated in producing thinning of
egg shells, increased breakage of eggs, reproductive failure
in species occupying the apex of aquatic food chains in areas
with long histories of DDT usage.
Reproductive failures and local extirpation associated
with egg shell thinning have been reported for several North
American bird species. The phenomenon was first described
and is most wide-spread for the peregrine falcon (Falco
peregrinus) (Hickey and Anderson 1968). 574 Since then simi-
lar phenomena have been described in Brown Pelicans
(Pelecanus occidentalis) (Anderson and Hickey 1970)551 and
species of several other families of predatory birds. Further
increases ofDDE in large receiving basins, such as the Great
Lakes, would be expected to increase the extent of repro-
ductive failure among predatory aquatic bird populations.
Concentrations as low as 2.8 ppm p ,p'DDE on a wet-
weight basis produced experimental thinning of egg shells in
the American Kestrel (Falco sparvarius) (Wiemeyer and
Porter 1970). 599 Heath et al. (1969)572 induced significant
levels of eggshell thinning in mallards after feeding them
similarly low levels of DDE. Concentrations of DDT com-
pounds in the water of Lake Michigan have been estimated
to be l to 3 parts per trillion (Reinert 1970)589 (Table
III-21). Concentrations that would permit the assured sur-
vival of sensitive predatory bird species are evidently much
lower than that. Because such low concentrations cannot be
reliably measured by present technologies and because the
concentrating factor for the food chains appears to be vari-
able or is not known, or both, a biological monitoring sys-
tem should be chosen. If it is desired to protect a number of
fish-eating and raptorial birds, it is essential to reduce the
levels of DDE contamination, especially in large receiving
basins (see Section IV).
The available data indicate that there should not be con-
centrations greater than 1 mg/kg of total DDT in any
aquatic plants or animals in order to protect most species of
aquatic wildlife. Present unpublished data indicate effects
for even lower levels of DDE to some species of predatory
birds (Stickel unpublished data). 601
Present environmental levels vastly exceed the recom-
mended levels in many locations, and continued direct or
198/Section Ill-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
TABLE 111-21-Relotionship of DDT and Metabolites to
Eggshell Thinning
Species Dosage* wet-
weight basis
Pesticide level Thinning
in eggs
Mallard............... 1000 mgjkg N.D.t 25
Prairie falcon (Falco
Japanese quail
Herring gull (larus
American kestrel
(Falco sparvarius)
single dose
N.D.t 0-10 ppm DOE ca. 5
10-20 ppm DOE ca. 13
20-30 ppm ODE ca. 18
30 ppm DOE ca. 25
100 ppm o,pDDT 23.6 ppm o,pDDT 4
0.52 ppm ODE
100 ppm p,p'DDT 48.0 ppm p,p'DDE 6
ca. 3.3 ppm 227 ppm total DDT N.D.t
total DDT
2.8 ppm p,p'DDE 32.4 ppm ODE 10
**2.8 ppm ODE N.D.t
**11.2 ppm DOE N.D.t
• All tests except the first one are chronic, spanning at least several months.
•• Converted from dry-basis.
t Not determined.
Tucker & Haegele, 1970"'
Enderson & Berger, 1970"'
Silman el al., 1969563
Keith, 1966"'
Wiemeyer & Porter, 1970"'
Heath el al., 1969572
indirect inputs of DDT would make these recommendations
In order to protect most species of aquatic wild-
life, the total DDT concentration on a wet-weight
basis should be less than 1 mgjkg in any aquatic
plants or animals. (Also see Recommendations for
Pesticides, p. 185-186.)
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) Polychlorinated
biphenyls are chlorinated hydrocarbons which are highly
resistant to chemical or biological degradation. They have
been widespread environmental contaminants (Jensen et al.
1969,580 Risebrough et al. 1968 590). Their biological effects
at present environmental concentrations are not known.
PCB's can elevate microsomal enzyme activity (Risebrough
et al. 1968,590 Street et al. 1968594), but the environmental
significance of that finding is not clear. The toxicity of
PCB is influenced by the presence of small amounts of con-
taminated chlorinated dibenzofurans (Vos and Koeman
1970,596 Vos et al. 1970597 ) which are highly toxic to de-
veloping embryos.
Because of the persistence of PCB and their
susceptibility to biological magnification, it is
recommended that the body burdens of PCB in
birds and mammals not be permitted to increase
and that monitoring programs be instituted (see
Section IV).
Westoo (1966)598 reported that almost all of the mercury
found in fish is methyl mercury. Jensen and Jernelov
(1969)579 showed that natural sediments can methylate
ionic mercury. Mercury levels in fish in Lake St. Clair
ranged between 0.4 and 3 ppm, averaging near 1.5 ppm
(Greig and Seagram 1970). 564 Residues in fish-eating birds
from Lake St. Clair ranged up to 7.5 ppm in a tern, and up
to 23 ppm in a great blue heron (Dustman et al. 1970). 558
These residues are comparable to those found in Swedish
birds that died after experimental dosing with methyl-
mercury, and in birds that died with signs of mercury poi-
soning under field conditions in Scandinavian countres
(Henriksson et al. 1966,573 Borg et al. 1969,554 Holt 196957 5).
To date, no bird mortalities due to mercury contamination
have been demonstrated in the Lake St. Clair area, but
body burdens of fish-eating birds are obviously close to
demonstrated toxic levels. It is therefore concluded that the
mercury levels in fish flesh should be kept below 0.5 ppm to
assure the long-term survival of fish-eating birds. Since this
level incorporates little or no safety margin for fish-eating
wildlife, it is suggested that the safety of a 0.5 ppm level be
reevaluated as soon as possible.
Fish-eating birds should be protected if mercury
levels in fish do not exceed 0.5 p.gjg.
Since the recommendation of 0.5 p.gfg mercury
in fish provides little or no safety margin for fish-
eating wildlife, it is recommended that the safety
of the 0.5 p.gfg level be reevaluated as soon as
1 Cairns, J., Jr. (1967), Suspended solids standards for the protection
of aquatic organisms. Proc. Ind. Waste Conj. Purdue Univ. 129(1):
2 Cairns, J., Jr., D. W. Albaugh, F. Busey, and M. D. Chanay
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4 Galtsoff, P. S., W. A. Chipman, Jr., J. B. Engle, and H. N. Calder-
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Fish and Wildlife Service Fisheries Bulletin 43(51):59-186.
6 Haydu, E. P. (1968), Biological concepts in pollution control. In-
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6 Patrick, R., H. H. Holm, and J. H. Wallace (1954), A new method
for determining the pattern of the diatom flora. Notulae Natur.
(Philadelphia) no. 259:1-12.
7 Sparks, R. E., A. G. Heath, and J. Cairns, Jr. (1969), Changes in
bluegill EKG and respiratory signal caused by exposure to con-
centrations of zinc. Ass. Southeast. Bioi. Bull. 16(2) :69.
8 Waller, W. T. and J. Cairns, Jr. (1969), Changes in movement pat-
terns of fish exposed to sublethal concentrations of zinc. Ass.
Southeast. Bioi. Bull. 16(2): 70.
9 Warren, C. E. and G. E. Davis (1971), Laboratory stream research:
objectives, possibilities, and constraints. Annu. Rev. Ecol. Systema-
tics 2: lll-144.
10 Alderdice, D. F. (1967), The detection and measurement of water
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11 American Public Health Association, American Water Works As-
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Standard methods for examination of water and wastewater, 13th ed.
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12 Anderson, B. G. (1950), The apparent thresholds of toxicity to
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References Cited
600 Hunter, Brian, personal communication, California Department of Fish
and Game; unpublished Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife
administrative reports.
601 Stickel, unpublished data 1972, U.S. Bureau of Sport Fisheries and
Wildlife, Patuxent, Maryland.
INTRODUCTION .......................... .
Development of Recommendations ..... .
TECTED ................................. .
THE NATURE oF THE EcosYSTEM ........... .
Effects of Water Quality Change on Eco.
systems ........................... .
FISHERIES ................................ .
MARINE AQUACULTURE .................... .
·Application of Water Quality to Aqua-
culture ............................ .
MARINE WILDLIFE ..................•......
Bases for Recommendations ............ .
Radionuclides ........................ .
Recommendation ................... .
Heavy Metals ........................ .
Recommendation ................... .
Polych"orinated Biphenyls (PCB) ....... .
Recommendation ................... .
DDT Compounds .................... .
Recommendation ................... .
Aldrin, Dieldrin, Endrin, and Heptachlor ..
Recommendation ................... .
Other Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Pesti-
cides ............................ .
Recommendation ................... .
Lead ............................... .
Recommendation ................... .
Mixing Zones ........................ .
METHODS OF ASSESSMENT .............. .
AcuTE ToxiciTIES-BIOASSA Ys .............. .
BIOAN AL YSIS . . . . .................•........
BIORESPONSE ............................. .
DESIGN OF BIOASSA YS ...................•..
SuBLETHAL EFFECTS ..........•............
Migrations .......................... .
Behavior ............................ .
Incidence of Disease . . ................ .
Life Cycle ........................... .
Physiological Processes ................ .
Genetic Effects ....................... .
Page Page
216 Nutrition and Food Chains............. 237
21 7 Effects on the Ecosystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 7
Food Value for Human Use............ 237
219 CATEGORIES OF POLLUTANTS............ 238
219 TEMPERATURE AND HEAT.................. 238
219 pH.................................... 238
221 Forms of Chemical and Environmental
222 Interactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
Biological Effects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
224 Metals............................... 240
224 Alkalinity or Buffer Capacity, Carbon Di-
225 oxide, and pH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
226 Recommendation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
226 Aluminum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
226 Recommendation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
226 Ammonia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
226 Recommendation.................... 242
226 Antimony. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
226 Recommendation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
227 Arsenic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
227 Recommendation.................... 243
227 Barium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
Recommendation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
227 Beryllium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
227 Recommendation.................... 244
227 Bismuth.............................. 244
228 Boron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
228 Recommendation.................... 245
231 Bromine ........... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
233 Recommendation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
233 Cadmium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
233 Recommendation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
234 Chlorine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
235 Recommendation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 7
236 Chromium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 7
236 Recommendation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 7
236 Copper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 7
236 Recommendation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
236 Cyanides ...... : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
237 Recommendation.................... 248
237 Fluorides............................. 248
Recommendation ................... .
Iron ................................ .
Recommendation ................... .
Lead ............................... .
Recommendation ................... .
Manganese .......................... .
Recommendation ................... .
Mercury ............................ .
Recommendation ................... .
, Molybdenum ........................ .
Recommendation ................... .
Nickel .............................. .
Recommendation ................... .
Phosphorus .......................... .
Recommendation ................... .
Selenium ............................ .
Recommendation ................... .
Silver ............................... .
Recommendation ................... .
Sulfides ............................. .
Recommendation ................... .
Thallium ............................ .
Recommendation ................... .
Uranium ............................ .
Recommendation ................... .
Vanadium ........................... .
Recommendation ................... .
Zinc ................................ .
Recommendation ................... .
Sources of Oil Pollution ............... .
Biological Effects of Petroleum Hydrocar-
bons .............................. .
Corrective Measures .................. .
Recommendations .................. .
249 Toxic ORGANICS ......................... .
249 Bases for Recommendations ............ .
249 Recommendations .................. .
249 OxYGEN ................................. .
250 Recommendation ................... .
251 VIRONMENT ............................ .
251 Characteristics and Sources of Radio-
252 activity ........................... .
252 Exposure Pathways ................... .
253 Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation ..
253 Restrictions on Radioactive Materials ... .
253 Conclusions .......................... .
253 Recommendat:on ................... .
254 SEWAGE AND NuTRIENT3 .................. .
254 Magnitude of the Problem ............. .
255 Oxygen Depletion .................... .
255 Excessive Nutrient Enrichment ......... .
255 Pathogenic Microorganisms ............ .
255 Sludge Disposal into Marine Waters .... .
256 Deep Sea Dumping ................... .
256 Potential Beneficial Uses of Sewage ..... .
256 Rationale for Establishing Recommenda-
256 tions ............................ .
256 Recommendations .................. .
257 OcEAN DuMPING ....................... .
25 7 Dredge Spoils ........................ .
25 7 Sewage Sludges ...................... .
25 7 Solid Wastes ......................... .
25 7 Industrial Wastes ..................... .
Other Solid Wastes ................... .
258 Suspended Particulate Materials ........ .
262 Recommendations .................. .
263 LITERATURE CITED ...................... .
The Panel on Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife took as
its prime responsibility the development of recommenda-
tions that would reasonably assure protection of the marine
ecosystem. The recommendations have been discussed at
various meetings of the members of the Panel and represent
a consensus on the best statement that can be made in the
light of present knowledge. The recommendations are not
inflexible and may be modified as our understanding of the
marine ecosystem improves.
Many parts of the marine ecosystem do not meet the
quality requirements recommended here. As a result of
man's activities, the marine ecosystem has been greatly
modified; many species are excluded from areas where they
were once abundant, and many areas have been closed for
the harvesting of marine products as human food because
of pollution. The decision as to what part, and how much,
of the marine ecosystem should be protected for normal
aquatic life and wildlife has political, social, and economic
aspects, and such decisions cannot be based upon scientific
evidence alone. Although some marine pollution problems
are local in character, many are global and only the broad-
est possible approach can solve these problems. Food from
the sea is already an important source of animal protein for
human nutrition, and this continuing supply must not be
diminished by pollution.
At the same time, the Panel recognizes that additions of
pollutants to the oceans as by-products of our present mode
of living will continue. But if pollution is kept within the
boundaries and constraints which are defined in the recom-
mendations, the Panel believes that the marine ecosystem
can be protected.
In many ways the marine ecosystem is similar to the
freshwater, but there are significant differences which
should be briefly described. For more details which sum-
marize the extensive literature on this .subject, the reader is
referred to The Oceans by Sverdrup, et al. (1942)6, * The Sea,
particularly volume 2 edited by M. N. Hill (1964),3 and
Estuaries, edited by G. H. Lauff (1967).4
* Citations are listed at the end of the Section. They can be located
alphabetically within subtopics or by their superior numbers which
run consecutively across subtopics for the entire Section.
The marine environment is a significant source of animal
protein with an annual production of about 60 million tons
fresh weight of fisheries produCts (Food and Agriculture
·~organization 1967).2 Various estimates of the potential ex-
pansion of this harvest have been made and are summarized
by Ryther (1969)5 who concludes that the potential harvest
might double this figure. Some of the existing stocks are
already fished to capacity or overfished, but aquaculture
(pp. 222-224) may increase world marine production.
The importance of this supply of animal protein to the
world population has been emphasized by Borgstrom
(1961).1 He estimates that more than two billion people of
the world's population receive 50 per cent or more of their
animal protein from marine products. In the United States
fish contributes only about 5 per cent of our animal protein
consumption, but even so it has been estimated by Pruter
(unpublished 1972)8 that over ten billion pounds of commercial
fish and shellfish were harvested from the estuaries and con-
tinental shelf of the United States in 1970. Furthermore, in
the United States a great deal of fishmeal is used to fortify
animal feeds, particularly for chickens. It is obvious that
this valuable food resource of the marine environment must
be sustained.
The estuaries are regions where the impact of man's ac-
tivity is greatest, and they are also areas of great value for
marine fish production. They serve not only as nursery
areas and breeding grounds for many species of fish, but
also as the regular home for the entire life cycle of some
valuable species, such as oysters and crabs. Sykes (1968)7 has
estimated that 90 per cent or more of the commercial catch
of finfish in some geographical regions of the United States
consists of estuarine-dependent species. The estuaries are
the most variable regions of the marine ecosystem (see pp.
219-221) and organisms which inhabit them are exposed to
extreme variations. Since these organisms survive, they are
obviously adapted to the stress imposed by these variations.
During the tidal cycle, a sessile organism will be exposed to
variations in temperature and salinity as the tide ebbs and
flows. On a seasonal basis, because of variations in river
flow, organisms at a fixed location may be exposed to fresh
water during flood periods or to nearly undiluted sea water
during droughts. The oscillatory nature of the tidal cur-
rents can also lead to an accumulation of pollutants within
an estuary, as is discussed in the section on waste capacity
of receiving waters (pp. 228-232).
Migratory fishes must also pass through estuaries in order
to reach their breeding grounds. Anadromous fishes, such
as the alewife, salmon, shad, and striped bass, move up-
stream to breed in the highly diluted seawater or in fresh
water. In contrast the catadromous species such as the eel
spend their adult stages in fresh water and migrate down-
stream in order to breed in the open sea. Conditions within
the estuaries should be maintained so that these seasonal
breeding migrations are not interfered with.
The conditions in the coastal waters are less variable than
those in the estuaries, but in temperate regions, the seasonal
range of conditions can be considerable. The coastal waters,
particularly in areas of upwelling, are the most highly pro-
ductive parts of the marine environment and have been
estimated by Ryther (1969)5 to produce half of the potential
marine fish production, even though they constitute only
0.1 per cent of the total area of the oceans. The coastal
zones, including near shore areas of high production such as
fishing banks, constitute 9.9 per cent of the area of the ocean
and contribute nearly half of the world fish production. In
tropical waters, the seasonal variation in conditions is less
extreme than in temperate waters. However, as will be
discussed in the section on temperature (p. 238) many
tropical species are living near their upper extreme tempera-
ture during the summer, and this fact presents considerable
problems in the disposal of waste heat in tropical areas.
The open ocean constitutes 90 per cent of the area of the
world ocean and is the least variable of the marine environ-
ments. The deep sea produces only a minor fraction of the
world's fish production, and this consists mainly of the large
pelagic carnivores such as the tuna (Ryther 1969). 5 During
the 19th century, the whale harvest was substantially
greater than it is at present, but the whales captured were
not as effectively utilized as they are in modern whaling
methods. Many species of whales were grossly over-fished,
and there is considerable question today whether some of
these species can recover their original population sizes even
in those cases where a complete moratorium on their cap-
ture is in effect.
The waters of the deep sea below the permanent thermo-
cline (the depths below which seasonal temperature changes
do not occur) constitute the largest and most constant en-
vironment on earth. During the history of modern ocean-
ography, which covers the last century, no significant
changes in either salinity or temperature of the deep sea
have been observed, the organisms living in this abyssal en-
vironment having evolved under conditions which were
presumably constant for millenia. To protect the coastal
environment many proposals have been made to dump ma-
terials, such as solid waste, sewage sludge, and contaminated
drege spoils in the deep sea. Since the organisms inhabiting
the depths of the ocean have been exposed to a constant
environment, they are nqt accustomed to unusual stresses
which might be created by such dumping operations (see
pp. 278-283). Consequently, dumping of organic wastes in
the deep sea is not recommended (pp. 277, 282-283).
Development of Recommendations
In most cases, recommendations are not applicable to
every local situation. The marine environment varies
widely, and only an understanding of local conditions will
make it possible to determine what can or cannot be added
in each situation. Many materials are accumulated by
marine organisms, and the concentration is often increased
at higher levels of the food web. With substances that are
toxic and persistent, it is the concentration in the highest
predators, fish or birds, that is critical. One example is
DDT and its derivatives which have accumulated in birds to
levels that interfere with their breeding. Materials that de-
compose or are otherwise removed from the marine en-
vironment present lesser hazards.
The application of any recommendation to a local situa-
tion is unique because it requires (a) an understanding of
the circulation of the water and the resultant mixing and
dilution of the pollutant, (b) a knowledge of the local bio-
logical species in the environment and the identification of
those that are most sensitive to the pollutant being con-
sidered, and (c) an evaluation of the transport of the ma-
terial through the food web because of the possibility that
the pollutant may reach concentrations hazardous either to
the normal aquatic species present, or to man through his
use of aquatic species as food.
The normal cycle of variation in the environment of many
substances or conditions that occur naturally, such as oxy-
gen, temperature, and nutrients, must be determined before
decisions can be made as to possible permissible changes. In
many estuaries and coastal waters "normal" conditions
have been modified by man's activities and may already
have changed to the extent that some species that might
have been found at earlier times have been eliminated. In
some circumstances, a recommendation may not be applic-
able because it may be necessary to specify no additional
change beyond that which has already occurred. There is
no generally applicable formula for recommendations to
protect marine aquatic life and wildlife; a study of local
environmental conditions is essential prior to application of
the recommendations.
The Panel recognizes that what can or should be done in a
given situation cannot wait for the completion of time-
consuming studies. The degree of protection desired for a
given location involves social and political decisions. The
ecological nature and quality of each water mass proposed
for modification must be assessed prior to any decision to
modify. This requires appropriate information on the physi-
cal and chemical characteristics, on the distribution and
abundance of species, and on the normal variations in these
218/Section IV-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
attributes over the annual cycle. In addition, there must be
sufficient knowledge to permit useful predicjion of the sig-
nificant effects of the proposed pollutant on the stages in the
life cycle of important species, on populations, and on the
biological communities present. The possible impact of that
pollutant upon the ecosystem can then be assessed. These
subjects are covered in greater detail in other parts of this
Section, but they are mentioned here to emphasize their
primary importance in determining how the recommenda-
tions should be used in local situations.
Coastal marine waters serve a wide variety of excep-
tionally important human uses. Many of these uses produce
high local benefits such as the yield of shellfish and recrea-
tional activities. Others involve regional benefits or . the
global unity of the marine system, since local events influ-
ence, and are influenced by, water quality at distant points.
Many of the human uses of marine waters are directly de-
pendent upon the nature and quality of the biological,
chemical, and physical systems present. Efforts to protect
and enhance these uses will be limited principally by our
ability to understand and protect the environmental condi-
tions which are essential for the biota.
Water quality criteria for marine aquatic life and wild-
life define the environmental requirements for specified
uses. Five of these are discussed in this Section, namely,
maintenance of the ecosystem; fisheries; aquaculture; wild-
life protection; and waste disposal. These are not sharply
separable, but the water quality requirements for each use
are briefly summarized. The effects of transportation, harbor
development, dredging and dumping of spoils have also
been considered in developing the recommendations.
Many of the principal human uses of marine waters de-
pend upon successful maintenance and enhancement of the
existing ecosystems or, in a few circumstances, upon creating
and continuing new and artificial ecosystems for specific
purposes. The ecosystem includes all of the biological and
non-biological (geological, physical, and chemical) com-
ponents of the environment and their highly complex inter-
actions. Studies of ecosystems must include all that is within
the body of water as well as the imports to and exports from
it. Research in such situations has shown that the biotic ele-
ments include producers of organic material, several levels
of consumers, and decomposers. In the least complex situa-
tion, these act at rates controlled by the abiotic factors to
transfer energy and recycle materials. In those aquatic en-
vironments which continuously or intermittently exchange
large quantities of energy or materials with other parts of
the total global system, understanding and ·management
become more difficult. In the marine environment imports
and exports continually occur from coastal runoff, tidal
action, oceanic currents, meterological actions, and ex-
changes with adjacent water bodies or with the benthos
and atmosphere. These exchanges are only partially under-
stood, but it is clear that each marine site is connected inti-
mately to the rest of the oceans and to total global
The estuaries are in many ways the most complicated
and variable of aquatic ecosystems. Materials carried from
the land by rivers vary in quantity and quality, sometimes
with strong seasonal patterns of high biological significance.
Tidal oscillations cause vigorous reversals of flow. Inherent
hydrographic patterns can lead to accumulation of materials
and to upstream transport from the point of addition. Dense
urban populations on the shores of estuaries produce large
amounts of waste, and engineering projects have changed
the boundaries and flows of water courses. The biologically
rich estuaries are the most variable and the most endangered
part of the marine environment.
In each environment the existing characteristics of the
system have been produced by dynamic interaction among
the components, forces, and processes present. Some of these
are small or transitory, but others are massive and enduring.
If any one of these forces or processes is changed, a new
balance is produced in the system. Relative stability, there-
fore, results from the balancing of forces, not the absence.
The biota are the product of evolution, and each ecosystem
contains those species and communities which have adapted
to the specific environment over a long period of time and
which are successful in that environment. Drastic and rapid
modification of the environment, as by pollution, may
eliminate some species and encourage others in ways which
can reduce the value of the ecosystem for man's use or
Effects of Water Quality Change on Ecosystems
The introduction of a chemical compound or a change in
the physical environment may affect a natural marine eco-
system in many ways. In coastal waters undisturbed for long
periods of time, the ecosystem has adjusted to the existing
220/Section IV-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
conditions. The system is productive, species are diverse, the
biomass is high, and the flow of energy is comparatively
efficient. The addition of pollutants to such a sym:em might:
• reduce the input of solar energy into the ecosystem;
• increase the input of organic matter and nutrients
which might stimulate the growth of undesirable
• reduce the availability of nutrients by increased
sorption and sedimentation;
• create intolerable physical extremes for some orga-
nisms, as by the addition of heat;
• kill or reduce the success of individual organisms,
as by lethal toxicity or crippling with oil;
• eliminate species by adding a toxic material or mak-
ing an essential element unavailable;
• interfere with the flow of energy from species to
species,.as by a chemical that interferes with feeding
• reduce species diversity in the system;
• interfere with regenerative cycling by decomposers;
• decrease biomass by reduction of abundant species
or disruption of the processes of ecosystems;
• increase biomass by removing important consumers
allowing runaway production of other species.
All of these may involve changes in production and
owered human usefulness of the system. These are ex-
tmples; additional effects can occur. The specific impacts
>f pollution at a site can be determined only through long-
erm study of that portion of the ocean and the changes that
It is clear that man, through his numbers and his actions,
s having increasingly pronounced effects on organisms,
>opulations, and entire ecosystems. Many people willingly
tccept the consequences of advanced technology that are
narkedly deleterious, but most people become alarmed
vhen an entire large ecosystem undergoes transformation.
Nhen society recognizes that catastrophe threatens due to
ts carelessness, it seeks to rearrange its demands on such
:cosystems in ways that can be accommodated within the
nherent capacities of the system. To provide adequate an-
wers we need understanding of ecosystems, since knowledge
Lt the species and population levels, however defined, will
le too limited in scope to answer the questions that arise at
he more highly organized level of the ecosystem.
The study of the effects of pollution on ecosystems may
le undertaken by considering pollution as an additional
tress on the mechanisms that keep ecosystems organized.
Jnless the living parts of an ecosystem are already under
tress, the early effects of the introduction of toxic pollu-
ants may contribute to the extinction of particularly sus-
eptible species leaving the more resistant forms in a less
liverse community. In communities already under stress,
elatively low levels of pollution may cause the disruption
of the communities.
Estuaries and intertidal regions are naturally exposed to
stressful conditions. In the estuaries the ebb and flow of the
tide and the fluctuating freshwater flow create changes in
salinity on various time scales ranging from hourly to
seasonally. In the intertidal zone the normal inhabitants are
exposed to air during part of each tidal cycle. They are also
subjected to vigorous wave actions on exposed beaches and
headlands. Unique assemblages of organisms have evolved
which manage to survive these rigorous conditions if waters
remain unpolluted.
Pollutants are commonly released into such aquatic eco-
systems of high natural variation in their nonliving compo-
nents, and the rate of pollutant discharge usually varies
from time to time. The immediate effect of these conditions
is that at any fixed point in the habitat the concentration of
a pollutant varies markedly with time, but not in such a way
that a community can adapt itself to these variations. The
result is that short-lived opportunistic species are likely to be
favored in areas subject to variable aquatic pollution.
Any single toxicant may be equally virulent towards long-
lived or short-lived species in the normal aquatic commun-
ity. Except at outfalls where toxicants reach lethal concen-
trations, as in continuous discharges in stable environments,
toxicants act discontinuously through time. Where water
mass instabilities are such that poisonous concentrations
occur on the average of once a week, for instance, it is pos-
sible for organisms with much shorter life spans to flourish
briefly with large population fluctuations. Where they occur
once a month, a community may evolve rapidly through a
successional sequence involving a few longer-lived organisms
before the next toxic concentration occurs. Where lethal
dosages are as infrequent as once a year, the succession may
go to the stage of some fish of medium life span, particularly
if access to the area is relatively free. Because of the fluctua-
tions with time, the community nearest an outfall is most
primitive from a successional viewpoint, and as distance
from the outfall increases, there is a successional gradient
toward the usual climax community of an unpolluted
Evaluation of the effects of pollution or of other environ-
mental changes on the ecosystem involves studies of bio-
logical production, species diversity, energy flow, and
cycling of materials. The process may be complicated by
massive imports and exports at any one site. Although
pathways of energy flow and efficiencies are not yet com-
pletely understood, they offer a unifying approach to these
problems such as proposed by Odum (1967,12 19711 3).
Species diversity is a useful attribute of biological systems.
Diversity is affected by a number of factors as evidenced
by the papers presented at a symposium on Diversity and
Stability in Ecological Systems (Brookhaven National
Laboratory 1969),10 as well as other symposia (American
Society of Civil Engineering and Stanford University 1967,9
Olson and Burgess 1967,1 4 NAS-NRC Committee on Ocean-
ography 1970,11 Royal Society of London 1971 15). Some sue-
cess has been achieved in the use of diversity measurements,
however, and their potential for future use is high. (See the
discussion of Community Structure in Section III on Fresh-
water Aquatic Life and Wildlife and in Appendix II-B.)
There are potentials for managing additions to coastal
ecosystems in ways that benefit human uses. These are as
yet poorly understood, and efforts to utilize waste heat,
nutrients and other possible resources are primitive. Such
possibilities merit vigorous exploration and, eventually,
careful application.
Major marine and coastal fisheries are based upon the
capture of wild crops produced in estuaries, coastal waters,
and oceans. The quantity and quality of the available sup-
ply of useful species are controlled by the nature and effi-
ciency of the several ecosystems upon which each species
depends for its life cycle. Shad, for instance, depend upon
freshwater areas at the head of estuaries for spawning and
for survival as eggs and larvae, open estuaries for the nutri-
tion of juveniles, and large open coastal regions for growth
and maturation. As do many other species, shad migrate
over large distances. Serious pollution at any point in the
lower river, the estuary, or the inshore ocean might, there-
fore, break the necessary patterns and reduce the fishery.
Estuaries have exceptional usefulness in support of fish-
eries. At least three quarters of the species in the commercial
and recreational fisheries of the nation are dependent upon
the estuarine ecosystem at one or more stages of their life
history. Estuaries are used as obligatory spawning grounds,
nursery areas, havens from parasites and predators, and as
rich sources of food because of high productivity.
American fisheries exploit several levels of the coastal
ecosystem. We do not utilize the plants, the producers,
directly as food or in commerce except for a comparatively
small harvest of kelp and other seaweeds. The primary
consumers, however, are extensively utilized. These include
oysters, clams, mussels, and vast quantities of filter-feeding
fish such as sardines, anchovies, menhaden, and herring.
Second and third level consumers, which are less abundant
but frequently more desired than plankton feeders, include
most of our sports fish and major commercial species such
as tuna, striped bass, cod, halibut, and sea trout, as well as
squid, sharks, and other species which hold potential for
increased future use.
Pollutants can be detrimental to fisheries by reducing
desired species through direct mortality from toxicity,
smothering, intolerable heat, or other killing changes. Re-
duction may also occur when a pollutant has a sublethal
stressing effect that significantly interferes with feeding,
movement, reproduction, or some other essential function.
Pollution has an indirect deleterious effect when it. increases
predators or parasites, reduces food organisms or essential
Uses of the Marine System to be Protected/221
consorts, or damages the efficiency of the ecosystem func-
tions pertinent to the species in question. Consideration of
all these occurrences must enter into efforts to protect and
enhance fisheries.
Pollutants also damage marine organisms by imparting
characteristics that make them unacceptable for commercial
or recreational use. Economic loss has resulted from flesh
tainting of fish and shellfish by oil, phenolics, and other ma-
terials affecting taste, flavor, or appearance. DDT and other
persistent organics, applied on land, have accumulated in
fish to levels that exceed established standards for accept-
able human food. Heavy metals, e.g., mercury, can reach
levels in fish several thousand times the concentration in the
ambient water, destroying the economic value of the orga-
nisms involved.
More than 90 per cent of the American commercial
catch and virtually all of the sport fish are taken from the
estuaries and continental shelf. The total yield is difficult to
estimate, involving as it does migratory species, catches by
both foreign and domestic vessels, and recreational fisheries
which are only partially measured. Stroud (1971)26 esti-
mated that the estuarine-dependent fishery of the Atlantic
coast yields 535 pounds per acre of estuary for a total annual
yield of 6.6 X 109 lbs. He concludes that shrinking of estu-
aries by filling or other destruction would reduce the yield
by a directly proportional quantity. Further, he predicts
that reduction of the productivity of estuaries by pollution
would also produce a proportional decrease in fish produc-
tion. The U.S. commercial fisheries of largest volume, in
order of decreasing harvest, include menhaden, salmon,
shrimp, crabs, herring, and oysters (Riley 1971).24 The most
valuable commercial harvests include shrimp, salmon, lob-
sters, crabs, menhaden, oysters, clams, flounders, and scal-
lops (Riley 1971). 24
The estuaries, as recipients of wastes both from rivers
entering them and cities and industries along their shores,
are obviously more immediately susceptible to pollution
damage than any other part of the marine system (Clark
1967,18 American Society of Civil Engineering and Stanford
University 1967,16 U.S. Dept. of Interior 1969,27 and U.S.
Dept. of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service 197028). Al-
though the vulnerability of such inshore bodies of water to
physical and chemical damage is exceptional, the open
waters along the coast are also subject to damage from the
use of these waters for waste disposal. Approximately 250
waste disposal sites are in use along the coast of the United
States, and 48 million tons of wastes are estimated to have
been dumped in 1968 (Council on Environmental Quality
1970) .19 These dumped wastes included dredge spoils, in-
dustrial wastes, sewage sludge, construction and demolition
debris, solid wastes, and explosives (see pp. 278-283 of this
Section for a more extended discussion of dumped wastes).
Increased populations and technological concentration
along the coasts, with simultaneous resistance to the use of
land, rivers, and estuaries for disposal has stimulated pro-
222/Section IV-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
posals to increase the use of oceanic areas as receivers of
The effects of such coastal disposal on fisheries are not yet
clearly established. Bechtel Corp. (1969)17 has suggested
that continued expansion of waste disposal along the At-
lantic coast at the present rate of increase may, in about 30
years, significantly reduce the quality of water over the
continental shelf by increased suspended solids, phosphate
or nitrate enrichment, oxygen demand, heavy metals, or
simultaneous effects from all of these. Preliminary studies of
the effects of dumping of sewage sludge and dredging spoils
from the metropolitan New York area indicate that an area
of about 20 square miles has been impoverished by reduc-
tion of normal benthic populations; and indirect effects may
be far more extensive (Pearce 1970).23
More general approaches to disposal of wastes in ocean
waters have been presented by Foyn (1965)20 Olson and
Burgess (1967)22 , NAS-NRC Committee on Oceanography
(1970)21 and the Royal Society of London (1971).25 Some
discernible and disturbing changes in coastal waters are
documented that prove the urgent need for better under-
standing of pollution effects at the edge of the oceal)s. The
limitation that must be placed upon any such releases must
be learned and put to use quickly, and we should proceed
carefully while we are learning.
Fisheries provide useful indications of the biological
health and productivity of marine waters. Continuous high
yield of a harvestable crop of indigenous fish or shellfish
free of toxicants or pathogens is an indication that water
quality is satisfactory, that the environmental conditions are
favorable for the total biological community, and that no
contaminant is present in sufficient quantity to destroy
major components of the ecosystem. Fisheries production
statistics can thus serve as a sensitive indicator of environ-
mental quanity.
Specific criteria for categories of pollutants will be given
in subsequent parts of this Section. The general require-
ments for water quality in relation to successful fisheries
• favorable, not merely tolerable, environmental con-
ditions at every location which is required in the life
history of each species: this places special value on
water quality of estuaries which are obligate en-
vironments for many species during at least some
portion of their life cycles;
• freedom from tainting substances or conditions where
useful species exist, including elements and com-
pounds which can be accumulated by organisms
to unacceptable levels;
• absence of toxic conditions or substances wherever
useful species occur at any time in their life history;
• absence of sublethal deleterious conditions which
reduce survival and reproductive success;
• water sufficient to maintain the health of the bio-
logical systems which support useful species;
• absence of environmental conditions which are ex-
ceptionally favorable to parasites, predators, and
competitors of useful species.
Although often considered a new approach to the world
food problem, aquaculture is an ancient practice in many
parts of the world. In the Orient, aquatic organisms have
been successfully cultivated for centuries, usually with
rather primitive and empirical techniques, but nevertheless
with impressive success.
The annual world production of food through aquacul-
ture has recently been estimated at over four million metric
tons, about 6.5 per cent of the total world fish landings. Al-
though this is derived largely from fresh water, and open-
ocean maraculture is in its infancy, an unknown but signifi-
cant fraction of the production is brackish-water organisms
taken .from estuarine systems. The distinction between
freshwater and marine aquaculture is quite artificial. Be-
cause the principles, techniques, potentials, and environ-
mental requirements for growing organisms in either fresh
or salt water are much the same, the distinction is also un-
necessary for the purposes of the present discussion, except
as noted below.
It is difficult to assess the potential yield from marine
aquaculture, dependent as it is on a primitive art under-
going rapid technological development. The introduction
of present methods into new, undeveloped parts of the world
could at least double the present harvest within the next
decade. Judging from the experience in agriculture and
terrestrial animal husbandry, much greater increase in
yields should presumably be possible with advances in such
fields as genetic selection and control, nutrition, habitat
management and elimination or control of disease, preda-
tion, and competition: It~ts not inconceivable that the yield
from aquaculture m1gh:l!;t one day surpass that from the
harvest of wild, untended stocks of aquatic organisms. Fur-
ther, since only the most desirable species are selected for
aquaculture, both the economic and nutritional value per
pound of cultivated organisms greatly exceeds that of the
average fishery product. In the United States, expanded
recent interest in coastal aquaculture will hopefully pro-
duce new techniques, products, and quantities, although
economic feasibility has been difficult to achieve thus far.
Although no firm distinction can be drawn, it is conveni-
ent to think of most forms of marine aquaculture in one of
two categories that will be referred to here as extensive and
intensive culture. In extensive culture, animals are reared at
relatively low densities in large impoundments, embay-
ments, or sections of estuaries, either natural or man-made.
The impoundments may be closed off or open to the sea,
depending upon the desired degree of control, but even
those that are enclosed must be located near a source of
seawater so that the water may be exchanged frequently
to prevent stagnation and to regulate such factors as tem-
perature and salinity. Such exchanges are accomplished by
tidal action or by pumping.
The cultivated animals may be stocked or may consist of
natural populations that enter the system as larvae or
juveniles. They are usually not fed but subsist on natural
foods that grow in the area or are carried in with the outside
Extensive aquaculture systems are most common in the
undeveloped parts of the world (e.g., Southeast Asia) where
large areas of coastal mangrove swamps, marshes, and estu-
aries are available and are not presently in use or demand
for other purposes. For example, it has been estimated that
there are over six million acres of mangrove swamps in
Indonesia alone that would be suitable for some form of fish
In such coastal impoundments, milkfish, mullet, shrimp,
and other free-swimming species are grown. In the more
open situations such as embayments and arms of estuaries,
non-fugitive organisms are cultivated. The oldest and most
highly-developed form of marine aquaculture practiced in
the United States and Europe, that of oyster culture, falls
into this category. Seaweed culture in Japan and China is
another interesting example of this general approach to
Yields from extensive aquaculture range from a few hun-
dred pounds to, at best, about one ton per acre per year.
Little, in some cases almost no, capital investment is re-
quired, and it is not a labor-intensive form of enterprise.
One or two unskilled laborers can manage 100 acres or
more of shrimp or milkfish ponds in Malayasia or the
Philippines except during stocking and harvesting opera-
tions. This is normally a highly profitable form of business
to the culturist and, despite the modest yields, extensive
aquaculture is capable of making a significant contribution
to the protein nutrition of many of the undeveloped parts
of the world.
Intensive aquaculture makes use of flowing-water sys-
tems using flumes or raceways and is best typified by trout
and salmon hatcheries that have been operated successfully
in the United States and Europe for many years and have
now reached a relatively high level of technical sophistica-
tion. Although originally designed to produce fish to be
stocked in natural waters to enhance commercial or sports
fishing, such systems are now being increasingly used for the
production of fish to be marketed directly as food. Such
systems were originally developed and used exclusively for
rearing freshwater species, but they are now also finding
application in saltwater areas for the production of marine
or anadromous species.
A variation of the raceway system of intensive aquacul-
ture is that of floating cage culture in which the animals are
held in nets suspended by a floating wooden framework.
Uses of the Marine System to be Protected/223
These may be mooreg in estuaries or other protected arms
of the sea, where they are exposed to strong tidal currents.
A common feature of the various kinds of intensive aqua-
culture is that the animals are grown closely packed at ex-
tremely high densities and depend upon the flow of large
volumes of water over and around them to provide oxygen
and carry away wastes. When feasible, the animals are fed
artifically on prepared, pelletized food. The entire system
must be carefully controlled and monitored.
Intensive aquaculture systems for the commercial pro-
duction of food are in an early stage of development and
have yet to prove themselves as profitable and reliable for
marine species. Rapid progress is being made in this area,
however, particularly in highly developed parts of the world
where technological skill is available, where coastal marine
areas are scarce and in high demand, and where the price of
luxury seafoods is escalating. Various species of molluscs,
crustaceans, and finfish are now being grown in this way,
and many more are likely candidates as soom as funda-
mental aspects of their life history and nutrition are
The yield from intensive aquaculture per unit of area in
which the organisms are grown is ecologically meaningless
(as is that from a cattle feed-lot, for example) but amounts
to as much as hundreds of tons per acre. More realistically,
the yield from such systems may be expressed per cubic foot
per minute of water flowing through it, which is usually the
limiting factor.
In contrast to extensive aquaculture, intensive systems
usually require high capital outlay and have a relatively
high labor demand. Profits or losses are determined by small
differences in the costs of food, labor, marketing, and the
demand for the product.
Both extensive and intensive forms of aquaculture are
heavily dependent on high quality water to sustain them.
Neither is independent of the adjacent coastal marine en-
vironment. Extensive pond culture may be semi-autono-
mous, but as explained above, the water must be occasion-
ally and sometimes frequently exchanged. Intensive aqua-
culture systems are vitally dependent on a continuous large
supply of new seawater. Because of the large investment
and, at best, small margin of profit, and because of the dense
populations of animals maintained at any one time, inten-
sive aquaculture represents a far greater risk.
Freshwater aquaculture systems, if strategically located
near an adequate source of underground water, may be
largely independent of man's activities and relatively free
from the threat of pollution. This, unfortunately, is never
quite true of marine aquaculture. The contiguous oceans of
the world circulate freely, as do the substances man adds to
them. While water movements may be predicted on large
geographical and time scales, they are quite unpredictable
on a local and short-term basis. An embayment or estuary
whose shores are uninhabited and which may suffer no ill
effects from the surrounding land may suddenly become in-
224/Section IV-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
fused with materials added to the water hundreds of miles
distant and carried-to the scene by winds, tides, and coastal
currents. In this sense, marine aquaculture is not only more
vulnerabie to change than freshwater culture, but the dan-
gers are also far less predictable.
Application of Water Quality to Aquaculture
The various toxic or otherwise harmful wastes that man
adds to the coastal marine environment affect cultivated
organisms much the same as they do the natural popula-
tions of the same species. These are discussed in detail else-
where and need not be repeated here. In general the
deleterious effects of wastes on organisms that are used as
food by man are: (1) to kill, injure, or interfere with the
growth or other vital functions of the organisms, or (2) to
become concentrated in the organisms to such an extent as
to render them unfit for human consumption by exceeding
public health standards or by making them unpalatable. In
the latter case, this may occur with no apparent accompany-
ing impairment of the organism.
Certain aspects of aquaculture, particulady the intensive
forms of culture described above, are particularly sensitive
and vulnerable to vari.ous kinds of pollution-more so than
their freeliving counterparts in nature. These are enumer-
ated and discussed briefly below.
• The carrying capacity of intensive aquaculture sys-
tems is based on the flow of water and its supply ot
oxygen. If the concentration of oxygen in the water
suddenly decreases due to an organic overload, a
. temperature increase, or other external causes, it
may be inadequate to support the cultivated
• Captive organisms cannot avoid localized unfavor-
able conditions (e.g., oxygen, temperature, turbid-
ity) as can free-swimming natural populations.
• Many organisms can tolerate alterations in their
environment if they are allowed to adapt and be-
come acclimated to such changes slowly. Cultivated
organisms may be, and often are subjected to sudden
changes in water quality and cannot endure the ini-
tial shock, while the free-swimming natural popula-
tions can enter an affected area slowly and cautiously
and allow themselves to adapt to the altered
• Cultivated organisms, particularly in the densely-
crowded conditions of intensive aquaculture, may be
and perhaps always are under rather severe physio-
logical stress. Artificial diets are often incomplete or
otherwise unbalanced. Unnaturally crowded living
conditions may cause hormonal or other biochemical
imbalance. The animals may already suffer the ef-
fects of poor water quality from their own pollutants.
They are therefore particularly susceptable and vul-
nerable to any additional deterioration in water
quality that may increase their stress condition.
• Disease is a spectre that perpetually haunts the aqua-
culturist. Virtually impossible to avoid or eliminate
in any open system, it is usually, at best, held in
check. Again, the additional stress caused by a de-
terioration in water quality, while not fatal in itself,
may lower the resistance of the cultivated animals to
epidemic disease.
• Artificially-fed cultivated organisms may be no less
susceptible to accumulation of wastes, although in-
tensively cultivated organisms that are fed entirely
on an artificial diet would appear to have one ad-
vantage over natural populations of the same animals
living in polluted waters. Many toxic substances such
as chlorinated hydrocarbons may reach toxic or un-
acceptable levels in larger organisms because of
concentration and amplification at each successive
step in the food chain that ultimately supports the
animal in question. However, there is increasing
evidence that these substances also enter fishes and
other organisms directly from solution in the water,
across respiratory or digestive membranes. Such
direct absorption of toxic material may in some cases
exceed the quantities ingested and assimilated with
Therefore, the general recommendations for the quality
of water for use in culture include: (1) continuously ade-
quate control of those materials and conditions which are
required for good health and efficient production of the
cultured species; (2) absence of deleterious chemical and
physical conditions, even for short or intermittent periods;
(3) environmental stability; and (4) prevention of introduc-
tion of diseases that attack the organisms under culture.
The specific requirements for each culture effort must be
with reference to the species involved, the densities desired,
and the operational design of the culture system.
Marine wildlife for the purposes of this Section is defined
as those species of mammals, birds, and reptiles which in-
habit estuaries or coastal and marine waters for at least a
portion of their life span. The fish, invertebrates, and plank-
ton that constitute the food webs upon which these species
depend are not, therefore, considered to be wildlife in this
context. The recommendations for marine wildlife, how-
ever, necessarily include all recommendations formulated
to protect the fish, invertebrate, and plant communities,
because wildlife can be adequately protected only if the
diversity and integrity of food webs are maintained. More-
over, the recommendations must protect wildlife from pol-
lutants that are relatively persistent in the environment,
transported by wind or water currents, and concentrated or
recycled in the food webs. Because of trophic accumulation,
birds and mammals that occupy the higher trophic levels in
the food web may acquire body burdens of toxicants that
are lethal or that have significant sublethal effects on repro-
ductive capacity, even though the concentrations. of these
substances in the water remain extremely low. Pollutants of
concern or of potential concern are the radionuclides, heavy
metals, chlorinated hydrocarbons, and other synthetic
chemicals that are relatively resistant to biological and
chemical degradation.
Recommendations to protect wildlife dependent upon
freshwater ecosystems may in general also apply to estu-
aries. This is particularly true for. protection of food and
shelter for wildlife, pH, alkalinity, light penetration, settle-
able substances, and temperature. These are discussed in
Section III on Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife.
Marine and coastal waters constitute major sinks for per-
sistent pollutants. Accumulation rates and steady-state
levels are complex functions of input, rates of degradation,
and rates of deposition in the sediments. As yet no research
programs have measured accumulation rates of pollutants
in coastal waters or determined whether steady-state con-
centrations have already been attained.
Current knowledge of the partition coefficients among
concentrations in water, in sediments, and in tissues of
representative species. in food webs is at best fragmentary.
It is assumed, however, in the evaluation of water quality
that the distribution and concentration of gradients of a
·pollutant in an aqueous ecosystem satisfy thermodynamic
equilibria requirements. The pollutants considered here are
not essential to physiological functions, and do not require
energy to . maintain the concentration gradients. Thus the
chlorinated hydrocarbons are concentrated in the lipid
pools of organisms from ambient water but will not accumu-
late indefinitely. Rather, under equilibrium conditions,
these pollutants will also be lost to ambient water, particu-
late matter, and sediments in satisfying thermodynamic
requirements. Because the internal environments of birds
and mammals are more isolated from the ambient environ-
ment than those of invertebrates and most fish, equilibrium
concentrations of pollutants, particularly the chlorinated
hydrocarbons, may be substantially higher.
Theoretically, therefore, measurements of pollutant con-
centrations in one component of an ecosystem are sufficient
to indicate the level in the system as a whole when the parti-
tion coefficients among water, suspended particulate and
organic material, sediments, lipid pools, surface films, and
the atmosphere are known. The methodologies for measur-
ing pollutant concentrations in sea water are as yet imper-
fect, and very few good measurements have so far been
made. Consequently it is not practical at present to make
recommendations for the relatively persistent organic pollu-
tants based upon water concentrations, especially when
partition coefficients are not known. Residue concentrations
in fish are more easily determined and can more readily be
associated with harm to bird and mammal populations that
Uses of the Marine System to be Protected/225
consume them. Recommendations for. the toxic organic
compounds that are trophically accumulated by marine
wildlife are therefore based upon concentrations in fish.
It cannot be assumed that there is a level or concentration
in the ecosystem as a whole of pollutants which are muta-
gens or teratogens that causes no effect on any of the wild-
life species. The chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins are highly
toxic to developing embryos (Verret 1970)71 and are con-
taminants in compounds prepared from chlorinated phe-
nols, including the herbicide 2 ,4, 5-T (Verrett 1970)71 and
the widely used fungicide pentachlorophenol (Jensen and
and Renberg 1972). 53 The closely related chlorinated di-
benzofurans are contaminants in some PCB preparations
(Vos and Koeman 1970,74 Vos et al., 1970,75 Vos in press
1972). 72 Embryonic mortality in birds is induced by these or
other derivatives of PCB (Peakall et al., in press 1972,59
Vos in press 1972). 72 For the present time the chlorinated
dibenzofurans are included with PCB in the recommenda-
tions. When environmental mutagens and teratogens affect
only relatively few individuals of a population, it is as-
sumed that these will be eliminated by natural selection
without harm to the species as a whole.
For other pollutants which affect specific enzyme systems
or other physiological processes but not the genetic material
or embryqlogical development, it is assumed that there are
levels in the environment of each below which all organisms
are able to function without disrupting their life cycles.
Manifestations of physiological effects, such as a certain
amount of eggshell thinning or higher level of hormone
metabolism, might be detectable in the most sensitive
species. If environmental levels increase, the reproductive
capacity of the most sensitive species would be affected first.
The object of the recommendations presented is to maintain
the steady-state concentrations of each pollutant below
those levels which interfere with the life cycles of the most
sensitive wildlife species. Input should not therefore be
measured only in terms of concentrations of each pollutant
in individual effluents, but in relation to the net contribu-
tion to the ecosystem. At the steady-state level, the net
contribution would be zero, with the total input equal to the
sum of degradation and permanent deposition in the
Bases For Recommendations
Recommendations based upon pollutant concentrations
in fish must take into account the individual variation in
residue concentration. The distribution is usually not Gaus-
sian (Holden 1970;51 Anderson and Fenderson 1970;30
Risebrough et al. in press 1972), 65 with several individual
fish in a sample frequently containing much higher residue
concentrations than the majority. Fish samples should there-
fore consist of pooled collections. Samples as large as 100
fish may not be sufficient to determine mean concentrations
of a pollutant with a precision of 10 per cent (Risebrough
et al. in press 1972). 65 Practicality, however, frequently
226/Section IV-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
dictates against sample sizes of this magnitude, and samples
consisting of 25 or more fish are suggested 'fl.S a reasonable
In the absence of data that would indicate that
any of the radionuclides released by human ac-
tivities are accumulated by wildlife species, it is
recommended that the recommendations estab-
lished for marine fish and invertebrates apply also
to wildlife.
Heavy Metals
The results obtained during the baseline study of the
International Decade of Ocean Exploration (IDOE) in
1971-72 have failed to indicate any evidence of pollution by
heavy metals, including mercury and cadmium, above
background levels in marine species (Goldberg 1972).45
The results, suggested, however, local patterns of coastal
contamination. The heavy metal analyses carried out to
date of tissues of several species of petrels, strictly pelagic in
their distribution (Anderlini et al. 1972) ;32 and of coastal
fish-eating species such as the Brown Pelican, Pelecanus
occidentalis, (Connors et al. in press 1972a) ;40 and the Com-
mon Tern, Sterna hirundo (Connors et al. in press 1972b)41
have confirmed this conclusion.
In the absence of data indicating that heavy
metals are present in marine wildlife in concen-
trations above natural levels, it is recommended
that recommendations formulated to protect other
marine organisms also apply to wildlife in order
to provide protection in local areas.
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)
Evidence is accumulating that PCB does not contribute
to the shell thinning that has been a n .ajor symptom of the
reproductive failures and population declines of raptorial
and fish-eating birds. Dietary PCB produced no shell thin-
ning of eggs of Mallard Ducks (Anas platyrhynchos) (Heath
et al. in press 1972), 49 nor did PCB have any effects on eggs of
Ring Doves (Streptopelia risoria) (Peakall 1971).58 A PCB
effect could not be associated with the thinning of Brown
Pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis) eggshells (Risebrough in press
1972). 62 PCB may increase susceptibility to infectious agents
such as virus diseases (Friend and Trainer 1970).44 Like
other chlorinated hydrocarbons, PCB increases the activity
of liver enzymes that degrade steroids, including the sex
hormones (Risebrough et al. 1968;64 Street et al. 1968)_67
The ecological significance of this phenomenon is not clear.
Because laboratory studies have indicated that PCB, with
its derivatives or metabolites, causes embryonic death of
birds (Vos et al. 1970;75 Vos and Koeman 1970;74 Vos in
press 1972; 72 Peakall et al. in press 1972 59) and because ex-
ceptionally high concentrations are occasionally found in
fish-eating and raptorial species (Risebrough et al. 1968 ;64
Jensen et al. 1969 52 ), it is highly probable that PCB has
had an adverse effect on the reproductive capacity of some
species of birds that have shown population declines.
Median PCB concentrations in whole fish of eight species
from Long Island Sound, obtained in 1970, were in the
order of one milligram per kilogram (mg/kg) (Hays and
Risebrough 1972), 47 and comparable concentrations have
been reported from southern California (Risebrough
1969).61 On the basis of the high probability that PCB in
the environment has contributed to the reproductive failures
of fish-eating birds, it is desirable to decrease these levels by
at least a factor of two (see Section III on Freshwater
Aquatic Life and Wildlife pp. 175-177).
It is recommended that PCB concentrations in
any sample consisting of a homogenate of 25 or
more whole fish of any species that is consumed by
fish-eating birds and mammals, within the same
size range as the fish consumed by any bird or
mammal, be no greater than 0.5 mgjkg of the wet
In the absence of a standardized methodology
for the determination of PCB in environmental
samples, it is recommended that estimates of PCB
concentrations be based on the commercial
Aroclor® preparation which it most closely re-
sembles in chlorine composition. If the PCB
composition should resemble a mixture of more
than one Aroclor®, it should be considered a mix-
ture for the basis of quantitation, and the PCB
concentration reported should be the sum of the
component Aroclor® equivalents.
DDT Compounds
DDT compounds have become widespread and locally
abundant pollutants in coastal and marine environments of
North America. The most abundant of these is DDE [2 ,2-
bis(p-chlorophenyl) dicholoroethylene], a derivative of the
insecticidal DDT compound, p ,p'-DDT. DDE is more
stable than other DDT derivatives, and very little informa-
tion exists on its degradation in ecosystems. All available
data suggest that it is degraded slowly. No degradation path-
way has so far been shown to exist in the sea, except deposi-
tion in sediments.
Experimental studies have shown that DDE induces
shell thinning of eggs of birds of several families, including
Mallard Ducks (Anas platyrhynchos) (Heath et al. 1969), 48
American Kestrels (Falco sparverius) (Wiemeyer and Porter
1970), 77 Japanese Quail (Coturnix) (Stickel and Rhodes
1970) 66 and Ring Doves (Streptopelia risorial) (Peakalll97Q). 57
Studies of eggshell thinning in wild populations have re-
ported an inverse relationship between shell thickness and
concentrations of DDE in the eggs of Herring Gulls (Larus
argentatus) (Hickey and Anderson 1968).50 Double-crested
Cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus) (Anderson et al. 1969),31
Great Blue Herons (Ardea herodias) (Vermeer and Reynolds
1970), 70 White Pelicans (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos) (Anderson
et al. 1969), 31 Brown Pelicans (Pelecanus occidentalis) (B1us
et al. 1972 ;36 Risebrough in press 1972), 62 and Peregrines
(Falco peregrinus) (Cade et al. 1970)_37
Because of its position in the food webs, the Per~grine
accumulates higher residues than fish-eating birds in the
same ecosystem (Risebrough et al. 1968).64 It was the first
North American species to show shell thinning (Hickey and
Anderson 1968). 50 It is therefore considered to be the species
most sensitive to environmental residues of DDE.
The most severe cases of shell thinning documented to
date have occurred in the marine ecosystem of southern
California (Risebrough et al. 1970)63 where DDT residues
in fish have been in the order of 1-10 mg/kg of the whole
fish (Risebrough in press 1972).62 In Connecticut and Long
Island, shell thinning of eggs of the Osprey (Pandion haliae-
tus) is sufficiently severe to adversely affect reproductive
success; over North America, shell thinning of Osprey eggs
also shows a significant negative relationship with DDE
(Spitzer and Risebrough, unpublished results). 78 DDT residues
"in collections of eight species of fish from this area in 1970
ranged from 0.1 to 0.5 mg/kg of the wet weight (Hays and
Risebrough 1972). 47 Evidently this level of contamination
is higher than one which would permit the successful repro-
duction of several of the fish-eating and raptorial birds.
It is recommended that DDT concentrations in
any sample consisting of a homogenate of 25 or
more fish of any species that is consumed by fish-
eating birds and mammals, within the same size
range as the fish consumed by any bird or mammal,
be no greater than 50 f.Lgfkg of the wet weight.
DDT residues are defined as the sum of the concen-
trations of p,p'-DDT, p,p'-DDD, p,p'-DDE and
their ortho-para isomers.
Aldrin, Dieldrin, Endrin, and Heptachlor
Aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, and heptachlor constitute a
class of closely related, highly toxic, organochlorine insecti-
cides. Aldrin is readily converted to dieldrin in the environ-
ment, and heptachlor to a highly toxic derivative, hepta-
chlor epoxide. Like the DDT compounds, dieldrin may be
dispersed through the atmosphere (Tarrant and Tatton
1968,68 Risebrough et al. 1968). 64 The greatest hazard of
dieldrin is to fish-eating birds such as the Bald Eagle (Hali-
aeetus leucocephalus) (Mulhern et al. 1970) ;56 the Common
Egret (Casmerodius albus) (Faber et al. 1972)43 and the
Peregrine (Falco peregrinus) (Ratcliffe 1970), 60 which may
Uses qf the Marine System to be Protected/227
accumulate lethal amounts from fish or birds that have not
themselves been harmed.
These compounds are somewhat more soluble in water
than are other chlorinated hydrocarbons such as the DDT
group (Gunther et al. 1968) ;46 partition coefficients between
water and fish tissues can be assumed to be lower than those
of the DDT compounds. Equivalent concentrations in fish
would therefore indicate higher environmental levels ot
dieldrin, endrin, or heptachlor epoxide than of DDE or any
of the other DDT compounds. Moreover, these compounds
are substantially more toxic to wildlife than are other
chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides (Tucker and Crabtree
1970). 69 More conservative recommendations are therefore
It is recommended that the sum of the concen-
trations of aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, and heptachlor
epoxide in any sample consisting of a homogenate
of 25 or more whole fish of any species that is con-
sumed by fish-eating birds and mammals, within
the size range consumed by any bird or mammal,
be no greater than 5 f.Lgfkg of the wet weight.
Other Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Pesticides
Other chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides include lin-
dane, chlordane, endosulfan, methoxychlor, mirex, and
toxaphene. Hexachlorobenzene is likely to have increased
use as a fungicide as mercury compounds are phased out.
This compound is toxic to birds and is persistent (Vas et al.
1968).73 With the possible exception of hexachlorobenzene,
recommendations that protect the invertebrate and fish life
of estuaries from injudicious use of these pesticides will also
protect the wildlife species. In light of the experience with
DDT and dieldrin, the large scale use of a compound such
as mirex can be expected to have adverse effects on wildlife
It is recommended that the concentration of any
of these chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides, in-
cluding lindane, chlordane, endosulfan, methoxy-
chlor, mirex, and toxaphene, and of hexachloro-
benzene, in any sample consisting of a homogenate
of 25 or more whole fish of any species that is con-
sumed by fish-eating birds and mammals, with
the size range that is consumed by any bird or
mammal, be no greater than 50 f.Lgfkg of the wet
No data was found to indicate that lead released into the
atmosphere through the combustion of leaded gasolines has
posed a hazard to wildlife populations or has result~d in an
228/Section IV-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
increase in body burdens of lead over background levels.
Critical studies, however, have not yet be~ carried out.
Ingestion of lead shot by waterfowl, which often mistake
spent lead shot for seed or grit, kills many birds, and ~he
pollution of marshes by lead shot is a serious problem.
Jordan (1952)54 found that female waterfowl are about
twice as sensitive to poisoning as males, and that toxicity
varied greatly, depending on species, sex, and quantity and
quality of food intake. A corn diet greatly increased the
toxicity of lead. A study carried out by Bellrose (1951)34
indicated that the incidence of lead shot in gizzards of
waterfowl averaged 6.6 per cent in 18,454 ducks. Among
infected ducks, 68 per cent contained only one shot in their
gizzards, and only 17.7 per cent contained more than two
(Jordan and Bellrose 1951). 55 The incidence of ingested
shot appears to increase throughout the hunting season with
a subsequent decline afterwards. Most losses of waterfowl
due to ingested lead shot are in fall, winter, and early
spring (Jordan 1952)_54 Different species show different
propensities to ingest shot. Redhead (Aythya americana),
Canvasback (Aythya valisneria) and Ringnecked Ducks
(Aythya collaris) are prone to ingest shot, while Gadwall
(Anas strepera), Teal (Anus sp.) and Shoveler (Spatula clypeata)
show a low incidence. Ingestion of one shot does not appear
to produce measurable changes in longevity, but six No. 6
shot are a lethal dose to Mallards, Pintail (Anus acuta) and
Redheads (Wetmore 1919).76 Cook and Trainer (1966)42
found that four to five pellets of No. 4 lead shot were a
lethal dose for Canada Geese (Branta canadensis). On a body
weight basis, 6 to 8 mg/kg/ day is detrimental to Mallards
(Coburn et al. 1951).39
Lead concentrations in livers of poisoned birds are of a
comparable order of magnitude, ranging from 9 to 27
mg/kg in Canada Geese (Adler 1944),29 18 to 37 mg/kg in
Whistling Swans (Olor columbianus) (Chupp and Dalke
1964)38 and an average of 43 mg/kg in Mallards (Anas
platyrhynchos) (Coburn et al. 1951).39 These levels are 10 to
40 times higher than background, which is in the order of
one mg/kg of the wet weight liver (Bagley and Locke
1967). 33
Lead poisoning in waterfowl tends to occur especially in
areas where a few inches of soft mud overlay a hard sub-
strate. In marshes where waterfowl are hunted, the number
of lead pellets per acre of marsh bottom is on the order of
25,000 to 30,000 per acre and is frequently higher (Bellrose
1959).35 30,000 pellets per acre are equivalent to 0.7 pellets
per square foot.
The data examined indicate that the annual loss is be-
tween 0. 7 per cent and 8.1 per cent of a population esti-
mated to be 100 million birds. Although there is apparently
no evidence that a loss of this magnitude has long-term
detrimental effects on any species, it is considered unac-
ceptable. Levels of lead shot in the more polluted. marshes
should therefore be reduced. The ultimate solution to this
problem is the production of non-toxic shot.
In order to reduce the incidence of lead poisoning
in freshwater and marine waterfowl, it is recom-
mended that: non-toxic shot be used, or that no
further lead shot be introduced into zones of shot
deposition if lead shot concentrations exceed 1.0
shot per 4 square feet in the top two inches of
When waste disposal to any natural body of water is con-
sidered, the receiving capacity of the environment must be
taken into account. Waste disposal has been one of the
many uses man has required of estuaries and coastal waters.
These waters are capable of assimilation of definable quanti-
ties and kinds. of wastes that are not toxic and that do not
accumulate to unacceptable levels. In many locations
wastes are being added to these waters at rates that exceed
their capacity to recover; and when the rate of addition ex-
ceeds the recovery capacity, the water quality deteriorates
rapidly. It is essential to understand the local conditions
and the processes that determine the fate, concentration,
and distribution of the pollutant in order to determine the
amount of the p9llutant and the rate of disposal that will
not exceed the recommended levels.
A simplified diagram of the various processes that may
determine the fate and distribution of a pollutant added to
the marine environment is presented in Figure IV -1
(Ketchum 1967). 82 The waste material may be diluted, dis-
persed, and transported by various physical processes, such
as turbulent mixing, ocean currents, or exchanges with the
atmosphere. It may be concentrated by various biological
processes, such as the direct uptake by organisms of a dis-
solved material in the water, and it may be transferred from
organism to organism in various trophic levels of the food
web. Additional concentration of the material may occur at
the higher trophic levels, particularly if some organ or tissue
of the body accumulates the substance, such as DDT or
petroleum products that accumulate in the fatty tissues,
various metals that may accumulate in the bone or liver,
and iodine which accumulated in the thyroid.
Substances can als~ be concentrated from the environ-
ment by chem~cal, physical, and geological processes such as
sorption. Natural waters contain a certain amount of sus-
pended material, and some material added to the water may
be sorbed on these particles. In sea water, which already
contains in solution most of the known elements, added
materials may be precipitated from the water by various
chemical reactions. As fresh waters carry pollutants to the
sea, the change in salinity causes flocculation of some of the
materials suspended in the fresh water and results in their
precipitation from the medium. Ion exchange reactions
with the various organic compounds dissolved in sea water
can also occur.
Uses of the Marine System to be Protected/229
The average concentration of a given pollutant continu-
ously added to a body of water, will tend to approach a
steady state in the system. This concentration is determined
by the rate of addition of the pollutant, the rate of its re-
moval or dilution by the circulation, and the rate of its
decomposition or removal by biological, chemical, or geo-
Diluted and
Dispersed By
Processes ----Uptake
By Phy-
Ketchum 196782
Fish and
Chemical and
on the
FIGURE IV-1-Processes That Determine the Fate and Distribution of a Pollutant Added to the Marine Environment.
230/Section IV-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
logical processes. The average concentration is not always
the critical concentratiqn to be evaluated. For example, if
bioaccumulation occurs, the amount accumulated in the
critical organism should be evaluated, rather than the aver-
age concentration in the system as a whole. The processes
of circulation and mixing may leave relatively high concen-
trations in one part of the system and low concentrations in
another. The average conditions thus set an upper limit on
what can be added to the system but do not determine the
safe limit. It is clear, however, that a pollutant might be
added to a body of water with vigorous circulation at a rate
that could result in acceptable water quality conditions,
while the same rate of addition of the pollutant to a sluggish
stream might produce unacceptable levels of contamination.
Thus, the characteristics of the receiving body of water
must be taken into account when evaluating the effects of
the pollutant upon the environment.
In a stream, the diluting capacity of a system is relatively
easy to determine from the rate of addition of the pollutant
and the rate of stream flow. The pollutant is carried down-
stream by the river flow, and "new" water is always avail-
able for the dilution of the pollutant. This is not necessarily
true of lakes where the pollution added over a l~ng period
of time may accumulate, because only a small fraction of the
added pollutant may be removed as a result of flushing by
the outflow. In estuaries, the situation is further compli-
cated by the mixture of salt and fresh water, because a
pollutant added at a mid-point in the estuary can be carried
upstream by tidal mixing just as the salt is carried up-
stream. The upstream distribution of a conservative pollu-
tant is porportional to the. upstream distribution of salt,
whereas the downstream distribution of the pollutant is
proportional to the downstream distribution of fresh water.
In either lakes or estuaries, the average retention time or
the half-life of the material in the system can be used to
estimate the average concentration that the pollutant will
achieve in the system. In lakes, an estimate of the average
retention time can be derived from the ratio of the volume
of the lake divided by the rate of inflow (or outflow). When
the lake is stratified, only part of the volume of the lake
enters into the active circulation, and an appropriate cor-
rection must be made. In estuaries and coastal waters, a
similar calculation can be made by comparing the volume
of fresh water in the estuary with the rate of river inflow.
The amount offresh water in any given ·sample can be com-
puted from the determination of salinity. In stratified estu-
aries such as a fjord, only the part of the system that is
actively circulated should be taken into account. This may
be adequately done by the choice of the appropriate base
salinity in computing the fresh water content. Examples of
the mean retention time of a few bodies of water calculated
as described above are presented in Table IV-l.
Lakes with large volumes superficially appear to have a
great capacity to accept waste materials. If the retention
time is long, however, this merely means that it takes a long
TABLE IV-1-Average Retention Times and Half Lives for
River Water in the Great Lakes and in Various Estuaries
and Coastal Regions
Surface Mean retention Half life Reference
area mi2 time
lake Superior .................. 31,820 183 yrs. 128 yrs. Beeton (1969)79
lake Michigan ................. 22,420 100 yrs. 69 yrs. Beeton (1969)79
Lake Huron .................... 23,010 30 yrs. 21 yrs. Beeton (1969)79
lake Erie ...................... 9,930 2.8yrs. 1.9 yrs. Beeton (1969)79
Lake Ontario ................... 7,520 8 yrs. 5.6 yrs. Beeton (1969)79
Continental Shelf
Capes Cod to Hatteras to 29,000 1. 6-2.0 yrs. 1.1-1.4yrs. Ketchum and Keen (1955)"
1, 000 ft. contour
New York Bight. ............... 483 to 662 6.D-7.4 days 4. 1-5. 05 days Ketchum et al. (1951)"
Bay of Fundy .................. 3,300 76 days 52 days Ketchum and Keen (1953)"
Delaware Bay
high river How ............... 48-126 days 33-87 days
low river How ................ Ketchum (unpublished)
Raritan Bay
high river How ............... 45 15-30 days 1D-21 days Ketchum (1951a,so b")
low river How
Long Island Sound .............. 930 36 days 25 days Riley (1952)"
time to build up to steady-state concentration, and it will
take a comparably long time to recover from a steady-state
concentration once it is achieved. For Lake Superior, for
example, it would take 128 years to remove half of the
steady-state concentration of a pollutant that had been
achieved over 185 years at the average rate of input. Aquatic
environments in which the circulation is more rapid will
achieve a steady-state concentration of a pollutant more
quickly and will also recover more quickly.
Nonconservative pollutants are those that change with
time by processes which are additional to circulation and
dilution. The half-life of these substances in the environ-
ment is the product of these processes and the processes of
circulation and dilution. For radioactivity, for example,
the half-life is the time needed for the normal radioactive
decay to dissipate half of the radiation of the material.
This is different for each radioisotope and may vary from
fractions of a second to centuries. The half-life for the de-
composition of the organic matter in sewage in marine
systems is probably on the order of days and will be de-
pendent on temperature. The decomposition of sewage,
however, releases the fertilizing elements in the organic
molecule, and these will persist in the environment. In con-
trast to these rapid changes, the half-life of the chlorinated
hydrocarbon pesticides is probably of the order of 10 years
in the marine environment, though this is an estimate and
not a direct determination. Heavy toxic metals, which may
also pollute the environment, do not decay but persist in-
definitely, though their location and forms in the system
may change with time.
The greatest pollution danger arises from the addition of
persistent materials to those ecosystems with slow circula-
tions. Under these conditions, the waste concentration will
increase slowly until a steady-state level is reached. If circu-
lation is more rapid, the system will reach steady-state more
quickly, but the concentration for a given rate of addition
will be less. If the material is not persistent, the ~ate of
decomposition may be inore important than circulation in
determining the steady-state concentration. If the products
of decomposition are persistent, however, these will accumu-
late to levels greater. than those in the original discharge.
Local concentrations, such as can be found in the deeper
waters of stratified systems or in trapping embayments, may
be more significant than the average concentration for the
whole system. In short, the recommendations cannot be
used to determine the permissible amount of a pollut"ant to
be added or a rate of addition without detailed knowledge
of the specific system which is to receive the waste.
Mixing Zones
When a liquid discharge is made to a receiving system,
a zone of mixing is created. In the past, these zones have
frequently been approved as sites of accepted loss, exempted
from the water quality standard for the receiving water.
Physical description, biological assessment, and manage-
ment of such zones have posed many difficult problems.
The following discussion deals with criteria for assuring that
no significant damage to marine aquatic life occurs in such
mixing zones. Although recent public, administrative, and
scientific emphasis has focused on mixing zones for the dis-
persion of waste heat, other uses of the mixing zone concept
are also included in these considerations.
Definition of a Mixin~ Zone A mixing zone is a
region in which an effluent is in transit from the outfall
source of the receiving waters. The effluent is progressively
diluted, but its concentration is higher than in the receiving
Approach to the Recommendation Mixing zones
must be considered on a case-by-case basis because each
proposed site involves a unique set of pertinent considera-
tions. These include the nature, quantity, and concentra-
tion of the effluent material; the physical, chemical and bio-
logical characteristics of the mixing area and receiving
waters; and the desired uses of the waters. However, the
following general recommendation can be established for
the purpose of protecting aquatic life in areas where effluents
are mixing with receiving waters:
The total time-toxicity exposure history must not cause dele-
terious 4fects in affected populations of important species,
including the post-exposure effects.
Meetin~ the Recommendation Special ~ircum
stances distinguish the mixing zone from the receiving
waters. In the zone, the duration of exposure to an effluent
may be quite brief, and it is usually substantially shorter
than in the receiving waters, so that assays involving long
periods of exposure are not as helpful in predicting damage.
In addition, the concentration of effluent is higher than in
receiving waters. Therefore, the development of specific
Uses of the Marine System to be Protected/231
requirements for a specific mixing zone must be based upon
the probable duration of the esposure of organisms to the
effluent as well as on the toxicity of the pollutant.
The recommendation can be met in two ways: use of a
probably-safe concentration requirement for all parts of the
mixing zone; or accurate determination of the real concen-
trations and duration of exposures for important species and
good evidence that this time-toxicity exposure is not de-
leterious. The latter, more precise approach to meeting the
recommentation will require:
• determination of the pattern of exposure of impor-
tant species to the effluent in terms of time and con-
centration in the mixing zone;
• establishment of the summed effects on important
• determination that deleterious effects do not occur.
Complexities in the Marine Environment Some
of the problems involved in protecting marine aquatic life
are similar to those in lacustrine and fluvial fresh waters and,
in general, the recommendations in Section III, pp. ll2-
ll5 are applicable to marine situations. There are, however,
special complexities in evaluating mixing zones in coastal
and oceani<;: waters. These include:
• the exceptional importance of sessile species, espe-
cially in estuaries and near shore, where effluents
• the presence of almost all species in the plankton at
some stage in the life history of each, so that they
may be entrained in the diluting waters;
• obligate seasonal migrations by many fish and some
• oscillation in tidal currents, mixing mechanisms and
in resulting concentrations, dilution rates, and dis-
persion patterns.
None of these affect the general recommendation, but
they do contribute to the difficulty of applying it.
Theoretical Approach to Meetin~ the Recom-
mendation Any measure of detrimental effects of a
given concentration of a waste component on aquatic or
marine organisms is dependent upon the time of exposure
to that waste concentration, at least over some restricted
but definable period of time. For a given species and sub-
stance, under a given set of environmental conditions, there
will be some critical concentration below which a particular
measure of detrimental effects will not be observed, regard-
less of the duration of exposure. Above the critical concen-
tration, the detrimental effects will be observed if the ex-
posure time is sufficiently long. The greater the concentra-
tion of the substance, the shorter the time of exposure to
cause a specified degree of damage. The water quality
characteristics for mixing zones are defined so that the or-
ganisms to be protected will be carried or move through the
232/Section IV-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
zone without being subjected to a time-exposure history
that would produce unacceptable effects on the population
of these species in the water body.
In order to quantify this statement, the following quanti-
ties are defined:
T50, C,E =time of exposure of a critical aquatic or
marine species to a concentration, C, of a
given pollutant, under a constant set of en-
vironmental conditions, E, which produces
50 per cent mortality of the critical species.
TO,C1,E=time of exposure of a critical aquatic or
marine species to a concentration, C 1
, of a
given pollutant, under a constant set of en-
vironmental conditions, E, which produces
no unacceptable effects on the critical species.
For some pollutants, C and C 1 for a given time of expo-
sure may be related by:
C 1 =C-.LlCo
where AC0 is the amount by which the concentration which
produces a 50 per cent mortality must be decreased in order
that no unacceptable effects of the pollutant on a given critical
species will occur. For example, in the case of temperature,
it has been shown that at temperatures 2 C below those
which produce a 50 per cent mortality, no observable
detrimental effects occur. For temperature, then, 2 C is a
conservative value of AC 0•
For other pollutants, notably chemical toxicants, C 1 is
related to C by the relationship:
C 1 =k·C
where k is the ratio of the concentration at which no un-
acceptable effects occur to the concentration which produces
a 50 per cent mortality with both concentrations deter-
mined over the same exposure time.
It is difficult to establish with statistical confidence a re-
lationship between TO, C 1
, E and C 1, for a large number of
species, by direct laboratory experiments. However, labora-
tory experiments can be used to determine, for the critical
species of the receiving waterbody, the relationship between
pollutant concentration and the time period of exposure
necessary to produce a 50 per cent mortality. Thus, it is
necessary to obtain, by experiment, the form and constants
of a function of the pollutant concentration, f1 (C), such
T50, C, E=f1(C).
Conservative estimates of AC 0 or of k can be obtained de-
pendent upon decisions as to acceptable effects from addi-
tional laboratory studies. Once AC 0 or k have been estab-
lished, the relationship C1 = C-AC 0, or the relationships
C 1 = k · C, depending on the properties of the particular
waste materials, can be combined with the above equation
relating T50, C, E and C, to produce an equation relating
TO, C 1
, E and C 1
• That is:
TO, C 1, E=f2(C1
This equation gives the maximum time that a particular
species could be exposed to a concentration C 1 without re-
sulting in unacceptable effects on the population of this
species. The water quality recommendations for the mixing
zone are satisfied if, for any organisms carried through the
mixing zone with the flow or purposefully moving through
the zone, the time of exposure satisfies the relationship
1 >. time of exposure
/ f2(C 1)
where C 1 is the concentration of a specified pollutant in the
mixing zone.
Because, in fact, the concentration in the mixing zone
decreases with distance from the point of discharge, and
hence organisms carried through the plume will be sub-
jected to concentrations which are continually decreasing
with time, a more suitable quantitative statement of water
quality characteristics necessary for the mixing zone is:
>. ATl AT2 AT3 ATn
l /-( 1 )+-( 1 )+-( I)" • .-( I) f2 C 1 f2 C 2 f2 C 3 f2 C n
where the time of exposure of an organism passing through
the mixing zone has been broken into n increments, ATl,
AT2, AT3, etc. long. The organism is considered to be ex-
posed to concentration C 1
1 during the time interval Ll Tl, to
concentration C 1
2 during the time interval AT2, etc. The
sum of the individual ratios must then not exceed unity.
The above theory is applied in the recommendations and
examples in Section III on Freshwater Aquatic Life and
Wildlife, pp. 112-115, and in the Freshwater Appendix
II-A, pp. 403-407.
It is the purpose of this discussion to explain the ap-
proaches considered in deriving the recommendations given
in this Section. Because the biological effects of a pollutant
are manifest in a variety of ways, the specific technique to
be used in estimating biological impact must be tailored to
each specific problem. For example, acute or lethal toxicity
of a given pollutant to a marine species can be evaluated by
short-term bioassay in the laboratory designed to deter-
mine the concentration of the material which is lethal to
half of the selected population in a fixed period of time,
commonly four days (LCS0-96 hours). The "safe" limit
will be much lower than the concentration derived in such
a bioassay, and appropriate safety factors must be applied.
The safe limit should permit reproduction, growth, and all
normal life processes in the natural habitat.
When a pollutant is discharged to the environment at a
safe concentration determined in this way, the living or-
ganisms are exposed to a chronic, sublethal concentration.
Some stages of the life cycle of the species to be protected,
such as the eggs or larvae, may be more sensitive than the
adult stages. It is sometimes possible to identify the critical
life stage which can then be used in a bioassay. Long-term
bioassays covering a substantial part of the life cycle of the
organism can be conducted in the laboratory to determine
chronic sublethal effects of pollutants. Various processes
of the organism, such as respiration, photosynthesis, or
activity may be used to evaluate sublethal effects. Some
longterm chronic effects may be more subtle and more diffi-
cult to evaluate under laboratory conditions. Examples of
this type include changes in breeding or migratory behavior
or the development of a general debility making the orga-
nisms more suceptible to disease, predation, or to environ-
mental stresses.
A pollutant in the marine environment may also have an
effect on the ecosystem not directly associated with its effect
on an individual species. Ecosystem interactions are diffi-
cult to assess in the laboratory, and techniques for evaluat-
ing them in the field are not completely satisfactory. Such
interactions must be considered, however, in applying
recommendations to any specific situation.
Detailed methods for laboratory bioassays are described
in Section III, Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife, and
can serve as guidlines for application to the marine system.
The ability to extrapolate from results of bioassay tests is
limited, and the need for safety factors in their application
to the environment must be emphasized. The methodologies
discussed are illustrative and should be considered as guide-
lines for meaningful bioassays.
The most important uses of bioassays for evaluating water
quality are:
• analysis of the concentration of a specific material in
natural waters by means of a biological response;
• detection of toxic substances in organisms used as
food for man;
• analysis of the suitability of natural waters for the
support of a given species or ecosystem;
• determination of critical toxic levels of substances to
selected species;
• evaluation of bio-stimulation effects by materials
such as nutrients.
These purposes fall into two general categories: bio-
analysis and bioresponse.
Bioanalysis has been used for many years to measure
effects of substances on organisms. These assays may give
quantitative measurements, such as weight per volume, or
be expressed in arbitrary units defined by the degree of
response. They are most valuable when the organism re-
sponds to a lower concentration than can be detected by
available chemical or physical techniques. Such bioassays
require carefully controlled procedures, and organisms and
experimental conditions must be standardized. Responses
are used that have been shown to have a correlation with
the amount of test substance present. Preparation of test
materials is rigidly controlled to avoid problems arising
from synergists or antagonists administered with the test
234/Section IV-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
material. This is difficult and often impossible in the bio-
assay of materials obtained from the environment.
Bioanalysis has potential in measuring pollutants in ma-
terials to be discharged to the environment. For toxic ma-
terials, the amount of material relative to the biomass of the
test organism must usually be controlled, because most
toxicants exhibit a threshold effect. It is usual to determine
the concentration of material at which some fraction of the
maximal effect (commonly 50 per cent) occurs in a popula-
tion of known and constant biomass. The fact that far
lower concentrations present for a longer time might ulti-
mately produce the same effect does not invalidate this
type of assay, because quantitation is obtained by com-
parison with standard curves. It should, however, be real-
ized that in the presence of detoxification mechanisms, the
assay should be conducted for a period of time at which the
desired effect (such as 50 per cent inhibition) occurs at the
lowest possible concentration.
In assays of materials for which an organism has a natural
or induced requirement, it must first be established that of
all substances which could be present in the sample, only
one can produce the response measured. Second, no sub-
stances present should reduce the availability of the ma-
terial. If the first of these conditions is satisfied, the second
can often be approached using a "system of adds" in which
a graded series of concentrations of standard material are
added to the unknown amount of material in the sample.
The intercept of the response curve with the concentration
axis is a measure of the amount present in the sample.
If zero response is at a finite concentration, a biologically
effective threshold concentration (zero) must be used which
has been derived from a separate experimental series in the
same medium devoid of unknown amounts of test material.
Bioassays which measure the biological effect of a sub-
stance or mixture on a single organism or artificial ecosystem
can be used to establish water quality criteria, to monitor
compliance with standards stated in terms of biological
effect, or to/ measure the relative effects of various materials.
Natural processes of equilibration, chemical degradation,
and physical adsorption are specifically desired, because it
is the biological effect rather than the a,mount of test material
that is of concern. The observed eff~ct will be determined by
the availability of the material, the rate of formation or
degradation, and the effect of chemical by-products; and
by alterations of the environment caused by addition of the
material. Whether conducted in the laboratory or in the
field, this type of bioassay is performed on time scales vary-
ing from determinations of acute toxicity (commonly 96
hours or less) through determinations of incipient LC50
levels (Sprague 1969,94 1971 96), and on time scales which
include multiple generation chronic exposures. Each of
these has its own utility and limitations.
Short-term determinations of TLm or TL50 values are
primarily of value in comparing toxicities of a number ot
formulations which have similar modes of action. They are
also useful in determining the dilution to be employed in
long-term, flow-through exposure and in comparing
sensitivities of various life stages of the same organism. In
practical terms, each life stage must be considered a physio-
logically distinct organism with its own particular environ-
mental requirements: immature stages commonly have
quite a different habitat and may have different sensitivity.
It has been common practice to use information from
acute toxicity studies to establish concentrations tolerable
for natural waters. This is done by multiplying the level
found in the bioassay by some more or less arbitrary "appli-
cation factor" (Henderson 1957,91 Tarzwell 1962 97 ). Re-
cently, there have been attempts to establish the application
factor experimentally (Mount 1968,92 Brungs 196990). Ap-
plication factors are discussed in Section III, Freshwater
Aquatic Life and Wildlife, and that discussion is applicable
to the marine system. If, in the process of conducting these
assays, organisms are periodically removed to an uncon-
taminated medium, the time of exposure which the orga-
nism can withstand and still survive, should it escape the
pollutant or should the pollutant degrade rapidly after a
single addition, can also be estimated.
Determination of incipient LC50 is a valid measurement
of acute toxicity, because the assay is continued until maxi-
mum effect is observed at any given concentration (Sprague
1969,94 1970,95 197!96). These bioassays must be conducted
under conditions of continuous flow, because the degree of
response cannot be limited by the absolute amount of toxi-
cant available in the system or by the relationship between
biomass and absolute amount. In practice, the technique is
most applicable to compounds which reach equilibrium
rapidly. Otherwise, it takes a long time to achieve maximum
effect at low toxicant levels. Here, too, application factors
are needed to use data from bioassayed concentrations in
estimating levels for environmental protection. Theoreti-
cally, application factors account for variations in sensitivity
between the life stage tested and that life stage or develop-
mental period during which the organism is most sensitive
to the compound or conditions. Application factors should
also safely permit a range of naturally-occurring environ-
mental variations that would increase sensitivity.
Long-term bioassay, in which the organism is kept
through at least one complete life cycle under conditions of
continuous-flow exposure, is perhaps the closest but most
conservative laboratory approach to estimating environ-
mental hazards. Where a chemical or physical attraction
occurs or where the population is sessile or restricted by
hydrographic features, continuous exposure to freshly
added material will be a realistic model. However, where
the organism might escape in nature, such a captive ex-
posure will be unrealistic. The experimental conditions
chosen may either be held constant or varied to approxi-
mate local natuqtl changes or intermittent discharges to be
expected. Adequate modelling of a particular environmental
circumstance often requires varying degrees of delay be-
tween the time of test material addition and exposure of the
Duration of chronic toxicity studies is determined by the
life span and reproductive cycle of the organism chosen.
Micro-organisms have relatively short life cycles but may
require several generations to deplete metabolite reserves
and show maximum response. A greater variety of measure-
ments can be used in long-term than in short-terJil testing.
This variety, together with the longer period available for
response and the certainty of testing the most sensitive life
stage, serves to increase both the sensitivity and relevance
of such tests. Differences in sensitivity between species, that
may be evident in short-term tests, tend to narrow as the
tests approach a full life cycle.
The maintenance of a resident population of sensitive
organisms in an effluent stream or portion of a natural
stream receiv.ing effluent, can create a long-term flow-
through bioassay. This technique is prim.arily useful as a
verification of safety based on other estimates, but because
the response time may be long, the results are of little use
where rapid feedback of information is essential.
The bioassay system may be compartmentalized for pur-
poses of design into (l) the substance to be tested, (2) the
environment into which it will be introduced, (3) the orga-
nism(s) which will be exposed to the resultant system, and
(4) the observations to be made. Each affects and is affected
by the others.
The chemical and physical nature of the material to be
tested has a bearing on the way it will distribute in nature
and in the test system-and thus on which organisms will
encounter it and in what form it will be. For example, a
pure substance, highly soluble in water, may be tested for
its effect directly on organisms inhabiting the water column.
A material which precipitates rapidly may be readily
available to organisms which ingest the precipitate and
resolubilize it under conditions prevailing in the digestive
tract. Materials which are only slightly soluble are often
readily available to micro-orgatiisms which have a high
surface-area-to-volume ratio and are capable of taking
up some substances at exceedingly low (lo-s to I0-10 M)
concentrations. A highly hydrophobic material which is
readily adsorbed to sediments or detritus may appear in
free solution to only a limited extent or for a short time and
exert a prolonged direct effect mainly on those organisms
which inhabit sediments or which process sediments or
detritus for food. Valid interpretation of bioassay results
requires sensitive and highly specific analytical chemistry as
part of the procedure. Results obtained for any bioassay
organism are subject to question if anomalous behavior of
Methods of Assessment/235
the substance tested or the organisms used are subsequently
The organism for bioassay should be chosen on the basis
of the relationship of its life stages to the various toxicant
compartments and information desired. Organisms will be
useful if they are readily available and can be reared and
propagated in the laboratory. The size of the organisms in
relation to available facilities will in part dictate a choice.
All too often, these have been the primary if not the only
considerations. There is a temptation to give priority to or-
ganisms that are available from standard sources with a
known genetic line or from a single clone. This approach is
essential when using bioassay as an analytical tool. How-
ever, it is a distinct liability when performing measurements
of biological effect in natural environmental situations. Such
organisms have necessarily undergone selection for traits
that favor survival in artificial environments with no selec-
tive advantage given to the capacity to adapt to alterations
in those environments. Furthermore, physiologically dis-
tinct races often develop in nature in response to character-
istics of different localities. Maintenance of laboratory
stocks may be necessary, but these stocks should be fre-
quently renewed from fresh isolates representing the gene
pool and enzymatic adaptations of the inhabitants of the
particular water mass to which recommendations are to be
The organisms used should be drawn from those that are
most sensitive or respond most quickly to the substance or
condition being tested. Bioassays of various life stages of
these sensitive organisms are desirable. It is especially im-
portant that life stages to be tested include those that will
most probably encounter the test material as it is expected
to be found in the environment, and that the test organisms
be acclimated to the test system until the characteristics to
be measured become constant.
Some of the foregoing recommendations for selection as-
sume that the developmental biology of the test organism is
known. This is not often so in marine biology. Organisms
should not be excluded from consideration if their absence
would leave no representatives oflocal species which tolerate
the extremes in ranges of natural environmental stress or
which fill an important ecological niche.
Once an understanding of both the test material and the
bioassay organism is established, a test system usually can
be designed that will permit the organism to encounter the
test material under circumstances approximating those in
nature. In some cases it will be necessary to go to the natural
water system or to impoundments, live cars, or plastic bags
in' order to obtain a workable approximation of environ-
mental exposure. Care should be taken that the physical
system does not interfere with the distribution of the test
material or the behavior of the organism. The system se-
lected should reflect in all important aspects the habitat to
which the test organism has become adapted. Factors of im-
portance include feeding behavior, opportunity for diurnal
236/Section IV-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
behavior alterations, emergence, salinity variations, turb-
idity, water movement, and other factors, depending on the
organisms being studied. •
The response or responses to be observed during long-
term testing must be carefully chosen. A prime requirement
is that the response being measured bear a demonstrable
and preferably quantitative relationship to the survival and
productivity of the test organism or of an organism which is
directly or indirectly dependent on its activities. For ex-
ample, a correlation may exist between the level of a test
material and the amount of an enzyme present in some tis-
sue. This is clear evidence that the organism's pattern of
energy utilization has changed, but it should be demon-
strated that the change in enzyme level is correlated with or
predictive of changes in growth, behavior, reproduction,
quality of flesh, or some other manifestation to provide an
immediately meaningful interpretation.
The degree to which a response can be reported in quan-
titative terms affects its usefulness. Behavior, because of a
high degree of variability, is much more difficult to express
numerically than growth; and growth measurements are
usually disruptive of the system or destructive of the orga-
nism. A balance must be sought for each system so that
enough organisms and replicate treatments can be used to
assure an acceptable level of statistical confidence in the
results. Considerations of equipment required, rapidity,
and simplicity of measurements, the inherent (control)
variability of the characteristic being measured, and possible
interference with the measurement by the substance being
tested must enter into the choice of measurements and their
Biological characteristics that can be measured are in-
numerable, but some may be singled out as being more
basic than others. When a given characteristic reflects many
diverse processes, it is most useful in interpreting results in
terms of environmental protection. Thus, measurements ot
reproductive success, growth, life span, adaptation to en-
vironmental stress, feeding behavior, morphology, respira-
tion, histology, genetic alterations, and biochemical anom-
alies occupy a descending scale in order of the confidence
that can be placed in their interpretation. This is not to say
that profound changes in the structure and function of an
ecosystem cannot result from subtle, prolonged, low in-
tensity effects on Some cellular process. The elimination ot
important species by low intensity selective factors is no
less serious than instantaneous death of those species. In a
sense, it is more serious, because it is less likely to be rioticed
and traced to its source in time to permit recovery of the
Many biological effects of pollution may not show up in
the bioassay test for acute toxicity. This would be true if the
effect were slow to develop, or if the effect were to produce
a general debility that might interfere with some of the
normal life functions of the organism rather than killing it
directly. Long-term exposure to sublethal concentrations
may be necessary to produce the effect, and evaluation ot
this type of action is difficult in a laboratory analysis. There
are a number of ways in which pollutants might affect a
given population without being lethal to the adult organism
used in the test such as :
Sublethal concentrations may interfere with the normal
migration patterns of organisms. The mechanisms used for
orientation and navigation by migrating organisms are not
well known, but in some cases chemotaxis clearly plays an
important role. For example, salmon and many other
anadromous fishes have been excluded from their home
streams by pollution, though it is not known whether the
reason is that a chemical cue has been masked or because
the general chemical environment of pollution is offensive
to the fish.
Much of the day-to-day behavior of species may also be
mediated by means of chemotaxic responses. The finding
and capture of food or the finding of a mate during the
breeding season would be included in this category of ac-
tivity. Again, any pollutant that interfered with the chemo-
receptors of the organism would interfere with behavioral
patterns essential to the survival of the population.
Incidence of Disease
Long-term exposure to sublethal concentrations of pollu-
tants may make an organism more susceptible to a disease.
It is also possible that some pollutants which are organic in
nature may provide an environment suitable for the de-
velopment of disease-producing bacteria or viruses. In such
cases, even though the pollutant is not directly toxic to the
adult organism, it could have a profound effect on the popu-
lation of the species over a longer period of time.
Life Cycle
The larval forms of many species of organisms are much
more sensitive to pollution than are the adults, which are
commonly used in the bioassay. In many aquatic species
millions of eggs are produced and fertilized, but only two
of the larvae produced need to grow to maturity and breed
in order to maintain the standing stock of the species. For
these species the pre-adult mortality is enormous even under
the best of natural conditions. Because of an additional
stress on the developing organisms, enough individuals
might fail to survive to maintain the population of the
species. Interrupting any stage of the life cycle can be as
disastrous for the population as would death of the adults
because of acute toxicity.
Physiological Processes
Interference with various physiological processes, with-
out necessarily causing death in a bioassay test, may also
interfere with the survival of the species. If photosynthesis
of the phytoplankton is inhibited, algal growth will be de-
creased, and the population may be grazed to extinction
without being directly killed by the toxin.
Respiration or various other enzymatic processes might
also be adversely affected by sublethal concentrations of
pollutants. The effect of DDT and its decomposition pro-
ducts on the shells of bird eggs is probably the result of
interference with enzyme systems (Ackefors et al. 1970). 88
Mercury is a general protoplasmic poison, but it has its
most damaging effect on the nervous system of mammals.
Genetic Effects
Many pollutants produce genetic effects that can have
long range significance for the survival of a species. Oil and
other organic pollutants may include both mutagenic and
carcinogenic compounds. Radioactive contamination can
cause mutations directly by the action of the radiation on
the genetic material. From genetic studies in general, it is
known that a large majority of mutations are detrimental
to the survival of the young, and many are lethal. Little is
known about the intensity or frequency of genetic effects of
pollutants, except for radioactive materials where the muta-
tion rates have been measured in some cases. Induction of
mutation by contaminants should be reviewed in the con-
text of the increase of total mutation from all causes.
Nutrition and Food Chains
Pollutants may interfere with the nutrition of organisms
by affecting the ability of an organism to find its prey, by
interfering with digestion or assimilation of food, or by con-
taminating the prey species so that it is not accepted by the
predator. On the other hand, if predator species are elimi-
nated by pollution, the prey species may have an improved
chance of survival. An example of the latter effect was
shown for the kelp resurgence after the oil spill in Tampico
Bay, California (North 1967).93 The oil killed the sea urchins
Methods of Assessment/237
which used young, n~wly developing kelp as food. When the
urchins were killed, the kelp beds developed luxurious
growth within a few months (seep. 258).
Effects on the Ecosystem
The effects of pollution on the aquatic ecosystem are the
most difficult to evaluate and establish. Each environment
is somewhat different, but the species inhabiting any given
environment have evolved over long periods of time, and
each individual species in a community plays its own role.
Any additional stress, whether natural or man-made, ap-
plied to any environment will tend to eliminate some species
leaving only the more tolerant forms to survive. The effect
may be either direct on the species involved or indirect
through the elimination of some species valuable as a food
supply. For some of the species in the system the result may
be beneficial by the removal of their predators or by stimu-
lated and accelerated growth of their prey.
Food Value for Human Use
Sublethal concentrations of pollutants can so taint sea-
food that it becomes useless as a source of food. Oil can be
ingested by marine organisms, pass through the wall of the
gut, and accumulate in the lipid pool. Blumer (1971)89
stated that oil in the tissues of shellfish has been shown to
persist for months after an oil spill; the oil-polluted area
was closed for shellfishing for a period of 18 months. Sea-
food may be rendered unfit for human consumption be-
cause of the accumulation of pollutants. California mackeral
and coho salmon from Lake Michigan were condemned
because they contained more DDT than the permissible
amount in human food (5 mg/kg). Likewise tuna fish and
swordfish were removed from the market, because the
mercury content of the flesh exceeded the allowable con-
centration (0.5 mg/kg). There was no evidence that these
concentrations had any adverse effect on the fish, or in the
case of mercury that the concentrations in tuna and sword-
fish resulted from pollution; nevertheless their removal
from the market ha·s adversely affected the economics of the
An extensive discussion of heat and temperature is pre-
sented in Section III on Freshwater Aquatic Life and
Wildlife (pp. 151-171). Although we accept those recom-
mendations concerning temperature, there are certain char-
acteristics of the marine environment that are unique and
require enumeration. Some of the characteristics of the
marine environment have been discussed in the introduction
to this Section showing that the range of variability is
greatest in the estuary, considerably less in the coastal
waters and even less in the surface waters of the open ' ocean; and that conditions in the deep ocean are virtually
constant. Among the most important variables shown in the
changes is temperature, although salinity variations are
equally important under certain conditions.
The seasonal range of temperature variations is greatest
in the temperate regions and becomes less as one approaches
either the tropics or the poles. In the United States, the
maximum seasonal temperature variation is found in the
coastal waters on the southern side of Cape Cod, Massa-
chusetts, where in winter the water may be freezing at
-2.8 C and in summer the inshore coastal waters reach
temperatures of 23 C, or even 25 C over wide shoal areas.
At the same latitude on the Pacific coast, the water is neither
so cold in the winter nor so warm in the summer. North
of Cape Cod, the water is as cold in the winter time, but it
does not reach as high a summer temperature; and south
of Cape Cod the waters rarely reach a freezing point in
Hutchins (194 7)100 discusses these ranges of variations
and illustrates how they affect geographical distribution of
marine species on the Atlantic European coasts and on the
east and west coasts of the United States. As is obvious from
the above comments, Cape Cod is a geographical boundary
in the summertime but not in winter. Because temperature
can control both the breeding cycle and survival of orga-
nisms, a variety of different geographical distributions can
be dominated by the temperature variations at various
locations along the coast (Hutchins 1947).100
There· is increasing pressure to site power plants in the
coastal zone because of the large available supply of water
for cooling purposes. In 1969 there were over 86 fossil fuel
power plants in the eastern coastal zones (Sorge 1969)101
and 32 on the west coast (Adams 1969).98 In addition,
nuclear power plants are in operation, and many more are
planned for siting on the coast in the future. Provided that
the temperatur-es are kept within the limit prescribed in
the recommendations and that the recommendations for
mixing zones (pp. 228-232) are complied with, these heated
effluents may have no serious impact on the marine en-
vironment. However, organisms passing through the cooling
system of the power plants may be killed either by the direct
effect of temperature, by pressure changes in the system, or
by chlorination if it is used to keep the cooling system free
of attached growth.
In the tropics, disposal of waste heat in the marine en-
vironment may be impossible in the summertime. Bader
and Roessler (1972)99 discussed the temperature problems
created by the power plants at Turkey Point, near Miami,
Florida. Thorhaug et al. (1972)102 showed that tropical
marine organisms live precariously close to their upper
thermal limit and are thus susceptible to the stress of ad-
ditional thermal effluents. To abide by the temperature
recommendations in tropical waters, it is generally neces-
sary to prohibit discharge of heated effluents during the
It is clear from this and from the discussion in Section
III that additional studies will be needed on the temperature
tolerances of the species directly involved. Organisms from
estuaries and marine waters have not been studied as
extensively as have freshwater fishes, but some data are
included in the tabular material in the freshwater report.
On the basis of information available at this time, the
marine panel" finds that the recommendations in Section
III, Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife, appear to be
valid for the estuarine and marine waters as well (see PP·
160, 161, 164, 165, and 166-171 of Section III).
The hazardous and biologically active inorganic chemi-
cals are a source of both local and world-wide threats to
-··-----·~-------------------~ ······---~
the marine environment. Certain of these chemicals may
pose no immediate danger but may lead to undesirable
long-term changes. Others, such as boron, may pose serious
health hazards and yet have poorly understood biological
effects in the marine environment. Nevertheless, they can
be a significant constituent in certain waste waters and
should be discussed here.
The inorganic chemicals that have been considered in
this study are listed alphabetically in Table IV-2; those
most significant to the protection of the marine environment
are discussed below.
TABLE IV-2-Inorganic Chemicals to be Considered in Water
Quality Criteria for Aquatic Life in the Marine Environment
Elements Equilibrium spec1es (reaction) Natural concentration Pollution
in sea water•JLg/1 categories•
Aluminum ............ AI(OH)a, solubility of AhOa approx. 300J£gfl 10 lYe
Ammonia ............. NHa, NH,+ ..................... lYe
Antimony ............. Sb(OH);-0.45 IV c?
Arsenic ............... As,o, is oxidized to HAso,,-2.6 lie
Barium ............... Bazt-20 lYe
Beryllium ............. Be(OH),, solubility of BeD approx. 10JLg/l 0.0006 IV c?
Bismuth .............. Bi(OH)a, solubility of Bi,Oa is unknown (low) 0.02 IV c?
Boron ................ B(OH)a, B(OH)r 4.5X103 IV c
Bromine .............. Br 0, HBrO, Br 6.7X104 lYe
Cadmium ............. CdCI+, CdCI,, CdCI,-(the last two are probably 0.02 lie
the main forms)
Calcium .............. Cazt-4.1Xf05 lYe
Chlorine .............. Cl', HCIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lYe
Chromium ............ Cr(OH)a, solubility of cr,Oa unknown (low) 0.04 lYe?
Cobalt... ............. Cozt-0.4 lYe
Copper ............... Cuzt-, CuOH+, CuHCOa+, CuCOa(probably main 1 lYe
form) CuCi+, complexed also by dissolved
ammo acids
Cyanide .............. HCN (90%), CN-(10%) . .................... lllc
Fluoride .............. F-(50%). MgF+ (50%) 1340 lYe
Gold ................. Aucb-.01-2 lYe
Hydrogen Ion (Acids) .. HCI+HCO,-~H,O+CI-+CO, pH=8 (alk=0.0024 M) lllc
Iron .................. Fe(OH)a, solubility of FeOOH approx. 5 JLg/1 10 lYe
Lead ................. Pbzt-, PbOH+, PbHCOa+,PbCOa, PbSQ,, PbCi+ 0.02 I a
(probably main form)
Magnesium ........... Mg'+ 1.3X10' IV c
Manganese ........... Mnzt-2 IV c
Mercury .............. HgCI,, HgCI,-, HgCI,,_ (main form) 0.1 lb
Molybdenum .......... MoO,>-10 IV c
Nickel. ............... Nizt-7 lllc
Nitrate ............... No,-6.7X1112 lllc
Phosphorus ........... Red phosphorus reacts slowly to phosphate
H ,po.-and H Por
Selenium ............. seo,,_ 0.45 Ill c?
Silicon ............... SI(OH),, SIO(OH)a-3Xf03 IV c
Silver ................ AgCI,-0.3 lllc
Sulfide ............... S'-····················· lie
Thallium ............. Tl+ 0.1 lllc
Titanium ............. Ti(OH)., solubility of TiQ, unknown (low) IYb?
Uranium .............. UO,(COa)a•-lllc
Vanadium ............ YOaOH-IVa?
Zinc ................. Znzt-, ZnOH+, ZnCOa, ZnCI+ (probably main lllc
• These values are approximate but they are representative for low levels in unpolluted sea water.
• I-IV order of decreasing menace; a-worldwide, b-regional, c-local (coastal, bays estuaries, single dumpings).
? indicates some question of the ranking as a menace and/or whether the pollutional effect is local, regional, or world·
Adapted and modified from the Report of the Seminar on Methods of Detection, Measurement and Monitoring of
Pollutants in the Marine Environment. Food and Agriculture Organization 1971'"·
Categories of Pollutants/239
Forms of Chemical and Environmental Interactions
The form in which a chemical appears in the environment
depends on the chemical and physical characteristics of the
element, its stability, and the characteristics of the environ-
ment in which it is found. An element that is easily reduced
or oxidized will undergo rapid changes, especially in sedi-
ments that alternate between oxidized and reduced states;
while an element that is highly stable, such as gold, will
retain its elemental identity in virtually all environmental
conditions. Most elements are found in combined states,
such as ore which can be a sulfide or a complex mineral
containing oxygen, silica, and sulfur.
Certain elements are released into the environment by
the processing of ores. Cadmium, for example, is not found
uncombined in nature to any large extent but is a com-
mercial by-product of zinc smelting. Other metallic ele-
ments can be brought into solution by the action of bacteria.
Contamination from base metals may arise in abandoned
mines, where tailings or slag heaps are attacked by physical
and chemical weathering processes and bacteria to allow
leaching of metallic ions into receiving waters. In strip
mining, sulfides are oxidized to produce sulfuric acid, which
may be a pollutant in itself or help to bring certain elements
into solution.
The action of bacteria also transforms metals in another
way. In anaerobic sediments, bacteria can convert in-
organic metallic mercury into methyl mercury compounds.
Such organo-metallic complexes are highly toxic to mam-
mals, including man.
Biological Effects
Acute toxicity data for inorganic chemical compounds
under controlled laboratory conditions, ·as represented for
example by 96-hour LC50, are presented in Appendix III,
Table 1, (pp. 449-460). Because of the lack of marine data,
most of the information is based on freshwater bioassay
data, which provide some measure of acute toxicity for the
marine environment as well.
The concentrations of elements at which sublethal,
chronic effects become manifest are also important. Sub-
lethal concentrations ·of pollutants can have serious conse-
quences in estuaries where migrating anadromous fishes
linger to become acclimatized to changing salinities. Al-
though the fish may not be killed outright, the stress of
the sublethal concentrations may cause biochemical and
physiological deficiencies that could impair life processes
of the fish, preventing migrating adults from reaching their
spawning grounds or reproducing. Pippy and Hare (1969)247
suggested that heavy metals put fish under stress and may
lead to infestation by diseases. Appendix III, Table 2
(pp. 461-468), summarizes data on the sublethal chronic
effects of inorganic chemicals on fish and other aquatic
organisms. As in Appendix III, Table 1, information on
freshwater organisms has been included because of the
240/Section IV-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
paucity of tests in sea water. There is a clear need for
toxicological work on the sublethal effects of pollutants on
marine organisms.
At low concentrations, many elements are necessary to
life processes, while at higher concentrations the same
elements may be toxic. The effects of long-term exposure
to low levels of most chemicals, singly or in combination,
are generally unknown.
Laboratory bioassays are conducted under controlled
conditions usually with single chemicals. Such tests provide
toxicological information that must precede studies with
mixtures closer to actual conditions. These mixtures must
reflect the conditions and the composition of water in specific
areas of discharge, because substances are rarely isolated
when found in the environment. The probabilities of syner-
gism and antagonism are enhanced by increased complexity
of effluents. Synergism and antagonism in the environment
are poorly understood. Copper is more toxic in soft water
than in hard water where the calcium and the magnesium
salts contributing to water hardness tend to limit or an-
tagonize copper toxicity. Arsenic renders selenium less toxic
and has been added to feeds for cattle and poultry in areas
high in selenium. As examples of synergism, copper is
considerably more toxic in the presence of mercury, zinc,
or cadmium salts (LaRoche 1972),211 and cadmium makes
zinc and cyanide more toxic. Synergism or antagonism is
expected to occur more frequently in water containing
numerous chemical compounds than in one with few such
compounds. Therefore, a complex chemical medium such
as sea water can increase the probability of synergism or
antagonism when a pollutant is introduced.
The effects of pollutants can be considered in terms of
their biological end points. Such irreversible effects as
carcinogenesis, mutagenesis, and teratogenesis provide
identifiable end points in terms of biological consequences
of pollutants. The effects of substances may vary with
species or with stages of the life cycle (See Methods of
Assessment, p. 233).
A distinction must be made between the effects of pol-
lutants harmful to the quality of an organism as a product
for human consumption and those harmful to the organism
itself. While the levels of mercury that render fish unac-
ceptable for marketing do not, on the basis of the limited
information available at this time, appear to have any
adverse effect on the fish themselves, they cause condem-
nation of the product for human consumption. This may
also be true for other elements that lend themselves to bio-
accumulation. Elemental phosphorus leads to illness and
eventual mortality of fish themselves (Jangaard 1970).191
At the concentrations of phosphorus found in the liver and
other vital organs, the fish may have been toxic to human
beings as well. The recommendations for the elements sub-
ject to biological accumulation in the marine environment
must be set at a low level to protect the organisms. There
is also need to establish recommendations based on human
health, and a need to protect the economic value of fisheries
affected by accumulations of some of these elements.
Data on the accumulation of .inorganic chemicals by
aquatic organisms are given in Appendix III, Table 3
(pp. 469-480). The maximum permissible concentrations
of inorganic chemicals in food and water, as prescribed by
the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and by drinking
water standards of various agencies, are given in Appendix
III. Table 4 (pp. 481-482).
The elements essential to plant and animal nutrition in
the marine environments have been included in Table
IV-2. They constitute some of the ordinary nutrients, e.g.,
silicon and nitrate, as well as the micro-constituents, such
as iron, molybdenum, and cobalt. Although it is recognized
that these elements are required for algal nutrition, one
must not be caught in the misconception that "if a little
is good, a lot is better."
Metals reach the marine environment through a variety
of routes, including natural weathering as well as municipal
and industrial discharges. Metals are particularly susceptible
to concentration by invertebrates. Vinogradov's (I 953)294
classic work on the accumulation of metals by organisms
in the marine environment has been expanded in more
recent treatises (Fukai ·and Meinke 1962,166 Polikarpov
1966,249 Bowen et al. 1971,129 Lowman et al. 1971).221
Metals present in the marine environment in an as-
similable form usually undergo bioaccumulation through
the food chain. Thus, elements present in low concentrations
in the water may be accumulated many thousandfold in
certain organisms. Established maximum permissible levels
of some of these metallic ions render fish unacceptable for
the commercial market (U.S. Department of Health, Edu-
cation, and Welfare, Food and Drug Administration 1971,286
Kolbye 1970206 ). Food and drug control agencies must
impose stringent requirements on the content of certain
hazardous elements, such as mercury, which, during 1970,
led to condemnation of much of the fish caught in waters
of the Canadian Prairies and the southern Great Lakes.
Much of the swordfish and about 25 per cent of the tuna
caught by the Japanese have exceeded the maximum per-
missible limit (Wallace et al. 197 I). 295
Studies conducted on Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in
St. Andrew's, New Brunswick, show that low concentrations
of zinc and copper mixtures will set up avoidance reactions
(Sprague 1965,268 Sprague and Saunders 1963271). Adult
salmon migrating to spawn can be diverted by low concen-
trations of these base metals such as those leached from
mine tailings. There are indications that as much as 25
per cent of spawning salmon (Salmo salar) may return to sea
without going through the spawning act if concentrations
of zinc and copper are high enough to induce avoidance
reactions (Sprague 1965).268 There may be other similar
important behavioral reactions stimulated by low concen-
trations of some of the metals.
In the following review of different inorganic constituents,
the total amount of each element is considered in the dis-
cussion and recommendation, unless otherwise stated.
Whereas some of the methods of analysis for constituents
recommended for fresh water and waste water can also be
used in marine environments, the interference from salt
demands other specialized techniques for many elements
(Strickland and Parsons 1968,273 Food and Agriculture
Organization 197 P 64 ).
Not only has the recent literature been revi"ewed in this
examination of the properties and effects of inorganic con-
stituents, but various bibliographic and other standard
references have been liberally consulted (The Merck Index
1960,228 McKee and Wolf 1963,226 Wilber 1969,299 NRC
Committee on Oceanography 1971,237 U.S. Department of
the Interior Federal Water Pollution Control Adminis-
tration 1968,287 Canada Interdepartmental Committee on
Water 197P36 ).
Alkalinity or Buffer Capacity, Carbon Dioxide, and pH
The chemistry of sea water differs from that of fresh
water largely because of the presence of salts, the major
constituents of which are present in sea water in constant
proportion. The weak-acid salts, such as the carbonates,
bicarbonates, and borates, contribute to the high buffering
capacity or alkalinity of sea water. This buffering power
renders many wastes of a highly acidic or alkaline nature,
which are often highly toxic in fresh water, comparatively
innocuous after mixing with sea water.
The complex carbon dioxide-bicarbonate-carbonate sys-
tem in the sea is described in standard textbooks (Sverdrup
et al. 1946,276 Skirrow 1965264 ). Alkalinity and the hydrogen-
ion concentration, as expressed by pH (Strickland and
Parsons 1968), 273 are the best measure of the effects of
highly acidic or highly alkaline wastes.
European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission
(1969)158 and Kemp (1971)202 reviewed the pH require-
ments of freshwater fishes. Because of the large difference
in buffer capacities, techniques for measurement and defi-
nitions of alkalinity are quite different for marine and fresh
waters. The normal range of pH encountered in fresh water
is considerably wider than that found in sea water, and for
this reason, freshwater communities are adapted to greater
pH extremes than ar:e marine communities.
Sea water normally varies in pH from surface to bottom
because of the carbon dioxide-bicarbonate-carbonate equi-
libria. Photosynthetic and respiratory processes also con-
tribute to variations in pH. At the sea surface, the pH
normally varies from 8.0 to 8.3, depending on the partial
pressure of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the
salinity and temperature of the water. A large uptake of
carbon dioxide during photosynthesis in the euphotic zone
leads to high pH values exceeding 8.5 in exceptional cases.
Categories of Pollutants /241
Release of carbon dioxide during decomposition in inter-
mediate and bottom waters results in a lowering of pH.
In shallow, biologically-active waters, particularly in warm
tropical and subtropical areas, there is a large diurnal
variation in pH with values ranging from a high of 9.5 in
the daytime to a low of 7.3 at night or in the early morning.
The toxicity of most pollutants increases as the pH in-
creases or decreases from neutral (pH 7). This is true for
complex mixtures, such as pulp mill effluents (Howard
and Walden 1965),1 83 for constituents which dissociate at
different pH (e.g., H2S and HCN), and for heavy metals.
The toxicity of certain complexes can change drastically
with pH. Nickel cyanide exhibits a thousandfold increase
in toxicity with a 1.5 unit decrease in pH from 8.0 to 6.5
(Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center 1953,255
Doudoroff et al. 1966152). pH may also determine the
degree of dissociation of salts, some of which are more toxic
in the molecular form than in the ionic form. Sodium
sulfide is increasingly toxic with decreasing pH as s~ and
HS-ions are converted to H 2S (Jones 1948).200 The toler-
ance of fish to low concentrations of dissolved oxygen, high
temperatures, cations, and anions varies with pH. There-
fore, non-injurious pH deviations and ranges depend on
local conditions.
There are large fluctuations in natural pH in the marine
environment. Changes in pH indicate that the buffering
capacity of the sea water has been altered and the carbon
dioxide equilibria have shifted. The time required for mixing
of an effluent with a large volume of sea water is exceedingly
important. When the pH of the receiving sea water under-
goes an increase or decrease, its duration can be important
to the survival of organisms. At present, there are not
sufficient data with which to assign time limits to large
departures of pH.
Fish tolerate moderately large pH changes in the middle
of their normal pH ranges. Small pH changes at the limits
of their ranges and also in the presence of some pollutants
can have significant deleterious effects.
Plankton and benthic invertebrates are probably more
sensitive than fish to changes in pH. Oysters appear to
perform best in brackish waters when the pH is about 7.0.
At a pH of 6.5 and lower, the rate of pumping decreases
notably, and the time the shells remain open is reduced
by 90 per cent (Loosanoff and Tommers 1948,219 Korringa
1952 207). Oyster larvae are impaired at a pH of 9.0 and
killed at 9.1 in a few hours (Gaarder 1932).1 67 The upper
pH limit for crabs is 10.2 (Meinck et al. 1956).22 7
Changes in sea water pH should be avoided. The
effects of pH alteration depend on the specific con-
ditions. In any case, the normal range of pH in
either direction should not be extended by more
than 0.2 units. Within the normal range, the pH
should not vary by more than 0.5 pH units. Ad-
242/Section IV-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
dition of foreign material should not drop the pH
below 6.5 or raise it above 8.5.
Aluminum, one of the most abundant elements in the
earth's crust, does not occur in its elemental form in nature.
It is found as a constituent in all soils, plants, and animal
tissues. Aluminum is an amphoteric metal; it may be in
solution as a weak acid, or it may assume the form of a
flocculent hydroxide, depending on the pH. In the alumi-
num sulfate form (alum), it is used in water treatment as a
coagulant for suspended solids, including colloidal materials
and microorganisms.
Aluminum may be adsorbed on plant organisms, but
very little ingested by animals is absorbed through the
alimentary canal. Goldberg et al. (1971)172 reported an
aluminum concentration factor for phytoplankton (Sar-
gassum) ash of 65 and for zooplankton ash of 300. However,
Lowman et al. (1971),221 in their compilation of concen-
tration factors for various elements, noted that aluminum
was reported to be concentrated 15,000 times in benthic
algae, 10,000 times in plankton (phyto-and zoo-), 9,000
times in the soft parts. of molluscs, 12,000 times in crustacean
muscle, and 10,000 times in fish muscle.
In fresh water, the toxicity of aluminum salts varies with
hardness, turbidity, and pH. Jones (1939)198 found the
lethal threshold of aluminum nitrate for stickleback
(Gasterosteus aculeatus) in very soft water to be 0.07 mg/1.
Using tap water with the same compound tested on the
same species, Anderson (1948)112 reported a toxic threshold
of less than 5X I0-5 molar aluminum chloride (1.35 mg/1
AI). Average survival times of stickleback in different con-
centrations of aluminum in the nitrate form have been
reported as one day at 0.3 mg/1 and one week at 0.1 mg/1
(Doudoroff and Katz 1953).150 It was noted by the same
authors that 0.27 mg/1 aluminum in the nitrate form did
not apparently harm young eels in 50 hours' exposure.
Because of the slightly basic nature of sea water, alumi-
num salts tend to precipitate in the marine environment.
These salts have exhibited comparatively low toxicities with
96-hour LC50's of 17.8 mg/1 for redfish tested in sea water
with aluminum chloride (Pulley 1950).252 Concentrations
of 8.9 mg/1 of aluminum (from AlCl3) did not have a lethal
effect on marine fish and oysters tested ( Cynoscion nebulosus,
Sciaenops oscellatus, Fundulus grandis, Fundulus similis, Cyprindon
variegatus, Ostrea virginica) (Pulley 19,50).252 The floes of
precipitated aluminum hydroxide may affect rooted
aquatics and invertebrate benthos. Wilder (1952)300 noted
no significant effect on lobsters (Homarus americanus) of a
tank lined with an aluminum alloy (Mn, l to 1.5 per cent;
Fe, 0. 7 per cent; Si, 0.6' per cent; Cu, 0.2 per cent, and Zn,
0.1 per cent).
Aluminum hydroxide can have an adverse effect on
bottom communities. Special precautions should be taken
to avoid disposal of aluminum-containing wastes in water
supporting commercial populations of clams, scallops,
oysters, shrimps, lobsters, crabs, or bottom fishes.
Because aluminum tends to be concentrated by
marine organisms, it is recommended that an
application factor of 0.01 be applied to marine
96-hour LC50 data for the appropriate organisms
most sensitive to aluminum. On the basis of data
available at this time, it is suggested that concen-
trations of aluminum exceeding 1.5 mgfl consti-
tute a hazard in the marine environment, and
levels less than 0.2 mgfl present minimal risk of
deleterious effects.
Most of the available information on toxicity of ammonia
is for freshwater organisms. For this reason, the reader is
referred to the discussion of ammonia in Section III on
Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife (p. 186). Because of
the slightly higher alkalinity of sea water and the larger
proportion of un-ionized ammonium hydroxide, ammonia
may be more toxic in sea water than in fresh water
(Doudoroff and Katz 1961).151 Holland et al. (1960)182
noted a reduction in growth and a loss of equilibrium in
chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) at concentrations
3.5 to lO mg/1 of ammonia. Dissolved oxygen and carbon
dioxide decrease the toxicity of ammonia (U.K. Depart-
ment .of Science and Research 1961).284 Lloyd and Orr
(1969),217 in their studies on the effect of un-ionized am-
monia at a pH of 8 to 10, found 100 per cent mortality
with 0.44 mg/1 NH3 in 3 hours for rainbow trout (Salmo
gairdneri). This confirmed earlier results of 100 per cent
mortality in 24 hours at 0.4 mg/1. The toxicity increased
with pH between 7.0 and 8.2.
It is recommended that an application factor of
0.1 be applied to marine 96-hour LC50 data for the
appropriate organisms most sensitive to ammonia.
On the basis of freshwater data available at this
time, it is suggested that concentrations of un-
ionized ammonia equal to or exceeding 0.4 mgfl
constitute a hazard to the marine biota, and levels
less than 0.01 mgfl present minimal risk of dele-
terious effects.
Antimony occurs chiefly as sulfide (stibnite) or as the
oxides cervantite (Sb20 4) and valentinite (Sb20a) and is
used for alloys and other metallurgical purposes. It has
also been used in a variety of medicinal preparations and
in numerous industrial applications. Antimony salts are
used in the fireworks, rubber, textile, ceramic, glass and
paint industries.
Few of the salts of antimony have been tested on fish in
bioassays, particularly in sea water. However, antimony
potaflsium tartrate ("tartar emetic") gave a 96-hour LC50
as antimony of 20 mg/1 in soft water and 12 mg/1 in hard
water (Tarzwell and Henderson 1956,277 1960278). Cellular
division of green algae was hindered at 3.5 mg/1, and
movement of Daphnia was retarded at 9 mg/1 (Bringmann
and Kuhn 1959a).l31 Antimony trichloride, used in acid
solution as a mordant for patent leather and in dyeing, was
examined in exploratory tests on fathead minnows
(Pimephales promelas) and gave a 96-hour LC50 as antimony
of 9 mg/1 in soft water and 17 mg/1 in hard water (Tarzwell
and Henderson 1960).278 Applegate et al. (1957)114 reported
that rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri), bluegill sunfish (Lepomis
macrochirus), and sea lamprey (Pertomyzon marinus) were un-
affected by 5 mg/1 of SbCla or SbC1 5 in Lake Huron water
at 13 C, saturated with dissolved oxygen, and pH 7.5 to 8.2.
Jernejcic (I 969)193 noted that as little as 1.0 mg/1 of anti~
mony in the form of tartar emetic caused projectile vomiting
in large mouth bass (Micropterus salmoides).
Antimony can be concentrated by various marine forms
to over 300 times the amount present in sea water (Goldberg
1957,171 Noddack and Noddack 1939240).
Because of the hazard of antimony poisoning to
humans and the possible concentration of anti-
mony by edible marine organisms, it is recom-
mended that an application factor of 0.02 be ap-
plied to marine 96-hour LC50 data for the ap-
propriate organisms most sensitive to antimony.
On the basis of data available at this time, it is
suggested that concentrations of antimony equal
to or exceeding 0.2 mg/1 constitute a hazard in the
marine environment. There are insufficient data
available at this time to recommend a level that
would present minimal risk of deleterious effects.
Arsenic occurs in nature mostly as arsenides or pyrites.
It is also found occasionally in the elemental form. Its
consumption in the U.S. in 1968 amounted to 25,000 tons
as AS20 3 (U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of
Mines 1969).289 Arsenic is used in the manufacture of glass,
pigments, textiles, paper, metal adhesives, ceramics, li-
noleum, and mirrors (Sullivan 1969),274 and its compounds
are used in pesticides, wood preservatives, paints, and
electrical semiconductors. Because of its poisonous action
on microorganisms and lower forms of destructive aquatic
organisms, it has been used in wood preservatives, paints,
insecticides, and herbicides. Sodium arsentite has been used
for weed control in lakes and in electrical semiconductors.
In small concentrations, arsenic is found naturally in
some bodies of water. In its different forms, including its
valence states, arsenic varies in toxicity. Trivalent arsenic
Categories of Pollutants /243
is considerably more toxic than the pentavalent species in
the inorganic form. It is acutely toxic to invertebrates and
for this reason has found application in the control of
Teredo and other woodborers in the AS+3 form. Arsenious
trioxide (As 20 3) has been used for control of the shipworm
Bankia setacia. In the arsenate form (AsH), it is of relatively
low toxicity, Daphnia being just immobilized at 18 to 31
mg/1 sodium arsenate, or 4.3 to 7.5 mg/1 as arsenic, in
Lake Erie water (Anderson 1944,110 1946111). The lethal
threshold of sodium arsenate for minnows has been reported
as 234 mg/1 as arsenic at 16 to 20 C (Wilber 1969).29 9
Arsenic is normally present in sea water at concentrations
of 2 to 3 JLg/1 and tends to be accumulated by oysters and
other molluscan shellfish (Sautet et al. 1964,258 Lowman
et al. 1971221 ). Wilber (I 969)299 reported concentrations of
100 mg/kg in shellfish. Arsenic is a cumulative poison and
has long-term chronic effects on both aquatic organisms
and on mammalian species. A succession of small doses may
add up to a final lethal dose (Buchanan 1962).1 35 The acute
effects of arsenic and its compounds on aquatic organisms
have been investigated, but little has been done on the sub-
lethal chronic effects.
Surber and Meehan (1931 )275 found that fish-food orga-
nisms generally can withstand concentrations of approxi-
mately I. 73 mg/1 of arsenious trioxide in sodium arsenite
solution. Meinck et al. (1956)227 reported that arsenic con-
centrations were toxic at 1.1 to 2.2 mg/1 to pike perch
(Sti;:;ostedion vitreum) in 2 days, 2.2 mg/1 to bleak in 3 days,
3.1 mg/1 to carp (Cyrinus carpio) in 4 to 6 days and to eels
in 3 days, and 4.3 mg/1 to crabs in II days.
Because of the tendency of arsenic to be concen-
trated by aquatic organisms, it is recommended
that an application factor of 0.01 be applied to
marine 96-hour LC50 data for the appropriate
organisms most sensitive to arsenic. On the basis
of freshwater and marine toxicity data available,
it is suggested that concentrations of arsenic equal
to or exceeding 0.05 mgfl constitute a hazard in
the marine environment, and levels less than 0.01
mg/1 present minimal risk of deleterious effects.
Barium comes largely from ores (BaS04, BaCOs). It is
bein~ used increasingly in industry. The U.S. consumption
in 1968 was 1.6 million tons, a growth of 78 per cent in
20 years (U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of
Mines 1969) .289 Barium is used in a variety of industrial
applications, including paper manufacturing, fabric printing
and dyeing, and synthetic rubber production.
All water-or acid-soluble barium compounds are poi-
sonous. However, in sea water the sulfate and carbonate
present tend to precipitate barium. The concentration of
barium in sea water is generally accepted at about 20 JLg/1
244/Section IV-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
(Goldberg et al. 1971),172 although it has been reported as
low as 6.2 J.Lg/1 (Bowen 1956).128 Wolgemuth and Broecker
(1970)303 reported a range of 8 to 14 J.Lg71 in the Atlantic
and 8 to 31 J.Lg/1 in the Pacific, with the lower values in
surface waters. Barium ions are thought to be rapidly
precipitated or removed from solution by adsorption and
Bijan and Deschiens (1956)123 reported that 10 to 15
mg/1 of barium chloride were lethal to an aquatic plant
and two species of snails. Bioassays with barium chloride
showed that a 72-hour exposure to 50 mg/1 harmed the
nervous system of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and
158 mg/1 killed 90 per cent of the test species (ORSANCO
1960).245 Barium can be concentrated in goldfish (Carassius
auratus) by a factor of 150 (Templeton 1958).279 Soviet
marine radioactivity studies showed accumulation of radio-
active barium in organs, bones, scales, and gills of fish
from the Northeast Pacific (Moiseev and Kardashev
196423?). Lowman et al. (I 971 )221 listed a concentration
factor for barium of 17,000 in phytoplankton, 900 in zoo-
plankton, and 8 in fish muscle.
In view of the widespread use of barium, the effects of
low doses of this element and its compounds on marine
organisms under different environmental conditions should
be determined. Disposal of barium-containing wastes into
waters when precipitates could affect rooted aquatics and
benthic invertebrates should be avoided.
Because of the apparent concentration of barium
by aquatic organisms and the resultant human
health hazard, it is recommended that an appli-
cation factor of 0.05 be applied to marine 96-hour
LC50 data for the appropriate organisms most
sensitive to barium. On the basis of data available
at this· time, it is suggested that concentrations of
barium equal to or exceeding 1.0 mg/1 constitute
a hazard in the marine environment, and levels
less than 0.5 mgfl present minimal risk of dele-
terious effects.
Beryllium is found mainly in the mineral beryl and is
almost nonexistent in natural waters. Its concentration in
sea water is 6 X I0-4 J.Lg/1. Beryllium is used in a number of
manufacturing processes, in electroplating, and as a catalyst
in organic chemical manufacture. It has also been used
experimentally in rocket fuels and in nuclear reactors
(Council on Environmental Quality 1971).144 In 1968, the
U.S. consumption of beryllium was 8,719 tons, a 500 per
cent increase over 1948 (U.S. Department of the Interior,
Bureau of Mines 1969).289
Beryllium has been shown to inhibit photosynthesis in
terrestrial plants (Bollard and Butler 1966).127 It would be
of interest to know if there is any inhibition of photo-
synthesis by beryllium compounds in the marine environ-
Beryllium chloride and nitrate are highly soluble in
water, and the sulfate is moderately so. The carbonate and
hydroxide are almost insoluble in cold water. Toxicity tests
gave a 96-hour LC50 for beryllium chloride of 0.15 mg/1
as beryllium for fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) in
soft water; 15 mg/1 for the same species in hard water
(Tarzwell and Henderson 1960) ;278 and 31.0 mg/1 for
Fundulus heteroclitus (Jackim et al. 1970).190
Beryllium has been reported to be concentrated l 000
times in marine plants and animals (Gold berg et al. 1971) .172
In the absence of data specifically related to
effects of beryllium on marine organisms, and be-
cause of its accumulation by marine organisms
and its apparent toxicity to humans, it is recom-
mended that an application factor of 0.01 be ap-
plied to marine 96-hour LC50 data for the appropri-
ate organisms most sensitive to beryllium. On the
basis of data available for hard fresh water, it is
suggested that concentrations of beryllium equal
to or exceeding 1.5 mg/1 constitute a hazard to
marine organisms, and levels less than 0.1 mgfl
present minimal risk of deleterious effects.
Bismuth is used in the manufacture of bismuth salts,
fusible alloys, electrical fuses, low-melting solders, and
fusible boiler plugs, and in tempering baths for steel, in
"silvering" mirrors, and in dental work. Bismuth salts are
used in analytical chemical laboratories and commonly
formulated in pharmaceuticals.
The concentration of bismuth in sea water is low, about
0.02 J.Lg/1, probably because of the insolubility of its salts.
It is unknown how much bismuth actually gets into the sea
from man-made sources, but the quantity is probably small.
The total U.S. production in 1969 as subcarbonate
(Bi20 2C03)2·H20 was 57 short tons (U.S. Department of
Commerce 1971).285
There are no bioassay data on which to base recommen-
dations for bismuth in the marine environment.
Boron is not found in its elemental form in nature; it
normally occurs in mineral deposits as sodium borate
(borax) or calcium borate (colemanite). The concentration
of boron in sea water is 4.5 mg/1 as one of the 8 major
constituents in the form of borate. Boron has long been
used in metallurgy to harden other metals. It is now being
used in the elemental form as a neutron absorber in nuclear
Available data on toxicity of boron to aquatic organisms
are from fresh water (Wurtz 1945,306 Turnbull et al. 1954,281
LeClerc and Devlaminck 1955,214 Wallen et al. 1957,296
LeClerc 1960213). Boric acid at a concentration of 2000
mg/1 show~d no effect on one trout and one rudd (Scardinius
erythrophthalmus); at 5000 mg/1 it caused a discoloration of
the skin of the trout, and at 80,000 mg/1 the trout became
immobile and lost its balance in a few minutes (Wurtz
1945). 306 The minimum lethal dose for minnows exposed to
boric acid at 20 C for 6 hours was reported to be 18,000
to 19,000 mg/1 in distilled water and 19,000 to 19,500 mg/1
in hard water (LeClerc and Devlaminck 1955,214 LeClerc
1960213). Testing mosquito fish (Gambusia affinis) at 20 to
26 C and a pH range of 5.4 to 9.1, Wallen et al. (1957)296
established 96-hour LC50's of 5,600 mg/1 for boric acid and
3,600 mg/1 for sodium borate.
Since the toxicity is slightly lower in hard water than in
distilled water, it is anticipated that boric acid and borates
would be less toxic to marine aquatic life than to freshwater
organisms. In the absence of sea water bioassay data, an
estimate of 500 mg/1 of boron as boric acid and 250 mg/1
as sodium borate is considered hazardous to marine ani-
mals, based on freshwater data (Wallen et al. 1957).296
Concentrations of 50 mg/1 and 25 mg/1, respectively, are
expected to have minimal effects on rparine fauna.
An uncertainty exists concerning the effect of boron on
marine vegetation. In view of harm that can be caused to
terrestrial plants by boron in excess of 1 mg/1 (Wilber
1969),299 special precautions should be taken to maintain
boron at normal levels near eel grass (,Zostera), kelp (Macro-
cystis), and other seaweed beds to minimize damage to
these plants.
On the basis of data available at this time, it is
suggested that concentrations of boron equal to or
exceeding 5.0 mgjl constitute a hazard in the
marine environment, and levels less than 5.0 mgfl
present minimal risk of deleterious effects. An
application factor of 0.1 is recommended for boron
compounds applied to marine 96-hour LC50 data
for the appropriate organisms most sensitive to
In concentrated form, bromine is a strong oxidizing agent
and will attack all metals and organic materials. It is one
of the major constituents in sea water, present at about
67 mg/1 in bromate, and is commercially extracted from the
Bromine is used medicinally and for sterilization of
swimming pools. It is also used in the preparation of dye-
stuffs and anti-knock compounds for gasolines. Molecular
bromine may be discharged in effluents fro:m salt works and
certain chemical industries. Bromination of certain organic
substances, such as phenols and amines, may impart
Categories of Pollutants /245
offensive taste and .make waters more toxic to aquatic
Kott et al. (1966)208 found that Chlorella pyrenoidosa, when
exposed to 0.42 mg/1 bromine for 4 days, were reduced in
concentration from 2,383 cells/mm2 to 270 cells, but re-
mained virtually unchanged at 0.18 mg/1 bromine (2,383
cells/mm2 in controls compared to 2,100 cells/mm2 in the
exposed sample).
At concentrations of 10 mg/1 in soft water, bromine killed
Daphnia magna (Ellis 1937),156 and at 20 mg/1 in water of
18 to 23 C, goldfish ( Carassius auratus) were killed (Jones
1957).201 A violent irritant response in marine fish was
observed at 10 mg/1 bromine, but no such activity was
perceived at 1 mg/1 (Hiatt et al. 1953) .181
The salts of bromine are relatively innocuous. The
threshold of immobilization for Daphnia magna was 210
mg/1 of sodium bromate (NaBr03) and 8200 mg/1 of
sodium bromide (NaBr) (Anderson 1946).m
It is recommended that free (molecular) bromine
in the marine environment not exceed 0.1 mgfl
and that ionic bromine in the form of bromate be
maintained below 100 mgjl.
U.S. consumption of cadmium was 6,662 short tons in
1968 (U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines
1969).2 89 These quantities indicate that cadmium might be
a significant pollutant.
Pure cadmium is not found in commercial quantities in
nature. It is obtained as a by-product of smelting zinc.
Cadmium salts in high concentrations have been found in a
Missouri spring originating from a mine (up to 1,000 mg/ml
cadmium) (ORSANCO 1955),244 and up to 50 to 170
mg/kg of cadmium are found in superphosphate fertilizers
(Athanassiadis l969).U 6 Cadmium is also present in some
pesticides. It is being used in increasing amounts by in-
dustry (Council on Environmental Quality 1971).1 44 Water-
carrying pipes are also a source of cadmium (Schroeder
1970)259 as is food (Nilsson 1969).239 Cadmium is present
in most drainage waters (Kroner and Kopp 1965)209 and
may be contributing substantially to the cadmium present
in inshore coastal waters. It is not known, however, whether
man's input· has resulted in higher levels of cadmium in
estuarine or coastal waters. In sea water, cadmium is
generally present at about 0.1 ,ug/1 (Goldberg et al. l97l)P2
Cadmium pollution resulting in the "Itai-itai" disease in
the human population has been documented (Yamagata
and Shigematsu 1970). 307 Schroeder et al. (1967)260 have
found that oysters may concentrate cadmium from very
low levels in ambient water. Cadmium concentrations in
some marine plants and animals have been given by Mullin
and Riley (1956).233
Concern exists that cadmium may enter the diet. like
246/Section IV-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
mercury, through seafood. Cadmium, like mercury, could
conceivably form organic compounds which might be highly
toxic or lead to mutagenic or teratogenic effects.
Cadmium has marked acute and chronic effects on
aquatic organisms. It also acts synergistically with other
metals. A 15-week LC50 of 0.1 mg/l and inhibition of shell
growth for Crassostrea virginica (Pringle et al. 1968),250 and
a 96-hour LC50 of 0.03 mg/1 cadmium in combination with
0.15 mg/1 zinc for fry of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus
tshawytscha) (Hublou et al. 1954)184 have been reported.
Fundulus heteroclitus exposed to 50 mg/1 cadmium showed
pathological changes in the intestinal tract after 1-hour
exposure, in the kidney after 12 hours, and in the gill
filaments and respiratory lamellae after 20 hours (Gardner
and Yevich 1970)_17° Copper and zinc, when present at
1 mg/1 or more, substantially increase the toxicity of
cadmium (LaRoche 1972).211
Cadmium is concentrated by marine organisms, particu-
larly the molluscs (e.g., Pecten nova;;:etlandicae), which ac-
cumulated cadmium in the calcareous tissues and in the
viscera (Brooks and Rumbsby 1965)_13 3 Lowman et al.
(1971)221 reported a concentration factor of 1000 for cad-
mium in fish muscle.
Cadmium levels in tissues of Ashy Petrel ( Oceanodroama
homochroa) from coastal waters of California were approxi-
mately twice as high as in tissues of Wilson's Petrel ( Oceanites
oceanicus) obtained in Antarctica, which had summered in
the North Atlantic and Australian regions, respectively.
Cadmium levels in tissues of the Snow Petrel (Pelagodroma
nivea), a species which does not leave the Antarctic ice pack
region, obtained at Hallett Station, Antarctica, were of the
same order of magnitude as those in the Wilson's Petrel.
Cadmium levels in eggs of the Common Tern (Sterna
hirundo) from Long Island Sound were in the order of 0.2
mg/kg dry weight, not appreciably higher than those in the
Antarctic Tern (Sterna vittata) from the Antarctic with
levels in the order of 0.1 mg/kg (Anderlini et al. in press).l 09
Cadmium pollution may therefore be significant locally in
estuaries, but on the basis of these limited data, it does not
appear to be a problem in more remote marine ecosystems.
However, in view of the comparatively unknown effects of
cadmium on the marine ecosystem, its apparent concen-
tration by marine organisms, and the human health risk
involved in consumption of cadmium-contaminated sea-
food, it is suggested that there be no artificial additions of
cadmium to the marine environment.
The panel recommends that an application fac-
tor of 0.01 be applied to marine 96-hour LC50 data
for appropriate organisms most sensitive to cad-
mium. On the basis of data available at this time,
it is suggested that concentrations of cadmium
equal to or exceeding 0.01 mgfl constitute a hazard
in the marine environment as well as to human
populations, and levels less than 0.2 p.gfl present
minimal risk of deleterious effects. In the presence
of copper and/or zinc at 1 mgfl or more, there is
evidence that the application factor for cadmium
should be lower by at least one order of magnitude.
In the absence of sufficient data on the effects
of cadmium upon wildlife, it is recommended that
cadmium criteria for aquatic life apply also to
Chlorine is generally present in the stable chloride form
which constitutes about 1.9 per cent of sea water. Ele-
mental chlorine, which is a poisonous gas at normal tem-
perature and pressure, is produced by electrolysis of a brine
solution. Among its many uses are the bleaching of pulp,
paper and textiles, and the manufacture of chemicals.
Chlorine is used to kill so-called nuisance organisms that
might interfere with the proper functioning of hydraulic
systems. Chlorine disinfection is also used in public water
supplies and in sewage effluents to insure that an acceptable
degree of coliform reduction is achieved before the effluents
enter various bodies of water. In all instances the intent is
to eliminate undesirable levels of organisms that would
degrade water uses. This goal is only partially reached,
because the effect of chlorine on desirable species is a
serious hazard.
When dissolved in water, chlorine completely hydrolizes
to form hypochlorous acid (HOCl) or its dissociated ions;
at concentrations below 1000 mg/1, no chlorine exists in
solution as Cb. The dissociation of HOCl to H+ and OCl-
depends on the pH: 4 per cent is dissociated at pH 6, 25
per cent at pH 7, and 97 per cent at pH 9. The undissociated
form is the most toxic (Moore 1951).231 Although free
chlorine is toxic in itself to aquatic organisms, combi-
nations of chlorine with ammonia, cyanide, and organic
compounds, such as phenols and amines, may be even more
toxic and can impart undesirable flavors to seafood.
Chlorine at 0.05 mg/1 was the critical level for young
Pacific salmon exposed for 23 days (Holland et al. 1960).1 82
The lethal threshold for chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus
tshawytscha) and coho salmon (0. kisutch) for 72-hour ex-
posure was noted by these investigators to be less than 0.1
mg/1 chlorine. In aerated freshwater, monochloramines
were more toxic than chlorine and dichloramine more toxic
than monochloramine. Studies of irritant responses of marine
fishes to different chemicals (Hiatt et al. 1953)181 showed a
slight irritant activity at 1 mg/1 and violent irritant activity
at 10 mg/1. Oysters· are sensitive to chlorine concentrations
of 0.01 to 0.05 mg/1 and react by reducing pumping ac-
tivity. At Cb concentrations of 1.0 mg/1 effective pumping
could not be maintained (Galtsoff 1946).169
Preliminary results show that at 15 C, salinity 30 parts
per thousand (%o), mature copepods (Acartia tonsa and
TABLE IV-3-Copepod Mortality from Chlorine Exposure
Acartia Tonsa
Chlorine mg/1
Chlorine mg/1
Gentile (unpublished data) 1972.'"
Exposure time in minutes to give Exposure time in minutes to give
50 percent mortality 100 percent mortality
220 >500
1.2 10.0
0.6 1.0
Eurytemona Ajfinis
Exposure time in minutes to give Exposure time in minutes to give
50 percent mortality 100 percent mortality
33 125
3. 6 30.0
LO ~0
Eurytemona affinis) have great difficulty in surviving exposures
to chlorine (Table IV-3).
Clendenning and N:orth (1960)141 noted that at 5 to 10
mg/1 chlorine, the photosynthetic capacity of bottom fronds
of the giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) was reduced by 10 to
15 per cent after 2 days and 50 to 70 per cent after 5 to 7
Chlorination in seawater conduits to a residual of 2.5
mg/1 killed all fouling organisms tested (anemones, mussels,
barnacles, Mogula, Bugula) in 5 to 8 days; but with 1.0
mg/1 a few barnacles and all anemones survived 15 days'
exposure (Turner et al. 1948).282
It should be further stressed that chlorine applications
may often be accompanied by entrainments where the
organisms are exposed to strong biocidal chlorine doses,
intense turbulence, and heat (Gonzales et al. unpublished
1971).313 Consideration should also be given to the for-
mation of chlorinated products, such as chloramines or
other pollutants, which may have far greater and more
persistent toxicity than the original chlorine applications.
It is recommended that an application factor of
0.1 be used with 96-hour LC50 data from seawater
bioassays for the most sensitive species to be pro-
However, it is suggested that free residual chlo-
rine in sea water in excess of 0.01 mgfl can be
hazardous to marine life. In the absence of data
on the in situ production of toxic chlorinated
products, it appears to be premature to advance
Most of the available information on toxici.ty of chromium
is for freshwater organisms, and it is discussed in Section
III, p. 180.
Categories of Pollutants /24 7
Chromium concentrations in seawater average about 0.04
JLg/1 (Food and Agriculture Organization 1971),164 and
concentration factors of 1,600 in benthic algae, 2,300 in
phytoplankton, 1,900 in zooplankton, 440 in soft parts of
molluscs, 100 in crustacean muscle, and 70 in fish muscle
have been reported (Lowman et al. 1971).221
The toxicity of chromium to aquatic life will vary with
valence state, form, pH, synergistic or antagonistic effects
from other constituents, and the species of organism in-
In long-term studies on the effects of heavy metals on
oysters, Haydu (unpublished data)314 showed that mortalities
occur at concentrations of 10 to 12 JLg/1 chromium, with
highest mortality during May, June, and July. Raymont
and Shields (1964)253 reported threshold toxicity levels of
5 mg/1 chromium for small prawns (Leander squilla), 20
mg/1 chromium in the form Na2Cr04 for the shore crab
(Carcinas 'f(laenus), and l mg/1 for the polychaete Nereis
virens. Pringle et al. (1968)250 showed that chromium con-
centrations of 0.1 and 0.2 mg/1, in the form of K 2Cr20 7,
produced the same mortality with molluscs as the controls.
Doudoroff and Katz (1953)150 investigated the effect of
K2Cr201 on mummichogs (Fundulus heteroclitus) and found
that they tolerated a concentration of 200 mg/1 in sea water
for over a week.
Holland e.t al. (1960)182 reported that 31.8 mg/1 of
chromium as potassium chromate in sea water gave 100
per cent mortality to coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch).
Gooding (1954)173 found that 17.8 mg/1 of hexavalent chro-
mium was toxic to the same species in sea water.
Clendenning and North (1960)141 showed that hexavalent
chromium at 5.0 mg/1 chromium reduced photosynthesis
in the giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) by 50 per cent during
4 days exposure.
Because of the sensitivity of lower forms of
aquatic life to chromium and lts accumulation at
all trophic levels, it is recommended that an appli-
cation factor of 0.01 be applied to marine 96-hour
LC50 data for the appropriate organisms most
sensitive to chromium. On the basis of data avail-
able at this time, it is suggested that concentra-
tions of chromium equal to or exceeding 0.1 mgfl
constitute a hazard to the marine environment,
and levels less than 0.05 mg/1 present minimal risk
of deleterious effects. In oyster areas, concentra-
tions should be maintained at less than 0.01 mgfl.
Copper has been used as a pesticide for eliminating algae
in water, and its salts have bactericidal properties. Copper
is toxic to invertebrates and is used extensively in marine
antifouling paints which release it to the water. It is also
toxic to juvenile stages of salmon and other sensitive species
248/Section IV-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
(Sprague 1964,267 , 1965,2 68 Sigler et al. 1966,263 Cope
Copper was the fifth metal in U.S. consumption during
1968, following iron, manganese, zinc, and barium (U.S.
Department of the Interior Bureau of Mines 1969).289
Copper is used for such products as high transmission wires,
containers, utensils, and currency because of its noncor-
roding properties.
Copper is widely distributed in nature and is present in
sea water in concentrations ranging from I to 25 p.gjl. In
small amounts, copper is nonlethal to aquatic organisms;
in fact, it is essential to some of the respiratory pigments in
animals (Wilber 1969).299 Copper chelated by lignin or
citrate has been reported to be as effective as copper ion in
controlling algae, but apparently it is not as toxic to fish
(Ingols 1955) .186 Copper affected the polychaete Nereis
virens at levels of approximately 0.1 mg/l (Raymont and
Shields 1964 )253 and the shore crab ( Carcinus maenus) at 1 to
2 mg/l .(Wilber 1969).299 Copper at concentrations of 0.06
mg/l inhibited photosynthesis of the giant kelp (Macrocystis
pyrifera) by 30 per cent in 2 days and 70 per cent in 4 days
(Clendenning and North 1960).141
Copper is toxic to some oysters at concentrations above
0.1 mg/1 (Galtsoff 1932)168 and lethal to oysters at 3 mg/l
(Wilber 1969).299 The American oyster (Crassostrea virginica)
is apparently more sensitive to copper than the Japanese
species (Crassostreagigas) (Reish 1964).254 The 96-hour LC50
for Japanese oysters exposed to copper has been reported
as 1.9 mg/l (Fujiya 1960).165 However, oysters exposed to
concentrations as low as 0.13 mg/1 turn green in about 21
days (Galtsoff 1932).168 Although such concentrations of
copper are neither lethal to the oysters nor, apparently,
harmful to man, green oysters are unmarketable because
of appearance. Therefore, in the vicinity of oyster grounds,
the recommendation for maximum permissible concen-
trations of copper in the water is based on marketability,
and it is recommended that copper not be introduced into
areas where shellfish may be contaminated or where seaweed
is harvested.
Copper acts synergistically when present with zinc
(Wilber 1969),299 zinc and cadmium (LaRoche 1972),211
mercury (Corner and Sparrow 1956),143 and with penta-
chlorophenate (Cervenka 1959) .1 37 Studies on sublethal
effects of copper show that Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
will avoid concentrations of 0.0024 mg/1 in laboratory
experiments (Sprague et al. 1965,270 Saunders and Sprague
1967,257 Sprague 197!2 69 ).
Copper is accumulated by marine organisms, with con-
centration factors of 30,000 in phytoplankton, 5,000 in the
soft tissues of molluscs, and 1000 in fish muscle (Lowman
et al. 1971).221
Bryan and Hummerstone (1971)134 reported that the poly-
chaete Nereis diversicolor shows a high takeup of copper from
copper-rich sediments and develops a tolerance. Mobile
predators feeding on this species could receive doses toxic
to themselves or accumulate concentrations that would be
toxic to higher trophic levels.
It is recommended that an application factor of
0.01 be applied to marine 96-hour LC50 data for the
appropriate organisms most sensitive to copper.
On the basis of data available at this time, it is
suggested that concentrations of copper equal to
or exceeding 0.05 mgfl constitute a hazard in the
marine environment, and levels less than 0.01 mgfl
present minimal risk of deleterious effects.
Most of the available information on toxicity of cyanides
is for freshwater organisms, and is discussed in the Fresh-
water Aquatic Life and Wildlife section, p. 189.
As a guideline in the absence of data for marine
organisms the panel recommends that an appli-
cation factor of 0.1 be applied to marine 96-hour
LC50 data for the appropriate organisms most
sensitive to cyanide. On the basis of data available
at this time it is suggested that concentrations of
cyanide equal to or exceeding 0.01 mgfl constitute
a hazard in the marine environment, and levels
less than 0.005 mgfl present minimal risk of dele-
terious effects.
Fluorides have been brought to public attention in recent
years because of their effects at low concentrations in human
dental development and in prevention of decay. However,
it must be remembered that fluorides at higher concen-
trations are poisons afflicting human and other mammalian
skeletal structures with fluorosis (see Section II, p. 66).
Fluorine is the most reactive non-metal and does not
occur free in nature. It is found in sedimentary rocks as
fluorspar, calcium fluoride, and in igneous rocks as cryolite,
sodium aluminum fluoride. Seldom found in high concen-
trations in natural surface waters because of their origin
only in certain rocks in certain regions, fluorides may be
found in detrimental concentrations in ground waters.
Fluorides are emitted to the atmosphere and into effluents
from electrolytic reduction plants producing phosphorus
and aluminum. They are also used for disinfection, as
insecticides, as a flux for steel manufacture, for manu-
facture of glass and enamels, for preserving wood, and for
assorted chemical purposes.
A review of fluoride in the environment (Marier and
Rose 1971)225 indicates that the concentration of unbound
ionic fluoride (F-) in sea water ranges between 0.4 and
0. 7 mg/1. Approximately 50 per cent of the total seawater
fluoride (0. 77 to 1.40 mg/1) is bound as the double ion
Concentrations as low as 1.5 mg/1 of fluoride have
affected hatching of fish eggs (Ellis et al. 1946),157 and 2.3
mg/1, introduced as sodium fluoride, was lethal to rainbow
trout (Salmo gairdneri) at 18 C (Angelovic et al. 1961).113
Virtually no information exists on long-term chronic effects
of low concentrations of fluorides in sea water.
In the absence of data on the sublethal effects
of fluorides in the marine environment, it is recom-
mended that an application factor of 0.1 be applied
to marine 96-hour LC50 data for the appropriate
organisms most sensitive to fluoride. On the basis
of data available at this time it is suggested that
concentrations of fluoride equal to or exceeding 1.5
mgfl constitute a hazard in the marine environ-
ment, and levels less than 0.5 mgfl present minimal
risk of deleterious effects.
Because of the widespread use of iron by man for his
many industrial activities, iron is a common contaminant
in the aquatic environment. Iron may enter water naturally
from iron ore deposits; but iron is more often introduced
from acid mine drainage, mineral processing, steel pickling,
and corrosion. Iron usually occurs in the ferrous form,
when it is released from processing plants or in mine drain-
age, but becomes rapidly oxidized to the ferric form in
natural surface waters. The ferric salts form gelatinous
hydroxides, agglomerate and flocculate, settling out on the
bottom or becoming adsorbed on various surfaces. Depend-
ing on the pH and Eh, groundwater may contain a con-
siderable amount of iron in solution, but well aerated waters
seldom contain high, dissolved iron. In the marine environ-
ment, iron is frequently present in organic complexes and
in adsorbed form on particulate matter.
Most of the investigations on biological effects of iron
have been done in fresh water (Knight 1901,204 Bandt
1948,117 Minkina 1946,229 Southgate 1948,265 Lewis 1960,215
ORSANCO 1960245). Deposition of iron hydroxides on
spawning grounds may smother fish eggs, and the hy-
droxides may irritate the gills and block the respiratory
channels of fishes (Southgate 1948,265 Lewis 1960215). Direct
toxicity of iron depends on its valence state and whether
it is in solution or suspension.
Warnick and Bell (1969)297 examined the effects of iron
on mayflies, stoneflies, and caddisflies and obtained a
96-hour LC50 of 0.32 mg/1 for the three insects. Dowden
and Bennett (1965)153 examined the effect offerric chloride
to Daphnia magna in static acute bioassays. They noted
LC50's of 36, 21, and 15 mg/1 for 1, 2, and 4 days, re-
Ferric hydroxide floes removed the diatoms in the process
Categories of Pollutants/249
of flocculation and settling, coating the bottom; and the
iron precipitate coated the gills of white perch (Marone
americana), minnows, and silversides in upper Chesapeake
Bay (Olson et al. 1941).242
Tests on three types of fish gave a lethality threshold for
iron at 0.2 mg/1 (Minkina 1946)229 and on carp at 0.9 mg/1
if the pH was 5.5 or lower. Ebeling (1928)155 found that
10 mg/1 of iron caused serious injury or death to rainbow
trout (Salmo gairdneri) in 5 minutes. La Roze (1955)212
reported that dogfish were killed in 3 hours at 5 mg/1 iron,
whereas other research (National Council for Stream Im-
provement 1953)236 indicated no deaths during one week
at 1 to 2 mg/1.
Because of the slightly alkaline condition of sea water,
much of the iron introduced to the sea precipitates. This
adds a further problem of iron hydroxide floes contami-
nating bottom sediments where rooted aquatics and in-
vertebrates could be affected.
Special consideration should be given to avoiding dis-
charge of iron-containing effluents into waters where com-
mercially important bottom species or important food
organisms dwell (e.g., oysters, clams, scallops, lobsters,
crabs, shrimp, halibut, flounder, and demersal fish eggs and
On the basis of data available at this time, it is
suggested that concentrations of iron equal to or
exceeding 0.3 mg/1 constitute a hazard to the
marine environment, and levels less than 0.05 mg/1
present minimal risk of deleterious effects.
The present rate of input of lead into the oceans is
approximately ten times the rate of introduction by natural
weathering, and concentrations of lead in surface sea water
are greater than in deeper waters (Chow and Patterson
1966).139 The isotope composition of the lead in surface
waters and in recent precipitation is more similar to that of
mined ore than to that in marine sediments (Chow 1968).138
There are almost no data, however, that would suggest that
the higher concentrations of lead in surface sea water de-
rived from lead transported through the atmosphere have
resulted in higher lead concentrations in marine wildlife.
Lead concentrations in Greenland snow have been shown
to be 16 times higher in 1964 than in 1904 (Murozumi et al.
1969) .235 In 1968 an estimated 1.8 X 10 5 tons of lead were
introduced to the atmosphere as a result of the combustion
of leaded gasoline (Council on Environmental Quality
1971).144 This represents 14 per cent of the total lead con-
sumption of the United States for that year. Lead poisoning
of zoo animals in New York City was attributed to their
breathing lead-contaminated air (Bazell 197l).U 9
Blood serum aldolase activity in higher animals exposed
to small amounts of lead increased, although there were no
250/Section IV-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
overt signs or symptoms of poisoning (Yaverbaum 1963,308
Wilber 1969299 ). Chronic lead poisoning in man is sympto-
matically similar to. multiple sclerosis (F';lkowska et al.
1964).169 Muscular dystrophy has been reported as occurring
in fishes and amphibians (Stolk 1962,272 Wilber 1969299 ) and
in view of these findings could, in fact, be unnatural.
Data are needed on the sublethal, long-term effects of
lead on aquatic organisms, particularly those in sea water.
Evidence of deleterious effect to freshwater fish has been
reported for concentrations of lead as low as 0.1 mg/1
(Jones 1938).197
Wilder (1952)300 reported lobster dying in 6 to 20 days
when held in lead-lined tanks. Pringle (unpublished data)316
observed a 12-week LC50 of 0.5 mg/llead and an 18-week
LC50 of0.3 mg/llead with the oyster (Crassostrea virginica).
There was noticeable change in gonadal and mantle tissue
following 12 weeks exposure at concentrations of 0.1 to
0.2 mg/1 of lead. Calabrese et al. (unpublished data)310 found
a 48-hour LC25 of 1. 73 mg/1 and an LC50 of 2.45 mg/1
for oyster eggs of the same species.
North and Clendenning (1958)241 reported that lead
nitrate at 4.1 mg/1 of lead showed no deleterious effect on
the photosynthesis rate in kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) exposed
for four days. They concluded that lead is: less toxic to
kelp than mercury, copper, hexavalent chromium, zinc,
and nickel.
In the absence of more definitive information on
the long-term chronic effect of lead on marine
organisms, it is recommended that concentrations
of lead in sea water should not exceed 0.02 of the
96-hr LC50 for the most sensitive species, and that
the 24-hour average concentration should not ex-
ceed 0.01 of the 96-hour LC50. On the basis of data
available at this time it is suggested that concen-
trations of lead equal to or exceeding Oj)~{:mg/1
constitute a hazard in the marine environment,
and levels less than 0.01 mg/1 present minimal
risk of deleterious effects. Special effort should be
made to reduce lead levels even further in oyster-
growing areas.
Lead recommendations for the protection of
wildlife are included in the discussion of Marine
Wildlife p. 227.
Manganese is one of the most commonly used metals in
industry. It occurs widely in ores on land and in nodules in
the deep sea. U.S. consumption in 1958 exceeded 2.2
million tons, a 45 per cent increase in 20 years (U.S.
Department of Interior, Bureau of Mines 1969).289 The
metal is alloyed with iron to produce steel and in smaller
quantities with copper for manganese bronze. Its salts are
used in inks and dyes, in glass and ceramics, in matches
and fireworks, for dry-cell batteries, and in the manufacture
of paints and varnishes.
Manganese is often found with iron in ground waters,
and it can be leached from soil and occur in drainage in
high concentrations. The carbonates, oxides, and hy-
droxides are slightly soluble, so that manganous and
manganic ions are rarely present in surface water in excess
of 1 mg/1. Manganese is present in sea water at about 2 p,g/1
in the Mn+2 form, and is concentrated through biochemical
processes to form manganese nodules, found mainly in the
deep sea.
Manganese may have different effects on the lower trophic
levels in fresh water and sea water. Concentrations of
manganese above 0.005 mg/1 had a toxic effect on certain
algae in reservoirs (Guseva 1937,174 1939176), while 0.0005
mg/1 in sea water stimulated growth and multiplication
of _certain phytoplankton (Harvey 194 7) _17 8 Anderson
(1944 )110 reported the threshold of immobilization of Daphnia
magna as 0.63 mg/1 of KMn04 and the threshold concen-
tration for immobilization of Daphnia magna in Lake Erie
water as 50 mg/1 of MnC12 (Anderson 1948).112 Bringmann
and Kuhn (1959a)131 reported the threshold effect for the
same species as 50 mg/1 of MnCla as manganese in River
Havel water at 23 C.
For the flatworm Polycelis nigra, the threshold concen-
tration of manganese was reported as 700 mg/1 as man-
ganese chloride and 660 mg/1 as manganese nitrate (Jones
1940).199 Tests on organisms on which fish feed, i.e.,
crustacea, worms, and insect larvae, showed no apparent
harm at 15 mg/1 of manganese during a 7-day exposure
(Schweiger 1957).261 River crayfish were found to tolerate
1 mg/1 (Meinck et al. 1956).227
The toxicity of manganese to fish depends on a number
of factors which may vary from one situation to another.
There is an apparent antagonistic action of manganese
toward nickel toxicity for fish (Blabaum and Nichols
1956).126 This may be true also for cobalt and manganese
in combination, as noted for terrestrial plant life (Ahmed
and Twyman 1953).10 8
Stickleback survived 50 mg/1 manganese as manganese
sulphate for 3 days, whereas eels withstood 2700 mg/1 for
50 hours (Doudoroff and Katz 195:3).160 The lethal concen-
tration of manganese for stickleback was given as 40 mg/1
by Jones (1939),198 and he noted that the toxic action was
slow. The minimum lethal concentration of manganese
nitrate for sticklebacks in tap water has been reported to
be 40 mg/1 as manganese (Anderson 1948,112 Murdock
The average survival times of stickelback in manganous
nitrate solution were one week at 50 mg/1, four days at
100 mg/1, two days at 150 mg/1, and one day at 300 mg/1,
all measured as manganese (Murdock 1953).234 Young eels
tolerated 1500 mg/1 manganous sulphate for more than 25
hours (Doudoroff and Katz 1953).160 Oshima (1931)246 and
Iwao (1936)189 reported the lethal thresholds of manganous
chloride and manganous sulphate for fish in Japan to be
about 2400 and 1240 mg/1 of manganese, respectively.
They found that permanganates (Mn+7) killed fish at 2.2
to 4.1 mg/1 manganese in 8 to 18 hours, but this high
oxidation form is quite unstable in water. Tench, carp,
and trout tolerated 15 mg/1 of manganese during 7 days
exposure (Schweiger 1957).261
Manganous chloride was found to be lethal to minnows
(Fundulus) in fresh water in six days at 12 mg/1 MnCb; for
the small freshwater fish Orizias, the 24 hour lethal concen-
tration was about 7850 mg/1 (Doudoroff and Katz 1953) ;150
and for other fish 5500 mg/1 (Oshima 1931,246 Iwao,
1936189). The highest concentration tolerated by eels for
50 hours was 6300 mg/1 (Doudoroff and Katz 1953).1 50
Meinck et al. ( 1956)227 noted the first toxic effects for fish
of MnCb at 330 mg/1, with the lethal concentration at
800 mg/1.
Only a few studies of sublethal effects of manganese on
fish have been reported. Ludemann (I 953)222 noted some
of the symptoms of toxicity of manganese to fish, crabs,
and fish food organisms. Abou-Donia and Menzel (1967)103
noted an effect of l.25X l0-4 M manganese (6.9 mg/1) on
the enzyme acetylcholinesterase in shiner perch.
In studies on the uptake of radionuclides on the Pacific
testing grounds of Bikini and Eniwetok, it was found that
the neutron-induced isotope of manganese 54Mn was con-
centrated by as much as 4000 in phytoplankton and 12,000
in the muscle or soft tissue of mollusks (Lowman 1960,220
Lowman et al. 197!221 ). Goldberg et al. (1971)172 list the
concentration factor of manganese in marine plants and
animals as approximately 3000.
In view of the evidence for concentration of
manganese by marine organisms, an application
factor of 0.02 of the 96 hr LC50 for the most sensitive
species to be protected is recommended.
Until more complete information on acute and
sublethal effects of manganese on marine orga-
nisms is available, it is suggested that concen-
trations of 0.1 mg/1 or more of total manganese
in the marine environment may constitute a haz-
ard, and concentrations of less than 0.02 mg/1
present minimal risk.
Mercury naturally leaches from cinnabar (HgS) deposits.
Man-made sources of mercury have been in plastics manu-
facture, where mercury oxide is used as a catalyst, chlor-
alkali plants where mercury cells are used, mercurial
slimacides used in the pulp and paper industry and in
other forest product anti-fungal applications, seed dressings
used in combatting smuts and other fungal diseases afflicting
seeds, and in anti-fouling paints. An estimated 5000 tons
of mercury per year are transferred from the continents to
Categories of Pollutants /251
the oceans as a result· of continental weathering (Klein
and Goldberg 1970).203 Global production of mercury is
currently about twice as high, in the order of 9000 metric
tons per year (Hammond 1971) .17 6 The burning of pe-
troleum releases in the order of 1600 tons of mercury into
the atmosphere per year (Bertine and Goldberg 1971).122
A conservative estimate of the amount of mercury released
per year into the global environment from the burning of
coal is in the order of 3000 tons (J oensuu 1971) .1 95 The
total amount of mercury estimated to be in the oceans is
in the order of 10 8 metric tons, approximately three orders
of magnitude higher than the total amount of mercury
consumed in the United States since 1900. Mercury in
marine organisms is, therefore, most probably of natural
origin except in localized areas.
One hundred and eleven persons were reported poisoned,
41 died, and others suffered serious neurological damage as
a result of eating fish and shellfish which had been con-
taminated with mercrtry discharged into Minamata Bay
by a plastics manufacturing plant between 1950 and 1960
(Irukayama 1967).187 In 1965, another poisoning incident
was reported in Niigata, Japan, where 5 people died and
26 suffered irreversible neurological damage (Ui 1967).292
In Minamata it was also found that cats eating the con-
taminated fish and shellfish took suicidal plunges into the
sea, an uncommon occurrence with these mammals (Ui
and Kitamura 1970).29 3
Metallic mercury can be converted by bacteria into
methyl mercury (Jensen and Jernelov 1969,192 Jernel6v
1969,194 Lofroth 1969218). Organometallic mercury is much
more toxic than the metallic mercury and enters the food
cycle through uptake by aquatic plants, lower forms of
animal life, and fish (Jernelov 1969).194 The concentration
factor of mercury in fish was reported as 3,000 and higher
(Hannerz 1968,177 Johnels and Westermark 1969196). A
voluntary form of control was imposed in Sweden where
anglers were requested not to eat more than one fish per
week from a given lake to minimize human intake.
High mercury concentrations in birds and fish were
reported on the Canadian prairies in 1969 (Fimreite 1970,160
Wobeser et al. 1970,301 Bligh l97P26). The source of the
mercury in the birds was apparently mercurial seed dressing
consumed with grain by the birds; whereas in fish, mercury
came largely from emissions of a chlor-alkali plant using a
mercury cell.
The Food and Drug Directorate of Canada set a level of
0.5 parts per million as the maximum permissible concen-
tration in fish products. The 0.5 parts per million level was
set as an interim guideline, not a regulation based on any
known safe level for mercury (Canada Food and Drug
Directorate, personal communication). 311 A similar guideline
was adopted in the U.S. (Kolbye 1970).206 These limits were
based on the lethal concentrations found in Minamata Bay,
Japan, and on the levels set by the World Health Organi-
zation (WHO) in cooperation with the Food and Agri-
252/Section IV-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
cultural Organization (FAO). The level set by WHO/FAO
was 0.05 ppm, ba~ed on total food (WHO 1967).305 The
concentrations which were found lethaf to the Japanese
consuming fish and shellfish contaminated by mercury were
10 to 50 mg/kg total mercury (Birke et al. 1968).124 The
Swedish limit was 1.0 ppm of mercury in fish (Berglund
and Wretling 1967)121 based on dry weight, which is
equivalent to 0.2 ppm wet weight (Wallace et al. 1971).295
Although the emphasis has been on the effects of mercury
on man, aquatic organisms can be affected by various
mercury compounds. Mercury markedly alters the epi-
thelium of skin and gills in fishes (Schweiger 1957).261
Mercuric chloride in water containing developing eggs of
Paracentrotus lividis brought about a severe disturbance of de-
velopment at 10 ,ug/1 (Soyer 1963).266 A concentration of
5 ,ug/1 retarded development markedly. These studies sug-
gested that the threshold for harmful effects of mercuric
chloride on developing eggs of Paracentrotus was around 2
to 3 ,ug/1 (Soyer 1963).266 Studies conducted on developing
salmon eggs (Oncorhynchus nerka and 0. gorbuscha) at the
International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission Lab-
oratory in Cultus Lake, B.C., showed that concentrations
of mercury at levels exceeding 3 ,ug/1 mercu;y derived from
mercuric sulfate led to severe deformities (Servizi, unpub-
lished data). 316 Studies are needed to examine the effects of
those concentrations which are accumulated by fish over
a longer period of time.
Ukeles (1962)283 reported that 60 ,ug/1 of ethyl mercury
phosphate was lethal to all species of marine phytoplankton
tested, and that as little as 0.1 to 0.6 ,ug/1 ofalkyl mercury
introduced into sea water will inhibit photosynthesis and
growth. Clendenning and North (1960)141 reported that
mercury added as mercuric chloride caused 50 per cent
inactivation of photosynthesis of giant kelp (Macrocystis
pyrifera) at 50 ,ug/1 during 4 days exposure, a 15 per cent
decrease in photosynthesis at 100 ,ug/1 in 1 day, and com-
plete inactivation in 4 days.
Woelke (1961)302 reported that 27 ,ug/1 of mercury as
mercuric chloride was lethal to bivalve larvae. The learning
behavior of goldfish (Carassius auratus) was affected after
two days by 3 ,ug/1 mercuric chloride (Weir and Hine
1970).298 Trace amounts of copper increase the toxicity of
mercury (Corner and Sparrow 1956).143
Mercury concentrations in tissues of the Ashy Petrel
(Oceanodroma homochroa) from the ·coastal waters of Cali-
fornia, the site of most of the mercury mines in the United
States, are in the same order of magnitude as mercury
concentrations in tissues of the Snow Petrel (Pelagodroma
nivea), which inhabits the Antarctic pack ice. Mercury
concentrations in nine eggs of the Common Tern (Sterna
hirundo) from Long Island Sound were only slightly higher
than in nine eggs of the Antarctic Tern (Sterna vittata) from
the Antarctic (Anderlini et al. in press).109
Environmental residues of mercury in Sweden, as meas-
ured by concentrations of mercury in feathers of several
species of birds, rose dramatically in the years following
1940 and were attributed to alkyl-mercury compounds
used as seed dressings (Berg et al. 1966) .1 20 This use of
mercury caused the death of numbers of seed-eating birds
(Borg et al. 1969)/30 but it does not necessarily contaminate
aquatic ecosystems (Johnels and Westermark 1969).196
Feathers of two species of fish-eating birds, the Osprey
(Pandion haliaetus) and the Great-crested Grebe (Pocideps
cristatus), have shown a gradual increase in mercury concen-
tration since approximately 1900, paralleling the increase
in industrial use of mercury in Sweden (Johnels and
Westermark 1969).196 Experimental work in Sweden has
shown that when pheasants were fed wheat treated with
methyl-mercury dicyandiamide, decreased hatchability of
eggs was associated with mercury concentrations in the
eggs from 1.3 to 2.0 mg/kg of the wet weight contents
(Borg et al. 1969).130 It has been suggested that environ-
mental mercury may impair the reproductive capacity of
bird species at the tops of food chains, such as falcons
(Fimreite et al. 1970),161 and in Finland mercury may have
contributed to the decline of the Whitetailed Sea Eagle
(Haliaetus albicilla) in regions where the species feeds upon
marine fish and marine birds (Henriksson et al. 1966).1 80
Conclusive evidence that mercury has impaired the repro-
ductive capacity of any species of wildlife, however, has
not yet been obtained and further research is necessary.
Fish-eating birds and mammals are the species most likely
to be affected because of their position at the top of the food
The high natural levels of mercury in the marine en-
vironment and the significant additions due to natural
weathering, as well as the documented hazard to marine
aquatic life and to humans through marine foods, make it
desirable to eliminate inputs of mercury to the marine
environment beyond those occurring through continental
On the basis of data available at this time, it is
suggested that concentrations of mercury equal to
or exceeding 0.10 ,ug/1 constitute a hazatd in the
marine environment.
In the absence of sufficient data on the effects
of-mercury in water upon wildlife, the recommen-
dations established to protect aquatic life and
public water supplies should also apply to protect
Molybdenum has been found to be a needed micro-
constituent in fresh waters for normal growth of phyto-
plankton (Arnon and Wessel 1953).1 15 In mammals, ex-
posure to molybdenum may interfere with vital chemical
reactions (Dick and Ball 1945) .146
Molybdenum metal is quite stable and is used in ferro-
molybdenum for the manufacture of special tool steels. It
is available in a number of oxide forms as well as the
disulphide. Molybdic acid is used in a number of chemical
applications and in make-up of glazes for ceramics.
Molybdenum has not been considered as a serious pol-
lutant, but it is a biologically active metal. It may be an
important element insofar as protection of the ecosystem is
concerned because of its role in algal physiology. Certain
species of algae can concentrate molybdenum by a factor
up to 15 (Lackey 1959).210 Bioassay tests in fresh water on
the fathead minnow gave a 96-hour LC50 for. molybdic
anhydride (Mo03) of 70 mg/1 in soft water and 370 mg/1
in hard water. Although molybdenum is e.ssential for the
growth of the alga Scenedesmus, the threshold concentration
for a deleterious effect is 54 mg/1. Molybdenum concen-
tration factors for marine species have been reported as:
8 in benthic algae; 26 in zooplankton; 60 in soft parts of
molluscs; 10 in crustacean muscles; and 10 in fish muscle
(Lowman et al. 1971).221
The panel recommends that the concentration
of molybdenum in sea water not exceed 0.05 of the
96-hour LC50 at any time for the most sensitive
species in sea water, and that the 24-hour average
not exceed 0.02 of the 96-hour LC50.
Nickel does not occur naturally in elemental form. It is
present as a constituent in many ores, minerals and soils,
particularly in serpentine-rock-derived soils.
Nickel is comparatively inert and is used in corrosion-
resistant materials, long-lived batteries, electrical contacts,
cspark plugs, and electrodes. Nickel is used as a catalyst in
hydrogenation of oils and other organic substances. Its
salts are used for dyes in ceramic, fabric, and ink manu-
facturing. Nickel may enter waters from mine wastes,
electroplating plants, and from atmospheric emissions.
Nickel ions are toxic, particularly to plant life, and may
exhibit synergism when present with other metallic ions.
Nickel salts in combination with a cyanide salt form
moderately toxic cyanide complexes which, as nickel sulfate
combined with sodium cyanide, gave a 48-hour LC50 of
2.5 mg/1 and a 96-hour LC50 of 0.95 mg/1 as CN-, using
fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) at 20 C (Doudoroff
1956).148 Alkaline conditions reduced toxicity of a nickel
cyanide complex considerably, with concentrations below
100 mg/1 showing no apparent toxic effect on fish.
Nickel salts can substantially inhibit the biochemical
oxidation of sewage (Malaney et al. 1959).223 In fresh
waters, nickel has been reported to be less toxic to fish
and .river crabs than zinc, copper, and iron (Podubsky
and Stedronsky 1948).248 However, other investigators found
nickel to be more toxic to fish than iron and manganese
(Doudoroff and Katz 1953)_150
Categories of Pollutants/253
Ellis (1937)156 reported that nickelous chloride from
electroplating wastes did not kill goldfish (Carassius auratus)
at 10 mg/1 during a 200-hour exposure in very soft water.
Wood (1964)304 reported that 12 mg/1 of nickel ion kill
fish in I day and 0.8 mg/1 kill fish in 10 days. Doudoroff
and Katz (1953)150 reported survival of stickleback ( Gastero-
steus aculeatus) for 1 week in I mg/1 of nickel as Ni(N03)2.
The lethal limit of nickel to sticklebacks has been re-
ported as 0.8 mg/1 (Murdock 1953)234 and 1.0 mg/1 (Jones
1939).198 The median lethal concentration of nickel chloride
(NiCl2,6H20) was reported as 4.8 mg/1 for guppies (Becilia
reticulata) (Shaw and Lowrance 1956).262 Goldfish (Carassius
auratus) were killed by nickel chloride at 4.5 mg/1 as nickel
in 200 hours (Rudolfs et al. 1953).256 T~rzwell and Hender-
son (1960)278 reported 96-hour LCSO's for fathead minnows
(Pimephales promelas) as 4.0 mg/1 in soft water and 24 mg/1
in hard water, expressed as NiCb,6H20. Anderson (1948)112
reported a threshold concentration of nickel chloride for
immobilization of Daphnia in Lake Erie water at 25 C to
be less than 0. 7 mg/1 in 64 hours of exposure. Bringmann
and Kuhn (1959a, 131 1959b132) reported nickel chloride
threshold-concentrations as nickel of 1.5 mg/1 for Scenedesmus,
0.1 mg/1 for Escherichia coli, and 0.05 mg/1 for Microregma.
Nickel is present in sea water at 5 to 7 .ug/1, in marine
plants at up to 3 mg/1, and in marine animals at about
0.4 mg/1.
Marine toxicity data for nickel are limited. The top
minnow Fundulus was found to survive in concentrations of
100 mg/1 Nickel from the chloride in salt water, although
the same species was killed by 8.1 mg/1 of the salt (3.7
mg/1 Ni) in tap water (Thomas cited by Doudoroff and
Katz 1953).150 Long-term studies on oysters (Haydu un-
published data)314 showed substantial mortality at a nickel
concentration of 0.12 mg/1. Calabrese et al. (unpublished
data)310 found 1.54 mg/1 of nickel to be the LC50 for eggs
of the oyster (Crassostrea virginica).
It is recommended that an application factor of
0.02 be applied to 96-hour LC50 data on the most
sensitive marine species to be protected. Although
limited data are available on the marine environ-
ment, it is suggested that concentrations of nickel
in excess of 0.1 mg/1 would pose a hazard to marine
organisms, and 0.002 mg/1 should pose minimal
risk. .
Phosphorus as .Phosphate is one of the major nutrients
required for algal nutrition. In this form it is not normally
toxic to aquatic organisms or to man. Phosphate in large
quantities in natural waters, particularly in fresh waters,
can lead to nuisance algal growths and to eutrophication.
This is particularly true if there is a sufficient amount of
nitrate or other nitrogen compounds to supplement the
254/Section IV-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
phosphate. Thus, there is a need for control of phosphate
input into marine waters. See Sewage and Nutrients, p.
275, for a discussion of the effects of phosp~te as a nutrient.
Phosphorus in the elemental form is particularly toxic
and subject to bioaccumulation in much the same way as
mercury (Ackman et al. 1970,104 Fletcher 1971 162). Isom
(1960) 188 reported an LC50 of 0.105 mg/1 at 48 hours and
0.025 mg/1 at 163 hours for bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macro-
chirus) exposed to yellow phosphorus in distilled water at
26 C and pH 7.
Phosphorus poisoning of fish occurred on the coast of
Newfoundland in 1969 and demonstrated what can happen
when the form of an element entering the sea is unknown
or at least not properly recognized (Idler 1969,185 J angaard
1970,191 Mann and Sprague 1970224 ). The elemental phos-
phorus was released in colloidal form and remained in
suspension (Addison and Ackman 1970).105 After the release
of phosphorus was initiated, red herrings began to appear.
The red discoloration was caused by haemolysis, typical of
phosphorus poisoning in herring ( Clupea harengus), and ele-
mental phosphorus was found in herring, among other
fishes, collected 15 miles away (Idler 1969,185 Jangaard
Fish will concentrate phosphorus from water containing
as little as one ,ug/1 (Idler 1969) .185 In one set of experiments,
a cod swimming in water containing one ,ug/1 elemental
phosphorus for 18 hours was sacrificed and the tissues
analyzed. The white muscle contained about 50 ,ug/kg, the
brown, fat tissue about 150 ,ug/kg, and the liver 25,000 ,ug/1
(Idler 1969,185 Jangaard 1970191 ). The experimental findings
showed that phosphorus is quite stable in the fish tissues.
Fish with concentrated phosphorus in their tissues could
swim for considerable distances before succumbing. In ad-
dition to the red surface discoloration in herring, other
diagnostic features of phosphorus poisoning included green
discoloration of the liver and a breakdown of the epithelial
lining of the lamellae of the gill (Idler 1969) .185
A school of herring came into the harbor one and one-
half months after the phosphorus plant had been closed
down. These herring spawned on the wharf and rocks near
the effluent pipe, and many of them turned red and died.
A few days later, "red" herring were caught at the mouth
of the harbor on their way out. The herring picked up
phosphorus from the bottom sediments which contained
high concentrations near the effluent pipeline (Ackman
et al. 1970).104 Subsequently, this area was dredged by
suction pipeline, and the mud was pumped to settling and
treatment ponds. No further instances of red herring were
reported after the dredging operation, and the water was
comparatively free of elemental phosphorus (Addison et ·al.
Reports of red cod caught in the Placentia Bay area
were investigated, and it was found that no phosphorus was
present in the cod tissues. Surveys of various fishing areas
in Newfoundland established that red cod are no more
prevalent in Placentia Bay than in other areas. In labora-
tory studies, cod exposed to elemental phosphorus have not
shown the red discoloration observed in herring and
>almonids. However, cod do concentrate phosphorus in the
muscle tissue as well as in the liver and can eventually
succumb to phosphorus poisoning (Dyer et al. 1970).1 54
It was demonstrated by field investigations and labora-
tory experiments (Ackman et al. 1970,104 Fletcher et al.
1970,163 Li et al. 1970,216 Zitko et al. 1970,309 Fletcher
l97P62 ) that elemental phosphorus accounted for the fish
mortalities in Placentia Bay. This is not to say that other
pollutants, such as fluorides, cyanides, and ammonia, were
not present (Idler 1969) .185
The conclusion was reached by the scientists working on
the problem that elemental phosphorus in concentrations
so low that they would be barely within the limits of de-
tection are capable of being concentrated by fish. Further
work is needed on the effects of very low concentrations
of phosphorus on fish over extended periods. Discharge of
elemental phosphorus into the sea is not recommended.
It is recommended that an application factor of
0.01 be applied to marine 96-hour LCSO data for
the appropriate organisms most sensitive to ele-
mental phosphorus. On the basis of data available
at this time it is suggested that concentrations of
elemental phosphorus equal to or exceeding 1 ,ugjl
constitute a hazard to the marine environment.
Selenium has been regarded as one of the dangerous
chemicals reaching the aquatic environment. Selenium
occurs naturally in certain pasture areas. Toxicity of se-
lenium is sometimes counteracted by the addition of arsenic
which acts as an antagonist. Selenium occurs in nature
chiefly in combination with heavy metals. It exists in
several forms including amorphous, colloidal, crystalline,
and grey. Each physical state has different characteris-
tics, soluble in one form, but insoluble in another. The
crystalline and grey forms conduct electricity, and the
conductivity is increased by light. This property makes
the element suitable for photoelectric cells and other pho-
tometry uses. Selenium is also used in the manufacture
of ruby glass, in wireless telegraphy and photography, in
vulcanizing rubber, in insecticidal preparations, and in
flameproofing electric cables. The amorphous form is used
as a catalyst in determination of nitrogen and for dehydroge-
nation of organic compounds.
Ellis (1937)156 showed that goldfish (Carassius auratus)
could survive for 98 to 144 hours in soft water of pH ranging
from 6.4 to 7.3 at 10 mg/1 sodium· selenite. Other data
(ORSANCO 1950)243 showed that 2.0 mg/1 of selenium
administered as sodium selenite was toxic in 8 days, affecting
appetite and equilibrium, and lethal in 18 to 46 days.
More work is required to test for effects of selenium com-
pounds under different conditions. Daphnia exhibited a
threshold effect at 2.5 mg/1 of selenium in a 48-hour ex-
posure at 23 C (Bringmann and Kuhn 1959a).131 Barnhart
(I 958)118 reported that mortalities of fish stocked in a
Colorado reservoir were caused by selenium leached from
bottom deposits, passed through the food chain, and ac-
cumulated to lethal concentrations by the fish in their liver.
In view of the possibility that selenium may be
passed through the food chain and accumulated in
fish, it is recommended that an application factor
of 0.01 be applied to marine 96-hour LC50 data for
the appropr~ate organisms most sensitive to se-
lenium. On the basis of data available at this time,
it is suggested that concentrations of selenium
equal to or exceeding 0.01 mg/1 constitute a hazard
in the marine environment, and levels less than
0.005 mg/1 present minimal risk of deleterious
Silver is one of the more commercially important metals;
4,938 tons were consumed in the U.S. during 1968, exclud-
ing that used for monetary purposes (U.S. Department of
the Interior, Bureau of Mines 1969).289 It is the best known
conductor of heat and electricity. Although not oxidized by
air, silver is readily affected by hydrogen sulfide to form
the black silver sulfide.
Silver has many uses. In addition to making currency, it
is used for photographic purposes, for various chemical
purposes, and also in jewelry making and in silverplating
of cutlery.
Silver is toxic to aquatic animals. Concentrations of 400
Jtg/1 killed 90 per cent of test barnacles (Balanus balanoides)
in 48 hours (Clarke 1947).14° Concentrations of silver nitrate
from I 0 to I 00 Jtg/1 caused abnormal or inhibited develop-
ment of eggs of Paracentrotus and concentrations of 2 Jtg/1 of
silver nitrate delayed development and caused deformation
of the resulting plutei (Sayer 1963).266 Adverse effects oc-
curred at concentrations below 0.25 Jtg/1 of silver nitrate,
and several days were required to eliminate adverse effects
by placing organisms in clean water (Sayer 1963).266 Silver
nitrate effects on development of Arbacia have been reported
at approximately 0.5 Jtg/1 (Sayer 1963,266 Wilber 1969299 ).
In combination with silver, copper acts additively on the
development of Paracentrotus eggs (Sayer 1963).266 On a
comparative basis on studies on Echinoderm eggs (Sayer
1963),266 silver has been found to be about 80 times as
toxic as zinc, 20 times as toxic as copper, and 10 times as
toxic as mercury.
Calabrese et al. (unpublished manuscript)310 noted an LC50
of 0.006 mg/1 silver for eggs of the American oyster (Cras-
sostrea virginica). Jones (1948)200 reported that the lethal
Categories of Pollutants/255
concentration limit of .silver, applied as silver nitrate, for
sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) at 15 to 18 C was 0.003
mg/1, which was confirmed approximately by Anderson
(1948),112 who found 0.0048 mg/1 to be the toxic threshold
for sticklebacks. Jackim et al. (1970)190 reported adverse
effects on the liver enzymes of the killifish Fundulus heteroclitus
at 0.04 mg/1 of silver.
The sublethal responses to silver compounds may be
great, in view of the effects on developing eggs; and further
research should be conducted on effects of sublethal concen-
trations of silver compounds by themselves and in combi-
nation with other chemicals. The disruption of normal
embryology or of nutrition could be of much greater im-
portance than direct mortality in the perpetuation of the
Concentrations of silver cannot exceed that permitted
by the low solubility product of silver chloride. However,
silver complexes may be present, and their effects are un-
It is recommended that the concentrations of
silver in marine waters not exceed 0.05 of the 96-
hour LC50 for the appropriate species most sensi-
tive to silver. On the basis of data available at this
time, it is suggested that concentrations of silver
equal to or exceeding 5 Jtgfl constitute a hazard to
the marine environment, and levels less than 1
Jtgfl present minimal risk of deleterious effects.
Sulfides in the form of hydrogen sulfide have the odor of
rotten eggs and are quite toxic. Hydrogen sulfide is soluble
in water to the extent of 4000 mg/1 at 20 C and l atmos-
phere. Sulfides are produced as a by-product in tanneries,
chemical plants, and petroleum refineries, and are used in
pulp mills, chemical precipitation, and in chemical pro-
duction. Hydrogen sulfide is produced in natural decompo-
sition processes and in anaerobic digestion of sewage and
industrial wastes. Sulfate in sea water is reduced to sulfide
in the absence· of oxygen. In the presence of certain sulfur-
utilizing bacteria, sulfides can be oxidized to colloidal
sulfur. At the normal pH and oxidation-reduction potential
of aerated sea water, sulfides quickly oxidize to sulfates.
Hydrogen sulfide dissociates into its constituent ions in
two equilibrium stages, which are dependent on pH
(McKee and Wolf 1963).226
The toxicity of sulfides to fish increases as the pH is
lowered because of the HS-or H2S molecule (Southgate
1948).265 Inorganic sulfides are fatal to sensitive species such
as trout at concentrations of 0.05 to 1.0 mg/1, even in
neutral and somewhat alkaline solutions (Doudoroff
1957).149 Hydrogen sulfide generated from bottom deposits
was reported to be lethal to oysters (de Oliveira 1924).1 45
Bioassays with species of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus
256/Section IV-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
tshawytscha, 0. kisutch) and sea-run trout (Salmo clarkii clarkii)
showed toxicity of hydrogen sulfide at 1.0 mg/1 and survival
without injury at 0.3 mg/1 (Van Hornet af. 1949,291 Dimick
1952,147 Haydu et al. 1952,179 Murdock 1953,284 Van Horn
1959290). Holland et al. (1960)182 reported that 1 mg/1 of
sulfide caused loss of equilibrium in 2 hours, first kills in
3 hours, and 100 per cent mortality in 72 hours with
Pacific salmon.
Hydrogen sulfide in bottom sediments can affect the
maintenance of benthic invertebrate populations (Thiede
et al. 1969).280 The eggs and juvenile stages of most aquatic
organisms appear to be more sensitive to sulfides than do
the adults. Adelman and Smith (1 970)107 noted that hy-
drogen sulfide concentrations of 0.063 and 0.020 mg/1
killed northern pike (Esox lucius) eggs and fry, respectively;
and at 0.018 and 0.006 mg/1, respectively, reduced survival,
increased anatomical malformations, or decreased length
were reported.
It is recommended that an application factor of
0.1 be applied to marine 96-hour LC50 for the
appropriate organisms most sensitive to sulfide.
On the basis of data available at this time, it is
suggested that concentrations of sulfide equal to
or exceeding 0.01 mgfl constitute a hazard in the
marine environment, and levels less than 0.005
mgfl present minimal risk of deleterious effects,
with the pH maintained within a range of 6.5 to 8.5.
Thallium salts are used as poison for rats and other
rodents and are cumulative poisons. They are also used for
dyes, pigments in fireworks, optical glass, and as a de-
Thallium forms alloys with other metals and readily
amalgamates with mercury. It is used in a wide variety of
compounds. Nehring (1963)288 reported that thallium ions
were toxic to fishes and aquatic invertebrates. The response
of fishes to thallium poisoning is similar to that of man, an
elevation in blood pressure. In both the fish and inverte-
brates, thallium appears to act as a neuro-poison (Wilber
Adverse effects of thallium nitrate have been reported for
rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) at levels of 10 to 15 mg/1;
for perch (Perea .fiuviatilis) at levels of 60 mg/1; for roach
(Rutilus rutilis) at levels of 40 to 60 mg/1; for water flea
(Daphnia sp.) at levels of 2 to 4 mg/1; and for Gammarus sp.
at levels of 4 mg/1. The damage was shown within three
days for the various aquatic organisms tested. Damage also
resulted if the fish were exposed to much lower conc~n
trations for longer periods of time (Wilber 1969).299
Because of a chronic effect of long-term exposure
of fish to thallium, tests should be conducted for
at least 20 days on sensitive species. Techniques
should measure circulatory disturbances (blood
pressure) and other sublethal effects in order to
determine harmful concentrations. The concen-
tration in sea water should not exceed 0.05 of this
concentration. On the basis of data available at
this time, it is suggested that concentrations of
thallium equal to or exceeding 0.1 mgfl constitute
a hazard in the marine environment, and levels
less than 0.05 mgfl present minimal risk of dele-
terious effects.
Uranium is present in wastes from uranium mines and
nuclear fuel processing plants, and the uranyl ion may
naturally occur in drainage waters from uranium-bearing
ore deposits. Small amounts may also arise from its use in
tracer work, _chemical processes, photography, painting and
glazing porcelain, coloring glass, and in the hard steel of
high tensile strength used for gun barrels.
Many of the salts of uranium are soluble in water, and
it is present at about 3 JLg/1 in sea water. A significant
proportion of the uranium in sea water is in the form of
stable complexes with anionic constituents. It has been
estimated that uranium has a residence time of 3 X I 0 6
years in the oc~ans (Goldberg et al. 1971),1 72 a span that
makes it one of the elements with the slowest turnover time.
Uranium is stabilized by hydrolysis which tends to protect
it against chemical and physical interaction and thus pre-
vents its removal from sea water. The salts are considered
to be 4 times as germicidal as phenol to aquatic organisms.
Natural uranium (U-238) is concentrated from water by
the algae Ochromonas by a factor of 330 in 48 hours (Morgan
1961).282 Using River Havel water, Bringmann and Kuhn
( 1959a, 181 l959b182) determined the threshold effect of uranyl
nitrate, expressed as uranium, at 28 mg/1 on a protozoan
(Microregma), 1. 7 to 2.2 mg/1 on Escherichia Coli, 22 mg/1
on the alga Scenedesmus, and 13 mg/1 on Daphnia. Tarzwell
and Henderson (1956)277 found the sulfate, nitrate, and
acetate salts of uranium considerably more toxic to fathead
minnows (Pimephales promelas) on 96-hour exposure in soft
water than in hard water, the 96-hr LC50 for uranyl sulfate
being 2.8 mg/1 in soft water and 135 mg/1 in hard water.
The sparse data-for uranium toxicity in sea water suggest
that uranyl salts are less toxic to marine organisms than to
freshwater "organisms. Yeasts in the Black Sea were found
to be more active than the bacteria in taking up uranium
(Pshenin 1960).251 Studies by Koenuma (1956)205 showed
that the formation of the fertilization membrane of Urechis
eggs was inhibited by 250 mg/1 of uranyl nitrate in sea
water, and that this concentration led to polyspermy.
It is recommended that an application factor of
0.01 be applied to marine 96-hour LC50 data for
the appropriate organisms most sensitive to
uranium. On the basis of data available at this
time it is suggested that concentrations of uranium
equal to or exceeding 0.5 mgfl constitute a hazard
in the marine environment, and levels less than
0.1 mgfl present minimal risk of deleterious effects.
Vanadium occurs in various minerals, such as chileite
and vanadinite. It is used in the manufacture of vanadium
steel. Vanadates were used at one time to a smatl extent
for medicinal purposes. Vanadium has been concentrated
by certain marine organisms during the formation of oil-
bearing strata in geological time. Consequently, vanadium
enters the atmosphere through the combustion of fossil
fuels, particularly oil. In addition, eighteen compounds ot
vanadium are used widely in commercial processes (Council
on Environmental Quality 1971).1 44
It is recommended that the concentration of
vanadium in sea water not exceed 0.05 of the 96-
hour LC50 for the most sensitive species.
Most of the available information on zinc toxicity is for
freshwater organisms, and for this reason the reader is
referred to the discussion of zinc in Section III, p. 182.
Because of the bioaccumulation of zinc through
the food web, with high concentrations occurring
particularly in the invertebrates, it is recom-
mended that an application factor of 0.01 be ap-
plied to marine 96-hour LC50 data for the ap-
propriate organisms most sensitive to zinc. On the
basis of data available at this time, it is suggested
that concentrations of zinc equal to or exceeding
0.1 mgfl constitute a hazard in the marine en-
vironment, and levels less than 0.02 mgfl present
minimal risk of deleterious effects.
It should be noted that there is a synergistic
effect when zinc is present with other heavy metals,
e.g., Cu and Cd, in which case the application
factor may have to be lowered by an order of
magnitude (LaRoche 1972).211
Oil is becoming one of the most widespread contaminants
of the ocean. Blumer (1969)319 has estimated that between
l and 10 million metric tons of oil may be entering the
oceans from all sources. Most of this influx takes place in
coastal regions, but oil slicks and tar balls have also been
observed on the high seas (Horn et al. 1970,334 Morris
Categories cif Pollutants/257
1971 343). Collections of tar balls were made by towing a
neuston net which skims the surface, and the investigators
found that the tar balls were more abundant than the
normal sargassum weed in the open Atlantic, and that their
nets quickly became so coated with tar and oil that they
were unusable. Thus, oil pollution of the sea has become a
global problem of great, even though as yet inadequately
assessed, significance to the fisheries of the world.
Sources of Oil Pollution
Although accidental oil spills are spectacular events and
attract the most public attention, they constitute only about
10 per cent of the total amount of oil entering the marine
environment. The other 90 per cent originates from the
normal operation of oil-carrying tankers, other ships, off-
shore production, refinery operations, and the disposal of
oil-waste materials (Table IV-4).
Two sources of oil contamination of the sea not listed in
Table IV-4 are the seepage of oil from underwater oil
reservoirs through natural causes and the transport of oil
in the atmosphere from which it precipitates to the surface
of the sea. Natural seepage is probably small compared to
the direct input to the ocean (Blumer 1972) ;320 but the
atmospheric transport, which includes hydrocarbons that
have evaporated or been emitted by engines after incomplete
combustion, may be greater than the direct input.
Some of these sources of oil pollution can be controlled
more rigorously than others, but without application of
adequate controls wherever possible the amount of pe-
troleum hydrocarbons entering the sea will increase. Our
technology is based upon an expanding use of petroleum;
and the production of oil from submarine reservoirs and
the use of the sea to transport oil will both increase. It is
estimated that the world production of crude oil in 1969
was nearly 2 billion tons; on this basis total losses to the
sea are somewhat over 0.1 per cent of world production.
TABLE IV-4-Estimated Direct Petroleum Hydrocarbon
Losses to the Marine Environment (Airborne
Hydrocarbons Deposited on the Sea Surface are
Not Included)
(Millions of tons)
1969 1975 (estimate)• 1980 (estimate)
Min Max Min Max
1. Tankers .......................... .530 .056 .805 .075 1.062
2. Other ships ....................... .500 .705 .705 .940 .940
3. Offshore production ................ .100 .160 .320 .230 .460
4. Refinery operations ................. .300 .200 .450 .440 .650
5. Oil wastes ........................ .550 .825 .825 1.200 1.200
6. Accidental spills ................... .200 .300 .300 .440 .400
TOTAL ....................... 2.180 2.246 3.405 3.325 4.752
Total Crude Oil Production ............ 1820 2700 4000
• The minimum estimates assume full use of known technology; the maximums assume continuation of presen
Revelle et al. 1972'"·
258/Section IV-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
Some losses in the exploitation, transportation, and use of a
natural resource are inevitable; but if this-loss ratio cannot
be radically improved, the oil pollution of the ocean will
increase as our utilization increases.
Biological Effects of Petroleum Hydrocarbons
Description of Oil Pollution Oil is a mixture of
many compounds, and there are conflicting views con-
cerning its toxicity to marine organisms. Crude oils may
contain thousands of compounds, and will differ markedly
in their composition and in such physical properties as
specific gravity, viscosity, and boiling-point distribution.
The hydrocarbons in oil cover a wide range of molecular
weights from 16 (methane) to over 20,000. Structurally,
they include aliphatic compounds with straight and
branched chains, olefins, and the aromatic ring compounds.
Crude oils differ mainly in the relative concentrations of
the individual members of these series of compounds. The
various refinery processes to which oil is subjected are de-
signed to isolate specific parts of the broad spectrum of
crude oil compounds, but the refined products themselves
remain complex mixtures of many types of hydrocarbons.
In spite of the many differences amoJ:lg them, crude oils
and their refined products all contain c6mpounds that are
toxic to species of marine organisms. When released to the
marine environment, these compounds react differently.
Some are soluble in the water; others evaporate from the
sea surface, form extensive oil slicks, or settle to the bottom
if sand becomes incorporated in the oil globule. More
complete understanding of toxicity and the ecological
effects of oil spills will require studies of the effects of indi-
vidual components, or at least of classes of components, of
the complex mixture that made up the original oil. The
recent development of gas chromatography has made it
possible to isolate and identify various fractions of oil and
to follow their entry into the marine system and their
transfer from organism to organism.
An oil slick on the sea surface can be visually detected
by iridescence or color, the first trace of which is formed
when 100 gallons of oil spread over 1 square mile (146
liters/km2) (American Petroleum Institute 1949). 317 The
average thickness of such a film is 0.145 microns. Under
ideal laboratory conditions, a film 0.038 microns thick can
be detected visually (American Petroleum Institute 1963). 318
For remote sensing purposes, oil films with a thickness of
100 microns can be detected ·using dual polarized radi-
ometers, 1 micron using radar imagery, and 0.1 microns
using multispectral imagery in the UV region (Catoe and
Orthlieb 1971). 323 A summary of remote sensing capabilities
is presented in Table IV-5. Because remote sensing is less
effective than the eye in detecting surface oil, any concen-
tration of oil detectable by remote means currently available
will exceed the recommendations given below.
The death of marine birds from oiling is one of the earliest
and most obvious effects of oil slicks on the sea surface.
Thousands of seabirds of all varieties are often involved in
a large spill. Even when the birds are cleaned, they fre-
quently die because the toxic oil is ingested in preening
their feathers. Dead oiled birds are often found along the
coast when no known major oil spill has occurred, and the
cause of death remains unknown.
When an oil spill occurs near shore or an oil slick is
brought to the intertidal zone and beaches, extensive mor-
tality of marine organisms occurs. When the Tampico
Maru ran aground off Baja California in 1957, about
60,000 barrels of spilled diesel fuel caused widespread death
among lobsters, abalones, sea urchins, starfish, mussels,
clams, and hosts of smaller forms (North 1967).344 A bene-
ficial side effect of this accident was also noted by North.
When the sea urchins that grazed on the economically im-
portant kelp beds of the area were killed in massive numbers
by the oil spill, huge canopies of kelp returned within a few
months (see p. 237). The oil spills from the wreck of the
tanker Torrey Canyon and the Santa Barbara oil well
blowout both involved crude oil, and in both cases oil
reached the beaches in variable amounts some time after
release. The oil may thus have been diluted and modified
by evaporation or sinking before it reached the beach.
In the Santa Barbara spill many birds died, and entire
plant and animal communities in the intertidal zone were
killed by a layer of encrusting oil often 1 or 2 centimeters
thick (Holmes 1967).333 At locations where the oil film was
not so obvious, intertidal organisms were not severely
damaged (Foster et al. 1970). 327 In the case of the Torrey
Canyon, the deleterious effects have been attributed more
to the detergents and dispersants used to control the oil
than to the oil itself (Smith 1968). 347
A relatively small oil spill in West Falmouth, Massa-
chusetts, occurred within a few miles of the Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution in September 1969. An oil
barge, the Florida, was driven onto the Buzzards Bay Shore
where it released between 650 and 700 tons of No. 2 fuel
oil into the coastal waters. Studies of the biological and
chemical effects of this spill are continuing, more than two
years after the event (Blumer 1969,319 Hampson and
Sanders 1969,331 Blumer et al. 1970,322 Blumer and Sass
1972 321 ). Massive destruction of a wide range of fish, shell-
fish, worms, crabs, other crustaceans, and invertebrates oc-
curred in the region immediately after the accident. Bottom-
living fish and lobsters were killed and washed ashore.
Dredge samples taken in 10 feet of water soon after the
spill showed that 95 per cent of the animals recovered were
dead and the others moribund. Much of the evidence ot
this immediate toxicity disappeared within a few days,
either because of the breaking up of the soft parts of the
organism, burial in the sediments, or dispersal by water
currents. Careful chemical and biological analyses reveal,
however, that not only has the damaged area been slow to
recover but the extent of the damage has been expanding
with time. A year and a half after the spill, identifiable
Categories of Pollutants/259
TABLE IV-5-Summary of Remote Sensor Characteristics For Oil Detection
Possible sensor configuration
Wave length Detection mechanism Performance summary
Type Resolution Weight Volume Swath widlh Comments
Ultraviolet( ::;D.4 11m). Reflectance differential (Dilf Reflective signature UV Vidicon 500 lines/frame 331bs. 2 cu. It 40° FOV (727 II Developed equipment avail·
Water contrast) a. Repeatabie positive response from thin (high scene il· @ 10 K) able for UV vidicon and/
slicks (~. 1 micron). rumination) or scanner. Integrates
Fluorescence b. Variable response from thicker slicks 100-200 lines/frame well with CRT display.
dependent upon oil type, water quality (low scene illumina-
and illuminati on conditions. tion)
c. Atmospheric haze limitations major. Line scanner may require
d. Signal limitations prevent nighl·timjl data buffer for high reso·
detection. lotion, real time display,
Fluorescence signature UV Scanner 2mr 90 lbs. 3.5 cu. It 2.7 mi@ 10 K or mm processor
1. Artificial Excitation (narrow-band) Pulsed Laser 1 mr 150 lbs. 4 cu. It 10ft.@10K Effective against thin and
a. Spectral character strongly correlated thick slicks under solar, or
to oil thickness. artificial illumination.
b. Intensity strongly correlated to oil type
(API) and oil thickness, weakly corre-Active laser system sensi·
fated to temperature. tivity limitations hinder
c. Decay characteristics moderately to use in detection or map·
strongly correlated to oil type, uncor-ping mode. ldentifica·
related to oil thickness. tion capability very
d. All characteristics independent of am· good, with moderate to
bien! illumination conditions. good thickness deter·
2. Solar excitation (broad-band) mlnation.
a. Spectral character moderately to
weakly correlated to oil type and lh ick-
b. Intensity strongly correlated to oil
type, oil thickness and ambient illumi •
nation conditions.
c. Decay characteristics not detectable.
d. Signal limitations prevent operation
except under strong solar illumination.
Visible (0.4to .7 11m) .. Reflectance Differential (0.1/ Reflective Signature Aerial Cameras
water Contrast) a. Variable response from all slicks de· RC-8 2ft@ 10 K 190 lbs.
UKd 1 74o FOV Aerial cameras realtime
pendent upon thickness, oil type, water 3.5 mi.@ 10 K display not possible.
quality and illumination conditions
b. Signal limitations prevent moonless 500-EL 3.5ft@ 10 K 161bs. .4 cu. It Sensitivity limitations
nighttime detection. prevent night-time oper·
c. False alarm problem significant KA-62 61.51bs. 5.24 cu. It Compensation for atmos·
d. Atmospheric haze limitation major. pheric haze difficult
e. Maximum contrast between oil and
water occursal(.381o. 4511m)and(.6 Vidicon 500 lines/frame 331bs. 2 cu. It 400 FOV with UV photography great po·
to .68 11m). zoom lens 7270 tential for detecting oil.
f. Minimum contrast between oil and It altO K Color is good; hOwever,
water om~rs at (.45to .58 11m) sunlight gives false re-
g. Best contrast achieved with overcast sponse. Panchromatic,
sky. IR and color photog·
raphy and TV give good
results only when oil is
thick and ropy.
Vidicon useful tor real·
time detection and map-
ping at various wave
lengths, givmg option
tor good detection with
negligible false alarms
for day operation and
fair -to-good detection
with low false alarms
for night operation. Dis-
play characteristics op·
timum for surveillance.
Infrared Reflective Signature
Near Infrared (D.& to Reflectance Differential (0.1/ a. Repeatable politive response from all Line Scanner 2mr 90 lbs. 4.0 cu. It 2.7mi@ 10 K Line scanner oil-slick re·
0.1 11m) Water Contrast) slicks under all conditions. sponse variable but es·
Far Infrared (Bio 14 Thermal Emission Differential b. Moonless night-time detection capa· Framing Scanner 4mr 220 lbs 3.5 cu. It 25° FOV sentially predictable, but
~) biHty. may have some false
c. False alarm problems negfigible. alarm problems.
d. Atmospheric haze limitation moderate.
~-------------~-~---~~ ··-------~~ ~-~
260/Section IV-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
TABLE IV-5-Summary of Remote Sensor Characteristics For Oil Detection-Continued
Possible sensor configurabon
Wave length Detection mechanism Performance summary
Type Resolution Weight Volume SWath width Comments
Thermal Signature Day/night detection under
a. Variable response dependent grossly VFR conditions.
upon oil type and dependent signifi·
cantly upon thickness and solar heat-Real time display capa·
ing. Variability predictable to sig. bilities good but
nificant degree (slicks> 10 I'm) limited to "single-look"
b. Day/night detection independent of il· display generation.
rumination conditions.
c. False alarm problem slight Developed equipment
d. Atmospheric haze limitations moder-available.
ate to slight.
Microwave ........... Emissive Differential (Oil/ Emissive Signature Line Scanning 1.4° 681bs. 3 cu. fl 2.7 mi@ 10 K Clouds that are raining
Water Contrast) a. Emissivity of petroleum products is Imager between sensor and
Wave Structure Modification significantly higher than that of a calm slick as well as very
sea surface. high sea states hamper
b. Crude oil pollutants have decreasing performance.
dielectric constants (increasing emis-
sivity) with increasing API gravity. Technology for equipment
c. Microwave signature of oil film in· development available.
versely proportional to sensor wave
length. Real time display consists
d. The horizontal polarized microwave of facsimile and/or
signature of oil is twice the vertically CRT.
polarized signature of an oil slick on a
flat water surface.
e. Detection improves with decreasing
sensor wave lengths and becomes
poorer as the sea state increases.
f. Atmospheric cloud limitations moder-
ate to slight.
g. Can effectively detect slicks less than
0.1 mm at viewing.
h. Dual frequency microwave techniques
show great promise in measuring oil
slick thickness.
Radar ............... Wave Structure Modification Reflective Signature Forward Scanning 100X100 fl' ~soo lbs. 10 cu. ft 38mi@ 12 K Technology exists for
Scattering Cross-section a. Oil film on surface of water suppresses (35 GHz) equipment development
Differential capillary which results in a significant of forward scanning and
difference in energy back scattered synthetic aperature
from contaminated surface and that radar.
scattered from surrounding clean wa-
ter (from oil slicks very little energy Synthetic Apera-100X100 ll• ~1500 lbs 17 cu. ft 150 mi@36 K Real time display possible
back scattered by three orders of mag-lure (3.3 GHz) for forward scanning
b. Vertical polarization capable of detect-
ing and mapping oil slick less than 1
c. Atmospheric cloud limitations slight
fractions of the source oil were found in organisms that still
survived on the perimeter of the area. Hydrocarbons in-
gested by marine organisms may pass through the wall ot
the gut and become part of the lipid pool (Blumer et al.
1970). 322 When dissolved within the fatty tissues of the
organisms, even relatively unstable hydrocarbons are pre-
served. They are protected from bacterial attack and can
be transferred from food organism to predators and possibly
to man.
The catastrophic ecological effects of the oil spills of the
Tampico Maru, and the Florida appear to be more severe
than those reported from other oil spills such as the Torrey
Canyon and the Santa Barbara blowout. The Tampico
Maru and the Florida accidents both released refined oils
radar via facsimile and/
or CRT; synthetic
aperature radar re-
quires optical processing.
(in one case diesel oil and in the other, No. 2 fuel oil) and
both occurred closer to shore than either the Torrey Canyon
or the Santa Barbara accidents which released crude oil.
The differences in the character of the oil and the proximity
to shore may account for the more dramatic effects of the
first two accidents, but it is clear that any release of oil in
the marine environment carries a threat of destruction
and constitutes a danger to world fisheries. ·•
Persistence of Oil in the Ocean As mentioned
above, oil can be ingested by marine organisms and in-
corporated in their lipid pool. Hydrocarbons in the sea are
also degraded by marine microorganisms. Very little is
known as yet about the rate of this degradation, but it is
known that no single microbial species will degrade any
whole crude oil. Bacteria are highly specific, and several
species will probably be necessary to decompose the numer-
ous types of hydrocarbons in a crude oil. In the process of
decomposition, intermediate products will be formed and
different species of bacteria and other microorganisms may
be required to attack these decomposition products (ZoBell
1969). 348
The oxygen requirement of microbial oil decomposition
is severe. The complete oxidation of one gallon of crude oil
requires all the dissolved oxygen in 320,000 gallons of air-
saturated sea water (ZoBell 1969).348 It is clear th~t oxi-
dation might be slow in an area where previous pollution
has depleted the oxygen content. Even when decomposition
of oil proceeds rapidly, the depletion of the oxygen content
of the water by the microorganis~s degrading the oil may
have secondary deleterious ecological effects. Unfortunately,
the most readily attacked fraction of crude oil is the least
toxic, i.e., the normal paraffins. The more toxic aromatic
hydrocarbons, especially, the carcinogenic polynuclear aro-
matics, are not rapidly degraded.
That our coastal waters are not devoid of marine life,
after decades of contamination with oil, indicates that the
sea is capable of recovery from this pollution. However,
increasing stress is being placed on the estuarine and coastal
environment because of more frequent oil pollution inci-
dents near shore; and once the recovery capacity of an
environment is exceeded, deterioration may be rapid and
catastrophic. It is not known how much oil pollution the
ocean can accept and recover from, or whether the present
rate of addition approaches the limit of the natural system.
It appears that the oceans have recovered from the oil
spilled during the six years of the second World War,
though some unexplained recent oil slicks have been at-
tributed to the slow corrosion of ships sunk during that
conflict. It has been estimated (SCEP)34 :; that during the
war, the United States lost 98 vessels with a total oil ca-
pacity of about I million tons, and that another 3 million
tons of oil were lost through the sinking of ships of other
combatants during the same period. These losses were
large in the context of the 1940's, but the total for that
period was only about twice the annual direct influx to
the ocean at the present time. Although no extensive dele-
terious effects of these sinkings and oil releases on the
fisheries catch of the world have been found, it must be
emphasized again that when a pollutant is increasing yearly
in magnitude past history is not a reliable source of pre-
diction of future effects.
The Toxicity of Oil There is a dearth of dependable
observations on the toxicity of oil to marine organisms. It
is difficult to evaluate the toxicity of this complex mixture
of compounds which is not miscible with sea water. A variety
of techniques have been used which are not intercom-
parable. In some experiments, oil is floated on the water in
the test container, and the concentration given is derived
from the total quantity of oil and the total quantity of
Categories of Pollutants/261
water. This is clearly not the concentration to which the
organism has been exposed. In other experiments, extracts
of oil with hot water or with various solvents have been
added to the test jar without identification of the oil fraction
being tested. In still other cases, care has been taken to
produce a fine emulsion of oil in sea water more representa-
tive of the actual concentration to which the test organism
is exposed. Considering the differences in the meaning ot
"concentration" in these tests and the variation in sensi-
tivity of the test organisms, it is not surprising that the
ranges of toxicity that can be found in the literature vary
by several orders of magnitude.
Studies of the biological effects of oil have been reviewed
by Clark (l97l).m Mironov (1971)342 carried out toxicity
studies by comparable techniques using a variety of marine
organisms. In testing eleven species of phytoplankton, he
found that cell division was delayed or inhibited by concen-
trations of crude oil (unspecified type) ranging from 0.01
to 1000 ppm. He also showed that some copepods were
sensitive to a I ppm suspension of fresh or weathered crude
oil and of diesel oil. Freegarde et al. (1970) 328 found that
the larvae of Ballanus ballanoides and adult Calanus copepods
maintained in a suspension of crude oil ingest, without
apparent harm, droplets of oil that later appear in the
feces. Mironov (1967)3 41 found 100 per cent mortality of
developing flounder spawn at concentrations of three types
of oil ranging from I to I 00 ppm and an increased abnor-
mality of development at longer periods of time in concen-
trations as low as 0.01 ppm. In contrast other experimenters
have found that concentrations of several per cent are
necessary to kill adult fish in a period of a few days (Chip-
man and Galtsoff 1949,324 Griffith 1970 329 ).
The evidence is clearer that a combination of oil and
detergents is more toxic than oil alone. This was first
definitely established in studies of the Torrey Canyon spill
(Smith 1968), 347 and the toxicity of the various detergents
used in this operation is discussed by Corner et al. (1968). 326
The four detergents tested were all more toxic than Kuwait
crude oil, and all showed signs of toxicity between 2 and
10 ppm. The solvents used with these detergents were also
highly toxic but tended to lose their toxicity over time
through evaporation. A bioassay test carried out by the
Michigan Department of Natural Resources (1969)338 re-
vealed that the least toxic detergent mixed with oil could
be a hundred times as concentrated (1800 ppm) as the
most toxic (14 ppm) and cause the same toxic effect.
La Roche et al. (1970)337 defined bioassay procedures for
oil and oil dispersant toxicity evaluation using fish, Fundulus
heteroclitus, and the sandworm; Nereis virens (Table IV-6).
The mortality of seabirds as a result of oil pollution is
direct and immediate, and in a major oil spill, is measured
in the thousands. The diving birds which spend most of
their life at sea are most prone to death from oil pollution,
but any bird that feeds from the sea or settles on it is vul-
nerable. In oil-matted plumage air is replaced by water
262/Section IV-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
TABLE IV-6-Determinations (Summarized) of Acute
Toxicities of 10 Chemical Dispersants Alone and in
Combination with Crude Oil to Sandwrwm (Nereis
vir-ens) and Mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus)
in Laboratory Bioassay Tests
Substance 96 hour LC50 (mlfl)
Nereis Fundulus
Crude oil A............................................................... 16.5
Crude oil B................................. 6.1 8.2
Oil and dispersants•......................... .055-. 781 .187-1
Dispersants................................. .007-7.10 .008-2
• Ranges of values for 10 dispersants mixed 1 part dispersant to 10 parts of oil by volume.
LaRoche et al 1970'37.
causing loss of both insulation and buoyancy, and oil in-
gested during preening can have toxic effects.
Hartung and Hunt (1966)332 fed oils directly to birds by
stomach tube and later analyzed the pathological and
physiological effects through autopsies. The lethal dose for
three types of oil ranged from l ml to 4 ml per kilogram
(ml/kg) when the birds were kept outdoors under environ-
mental stress. The experimenters conchided that a duck
could typically acquire a coating of 7 grams of oil and
would be expected to preen approximately 50 per cent of
the polluting oil from its feathers within the first few days.
Enough of this could easily be ingested to meet the lethal
dosage of l to 4 mljkg. Thus, birds that do not die promptly
from exposure to cold or by drowning as a result of oil
pollution may succumb later from the effects of ingestion.
Corrective Measures
The only effective measure for control of oil pollution in
the marine environment is prevention of all spills and
releases. The time-lag involved in corrective methods means
that some damage will inevitably occur before the cor-
rective measures take effect. Furthermore, the soluble parts
of the oil already in the water will not be removed by any
of the present methods of post-spill cleanup.
Control measures have been introduced that appreciably
reduce excessive oil pollution from normal tanker operations
(see Table IV-4). The load on top (LOT) process concen-
trates waste oil that is ultimately discharged with the new
cargo (IMCO l965a, 335 l965b 336). This procedure recovers
somewhat more than 98 per cent of oil that would otherwise
be released to the sea. It has been estimated (Revelle et al.
1972)345 that 80 per cent of the world fleet uses these control
measures today, and if they continue to do so faithfully
these ships will contribute only 3.0 X l 0 4 tons of the total
tonnage of oil loss. In contrast, the 20 p~r cent of the fleet
not using these control measures contributes SX 10 6 tons.
If these control measures were not in use by a major fraction
of the tanker fleet, the contamination of the sea from this
source would be about five times greater than it is today.
Among the earliest methods for the cleanup of spilled
oil was to pick up or bury the material that came ashore
while disregarding the oil that remained at sea. It was found
that the use of straw to absorb the oil made this cleanup
procedure easier, and in the cleanup of the Arrow oil spill
(Ministry of Transport, Canada 1970), 340 peat moss was
found to be an effective absorbent for Bunker C oil. Recent
studies promise mechanical means for handling and cleaning
sand contaminated with oil by use of earth moving equip-
ment, fluid-bed, and froth flotation techniques (Gumtz and
Meloy 1971,330 Mikolaj and Curran 1971,339 Sartor and
Foget 1971).346
The use of detergents to treat oil slicks is essentially
cosmetic. It removes the obvious evidence of oil and for
that reason appeals to the polluter. However, after treat-
ment with detergent, the oil is dispersed in the form of fine
droplets and becomes even more available to the biota of
the sea than it would be if it were left in the form of a
surface film. Because of the finer degree of dispersion, the
soluble toxic fractions dissolve more rapidly and reach
higher concentrations in sea water than would result from
natural dispersal. The droplets themselves may be ingested
by filter-feeding organisms and thus become an integral
part of the marine food chain. Some of the oil may pass
through the gut in the feces of these organisms, but Blumer
et al. (1970)322 have shown that it can pass through the gut
wall and be incorporated in the organism's lipid pool. It
can thus be transferred from organism to organism and,
potentially, into the food that man takes from the ocean
for his use.
Sinking of oil has been achieved by scattering talc or
chalk on the oil causing it to agglutinate into globules of
greater density than sea water. Such sunken oil tends to kill
bottom fauna before even the motile bottom dwellers have
time to move away. The sessile forms of commercial im-
portance, such as clams, oysters and scallops, cannot escape,
and other motile organisms such as lobsters (Homarus
americanus) may actually be attracted in the direction of
the spill where exposure will contaminate or kill them.
Little is known about the rate of degradation of· oil in
bottom sediments, but it is known that some fractions will
persist for over two years (Blumer 1969,319 Blumer and
Sass 1972 321 ). Chipman and Galtsoff (1949)324 showed that
the toxicity of oil is not diminished by adsorption on
carbonized sand which can be used as a sinking agent.
Efforts were made to burn the oil in both the Torrey
Canyon and the W afra, which was wrecked off the coast of
South Africa in 1971. When oxidation is complete, oil is
converted to carbon dioxide and water and rerrioved as a
pollutant. Burning oil within a tanker, however, is difficult;
and it has not been successful even when oxidants are added.
Volatile fractions may burn off quickly, but most of the oil
resists combustion. Incomplete combustion is therefore not
only more common, but the smoke and volatile oils them-
selves become atmospheric pollutants many of which ulti-
mately return to the sea through precipitation and accumu-
lation on the water surface. Oil can be burned on the surface
of the sea by using wicks or small glass beads to which the
oil clings thus removing itself from the quenching effects of
the water. The use of "seabeads" was successful in burning
Bunker C oil on the beach and moderately successful in
burning a slick in two i:o three foot seas in the cleanup
following the wreck of the Arrow (Ministry of Transport,
Canada 1970). 340 However, during burning, the elevated
temperature of the oil increases the solubility in water of
the most toxic components, and this can cause greater
biological damage than if the oil is left unburned.
Mechanical containment and removal of oil appear to
be ideal from the point of view of avoiding long-term bio-
logical damage, but however promptly such measures are
taken, some of the soluble components of the oil will enter
the water and it will not be possible to remove them. A
variety of mechanisms for containing oil have been pro-
posed, such as booms with skirts extending into the water.
Various surface skimmers to collect oil and pump it into a
standby tanker have been conceived. Unfortunately, most
wrecks occur during less than ideal weather conditions
which makes delivery and deployment of mechanical de-
vices difficult. Floating booms are ineffective in a rough sea,
because even if they remain properly deployed, oil can be
carried over the top of them by wind and splashing waves
or under them by currents. In protected waters, however,
recovery can be quite effective, and among the methods of
oil removal used today, booms are one of the most effective
if conditions for their use are favorable.
Microbiological degradation is the ultimate fate of all oil
left in the sea, but as was mentioned previously, the oxygen
requirement for this is severe. There is also the problem of
providing other nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus,
for the degrading bacteria. Nevertheless, this process is a
"natural" one, and research into increasing the rate of
bacteriological degradation without undesirable side effects
is to be encouraged.
Although an ultimate solution to the cleanup of oil spills
is desperately needed, prevention of spills remains the most
effective measure. When wrecks occur, every effort should
be made to offload the oil before it enters the marine en-
vironment. Oil spills that occur in harbors during transfer
of oil to a refinery or of refined oil to a tanker should be
rr:ore easily controlled. Portable booms could confine any
ml released and make possible recovery of most harbor
spillage. Available technology is adequate to prevent most
accidental spills from offshore well drilling or operations.
It is necessary to require that such technology be faithfully
No oil or petroleum products should be dis-
charged into estuarine or coastal waters that:
• can be detected as a visible film· sheen or
d . 1 ' ' tsco oration of the surface, or by odor;
Cat~gories of Pollutants /263
• can cause tainting of fish or edible inverte-
brates or damage to the biota;
• can form an oil deposit on the shores or
bottom of the receiving body of water.
In this context, discharge of oil is meant to include
accidental releases that could have been prevented
by technically feasible controls.
Accidental releases of oil to the marine environ-
ment should be reclaimed or treated as expe-
ditiously as possible using procedures at least
equivalent to those provided in The National Con-
tingency Plan of 1970. The following recommen-
dations should be followed to minimize damage
to the marine biota.
• Oil on the sea surface should be contained
by booms and recovered by the use of surface
skimmers or similar techniques.
• In the event of a tanker wreck, the oil re-
maining in the hulk should be off-loaded.
• Oil on beaches should be mechanically re-
moved using straw, peat moss, other highly
absorbent material, or other appropriate
techniques that will produce minimal dele-
terious effects on the biota.
• Failing recovery of oil from the sea surface
or from a wrecked tanker, efforts should be
made to burn it in place, provided the con-
tamination is at a safe distance from shore
facilities. If successful, this will minimize
damage to the marine biota.
• Dispersants should be used only when neces-
sary and should be of minimal potential
toxicity to avoid even greater hazard to the
• Sinki~g of oil is not recommended.
\ All vessels using U.S. port facilities for the pur-
pose of transporting oil or petroleum products
should be required to demonstrate that effective
procedures or devices, at least equivalent to the
"Load on Top" procedure, are used to minimize
oil releases associated with tank cleaning.
In order to protect marine wildlife:
• recommendations listed above should be fol-
• a monitoring program should follow long-
term trends in petroleum tar accumulation
in selected areas of the oceans;
• no oil exploration or drilling should be per-
mitted within existing or proposed sanctu-
aries, parks, reserves or other protected areas,
or in their contiguous waters, in a manner
which may deleteriously affect their biota;
264/Section IV-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
• oil exploration or drilling should not be con-
ducted in a manner which may deleteriously
affect species subject to interstate or inter-
national agreements.
The toxic organics constitute a considerable variety of
chemical compounds, almost all of which are synthetic.
The total production of synthetic organic chemicals in the
U.S. in 1968 was 120,000 million pounds, a 15 per cent
increase over 1967; 135,000 million pounds were produced
in 1969, a 12 per cent increase over 1968 (United States
Tariff Commission 1970).377 This figure, in the order of
5 X 1013 grams, may be compared with the total productivity
of the sea, which is in the order of 2 X 10 16 grams of carbon
incorporated into phytoplankton per year (Ryther 1969).373
When considered in a global and future context, the pro-
duction of synthetic chemicals by man cannot be considered
an insignificant fraction of nature's productivity.
The majority of the synthetic organic chemicals, in-
cluding those considered toxic, are readily degradable to
elementary materials which reenter the chemical cycles in
the biosphere. These pose no long-term hazard if applied
or released into the environment in quantities sufficiently
small to meet the recommendations for mixing zones (see
p. 231).
The chemicals of most concern are the more stable com-
pounds that enter the environment, whether they are intro-
duced incidentally as waste materials or deliberately through
their use~ The toxicity, chemical stability, and resistance to
biological degradation of such chemicals are factors that
must be considered in assessing their potential effects on
ecosystems. Moreover, because of the partitioning of non-
polar compounds among the components of marine eco-
systems, relatively high concentrations of these, including
halogenated hydrocarbons, are frequently found in orga-
Only recently it was discovered that polychlorinated bi-
phenyls (PCB), a class of chlorinated hydrocarbons used in
a variety of industrial applications, were widespread con-
taminants in marine ecosystems (Duke et al.). 364a Concen-
trations up to or higher than 1000 ppm in the body fat of
estuarine birds have been recorded in both Europe and
North America (Risebrough et al. 1968,371 Jensen et al.
1969 360). Moreover, both DDT and PCB have been found
in organisms from depths of 3200 meters in the open North
Atlantic Ocean (Harvey et al. 1972). 3"9
The discovery of a man-made contaminant such as PCB,
unknown in the environment a few years ago, in such
unexpectedly high concentrations in marine organisms
raises several questions. Are the concentrations of these
compounds still increasing in the marine environment and
at what rate, and what are the long-term effects upon the
marine communities? Is it possible that other pollutants,
undetected by the methodologies that measure the chlori-
nated hydrocarbons, are present in comparable amounts?
Criteria employed in the past to protect freshwater eco-
systems were based on data now seen to be inadequate and
on an approach that looked at pollutant concentrations in
waste water effluents rather than in the receiving system.
Evidently it is necessary to attempt to relate the amounts of
input into the ecosystem to the levels in the various com-
ponents of the ecosystem, including indicator organisms.
The concentrations of a persistent pollutant in an indicator
organism are considered the best way of following accumu-
lation trends in an aqueous ecosystem that serves as a sink
for the pollutant, once the capacity of the ecosystem to
absorb the pollutant has been determined. If the concen-
trations in the indicator organisms exceed those considered
safe for the ecosystem, input should then be reduced, re-
stricted, or eliminated until environmental levels are ac-
ceptable on the basis of established criteria. Inputs of per-
sistent pollutants into the marine environment, however,
are in many cases indirect and not immediately controllable,
e.g. river runoffs, atmospheric fallout, and dumping by
foreign and domestic ships. The sources of the chemicals in
atmospheric fallout may be located anywhere in the world.
Different recommendations must therefore be developed
to protect the marine environment from increasing amounts
and varieties of organic pollutants that might be anticipated
over the next century. The same recommendations may be
applied to estuaries, but these must also be protected from
a variety of chemicals that are less persistent and pose no
long-term hazard, but that may, because of toxic effects
upon organisms, cause unacceptable amounts of damage.
These include many of the pesticides, components of sewage,
biological wastes from slaughter houses, and other organic
wastes from industry.
Acute toxicity values and subacute effects of pesticides
on marine life are listed in Appendix III-Table 6, and in
Table IV-7, p. 265. Table IV-7 is a summary of the
"most sensitive" organisms taken from Appendix III-Table
6 and includes a list of chemicals that are considered to
have potential environmental importance in estuarine or
marine ecosystems. The list includes many of the pesticides
that are readily degradable in the environment but because
of their-high toxicity are potentially dangerous to estuarine
ecosystems. The list, which should be revised as new data
become available, proposes a minimum number of such
chemicals. Appendix III-Table 6 includes the following in-
formation relative to the potential importance of each ma-
terial as coastal and marine contaminants. (a) Production
figures, which are taken from the 1969 Tariff Commission
reports, are listed in the second column. The production
figures provide a useful clue to the compounds that are of
potential importance as marine pollutants. The order of the
chemicals generally follows that of the Tariff Commission
reports and is not intended to be a ranking in order of im-
portance. (b) The third column of the table indicates
Categories of Pollutants/265
TABLE IV-7-Presence and Toxicity of Organic Chemicals in the M~rine System
U.S. production Presence in sea Trophic Most sensitive Cone. (ppb active Method of
Chemical pounds, gal./yr water or marine accumulation organisms tested Formulation ingredient in water) assessment Test procedure Reference
(1) (2) organisms (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
PESTICIDES, Total ........... 1.1X10'1b
Fungicides, total. .......... .1.4X1D•
Pentachlorophenol. ......... 4. 6X1D' Expected Unknown Insufficient data lor
marine organisms
2, 4, 5· Tri chlorophenol. ...... Not available Unknown Unknown Crassostrea virginica .............. 600 TLM 48 hr static lab Davis and Hidu
(1969) 2.8X10' American oyster bioassay 1969'"
Nabam (Ethylene bis[dithio-1.9X10' Unlikely Unlikely Dunaliella terliolecta ·············· 100 • 270. 0. D. expljO.D. 10 day growth test Ukeles 1962'"
carbamic acid I, disodium control
Hexachlorobenzene .......... Not available Expected Detected in birds lnsuHicient data lor
(Vos et al., marine organisms
Koeman and
Herbicides .................... Genderen, 1970)'"
Herbicides, total. ........... 3.9X1D•
Amitrole (3-amino-1,2,4· Not available Unlikely Unlikely lnsuHicient data
Chloramben (3-amino-2,5· Not available Unlikely Unlikely Chlorococcum sp Methyl ester 2.5Xlll' 50% decrease in Growth measured as Walsh 1972'"
dichlorobenzoic acid, Phaeodactylum tricornu-growth ABS. (525 mu)
sodium salt) tum alter 10 days
Picloram (4-amino-3,5,6· Not available Unlikely Unlikely lsochrysis galbana ·············· 1X1D• 50% decrease. in o, ·················· Walsh 1972'"
trichloropicolinic acid) evolution•
(TordonR) .............. 5X111' 50% decrease in Measured as ABS. Walsh 1972"'
growth (525 mu) alter
10 dys
Simazine [2-chloro-4, 6·bis· Not available Unlikely Unlikely lsochrysis galbana Technical acid 500 50% decrease in Measured as ABS. Walsh 1972"'
(ethylamino)-s-triazine[ growth (525 mu) alter
10 days
Phaeodactylum tricornu-Technical aid 500 50% decrease in Measured as ABS. Walsh 1972"'
tum growth (525 mu) alter
10 days
Atrazine [2-chloro-4-ethyl-Not available Unlikely Unlikely Chlorococcum sp., Technical acid 100 50% decrease in Measured as ABS. Walsh 1972'"
amino-6-isopropyl-amino-Chlamydomonas sp., growth (525 mu) alter
s-triazine[ Monochrysi s lutheri 10 days
lsochrysis galbana Technical acid 100 50% decrease in o, ·················· Walsh 1972'"
Phaeodactylum tricornu-Technical acid 100 50% decrease in o, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walsh 1972"'
tum evolution•
Monuron [3-(p-chloro-Not available Unlikely Unlikely Protococcus sp. . ............. 20 .00 OPT. DEN. 10 day growth test Ukeles 1962'"
phenyl)-1, 1-dimethylurea] expl/opt DEN
Dunaliella tertiolecta ·············· 20 .00 OPT. DEN. 10 day growth test Wa Ish 1972'"
expljopt DEN
Phaeodactylum tri· ·············· 20 .00 OPT. DEN. 10 day growth test Ukeles 1962'"
cornutum explfopt DEN
Diuron [3·(3, 4, -dichloro-Nol availab I e Unlikely Unlikely Protococcus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.02 • 52 OPT. DEN. 10 day growth test Ukeles 1962"'
phenyl)· I, 1-dimethylurea] expl/opt DEN
Monochrysis lutheri ·············· 0.02 .00 OPT. DEN. 10 day growth test Ukeles 1962"'
expljopt DEN
Maleic hydrazide [1, 2-di· 2.8X105 1b. Unlikely Unlikely lnsuHicient data
hydropyridazine-3, 6-dione]
Fenuron [1,1-dimethyl-3· Not available Unlikely Unlikely Chlorococcum sp. Technical acid 750 50% decrease in 10 day growth test Walsh 1972"'
phenyl urea[ growth
lsochrysis galbana Technical acid 750 50% decrease in 10 day growth test Walsh 1972"'
Monochrysis lutheri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290 • 67 OPT. DEN. 10 day growth test Ukeles 1962"'
expl/opt DEN
Ametryne [2-ethylamino·4· Not available Unlikely Unlikely Chlorococcum sp. Technical acid 10 50% decrease in Measured as ABS. Walsh 1972"'
isopropylamino-6-methyl-growth (525 mu) alter
mercapto-s-triazine] 10 days
lsochrysis galbana Technical acid 10 50% decrease in o, ·················· Walsh 1972"'
Monochrysis lutheri
. Phaeodactylum tri· Technical acid 10 50% decrease in 02 .................. Walsh1972"'
cornutum evolution•
• /0• evolution measured by Gilson differential respirometer on 4 ml of culture in log phase. Length oltest90 minutes.
266/Section IV-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
TABLE IV-7-Presence and Toxicity of Organic Chemicals in the Marine System-Continued
U.S. production Presence in sea Trophic Most sensitive Cone. (ppb active Method of
Chemical pounds, gal./yr water or marine accumulation organisms tested Formulation ingredient in water) assessment Test procedure Reference
(I) (2) organisms (4) (5) (6) (1) (8) (9) (10)
Herbicides. cont
Endolhal [7-oxabicyclo· Not available Unlikely Unlikely Mercenaria mercenaria .............. 1.25Xlil' TLM 12 day sialic lab Davis and Hidu
(2.2.1) heplane-2,3-di· Hard clam bioassay 19693"
carboxylic acid, disodium
MCPA [4-chloro-2-methyl· Not available Unlikely Unlikely Crassostrea virginica ·············· 1.56Xlll' TLM 48 hr sialic lab Davis and Hidu
phenoxyacetic acid) American oyster bioassay 1969354
2, 4-D & derivatives ......... I. OX lOS lb Unknown Unknown Crassostrea virginica Ester 740 TLM 14 day static lab Davis and Hidu
American oyster bioassay 1969'"
Dunaliella tertiolecta
2, 4, H & derivatives 2.8XID'Ib Unknown Unknown lsochrysis galbana Technical acid 5XID4 50% decrease in o, .................. Walsh 1972"'
[2, 4, 5-trichlorophenoxy-evolutioe*
acetic acid) Phaeodaclylum tri-TechniCal acid 5Xi04 50% decrease in Measured as ABS. Walsh 1972'"
cornutum growth (525 mu) after
10 ~ays
Silvex [2·(2, 4, 5-lrichloro-1.6XID• Unlikely Unlikely Crassostrea virginica
phenoxy)propionic acid) American oyster .............. 710 TLM 14 day static lab Davis and Hidu
Dunaliella terliolecta bioassay 1969"'
Diquat [6, 7-Dihydrodipyrido ·Not avail able Unlikely Unlikely Chlorococcum sp. Dibromide 5XID 6 50% decrease !n o, ·················· Walsh 1972"'
(1,2-a:2',1'-c)pyrazidi· evolution•
inium dibromide Dunaliella terliolecta Dibromlde 5X10' 50% decrease in o, ·················· Walsh 1972"'
lsochrysis galbana Dibromide 1.5XIO• 50% decrease in Measured as ABS. Walsh 1972"'
growth (525 mu) after
to days
Phaeodactylum lri· Dibromide s~ ·o• 50% decrease in o, .................. Walsh 1972"'
cornutum evolution•
Paraquat [l,l'·dimelhyl-4,4'· Not available Unlikely Unlikely Dunaliella terliolecta Dichloride :1f16 50% decrease in o, .................. Walsh 1972'"
dipyridilium dichloride) evolution•
lsochrysis galbana Dichloride 5XID' 50% decrease in Measured as ABS. Walsh 19723"
growth (525 mu) after
10 days
Trifluralin[a,a,a· Trifluoro-Not available Unlikely Unlikely Chlorococcum sp. Technical acid 2.5X10' 50% decrease in Measured as ABS. Walsh 1972"'
2, 6·dirlino-N, N·di propyl· growth (525 mu) after
p-toluidine) 10 days
lsochrysis galbana Technical acid 2.5X10' 50% decrease in Measured as ABS. Walsh 1972379
growth (525 mu) after
10 days
Phaeodaclylum tri-Technical acid 2.5XID• 50% decrease in Measured as ABS. Walsh 1972'"
cornutum growth (525 mu) after
10 days
Cacodylic acid [Hydroxydi-Not available Unlikely Unlikely Insufficient data
methyl arsine oxide)
Insecticides, total (includes 5.7XID•Ib
Heptachlor [Heptachloro-Not available Oysters (Bugg Bald Eagles Thalassoma bifasciatum 100% 0.8 LC-50 96 hr static lab Eisler 1970b'"
letrahydro-endo-methano-et al. 1967)"' (Krantz el al. Bluehead bioassay
indene) (includes hepta-1970)365
chlor epoxide)
Endrin [Hexachloro-epoxy-Not available Oysters (Bugg el Brown Pelican Mugil cephalus 100% 0.3 LC-50 96 hr static lab Eisler 197011'"
octahydro-endo-endo·di· al. 1967,"' (Schreiber and Striped mullet bioassay
melhanoraphthalene) Casper, 1967,'" Risebrough Menidia menidia 100% 0.05 LC-50 96 hr static lab Eisler 1970b"'
Rowe etal 1972,"' Rise-Atlantic silverside bioassay
1971)372 brough et aL
Dieldrin [Hexachloro-epoxy-Not available Oysters (Bugg et Bald eagles (Krantz Anguilla rostrata 100% 0.9 LC-50 96 hr static lab Eisler 1970b'"
octahydro·endo-exo-aL 1967,"' et al 1970)"' American eel bioassay
dimethanonaphthalene) Casper, 1967, '" Grey Whale,
Rowe elaL Sperm Whale
1971)'" (Wolman and
Wilson 1970)'"
Brown Pelican
(Schreiber and
Aldrin [Hexachloro-hexa-Not available Oysters (Bugg et Unlikely, converts Palaemon macrodactylus Technical D. 7 4 (0. 51-1. 08) TL-50 96 hr static lab Earnest (unpub·
hydro-endo·exo·dimelh-al. 1967)'" to dieldrin Korean shrimp bioassay II shed)'"
anonaphlhalene) (Korschgen
Chlordane [Octochloro-Not available Oysters (Bugg et Expected Palaemon macrodactylus 100% 18 (ID-38) TL-50 96 hr static lab Earnest (unpub-
hexahydro-melhanoin-at. 1967)'" Korean shrimp bioassay lished)'"
• /02 evolution measured by Gilson differential respirometer on 4 ml of culture in log phase. Length of test90 minutes.
Categories of Pollutants/267
TABLE IV-7-Presence and Toxicity of Organic Chemicals in the Marine ~ystem-Continued
u.s. production Presence in sea Trophic Most sensitive Cone. (ppb active Method of
Chemical pounds, gal./yr water or marine accumulation organisms tested Formulation ingredient in water) assessment Test procedure Reference
(1) (2) organisms (4) (5) (6) (I) (8) (9) (10)
Insecticides. cont
strobaneR [polychlorinated Not available Expected Expected Insufficient data lor
terpenes] marine species
Toxaphene [Chlorinated Not available Bay mussel Expected Gasterosteus aculeatus 100% 7.8 TLM 96 hr static lab Katz 1961'"
camphene) (Modin, 1969);'" threespme stickle-back bioassay
Oysters (Bugg el
al. 196l)"o
DDT compounds .......... 1.2X10•Ib. Jensen el al.
1969,"o Rise·
brough et al.
p,p'-DDT [1, 1, 1-Tri-(References cited above) Penaeus duorarum Technical 0.12 TL-50 28 day bioassay Nimmo etal. 1970"'
chloro-2. 2-bis(p-chloro-Pink shrimp 77% 0.17 (O.Os-11.32) TL-50 96 hr intermittent Earnest (unpub-
phenyl) ethane flow lab bioassay lished)'••
p, p'-DDD(p, p'· TOE) Palaemon macrodactylus 99% 2.5 (1.6-4.0) TL-50 96 hr intermittent Earnest (unpub-
[1, 1-Dichloro-2,2-bis flow lab bioassay lished)'••
p,p··DDE [1, 1-Dichloro-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (References cited above) Falco peregrinus ·············· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eggshell thinning DOE in eggs Cade et al. 1970"'
2, 2-bis(p-chlorophenyl) Peregrine Falcon h•ghty correlated
ethylene with shell thinning
Mirex [Dodecachloro·octa-Not available Expected Expected Penaeus duorarum Technical 1.0 100% paralysis/ Flowing water bio-Lowe et al. 1!t71'"
hydro-1, 3, 4-metheno-2H-Pink shrimp death in 11 days assay
Benzene hexachloride Not available Southern hemisphere sea birds Penaeus setilerus 8.1% 2.8 TLM 24 hr static lab Chin and Allen
[Hexachlorocyclohexane] (Talton and Ruzicka 1967)"' While shrimp bioassay 19583"
Undane [gamma-hexa-Not available Oysters (Bugg et Expected Crangon septemspinosa 100% LC-50 96 hr static lab Eisler 1969'"
chlorocyclohexane) at. 1967,"o Sand shrimp Sand shrimp bioassay
Casper 1967)'" · Pagurus longicarpus 100% LC-50 96 hr static lab Eisler 1969'"
Hermit crab b10assay
Endosullan (Hexachloro-Not available Bay mussel (Koe-Sandwich Tern, Palaemon macrodactylus 96% 3.4 (1.H.5) TL-50 96 hr intermittent Earnest (unpub-
hexahydro-melhano-man and Common Eider Korean shrimp flow tab bioassay tished)•••
benzo-dioxathiepin-3-Genderen (Koeman and
oxide] (ThiodanR) 1970)'" Genderen
Methoxychlor [1, 1, 1-Tri-Not available Oysters (Bugg et Unlikely Palaemon macrodactytus 89.5% 0.44 (0.21-0.93) TL-50 96 hr static tab Earnest (unpub-
·chtoro-2, 2, bis(p· at. 1967)'60 b10assay lished)'••
Carbaryl (Sevin) [1-Not available Unikely Unlikely Palaemon macrodactylus 100% 7.0 (1.5-28) TL-50 96 hr intermillent Earnest (unpub-
naphthyi-N·methylcarba-bioassay tished)•••
Cancer magister 80% Prevention of hatch-24 hr static tab Buchanan el al.
Dungeness crab ing and molli ng bioassay 19703"
Coumaphos (Co-ral) [0, 0-Not available Unlikely Unlikely Crassostrea virginica .............. 110 TLM 48 hr static lab Davis and Hidu
Diethyl-0-(3-chloro-4-American oyster bioassay 1969'"
pyran-7 -yl)-phosphoro-
Diazinon [0, 0-Diethyi-D-Not available Unlikely Unlikely Insufficient data
Parathion [0, 0-Dielhyl-0-Not available Unlikely Unlikely Cyprinodon variegatus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Acetylcholinesterase 72 hr static exposure Coppage (unpub-
p-nitrophenyl-phosphoro Sheepshead minnow activity in control lished)381
lhioate] vs. expt groups.
Control= 1.36;
oursban [0, D Diethyl-0-Not ava Hable Unlikely Unlikely Palaemon macrodactylus ·············· 0.01 (0.002-0.046) TL-50 96 hr intermittent Earnest (unpub-
3, 5, 6-trichloro-2-pyridyl-Korean shrimp flow bioassay lis he d)'••
Fenlhion [0, 0-Dimethyl-0-Not available Unlikely Unlikely Pataemon macrodactylus .............. 3.0 (1.5-60) TL-50 96 hr intermittent Earnest (unpub-
(4-melhyllhio-m-tolyl) flow bioassay lished)'••
phosphorothioate) (Baytex)
Methyl parathion [0, 0,-5.1X1071b Unlikely Unlikely Crangon septemspinosa 100% LC-50 96 hr static lab Eisler 1969'"
Dimethyl-0-p-nitrophenyl-Sand shrimp bioassay
Guthion [0, 0-Dimelhyi-S-Not available Unlikely Unlikely Gasterosteus aculeatus 93% 4.8 TLM 96 hr static lab Katz 1961'62
(4-oxo-1, 2, 3-benzolri-threespine stickle-back bioassay
Dioxathion (Delnav) [2,3-p-Not available Unlikely Unlikely Crangon septemspinosa 100% 38 LC-50 96 hr static lab Eisler 19693"
Dioxane-S,S-bis(O, 0-Sand shrimp bioassay
diethylphosphorodilhioate] Fundulus heteroclitus 100% LC-50 96 hr static lab Eisler 1970a"'
Mummichog bioassay
Menidia menidia 100% LC-50 96 hr static lab Eisler 1970b"'
AUantic silverside bioassay
268/Section IV-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
TABLE IV-7-Presence and Toxicity of Organic Chemicals in the Marine System-Continued
U.S. production Presence in sea Trophic Most sensitive Cone. (ppb active Method of
Chemical pounds, gal./yr water or marine accumulation organisms tested Formulation ingredient in water) assessment Test procedure Reference
(1) (2) organisms (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Insecticides, conl
Phosdrin (1·methoxycar. Not available Unlikely Unlikely Crangon sepemspinosa 100% 11 LC·50 96 hr static lab Eisler 1969'"
bonyl·1·propen·2·YI·di· Sand shrimp bioassay
Malathion (S·(1,2·dicar· Not available Unlikely Unlikely Thalasomma bilasciatum 100% 27 LC·50 96 hr static Jab Eisler 1970b'"
bethoxyethyi)·O, O·di· Bluehead bioassay
Phosphamidon (2·Chloro· Not available Unlikely Unlikely Insufficient data
N, N·di ethyl-3-hydroxy-
crotonamide dimethyl
Phorate (0, 0 Diethyi·S· Not available Unlikely Unlikely Cyprinodon variegatus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acetylcholinesterase 72 hr static exposure Coppage (unpub·
((Ethylthio]methyl)-phos-Sheepshead minnow activity** in control lished)'"
phorodithioate] vs expl. groups.
Control= 1. 36;
DDVP (0, 0-Dimethyi·O· Not available Unlikely Unlikely Crangon septemspinosa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LC·50 96 hr static lab Eisler 19693"
(2, 2 ·dichlorovinyl)phos· Sand shrimp bioassay
Trichlorfon (0, O·DimethyJ. Not available Unlikely Unlikely Crassostrea virginica .............. 1,000 TLM 48 hr static lab Davis and Hidu
1·hydroxy-2, 2, 2·1richloro· American oyster bioassay 1969354
TEPP (Tetraethyl pyro· Not available Unlikely Unlikely Crassostrea virginica ·············· >1X10< TLM 14 day static lab Davis and Hidu
phosphate] bioassay 1969'"
Related products
DBCP (1, 2·Dibromo·3· 8.6X10•Jb Unknown Unknown Mercenaria mercenaria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 780 TLM 12 day static Jab Davis and Hidu
chloropropane] (NemagonR) Hard clam bioassay 1969'"
Methyl bromide 2.0X10'lb Unknown Unknown Insufficient data
Benzene 1.2X10' gal. Unknown Unknown Insufficient data
Toluene 7.6X1D' gal. Unknown Unknown Insufficient data
Xylene 3. 8X10• gal. Unknown Unknown Insufficient data
Naphthalene 8.5X10• gal. Unknown Unknown Insufficient data
Phlhali c anhydride esters, 8.8X10•Jb. Expected Unknown Insufficient data
Adipid acid esters, total 6.6X10' Unknown Unknown Insufficient data
Dodecylbenzenesuifonates, 5.7X10' lb. Unknown Unlikely Insufficient data
total (1968)
Ugninsuifonates,lotal 4.4X10'1b. Unknown Unknown Insufficient data
Nitrilotriacelic acid Not available Unknown Unlikely Cyclotella nana Monohydrated 5X11f3 38% growth as com· 72 hr static Jab Erickson el al. 1950368
sodium salt pared to controls bioassay
Homarus americanus Monohydrated 1X10• 100% mortality 7 day static lab NMWQL 1970368
American lobster sodium salt bioassay
Carbon tetrachloride ....... 7.6Xtos lb (1968) Unknown Unlikely Insufficient data
Dichlorodifluoromelhane .•. 3.3X11J8 (1968) Unknown Unlikely Insufficient data
Ethylene dichloride ........ 4.8X10 9 (1968) Expected Unlikely Insufficient data
Aliphatic chlorinated hydro· 3X10' Jb (esti· Surface waters Unknown Gadus morrhua 67%1,1,2·tri· 10,000 LC·50 10 hr lab bioassay Jensen el al. 19711'61
carbon wastes of vinyl mated as 1% of and marine orga. Cod chloroethane,
chloride production vinyl chloride nisms of North 20% 1,2·di·
production) Atlantic and ethane
North Sea (Jen·
sen et al. 1970)'"
Polychlorinated biphenyl ... Not available Jensen el al. ················ Penaeus duorarum Aroclor 1254 0.94 51% morlaOty 15 day chronic ex· Nimmo et al. 1971"'
1969"0, Rise· Pink shrimp posure in flowing
brough el al. seawater
Polychlorinated ter· Not available Expected Expected Insufficient data
Brominaled biphenyls ...... Not available Unknown Expected Insufficient data
Monochlorobenzene •...... 6.0X10'ib Expected Unlikely Insufficient data
Phenol ...............•... 1.7X10°lb Expected Unlikely Mercenaria mercenaria .............. 5.3X10• TLM 48 hr static Jab Davis and Hidu
Hard Clam bioassay 1969"'
Tetraethyllead............ 4.9X1D' Unlikely Unlikely Insufficient data
•• ACh hydrolysed/hr/mg brain.
whether or not the compound has been detected in sea
water or in marine organisms. Compounds which have
been detected are of greater immediate concern than those
which have not. Frequently, because of their low solubility
in water, some of the non-polar compounds which are bio-
logically accumulated can be detected in an organism but
not in the water itself. (c) The fourth column, trophic ac-
cumulation, indicates whether the compound has been
shown to pass through the food web from prey species to
predator. Compounds that are so accumulated are of greater
concern than compounds of comparable toxicity which are
not. Finally, the species thought to be most sensitive to the
compound are indicated in the final columns with reference
to original studies in the scientific literature. These data are
useful as a guide only and are not sufficient in themselves
for definitive evaluation of the environmental significance of
each compound.
The report, "The Effects of Chemicals on Aquatic Life,
vol. 3, Environmental Protection Agency, Water Quality
Office, 1971," has been useful as a guide to the available
toxicity data of industrial chemicals on marine organisms.
Appendix III-Table 6 is a compendium of data on toxicity
of pesticides to marine organisms. These sources are incom-
plete and should be continually revised.
Bases for Recommendations
1. In order to provide an adequate level of protection
for commercially important marine species and for species
considered important in the maintenance of stability of the
ecosystem, an application factor of one one-hundredth
(0.01) is used when pesticides or organic wastes that are not
trophically accumulated in food webs are applied or re-
leased in estuarine or marine environments. This factor is
arbitrary and was derived from data available on marine
and freshwater organisms. (See Section III, p. 121.) It
assumes that a concentration of one one-hundredth (0.01)
of that causing harm to the most sensitive species to be
protected will not damage this species or the ecosystem.
Future studies may show that the application factor must
be decreased or increased in magnitude.
2. The application factor may also be used for the
compounds that are trophically accumulated in food webs
in order to protect fish and invertebrates to which these
compounds are toxic. It cannot be used, however, to protect
fish-eating birds and mammals which may trophically ac-
cumulate these compounds from their prey species, in part
because sublethal effects such as eggshell thinning and
hormone imbalance may adversely affect reproductive ca-
pacity and therefore the long term survival of populations.
Levels that would protect fish-eating birds and mammals
against the effects of compounds that are trophically ac-
cumulated from prey species are given in the discussion of
Marine Wildlife (see pp. 224-228).
The recommendations below apply to all organics of
both proved and potential toxicity.
Categories of Pollutants/269
In general, marine life with the exception of fish-
eating birds and mammals should be protected
where the maximum concentration of the chemical
in the water does not exceed one one-hundredth
(0.01) of the LC50 values listed in Column 7, Table
IV-7, pp. 265-268. If new data indicate that an eco-
system can adequately degrade a particular pollu-
tant, a higher application factor for this pollutant
may be used.
In order to maintain the integrity of the eco-
system to the fullest possible extent, it is essential
to consider effects on all non-target organisms
when applying pesticides to estuarine habitats in
order to control one or more of the noxious species.
For those occasions when chemicals must be used,
the following guidelines are offered:
• a compound which is the most specific for
the intended purpose should be preferred
over a compound that has broad spectrum
• a compound of low persistence should be
used in preference to a compound of greater
• a compound of lower toxicity to non-target
organisms should be used in preference to
one of higher toxicity;
• water samples to be analyzed should include
all suspended particulate and solid material:
residues associated with these should there-
fore be considered as present in the water;
• when a derivative such as p,p'-DDE or
1-napthol is measured with or instead of the
parent compound, the toxicity of the de-
rivative should be considered separately: if
the toxicity of a derivative such as an ionic
species of a pesticide is considered equivalent
to that of the original parent compound,
concentrations should be expressed as equiv-
alents of the parent compound.
It is recommended that the chemicals listed in
Table IV-7 and all chemicals subsequently added
to this list be considered as toxic organic com-
pounds potentially harmful to the marine environ-
ment. It is emphasized that the data in Table
IV-7 are not sufficient in themselves for final evalu-
ation of the environmental significance of each
An extensive review and discussion of the present in-
formation on biological responses to variations in dissolved
oxygen has been published recently by Doudoroff and
270/Section IV-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
Shumway (1970).38~ This review has been used in develop-
ing oxygen recommendations by both the Freshwater and
Marine Panels in their reports. On the 'basis of this large
body of information, recommendations for "levels of pro-
tection" for freshwater fish populations have been devel-
oped. Estuarine and marine organisms have not been
studied as extensively, and the present information is inade-
quate for satisfactory analysis of the response of communi-
ties to temporal and spatial variations in dissolved oxygen
The generalizations presented by the Freshwater Panel
appear to be valid, with qualifications, for estuarine and
marine situations.
1 A reduction in dissolved oxygen concentration reduces
the rate of oxygen uptake by aquatic plants and animals.
However, as noted by Doudoroff and Shumway, the ob-
served response of many organisms under laboratory condi-
tions measured in such terms as growth rate, swimming
speed, or hatching weight, shows fractional or percentage
reductions that approximately correlate with the logarithm
of the deviation of the dissolved oxygen concentration from
equilibrium with the atmosphere, under conditions of con-
stant dissolved oxygen concentrations. Thus, reduction in
the dissolved oxygen concentration by l mg/l from the
saturation value has much less effect than reduction by 1
mg/l from the 50 per cent of saturation value.
2 The non-threshold character of these responses means
that some risk of effect on the aquatic populations is associ-
ated with any reduction in the dissolved oxygen concentra-
tions. As noted above, the risk of damage increases as dis-
solved oxygen concentrations decrease from saturation
values. Selection of risk acceptance is a social and economic
evaluation involving other uses of any particular environ-
ment that must precede recommendations derived using the
risk acceptance and the pertinent scientific information.
3 Consideration of the effects of dissolved oxygen con-
centrations on aquatic life must include the responses of
developing eggs and larvae, as well as the maturing and
adult individuals. Species that have limited spawning areas
should be identified and the biological risk of decreased
oxygen concentrations evaluated accordingly.
For estuaries and coastal waters, consideration must be
given to the distribution of dissolved oxygen with depth,
since even under natural conditions low oxygen concentra-
tions may be found in the deeper waters. Special considera-
tion should be given to estuary type, topography, currents,
and seasonal development of pycnoclines.
Many estuaries and coastal regions are highly productive,
and the characteristic pattern with photosynthesis in the
upper-water layer or adjacent marshes leads to large popu-
lation densities in the upper layers and loss of oxygen to the
atmosphere from the supersaturated surface waters or the
marsh plants. Subsequent decomposition of these organisms
and their wastes in the deeper waters leads to oxygen deple-
tion. Several deeper coastal plain estuaries and fjords show
oxygen depletion from this sequence. Addition of mineral
and organic plant nutrients to such regions may intensify
the production and subsequent decomposition processes.
The effects of particular additions will depend on the water
depths and rate of vertical mixing, and it is necessary to
construct an oxygen balance model for each case. Sewage
treatment that consists of partial or nearly complete miner-
alization of the organic materials may still produce a dis-
charge that will damage the aquatic system, i.e., an amount
of organic matter nearly equal in oxygen demand to the
original sewage is produced in the environment. The princi-
pal effect of many "secondary" treatment systems is the
trading of an intense local effect near the outfall for a more
widespread effect at greater distances. One of the major
considerations in defining water quality recommendations
for 'nutrients in any estuarine or coastal region should be the
risk associated with oxygen depletions from increased
production. Deliberate moderate additions of nutrients to
increase the yield of some fishery should also give due regard
to this secondary effect.
Each proposed change in the dissolved oxygen
concentration in estuaries and coastal waters
should be reviewed for risk of damage to aquatic
life. The limited laboratory data and field obser-
vations on marine organisms suggest that easily
observed effects, which are in many cases deleteri-
ous, occur with dissolved oxygen concentrations
of 4 to 5 mgfl as daily minimum values for periods
of several days. As a guideline, therefore, reduction
of the dissolved oxygen concentration to values
below 4 mg/1 can be expected to change the kinds
and abundances of the aquatic organisms in the
affected volume of water and area of bottom. Par-
ticular attention should be directed toward identi-
fying species with restricted spawning and nursery
areas and conservatism should be used in applying
guidelines to these areas. (See the expanded dis-
cussion in Section III, pp. 131-135.)
This section considers radioactivity in all surface waters
inhabited by plants and animals including fresh, estuarine,
and marine waters of the U.S. The subject matter pertains
primarily to the impact of environmental radioactivity on
aquatic organisms, although it also contains some discussion
of human radiation exposure from aquatic food chains. A
recent report by the National Academy of Sciences ( 1971) 397
presented a review of radioactivity in the marine environ-
ment, and that review has been used extensively in the
preparation of this report.
!; -
Characteristics and Sources of Radioactivity
Radiation is the energy emitted spontaneously in the
process of decay of unstable atoms of radioisotopes. This
energy can exist either in the form of electromagnetic rays
or subatomic particles and cannot be detected by man's
senses. Radiation can be detected, however, by means of
electronic· instruments, and quantities present at very low
levels in the environment can be measured with remarkable
accuracy. Radioactivity which occurs naturally in the en-
vironment originates from primordial radioiso):opes and
their decay products (daughters) and from reactions be-
tween cosmic rays from outer space and elements in the
atmosphere or in the earth. Some of the more abundant
primordial radioisotopes in terms of their radioactivity are
potassiun? (4°K), palladium (2 34Pd), rubidium (87Rb),
uranium (238U) and thorium (2 37T), the first accounting for
90 per cent of the natural radiation in the oceans. While
beryllium (7Be) is the most abundant radioisotope produced
by cosmic rays, carbon (14C) and hydrogen (3H) (tritium)
are biologically the most interesting. The presence of natural
radioactivity was unknown until 1896 when Becquerel dis-
covered uranium. Until the development of the atomic
bomb during World War II, virtually· all of the radio-
activity on earth came from natural sour~es.
The first man-made radioisotopes were not released into
the environment in any significant amounts until the atomic
bomb was tested and used in war even though the uranium
235 atom was first split (fissioned) by neutron bombard-
ment in 1938. While the release of radioisotopes was dras-
tically reduced with the halting of nuclear weapons testing
in the atmosphere .by signatories of the test ban treaty,
radioactive wastes continue to be released from nuclear
powered ships and submarines, nuclear power plants, nu-
clear fuel reprocessing plants, and to a lesser extent from
laboratories and hospitals. Two methods have been used in
handling radioactive wastes. High levels have been concen-
trated and held in special storage tanks, while low levels of
radioactive wastes in small volumes have been diluted and
dispersed in the aquatic environment-particularly in the
oceans. Some manmade radioisotopes, such as strontium 90
and cesium 137, are the debris of split atoms and are called
fission products. Other radioisotopes, such as zinc 65 and
cobalt 60, are activation products, produced when stray
neutrons from the fission process strike the atoms of stable
Cycling of Radioactive Materials The physical,
chemical, and physiological behavior of radioisotopes is es-
sentially identical with that of the stable isotopes of the same
element-at least until disintegration occurs. It should be
pointed out, however, that in some instances the physical
and chemical states of a radioisotope introduced into the
aquatic environment inay vary from that of the stable ele-
ment in water. At the time of disintegration, the decaying
atoms change into different types of atoms of the same ele-
Categories of Pollutants/271
ment or into atoms 9f a different element. If the behavior
of a particular element in an ecosystem is known, the be-
havior of the radioisotopes of that element can be predicted.
The reverse also is true, and radioisotopes can serve as ex-
cellent tracers in following the movement of elements
through complex environmental systems. Radioactive
wastes in the aquatic environment may be cycled through
water, sediment, and the biota. Each radioisotope tends to
take a characteristic route and has its own rate of movement
through various temporary reservoirs. The route taken by
tritium is different from that of other radioisotopes. Tritium
becomes incorporated in the water molecule and cannot be
removed by present waste treatment practices. It is not con-
centrated appreciably by either biota or sediments.
When radioactive materials enter surface waters they are
diluted and dispersed by the same forces that mix and dis-
tribute other soluble or suspended materials (National
·Academy of Sciences 195 7). 393 The dominant forces are
mechanical dilution that mixes radioisotopes in the waste
stream as it leaves an outfall structure; advection and turbu-
lent diffusion that mix materials in the receiving waters;
and major transport currents that move masses of water
over relatively long distances. On the other hand, precipita-
tion and sedimentation tend to restrict the area of dis-
persion. When first introduced into fresh or marine water,
a substantial part of the materials present in radioactive
wastes becomes associated with solids that settle to the bot-
tom, and many of the radioisotopes are bound chemically
to the sediments. The sediments may also be moved geo-
graphically by currents. Even though in some instances
sediments remove large quantities of radioisotopes from the
water, and thus prevent their immediate uptake by the
biota, this sediment-associated radioactivity may later
leach back to the water and again become available for up-
take by the biota.
Plants and animals, to be of any significance in the pas-
sage of radioisotopes through a food web in the aquatic
environment, must accumulate the radioisotope, retain it,
be eaten by another organism, and be digested. Radioiso-
topes may be passed through several trophic levels of a food
web, and concentrations can either increase or decrease
from one trophic level to the next, depending upon the
radioisotope and the particular prey-predator organisms.
This variation among trophic levels occurs because different
organisms within the same trophic level have different
levels of concentration and different retention times, which
depend upon their metabolism or capacity to concentrate a
given radioisotope. The concentration of a radioisotope by
an organism is usually discussed in terms of a concentration
factor: the ratio of the concentration of the radioisotope in
the organism to that in its source, that is, the amount in
water or food. Radioisotopes with short half-lives are less
likely to be highly concentrated in the higher trophic levels
of the food chain because of the time required to move from
the water to plants, to herbivores, and eventually to carni-
272/Section IV-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
vores. Organisms that concentrate radioisotopes to a high
level and retain them for long periods gf time have been
referred to as "biological indicators for radioactivity." These
organisms are of value in showing the presence of radio-
active materials even though the concentrations in the water
may be less than detectable limits.
Exposure Pathways
The radiation emitted by radioisotopes that are present in
aquatic ecosystems can irradiate the organisms in many
different ways. In order to evaluate the total radiation dose
received by the aquatic organisms, and thus the risk of their
being injured, all sources of exposure must be considered.
These sources include both natural and man-made radia-
tion, both external and internal.
Major Sources of External Radiation I Radioiso-
topes in the surrounding water that tend to remain in
solution, or at least suspended in the water, become associ-
ated more readily with aquatic organisms than the radio-
isotopes that settle out.
2 Radioisotopes present on or fixed to sediments are
significant to aquatic life, particularly to benthic organisms
in the vicinity of existing major atomic energy plants.
3 Radioisotopes attached· to the outer surfaces of orga-
nisms are of greater significance to micro-organisms, which
have a larger surface-to-volume ratios, than shellfish or fish.
4 Cosmic-rays are of relatively minor importance to
aquatic life that lives a few feet or more below the water
surface, because of the shielding afforded by the water.
Major Sources of Internal Radiation l Radioiso-
topes in the gastrointestinal tract frequently are not assimi-
lated, but during their residence in the tract expose nearby
internal organs to radiation.
2 Assimilated radioisotopes are absorbed from water
through the integument or from food and water through the
walls of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolized, and are in-
corporated into tissues where they remain for varying
periods of time. Aquatic plants, including algae absorb
radioactive materials from the ambient water and from the
interstitial water within the sediments.
It is difficult to meas:ure the amount of radiation ab-
sorbed by aquatic organisms in the environment because
they are simultaneously irradiated by radioisotopes within
their body, on the surface of their body, in other organisms,
in the water, and in sediments. Exposure thus depends on an
organism's position in relation to the sediments and to other
organisms, and to movement of some species in and out of
the contaminated area.
Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation
Ionizing radiation absorbed by plant and animal tissue
may cause damage at the cellular and molecular levels. The
degree of radiation damage to an organism depends upon
the source (external or internal), the type (electromagnetic
or particulate), the dose rate (intensity per unit of time),
and the total dose. Possible effects to the individual orga-
nism may include death, inhibition or stimulation of growth
physiological damage, changes in behavioral patterns, de~
velopmental abnormalities, and shortening of life span. In
addition, the extent of biological damage from radiation can
be modified by environmental stresses such as changes in
temperature and salinity. Under certain conditions, irradia-
tion can cause gross pathological changes which are easily
observed, or more subtle changes which are difficult or im-
possible to detect. In addition to somatic changes which
affect the individual, genetic changes also may occur which
may affect the offspring for many generations. At one time,
it was widely believed that there was a threshold radiation
dose below which damage did not occur, but now the con-
sensus of most radio biologists is that any increase over back-
ground radiation will have some biological effect. While
the non-existence of a threshold dose is difficult to prove,
most radiation biologists agree that even background levels
of radiation from primordial radioisotopes and cosmic rays
have resulted in some genetic changes over the ages. These
radiation-induced changes usually constitute less than l per
cent of all spontaneously occurring mutations (Asimov and
Dobzhansky 1966).384
The amount of radiation absorbed by an organism can be
expressed in various ways. The rad (radiation absorbed
dose) is the unit used to measure the absorbed dose of radia-
tion and refers to the absorption of l 00 ergs of energy per
gram of irradiated material. Because a rad of alpha or neu-
tron radiation produces greater biological damage than a
rad of gamma radiation, another unit called the rem (roent-
gen equivalent man) also is used. To obtain the rem, or dose
equivalent, the number of rads absorbed by the tissue is
multiplied by the quality factor and other necessary modify-
ing factors to compensate for the effects of different types of
radiation. The acute doses of radiation required to produce
somatic damage to many species of aquatic organisms have
been established within broad limits (National Academy of
Sciences 1971).397 Some bacteria and algae can tolerate
doses of many thousands of rads, but the mean lethal dose
(LD50-30 days) for fish is in the range of several hundred
to a few thousand rads. Eggs and early developmental
stages are more sensitive than are adults. By comparison,
the mean lethal dose for humans is about 300 rads.
The acute mean lethal dose has little value in placing re-
strictions on the amounts of radioactive material present in
aquatic environments. Much more meaningful is the highest
level of chronic exposure that results in no demonstrable
damage to aquatic populations. A vast amount of research
on dose-effect relationships for warm-blooded animals has
led to the recommendations on human radiation exposure.
People who work with radiation may receive no more than
5 rem in any one year. The recommended limit for the
general public is 0.5 rem in one year for individuals but is
restricted to only 0.17 rem per year as an average for popu-
lations. The lower level permitted for populations is to re-
duce the possibility of genetic changes becoming established.
Compared with the experimental data available for
warm-blooded animals, only a meager amount of informa-
tion is available on chronic dose-effect relationships for
aquatic forms. The preponderance of available data indi-
cates, however, that no effects are discernible on either indi-
vidual aquatic organisms or on populations of organisms at
dose rates as high as several rads per week. In populations of
wild species, genetic damage may be removed by natural
selection and somatically weakened individuals aie prob-
ably eaten by predators. Consequently, aquatic organisms
adversely affected by radiation are not readily recognized
in the field.
The natural populations of fish that have probably sus-
tained the greatest exposure to man-made radioactive ma-
terials are those near major atomic energy installations, for
example, in the Columbia River near Hanford; in White
Oak Creek and White Oak Lake, near Oak Ridge; and in
the Irish Sea near Windscale, England. Small fish which
received chronic irradiation of about 10.9 rads per day from
radioisotopes in the sediments of White Oak Creek produced
larger broods but with a higher incidence of abnormal em-
bryos (Blaylock and Mitchell 1969). 385 Chironomid larvae
living in the bottom sediments and receiving about five
rads per week had an increased frequency of chromosomal
aberrations but the abundance of the worms was not af-
fected. The stocks of plaice in the vicinity of the Windscale
outfall have been unaffected by annual dose rates of about
10 rads per year-primarily from the bottom sediments
(Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food 1967). 392
Columbia River salmon spawning in the vicinity of the
Hanford outfalls have been unaffected by doses in the range
of 100 to 200 millirads per week (Watson and Templeton
in press):402 These observations on chronic exposure of
aquatic organisms provide a subjective assessment of radia-
tion sensitivities in natural populations but are not. suffi-
ciently definitive to form the basis for the development of
water quality recommendations.
Restrictions on Radioactive Materials
The amounts of radioactive materials present in water
must be restricted in order to assure that populations of or-
ganisms are not damaged by ionizing radiation and also to
limit the amount of radioactive material reaching man via
aquatic food chains. Permissible rates of intake of the vari-
ous radioisotopes by man have been calculated so that the
resulting annual dose is no greater than the recommended
limit. Therefore, when the rate of consumption of aquatic
organisms is determined, e.g., pounds of fish or shellfish per
year, maximum. concentrations of radionuclides permissible
in the edible" parts of the organisms can be computed. These
maximum concentrations are well below the concentrations
which have produced detectable effects on natural aquatic
populations. It is probable that the aquatic environment
Categories of Pollutants/273
will be protected by the restrictions currently imposed on
the basis of human health.
The regulations which serve to protect man from radia-
tion exposure are the result of years of intensive studies on
the biological effects of radiation. Vast amounts of informa-
tion have been considered by the International Commission
on Radiological Protection (ICRP) (1960,i89 1964,390
1965 391), the National Council on Radiation Protection and
Measurements (NCRP) (1959, 398 197!399 ), and the U.S.
Federal Radiation Council (FRC) (1960, 387 19613 88 ), in
developing recommendations on the maximum doses of
radiation that people may be allowed to receive under
various circumstances or that may occur in water. The
Drinking Water Standards (U.S. Department of Health,
Education and Welfare, Public Health Service 1962 400) and
the Code of Federal Regulations (1967)386 are responsive to
the recommendations of the FRC, ICRP, and NCRP, and
provide appropriate protection against unacceptable radia-
tion dose .levels to people where drinking water is the only
significant source of exposure above natural background.
Where fish or other fresh or marine products that have
accumulated radioactive materials are used as food by hu-
mans, the concentrations of the radiosiotopes in the water
must be further restricted to ensure that the total intake of
radioisotopes from all sources will not exceed the recom-
mended levels.
Previous attempts to restrict radioactive discharges to
marine environments have resulted in recommended maxi-
mum permissible concentrations in sea water (National
Academy of Sciences 1959a, 394 1959b, 395 1962,396 1971397).
These recommendations are most useful as a first approxi-
mation in predicting safe rates of discharge of radioactive
wastes, but their applicability as water quality recommenda-
tions is limited and they are not intended for general use in
fresh or estuarine waters where the concentrations of a great
variety of chemical elements vary widely.
Three approaches to the control of levels of radioactivity
in the aquatic environment have been used: (1) controlling
the release of radioactivity based upon the specific activity
approach-the ratio of the amount of radioactive isotope
present to the total amount of the element (microcuries per
milligram). (National Academy of Sciences 1962), 396 (2)
relating_ the ·effects of radiation upon aquatic organisms
caused by a given concentration of a radioisotope or com-
binations of radioisotopes in the water, and (3) restricting
concentrations of radioisotopes to those permitted in water
and food for human consumption.
Since concentrations of stable elements vary from one
body of water to another, and with 'time, and since adequate
data are not available to relate ~ffects of radiation upon
aquatic organisms to specific levels cif radioactivity in the
water, restrictions contai~ed in the Code of Federal Regu-
274/Section IV-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
lations (1967)386 on liquid effluents are considered adequate
to safeguard aquatic organisms.
Because it is not practical to generatize on the extent to
which many of the important radioisotopes will be concen-
trated by aquatic organisms, nor on the extent to which
they will be used for food by people, no attempt is made
here to specify maximum permissible concentrations (MPC)
for water in reference to uptake by the organisms. Rather,
each case requires a separate evaluation that takes into ac-
count the peculiar features of the region. Such an evaluation
should be approved by an agency of the State or Federal
Government in each instance of radioactivity contamina-
tion in the environment. In each particular instance of pro-
posed contamination, there must be a determination of the
organisms present, the extent to which these organisms
concentrate the ratioisotopes, and the extent to which man
uses the organisms as food. The rates of release of radio-
isotopes must be based on this information.
Aquatic organisms concentrate radioisotopes to
various degrees in their tissues. The concentration
in sea water should be low enough so that the con-
centration in any aquatic species will not exceed
Radiation Protection Guides of the U.S. Federal
Radiation Council (1961)401 for organisms harvested
for use as human food. This recommendation is
based upon the assumption that radiation levels
which are acceptable as human food will not injure
the aquatic organisms including wildlife.
Magnitude of the Problem
The discharge of municipal sewage is a major factor
affecting· the water quality of receiving systems. Because
the amount of municipal waste produced is directly related
to the human population, the unit emission rates together
with information on the number of people using a system
provide an accurate estimate of the load that is imposed on
a particular estuary or section of coastal water.
The effect of sewage discharges on water quality varies
widely and depends on (I) its composition and content of
toxic materials, (2) the type and degree of treatment prior
to discharge, (3) the amount released, (4) the hydrody-
namics of the receiving waters, and (5) the response of the
ecosystem. Increasing human population and affluence
have resulted in increasing amounts of domestic and in-
dustrial wastes. However, because the kind and degree of
treatment often can be improved, it should be possible to
cope with this pollution problem and to maintain or im-
prove the quality of the marine environment.
In most cases the discharge of sewage effluent is inten-
tional and the source of sewage and sewage treatment
products entering marine ecosystems can be described more
~-. ---------
TABLE IV-8-Average Sewage Emissions for a Densely
Populated Area
Constituent Mass emission rate (Ions/day)• Unit emission rate Ob/capila/day)
Dissolved solids ........................ .
Suspended solids ....................... .
800 .................................. .
Total nitrogen (N) ...................... .
Phosphate (Po,) ........................ .
• For 700 mgd of sewage; population of 7 million.
NAS-NRC Committee on Oceanography 1970417,
accurately than the sources of other pollutants entering the
ecosystem. The volume of discharges and certain aspects of
their composition, specifically, the amount of organic mat-
ter and the inorganic nutrients, can be monitored continu-
ously by existing automated methods. Average values for
some important constituents and their emission rates in a
densely populated coastal area are given in Table IV -8.
Runoff from agriculture areas is an important factor in
the nutrient enrichment of freshwater systems, but it is less
important to marine systems because relatively fewer farms
are concentrated on estuaries and coasts. Nevertheless, agri-
cultural practices should be considered. Pesticides, fertil-
izers and animal wastes may be carried by rivers into
estuaries. Runoff from duck farms was involved in a study
on excessive nutrient enrichment by Ryther (1954).422
Commoner (1970)404 has emphasized that in the United
States during the last twenty-five years the amount of ni-
trogen used in agriculture has increased fourteenfold while
the amount of nitrogen released via sewage has increased
only seventy per cent.
In addition to degradable organic materials derived from
fecal and food wastes, municipal sewage .also contains a
wide variety of "exotic" or synthetic materials that are non-
degradable or degrade slowly and only under special condi-
tions (e.g., petroleum residues, dissolved metals, detergents,
dyes, solvents, and plasticizers). Some of these adversely
affect the biota of receiving waters, and many interfere with
the bio~ogical degradation of organic matter either in the
treatment plant or in the environment. Because waste
treatment technology currently in use is designed to treat
the fecal and food materials derived from organic wastes,
ap operational definition of municipal sewage "exotics" is
all those materials not derived from fecal or food sources.
If the exotic materials accumulate in the receiving ecosys-
tem, the capacity for recycling of the degradable organic
materials may be reduced.
Oxygen Depletion
Efficient biological degradation of organic materials re-
quires dissolved oxygen, and overload of sewage in receiving
waters can result in oxygen depletion and secondary effects
such as objectionable odors, plant and animal die-off, and
generally decreased rates of biological degradation. Such
effects can also be created by excessive algal growth and
subsequent die-off.
The most widely used method for estimating the organic
pollution load of a waste is the 5 day Biochemical Oxygen
Demand Test (BODs). Discussions of the test (Fair et al.
1968,407 Standard Methods 1971 403) and its limitations
(Wilhm and Dorris 1968 426) are available. Among the im-
portant limitations of the BODs are: it does not indicate the
presence of organics which are not degraded under the pre-
scribed conditions; it assumes that no toxic or_inhibitory
materials will affect microbial activity; and it does not
measure the nitrogeneous oxygen demand of the organic
waste. The chemical oxygen demand (COD) is an alternate
procedure for determining the amount of oxidizable ma-
terial in a water sample. However, it does not indicate the
nature of biological oxygen consumption in a given time,
and it does not distinguish between inorganically and or-
ganically oxidizable materials. Both BODs and COD
measurements must be recognized as being only partial
descriptions of the sewage load of a receiving water. While
BODs and COD measurements are useful for evaluating
treatment systems, these two measurements do not ade-
quately assess the environmental impact of a given sewage
load (Wilhm and Dorris 1968).426
Excessive Nutrient Enrichment
Marine plants, like those on land and in fresh water, re-
quire fertilizing elements essential .for their growth and re-
production. These essential elements are natural constitu-
ents of municipal sewage and the amount that can be added
to the marine environment without deleterious effect is de-
termined by the stimulated growth of aquatic plants. Even
if the major share of the organic material is removed from
the sewage in treatment plants, the growth of normal
marine plants can increase if the fertilizing elements present
in sewage are added to the environment. Sewage treatment
plants are designed to remove the organic material and the
suspended solids and to decrease the bacterial population
by disinfection. In most cases, this is done by processes that
release or "mineralize" the plant nutrients which then stim-
ulate the growth of algae in the receiving waters. In only a
few cases have efforts been made to remove these fertilizers
from the effluent to prevent or reduce the excessive growth
of plants in the aquatic environment.
In the marine environment, growth of phytoplankton is
commonly limited by the availability of essential nutrients,
the most important of which are phosphorus and nitrogen
in available forms. In some cases, shortages of silicate can
inhibit the growth of the diatoms and encourage growth of
other species. In certain limited areas, other elements such
as iron and manganese have been reported as limiting
growth of algae, and the presence or absence of other
growth stimulating substances, such as vitamin B12, can in-
fluence both the amount and the character of plant species
Categories of Pollutants/275
capable of growing. It should be noted that in the marine
environment, severai elements essential for plant growth
such as potassium, magnesium, and sulfur, are present in
great excess.
Organic material produced by natural phytoplankton
populations produces an oxygen demand when the material
is consumed or decomposed. Oxygen is produced by the
process of photosynthesis, but this production occurs only
near the surface during daylight when the amount of light
penetrating the water is adequate. Due to the sedimentation
of dead organic particulate material, decomposition usually
takes place in the deep waters where photosynthetically pro-
duced oxygen is not available.
The amount of organic material which can be produced
by marine phytoplankton as a result of the addition of
fertilizing elements is dependent upon the composition of
the organic material. Redfield et al. (1963)420 give the fol-
lowing ratios as characteristic of living populations in the
sea and of the changes which occur in amounts of various
elements left in water as a result of algal growth
l by atoms or
l by weight
In addition to the readily available forms of phosphorus
and nitrogen (dissolved orthophosphate, ammqnia, nitrite,
and nitrate), organic forms of phosphorus and nitrogen may
be made available by bacterial decomposition. Some dis-
solved organic nitrogen compounds are also available for
direct assimilation.
It should be emphasized that these ratios are not con-
stant in the rigorous sense of the stoichiometric ratios in
chemistry. The plant cells can both enjoy a "luxury" con-
sumption of each element (Lund 1950)414 or survive nutri-
tional deficiencies (Ketchum 1939,41° Ketchum et al.
1949 411). In terms of the total production of organic ma-
terial these variations are important only when concentra-
tions of the elements are unusually low. It has been shown,
for example, in New England coastal waters that nitrogen is
almost completely removed from the sea water when there
is still a considerable amount of phosphorus available in the
system. Under these circumstances the plants will continue
to assimilate phosphorus, even though total production of
organic matter is limited by the nitrogen deficiency
(Ketchum et al. 1958,412 Ryther and Dunstan 1971 423).
The amount of oxygen dissolved in sea water at equi-
librium with the atmosphere is determined by salinity and
temperature. Nutrient elements added to the marine en-
vironment should be limited so that oxygen content of the
water is not decreased below the criteria given in the dis-
cussion of Dissolved Oxygen in this Section. In many pol-
luted estuaries, the amount of fertilizing elements added in
municipal sewage is sufficient to produce enough organic
material to completely exhaust the oxygen supply during
decomposition. The oxygen content of sea water and of
276/Section IV-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
fresh water at equilibrium with the atmosphere is presented
for different temperatures in Table IV-9. For the purposes
of this table, a sea water of 30 parliB per thousand (%o)
salinity has been used, which is characteristic of the near-
shore coastal waters. The salinity effect on concentration of
oxygen at saturation is minor compared to effects _of tem-
perature in the normal ranges found in coastal waters.
From the ratios of elements given above and the satura-
tion values for oxygen, one can derive the effect of nutrient
enrichment of marine waters. For example, from an addi-
tion of phosphorus and available nitrogen to final concen-
trations of 50 and 362.5 micrograms per liter respectively
in the receiving water, enough organic material could be
produced to remove 6.9 milligrams per liter of oxygen from
the water. Data in Table IV-9 indicate that sea water with
a salinity of 30 %o and a temperature of 25 C will contain,
at saturation, 6.8 milligrams of oxygen per liter. This con-
centration of nutrients would thus permit the system to be-
come anoxic and would violate the requirement that oxygen
not be changed beyond levels expressed in the section on
Dissolved Oxygen. Fresh water would contain 8.1 mg/1 of
oxygen at saturation at 25 C, so that the same amount of
nutrient addition would remove 84 per cent of the available
The example used might be considered to set an upper
limit on the amount of these nutrients added to water. The
actual situation is, of course, much more complicated. It is
clear from the data in Table IV-9 that summer conditions
place the most stringent restrictions on nutrient additions to
the aquatic environment. Furthermore, the normal content
of nutrients in the natural environment has to be considered.
If these were already high, the amount of nutrients that
could be added would have to be reduced. As mentioned
above, the ratio of elements present in the natural environ-
ment would also be important. Nitrogen is frequently the
element in minimum supply relative to the requirement of
the phytoplankton, and addition of excess phosphorus under
these circumstances has less influence than addition of nitro-
gen. Differences in the ratios of nitrogen to phosphorus may
also modify the type of species present. Ryther (1954),422
for example, found that unusually low nitrogen to phos-
phorus ratios in Moriches Bay and Great South Bay on
Long Island, New York, encourage the growth of micro-
TABLE IV-9-Effects of Salinity and Temperature on the
Oxygen Content of Water in Equilibrium with Air at
Atmospheric Pressure
Temperature C
Salinity 0 /DO
Richards and Corwin 1956•21.
Oxygen mgfl
Salinity o;oo Oxygen mg/1
scopic forms of Nannochloris atomus at the expense of the
diatoms normally inhabiting this estuary.
Many forms of blue-green algae are capable of fixing
nitrogen from the gaseous nitrogen dissolved in sea water.
Nitrogen deficiencies could be replenished by this mecha-
nism so that decrease in phosphorus content without con-
comitant decrease in nitrogen content might still lead to
overenrichment, as well as shift the dominant phytoplank-
ton population.
Oxygen content of upper water layers can be increased by
exchanges with the atmosphere. This process is proportional
to the partial pressure of oxygen in the two systems so that
the more oxygen deficient the water becomes, the more
rapid is the rate of replacement of oxygen in the water by
atmospheric oxygen. Finally, mixing and dilution of the
contaminated water with adjacent bodies of water could
make additional oxygen available. All of these variables
must be considered in order to determine acceptable levels
at which nutrients present in sewage can be added to an
aquatic environment. In fact, many polluted estuaries al-
ready contain excessive amounts of these fertilizing elements
as a result of pollution by municipal sewage.
The effects of ratios of elements discussed above have a
very important bearing upon some of the methods of con-
trol. For example, the removal of phosphates alone from the
sewage will have an effect upon the processes of over-
enrichment only if phosphorus is indeed the element limit-
ing production of organic matter. When nitrogen is limit-
ing, as it is in New England coastal waters according to
Ryther and Dunstan (1971),423 the replacement of phos-
phorus by nitrogen compounds, such as nitrilotriacetate
(NT A) could be more damaging to the ecosystem than con-
tinued use of phosphate-based detergents.
Pathogenic Microorganisms
The fecal coliform index is the most widely used micro-
biological index of sanitary quality of an estuary. Fecal
coliform indices represent a compromise between the ideal
of direct determination of bacterial and viral pathogens in
time-consuming laboratory procedures, and the indirect,
less indicative but practical exigencies. Laboratory methods
for quantitative enumeration of virus currently are being
developed and their present status is one of promise, but
more time is needed for their evaluation. Bacterial pathogen
detection frequently requires special laboratory attention.
Virus, in general, may exhibit considerably longer sur-
vival times in water and shellfish as compared to fecal
coliform bacteria. Under these circumstances a negative E.
coli test can give a false impression of the absence of viral
pathogens (Slanetz et al. 1965,424 Metcalf and Stiles 1968 415).
Fecal coliform multiplication may possibly occur in pol-
luted waters leading to further difficulties in interpreting
sanitary quality.
Disinfection of waste water by chlorine is effective in re-
moving most pathogenic bacteria but unpredictable in re-
clueing the number of viruses. Differences in resistance of
bacteria and virus to chlorination may result in the appear-
ance of infectious virus in treated effluents devoid of bac-
teria. Failure to demonstrate the presence of viruses would
be the best way to insure their absence, but such capability
awaits development of methods adequate for quantitative
enumeration of virus in water.
The pollution of estuaries with waste products has led to
the contamination of shellfish with human pathogenic
bacteria and viruses. Outbreaks of infectious hep~titis and
acute gastroenteritis derived from polluted shellfish have
reinforced concern over the dangers to public health associ-
ated with the pollution of shellfish waters. The seriousness of
viral hepatitis as a world problem has been documented by
Mosley and Kendrick (1969). 416 Transmission of infectious
hepatitis as a consequence of sewage-polluted estuaries has
occurred through consumption of virus-containing shellfish,
either raw or improperly cooked. Nine outbreaks of infec-
tious hepatitis have been attributed to shellfish (Liu 1970). 413
Contamination of water by sewage leads to the closing of
oyster beds to commercial harvesting, denying public use
of a natural resource and causing economic repercussions
in the shellfish industry. (See the discussion of Shellfish in
Section I on Recreation and Aesthetics.)
Sludge Disposal into Marine Waters
Dumping of sewage sludge in the ocean continues and this
practice, although at present indispensable, constitutes a
loss of one resource and potential danger for another. A
study on the New York Bight sludge and spoil dumping
area has shown that an accumulation of toxic metals and
petroleum materials appear to have reduced the abundance
of the benthic invertebrates that normally rework the sedi-
ments in a healthy bottom community (Pearce 1969). 419
Deep Sea Dumping
Biological degradation of organic waste materials is gen-
erally affected by micro-biota and chemophysical environ-
mental factors. The deep sea is increasingly considered for
the disposal of organic waste materials. A recent study
(Jannasch et al. 1971)409 has shown that rates of bacterial
activity in degrading organic materials was slowed by
about two orders of magnitude at depths of 5,000 to 15,000
feet as compared to samples kept at equal temperatures
(38 F) in the laboratory. Since (a) the disposal of organic
wastes should be designed on the basis of rapid decomposi-
tion and recycling, and (b) there is no control of the pro-
cesses following deep-sea disposal, this environment cannot
be considered a suitable or safe dumping site.
Potential Beneficial Uses of Sewage
Light loads of either organic-rich raw sewage or nutrient-
rich biological treatment (secondary) effluent increase bio-
logical productivity. Except for short-term data on increased
fish and shellfish production, beneficial effects have rarely
Categories of Pollutants/277
been sufficiently documented, but at the present time several
active research programs are underway. Some degree of
nutrient enrichment exists today in most estuaries close to
centers of populations. These estuaries remain relatively
productive and useful for fishing and recreation. Certain
levels of ecosystem modification via organic and nutrient
enrichment appear to be compatible with current water
uses; however, subtle changes in ecosystems may be accom-
panied by later, more extensive change.
The possibility of intensive use of essential plant nutrients
in waste material to increase the harvestable productivity
of estuarine coastal systems has been suggested as a logical
way to treat sewage and simultaneously derive an economic
benefit. Aquaculture systems would essentially be an ex-
tension of the waste treatment process. Conceptually, aqua-
culture is a form of advanced treatment. The limiting factor
involves problems presented by toxic synthetic chemicals,
petroleum, metals, and pathogenic microorganisms in
effluents of conventional biological treatment plants.
Rationale for Establishing Recommendations
It is conceptually difficult to propose a level of nutrient
enrichment that will not alter the natural flora because
seasonal phytoplankton blooms with complex patterns of
species succession are an integral part of the ecology of
estuarine and coastal waters. The timing and intensity of
blooms vary from year to year and patterns of species suc-
cession are frequently different in successive years. The
highly productive and variable ecology of estuaries makes it
difficult to differentiate between the early symptoms of arti-
ficial nutrient enrichment and natural cyclic phenomena.
In addition, there have already been major quantitative
and qualitative changes in the flora of marine waters close
to centers of population. These changes are superimposed
on the normal patterns of growth and may not in themselves
impair the recreational and commercial use of waters.
Simulation modeling has been used to predict the total
phytoplankton response to given nutrient inputs with success
by O'Connor (1965)418 and DiToro et al. (1971)40" in the
San Joaquin Estuary and by Dugdale and Whitledge
(1970) 406 for an ocean outfall. Their models predict the
phytoplankton response from the interaction of the kind
and rate of nutrient loading and the hydrodynamic dis-
persal rates. This technique, although not perfect, facilitates
evaluation of the ecological impact of given nutrient loads,
but does not help in deciding what degree of artificial en-
richment is safe or acceptable.
• Untreated or treated municipal sewage dis-
charges should be recognized as a major source of
toxic substances. Recommendations for these con-
stituents will limit the amount of sewage efH.uent
that can be dispersed into estuaries. Reduced
degradation rates of highly dispersed materials
278/Section IV-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
should be considered if the effiuent contains re-
fractory organic material. Undegradable synthetic
organic compounds do not cause oxygen depletion
but can stil_1 adversely affect the ecosystem. Main-
tenance of dissolved oxygen standards will not pre-
vent the potentially harmful buildup of these
materials. Specific quantitative analyses should be
done to identify and assess the abundance of these
• The addition of any organic waste to the ma-
rine environment should be carefully controlled to
avoid decomposition which would reduce the oxy-
gen content of the water below the levels specified
in the recommendations for oxygen.
• Neither organic matter nor fertilizers should
be added that will induce the production of organic
matter by normal biota to an extent causing an
increase in the size of any natural anoxic zone in
the deeper waters of an estuary.
• The natural ratios of available nitrogen to
total phosphorus should be evaluated under each
condition, and the element actually limiting plant
production should be determined. Control of the
amount of the limiting element added to the water
will generally control enrichment.
• If the maximum amounts of available nitrogen
and phosphorus in domestic waste increase the
concentration in receiving waters to levels of 50
micrograms per liter of phosphorus and 360 micro-
grams per liter of nitrogen, enough organic matter
would be produced to exhaust the oxygen content
of the water, at the warmest time of the year under
conditions of poor circulation, to levels below those.
recommended (seep. 275). These concentrations of
nutrients are clearly excessive.
• The potential presence of pathogenic bacteria
and viruses must be considered in waters receiving
untreated or treated municipal sewage effiuents.
The present quality standards for fecal coliform
counts (see pp. 31-32) should be observed. The
procedures for the examination of seawater and
shellfish as recommended by Hosty et al. (1970)4os
should be used.
• Disposal of sludge into coastal waters may ad-
versely affect aquatic organisms, especially the
bottom fauna. Periodic examination samples
should determine the spread of such an operation
to aid in the control of local waste material loads.
The probable transport by currents should be care-
fully considered. The dumping of sludge into
marine waters should be recognized as a temporary
• Disposal of organic wastes into the deep-sea is
not recommended until further studies on their
fate, their effect on the deep-sea fauna, and the
controllability of such a procedure have been com-
Disposal of solid wastes has become one of the most ur-
gent and difficult problems in crowded urban centers.
Ocean disposal of these waste materials is receiving in-
creased attention as land suitable for disposal becomes in-
creasingly difficult to find.
Solid wastes are of many types and each may have a
different impact on the marine environment. Household
and commercial rubbish as well as automobiles and sewage
sludge are disposed of at sea. Industrial wastes may be
either solid or dissolved material, of varying toxicity. Har-
bor channels need continuous dredging, temporarily in-
creasing the suspended sediment load, and the spoils often
are dumped in coastal waters. Building rubble and stone
also often are placed in the sea. The impact of disposal of
these different materials into the ocean will range from
innocuous to seriously damaging.
Particulate material is also discharged to the ocean by
surface runoff, sewage outfalls, and storm sewers (Muni-
cipality of Metropolitan Seattle 1965).464 Much of this
material settles to the bottom at or near the discharge site
(Gross 1970). 443 An increasingly important method of dis-
posal is that of barging solids offshore to be dumped in
coastal areas. Table IV-10 shows compilation of the amounts
of wastes barged to sea in 1968 on the Pacific, Atlantic,
and Gulf Coasts (Smith and Brown 1969).476
Dredge Spoils
Dredge spoils make up a major share of sea disposal
operations. Their composition depends upon the source
from which they were obtained. Saila et al. (1968)472 were
able to differentiate between dredged spoil from Providence
Harbor dumped offshore and sediments of the natural
bottom in the dumping area (Rhode Island Sound). Gross
(1970)443 suggests that dredge spoil generally consists of a
mixture of sands, silts, and wastes which form the surface
deposits in harbors. He compared minor element concen-
TABLE IV-10-0cean Dumping: Types and Amounts, 1968
(In tons)
Wasie type Atlantic Gulf Pacific Total
Dredge spoils .......................... 15,808,000 15,300,000 7,320,000 38,428,000
Industrial wastes ....................... 3,013,200 696,000 981,300 4,690,500
Sewage sludge ......................... 4,477,000 0 0 4,477,000
Construction and demolition debris ....... 574,000 0 0 574,000
Solid waste ...........................• 0 26,000 26,000
Explosives ............................. 15,200 0 15,200
Total. ..........................• 23,887,400 15,966,000 8,327,300 48,210,700
Council on Environmental Quality 1970'"·
trations in harbor sediments, dredged wastes, and conti-
nental shelf sediments. The median values of observed con-
centrations were clearly different, although the ranges of
concentratioits overlapped.
The proportion of dredging spoils from polluted areas is
illustrated in Table IV -11.
A variety of coastal engineering projects involve changes
in suspended loads and sedimentation (I ppen 1966,447
Wicker 1965 480). Because important biotic communities
may inhabit the sites selected for these projects, conflicts
arise concerning navigational, recreational, fisherie~, con-
servation, and municipal uses of the areas (Cronin et al.
1969). 436 Although our know ledge about the effects is
limited and the literature is widely scattered, Copeland
and Dickens (1969)433 have attempted to construct a picture
of how dredging affects estuarine ecosystems from informa-
tion gathered in the upper Chesapeake Bay, Maryland,_
Redfish Bay, Texas, and an intracoastal canal in South
The biological effects of suspended loads, sedimentation,
dredging methods and spoil disposal may range from gross
damage, .such as habitat destruction and smothering, to
more subtle effects under low but chronic conditions of
sedimentation over long periods of exposure. The channeli-
zation, dumping of spoils, dredging, and filling in the Gulf
Coast estuaries had destroyed roughly 200,000 acres of
swamp, marsh, and bay bottom areas by 1968 (Chapman
1968,432 Marshall 1968459).
Mixtures of clays, silts, fine sands, and organic matter,
sometimes referred to as "faunally rich muddy sand," tend
to support larger benthic populations than coarse clean un-
stable sands, gravels, or soft muds (Carriker 196 7) 430 over
or through which locomotion may be difficult (Yonge
1953).482 Close relationships exist between the presence of
organic matter, the mechanical nature of sediments, and
infaunal feeding habits (Sanders 1956,473 1958,474 McNulty
et al. 1962,461 Brett cited by Carriker 1967 430).
Ten years after dredging Boca Ciega Bay invertebrate
recolonization of canal sediments (92 per cent silt and clay;
3.4 per cent carbon) was negligible. None of 49 fish species
caught in these canals (as compared to 80 species in un-
dredged areas) was demersal, apparently because of the
lack of benthic fish food organisms on or in the canal de-
TABLE IV-11-Estimated Polluted Dredge Spoils
Total spoils (in tons) Estimated percent of Total polluted spoils
Atlantic Coast ................ .
Gulf Coast. .................. .
Pacific Coast ................ .
Total .................. .
total polluted spoils• On tons)
4, 740,000
• Estimates of polluted dredge spoils consider chlorine demand; BOD; COD; volatile solids; oil and grease;
ooncentrations of phosphorous, nitrogen, and iron; silica content; and color and odor of the spoils.
Council on Environmental Quality 1970'"
Categories of Pollutants/279
posits (Taylor and Saloman 1968).477 Breuer (1962)42 9
noted that layers of dead oyster shell in South Bay corre-
sponded to layers of deposited spoil from dredging and re-
dredging of the Brownsville Ship Channel. He thought that
this suggested destruction of South Bay oyster populations
with each dredging operation.
Pfitzenmeyer (1970)470 and Flemer et al. (1967)441 noted
a 71 per cent reduction in average number of individuals
and a marked reduction in diversity and biomass in a spoil
area in upper Chesapeake Bay after dredging ceased. One
and one half years after dredging, the number of individuals
and species diversity of the spoil disposal area, but not in
the channel, were the same as those of the surrounding
In lower Chesapeake Bay, Harrison et al. (1964)444 ob-
served a transitory effect of a dredging and spoil disposal
operation on infauna. Resettlement of the dredged and dis-
posal areas was very rapid by active migration and hydro-
dynamic distribution of juveniles.
Mock (1967)463 noted that an unaltered shore in Clear
Lake, Texas, produced 2.5 times more post larval and ju-
venile brown shrimp (Penaeus aztecus) and 14 times more post
larval and juvenile white shrimp (Penaeus setiferus) than a
similar bulkheaded shore. In a laboratory study using simi-
lar substrates, Williams' (1958)481 data suggested that the
type of substrate may exert its influence through its effect
on available cover, although a contributing factor may be
the different food content of the substrate.
Bayless (1968)427 observed higher average hatches of
striped bass eggs (Morone saxatillis) on coarse sand (58.9 per
cent) and a plain plastic pan (60.3 per cent) than on silt-
sand (21 per cent), silt-clay-sand (4 per cent) or muck
detritus (none). These results tend to support Mansueti's
(1962)458 and Huet's (1965)446 contention that deposition
of suspended matter may interfere with or prevent fish
reproduction by destruction of demersal eggs in upper
estuarine areas.
Sewage Sludges
Sewage sludges contain about 5 per cent solids which
consist of about 55 per cent organic matter, 45 per cent
aluminosilicates, and tend to contain concentrations of
some heavy metals at least ten times those of natural sedi-
ments (Gross 1970).443
Sewage sludge has been dumped off New York Harbor
since 1924 in the same area. Studies by Pearce (l970a, 465
b)466 show that the normal bottom populations in an area
of about 10 square miles have been eliminated and that the
benthic community has been altered over an area of approxi-
mately 20 square miles. Even the nematodes, unusually
tolerant to pollution, are relatively scarce in the smaller
area. In areas adjacent to the sewage sludge disposal area
the sea clams have been found to be contaminated by
enteric bacteria and the harvest of these clams in this area
has been prohibited. The oxygen content of the water near
280/Section IV-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
the bottom is very low, less than 10 per cent of saturation
in August, the warmest time of year. Chemical analysis of
the sludge deposits have shown not enly high organic con-
tent but also high concentrations of heavy metals and
petrochemicals. In this area of the New York Bight, fin-rot
disease of fish has been observed and is being investigated
(Pearce 1970b). 466 In laboratory tests it has been shown
that sludge deposits can cause necrosis of lobster (Homarus
americanus) and crab shells and tend to clog their gills so
that survival of these species in contact with the sludge de-
posits is very brief. In other laboratory experiments, orga-
nisms given a choice of substrate tend to avoid the sludge
material in favor of the walls of the container or other sur-
faces that were made available (Pearce 1970b). 466 These
studies have indicated that the disposal of sewage sludge
has had disastrous ecological effects on the populations
living on or near the bottom.
Many aspects associated with sludge dumping in the
New York Bight require further investigation. It is not
known, for example, how much of the material being
dumped there is accumulating and how much is being de-
composed. The effects of heavy metals, of oxygen-demand-
ing materials, and of other components are imperfectly
understood. When the rate of delivery of organic waste
materials to an aquatic environment exceeds its capacity to
recover, the rate of deterioration can be rapid. If, or when,
sewage sludge disposal in this particular area of the New
York Bight is terminated studies could determine whether
the bottom populations can repopulate the area.
Solid Wastes
The amount of household and commercial rubbish to be
disposed of in the United States is about 5 lbs per capita
per day and is expected to increase to 7-72 lbs per capita
per day (for a larger population), by the end of the present
decade. Proposals have been made to collect and bale
waste for transportation to the sea where it would be
dumped in waters 1000 meters deep or more. It would be
necessary that the bales be compacted to a density greater
than sea water so that they would sink, and that no loose
floating objects would be released from the bale. Among
the suggestions made is that the bales be wrapped in plastic
to avoid any leaching from the contents.
Pearce (1971)468 reports that bales of compacted garbage
wrapped in plastic and reinforced paper disintegrated in a
few weeks when placed in water 10 to 20 meters deep off
the coast of New Jersey. Compacted bales of refuse were
also anchored at a depth of 200 meters off the Virgin Islands
Pearce (1970c). 467 These were retrieved and inspected after
approximately three months of exposure. Little growth had
occurred on the surface of the bales, but some polychaete
worms had penetrated the bales to a depth of 2-3 em., and
the material within the bale had decomposed to a limited
extent. Relatively high counts of total coliform bacteria
(96,000 Most Probable Number, MPN) and of fecal coli-
forms (1 ,300 MPN) were found in materials retrieved from
the interior of the bales, indicating prolonged survival or
growth of these nonmarine forms and suggesting a possible
hazard of introduction of pathogens to the sea. The eco-
logical effects of disposing of these materials are inade-
quately known.
Disposal ~f solid wastes, including dredging spoils and
sewage sludge into the deep waters off the edge of the Conti-
nental Shelf (more than 200 meters) has been frequently
suggested as a way to protect the inshore biota. However,
the rate of decomposition of organic material at the high
pressure and low temperature of the deep sea is very much
slower than it would be at the same low temperature at
atmospheric pressure (Jannasch et al. 1971).449 The orga-
nisms in the deep sea have evolved in an extremely constant
environment. They are, therefore, unaccustomed to the un-
usual stresses which confront organisms in more variable
situations typical of coastal waters. Biologists interested in
studying the bottom populations of the deep sea are ex-
tremely concerned about altering these populations before
there is an opportunity to study them thoroughly.
Industrial Wastes
A wide variety of industrial waste is being dumped at
sea. If this is discharged as a solution or slurry from a mov-
ing ship or barge it will be diluted in the turbulent wake
and by the normal turbulence of the sea (Ford and Ketchum
1952).442 The recommendations for mixing zones (p. 231)
and for the constituents of specific waste material included
should be applied to each such operation.
One such operation which has been extensively studied
is the disposal of acid-iron wastes in the New York Bight
(Redfield and Walford 1951,471 Ketchum et al. 1951,451
Vacarro et al. 1972,478 Wiebe et al. in press 1972 479). Even
though this disposal has proceeded for over twenty years,
no adverse effects on the marine biota have been demon-
strated. The acid is rapidly neutralized by sea water and the
iron is precipitated as nontoxic ferric hydroxide. This is a
flocculant precipitate and the only accumulation above
normal background levels in the sediments appears to be in
the upper end of the Hudson Canyon, close to the specified
dumping area. The so-called "acid grounds" have become
a favored area among local blue fishermen. More toxic
materials would clearly present an entirely different set of
problems. This illustrates the need for a rational approach
to problems of ocean dumping.
Other Solid Wastes
Automobiles are sometimes dumped at sea, and some
work has been done on an experimental basis in an effort
to determine whether artificial reefs can be created from
them to improve sport fishing. There is evidence that the
number of fish caught over these artificial reefs is greater
than over a flat level bottom, but it is not yet certain whether
this represents an aggregation of fishes already in the area
or an actual increase in productivity.
Disposal of building rubble (brick, stone, and mortar)
at sea is not widely practiced. Presumably, this material
could form artificial reefs and attract population~ of fish,
both as a feeding ground and by providing some species
with cover. Obviously, the bottom organisms present would
be crushed or buried, but Pearce (1970a,465 b)466 found no
permanent detrimental effects in the building rubble dis-
posal site off New York City.
Suspended Particulate Materials
In addition to specific waste disposal operations, sus-
pended particulate material, seston, may be derived from
other sources, and have a variety of biological effects. Par-
ticulate material can originate from detritus carried by
rivers, atmospheric fallout, biological activity, chemical re-
actions, and resuspension from the bottom as a result of
currents, storms, or dredging operations. The particles intro-
duced by rivers can be rock, mineral fragments, and clay
serving as a substrate for microorganisms or affecting light
transmission in the water column. In addition, organic
matter fragments, which make up 20 to 40 per cent of
particles in coastal waters (Biggs 1970,428 Manheim et al.
1970457 ) may comprise 50 per cent to 80 per cent of sus-
pended material further offshore. Particle concentrations
generally range from 1 to 30 mg/1 in coastal waters to about
0.1 to 1 mg/1 at the surface in the open ocean. Higher con-
centrations occur near the bottom.
The estimated yearly sediment load from rivers to the
world oceans is estimated at 20 to 36 X 10 8 tons with 80 per
cent originating in Asia (Holeman 1968). 445 Much of this
load is trapped in estuaries and held inshore by the general
landward direction of subsurface coastal currents (Meade
1969).462 Gross (1970)443 suggests that 90 per cent or more
of particles originating from rivers or discharged to the
oceans settles out at the discharge site or never leaves the
coastal zone.
Average seston values may more than double from natural
causes during a tidal cycle. Biggs (1970)428 observed con-
centrations in the upper Chesapeake Bay ranging from less
than 20 mg/l to greater than 100 mg/l during a single day.
Resuspension of bottom sediments by storm waves and cur-
rents induced by wind were responsible for this range of
concentrations. Masch and Espey (1967)460 found that the
total suspended material concentrations in Galveston Bay,
Texas, ranged from 72 mg/l in the surface water of the
ship channel to over 150 g/l six inches above the bay bot-
tom near dredging operations. Normal background. concen-
trations in Galveston Bay during times of strong wind action
were 200 to 400 mg/l. Background values observed by
·Mackin ( 1961) 456 in Louisiana marshes ~anged from 20 to
200 mg/l. Depending on the amount of overburden, opera-
tion times, and rate of discharges, Masch and Espey
Categories of Pollutants /281
(1967)460 recorded suspended fixed solids concentrations in
dredge discharges "ranging from 3,000 to 29,100 mg/l.
The basic relationships between physical and chemical
aspects of suspended and deposited sediments and the re-
sponses of estuarine and marine organisms are poorly under-
stood (Sherk 1971).475 However, there is general agree-
ment that particulate material in suspension or settling on
the bottom can affect aquatic organisms both directly and
indirectly, by mortality or decreased yield.
Particles suspended in the water column can decrease
light penetration by absorption and scattering and thus
limit primary productivity. Resuspended sediments exert
an oxygen demand on the order of eight times that of the
same material in bottom deposits (Isaac 1965).448 Jitts
(1959) 450 found that 80 to 90 per cent of phosphate in solu-
tion was absorbed by silt suspensions which might also
modify the rate of primary production. However, exchange
rates and capacity of sediment can maintain a favorable
level of phosphate (l micromole/l) for plant production
(Pomeroy et al. 1965). 469 Garritt and Goodgal (1954) 431
postulated a mechanism for phosphate removal, transport,
and regeneration by the sediment-phosphate sorption com-
plex at different temperatures, pH values, and salinities.
Evidence tends to support the contention that nutrient
fertilization and possible release of toxic materials can occur
with resuspension of bottom material in the water column
(Gross 1970).443 This may occur during dredging, disposal
and dumping operations, reagitation during storms or
floods and from beach erosion. In upper Chesapeake Bay
total phosphate and nitrogen were observed to increase
over ambient levels by factors of 50 to 1,000 near an over-
board spoil disposal project, but no gross effects were ob-
served in samples incubated with water from the spoil
effluent (Flemer et al. 1967,441 Flemer 1970440).
Oyster and clam eggs and larvae demonstrate a remark-
able ability to tolerate the variable turbidities of the estu-
arine environment at concentrations up to 4.0 g/l (Carriker
1967,430 Davis and Hidu 1969438). Survival and growth of
these egg and larval stages reported by Davis (1960)437
and Loosanoff (1962),452 however, indicated a significant
effect on survival at suspended particle concentrations of as
little as 125 mg/ l. Earlier life stages of the oyster tend to be
more sensitive to lower concentrations of suspenqed ma-
terial than adults. However, the effects on survival and
growth cannot wholly be attributed to particle sizes and
concentrations since different particle types may have
markedly different effects at similar concentrations. The
adult American oyster ( Crassostrea virginica) appears to be a
remarkably silt-tolerant organism when not directly smoth-
ered by deposited sediments (Lunz 1938,454 ·1942455). Sig-
nificantly, mortality of adult oysters was not evident with
suspended sediment concentrations as high as 700 mg/1
(Mackin 1961),456 but there was a drastic reduction in
pumping rates (57 per cent at 100 mg/1 of silt) observed
by Loosanoff and Tommers (1948)453 and Loosanoff
282/Section IV-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
(1962 452). Apparently adult oysters may pump at reduced
rates throughout most of their lives when the background
suspended particulate matter persists at ~alues observed by
Biggs (1970)428 and Masch and Espey (1967 460).
Organisms that colonize hard surfaces must contend with
a sediment mat of varying thickness. While motile fauna
may be able to adjust to short range vertical bottom altera-
tions from scour or deposition, " ... the capacity and be-
havior of less motile estuarine benthos in adjustment to
relatively rapid fluctuations in the bottom level are little
known. Fixed epifauna, like oysters and barnacles, perish
when covered by sediment, adjustment occurring only in-
directly through later repopulation of the area from else-
where" (Carriker 1967).430
The highly variable nature of suspended loads (Biggs
1970), 428 the resuspension of bottom accumulations by cur-
rents, tidal action and wind, and the feeding and filtering
activities of benthic organisms complicate the determination
of threshold values or limiting conditions for aquatic or-
ganisms. Data are difficult to compare because of differences
in methods and approaches. This may indicate a lack of
understanding of sedimentation and the difficulty in dis-
tinguishing between the effect of light attenuation by sus-
pended particles and the effects of these particles on growth
and physiology of estuarine and marine organisms (Muni-
cipality of Metropolitan Seattle 1965). 464 The observed
responses of organisms may not be due to turbidity or total
suspended sediment concentration, but to the number of
particles, their densities, sizes, shapes, types, presence and
types of organic matter and the sorptive properties of the
Physical alterations in estuaries and offshore dumping
have had obvious effects on estuarine and marine biological
resources. These effects have been given little consideration
in project planning, however, and little information exists
concerning the magnitude of biological change because few
adequate studies have been attempted (Sherk 1971).475
Areas of high biological value, such as nursery grounds or
habitats for commercially important species, must be pro-
tected from sediment damage (Municipality of Metropoli-
tan Seattle 1965).464 For example, the exceptionally high
value of the Upper Chesapeake as a low salinity fish nursery
area has been demonstrated (Dovel 1970).439 Larvae and
eggs are particularly sensitive to environmental conditions,
and sediment-producing activities in this type of area should
be restricted to seasons or periods ofleast probable effects.
Results reported from the study of this area, concerning
seasonal patterns of biota, the nature of the sediments, and
physical hydrography of the area, can be applied to the
other areas being considered for dredging, disposal, and
dumping. These data, in addition to careful pre-decision
surveys or research conducted at the site under considera-
tion should provide a guide to efforts to minimize damage
and enhance desirable features of the system (Cronin
Adequate knowledge of local conditions at sites selected
for any sediment-producing activity is essential, however.
This will generally require preproject surveys for each site
selected because knowledge of ecological impacts of these
activities is limited. Data should be obtained on the
" ... biological values of the areas involved, seasonal pat-
terns of the biota, the nature of the sediments, physical
hydrography of the area, and the precise location of pro-
ductive or potential shellfish beds, fish nursery areas and
other areas of exceptional importance to human uses ... "
which are close to or in the site selected (Cronin 1970).435
Appropriate laboratory experiments are also required.
These should have value in predicting effects of sedimenta-
tion in advance of dredging operations. Eventually, the
results of these experiments and field observations should
yield sets of environmental conditions and criteria, for ade-
quate coastal zone management and competent guidance to
preproject decision making (Sherk 1971). 475
The presence of major benthic resources (e.g., oyster
beds, clam beds) in or near the selected area should be
cause for establishment of a safety zone or distance limit
between them and the sediment-producing activity. This
would control mortality caused by excessive deposition of
suspended particulate material on the beds and prevent
spread of spoil onto the beds from the disposal or dumping
sites. Biggs (1970)428 found that the maximum slope of
deposited spoil was l : l 00 and the average slope was 1 :500
in the Upper Chesapeake. These slopes may prove useful in
estimating safety zone limits on relatively flat bottoms. At
times, the safety zone would have to be quite large. For
example, the areas in New York Bight which are devoid of
naturally occurring benthos in the sewage sludge and
dredging spoil disposal areas were attributed to toxins, low
dissolved oxygen, and the spreading of the deposits (Pearce
l970a).4 65 The presence or absence of bottom currents or
density flows should be determined (Masch and Espey
1967). 460 If these are present, measures must be taken to
prevent transport of deposits ashore or to areas of major
benthic .resources.
Tolerable suspended sediment levels or ranges should ac-
commodate the most sensitive life stages of biologically im-
portant species. The present state of knowledge dictates that
the critical organism must be selected for each site where
environmental modification is proposed.
The disposal of waste materials at sea, or the
transport of materials for the purpose of disposal
at sea should be controlled. Such disposal should
be permitted only when reasonable evidence is pre-
sented that the proposed disposal will not seriously
damage the marine biota, interfere with fisheries
operations or with other uses of the marine en-
vironment such as navigation and recreation, or
I ,
I I . J. .. ~'i;j
cause hazards to human health and welfare. The
following, guidelines are suggested:
• Disposal at sea of potentially hazardous ma-
terials such as highly radioactive material
or agents of chemical or biological warfare
should be avoided.
• Toxic wastes should not be discharged at sea
in a way which would adversely affect the
marine biota. The toxicity of such materials
should be established by bioassay tests and
the concentrations produced should conform
to the conditions specified in the discussion
of mixing, zones (pp. 231-232).
• Disposal of materials containing, settleable
solids or substances that may precipitate out
in quantities adversely affecting, the biota
should be avoided in estuarine or coastal
• Solid waste disposal at sea should be avoided
if floating, material might accumulate in
harbors or on the beaches or if such ma-
terials might accumulate on the bottom or
in the water column in a manner that will
deleteriously affect deep sea biota.
In connection with dredging, operations or other
physical modifications of harbors and estuaries
Categories of Pollutants/283
which would increase the suspended sediment load,
the following, types of investigations should be
• Evaluation of the range and types of parti-
cles to be resuspended and transported,
where they will settle, and what substratum
changes or modifications may be created by
the proposed activities in both the dredged
and the disposal areas.
• Determination of the biological activity of
the water column, the sediment-water inter-
face, and the substrate material to depths
which contain burrowing, organisms.
• Estimation of the potential release into the
water column of sediments, those substances
originally dissolved or complexed in the
interstitial water of the sediments, and the
beneficial or detrimental chemicals sorbed
or otherwise associated with particles which
may be released wholly or partially after
• Establish the expected relationship between
properties of the suspended load and the
permanent resident species of the area and
their ability to repopulate the area, and the
transitory species which use the area only at
certain seasons of the year.
1 Borgstrom, George (1961), New methods of appraising the role of
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2 Food and Agriculture Organization Yearbook (1967), Fisheries
Statistics 25.
3 Hill, M. N., ed. (1964), The Sea, Volume II. The composition of
sea water; comparative and descriptive oceanography (Wiley
Interscience, New York), 554 p.
4 Lauff, G. H., ed. (1967), Estuaries. Publication 83, American As-
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6 Sverdrup, H. 1., M. W. Johnson and R. H. Fleming (1942), The
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7 Sykes, J. E. (1968), Proceedings of marsh and estuary management
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4 76 Smith, D. D. and R. P. Brown (1969), Marine disposal of solid
wastes: an interim summary. Dillingham Corporation, La Jolla,
California. ·
477 Taylor, J. L. and C. H. Saloman (1968), Some effects of hydraulic
dreding and coastal development in Boca Ciega Bay, Florida.
U.S. Fish Wildlife Serv. Fish. Bull. 67(2):213-241.
4 78 Vacarro, R. S., G. D. Gruce, G. T. Rowe, and P. H. Wiebe (1972),
Acid iron wastes disposal and the summer distribution of standing
crops in the New York Bight. Water Research, 6:231-256, Perga-
mon Press.
m Weihe, P. H., A. D. Grice and E. Hoagland (1972), in press, Acid
iron waste as a factor effecting the distribution and abundance
of Zooplankton in the New York Bight Part II. Spatial varia-
tions in the field and implications for monitoring studies.
480 Wicker, C. F., ed. ( 1965), Evaluation of present state of knowledge of
factors affecting tidal hydraulics and related phenomena [Report no. 3]
(Committee on Tidal Hydraulics, U.S. Army Corps of Engi-
neers, Vicksburg, Mississippi), n.p.
481 Williams, A. B. (1958), Substrates as a factor in shrimp distribu-
tion. Limnol. Oceanogr. 3:283-390.
482 Yonge, C. M. (1953), Aspects of life on muddy shores, in, Essays in
Marine Biology, S. M. Marshall and A. P. Orr, eds. (Oliver and
Boyd, London), pp. 29-49.
-~~--_____________________ ......... __
INTRODUCTION .......................... .
PRODUCTS ............................. .
Recommendations .................. .
Water Consumption of Animals ........ .
To ToTAL DIET ........................ .
Recommendation ................... .
Toxic Elements and Ions .............. .
Aluminum .......................... .
Recommendation .................. .
Arsenic ............................. .
Recommendation ................... .
Beryllium ........................... .
Boron ............................... .
Recommendation ................... .
Cadmium ........................... .
Recommendation ................... .
Chromium .......................... .
Recommendation ................... .
Cobalt .............................. .
Recommendation ................... .
Copper ............................. .
Recommendation ................... .
Fluorine,, ............................ .
Recommendation ................... .
Iron ................................ .
Lead ............................... .
Recommendation ................... .
Manganese .......................... .
Mercury ............................ .
Recommendation ................... .
Molybdenum ........................ .
Conclusion ......................... .
Nitrates and Nitrites .................. .
Recommendation ................... .
Selenium ............................ .
Recommendation ................... .
Vanadium ........................... .
Recommendation ................... .
Zinc ................................ .
Recommendation ................... .
Toxic Algae ......................... .
Recommendation ................... .
Radionuclides ........................ .
Recommendation ................... .
Entry of Pesticides into Water ......... .
Pesticides Occurrence in Water ......... .
Toxicological Effects of Pesticides on
Livestock .......................... .
Pesticides in Drinking Water for Livestock.
Fish as Indicators of Water Safety ...... .
Recommendation ................... .
Microbial Pathogens .................. .
Parasitic Organisms ................... .
WATER FOR IRRIGATION ................ .
TION .................................. .
Effects on Plant Growth ............... .
Crop Tolerance to Salinity ............. .
Nutritional Effects .................... .
Recommendation ................... .
Temperature .... ,_ ................... .
Conclusion ........................ .
Chlorides ............................ .
Conclusion ........................ .
Bicarbonates ......................... .
Conclusion ............... _. ........ .
Sodium ............................. .
Nitrate .............................. .
Conclusion ........................ .
Effects on Soils ....................... .
Recommendation ................... .
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and
Soil Aeration ...................... .
Acidity and Alkalinity ................ .
Recommendation ................... .
Suspended Solids ..................... .
Effect on Animals or Humans .......... .
Radionuclides ........................ .
Recommendation ................... .
Irrigation Water Quality for Arid and
Semiarid Regions ........... .' ....... .
Recommendation ................... .
Irrigation Water Quality for Humid Re-
gions ............................. .
Recommendation ................... .
Aluminum .......................... .
Recommendations .................. .
Arsenic ............................. .
Recommendations .................. .
Beryllium ........................... .
Recommendations .................. .
Boron ............................... .
Recommendations .................. .
Cadmium ........................... .
Recommendations .................. .
Chromium .......................... .
Recommendations .................. .
Cobalt .............................. .
Recommendations .................. .
Copper ............................. .
Recommendations .. · ................ .
Fluoride ............................ .
Recommendations .................. .
Iron................................. 343
Recommendations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
Lead................................ 343
Recommendations................... 343
Lithium.............................. 343
Recommendations................... 344
Manganese. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
Recommendations................... 344
Molybdenum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
Recommendations................... 344
Nickel............................... 344
Recommendations................... 344
Selenium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
Recommendation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
Tin, Tungsten, and Titanium . . . . . . . . . . . 345
Vanadium............................ 345
Recommendations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
Zinc................................. 345
Recommendations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
Insecticides in Irrigation Water. . . . . . . . . . 34 6
Herbicides in Irrigation Water. . . . . . . . . . 346
Residues in Crops. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 7
Recommendation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348
PATHOGENS............................... 348
Plant Pathogens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348
Human and Animal Pathogens.......... 350
Recommendation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
Wastewater From Municipal Treatment
Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
Wastewater From Food Processing Plants
and Animal Waste Disposal Systems. . . . 353
Recommendations................... 353
LITERATURE CITED. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
Modern agriculture increasingly depends upon the
quality of its water to achieve the fullest production of
domestic plants and animals and satisfy general farmstead
needs. The quality of its water is important to modern
agriculture not only in determining the productivity of
plants and animals, but also as it affects the health and wel-
fare of the human farm population.
Irrigation is one of the largest consumers of water for
agricultural use. Differences in crop sensitivity to salinity
and toxic substances necessitate the need for evaluating
water quality criteria for irrigational purposes. Polluted
water can be detrimental to animal health and to the safety
and value of agricultural products. Good water quality is
an important factor in the health and comfort of rural
families needing water for drinking, food preparation,
bathing, and laundering.
Discussions of water quality requirements relate in turn
to problems of pollution posed by urban, industrial, and
agricultural wastes. Some naturally occuring constituents,
present in surface and groundwaters, can also adversely af-
fect agricultural uses of water. Among these substances are
suspended solids, dissolved organic and inorganic substances,
and living organisms such as toxic algae and organisms as-
sociated with food spoilage. Where undesirable natural or
foreign substances interfere with optimum water use, man-
agement and treatment practices must be implemented.
Often there are simple but effective things that a farmer or
rancher can do to manage and improve the quality of his
water supply. Although considerations of water supply
management are important, such matters are beyond the
scope of this section on Agricultural Uses of Water, which
is restricted to the quality requirements of water for
domestic and other farmstead uses, for livestock, and for ir-
rigation of crops.
Farmsteads typically require water at point of use, of
quality equivalent to that demanded by urban populations,
particularly for household uses, washing and cooling pro-
duce, and production of milk. Water of such high quality is
frequently not readily available to the farmstead and often
can be obtained only through water treatment. In the near
future, water treatment facilities may be a routine installa-
tion in any well-designed farmstead operation. It is not the
purpose of this section to elaborate upon treatment alterna-
tives, but satisfactory treatment possibilities do exist for
producing from most raw water a supply that will satisfy
the quality needed for most agricultural uses.
The task of evaluating criteria and developing recom-
mendations is complicated by the need to consider numer-
ous complex interactions. For example, it is not practical
to discuss water quality criteria for irrigation without con-
sidering crop responses to climatic and soil factors and their
interrelationships with water. Evaluation of water quality
requirements for livestock drinking water is also compli-
cated by interactions of such variables as the quantity of
water consumed and an animal's sex, size, age, and diet. It
should, therefore, be emphasized that evaluating criteria is a
complex task, and that using the recommendations in this
report made on the basis of those criteria must be guided by
expert judgment.
This section considers quality requirements of water for
use by the human farm population and for other uses as-
sociated with agricultural operations exclusive of livestock
production and crop irrigation. Included are water for
household uses, drinking water, and water for preparing
produce and milk for marketing. For these purposes finished
water of quality at least comparable to that intended for
urban users is required at point of use.
Farmers and ranchers usually do not have access to the
large, well-controlled water supplies of most municipalities
and typically must make the best use of available surface or
groundwater supplies. But there are problems associated
with the use of these waters, which often contain objection-
able natural constituents. These may be classified as sus-
pended solids, dissolved inorganic salts and minerals, dis-
solved organic constituents, and living organisms, all of
which occur naturally and are not introduced by man or as
a result of his activities.
Suspended solids are organic and inorganic particles
found in water supplies. They include sand, which is com-
monly associated with well supplies, and silt and clay fre-
quantly found in untreated surface waters. Dissolved in-
organic salts and minerals are found in both surface and
groundwaters. Most of these are soluble salts consisting of
calcium, magnesium, and sodium with associated anions
(i.e., carbonate, bicarbonate, sulfate, and chloride). Great-
est concentrations are found in the waters of arid and semi-
arid regions and in brackish waters along the sea coasts. In
some western rivers total dissolved solids exceed 5,000 milli-
grams per liter (mg/1), although many contain less than
2,000 mg/1 (Livingstone 1963).24* Surface waters draining
from areas high in organic materials such as swamps and
bogs often contain dissolved organic constituents composed
mainly of hydroxy-carboxylic acids (Lamar and Goerlitz
1966,21 Lamar 196820) that impart a yellow or brown color
to the water. Coloration often ranges from 100 to 800
platinum cobalt units compared to the 15 recommended by
* Citations are listed at the end of the Section. They can be located
alphabetically within subtopics or by their superscript numbers which
run consecutively across subtopics for the entire Section.
the federal Drinking Water Standards (Environmental
Protection Agency 1972 11). t Living organisms in standing
bodies of water that impart objectionable odors and tastes
for human consumption include algae, diatoms, and proto-
Because these constituents even in a properly protected
supply of raw water used on farmsteads cause water quality
that does not satisfactorily approximate the quality of
potable water, it may be necessary to resort to water treat-
ment. The wide range of quality characteristics associated
with raw agricultural water supplies is matched by a broad
range of water treatment methods. Microbial contaminants
such as pathogenic or food spoilage bacteria, often present
in surface waters; indicate that treatment is required to pro-
duce suitable water supplies. Treatments available include
the use of halogens or sodium hypochlorite (Bauman and
Ludwig 1962,5 Black et al. 1965,7 Kjellander and Lund
1965,17 Water Systems Council 1965-1966,41 Oliver 1966,30
Laubusch 197122), ozone (O'Donovan 1965),29 silver
(Shaw 1966,32 Behrman 1968 6), ultraviolet sterilization
(Kristoffersen 1958,19 Huff et al. 196514), and heat (Shaw
1966)32 • Reviews of some of the problems associated with
farmstead water supplies and possible methods of treatment
are given by Wright (1956), 42 Davis (1960), 8 Malaney et al.
(1962),26 James (1965),1 5 Water Systems Council (1965-
1966),41 Elms (1966),1° Kabler and Kreissl (1966),16 Stover
(1966),33 and Atherton (1970).2 Farmers, however, should
seek expert advice in selecting from various treatment alter-
natives in order to achieve the desired quality of finished
A troublesome aspect of water quality for general farm-
stead uses, particularly regarding the handling of produce
and milk, involves nonpathogenic bacterial contaminants.
Many such microorganisms including algae are found even
in properly protected agricultural water supplies (Thomas
1949,34 Walters 1964),40 and various kinds contribute to
problems of color, odor, taste, and to rapid spoilage of con-
t Throughout this report, all references to the federal Drinking Water
Standards are to those published by the Environmental Pro-
tection Agency, 1972.11
302/Section V-Agricultural Uses of Water
taminated products (American Water Works Assoc. Com-
mittee on Tastes and Odors 1970,1 Mackenthun and Keup
1970).25 For example, offensive odors areoften attributable
to sulfate-reducing bacteria (Lewis 1965).23 Victoreen
(1969)39 discussed water coloration probloms caused by
Arthrobacter, a species of soil bacteria. Growths of "iron
bacteria" in pipes may result in slimy masses that clog
pipes and produce undesirable flavors (Kabler and Kreiss!
1966).16 Ropy milk, i.e., milk that forms threads or viscous
masses when poured or dipped, is a typical problem often
attributable to contaminated water (Thomas 1949,34 Davis
1960 8).
Psychrophilic bacteria can affect the storage quality of
milk and other food products (Davis 1960,8 Malaney et al.
1962,26 Ayres 1963,4 Thomas et al. 1966).36 Similarly,
thermoduric microorganisms are a problem in some farm-
stead water supplies, since they can withstand milk pas-
teurization t~mperatures and lead to spoilage (Thomas
1949,34 Davis 1960,8 Malaney et al. 1962). 26 Numerical
recommendations for permissible levels of these and other
nonpathogenic organisms have little current usefulness,
because approximately 1 70 species of bacteria are known to
occur in raw water supplies, and only half of them are ob-
served during routine bacteriological examinations (Thomas
1949,34 Malaney et al. 196226). Similarly minimal contami-
nation of perishable raw food materials with small residues
of rinse water or splash can result in rapid growth under
suitable temperature conditions to cause early spoilage of a
high quality product.
Malaney et al. (1962)26 stated that simple, commonly
used water treatment processes render raw water supplies
suitable for farmstead uses including handling of produce
and milk.
Every farm should have a dependable water supply that
is palatable and safe for domestic use. This requirement
dictates that the finished water be of quality comparable to
that designated by the federal Drinking Water Standards
for water supply systems used by interstate carriers and
others subject to federal quarantine regulations. These
standards have been found to be reasonable in terms of both
the possibility of compliance and the acceptability of such
water for domestic farmstead uses.
Groundwater sources are generally regarded as providing
a more dependable supply and as being less variaole in
composition than surface water sources. However, many
groundwater supplies contain excessive concentrations of
soluble salts composed of calcium, magnesium, and associ-
ated anions (carbonate, bicarbonate, sulfate, and chloride),
or hydrogen sulfide. They can cause taste, odor, acidity,
and staining problems (Wright 1956,42 Dougan 1966,9
Kabler and Kreissl 1966,1 6 Klumb 1966,18 Behrman ~ 9686).
In the ground waters of western states high concentrations
of nitrates may occur. Levels may exceed the concentration
of 10 mg/1 of nitrate-nitrogen recommended by Section II
on Public Water Supplies.
Because all supplies are subject to contamination, care
must be exercised in both the installation and maintenance
of water systems. Raw water should be free of impurities
that are offensive to sight, smell, and taste (Wright 1956)42
and free of significant concentrations of substances and
organisms detrimental to public health (see Section II).
Many root crops, fruits, and vegetables are washed
before leaving the farm for the market. Changes in fruit
production associated with mechanical harvesting and bulk
handling and an ever-increasing emphasis on quality have
made the washing and hydrocooling of raw produce a
common farm practice. Water for such uses should be of
the same quality as that for drinking and household pur-
poses, and as such should conform to Drinking Water
Standards. It is important that water for processing raw
produce be of good quality bacteriologically (Geldreich
and Bordner 1971)1 3 and free of substances imparting color,
off-flavor, and off-odor (Mercer 1971).27
Water used to clean milk utensils may greatly affect the
quality of milk (Atherton et al. 1962),3 and since modern
methods of milk production require large volumes of
water, its quality must not be detrimental to milk. Stead-
ily increasing demands for water due to intensified agri-
cultural production have required many farm operators
to develop 'Secondary sources of water often of inferior
quality (Esmay et al. 1955,12 Pavelis and Gertel 1963). 31
Such supplies should be treated before use in milk-handling
equipment (Thomas 1949,34 Thomas et al. 1953 37).
The Grade "A" Pasteurized Milk Ordinance of the
United States Public Health Service (U.S. Department of
Health, Education, and Welfare. Public Health Service
1965)3 8 is accepted as the basic sanitation standard for raw
milk supplies. Farm water supplies may meet these potable
standards yet have a detrimental effect on the quality of
modern milk supply. Rinse waters which are potable but
contain psychrophylic microorganisms, excessive hard-
ness, or iron or copper can have a very deleterious effect on
dairy sanitation and milk quality unless properly treated to
remove such contaminants (Davis 1960,8 Atherton et al.
1962,3 Atherton 1970,2 Moore 197!28). The traditional con-
cepts of potability and softness no longer suffice in this era of
mechanized milk-handling systems. Lengthy storage of raw
milk prior to pasturization and the possible breakdown ot
normal milk constituents by organisms able to grow at
refrigeration temperatures may produce unacceptable
changes in the quality of fluid milk or other manufactured
dairy products (Thomas 1958,35 Davis 1960,8 Thomas et al.
1966 36).
Water of quality comparable to that described in Drink-
ing Water Standards typically suffices for the production of
milk. However, it is important that the water at point of
use be clear, colorless, palatable, free of harmful micro-
organisms, noncorrosive, and nonscale-forming (Moore
For general farmstead uses of water, including
drinking, other household uses, and handling of
General Farmstead Uses of Water /303
produce and milk~ it is recommended that water
of the quality designated by the federal Drinking
Water Standards be used. Raw water supplies not
meeting these requirements should be treated to
yield a finished product of quality comparable to
drinking water. In general, raw waters should be
free of impurities that are offensive to sight, smell,
and taste. At point of use, they should be free of
significant concentrations of substances and orga-
nisms harmful to public health (see Section II:
Public Water Supplies) and detrimental to the
market value of agricultural products.
Domestic animals represent an important segment of
agriculture and are a vital source of food. Like man and
many other life forms, they are affected by pollutants in
their environment. This section is concerned primarily
with considerations of livestock water quality and factors
affecting it. These include the presence of ions causing ex-
cessive salinity, elements and ions which are toxic, bio-
logically produced toxins, radionuclides, pesticide residues,
and pathogenic and parasitic organisms.
Of importance in determining recommendations for these
substances in livestock water supplies are the quantity of
water an animal consumes per day and the concentration
of the mineral elements in the water supply from which he
consumes it. Water is universally needed and consumed by
farm animals, but it does not account for their entire daily
intake of a particular substance. Consequently, tolerance
levels established for many substances in livestock feed do
not accurately take into consideration the tolerance levels
for those substances in water. Concentrations of nutrients
and toxic substances in water affect an animal on the basis
of the total amount consumed. Because of this, some assess-
ment of the amounts of water consumed by live-stock on a
daily basis and a knowledge of the probable quantity of ele-
ments in water and how they satisfy daily nutritional re-
quirements are needed for determining possible toxicity
The water content of animal bodies is relatively constant:
68 per cent to 72 per cent of the total weight on a fat-free
basis. The level of water in the body usually cannot change
appreciably without dire consequences to the animal;
therefore, the minimal requirement for water is a reflection
of water excreted from the body plus a component for
growth in young animals (Robinson and McCance 1952,53
Mitchell 1962 46).
Water is excreted from the body in urine and feces, in
evaporation from the lungs and skin, in sweat, and in pro-
ductive secretions such as milk and eggs. Anything that
influences any of these modes of water loss affects the mini-
mal water requirement of the animal.
The urine contains the soluble products of metabolism
that must be eliminated. The amount of urine excreted
daily varies with the feed, work, external temperature, water
consumption, and other factors. The hormone vasopressin
(antidiuretic hormone) controls the amount of urine by
affecting the reabsorption of water from the kidney tubules
and ducts. Under conditions of water scarcity, an animal
may concentrate its urine to some extent by reabsorbing a
greater amount of water than usual, thereby lowering the
animal's requirement for water. This capacity for concen-
tration, however, is usually limited. If an animal consumes
excess salt or a high protein diet, the excretion of urine is
increased to eliminate the salt or the end products of pro-
tein metabolism, and the water requirement is thereby
The amount of water lost in the feces varies depending
upon diet and species. Cattle, for instance, excrete feces
with a high moisture content while sheep, horses, and
chickens excrete relatively dry feces. Substances in the diet
that have a diuretic effect will increase water loss by this
Water lost by evaporation from the skin and lungs (in-
sensible water loss) may account for a large part of the
body's"water loss approaching, and in some cases exceeding,
that lost in the urine. If the environmental temperature is
increased, the water lost by this route is also increased.
Water lost through sweating may be considerable, especially
in the case of horses, depending on the environmental tem-
perature and the activity of the animal.
All these factors and their interrelation make a minimal
water requirement difficult to assess. There is also the ad-
ditional complication that a minimal water requirement
does not have to be supplied entirely by drinking water.
The animal has available to it the water contained in
feeds, the metabolic water formed from the oxidation of
nutrients, water liberated by polymerization, dehydration,
or synthesis within the body, and preformed water associ-
ated with nutrients undergoing oxidation when the energy
balance is negative. All of these may vary. The water
available from the feed will vary with the kind of feed and
with the amount consumed. The metabolic water formed
from the oxidation of nutrients may be calculated by the use
~f factors obtained from equations of oxidation of typical
proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. There are 41, 107, and
60 grams (g) of water formed per 100 g of protein, fat, and
carbohydrate oxidized, respectively. In fasting animals, or
those subsisting on a protein deficient diet, water may be
formed from the destruction of tissue protein. In general, it
is assumed that tissue protein is associated with three times
its weight of water, so that per gram of tissue protein
metabolized, three grams of water are released.
It has been found by careful water balance trials that the
w~ter requirement of various species is a function of body
surface area rather than weight. This implies that the re-
quirements are a function of energy metabolism, and
.Adolph (1933)43 found that a convenient liberal standard o±
i:otal water intake is l milliliter (ml) per calorie (cal) of heat
produced. This method automatically included the in-
creased requirement associated with activity. Cattle require
somewhat higher amounts of water (1.29 to 2.05 g/cal) than
other animals. However, when cattle's large excretion of
w~ter in the feces is taken into account, the values are ap-
proximately a gram per calorie.
!~,For practical purposes, water requirements can be meas-
il.red as the amount of water consumed voluntarily under
specified conditions. This implies that thirst is a result of
Water Consumption of Animals
In dry roughage and concentrate feeding programs the
water present in the feed is so small relative to the animal's
needs that it may be ignored (Winchester and Morris
"'··Beef Cattle. Data calculated by Winchester and Mor-
fis· (1956)55 indicated that values for water intake vary
-t.iidely depending primarily on ambient temperature and
dry matter intake. European breeds consumed approxi-
lliately 3.5, 5.3, 7.0, and 17 liters of water daily per kilo-
gram (kg) dry matter ingested at 40, 70, 90, 100 F, respec-
'iiJeiy. Thus at an atmospheric temperature of 21 C (70 F),
~:450 kg steer on a 9.4 kg daily dry matter ration would
, ~onsume approximately 50 liters of water per day, while at
?2'C (90 F) the expected daily water intake would be 66
&·;Dairy Cattle. The calculations of Winchester and
, (1956)55 showed how water requirements varied
!ith weight of cow, fat content of milk, ambient tempera-
tpre; and amount needed per kilogram of milk daily. These
f•-:.. .. c~4-·. '. • _ • ~vest1gat10ns indicated that at 21 C (70 F) a cow weighing
·-~·~·-,' .
f;])Pr'oximately 450 kg would consume about 4.5 liters of
~ater per kilogram dry feed plus 2. 7 l/kg of milk produced.
heifers fed alfalfa and silage obtained about 20 per
of their water requirements in the feed. Dairy cattle
· more quickly from a lack of water than from a
snc1rt>•o-p of any other nutrient and will drink 3.0 to 4.0 kg of
per kilogram of dry matter consumed (National Re-
Water for Livestock Enterprises/305
search Council, Committ~e on Animal Nutrition, hereafter
referred to as NRC 197la).52 Cows producing 40 kg of milk
per day may drink up to 110 kg of water when fed dry
Sheep. Generally water consumption by sheep amounts
to two times the weight of dry matter feed intake (NRC
1968b). 51 But many factors may alter this value, e.g.,
ambient temperature, activity, age, stage of production,
plane of nutrition, composition of feed, and type of pasture.
Ewes on dry feed in winter require four liters per head
daily before lambing and six or more liters per day when
nursing lambs (Morrison 1959). 48
Swine. Pigs require 2 to 2.5 kg of water per kilogram
of dry feed, but voluntary consumption may be as much as
4 to 4.5 kg in high ambient temperature (NRC l968a).50
Mount et al. (1971)49 reported the mean water:feed ratios
were between 2.1 and 2. 7 at temperatures between 7 and
22 C, and between 2.8 and 5.0 at 30 and 33 C. The range
of mean water consumption extended from 0.092 to 0.184
l/kg body weight per day. Leitch and Thomson (1944)45
cited studies that demonstrated that a water-to-mash ratio
of 3: 1 gave the best results.
Horses. Leitch and Thomson (1944)45 cited data that
horses needed two to three liters of water per kg dry ration.
Morrison (1936)47 obtained data of a horse going at a trot
that gave off 9.4 kg of water vapor. This amount was
nearly twice that given off when walking with the same
load, and more than three times as much as when resting
during the same period.
Poultry. James and Wheeler (1949)44 observed that
more water was consumed by poultry when protein was
increased in the diet; and more water was consumed with
meat scrap, fish meal, and dded whey diets than with an
all-plant diet. Poultry generally consumed 2 to 3 kg of
water per kilogram of dry feed. Sunde (1967)54 observed
that when laying hens, at 67 percent production, were de-
prived of water for approximately 36 hours, production
dropped to eight per cent within five days and did not re-
turn to the production of the controlled hens until 25-30
days later .. Sunde (personal communication 1971)56 prepared a
table that showed that broilers increased on daily water
consumption from 6.4 to 211 liters per 1,000 birds between
two and 35 days of age, respectively. Corresponding water
intake values for replacement pullets were 5. 7 to 88.5 liters.
All the mineral elements essential as dietary nutrients
occur to some extent in water (Shirley 1970). 66 Generally
the elements are in solution, but some may be present in
suspended materials. Lawrence (1968)59 sampled the Chat-
tahoochee River system at six different reservoirs and river
and creek inlets and found about 1, 3, 22, 39, 61, and 68
per cent of the total calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese,
306/Section V-Agricultural Uses of Water
copper, and iron present in suspended materials, respec-
tively. Any given water supply requires analysis if dietary
decisions are to be most effective. ..
In the Systems for Technical Data (STORET) .of the
Water Programs Office of the Environmental Protection
Agency, data (1971)69 were accumulated from surface
water analyses obtained in the United States during the
period 1957-1969. These data included values for the
mean, maximum, and minimum concentrations of the
nutrient elements (see Table V-1). These values obviously
include many samples from calcium-magnesium, sulfate-
chloride and sodium-potassium, sulfate-chloride type of
water as well as the more common calcium-magnesium,
carbonate-bicarbonate type. For this reason the mean
values for sodium, chloride, and sulfate may appear some-
what high.
Table V-2 gives the estimated average intake of drinking
water of selected categories of various species of farm ani-
mals expressed as liters per day. Three values for each of
calcium and salt are given for illustrative purposes~ One
column expresses the National Academy of Sciences value
for daily requirement of the nutrient per day; the second
gives the amount of the element contributed by the average
concentration of the element (calculated from data in
Table V-I) in the average quantity of water consumed
daily; the third column gives the approximate percentage
of the daily requirements contributed by the water drunk
each day for each species of animal.
Magnesium, calculated as in Table V-2, was found to be
present in quantities that would provide 4 to 11 per cent of
the requirements for beef and dairy cattle, sheep, swine,
horses, chickens, and turkeys.
Cobalt (Co) concentrations obtained by Durum et al.
(1971)58 were calculated, as they were more typical of water
available to livestock than current values reported in
STORET (1971).69 A sufficient amount of Co was present
at the median level to supply approximately three to 13
TABLE V-1-Water Composition, United States, 1957-69
(STORET) (Collected at 140 stations)
Substance Mean Maximum Minimum No Delos.
Phosphorus, mgjl ................... 0.087 5.0 0.001 1,729
Calcium, mg/1. ..................... 57.1 173.0 11.0 510
Magnesium, mg/1 ................... 14.3 137.0 8.5 1,143
Sodium, mg/1 ...................... 55.1 7,500.0 0.2 1,801
Potassium, mgjl .................... 4.3 370.0 0.06 1,804
Chloride, mg/1. .................... 478.0 19,000.0 0.000 37,355
Sulfa1e, mg/1. ...................... 135.9 3,383.0 0.000 30,229
Copper,11gjl. ...................... 13.8 280.0 0.8 1,871
lron,pg/1 ....•..................... 43.9 4,600.0 0.10 1,836
Manganese, 11g/l. .................. 29.4 3,230.0 0.20 1,818
Zinc,pg/1 .......................... 51.8 1,183.0 1.0 1,883
Selenium, pg/1. .................... 0.016 1.0 0.01 234
Iodine•, pg/1 ....................... 46.1 336.0 4.0 15
Cobalt•,11g/l ....................... 1.0 5.0 o·.ooo 720
• Dantzman and Breland (1970)".
• Durum et aL (1971)".
TABLE V-2-Daily Requirements of Average Concentrations
of Calcium and Salt in Water for Various Animals
Calcium Sa ltd
Daily• ----------------
Beef cattle 450 kg body wt.
Nursing cow ...............
Finishing steer .............
Da1ry caHie 450 kg body wt.
Lactating cow ..............
Growing heifer .............
Maintenance, cow ..........
Lactating ewe, 64 kg ........
FaHening lamb, 45 kg .......
Growing, 30 kg .............
Fattening, 60 to 100 kg ......
Lactating sows, 20D-250 kg ..
Horses 450 kg body wt
Medium work ..............
Lactating ..................
Chickens, 8 weeks old .......
Laying hen ................
Turkey ....................
intake, I Required•
daily gm
60 28
60 21
90 76
60 15
60 12
6 10.2
8 16.5
14 33.0
40 14
50 30
0.2 1.0
0.2 3.4
0.2 1.2
water, gm
of Req. in
• See discussion on Water Consumption in text for sources of these values.
Ami. in< Percentage
Required• drinking of Req. in
daily gm water, gm water
• Sources of values are the National Academy of Sciences, NRC Bulletins on Nutrient requirements.
< Calculated from Table 1.
d Based on sodium in water.
per cent of the dietary requirements of beef and dairy cattle,
sheep, and horses. The NRC (l97la, 65 1968b61 ) does not
state what the cobalt requirements were for poultry and
Sulfur values demonstrated that approximately 29 per
cent of beef cattle requirements were met at average con-
centrations; dairy cattle 21 to 45 per cent; sheep 10 to 11
per cent; and horses 18 to 23 per cent of their requirements.
The NRC (197la,65 1968b61 ) do not give sulfur requirements
for poultry and swine.
Iodine was not among the elements in the STORET
accumulation, but values obtained by Dantzman and
Breland (1970)57 for 15 rivers and lakes in Florida can be
used as illustrative values. Iodine was present in sufficient
amounts to exceed the requirements of beef cattle and
nonlactating horses and to meet 8 to I 0 per cent of the
requirem"ents of sheep and 24 to 26 per cent of those of hens.
Phosphorus, potassium, copper, iron, zinc, manganese, and
selenium, when present at mean concentrations (Table V-1),
would supply daily only one to four per cent or less of that
recommended by the NRC ( 1966,60 1968a, 61 1968b, 62 1970,63
197la,64 197lb65) for beef and dairy cattle, sheep, swine,
horses, and poultry at normal water consumption levels.
If the maximum values shown in Table V-1 are present,
some water would contain the dietary requirements of some
species in the case of sodium chloride, sulfur, and iodine.
Appreciable amounts of calcium, copper, cobalt, iron,
manganese, zinc, and selenium would be present, if water
were supplied with the maximum levels present. On the
otper hand, if the water has only the minimum concentra-
tion of any of the elements present, it would supply very
little of the daily requirements.
It is generally believed that elements in water solution
are available to the animal that consumes the water, at
least as much as when present in solid-feeds or dry salt
mixes. This was indicated when Shirley et al. ( 1951,67
1957 68) found that P 32 and Ca45, dissolved in aqueous solu-
tion as salts and administered as a drench, were.absorbed at
equivalent levels to the isotopes, when they were incor-
porated in forage as fertilizer and fed to steers, respectively.
Many isotope studies have demonstrated that minerals in
water consumed by animals are readily absorbed, deposited
in their tissues, and excreted.
It is well known that excessively saline waters can cause
physiolugical upset or death of livestock. The ions most
communly involved in causing excess~ve salinity are calcium,
magnesium, sodium, sulfate, bicarbonate, and chloride.
Others may contribute significantly in unusual situations,
and these may also exert specific toxicities separate from the
osmotic effects of excessive salinity. (See Toxic Elements
and Ions below.)
Early in this century, Larsen and Bailey (1913)80 re-
ported that a natural water varying from 4,546 to 7,369
mg/1 of total salts, with sodium and sulfate ions predomi-
nating, caused mild diarrhea but no symptoms of toxicity in
dairy cattle over a two-year period. Later, Ramsay (1924)91
reported from his observations that cattle could thrive on
water containing 11,400 mg/1 of total salts, that they could
live under certain conditions on water containing 17,120
mg/1, and that horses thrived on water with 5, 720 mg/1
and were sustained when not worked too hard on water
with 9,140 mg/1.
The first extensive studies of saline water effects on rats
and on livestock were made in Oklahoma (Heller and Lar-
wood 1930,16 Heller 1932,74 1933). 75 Rats were fed waters
of various sodium chloride concentrations, and it was found
among other things that (a) water consumption increased
with salt concentration bu_t only to a point after which the
animals finally refused to drink until thirst drove them to it,
at which time they drank a large amount at one time and
then died; (b) older animals were more resistant to the ef-
fects of the salt than were the young; (c) the effects of salin-
ity were osmotic rather than related to any specific ion;
(d) reproduction and lactation were affected before growth
effects were noted; (e) there appeared, in time, to be a
physiological adjustment to saline waters; and (f) 15,000-
17,000 mg/1 of total salts seemed the maximum that could
be tolerated, some adverse effects being ·noted at concen-
trations lower than this. With laying hens, 10,000 mg/1 of
Water for Livestock Enterprises/307
sodium chloride in the drinking water greatly delayed the
onset of egg production, but 15,000 mg/1 or more were re-
quired to affect growth over a 10-week period. In swine,
15,000 mg/1 of sodium chloride in the drinking water
caused death in the smaller animals, some leg stiffness in
the larger, but 10,000 mg/1 did not appear particularly in-
jurious once they became accustomed to it. Sheep existed
on water containing 25,000 mg/1 of sodium or calcium
chloride or 30,000 mg/1 of magnesium sulfate but not with-
out some deleterious effects. Cattle were somewhat less re-
sistant, and it was concluded that 10,000 mg/1 of total salts
should be considered the upper limit under which their
maintenance could be expected. A lower limit was suggested
for lactating animals. It was further observed that the ani-
mals would not drink highly saline solutions if water of low
salt content was available, and that animals showing ef-
fects of saline waters returned quickly to normal when al-
lowed a water of low salt content.
Frens (1946)72 reported that 10,000 mg/1 of sodium
chloride in the drinking water of dairy cattle produced no
symptoms of toxicity, while 15,000 mg/1 caused a loss of
appetite, decreased milk production, and increased water
consumption with symptoms of salt poisoning in 12 days.
In studies with beef heifers, Embry et al. (1959) 71 re-
ported that the addition of 10,000 mg/1 of sodium sulfate
to the drinking water caused severe reduction in its con-
sumption, loss of weight, and symptoms of dehydration.
Either 4,000 or 7,000 mg/1 of added sodium sulfate increased
water intake but had no effect on rate of gain or general
health. Similar observations were made using waters with
added sodium chloride or a mixture of salts, except that
symptoms of dehydration were noted, and the mixed salts
caused no increase in water consumption. Levels of up to
6,300 mg/1 of added mixed salts increased water consump-
tion in weanling pigs, but no harmful effects were observed
over a three"month period.
In Australia, Peirce ( 195 7, 83 1959,84 1960,85 1962,86
1963,87 1966,88 1968a, 89 1968b90) conducted a number of
experiments on the salt tolerance of Merino wethers. Only
minor harmful effects were observed in these sheep when
they were confined to waters containing 13,000 mg/1 or
less of various salt mixtures.
Nevada workers have reported several studies on the ef-
fects of saline waters on beef heifers. They found that
20,000 mg/1 of sodium chloride caused severe anorexia,
weight loss, anhydremia, collapse, and certain other symp-
toms, while 10,000 mg/1 had no effects over a 30-day period
other than to increase water consumption and decrease
blood urea (Weeth et al. 1960).97 Additional experiments
(Weeth and Haverland 1961)98 again showed 10,000 mg/1
to cause no symptoms of toxicity; while at 12,000 mg/1
adverse effects were noted, and these intensified with in-
creasing salt concentration in the drinking water. At a con-
centration of 15,000 mg/1, sodium chloride increased the
ratio of urine excretion to water intake (Weeth and
308/Section V-Agricultural Uses of Water
Lesperance 1965), 100 and a prompt and distinct diuresis
occurred when the heifers consumed water containing 5,000
or 6,000 mg/1 following water deprivation (Weeth et al.
1968).1°1 While with waters containing about 5,000 mg/1
(Weeth and Hunter 1971)99 or even less (Weeth and Capps
1971)95 of sodium sulfate no specific ion effects were noted,
heifers drank less, lost weight, and had increased methemo-
globin and sulfhemoglobin levels. A later study (W eeth and
Capps 1972) 96 gave similar results, but in addition suggested
that the sulfate ion itself, at concentrations as low as 2150
mg/1 had adverse effects.
In addition to the Oklahoma work, several studies on the
effects of saline water on poultry have been reported.
Selye (1943)93 found that chicks 19 days old when placed
on experiment had diarrhea, edema, weakness, and respira-
tory problems during the first 10 days on water containing
9,000 mg/1 of sodium chloride. Later, the edema disap-
peared, but nephrosclerotic changes were noted. Water
containing 3,000 mg/1 of sodium chloride was not toxic to
four-week-old chicks.
Others (Kare and Biely 1948)77 observed that with two-
day-old chicks on water containing 9,000 mg/1 of added
sodium chloride there were a few deaths, some edema, and
certain other symptoms of toxicity. A solution with 18,000
mg/1 of the salt was not toxic; h0wever, when replaced on
alternate days by fresh water, neither was it readily con-
Scrivner ( 1946)92 found that sodium chloride in the drink-
ing water of day-old poults at a concentration of 5,000 mg/1
caused death and varying degrees of edema and ascites in
over half of the birds in about two weeks. Sodium bicarbo-
nate at a concentration of 1,000 mg/1 was not toxic, at
3,000 mg/1 caused some deaths and edema; and as the con-
centration increased above this, the effects were more pro-
nounced. A solution containing 1,000 mg/1 of sodium hy-
droxide caused death in two of 31 poults by 13 days, but the
remainder survived without effects, and 7,500 mg/1 of
sodium citrate, iodide, carbonate, or sulfate each caused
edema and many deaths.
South Dakota workers (Krista et al. 1961)78 studied the
effects of sodium chloride in water on laying hens, turkey
poults, and ducklings. At 4,000 mg/1, the salt caused some
increased water consumption, watery droppings, decreased
feed consumption and growth, and increased mortality.
These effects were more pronounced at a higher concentra-
tion, 10,000 mg/1, causing death in all of the turkey poults
at two weeks, some symptons of dehydration in the chicks,
and decreased egg production in the hens. Experiments with
laying hens restricted to water containing 10,000 mg/1 of
sodium or magnesium sulfate gave results similar to those
for sodium chloride.
In addition to the experimental work, there have been
reports in the literature of field observations relating to the
effects of excessively saline water (Ballantyne 1957,7°
Gastler and Olson 1957,73 Spafford 1941 94), and a number
TABLE V-3-Guide to the Use of Saline Waters for
Livestock and Poultry
Total soluble salts
content of waters Comment
Less than 1,000 Relatively low level of salinity. Excellent for all classes of livestock and poultry.
1,000-2,999. . . . . . . . Very satisfactory lor all classes of livestock and poultry. May cause temporary and mild
diarrhea in livestock not accustomed to them or watery droppings in poultry.
3,000-4,999. .. .. . . . Satisfactory for livestock, but may cause temporary diarrhea or be refused at first by ani·
mals not accustomed to them. Poor waters for poultry, often causing water feces, increased
mortality, and decreased growth, especially in turkeys.
5,000-6,999........ Can be used with reasonable safety for dairy and beef cattle, for sheep, swine, and horses.
Avoid use for pregnant or lactating animals. Not acceptable for poultry.
7,000-10,000. . . . . . . Unfilfor poultry and probably for swine. Considerable risk in using lor pregnant or lactating
cows, horses, or sheep, or for the young of these species. In general, use should be avoided
although older ruminants, horses, poultry, and swine may subsist on them under certain
Over 10,000. . . . . . . . Risks with these highly saline waters are so great that they cannot be recommended for use
under any conditions.
of guides to the use of these waters for livestock have been
published (Ballantyne 1957,70 Embry et al. 1959,71 Krista
et al. 1962,79 McKee and Wolf, 1963,81 Officers of the
Department of Agriculture and the Government Chemical
Laboratories 1950,82 Spafford, 194!94 ). Table V-3 is based
on the available published information. Among other things,
the following items are suggested for consideration in using
this table:
• Animals drink little, if any, highly saline water if
water of low salt content is available to them.
• Unless they have been previously deprived of water,
animals can consume moderate amounts of highly
saline water for a few days without being harmed.
• Abrupt changes from water of low salinity to highly
saline water cause more problems than a gradual
• Depressed water intake is very likely to be accom-
panied by depressed feed intake.
Table V -3 was developed because in arid or semiarid
regions the use of highly saline waters may often be neces-
sary. It has built into it a very small margin of safety, and
its use probably does not eliminate all risk of economic loss.
Criteria for desirability of a livestock water are a some-
what different.matter. These should probably be such that
the risk of economic loss from using the water for any species
or age of animals, lactating or not, on any normal feeding
program, and regardless of climatic conditions, is almost
nonexistent. On the other hand, they should be made no
more severe than necessary to insure this small risk.
From the standpoint of salinity and its osmotic
effects, waters containing 3,000 mg of soluble salts
per liter or less should be satisfactory for livestock
under almost any circumstance. While some minor
physiological upset resulting from waters with
salinities near this limit may be observed, eco-
nomic losses or serious physiological disturbances
should rarely, if ever, result from their use.
There are many substances dissolved or suspended in
waters that may be toxic. These include inorganic elements
and their. salts, certain organic wastes from man's activities,
pathogens and parasitic organisms, herbicide and pesticide
. residues, some biologically produced toxins, a,.nd radio-
For any of the above, the concentrations at which they
render a water undesirable for use for livestock is subject
to a number of variables. These include age, sex, species,
and physiological state of the animals; water intake, diet
and its composition, the chemical form of any toxic element
present, and the temperature of the environment. Naturally,
if feeds and waters both contain a toxic substance, this must
be taken into account. Both short and long term effects and
interactions with other ions or compounds must also be con-
The development of recommendations for safe concentra-
tions of toxic substances in water for livestock is extremely
difficult. Careful attention must be given to the discussion
that follows as well as the recommendations and to any ad-
ditional experimental findings that may develop. Based on
available research, an appropriate margin of safety, under
almost all conditions, of specific toxic substances harmful
to livestock that drink the waters a~d to man who consumes
the livestock or their products, is reviewed below. Although
the margin of safety recommended is usually large, the cri-
teria suggested cannot be used as a guide in diagnosing
livestock losses, since they are well below toxic levels for
domestic animals.
Toxic Elements and Ions
Those ions largely responsible for salinity in water
(sodium, calcium, magnesium, chloride,_ sulfate, and bi-
carbonate) are in themselves not very toxic. There are,
however, a number of others that occur naturally or as the
result of man's activities at troublesome concentrations. If
feeds and water both contain a toxic ion, both must be con-
sidered. Interactions with other ions, if known, must be
taken into account. Elements or ions become objectionable
in water when they are at levels toxic to animals, where they
seriously reduce the palatability of the water, or when they
accumulate excessively in tissues or body fluids, rendering
the meat, milk, eggs, or other edible product unsafe or unfit
for human use.
Soluble aluminum has been found in surface waters of
the United States in amounts to 3 mg/1, but its occurrence
at such concentrations is rare because it readily precipitates
as the hydroxide (Kopp and Kroner 1970).182
Water for Livestock Enterprises/309
Most edible grasses contain about 15-20 mg/kg of the
element. However, there is no evidence that it is essential
for animal growth, and very little is found deposited in ani-
mal tissues (Underwood 1971).254 It is not highly toxic
(McKee and Wolf 1963,1 93 Underwood 1971),254 but Deo-
bald and Elvehjem (1935)138 found that a level of 4,000 mg
aluminum per kilogram of diet caused phosphorus de-
ficiency in chicks. Its occurrence in water should not cause
problems for livestock, except under unusual conditions
and with acid waters .
Livestock should be protected where natural
drinking waters contain no more than 5 mgfl
Arsenic has long been notorious as a poison. Nevertheless.
it is present in all living tissues in the inorganic and in
certain organic forms. It has also been used medicinallv.
It is accepted as a safe feed additive for certain domestic:
animals. It has not been shown to be a required nutrient
for animals, possibly because its ubiquity has precluderl th"
compounding of deficient diets (Frost 1967).1 49
The toxicity of arsenic can depend on its chemical form.
its inorganic oxides being considerably more toxic than
organic forms occurring in living tissues or used as feed
additives. Differences in toxicities of the various forms are
clearly related to the rate of their excretion, the least toxic:
being the most rapidly eliminated (Frost 1967,1 49 Under-
wood 1971).254 Except in unusual cases, this element should
occur in waters largely as inorganic oxides. In waters carry-
ing or in contact with natural colloidal material, the soluble
arsenic content may be decreased to a very low level by ad-
Wadsworth (1952)260 gave the acute toxicity of inorganic
arsenic for farm animals as follows: poultry, 0.05-0.10 g per
animal; swine, 0.5-1.0 g per animal; sheep, goats, and
horses, 10.0-15.0 g per animal; and cattle, 15-30 g per
animal. Franke and Moxon (1936)148 concluded that the
minimum dose required to kill 75 per cent of rats given
intraperitoneal injections of arsenate was 14-18 mg arsenic
per kilogram, while for arsenite it was 4.25-4.75 mg/kg of
body weight.
When mice were given drinking water containing 5 mg/1
of arsenic as arsenite from weaning to natural death, there
was some accumulation of the element in the tissues of
several organs, a somewhat shortened life span, but no
carcinogenic effect (Schroeder and Balassa 1967).233 In a
similar study with rats (Schroeder et al. 1968b),236 neither
toxicity nor carcinogenic effects were observed, but large
amounts accumulated in the tissues.
Peoples (1964)220 fed arsenic acid at levels up to 1.25 mg/
kg of body weight per day for eight weeks to lactating
cows. This is equivalent to an intake of 60 liters of water
310/Section V-Agricultural Uses of Water
containing 5.5 mg/1 of arsenic (10.4 mg of arsenic acid)
daily by a 500 kg animal. His results,.indicated that this
form of arsenic is absorbed and rapidly excreted in the
urine. Thus there was little tissue storage of the element;
at no level of the added arsenic was there an increased
arsenic content of the milk, and no toxicity was observed.
According to Frost (I 967), 149 there is no evidence that
I 0 parts per million (ppm) of arsenic in the diet is toxic to
any animal.
Arsenicals have been accused of b<ring carcinogenic. This
matter has been thoroughly reviewed by Frost (1967),1 49
who concluded that they appear remarkably free of this
Most human foods contain less than 0.5 ppm of arsenic,
but certain marine animals used as human food may con-
centrate it and may contain over 100 ppm (Frost 1967,1 49
Underwood 19712 54). Permissible levels of the element in
muscle meats is 0.5 ppm; in edible meat by-products, 1.0
ppm; and in eggs, 0.5 ppm (U.S. Dept. of Health, Educa-
tion, and Welfare, Food and Drug Administration 1963,255
1964256). Federal Drinking Water Standards list 0.05 mg/1 as
the upper allowable limit to humans for arsenic, but McKee
and Wolf (1963)193 suggested 1.0 mg/1 as the upper limit
for livestock drinking water. The possible role of biological
methylation in increasing the toxicity (Chemical Engineer-
ing News 1971)126 suggested added caution, however, and
natural waters seldom contain more than 0.2 mg/1 (Durum
et al. 1971).141
To provide the necessary caution, and in view of
available data, an upper limit of 0.2 mg/1 of arsenic
in water is recommended.
Beryllium was found to occur in natural surface waters
only at very low levels, usually below 1 J.tg/1 (Kopp and
Kroner 1970).182 Conceivably, however, it could enter
waters in effluents from certain metallurgical plants. Its
salts are not highly toxic, laboratory rats having survived
for two years on a diet that supplied the element at a level
of about 18 mg/kg of body weight daily. Pomelee (1953)223
calculated that a cow could drink almost I ,000 liters of
water containing 6,000 mg/1 without harm, if these data
for rats are transposable to cattle. This type of extrapolation
must, however, be used with caution, and the paucity of
additional data on the toxicity of beryllium to livestock
precludes recommending at this time a limit for its concen-
tration in livestock waters.
The toxicity of boron, its occurrence in foods and feeds,
and its role in animal nutrition have been reviewed by
McClure (1949),190 McKee and Wolf (1963),193 and
Underwood (1971).254 Although essential for plants, there
is no evidence that boron is required by animals. It has a
relatively low order of toxicity. In the dairy cow, 16-20 g
of boric acid per day for 40 days produced no ill effects
(McKee and Wolf 1963).193
There is no evidence that boron accumulates to any
great extent in body tissues. Apparently, most natural
waters could be expected to contain concentrations well
below the level of 5.0 mg/1. This was the maximum amount
found in 1,546 samples of river and lake waters from
various parts of the United States, the mean value being
0.1 mg/1 (Kopp and Kroner 1970) .1 82 Ground waters could
contain substantially more than this at certain places.
Experimental evidence concerning the toxicity
of this element is meager. Therefore, to offer a
large margin of safety, an upper limit of 5.0 mgjl
of boron in livestock waters is recommended.
Cadmium (Cd) is normally found in natural waters at
very low levels. A nationwide reconnaissance of surface
waters of the United States {Durum et al. 1971)141 revealed
that of over 720 samples, about four per cent contained over
10 J.tg/1 of this element, and the highest level was 110 J.tg/1.
Ground water on Long Island, New York, contained 3.2
mg/1 as the result of contamination by waste from the elec-
troplating industry, and mine waters in Missouri contained
1,000 mg/1 (McKee and Wolf 1963).193
Research to date suggests that cadmium is pot an essential
element. It is, on the other hand, quite toxic. Man has been
sickened by about 15 ppm in popsicles, 67 ppm in punch,
300 ppm in a cold drink, 530 ppm in gelatin, and 14.5 mg
taken orally; although a family of four whose drinking
water was reported to contain 47 ppm had no history of ill
effects (McKee and Wolf 1963).193
Extensive tests have been made on the effects of various
levels of cadmium in the drinking water on rats and dogs
(McKee and Wolf 1963).193 Because of the accumlation
and retention of the element in the liver and kidney, it was
recommended that a limit of 100 J.tg/1, or preferably less, be
used for drinking waters.
Parizek ( 1960)219 found that a single dose of 4.5 mg Cd/kg
of body weight produced permanent sterility in male rats.
At a level of 5 mg/1 in the drinking water of rats (Schroeder
et al. 1963a)238 or mice (Schroeder et al. 1963b),239 reduced
longevity was observed. Intravenous injection of cadmium
sulfate into pregnant hamsters at a level of 2 mg Cd/kg
of body weight on day eight of gestation caused malforma-
tions in the fetuses (Mulvihill et al. 1970).200
Miller (1971)196 studied cadmium absorption and distri-
bution in ruminants. He found that only a small part of
ingested cadmium was absorbed, and that most of what was
went to the kidneys and liver. Once absorbed, its turnover
rate was very slow. The cow is very efficient in keeping
" ,,;;,I
cadmium out of its milk, and Miller concluded that most
major animal products, including meat and milk, seemed
quite well protected against cadmium accumulation.
Interactions of cadmium with several other trace ele-
ments (Hillet al. 1963,172 Gunn and Gould 1967,1 69 Mason
and Young 1967)189 somewhat confuse the matter of estab-
lishing criteria.
From the available data on the occurrence of
cadmium in natural waters, its toxicity, and its
accumulation in body tissues, an upper limit of
50 p.gfl allows an adequate margin of safety for
livestock and is recommended.
In a five-year survey of lake and river waters of the
United States (Kopp and Kroner 1970),1 82 the highest level
found in over 1,500 samples was about 0.1 mg/1, the average
being about 0.001 mg/1. In another similar survey (Durum
et al. 1971)141 of 700 samples, none contained over 0.05 mg/1
of chromium VI and only 11 contained more than 0.005
mg/1. A number of industrial processes however use the
element, which then may be discharged as waste into sur-
face waters, possibly at rather high levels.
Even in its most soluble forms, the element is not readily
absorbed by animals, being largely excreted in the feces;
and it does not appear to concentrate in any particular
mammalian tissue or to increase in these tissues with age
(Mertz 1967,1 94 Underwood 19712 54).
Hexavalent chromium is generally considered more toxic
than the trivalent form (Mertz 1967).194 However, in their
review of this element, McKee and Wolf ( 1963) 193 suggested
that it has a rather low order of toxicity. Further, Gross and
Heller (1946)168 found that for rats the maximum nontoxic
level, based on growth, for chromium VI in the drinking
water was 500 mg/1. They also found that this concentration
of the element in the water did not affect feed utilization by
rabbits. Romoser et al. (1961)226 found that 100 ppm of
chromium VI in chick diets had no effect on the perform-
ance of the birds over a 21-day period.
In a series of experiments, Schroeder et al. ( 1963a, 238
1963b, 239 1964,234 1965235) administered water containing
5 mg/1 of chromium III to rats and mice on low-chromium
diets over a life span. At this level, the element was not
toxic, but instead it had some beneficial effects. Tissue levels
did not increase significantly with age.
As a result of their review of chromium toxicity, McKee
and Wolf ( 1963) 193 suggested that up to 5 mg /1 of chromium
III or VI in livestock drinking water should not be harm-
ful. While this may be reasonable, it may be unnecessarily
high when the usual concentrations of the element in nat-
ural waters is considered.
Water for Livestock Enterprises /311
An upper allowable limit of 1.0 mg/1 for livestock
drinking waters is recommended. This provides a
suitable margin of safety.
In a recent survey of surface waters in the United States
(Durum et al. 1971)141 63 per cent of over 720 samples were
found to contain less than 0.001 mg/1 of cobalt. One sample
contained 4.5 mg/1, one contained 0.11 mg/1, and three
contained 0.05-0.10 mg/1.
Underwood (1971)264 reviewed the role of cobalt in
animal nutrition. This element is part of the vitamin B12
molecule, and as such it is an essential nutrient. Ruminants
synthesized their own vitamin B12 if they were given oral
cobalt. For cattle and sheep a diet containing about 0.1 ppm
of the element seemed nutritionally adequate. A wide
margin of safety existed between the required and toxic
levels for sheep and cattle, which were levels of 100 times
those usually found in adequate diets being well tolerated.
Nonruminants required preformed vitamin B12. When
administered to these animals in amounts well beyond those
present in foods and feeds, cobalt induced polycythemia
(Underwood 1971).264 This was also true in calves prior to
rumen development; about 1.1 mg of the element per kg
of body weight administered daily caused depression of ap-
petite and loss of weight.
Cobalt toxicity was also summarized by McKee and
·Wolf (1963).1 93
In view of the data available on the occurrence
and toxicity of cobalt, an upper limit for cobalt in
livestock waters of 1.0 mgfl offers a satisfactory
margin of safety, and should be met by most
natural waters.
The examination of over 1,500 river and lake waters in
the United States (Kopp and Kroner 1970)182 yielded, at
the highest, 0.28 mg/1 of copper and an average value of
0.015 mg/1. These rather low values were probably due in
part to the relative insolubility of the copper ion in alkaline
medium and to its ready adsorbability on colloids (McKee
and Wolf 1963).1 93 Where higher values than those reported
above are found, pollution from industrial sources or mines
can be suspected.
Copper is an essential trace element. The requirement for
chicks and turkey poults from zero to eight weeks of age is
4 ppm in the diet (NRC 197lb).206 For beef cattle on
rations low in molybdenum and sulfur, 4 ppm in the diet
is adequate; but when these elements are high, the copper
requirement is doubled or tripled (NRC 1970).204 A dietary
level of 5 ppm in the forage is suggested for pregnant and
312/Section V-Agricultural Uses of Water
lactating ewes and their lambs (NRC l968b203). A level of
6 ppm in the diet is considered adequale for swine (NRC
Swine are apparently very tolerant of high levels of
copper, and 250 ppm or more in the diet have been used
to improve liveweight gains and feed efficiency (Nutrition
Reviews 1966a210 ; NRC 1968a).202 On the other hand, sheep
were very susceptible to copper poisoning (Underwood
1971),254 and for these animals a diet containing 25 ppm
was considered toxic. About 9 mg per animal per day was
considered the safe tolerance level (NRC 1968b).203
Several reviews of copper requirements and toxicity have
been presented (McKee and Wolf 1963,1 93 Nutrition Re-
views 1966a, 210 Underwood 1971). 254 There is very little ex-
perimental data on the effects of copper in the water supply
on animals, and its toxicity must be judged largely from the
results of trials where copper was fed. The element does not
appear to accumulate at excessive levels in muscle tissues,
and it is very readily eliminated once its administration is
stopped. While most livestock tolerate rather high levels,
sheep do not (NRC 1968b).2 03
It is recommended that the upper limit for cop-
per in livestock waters be 0.5 mgjl. Very few natural
waters should fail to meet this.
The role of fluorine as a nutrient and as a toxin has been
thoroughly reviewed by Underwood (1971).254 (Unless
otherwise indicated, the following discussion, exclusive of
the recommendation, is based upon this review.) While
there is no doubt that dietary fluoride in appropriate
amounts improved the caries resistance of teeth, the element
has not yet been found essential to animals. If it is a dietary
essential, its requirement must be very low. Its ubiquity
probably insures a continuously adequate intake by ani-
Chronic fluoride poisoning of livestock has, on the other
hand, been observed in several areas of the world, resulting
in some cases from the consumption of waters of high fluoride
content. These waters come from wells in rock from which
the element has been leached, and they often contain
10-15 mg/1. Surface waters, on the other hand, usually con-
tain considerably less than 1 mg/1.
Concentrations of 30-50 ppm of fluoride in the total
ration of dairy cows is considered the upper safe limit,
higher values being suggested for other animals (NRC
1971 a) .205 Maximum levels of the element in waters that are
tolerated by livestock are difficult to define from available
experimental work. The species, volume, and continuity of
water consumption, other dietary fluoride, and age of the
animals, all have an effect. It appears, however, that as little
as 2 mg/1 may cause tooth mottling under some circum-
stances. At least a several-fold increase in its concentration
seems, however, required to produce other injurious effects.
Fluoride from waters apparently does not accumulate in
soft tissues to a significant degree. It is transferred to a very
small extent into the milk and to a somewhat greater degree
into eggs.
McKee and Wplf (1963)193 have also reviewed the matter
of livestock poisoning by fluoride, concluding that 1.0 mg/1
of the element in their drinking water did not harm these
animals. Other more recent reports presented data suggest-
ing that even considerably higher concentrations of fluoride
in the water may, with the exception of tooth mottling,
caused no animal health problems (Harris et al. 1963,166
Shupe et al. 1964,246 Nutrition Reviews 1966b,211 Saville
1967,231 Schroeder et al. l968a237).
An upper limit for fluorides in livestock drinking
waters of 2.0 mgjl is recommended. Although this
level may result in some tooth mottling it should
not be excessive from the standpoint of animal
health or the deposition of the element in meat,
milk, or eggs.
It is well known that iron (Fe) is essential to animal life.
Further, it has a low order of toxicity. Deobald and Elveh-
jem (1935)1 38 found that iron salts added at a level of
9,000 mg Fe/kg of diet caused a phosphorus deficiency in
chicks. This could be overcome by adding phosphate to the
diet. Campbell (1961)124 found that soluble iron salt ad-
ministered to baby pigs by stomach tube at a level of 600 mg
Fe/kg of body weight caused death within six hours. O'Don-
ovan et al. (1963)212 found very high levels of iron in the
diet ( 4,000 and 5,000 mg/kg) to cause phosphorus deficiency
and to be toxic to weanling pigs. Lower levels (3,000 mg/kg)
apparently were not toxic. The intake of water by livestock
may be inhibited by high levels of this element (Taylor
1935).250 However, this should not be a common or a serious
problem. While iron occurs in natural waters as ferrous
salts which are very soluble, on contact with air it is oxi-
dized and it precipitates as ferric oxide, rendering it essen-
tially harmless to animal health.
It is not considered necessary to set an upper limit of ac-
ceptability for iron in. water. It should be noted, however,
that even a few parts per million of iron can cause clogging
of lines to stock watering equipment or an undesirable stain-
ing and deposit on the equipment itself.
Lake and river waters of the United States usually contain
less than '0.05 mg/1 of lead (Pb ), although concentrations in
excess of this have been reported (Durum et al. 1971,141
Kopp and Kroner 1970).182 Some natural waters in areas
where galena is found have had as much as 0.8 mg/1 ~f the
element. It may also be introduced into waters in the ef-
fluents from various industries, as the result of action of the
water on lead pipes (McKee and Wolf 1963),193 or by
deposition from polluted air (NRC 1972).207
A nutritional need for lead by animals has not been
demonstrated, but its toxicity is well known. A rather com-
plete review of the matter of lead poisoning by McKee and
Wolf (1963)193 suggested that for livestock the toxicity of
the element had not been clearly established from a quanti-
tative standpoint. Even with more recent data (Donawick
1966,139 Link and Pensinger 1966,186 Harbourne et al.
1968,1 65 Damron et al. 1969,131 Hatch and Funnell 1969,1 68
Egan and O'Cuilll970,143 Aronson 1971),108 it is difficult to
establish clearly at what level of intake lead becomes toxic,
although a daily intake of 6-7 mg Pb/kg of body weight has
been suggested as the minimum that eventually gave rise
to signs of poisoning in cattle (Hammond and Aronson
1964).164 Apparently, cattle and sheep are considerably more
resistant to lead toxicosis than are horses, being remarkably
tolerant to the continuous intake of relatively large amounts
of the element (Hammond and Aronson 1964,164 Garner
1967,152 Aronson 19711°8 ; NRC 1972 207). However, there is
some tendency for it to accumulate in tissues and to be
transferred to the milk at levels that could be toxic to man
(Hammond and Aronson 1964).1 64
There is some agreement that 0.5 mg/1 of lead in the
drinking water of livestock is a safe level (McKee and Wolf
1963) ;193 and the findings of Schroeder and his associates
with laboratory animals are in agreement with this (1963a, 238
1963b,2 39 1964,234 1965235). Using I 0 times this level, or
5 mg/1, of lead in the drinking water of rats and mice over
their life spans, these authors observed no obvious direct
toxic effects but did find an increase in death rates in the
older animals, especially in the males. Schroeder et al.
(1965)235, observed that the increased mortality was not
caused by overt lead poisoning, but rather by an increased
susceptibility to spontaneous infections. Hemphill et al.
(1971)171 later reported that mice treated with subclinical
doses of lead nitrate were more susceptible to challenge with
Salmonella typhimurium.
In view of the lack of information concerning
the chronic toxicity of lead, its apparent role in
reducing disease resistance, and the very low inci-
dence in natural waters of lead contents exceeding
the 0.05 mgjllevel, an upper limit of 0.1 mgjl for
lead in livestock waters is recommended.
Like iron, manganese is a required trace element, occurs
in natural waters at only low levels as manganous salts, and
is precipitated in the presence of air as manganic oxide.
While it can be toxic when administered in the feed at high
Water for Livestock Enterprises /313
levels (Underwood 1911),254 it is improbable that it would
be found at toxic levels in waters.
It is doubtful that setting an upper limit of acceptability
is necessary for manganese, but as with iron, a few milli-
grams per liter in water can cause objectionable deposits
on stock watering equipment.
Natural waters may contain mercury originating from
the activities of man or from naturally occurring geological
stores (Wershaw 1970,262 White et al. 1970).263 The element
tends to sorb readily on a variety of materials, including the
bottom sediments of streams, greatly reducing the levels
that might otherwise remain in solution (Hem 1970).170
Thus, surface waters in the United States have usually
been found to contain much less than 5 J.tg/1 of mercury
(Durum et al. 1971).141 In areas harboring mercury de-
posits, their biological methylation occurs in bottom sedi-
ments (Jensen and Jerneli:iv 1969)176 resulting in a con-
tinuous presence of the element in solution (Greeson 1970) .156
In comparison to the relative instability of organic com-
pounds such as salts of phenyl mercury and methoxyethyl
mercury (Gage and Swan 1961,1 51 Miller et al. 1961,195
Daniel and Gage 1969,132 Daniel et al. 1971 133) alkyl
mercury compounds including methyl mercury (CH3Hg+)
have a high degree of stability in the body (Gage 1964,1 50
Miller et al. 1961)195 resulting in an accumulative effect.
This relative stability, together with efficient absorption from
the gut, contributes to the somewhat greater toxicity of
orally administered methyl mercury as compared to poorly
absorbed inorganic mercury salts (Swensson et al. 1959).249
The biological half-life of methyl mercury varies from
about 20 to 70 days in most species (Bergrund and Berlin
1969)_11 3 Brain, liver, and kidney were the organs that ac-
cumulated the highest levels of the element, with the distri-
bution of methyl and other alkyl mercury compounds favor-
ing nerve tissue and inorganic mercury favoring the kidney
(Malishevskaya et al. 1966,1 88 Platonow 1968,222 Aberg et al.
Transfer of methyl mercury (Curley et al. 1971),1 30 but
not mercuric mercury (Berlin and Ullberg 1963),114 to the
fetus has been observed. The element also appeared in the
eggs of poultry (Kiwimae et al. 1969)1 80 and wild birds
(Borg et al. 1969,118 Dustman et al. 1970)142 but did not seem
to concentrate there much above levels found in the tissues
of the adult. Data concerning levels of mercury that may be
detrimental to hatchability of eggs are too meager to sup-
port conclusions at this time. Also, data concerning transfer
of mercury to milk is lacking.
The animal organs representing the principal tissues for
mercury concentration are brain, liver, and kidney. It is
desirable that the maximum allowable limit for mercury in
livestock waters should result in less than 0.5 ppm of ac-
cumulated mercury in these tissues. This is the level now in
314/Section V-Agricultural Uses of Water
use as the maximum allowable in fish used for human con-
Few data are available quantitativ;ly relating dietary
mercury levels with accumulation in animal tissues. The
ratios between blood and brain levels of methyl mercury
appeared to range from 10 for rats to 0.2 for monkeys and
dogs (International Committee on Maximum Allowable
Concentrations of Mercury Compounds 1969).174 In addi-
tion, blood levels of mercury appeared to increase approxi-
mately in proportion to increases in dietary intake (Birke
et al. 1967115 ; Tejning 1967251 ).
Assuming a 0.2 or more blood-to-tissue (brain or other tis-
sue) ratio for mercury in livestock, the maintenance of less
than 0.5 ppm mercury in all tissues necessitates maintaining
blood mercury levels below 0.1 ppm. This would indicate a
maximum daily intake of 2.3 JLg of mercury per kilogram
body weight. Based upon daily water consumption by meat
animals in the range of up to about eight per cent of body
weight, it is estimated that water may contain almost 30
JLg/1 of mercury as methyl mercury without the limits of
these criteria being exceeded. Support for this approxima-
tion was provided in part by the calculations of Aberg et al.
(1969)102 showing that after "infinite" time the body burden
of mercury in man will approximate 15.2 times the weekly
intake of methyl mercury. Applying these data to meat ani-
mals consuming water equivalent to eight per cent of body
weight and containing 30 JLg/1 of mercury would result in
an average of 0.25 ppm mercury in the whole animal body.
Until specific data become available for the vari-
ous species, adherence to an upper limit of 10 JLg/1
of mercury in water for livestock is recommended,
and this limit provides an adequate margin of
safety to humans who will subsequently not be
exposed to as much as 0.5 ppm of mercury through
the consumption of animal tissue.
Underwood (1971)2 54 reviewed the matter of molyb-
denum's role in animal nutrition. While the evidence that
it is an essential element is good, the amount of molybdenum
required has not been established. For cattle, for instance,
no minimum requirement has been set, but it is believed to
be low, possibly less than 0.01 ppm of the dry diet (NRC
McKee and Wolf (1963)193 reviewed the matter of toxicity
of molybdenum to animals, but Underwood (1971)254
pointed out that many of the studies on its toxicity are ot
limited value because a number of factors known to influence
its metabolism were not taken into account in making these
studies. These factors included the chemical form ot
molybdenum, the copper status and intake of the animal,
the form and amount of sulfur in the diet, and other less
well defined matters. In spite of these, there are data to
support real species differences in terms of tolerance to the
element. Cattle seem the least tolerant, sheep a little more
so, and horses and swine considerably more tolerant.
While Shirley et al. (1950)2 45 found that drenching steers
daily with sodium molybdate in an amount equialent to
about 200 ppm of molybdenum in the diet for a period ot
seven months resulted in no marked symptoms of toxicity,
cattle on pastures where the herbage contained 20-100 ppm
of molybdenum on a dry basis developed a toxicosis known
as teart. Copper additions to the diet have been used to
control this (Underwood 1971).254
Cox et al. (1960)127 reported that rats fed diets containing
500 and 800 ppm of added molybdenum showed toxicity
symptoms and had increased levels of the element in their
livers. Some effects of the molybdenum in the diets on liver
enzymes in the rats were not observed in calves that had
been maintained on diets containing up to 400 ppm of the
Apparently, natural surface waters very rarely contained
levels of this element of over 1 mg/1 (Kopp and Kroner
1970),1 82 which seemed to offer no problem.
Because there are many factors influencing tox-
icity of molybdenum, setting an upper allowable
limit for its concentration in livestock waters is
not possible at this time.
Nitrates and Nitrites
Livestock poisoning by nitrates or nitrites is dependent
upon the intake of these ions from all sources. Thus, water
or forage may independently or together contain levels that
are toxic. Of the two, nitrite is considerably more toxic.
Usually it is formed through the biological reduction of
nitrate in the rumen of cattle or sheep, in freshly chopped
forage, in moistened feeds, or in waters contaminated with
organic matter to the extent that they are capable of sup-
porting microbial growth. While natural waters often con-
tain high levels of nitrate, their nitrite content is usually
very low.
While some nitrate was transferred to the milk, Davison
and his associates (1964)1 35 found that for dairy cattle fed
150 mg N03N/kg of body weight the milk contained about
3 ppm of N03N. They concluded that nitrates in cattle
feeds did not appear to constitute a hazard to human
health, and that animals fed nitrate continuously developed
some degree of adaptation to it.
The LD50 of nitrate nitrogen for ruminants was found
to be about 75 mg N03N/kg of body weight when ad-
ministered as a drench (Bradley et al. 1940)119 and about
255 mg/kg of body weight when sprayed on forage and
feed (Crawford and Kennedy 1960).128 Levels of 60 mg
N03N /kg of body weight as a drench (Sapiro et al. 1949)230
and 150 mg N03N/kg of body weight in the diet (Prewitt
and Merilan 1958;224 Davison et al. 1964135) had no de-
leterious effects. Lewis (l95J)184 found that 60 per cent con-
version of hemoglobin to methemoglobin occurred in
mature sheep from 4.0 g of N03N or 2.0 g of N02N placed
in the rumen, or 0.4 g N02N injected intravenously. As an
oral drench, 90 mg N03N/kg of body weight gave peak
methemoglobin levels of 5-6 g/100 ml of blood in sheep,
while intravenous injection of6 mg N02N/kg of body weight
gave similar results (Emerick et al. 1965).144
Nitrate-induced abortions in cattle and sheep have
generally required amounts approaching lethal levels
(Simon et al. 1959,247 Davison et al. 1962,136 Winter and
Hokanson 1964,266 Davison et al. 1965137).
Some experiments have demonstrated reductions in
plasma or liver vitamin A values resulting from the feeding
of nitrate to ruminants (Jordan et al. 1961,178 Goodrich
et al. 1964,153 Newland and Deans 1964,209 Hoar et al.
1968173). The destructive effect of nitrites on carotene
(Olson et al. 1963213 ) and vitamin A (Pugh and Garner
1963225 ) under acid conditions that existed in silage or in
the gastric stomach have also been noted. On the other
hand, nitrate levels of about 0.15 per cent in the feed
(equivalent to about l per cent of potassium nitrate) have
not been shown to influence liver vitamin A levels (Hale
et al. 1962,161 W eichenthal et al. 1963,261 Mitchell et al.
1967 197) nor to have other deleterious effects in controlled
experiments, except for a possible slight decrease in produc-
Assuming a maximum water consumption in dairy cat-
tle of 3 to 4 times the dry matter intake (NRC l97la205 ),
the concentration of nitrate to be tolerated in the water
should be about one-fourth of that tolerated in the feed.
This would be about 300 mg/1 of N03N.
Gwatkin and Plummer (1946)160 drenched pigs with
potassium nitrate solutions, finding that it required in ex-
cess of 300 mg N03N/kg of body weight to cause erosion
and hemorrhage of the gastric mucosa and subsequent
death. Lower levels of this salt had no effect when ad-
ministered daily for 30 days. Losses in swine due to metho-
globinemia have occurred only with the consumption of
preformed nitrite and not with nitrate (Mcintosh et al.
1943,192 Gwatkin and Plummer 1946,160 Winks et al.
1950265 ). Nitrate administered orally as a single dose was
found to be acutely toxic at 13 mg N 0 2N /kg of body weight,
8. 7 mg/kg of body weight producing moderate methemo-
globinemia (Winks et al. 1950).265 Emerick et al. (1965)144
produced moderate methemoglobinemia in pigs with intra-
venous injections of 6.0 mg N02N/kg of body weight and
found that the animals under one week of age were no more
susceptible to poisoning than older ones.
Drinking water containing 330 mg/l N03N fed continu-
ously to growing pigs and to gilts from weaning through two
farrowing seasons had no adverse effects (Seerley et al.
1965).242 Further, 100 mg/1 of N02N in drinking water
had no effect on performance or liver vitamin A values of
pigs over a 1 05-day experimental period, and methemo-
Water for Livestock Enterprises/315
globin values rema~ned low. This level of nitrite greatly
exceeded the maximum of 13 mg/l N02N found to form
in waters in galvanized watering equipment and in the
presence of considerable organic matter containing up to
300 mg/1 N03N.
In special situations involving the presence of high levels
of nitrates in aqueous slurries of plant or animal tissues,
nitrite accumulation reached a peak of about one-fourth to
one-half the initial nitrate concentration (Mcintosh et al.
1943,192 Winks et al. 1950,265 Barnett 1952) .109 This situation
was unusual, but since wet mixtures are sometimes used for
swine, it must be considered in establishing criteria for
Levels of nitrate up to 300 mg/1 N03N or of nitrite up to
200 mg/1 of N02N were added to drinking waters without
adverse effects on the growth of chicks or production of
laying hens (Adams et al. 1966).104 At 200 mg/l N02N,
nitrite decreased growth in turkey poults and reduced the
liver storage of vitamin A in chicks, laying hens, and
turkeys. At 50 mg/1 N02N, no effects were observed on any
of the birds. Kienholz et al. (1966)179 found that 150 mg/1
of N03N in the drinking water or in the feed of chicks or
poults had no detrimental effect on growth, feed efficiency,
methemoglobin level, or thyroid weight, while Sell and
Roberts (1963)243 found that 0.12 per cent (1,200 ppm) of
N02N in chick diets lowered vitamin A stores in the liver
and caused hypertrophy of the thyroid. Other studies have
shown poultry to tolerate levels of nitrate or nitrite similar
to or greater than those mentioned above (Adams et al.
1967,1°5 Crawford et al. 1969129). Up to 450 mg/1 of N03N
in the drinking water of turkeys did not significantly affect
meat color (Mugler et al. 1970).199
Some have suggested that nitrate or nitrite can cause a
chronic or subclinical toxicity (Simon et al. 1959,247
Mcilwain and Schipper 1963,191 Pfander 1961,221 Beeson
l964,m Case 1957 125). Some degree of thyroid hypertrophy
may occur in some species with the consumption of subtoxic
levels of nitrate or nitrite (Bloomfield et al. 1961,117 Sell and
Roberts 1963),243 but possibly not in all (Jainudeen et al.
1965).175 In the human newborn, a chronic type of methe-
globinemia may result from feeding waters of low N03N
content (Armstrong et al. 1958).107 It appears, however,
that all classes oflivestock and poultry that have been studied
under controlled experimental conditions can tolerate the
continued ingestion of waters containing up to 300 mg/1 of
N03N or 100 mg/l of N02N.
In order to provide a reasonable margin of safety
to allow for unusual situations such as extremely
high water intake or nitrite formation in slurries,
the NOaN plus N02N content in drinking waters
for livestock and poultry should be limited to 100
ppm or less, and the N02N content alone be limited
to 10 ppm or less.
316/Section V-Agricultural Uses of Water
Rosenfeld and Beath (1964)227 hav~ reviewed the prob-
lems of selenium poisoning in livestock. Of the three types
of this poisoning described, the "alkali disease" syndrome
required the lowest level of the element in the feed for its
causation. Moxon (1937)198 placed this level at about 5 ppm,
and subsequent research confirmed this figure. Later work
established that the toxicity of selenium was very similar
when the element was fed as it occurs in plants, as selena-
methionine or selenocystine, or as inorganic selenite or
selenate (Halverson et al. 1962,162 Rosenfeld and Beath
1964,227 Halverson et al. 1966163). Ruminant animals may
tolerate more as inorganic salts than do monogastric ani-
mals because of the salts' reduction to insoluble elemental
form by rumen microorganisms (Butler and Peterson
A study with rats (Schroeder 1967)232 revealed that sele-
nite, but not selenate, in the drinking water caused deaths
at a level of 2 mg/1 and was somewhat more toxic than
selenite administered in the diet. However, the results of
drenching studies with cattle and sheep (Maag and Glenn
1967)187 indicated that selenium concentration in the water
should be slight, if it is any more toxic in the same chemical
form administered in the feed. If there are differences with
respect to the effect of mode of ingestion on toxicity, they are
probably small.
To date, no substantiated cases of selenium poisoning in
livestock by waters have been reported, although some
spring and irrigation waters have been found to contain
over I mg/1 of the element (Byers 1935,122 Williams and
Byers 1935,264 Beath 1943 110). As a rule, well, surface, and
ocean waters appeared to contain less than 0.05 mg/1,
usually considerably less. Byers et al. (1938)123 explained
the low selenium content as a result of precipitation of the
selenite ion with ferric hydroxide. Microbial activity, how-
ever, removed either selenite or selenate from water
(Abu-Erreish 1967) ;103 this may be another explanation.
In addition to its toxicity, the essential role of selenium
in animal nutrition (Thompson and Scott 1970)252 must be
considered. Between 0.1 and 0.2 ppm in the diet have been
recommended as necessary to insure against a deficiency
in poultry (Scott and Thompson 1969),241 against white
muscle disease in ruminants (Muth 1963),201 and other
diseases in other animals (Hartley and Grant 1961) .167
Selenium therapy suggests it as a requirement for livestock
in general. Inorganic selenium was not incorporated into
tissues to the same extent as it occurred in plant tissue
(Halverson et al. 1962,162 1966,163 Rosenfeld and Beath
1964227). It is doubtful that 0.2 ppm or less of added inor-
ganic selenium appreciably increased the amount found in
the tissue of animals ingesting it. The data of Kubota et al.
(1967)183 regarding the occurrence of selenium poisoning
suggested that over a good part of the United States live-
stock were receiving as much as 0.5 ppm or even more of
naturally occurring selenium in their diets continuously,
without harm to them and without accumulating levels of
the element in their tissues that make meats or livestock
products unfit for human use.
It is recommended that the upper limit for
selenium in livestock waters be 0.05 mgjl.
Vanadium has been present in surface waters in the
United States in concentrations up to 0.3 mg/1, although
most of the analyses showed less than 0.05 mg/1 (Kopp and
Kroner 1970) .182
Recently, vanadium was determined essential for the
growing rat, physiologically required levels appearing to
be at or below 0.1 ppm of the diet (Schwarz and Milne
1971).240 It became toxic to chicks when incorporated into
the diet as ammonium metavanadate at concentrations
over about 10 ppm of the element (Romoser et al. 1961,226
Nelson et al. 1962,208 Berg 1963,112 Hathcock et al. 1964169).
Schroeder and Balassa (1967)233 found that when mice were
allowed drinking water containing 5 mg/1 of vanadium as
vanadyl sulfate over a life span, no toxic effects were ob-
served, but the element did accumulate to some extent in
certain organs.
It is recommended that the upper -limit for
vanadium in drinking water for livestock be 0.1
There are many opportunities for the contamination of
waters by zinc. In some areas where it is mined, this metal
has been found in natural waters in concentrations as high
as 50 mg/1. It occurs in significant amounts in effluents
from certain industries. Galvanized pipes and tanks may
also contribute zinc to acidic waters. In a recent survey of
surface waters, most contained less than 0.05 mg/1 but some
exceeded 5.0 mg/1, the highest value being 42 nig/1 (Durum
et al. 1971).141
Zinc is relatively nontoxic for animals. Swine have
tolerated 1,000 ppm of dietary zinc (Grimmet et al. 1937,157
Sampson et al. 1942,229 Lewis et al. 1957,1 85 Brink et al.
1959120), while 2,000 ppm or more have been found to be
toxic (Brink et al. 1959).120 Similar findings have been re-
ported for poultry (Klussendorf and Pensack 1958,181 John-
son et al. 1962,177 Vohra and Kratzer 1968259) where zinc
was added to the feed. Adding 2,320 mg/1 of the element
to water for chickens reduced water consumption, egg pro-
duction, and body weight. After zinc withdrawal there were
no symptoms of toxicity in chickens (Sturkie 1956).248 In a
number of studies with ruminants, Ott et al. (1966a,215
b,216 c,217 d 218) found zinc added to diets as the oxide to be
toxic, but at levels over 500 mg/kg of diet.
While an increased zinc intake reflected an increase in
level of the element in the body tissues, the tendency for its
accumulation was not great (Drinker et al. 1927,140 Thomp-
son et al. 1927,253 Sadasivan 1951,228 Lewis et al. 1957),185
and tissue levels fell rapidly after zinc dosing was stopped
(Drinker et al. 1927,140 Johnson et aL 1962177).
Zinc is a dietary requirement of all poultry and livestock.
National Research Council recommendation for poults up
to eight weeks was ~0 mg/kg of diet; for chicks up-to eight
weeks, it was 50 mg/kg of diet (NRC 1971 b) ;206 for swine,
50 mg/kg·of diet (NRC l968a).202 There is no established
requirement for ruminants, but zinc deficiencies were re-
ported in cattle grazing forage with zinc contents ranging
between 18 and 83 ppm (Underwood 1971).264 There is
also no established requirement for sheep, budambs fed a
purified diet containing 3 ppm of the element developed
symptoms of a deficiency that were prevented by adding 15
ppm of zinc to the diet; 30 ppm was required to give max-
imum growth (Ott et al. 1965).214
Cereal grains contained on the average 30-40 ppm and
protein concentrates from 20 to over l 00 ppm (Davis
1966) .134 In view of this, and in view of the low order of
toxicity of zinc and its requirement by animals, a limit in
livestoc~ waters of 25 mg zinc/1 would have a very large
margin of safety. A higher limit does not seem necessary,
since there would be few instances where natural waters
would carry in excess of this.
It is recommended that the upper limit for zinc
in livestock waters be 25 mg/1.
Toxic Algae
The term "water bloom" refers to heavy scums of blue-
green algae that form on waters under certain conditions.
Perhaps the first report of livestock poisoning by toxic algae
was that of Francis (1878)147 who described the problem in
southern Australia. Fitch et al. (1934)146 reviewed a number
of cases of algal poisoning in farm animals in Minnesota
between 1882 and 1933. All were associated with certain
blue-green algae often concentrated by the wind at one end
of the lake. Losses in cattle, sheep, and poultry were re-
ported. The algae were found toxic to laboratory animals
on ingestion or intraperitoneal injection.
According to Gorham (1964)155 six species of blue-green
algae have been incriminated, as follows:
Nodularia spumigena
M icrosystis aeruginosa
Coelosphaerium Kuetzingianum
Gloeotrichia echinulata
Anabaena jlos-aquae·
Aphani~omenon jlos-aquae
Water for Livestock Enterprises/317
Of the above, Gorham states that Microcystis and Ana-
baena have most often been blamed for serious poisonings
and algal blooms consisting of one or more of these species
vary considerably in their tbxicity (Gorham 1964)_155
According to Gorham (1960),1 54 this variability seems to
depend upon a number of factors, e.g., species and strains
of algae that are predominant, types and numbers of bac-
terial associates, the conditions of growth, collection and
decomposition, the degree of animal starvation and sus-
ceptibility, and the amount consumed. To date, only one
toxin from blue-green algae has been isolated and identified,
only from a few species and streams. This was a cyclic poly-
peptide containing lO amino acid residues, one of which
was the unnatural amino acid D-serine (Bishop et al.
1959).116 This is also referred to as FDF (fast-death factor),
since it causes death more quickly than SDF (slow-death
factor) toxins produced in water blooms.
Shilo ( 1967)244 pointed out that the sudden decomposition
of algal blooms often preceded mass mortality of fish, and
similar observations were made with livestock poisonings.
This suggests that the lysis of the algae may be important
in the release of the toxins, but it also suggests that in some
circumstances botulism may be involved. The lack of oxy-
gen may have caused the fish kill and must also be con-
Predeath symptoms in livestock have not been carefully
observed and described. Post-mortem examination is ap-
parently of no help in diagnosis (Fitch et al. 1934).146
Feeding or injecting algal suspensions or water from suspect
waters have been used to some extent, but the occasional
fleeting toxicity of these materials makes this procedure of
limited value. Identification of any of the toxic blue-green
algae species in suspect waters does no more than suggest
the possibility that they caused livestock deaths.
In view of the many unknowns and unresolved problems
relating blooms of toxic algae, it is impossible to suggest
any recommendations insuring against the occurrence of
toxic algae in livestock waters.
The use for livestock of waters bearing heavy
growths of blue green algae should be avoided.
Surface and groundwaters acquire radioactivity from
natural sources, from fallout resulting from atmospheric
nuclear detonations, from mining or processing uranium,
or as the result of the use of isotopes in medicine, scientific
research, or industry.
All radiation is regarded as harmful, and any unnecessary
exposure to it should be avoided. Experimental work on the
biological half-lives of radionuclides and their somatic and
genetic effects on animals have been briefly reviewed by
McKee and Wolf (1963).193 Because the rate of decay of a
radionuclide is a physical constant that cannot be changed,
318/Section V-Agricultural Uses of Water
radioactive isotopes must be disposed of by dilution or by
storage and natural decay. In view of J;he variability in half-
lives of the many radioisotopes, the nature of their radioac-
tive emissions, and the differences in metabolism of various
elements by different animals, the results of animal experi-
mentation do not lend themselves easily to the development
of recommendations.
Based on the recommendations of the U. S. Federal
Radiation Council (1960,257 196!258), the Environmental
Protection Agency will set drinking water standards for
radionuclides (1972), 145 to establish the intake of radioac-
tivity from waters that when added to the amount from all
other sources will not likely be harmful to man.
In view of the limited knowledge of the effect of
radionuclides in water on domestic animals, it is
recommended that the Federal Drinking Water
Standards be used for farm animals as well as for
Pesticides include a large number of organic and inorganic
compounds. The United States production of synthetic
organic pesticides in 1970 was l ,060 million pounds con-
sisting almost entirely of insecticides (501 million pounds),
herbicides (391 million pounds), and fungicides (168 million
pounds). Production data for inorganic pesticides was
limited. Based on production, acreage treated, and use
patterns, insecticides and herbicides comprise the major
agricultural pesticides (Fowler 1972).279 Of these, some can
be detrimental to livestock. Some have low solubility in
water, but all cause problems if accidental spillage pro-
duces high concentrations in water, or if they become ad-
sorbed on colloidal particles subsequently dispersed m
Insecticides are subdivided into three major classes of
compounds including methylcarbamates, organophosphates
and chlorinated hydrocarbons. Many of these substances
produce no serious pollution hazards, because they are non-
persistent. Others, such as the chlorinated hydrocarbons,
are quite persistent in the environment and are the pesti-
cides most frequently encountered in water.
Entry of Pesticides into Water
Pesticides enter water from soil runoff, direct application,
drift, rainfall, spills, or faulty waste disposal techniques.
Movement by erosion of soil particles with adsorbed pesti-
cides is one of the principal means of entry into water. The
amount carried in runoff water is influenced by rates of ap-
plication, soil type, vegetation, topography, and other
factors. Because of strong binding of some pesticides on soil
particles, water pollution by pesticides is thought to occur
largely through the transport of chemicals adsorbed to soil
particles (Lichtenstein et al. 1966).281 This mechanism may
not always be a major route. Bradley et al. (1972)269 ob-
served that when 13.4 kg/hectare DDT and 26.8 kg/hectare
toxophene were applied to cotton fields, only 1.3 and 0.61
per cent, respectively, of the amounts applied were detected
in natural runoff water over an 8-month period.
Pesticides can also enter the aquatic environment by direct
application to surface waters. Generally, this use is to con-
trol mosquito larvae, nuisance aquatic weeds, and, as in
several southern states, to control selected aquatic fauna
such as snails (Chesters and Konrad 1971).271 Both of these
pathways generally result in contamination of surface waters
rather than groundwaters.
Precipitation, accidental spills, and faulty waste disposal
are less important entry routes. Pesticides detected in rain-
water include DDT, DDD, DDE, dieldrin, alpha-BHC and
gamma-BHC in extremely minute concentrations (i.e., in
the order of I0-12 parts or the nanograms per liter level)
(Weibel et al. 1966,295 Cohen and Pinkerton 1966,2 74 Tar-
rant and Tatton 1968291 ). Spills and faulty waste disposal
techniques are usually responsible for shor~-term, high-level
The amount of pesticide actually in solution, however,
is governed by a number of factors, the most important
probably being the solubility of the molecule. Chlorinated
hydrocarbon insecticides, for example, have low solubility
in water (Freshwater Appendix II-D). Cationic pesticides
(i.e., paraquat and diquat) are rapidly and tightly bound
to soil particles and are inactivated (Weed Society of
America 1970) .294 Most arsenical pesticides form insoluble
salts and are inactivated (Woolson et al. 1971).297 A survey
of the water and soil layers in farm ponds indicates higher
concentrates of pesticides are associated with the soil layers
that interface with water than in the water per se. In an ex-
tensive survey of farm water sources (U. S. Dept. of Agri-
culture, Agricultural Research Service 1969a, 292 hereafter
referred to as Agriculture Research Service 1969a267),
analysis of sediment showed residues in the magnitude of
decimal fractions of a microgram per gram (J.Lg/g) to a high
of 4.90 J.Lg/g DDT and its DDE and DDD degradation
compounds. These were the principal pesticides found in
sediment. Dieldrin and endrin were also detected in sedi-
ment in two study areas where surface drainage water
entered farm ponds from an adjacent field.
Pesticides Occurrence in Water
Chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides are the pesticides
most frequently encountered in water. They include DDT
and its degradation products DDE and DDD, dieldrin,
endrin, chlordane, aldrin, and lindane. In a pesticide moni-
toring program conducted from 195 7 to 1965, Breidenbach
et al. ( 1967)270 concluded that dieldrin was present in all
sampled river basins at levels from 1 to 22 nanograms
(ng)/liter. DDT and its metabolites were found to occur in
most surface waters, while levels of endrin in th~ lower
,Mississippi decreased from a high of 214 ng/1 in 1963 to a
range of 15 to 116 ng/1 in 1965. Results of monitoring
studies conducted by the U. S. Department of Agriculture
(Agricultural Research Service 1969a)267 from 1965 to
1967 indicated that only very small amounts of pesticides
were present in any of the sources sampled. The most preva-
lent pesticides in water were DDT, its metabolites DDD and
DDE, and dieldrin. Levels detected were usually below
one part per billion. The DDT family, dieldrin, endrin,
chlordane, lindane, heptachlor epoxide, trifluralin, and
2, 4-D, were detected in the range of 0.1 to 0.01 J.ig/1. In a
major survey of surface waters in the United States con-
ducted from 1965 to 1968 for chlorinated hydrocarbon pesti-
cides (Lichtenberg et al. 1969),282 dieldrin and DDT (in-
cluding DDE and DDD) were the compounds most fre-
quently detected throughout the 5-year period. After reach-
ing a peak in 1966, the total number of occurrences of all
chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides decreased sharply in
1967 and 1968.
A list of pesticides most likely to occur in the environ-
ment and, consequently, recommended for inclusion in
monitoring studies, was developed by the former Federal
Committee on Pesticide Control (now Working Group on
Pesticides). This list was revised (Schechter 1971)290 and
expanded to include those compounds (1) whose persistence
is of relatively long-term duration; (2) whose use pattern~
is large scale in terms of acreage; or (3) whose inherent
toxicity is hazardous enough to merit close surveillance.
The primary list includes 32 pesticides or classes of pesticides
(i.e. arsenical pesticides, mercurial pesticides, and several
dithiocarbamate fungicides) recommended to be monitored
in water. A secondary list of 17 compounds was developed
for consideration, if monitoring activities are expanded in
the future. The pesticides found on the primary list would
be those most likely to be encountered in farm water sup-
plies (see Freshwater Appendix II-D).
Toxicological Effects of Pesticides on Livestock
Mammals generally have a greater tolerance to pesticides
than birds and fish. However, the increased use of pesticides
in agriculture, particularly the insecticides, presents a poten-
tial hazard to livestock. Some compounds such as the or-
ganophosphorous insecticides can be extremely dangerous,
especially when mishandled or wrongly used. To date, how-
ever, there actually have been very few verified cases of
livestock poisoning from pesticides (Papworth 196 7). 287 In
the few instances reported, the cause of livestock poisoning
usually has been attributed to human negligence. For live-
stock, pesticide classes that may pose possible hazards are
the acaricides, fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, mollus-
. cides, and rodenticides (Papworth 1967).287
Acaricides intended for use on crops and trees usually
have low toxicity to livestock. Some, such as technical
chlorobenzilate, have significant toxicity for mammals. The
acute oral LD50 in rats is 0. 7 g/kg of body ,weight (Pap-
Water for Livestock Enterprises /319
worth 1967).287 With fungicides, the main hazard to live-
stock apparently is not from the water route, but from their
use as seed dressings for grain. Of the types used, the organo-
mercury compounds and thiram are potentially the most
dangerous (McEntee 1950,283 Weibel et al. 1966295). The
use of all organomercury fungicides is restricted by the
Environmental Protection Agency (Office of Pesticides,
Pesticides Regulation Division 1972). 277 Consequently, the
possible hazard to livestock from these compounds has, for
most purposes, been eliminated.
Of the herbicides in current use, the dinitro compounds
pose the greatest hazard to livestock. Dinitroorthocresol
(DNC or DNOC) is probably the most used member of
this group. In ruminants, however, DNC is destroyed
rapidly by the rumen organisms (Papworth 1967).287 These
compounds are very persistent, up to two years, and for
livestock the greatest hazard is from spillages, contamina-
tion of vegetation, or water. In contrast, the phenoxyacetic
acid derivatives (2 ,4-D, MCPA) are comparatively harm-
less. Fertig (1953)278 states that suspected poisoning of
livestock or wildlife by phenoxy herbicides could not be
substantiated in all cases carefully surveyed. The hazards
to livestock from hormone weed killers are discussed by
Rowe and Hymas (1955),289 and dinitrocompounds by
McGirr and Papworth (1953)284 and Edson (1954).276
The possible hazards from other herbicides are reviewed by
Papworth (1967)287 and Radeleff (1970).288
Of the classes of insecticides in use, some pose a potential
hazard to livestock, while others do not. Insecticides of
vegetable origin such as pyrethrins and rotenones, are prac-
tically non-toxic to livestock. Most chlorinated hydrocarbons
are not highly toxic to livestock, and none is known to ac-
cumulate in vital organs. DDT, DDD, dilan, methoxychlor,
and perthane are not highly toxic to mammals, but some
other chlorinated hydrocarbons are quite toxic (Papworth
1967,287 Radeleff 1970288). The insecticides that are poten-
tially the most hazardous are the organophosphorus com-
pounds causing chlorinesterase inhibition. Some, such as
mipafax, induce pathological changes not directly related
to cholinesterase inhibition (Barnes and Denz 1953).268
Liquid organophosphorus insecticides are absorbed by all
routes, and the lethal dose for most of these compounds is
low (Papworth 1967,287 Radeleff 1970288).
Pesticides in Drinking Water for Livestock
The subgroup on contamination in the Report of the
Secretary's Commission on Pesticides and Their Relation-
ship to Environmental Health (U.S. Dept. of Health, Edu-
cation, and Welfare 1969)293 examined the present knowl-
edge -on mechanisms for dissemination of pesticides in the
environment, including the water route. There have been
no reported cases of livestock toxicity resulting from pesti-
cides in water. However, they conclude that the possibility
of contamination and toxicity from pesticides is real because
of indiscriminate, uncontrolled and excessive use.
320/Section V-Agricultural Uses of Water
Pesticide residues in farm water supplies for livestock and
related enterprises are undesirable and .JllUSt be reduced or
eliminated whenever possible. The primary problem of
reducing levels of pesticides in water is to locate the source
of contamination. Once located, appropriate steps should
be taken to eliminate the source.
Some of the properties and concentrations of pesticides
found in water are shown in Table V-4. Although many
pesticides are readily broken down and eliminated by live-
stock with no subsequent toxicological effect, the inherent
problems associated with pesticide use include the accumu-
lation and secretion of either the parent compound or its
degradation products in edible tissues and milk (Kutches
et al. 1970).28° Consequently, pesticides consumed by live-
stock through drinking water may result in residues in fat
and certain produce (milk, eggs, wool), depending on the
level of exposure and the nature of the pesticide. There is
also a possibility of interactions between insecticides and
drugs, especially in animal feeds (Conney and Hitchings
Nonpolar lipophilic pesticides such as the chlorinated
hydrocarbon insecticides (DDT, lindane, endrin, and
other~) tend to accumulate in fatty tissue and may re-
sult in measurable residues. Polar, water soluble pesticides
and their metabolic derivatives are generally excreted in
the urine soon after ingestion. Examples of this class would
include most of the phosphate insecticides and the acid
herbicides (2,4-D; 2,4,5-T; and others). Approximately
96 per cent of a dose of 2 ,4-D fed to sheep was excreted
unchanged in the urine and 1.4 per cent in the feces in 72
hours (Clark et al. 1964).273 Feeding studies (Claborn et al.
1960)272 have shown that when insecticides were fed to beef
cattle and sheep as a contaminant in their feed at dosages
that occur as residues on forage crops, all except methoxy-
chlor were stored in the fat. The levels of these insecticides
in fat decreased after the insecticides were removed from the
animals' diets. When poultry were exposed to pesticides
either by ingestion of contaminated food or through the use
of pesticides in poultry houses, Whitehead (1971)296 ob-
TABLE V-4-Some Properties, Criteria, and Concentrations
of Pesticides Found in Water
aldrin ....................... .
dieldrin ..................... .
endrin ...................... .
heptachlor. .................. .
heptachlor epoxide ............ .
DDT ........................ .
ODE .....•..................•
000 ........................ .
2.4·0• ...................... .
Solubility pgfliter
Toxicity LD50 mgjkg Maximum concentration•
• Maximum concentration of pesticide found in surface waters in the United States, from Lichtenberg et al
• Refers to the herbicide family 2,4·0; 2,4,5-T; and 2,4,5-TP.
served that the toxicities to birds of the substances used
varied greatly. However, nonlethal doses may affect growth
rate, feed conversion efficiency, egg production, egg size,
shell thickness, and viability of the young. Although the ef-
fects of large doses may be considerable, Whitehead con-
cluded that little is known about the impairment of produc-
tion at low rates commonly used in agricultural practice.
Elimination of fat soluble pesticides from contaminated
animals is slow. Urinary excretion is insignificant and
elimination in feces is slow. The primary route of excretion
in a lactating animal is through milk. The lowest concentra-
tions of pesticides in feeds that lead to detectable residues in
animal tissues or products exceed the amounts found in
water by a factor of I 0,000. However, at the comparatively
high dosage rates given in feeds, certain trends are apparent.
Cows fed DDT in their diet at rates of 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and
5.0 mg/kg exhibited residues in milk at all feeding levels
except at 0.5 mg/kg. As the DDT feed levels increased,
contamination increased (Zweig et al. 1961).298 When cows
were removed from contaminated feeds, the amount of
time required for several pesticides to reach the non-detect-
able level was recorded (Moubry et al. 1968).286 Dieldrin
had the longest retention time in milk, approximately 100
days. DDT and its analogs, BHC, lindane, endrin, and
methoxychlor followed in that order. It should be empha-
sized that levels found in farm water supplies do not make a
significant contribution to animal body burdens of pesticides
compared to amounts accumulated in feeds.
Table V-4 shows the toxicity of some important pesti-
cides. Assuming the average concentration of any pesticide
in water is 0.1 ,ug/1, and the average daily consumption of
water by dairy or beef cattle is 60 liters per day, then the
average daily intake of DDT would be 0.006 mg. Further,
assuming that the average body weight for dairy or beef cat-
tle is 450 kg and the LD50 for DDT is 113 mg/kg (Table
V-4), then 50 grams would have to be consumed to approach
the dose that would be lethal to 50 per cent of the animals. If
a steer were maintained on this water for 1,000 days, then it
would have ingested about 1/10,000 of the reported LD50.
For endrin (LD50= 10 mg/kg), cattle would ingest 1/1,000
of the established LD50. The safety margin is probably
greater than indicated, because the calculations assume that
all of the insecticide is retained unaltered during the total
ingestion period. DDT is known to be degraded to a limited
extent by bovine rumen fluid and by rumen microorgan-
isms. For sheep, swine, horses, and poultry, the average
daily water intake in liters is about 5, 10, 40, and 0.2, re-
spectively. Consequently, their intake would be substantially
Fish as Indicators of Water Safety
The presence of fish may be an excellent monitor for
toxic levels of pesticides in livestock water supplies. There
are numerous and well documented examples in the litera-
ture of the biological magnification of persistent pesticides
TABLE V-5-Examples of Fish as Indicators of Water
Safety for Livestock
Material Toxic-levels mgfl for fish
Aldrin .................... 0.02 ................... .
Chlordane ................ 1.0 (sunfish), ........... .
Dieldrin .................. 0.025(trout) ............ .
Dipterex .................• 50.0 ................... .
Endrin ................... 0.003 (bass).
Ferban, fermate ........... 1.0 to 4.0
Methoxychlor. ............ 0.2 (bass) .............. .
Parathion ................. 2.0 (goldfish) ........... .
Pentachlorophenol......... 0.35 (bluegill) .......... .
Pyrethrum (allethrin)...... 2.0to 10.0 ............. .
Silvex .................... 5.0 .................... .
Toxaphene ................ O.l(bass) ............. .
McKee and Wolf, 1963'"·
Toxic eftects on animals
3 mg/kg food (poullry).
91 mgjkg body weight in food (cattle).
25 mgjkg food (rats).
10.0 mgjkg body weight in food (calves).
3. 5 mgjkg body weight in food (chicks).
14 mg/kg allalfa hay, not toxic (cattle).
75 mgjkg body weight in food (cattle).
60 mg/1 drinking water not toxic (catUe).
1, 400 to 2, 800 mgjkg body weight in food (rats).
500 to 2,000 mgjkg body weight in food (chicks).
35 to 110 mgfkg body weight in food (cattle).
by fish and other aquatic organisms (See Sections III and
IV on Freshwater and Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife.)
Because of the lower tolerance levels of these aquatic
organisms for persistent pesticides such as chlorinated hy-
drocarbon insecticides, mercurial compounds, and heavy
metal fungicides, the presence of living fish in agricultural
water supplies would indicate their safety for livestock
(McKee and Wolf 1963).285 Some examples of individual
effects of pesticides upon fish compared to animal species
are shown in Table V -5. These data indicate that fish gen-
erally have much lower tolerance for commonly used pesti-
cides than do livestock and poultry.
Feeding studies indicate no deleterious effects of
reported pesticide residues in livestock drinking
water on animal health. To prevent unacceptable
residues in animal products, the maximum levels
proposed in the pesticide section of the Panel of
Public Water Supplies are recommended for farm
animal water supplies.
Microbial Pathogens
One of the most significant factors in the spread of infec-
tious diseases of domesticated animals is the quality of
water which they consume. In many instances the only
water available to livestock is from surface sources such as
ponds, waterholes, lakes, rivers and creeks. Not infrequently
these sources are contaminated by animals which wade to
drink or stand in them seeking refuge from pests. Con-
tamination with potential disease-producing organisms
comes from surface drainage originating in corrals, feed
lots, or pastures in which either sick or carrier animals are
Direct evidence relating the occurence of animal patho-
gens in surface waters and disease outbreaks is limited.
However, water may be a source for listeriosis caused by
Water for Livestock Enterprises/321
Listeria monocytogenes (Larsen 1964)302 and erysipelas caused
by Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae (Wood and Packer in press
1972). 310 Tularemia of animals is not normally waterborne,
but the organism Pasteurella tularensis has been isolated from
waters in the United States (Parker et al. 1951,303 Seghetti
1952). 305 Enteric microorganisms, including the vibrios
(Wilson and Miles 1966) 309 and amoebae, have a long
record as water polluting agents.
The Escherichia-Enterobacter-Klebscilla group of enterics
are widely distributed in feed, water, and the general en-
vironment (Breed et al. 1957).299 They sometimes cause
urinary disease, abscesses, and mastitis in livestock. Sal-
monella are very invasive and the carrier state is easily pro-
duced and persistent, often without any general evidence of
disease. Spread of the enterics outside the yards, pens, or
pastures of infected livestock is a possibility, but the epi-
demiology and ecology of this problem are not clear.
In the United States, leptospirosis is probably the most
intimately water-related disease problem (Gillespie et al.
1957,301 Crawford et al. 1969 300 ). The pathogenic leptospira
leave the infected host through urine and lack protection
against drying. Direct animal-to-animal spread can occur
through urine splashed to the eyes and nostrils of another
Infection by leptospirosis from water often is direct; that
is, contaminated water infects animals that consume it or
come into contact with it.
Van Thiel ( 1948) 308 and Gillespie et al. ( 195 7)3°1 pointed
out that mineral composition and pH of water are factors
affecting continued mobility of voided leptospira. Most
episodes of leptospirosis can be traced to ponds, ricefields,
and natural waters of suitable pH and mineral composition.
For leptospira control, livestock must not be allowed to
wade in contaminated water. Indirect contamination of
water through sewage is unlikely, although free-living
leptospira may occur in such an environment.
The Genus Clostridium is comprised of many species
(Breed et al. 1957),299 some of which have no pathogenic
characteristics. Some such as Clostridium perfrigens and Cl.
tetani may become adapted to an enteric existence in ani-
mals. Almost all of them are soil adapted. Water has a vital
role in environments favorable for anaerobic infections
caused by Clostridia.
Management of water to avoid oxygen depletion serves
to control the anaerobic problem. Temporary or permanent
areas of anaerobic water environment are dangerous to
livestock. Domestic animals should be prevented from con-
suming water not adequately oxygenated.
One of the best examples of water-related disease is bacil-
lary hemoglobinuria, caused by an organism Cl. hemolyticum
found in western areas of North and South America. It has
been linked with liver fluke injury, but is not dependent on
the presence of flukes. Of particular concern has been the
spread of this disease to new areas in the western states. As
described by Van Ness and Erickson (1964), 307 each new
322/Section V-Agricultural Uses of Water
premise is an endemic area which has an alkaline, anaerobic
soil-water environment suitable for the organism. This
disease has made its appearanc~ in new areas of the West
when these areas are cleared of brush and irrigated. To
avoid this problem, western irrigation waters should be
managed to avoid cattail marshes, hummock grasses, and
other environments of prolonged saturation.
Anthrax in livestock is a disease of considerable concern.
The organism causing anthrax, Bacillus anthracis, may occur
in soils with pH above 6.0. The organism forms spores
which, in the presence of adequate soil nutrients, vege-
tate and grow. The spread of disease by drinking water
containing spores has never been proved. Bits of hide and
hair waste may be floated by water downstream from manu-
facturing plants, but very few outbreaks have been reported
from these sources. The disease is associated with the water
from pastures where the grass has been killed (Van Ness
1971). 306 The killed grass is brown rather than blackened, a
significant difference from water drowned vegetation in
The epidemiology of virus infections tends to incriminate
direct contact; e.g., fomites, mechanical, and biological
vectors, but seldom water supplies. Water used to wash
away manure prior to the use of disinfectants or other bio-
logical control procedure may carry viruses to the general
Viruses are classified by size, type of nucleic acid, struc-
ture, ether sensitivity, tissue effects (which includes viruses
long known to cause recognizable diseases, ~uch as pox and
hog cholera), and by other criteria. Only the ether-resistant
viruses, such as those causing polio and foot and mouth
disease in cattle, appear to present problems in natural
water (Prier 1966). 30 4
Parasitic Organisms
Parasitic protozoa include numerous forms which are
capable of causing serious livestock losses. Most outbreaks
follow direct spread among animals. Water contaminated
with these organisms or their cysts becomes an indirect
factor in spread of infection.
Some of the most important parasitic forms are the various
flukes which develop as adult forms in man and livestock.
Important ecological factors include presence of snails and
vegetation in the water, or vegetation covered by intermit-
tent overflow. This problem is _very serious in irrigated areas,
but only when snails or other intermediate hosts are avail-
able for the complete life cycle. Fluke eggs passed by the
host, usually in the manure (some species, in the urine),
enter the water and hatch into miracidia. These seek out a
snail or other invertebrate host where they develop into
sporocysts. These transform into redia which in turn may
form other redia or several cercariae. The cercariae leave the
snail and swim about the water where they may find the
final host, or may encyst on vegetation to be eaten later.
The life cycle is completed by maturing in a suitable host
and establishment of an exit for eggs from the site of the at-
Roundworms include numerous species which may use
water pathways in their life cycle. Free-living nematodes
can sometimes be found in a piped water supply, but are
probably of little health significance. Moisture is an im-
portant factor in the life cycle of many parasitic roundworms
and livestock are maintained in an environment where con-
tamination of water supplies frequently occurs. It is usually
thought that roundworm eggs are eaten but water-saturated
environments provide ideal conditions for maintaining popu-
lations of these organisms and their eggs.
Parasitic roundworms probably evolved through evolu-
tionary cycles exemplified by the behavior of the genus
Strongyloides. Strongyloides spread along drainageways through
the washdown of concrete feeding platforms and other
housing facilities for livestock.
The Guinea worm, Dracunculus, is dependent upon water,
because the adult lays eggs only when the host comes in
contact with water. Man, dogs, cats, or various wild mam-
mals may harbor the adult, and the larvae develop in
Cyclops. The life cycle is thus maintained in a water environ-
ment when the Cyclops is swallowed by another suitable host.
Eggs of "horsehair worms" are laid by the adult in water
or moist soil. The larvae encyst and if eaten by an appropri-
ate insect will continue development to the adult stage.
Worms do not leave the insect unless they can enter water.
The prevention of water-borne diseases and parasitisms
in domestic animals depends on interruption of the orga-
nisms' life cycle. The most effective means is to keep live-
stock out of contaminated water. Treatment for the removal
of the pathogen or parasite from the host and destruction of
the intermediate host are measures of control.
Irrigation farming increases productivity of croplands
and provides flexibility in alternating crops to meet market
demands. Early irrigation developments in the arid and
semiarid West were largely along streams where only a
small part of the total annual flow was put to use. Such
streams contained dissolved solids accumulated through the
normal leaching and weathering processes with only slight
additions or increases in concentrations resulting from man's
activities. Additional uses of water resources have in many
cases concentrated the existing dissolved solids, added new
salts, contributed toxic elements, microbiologically polluted
the streams, or in some other way degraded the quality of
the water for irrigation. Water quality criteria for irrigation
has become increasingly significant as new developments in
water resources occur.
Soil, plant, and climate variables and interactions must be
considered in developing criteria for evaluation of irriga-
tion water quality. A wide range of suitable water charac-
teristics is possible even when only a few variables are con-
sidered. These variables are important in determining the
quality of water that can be used for irrigation under
specific conditions.
The physicochemical properties of a soil determine the
root environment that a plant encounters following irriga-
tion. The soil consists of an organo-mineral complex that
has the ability to react both physically and chemically with
constituents present in irrigation water. The degree to
which these added constituents will leach out of a soil, re-
main available to plants in the soil, or become fixed and
unavailable to plants, depends largely on the soil charac-
Evapotranspiration by plants removes water from the
soil leaving the salts behind. Since uptake by plants is
negligible, salts accumulate in the soil in arid and semiarid
areas. A favorable salt balance in the root zone can be main-
tained by leaching, through the use of irrigation water in
excess of plant needs. Good drainage is essential to prevent
a rising water table and salt accumulation in the soil surface
and to maintain adequate soil aeration.
In irrigated areas, a water frequently exists at some depth
below the ground surface, with an unsaturated condition
existing above it. During and immediately following periods
of precipitation or irrigation, water moves downward
through the soil to the water table. At other times, water is
lost through evaporation from the soil surface, and trans-
piration from plants (evapotranspiration) may reverse the
direction of flow in the soil, so that water moves upward
from the water table by capillary flow. The rate of move-
ment is dependent upon water content, soil texture, and
structure. In humid and subhumid regions, this capillary
rise of water in the soil is a valuable water source for use by
crops during periods of drought.
Even under favorable conditions of soil, drainage, and
environmental factors, too sparing applications of high
quality water with total dissolved solids of less than l 00 mg/l
would ultimately damage sensitive crops such as citrus fruit;
whereas with adequate leaching, waters containing 500 to
1,000 mg/l might be used safely. Under the same conditions,
certain salt-tolerant field crops might produce economic re-
turns using water with more than 4,000 mg/l. Criteria for
judging water quality must take these factors into account.
The need for irrigation for optimum plant growth is de-
termined also by rainfall and snow distribution; and by
temperature, radiation, and humidity. Irrigation must be
used for intensive crop production in arid and semiarid
areas and must supplement rainfall in humid areas, (See
Specific Irrigation Water Considerations below.)
The effects of water quality characteristics on soils and on
plant growth are directly related to the frequency and
amount of irrigation water applied. The rate at which water
is lost from soils through evapotranspiration is a direct
function of temperature, solar radiation, wind, and humid-
ity. Soil and plant characteristics also influence this water
loss. Aside from water loss considerations, water stress in a
plant, as affected by the rate of evapotranspiration, will
determine the plant's reaction to a given soil condition. For
example, in a saline soil at a given water content, a plant
will usually suffer more in a hot, dry climate than in a cool,
humid one. Considering the wide variation in the climatic
and soil variables over the United States, it is apparent that
water quality requirements also vary considerably.
Successful sustained irrigated agriculture, whether in arid
324/Section V-Agricultural Uses of Water
regions or in subhumid regions, or other areas, requires
skillful water application based u~on the characteristics of
the land, water, and the requirements of the crop. Through
proper timing and adjustment of frequency and volumes of
water applied, detrimental effects of poor quality water may
often be mitigated.
Effects on Plant Growth
Plants may be adversely affected directly by either the
development of high osmotic conditions in the plant sub-
strate or by the presence of a phytotoxic constituent in the
water. In general, plants are more susceptible to injury from
dissolved constituents during germination and early growth
than at maturity (Bernstein and Hayward I 958). 315 Plants
affected during early growth may result in complete crop
failure or severe yield reductions. Effects of undesirable
constituents may be manifested in suppressed vegetative
growth, reduced fruit development, impaired quality of the
marketable product, or a combination of these factors.
The presence of sediment, pesticides, or pathogenic or-
ganisms in irrigation water, which may not specifically
affect plant growth, can affect the acceptability of the
product. Another aspect to be considered is the presence of
elements in irrigation water that are not detrimental to
crop production but may accumulate in crops to levels that
may be harmful to animals or humans.
Where sprinkler irrigation is used, foliar absorption or
adsorption of constituents in the water may be detrimental
to plant growth or to the consumption of affected plants by
man or animals. Where surface or sprinkler irrigation is
practiced, the effect of a given water quality on plant
growth is determined by the composition of the soil solu-
tion. This is the growth medium available to roots after soil
and water have reacted.
Plant growth may be affected indirectly through the in-
fluence of water quality on soil. For example, the absorption
by the soil of sodium from water will result in a dispersion
of the clay fraction. The degree of dispersion will depend
on the clay minerals present. This decreases soil permeabil-
ity and often results in a surface crust formation that deters
seed germination and emergence. Soils irrigated with
highly saline water will tend to be flocculated and have
relatively high infiltration rates (Bower and Wilcox 1965). 316
A change to waters of sufficiently lower salt content reduces
soil permeability and rates of infiltration by dispersion of the
clay fraction in the soil. This hazard increases when com-
bined with high sodium content in the water. Much de-
pends upon whether a given irrigation water is used con-
tinuously or occasionally.
Crop Tolerance to Salinity
The effect of salinity, or total dissolved solids, on the os-
motic pressure of the soil solution is one of the most im-
portant water quality considerations. This relates to the
availability of water for plant consumption. Plants have
been observed to wilt in fields apparently having adequate
water content. This is usually the result of high soil salinity
creating a physiological drought condition. Specifically, the
ability of a plant to extract water from a soil is determined
by the following relationship:
In this equation, (U.S. Department of Agriculture, Salinity
Laboratory Staff 1954 337 hereafter referred to as Salinity
Laboratory 1954335) the total soil suction (TSS) represents
the force with which water in the soil is withheld from plant
uptake. In simplified form, this factor is the sum of the
matric suction (MS) or the physical attraction of soil for
water, and the solute suction (SS) or the osmotic pressure
of the soil water.
As the water content of the soil decreases due to evapo-
transpiration, the water film surrounding the soil particles
becomes thinner and the remaining water is held with in-
creasingly greater force (MS). Since only pure water is
lost to the atmosphere during evapotranspiration, the salt
concentration of soil solution increases rapidly during
the drying process. Since the matric suction of a soil in-
creases exponentially on drying, the combined effects of
these two factors can produce critical conditions with re-
gard to soil water availability.
In assessing the problem of plant growth, the salinity
level of the soil solution must be evaluated. It is difficult to
extract the soil solution from a moist soil within the range of
water content available to plants. It has been demonstrated,
however, that salinity levels of the soil solution and their
resultant effects upon plant growth may be correlated with
salinity levels of soil moisture at saturation. The ·quantity of
water held in the soil between field capacity and the wilting
point varies considerably from relatively low values for
sandy soils to high values for soils high in clay content.
The U.S. Salinity Laboratory Staff (1954)335 developed
the technique of using a saturation extract to meet this
need. Demineralized water is added to a soil sample to a
point at which the soil paste glistens as it reflects light and
flows slightly when the container is tipped. The amount of
water added is reasonably related to the soil texture. For
many soils, the water content of the soil paste is roughly
twice that of the soil at field capacity and four times that at
the wilting point. This water content is called the saturation
percentage. When the saturated paste is filtered, the result-
ant solution is referred to as the saturation extract. The salt
content of the saturation extract does not give an exact
i!¥lication of salinity in the soil solution under field condi-
tions, because soil structure has been destroyed; nor does it
give a true picture of salinity gradients within the soil result-
ing from water extraction by roots. Although not truly de-
picting salinity in the immediate root environment, it does
give a usable parameter that represents a soil salinity value
that can be correlated with plant growth.
TABLE V-6-Relative Tolerance of Crop Plants to Salt,
(Listed in Decreasing Order of Tolerancea)
High salt tolerance
Garden beets
Barley (grain)
Sugar beet
EC X11J3=10
Date palm
Medium salt tolerance
Bell pepper
Sweet corn
Potatoes (White Rose)
Rye (grain)
Wheat (grain)
Sorghum (grain)
Corn (field)
EC0 X10'=6
Low salt tolerance
Green beans
Field beans
FORAGE CROPS (in decreasing order tolerance)
Atka li sacaton
Nuttall alkaligrass
Bermuda grass
Rhodes grass
Rescue grass
Canada wildrye
Western wheatgrass
Barley (hay)
Bridsfoot trefoil
White sweet clover
Yellow sweet clover
Perennial ryegrass
Mountain brome
Strawberry clover
Dallis grass
Sudan grass
Hubam clover
Alfalfa (California common)
Tall fescue
Rye (hay)
Oats (hay)
Blue grama
Meadow fescue
Reed canary
Big trefoil
Smooth brome
Tall meadow oafgrass
Cicer mi !kvetch
Sickle milkvetch
White Dutch clover
Meadow foxtail
Alsike clover
Red clover
Ladino clover
• The numbers following EC,X103 are the electrical conductivity values of the saturation extract in millimhos per
centimeter at 25 C associated with 50-per cent decrease in yield.
Salinity Laboratory Staff 1954'"·
Water for Irrigation/325
Salinity is most readily _measured by determining the
electrical conductivity (EC) of a solution. This method re-
lates to the ability of salts in solution to conduct electricity
and results are expressed as millimhos (mhos X I0-3) per
centimeter (em) at 25 C. Salinity of irrigation water is ex-
pressed in terms of EC, and soil salinity is indicated by the
electrical conductivity of the saturation extract (EO.). See
Table V-6.
Temperature and wind effects are especially important as
they directly affect evapotranspiration. Periods of high
temperature or other factors such as dry winds, which in-
crease evapotranspiration rates, not only tend to increase
soil salinity but also create a greater water stress in the plant.
The effect of climate conditions on plant response to
salinity was demonstrated by Magistad and his associates
(1943).324 Some of these effects can be alleviated by more
frequent irrigation to maintain safer levels of soil salinity.
Plants vary in their tolerance to soil salinity, and there
are many ways in which salt tolerance can be appraised.
Hayward and Bernstein (1958)321 point out three: (l).Test
the ability of a plant to survive on saline soils. Salt tolerance
based primarily on this criterion of survival has limited ap-
plication in irrigation agriculture but is a method of ap-
praisal that has been used widely by ecologists. (2) Test
the absolute yield of a plant on a saline soil. This criterion
has the greatest agronomic significance. (3) Relate the yield
on saline soil to nonsaline soil. This criterion is useful for
comparing dissimilar crops whose absolute yields cannot be
compared directly.
The U. S. Salinity Laboratory Staff (1954)335 has used the
third criterion in establishing the list of salt tolerance of
various crops shown in Table V -6. These salt tolerance
values are based upon the conductivity of the saturation ex-
tract (EC.) expressed in mmhos/cm at which a 50 per cent
decrement in yield may be expected when' compared to
TABLE V-7-Soil Salinities in Root Zone at which Yield
Reductions become Significant
Date palm .......................................... .
~~::granate} .................................... .
Grape .............................................. .
Muskmelon ........ _ ................................ .
Orange, grapefruit, lemon• ............................ .
Apple, pear ........................................ ..
Plum, prune, peach, apricot, almond ................... .
Boysenberry, blackberry, raspberry• ................... .
Avocado .......................................... ···
Strawberry ........................................ ..
Electrical conductiVity of saturation extracts (ECe) at
which yields decrease by about 10 per cent•
mmh/cm at 25 C
• In gypsiferous soils, ECe readings for given soil salinities are about 2 mmhjcm higher than for nongypsiferous
soils. Dale palm would be affected altO mmhjcm, grapes al6 mmhjcm, etc. on gypsiferous soils.
• Estimated.
' Lemon is more sensjtive than orange and grapefruit; raspberry more than boysenberry and blackbeuy.
Bernstein 1965b'"·
326/Section V-Agricultural Uses of Water
TABLE V-8-Salt Tolerance of Ornamental Shrubs
(Maximum EC.'s tolerated)
Carissa grandiflora
(Natal plum)
Bougainvillea spectabifis
Nerium oleander
Rosmarinus lockwoodi
Dodonea viscosa atropur-
Calfistemon viminatis
Bernstein 1965b'"·
Moderately tolerant
Dracaena endivisa
Thuja orientalis
(arbor vitae)
Juniperus chinensis
(spreading juniper)
Euonymus japonica
Lantana camara
Elaeagnus pungens
Xylosma senticosa
Pillosporum tobira
Pyracantha Graberi
Ligustrum lucidum
(Teias privet)
Buxus mlcrophylla japonica
(Japanese boxwood)
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
var. Brillian te
Nandina domestica
(heavenly bamboo)
Trachelospermum jas-
minoides (star jasmine)
Viburnum linus robustum
Very sensitive
llex cornuta Burford
(Burford holly)
Hedera canariensis
(Algerian ivy)
Feijoa sellowiana
(pineapple guava)
Rosa sp. (var. Grenoble
rose on Dr. Huey root)
yields of that plant grown on a nonsaline soil under com-
parable growing conditions. Work has been done by many
investigators, based upon both field and greenhouse re-
search, to evaluate salt tolerance of a broad variety of plants.
In general, where comparable criteria were used to assess
salt tolerance, results obtained were most often in agreement.
Recent work on the salt tolerance of fruit crops is shown in
Table V-7, and for ornamentals in Table V-8.
Bernstein (l965a313) gave EC. values causing 10, 25, and
50 per cent yield decrements for a variety of field and forage
crops from late seeding stage to maturity, assuming that
sodium or chloride toxicity was not a growth deterrent.
These values are shown in Figures V-1, V-2, and V-3. The
data suggested that the effects of EC. values producing 10
to 50 per cent decrements (within a range of EC. values of
8 to lO mmh/cm for many crops) may be considered ap-
proximately linear, but for nearly all crops the rate of change
EC. ~, either steepens or flattens slightly as the yield
decrements increase from less than 25 to more than 25 per
cent. Bernstein (l965a)313 also pointed out that most fruit
crops were more sensitive to salinity than were field,
forage, or vegetable crops. The data also illustrated the
highly variable effect of EC. values upon different crops
and the nonlinear response of some crops to increasing con-
centrations of salt.
In considering salt tolerances of .crops, EC. values were
used. These values were correlated with yields at field
moisture content. If soils were allowed to dry out excessively
between irrigations, yield reductions were much greater,
since the total soil water stress is a function of both matric
suction and solute suction and increases exponentially on
ECe in mmhofcm, at 25 C
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
=~ .. · ttl
.... ···
safflower ----------c====rmmN$~~· Rye
Sesbaniab ----------[=)&4§3~
Riced -----------{==JEt~·
Corn -----------r--m
Broadbean ---------L-~~--
j :. 50% Yield Reduction
. 25%
3 The indicated salt tolerances apply to the period of rapid plant
growth and maturation, from the late seeding stage upward. Crops in
each category are ranked in order of decreasing salt tolerance. Width of
the bar next to each crop indicates the effect of increasing salinity on
yield. Crosslines are placed at 10, 25, and 50 per cent yield reductions.
Approximate rank in order of decreasing salt tolerance is indicated for
additional crops for most of which complete data are lacking. (Bower
personal communication 1972)238
bLess tolerant during seecUing stage. Salinity at this stage should not
exceed 4 or 5 mmho /em, ECe.
csensitive during germination. Salinity should not exceed 3
mmho/cm during germination.
dLess tolerant during flowering and seed-set as well as during the
seedling stage. Salinity at sensitive stages should not exceed 4
mmho/cm, ECe of soil water.
FIGURE V-1-Salt Tolerance of Field Cropsa
drying (Bernstein l965a). 313 Good irrigation management
can minimize this hazard.
Nutritional Effects
Plants require a blanced nutrient content in the soil
solution to maintain optimum growth. Use of saline water
for irrigation may or may not significantly upset this nutri-
tional balance depending upon the composition, concentra-
tion, and volume of irrigation water applied.
Some of the possible nutritional effects were summarized
by Bernstein (1965a)313 as follows:
High concentrations of calcium ions in the solution
may prevent the plant from absorbing enough potas-
sium, or high concentrations of other ions may affect
the uptake of sufficient calcium.
Different crops vary widely in their requirements for
given nutrients and in their ability to absorb them.
Nutritional effects of salinity, therefore, appear only
in certain crops and only when a particular type of
saline condition exists.
Some varieties of a particular crop may be immune
to nutritional disturbances, while other varieties are
severely affected. High levels of soluble sulfate cause
internal browning (a calcium deficiency symptom) in
some lettuce varieties, but not in others. Similarly,
ECe in mmhofcm at 25 C
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Bermuda grass
Alkali sacaton, Saltgrass -----[=======lFJ!]~[l!:fii,f]'f.·~·~·~ Nuttallalkali grass
Tall wheatgrass --------{======)WJm~~-
Crested wheatgrass
Rhodes grass, Rescue grass -----c:==:JmtmETI·~~:iZ:~Canada wild rye
Western wheatgrass
~---[==~~ Tall fescue
Barley hayb --------c====~~~-· Sweet clovers
p~';,"u~:!i;~rome -------{====:t~~!ifl{i~?£.~(:•:;!:·.~·.;:;~~-: ::~:::::f-oi-1--------{===,=ii:::aJ~~ii~~JJ!~~~~~ .. ::::i ... ~-~.
Bl~~:~:~~~~::n grass L ,;~;N~£~
~~:;~;: ~, m·
Orchardgrass []bi<}yo;;.;;.;.).
Blue grama : : ·· M~~~~";,:~~~~1 Big trefoil dri~&~!
Smooth brome, Milkvetch · : .·
Tall meadow oatgrass, Burnet ~ / ••. /
Clovers, alsike ,·;· red
~ ~ ~0% Yield Reduction
: 25%
asee Figure V-1. (Bower personal communication 1972)338
bLess tolerant during seedling stage. Salinity at this state should
not exceed 4 or 5 mmho/cm, ECe.
FIGURE V-2-Salt Tolerance of Forage Cropsa
Water for Irrigation/327
ECe in mmhofcm at 25 C
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Beetsb I I I j I I I
:::::~ ........ ~~~
Cauliflower -------------rl~~&Wfii~. ···· :·
Sweetpotato ------------
Squash, Radish . • . B~::7y------------------------~~
1 i Jo% Yield Reduction
: 25%
asee Figure V-1. (Bower personal communication 1972)338
bsensitive during germination. Salinity should not exceed 3
mmhofcm ECe during germination.
FIGURE V-3-Salt Tolerance of Vegetable Cropsa
high levels of calcium cause greater nutritional dis-
turbances in some carrot varieties than in others.
Chemical analysis of the plant is useful in diagnosing
these effects.
A.t a given level of salinity, growth and yield are
depressed more when nutrition is disturbed than when
nutrition is normal. Nutritional effects, fortunately,
are not important in most crops under saline con-
ditions; when they do occur, the use of better adapted
varieties may be advisable.
Crops vary considerably in their tolerance to soil
salinity in the root zone, and the factors afiectin~
328/Section V-Agricultural Uses of Water
the soil solution and crop tolerance are varied and
complex. Therefore, no recommendation can be
given for these. For specific crops, however, it is
recommended that the salt tolerance values (EC.)
for a saturation extract established by the U.S.
Salinity Laboratory Staff be used as a guide for
The temperature of irrigation water has a direct and
indirect effect on plant growth. Each occurs when plant
physiological functions are impaired by excessively high or
excessively low temperatures. The exact water temperatures
at which growth is severely restricted depends on method of
water application, atmospheric conditions at the time of
application, frequency of application, and plant species.
All plant species have a tempeature range in which they
develop best. These temperature limits vary with plant
Direct effect on plant growth from extreme temperature
of the irrigation water occurs when the water is first applied.
Plant damage results only from direct contact. Normally,
few problems arise when excessively warm water is applied
by sprinkler irrigation. The effect of the temperature of the
water on the temperature of the soil is negligible. It has
been demonstrated that warm water applied through a
sprinkler system has attained ambient temperatures at the
time it reaches the soil surface (Cline et al. 1969).318 Water
as warm as 130 F can be safely used in this manner. Cold
water is harmful to plant growth when applied through a
sprinkler system. It does not change in temperature nearly
so much as the warm water. However, its effect is rarely
Surface applied water that is either very cold or very
warm poses greater problems. Excessive warm water can-
not be used for surface irrigation and cold water affects
plant growth. The adverse effects of cold water on the
growth of rice were suddenly brought to the attention of
rice growers when cold water was first released from the
Shaf!ta Reservoir in California (Raney 1963). 332 Summer
water temperatures were suddenly dropped from about
61 F to 45 F. Research is still proceeding, and some of the
available information was recently reviewed by Raney and
Mihara (1967).334 Dams such as the Oroville Dam are now
being planned so that water can be withdrawn from any
reservoir depth to avoid the cold-water problem. Warming
basins have been used (Raney 1959). 333 There are oppor-
tunities in planning to separate waters-the warm waters for
recreation and agriculture, the cold waters for cold-water
fish, salmon spawning, and other uses. The exact nature of
the mechanisms by which damage occurs is not completely
Indirect effect of the temperature of irrigation water on
plant growth occurs as a result of its influence on the tem-
perature of the soil. The latter affects the rate of water
uptake, nutrient uptake, translocation of metabolites, and,
indirectly, such factors as stomatal opening and plant water
stress. All these phenomena are well documented. The effect
of the temperature of the applied irrigation water on the
temperature of the soil is not well described. This effect is
probably quite small.
Present literature does not provide adequate data
to establish specific temperature recommendations
for irrigation waters. Therefore, no specific recom-
mendations can be made at this time.
Chlorides in irrigation waters are not generally toxic to
crops. Certain fruit crops are, however, sensitive to chlorides.
Bernstein (1967)312 indicated that maximum permissible
chloride concentrations in the soil range from 10 to SO
milliequivalents (meq)/1 for certain sensitive fruit crops
(Table V-9). In terms of permissible chloride concentra-
tions in irrigation water, values up to 20 meq/1 can be used,
depending upon environmental conditions, crops, and irriga-
tion management practices.
Foliar absorption of chlorides can be of importance in
sprinkler irrigation (Eaton and Harding 1959,319 Ehlig and
Bernstein 1959 320). The adverse effects vary between evapo-
TABLE V-9-Salt Tolerance of Fruit Crop Varieties and
Rootstocks and Tolerable Chloride Levels in the Saturation
Citrus ......................... .
Stone fruit. .................... .
Avocado ....................... .
Grape ......................... .
Berries ........................ .
Strawberry ..................... .
Bernstein 1967'1•.
Rootstock or variety
Rangpur lime, Cleopatra mandarin
Rough lemon, tangelo, sour orange
Sweet orange, citrange
Lovell, Shalil
West Indian
Varieties (V) and Rootstocks (R)
Salt Creek, 1613·3 ) R
Dog Ridge
Thompson Seedless, PerleHe V
Cardinal, Black Rose
Dlallie blackberry
Indian Summer raspberry
Tolerable levels of
chloride in saturation
rative conditions of day and night and the amount of
evaporation that can occur between successive wettings
(i.e., time after each pass with a slowly revolving sprinkler).
There is less effect with nightime sprinkling and less effect
with fixed sprinklers (applying water at a rapid rate).
Concentrations as low as 3 meq/1 of chloride in irrigation
water have been found harmful when used on citrus, stone
fruits, and almonds (Bernstein 1967). 312
Permissible chloride concentrations dep~nd upon
type of crop, environmental conditions and man-
agement practices. A single value cannot be given,
and no limits should be established, because detri-
mental effects from salinity per se ordinarily deter
crop growth first.
High bicarbonate water may induce iron chlorisis by
making iron unavailable to plants (Brown and Wadleigh
1955).317 Problems have been noted with apples and pears
(Pratt 1966)330 and with some ornamentals (Lunt et al.
1956). 323 Although concentrations of 10 to 20 meq/1 of
bicarbonate can cause chlorosis in some plants, it is of little
concern in the field where precipitation of calcium carbo-
nate minimizes this hazard.
Specific recommendations for bicarbonates can-
not be given without consideration of other soil
and water constituents.
The presence of relatively high concentration of sodium
in irrigation waters affects irrigated crops in many ways.
In addition to its effect on soil structure and permeability,
sodium has been found by Lilleland et al. ( 1945) 322 and
Ayers et al. (1952)311 to be absorbed by plants and cause
leaf burn in almonds, avocados, and in stone fruits grown
in culture solutions. Bernstein (1967) 312 has indicated that
water having SAR *values of four to eight may injure sodium-
sensitive plants. It is difficult to separate the specific toxic
effects of sodium from the effect of adsorbed sodium on soil
structure. (This factor will be discussed later.)
As has been noted, the complex interactions of the total
and relative concentrations of these common ions upon
various crops preclude their consideration as individual
components for general irrigation use, except for sodium
and possibly chlorides in areas where fruit would be im-
The presence of nitrate in natural irrigation waters may
be considered an asset rather than a liability with respect
* For definition of SAR, Sodium Adsorption Ratio, see p. 330.
Water for Irrigation/329
to plant growth. Concentrations high enough to adversely
affect plant growth or composition are seldom, if ever,
found. In arid regions, high nitrate water may result iri
nitrate accumulations in the soil in much the same manner
as salt accumulates. The same soil and water management
practices that minimize salt accumulation will also minimize
nitrate accumulation. There is some concern over the high
nitrate content of food and feed crops. Many factors such as
plant species characteristics, climate conditions, and
growth stage are just as significant in determining nitrate
accumulations in plants as the amount present in the soil.
It is unlikely that any nitrate added in natural irrigation
water could be a significant factor.
Problems may arise where waste waters containing rela-
tively large amounts of nitrogenous materials are used for
irrigation. Larger amounts are usually applied than that
actually required for plant growth. These wastes, however,
usually contain nitrogen in a form that is slowly converted
to nitrate. Nevertheless, it is possible that high nitrate ac-
cumulations in plants may occur although little evidence is
available to indicate this.
Since nitrate in natural irrigation waters is
usually an asset for plant growth and there is
little evidence indicating that it will accumulate
to toxic levels in irrigated plants consumed by
animals, there appears to be no need for a recom-
Effects on Soils
Sodium Hazard Sodium in irrigation water may be-
come a problem in the soil solution as a component of total
salinity, which can increase the osmotic concentration, and
as a specific source of injury to fruits. The problems of
sodium mainly occur in soil structure, infiltration, and per-
meability rates. Since good drainage is essential for manage-
ment of salinity in irrigation and for reclamation of saline
lands, good soil structure and permeability must be main-
tained. A high percentage of exchangeable sodium in a soil
containing swelling-type clays results in a dispersed condi-
tion, which is unfavorable for water movement and plant
growth. Anything that alters the composition of the soil
solution, such as irrigation or fertilization, disturbs the
equilibrium and alters the distribution of adsorbed ions in
the soil. When calcium is the predominant cation adsorbed
on the soil exchange complex, the soil tends to have a
granular structure that is easily worked and readily perme-
eable. When the amount of adsorbed sodium exceeds 10 to
15 per cent of the total cations on the exchange complex,
the clay becomes dispersed and slowly permeable, unless a
high concentration of total salts causes flocculation. Where
soils have a high exchangeable sodium content and are
flocculated because of the presence of free salts in solution,
subsequent removal of salts by leaching will cause sodium
330/Section V-Agricultural Uses of Water
dispersal, unless leaching is accomplished by adding calcium
or calcium-producing amendments.
Adsorption of sodium from a giverf irrigation water is a
function of the proportion of sodium to divalent cations
(calcium and magnesium) in that water. To estimate the
degree to which sodium will be adsorbed by a soil from a
given water when brought into equilibrium with it, the
Salinity Laboratory (1954)335 proposed the sodium adsorp-
tion ratio (SAR):
~ca++~Mg++ Expressed as me/1
As soils tend to dry, the SAR value of the soil solution in-
creases even though the relative concentrations of the ca-
tions remain the same. This is apparent from the SAR
equation, where the denominator is a square-root function.
This is a significant factor in estimating sodium effects on
The SAR value can be related to the amount of ex-
changeable cation content. This latter value is called the
exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP). From empirical
determinations, the U. S. Salinity Laboratory (1954)3 35
obtained an equation for predicting a soil ESP value based
on the SAR value of a water in equilibrium with it. This is
expressed as follows :
ESP= =-[l_OO_a +_b_:_(S_A_R_:_:_)]
The constants "a" (intercept representing experimental er-
ror) and "b" (slope of the regression line) were deter-
mined statistically by various investigators who found "a"
to be in the order of -0.06 to 0.01 and "b" to be within the
range of 0.014 to 0.016. This relationship is shown in the
nomogram (Figure V-4) developed by the U. S. Salinity
Laboratory (1954).335 For sensitive fruits, the tolerance
limit for SAR of irrigation water is about four. For general
crops, a limit of eight to 18 is generally considered within a
usable range, although this depends to some degree on the
type of clay mineral, electrolyte concentration in the water,
and other variables.
The ESP value that significantly affects soil properties
varies according to the proportion of swelling and non-
swelling clay minerals. An ESP of I 0 to 15 per cent is
considered excessive, if a high percentage of swelling clay
minerals such as montmorillonite are present. Fair crop
growth of alfalfa, cotton, and even olives, have been ob-
served in soils of the San Joaquin Valley (California) with
ESP values ranging from 60 to 70 percent (Schoonover
1963). 336
Prediction of the equilibrium ESP from SAR values of ir-
rigation waters is complicated by the fact that the salt con-
tent of irrigation water becomes more concentrated in the
soil solution. According to the U. S. Salinity Laboratory
(1954),335 shallow ground waters 10 times as saline as the
irrigation waters may be found within depths of 10 feet, and
a salt concentration two to three times that of irrigation
water may be reasonably expected in the first-foot depth.
Under conditions where precipitation of salts and rainfall
may be neglected, the salt content of irrigation water will
increase to higher concentrations in the soil solution without
change in relative composition. The SAR increases in
proportion to the square root of the concentration; there-
fore, the SAR applicable for calculating equilibrium ESP
in the upper root zone may be assumed to be two to three
times that of the irrigation water.
To reduce the sodium hazard in irrigation water
for a specific crop, it is recommended that the SAR
value be within the tolerance limits determined by
the U.S. Soil Salinity Laboratory Staff.
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and
Soil Aeration
The need for adequate oxygen in the soil for optimum
plant growth is well recognized. To meet the oxygen re-
quirement of the plant, soil structure (porosity) and soil
water contents must be adequate to permit good aeration.
Conditions that develop immediately following irrigation
are not clearly understood.
Soil aeration and oxygen availability normally present no
problem on well-structured soils with good quality water.
Where drainage is poor, oxygen may become limiting.
Utilization of waters having high BOD or Chemical Oxygen
Demand (COD) values could aggravate the condition by
further depleting available oxygen. Aside from detrimental
effects of oxygen deficiency for plant growth, reduction of
elements such as iron and manganese to the more soluble
divalent forms may create toxic conditions. Other biological
and chemical equilibria may also be affected.
There is very little information regarding the effect of
using irrigation waters with high BOD values on plant
growth. Between source of contamination and point of ir-
rigation, considerable reduction in BOD value may result.
Sprinkler irrigation may further reduce the BOD value of
water. Infiltration into well-drained soils can also decrease
the BOD value of the water without serious depleting the
oxygen available for plant growth.
Acidity and Alkalinity
The pH of normal irrigation water has little direct sig-
nificance. Since water itself is unbuffered, and the soil is a
buffered system (except for extremely sandy soils low in
organic matter), the pH of the soil will not be significantly
affected by application of irrigation water. There are, how-
ever, some extremes and indirect effects.
Water having pH values below 4.8 applied to acid soils
over a period of time may possibly render soluble iron,
Salinity Laboratory 1954 3 35
o/ ~
& ..f:2~ ~ ~.r;.
·~ f..G ~ ~~ ~ ~ -~.r;. -~ ¢ ~ s-':' ~ (o ::,$'
~ ~
• .::,<9 & § ~ C5" ":)0 ~ 4.;+
1$' ~ .. ~ -~ ~ ;;
Water for Irrigation/331
FIGURE V-4-Nomogram for Determining the SAR Value of Irrigation Water and for Estimating the Corresponding ESP
Value of a Soil That is at Equilibrium with the Water
332/Section V~Agricultural Uses of Water
aluminum, or manganese in concentrations large enough to
be toxic to plant growth. Similarly, additions of saline
waters to acid soils could result in -a decrease in soil pH and
an increase in the solubility of aluminum and manganese.
In some areas where acid mine drainage contaminates water
sources,, pH values as low as 1.8 have been reported. Waters
having unusually low pH values such as this would be
strongly suspect of containing toxic quantities of certain
heavy metals or other elements.
Waters having pH values in excess of 8.3 are highly
alkaline and may contain high concentrations of sodium,
carbonates, and bicarbonates. These constituents affect soils
and plant growth directly or indirectly, (see "Effects on
Plant Growth" above).
Because most of the effects of acidity and alka-
linity in irrigation waters on soils and plant growth
are indirect, no specific pH values can be recom-
mended. However, water with pH values in the
range of 4.5 to 9.0 should be usable provided that
care is taken to detect the development of harmful
indirect effects.
Suspended Solids
Deposition of colloidal particles on the soil surface can
produce crusts that inhibit water infiltration and seedling
emergence. This same deposition and crusting can reduce
soil aer.ation and impede plant development. High col-
loidal content in water used for sprinkler irrigation could
result in deposition of films on leaf surfaces that could re-
duce photosynthetic activity and thereby deter growth.
Where sprinkler irrigation is used for leafy vegetable crops
such as lettuce, sediment may accumulate on the growing
plant affecting the marketability of these products.
In surface irrigation, suspended solids can interfere with
the flow of water in conveyance systems and structures.
Deposition of sediment not only reduces the capacity of
these systems to carry and distribute water but can also
decrease reservoir storage capacity. For sprinkler irrigation,
suspended mineral solids may cause undue wear on irriga-
tion pumps and sprinkler nozzles (as well as plugging up the
latter), thereby reducing irrigation efficiency.
Soils are specifically affected by deposition of these sus-
pended solids, especially when they consist primarily of
clays or colloidal material. These cause crust formations
that reduce seedling emergence. In addition, these crusts
reduce infiltration and hinder the leaching of saline soils.
The scouring action of sediment in streams has also been
found to affect soils adversely by contributing to the dissolu-
tion and increase of salts in some areas (Pillsbury and Blaney
1966). 331 Conversely, sediment high in silt may improve the
texture, consistency, and water-holding capacity of a sandy
Effect on Animals or Humans
The effects of irrigation water quality on soils and plants
has been discussed. However, since the quality of irrigation
water is variable and originates from different sources, there
may be natural or added substances in the water which pose
a hazard to animals or humans consuming irrigated crops.
These substances may be accumulated in certain cereals,
pasture plants, or fruit and vegetable crops without any
apparent injury. Of concern, however, is that the concen-
tration of these substances may be toxic or harmful to
humans or animals consuming the plants. Many substances
in irrigation waters such as inorganic salts and minerals,
pesticides, human and animal pathogens have recommenda-
tions to protect the desired resource. For radionuclides no
such recommendation exists.
There are no generally accepted standards for control of
radioactive contamination in irrigation water. For most
radionuclides, the use offederal Drinking Water Standards,
should be reasonable for irrigation water.
The limiting factor for radioactive contamination in ir-
rigation is its transfer to foods and eventual intake by
humans. Such a level of contamination would be reached
long before any damage to plants themselves could be ob-
served. Plants can absorb radionuclides from irrigation
water in two ways: direct contamination of foliage through
sprinkler irrigation, and indirectly through soil contamina-
tion. The latter presents many complex problems since
eventual concentration in the soil will depend on the rate
of water application, the rate of radioactive decay, and
other losses of the radionuclide from the soil. Some studies,
relating to these factors have been reported (l'vfenzel et al.
1963,326 Moor by and Squire 1963,328 Perrin 1963,329 Menzel
1965,325 Milbourn and Taylor 1965 327).
It is estimated that concentrations of strontium-90 and
radium-226 in fresh produce would approximate those in
the irrigation water for the crop if there was negligible up-
take of these radionuclides from the soil. With flood or fur-
row irrigation only, one or more decades of continuous ir-
rigation with contaminated water would be required before
the concentrations of strontium-90 or radium-226 in the
produce equalled those in the water (Menzel personal com-
munication 1972). 339
In view of the lack of experimental evidence con-
cerning -the long-term accumulation and avail-
ability of strontium-90 and radium-226 in irrigated
soils and to provide an adequate margin of safety,
it is recommended that Federal Drinking Water
Standards be used for irrigation water.
Irrigation Water Quality for Arid and Semiarid Regions
'Climate. Climatic variability exists in arid and semiarid re-
gions. There can be heavy winter precipitation, generally in-
creasing from south to north and increasing with elevation.
Summer showers are common, increasing north and east
from California. Common through the western part of the
country is the inadequacy of precipitation during the grow-
ing season. In most areas ofthe West, intensive agriculture is
not possible without irrigation. Irrigation must supply at
least one-half of all the soil water required annually for
crops for periods ranging from three to 12 months.
Annual precipitation varies in the western United States
from practically zero in the southwestern deserts to more
than 100 inches in the upper western slope of the Pacific
Northwest. The distribution of precipitation throughout the
year also varies, with no rainfall during extended periods in
many locales. Often the rainfall occurs during nongrowing
The amount of precipitation and its distribution is one of
the principal variables in determining the diversion require-
ment or demand for irrigation water.
Land. Soils in the semiarid and arid regions were developed
under dry climatic conditions with little leaching of weather-
'able minerals in the surface horizon. Consequently, these
soils are better supplied with most nutrient elements. The
pH of these soils varies from being slightly acidic to neutral
or alkaline. The presence of silicate clay minerals of the
montmorillonite and hydrous mica groups in many of these
soils gives them a higher exchange capacity than those of
the southeast, which contain kaolinite minerals of lower ex-
change capacity. However, organic matter and nitrogen
contents of arid soil are usually lower. Plant deficiencies of
trace elements such as zinc, iron, manganese are more fre-
quently encountered. Because of the less frequent passage
of water through arid soils, they are more apt to be saline.
The nature of the surface horizon (plow layer) and the
subsoil is especially important for irrigation. During soil
formation a profile can develop consisting of various hori-
zons. The horizons consist of genetically related layers of
soil or soil material parallel to the land surface, and they
differ in their chemical1 physical, and biological properties.
The productivity of a soil is largely determined by the na-
ture of these horizons. Soils available for irrigation with
restrictive or impervious horizons present management
problems (e.g., drainage, aeration, salt accumulation in
root zone, changes in soil structure) and consequently are
not the best for irrigated agriculture.
Other land and soil factors of importance to irrigation are
topography and slope, which may influence the-choice of
irrigation method, and soil characteristics. The latter are
extremely important because they determine the usable
depth of water that can be stored in the root zone of the
crop and the erodability and intake rate of the soil.
Water for Irrigation/333
Water. Each river system within the arid and semiarid por-
tion of the United States has quality characteristics peculiar
to its geologic origin and climatic environment. In consider-
ing water quality characteristics as related to irrigation, both
historic and current data for the stream and location in
question should be used with care because of the large
seasonal and sporadic variations that occur.
The range of sediment concentrations of a river through-
out the year is usually much greater than the range of dis-
solved solids concentrations. Maximum sediment concentra-
tions may range from 10 to more than a thousand times the
minimum concentrations. Usually, the sediment concentra-
tions are higher during high flow than during low flow.
This differs inversely from dissolved-solids concentrations
that are usually lower during high flows.
Four general designations of water have been used
(Rainwater 1962) 361 based on their chemical composition:
(1) calcium-magnesium, carbonate-bicarbonate; (2) cal-
cium-magnesium, sulfate-chloride; (2) sodium-potassium,
carbonate-bicarbonate; and (4) sodium-potassium, sulfate-
chloride. This type of classification characterizes the chem-
ical properties of the water and would be indicative of re-
actions that could be expected with soil when used for ir-
rigation. Although a listing of data for each stream and
tributary is beyond the scope of this report, an indication of
ranges in dissolved-solids concentrations, chemical type, and
sediment concentration is given in Table V-10 (Rainwater
1962). 361
Customarily, each irrigation project diverts water at one
point in the river and the return flow comes back into the
mainstream somewhere below the system. This return flow
consists in the main of (1) regulatory water, which is the
unused part of the diverted water required so that each
farmer irrigating can have the exact flow he has ordered;
TABLE V-10-Variations in Dissolved Solids, Chemical Type,
and Sediment in Rivers in Arid and Semiarid United States
Dissolved solids
From To
Prevalent chemical type•
From To
Columbia River Basin.......... <100 300 Ca-Mg, C-11.......................... <200 300
Norlhern California ............ <100 700 Ca·Mg, C·b ......................... <200 +SOD
Southern California ............ <100 +2,000 Ca·Mg, C·b; Ca-Mg, S·C ............. <200 +15,000
Colorado River Basin ........... <100 +2,500 Ca-Mg, S·C; Ca-Mg, C·b ............. <200 +15,000
Rio Grande Basin ............. <100 +2.000 Ca-Mg, C-b; Ca·Mg, S·C ............. +300 +50,000
Pecos River Basin............. 100 +3,000 Ca-Mg, S·C ......................... +300 +7,000
Western Gull of Mexico Basins.. 100 +3,000 Ca·Mg, C·b; Ca-Mg, S-C; Na·P, S·C... <200 +30,000
Red River Basin ............... <100 +2,500 Ca-Mg, S·C; Na·P, S·C ............... +300 +25,000
Arkansas River Basin.......... 100 +2,000 Ca-Mg, S-C; Ca·Mg, C·b; Na·P, S·C ... +300 +30,000
Platte River................... 100 +1,500 Ca·Mg, C·b; Ca-Mg, S·C ............. +300 +7,000
Upper Missouri River Basin..... 100 +2,000 Ca·Mg, S·C; Na·P, C·b; Na·P, C·b .... <200 +15,000
• Ca-Mg, C·b= Calcium-magnesium, carbonate-bicarbonate. Ca-Mg, S·C= Calcium-magnesium, sulfate-chloride.
Na·P, C·b=Sodium-polassium, carbonate-bicarbonate. Na-P, S·C=Sodium-potassium, sulfate-chloride.
Annual Load 'Sediment concenlration= .,-----,--.,-Annual Slreamllow
Rainwater 1962'"·
334/Section V-Agricultural Uses of Water
(2) tail water, which is that portion of the water that runs
off the ends of the .fields; and (3) underground drainage,
required to provide adequate applicl!tion and salt balance
in all parts of the fields. The initial flush of tail water may
be somewhat more saline than later but rapidly approaches
the same quality as the applied water (Reeve et al. 1955).362
Drainage and Leaching Requirements. In all irrigation agri-
culture some water must pass through the soil to remove
salts brought to .the soil in the water. In semiarid areas, or
in the transition zone between arid and humid regions, this
drainage water is usually obtained as a result of rainfall
during periods of low evapotranspiration, and no excess
irrigation water is needed to provide the drainage required.
In many arid regions, the needed leaching must be ob-
tained by adding excess water. In all cases, the required
drainage volume is related to the amount of salt in the ir-
rigation water. That drainage volume is called the leaching
requirement (LR).
It is possible to predict the approximate salt concentra-
tion that would occur in the soil after a number of irriga-
tions by estimating the proportion of applied water that will
percolate below the root zone. In any steady-state leaching
formula, the following assumptions are made:
• No precipitation of salts occurs in the soil;
• Ion uptake by plants is negligible;
• There is uniform distribution of soil moisture through
the profile and uniform concentration of salts in the
soil moisture;
• Complete and uniform mixing of irrigation water
with soil moisture takes place before any of the mois-
ture percolates below the root zone and
• Residual soil moisture is negligible.
A steady state leaching requirement formula has been
developed by the U.S. Salinity Laboratory (1954)363 de-
signed to estimate that fraction of the irrigation water that
must be leached through the root zone to control soil salin-
ity at any specified level. This is given as:
LR = Ddw = EC;w
D;w ECdw
where LR is the leaching requirement; Ddw, the depth of
drainage water; D;w, the depth of irrigation water; EC;w,
the salinity of irrigation water; and ECdw, the salinity of
water percolating past root zone.
Hence, if ECdw is determined by the salt tolerance of the
crop to be grown, and the salt content of the irrigation
water EC;w is known, the desired LR can be calculated.
This leaching fraction will then be the ratio of depth of
drainage volume to the depth of irrigation water applied.
Because the permissible values for ECdw for various yield
decrements for various crops are not known, the EC e for
50 per cent yield reduction has been substituted for ECdw·
The actual yield reduction will probably be less than 50
per cent (Bernstein 1966). 340 This EC. is the assumed aver-
age electrical conductivity for the soil water at saturation for
the whole root zone. When it is substituted for the ECdw,
the actual EC. encountered in the root zone will be less
than this value because, in many near steady state situa-
tions, the salinity increases progressively with increase in
depth in the profile and is maximum at the bottom of the
root zone.
Bernstein ( 196 7) 341 has developed a leaching fraction
formula that takes into consideration factors that control
leaching rates such as infiltration rate, climate (evapotrans-
piration), frequency and duration of irrigation, and, of
course, the salt tolerance of the crops. He defines the
leaching fraction as LF = 1-ETc/IT1 where LF is the leach-
ing fraction or proportion of applied water percolating
below the root zone; E, the average rate of evapotranspira-
tion during the irrigation cycle, Tc; and I, the average in-
filtration rate during the period of infiltration, T 1. By utiliz-
ing both the required leaching derived from the steady state
LR= EC;w
and the leaching fraction based upon infiltration rates and
evapotranspiration during the irrigation cycle, it is possible
to estimate whether adequate leaching can be attained or
whether adjustments must be made in the crops to be
grown to permit higher salinity concentrations.
In addition to determination of crops to be grown,
leaching requirements may be used to indicate the total
quantities of water required. For example, irrigation water
with a conductivity of two mmhos requires one-sixth more
water to maintain root zone salt concentrations within
eight mmhos than would water with a salt concentration of
one mmhos under the same conditions of use.
There are a number of problems in applying the leaching
requirement concept in actual practice. Some of these relate
to the basic assumptions involved and others derive from
water application problems and soil variability.
• Considerable precipitation of calcium carbonate oc-
curs as many irrigation waters enter the soil causing a
reduction in the total soluble salt load. In many
crops, or crop rotations, crop removal of such ions
as chloride was a significant fraction of the total
added in waters of medium to low salinity. (Pratt
et al. 1967)359
• It is not practical to apply water with complete uni-
• Soils are far from uniform, particularly with respect
to vertical hydraulic conductivity.
• The effluent from tile or ditch drains may not be
representative of the salinity of water at the bottom
of the root zones.
Also, there is a considerable variation in drainage outflow
that has no relation to leaching requirement when different
crops are irrigated (Pillsbury and Johnston 1965).357 This
results from variations in irrigation practices for the different
The leaching requirement concept, while very useful,
should not be used as a sole guide in the field. The leaching
requirement is a long-period average value that can be
departed from for short periods with adequately drained
soils to make temporary use of water poorer in quality than
customarily applied.
The exact manner in which leaching occurs and the ap-
propriate values to be used in leaching requirement
formulas require further study. The many variables and as-
sumptions involved preclude a precise determination under
field conditions.
Salinity Hazard. Waters with total dissolved solids (TDS)
less than about 500 mg/1 are usually used by farmers with-
out awareness of any salinity problem, unless, of course,
there is a high water table. Also, without dilution from
precipitation or an alternative supply, waters with TDS of
about 5,000 mg/1 usually have little value for irrigation
(Pillsbury and Blaney 1966). 356 Within these limits, the value
of the water appears to decrease as the salinity increases.
Where water is to be used regularly for the irrigation of
relatively impervious soil, its value is limited if the TDS
is in the range of 2,000 mg/1 or higher.
In spite of the facts that (1) any TDS limits used
in classifyin~ the salinity hazard of waters are
somewhat arbitrary; (2) the hazard is related not
only to the TDS but also to the individual ions
involved; and (3) no exact hazard can be assessed
unless the soil, crop, and acceptable yield reduc-
tions are known, Table V-11 su~~ests classifications
. for ~eneral purposes for arid and semiarid re~ions.
Permeability Hazard. Two criteria used to evaluate the ef-
fect of salts in irrigation water on soil permeability are:
.(1) the sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) and its relation to
the exchangeable sodium percentage, and (2) the bicarbo-
nate hazard that is particularly applicable to waters of arid
regions. Another factor related to the permeability hazard
is that the permeability tends to increase, and the stability
of a soil at any exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP)
increases as the salinity of the water increases (Quirk and
Schofield 1955). 36o
Eaton (1950), 347 Doneen (1959), 346 and Christiansen and
Thorne (1966) 345 have recognized that the permeability
hazard of irrigation waters containing bicarbonate was
greater than indicated by their SAR values. Bower and
Wilcox (1965)343 found that the tendency for calcium
carbonate to precipitate in soils was related to the Langelier
index (Langelier 1936) 349 and to the fraction of the irriga-
tion water evapotranspired from the soil. Bower et al.
(1965,344 1968)342 modified the Langelier index or precipita-
Water for lrrigation/335
TABLE V-11-Recommended Guidelines for Salinity in
Irrigation Water
Water lor which no detrimental eHects are usually noticed ......... .
Water that can have detrimental eHects on sensitive crops ......... .
Water that can have adverse eHects on many crops; requires carelul
management practices
Water that can be used for tolerant plants on permeable soils w ilh care-
ful management practices
TDS mg/1
1, OOD-2, 000
2, ooo-5, ooo
EC mmhos/cm
0. 75-1.50
tion index (PI) to the soil system and presented simplified
means for calculation. The PI was 8.4-pHc, where 8.4 was
the pH of the soil and pHc, the pH that would be found in a
calcium carbonate suspension that would have the same
calcium and bicarbonate concentrations as those in the ir-
rigation water. For the soil system
where pK2 and pKc are the negative logarithms, respec-
tively, of the second dissociation constant for carbonic acid
and the solubility constant for calcite; p(Ca+Mg) and
pAlk are the negative logarithms, respectively, of the molar
concentrations of (Ca + Mg) and the titrable alkalinity.
Magnesium is included primarily because it reacts, through
cation exchange, to maintain the calcium concentration in
solution. The PI combines empirically with the SAR in the
following equation
SARse=SAR;w VC(l+PI)
where SAR •• and SAR;w are for the saturation extract and
the irrigation water, respectively, C is the concentration
factor or the reciprocal of the leaching fraction, and PI is
8.4-pH0 • Bower et al. (1968)342 and Pratt and Bair (1969),358
using lysimeter experiments, have shown a high correlation
between the predicted and measured SAR •• with waters of
various bicarbonate concentrations. The information avail-
able suggested a high utility of this equation for calculating
permeability or sodium hazard of waters. In cases where C
is not known, a value of 4, corresponding to a leaching frac-
tion of 0. 25, can be used to give relative comparisons among
waters. In this case the equation is
SAR •• =2SAR;w(l +PI).
Data can be used to prepare graphs, from which the
values for pK2 -pKc, p(Ca+Mg), and pAlk can be ob-
tained for easy calculation of pH0 • The calculation of pHc
is described by Bower et al. (1965). 344
Soils have individual responses in reduction in permeabil-
ity as the SAR or calculated SAR values increase, but ad-
verse effects usually begin to appear as the SAR value
paSses through the range from 8 to 18. Above an SAR of
18 the effects are usually adverse.
Suspended Solids. Suspended organic solids in surface
water supplies seldom give trouble in ditch distribution
336/Section V-Agricultural Uses of Water
systems except for occasional clogging of gates. They can
also carry weed seeds onto fields wh~re their subsequent
growth can have a severely adverse effect on the crop or
can have a beneficial effect by reducing seepage losses. Where
surface water supplies are distributed through pipelines, it
is often necessary to have self-cleaning screens to prevent
clogging of the pipe system appliances. Finer screening is
usually required where water enters pressure-pipe systems
for sprinkler irrigation.
There are waters diverted for irrigation that carry
heavy inorganic sediment loads. The effects that these loads
might have depend in part on the particle size and distri-
bution of the suspended material. For example, the ability
of sandy soils to store moisture is greatly improved after the
soils are irrigated with muddy water for a period of years.
More commonly, sediment tends to fill canals and ditches,
causing serious cleaning and dredging problems. It also
tends to further reduce the already low infiltration charac-
teristics of slowly permeable soils.
Irrigation Water Quality For Humid Regions
Climate The most striking feature of the climate of the
humid region that contrasts with that of the far West and
intermountain areas is the larger amount of and less season-
able distribution of the precipitation. Abundant rainfall,
rather than lack of it, is the normal expectation. Yet,
droughts are common enough to require that attention be
given to supplemental irrigation. These times of shortage of
water for optimum plant growth can occur at irregular in-
tervals and at almost any stage of plant growth.
Water demands per week or day are not as high in
humid as in arid lands. But rainfall is not easily predicted.
Thus a crop may be irrigated and immediately thereafter
receive a rain of one or two inches. Supplying the proper
amount of supplemental irrigation water at the right time
is not easy even with adequate equipment and a good
water supply. There can be periods of several successive
years when supplemental irrigation is not required for most
crops in the humid areas. There are times however, when
supplel)lental water can increase yield or avert a crop failure.
Supplemental irrigation for high-value crops will undoubt-
edly increase in humid areas in spite of the fact that much
capital is tied up in irrigation equipment during years in
which little or no use is made of it.
The range of temperatures in the humid region in which
supplemental irrigation is needed is almost as great as that
for arid and semiarid areas. It ranges from that of the short
growing season of upstate New York and Michigan to the
continuous growing season of southern Florida. But in the
whole of this area, the most unpredictable factor in crop
production is the need for additional water for optimum
crop production.
Soils The soils of the humid region contrast with those
of the West primarily in being lower in available nutrients.
They are generally more acid and may have problems with
exchangeable aluminum. The texture of soils is similar to
that found in the West and ranges from sands to clays. Some
are too permeable, while others take water very slowly.
Soils of the humid region generally have clay minerals of
lower exchange capacity than soils of the arid and semiarid
regions and hence lower buffer capacity. They are more
easily saturated with anions and cations. This is an im-
portant consideration if irrigation with brackish water is
necessary to supplement natural rainfall. Organic matter
content ranges from practically none on some of the Florida
sands to 50 per cent or more in irrigated peats.
One of the most important characteristics of many of the
soils of the humid Southeast is the unfavorable root environ-
ment of the deeper horizons containing exchangeable
aluminum and having a strong acid reaction. In fact, the
lack of root penetration of these horizons by most farm crops
is the primary reason for the need for supplemental irriga-
tion during short droughts.
Specific Difference Between Humid and Arid
Regions The effect of a specific water quality deterrent
on plant growth is governed by related factors. Basic
principles involved are almost universally applicable, but
the ultimate effect must take into consideration these as-
sociated variables. Water quality criteria for supplemental
irrigation in humid areas may differ from those indicated
for arid and semiarid areas where the water requirements
of the growing plant are met almost entirely by irrigation.
When irrigation water containing a deterrent is used, its
effect on plant growth may vary, however, with the stage
of growth at which the water is applied. In arid areas, plants
may be subjected to the influence of irrigation water quality
continuously from germination to harvest. Where water is
used for supplemental irrigation only, the effect on plants
depends not only upon the growth stage at which applied,
but to the length of time that the deterrent remains in the
root zone (Lunin et al. 1963). 352 Leaching effects of inter-
vening rainfall must be taken into consideration.
Climatic differences between humid and arid regions also
influence criteria for use of irrigation water. The amount of
rainfall determines in part the degree to which a given
constituent will accumulate in the soil. Other factors as-
sociated with salt accumulation in the soil are those climatic
conditions relating to evapotranspiration. In humid areas,
evapotranspiration is generally less than in arid regions,
and plants are not as readily subjected to water stress. The
importance of climatic conditions in relation to salinity was
demonstrated by Magistad et al. (1943).355 In general,
criteria regarding salinity for supplemental irrigation in
humid areas can be more flexible than for arid areas.
Soil characteristics represent another significant difference
between arid and humid regions. These were discussed
Mineralogical composition will also vary. The composi-
tion of soil water available for absorption by plant roots
represents the results of an interaction between the constitu-
ents of the irrigation water and the soil complex. The final
result may be that a given quality deterrent present in the
water could be rendered harmless by the soil (remaining
readily available), or that the dissolved constituents of a
water may render soluble toxic concentrations of an element
that was not present in the irrigation water. An example of
this would be the addition of a saline water to an acid soil
resulting in a decrease in pH and a possible increase in
solubility of elements such as iron, aluminum, and manga-
nese (Eriksson 1952). 348
General relationships previously derived for SAR and ad-
sorbed sodium in neutral or alkaline soils of arid areas do
not apply equally well to acid soils found in h~mid
regions (Lunin and Batchelder 1960). 35° Furthermore, the
effect of a given level of adsorbed sodium (ESP) on plant
growth is determined to some degree by the associated
adsorbed cations. The amount of adsorbed calcium and
magnesium relative to adsorbed sodium is of considerable
consequence, especially when comparing acidic soils to ones
that are neutral or alkaline. Another example would be
the presence of a trace element in the irrigation water that
might be rendered insoluble when applied to a neutral or
alkaline soil, but retained in a soluble, available form in
acid soils. For these reasons, soil characteristics, which differ
greatly between arid and humid areas, must be taken into
Certain economic factors also influence water quality
criteria for supplemental irrigation. Although the ultimate
objective of irrigation is to insure efficient and economic
crop production, there may be· instances where an adequate
supply of good quality water is unavailable to achieve this.
A farmer may be faced with the need to use irrigation water
of inferior quality to get some economic return and prevent
a complete crop failure. This can occur in humid areas
during periods of prolonged drought. Water quality criteria
are generally designed for optimum production, but con-
sideration must be given also to supplying guidelines for use
of water of inferior quality to avert a crop failure.
Specific Quality Criteria for Supplemental Irri-
gation A previous discussion (see "Water Quality Con-
siderations for Irrigation" above) of potential quality deter-
rents contained a long list of factors indicating the current
state of our knowledge as to how they might relate to plant
growth. Criteria can be established by determining a con-
centration of a given deterrent, which, when adsorbed on
or absorbed by a leaf during sprinkler irrigation, results in
adverse plant growth, and by evaluating the direct or in-
direct effects (or both) that a given concentration of a qual-
ity deterrent has on the plant root environment as irriga-
tion water enters the soil. Neither evaluation is simple, but
the latter is more complex because so many variables are
involved. Since sprinkler application in humid areas is most
common for supplemental irrigation, both types of evalua-
tion have considerable significance. The following discus-
Water for Irrigation/337
sion relates only to t]].ose quality criteria that are specifically
applicable to supplemental irrigation.
Salinity. General concepts regarding soil salinity as pre-
viously discussed are applicable. Actual levels of salinity
that can be tolerated for supplemental irrigation must take
into consideration the leaching effect of rainfall and the fact
that soils are usually nonsaline at spring planting. The
amount of irrigation water having a given level of salinity
that can be applied to the crop will depend upon the num-
ber of irrigations between leaching rains, the salt tolerance
of the crop, and the salt content of the soil prior to irriga-
Since it is not realistic to set a single salinity value or even
a range that would take these variables into consideration, a
guide was developed to aid farmers in safely using saline or
brackish waters (Lunin and Gallatin 1960). 351 The following
equation was used as a basis for this guide:
ECc<o =EC•<il+ 2
where ECc(fl is the electrical conductivity of the saturation
extract after irrigation is completed; EC e(i), the electrical
conductivity of the soil saturation extract before irrigation;
ECiw, the electrical conductivity of the irrigation water;
and n, the number of irrigations.
To utilize this guide, the salt tolerance of the crop to be
grown and the soil salinity level (EC.<o) that will result
in a 15 or 50 per cent yield decrement for that crop must be
considered. After evaluating the level of soil salinity prior to
irrigation (ECe(i)) and the salinity of the irrigation water,
the maximum number of permissible irrigations can be
calculated. These numbers are based on the assumption
that no intervening rainfall occurs in quantities large enough
to leach salts from the root zone. Should leaching rainfall
occur, the situation could be reevaluated using a new value
for ECe(i)·
Categorizing the salt tolerance of crops as highly salt
tolerant, moderately salt tolerant, and slightly salt tolerant,
the guide shown in Table V-12 was prepared to indicate
TABLE V-12-Permissible Number of Irrigations in Humid
Areas with Saline Water between Leaching Rains for
Crops of Different Salt Tolerance•
Irrigation water
Total salts mg/1 Electrical conductivity
mmhos/cm at 25 C
640 •••.••.•..•..•
1,280 ............. .
1,920 ............. .
2,560 ............. .
3,200 ............. .
3,840 ............. .
4,480 ............. .
5,120 ............. .
• Based on a 50 per cent yield decremenl
Lunin et al. 1960'"·
Number of irrigations for crops having
Low salt tolerance Moderate salt
High salt tolerance
338/Section V-Agricultural Uses of Water
the number of permissible irrigations using water of varying
salt concentrations. This guide is based.on two assumptions:
• no leaching rainfall occurs between irrigations.
• there is no salt accumulation in the soil at the start
of the irrigation period. If leaching rains occur be-
tween irrigations, the effect of the added salt is
minimized. If there is an accumulation of salt in the
soil initially, such as might occur when irrigating a
fall crop on land to which saline water had been ap-
plied during a spring crop, the soil should be tested
for salt content, and the irrigation recommendations
modified accordingly.
Since it is not realistic to set a single salinity
value or even a range that would take all variables
into consideration, Table V-12 developed by Lunin
et al. (1960),354 should be used as a guide to aid
farmers in safely using saline or brackish waters
for supplemental irrigation in humid areas.
SAR values and exchangeable sodium. The principles relating
to SAR values and the degree to which sodium is adsorbed
from water by soils are generally applicable in both arid and
humid regions. Some evidence is available (Lunin and
Batchelder 1960), 350 however, to indicate that, for a given
water quality, less sodium was adsorbed by an acid soil
than by a base-saturated soil. For a given level of exchange-
able sodium, preliminary evidence indicated more detri-
mental effects on acid soils than on base-saturated soils
(Lunin et al. 1964). 353
Experimental evidence is not conclusive, so the detri-
mental limits for SAR values listed previously should also
apply to supplemental irrigation in humid regions. (See the
recommendation in this section following the discussion of
sodium hazard under Water Quality Considerations for Ir-
Acidiry and alkaliniry. The only consideration not pre-
viously discussed relates to soil acidity, which is more
prevalent in humid regions where supplemental irrigation
is practiced. Any factor that drops the pH below 4.8 may
render soluble toxic concentrations of iron, aluminum, and
manganese. This might result from application of a highly
acidic water or from a saline solution applied to an acidic
soil. (See the recommeBdation in this section following the
discussion of acidity and alkalinity under Water Quality
Considerations for Irrigation.)
Trace elements. Criteria and related factors discussed in
the section on Phytotoxic Trace Elements are equally ap-
plicable to supplemental irrigation in humid regions. Cer-
tain related qualifications must be kept in mind, however.
First, foliar absorption of trace elements in toxic amounts is
directly related to sprinkler irrigation. Critical levels estab-
lished for soil or culture solutions would not apply to direct
foliar injury. Regarding trace element concentrations in the
soil resulting from irrigation water application, the volume
of the water applied by sprinkler as supplemental irrigation
is much less than that applied by furrow or flood irrigation
in arid regions.
In assessing trace element concentrations in irrigation
water, total volume of water applied and the physicochemi-
cal characteristics of the soil must be taken into considera-
tion. Both factors could result in different criteria for supple-
mental irrigation as compared with surface irrigation in arid
Suspended solids. Certain factors regarding suspended solids
must be taken into consideration for sprinkler irrigation.
The first deals with the plugging up of sprinkler nozzles by
these sediments. Size of sediment is a definite factor, but
no specific particle size limit can be established. If some
larger sediment particles pass through the sprinkler, they
can often be washed off certain leafy vegetable crops. Some
of the finer fractions, suspended colloidal material, could
accumulate on the leaves and, once dry, become extremely
diffi~ult to wash off, thereby impairing the quality of the
In addition to the effect of total salinity on plant growth,
individual ions may cause growth reductions. Ions of both
major and trace elements occur in irrigation water. Trace
elements are those that normally occur in waters or soil
solutions in concentrations less than a few mg/1 with usual
concentrations less than 100 microgram (f.!g) /l. Some may
be essential for plant growth, while others are nonessential.
When an element is added to the soil, it may combine
with it to· decrease its concentration and increase the store
of that element in the soil. If the process of adding irrigation
water containing a toxic level of the element continues, the
capacity of the soil to react with the element will be
saturated. A steady state may be approached in which the
amount of the element leaving the soil in the drainage water
equals the amount added with the irrigation water, with no
further change in concentration in the soil. Removal in
harvested crops can also be a factor in decreasing the ac-
cumulation of trace elements in soils.
In many cases, soils have high capacities to react with
trace elements. Therefore, irrigation water containing toxic
levels of trace elements may be added for many years before
a steady state is approached. Thus, a situation exists where
toxicities may develop in years, decades, or even centuries
from the continued addition of pollutants to irrigation
waters. The time would depend on soil and plant factors as
well as on the concentration of trace elements in the water.
Variability among species is well recognized. Recent in-
vestigations by Foy et al. (1965), 402 and Kerridge et al.
(1971)425 working with soluble aluminum in soils and in
nutrient solutions, have demonstrated that there is also
variability among varieties within a given species.
Comprehensive reviews of literature dealing with trace
element effects on plants are provided by McKee and Wolf
(1963), 436 Bolland and Butler (1966), 378 and Chapman
(1966).386 Hodgson (1963)417 presented a review dealing
with reactions of trace elements in soils.
In developing a workable program to determine accept-
able limits for trace elements in irrigation waters, three
considerations should be recognized:
• Many factors affect the uptake of and tolerance to
trace elements. The most important of these are the
natural variability in tolerances of plants and of
animals that consume plants, in reactions within the
soil, and in nutrient interactions, particularly in the
• A system of tolerance limits should provide sufficient
flexibility to cope with the more serious factors listed
• At the same time, restrictions must be defined as
precisely as possible using presently available, but
limited, research information.
Both the concentration of the element in the soil solution,
assuming that steady state may be approached, and the
total amount of the element added in relation to quantities
that have been shown to produce toxicities were used in ar-
riving at recommended maximum concentrations. A water
application rate of 3 acre feet/acre/year was used to calcu-
late the yearly rate of trace elements added in irrigation
The suggested maximum trace element concentrations
for irrigation waters are shown in Table V-13.
The suggested maximum concentrations for continuous
use on all soils are set for those sandy soils that have low
capacities to react with the element in question. They are
generally set at levels less than the concentrations that pro-
duce toxicities when the most sensitiv~ plants are grown in
nutrient solutions or sand cultures. This level is set, recog-
nizing that concentration increases in the soil as water is
evapo_transpired, and that the effective concentration in the
soil solution, at near steady state, is higher than in the irriga-
tion water. The criteria for short-term use are suggested for
soils that have high capacitites to remove from soh.ltion the
element or elements being considered.
The work of Hodgson (1963)417 showed that the general
tolerance of the soil-plant system to manganese, cobalt,
zinc, copper, and boron increased as the pH increased,
primarily because of the positive correlation between the
capacity of the soil to inactivate these ions and the pH.
This same relationship exists with aluminum and probably
exists with other elements such as nickel (Pratt et al. 1964)449
and boron (Sims and Bingham 1968). 465 However, the abil-
ity of the soil to inactivate molybdenum decreases with in-
crease in pH, such that the amount of this element that
could be added without producing excesses was higher in
acid soils.
Water for lrrigation/339
TABLE V-13-Recommended Maximum Concentrations of
Trace Elements in Irrigation Waters•
Element For waters used continuously For use up to 20 years on fine
on all soil textured soils of pH 6.0 to 8.5
Aluminum ............................... .
Arsenic .................................. .
Beryllium ................................ .
Boron ................................... .
Cadmium ................................ .
Chromium ............................... .
Cobalt. .................................. .
Copper .................................. .
Ruoride ................................. .
Iron ..................................... .
Lead .................................... .
Lithium ................................. .
Manganese .............................. .
Molybdenum ............................. .
Nickel. .................................. .
Selenium ................................ .
Tin' .................................... .
Titanium' ............................... .
Tungsten' ............................... .
Vanadium ............................... .
Zinc ...•............................ ····.
• These levels will normally not adversely anect plants or soils.
• Recommended maximum concentration for irrigating citrus is 0.075 mg/L
'See textfor a discussion of these elements.
• For only acid fine textured soils or acid soils with relatively high iron oxide contents.
In addition to pH control (i.e., liming acid soils), another
important management factor that has a large effect on the
capacity of soils to adsorb some trace elements without de-
velopment of plant toxicities is the available phosphorus
level. Large applications of phosphate are known to induce
deficiencies of such elements as copper and zinc and greatly
reduce aluminum toxicity (Chapman 1966).386
The concentrations given in Table V-13 are for ionic
and soluble forms of the elements. If insoluble forms are
present as particulate matter, these should be removed by
filtration before the water is analyzed.
The toxicity of this ion is considered to be one of the main
causes of nonproductivity in acid soils (Coleman and
Thomas 1967,392 Reeve and Sumner 1970,453 Hoyt and
Nyborg 197la419).
At pH values from about 5.5 to 8.0, soils have great
capacities to precipitate soluble aluminum and to eliminate
its toxicity. Most irrigated soils are naturally alkaline, and
many are highly buffered with calcium carbonate. In these
situations aluminum toxicity is effectively prevented.
With only a few exceptions, as soils become more acid
(pH <5.5), exchangeable and soluble aluminum develop by
dissol'\J.tion of oxides and hydroxides or by decomposition
of clay minerals. Thus, without the introduction of alumi-
num, a toxicity of this element usually develops as soils are
acidified, and limestone must be added to keep the soil
340/Section V-Agricultural Uses of Water
In nutrient solutions toxicities are reported for a number
of plants at aluminum concentrations of 1 mg/1 (Pratt
1966),448 whereas wheat is reported to•show growth reduc-
tions at 0.1 mg/1 (Barnette 1923). 370 Liebig et al. (1942)432
found growth depressions of orange seedlings at 0.1 mg/1.
Ligon and Pierre (1932) 433 showed growth reductions of
60, 22, and 13 per cent for barley, corn, and sorghum, re-
spectively, at 1 mg/1.
In spite of the potential toxicity of aluminum, this is not
the basis for the establishment of maximum concentrations
in irrigation waters, because ground limestone can be added
where needed to control aluminum solubility in soils.
Nevertheless, two disadvantages remain. One is that the
salts that are the sources of soluble aluminum in waters
acidify the soil and contribute to the requirement for
ground limestone to prevent the accumulation or develop-
ment of soluble aluminum. This is a disadvantage only in
acid soils. The other disadvantage is a greater fixation of
phosphate fertilizer by freshly precipitated aluminum
In determining a recommendation for maximum levels
of aluminum in irrigation water using 5.0 mg/1 for waters
to be. used continuously on all soils and 20 mg/1 for up to
20 years on fine-textured soils, the following was considered.
At rates of 3 acre feet of water per acre per year the calcium
carbonate equivalent of the 5 mg/1 concentration used for
100 years would be 11.5 tons per acre; the 20 mg/1 concen-
tration for 20 years would be equivalent to 9 tons of CaC03
per acre. In most irrigated soils this amount of limestone
would not have to be added, because the soils have sufficient
buffer capacity to neutralize the aluminum salts. In acid
soils that are already near the pH where limestone should
be used, the aluminum added in the water would contribute
these quantities to the lime requirements.
Amounts of limestone needed for control of soluble alumi-
num in acid soils can be estimated by a method that is based
on pH control (Shoemaker et al. 1961).463 A method based
on the amount of soluble and exchangeable aluminum was
developed by Kamprath (1970).424
Recommended maximum concentrations are 5.0
mgflaluminum for continuous use on all soils and
20 mgfl for use on fine textured neutral to alkaline
soils over a period of 20 years.
Albert and Arndt (1931)368 found that arsenic at 0.5 mg/1
in nutrient solutions reduced the growth of roots of cowpeas,
and at 1.0 mg/1 it reduced the growth of both roots and tops.
They reported that 1.0 mg/1 of soluble arsenic was fre-
quently found in the solution obtained from soils with
demonstrated toxic levels of arsenic. Rasmussen and Henry
(1965)451 found that arsenic at 0.5 mg/1 in nutrient solu-
tions produced toxicity symptoms in seedlings of the pine-
apple and orange. Below this concentration no symptoms of
toxicity were found. Clements and Heggeness (1939)390 re-
ported that 0.5 mg/1 arsenic as arsenite in nutrient solu-
tions produced an 80 per cent yield reduction in tomatoes.
Liebig et al. (1959)431 found that 10 mg/1 of arsenic as
arsenate or 5 mg/1 as arsenite caused marked reduction
in growth of tops and roots of citrus grown in nutrient solu-
tions. Machlis (1941)434 found that concentrations of 1.2 and
12 mg/1 caused growth suppression in beans and sudan grass
However, the most definite work with arsenic toxicity in
soils has been aimed at determining the amounts that can
be added to various types of soils without reduction in yields
of sensitive crops. The experiments of Cooper et al. (1932), 393
Vandecaveye et al. (1936),472 Crafts and Rosenfels (1939),394
Dorman and Colman (1939),396 Dorman et al. (1939),397
Clements and Munson (1947),391 Benson (1953),372 Chis-
holm et al. (1955),388 Jacobs et al. (1970),422 Woolson et al.
(1971)481 showed that the amount of total arsenic that pro-
duced the initiation of toxicity varied with soil texture and
other factors that influenced the adsorptive capacity. As-
suming that the added arsenic is mixed with the surface six
inches of soil and that it is in the arsenate form, the amounts
that produce toxicity for sensitive plants vary from 100
pounds (!b)/acre for sandy soils to 300 lb/acre for clayey
soils. Data from Crafts and Rosenfels (1939)394 for 80 soils
showed that for a 50 per cent yield reduction with barley,
120, 190, 230, and 290 lb arsenic/acre were required for
sandy loams, loams, clay loams, and clays, respectively.
These amounts of arsenic indicated the amounts adsorbed
into soils of different adsorptive capacities before the toxicity
level was reached.
With long periods of time involved, such as would be the
case with accumulations from irrigation water, possible
leaching in sandy soils (Jacobs et al. 1970)422 and reversion
to less soluble and less toxic forms of arsenic (Crafts and
Rosenfels 1939)394 allow extensions of the amounts required
for toxicity. Perhaps a factor of at least two could be used,
giving a limit of 200 lb in sandy soils and a limit of 600 lb
in clayey soils over many years. Using these limits, a con-
centration of 0.1 mg/1 could be used for 100 years on sandy
soils, and a concentration of 2 mg/1 used for a period of 20
years or 0.5 mg/1 used for 100 years on clayey soils would
provide an adequate margin of safety. This is assuming 3
acre feet of water are used per acre per year (I mg/1 equals
2. 71 lb/acre foot of water or 8.13 lb/3 acre feet), and that
the added arsenic becomes mixed in a 6-inch layer of soil.
Removal of small amounts in harvested crops provides an
additional safety factor.
The only effective management practice known for soils
that have accumulated toxic levels of arsenic is to change to
more tolerant crops. Benson and Reisenauer (1951)373
developed a list of plants of three levels of tolerance. Work
by Reed and Sturgis (1936)452 suggested that rice on flooded
soils was extremely sensitive to small amounts of arsenic, and
that the suggested maximum concentrations listed below
were too high for this crop.
Recommendations are that maximum concen-
trations of arsenic in irrigation water be 0.10 mg/1
for continuous use on all soils and 2 mg/1 for use
up to 20 years on fine textured neutral to alkaline
Haas (1932) 408 reported that some varieties of citrus seed-
lings showed toxicities at 2.5 mg/1 of beryllium whereas
others showed toxicity at 5 mg/1 in nutrient solutions.
Romney et al. (1962)455 found that beryllium at 0.5 mg/1
in nutrient solutions reduced the growth of bush beans.
Romney and Childress (1965)454 found that 2 mg/1 or
greater in nutrient solutions reduced the growth of toma-
toes, peas, soybeans, lettuce, and alfalfa plants. Additions of
soluble beryllium salts at levels equivalent to 4 per cent of
the cation-adsorption capacity of two acid soils reduced the
yields of ladino clover. Beryllium carbonate and beryllium
oxide at the same levels did not reduce yields. These results
suggest that beryllium in calcareous soils might be much less
active and less toxic than in acid soils. Williams and LeRiche
(1968)480 found that beryllium at 2 mg/1 in nutrient solu-
tions was toxic to mustard, whereas 5 mg/1 was required for
growth reductions with kale.
It seems reasonable to recommend low levels of beryl-
lium in view of the fact that, at 0.1 mg/1, 80 pounds of
beryllium would be added in 100 years using 3 acre feet of
water per acre per year. In 20 years, at 0.5 mg/1, water at
the same rate would add 80 pounds.
In view of toxicities in nutrient solutions and in
soils, it is recommended that maximum concen-
trations of beryllium in irrigation waters be 0.10
mgfl for continuous use on all soils and 0.50 mgfl
for use on neutral to alkaline fine textured soils
for a 20-year period.
Boron is an essential element for the growth of plants.
Optimum yields of some plants are obtained at concentra-
tions of a few tenths mg/1 in nutrient solutions. However,
at concentrations of 1 mg/1, boron is toxic to a number of
sensitive plants. Eaton ( 1935,400 1944401 ) determined the
boron tolerance of a large number of plants and developed
lists of sensitive, semitolerant, and tolerant species. These
lists, slightly modified, are also given in the U.S.D.A.
Handbook 60 (Salinity Laboratory 1954)459 and are pre-
sented in Table V-14. In general, sensitive crops showed
toxicities at 1 mg/1 or less, semi tolerant crops at 1 to 2 mg/1,
and tolerant crops at 2 to 4 mg/1. At concentrations above
Water for Irrigation/341
TABLE V-14-Relative Tolerance of Plants to Boron
(In each group the plants first named are considered as being more tolerant and the last named
more sensitive.)
Tolerant Semitolerant Sensitive
Athel (Tamarix asphylla) Sunnower (native) Pecan "
Asparagus Potato Black Walnut
Palm (Phoenix canariensis) Acala cotton Persian (English) walnut
Date palm (P. dactylifera) Pima cotton Jerusalem artichoke
Sugar beet Tomato Navy bean
Mangel Sweetpea American elm
Garden beet Radish Plum
Alfalfa Field pea Pear
Gladiolus Ragged Robin rose Apple
Broadbean Olive Grape (Sultanina and Malaga)
Onion Barley Kadota fig
Turnip Wheat Persimmon
Cabbage Corn Cherry
Lettuce Milo Peach
Carrot Oat Apricot
Zinnia Thornless blackberry
Pumpkin Orange
Bell pepper Avocado
Sweet potato Grapefruit
Lima bean Lemon
Salinity Laboratory Staff 1954<59.
4 mg/1, the irrigation water was generally unsatisfactory for
most crops.
Bradford (1966), 379 in a review of boron deficiencies and
toxicities, stated that when the boron content of irrigation
waters was greater than 0. 75 mg/1, some sensitive plants,
such as citrus, begin to show injury. Chapman (1968) 387
concluded that citrus showed some mild toxicity symptoms
when irrigation waters have 0.5 to 1.0 mg/1, and that when
the concentration was greater than 10 mg/1 pronounced
toxicities were found.
Biggar and Fireman (1960)375 and Hatcher and Bower
(1958)411 showed that the accumulation of boron in soils is
an adsorption process, and that before soluble levels of 1 or
2 mg/1 can be found, the adsorptive capacity must be
saturated. With neutral and alkaline soils of high adsorption
capacities water of 2 mg/1 might be used for some time
without injury to sensitive plants.
From the extensive work on citrus, one of the
most sensitive crops, the maximum concentration
of 0. 75 mg boronfl for use on sensitive crops on all
soils seems justified. Recommended maximum
concentrations for semitolerant and tolerant
plants are considered to be 1 and 2 mgfl respec-
For neutral and alkaline fine textured soils the
recommended maximum concentration of boron
in irrigation water used for a 20-year period on
sensitive crops is 2.0 mgfl. With tolerant plants or
for shorter periods of time higher boron concen-
trations are acceptable.
342/Section V-Agricultural Uses of Water
Data by Page et al. in press (1972)"4 44 showed that the
yields of beans, beets, and turnips were reduced about 25
per cent by 0.10 mg cadmium/! in nutrient solutions;
whereas cabbage and barley gave yield decreases of 20 to 50
per cent at 1.0 mg/1. Corn and lettuce were intermediate
in response with less than 25 per cent yield reductions at
0.10 mg/1 and greater than 50 per cent at 1.0 mg/1. Cad-
mium contents of plants grown in soils containing 0.11 to
0.56 mg/1 acid extractable cadmium (Lagerwerff 1971)427
were of the same order of magnitude as the plants grown by
Page et al. in control nutrient solutions.
Because of the phytotoxicity of cadmium to plants, its
accumulation in plants, lack of soils information, and the
potential problems with this element in foods and feeds, a
conservative approach is taken.
Maximum concentrations for cadmium in irriga-
tion waters of 0.010 mgfl for continuous use on all
soils and 0.050 mgfl on neutral and alkaline fine
textured soils for a 20-year period are recom-
Even though a number of investigators have found small
increases in yields with small additions of this element, it
has not become recognized as an essential element. The
primary concern of soil and plant scientists is with its toxic-
ity. Soane and Saunders (1959)466 found that 10 mg/1 of
chromium in sand cultures was toxic to corn, and that for
tobacco 5 mg/1 of chromium caused reduced growth and
1.0 mg/1 reduced stem elongation. Scharrer and Schropp
(1935)461 found that chromium, as chromic sulfate, was
toxic to corn at 5 mg/1 in nutrient solutions. Hewitt
(1953)412 found that 8 mg/1 chromium as chromic or
chromate ions produced iron chlorosis on sugar beets grown
in sand cultures. Hewitt also found that the chromate ion
was more toxic than the chromic ion. Hunter and Vergnano
(I953)4n found that 5 mg/1 of chromium in nutrient solu-
tions produced iron deficiencies in plants. Turner and
Rust (1971)470 found that chromium treatments as low as
0.5 mg/1 in water cultures and 10 mg/kg in soil cultures
significantly reduced the yields of two varieties of soybeans.
Because little is known about the accumulation of
chromium in soils in relation to its toxicity, a concentration
of less than 1.0 mg/1 in irrigation waters is desirable. At this
concentration, using 3 acre feet water/acre/yr, more than
80 lb of chromium would be added per acre in I 00' years,
and using a concentration of 1.0 mg/1 for a period of20 years
and applying water at the same rate, about 160 pounds of
chromium would be added to the soil.
In view of the lack of knowledge concerning
chromium accumulation and toxicity, a maximum
concentration of 0.1 mgfl is recommended for con-
tinuous use on all soils and 1.0 mgfl on neutral
and alkaline fine textured soils for a 20-year period
is recommended.
Ahmed and Twyman (1953)3 65 found that tomato plants
showed toxicity from cobalt at 0.1 mg/1, and Vergnano
and Hunter ( 1953) 475 found that cobalt at 5 mg/1 was highly
toxic to oats. Scharrer anCl Schropp (1933)460 found that
cobalt at a few mg/1 in sand and solution cultures was toxic
to peas, beans, oats, rye, wheat, barley, and corn, and that
the tolerance to cobalt increased in the order listed. Vanse-
low (I966a)473 found additions of 100 mg/kg to soils were
not toxic to citrus.
The literature indicates that a concentration of 0.10 mg/1
for cobalt is near the threshold toxicity level in nutrient
solutions. Thus, a concentration of 0.05 mg/1 appears to be
satisfactory for continuous use on all soils. However, because
the reaction of this element with soils is strong at neutral
and alkaline pH values and it increases with time (Hodgson
1960), 416 a concentration of 5.0 mg/1 might be tolerated by
fine textured neutral and alkaline soils when it is added in
small yearly increments.
Recommended maximum concentrations for co-
balt are set at 0.050 mgfl for continuous use on all
soils and 5.0 mgfl for neutral and alkaline fine
textured soils for a 20-year period.
Copper concentrations of 0.1 to 1.0 mg/1 in nutrient
solutions have been found to be toxic to a large number of
plants (Piper 1939,447 Liebig et al. 1942,432 Frolich et al.
1966,403 Nollendorfs 1969,442 Struckmeyer et al. 1969,469
Seillac 1971 462). Westgate (1952)478 found copper toxicity in
soils that had accumulated 800 lb/acre from the use of
Bordeaux sprays. Field studies in sandy soils of Florida
(Reuther and Smith 1954)457 showed that toxicity to citrus
resulted when copper levels reached 1.6 mg/meq of cation-
exchange capacity per I 00 g of dry soil.
The management procedures that reduce copper toxicity
include liming the soil if it is acid, using ample phosphate
fertilizer, and adding iron salts (Reuther and Labanauskas
Toxicity levels in nutrient solutions and limited data on
soils suggest a concentration of 0.20 mg/1 for continuous
use on all soils. This level used at a rate of 3 acre feet of
water per year would add about 160 pounds of copper in
I 00 years, which is approaching the recorded levels of
toxicity in acid sandy soils. A safety margin can be obtained
by liming these soils. A concentration of copper at 5.0 mg/1
applied in irrigation water at the rate of 3 acre feet of water
per year for a 20-year period would add 800 pounds of
copper in 20 years.
Based on toxicity levels in nutrient solutions and
the limited soils data available, a maximum con-
centration of 0.20 mgjl copper is recommended for
continuous use on all soils. On neutral and alkaline
fine textured soils for use over a 20-year period, a
maximum concentration of 5.0 mgjl is recom-
Applications of soluble fluoride salts to acid soils can
produce toxicity to plants. Prince et al. (1949)450 found that
360 pounds fluoride per acre, added as sodium fluoride,
reduced the yields of buckwheat at pH 4.5, but at pH values
above 5.5 this rate produced no injury.
Maclntire et al. (1942)435 found that 1,150 pounds of
fluoride in superphosphate, 575 pounds of fluoride in slag,
or 2,~00 pounds of fluoride as calcium fluoride per acre had
no detrimental effects on germination or plant growth on
well-limed neutral soils, and that vegetation grown on these
soils showed only a slight increase in fluoride as compared to
those grown in acid soils. However, Shirley et al. (1970)464
found that bones of cows that had grazed pastures fertilized
with raw rock and colloidal phosphate, which contained ap-
proximately two to three per cent fluorides, for seven to 16
years averaged approximately 2,900 and 2,300 mg of
fluorine per kilogram of bone, respectively. The bones of
cows that had grazed on pastures fertilized with relatively
fluorine free superphosphate, concentrated superphosphate,
and basic slag fertilizer contained only 1400 mg/kg fluorine.
Because of the capacity of neutral and alkaline
soils to inactivate fluoride, a relatively high maxi-
mum. concentration for continuous use on these
soils is recommended. Recommended maximum
concentrations are 1.0 mgfl for continuous use on
all soils and 15 mg,jl for use for a 20-year period on
neutral and alkaline fine textured soils.
Iron in irrigation waters is not likely to create a problem
of plant toxicities. It is so insoluble in aerated soils at all pH
values in which plants grow well, that it is not toxic. In fact,
the problems with this element are deficiencies in alkaline
soils. In reduced (flooded) soils soluble ferrous ions develop
from inherent compounds in soils, so that quantities that
might be added in waters would be of no concern. However,
Rhoads (1971)458 found large reductions in the quality of
Water for Irrigation/343
cigar wrapper tobac<;o when plants were sprinkler irrigated
with water containing 5 or more mg soluble iron/1, because
of precipitation of iron oxides on the leaves. Rhoad's ex-
perience would suggest caution when irrigating any crops
using sprinkler systems and waters having sufficient reducing
conditions to produce reduced and soluble ferrous iron.
The disadvantages of soluble iron salts in waters are that
these would contribute to soil acidification, and the precipi-
tated iron would increase the fixation of such essential ele-
ments as phosphorous and molybdenum.
A maximum concentration of 5.0 mg,jl is recom-
mended for continuous use on all soils, and a
maximum concentration of 20 mg,jl is recom-
mended on neutral to alkaline soils for a 20-year
period. The use of waters with large concentrations
of suspended freshly precipitated iron oxides and
hydroxides is not recommended, because these
materials also increase the fixation of phosphorous
and molybdenum.
The phytotoxicity oflead is relatively low. Berry (1924)374
found that a concentration of lead nitrate of 25 mg/1 was
required for toxicity to oats and tomato plants. At a concen-
tration of 50 mg/1, death of plants occurred. Hopper
(1937)418 found that 30 mg/1 of lead in nutrient solutions
was toxic to bean plants. Wilkins (1957)479 found that lead
at 10 mg/1 as lead nitrate reduced root growth. Since soluble
lead contents in soils were usually from 0.05 to 5.0 mg/kg
(Brewer 1966), 383 little toxicity can be expected. It was
shown that the principal entry of lead into plants was from
aerial deposits rather than from absorption from soils (Page
et al. 1971) 445 indicating that lead that falls onto the soil is
not available to plants.
In a summary on the effects of lead on plants, the Com-
mittee on the Biological Effects of Atmosphere Pollutants
(NRC 1972)441 concluded that there is not sufficient evidence
to indicate that lead, as it occurs in nature, is toxic to vege-
tation. However, in studies using roots of some plants and
very high concentrations of lead, this element was reported
to be concentrated in cell walls and nuclei during mitosis
and to inhibit cell proliferation.
Recommended maximum concentrations of lead
are 5.0 mg,jl for continuous use on all soils and 10
mg,jl for a 20-year period on neutral and alkaline
fine textured soils.
Most crops can tolerate lithium in nutrient solutions at
concentrations up to 5 mg/1 ( Oertli 1962,443 Bingham et al.
1964,377 Bollard and Butler 1966378). But research revealed
344/Section V-Agricultural Uses of Water
that citrus was more sensitive (Aldrich et al. 1951,369 Brad-
ford l963b, 381 Hilgeman et al. 1970415). Hilgeman et al.
(1970)415 found that grapefruit developed severe symptoms
of lithium toxicity when irrigated with waters containing
lithium at 0.18 to 0.25 mg/l. Bradford (l963a)380 reported
that experience in California indicated slight toxicity of
lithium to citrus at 0.06 to O.IO mg/1 in the water.
Lithium is one of the most mobile of cations in soils. It
tends to be replaced by other cations in waters or fertilizers
and is removed by leaching. On the other hand, it is not
precipitated by any known process.
Recommendations for maximum concentrations
of lithium, based on its phytotoxicity, are 2.5 mgfl
for continuous use on all soils, except for citrus
where the recommended maximum concentration
is 0.075 mgfl for all soils. For short-term use on
fine textured soils the same maximum concentra-
tions are recommended because of lack of inactiva-
tion in soils.
Manganese concentrations at a few tenths to a few milli-
grams per liter in nutrient solutions are toxic to a number of
crops as shown by Morris and Pierre ( 1949), 440 Adams and
Wear (1957),364 Hewitt (1965),414 and others. However,
toxicities of this element are associated with acid soils, and
applications of proper quantities of ground limestone suc-
cessfully eliminated the problem. Increasing the pH to the
5.5 to 6.0 range usually reduced the active manganese to
below the toxic level (Adams and Wear 195 7). 364 Hoyt and
Nyborg (197lb)420 found that available manganese in the
soil and manganese content of plants were negatively cor-
related with soil pH. However, the definite association of
toxicity with soil pH as found with aluminum was not found
with manganese, which has a more complex chemistry.
Thus, more care must be taken in setting water quality cri-
teria for manganese than for aluminum (i.e., management
for control of toxicities is not certain).
Recommended maximum concentrations for
manganese in irrigation waters are set at 0.20 mg/1
for continued use on all soils and 10 mgfl for use up
to 20 years on neutral and alkaline fine textured
soils. Concentrations for continued use can be in-
creased with alkaline or calcareous soils, and also
with crops that have higher tolerance levels.
This element presents no problems of toxicity to plants at
concentrations usually found in soils and waters. The prob-
lem is one of toxicity to animals from molybdenum in-
gested from forage that has been grown in soils with rela-
tively high amounts of avaiable molybdenum. Dye and
O'Hara (1959)398 reported that the molybdenum concentra-
tion in forage that produced toxicity in ruminants was 5 to
30 mg/kg. Lesperance and Bohman (1963)430 found that
toxicity was not simply associated with the molybdenum
content of forage but was influenced by the amounts ot
other elements, particularly copper. Jensen and Lesperance
(1971)423 found that the accumulation of molybdenum in
plants was proportional to the amount of the element added
to the soil.
Kubota et al. (1963)426 found that molybdenum concen-
trations of 0.01 mg/1 or greater in soil solutions were as-
sociated with animal toxicity levels of this element in alsike
clover. Bingham et al. (1970)3 76 reported that molybdosis of
cattle was associated with soils that had 0.01 to 0.10 mg/1
of molybdenum in saturation extracts of soils.
The recommended maximum concentration of
molybdenum for continued use of water on all
soils, based on animal toxicities from forage, is
0.010 mgfl. For short term use on soils that react
with this element, a concentration of 0.050 mg/1
is recommended.
According to Vanselow (1966b),474 many experiments
with sand and solution cultures have shown that nickel at
0.5 to 1.0 mg/1 is toxic to a number of plants. Chang and
Sherman (1953)385 found that tomato seedlings were in-
jured by 0.5 mg/l. Millikan (1949)437 found that 0.5 to 5.0
mg/1 were toxic to flax. Brenchley (1938)382 reported toxic-
ity to barley and beans from 2 mg/l. Crooke (1954)395
found that 2.5 mg/1 was toxic to oats. Legg and Ormerod
(1958)429 found that 1.0 mg/1 produced toxicity in hop
plants. Vergnano and Hunter (1953)475 found that 1.0 mg/1
in solutions flushed through sand cultures was toxic to oats.
Soane and Saunders (1959)466 found that tobacco plants
showed no toxicity at 30 mg/1, and that corn showed no
toxicity at 2 mg/1 but showed toxicity at 10 mg/l.
Work by Mizuno (1968)439 and Halstead et al. (1969)409
and the review of Vanselow (1966b)474 showed that increas-
ing the pH of soils reduces the toxicity of added nickel.
Halstead et al. (1969)409 found the greatest capacity to ad-
sorb nickel without development of toxicity was by a soil
with 21 per cent organic matter.
Based on both toxicity in nutrient solutions and
on quantities that produce toxicities in soils, the
recommended maximum concentration of nickel
in irrigation waters is 0.20 mg/1 for continued use
on all soils. For neutral fine textured soils for a
period up to 20 years, the recommended maximum
is 2.0 mgfl.
Selenium is toxic at low concentrations in nutrient solu-
tions, and only small amounts added to soils increase the
selenium content of forages to a level toxic to livestock.
Broyer et al. ( 1966)3 84 found that selenium at 0.025 mg/1
in nutrient solutions decreased the yields of alfalfa.
The best evidence for use in setting water quality criteria
for this element is application rates in relation to toxicity in
forages. Amounts of selenium in forages required to prevent
selenium deficiencies in cattle (Allaway et al. 1967) 366
ranged between 0.03 and 0.10 mg/kg (depending on other
factors), whereas concentrations above 3 or 4 mg/kg were
considered toxic (Underwood 1966). 471 A number of investi-
gators (Hamilton and Beath 1963,410 Grant 1965,407 Allaway
et al. 1966) 367 have shown that small applications of selenium
to soils at a rate of a few kilograms per hectare produced
plant concentrations of selenium that were toxic to animals.
Gissel-Nielson and Bisbjerg (1970)406 found that applica-
tions of approximately 0.2 kg/hectare of selenium produced
from 1.0 to 10.5 mg/kg in tissues of forage and vegetable
With the low levels of selenium required to pro-
duce toxic levels in forages, the recommended
maximum concentration in irrigation waters is
0.02 mg/1 for continuous use on all soils. At a rate
of 3 acre feet of water per acre per year this concen-
tration represents 3.2 pounds per acre in 20 years.
The same recommended maximum concentration
should be used on neutral and alkaline fine textured
soils until greater information is obtained on soil
reactions. The relative mobility of this element in
soils in comparison to other trace elements and
slow removal in harvested crops provide a sufficient
safety margin.
Tin, Tungsten, and Titanium
Tin, tungsten, and titantium are effectively excluded by
plants. The first two can undoubtedly be introduced to
plants under conditions that can produce specific toxicities.
However, not enough is known at this time about any of the
three to prescribe tolerance limits. (This is true with other
trace elements such as silver.) Titantium is very insoluble,
at present it is not of great concern.
Gericke and Rennenkampff (1939)405 found that vanad-
ium at 0.1, 1.0, and 2.0 mg/1 added to nutrient solutions as
calcium vanadate slightly increased the growth of barley,
whereas at I 0 mg/1 vanadium was toxic to both tops and
roots and that vanadium chloride at 1.0 mg/1 of vanadium
was toxic. Warington (1954, 476 1956477) found that flax, soy-
beans, and peas showed toxicity to vanadium in the con-
Water for Irrigation/345
centration range of o:5 to 2.5 mg/1. Chiu (1953)389 found
that 560 pounds per acre of vanadium added as ammonium
metavanadate to rice paddy soils produced toxicity to rice.
Considering the toxicity of vanadium in nutrient
solutions and in soils and the lack of information
on the reaction of this element with soils, a maxi-
mum concentration of 0.10 mg/1 for continued use
on all soils is recommended. For a 20-year period
on neutral and alkaline fine textured the recom-
mended maximum concentration is 1.0 mg/1.
Toxicities of zinc in nutrient solutions have been demon-
strated for a number of plants. Hewitt (1948)413 found that
zinc at 16 to 32 mg/1 produced iron deficiencies in sugar
beets. Hunter and Vergnano (1953)421 found toxicity to oats
at 25 mg/1. Millikan (1947)438 found that 2.5 mg/1 produced
iron deficiency in oats. Earley (1943)399 found that the
Peking variety of soybeans was killed at 0.4 mg/1, whereas
the Manchu variety was killed at 1.6 mg/1.
The toxicity of zinc in soils is related to soil pH, and liming
acid soil has a large effect in reducing toxicity (Barnette
1936,371 Gall and Barnette 1940,404 Peech 1941,446 Staker
and Cummings 1941,468 Staker 1942,467 Lee and Page
1967 428). Amounts of added zinc that produce toxicity are
highest in clay and peat soils and smallest in sands.
On acid sandy soils the amounts required for toxicity
would suggest a recommended maximum concentration of
zinc of 1 mg/1 for continuous use. This concentration at a
water application rate of 3 acre feet/acre/year would add
813 pounds per acre in 100 years. However, if acid sandy
soils are limed to pH values of six or above, the tolerance
level is increased by at least a factor of two (Gall and
Barnette 1940). 404
Assuming adequate use of liming materials to
keep pH values high (six or above), the recom-
mended maximum concentration for continuous
use on all soils is 2.0 mg/1. For a 20-year period on
neutral and alkaline soils the recommended maxi-
mum is 10 mg/1. On fine textured calcareous soils
and on organic soils, the concentrations can exceed
this limit by a factor of two or three with low
probability of toxicities in a 20-year period.
Pesticies are used widely in water for irrigation on com-
mercial crops in the United States (Sheets 1967).502 Figures
on production, acreage treated, and use patterns indicate
insecticides and herbicides comprise the major agricultural
pesticides. There are over 320 insecticides and 127 herbi-
cides registered for agricultural use (Fowler 1972). 498
346/Section V-Agricultural Uses of Water
Along with the many benefits to agriculture, pesticides
can have detrimental effects. Of concern for irrigated agri-
culture is the possible effects of pesticrde residues in irriga-
tion water on the growth and market quality of forages and
crops. Pesticides most likely to be found in agricultural
water supplies are listed in the Freshwater Appendix II-D.
Insecticides in Irrigation Water
The route of entry of insecticides into waters is discussed
in the pesticide section under Water for Livestock Enter-
prises. For example, Miller et al. (1967)500 observed the
movement of parathion from treated cranberry bogs into a
nearby irrigation ditch and drainage canal, and Sparr et al.
(1966)503 monitored endrin in waste irrigation water used
three days after spraying. In monitoring pesticides in water
used to irrigate areas near Tule Lake and lower Klamath
Lake Wildlife Refuges in northern California, Godsil and
Johnson (1968)499 detected high levels of endrin compared
to other pesticides. They observed that the concentrations
of pesticides in irrigation waters varied directly with agri-
cultural activities.
In monitoring pesticides residues from 1965 to 1967
(Agricultural Research Service 1969a), 483 the U. S. Depart-
ment of Agriculture detected the following pesticides in ir-
rigation waters at a sampling area near Yuma, Arizona:
the DDT complex, dieldrin, methyl parathion, endrin,
endosulfan, ethyl parathion, dicofol, s ,s ,s ,-tributyl phos-
phorotrithiate (DEF), and demeton. Insecticides most com-
monly detected were DDT, endrin, and dieldrin. For the
most part, all residues in water were less' than 1.0 ,ug/1.
A further examination of the irrigation water at the Yuma
sampling area showed that water entering it contained rela-
tively low amounts of insecticide residues while water leav-
ing contained greater concentrations. It was concluded that
some insecticides were picked up from the soil by irrigation
water and carried out of the fields.
Crops at the same location were also sampled for insecti-
cide residues. With the exception of somewhat higher con-
centrations of DDT and dicofol in cotton stalks and canta-
loupe vines, respectively, residues in crop plants were rela-
tively small. The mean concentrations, where detected,
were 2.6 ,ug/g combined DDT, 0.01 ,ug/g endrin, 0.40 ,ug/g
dieldrin, 0.05 ,ug/g lindane, 5.0 ,ug/g dicofol, and 1.8 ,ug/g
combined parathion. The larger residues for DDT and
dicofol were apparently from foliage applications. Sampling
of harvested crops showed that residues were generally less
than 0.30 ,ug/g and occurred primarily in lettuce and in
cantaloupe pulp, seeds, and rind. DDT, dicofol, and endrin
were applied to crops during the survey, and from 2.0 to
6.0 lb/ acre of DDT were applied to the soil before 1965.
Some crops do not absorb measurable amounts of insecti-
cides but others translocate the chemicals in various
amounts. At the levels (less than 1.0 ,ug/1) monitored by the
U. S. Department of Agriculture in irrigation waters (Agri-
cultural Research Service 1969a), 483 there is little evidence
indicating that insecticide residues in the water are detri-
mental to plant growth or accumulate to undesirable or il-
legal concentrations in food or feed crops.
Herbicides in Irrigation Water
In contrast to insecticides, misuse of herbicides can pre-
sent a greater hazard to crop growth. Herbicides are likely
to be found in irrigation water under the following circum-
stances: (I) during their purposeful introduction into irriga-
tion water to control submersed weeds; of (2) incidental to
herbicide treatment for control of weeds on banks of irriga-
tion canals. Attempts are seldom made to prevent water
containing herbicides such as xylene or acrolein from being
diverted onto cropland during ir;_rigation. In most instances,
however, water-use restrictions do apply when herbicides
are used in reservoirs of irrigation water. The herbicides
used in reservoirs are more persistent and inherently more
phytotoxic at low levels than are xylene and acrolein.
The tolerances of a number of crops to various herbicides
used in and around water are listed in Table V-15. Residue
levels tolerated by most crops are usually much higher than
the concentrations found in water following normal use of
th~ herbicides. Aromatic solvent (xylene) and acrolein are
widely used in western states for keeping irrigation canals
free of submersed weeds and algae and are not harmful to
crops at concentrations needed for weed control. (U. S.
Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service
1963,504 hereafter referred to as Agricultural Research
Service 1963).482 Xylene, which is non-polar, is lost rapidly
from water (50 per cent in 3 to 4 hours) by volatility (Frank
et al. 1970).497 Acrolein, a polar compound, may remain in
flowing water for periods of 24 hours or more at levels that
are phytotoxic only to submersed aquatic weeds. Copper
sulfate is used frequently to control algae. It has also been
found effective on submersed vascular weeds when applied
continuously to irrigation water at low levels (Bartley
1969). 487
. The herbicides that have been used most widely on irriga-
tion ditchbanks are 2 ,4-D, dalapon, TCA, and silvex. The
application of herbicides may be restricted to a swath of a
few feet along the margin of the water, or it may cover a
swath 15 feet or more wide. A variable overlap of the spray
pattern at the water margin is unavoidable and accounts
for most of the herbicide residues that occur in water during
ditchbank treatments. Rates of application vary from 2 lb
per acre for 2 ,4-D to 20 lb per acre for dalapon. For ex-
amples of residue levels that occur in water from these
treatments see Table V -16. The residues generally occur only
during the periods when ditchbanks are treated.
The rates of dissipation of herbicides in irrigation water
were reported recently by Frank et al. (1970). 497 The herbi-
cides and formulations commonly used on ditchbanks are
readily soluble in water and not extensively sorbed to soil
or other surfaces. Reduction in levels of residues in flowing
irrigation water is due largely to dilution. Irrigation canals
Water for lrrigation/347
TABLE V-IS-Tolerance of Crops to Various Herbicides Used In and Around Waters•
Herbicide Site of use Formulation Treatment rate Concentration that may occur in
irrigation waterb
Crop injury threshold in
irrigation water (mg/1)•
Acrolein.............................. Irrigation canals............... Liquid.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 mg/1 for 4 hours............... 10 to 0.1 mgfl................... Flood or furrow; beans-SO, corn-SO,
cotton-SO, soybeans-20, sugar beets-
O.S mg/1 for 8 hours.............. 0.4to 0.02 mg/1................. Sprinkler; corn-SO, soybeans-15,
sugar beets-15.
0.1 mg/llor 48 hours............. 0.05 to 0.1 mg/1
Aromatic solvents (xylene).............. Flowing water in canals or drains. Emulsifiable liquid ...... -.......... 5 to 10 galjcls (350 to 750 mg/1) 700 mgfl or less ................. . Alfalla> 1, SOO, beans-!, 200, carrots-
I,SOO,corn-3,000 cotton-1,600,
grain sorghum > 800, oats-2, 400,
potatoes-!, 300, wheat> 1, 200.
applied in 3D-SO minutes
Copper sulfate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Canals or reservoirs. . . . . . . . . . . . Pentahydrate crystals. . . . . . . . . . . . . Continuous treatment 0. 5 to 3. 0
mg/1, slug treatment-~ to lib
(0.15 to 0.45 kg) per cis water
0.04 to 0.8 mg/1 during first 10
miles, 0.08 to 9.0 mgfl during
first 10 to 20 miles.
Threshold is above these levels.
Dalapon.............................. Banks of canals and ditches ....
Diquat............................... lnjecled into water or sprayed
over surface
Water soluble salt. ............... 15 to 30 lb/A or 17to 34 kgfha ... . Less than 0.2 mg/1.... .. . . .. ... . . Beels>7.0, corn>0.35
Usually less than 0.1 mg/1........ Beans-5.0, corn-125 Liquid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 to 5 mgfl, I to 1.5 lbs/ A, or
1.2 to 1.7 kg/ha
Diuron... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Banks and bottoms ol small dry
powder ditches
Dichlobenil........................... Bottoms of dry canals ..
Wettable powder................. Up to S41b/A or 72 kgfha ........ . No data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No data
Granules or wettable powder...... 7to 10 lb/A or 7.9to 12.S kgfha... No data ........................ . Allalla-10, corn> 10, soybeans-1.0,
sugar beets-1.0 to 10.
Endothall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ponds and reservoirs. . . . . . . . . . . Water soluble Na or K salts. . . . . . . I to 4 mgfl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Absent or only traces ...... . Corn-25, field beans-1.0, Alfalfa
Endothall amine salts ................. . Reservoirs and static-water Liquid or granules ................
Fenac ............................... . Bottoms ol dry canals ........... Liquid or granules ................
Monuron ............................ . Banks and bottoms of small dry Wettable powder .................
powder ditches
Silvex ............................... . Woody planls and brambles on Esters in liquid form ..............
floodways, along canal, stream,
or reservoir banks
Floating and emersed weeds in .... " ··············
soulhern waterways
TCA ................................ . Banks of canals and ditches ..... Water soluble salt. ...............
2,4-D amine ......................... . On banks ol canals and ditches .. Liquid ...........................
0.5to 2.5 mgfl ..................
10 to 20 lb/A or 12.S to 25.2
Up to S41b/A or 72 kg/ha .........
2 to 41b/A or 2.2 to 4.4 kg/ha ....
2 to Bib/A or 2.2to 8.8 kgfha ....
Up to S41b/A or 72 kgfha .........
I to 41b/A or 1.1 to 4/4 kg/ha ....
Absent or only traces .............
Absent or only traces .............
No data .........................
No data. Probably well under
0.1 mgfl
0.01 to t.S mgjl1 day alter appli-
Usually less than 0.1 mg/1 ........
0. 01 to 0.10 mg/1:. ..............
Corn>25, soybeans>25, sugar beets-
Alfalfa-1.0, corn-10, soybeans-0.1,
sugar beets-0.1 to 10.
No data
Corn>5.0, sugar beets and soybeans
No injury observed at levels used.
Field beans> 1.0, grapes-D. 7, sugar
beets>0.2, soybeans>0.02, corn-
tO, cucumbers, potatoes, sorghum,
allalfa, peppers> I. 0.
Floating and emersed weeds in
southern canals and ditches
Picloram............................. For control of brush on water-
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 to 41b/A or 2.2to 4. 4 kg/ha. . . . No data. Probably less than
0.1 mg/1
Liquids or granules............... I to 31b/A or 1.1 to 3.3 kgfha.... No data......................... Corn> 10, field beans 0.1, sugar
• Sources of data included in this table are: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service (19S9)505, Arle and McRae (1959,'" 1960"'), Bruns (1954,4"1957,"0 19S4,"' 19S9'"), Bruns and Clore (1958),'" Bruns
and Dawson (1959),"' Bruns et al. (1955,'" 19S4,'" unpublished data 197t•o•) Frank et al. (1970),"' Yeo (1959)507.
b Herbicide concentrations given in this column are the highest concentrations that have been found in irrigation water, but these levels seldom remain in the water when it reaches the crop.
'Unless indicated otherwise, all crop tolerance data were obtained by flood or furrow irrigation. Threshold of injury is the lowest concentration causing temporary or permanent injury to crop plants even though, in many instances,
neither crop yield nor quality was affected.
are designed to deliver a certain volume of water to be used
on a specific area of cropland. Water is diverted from the
canals at regular intervals, and this systematically reduces
the volume of flow. Consequently, little or no water re-
mains at the ends of most canals where disposal of water
containing herbicides might be troublesome.
Residues in Crops
Successful application of herbicides for control of algae
and submersed vascular weeds in irrigation channels is
dependent upon a continuous flow of water. Because it is
impractical to interrupt the flow and use of water during
the application of herbicides in canals or on canal banks, the
herbicide-bearing water is usually diverted onto croplands.
Under these circumstances, measurable levels of certain
herbicides may occur in crops.
Copper sulfate is used :most frequently for control of
algae at concentrations that are often less than the suggested
tolerance for this herbicide in potable water. Application
rates may range from one third pound of copper sulfate per
cubic-feet-second (cfs) of water flow to two pounds per cfs
of water flow (Agriculture Research Service 1963). 482
Xylene is a common formulating ingredient for many pesti-
cides and as such is often applied directly to crop plants. The
distribution by furrow or sprinkler of irrigation water con-
taining acrolein contributes to the rapid loss of this herbi-
cide. Copper sulfate, xylene, and acrolein are of minor im-
portance as sources of objectionable residues in crops.
Phenoxy herbicides, dalapon, TCA, and amitrole are
most persistent in irrigation water (Bartley and Hattrup
1970). 488 It is possible to calculate the maximum amount of
a herbicide such as 2 ,4-D that might be applied to crop-
348/Section V-Agricultural Uses of Water
TABLE V-16-Maximum Levels of Herbicide Residues
Found in Irrigation Water as a Result of
Ditchbank Treatment•
Herbicide and canal treated
Five-mile Lateral. ................. .
Lateral No. 4 ...................... .
Manard Lateral. .................. .
Yolo Lateral ....................... .
Lateral No.4 ...................... .
Manard Lateral. .................. .
Yolo Lateral. .................... ..
Lateral No.4 ...................... .
Manard Lateral. .................. .
Yolo Lateral. ..................... .
• Frank et al. (1970)'".
Treatment rate, lb/A Water flow in cfs Maximum concentration
of residue, l'g/ I
b High level of residue probably due to alypicaltreatmenl
land following its use on an irrigation bank. A four-mile-
long body of irrigation water contaminated with 2 ,4-D
and flowing at a velocity of one mile per hour, would be
diverted onto an adjacent field for a period of 4 hours. A
diversion rate of two acre inches of water in 10 hours would
deliver 0.8 inch of contaminated water per acre. If this
amount of water contained 50 t-tg/1 of 2 ,4-D (a higher con-
centration than is usually observed), it would deposit slightly
less than 0.009 lb of 2 ,4-D per acre of cropland. Levels of
2 ,4-D residues of greater magnitude h&ve not caused in-
jury to irrigated crops (see Table V-15).
The manner in which irrigation water containing herbi-
cides is applied to croplands may influence the presence
and amounts of residues in crops (Stanford Research Insti-
tute 1970) .0°9 For example, residues in leafy crops may be
greater when sprinkler irrigated than when furrow irri-
gated, and the converse may be true with root crops.
If there is accidental contamination of field, forage, or
vegetable crops by polluted irrigation water, the time inter-
val between exposure and harvesting of the crop is im-
portant, especially with crops used for human consumption.
Factors to be considered with those mentioned above in-
clude the intensity of the application, stage of growth, dilu-
tion, and pesticide degradability in order to assess the
amount of pesticide that may reach the ultimate consumer
(U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare
1969). 506 Pesticides applied to growing plants may affect
the market quality by causing changes in the chemical com-
position, appearance, texture, and flavor of the product
harvested for human consumption (NRC 1968).501
Pesticide residues in irrigation waters are variable
depending upon land and crop management prac-
tices. Recent data indicate pesticide residues are
declining in irrigation waters, with concentrations
less than 1.0 t-tg/1 being detected. To date there
have been no documented toxic effects on crops
irrigated with waters containing insecticide resi-
dues. Because of these factors and the marked
variability in crop sensitivity, no recommendation
is given for insecticide residues in irrigation waters.
For selected herbicides in irrigation water, it is
recommended that levels at the crop not exceed
the recommended maximum concentration listed
in Table V-16.
Plant Pathogens
The availability of "high quality" 1rngation water may
lead to the reuse of runoff water or tailwater and subse-
quently lead to a serious but generally unrecognized prob-
lem, that of the distribution of plant pathogenic organisms
such as bacteria, fungi, nematodes, and possibly viruses.
This is most serious when it occurs on previously nonfarmed
Distribution of Nematodes Wide distribution of
plant-nematodes in irrigation waters of south central Wash-
ington and the Columbia Basin of eastern Washington was
demonstrated by Faulkner and Bolander (I 966,515 1970 516).
When surface drainage from agricultural fields is collected
and reintroduced into irrigation systems, without first being
impounded in settling basins, large numbers of nematodes
can be transferred. Faulkner and Bolander's data indicated
that an acre of land in the Lower Yakima Valley may re-
ceive from 4 million to over I 0 million plant-parasitic
nematodes with each irrigation. Numbers of nematodes
transported vary with the growing season, but some that
were detectable in irrigation water and demonstrated to be
infective were Meloidogyne hapla, Heterodera schaclztii, Pratylen-
chus sp., and Tylenchorhynchus sp.
Meagher (1967)526 found that plant-parasitic nematodes
such as the citrus nematode, Tylenchulus semipenetrans, may
be spread by subsoil drainage water reused for irrigation.
Thomason and Van Gundy (1961)530 showed another
means by which nematodes may possibly enter irrigation
supplies. Two species of rootknot nematode, Meloidogyne
incognita and M.javanica, were found reproducing on arrow-
weed, Pluchea sericea, at the edge of sandbars in the Colorado
River at Blythe, California. No conclusive evidence that
nematodes entered the river was presented, but infested soil
and infected roots were in direct contact with the water.
Plant-parasitic nematodes are essentially aquatic animals
and may survive for days or weeks immersed in water.
Unless provisions are made for excluding them from or
settling them out of irrigation water, they may seriously
deteriorate water quality in areas of the United States de-
pendent on irrigation for crop production.
Distribution of Fungi Surveys were conducted to de-
termine the origins and prevalence of Phytophthora sp., a
fungus pathogenic to citrus, in open irrigation canals and
reservoirs in five southern California counties by Klotz et
al. ( 1959). 523 Phytophthora progagules were detected by trap-
ping them on healthy lemon fruits suspended in the water.
Of the 12 canals tested from September 1957 to Septem-
ber 1958, all yielded Pkytophthora sp. at one time or another,
some more consistently than others. Phytophthora citrophthora
was the most common and was recovered from 11 canals.
In the five canals where it was possible to set the lemon
traps at the source of the water, no Phytophthora sp. were
recovered. However, as the canals passed through citrus
areas where excess irrigation water or rain runoff could
drain into the canals, the fungi were readily isolated. Soil
samples collected from paths of runoff water that drained
into irrigation canals yielded P. citrophthora, indicating that
Phytophthora zoospores from infested citrus groves can be in-
troduced into canals.
One of three reservoirs was found to be infested with P.
parasitica. Application of copper sulfate effectively con-
trolled the fungus under the static condition of the water
in the reservoir. Chlorination (2 mg/1 for 2 minutes)
effectively killed the infective zoospores of Phytophthora sp.
under laboratory conditions.
Mcintosh (1966) 525 established that Phytophthora cacto-
rum, which causes collar-rot of fruit trees in British Co-
lumbia, contaminates the water of many irrigation systems
in the Okanagan and Similkamen Valleys. The fungus
was isolated from 15 sources including ponds, reservoirs,
rivers, creeks, and canals. It had been established previously
that P. cactorum was widespread in irrigated orchard soils
of the area, but could not be readily detected in non-
irrigated soils.
Many plant-pathogenic fungi normally produce fruiting
bodies that are widely disseminated by wind. A number
do not, however, and these could easily be disseminated
by irrigation water.
Distribution of Viruses Most plant pathogenic vi-
ruses do not remain infestive in the soil outside the host or
vector. Two exceptions may be tobacco mosaic virus
(TMV) and tobacco necrosis virus (TNV). There is some
evidence that these persist in association with soil colloids
and can gain entry to plant roots through wounds. Hewitt
et al. ( 1958) 520 demonstrated that fan leaf virus of grape
is transmitted by a dagger nematode, Xiphinema index. To
date, three genera of nematodes, Xiphinema, Longidorus,
and Trichodorus are known to transmit viruses. The first
two of these genera transmit polyhedral viruses of the
Arabis mosaic group. Tr'ichdorus spp. transmit tubular
viruses of the Tobacco Rattles group.
Infective viruses are known to persist in the nematode
vector for months in the absence of a host plant. This
information, coupled with Faulkner and Bolander's (1966, 515
1970) 516 proof of the distribution of nematodes in .irrigation
water, suggested the possibility that certain plant viruses
could be distributed in their nematode vectors in irrigation
Water for Irrigation/349
water. To date, no direct ~vidence for this has been pub.:
Several other soil-borne plant-pathogenic viruses are
transmitted to hosts by soil fungi. The ability of the fungus
Olpidium brassicae to carry and transmit Lettuce Big Vein
Virus (LBVV) was recently demonstrated (Grogan et al.
1958,519 Campbell 1962,513 Teakle 1969 529 ). It is carried
within the zoospore into fresh roots and there released.
The most likely vehicle for its distribution in irrigation
water would be resting sporangia carried in runoff water
from infested fields. The resting sporangia are released
into the soil from· decaying roots of host plants. Another
economically important virus transmitted by a soil fungus
is Wheat Mosaic Virus carried by the fungus Polymyxa
graminis (Teakle 1969).529
Another means of spread of plant viruses (such as To-
bacco Rattles Virus and Arabis Mosaic Viruses that are
vectored by nematodes) is through virus-infected weed
seed carried in irrigation water.
Distribution of Bacteria Bacterial plant pathogens
would appear to be easily transported in irrigation water.
However, relatively few ·data have been published con-
cerning these pathogens. Kelman (1953)522 reported the
spread of the bacterial wilt organism of tobacco in drainage
water from fields and in water from shallow wells. He also
noted spread of the disease along an irrigation canal carry-
ing water from a forested area, but no direct evidence of
the bacterium in the water was presented. Local spread in
runoff water is substantiated but not in major irrigation
Controlling plant disease organisms in irrigation water
should be preventive rather than an attempt to remove
them once they are introduced. In assuring that irrigation
water does not serve for the dispersal of important plant
pathogens, efforts should be directed to those organisms
that are not readily disseminated by wind, insects, or
other means. Attention should be focused on those soil-
borne nematodes, fungi, viruses, and bacteria that do not
spread rapidly in nature.
Two major means of introduction of plant pathogens
into irrigation systems are apparent. The most common is
natural runoff from infested fields and orchards during
heavy rainfall and floods. The other is collection of irriga-
tion runoff or tailwater and its return to irrigation canals.
If it is necessary to trap surface water, either from rainfall
or irrigation drainage, provisions should be made to im-
pound the water for sufficient time to allow settling out
of nematodes and possibly other organisms.
Water may be assayed for plant pathogens, but there
are thousands, or perhaps millions of harmless microorgan-
isms for every one that causes a plant disease. However,
plant pathogenic nematodes, and perhaps certain fungi,
can be readily trapped from irrigation water, easily identi-
fied, and used as indicators of contamination (Klotz et al.
1959,523 Faulkner and Bolander 1966,515 Mcintosh 1966 525 ).
350/Section V-Agricultural Uses of Water
Plant infection is not considered serious unless an eco-
nomically important percentage of Jhe crop is affected.
The real danger is that a trace of plant disease can be
spread by water to an uninfected area, where it can then
be spread by other means and become important. It is
unlikely that any method of water examination would be
as effective in preventing this as would the prohibitions
such as those suggested above.
Human and Animal Pathogens
Many microorganisms, pathogenic for either animals or
humans, or both, may be carried in irrigation water,
particularly that derived from surface sources. The list
comprises a large variety of bacteria, spirochetes, protozoa,
helminths, and viruses which find their way into irriga-
tion water from municipal and industrial wastes, including
food-processing plants, slaughterhouses, poultry-processing
operations, and feedlots. The diseases associated with these
organisms include bacillary and amebic dysentery, Sal-
monella gastroenteritis, typhoid and paratyphoid fevers,
leptospirosis, cholera, vibriosis, and infectious hepatitis.
Other less common infections are tuberculosis, brucellosis,
listeriosis, coccidiosis, swine erysipelas, ascariasis, cysti-
cercosis and tapeworm disease, fascioliasis, and schisto-
Of the types of irrigation commonly practiced, sprinkling
requires the best quality of water from a microbiological
point of a view, as the water and organisms are frequently
applied directly to that portion of the plant above the
ground, especially fruits and leafy crops such as straw-
berries, lettuce, cabbage, alfalfa, and clover which may be
consumed raw by humans or animals. Flooding the field
may pose the same microbiological problems if the crop is
eaten without thorough cooking. Subirrigation and furrow
irrigation present fewer problems as the water rarely reaches
the upper portions of the plant; and root crops, as well as
normal leafy crops and fruits, ordinarily do not permit
penetration of the plant by animal and human pathogens.
Criteria for these latter types may also depend upon the
characteristics of the soil, climate and other variables which
affect survival of the microorganisms.
Benefits can be obtained by coordinating operation of
reservoir releases with downstream inflows to provide
sedimentation and dilution factors to markedly reduce
the concentrations of pathogens in irrigation water (Le-
Bosquet 1945,524 Camp et al. 1949 512 ).
The common liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica, the ova of
which are spread from the feces of many animals, com-
monly affects cattle and sheep (Allison 1930,510 U.S. Dept.
Agriculture 1961 531), and may affect man. The intermediate
hosts, certain species of snails, live in springs, slow-moving
swampy waters, and on the banks of ponds, streams, and
irrigation ditches. After development in the snail, the cer-
caria! forms emerge and encyst on grasses, plants, bark, or
soil. Cattle and sheep become infected by ingestion of
grasses, plants, or water in damp or irrigated pastures
where vegetation is infested with metacercariae. Man
contracts the disease by ingesting plants such as watercress
or lettuce containing the encysted metacercariae.
Ascaris ova are also spread from the feces of infected ani-
mals and man and are found in irrigation water (Wang and
Dunlop 1954). 532 Cattle and hogs are commonly infected,
where the adult worms mature in the intestinal tract, some-
times blocking the bile ducts. Ascaris ova have been re-
ported to survive for 2 years in irrigated soil and have been
found on irrigated vegetables even when chlorinated ef-
fluent was used for irrigation (Gaertner and Mueting
1951). 517
Schistosomiasis, although not yet prevalent in the United
States except in immigrants from areas where the disease
exists, should be considered because infected individuals
may move about the country and spread the disease. The
life cycle of these schistosomes is similar to that of the liver
fluke, in that eggs from the feces or urine of infected indi-
viduals are spread from domestic wastes and may reach
surface irrigation water where the miracidia! forms enter
certain snails and multiply, releasing cercariae. Although
these cercariae may produce disease if ingested by man, the
more common method of infection is through the skin of
individuals working in infested streams and irrigation
ditches. Such infections are most common in Egypt (Barlow
193 7) 511 and other irrigated areas where workers wade in the
water without boots. It is unlikely that the cercariae would
survive long on plants after harvest.
Little is known of the possibility that enteric viruses such
as polioviruses, Coxsackie, ECHO, and infectious hepatitis
viruses may be spread through irrigation practices. Murphy
and his co-workers (Murphy et al. 1958)527 tested the sur-
vival of polioviruses in the root environment of tomato and
pea plants in modified hydroponic culture. In a second
paper, Murphy and Syverton (1958)528 studied the recovery
and distribution of a variety of viruses in growing plants.
The authors conclude that it is unlikely that plants or plant
fruits serve as reservoirs and carriers of poliovirus. How-
ever, their findings of significant absorption of a mammalian
virus in the roots of the plants suggest that more research is
needed in this area.
Many microorganisms other than those specifically men-
tioned in this section may be transmitted to plants, animals,
and humans through irrigation practices. One of the more
serious of these is vibriosis. In some cases, definitive infor-
mation on microorganisms is lacking. Although others, such
as the cholera organisms, are significant in other parts of
the world, they are no longer important in the United
Direct search for the presence of pathogenic micro-
organisms in streams, reservoirs, irrigation water, or on ir-
rigated plants is too slow and cumbersome for routine con-
. trol or assessment of quality. Instead, accepted index
organisms such as the coliform group and fecal coli(Kabler
et al. 1964),621 which are usually far more numerous from
these sources, and other biological or chemical tests, are
used to assess water quality.
Recent studies have emphasized the value of the fecal
coliform in assessing the occurrence of salmonella, the most
common bacterial pathogen in irrigation water. Geldreich
and Bordner (1971) 618 reviewed field studies involving ir-
rigation water, field crops, and soils, and stated that when
the fecal coliform density per 100 ml was above 1,000
organisms in various stream waters, Salmonella occurrence
reached a frequency of 96.4 per cent. Below 1,000 fecal
coliforms per 100 ml (range l-1000) the occ~rence of
Salmonella was 53.5 per cent.
Further support for the limit of 1,000 fecal coliforms per
l 00 ml of water is shown in the recent studies of Cheng et al.
(1971),514 who reported that as the fecal coliforms density
reached less than 810 per l 00 mi. downstream from a sewage
treatment plant, Salmonella were not recovered.
Irrigation waters below the fecal coliform den-
sity of 1,000/100 ml should contain sufficiently low
concentrations of pathogenic microorganisms that
no hazards to animals or man result from their
use or from consumption of raw crops irrigated
with such waters.
An expanding population requires new sources of water
for irrigation of crops and development of disposal systems
for municipal and other wastewaters that will not result in
the contamination of streams, lakes, and oceans. Irrigation
of crops with wastewater will probably be widely practiced
because it meets both needs simultaneously.
Wastewater From Municipal Treatment Systems
Various human and animal pathogens carried in munici-
pal wastewater need to be nullified. Pathogens carried in
municipal wastewater include various bacteria, spirochetes,
helminths, protozoa, and viruses (Dunlop 1968).538 Tanner
(1944)558 and Rudolfs et al. (1950)655 have reviewed the
literature on the occurrence and survival of pathogenic and
nonpathogenic enteric bacteria in soil, water, sewage, and
sludges, and on vegetation irrigated or fertilized with these
materials. It would appear from these reviews that fruits
and vegetables growing in infected soil can become con-
taminated with pathogenic bacteria and that these bacteria
may survive for periods of a few days to several weeks or
more in the soil, depending upon local conditions, weather,
and the degree of contamination. However, Geldreich and
Bordner (1971)541 noted that pathogens are seldom detected
on farm produce unless the plant samples are grossly con-
taminated with sewage or are observed to have fecal particles
clinging to them. The level of pathogen recovery depends
Water for Irrigation/351
upon the incidence of waterborne disease in the area, the
soil type, soil pH, soil moisture content, soil nutrient
levels, antagonistic effects of other organisms, temperature,
humidity, and length of exposure to sunlight.
Norman and Kabler (1953)551 made coliform and other
bacterial counts in samples of sewage-contamination river
and ditch waters and of soil and vegetable samples in the
fields to which these waters were applied. They found that
although the bacterial contents of both river and ditch waters
were very high, both soil and vegetable washings had much
lower counts. For example, where irrigation water had
coliform counts of 230,000/100 ml, leafy vegetables had
counts of 39,000/100 grams and smooth vegetables, such as
tomatoes and peppers, only 1,000/100 grams. High entero-
coccus counts accompanied high coliform counts in water
samples, but enterococcus counts did not appear to be cor-
related in any way with coliform counts in soil and vegetable
Dunlop and Wang (1961)539 have also endeavored to
study the problem under actual field conditions in Colorado.
Salmonella, Ascaris ova, and Entamoeba coli cysts were re-
covered from more than 50 per cent of irrigation water
samples contaminated with either raw sewage or primary-
treated, chlorinated effluents. Only one of 97 samples of
vegetables irrigated with this water yielded Salmonella, but
Ascaris ova were recovered from two of 34 of the vegetable
samples. Although cysts of the human pathogen, Entamoeba
histolytica, were not recovered in this work, probably due to
a low carrier rate in Colorado; their similar resistance to
the environment would suggest that these organisms would
also survive in irrigation water for a considerable period of
tim'e. It should be pointed out, however, that this work was
done entirely with furrow irrigation on a sandy soil in a
semiarid region, and the low recoveries from vegetables
cannot necessarily be applied to other regions or to sprinkler
irrigation of similar crops. In fact, Muller ( 195 7) 550 has re-
ported that two places near Hamburg, Germany, where
sprinkler irrigation was used, Salmonella organisms were iso-
lated 40 days after sprinkling on soil and on potatoes, 10
days on carrots, and 5 days on cabbage and gooseberries.
Muller (1955)549 has also reported that 69 of 204 grass
samples receiving raw sewage by sprinkling were positive
for organisms of the typhoid-paratyphoid group (Salmonella).
The bacteria began to die off 3 weeks after sewage applica-
tion; but 6 weeks after application, 5 per cent of the sam-
ples were still infected. These findings emphasize the im-
portance of having good quality water for sprinkler irriga-
Tubercle bacilli have apparently not been looked for on
irrigated crops in the United States. However, Sepp
(1963)557 stated that several investigations on tuberculosis
infection of cattle pasturing on sewage-irrigated land have
been carried out in Germany. The investigators are in gen-
eral agreement that if sewage application is stopped 14 days
before pasturing, there is no danger that the cattle will con-
352/Section V-Agricultural Uses of Water
tract bovine tuberculosis through grazing. In contrast,
Dedie (1955)587 reported that these organisms can remain
infective for 3 months in waste waters a~d up to 6 months
in soil. The recent findings of a typical mycobacteria in
intestinal lesions of cattle with concurrent tuberculin sensi-
tivity in the United States may possibly be due to ingestion
of these organisms either from soil or irrigated pastures.
Both animals and human beings are subject to helminth
infections-ascariasis, fascioliasis, cysticerosis and tapeworm
infection, and schistosomiasis-all of which may be trans-
mitted through surface irrigation water and plants infected
with the ova or intermediate forms of the organisms. The
ova and parasitic worms are quite resistant to sewage
treatment processes as well as to chlorination (Borts 1949) 588
and have been studied quite extensively in the application
of sewage and irrigation water to various crops (Otter
1951,558 Selitrennikova and Shakhurina 1953,556 Wang and
Dunlop 1954 560). Epidemics have been traced to crop con-
tamination with raw sewage but not to irrigation with
treated effluents (Dunlop 1968). 588
The chances of contamination of crops can be further re-
duced by using furrow or subirrigation instead of sprinklers,
by stopping irrigation as long as possible before harvest
begins, and by educating farm workers on sanitation prac-
tices for harvest (Geldreich and Bordner 1971).541 It is
better to restrict irrigation with sewage water to crops that
are adequately processed before sale and to crops that are
not used for human consumption.
Standards are needed to establish the point where irriga-
tion waters that contain some sewage water must be re-
stricted and to indicate the level to which wastewater must
be treated before it can be used for unrestricted irrigation.
The direct isolation of pathogens is too slow and com-
plicated for routine analyses of water quality (Geldteich
and Bordner 1971). 541 A quantitative method for Salmonella
detection has been developed recently (Cheng et al.
1971).586 However, the minimum number of Salmonella
required to cause infection are not known, and data are not
available to correlate incidence of Salmonella with the inci-
dence of other pathogens (Geldreich 1970).540 The fecal
coliform group has a high positive correlation with fecal
contamination from warm-blooded animals and should be
used as an indicator of pollution until more direct methods
can be developed.
Information is available indicating the levels of fecal
coliform at which pathogens can no longer be isolated from
irrigation water. Salmonella were consistently recovered in
the Red River of the north when fecal coliform levels were
1000/100 ml or higher, but were not detected at fecal coli-
form levels of218 and 49/100 ml (ORSANCO Water Users
Committee 197r).552 Cheng et al. (1971)586 reported num-
bers of fecal coliform at various distances downstream,
and Salmonella was not isolated from samples containing
less than 810 fecal coliforms/100 mi. Geldreich and Bordner
(1971)541 presented data from nationwide field investiga-
tions showing the relationship between Salmonella oc-
currence and fecal coliform densities. Salmonella occur-
rence was 53.5 per cent for streams with less than 1,000 fecal
coliforms per 100 ml and 96.4 per cent for streams with
more than 1,000 fecal coliforms per 100 mi. A maximum
level of 1,000 fecal coliforms per 100 ml of water appears
to be a realistic standard for water used for unrestricted ir-
Secondary sewage effluent can be chlorinated to reduce
the fecal coliform bacteria below the I ,000 per mllimit, but
viruses may survive chlorination. Wastewater used for un-
restricted irrigation should receive at least primary and
biological secondary treatment before chlorination. Filtra-
tion through soil is another effective way to remove fecal
bacteria (Merrell et al. 1967,548 Bouwer 1968,584 Bouwer
and Lance 1970,585 Lance and Whisler 1972). 544
The elimination of health hazards has been the primary
consideration regulating the use of sewage water in the
past. But control of nutrient loads must also be a prime con-
cern. The nutrients applied to the land must be balanced
against the nutrient removal capacity of the soil-plant sys-
tem to minimize groundwater contamination. Kardos
(1968)542 reported that various crops removed only 20 to
60 per cerit of the phosphorus applied in sewage water, but
the total removal by the soil-plant system was about 99 per
Many biological reactions account for nitrogen removal
from wastewater, but heavy applications of sewage water
can result in the movement of nitrogen below the root zone
(Lance548 in press 1972).
Work with a high-rate groundwater recharge system uti-
lizing sewage water resulted in 30 per cent nitrogen removal
from the sewage water (Lance and Whisler 1972).544
Nitrate can accumulate in plants supplied with nitrogen
in excess of their needs to the point that they are a hazard
to livestock. Nitrate usually accumulates in stems and leaves
rather than in seeds (Viets 1965). 559
The concentration of trace elements in sewage water used
for irrigation should meet the general requirements estab-
lished for other irrigation waters. Damage to plants by toxic
elements has not yet been a problem on lands irrigated with
sewage water in the United States. Problems could develop
in some areas, however, if industries release potentially toxic
elements such as zinc or copper into sewage treatment sys-
tems in large quantities. The concentration of boron in
sewage water may become a problem if the use of this ele-
ment in detergents continues to increase. The guidelines for
salinity in irrigation water-also apply to sewage water used
for irrigation.
The organic matter content of secondary sewage water
does nd't appear to be a problem limiting its use in irrigation.
Secondary sewage effluent has been infiltrated into river
sand at a rate of I 00 meters per year in Arizona (Bouwer
and Lance 1970). 585 The COD of this water was consistently
reduced from 50 mg/1 to 17 mg/1 or the same COD as the
native groundwater of the area. The organic load might be
a factor in causing clogging of soils used for maximum irri-
gation to promote groundwater recharge. Suspended solids
have not been reported to be a problem during irrigation
with treated effluents.
Wastewater From Food Processing Plants and Animal
Waste Disposal Systems
Wastewater from food processing plants, dairy plants,
and lagoons used for treatment of wastes from feedlots,
poultry houses, and swine operations, may also be used for ir-
rigation. Some food processing wastewater is high in salt
content and the guidelines for salinity control concerning
unrestricted irrigation in the Section, Irrigation Quality for
Arid Regions, should be followed (Pearson in press 1972 554).
Effluents from plants using a lye-peeling process are gen-
erally unsuitable for irrigation due to their high sodium
content. All of the wastewaters mentioned above are
usually much higher in organic content than secondary
sewage effluent. This can result in clogging of the soil
surface, if application rates are excessive (Lawton et al.
1960,547 Law 1968,545 Law et al. 1970).546 Only well
drained soils should be irrigated, and runoff should be pre-
vented unless a closely managed spray-runoff treatment
system is used. The nutrient content of the wastewaters
varies considerably. The nutrient load applied should be
balanced against the nutrient removal capacity of the soil.
Food processing wastes present no pathogenic problem and
Water for lrrigation/353
may be used for unrestricted irrigation. Since some animal
pathogens also infect humans, water containing animal
wastes should not be applied with sprinkler systems to crops
that are consumed raw.
• Raw sewage should not be used in the United
States for irrigation or land disposal.
• Sewage water that has received primary treat-
ment may be used on crops not used for human
consumption. Primary effluents should be free
of phytotoxic materials.
• Sewage water that has received secondary treat-
ment may also be used to irrigate crops that are
canned or similarly processed before sale.
• Fecal coliform standard for unrestricted irri-
gation water should be a maximum of 1,000/100
• The amount of wastewater that can be applied
is determined by balancing the nutrient load of
the wastewater against the nutrient removal
capacity of the soil.
• Phosphorus will probably not limit sewage appli-
cation because of the tremendous adsorption
capacity of the soil.
• The nitrogen load should be balanced against
crop removal within 30 per cent unless additional
removal can be demonstrated.
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666 Selitrennikova, M. B. and E. A. Shakhurina (1953), Result of
organization of fields for sewage in hot climate of Uzbekistan.
Gig. Sanit. 7:17-19.
667 Sepp, E. (1963), The use of sewage for irrigation. A literature re-
view. (Bureau of Sanitary Engineering, California State De-
partment of Public Health, Berkeley, California), p. 6.
668 Tanner, F. W. (1944), The microbiology of foods (Garrad Press,
Champaign, Illinois), pp. 649-664.
169 Viets, F. G. (1965), The plant's need for and use of nitrogen.
Amer. Soc. Agron. Agron. 10:503-549.
I60 Wang, W. L. and S. G. Dunlop (1954), Animal parasites in sewage
and irrigation water. Sewage Indus/. Wastes 26:102D-1032.
Page Pag
INTRODUCTION .......................... . 369 Description of the Industry ............. 384
WATER UsE ............................. . 369 Processes Utilizing Water ............... 384
ScoPE .................................. . 370 Significant Indicators of Water Quality ... 384
WATER QuALITY REQUIREMENTS ............ . 370 Water Treatment Processes ............. 385
CONCLUSIONS ............................. . 371 PETROLEUM REFINING (SIC 29ll) ............ 385
Recommendations .................... . 371 Description of the Industry ............. 385
Group A Processes .................... .
Refinery Water Consumption Trends ..... 385
Processes Utilizing Water ............... 386
Process Water Properties ............... 386
Process Water Treatment ............... 387
Group B Processes .................... .
Group C Processes .................... .
Description of the Industry ............. 388
Processes Utilizing Water ............... 388
Description of the Industry ............ .
Processes Utilizing Water .............. .
Significant Indicators of Water Quality .. .
Water Treatment Processes
TEXTILE MILL PRODUCTS (SIC 22): : : :: : : : : : :
Description of the Industry ............ .
Processes Utilizing Water. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .
Significant Indicators of Water Quality .. .
Water Treatment Processes
LUMBER AND WooD PRODUCTS (SiC "24)·. ·. ·.: : : :
Description of the Industry and Processes
Utilizing Water .................... .
Significant Indicators of Water Quality .. .
Water Treatment Processes
Description of the Industry ............ .
Processes Utilizing Water .............. .
Significant Indicators of Water Quality .. .
376 Significant Indicators of Water Quality ... 389
376 Water Treatment Processes ............. 389
376 FooD CANNING INDUSTRY (SIC 2032 and 2033). 389
377 Descr~ption of the Industry ............. 389
378 Processes Utilizing Water ............... 390
379 Significant Indicators of Water Quality ... 391
379 Water Treatment Processes ............. 391
380 Description of the Industry ............. 392
380 Processes Utilizing Water ............... 392
381 Significant Indicators of Water Q:uality ... 392
381 Water Treatment Processes ............. 393
TANNING INDUSTRY (SIC 3lll) .............. 393
381 Description of the Industry ............. 393
382 Processes Utilizing Water ............... 393
382 Significant Indicators of Water Quality ... 394
382 Water Treatment Processes ............. 394
382 Mining .............................. 394
383 Cement .............................. 395
CHEMICAL AND ALLIED PRODUCTS (SIC 28) ... . 384 LITERATURE CITED ....................... 396
Since the advent of the industrial era, the use and
availability of water has been of primary concern to industry
both in the selection and design of plant sites and in plant
operation. By 1968 the water withdrawal of industry-
including both industrial manufacturing plants and inves-
tor-owned thermal electric utilities-had reached a total of
approximately 84,000 billion gallons per year (bgy). Of
these, about 93 per cent or 78,000 bgy was used for cooling
or condensing purposes; 5 per cent or nearly 4,300 bgy
was used for processing, including water that came in
contact with the product as steam or coolant; and less than
2 per cent or 1,000 bgy was used as boiler-feed water (U. S.
Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census 197P9
hereafter referred to as Bureau of the Census 1971). 5 *
Of the total intake nearly 30 per cent or 25,000 bgy was
brackish water containing more than 1,000 milligrams per
liter (mg/1) of dissolved solids. The freshwater intake
amounted to 59,000 bgy; 56,000 of these took the form of
surface water delivered by water systems owned by the user
company. Groundwater amounted to 2,300 bgy, a relatively
small percentage of the total intake, but its significance and
importance cannot be overlooked in view of the number of
industrial plants that use it for part or all of their supply.
Thirty per cent of the approximately 4,000 bgy used by
the manufacturing processes in 1968 was treated or secured
from a public water supply. Ninety per cent of all the water
the manufacturing industry used for boiler feed and pro-
cessing was represented in this figure. Water for cooling or
condensing represented over 90 per cent of total industrial
water use. The largest part of this was on a once-through
basis where only a minimum of treatment was economically
Table VI-1 summarizes the information on water intake,
recycling, and consumption for each industrial group con-
sidered in this Section. Recycling may include reuse for dif-
ferent cooling or process systems, recirculation through cool-
ing towers or cooling ponds, recharge of water to an under-
ground aquifer, or reuse of effluents from sewage or waste
treatment plants.
TABLE VI-1-Industrial Plant and Investor-Owned Thermal Electric Plant Water Intake, Reuse, and Consumption, 1968
Water intake (bgy)
SIC Industrial group Purpose
Cooling and condensing Boiler feed, Process
sanitary service, etc.
20 Food and kindred products ....... 427 93 290
22 Textile mill products ............. 24 22 109
24 Lumber and wood products ....... 62 20 37
26 Paper and a I lied products ........ 652 123 1,478
28 Chemicals and allied products ..... 3,533 210 733
29 Petroleum and coal products ...... 1,230 111 95
31 Leather and leather products ..... I I 14
33 Primary metal industrY .......... 3,632 165 1,207
Subtotal. ................. 9,561 745 3,963
Other Industries .......... 574 291 332
Total Industry ............. 10,135 1,036 4,295
Thermal electric plants ........... 68,200 (a) .......................
TOTAL .................. 78,335 1,036 (b) 4,295
• Boiler-feed water use by thermal electric plants estimated to be equivalent to industrial sanitary service, etc., water use.
• Total boiler-feed water.
Bureau of the Census 1971 5
Gross water use,
Water recycled (bgy) including recycling Water consumed
(bgy) (bgy)
810 535 1,345 57
155 174 329 19
119 87 206 26
2,253 4,270 6,523 175
4,476 4,940 9,416 301
1,436 5,855 7,291 219
16 4 20 1
5,004 2,780 7,784 308
14,269 18,645 32,914 1,106
1,197 1,589 2, 786 84
15,466 20,234 35; 700 1,190
68,200 8,525 76,725 100
83,666 28,759 112,425 1,290
• Literature citations appear at the end of the Section. They can be located alphabetically or by superscript number.
Water discharged
370/Section VI-Industrial Water Supplies
After describing industry's use of waw:r in steam genera-
tion and cooling, the panel on Industrial Water Supplies
examined ten groups of one or more industries as defined by
the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) coding used
by the Bureau of the Census (U. S. Executive Office of the
President, Bureau of the Budget 1967).22
The industries included textile mills (SIC 22), lumber
and wood (SIC 24), pulp and paper (SIC 26), chemical and
allied products (SIC 28), petroleum refining (SIC 2911),
primary metals (SIC 33), food canning (SIC 2032 and
2033), bottled and canned soft drinks (SIC 2086), tanning
(SIC 3111), and mining and cement (SIC 10). Only the
major users of water were included, representing a variety
of industries in order to insure that a wide cross section of
water qualities would be described.
Industrial effluents cause water quality changes in the
receiving systems, but consideration of these changes was
not part of the charge to the Panel on Industrial Water
Supplies. The other Sections in this Report include con-
sideration of the effects of many specific constituents of such
effluents as related to various water uses.
Water quality requirements differ widely for the broad
variety of industrial uses, but modern water treatment tech-
TABLE VI-2-Summary of Specific Quality Characteristics of Surface Waters That Have Been Used as Sources for Industrial
Water Supplies
(Unless otherwise indicated, units are mgfl and values are maximums. No one water will have all the maximum values shown)
Boiler Makeup water Cooling Water Process Water
Mining Industry
Fresh Brackish• Pulp and Prim. Oil Recovery
Characteristics Industrial Utility 700 Textile Lumber Paper Chemical Petroleum Metals Copper Injection Waters
Oto1,500 to 5,000 Once Makeup Once Makeup Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Sulfide Copper
psig psig through recycle through recycle SIC-22 SIC·24 SIC-26 SIC·28 SIC·29 SIC-33 Concentra· Leach Sea Formation
tor Process Solution Water Water
Silica (SiO,) ........... 150 150 50 150 25 25 50 85
Alum inurn (AI) ......... 3 3 12,000
Iron (Fe) .............• 80 80 14 80 1.0 1.0 0.3 2.6 10 15 12,000• 0.2 13
Manganese (Mn) ....... 10 10 2.5 10 0.02 0.02 1.0
Copper (Cu)..... . . . . . . . ........ 0.5
Calcium (Ca) ................... 500 500 1,200 1,200 250 220 1,510 400 2,727
Magnesium (Mg) ............... 100 85 12,000 1,272 655
Sodium & potassium 230 10,840 42,000
Ammonia (NHa) ................. 40
Bicarbonate (HCOa) .... 600 600 600 600 18a 180 600 480 142 281
Sulfate (SO,) .......... 1,400 1,400 680 680 2,700 2,700 850 900 1,634 64,000 2,560 42
Chloride (CI) .......... 19,000 19,000 600 500 22,000 22,000 200• 500 1,600 500 12 ........• 18,980 72,782
Fluoride (F)........... . ........ 1.2
Nitrate (NOa) ................... 30 30 8
Phosphate (PO,) ......•......... 50 4 4 5 5
Dissolved Solids ....... 35,000 35,000 1,000 1,000 35,000 35,000 150 1,080 2,500 3,500 1,500 2,100 ........ 34,292 118,524
Suspended Solids .....• 15,000 15,000 5,000 15,000 250 250 1,000 (•) 10,000 5,000 3,000
Hardness (CaCOa) ..... 5,000 5,000 850 850 7,000 7,000 120 475 1,000 900 1,000 1,530
Alkalinity (CaCOa) ..... 500 500 500 500 150 150 500 500 200 415
Acidity (CaCOa) ........ 1,000 1,000 0 200 0 0 75
pH, units ............•......... 5.0-8.9 3.5-9.1 5.0-8.4 5.0-8.4 6.0-8.0 5-9 4.6-9.4 5.5-9.0 6.0-9.0 3-9 to 11.7 3-3.5 ........ to 6.5
Color, units ...........• 1,200 1,200 1,200 360 500 25
Methylene blue ac-2d 10 1.3 1.3 1.3
live substances .....
Carbon tetrachloride 100 100 (•) 100 (•) 100 ......... ......... ......... . ....... . ....... 30
extract. ...........
Chemical oxygen de· 100 500 100 200
mand (COO)
Hydrogen sulfide (H,S) .......... 4 4 20
Temperature, F .......• 120 120 100 120 100 120 951 100
• Water containing in excess ol1,000 mg/1 dissolved solids.
• May be :::;1,000 for mechanical pulping operations.
c No particles ;::3 mm diameter.
d One mgjllor pressures above 700 psig.
• No floating oil.
t Applies to bleached chemical pulp and paper only.
•12,000 mg/1 Fe includes 6,000 Fe+; and 6,000 Fe*.
ASTM Standards 1970• or Standard Methods 1971••
nology is capable of treating almost any raw water to render
it suitable for any industrial use. The treatment may be
costly, and may require large ground space not always
available at otherwise suitable plant locations. Sometimes
the substitution of a more expensive alternative supply is
necessary. Nevertheless, in most cases, the costs involved
are but a small part of the total production and marketing
costs· of the industrial product in question.
It is evident that the more nearly the composition of an
available water supply approaches the particular composi-
tion needed, the more desirable that water ~s, and, con-
versely, the more such compositions differ, the more difficult
and expensive it is to modify the water for use. Improper
operation or malfunction of control instruments or water
treating equipment may cause a deterioration of the treated
water, and this, in turn, can cause deterioration or loss of
product and damage to equipment. The poorer the quality
of the raw water, the more serious the consequences of such
Improving the quality of a given water supply will only
incrementally decrease the cost of treatment for an industrial
installation, because it is often too late to make economical
alterations in the existing water treatment facilities. For the
same reason, if the quality characteristics of the water supply
are allowed to deteriorate from their usual range, the cost
for treatment can be substantially increased. On the other
hand, improved water supply characte~istics at a given site
may mean lower water treatment costs for other industries
subsequently established there.
Table VI-2 summarizes quality characteristics of surface
waters at the point of intake that have been used as sources
of boiler makeup, cooling, and process water.
• Industry is diversified in kind, size, and product. It
incorporates many processes, including different
~j; Bt~-~-------------------
ones to achi~ve the same ends. Water quality require-
ments for different industries, for various industrial
processes within a single plant, and for the same
process in different plants vary widely.
• Water quality requirements at point of use, as dis-
tinguished from requirements at point of intake, are
established for a number of industrial processes but
are inadequately defined or nonexistent for others.
• Modern water treatment technology permits water
of virtually any quality to be treated to provide the
characteristics desired by industry at point of use.
Occasionally, this may be costly; but in general the
cost of treating water for specific processes is ac-
ceptable to industry, because it is only a small part
of total production and marketing costs.
• Although water quality at point of use is critical for
many industrial processes, industry's intake water
quality requirements are not as stringent as those
for public water supplies, recreational or agricul-
tural use, or support of aquatic life.
• Because of the diversity of industrial water quality
requirements, it is not possible to state specific values
for intake water quality characteristics for industrial
use. Ordinarily these values lie between those that
have been used by industries for sources of water
(Table VI-2) and the quality recommended for
other uses in other sections of this book.
Desirable intake water quality characteristics for
industrial water supplies can be meaningfully
designated as a range lying between the values that
have been used by industry for sources of water
(Table VI-2) and the quality characteristics recom-
mended for other water uses in other chapters of
this Section. Values that exceed those in Table VI-2
would ordinarily not be acceptable to industry.
A wide range of treatment processes is available to pro-
duce water of the required quality for industry at the point
of use. Treatment methods fall into two general categories:
external and internal. External treatment refers to pro-
cesses utilized in altering water quality prior to the point of
use. The typical household water softening unit is an external
treatment. Internal treatment refers to processes limited
basically to chemical additives utilized to alter water quality
at the point of use or within the process. Water softening
compounds used in laundering are forms of internal treat-
ment. Water treatment processes are in themselves users of
water. Normally, 2 to 10 per cent of the feed water ends up
as waste generated by treatment processes (see Table Vl-3).
Thus, the actual water intake is greater than the treated
water produced.
Figure Vl-1 is a schematic diagram of the most common
external water treatment processes. Properly applied, alone
or in various combinations, these processes can convert any
incoming water quality to a usable quality. A dramatic ex-
ample is the conversion of brackish water to a water that
exceeds the quality of distilled water.
Note that the flow chart illustrates many processes and
that a particular process is applied to remove a particular
contaminant. If that contaminant does not appear in the
water or is harmless for the intended use of the water, that
process would not be used. For example, a clear well water
might not need filtration prior to further treatment. In
addition, the water use determines the extent of treatment.
For example, to use Mississippi River water for cooling,
rough screening to remove the floating debris may be suf-
ficient for some applications, whereas clarification and filtra-
tion may be required for other uses. To use that same water
for makeup for a super critical pressure boiler would require
further treatment by ion exchange, perhaps strong cation,
strong anion, and mixed bed exchangers.
As previously stated, industry's need for water can be met
even under the poorest conditions. However, the use of
water treatment systems is not without consequence. Ex-
ternal water treatment processes concen.trate a particular
contaminant or contaminants. Thus, in the quest for pure
water, a waste product is generated. The waste product is a
pollutant and the cost of its disposal must be considered as
part of the overall cost of water treatment.
The estimates of waste volume and solids in Table Vl-3
are based on treating a water with an analysis such as shown
.in Table Vl-4. Table Vl-4 also illustrates an analysis of
several common forms of water treatment. The estimates
are thus typical only of the water described and will vary
with different water supplies. Waste volumes are stated as a
percentage of inlet flow. Thus, a 2,000 gallon per minute
(gpm) clarifier will discharge 40 to 100 gpm of sludge.
The following paragraphs briefly describe the available
treatment methods, outline their capabilities, and combined
with Table Vl-3, provide a general idea of the waste pro-
duced. (~he groupings A, B, and C do not imply treatment
schemes or necessarily indicate a sequence of treatment.)
The processes are applicable to various water characteris-
tics; it is immaterial whether the supply is surface or ground
water. Since the equipment used can be of appreciable size,
available land area can be an important factor in the selec-
tion of a particular process.
Group A Processes
Rough Screens Generally installed at the actual point
of intake, rough screens are simple bars or mesh screens
used to trap large objects and prevent damage to pumps
and other mechanical equipment.
Sedimentation This process takes place in large open
basins used to reduce the water velocity so that heavier
suspended particles can settle out.
Clarification Chemical additives (e.g., aluminum
salts, iron salts, lime) are used in large open basins so that
practically all suspended matter, color, odors, and organic
coml?ounds can be removed efficiently.
Lime Softening (cold) The equipment used here is
similar to that used for clarification. In addition to floccu-
lent chemicals, lime and sometimes soda ash are used in
large open basins. Clarification is obtained, and a large
portion of the calcium and magnesium bicarbonates are
Lime Softening (hot) The process is, in general, the
same as cold except that it is carried out at or above 212 F.
The results are the same but with the added benefit of silica
removal. Tl).e characteristics of wastes are the same but at a
high temperature. Note that further treatment of hot lime
TABLE VI-3-Waste Generated by Treatment Processes
Example of waste
Treatment process• Character of waste produced Waste volume weight• dry basis
percentage now pounds solids/!, 000
Rough screens................. Large objects, debris
Sedimentation.................. Sand, mud slurry
Clarification.................... Usually acidic chemical sludge
and settled matter
Cold iime softening............. Alkaline chemical sludge and
settled matter
Hot lime softening( +212 F)..... Alkaline chemical sludge and
sellled matter
Aeration...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gaseous, possible air pollutant,
such as hydrogen sulfide
Filtration, gravity, or pressure.... Sludge, suspended solids
(for packed bed units)
Adsorption, activated carbon for Exhausted carbon if notre-2-5
odors, tastes, color, organics generated. Small amounts
carbon fines and other solids
can appear in backwash.
Carbon regeneration is sepa·
rate process (usually thermaO
in which air pollution prob-
lems must be met.
Manganese zeolite, for iron
Iron oxide suspended solids Similar to other
filtration prodesses
Miscellaneous, e.g., precoal,
membrane, dual media filtra-
tion fine straining
As in other filters. Precoat 1-5
waste includes precoat ma-
Reverse osmosis• .............. . Suspended and 90-99 percent 10-50
of dissolved solids plus chem-
ical pretreatment if required
Electrodialysis• ................ . Suspended and 80-95 percent 10-50
of dissolved solids plus chem-
ical pretreatment if required
Distillation .................... . Concentrated dissolved and 10-75
suspended so6ds
ton exchange processes•
Sodium cation................ Dissolved calcium, magnesium
and sodium chlorides
2-bed demineralization........ Dissolved solids from feed plus
Mixed bed demineralization.... Dissolved solids from feed pi us
Internal processes.............. Chemicals are added directly
into operating cycle. At least a
portion of process steam con-
taining added chemicals, dis-
solved and suspended solids
from feed, and possibly con·
lamination from process can
be extracted from the cycle lor
disposal or treatment and re-
• Processes are used alone or in various combinations, depending upon need.
gal processed
(plus precoat ma-
terials when used)
• Amounts based on application of process to raw water shown in Table Vl-4. These values do not necessarily apply
when these processes are used in combinations. ·
• Feed must be relatively free of suspended matter.
d There are many variations. Listed here are a few of the most important.
[ ___ -
Basic Water Treatment Processes/373
TABLE VI-4-Typic_al Raw Water Analyses and Operating
Results (mgfl,. unless otherwise indicated)
Aller Aller
After clarification, clarification,
After cold lime filtration, filtration,
Constituent Expressed Raw water• clarification softening and sodium-and
as and and cation deminerali-
filtration filtration exchange zation
Calcium..................... caco, 51.5 51.5 38.7 1.0
Magnesium ................. . 19.5 19.5 17.5 1.0 0
Sodium ..................... . 18.6 18.6 18.6 87.6 1-2
Potass•um .................. . 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 0
Total Cations .................. . 91.4 91.4 76.6 91.4 1-2
Anion sa
Bicarbonate ................ .. 56.8 47.8 47.8
Carbonate .................. . 0 33.0 0
Hydroxide .................. . 0 0 1-2
Sulfate .................... .. 21.8 30.8 30.8 30.8
Chloride .................... . 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0
Nitrate ..................... . 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0
Total Anions .................. . 91.4 91.4 76.6 91.4 1-2
Iron•.......................... Fe 0.16 Nil Nil Nil Nil
Silica• .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. SiD, 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 0.01
Color•.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . units 15.0 2-5 2-5 Nil Nil
Turbidity• .................... . 100.0 0-2 0-2 Nil Nil
pH• .......................... . 6.5-7.5 6.0-8.0 9.0-11.0 6.0-8.0 7.0-9.0
• Taken from Livingstone 19638 ; adjusted slightly lor ion balance and lor expression as CaCO, equivalents.
• Developed by the Panel for illustrative purposes.
effluent is generally limited to filtration and sodium cation
Aeration This process, which can be in several dif-
ferent physical forms, is applied to reduce the concentration
of carbon dioxide, thereby reducing the chemicals required
for cold lime softening. Aeration oxidizes iron and manga-
nese to allow their removal by clarification, lime softening,
or filtration. No solid wastes flow from an aerator, but re-
leased gases such as hydrogen sulfide can present a problem.
Miscellaneous There are other special variations of
all the primary treatment methods that can be applied
under specific circumstances.
Group B Processes
Filtration This process uses gravity or pressure units
in which traces of suspended matter are removed by pas-
sage through a bed of sand, anthracite coal, or other granu-
lar material. In general, the effluent at the primary stage
must be filtered prior to further treatment. Some waters
can be filtered without primary treatment. A filter is cleaned
by reversing the direction of the water flow (backwashing).
Adsorption This is a separation process designed pri-
marily to remove dissolved organic materials including
odor, taste, and color-producing compounds. Activated
carbon is generally used for this purpose. Backwashing of
fixed adsorption units produces small amounts of solids as
the feed has generally been filtered prior to passage over
the carbon. Expanded bed adsorption units do not require
regular backwashing. Chemical or thermal regeneration of
374/Section VI-Industrial Water Supplies
(Items not enclosed in boxes indicate typical water
• uses for treatment methods shown.)
Raw Water Supply
~ -
I Rough S""ns I
! Cooling, Fire
Utility ·--
r Sodimontation I I Cla.ifi<ation I T I Aeration
r Limo Soften in~ r Limo Softoning I
(Cold) (Hot)
Cooling, Fire ,. ___
Protection, Paper
r Filtration l
Clear Water, Paper
I Manganose I
... J I Adsocption l
Rinsing, Potable
r Sodium Cation l
Low and Medium
Pressure Boilers, .._---
Laundries, Car
Washes, Rinses
r Doalkalizoc I
Exclusive for low and .. ----
Pressure Boilers
r Dosilicizoc l
l:ydwgon Cationl Weak and/or
I Dogasification I
' r----.1...--.,
I Demineralization I
I Processes I
Low and L----,--...J ~r:~!~~ .. -----I
I Boilers
I I Anion I I
Weak andfor I
Strong I
Pure Water I Medium Pressure Boilers ... ----Low in Solids,...,. ___
I Boilers
Ultrapure Water, once thru
Boiler, 1500 psig Plus Rinsing
I Mixod Bod I :
~------------J ...,. ____
I Ullu Fillution I
Ultimate Water
FIGURE Vl-1-External Water Treatment Processes
(to end)
! ~
Reverse Osmosis
Rinsing, Misc.
nt by
Treat me
Ion Exc
(Items not enclosed in boxes indicate typical water uses for treatment methods shown.)
carbon can remove adsorbed impurities and restore adsorp-
tive efficiency and capacity.
Manganese Zeolite This process, specifically used for
iron removal, is a special combined form of oxidation and
filtration with a feed of potassium permanganate.
Miscellaneous Many specialized forms applicable to
specific conditions are available. These include precoated
filters, membrane filters, strainers, and dual media filters.
Group C Processes
Ultrafiltration Various types of pressure filters in-
cluding membranes, cartridges, and discs can remove sus-
pended solids larger than 0.1 to 1.0 micron, depending on
the application.
Reverse Osmosis This relatively new development
uses high pressures to force water through a membrane, pre-
venting the passage of all suspended matter and up to 90-
99 per cent of dissolved solids. The product water can be
used directly or may require further treatment by ion ex-
change. The influent must be essentially free of suspended
Electrodialysis A relatively new development, this
process uses cationic and anionic membranes with applied
direct current to remove dissolved solids. The product water
can be used directly or may require further treatment by
ion exchange. The feed must be essentially free of suspended
Distillation This process uses thermal evaporation
and condensation of water so that the condensate is free of
suspended solids and 98-99 per cent of the dissolved solids
are removed. Certain conditions may require the addition
of special chemicals. The product water can be used directly
or may require further treatment by ion exchange. The feed
must be relatively free of suspended matter.
Ion Exchange Ion exchange is a versatile process with
several dozen variations. Ion exchange technology is rapidly
advancing. New resins, regeneration techniques, and opera-
tion modes are being introduced. Some of the more common
applications are shown in Table VI-3. The exact arrange-
ment of an ion exchange system depends upon raw water
quality, desired treated water quality, flow rate, and
economics. Total demineralization can remove in excess of
99 per cent of dissolved solids with feeds as high as 2,000
parts per million (ppm) or more. The waste produced by
an ion exchanger includes the backwash and rinse waters,
the regeneration effluent containing the exchanged ions, and
the excess regenerative chemical. In general, the feed to any
ion exchanger should contain no or only small quantities of
suspended matter, color, and organics.
Cation Cation exchange removes cations from the
water and replaces them with other cations from an wn
Basic Water Treatment Processes/375
exchanger. When in the hydrogen or acid form, strong ca-
tion (i.e., strong acid) can exchange hydrogen ions for the
cations of either weak or strong acids, whereas weak cation
(i.e., weak acid) exchanges hydrogen only for that fraction
of cations equivalent to the weakly acidic anions present,
such as bicarbonate.
Sodium Cation This is the simplest form of ion ex-
change. Sodium ions are exchanged for hardness ions (e.g.,
calcium, magnesium).
Anion Anion exchange removes anions from the water
and replaces them with other anions from the ion exchanger.
When in the base form, strong anion exchangers are capable
of exchanging hydroxyl ions for the anions of either weak or
strong acids, whereas weak anion exchangers exchange only
with anions of strong acids.
Demineralization In industrial water treatment, de-
mineralization refers to a sequence of cation exchange in
which hydrogen ions are substituted for other cations fol-
lowed by anion exchange in which hydroxyl ions are substi-
tuted for other anions. The product is H+ plus OH-; i.e.,
Mixed Bed Mixed bed exchange provides complete
demineralization in one step by the use of an intimate mix-
ture of cation and anion resin in one unit. It is generally
used for the polishing service step of high purity water. A
cation-anion exchange system might produce a water con-
taining 1.0 ppm of dissolved solids. After treatment by
mixed bed, the solids would be down as low as 0.01 ppm.
Miscellaneous There are several specialty ion ex-
changers including: dealkalizers-chloride anion exchange
for the removal of alkalinity; desilicizers-hydroxide anion
exchange for the removal of silica (without previous hydro-
gen cation). Degasification equipment is used to remove
carbon dioxide in order to reduce the work of the strong
anion units that follow.
Internal water treatment processes are numerous. They
include the addition of acid and alkali for pH control;
polyphosphates, phosphonates, or polyelectrolytes for scale
control; polymers for dispersal of sediment; phosphates and
alkali for precipitation of hardness; amines, chromates,
zinc, or silicates for corrosion control; sulfites or hydrazine
for oxygen scavenging; and polyphosphates for sequestra-
tion of iron or manganese. Here again, the chemical feed is
determined by the requirements. The industrial user pro-
duces the water quality that is needed, but a problem can
be created when the user must dispose of all or part of the
treated water. The choice of chemicals added to water must
be considered in light of their potential as pollutants.
Description of the Industry
Steam generation and cooling are required in most in-
dustries. Waters used for these purposes are in Standard
Industry Classifications 20 through 39 (with the exception
of 23 and 27), plus the electric utility industry and mining
(U. S. Executive Office of the President, Bureau ofthe Bud-
get 1967).22 (Water used as makeup for generation of steam
that comes into direct contact with a product and cooling
water that comes into direct contact with a product were
considered to be process waters and, therefore, were not
included in this Section.)
Both steam generation and cooling are encountered under
a wide variety of conditions that require a correspondingly
broad range of water quality recommendations. For ex-
ample, steam may be generated in boil~rs that operate at
pressures ranging from less than 10 pounds per square inch
gauge (psig) for space heating to more than 3,500 psig for
electric power generation. For any particular operating
pressure, the required boiler water quality recommenda-
tions depend upon many factors in addition to the water
temperature in the steam generator. Thus, the amount of
potentially scale-forming hardness present in the makeup
water to a low pressure boiler is of far less importance when
the steam is used for space heating than when it is used for
humidification of air. In the first case, virtually all of the
steam is returned to the boiler as condensate so that there
is only limited change in the amount of potential scale. In
the second case, no condensate returns to the boiler so that
scale-forming salts entering with the makeup water are con-
The general recommendations for water to be used for
boiler feed water could not be applied directly to an indi-
vidual boiler without consideration of boiler design, operat-
ing practices, operating temperatures and pressures, makeup
rates, and steam uses. All of these affect the nature of
water-caused problems that might be anticipated in a boiler
and its auxiliaries. These statements apply equally to water
at source and at point of use.
Most high pressure boiler plants (Table VI-S) use some
form of ion exchange in treatment of water for boiler feed.
A few components of raw waters can cause abnormal dif-
ficulties and expense in these treatment plants. Large
organic molecules may block the exchange groups of the
ion exchange resins and cannot be removed by normal
regeneration procedures. Oily matter, especially of petrol-
eum origin, will irreversibly coat ion exchange materials
and filter media. Certain forms of silica may also block ion
exchange resins irreversibly. Strong oxidants in polluted
water have been known to destroy ion exchange resins in a
_surprisingly short time. Although most of these problems
can be solved by available pretreatment methods, the equip-
ment needed for such treatment may require more space
than is available. This is especially true in industrial plants
located in cities.
Cooling water uses are similarly diverse. They may be
once-through or recirculated. Once-through cooling waters
are drawn from amply large sources such as rivers, lakes,
estuaries, or the sea. They are returned to these sources or
to other large bodies of water after having passed through
heat exchange equipment just once. The quantities of water
required for once-through cooling are so huge that it is
rarely economically feasible to alter their quality by treat-
ment. Therefore, when a plant uses water for cooling on a
once-through basis, the construction materials for the cool-
ing system must be selected to withstand corrosion by the
water available at the site. In such cases, the quality, as well
as quantity, of available water may affect plant site selec-
The treatments commonly applied to once-through cool-
ing waters are (a) screening for removal of debris, plants,
or fish that can interfere with water flow, and (b) chlorina-
tion for control of biological organisms that interfere with
water flow or heat transfer and contribute to localized cor-
rosion. A few components of the intake water have been
known to cause catastrophic failures in once-through cool-
ing equipment. Damaging substances include hydrogen
sulfide, oil, and suspended solids. Particularly pernicious
are plastic containers usually originating from garbage dis-
posal operations, or sheets of flexible plastic that can pass
through a pump and then spread across a tube sheet in-
Major Industrial Uses of Water/377
TABLE VI-S-Quality Requirements of Water at Point of Use for Steam Generation and Cooling in Heat Exchangers
(Unless otherwise indicated, units are mg/1 and values that normally should not be exC1!eded. No one water will have all the maximum values shown.)
Boiler feedwater Cooling water
Quality of water prior to the addition of chemicals used for internal conditioning
Characteristic Industrial Electric utilities Once through Makeup for recirculation
Low pressure Intermediate High pressure 1,500 to 5, 000 psig Fresh Brackish• Fresh Brackish•
0 to 150 psig pressure 700 to 1,500 psig
150 to 700 psig
Silica (SiO,) ............................................. 30 10 0.7 0.01 50 25 50 25
Aluminum (AQ ........................................... 0.1 0.01 0.01 (b) (b) 0.1 0.1
Iron (Fe) ................................................ 1 0.3 0.05 0.01 (b) (b) 0.5 0.5
Manganese (Mn) ......................................... 0.3 0.1 0.01 0.01 (b) (b) 0.5 0.02
Calcium (Ca) ............................................ (b) 0.4 0.01 0.01 200 420 50 420
Magnesium (Mg) ........................................ (b) 0.25 0.01 0.01 (b) (b) (b) (b)
Ammonia (Nit.) .................................•....... 0.1 0.1 0.1 .07 (b) (b) (b) (b)
Bicarbonate (H CO a) ...................................... 170 120 48 0.5 600 140 24 140
Sulfate (SO,) ............................................ (b) (b) (b) (d) 680 2,700 200 2,700
Chloride (CI) ............................................ (b) (b) (b) (b,d) 600 19,000 500 19,000
Dissolved solids .......................................... 700 500 200 0.5 1,000 35,000 500 35,000
Copper (Cu) ............................................. 0.5 0.05 0.05 0.01 (b) (b) (b) (b)
Zinc (Zn) ................................................ (b) 0.01 0.01 0.01 (b) (b) (b) (b)
Hardness (CaCOa) ....................................... 350 1.0 0.07 0.07 850 6,250 650 6,250
Alkalinity (CaCOa) ........................................ 350 100 40 1 500 115 350 115
pH, units ................................................ 7.D-10.0 8.2-10.0 8.2-9.0 8.8-9.4 5.D-8.3 &.D-8.3 (b) (b)
Methylene blue active substances ........................ 1 1 0.5
Carbon tetrachloride extract. ............................ 1 1 0.5
Chemical oxygen demand (COD) ........................... 5 5 1.0
Hydrogen sullide (H,S) ................................... (b) (b) (b)
Dissolved oxygen (0,) .................................... 2.5 0.007 0.007
Temperature, F .......................................... (b) (b) (b)
Suspended solids ......................................... 10 5 0.5
• Brackish water-dissolved solids more than 1,000 mg/1 by delinition 1963 Census of Manufacturers.
• Accepted as received (if meeting other limiting values); has never been a problem at concentrations encountered.
• Zero, not delectable by test
• Controlled by treatment for other constituents.
• No noati ng oil
ASTM 1970• or Standard Methods 1971"
stantaneously shutting off a substantial part of the cooling
water flow.
Treatment of once-through cooling waters drawn from
underground aquifers is further limited if the water is con-
served by return to an aquifer through recharge wells. In
such cases treatment must not create changes that can cause
clogging of the return aquifer.
When cooling ponds are used for heat rejection, the eco-
nomics of water treatment are similar to those encountered
with once-through cooling waters. On the other hand, most
recirculating cooling water systems utilize cooling towers,
and in these the water withdrawn from surface, ground, or
municipal sources is small in comparison with the rate of
circulation through the heat transfer equipment. Under
these conditions, water treatment is economically feasible.
Indeed, it becomes a necessity because of the changes in
water composition produced by evaporation, air scrubbing,
and other processes occuring during recirculation.
As in the case of steam generation, there is such a great
variety of materials and operating conditions encountered
in industrial heat exchange equipment, such a wide range
of chemical and physical changes that can take place in the
0.1 (b) (b) 1 1
(b, c) (e) (e) 1 2
1.0 75 75 75 75
(b) ················· ················ (b) (b)
0.007 present present (b) (b)
(b) (b) (b) (b) (b)
0.05 5,000 2,500 100 100
recirculated cooling water, and such a variety of water
treatment and conditioning methods, that quality recom-
mendations for makeup water for recirculating cooling
systems can have only very limited practical significance.
The needs of any specific system must be established on the
basis of the makeup water composition and the construction
and operating characteristics of each system. In general, the
lower the hardness and alkalinity of the water supply, the
more acceptable it is for cooling tower makeup.
Processes Utilizing Water
Steam Generation In 1968, manufacturing plants
used about 1,036 billion gallons of water for boiler feed
(makeup), sanitary service, and uses other than process or
cooling (Bureau of the Census 1971).5 No basis is given for a
breakdown of this figure into its components, but boiler
feed is the largest part.
Boiler makeup requirements of steam electric powerplants
are small compared with their cooling water requirements.
They are estimated to be only about 0.3 million gallons per
day for a 1 million kilowatt plant operating at full load
(Water Resources Council 1968).24
378/Section VI-Industrial Water Supplies
Based on the 1970 figures of 281 million kilowatts capacity
of steam electric plants, a maximum of .. about 31 billion
gallons of water was the total intake for steam generation in
these plants (Edison Electric Institute personal communication
1970).25 It is estimated that this quantity approximates the
"sanitary service and other uses" in the industrial require-
ments, so that of the 1,036 billion gallons for combined
"boiler feed and sanitary services" (Bureau of the Census
1971)5 the intake for steam generation alone in 1968 is as-
sumed to have been approximately 1,000 billion gallons.
Recycling condensed steam back to the boiler will vary
from zero for some industrial uses and district steam generat-
ing plants to almost 100 per cent for thermal power genera-
tion plants.
Boiler makeup will vary from negligible losses and blow-
down in the thermal power plants to substantially the total
water intake in district steam generating plants with no re-
turn of steam condensate. Even for these district steam gen-
erating plants, the condensate usually goes to a sewer from
which it ultimately returns to a surface water course and so
cannot be said to have been consumed. It is estimated that
10 per cent of the intake water used for boiler feed in in-
dustrial plants is either lost to the atmosphere or incor-
porated in products. Thus, the total water consumption for
steam generation is about 100 bgy.
Discharge is boiler blowdown and steam condensate that
is lost to sewers. This corresponds to the difference between
intake and consumption or 900 bgy (Bureau of the Census
Cooling Waters Once-through cooling water use dur-
ing 1968 in industry other than commercial power genera-
tion was at the rate of approximately 3,000 bgy for steam
electric power generation, and 7,000 bgy for other uses
(Bureau of the Census 1971).5 It is estimated that water
recirculation for cooling in these plants was at least 20,000
Total cooling water drawn from source by commercial
steam electric power plants approximated 58,200 bg in
1970, including the Tennessee Valley Authority and a
number of other publicly owned steam electric plants
(Federal Power Commission 1971).6 Recirculating cooling
systems in these plants are estimated to provide 10 to 15
per cent of the total cooling requirements for this industry,
which represents a small proportion of the total water in-
take. The use of recirculating cooling water systems is ex-
pected to increase rapidly as cooling water volume require-
ments increase and as restrictions become more stringent on
maximum discharge temperatures.
Including sea water, approximately one-third of the
water used for once-through cooling was brackish. Some
plants recirculate brackish water, but because of the limited
number of such operations, water quantities have not been
established for this type of cooling.
Recirculating cooling water systems require a much
smaller withdrawal for makeup than the amount withdrawn
TABLE Vl-6-Total Water Quantities Used For
Once-Through Cooling
Industrial steam·electric generaton ........................... .
Other ..................................................... .
Commercial power .......................................... .
TOTAL ..............•...•..........................•.
Water quantities (bgy)
for once-through cooling systems of equivalent heat re-
moval capacity. Although the rate of recirculation is fre-
quently only two or three times as high as the once-through
flow rate for equivalent cooling, the withdrawal rate for
once-through cooling may be 20 to 80 times as high as that
required for makeup to a cooling tower system of equivalent
cooling capacity. The actual reduction in volume of water
drawn from source by recirculation depends upon the tem-
perature difference across the cooling tower and the chemical
composition of the recirculating water. No data are avail-
able to provide actual totals of water withdrawn from
sources for cooling tower makeup or returned as cooling
tower blowdown.
An increasing number of plants use municipal sewage
treatment plant effiuent or industrial waste treatment plant
effiuent as makeup water for recirculation through cooling
towers. This, in effect, is a double recirculation of available
water supplies or, from another viewpoint, an elimination
of most water withdrawal from natural sources. The use of
such treatment plant effiuent as cooling tower makeup
must be approached with caution since inadequate removal
of organic matter, particularly detergents, nitrogen com-
pounds, and phosphates, in the treatment plant can create
severe operating difficulties in cooling towers as a result of
foaming, excessive microbiological growths, or calcium
phosphate deposits.
Significant Indicators of Water Quality
Table VI-2 shows the quality characteristics of waters
that have been treated by existing processes to produce
waters acceptable for boiler makeup and cooling. In general
terms, the water fed to a steam boiler should be of such qual-
ity that it:
• forms no scale or other deposits;
• causes no corrosion of the metals present in the boiler,
feed water system, or condensate return system;
• does not foam or prime;
• does not contain enough silica to form turbine blade
deposits in high-pressure boilers.
In order to produce waters meeting these requirements,
the waters from available supplies are first processed
through external water treatment equipment, such as
filters or ion exchangers, and then internal conditioning
chemicals are added. Table Vl-5 shows quality require-
ments for boiler feed waters that have already been pro-
cessed through a required external water treatment equip-
ment, but have not yet received any required application of
internal conditioning chemicals.
The values for boiler feed water quality requirements
must be considered only as rough guides. Usually, more
liberal maximum concentrations are acceptable in feed
water for boilers operating at lower pressures within each
range. However, even here there are many deviations in
practice because of differences in the construction and opera-
tion of different boilers. For example, all other thipgs being
equal, the higher the makeup rate, the higher the quality of
the makeup water should be.
Ideally, cooling waters should be:
• nonscaling with reference to such limited solubility
compounds as calcium carbonate, sulfate, and phos-
• nonfouling as a result of formation of sedimentary
deposits or of biological growths;
• noncorrosive at operating flow rates and skin tem-
peratures to materials of construction in the system,
including metals, wood, concrete, asbestos-cement,
and plastics.
Table VI-5 shows quality requirements for cooling waters
both once-through and makeup for recirculation, subse-
quent to any required external treatment (other than so-
called side stream filters or centrifugal separators for re-
moval of suspended matter from recirculating cooling
waters) but prior to the addition of any internal treatment
For both steam generation and cooling, the more nearly
the composition of water at the source (Table VI-2) ap-
proaches the quality required at point of use (Table VI-5),
the more desirable it is. However, in some instances it may
be preferable to resort to a lower-quality, lower-cost raw
water, if economic treatment can be expected to yield a
lower overall cost.
Water Treatment Processes
The water treatment processes marked by an X in Table
VI-7 are used in producing water of the appropriate quality
for either cooling or boiler makeup. In addition to external
treatment processes outlined in Figure VI-I, commonly
used internal conditioning processes are also included in
Table VI-7. Not all of these processes are used for the
treatment of any individual intake water. Only those pro-
cesses to produce the quality required are used.
The fact that external water treatment processes may be a
source of potential waste water problems has been men-
tioned. The blowdown from evaporative systems, both boiler
waters and recirculated cooling water, can become one of
these potential problems. This can be caus~d by increased
concentration of dissolved solids from the evaporative pro-
cess, by increased suspended solids scrubbed from the air or
Major Industrial Uses of Water/379
TABLE VI-7-Processes Used in Treating Water for Cooling or
·Boiler Makeup
Suspended solids and colloids removal:
Straining .............................. .
Sedimentation .......................... .
Coagulation ............................ .
FiHration .............................. .
Aeration ............................... .
Dissolved solids modification Softening
Cold lime .............................. .
Hot lime soda .......................... .
Hot lime zeolite ........................ .
Cation exchange Sodium .................•
Alkalinity Reduction Cation exchange
hydrogen .............................. .
Calion exchange hydrogen and sodium .... .
Anion exchange ........................ .
Dissolved solids removal:
Evaporation ............................ .
Demineralization ....................... .
Dissolved gases removal:
mechanical. ......................... .
vacuum ............................. .
heat ................................ .
Internal conditioning:
pH adjustment. ........................ .
Hardness sequestering .................. .
Hardness precipitation .................. .
Corrosion inhibition General ............. .
EmbriHiement. ........................ .
Oxygen reduction ....................... .
Sludge dispersal.. ........................ .
Biological control ......................... .
Once through
Boiler makeup
developed by growth of biological organisms, or by chemi-
cals added to the recirculated water for control of scale, cor-
rosion, or biological growths.
Description of the Industry
In the 1967 Census ~f Manufacturers (Bureau of the Census
1971), 5 the textile industry was reported to employ 929,000
individuals in 7,080 plants, adding over $8 billion of value
annually through manufacturing. The Statistical Abstract of
the United States: 1969 (U. S. Department of Commerce,
Bureau of the Census 1969)18 reported that the industry
invested over $1 billi<;>n in new facilities during that year.
Cotton is the most important fiber in American textiles
and represents about one-half of the total fiber used. Wool
and rayon approximate 10-15 per cent of the consumption,
and uses of noncellulosic synthetic fibers are increasing
The basic processes involved in finishing textiles include
scouring, dyeing and printing, bleaching, and special finish-
ing (U.S. Department of The Interior Federal Water Pol-
lution Control Administration 1968). 21 Wool is usually
scoured before being woven into cloth. Cotton is woven in
the dry state except for stiffening of the warp, known as
380/Section VI-Industrial Water Supplies
sizing. Subsequently, the cloth is scoured to remove size and
natural impurities before bleaching and dyeing. Synthetic
fibers do not require scouring, but cloth made from blends
of synthetics and natural fibers may be scoured before
Water of proper quantity and quality is essential to the
textile industry. Most of the early mills in the United States
were located in New .England, where rivers were capable of
providing water for power and ample high quality process
water with only minimum treatment. In recent years the
trend has been for textile plants to move to the Southeast
and locate closer to the raw material (cotton). Need for
water as a source of energy has diminished because of the
ability to operate with various fuels and electricity. Raw
water quality has become less important, because develop-
ments in treatment technology have made it economically
possible to produce water of adequate quality with the exist-
ing wide range of raw water characteristics. This combina-
tion of circumstances makes raw water supply and quality
less vital in determining plant location today, although
emphasis on treatment to correct deficiencies in raw water
quality continues.
Processes Utilizing Water
Total 1967 water intake for textile industries using over
20 million gallons annually (684 plants) was 154 billion
gallons, 71 per cent of which was used as process water. Of
all water intake by the industry, 51 per cent i.s derived from
company-developed surface supplies, 10 per cent from
ground water, I per cent brackish, and 38 per cent from pub-
lic supplies. Gross water use by textile plants totalled 328 bg,
174 bg of which was reused in 353 of the 684 facilities
(Bureau of the Census 1971).5 Trends in new textile tech-
nology are toward increased reuse of water.
Cotton and wool finishing plants use 30,000 to 70,000 gal-
lons per 1,000 pounds of cloth. Synthetic finishing mills use
considerably less (3,000-29,000 gal/1,000 lb), because lack
of natural impurities reduces washing requirements.
Wool usually is scoured by moving it through a two-to
six-bowl "train," the first one or two of which contain de-
tergents or soaps, and alkalis at 30-50 C. Subsequent bowls
are for rinsing and often may be operated in counterflow
pattern to conserve water. Usually scouring solutions are not
recycled, although effluent rinse waters may be used to make
up scouring baths.
Cotton scouring removes natural impurities, as well as
sizes added during conversion of fibers into cloth. Scouring
operations in series of tanks ("J" boxes) are carried out
under highly alkaline conditions (pH 12) and temperatures
of 80-120 C and must be followed by thorough rinsing to
remove residual color and other chemicals. Mercerizing
cotton has involved a major use of water in many mills, but
mercerizing is decreasing with increased adoption of cotton
and synthetic blends.
Bleaching cotton is done generally with chlorine, while
hydrogen peroxide is used for wool and blends containing
synthetic fibers. Chlorine is used under slightly alkaline
solution (pH 9) and hydrogen peroxide under acid condi-
tions (pH 2.5-3.0). Rinsing of bleached fiber or cloth re-
quires high quality water.
Dyeing also requires high quality water. Specific require-
ments and process conditions vary widely depending on
types of fibers and characteristics of dyes employed. Cotton
generally is dyed at moderately high pH, wool at slightly
acidic pH, and synthetics under various conditions depend-
ent upon character of fiber. Dyeing operations constitute
major uses of water in the textile industry.
Significant Indicators of Water Quality
The textile industry employs a great variety of raw ma-
terials, chemical additives, and manufacturing processes to
meet a broad range of finished product specifications. Ac-
cordingly, water quality requirements in this industry vary
extensively, depending on circumstances attending uses,
and no single listing of recommendations could be meaning-
ful for the industry as a whole.
To be desirable for use in the textile industry, water
should be low in iron, manganese, and other heavy metals,
dissolved solids, turbidity, color, and hardness; it should be
free from undesirable biological forms (N ardell 1961,13
McKee and Wolf 1963)9• Although raw water supplies of
rather undesirable quality have been employed successfully
by textile industries (see Table VI-2) with appropriate
treatment to correct deficiencies, it is apparent that the
more closely raw water quality approaches requirements at
the point of use (Table VI-8), the more desirable that
source would be.
Turbidity and color are objectionable in water used in
textile industries, because they can cause streaking and stain-
ing. Iron and manganese stain or cause other process dif-
ficulties at low concentrations. Hardness is objectionable in
many operations, especially in scouring where soap curds
may be produced, and in processes where deposits of pre-
cipitated calcium and magnesium may adhere to the ma-
terial. In wool processing, all scouring, rinsing, and dyeing
operations may require zero hardness water. Zeolite-softened
or deionized water may be used for manufacturing syn-
thetic fibers (Nordell 1961 )_13 Nitrates and nitrites have
been reported as injurious in dyeing of wool and silk
(Michel 1942).10
In Table VI-8 typical ranges of desirable maximum con-
centrations of constituents that have been suggested for
waters used in textile production are summarized (Mussey
1957,12 Nordell 1961,13 McKee and Wolf 1963,9 Ontario
Water Resources Commission 197014). The values relate to
water quality at point of use before addition of internal
conditioning or manufacturing process chemicals. Although
data in Table VI-8 may give general guidelines to water
quality requirements in this industry, each plant must be
TABLE VI-S-Quality Requirements of Water at Point of
Use by the Textile Industry•
Characteristic Typical maximum ranges
Iron, mg/1 Fe ............................................... .
Manganese, mg/1 Mn ................................••.......
Copper, mg/1 Cu ............................................. .
Dissolved solids, mg/1 ........................................ .
Suspended matter, mg/1.. ....................................•
Hardness, mg/1 as CaCOs .................................... .
Color, units ................................................. .
Turbidity, units ..•...........................................
Sulfate, mg/1 ................................................ .
Chlorides, mg/1. .....................................•.......
Alkalinity, mg/1 as CaCOa .................................... .
Aluminum oxide, mg/1 AJ.Os .................................. .
Silica, mg/1 SiOs ..............................•..............
Organic growths ............................................. .
• Water quality prior to addition of substances"used for internal conditioning.
considered in light of the manufacturing processes and other
circumstances specific to that installation.
Water Treatment Processes
Some ground supplies are capable of furnishing large
quantities of water having quality consistent with industry
requirements. However, in many instances other factors de-
sirable in plant location can make it necessary to use a raw
water supply of quality not meeting process requirements.
In particular, most surface sources are not capable of sup-
plying water suitable for textile industry uses without treat-
The 1967 Census of Manufacturers (Bureau of the Census
1971)5 indicated that of 154 bg water intake (for plants using
over 20 million gallons annually), 89 bg were treated in
some fashion. Table VI-9 summarizes the total quantity of
water and water treatment method employed by each
process for 1971 and the number of establishments employ-
ing them.
Another approach employed by many textile industries
is to obtain potable water through purchase from public
supplies. Although this often provides a satisfactory ar-
rangement, it must be noted that some waters adequate in
TABLE VI-9-Water Treatment Processes Employed by
Textile Industrial Establishments in 1971
Type of process
Aeration ..........................................•
Coagulation ....................................... .
Filtration ......................................... .
Softening ......................................... .
Jon exchange ...................................... .
Corrosion control. ................................. .
pH adjustment.. .................................. .
Settling .......................................... .
Other ..........................•......•...........
Total employing treatment. ......................... .
No treatment performed ..........•..................
Bureau of the Census 1971•
bgy treated
Number of establishments
Major Industrial Uses of Water/381
quality for potable purposes do not meet requirements for
some types of textile processing. Also, methods of treatment
employed in some public systems may have adverse effects
on water quality for use in the textile industry.
The 1967 Census of Manufacturers reported discharge of
136 bg by the textile industry, leaving 18 bg (12 per
cent) evaporation or incorporation into produCts (Bureau of
the Census 1971). 5 Of the 136 bg discharged, 54 bg re-
ceived some degree of treatment prior to discharge.
Description of the lnd.ustry and Processes Utilizing Water
The total amount of lumber used for various purposes in
the United States has not changed significantly in the past
three decades (Landsberg et al. 1963). 7 There have, how-
ever, been some important shifts in the end products manu-
factured by the industry. The use of pulpwood for veneer
logs has shown steady increases. Lumber for use in wooden
containers has been declining, as has wood used for fuel,
although fuel wood still accounts for almost 15 per cent of
lumber use.
In recent years, about 40 per cent of wood consumption
has been for building purposes and 20 per cent for the manu-
facture of a variety of wooden and paperboard containers,
furniture, and other wood products. Paper products, other
than containers, account for about 12 per cent of lumber
consumption. The remaining 13 per cent is used in a variety
of wood-related products such as charcoal, synthetic fibers,
and distillation products.
The wood and lumber products industry is a relatively
small water user. Of the 36,795 establishments surveyed in
the 1967 Census of Manufacturers (Bureau of the Census
1971), 5 only 0.5 per cent or a total of 188 reported the use
of 20 million gallons of water or more in 1968. Total water
withdrawn by plants using 20 million gallons or more per
year showed a decrease from 151 billion gallons in 1964 to
118 billion gallons in 1968. Less than 10 per cent of the
water withdrawn by these larger water using plants is given
any form of treatment prior to use.
In general, the lumber industry collects logs from the
forest and prepares them for use by sawing the logs into
various shapes. Earlier in this country's history, logs were
cut in the winter when the snow was on the ground to
facilitate their transfer by dragging them overland to rivers.
The rivers transported the logs to millsites. The logs were
frequently left in the water, if they could be fenced off or
driven into a backwater to prevent them from going further
downstream. While the log was floating, the water prevented
it from drying and cracking at the cut end.
Today, lumber may be transported to a mill that may
not be near a river. If the logs accumulate, the ends are
moistened by floating them in a pond or by spraying the log
pile to prevent cracking. The log is frequently debarked by
water jets before it is cut into the desired shape.
382/Section VI-Industrial Water Supplies
TABLE VI-lo-Quality Characteristics of Waters That Have
Been Used by the Lumber Industry
Suspended Solids ..................................................... .
pH, units ............................................................ .
ASTM 1970< or Standard Methods 1971"
3 mm, diameter
5to 9
Some lumber is treated with chemicals to reduce fire
hazards, retard insect invasion, or prevent dry rot. These
preservative processes use small volumes of water in a
preparation of chromates, cupric ions, aluminum ions,
silicates, fluorides, arsenates, and pentachlorophenates.
Some forest products are processed mechanically or chem-
ically to make a variety of consumer products.
Significant Indicators of Water Quality
There are few significant indicators of water quality for
the lumber industry. The suspended solids should be less
than 3 millimeters in diameter and the pH should prefer-
ably be between 5.0 and 9.0 to minimize corrosion of the
equipment (Table VI-10). (Water used for transportation
does not qualify as process water.)
Water used to prepare solutions for treatment of lumber
should be reasonably free of turbidity and precipitating
ions. Frequently, because of the highly toxic nature of these
solutions, efforts are made to recycle as much solution as
possible. Thus, makeup water is required to compensate for
the portion of the solution lost when forced into the lumber
under pressure, and thus evaporated during seasoning.
Water Treatment Processes
For the lumber production phase only, straining may be
required. Clarification may be practiced for water used in
lumber preservation, but this would be necessary in only
very small volume.
Description of the Industry
The United States is the world's largest producer and
user of paper and allied products. The industry's net sales
in 1970 were over $21 billion with over 52 million tons of
product produced (American Paper Institute 1970).1 The
per capita consumption of paper products in 1969 was
roughly 560 pounds per person, an increase of more than
100 pounds per person in the past decade. It is anticipated
that close to 62 million tons of paper and paperboard will
be produced in the United States in 1980, as compared with
44 million tons in 1965 (Miller Freeman Publications un-
The pulp and paper industries described encompass a
number of basic manufacturing processes involved in the.
TABLE VI-11-Basic Categories of the Pulp and Paper
Type of plant
Paper and paperboard .................................................. .
Pulp mills ............................................................ .
Integrated pulp and paper mills .......................................... .
Roofing paper mills .................................................... .
Converting plants (units owned by pulp and paper companies) ............... .
Headquarters, offices, research and engineering labs (separate from mills) .... .
Totals .......................................................... .
Number of plants in
United States 1969
production of a wide variety of paperboard and paper
products. These include packaging, building materials, and
paper products ranging from newsprint to coated and un-
coated writing papers, tissues, and a number of other special
types of paper and paperboard for domestic and industrial
purposes. Table VI-11 shows the basic categories of the
Processes Utilizing Water
The manufacture of pulp and paper is highly dependent
upon an abundant supply of water. The major process
water uses are for preparation of cooking and bleaching
chemicals, washing, transportation of the pulp fibers to the
next processing step, and formation of the pulp into the dry
The industries involved in the manufacture of paper and
allied products rank third in the withdrawal of water for
manufacturing purposes (behind primary metal industries
and chemical and allied products). Of the 5,890 plants
surveyed by the 1967 Census of Manufacturers (Bureau of the
Census 1971),5 619 plants reported withdrawing 20 million
gallons of water or more in 1968. Table VI-12 shows the
amount of water withdrawn in 1964 and 1968 for those
plants using more than 20 million gallons per year. More
than half of the water withdrawn in 1968 was treated prior
to use and recirculated about three times before discharge.
Less than 10 per cent of the water withdrawn was consumed
in the manufacturing processes.
TABLE VI-12-Total Water Intake and Use-Paper and Allied
Products (billion gallons)
Water intake
Total .......................... , ............. .
Treated prior to use ................................ ..
Gross waler used (Includes recirculated water) ......... .
Water discharged
Total. ....................................... .
Bureau of the Census 1971'
TABLE VI-13-Water Process Used by Paper and Allied
Products Manufacturing
Manufacturing process Typical water use in 1,000 gallons/ton product•
Wood Preparation
Hydraulic barking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Drum barking....................................... 0.3
Wood washing...................................... 0.2
Groundwood Pulp
Slone groundwood .................................. .
Refiner groundwood ................................ ..
Cold soda pulp ..................................... .
Neutra I Sulfite Semichemical
No recovery......................................... 15
With recovery....................................... 10
Krall and Soda Pulping................................. 25
Prehydrolysi s. . .. .. . .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . . .. .. 2
Krall Bleaching
Semibleach......................................... 25
Highbleach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Dissolving grades (soft wood)......................... 50
Dissolving grades (hard wood)........................ 50
Acid Sulfite Pulping
No recovery......................................... 70
MgO recovery.. .. . . .. . . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . 9
N Ha recovery. .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. .. . . . . . 8
Sulfite Pulp Bleaching
Paper grade......................................... 20
Dissolving grade..................................... 45
De-inking Pulp
Magazine & ledger.. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. . 28
News.............................................. 28
Paper Making
Coarse paper........................................ 10
Fine paper.......................................... 30
Book paper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Tissue paper.. . . . . . .. . . . .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . 30
Waste Paperboard..................................... 10
Building Products
Building papers...................................... 10
Fells............................................... 3
Insulating board........ .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 15
Hardboard.......................................... 13
~~-······································ 1
• Figures shown represent averages over two-week period with 90 percent frequency.
• Varies widely depending upon product.
Environmental Protection Agency, unpublished data"
Approximately 70 per cent of the water used in the in-
dustry was withdrawn from surface supplies. Other water
sources were ground water supplies (about 17 per cent) and
public water supplies (about 11 per cent). Tidewater ac-
counted for the remainder of the water used. Water with-
drawn for process purposes constituted the largest percent-
age of water used by the industry (about 65 per cent) while
the other major water uses were for cooling purposes.
While the industry has been aptly categorized in general
terms by SIC code numbers, a typical plant falling under an
SIC code may be engaged in a variety of individual manu-
facturing processes. For this reason, a clearer picture may
be obtained by describing water use in terms of manufactur-
ing processes rather than by SIC subcategories. Table VI-13
classifies the processes used in producing pulp and paper
products manufactured in the United States ..
These processes have been categorized based on the
logical sequence in production along with the use of water
Major Industrial Uses of Water/383
made by each process. Presenting the information in this
fashion makes it possible to estimate water requirements for
any individual mill based on the manufacturing processes
employed and the tons of product produced.
Significant Indicators of Water Quality
A survey by the Technical Association of the Pulp and
Paper Industry (TAPPI Water Supply and Treatment
Committee unpublished data 1970,27 Walter 1971)23 of water
quality requirements for the paper industry revealed a total
of 23 specific water quality problems resulting from im-
purities in the raw water source. The primary causes of the
problems centered on hardness, alkalinity, turbidity, color,
and iron. In addition, manganese along with iron and color
was reported as having an adverse effect on bleaching pro-
cesses; manganese also produced black spots on paper. In
some cases, algae and bacteria interfered with the paper
machine operations by causing slime. In addition to causing
scale in the mill water supply, high hardness interferes with
washing operations and causes fouling in resin sizing and
digesting processes. Suspended matter and turbidity inter-
fere with the brightness of the product and cause difficulties
by clogging wires and felts in the paper machines. Highly
colored waters have an adverse effect on paper brightness
and are particularly undesirable for white and dyed papers
as well as pulps. Control of pH of the water supply at the
mill is important to avoid corrosion of the equipment and
for effective use of fillers, sizes, and dyes in the process
To avoid some of the problems mentioned above, the
1967 Census of Manufacturers reported that in 1968 more than
one half of the water withdrawn for use by plants in the
pulp and paper industry utilizing more than 20 million
gallons per day was treated prior to use (Bureau of the
Census 1971).0 The treatment consisted of the various pro-
cesses shown in Table VI-14.
The source of water and its composition vary widely de-
pending on plant location. The treatment of the mill water
supply consequently varies. In general, however, TAPPI
TABLE VI-14-Water Treatment Processes-Paper and Allied
Process Billion gallons treated
Aeration.................................... 62.8
Coagulation................................. 821.8
Filtration................................... 890.4
Softening................................... 116.1
fon exchange................................ 53.5
Corrosion control............................ 187.5
pH adjustment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357.5
Settling..................................... 494.5
Other...................................... 93.1
Total................................. 1,311.4
Bureau of the Census 19715
Number of establishments
384/Section VI-Industrial Water Supplies
TABLE VI-15-Summary of TAPPI Specifications for
Chemical Composition of Process Water for
Kraft paper Groundwood Soda and
Substance-max ppm Fine paper papers sulfite pulp
Bleached Unbleached
Turbidity (SiO,) ................. 10 40 100 50 25
Color in platinum units ........... 5 25 100 30 5
Total hardness (CaCOa) .......... 100 100 200 200 100
Calcium hardness (CaCOa) ........ 50 50
Alkalinity lo M.O. (CaCOa) ... • .... 75 75 150 150 75
Iron (Fe) ....................... 0.1 0.2 1.0 0.3 0.1
Manganese ~Mn) ................ 0.03 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.05
Residual chlorine (CI,) ........... 2.0
Silica (soluble) (Si02) ........... 20 50 100 50 20
Total dissolved solids ............ 200 300 500 500 250
Free carbon dioxide (C02) ........ 10 10 to 10 10
Chlorides (CI) ............................... 200 200 75 75
Magnesium hardness (CaCOa) ................ 50
Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry 1957"
indicates that the chemical composltlon of process water
for use by the paper and allied products industry should
have the specifications shown in Table VI-15. The produc-
tion of some specialty papers, however, requires water of
considerably higher quality.
Description of the Industry
The chemical and allied products industry is quite com-
plex because of its wide range of products and processes.
This industry produces more than w;ooo commercial
products covering a broad range of uses. Most of the prod-
ucts are converted to another form by other industries be-
fore reaching the consumer. Thus, many are little known or
understood by the general public.
Processes Utilizing Water
The Bureau of the Census subdivides chemical and allied
products into 27 industries. Many of these are shown in
Table VI-16, along with estimates of the water intake for
process uses by each industry.
Water is essential to most of the processes used in chemical
manufacturing. It can be used to separate one chemical
from another or to remove a chemical from a gas stream.
It can be the medium in which a chemical reaction occurs.
It can be employed as a carrier to introduce materials into a
reaction system or to dissolve or wash impurities from a
product. It often is part of the final product. Water can also
be used in the vapor form as steam heat to facilitate chem-
ical reactions or process operations. It can be used in the
liquid form to remove heat generated by other chemical re-
actions or operations. Water is also the product of some
chemical reactions.
Generally, the minimum water quality required for a
specific process has been determined through experience
and is discussed below. In some cases the minimum quality
has never been establisheq because the available water in
use is acceptable and not necessarily the minimum quality
that can be used.
Significant Indicators of Water Quality
The number and diversity of manufacturing facilities in
the chemical and allied products industry and their wide-
spread geographical locations in the United States are such
that the waters used for process applications vary widely in
chemical constituents. Table VI-17 lists some of the quality
characteristics in raw water supplies that have been used to
provide water for process use in this industry. The figures in
Table VI-17 represent extremes, and no water would have
all the values shown.
Because of the multitude of products and processes in the
chemical industry, only general characteristics can be ap-
plied for process water quality required at the point of use.
The ranges of quality are so wide, even for similar products,
that specific characteristics are not meaningful. In the
manufacture of plastic materials and resins, for example,
some products require water equivalent to potable water
with a maximum total dissolved solids limit of 500 mg/1,
while other products require a high level of treatment (i.e.,
clarification, demineralization, sterilization, and membrane
filtration) with a maximum total solids limit well below
1 mg/l.
Low turbidity is the key quality requirement for most of
the process water used in the chemical and allied products
industries. Other general quality requirements may involve
TABLE VI-16-Process Water Intake by Chemical and Allied
Product Industries with Total Water Intake of 20 or
More bg During 1968
Process water intake•
SIC Industry group and industry
bg per cent
2£12 Alkalies and Chlorine .............................. . 18.9 2.6
2813 Industrial Gas ..................................... .. 5.3 0. 7
2815 Cyclic Intermediates and Crudes ......•................ 19.3 2.6
2816 Inorganic Pigments ................................. . 21.2 2.9
2818 Organic Chemicals, n.e.c.b ........................... . 394.0 53.7
2819 Inorganic Chemicals, n.e.c.b .......................... . 75.2 10.3
2821 Plastic Materials and Resins ........................ .. 50.9 6.9
2822 Synthetic Rubber ................................... . 15.1 2.1
2823 Cellulosic Man-made Fibers ......................... . 30.5 4.2
2824 Organic Fibers, noncellulosic ......................... . 7.7 1.0
2833 Medicinal$ and Botanicals ........................... . 2.7 0.4
2834 Pharmaceutical Preparations ......................... . 3.9 0.5
2841 Soap and Other Detergents .......................... . 1.9 0.3
2861 Gum and Wood Chemicals ........................... . 0.8 0.1
2871 FertiUzers ......................................... . 24.2 3.3
2892 Explosives ......................................... . 28.0 3.8
Subtotal ............................•........... 699.6 95.4
Nonlisted Industries ................................ . 33.8 4.6
28 Chemicals and Allied Products ...................... .. 733.4 100.0
• Not including use for sanitary, boiler feed, or cooling water purposes.
• Not elsewhere classified.
TABLE Vl-17-Qual#y Characteristics of Waters That Have
Been Used by the Chemical and Allied Products Industry
(Unless otherwise indicated, units are mg/1 and values are maximums. No one water will have all the maximum
values shown.)
Silica (SiO,) ....................................... .
Iron (Fe) .......................................... .
Manganese (Mn) .................................. .
Calcium (Ca) ....................................... .
Magnesium (Mg) ................................... .
Ammonia (NHa) .................................... .
Bicarbonate (H CO a) ................................ .
Sullate (SO.) ...................................... .
Chloride (CI) ....................................... .
Dissolved Solids .................................... .
Suspended Solids .................................. ..
Hardness (CaCOa) .................................. .
Alkalinity (CaCOa) .................................. .
pH, units .......................................... .
Color, units ........................................ .
Odor threshold number ............................. .
800(0,) ......................................... .
COD(O,) ......................................... .
Tempera ure ...................................... .
00(02) .......................................... .
• Accepted as received Of meeting other limiting values); has never been a problem at concentrations encountered.
ASTM 1970• or Standard Methods 1971"
total dissolved solids, hardness, alkalinity, iron, and
manganese. Where these latter requirements apply, they
generally fall in the range of the Drinking Water Standards
(U. S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public
Health Service 1962). 20 Thus, water from public and private
drinking water systems is widely used without further treat-
ment for process applications in the chemical industry. The
rigorous water quality requirements for certain products can
include nearly all of the characteristics used in describing
water quality; however, this high quality represents a very
small fraction of the industry's total water use for process
Table VI-18 shows an example of the quality of process
water at point of use in a large chemical plant that manu-
factures a wide variety of products. The distribution of
water processes used is not to be considered typical for the
industry. The table is presented to show the levels of treat-
TABLE Vl-18-Quality Characteristics of Process Water at
Point of Use in a Large Multiproduct Chemical Plant
Treatment process
Raw water (screened)• ............................ .
Clarification, filtration, and chlorination' ............. .
Softening Oon exchange)• ......................... .
Demineralization (lon exchange) ..................... .
Dissolved solids Hardness (mg/las
mg/1 CaCOa)
• Dissolved solids and hardness are actual values at this plant location. In most cases water of higher dissolved
solids (500 mgjl max) and higher hardness (250 mg/1 max) would be acceptable.
'Turbidity less than one unit
' Includes steam and boiler feed water used in processes.
Major Industrial Uses of Water/385
ment applied in merely one multiproduct plant. The pro-
cess water usage in that plant is 1.2 gallons per pound of
product. This is only 2 per cent of the plant's gross water
usage; cooling water accounts for all but a slight amount of
the balance.
Water Treatment Processes
The normal water purification process for raw surface
water supplies usually involves clarification (coagulation,
sedimentation, filtration). This may be supplemented by
softening, demineralization, and other special treatment
processes. However, most of the treatment methods shown
in Figure VI-1 could be used.
In many cases waters from public supplies or from private
wells are acceptable as received and are used without treat-
ment. This constitutes a large portion of the total process
water used in the chemical industry.
Generally, the cost of process water treatment is a small
part of the overall cost of manufacturing in the chemical
industry because of the modest water quality requirements
acceptable for many process uses. By contrast, certain pro-
cesses require exceedingly high-quality water resulting in
water treatment costs that can be more than a significant
share of the manufacturing costs.
Description of the Industry
The principal use of water iri the petroleum industry is in
refining. Other operations, such as crude oil production
and marketing, rely on water but do not use significant
amounts. Some water is used in the exploration branch for
drilling wells and some is used in the operation of natural
gasoline plants, but the amount is insignificant in relation
to that used for the refining process.
Refinery Water Consumption Trends
The 1967 Census of Manufacturers (Bureau of the Census
1971)5 indicated a gross water use (including recycle) of
7,290 bg. This represented an 18 per cent increase over the
1964 usage. However, the water intake to refineries report-
ing both in 1964 and 1967 was indicated to be 1,400 bg.
This stable demand can be attributed to the increased use
of air for cooling purposes, resulting from increasingly
scarce fresh water. In addition, the growing cost of water
quality improvement prior to use and prior to final dis-
posal encourages conservation and reuse. Of those refineries
included in the 1967 census report, 91 per cent are reusing
The total discharge from these refineries was about
1,210 bg, a 7 per cent decrease from 1964.
About 13 per cent of the total water intake by refineries
comes from public water supplies, and the remaining 87 per
cent comes from company-owned facilities. The company-
owned water supply comes from surface (53 per cent),
386/Section VI-Industrial Water Supplies
TABLE Vl-19-Summary of Specific Quality Characteristics
of Surface Waters That Have Been Used as Sources for
Petroleum Water Suppties
smca (SiD,) ......•••...•.•...•.•.....••...•.•.....••.......
lron(Fe) ....•.....••....•••..........••....••...........•.•
Calcium (Ca) .........••..•..•.......•..•.•.....•............
Magnesium (M&) .................•.•.•.....•................
Sodium and Potassium (Na and K) .••.•.•.••.••••....••...•.•.
Ammonia (NHa) ...••........•.....•....•........•........•..
Bicarbonate (HCOa) .............•..........•...........•.....
Sulfate (SO,) ..................•..............•........••...
Chloride (CI) .........•.....•...•.•..........................
Fluoride (F) ..•............•.......................... · · · · · •
Nitrate (NOa) .................•...........•.. , .... · · · · · · · · · ·
Dissolved Solids ...•............••..................•........
Suspended Solids ................•...................•.......
Hardness (CaCOa) ..••.....•.•...•.•...•.•.............•...•.
Alkafinity (CaCOa) ....•.............•........................
pH, umts ...................................•............•..
Color, units ............................•...........•........
Chemical Oxygen Demand (0,) ....................•..........
Hydrogen Sulfide (H,S) ......•......•.......•.....•..........
Concentration m&/1
ground (9 per cent), and tidewater (38 per cent). The use
of ground water is being phased out in many .locations in
favor of impounded surface water. The quality character-
istics of surface waters treated to produce waters acceptable
for process use are given in Table VI-19.
Processes Utilizing Water
Of the total water intake to all refineries, 86 per cent is
used for heat removal by either once-through or recirculat-
ing cooling systems, 7 per cent is used for steam generation
and sanitary purposes, and 7 per cent for processing. The
water distribution in a hypothetical refinery limited to fresh-
water makeup is shown in Figure VI-2. Here, the distribu-
tion is about 56 per cent for cooling, 24 per cent for boilers
and sanitary purposes, and 20 per cent for processing. These
values differ from the overall average, because the cooling
water is circulated.
Process Water Properties
Process water used in refineries may be characterized by
the physical and chemical properties of the water. The rele-
vant properties are described in the following paragraphs
and in Table VI-20.
A. Inorganic salts that cause deposition and corrosion
can be removed from crude oil by a solvent action. Desalt-
ing by intimate contact with water is the preferred method.
Oil products are frequently purified by washing with acid
or caustic solution; diluent water and afterwash water is
used in these processes. Catalytic cracking produces quanti-
ties of ammonia and carbon dioxide that form deposits
unless water is injected into the system to keep them in solu-
B. To transfer heat in numerous operations, barometric
condensers are used to create low pressure conditions in
fractional distillation. Some catalytic processes require
quenching of furnace effluents. Hot water is sometimes
pumped through pipelines to facilitate the transfer of high-
viscosity petroleum products.
C. Chemical reactions can occur in process water. When
quicklime is used in water softening, water enters into the
slaking process. At certain times in platforming, water is
introduced to chemically condition the catalyst.
D. Water used merely as a carrier must be considered,
such as in the periodic cleaning of the plant or in transport-
ing solids through pipelines.
E. Kinetic energy in the form of hydraulically operated
cutters is used in decoking furnaces and descaling boiler
tubes. Hydraulically operated brushes are used to clean
condenser tubes.
F. Some· processes use more than one of these properties
simultaneously; e.g., water can be introduced into frac-
tionator overhead lines both as a solvent and as a carrier.
Ion exchange backwash also relies on these two properties of
TABLE Vl-20-Process Water Uses in Oil Refineries
Washing ...................... .
Desalting ..............•........
Barometric condenser ........... .
Caustic dilutant. .•.•............
Absorber injection .............. .
Flue Gas quench ...............•
Water wash after caustic ........ .
Tank ballast. ..................•
Furnace quench ..............•.•
Fractionator O.H. injection ...... .
Pipelines ..................•....
Ume slaking ................... .
lon exchange backwash .........•
Quantity used gallbbl•
Property (see above)
Treatment (see page 387) Recommendations
Recycled plant eHiuent is satisfactiJY.
Precipitation of calcium and magnesium salts are undesirable in this process.
Recycled plant effluent may be satisfactory. Caution should be exercised because components in the
effluent can react with components in the gaseous material being condensed. These reactions, oc·
curring in intimate contact with water, can result in the formation of stable emulsions and/or calcium
soaps, which would require downstream chemical treatment
Calcium, magnesium, carbonate, and bicarbonates are undesirable.
Calcium salts are undesirable.
Deionized water or steam condensate must be used in this process.
Calcium and magnesium salts are undesirable.
Sea water is satisfactory.
Recycled steam condensate employed for this process.
Deionized water or steam condensate must be employed in this process.
Raw water supply with Ryznar Index adjusted below 6.0.
Raw water supply satisfactory. Recycled plant effluent not satisfactory.
Raw water supply or ion exchanged water, depending upon type ol ion exchange.
• Gallons ol water per barrel of crude oil processed. Refinery capacities are in the range ol20,000 to 180,00 barrels of crude oil per day.
Process Water Treatment
The treatments of refinery process water before use gen-
erally fall into three categories. These are shown below and
in Table VI-20.
l. No treatment needed. The dissolved and suspended
solids are limited only by the restrictions on the plant
Total (850 )
water ~·~------------------~
Evaporation l
Major Industrial Uses of Water/387
effluent. In many instances, the plant waste discharge can
be recycled.
2. Some treatment, external or internal, needed. Some
normal constituents of water undergo physicochemical
changes, e.g., calcium carbonate is precipitated by heat.
These must be removed or neutralized.
3. Complete of removal solids needed. Usually, these
Figures m 1 ,OOO's gallons water/day
cooling water
Process water
to waste
to waste
Steam lost
FIGURE VI-2--Water Distribution in a Hypothetical $55 Million Refinery That Processes 50,000 bbl./Day of Crude (Courtesy
of Chemical Engineering Magazine)
388/Section VI-Industrial Water Supplies
waters are vaporized and any water soluble salts remaining
are undesirable. These waters may be d-eionized water or
steam condensate.
Description of the Industry
The primary metals industrial group is defined in the
SIC Manual as those "establishments engaged in the smelt-
ing and refining of ferrous and nonferrous metals from ore,
pig, or scrap; in the rolling, drawing, and alloying of fer-
rous and nonferrous metals; in the manufacture of castings,
forgings, and other basic products of ferrous and nonferrous
metals; and in the manufacture of nails, spikes, and insu-
lated wire and cable. The major group also includes the
production of coke." (U. S. Executive Office of the Presi-
dent, Bureau of the Budget 1967).22
Process water utilization by the primary metals industry
as given in the 1967 Census of Manufacturers (Bureau of the
Census 1971)5 is summarized in Table VI-21. The produc-
tion of iron and steel utilized almost 88 per cent of all pro-
cess water used by the industry. For this reason, water
quality requirements have been included only for this seg-
ment of the industry.
Processes Utilizing Water
The iron and steel industry as defineq for this report
includes pig iron production, coke production, steel making,
rolling operations, and those finishing operations common to
steel mills, such as coke reduction, tin plating, and galvaniz-
ing. Although many steel companies operate mines for ore
and coal, this Section does not dismiss ore beneficiation
plants, coal cleaning plants, or fabricating plants for a
variety of specialty steel products.
Most of the iron and steel making facilities in the United
States are centered in integrated plants. These have gen-
erally been located in the Midwest and East where major
water sources are available. A few mills have been built in
water-short areas because of economic advantages that
outweighed the increased cost of recirculating water. The
major processes involved in the manufacture of steel require
process water, some in several ways. The succeeding para-
TABLE VI-21-Process Water Utilization
Iron and steel production ............................ .
Iron and sleelfoundries ............................. .
Copper industry .................................... .
Aluminum industry ................................. .
All olher primary metal industries .................... .
Total process water, primary metals ............. .
Bureau of the Census 19715
3331; 3351
3334; 3352
Process water used, 1968
graphs present a brief description of the process and the
process use of water.
The production of coke involves the heating of coal in the
absence of air to rid the coal of tar and other volatile
products. Process water is used in the direct cooling of the
incandescent coke after removal from the coke oven in a
process called coke quenching. This quenching process is
nothing more than dousing the coke with copious amounts
of water.
Pig iron production is accomplished in the blast furnace.
Process water is used to cool or quench the slag when it is
removed from the furnace. The major use of process water
in the blast furnace is for gas cleaning in wet scrubbers.
Steel is manufactured in open hearth or basic oxygen fur-
naces. Process water may be used in gas cleaners for either
of these furnaces.
The major products of the steel making processes are
ingots. Ingots, after temperature conditioning, are rolled
into blooms, slabs, or billets depending upon the final
product desired. These shapes are referred to as semifinished
steel. Water is used for cooling and lubricating the rolls.
These semifinished products are used in finishing mills to
produce a variety of products such as plates, rails, struc-
tural shapes, bars, wire, tubes, and hot strip. Hot strip is a
major product, and the manufacturing process for this item
will be briefly described.
The continuous hot strip mill receives temperature condi-
tioned slabs from reheating furnaces. Oxide scale is loosened
from the slabs by mechanical action and removed by high
pressure jets of water prior to a rough rolling stand, which
produces a section that can be further reduced by the finish-
ing stand of rollers. A second scale breaker and series of
high pressure water sprays precede this stand of rolls in
which final size reductions are made. Cooling water is used
after rolling for cooling the strip prior to coiling. Most hot-
rolled strip is pickled by passing the strip through solutions
of mineral acids and inhibitors. The strip is then rinsed with
Much hot-rolled strip is further reduced in thickness into
cold rolls in which the heat generated by working the metal
is dissipated by water sprays. Palm oil or synthetic oils are
added to the water for lubrication. After cold reduction, the
strip is often cleaned by using an alkaline wash and rinse.
Tin plate is made from cold-rolled strip by either an
electrolytic or hot-dip process, more commonly by the
former. The electrolytic process consists of cleaning the strip
using alkaline cleaners, rinsing with water, light pickling,
rinsing, plating, rinsing, heat treating, cooling with water
(quenching), drying, and coating with oil. The galvanizing
or coating of steel strip with various other products is car-
ried out basically by the same general scheme as tinning.
The volume of water used in the manufacture of steel is a
variable that depends on the quantity and quality of the
available water supply. The quantity presently being used
varies from a minimum of about 1,500 gal/ton of product,
where water i~ reus<:;d intensively, to about 65,000 gal/ton,
where water is used on only a once-through basis. Both of
these figures include total water utilized, not just process
water. These figures contrast the range of water intake be-
tween plants in areas having extremely limited water sup-
plies and those in areas with almost unlimited water sup-
Data on the amount of process water required as com-
pared with other water uses indicate that only 24 per cent
of the water taken into a steel plant is termed process water
(Bureau of the Census 1971). 5 Representatives of. the in-
dustry have indicated that process water may account for as
much as 30 to 40 per cent of the total water intake.
Recycling of water is receiving much attention from the
industry as a method to reduce water utilization, reduce
stream pollution, and minimize the cost of controlling this
pollution. Although individual plants within the iron and
steel industry have been practicing reuse of water to varying
degrees for some years, the major changes are yet to come.
According to the 1967 Census qf Manufacturers (Bureau of the
Census 1971),5 the gross water used in the iron and steel
industry (SIC 331) in 1968 was approximately 6,500 billion
gallons. This gross water use when compared with a water
intake of about 4,400 billion gallons indicates that 2,100
billion gallons were reused. This quantity reflects total water
reuse, not just of process water. The consumption of water
by the industry amounted to approximately 263 billion
gallons in 1968. (No corresponding calculation cari be made
because no data on process water discharge are available.)
Significant Indicators of Water Quality
The quality of surface waters that are being utilized by
the iron and steel industry varies considerably from plant
to plant. The desired quality of water for various process
TABLE 22-Quality Requirements of Water at Point of Use
for the Iron and Steel Industry (SIC 33)
(Unless otherwise indicated, units are mg/1 and values that normally should not be exceeded. Table indicates quality
of the water prior to the addition of substances used lor internal conditioning.)
Quenching, Selected rinse waters
Characteristics hot rolling, Cold rolling
gas cleaning Partially Softened Demineralized
Settleable solids .............. 100 5.0 5.0 0.1
Suspended solids ............. (a) 10 5.0 0.1
Dissolved solids .............. (a) (a) (a) 0.5
Alkalinity (CaCOa) ............ (b) (b) (b) 0.5
Hardness (CaCOa) ............ (b) (b) 100 0.1
pH, units .................... 5-9 5-9 6-9 (d)
Chloride (CI) ................. (a) (a) (a) 0.1
Dissolved Oxygen (02) ........ (c) (c) (c) (c)
Temperature, F .............. 100 100 100 100
Oil .......................... (a) 1.0 1.0 0.02
• Accepted as received if meeting other limiting values: has never been a problem at concentrations encountered.
b Controlled by treatment lor other constituents.
' Minimum to maintain aerobic conditions.
d Concentration not known.
ASTM 1970' or Standard Methods 1971"
Major Industrial Uses qf Water/389
uses is difficult to define.. For a few processes using relatively
small quantities of water, limits on some constituents are
known. For most of the process water used, however, only a
few of the water quality characteristics have been recog-
nized as a cause of operational problems. For the other
characteristics or properties neither the technological nor
economical limits are known. (However, the quality of the
water available has been much less important than the
quantity in determining where a steel mill should be built.)
Ranges of values for the selected quality characteristics for
existing supplies are listed in Table VI-22. The water qual-
ity indicators that are considered important to the industry
are settleable, suspended, and dissolved solids; acidity and
alkalinity; hardness; pH; chlorides; dissolved oxygen;
temperature; oil; and floating materials.
Water Treatment Processes
Most integrated steel plants have two or more process
water systems. One system is the general plant water supply.
It receives only mechanical skimming and straining for
control of floating and suspended materials that could harm
pumps and possibly internal conditioning. This water is
used for such diverse tasks as coke quenching, slag quench-
ing, gas cleaning, and in the hot-rolling operations. For
some of these operations, many mills use effluent from
another process or recycle water in the same process, and
the water might actually be of very poor quality. However,
the only limits for these process uses which could be estab-
lished based on present knowledge are those listed in
Table VI-22. The other process waters used by the steel
industry comprise only 2 to 5 per cent of the total volume
but often require considerably improved quality.
Almost universally, one of these two improved supplies is
clarified while the second is, in addition, either softened or
demineralized. The clarified water is usually a coagulated,
settled, and filtered supply that is either treated by the steel
company or purchased from a municipality. The use for
this water is mainly in the cold-rolling or reduction mill
where surface properties of the product are particularly
The softened or demineralized water is required for rinse
waters following some pickling and cleansing operations.
The more particular processes from a water quality point of
view are the coating operations, such as tin plating, gal-
vanizing, and organic coating. Some plants use softened
and others demineralized water for identical purposes. The
quality limits desired for these two types of water, softened
and demineralized, are given in Table VI-22.
Description of the Industry
The U. S. canning industry is comprised of about 1,700
canneries. These plants produce some 1,400 canned food
items such as fruits, vegetables, juices, juice drinks, seafoods,
390/Section VI-Industrial Water Supplies
meats, soups, and specialty products. In 1970, canned foods
amounted to about 28 billion pounds packed in 938 million
standard cases. The quantities of the m;jor products are:
vegetables, 294 million cases; fruits, 153 million cases; juices,
130 million cases; fish, 26 million cases.
Processes Utilizing Water
One of the most important operations in commercial
canning is thorough cleaning of the raw foods. The pro-
cedures of cleaning vary with the nature of the food, but all
raw foods must be freed of adhering soil, dried juices, in-
sects, and chemical residues. This is accomplished by sub-
jecting the raw foods to high-pressure water sprays while
being conveyed on moving belts or passed through revolv-
ing screens. The wash water may be fresh or reclaimed from
an in-plant operation, but it must contain no chemicals or
other materials in concentrations that adversely affect the
quality or wholesomeness of the food product.
Washed raw products are transported to and from the
various operations by means of belts, flumes, and pumping
systems. These involve major uses of water. Although the
freshwater makeup must be of potable quality, recirculation
is practiced to reduce water intake. Chlorination is used to
maintain recycled waters in a sanitary condition.
Another major use of water is for rinsing chemically
peeled fruits and vegetables to remove excess peel and caus-
tic residue. Water of potable quality must be used in the
final rinsing operation.
Green vegetables are immersed in hot water, exposed to
live steam or other sources of heat to inactivate enzymes
and to wilt leafy vegetables, thus facilitating their filling
into cans or jars. Blanching waters are recirculated, but
makeup waters must be of potable quality. Steam genera-
tion, representing about 15 per cent of water intake, when
used for blancing or injection into the product must be pro-
duced from potable waters free of volatile or toxic com-
pounds. Syrup, brine, or water used as a packing medium
must be of high quality and free of chlorine.
After heat processing, the cans or jars are cooled with
large volumes of water. This water must be chlorinated to
prevent spoilage of the canned foods by microorganisms in
case cooling water is aspirated during formation of a vacuum
in the can.
Figure VI-3 shows a flow sheet of the various uses of
water and origin of waste streams.
Most fruit and vegetable canning, as opposed to canning
of specialty products, is highly seasonal. The demand for
water may vary l 00-fold throughout the months of the
year. The water-demand variation may be severalfold
even for plants that pack substantial quantities of non-
seasonal items.
The gross quantities of water used per ton of product
vary widely among products, among canneries, and during
years in the same cannery. The proportion of gross water
supplied by recirculation has increased over the years, and
Raw Product
' Liquid Waste
FIGURE VI-3-Uses of Water in Food Canning Industry
TABLE VI-23-Gross Water Intake (annual use over 20 mg)
' for Canning Plants
Item Water quantity (bgy)
Intake................................... 59
Reuse................................... 35
Consumption............................. 6
DiRharge................................ 53
Percent of intake quantity
the trend is expected to continue. A tendency has .been
noted to use more water per ton of product as the proportion
of recirculated water increases. New methods of processing
are being evaluated that will reduce the amount of water
being used for a given operation and will discharge less
organic matter into the wastewater. The trend toward more
recirculation of water will continue to increase. As recircu-
lation increases, methods will be employed to improve the
quality of the recirculated water and to reduce the amount
of fresh water added to the system. Unfortunately, the
maximum use of reclaimed water is hindered by specific
federal and state regulations originally adopted for other
guiding principles that do not now necessarily apply. ·
The same problem occurs with water conservation,
whereby regulations in certain instances demand fixed
volumes of water use that, because of process and equip-
ment changes, are no longer necessary.
Table VI-23, gives the rate of gross water intake as based
on the 1967 Census of Manufacturers (Bureau of the Census
1971)5 for canning plants.
A breakdown of the quantities and percentages of the
total water used in the various process operations based on
data from the National Canners Association is as follows,
Table VI-24.
TABLE VI-24-Total Water Use in Canning Plants
In-plant use Water quantity (bgy)
Raw product washing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14. 1
Producttransport•......................... 9.4
Product preparation•....................... 9.4
Incorporation in product•. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. 6
Steam and water sterilization of containers... 14.1
Container cooling.......................... 33.9
Plant cleanup............................. 7.5
• Fluming and pumping of raw product
• Blanching, heating, and soaking of product
• Preparation of syrups and brines that enter the container.
Significant Indicators of Water Quality
Percent oltotal use
Of the 48 billion gallons of water intake for canned and
cured seafoods and canned fruits and vegetables 24 billion
gallons were drawn from public surface water supplies and
more than 20 billion gallons from groundwater sources.
Approximately 4 billion gallons came from private surface
water supplies.
Major Industrial Uses of Water/391
The quality of raw waters for use in the food canning
industry should be that prescribed in Section II on Public
Water Supplies in this Report.
Table VI-25 has been prepared to indicate the quality
characteristics of raw waters that are now being treated for
use as process waters in food canning plants. The values
given are not intended to imply that better quality waters
are not desirable or that poorer quality waters could not be
used in specific cases. Significant water quality require-
ments for water at point of use are given in Table VI-26.
Although the quality characteristics indicated in Table
VI-26 may be desirable, it is recognized that many sources
of water supplies contain chemicals and other materials in
excess of the indicated levels, but with advance treatment
these waters may also provide any quality desired at a price.
If the water needs of the nation are projected into the
future, the time may come when a completely closed-cycle
system will be required in some areas. This means that the
waste effluent from a food plant may have to be treated to
achieve a high quality water for reuse.
Water Treatment Processes
Surface waters used by the food canning industry require
treatment before use as process waters. Usually, this treat-
ment involves coagulation, sedimentation, filtration, and
disinfection. More extensive treatment may be required for
those waters incorporated in the product.
Container cooling waters are routinely treated by heavy
chlorination to render them free of significant types of hac-
TABLE VI-25-Quality Characteristics of Surface Waters That
Have Been Used by the Food Canning Industry
(Unless otherwise indicated, units are mg/1 and values are maximums.)
Alkalinity (CaCDa) ...................................•
pH, units ........................................... .
Hardness (CaCDa) ................................... .
Calcium (Ca) ........................................ .
Chlorides (CI) .......... ·-........................... .
Sulfates (SD,) ....................................... .
Iron (Fe) .........................•..................
Manganese (Mn) ....................................•
Silica (SiD,) dissolved ............................... .
Phenols ... · ......................................... .
Nitrate (NDa) ....................................... .
Nitrite (ND,) ....................................... .
Fluoride (F) ........................................•
Organics: carbon chloroform extract ................... .
Chemica I oxygen demand (0,) ........................ .
Odor, threshold number .............................. .
Taste, threshold number ............................. .
Color, units ......................................... .
Dissolved solids ..................................... .
Suspended solids .................................... .
Coliform, counl/100 mi. .............................. .
Concentration mg/1
• As speciOed in Water Quatity Recommendations for Pubtic Water Supp(J in this Report
• Accepted as received (if meeting other limiting values); has never been a problem at concentrations encountered
• Not detectable by tell
ASTM 1970• or Standard Methods1971."
392/Section VI-Industrial Water Supplies
TABLE Vl-26-Quality Requirements of Water at Point of
Use by the Canned, Dried, and Frozen Fruits and
Vegetables Industry ..
(Unless otherwise indicated, units are mg/1 and values that normally should not be exceeded. The Table indicates
quality of water prior to the addition of substances used lor internal conditioning.)
Acidity (H,so,) ..................................... .
Alkalinity (CaCOa) ................................... .
pH, units ........................................... .
Hardness (CaCOa) ................................... .
Calcium (Ca) ........................................ .
Chlorides (CI) ....................................... .
Sulfates (SO,) ...................................... .
Iron (Fe) ........................................... .
Manganese (Mn) .................................... .
Chlorine (CI) ........................................ .
Fluorides (F) ........................................ .
Sifica (SiD,) ........................................ .
Phenols ............................................ .
Nitrates (NOa) ...................................... .
Nitriles(NO,) ...................................... .
Carbon tetrachloride extractables .................... .
Odor, threshold number ............................ .
last~. threshold number ............................ .
Turbidity ......................................... .
Color, units ....................................... .
Dissolved solids ..................................... .
Suspended solids .................................... .
Coliform, counlj100 mi ............................... .
Total bacteria, counl/100 mi. ......................... .
Canned specialties (SIC 2032)
Canned fruits and vegetables (SIC 2033)
Dried fruits and vegetables (SIC 2032)
Frozen fruits and vegetables (SIC 2037)
1 (b)
(3, 4)
10 (b)
0.2 (e)
• Process waters lor food canning are purposely chlorinated to a selected, uniform level. An unchlorinaled supplY
must be available lor preparali on of canning syrups.
• Waters used in the processing and formulation of foods lor babies should be low in fluorides concentration. Be-
cause high nitrate intake is alleged to be involved in infant illnesses, the concentration of nitrates in waters used lor
processing baby foods should be low.
' Not detectable by test.
• Because chlorination of food processing waters is a desirable and widespread practice, the phenol content of
intake waters must be considered. Phenol and chlorine in water can react to form chlorophenol, which even in trace
amounts can impart a medicinal off-flavor to foods.
• Maximum permissible concentration may be lower depending on type of substance and its effect on odor and
J As required by U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Pubfic Health Service (1962'0).
a The total bacterial count must be considered as a quality requirement lor waters used in certain food processing
operations. Other than aesthetic considerations, high bacterial concentration in waters coming in contact with frozen
foods may significantly increase the count per gram for the food. Waters used to cool heat-sterilized cans or jars of
food must be low in total count for bacteria to prevent serious spoilage due to aspiration of organisms through con-
tainer seams. Chlorination is widely practiced to assure low bacterial counts on container cooling waters.
ASTM 1970• or Standard Methods 1971"
teria. Waters used for washing and transporting raw foods
are generally chlorinated, particularly if all or a portion
of the water is recirculated. In some cases, waters in which
vegetables are blanched may require treatment to reduce
Description of the Industry
Since 1954 there has been a marked reduction in the
number of plants producing soft drinks-from 5,469 in
1954 with a production of 1,176,674,000 cases to 3,230 in
1969 with a production of 2,913,110,000 cases (National
Soft Drink Association).* It is obvious that numerous small
plants have been discontinued as producing units. This trend
Processes Utili:z:ing Water
In the production of soft drinks, water is used not only in
the finished product itself but also for washing containers,
cleaning production equipment, cooling refrigeration and
air compressors, plant clean-up, truck washing, sanitary
purposes (restrooms and showers), lawn watering, low-
pressure heating boilers, and air conditioning.
Estimates of the total water quantities utilized in the soft
drink industry for all purposes are: intake, approximately
18 bgy; recycle, 4 bgy; consumption, 4 bgy; and discharge,
14 bgy (Bureau of the Census 1971).5
The figure of 18 bgy intake is based upon production ot
2.9 billion cases per year and an average of 6 gallons ot
water used per case by the 130 largest plants surveyed that
represent only 5 per cent of the plants in the industry. (The
figure of 6 gallons per case is based on the limited data now
The 7967 Census of Manufacturers lists the gross water usage
in 1968, including recycle, as 9 billion gallons and total
water intake as 8 billion gallons (Bureau of the Census
1971).0 The reuse of water within the industry has for some
years increased and is still increasing as the older and
smaller plants are replaced by new and larger plants that
use recirculating rather than once-through cooling water
equipment, modern bottle washers that use less water per
case than older equipment and other devices. The increased
use of nonreturnable containers in recent years has resulted
in lower quantities of water used for bottle washing.
The consumption figure of 4 billion gallons is based upon
the water content of the total quantity of beverage pro-
duced in 1968.
The discharge figure of 14 billion gallons is the difference
between the estimated 18 billion gallons of intake and the
4 billion gallons of product water.
Significant Indicators of Water Quality
Water that is mixed with flavoring materials to produce
the final product must be potable. Likewise, potable .water
is needed for washing fillers, syrup lines, and other product
handling equipment. The water used for washing product
containers must also be potable. Although other water
uses do not require potability, it has not been customary to
use nonpotable water for any purpose in a soft drink plant.
The water that becomes a part of the final product must
not only be potable, but must also contain no substances
that will alter the taste, appearance, or shelflife of the bever-
age (Table VI-27). Because beverages are made from many
* A case is defined as 24 bottles each containing 8 ounces of beverage.
In the above figures, bottles larger or smaller than 8 ounces have been
converted to 8 ounce equivalents.
TABLE VI-27-Quality Requirements of Water at Point of
Use by the Soft Drink Industry (SIC 2086)•
(Unless otherwise indicated, units are mg/1 and values that normally should not be exceeded. The.Table indicates
the quality ol water prior to the addition of substances used lor internal conditioning.)
Alkalinity (CaCOa) ...................................•
pH, umts .................... , ...................... .
Hardness (CaCOa) ................................... .
Chlorides (CI) ....................................... .
SuHates (Sih) ....................................... .
Iron (Fe) ........................................... .
Manganese (Mn) .................................... .
Fluoride (F) ............•............•....•.......•.•
Total dissolved solids ...................•.............
Organics, CCE ...................................... .
Coliform ba ;leria .................................... .
Color, units .................•........................
Taste .............................................. .
Odor ............................................... .
Concontrati on mg/1
500 (c)
500 (c)
0.2 (e)
5 .
• The more important parameters are listed. Although not included in the table, all Drinking Water Standards
(U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service 1962)" lor potability apply.
• Controlled by treatment lor other constituents.
· II present with equivalent quantities of Mg and Ca as sulfates and chlorides, the permissible limit may be some-
what below 500 mg/1.
• Not greater than PHS Drinking Water Standards (1962)".
•In general, public water supplies are coagulated, chlorinated, and filtered through sand and granular activated
carbon to insure very low organic content and freedom from taste and odor.
I Not detectable by test.
ASTM 1970• or Standard Methods 1971".
different syrup bases, however, the concentration and type
of substances that affect taste, or other characteristics, are
not the same for all beverages. For this reason, a single
standard cannot apply to all types of soft:drinks.
The majority of plants use only water from a public sup-
ply. Some use water from private wells. None use water
directly from surface sources. The quality characteristics
for intake water are essentially the same as requirements for
potable water.
Water Treatment Processes
There are few, if any, public water supplies that are
suitable as product water without some in-plant processing.
Almost l 00 per cent of the bottling plants have as minimum
treatment sand filtration and activated carbon purification.
About 80 per cent of the plants also coagulate and super-
chlorinate the water preceding sand filtration and carbon
purification. When the total alkalinity of the intake water is
too high, lime is used to precipitate the alkaline salts.
There are very few bottling plants whose intake water is
so highly mineralized that the brackish taste affects soft
drinks. Among the reasons are the facts that flavoring com.:.
ponents in soft drinks mask the taste of many brackish
waters without altering the taste of the drink and that
towns with highly mineralized water supplies are either
avoided as locations for bottling plants or suitable private
supplies are used.
Uniformity of water composition is most desirable. Con-
trol of in-plant processing is difficult when the composition
of the water varies from day to day. Surface waters that are
Major Industrial Uses of Water /393
subject to heavy biological gr~wths or heavy pollution from
organic chemicals are also. difficult to process.
Except for process water, most public water supplies are
suitable for all other usages without external treatment.
Occasionally, cation exchangers are used to soften water
for bottle washing, cooling, and boiler feed water, but in-
ternal conditioning is used in most plants for scale and
corrosion control.
Description of the Industry
The leather tanning industry is many industries, as each
type of leather constitutes a different process. Basically,
there are only three or four types of tannage (vegetable,
mineral, combination of vegetable-mineral, and synthetics)
but many finishing processes.
Processes Utilizing Water
Water is used in all processes of storage, sorting, trim-
ming, soaking, green fleshing, unhairing, neutralizing,
pickling, tanning, retanning, fat-liquoring, drying, and
finishing of the hides. It is an essential factor in each
process. The chemical composition of the water is considered
critical in obtaining the desired quality of leather. There is
limited reuse of process water in the tanning industry.
Data on water utilization by the leather tanning and
finishing industry as reported in the 1967 Census of Manu-
facturers (Bureau of the Census 1971)5 includes 14.8 bgy
intake, 3. 7 bgy reuse and recirculation, and 0.8 bgy con-
TABLE VI-28-Quality Requirements of Water at Point of
Use by Leather Tanning and Finishing Industry
(SIC 3111)
(Unless otherwise indicated, units are mg/1 and values that normally should not be exceeded. Table indicates
the quality of water prior to addition of substances used lor internal conditioning.)
Alkalinity (CaCOs) ...................... .
pH, units .............................. .
Hardness (CaCOa) ...................... .
Calcmm (Ca) .......................... .
Chloride (CI) ........................... .
Sulfate (SO,) .......................... .
Iron (Fe) .............................. .
Manganese (Mn) ....................... .
Organics: carbon chloroform extract ...... .
Color, units ............................ .
Coliform bacteria ....................... .
Turbidity ..............................•
Tanning processes General finishing
(c, i)
(c, d)
. (c)
• Accepted as received (if meeting other listed limiting values); has never been a problem at concentrations
• Lime softened.
• Not detectable by lest
d Demineralized or distilled water.
• Concentration not known at which problems occur.
I PHS Drinking Water Standards (1962).••
ASTM 197114 or Standard Methods 1971"
394/Section VI-Industrial Water Supplies
Significant Indicators of Water Quality
The chemical composition of the wliter is important in
producing high-quality leather. For some processes, such as
the finishing of leather, distilled or demineralized water is
best. The microbiological content of the water is equally im-
portant, but this can be controlled by use of disinfectants.
The quality requirements at point of use are shown in Table
Water Treatment Processes
Most tanning and leather product industries are located
in urban areas and use public water supplies or ground
water. A few tanneries use surface supplies, usually chlori-
nated. They may also need additional treatment such as
clarification, and iron and manganese removal.
A limited volume of water, whether from the public
water supply or company-owned systems, may be softened,
distilled, or demineralized.
Description of the Industry lndustrial usage of the
term mining is broad and includes mining operations and
quarrying; extraction of minerals, petroleum, and natural
gas; well operations and milling (e.g., crushing, screening,
washing, froth flotation); and other processing used to
render minerals marketable.
Processes Utilizing Water Mining operations are
numerous, and many of them involve the use of water.
However, the amount of water used is often relatively small,
or its use is simply that of providing a suspending medium
(as in coal washing) with minimal requirements of water
quality. The principal consideration in these operations is
that water acidity be relatively low so that corrosion of
equipment is kept to a minimum.
On the other hand, a number of the operations involved
in this general category require the use of large quantities of
water with certain quality requirements relating to im-
purity, type,' and level. These operations are froth flotation,
mine dump leaching, and secondary oil recovery. With re-
gard to froth flotation, an operation extensively used to re-
cover valuable minerals from low-grade ores, large ton-
nages of material are processed each day. For example, in
one large plant, 100,000 tons of copper ore per day are
treated for recovery of copper sulfide. Generally, flotation is
carried out at approximately 25 per cent solids by weight,
and freshwater makeup constitutes about 25 per cent of the
total water requirement. In such systems, water is normally
recycled so that the impurity level of both inorganic and
organic constituents builds up with repeated reuse. It is not
possible to list maximal limits of impurity levels for such
waters, but the levels found in the processing water of one
operating plant (i.e., a copper sulfide concentrator) are
TABLE Vl-29-Analysis of Typical Freshwater Makeup and
Process Water for a Copper Sulfide Concentrator
Constituent (mg/1)
Water type
H Ca M 0 so., Cl TDS pH•
Freshwater makeup .. 100 87 104 18 8 140 8.0
Process water ....... 1530 1510 415 345 1634 12 2100 11.7
• H is total hardness expressed as CaCOa; Ca is total calcium hardness expressed as CaCOa; M is total alkalinity
expressed as CaCOa; 0 is total hydrate expressed as CaCOa; so, is total sulfate; Cl is total chloride; TDS is total
dissolved solids.
listed in Table VI-29. Also listed is the analysis of the fresh-
water makeup that is added to the recycled water. This com-
bination provides the total process water used for this plant.
This fresh water is excellent for flotation. The actual
process water used can probably be best described as one
bordering on being problematic. The high Ca++ concentra-
tion together with the high content of hydroxides of heavy
metals (column 0) place this water in this category.
Another process that is used extensively in the industry is
the leaching of mine waste for recovery of copper. Large
quantities of leach solution-approximately 225 million
gallons per day-are added to properties located in this
country. Most of the properties are located in arid areas,
so that water reuse is mandatory. Solutions returned to the
mine dumps for leaching have been subjected to treatment
for copper recovery by replacement with metallic iron and
then to further treatment to set the level of iron in solution.
The analysis of a typical leach solution is presented in
Table VI-30. Of these species, the amount of ferric ion is
perhaps the most critical, in that if the concentration is too
high, precipitation of basic iron sulfate occurs within the
dump and renders the dump impermeable to solution flow.
In this regard it is also important that there be no concen-
tration of suspended solids in such leach solutions as they
too render the dump impermeable to flow of solution. As a
result, these solutions are filtered prior to introduction to
the mine dump.
Secondary oil recovery has assumed great importance in
the oil industry. One of the techniques used in recovering
oil is water flooding of a formation. With this technique
water is pumped into a formation under high pressure, and a
mixture of water and oil is then recovered from another
well drilled into the formation. Such a process requires
TABLE Vl-30-Typical Analysis of Leach Solution in Dump
Leaching of Copper
At++" .•...••...•.•.•..••.••.•••..•..••..•.•••.••..•
Mgi+ ...................•.............•...........•
Fe* .........••.....•.......................••....•
Fe+* .................•.................•.....•...•
so.-............................................. .
pH .....•...•...............................•.......
Concentration (mgfl)
careful consideration of a number of factors, including
permeability of the rock of which the formation is composed;
type and amount of clay in the rock; ionic composition of
the connate water; and composition, solids, and bacterial
content of the water injected into the formation. If the clay
content of the host rock is of a bentonitic nature (i.e., a
swelling type clay, which when used with fresh water is not
in equilibrium with the ions contained in the connate water),
the clay will swell and render the formation impermeable to
water flow. An effective means of obviating this is to re-
inject the same water, filtered of solids, into the formation.
Another means is to keep the salt content of the water high.
Stabilization of the water exiting from the formation
must be considered, because gases such as carbon dioxide,
sulfur dioxide, and hydrogen sulfide are released from the
water. If these gases are not added to the water prior to re-
injection into the formation, the water will not be in equilib-
rium with the connate water, salts, and rock of the forma-
tion. Precipitation of compounds may result, and permeabil-
ity will be altered.
Waters that are conveniently available are used for
water injection. In addition to formation and surface
waters, sea water is often used. The composition of sea water
and a water from a sand formation are listed in Table Vl-31.
Anaerobic bacteria are also a problem in water flooding,
since they are capable of producing such compounds as
hydrogen sulfide in the water. Effective bactericides are
available to control this potential problem.
The quantity of water used in water flooding depends on
the production of the well involved. A commonly added
quantity would be 400 to 500 barrels per day, which is
equivalent to 16,800 to 21,000 gallons per day. In view of
all of the secondary oil production using this technique,
then, extremely large quantities of water are involved. For
example, in 1960 approximately 634 million barrels of oil
were produced by injection techniques in California, Illi-
nois, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas, and Wyoming (Ostroff
Major Industrial Uses of Water/395
TABLE Vl-31-Composition of Sea Water and a Formation
Water Expressed as mgfl.
co,-.................................. .
HCOa-................................. .
sor .................................. .
ca++ ................................... .
M('+ .................................. .
Na++K+ ............................... .
Fe (totaQ ..••..•..•..•..•...•..•.........
oa++ ................................... .
TDS .•.....•..•.••........•..•..•...•...
pH ..................................... .
Ostroff 1965"
Sea water
Marg~nuia sand (La.)
The manufacture of cement involves combining lime-
stone with silica sand, alumina, and iron oxide, crushing
and grinding this mixture, burning at high temperature,
cooling, and regrinding clinker to fine size. If water is used
at all, it is used in the initial grinding step. In terms of
water consumed, approximately 200 gallons are used per
ton of finished cement.
Because of the high temperatures used in the burning
process (approximately 2500 F), water quality requirements
are minimal. The alkali content of the process water can be
a problem, however, if it is present in relatively high con-
centration, because the alkali oxides are volatilized and
condensed on the fine particulate matter produced during
the burning process. If the amount of oxide is relatively
high, oxide will build up as the fine particulate matter is
recycled to the kiln. Alkali oxide may be removed from the
fine particulate matter by water leaching, but this practice
results in the problem of disposing of water very high in
alkali salts. Even if water leaching is not used, the problem
of disposing of the oxide-bearing particulate matter also
1 American Paper Institute (1970), Annual report: a test of stamina-
action taken and results obtained by the American Paper Institute in a
year of recession (New Y9rk), 12 p.
2 American Public Health Association, American Water Works As-
sociation, and Water Pollution Control Federation (1971),
Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater, 13th ed.
(American Public Health Association, Washington, D. C.),
874 p.
3 American Society for Testing and Materials (1970), Water and
atmospheric analysis, part 23 of American Society for Testing and
Materials book of standards (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), 1052 p.
4 ASTM standards (1970) (see citation 3 above.)
6 Bureau of the Census (1971) (see citation 19 below.)
6 Federai Power Commission (1971), Data compiled from FPC form
67: Steam-electric plant air and water control data, for the year ended
December 31, 19[70]. [This information is available for inspection
and copying in the reference room of the Office of Public In-
formation, Federal Power Commission, W_ashington, D. C.
7 Landsberg, H. H., L. L. Fischman, and J. L. Fisher (1963), Re-
sources in America's future (Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore), 10 I 7 p.
8 Livingstone, D. A. (1963), Chemical composition of rivers and lakes
[Geological Survey professional paper 440-G ], in Data of geo-
chemistry, 6th ed., M. Fleischer, ed. (Government Printing Of-
fice, Washington, D. C.), 64 p.
9 McKee, J. E. and H. W. Wolf, eds. (1963), Water quality criteria, 2nd
ed. (California State Water Quality Control Board, Sacra-
mento), 548 p.
1o Michel, R. (1942), Water as the cause of poor colors and failures
in dyeing. Farb. u. Chemischrein 89.
n Miller Freeman Publications (undated), The pulp and paper market:
an analysis of the industry by Miller Freeman Publications, publishers
of Pulp and paper magazine (San Francisco).
12 Mussey, 0. D. (1957), Water requirements of the rayon-and
acetate-fiber industry [Geological Survey water supply paper
1330-D ], in Study of manufacturing processes with emphasis on present
water use and future water requirements. Water requirements of selected
industries. (Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C.),
p. 141-179.
13 Nordell, E. (1961), Water treatment for industrial and other uses, 2nd ed.
(Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York), 598 p.
14 Ontario Water Resources Commission (1970), Guidelines and criteria
for water quality management in Ontario (Toronto, Ontario).
15 Ostroff, A. G. (1965), Introduction to oilfield water technology (Prentice-
Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey), pp. 5, 7.
16 Standard methods (1971) (see citation 2 above.)
17 Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry (1957),
Water technology in the pulp and paper industry [TAPPI Monograph
Series No. 18] (New York), Appendix, p. 162.
18 U.S. Department of Commerce. Bureau of the Census (1969),
Statistical abstract of the United States: 1969, 90th ed. (Government
Printing Office, Washington, D. C.), 1032 p.
19 U.S. Department of Commerce. Bureau of the Census (1971), Water
use in manufacturing, section MC67(1)-7 of 1967 census of manu-
facturers: industrial division (Government Printing Office, Wash-
ington, D. C.), 361 p.
20 U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Public Health
Service (1962), Public Health Service drinking water standards, rev.
1962 [PHS Pub. 956] (Government Printing Office, Washington,
D. C.), 61 p.
21 U.S. Department of the Interior. Federal Water Pollution Control
Administration (1968), Textile mill products, in The cost of
clean water, vol. 3: Industrial waste profiles (Government Printing
Office, Washington, D.C.), 133 p.
22 U.S. Executive Office of the President. Bureau of the Budget
( 1967), Standard industrial classification manual (Government
Printing Office, Washington, D.C.), 615 p.
23 Walter, J. W. (1971), Water quality requirements for the paper
industry. J. Amer. Water Works Ass. 63(3):165-168.
24 Water Resources Council (1968), Electric power uses, part 4,
chapter 3 of The nation's water resources (Government Printing
Office, Washington, D.C.), p. 4-3-2.
26 Edison Electric Institute (1970), Personal communication (Richard
Thorssell, 750 3rd Avenue, New York, New York).
26 Environmental Protection Agency (1971), Unpublished data, George
Webster, Office of Water Quality Programs, Washington, D.C.
27 TAPPI: Water Supply and Treatment Committee (1970), Un-
published data, presented at the T APPI Air and Water Conference
June 8-10/70.
WATER QUALITY........................ 399
EVALUATION TECHNIQUES................... 399
Nonmonetary benefit evaluations. . . . . . . . 399
CuRRENT LEAST-CosT EvALUATIONS. . . . . . . . . . 400
Monetary benefit evaluations....... . . . . . 399 LITERATURE CITED. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 401
Provisions of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act (U. S.
Congress 1968), 13 The National Environmental Policy Act
(U.S. Congress l970a),l4 and the Flood Control Act, Sec-
tion 209 (U.S. Congress l970b),15 have added impetus to
the need for quantification of aesthetic and recreational
values associated with water quality.
Evaluation Techniques
The two techniques necessary to assess total aesthetic and
recreational values are (a) monetary benefit evaluations,
and (b) nonmonetary benefit evaluations.
Monetary benefit evaluations usually start by determining
costs of visiting a site from various distances and adopt a
weighted average based on calculations of individual costs
to visit a particular site from various zones and the number
of visitors from each zone. The representative unit cost is
then multiplied by the total number of expected visitors
(the demand) to determine the total minimum benefit. (See
Hotelling (1949),5 Trice and Wood (1958)/2 Clawson
(1959),2 and Knetsch (1963).6) Another procedure for
imputing dollar values to benefits is to presume that
benefits are equal to foregone costs of doing the same thing
another way. Frankel (1965)4 showed that the cost of down-
stream removal of coliforms at a water treatment plant was
less than the upstream cost of disinfection at a waste water
treatment plant. The conclusion to be drawn was that the
benefits of chlorination at the particular waste water treat-
ment plant were not equal to the costs saved downstream,
and hence the practice could be discontinued at the waste
water treatment plant.
Nonmonetary benefit evaluations attempt to attach quantita-
tive scales in terms of dollars and dimensionless scores to
nonmonetary recreational and aesthetic values. These at-
tempts fall into three categories.
1 Waste treatment evaluation techniques Son-
nen (1967)11 devised a scheme of multipliers ranging from 0
to about 10 that, when multiplied by the identifiable mone-
tary benefits of waste treatment, yielded an estimate of in-
tangible benefits. The value of the multipliers was a function
of: (a) the downstream users' local, regional, or national
scope; (b) the private or public affiliation of the downstream
users; (c) the number of people involved in each downstream
use; and (d) the relative importance of each constituent in
the waste that might influence the enjoyment or use of the
water. Only the subfactor for constituent influence was re-
calculated for each constituent to be partially removed by
the alternative treatment processes under consideration. The
objective was a benefit-cost analysis of waste treatment al-
ternatives with intangible benefits given quantitative
weight. It was shown in a hypothetical stream discharge
case that net benefits calculated with monetary benefits
alone were maximized by a less complete removal process
than was optimal when nonmonetary benefits were included
in the analysis. Partial removals of 27 constituents to serve
five downstream users, including recreational and aesthetic
use, were evaluated.
Water Resources Engineers, Inc. (1968)16 modified this
procedure to evaluate alternatives for: (l) wastewater
reclamation to protect current Tecreation benefits and to
provide more; and (2) protection of a particular water to
levels (of coliforms) suitable for harvesting shellfish while
other competing uses of the water predominated (WRE
1969).17 Ralph Stone and Co. (1969),1° in assessing the
value of cleaning up San Diego Bay, asked 27 knowledgeable
people to rank the Bay's 12 possible uses, giving weights
from I to I 0 to both the economic value and the social
value of each use to the community as the interviewee
perceived that value. In both the economic and the social
value responses, tourism, fishing, marina activities, and park
and recreation use ranked highest while industrial activity
rated low, and waste disposal rated last in both responses.
2 Water Resource Project Recreation Evalu-
ation WRE (1970)18 devised two methods for evaluating
intangible benefits as functions of the monetary benefits
identified: a "benefits foregone-subjective decision"
method, and a "nonmonetary expression of benefits"
method. In the former the intangible benefits associated
with wild, undeveloped streams are presumed to be equal
to the foregone monetary benefits that would accrue to other
users if the streams were fully developed. In the latter in-
tangible, aesthetic benefits are presumed to be estimable
fractions of the identifiable monetary benefits. These two
WRE methods have been demonstrated for both a wild
river area and a developed stream in the Pacific Northwest.
---------~ ~-----~
400 j Appendix !-Recreation and Aesthetics
3 Ecological Impact Analysis Six notable studies
in recent years derived evaluation methods that require
ranking sites on various scales, with c~nstant upper and
lower limits. (I) Whitman (1968)19 developed a rating
scheme for streams in urban areas based on seven factors
related to the environment: three factors are assigned 20
per cent relative weights, and four I 0 per cent relative
weights. Each stream is to be given a rating from 0 to the
upper limit for each factor on the basis of how uniquely
each of the subjective criteria is satisfied. (2) Dearinger
(1968)3 developed weighted ratings for subfactors encom-
passing a range of environmental characteristics including
climate, scenery, hydrology, user characteristics, and water
quality. (3) Leopold (1969)7 ranked scenic values by placing
each stream in categories that measure the site's uniqueness
with respect to all others evaluated. His three major cate-
gories embraced physical factors, biological and water
quality factors, and human use and interest factors. No
superior-inferior ranking was implied for any category.
(4) Morisawa and Murie (1969)9 presented a 1 to 10
value-rating scale to apply quantitative weight to otherwise
subjective stream characteristics, placing major emphasis
on total dissolved solids content and sediment load with
respect to water quality. (5) Leopold et al. (1971)8 devised
a 3' X3' score sheet on which 86 "existing characteristics
and conditions of the environment" are scored according to
how they will be affected by any of 98 possible "actions
which may cause environmental impact." Of the 86 charac-
teristics, water quality was only one, althmigh,_temperature
was given a row of its own too. Unfortunately, no explicit
score is given to the goodness or badness of the scores, and
much subjective decision-making rem,ains after these analy-
ses have contributed what objectivity they can. (6) Battelle-
Columbus ( 1971 )1 desired a hierarchical arrangement of
critical environmental quality characteristics arranged in
four major categories: ecology, environmental pollution,
aesthetics, and human interest. The system measures en-
vironmental impacts in environmental quality units
(EQU); each analysis produces a total score in EQU based
on the magnitude of specific environmental impacts ex-
pressed by the relative importance of various quality char-
acteristics as prescribed by a predetermined weighting and
ranking scheme.
Current Least-Cost Evaluations
The economic objective for water-quality-oriented pro-
jects, such as water and waste treatment plants, has been
to meet stipulated water quality standards or criteria at
least cost. However, least-cost an~lysis, which is important
and proper at the design stage, has entered water quality
management evaluations too soon on most occasions. The
hasty assumptions are made that (1) certain uses are to be
provided or protected, and (2) water quality criteria to pro-
tect those uses are absolutely correct both with respect to
constituents named and concentrations assigned. But
caveats by the experts throughout this book about lack of
scientific evidence to support meaningful criteria attest to
the fallacy of these assumptions. qiearly if some prior
analysis, such as a benefit-cost analysis including aesthetic
values, could demonstrate that secondary treatment of
wastes would provide adequate protection of the most
justifiable mix of downstream uses in a specific set of circum-
stances, then least-cost analysis would be the proper tooho
determine the cheapest secondary treatment process to
install. Unfortunately, the biggest stumbling block to this
more nearly ideal sequence of analyses has been the lack of
procedures for quantifying all the relevant values discussed
above, including both monetary and nonmonetary ones.
But it should be recognized that least-cost analysis is prop-
erly applied only after the uses to be protected and the
quality criteria to protect them have been determined
through prior evaluation.
Special Evaluation Problems
There are problems that have not yet been addressed by
• The perception of median value by the average
person enjoying himself or his surroundings has not
been normalized. The average recreator is not aware
of his environment in terms of the silt load or coli-
form organism measures that the scientists use to
characterize the environment.
• A related problem is that of vicarious pleasure and
its benefit to society as a whole.
• There is no method available that defines absolute
and relative uniqueness. Methods that rank relative
uniqueness on scales of 1 to 10 do not answer the
optimal questions of water resource use, and methods
like WRE's (1970)18 cannot claim validity for more
that comparative evaluations of projects within a
single river basin.
• There is no single, meaningful measure of water
quality that can be related to the costs of attaining
it and the benefits stemming from it. In his study of
waste treatment alternatives, Sonnen (1967)11 was
unsuccessful at separating the benefits that over-
lapped from removal of one constituent and were
undoubtedly counted again in assessing the benefits
of removal of others.
• The quantification of aesthetic and recreational
values associated with marine and estuarine waters
demands particular attention.
Further research must attempt to determine the levels of
each constituent that enhance, preserve, reduce, or elimi-
nate use of water. With these quality-use spectra, sociolo-
gists, psychologists, economists, engineers, and politicians
will eventually be able to characterize objectively the aver-
age, normative response of the populace to the environment
and to deduce the values and relative values people wish to
place on the conditions to be found there.
1 Battelle-Columbus ( 1971), Design of an environmental evaluation sys-
tem, Final Report to Bureau of Reclamation (U.S. Department of
the Interior, Battelle-Columbus Laboratories, Columbus, Ohio),
61 p.
2 Clawson, M. (1959), Methods for measuring the demand for and value of
outdoor recreation (Resources for the Future, Washington, D.C.),
36 p.
3 Dearinger, J. A. (I 968), Esthetic and recreational potential of small
naturalistic streams near urban areas, Research Report No. 13 (Uni-
versity of Kentucky Water Resources Institute, Lexington),
260 p.
4 Frankel, R. ]. (1965), Economic evaluation of Water-An engineering-
economic model for water quality management, First Annual Report
(University of California, Sanitary Engineering Research La-
boratory Report No. 65-3) 167 p.
6 Hotelling, H. (1949), [Letter], in The economics of public recreation:
an economir: study of the monetary evaluation of recreation in the national
parks (U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C.),
pp. 8-9.
6 Knetsch, J. L. (1963), Outdoor recreation demands and benefits.
Land Economics 39:387-396.
7 Leopold, L. B. (1969), Quantitative comparison of some aesthetic factors
among rivers [Geological Survey circular 620] (Government
Printing Office, Washington, D.C.), 16 p.
8 Leopold, L. B., F. E. Clarke, B. B. Hanshaw and J. R. Balsey
{1971), A procedure for evaluating environmental impact (Geological
Survey Circular 645, Washington, D.C.), 13 p.
9 Morisawa, M. and M. Murie (1969), Evaluation of natural rivers:
final report [U.S. Department of the Interior, Office of Water
Resources Research, research project C-1314] (Antioch College,
Yellow Springs, Ohio), 143 p.
10 Ralph Stone and Company, Inc., Engineers (I 969), Estuarine-
oriented community planning for San Diego Bay, prepared for the
Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, 178 p.
11 Sonnen, M. B. (1967), Evaluation of alternative waste treatment
facilities, Ph.D. dissertation, University of Illinois, Sanitary
Engineering Series No. 41, Urbana, Illinois, 180 p.
12 Trice, A. H. and S. E. Wood (1958), Measurement ofrecreational
benefits: a rejoinder. Land Economics 34:367-369.
13 U.S. Congress (1968), Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, Public Law
90-542, S. 1075, October 2, 1968, 12 p.
14 U.S. Congress (1970a), National Environmental Policy Act of 1969,
Public Law 91-190, S. 1075, 5 p.
16 U.S. Congress (I970b), Flood Control act of 1970, Public Law
91-611, Title II, 9lst Congress, H.R. 19877, pp. 7-18.
16 Water Resources Engineers, Inc. (1968), Waste water reclamation
potential for the Laguna de Rosa, Report to the California State
Water Resources Control Board, 86 p.
17 Water Resources Engineers, Inc. (1969), Evaluation of alternative
water quality control plans for Elkhorn Slough and Moss Landing
Harbor, presented to the California State Water Resources
Control Board, 63 p.
18 Water Resources Engineers, Inc. (1970), Wild rivers-methods for
evaluation, prepared for the U.S. Department of the Interior,
Office of Water Resources Research, 106 p.
19 Whitman, I. L. (1968), Uses of small urban river valleys, Baltimore
Corps of Engineers [Ph.D. dissertation] The Johns Hopkins
University, 299 p.
MIXING ZONES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403 GUIDELINES FOR TOXICOLOGICAL RESEARCH ON
APPENDIX II-B PESTICIDES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434
DICES.................................. 408 PESTICIDES REcoMMENDED FOR MoNITORING IN
APPENDIX II-C THE ENVIRONMENT....................... 440
THERMAL TABLES.......................... 410 APPENDIX II-G
PESTICIDES TABLES .......................... . 420 LITERATURE CITED. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443
A. Mathematical Model References
Mathematical models based, in part, on the considera-
tions delineated in General Physical Consideration of
Mixing Zones are available for prediction of heated-water
discharge from power plants into large lakes (Wada, 1966;32
Carter, 1969; 6 Edinger and Polk 1969,10 Sundaram et al.
1969,3° Csanady, 1970,7 Motz and Benedict 1970,22 Pritch-
ard 1971,27 Stolzenbach and Harleman 1971,29 Zeller et al.
1971,36 Policastro and Tokar in press),26 cooling ponds and
impoundments (Brady et al. 1969,4 D' Arezzo and Masch
1970), 8 rivers (Jaske and Spurgeon 1968,17 Water Resources
Engineers 1968,35 Parker and Krenke! 1969,25 Kolesar and
Sonnichsen 1971)/9 estuaries (Ward and Espey 1971)33 and
ocean outfalls (Baumgartner and Trent 1970). 3
Mathematical models of the distribution of non-thermal
discharges into various receiving systems are also available
for diffusion in lakes, reservoirs and oceans (scale effects)
(Brooks 1960,5 Allan Hancock Foundation 19651), diffusion
in bays and estuaries where tidal oscillations and density
stratification are factors (O'Connor 1965,2 3 Masch and
Shankar, 1969,21 Fischer 1970,12 Leendertse 1970),20 and
dispersion in open channels and rivers (Glover 1964/3
Bella and Dobbins, 1968,2 Dresnack and Dobbins, 1968,9
Fischer 1968,11 Thackston and Krenke! 1969,31 Jobson and
Sayre 1970/8 O'Connor and Taro 1970).24
Time-of-exposure models are discussed by Pritchard
(1971). 27
B. Development of Integrated Time-Exposure Data For a
Hypothetical Field Situation
1. A proposed discharge of a waste contammg alkyl-
benzene sulfonates (ABS) to a lake containing rainbow
trout is under consideration. The trout regularly swim paral-
lel to the shoreline where the shallows drop off to deeper
water. The expected plume configuration, estimated ABS
concentrations, and time of exposure for a swimming trout
to various concentrations are shown in Figure II-A-1. No
avoidance or attraction behavior is assumed. It is decided
that an ET2 is appropriate for this situation (see Comment
a. below).
2. To test if this mixing zone meets necessary water
quality characteristics, toxicity bioassays with rainbow
trout are performed (see Section III, pp. 118-123). Ob-
serve mortality after each exposure to selected concentra-
tions at time intervals of approximate geometric or logarith-
mic progression: i.e., 10, 15, 30 and 60 minutes; 2, 4, 8,
between 12 and 16, 24, and between 30 and 36 hours; 2, 3, 4,
and if qesired 7, 10 or more days. While only the shorter
time periods are involved in this example, greater periods
are necessary in some cases. After exposure, trout should be
held in uncontaminated water for extended periods so that
delayed effects of exposure can be evaluated. While mor-
tality was selected in this example as the response to be
assessed, a more conservative physiological or behavioral
response would provide a more positive factor of safety.
3. Plot percentage mortality on a probability (probit)
scale with time on a logarithmic scale as in Figure II-A-2,
and fit by eye a straight line to the set of points for ach
concentration. The object of this is to determine for each
concentration the median lethal time where the fitted line
crosses 50 per cent mortality (the ET50) and the ET2, the
time causing 2 per cent mortality.
4. Plot the sets of ET50 and ET2 values on logarithmic
paper and fit each set of points to create the toxicity curves
as in Figure II-A-3.
5. Substitute the information on plume characteristics
and time of passage (Figure II-A-I) and the toxicity curves
(Figure II-A-3) in the summation of effects formula:
T1 + T2 + T3 ... + T n _::;I
ET2 at C 1 ET2 at C 2 ET3 at Ca ET2 at Cn
Since the total is slightly over 1.0 a mortality greater
than 2 per cent is expected, and the recommendation is not
met. If the total was 1.0 or less, a mortality of 2 per cent or
less would be expected and the recommendation would be
404/ Appendix If-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
Average Concentration = 8 mg/1
ET2 = 00 (greater than 4 days)
5 mg/1
Average concentration
= 15 mg/1
Average concentration
= 30 mg/1
ET2 =52 min.
ET2 = 17 min.
FIGURE II-A-1-Predicted Concentrations of ABS in an Effluent Plume, and Times of Passage of Migrating Fish. Hypothetical.
a. Use of the ET(X). A probability distribution is involved
in mortality, and it is therefore impossible to give any valid
estimate of an exposure time which would cause zero per
cent mortality. The probability of mortality merely be-
comes increasingly smaller as the exposure time becomes
less. Therefore it is necessary to choose some arbitrary per-
centage mortality as equivalent to negligible effect. Two
per cent was chosen as a useful level in the example above
since it is a low number yet still high enough that the ex-
trapolation of the probit line to that value has reasonable
validity. Other mortality levels can be selected to fit given
When mortality is the response measured rather than a
more conservative one, a safety factor can be utilized by
requiring the sum of the integrated time-exposure effects to
equal less than unity.
b. Toxicity Curves. For other toxicants, the curves may
be greatly different from those shown in Figure II-A-3, e.g.,
complex reflex or rectangular hyperbolas. Further dis-
cussion of toxicity curves, and illustration of curves of var-
ious shapes is given by Warren (1971,34 pp. 199-203) and
Sprague (1969).28
It is possible to calculate equations for the toxicity-curves,
or portions of them, as was done for temperature-mortality
data (pp. 151 ff.). However, the equations for many toxi-
cants are cumbersome because of logarithms or other trans-
formation. Since the equations are merely the result of
empirically fitting the observed experimental curves, it is
easier and about equally effective to read values of interest
directly from a graph such as Figure II-A-3.
{i il~
~ :;a
~ e u
0.1 1.0 10
Exposure, Hours
FIGURE 11-A-2-Mortality of Rainbow Trout Exposed to Concentrations of ABS.
12 mg/1, and
Control, 0 mg/1
No Mortality
in 240 Hours
to 240 hours
~ ~
::::: ~ ~· ~-
406/ Appendix If-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
"' ... 10 ;:l
0 :r:
>. 50% mortality .~
c;j ...., ...
0 :;s ....,
OJ u ... OJ ...
OJ .e:
ell ~ 0 ...., minutes OJ \ s
E:: 1 ~,
2% mortality \
" 0.1
1 10 100
Concentration, mg/1
FIGURE II-A-3-Toxicity Curves for ABS to Rainbow Trout.
The times to 50 per cent mortality and times to 2 per cent mortality have been read from the lines fitted in Figure II-A-2.
c. Threshold Effective Time. Organisms may survive for
30 minutes, an hour, or sometimes several hours, even in
extremely high concentrations of the pollutant (see caveat
under d).
d. Lethal Threshold Concentration. Survival for an in-
definitely long period may be possible at the lethal threshold
concentration which may be close to concentrations which
are quickly lethal. Organisms which exhibit an abrupt lethal
threshold or a long threshold effective time may be es-
pecially vulnerable to sublethal effects and careful investiga-
tion of this possibility should be made.
e. Need for Experimental Determination of ET(X). Al-
though it would be convenient to have some rule of thumb
for estimating the ET(X) from the ET50, as is done by the
"2° rule" for short-term exposure to high temperature
(see Section III, pp. 161-162), there does not seem to be
any such simple generalization which can be applied to
toxicants in general. The relatively few examples which can
be found in the literature indicate variable relationships. A
L _______ __
Appendix II-A-Mixing Zones/407
series of comparison~ between toxicity curves for 5 per cent
and 50 per cent mortality are given by Herbert (1961,14
196515) and Herbert and Shurben (1964).16 The ratios be-
tween LC5 and LC50 for the same exposure times are as
follows: fluoride 0.4; a demulsifier 0.55; ammonium chlor-
ide 0.55 (high concentrations) and 0.8 (low concentra-
tions); washing powders 0. 75, and a corrosion inhibitor
0.88. Even for the same pollutant the ratio is different for
different concentrations when the time-concentration rela-
tion is curved, as it is for many substances. A difference is
also found when the toxicity curves are not parallel, as for
ABS in Figure II-A-3. The LC2/LC50 ratio for ABS varies
from 0.46 to 0. 72 at high concentrations and short times,
and increases to 0.87 for the 96-hour exposures.
Because of this variability, no simple rule of thumb can
be proposed for estimating, from the 50 per cent values, the
concentrations which will produce negligible mortality or
the exposure times for negligible mortality. It is necessary to
determine. this empirically by the steps used in constructing
Figure II-A-2.
Evaluation Systems for Protection
There are two basic approaches in evaluating the effects
of pollution on aquatic life: the first by a taxonomic group-
ing of organisms; the second by identifying the community
of aquatic organisms.
First, the saprobian system of Kolkwitz and Marsson
(1908,49 1909 50 ), modified and used by Richardson (1928),63
Gaufin (1956), 44 Hynes (1962)48 and Beck (1954, 38 195539),
depended upon a taxonomic grouping of organisms related
to their habitat in clean water, polluted water, or both. This
approach requires a precise identification of organisms. It
is based on the fact that different organisms have different
ranges of tolerance to the same stress. Patrick ( 1951) 59 and
Wurtz (1955)67 used a system of histograms to report the
results of stream surveys based on the differences in toler-
ance of various groups of aquatic organisms to pollution.
Beck ( 1955 )3 9 developed a biotic index as a method of
evaluating the effects of pollution on bottom fauna or-
ganisms. The biotic index is calculated by multiplying the
number of intolerant species by two and then adding the
number of facultative organisms. Beck designated a biotic
index value greater than 10 to indicate clean water and a
value less than 10 to indicate polluted water. Other tech-
niques based on the tolerance of aquatic organisms to pol-
lution have been reported by Gaufin (1958)45 and Beak
The breakdown of an assemblage of organisms into pol-
lution-tolerant, -intolerant, and -facultative categories is
somewhat subjective, because tolerance for the same
organisms may vary under a different set of environmental
conditions. Needham (1938)58 observed that environmental
conditions other than pollution may influence the distribu-
tion of organisms. Pollution-tolerant organisms are also
found in clean water areas (Gaufin and Tarzwell, 1952).46
Therefore, the concept of the use of taxonomic groupings of
organisms to evaluate water quality biologically has certain
difficulties and is not commonly accepted today.
The second approach is to use the community structure
of associations or populations of aquatic organisms to
evaluate pollution. Hairston (1959)47 defined community
structure in terms of frequency of species per unit area,
spatial distribution of individuals, and numerical abundance
of species. Gaufin (1956)44 found that the community struc-
ture of benthic invertebrates provided a more reliable cri-
terion of organic enrichment than presence of a specific
Diversity indices that permit the summarization of large
amounts of information about the numbers and kinds of
organisms have begun to replace the long descriptive lists
common to early pollution survey work. These diversity
indices result in a numerical expression that can be used to
make comparisons between communities of organisms.
Some of these have been developed to express the relation-
ships of numbers of species in various communities and
overlap of species between communities.
The Jaccard Index is one of the commonest used to ex-
press species overlap. Other indices such as the Shannon-
Weiner information theory (Shannon and ·weaver 1963)64
have been used to express the evenness of distribution of
individuals in species composing a community. The divers-
ity index increases as evenness increases (Margalef 1958,52
Hairston 1959,47 MacArthur and MacArthur 1961,55 and
MacArthur 1964 53). Various methods have been developed
for comparing the diversity of communities and for de-
termining the relationship of the actual diversity to the
maximum or minimum diversity that might occur within a
given number of species. Methods have been thoroughly
discussed by Lloyd and Ghelardi (1964), 51 Patten (1962), 60
MacArthur (1965), 54 Pielou ( 1966,61 1969 62 ), Mcintosh
(1967)57, Mathis (1965)56 , Wilhm (1965),65 and Wilhm and
Dorris (1968)66 as to what indices are appropriate for what
kinds of samples. An index for diversity of community
structure also has been developed by Cairns, Jr. et al.
(1968)40 and Cairns, Jr. and Dickson (1971)41 based on a
modification of the sign test and theory runs of Dixon and
Massey (1951).42
Diversity indices derived from information theory were
first used by Margalef (1958)52 to analyze natural com-
munities. This technique equates diversity with informa-
tion. Maximum diversity, and thus maximum information,
exists in a community of organisms when each individual
belongs to a different species. Minimum diversity (or high
redundancy) exists when all individuals belong to the same
species. Thus, .mathematical expressions can be used for
diversity and redundancy that describe community struc-
As pointed out by Wilhm and Dorris (1968),66 natural
biotic communjties typically are characterized by the
presence of a few species with many individuals and many
species with a few individuals. An unfavorable limiting
factor such as pollution results in detectable changes in com-
munity structure. As it relates to information theory, more
information (diversity) is contained in a natural community
than in a polluted community. A polluted system is simpli-
fied, and those species that survive encounter less competi-
tion and therefore may increase in numbers. Redundancy in
this case is high, because the probability that an individual
belongs to a species previously recognized is increased, and
the amount of information per individual is reduced.
L_ ______ _
Appendix II-B---'Community Structure and Diversity lndices/409
The relative value of usiilg indices or models to interpret
data depends upon the information sought. To see the rela-
tive distribution of population sizes among species, a model
is often more illuminating than an index. To determine in-
formation for a number of different kinds of communities,
diversity indices are more appropriate. Many indices over-
emphasize the dominance of one or a few species and thus
it is often difficult to determine, as in the use of the Shannon-
Weiner information theory, the difference between a com-
munity composed of one or two dominants and a few rare
species, or one composed of one or two dominants and one
or two rare species. Under such conditions, an index such as
that discussed by Fisher, Corbet and Williams (1943)43 is
more appropriate. To use the Shannon-Weiner index, much
more information about the community is obtained if a
diversity index is plotted.
This section is the basis for the criteria on change of
diversity given in the sections on Suspended Solids and
Hardness, Temperature, and Dissolved Oxygen.
THERMAL TABLES-Time-temperature relationships and lethal threshold temperatures for resistance of aquatic
organisms (principally fish) to extreme temperatures (from Coutant, in press75 1972). Column headings, where not self-
explanatory, are identified in footnotes. LDSO data obtained for single times only were included only when they amplified
temperature-time information.
Acclimation log time=a+b (temp.) Data limits Lethal
Species Stagefage Length Weight Sex Location Reference Extreme ("C) LD50 threshold•
Temp• Time N• r• ("C)
upper lower
Abudefduf saxa-Adult ........ ············ ············ ........... Northern Gulf Heath, W. G. Upper .. 32 ......... 42.9005 -0.0934 -0.9945 37.0 36.0
tilis (Sargent of California (1967)89
Adinia xenica Adult ........ ············ ............ Jefferson Co., Strawn and Upper .. 35 (0 °foo)' 21.9337 -0.4866 -0.9930 43.0 40.5
(diamond Killi· Texas Dunn 35 (5 °foo)' 27.7919 -0.6159 -0.9841 43.5 41.0
flsh) (1967)99 35 (10 Ofoo)• 26.8121 -0.5899 -0.9829 43.5 41.0
35 (20 °foo)' 28.3930 -0.6290 -0.9734 43.5 41.0
Atherinops affinis Juvenile ...... 6.8-6.2 em ... ............ ··········· LaJolla, Calif. Doudoroff Upper .. 18.0 30.5(24)
(topsmelt) (1945") 20 42.2531 -1.2215 -0.9836 33.5 31.5 31.0
Lower .. 14.5 7.6(24)
18.0 8.8(24)
20 -0.4667 0.3926 0.9765 11.0 5.0 10.5
25.5 13.5(24)
Brevoortia tyran-Larval 17-34 mm Mixed Beaufort Har • Lewis (1965)" Lower 7.0 0.96111 0.2564 9 0.9607 4.0 5.0
nus (Atlantic bor, North 10.0 0. 7572 0. 2526 12 0.9452 5.0 -1.0 6.0
menhaden) Carolina 12.5 0.6602 0.2786 12 0.9852 5.5 >7.0
(36"N) 15.0 0.5675 0.2321 14 0.9306 7.0 >8.0
20.0 0.2620 0.1817 3 0.9612 4.0
Brevoortia tyran-Young-of-the· ............ ............ ··········· Beaufort; Lewis and He!· Upper 21 (5 Ofoo) 57.9980 -0.1643 35.0 34.0
nus (Atlantic year N.C. tier (1968)" 27 (5 °foo) 85.1837 -2.3521 35.0 34.5 ···············
menhaden) Lower 16 (26-30 °foo) ........ 7.0 3.0 6.5
18 (10 °foo) ........ ..... ........ 7.0 3.0 6.5
Brevoortia tyran-Yearling ............ ............ ........... Beaufort, Lewis and He!· Upper 21 (5 Of oo) 35.7158 -1.0468 3 -0.9174 34 33 ····················
nus (Atlantic N.C. tier (1968)" 22-23 (4-6 °f oo) 21.8083 -0.6342 10 -0.9216 35 31 32.5
Crassius auratus Juvenile ............ 2g ave. Mixed Commercial Fry, Brett, & Upper 1-2 28 (14)
(goldfish) dealer Clawson 10 31 (14)
(Toronto) (1942)" (and 17 34 (14)
Fry, Hart, & 24 36 (14)
Walker, 32 20.0213 -0.4523 41.0 39.0 39.2(14)
1946)" 38 21.9234 -0.4773 43.0 41.0 41.0(14) 41.0
Lower 19 1.0(14)
24 5.0(14)
38 15.5(14)
Catostomus com-Adult (1-2 yr) 18-19.9 Mixed Don River, Hart (1947") Upper 5 33.6957 -1.1797 2 27.5 27.0 26.3
mersonni (white (mode) Thornhill, 10 19.9890 -0.6410 3 -0.6857 29 28 27.7
sucker) Ontario 15 31.9007 -1.0034 2 30 29.5 29.3
20 27.0023 -0.8068 4 -0.9606 31.5 30 29.3
25 22.2209 -0.6277 7 -0.9888 32.5 29.5 29.3
Lower 20 2.5
25 6.0
• It is assumed in this table that the acclimation temperature reported is a true acclimation in the context of Brett •=Incipient ~thai temperature of Fry, et aL, (1946~83
(1952)." • Salinity.
• Number of median resistance times used lor calculating regression equation. 1 Log time in hours to 50% mortality. Includes 2-3 hr. required lor test bath to reach the test temperature.
'Correlation coefficient (~·rtect flt of all data points to the regression line=l.O).
Appendix 11-C /411
Acclimation log time=a+b (temp.) Data limits Lethal
Species Stage/age Length Weight Sex Location Reference Extreme ("C) LD50 threshold•
Temp• Time N• I' ("C)
upper lower
Coregonus astedii Juvenile ············ ............ Mixed Pickerel Edsall and Upper 2 8wks 16.5135 -0.6689 -0.9789 23.0 19.0 19.7
(cisco) Lake,• Colby, 5 4wks 10.2799 -0.3645 -0.9264 24.0 20.0 21.7
Washtenaw 1970102 10 >2wks 12.4993 -0.4098 -0.9734 28.0 24.0 24.2
Co., Mich. 20 2wks 17.2967 -0.5333 -0.9487 30.0 26.0 26.2
25 3wks 15.1204 -0.4493 -0.9764 30.0 25.5 25. 7(U)
Lower 2 8wks 1.5 0.3 <0.3
5 4wks 1.0 0.5 <0.5
10 >2wks 2. 7355 0.3381 0.9021 3.0 0.5 3.0
20 2wks 2.5090 0.2685 0.9637 4.5 0.5 4.7
25 3wks 1.7154 0.1652 0.9175 9.5 0.5 9.7
Coregonus hoyi Juvenile 60.0 mm ············ Mixed Lake Michi· Edsall, Roltiers Upper 5 11 da• 15.8243 -0.5831 5 -0.9095 26.0 22.0 22.2
(bloater) (age 1) 5.0. 5.8 gan all & Brown, 10 5 da 9.0700 -0.2896 6 -0.9516 30.0 23.0 23.6
Kenosha, 197080 15 5 da 17.1908 -0.5707 4 -0.9960 28.0 24.5 24.8
Wise. 20 5 da 28.6392 -0.9458 4 -0.9692 29.0 25.5 26.2
25 5 da 21.3511 -0.6594 5 -0.9958 30.0 26.5 26.7
Cyprinodon varie· Adult ············ ............ ........... Jefferson Strawn and Upper 35 (0 °/oo) 27.9021 -0.6217 -0.9783 43.0 40.5
gatus (sheeps· County, Dunn 35 (5 '/oo) 35.3415 -0.7858 -0.9787 43.5 41.0 40.5
head minnow) Texas (1967") 35 (10 '/oo) 30.0910 -0.6629 -0.9950 43.5 41.5
35 (20 '/oo) 30.0394 -0.6594 -0.9982 43.5 41.5
Cyprinodon varie· Adult ············ ............ ........... Galveston Simmons Upper 30 700 hrs.h 35.0420 -0.8025 41.4 40.8 ......... .........
gatus variegatus Island, Gal· (1971)97 (from 21.3 C)
(sheepshead veston, Texas
Dorosoma cepedi· Underyearling ············ ............ ........... PUI·in·Bay, Hart (1952)" Upper 25 field & 47.1163 -1.3010 -0.9975 35.5 34.5 34.0
anum (gizzard Ohio 3-4 da
shad) 30 38.0658 -0.9694 4 -0.9921 38.0 36.5 36.0
35 31.5434 -0.7710 5 -9.9642 39.0 37.0 36.5(u)
Lower 25 10.8
30 14.5
35 20.0
Dorosoma cepedi· Underyearling ············ ............ ........... Knoxville, Hart (1952)" Upper 25 32.1348 -0.8698 35.5 35.0 34.5
anum (gizzard Tenn. 30 41.1030 -0.0547 -0.9991 38.0 36.5 36.0
shad) 35 33.2846 -0.8176 -0.9896 39 36.5 36.5
Esoxlucius Juvenile Minimum ............ ........... Maple, On· Scott (1964)" Upper 25.0 17.3066 -0.4523 -0.9990 34.5 32.5 32.25
(Northern Pike) 5.0cm tario, Canada 27.5 17.4439 -0.4490 -0.9985 35.0 33.0 32.15'
30.0 17.0961 -0.4319 -0.9971 35.5 33.5 33.25(U)
Esox masquinongy Juvenile Minimum ............ ........... Deerlake Scott (1964)" Upper 25.0 18.8879 -0.5035 -0.9742 34.5 32.5 32.25
(Muskellunge) 5.0cm Hatchery 27.5 20.0817 -0.5283 -0.9911 35.0 33.0 32.75
Ontario, 30.0 18.9506 -0.4851 -0.9972 35.5 33.5 33.25
Canada (u)
Esox hybrid Juvenile 5.0cm Maple, On· Scott (1964)" Upper 25.0 18.6533 -0.4926 -0.9941 34.5 33.0 32.5
(luciusx masqui· minimum tario, Canada 27.5 20.7834 -0.5460 -0.9995 35.0 33.0 32.75
nongy) 30.0 19.6126 -0.5032 -0.9951 35.5 33.5 33.25
Fundulus chryso· Adult ············ ............ ........... Jefferson Strawn & Dunn Upper 35 (0'/oo)-23.7284 -0.5219 -0.9968 43.0 39.0 38.5
Ius (golden top· County, (1967)" 35 (5'/oo)-21.2575 -0.4601 -0.9969 43.5 40.0
minnow Texas 35 (20 '/oo)-21.8635 -0.4759 -0.9905 43.5 40.0
Fundulus diapha· Adult ············ ............ ........... Halifax Co. Garside and Upper 15 (0 '/oo)i 27.5
nus (banded and Annapo· Jordan 15 (14 '/oo) 33.5
killifish) lis Co., Nova (1968)" 15 (32 °/oo) 27.5
Fundulus grandis Adult . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • 0 • ........... Jefferson Strawn & Upper 35 (0 '/oo) 22. 9809 -0.5179 8 -0.9782 42.0 38.5
(guff killifish) County, Dunn 35 (5'/oo) 27.6447 -0.6220 7 -0.9967 42.5 39.5
Texas (1967)" 35 (10 '/oo) 24.9072 -0.5535 9 -0.9926 43.0 39.0
35 (20 '/oo) 23.4251 -0.5169 8 -0.9970 43.0 39.5
Fundulus hetero· Adult ............ ............ ........... Halifax Co. Garside and Upper 15 (0 '/oo)i 28.0
clitus (mummic· and Annapo· Jordan 15 (14 '/oo) .... ........ 34.0
hog) lis Co., Nova (1968)" 15 (32 '/oo) 31.5
•II is assumed in this table that the acclimation temperature reported is a true acclimation in the context of Brett 1 Experimental fish were reared !rom eggs taken from adults from this location.
(1952).74 • These times alter holding at 8 C lor > 1 mo.
b Number of median resistance times used for calculating regression equation. • Acclimated and tested at 10 '/oo salinity.
'Correlation coefficient (perfect fit of all data points to the regression line= 1.0). 'Tested in three salinities.
• =Incipient lethal temperature of Fry, et al., (1946)." ; Tested at 3 levels of salinity.
• Experimental fish were hatched from eggs obtained from adults from this location.
412/ Appendix If-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
Accfimation log time=a+b (temp.) Data limits Lethal
Species Stage/age Length Weight Sex Location Reference Extreme ("C) LDSO lhrHhotd•
Temp• Time N• .. ("C)
upper lower
Fundulus par· Adult 6-7 em ............ Mixed Mission Bay, Doudoroll Upper 14 23.3781 -0.6439 -0.9845 34.0 32.0 32.3
vipinnis (Cali· Cali!. (sea· (1945)79 20 50.6021 -1.3457 11 -0.9236 37.0 34.0 34.4
rornia kimnsh) water) 28 24.54~7 -0.5801 7 -0.9960 40.0 36.0 36.5
(tested in seawater Lower 14 2.1908 1.0751 3 0.9449 1.6 0.4 1.2
except as noted) 20 2.7381 0.2169 6 0.9469 7.0 2.0 5.6
20 2.5635 0.3481 4 0.8291 4.0 2.0 3.6
20 (into45% 2.6552 0.4014 8 0. 7348 4.0 2.0 3.8
sea water 1 day belore
Fundulus put· Adult ........... ............ ........... Jefferson Strawn and Upper 35 (0 0/oo) 28.1418 -0.6304 8 -0.9741 43.0 39.0 38.5
vereus (bayou County, Dunn 35 (5 0/oo) 29.3774 -0.6514 7 -0.9831 43.5 40.0
killifish) Texas (1967)99 35 (10 '/oo) 25.0890 -0.5477 5 -0.9956 43.5 41.5
35 (20 °/oo) 30.4702 -0.6745 8 -0.9849 43.5 40.0
Fundulus similis Adult ............ ............ ........... Jefferson Strawn and Upper 35 (0 °/oo)' 22.9485 -0.5113 6 -0.9892 43.0 40.5
(longnose killi· County, Dunn 35 (5 0/oo) 25.6165 -0.5690 6 -0.9984 43.5 41.0
fish) Texas (1967)" 35 (10 '/oo) 26.4675 -0.5863 -0.9925 43.5 41.0
35 (20 '/oo) 26.5612 -0.5879 -0.9953 43.0 40.5
Gambusia affinis Adult ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . Mixed Knoxville, Hart (1952)" Upper 25 39.0004 -0.9171 39 38 37.0
affinis (mosquito· Tenn. 30 30.1523 -0.7143 -0.9938 40 37.5 37.0
fish) 35 23.8110 -0.5408 -0.9978 41.5 39 37.0(U)
Gambusia affinis Adult ............ ............ ........... Jefferson Co., Strawn & Upper 35 (0 '/oo)' 22.4434 -0.5108 5 -0.9600 42.0 40.0
(mosquitofish) Texas Dunn 35 (5 °/oo) 23.1338 -0.5214 5 -0.9825 42.5 40.5
(freshwater) (1967)99 35 (10 Ofoo) 23.4977 -0.5304 8 -0.9852 42.5 40.0
35 (20 '/oo) 22.1994 -0.5001 6 -0.9881 42.5 40.0
Gambusia allinis Adult ............ ............ ........... Jefferson Co., Strawn and Upper 35 (0 '/oo)' 17.6144 -0.3909 5 -0.9822 42.5 40.5
(mosquitofish) Texas Dunn 35 (5 '/oo) 18.9339 -0.4182 5 -0.9990 42.5 40.5
(saltwater) (1967)" 35 (10 '/oo) 23.0784 -0.5165 7 -0.9982 42.5 39.5
35 (20 °/oo) 22.8663 -0.5124 6 -0.9957 42.5 40.0
Gambusia affinis Adult ............ ............ Mixed Welaka, Hart (1952)'' Upper 15 32.4692 -0.8507 -0.9813 37 36 35.5
holbrooki Florida 20 38.3139 -0.9673 -0.9843 38.5 37.5 37.0
(mosquitofish) 30 31.4312 -0.7477 -0.9995 40 38 37.0
35 28.1212 -0.6564 -0.9909 40 38.5 37.0(U)
Lower 15 1.5
20 5.5
35 14.5
Garmannia Adult ............ ............ ........... Northern Gull Heath (1967)" Upper 32 21.7179 -0.5166 -0.9905 37.0 36.0 . ...................
Chiquita (goby) ol California
Gaslerosteus acu. Adult 37 mm ave. 0.50 gave. Mixed Columbia Blahm and Upper 19 ......... 19.3491 -9.5940 -0.9998 32 26 25.8
leatus (three· River near Parente
spine sti~kle· Prescott, (1970)I" un·
back) Oregon published
Girella nigricans Juvenile 7.1-8.0 em ............ Mixed LaJolla, Cali· Doudoroll Upper 12 21.1277 -0.6339 6 -0.9338 31.0 27.0 28.7
(opaleye) rornia (33"N) (1942)78 20 19.2641 -0.5080 7 -0.9930 35.0 31.0 31.4
28 24.7273 -0.6740 4 -0.9822 33.0 31.0 31.4
Lower 12 1.4851 0. 4886 8 0.955£ 5.0 1.0 5.5
20 -1.3878 0.6248 6 0.9895 8.0 5.0 8.5
28 -0.1238 0.2614 6 0.9720 13.0 6.0 13.5
lctalurus ............. • • • • • • 0 • • • • • ............ ........... Florida to On· Hart (1952)" Upper 5 14.6802 -0.4539 4 -0.9782 29.5 28.0 27.8
(Amicurus) neb· tario (41o· 10 16.4227 -0.4842 10 -0.9526 31.5 29.5 29.0
ulosus (brown cations) com· 15 28.3281 -0.8239 3 -0.9881 33.0 32.5 31.0
bullhead) bined 20 23.9586 -0.6473 11 -0.9712 35.0 32.5 32.5
25 22.4970 -0.5732 12 -0.9794 37.0 34.0 33.8
30 24.2203 -0.5917 19 -0.9938 38.5 35.5 34.8
34 19.3194 -0.4500 5 -0.9912 37.5 36.0 34.8
Lower 20 0.5
25 4.0
30 6.8
lctalurus puncta. Juvenile ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . Mixed Centerton, Allen & Upper 26 34.7119 -0.8816 13 -0.9793 39.0 36.6 36.6
Ius (channel (44-57 da Ark. Strawn 30 32.1736 -0.7811 17 -0.9510 40.6 37.4 37.8
catfish) old) (hatchery) (1968)72 34 26.4204 -0.6149 20 -0.9638 42.0 38.0 38.0
•It is assumed in this table that the acclimation temperature reported is a true acclimation in the context of Brett • Correlation coefficient (perlect fit or all data points to the regression line= 1.0).
(1952).74 d =Incipient lethal temperature of Fry, et al., (1946)."
• Number of median resistance times used lor calculating regression equation. • Salinity.
Appendix Jl-C/413
Acclimation log time=a+b (temp.) Data limits Lethal
Species Stagejage Length Weight Sex Location Reference Extreme ("C) LD50 lhresholdd
Temp• Time N• I' ("C)
upper lower
fctalurus puncta-Juvenile ············ ············ ........... Joe Hogan Allen & Upper 25 34.5554 0.8854 -0.9746 37.5 35.5 35.5
Ius (channel (11.5 mo) State Fish Strawn 30 17.7125 -0.4058 -0.9934 40.0 37.5 37.0
catfish) Hatchery, (1968)7"2 35 28.3031 -0.6554 -0.9906 41.0 38.0 38
lctalurus puncta-Adult ............ ············ Mixed Welaka, Fla. Ha~t (1952)88 Upper 15 34.7829 -1.0637 3 -0.9999 31.5 30.5 30.4
tus(l. lacustris) and Put-in-20 39.4967 -1.1234 4 -0.9980 34.0 33.0 32.8
(channel catfish) Bay, Ohio 25 46.2155 -1.2899 5 -0.9925 35.0 34.0 33.5
Lower 15 0.0
20 0.0
25 0.0
Lepomis macro-Adult ············ ············ Mixed Welaka, Hart (1952)88 Upper 15 25.2708 -0.7348 5 -0.9946 33.0 31.0 30.5
chirus purpures-Florida 20 28.0663 -0.7826 6 -0.9978 34.5 32.5 32.0
cens (bluegill) 25 23.8733 -0.6320 10 -0.9750 36.0 33.0 33.0
30 25.7732 -0.6581 5 -0.9965 38 34.5 33.8
Lower 15 2.5
20 5.0
25 7.5
30 11.0
Lepomis macro-Adult Mixed Lake Mendota, Hart (1952)88 Upper 2D-23 38.6247 -1.0581 -0.8892 35.5 34.0
chirus (bluegill) Wisconsin 30 30.1609 -0.7657 -0.9401 38.0 36.0
Lepomis megalotis Juvenile >12mm Mixed Middle Fork, Neill, Strawn & Upper 25 35.4953 -0.9331 14 -0.9827 36.9 35.4 35.6
(longear sunfish) White River, Dunn 30 20.5981 -0.4978 22 -0.9625 39.0 36.5 36.8
Arkansas (1966)" 35 30.7245 -9.7257 43 -0.9664 41.5 37.3 37.5
Lepomis sym-Adult ............ ··········· Jefferson Co., Strawn & Upper 35 (0 °/oo)• 20.7487 -0.4686 -0.9747 42.0 39.0
metricus (ban-Texas Dunn 35 (5 '/oo) 23.5649 -0.5354 -0.9975 42.0 39.0
tam sunfish) (1967)" 35 (20 '/oo) 10.4421 -0.2243 -0.9873 41.5 39.5
Lucania parva Adult ............ ............ ........... Jefferson Co., Strawn and Upper 35 co 'fool' 21.2616 -0.4762 -0.9844 42.5 38.5
(rainwater killi· Texas Dunn 35 (5 °/oo) 24.3076 -0.5460 -0.9846 42.5 39.0
fish) (1967)99 35 (10 '.'oo) 24.3118 -0.5467 -0.9904 42.5 39.0
35 (20 °/oo) 21.1302 -0.4697 -0.9940 42.5 39.5
Menidia menidia 8.3-9.2 em 4.3-5.2 gm Mixed New Jersey Hoff & West-Upper 7 19.8801 -0.7391 -0.9398 24.0 20 22.0
(common silver-(average (average (40°N) man (1966)" 14 18.7499 -0.6001 6 -0.9616 27.0 23.0 25.0
side) lor test for test 21 65.7350 -2.0387 6 -0.9626 32.0 28.0 30.4
groups) groups) 28 37.6032 -1.0582 5 -0.8872 34.0 30 32.5
Lower 7 -9.8144 8. 9079 5 0.8274 2 1 1.5
14 -1.2884 2.5597 6 0.8594 5 1 2.0
21 -1.4801 1.1484 6 0.9531 7 4.3
28 -8.2366 1.3586 5 0.9830 15 8.7
Micropterus sal· 9-11 mo. age ............ ............ ........... Welaka, Hart (1952)88 Upper 20 35.5107 -1.0112 -0.9787 34 32 32
moides !Iori-Florida 25 19.9918 -0.5123 -0.9972 36.5 33 33
danus (large-30 17.5645 -0.4200 -0.9920 38 34.5 33. 7(u)
mouth bass) Lower 20 5.2
25 7.0
30 10.5
Micropterus sal-············· ............ ............ ··········· Put-in-Bay, Hart (1952)88 Upper 20 50.8091 -1.4638 34 33 32.5
moides (large-Ohio 25 26.3169 -0.6846 -0.9973 36.5 35 34.5
mouth bass) 30 29.0213 -0.7150 -0.9959 38.5 37 36.4(U)
Lower 20 5.5
30 11.8
Micropterus sal-Under yearling ············ ............ ··········· Knoxville, Hart (1952)88 Upper 30 36.0620 -0.9055 -0.9788 38.5 37 36.4
moides (large-Tenn. 35 23.9185 -0.5632 -0.9958 40 37.5 36.4(u)
mouth bass)
Micropterus sal-............. ············ ............ ........... Lake Men-Hart (1952)'8 Upper 22 34.3649 -0.9789 -0.9789 33.8 32.0 31.5
moides (large-dota, Wis-30 35.2n7 -0.9084 -0.9845 37.5 35.5
mouth bass) cons in
Mysis relicta Adult ............ ............ Mixed Trout Lake, Smith (1970)98 Upper 7.5C >1wk 6.1302 -0.1470 0.9245 26 16 16
(Opposum Cook
shrimp) County,
• It is assumed in this table that the acclimation temperature reported is a true acclimation in the context of Brett • Correlation coefficient (perfect fit of all data points to the regression line=1.0).
(1952).'' d =Incipient lethal temperature of Fry, et al., (1946).8'
• Number of median resistance times used for calculating regression equation. • Salinity.
414/ Appendix II-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
Acclimation log time=a+b (temp.) Data limits Lethal
Species Stage/age Length Weight Sex Location Reference Extreme ("C) LD50 thresholdP
Temp• Time N• I' ("C)
upper lower
Neomysis awat· Adult >7mm . . . . . . . . . . . . Mixed Sacramento· Hair (1971)86 Upper 10.3• 73 (48)
schensis (opos-San Joaquin 11.0 72.5(48)
sum shrimp) della, Cali· 15.1 73.8(48)
fornia 18.3 76.1(48)
19.0 74.0(48)
19.0 8.4694 -0.2150 ......... 24.2-25.4/
21.7 77.0(48)
22.0 77.5(48)
22.4 76.0(48)
Notemigonus Adult ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... Composite• Hart (1952)" Upper 10 42.7095 -1.3507 3 -0.9998 30.5 29.5 29.5
crysoleucas of 1. Welaka, 15 30.2861 -0.8933 4 -0.9844 32.5 31.0 30.5
(golden shiner) Fla. 2. PUI· 20 31.0275 -0.8722 15 -0.9869 34.5 32.0 32.0
in-Bay, Ohio 25 34.2505 -0.9226 9 -0.9665 g6.o 34 33.5
3. Algonquin 30 26.3829 -0.6615 10 -0.9940 37.5 35 34.5
Park, On· Lower 15 1.5
tario 20 4.0
25 7.0
30 11.2
Notropis atheri· Juvenile IH.9g.mode Mixed Chippewa Hart (1941)87 Upper. .. 5 20.9532 -0.7959 -0.9519 24.5 23.5 23.3
noides (emerald ( <1yr) Creek, Wei· 10 36.5023 -1. 2736 27.5 27.0 26.7
shiner) land, Ontario 15 47.4849 -1.5441 -0.9803 30.5 29.5 28.9
20 33.4714 -0.9858 -0.9805 32.5 31.5 30.7
15 26.7096 -0.7337 -0.9753 34.0 31.5 30.7
Lower 15 1.6
20 5.2
25 8.0
Notropis cornutus Adult ············ ············ ··········· Toronto, On-Hart(1952)" Upper 10 29.0 29.0 29.0
(common shiner) tario 15 45.4331 -1.3979 31.5 31.0 30.5
20 34.5324 -1.0116 -0.9560 33.0 31.5 31.0
25(win· 24.9620 -0.6878 -0.9915 34.0 32.0 31.0
25 28.5059 -0.1741 -0.9973 35.5 32.0 31.0
30 28.1261 -0.7316 -0.9946 36.5 34.0 31.0(U)
Notropis cornutus Adult 4.0-5.9g Mixed Don River, Hart (1941)87 Upper 5 26.7
(common (mostly 2 yr) (mode) Thornhill, 10 40.1738 -1.3522 -0.9129 30.0 29.0 28.6
shmer) Ontario 15 45.0912 -1.3874 -0.9999 32.0 31.0 30.3
20 34.5324 -1.0116 -0.9560 33.0 31.5 31.0
25 24.9620 -0.6878 -0.9915 34.0 32.0 31.0
Lower 20 3.7
25 7.8
Notropis cornutus Adult Knoxville, Hart (1952)'• Upper 25 25.5152 -0.6794 6 -0.9938 35.5 33.0 33.0
(common shiner) Tenn. 30 24.9660 -0.6297 10 -0.9978 38.0 34.5 33.5(u)
Oncorhynchus Juvenile fresh· 3.81±0.29 0.3D±0.15g Mixed Dungeness, Brett (1952)" Upper 11.1821 -0.4215 -0.9573 24.0 22.0 21.3±0.3
gorbuscha (pink water fry em Wash. 10 11.9021 -0.3865 -0.9840 26.5 23.0 22.5±0.3
salmon) (3.8 mo.) (hatchery) 15 12.8937 -0.4074 -0.9884 27.0 23.5 23.1±0.3
20 16.2444 -0.4074 -0.9681 27.5 24.0 23.9±0.6
24 14.1111 -0.4459 -0.9690 27.5 24.5 23.9
Oncorhynchus Juvenile fresh· 5.44±0.89 1.62±1.03g Mixed Nile Creek, Brett (1952)" Upper 14.3829 -0.5320 -0.9839 24.0 22.0 21.8
keta (chum water fry em B.C. 10 14.1713 -0.4766 9 -0.8665 26.5 22.5 22.6
salmon) (4.9 mo.) (hatchery) 15 15.8911 -0.5252 8 -0.9070 27.0 23.0 23.1±0.4
20 16.1894 -0.5168 9 -0.9750 27.5 23.5 23.7
23 15.3825 -0.4721 4 -0.9652 27.0 24.0 23.8±0.4
Lower 5
10 0.5
15 4.7
20 6.5
23 7.3
Oncorhynchus Juvenile ............ ············ . .......... Big Creek Blahm and Upper 10%' 16.9245 -0.5985 -0.8827 28 11 22.0
keta (chum Hatchery, Parente 50% 15.9212 -0.5575 -0.9972 29 11 23.2
salmon) Hoodsport, (1970)101 90% 16.8763 -0.5881 -0.9995 29 11 23.6
Wash.h unpublished
a II is assumed in this table that the acclimation temperature reported is a true acclimation in the context of Brett 1 For maximum of 48 hr exposure. The lower lemperature is uncorrected for heavy mortality of control animals at
(1952).74 "acclimation" temperatures above about21.6.
• Number of median resistance times used for calculating regression equation. o The author concluded that there were no geographic differences. The Welaka, Florida subspecies was N.c. bosii,
• Correlation coefficient (perfect fit of all data points to the regression line= 1.0). the others N.c. auratus, based on morphology.
• =Incipient etlhal temperature of Fry, et al., (1946)." • Tested in Columbia River Water at Prescott, Oregon.
• All temperatures estimated from a graph. < Mortality Value.
Appendix 11-C/415
Accfimation log time=a+b (temp.) Dala limits Lethal
Species Slagejage Length Weight Sex Location Reference Extreme ("C) LD50 thresholdd
Temp• Time N• I' ("C)
upper lower
Oncorhynchus Juvenile fresh· 4.78±0.6 1.37±0.62g Mixed Nile Creek, Brett (1952)" Upper 5 21.3050 -0.7970 24.0 23.0 22.9±0.3
Kisutch (coho water fry em B.C. 10 19.5721 -0.6820 -0.9847 26.0 24.5 23.7
salmon) (5.2 mo.) (hatchery) 15 20.4066 -0.6858 -0.9681 27.0 24.5 24.3±0.3
20 20.4022 -0.6713 -0.9985 27.5 25.5 25.0±0.2
23 18.9736 -0.6013 -0.9956 27.5 25.0 25.0±0.2
Lower 5 0.2
10 1.7
15 3.5
20 4.5
23 1.0 6.4
Oncorhynchus Juvenile ............ ............ ··········· Kalama Falls, Blahm & Upper 10 (10%)' 15.4616 -0.5522 6 -0.8533 29 1.7 23.2
kisutch (coho Wash. McConnell (50%) 18.4136 -0.6410 6 -0.9705 29 17.0 23.5
salmon) (hatchery)• (1970)100 (90%) 15.9026 -0.5423 4 -0.97!0 29 17.0 23.7
unpublished 14• (10%) 8.5307 -0.2969 10 -0.9063 29 14.0 14.0
data (50%) 8.5195 -0.2433 10 -0.8483 29 0.14 ......... 17.0
(90%) 22.0
Oncorhynchus Adult a 570 mm a 2500 gave. Mixed Columbia Coulant Upper 17• 5.9068 -0.1630 -0.9767 30 26
kisutch (coho ave. River at (1970)76
salmon) Priest Rap·
ids Dam
Oncorhynchus Juvenile fresh· 4.49±0.84 0.87±0.45g Mixed Issaquah, Brett (1952)" Upper 5 17.7887 -0. 6623 -0.9383 24.0 22.5 22.2±0.3
nerka (sockeye water fry em Wash. 10 14.7319 -0.4988 -G.9833 26.5 23.5 23.4±0.3
salmon) (4.7 mo) (hatchery) 15 15.8799 -0.5210 -0.9126 27.5 24.5 24.4±0.3
20 19.3821 -0.6378 -0.9602 27.5 24.5 24.8±0.3
23 20.0020 -0.6496 -0.9981 26.5 24.5 24.8±0.3
Lower 5 0 0 0
10 4 0 3.1
15 5 0 4.1
20 5 0 4.7
23 7 1.0 6.7
Oncorhynchus Juvenile 67 mm ave. ............ Mixed National Fish McConnell & Upper 10 10o/cl 18.4771 -0.6458 -0.9671 29 17 21.5
nerka (sockeye (under Hatchery' Blahm 50% 18.5833 -0.6437 -0.9750 29 17 22.5
salmon) yearling) Leaven· (1970)103 90% 20.6289 -0.7166 -0.9553 29 17 23.0
worth, unpublished 20 10% 17.5227 -0.5861 -0.9739 29 21 23.5
Wash. data 50% 16.7328 -0.5473 -0.9552 29 21 23.5
90% 15.7823 -0.5061 -0.9539 29 21 23.5
Oncorhynchus Juvenile lOD-105 mm ............ Mixed National Fish McConnell & Upper 10 l°C (1C%)i 6.4771 -0.2118 -0.9887 32 14
nerka (sockeye (yearling) are for test Hatchery Blahm per day rise
salmon) groups Leaven· (1970)103 to accl. temp.
worth, unpublished (50%) 9. 0438 -0.2922 -0.9392 32 14 23.5
Wash.' data (90%) 9.0628 -0.2859 4 -0.9534 32 14
12" (10%) 13.2412 -0.4475 4 -0.9955 29 17
(50%) 18.1322 -0.6178 4 -0.9598 29 17 23.5
(90%) 17.5427 -0.5900 4 -0.9533· 29 17
15.5" (10%) 12.1763 -0.4004 5 -0.9443 32 17
(50%) 13.6666 -0.4432 5 -0.9720 32 17 22.5
(90%) 12.7165 -0.4057 4 -0.9748 32 17
11" (10%) 17.4210 -0.6114 5 -0.9549 29 20
(50%) 17.2432 -0.5885 4 -0.9450 29 20 23.5
(90%) 17.2393 -0.5769 4 -0.9364 29 20
Oncorhynchus Juvenile fresh· 4.44±0.40 1.03±0.27g Mixed Dungeness. Brett (1952)" Upper 5 9.3155 -0.3107 -0.9847 25.0 22.5 21.5
tshawytscha water fry em Wash. 10 16.4595 -0.5575 -0.9996 26.5 24.5 24.3±0.1
(Chinook (3.6 mo.) (hatchery) 15 16.4454 -0.5364 -0.9906 27.0 25.5 25.0±0.1
salmon) 20 22.9065 -0.7611 -0.9850 27.5 25.0 25.1±0.1
24 18.9940 -0.5992 -0.9923 27.5 25.0 25.1±0.1
Lower 10 1.0 0 0.8
15 3.0 0.5 2.5
20 5.0 0.5 4.5
23 8.0 1.0 7.4
•II is assumed in this lable that the acclimation temperature reported is a true acclimation in the context of Brett •14 C-acclimated fish were collected from !he Columbia R!ver 4-6 wks following release from the hatchery
(1952).74 (and may have included a few fish from other upstream sources). River water was supersaturated with Nitrogen,
• Number of median resislance times used for calculating regression equation. and 14·C fish showed signs of gas.bubble disease during tests.
' Correlation coefficient (perfect fit of all dala points to the regression line= 1.0). • River lemp. during fall migration.
d =Incipient lethal temperature of Fry, et al., (1946)." ' Tested in Columbia River water at Prescott, Oregon.
•10 C-acclimated fish came directly from the hatchery. ; Per cent mortalities.
J Dala were presented allowing calculation of 10% and 90% mortality.
416/Appendix If-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
Acclimation log time=a+b (temp.) Data limits Lethal
Species Stagejage Length Weight Sex Location Reference Extreme ('C) LD50 threshold•
Temp• Time N• r• ('C)
upper lower
Oncorhynchus Juvenile 39-124 mm . . . . . . . . . . . . Mixed Columbia Snyder & Upper 10• 16.8t09 -0.5787 -0.9998 29 25 24.5
tshawytscha averages River at Blahm (tO%!) t8.9770 -0.662t -0.99t8 29 23 22.9
(chinook for various Prescott, (1970)105 (90%) 17.0278 -0.5845 -0.9997 29 25 24.5
salmon) test groups Oregon unpublished toa t5.7tOt -0.5403 -0.9255 29 20 23.5
data (tO%) t5.t583 -0.5312 8• -0.9439 29 20 20.5
(90%) 15.2525 -0. 5t30 8 -0.9360 29 20 23.5
12 t8.2574 -0.6149 5• -0.982t 29 23 20.5
t3 12.4058 -0.3974 6 -0.9608 32 17 20.0
(10%) t0.14t0 -0.32t8 7 -0.9496 32 17 19.5
(90%) t2. 7368 -0.4040 6 -0.9753 32 17 23.0
18• 13.3175 -0.4240 11 -0.9550 30 20 20.5
(10%) t1.5122 -0.3745 t2 -0.94t3 30 20 20.0
(90%) t4. 2456 -0.4434 10 -0.9620 30 20 23.5
Oncorhynchus Juvenile 84 mm ave. 6.3g ave. Mixed Little White Blahm & Upper 11 2-3-wks
tshawytseha Salmon, McConnell tO%' t3.3696 -0.469t -0.9504 29 17 23.0
(Chinook salmon River (t970)100 50% t4.6268 -0.5066 -0.9843 29 17 23.5
spring run) Hatchery, unpublished 90% t9.2211 -0.6679 -0.9295 29 17 23.8
Cook, data 20 1C/day rise
Washington from toe
10% 22.6664 -0.7797 -0.9747 29 2t 23.8
50% 21. 398t -0.1253 -0.9579 29 2t 24.7
90% 20.9294 -0.7024 -0.9463 29 21 24.8
Oncorhynchus Juvenile 40 mm. ave. ············ Mixed Eggs from Snyder & Upper t3.50t9 -0.4874 -0.9845 29 8 20
tshawytscha Seattle, Blahm (10%)i 8.9t26 -0.3t98 6 -0.96t8 29 8 13.5
(chinook salmon) Wash. (1970)105 (90%)i to. 649t -0.3771 6 -0.9997 29 8 ?
raised from unpublished
yolk-sac data
stage in
River water
at Prescott,
Oncorhynchus Juvenile 90.6 mm ave. 7.8 gave. Mixed Little While Blahm & Upper 11 2-3 wks
tshawytseha Salmon McConnell tO%• t8.6889 -0.6569 -0.96t8 29 17 23.5
(chinook salmon Riverhatch· (t970)100 50% 20.547t -0.7t47 -0.9283 29 17 24.2
fall run) ery, Cook, unpublished 90% 20.8960 -0.723t -0.9249 29 17 24.5
Washington data Upper 20 1Cjday rise
from toe
tO% 21.6756 -0.7438 -0.9550 29 2t 24.5
50% 22.2t24 -0.7526 -0.9738 29 21 24.5
90% 20.5t62 -0.6860 -0.9475 29 2t 24.5
Oncorhynchus "Jacks" 2500 mm ave. 2000 g. ave. Males Columbia Coutant Upper 17' 13.2502 -0.412t -0.8206 30 26 ?
tshawytscha 1-2 yrs old River at (1970)" t9l 9.4683 -0.2504 -0.9952 26 22 22
(Chinook Grand Rapids
salmon) Dam
Perea navescens Juvenile 49 mmave. 1.2 gave. Mixed Columbia Blahm and Upper t9 Held plus 15.360t -0.4t26 ........ 38 32
(yellow perch) River near Parente 4 da.
Prescott, (1970)101
Ore. unpublished ·
Perea navescens Adult (4 yr 8.0-9.9 g Mixed Black Creek, Hart (t947)" Upper 5 7.0095 -0.22t4 -0.9904 26.5 22.0 21.3
(yellow perch) mode) mode Lake Sim· 11 17.6536 -0.6021 26.5 26.0 25.0
coe, Ontario t5 12.4t49 -0.364t -0.9994 30.5 28.5 27.7
25 21.27t8 -0.5909 -0.9698 33.0 30.0 29.7
Lower 25 3.7
Petromyzon Prolarvae . . . . . . . . . . . . ············ ··········· Great Lakes McCauley Upper t5 and 20m .... 17.5642 -0.4680 t8 -0.9683 34 29 28.5
marinus (sea (1963)"
lamprey, land·
•It is assumed in this table thatthe acclimation temperature reported is a true acclimation in the context of Brett • These were likely syflergistic eftects of high N2 supersaturation in these tests.
(1952).74 • Excluding apparent long-term secondary mortality.
• Number of median resistance times used for calculating regression equation. ' Data were available for 10% and 90% mortality as well as 50o/o-
• Correlation coefficient (perfect fit of all data points to the regression line= 1.0). i Data also available on 10% and 90% mortality.
• =Incipient lethal temperature oi Fry, et al., (1946)." • Data available for tO% and 90% mortality as well a.50o/o-
• Fish tested shorfly after capture by beach seine. • River temperatures during fall migrations two different years.
I Data were also available for calculation of 10% and 90% mortality of June lest groups. m No difterence was shown so data are lumped.
Appendix ll-C /417
Species Stage/age Length Weight Sex
Pimephales Adult (mostly . . . . . . . . . . . . mostly 0-2 g Mixed
(Hyborhynchus) I yr)
notatus (blunt-
nose minnow)
Pimephales Adult (I yr)
promelas (fat-
head minnow)
Poecilia latipinna Adult
(Sailfin molly)
Pontoporeia affinis Adult
nectes ameri-
canus (winter
Rhinichthys Adult
(blacknose dace)
Rhinichthys Adult(?)
atratulus (black·
nose dace)
Rhinichthys Adult
atratulus (Black-
nose dace)
Salmo gairdnerii Juvenile
(Rainbow trout)
Salmo gairdnerii Yearling
(rainbow trout)
Salmo gairdnerii Juvenile
(rainbow trout)
6.0-7.1 em 3.4-4.2 g Mixed
(averages (averages
for test for test
groups) groups)
.... 2.0-3.9
4.5±0.4 em . .. . . . . . . . . Mixed
9. 4±6. 0 em . . . . . . . . . . . . Mixed
and 15.5±
Location Reference
Etobicoke Cr., Hart (1947)"
Don River, Hart (1947)"
Jefferson Co., Strawn and
Texas Dunn
Lake Superior Smith (1971)"'
near Two unpublished
Harbors, data
New Jersey
Hoff & West-
man (1966)90
Hart (1952)"
Hart (1952)"
Don River, Hart (1947)"
East end of
Alabaster &
Craigie, D.E.
Alabaster &
• It is assumed in this table that the acclimation temperature reported is a true acclimation in the context of Brett
b Number of median resistance times used for calculating regression equation.
'Correlation coefficient (perfect fit of all data points to the regression line= 1.0).
• =Incipient lethal temperature of Fry, et al., (1946)."
Acclimation log time=a+b (temp.)
Data limits
Temp• Time
(0 °/oo)'
(5 °/oo)
(10 °/oo)
(20 °/oo)
24.6417 -0.8602
55.8357 -1.8588
28.0377 -0.8337
34.3240 -0.9682
50.8212 -1.4181
upper lower
27.0 26.5
29.5 29.0
-0.9974 32.0 31.0
-0.9329 34.0 32.5
-0.9490 35.0 34.0
30.0 29.5 60.7782 -2. DODO
6.9970 -0.1560
41.3696 -1.1317
4 -0.7448 33.0 28.5
5 -0.9670 36.0 34.0
27.4296 -0.6279
25.6936 -0.5753
28.8808 -0.6535
27.1988 -0.6146
9.1790 -0.5017
28.2986 -1.1405
24.3020 -0.8762
49.0231 -1.6915
60.8070 -1.9610
2.4924 0.8165
2.2145 0.2344
21.2115 -0.5958 7
19.6451 -0.5224 10
21.3360 -0.5651 7
-0.9902 42.5
-0.9835 42.5
-0.9949 42.0
-0.9791 42.5
-0.9852 24.0 20.0
-0.9507 26.0 23.0
-0.9237 29.0 26.0
-0.9181 30.0 29.0
1.0 1.0
2.0 1.0
0. 7816 6.0 1.0
0.9970 7.0 4.0
-0.9935 33 30
-0.9979 35 30.5
-0.9946 35.5 32.5
(30 da)
Upper 5
-0.9632 31.5
27 27(1 hr)
Raised in soli water
20 (tested in soft
20 (tested in hard
Raised in hard water
20 (tested in soft
20 (tested in hard
• Salinity.
19.8158 -0.5771
24.5749 -0.7061
20.1840 -0.5389
77.1877 -2.7959
49.1469 -1.6021
19.6975 -0.5734
26.5952 -0.7719
23.5765 -0.6629
18.4654 -0.5801
13.6531 -0.4264
14.6405 -0.4470
15.0392 -0.4561
15.1473 -0.4683
12.8718 -0.3837
15.6500 -0.500
19.6250 -0.6250
J Dissolved oxygen Cone. 7.4 mg/1.
• Dissolved oxygen Cone. 3.8 mg/1.
• See note (under Salmo salar) about Alabaster 1967."
-0.9926 33 30.0
-0.9968 35 32.0
27.5 27.0
-0.8521 30.5 29.5
-0.9571 31.5 30.0
-0.9897 33.5 29.5
-0.9937 34.0 30.0
-0.9787 29.6 26.3
-0.9742 29.1 26.3
-0.9787 29 27
-0.9917 29 27
-0.9781 29 27
-0.9841 29 27
418/Appendix Il-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
Species Stagejage Length Weight Sex Location Reference
Salmo gairdnerii Adult 2650 mm 4000 g ave. Mixed Columbia Coutant
(anadromous) ave. River at (1970)76
(Sieelhead Priest
trout) Rapids Dam
Salmo salar Smolls(l-2 About!& em ............ Mixed River Axe, Alabaster
(Atlantic salmon) yrs) ave. Devon, (1967)"
Salmo salar Newly hatched . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mixed Cullercoats, Bishai (1960)73
(AUantic salmon) larvae North
Salmo salar 30 da after ............ ............ Mixed Cullercoals, Bishai (1960)73
(Atlantic salmon) hatching North
Salmo salar Parr(! yr) 10 em ave. . . . . . . . . . . . . Mixed River Axe, Alabaster
(Atlantic salmon) Devon, (1967)68
Salmo salar Smolls(l-2 11.7±1.5cm Mixed River North Alabaster
(ADantic salmon) yrs) Esk, ScoUand (1967)"
Salmo salar Smalls (1-2 14.6±1.3 em Mixed River Severn Alabaster
(Atlantic salmon) yrs) Gloucester, (1967)68
Salmotrulla Newly hatched ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . Mixed Cullercoals, Bishai (1960)"
(brown trout) try North
Salmotrutta 30 da after ············ . . . . . . . . . . . . Mixed Cullercoats, Bishai (1960)73
(Brown trout, hatching North
sea run) Shields,
Salmotrutta Juvenile 10.1±0.8cm ............ Mixed London, Alabaster &
(brown trout, 7.4±4.5 England Downing
searun) em (hatchery) (1966)"
Salmotrulla Smalls (2 yr.) Aboul21 em ............ Mixed River Axe, Alabaster
(brown trou~ ave. Devon, (1967)68
searun) England
Salvelinus fonti-Juvenile . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ ··········· Pleasant McCauley
nalis (Brook Mount (1958)"
trout) Hatchery,
Wayne Co.,
Penna. and
• II is assumed in this table lhallhe acclimation temperature reported is a true acclimation in the context of Brett
b Number of median resistance limes used for calculating regression equation.
• Correlation coefficient (perfect fit of all data points to the regression line= t.O).
• =lncipienllelhallemperature of Fry, elal., (1946).••
Acclimation log time=a+b (temp.) Data limits
("C) Ememe--------------------------------
Temp• T!me
upper lower
Upper IS• ········· 10.9677 -0.3329 -0.9910 29 21
Upper 9.2 (field) 43. 6667 -1.6667 21 (I) (I)
9.3" 23.7273 -0.9091 2
10.9" 126.5000 -5.000
Tested in 30% seawater
9.2 (field) 44.6667 -1.6667 2 ........ ............
Tested in 100% sea·
9.2 (field) 14.7368 -0.5263 2 ........ ............
Acclimated 7 hr in sea·
water; tested in sea-
9.2 (field) 36.9999 -1.4286 ........ . . . . . . . . . . . .
Upper 6 (brought up to 13.59 -0.4287 -0.9678 28.0 20.0
lest temp. in
6 hours)
Upper 5 8.9631 -0.2877 -0.9791 25.0 22
10 15.7280 -0.5396 -0.9689 26.0 22
20 11.5471 -0.3406 -0.9143 26.0 22
Upper 9.3 (field) 33.3750 -1.2500 2•
10.9 (field) 28.0000 -1.0000 2
Upper 11.7 25.9091 -0.9091 2• ........ ............
Upper 16.7 14.5909 -0.4545 2• ........ ............
Upper 6 (raised to test
temp. over 6 hr
period) 12.7756 -0.4010 -0.9747 28.0 20.0
Upper 5 15.2944 -0.5299 -0.8783 25.0 22.0
10 23.5131 -0.8406 -0.9702 26.0 22.0
20 14.6978 -0.4665 -0.9797 26.0 22.0
Upper 6 36.1429 -1.4286 2•
15 21.5714 -0.7143 2
20 17.6667 -0.5556 2
Uppe 9.3 (field) 18.4667 -0.6667 2•
10.9" 33.0000 -1.2500 2
Upper 10 17.5260 -0.6033 -0.9254 25.5 24.5
20 20.2457 -0.6671 -0.9723 27.0 25.0
• River temp. during fall migration,
. ........
I Alabaster filled by eye, a straight line to median death times plotted on semilog paper (log lime), then reported
only the 100 and 1000 min intercepts. These intercepts are the basis tor the equation presented here.
• See note for Alabaster 1967."
• Resulls did not differ so data were combined.
Appendix II-C /419
Acclimation log time=a+b (temp.) Dalalimils Lethal
Species Slagejage Length Weight Sex Location Reference Extreme ("C) LD50 thresholdd
Temp• Time Nb r• ("C)
upper lower
Safvelinus lonti· Yearling ............. x =7.88 g Mixed Codrington, Fry, Hart & Upper 13.4325 -0.4556 -0.9997 26.0 23.5 23.5
nalis (brook range 2-Ont. (hatch· Walker II 14.6256 -0.4728 28.0 25.0 24.6
trout) 25 g ery (1946)83 15 15.1846 -0.4833 28.5 25.5 25.0
20 15.0331 -0.4661 29.0 25.5 25.3
22 11.1967 -0.5367 6 29.0 26.5 25.5
24 11.8467 -0.5567 10 30.0 25.5 25.5
25 17.8467 -0.5567 3 29.0 26.0 25.5
Salvelinus lonti-Juvenile ............ ............ ........... Onlario, Fry and Gib· Upper 10 13.2634 -0.4381 -0.9852 26.5 24.0 23.5-24.0
nalis (namaycush Canada son (1953)" 15 16.9596 -0.5540 -0.9652 28.0 24.5 ?
hybrid) 20 19.4449 -0.6342 -0.9744 28.0 24.5 24.0-24.5
Salvelinus 1-2 yr. old 21.1 gm ave. Mixed Hatcheries in Gibson and Upper 8 1 wk 14.4820 -0.5142 -0.9936 26 23 22.7
namaycush (I yr) 82.8 Onlario Fry (1954)" 15 14.5123 -0.4866 -0.9989 21 24 23.5
(Lake trout) gm ave. 20 17.3684 -0.5818 -0.9951 21 24 23.5
(2 yr)
Scardinius Adult 10 em Mixed Brilain (field) Alabaster & Upper 20 26.9999 -0.7692 2• ........ ............ .........
erythrophthala· Downing
mus (rudd) (1966)"
Semotilus atro-Adult 2.0-3.9 gm Mixed Don River, Hart (1947)" Upper 5 42.1859 -I. 6021 -0.9408 26.0 25.0 24.7
maculatus mode Thornhill, 10 31.0755 -1.0414 -0.8628 29.0 28.0 27.3
(Creek chub) Onlario 15 20.8055 -0.6226 -0.9969 31.0 30.0 29.3
20 21.0274 -0.5933 -0.9844 33.5 30.5 30.3
25 16.8951 -0.4499 -0.9911 35.0 31.0 30.3
Lower 20 0.1
25 4.5
Semotilus afro-Adult ············ ············ ........... Toronto, Hart (1952)" Upper 10 (Toronto only) 29 28 27.5
maculatus Onlario 15 (Toronto only) 20.8055 -0.6226 3 -0.9969 31 30 29
(Creek chub) Knoxville, 20 (Toronto Dolly) 19.1315 -0.5328 6 -0.9856 33 30.5 30.5
Tenn. 25 19.3186 -0.4117 18 . -0.9921 36 32 31.5
30 22.8982 -0.5844 19 -0.9961 37 33 31.5
Sphaeroides annu-Adult ············ ............ ........... Northern Gulf Heath (1961)" Upper 32.0 25.4649 -0.6088 -0.9716 37.0 36.0
latus (Puffer) of Calif.
Sphaeroides macu-············· 13.8-15.9 em 62.3-79.3 gm Mixed New Jersey Hoff and West· Upper 10 11.3999 -0.2821 -0.9988 30.0 25.0 27.5
latus (Northern (average) (average) (40 N) man (1966)" 14 35.5191 -1.0151 -0.9449 32.0 27.0 30.2
puffer) 21 21.5353 -0.5746 -0.9914 32.0 30.0 31.2
28 23.7582 -0.6183 -0.9239 33.5 31.1 32.5
Lower 14 -1.1104 0.6141 0.9760 10.0 6.0 8.8
21 -3.9939 0.7300 0.9310 12.0 8.0 10.7
28 -7.4513 0.8498 0.9738 16.0 10.0 13.0
Thaleichthys Sexually 161 mmave. 31 gm ave. Mixed Cowlitz River, Blahm & Upper river temp. 7. 7440 -0.2740 -0.9142 29.0 8.0 10.5
pacificus Mature Wash. McConnell
(Eulachon or (1970)100
Columbia River unpublished
Smelt) dala
Tilapia mossam· 4 months 8.0-12.0 em 10.0-11.0 gm ........... Transvaal Allanson & Upper 22 313.3830 -8.3878 4 -0.8898 31.10 36.5 36.94
bica (Mozam· Africa Noble 26 14.0458 -0.2800 5 -0.2140 37.92 37.5 37.7
bique mouth· (1964)71 28 41.1610 -0.9950 4 -0.3107 38.09 37.9 37.89
breeder) 29 94.8243 -2.4125 5 -0.7781 38.10 37.0 37.91
30 41.3233 -1.0018 6 -0.9724 38.50 37.6 37.59
32 34.0769 -0.8123 4 -0.9209 38.4 37.6 37.6
34 123.1504 -3.1223 3 -0.9938 38.4 38.2 38.25
36 68.6764 -1.7094 6 -0.9053 38.71 37.9 38.2
Tinea tinea Juvenile 4.6±0.4cm ............ Mixed England Alabaster & Upper 15 33.2000 1.0000 2•
(tench) Downing•• 20 29.6667 0.8333 3
(1966) 25 27.1429 0.7143 2
• It is assumed in this !able that the acclimation temperature reported is a true acclimation in the context of Brett • Correlation coefficient (perfect fit of all dala poinls to the regression line= 1.0).
(1952),74 d = fncipienllethaltemperature of Fry, eta f., (1946)."
b Number of median resislance times used for calculating regression equation. • See previous note lor Alabaster 1967.68
Pesticide Organism
ALDRIN................................ CRUSTACEANS
Gammarus lacustris ................... .
Gammarus fasciatus ................... .
Palaemonetes kadiakensis .............. .
Asellus brevicaudus ................... .
Daphnia pulex ........................ .
Simocephalus serrulatus ................ .
Pleronarcys californica ................. .
Pleronarcys californica ................. .
Acroneuria pacifica .................... .
Pimephales promelas .................. .
Lepomis macrochirus .................. .
Salmo gairdneri. ...................... .
Oncorhynchus kisutch .................. .
Oncorhynchus tschawylscha ............ .
DDT.................................... CRUSTACEAN
Gammarus lacustris .................... .
Gammarus fascialus ................... .
Palaemoneles kadiakensis .............. .
Orconectes nais ....................... .
Asellus brevicaudus .................... .
Simocephalus serrulatus ................ .
Daphnia pulex ......................... .
Pteronarcys calilornica .................. .
Pleronarcella badia .................... .
Claassenia sabulosa .................... .
Pimephales promelas .................. .
Lepomis macrochirus .................. .
Lepomis microlophus ................... .
Micropterus salmoides ................. .
Salmo gairdneri ....................... .
Salmo gairdneri. ...................... .
Salmo trutta ..........................•
Oncorhynchus kisutch .................. .
Perea navescens ...................... .
lctalurus punctalus .................... .
lctalurus melas ........................ .
TOE (ODD) Rholhane®.. ... .. ... .. . .. ... CRUSTACEAN
Gammarus lacustris ................... .
Gammarus fasciatus ................... .
Palaemonetes kadiakensis ..............•
Asellus breviacaudus ................... .
Simocephalus serrulatus ................ .
Daphnia pulex ........................ .
Pleronarcys californica ................. .
Organochlorine Insecticides
Acute toxicity LC50
Sub-acute effects
pg/liter Reference
Sanders 1969'"
Sanders in press'"
........................................ Sanders and Cope 1966'"
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sanders and Cope 1968'28
2.5pgjliter (30 day LC5D). ................ Jensen and Gaufin 1966118
22pgfliter (30 day LC50)................. Jensen and Gaufin 196611•
Henderson et al. 1959110
Katz 196111'
Sanders 1969"'
Sanders in press'"
Sanders and Cope 1966127
Sanders and Cope 1968128
Macek and McAllister 1970121
0.26pgjl (15 day LC50).................. FPRL Annual Report"'
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Macek and McAllister 1970"'
Sanders 19691"
Sanders in press126
Sanders and Cope 1966127
Sanders and Cope 1968128
Appendix Il-D/421
Organochlorine Insecticides-Continued
Pesticide Organism·
DIELDRIN .............................. CRUSTACEAN
Gammarus lacustris ....
Gammarus fasciatus ................... .
Palaemonetes kadiakensis .............. .
Orconectes nais ....................... .
Asellus brevicaudus ................... .
Simocephalus serrulatus ................•
Daphnia pulex ........................ .
Pleronarcys californica ................. .
Pleronarcys californica ................. .
Acroneuria pacifica .•...................
Pleronarcella badia .................... .
Claassenia sabulosa ................... .
Pimephales promelas .................. .
Lepomis macrochirus .................. .
Salmo gairdneri. ...................... .
Oncorhynchus kisutch ................. .
Oncorhynchus tschawytscha ............ .
Poecillia latipipna. . . . . . . . ............ .
Poecillia latipipna ..................... .
Lepomis gibbosus ..................... .
lclaluras punctatus .................... .
Gammarus lacuslris ................... .
Gammarus fasciatus ................... .
Palaemonetes kadiakensis .............. .
Simocephalus serrulatus ................ .
Daphnia pulex ......................... .
Pleronarcys californica ................. .
Pimephales promelas .................. .
Lepomis macrochirus .................. .
Salmo gairdneri. ...................... .
Oncorhynchus kisutch .................. .
Oncorhynchus tschawytscha ............ .
Gammarus fascialus ....•...........•...
Daphnia magna ....................... .
Pleronarcys californica ................. .
lschnura sp ........................... .
Salmo gairdneri. ...•...................
Catastomus commersoni.. .............. .
ENDRIN.. .. • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRUSTACEAN
HEI'TACHLOR ......................... .
Gammarus lacustris ....................•
Gammarus fascial us ................... .
Palaemonetes kadiakensis .............. .
Orconectes nais .......................•
Asellus brevicaudus ...........•.......•
Simocephalus serrulatus ................•
Daphnia pulex ........................ .
Pteronarcys californica ................. .
Pleronarcys californica ................. .
Acroneuria pacifica ...................•.
Pteronarcella badia .................... .
Claassenia sabulosa .................... .
Pimephales promelas ................... .
Lepomis macrochirus .................. .
Salmo gairdneri. ...................... .
Oncorhynchus kisutch ...•..............
Oncorhynchus lschawytscha ............ .
Gammarus lacustris ...................•
Gammarus fasciatus ................... .
Palaemonetes kadiakensis .............. .
Orconectes nais.. ........•............•
Simocephalus serrulatus ................•
Daphnia pulex ..............•...........
Acute toxicity LC50
,.g/liter hours
460 96
600 96
20 96
740 96
5 96
190 48
250 48
0.5 96
39 96
24 96
0.5 96
0.58 96
16 96
8 96
10 96
II 96
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
····················· ····················
6.7 96
4.5 96
26 96
40 96
4.0 96
20 48
29 48
15 96
52 96
22 96
44 96
56 96
57 96
5.8 96
52.9 96
2.3 96
71.8 96
0.3 96
3.0 96
3.0 96
0.9 120
0.4 120
3.2 96
1.5 96
26 48
20 48
0.25 96
2.4 96
0.32 96
0.54 96
0. 76 96
1.0 96
0.6 96
0.6 96
0.5 96
1.2 96
29 96
40 96
1.8 96
7.8 96
47 48
42 48
Sub-acute effects
2. 0 (30 day LC50)
0.2 (30 day LC50)
3.0 (19 week LC50)
0. 75 (reduced growth & reproduction-34
I. 7 (affect swimming ability and oxygen con·
2.5 (120 hour LC50) ..................... .
Sanders 1969"'
Sanders in press'"
Sanders and Cope 19661"
Sanders and Cope 1968128
Jensen and Gaufin 1966118
Sanders and Cope 1968128
Henderson et al. 1959113
Katz 1961119
Lane and Livingston 197012•
Cairns and Scheir 19641••
Sanders 19691"
Sanders in press'"
Sanders and Cope 1966'27
Sanders and Cope 1968128
Henderson et al. 195911•
Katz 1961'"
Sanders 1969'"
Schoettger 19701"
Sanders and Cope 1968128
Schoettger 1970'"
Schoettger 1970'"
Sanders 1969124
Sanders in press"'
•............................•.•..•..... Sanders and Cope 1966'27
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sanders and Cope 1968128
1.2 (30 day LC50)........................ Jensen and Gaufln 1966118
0.03 (39 day LC50) .....•................•
Sanders and Cope 1968128
Henderson et al. 1959"'
Katz 1961"'
Sanders 1969'24
Sanders in press'"
Sanders and Cope 1966'27
422/ Appendix If-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
Organochlorine Insecticides-Continued
Pesticide Organism
HEPTACHLOR.......................... INSECTS
Pleronarcys californica ................. .
Pleronarcella badia .................... .
Claassenia sabulosa .................... .
Pimephales promelas ................. ..
Lepomis macrochirus .................. ..
Lepomis microlophus ................... .
Salmo gairdneri. ...................... .
Oncorhynchus kisutch ................. ..
Oncorhynchus tschawytscha .•.•......•..
LINDANE............................... CRUSTACEAN
Gammarus lacustris ................... .
Gammarus fasciatus ................... .
Asellus brevicaudus ................... .
Simocephalus serrulatus .....•..........•
Daphnia pulex ....................... ..
Pteronarcys ealifornica ........•..•..•...
Pimephales promelas ................. ..
Lepomis macrochirus .•...•.•..•.••...•.
Lepomis microlophus ................... .
Micropterus salmoides ..•....•........•.
Salmo gairdneri. ....•..•.•..•..•..••...
Salmotrutta .............•.••.........•
Oncorhynchus kisutch ••••.............•
Perea flavescens ...................... .
lctalurus punctatus ................... ..
lctalurus r<las ....................... ..
METHOXYCHLOR...................... CRUSTACEAN
Gammarus lacustris ................... .
Gammarus fasciatus ........•........•.•
Palaemonetes kadiakensis ..............•
Orconectes nais ..............•.•...•.•.
Asellus brevicaudus .........•.......••.•
Simocephalus serrulatus ........•.......•
Daphnia pulex •...........•..•........•
Pleronarcys ealifornica ................. .
Taeniopteryx nivalis ................... .
Stenonema spp ........................ .
Pimephales promelas .•.•.•...........•.
Lepomis macrochirus ................. ..
Salmo gairdneri. ...........•..•..•.....
Oncorhynchus kisutch .................. .
Oncorhynchus tschawytscha .•...•.......
Perea flavescens ...................... .
TOXAPHENE........................... CRUSTACEAN
Gammarus lacustris .••.....•..........•
Gammarus fasciatus ................... .
Palaemonetes kadiakensis .......•...•..•
Simocephalus serrulatus .•..............•
Daphnia pulex ...............•......•.•
Pleronarcys californiea .•.......•.••....•
Pleronarcella badia ................... ..
Claassenia sabulosa ................... ..
Pimephales promelas .................. .
Lepomos macrochirus .................. .
Lepomis microlophus .................. .
Micropterus salmoides ............•.•..•
Salmo gairdnerii. ..................... .
Salmotrutta ........•..•.......•.....••
Oncorhynchus kisutch .•••.....•••...•.•
Perea flavescens ...................... .
Jctalurus punctatus .................... .
lctalurus me las ...................... ..
Acute toxicity LC50
Sub-acute effects
pgfliter Reference
Sanders and Cope 1968""
Henderson et al. 1959"'
Bridges 1961••7
Katz 1961119
Sanders 1969•24
Sanders in press"'
Sanders and Cope 1966127
Sanders and Cope 1968"'
Macek and McAllister 1970121
Sanders 1969•24
Sanders in press'"
Sanders and Cope 1966'27
Sanders and Cope 1968"'
Merna unpublished data"'
0.125 (reduced egg hatchability)........... Merna unpublished data""
. .. .. .. . . . .. . .. .. . . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . Henderson et aL 195911•
Katz, 196111°
0. 6 (reduced growth) 8 months. • • • . . . . • . . . Merna unpubUshed data"'
Sanders 1969m
Sanders in press"'
Sanders and Cope 1966'27
Sanders and Cope 1968'"
Macek and McAIUster 1970121
Macek and McAllister 1970121
Pesticide Organism
ABATE®............................. CRUSTACEAN
Gammarus lacuslris ........... .
Pleronarcys californica ......... .
Salmo gairdneri. .............. .
Gammarus lacustris ........... .
Gammarus fasciatus ........... .
Gammarus pseudolimneaus ..... .
Palaemoneles kadiakensis ...... .
Asellus brevicaudus ........... .
Pleronarcys dorsata ........... .
Pleronarcys californica .........•
Acroneuria lycorias ............ .
Ophiogomphus rupinsulensis .... .
Hydropsyche beltoni ........... .
Ephemerella sub varia .......... .
Pimephales promelas .......... .
Lepomis macrochirus .......... .
Lepomis microlophus ........... .
Microplerus salmoides ......... .
Salmo gairdneri. .............. .
Salmo !rolla .................. .
Oncorhynchus kisulch ......... .
Perea Oavescens .............. .
fctalurus punctalus ............ .
lctalurus melas ............... .
Simocephalus serrulalus ........ .
Daphnia pulex ................ .
Salmo gairdneri. .............. .
Gammarus lactuslris ........... .
Palaemonetes kadiakensis ...... .
Asellus brevicaudus ........... .
CHLOROTHION.. •.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRUSTACEAN
Daphnia magna ............... .
Pimephales promelas .......... .
Lepomis macrochirus .......... .
CIODRIN® ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRUSTACEANS
Gammarus lacuslris ........... .
Gammarus fasciatus ........... .
Lepomis macrochirus .......... .
Micropterus salmoides ......... .
Salmo gairdneri. .............. .
lctalurus punctatus ............•
COUMAPHOS CO·RAL ®. .. . . . . . . . . . . . CRUSTACEANS
Gammarus lacustris ........... .
Gammarus fasciatus ........... .
Daphnia magna ............... .
Hydropsyche sp •...............
Hexagenia sp •..................
Pimephales promelas .......... .
Lepomis macrochirus .•.........
Salmo gairdneri. .............. .
Oncorhynchus kisutch .......... .
Gammarus fasciatus ........... .
Pimephales promelas .......... .
Lepomis macrochirus .......... .
Organophosphate Insecticides
Acute toxicity LC50
0. ffi
Sub-acute effects
0.16 (20 day LC50) .......... .
4.9 (30 day LCSO) ........... .
1. 5 (30 day LC50) ........... .
2.2 (30 day LCSO) ........... .
7. 4 (30 day LC50) ........... .
4.5 (30 day LC50) ........... .
No effect
Appendix Il-D/423
Sanders 1969'"
Sanders and Cope 1968128
Sanders 1969124
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sanders in press"'
0.10-30 day................ Bell unpublished data"'
1.36-30 day ............... .
1. 73-30 day ............... .
4. 94-30 day ............... .
2.50-30 day ............... .
Sanders in press'"
Bell unpublished data"'
Sanders and Cope 1968128
Bell unpublished data"'
Katz 196111'
Macek and McAllister 1970121
Macek and McAllister 1970121
Sanders and Cope 1966'.,
Sanders 1969"'
Sanders in press'"
Water Qua!iy Criteria
Pickering el al. 1962123
Sanders 1969124
Sanders in press'"
Sanders 1969"'
Sanders in press'"
Water Quality Criteria
Carlson 196611•
Katz 1961'"
Sanders in press1••
Pickering et al. 1962'23
424/ Appendix II-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
Organophosphate Insecticides-Continued
Pesticide Organism
DIAZINON.. .•. . • . . .• . ••• . • . . • . . • . • . . • CRUSTACEANS
Gammarus pseudolimneaus .....•
Gammarus lacustris ...•.......•
Simocephalus serrulatus ........•
Daphnia pulex .••..............
Daphnia magna .•..........•..•
Pleronarcys californica ......... .
pteronarcys dorsata .......•.....
Acroneuria lycorias .••..........
Ophiogomphus rupinsulensis .•..•
Hydropsyche beltoni ..........•.
Ephemerelia subvaria ......•..•.
Gammarus lacustris ..•.•..•....
Gammarus faciatus ...........•.
Simocephalus serrulatus ....•....
Daphnia pulex ..•.....•..•.....
Pleronarcys californica ....••.•.•
Lepomis macrochirus ..•.....•..
DIOXATHION DELNAV®. •. . . • . . . . . . • CRUSTACEANS
Gammarus lacustris .•.•.....•.•
Gammarus fasc1atus ......•...••
Pimephales promelas ....•...•..
Lepomis macrochirus ....•.••..•
Lepomis cyanellus .........•.•.•
Micropterus salmoides .•.....••.
Gammarus lacustris ...•.......•
Gammarus fasciatus ....•.•.....
Palaemonetes kadiakensis ...... .
Pleronarcys californica ........ .
Pteronartys californica ...•.•....
Acroneuria pacifica .........•...
Pimephales promelas .•.....•.••
Lepom1s macrochirus .•••.......
DURSBAN®........ •• . •• . . . . • . . . . . • . • CRUSTACEANS
Gammarus lacustris .••..•..•...
Gammarus fasciatus .......••...
Pteronarcys californica .......•••
Pteronarcella badia .•..•.....•..
Claassenia sabulosa .......•..•.
Lepomis macrochirus •.•..•..•.•
Salmo gairdneri ....•..•.....•..
ETHION NIALATE® •• . •• . . • . . • . • . . . . . CRUSTACEANS
Gammarus lacustris .•...•.....•
Gammarus fasciatus ......•....•
Palaemonetes kadiakensis ...... .
Pleronarcys californica ......... .
Lepomis macrochirus .•.•.•..•..
Micropterus salmoides .••.•.•...
Salmo gairdneri. ..•..........•.
Salmo clarkii. .•......•..•.•...
lctalurus punctatus •...•..•..•.•
EPN...... •• . • . • • • •• . • . • • • . • . ••• . • • • • • CRUSTACEAN
Gammarus lacustris. , ••.•..•..•
Gammarus fasciatus ...•....•..•
Palaemonetes kadiakensis .....••
Pimephales promelas ..•.•.•..••
Lepomis macrochirus .•.•.•...••
Acute toxicity LC50
Sub-acute enects
No enect
l'g/liter Reference
0.27 (30 day LC50)........... 0.20 (30 day)............... Bell unpublished data"'
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sanders 19691"
. . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sanders and Cope 1966'27
4. 6 (30 day LC50) ........... .
1. 25 (30 day LC50) .......... .
1. 9 (30 day LC50) ........... .
1. 4 (30 day LC50) ........... .
0.26 (21 day) .....•.....•... Biesinger unpublished data'"
3.29 (30 day) .............. .
0. 83 (30 day)
Sanders and Cope 1968128
Bell unpublished data"'
Sanders 1969'"
Sanders in press"'
Sanders and Cope 1966127
Sanders and Cope 1968128
Sanders 19691"
Sanders in press'26
Pickering et al. 1962'"
Sanders 1969'"
Sanders in press"'
Sanders and Cope 1968128
Jensen and Gaufin 1964'"
Pickering et al. 1962"'
Sanders 1969'"
Sanders in press"'
Sanders and Cope 1968128
Sanders 1969"'
Sanders in press"'
Sanders in press"'
Sanders and Cope 1968',.
Sanders 1969'"
Sanders in presst26
Solon and Nair 1970"'
Pickering et al. 1962"'
Appendix 11-D/425
Organophosphate Insecticides-Continued
Pesticide Organism
Gammarus lacustris ...........•
Gammarus fasciatus ............
Palaemonetes kadiakensis .......
Orconectes nais ................
Asellus brevicaudus .............
Simocephalus serrulatus .........
Daphnia pulex .................
Pteronarcys californica ..........
Pimephales promelas .....•.....
Lepomis macrochirus ...........
Lepomis microlophus ...........•
Micropterus salmoides ..........
Salmo gairdneri. ...............
Salmo trutta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Oncorhynchus kisutch ...........
Perea flavesens ................
lctalurus punctatus .............
lctalurus melas ................
MALATHION......................... CRUSTACEANS
Gammarus pseudolimneaus ..... .
Gammarus lacustris ........... .
Gammarus fasciatus ........... .
Palaemonetes kadiakensis ...... .
Orconectes nais ............... .
Asellus brevicaudus ........... .
Simocephalus serrulatus ........ .
Daphnia pulex ................ .
Daphnia magna ............... .
Pteronarcys californica ......... .
Pleronarcys dorsata. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Acroneuria lycorias ............ .
Pteronarcella badia ............ .
Classenia sabulosa ............•
Boyeria vinosa ................ .
Ophiogomphus rupinsulensis .... .
Hydropsyche bettoni. .......... .
Pimephales promelas .......... .
Lepomis macrochirus .......... .
Lepomis cyanellus ............. .
Lepomis microlophus .......... .
Micropterus salmoides ......... .
Salmo gairdneri. .............. .
Salmo trutta .................. .
Oncorhynchus kisutch .......... .
Perea fla.escens .............. .
lctalurus punctatus ............ .
lctalurus melas ............... .
Pimephales promelas .......... .
Lepomis macrochirus .......... .
Lepomis microlophus .......... .
Micropterus salmoides ......... .
Salmo gairdneri. .............. .
Salmo trutta .................. .
Oncorhynchus kisutch ......... .
Perea flavescens .............. .
ltalurus punctatus ............. .
llalurus melas ................ .
Gammarus lacustris ...........•
Gammarus fasciatus ........... .
Palaemonetes kadiakensis ...... .
Asellus brevicandus ............ .
Simocephalus serrulatus ........ .
Daphnia pulex ................•
Acute toxicity LC50
Sub-acute effects
1.5 (20 day LC50) ........... .
No effect
l'g/liter Reference
Sanders 19S91"
Sanders in press"'
Sanders and Cope 1966127
Sanders and Cope 1968'"
Macek and McAllister 1970"'
0.023 (30 day LC50).... .. . .. . 0.008-30 day ............... Bell unpublished data•M
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sanders 1969'"
0.5 (120 hour LC50) ......... . Sanders in press'"
Sanders and Cope 1966'"
0.6-21 day................. Biesinger unpublished data"'
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sanders and Cope 1968128
11.1 (30 day LC50) ........... 9.4-30 day ................. Bell unpublished data"'
0.3 (30 day LC50)............ 0.17-30 day ............... .
Sanders and Cope 1968128
2. 3 (30 day LC50). . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 65-30 day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bell unpublished data•M
0.52 0.28-30 day ............... .
0. 34 0. 24-30 day .•.....•........
580 (spinal deformity 10 month) 20D-10 month exposure...... Mount and Stephen 19671"'
7.4 (spinal deformity several 3.6-11 months.............. Eaton 1971111
Pickering et al. 19621"
Macek and McAllister 1970121
Macek and McAllister 1970"'
Sanders 1969'"
Sanders in press"'
Sanders and Cope 1966127
426/ Appendix Il-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
Organophosphate Insecticides-Continued
Pesticide Organism
Pleronarcys californica _________ _
Lepomis macrochirus __________ _
Micropterus salmoides. ________ _
HALED Dl BROM®_ ----------___ ----. CRUSTACEANS
Gammarus lacustris. __________ _
Gammarus fasciatus. __________ _
Palaemonetes kadiakensis. _____ .
Drconectes nais .............. ..
Asellus brevicaudus ... _ .... _ .. _
Simocephalus serrulatus ........ _
Daphnia pulex _ .... _ ........ _ ..
Pteronarcys californica .... _ .. _ . _
Lepomis macrochirus .• _ ....... .
Salmo gairdneri. ........ _ .. _ .. _
SYSTOX®. ... ... ...... ... . . ... ..... Gammarus lacustris ........... .
Gammarus fasciatus ...... _ .... .
Pleronarcys californica ... _ ..... .
Lepomis macrochirus ......... _ .
Salmo gairdneri ............. _ ..
PARATHION.......................... CRUSTACEANS
Gammarus lacustris. _ ......... _
Gammarus fasciatus. _ ..... _ ... .
Palaemonetes kadiakensis ...... _
Simocephalus serrulatus ....... _.
Daphnia pulex ................ _
Orconectes nais ............... .
Asellus brevicaudus _ . __ ...... _ .
Pleronarcys californica ......... .
Pleronarcys dorsata ............ .
Pleronarcella badia ..... _ ...... .
Claassenia sabulosa ... _ ...... _ .
Acroneuria pacifica ........... ..
Acroneuria lycorias ............ .
Ephemerella sub varia .......... .
Ophigomphus rupinsulensis ..... .
Hydropsyche beltoni. ...... _ ... _
Acute toxicity LC50
Sub-acute eftects
1.6 (120 hour LC50) ..........
2.2 (30 day LC50) .......... ..
0.90 (30 day LC50) .......... .
0.44 (30 day LC50) ....... _ .. .
0.013 (30 day LC50) ......•...
0.056 (30 day LC50) ..........
No eftect
,.g/liter Reference
Sanders and Cope 1968128
Sanders 1969"'
Sanders in press"'
Sanders and Cope 1966127
Sanders and Cope 1968128
Sanders 1969124
Sanders in press12s
Sanders and Cope 1968128
FPRL1 37
Sanders 1969124
Sanders in press12s
Sanders and Cope 1966127
Sanders in press1"
Jensen and Gaulin 1964117
Bell unpublished data'"
Sanders and Cope 1968128
Jensen and Gaulin 1964117
Bell unpublished data1"
Bell unpublished data"'
Appendix II-D/427
Organophosphate Insecticides-Continued
Pesticide Organism
PARATHION .......................... FISH
Pimephales promelas .......... .
Lepomis macrochirus •..........
Lepomis cyanellus ............. .
Micropterus salmoides ......... .
PH ORATE THIMET® •. • . . . . . . . . . . . . • . CRUSTACEANS
Gammarus lacustris ........... .
Gammarus fasciatus ........... .
Drconectes nais ...
Gammarus lacustris ........... .
Gammarus fasciatus ........... .
Orconectes nais ............... .
Simocephalus serrulatus ........•
Daphnia pulex ................ .
Pteronarcys californica ......... .
Pimephales promelas .......... .
Lepomis macrochirus .......... .
lctalurus punctatus ............ .
RONNEL............................. FISH
Pimephales promelas .......... .
T EPP................................. CRUSTACEANS
Gammarus lacustris ..... .
Gammarus fasciatus ..........•.
Pimephales promelas .......... .
Lepomis macrochirus .......... .
Gammarus lacustris ........... .
Simocephalus serrulatus ........ .
Daphnia pulex ................ .
Pteronarcys californica ......... .
Pteronarcys californica ......... .
Acroneuria pacifica ............ .
Pleronarcella badia ............ .
Claassenia sabulosa ............ .
Pimephales promelas .......... .
Lepomis macrochirus .......... .
Acute toXicity LC50
Sub-acute effects
No effect
pg/liter Reference
Solon and Nair 19701"
Pickering et al. 1962'"
Sanders 1969124
Sanders in press'"
Sanders 1959124
Sanders in press1"
Sanders and Cope 1966'"
Sanders and Cope 1968"'
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . Solon and Nair 1 970"'
9.8 (30 day LC50) .......•....
8.7 (30 day LC50) ........... .
Sanders 1 969'24
Sanders in press"'
Pickering et al. 1962"'
Sanders 1969"'
Sanders and Cope 1966'"
Jensen and Gaufin 1964117
Sanders and Cope 1968128
Jensen and Gaufin 1964117
Sanders and Cope 1968'28
Sanders and Cope 1 968'''
Pickering et al. 19621"
428/ Appendix If-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
Pesticide Organism
Gammarus lacustris ........... .
Gammarus fasciatus ........... .
Palaemonetes kadiakensis ...... .
Orconectes nais ............... .
Asellus brevieaudus ........... .
Simocephalus serrulatus .•.......
Daphnia pulex ................ .
Daphnia magna ............... .
Pteronarcys ealiforniea ......... .
Pteronarcys dorsata ........... .
Pteronarcella badia ............ .
Claassenia sabulosa ............ .
Acroneuria lycorias ............ .
Hydropsyche beHoni ........... .
Pimephales promelas .......... .
Lepomis macrochirus .......... .
Lepomis microlophus ..........•
Micropterus salmoides ......... .
Salmo gairdneri. .............. .
Salmo truHa .................. .
Oncorhynchus kisutch ...•......
Perea navescens .............. .
lctalurus punctatus ............ .
lctalurus melas ...............•
BAYGON.. ... ... . .. .... .. ...•.. ... .. . CRUSTACEANS
Gammarus lacustris ........... .
Gammarus fasciatus ........... .
Pteronarcys ealiforniea .........•
Gammarus lacustris ..•........•
BAYER 37344.......................... INSECTS
Pteronarcys ealiforniea ......... .
ZECTRAN............................ CRUSTACEANS
Gammarus lacustris ........... .
Gammarus fasciatus ........... .
Palaemonetes kadiakensis ...... .
Simocephalus serrulatus ........ .
Daphnia pulex ..•..............
Pteronarcys ealiforniea .........•
Pimephales promelas .......... .
Lepomis macrochirus .......... .
Lepomis microlophus ..•........
Micropterus salmoides ......... .
Salmo gairdneri. .............. .
Salmo truHa ..................•
Oncorhynchus kisutch .......... .
Perea flavescens .............. .
lctalurus punctatus ............ .
lctalurus melas .•..............
Acute toxicity LC50
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sub-acute effects
No effect
11g/liter Reference
Sanders 19691"
Sanders in press'"
Sanders and Cope 1966"'
5.0 63 day .................. Biesinger unpublished data"'
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sanders and Cope 1968128
23.0 (30 day LC50)... ... . .. . . 11.5 30 day ................. Bell unpublished data"•
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sanders and Cope 1968'"
2.2 (30 day LC50)............ 1.3 30 day.................. Bell unpublished data•,.
2. 7 (30 day LC50)............ 1.8 30 day ..............•...
680 (deline survival andre-
production 6 months)
25 (20 day LC50) ............ .
210 (6 month) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carlson unpublished data"•
Macek and McAllister 1970121
Sanders 1969124
Sanders in press"•
Sanders and Cope 1968128
Sanders 1969'24
Sanders and Cope 1968128
Sanders 1969'24
Sanders in press'"
Sanders and Cope 1961)127
Sanders and Cope 1968128
Macek and McAllister 1970'2'
Pesticide Organism
ACROLEIN AQUALIN.................. FISH
Lepomis macrochirus ..... .
Salmo trutta ..
Lepomis macrochirus ..
Gammarus fasciatus
BALAN ........ .
CIPC ..... .
Daphnia magna .... .
Cypridopsis vidua ............. .
Asellus brevicaudus ....... .
Palaemonetes kadiakensis ...... .
Orconectes nais ......... .
Lepomis macrochirus .... .
Oncorhyncus kisutch ........... .
Gammarus faciatus ...
Gammarus faciatus .....
Lepomis macrochirus ....
Lepomis macrochirus .....
Lepomis macrochirus .......... .
Simocephalus serrulatus ........ .
Daphnia pulex ................ .
Pteronarcys californica ......... .
Pimepha les promelas .......... .
Lepomis macrochirus .......... .
Oncorhynchus kisulch ..... .
DEF.................................. CRUSTACEAN
Gammarus lacustris .....
Pteronarcys californica ...... .
DEXON. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRUSTACEAN
Gammarus lacustris ....
Pteronarcys californica ....... .
Gammarus lacustris ........... .
Gammarus fasciatus ........... .
Daphnia magna ............... .
Cypridopsis vidua .............. .
Asellus brevicaudus ............ .
Palaemonetes kadiakensis ...... .
Orconectes nais .............. .
Lepomis macrochirus .....
Gammarus lacustris ........... .
Gammarus fasciatus ........... .
Hyallella azteca ............... .
Simocephalus serrulatus ........ .
Daphnia pulex ................ .
Daphnia magna ............... .
Cypridopsis vidua ........... • .. .
Asellus brevicaudus ............ .
PalaeriJOnetes kadiakensis ...... .
Orconectes nais .............. .
Pteronarcys californica ......... .
Callibaetes sp ................. .
limnephilus .................. .
Enallegma .................... .
LepomiS' macrochirus .......... .
Herbicides, Fungicides, Defoliants
Acute toxicity LC50
Sub-acute eftects
No eftect
Appendix II-D/429
Bond et al. 19SQto6
Burdick et al. 1964108
100,000 l'g/148 hr........... Sanders 1970125
100, ODD l'g/1 48 hr •..........
100, DOD l'g/1 48 hr •..........
100, DOD l'g/1 48 hr •..........
100,000 l'g/148 hr........... Sanders 1970125
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bond et al. 1960"'
100, DOD l'g/1 96 hr •...
100,000 l'g/148 hr •..........
100,000 l'g/148 hr •..........
100,000 l'g/148 hr •..........
1DD,ODOI'g/148 hr: ......... .
1DD,DOD l'g/148 hr •..........
100, ODD l'g/1 48 hr •..........
Sanders 1970125
Sanders 1970125
Hughes and Davis 1964116
Hughes and Davis 1964116
Hughes and Davis 1964116
Sanders and Cope 1966127
Sanders and Cope 19681"
Surber and Pickering 1962"'
Bond et al. 1960106
Sanders 1969124
Sanders and Cope 1968128
Sanders 196912<
Sanders and Cope 1968128
Sanders 1969124
Sanders 197012'
Hughes and Davis 1962"'
Sanders 1969124
Sanders 1970125
Wilson and Bond 1969133
Sanders and Cope 1968128
Sanders 1970125
Sanders and Cope 1968128
Wilson and Bond 1969"'
430/ Appendix [[-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
Herbicides, Fungicides, Defoliants-Continued
Plllil:ida Organism
Gammarus lacustris ........... .
Gammarus tasciatus ........... .
Daphnia magna ............... .
Cypridopsis vidua .............. .
Asellus brevicaudus ............ .
Palaemonetes kadiakensis ...... .
Orconectes nais ............... .
Lepomis macrochirus .......... .
Micropterus salmoides ......... .
DIQUAT. ........ ...... .. ......... .... CRUSTACEAN
DIURON ............................. .
HJallella azteca ............... .
Callibaetes sp .................•
Limnephilus ..................•
Tandipedidae ................. .
Enallagma .................... .
Pimephales promelas .......... .
Lepomis macrochirus .......... .
Micropterus salmoides ......... .
Esox lucius ................... .
Stizostedion vitreum vitreum ... .
Salmo gairdneri ............... .
OncorhJnchus tshaWJischa ..... .
Gammarus lacuslris ........... .
Gammarus fasl:iatus ........... .
Simocephalus serrulatus ........ .
Daphnia pulax ................•
Pleronarcys cantornica .........•
OncorhJnchus kisutch .......... .
DIFOLITAN............... ... ......... CRUSTACEAN
Gammarus lacustris ...........•
Plaronarcys californica ......... .
Gammarus fasl:iatus ........... .
DIPHENAMID........................ CRUSTACEAN
Gammarus fasciatus ........... .
Daphnia magna ............... .
CJpridopsis vidua .............. .
Asellus brevicaudus ............ .
Palaamonetes kadiakensis ...... .
Orconectes nais ............... .
DURSBAN............................ CRUSTACEAN
Gammarus lacustris ........... .
Pleronarcys cantornica .........•
Pleronarcella badia ............ .
Claassenia sabulosa ............ .
2,4-D (PGBE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRUSTACEAN
Gammarus lacustris ........... .
Gammarus fasciatus ........... .
Daphnia magna ............... .
Cypridopsis vidua .............. .
Asallus brevicaudus ............ .
Palaemonetes kldiakensis ...... .
Drconectas nais.. ...........•.•
2,4·D (BEE)........................... CRUSTACEAN.
Gammarus lacustris ...........•
Gammarus fasciatus ........... .
Daphnia magna ............... .
Cypridopsis vidua .............. .
Asallus brevicaudus ...•.........
Palaamonetes kadiakensis .....••
Orconectes nais.. ..........•...
Pleronarcys cantornica .........•
Acute toxicity LCSO
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sub-acute effects
No effect
pg/liter Reference
Sanders 1969124
Sanders 1970125
Bond et al. 19601"
Hughes and Davis 196211'
Wilson and Bond 19691"
Wilson and Bond 19691"
Surber and Pickering 1962"1
Gilderhus 1967112
Surber and Pickering 1962131
Gilderhus 1967112
Bond et al. 1960106
Sanders 1969124
Sanders 1970125
Sanders and Cope 1966127
Sanders and Cope 19681"'
Bond et al. 19601'"
Sanders 19&9124
Sanders and Cope 1968128
Sanders 19701"
100,000pgfl48 hr •.......... Sanders 1970126
100,000pg/148 hr •..........
100,000 pgfl 48 hr •.........•
100,000 pg/1 48 hr •..........
100,000pg/148·hr ......... .
Sanders 1969124
Sanders and Cope 1968128
Sanders 19691"
Sanders 1970125
Sanders 1969124
Sanders 1970126
Sanders and Cope 196111••
Appendix II-D/431
Herbicides, Fungicides, Dejoliants-Continu~d
Pesticide Organism
2,4-D(BEE) ........................... FISH
Pimephales promelas .......... .
2,4-D (IOE)......... ... . ... .. .. ... ... . CRUSTACEAN
Gammarus lacustris ........... .
Gammarus lacustris ....... _ ... _
Gammarus fasciatus ........... .
Daphnia magna ............... .
Crypidopsis vidua ............ _.
Asellus brevicaudus ............ .
Palaemonetes kadiakensis ...... .
Orconectes nais ............... .
Pimephales notatus ............ .
Lepomis macrochirus .......... .
Micropterus salmoides ......... .
Notropis umbratilus ............ .
Micropterus salmoides ......... .
Oncorhynchus tschawytscha .... .
Gammarus lacustris ........... .
Pimephales promelas .......... .
Lepomis macrochirus ......... _ .
EPTAM.... ... ... ... . . ... .... ... .. . ... CRUSTACEAN
Gammarus fasciatus ........... .
Gammarus lacustris. _ ......... _
Gammarus fasciatus ........... .
Daphnia pulex ................ .
Simocephalus serrulatus ........ .
Daphnia magna ............... .
Cypridopsis vidua ............ ..
Asellus brevicaudus ........... .
Palaemonetes kadiakensis ...... .
Orconectes nais .............. .
Pteronarcys californica ......... _
Lepomis ...................... .
HYAMINE1622 ....................... FISH
Pimephales promelas .......... .
Lepomis macrochirus .......... .
Oncorhynchus kisutch ...... _ .. .
HYAMINE 2389 ...................... . FISH
Pimephales promelas .......... .
Lepomis macrochirus. __ .... _ .. .
HYDROTHAL 47...................... CRUSTACEAN
Gammarus fasciatus ........... .
HYDROTHAL 191 ..................... CRUSTACEAN
Gammarus lacustris .......... __
Gammarus fasciatus ........... .
HYDROTHAL PLUS................... FISH
Lepomis macrochirus .......... .
IPC ................................. .. CRUSTACEAN
Gammarus lacustris ........... _
Gammarus fasciatus ........... .
Simocephalus serrulatus ........ .
Daphnia pulex ................ .
KURON......... .... . ... ... ... . ... ... . CRUSTACEAN
Simocephalus serrulatus ....... _.
Daphnia pulex. _ .............. .
MCPA...... ... . ... .... .. ... ... . . . . ... FISH
Lepomis macrochirus .......... .
MOLINATE. ........... _.............. CRUSTACEAN
Gammaruslacustris ........... _
Gammarus lasciatus .. _ ..... _. _.
Daphnia magna ............... .
Asellus brevicaudus .• _ •.... _ . _ .
Palaemonetes kadiakensis ... __ . _
Orconectes nais ... _ ... _ ....... .
Acute toxicity LC50
Sub-acute effects
No effect
pg/liter Reference
1500 pg/llethalto eggs in 48 300 pg/110 mo •............ _ Mount and stephan 1967'"
hour exposure
Sanders 1969"'
Sanders 1969124
100,000 pgfl 48 hr... .. .. .. .. Sanders 19701"
100, ooo pg/1 48 hr .......... .
100,000 pg/1 48 hr .......... .
100,000 pg/148 hr .......... .
Walker 1964132
Bond et al. 1960106
100,000pgjl96 hr ........... Sanders1969124
Surber and Pickering 1962111
Sanders 19701"
Sanders 1969124
100,000 pg/148 hr........... Sanders 19701"
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sanders and Cope 1966127
100,000pgfl48 hr ........... Sanders 19701"
100,000 pg/148 hr ......... ..
100,000 pg/148 hr ......... ..
100,000 pg/1 48 hr .......... .
Sanders and Cope 1968128
Hughes and Davis 1962114
Surber and Pickering 1962111
Bond et al. 1960104
Surber and Pickering 1952111
Sanders 19701"
Hughes and Davis1964lll
Sanders 1969"'
Sanders 19701"
Sanders and Cope 1966"'
Sanders and Cope 1966127
Hughes and Davis1964111
Sanders 19701"
432 (Appendix !!-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
Herbicides, Fungicides, Defoliants-Continued
Pesticide Organism
MONURON...... .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . FISH
Oncorhynchus kisutch .......... .
PARAQUAT........................... CRUSTACEAN
PEBULATE ....... .
Gammarus lacustris ............ .
Simocephalus serrulatus ........ .
Daphnia pulex .......•.........
Pteronarcys californica ......... .
Gammarus fasciatus ........... .
PICLORAM........ .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. CRUSTACEAN
Gammarus lacustris ........... .
Pteronarcys californ!ca ......... .
PROPANIL.... .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRUSTACEAN
Gammarus fasciatus ........... .
SILVEX (BEE)......................... CRUSTACEAN
Gammarus fasciatus ........... .
Daphnia magna ............... .
Cypridopsis vidua .............. .
Asellus brevicaudus ........... .
Palaemonetes kadiakensis ...... .
Orconectes nais ............... .
Lepomis macrochirus .......... .
SILVEX (PGBE)................... .. .. CRUSTACEAN
Gammarus fasciatus ........... .
Daphnia magna ............... .
Cypridopsis vidua .............. .
Asellus brevicaudus ........... .
Palaemonetes kadiakensis ......•
Orconectes nais ............... .
Lepomis macrochirus .......... .
SILVEX (IDE)......................... FISH
Lepomis macrochirus .......... .
Lepomis macrochirus .......... .
SIMAZINE............................ CRUSTACEAN
Gammarus lacustris •.•......•.•
Gammarus fasciatus ........... .
Daphnia magna ............... .
Cypridopsis vidua ............. .
Asellus brevicaudus ........... .
Palaemonetes kadiakensis ...... .
Orconectes nais ............... .
Oncorhynchus kisutch .......... .
TRIFLURALIN........................ CRUSTACEAN
Gammarus lacustris ........... .
Gammarus lasciatus ........... .
Daphnia magna ............... .
Daphnia pulex ................•
Simocephalus serrulatus ........ .
Cypridopsis vidua .............. .
Asellus brevicaudus ............ .
Palaemonetes kadiakensis ...... .
Orconectes nais ............... .
Pteronarcys californica ......... .
VERNOLATE... .. .. ... . .. . . ... ... . . .. CRUSTACEAN
Gammarus lacustris ........... .
Gammarus fasciatus ........... .
Dapbnia magna ............... .
Cypridopsis vidua .............•.
Ase!lus bravicaudus ............ .
Palaemonetes kadial<ensis ...... .
Orconectes nais ............... .
Acute toxicity LC50
110000 48
11000 96
4000 48
3700 48
······················ ................
Sub-acute eftects
No eftect
pgfliter Reference
Bond et al. 1960106
Sanders 1969124
Sanders and Cope 1966"'
100,000 pg/196 hr........... Sanders and Cope 19681"
Sanders 1970125
Sanders 1969124
Sanders and Cope 1968"'
Sanders 1970125
Sanders 1970125
Hughes and Davis 1963115
Sanders 1970125
100, ooo pg/1 48 hr •..........
Hughes and Davis 1963115
Hughes and Davis 1963ll5
Hughes and Davis 1963115
Sanders 1969124
100,000 pg/148 hr........... Sanders 1970125
100,000 pg/148 hr........... Sanders 1970125
100;000 pg/1 48 hr .......... .
100,000 pg/148 hr •..........
Bond et al. 19601"
Sanders 1969124
Sanders 1970125
Sanders and Cope 1966127
Sanders 1970"'
Sanders and Cope 1968128
Sanders 1969"'
Sanders 1970125
Pesticide Organism
AlLETHRIN .......................... CRUSTACEAN
Gammarus lacustris ........... .
Gammarus fasciatus ..•.........
Simocephalus serrulatus ........•
Daphnia pulex ................ .
Pleronarcys californica .........•
Lepomis macrochi rus .......... .
Salmo gairdneri. .............. .
PYRETHRUM........................ CRUSTACEANS
Gammarus lacustris ........... .
Gammarus fasciatus ........... .
Simocephalus serrulatus ........ .
Daphnia pulex ................ .
Pleronarcys californica ....
ROTENONE.......................... CRUSTACEANS
Gammarus lacustris ..... .
Simocephalus serrulatus ........ .
Daphnia pulex ................ .
Pleronarcys californica ......... .
Acute toxicity LC50
Sub-acute effects
No effect
Appendix II-D/433
Sanders 1969124
Sanders in press12'
Sanders and Cope 1966127
Sanders and Cope 1968I28
Sanders 1969"'
Sanders and Cope 1966127
Sanders and Cope 1968128
Sanders 196o•••
Sanders and Cope 1966127
Sanders and Cope 1968128
More than one billion pounds of pesticides were produced
in the United States in 1969 (Fowler et al. 1971)_152 How-
ever, before such materials can be transported in interstate
commerce, they must be registed according to provisions of
the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act
and amendments. Responsibility for implementing this act
is vested in the Pesticide Regulation Division of the En-
vironmental Protection Agency. Properties of pesticides
that must be considered in the registration process include:
efficacy on the intended pest; safety to the applicator and
to the consumer of treated products; and effects on non-
target species including those of aquatic ecosystems.
Guidelines .for research into effects of pesticides on
aquatic life are of concern to this Panel. In view of docu-
mented effects of pesticides on aquatic Iif~ and the appar-
ently ubiquitous distribution of certain pesticides in fish
(] ohnson 1968,158 Henderson, Johnson and Inglis 1969, m
Mollison 1970172), it seems reasonable to conclude that exist-
ing guidelines are not sufficient. Mount (1967)173 reported
that there were numerous studies on toxicological and
physiological effects of pesticides in fish, but that the data
were inadequate because of several common deficiencies.
Further, he concluded that there was a paucity of data that
could be used to correlate toxicological, physiological, or
analytical findings with significant damage to aquatic forms.
Therefore, research guidelines for predicting potential haz-
ards of pesticides to be used in, or those with a high probabil-
ity for contamination of aquatic communities must result in
findings that are relatable within the scientific disciplines
Guidelines for research and objectives suggested by this
Panel are:
(I) to provide a research framework that generates
anticipatory rather than documentary information
concerning effects of pesticides on aquatic com-
(2) to encourage research that is directly applicable
to the process of pesticide registration.
The framework (Figure II-E-1) is designed with fish a
the primary test animal(s). However, it is also compatible
with parallel investigations intended to provide data es-
senti~l to the protection of fish-food organisms. In all cases,
sufficient numbers of individuals and replications must be
included to estimate statistical significance of results. All
studies should report sources, physical quality, disease
treatments, and holding conditions (photoperiod, diet and
feeding rate, water quality) of test animals. The Panel
recommends that chemical analyses be performed on test
animals, diets, and holding waters to document pre-
exposure of test animals to pesticides or other contaminants.
Analytical methods should include results for reagent blanks,
and they should document limits of sensitivity, detection,
reproducibility, and recovery efficiency for extracts.
The guidelines are general and are not intended to limit
research nor to present specific methods. If pesticide investi-
gations can be tailored, at least in part, along accepted
guidelines, then a much greater reservoir of interrelated
anticipatory data will become available for the purpose of
registering pesticides and establishing water quality criteria.
All, or parts of the guidelines, may be utilized by an investi-
gator depending upon: the capacity of his laboratory and
staff; extent and applicability of biological or chemical data
already available; intended use pattern(s) and target(s) of
the pesticides; or research objectives other than registration.
A. Acute Toxicity: Static Bioassay (Litchfield and Wil-
coxon 1949,1 64 Lennon & Walker 1964,163 Nebeker &
Gaufin 1964,176 Sanders and Cope 1966,1 80 Burdick 1967,144
Sprague 1969,1 82 Schoettger 1970,181 Environmental Protec-
tion Agency 1971) .1so
I. Purpose
The limitations of static bioassays are recognized;
however, they do provide the first, and probably quickest,
index of relative toxicity. Further, they are useful in esti-
mating the relative influence of variables such as species
smceptibility, temperature, pH, water quality, and rate of
chemical deactivation on toxicity. Thus, acute static bio-
I. Acute Toxicity
Static Bioassay
II. Acute Toxicity
Intermittent-flow Bioassay
III. Growth and Reproductive Screening
Aquarium Fishes
IV. Chronic Effects
Diluter and Feeding Exposures
V. Pond and Stream Ecosystem Studies
asee text for discussion.
II. Uptake, Storage, Excretion
III. Food Chain Accumulation
IV. Clinical
FIGURE Il-E-1-A Research Frameworka
I. Analytical Methods Development
V. Fate of the Chemical
Residue Kinetics ~ l
~ ~ ~
436/ Appendix II-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
assays are essential to delineate prerequisites for chronic
2. Scope
a. Initial bioassay
These studies are conducted with technical and
formulated pesticides using one type of water
(reconstituted). The 96-hour LC50 (tolerance limit
for 50 per cent of the test animals) is determined for
rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) at 12 C, and for
bluegills (Lepomis machrochirus), fathead minnows
(Pimephales promelas), and channel catfish (Ictalurus
punctatus) at 22 C. Suggested species of invertebrates
included daphnids (Daphnia magna), glass shrimp
(Palaemonetes kadiakensis), scud (Gammarus pseudo-
limnaeus), and midge larvae (Chironomus plumosus).
b. Definitive bioassay
Bioassays conducted as described above. Trout
are tested at 7 C and 1 7 C, whereas bluegills, fat-
head minnows, and channel catfish are tested at
17 C and 27 C. Water quality (reconstituted) is
modified to include soft and hard waters, and water
of ca. pH 6 and 9 (Marking and Hogan 1967,1 67
Berger, Lennon and Hogan 1969).139 Other tem-
peratures and potentially threatened species must
be added or substituted depending upon specific
conditions under which the pesticide is to be used.
c. Deactivation index
Several series of test concentrations as in a or b
are prepared and stored for appropriate intervals,
such as 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 N days. After storage, the
solutions are bioassay conducted at the same time.
Division of the reference 96-hour LC50 values by
the values for stored solutions gives an estimate of
rate of pesticide deactivation when plotted against
storage time. Additional trials may be required to
determine effects of variables such as pH, tempera-
ture, light. Residue analyses of stored solutions
provide excellent support data for measures of
biological deactivation.
B. Acute Toxicity: Intermittent-flow Bioassay Jensen &
Gaufin 1964,157 Mount and Brungs 1967,174 (Standard
Methods 1971).185
1. Purpose
Intermittent-flow bioassays are designed to minimize or
overcome deficiencies characteristic of static bioassays, and
are particularly suited for long exposures of test animals to
pesticides with low water solubilities. Specialized apparatus
is required for such studies, but results are generally con-
sidered more reliable, and more representative of actual
toxicity than those derived from static bioassay. Neverthe-
less, the speed and flexibility of the latter make them essen-
tial in establishing operational designs (e.g., water quality,
temperature, species) for the former method.
2. Scope
a. 96-hour LC50
This is a standard bioassay and is obtained with
any water supply (analyzed for chemical charac-
teristics) suitable to the selected test species. When
variables such as temperature or water quality af-
fect toxicity (as determined in sections IA2b and
IA2c), flowing bioassays must be designed accord-
ingly. In some instances, a design consistent with
water quality and species in the locality of pesti-
cide use may be appropriate. Because intermittent-
flow bioassays require analyzed concentrations
(rather than calculated values), analytical methods
must be developed prior to the start of bioassays.
The use of radio-labeled pesticides greatly assists
analysis. Also, test animals treated with radioactive
pesticides are invaluable for preliminary estimates
of pesticide uptake, storage, and excretion. In ad-
dition, gross observations should be made for
pathological and behavioral changes.
b. Lethal threshold concentration (Threshold LC50)
The Threshold LC50 is estimated subsequent to
determination of the 96-hour LC50 and may re-
quire lower concentrations. In general, the bio-
assay is conducted as in IB2a, but contined in 48-
hour increments after the 96-hour observation per-
iod. The Threshold LC50 is determined when
further mortality has ceased in all test tanks, com-
pared to the control. If toxicant-related mortality
continues beyond 30 to 60 days, the bioassay may
be 9-iscontinued and the LC50 reported according
to the test duration. Pesticide uptake, storage, and
excretion studies may be more meaningful, when
conducted on test animals, from these studies than
on those exposed for only 96 hours.
C. Growth and Reproductive Screening: Aquarium Fishes
(Hisaoka and Firh't 1962,156 Clark and Clark 1964,146
Breeder and Rosen 1966142).
1. Purpose
Mount (1967)173 indicated that growth and reproduction
of fish were important in assessing safe concentrations of
pesticides, and could be determined within one year. How-
ever, when estimates of potential hazards are needed for a
relatively large number of pesticides, and space and time
are limited, tests using fish with short life cycles may be
desirable for establishing priorities for later research. Species
such as the ovoviviparous guppy (Poecilia reticulata) and
oviparous zebrafish (Brachydanio rerio) produce numerous
progerw that may reach sexual maturity within six weeks
under laboratory conditions. Thus, effects of pesticides may
be followed through several generations within a short time.
2. Scope
Zebrafish and guppies are exposed to pesticides in inter-
mittent-flow diluters. Also, the pesticide may .be incor-
porated into their diets if food chain studies suggest that
dietary uptake is a potentially significant route of exposure.
Observations are made on mortality, growth, egg produc-
tion, and hatchability, and on incidence of offspring anom-
alies (e.g., terata, mutations).
D. Chronic Effects: Diluter and Feeding exposures (Bur-
dick, et al., 1964,145 Macek 1968,1 65 Eaton 1970,148 Environ-
mental Protection Agency 1971,150 Johnson et al. l97F59).
l. Purpose
In general, these studies are conducted as in 102 and are
central to predicting safe concentrations of pesticides to
sport, commercial, or forage fishes, and to fish-food or-
2. Scope
Chronic studies may either include the complete life
cycle or a portion of the cycle. Full chronic studies are
conducted currently with fathead minnows, daphnids, and
scuds and involve continuous exposures of eggs, juveniles
and adults. Rainbow trout, brook trout (Salvelinusjontinalis),
channel catfish, bluegills, and largemouth bass (Micropterus
salmonides) are used in partial chronics, and adults are ex-
posed co~tinuously through spawning. Flow-through bio-
assays are performed by exposing the test animals to pesti-
cides (or degradation products) in water, in their diets, or
both, depending upon relative stability of the pesticide
and its tendency to accumulate in fish-food organisms. Where
profiles of pesticide degradation in water are established,
studies simulating degradation should be incorporated into
the concentration spectra by periodic modification of toxi-
cant solutions (concentration and composition). Exposures
should include the reproductive phase or a selected interval
prior to reproduction depending upon species and antici-
pated time of pesticide application. Chronic studies should
evaluate effects on growth, and on natural and artificial
reproduction. Studies · with invertebrates should include
measured effects on metamorphosis and reproduction.
Clinical observations on physiological, biochemical, and
pathological effects, as well as analyses for residues, degra-
dation products, and residue kinetics should be correlated
with effects on growth and reproduction.
E. Pond and Stream Ecosystem Studies (Cope, et al.
1970,147 Kennedy et al. 1970,161 Kennedy and Walsh
1970,1 60 Lennon and Berger 1970162).
l. Purpose
Laboratory estimates of safe pesticide applications must
be confirmed by controlled research in lentic and lotic
ecosystems. Therefore, ponds or artificial streams are in-
valuable in studying the impact of pesticides under inter-
acting physical, chemical, and biological conditions.
2. Scope
Applications of pesticides are made according to antici-
pated rate and use patterns. However, concentration spectra
should include both excessive rates, and rates estimated to
Appendix ll-E/437
be safe in laboratory. studies. Species used in the studies
should approximate those found in intended areas of pesti-
cide usage. Factors to be studied include:
a. mortality
b. growth
c. reproductive success
d. gross behavior
e. clinical physiology, biochemistry and pathology
f. invertebrate metamorphosis
g. species diversity
h. trophic level production
1. energy transfer
j. fate of the chemical
A. Chemical Methods Development
1. Purpose
Residue analyses of water and of fish and fish-food or-
ganisms exposed to pesticides are potent indicators of
probable biological accumulation or degradation of these
chemicals. Biological systems used in the primary research
framework easily provide study materials which permit cor-
relations between biological effects and residues. The use of
radio-labeled pesticides early in the research framework
quickly pinpointed location of the pesticide and degradation
products and greatly assisted refinement of analytical
methods. Various combinations of isolation and identifica-
tion techniques are required to analyze metabolites or
degradation products in test animals exposed chronically to
2. Scope
Methods may begin with acute, static bioassays for deac-
tivation indexes (IA2c) or later with acute, intermittent-
flow bioassays. The studies are expanded as dictated by in-
terpretation of results. Concentrations of 14C-, 36Cl-, 32P-, or
35S-labeled pesticides are determined radiometrically with-
out extraction and cleanup (Hansen and Bush 1967,1 54
Nuclear-Chicago Corporation 1967,177 Biros 1970a140). At
least four test animals (including fish) should be collected
at five intervals during the pesticide exposure to estimate
uptake and degradation rates. For smaller organisms, a
minimum of 100 milligrams of wet sample are required.
After development and refinement of analytical methods,
spot checks of radioactive samples will confirm residues.
Analyses of metabolites and degradation products require
that sample extracts be cleaned up with gel permeation or
adsorption chromatography (U. S. Department of Health
Education and Welfare 1968,187 1969,188 Stalling, Tindle and
Johnson 1971,184 Tindle 1971).186 Radioactive residues must
be characterized by TLC autoradiography, and further
identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-
MS) or other spectroscopic methods (Biros 1970b,141
Stalling 1971).183
438/ Appendix II-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
B. Uptake, Storage and Excretion
1. Purpose
Investigations of chemical residues are undertaken early
in the research framework to obtain a working perspective
of pesticide persistence, degradation, and bioconcentration
in aquatic organisms. The studies should attempt to corre-
late residue kinetics with toxicology and chronic effects.
Thus, later research can be better designed to assess inter-
actions of pesticides with fish, fish-food organisms, and
water quality (ID).
2. Scope
The studies should include:
a. radiometric or chemical analyses or both, of test
animals at intervals during acute, intermittent-
flow bioassays to determine rates of accumulation
and residue plateaus;
b. determination of biological half-life of accumulated
residues after termination of exposure (Macek et
al. 1970) ;166
c. determination of degree of pesticide degradation in
water and test animals by comparing residues of
radioactive materials with concentration of parent
chemical, measured chemically (Johnson et al.
1971,169 Rodgers and Stalling 197F79 ). (Autoradio-
grams of thin-layer chromatographic plates may
provide the initial data on degradation products.)
C. Food-Chain Accumulation (Brock 1966,143 Johnson et
al. 1971,169 Metcalf et al. 1971).1 70
1. Purpose
The functions of laboratory food chain studies include:
estimates of propensity for pesticide (or its degradation
product), uptake by each member of a 3-component food
chain, estimates of potential pesticide transfer to higher
trophic levels, and determinations of residue concentrations
likely to be encountered in forage of fish. (Residue values
are used in formulating pesticide-containing diets, section
IC and ID.)
2. Scope
A suggested laboratory food chain may be composed of:
an appropriate primary producer (green algae) such as
Scenedesmus, Ankistrodesmus and Chlorella Spp. ; or decomposers
(bacteria) such as Aerobacter, Bacillus, Achromobacter, Flavo-
bacter, Aeromonas Spp.; a primary consumer such as Daphnia
magna, D. pulex, or other suitable microcrustacea; and a
secondary consumer such as fathead minnows or small blue-
gills, largemouth bass, rainbow trout. Members of the food
chain are exposed to radio-labeled pesticides in diluters
(or other constant-flow devices) at concentrations appropri-
ate for the most sensitive element. Rate of uptake and resi-
due plateau are measured radiometrically and the identities
of parent compound or degradation products are confirmed
by chemical methods, whenever possible. The potentials
for biotransfer and biomagnification are determined by
feeding pesticide-treated lower members to higher trophic
levels with and without concurrent water exposures. An
alternative, but less desirable, type of feeding trial would
utilize artificial foods fortified with appropriate amounts of
D. Clinical: Physiology, Biochemistry, Pathology (Mat-
tingly 1962,1 69 Mattenheimer 1966,168 Natelson 1968,176
Pickford and Grant 1968,178 Grant and Mehrle 1970,163
Mehrle 1970171).
1. Purpose
Clinical studies are most closely associated with chronic
investigations of pesticidal effects on growth and reproduc-
tion. It is likely that these effects are expressions of earlier,
more subtle physiological, biochemical, or pathological
dysfunctions. Thus, selected clinical examinations may re-
veal correlations that are useful in early detection of ad-
verse effects. These studies may also reveal impaired homeo-
stasis mechanisms for compensating ephemeral environ-
mental stresses (e.g., oxygen deficiency, starvation, exercise,
rapid changes in temperature, pH, salinity) that are not
otherwise anticipated in this reserach framework.
2. Scope
Routine clinical studies are impractical during full
chronic investigations with fathead minnows (and other
small test animals), because of their small size and the dif-
ficulty in collection of adequate amounts of tissue. However,
at hatching, young are observed for incidence of abnor-
malcy; and other young removed for thinning, should be
used in histocytological examinations and stress tests. The
latter tests measure relative survival under stresses such as
those mentioned in IIDl above. Individuals from partial
chronic and pond or stream studies are also examined and
tested as in full chronic studies. Because of larger size, they
are useful in clinical studies. These studies, however, are not
necessarily intended as ends in themselves. Examples of ap-
propriate clinical examinations include:
a. stress response-induced production of cortisol by
injection of adrenocorticotrophic hormone (purified
mammalian ACTH);
b. thyroid activity-126iodine (1 26I) uptake;
c. osmoregulatory ability-serum sodium, chloride,
and osmolality;
d. diagnostic enzymology-clinical analyses for ac-
tivities of liver and serum glutamate-oxaloacetate
transaminase, glutamate-pyruvate transaminase,
glutamate dehydrogenase, alkaline phosphatase,
and lactate dehydrogenase;
e. ammonia detoxifying mechanism (brain and liver
glutamate dehydrogenase, brain glutamine synthe-
tase, and ammonia concentrations in brain and
f. cholinesterase activity of serum and brain;
g. general nutritional state and activity of microsomal
and mitochondrial enzymes-injection of 14carbon-
labeled glucose and relative evolution of 14C02 by
liver; and
h. histocytological examinations of liver, brain, pan-
creas, gill, and · kidney by light and electron
E. Fate of the Chemical
1. Purpose
The environmental fate of a pesticide is determined by its
interactions with physicochemical and biological processes.
Its distribution is the result of partition betweel\ the biota
and sedimentation processes, and degradation rates as-
sociated with each of these. Segmentally, these studies at-
tempt to predict the relative ecodistribution of pesticides,
identify physicochemical and biological degradation prod-
ucts, and describe their kinetics. Biological effects of these
compounds must be correlated with residues in order to
anticipate their ecological impact under the conditions of
2. Scope
a. Biodegradation and Residue Kinetics
Fish and invertebrates-these studies on residue
degradation and uptake are more definitive than
the initial uptake studies involved in acute inter-
mittent-flow bioassays. Equilibrium of the residues
(parent compound or metabolites or both) in the
organisms during the exposure period must be
documented to strengthen correlation of exposure
concentrations and biological effects. Special con-
sideration must be given to multiple component
pesticides. Both the composition and isomer ratios
can be altered and should be included in determin-
ing safe levels of pesticide exposure. The chemical
burden and kinetics of uptake in the test organism
are determined by sampling at not less than four
intervals during the test exposures. No less than
three fish or other samples per concentration are
analyzed at each sampling period.
Gas-liquid chromatography (GLC) and Gas-
liquid chromatography-mass spectrograph (GLC-
MS) analyses are then made on each sample to
determine which fractions of the radioactive resi-
dues are attributed to the parent compound(s)
and what changes occurred in the composition and
isomer-ratios of the pesticide. Thin layer chromato-
graphic examination of nonvolatile metabolites is
recommended for compounds which cannot be
analyzed by GLC (Biros 1970b,141 Johnson et al.
Chemical information obtained from the various
invertebrate organisms is examined in light of pos-
sible impact on the food chain of fish and other
Appendix Il-E/439
organisms. These data give an estimate of the rela-
tive importance of bioconcentration, biopassage,
and biodegradation in the various trophic levels in
predicting the effect on ecosystems (Eberhardt,
Meeks, and Peterle 1971).149
Microorganisms-These studies are designed to
ascertain whether or not a pesticide or its degrada-
tion product(s) is biodegradable by microorganisms
in an aquatic environment (Faculty of American
Bacteriologists 1957).151 Benthic muds are incu-
bated with the pesticide (or degradation product(s)
or both) in liquid culture. One sample is sterilized
to distinguish chemical or biological degradation,
or both. Variables investigated concerning the
basic microorganism-pesticide interaction during
incubation are:
• duration: 1-3-7-14-21-30 days;
• temperature: 15-25-35 C;
• pH: 5.0-7.0-9.0;
• oxygen tension: aerobic or anaerobic (nitro-
gen overlay).
b. Physico<_::hemical Interactions
These studies are designed to determine the in-
teractions of water quality factors as they affect
rates of sorption, desorption, and loss of chemicals
from the aquatic system, and chemical modifica-
tions of the parent compound. These data permit
accurate assessment of the biological availability to,
and effects of the subject chemical on, the aquatic
Sediment binding studies (i.e., sorption, desorp-
tion rates) should consider the effects of as many
combinations of the following as possible:
• pH: 6, 7.5, 9;
• hardness: 10, 45, 300 ppm as CaC03 ;
• temperature: 7, 17, 27 C;
• sediment type (heavy, light, high/low-or-
ganic); binding profile, i.e., degree of binding
as a function of particle size and composition.
Chemical degradation rates as influenced by the
previous characteristics should also be analyzed.
In addition, the importance of photodegradation
(visible and ultraviolet) must also be examined.
Product identification will utilize analyses by
GLC, mass spectrometry, and infrared spectrom-
etry. Degradation products will be synthesized
where necessary for biological or chemical testing.
Vo1atization and loss of pesticides from the aqueous
system· must also be considered, particularly where
factors of pH or temperature are important.
Common or trade name
Aldrin ........................................... .
Amitrole ......................................... .
Arsenic-containing pesticides (Inorganic and organic)
Atrazine ......................................... .
Azinphosmethyl (Gulhion®) ....................... .
Benzene hexachloride (BHC) ...................... .
Caplan .......................................... .
Chlordane ....................................... .
2, 4-D Oncludi ng salts, eslers, and other derivatives) ...
DDT (including its isomers and dehydrochlorination
Dicamba ......................................... .
Dieldrin ......................................... .
Dilhiocarbamate pesticides:
Maneb ....................................... .
Ferbam ........................................ .
Zineb ......................................... .
Endrin .......................................... .
Heptachlor ...................................... .
Heptachlor epoxide ............................... .
Lindane ......................................... .
Malathion ....................................... .
Mercury-containing pesticides (Inorganic and organic)
Methoxychlor .................................... .
Methyl parathion ................................. .
Mirex ........................................... .
Nitralin (Pianavin®) .............................. .
Parathion ........................................ .
PCNB ........................................... .
Picloram ......................................... .
Silvex (including salts, esters, and other derivatives) .. .
Strabane® ...................................... .
2, 4, 5· T (including salts, esters, and other derivatives) ..
TOE (DOD) (including its isomers and dehydrochlorina-
tion products)
Toxaphene ....................................... .
Trifluralin ....................................... .
Pesticides Recommended for Monitoring in the Environment!
Chemica I name•
not less than 95 percent of 1,2,3,4, 10, 10-hexachloro-
1, 4, 4a, 5, S, Sa-hexahydro-1, 4-endo-exo-5, S·dimetha-
no-naphlha lene
D, 0-dimethyl phosphorodithioate S-esler with 3-(mer-
caplomethyl)-1, 2, 3-benzotriazin'4(3H)-one
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-hexachlorocyclohexane,consisting of several
isomers and conlain ing a specified percentage of gamma
N -[(lrichloromethyl)thio]-4-cyclohexene-1, 2-dicarboxi-
at least 60 percent of 1, 2,4, 5, 6, 7, s, 8·octachloro-3a,4,
7, 7a-tetrahydro-4, 7-methanoindan and not over 40
percenl of related compounds
(2, 4·dichlorophenoxy)acetic acid
1,1, 1-trichloro-2,2·bis(p·chlorophenyl)ethane; technical
DDT consists of a mixture of the p,p'-isomer and the
o, p'-isomer (in a ratio of about 3 or4 to 1)
3, 6-dichroro-o-an i sic acid
not less than S5 percent of 1,2,3,4, 10, 10-hexachloro-
6, 7 -epoxy -1, 4, 4a, 5, 6, 7, S, Sa -octahydro-1, 4-endo-
exo-5, S-dimethanonaphthalene
[ ethy lenebi s( dithioca rbamalo )] manganese;
1, 2,3, 4, 10, 10-hexachloro-6, 7 ·epoxy-1, 4, 4a, 5, 6, 7,S,
Sa -oclahydro-1, 4-endo-endo-5, S-dimethanonaphtha-
1, 4, 5, 6, 7, S, S-heptachloro-3a, 4, 7, 7a-tetrahydro-4, 7-
methanoi ndene
1, 4, 5, 6, 7, S,S-heptachloro-2,3-epoxy-3a,4, 7, 7a-telra-
hydro·4, 7-melhanoindan
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-hexachlorocyclohexane, gamma isomer of
not less than 99 percent purity
diethyl mercaptosuccinale S·ester with 0, O·dimethyl
1,1, 1-trichloro-2, 2-bis(p-melhoxyphenyl)ethane; tech-
nical melhoxychlor contains some o, p'-isomer also
0, 0-dimethyl 0-(p-nitrophenyl) phosphorolhioate
dodecachlorooclahydro -1, 3, 4 -metheno -1 H -cyclobula
4-(methylsulfonyl)-2, 6-dinitro-N, N-diproylaniline
0, 0-diethyl 0-(p-nilrophenyl) phosphorothioate
4-amino-3, 5, 6-trichloropicolinic acid
2-(2, 4, 5-trichlorophenoxy)propionic acid
terpene polychlorinates containing 65 percent chlorine
(2, 4, 5-trichlorophenoxy)acetic acid
1, 1 -dichloro-2, 2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane; technical
TD E contains some o, p' -isomer also
chlorinated camphene containing 67-69 percent chlorine
a:, a:, a: -trifluoro-2, 6-dinitro-N, N-dipropyl-p-toluidine
Common or trade name Chemical namea
Secondary List of Chemicals for Monitoring
DCNA (Botran®)... ............................... 2,6-dichloro-4-nitroaniline
Carbaryl.......................................... 1-naphthyl methylcarbamate
Demetron (Syslox®).... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mixture of D, 0-diethyl S (and 0)-[2-(ethylthio)ethyQ
Diazinon......................................... 0, 0-diethyl 0-(2-isopropyl-6-methyl-4-pyrimidinyl)
Disulfoton (Di-Syston®)............................ 0, D-diethyl S-[2-elhylthio)ethyQphosphorodithioate
Diuron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-(3, 4-dichlorophenyl)-1, 1-dimethylurea
Endosullan (Thiodan®).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7 -hexachloro-5-norbornene-2,3-dimethanol
cyclic sulfite
Fenac'............................... . . . . . . . . . . . . (2, 3, 6-trichlorophenyl)acetic acid
Fluometuron...................................... 1, 1-dimethyl-3-(a, a, a·lrifiuoro-m-tolyl)urea
Inorganic bromide from bromine-containing pesticides
Lead-containing pesticides such as iead arsenate
Linuron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-(3, 4-dichlorophenyl)-1-methoxy-1-methylurea
PCP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pentachlorophenol
Propanild ........................................• · 3', 4' -dichloropropionanilide
Triazine-type herbicidesd:
Simazine....................................... 2-chloro-4, 6-bis(ethylamino)-s-triazine;
Propazine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 -chloro-4, 6-bisOsopropylamino)-s-triazine;
Prometryne. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 4-bis(isopropyla mino)-6-(methylthio )-s-triazine
TBA............................................. 2, 3, 6-trichlorobenzoic acid, usually available as mixed
List of Special Chemicals lor Monitoring•
Polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs)......................... Mixtures of chlorinated biphenyl compounds having vari-
ous percentages of chlorination.
Polychlorodibenzo-p-dioxins......................... Dibenzo-p-dioxins having various degrees of chlorination
such as the telra-, hexa-, or octachlorodibenzo-p-
dioxins, present as impurities in various chlorine-con-
taining phenols and early samples ol2,4, 5-T.
• Chemical names are in accordance with Chemical Abstracts.
• Report individual isomers when possible.
c Some compounds are used primarily on one or two crops or in certain regions rather than counlry-wide; lor ex-
ample, the herbicides lenac and propanil are used mainly on sugar cane and rice, respectively.
d Note that alrazine has been moved to the Primary List
• This list contains chemicals which, although not considered to be pesticides themselves, are of special interest in
monitoring studies.
I Schechter, 1971.1"
There is much evidence that primitive people in Asia
and South America used poisonous plants to capture fresh-
water and saltwater fishes for food. In China, extracts from
toxic plants have been employed for thousands of years to
remove undesirable fish from ponds under intensive fish
culture. The practice of applying .toxicants in sport fishery
management of waters by poisoning non-game fish has
been used as a management tool (Prevost 1960) .19 3 Some of
the many causes and instances of fishes in pest situations were
discussed by Lennon (1970).191
A survey commissioned by the Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations in 1970 disclosed that
29 countries on the five continents are using toxicants in the
culture or ma,nagement of food and game fishes (Lennon
et al. 1970) .192 Forty-nine of the 50 states in the United
States and most provinces in Canada have used or are using
piscicides in fishery programs. The toxica~ts are employed
to correct various problems in farm, ranch, and fish-produc-
tion ponds; in natural lakes and reservoirs; and in streams
and rivers.
The chemicals that served most commonly as fish toxi-
cants since the 1930's were basically insecticides in nature
and formulation. Rotenone and toxaphene, for example,
were applied predominantly as piscicides in the United
States and Canada in 1966 (Stroud and Martin 1968),194
but several dozens of chemicals including natural poisons,
inorganics, chlorinated hydrocarbons, and organophos-
phates have had testing or use to kill fish (Lennon et al.
There is a significant change in the use of toxicants in
fishery management. Increasing concerns by the public
and government regarding broad spectrum, persistent
pesticides have resulted in stiff requirements for registration
of fish toxicants and regulation of their use in public waters.
Well justified emphasis is being placed now on the develop-
ment and use of piscicides that are specific to fish, harmless
at use levels to non-target plants and animals, non-persistent
in the aquatic environment, and safe to handle and apply.
An enormous amount of research is required now to secure
or retain registration of a fish toxicant. The research in-
eludes long-term studies on safety to man and mammals, on
efficacy to target fish, on residues in fish and other aquatic
life, and on degradation or deactivation of the toxicant in
the environment.
Programs for the management of public waters are being
more closely scrutinized for any temporary or long-term ef-
fects they will have on the environment. More emphasis is
being placed on the enhancement and protection of the in-
tegrity of ecosystems as the main goal for management of
our living resources. The importance of preserving a di-
versity of aquatic habitats and natural communities as
important gene pools, which may be of inestimable value to
mankind in the future, as well as for education, research,
and aesthetic enjoyment must be clearly recognized. If
control measures are undertaken which will kill non-target
aquatic species (fish or invertebrates), then careful con-
sideration should be given to preserving populations of these
species for restrocking in order to reestablish stability of the
community. Furthermore, more attention should be given to
beneficial use of nuisance populations of aquatic organisms
and efficient harvesting methods should be developed as
part of any integrated control program.
There are five divisions of the management process that
must be considered by fishery managers and project review
boards. They are:
Demonstration of need
A fishery problem is at first presumed to exist, then
studied and defined, and proven or disproven. If proven, the
need for immediate or eventual correction is assessed and
weighed against all possible environmental, scientific, and
political considerations. The need then is documented and
demonstrated to those in a decision-making capacity.
Selection of method(s) for solution of problem
All possible solutions to the problem by means of chem-
ical, biological, physical, and integrated approaches must
be considered and evaluated in terms of effectiveness on
target fishes, safety to non-target plants and animals, and
environmental impact. An important rule of thumb is that a
toxicant should be used only as a last resort.
442/ Appendix II-Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
The selection of an approach to solve the problem, there-
fore, must be accomplished on the bc;sis of sound fact-find-
ing and judgment. Every opportunity for exploiting an
integrated approach to management and control deserves
consideration to protect the integrity of ecosystems.
The selection of an approach to management of native
fish populations and control of exotic species should be
approved by an impartial board of review.
Selection of a toxicant
If a chemical approach to solution of the problem is
chosen, the next major step is selection of the correct toxi-
cant. The toxicant must be one registered for the use, specific
to the target species, and relatively compatible with the
environmental situation. ·
Method of Application
The proximity of application transects on lakes or meter-
ing stations on streams is an important consideration. Ap-
plication points must be close enough together to avoid
locally excessive concentrations that may be harmful to
non-target life.
Every opportunity to achieve selective action on target
organisms by adjusting the application method or tiriling
should be exploited.
Pre-and post-treatment assessments
Careful surveys and assessments of the target and non-
target life in the problem area are needed prior to a treat-
ment. The data must be quantitatively and qualitatively
The actual application must be preceded by competent
ecosystem study of the habitat to be treated. Moreover, on-
site bioassays of the candidate toxicant must be conducted
against representative target and non-target organisms col-
lected in the problem area. The dose (concentration plus
duration of exposure) of toxicant needed for the reclama-
tion is calculated from the results of the on-site bioassays.
Following an application, thorough ecosystem studies
and assessments of target and non-target life must be made
in the problem area. Some surveys should be accomplished
immediately; others should be prosecuted periodically for
1 to 2 years to evaluate the effect of the treatment to deter-
mine if the original problem was corrected, and to detect
any long-term and/or adverse effects on non-target life
and the environment in general.
All chemical treatments of public waters should be re-
viewed by impartial boards at appropriate state and federal
levels. Resource administrators, managers and scientists in
fisheries, wildlife, ecology, and recreation should be repre-
sented on the boards, and they should call in advisors from
the private and public sectors as necessary to evaluate pro-
posed projects realistically and fairly. A board must have
decision-making authority· at each step of the treatment
process; thus, a smoothly working system for getting facts
from the field to the board and its decisions back to the field
is necessary. Furthermore, a review board must have con-
tinuity so that it can assess the results of preceding treat-
ments and apply the experience obtained to subsequent
management activities.
. .
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toxicants: a review. Fisheries Technical Paper 100, Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome: 99 p.
193 Prevost, G., (1960), Use of fish toxicants in the Province of Quebec.
Can. Fish. Culturist, Vol. 28, 13-35.
194 Stroud, R. H. and R. G. Martin (1968), Fish conservation high-
lights 1963-1967. (Sport Fishing Institute, Washington, D.C.),
147 p.
PREFACE .......................••..........
AQUATIC ORGANISMS .................... .
FOR AQUATIC ORGANISMS ................. .
AQUATIC ORGANISMS ..................... .
449 TABLE 4.
450 TABLE 5.
CHEMICALS IN THE U.S.A.................. 483
461 TABLE 6.
AQUA 'riC ORGANISMS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484
469 LITERATURE CITED. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 510
Tables l-3 in this Appendix have been compiled to pro-
vide information on the effects of inorganic constituents on
marine organisms. Data on bioassay tests with fresh water
organisms are included, especially when the information
concerning marine organisms is inadequate. This was also
done when the same investigator studied both fresh water
and marine organisms. The substances tested are listed in
alphabetical order, generally based upon the constituent in
the compound considered to be critical. The entries are ar-
ranged within substances by year of publication and author.
The units used are those presented in the original publica-
tion. In some cases it is impossible to know whether the
concentration is expressed in terms of the element or the
compound tested, but if the information was presented in
the original publication, it is so indicated. The organism
used in the test is identified as in the original reference,
giving the specific name wherever it is available. Very ab-
breviated descriptions of the conditions of the test are pre-
sented. The value of the compilation is to indicate the range
of concentrations tested, the species used, and the references
to the original work. The reader is urged to refer to the
original reference for more precise details about the test
conditions or to the author if the necessary details were
omitted in the publication.
Generally, in Table l the acute dose for a 96 hr LC50 is
presented. If the time of the test was different, it is indicated
in parentheses after the concentration listed, for example,
(48 hr).
L =Laboratory bioassay
BS =bioassay static
BCF =bioassay continuous flow
BA =bioassay acute
BCH ="bioassay chronic
a= water temperature
b =ambient air temperature
d =alkalinity (total, phenolphthalein or caustic)
e =dissolved oxygen
f=hardness (total, carbonate, Mg or GaO)
g =turbidity
h =oxidation reduction potential
i =chloride as Cl
j =BOD, 5 day; (])=BOD, short-term
l=Nitrogen (as N02 or N03)
m=ammonia nitrogen as NH3
n=phosphate (total, ortho-, or poly)
o =solids (total, fixed, volatile, or suspended)
BOD= biochemical oxygen demand
450/ Appendix Ill-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
'I' ABLE 1-Acute dose of inorganic chemicals for aquatic organ 'isms
Constituent Acute dose 96 hr LCSO Specie.. Conditions literature citation• Constituent Acute dose 96 br LCSO Species Conditions literature citation•
Aluminum ........ 250 ppm Micropterus sal· AI(SQ,)a; 18 H,O; pH Sanborn 19451os Ammonia ......... 212 ppm (2 day) bidity, ammonium
(AI) moides 7.2-7.6; 64-8 ppm (NHa) dichromate
fish and river crab ······················ Podubsky and Sled· 37 ppm (2 day) static acute bioassay;
ronsky 1948" a,c,d,e,g, highly turbid
88 ppm (few Hrs) Sebastes marinus ················ Pulley 19501oo water; NH,OH
17.8 mgfl (short Sebastes marinus AtCia; sea water Pulley 19501oo 1, 4000 ppm (2 day) Gambusia aHinis static acute bioassay; Wallen etal.
time) a,c; ammonium sui· 1951133
235 mg/1 Gambusia aHinis t9-22 C; turbid water; WaRen eta!. fate; d,e,g; highly
turbidity 2351o 25 1957133 turbid water
mgjl; AI,(SO,)a· 248 ppm (2 day) Gambusia affinis ammonium sulfide; Wallen et al.
18H,Q static acute bioassay; 1957133
133 mg/1 Gambusia affinis highly turbid water WaRen et al. a,c,d,e,g; highly
1957133 turbid water used
240 ppm (48 hr) Gambusia aHinis A(,Cb, static acute bio· Wallen et al. 240 ppm (2 day) same as above, but
assay turbid water; 1951133 ammonium sulfite
a,c,d,e,g used.
135 mg/1 (48 hr) Gambusia aHinis A!,Cb, static acute bio· WaRen et al. 420 ppm (2 day) static acute bioassay;
assay turbid water; 1951133 a,c,d,e,g; Ammonium
a,c,d,e,g thiocyanate; highly
Ammonia .... 18.5 mg/1 (48 brs) Lepomis tap water; reoxygenated TurnbuR et al. turbid
(NHa) macroch;rus 20 C; NH,OH 1954130 3.1 mg/1 Lepomis soft water; 30 C Academy of Natural
15 mg/1 (48 hr) cone. as NH.OH; tap macrocbirus Sciences 19602
water; 20 c. 3.4 mg/1 soft water; 20 C
6.0 ppm Lepomis continuous flow, acute Cairns Jr. and 23.7 mg/1 bard water; 30 C
macroehirus bioassay, a,c,e,f; Scheier unpub· 24.4 mg/1 hard water; 20 C
aerated distilled lished 1955"' 90 mg/1 Physa heterostropba soft water, 20 C
NH,Ct 94.5 mg/1 soft water, 30 C
300 mg/1 (6 brs) minnows hard water; NH,CI LeClerc and Deva· 133.9 mg/1 bard water, 20 & 30 C
minck 1955" 6 mg/1 Lepomis In standard distilled
400G-5000 mg/1 minnows distiRed water; NH,CI LeClerc and Deva-macrochirus water; NH,CI
(6 brs) minck 1955" 8.2 ppm Pimephales static acute bioassay; in Henderson et al.
8. 0 mgjl (time not Daphnia ······················ Meinck et al. promelas hard water; c,d,e,f 196050
specified) 195679 5.2 ppm Pimephales static acute bioassay;
17.5 mg/1 (48 hr) Pimepbales cone. as NH,OH; Black et al. 195113 promelas soft water; c,d,e,f.
promelas tap water; 0.4 (24 hr) Salmo gairdneri unionized HHa; static Lloyd and Herbert
7.7 ppm Lepomis NH,CI; distilled aerated Cairns Jr. and acute bioassay; 196076
macrocbirus water; static acute bio· Scheier 1957" a,b,c,d,e. toxicity In·
assay; a,c,d,f. NH,CI creased with increas·
as N; ing pH (from 7. 0 to
248 mg/1 Gambusia aHinis 21 C; in turbid water WaRen et al. 8.2)
using (NH•)•S 1951133 24.6 ppm (2 day) Salmo gairdneri static acute bioassay, Herbert and Shur-
490 mg/1 Gambusia aHinis in turbid water; NH,CI Wallen et al. a,c,d,f NH,CI as N; ben 1964"
1957133 202 ppm (1 day) Carassius carassius static acute bioassay; Dowden and Ben·
240 mgjl using (NH,),SOa· H,Q: a,c, "standard refer-nell1965"
2D-21 C; turbidity ence water" NH,CI
lowered from 220 to 161 ppm (2 day)
25 mg/1 50 ppm
114 mg/1 Gambusia aHinis using NH,SCN; turbid Wallen elal. 139 ppm Daphnia magna
water 16-23 C 1957133 725 ppm (1-4 day) Lepomis
1290 mg/1 Gambusia aHinis turbid water; 2D-21 C Wallen etal. macrochirus
using (NH,),SO.,; re· 1957133 241 ppm (1 day) Lymnaea, sp (eggs)
duced turbidity from 173 ppm (2 day)
240-25 mg/1 70 ppm
240 mg/1 Gambusia affinis highly turbid water; Wallen et al. 60 ppm (1 day) Daphnia magna a,c; NH,OH; static
(NH,),CrO, 1957"' acute bioassay;
136 mg/1 (NH,),Cr,o, "standard reference
37 mg/1 Gambusia affinis turbid water Wallen et al. water''
1957133 32 ppm (2 day)
910 mg/1 (24 hr) Gambusia aHinis using NH,SCN; turbid Wallen el al. 20 ppm
water 16-23 C 1957133 423 ppm (I day) Daphnia magna static acute bioassay,
238 ppm (2 day) Gambusia aHinis static acute bioassay, Wallen etal. a,c, standard refer·
ence water and lake a,c,d,e,g; ammonium 1957133 water using ammon-acetate; high turbidity ium sulfate pH 7.6-8.8. 433 (2 day)
238 ppm (2 day) Gambusia alfinis same as above using 292 ppm
(NH)aCOa 299 ppm (1 day) static acute bioassay;
510 ppm (2 day) Gambusia alfinis static acute bioassay, Wallen et al. a,c, standard reference
a,c,d,e,g, high tur· 1957!33 water; ammonium
bidity; NH,&I sulfite
270 ppm (2 day) Gambusia alfinis static acute bioassay, Wallen etal. 273 ppm (2 day)
a,c,e,f,d, high tur· 1951133 203 ppm
bidity; ammonium 200 mgjl ( 4 days) Cyprinus carpio (NH,),SO, Malacea 1966'•
chromate 300 mg/1 ( 4 days) gudgeon
static acute bioassay; 160 mg/1 (4 days) Rhodeus sericeus
a,c,d,e,f, high tur· 73.4 mg/1 (2 days) Daphnia "
• Citations are listed at the end of the Appendix. They can be located alphabetically within tables or by their superior numbers which run consecUtively across the tables for the entire Appendix.
Appendix III-Table 7/451
TABLE 1-Continued
Constituent Acute dose 96 hr LC50 Species Conditions Literature citation• Constituent Acute dose 96 hr LC50 Species Conditions Literature citation•
Ammonia ...... D. 4 ppm (I days) Abramis brama a,c,d,e,f; continuous-Ball1967• Beryllium ......... 11 ppm same as above but using
(NHa) now bioassay (Be) hard water and
0.29 ppm (7 days) Perea fluviatillis beryllium sulfate
0.35 ppm (5 days) Rutilis rutilis 0.2 ppm same as above but using
0.36 ppm (6 days) Scardinius erythro· soli water
phlhalmus 31.0 mg/1 Fundulus 20-22 C; no feeding Jackim el al.
D. 41 ppm (2 day) Salmo gairdneri heleroclitus during the 96 hrs; 197064
34-47 ppm (2 days) Salmo gairdneri acute sialic bioassay, Brown 196817 aerated water
a,c,d,e,f,o (See sodium borate, also)
6.3 mgjl (48 hr) Salmo gairdneri ammonia as N Brown 196817 Boron ........... 15,000 mg/1 Lepomis 20 C; borontifluoride Turnbull el al.
420 ppm (5 day) Nitzschia linearis ammonium sail; a,c,e; Patrick el al. (B) (24 hr) macrochirus 1954130
sialic acute bioassay 196891 18,000-19,000 mgjl minnows in distilled water; 20 C; LeClerc and Deva-
90.0 ppm Physa helerostropha (6 hr) minck 1950",
3.4 ppm Lepomis ammonium salt; a,c,e; 195573
macrochirus sialic acute bioassay 19,000-19,500 mg/1 in hard water; 20 C;
0.44 ppm (3 hr) Salmo gairdneri 100% mortality un-Lloyd and Orr (6 hr)
ionized NHa; 10.5 C 196977 18,000 mg/1 Gambusia alfinis boric acid; 20-23 C; Wallen el al.
pH 8-10 (24 hr) pH 5.4-7.3 1957133
Antimony ..... ... 12 ppm Pimephales antimony potassium Tarzwell and Hen-5,600 mg/l
(Sb) promelas tartrate; sialic acute derson 1960124 12,000 mg/1 sodium borate, 22-26 C;
bioassay; a,c,d,f; (24 hr) pH 8.6-9.1
hard water 8, 200 mg/1 (48 hr)
20 ppm same as above using 3,600 mg/1
soli water 10,500 ppm (2 day) Gambusia alfinis boric acid; static acute Wallen et al.
17 ppm same as above, using bioassay; a,c,d,e,g; 1957133
hard water and anti· highly turbid water
mony trichloride 20-23 c
9 ppm same as above except Cadmium ......... 45 mg/1 Drizias Cd(NDah·4 H,D Doudoron and
using soli water and (Cd) Katz 195337
antimony trichloride 0.056 mg/1 guppy cone. as Cd; using Shaw and Lowrance
80 ppm same as above using Cd(NDa),-4 H,D 1956112
hard water and anti· 5 ppm Pimephales sialic acute bioassay; Tarzwell and Hen-
mony trioxide promelas a,c,d,f; hard water; derson 1960124
80 ppm same as above using cadmium chloride
soli water and anti· 0.9 ppm same as above, using
mony trioxide soli water
(See sodium arsenite also) 1.05 mg/1 static acute bioassay, Pickering and Hen-
Arsenic ........... 48 ppm (24 hr) Nolropsis hudsonius Boschelti and Me· c,d,e,f; soli water; derson 1965"
(As) Loughlin 19571s CdC!,; cone. as Cd.
29 ppm ( 48 hr) 72.6mg/l same as above; using
hard water 27 ppm (12 hr) 1.94 mg/1 Lepomis sialic acute bioassay; young salmon & arsenic trioxide Holland el al. macrochirus c,d,e,f; soli water trout 196057
100 mg/1 (4 days) Rhodeus sericeus sodium arsenate Malacea 1966" CdCJ, cone. as Cd.
160 mg/1 (4 days) Cyprinus carpio 1.27 mg/1 Lebistes reticulalus same as above
5 mg/1 (2 days) Daphnia 2.84 mg/1 Lepomis cyanellus same as above
66.0 mg/1 same as above, but
Barium ........... 2083 mgjl (36 hr) young eels 20 C; using BaCh Doudoron and Katz using hard water
(Ba) 195337 0.17 ppm Pimephales cadmium cyanide com-Doudoroff el al.
200 ppm (time not Crassius auralus BaCh Bijan and Des-promelas plex, sodium cyanide 1966"
given) chi ens 19561' (439 ppm CN) and
100 ppm (lime not Bulinus contortus cadmium sulfate
given) (528 ppm Cd). Syn-
11 ppm (lime not Planorbis glabratus BaCh Bijan and Des-lhetic soli water;
given) chiens 19561' sialic acute bioassay;
1640 mgjl Gambusia affinis turbid water; 20 C BaCiz Wallen el al. a,c; cone. as CN
1957133 0.008-0.01 ppm Salmo gairdneri continuous flow, acute Ball1967'
4440 mg/1 (24 hr) (I day) bioassay; a,b,f; hard
10, DOD ppm (2 day) Gambusia affinis sialic acute bioassay, Wallen el al. water
a,c,d,e,g; turbid 1957133 30 mg/1 (1 day)
water; barium carbo· 30 ppm (1 day) continuous flow, acute Velsen and Alder-
nate; 20 C bioassay, a,b,f dice 19671"
3, 200 ppm (2 day) same as above using 0.12 mg/l (4-8 Crassoslrea in flowing water; 20 C Shuster and Pring! e
barium chloride weeks) Yirginica salinity 31 ppt; CdClz. 1969113
Beryllium ...... 1.3 mg/1 Lepomis beryllium sulfate; in Tarzwell and Hen-2.5 H,D
(Be) macrochirus soli water derson 19561" 27.0 mg/1 Fundulus 20-22 C; no feeding Jackim el al.
12 mg/1 "<>: in hard water heleroclilus during the 96 hr 1970"
15 ppm Pimephales sialic acute bioassay; aerated water.
promelas a,c,d,f, hard water; o. 2 mg/1 (8 wk) Crassoslrea ...................... Pringle (in press)"
beryllium chloride Yirginica
0.15 ppm same as above using 0.1 mg/1 (15 wk) ······················
soli water Calcium .......... 8, 400 mg/1 (24 hr) Lepomis ······················ Doudoron and
20 ppm same as above using (Ca) macrochirus Katz 195337
hard water & 10,000 mg/l Lepomis 20 C; Ca(NDah Trama 1954b127
beryllium nitrate macrochirus
0.15 ppm same as above but using 10,000 ppm Ca(NDa),; static acute
soli water bioassay; a,d,e,f
~: ..
452/Appendix III-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
Constituent Acute dose 96 hr LC50 Species Conditions
Calcium...... . . . 10,650 ppm
9,500 ppm
11,300 ppm
7,752 mg/1 (22-
27 hr)
160 mg/1
56,000 ppm
13,460 ppm (2 day)
220 ppm (2 day)
240 ppm (I day)
56,000 ppm (2 day)
11,300 ppm
3, 526 ppm (!-day)
3,005 ppm (2 day)
8, 350 ppm (I day)
4, 485 ppm (I day)
3, 094 (2 day)
2,373 ppm (3 day)
3, 200 ppm (5 day)
2,980 ppm
3,130 ppm (5 day)
10,650 ppm
Carassius auralus
Gambusia affinis
Gambusia affinis
Daphnia magna
cacr.; a,d,e,f; static
acute bioassay in
standard water
continuous flow, acute
bioassay, a;c;ef;
aerated water; small
fish used.
same as above except
large fish used
in disfilled water
eaco,; a,c,d,e,g,
turbid water static
acute bioassay 19-
21 c
cacr.; turbid water;
static acute bioassay;
Ca(OH)2; a,c,d,e,g;
sialic acute bioassay,
turbid water; 21-23 C
caso.; a,c,d,e,g; turbid
water; static acute
bioassay. 21-25 C
a,c,d,e,i; aerated water;
CaC12Iarge fish used
2:14.24 em long;
static acute bioassay.
18-20 C; in soft water;
20-23 C; DO 0.18-0.22
ppm (C02= 13.75-
69.30 ppm) CaCI2
CaCb; a,c, static acute
bioassay; standard
reference water
same as above
Lepomis same as above
Lymnaea sp. (Eggs) same as above
Nitzschia linearis
same as above
same as above
static acute bioassay;
a,c,e; caso,
same as above Lepomis
Nitzschia linearis static acute bioassay;
a,c,e, cacr,
Lepomis macrochirus same as above
(See also potassium chloride and sodium chloride)
Chloride.......... 0.08 ppm (7 day) Salmo gairdneri
continuous flow acute
bioassay; a,c,e; from
mono and dichlor-
amines. 20 C; 23°/oo
salinity pH 8.0
10 ppm (24 hr) Sphaerodes maculatus .....
19.25 ppm (16 hr) fingerling silrers cone. as residual Cl
(See potassium chromate and dichromate and sodium chromate and dichromate also)
Chromium........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lepomis 22±0.2 C
(Cr) macrochirus
300 mg/1 (24 hr)
145 mg/1 (24 hr)
213 mg/1 (48 hr)
82 mg/1 Gambusia affinis
turbid water, 19-23 C;
pH 7.5-7.8; 240 mg/1
ammonium chromate
TABLE 1-Continued
LHerature citation*
Academy of Nat·
ural Sciences
Cairns Jr. and
Scheier unpub-
lished 1955,"2
1958,26 195927
Industrial Wastes
Industrial Wastes
Jones 1957"
Wallen el al.
Cairns Jr. and
Scheier 1957,"
Academy of Nat·
ural Sciences
Ahuja 1964'
Dowden and Ben·
Patrick et al.
Patrick et al.
Merkens 195881
Eisler and Edmunds
Holland el al.
Abegg 19501
Abegg 19501
Turnbull et al.
Wallen etal.
Constituent Acute dose 96 hr LC50 Species
Chromium. . . . . . . 56 mg/1
104 mg/1
96 mg/1
135 mg/1
92 mg/1
103 mg/1
40.0 ppm (48 hr)
320 ppm
382 ppm
369 ppm
196 mg/1 (time not
110 ppm
110 mg/1
170 mg/1
100 mg/1
113 mg/1
135 mg/1
0.21 mg/1 (time
not given)
0. 25 mg/1 (time
not given)
17.3 mg/1 (lime
not given)
40.6 mg/1 (time
not given)
110 mg/1
75 mg/1 ( 48 hr)
60 mg/1 (12 days)
0.01 mg/1 (48 hr)
0.1 mg/1 (48 hr)
0.1 ppm (1 day)
0.03 ppm (2 day)
0.2 ppm (1 day)
5.07 mg/1
67.4 mg/i
71.9 mgfl
4.10 mg/1
Salmo gairdneri
Polycelis nigra
Carcinus maenas
Daphnia magna
Daphnia magna
Lymnaea sp (Eggs)
Carassius auratus
turbid water, 18-20 C;
pH 5.7-7.4; ammon-
ium dichromate (136
turbid water; 17-21 C;
pH 7.6-8.1 potassium
chromate (400 mg/1)
turbid water; 21-30 C;
pH 5.4-6.7 potassium
dichromate (280 mg/1)
turbid water; 20-22 C;
pH 7.7-8.6sodium
chromate; (420 mg/1)
turbid water; 24-27 C;
pH 6.0-7.9 sodium
dichromate (264 mg/1)
in soft water; 18 C and
30 c
in hard water; 18 C
in hard water; 30 C
Cr hexavalent; static
acute bioassay; a,c,d,l,
g. soft water. alkali
and hardness toxicity
in hard water; K2Cr.O,
22 C; lime value; soft
22 C; "; hard water
time value; 20 C; soli
"; hard water
20 C; hard water
chromic acid
potassium bichromate
chromic sullate; a,c;
standard reference
water; static acute
same as above
same as above
chromium potassium
sulfate; c,d,e,f soft
water; static acute
bioassay; cone. as Cr
same as above using
hard water
sam& as above using
soft water
same as above using
hard water
using soli water
same as above using
soft water
Literature citation•
Cairns Jr. and
Scheier 1958;26
Fromm and Schiff·
man 1958"
Trama and Benoit
Trama and Benoit
Trama and Benoit
Schiffman and
Fromm 1959uo
Academy of Nat-
ural Sciences
Academy of Nat-
ural Sciences
Academy of Nat-
ural Sciences
Trama and Benoit
Raymounl and
Shields 1962,1oa
Meletsea 1963'0
Dowden and Ben-
Pickering and Hen·
derson 1965"
Appendjx Ill-Table 1/453
TABLE 1-Continued
·constituent Acute dose 96 hr LC50 Species Conditions Literature citation* Constituent Acute dose 91i hr LC50 Species Conditions Literature citation•
Chromium ...... · 67.4-71.9 mg/1 Lepomis Hard water; pH 8.2 Pickering and Hen-Copper ........... meisteri hard water coso,; 1961141
(Cr) macrochirus Alk. 300 mg/1 derson 1966" (Co) a,c,d,i
3.33-7.46 mg/1 Pimelometopon soft water; pH 7.5 0.425 ppm Gyraulus static acute bioassay;
pulchrum (fat-Alk. 18 mg/1 circumstriatus a,c,d,i; hard water;
head) coso,
27.3-133 mg/1 minnows, Carassius hard water; pH 8.2 Pickering and Hen-0.27 ppm Physa same as above
auratus K,cr,o,; Atk. 300 derson 1966" heterostropha
mg/1 1.5 mg/1 (2-3 d) Nereis ............... Raymount and
17.6-118 mg/1 soft water; pH 7. 5 Shields 1962103
K,cr,o,; Atk. 18 0.27 ppm Physa heterostropha 21 C hard water as Wurtz 1962140
mg/1 coso,
45.8 mg/1 soft water; pH 7.5 0.050 ppm same as above; young
K,cr,o,; Atk. 18 0.56 ppm (1 day) static acute bioassay; Wurtz 1962140
mgjl a,c,f; Cuso, hard and
180 ppm zebra danio adults cone. as Cr (K,cr,o,) Cairns Jr. and soft water.
Scheier 1968" 90 ppm (1 day) Carassius auratus cone. as copper sulfite Floch et at. 1963"
1500 ppm zebra danio eggs Poecilia reticulata
4. 74 ppm Lepomis a,c,d,e,; static acute bio-Cairns, Jr. and 15 ppm (1 day) toad and frog Cone. as copper sulfite Floch et at. 196341
macrochirus assay fish acclima-Scheier 1968"'8 tadpoles
tized for 2 weeks in a 10 ppm (2 days)
synthetic dilution 5 ppm (3 days)
water using chrom-20 ppm (3 day) Dragon fly larvae cone. as copper sulfite Floch et at. 196341
ium-cyanide mixture 40 ppm (1 day)
0.26 ppm Lepomis a,c,d,e; static acute bio-Cairns Jr. and 2 ppm (1 day) Daphnia longispina
macrochirus assay fish acclima-Scheier 196828 0.1 ppm Nereis vireos time not specified Raymount and
tized for 2 weeks in a Shields 1963104
synthetic dilution 2 ppm (2 hr) Salmo gairdneri CuSO,.SH,O Herbert and Van
water. Dyke 1964"
170 ppm Lepomis static acute bioassay, Trama and Benoit 0.2 ppm (48 hr)
macrochirus a,c,d,f,g; dichromate; 1958128 1.5ppm Gammartls tacustris static acute bioassay; Nebeker and Gaufin
fish were acclimated a,e, Coso, 1964"
for 2 weeks in syn· • 19 ppm (12 days) Nereis vireos time not specified Raymount and
thetic dilution. Shields 1963104
Copper ........... 1.0 ppm (6.5 day) Gasterosteus static acute bioassay; Jones 1938" 0.980 ppm Lepomis CuCb Cope 1965"
(Co) acuteatus a,c; using Cu(NO,), macrochirus
0.23 mg/1 (6 hr) Balanus balanoides hypertonic seawater Pyefinch and Molt 2.8 ppm Lepomis static acute bioassay;
1948101 macrochirus coso,; a
0. 46 mg/1 (6 hr) n crenatus 0. 8 ppm (2 day) Salmo gairdneri a,c,e,f,l,m; field study Herbert et at.
3. 3 mg/1 (24 hr) Orizias CuCb 2H,O DoudoroH and in a river 196552
Katz 1953" 0.034 ppm (1 day) Salmo salar continuous flow, acute Sprague 1965"8
0. 74 ppm Lepomis static acute bioassay; Trama 1954a"' bioassay g,c,f; with
macrochirus a,c,d,e, distilled 3 l'g/1 Zn and 21'g/l
aerated water Co
7.0 mg/1 (48 hr) 20 C; pH 8.3 Turnbull et at. 321'g/l (time not juvenile salmon in very soft water Sprague and Ram-
1954130 given) (14 mg/1 hardness) sey 19651"
0.18 ppm Pimephates static acute bioassay; Palmer and Ma-0.150 ppm (2 day) Salmo gairdneri static acute bioassay, a, Cope 1966"
promelas a,c,d,e,f; Cuso, Ioney 195590 coso.
84 ppm (2 day) Gambusia affinis static acute bioassay; Wallen et at. 2.800 ppm (2 day) Lepomis same as above Cope 19li6"
turbid water; 1957133 macrochirus
a,c,d,e,g; Coso, 1.5ppm Pimephales as eN-using copper DoudoroH et at.
75 mg/1 Gambusia aHinis 24-27 C; using copper Wallen et at. promelas cyanide complex; 196638
sulfate in highly 19571" static acute bioassay;
turbid water a,c; soft water
56, 000 ppm (2 day) Gambusia aHinis cupric oxide; static acute Wallen etal. 1.2 ppm same as above except
bioassay a,c,d,e,g; 1957133 cone. as Co
turbid wale r 19-20 C 1.14 mg/1 Pimelometopon in hard water; Coso,. Pickering and Hen-
38 ppm (1 day) Salmo gairdneri cuso.; a,c,e,f,i,p; Turnbull-Kemp pulchrum 5H,O derson 196694
(fry) static acute bioassay 1958131 10.2mg/l Lepomis in hard water"
1.25 mg/1 (time Lepomis in soft water; 18-20 C; Academy of Nat-macrochirus
not given) macrochirus CuCb ural Sciences 0.048 ppm Salmo salar BSA;a; incipient lethal Sigler et at. 1966114
19602 level with 0. 600 Zn
48 hr. Daphnia magna .............. Cabejszek and 3.0 ppm Orconectes ruslitus continuous flow acute Hubschman 1967"
Stasiak 1960" bioassay, a,c,e,f;
1.9 ppm Japanese oyster Copper sulfate Fujiya 1960" 20 C; intermolting
1.9 mg/1 oysters pH 8.2; 12 C Fujiya 1960," stage
1961 44 1.0 ppm (1 day) same as above; adult
1.4 ppm Pimephales static acute bioassay; Tarzwell and Hen-crayfish used
promelas a,c,d,f, hard water; derson 1960124 1.0 ppm (6 day) same as above; juvenile
cuso, crayfish used
0.05 ppm same as above using 1.0 ppm (6 day) same as above; re-
soft water cently hatched young
10 ppm Lepomis same as above using which remained cling-
macrochirus hard w•ter ing to pleopods of
0.2 ppm same as above using female during 1st
soft water moll were used.
1.9 mg/1 oysters Cuct,-2 H,o Fujiya 1961" 0.25 mg/1 Oroconectes rusti-time not given Hubschman 1967"
0.40 oom Limnodrilus hoH-static acute bioassay; Wurtz and Bridges cus embryo
454/ Appendix Ill-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
TABLE 1-Continued
Constituent Acute dose 96 hr LC50 Species Conditions Literature citation• Constituent Acute dose 96 hr LC50 Species Conditions Literature citation•
Copper ........... 0. 51 mg/1 (2 hr) Waltersipora copper sodium citrate Wisely and Blick Cyanide .......... 0.06 ppm<l day Micropterus static acute bioassay, a
(Cu) pH 7.9-8.2 1967137 (CN-) salmoides
3. 85 mg/1 (2 hr) Bugula copper sodium citrate Wisely and Blick 0. 05-0.07 ppm Pomoxis annularis static acute bioassay; a
pH 7.9-8.2 1967137 (<1 day)
0. 51 mg/1 (2 hr) Spirorbis copper sodium citrate 0.02-0.04 ppm Pomoxis annularis continuous flow bio·
pH 7.9-8.2 (<1 day) assay; a
2. 9 mg/1 (2 hr) Galeolaria caper sodium citrate 0. 25 ppm (24 hr) Pimephales NaCN; cone. as CN; Doudoroft el al.
pH 7.9-8.2 promelas 20 c 1966"
22.5 mg/1 (2 hr) Mytilus copper sodium citrate 0. 24 ppm (48 hr)
pH 7.2-8.2 0.23 ppm
0.4-0.5 ppm Salmo gairdneri static acute bioassay; Brown 196817 0.20 ppm (24 hr) cone. as CN-; NaCN;
(2 day) a,c,d,e,f plus 0.14 ppm Zn
1.25 ppm Lepomis static acute bioassay, Cairns Jr. and 0.19 ppm (48 hr) cone. as CN-; NaCN;
macrochirus a,c,d,e; Cu++; fish Scheier 1968'' plus 0.13 ppm Zn
acclimatized 2 wks. in 0.18 ppm Pimephales cone. as eN-; NaCN
syn. dil. water. promelas
1.04 ppm static acute bioassay; 0.23 ppm (24 " plus 0.12 ppm
a,c,d,e; fish acclima-hours) Cd
tized 2 wks in syn. 0.21 ppm (48 hr) " plus 0.11 ppm
dil. water copper-Cd
26.0 ppm Lepomis copper acetic acid; all Cairns Jr. and 0.17 ppm " plus o. 09 ppm
macrochirus fish acclimatized 2 Scheier 1968" Cd
wks. in syn. dil. water. 0. 2 mg/1 (11 min) Salmo gairdneri ............. Neil1957•'
5.2 ppm a,c,d,e; static acute bio-0.12-0.18 mg/1 Lepomis in hard water and soft Academy of Nat-
assay same as above macrochirus soft water ural Sciences
except that copper-19602
acetaldehyde was 0.16 mg/1 cone. as HCN Doudoroff et al.
used. 1966"
5.2 ppm same as above except 0.01 mg/1 (48 hr) Salmo gairdneri ............... Brown 196817
that acetone; copper 0.18 ppm Lepomis static acute bioassay; Cairns Jr. and
mixture was used macrochirus a,c,d,e; all fish ac-Scheier 1968'•
430 mg/1 adult minnows static test Mount1968" climatized 2 weeks in
470 mg/1 Pimephales continuous flow bioassay Mount1968" syn. dil. water
promelas 0.026 ppm all fish acclimatized 2
84.0 pg/1 Pimelometopon soli water; static bio· Mount and Stephen weeks in syn. sil.
pulchrum assay 196984 water; static acute
75pg/l : " continuous flow bioassay; a,c,d,e
bioassay 0.019 ppm same as above; CN-Cr
0.795-0.815 ppm Nitzschia linearis static acute bioassay, Patrick et al. complex used
(5 day) a,c,e; CuCt. 196891 4. 74 ppm same as above; CN-
1.25 ppm Lepomis same as above napthenic acid mix·
macrochirus lure
0. 2 mg/1 ( 48 hr) Penaeus duorarum in the dark; 15 C; Portmann 1968" 0.026 ppm same as above; CN used
cuso. 3.90 ppm same as above; CN-Zn
30 mg/1 (48 hr) Penaeus aztecus complex used
100 mg/1" shore crab 0.432 ppm Physa heterostropha static acute bioassay; Patrick et aL
1 mg/1" cockle a,c,e 196891
430 pg/1 Pimelometopon static bioassay; hard Mount and Stephen 0.18 ppm Lepomis asme as above
pulchrum water 196984 macrochirus
470 pg/1 continuous flow bio-Mount and Stephen (See also Manganese (Mn))
assay; hard water 19691" FlUorine .... 64 mg/1 (10 days) fish using KF Tauwell19571"
1.7mg/l Capeloma decisum soft water Arthur and Leon-(F)
ard 1970• 2. 7-4.6 mg/1 Salmo gairdneri using NaF; 55 C; 3.0 Neuhold and Sigler
0.039 mgfl Physa integra soft water Arthur and Leon-(218 hrs) ppm Ca 1960••
ard 1970• 75-91 mg/1 Cyprinus carpio using NaF; 3 ppm Ca
0.20 mg/1 Gammarus pseudo· soft water and Mg; 65-75 F
limnaeus 222-273 ppm Salmo gairdneri 3 ppm Ca and Mg; 46 F
48 hr Salmo gairdneri ······················ Brown and Dalton (424 hrs)
1970!8 242-261 ppm 3 ppm Ca and Mg; 55 F
3.2 mg/1 Fundulus 29-22 C; no feeding Jackim et al. (214 hrs)
heteroclitus during the 96 hrs. 197054 2. 3-7. 3 mg/1 (time Salmo gairdneri 18 C; in soft water using Angelovic et al.
aerated water not given) NcF 1967'
(See also potassium and sodium cyanides.) 2. 6-6. 0 mg/1 (time 13 C; in soft water using
Cyanide .......... 0.3 ppm (5.25-Rhinichthys atratu-ferro· and ferricyanides Burdick and Lip· not given) NaF
(CN-) 7.5 hr.) Ius and Semotilus used. Cone. as cya-scheutz 1948'1 5.9-7.5 mg/1 (lime 7.5 C; in soft water
atromaculatus nide used; daylight not given) using NaF
o. 33 mg/1 (14 min.) Coregonus artedii .............. Wuhrmann and Gold ....... 0.40 mg/1 (time stickleback Jones 1939"
adult Woker 1948"' (Au) not given)
0.18 mg/1 (24 hr) Lepomis in soft water Turnbull et al. Iron ........ 74 ppm (2 day) Gambusia affinis static acute bioassay; Wallen etal.
macrochirus 1954130 (Fe) a,c,d,e,g high tur-19571"
0. 06 ppm (1 day) Lepomis auritus continuous flow and Reno 1955100 bidity; FeCia
static acute bioassays; 133 ppm (2 day) Gambusia affinis static acute bioassay;
Fe.(SO,)a a,c,d,e,g;
0.01-0.06 ppm Lepomis same as above; static turbid water; 19-23 C
(<1 day) macrochirus only 10, 000 ppm (2 day) static acute bioassay;
0.05-0.06 ppm same as above; contin· Fe,o,; a,c,d,e,g;
(<1 day) uous flow turbid water; 16-23 C
Appendix III-Table 7/455
TABLE 1-Continued
Acute dose 96 hr LC50 Species Conditions Literature citation• Constituent Acute dose 96 hr LC50 Species Conditions Literature citation•
10,000 ppm (2 day) static acute bioassay; Wallen eta!. Lead ............. stoneflies, mayflies Q,; pH and hardness Warnick and Bell
a,c,d,e,g; FeS; turbid 1957133 (Pb) are constant 1969134
water; 20-26 C 188.0 mg/1 Fundulus 2D-22 C; no feeding dur-Jackim el al. 350 ppm (2 day) same as above except heteroclilus ing 96 hours; aerated 1970" comp'd used was water
Feso,. 2o-21 c. Magnesium .. 16,500 mg/1 Gambusia aftinis in turbid water; Wallen etal. 36 ppm (1 day) Daphnia magna static acute bioassay; Dowden and Ben-(Mg) MgCI,·SH,O 19571" a,c, standard ref. nel1965" 17,750 ppm (2 day) Gambusia aftinis BSA; a,c,d,e,g; turbid water; FeCb water MgCI, 21 ppm (2 day) 15,500 ppm (2 day) Gambusia affinis BSA; a,c,e,d,g; turbid 15 ppm water MgSO, mayflies, stoneflies, constant D2; pH and Warnick and Bell 3, 391 ppm (1 day) Daphnia magna BSA; a,c, standard Dowden and Ben-caddisflies hardness 196913' reference water; nell1965" D. 3 ppm ( 4% days) Gasterosteus static acute bioassay; Jones 1938" MgCJ, aculealus a,c, using Pb(NO,), 3,489 ppm 1.4 mg/1 (48 hr) Lepomis in lap water Turnbull el al. 3,803 ppm BSA; a,c; standard Dowden and Ben-macrochirus 1954130
reference water; nett 196539 2. 0 mg/1 (24 hr) MgSO, 6. 3 mg/1 (24 & 19,000 ppm (1 day) Lepomis same as above 48 hrs) macrochirus 10 mg/1 (24 & 48 "; Pb(NOa)• 10,530 ppm (1 day) Lymnaea sp. (eggs) same as above hrs)
240 mg/1 Gambusia affinis Pb(NO,), used in Wallen el al. (See also Potassium permanganale)
highly turbid water 1957133 Manganese ....... 5500 mg/1 (24 hrs) fish, young eels MnCb lwao 1936"
75 mg/1 Pimephales in hard water Tarzwell and Hen-(Mn) Oshima 1931"
promelas derson 1956,"' 500 mg/1 (48 hrs) Tinea tinea MnF, Simonin and Pier-
1960124 ron 1937115
3.2 mg/1 in soft water; PbCb 1000 mg/1 (time not fish Mnso,. H,O; cone. as Meinck el al.
used given) Mn 1956"
>100 mg/1 in hard water; PbCb 7,850 mg/1 (24 hrs) Orizias MnCb DoudoroH and
used Katz 1953"
26 mg/1 (lime not Carassius auratus PbSO, used Jones 195767 1,400 ppm Cypr!nus carpio, ···················· Tabala 1959121
given) killifish, Daphnia,
240 ppm (2 days) Gambusia aftinis static acute bioassay; Wallen et al. Salmo gairdneri
a,c,d,e, turbid water 1957133 Mercury .......... 5 mg/1 (75 hr) Artemia salina cone. as Hg using Corner and Spar-
Pb(NO,), (Hg) Hgt.; pH 8.1 row 1956" 56,000 ppm (2 day) Gambusia aftinis sialic acute bioassay; 0.05 mg/1 (2.5 hr) Acllia clausi cone. as Hg pH 8.1 Corner and Spar-
a,c,d,e,g; PbO; high row 1956"
turbidity D. 30 mg/1 (") Elminius cone. as Hg pH 8.1
0.34 mg/1 (48 hr) stickleback, 1DOD-3000 mg/1 of dis-Gill et al. 1960" BOO mg/1 (") Artemia cone. as Hg pH 8.1
Oncorhynchus solved solids 40 mg/1 (22 hr) Artemia salina cone. as Hg using
kisutch HgCb pH 8.1
0. 41 mg/1 (24 hr) Oncorhynchus 1DOD-3000 mg/1 dis-0.9-60 mg/1 phytoplankton Hueper 1960"
kisulch solved solids
D. 53 mg/1 (24 hr) sticklebacks 1DOD-3000 mg/1 dis-0. 027 mg/1 (lime bivalve larvae HgCb (D. 02 mg/1 of Woelke 19611"
solved solids not given) Hg)
>75ppm Pimephales static acute bioassay; Tarzwell and Hen-0.04 mg/1 Rhodeus sericeus Malacea 1966" promelas a,c,d,f, hard water; derson 1960124 0.05 mg/1 gudgeon ······················ Malacea 1966'• PbCI, 0.30 mg/1 Cyprinus carpio ·················· 2. 4 ppm (24 hrs) same as above using 0.02 mg/1 minnow
soft water 0.15 mgfl (48 hr) Daphnia ·············· 7.48 mg/1 Pimephales static acute bioassay; Pickering and Hen-2.6 ppm (24 hr) Ambassis safgha cone. as HgC(, Ballard and Oliff promelas & c,d,e,f, soft water; derson 1965,93 196910
Lepomis lead acetate 7. 8 mg/1 1966" 6.5x1o-• M Mylilus eduols pH 7.8-8.2; HgCI2 Wisely and Blick
macrochirus DO; 18 mg/1 Alk; planulalus 1967"'
20 mg/1 hardness 9.0X1o-• M Crassoslrea com-pH 7.8-8.2; HgCb 5.58 mg/1 Pimephales static acute bioassay; Pickering and Hen-mercialis
promelas c,d,e,f; cone. as Pb; derson 196593 5.0X1o-7 M Wattersipora pH 7.8-8.2; HgCI2 Wisely and Blick
PbCI, used, soft water (2 hours) cucullala 1967"' 482.0 mg/1 same as above with hard 1.0x1o-1 M Buluga neritina pH 7.8-8.2; HgCb Wisely and Blick
water (2 hours) 1967137 23.8 mg/1 Lepomis same as above with soft 7.0X1o-7 M Spirorbis lamellosa pH 7.8-8.2; HgCb
macrochirus water (2 hours)
442.0 mg/1 same as above with hard s.ox1o-1 M Galeolaria com-pH 7.8-8.2; HgCb
water (2 hours) mercialis
31.5 mg/1 Carassius auralus same as above with soft 9.0X1o-7 M Artermia sanna pH 7.8-8.2; HgCI,
water (2 hours)
20.6 mg/1 Lebisles reticulalus same as above with soft 0.1 mg/1 (48 hr) Penaeus duorarum 15; in the dark; HgCI2 Porlmann 1968"
water 6 mg/1 ( 48 hr) Penaeus azlecus 15 C; in the dark; HgCb 49.0 ppm (1 day) lubificid worms static acute bioassay; Whitley 1968135 1 mg/1 (48 hr) Hemigrapsis
a,c; Pb(NO,),pH 6.5 oregonensis
27.5 ppm (1 day) tubificid worms 10 mg/1 (48 hr) Clinocardium nullalfi
27.5 ppm (1 day) lubificid worms static acute bioassay; Whitley 196813' 26 ppm (24 hr) Daphnia magna Lake Erie water in Ballard and Oliff
a,c, Pb(NO,), Ambassia safgha sealed containers; 196910
3.12 mg/1 Salvelinus fontinalis ................ Dorfman and Whit-HgCb
Fundulus worth 1969" 0.23 mg/1 Fundulus 2D-22 C; no feeding Jackim el al.
heleroclilus heleroclilus during the 96 hrs; 197064
1-3 ppm ( 48 hrs) Salmo gairdneri ·············· Kariya el al. 1969•• aerated water
456/ Appendix Ill-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
TABLE 1-Continued
CoHslituent Acute dDse 96 hr LC50 Species Conditions literature citation* Coostituent Awte dose 96 hr LC50 Species Condittoos literature citalillll•
Molybdenum ...... 70 mg/1 Pimepbales MoO,; pH 7. 4; Alk. 18 Tarzwell and Hen-pH ....... ······· 282 ppm (2 day) Gambtlsia aftinis static acute bioassay; Wallen et aL
(Mo) promelas mgjl; hardness 20 derson 19561" HCI; tllfbid water; 1957"'
mgj1; soft water a,c,d,e,g
370 mg/1 MoO,; pH 8. 2; Alk. pH 10.5 Lepomis maximum pH Cairns Jr. and
360 mg/1; hardness macrochirus Scheier 19582'
4tiO mg/1; hard water pH 3.5 Lepomis a,c,d,e,i; disl aerated Cairns Jr. and
Nickel ............ 0. 8 mg/1 (time not sficklebatks coocentrafion as Ni; Murdock 1953" macrocbirus water; large fish Scheier 1959"
(Ni) given) Ni(NO,), used; 14.24 em
0.95 mg/1 Pimepbales BSA; a,c,d; nickel cya-Doudoroff et al. length 20 C
prometas nille complex syn. 196638 4-S mg/1 (6 br) minnows in distilled water; HCI LeClerc 196071
soft water 10D-110 mg/1 minnows in hard water, HCI
1. 0 mg/1 (time not sticklebaCks concentration as Ni; Jones 195767 (6 hrs)
given) 15-18 c 0.16 ppm (3 day) Lepomis juveniles used; HCN; Doudoroff et aL
24 ppm Pimephales BSA; a,c,d,f; hard Tarzwell and Hen-macrochinn static acute bioassay; 1966"
promelas water nickelous derson 19601" a,c,d,f,p;
chloride 1.0 fliHII (20 min) lctaklrus punctatus static acute bioassay; Bonn and FoiUs
4 ppm same as above using fingerlillgs a,c, H,S 196714
soft water Phosphate ........ 24 hours Lepomis 22±0.H Abegg 19501
25 ppm (2 day) Salmo gairdneri field study on a river; Herbert et a1. (Po.•-> m<H:rOChirus
a,c,e,f,l,m 196552 720 mg/1 Gambussia affinis turbid water; 19-23 C; Wallen et al
5.18 mg/1 Pimephales BSA; c,d,e,f; soft water; Pickering and Hen· NaH,PO, 1957"3
pro me las nickel chloride; cone. derson 1965," 1380 mgjl turbid water; 19-24 C;
as Ni 1966" Na.P,Q,10H,O
42.4 mr/1 same as above using 151 mg/1 turbid water; 17-22 C;
hard water NaoPO,
5.18 mg/1 Lepomis ...................... 138 ppm (2 day) BSA; a,c,d,e,g; tllfbid Wallen et al.
macrochirus water phosphoric 1957"'
39.6 mg/1 same as above using acid; 22-24 C
~ard water Phosphorus ....... 0.105 ppm (2 day) Lepomis BSA; a,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k, lsom 1960<'
9.82 mg/1 Carassius auratus same as above using (P) macrochirus n,o; colloidal pre-
soft water moved; 26 C; cone.
4.45 mg/1 Lebistes reticulatus same as afHive using asP
soft water 0. 053 ppm (3 day) same as above
160 ppm (2 day) Sa!mo gairdneri BSA; a,f; NiSQ, Willford 1966"' 0.025 ppm same as above
270 ppm (2 day) Salmo trutta BSA; a,f; NiSO.. Willford 1966"' Potassium .... ... 2.0 ppm (2 day) Hydro psyche BSA; a; soft water; Roback 1955101
242 ppm (2 day) Salvefinus fontinafis same as above 0.5 ppm (2 day) Stenonema
75 ppm (2 day) Salvefmus same as above 2010 ppm Lepomis BSA; a,c,d,e,f; ICI Trama 1954b127
namaycush macrochirus
165 ppm (2 day) lclalurus punclabls same as above 3,000 ppm BSA; a,d,e,f; KNO,;
495 ppm (2 day) Lepomis same as above syn. dilution water
macrochirM 450 ppm a,c,e,f; aerated dis!. Cairns Jr. and
200 mg/1 ( 48 hr) Penaeus dlorarum 15 C; in the dark; Portmann 1968" water; K,CrQ,; small Scheier unpub-
NiSO, fish; continuous flow llshed 195514'
150 mg/1 (48 hrs) Penaeus aztacus acute bioassay
300 mg/1 (48 hrs) He!lligrapsis orego-630 ppm continuous How, acute
neASis bioassay K,cro,;
500 mg/1 ( 48 hrsl Clinocardlmn medi~m size fish
nuHalll a,c,e,f; pH 7.9to 8.6
48 hrs Salmo gairdneri ...................... Brown and DaH011 5.50 ppm same as above using
1970" large fish
See also sodium nitrate
0.22 ppm (I day) Rhinichithys continuous now, acute Lipschuetz and
Nitrate ........... 64 hours Daphnia magna 25 C; Lake Erie water; Anderson 1948• atratulus bioassay; a,c,a; KCN Cooper 1955"
(No,-) daphnids 8-hours old meleagris
8.1 mgfl (24 hours) Gatnbusia alllnis 21-24 C; in highly turbid Wallen etal 0.45 ppm Lepomis BSA; a,c,e; KCN Cairns Jr. 1957"
macrochirus water; NaND, 1957"' 320 ppm BSA; a,c,e; f(,Cr,Q, Cairns Jr. 1957"
9.5 mgjl (48 &
96 hr)
4,200 ppm (2 day) Gambusia affmts BSA; a,c,d,e,g; lurbld WaUan el al.
water KCI 1957133
pH ............... 1.3 ppm ( 45 min) lclalum punctatus static acute bioassay; Bonn and Forns 480 ppm (2 day) BSA; a,c,d,e,g; highly Wallen et al
a.~. H2S; !Ising ad-196714 turbid water; 19571"
vanced fingfl"lings K,cro,
1.4 ppm (45111in) same as above, using 1.6 ppm (2 day) BSA; a,c,d,e,g; KCN, Wallen et at.
adults turbid water 1957"'
0.07 ppm (2 day) Salmo gairlhleif static acute bioassay; Brown 196817 320 ppm (2 day) Gambusia affhris BSA; a,c,d,e,a; turbid wanen et aL
HCN; a,c,d,e,f,o water; K,cr,o, 1957133
10mgjl trout ...................... Belding 1927" 324 ppm (2 day) Gambusia affinis BSA; a,c,d,e,g; turbid · Wallen etal
pH 4.0 (lime IIDI Carassius atlfllfts ...................... Jones 1939'' water KNO, 1957133
riven) 12 p,m (2 daJ) GaRtbusia alfiOis BSA; a,c,d,e,g; turbid Wallen eta!.
pH 3. 65 (3 day) Lepomis continuous flow, acute Cairns Jr. and water KMnO, 1957"'
macrochirus bioassay HCI; a,e,e,f Scheier unpub-0.45 ppm Lepomis BSA, a,e; KCN; 5-9 Cairns Jr. and
fished 1955"' macrochirus ppm oxygen Scheier 1958''
0.069 ppm (I day) Lagondon stati~ KUte bioassay; Daugherty and Gar-0.12 ppm BSA: a,e; KCN; 2 ppm
rh0111iloides HCN; aerated sea rell1951" DO
water; a; 1.01 ppm P!lysa heterostrorma liSA; a,e; KCN; 5-9
aerated sea water; Garrettl957" ppm DO
static acute bioassay. 0.48 ppm Physa heleroslropha BSA; a,e; KCN 2 ppm
Appendix III-Table 1/45 7
TABLE 1-Continued
Constituent Acute dose 96 hr LC50 Species Conditions Literature citation* Constituent Acute dose 96 hr LC50 Species Conditions Literature citation*
Potassium ........ 320 ppm Lepomis continuous flow, acute Cairns Jr. and Potassium ........ 2 ppm (1 day) Daphnia magna BSA; a,c; standard Dowden and Ben-
(K) macrochirus bioassay, K,cr,o,; Scheier 195826 (K) reference water; KCN nell1965"
aerated distilled water 0. 7 ppm (3 day) BSA; a,c; standard
pH 6.2; a,c,e,f; reference water; KCN
320 ppm BSA; a,e,; 5-9 ppm DO 0.4 ppm BSA; a,c; standard
320 ppm " 2 ppm DO reference water; KCN
195 ppm Micropterus BSA; a,c,d,e; K,cro, Fromm and Schiff-796 ppm (1 day) Lymnaea sp. BSA; a,c; standard Dowden and Ben-
salmoides man 1958" reference water; KCN nell1965"
1, 337 ppm (5 day) Nitzschia linearis BSA; a,c,e; KCI Patrick et al. 147 ppm (3 day) Lymnaea sp. BSA; a,c; standard
• 196891 reference water; KCN
940 ppm Lepomis same as above 130 ppm
macrochirus 705 ppm (1 day) Carassius carassius BSA; a,c; standard Dowden and Ben-
2,010 ppm Physa heteroslropha same as above reference water nett 1965"
7. 8 ppm (5 day) Nitzschia linearis BSA; a,c,e; K,cro, Patrick et al. K,cr,o,
196891 0.4 ppm Daphnia magna same as above
16.8 ppm Physa heterostropha same as above Patrick et al. 739 ppm (1 day) Lepomis
196891 macrochirus
168.8 ppm Lepomis same as above 905 ppm (1 day) Daphnia magna K,Fe(CN),; BSA; a,c; Dowden and Ben-
macrochirus standard reference nett 1965"
550 ppm Lepomis BSA; a,c,d,e,i; aerated Cairns Jr. and water
macrochirus dist. water; K,cro,; Scheier 1959" 549 ppm (2 day) Daphnia magna same as above
large fish used; 14-24 0. 6 ppm (3 day) same as above
em long 0.1 ppm same as above
0.57 ppm Lepomis BSA; a,b,c,d,e,i; 900 ppm BSA; a,c; KNOa;
macrochirus aerated distilled standard reference
water; large fish used water
14.24 em in length; 45.6 mg/1 Pimephales BSA; c,d,e,f; soft water; Pickering and Hen-
KCN promelas K,cro, cone. as Cr derson 1965"
320 ppm BSA; a,c,d,e,f; 18-30 17.6 mg/1 Pimephales BSA; c,d,e,f; soft water;
c; K,cr,o, promelas K,cr,o, cone. as Cr
382 ppm same except in hard 27.3 mg same as above using
water at18 c hard water
369 ppm "al30 C 118.0 mg/1 Lepomis same as above using Pickering and Hen-
320 ppm distilled aerated water; macrochirus soft water derson 1965"
BSA; a,c,d,e,i; 133.0 mgfl Lepomis same as above using
K,cr,o,; fish 14.24 macrochirus hard water
em 37.5 mg/1 Carassius auratus same as above using
100 ppm (1 day) Salmo gairdneri BSA; a,c,d,g; K,cro, Schiffman and soft water
Fromm 1959uo 30.0 mg/1 Lebistes reticulatus same as above using
0.43 ppm Lepomis BSA; a,c,d,e,f; KCN Cairns Jr. and soft water
macrochirus Scheier unpub-28.0 ppm (2 day) Hydropsyche and BSA; a; soft water; Roback 19651"
lished 19551" Stenonema K,cr,o,
0.45 ppm BSA; a,e, KCN; normal Cairns Jr. 196524 3. 5 ppm (2 day)
oxygen content 4.2 ppm (4 day) Lepomis BSA; KMnO, Kemp et al. 1966"
0.12 ppm BSA; a,e; KCN; low macrochirus
oxygen content 3.7 ppm Semotilus BSA; KMnO,
1.08 ppm Physa heterostropha BSA; a,e; KCN; normal atromaculatus
oxygen content in 0.208 ppm Nitzschia linearis BSA; a;c;e; K,cr,o, Patrick et al.
water 196891
0.48 ppm BSA; a,e; KCN; low 17.3 ppm Physa heterostropha BSA; a,c; K,Cr,O,
oxygen content 113.0 ppm Lepomis same as above
320 ppm Lepomis BSA; a,e; K,cr,o,; macrochirus
macrochirus normal DO content Selenium ......... 2.5 mg/1 Daphnia 23 C; cone. as Se; added Bringmann and
in water (Se) sodium selenite Kuhn 1959"
320 ppm BSA; a,e; K,cr,o,; low Silver ...... 0.0043 mgfl (lime guppies cone. ol Ag, placed in Shaw and Lowrance
DO content in water (Ag) not given) water as silver 1956112
0.49 ppm (2 days) Brachydanio rerio BSA; a,c,d,e,l; dist. Cairns Jr. et al. nitrate
water adults KCN; 1965'• 0.04 mg/1 Fundulus 20-22 C; no feeding Jackim et al.
24 C; 5-9 ppm heteroclitus during the 96 hours; 1970"
117 ppm (2 day) Brachydanio rerio BSA; a,c,d,e,l; KCN; aerated water
eggs 24 C; 5-9 ppm Sodium ...... .... 12,946 ppm Lepomis static acute bioassay; Trama 1954b'"
DO; distilled aerated (Na) macrochirus a,d,e,l; synthetic
water. dilution water; NaCI
0.16 ppm (2 day) Lepomis same as above (not 12,000 ppm Lepomis static acute bioassay; Trama 1954b127
macrochirus eggs) macrochirus a,c,e,l, synthetic
180 ppm (2 day) Brachydanio rerio BSA; a,c,d,e,l; K,Cr,O,; dilution water; NaNOa
24 C; 5-9 ppm DO 20 c
adults 0.23 ppm Pimephales BSA; a,c, NaCN; SYIL Doudoroff et al.
1500 ppm (2 day) same as above using promelas soft water; cone. as 1966'8
eggs CN
440 ppm (2 day) same as above not 45 ppm (1 day) Notropsis hudsonius BSA, a,c,d,e; NaAsO, Boschetti and Me-
using eggs Loughlin 195716
679 ppm (1 day) Daphnia magna BSA; a,c; standard ref. Dowden and Ben-29 ppm (2 day) Notropsis hudsonius
water KCI netl1965" 27 ppm (3 day)
5, 500 ppm (1 day) Lepomis same as above Dowden and Ben-8, 200 ppm (2 day) Gambusia allinis static acute bioassay; Wallen et aL
macrochirus net1965" a,c,d,e,g; Na.S. o, 1957"'
1,941 ppm (1 day) Lylllftaea sp. same as above ased; turbid water
458/ Appendix III-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
TABLE 1-Continued
Constituent Acute dose 96 hr LC50 iPecies Conditions literature citation* Constituent Acute dose 96 hr LC50 Species Conditions literature citation*
Sodium ........... 18,100 ppm (2 day) BSA; a,c,d,e,g; turbid Sodium ........... 0.19 ppm Daphnia magna BSA; a,c; standard ref. Dowden and Ben·
(Na) water; using NaCI (Na) water; cone. as Na2· nett 1965"
500 ppm (2 day) Gambusia aHinis BSA; a,c,d,e,g; CrD,; plus 240 ppm
Na,CrD.; turbid water Na,cD, plus 2,078
420 ppm (2 day) BSA; Na,Cr.D,; ppm Na.SD.
a,c,d,e,g; turbid water 76 ppm Daphnia magna BSA; a,c; standard ref.
925 ppm (2 day) BSA; a,c,d,e,g; NaF; water; cone. as Na •
turbid water SiD,; plus 161 ppm
10,000 ppm (2 day) static acute bioassay; Na.cD,; plus 1,396
a,c,d,e,g; turbid water; ppm Na.SD.
NaNDa 9,000 ppm (2 day) Hydropsyche BSA; a; NaCI; soft Roback 1955101
2,400 ppm (2 day) BSA; a,c,d,e,g; turbid water
water; NaSiDa 2,500 ppm (2 day) Stenonema
750 ppm (2 day) BSA; a,c,d,e,g; Na,S; 13,750 ppm (1 day) Carassius carassius BSA; a; c; NaCI; Dowden and Ben·
turbid water standard ref. water nett 1965"
9,500 ppm lepomis a,c,e,f; NaND,; aerated Cairns Jr. and 10,500 ppm (1 day) Culex sp (larvae)
macrochirus distilled water Scheier 1958," 6, 447 ppm (1 day) Daphnia magna BSA; a,c; NaCI; Dowden and Ben-
195927 standard ref. water nett1965''
9,000 ppm Lepomis BSA; a,c,d,e,i; aerated 14, 125 ppm (1 day) lepomis
macrochirus water; distilled; macrochirus
NaND a; large fish 3,412 ppm (1 day) Lymnaea sp (eggs)
0.35 ppm Pimephales BSA; c,d,e,f; NaCN Henderson et al. 18,735 ppm (1 day) Mollienesa latopinna
promelas hard water 195949 0.21 ppm Daphnia magna BSA; a,c; standard ref.
0.23 ppm same as above using water; Na,CrD.; plus
soft water 130 ppm NaSiDa
0.15 ppm lepomis same as above using Henderson et al. 0.28 ppm same as above; cone. as
macrochirus hard water 1959" Na,crD. plus 3,044
0.78 percent NaCI Daphnia magna NaCI at 25 C Prasad 1959•• ppm Na.sD.
12 hrs. 22 ppm (1 day) Daphnia magna BSA; a,c; Na,Cr2D1; Dowden and Ben-
0. 93 percent NaCI Daphnia magna NaCI at25 C Prasad 1959•• standard ref. water nett 1965"
(24 hrs) 4,206 ppm Daphnia magna BSA; a,c; standard
0.50 percent NaCI Daphnia magna NaCI at 50 C Prasad 1959•• reference water;
02hrs) NaND,
5.9-7.5 ppm Salmo gairdneri BSA; a; 45 F; Naf Academy of Nat· 12,800 ppm (1 day) lepomis BSA; a,c; NaNDa;
(2 days) ural Sciences macrochirus standard ref. water
19602 6,375 ppm (1 day) Lymnaea sp. (eggs)
2.6-6.0 ppm BSA; a; 55 C; Naf 5, 950 ppm (2 day) BSA; a,c; NaNDa;
(2 day) standard ref. water
6,200 ppm limnodrilus BSA; a,c,d,i; NaCI Wurtz and Bridges 3,251 ppm
hoffmeister 1961141 895 ppm (1 day) Amphipoda BSA; a,c; NaSiDa;
1, 500 ppm ······················ standard ref. water
6,150 ppm Erpobdella punctata ...................... 630 ppm (1-4 days) Lymnaea sp. (eggs) BSA; a,c; NaSiDa;
3,200 ppm Helisoma BSA; a,c,d,i; NaCI standard ref. water
campanulala 16 ppm (1 day) Daphnia magna standard ref. water;
3,500 ppm Gyraulus ······················ Na,s; a,c; BSA;
circumstristus 13 ppm (2 day)
5,100 ppm Physa heterostropha ······················ 9ppm
6,200 ppm Physa heterostropha BSA; a,c,d,i; NaCI Wurtz and Bridges 36.5 ppm (2 day) Salmo gairdneri static acute bioassay; a, Cope 1966"
1961I4I NaAsD2
1,100 ppm Sphaerium cr. tenue 44.0 ppm (2 day) lepomis same as above
1,150 ppm ······················ macrochirus
8,250 ppm Asellus communis ······················ 80. o ppm (2 day) Pleronarcys same as above
24,000 ppm Argia sp. same as above using californica
hard water 1.8 ppm (2 day) Daphnia magna same as above Cope 1966"
1.0 percent Nais sp. BSA; a,f; hard water; learner and Ed-
(36 mins) NaCI wards 196370 1.4 ppm (2 day) Simocephalus same as above
60.0 ppm (2 day) Carcinus maenas BSA; a; Na.crD, Ray mount and serrulatus
Shields 1962100 44 ppm (LC50) lepomis BSA; a,c,d,i,g; NaAsD, Crosby and Tucker
26ppm Salmo gairdneri BSA; a; NaAsD,; Cope 1965'• macrochirus 1966"
55-75 F 60 ppm (LC50) Salmo gairdneri BSA; NaAso,; a,c,d,i,g Crosby and Tucker
3D ppm lepomis BSA; a; NaAsO,; 1966"
macrochirus 55-75 F 25ppm Field study-river; Gilderhus 1966"
45ppm Pleronarcys BSA; a; NaAsO,; 60 F Cope 1965'1 a,c,f,i,m; NaAs02
14,120 ppm (1 day) Daphnia magna static acute bioassay; Dowden and Ben· 34ppm Carassius auratus same as above
a,c, standard reference nett 1965'' 35 ppm lepomis same as above
water; cone. as macrochirus
NaSiDa plus 950 ppm 0.038 ppm Pleronarcys static acute bioassay; Sanders and Cope
NaHSD, cafifornica a,c,d,e,f; NaAsO, 196610'
11,723 ppm (2 day) Daphnia magna same as above, but with 2800 ppm (1 day) Salmo gairdneri static acute bioassay; Alabaster 1967•
785 ppm NaHSO, a,e Na.S.D,
22 ppm Daphnia magna same as above, but with 1800 ppm (2 day) same as above
15 ppm NaHso. 0.7 ppm (1 day) Lepomis static acute bioassay; Hughes and Davis
0.15 ppm BSA; a,c; standard macrochirus a,b,e; NaAsD2 196760
reference water; cone. 2, 430 ppm (5 day) Nitzschia linearis BSA; a,c,e; NaCI Patrick et aL
as Na,CrO,; plus 196891
187 ppm Na,CO, plus 12,940 ppm lepomis BSA; a,c,e; NaCI
88 ppm NaSiOa macrochirus
Appendix III-Table 7/459
TABLE 1-Continued
Constituent Acute dose 96 hr LC50 Species Conditions Literature citation* Constituent Acute dose 96 hr LC50 Species Conditions Literature citation*
Sulphide Zinc .............. 6.91 ppm Lepomis BSA; a,c,d,e,i; ZnCh; Cairns Jr. and
(See sodium sulphide and hydrogen sulphide under sodium and hydrogen (H+)) (Zn) macrochirus cone. as Zn+ 2; Scheier 1959"
Tdanium ......... 120 ppm Pimephales BSA; a,c,d,f; titanium Tanwell and Hen· aerated distilled
(Ti) pro me las sulfate; hard water derson 1956"'• water; large fish
19601" 3.5 mg/1 Lepomis soft water; 30 C Academy of Nat-
8.2 ppm same as above using macrochirus ural Sciences
soft water 19602
Uranium .......... 3. 7 ppm Pimephales BSA; a,c,d,f; uranyl Tanwell and Hen-4.2 mg/1 soft water; 20 C Academy of Nat-
(U) pro me las acetate soft water derson 1956123, ural Sciences
1960124 19602
3.1 ppm same as above using 12.5-12.9 mg/1 hard wa1er; 20 & 30 C Academy of Nat-
uranyl nitrate ural Sciences
135 ppm BSA; a,c,d,f; uranyl 19602
sulfate hard water 6.91 ppm Lepomis continuous flow, acute Cairns Jr. and
2.8 ppm same as above using macrochirus bioassay; a,c,e,f; Scheier unpub·
soft water ZnCio; aeraled dis· lished 1955142
Vanadium ........ 55 ppm Pimephales BSA; a,c; vanadium tilled water
(V) promelas pentoxide hard water 20 ppm BSA; a,c,e; ZnCh Cairns Jr. 1957"
13 ppm same as above using 0.6 ppm Lepomis zinc chlorate and sulfate Lloyd 1960"
soft water macrochirus used; 17.5 C, diluted,
30 ppm BSA; a,c; vanadyl fingerlings well water used; 4.5
sulfate hard water ppm Ca
4.8 ppm same as above using 4 ppm (48 hrs) Lepomis LD50 value, BSA; a,c,d; Herbert 1961"
soft water macrochirus zinc sulphate cone. as
55 ppm Lepomis same as above using Zn
macrochirus hard water 10 ppm Umnodrilus hoff-BSA; a,c,d,i; zinc sulfate Wurtz and Bridges
6 ppm same as above using meisteri 1961141
soft water 14ppm Physa heterostropha same as above
Zinc ...•......... D. 7 ppm (4.5 days) Gasterosteus BSA; a,c; zinc sulphate Jones 1939" 38.5 ppm Asellus communis same as above
(Zn) aculeatus 56 ppm Argia sp. same as above
0.072 ppm (64 hr) Daphnia magna Lake Erie water; 25 C Anderson 1948• 4.2 ppm (1 day) Physa heterostropha BSA; zinc sulphate Wurtz 19621"
2-6 ppm (24 hr) Salmo gairdneri 1.9 ppm (2 day) static acute bioassay,
fingerlings hard water Goodman 1951•• zinc sulfate
3-4 ppm (48 hr) 1.9 ppm (3 day) static acute bioassay zinc
hard water Goodman 1951•• 1.9 ppm Physa heterostropha same as above
13ppm Biomphalaria biossyi 14 C; pH 7.8±0.2; Hoffman and 49.0 ppm (1 day) Helisoma same as above
oxygenated tap water Zakhary 1951" companulata
4.8 ppm 17 C; pH 7.8±0.2; 49 ppm (2 day) Helisoma static acute bioassay Wurtz 1962"o
oxygenated tap water companulata zinc
1.4 ppm 20 C; pH 7.8±0.2; 13.4 ppm (3 & 4 same as above
oxygenated tap water day)
0.58 ppm Biomphalaria biossyi 23 C; pH 7.8±0.2; Hoffman and 10:.12 ppm (48 hr) Cyprinus carpio pH 7.D-7.2; 28-30 C Sreenivasan and
oxygenated Zakhary 1951" 8.8 mg/1 CD Raj 1963"o
0.6 ppm Salmo gairdneri zinc chlorate and sulfate Lloyd 1960" 1D-15 ppm (48 hr) Tilapia mossambica
fingerlings used. 17. 5 C, diluted, 10 ppm (48 hr) Danio sp
well water used; 4.5 3. 86 ppm (2 day) Salmo gairdneri BSA; a,c,d,f; zinc Herbert and
ppm Ca sulphate Shurben 1964"
2.8&-3.63 ppm Lepomis 18-30 C; soft water Cairns Jr. and 21>-40 ppm (48 hr) Salmo gairdneri cone. as Zn using Herbert and Wake-
macrochirus Scheier 1957" smolts znso,; changing per· ford 1964"
1D-12 ppm 18-30 C; hard water cent salinity; hard·
7.20 mg/1 Lepomis standard dilution water; Cairns Jr. and ness 320 ppm; alk
macrochirus 20 C; ZnCJ. concen-Scheier 1958," 240 ppm; aerated
!ration 1959" water
3.5 mg/1 standard dilution water; " 19582• 27 ppm-85 ppm Salmo gairdneri cone. as Zn. using
20 c (48 hr) znso,; hardness 320
8.02 mg/1 standard dilution water ppm; alk. 240 ppm;
1D-12 ppm Lepomis static acute bioassay; Cairns Jr. and aerated water; pH 7. 8
macrochirus a,c,d,e,f,i,n,g; 18 C; Scheier 19511'' 13.4 ppm Helisoma 13 C; hard water; Raymount and
hard water campanulata zinc sulfate (3.03 ppm Shields 19541oo
2.5-3.8 ppm adult same as above using Zn) time not given
soft water 3.85 ppm 13 C; in soft water
1D-12 ppm Lepomis BSA; a,c,d,e,f,i; 30 C; Cairns Jr. and znso,; 0.87 ppm zn
macrochirus hard water Scheier 1958'• time not given
1. 5-3.6 ppm ";soft water 0.04-2.00 ppm Salmo salar continuous flow acute Schoenthal1964111
(aduH) (1 day) bioassay a,c,f; lab
8.02 ppm lepomis BSA; a,e; ZnCh; con~. Cairns Jr. and water had 3pg/l Zn
macrochirus as Zn"" 5-9 ppm DO; Scheier 19511'• and 2pg/l Cu
4.9 ppm same as above using 2.5-13.3 ppm aquatic animals ······················ Skidmore 1964"'
2 ppm DO
o. 75-1.27 ppm Physa heterostropha BSA; a,c,d,e,g; 20 C; O.Gpg Salmo salar cone. as Zn, LC50 Sprague 1964ll7
Zn ion soft !'later Value; Zn added as
2.6&-5.57 ppm same as above using znso, continuous flow
hard water bioassay; a,c,d,e,f
0.62-ll. 78 ppm BSA; a,c,d,e,g; 30 C; 2.8&-3.78 ppm Lepomis 18 C; in soft water; Cairns Jr. 1965"
Zn ion soft water macrochirus BSA; a,f
2.31Hi.36 ppm same as above using O.SD-2.10 ppm 30 C; in soft water;
hard water BSA;a,f
460 j Appendix III-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
TABLE 1-Continued
Constituent Acute dose 96 hr LC50. Species Conditions Literature citation* Constituent Acute dose 96 hr LC50 Species Conditions Literature citation*
Zinc .............. 6.60-9.47 ppm 18 C; in hard water; Zinc .......... 4.6 ppm Salmo gairdneri static acute bioassay, Ball1967•
(Zn) BSA; a,f (Zn) c,e; zinc sulfate
6.18-9.50 ppm 31f c; in hard water; 16.0 ppm (5 days) Perea fluiratilis same as above
BSA;a,f 17.3 ppm (5 days) Rutilus rulilus same as above
28 ppm (2 day) Brachydanio rerio BSA; a,c,d,e,f; distilled Cairns Jr. et al. 8.4 ppm (7 days) Gobio gobio same as above
(adult) water, aerated; 24 C; 196529 14.3 ppm (5 day) Abramis brama same as above
5-9 ppm DO; ZnCh; juvenile salmon .. Srpague and Ram-
cone. as Zn sey 1965n•
105 ppm (2 day) "(eggs) same as above 5X1o-• M to bryozoans, tube-Wisely and Blick
5. 2 ppm (2 day) Lepomis BSA; a,c,d,e,f; aerated 7.5xJO-• M worms, bivalve 1967137
macrochirus distilled water; molluscs
ZnCh; cone. as Zn; Salmo gairdneri alkylbenzene sulphonate Brown 1968"
24 C; 5-9 ppm DO used
3. 9 ppm (2 day) Salmo gairdneri field study, river; Herbert et al. 2.8-3.5 ppm BSA; a,c,d,e,f,o Brown et al. 1968"
a,c,e,f,l,m. 1965" 4.2 ppm Lepomis BSA; a,c,d,e; Zn*; all Cairns Jr. and
0.96 mg/1 Pimephales BSA; c,d,e,f; soft water Pickering and Hen-macrochirus fish acclimatized for Scheier 19611'•
promelas zinc sulfate; cone. as derson 196593 2 weeks in syn. dil.
Zn water
33.4 mg/1 same as above using 1 ppm (32 hrs) Lebistes reticulatus BSA; a,c,f,n,o Chen and Selleck
hard water 196830
5.46 mg/1 Lepomis same· as above using 0. 75 ppm (63 hrs) Lebistes reticulatus BSA; a,c,f,n,o
macrochirus soft water 0.56 ppm (96 hrs) Lebistes reticulatus BSA; a,c,f,n,o
40.9mg/l Lepom;s same as above using 4. 3 ppm (5 day) Nitzschia linearis BSA; a,c,e; ZnCh Patrick et al.
macrochirus hard water 196891
6.44 mg/1 Carassius· carassius same as above using 0. 79-1.27 ppm Physa heterostropha BSA; a,c,e; ZnCh Patrick et al.
soft water 196891
1.27 mg/1 Lebistes reticulatus same as above using 2.86-3.78 ppm Lepomis BSA; a,c,e; ZnCh
hard water macrochirus
0.88 mg/1 Pimephales BSA; c,d,e,f; zinc ace-Pickering.and Hen-7:2 ppm (20 day) Lepomis same as above; contin-Pickering 1968"
promelas tate; soft water; cone. derson 1965" macrochirus uous flow acute bio-
as Zn 196694 assay. 1.8 mg/1 DO;
5.37 mg/1 Lepomis BSA; c,d,e,f; soft water; Pickering and Hen-a,c,d,e,f
macrochirus ZnCh; cone. as Zn derson 1965", 12.0 ppm (20 day) same as above with
196694 5.6 mg/1 DO
1.69 mg/1 (12 days) Pimephales Pickering and Vigor 10.0 mg/1 (48 hr) Penaeus duorarum 15 C; in the dark, ZnSO, Portmann 1968"
promelas (eggs) 1965" cone. as Zn
3.95 ppm (1 day) Pimephales BSA; a,c,d; zinc sullate; 100 mg/1 (48 hr) Penaeus aztecus
promelas tap water for eggs 12 mg/1 (48 hr) Hemigrapsis
2.55 ppm (2 day) same as above oregonensis
1.83 ppm same as above 200 mg/1 ( 48 hr) Clinocardium 1. 71 ppm (7 day) same as above
1.63 ppm (12 day) same as above nuttalli
0. 95 ppm (1 day) BSA; a,c,d; zinc sulfate; 46.0 ppm tubificid worm static acute bioassay; Whitley 1968"'
tap water, minnow fry a,c, zinc sulfate
0. 95 ppm (2 day) same as above 7.5 ppm Pimephales ·············· Rachlin and Peri-
0.87 ppm same as above promelas mutter 1968102
0. 87 ppm (7 day) same as above 7.6 ppm 23 C (inbred strains)
4.9 ppm Pimephales continuous flow acute Mount1966" 12.0 ppm Xiphophorus 23 c"
promelas bioassay a,c,d,e; hard-46 ppm (24 hr) tubificid worm pH 7.5 Whitley 1968"' ness 50 mg/1; pH 8.0
32.3 ppm same as above with 9.2 mg/1 Pimephales Brungs 1969"
hardness 200 mg/1 promela~
and pH 6.0 10 ppm Daphnia Tlm. Zn"'" Tabata 1969121
Appendix Ill-Table 2/461
APPENDIX III-TABLE 2-Sublethal doses of inorganic chemicals for aquatic organisms
Constituent Chronic dose Species Conditions Literature Citation Constituent Chronic dose Species Conditions Literature Citation
Aluminum ......•. 106 mg/1 Daphnia magna threshold of immobiliza· Anderson 1944149 Ammonia ......... 5 mg/1 Diaptomus
(AI} tion, in Lake Erie (NHa) oregonensis
water; Ah(SO,)a 152 mg/1 Daphnia magna threshold of immobiliza-
190 ppm Daphnia magna threshold of immobiliza-Anderson 1944"9 lion; using (NH,J,so,
lion, a,e, BSA; alumi· 13 mg/1 Diaptomus same as above
num ammonium sui-oregonensis
fate 0.04 N Gasterosteus immediate negative Jones 1948"'
206 ppm Daphnia magna threshold of immobiliza-aculeatus response
lion; BSA, a,e; using 0.01 N reactions are slow; some
aluminum potassium are overcome by the
sulfate exposure
136 ppm Daphnia magna same, using aluminum •1 mg/1 Daphnia magna threshold of immobiliza-Anderson 1950152
sulfate lion, 25 C; NH,CI
<6.7 ppm Daphnia magna threshold of immobiliza-111948151, 420 mg/1 Navicula seminulum 50 percent reduction of Academy of Nat·
lion after 64 hrs; 1950152 growth; soft water; ural Sciences
AhCb; BSA, a: 25 C 22 c 1960146
Ammonia ......... <134 ppm or Daphnia magna threshold of immobiliza-Anderson 1944149 420 mg/1 50 percent reduction of
(NHa) 91 mg/1 lion in 64 hr, BSA, growth; hard water;
a,e, ammonium chlo· 22 c
ride, 25 C 320 mg/1 50 percent reduction of
<8.75 ppm BSA; a,e; threshold of growth; soft water;
immobilization; am· 28 c
monium hydroxide 420 mg/1 50 percent reduction of
<106 ppm threshold of immobiliza· growth; hard water;
lion; ammonium sUI· 28 c
fate BSA; a,c 410 mg/1 50 percent reduction of
8. 75 mg/1 threshold cone. of im· growth; soft water;
mobilization using 30 c
NH,OH; 25 C 350 mg/1 50 percent reduction of
17 ppm Steurastrum inhibition of growth Chu 19421" growth; hard water;
paradoxum 30 c
1000 ppm Salmo gairdneri loss of equilibrium in Grindley 1946188 420 mg/1 22 C in hard and soft
27.3 min. in tap water 50 percent re-
water; ammonium duction in division
chloride; cone. as am-(growth)
monia, a,c,e,f 5.D-8.0 ppm (NHa) Oncorhynchus in aerated fresh water. Holland et al.
1000 ppm same as abbve, loss of kisutch loss in equilibrium 1960199
equilibrium in 52.5 spasms with gills and
min. jaw; gaping
50 ppm same as above; loss of 3.5-10.0 ppm Oncorhynchus in aerated salt water; 111960199
equilibrium in> 1000 tshanytscha reduction in growth;
min. loss of equilibrium;
3000 ppm same as above using Alk. 112 ppm; DO
distilled water; loss of 8.4ppm
equilibrium in 291 min. Antimony
1000 ppm .same as above using (Sb) (See also Na) distilled water; loss of 37 ppm Daphnia magna thresho'd of immobiliza· Anderson 19481" equilibrium in 715 min.
100 ppm same as above using lion; antimony tri-
chloride; BSA; a distilled water; loss of 15 mg/1 protozoans K(SbO)C,H,O,; hin-Bringmann and equilibrium in 4, 310 drance ol food intake Kuhn 1959159 mins. 3.5 mg/1 green algae " hindrance of cell 1000 ppm Salmo gairdneri loss of equilibrium in Grindley 1946188 division 19.8 min; tap water; 9 mg/1 Daphnia " hindrance of BSA; a,c,e,f. ammon-movement ium sulfate; cone. as 1.0 mg/1 Micropterus caused projectile vomit· Jernejcic 1969204
3000 ppm same as above using salmoides ing SbOH(C,H,OoK2)
distilled water; loss of used
equilibrium in 318 Arsenic
mins. (As) (See also Sodium (Na) and Potassium (K))
1000 ppm same as above using 20 ppm Salmo gairdneri and cone. of arsenic using Grindley 1946188
distilled water; loss of minnows sodium arsenite, fish
equilibrium in 847 overturned in 36 hrs.
mins. 250 ppm ................ cone. of arsenic using
100 ppm same as above using sodium arsenate, fish
distilled water; loss of overturned in 16 hrs.
equilibrium in >5. 760 3D-35 ppm minnows fins, scales damaged, Boschetti and Me·
mins. diarrhea, heavy Loughlin 19571"
91 ppm Daphnia magna BSA; a: threshold of im· Anderson 1948151 breathing and hem-
mobilization in 64 hrs. orrhage around fin
ammonium chloride; areas.
3.1 mg/1 Leptodora kindtii threshold of immobiliza-Anderson 1948151 4-10pg Mytilus edules amount of As retained Saute! et al.
lion in flesh 1964"'
86 mgjl Cyclops vernalis 0.5-2pg Mytilus edules amount of As retained in
75 mgfl Mesocyctops threshold of immobiliza. Anderson 1948151 shell when exposed to
leukarti tion 100 g/1 of As
462/ Appendix III-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
TABLE 2-Continued
Constituent Chronic dose Species C~ditions Literature Citation Constituent Chronic dose Species Conditions Literature Citation
Arsenic .... 100 g/1 As bysuss accumulated Calcium .......... 1.25X111' M Cymnogaster ag-activation of brain Abou-Donia and
(As) 250-500 l'g (Ca) gregata acetylcholinesterase Menzel 19671«
100 g/1 As excreta contained 550-Chlorine .... 0.3 ppm trout symptoms of restless-Cole 1941"'
8001'g (CI) ness, dysphea, loss of
1.8 mg/1 Stizostedion vitreum as As (3.0 ml of arse-Jernejcic l969'"' equilibrium & spastic
vitreum (walleye) nous acid) regurgita-convulsions
lion of stomach con-10 mgjl (5 days) Macrocystis pyrilera 10-15 percent reduction Clendenning and
tents into throat in photosynthesis North 19601"
Barium ........... <83 ppm Daphnia magna threshold of immobiliza-Anderson 19441" Chloride (see also sodium and potassium)
(Ba) lion, BaCiz; BSA; a;c (Cr) 2mM Salmo gairdneri change in respiration Amend etal.
• (see also Sodium (Na) & Potassium (K)) rate 1956148
12 mg/1 Leptodora kindtii threshol~ of immobiliza-Anderson 19481" Chromium
tion; 20-25 C; BaCiz (Cr) (see also sodium and potassium)
133 mg/1 Cyclops vernalis threshold of immobiliza-Anderson 19481" <D.6ppm Daphnia magna chromic acid; threshold Anderson 19441"
tion; 20-25 C; BaCiz of immobilization;
5000 mg/1 fish same as above BSA a;c;
29 ppm Daphnia magna BSA; a; threshold of im-Anderson 1948,161 <3.6ppm threshold of immobiliza-"19481<1
mobilization; BaCI2; 1950152 tion; chromic chlorlde;
25 c BSA; a; 64 hrs.
Beryllium ......... 3 mg/1 Carassius auratus using lagoon wastes Pomelee 1953"' 6.4-16.0 ppm Chlorococcum complete inhibition of Hervey 19491"
(Be) from Be plant fish be-variegatus growth lor 56 days;
came sluggish alter 21 Cr as dichromate.
days 3.2-6.4 ppm Chlorococcum same as above
11r'-1ir' M Fundulus cone. affecting liver en-Jackim et al. 1971J2" humicola
heteroclitus zyme activity 3.2-6.4 ppm Scenedesmus same as above
Boron ............ 5000 mg/1 Salmo gairdneri slight darkening of the Wurtz 1945"8 obliquus
skin using boric acid 0.32-1.6 ppm Lepocinclis steinii same as above
80,000 mg/1 caused immobilization 728 ppm Lepomis hydration of tissues of Abegg 1950143
and loss of equilibrium macrochirus body due to coagula-
of fish; using boric acid ~on of mucous cover-
10 mg/1 marine fish violent irritant response Hiatt et al. 1953"' ing body; 22.5 C;
Bromine pH 5.9
(Br) •• (see also Na) 1.0 ppm BOD 10 percent reduction in tngols 1955202
<0.0026 ppm Daphnia magna threshold of immobiliza-Anderson 19481" 02 utilization; lab
tion; CaCI2; BSA; a; bioassay; j; chromic
in 64 hrs. sulfate.
10.0 ppm marine fish violent irritant activity Hiatt et al. 1953197 0.2 ppm fish retarded rate of growth U.S. Dept of
caused by irritation of and resulted in in-Commerce
respiratory enzymes creased mortality 1958"'
Cadmium ......... 0.0026 mg/1 Daphnia magna threshold of immobiliza-Anderson 1948151, (Cr+•)
(Cd) lion 1950152 0.21 mg/1 Microregma threshold effect Bringmann and
o. 05-0.10 mg/1 Australorbis produced distress syn-Harry and Aldrich Kuhn 19591"
glabratus dromes; distilled 1958191 not given Salmo gairdneri change in erythrocyte Haisband and
water. surface area and in-Haisband
142 ppm Sewage organisms 50 percent inhibition of Hermann 19591" crease or decrease in 1963190
o, utilization; BOD; haematocrit value
a; CdSO, 2-4 mg/1 Salmo gairdneri raising of hematocrits Schiffman and
0.1-0.2 ppm Crassostrea 20-week exposure; little Shuster and Pring! e Fromm 1959"1
virginica shell growth losl pig-1969236 2.5 ppm Cr. as chromate; lab bio-Fromm and Stokes
mentation of mantle assay; tap water; glu-1962180
edge; coloration of cose transport by gut
digestive diverticulae segments reduced 40
50 ppm Fundulus palhological changes in Gardner and Yevich percent from controls.
heteroclitus ;nlestinal tract, kid-1970186 10-50 ppm fish decreased extractable Castell et at.
ney, and gills; changes protein content of 1970163
in essosinophillineage blended fish muscle
11r"-1()-2M Fundulus cone. affecting liver en-Jackim et al. Cobalt... ......... >26ppm Daphnia magna coballous chloride; BSA; Anderson 194414'
heteroclitus zyme activity 1970203 (Co) a;c; lhreshold of im-
Calcium. 1,332 ppm Daphnia magna threshold of immobiliza-Anderson 19441" mobilization.
(Ca) lion; CaCiz BSA; a;c >3.1 ppm Daphnia magna threshold of immobiliza-Anderson 1948161
920 ppm threshold of immobiliza-Anderson 1948"' lion lor 64 hr exposure
tion; CaCiz; BSA; BSA; a; CoCI,
a;c; 20-25 C 2.8 mg/1 Daphnia magna threshold of immob;liza-Ohio River Valley
1130 mg/1 Cyclops vernalis threshold of immobiliza-Anderson 1948161 lion using CoCiz Water Commis-
tion; 20-25 C using sion 1950"o
CaCiz 5 mgfl Daphnia threshold effects CoCh Bringmann and
1440 mg/1 Mesocyclops same as above Kuhn 19591"
leukarti 2.5 mg/1 E. coli
22,080 mg/1 white fish fry same as above 1.0 mg/1 Scenedesmus
12,060 mgjl pickerel fry same as above 0.5 mg/1 Microregma
8,400 ppm Lepomis CaCb 1.34 percent loss Abegg 1950143 64.0 ppm Sewage organisms 50 percent inhibition of Hermann 1959"'
macrochirus of tissue fluid; pH 02 utilization; BOD;
8.3; 22.5 C; dissolu-a; CoCiz
lion of mucous cover-5 mgjl Saphrolegnia suppression of growth Shabalina 19Jl4233
ing of body causing
dehydration of museu-0.5, 0.05, and Cyprinus carpio inhibition of growth in
lature 5 mgfl (young) small carp
Appendix III-Table 2/463
TABLE 2-Continued
Constituent Chronic dose Species Conditions Literature Citation Constituent Chronic dose Species Conditions Literature Citation
Cobalt... ......... 5 mg/1 Saprolegnea suppressed growth Copper. .......... 0. 56 ppm Zn; and
(Co) 10-50 ppm fish decreased extractable Castell et al. (Cu) soft water (7 days)
protein content of 1970163 35-45 percent of Salmo salar inhibition of migratory Sprague and
blended fish muscle. incipient lethal habits Saunders 19632"
Copper •.......... l!<g/1 Cu Chi orella suppressed growth; 4-hr Nielsen 193921 ' level
(Cu) pyrenoidosa exposure 20 C; 61<g/l 0.1 mg/1 Nereis virens threshold of toxicity; · Raymount and
Fe cone. as Cu. accumu-Shields 1964"'
2.5-.0 l'g/1 Chlorella decreased pholosyn-lation in gut and
pyrenoidosa lhelic rate body wall.
Nitzchia palea 1-2 mg/1 Carcinus threshold of toxicity; Reish 1964"'
0.1 mg/1 Cu roach cannot withstand cone. Nielsen 1939219 11-12 day exposure
greater than given 2.31£g/l Salmo salar as Cu.; threshold for Sprague et al.
2.0 ppm large mouth black in distilled water; Cole 1941"7 avoidance for parr. 19642"
bass cuso, lethal thres· 0.42!<g/l as Cu; plus 6.11£g/l
hold Zn; fish are 9.5-15.3
0.13 ppm Crassostrea turn green in 21 days Gallsoff 1943185 em in length; avoid·
virgimca (unmarketable!) a nee
0.096 mg/1 Daphnia magna threshold cone. of im· Anderson 1944149 0. 7 ppm go by reduced appetite and re-Syazuki 1964"9
mobilization using duced o, consumption
cupric chloride freshwater; pH 7. 2;
0.1 ppm Daphnia magna threshold of immobiliza-Anderson 194414' still water
lion using Cuso, 1-5 ppm cuso, Oncomelania decrease in food con-Winkler and Chi
BSA; a;c formosana sumption; concentra-1964"'
>0.2 mgjl Bugula netritina complete inhibition of Miller 1946215 lion of Cu along wall
growth of attached of digestive gland and
fauna in the loose spongy
0.02..0.3 mg/1 barnacles growth of young Miller 1946215 connective tissue of
barnacles is inhibited the stomach and
<0.2..0.3 mg/1 Bugula nerifina retarded growth Miller 194621' proximal intestine.
<0.2 mgjl retarded polypi de forma-10-20 l'g/1 sea urchin retards body growth of Bougis 196515'
bon pluteal larvae, regress-
0.027 ppm Daphnia magna threshold of immobiliza-Anderson 1948151 ing of arms is re-
lion, cupric chloride; larded.
BSA; a; (64 hrs) 301'g/l sea urchin affects growth of arms
2.7 mg/1 Cyclops vernalis threshold of immobiliza-Anderson 1948151 0.01-0.1 ppm Helix pomaitia increase in mucous DeCiaventi 1965"'
lion secretion and no
1.9 mg/1 Mesocyclops response to tactile
leukarti stimuli
0.0024 mg/1 Diaptomus 201'g/l oysters green color in oysters Sprague et al.
oregonensis 1965"'
0.178 mg/1 Oncorhynchus loss of equilibrium and 0.05 ppm inhibition of self
gorbuscha initial mortalities; purification
Cu(NOsh 1.25X10-• M Cymalogaster acetylcholinesterase Abou-Donia and
metal sheet; 45 Balanus amphitrite malformation of the shell Weis 1948253 aggregata activity is inhibited Menzel1967144
percent Ni 55 bases; edges scalloped by Cu+2
percent Cu not smooth 1601'g/l common guppy reduction in number of Cusick 1967171
0.027 mg/1 Daphnia magna threshold cone. of im-Anderson 19501" mucous cells.
mobilization using 0.06 ppm Salmo salar chronic static bioassay, Grande 1967187
cupric chloride cuso,, as Cu.
0.16 mg/1 sea urchin as Cu; abnormalities Cleland 1953155 0.02 mg/1 Oncorhynchus sublethal effects on Grande 1967187
occur in eggs fingerlings.
0.1 mg/1 Australorbis produced distress syn-Harry and Aldrich <!.Oppm crayfish Orconectes inhibition of respiratory Hubschman 19672"
glabratus drome. 1958191 rusticus enzymes degenerative
21 ppm Sewage organisms 50 percent inhibition of Hermann 1959"' effect of cells and
o, utilization ;BOD; tissues including dis-
copper sulphate; a; ruption of gluthathi •
1.0 mg/1 Sphaerotilus inhibition of growth, Academy of Nat-one equilibrium.
cone. of cuso, ural Sciences continuous flow bio·
1960146 assay
0.1..0.5 ppm oyster changes in digestive di· Fujiya 1960182 <1.0 ppm crayfish same as above
verticuium tissues 0.35-0.43 toxic Salmo salar reduction in number of Saunders and
with desquamation units spawning salmon Sprague 19672"
and necrosis of 0.056 ppm Daphnia inhibition of growth Hueck and Adema
stomach epithelium. 1968201
0.563 ppm Oncorhynchus loss of equilibrium and Holland et al. 5.6 ug/1 Salmo gairdneri threshold avoidance level Sprague 19682"
gorbuscha initial mortalities in 1960199 0. 055-0. 2651'gfml dinoflagellates growth inhibition at20 C Mandelli 196921'
(young) 19 hrs; cone. as Cu. 0.025-0.05 ppm oysters bodies became bluish· Shuster and
pH 7. 9; Cu(N O,), green in color; and Pringle 1969'"
shell showed excellent
1.00 ppm Oncorhynchus survival, growth, repro-Holland et al. growth; mantle edge
kisuthh silver ductive and feeding 1960199 pigmentation in-
salmon responses creased; and mortal·
16 ppm Rana pipiens chronic static bioassay; Kaplan and Yoh ities increased.
a;c; copper sulfate 1961207 331'gfl Pimephales prevention of spawning Mount and
1.1 ppm Salmo gairdneri water, copper sulfate as Lloyd 1961b'" promelas hard water Stephen 1969217
Cu; BSA; a;e;p; ·3 10-50 ppm fish decreased extractable Castell et al.
days; 3.5 ppm Zn protein content of 19701"
0.044 ppm Salmo gairdneri same as above using uoyd 1as1bm blended fish muscle
464/ Appendix Ill-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
TABLE 2-Continued
Constituent Chronic dose Species '!:onditions Literature Citation Constituent Chronic dose Species Conditions Literature Citation
Copper ... 0.2 mg/1 Oncorhynchus inhibition of growth Hazel and Meith Iron .............. 1 day exposure using
(Cu) tshanytscha 197Ql92 (Fe) ferrous sulfate.
1o-•-1o-• M Killifish change in liver enzyme Jackim et al. 27 !Lg/1 Phaeodactylim Severe clumping of Davies 1966172
activity 1970203 tricornutum diatom cells.
Cyanide ........ 0.1-0.3 ppm Crassius auratus hard water using KCN; Cole 1941 1" 1.25X1o-• M Cymatogaster inhibition of AChE Abou-Donia and
(CN-) respiratory depressant aggregata activity Menzell19671"
0.126 mg/1 trout overturned in 170 mins. Ohio River Valley 1D-1DD mg/1 Carassius auratus epithelial edema, hyper-Ashley 19701"
Water Commis-secretion of mucous,
sion 1950"' inflammation, capil-
0.15 mg/1 trout overturned in 170 mins. Southgate 1950'" lary congestion. de-
CN-struction of respiratory
0.7 mg/1 Salmo gairdneri fish overturned Herbert and Mer-epithelium, blockage
ken 19521" of gill filaments and
1 ppm fish gills become brighter in Southgate 1953"9 lamellae by micro-
colour due to inhibi-ferruginous ppt. and
lion by cyanide ofthe occurrence of intra-
oxidase responsible for cellular iron in epi-
transfer of o, from thelia! cells
blood to tissues Lead ......... ... 5 mg/1 fish precipitation of mucous Westfall1945'"
sx1o-•M Mayorella increased respnation of Reich 1955"' (Pb) of gills decreasing
palestinensis organism in glucose-permeabiliiy of gills to
containing solUtiOns; dissolved o, (DO=
a;c; BSA; 6.2 ppm)
7300 mg;l Chiarella Inhibition of photosyn-Re1ch 1955'" 1.25 ppm Daphnia magna threshold cf immobiliza-Anderson 1948"'
thesis lion; 64· hrs. PbCh
0.1 mg/1 fish fish overturned Neil19562" BSA; a
1 ppm fish respiratory depressant-Jones 1964"' D. 33-644 mg/1 tadpoles negative reaction; lead Jones 1948'"
gills became brighter nitrate
in color 0.04 N Gasterosteus Fish reacted negatively Jones 194112"
0.25 ppm go by, perch, mullet change in o, uptake; Syazuki 1964"9 aculeatus then positively due to
reduction in appetite osmotic pressure of
of some. still water; solution
pH 8.2 KCN 50 mg/1 catfish injury to blood cells Doudoroff and Katz
10 mg/1 Lepomis 3. o mg/1 free co,; Doudoroff et al. during exposure up to 195317'
macrochirus cone. as eN-super-1966177 183 days; cone. as
ficial coagulation of lead acetate; in tap
mucous: Alk. 1. 5 water
mg;l resulting in 30.6 ppm barnacles deformation of shells Stubbings 1959247
death of some; pH due to growth on un-
6. 0; eN-complexed favorable substrates.
wilhs1tver; 1.0 mg/1 Cyprinus carpio harmed serum during Fujiya 1961"'
not given Cyprinus carpio loss of equilibrium, Malacea 1966"' long exposure; cone.
minnow, gudgeon nervous system and as Pb
Rhodeus sericeus reSpiration are ef-1.25 ppm Poecilia reticulata retardation of growth, Crandall and Good-
fected. increase in mortality, night 19621"
2 mM eN-squid affects the Ca emux in Blaustein and delayed sexual matur-
the axons; after 9D-Hodgkin 1969155 ity
150 min rate constant 2.0 ppm Lebistes reticulatus chronic static bioassay Crandall and Good-
for loss of Ca was in-Pb(NO,), retardation night 19621"
creased 5-10 fold. of growth, delay in
sexual maturity and
Fluorine ...... 270 mg/1 Daphnia 23 C using NaF Bringmann and increased mortality
(F) threshold effect Kuhn 19591"
95 mg/1 Scenedesmus 24 C using NaF
27 percent in 90 days.
threshold effect
1.2sx1o-• M Cymatogaster inhibition of acetyl-Abou-Oonia and
226 mg/1 Microregma
aggregata chloneslerase activity Menzel 196714'
180 mg/1 Eschenchia coli 27 C using NaF
25 ppm Rana pipiens Sloughing of the skin Kaplan et al.
lhreshold effect
after 20-days; loss of 1967208
500 ppm Oncorhynchus Alk 47.5 ppm; DO 8.4 Holland et al.
righting reflexes; loss
of normal semi-erect
kisutch ppm; after 72 hr ex-1960199
posure survivors were
in poor condition, dark
150 ppm total loss of righting re-
flexes; excitement,
in color with light salivation, and museu-
colored spots at end of far twitchings present
150 ppm Salmo gairdneri 90 percent mortality in Herbert and Shur-
upon 1st exposure;
darkening of liver,
21 days; BSA; a;d; ben 19641"
hard water
gall bladder. spleen &
kidney observed
Iron .............. 2.0 mg/1 trout, salmon, blockage of gills; Fe,o, Nielson 1939219 1000 ppm Rana pipiens for 48 hrs. gastric Kaplan et al.
(Fe) roach mucosa eroded. red 1967208
<152 ppm Daphnia magna BSA; a; c; threshold of Anderson 194414 ' blood cell and white
immobilization FeS04 blood cell counts de-
130 ppm BSA; a; c; threshold of Anderson 19441", creased with increas-
immobilization FeCI, 1950152 ing Pb.
<38 ppm Daphnia magna BSA; a; threshold of Anderson 1948"1, 10, 20, 40 mg/1 Lepomis cyanellus avoided these concen-_ Summerfeit and
mobilization in 64 19501" !rations Lewis 1967248
hrs; 25 mg/1 Salvelinus malma reduction of growth Dorfman and Whit-
5. 0 ppm (1 day) go by reduction in appetite in Syazuki 196424 ' worth 19691"
Appendix III-Table 2/465
TABLE 2-Continued
Constituent Chronic dose Species Conditions Literature Citation Constituent Chronic dose Species Conditions Literature Citation
LeaL ........... 1o-"l-1o-' M killifish change in liver enzyme Jackim et at. pH ...... 62 ppm Daphnia magna threshold of immobiliza-Anderson 1944"9
(Pb) activity 1970"' lion; HCI BSA; a;c
0.1-6.2 mg/1 Crassostrea induced changes in Pringle (unpub-pH 2.8 Crassius auratus coagulation of mucous Weslfall19452"
virginica mantle & gonad lished)"' on gills; H,so,
tissue. pH 5.4 Gasterosteus reacted negatively to _pH Jones 1948205
Magnesium ......• 50 ppm Staurastrum certain inhibition of Chu 1942"' aculeatus less than 5. 4 and
(Mg) paractoxum growth using MgSO, greater than 11. 4
740 ppm Daphnia magna BSA; a; threshold of Anderson 1948151 pH 11.4
immobilization MgCt, pH 6.5 oyster pumping is reduced Korringa 1952"9
7.2 ppm Botryococcus inhibition of growth pH 5. 51 (3 day) Oncorhynchus 0.1 N HCI; critical level, Holland et at.
Manganese lshawytscha flowing-salt 1960199
(Mn) (see also Potassium (K) and Sodium (Na)) 50-150 ppm short-necked clam o, uptake became ab-Syazuki 1964"9
50 ppm Daphnia magna threshold of immobiliza-Anderson 1948151, normal; increase in
lion, MnCt, BSA; a 1950152 consumption with 24·
50 mg/1 Daphnia magna as Mn,threshold of.im-Bringmann and hr. exposure.
mobilization; 23 C Kuhn 19591" Potassium. inhibition of growth Chu 1942 1"
1.25Xlo-• Cymatogaster activation of acetyl· Abou-Donia and (K)
aggregata cholinesterase Menzel19671" 0.6 ppm Daphnia magna threshold of immobiliza-Anderson 1944"9
10,000 ppm Lebistes reticulatus inhibition of essential Shaw and Grush kin lion; K,cr,o,; BSA;
sulfhydryl groups at-1967"' a;c
!ached to key enzyme, 0.63 ppm Daphnia magna threshold of immobiliza-Anderson 1944"9
lab bioassay lion; BSA; a;c;
10,000 ppm Bufo valliceps same as above; using KMnO,
tadpoles 373 ppm Daphnia magna threshold of immobiliza-Anderson 1944"9
1,000 ppm Daphnia magna as above lion; BSA; a;c; KCI
loss of equilibrium in Grindley 1946188
Mercury .......... <0.006 ppm Daphnia magna threshold of immobiliza-Anderson 1948151 23. B mins. K,cr,o,;
(Hg) tion; HgCI2; a; BSA; BSA; a;c;e;f
0.61 ppm Sewage organisms 50 percent inhibition of Hermann 19591" 1000 ppm Salmo gairdneri loss of equilibrium in
02 utilization; HgCI2 54.6 mins.; BSA;
BOD; a; K,cr,o, tap water;
3.2X1o-• mgfhr Japanese eel, accumulation in the Hibiya and Oguri cone. as Cr
Crassius auratus kidney 1961198 200 ppm Salmo gairdneri loss of equilibrium in Grindley 1946188
0.01 ppm Lebistes reticutatus cation combined with Shaw and Grushkin 188 min. BSA;
essential sulfhydryl 1967234 K,cr,o, tap water
group attached to a cone. as Cr
key iJ,zyme to cause 2000 ppm Salmo gairdneri loss of equilibrium; in Grindley1946"'
inhibition; a;c;e; BSA 42. o mins; K,cro,;
0.1 ppm Bufo valliceps same as above using BSA; a;c;e;f; cone. as
tadpoles Cr
0.1 ppm Daphnia magna same as above 1000 ppm toss of equilibrium in 79
to-'-lG-2 M killifish change in liver enzyme Jackim el at. mins. BSA: K,cro,;
activity 1970'" cone. as Cr; a;c;e;f
Molybdenum 54 mg/1 Scenedesmus threshold cone. for Bringmann and 20 ppm loss of equilibrium in
(Mo) deleterious effect Kuhn 1959159 3580 min; BSA;
Nickel. .... <0.7 ppm Daphnia magna threshold of immobiliza· Anderson 1948151 K ,cro, cone. as Cr;
(Ni) lion Ni(NH,)2(SO,), a;c;e;f
BSA; a; 432 ppm Daphnia magna threshold of immobiliza-Anderson 1948151
0.7 mg/1 Daphnia threshold of immobiliza-Anderson 1950152 lion; BSA; a;c; KCI
lion; NiCt, for 64 hrs
1.5 mg/1 Scenedesmus threshold of immobiliza-Bringmann and 10.5 ppm Sewage organisms 50 percent reduction of Sheets 1957"5
lion; NiCt, Kuhn 19591" BOD values; K,cro,
0.1 mg/1 E. coli threshold of immobiliza· 15 ppm sewage organisms 50 percent inhibition of Hermann 1959195
lion; NiCI2 o, utilization; BOD;
0.05 mg/1 Microregma threshold of immobiliza· KCN; a
lion; NiCt, 17.0 ppm sewage organisms 50 percent inhibition of Hermann 1959195
1.25X1o-• M Cymatogaster inhibition of acetyl-Abou-Donia and o, utilization; BOD;
aggregata cholinesterase activity Menzel 19671" a K,cr,o,
10 ppm Lebistes reticulatus bioassay; a;c;e; cation Shaw and Grushkin 0.072 ppm Rabora hetero-20 percent mortality in Abram 19641"
combined with essen-1967"' morpha 7 days; KCN; BSA
tial sulfhydryl group Selenium. >BOO ppm fresh-water fish accumulation of Se in Barnhart 19581"
attached to key en-(Se) liver, from bottom
zyme to cause inhibi· deposits in reservoir
lion. 2.5 mg/1 of Se Daphnia medium threshold effect Sri ngmann and
100 ppm Bufo valliceps same as above, using using sodium selenite; Kuhn 19591"
tadpoles 23 c
10 ppm Daphnia magna same as above. 2.5 mg/1 of Se Scenedesmus median threshold level;
0.5-10 mg/1 Cyanophyta growth inhibition Sparling 1968"1 using sodium selenite;
Nitrate ........... 0.0007 N minnow as Pb(NO,),; showed Jones 1948205 24 c
negative response 90 mg/1 of Se Escherichia coli median threshold level,
1.25xto-1 M Cymatogaster Pb(NOa)2; caused 73 Abou-Donia and using sodium selenite;
aggregata percent inhibition of Menzel1967 1"
27 c
AChE activity 183 mg/1 of Se Microregma median threshold level,
10, 20-40 mg/1 Lepomis cyanellus avoided these concen-Summerfeit and using sodium selenite
!rations Lewis 19672" Silver ... 6X10-• Bacterium coli inhibits enzymes; Yudkin 193725'
pH ............... pH 9.0
(Ag) 3.3X10-• M 20 c Ag,so,
oyster larvae injury to larvae Gaardner 1932"' 0.0051 ppm Daphnia magna threshold of immobiliza. Anderson 1948151
pH 4.0 fish coagulation of proteins Cole 1941'" lion; BSA; (64 hrs)
of epithelial cells silver nitrate; a;
L ------~------------------------------------------------------------
466/Appendix Ill-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
TABLE 2-Continued
Constituent Chronic dose Species Oenditions Literature Citation Constituent Chronic dose Species Conditions Literature Citation
Silver.. 0.03 mg/1 Daphnia median threshold effect Bringmann and Sodium ........... 3680 ppm Daphnia magna threshold of immobiliza-Anderson 1948151
(A g) Kuhn 19591" (Na) tion; NaCI BSA a;c;
0.03 mg/1 Microregma 0.007 N Gasterosteus fish displayed distress; Jones 1948205
0.05 mg/1 Scenedesmus aculeatus lap water; BSA; c;e;
0.04 mg/1 Eschericha coli pH 6. 8 with H ,so,;
0.15JLg/l Echinid larvae ............... Soyer 1963240 Na,s
10-100 l'g/1 Paracentrolus as AgNO,; abnormalities 2.47 ppm Daphnia magna 50 percent are im· Freeman and
or inhibition of growth mobilized in 1 DO hr Fowler 1953"'
of eggs exposure; BSA; a;c;
2JLg/l as AgNO,; delay in de-Na.SiQ,
velopment and de· 158 ppm 50 percent are im·
formation of resulting mobilized in 100 hr
plutei exposure; BSA; a;c;
0.251'g/l threshold cone. for ef-Na.SiQ,; plus
feet; as AgNO, 2, 899 ppm Na.SO,
0.50 l'g/1 Arbacia threshold cone. for ef· 0.0003 N Gasterosteus survival time of 72 hrs. Jones 19411205
feclfor eggs aculealus tap water. BSA; c;e;
0.1 ppm Lebistes reticutatus calion combines withes· Shaw and Grushkin pH 6.8; Na,S
sential sutlhdryl group 1967'" 0.201 ppm Daphnia magna 50 percent immobiliza-Freeman and
attached to key en-tion; BSA; 100 hr ex-Fowler 1953"'
zyme causing inhibi· posure a;c; Na2Cr04;
lion; BSA; a;c;e plus 119 ppm
0.1 ppm Bufo vamceps same as above using Na,sio, & 2180 ppm
tadpoles Na,so,
0.1 ppm Daphnia magna same as above 0.276 ppm 50 percent immobiliza·
10-'-11)-2 M Fundulus change in liver enzyme Jackim et at. tion during 100 hr
heteroclitus activity 197[203 exposure BSA; a;c;
Sodium 6143 ppm NaCt Daphnia magna threshold of immobitiza-Anderson 1944"' Na.CrO,; plus 2984
(Na) lion; BSA; NaCI; a,c pprq Na.SO,
8500 ppm Daphnia magna BSA; a;c; threshold of Anderson 1944"' 0.159 ppm 50 percent immobiliza·
immobilization; tion for 100 hr expo-
NaND, sure; BSA; a;c;
<3.4 ppm Daphnia magna threshold of immobiliza· Anderson 1946150 Na,cro,; plus 93 ppm
lion; BSA; NaCN Na,SiO,
5000 ppm threshold for immobiliza· Anderson 1946"o 0.33 ppm 50 percent immobiliza-Freeman and
lion; unfavorable tion during 100 hr Fowler 1953110
osmotic effect exerted; exposure Na,Cro,
BSA; NaND, plus 408 ppm Na,co,;
9.4 ppm cone. causing immobili· Anderson 19461" BSA; a;c;
zation; BSA; Na,s 85 ppm 50 percent immobiliza-
<0.32 ppm Daphnia magna Threshold of immobiliza-Anderson 1946"0 tion, 100-hr exposure;
a;c; BSA; Na,SiOa lion; BSA; Na,cro, plus 180 ppm Na.SO,
8200 ppm same as above using Anderson 1946"o 86 ppm 50 percent immobiliza-
NaBr lion; 100 hr exposure;
210 ppm threshold of immobiliza-Anderson 1946150 a;c; BSA; Na,sio,
tion; BSA; NaBrO, plus 182 ppm Na.CO,
9.1 ppm Daphnia magna threshold of immobiliza-Anderson 19461" plus 0.146 ppm
lion; BSA; NaAsQ, Na.Cro,
953 ppm Phoxinus phoxinus loss of equilibrium in Grindley 1946188 0.195 ppm Daphnia magna 50 percent immobiliza-
54.6 min; BSA; a;c; tion; 100 hr exposure;
e;f; NaAsO,; tap or a;c; BSA; Na.CrQ,
disL water; cone. as plus 240 ppm Na.CO,
As and 2079 Na,so,
290 ppm loss of equilibrium in 73 ppm 50 percent immobiliza·
186 min; BSA; a;c;e; lion, 100 hr exposure;
I; NaAsQ,; tap water a;c; BSA; Na,SiQ,
or dist. water plus 155 ppm Na.CO,
17.8 ppm loss of equilibrium in and 1343 ppm Na.SO,
2174 mins; BSA; 0.35 ppm 50 percent immobitiza-
a;c;e;f; NaAsO,; tap or lion; Na.CrO,; BSA;
dis!. water. a;c; 100 hr exposure;
<20 ppm Daphnia magna threshold of immobiliza-Anderson 1946"0 plus 87 ppm sodium bi-
sulfate and 440 ppm lion; BSA; sodium sodium carbonate arsenate. cone. as Na.CrQ,
2970 ppm Phoxinus phoxinus lost equilibrium in 205 Grindley 19461" 92 ppm 50 percent immobiliza-
mins. BSA; a;c;e;f; tion; Na.SiQ,; BSA; dist. or tap water; a;c; 100-hr exposure;
sodium arsenate dis!. plus 38 ppm NaHSO,;
or tap water and 194 ppm Na,co,
820 ppm lost equilibrium in 467 427 ppm Daphnia magna 50 percent immobiliza-Freeman and
mins; BSA; sodium tion; Na,SiO, BSA; Fowler 1953179
arsenate; a;c;e;f; a;c; 100 hr exposure;
dis!. or tap water plus 177 ppm NaHSO,
234 ppm lost equilibrium; 0.286 ppm 50 percent immobiliza·
a;c;e;f; dis! or tap tion; Na.CrQ,; BSA;
water; 951 min a;c; 100 hr exposure;
sodium arsenate 70 ppm NaHSO,
Appendix III-Table 2/467
TABLE 2-Continued
Constituent Chronic dose Species Conditions literature Citation Constituent Chronic dose Species Conditions Literature Citation
Sodium ..........• 126 ppm 50 percent immobiliza-Zinc •............ 25 ppm Salmo gairdneri loss of equilibrium in Grindley 1946"'
(Na) lion Na2SiOa; BSA; (Zn) 133 min; a;c;e;l; zinc
a;c; 100 hr exposure; sulfate; cone. as Zn;
+52 ppm NaHSOa BSA;
and 2308 ppm Na.· 24 mg/1 fish av01dance concentration Jones 19411'"
so, of ZnSOdH20
506 ppm 50 percent immobiliza-0.15 mg/1 of Zn Daphnia magna threshold cone. of zinc Anderson 1950152
tion Na.SiOa; BSA; immobilization using
a;c; 100 hr exposure; Zn(N0a)2
plus 144 ppm NaHSOa.
and 0.861 ppm 0. 04 mg/1 of Zn rainbow trout prevention ot hatching of Affleck 19521"
Na.Cro, rainbow trout eggs in
0.306 ppm 50 percent immobiliza-sell water.
tion Na2Cro,; BSA; 0.16 mg/1 Psammechinus abnormalities ollerlili· Cleland 195>"5
a;c; 100 hr exposure; miciavis zation cleavage of eggs
plus 75 ppm NaHSO, of urchins when in
and 3312 ppm Na.so, zinc sulfate; cone.
0.42 ppm 50 percent immobiliza-of Zn.
lion; BSA; 100 hr ex-1 mg/1 Planorbis and ······················ Deschiens et al.
posure; a;c; Na2cro, Bulinus (snails) 1957174
1.0 ppm sewage organisms j; 100 percent reduction Ingots 19552"' 920 ppm sewage organisms reduction in BOD Sheets 1957235
in 02 utilization BOD; values by 50 percent
Na.Cro, zinc sulfate
3.6 ppm sewage organisms reduction by 50 percent Sheets 1957"5 55 ppm sewage organisms reduction of BOD value Sheets 1957"5
in the BOD values; by 50 percent in an
BOD; NaCN unbuffered system;
100 ppm sewage organisms 50 percent inhibition of Hermann 19591" zinc borolluoride.
02 utilization; BOD; 0.75 ppm sewage organisms reduction of BOD Sheets 1957235
a; sodium arsenate value by 50 percent
4ppm Cladophora complete decomposition Cowelll96516' in an unbuffered sys-
in 2 weeks; field study tem; zinc cyanide
in lake; a;c; NaAs02 1.8 mg/1 Daphnia magna median threshold effect; Bringmann and
4ppm Spirogyra zygnema same as above Cowell! 965"' as Zn Kuhn 1959159
4 ppm Potamogeton (plant) same as above 1.4-2.3 mg/1 Escherichia coli same as above
4 ppm zooplankton NaAs02; field study in
lake; a;c; significant I.D-1.4 mg/1 Scenedesmus same as above
reduction evident 0.33 mg/1 Microregma same as above
6.5 ppm Daphnia magna median immobilization Crosby and Tucker 1.25 ppm & Poecilia reticulata retardation of growth, Crandall and Good-
concentration; a;c;d; 196617° 230 ppm (common guppy) increased maturity nightl962 16 '
i;g; BSA; NaAs02 and delayed sexual
1.4ppm Simocephalus threshold of immobiliza Sanders and Cope maturity; as Zn;
serrulatus lion; NaAsO,; BSA; 1966'28 znso,
78 F 35-45 percent of Salmo salar migration of salmon is Sprague and
1.8 ppm Daphnia magna same as above incipient lethal disturbed when cop-Saunders 1963246
Sulfide •.......... 5.0 ppm suckers causes respiratory para!· Cole 19411" level. per-zinc pollution ex-
(S-) ysis ceeds this dosage
0.86 ppm sunfish 100 mg/t lobster causes increase in Zn Bryan 1964162
3.8 ppm Salvetinus malma levels in urine, excre-
4.3 ppm Crassius auratus tory organs, hepato-
6.3 ppm Cyprinus carpio pancreas and gills
3.2 mg/1 trout overturned in 2 hrs; Southgate 19411'" O.D-5.0 ppm Lepom•s continuous flow bioassay, Mount 1964216
pH 9.0 macrochirus acute; a;c;f; accumu~
3.2 mg/1 trout overturned in 10 mins.; Lepiosteus osseus lation of Zn in bones
pH 7.8 Dorosoma petenense and gills.
3.2 mg/1 trout overturned in 4 mins.; Dorosoma
pH 6.0 cepedianum
Titanium .•....... 4. 6 mg/1 o!Ti Daphnia median threshold level; Bringmann and Alosa chrysochloris
(Ti) 23 c Kuhn 195915' Cyprinus carpio
2. 0 mg/1 of Ti Scenedesmus median threshold effect; Carassius auratus
24 c 53.3 mg/1 Salmo salar avoidance response in Sprague 1964'42
4. 0 mg/1 o!Ti Microregma median threshold level; 50 percent of fish;
Uranium .......... 13 mg/1 Daphnia threshold effect of Bringmann and BSA; a;c;d;e;l; cone.
(U) uranyl nitrate; as U Kuhn 1959159 as Zn.
22 mg/1 Scenedesmus threshold effect of 53 mg/1 Salmo salar avoidance cone. lor parr; Sprague et at.
uranyl nitrate; as U cone. as Zn. 1964'"
1. 7-2.2 mg/1 Escherichia coli threshold effect of 12.6 ppm shellfish decrease in o, uptake Syazuki 196424'
uranyl nitrate; as U in presence of Zn
28 mg/1 of U Microregma threshold effect of sulfate as Zn; I hr
uranyl nitrate exposure in polluted
0.5 mg/1 of U Escherichia coli disturbs 0, balance of Guskova and sea water.
water and inhibits GriHein 196418' 30 ppm goby rate of 02 uptake is de· Syazuki 1964"'
development of en-creased, reduction of
teric bacteria· appetite; as zinc; I
Zinc .•.•........• 0.1 mg/1 roach cannot withstand Nielson 1939"' day exposure
(Zn) 48 ppm Daphnia magna threshold of immobiliza-Anderson 19441" 0.15 ppm oysters green color evident;
tion; BSA; a;c; zinc cause inhibition of
sulfate sell-purification
468/ Appendix Ill-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
TABLE 2-Continued
Constituent Chronic dose Species • Conditions Literature Citation Constituent Chronic dose Species Conditions Literature Citation
Zinc ............. 1601'gfl Poecilia reliculala zinc damaged epithelium Cusick 1967171 Zinc ............. 0.8 mg/1 Salmo gairdneri histological damage to Brown el al.
(Zn) of gills, reduction in (Zn) gills; Zn added along 1968160
the number of mucous with alkylbenzene
cells; pH 6; distilled sulfonate
water, high mortality 100 l'g/1 freshwater mussels accumulation of Zn in Pauley and
rate Leydig cells and Nakatani 19682"21
157 & 180 ppm Fundulus as Zn; sluggish and un-Eisler 1967178 mucous cells of the
heteroclitus coordinated after 2 epithelial layers
hrs; DO. 7.2-7.4 5.6/Lg/1 Cyanophyta avoidance reactions to Sprague 1968"'
ppm; 20 C; pH 8.0; sub·lelhal cone. of
salinity 25 o 1 oo Zn. low avoidance
10.0 ppm Lebistes reticulatus bioassay; a;e;c; com-Shaw and Grush-threshold
bines with essential kin 1967'" 5.6/Lg/1 Salmo gairdneri avoidance reactions Sprague 1968"'
sulfhydryl group at-
!ached to a key en-0.18 mg/1 Pimphales reproduction inhibited; Brungs 19591s1
zyme. promelas no effect on survival
10.0 ppm Bufo valliceps same as above (using growth or maturation.
tadpoles) 18.0 ppm Salmo gairdneri reduction of mitotic in-Rachlin and
1.0 ppm Daphnia magna same as above dex of gonadal cells Perlmutter
0.35-0.43toxic Salmo salar reduction in number of Saunders and by 70 percent 19692"
units salmon reaching Sprague 196722' 32.0 ppm Salmo gairdneri complete inhibition of
spawning grounds mitotic division
(avoidance reactions 16 ppm (24 hr) Cyprinus carpio hardness 25 ppm Ca; Tabata 1969'"
of migrating salmon) as Zn
Appendix III-Table 3/469
APPENDIX III-TABLE 3-Accumulation of inorganic chemicals.jor aquatic organisms
Constituent Concentration in sea water
Barium(Ba)..... ... ... . ... ... . .. . .......................... .
Cadmium ....................... mcd
(Cd) 12 ~£11+2 mg/1 stable
Calcium ............ ..
,.g/1 stable
12 ,.c/1+20 ,.g/1 stable
16 mg/1 (5 days)
8 mgfl (30 days)
20 mg/1 (20 days)
38 mg/100 ml CaCI2
946 ,.c/201 22 C
not measured
8.52X10' cpm/ml
9.42X1D' cpm/ml
7. 37X10• cpm/ml
not measured
1 ,.c Ca"CI2
7.37X1D• cpm/ml
10• cpm/ml
Chromium...................... 111-13.01£ injected into air
(Cr) bladder
Gracilaria foliifera
Chasmychthys gulosus
Ulva pertusa
Venerupis philippinarum
Leander sp.
Chasmychthys gulosus
Venerupis philippinarum
Lepomis macrochirus
Tilapia mossambica
Focus vesiculosus
Ceramium rubrum
Enteromorpha intestinalis
Lebistes (15 days)
Crassius auratus
Tissue or organ
dig. tract
head and fins
mantle gill
other viscera
digestive tract
aristotle's lantern
digestive tract
head and fins
other viscera
fresh weight after 48 hrs.
fish tissue
spine (10 days)
head (10 days)
total (10 days)
viscera (10 days)
muscle (10 days)
whole (22 days)
head Kidney
Concentration in tissue Concentration factor
3.6 (6 days)
15 (3 days)
3.0 (2 days)
0.3 (2 days)
2.2 (10 days)
0.18 (3 days)
0.077 (3 days)
D. 37 (8 days)
11 (4 days)
58 (8 days)
> 100 (3 days)
8.3 (3 days)
52 (8 days)
0.38 (1 day)
110 (1.5 days)
·························· >8
634 l'gfkg
252 ,.gjkg
484 ,.gjkg
138.3 mg/100 g
2. 1x1o-2 ,.cjgm
11 (6 days)
0. 92 (6 days)
0. 80 (5 days)
0. 22 (3 days)
0.16 (4 days)
0.96 (9 days).
19 (1 day)
9.8 (1.5 days)
5.1 (3 days)
8.3 (1.5 days)
Ca. 0.6
0. 72±0. 003 (10 days)
.......................... 1.00±0.045
.......................... 1.07±0.039
.......................... 0.59±0.087
" ........ "" """" .... 0.102±0.024 "
........ " .... """ """ 1.87±0.10
.......................... 100.0±2.92
.......................... 21.3±1.12
.......................... 7.3±0.48
""""" .... "" ...... " 3.7±0.31
90 percent uptake in 24 hours ....... .
" .... " .... """ .... "" 1011-300
"" """"" "" .... " 100-300
5.5X1D• cpm/10 mg
2.8X1D• cpm/100 mg
1. 7X1D• cpm/100 mg
1.4X1D• cpm/100 mg
1.2X1D• cpm/100 mg
.2X1D• cpm/100 mg
2.8X1D• cpm/100 mg
25 cpmjmg
25-40 cpmjmg
25-40 cpmjmg
611-100 cpm/mg
200 cpmjmg
275 cpmjmg
411-60 cpmjmg
10 cpmjmg
311-40 cpmjmg
Literature Citation
Bedrosinn 19622"
Hiyama and Shimizu 1964280
Hiyama and Shimizu 1964"'
Mount and Stephan 1967"'
Korpincnikov eL al. 1956'"
Boroughs et. al. 19572"
Rosenthal1957 300
Rosenthal1957 3"
Swill and Taylor 1960305
Taylor and Odum 19603"
Hibiya and Oguri 1961"'
470/Appendix III-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
Chromium ..................... .
Chromium ..................... .
Concentration in sea water
0.204 pCi/ml
17,804 cpm/g
17,833 cpm/g
18,226 cpm/g
Crassius auratus
Lampsilis radiata
Chromium...................... !=cone. of phytoplankton Mummichog
(Cr) culture-Cr transferred down
food chain
TABLE 3-Continued
Tissue or organ
air bladder
soft tissues
(132 MCi/mg=initial cone. in Zooplankton, post-larvae fish
dig. tract
phytoplankton culture.)
lpCi CrCb/1
51 CrCb injected
Cobalt. ....................... .
Podophthalmus vigil
Gadus macrocephalus
Chelidonichthys kumu
Evynnis japonica
Lateolabrax japonicus
Seriola quinqueradiata
Germo germo
Katsuworms vagans
Scomber japonicus
Cololabis saira
Sardinops melanosticta
Cleipea pallasii
stichopus tremulus
Palinurus sp.
Polypus sp.
Dmmastrephes sloani
Ostrea gigas
Pecten yessoensis
Meretrix meretrix lusoria
Porphora sp.
midgut gland
midgut glands
Concentration in tissue
30-60 cpm/mg
1,000 cpmjmg
89.6 pCifg
10,373 cpm/g(9 day)
5,410 cpmjg (11 day)
3, 713 cpmjg (22 day)
Concentration factor
3.0 (5 days)
8.1pgfg (1 day) (dry)
0.4pg/g (2 day) (live)
0. 7 pg/g (3 day) (live)
0.9pgfg (5 day)(live)
l.lpg/g (7 day) (live)
1.3 pgfg (9 day) (live)
1. 7 pg/g (12 day) (live)
2.3pgfg (15 day) (live)
2. 7 pg/g (19 day) (live)
14.0 pg/g (4 day) (live)
22.0 pgfg (8 day) (live)
26.0 pgfg (11 day) (live)
34.0 pg/g (15 day) (live)
24pg/~ (2 day)
40" (4 day)
53" (6 day)
68" (8 day)
84"(11 day)
106pgfg (13 day)
206" (3 day)
288" (6 day)
428" (11 day)
495" (14 day)
856" (3 day)
1139 " (6 day)
1436" (11 day)
1834" (14 day)
3.5 (7.5 days)
5.0 (9.0 days)
7.5 (12.5 days)
8.0 (15.0 days)
12.0 (19.0 days)
. . ... .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. ... 1. 7
.......................... L2
5000 dpm/mg(max) (2 days)
79-80 dpmjmg (")
(2-4 days)
75 dpm/mg (max) (6 days) ......................... .
50 dpmjmg(max) (14 days) ......................... .
10 dpmjmg(max) (16 days) ......................... .
3000 (max) (16 days)
1000 (max) (5 days)
800 dpmjmg(max) (0-8 days)
.......................... 36
.......................... 82
.......................... 20
. .. ... . .. . . ... ... . .. . . . .. . 30
. . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . 14
. . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . ... .. . 28
.. . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. ... 84
.......................... 28
. .. . . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 84
.......................... 64
.......................... 26
Literature Citation
Hibiya and Oguri 1961'"
Harvey 1969"'
Chipman 1967'"
Chipman 1967"'
Chipman 1967"'
Baptist and Lewis 1967"'
Sather 1967"'
Ichikawa 1961"'
CobaH.. .................. .
Concentration in sea water
2.54 dpmjml
25.4 dpm/ml
254 dpm/ml
2540 dpmjml
25,400 dpm/ml
254,000 dpm/ml
2.54 dpmjml
25.4 dpm/ml
254 dpm/ml
2540 dpmjml
25,400 dpmjm
254,000 dpm/m
6.81X10' dpmjanimal
Black Sea
N. W. Pacific
Black Sea
N. W. Pacific
Black Sea
N. W. Pacific
0.0006-0.015 ppm
0.0008-.0240 ppm
0.027 p Cijml
Kenai, Alaska
4.5X10-•JLCiJ125 mt
4.5x1o-• ~'Ci/125 ml
5°Co pCi/1
0.47 pCi/1 "Co
1.2 pCi/1
Copper ......................... 0.002 N sol'n
TABLE 3-Continued
Species Tissue or organ
Laminaria sp. whole
Monostroma sp.
Chasmichthys gulosus
Chasmichthys gulosus
Chasmichthys gu losus
Chasmichthys gulosus
Chasmichthys gulosus
Chasmichthys gulosus
Cambarus longulus longerostris whole
Cambarus longulus longerostris
Cambarus longulus longerostris gut
Ulva rigida whole
Ulva persuda
Cystoseira barbata
Sargassum thumbergii
Leander adspersus
Leander pacificus
Crassostrea viginica flesh
Crassostrea viginica flesh
Lampsiles radiata soft tissues
Oncorhunchus tshawytscha muscle F. & M.
(King salmon)
······················ liver
Oncorhynchus keta roe
Chum salmon muscle
···························· liver
Oncorhynchus nerka muscle M.
(Sockeye Salmon) muscle F.
Salmon liver
Oncorhynchus nerka roe
Salmon bone
Oncorhynchus kisutch
(silver salmon) muscle F.
muscle M.
Plectonema boryanum whole cell
Plectonema boryanum whole cell
Tridacna crocea kidney
Plankton whole
Sea invertebrates whole.
Fish whole
Algae whole
Plankton whole
Sea Invertebrates whole
Fish whole
Plankton whole
Algae whole
Sea invertebrates kidney
Fish liver
Fundulus heteroclitus dried flesh
undried flesh
Appendix Ill-Table 3/471
Concentration in tissue
166 dpmjanimat
1, 071 dpmjanimal
8, 984 dpmjanimal
46,000 dpmjanimal
785, 000 dpmjanimal
8, 761,000 dpmjanimal
793 dpmjanimal
3921 dpmjani mal
23,322 dpmjanimal
78, 881 dpmjanimal
35,874,000 dpmjanimal
26,900,000 dpm/animal
1.12X10' dpmjg
2.93X103 dpm/g
3.09X10' dpmjg
2.97X10' dpmjg
2.28X10 5 dpmjg
1. 96X10 5 dpmjg
Concentration factor
0.101 (0.25 days)
0.511 (1 day)
1.57 (2 days)
2.89 (4 days)
4.58 (6 days)
4.56 (9 days)
"" ... "" ... ... 45
"" ... " ... · 420
99.3-1153 ppm
313-3174 ppm
361-863 ppm
21.3 p Cijg
0.36JLCifg (7 days)
0.32JLCifg "
0.28 JLCifg "
0.18 JLCifg (7 days)
56000 pCijg
100 pCijg
950 pCi/g
18 pCijg
8.8 pCijg
15.0 pCijg
11.0 pCijg
0.69 pCi/g
58 pCijg
130 ,,
0.0100 percent (1 hr)
0.0164 percent (3 hrs.)
0.0230 percent (4 hrs.)
0.00226 percent (1 hr)
0. 00360 percent (3 hrs)
0.00529 percent (4 hrsl
6,200 (25 C)
4 500 (30 C)
3,500 (35 C)
2,500 (40 C)
Literature Citation
Ichikawa 1961284
Hiyama and Khan 1964"'
Wiser and Nelson 1964'10
Wiser and Nelson 1964"'
Polikarpov et al. 1967"'
Preston 1967'"
Preston 1967"7
Harvey 1969"'
Jenkins 1969'"
Harvey 1969277
Harvey 1969'"
Welander 1969""
Welander 1969""
Welander 196930'
White and Thomas 191230'
472/Appendix Ill-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
TABLE 3-Continued
Copper ...... .
Gold ....
Iron ...
Concentration in sea water
N/1000 sol'n.
.004 N
CuSo sol'n
oral dose
1.1x10-• mgjml
0.01 mg/1
0.01 mg/1
Tautoga onitis
Fundulus heteroclitus
Lampsilis radiata
blue crab
blue crab
Dactyolpteru5 volitans
Melanogrammus aeglefinus
Trachurus japonicus
Pleuronectes sp.
Scomber japonicus
Cololabis saira
Lateolabrax japonicus
Chrysophyrus major
Sardinops maleanostricta
Theragra chalcogramma
Clupea pallasii
Acanthogobius flarimanus
Anthocidaris crassispina
Stichopus japonicus
Panulirus lobster
Penaeus (common shrimp)
Paneaeopsis sp. shrimp
Paralithodes camtschatica
Neptunus marine crab
Octopus fangsiano
Turbo cornutus
Haliotus gigantea
Haliotus diversicolor
Meretrix meretrix lusoria
Yenerupis japonica
Ostrea gigas
Porphyra tenera
Gelidium amansii
Tissue or organ
whole (dry)
blood system
alimentary tract
dried flesh
soft tissues
skin (scales)
dig gland
Concentration in tissue
0.008 percent
0.010 percent Cu Dry
0. 003 percent "
0.005 percent "
0.009 percent "
percent by weight of Cu.
in dried flesh
0.0160 percent (1 hr)
0. 0156 percent (2 hr)
0.0201 percent (3 hr)
• 7 perceni of oral dose after
4 days
• 6 percent of oral dose after
4 days
.08 percent of oral dose after
4 days
.04 percent of oral dose after
4 days
0.01 percent of oral dose
after 148 hours
• 056 percent of oral dose
after 148 hours
• 009 percent of oral dose
after 148 hours
• 02 percent of oral dose
after 148 hours
• 03 percent of oral dose
after 148 hours
• 0008 percent of oral dose
after 148 hours
• 042 percent of oral dose
after 148 hours
• 001 percent of oral dose
after 148 hours
12 percent of oral dose after
4 days
3 percent of oral dose after
4 days
• 8 percent of oral dose after
4 days
0.9x10-• mgfg of fish
1.2X1.0 mgjg
Concentration factor
Literature Citation
Harvey 1969"'
Duke et al. 1966272
Duke et al. 1966272
Aten et al. 1961"•
lchi kawa 1961'"
Ichikawa 1961'"
Ichikawa 19612"'
Constituent Concentration in sea water
Iron ...........................
0.00004 nCijkg
0.00004 n Cijkg
Black sea
N. W. Pacific
75n cpm/g
38n cpmjg
4.5x10-•~" Ci/125 ml
3.3 mg/1 Fe
3.4 days 1.0 mg/1
1.0 mg/1
3.3 mg/1
1.0 mg/1
3.3 mg/1
1.n mg/1
3.3 mg/1
124 pCi/1 of "Fe
Manganese ..................... ............................
10no l"g/1 for 15 days, animals
were starved
1non l"g/1 Mn
absorption in 72 hours
absorption in 72 hours
TABLE 3-Continued
Laminaria sp
Undario pinnatifida
Hizikia fusiforme
lepas (barnacle)
purple sea cucumber
sea urchins
Ulva rigida
Ulva persuda
Plectonema boryanum
Mytilus edulis
Mytilus edulis l.
Algae, fish
Clupea harengus
Gadus sp.
Scomber sp.
Pleuronectes sp.
Stichopus regalis
Sepia officinalis
Octopus vulgaris
Haliotus tubercalata
Pectan jacobaeus
Ostrea edulis
Mactra corallina
Ulva lactuca
Enteromorpha sp.
Laminaria saccharina
Fucus serratus
Homarus vulgaris
2nll-350 g
Homarus vulgaris
2nll-350 g.
Homarus vulgaris 2nll-350 g.
Homarus vulgaris
Homarus vulgaris
"(728 g)
Homarus vulgaris
Tissue or organ
whole cell
soft tissue
digestive gland
whole blood
abdominal muscle
teeth of gastric mill
stomach fluids
hind gut and rectum
excretory organs
whole blood
abdominal muscle
teeth of gastric mill
Carapace edge
whole blood
stomach fluid
abdominal muscles
excretory organs
ossicles and teeth
Appendix III-Table 3/473
Concentratoin in tissue
n.5 n Cijkg
1.5 n Cijkg
n. 36 n Ci/kg
140.n "
Concentration factor
.......................... 730
9. 5Xln' cpmjg
670 cpmjg
1.2X10' cpm/g
0.181" Cijg (2 day)
0.17 I" Ci/g (2 day)
D. 211" Cijg (2 day)
n.23JL Cijg (2 day)
480 p Cijg
an pCi/g
264, non p Cifg
2,6nD (25 C)
2,400 (3n C)
2, 700 (35 C)
3,2nD (40 C)
5. (3-4 day) (max)
5. 4 (2-3 day) (max)
1.3 (average)
1.8 (max) (0.3 day)
1. 0 (max) (1 day)
.4 (max)(2. 7 day)
. ......................... 32n
3. 9JLgfg wet tissue 15 day
4.1JLgfg wet tissue 15 day
2.4JLgfg wet tissue 15 day
0.8 11
155JLgfg wet tissue
Literature Citation
Ichikawa 1961"'
Palmer and Beasley 19672"
Palmer and Beasley 1967"'
Polikarpov et al. 1967295
Andrews and Warren 1969"'
Harvey 1969"'
Hobden 19692&1
Hobden 1969281
Welander 19693"
Ichikawa 1961284
Bryan and Ward 19652"
Bryan and Ward 19652"
Bryan and Ward 1965"'
Bryan and Ward 19652"
Bryan and Ward 19652"
4 7 4/ Appendix Ill-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
TABLE 3-Continued
Constituent Concentration in sea water Species Tissue or organ Concentration in tissue Concentration factor Literature Citation
Manganese ..... ............... 2.0 l'c/1 absorption in 12 hours Homarus vulgaris (728 g) shell carapace 96.7 ml'cfg 7.06 Bryan and Ward 1965'"
(Mn) shell claw 18.7" 1.37
shell Ietson 181.0" 1l.2
whole animal 52.5" 3.82
2. 0 l'c/1 in sea water plus Homarus vulgaris (744 g) whole blood 27.4" 2.20
10 mg Mn in stomach ab· urine 12.3" 0.99
sorption in 12 hrs. stomach fluid 3.8" O.l1
abdominal muscle 2.1" 0.17
hepalopancreas 6.1 11 0.49
gills 36.7" 2.96
excretory organs 17.3" 1.40
ossicles and teeth 31.8" 2.56
shell, carapace ll4.0" 10.8
shell, claw 85.6" 6.91
shell, Ietson 151.0" 12.2
2.0 !'C/1 in sea water plus 10 Homarus vulgaris (744 g) whole animal 59.5 ml'cfg 4.80 Bryan and Ward 1965'"
mg Mn in stomach absorption
in 12 hrs.
21'gfl normal sea water speci-Homarus vulgaris 20D-350 g. excretory organs 3. 7 l'gfg ····················· Bryan and Ward 1965'"
mens; unstarved ovary 1.6 II ···············
10 mg Mn pipetted into stomach Homarus vulgaris 320 g. blood (7 hr) 651'g/g ·····················
hepatopancreas (2") 165" ...............
stomach fluid (2 hr) 385" ................
urine (7") 85" ···············
muscle (7") 10" ...............
shell (7 ") 205" ···············
ossicles and teeth (2 ") 130" ····················
excretory organs (7") 100" ·····················
gills (7 hr) 55" ·················
0.31'Ci/l Mn" Anodonta nuttalliana calcareous tissue 97,000 cpmjg ··············· Harrison 196727'
mantle 45,000 cpmjg ····················
gills 29,000 cpm/gm .................
0.31'Ci/l Mn"+G.1 ppm Mn Anodonta nuttalliana adductor muscle 14,000 cpm/g ······················ Harrison 1967"'
dig. gland and stomach 18,000 cpm/g ···············
gonad and intestine 11,000 cpm/g
u" body fluid 3,000 cpm/g
0. 03l ppm stable Mn Unio shell 76H9.51'g/g 2.3X10' Merlini 1967'"
5.1-6.0 em gills 14185+12" 6.0X10'
mantle 13088±1470" 5.5X10'
visceral sac 3571±8l5" 1.5X1D'
adductor muscle 2539±411" 1.1
0. 033 ppm stable Mn Unio 6.1-7. 0 em shell 892±13.0" 2.6X104
gills 18257± 1179" 7.7X104
0.033 ppm Unio 6.1-7.0 em mantle 17765±5811'gfg 7.5X1D' Merlini 19672"
visceral sac 4308±307" 1.8X104
adductor muscle 2565±296" 1.1X10'
Unio 7.1-8.0 em shell 956±21.0" 2.8XID'
gills 20737±1972" 8.8X10'
mantle 19659±984" 8.lXID'
visceral sac 5034±622" 2.1X104
adductor muscle 3067±319" 1.3X104
0.0004 pCijmi"Mn Unio 5.1-6. 0 em shell 0.82X111'
gill ························ 3.6X10•
mantle .................... 3.0X1D'
0. 2 ppm stable Mn Unio 7.1-8.0 em visceral sac 5070±10951'gfg 7.6X104
adductor muscle 2514±504" 1.8XJ04
0.00015 pCi/mi"Mn Unio 4.1-5. 0 em shell 1.9X104
gill 43.0X104
0.00015 pCi/ml Unio 4.1-5.0 em mantle 22.0XJ04 Merlini 1967'"
Mn" visceral sac ·························· 5.6X10 4
Unio 5.1-6. 0 em shell ........................ 1.6XID'
gill .......................... 35. OXIO<
mantle .......................... 26.0X10<
visceral sac 9.5X10•
Unio 6.1-7.0 em shell .................... 2.0X10'
gill .................... lO.OX10<
mantle .................... 28.0X10<
visceral sac ..................... 8.6X10•
Unio 7.1-8.0 em shell ..................... 1.8X10•
gill ..................... lO.OX10<
mantle ..................... 23.0X10•
visceral sac .......................... 7.6X10•
0. 004 pCi/ml Unio 5.1-6.0 em visceral sac .......................... 1.1X10'
Mn"' Unio 6.1-7.0 em shell .......................... 0.68X10•
gills .......................... 3.1X10•
mantle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.7X10'
Appendix Ill-Table 3/475
TABLE 3-Continued
Constituent Concentration in sea water Species Tissue or organ Concentration in tissue Concentration factor Literature Citation
Manganese ......... o. 004 pCi/ml Unio 6.1-7.0 em visceral sac ·························· 1.1X10' Merlini 1967'"
(Mn) Mn54. Unio 7.1-8.0 em shell ················· 0.53X10'
gills ................. 3.8X10'
mantle ················· 4.0X104
visceral sac ................. 1.1X10'
0.02 ppm stable Mn Unio 5.1-6.0 em shell 299±64.0 l'gfg 1.5X10'
gills 1254±1292" 8.7X104
mantle 7576±986" 5.3X104
visceral sac 2154±212" 1.5X104
adductor muscle 2008±29" 1.4X10'
Unio 4.1-6.1 em shell 225±5.6" 1.1X1Q4
gills 11391±649" 8.0X10'
mantle 4805±48!" 3.4X1(14
adductor muscle 1104±115" 0. 77X10'
0.02 ppm stable Mn Unio 6.1-7.1 em shell 378±26.0 l'g/g 1.9X104 Merlini 1967'"
gills 18154±1562" 13.0X10'
mantle 15008±1288" 10.0X10'
visceral sac 4964±553" 3.5X10'
adductor muscle 2056±135" 1.4X104
Unio 7.1-8.0 em shell 515±31.5/lg/g 2.5X104
gill 20279±616" 14.0X1Q4
mantle 16316±703" 11.0X10•
Calif. Mytilus edulis whole 830 Polikarpov et al. 1967'"
Calif. Mylilus californicus whole 800-830
1.4/lgfl Laminaria digitata plant 0.33/lgfg 236 Bryan 1969'"
4.5X1o-• Plectonema boryanum whole cell 0.131'Ci/g 15, 3GO (25 C) Harvey 1969277
I'Ci/125 ml 0.16" 27,700 (30 C)
0.19" 35, 300 (35 C)
0.17" 27, 900 (~0 C)
0.013 pCi/ml Lampsiles radiata soft tissue 30.9 pCijg 2380 Harvey 1969277
clam shell 15.0" 1150
Mercury ......... 0.2 mg/1 using HgCiz Elminius whole body 0. 92 mg/1 dry wt. .......................... Corner and Rigler 1958270
(Hg) 1000 mg/1 using HgCiz Artemia whole body 0.47 mg/1 " ..........................
50 mgfl Hg using HgCI, Leander serratus Branchioslegite 4.3 mg/g dry wt. ....................
Pleopods 0.48 mg/g dry wt. ..........................
dorsal chitin 0.13 ··························
gills 0.49 mg/g ··························
antennary gland 0.32 mg/g ..........................
hepatopancreas 0.02 mg/g .....................
central nervous system 0.04 mg/g .....................
muscle 0.00 mg/g .....................
10 l'g/1 Hg injected in 0.01 ml Leander serratus branchiostegite 13.0 l'g/g dry wL ..................... Corner and Rigler 1958270
sea water as HgCI, pleopods 2.2 ··························
dorsal chitin 3.4 ..........................
gills 29.3 ··························
10 l'g/1 Hg injected in 0. 01 ml antennary gland 13. 3/lg/g dry wL ..........................
sea water as HgCiz hepatopancreas 4.4 ..........................
central nervous system 3.5 ..........................
muscle 2.7 ..........................
7. 61<c injected dose into air Crassius auratus intestine 1000 cpmjmg .......................... Hibiya and Oguri 1961""
bladder liver 1000 " ..........................
pancreas 1500 " ..........................
spleen 1500 " ..........................
kidney 11000 " ..........................
head kidney 2500-3000 " ..........................
gill 200-300 " ..........................
muscle 100-200 " ..........................
backbone 100-200 " ..........................
gonad 400-700 " ..........................
air bladder 900-1400 " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
0.06 ng/g Hg using mercuric Cod blood 2. 511 ng/g (7 days) 39.2 Hannerz 196827 •
nitrate heart 4.574 71.47
liver 0.876 13.69
spleen 1.998 31.22
gonads 0.4412 6.89
kidneys 1.529 23.89
stomach 1.248 19.50
brains 0.190 2.97
eyes 0.270 4.22
gills 234.784 3668.20
fins 7.173 112.08
scales 5.620 87.81
muscles 0.21162 3.38
bones 0.675 5 days 10.55
heart 1.711 19.72
476/Appendix Ill-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
TABLE 3-Continued
Constituent Concentration in sea water Species Tissue or organ Concentration in tissue Concentration factor Literature Citation
Mercury ....................... 0.06 ngfg Hg using mercuric Cod liver 0.365 5.70 Hannerz 19682"
(Hg) nitrate spleen 0.913 14.27
gonads 0.487 7.61
kidneys 0.798 12.47
stomach 0.670 10.47
brains (0.193) 3.02
eyes 0.153 2.39
gills 147.818 2309.70
fins 3.443 53.79
scales 3.865 60.39
muscles 0.105 1.64
bones 0.250 3.91
0.05 ng/g Hg using mercuric Glossosiphonia complanata whole 670 (65 days)
chloride (mean value) Herpobdella octoculata .......................... 534
sludge worms ·························· 517
Planorbis sp. ·························· 414
Lynmaea stagnalis ·························· 293
Physa fontinalis .......................... 637 (14 days)
Ephemeroptera larvae .......................... 138 (65 days)
·························· 28 (14 days)
TrichOptera larvae ·························· 513 (49 days)
Tipula ·························· 517
Chironomidae larvae .......................... 175
·························· 362 (65 days)
0.05 ng/g Hg using HgCI, damselfly nymphs ·························· 655
(mean value) Hydrophilidae larvae ·························· 603
Corixa sp. .......................... 414
Notonecta glauca .......................... 483
Gerris ·························· 431
Planorbis sp. ·························· 560 (one month)
Lymnaea stagnafis ·························· 247
Corixa sp. .......................... 431
0. 30 ng/g Hg mercuric chloride Pike blood 176 ngfg (8 days) 587 Hannerz 19682"
heart 258 860
liver 377 1,258
0.30 ng!g·Hg mercuric chloride Pike spleen 608 ng/g (8 days) 2,027 Hannerz 1968"'
gut 199 663
kidneys 495 1,653
gonads 107 357
eyes 36 120
brain 284 947
gills 878 2,928
·scales 214 713
fins 406 1,353
muscles 26 87
bone 56 187
o. 06 ng/g Hg mercuric nitrate Cod blood 0. 29 ng/g (2 days) 4.8
heart 0.58 9.7
liver 0.08 1.3
spleen 0.35 5.8
kidneys 0.21 3.5
0.06 ngfg Hg mercuric nitrate Cod gut 0. 20 ng/g (2 days) 3.3 Hannerz 1968"•
brain 0.15 2.5
.eyes 0.05 0.8
gills 47.8 796.6
fins 1.46 24.3
scales 2.99 49.8
muscles 0.03 0.5
bones 0.07 1.2
Nickel. ........................ 8. 2±0. 2 cpmjg present in soil Tridacna crocea kidney 158.0±2.6 cpm/g .......................... Beasley and Held 1969"'
(Ni) ............................ Tridacna crocea kidney 41. 2±0. 6 cpm/g
80.0±1.0 cpm/g present in soil kidney 163.0±3.0 cpm/g ..........................
Silver .......................... 7. 51'c injected into air bladder Crassius auratus intestine 200-300 cpm/mg .......................... Hibiya and Oguri 1961"'
(A g) liver 2250 " ..........................
pancreas 250-400 cpm/mg ..........................
spleen 200-500 " ..........................
kidney ~400 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
head kidney ~400 ..........................
gill ~250 ..........................
7. 51'c injected into air bladder Crassius auratus muscle 100 cpmfmg .......................... Hibiya and Oguri 1961"'
backbone 150 ..........................
gonad 200 ..........................
air bladder 500-2500 " ..........................
uranium ...... .
Zinc ......... .
Concentration in sea water
3.0XTO-• percent
200, ooo cpm/1
12, ooo cpm/1
45,000 cpm/1 (22 days)
45,000 cpm/1 (22 days)
45,000 cpm/1 (3 day)
5,000 cpm (45 hrs)
5,000 cpm (45 hrs)
5,000 cpm/1
5000 cpm/1
20 ppm
injected dose 9.3 p.C
Charaphytae diatomae
Meretrix meretrix tuzoria
Cyprinus carpio
Cyprinus carpio
Cyprinus carpio
Cyprinus carpio
Salmo gairdneri
Crassius auratus
TABLE 3-Continued
Tissue or organ
gonads hard roe)
gonads (soli roe)
viscera (without liver)
adductor muscle
marginal part of foot
central part of foot
ashed soli tissue
caudal fin
gall bladder
caudal fin
ga.l bladder
caudal fin
gall bladder
caudal fin
gall bladder
head kidney
Concentration in tissue
2.0X1(t-3 percent U
6.8Xllr4 percent U
4.15X1o-'-3. 7X1o-•
510 cpm/g
275 "
270 "
245 "
165 "
165 "
140 II
15.8 cpmjg
299 cpm/g
285 "
65 II
57 II
50 cpmjg
27 "
26 "
127 "
35 II
27 "
89 II
119 "
31 cpmjg
86 II
29 If
121 "
251 "
1180 "
173 "
128 "
40 II
56 "
36 II
50 "
39 cpm/g
65 II
690 "
37 II
7.4-12 ppm
60-63 ppm
475 cpmjmg
250 "
200 "
75 II
130 "
175 "
Appendix Ill-Table 3/477
Concentration factor Literature Citation
Kovalsky et at. 1967"•
Saiki and Mori 1955'02
Saiki and Mori 1955302
Saiki and Mori 1955'02
Saiki and Mori 1955'02
Lloyd 1960"'
540-4400 Hibiya and Oguri 1961278
478/Appendix Ill-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
Constituent Concentration in sea water Species
Zinc ........................... injected dose 9.3 p.C Crassius auratus
···························· Clupea harengus
Anguilla anguilla
Mugil cephalus
Pleuronects sp.
Stichopus tremulus
Palaemon vulgaris
Callinectes hastatus
OctopUs vulgaris
Sepia officinalis
Loligo vulgaris
Haliotus tuberculata
Ostrea edulis
Pecten japobaeus
Geldium gracilaria
Laminario digitata
(10.3p.c) 0.25 ppm Zn lctalurus nebulosus
" 0.5 ppm Zn
" l.OppmZn
(3.08 p.C) 3.0 ppm Zn
(61.6p.e) 6.0 ppm Zn
(10.3 p.c) 0.25 ppm Zn
(10.3p.c)0.50 ppmZn
(10.3 p.c) 1.0 ppm Zn
(30.8 p.c) 3.0 ppm Zn
(61.6p.c) 6.0 ppm Zn
8.5p.C/I; pH 7.3 26 hrs. in the Porphyra
8.5 p.C/1; 26 hrs in the light
pH 8.6
8.5 p.c/1; 26 hrs. in the light
pH 7.3
8.5p.C/I; in 26 hours pH 8.6 Porphyra
in the dark
100 p.g/115 day exposure Homarus vulgaris (300 g)
100 p.g/115 day exposure Homarus vulgaris (300 g)
100 p.g/143 day exposure (390 g)
100 p.g/1 plus 6600 p.g Zn over (290 g)
10 days (injected); 13 days in
sea water
100 p.g/1 plus 6600 p.g Zn over Homarus vulgaris (290 g)
10 days (injected); 13 days in
sea water
100 p.g/1 Zn in sea water plus
6600 p.g Zn over 10 days
(injected); 3 days after
100 p.g/1 Zn in sea water plus Homarus vulgaris (460 g)
6600 p.g Zn over 10 days
(injected); killed 19 days
after injections
TABLE 3-Continued
Tissue or organ
air bladder
whole fish
whole algal disc
whole algal disc
whole algal disc
whole algal disc
excretory organs
abdominal muscle
stomach fluid
excretory organs
abdominal muscle
stomach fluid
vas. deferens
excretory organs
abdominal muscle
stomach fluid
excretory organs
abdominal muscle
stomach fluid
vas deferens
Concentration in tissue
110 u
30 II
75 II
40 II
11' 000
5, 700
0.061 u
0.025 u
0.529 u
1.510 u
0.066 u
0.067 u
0.100 u
1.040 u
2.110 u
230 counl/min/g fresh wt.
400 counljmin/g fresh wl
300 count/min/g fresh wl
330 counlfmin/g fresh wl
6. 7 p.g/g wet wt.
30.8 p.g/g wet wl
158.0 p.g/g wet wt.
o. 1 p.g/g wet wl
117.0 u
Concentration factor
Literature Citation
Hibiya and Oguri 1961"'
Ichikawa 1961'"
Joyner 1961'"
Bryan 1964"'
Bryan 1964'"
Bryan 1964"'
Constituent Concentration in sea water
Zinc........................... 3000 "g Zn injected into
(Zn) stomach; 300 hrs later,
lOOO "g Zn; 7 hrs after
3000 "g injection 150 hrs later
0.004~LC/144 days
0. 4 g radioactive brine-shrimp
injested-44 days
7X1o-• "c/ml
0. 43 c/g "Zn
0.43 cjg 65Zn
13 "c/1 Zn+15 l'g/1 stable Zn
6 "c "Zn 1, 860 "g/i+ stable
6 "c .,zn
60 l'gfl stable
13 "c/1 65Zn+ 15 l'g/1 stable
6 "c/I"Zn+1,860 l'g/1 stable
6 l'c/I"Zn+60 l'g/1 stable
same as above
Same as above
25 "Ci "Zn/1 (1.81'Cifl'g)
7. 1 l'gfl 25 day exposure
600 "gfg alter 30-31 days
0.028 pCi/ml
25 I'Ci "Zn/1
0.104X1Q-1! pCi
Appendix III-Table 3/479
TABLE 3-Continued
Homarus vulgaris (300 g)
Liltorina obtusata
Fucus edentatus
Carteria sp., Witzschia
mud crabs
marsh grass
blue crabs
mud crabs
marsh grass
blue crabs
mud clams
blue crabs
Ulva pertusa
Yernerupis philippinarum
Leander sp.
Tissue or organ
excretory organs
whole animal
visceral mass
visceral mass
Slronglyocenlrotus pulcherrimus dig. tract
Crassostrea virginica
Mercenaria mercenaria
Aequipeclen irradians
Panoplus herbslii
Aronyx sp
Laminaria digitata
Lampsilis radiata
Plalichthys stellatus
Crassostrea gigas
dig. tract
whole plant
soli tissues
Concentration in tissue
240 l'gfg wet wt.
117 "g/g wet wL
24 l'gfg wet wt.
Concentration factor
. .. . ... . . . . .. . . . . ... ... ... 25
6. 5X10< cpm/g (3 days)
21 pgfg (of animal)
4. 2X10• cpmjg (4 days)
77±21 ""cjg (1 day)
54±32 " (1 day)
39± 17 " (1 day)
73±8 " (66 days)
1,111±502 (1 day)
323±172""cjg(1 day)
5,561±578 "
290 (4 days)
34 (3 day)
4 (3 day)
68 (4 days)
200 (11 days)
14 (14 days)
25 (1 day)
.......................... 243
114.2 pCijg
40-90±37 "gZnjg
0.99p Cijg-
Literature Citation
Bryan 19642"
Hoss 19642"
Mehran and Tremblay 1955202
Regnier 1965"•
Duke et al. 1966"'"
Duke 1967271
Duke 1957211
Duke et al. 1966"'"
Cross et al. 1968""
Bryan 19692"
Harvey 19692"
Renfro and Osterberg 19692"
Salo and Leet1969'"
480/ Appendix III-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
Constituent Concentration in sea water
Zinc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 751'C/I Zn"
Crassostrea virginica
TABLE 3-Continued
Tissue or organ
soft tissue
labial palps
dig. gland
extracellular nuid
pallial fluid
Concentration in tissue Concentration factor Literature Citation
51.1±10.4 cpm/mg Fowler et aL 1970'"
27.8±7.0 "
16.5±8.3 "
65. 8±5. 7 cpm/mg Fowler et aL 1970'"
17.9±4.9 "
159.4±77.6 ppm 1-2XJ06 Wolfe1970"'
135 ppm
79 ppm
Appendix Ill-Table 4/481
APPENDIX III-TABLE 4-Maximum Permissible Concentrations of Inorganic Chemicals in Food and Water
Constituent Maximum Permissible
Ammonia (NHa). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. 5 mg/1
5 ppm
Arsenic (As)... 3.5 mg/kg
Barium (Sa) ....
Boron (B).
Bromine (Br) ..... .
Bromine (Br) .........
0.1 mg/1
1.0 mg/kg
0.2 mg/1
5 ppm
1.0 mg/1
30 ppm
8 ppm
75 ppm
50 ppm
40 ppm
30 ppm
25 ppm
10 ppm
5 ppm
50 ppm
100 ppm
25 ppm
75 ppm
325 ppm
400 ppm
Bromine (Br) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 25 ppm
Bromine (Br) ..
20 ppm
15 ppm
10 ppm
5 ppm
60 ppm
40 ppm
25 ppm
400 ppm
125 ppm
90 ppm
130 ppm
125 ppm
75 ppm
50 ppm
25 ppm
Cadmium (Cd).................. 0.1 mg/1
0.01 mg/1
0.05 mg/1
Calcium (Ca)...... 75 mg/1
Chromium (Cr).... .... .. .. 0.05 mg/1
0.05 mg/1
0.05 mg/in'
Copper (Cu).. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. 1. 0 mg/1
1.0 mg/1
0.05 mg/1
2 mg/1
7 mg/1
20 mgjkg
60 mg/kg
300 mg/kg
Substance Allowed to Contain
Given Concentration
drinking water
apples and pears
fruils and vegetables
ready-to-drink beverages
drinking water
certain foods
drinking water
cotton seed
citrus fruits
vegetables, broccoli, carrots, melons, parsnips,
eggplant, okra, summer squash, sweet corn,
sweet potatoes, tomatoes
cucumber, lettuce, peppers
cottonseed, peanuts
asparagus, cauliflower
lima beans, strawberries
beans, bittermelons, cantalopes, bananas, citrus
lruits, cucumber, guavas, lilchi fruit, Iongan
frui~ mangoes, papaya, pepper, pineapple,
cherries and plums
malting of barley
parmesan & roqueforl cheese
dried eggs, processed herbs and spices
raspberries, summer squash
citrus fruit
cherries and plums
walnuts and strawberries
apricots, nectarines, peaches
muskmelon, tomato
broccoli, cauliflower, peppers, pineapples, straw-
dog lood
dehydrated citrus fruit for caiUe
endive and lettuce
almond hulls, carrots, celery, snap beans, turnip
almonds, brussel sprouts, broccoli, cabbage,
cauliflower, eggplant, mel on, peanuts, peppers,
pineapples, tomatoes
berries, cottonseed, cucumbers, grapes
drinking water
drinking water
drinking water
drinking water
drinking water
drinking water
for covering surface of food containers
closure area of packing containers
drinking water
drinking water
drinking water
ready-to-drink beverages
cider and concentrated soft drinks
yeast and yeast products
solid pectin
Conditions & Comments Reference
recommended limitfor domestic water supplies; concentra-World Health Organization 1961'" (WHO 1961)
lion as NH,(+)
tolerance for residues ammonium sulfate Food & Drug Administration 1971'" (FDA 1971)
limilfor residue on sprayed fruits & vegetables using copper FDA 1971'16
arsenate, calcium arsentae & magnesium arsenate
limit for content Food Standards Committee for England & Wales 1959'"
regulation on content of food Food Standards Committee for England & Wafes1959'"
recommended limit for domestic water supplies; cone. as WHO 1961 3"
maximum permissible content
maximum allowable limit
residues from post-harvest application
residues from post-harvest application
tolerance for residues using nematocide ethylene dibromide;
concentration as Br
tolerance for residues using nematocide ethylene dibromide;
cone. as Br
concentration as Br tolerance for residues fumigated after
harvest with dibromide
bromate calculated as Br tolerance for residues
residues for Bromides calculated as Br
Department of National Health & Welfare, Canada 1911
(CANADA 1971)"'
U. S. Department of Health, Education & Welfare, Public
Health Service Drinking Water Standards 1962 (PHS
FDA 1971'16
FDA 1971'16
FDA 1971"6
FDA 1971'16
tolerance for residues of inorganic bromides; concentration FDA 1971'16
as Br
soil treatment with nematocide 1, 2-dibromo 3, chloropro-
pane tolerance for residues calculated as Br
tolerance for res!dues calculated as Br
tolerance for residues calculated as Br
maximum permissible concentration of Cd in domestic sup-
mandatory limit of Cd in domestic supplies
tolerance limit of Cd in domestic supplies
permissible limit
mandatory limit for Cr+6 in domestic supplies
mandatory limit
limit not to be exceeded
FDA 1971'16
Kirkor 1951'1•
PHS 1962317
WHO 1961319
World Health Organization International Standards for
Drinking Water 1958 (WHO 1958)'18
WHO 1961'1•
FDA 1971'16
concentration calculated as Cr using chromic chloride com-FDA 1971'16
recommended limit PHS 1962317
permissible limit for domestic water supplies
permissible limit for domestic water supplies
established limits
established limits
established limits
WHO 1958318
WHO 1961'1•
British Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food 1956112
482/Appendix III-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
TABLE 4-Continued
Constituent Maximum Permissible Substance Allowed to Contain Conditions & Comments Reference
Concentration Given Concentration
Copper (Cu) .................... 3 ppm pears tolerance for residues complexed copped for copper carbo· FDA T97J316
nate; post-harvest use
TOO ppm certain foods maximum quantities CANADA T9713!3
Cyanide (CN) ................•.. O.OT mg/1 drinking water maximum allowable limit WHO T958,3!8T96T3!9
O.OT mg/1 drinking water recommended limit PHS T9623!7
0.2 mg/1 drinking water mandatory limit "
25 ppm cereals and grains post-harvest application of CaCN FDA 197T016
250 ppm spices post-harvest fumigation with HCN; tolerances for residues FDA T97T3!6
TOO ppm cereals
25 ppm nuts, i.e. almonds, etc.
125 ppm cereal flours limits not to be exceeded
90 ppm cereals cooked before eating re~dues of HCN shall not exceed these limits
50 ppm uncooked pork
20 ppm cocoa
0. T5 percent bakery products
O.T percent egg white solids
0. 095 percent frozen meat
0. T5 percent yeast
Fluorine (F) .................... T.2 mg/1 drinking water recommended control limits optimum; 5D-53. 7 F PHS T962'11
0.7 mg/1 drinking water at79.3-90.5 F
T.5 mg/1 drinking water recommended limit WHO T96J319
7 ppm apple, apricot, bean, beet, blackberries, blue-tolerance of combined fluorine for insecticidal fluorine com· FDA T97J316
berries, boysenberries, broccoli, brussel pounds, cryolite and synthetic cryolite
sprout, etc. most fruits & vegetables
Fluorine (F) ...................• 25 ppm certain foods maximum CANADA T971'!3
Iron (Fe) ....................... 0.3 mg/1 drinking water recommended limit PHS T9623!7
0.3 mg/1 drinking water permissible limit WHO 1958318
T.O mgjl drinking water excessive limit
O.T mgjl drinking water recommended limit WHO T96J319
Lead (Pb) ...................... TO ppm certain foods maximum permissible levels mandatory limitfor domestic CANADA 197T313
water supplies
0.05 mg/1 drinking water PHS T9623!7
0.1 mg/1 drinking water WH 0 T958,318T96J319
7 ppm most fruit, i.e. apples, grapes, mangoes, peaches, tolerance of combined lead using lead arsenate FDA T97J316
cherries, etc; tomatoes, young berries, rasp-
berries, peppers,:etc.
Magnesium (Mg) ............... T25 mg/1 drinking water recommended limit for domestic water supply WH0196T319
Manganese (Mn) ...............• 0.05 mg/1 drinking water recommended limit for domestic water supply PHS T962317
O.TO mg/1 drinking water permissible limit tor domestic water supply WHO 1958318
0.50 mg/1 drinking water excessive limit for domestic water supply
Manganese (Mn) ................ 0.01 mg/1 drinking water recommend limit for domestic water supply WHO 1961'19
Mercury (Hg) ................... 0.005 mg/1 drinking water maximum permissible concentration Kirkor T95J315
0.5 ppm certain foods interim guidelines CANADA 197T3!3
Nickel (Ni) ..................... 1.0 mg/1 drinking water maximum permissible concentration Kirkor T951'1•
Nitrates ........................ 50 mg/1 drinking water recommended limit for domestic water supply WHO 196J319
Selenium (Se) .................. 0.01 mg/1 drinking water mandatory limit for domestic water supply PHS 1962317
0.05 mg/1 drinking water WHO T958,31819613!9
Silver (A g) ....................• 0.05 mgjl drinking water PHS T962317
Zinc (Zn) ....................... 5 mg/1 drinking water recommended limit for domestic water supply
5 mg/1 drinking water WHO 1958,3!819613!'
65 ppm peanut, vine hay & sugar beets using Zn ion calculated as Zn FDA T9713!•
25ppm straws of barley oats & rye, wheat
T5 ppm bananas, fodder of Held corn, sweet corn and pre & posl·harvest use, Zn ion calculated as Zn
Zinc (Zn) ....................... 10ppm apples, celery, crabapples, fennel, pears, quinces, pre and post-harvest use, Zn ion calculated as Zn FDA 197J316
7ppm cranberries,cucumbers,grapes,summersquash, using Zn ion calculated as Zn
tomatoes, melons
5 ppm grains of barley, oats, rye and wheal
2 ppm carrots, sugar beets
0.5 ppm corn, grain, cotton seed, kidney, liver, onions,
0.1 ppm asparagus
30 ppm peaches tolerance for residues of fungicide ba~c zinc suHate
Appendix III-Table 5/483
.4PPENDIX Ill-TABLE 5-Total Annual Production of Inorganic Chemicals in the U.S.A.
(U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 1971)""
Total Annual Product Total Annual Product
Constituent Form of Element Production Code Year Constituent Form of Element Production Code Year
(short Ions) (short tons)
Aluminum ...•.• AI,0.--100 percent 6,639,891 2819511 1969 Cyanide ........ HCN-100 percent 205,208 2819451 1969
(AQ AICia-liquid & crystal 23,838 2819611 & 1969 (CN)
AICia-(100 percent) anhydrous 39,511 2819617 1969
AI.Oa•3 H,0-100 percent 325,767 2819625 1969 Fluorine ........ HF-100 percent anhydrous 221,536 2819461 1969
AIF:r-(tech) 143,131 2819627 1969 (F) NaF-100 percent 6,885 2819728 1969
Ab(SO,):r-(comm) 1,243,803 2819651 1969 Na.SiF,-100 percent 48,975 2819751 1969
17 percent AI.Oa HF-100 percent 17,206 2819465 1969
Ammonia ....... synthetic-anhydrous 12,917,842 2819131 1969 Hydrogen ....... H.so.-100 percent 29,536,914 28193-1969
(NHa) byproduct liquor 14,000 2819131 1969 (H+)
Ntt.CI-gray & while 26,615 2819141 & 1965*
2819143 Iron ............ FeCia-100 percent 66,674 2819942 1969 NH,N0.--100 percent 5,891,234 2819151 1969
(NH,),S0,-100 percent 1,915,721 2819157 1969 (Fe) FeS0,-100 percent 192,020 2819943 1969
Barium ......... BaCO:r-100 percent 79,002 2819904 1969 Manganese ..... MnS0,•4 H20 40,806 2819950 1969
(Ba) (Mn)
Bismuth ........ subcarbonate 100 percent (bi,O,COa)· H,O 57 28199-1969 Mercury .......• mercury-redistilled 475,688 (lbs) 2819953 1969 (Bi) (Hg)
Boron .......... boric acid-100 percent 138,969 2819411 1969 Nickel. ......... NiSO,• 6 H,0-100 percent 20,388 2819956 1969
NaB.Oz·10 H,o 624,257 2819724 1969 (Ni)
Calcium ..•..... carbide-(Comm) 856,039 2819912 1969 Phosphorus ..... elemental-whi;e & red (tech) 628,957 2819958 & 1969 (Ca) CaHPO.-animal feed grades 100 percent 496,027 2819919 1969 (P) 2819959 CaHPO.-olher grades 416,096 2819920 1969 POCia-100 percent 31,404 2819960 1969 CaCO:r-100 percent 206,078 2819913 1969 p,s,-100 percent 55,759 2819961 1969
P•Oo-100 percent 3,566 2819962 1966*
Chlorine ....•..• 100 percent cr. gas 9,413,885 2812111 1969 PCia-100 percent 57,312 2819963 1969
(CQ 100 percent cr. liquid 4,399, 712 2812115 1969
calcium hypochlorite (75 percent Cl) 42,941 2819211 1969 Silver. ......... AgCN-100 percent 1,795 2819971 1969 HCI-100 percent 1,910,757 2819441, 1969 (Ag) (thousand av oz.) 2819445 & AgNO:r-113,809 2819972 1969** 2819447
NaCI0.--100 percent 187,221 2819727 1969
' Sulphide ........ NaSH-100 percent 27,364 2819729 1969
Chromium ...... chromic acid-100 percent 24,859 2819431 1969 Na,s-&0-62 percent concentrated 22,222 2819782 1967***
(Cr) sodium bichromate and chromate 152,593 2819929 & 1969 Na,s-&0-62 percent concentrated crystal 122,022 2819781, 1969
& liquid (totaQ 2819782, & 2819931 2819783
Copper ......... Cu0-100 percent 1,910 2819934 1968*
(Cu) cu,0-100 percent 1,742 2819935 1969 Zinc ...........• ZnCI.-100 percent 27,986 2819984 1966*
cus0.·5 H.0-100 percent 47,163 2819936 1969 (Zn) znso,. 7 H.0-100 percent . 57,774 2819987 1969
*1965through 1966 figures withheld to avoid disclosing the figures for individual companies.
•• Includes unspecified amounts produced and shipped on contract basis.
••• combined with 81 and 83 for 1969.
484/ Appendix Ill-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
Substance Tested Formulation
Insecticides Organochloride
Aldrin................ Technical
Aldrin................ Technical
Aldrin.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 percent
Aldrin... . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 percent
Aldrin.. . . . . • . . . . . . . . 100 percent
Aldrin............... . .............•...........
Aldiin .. ............
Aldrin ..............•
Aldrin ...............
Aldrin ..............•
Aldrin ..............•
Aldrin ...............
Aldrin .•..........•..
Aldrin .•...•.........
Aldrin ...............
Aldrin ..............•
Aldrin •..............
Aldrin •.....•........
Aldrin ..•..........•.
Tri·&·Dust. .••.......
Chlordane ............
Chlordane .•..........
Chlordane .•..........
DDT ......•....••...
DDT ........•.•..•.•
DDT ....•....•.••...
DOT ........•..•....
DDT ..••...•..•.•...
DDT ..•.•...........
DDT ...•...•........
DDT .•.•...........•
DDT ....•.•....•....
DDT .......••....•..
DDT ..........•.....
DDT ..••..•.........
DDT ..•...•.•..•....
DDT ...•...........•
DDTb ..•.•...•.•••.•
Toxaphene .•..••.•.•.
Parathion ••...•.•..••
DOT .•..............
DOT ................
DDT ............•..•
DDT ..........•....•
DDT ..•..•..•.•...•.
DDT ..•.......••....
DDT ..•.....•.•.....
DDT .•.•............
DDT .•.•......•.....
DDT .••.•...........
DDT ......•.........
DDT ....•.•.........
DDT ...•..••.......•
DDT .•.•............
DDT •...•...........
DDT. .•.•.•...••..•.
100 percent
100 percent
100 percent
100 percent
100 percent
100 percent
100 percent
100 percent
81 percent
Benzene Hexachoride
100 percent
100 percent
100 percent
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wettable powder
Wettable powder
Wettable powder
Wettable powder
Wettable powder
Technical Grade
77 percent
77 percent
P,P' isomer
P, P'isomer
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
P, P'isomer
P,P' isomer
P, P'isomer
P, P'isomer
P, P'isomer
P, P1 isomer
Organism Tested
Palaemon macrodactylus*
Palaemon macrodactylus
Crangon septemspinosa
Palaemonetes vulgaris
Pagurus longicarpus
Mercenaria mercenaria
Fundulus heteroclitus
Fundulus heteroclitus
Fundulus majalis
Menidia menidia
Mugil cephalus
Thalassoma bilasciatum
Sphaeroides maculatus
Anguilla rostrata
Gasterosteus aculeatus
Cymatogaster aggregata
Cymatogaster aggregata
Micrometrus minimus
Micrometrus minimus
Penaeus setiferus
Penaeus aztecus
Palaemon macrodactylus
Palaemon macrodactylus
Gasterosteus aculeatus
Dunaliella euchlora
Dunaliella euchlora
Dunaliella euchlora
Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Skeletonema costatum
Skeletonema costatum
Skeletonema costatum
Cyclotella nana
Cyclotella nana
Protococcus sp
Chiarella sp
Dunaliella euchlora
Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Monochrysis Jutheri
Crassostrea virginica
Penaeus duorarum
Palaemon macrodactylus
Palaemon macrodactylus
Crangon septemspinosa
Palaemonetes vulgaris
Callinectes sapidus
Callinectes sapidus
Pagurus longicarpus
Fundulus heteroclitus
Fundulus heteroclitus
Fundulus majalis
Menidia menidia
Mugil cephalus
Anguilla rostrata
Thalassoma bifasciatum
Sphaeroides maculatus
* N.D. Italic type fonts were not available in a suitable point s!ze. Ed.
• Concentration of Tri·&·dust
Common Name
Korean shrimp
Korean shrimp
Sand shrimp
Grass shrimp
Hermit crab
Hard clam
Striped killifish
AUantic silverside
Striped mullet
Northern puffer
American eel
Threespine stickleback
Shiner perch
Shiner perch
Dwarf perch
Dwarf perch
White shrimp
Brown shrimp
Korean shrimp
Korean shrimp
Threespine stickleback
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
·························· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
·························· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
American oyster
Pink shrimp
Korean shrimp
Korean shrimp
Sand shrimp
Grass shrimp
Blue crab
Blue crab
Hermit crab
Striped kilifish
Atlantic silverside
Striped mullet
American eel
Northern puffer
Ufe Stage or Size Cone. (ppb act ingred.)
(mm) in water
................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. ................
················· . ................
················· . ................
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. ••••..........••
················· .................
················· .................
27 mean height
13.3 mm(Aug.)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
80 mm
• 74 (.51-1.08)
3 (1. 1-8.5)
> 10000
2. 26 (1. 08-4. 74)
2.03 (1-4.2)
18 (1D-38)
II (7-18)
40 >
0.86 (0.47-1.59)
0.17 (O.O!HI.32)
19. (9.-36.)
35. (21-57)
Methods of Assessment
37 percent survival
00 percent
42 percent reduction in o, evolution
32 percent reduction in o, evolution
30 percent reduction in o, evolution
35 percent reduction in o, evolution
39 percent reduction in o, evolution
32 percent reduction in o, evolution
36 percent reduction in Q, evolution
33 percent reduction in o, evolution
33 percent reduction in Q, evolution
Effect of toxicant on growth of phytoplank·
0.50 value a
1. 00 rat!o of D.O.
0. 74 of ExptjO.O.
0. 91 control
Weight difference between control and ex.
peri mental oysters
Data for Organic Compounds
Test Procedure Temp C Salinity 01 oo Other Environmental Criteria
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr intermittent flow lab bioassay
96 hr static bioassay
96 hr static bioassay
96 hr static bioassay
10 day two-cell stage fertilized
10 day eggs introduced into test media
48 hr 50 percent of eggs develop
12 day 50 percent of larvae survive
96 hr static bioassay
96 hr static bioassay
96 hr static bioassay
96 hr static bioassay
96 hr static bioassay
96 hr static bioassay
96 hr static bioassay
96 hr static bioassay
96 hr static bioassay
96 hr static bioassay
96 hr intermittent flow bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr intermittent flow bioassay
24 hr static lab bioassay
24 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr intermittent flow lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
o, production measured by Winkler
Light-and-Dark Bottle Technique.
Length of test 4 hr.
Organisms grown in test media con-
taining pesticides for 10 days O.D.
measured at 530 ml'
36 wk chronic lab bioassay
28 day flowing lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr flowing lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
13-18 12-30
13-18 12-30
20±.5 24
20±.5 24
20±.5 24
20 24
20 24
20 24
20 24
20 24
20 24
20 24
20 24
20±.5 25
13±1 28
14-18 25(25-26)
13±1 16
14-18 28
17.4-22.3 31.4
17.4-22.3 31.4
1a-1e 12-30
13-18 12-30
20±.5 25
• Mixture of 1. 0 ppb of DDT, Toxaphene, Parathion.
' Residue after 36 week exposure.
Turb. 1-12 JTU
Turb. 1-12 JTU
pH 8.0 D.O. 7.1-7.7 mg/1
pH 8.0 D.O. 7.1-7.7 mg/1
pH 8.0 D.O. 7.1-7.7 mg/1
pH 8.0 D.O. 7.1-7.7 mg/1
pH 8.0 D.O. 7.1-7.7 mg/1
pH 8.0 D.O. 7.1-p mg/1
pH 8.0 D.O. 7.1-7. 7 mg/1
pH 8.0 D.O. 7.1-7.7 mg/1
pH 8.0 D.O. 7.1-7.7 mg/1
pH 8.0 D.O. 7.1-7.7 mg/1
pH 8.0 D.O. 7.1-7. 7 mg/1
pH 6.8-7.4 Total alkalinity=
45-57 ppm
5.0 JTU Turbidity
Turbidity 7 (5-10) JTU
Turbidity 18 JTU
Turbidity 7 JTU
Turb. 1-12 JJU
Turb. 1-12 JTU
pH 6.8-7.4 Total Alkalinity
as CaCoa 45-57 ppm
250 ft.-c for 4 hrs
500 ft.-c continuous
Turb. 1-12 JTU
Turb. 1-12 JTU
pH=8.0 DO 7.1-7.8
pH=8.0 DO 7.1-7.8
pH=8.C DO 7.1-7.8
Appendix III-Table 6/485
Statistical Evaluation Residue levels mgfkg Other Parameters Reference
95 percent confidence intervals
95 percent confidence
95 percent confidence intervals
95 percent confidence intervals
Results analyzed
T -test significance 5.3
at 0. 05 level 2. 9
Mean in water weights were statistically DDE=13.0'
different at 0.05 after 22 wks. DDE=.20
95 percent confidence intervals
95 percent confidence intervals
95 percent confidence intervals
None SL
95 percent confidence 1. 5
Interval/slope func. 1. 9
0.19 (muscle)
Tissue changes
associated with
gill, kidneys,
digestive tu-
bules, visceral
ganglion and
tissues beneath
gills. Mycelial
fungus also
Earnest (unpublished)'"
Eisler 1969"7
Eisler 1969'"
Eisler 1969'"
Davis and Hidu 1969'"
Davis and Hidu 1969'"
Davis and Hidu 1969324
Davis and Hidu 1969324
Eisler 1970a'"
Eisler 1970b'"
Eisler 1970b'"
Eisler 1970b'"
Eisler 1970b"'
Eisler 197011'"
Eisler 1970b'"
Eisler 1970b'"
Katz 1961'"
Earnest and Benville (unpublished)'"
Chin and Allen 1957'"
Chin and Allen 1957323
Earnest (unpublished)'"
Earnest (unpublished)'"
Katz 1961"'
Derby and Rober 1971'"
Ukeles 1962'"
Lowe et al. 1971b'"
Nimmo el a1. (unpublished)'"
Earnest (unpublished)'"
Earnest (unpublished)'"
Eisler 1969'"
Eisler 1969'"
Mahood el al. 1970"2
Mahood el al. 1970'"
Eisler 1969'"
Eisler 1970a"'
Eisler -1970b"'
Eisler 1970b"'
Eisler 1970b'"
Eisler 1970b'"
Eisler 1970b"'
Eisler 1970b'"
Eisler 1970b3"
486/ Appendix III-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
Substance Tested Formulation IJrganism Tested Common Name Life Stage or Size Cone. (ppb acl ingred.) Methods of Assessment
(mm) in water
DDT .••••..•.....•.. P,P'isomer Gasterosteus aculeatus Threespine stickleback 22-44 mm 11.5 TLM
DDT ..•••.•..•..•... Technical grade Cymatogaster aggregata Shiner perch 48-104 7.6 TL-50
DDT .•.•.•..•....... Technical grade Micrometrus minimus Dwarf perch 48-104 4.6 TL-50
DDT ..•............. P,P'isomer Cymatogaster aggregata Shiner perch . ................ .45 (0.21-0.94) TL-50
DDT.. ••....•.....•. P,P'i!O'bmer Micrometrus minimus Dwarf perch ················· 0.26 (0.13-0.52) TL-50
Dieldrin ...•.....•...• 85 percent Palaemon macrodactylus Korean shrimp ················· 16.9 (10.8-33.4)
Dieldrin ..•..•.....•.. 85 percent Palaemon macrodactylus Korean shrimp . ................ 6.9 (3. 7-13.1)
Dieldrin ..•.•......... 100 percent Crangon septemspinosa Sand shrimp 26 mm 7 LC-50
Dieldrin ..•....•...... 100 percent Palaemonetes vulgaris Grass shrimp 31 mm 50 LC-50
Dieldrin ...•.........• 100 percent Pagurus Iongicarpus Hermit crab 3.5mm 18 LC-50
Dieldrin .............• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crassostrea virginica American oyster Egg 640. TLM
Dieldrin .............. ·························· Nassa obsoleta Mud snail Adult 1,000 No. egg cases deposited significant less
than control. Control= 1473 Expl=18
Dieldrin .•••..•....... .......................... Fundulus heteroclitus Mummichog 37mm 5 LC-50
Dieldrin ...•.........• 100 percent Fundulus heteroclitus Mummichog 51 mm 5 LC-50
Dieldrin .............. 100 percent Fundulus majalis Striped killifish 40 mm 4 LC-50
Dieldrin .............. 100 percent Menidia menidia Atlantic silverside 57 mm 5 LC-50
Dieldrin .............. 100 percent Mugil cephalus Striped mullet 85 mm 23 LC-50
Dieldrin .............• 100 percent Anguilla rostrata American eel 57 mm .9 LC-50
Dieldrin .............. 100 percent Thalassoma bifasciatum Bluehead 80 mm 6 LC-50
Dieldrin .............• 100 percent Sphaeroides maculatus Northern puffer 168 mm 34. LC-50
Dieldrin ...•.•........ Technical Gasterosteus aculeatus Threespine stickleback 22-44 13.1 TLM
Dieldrin ......•....... Technical Cymatogaster aggregata Shiner perch 48-104 3.7 TL-50
Dieldrin ....•......... Technical Micrometrus minimus Dwarf perch 48-104 5. TL-50
Dieldrin .............• 0.012 percent W /V Poecilia Iatipinna Sailfin mollie ? 7.5 Reduced reproduction control-young born
65 Exp.-young born 37
Dieldrin ........•..... 0.012 percent W /V Poecilia Iatipinna Sailfin mollie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. SGOTactivity'
' 12. increase
Dieldrin .............• Technical Cymatogaster aggregata Shiner perch ................. 1.5(0.73-3.20) TL-50
Dieldrin .............. ·Technical Micrometrus minimus Dwarf perch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.44 (1.1&-5.11) TL-50
Endrin ............... 99 percent Palaemon macrodactyiiiS Korean shrimp ················· 4.7 (2.3-9.4) TL-50
Endrin ............... 99 percent Palaemon macrodactylus Korean shrimp ················· .12 (0.05-0.25) TL-50
Endrin ............... 100 percent Crangon septemspinosa Sand shrimp 26mm 1.7 LC-50
Endrin ............... 100 percent Palaemonetes vulgaris Grass shrimp 31 mm 1.8 LC-5~
Endrin .•....•........ 100 percent Pagurus Iongicarpus Hermit crab 3.5 12 LC-50
Endrin ............... 100 percent Nassa obsoleta Mud snail Adult 1,000 No. egg cases deposited significantly less
than Control. Control=1473 Expl=2
Endrin ............... ·························· Crassostrea virginica American oyster Egg 790 TLM
Endrin ..•..•......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fundulus heteroclitus Mummichog 42 mm 0.6 LC-50
Endrin .......•..•.... 100 percent Fundulus heteroclitus Mummichog 51 mm .6 LC-50
Endrin ............... 100 percent Fundulus majalis Striped killifish 40(mm) 0.3 LC·50
Endrin .............•. Technical 98 percent Fundulus similis Longnose kiiHfish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.23 LC-50
Endrin ............... Technical 98 percent Brevoortia patronus Menhaden . ................ 0.8 LC-50
Endrin ............... Technical 98 percent Mugil cephalus Striped mullet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6 LC-50
Endrin .............•. 100 percent Mugil cephalus Striped mullet 83(mm) 0.3 LC-50
Endrin ............... 100 percent Menidia menidia Atlantic silverside 54(mm) 0.05 LC·50
Endrin ............... 100 percent Thalassoma bifasciatum Bluehead 90(mm) 0.1 LC-50
Endrin ..............• 100 percent Anguilla rostrata American eel 57(mm) 0.6 LC-50
Endrin ..............• roo percent Sphaeroides maculatus Northern puffer 131 (mm) 3.1 LC-50
Endrin ............... Technical90 percent Gasterosteus aculeatus Threespine stickleback 22-44 0.5 TLM
Endrin ...•.......•.•. Powder 75 percent Gasterosteus aculeatus Threespine stickleback 25-37 1.5 TLM
Endrin ............... Technical 98 percent Cyprinodon vareigatus Sheepshead minnow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.32 LC-50
Endrin ...........•... Technical 98 percent Leiostomus xanthurus Spot ················· 0.45 LC-50
Endrin ...........•.•. Technical Cymatogaster aggregata Shiner perch 48-104 0.8 TLM
Endrin .......•....... Technical. Micrometrus minimus Dwarf perch 48-104 0.6 TLM
Endrin ..............• Technical Cymatogaster aggregata Shiner perch 48-104 0.12 (0.0&-0.25) TLM
Endrin ............... Technical Micrometrus minimus Dwarf Perch 48-104 0.13 (0.0&-0.27) TLM
Heptachlor. •........• 99 percent Palaemon macrodactylus Korean shrimp ................. 14.5 (8.2-25.9) TL-50
Heptachlor .•........• 100 percent Crangon septemspinosa Sand shrimp 26 8 LC-50
Heptachlor .•........• 100 percent Palaemonetes vulgaris Grass shrimp 31 440 LC-50
Heptachlor. •......... 100 percent Pagurus longicarpus Hermit crab 3.5 55 LC-50
Heptachlor. .......... 100 percent Fundulus heteroclitus Mummichog 42 50 LC-50
Heptachlor. ...•.....• 100 percent Fundulus heteroclitus Mummichog 35 50.0 LC-50
Heptachlor ..........• 100 percent Fundulus majaUs Striped killifish 40 32 LC-50
Heptachlor .••.......• 100 percent Menidia menidia Atlantic silverside 54 3 LC-50
Heptachlor .•......•.• 100 percent Mugil cephalus Striped mullet 100 194 LC-50
Heptachlor. ......•... 100 percent Anguilla rostrata American eel 56 10 LC-50
Heptachlor .•....•...• 100 percent Thalassoma bifasciatum Bluehead 80 .8 LC-50
Test Procedure
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr inter. flow lab bioassay
96 hr inter. flow lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr inter. flow lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
48 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr exposure to 1.0 ppm then 133
day post exposure in clean water
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
34 wk flowing water
48 hr flowing water test
96 hr inter. flow lab bioassay
96 hr inter. flow lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr inter. flow lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr sialic lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static exposure of adults to
1. 0 ppm. 133 day post exposure in
clean water
48 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
24 hr flowing lab bioassay
24 hr flowing lab bioassay
24 hr flowing lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
24 hr flowing lab bioassay
24 hr flowing lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr intermittent flow lab bioassay
96 hr intermittent flow lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hritatic lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
Temp C Salinity 0/oo Other Environmental Criteria Statistical Evaluation
Tot. Alk. as caco, 24-57 ppm
pH 6.8-7.4
Turb. 12 JTU
Turb 4 JTU
Turb H2JTU
Turb H2JTU
pH 6.8-7.4 Tot. Alk CaCo,
45-57 ppm
Turb 6 JTU
Turb 24 JTU
Turb H2JTU
Turb 1-12 JTU
. . 95 percent confidence intervals
95 percent confidence intervals
95 percent confidence intervals
95 percent confidence intervals
No. of egg cases deposited significantly
different at 0. 001 level
Activity significantly greater at 0.05
95 percent confidence interval
95 percent confidence interval
95 percent confidence interval
95 percent confidence interval
No. of egg cases deposited significantly
different at 0.0011evel
pH=6.8-7.4 Tot. Alk. as (CaCOa) None
Turb. 1-12 JTU
pH=8.0 DO 7.1-7.8
pH=8.0 DO 7.1-7.8
pH=8.0 DO 7.1-7.8
pH=8.0 DO 7.1-7.8
pH=8.0 DO 7.1-7.8
pH=8.0 DO 7.1-7.8
pH=8.0 DO 7.1-7.8
pH=8.0 DO 7.1-7.8·
(CaCo,) 45-57 ppm
95 percent confidence intervals
95 percent confidence intervals
95 percent confidence interval
95 percent confidence intervals
95 percent confidence intervals
Appendix III-Table 6/487
Residue levels mg/kg Other Parameters
0.55(.44-.65) ppm
1.0(0.48-2.0) ppm
Blood 11.98
Brain 13.3
Gi1137.6 ppm
0. 00307) ppm
1. 26(0. 00086-
Katz 1961"'
Earnest and Benvile (unpublished)'"
Earnest and Denville (unpublished)'"
Earnest and Denville (unpublished)'"
Earnest (unpublished)'"
Earnest (unpublished)'"
Eisler 1969"'
Eisler 1969'27
Eisler 1969'27
Davis and Hidu 1969'"
Eisler 1970c"•
Eisler 1970a'"
Eisler 1970b'"
Eisler 1970b'"
Eisler 1970b'29
Eisler 1970b329
Eisler 1970b'"
Eisler 1970b'"
Eisler 1970b"'
Katz 1961"'
Earnest and Denville (unpublished)'"
Earnest and Denville
lane and Livingston 1970'"
Lane and Scura 1970'"
Earnest and Denville (unpublished)'"
Earnest and Denville
Earnest (unpublished)'"
Eisler 19693"
Eisler 1969'"
Eisler 1969'27
Eisler 1970c"0
Davis and Hidu 1969'"
Eisler 1970a'"
Eisler 1970b'"
Eisler 1970b'"
Lowe 1965'"
Lowe 1965'"
Lowe 1965"'
Eisler 1970b32'
Eisler 1970b"'
Eisler 1970b'"
Eisler 1970b'"
Eisler 1970b'29
Katz 1961"'
Katz and Chadwick 19613"
Lowe 19653"
Lowe 1965"'
Earnest and Denville (unpublished)"'
Earnest and Denville
Earnest and Denville
Earnest and Denville
Earnest (unpublished)'"
Eisler 1969'"
Eisler 1969"'
Eisler 1969'"
Eisler 1970a"'
Eisler 1970b'"
Eisler 1970b'"
Eisler 1970b'"
Eisler 1970b"'
Eisler 1970b'"
Eisler 1970b3"
488/ Appendix Ill-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
Substance Tested Formulation Olf,!nism Tested Common Name Life Stage or Size Cone. (ppb act. ingred.) Methods of Assessment
(mm) in water
Heptachlor •......•... 100 percent Sphaeroides maculatus Northern puffer 168 188 LC-50
Heptachlor .•....•...• 72 percent Gasterosteus aculeatus Threespine stickleback 22-44 111.9 TLM
Ratio O.D. Expt.
Ratio O.D. Control
lindane ..........•..• ·························· Protococcus sp. . ......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000 0. 75 O.D. exptjO.D. control
Lindane ............•. ·························· Chlorella sp. ·························· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000 0. 57 D. D. expfO.D. control
Lindane .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dunaliella euchlora ·························· ················· 9,000 0.60 O.D. expfO.D. control
Lindane .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phaeodactylum lricornutum . ......................... ················· 5,000 0. 30 D.O. exptjO.D. control
Lindane ......•....... ····.······················ Monochrysis lutheri .................. ················· 5,000 1.00 D.D. exptjD.D. control
Lindane .............. 100 percent Palaemon macrodactylus Korean shrimp ················· 12.5 (4. 7-32. 7) TL-50
Lindane .............. 100 percent Palaemon macrodactylus Korean shrimp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.2 (5.8-15.0) TL-50
lindane .............. 100 percent Crangon septemspinosa Sand shrimp 26 5 LC-50
lindane .............. 100 percent Palaemoneles vulgaris Grass shrimp 31 10. LC·50
Lindane ..•........... 100 percent Pagurus longicarpus Hermit crab 3.5 5. LC-50
Lindane ......•....... 100 percent Nassa obsoleta Mud snail 15 10000 Reduced deposition of egg cases from 1473
by control to 749 by Expl
Lindane ........•.•.•. ·························· Crassostrea virginica Eastern oyster Egg 9100 TLM
Lindane ............•. .......................... Mercenaria mercenaria Hard clam Egg > 10000 TLM
Lmdane ............•. ·························· Mercenaria mercenaria Hard clam Larvae >10000 TLM
Lindane .............. 100 percent Fundulus heleroclitus Mummichog 42 20 LC-50
Lindane ....•.•.....•. 100 percent Fundulus heleroclitus Mummichog 55 60 LC·50
Lindane ....•.•.•..... 100 percent Fundulus majalis Striped killifish 49 28 LC-50
Lindane ......•.•..... 100 percent Menidia menidia Allanli& silverside 57 9 LC-50
Lindane ....•.....•... 100 percent Mugil cephalus Striped mullet 85 66 LC-50
Lindane ..•........... 100 percent Anguilla roslrala American eel 56 56 LC-50
Lindane ...•.......... 100 percent Thalossoma bifasciatum Bluehead 90 14 LC-50
Lindane ......•....... 100 percent Sphaeroides maculalus Northern puffer 168 35 LC-50
Lindane .............. 100 percent Gasterosteus aculeatus Threespine stickleback 22•44 50 TLM
Methoxychlor ...•.•... 89.5 percent Palaemon macrodactylus Korean shrimp . ................ .44 (0.21-D. 93)-TL-50
Methoxychlor ......... 89.5 percent Palaemon macrodactylus Korean shrimp ................. 6. 7 (4. 37-10. 7) TL·5D
Methoxychlor ......•.• 100 percent Crangon seplemspinosa Sand shrimp 26 4. LC-50
Methoxychlor ...•..... 100 percent Palaemoneles vulgaris Grass shrimp 31 12. LC-50
Methoxychlor ..•.....• 100 percent Pagurus longicarpus Hermit crab 3.5 7. LC-50
Methoxychlor .....•..• 100 percent Fundulus heleroclitus Mummichog 42 35 LC-50
Methoxychlor .......•• 100 percent Fundulus heleroclilus Mummichog 55 35 LC-50
Methoxychlor ..•..•..• 100 percent Fundulus majalis Striped killifish 40 30 LC-50
Methoxychlor ........• 100 percent Menidia menidia Atlantic silverside 57 33 LC-50
Methoxychlor .••.•...• 100 percent Mugil cephalus Striped mullet 100 63 LC-50
Methoxychlor ....•...• 100 percent Anguilla roslrata American eel 56 12. LC·50
Methoxychlor .•..•...• 100 percent Thalassoma bifascialum Bluehead 86 13. LC-50
Methoxychlor ....•...• 100 percent Sphaeroides maculalus Northern puffer 203 150. LC-50
Methoxychlor ........• 89.5 percent Gaslerosteu> aculeatus Threespine stickleback 22-44 69.1 TLM
Mirex ....••....•....• Technical Tetrahymena pyriformis .......................... .. ............... 0.9 16.03 percent decrease in population size
Mirax .......•..•.•... Bail (.3 percent mirex) Penaeus aztecus Brown shrimp 24 One particle of mirex 48 percent paralys!s or death in 4 days
Mirex ......•.......•. Bail (.3 percent mirex) Palaemoneles pugio Grass shrimp 25 One particle of mirex 63 percent paralysis/or death in 4 days
Mirex ......•.......•. Technica~ Penaeus duorarum Pink shrimp 55 1.0 100 percent paralysis/or death in 11 days
Mirex ........•....... Technical Penaeus duorarum Pink shrimp 55 0.1 36 percent paralysis/or death in 35 days
Mirex ................ Bail (0.3 percent mirex) UCA pugilalor Fiddler crab 20 One particle of mirex 73 percent paralysis/or death in 14 days
bail per crab
Mirex ...........•.•.. Bail (0.3 percent) mirex Callinectes sapidus Blue crab 23 1 particle of bail/crab 84 percent paralysis/death in 20 days
Mirex .........•...... .......................... Callinectes sapidus Blue crab Adult 5.6X104 TLM
TDE .......•.•....••• 99 percent Palaemon macrodactylus Korean shrimp .. ............... 8.3 (4.8-14.4) TL-50
TOE ...........•..•.. 99 percent Palaemon macrodactylus Korean shrimp ................. 2.5 (1.6-4.0) TL-50
Toxaphene ....•..•.•. Polychloro dicyclic Terpanes Protococcus sp. .. ........................ ................. 40 • 77 O.D. expl/0.0. control
with chloraled camphene Chlorella sp. .......................... ................. 40 • 70 D.O. expi/D.D. control
60 percent emulsion con-Dunaliella euchlora .......................... ................. 70 53 D.D. expl/0.0. control
centrale Phaeodactylum lricornutum .......................... ................. 10 .54 O.D. explfO.D. control
Monochrysis lulheri ........................ -................. 10 .00 D.D. expi/D.D. control
Toxaphene •...•..•..• 100 percent Palaemon macrodactylus Korean shrimp ................. 20.3 (8. 6-47. 9) TL·5D
Toxaphene ...••..•..•. .......................... Callinectes sapidus Blue crab Adult 370 (186-700) TLM
Toxaphene ••.•....... Polychloro bicyclic Terpanes Mercenaria mercenaria Hard clam Eggs 1120 TLM
with chlorinated camphene Mercenaria mercenaria Hard clam Larvae 250 TLM
Toxaphene ••...•..•.• 100 percent Gasterosleus aculealus Threespine stickleback 22-44 7.8 TLM
67-69 percent CL
Thiodan® .••••..••••• 96 percent Palaemon macrodactylus Korean shrimp ................. 17.1 (8. 4-39. 8) TL-50
Thiodan® ••.••..•..•. 96 percent Palaemon macrodactylus Korean shrimp ················· 3.4(1.8-6.5) TL-50
Test Procedure
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
Test organisms grown in test media
containing pesticides for ten days
Absorbance measured at 530 m"
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr flowing lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay. Acute toxicity
experiment followed by 133-day post
exposure in clean water.
48 hr static lab bioassay
48 hr static lab bioassay
12 day static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr stalit lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr intermittent-now lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr growth test
Static bioassay
Static bioassay
Flowing water bioassay
Flowing water bioassay
Flowing water bioassay
96 hr flowing water bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr flowing water lab bioassay
Test organisms grown in test media
for 10 days absorbance measured at
530 mt
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
48 hr static lab bioassay
12 day static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr flowing water lab bioassay
Temp C Salinity •/oo Other Environmental Criteria
29 •too
29 •too
27 •too
pH=B.O DO 7.1-7.8
pH 6.8-7.4 Total Alkalinity
500 ftc-continuously
Turb H2JTU
pH=8.0 D.O. 7.1-7.7
pH=8.0 D.O. 7.1-7.7
pH=8.0 D.O. 7.1-7. 7
pH=8.0 D.O. 7.1-7.7
pH=8.0 D.O. 7.1-7.7
pH=8.0 D.O. 7.1-7.7
pH=8.0 O.D. 7.1-7. 7
pH=8.0 O.D. 7.1-7.7
pH=8.0 O.D. 7.1-7.7
pH=8.0 O.D. 7.1-7. 7
pH=8. 0 O.D. 7.1-7. 7
pH=8.0 O.D. 7.1-7. 7
Turb. H2JTU
Turb. 1-12 JTU
pH=8.0 DO 7.1-7.7
pH=8.0 D07.1-7.7
pH=8.0 DO 7.1-7.7
pH=8.0 DO 7.1-7.7
pH=8.0 DO 7.1-7.7
pH=8.0 DO 7.1-7.7
pH=8.0 D07.1-7.7
pH=6.8-7.4 Total alkalinity
(CaCo,) 45-57
Cultures grown in Tetrahymena
Turb. H2JTU
Turb. H2JTU
Turbidity 1-12 JTU
Turb H2JTU
Turb H2JTU
Appendix III-Table 6/489
Statistical Evaluation
95 percent confidence intervals
95 percent confidence intervals
No. of eggs deposited significantly less at
0.001 level. X•>10.8 Chi-square
95 percent confidence intervals
95 percent confidence intervals
Measured effect is an average of there·
suits of tests in which a significant dif·
ference existed (P<0.05)
Residue levels mgtkg Other Parameters
. . .. ... .... ... .... .. .... .. . .. ... ... 1.1
0.26 ppm
0.30 ppm
................................... L3
95 percent confidence interval
95 percent confidence interval
95 percent confidence interval
95 percent confidence interval
95 percent confidence interval
95 percent confidence interval
Eisler 1970b"'
Katz 1961"3
Ukeles 19623"
Ukeles 1962'"
Ukeles 1962"'
Ukeles 196234'
Ukeles 1962"'
Earnest (unpublished)'"'
Earnest (unpublished)'"'
Eisler 1969'"
Eisler 1969'"
Eisler 1969'"
Eisler 1970c"0
Davis and Hidu 1969'"
Davis and Hidu 1969°24
Davis and Hidu 1969'"
Eisler 1970a3"
Eisler 1970b'"
Eisler 1970b'"
Eisler 1970b3"
Eisler 1970b'"
Eisler 1970b'"
Eisler 1970b3"
Eisler 1970b'"
Katz 1961333
Earnest (unpublished)'"
Eisler 1969'27
Eisler 1969'"
Eisler 1969'"
Eisler 1970a'"
Eisler 1970b'"
Eisler 1970b'"
Eisler 1970b'"
Eisler 1970b'"
Eisler 1970b'"
Eisler 1970b'"
Eisler 197011'"
Katz 1961333
Cooley et al. (unpublished)'"
Lowe et at. 1971a"•
Lowe et at. 1971a"•
Lowe et al. 1971a"0
Lowe et at. 1971a"0
Lowe et al. 1971a"•
Lowe et al. 1971a"•
Mahood et at. 197()342
Earnest (unpublished)'"
Ukeles 1962'"
Earnest (unpublished)'"'
Mahood et al. 1970"'
Davis and Hidu 1969'24
Davis and Hidu 19693"
Katz 1961"'
Earnest (unpublished)"'
490/ Appendix Ill-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
Substance Tested Formulation • Organism Tested Common Name
Insecticides Organophosphates
Abate................ .. ....................... . Dunaliella euchlora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Abate................ . ....................... .. Dunaliella euchlora ··························
Abate................ . ....................... .. Phaeodactylum tricornutum ··························
Abate................ . ....................... .. Phaeodactylum tricornutum ..........................
Abate................ . ....................... .. Skeletonema costatum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Abate................ . ........................ . Skeletonema costatum ··························
Abate ............... . Cyclotella nana ··························
Abate ............... . Palaemon macrodactylus Korean shrimp
Abate ............... . Palaemon macrodactylus Korean shrimp
Baytex .............. . Dunaliella euchlora ..........................
Baytex ............. .. Dunaliella euchlora ..........................
Baytex .............. . Dunaliella euchlora ..........................
Baytex .............. . Phaeodactylum trtcornutum ··························
Baytex .............. . Phaeodactylum tricornutum ..........................
Baytex .............. . Phaeodactylum trtcornutum ..........................
Baytex .............. . Skeletonema costatum ..........................
Baytex .............. . Skeletonema costatum ..........................
Baytex .............. . Skeletonema costatum ..........................
Baytex .............. . Cyclotella nana ..........................
Baytex ............. .. Cyclotella nana ..........................
Baytex ............. .. Palaemon macrodactylus Korean shrimp
Baytex .............. . Palaemon macrodactylus Korean shrimp
CO·RAL ............ . Crassostrea virginica Eastern oyster
CO·RAL.. .......... . Crassostrea virginica Eastern oyster
CO·RAL ............ . Mercenaria mercenaria Hard clam
CO·RAL ............ . Mercenaria mercenaria Hard clam
CO·RAL ............ . Gasterosteus aculeatus Threespine stickleback
DDVP ............... .......................... Crangon septemspinosa Sand shrimp
DDVP ............... .......................... Palaemonetes vulgaris Grass shrimp
DDVP ............... .......................... Pagurus longicarpus Hermit crab
DDVP ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fundulus heteroclitus Mummichog
DDVP ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fundulus heteroclitus Mummichog
DDVP ............... .......................... Fundulus majali s Striped kililfish
DDVP ............... .......................... Menidia menidia Atlantic silverside
DDVP ............... .......................... Mugil cephalus Striped mullet
DDVP ............... .......................... Anguilla rostrata American eel
DDVP ............... .......................... Thalassoma bifasciatum Bluehead
DDVP ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sphaeroides maculatus Northern puffer
Delnav ............... 100 percent Crangon septemspinosa Sand shrimp
Delnav ............... 100 percent Palaemonetes vulgaris Grass shrimp
Delnav ............... 100 percent Pagurus longicarpus Hermit crab
Dicapthon ............ .......................... Mercenaria mercenaria Hard clam
Dicapthon ............ .......................... Mercenarta mercenaria Hard clam
Dioxathion ........... 100 percent Fundulus heteroclitus Mummichog
Dioxathion ........... 100 percent Fundulus heteroclitus Mummichog
Dioxathion ........... 100 percent Fundulus majalis Striped killifish
Dioxalhion ........... 100 percent Menidia menidia Atlantic silverside
Dioxathion ........... 100 percent Mugil cephalus Striped mullet
Dioxathion ........... 100 percent Anguilla rostrata American eel
Dioxathion ........... 100 percent Thalassoma bifasciatum Bluehead
Dioxathion ........... 100 percent Sphaeroides maculatus Northern puffer
Dipterex ............. 50 percent soluble powder Dunaliella euchlora ..........................
Dipterex ............. Soluble powder Phaeodactylum tricornutum ..........................
Dipterex ............. Soluble powder Phaeodactylum tricornutum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dipterex ............. Soluble powder Protococcus sp. ..........................
Dipterex ............. Soluble powder Chlorella sp. ..........................
Dipterex ............. Soluble powder Chlorella sp. ..........................
Dipterex ............. Soluble powder Monochrysis lutheri ..........................
Dipterex ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crassostrea virginica American oyster
Di·syston ..•......... .......................... Crassostrea virginica American oyster
Di·syston ............ .......................... Crassostrea virginica American oyster
Di·syston ............ .......................... Mercenaria mercenaria Hard clam
Di·syston ............ .......................... Mercenaria mercenaria Hard clam
Dursban ............. Technical Cymatogaster aggregata Shiner perch
Dursban ............. Technical Cymatogaster aggregata Shiner perch
Dursban ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Palaemon macrodactylus Korean shrimp
Dursban ............. .......................... Palaemon macrodactylus Korean shrimp
Guthion .............. .......................... Crassostrea virginica American oyster
Guthion .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mercenaria mercenaria Hard clam
Guthion .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mercenaria mercenaria Hard clam
Life Stage or Size Cone. (ppb act. ingred.) Methods of Assessment
(mm) in water
................. 1000
................. 100
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000
················· 100
················· 1000
................. 100
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000
. ................ 2550 (994-6540)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249 (72. 5-853)
················· 1000.
················· 100
................. 10
................. 1000
•.....•..•....... 100
................. 10
................. 1000
................. 100
................. 10
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
................. 5.3 (3.13-8.92)
................. 3.0 (1.5-6.0)
Egg 110
Larvae >1000
Egg 9120
Larvae 5210
22-44 1470
26 4
31 15
3.5 45
42 3700
55 2680
40 2300
50 1250
84 200
59 1800
80 1440
168 2250
26 38
31 285
3.5 82
Eggs 3340
Larvae 5740
56 20
84 15
50 6
85 39
59 6
80 35
168 75
... 50,000
................. 50,000
................. 100,000
................. 100,000
................. 50,000
................. 500,000
................. 50,000
Larvae 1,000
Eggs 5860
Larvae 3670
Eggs 55280
Larvae 1390
55 3.5
55 3. 7
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.25 (O.lD-0.63)
.. ............... 0.01 (0.002-0.046)
Eggs 620
Eggs 860
Larvae 860
36 percent reduction in o, evolution
23 percent reduction in o, evolution
38 percent reduction in o, evolution
28 percent reduction in o, evolution
55 percent reduction in o, evolution
23 percent reduction in 02 evolution
80 percent reduction in o, evolution
27 percent reduction in o, evolution
27 percent reduction in o, evolution
16 percent reduction in o, evolution
29 percent reduction in o, evolution
29 percent reduction in o, evolution
35 percent reduction in 02 evolution
19 percent reduction in o, evolulion
51 percent reduction in o, evolution
26 percent recuction in o, evolution
50 percent reduction in o, evolution
48 percent reduction in o, evolution
.54 (O.D. explfO.D. conl)
.85 (O.D. explfO.D. conl)
.39 (0 D expl/0 D. conl)
.54 (O.D. explfO.D. conl)
• 70 (O.D. explfO.D. conl)
.00 (O.D. expljO.D. cont.)
.55 (O.D. expi/O.D. conl)
Test Procedure
o, evolution measured by Winkler
Light-and-Dark Bottle Technique
11. of culture incubated 20 hrs in
pesticide so ln. then placed in test
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr intermittent now lab bioassay
o, evolution measured by Winkler
Light-and-Dark Bottle Technique
1 I. of culture incubated 20 hrs in pesti-
cide soln. then placed in test bottles.
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr intermittent flow lab bioassay
48 hr static lab bioassay
14 day static lab bioassay
48 hr static lab bioassay
12 day static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
48 hr static lab bioassay
12 day static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
Organisms grown in test media con-
taining pesticide lor 10 days optical
density measured at 530 m,.
48 hr static lab bioassay
48 hr static lab bioassay
14 day static lab bioassay
48 hr static lab bioassay
12 day static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr flowing water lab bio.
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr. intermittent flow lab bioassay
48 hr static lab bioassay
48 hr static lab bioassay
12 day static lab bioassay
Temp C Salinity •/oo other Environmental Criteria
. . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. 250 ft-c for 4 hrs.
Turb. 1-12 JTU
250 11.-c lor 4 hrs
Turb. 1-12 JTU
Turb. 1-12 JTU
pH 6.8-7.4 total alkalinity
45-57 ppm
pH 8.0 DO 7.1-7.7
pH 8.0 DO 7.1-7.7
pH 8.0 D07.0-7.7
pH 8.0 DO 7.1-7.7
pH 8.0 D07.1-7.7
pH 8.0 DO 7.1-7.7
pH 8.8 DO 7.1-7.7
pH 8.0 D07.1-7.7
pH 8.0 D07.1-7.7
pH 8.0 D07.1-7.7
pH 8.0 DO 7.1-7.7
pH 8.0 DO 7.0-7.7
pH 8.0
pH 8.0
pH 8.0
pH 8.0
pH 8.0
pH 8.0
pH 8.0
Turb. 1-12 JTU
Turb. 1-12 JTU
Statistical Evaluation
All percent t=6.1
significant t=4.1
at 0.05 t=3.8
level t=2.5
95 percent confidence intervals
95 percent confidence intervals
All percent t=5.4
significant t=6. 7
at0.05 t=2.6
level t=2.5
95 percent confidence intervals
95 percent confidence intervals
95 percant conHdenca interva I
95 percent confidenca iftterval
Appendix III-Table 6/491
Residue levels mg/kg Other Parameters Reference
Derby and Ruber 1971'"
Earnest (unpublished)'"
Earnest (unpublished)'"
Derby and Ruber 1971'"
Earnest (unpublished)'"
Davis and Hidu 1969'"
Katz 1961"'
Eisler 1969"'
Eisler 1969'27
Eisler 1969'27
Eisler 1970a'"
Eisler 1970b'"
Eisler 1970b"'
Eisler 1970b'"
Eisler 1970b'"
Eisler 1970b'"
Eisler 1970b'"
Eisler 1970b'"
Eisler 1969327
Eisler 1969327
Eisler 1969'27
Davis and Hidu 1969'"
Davis and Hidu 1969'"
Eisler 1970a'"
Eisler 1970b"'
Eisler 197011'"
Eisler 1970b'"
Eisler 1970b'"
Eisler 1970b"'
Eisler 1970b'"
Eisler 1970b"'
Ukeles 1962'"
Ukeles 1962'"
Ukeles 1962'"
Ukeles 1962"'
Ukeles 1962'"
Ukeles 1962"'
Ukeles 1962"'
Davis and Hidu 19693"
Davis and Hidu 1969'"
Millemann 1969"'
Millemann 1969'"
Earnest (unpublished)'"
Davis and Hidu 1969'"
Davis and Hidu 1969'"
Davis and Hidu 1969'"
492/ Appendix III-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
Substance Tested Formulation .organism Tested Common Name Life Stage or Size Cone. (ppb act ingred.) Methods of Assessment
(mm) in water
Guthion .............. ·························· Cyprinodon variegatus Sheepshead minnow 40-70 Acetylcholinesterase activity• in control·
vs-experimental groups control=1.36
Guthion .............. 93 percent Gasterosteus aculealus Threespine stickleback 22-44 4.8 TLM
Malathion ............ ··················· Tetrahymena pyriformis ·························· log-phase 10,000 8. 8 percent decrease in a population size
measured as absorbance at 540 ml'
Malathion ............ 95 percent Palaemon macrodactylus Korean shrimp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81.5 (19.6-26.1) TL·50
Malathion ............ 95 percent Palaemon macrodactylus Korean shrimp ················· 33.7 (21.3-53.1) TL-50
Malathion ............ 100 percent Crangon septemspinosa Sand shrimp 26 33 LC-50
Malathion ............ 100 percent Palaemonetes vulgaris Grass shrimp 31 82 LC·50
Malathion ............ 100 percent Pagurus longicarpus Hermit crab 35 83 LC-50
Malathion ............ ·························· Crassostrea virginica American oyster Egg 9070 TLM
Malathion ............ .............. Crassostrea virginica American oyster Larvae 2660 TLM
Malathion ............ 100 percent Fundulus heteroclitus Mummichog 42 70 LC·50
Malathion ............ 100 percent Fundulus heteroclitus Mummichog 56 80 LC-50
Malathion ............ 100 percent Fundulus majafls Striped killifish 84 250 LC-50
Malathion ............ 100 percent Menidia menidia Atlantic silverside 50 125 LC·50
Malathion ............ 100 percent Mugil cephalus Striped mullet 48 550 LC·50
Malathion ............ 100 percent Thalassoma bifasciatum Bluehead 80 27 LC-50
Malathion ............ 100 percent Anguilla rostrata American eel 57 82 LC-50
Malathion ............ 100 percent Sphaeroides maculatus Northern puffer 183 3250 LC·50
Malathion ............ 57 percent Gasterosteus aculeatus Threespine stickleback 22-44 76.9 TLM
Methyl Parathion ..... 100 percent Crangon septemspinosa Sand shrimp 26 LC·50
Methyl Parathion ..... 100 percent Palaemonetes vulgaris Grass shrimp 31 LC-50
Methyl Parathion ..... 100 percent Pagurus longicarpus Hermit crab 3.5 LC-50
Methyl Parathion ..... ············· Fundulus heteroclitus Mummichog 38 8,000 LC·50
Methyl Palathion ..... 100 Fundulus heteroclitus Mummichog 55 58,000 LC·50
Methyl Parathion ..... 100 Fundulus majalis Striped killifish 84 13,800 LC-50
Methyl Parathion ..... 100 Menidia menidia Atlantic silverside 50 5, 700 LC-50
Methyl Parathion ..... 100 Mugil cephalus Striped mullet 48 5,200 LC·50
Methyl Parathion ..... 100 Anguilla rostrata American eel 59 16,900 LC·50
Methyl Parathion ..... 100 Thalassoma bifasciatum Bluehead 90 12,300 LC-50
Methyl Parathion ..... 100 Sphaeroides maculatus Northern puffer 196 75,800 LC-50
Parathion ............ .............. Cyprinodon variegatus Sheepshead minnow 46-70 10 Acetylcholinesterase activity• in control·
vs.-expl groups Control= 1. 36 Expl=
Phorate .............. .......................... Cyprinodon variegatus Sheepshead minnow 46-70 Acetylcholinesterase activity• in control·
vs-expt groups Control= 1. 36 Expt=
Phosdrin® ........... 100 percent Crangon septemspinosa Sand shrimp 26 11 LC-50
Phosdrin®. ........... 100 percent Palaemonetes vulgaris Grass shrimp 31 69 LC·50
Phosdrin®. .......... 100 percent Pagurus longicarpus Hermllcrab 3.5 28 LC·50
Phosdrin® ........... 100 percent Fundulus heteroclitus Mummichog 42 65 LC-50
Phosdrin® ........... 100 percent Fundulus heteroclitus Mummichog 56 300 LC-50
Phosdrin® ........... 100 percent Fundulus majalis Striped killifish 84 75 LC·50
Phosdrin® ........... 100 percent Menidia menidia Atlantic silverside 50 320 LC-50
Phosdrin® ........... 100 percent Mugil cephalus Striped mullet 100 300 LC-50
Phosdrin® ........... 100 percent Anguilla rostrata American eel 59 65 LC·50
Phosdrin® ........... 100 percent Thalassoma bifasciatum Bluehead 80 74 LC·50
Phosdrin® ........... 100 percent Sphaercides maculatus Northern puffer 168 800 LC-50
TEPP ..... ··············· Protococcus sp. .......................... ................. IXIO• • 62. OD expi/DD control
TEPP ................ ·························· Protococcus sp. .......................... ················· 5XIO• .00 DO expi/OD control
TEPP ................ ·························· Chlorella spo ................•......... ················· 1XI05 .65 OD expt/DD control
TEPP ...... oo ........ ·························· Chlorella spo .......................... ................. 3XIO• o27 OD expi/DD control
TEPP ............... o .......................... Dunaliella euchlora .......................... ···.·············· 3XIO• o49 OD expl/00 control
TEPP ............... .......................... Phaeodactylum tricornutum .......................... . ................ 1XIO• . 58 OD expi/DD control
TEPP ...... .......................... Monochrysis lutheri . ......................... ................. 1XIO• .83 OD expi/DD control
TEPP ....... oo ....... .......................... Monochrysis lutheri . ................ 3XIO• • 38 DO expi/DD control
TEPP ................ .......................... Crassostrea virginica American oyster Egg >lXIII' TLM
TEPP ...... ooo ....... .......................... Crassostrea virginica American oyster Larvae >lXIII' TLM
Insecticides Carbamates
Baygon .............. .......................... Dunaliella euchlora . ......................... ................. 1000 25 percent reduction in o, evolution
Baygon .............. .......................... Dunaliella euchlora .. ........................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 32 percent reduction in o, evolution
Baygon. 0 ........... 0 .......................... Dunaliella euchlora .......................... .. ............... 10 27 percent reduction in o, evolution
Baygon .............. .......................... Phaeodactylum tricornutum .......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000 23 percent reduction in o, evolution
Baygon .............. .......................... Phaeodactylum tricornutum ................ .. ............... 100 28 percent reduction in o, evolution
Baygon 0 0 ............ .......................... Phaeodactylum tricornutum .. ........................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 40 percent reduction in o, evolution
Baygon .............. .......................... Skeletonema costatum .......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000 30 percent reduction in o, evolution
Baygon .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Skeletonema costatum ..................... ................. 100 23 percent reduction in o, evolution
Baygon ......... 0 0 .. 0. .......................... Skeletonema costatum ..................... .. ............... 10 29 percent reduction in o, evolution
Baygon .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cyclotella nana ..................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000 53 percent reduction in o, evolution
• ACh hydrolys~d/hr/mgo brain
Test Procedure Temp C Salinity 0/oo Other Environmental Criteria
72 hr static exposure 21+2.
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr growth test in Tetrahymena broth 26
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr intermittent flow lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
48 hr static lab bioassay
14 day static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96-hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
72 hr static exposure
72 hr static exposure
96 hr static Jab bioassay
96 hr static Jab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static Jab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static Jab bioassay
96 hr static Jab bioassay
96 hr static Jab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
48 hr static Jab bioassay
14 day static lab bioassay
o, evolution measured by Winkler
Light-and-Dark Bottle technique
1 I. of culture incubated 20 hrs in
pesticide solution, then placed in
test bottles 4 hrs.
pH 6.8-7.4 Total Alkalinity as
caco, 45-57
Turb H2JTU
Turb 1-12 JTU
pH=8.0 DO 7.1-7.8
pH=8.0 DO 7.1-7.8
pH=8.0 DO 7.D-7.7
pH=6.8-7.4 45-57 Total alkalinity
as caco,
pH=8.0 D07.1-7.7
pH=8.0 DO 7.1-7. 7
pH=8.0 DO 7.D-7. 7
pH 7±.2
pH 7±.2
pH=8.0 D0=7.1-7.7
pH=8.0 D0=7.1-7.7
pH=8.0 D0=7.1-7.7
pH=8.0 D0=7.1-7.7
pH=8.0 00=7.1-7.7
pH=8.0 00=7.1-7.7
pH=8.0 D0=7.1-7.7
pH=8.0 D0=7.1-7.7
pH=8.0 D0=7.1-7.7
pH=8.0 D0=7.1-7.7
500 ft.·c continuous
500 ll.·c continuous
500 fl·c continuous
500 ft.·c continuous
500 ft.·c continuous
500 ft.·c continuous
500 lt.·c continuous
500 ft.·c continuous
250 ft.·c 4 hrs
Appendix Ill-Table 6/493
Statistical Evaluation Residue levels mgjkg Other Parameters Reference
Statistical difference at 0.001 Ieveii= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coppage (unpublished)'"
Statistical difference at 0.05 level
95 percent confidence interval
95 percent confidence interval
Statistically different at 0.001 level I=
Katz 1961"'
Cooley and Keltner (unpublished)'"
Earnest (unpublished)"'
Earnest (unpublished)'"
Eisler 1969327
Eisler 1969327
Eisler 1969327
Davis and Hidu 1969'24
Eisler 1970a'"
Eisler 1970b329
Eisler 1970b329
Eisler 1970b3"
Eisler 1970b3"
Eisler 1970b3"
Eisler 1970b'"
Eisler 1970b32'
Katz 1961'"
Eisler 1969'27
Eisler 1969'27
Eisler 1970a'"
Eisler 1970b3"
Eisler 1970b'"
Eisler 1970b32'
Eisler 1970b"'
Eisler 1970b3"
Eisler 1970b3"
Eisler 1910J'"
Coppage (unpublished)'"
Statistically different at 0.0011evel I= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coppage (unpublished)'"
All percent 1=4.5
significant t=4. 6
at0.05 1=6.8
level 1=1.9
Eisler 1969'27
Eisler 1969327
Eisler 1969'27
Eisler 1970a'"
Eisler 1970b'"
Eisler 1970b3"
Eisler 1970b3"
Eisler 1970b'"
Eisler 1970b'"
Eisler 1910b'"
Eisler 1970b32 '
Ukeles 1962'"
Ukeles 1962'"
Ukeles 1962'47
Ukeles 19623"
Ukeles 1962'"'
Ukeles 1962'"
Ukeles 19623"
Ukeles 1962'"
Davis and Hidu 1969'24
Davis and Hidu 1969324
Derby and Huber 1971'"
Derby and Ruber 1971'"
Derby and Ruber 1971'"
Derby and Huber 1971"'
Derby and Huber 1971'"
Derby and Huber 1971'"
Derby and Ruber 1971'"
Derby and Huber 1971"'
Derby and Huber 1971'"
Derby and Huber 197132'
494/Appendix III-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
Substance Tested Formulation • Organism Tested Common Name Life Stage or Size Cone. (ppb act. ingred.) Methods of Assessment
(mm) in water
Sevin® .............. 95 percent Dunaliella euchlora ........................... ................. 1000 .65 D.D. exptjD.D. control
Sevin® .............• 95 percent Phaeodactylum tricornutum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ················· 100 •. 00 D.D. expi/D.D. control
Sevin® .............. 95 percent Monochrysis lutheri .......................... ················· 1000 • .00 D.D. expt/D.D. control
Sevin® .............. 95 percent Chlorella sp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ················· 1000 .80 D.D. exptjO.D. control
Sevin® .•............ 95 percent Chlorella sp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ················· 10,000 .00 O.D. exptjO.D. control
Sevin® .............. 95 percenl Protococcus sp. ·························· ················· 1000 • 74 O.D. exptjO.D. control
Sevin® .•............ 95 percent Protococcus sp. .......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 • .00 O.D. expi/O.D. control
Sevin® .............. 100 percent Palaemon macrodactylus Korean shrimp ················· 12.0 (8.5-13.5) TL·50
Sevin® .............. 100 percent Palaemon macrodactylus Korean shrimp ················· 7.0 (1.5-28) TL·50
Sevin® .............. 80 percent Upogebia pugettensis Mud shrimp 40 (36-60) TLM
Sevin® .............. 80 percent Callianassa californiensis Ghost shrimp •o TLM
Sevin® .............. 80 percent Callianassa californiensis Ghost shrimp Adult 130 TLM
Sevin® •............. ·80 percent Cancer magister Dungeness crab Juvenile (male) 600 (596-610) EC-50 (Paralysis or death) loss of equilib·
Sevin® ........•..... 80 percent Hemigrapsis oregonensis Shore crab Adult (female) 270 (66-690) EC·50 (Paralysis loss of equilibrium or
Sevin® .............. 80 percent Crassostrea gigas Pacific oyster Larvae 2200 (1506-2700) EC-50 prevention of development to
straight linge shell stage.
Sevin® .............. .......................... Crassostrea virginica American oyster Eggs 3,000 TLM
Sevin® .............. ·························· Crassostrea virginica American oyster Larvae 3,000 TLM
Sevin® .•............ ·························· Mercanaria mercenaria Hard clam Eggs 3,820 TLM
Sevin® .............. .......................... Mercenaria mercenaria Hard clam Larvae >2,500 TLM
Sevin® .••........... 80 percent Clinocardium nuttaiP Cockle clam Adults 7,300 TLM
Sevin® .....•......... 80 percent Clinocardium nuttalli Cockle clam Juvenile 3,850 TLM
Sevin® .............. 80 percent Mytilus edulis Bay mussel Larvae 2, 300 (1406-2900) EC-50 prevention of development to straight
linge shell stage.
Sevin® .............. 80 percent Parophrys vetulus English sole Juvenile 4,100 (3206-5000) TLM
Sevin® .............. 80 percent Cymatogaster aggregata Shiner perch Juvenile 3, 900 (3806-4000) TLM
Sevin® ...•.......... 80 percent Gasterosteus aculeatus Threespine stickleback Juvenile 6, 700 (5506-7700) TLM
Sevin® .•.•.......... 95 percent Gasterosteus aculeatus Threespine stickleback 22-44 3,990 TLM
Sevin® .............. 98 percent Leiostomus ~anthurus Spot 18mm 100 65 percent survived in experimental and
control test
Sevm® ..•........... 80 percent Dnchorynchus keta Chum salmon Juvenile 2, 500 (2206-2700) TLM
Sevin® •.•........... 80 percent Cancer magister Dungeness crab egg/prezoeal 6 Prevention of hatching and molting
Sevin® ............•. 80 percent Cancer magister Dungeness crab Zoea 10 Prevention of molting and death
Sevin® .............. 80 percent Cancer magister Dungeness crab Juvenile 280 Death or paralysis
Sevin® .............. 80 percent Cancer magister Dungeness crab Adult 180 Death or paralysis
Insecticides Miscellaneous
Apholate ....•..••...• .......................... Palaemoneles vulgaris Grass shrimp 29.5 >5X10 6 TLM
Apholate ............• ·························· Palaemonetes vulgari' Grass shrimp 29.5 5.50X10' Post exposure TLM
Apholate ............• ·························· Nassa obsoleta Mud snail 13.4 >3X10' TLM
Apholate ............. ·························· Nassa obsoleta Mud snail 13.76 I.OX10' Reduction in the # of egg cases deposited
from 103 for control to 70 for expl
Apholate .•........... ·························· Nassa obsoleta Mud snaH 12.71 1.0X10' Reduction in # of egg cases depo~ted from
103 by control to 16 by expl
Apholate ..•.•..•....• ·························· Fundulus majalis Striped killifish 41.5 >5.X10 6 TLM
Herbicides Benzorc acid
Chloramben .•........ Technical acid Chlorococcum sp. .......................... ················· 1.15X10' 50 percent decrease in o, evolution
Technical acid Chlorococcum sp. .......................... ................. 5.X10' 50 percent decrease in growth
Technical acid Dunaliella tertiolecta .......................... ················· 1.5X10' 50 percent decrease in o, evolution
Technical acid Dunaliella tertiolecta ·························· ················· 5.X10' 50 percent decrease in growth
Technical acid lsochrysis galbana .......................... ················· 1X10' 50 percent decrea•e in o, evolution
Technical acid lsochrysis galbana .......................... ················· 1.5X10' 50 percent decrease in growth
Technical acid Phaeodactylum tricornutum .......................... ················· 1.0X10' 50 percent decrease in o, evolution
Technical acid Phaeodactylum tricornutum ·························· ................. 2.5X10' 50 percent decrease in growth
Ammonium salt Chlorococcum sp. .......................... ................. 2.225XJ06 50 percent decrease in o, evolution
Ammonium salt Chlorococcum sp. .......................... ................. 4.X10' 50 percent decrease in growth
Ammonium salt Dunaliella tertiolecta .......................... ················· 2.75XJ06 50 percent decrease in o, evolution
Ammonium salt Dunaliella tertiolecta .......................... ................. 4.X10' 50 percent decrease in growth
Ammonium salt lsochrysis galbana .......................... ................. 1.5X10' 50 percent decrease in o, evolution
Ammonium salt lsochrysis galbana .......................... ················· 3.5X10' 50 percent decrease in growth
• No growth bu: organisms were viable.
Test Procedure
10 day growth lest
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr intermittent-flow lab bioassay
48 hr static lab bioassay
48 hr static lab bioassay
24 hr static lab bioassay
24 hr static lab bioassay
24 hr static lab bioassay
48 hr static lab bioassay
48 hr sialic lab bioassay
14 day static lab bioassay
14 hr static lab bioassay
14 day static lab bioassay
24 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
24 hr static lab bioassay
24 hr static lab bioassay
24 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
5 months continuous flow chronic lab
96 hr static lab bioassay
24 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
50 days static conditions
96 hr static lab bioassay
100 day post exposure to 96 hr static
lab bioassay altO ppm.
96 hr static lab bioassay
Growth measured as ABS. (525 mu)
after 10 days
Growth measured as ABS. (525 mu)
after lO,days
Growth measured as ABS. (525 mu)
after 10 days
Growth measured u ABS. (525 mu)
after 10 daJS
Growth measured as ABS. (525 mu)
after 10 days
Growth measured as ABS. (525 mu)
after 10 days
Growth measured as ABS. (525 mu)
after 10 days
Temp C Salinity •joo Other Environmental Criteria
500 ft.-c continuous
500 fl-c continuous
500 fl-c continuous
500 fl.-c continuous
500 fl.-c continuous
500 fl.-c continuous
500 ft.-c continuous
Turbidity 1-12 JTU
Turbidity 1-12 JTU
pH 7.9-8.1
pH 7.9-8.1
pH 7.9-8.1
pH 7.9-8.1
pH 7.9-8.1
pH 7.9-8.1
pH 7.9-8.1
pH 7.9-8.1
pH 7.9-8.1
pH 7.9-8.1
pH 7.9-8.1
pH=6.8-7.4 Total alkalinity
45-75 ppm
pH 7.8
pH 7.8
pH 7.8
pH 7.8
pH 7.8
pH 7.8
pH= 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
pH=7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
pH=7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
pH=7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
pH=7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
pH= 7. 9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
pH= 7. 9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
pH=7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
pH=7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
pH=7.9-8.16000 lux 12/12
pH=7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
pH=7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
pH=7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
pH=7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
Statistical Evaluation
95 percent confidence limits
95 percent confidence limits
Reduction significant at 0.01 level.
Analysis by Chi-square
Reduction significant at 0.01 level.
Anaiysis by Chi-square
Litchfield & Wilcoxon Method, 1947'"
I o, evolution measured by Gilson differential respirometer on 4 ml of culture in log phase. Length of test90 minutes.
Appendix III-Table 6/495
Residue levels mgjkg Other Parameters
No pathology;
mild AChE
Ukeles 1962'"
Ukeles 1962'"
Ukeles 1962'"
Ukeles 1962'",
Ukeles 1962"'
Ukeles 1962"7
Ukeles 1962"'
Earnest (unpublished)'"'
Earnest (u~published)""
Stewart et aL 1967"'
Stewart et al. 1967"•
Stewart el al. 1967"'
Stewart et al. 1967"'
Stewart et al. 1967"'
Stewart et al. 1967"'
Davis and Hidu 1969'"
Davis and Hidu 1969'"
Davis and Hidu 19693"
Davis and Hidu 1969'"
Stewart et al. 1967'"
Buller et al. 1968"'
Stewart et al. 196734'
Stewart et al. 1967"'
stewart et al. 1967"'
Stewart et al. 1967346
Katz 1961"'
Lowe 1967339
Millemann 1969"'
Buchanan et al. 1969'"
Buchanan et al. 1969"'
Buchanan et al. 1969'21
Buchanan et al. 1969'"
Eisler 19663"
Eisler 1966'"
Eisler 1966'"
Eisler 1966"'
Eisler 1966'"
Eisler 1966'"
Walsh 1972"'
Walsh "
Walsh "
Walsh "
Walsh "
wa.sh "
Walsh "
Walsh "
Walsh "
Walsh "
Walsh "
Walsh "
Walsh "
Walsh "
496/ Appendix Ill-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
Substance Tested Formulation
Ammonium salt
Ammonium salt
Methyl ester
Methyl ester
Methyl ester
Methyl ester
Methyl ester
Methyl ester
Methyl ester
Methyl ester
Diquat. .............. Dibromide
Diquat. .............. Dibromide
Diquat. .............. Dibromide
Diquat. .............. Dibromide
Diquat. .............. Dibromide
Diquat. .............. Dibromide
Diquat. .............. Dibromide
Diquat. ............. Dibromide
Paraquat.. ........... Dichloride
Paraquat. ............ Dichloride
Paraquat. ............ Dichloride
Paraquat.. ........... Dichloride
Paraquat. .......... ,. Dichloride
Paraquat.. ........... Dichloride
Paraquat.. ........... Dichloride
Paraquat. ............ Dichloride
Dichlobenil ........... Technical acid
Dichlobenil ........... Technical acid
Dichlobenil ........... Technical acid
Dichlobenil. .......... Technical acid
Dichlobenil ........... Technical acid
Dichlobenil ........... Technical acid
Dichlobenil ........... Technical acid
Dichlobenil. .......... Technical acid
MCPA .............. .
MCPA .............. .
Phenoxyacetic acid
2,4-D ............... Ester
2,4-D ............... Ester
2,4-D ............... Salt
2,4-D ............... Salt
2,4-D ............... Technical acid
2,4-D ............... Technical acid
2,4-D ............... Technical acid
2,4-D ............... Technical acid
2,4-D ............... Technical acid
2,4-D ................ Technical acid
• Organism Tested
Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Phaeodaclylum tricornutum
Chlorococcum sp.
Chlorococcum sp.
Dunaliella tertiolecta
Dunaliella tertiolecta
lsochrysis galbana
lsochrysis galbana
Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Chlorococcum sp.
Chlorococcum sp.
Dunaliella tertiolecta
Dunaliella lertiolecta
lsochrysis galbana
lsochrysis galbana
Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Chlorococcum sp.
Chlorococcum sp.
Dunaliella tertiolecta
Dunaliella tertiolecta
lsochrysis galbana
lsochrysis galbana
Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Chlorococcum sp.
Chlorococcum sp.
Dunaliella tertiolecta
Dunaliella tertiolecta
lsochrysis galbana
lsochrysis galbana
Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Crassostrea virginica
Crassostrea virginica
Crassostrea virginica
Crassostrea virginica
Crassostrea virginica
Crassostrea virginica
Chlorococcum sp.
Chlorococcum sp.
Dunaliella tertiolecta
Dunaliella tertiolecta
lsochrysis galbana
lsochrysis galbana
Common Name
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
·························· ..........................
.............. _, ...........
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
American oyster
American oyster
American oyster
American oyster
American oyster
American oyster
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Life Stage or Size Cone. (ppb act ingred.) Methods of Assessment
(mm) in water
················· 3.25X10' 50 percent decrease in o, evolution
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0X10' 50 percent decrease in growth
················· 2X10' 50 percent decrease in o, evolution
················· 2.5X10 3 50 percent decrease in growth
················· 1.75X103 50 percent decrease in o, evolution
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5X103 50 percent decrease in growth
················· 1.5X10' 50 percent decrease in o, evolution
················· 5X10' 50 percent decrease in growth
················· 2.75X103 50 percent decrease in o, evolution
................. 5.X103 50 percent decrease in growth
................. >.5X10' 50 percent decrease in o, evolution
················· 2.X10 5 50 percent decrease in growth
................. >5.X10' 50 percent decrease in o, evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3X104 50 percent decrease in growth
................. >5X10' 50 percent decrease in o, evolution
................. 1.5X10' 50 percent decrease in growth
................. >5X10' 50 percent decrease in o, evolution
................. 1.5X104 50 percent decrease in growth
................. >5X10' 50 percent decrease in o, evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5X104 50 percent decrease in growth
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5X10' 50 percent decrease in o, evolution
................. 2X104 50 percent decrease in growth
................. 5X10' 50 percent decrease in o, evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5X10' 50 percent decrease in growth
................. 3.5X10' 50 percent decrease in o, evolution
··~· ......•...... l.XlD' 50 percent decrease in growth
................. 9X10' 50 percent decrease in o, evolution
................. 6X10 4 50 percent decrease in growth
................. 1.25X10' 50 percent decrease in o, evolution
................. 6X10 4 50 percent decrease in growth
................. 1X105 50 percent decrease in o, evolution
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Xlli' 50 percent decrease in growth
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5X10' 50 percent decrease in o, evolution
................. 2.5Xlli' 50 percent decrease in growth
Egg 1.562Xlli' TLM
Larvae 3.13X10• TLM
Egg 8X103 TLM
Larvae 740 TLM
Egg 2.044X10• TLM
Larvae 6.429Xlli' TLM
................. 6X10' 50 percent decrease in o, evolution
················· 5X104 50 percent decrease in growth
................. 9X104 50 percent decrease in o, evolution
................. 7.5X10' 50 percent decrease in growth
................. 6X10' 50 percent decrease in o, evolution
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5X104 50 percent decrease in growth
Appendix III-Table 6/497
Test Procedure Tempe Salinity o I oo Other Environmental Criteria Statistical Evaluation Residue levels mgjkg Other Parameters Reference
f 20 30 pH=7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... ................ Walsh "
Growth measured as ADS. (525 mu) 20 30 pH=7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walsh "
after 10 days
f 20 30 pH=7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walsh "
Growth measured as ADS. (525 mu) 20 30 pH=7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 ···················· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walsh "
after 10 days
J 20 30 pH=7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 ···················· ................ Walsh "
Growth measured as ADS. (525 mu) 20 30 pH=7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ Walsh "
after 10 days
J 20 30 pH=7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ················ Walsh "
Growth measured as ADS. (525 mu) 20 30 pH=7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... ................ Walsh "
after 10 days
J 20 30 pH= 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... ················ Walsh 1972"'
Growth measured as ADS. (525 mu) 20 30 pH=7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 ···················· ................ Walsh "
after 10 days
J 20 30 pH=7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 ···················· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walsh "
Growth measured as ADS. (525 mu) 20 30 pH=7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walsh "
after 10 days
J 20 30 pH=7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... ................ Walsh "
Growth measured as ADS. (525 mu) 20 30 pH=7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... ................ Walsh "
after 10 days
f 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 Litchfield & Wilcoxon Method'" .................... ................ Walsh 1972'4'
Measured as ADS. (525 mu) alter 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... ················ Walsh "
10 days
J 20 30 pH 7.9-8.16000 lux 12/12 .................... Walsh " ................
Measured as ADS. (525 mu) after 20 30 pH 7.9-8.16000 lux 12/12 .................... ................ Walsh "
10 days
J 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... ................ Walsh "
Measured as ADS. (525 mu) alter 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 Walsh " .................... ................
10 days
f 20 30 pH 7. 9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walsh "
Measured as ADS. (525 mu) after 20 30 pH 7. 9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... ················ Walsh "
10 days
J 20 30 pH 7. 9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 ···················· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walsh "
Measured as ADS. (525 mu) after 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... ................ Walsh "
10 days
J 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walsh "
Measured as ADS. (525 mu) after 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ Walsh "
10 days
f 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walsh "
Measured as ADS. (525 mu) after 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... ················ Walsh "
10 days
J 20 30 pH 7.9-8.16000 lux 12/12 .................... ................ Walsh "
Measured as ADS. (525 mu) after 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... ................ Walsh
10 days
f 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walsh " ····················
Measured as ADS. (525 mu) after 20 30 pH 7.9-8.16000 lux 12/12 ················ Walsh " ....................
10 days
f 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walsh " ····················
Measured as ADS. (525 mu) after 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walsh "
10 days
48 hr static lab bioassay 24±1 ································ None .................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Davis and Hidu 1969"'
14 day static lab bioassay 24±1 ................................ None .. .................. ................ Davis and Hidu 1969'"'
48 hr static lab bioassay 24±1 ................................ None .. .................. ................ Davis and Hidu 1969'"
14 day static lab bioassay 24±1 ................................ None .................... . ............... Davis and Hidu 1969"'
48 hr static lab bioassay 24±1 ................................ None . ................... ................ Davis and Hidu 1969'"
14 day static lab bioassay 24±1 ................................ None . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .............. Davis and Hidu 1969'"
J 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 Litchfield & Wilcoxon Method'" .................... ................ Walsh 1972'"
Measured as ADS. (525 mu) after 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walsh "
10 days
J 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 Walsh " .................... ................
Measured as ADS. (525 mu) after 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 ................ Walsh " ....................
10 days
f 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 ................ Walsh " ....................
Measured as ADS. (525 mu) after 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 Walsh " .................... ................
10 days
I o, evolution measured by Gilson differental respirometer on 4 ml of culture in log phase. Length of test 90 minutes.
498/ Appendix III-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
Substance Tested Formulation Organism Tested Common Name Life Stage or Size Cone. (ppb act ingred.) Methods of Assessment
(mm) in water
2,4·0 ............... Technical acid Phaeodactylum llicornutum ·························· ................. 6X104 50 percent decrease in o, evolution
2,4·0 ............... Technical acid Phaeodactylum tricornutum ·························· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5X104 50 percent decrease in growth
2,4·0 ............... Batoxyethanol ester Chlorococcum sp. ·························· ................. IXIO• 50 percent decrease in o, evolution
2,4·0 ............... Butoxyethanol ester Chlorococcum sp. ·························· ................. 7.5X104 50 percent decrease in growth
2,4-0 ............... Butoxyethanol ester Ounaliella tertiolecla ·························· ················· IXIO• 50 percent decrease in o, evolution
2,4·0 ............... Butoxyethanol ester Ounaliella tertiolecla ·························· . ................ 7.5X104 50 percent decrease in growth
2,4·0 ............... Butoxyethanol ester lsochrysis galbana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ················· IXID' 50 percent decrease in o, evolution
2,4·0 ............... Butoxyethanol ester lsochrysis galbana ·························· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.5X10' 50 percent decrease in growth
2,4·0 ............... Butoxyethanol ester Phaeodactylum llicornutum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ················· 2X10' 50 percent decrease in o, evolution
2,4·0 ............... Buloxyethanol ester Phaeodactylum llicornutum .......................... ················· 1.5XIO• 50 percent decrease in growth
EMIO ............... 2,4-0 cmpd Crassoslrea virginica American oyster Eggs 1.682X104 TLM
EMID ..............• 2,4-0 cmpd Crassoslrea virginica American oyster larvae 3.0X104 TLM
2,4,5-T .............. Technical acid Chlorococcum sp. ·························· ................. 1.5X105 50 percent decrease in o, evolution
2,4,5-T .............. Technical acid Chlorococcum sp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ················· 1.0X105 50 percent decrease in growth
2,4,5-T .............. Technical acid Ounaliella tertiolecla ·························· •.........••••••. 1.5XIO• 50 percent decrease in o, evolution
2,4,5-T .............. Technical acid Ounaliella tertiolecta ·························· ················· 1.25XIO• 50 percent decrease in growth
2,4,5-T .............. Technical acid lsochrysis galbana ·························· ················· 5X10' 50 percent decrease in o, evolution
2,4,5-T .............. Technical aicd lsochrysis galbana ·························· ················· 5X104 50 percent decrease in growlh
2,4,5-T .............. Technical acid Phaeodactylum tricornutum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ················· 7.5X10' 50 percent decrease in o, evolution
2,4,5-T .............. Technical acid Phaeodactylum lricornutum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. 5X104 50 percent decrease in growth
Endothall ............ Technical acid Chlorococcum sp. ·························· ................. 1X105 50 percent decrease in o, evolution
Endolhall ......... .' .. Technical acid Chlorococcum sp. ·························· . ................ 5X10' 50 percent decrease in growth
Endolhall ............ Technical acid Ounaliella tertiolecia .......................... ················· 4.25XIO• 50 percent decrease in o, evolution
Endothall ............ Technical acid Ounaliella tertiolecla ·························· ................. 5X104 50 percent decrease in growth
Endothall ............ Technical acid lsochrysis galbana ·························· ················· 6XID' 50 percent decrease in o, evolution
Endothall ............ Technical acid lsochrysis galbana ·························· ................. 2.5XIO• 50 percent decrease in growth
Endothall ............ Technical acid Phaeodactylum lricornutum ·························· ................. 7.5X10' 50 percent decrease in o, evolution
Endothall ............ Technical acid Phaeodactylum tricornutum .......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5X10' 50 percent decrease in growth
Endothall ............ Amine salt Chlorococcum sp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ >IXIO• 50 percent decrease in o, evolution
Endothall ............ Amine salt Chlorococcum sp. .......................... .. ............... 3X105 50 percent decrease in growth
Endothall ............ Amine salt Ounaliella tertiolecla .......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . >1X10 6 50 percent decrease in o, evolution
Endolhall ............ Amine salt Ounaliella tertiolecla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5X104 50 percent decrease in growth
Endothall. ........... Amine salt lsochrysis galbana .......................... ................. >1X10 6 50 percent decrease in o, evolution
Endothall ............ Amine salt lsochrysis galbana .......................... ................. 2.25X104 50 percent decrease in growth
Endothall ............ Amine salt Phaeodactylum tricornutum .......................... ................. >1XI0 5 50 percent decrease in o, evolution
Endothall. ........... Amine salt Phaeodactylum llicornutum .......................... ................. 2.5XIO• 50 percent decrease in growth
Endothall ............ .......................... Crassoslrea virginica American oyster Egg 2.822XIO• TLM
Endothall ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crassoslrea virginica American oyster larvae 4.80BXIO• TLM
Endothall ............ ·························· Mercenaria mercenaria Hard clam Egg 5.102XIO• TLM
Endothall ............ .......................... Mercenaria mercenaria Hard clam Larvae 1.25XIO• TLM
Picolinic acid
Jordon® 101 ......... .......................... Chlorococcum sp • .......................... ················· >2XIO• 50 percent decrease in o, evolution
Jordon® 101 ......... .......................... Chlorococcum sp. ·························· ················· IXIO• 50 percent decrease in growth
Jordon® 101 ......... .......................... Ounaliella tertiolecla . ......................... ................. >2X10 6 50 percent decrease in o, evolution
Jordon® 101.. ....... .......................... Ounaliella tertiolecla ·························· ................. 1.25XIO• 50 percent decrease in growth
Jordon® 101 ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lsochrysis galbana ·························· ................. IXIO• 50 percent decrease in o, evolution
Jordon® 101 ••....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lsochrysis galbana .......................... ................. 5X10' 50 percent decrease in growth
Jordon® 101 ......... .......................... Phaeodactylum tricornutum .......................... ················· >72X10' 50 percent decrease in o, evolution
Jordon® 101.. ....... .......................... Phaeodactylum lricornutum .......................... ················· 1X105 50 percent decrease in growth
Appendix III-Table 6/499
Test Procedure Tempe Salinity • 1 oo Other Environmental Criteria Statistical Ewluation Residue levels mg/kg Other Parameters Reference
f 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ Walsh "
Measured as ADS. (525 mu) after 20 30 pH 7.H.1 6000 lux 12/12 ···················· ................ Walsh "
10 days
f 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... ................ Walsh "
Measured as ABS. (525 mu) after 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walsh "
10 days
f 20 30 pH 7. 9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 ···················· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walsh "
Measured as ADS. (525 mu) after 20 30 pH 7.H.1 6000 lux 12/12 ···················· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walsh "
10 days
J 20 30 pH 7.H.1 6000 lux 12/12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walsh "
Measured as ADS. (525 mu) after 20 30 pH 7.9-8.16000 lux 12/12 .................... ················ Walsh "
10 days
J 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... ................ Walsh "
Measured as ABS. (525 mu) after 20 30 pH 7.H.16000 lux 12/12 ···················· ················ Walsh "
10 days
48 hr static lab bioassay 24±1 ································ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ···················· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Davis and Hidu 1969'"
14 day static lab bioassay 24±1 ................................ ................................... .................... . ............... Davis and Hidu 1969'"
J 20 30 pH 7.9-8.16000 lux 12/12 Litchfield & Wilcoxon Method"' .................... ................ Walsh 1972'"
Measured as ABS. (525 mu) after 20 30 pH 7. H.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... ................ Walsh "
10 days
J 20 30 pH 7.H.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... ................ Walsh "
Measured as ADS. (525 mu) alter 20 30 pH 7. 9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... ................ Walsh "
10 days
f 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walsh "
Measured as ADS. (525 mu) after 20 30 pH 7.H.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walsh "
10 days
J 20 30 pH 7.H.1 6000 lux 12/12 ···················· ················ Walsh "
Measured as ADS. (525 mu) after 20 30 pH 7.H.1 6000 lux 12/12 ···················· ················ Walsh "
10 days
J 20 30 pH 7.H.1 6000 lux 12/12 Litchfield & Wilcoxon Method'" .................... ................ Walsh 1972'"
Measured as ADS (525 mu) after 20 30 pH 7. H.1 6000 lux 12/12 ···················· ................ Walsh "
10 days
f 20 30 pH 7.H.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... ·'·············· Walsh "
Measured as ADS (525 mu) after 20 30 pH 7. H.1 6000 lux 12/12 ···················· ................ Walsh "
10 days
f 20 30 pH 7.H.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walsh "
Measured as ADS (525 mu) after 20 30 pH 7.H.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... ................ Walsh "
10 days
f 20 30 pH 7. H.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... ................ Walsh "
Measured as ADS (525 mu) after 20 30 pH 7.H.1 6000 lux 12/12 ···················· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walsh
10 days
J 20 30 pH 7.H.16000 lux 12/12 ···················· ................ Walsh "
Measured as ADS (525 mu) after 20 30 pH 7.H.16000 lux 12/12 .................... ················ Walsh "
10 days
f 20 30 pH 7.H.16000 lux 12/12 .................... ................ Walsh "
Measured as ADS. (525 mu) after 20 30 pH 7.H.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... ................ Walsh "
10 days
J 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... ................ Walsh "
Measured as ADS. (525 mu) after 20 30 pH 7.H.16000 lux 12/12 .................... ................ Walsh "
10 days
J 20 30 pH 7.H.16000 lux 12/12 .................... ................ Walsh "
Measured as ADS. (525 mu) after 20 30 pH 7.9-8.16000 lux 12/12 ···················· ................ Walsh "
10 days
48 hr static lab bioassay 24±1 ................................ Nona .................... ................ Davis and Hidu 1969'"
14 day static lab bioassay 24±1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . None ···················· ................ Davis and Hidu 1969'"
48 hr static lab bioassay 24±1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . None .................... ················ Davis and Hidu 1969'"
12 day static lab bioassay 24±1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . None .................... ................ Davis and Hidu 196!1'"
J 20 30 pH 7.H.1 6000 lux 12/12 Litchfield & Wilcoxon Method'" .................... ················ Walsh 1972'"
Measured as ADS. (525 mu) after 20 30 pH 7.H.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... ................ Walsh "
10 days
J 20 30 pH 7.H.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... ................ Walsh "
Measured as ADS. (525 mu) after 20 30 pH 7.H.1 6000 lux 12/12 ................ Walsh " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10 days
J 20 30 pH 7.H.16000 lux 12/12 Walsh " .................... ................
Measured as ADS. (525 mu) after 20 30 pH 7.H.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... ················ Walsh "
10 days
J 20 30 pH 7.H.1 6000 lux 12/12 ················ Walsh " ....................
Measured as ADS. (525 mu) after 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 ................ Walsh " ....................
10 days
o, evolution measured by Gilson difterential respirometer on 4 ml of culture in log phase. Test length 90 minules
500/Appendix Ill-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
Substance Tested Formubltion
Propionic acid
Dalapon.. .. . . . . . . . . . . Technical acid
Dalapon.............. Technical acid
Dalapon.............. Technical acid
Dalapon.............. Technical acid
Dalapon.............. Technical acid
Dablpon.. .. . . . . . . . . . . Technical acid
Dalapon. .. . . . . . . . . . . . Technical acid
Dalapon. .. . . . . . . . . . . . Technical acid
Silvex... .. . . . . . . . . . . . Technical acid
Silvex................ Technical acid
Silvex................ Technical acid
Silvex. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . Technical acid
Silvex................ Technical acid
Silvex................ Technical acid
Silvex ............... .
Silvex ............... .
Trifluralin............ Technical acid
Trifluralin............ Technical acid
Trifluralin............ Technical acid
Trifluralin............ Technical acid
Trifluralin............ Technical acid
Trifluralin.. .. . . . . . . . . Technical acid
Trifluralin............ Technical acid
Trifluralin............ Technical acid
Ametryne.. . . . . . . . . . . Technical acid
Ametryne............ Technical acid
Ametryne............ Technicalacid
Ametryne............ Technical acid
Ametryne............ Technical acid
Ametryne. . . . . . . . . . . . Technical acid
Ametryne............ Technical acid
Ametryne. . . . . . . . . . . . Technical acid
Atrazine.. ... . . . . . . . . . Technicalacid
Atrazine.............. Technical acid
Atrazine.. ... . . . . . . . . . Technical acid
Atrazine.............. Technical acid
Atrazine.. ... . . . . . . . . . Technical acid
Atrazine.............. Technical acid
Atrazine.. .. . . . . . . . . . . Technical a&id
Atrazine.............. Technical acid
Prometone........... Technical acid
Prometone........... Technical acid
Prometone........... Technical acid
Prometone........... Technical acid
Prometone........... Technical acid
Prometone.. .. . . . . . . . Technical acid
• Organism Tested
Chlorococcum sp.
Chlorococcum sp.
Dunaliella tertiolecta
Dunaliella tertiolecta
lsochrysis galbana
lsochrysis galbana
Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Chlorococcum sp.
Chlorococcum sp.
Dunaliella tertiolecta
Dunaliella tertiolecta
lsochrysis galbana
lsochrysis galbana
Crassostrea virginica
Crassostrea virginica
Chlorococcum sp.
Chlorococcum sp.
Dunaliella tertiolecta
Dunaliella tertiolecta
lsochrysis galbana
lsochrysis galbana
Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Chlorococcum sp.
Chlorococcum sp.
Dunaliella tertiolecta
Dunaliella tertiolecta
lsochrysis galbana
lsochrysis galbana
Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Phaeodaclylum tricornutum
Chlorococcum sp.
Chlorococcum sp.
Ounaliella tertiolecta
Dunaliella tertiolecta
lsochrysis galbana
lsochrysis galbana
Phaeodaclylum tricornutum
Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Chlorococcum sp.
Chlorococcum sp.
Dunaliella tertiolecta
Dunaliella tertiolecta
lsochrysis galbana
lsochrysis galbana
Common Name
American oyster
American oyster
Life Stage or Size Cone. (ppb act. ingred.) Methods of Assessment
(mm) in water
2.5X10 3
. ................ 20
................. 40
................. 10
................. 10
..... ... ... .. ... . 100
................. 300
•. .... .. ... ... .. . 100
................. 100
. ................ 400
50 percent decrease in o, evolution
50 percent decrease in growth
50 percent decrease in o, evolution
50 percent decrease in growth
50 percent decrease in o, evolution
50 percent decrease in growth
50 percent decrease in o, evolution
50 percent decrease in growth
50 percent decrease in o, evolution
50 percent decrease in growth
50 percent decrease in o, evolution
50 percent decrease in growth
50 percent decrease in o, evolution
50 percent decrease in growth
50 percent decrease in o, evolution
50 percent decrease in growth
50 percent decrease in o, evolution
50 percent decrease in growth
50 percent decrease in o, evolution
50 percent decrease in growth
50 percent decrease in o, evolution
50 percent decrease in growth
50 percent decrease in o, evolution
50 percent decrease in growth
50 percent decrease in o, evolution
50 percent decrease in growth
50 percent decrease in o, evolution
50 percent decrease in growth
50 percent decrease in o, evolution
50 percent decrease in growth
50 percent decrease in o, evolution
50 percent decrease in growth
50 percent decrease in o, evolution
50 percent decrease in growth
50 percent decrease in o, evolution
50 percent decrease in growth
50 percent decrease in o, evolution
50 percent decrease in growth
50 percent decrease in o, evolution
50 percent decrease in growth
50 percent decrease in o, evolution
50 percent decrease in growth
50 percent decrease in o, evolution
50 percent decrease in growth
Appendix III-Table 6/501
Test Procedure Temp C Salinity 0 J oo Other Environmental Criteria Statistical Evaluation Residue levels mgjkg Other Parameters Reference
J 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walsh "
Measured as ADS. (525 mu) alter 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ Walsh "-
10 days
J 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ················ Walsh "
Measured as ADS. (525 mu) alter 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 ···················· ················ Walsh "
10 days
J 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ Walsh "
Measured as ADS. (525 mu) alter 20 30 pH 7.9-8.16000 lux 12/.12 .................... ................ Walsh "
10 days
J 20 30 pH 7.9-8.16000 lux 12/12 ···················· ................ Walsh "
Measured as ADS. (525 mu) alter 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ Walsh "
10 days
J 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ················ Walsh "
Measured as ADS. (525 mu) alter 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 0 0 0 0 000 LO 0 00 000 0000 0 ················ Walsh "
10 days
J 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 ···················· ................ Walsh "
Measured as ADS. (525 mu) alter 20 30 pH 7. 9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 ···················· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walsh "
10 days
J 20 30 pH 7. 9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walsh "
Measured as ADS. (525 mu) alter 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 ···················· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walsh "
10 days
48 hr static lab bioassay 24±1 ................................ None . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .............. Davis and Hidu 1969'"
14 day static lab bioassay 24±1 ................................ None .................... . ............... Davis and Hidu 1969"'
J 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 Litchfield & Wilcoxon Method'" .................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walsh 197234•
Measured as ADS (525 mu) alter 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walsh "
10 days
J 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... ................ Walsh "
Measured as ADS (525 mu) alter 20 30 pH 7.9-8.16000 lux 12/12 .................... ................ Walsh "
10 days
J 20 30 pH 7.9-8.16000 lux 12/12 .................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walsh "
Measured as ADS (525 mu) alter 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... ................ Walsh "
10 days
J 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walsh "
Measured as ADS (525 mu) alter 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walsh "
10 days
J 20 30 pH 7.9-8.16000 lux 12/12 .................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walsh "
Measured as ADS (525 mu) alter 20 30 pH 7. 9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... ................ Walsh "
10 days
J 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... ................ Walsh "
Measured as ADS (525 mu) alter 20 30 pH 7.9-8.16000 lux 12/12 .................... ................ Walsh "
10 day~
J 28 30 pH 7.9-8.16000 lux 12/12 .................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walsh "
Measured as ADS (525 mu) alter 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walsh "
10 days
J 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 ···················· ................ Walsh "
Measured as ADS (525 mu) alter 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walsh "
10 days
J 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 Utchfield & Wilcoxon Method'" ···················· ................ Walsh 1972"•
Measured as ADS (525 mu) alter 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 ................................... .................... ................ Walsh "
10 days
J 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... ................ Walsh "
Measured as ADS (525 mu) alter 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... ................ Walsh "
10 days
J 20 30 pH 7. 9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... ................ Walsh "
Measured as ADS (525 mu) alter 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ Walsh "
10 days
j 20 30 pH 7. 9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ................ Walsh "
Measured as ADS (525 mu) alter 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... ................ Walsh "
10 days
J 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walsh "
Measured as ADS. (525 mu) alter 20 30 pH 7. 9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... ················ Walsh "
10 days
J 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... ................ Walsh "
Measured as ADS. (525 mu) alter 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... ................ Walsh "
10 days
J 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 .................... ................ Walsh
Measured as ADS. (525 mu) alter 20 30 pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12 ................ Walsh " ....................
10 days
I o, evolution measured by Gilson Differential Respirometer on 4 ml of cuHure in log phase. Length of test 90 min.
502/ Appendix Ill-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
Substance Tested Formulation
Prometone. . . . . . . . . . . Technical acid
Prometone. . . . . . . . . . . Technical acid
Simazine............. Technical acid
Simazine............. Technical acid
Simazine............. Technical acid
Simazine............. Technical acid
Simazine............. Technical acid
Simazine............. Technical acid
Simazine............. Technical acid
Simazine............. Technical acid
Herbicides Substituted urea compounds
Diuron ........................................ .
Diuron. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................ .
Diuron............... Technical
Diuron. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . Technical
Diuron. .. . . . . . . . . . . . • Technical
Diuron. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . Technical
Diuron. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . Technical acid
Diuron............... Technical acid
Diuron............... Technical acid
Diuron............... Technical acid
Diuron............... Technical
Diuron .............. .
Diuron............... Technical
Diuron............... Technical acid
Diuron............... Technical acid
Diuron............... Technical
Diuron............... . ........................ .
Diuron .............. .
Diuron............... . ........................ .
Diuron............... Technical acid
Diuron............... Technical acid
Fenuron.. .. . . . . . . . . . . . ........................ .
Fenuron ............. .
Fenuron ............. .
Fenuron.............. Technicalacid
Fenuron. ... . . . . . . . . . . Technical acid
Fenuron. ... . . . . . . . . . . Technical acid
Fenuron.............. Technical acid
Fenuron.............. Technical acid
Fenuron ............. .
Fenuron. ............. Technical acid
Fenuron. ............. Technical acid
Fenuron ............. .
Fenuron ............. .
Fenuron ............. .
Fenuron.............. Technical acid
Fenuron.............. Technical acid
Monuron ............ .
Monuron ............ .
Monuron ............ .
Monuron............. Technical acid
Monuron............. Technical acid
Monuron............. Technical aicd
Monuron............. Technical acid
Monuron............. Technical acid
Monuron ............•
Monuron ............ .
Monuron. .. . • . . . . . . . . Technical acid
Monuron............. Technical acid
Monuron ............•
Monuron............. Technical acid
Monuron............. Technical a·id
Monuron ............ .
Monuron ............ .
Orpnism Tested
Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Chlorococcum sp.
Chlorococcum sp.
Dunaliella terliolecta
llunaliella tertiolecta
lsochrysis galbana
lsochrysis galbana
Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Chiarella sp
Dicrateria i nornata
Nanochloris sp
Chlorococcum sp
Chlorococcum sp
Chlorococcum sp
Chlorococcum sp
Dunaliella terliolecta
Dunal!ella tertiolecta
Dunaliella terliolecta
Dunaliella euchlora
lsoehrysis galbana
lsochrysis galbana
lsochrysis galbana
Monochrysis lutheri
Monochrysis lutheri
Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Phaeodaclylum tricornutum
Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Protococcus sp.
Chiarella sp
Chiarella sp
Chlorococcum sp.
Chlorococcum sp.
Chlorococcum sp.
Dunaliella terliolecta
Dunaliella terliolecta
Dunaliella euchlora
lsochrysis galbana
lsochrysis galbana
Monochrysis lutheri
Monoehrysis lutheri
Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Phaeodactylum lricornutum
Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Protoeoccus sp.
Protococcus sp.
Chi orella sp.
Chlorococcum sp.
Chlorococcum sp.
Chlorococcum sp.
Dunaliella terlioleta
Dunaliella terliolecta
Dunaliella euchlora
Dunaliella euchlora
lsochrysis galbana
lsochrysis galbana
Monochrysis lutheri
Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Phaeodactylum lricornutum
f o, evolution measured with a Gilson dinerential despirometer on 4 ml of cuHure in log-phase.
Common Name
Life Stage or Size Cone. (ppb act. ingred.) Methods of Assessment
(mm) in water
... . .. . . . ... .. . .. 100
................. 600
................. 600
................. g
................. g
................. g
................. 20
................. g
................. g
................. 0.4
50 percent decrease in o, evolution
50 percent decrease in growth
50 percent decrease in o, evolution
50 percent decrease in growth
50 percent decrease in o, evolution
50 percent decrease in growth
50 percent decrease in o, evolution
50 percent decrease in growth
50 percent decrease in o, evolution
50 percent decrease in growth
.52 OPT. DEN. expljOPT DEN control
.34 OPT DEN. expljOPT DEN control
32.3 percent decrease (CH,O)x
18.8 decrease (CH,O)x
61 percent inhibition of growth
65.6 inhibition (CH,O)
50 percent reduction o, evolution!
50 percent reduction in growth
50 percent reduction o, evolution!
50 percent reduction in growth
17.9 percent decrease (CH,O)x
.44 OPT. DEN. expljOPT. DEN control
37.4 percent decrease (CH ,O)x
50 percent reduction o, evolution!
50 percent reduction in growth
35.7 percent decrease (CH,O)
.DO optical density expljoptical density
• 79 OPT. DEN expljOPT DEN control
.00 OPT. DEN expljOPT DEN control
50 percent reduction o, evolution 1
50 percent reduction in growth
• 33 Opt. Den. Ex pi/Opt. Den· Control
. 82 Opt. Den. ExptjOpl. Den. Control
.DO Opl Den. Expt/Opl Den. Control•
68 percent inhibition of growth
50 percent decrease in growth
50 percent decrease in o, evolution
50 percent decrease in o, evolution
50 percent decrease in growth
• 46 Opl Den. ExplfOpt. Den. Control
50 percent decrease o, evolution
50 percent decrease growth
• 67 Opl Den. Expi/Opl Den. Control
• DO Opt. Den ExpljOpt. Den. Control
.82 Opt. Den. Expi/Opt Den. Control
50 percent decrease o, evolution
50 percent decrease growth
• 90 OD expi/OD control
.00 OD expljOD control•
.30 OD expi/OD control
54 percent inhibition of growth
50 percent decrease o, evolution
50 percent decrease in growth
50 percent decrease o, evolution
50 percent decrease growth
1.00 OD expi/OD control
.00 OD expljOD control•
50 percent decrease o, evolution
50 percent decrease in growth
.83 OD expi/OD control
50 percent decrease o, evolution
50 percent decrease in growth
. 65 OD expljOD control
.00 OD expi/OD control
• Cone. which decrease uowlh by 50-75 percent as determined by Walsh and Grow Diuron 10 ppb; fenuron 1000 ppb; monuron 100 ppb; neburon 30 ppb.
• No uowth but organisms viable.
Test Procedure
Measured as ABS. (525 mu) after
10 days
Measured as ABS. (525 mu) after
10 days
Measured as APS. (525 mu) after
10 days
Measured as APS. (525 mu) after
10 days
Measured as APS. (525 mu) after
10 days
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
~1b day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
1 o day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
1 0 day growth test
10 day growth test
1 0 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
Temp C Salinity '/oo Other Environmental Criteria
20 30
20 30
20 30
20 30
20 30
20 30
20 30
20 30
20 30
20.5±1 30
20 30
20 30
20 30
20 30
~0 30
20 30
20 30
20 30
20 30
20 30
20 30
pH 7.9-8.16000 lux 12/12
pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
pH 7. 9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
pH 7.9-8.16000 lux 12/12
pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
pH 7. 9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
pH 7. 9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
pH 7. 9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
500 11.-c continuous
500 fl·c continuous
500 11.-c continuous
pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
pH 7. 9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
pH 7.9-8.1
pH 7.9-8.1
pH 7. 9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
500 fl·c continuous
pH 7.9-8.1
pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
500 fl.·c continuous
500 11.-c continuous
500 11.-c continuous
pH 7. 9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
500 fl.·c continuous
500 ft.·c continuous
500 fl·c continuous
pH 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
pH= 7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
pH=7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
500 fl.·c continuous
500 11.-c continuous
pH=7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
500 11.-c continuous
pH=7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
500 ft.·c continuous
500 fl.·c continuous
Statistical Evaluation
Significant at 0.051evel
Significant at 0.051evel
Significant at 0.051evel
Litchfield & Wilcoxon method'"
Significant at 0.05level
Significant at 0. 05 level
Litchfield & Wilcoxon method'"
Significant at 0.05level
Litchfield and Wilcoxon method'"
Litchfield & Wilcoxon method'"
Litchfield & Wilcoxon method'"
Litchfield & Wilcoxon Method'"
Litchfield & Wilcoxon Method'"
Litchfield & Wilcoxon Method'"
Appendix Ill-Table 6/503
Residue levels mgjkg Other Parameters
Walsh "
Walsh "
Walsh "
Walsh "
Walsh "
Walsh "
Walsh "
Walsh "
Walsh "
Walsh "
Ukeles 1962'"
Ukeles 1962'"
Walsh and Grow 1971'"
Walsh and Grow 1971'"
Walsh and Grow 1971"'
Walsh and Grow 1971"'
Walsh 1972348
Walsh "
Walsh "
Walsh "
Walsh and Grow 197134'
Ukeles '"
Walsh and Grow 1971'"
Walsh 1972348
Walsh "
Walsh and Grow 197134•
Ukeles 1962347
Ukeles 1962'"
Ukeles 19623"
Walsh 1972"8
Walsh "
Ukeles 1962'"
Ukeles 1962'"
Walsh and Grow 1971'"
Walsh 19723"
Walsh "
Walsh "
Walsh 1972"8
Ukeles 19623"
Walsh 1972348
Walsh "
Ukeles 1962'"
Ukeles 1962"7
Ukeles 1962"7
Walsh 1972348
Walsh "
Ukeles 1962'"
Ukeles 1962"7
Ukeles 1962"7
Walsh and Grow 1971'"
Walsh 1972348
Walsh "
Walsh "
Walsh "
Ukeles 1962'"
Walsh 1972"8
Walsh "
Walsh "
Ukeles 1962347
Walsh 1972"8
Walsh "
Ukeles 1962"7
Ukeles 1962'"
504/ Appendix III-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
Substance Tested
Neburon .. .
Neburon .. .
Technical acid
Technical acid
. . . . . Technical acid
Technical acid
Technical acid
Neburon ... .
Neburon .. .
Neburon ...
Technical acid
. . . . . . Technical acid
Technical acid
Neburon. . . . . . . . . . . Technical acid
Bactericides, Fungicides
Nematocides, and misc.
Aroclor. . . . . . . . . . . 1254
Aroclor.. 1254
Aroclor.. 1254
Aroclor ......... .. 1254
Aroclor ......... .. 1254
Chloramphenicol. .
Chloramphenicol ..... .
Oelrad ........
Oowacide A. . . . . 97 percent
Oowacide A. . . . 97 percent
Oowacide A. .. .. . .. .. 97 percent
Oowacide A.. . . 97 percent
Oowacide A.. .. . 97 percent
Oowacide A.. .. 97 percent
Oowacide A. . . 97 percent
Oowacide G .. .
Oowacide G ........ ..
Giseofulvin .......... .
Lignasan............. 6.25 percent
lignasan. 6.25 percent
lignasan ............. 6.25 percent
Lignasan............. 6.25 percent
Lignasan.. ... . .. .. .. 6.25 percent
Nabam .......... .
Nabam ......... ..
Nabam .... ..
Nabam .... ..
Nabam .... .
Nabam .............. .
Nabam .............. .
Nabam ...... .
Nemagon® .. .
Nemagon® .. .
Nitrofurazone .....
Omazene ............ .
Omazene ............ .
Omazene ............ .
Nitrilotriacetic acid ... .
Nitrilotriacetic acid ... .
Nitrilotriacetic acid ... .
Nitrilotriacetic acid ... .
Nitrilotriacetic acid ... .
Nitrilotriacetic acid ... .
Nitrilotriacetic acid ... .
Nitrilotriacetic acid ... .
Monohydrated sodium salt
Monohydrated sodium salt
Monohydrated sodium salt
Monohydrated sodium salt
Monohydrated sodium salt
Monohydrated sodium salt
Monohydrated sodium sal\
Monohydrated sodium salt
h No growth but organisms viable.
Organism Tested
Protococcus sp.
Chlorella sp.
Chlorococcum sp.
Chlorococcum sp.
Chlorococcum sp.
Ounaliella tertiolecta
llunaliella tertio tecta
Ounaliella euchlora
fsochrysis galbana
lsochrysis galbana
Monochrysis lutheri
Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Tetrahymena pyriformis
Penaeus duorarum
Penaeus duorarum
Leiostomus xanthurus
Lagodon rhomboides
Mercenaria mercenaria
Mercenaria mercenaria
Mercenaria mercenaria
Crassostrea virginica
Protococcus sp
Chlorella sp.
Ounaliella euchlora
Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Monochrysis lutheri
Mercenaria mercenaria
Mercenaria mercenaria
Mercenaria mercenaria
Mercenaria mercenaria
Mercenaria mercenaria
Mercenaria mercenaria
Protococcus sp.
Chlorella sp.
Ounaliella euchlora
Phaeodactyfum tricornutum
Monochrysis lutheri
Protococcus sp.
Chlorella sp.
Ounaliella euchlora
Phaeodactyfum tricornutum
Monochrysis lutheri
Mercenaria mercenaria
Mercenaria mercenaria
Crassostrea virginica
Mercenaria mercenaria
Mercenaria mercenaria
Mercenaria mercenaria
Mercenaria mercenaria
Mercenaria mercenaria
Mercenaria mercenaria
Crassostrea virginica
Crassostrea virginica
Cyclotella nana
Tisbe furcata
Acartia clausi
Common Name
Pink shrimp
Pink shrimp
Hard clam
Hard clam
Hard clam
American oyster
Hard clam
Hard clam
Hard clam
Hard clam
Hard clam
Hard clam
Hard clam
Hard clam
American oyster
Hard clam
Hard clam
Hard clam
Hard clam
Hard clam
Hard clam
American oyster
American oyster
Trigriopus japonicus ........................ ..
Pseudodiaptimus coronatus ......................... .
Eurytemora affinis ......................... .
.............................................. Crab zoea
Nereis vireos Sand worm
life Stage or Size Cone. (ppb acl ingred.) Methods of Asseument
(mm) in water
.. ............... 40
... .... . ......... 20
.. .. . ... ... ...... 40
... .. .... ... .. ... 40
.... ... .. . .. ... .. 20
.............. 30
.41 00 expl/00 control
. 31 00 expl/00 control
68 percent inhibition in growth
50 percent decrease 0• evolution
50 percent decrease growth
50 percent decrease o, evolution
50 percent decrease growth
• 47 00 expl/00 control
50 percent decrease o. evolution
50 percent decrease growth
.DO 00 expl/00 control
.10 00 expl/00 control
50 percent decrease o, evolution
50 percent decrease growth
13.30 percent decrease in population size
measure at 540 m"
51 percent mortality
50 percent mortality
50 percent mortality
50 percent mortality
• 75 0 0 expl/0 0 control
• 74 D.O. expl/0.0. control
.52 D.O. expl/0.0. control
.48 D.O. expl/0.0. control
.22 D.O. expl/0.0. control
• DO D.O. expl/0.0. control
• DO D.O. expl/0.0. control
.31 D.O. expl/0.0. control
.55 D.O. expl/0.0. control
.00 D.O. expl/0.0. control
.53 D.O. expl/0.0. control
.63 D.O. expl/0.0. control
.27 D.O. expl/0.0. control
.00 D.O. expl/0.0. control•
.48 D.O. expl/0.0. control
38 percent growth as compared to controls
Test Procedure Temp C Salinity •/oo Other Environmental Criteria
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
1 0 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
96 hr static lab bioassay
15 day chronic exposure in flowing sea-29
35 day chronic exposure in flowing sea-20
18 day chronic exposure in flowing sea-11-18
12 day chronic exposure in flowing sea-
48 hr static lab bioassay
12 day static lab bioassay
12 day static lab bioassay
14 day static lab bioassay
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
48 hr static lab bioassay
12 day static lab bioassay
48 hr static lab bioassay
12 day static lab bioassay
48 hr state lab bioassay
14 day static lab bioassay
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
48 hr static lab bioassay
12 day static lab bioassay
48 hr static lab bioassay
48 hr static Jab bioassay
12 day static lab bioassay
48 hr static lab bioassay
12 day static lab bioassay
48 hr static lab bioassay
12 day static lab bioassay
48 hr static lab bioassay
14 day static lab bioassay
72 hr static lab bioassay
72 hr static lab bioassay
72 hr static lab bioassay
72 hr static lab bioassay
72 hr static lab bioassay
72 hr static lab bioassay
72 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
500 ft-c continuous
500 ft-c continuous
pH=7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
pH= 7. 9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
pH=7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
500 ft.-c continuous
pH=7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12d
500 ft-c continuous
500 ft-c continuous
pH=7.9-8.1 6000 lux 12/12
Grown in Tetrahymena broth
250 ft-c 14 hrs on/10 hrs off
I o, evolution measured with a Gilson dinerential respirometer on 4 ml of cul!ure in log-phase.
Statistical Evaluation
Litchfield & Wilcoxon method'"
Litchfield & Wilcoxon method"'
Litchfield & Wilcoxon Method'"
Decrease significant at 0.051evel
Significant at.005 level
Significant at 0.0011evel
Significant at 0.05level
Appendix Ill-Table 6/505
Residue levels mg/kg Other Parameters Reference
46 ppm
13 ppm
Ukeles 1962'"
Ukeles 1962347
Walsh and Grow 1971 3"
Walsh 1972348
Walsh "
Walsh "
Walsh "
Ukeles 1962""
Walsh 1972348
Walsh "
Ukeles 1962347
Ukeles 196234'
Walsh 197234•
.... Walsh "
Cooley and Keltner (unpublished)""
Nimmo et al. (unpublished)'"
Nimmo et al. (unpublished)'"
Hansen et al. 1971'"
Hansen et al. 1971"'
Davis and Hidu 1969324
Davis and Hidu 1969324
Davis and Hidu 1969'24
Davis and Hidu 1969""
Ukeles 1962"'
Ukelas 19623"
Ukeles 19623"
Ukeles 1962347
Ukeles 1962347
Davis and Hidu 19693"
Davis and Hidu 1969324
Davis and Hidu 1969'24
Davis and Hidu 19693"
Davis and Hidu 1969'24
Davis and Hidu 19693"
Ukeles 19623"
Ukeles 1962"'
Ukeles 1962"'
Ukeles 1962"'
Ukeles 1962"'
Ukeles 1962"'
Ukeles 1962"'
Ukeles 196234'
Ukeles 1962"7
Ukeles 196234'
Davis and Hidu 19693".!4
Davis and Hidu 1969"4
Davis and Hidu 1969324
Davis and Hidu 1969324
Davis and Hidu 1969324
Davis and Hidu 19693".!<
Davis and Hidu 1969'"
Davis and Hidu 1969324
Davis and Hidu 19693".!4
Davis and Hidu 1969324
Davis and Hidu 1969324
Erickson et al. 1970"'
NMWQL 1970"'
NMWQL 1970"'
NMWQL 1970'"
NMWQL 1970'"
NMWQL 1970'"
NMWQL 1970'"
NMWQL 1970344
506/ Appendix III-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
Substance Tested Formulation
Nilrilolriacetic acid.... Monohydrated sodium salt
Nilrilotriacetic acid.... Monohydrated sodium salt
Nilrilotriacetic acid. . . . Monohydrated sodium salt
Nitrilotriacetic acid. . . . Monohydrated sodium salt
Nitrilolriacetic acid.... Monohydrated sodium salt
Nilrilolriacetic acid.... Monohydrated sodium salt
Nitrilolriacetic acid. . . . Monohydrated sodium salt
Nilrilotriacetic acid.... Monohydrated sodium salt
Nitrilotriacetic acid.... Monohydrated sodium salt
Nitrilotriacetic acid.... Monohydrated sodium salt
Nitrilolriacetic acid.
Nitrilolriacelic acid ... .
Nitrilolriacetic acid ... .
Nilrilolriacetic acid ... .
Nitrilolriacetic acid.
Monohydrated sodium salt
Monohydrated sodium salt
Monohydrated sodium salt
Monohydrated sodium salt
Monohydrated sodium salt
Organism Tested
Nereis virens
Palaemonetes vulgaris
Palaemonetes vulgaris
Palaemonetes vulgaris
Penaeus setiferus
Penaeus setiferus
Homarus americanus
Homarus americanus
Homarus americanus
Uca pugilalor
Uca pugilator
Pagurus longicarpus
Pagurus longicarpus
Nassa obsoleta
Nitrilolriacetic acid.... Monohydrated sodium salt Nassa obsoleta
Nitrilotriacetic acid.... Monohydrated sodium salt Mytilus edulis
Nilrilotriacetic acid.... Monohydrated sodium salt Mytilus edulis
Nitrilotriacetic acid. . . . Monohydrated sodium salt Mercenaria mercenaria
Nitrilotriacetic acid.... Monohydrated sodium salt Mercenaria mercenaria
Nitrilotriacetic acid.... Monohydrated sodium salt Asterias forbesi
Nitrilotriacetic acid.... Monohydrated sodium salt Asterias forbesi
Nilrilotriacelic acid.... Monohydrated sodium salt Fundulus heteroclitus
Nitrilolriacetic acid.... Monohydrated sodium salt Fundulus heteroclilus
Nitrilolriacetic acid. . . . Monohydrated sodium salt Fundulus heteroclitus
Nilrilotriacetic acid.... Monohydrated sodium salt Stenotomus chrysops
Nitrilolriacetic acid.... Monohydrated sodium salt Slenolomus chrysops
Nilrilolriacelic acid.... Monohydrated sodium salt Roccus saxatilis
Nitrilotriacetic acid.... Monohydrated sodium salt Roccus saxatilis
Nitrilolriacetic acid. . . . Monohydrated sodium salt Roccus saxatilis
Nitrilotriacetic acid.... Monohydrated sodium salt Roccus saxatilis
Phenol ........ .
Phenol ........ .
Phenol ........ .
Phenol. ....... .
Phenol. ............. .
Phenol .............. .
Phenol .............. .
Phenol .............. .
Phygon® ............ .
Phygon®. ........... .
Phygon® ............ .
Phygon® ............ .
PVP-Iodine .......... .
PVP-Iodine .......... .
PVP-todine .......... .
PVP-Iodine .......... .
PVP-Iodine .......... .
• No growth but organisms viable.
Protococcus sp.
Chlorella sp.
Dunaliella euchlora
Phaeodaclylum tricornutum
Monochrysis lutheri
Crassostrea Yirginica
Mercenaria mercenaria
Mercenaria mercenaria
Mercenaria mercenaria
Mercenaria mercenaria
Crassostrea virginica
Crassostrea virginica
Prolococcus sp.
Chlorella sp.
Dunaliella euchlora
Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Monochrysis lutheri
Common Name
Sand worm
Grass shrimp
Grass shrimp
Grass shrimp
White shrimp
White shrimp
American lobster
American lobster
American lobster
Fiddler crab
Fiddler crab
Hermit crab
Hermit crab
.............. Oyster
Mud snail
Mud snail
Bay mussel
Bay mussel
Hard clam
Hard clam
Striped bass
Striped bass
Striped bass
Striped bass
American oyster
Hard clam
Hard clam
Hard clam
Hard clam
American oyster
American oyster
Life Stage or Size Cone. (ppb acl ingred.) Methods of Assessment
(mm) in water
(292 grams)
(292 grams)
First larval stage
.. l.OX10 6
5Xl0 6
1Xl0 5
5.5Xl0 6
Adult 5.1Xl06
Adult 6.1 XIO•
Adult 3.4Xl0 6
Adult >1X10 7
Adult >1X10'
Sub-adult 3X10'
Sub-adult 3Xl0 6
Adult 5.5XIO•
Adult 5.5Xl0 6
Adult 1Xl03
Sub-adult 3.15Xl06
Sub-adult 3.15Xl0'
Juvenile (65 mm) 5.5Xl0 6
Juvenile (65 mm) 5.5Xl06
Juvenile (65 mm) 3Xl06
Juvenile (65 mm) IOXIO•
3Xl0 5
• ............... l.XIO•
. ................ 2Xl0'
................. 5X10'
. ................ 5Xlll'
. ................ 5Xlll'
subjected to histopathologic examination
78 percent mortality
90 percent mortality
100 percent mortality
25 percent mortality
46 percent mortality
46 percent mortality
Examined for histopathology
TL-100, Histopathology
.59 O.D. exptjO.D. control
.63 O.D. exptjO.D. control
.51 O.D. expf/O.D. control
• .00 O.D. exptjO.D. control
• .00 O.D. exptjO.D. control
• 59 O.D. expljO.D. control
• 65 O.D. explfO.D. control
• • 00 O.D. explfO.D. control
•. 00 O.D. explfO.D. control
.61 O.D. explfO.D. control
Test Procedure
168 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
168 hr static lab bioassay
168 hr static lab bioassay
22 day chronic flowing lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
168 hr static lab bioassay
7 day static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
45 day chronic flowing lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
168 hr static lab bioassay
24 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
168 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
168 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
-168 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
168 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
168 hr static lab bioassay
168 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
168 hr static lab bioassay
96 hr static lab bioassay
168 hr static lab bioassay
168 hr static lab bioassay
168 hr static lab bioassay
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
48 hr static lab bioassay
48 hr static lab bioassay
12 day static lab bioassay
48 hr static lab bioassay
12 day static lab bioassay
48 hr static lab bioassay
14 day static lab bioassay
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth test
10 day growth lest
Temp C Salinity '/oo Other Environmental Criteria
20 30
Subdued natural light D.O. ca
4 mg;t; pH 7.8
Subdued natural light D.O. ca
4 mg/1; pH 7.8
Subdued natural light D.O. ca
4 mgjl; pH 7.8
Subdued natural light D.O. ca
4 mgjl; pH 7.8
Subdued natural light D.O. ca
4 mgjl; pH 7.8
Subdued natural light D.O. ca
4 mgjl; pH 7.8
Subdued natural light D.O. ca
4 mgjl; pH 7.8
Subdued natural light D.O. ca
4 mg/1 pH 7.8
Subdued natural light D.O. ca
4 mgjl pH 7.8
Subdued natural light D.O. ca
4 mgjl pH 7.8
Subdued natural light D.O. ca
4 mg/1; pH 7.8
Subdued natural light D.O. ca
4 mgjl; pH 7.8
Subdued natural light D.O. ca
4 mgjl; pH 7.8
Subdued natural light D.O. ca
4 mgjl; pH 7.8
Subdued natural light D.O. ca
4 mg/1; pH 7.8
Subdued natural light D 0 ca
4 mgjl; pH 7.8
Subdued natural light D.O. ca
4 mgjl; pH 7.8
Subdued natural light D.O. ca
4 mgjl; pH 7.8
Subdued natural light D.O. ca
4 mgjl; pH 7.8
Subdued natural light D.O. ca
4 mgjl; pH 7.8
Subdued natural light D.O. ca
4 mg;l; pH 7.8
Statistical Evaluation
Appendix III-T-able 6/507
Residue levels mg/kg Other Parameters
Digestive diverticulata histopathology
NMWQL 19703"
NMWQL 19703"
NMWQL 1970"'
NMWQL 1970"'
NMWQL 1970"4
NMWQL 1970'"
NMWQL 19703"
NMWQL 1970344
NMWQL 1970"'
NMWQL 1970"'
NMWQL 1970'"
NMWQL 1970334
NMWQL 1970334
NMWQL 19703"
NMWQL 1970'"
NMWQL 1970"'
NMWQL 19703"
NMWQL 1970'34
NMWQL 19703"
NMWQL 1970"4
NMWQL 1970"'
NMWQL 1970"'
NMWQL 1970'"
NMWQL 1970"'
NMWQL 19703"
NMWQL 1970334
NMWQL 1970"'
NMWQL 1970'"
NMWQL 1970"'
NMWQL 1970'"
NMWQL 1970"'
Ukeles 1962'"
Ukeles 1962"'
Ukeles 1962"7
Ukeles 1962"7
Ukeles 1962'"
Davis and Hidu 1969'"
Davis and Hidu 1969'24
Davis and Hidu 1969'"
Davis and Hidu 1969'"
Davis and Hidu 1969'"
Davis and Hidu 1969'"
Davis and Hidu 1969'"
Ukeles 1962"'
Ukeles 1962"7
Ukeles 1962347
Ukeles 1962"'
Ukeles 1962347
508/Appendix III-Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
Substance Tested
PVPolodine .......... 0
PVP-lodine .......... 0
Roccal® ............. .
RoCCl!l® ............. .
Sulmel.. ............ .
Sulmet.. ............ .
TCC ................ .
TCC .. o .... o ........ .
TCP ...... o ......... .
TCP ....... o ........ .
Formulation ,rganism Tested
Mercenaria mercenaria
Mercenaria mercenaria
Mercenaria mercenaria
Mercenaria mercenaria
Mercenaria mercenaria
Mercenaria mercenaria
Mercenaria mercenaria
Mercenaria mercenaria
Crassostrea virginica
Crassostrea virginica
Common Name
Hard clam
Hard clam
Hard clam
Hard clam
Hard clam
Hard clam
Hard clam
Hard clam
American oyster
American oyster
Life Stage or Size Cone. (ppb act ingredo) Methods of Assessment
(mm) in water
Egg 1o71X10' TLM
Larvae 3o494X10' TLM
Egg 190 TLM
Larvae 140 TLM
Egg IX10• TLM
Lai'Yae 1XID• TLM
Egg 32 TLM
Larvae 37 TLM
Egg 600 TLM
Larvae 1X103 TLM
Test Procedure
48 hr static lab bioassay
12 day static lab bioassay
48 hr static lab bioassay
12 day static lab bioassay
48 hr static lab bioassay
12 day static lab bioassay
48 hr static lab bioassay
12 day static lab bioassay
48 hr static lab bioassay
14 day static lab bioassay
Temp C Safinily •!oo Other Environmental Criteria
24±1 . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
24±1 ································
24±1 ································
24±1 ································
24±1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
24±1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
24±1 ································
24±1 ................................
24±1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
24±1 •••••••••••••••••••••••• to •••••••
Statistical Evaluation
Appendix Ill-Table 6/509
Residue levels mg/kg Other Parameters Reference
.................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Davis and Hidu 1969'"
···················· ................ Davis and Hidu 19693"
···················· ................ Davis and Hidu 1969"'
···················· ················ Davis and Hidu'1969'"
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ················ Davis and Hidu 1969"'
···················· ················ Davis and Hidu 1969'"
···················· ................ Davis and Hidu 1969'"
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ Davis and Hidu 1969'"
.................... ................ Davis and Hidu 19693"
. ................... ................ Davis and Hidu 1969'"
1 Abegg, R. (1950), Some effects of inorganic salts on the blood specific
gravity and tissue fluids of the bluegill, Lepomis macrochirus Raj.
Physiol. ,(ool. 23(2) :124-134.
2 Academy of Natural Sciences (1960), The sensitivity of aquatic life
to certain chemicals commonly found in industrial wastes. Acad-
emy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia.
3 Ahuja, S. K. (1964), Salinity tolerance of Gambusia a./finis. Indian J.
Exp. Biol. 2(1) :9-11.
4 Alabaster, J. S. (1967), The survival of salmon (Salmo salar L.) and
sea trout (S. trutta L.) in fresh and saline water at high tempera-
tures. Water Research I (10) :717-730.
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35° Cooley, N. R. and J. Keltner unpublished data from Gulf Breeze
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361 Cooley, N. R., J. Keltner and J. Forester, unpublished data from
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362 Coppage, D. L. unpublished, Organophosphate Pesticides: Specific
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363 Earnest, R., unpublished data (1971), Effects of pesticides on aquatic
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Sport Fish. Wildl. U. S. Dept. Interior, Columbia, Mo.)
364 Earnest, R. D. and P. Benville, unpublished, Acute toxicity of four
organochlorine insecticides to two species of surf perch. Unpub-
lished data Fish-Pesticide Research Laboratory; Bureau Sport
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366 Nimmo, D. R., R. R. Blackman, A. J. Wilson, Jr., and J. Forester
unpublished data, Toxicity and distribution of Aroclor® 1254 in
pink shrimp (Penaeus duorarum). Gulf Breeze Laboratory, En-
vironmental Protection Agency, Gulf Breeze, Florida.
absorption penetration of one substance into the
body of another.
acclimation the process of adjusting to change, e.g.
temperatures, in an environment.
acute involving a stimulus severe enough to rapidly
induce a response; in bioassay tests, a response ob-
served within 96 hours typically is considered an acute
adsorption the taking up of one substance at the
surface of another.
aerobic the condition associated with the presence of
free oxygen in an environment.
aerobe an organism that can live and grow only in
the presence of free oxygen.
allocthanous said offood material reaching an aquatic
community from the outside in the form of organic
alluvial transported and deposited by running water.
amoebiasis an infection caused by amoebas, especially
by Entamoeba histolytica.
amphoteric able to react as either acid or base.
anadromous fish fish that typically inhabit seas or
lakes but ascend streams at more or less regular inter-
vals to spawn; e.g., salmon, steelhead, or American
anaerobic the condition associated with the lack of
free oxygen in an environment.
anaerobe an organism for whose life processes a com-
plete or nearly complete absence of oxygen is essential.
anhydremia a deficiency of water in the blood.
anorexia loss of appetite.
anoxic depleted of free oxygen; anaerobic.
antagonism the power of one toxic substance to di-
minish or eliminate the toxic effect of another; inter-
actions of organisms growing in close association, to
the detriment of at least one of them.
application factor a factor applied to a short-term or
acute toxicity test to estimate a concentration of waste
that would be safe in a receiving water.
backwashing cleaning a filter or ion exchanger by re-
versing the flow of liquid through it and washing out
captured matter.
benthic aquatic bottom-dwelling organisms including:
( 1) sessile animals, such as the sponges, barnacles,
mussels, oysters, some worms, and many attached
algae; (2) creeping forms, such as insects, snails, and
certain clams; and (3) burrowing forms which include
most clams and worms.
bioaccumulation uptake and retention of environ-
mental substances by an organism from its environ-
ment, as opposed to uptake from its food.
bioassay a determination of the concentration or dose
of a given material necessary to affect a test organism
under stated conditions.
biomass the living weight of a plant or animal popula-
tion, usually expressed on a unit area basis.
biotic index a numerical index using various aquatic
organisms to determine their degree of tolerance to
differing water conditions.
biotoxin toxin produced by a living organism; the
biotoxin which causes paralytic shellfish poisoning is
produced by certain species of dinoflagellate algae.
black liquor waste liquid remaining after digestion of
rags, straw, and pulp.
bloom an unusually large number of organisms per
unit of water, usually algae, made up of one or a few
species; a bur of iron or steel, square or slightly oblong,
rolled from an ingot to a size intermediate between an
ingot and a billet, generally in the range of 6" X 6"
to lO"X 12" (Section VI).
blowdown the discharge of water from a boiler or
cooling tower to dispose of accumulated salts.
body burden the total amount of a substance present
in the body tissues and fluids of an organism.
boiler feedwater water provided to a boiler for con-
version to steam in the steam generation process;
usually a mixture of make-up water and returned steam
assimilation the transformation and ipcorporation of buffer capacity the ability of a solution to maintain
substances (e.g., nutrients) by an organism or ecosys-
its pH when stressed chemically.
capillary water the water held in the small pores of a
520/Water Quality Criteria 1972
soil, usually with a ten.sion greater than 60 centimeters
of water.
carrying capacity the maximum.biomass that a sys-
tem is capable of supporting continuously (Section
IV); the number of user-use periods that a recreation
resource can provide in a given time span without ap-
preciable biological or physical deterioration of that
resource, or without appreciable impairment of the
recreation experience for the majority of the users
(Section I).
catadromous fish fishes that feed and grow in fresh
water but return to the sea to spawn, e.g., the American
chelate to combine with a metal ion and hold it in
solution preventing it from forming an insoluble salt.
chemotaxis orientation or movement of a living
organism in response to a chemical gradient.
chronic involving a stimulus that lingers or continues
for a long period of time, often one-tenth of the life
span or more.
climax community the stage of ecological develop-
ment at which a community becomes stable, self-
perpetuating, and at equilibrium with the environment.
coagulation a water treatment process in which chem-
icals are added to combine with or trap suspended and
colloidal particles to form rapidly settling aggregates.
coliform bacteria a group of bacteria inhabiting the
intestines of animals including man, but also found
elsewhere. It includes all the aerobic, nonspore form-
ing, rod-shaped bacteria that produce from lactose
fermentation within 48 hours at 37 C.
colloid very small particles (10 anistroms to I micron)
which tend to remain suspended and dispersed in
colluvial material that has moved down hill by the
force of gravity or frost action and local wash and ac-
cumulated on lower slopes or at the bottom of the hill.
conjunctivitis an inflammation of the mucous mem-
brane that lines the inner surface of the eyelid and the
exposed surface of the eyeball.
conservative pollutant a pollutant that is relatively
persistant and resistant to degradation, such as PCB
and most chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides.
cumulative brought about or increased in strength by
successive additions.
demersal living or hatching on the bottom, as fish eggs
than sink to the bottom.
detritus unconsolidated sediments comprised of both
inorganic and dead and decaying organic material.
diurnal occurring once a day, i.e., with a variation
period of I day; occurring in the daytime or during a
diversity the abundance in numbers of species in a
specified location.
dredge spoils the material removed from the bottom
during dredging operations.
drench to administer orally with water a large dose of a
substance such as medicine to an animal.
dystrophic said of brownwater lakes and streams
usually with a low lime content and a high organic
content; often lacking in nutrients.
emesis the act of vomiting.
enteric of or originating in the intestinal tract.
epilimnion the surface waters in a thermally stratified
body of water; these waters are characteristically well
epiphytic living on the surface of other plants.
euphotic zone the lighted region that extends ver-
tically from the water surface to the level at which
photosynthesis fails to occur because of ineffective light
eutrophic abundant in nutrients and having high rates
of productivity frequently resulting in oxygen depletion
below the surface layer.
evapotranspiration the combined loss of water from
a given area during a specified period of time by
evaporation from the soil or water surface and by
transpiration from plants.
exchange capacity the total ionic charge of the ad-
sorption complex active in the adsorption of ions.
exophthalmos an abnormal protrusion of the eyeball.
external treatment passage of water through equip-
ment such as a filter or water softener to meet desired
quality requirements prior to point of use.
facultative able to live under different conditions, as
in facultative aerobes and facultative anaerobes.
fecal coliform bacteria bacteria of the coliform group
of fecal origin (from intestines of warm-blooded ani-
mals) as opposed to coliforms from non-fecal sources.
filial generation the offspring of a cross mating.
finfish that portion of the aquatic community made up
of the true fishes as opposed to invertebrate shellfish.
flocculation the process by which suspended colloidal
or very fine particles are assembled into larger masses
or floccules which eventually settle out of suspension;
the stirring of water after coagulant chemicals have
been added to promote the formation of particles that
will settle (Section II).
food chain the transfer of food energy from plants or
organic detritus through a series of organisms, usually
four or five, consuming and being consumed.
food web the interlocking pattern formed by a series
of interconnecting fo6d chains.
free residual chlorination chlorination that main-
tains the presence of hypochlorous acid (HOCl) or
hypochlorite ion (OCI-) in water.
fry the stage in the life of a fish between the hatching of
the egg and the absorption of the yolk sac (Sections
III and IV); in a broader sense, all immature stages
of fishes.
groundwood the raw material produced from both
logs and chips, used mainly in the manufacture of
newsprint, toweling, tissue, wallpaper, and coated
specialty papers.
half-life the period of time in which a substance loses
half of its active characteristics (used especially in
radiological work) ; the time required to reduce the
concentration of a material by half.
hemostasis the cessation of the flow of blood in the
circulatory system.
histopathologic occurring in tissue due to a diseased
hydrophobic unable to combine with or dissolve in
hydrophytic growing in or in close proximity to
J water; e.g., aquatic algae and emergent aquatic vascu-
lar plants.
hypertrophy nontumorous increase in the size of an
organ as a result of enlargement of constituent cells
without an increase in their number.
hypolimnion the region of a body of water that ex-
tends from below the thermocline to the bottom of the
lake; it is thus removed from much of the surface
internal treatment treating water by addition of
chemicals to meet desired quality requirements at
point of use or within a process.
intraperitoneal into the abdominal cavity.
kraft process producing pulp from wood chips in the
manufacture of paper products; involves cooking the
chips in a strong solution of caustic soda and sodium
labile unstable and likely to change under certain in-
LCSO see median lethal concentration.
LDSO see median lethal dose.
lentic or lenitic environment standing water and
its various intergrades; e.g., lakes, ponds, and swamps.
leptospirosis a disease of animals or man caused by
infection from an organism of the genus Leptospira.
lethal involving a stimulus or effect causing death
life cycle the series of life stages in the form and mode
of life of an organism, i.e., between successive recur-
rences of a certain primary stage such as the spore,
fertilized egg, seed, or resting cell.
limnetic zone the open-water region of a lake, sup-
porting plankton and fish as the principal plants and
littoral zone
having an affinity for fats or other lipids.
the shallow shoreward region of a body
of water having light penetration to the bottom; fre-
quently occupied by rooted plants.
1i ttoral zone the shoreward or coastal region of a
body of water.
lotic environment
running waters, such as streams or
lysimeter a device to measure the quantity or rate of
water movement through or from a block of soil,
usually undisturbed and in situ, or to collect such perco-
lated water for quality analysis.
macronutrient a chemical element necessary in large
amounts, usually greater than l ppm, for the growth
and development of plants.
macrophyte the larger aquatic plants, as distinct from
the microscopic plants, including aquatic mosses, liver-
worts and larger algae as well as vascular plants; no
precise taxonomic meaning; generally used synony-
mously with aquatic vascular plants in this Report.
make-up water water added to boiler, cooling tower,
or other systems to maintain the volume of water re-
marl an earthy, unconsolidated deposit formed in fresh-
water lakes, consisting chiefly of calcium carbonate
mixed with clay or other impurities in varying propor-
median lethal concentration (LCSO) the concen-
tration of a test material that causes death to 50 per cent
of a population within a given time period.
median lethal dose (LDSO) the dose of a test ma-
terial, ingested or injected, that kills 50 per cent of a
group of test organisms.
median tolerance limit (TLSO) the concentration of
a test material in a suitable diluent (experimental
water) at which just 50 per cent of the test animals are
able to survive for a specified period of exposure.
mercerize to treat cotton thread with sodium hy-
droxide so as to shrink the fiber and increase its color
absorption and luster.
mesotrophic having a nutrient load resulting in
moderate productivity.
metabolites products of metabolic processes.
methemoglobinemia poisoning resulting from the
oxidation of ferrous iron of hemoglobin to the ferric
state where it is unable to combine reversibly with
molecular oxygen; agents responsible include chlorates,
nitrates, ferricyanides, sulfonamides, salicylates, and
various other substances.
methylation combination with the methyl radical
mho a unit of conductance reciprocal to the ohm
micelle an aggregation or cluster of molecules, ions, or
minute submicroscopic particles.
micronutrient chemical element nece:;sary in only
522/Water Quality Criteria 1972
small amounts for growth and development; also
known as trace elements.
mouse unit the amount of paralytic shellfish poison
that will produce a mean death time of 15 minutes
when administered intraperitoneally to male mice, of
a specific strain, weighing between 18 and 20 grams.
necrosis the death of cellular material within the body
of an organism.
nephrosclerosis a hardening of the tissues of the
nitrilotriacetate (NT A) the salt of nitrilotriacetic
acid; has the ability to complex metal ions, and has
been proposed as a builder for detergents.
nonconservative pollutant a pollutant that is
quickly degraded and lacks persistence, such as most
organophosphate insecticides.
nonfouling a property of cooling water that allows it
to flow over steam condenser surfaces without accumu-
lation of impediments.
nonpolar a chemical term for any molecule or liquid
that has a reasonable degree of electrical symmetry
such that there is little or no separation of charge; e.g.,
benzene, carbon tetrachloride, and the lower paraffin
nutrients organic and inorganic chemicals necessary
for the growth and reproduction of organisms.
oligotrophic having a small supply of nutrients and
thus supporting little organic production, and seldom
if every becoming depleted of oxygen.
organoleptic pertaining to or perceived by a sensory
parr a young fish, usually a salmonid, between the
larval stage and the time it begins migration to the sea.
partition coefficient the ratio of the molecular con-
centration of a substance in two solvents.
pCi-picocurie a measure of radioactivity equivalent
to 3. 70 X I0-2 atoms disintegrating per minute.
pelagic occurring or living in the open ocean.
periphyton associated aquatic organisms attached or
clinging to stems and leaves of rooted plants or other
surfaces projecting above the bottom of a water body.
pesticide any substance used to kill plants, insects,
algae, fungi, and other organisms; includes herbicides,
insecticides, algalcides, fungicides, and other substances.
plankton plants (phytoplankton) and animals (zoo-
plankton), usually microscopic, floating in aquatic
systems such as rivers, ponds, lakes, and seas.
point of supply the location at which water is ob-
tained from a specific source.
point of use the location at which water is actually
used in a process or incorporated into a product.
prime to cause an explosive evolution of steam from a
heating surface, throwing water into a steam space.
process water water that comes in contact with an
end product or with materials incorporated in an end
productivity the rate of storage of organic matter in
tissue by organisms including that used by the organ-
isms in maintaining themselves.
pycnocline a layer of water that exhibits rapid change
in density, analogous to thermocline.
psychrophilic thriving at relatively low temperatures,
usually at or below 15 C.
recharge to add water to the zone of saturation, as in
recharge of an aquifer; the term may also be applied
to the water added.
refractory resisting ordinary treatment and difficult to
rip-rapping covering stream banks and dam faces
with rock or other material to prevent erosion from
water contact.
safety factor a numerical value applied to short-term
data from other organisms in order to approximate the
concentration of a substance that will not harm or im-
pair the organism being considered.
sessile organism motionless organisms that reside in a
fixed state, attached or unattached to a substrate.
seston suspended particles and organisms between
0.0002 and I mm in diameter.
shellfish a group of mollusks usually enclosed in a self-
secreted shell; includes oysters and clams.
shoal water shallow water.
slaking adding water to lessen the activity of a chemical
sludge a solid waste fraction precipitated by a water
treatment process.
smolt a young fish, usually a salmonid, as it begins
and during the time it makes its seaward migration.
sorption a general term for the processes of absorption
and adsorption.
species diversity a number which relates the density
of organisms of each type present in a habitat.
standing crop biomass the total weight of organisms
present at any one time.
stoichiometric the mass relationship in a chemical
stratification the phenomenon occurring when a body
of water becomes divided into distinguishable layers.
subacute involving a stimulus not severe enough to
bring about a response speedily.
sublethal involving a stimulus below the level that
causes death.
succession the orderly process of community change
in which a sequence of communities replaces one
another in a given area until a climax community is
sulfhemoglobin the reaction product of oxyhemoglo-
bin and hydrogen sulfide.
sullage waste materials or refuse; sewage.
superchlorination chlorination wherein the doses are
large enough to complete all chlorination reactions
and to produce a free chlorine residual.
surfactant a surface active agent altering the inter-
facial tension of water and other liquids or solids, e.g. a
synergistic interactions of two or more substances or
organisms producing a result that any was incapable
of independently.
tailwater water, in a river, or canal, immediately
downstream from a structure; in irrigation, the water
that reaches the lower end of a field.
teart a disease of cattle caused by excessive molyb-
denum intake characterized by profuse scouring, loss of
pigmentation of the hair, and bone defects.
teratogen a substance that increases the incidence of
birth defects.
thermocline a layer in a thermally stratified body of
water in which the temperature changes rapidly rela-
tive to the remainder of the body.
TLm see median tolerance limit.
trophic accumulation passing of a substance through
a food chain such that each organism retains all or a
portion of the amount in its food and eventually ac-
quires a higher concentration in its flesh than in the
trophic level a scheme of categorizing organisms by
the way they obtain food from primary producers or
organic detritus involving the same number of inter-
mediate steps.
true color the color of water resulting from substances
which are totally in solution; not to be mistaken for ap-
parent color resulting from colloidal or suspended
524/Water Quality Criteria 1972
Units Multiplied by Equal
Acres................... 4.047X10-1 ........... . Hectares
Square feet
Square meters
Square miles
Square yards
Gallons (oil)
4.356X104 ••••........•
4.047X103 ....•.••....•
1.562X10-3 ....••......
4.840X103 .....•••.••..
Angstrom units........... 1X10-8 .....•.•.•••••••
3.937X10-9 .....••••••.
Barrels (oil) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 .................... .
British thermal units ..... .
Centimeters ............. .
Degrees centigrade ....... .
Degrees farenheit ........ .
Feet ................... .
Gallons ................. .
(Imperial) ............ .
(U.S.) ............... .
(Water) .............. .
Gallons/day ............ .
1.590Xl02 •.••••.••.••••
7.776Xl02 •••••••••••••
3.927X10-4 ........... .
0.252 ................. .
2. 929 X10-4 ••.....••.•.
3. 937X10-1 ........... .
(°CXt) +32 ........... .
(°F-32)i ............. .
12 .................... .
1. 646 X 10-4 ....••••••.•
1. 894 X 10-4 .....•••.•.•
0.305 ................. .
1/3 ................... .
3.069X10-6 ••••••••••••
3. 785X103 •......•....•
0.134 ................. .
2.31X102 ••••••••••.• ;.
3. 785X10-3 ••••••••••••
4.951X10-3 .•••.•.•••••
3.785 ................. .
8 ..................... .
4 ..................... .
1.201 ................. .
0.833 ................. .
8.345 ................. .
5.570X10-3 ••••••••••••
3.785 ................. .
Foot pounds
Horse-power hours
Kilogram calories
Kilowatt hours
Farenheit degrees
Centigrade degrees
Miles (nautical)
Miles (statute)
Acre feet
Cubic centimeters
Cubic feet
Cubic inches
Cubic meters
Cubic yards
Pints (liquid)
Quarts (liquid)
U. S. gallons
Imperial gallons
Pounds (Water: 39.2 F)
Cubic feet/hour
Gallons/minute........... 8.021 ................. . Cubic feet/hour
(Water) .............. .
Gallons/square foot/
Gallons/square mile ...... .
Gallons/ton (short) ...... .
Grams ................. .
2.228X10-3 ••...•.•.•.•
6. 308 X 10:.._2 ••...•.•....
6.009 ................. .
Cubic feet/second
Tons (water: 39.2 F)/
40. 74.................. Liters/square meter/
1.461.................. Liters/square kilometer
4.173.................. Liters/ton (metric)
3.527X10-2 •••••••••••• Ounces
2.205X1Q-3 •••••••••.•. Pounds
Grams/liter.............. 58.41. ................ ~ Grains/gallon
103 • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • Parts per million
(assumes density of 1 gram/milliliter)
Grams/liter ............. .
Grams/cubic meter ...... .
Inches .................. .
Kilograms .............. .
Kilometers .............. .
Liters .................. .
Liters/square kilometer ... .
Meters ................. .
Microns ................ .
Miles (nautical) ......... .
Miles (statute) .......... .
Milligrams .............. .
Milliliters ............... .
Millimeters ............. .
Multiplied by
8.345X10-3 ••••••••••••
6.243X10-2 ••••••••••••
0.437 ................. .
2.54 .................. .
2.205 ................. .
1.102 X 10-3 ••••••••••••
9.842X10-4 .••.••••••••
3.281X103 ...•••..•••••
3. 937X104 ..••••..•••••
0.621 ................. .
0.540 ................. .
1.094X103 •••••••••••••
1. 000028 X 103 ••••••••••
3.532X10-2 ••••••••••••
61.03 ................. .
1.000028X10-3 •..••••..
1.308X10-3 ••••••••••••
0.227 ................. .
0.588 ................. .
3.281 ................. .
39.37 ................. .
5.400 X 10-4 ••••••••••••
6.214X10-4 ....•••...••
1.094 ................. .
104 ................... .
10-4 .................. .
3.281X10-6 •...••••..••
3. 937X10-5 •...••....••
10-6 .................. .
10-3 .................. .
6.076X103 •••••••••••••
1.852 ................. .
1.852X103 ..••••.•.....
1.151 ................ .
2.027X103 ...•••••.••..
5.280X103 ..••••••.•...
6.336X104 ..••••••.•..•
1.609 ................. .
1.609X103 ...•••••••...
0.869 ................. .
1. 760X103 •••••••••••••
3 .527X10-5 ..•.•••.••..
2.205 X10-6 ..•.••••••.•
1.000028 .............. .
6. 102 x 10-2 ........... .
3.381X10-2 ••••••••••••
3.281X10-3 .•..•..••...•
3. 937X10-2 ••••••••••••
Pounds/ gallon
Pounds/cubic foot
Grains/cubic foot
Tons (short)
Tons (long)
Miles (statute)
Miles (nautical)
Cubic centimeters
Cubic feet
Cubic inches
Cubic meters
Cubic yards
Gallons/square mile
Miles (nautical)
Miles (statute)
Jlngstrom units
Miles (statute)
Miles (nautical)
Cubic centimeters
Cubic inches
Ounces (U. S.)
10-3 . . . • • • . . • • • • • • . • • • • Meters
103 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Microns
1. 094 X 10-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . Yards
Conversion Factors/525
526/Water Quality Criteria 1972
:Million gallons/ day ...... .
Pounds ................. .
Pounds/acre ............ .
Pounds/gallon ........... .
Pounds/square inch ...... .
lVI ultiplied by
1.547 ................. .
0.028 ................. .
28.32 ................. .
0.4!54 ................. .
16 .................... .
4.464 X 10-4 ........... .
4 .. '536 X 10-4 •...........
5.ox10-4 ...........••.
1.122 ................. .
0.120 ................. .
7 .480 ................. .
6. 80i5 X 10-2 ••••••••••.•
5.171 ................. .
Cubic feet/second
Cubic meters/second
Tons (long)
Tons (metric)
Tons (short)
Grams/cubic centimeter
Pounds/cubic foot
Centimeters of mercury
(0 C)
70. 31. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Centimeters of water
(4 C)
6.895X104 •....•.••.•.. Dynes/square centi-
70.31.................. Grams/square centi-
27 .68.................. Inches of water (39.2 F)
2. 036. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inches of mercury
7.031X102 •••••••••••••
1.440X102 ••.••••••••••
Square feet.............. 2.296X10-5 ........... .
1.44X102 ••••••••••••••
9.290X10-2 ••••••••••••
3.587X10-8 ..•.•.......
1/9 ................... .
Square meters. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 .4 71_X 10-4 .•.....•••.•
10-4 .....••........•••.
104 .....•.•.......••...
10. 76 ................. .
1..5.50 X 103 •••••••••••••
3.861 x10-7 ....••••....
1.196 ................. .
Square miles. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 .40 X 102 •••••••••••.••
2 .. 'i90X102 •...••••••••.
2. 788X107 ............ .
2.590 ................. .
3.098X106 •••••••••••••
Tons (metric). . . . . . . . . . . . 103 ••••••••••••••••••••
3.527X104 ....••••..•.•
2.205X103 •••••••••••••
0.984 ................. .
1.102 ................. .
Tons (short)............. 8.897X108 ....•.•.....•
9.072X102 •••••••••••••
3.2X104 •...•••••••••..
(32 F)
Kilograms/square meter
Pounds/square foot
Square inches
Square meters
Square miles
Square yards
Square centimeters
Square feet
Square inches
Square miles
Square yards
Square feet
Square kilometers
Square yards
Tons (long)
Tons (short)
Units Multiplied by
Tons (short) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 X 103 •••••••••••••••••
0.893 ................. .
0.907 ................. .
Watts................... 3.414 ................. .
44.25 ................. .
1. 341 X 10-a ........... .
·1. 434 X I0-2 ••••••••••••
Yards................... 91.44 ................. .
3 ..................... .
36 .................... .
0.914 ................. .
4.934X10-4 ....••••.•..
5.682X10-<~ ........... .
Tons (long)
Tons (metric)
Horse power
Miles (nautical)
Miles (statute)
Conversion Factors/527
CommiHee on Water Quality Criteria
GERARD A. RoHLICH is C. W. Cook Professor of Environ-
mental Engineering and Professor at the Lyndon B.
Johnson School of Public Affairs at the University of
Texas at Austin. He received B.S. degrees from Cooper
Union in 1934 and the University of Wisconsin in 1936,
and an M.S. in 1937 and a Ph.D. in Sanitary Engineer-
ing in 1940 from the University of Wisconsin. Dr. Rohl-
ich's expertise is in wastewater treatment and in eutro-
phication and pollution of lakes and streams. He is a
member of the National Academy of Engineering.
ALFRED M. BEETON is Associate Director (Biology) of the
Center for Great Lakes Studies, and Professor of Zool-
ogy at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. He
received a B.S. degree from the University of Michi-
gan in 1952, an M.S. in 1954 and Ph.D. in Zoology in
1958 from the University of Michigan. Dr. Beeton's
major research interest is the eutrophication of the
Great Lakes. He is Coordinator of the Water Quality
Sub-program of the University of Wisconsin Sea Grant
BosTWICK H. KETCHUM is Associate Director of the Woods
Hole Oceanographic Institution in Woods Hole,
Massachusetts. He received an A.B. in Biology from
St. Stephens College, Columbia, in 1934, and a Ph.D.
from Harvard University in 1938. A specialist in
nutrient cycling and phytoplankton physiology, he is
the holder of two Honorary Sc.D. degrees and the
1972 recipient of the David B. Stone Award.
CoRNELIUS W. KRUSE is Professor and Chairman of the
Department of Environmental Health in the School of
Hygiene and Public Health at the Johns Hopkins
University. He received a B.S. in civil engineering at
the Missouri School of Mines in 1934, an M.S. in
Sanitary Engineering at Harvard University in 1940,
and a Doctor of Public Health from the University of
Pittsburgh in 1961. Dr. Kruse is a specialist on infec-
tious and toxic agents in external environments.
THURSTON E. LARSON received a B.S. in Chemical Engineer-
ing in 1932 and a Ph.D. in Sanitary Chemistry in
1937 from the University of Illinois. He is a specialist
in water chemistry and head of the Chemistry Section
of the Illinois State Water Survey. Dr. Larson is a
past-president of the American Water Works Associa-
EMILIO A. SAVINELLI is a specialist in water and wastewater
treatment and President of Drew Chemical Corpora-
Parsippany, New Jersey. He received a B.C.E. in
Sanitary Engineering in 1950 from Manhattan College
and a M.S.E. in 1951 and a Ph.D. in Chemistry in
1955 from the University of Florida.
RAY L. SHIRLEY received his B.S. and M.S. in agriculture
at the University of West Virginia in 1937 and 1939,
respectively, and a Ph.D. in agricultural biochemistry
from Michigan State University in 1949. Dr. Shirley
specializes in animal nutrition and metabolism. He is
Professor of Animal Science and in charge of the Nu-
trition Laboratory at the University of Florida, Gaines-
Panel On Recreation and Aesthetics
MICHAEL CHUBB is Associate Professor of Environmental
and Recreational Geography at Michigan State Uni-
versity. He received a B.Sc.F. from the Faculty of
Forestry, University of Toronto in 1955, a M.S. in
resource development in 1964 and a Ph.D. in Geog-
raphy from M.S.U. in 1967. He has been employed in
river development for the Ontario Department of the
Environment and has served as a recreation planner
with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources.
He is a specialist in recreation resource carrying capac-
ity and recreation survey research.
MILO A. CHuRCHILL is Chief, Water Quality Branch,
Tennessee Valley Authority. He received a B.S. in
Civil Engineering from the University of Illinois in
1933, and a Master of Public Health from The Johns
Hopkins University in 1952. He is a specialist in effects
of impoundment on water quality, bacterial quality ot
streams and reservoirs, and stream reaeration.
NoRMAN E. jACKSON is Acting Assistant Chief, Planning
Division, Office of the Chief of Engineers, Directorate
of Civil Works, Washington, D. C. He received a B.S.
in Civil Engineering from Vanderbilt University in
1935 and a M.S. in Sanitary Engineering from The
Johns Hopkins University in 1950. A former Director
of Sanitary Engineering, District of Columbia, and
Special Assistant to the Director, Department of En-
vironmental Services, D.C., he specializes in urban
water and wastewater facilities and in planning water
resources in regional and basin settings.
WILLIAM L. I}.LEIN is chemist-biologist for the Ohio River
Valley Water Sanitation Commission at Cincinnati,
·Ohio. He received a B.S. degree from Ke~t State in
1949, and a Master of Public Health in 1957 in Sani-
tary Chemistry and Biology from the University ot
North Carolina. He is a specialist in water pollution
control, water monitoring, and associated data evalua-
PERCY H. McGAUHEY is a professional consultant in civil
and sanitary engineering and Director Emeritus o±
Sanitary Engineering Research Laboratory, Depart-
ment of Civil Engineering, University of California,
Berkeley. He received an M.S. degree from the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin in 1941, and an honorary D.Sc.
from Utah State University in 1971. He is the author
of Engineering Water Quality Management (McGraw-
Hill, 1968). His specialties are wastewater reclamation,
organic clogging of soils, economic evaluation of
water, and solid wastes management.
ERIC W. Moon is Associate Professor of Public Health
(Environmental Health), Yale UIJ.iversity School of
Medicine. He received a B.S. degree in engineering
from the University of Connecticut in 1938 and an
M.P.H. degree from Yale University in 1943. For
several years he has been chairman of the Joint Com-
mittee on Swimming Pools and Bathing Places, Ameri-
can Public Health Association. He is a member of the
Expert Advisory Committee on Environmental Health,
World Health Organization, and is the recipient of an
honorary Doctor of Laws degree from Upsala College.
RALPH PoRGES is Head of the Water Quality Branch of the
Delaware River Basin Commission. He received a B.S.
in Chemical Engineering from Rutgers University in
1936 and spent four years as a Research Fellow at the
University of North Carolina. He was with the U.S.
Public Health Service for 26 years, specializing in
stream pollution and plague and typhus control. He is
a holder of the William D. Hatfield Award of the
Water Pollution Control Federation.
LESLIE M. REID is Professor and Head of the Department of
Recreation and Parks at Texas A&M University.
He received a B.S. in Forestry from the Michigan
Technological University in 1951, an M.S. in Resource
Development from Michigan State University in 1955,
and a Ph.D. in Conservation in 1963 from the Uni-
versity of Michigan. His major research interest is in
natural resources planning. He is consultant with the
Biographical Notes/529
National Park Service and a past-president of the
Society of Park ~nd Recreation Educators.
MICHAEL B. SoNNEN is a Senior Engineer with Water Re-
sources Engineers, Inc. in Walnut Creek, California.
He received a B.E. in Civil Engineering at Vanderbilt
University in 1962, an M.S. in Sanitary Engineering in
1965, and a Ph.D. in Sanitary Engineering in 1967,
both from the University of Illinois. His major research
interest is the evaluation of costs and benefits accruing
to water users supplied with various qualities of water.
RoBERT 0. SYLVESTER is Professor and Head, Division of
Water and Air Resources, Department of Civil En-
gineering, University of Washington. He received a
B.S. in Civil Engineering from Harvard University in
1941. His teaching, research and professional interests
have centered around water quality, water supply,
and water resources-quality management.
C. WILLIAM THREINEN is Administrative Assistant, Depart-
ment of Natural Resources, State of Wisconsin, Madi-
son. He is also acting assistant director of the Bureau of
Fish Management in the Department of Natural
Resources. He received his B.S. degree from the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin, and his M.S. in public administra-
tion from Harvard University. He specializes in rough
fish problems in Wisconsin, population dynamics of
largemouth bass, lake use studies, wild rivers planning,
and access site utilization and development.
Panel On Public Water Supplies
RusSELL F. CHRISTMAN is Director, Division of Environ-
mental Affairs and Professor of Applied Chemistry at
the University of Washington. He received an M.S. in
1960 and a Ph.D. in 1962 in Chemistry from the Uni-
versity of Florida. His major research activities involve
the identification of organic materials in natural
water systems.
PAUL D. HANEY is a member of the firm of Black & Veatch,
Consulting Engineers, Kansas City, Missouri. He re-
ceived a B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from
the University of Kansas in 1933, and an M.S. degree in
Sanitary Engineering from Harvard University in
193 7. He is a diplomate of the American Academy of
Environmental Engineers and a past-president of the
Water Pollution Control Federation.
RoBERT C. McWHINNIE, Chief of Planning and Resource
Development, Board of Water Commissioners, Denver,
Colorado. He received a B.S. degree in civil engineer-
ing from the University of Wyoming and has taken
advanced courses in sanitary engineering from the
University of Colorado. He is Director of the Metro-
politan Denver Sewage Disposal District and chairman
of the Technical Advisory Committee on Urban Flood
Control. He specializes in odor, temperature, and phe-
nolic compounds in public water supplies.
530/Water Quality Criteria 1972
HENRY J. ONGERTH is Chief of the Bureau of Sanitary
Engineering, State Department of. Public Health,
California. He received a B.S. degree from University
of California (Berkeley) in civil engineering (sanitary
option) in 1935 and an M.P.H. in 1950 from the Uni-
versity of Michigan. He was a member of the advisory
committee of the 1962 revision of the Public Health
Service Drinking Water Standards and chairman of
the Public Advisory Committee presently working on
the 1972 revision of the Drinking Water Standards.
He is a member of the American Academy of Environ-
mental Engineers and a specialist in fluorides, chlorides,
and sulfates in water.
RANARD J. PICKERING is Chief of the Quality of Water
Branch, Water Resources Division, U.S. Geological
Survey at Washington, D.C. He received an A.B. with
Highest Honors in 1951 and an M.A. in 1952 from
Indiana University, and a Ph.D. from Stanford Uni-
versity in 1961, all in Geology. His specialties are low
temperature geochemistry and behavior of radionu-
clides in fluvial environments.
JoSEHP K. G. SILVEY is Distinguished Professor, Chairman
of Biological Sciences, and Director of the Institute
for Environmental Studies at North Texas State Uni-
versity, Denton. He received his B.S. from Southern
Methodist University in 1927, his M.A. in 1928 and
his Ph.D. in Zoology from the University of Michigan
in 1932. He is a specialist in eutrophication and in reser-
voir ecology with reference to the effect of micro-
organisms on taste and odors.
J. EDWARD SINGLEY is a Professor in the Department of
Environmental Engineering Sciences at the University
of Florida. He received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in
Chemistry from Georgia Institute of Technology in
1950 and 1952, respectively, and his Ph.D. degree in
Water Chemistry from the University of Florida in
1966. He is a specialist in the chemistry of water and
wastewater treatment.
RICHARD L. WooDWARD is Vice President of Camp Dresser
& McKee Inc., consulting engineers in Boston, Massa-
chusetts. He received a B.S. in Civil Engineering from
Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, in 1935, an
M.S. in Sanitary Engineering from Harvard Univer-
sity in 1948, and a Ph.D. in Physics from the Ohio
State University in 1952. He specializes in water
quality problems and water and wastewater treatment.
Panel on Freshwater Aquatic Life and Wildlife
JoHN CAIRNS, JR. is University Professor of Zoology and
Director of the Center for Environmental Studies,
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Blackburg, Virginia. He received an A.B. from Swarth-
more College in 1947, and an M.S. in 1949 and a
Ph.D. in 1953 from the University of Pennsylvania. He
is a specialist in the effects of stress upon aquatic
CHARLES C. CouTANT is Project Supervisor of Thermal
Effects Studies in the Environmental Sciences Division
of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Ten-
nessee. He received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees
in Biology from Lehigh University in 1960, 1962, and
1965, respectively. A general aquatic ecologist by
training, he specializes in man's impacts on aquatic
life, through impoundments, pesticides, general in-
dustrial pollution, and thermal additions.
RoLF HARTUNG is Associate Professor of Environmental
and Industrial Health at the School of Public Health
at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. He re-
ceived a B.S. in 1960, anM.W.M. in 1962, and a Ph.D.
in 1964 in Wildlife Management from the University
of Michigan. He is a specialist in toxicology, and his
interests include diseases produced by toxicants in
man and wildlife.
HowARD E. JoHNSON is Associate Professor of Fisheries and
Wildlife at Michigan State University. He received a
B.S. degree from Montana State University in 1959, an
M.S. in 1961, and a Ph.D. in Fisheries in 1967 from
the University of Washington. His major research in-
terests are the effects of toxic materials on aquatic life
and the distribution of biocides in aquatic systems.
RuTH PATRICK is Chairman and Curator of the Department
of Limnology of the Academy of Natural Sciences of
Philadelphia. She received a B.S. degree from Coker _
College in 1929, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the
University of Virginia in 1931 and 1934, respectively.
She is also Adjunct Professor at the University of
Pennsylvania. In 1971 she was appointed a member of
the Hazardous Materials Advisory Committee of the
Environmental Protection Agency, and a member of
Governor Shapp's Science Advisory Committee in
1972. Her research is on the structure and functioning
of aquatic communities of rivers and estuaries with
particular interest in diatoms.
LLOYD L. SMITH, Jr. is Professor, Department of Entomol-
ogy, Fisheries, and Wildlife, University of Minnestoa
at St. Paul. He received his B.S. degree from the
University of Minnesota in 1931, his M.S. degree in
1940, and his Ph.D. degree in 1942 from the University
of Michigan. His areas of expertise are fishery dynam-
ics, effects of water quality on fish production, and
aquatic biology. He has been chairman of ORSANCO
aquatic life advisory committee since its formation.
JoHN B. SPRAGUE is Associate Professor in the Department
of Zoology at the University of Guelph, Ontario. He
received a B.Sc. in 1953 from the University of Western
Ontario with the University Gold Medal and an M.A.
in 1954 and a Ph.D. in 1959 in Zoology from the Uni-
versity of Toronto. He served on the Fisheries Research
Board of Canada, studying effects of pollution on
aquatic organisms. He is a specialist in biological ef-
fects of mine wastes and heavy metals and in methods
of bioassay with aquatic organisms.
Panel on Marine Aquatic Life and Wildlife
RICHARD T. BARBER is Associate Professor (Zoology and
Botany) at Duke University and Director of the
Cooperative Research and Training Program in
Oceanography at Duke University Marine Labora-
tory. He received a B.S. degree from Utah S!ate Uni-
versity in 1962 and a Ph.D. in Oceanography from
Stanford University in 1967. His major research ef-
fort is in the Coastal Upwelling Ecosystems Analysis
program, and his specialties include growth of phyto-
plankton in nutrient-rich systems, microbial oxidation
of organic matter in seawater, and organic-metal in-
teractions in marine systems.
jAMES H. CARPENTER is an Associate Professor in the De-
partment of Earth and Planetary Sciences at The Johns
Hopkins University. He is presently on leave at the
National Science Foundation as Head, Oceanography
Section, Division of Environmental Sciences. He re-
ceived a B.A. with a major in chemistry and a minor in
biology from the University of Virginia in 1949, and an
M.S. in 1952 and a Ph.D. in 1957 in Oceanography
from The Johns Hopkins University. His research con-
cerns the physical, chemical and biological processes
that influence nutrient and metal concentrations in
estuarine and coastal waters.
L. EuGENE CRONIN is Director of the Chesapeake Biological
Laboratory, Natural Resources Institute, University
of Maryland, College Park. He received his A.B. from
Western Maryland College in 1938 and his M.S. in
1942 and Ph.D. in 1946 in Biology from Maryland
University. His specialties are estuarine ecology and
the physiology and population dynamics of marine in-
HoLGER W. jANNASCH is Senior Scientist at the Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution in Woods Hole, Massa-
chusetts, where he heads the program in Marine Ecol-
ogy at the Marine Biological Laboratory. He received
his Ph.D. in General Microbiology at the University
of Gottingen, Germany. His field of research is the
physiology and ecology of aquatic microorganisms.
G. CARLETON RAY is Associate Professor at The Johns
Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland. He received
a Ph.D. degree in Zoology from Columbia University
in 1960. Currently he is also a research associate at the
Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural
History in conjunction with the Marine Mammal
Program of the International Biological Program under
support of the National Science Foundation. He is an
authority on physiological ecology, acoustics, and be-
havior of marine mammals.
Biographical Notes/531
THEODORE R. RICE is Director of the Atlantic Estuarine
Fisheries Center, ·National Marine Fisheries Service,
Beaufort, North Carolina. He received his A.B. from
Berea College in 1942, and his M.S. in 1947 and Ph.D.
in 1949 in Biology-Ecology from Harvard University.
His fields of research are radioecology, estuarine ecol-
ogy, and environmental contaminants. He served on
the National Academy of Sciences Committee that
prepared "Radioactivity in the Marine Environment."
RoBERT W. RISEBROUGH is an Associate Research Ecologist
at the Bodega Marine Laboratory of the University ot
California. He received an A.B. in Zoology from Cornell
University in 1956 and a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology
from Harvard University in 1962. His principal research
interest is the pollution ecology of coastal waters.
MICHAEL W ALDICHUK is Program Head, Pacific Environ-
ment Institute, West Vancouver, British Columbia.
He received a B.A. in Chemistry in 1948 and an M.A.
in 1950 from the University of British Columbia, and
a Ph.D. in Oceanography in 1955 from the University
of Washington. From 1954 to 1969, he specialized in
oceanographic studies related to marine pollution
problems while with the Fisheries Research Board's
Biological Station in Nanaimo. He is Chairman of the
Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of
Marine Pollution (GESAMP).
Panel on Agricultural Uses of Water
HENRY V. ATHERTON is Professor of Dairy Industry and
Dairy Bacteriologist in the Animal Sciences Depart-
ment at the University of Vermont and the Vermont
Agricultural Experiment Station. He received his B.S.
degree and his M.S. degree from the University of
Vermont in 1948 and 1951, respectively, and his
Ph.D. in Dairy Technology and Biochemistry from
the Pennsylvania State University in 1953. His research
interests are in milk quality as influenced by bulk
milk cooling on farms, farm water supplies, and dairy
ROBERT D. BLACKBURN is at the Agricultural Research
Station, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Plantation
Laboratory, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. He graduated
from Auburn University in 1959 with an M.S. in
Botany. He is an authority on aquatic weeds and a
consultant to the U.S. Navy, FAO, and the Puerto
Rican Water Resources Authority. He is editor of
Hyacinth Control Journal.
PETER A. FRANK is Research Plant Physiologist with the
Agricultural Research Service of the U.S. Department
of Agriculture. He received a B.S. in 1952, an M.S. in
1953, and a Ph.D. in Plant Physiology and Biochem-
istry from Michigan State University in 1955. His
interests are the physiology, ecology, and management
of aquatic vegetation.
532/Water Quality Criteria 1972
VIcTOR L. HAUSER is an Agricultural Engineer, U.S. Water
Quality Management Laboratory, .Agricultural Re-
search Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Durant, Oklahoma. He received his B.S. from Okla-
homa State University in 1952 and his M.S. in Agri-
cultural Engineering from the University of California
in 1957. He is a specialist in water conservation in
agriculture and in ground water recharge. His current
research is in the field of water quality management.
CHARLES H. HILL, ]R. is in the Poultry Department, North
Carolina State University, Raleigh. He received his
B.S. in 1948 from Colorado A&M College, and his
M.S. in 1949 and his Ph.D. in Nutrition Chemistry in
1951 from Cornell University. His specialties include
nutritional requirements of poultry and the roll of
nutrients in disease resistance.
PHILIP C. KEARNEY is Leader of the Pesticide Degradation
Laboratory, Agricultural Environmental Quality In-
stitute, National Agricultural Research Center, Belts-
ville, Maryland. He received his B.S. from the Uni-
versity of Maryland in 1955, his M.S. in 1957 and his
Ph.D. in Agriculture from Cornell University in 1960.
His research interests are in the environmental impli-
cation of pesticides and their biochemical transforma-
JESSE LuNIN is currently the Environmental Quality Special-
ist on the National Program Staff of the Agricultural
Research Service. He received a B.S. in Soil Science
from Oklahoma State University in 1939, an M.S. in
1947 and a Ph.D. in 1949 from Cornell University in
Soil Chemistry. His research interests are soil-water-
plant relations and water quality and waste manage-
LEWIS B. NELSON is Manager of the Office of Agricultural
and Chemical Development, Teneessee Valley Author-
ity, Muscle Shoals, Alabama. He received a B.S. in
Agronomy at the University ofldaho in 1936, an M.S.
in 1938 and a Ph.D. in 1940 in Soil Science at the
University of Wisconsin. His interests are soil and
water conservation research, soil fertility, and fertilizer
technology. He is head of TVA's National Fertilizer
Development Center.
OscAR E. OLSON is Professor and Head of the Experimental
Station, Biochemistry Department at South Dakota
State University, Brookings. He received his B.S. degree
in 1936 and his M.S. degree in 1937 from South Dakota
State University, and his Ph.D. in Biochemistry in
1948 from the University of Wisconsin. His research
interests are selenium poisoning and nitrate poisoning.
PARKER F. PRATT is Professor of Soil Science and Chairman
of the Department of Soil Science and Agricultural
Engineering, University of California, Riverside. He
received his B.S. degree from Utah State University
in 1948 and his Ph.D. in Soil Fertility from Iowa State
University in 1950. He is a specialist in long-term ef-
fects of irrigation on soil properties and crop produc-
tivity, quality of irrigation waters, and nitrates and
salts in drainage waters.
GLENN B. VAN NEss is Senior Veterinarian, Animal Health
Diagnostic Laboratory at Beltsville, Maryland, APHIS,
U.S. Department of Agriculture. He received his
D.V.M. from Kansas State University in 1940. His
special interests are in the ecology of infectious disesaes
of livestock, and he has published studies of ecology of
anthrax and bacillary hemoglobinuria.
Panel on lndustial Water Supplies
IRVING B. DICK is a consulting chemical engineer. He re-
ceived his BSE in Chemical Engineering from the
University of Michigan in 1926, and after 42 years
with Consolidated Edison Company of New York he
retired in 1968 as Chief Chemical Engineer. His in-
terests are fuel oil additives, fuel combustion, and water
treatment for uses in power generation.
CHARLES C. DINKEL is the Director of Field Services of
Drew Chemical Corporation, Parsippany, New Jersey.
He received a B.S. in Chemistry from Wagner College
in 1948, and an M.S. in Oceanography from the Scripps
Institution of Oceanography at LaJolla in 1951. He is
a member of the American Chemical Society and a
specialist in water and wastewater treatment.
MAURICE C. FuERSTENAU is Professor and Chairman of the
Department of Metallurgical Engineering at the South
Dakota School of Mines and Technology. He received·
his B.S. from the South Dakota School of Mines and
Technology in 1955, and an M.S. in 195 7 and a Doctor
of Science in Metallurgy in 1961 from the Massachu-
setts Institute of Technology. He is a specialist in inter-
facial phenomena and extractive metallurgy.
ARTHUR W. FYNSK is a Senior Consultant in the Engineering
Service Division, Engineering Department, of E. I.
duPont de Nemours & Company. He received a B.S.
in Civil Engineering in 1950 and an M.S. in Sanitary
Engineering in 1951, both from the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology. He is a specialist in industrial
water resources and treatment.
GEORGE J. HANKS, Jr. has been Manager-Environmental
Protection for the Chemicals and Plastics Group of
Union Carbide Corporation since 1968. He received a
B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Princeton
University in 1942.
WILLIAM A. KEILBAUGH is Manager of Research and De-
velopment of the Cochrane Division of Crane Co.,
King of Prussia, Pennsylvania. He received an A.B. in
Chemistry from Allegheny College, Meadville, Penn-
sylvania il! 1939, and is a specialist in water and waste-
water treatment.
]AMES C. LAMB III is Professor of Sanitary Engineering at
the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. He
received a B.S. in 1947 from Virginia Military Institute
and an M.S. in 1948 and an Sc.D. in 1953 in Sanitary
Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
nology. His research specialties include treatment pro-
cesses for industrial wastes and water quality manage-
JAMES K. RrcE is President and General Manager of Cyrus
Wm. Rice Division of NUS Corporation, a firm of
consulting engineers and scientists. He received his
B.S. and M.S. in Chemical Engineering from Carnegie-
Mellon University in 1946 and 1947, respectively. His
field of expertise is industrial water and wastewater
treatment and reuse.
J. jAMES RoOSEN is Director of Environmental Studies for
the Engineering Research Department of The Detroit
Edison Company, Detroit, Michigan. He received his
B.S. in Chemical Engineering in 1959 from the U ni-
versity of Detroit where he also conducted graduate
studies. His expertise is in water systems engineering
and research as applied to the electric utility industry.
RoBERT H. STEWART is a partner of Hazen & Sawyer,
New York City, a firm offering engineering services in
management of water resources. He received his A.B.
from Harvard College in 1953, his M.S. in 1958 and
M. Eng. in 1959 from Harvard University. His special-
ties are the design and management of water supply
systems for industries and public utilities.
SIDNEY SussMAN is technical director, Water Treatment De-
partment, Olin Corporation. He received a B.S. in
Chemistry from Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn in
Biographical Notes/533
1934 and a Ph.D . .in Chemistry from the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology in 1937. He is a specialist in
industrial water technology and accredited as a Cor-
rosion Specialist by the National Association of Cor-
rosion Engineers. He is the author of the chapter on
water for cooling and steam generation in the Ameri-
can Water Works Association's handbook and serves
on the Association's Committee on Standard Methods.
CHARLES H. THORBORG is associated with Gulf Degremont,
Inc., Liberty Corner, New Jersey. His B.S. degree in
Mechanical Engineering was received in 1961 from
Fairleigh Dickinson University, Rutherford, New
Jersey. For the past ten years he has been concerned
with water and wastewater treatment.
BERNARD J. WACHTER is with WAPORA, Inc., Washington,
D. C. He is a biophysicist specializing in industrial
water treatment. Prior to joining WAPORA, he was
editor of the journal, Industrial Water Engineering.
WALTER J. WEBER, JR. is Professor of Environmental and
Water Resources Engineering and Chairman of the
University Program in Water Resources at the Univer-
sity of Michigan at Ann Arbor. He received a Sc.B. in
Engineering from Brown University in 1956, an M.S.E.
in Sanitary Engineering from Rutgers University in
1959, an A.M. in Applied Chemistry in 1961 and a
Ph.D. in Water Resources Engineering in 1962 from
Harvard University. His professional interests are in
municipal and industrial water and waste treatment
and the chemistry of natural waters.
APHA (see American Public Health Associ-
ASTM (see American Society for Testing
Abegg, R. (1950), 452, 456, 462
Abott, R.T. (1950), 27
Aberg, B. et al. (1969), 313, 314
Aboaba, F.O. (see Bruhn, H.D. et al., 1971),
Abou-Donia, M.E. (1967), 251, 462-465
Abram, F.S.H. (1964), 465
Abu-Errish, G.M. (1967), 316
Academy of Natural Sciences (1960), 450,
452-454, 458, 459, 461, 463
Ackefors, H. et al. (1970), 237
Ackman, R.G. (1970), 253, 254
-(see Addison, R.F. et al., 1971), 254
-(see Dyer, W.G. et al., 1970), 254
Adame, B. (see England, B. et al., 1967),92
Adams, A.W. et al. (1966, 1967), 315
-(see Mugler, D.J. et al., 1970), 315
Adams, F. (1957), 344
Adams, G.R. (1969), 238
Addison, R.F. et al. (1971), 254
-(see Ackman, R.G. et al., 1970), 254
Adelman, I.R. (1970), 193, 256
Adema, D.M. (1968), 463
Adler, F.E.W. (1944), 228
Adolph, E.F. (1933), 305
Affleck, R.T. (1952), 467
Agriculture Research Service (1961), 180
(1963), 346, 347
(1969a), 318, 319, 349
(1969b), 165
-(see also U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agri-
culture Research Service)
Ahling, B. (1970), 83
Ahmed, M.B. (1953), 250, 342
Ahuja, S.K. (1964), 452
Aiken, D.E. (see Zitko, V. et al., 1970), 254
Akin, G.W. (see Bower, C.A. et al., 1965), 335
Alabaster, J.S. (1962), 417
(1966), 417-419
(1967), 417, 418, 458
Albaugh, D.W. (see Cairns, J., Jr. et al.,
1968), 408
-(see Cairns, J., Jr. et al., 1969), 117
Albersmeyer, W. (1957), 147
(1959), 147
Albert, W.B. (1931), 340
-(see Cooper, H.P. et al., 1932), 340
Alderdice, D.F. (1967), 118, 451
Aldous, J.G. (1968), 130
Aldrich, D.G. et al. (1951), 344
Aldrich, D.V. (1958), 462, 463
Alexander, G.V. (see Romney, E.M. et al.,
1962), 341
Allan Hancock Foundation (1965), 403
Allanson, B.R. (1964), 419
Allaway, W.H. et al. (1966, 1967), 345
-(see Kubota, J. et al., 1963), 344
-(see Kubota, J. et al., 1967), 316
Allee, W.C. (1913), 135, 137
Allen, D.M. (1957), 485
(1958), 267
Allen, H.L. (1971), 25
Allen, J.P. (1960), 196
Allen, K.O. (1968), 160, 412, 413
Allison, I.S. (1930), 350
Altschaeffi, A.G. (see Harrison, W. et al.,
1964), 279
Alvard, W. (1964), 124
Aly, O.M. (1971), 80
-(see Faust, S.D. et al., 1971), 80
Amberg, H.R. (see Haydu, E.P. et al., 1952),
Amend, D.F. (1969), 173
Amend, D.R. (1952), 78
-et al. (1969), 462
American Conference of Governmental In-
dustrial Hygienists (1958), 59
American Paper Institute (1970), 382
American Petroleum Institute (1949), 258
(1963), 258
American Public Health Association (1957),
American Public Health Association, Ameri-
can Water Works Association, and Water
Pollution Control Federation (1971), 21
-(see also Standard Methods, 1971), 51, 119,
American Public Health Association, Engi-
neering Division and Conference of State
Sanitary Engineers, Joint Committee on
Bathing (1936, 1940), 29
American Society of Civil Engineering
(1967), 220, 221
American Society of Limnology and Ocean-
ography (1972), 22
American Society of Testing & Materials
Book of Standards, Part 23, (1970)
Table Vl-2 . . . . 370
Table VI-S . . . . 377
Table Vl-10 .... 382
Table VI-17 .... 385
Table Vl-22 .... 389
Table VI-25 .... 391
Table Vl-26 .... 392
Table VI-27. . . . 393
Table VI-28. . . . 393
American Water Works Association ( 1971),
61, 68, 69, 71, 74, 89
Committee on Tastes and Odors (no
date), 74
(1970), 302
Research Committee on Color Problems
(1967), 63
Task Group 2500R (1966), 74
Ames, A.M. (1944), 89
Anderlini, V.C. et al. (1972), 226
-et al. (in press 1972), 246, 252
-(see Connors, P.G. et al., in press 1972a,
1972b), 226
Anderson, B.G. (1944), 145, 243, 250, 461-
(1946), 243, 245, 466
(1948), 124, 135, 242, 250, 255, 456,
459, 461-466
(1950), 119, 120, 461-465, 467
-(see Duodoroff, P. et al., 1951), 121
Anderson, B.T. (1971), 24
Anderson, D.W. (1968), 197, 227
(1969), 176
(1970), 197
-et al. (1969), 227
-(see Risenbrough, R.W. et al., 1969, 1970j,
-(see Connors, P.G. et al., 1972a), 226
Anderson, E.A. et al. (1934), 93
Anderson, G.C. (1960), 20
Anderson, J.B. (see Van Horn, W.M. et al.,
1949), 256
Anderson, J.M. (see Zitho, V. et al., 1970),
Anderson, L.D. (see Bay, E.G., 1965, 1966),
Anderson, P.W. -1968), 80
-(see Faust, S.D. et al., 1971 ), 80
Anderson, R.B. (1970), 225
Anderson, R.O. (1959), 160
Andres, L.A. (see Maddox, D.M. et al.,
1971), 26
Andrew, R.W. (see Biesinger, K.E. et al.,
1971 ), 180
Andrews, H.L. (1969), 473
Andrews, J.W. (1971), 149, 160
(1972), 154
Andujar, J.J. (1966), 29
Anet, E.F. (see Bishop, C.T. et al., 1959), 317
Angelovic, J.W. et al. (1961), 249
-et al. (1967), 454
-(see Sigler, W.F. et al., 1966), 248, 453
536/Water Quality Criteria, 1972
Ansell, A.D. (1968), 155
Appleby, W.G. (see Sparr, B.I. et a!., 1966),
Applegate, R.L. (see Hannon, M.R. et a!.,
1970), 183
Applegate, V.C. eta!. (1957), 243
Ariel, I. (see Dupont, 0. et a!., 1942), 56
Arkley, R.J. (see Bingham, F.T. et al., 1970),
Arle, H.F. (1959, 1960), 347
-(see Bruns, V.F. et a!. 1955, 1964, un-
published data 1971), 347
Armiger, W.H. (see Foy, C.D. eta!., 1965),
Armour, J.D. (1970), 175
Armstrong, J.G. et a!. (1958), 315
Arndt, C.H. (1931), 340
Arnholt, J.J. (see Kaplan, H.M. eta!., 1967),
Arnold, F.A. (see Leone, N.C. eta!., 1954), 66
Arnon, D.I. (1953), 22, 252
Aronovski, I. (see Wassermann, M. et a!.,
1970), 83
Aronson, A.L. (1964, 1971), 313
Arthur, J.W. (1970), 190, 454
(1971), 189
Aschner, M. eta!. (1967), 147
Asher, C.J. (see Brayer, T.C. eta!., 1966), 344
Ashley, L.M. (1970), 464
Ashton, P.G. (1969, 1971), 14
Asimov, Isaac (1966), 272
Aten, A.H.W. eta!. (1961), 472
Athanassiadis, Y.C. (1969), 245
Atherton, H.V. (1970), 301, 302
-et a!. (1962), 302
Atton, F.M. (see Wobeser, G. et a!., 1970),
173, 251
Aub, J.C. (1942), 87
Autian, J. (see Nematollahi, J. eta!., 1967),
174, 175
Avault, J.W. Jr. (1968), 26
Avigan, J. (1968), 145
Axley, J.H. (see Woolson, E.A. et a!., 1971),
318, 340
Ayers, A.D. et a!. (1952), 329
-_(see Magistad, O.C. eta!., 1943), 324, 336
Ayers, J.C. (1963), 302
Ayers, J.P. (1951), 230
-(see Ketchum, B.H. eta!., 1951), 280
Backus, R.H. (see Harvey, G.R. eta!., 1972),
-(see Horn, M.H. eta!., 1970), 257
Bader, R.G. (1972), 15, 238
Bair, F.L. (1969), 335
-(see Pratt, P.F. et a!., 1964), 339
-(see Pratt, P.F. eta!., 1967), 335
Bagley, G.E. (1967), 228
-et a!. (1970), 176
-(see Krantz, W.C. et a!., 1970), 266
-(see Mulhen, B.M. eta!., 1970), 227
Bagnall, L.D. (1970), 26
Bailar, J.C., Jr. (1956), 74
Bailey, D.E. (1913), 307
Bailey, T.A. (1956), 26
Baker, M.N. (1949), 1
Bakkum, W.C.M. (see Aten, A.H.W. et a!.,
'nalassa, J.J. (1961), 60, 70
(1964, 1965), 311, 313
(1966), 56
(1967), 245, 309, 316
(1968), 312
-(see Schroeder, H.A. et a!., 1963a,b), 62,
310, 311, 313
Balch, R. (1955), 173
Baldwin, N.S. (1957), 160
Baldwin, R.E. (see Korschgen, B.M. et a!.,
1970), 149
Ball, I.R. (1967), 179, 182, 187, 451, 460
(1967a,b), 119
Ball, L.B. (1945), 252
Ball, R.C. (see Hamelink, J.L. et a!., 1971),
Ballantyne, E.E. (1957), 308
Ballard, J.A. (1969), 455
Balsey, J.R. (see Leopold, L.B. eta!., 1971),
Bamback, K. (see Kehoe, R.A. et a!., 1940),
Bandt, H.H. (1948), 249
Bandt, H.J. (1933), 147
(1955), 147, 148
Banker, R.F. (1968), 90
Baptist, J.P. (1967), 470
Baranowski, A. (1969), 25
Barber, C.W. (see Hill, C.H. eta!., 1963), 311
Bardach, J.E. et a!. (1965), 190
Bardet, J. (1913), 72
Barinov, G.V. (see Polikarpov, G.G. et a!
1967), 471, 473, 475
Barlow, C.H. (1937), 350
Barnes, D.K. (see Harvey, E.N. et al
1944a,b), 135, 136
Barnes, I. (see White, D.E. eta!., 1970), 31 \
Barnes, J.M. (1953), 319
Barnett, A.J.G. (1952), 315
Barneett, R.M. (1923), 340
(1936, 1940). 345
Barnhart, R.A. (1958), 255, 465
Baroni, C. et a!. (1963), 56
Barth, E.F. (1970, 1971), 55
-et a!. (1966), 55
Barthel, W.F. (see Curley, A. et al., 1971), 313
Bartley, C.H. (see Slanetz, L.W. eta!., 1965),
Bartley, T.R. (1969), 346
(1970), 347
Barton, M.A. (1969), 39
Barton, E. (1932), 93
Bartrand, D. (see Deschiens, R. eta!., 1957),
Bartsch, A.F. (1959), 18
Basch, R.E. eta!. (1971), 189
Basu, S.P. (1959), 139
Batchelder, A.R. (1960), 337, 338
-(see Lunin, J. eta!., 1963), 336
-(see Lunin, J. eta!., 1964), 338
Bates, R.R. (see Courtney, K.D. eta!., 1970),
-(see Innes, I.R.M. et a!., 1969), 76
Battelle-Columbus (1971 ), 400
Bauer, H. eta!. (1961), 83
Baumann, E.R. (1962), 301
Baumgartner, D.J. (1970), 403
Bay, E.C. (1964, 1965, 1966), 18
(unpublished data), 18
Bayless, J.D. (1968), 279
Bazell, R.J. (1971), 249
Beadle, L.D. (1958), 18
Beak, T.W. (1965), 408
Bear, F.E. (see Prince A.L. et al., 1949), 343
Beard, J.W. (1967), 91
Beasley, T.M. (1967), 473
(1969), 476
Becth, D.A. (1943), 316
(1962), 86
(1963), 345
(1964), 86, 316
-(see Bradley, W.B. eta!., 1940), 314
Bechtel Corp. (1969), 222
Bech, W.M. (1954, 1955), 408
Becker, D.E. (see Brink, M.F. et al., 1959),
Beck, W.J. (see Hasty, T.S. et al., 1970), 278
Becker, C.D. et a!. (1971), 161
Becker, E. (1964), 61, 70, 88, 89
Beckman, E.L. (1963), 32
Beding, D.L. (1927), 456
Bedrosinm, P.H. (1962), 469
Beeson, W.M. (1964), 315
(1965, 1966a,b,c), 317
-(see O'Donovan, P.B. et al., 1963), 312
-(see Ott, E.A. et a!., 1966a), 316
Beeton, A.M. (1969), 23, 124, 127, 230
(1972), 19
Behnke, A.R., Jr. (1942), 137
Behrman, A.S. (1968), 301, 302
Beiningen, K.T. (1968), 135
Belisle, A.A. (see Blus, L.J. et al., 1972), 227
-(see Mulhern, B.M. et al., 1970), 176, 227
Bell, H.L. (1969), 249, 455
-(unpublished, 1971), 147, 148, 150, 423-
426, 428
Bell, J.F. et al. (1955), 196
-(see McKee, M.T. eta!., 1958), 196
Bella, D.A. (1968), 403
Bellrose, F.C. (1951, 1959), 228
Bender, M.E. (1969), 183
-et a!. (1970), 179
Benedict, B.A. (1970), 403
Bennett, B.M. (1963), 56
Bennett, H.J. (1965), 249, 450, 452, 455,
457, 458
Benoit, D.A. (1958), 452, 453
(1960), 452
(1971), 120, 122
-(unpublished data, 1971), 180, 181
Benoit, R.J. et al. (1967), 127
Benschop, H. (1968), 265
-(see Vas, J.G. eta!., 1968), 227
Benson, N.G. (1970), 27
Benson, N.R. (1951, 1953), 340
Benville, P. (unpublished), 210, 485-487
Berger, D.D. (1970), 198
Berg, G. (1967), 91
(1971), 91, 92
-et al. (1967), 91
-et al. (1968, 1971), 92
-(see Clarke, N.A. eta!., 1962), 91
Berg, L.R. (1963), 316
Berg, W. eta!. (1966), 252
-(see Johnels, A.G. eta!., 1967), 172
Berg, W.E. eta!. (1945), 138
-(see Whitaker, D.M. eta!., 1945), 137
Berger, B.L. (1969), 435
(1970), 437
Berglund, R. (1967), 252
Bergrund, F. (1969), 72, 313
Berlin, M. (1963, 1969), 313
Berman, D. (see Berg, G. eta!., 1967), 91
Bernstein, L. (1958), 324, 325
(1959), 328
(1965a), 326, 327
(1965b), 325, 326
(1966), 334
(1967), 328, 329, 334
Berry, R.A. (1924), 343
Berryman, M.H. (see Mitrovic, U.U. et a!.,
1968), 191
Berrien, P.L. (see Whitworth, W.R. et a!.,
1968), 27
Bertine, K.K. (1971 ), 72, 251
Berwick, P. (1970), 79
Besch, K.W.T. (see Zitho, V. eta!., 1970), 254
Best, L.C. (see Geldreich, E.E. et a!., 1965,
1968), 57
Bestougeff, M.A. (1967), 144
Betson, R.P. (1970), 39
Beulow, R. (1972), 75
Beyerle, G.B. (1960), 154
Bhoota, B.V. (see Camp, T.R. eta!., 1940), 89
Bibr, B. (1970), 60
Bidstrup, P.L. (1950), 78
Biely, J. (1948), 308
Biesinger, K.E. (1971 ), 119, 120, 122
-(unpublished data, 1971), 180-182, 424,
425, 428
-eta!. (unpublished data, 1971), 180
Biggar, J.W. (1960), 341
Biggs, R.B. (1970), 281, 282
Bijan, H. (1956), 244, 451
Bingham, F.T. (1968), 339
-eta!. (1964), 343
-eta!. (1970), 344
-(see Page, A.L. et al., in press, 1972), 342
Bird, E.D. (see Black, A.P. et a!., 1965), 301
Birke, G. eta!. (1967), 314
(1968), 252
Biros, F.J. (1970a), 437
(1970b), 437, 438
Bisbjerg, B. (1970), 345
Bischoff, A.I. (1960), 17, 18, 183
Bishai, H.M. (1960), 160, 418
Bishop, C.T. et a!. (1959), 317
Bishop, L.M. (see Fitch, C.P. eta!., 1934), 317
Bitman, J. eta!. (1969), 198
Blabaum, C.J. (1956), 250
Black, A.P. (1963a,b), 63
-et al. (1963), 63
-et al. (1965), 301
Black, H.H. eta!. (1957), 450
Blackburn, R.D. eta!. (1971), 26
-(see Holm, L.G., 1969), 26, 27
-(see Maddox, D.M. eta!., 1971), 26
Black, E.C. (1953), 161
Blake, J.R. (see Williams, M.W. eta!., 1958),
Blackman, R.R. (see Nimmo, D.R. et al.,
1970), 267
-(see Nimmo, D.R. eta!., 1971), 176, 268
Blahn, T.H. (unpublished data, 1970), 412,
414-416, 419
Blaney, H.F. (1966), 332, 335
Blankenstein, E. (see Miettinen, V. et a!.,
1970), 172-174
Blau, A.'f.?. (see Street, J.C. et a!., 1968), 83,
198, 226
Blaustein, M.P. (1969), 464
Blaylock, B.G. (1969), 273
Blick, A.P. (1967), 460
Blick, B. (1967), 455
Blick, R.A.P. (1967), 454
Bligh, E.G. (1971), 251
Blinks, L.R. (1947), 136
-(see Whitaker, D.M. et al:, 1945), 137
Bliss, C.I. (1937), 153
Bloom, S.E. (see Peakall, D.B. et a!., in press,
1972), 225, 226
Bloomfield, R.A. eta!. (1961), 315
Blumer, M. (1968), 145
(1969, 1972), 257, 253, 262
(1971), 144,145,237
-eta!. (1970), 258, 262
Blus, L.]. et al. (1972), 227
The Boating Industry (1971), 9
Bodansky, M. (1923), 65
Boetins, J. (1954), 148, 149
(1960), 181
Bohman, V.R. (1963), 344
-(see Weeth, H.J. et a!., 1968), 308
:Solander, W.J. (1966, 1970), 348, 349
Bollar, S.J. (see Mahood, R.K. eta!., 1970),
Bollard, E:G. (1963), 339
(1966), 244, 343
Bond, C.E. (1969), 184, 429, 430
-et a!. (1960), 429-432
Bond, G.C. (see Manheim, F.T. eta!., 1970),
Bonn, E.W. (1967), 193, 456
Booth, R.L. eta!. (1965), 75
Bordner, R.H. (1971), 57, 302, 351, 352
-(see Geldreich, E.E. eta!., 1962a,b), 57
Borg, D.C. (see Cotzias, G.C. et al., 1961), 60
Borg, K. eta!. (1969), 313
Borgono, J.M. (1972), 56
Borg, K. et a!. (1968), 252
-et al. (1969), 198
Borgstrom, George ( 1961), 216
Boring, W.D. (see Huff, C.B. eta!., 1965), 301
Bormann, F.H. (1967), 22
-(see Likens, G.E. et al., 1970), 125
Borough, H. eta!. (1957), 469
Borovicka, R.L. (see Terriere, L.C. et a!.,
1966), 183
Borts, I.H. (1949), 352
Boschetti, M.M. (1957), 451, 457, 461
Bott, R.F. (see Merrell, J.C. et al., 1967), 352
Bouck, G.R. (1971), 137
Author lndex/537
Bougis, P. (1965), 463
Bouldin, D.R. (see Lathwell, D.J. et a!.,
1969), 24
Boutwell, R.K. (1963), 56
Bouwer, H. (1968, 1970), 352
Bowen, H.J.M. (1956), 244
Bowen, V.T. (1971), 240
-(see Harvey, G.R. et a!., 1972), 264
Bower, C.A. (1958), 341
(1965), 324, 335
(1972), 326, 327
-et a!. (1965, 1968), 335
-(see Lunin J. et a!., 1960), 337, 338
(1972), figure V -2, 327
(1972), figure V-3, 327
Boycott, A. E. (1908), 137
Boyd,C.E. (1967, 1969, 1970a, 1971a),25
(1970b), 26
(1971 b), 25-27
Boyd, W.L. (see Fitch, C.P. eta!., 1934), 317
Boyle, W.C. (see Cheng, C.M. et al., 1971),
351, 352
Bracken, F.K. (see Gillespie, R.W. et a!.,
1957), 321
Brackett, S. (1941), 19
Bradford, G.R. (1963a,b), 344
(1966), 341
(1964), 343
-(see Aldrich, D.G. et al., 1951), 344
-(see Bingham, G.R. eta!., 1964), 343
-(see Bingham, G.R. eta!., 1970), 344
-(see Liebig, G.F. et a!., 1959), 340
Bradley, J.R. eta!. (1972), 318
Bradney, L. (1946), 55
Bradley, W.B. eta!. (1940), 314
Bradley, W.H. (see Han, J. et al., 1968), 145
Brady, D.K. eta!. (1969), 403
Brand, E.D. et a!. (1951), 138
Brard, D. (1935), 62
Brashears, M.L., Jr. (1946), 89
Braus, H. et a!. (1951), 74
Bray, E.E. (see Stevens, N.P. et al., 1956), 145
Breder, C.M. (1966), 162
Breed, R.S. eta!. (1957), 321
Breeder, C.M. (1966), 435
Breeman, H.A. (see Vos, J.G. et al., 1968),
265, 227
Breese, W.P. (see Stewart, N.E. eta!., 1967),
Breger, I.A. (1970), 25
Breidenback, A.W. et a!. (1967), 318
Breland, H.L. (1970), 306
Brenchley, W.E. (1938), 344
Brennan, E.G. (see Prince, A.L. et al., 1949),
Brett, J.R. (1941), 153, 161
(1952), 120, 157, 160, 168, 410-419
(1956), 152, 153
(1960), 154
(1969), 160
(1970), 160, 162
(1971), 154, 160
-eta!. (1969), 154
-(see Fry, F.E.J. eta!., 1942), 161, 410
Breuer, J.P. (1962), 279
Brewer, R.F. (1966), 343
538/Water Quality Criteria, 1972
Brewerton, H.V. (see Hopkins, C.L. et al.,
1966), 184
Bridges, C.H. (1961), 453, 458, 459
Bridges, W.R. (1961), 422
Briggle, L.W. (see Foy, C.D. et al., 1965), 338
Brightbill, C.K. (1961), 8
Bringmann, G. (1959), 457, 461, 462, 464-
(1959a), 243, 250, 253, 255, 256
(1959b), 253, 256
Brink, M.F. et al. (1959), 316
Brinkley, F.J. (1943), 139
British Ministry of Agriculture
Fisheries & Food (1956), 481
Britton, S.W. (see Brand, E.D. et al., 1951),
Brock, T.D. (1966), 437
Brockway, D.R. (1950), 187
Broecker, W.S. (1970), 244
-(see Goldberg, E.D. et al., 1971), 241,244,
245, 251
Brookhaven National Lab. (1969), 165, 220
Brooks, N.H. (1960), 403
Brooks, R.R. (1965), 246
Brosz, W.R. (see Embry, L.B. et al., 1959),
307, 308
Brown, C.L. (1968), 124
Brown, E. et al. (1970), 51
Brown, E.H. (see Edsall, T.A. et al., 1970),
Brown, G.W. (1970), 125
Brown, J.G. (see Lilleland, 0. et al., 1945),
Brown, J.W. (1955), 329
-(see Ayres, A.D. et al., 1952), 329
Brown, R.P. (1969), 278
Brown, V.M. (1968), 120,133,142, 178,181,
451, 454, 456, 460
(1970), 454, 456
-et al. (1968), 460, 468
-et al. (1969), 122
-(see Mitrovic, U.U. et al., 1968), 191
Brayer, T.C. et al. (1966), 345
Brues, A.M. (see Ducoff, H.S. et al., 1948), 56
Bruhn, H.D. et al. (1971), 26
-(see Koegel, R.G. et al., 1972), 26
Brungs, W.A. (1967), 121, 435
(1969), 120, 122, 182, 234, 460, 468
(1972), 132, 176
-(unpublished data, 1971 ), 180
-(in preparation, 1972), 189
Bruns, V.F. (1954, 1955, 1957-1959, 1964,
1969), 347
-(unpublished data, 1971), 347
-et al. (1955, 1964), 347
Brust, H.F. (see Olson, R.A. et al. 1941), 249
Bruvold, --(1967), 90
Bryan, G.W. (1964), 467, 478, 479
(1965), 473, 474
(1969), 475, 479
Bryant, A.R. (see Chang, S.L. et al., 1958),
Buchanan, D.V. et al. (1969), 267,495
Buchanan, W.D. (1962), 56,243
Bucher, C.J. (see Havens, W.P. et al., 1941),
Buck, D.H. (1956), 128
Buck, O.H. (1956), 16
• Buck, W.B. (see Hemphill, F.E. et al., 1971),
Buckingham, R.A. (1970), 39
Buehler, E.V. et al. (1971), 67
Bugbee, S.L. (1972), 18
Bugg, J.C. et al. (1967), 266, 267
Bullard, R.W. (1970), 32, 33
Bullock, T.H. (1955), 152
Burcar, P.J. (see Wersaw, R.L. et al., 1969),
Burden, R.P. (see Fair, G.M. et al., 1948), 55
Burdick, G.E. (1948), 190, 454
(1964), 184
(1967), 434
-et al. (1958), 190
-et al. (1964), 429,437
-et al. (1968), 184, 195
-(see Doudoroff, P. et al., 1951), 121
Bureau of the Census (see U.S. Dept. of
Commerce, Bureau of the Census)
Bureau of Outdoor Recreation (1971 ), 9
Burgess, F.J. (1967), 220,222
Burke, J.A. (1970), 175
Burks, B.D. (1953), 17
Burks, S.L. (1972), 144
Burns, J. (1972), 28
Burnson, B. (1938), 89
Burress, R.M. (see Lennon, R.E. et al.,
1970), 440
Burrows, R.E. (1964), 140, 187, 188
Burttschell, R.H. et al. (1959), 80
Buscemi, P.A. (1958), 24
Busey, F. (seeCairns,J.,Jr.etal., 1968), 177,
Bush, E.T. (1967), 437
Bush, R.M. (1972), 21
Bushland, R.C. (see Claborn, H.V. et al.,
1960), 320
Buss, C.L (see Fitzhugh, O.G. et al., 1944), 86
Buswell, A.M. (1928), 69
Butcher, J.E. (see Harris, L.E. et al., 1963),
Butler, G. (1966), 55
Butler, G.D. (1959), 8
Butler, G.W. (1961), 316
(1966), 244, 339, 343
Butler, P.A. (1966a,b; 1969), 37
-et al. (1968), 495
Butt, C.G. (1966), 29
Butterfield, C.T. (1946), 55, 89
(1948), 55
-et al. (1943), 55
Byerrum, R.U. (see Decker, L.E. et al.,
1958), 60
-(see Mackenzie, R.D. et al., 1958), 62
Byers, H.G. (1935), 316
-et al. (1938), 316
Byers, R.K. (1959), 70
Byran, G.W. (1971), 248
Cabejszek, L (1960), 453
Cade, T.J. et al. (1970), 227, 267
Cain, S.A. (1961), 27
Cairns, J. Jr. (1956), 180
(1957), 450, 452, 456, 459
(1958), 68, 145, 182, 452, 456-459
(1959), 145, 452, 456-459
(1963), 190
(1964), 421
(1965), 457' 459, 460
(1967), 117
(1968), 16, 126, 152, 408, 452-454, 460
(1969), 117, 119
(1971), 117,408
-(unpublished data, 1955), 450, 452, 456,
457, 459
-et al. (1965), 457
-et al. (1968), 117
-(see Benoit, R.J. et al., 1967), 127
-(see Patrick, R. et al. 1967), 22
-(see Patrick, R. et al., 1968), 119, 451, 452,
454, 457, 458, 460
-(see Sparks, R.E. et al., 1969), 117
Calabrese, A. et al. (unpublished), 250, 255
Calandra, J. C. (see Frawley, J.P. et al.,
1963), 78
Calderwood, H.N. (see Galtsoff, P.S. et al.,
1947), 116, 147
Callicot, J.H., Jr. (1968), 29
Calvin, M. (see Han, J. et al., 1968), 145
Camarena, V.M. (see Tracy, H.W. et al.,
1966), 90
Camp, A.A. (see Couch, J.R. et al., 1963), 26
Camp, Dresser, McKee (1949), 350
Camp, T.R. et al. (1940), 89
Campbell, A.G. (see Gibbard, J. et al.,
1942), 36
Campbell, E.A. (1961), 312
Campbell, R.N. (1962), 349
Campbell, R.S. (see Johnson, B.T. et al.,
1971), 436-438
Canada Food & Drug Directorate (personal
communication), 251
Canada Interdepartmental Committee on
Water (1971), 241
Cangelosi, J.T. (1941), 60
Cannell, G.H. (see Pratt, P.F. et al., 1967),
Canter, L.W. (see Rowe, D.R. et al., 1971),
Cappel, J. (see Treon, J.F. et al., 1955), 77
Capps, D.L. (1971, 1972), 308
Carey, F.G. (1969), 138
Cargo, D.G. (1971), 19
Carlisle, H. (1947), 79
Carlson, C.A. (1966), 423
(1971), 427
Carlson, C.W.
-(see Adams, A.W. et al., 1966}, 315
-(see Embry, L.B. et al., 1959}, 307, 308
-(see Krista, L.M. et al., 1961}, 195
-(see Krista, L.M. et al., 1962}, 308
Carpenter, S.J. (1955}, 25
Carriker, M.R. (1967}, 279, 281, 282
Carritt, D.E. (1954}, 281
Carson, W.G. (1970), 145
Carter, H.H. (1969), 403
Carswell, J.K. (1972}, 75
Castro, E. (see Creger, C.R. et al., 1963), 26
Carter, D.L. (see Kubota, J. et al., 1967), 316
Carter, R.F. (1965), 29
Cary, E.E. (see Allaway, W.H. et al., 1967),
-(see Kubota, J. et al., 1967), 316
Case, A.A. (1957), 315
Casper, V.L. (1967), 266, 267
Cassard, D.W. (see Weeth, H.J. et al., 1960),
Castell, C.H. et al. (1970), 462, 463
Catoe, C.E. (1971), 258
Cotzias, G.C. et al. (1961), 60
Cecil,-H. C. (see Bitman, J. et al., 1969), 198
Census of Manufacturers, 1967, 381, 382, 385,
388, 389, 391-393
Cerva, L. (1971), 29
Cervenka, R. (1959), 248
Chadwick, G.G. (1961), 487
(1971), 147
Chalmers, T.C. (see Koff, R.S. et al., 1967),
Chamberlain, T.K. (see Lynch, J.J. et al.,
1947), 24
Chambers, C.W. (see Butterfield, C.T. et al.,
1943), 55
Chambers, J.S. (1950), 38
Chanay, M.D. (see Cairns, J., Jr. et al.,
1968), 117' 408
Chang, A.T. (1953), 344
Chang, S.L. (1959), 55
(1967, 1968), 91
-et al. (1958), 92
-(see Berg, G et al., 1967), 91
-(see Clarke, N.A. et al., 1962), 91
-(see Fair, G.M. et a!., 1948), 55
Chapman, C. (1968), 279
Chapman, G.A. (see Bouck, G.R. et al.,
1971), 137
Chapman, H.D. (1966), 339
(1968), 341
-(see Liebig, G.F., Jr., 1942), 340, 342
Chapman, W.H. et al. (1968), 173
Cheek, C.H. (see Swinnerton, J.W. et al.,
1962), 138
Chemical Engineering News, (1971), 310
Chen, C.W. (1968), 460
Chen, K.P. (1962), 56
Cheng, C.M. eta!. (1971), 351, 352
Chesters, G. (1971), 318
-(see Lotse, E.G. et al., 1968), 183
Chi, L.W. (1964), 463
Childress, J.D. (1965), 341
-(see Romney, E.M. et al., 1962), 342
Chin, E. (1957), 485
(1958), 267
Chin, T.O.Y. et al. (1967), 91
Chipman, W.A., Jr. (1949), 261, 262
(1967), 470
-(see Galtsoff, P.S. et al., 1947), 116, 147
Chisholm, D. et al. (1955), 340
Chisholm, J.J., Jr. (1964), 70
Chiu, T.F. (1953), 345
Cholak, J. (see Kekoe, R.A. et al., 1940), 70,
Chorin-Kirsch, T. (see Aschner, M. et a!.,
1967), 147
Chow, T.J. (1962), 121
(1966, 1968), 249
-(see Murozumi, M. et al., 1969), 249
Christensen, G.M. (1971), 119,120,122
-(unpublished data, 1971), 180-182
Christensen, R.E. (see Anderson, D.W. et al.,
1969), 176, 227
Christiansen, J .E. (1966), 335
(1970), 197
Christianson, A.G. (see Weibel, S.R. et al.,
1966), 318, 319
Christman, R.F. (1963a,b), 63
(1966), 63, 80
Chu, S.P. (1942), 22, 461, 465
Chubb, Michael (1969, 1971), 14
Chupp, N.R. (1964), 228
Church, D.C. (see Kutches, A. G. et al., 1970),
Churchill, M.A. (1959), 167
(1969), 162
(1972), 9
Claborn, H.V. et al. (1960), 320
Clapp, C.L. (see Scholander, P.F. et al.,
1955), 138
Clark, A. (see Owens, M. eta!., 1969), 24
Clark, D.E. et a!. (1964), 320
Clark, H.F. (see Geldreich, E.E. et al.,
1962a,b; 1965), 57
-(see Kabler, P.W. et al., 1964), 351
Clark, J. (1967), 221
Clark, J.R. (1964), 435
(1969), 152
Clark, N.A. (see Huff, G.B. et al., 1965), 301
Clark, R. (1968), 124
-(see Sapiro, M.G. eta!., 1949), 314
Clark, R.B. (1971), 261
Clark, R.L. (1964), 435
Clark, R.M. (1967), 91
-et al. (1967), 92
-(see Berg, G. et al., 1967), 91
Clark, R.T. (1943), 139
Clarke, F.E. (see Leopold, L.B. eta!., 1971),
Clarke, G.L. (1947), 255
Clarke, N.A. (1959), 55
(1961), 92
-et al. (1962), 91, 92
Clarke, W.E. (see Hunter, B.F. et al., 1970),
Clarkson, T.W. (1971), 72
Clawson, G.H. (see Fry, F.E.J. eta!., 1942),
161, 410
Clawson, M. (1959), 399
Cleland, K.W. (1953), 463, 467
Clemmens, H.P. (1958, 1959), 173
Clements, H.F. (1939, 1947), 340
Clendenning, K.A. (1958), 250
(1960), 247, 248, 252
-(see North, W.J. et al., 1965), 145
Clendenning, V.A. (1960), 462
Cleveland, F.P. (see Treon, J.F. et al., 1955),
Cline, J.F. et al. (1969), 328
Clore, W.J. (1958), 347
Close, W.H. (see Mount, L.E. et al., 1971),
Author lndex/539
Cohen, J.M. (1961), 78
. -et ~l. (1960), 64, 69, 71, 93
-(see Hannah, S.A. et al., 1967), 89
Coburn, D.R. et al. (1951), 228
~Code of Federal Regulations, (1967), 273, 274
Cohen, J.M. (1966), 318
-(see also Weibel, S.R. et al., 1966), 318, 319
Colburn, William, (1971), 14
Colby, D. (see Burdick, J.E. et al., 1964), 184
Colby, P.A. (unpublished data, 1970), 411
Colby, P.J. (1967), 193
(1970), 160
Cole, --(1966), 76, 77
Cole, A.E. (1941), 144, 462-464, 467
Coleman, N.T. (1967), 339
-(see Bingham, F.T. eta!., 1970), 344
Coleman, P.R. (see Hunter, B.F. et al.,
Coleman, R. (1939), 340
-(see Dorman, C. et al., 1939), 340
Collier, R.S. (see Calabrese, A. et al., un-
published), 250, 254, 255
Collins, T.F.X. (1971), 79
Comes, R.D. (1967), 183
(1970), 347' 348
-(see Frank, P.A. et al., 1970), 346
Comly, H.H. (1945), 73
Commoner, B. (1970), 274
Conn, L.W. et al. (1932), 62
Conners, P.G. eta!. (1972a), 226
-et a!. (in press, 1972b), 226, 246, 252
-(see Anderlin, V.C. et al., 1972), 226
Conney, A.H. (1969), 320
Gooch, F.G. (1964), 197
Cook, J.W. (see Williams, M.W. et al.,
1958), 78
Cook, R.S. (1966), 228
Cook, S.F. (1969), 18
Cooley, N.R. et al. (unpublished data), 489,
493, 505
Cooper, A.C. (1962), 135, 137-139
Cooper, A.L. (1955), 456
Cooper, E.L. (1953, 1960), 154
Cooper, H.P. et al. (1932), 340
Cooper, K.W. (see Harvey, E.N. et al.,
1944a), 135
Cope, O.B. (1961), 119, 184
(1965), 453, 458
(1966), 248, 420-434, 453, 458, 467
(1968), 420-433
-et al. (1970), 437
Copeland, B.J. (1964), 144
(1969), 124, 279
Coppage, D.L. (unpublished), 267, 268, 493
Copson, H.R. (1963), 55
Corbet, A.S. (see Fisher, R.A. et a!., 1943),
Corino, E.R. (see Revelle, R. et al., 1972),
Corneliussen, P.E. (1972), 77, 78
Corner, E.D.S. (1956), 248, 455, 475
(1968), 261
Cordone, A.J. (see Shapovalov, L. et a!.,
1959), 27
Cornelius, W.O. (1933), 147
540/Water Quality Criteria, 1972
Cort, W.W. (1928), 18
(1950), 19
Corwin, N. (1956), 276
-(see Ketchum, B.H. et a!., 1958), 258
Cottam, G. (1969), 24
Couch, J.R. et a!. (1963), 26
-(see also Creger, C.R. et a!., 1963), 26
Couch, R.E. (see Gunn, C.A. eta!., 1971), 40
Coulston, F. (see Stein, A.A. eta!., 1965), 76,
Council on Environmental Quality (1970),
221, 278, 279
(1971), 244,249,257
Courchaine, R.J. · (1968), 55
Courtenay, W.R., Jr. (see Lachner, E.A.
eta!., 1970), 27
Courtney, K.D. (1971), 79
-et a!. (1970), 79
Coutant, C.C. (1968), 137, 139, 152, 164
(1969, 1971), 152
(1970), 165,415, 416, 418
(1970a), 152, 153, 161
(1970b), 153
(1970c), 152, 161, 169
-(unpublished da:a, 1971) 161
(1972), 410
-(see Becker, C.D. eta!., 1971), 161
Cowell, B.C. (1965), 467
Cowgill, P. (1971), 14
Cowley, L.J. (see Addison, R.F. eta!., 1971),
Cox, D.H. et a!. (1960), 314
Cox, R. (see Zweig, G. eta!., 1961), 320
Crabtree, D.G. (1970), 227
Craighead, F.C., Jr. (1966), 28
Craigie, D.E. (1963), 417
Crandall, C.A. (1962), 181, 464, 467
Crawford, J.S. eta!. (1969), 315
Crawford, M.D. (1967), 68, 70
-eta!. (1968), 68
Crawford, R.F. (1960), 314
Crawford, R.P. et a!. (1969), 321
Crawford, T. (1967), 68
Creger, C.R. (1963), 26
-(see Couch, J.R. eta!., 1963), 26
Crema, A. (1955), 56
Crofts, A.S. (1939), 340
Cromartie, E. (see Bagley, G.E. eta!., 1970),
-(see Mulhern, B.M. eta!., 1971), 176, 227
Cronin, L.E. (1967), 27
(1970), 245, 246, 282
-et a!. (1969), 279
Crooke, W.M. (1954), 344
Crosby, D.G. (1966), 458, 467
Cross, F.A. eta!. (1968), 479
Crossman, R.A., Jr. (1970), 26
Csanady, G.T. (1970), 403
Csonka, E. (see Miller, V.L. eta!., 1961), 313
Cucuel, F. (1934), 72
Cummings, R.W. (1941), 345
Curley, A. eta!. (1971), 313
Curran, E.J. (1971 ), 262
Cusick, J. (1967), 463, 468
D' Agostino, A. (1969), 23
Dahl, L.K. (1960), 88
Dahling, D.R. (see Burge, G. et a!., 1968), 92
t>aines, R.H. (see Prince, A.L. et a!. 1949),
Dale, W.E. eta!. (1963), 76
-(see Hayes, W.J., Jr. eta!., 1971), 76
Dalenberg, J.W. (see Aten, A.H.W. et a!.,
1961), 472
Dalke, P.D. (1964), 228
Dalton, R.A. (1970), 454, 456
Damant, G.C.C. (1908), 137
Damron, B.L. et a!. (1969), 313
Dana, S.T. (1957), 14
Daniel, J.W. (1969), 313
-eta!. (1971), 313
Dantzman, C.L. (1970), 306
D'Arezzo, A.J. (1970), 403
Dart, R.E. (see Galagan, D.J. eta!., 1957), 66
Das, R.R. (1969), 25
Dasmann, R.F. (1966), 28
Daugherty, F.M. (1951), 456
Davids, H.W. (1951), 62
Davidson, D.F. (1967), 86
Davidson, R.S. (see Kemp, H.T. et a!.,
1966), 457
Davies, A. (see Thomas, S.B. et a!., 1966),
302, 306
Davies, A.G. (1966), 464
Davies, B. (see Harrel, R.C. eta!., 1967), 144
Davis, C.C. (1964), 23
Davis, E.M. (see Angelovic, J.W. et a!.,
1967), 454
Davis, G.E. (1971), 117
Davis, G.K. (1951, 1957), 307
(1966), 317
-(see Cox, D.H. et a!., 1960), 314
-(see Shirley, R.L. et a!., 1950), 314
-(see Shirley, R.L. eta!., 1970), 343
Davis, H.C. (1969), 485, 487, 489, 49( 493,
Davis, J. (see Risebrough, R.W. eta!., 1970),
Davis, J.J. (1960), 301-303
Davis, J.R. (see Mahood, R.K. eta!., 1970),
Davis, J.T. (1962), 429-431
(1963), 432
(1964), 429
(1967), 458
Davis, Larry C. (see Sonnen, Michael B.
et a!., 1970), 39
Davies, R.O. (1958), 139
Davison, K.L. eta!. (1962), 315
-eta!. (1964), 314
-et a!. (1965), 315
-(see Jainudeen, M.R. eta!., 1965), 315
Dawley, E.M. (see Ebel, W.J. et a!., 1970),
-(see Ebel, W.J. eta!., 1971), 137
Davis, H.C. (1960, 1969), 281
(1969), 265-268
Derby, S.B. (Sleeper) (1971), 485,491,493
Dawson, J.H. (1959), 347
Dawson, M.D. (see Kerridge, P.C. et a!.,
1971), 338
Dean, H.J. (see Burdick, G.E. et a!., 1964),
429, 436
-(see Burdick, G.E. eta!., 1968), 183, 184,
190, 195
Dean, H.T. (1936), 66
Dean, J.M. (see Crows, F.A. et al., 1968), 479
-(see Fowler, S.W. eta!., 1970), 480
Dean, R.B. (1970), 55
-(see Berg, G. et al., 1968), 92
Deans, R.J. (1964), 315
Dearinger, John A. (1968), 39, 400
DeBoer, L.M. (1961), 68
Decker, C.F. (see Decker, L.E. eta!., 1958),
-(see Mackenzie, R.D. et a!., 1958), 62
Decker, L.E. et a!. (1958), 60
DeClaventi, LB. (1965), 463
Dedie, K. (1955), 352
DeEds, F. (1950), 60
Defoe, D.L. (see Nebeker, A.V. et a!., 1971),
Dejmal, V. (1957), 56
DeMann, J.G. (see Turnbull, H. eta!., 1954),
145, 191, 244, 450-455
Demint, R.J. (see Frank, P.A. et a!., 1970),
346, 347, 348
De Mont, J.D. (in press), 135
Denz, F.A. (1953), 319
Deobald, H.J. (1935), 309, 312
de Oliveira, L.P.H. (1924), 255
Department of Lands & Forests, Ottawa
(1968), 28
Department of National Health & Welfare
[Canada] (1971), 481, 482
Deschiens, R. (1956), 244, 451
(1957), 467
-(see Floch, H. eta!., 1963), 453
Devlaminck, F. (1950), 457
(1955), 245, 450, 451
DeVos, R.H. (see Koeman, J.H. et al., 1969),
83, 175
-(see Vos, J.G. et al., 1970), 198, 225, 226
DeVries, D.M. (see Sparr, B.I. eta!., 1966),
DeWolfe, T.A. (see Klotz, L.J. eta!., 1959),
Dick, A.T. (1945), 252
Dickens, F. (1969), 124, 279
Dickson, K.L. (1971), 117, 408
Diesch, S.L. (1966), 29
-(see Crawford, R.P. eta!., 1969), 321
Dill, W.A. (see Shapovalov, L. eta!., 1959),
Dillion, R.T. (see Van Slyke, D.D. et a!.,
1934), 138
Dimick, R.E. (1952), 255
-(see Haydu, E.P. et al., 1952), 256
DiPalma, J.R. (1965), 56
Diskalenko, A.P. (1968), 73
DiToro, D.M. eta!. (1971), 277
D'Itri, E.M. (unpublished data, 1971), 172
Dixon, W.J. (1951), 408
Dobbins, W.E. (1968), 403
Dobzhansky, Theodosius (1966), 272
Doell, C.E. (1963), 8
Donawick W.J. (1966), 313
Doneen, L.D. (1959), 335
Dorfman, D. (1969), 455, 464
Dorman, C. (1939), 340
-et al. (1939), 340
Dorris, T.C. (1964, 1966), 144
(1968), 35, 144, 275, 408, 409
-(see Harrel, R.C. et al., 1967), 144
Doudoroff, P. (1942), 412
(1945), 410, 412
(1950), 139
(1953), 177,179,180,242,247,250,251,
253, 451, 453, 455, 464
(1956), 189, 252, 314, 315, 330, 346
(1957), 135, 139, 255
(1961 ), 242
(1965, 1967), 131
(1969), 324
0970), 131-13~ 139, 151
(1971 ), 270
-et al. (1951), 121
-et al. (1966), 123, 140, 189, 241, 451, 453,
454, 456, 457, 464
-(see Hart, J.S. et al., 1945), 142
-(see Hermann, R.B. et al., 1962), 132
-(see Shumway, D.L. et al., 1964), 132
-(see Stewart, N.E. et al., 1967), 132
Dougan, R.S. (1966), 302
Douglas, F.D. (see Simon, J. et al., 1959), 315
Dovel, W.L. (1970), 282
-(see Flemer, D.A. et al., 1967), 279, 281
Dowden, B.F. (1965), 249, 450, 452, 455,
457, 458
Downing, A.L. (1966), 417-419
Downing, K.M. (1954), 190
(1955), 187, 243
(1957), 187
Drake, C.H. (see Favero, M.S. et al., 1964),
Dresnack, Robert (1968), 403
Dressman, R.C. (see Lichtenberg, J.J. et al.,
1969), 319, 320
-(see Lichtenberg, J.J. et al., 1970), 182
Drill, V.A. (1953), 79
Drinker, K.R. et al. (1927), 317
-(see Thompson, P.K. et al., 1927), 317
Droop, M.R. (1962), 22
Druce, R.G. (see Thomas, S.B. et al., 1966),
302, 306
Drury, D.E. (1969), 189
DuBois, K.P. (1959), 56
-(see Frawley, J.P. et al., 1963), 78
DuCoff, H.S. et al. (1948), 56
Dudley, R.G. (1969), 132
Dudley, W.A. (see Romoser, G.L. et al.,
1961), 311, 316
Duffy, J.R. (see Sprague, J.B. et al., 1971),
Dugdale, D.C. (1970), 277
Duggan, R.E. (1972), 77, 78
Duke, T.W. (1967), 479
-et al. (1966), 472, 479
-et al. (1970), 83, 176, 264
-et al. (1971a), 489
-(see Lowe, J.l. et al., 1971), 267
Dunlap, L. (1971), 172
Dunlop, R.H. (see Wobeser, G. et al., 1970),
173, 251
Dunlop, S.G. (1954), 350, 352
(1961), 351
(1963), 188
(1968), 351, 352
Dunn, J.E. (1967), 410-417
-(see Neill, W.H., Jr. et al., 1966), 413
Dunstan, W.M. (1971), 275, 276
Dupont, 0. et al. (1942), 56
Dupuy, J.L. (1968), 38
Durfor, C.N. (1964), 61, 70, 88, 89
Durham, W.F .. (1962), 78
Durnum, W.H. et al. (1971), 306, 310-313,
Duryee, F.L. (see Kutches, A.J. et al., 1970),
Dustman, E.H. et al. (1970), 198, 313
Duthie, J.R. (1968), 74
Dyer, W.J. et al. (1970), 254
Dye, W.B. (1959), 344
EIFAC (see European Inland Fisheries
Advisory Commission)
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
(1971), 434, 437
Earle, T.T. (1948), 27
Earley, E.B. (1943), 345
Earnest, R.D. (unpublished data, 1971), 266,
267, 485-487, 489, 491, 493, 495
Easterbrock, C. C. (see Sundaram, T.R. et al.,
1969), 403
Eaton, F.M. (1935, 1944), 341
(1950), 335
(1959), 328
Eaton, J.G. (1970), 120, 122, 184, 185, 437
(1971), 123, 189, 425
-(unpublished data, 1971), 179, 180
Ebel, W.J. (1968), 135
(1969), 135, 137
(1971), 137
-et al. (1970), 160
Ebeling, G. (1928), 249
Eberhardt, L.L. et al. (1971), 439
Edinger, J.E. (1969), 403
Edison Electric Institute (1970), 378
Edmondson, W.T. (1961, 1968, 1969), 20
(1970), 20-22
(1972), 19
Edmunds, --(1966), 452
Edsall, T.A. (1970), 160
-(unpublished data, 1970), 411
-et al. (1970), 411
Edson, E.F. (1954), 319
(1957), 78
Edwards, H.E. (1967), 184
Edwards, R.W. (1963), 458
Egan, D.A. (1970), 313
Egusa, S. (1955), 137, 138
Ehlig, C.F. (1959), 328
-(see Alloway, W.H. et al., 1967), 345
Eichelberger, J.W. (see Lichte~berg, J.J.
et al., 1969), 319, 320
-(s~e Lichtenberg, J.J. et al., 1970), 182
Eimhjellen, K. (see Jannasch, H.W. et al.,
1971), 277, 280
Author lndex/541
Eipper, A.W. (1959), 26
Eisler, R. (1966), 452, 495
(1967), 468
(1969, 1970a,b), 266-;:-268, 485,487,489,
491, 493 ..
(1970c), 487, 489
-(see LaRoche et al., 1970), 261
Ekman, R. (see Aberg, B. et al., 1969), 313,
Elder, J.B. (see Dustman, E.H. et al., 1970),
198, 313
El-Dib, M.A. (1971), 80
Eldridge, E.F. (1960), 89
Eldridge, W.E. (see Holland, G.A. et al.,
1960), 242, 246, 247, 451, 452, 461, 463-
Eller, L.L. (see Kennedy, H.D. et a!., 1970),
195, 436
Ellis, M.D. (see Ellis, M.M. et al., 1946), 249
Ellis, M.M. (1937), 22, 131, 139, 187, 191,
245, 253, 254
-eta!. (1946), 249
Elms, D.R. (1966), 301
Elrod, R.P. (1942), 57
Elson, P.F. (1965), 248
(1967), 184
-(see Sprague, J.B. et al., 1964), 463, 467
-(see Sprague, J.B. et al., 1965), 122, 463
-(see Sprague, J.B. eta!., 1971), 183
Elvehyen, C.A. (1935), 138, 309
Embry, L.B. eta!. (1959), 307, 308
-(see Emerick, R.J. et al., 1965), 315
-(see Goodrich, R.D. et a!., 1964), 315
-(see Hoar, D.W. et al., 1968), 315
-(see Weichenthal, B.A. eta!., 1963), 315
Emerick, R.J. eta!. (1965), 315
-(see Adams, A.W. et al., 1966), 315
-(see Goodrich, R.D. et al., 1964), 314
-(see Hoar, D.W. eta!., 1968), 315
-(see Olson, O.E. eta!., 1963), 315
-(see Weichenthal, B.A. et al., 1963), 315
Emerson, J.L. eta!. (1970), 79
Emery, R.M. eta!. (1972), 20
Enderson, J.H. (1970), 198
Engelbert, L.E. (see Lawton, G.W. et a!.,
1960), 353
England, B. et a!. (1967), 92
Engle, J.B. (see Galtsoff, P.S. et al., 1947),
116, 147
Englehorn, O.R. (1943), 135
English, J.N. eta!. (1961), 34
-et al. (1963), 148
-(see Booth, R.L. et a!., 1965), 75
-(see Surber, E.W. et al., 1965), 148
Enns, W.R. (1968), 18
Environmental Protection Agency, 57, 58, 91
-(unpublished data, 1971), 48
-(draft, 1972), 301
-(in press, 1972), 318
Div. of Water Hygiene, Water Quality Office
(1971), 37
Office of Pesticides, Pesticides Regulation
pivision (1972), 319
Eprsano, C. (see Maloues, R. et al., 1972), 135
Eppson, H.F. (see Bradley, W.B. et al., 1940),
542/ Water Quality Criteria, 1972
Ericksson, E. (1952), 337
Erickson, K. (1964), 321
Ericksen, L.V. (1959), 147
Erickson, S.J. eta!. (1970), 268, 505
Erne, K. (see Borg, K. et al., 1969), 198, 252,
Esmay, M.L. et a!. (1955), 302
Espey, W.H. (1967), 229, 281, 282
(1971 ), 403
Ettinger, M.B. (1962), 55
-(see Barth, E.F. et al., 1966), 55
-(see Burttschell, R.H. eta!., 1959), 80
-(see Ludzack, F.J. et al., 1957), 145
European Island Fisheries Advisory Com-
mission (1965), 127
(1969), 140, 241
Evans, A. (1969), 135,136,138
Evans, E.D. (see Stevens, N.P. et a!., 1956),
Evans, E.T.R. (1946), 195
Everhart, W.H. (1953), 142
(1971), 179, 181
Eye, J.D. (1968), 130
Eylar, O.R. (see Murphy, W.H. et al., 1958),
FAO (see Food & Agricultural Organization)
FDA (see U.S. Department of Health, Edu-
cation, and Welfare, Food and Drug
FPRL Annual Report (unpublished data,
1971), 420-424, 426, 427, 433
FRC (see Federal Radiation Council)
FWPCA (see Federal Water Pollution Con-
trol Administration)
Faber, R.A. eta!. (1972), 227
Faculty of American Bacteriologists (1947),
Fagerstrom, T. (1971), 172
Fair, G.M. eta!. (1948), 55
-et a!. (1968), 275
Fairhall, L.T. (1942), 87
(1957), 62
Falk, H.L. (see Innes, J.R.M. eta!., 1969), 76
-(see Courtney, R.D. eta!., 1970), 79
Falk, L.L. (see Rudolph, W. et al., 1950), 89,
Falk, R. (see Aberg, B. eta!., 1969), 313, 314
Falkowska, Z. et a!. (1964), 250
Farmanfarmaian, A. (see Jannasch, H.W.
et al., 1971), 277, 280
Farr, F.M. (see Couch, J.R. eta!., 1963), 26
Farr, F.M. (see Creger, C.R. eta!., 1963), 26
Fast, A.W. (1968), 165
-(unpublished data, 1971), 165
Faulkner, L.R. (1966), 348, 349
(1970), 348, 349
Faust, S.D. (1968, 1971), 80
-eta!. (1971), 80
Favero, M.S. eta!. (1964), 31
Fay, L.D. (1964, 1966), 196
Federal Power Commission (1971), 378
Federal Radiation Council (1960), 273
(1961), 273, 274
-(see also U.S. Federal Radiation Council)
Federal Water Pollution Control Adminis-
tration (1963), 75
(1966), 57
(1968), 59, 91
Feltz, H.R. eta!. (1971), 183
Fenderson, O.C. (1970), 225
Feng, T.P. (1946), 59
Ferguson, D.E. (1968), 184
Ferguson, H.F. (see Simons, G.W., Jr. et a!.,
1972), 29
Ferm, V.H. (see Mulvihill, J.E. eta!., 1970),
Fertig, S.N. (1953), 319
Fetterolf, C.M. (1962), 147
(1964), 148, 191
-eta!. (1970), 18
-(see Basch, R.E. eta!., 1971), 189
Field, H.I. (1946), 195
Fifield, C.W. (see Litsky, W. eta!., 1953), 31
Fimreite, N. (1970), 251
-et a!. (1970), 252
Finn, B.J. (see Halstead, R.L. et a!., 1969),
Finney, D.J. (1952), 121
Fireman, M. (1960), 341
Firh't, C.F. (1962), 435
Fischer, H.B. (1968, 1970), 403
Fischman, L.L. (see Landsberg, H.H. et a!.,
1963), 381
Fishbein, L. (see Innes, J.R.M. eta!., 1969),
Fisher, D.W. (see Likens, G.E. eta!., 1970),
Fisher, H.L. (see Chapman, W.H. et al.,
1968), 173
Fisher, J .L. (see Landsberg, H.H. et a!.,
1963), 381
Fisher, R.A. eta!. (1943), 409
Fisheries Research Board of Canada (un-
published, 1971), 179
Fishman, M.J. (see Brown, E. et a!., 1970), 51
Fitch, C.P. eta!. (1934), 317
Fitzhugh, O.G. (1941), 60
-eta!. (1944), 86
Flemer, D.A. (1970), 281
-eta!. (1967), 279, 281
Fletcher, J.L. (1971), 254
-et a!. (1970), 254
-(see Dyer, W.J. eta!., 1970), 254
Flinn, D.W. (1965), 1
Flis, J. (1968), 187
Florida State Board of Health (unpublished
data), 18
Fleming, R.H. (see Sverdrup, H.V. et al.,
1942), 216
-(see Sverdrup, H.V. eta!., 1946), 241
Floch, H. et a!. (1963), 453
Foehrenbach, J. (1972), 37
Foget, C.R. (1971), 262
Follis, B.J. (1967), 193, 456
Food & Agriculture Organization (1967),
(1971), 239, 241, 247
Food and Drug Administration (unpub-
lished data), 79
Food Standards Committee for England and
Wales (1959), 481
Forbes, S.A. (1913), 145
Ford, W.L. (1952), 280
Forester, J. (see Cooley, N.R. et al., un-
published data), 489
Foster, G.L. (see Sparr, B.I. eta!., 1966), 346
Foster, M. et a!. (1970), 258
Foster, R.F. (1943), 21
(1956, 1957), 180
Fowl, D.L. (1972), 318, 345
-eta!. (1971), 434
Fowler, I. (1953), 466, 467
Fowler, M. (1965), 29
Fowler, S.W. eta!. (1970), 480
-(see Cross, F.A. eta!., 1968), 479
Fox, A.C. (see Hannon, M.R. et a!., 1970),
Foy, C.D. eta!. (1965), 348
Foyn, E. (1965), 222
Francis, G. (1878), 317
Frank, N. (1941), 57
Frank, P.A. (1967), 183
-et a!. (1970), 346-348
Frank, R. (personal communication), 175
Frank, K.W. (1935), 86
(1936), 309
-(see Smith, M.I. et a!., 1936), 86
Frankel, R.J. (1965), 399
Frant, S. (1941), 60
Franklin, P.M. (see Thomas, S.B. et al.,
1953), 302
Frens, A.M. (1946), 307
Fraser, M.H. et al. (1956), 57
Frawley, J.P. et al. (1963), 78
-(see Williams, M.W. et al., 1958), 78
Frear, D.E.H. (1969), 80, 174
Fredeen, F.H. (1964), 18
Freegarde, M. et a!. (1970), 261
Freeman, L. (1953), 466, 467
Freeman, R.A. (1971), 179
Fremling, C.R. (1960a,b), 17
French, C.R. (see Brand, E.D. et a!., 1951),
Freund, G.F. (see Black, A.P. et al., 1965),
Friend, M. (1970), 226
Fries, G.F. (see Bitman, J. et al., 1969), 198
Frink, C.R. (1967), 24
Frisa, C. (see Burdick, G.E. et al., 1968), 183,
Frisch, N.W. (1960), 63
Frolich, E. et al. (1966), 342
Fromm, P.O. (1958), 452, 457
(1959), 457, 462
(1962), 462
(1970), 187
Frost, D.V. (1967), 56, 309, 310
-(see Schroeder, H.A. et al., 1968b), 309
Fry, F.E.J. (1947), 120, 152
(1951), 161
(1953), 419
(1954), 160, 419
(1957), 139
(1960), 131
(1964), 152, 154
(1967), 152, 161
-(unpublished, 1971), 154
-et al. (1942), 410
-et al. (1946), 153, 160, 170, 410-419
Fryer, J.L. (see Bond, C.E. 1960), 429-432
Fujuya, M. (1960). 248, 453, 363, 364
(1961), 453
-(see Bardach, J.E. et al., 1965), 190
Fukai, R. (1962), 240
Fulkerson, W. (see Wallace, R.A. et al.,
1971), 72, 173, 240, 252
Fuller, R.G. (see Kemp, H.T. et al., 1966),
Fuller, W.H. (see Hilgeman, R.H. et al.,
1970), 344
Funnell, H.S. (1969), 313
Fyfe, R.W. (see Fimreite, N. et al., 1970), 252
Gaarder, T. (1932), 241, 465
Gaertner, H. (1951), 350
Gage,J.C. (1961, 1964,1969, 1971),313
Gage, S. De M. (see Simons, G.W., Jr. et al.,
1922), 29
Gaines, T.B. (see Dale, W.E. et al., 1963), 76
Gakstatter, J.L. (1965), 183
Galagan, D.J. (1953, 1957), 66
Gall, O.E. (1940), 345
Gallatine, M.H. (1960), 337
-(see Lunin, J. et al., 1960, 1964), 338
-(see Lunin, J. et al., 1963), 336, 337
Galtsoff, P.S. (1931), 148
(1932), 248
(1943), 463
(1946), 246
(1949), 261, 262
(1964), 148
-et al. (1935), 147
-et al. (1947), 116, 147
-(see Doudoroff, P. et al., 1951), 121
Gamm, S.H. (see Mulvihill, J.E. et al.,
1970), 310
Gammon, J.R. (1970), 128, 157
Gange, T.J. (see Page, A.L. et al., in press,
1971), 343
Gannon, J.E. (1969), 124, 127
Garber, M.J. (see Pratt, P.F. et al., 1967), 334
Gardner, G.R. (1970), 462
Gardner, M.J. (see Crawford, M.D. et al.,
1968), 68
Garner, G.B. (1963), 315
(1970), 246
-(see Bloomfield, R.A. et ~1., 1961), 315
Garrett, J.T. (1951, 1957), 456
Garrigou, F. (1877), 72
Garside, E.T. (1968), 411
Gart, J.J. (see Innes, J.R.M. et al., 1969), 76
Gast, M. (in press), 179, 180
Gastler, G.F. (1957), 308
-(see Embry, L.B. et al., 1959), 307, 308
Gauch, H.G. (see Magistad, O.C. et al.,
1943), 325, 336
Gaufin, A.R. (1952, 1956, 1958), 408
(1953), 22
(1964), 424, 426, 427, 435, 453
(1966), 420, 421
-et al. (1965), 195
Gaylor, D.W. (see Courtney, K.D. et al.,
1970), 79
Gebhards, S. (1970), 124
Geiling, E.M.K. (1959), 56
Geiser, P.B. (see Leone, N.L. et al., 1954), 66
Geldreich, E.E. (1966), 31, 36
(1970), 31, 36, 57, 352
(1971), 16, 57, 302, 351, 352
-et al. (1962a,b; 1964, 1965, 1968), 57
-(see Kabler, P.W. et al., 1921), 351
Genderen, H. (1970), 265, 267
Genoway, R.G. (1968), 137, 139
Gentile, J.H. (unpublished data, 1972), 247
-(see Erickson, S.J. et al., 1970), 268, 505
Gerbig, C.G. (see Emerson, J.L. et al.,
1970), 79
Gericke, S. (1939), 345
Gerlach, A.R. (see Terriere, L.C. et al.,
1966), 183
Gerlad, R.W. (see Potts, A.M. et al., 1950), 60
Gerloff, G.R. (see Hansen, 0. et al., 1954), 22
Gersh, I. et al. (1944), 137
Gertel, K. (1963), 302
Geyer, J.C. (see Brady, D.K. et al., 1969),
-(see Fair, G.M. et al., 1968), 275
Ghassemi, M. (1966), 63, 80
Ghelardi, R.J. (1964), 408
Gibbard, J. et al. (1942), 36
Gibson, E.S. (1954), 160, 419
Gibson, M.B. (1953), 419
Gilbertson, M. (see Connors, P.G. et al., in
press, 1972b), 226
Gilderhaus, P.A. (1967), 430, 458
Gill, J.M. et al. (1960), 455
Gill, S.L. (1946), 36
Gillespie, R.W. et al. (1957), 321
Gillett, J.W. (1969), 185
Gillis, M.B. (see Nelson, T.S. et al., 1962), 316
Gilman, A.Z. (1965), 56
Ginn, J.T. (1944), 60
Girling, E.F. (see Curley, A. et al., 1971) 313
Gish, C.D. (see Blus, L.J. et al., 1972), 227
Gissel-Nielson, G. (1970), 345
Glass, G. (see Biesinger, K.E. et al., 1971),
Glenn, M.W. (1967). 316
Glover, Robert E. (1964), 403
Glueckauf, E. (1951), 135
Godsil, P.J. (1968), 346
Goepfert, J.M. (see Cheng, C.M. et al.,
1971), 351, 352
Goerlitz, D.F. (1963), 63
(1966), 63, 301
Goheen, A.C. (see Hewitt, W.B. et al., 1958),
Goldberg, E.D. (1957), 243
(1970), 172, 251
(1971), 72, 242, 244, 245
(1972), 226
-et al. (1971), 251, 256
-(see Risebrough, R.W. et al., 1968), 226,
Goldberg, M.C. (see Wersaw, R.L. et al.,
1969), 183
Author Index/543
Gpldman, C.R. (1964, 1972), 23
Goldman, J.C. et al. (1971), 23
Goodgal, S. (1954), 281
Gooding, D. (1954), 247
Goodman, J. (1951), 459
Goodman, L.S. (1965), 56
Goodnight, C.J. (1962), 181, 464, 467
Goodrich, R.D. et al. (1964), 315
Gomaa, H.M. (1971), 80
Gonzalez, J. et al. (unpublished, 1971), 247
Gorham, F.P. (1898, 1899, 1904), 135
Gorham, P.R. (1960, 1964), 317
-(see Bishop, C.T. et al., 1959), 317
Gortner, R.A. (see Fitch, C.P. et al., 1934),
Gotsev, T. (1944), 59
Gouine, L. (see Fetterholf, C.M., 1970), 18
Gould, T.C. (1967 , 311
Grady, G.F. (see Koff, R.S. et al., 1967), 36
Graetz, D.A. (see Lotse, E.G. et al., 1968),
Graham, J.M. (1949), 160
Graham, R.J. (1968), 144
Grande, M. (1967), 463
Graham, R. (see Sampson, J. et al., 1942),
Grant, A.B. (1961), 316
(1965), 345
Grant, B.F. (1968), 438
-(unpublished, 1971), 176
Grant, B.R. (1970), 438
Grant, C.M. (see Pomeroy, L.R. et al., 1965),
Gravelle, C.R. (see Chin, T.D.Y. et al.,
1967), 91
Graves, W.L. (see Brady, D.K. et al., 1969),
[Great Britain] Dept. of the Environment
(1971), 51, 55
Green, R.S. (see Breidenbach, A.W. et al.,
1967), 318
Greenbank, J. (see Hart, J.S. et al., 1945),
Greenwood, D.A. (see Harris, L.E. et al.,
1963), 312
-(see Shupe, J.L. et al., 1964), 312
Greer, W.C. (1957), 145
-(see Wallen, I.E. et al., 1957), 245,450-457
Greeson, P.E. (1970), 313
Gregorius, F. (1948), 62
Greiber, R. (1972), 56
Greichus, Y.A. (see Hannon, M.R. et al.,
1970), 183
Greig, R.A. (1970), 198
Greitz, U. (see Aberg, B. et al., 1969), 313,
Gress, F. (see Schmidt, T.T. et al., 1971), 83
Grice, A.D. (see Weihe, P.H. et al., in press,
1972), 280
Grice, G.D. (see Harvey, G.R. et al., 1972),
Griffin, A.E. (1960), 71
Griffin, J.J. (see Risebrough, R.W. et al.,
1968), 226, 227
Griffin, L.N. (1964), 467
Griffith, D. de G. (1970), 261
544/Water Quality Criteria, 1972
Griffith, W.H., Jr. (1962-1963), 195
Grimmet, R.E.R. eta!. (1937), 316
Grindley, J. (1946), 461, 465-467
Grob, D. (1950), 78
Grodhaus, G. (1963), 18
Grogan, R.G. eta!. (1958), 349
Gross, M.G. (1970), 278, 279, 281
-(see Goldberg, E.D. et al., 1971), 241, 244,
245, 251
Gross, W.G. (1946), 62, 311
Grow, T.E. (1971), 503, 505
Gruce, G.D. (see Vacarro, R.S. eta!., 1972),
Grudina, L.M. (see Maleshevskaya, A.S.
e a!., 1966), 313
Grummer, R.H. (see Lewis, P.K. et a!.,
1957), 316, 317
Grushkin, B. (1967), 465, 466, 468
Guess, W.L. (see Nematollahi, J. et a!.,
1967), 174, 175
Gumtz, G.D. (1971), 262
Gunn, C.A. eta!. (1971), 40
Gunn, S.A. (1967), 311
Gunnerson, C.B. (1966), 80
Gunnerson, C.G. (see Breidenbach, A.W.
et al., 1967), 318
Gunter, G. (see Cronin, L.E. eta!., 1969), 279
Gunther, F.A. eta!. (1968), 227
Gurcharan, K.S. (see Metcalf, R.L. et a!.,
1971), 437
Guseva, K.A. (1937, 1939), 250
Guskova, V.N. (1964), 467
Guss, P.L. (see Halverson, A.W. 1962, 1966),
Gustafson, G.G. (1970), 175-177
Gutknecht, J. (1963), 478
Guyer, B.E. (see Esmay, M.C. et al., 1955),
Gwatkin, R. (1946), 315
Haas, A.R.C. (1932), 341
Haegele, H.A. (1970), 198
Raga, H. (see Kariya, T. et a!., 1969),
Ha:ga, Y. (see Kariya, T. eta!., 1969), 455
Hair, J.R. (1971), 414
Hairston, N.G. (1959), 408
Hale, W.H. eta!. (1962), 315
Hall, A. (see Bardach, J.E. eta!., 1965), 190
Hall, A.E. (see Applegate, V.C. eta!., 1957),
Hall, E.E. (see Cooper, H.P. eta!., 1932), 340
Hall, E.S. (1965), 63
Hall, T.F. (1961), 26
Halstead, B. W. (1965), 38
Halstead, R.L. et a!. (1969), 344
Halverson, A.W. eta!. (1962, 1966), 316
Hamelink, J.L. eta!. (1971), 183
Hamilton, A. (1971),. 172
Hamilton, J.W. (1963), 345
(1964), 86
Hamlin, J.M. (see Jackim, E. et a!., 1970),
Hammel, W.D. (see Anderson, E.A. et a!.
1934), 93
Hammond, A.L. (1971), 251
Hammond, P.B. (1964), 313
Hampson, G.R. (1969), 258
.Han, J. eta!. (1968), 145
Hanko, E. (see Borg, K. et a!., 1969), 198,
252, 313
Hannah, S.A. et al. (1967), 89
Hannan, H.H. (1971), 24
Hannon, M.R. et al. (1970), 183
Hannerz, L. (1968), 172, 173, 251, 475, 476
Hansel, W. (1962), 315
-(see Davison, K.L. et al., 1964), 314
-(see Jainudeen, M.R. et al., 1965), 315
Hansen, D.J. et al. (1971), 176,177,505
Hansen, D.L. (1967), 437
Hansen, 0. eta!. (1954), 22
Hanshaw, B.B. (see Leopold, L.B. et al.,
1971), 400
Hapkirk, C.S.M. (see Grimmett, R.E.R.
et a!., 1937), 316
Harbourne, J .F et a!. ( 1968), 313
Harding, R.B. (1959), 328
Hare, G.M. (1969), 239
Harleman, D.R.F. (1971), 403
Harmeson, R.H. et a!. (1971), 73
Harms, R.H. (see Damron, B.L. et al., 1969),
Harmstrom, F.C. (1958), 18
Harrel, R.C. et a!. (1967), 144
Harrington, R.B. (see Ott, E.A. et al., 1965,
1966b,c,d), 317
-(see Ott, E.A. et al., 1965a), 316
Harris, E.J. (see Brudick, G.E. et al., 1964),
429, 436
-(see Brudick, G.E. et al., 1968), 183, 184,
190, 195
Harris, E.K. (see Cohen, J.M. et al., 1960),
64, 69, 71, 93
Harris, L.E. et al. (1963), 312
Harris, M. (see Berg, W.E. et al., 1945), 138
-(see Whitcher, D.M. et al., 1945), 137
Harriss, R.C. et al. (1970), 173
Harris, R.H. (1968), 89
-(see Singley, J.E. et al., 1966), 63
Harris, S.J. (see Bitman, J. et al., 1969), 198
Harrison, F. (1967), 474
Harrison, W. et al. (1964), 279
Harry, H.W. (1958), 462, 463
Hart, E.R. (see Innes, J.R.M. et al., 1969), 76
Hart, J.S. (1944), 139
(1945), 142
(1947), 160, 410, 414, 416, 417, 419
(1952), 160,411-414,417,419
-et al. (1945), 142
-(see Fry, F.E.J. et al., 1946), 153,160, 170,
Hart, W.B. (see Doudorof, P. et al., 1951), 121
Hartley, W.J. (1961), 316
Hartung, R. (1965, 1967a), 196
(1966), 196, 262
(1967b), 197
(1968), 145
(1970), 196, 146, 183
Harvey, E.N. et al. (1944a), 135
(1944b), 135, 136
(1962), 95, 97, 99, 135
Harvey, G.R. et al. (1972), 264
Harvey, H.H. (1962), 135, 137-139
Harvey, H.W. (1947), 250
Harvey, R.S. (1969), 470-473, 475, 479
Haskell, D.C. (1958), 139
Hasselrot, T.B. (1968), 172
Hasseltine, H.E. (see Lumsden, L.L. et al.,
1925), 36
Hatch, R.C. (1969), 313
Hatchard, C.G. (see Freegarde, M. et al.,
1970), 261
Hatcher, B.W. (see Maclntire, W.H. et al.,
1942), 343
Hatcher, J.T. (1958), 341
Hatchcock, J.N. et al. (1964), 316
Hathrup, A.R. (1970), 347
Haverland, L.H. (1961), 307
-(see Weeth, H.J. et al., 1960), 307
Hawk, R.E. (see Curley, A. eta'., 1971), 313
Hawkes, A.L. (1961), 196
Hawkinson, G.E. (see Gersh, I. et al., 1944),
Hawksley, R.A. (1967), 181
Haydu, E.P. (1968), 117
-(unpublished data), 247, 253
-et al. (1952), 256
Hayes, B.W. (see Mitchell, G.E. et al., 1967),
Hayes, W.J., Jr. (1962), 78
(1963), 79
-et al. (1971 ), 75
-(see Dale, W.E. et al., 1963), 76
-(in press), 77
Haynes, W.S. (see Vigil, J. et al., 1965), 73
Hays, H. (1972), 226, 227
-(see Connors, P.G. et al., in press, 1972b),
Hayward, H.E. (1958), 324
Hazel, C.R. (1970), 464
-et al. (1971), 187
Hazen, A. (1892, 1896), 63
(1895), 69
Heath, A.G. (see Sparks, R.E. et al., 1969),
Heath, R.G., 198
-et al. (1969), 197, 226
-et al. (in press, 1972), 226
Heath, W.G. (1967), 410, 412, 419
Hedstrom, C.E. (1967), 92
Heggeness, H.G. (1939), 340
Heidel, S.G. (1971), 306
-(see Durum, W.H. et al., 1971), 306, 310-
313, 316
Heinle, D.R. (1969), 162
Held, E.E. (1969), 476
Heller, V.G. (1930, 1932, 1933), 307
(1946), 62, 211
Helm, W.T. (see Sigler, W.F. et al., 1966),
248, 453
Helminen, M. (see Henriksson, K. et al.,
1966), 198, 252
Hem, J.D. (1960), 130
(1970), 87, 313
-(see Durum, W.H. et al., 1971), 306, 310-
313, 316
Hemmingsen, E.A. (1970), 136
Hemphill, F.E. et al. (1971), 313
Henderson, C. (1956), 243, 256, 451, 455,
456, 459
(1957), 122, 234
(1959), 458
(1960), 243, 244, 253, 451, 453, 455,
456, 459
(1965), 451, 452, 455-457, 460
(1966), 145, 180-182, 453, 455, 456, 460
-et al. (1959), 420-422
-et al. (1960), 190, 450
-et al. (1969), 182, 434
-(see Black, H.H. et al., 1957), 450
-(see English, J.N. et al., 1963), 148
-(see Pickering, Q.H. et al., 1962), 184,
Henley, D.E. (1970), 147
-(see Silvey, J.K. et al., 1972), 82
Hennessey, R.D. (see Maddox, D.M. et al.,
1971), 26
Henrikson, K. et al. (1966), 198, 252
Henry, W.H. (1965), 340
Henson, E.B. (1966), 17
Hentges, J.F., Jr. (1970), 26
Herbert, D.W.M. (1952), 464
(1960), 178, 187, 450
(1961), 407, 459
(1962), 143
(1963), 459
(1964), 122,182,403,450,453,459,464
(1965), 122, 187' 407' 453
-et al. (1965), 455, 456, 460
Hermann, E.R. (1959), 462, 463, 465, 467
Herman, S.G. (1968), 266-268
-(see Risenbrough, R.W. et al., 1968), 83,
175, 198, 264
Herrmann, R.B. et al. (1962), 132
Hershkovitz, G. (see Kott, Y. et al., 1966), 245
Hervey, R.J. (1949), 180
Hess, A.D. (1956, 1958), 17
Hess, J.B. (see Kott, Y. et al., 1966), 245
Hester, H.R. (see Sampson, J. et al., 1942),
Hettler, W.F. (1968), 410
Hewitt, E.J. (1948), 345
(1953), 342
(1966), 344
Hewitt, W.B. et al. (1958), 349
-(see Grogan, R.G. et al., 1958), 349
Heyroth, F.F. (1952), 66
Hiatt, R.W. (1953), 462
-et al. (1953), 245, 246
-(see Boroughs, H. et al., 1957), 409
Hibiya, T. (1961), 465, 469, 470, 475-478
Hickey, J.J. (1968), 197, 226
(1970), 197
-(see Anderson, D.W. et al., 1969), 176, 227
Hicks, D.B. (1971), 147
Hidu, H. (1969), 265, 268, 281, 485, 487,
Higgins, J.E. (see Bugg, J.C. et al., 1967),
266, 267
Hilgeman, R.H. et al. (1970), 344
Hill, C.H. (1963), 311
-(see Hathcock, J.N. et al., 1964), 316
Hill, E.V. (1947), 79
Hill, M.N. (1964), 216
Hill, W.R. (1939, 1947), 87
Hillebrand, 0. (1950), 24
Hills, B.A. (1967), 136
Hilscher, R. (see Simons, G.W., Jr. et al.,
1922), 29
Hilsenhoff, W.L. (1959, 1968), 18
Hiltibran, R.C. (1967), 26
Hiltz, D.F. (see Dyer, W.J. et al., 1970), 254
Hinchliffe, M.C. (1952), 19
Hine, C.H. (1970), 181, 252
Ringley, H.J. (see Dyer, W.J. et al., 1970),
Ringley, J. (see Ackman, R.G. et al., 1970),
Hinkle, M.E. (see White D.E. et al., 1970),
Hinman, J.J., Jr. (1938), 93
Hiratzka, T. (1953), 79
Hirohata, T. (see Kuratsune, M. et al.,
1969), 83
Hiroki, K. (see Theede, H. et al., 1969), 193,
Hirono, T. (see Murata, I. et al., 1970), 60
Hisaoka, K.K. (1962), 435
Hissong, E.D. (see Prinzle, B.H. et al., 1968),
38, 246, 247
Hitchings, G.H. (1969), 320
Hiyama, Y. (1964), 469, 471
Hoadley, A.W. (1968), 31
Hoak, R.D. (1961), 89
Hoagland, E. (see Weibe, P.H. et al., in
press, 1972), 280
Hoar, D.W. et al. (1968), 315
Hobden, D.J. (1969), 473
Hodges, E.M. (see Shirley, R.L. et al., 1970),
Hodgkin, A.L. (1969), 464
Hodgson, J.F. (1960), 342
(1963), 339
Hodgson, J.M. (see Bruns, V.F. et al., 1955),
Hoekstra, W.G. (see Lewis, P.K. et al., 1957),
316, 317
Hoelscher, M.A. (see Ernbry, L.B. et al.,
1959), 307' 308
Hoff, J.G. (1963), 147
(1963), 148
(1966), 160, 413, 417, 419
Hoffman, D.O. (1951), 459
Hoflund, S. (see Sapiro, M.L. et al., 1949),
Hogan, J.W. (1967), 435
-(see Berger, B.L. et al., 1969), 435
Hogan, M.D. (see Courtney, K.D. et a!.,
1970), 79
Hoglund, B. (1972), 164
Hoglund, L.B. (1961), 139
Hokanson, J.F. (1964), 315
Hokanson, K.E.F. (1971), 190, 191
Holden, A.V. (1970), 55, 176, 225
Holden, P. (1958), 17
Holden, W.S. (1970), 83
Holeman, J.N. (1968), 281
Holland, G.A. et al. (1960), 242, 246, 247,
256, 451, 452, 461, 463-465
Author lndex/545
Holluta, J. (1961), 7
Holm, C.H. (see Meyers, J.J. et al., 1969), 32
Holm, H.H. (see Patrick R. et al., 1954), 116
Holm, L.G. et al. (1969), 26, 27
Holmes, C.W. (see Mount, L.E. et al., 1971),
Holmes, D.C. et a!. (1967), 83, 175
Holmes, R.W. (1967), 258
Holt, G. (1969), 198
Hoopes, J.A. (see Zeller, R.W. et al., 1971),
Hopkins, C.L. et al. (1966), 184
Hopkins, S.H. (see Cronin, L.E. et al., 1969),
Hopper, M.C. (1937), 343
Hoppert, C.A. (see Decker, L.E. et al., 1958),
-(see Mackenzie, R.D. et al., 1958), 62
Horn, M.H. et al. (1970), 257
Horne, D.A. (see Fletcher, G.L. et al., 1970),
Horner, G.M. (see Vandecaveye, S.C. et al.,
1936), 340
Horning, W.B. (1972), 160
Ross, D.E. (1964), 479
Hosty, T.S. et al. (1970), 278
Hotchkiss, N. (1967), 27
Hotelling, H. (1949), 399
Hovens, W.P. et al. (1941), 29
Howard, T.E. (1965), 241
-(see Schaumburg, F.D. et al., 1967), 120
Howell, J.H. (see Applegate, V.C. et a!.,
1957), 243
Hoyer, W.H. (see McKee, M.T. et al., 1958),
Hoyle, R.J. (see Fletcher, G.L. et al., 1970),
Hoyt, P.B. (1971), 339
(1971b), 344
Hubbard, W.M. (see Kehoe, R.A. et al.,
1940), 70
Hubbert, F., Jr. (see Hale, W.H. et al.,
1962), 315
Hubert, A.A. (see Bell, J.F. eta!., 1955), 196
Hublow, W.F. et al. (1954), 245
Hubschman, J.H. (1967), 453, 463
Huckins, J.N. (1971), 175-177
Hueck, H.J. (1968), 463
Hueper, W.C. (1960), 455
(1963), 56, 75
Huet, M. (1965), 279
Huff, C.B. et al. (1965), 301
-(see Geldreich, E.E. et al., 1962a,b; 1965),
Huggett, R.J. (see Risebrough, R.W. et al.,
1968), 226, 227
Hughes, D.F. (see Anderson, D.W. et a!.,
1969), 176, 227
Hughes, J.S. (1962), 429-431
(1963), 432
(1964), 429
(1967), 458
Huguet, J.H. (see Gill, J.M. et al., 1960), 455
Hummerstone, L.G. (1971), 248
Hungate, F.P. (see Cline, J.F. et al., 1969),
546/Water Quality Criteria, 1972
Hunn, J.S. (see Lennon, R.E. et al., 1970),
Hunt, E.G. (1960), 17, 18, 183
Hunt, G.S. (1957), 145, 195
(1962), 145
(1966), 196, 262
Hunt, L.M. (see Clark, D.E. et al., 1964), 320
Hunter, Brian (unpublished data), 196
Hunter, B.F. et al. (1970), 196
Hunter, C.G. (1967), 76
-et al. (1969), 76
Hunter, F.T. et al. (1942), 56
-(see Lowry, O.H. et al., 1942), 56
Hunter, J.E. (1971), 308
Hunter, J.G. (1953), 342, 344, 345
Hunter, J.V. (1971), 80
Hutchins, L.W. (1947), 238
Hutchinson, --(1969), 19
Hutchinson, G.E. (1957), 142
(1967), 23
Hutchinson, G.L. (see Stewart, B.A. et al.,
1967), 73
Hymas, T.A. (1954), 79, 319
Hynes, H.B.N. (1961), 184
(1962), 408
ICRP (see International Commission on
Radiological Protection)
IMCO (Intergovernmental Maritime Con-
sultative Organization)
(1965a,b), 262
Ichikawa, R. (1961), 470-473, 478
Ide, F.P. (1967), 184
Idler, D.R. (1969), 254
Idyll, C.P. (1969), 28
Industrial Wastes (1956), 452
Ingle, R.M. (1952), 124
Inglis, A. (see Henderson, C. et al., 1969),
182, 434
lngols, R.S. (1955), 248, 462, 467
Ingram, A.A. (1959, 1967), 18
-(see Bay, E.C., 1966), 18
Ingram, W.M. (1963), 55
(1967), 17
-(see Kemp, L.E. et al., 1967), 35
-(see Ludzack, F.J. et al., 1957), 145
Innes, J.R. et al. (1969), 76
Interdepartmental Task Force on PCB
(1972), 82
International Commission on Radiological
Protection (1960), 83, 273
(1964, 1965), 273
International Committee on Maximum
Allowable Concentrations of Mercury
Compounds (1969), 314
Ippen, A.T. (1966), 279
Irukayama, K. (1967), 251
Irvine, J.W. (see Hunter, F.T. et al., 1942),
-(see Lowry, O.H. et al., 1942), 56
Isaac, P.C.G. (1964), 281
Ishinishi, N. (see Kuratsune, M. et al., 1969),
Isom, B.G. (1960), 254, 456
Ison, H.C.K. (1966), 55
Ito, A. (see Yoshimura, H. et al., 1971), 83
Ito, Y. (see Yoshimura, H. et al., 1971), 83
.Ivanov, A.V. (1970), 73
lvriani, I. (see Wassermann, M. et al., 1970),
Iwao, T. (1936), 250, 251, 455
Jack, F.H. (see Cox, D.H. et al., 1960), 314
Jackim, E. et al. (1970), 244, 255, 451, 454,
455, 457, 462, 465
Jackson, M.D. (see Bradley, J.R. et al.,
1972), 318
Jacobs, L.W. et al. (1970), 340
Jacobson, L.O. (see Ducoff, H.S. et al.,
1948), 56
Jaglan, P.S. (see Gunther, F.A. et al., 1968),
Jainudeen, M.R. et al. (1965), 315
James, E.C., Jr. (1949), 305
James, G.V. (1965), 301
Jamnback, H. (1945), 18
Jangaard, P.M. (1970), 254
Jannasch, H.W. et al. (1971), 277, 280
Jargaard, P.M. (1970), 240
Jaske, R.T. (1968), 403
(1970), 160, 162
Jeffries, E.R. (see Hublow, W.F. et al., 1954),
Jellison, W.L. (see Parker, R.R. et al., 1951),
Jenkins, C.E. (1969), 471
Jenkins, D.W. (1964), 25
Jenne, E.A. (see Malcoln, R.L. et al., 1970),
Jensen, A.H. (see Brink, M.F. et al., 1959),
Jensen, A.L. et al. (1969), 175, 176
(1971), 162
Jensen, E.H. (1971), 344
Jensen, L.D. (1964), 424, 426, 427, 435
(1966), 420, 421
-(see Gaufin, A.R. et al., 1965), 195
Jensen, S. (1969), 251, 264, 313
(1970), 83
(1972), 225, 226
-et al. (1969), 83, 172, 198, 226-268
-et al. (1970), 177, 268
Jensen, W.l. (1960), 196
Jensen-Holm, J. (see Nielson, K. et al., 1965),
Jernejcia, F. (1969), 243, 461, 462
Jernelov, A. (1969), 172, 198,251, 313
(1971), 172
(1972), 174
-(see Jensen, S. et al. 1970), 268
Jerstad, A.C. (see Miller, V.L. et al., 1961),
Jitts, H.R. (1959), 281
Jobson, H.E. (1970), 403
Joensuu, 0.1. (1971), 72, 172,251
Johansson, N. (see Jensen, S. et al., 1970),
Johnels, A.G. (1969), 257
-eta!. (1967), 172, 173, 175, 176
-(see Berg, W. eta!., 1966), 252
-(see Birke, G. et a!., 1968), 252
-(see Jensen, S.A. et al., 1969), 83, 198, 226,
264, 267
The Johns Hopkins University
Dept. of Sanitary Engineering & Water
Resources (1956), 74
Johnson, A.H. (see Conn, L.W. et al., 1932),
Johnson, B.T. eta!. (1971), 437-439
Johnson, D., Jr. et al. (1962), 316, 317
Johnson, D.W. (1968), 184, 434
Johnson, H. E. (1967, 1969), 184
Johnson, J.L. (unpublished data, 1970), 175
-(see Stalling, D.L. et al., 1971), 437
Johnson, N.M. (see Likens, G.E. et al., 1970),
Johnson, M.W. (see Sverdrup, H.V. et al.,
1942), 216
-(see Sverdrup, H.V. et a!., 1946), 241
Johnson, W.C. (1968), 346
Johnson, W.K. (1964), 55
Johnson, W.L. (see Henderson, C. et a!.,
1969), 182, 434
Johnston, W.R. (1965), 335
Jones, B. (1971), 164
Jones, J.R.E. (1938), 68, 242, 250, 453, 455
(1939), 181, 250, 253, 454, 456, 459
(1940), 250
(1948), 241, 255, 461, 464-467
(1957), 245, 452, 455, 456
(1964), 189, 464
Jopling, W.F. (see Merrell, J.C. eta!., 1967),
Jordan, C.M. (1968), 411
Jordan, D.H.M. (1964), 122
-(see Herbert, D.W.M. et al., 1965), 453,
Jordan, H.A. et al. (1961), 315
Jordan, H.M. (see Brown, V.M. eta!., 1969),
Jordan, J.S. (1951, 1952), 228
Jordan, R.A. (see Bender, M.E. eta!., 1970),
Jorgensen, P.S. (see Williams, M.W. et a!.,
1958), 78
Joshi, M.S. (see Page, A.L. et al., in press,
1971), 343
Joyner, T. (1961); 478
Kabler, P.W. (1953), 351
(1966), 301, 302
-eta!. (1964), 351
-(see Chang, S.L. eta!., 1958), 91
-(see Clarke, N.A. eta!., 1962), 91
-(see Geldeich, E.E. et al., 1962a,b; 1964),
Kaeberle, M.L. (see Hemphill, F.E. et a!.,
1971), 313
Kaempe, B. (see Nielson, K. et al., 1965), 79
Kahrs, A.J. (see Adams, A.W. et a!., 1967),
Kaiser, L.R. (see Vigil J. eta!., 1965), 73
Kalmbach, E.R. (1934), 196, 197
Kalter, S.S. (1967), 91
Kamphake, L.J. (see Cohen, J.M. et a!.,
1960), 64, 69, 71, 93
Kamprath, E.J. (1970), 340
Kanisawa, M. (1967), 56
(1969), 60
-(see Schroeder, H.A. eta!., 1968a), 312
-(see Schroeder, H.A. eta!., 1968b), 309
Kanwisher, J.W. (see Scholander, P.F. eta!.,
1955), 138
Kaplan, H.M. (1961), 463
-et a!. (1967), 464
Kapoor, I.P. (see Metcalf, R.L. eta!., 1971),
Kardashev, A.V. (1964), 244
Kardos, L.T. (1968), 352
Kare, M.R. (1948), 308
Kariya, T. eta!. (1969), 455
Karppanen, E. (see Henriksson, K. et al.,
1966), 198, 252
Katko, A. (see Merrell, J.C. eta!., 1967), 352
Kato, K. (see Yoshimura, H. eta!., 1971), 83
Katz, E.L. (see Pringle, B.H. eta!., 1968), 38,
246, 247
Katz, M. (1950), 139
(1953), 177, 179, 180, 242, 247, 250,
(1961), 242, 267, 420-423, 485, 487,
489, 491, 493, 495
(1967), 91
(1969), 140
-(see Van Hornet a!., 1949), 256
Kaupman, O.W. (1964), 196
Kawahara, F.K. (see Breidenbach, A.W. et
a!., 1967), 318
Kawalczyk, T. (see Simon, J. et a!., 1959),
Kawano, S. (1969), 60
Kay, H. (see Simon, C. eta!., 1964), 73
Kearney, P.C. (see Woolson, E.A. et al.,
1971), 318, 340
Keaton, C.M. (see Vandecaveye, S.C. et a!.,
1936), 340
Keck, R. (see Malous, R. eta!., 1972), 135
Keen, D.J. (1953, 1955), 230
Keeney, D.R. (see Jacobs, L.W. et al., 1970),
Kehoe, R.A. (1940a), 70, 87
(1947, 1960a,b), 70
Keimann, H.A. (see Havens, W.P. et a!.,
1941), 29
Keith, J.A. (1966), 198
-(see Fimreite, N. eta!., 1970), 252
Keller, F.J. (1963), 125
Keller, W.T. (see Whitworth W.R. et al.,
1968), 27
Kelly, C.B. (see Hasty, T.S. eta!., 1970), 278
Kelly, S. (1958), 55
(1964), 90
Kelman, A. (1953), 349
Keltner, J. (unpublished data), 493, 505
-(see Cooley, N.R. et a!., unpublished
data), 489
Kemeny, T. (1969), 76
Kemp, H.T. eta!. (1966), 457
Kemp, P.H. (1971), 140, 241
Kemper, W.D. (see Stewart, B.A. et a!.,
1967), 73
Kendrick, M.A. (1969), 277
Kennedy, F.S. (see Wood, J.M. eta!., 1966),
Kennedy, H.D. (1970), 437
-et a!. (1970), 195, 437
Kennedy, V.S. (1967), 152
Kennedy, W.K. (1960), 314
Kenner, B.A. (see Geldreich, E.E. et a!.,
1964, 1968), 57
Kenzy, S.G. (see Gillespie, R.W. et a!.,
1957), ::21
Kerridge, P.C. eta!. (1971), 338
Kerswill, C.J. (1967), 184
Ketchum, B.H. (1939), 275
(1951, 1953, 1955), 230
(1952), 230, 280
(1967), 228, 229
-et a!. (1949, 1958), 275
-et-a!. (1951), 280
-(see Redfield, A. eta!., 1963), 275
-(see Revelle, R. eta!., 1972), 257
Ketz, --(1967), 91
Keup, L.E. (1970), 301
-eta!. (1967), 35
Keys, M.C. (see Bower, C.A. eta!., 1965), 335
Khan, J.M. (1964), 471
Kienholz, E.W. eta!. (1966), 315
Kiigemai, U. (see Terriere, L.C. eta!., 1966),
Kimble, K.A. (see Grogan, R.G. et a!.,
1958), 349
Kimerle, R.A. (1968), 18
Kimura, K. (see Kariya, T. eta!., 1969), 455
King, D.L. (1970), 23
King, J.E. (see Lynch, J.J. eta!., 1947), 24
King, P.H. (1970), 130
King, W.R. (see Buchler, E.V. eta!., 1971),
Kinnan, R.N. (see Black, A.P. et a!., 1965),
Kinne, 0. (1963), 162
(1970), 152, 162
Kip, A.F. (see Lowry, O.H. eta!., 1942), 56
-(see Hunter, F.T. eta!., 1942), 56
Kirk, W.G. (see Shirley, R.L. et a!., 1970),
Kirkor, T. (1951), 481, 482
Kirven, M.N. (see Risebrough, R.W. et a!.,
1968), 83, 175, 198, 264, 266-268
Kitamura, M. (1970), 251
Kiwimae, A. eta!. (1969), 313
Kjellander, J.O. (1965), 301
Klavano, P.A. (see Miller, V.L. eta!., 1961),
Kleeman, I. (1941), 60
Klein, D.A. (see Atherton, H.V. eta!., 1962),
Klein, D.H. (1970), 172, 251
(1971), 172
Klein, Louis (1957), 1
Klein, M. (see Innes, J.R.M. eta!., 1969), 76
Klingler, G.W. (1968), 145
(1970), 146
Klingler, J.W. (1970), 196
Klotz, L.J. eta!. (1959), 349
Klumb, G.H. (1966), 302
Klussendorf, R.C. (1958), 316
Author lndex/547
Knets,ch, J.L. (1963), 399
Knight, A.P. (1901), 249
Knowles, G. (see Owens, M. et a!., 1969), 24
Koegel, R.G. eta!. (1972), 26
Koehring, V. (see Galtsoff, P.S. eta!., 1935),
Koeman, J.H. (1970), 198, 225, 226, 265,
-et a!. (1969), 83, 175
-(see Vas, J.G. eta!., 1970), 118, 225
Koenuma, A. (1956), 256
Koff, R.S. eta!. (1967), 36
Kofoid, C.A. (1923), 89
Kofranek, A.M. (see Lunt, O.R. eta!., 1956),
Kohchi, S. (see Kwatsune, M. eta!., 1969), 83
Kohe, H.C. (see Lunt, O.R. eta!., 1956), 329
Kohls, G.M. (see Parker, R.R. et a!., 1951),
Kohlschutter, H. (see Meinck, F. et a!.,
1956), 145,241,243,250,251,450,455
Kolbye, A.C. (1970), 240, 251
Kolesar, D.C. (1971 ), 403
Kolkwitz, R. (1908, 1909), 408
Konrad, J.G. (1971), 318
Kopp, B.L. (1969), 93
Kopp, J.F. (1965), 245
(1969), 56, 59, 60, 62, 64, 70, 87
(1970), 309-312, 314, 316
Korn, S. (see Macek, K.J. eta!., 1970), 436
Korpincnikov, V.S. eta!. (1956), 469
Korringa, P. (1952), 27, 241
Korschen, L.J. (1970), 266
Korschgen, B.M. eta!. (1970), 149
Kott, Y. eta!. (1966), 245
Kovalsky, V.V. et a!. (1969), 477
Kramer, R.H. (see Smith, L.L., Jr. et a!.,
1965), 128, 154
Krantz, W.C. et a!. (1970), 266
Kratzer, F.H. (1968), 316
Kraus, E.J. (1946), 79
Kraybill, H.F. (1969), 185
Kreitzer, J.F. eta!. (in press, 1972), 226
-(see Heath, R.G. eta!., 1969), 197, 198, 226
Kreider, M.B. (1964), 32
Kreiss!, J.F. (1966), 301, 302
Krenke!, P.A. (1969), 152, 403
(1969a), 152
Krishnawami, S.K. (1969), 147
Krista, L.M. (1962), 308
-eta!. (1961), 195, 308
-(see Embry, L.B. eta!., 1959), 307, 308
Kristoffersen, T. (1958), 301
Krone, R.B. (1962), 16
(1963), 127
Kroner, R.C. (1965), 245
(1970), 309-312, 314, 316
Krook, L. (see Davison, K.L. eta!., 1964), 314
Krygier, J.T. (1970), 125
Kubota, J. eta!. (1967), 316, 344
Kuhn, R. (1959), 457, 461, 462, 464-467
(1959a), 243, 250, 253, 255, 256
(1959b), 253, 256
Kunin, R. (1960), 63
Kunitake, E. (see Kuratsune, M. et a!.,
1969), 83
548/Water Quality Criteria, 1972
Kunkle, S.H. (1967), 39
Kupchanko, B.E. (1969), 145, 147
Kuratsune, M. eta!. (1969), 83
Kutches, A.J. eta!. (1970), 320
Labanauskas, C.K. (1966), 342
Lackey, J.B. (1959), 252, 253
Lackner, E.A. eta!. (1970), 27, 28
LaCasse, W.J. (1955), 25
Lagerwerff, J.V. (1971), 342
Lakin, H.W. (1967), 86
-(see Byers, H.G. eta!., 1938), 316
Lamar, W.L. (1963), 63
(1966), 63, 301
(1968), 301
Lamont, T.G. (see Mulhern, B.M. et a!.,
1970), 227
Lamson, G.G. (1953), 66
Lance, J.C. (1970), 352
-(in press, 1972), 352
Landsberg, J .H. et a!. (1963), 381
Lane, C.E. (1970), 481, 487
Lange, R. (see Jensen, S. et a!., 1970 , 268
Langelier, W.F. (1936), 335
Langham, R.F. (see Decker, L.E. et a!.,
1958), 60
-(see MacKenzie, R.D. eta!., 1958), 62
Langille, L.M. (see Li, M.F. eta!., 1970), 254
LaQue, F.L. (1963), 55
Larghi, L.A. (see Trelles, R.A. et a!., 1970),
Larimore, R. (1963), 124
LaRoche, G. (1967), 262
(1972), 240, 246, 248, 257
-eta!. (1970), 261
Larochelle, L.R. (see Sproul, O.T. et a!.,
1967), 92
La Roze, A. (1955), 249
Larsen, C. (1913), 307
Larsen, H.E. (1964), 321
Larson, T.E. (1939), 55
(1961), 68
(1963), 89
-(see Harmeson, R.H. eta!., 1971), 73
Larwood, C.H. (1930), 307
Lasater, J .E. (see Holland, G.A. et a!., 1960),
Lasater, R. (see Wallen, I.E. et a!., 1957),
145, 245, 450-457
Lassheva, M.M. (see Malishevskaya, A.S.
et al., 1966), 313
Lathwell, D.J. et al. (1969), 24
Laubusch, E.J. (1971), 55, 301
Lauff, G.H. (1967), 216
Laventner, C. (see Aschner, M. et a!., 1967),
Lau, J.P. (1968), 353
-et al. (1970), 353
Lawler, G.H. (1965), 164
-(see Sunde, L.A. et al., 1970), 20
Lawrence, J.M. (1968), 26, 305
Lawton, G.W. eta!. (1960), 353
Lazar, V .A. (see Kubota, J. et a!., 196 7), 316
Leach, R.E. (see England, B. et a!., 1967), 92
Leak, J.P. (see Lumsden, L.L. eta!., 1925), 36
Learner, M.A. (1963), 458
LeBosquet, M. (1945), 350
J..eClerc, E. (1950), 451
(1955), 245, 450, 451
(1960), 245, 456
LeCorrolla, Y. (see Flock, H. eta!., 1963), 453
Leduc, G. (see Doudoroff, P. et a!., 1966),
Lee, C.R. (1967), 345
Lee, D.C. (see Broyer, T.C. eta!., 1966), 345
Lee, D.H.K. (1970), 73
Lee. G.B. (see Lotse, E.G. eta!., 1968), 183
Lee, G.F. (1962), 80
(1971 ), 83
Lee, R.D. (see McCabe, L.J. eta!., 1970), 56,
Leendertse, J.J. (1970), 403
Leet, W.L. (1969), 479
Lefevre, P.A. (see Daniel, J.W. eta!., 1971),
Legg, J.T. (1958), 344
Lehman, A.J. (1951), 79
(1965), 76, 77, 79
Lehman, H.C. (1965), 8
Leitch, I. (1944), 305
Leka, H. (see Papavassiliou, J. et a!., 1967),
Lekarev, V.S. (see Kovalsky, V.V. et a!.,
1967), 477
Lemke, A.E. (see Henderson, C. eta!., 1960),
-(see Pickering, O.H. et a!., 1962), 184,
Lemke, A.L. (1970), 161
Lemon, E.R. (see Kubota, J. eta!., 1963), 344
Lener, J. (1970), 60
Lenglois, T.H. (1941), 126
Lennon, R.E. (1964), 434
(1967), 119
(1970), 437, 441
-eta!. (1970), 441
-(see Berger, B.L. et a!., 1969), 435
Leonard, E.N. (1970), 454
Leonard, J.W. (1961), 27
Leone, LA. (see Prince, A.L. eta!., 1949), 343
Leone, N.C. eta!. (1954), 66
Leopold, A. (1953), 1
Leopold, L.B. (1971), 400
-eta!. (1964), 22, 126
-et a!. (1969), 400
Lesperance, A.L. (1963, 1971), 344
(1965), 307
-(see Weeth, H.J. eta!., 1968), 307
LeRiche, H.H. (1968), 341
Leuschow, L.A. (see Machenthun, K.M. et
a!., 1960), 20
Levander, A.O. (1970), 86
Levy, M.D. (1923), 65
Lewis, C.W. (1967), 470
Lewis, D. (1951), 315
Lewis, K.H. (see McFarren, E.F. eta!., 1965),
Lewis, P.K. eta!. (1957), 316, 317
Lewis, R.F. (1965), 302
Lewis, R.H. (see Bond, C.E. et a!., .l960),
Lewis, R.M. (1965, 1968), 410
Lewis, W.M. (1960), 249, 464, 465
Li, M.F. et a!. (1970), 254
Lichtenberg, J.J. (1960), 74
(1969), 320
(1970), 182
-et a!. (1969), 319
-(see Breidenback, A.W. eta!., 1967), 318
Lichtenstein, E.P. et al. (1966), 318
Lieber, M. (1951), 62
(1954), 60
Lieberman, J.E. (see Leone, N.C. et a!.,
1954), 66
Liebig, G.F. eta!. (1942), 340, 342
-et a!. (1959), 340
Ligas, F.J. (see Krantz, W.C. et al., 1970),
Lignon, W.S. (1932), 340
Likens, G.E. (1967), 22
-eta!. (1970), 125
Likosky, W.H. (see Curley, A. et a!., 1971),
Lilleland, 0. et a!. (1945), 329
Lillick, L. (see Ketchum, B.H. et a!., 1949),
Lincer, J.L. (1970), 175, 267
-(see Cade, T.J. eta!., 1970), 227
-(see Peakall, P.B. et al., in press, 1972),
225, 226
Lincoln, J.H. (1943), 21
Lind, C.T. (1969), 24
Lindroth, A. (1957), 135
Lindsay, N.L. (1958), 69, 71
Lindstrom, 0. (see Swenson, A. et a!., 1959),
Link, R.P. (1966), 313
Linn, D.W. (see Sigler, W.F. et al., 1966),
248, 453
Linnenbom, V.J. (see Swinnerton, J.W. et
a!., 1962), 138
Lipschuetz, M. (1948), 190, 454, 456
Litchfield, J.T., Jr. (1949), 121, 434, 495,
497, 499, 501, 503, 505
Litsky, W. eta!., (1953), 31
Little, C.O. (see Mitchell, G.E. eta!., 1967),
Little, E.C.S. (1968), 26
Liu, O.C. (1970), 277
Livermore, D.F. (1969), 26
-(see Bruhn, H.D. eta!., 1971), 26
-(see Koegel, R.G. et a!., 1972), 26
Livingston, R.E. (1970), 421
Livingston, R.J. (1970), 487
Livingstone, D.A. (1963), 301, 373
Ljunggren, P. (1955), 59
Lloyd, M. (1964), 408
Lloyd, R. (1960), 178, 179, 187, 450, 459,
(1961), 122, 133, 182, 187
(1961a), 120
(1961b), 120, 463
(1962), 142
(1964), 122
(1969), 122, 187, 242, 451
-(see Herbert, D.W.M. et a!., 1965), 453,
Locke, L.N. (1967), 228
-(see Mulhern, B.M. et al., 1970), 227
Lockhart, E.E. et al. (1955), 61, 89
Loforth, G. (1969), 251
(1970), 173
-(see Ackefors, H. et al., 1970), 237
Lombard, O.M. (1951), 56
Longbottom, J.E. (see Lichtenberg, J.J. et
al., 1969), 319, 320
-(seeLichtenberg,J.J.etal., 1970), 182
Laos, J.J. (see Cairns, S., Jr. et al., 1965), 457
Loosanoff, V.L. (1948), 241, 281
(1962), 281, 282
Lopinot, A.C. (1962), 147
(1972), 28
Lorente, de No., R. (1946), 59
Lotse, E.G. et al. (1968), 183
Loveless, L. (see Romoser, G.L. et al., 1961),
311, 316
Low, J.B. (1970), 197
Lowe, J.I. (1965), 37
(1967), 495
(1971), 267
-et al. (1965), 487
-et a!. (1971a), 489
-(see Duke, T.W. eta!., 1970), 83, 176, 177,
-(see Hansen, D.J. et al., 1971), 176, 505
Lowman, F.G. (1960), 251, 253
-eta!. (1971), 240,243,244,246-248
Lowrance, B.R. (1956), 253, 451, 457
Lowry, O.H. et al. (1942), 56
Lucas, R.C. (1964), 14
Ludemann, D. (1953), 251
Ludwig, D.D. (1962), 301
Ludzach, F.J. (1962), 55
-et al. (1957), 145
Lumsden, L.L. et al. (1925), 36
Lund, (1965), 301
(1967), 92
Lund, J.W.G. (1950), 275
Lundgren, K.D. (see Swensson A. et al.,
1959), 313
Lunin, J. (1960), 337, 338
-et al. (1960, 1964), 338
-et al. (1963), 336
Lunt, O.R. et al. (1956), 329
-(see Frolich, E. et al., 1966), 342
Lunz, R.G. (1938, 1942), 281
Lyle, W.E. (see Moubry, R.J. et a!., 1968),
Lynch, J.J. eta!. (1947), 24
Lynch, M.P. (see Harrison, W. eta!., 1964),
Lyon, W.S. (see Wallace, R.A. et al., 1971),
72, 173, 240, 252
Maag, D.D. (1967), 316
Mace, H.H. (1953), 142
Macek, K.J. (1968), 184, 437
(1970), 420-423, 425, 428, 438
-(unpublished data, 1971), 184
Macklin, L.J. (see Romoser, J.L. et a!.,
1961), 311, 316
Macklis, L. (1941), 340
Machenthun, K.M. (1963), 55
(1967), 17, 18
(1969), 17, 35
(1970), 302
-et al. (1960), 20
-(see Keup, L.E. et al., 1967), 35
Machin, J.G. (1961), 124, 281
Machle, W. (1948), 62
Maddox, D.M. et al. (1971), 26
Madsen, M.A. (see Harris, L.E. et al., 1963),
Magistad, O.C. et al. (1943), 324, 336
Magnusson, H.W. (1950), 38
Mahan, J.N. (see Fowler, D.L. et al., 1971),
Mahood, R.K. et a!. (1970), 489
Malacea, I. (1963), 452
(1966), 450, 451, 455, 464
Malaney, G.W. (1959), 252
-et al. (1962), 301, 302
Malcolm, J.F. (see Fraser, M.H. et al., 1956),
Malcolm, R.L. et al. (1970), 25
Malherbe, H.H. (1967), 92
Malishevskaya, A.S. et al. (1966), 313
Mallman, W.L. (see Litsky, W. et al., 1953),
Malone, F.E. (1960), 1
Maloney, T.E. (1955), 453
-(see Erickson, S.J. et al., 1970), 268, 505
Malous, R. et al. (1972), 135
Mandelli, E.F. (1969), 87
Manheim, F.T. et al. (1970), 281
Mann, K.H. (1970), 254
Martny, B.A. (1971, 1972), 25
Mansueti, R.J. (1962), 279
Manzke, H. (see Simon C. et al., 1964), 73
Maramorosch, K. (1967), 91
Marchetti, R. (1965), 190
Margalef, R. (1958), 408
Margaria, R. (see Van Slyke, D.D. et al.,
1934), 138
Marion, J.R. (1971), 248
Marisawa, M. (1969), 400
Marking, L.L. (1967), 435
Marsh, M. (see Drinker, K.R. et al., 1927),
-(see Thompson, P.K. et al., 1927), 317
Marsh, M.C. (1904), 135
Marshall, A.R. (1968), 279
Marshall, R.R. (1968), 124
Marsson, M. (1908, 1909), 408
Martin, A.C. (1939), 25
Martin, D.J. (see Risebrough, R.W. et al.,
1972), 225
Martin, E.C. (1969), 124
Martin, J.H. et al. (in press, 1972), 252
-(see Anderlini, V.C. et al., 1972), 226, 246
-(see Conners, P.G. et al., 1972a), 226
Martin, R.G. (1968), 8, 441
Martin, S.S. (see Sigler, W.F. et al., 1966),
. 248, 453
Masch, F.D. (1967), 281, 282
(1969, 1970), 403
Mascoluk, D. (see Addison, R.F. et al., 1971),
Masironi, R. (1969), 68
Mason, J.A. (1962), 36
Author lndex/549
~ason, J.W. (see Rowe, D.R. et al., 1971),
Mason, K.E. (1967), 311
Mason, W.P. (1910), 69
Massey, F.J., Jr. (1951), 408
Mathews, D.C. (see Hiatt, R.W. et al., 1953),
245, 246, 462
Mathis, B.J. (1968), 144
Mathis, W. (see Schoof, H.F. et al., 1963),
Matrone, G. (see Hathcock, J.N. et al., 1964),
-(see Hill, C.H. et al., 1963), 311
Matson, W.R. (see Bender, M.E. et a!.,
1970), 179
Matsuzaka, J. (see Huratsune, M. et al.,
1969), 83
Mattenheimer, H. (1966), 438
Matingly, D. (1962), 438
Maulding, J .S. (1968), 89
-(see Black, A.P. et a!., 1963), 63
-(see Singley, J.E. et al., 1966), 63
Maurer, D. (see Melous, R. eta!., 1972), 135
Mayer, F.L., Jr. (1970), 184
(1972), 176
Meade, R.H. (1969), 281
-(see Manheim, F.T. eta!., 1970), 281
Meagher, J.W. (1967), 348
Medcof, J .C. (1962), 38
-(see Gibbard, J. et al., 1942), 36
Medvinskaya, K.G. (1946), 89
Meehan, O.L. (1931), 243
Meeks, R.L. (see Eberhardt, L.L. et al.,
1971), 439
Megregian, S (see Butterfield, C.T. et a!.,
1943), 55
Mehran, A.H. (1965), 479
Mehring, A.L., Jr. (see Johnson, D., Jr. et al.,
1962), 316,317
Mehrle, P.M. (1970), 438
(unpublished, 1971), 176
Meiller, F.J. (1941), 60
Meiman, J.R. (1967), 39
Meinck, F. et al. (1956), 145, 241, 243, 250,
251, 450, 455
Meith, S.J. (1970), 464
-(see Hazel, C.R. et al., 1971), 187
Meloy, T.P. (1971), 262
Menzel, B.W. (1969) 152
Menzel, D.B. (1967), 251, 462-465
-(see Risebrough, R.W. et al., 1972), 225
Menzel, R.G. (1965), 332
-(personal communication, 1972), 332
-et al. (1963), 332
Menzie, C.M. (1969), 80
Mercer, W.A. (1971), 302
The Merck, Index of Chemicals & Drugs (1952),
(1960), 70, 72, 86, 241
Merilan, C.P. (1958), 314
Merkens, J.C. (1952), 464
(1955, 1957), 187
(1958), 189, 452
Merlini, M. (1967), 474, 475
Merna, J.W. (unpublished data, 1971), 422
Merrell, J.C. et al. (1967), 352
550/Water Quality Criteria, 1972
Merriman, D. et al. (1965), 157
Merritt, M.C. (see Lockhart, E.E. et al.,
1955), 61, 89
Mertz, W. (1967), 311
(1969), 62
Metcalf, R.L. et al. (1971), 438
Metcalf, T.G. (1968), 276
-(see Hasty, T.S. et al., 1970), 278
-(see Slanetz, L.W. eta!., 1965), 276
Metzler, D.W. (see Coburn, D.R. et a!.,
1951), 228
Meyer, K.F. (1937), 38
Meyers, J.J. eta!. (1969), 32
Miale, J.B. (1972), 73
Michapoulos, G. (see Papavassiliou, J. eta!.,
1967), 57
Michel, R. (1942), 380
Michigan Dept. of Agriculture (personal
communications, 1970), 184
Michigan Dept. of Natural Resources (1969),
(1970), 14
Middaugh, D.P. (see Mahood, R.K. et a!.,
1970), 489
Middlebrooks, E.J. (see Goldman, J.C. eta!.,
Middleton, F.M. (1956, 1961b), 75
(1960, 1.961a), 74
(1962), 80
-(see Braus, R. eta!., 1951), 74
-(see Burttschel, R.H. eta!., 1959), 80
-(see also Rosen, A.A. et al., 1956), 75
Mienke, W.M. (1962), 240
Miettinen, J.K. (see Miettinen, V. et a!.,
1970), 172-174
Miettinin, V. eta!. (1970), 172-174
Mihara, Y. (1967), 328
Mihursky, J.A. (1967), 152
Mikolaj, P.G. (1971 ), 262
Milbourn, G.M. (1965), 332
Miles, A.A. (1966), 321
Millar, J.D. (1965), 149
Millemann, R.E. (1969), 491, 495
-(see Buchanan, D.V. eta!., 1969), 267, 495
-(see Butler, P.A. eta!., 1968), 495
-(see Stewart, N.E. et al., 1967), 495
Miller, C.W. eta!. (1967), 346
Miller Freeman Publications (undated), 382
Miller, J.P. (see Leopold, L.B. et al., 1964),
22, 126
Miller, J.T. (see Byers, H.G. eta!., 1938), 316
Miller, M.A. (1946), 463
Miller, R.R. (1961), 27
Miller, R.W. (in press), 135
Miller, V.L. eta!. (1961), 313
Miller, N.J. (1971), 310
Millikan, C.R. (1947), 435
(1949), 344
Milne, D.B. (1971), 316
Milner, J.E. (1969), 56
Minakami, S. (see Yoshimura, H. et a!.,
1971), 83
Miner, M.L. (see Shupe, J.L. et al., 1964),
Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries & Food
(1967), 273
Ministry of Mansport, Canada (1970); 262,
Minkina, A.L. (1946), 249
Minter, K.W. (1964), 144
Mironov, O.G. (1967), 261
(1971 ), 261
Mitchell, G.E. et al. (1967), 315
Mitchell, H.H. (1962), 304
Mitchell, I. (see Courtney, K.D. eta!., 1970),
-(see Innes, J.R.M. et al., 1969), 76
Mitchell, J.D. (see Miegler, D.J. et al.,
1970), 315
Mitchell, T.J. (1969), 273
Mitchener, M. (see Schroeder, H.A. et al.,
1968a), 312
-(see Schroeder, H.A. eta!., 1968b), 309
Mitrovic, U.U. eta!. (1968), 191, 460
-(see Brown, V.M. et al., 1968), 468
Mizuno, N. (1968), 344
Mock, C.R. (1967), 279
Modin, J.C. (1964), 267
Moeller, H.C. (1962, 1964 ), 78
-(see Williams, M.W. et al., 1958), 78
Moffet, J.W. (1957), 27
Modin, J.C. (1969), 37
Moiseev, P.A. (1964), 244
Molinaii, V. (see Deschiens, R. et al., 1957),
Mollison, W.R. (1970), 434
Molnar, G.W. (1946), 32
Monk, B.W. (see Ebel, W.J. eta!., 1970), 161
-(see Ebel, W.J. et al., 1971), 137
Mood, E.W. (1968), 33
Moon, C.E. (see Emery, R.M. et al., 1972), 20
Moorby, J. (1963), 332
Moore, B. (1959), 30, 31
Moore, D.P. (see Kerridge, P.C. et al., 1971),
Moore, E.W. (1951), 246
(1952, 1958), 89
Moore, H.B. (see McNultey, J.K. et a!.,
1967), 279
Moore, J.A. (1971), 79
Moore, M.J. (1971), 302
Moore, P.D. (see Allaway, W.H. eta!., 1966),
Moore, R.L. (1960), 18
Moore, W.A. (see Black, H.H. eta!., 1957),
Moreng, R.E. (see Kienholz, E.W. et a!.,
1966), 315
Morgan, G.B. (1961), 256
Morgan, J.J. (1962), 130
Morgan, J.M. (1969), 60
Morgan, R. (see Amend, D.R. et a!., 1969),
Mori, T. (1955), 477
Morikawa, Y. (see Kuratsune, M. et a!.,
1969), 83
Morris, B.F. (1971), 257
Morris, H.D. (1949), 344
Morris, J.C. (1962), 80
(1971), 92
-(see Fair, G.M. eta!., 1948), 55
Morris, J.N. (1967), 70
-(see Crawford, M.D. eta!., 1968), 68
Morris, M.J. (1956), 305
Morris, V.C. (1970), 86
Morrison, F.B. (1936, 1959), 305
Morrison, S.R. (see Mount, L.E. et al., 1971 ),
Mortimer, C.H. (1941), 21
Mosley, J.W. (1964a,b), 36
(1967), 91
(1969), 277
-(see Koff, R.S. et a!., 1967), 36
Mosley, W.H. (see Chin, T.D.Y. et al., 1967),
Matt, J.C. (1948), 453
Motz, L.H. (1970), 403
Moubry, R.J. et al. (1968), 320
Moulton, F.R. (1942), 66
Mount, D.I. (1964), 467
(1965), 121
(1966), 68, 179, 460
(1967), 120-122, 184, 185, 425, 431,
434, 435, 469
(1968), 120, 122, 180, 184, 234, 454
(1969), 180, 454, 463
(1970), 160, 171
-(unpublished, 1971), 173, 174
-(personal communications, 1971 ), 173
Mount, L.E. eta!. (1971), 305
Mt. Pleasant, R.C. (1971 ), 55
Moxon, A.L. (1936), 309
(1937), 316
Mrak, E.M. (1969), 182, 185
Mrowitz, G. (see Simon, C. et al., 1964), 73
Mueting, L. (1951), 350
Mugler, D.J. et al. (1970), 315
Muhrer, M.E. (see Bloomfield, R.A. et al.,
1961), 315
Mulawka, S.T. (see Pringle, B.H. et al.,
1968), 38, 246, 247
Mulbarger, M. (see Barth, E.F. et al., 1966),
Mulhern, B.M. et al. (1970), 227
-et al. (1971 ), 176
-(see Krantz, W.C. et al., 1970), 266
Mullen, R.N. (see Atherton, H.V. et al.,
1962), 302
Muller, G. (1955, 1957), 351
Mulligan, H.F. (1969), 25
-(see Lathwell, D.J. et al., 1969), 24
Mullison, W.R. (1966), 79
Mullin, J.B. (1956), 245
Mullison, W.R. (1970), 183
Mulvihill, J.E. et al. (1970), 310
Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle (1965),
(1968), 282
Munson, J. (1947), 340
Murata, I. et al. (1970), 60
Muratori, A., Jr. (1968), 34
Murda!, G.R. (see Moubry, R.J. et al.,
1968), 320
Murdock, H.R. (1953), 250, 253, 256, 455
Murie, M. (1969), 400
Murozumi, M. et al. (1969), 249
Murphy, W.H. et al. (1958), 350
Murphy, W.H., Jr. et al. (1958), 350
Murphy, W.J. (see Williams, H.R. et al.,
1956), 29
Murray, G.D. (see Breed, R.S. et al., 1957),
Musil, J. (1957), 56
Muss, D.L. (1962), 68
Mussey, O.D. (1957), 380
Muth, O.H. (1963), 316
-(see Allaway, W.H. et al., 1966), 345
-(see Oldfield, J.E. et al., 1963), 86
Myers, L.H. (see Law, J.P. et al., 1970), 353
McAllister, F.F. (see Meyers, J.J. et al.,
1969), 32
McAllister, W.A. (1970), 420, 422, 423, 425,
MacArthur, J.W. (1961), 408
MacArthur, R.H. (1961, 1964, 1965), 408
McBride, J.M. (see Sparr, B.l. et al., 1966),
McCabe, L.J. (1970), 70
-et a!. (1970), 56
-(see Winton, E.F. et al., 1971), 73
McCall, J.T. (see Shirley, R.L. et al., 1957),
McCance, R.A. (1952), 304
McCarthy, E.D. (see Han, J. et al., 1968), 145
McCarthy, H. (1961), 26
McCauley, R.N. (1964), 145
McCauley, R.W. (1958), 418
(1963), 416
McClure, F.J. (1949), 310
(1953), 66
McComish, T.S. (1971), 154, 160
McConneli,R.J. (1970), 415,416,419
McCormick, J.H. et al. (1971), 154, 160
McCormick, W.C. (see Silvey, J.K.G. et al.,
1950), 74, 89
McCrea, C.T. (see Harbourne, J.F. et al.,
1968), 313
McCroan, J.E. (see Williams, H.R. et al.,
1956), 29
McCulloch, W.F. (1966), 29
-(see Crawford, R.D. eta!., 1969), 321
McDermott, G.N. (see Booth, R.L. et a!.,
1965), 75
-(see English, J.N. et al., 1963), 34, 148
-(see Surber, E.W. eta!., 1965), 148
McDermott, N.G. (see Black, H.H. et a!.,
1957), 450
MacEachern, C.R. (see Chisholm, D. et a!.,
1955), 340
McElroy, W.D. (see Harvey, E.N. et al.,
1944a), 135
-(seeHarvey,E.N.etal., 1944b), 135,136
McEntee, K. (1950), 319
(1962), 314
(1965), 315
-(see Davison, K.L. eta!., 1964), 314
MacFarlane, R.B. (see Harriss, R.C. et a!.,
1970), 173
McFarren, E.F. eta!. (1965), 38
McGovock, A.M. (1932), 138
McGirr, J.L. (1953), 319
McGrath, H.J.W. (see Hopkins, C.L. et al.,
1966), 184
Mclllwain, P.K. (1963), 315
Macinnes, J.R. (see Calabrese, A. et a!.,
unpublished), 250, 253, 255
Maclntire, W.H. et a!. (1942), 343
Mcintosh, D.L. (1966), 349
Mcintosh, I.G. eta!. (1943), 315
-(see Grimmett, R.E.R. eta!., 1937), 316
Mcintosh, R.P. (1967), 408
Mcintyre, C.D. (1968), 165
McKee, J.E. (1963), 2, 55,-74, 144,177, 179,
189, 241, 255, 308-314, 317, 321, 339, 380
McKee, M.T. eta!. (1958), 196
McKendw, J.B.J. (see Armstrong, J.G. et
a!., 1958), 315
MacKenzie, A.J. (see Menzel, R.G. et a!.,
1963), 332
McKenzie, M.D. (see Mahood, R.K. et a!.,
1970), 489
MacKenzie, R.D. et a!. (1958), 62
McKim, J.M. (1971), 120, 122
-(unpublished data, 1971), 180
McKinley, P.W. (see Malcolm, R.L. et a!.,
1970), 25
McKnight, D.E. (1970), 196
McLaran, J.K. (see Clark, D.E. et al., 1964),
MacLean, A. (1939), 61
MacLean, A.J. (see Halstead, R.L. et a!.,
1969), 344
McLean, E.D. (see Shoemaker, H.E. et al.,
1961), 340
McLean, G.W. (see Pratt, P.F. eta!., 1964),
McLean, W.R. (1962), 36
MacLeod, J.C. (see Smith, L.L., Jr. et a!.,
1965), 218
McLoughlin, T.E. (1957), 451, 457, 461
McManus, R.G. (1953), 56
McNabb, C.D. (see Mackenthun, K.M. eta!.,
1960), 20
McNary, R.R. (see Kehoe, R.A. et al., 1940),
McNeil, W.J. (1956), 139
McNultey, J.K. eta!. (1962), 279
MacPhee, A.W. (see Chisholm, D. et a!.,
1955), 340
McQuillan, J. (1952), 57
McRae, G.N. (1959, 1960), 347
N AS (see National Academy of Sciences)
NCRP (see National Council on Radiation
Protection & Measurements)
NMWOL (see National Marine Water
Quality Laboratory)
NRC (see National Research Council)
Nagai, J. (see Yoshimura, H. eta!., 1971), 83
Nair, J.H., III (1970), 424, 427
Nakagawa, S. (see Murata, I. eta!., 1970), 60
Nakatani, R.E. (1967), 137, 468
Narf, R.P. (1968), 18
Narver, D.W. (1970), 154
Nason, A.P. (see Schroeder, H.A. et al.,
1967), 245
-(see Schroeder, H.A. eta!., 1968a), 312
Natelson, S. (1968), 438
National Academy of Engineering
Author lndex/551
Committee on Ocean Engineering
(1970), 274
National Academy of Sciences (1969), 19, 172
Committee on Effects of Atomic Radia-
tion on Oceanography and Fisheries
(1957), 38
National Academy of Sciences-National
Research Council (1957), 271
(1959a,b; 1962), 273
(1961), 270-273
(1972), 70
Committee on Oceanography (1970),
220, 222, 274
Committee on Pollution (1966), 4
National Council for Streams Improvement
(1953), 249
National Marine Water Quality Laboratory
(1970), 505, 507
(1971), 268
National Radiation Protection and Measure-
ments (1959), 273
National Research Council
Agricultural Board (1968), 348
Committee on Animal Nutrition (1966),
(1968a), 305, 311, 312, 317
(1968b), 305, 30~ 312
(1970), 306, 311, 314
(1971a), 305, 312, 315
(1971b), 306, 311, 317
Committee on Biologic Effects of At-
mospheric Pollutants (1972), 313, 343
National Research Council
Committee on Oceanography (1971),
Food & Nutrition Board (1954), 88
National Water Quality Laboratory (1971),
154, 160
Naughton, J.J. (see Hiatt, R.W. et ai.,
1953), 245, 246, 462
Naumova, M.K. (1965), 62
Neal, W. (see Castell, C.H. et al., 1970), 462,
Neal, W.B. (see Ducoff, H.S. et al., 1948), 56
Nebeker, A.V. (1964), 434, 453
(1971), 133, 138, 164
-eta!. (1971), 177
-(see Gaufin, A.R. et al., 1965), 195
Needham, P.R. (1938), 408
Needler, A.W.H. (see Gibbard, J. et al.,
1942), 36
Neeley, H.C. (1970), 174
Nehring, D. (1963), 256
Neil, J .H. (1956, 1957), 464
Neill, W.H., Jr. et al. (1966), 413
Neller, J.R. (see Shirley, R.L. et al., 1951,
1957), 307
Nelson, A.A. (see Fitzhugh, O.G. et al.,
1944), 86
Nelson, C. (see Page, A.L. et al., in press,
1972), 342
Nelson, D.A. (see Calabrese, A. et al., un-
published), 250, 253, 255
Nelson, D.J. (1964), 471
Nelson, D.L. (see Olson, O.E. et al., 1963),
552/ Water Quality Criteria, 1972
Nelson, N. (1971), 173, 174
Nelson, T. (see Gaufin, A.R. et al., 1965), 195
Nelson, T.S. et al. (1962), 316
Nematollahi, J. et al. (1967), 174,175
Nesheim, M.G. (1961), 86
Neuhold, J.M. (1960), 454
-(see Angelovic, J.W. et al., 1961), 249
-(see Mayer, F.L., Jr. et al., 1970), !84
Neumann, E.D. (see Holland, G.A. et al.,
1960), 242, 246, 247, 451, 452, 461, 463-
Nueshul, M. (see Foster, M. et al., 1970), 258
-(see North, W.J. et al., 1965), 145
Nevitt, G.A. (see Galagan, D.J. et al., 1957),
New Scientist (1966), 83
Newburgh, L.H. (1949), 32
Newland, H.W. (1964), 315
Newland, L.W. (see Lotse, E.G. et al., 1968),
Newmann, A.L. (see Jordan, H.A. et al.,
1961), 315
Newmann, E.A. (see Buchler, E.V. et al.,
1971), 67
Newton, M.E. (1967), 147
(1971), 149
-(see Basch, R.E. et al., 1971), 189
-(see Fetterholf, C.M., 1970), 18
Nichols, M.S. (1956), 250
Nicholson, H.P. (see Feltz, H.R. et al., 1971),
Niehaus, J.F. (1967), 91, 92
Nielsen, N.O. (see Wobeser, G. et al., 1970),
173, 251
Nielson, K. et al. (1965), 79
Nielson, R.L. (see Mcintosh, I.J. et al.,
1943), 315
Nielson, S.S. (1939), 463, 464, 467
Nilsson, R. (1969), 245
(1970), 179
(1971), 74
Nimmo, D.R. (unpublished data), 485, 505
-et al. (1970), 267
-et al. (1971), 176, 268
Nishizumi, M. (see Kuratsune, M. et al.,
1969), 83
Noble, R.G. (1964), 419
Nockles, C.F. (see Kienholz, E.W. et al.,
Noddack, I. (1939), 243
Noddack, W. (1939), 243
Nogawa, K. (1969), 60
Nollendorfs, V. (1969), 342
Nordell, E. (1961), 130, 380
Norgen, R.L. (see Miller, C.W. et al., 1967),
Norman, N.N. (1953), 351
North, W.J. (1958), 250
(1960), 247, 248, 252, 462
(1967), 237, 258
-et al. (1965), 145
Norton, William R. (see Sonnen, Michael B.
et al., 1970), 39
Notomi, A. (see Yoshimura, H. et al., 1971),
Nuclear-Chicago Corp. (1967), 437
Nutrition Reviews (1966a,b), 312
Nyborg, M. (1971a), 339
(1971b), 344
O'Conner, D.J. (1965), 277, 403
(1970), 403
-(see Di Toro, D.M. et al., 1971), 277
O'Conner, O.T. et al. (1964), 179
O'Cuill, T. (1970), 313
O'Donovan, D.C. (1965), 301
O'Donovan, P.B. et al. (1963), 312
Odum, E.P. (1960), 469
Odum, H.T. (1967, 1971), 220
Oertli, J.J. (1962), 343
Officers of the Department of Agriculture &
the Government Chemical Laboratories
(1950), 308
Ogata, G. (see Bower, C.A. et al., 1968), 335
Ogata, M. (see Kuratsune, M. et al., 1969),
Oglesby, R.T. (1969), 20
Oguri, M. (1961), 465, 469, 470, 475-478
O'Hara, J.L. (1959), 344
Ohio River Valley Sanitation Commission
(see ORSANCO), 57
Ohio River Valley Water Commission
(1950), 462, 464
-(see also ORSANCO)
Oki, K. (see Kuratsune, M. et al., 1969), 83
Okun, D.A. (see Fair, G.M. et al., 1968), 275
Olcott, H.S. (see Risebrough, R.W. et al.,
1972), 225
Old, H.N. (1946), 36
Oldfield, J.E. et al. (1963), 86
-(see Allaway, W.H. et al., 1966), 345
Oliff, W.D. (1969), 455
Oliver, H. (see Sautet, J. et al., 1964), 461
Oliver, R.P. (1966), 301
Olivier, H. (see Sautet, J. et al., 1964), 243
Oliver, L. (1949), 18
Olsen, J.S. (see Bowen, V.T. et al., 1971), 240
Olson, O.E. (1957), 308
(1967), 86
-et al. (1963), 315
-(see Embry, L.B. et al., 1959), 307, 308
-(see Halverson, A.W. et al., 1962), 316
-(see Krista, L.M. et al., 1961), 195, 308
-(see Seerley, R.W. et al., 1965), 315
Olson, P.A. (1956, 1958), 180
Olson, R.A. et al. (1941), 249
Olson, T.A. (1967), 220, 222
Olsson, M. (1969), (see Jensen, S.A. et al.,
1969), 83,198,226,264,267,268
-(see Jensen, S.A. et al., 1970), 177
Olsson, S. (see Jensen, S.A. et al., 1969), 175,
Ontario Water Resources Commission,
(1970), 380
Orlob, Gerald T. (see Sonnen, Michael B.
et al., 1970), 39
Ormerod, P.J. (1958), 344
Orr, L.D. (1969), 122, 187,242,451
ORSANCO (1950), 254
(1955), 245
(1960), 244, 249
(1971), 188
Water Users Committee (1971), 57, 352
Orsanco Quality Monitor (1969), 34
Orthlieb, F.L. (1971), 258
Oseid, D. (1971), 193
Oshima, S. (1931), 250, 251, 455
Osmun, J. V. (see Sparr, B. I. et al., 1966), 346
Osterberg, C.L. (1969), 479
-(see Bowen, V.T. et al., 1971), 240
-(see Cross, F.A. et al., 1968), 479
Ostroff, A.G. (1965), 395
Otis, C.H. (1914), 25
Ott, E.A. et al. (1965, 1966b,c,d), 317
-et al. (1966a), 316
Otter, H. (1951), 352
Otterlind, G. (1969), (see Gensen, S.A. et al.,
1969),83, 175,176,198,226,264,267,269
Outboard Boating Club of America (1971),
Owens, M. et al. (1969), 24
Owens, R.D. (see Shirley, R.L. et al., 1950),
PHS (see also U.S. Department of Health,
Education, and Welfare, Public Health
(1962), 70, 90
Packer, R.A. (1972), 321
Packham, R.F. (1965), 63
Paden, W.R. (see Cooper, H.P. et al., 1932),
Paez, L.J.P. (see Trelles, R.A. et al., 1970), 56
Page, A.L. et al. (in press, 1971 ), 343
-et al. (1972), 342
-(see Bingham, F.T. et al., 1964), 343
Page, N.R. (1967), 345
Pahren, H.R. (see Black, H.H. et al., 1957),
Palensky, --(unpublished data), 147, 148,
-(unpublished, 1971), 147, 148
Pallotta, A.J. (see Innes, J.R.M. et al., 1969),
Palmer, C.M. (1955), 453
Palmer, H.E. (1967), 473
Palmer, I.S. (see Halverson, A.W. et al.,
1966), 316
Palmork, K.H. (see Jensen, S. et al., 1970),
Papageorge, W.B. (1970), 175, 176, 205
Papavassiliou, J. et al. (1967), 57
Papworth, D.S. (1953, 1967), 319
Parchevsky, V.P. (set Polikarpav, G.G.,
1967), 471, 473, 475
Parente, W.D. (unpublished data, 1970),
412, 414, 416
Paris, J.A. (1820), 55
Parizek, J. (1960), 310
Parker, C.A. (see Freegarde, M. et al., 1970),
Parker, F.L. (1969), 152, 403
(1969a), 152
Parker, H.E. (1965, 1966d), 317
-(see Ott, E.A. et al., 1966c), 317
Parker, R.R. et al. (1951), 321
Parrish, P.R. (see Hansen, D.J. et al., 1971),
176, 177, 505
-(see Lowe, J.l. et al., 1971), 267
-(see Lowe, J.l. et al., 1971a), 489
Parsons, T.R. (1968), 241
Patrick, R. (1951), 408
(1968), 120
-(unpublished data, 1971), 180
-et al. (1954), 116
-et al. (1968), 119
-(see Dourdoroff, P. et al., 1951), 121
Patras, D. (1966), 29
Patrick,--(1971), 190
Patrick, R. (1949, 1966), 22
-et al. (1967), 22
-et al. (1968), 451,452,454,457,458, 460
Patt, J.M. (see Potts, A.M. et al., 1950), 60
Patten, B.C. (1962), 408
Patterson, C. (1966), 249
-(see Murozumi, M. et al., 1969), 249
Patterson, W.L. (1968), 90
Pauley, G.B. (1967), 137
(1968), 468
Pavelis, G.A. (1963), 302
Payne, J.E. (see Kaplan, H.M. et al., 1967),
Payne, W.L. (see Hill, C.H. et al., 1963), 311
Payne, W.W. (1963), 56, 75
Peakall, D.B. (1968), 266-268
(1970), 175, 226
(1971), 226
-et al. (in press, 1972), 225, 226
-(see Risebrough, R.W. et al., 1968), 83,
175, 198, 264
Pearce, G.W. (see Dale, W.E. et al., 1963), 76
-(see Schoof, H.F. et al., 1963), 174
Pearce, J.B. (1969), 277
(1970), 222
(1970a), 279, 281, 282
(1970b), 279-281
(1970c), 280
(1971), 280
Pearson, E.A. (see Gill, J.M. et al., 1960), 455
Pearson, G.A. (in press, 1972), 353
Pearson, R.E. (1972), 160
Pease, D.C. (1947), 136
-(seeHarvey, E.N. et, al., 1944a), 135
-(see Harvey, E.N. et al., 1944b), 135, 316
-(see Harvey, E.N. et al., 1944b), 135, 316
Peck, S.M. (1943), 83
Pecor, C. (1969), 184
Peech, M. (1941), 345
Peek, F.W. (1965), 160
Peeler, H.T. (see Nelson, T.S. et al., 1962),
Peirce, A.W. (1957, 1959, 1960, 1962, 1963,
1966, 1968a, 1969b), 307
Pelzman, R.J. (1972), 27
Penfound, W.T. (1948), 27
(1953), 26
Pensack, J.M. (1958), 316
Pennsylvania Fish Commission (1971), 160
Pensinger, R.R. (1966), 313
Pentelow, F.T.K. (1935), 147
(1936), 148
Peoples, S.A. (1964), 309
-(see Ziveig, G. et al., 1961), 320
Pepper, S. (see Thorhaug, H. et al., 1972),
Peretz, L.G. (1946), 89
Perkins, P.J. (see Hunter, B.F. et al., 1970),
Perlmutter, A. (1968), 460
(1969), 468
Perrin, F. (1963), 332
Persson, J. (see Aberg, B. ~t al., 1969), 313,
Persson, P.l. (see Johnels, A.G. et al., 1967),
172, 17~
Peterle, T.J. (see Eberhardt, L.L. et al.,
1971), 439
Peterson, L.A. (see Struckmeyer, B.E. et al.,
1969), 342
Peterson, N.L. (1951), 89
Peterson, P.J. (1961), 316
Peterson, S.A. (1971), 26
Peter, J.B. (see Rozen, A.A. et al., 1962), 80
Peters, J. (see Innes, J.R.M. et al., 1969), 76
Peters, J.C. (1964), 124
Petrucelli, L. (see Innes, J .R.M. et al., 1969),
Petukhov, N.J. (1970), 73
Pfander, W.H. (1963), 315
Pfitzenmeyer, H.T. (1970), 279
-(see Flemer, D.A. et al., 1967)., 279, 281
Pickering, Q.H. (1959), 458
(1962), 429, 431
(1965), 451, 452, 455-457, 460
(1966), 145,180-182,190,453,455,456,
(1968), 182, 460
-et al. (1962), 184, 423-426, 430
-(unpublished, 1971), 180, 181
-(in press), 179, 180
-(see Henderson, C. et al., 1959); 420-422
-(see Henderson, C. et al., 1960), 190, 450
Pickett, R.A. (see O'Donovan, P.B. et al.,
1963), 312
Pickford, G.E. (1968), 438
Piech, K.R. (see Sundaram, T.R. et al.,
1969), 403
Pielou, E.G. (1966, 1969), 408
Pierce, P.E. (see Curley, A. et al., 1971), 313
Pierce, R.S. (see Likens, G.E. et al., 1970),
Pierre, W.H. (1932), 340
(1949), 344
Pierron, A. (1937), 455
Pillsbury, A.F. (1965), 335
(1966), 332, 335
-(see Reeve, R.C. et al., 1955), 334
Pillsbury, D.M. (1939, 1957), 87
Pimentel, D. (1971), 185
Pinchot, G.B. (1967), 80
Pinkerton, C. (1966), 318
Pinder, H.E. (see Merrell, J.C. et al., 1967),
Pinto, S.S. (1963), 56
Piper, C.S. (1939), 342
Pippy, J.H.C. (1969), 239
Pirkle, C.l. (see Hayes, W.J., Jr. et al.,
1971), 76,77
Author lndex/553
Plantin, L.O. (see Birke, J. et al., 1968), 252
Platonow, N. (1968), 313
Plotkin, S.A. (1967), 91
Plumlee, M.P. (see O'Donovan, P.B. et al.,
1963), 312
Plummer, P.J.G. (1946), 315
Podubsky, V. (1948), 253, 450
Polgar, T.T. (see Saila, S.B. etal., 1968), 278
Policastro, A.J. (in press), 403
Polikarpov, G.G. (1966), 240
-et al. (1967), 471, 473, 475
Polk, E.M., Jr. (1949), 403
Poltoracka, J. (1968), 165
Pomelee, C.S. (1953), 310, 462
Pomeroy, L.R. et al. (1965), 281
Ponat, A. (see Theede, H. et al., 1969), 193,
Pond, S. (see Addison, R.F. et al., 1971), 254
Porcella, D.B. (see Goldman, J.C. et al.,
1971), 23
Porges, R. et al. (1952), 11
Porter, R.D. (1970), 197, 198,226
Portmann, J.E. (1968), 454-456, 460
Postel, S. (see Potts, A.M. et al., 1950), 60
Potts, A.M. et al. (1950), 60
Potter, V. (1935), 86
Powers, E.B. (1943), 139
Prakash, A. (1962), 38
Prasad, G. (1959), 458
Pratt, H.M. (see Faber, R.A. et al., 1972), 227
Pratt, M.W. (see Chapman, W.H. et al.,
1968), 173
Pratt, P.F. (1966), 329, 340
(1969), 335
-et al. (1964), 339
-et al. (1967), 334
-(see Shoemaker, H.E. et al., 1961), 340
Prentice, E.F. (see Becker, C.D. et al., 1971),
Preston, A. (1967), 471
Prevost, G. (1960), 441
Prewitt, R.D. (1958), 314
Price, H.A. (1971), 83
Price, T.J. (see Duke, T.W. et al., 1966), 472,
Prier, J.E. (1966), 322
(1967), 92
Prince, A.L. et al. (1949), 343
Pringle, B.H. (1969), 451, 462, 463
(in press, 1972), 451
-(unpublished data), 250, 465
-et al. (1968), 38, 246, 247
Pritchard, D.W. (1971), 168, 169, 403
Proust, J.L. (1799), 72
Prouty, R.M. (see Blus, L.J. et al., 1972), 227
-(see Mulhern, B.M. et al., 1970), 227
Provasoli, L. (1969), 23
Provost, M.W. (1958), 17, 18
Pruter, A.T. (unpublished, 1972), 216
Prytherch, H.F. (see Galtsoff, P.S. et al.,
1935), 147
Pshenin, L.P. (1960), 256
Public Health Service (see PHS & U.S.
Department of Health, Education, and
Welfare, Public Health Service)
Public Works (1967), 33
554/Water Quality Criteria, 1972
Publis, F.A. (see Nebeker, A.V. eta!., 1971),
Pugh, D.L. (1963), 315
Pulley, T.E. (1950), 242, 450
Purdy, G.A. (1958), 144
Pyefinch, K.A. (1948), 453
Quicke, J. (see Sautet, J. eta!., 1964), 243,
Quillin, R. (see Malaney, J.W. et al., 1959),
Quinn, J.l. (see Sapiro, M.L. et a!., 1949),
Quirk, J.P. (1955), 335
Quortrup, E.R. (1942), 196
Rachlin, J.W. (1968), 460
(1969), 468
Radeleff, R.D. (1970), 319
-(see Claborn, H.V. eta!., 1960), 320
Ragatz, R.L. (1971), 29
Ragotzkie, R.A. (see Rudolfs, W. et al.,
1950), 89, 351
Rainwater, F.H. (1960), 51
(1962), 333
Raj, R.S. (1963), 459
Raleigh, R.J. (see Harris, L.E. et a!., 1963),
Ralph Stone & Co., Inc., Engineers (1969),
Ramsay, A.A. (1924), 307
Ramsey, B.A. (1965), 453, 460
Randall, C.W. (1970), 130
Randall, D.J. (1970a), 136
(1970b), 138
Randall, G.B. (see Favero, M.S. eta!., 1964),
Randall, J.S. (1956), 57
Raney, E.G. (1969), 152
Raney, F.C. (1959, 1963, 1967), 328
Ranson, G. (1927), 147
Rapp, G.M. (1970), 32, 33
Raski, D.J. (see Hewitt, W.B. et a!., 1958),
Rasmussen, G.K. (1965), 340
Ratcliffe, D.A. (1970), 227
Rathbun, E.N. (see Gersh, I. eta!., 1944), 137
Ravera, J. (see Bowen, V.T. eta!., 1971), 240
Rawls, C.K. (1964), 27
Raymount, ].E.G. (1962), 452,453,458
(1963), 453
(1964), 247, 248, 452, 459, 463
Redden, D.R. (see Silvey, J.K.G. et a!.,
1950), 74, 89
Redfield, D.C. (1949), 275
(1951), 280
-eta!. (1963), 275
-(see Ketchum, B.H. eta!., 1949), 230, 275
-(see Turner, H.J. eta!., 1948), 247
Reed, D.J. (see Gunn, C.A. eta!., 1971); 40
Reed, J.F. (1936), 340
Rees, J. (personal communication), 175
Reeve, N.G. (1970), 339
Reeve, R.C. et a!. (1955), 334
Regnier, J.E. (1965), 479
Reich, D.J. (1964), 248, 463
Reichel, W.L. (see Bagley, G.E. eta!., 1970),
-(see Mulhern, B.M. eta!., 1970, 1971), 227
Reinchenbach-Klinke, H.H. (1967), 187
Reid, B.L. (see Crawford, J.S. et a!., 1969),
Reid, D.A. (see Foy, C.D. eta!., 1965), 338
Reid, G.K. (1961), 142
Reid, W.B. (see Fraser, M.H. eta!., 1956), 57
Reimer, C.W. (1966), 22
-(see Benoit, R.J. eta!., 1967), 127
Reinert, R.E. (1970); 184, 197
Reinhard, C.E. (see Anderson, E.A. et a!.,
1934), 93
Reisenauer, H.M. (1951), 340
Reish, K. (1955), 464
Renberg, L. (1972), 225, 226
Renfro, W.C. (1933), 135
(1969), 479
Renn, C.E. (1955), 454
-(see O'Conner, O.T. eta!., 1964), 179
Rennenkampff, E.V. (1939), 345
Reuther, W. (1954, 1966), 342
Revelle, R. et a!. (1972), 257, 262
Reynolds, D.M. (see Turner, H.J. et a!.,
1948), 247
Reynolds, L.M. (1970), 227
(1971), 175, 176
Reynolds, Reginald (1946), 1
Rhoads, F.M. (1971), 343
Rhoades, J.W. (1965), 149
Rhoades, L.l. (1970), 226
Rice, T.R. (see Lowman, F.G. et a!., 1971),
240, 243, 244, 246-248, 251, 253
Richards, F.A. (1956), 276
-(see Redfield, A. C. eta!., 1963), 275
Richards, F.A. (see Lowman, F.G. et a!.,
Richardson, R.E. (1913), 145
(1928), 22, 408
Richter, C.P. (1939), 61
Riddick, T.M. et a!. (1958), 69, 71
Rider, J.A. (1962, 1964), 78
-(see Williams, M.W. eta!., 1958), 78
Rieche, P. (1968) (see Risebrough, R.W. et
a!., 1968),83, 175,198,264,266-268
Rigler, F.H. (1958), 475
Riley, F. (1971), 221
Riley, G.A. (1952), 230
-(see Cooper, H.P. et a!., 1932), 340
Riley, J.P. (1956), 245
Riley, R. (1967), 92
Ringen, L.M. (see Gillespie, R.W. et a!.,
1957), 321
Risebrough, R.W. (1968), 266-268
(1969), 226
(1970), 175, 176
(1972), 226, 266
-(in press, 1972), 226, 227
-eta!. (1968), 83, 175, 198, 226, 227, 264
-et al. (1970), 227
-et a!. (1972), 225
-(see Anderlini, V.C. eta!., 1972), 226, 246,
-(see Anderson, D.W. et a!., 1969), 176, 227
-(see Conners, P.G. eta!., in press, 1972b),
-(see Faber, R.A. eta!., 1972), 227
-(see Schmidt, T.T. eta!., 1971), 83
-(see Spitzer, P., unpublished), 227
Rissanen, K. (see Miettinen, V. eta!., 1970),
Ritchie, D.E. (see Flemen, D.A. et al., 1967),
279, 281
Rittinghouse, H. (1956), 196
Roback, S.S. (1965), 456-458
-(see Patrick, R. et al., 1967), 22
Roebeck, G.G. (s:e Hannah, S.A. et a!.,
1967), 89
-(see McCabe, L.J. eta!., 1970), 56, 70
Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center
(1953), 241
Roberts, H., Jr. (see Menzel, R.G. et a!.,
1963), 332
Roberts, M. (see Hunter, C.G. et a!., 1969),
Roberts, W.K. (1963), 315
Robertson, E.A. (see Bugg, J.C. eta!., 1967),
266, 267
Robertson, W.B., Jr. (see Krantz, W.C. eta!.,
1970), 266
Robertson, W.K. (see Shirley, R.L. et a!.,
1957), 307
Robins, C.R. (see Lachner, E.A. eta!., 1970),
Robinson, J. (1967), 75
-(see Hunter, C.G. eta!., 1969), 75
Robinson, J.G. (1968), 161
(1970), 160
Robinson, J.R. (1952), 304
Robinson, J.W. (see Korschgen, B.M. eta!.,
1970), 149
Robinson, L.R. (1963), 63
Robinson, S. (see Chin, T.D.Y. eta!., 1967),
Robinson, V.B. (see Imerson, J.L. et a!.,
1970), 79
Robinson, W.D. (see Mcintosh, I.G. et a!.,
1943), 315
Rodgers, C.A. (1971), 438
-(see Macek, K.J. et a!., 1970), 438
Rodhe, W. (1969), 21
Roessler, M.A. (1972), 238
Rogers, B.A. (see Saila, S.B. eta!., 1968), 278
Rogers, C.F. (see Fitch, C.P. et al., 1934), 317
Rogers, W.B. (see Cooper, H.P. et al., 1932),
Rohlich, G.A. (1967), 19
-(see Lawton, G.W. eta!., 1960), 353
-(see Zeller, R.W. eta!., 1971), 403
Romney, E.M. eta!. (1962, 1965), 342
Romoser, G.L. eta!. (1961), 311, 316
Root, D.A. (see Camp, T.R. eta!., 1940), 89
Rosata, P. (1968), 184
Rose, D. (1971), 248
Rosen, A.A. (1956), 75
(1962), 80
(1966), 74
-(see Burttschell, R.H. eta!., 1959), 80
Rosen, C.G. (see Achefors, H. et a!., 1970),
-(see Wood, J.M. et al., 1969), 172
Rosen, DE. (1966), 162, 435
Roseneau, D.G. (see Cade, T.J. et al., 1970),
227, 267
Rosenfeld, D. (see Wassermann, M. et al.,
1970), 83
Rosenfeld, I. (1964), 316
Rosenfels, R.S. (1939), 340
Rosenthal, H.L. (1957, 1963), 469
Rottiers, D.V: (see Edsall, T.A. et al., 1970),
RQunsefell, G.B. (1953), 142
Rourke, G.A. (see Cohen, J.M. et al., 1961),
Rowe, D.R. et al. (1971), 266
Rowe, G.T. (see Vaccaro, R.S. et al., 1972),
Rowe, V.K. (1954), 79
(1955), 319
Royal Society of London, (1971), 220, 222
Ruber, E. (1971), 485, 491, 493
Rucker, R.R. (1951, 1969), 173
Rudinger, G. (see Sundaram, T.R. et al.,
1969), 403
Rudolfs, W. et al. (1950), 351
-et al. (1953), 253
Rudolfs, W. et al. (1950), 89
Rumbsby, M.G. (1965), 246
Russel, J.C. (see Silvey, J.K.G. et al., 1950),
Russell-Hunter, W.D. (1970), 19
Rust, R.H. (1971), 342
Ruttner, F. (1963), 142
Ruzicka, J.H.A. (1967), 267
Ryther, J.H. (1954), 274, 276
(1969), 216, 217, 264
(1971), 275, 276
SCEP (see Study of Critical Environmental
Soalfeld, R.W. (1956), 164
Sadisivan, V. (1951), 317
Saeki, Y. (see Murata, I. et al., 1970), 60
Saffiotti, U. (see Baroni, C. et al., 1963), 56
Saiki, M. (1955), 477
Saila, S.B. et al. (1968), 278
Salinger, A. (see Hosty, T.S. et al., 1970), 278
Salinity Laboratory (1954), 324, 325, 330,
331, 333, 341
-(see also U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Salinity Laboratory)
Salisbury, R.M. (see Winks, W.R. et al.,
1950), 315
Salo, E.O. (1969), 479
Saloman, C.H. (1968), 124, 279
Salotto, B.V. (see Barth, E.F. et al., 1966), 55
Sampson, J. et al. (1942), 316
Sanboorn, N.H. (1945), 450
Sanders, H.L. (1956, 1958), 279
Sanders, H.O. (1966), 420-433, 458, 467
(1968, 1969), 420-433
(1970), 429-432
(in press, 1972), 420-428, 433
-(see Johnson, B.T. et al., 1971), 436-438
Sanders, 0. (1971), 175
Sanders, R.L. (1969), 258
Sanderson, W.W. (1958), 55
(1964), 90
Santner, J.F. (1966), 190
Sapiro, M.L. et al. (1949), 314
Sartor, J.D. (1971), 262
Saruta, N. (see Kuratsune, M. et al., 1969), 83
Sass, J. (1972), 258, 262
-(see Blumer, M. et al., 1970), 258, 260
Sather, B.T. (1967), 470
Sattlemacher, P.G. (1962),-73
Saunders, D.H. (1959), 342, 344
Saunders, H.O. (1966), 434
-(in press), 176
Saunders, R: (see Johnson, B.T. et al., 1971),
Saunders, R.L. (1963), 122, 463, 467
(1967), 463, 468
-(see Sprague, J.B. et al., 1964), 463, 467
-(see Sprague, J.B. et al., 1965), 122, 463
Sautet, J. et al. (1964), 243, 461
Saville, P.D. (1967), 312
Savino, F.X. (see Johnson, D. et al., 1962),
316, 317
Sawyer, C.N. (1946), 55
(1947), 20, 22
Sayers, W.T. (see Feltz, H.R. et al., 1971),
Sayre, W.W. (1970), 403
Scharrer, K. (1933, 1935), 342
Schaumburg, F.D. et al. (1967), 120
Schaut, G.G. (1939), 193
Schechter, M.S. (1971), 319, 440
Scheier, A. (unpublished data, 1955), 450,
452, 456, 457, 459
(1957), 450, 452, 459
(1958), 68, 145, 182, 452, 456-459
(1959), 452, 456-459
(1963), 190
(1964), 421
(1968), 453, 454, 460
-(see Cairns, J., Jr. et al., 1965), 457
-(see Patrick et al., 1968), 119, 451, 452,
454, 457, 458, 460
Schields, J. (1962), 452, 453
(1963), 453
(1964), 452
Schiffman, R.H. (1958), 452, 457, 462
(1959), 457
Schipper, I.A. (1963), 315
Schisler, D.K. (see Kienholz, E.W. et al.,
1966), 315
Schlickenrieder, W. (1971), 55
Schlieper, C. (see Theede, H. et al., 1969),
193, 256
Schmidt, E.L. (see Murphy, W.H. et al.,
1958), 350
Schmidt, T.T. et al. (1971), 83
Schneider, C.R. (see Doudoroff, P. et al.,
1966), 123, 140, 189, 241, 451, 453, 456,
457, 464
Schneider, Mark (no date), 136, 137
Schneider, P.W., Jr. (see Bouck, G.R. et al.,
1971), 137
Schnich, R.A. (see Lennon, R.E. et al., 1970),
Schoenthal, N.D. (1964), 184, 459
Author lndex/555
Sehoettger, R.A. (1970), 421, 434
Schofield, R.K. (1955), 335
Scholander, P.F. et al. (1955), 138
Schoof, H.F. et al. (1963), 174
Schoonover, W.R. (1963), 330
Schrieber, R.W. (in press, 1972), 266
-(see Connors, P.G. et al., 1972a), 226
Schroeder, H.H. (1961), 60, 70
(1964), 311, 313
(1965), 60, 311, 313
(1966), 56
(1967), 56, 309, 316
(1968a), 312
(1968b), 309
(1969), 60
(1970), 245
-et al. (1963a), 62, 310, 311, 313
-et al. (1963b), 62, 311
-et al. (1967), 245
Schroepfer, G.J. (1964), 55
Schropp, W. (1933, 1935), 342
Schubert, J.R. (see Oldfield, J.E. et al.,
1963), 86
Schults, W.D. (see Wallace, R.A. et al.,
1971), 72, 240, 252
Schulz, K.H. (1968), 83
-(see Bauer, H. et al., 1961), 83
Schulz, K.R. (see Lichenstein, E.P. et al.,
1966), 318
Schultz, L.P. (1971), 19
Schulze, E. (1961), 148
Schuster, C.N., Jr. (1969), 462, 463
Schwartz, L. (1943), 83
(1960), 86
Schwarz, K. (1971), 316
Schweiger, G. (1957), 250-252
Seiple, G.W. (see Bell, J.F. et al., 1955), 196
Scott, D.P. (1964), 42, 43, 411
Scott, K.G. (1949), 87
Scott, M.L. (1961), 86
(1969, 1970), 316
Scrivner, L.H. (1946), 195, 308
Sculthorpe, C.D. (1967), 24-27
Scura, E.D. (1970), 487
~eagran, H.L. (1970), 198
Sedlak, V.A. (see Curley, A. et al., 1971), 313
Seerley, R.W. (see Emerick, R.J. et al., 1965),
Seillac, P. (1971 ), 342
Seghetti, L. (1952), 321
Selitrennikova, M.B. (1953), 352
Sell, J.L. (1963), 315
Selleck, R.E. (1968), 460
Selleek, B. (see Cotzias, G.C. et al., 1961), 60
Selye, H. (1963), 308
Sepp, E. (1963), 351
Serrone, D.M. (see Stein, A.A. et al., 1965),
76, 77
Servizi, --(unpublished data), 252
Shabalina, A.A. (1964), 462
Shakhurina, E.A. (1953), 352
Shankar, N.J. (1969), 403
Shanklin, M.D. (see Esmay, M.L. et al.,
1955), 302
Shannon, C.E. (1963), 408
Shapiro, J. (1964), 63
556/Water Quality Criteria, 1972
Shapovalov, L. et al. (1959), 27
Sharp, D.G. (1967), 91
Sharpless, G.G. (see Hilgeman, R.H. et al.,
1970), 344
Shaw, J.H. (1954), 66
Shaw, M.D. (1966), 301
Shaw, W.H.R. (1956), 253,451,457
(1967), 465, 466, 468
Sheets, T.J. (1967), 345
-(see Bradley, J.R. et al., 1972), 318
Sheets, W.D. (1957), 465, 467
-(see Malaney, G.W. et al., 1959), 253
Shelbourn, J.E. (see Brett, J.R. et al., 1969),
154, 160
Shelford, V.E. (1913), 135, 137
Shell, E.W. (see Avault, J.W., Jr. et al.,
1968), 26
Shelton, R. (see Hosty, T.S. et al. 1970), 278
Shelton, R.G.J. (1971), 144
Shemtab, A. (see Kott, Y. et al., 1966), 245
Shepard, H.H. (see Fowler, D.L. et al., 1971),
Shephard, F.P. (1963), 17
Sherk, J.A., Jr. (1971), 229,281,282
Sherman, G.D. (1953), 344
Shields, J. (1962), 458
(1964), 247, 248,459,463
Shigematsu, I. (1970), 245
Shilo, M. (1967), 317
Shimizu, M. (1964), 469
Shimkin, M.B. (see Leone, N.C. et al., 1954),
Shimono, 0. (see Kuratsune, M. et al., 1969),
Shiosaki, R. (see England, B. et al., 1967), 92
Shirakata, S. (1966), 135, 137, 138
Shirley, R.L. (1951), 307
(1970), 305
-et al. (1950), 314
-et al. (1957), 307
-et al. (1970), 343
-(see Cox, D.H. et al., 1960), 314
Shoemaker, H.E. et al. (1961), 340
Shoop, C.T. (see Brett, J.R. et al., 1969), 154,
Shults, W.D. (see Wallace, R.A. et al., 1971),
Shumway, D.L. (1966), 147-149
(1967), 131
(1970), 131, 133, 139, 151
(1971), 270
-(unpublished data, 1971), 147-149
-et al. (1964), 132
-(see Stewart, N.E. et al., 1967), 132
Shupe, J.L. et al. (1964), 312
-(see Harris, L.E. et al., i 963), 312
Shurben, D.G. (see Mitrovic, U.U. et al.,
1968), 191
Shurben, D.S. (1960), 187
(1964), 182, 403, 450, 459, 464
Shuster, C.N., Jr. (1969), 451
Sigler, W.F. (1960), 316, 454
(1961), 316
-et al. (1966), 248, 453
-(see Angelovic, J.W. et al., 1961), 249
Sigworth, E.A. (1965), 78
Silva, F.J. (see McFarren, E.F. et al., 1965),
.. 38
Silvey, J.K.G. (1953), 74
(1968), 79
-et al. (1950), 74, 89
-et al. (1972), 82
Simmons, H.B. (1971), 411
Simmons, J.H. (see Holmes, D.C. et al.,
1967), 175
Simon, C. et al. (1964), 73
Simon, F.P. (see Potts, A.M. et al., 1950), 60
Simon, J. et al. (1959), 315
Simonin, P. (1937), 455
Simons, G.W., Jr. et al. (1922), 29
Simmons, J.H. (see Holmes, D.C. et al.,
1967), 83
Sims, J.R. (1968), 339
Simpson, C.F. (see Damron, B.L. et al.,
1969), 313
Sinclair, R.M. (1971), 27
Sincock, John L. (1968), 194
Singley, J.E. et al. (1966), 63
-(see Black, A.P. et al., 1963), 63
Sjostrand, B. (see Berg, W. et al., 1966), 252
-(see Birke, G. et al., 1968), 252
-(see Johnels, A.G. et al., 1967), 172, 173
Skea, J. (see Burdick, G.E. et al., 1968), 183,
184, 195
Skidmore, J.F. (1964), 177, 459
Skinner, C.E. (1941), 57
Skirrow, G. (1965), 241
Skoog, F. (see Hansen, 0. et al., 1954), 22
Skougstad, M.W (see Brown, E. et al., 1970),
Skrentry, R.F. (see Lichenstein, E.P. et al.,
1966), 318
Slantez, L.W. et al. (1965), 276
-(see Hosty, T.S. et al., 1970), 278
Slater, D.W. (1971 ), 9
(1972), 8, 9
Siemon, K.W. (see Armstrong, J.G. et al.,
1958), 315
Small, L.F. (see Cross, F.A. et al., 1968), 479
-(see Fowler, J.W. et al., 1970), 480
Smith, A.L. (see Lynch, J .J. et al., 1947), 24
Smith, B. (see Costell, C. H. et al., 1970), 462,
Smith, D.D. (1969), 278
Smith, E.E. (see Pomeroy, L.R. et al., 1965),
Smith, G.S. (see Gordan, H.A. et al., 1961),
Smith, H.F. (see Huff, G.B. et al., 1965), 301
Smith, J.E. (1968), 258, 261
Smith, L.L., Jr. (1960), 154
(1967), 193
(1970), 193, 256
(1971), 190, 191, 193
(i.1 press, 1971), 193
-et al. (1965), 128
Smith, L.M. (see Zweig, G. et al., 1961), 320
Smith, M.A. (see Applegate, V.C. et al.,
1957), 243
Smith, M.l. (1937, 1941), 86
-et al. (1936), 86
Smith, N.R. (see Breed, R.S. et al., 1957), 321
Smith, O.M. (1944), 65
Smith, P.F. (1954), 342
~(see Hilgeman, R.H. et al., 1970), 344
Smith, P.W. (1963), 124
Smith, R.O. (see Galtsoff, P.S. et al., 1935),
Smith, R.S. et al. (1951, 1952, 1961), 31
Smith, S.H. (1964), 27, 157
Smith, W.E. (1956), 164
(1970), 413
(unpublished data, 1971), 417
Smith, W.H. (see Ott, E.A. et al., 1965;
1966b,c,d), 317
-(see Ott, E.A. et al., 1966a), 316
Smith, W.W. (1944), 89
Smitherman, R.O. (see Avault, J.W., Jr.
et al., 1968), 26
Sneed, K.E. (1958, 1959) 173
Snegireff, L.S. (1951), 56
Snihs, J.O. (see Aberg, B. et al., 1969), 313,
Snyder, G.R. (1970), 416
Snyder, P.J. (see Rowe, D.R. et al., 1971 ),
Soane, B.K. (1959), 342, 344
Sobkowicz, H. (see Falkowska, Z. et al.,
1964), 250
Sollman, T.H. (1957), 56, 59, 64
Sollo, F.W., Jr. (see Harmeson, R.H. et al.,
1971), 73
Solon, J.M. (1970), 424, 427
Sommer, H. (1937), 38
Sommers, S.C. (1953), 56
Sonis, S. (see Jackim, E. et al., 1970), 244,
255, 451, 454,455, 457, 462, 46\ 466
Sonnen, Michael B. (1967), 399, 400
-et al. (1970), 39
Sonnichsen, J.C. (1971), 403
Sonoda, M. (see Kuratsune, M. et al., 1969),
Sorge, E.F. (1969), 238
Saunders, R.L. (1967), 248
-(see Sprague, J.B. et al., 1965), 248
Sonthgate, B.A. (1948), 249, 255, 467
(1950, 1953), 464
Southward, A.J. (see Corner, E.D.S. et al.,
1968), 261
Southward, E.G. (see Corner, E.D.S. et al.,
1968), 261
Souza, J. (see Blumer, M. et al., 1970), 258,
Soyer, J. (1963), 252, 255, 466
Spafford, W.J. (1941 ), 308
Spann, J.W. et al. (1972), 226
-(see Heath, R.G. et al., 1969), 197, 198, 226
Sparks, A.K. (1968), 38
Sparks, R.E. et al. (1969), 117
Sparling, A.B. (1968), 465
Sparr, B.l. et al. (1966), 346
Sparrow, B.W. (1956), 248, 252, 455
Spector, W.S. (1955), 65
Spencer, N.R. (see Maddox, D.M. et al.,
1971), 26
Spiegelberg, U. (see Bauer, H. et al., 1961), 83
Spigarelli, S.A. (1972), 164
Spitsbergen, D. (see Mahood, R.K. et al.,
1970), 489
Spitzer, P. (unpublished), 227
Spooner, C.S. (1971), 39
Sprague, J.B. (1963), 240, 463, 467
(1964), 248, 467
(1964a), 179
(1964b), 179, 181
(1965), 122, 240, 248, 453, 460
(1967), 248, 463, 468
(1968), 463, 468
(1968a). 179, 182
(1968b), 179
(1969), 118-122, 189, 234, 404, 424
(1970), 118-120, 145, 234, 254
(1971), 118, 119, 183, 234, 248
--et al. (1964), 463, 467
--et al. (1965), 122, 248, 463
Sproul, O.J. et .. al. (1967, 1972), 92
(1972), 92
Sprunt, A.N. (see Krantz, W.C. et al., 1970),
Spurgeon, J.L. (1968), 403
Squire, H.M. (1963), 332
Sreenivasan, A. (1963), 459
Stadt, Z.M. (see Galagan, D.J. et al., 1957),
. 66
Stake, E. (1967, 1968), 25
Staker, E.V. (1941, 1942), 345
Stalling, D.L. (1971), 175, 176, 438
(1972), 174-176, 200, 201
-(unpublished, 1970), 175
-(unpublished, 1971), 177
-(in press, 1971), 175
--et al. (1971), 437
-(see Macek, R.J. et al., 1970), 438
Standard Methods (APHA) (1971), 435
Table VI-2, 370
Table VI-5, 377
Table VI-10, 382
Table VI-17, 385
Table VI-22, 389
Table VI-25, 391
Table VI-26, 392
Table VI-27-28, 393
Standard Methods (EPA) (1971), 51, 52, 54,
55, 63,67, 74, 75,80,82,90, 120,190,275,
Stanford Research Institute (unpublished
data, 1970), 348
Stanford University (see American Society of
Civil Engineering, 1967), 220, 221
Stark, G.T.C. (1967), 121
(1968), 460
-(see Brown, V.M. et al., 1968), 468
Starr, L.E. (see Williams, H.R. et al., 1956),
Stasiak, M. (1960), 453
Stearns, R.D. (see Thorhaug, A. et al., 1972),
Stedronsky, E. (1948), 253,450
Steele, R.M. (1968), 164
Stein, A.A. et al. (1965), 75, 77
Steinhaus, E.A. (see Parker, R.R. et al.,
1951), 321
Stephan, C.E. (1967), 120, 184, 185
(1969), 180, 452, 463,469
Stephan, C.F. (1967), 122, 425, 431
Stevenson, C.A. (see Leone, N.C. et al.,
1954), 66
Stevenson, R.E. (see Chang, S.L. et al., 1962),
-(see Clarke, N.A. et al., 1962), 91, 92
Stevens, D.J. (see Bouck, G.R. et al., 1971),
Stevens, N.P. et al. (1956), 145
Stevenson, A.H. (see Smith, R.S. et al., 1951),
Stewart, B.A. et al. (1967), 73
Stewart, E.H. (see Menzel, R.G. et al., 1963),
Stewart, K.M. (1967), 19
Stewart, N.E. et al. (1967), 132, 495
-(see Buchanan, D.V. et al., 1969), 267, 495
-(see Butler, P.A. et al., 1968), 495
Stickel,--(unpublished data, 1972), 197
Stickel, L.F. (1970), 226
-(see Dustman, E.H. et al., 1970), 198, 313
Stickney, J.C. (1963), 136
Stickney, R.R. (1971), 149, 160
(1972), 154
Stiff, M.J. (1971), 179
Stiles, W.C. (1968), 276
Stob, M. (1965), 317
-(see Ott, E.A. et al., 1966c), 317
Stock, A. (1934, 1938), 72
Stoff, H. (see Meinch, F. et al., 1956), 450,
Stoke, A. (1962), 250
Stokes, R.M. (1962), 462
Stokinger, H.E. (1958), 59, 65
(1963), 72
Stolzenbach, K. (1971), 403
Stoof, H. (see Meinck, F. et al., 1956), 241,
243, 250, 251
STORET, (see Systems for Technical Data)
Story, R.V. (see Kehoe, R.A. et al., 1940),
70, 87
Stout, N. (1971), 9
Stover, H.E. (1966), 301
Straskraba, M. (1965), 24
Straube, R.L. (see Ducoff, H.S. et al., 1948),
Strawn, K. (1967), 410-413, 417
(1968), 412, 413
-(see Neill, W.H., Jr. et al., 1966), 413
Straun, K. (1961), 154, 157, 160
(1968), 160
(1970), 154, 160
Street, J.C. et al. (1968), 198, 226
--et al. (1969), 83
-(see Mayer, F.L., Jr. et al., 1970), 184
Strickland, J.D.H. (1968), 241
Strickland-Cholmley, M. (1967), 92
Strong, E.R. (see Doudoroff, P. et al., 1951),
Stroud, R.H. (1968), 9, 441
(1969), 28
·(1971), 221
Struckmeyer, B.E. et al. (1969), 342
Stubbings, H.G. (1959), 464
Author lndex/557
St.udy of Critical Environmental Problems,
Study Group on Mercury Hazards (1971), 72
Stumm, W. (1962), 130
(1963), 54
Stunkard, H.W. (1952), 19
Stutz, H. (see Faust, S.D. et al., 1971), 80
Sturgis, M.B. (1936), 340
Sturkie, P.D. (1956), 316
Sudheimer, R.L. (1942), 196
Sugerman, J. (see Bay, E.C., 1965), 18
Sullivan, R.J. (1969), 243
Summerfiet, T.C. (1967), 464, 465
Sumner, M.E. (1970), 339
Sund, J.M. (see Simon, J. et al., 1959), 315
Sundaram, T.R. et al. (1969), 403
Sunde, L.A. et al. (1970), 20
Sunde, M.L. (1967), 305
-(personal communication, 1971 ), 305
Surber, E.W. (1931), 243
(1959), 18
(1961), 24
(1962), 429-431
--et al. (1965), 148
-(see Doudoroff, P. et al., 1951), 121
-(see English, J.N. et al., 1963), 34
Sutherland, A.K. (see Winks, W.R. et al.,
1950), 315
Sutton, D.L. (see Blackburn, R.D. et al.,
1971), 26
Sverdrup. H.V. et al. (1942), 216
--et al. (1946), 241
Svetovidov, A.N. (see Korpincnikov, V.S.
et al., 1956), 469
Swader, J. (see Williams, M.W. et al., 1958),
Swain, F.M. (1956), 145
Swan, A.A.B. (1961), 313
Swanson, C. (see Lilleland, 0. et al., 1945),
Swedish National Institute of Public Health
(1971), 173
Swensson, A. (1959), 313
-(see Kiwimae, A. et al., 1969), 313
Swartz, B.L. (see Koff, R.S. et al., 1967), 36
Swartz, L.G. (see Code, T.J. et al., 1970),
227, 267
Sweeney, C. (see Burdick, G.E. et al., 1968),
195, 183
Swift, E. (1960), 469
Swift, M.N. (see Potts, A.M. et al., 1950), 60
Swingle, H.S. (1947), 24
Swinnerton, J.W. et al. (1962), 138
Swisher, R.D. (1967), 190
Sy, S.H. (see Koegel, R.G. et al., 1972), 26
Syazuki, K. (1964), 463-465, 467
Sykes, J.E. (1968), 216
Sylvester, R.D. (1960), 20
Symons, J.M. (see McCabe, L.J. et al.,
1970), 56, 70
Synoground, M.O. (1970), 160, 162
Systems for Technical Data (STORET)
(1971), 306
Syverton, J.T. (1958), 350
-(see Murphy, W.H. et al., 1958), 350
558/Water Quality Criteria, 1972
T APPI (see Technical Association of the
Pulp and Paper Industry)
Tabata, K. (1969), 455, 460, 468
Tagatz, M.E. (1961), 145
Tai, F .H. (see Struckmeyer, B.E. et al.,
1969), 342
Takeuchi, T. (1970), 172
Takigawa, K. (see Kuratsune, M. et al.,
1969), 83
Tanabe, H. (see McFarren, E.F. et al., 1965),
Tanner, F.W. (1944), 351
Tardiff, R.G. (see Winton, E.F. et al., 1971),
Tarjan, R. (1969), 76
Tarrant, K.R. (1968), 83, 182, 227, 318
Tarzwell, C.M. (1952), 408
(1953), 22
(1956), 243, 256, 451, 455, 456, 459
(1957), 454
(1959), 458
(1960), 243, 244, 253, 451, 453, 455, 459
(1962), 122, 234
-(see Henderson, C. et al., 1959), 420, 422
-(see Henderson, C. et al., 1960), 450, 456
-(see LaRoche, G. et al., 1970), 261
Tatton, J.O.G. (1967), 267
(1968), 83, 182, 227, 318
-(see Holmes, D.C. et al., 1967), 83, 175
Taylor, C.B. (1951), 57
Taylor, J .L. (1968), 124, 279
Taylor, N.H. (1935), 312
Taylor, N.W. (see Rosen, A.A. et al., 1956),
Taylor, T. (see Blackburn, R.D. et al., 1971),
Taylor, R. (1965), 332
Taylor, R.E. (see Hale, W.H. et al., 1962),
Taylor, W.R. (1960), 469
Teakle, D.S. (1969), 349
Teal, J.M. (1969), 138
-(see Horn, M.H. et al., 1970), 257
Technical Association of Pulp and Paper
Industry (TAPPI) (unpublished, 1970),
Water Supply and Treatment Com-
mittee (unpublished, 1970), 383
Teel, R. W. (see Garifin, A.R. et al., 1965),
Tejning, S. (1967), 314
Tempel, L.H. (see Esmay, M.L. et al., 1955),
Templeton, W.L. (1958), 244
-(in press, 1971), 273
Ten Noever de Brauw, M.C. (see Koeman,
J.H. et al., 1969), 83, 175
-(see Vas, J.G. et al., 1970), 198, 225, 226
Tennant, A.D. (see Hosty, T.S. et al., 1970),
Terriere, L.C. et al. (1966), 183
Terrill, S.W. (see Brink, M.F. et al., 1959),
Thackston, Edward L. (1969), 403
Thatcher, L.I. (1960), 51
Thatcher, T.O. (1966, 1970), 190
Thaysen, A.C. (1935), 147
(1936), 147, 148
"'rheede, H. et al. (1969), 193, 356
Thomann, R.V. (see DiToro, D.M. et al.,
1971), 277
Thomas, A. (1912), 471
Thomas, B.F. (see Thomas, S.B. et al., 1953),
Thomas, E.A. (1953), 22
Thomas, G.W. (1967), 339
Thomas, N.A. (1970), 18
(1971), 147
Thomas, R.E. (1944), 89
-(see Law, J.P. et al., 1970), 353
Thomas, S.B. (1949), 301, 302
(1952), 57
(1958), 303
-et al. (1953), 302
-et al. (1966), 302, 303
Thomas, W.C., Jr. (see Black, A.P. et al.,
1965), 301
Thompson, D.J. (see Emerson, J.L. et al.,
1970), 79
Thomason, I.J. (1961), 348
Thompson, J.E. (1968), 74
Thompson, J.G. (see Macintire, W.H. et al.,
1942), 343
Thompson, J.N. (1969, 1970), 316
Thomson, J.S. (1944), 305
Thompson, P.K. et al. (1927), 317
-(see Drinker, K.R. et al. 1927), 317
Thomson, W. (see Hazel, C.R. et al., 1971),
Thorhaug, A. et al. (1972), 238
Thorne, J.P. (1966), 335
Thorup, R.T. (see Sproul, O.J~ et al., 1967),
Tibbo, S.N. (see Zitko, V. et al., 1970), 254
Tilden, J.E. (see Fitch, C.P. et al., 1934), 317
Tillander, M. (see Mietinen, V. et al., 1970),
Tiller, B.A. (see Brown, V.M. et al., 1969),
Timmons, F.L. (1966), 25
-(see Bruns, V.F. et al., 1955), 347
Tindle, R.C. (see Stalling, D.L. et al., 1971),
Tipton, I.H. (see Schroeder, H.A. et al.,
1967), 245
Titus, H.W. (see Johnson, D. et al., 1962),
316, 317
Tobias, J.M. (see Potts, A.M. et al., 1950), 60
Toerien, D.F. (see Goldman, J.C. et al.,
1971), 23
Tokar, J.V. (in press), 403
Tomassi, A. (1958), 69, 71
Tomlin, A.D. (1971), 183
Tomlinson, W.E. (see Miller, C.W. et al.,
1967), 346
Tommers, F.D. (1948), 241,281
Top, F.H. (see Crawford, R.P. et al., 1969),
Toro, D.M. (1970), 403
Townsley, S.J. (see Boroughs, H. et al., 1957),
Tracey, H.W. et al. (1966), 90
Trainer, D.O. (1966), 228
(1970), 226
Trama, F.R. (1954a), 453
(1954b), 451, 456, 457
(1958), 452, 453
(1960), 452
Trautman, M.B. (1939), 124
Traxler, J.S. (see Li, M.F. et al., 1970), 254
Freichler, R. (see Coburn, D.R. et al., 1951),
Trelles, R.A. et al. (1970), 56
Tremblay, J.L. (1965), 479
Trembley, F.J. (1965), 160, 165
Trent, D.S. (1970), 403
Treon, J.F. (1955), 77
-et al. (1955), 76
Tressler, W.L. (see Olson, R.A. et al., 1941),
Trice, A.H. (1958), 399
Trosin, T.S. (see Korpincnikov, V.S. et al.,
1956), 469
Truchan, J.G. (see Basch, R.E. et al., 1971),
True, L.F. (see Hilgeman, R.H. et al., 1970),
Tsai, C.F. (1968, 1970), 189
Tschenkes, L.A. (1967), 86
Tsuji, H. (see Yoshimura, H. et al., 1971), 83
Tsukano, Y. (see Lichenstein, E.P. et al.,
1966), 318
Tucker, C.L. (see Lockhart, E.E. et al., 1955),
61, 89
Tucker, F.H. (see Dorman, C. et al., 1939),
Tucker, J.M. (see Bower, C.A. et al., 1968),
Tucker, R.K. (1966), 458, 467
(1970), 198, 227
Tur, J. (see Falkowska, Z. et al., 1964), 250
Turekian, K.K. (see Goldberg, E.D. et al.,
1971), 241,244,245,251
Turmbull, H. et al. (1954), 145, 191, 244,
Turnbull-Kemp, P. St. J. (1958), 453
Turner, H.J., Jr. et al. (1948), 247
Turner, M.A. (1971), 342
Turner, R.O. (see Malaney, G.W. et al.,
1962), 301, 302
Tusing, T. (see Frawley, J.P. et al., 1963), 78
Twitty, V.C. (see Berg, W.E. et al., 1945),
137, 138
Twyman, E.S. (1953), 250, 342
Tzannetis, S. (see Papavassiliou, J. et al.,
1967), 57
Ueda, T. (see Kuratsune, M. et al., 1969), 83
Uhler, F.M. (1939), 25
Uhlig, H.H. (1963), 64
Ui, J. (1967, 1970), 251
Ukeles, R. (1962), 174, 265, 283, 485, 489,
Ulfarson, U. (see Kiwimae, A. et al., 1969),
Ulland, B.M. (see Innes, J.R.M. et al., 1969),
Ullberg, S. (1963), 313
Underwood, E.J. (1971), 309-314,317,345
United Kingdom Ministry of Technology
(1969), 120, 179
U.S. Army, Coastal Engineering Research
Center (1966), 17
U.S. Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife
-(see Stickel,--(unpublished data, 1972),
U.S. Congress (1948), 2
(1965),2, 10
(1968), 10, 39, 399
(1970a,b), 399
U.S. Department of Agriculture (1961), 350
Agriculture Research Service,
(1963), 346
(1967), 86
(1969), 318, 347
-(see also Agriculture Research Service)
Division of Economic Research, 2
Salinity Laboratory Staff (1954), 324
-(see, also Salinity Laboratory)
U.S. Department of Commerce
Bureau of the Census (1969), 377
(1971), 244, 369, 377-383, 385, 388,
389, 391-393, 483
Table VI-1, 369
Table VI-9, 381
Table VI-12, 382
Table VI-14, 383
Table VI-21, 388
Fisheries of the U.S. (1971 ), 2
National Oceanographic and Atmos-
pheric Administration, 2
Office of Technical Services
(1958), 462
U.S. Department of Health, Education, and
Welfare (1966), 20
(1969), 76, 78, 348, 437
Education and Welfare (1969), 319
Food and Drug Administration (1963,
1964), 310
(1968), 437
(1971), 240, 481, 482
Public Health Service (1959), 66
(1961), 73
(1962), 50, 51, 273, 385, 392, 393,
481, 482
(1965), 36, 302
(1968), 37
U.S. Department of Health, Education and
Welfare-Public Health Service, and Ten-
nessee Valley Authority, Health & Safety
Dept. (1947), 25
U.S. Department of the Interior
(1969), 221, 243-245, 248, 250, 255
(1970), 221
(1971), 8
Bureau of Outdoor Recreation
(1967), 9
(1970), 39
Federal Water Pollution Control
Administration (see also FWPCA)
(1966), 57
(1967), 18
(1968), 2, 4, 31, 55, 80, 91, 195, 241,
Geological Survey (1970), 72
U.$. Department of Science and Industrial
Research (1961), 242
U.S. Executive Office of the President
Bureau of the Budget
(1967), 369, 370, 376, 388
U.S. Federal Radiation Council (1960), 84,
(1961), 274, 318
(1961a,b), 84
-(see also Federal Radiation Council)
U.S. Federal Security Agency
Public Health Service (1953), 62
U.S. Geological Survey (1969), 91
U.S. Outdoor Recreation Resources Review
Commission (1962), 39
U.S. Tariff Commission (1970), 264
Urry, F.M. (see Street, J.C. et al., 1968), 83,
198, 226
Uspenskaya, V.I. (1946), 181
Uzawa, H. (see Yoshimura, H. et al., 1971),
Vaccaro, R.F. (see Ketchum, B.H. et al.,
1958), 275
Vacarro, R.S. et al. (1972), 280
Valerio, M.G. (see Innes, J.R.M. et al.,
1969), 76
Vallee, B.L. (1959), 93
Valtonen, M. (see Miettinen, V. et al., 1970),
Van Dam, L. (see Scholander, P.F. et al.,
1955), 138
Van der Mass, H.L. (see Vos, J.G. et al.,
1970), 198, 225, 226
Van Donsel, D.J. (see Geldreich, E.E. et al.,
1968), 57
Vandyke, J.M. (1964), 122, 453
van Esch, G.J. (see Baroni, C. et al., 1963), 56
Van Gundy, S.D. (1961), 348
Van Hoeven, W. (see Han, J. et al., 1968),
Van Horn, M. (see Malaney, G.W. et al.,
1962), 301, 302
Van Horn, W.M. (1955), 173
(1958), 193
(1959), 256
-et al. (1949), 256
-(see Doudoroff, P. et al., 1951), 121
VanLiere, E.J. (1963), 136
Van Ness, G.B. (1964), 321
(1971), 322
VanSlyke, D.D. et al. (1934), 138
Van Thiel, P.H. (1948), 321
Vance, C. (see Heath, R.G. et al., in press,
1972), 226
Vandecaveye, S.C. et al. (1936), 340
Vanselow, A.P. (1959), 340
(1966a), 342
(1966b), 344
-(see Aldrich, D.G. et al., 1951), 344
-(see Liebig, G.F. et al., 1942), 340, 342
Vatthauer, R.J. (see Jordan, H.A. et al.,
1961), 315
Author lndex/559
Veith, G.D. (1971), 83
Veldee, M.V. (see Lumsden, L.L. et al.,
1925), 36
Velsen, F.P.J. (1967), 451
Velz, C.J. (1934), 89
Vergnano, B. (1953), 342, 344, 345
Vermeer, K. (1970), 227
Vermilli~n, J.R. (1957), 66
(see Galagan, D.J. et al., 1957), 66
Vernon, E.H. (1958), 164
Verrett, J. (1970), 83, 225
Victoreen, J.T. (1969), 302
Viets, F.G., Jr. (1965), 352
(see Stewart, B.A. et al., 1967), 73
Vigil, J. et al. (1965), 73
Vigor, W.N. (1965), 460
Vinogradov, A.P. (1953), 240
Vinton, W.H., Jr. (see Schroeder, H.A. et al.,
1963a,b), 62, 310, 311, 313
-(see Schroeder, H.A. et al., 1964, 1965),
311, 313
Vohra, P. (1968), 316
Volganev, M.N. (1967), 86
Volker, J.F. (1944), 60
Vollenweider, R.A. (1968), 22
Von Donsel, D.J. (1971), 16
Voors, A.W. (1971), 68
Vorotnitskaya, I.E. (see Kovalsky, V.V. et al.,
1967), 477
Vos, J.G. (1970), 198, 225, 226
(in press, 1972), 225
-et al. (1968), 225, 227
-et al. (1970), 198, 225, 226
WHO (see World Health Organization)
WRE (see Water Resources Engineering,
Wada, Akira (1966), 403
Wadleigh, C.H. (1955), 329
-(see Ayres, A.D. et al., 1952), 329
-(see Magistad, O.C. et al., 1943), 324, 336
Wadsworth, J.R. (1952), 309
Wagstaff, D.J. (see Street, J.C. et al., 1968),
83, 198, 226
Wahlstrom, R.C. (see Embry, L.B. et al.,
1959), 307, 308
Wakeford, A.C. (1964), 459
Walden, C.C. (1965), 241
-(see Schaumburg, F.D. et al., 1967), 120
Walden, D.N. (1969), 135, 136, 138
Walford, L.A. (1951), 280
Walker, C.R. (1964), 431, 434
(1965), 26
Walker, K.F. (see Fry, F.E.J. et al., 1964),
Walker, T.M. (see Burdich, G.E. et al., 1964),
Wall, E.M. (see Grimmett, R.E.R. et al.,
1937), 316
Wallace, A. (see Frolich, E. et al., 1966), 342
Wallace, J.H. (see Patrick, R. et al., 1954),
Wallace, R.A. et al. (1971), 72, 173, 240, 252
Wallen, G.H. (see Cope, O.B. et al., 1970),
Wallen, I.E. (1951), 128
560/ Water Quality Criteria, 1972
-et a!. (1957), 145, 245, 450-457
Waller, W.T. (1969), 117
Walsh, D.F. (1970), 437
-(see Kenndy, H.D. eta!., 1970), 195, 437
Walsh, G.E. (1971), 503, 505
(1972), 265, 266, 495, 497, 499, 501,
503, 505
Walsh, L.M. (see Jacobs, L.W. eta!., 1970),
Walter, C.M. (1972), 18
Walter, J.W. (1971), 383
Walters, A.H. (1964), 301
Walton, G. (1951), 73
-(see Braus, R. et al., 1951), 74
Wang, P.P. (see Klotz, L.J. eta!., 1959), 349
Wang, W.L. (1954), 350, 352
(1961), 351
Wanntorp, H. (see Borg, K. et al., 1969), 198,
252, 313
Warburton, S. (see Vigil, J. et al., 1965), 73
Ward, E. (1965), 473,474
Ward, G.H. (1971), 403
Ward, M.K. (see Williams, H.R. et al., 1956),
Warington, K. (1954, 1956), 345
Wark, J.W. (1963), 125
Warner, R.E. (1965), 121
Warnick, S.L. (1969), 249, 455
Warren, C.E. (1965), 131
(1971), 19, 117, 139,404
-(see Hermann, R.B. et al., 1962), 132
-(see Shumway, D.L. eta!., 1964), 132
Warren, S. (1969), 473
Wassermann, D. (see Wasserman, M. et a!.,
1970), 83
Wassermann, M. eta!. (1970), 83
Warren, S.L. (see Dupont, 0. et a!., 1942),
Water Quality Criteria (1968), 423
Water Resources Council (1968), 377
Water Resources Engineers, Inc. ( 1968), 399,
(1969), 399
(1970), 399, 400
Water Systems Council (1965, 1966), 301
Watkinson, J. (see Harbourne, J.F. et a!.,
1968), 313
Watson, C.G. (in press, 1971), 273
Wattie, E. (1946), 55, 89
-(see Butterfield, C.T. eta!., 1943), 55
Waybrant, R.C. (see Hamelink, J.L. et al.,
1971 ), 183
Wear, J.l. (1957), 344
Weaver, W. (1963), 403
Weber, C.W. (see Crawford, J.S. et a!.,
1969), 315
Weber, W.J. (1963), 54
Webster, H.L. (see Conn, L.W. eta!., 1932),
Weed Society of America (1970), 318
Weeth, H.J. (1961), 307
(1965, 1971, 1972), 308
-eta!. (1960), 307
-eta!. (1968), 308
Weibel, S.R. eta!. (1955), 319
-eta!. (1966), 318
Weichenthal, B.A. eta!. (1963), 315
Weidner, R.B. (see Weibel, S.R. et al., 1966),
318, 319
Weigle, O.M. (1932), 93
Wei!, I. (see Fair, G.M. eta!., 1948), 55
Weilerstein, R.W. (see Williams, M.W. eta!.,
1958), 78
Weir, P.A. (1970), 181, 252
Weir, R. (see Frawley, J.P. eta!., 1963), 78
Weiser, H.H. (see Malaney, G.W. et a!.,
1962), 301, 302
Weiss, C.M. (1965), 183, 463
Weiss, Ray (no date), 138
Welander, A.D. (1969), 471, 473
Welch, E.B. (1969), 22
(1972), 21
-(see Emery, R.M. et al., 1972), 20
Welch, P.S. (1952), 130
Welch, R.L. (1971), 83
Welcomme, R.L. (1962), 417
Welsch, C.W. (see Bloomfield, R.A. et a!.,
1961), 315
Welsch, W.F. (1954), 60
Weldon, L.W. (see Holm, L.G. et a!., 1969),
Welker, B.D. (1967), 124
Wenk, E. (see Revelle, R. eta!., 1972), 257
Wentworth, D.F. (see Sproul, O.J. et al.,
1967), 92
Wersaw, R.L. eta!. (1969), 183
Wershaw, R.L. (1970), 313
Wessel, G. (1953), 22, 252
West, J.L. (see Adams, A.W. eta!., 1967), 315
Westermark, T. (1969), 251
-(see Berg, W. et al., 1966), 252
-(see Birke, G. et a!., 1968), 252
-(see Johnels, H.G. et al., 1967), 172
Westfall, B.A. (1945), 464, 465
(1937), 86
-(see Ellis, M.M. et a!., 1946), 249
-(see Smith, M.l. et al., 1936), 86
Westgard, R.L. (1964), 137
Westgate, P.J. (1952), 342
Westlake, D.F. (1966), 24
Westlake, W.E. (see Gunther, F.A. et a!.,
1968), 227
Westman, J.R. (1963), 147, 148
(1966), 160, 413, 417, 419
Weston, R.F. (see Turnbull, H. eta!., 1954),
Weston, J. (1966), 198
-(see Kiwimae, A. et a!., 1969), 313
Wetmore, A. (1919), 227
Wetzel, R.G. (1969, 1971), 25
Wheeler, R.S. (1949), 305
Whetzal, F.W. (see Weichenthal, B.A. eta!.,
1963), 315
Whipple, D.V. (1931), 148
Whipple, G.C. (1907), 61, 89
Whipple, W.J. (1951), 173
Whisler, F.D. (in press, 1972), 352
Whitledge, T. (1970), 277
Whitaker, D.M. et a!. (1945), 137
-(see Berge, W.E. et al., 1945), 138
Whitaker, J. (see Sunde, L.A. eta!., 1970), 20
White, C.M. (see Cade, T.J. eta!., 1970), 267
White, D.B. (see Harriss, R.C. et a!., 1970),
White, D.E. eta!., 1970), 313
White, G.F. (1912), 471
White, J.C., Jr. (see Angelovic, J.W. et a!.,
1967), 454
Whitehead, C.C. (1971), 320
Whiteley, A.H. (1944a), 135
-(see Harvey, E.N. eta!., 1944b), 135, 136
Whitley, L.S. (1968), 455, 460
Whittle, G.P. (see Black, A.P. et al., 1963), 63
Whitman, I.L. (1968), 40, 400
Whitworth, W.R. (1969), 455, 464
-eta!. (1968), 27
Wicker, C.F. (1965), 279
Wiebe, A.H. (1932), 138
Wiebe, J.P. (1968), 162
Wiebe, P.H. et a!. (in press, 1972), 280
-(see V acarro, R.S. et al., 1972), 280
Wiemeyer, S.N. (1970), 197, 198, 226
Wilber, C.G. (1969), 241, 243, 245, 248, 250,
255, 256
Wilcoxon, F. (1949), 434
Wilcox, L.V. (1965), 324, 335
-(see Lunin, J. et al., 1960), 337
-(see Reeve, R.C. eta!., 1955), 334
Wilcoxon, F. (1947), 495,497,499, 501,503,
(1949), 121
Wilder, D.G. (1952), 242, 250
Wilhm, J .L. (1965), 408
(1966), 144
(1968), 35
Wilhm, J.S. (1968), 275, 408, 409
Wilkins, D.A. (1957), 343
Willford, W.A. (1966), 173, 456
Williams, A.B. (1958), 279
Williams, G.B. (see Fisher, R.A. et al., 1943),
Williams, C.H. (1971), 79
Williams, H.R. et a!. (1956), 29
Williams, K.T. (1935), 316
-(see Byers, H.G. eta!., 1938), 316
Williams, M.W. eta!. (1958), 78
Williams, R.J.B. (1968), 341
Willis, J.N. (see Duke, T.W. et a!., 1966),
472, 479
Willm, E. (1879), 72
Wilson, A.J., Jr. (1970), 266
-(see Duke, T.W. eta!., 1970), 83, 176, 264
-(see Hansen, D.J. et a!., 1971), 176, 177,
-(see Lowe, J.l. eta!., 1971), 267
-(see Lowe, J.l. eta!., 1971a), 489
-(see Nimmo, D.R. eta!., 1970), 267
-(see Nimmo, D.R. et al., 1971), 176,268
Wilson, D.C. (1969), 184, 429, 430
Wilson, G.S. (1966), 321
Wilson, P.D. (see Hansen, D.J. et al., 1971),
176, 268, 505
-(see Lowe, J.l. eta!., 1971), 267
-(see Lowe, J.l. eta!., 1971a), 489
-(see Nimmo, D.R. et al., 1971), 176, 268
Wilson, R.H. (1950), 60
Wilson, W.B. (see McFarren, E.F. et al.,
1965), 38
Winchester, C.F. (1956), 305
Wing, F. (see Tracy, H.W. et al., 1966), 90
Winkler, L.R. (1964), 463
Winks, W.R. et al. (1950), 315
Winter, A.J. (1964), 315
Winterberg, S.H. (see Maclntire, W.H. et al.,
1942), 343
Wintner, I. (see O'Conner, O.T. et al.,
1964), 179
Winton, E.F. (1970), 73
--et al. (1971), 73
Wirsen, C.O. (see Jannasch, H.W. et al.,
1971), 277, 280
Wisely, B. (1967), 454, 460
Wisely, R.A.P. (1967), 455
Wiser, C.W. (1964), 471
Wobeser, G. et al. (1970), 173, 251
Woelke, C.E. (1961), 252, 455
(1967), 120
Wojtalik, T.A. (1969), 162
(unpublished data, 1971), 163
Woker, H. (1948), 187, 454
(1955), 190
-(see Wuhrmann, K. et al., 1947), 187
Wolf, H.H. (1963), 380
Wolf, H.W. (1963), 2, 55, 74, 144, 177, 179,
189, 241, 255, 308-314, 317, 321, 339, 371
Wolfe, D.A. (1970), 480
Wolfe, M.A. (see Cline, J.F. et al., 1969), 328
Wolgemuth, K. (1970), 244
Wolman, A.A. (1970), 266
Wolman, M.G. (see Leopold, L.B. et al.,
1964), 22, 126
Wood, C.S. (1964), 253
Wood, E.M. (see Cope, O.B. et al., 1970), 436
Wood, J.W. (1968), 138
--et al. (1969), 172
-(see Hublow, W.F. et al., i954), 245
Wood, R.L. (1972), 321
Wood, S.E. (1958), 399
Woodward, R.L. (1958), 59, 65
-(see Chang, S.L. et al., 1958), 91
-(see Cohen, J.M. et al., 1960), 64, 69, 71,93
-(see Cohen, J.M. et al., 1961), 78
Woolsey, T.D. (see Smith, R.S. et al., 1951,
1952, 1961), 31
Woolson, E.A. et al. (1971), 318,340
Work, R.C. (see McNultey, J.K. et al.,
1962), 279
World Health Organization (1958, 1961),
481, 482
(1959), i8
(1963, 1970), 65
(1967), 252
Wretling, A. (1967), 252
Wright, F.B. (1956), 301, 302
Wright, M.J. (1962, 1965), 315
-(see Davison, K.L. et al., 1964), 314
-(see Simon, J. et al., 1959), 315
Wright, R.L. (1966), 149
Wu, H. (1962), 56
Wuhrmann, K. et al. (1947, 1952), 187
(1948), 187' 454
(1955), 190
Wunderlich, W.E. (1962), 27
(1969), 26
Wurtz, A. (1945), 244, 245, 462
Wurtz, G.B. (1955), 408
(1961 ), 453, 458, 459
(1962), 453, 459
Wyatt, J.T. (see Silvey, J.K. et al., 1972), 82
Yae, Y. (see Yoshimura, H. et al., 1971 ), 83
Yamagata, N. (1970), 60, 245
Yamaguchi, A. (see Kuratsune, M. et al.,
1969), 83
Yamamoto, H. (see Yoshimura, H. et al.,
1971), 83
Author Index/56!
Yas.;_take, W.T. (see Amend, D.R. et al.,
. 1969), 462
Yaverbaum, P.M. (1963), 250
Yeo, R.R. (1959), 347
-(see Bruns, V.F. et al., 1964), 347
Yevich, P.P. (1970), 246, 462
Yoh, L. (1961), 463
Yonge, C.M. (1953), 279
Yoshimura, H. et al. (1971), 83
Yoshimura, T. (see Kuratsune, M. et al.,
1969), 83
Young, J.E. (see Clark, D.E. et al., 1964), 320
Young, J .0. (1967), 311
Younger, R.L. (see Clarke, D.E. et al., 1964),
Yount, J.L. (1963), 24
(1970), 26
Yudkin, J. (1937), 465
Yule, W.N. (1971), 183
Yurovitskii, Yu. G. (1964), 132
Zabik, M.J. (1969), 183
Zaitsev, Yu, P. (see Polikarpov, G.G. et al.,
1967), 471, 473, 475
Zakhary, R. (1951), 459
Zehender, F. (see Wuhrmann, K. et al.,
1947), 187
Zeller, R.W. et al. (1971), 403
Zillich, J.A. (1969), 147
(1972), 189
Zimmerman, E.R. (see Leone, N.C. et al.,
1954), 66
Zimmerman, J.E. (see Jordan, H.A. et al.,
1961), 315
Zinc, F.W. (see Grogan, R.G. et al., 1958),
Zingmark, R. (see Foster, M. et al., 1970), 258
Zitko, V. et al. (1970), 254
ZoBell, C.E. (1969), 261
Zweig, G. et al. (1961), 320
2, 4, 5-TP (2, 4, 5-trichlorophenoxy-propionic
acid), 79
2, 4-D (2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid), 79
Livestock intake, 319
ABS (alkylbenzene sulfonate), 67, 190, 403
ABS concentrations
Predictions, 404
Rainbow trout mortality, 405
ABS toxicity curves, 406
Acanthamoeba, 29
Acartia tonsa, 246
Achromobacter, 438
Acid soils
Aluminum toxicity, 339
Acipenser, 132
Actinastrum, 147
Actinomycetes, 147
Acute bioassay procedures
Fish, 1'19
Acute gastroenteritis
Polluted shellfish, 277
Backwashing, 373
Chemical regeneration of carbon, 373
Organic materials removal, 373
Thermal regeneration of carbon, 373, 375
Clarification, 373
Carbon dioxide reduction, 373
Filtration, 373
Lime softening, 373
Aerobacter, 438
Aerobic waters
Sulfonates, 67
Aeromonas, 438
Agricultural crops
EC. values, 326
Salt tolerance, 325, 326
Agricultural irrigation
Arid regions, 323, 324
Subhumid regions, 324
Agricultural waters
Aquatic organisms
Pesticide tolerance, 321
Chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides con-
tent, 318
Climate, 333
Clostridium, 321
Clostridium perfrigens, 321
Clostridium tetani, 321
Disease-producing organisms, 321
Erysipelas, 321
Escherichia-Enterobacter-Klebscilla, 321
Listeriosis, 321
Nutritional effects, 326
Parasitic organisms, 321
Pathogens, 321
Salinity in irrigation, 324, 325
Salmonella, 321
Toxicity to livestock, 319
Tularemia, 321
Field crops
Salt tolerance, 326
Forage crops
Salt tolerance, 327
Fruit crops
Salt tolerance, 325
Herbicides, 345
Insecticides, 345
Iron bacteria, 302
Irrigation, 300
Irrigation waters, 333
Milk storage, 302
Ornamental shrubs
Salt tolerance, 326
Pesticides, 318
Plant growth
Temperature effects, 328
Polluted water, 300
Salt tolerance of crops, 337
Soil bacteria
Arthrobacter, 302
Soil-irrigation effects, 333
Soil salinities
Root zone-yield significance, 325
Summer showers, 333
Trace elements in soils, 338
Vegetable crops
Salt tolerance, 327
Water for livestock, 304
Water supply management, 300
Winter precipitation, 333
Agriculture runoffs
Freshwater nutrients, 274
Air-saturated seawater, 261
Water hyacinth, 27
Uranium effects, 256
Chromium toxicity, 180
Copper toxicity, 180
Manganese toxicity, 250
Molybdenum concentration, 253
Rad tolerance, 272
Uranium concentrate, 256
Algae growth, 23, 275
Algal blooms, 317
Algal growth
Artificial destratification, 165
Temperature effects, 165
Algal nutrition
Phosphates, 253
Algal-pH interaction, 141
Alkali disease
Livestock, 316
Alkaline waters
Calcium carbonate saluratation, 54
Hardness, 54
pH value, 54
Taste, 54
Corrosive waters, 54
Natural waters, 54
Weak acid anions, 54
Alkalinity composition, 52
Aluminum-pH relationship, 242
American Fisheries Society, 28
American Kestrels
Egg shell thinning, 197
Shell thinning-DDE relationship, 226
American Oyster
Silt tolerance, 281
American Public Health Association, 29, 36
American Society of Ichthyologists and Her-
petologists, 28
Corrosiveness, 55
Groundwater, 55
Public water supply, 65
Rainbow trout mortality, 242
Sewage treatment, 55
Surface water, 55
Water distribution systems
Algal nutrient, 55
Microbial nutrient, 55
Water disinfectant, 55
Water solubility, 186
Ammonia-dissolved oxygen relationship, 242
Ammonia-pH relationship, 188
Ammonia toxicity
Fish species, 187
Muscular dystrophy, 250
Anabaena circinalis, 147
Anabaena jlos-aquae, 317
Anaerobic sediments, 239
Anaerobic soil-water environment, 322
Anas platyrhynchos, 196, 226
Anas rubripes, 195
Anas strepera, 228
Chlorine tolerance, 247
Animal protein
Marine environment, 216
Animal protein consumption
Fish source, 216
Cadmium content, 245
Drinking water intake, 306
Water consumption, 308
Water content
Daily calcium requirements, 306
Daily salt requirements, 306
Water requirements
Beef cattle, 305
Dairy cattle, 305
Horses, 305
Sheep, 305
Swine, 305
Anion exchange, 375
Ankistrodesmus, 438
Annual temperature cycle, 171
Anopheles jreeborni, 25
Anopheles quadrimaculatus, 25
Cadmium level, 246
Antarctica fowl
Mercury tolerance, 252
Antarctica Fern
Cadmium levels, 246
Mercury tolerance, 252
Bacillus anthracis, 322
Bioassay of fish, 243
Green algae effects, 243
Antimony poisoning
Humans, 243
Anus acuta, 228
Anus sp., 228
Aphanizomenon jlos-aquae, 317
Aquaculture, 277
Aquatic acclimation
Ecological balance, 154
Aquatic animals
Gas bubble disease, 132
Ionizing radiation absorption, 145
Manganese concentration, 250
Oxygen uptake, 270
PCB-reproduction effects, 177
Silver toxicity, 255
Aquatic birds
Cl. botulinum outbreaks, 196
Aquatic communities
Alteration, 165
Animal populations, 194
Oxygen concentrations, 131
Thermal criteria, 166
Thermal patterns, 165
Toxicants, 220
Aquatic ecosystems (See also Aquatic orga-
Artificial impoundments, 124
Balance, 110
Biota, 109
Bogs-wildlife relationships, 194
Community structure, 109, 110
Dimethylmercury content, 172
Dissolved solids, 142
Environmental change, 109
Estuaries, 219
Habitats, 109
Marshes-wildlife relationships, 194
Monomercury content, 172
Muskegs-wildlife relationships, 194
Oxygen requirements, 132
Pesticide contamination, 182
Pollutants, 194
Pollutants effects, 220
Pollution effects, 23 7
Seepage-wildlife relationship, 194
Suspended solids interactions, 126
Swamps-wildlife relationship, 194
Temperature sensitivity, 157
Wastes lethal toxicity, 117
Water level fluctuation, 194
Water pollutants, 109
Water temperature, 151
Water temperature fluctuations, 160
Aquatic ecosystem-wildlife relationship, 194
Aquatic environment, 109
Biological monitoring, 116
Chemical structurt::, 110
Dialkyl phthalate residues, 17 4
Dredging effects, 124
Iron contaminants, 249
Mercury from coal burning, 172
Mercury from industrial processes, 172
Mercury from weathering processing, 171
Organic mercury, 172
Physical characteristics, 110
Pollutant concentrations-disease relation-
ship, 236
Radioactive materials, 190, 270
Radioactivity levels control, 273
Radioisotope introduction, 271
Radioisotopes-food web relationship, 271
Selenium content, 254
Summer nutrient additions, 276
Aquatic food chains
Mercury content, 17 4
Aquatic form
Chronic radiation dose effects, 273
Aquatic habitats, 110
Mercury contamination, 173
Aquatic invertebrates
Thallium toxicity, 255
Aquatic life
Asphyxiation, 137
Behavior effects, 236
Bioassay system, 235
Bioresponse testing, 234
Carbon dioxide effects, 139
Chlorine toxicity, 189
Chromium sensitivity, 247
Chromium toxicity, 247
Community structure, 408
Detergent toxicity, 190
Dissolved gas pressure, 135
.Extreme temperature exposure, 161
Floating logs effects, 128
Hydrogen sulfide toxicity, 191, 193
Subject Index/563
Inorganic chemicals-marine environment
interactions, 239
Lead concentration effects, 181
Local habitats, 157
Metal hydroxide toxicity, 179
Metal toxicity, 179
Migration temperature, 164
Oil-detergents toxicity, 261
Oil loss effects, 144
Oil spills effects, 258
Oily substances toxicity, 145
Oxygen requirements, 131
pH-metals relationship, 179
pH toxicity, 140
Pesticide effects, 434
Pollutants-genetic effects, 237
Pollution effects evaluation, 408
Reproduction-water temperature relation-
ships, 164
Spawning temperatures, 164
Physiological adaptation, 137
Temperature acclimation, 171
Thermal criteria, 157
Thermal requirements, 164
Thermal resistance, 161
Thermal tolerance, 160
Water temperature limits, 165
Water temperature safety factor, 161
Winter maxima temperature, 160
Aquatic macrophytes
Aesthetic values, 26
Sports fishermen, 26
Aquatic mammals
Surface oil hazards, 196
Aquatic microorganisms
Bioassays, 235
Water characteristics alteration, 127
Aquatic molluscs
Mercury intake, 173
Aquatic organisms
Aliphatic hydrocarbon synthesization, 145
Arsenic chronic effects, 243
Arsenic lethal doses, 243
Arsenic poisoning, 243
Average temperature tolerance, 170
Bioassays, 1 09
Boron toxicity, 244
Bromine toxicity, 245
Cadmium chronic effect, 246
Chlorine exposure, 189
Chlorine toxicity, 189, 246
Chronic exposure to mercury, 17 4
Clean water relationship, 408
Community diversity, 408
Community structure, 109
Copper lethality, 248
Diversity indices, 408
Dredging effects, 124
Environmental changes, 152
Flavor impairing materials uptake, 148
Hydrogen sulfide toxicity, 256
Inorganic chemicals
Accumulation, 469-480
Dosage, 450-460
Sublethal doses, 461-468
564/Water Quality Criteria, 1972
Irradiation, 271
Larvae pollution sensitivity, 236
Lethal threshold temperatures, 410
Mercury compounds, 252
Mercury concentration in tissue, 17 4
Migrations, 236
Methylmercury intake, 172
Mortality levels, 162
Organic compounds
Toxicity data, 484-509
Organochlorine compounds
Accumulation, 183
Organochlorine pesticide accumulation,
pH effects, 141
Particulate material
Bottom-settling effects, 281
Phosphates-primary production effects,
Phosphates tolerance, 253
Phytoplankton growth, 124
Pollutant concentrations, 233
Pollutant sublethal effects, 233
Polluted water, 408
Pollution-nutrition relationship, 237
Polychlorinated byphenyls in tissues, 177
Polychlorinated byphenyls toxicity, 176
Primary productivity, 281
Radioactivity effects, 190, 270
Radioisotope concentrations, 193, 271
Radioisotope content, 192
Reproductive cycle-chronic toxicity ef-
fects, 235
Species protection, 109, 110
Sublethal lead effects, 250
Temperature changes, 151
Temperature-reproduction relationships,
Temperature resistance, 410
Temperature tolerance, 151
Testing, 119
Thallium nitrate effects, 256
Thermal criteria, 168
Thermal responses, 152
Thermal shock, 168
Thermal shocks mix, 170
Threshold values, 282
Toxic concentrations acceptability, 118
Uranium toxicity, 256
Waste contamination, 109
Waste exposure time, 231
Water quality management, 109
Water temperature, 151
Aquatic plant communities
Bicarbonate alkalinity, 194, 195
Aquatic plant growth
Cation requirement, 23
Aquatic plants
Barium chloride lethality, 244
Free oil effects, 144
Ionizing radiation absorption, 19 5
Mercury content, 251
Oil emulsions effects, 144
Oxygen requirements, 131
Oxygen uptake, 270
Silt deposits accumulation, 19 5
Aquatic pollution
Larvae mortality, 236
Aquatic populations
Dissolved oxygen concentrations, 270
Thermal alterations, 152
Aquatic populations survival
Water temperature effects, 161
Aquatic species
Critical temperatures, 171
Harvest control, 110
Hydrogen sulfide chronic exposure level,
Aquatic systems (See also Aquatic ecosystems
and Aquatic organisms)
Dissolved solids
Animal growth, 142
Plant growth, 142
Herbicides content, 183
Inorganic materials interaction, 111
Organic material interaction, 111
Pesticide distribution, 183
Physical factors
Bottom contour, 111
Currents, 111
Depth, 111
Flow ve!ocity, 111
Light penetration, 111
Reaeration capability, 111
Temperature, 111
Volume of water, 111
Water exchange rate, 111
Temperature-chemical reactions, 111
Aquatic test animals
Daphnia, 119
Daphnia magna, 119
Aquatic testing organisms
Acclimation, 120
Aquatic vascular plants
Bicarbonate alkalinity, 24
Biomass for waterfowl, 27
Biomass vs. boating, 27
Carbon dioxide effects, 24
Carbonate alkalinity effects, 24
Control methods, 26
Current velocity effects, 24
Dissolved oxygen effects, 24
Evaporation effects, 24
Harvest, 26
Light penetration effects, 24
Nutrient supplies effects, 24
Oxygen balance, 24
Prediction model, 24
pH effects, 24
Phytoplankton interaction, 25
Sediment composition effects, 24
Swimming tolerance, 63
Water circulation, 24
Aquatic vectors
Culex fatigans, 17
Encephalitis, 1 7
Malaria, 17
Schistosomiasis, 17, 18
Midge production, 18
Mosquitos, 17, 18
Snails, 19
Aqueous ecosystem
Persistent pollutants, 264
Arabis mosaic virus, 349
Silver nitrate effects, 255
Arcatia tonsa
Chlorine exposure times, 247
Ardea herodias, 227
Epidemiological studies, 56
Arid regions
Irrigation waters, 333
Drainage waters, 334
Irrigation water quality, 333
SAR values, 338
Fish fauna, 27
Irrigation water, 352
Aroclor®, 176, 177,226
Arrow oil spill, 262, 263
Aquatic organisms poisoning, 243
Biological oxidation, 56
Chemical forms, 56
Cumulative poison, 243
Dermatological manifestations, 56
Drinking water, 56
Carcinogenic effects, 309
Human consumption, 309
Toxicity, 309
Epidemiological studies, 56
Farm animals
Water toxicity, 309
Food intake concentrations, 56
Growth stimulant, 56
Human chronic exposure, 56
Human tolerance, 56
Inorganic, 56
Microorganism poisoning, 243
Pentavalent inorganic form, 56
Pesticides, 243
Public water supply, 56
Surface water, 56
Toxicity in water, 309
Toxicity to man, 56
Toxicity variance, 243
Water intake concentration, 56
Arsenic as carcinogen, 56
Arsenic poisoning
Human reactions, 56
Toxic symptoms, 56
Arsenic-selenium relationship, 240
Arsenicals, 310
Arthrobacter, 302
Fish food, 193
Arthropods-hydrogen sulfide relationship,
Ashy petrel
Cadmium effects, 246
Mercury concentrations, 252
Fishery management, 441
Ocean sediments, 281
Asian clam (Corbicula manilensis), 27
Barium concentration, 244
Tar ball abundance, 257
Atlantic Coast
Fisheries, 221
Waste disposal, 222, 278
Atlantic coast streams
Carbon dioxide content, 139
Atlantic salmon
Copper concentrations, 181
Copper lethal effects, 248
Zinc-copper reactions, 240
Atomic energy installations
Radiation-aquatic life relationships, 273
Au Sable River, 14
Water use
Livestock, 307
Aythya affines, 195
Aythya americana, 195, 228
Aythya collaris, 228
Aythya valisneria, 195, 228
BOD (see also biochemical oxygen demand),
55, 330
BOD test
Effluent quality, 55
Sewage treatment measurement, 55
BOD5 (5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand
test), 275
Bacillus, 438
Bacillus anthracis, 322
Back Bay, Virginia
Aquatic plant production, 194
Silt deposits, 19 5
Coliform index, 58
Public water supply, 57
Rad tolerance, 272
Bacterial pathogen detection, 276
Baha, California
Sedimented oils, 145
Tampico Maru spill, 258
Bald Eagle
Dieldrin accumulation effects, 227
Bankia setacia, 243
Ballanus ballanoides, 261, 255
Baltimore, Maryland
Urban streams, 40
Banana waterlily
Waterfowl food, 194
Adverse physiological effects, 59
Dust inhalation, 59
Human dosage, 59
Industrial use, 243
Injection-toxic effects, 59
Muscle stimulant, 59
Nerve block, 59
Public water supply, 59
Solubility, 59
Vasoconstriction, 59
Barium chloride
Bioassays, 244
Chlorine tolerance, 247
Silver toxicity, 255
Bathing beaches
Bacteriological standards, 30
Long Island Sound, 31
Bathing places
Diseases, 29
Water quality, 29
Bathing waters, 29
Chemical quality, 33
Contamination, 29
Fecal coliform index, 31
Illness incidences, 31
Meningoencephalitis, 29
Water quality requirements, 30
Nonthermal discharge distribution
Mathematical model, 403
Beach quality
Jetties and piers, 17
Bear River Migratory Bird Refuse
Cl. botulinum outbreak, 196
Benthic communities
Sedimented oils effects, 196
Surface waters, 310
Water solubility, 244
Fruit crops, 329
Bilharziasis (schistosomiasis), 18
Manganese radionuclide uptake, 251
Bioaccumulation of mercury, 172
Bioassay design
Biological characteristics, 236
Bioassay evaluation, 121
Bioassay methods
Flow-through, 119
Static, 119
Bioassay procedures, 120
Bioassay tests
Physiological processes, 237
Application factors, 121
Aquatic life stages, 235
Aquatic life tainting, 149
Aquatic microorganisms, 235
Chemical concentration, 123
Continuous flow, 119
Dissolved oxygen, 121
Exposure effects, 236
Laboratory experimentation, 119
Lethal threshold concentrations, 122
Long-term testing, 236
Minnow mortality, 128
Pollutants, 122
Safe-lethal concentration ratios, 121, 122
System design, 235
Toxicant concentration, 121
Toxicant mixtures
Sublethal effects, 122, 123
Long-term effects, 118
Toxicity measurements, 118
Toxicity tests, 121
Water quality, 118
Water tainting, 149
Subject Index/565
Biochemical oxygen demand (see also BOD), 34
Biographical notes
(Committee and panel members), 528-533
Biological communities
Canals, 171
Embayments, 171
Biological methylation, 172
Biological monitoring program
Bioassays, 116, 117
Field surveys, 116
In-plant, 116
Simulation techniques, 116
Biological treatment procedures
Virus removal, 92
Biological wastes
Organic toxicants, 264
Biomonitoring procedures, 120
Biomphalaria glabrata, 18
Long-term testing, 236
Toxic organics hazards, 264
Biota temperature deviations, 151
Bird feathers
Mercury concentrations, 252
Bird life
Chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticide tox•
icity, 227
Lead ingestion effects, 228
Mercury contamination, 198
Mercury poisoning, 172
PCB toxicity, 198
Sea water, 244
Bivalve larvae
Mercuric chloride lethality, 252
Black duck
Winter food requirements, 195
Black flies-pH effects, 141
Black Sea
Yeast uranium uptake, 256
Black waters oxygen content, 132
Blackfly larvae, 18, 22
Bloodworms (Chironomidae), 22
Bluegill sunfish
Antimony tolerance, 243
Phosphorus toxicity, 254
Bluegills, 435, 437, 438
Blue-green algae, 22
Anabaena, 22
Anabaena jlos-aquae, 317
Aphanizomenon jlos-aquae, 317
Coelosphaerium keutzingianum, 317
Discharge canals, 171
Gloeotrichia echinulata, 317
M icrocoleus vaginatus, 22
Microcystis aeruginosa, 22, 317
Nitrogen-sea water relationship, 276
Nodularia spumigena, 317
Schizothrix calcicola, 22
Toxicity, 317
Blue-green algal
Green Lake, Washington, 20
566/ Water Quality Criteria, 1972
Lake Sammamish, Oregon, 20
Lake Sebasticook, Maine, 20
Lake Washington, Washington, 20
Lake Winnisquam, New Hampshire, 20
Livestock water intake, 317
Blue mussel (Mytilus edulis), 37
Bluegills, 128
Aroclor® exposure, 177
Aroclor® toxicity, 176
Cadmium lethality, 180
Chromium toxicity, 180
Hardwater-zinc toxicity, 182
Hydrogen sulfide tolerance, 193
Malathion exposure effects, 185
pH effects, 141
Pesticide synergisis, 184
Phthalate ester toxicity, 175
Phenol toxicity, 191
Softwater-zinc toxicity, 182
Bluegill sunfish
Cadmium lethality, 180
Blythe, California
Irrigation water, 348
Social aesthetics, 14
Boca Cieza Bay
Dredging effects, 279
Blowdown, 378
Cooling waters, 379
Once-through, 376
Equipment damage, 376
Feedwater, 377
High-pressure, 376
Heat transfer equipment, 377
Ion exchange, 376
Ion exchange resins, 376
Low-pressure, 376
Makeup treatment processes, 379
Oily matter, 376
Once-through cooling
Underground aquifers, 377
Oxidants, 376
Recirculated water
Biological growths, 379
Corrosion, 379
Scale control, 379
Recycling steam condensate, 378
Regeneration, 376
Scale-forming hardness, 376
Silica, 376
Waste water potential
Biological organisms, 379
Suspended solids, 379
Water makeup, 378
Water quality requirements, 376, 377
Boilers evaporation process
Dissolved solids concentrate, 379
Boilers feed water quality requirements, 379
Boric acid
Minnow fatality, 245
Groundwater, 310
Natural waters, 310
Public water supply, 59
Sea water, 244
Oil pollution, 145
Recommended concentrations, 187
Bottled and canned soft drinks
Description of industry, 392
Water composition, 393
Water quality indicators, 392
Water quality requirements
Point of use, 393
Water reuse, 392
Water softening processes, 393
Water treatment processes, 393
Water use
Consumption, 392
Discharge, 392
Intake, 392
Recycle, 392
Water use processes, 392
Bottom fauna
Sunken oil effects, 262
Bottom materials resuspension
Nutrient fertilization occurrence, 281
Toxic materials release, 281
Bottom sediments
Hydrogen sulfide content, 256
Oil degradation, 262
Bird mortality, 197
Botulism epizootic areas, 196, 197
Botulism poisoning, 196
Boundary waters canoe area, 13
Brachydanio rerio, 435
Brackish waters
Oyster-pH relationship, 241
Branta Canadensis, 228
British Columbia
Irrigation water contaminates, 349
Water taste effect, 245
Brook trout, 437
Chromium chronic effects, 180
Copper-reproduction effects, 180
Hard water
LCSO values, 181
Mercury toxicity, 173
Methylmercury content, 173
Oxygen requirements, 131
pH effects, 141
LCSO values, 181
Water temperature-mortality relationship,
Brown pelican
Heavy metals pollution, 226
PCB-shell thinning relationship, 226
Reproductive failure, 197
Shell thinning-DDE relationship, 227
Brown trout (Salmo trutta), 27
pH effects, 141
Brownsville Ship Channel
Spoil deposits, 279
pH effects, 141
Burea of Land Management, 9
Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, 9, 10
Bureau of Reclamation, 9
Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, 9
Di-n-butyl phthalate
Toxicity to fish, 17 5
Buzzards Bay
Fuel oil spill, 258
CAM (Carbon absorption method), 75
CAM sampler
Low-flow, 75
High-flow, 75
CCE (Carbon-chloroform extract), 75
Carcinogenic properties, 75
Drinking water, 75
Water quality measurement, 75
COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand), 275, 330
Cabot tern
Oily water effects, 196
Caddis flies
pH effects, 141
Iron effects, 249
Caddo Lake, Texas, 26
Absorption effects
Ruminants, 310
Cardiovascular disease, 60
Cumulative poison, 179
Drinking water, 310
Electroplating plants, 60
Ground water, 310
Itai-itai disease, 245
Fish poisoning, 179
Hepatic tissue, 60
Mammal poisoning, 179
Natural waters, 310
Pesticides, 245
Poisoning, 60
Public water supply, 60
Renal tissue, 60
Shell growth effects, 246
Toxicity, 60, 310
Water pollutant, 245
Zinc smelting by-product, 239
Cadmium concentration
Public water supply, 60
Calanus, 261
Agriculture waters
Climatic effects, 333
Aquatic animal introduction, 28
Fish fauna, 27
Grasscarp introduction, 28
Lithium toxicity, 344
California coastal waters
Cadmium level, 246
Mercury content, 252
California current, 32
California Fish and Game Commission, 28
California mackeral
DDT contamination, 237
Cambarus, 173, 176
Lakes, 21
Pesticides use, 440
Canada Geese
Lead ingestion effects, 228
Canadian prairies
Fish contamination, 240
Mercuries in birds, 251
Mercury in fish, 251
Cooling water, 171
Herbicides content, 347
Plant growth~ 23
Lead ingestion effects, 228
Winter food requirement, 195
Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Coastal waters-temperature effects, 238
Carassius auratus, 141, 181, 187, 193, 244
Carbamate insecticides
Mammalian toxicity, 78
Recommended concentrations, 186
Carbon dioxide in water, 139
Carcinus maenus, 247, 248
Carp (Cyprinus carpis), 27
Ammonia exposure effects, 187
Arsenic toxicity, 243
Flavor impairing contaminants, 149
Flavor tainting, 147
Iron lethality threshold, 249
pH effects, 141
Casmerodius albus, 227
Castalia jlava, 194
Castle Lake, 23
pH effects, 141
Cation-anion exchange, 375
Cation exchange, 375
Catostomus commersonni, 193
pH effects, 141
Drinking water
Sodium chloride content, 307
Molybdenum tolerance, 314
Teart toxicosis, 314
Water needs, 304, 305
Cattle feed
Arsenic-selenium relationship, 240
Caturnix, 226
Cement industry
Description, 395
Water leaching
Oxide-bearing particulates, 395
Water leaching processes, 395
Water quality requirements, 395
Water use, 395
Ceratophyllum, 24
Cercariae, 322 ,
Cercaria stagnicolae, 19
Channel catfish, 128, 435, 437
Phthalate ester toxicity, 17 5
Flavor-impairing contaminants, 149
Chattahoochee River, 305
Chemical and allied products
Industry description, 384
Manufacturing facilities, 384
Plant locations, 384
Process water usage, 385
Treatment processes
Chlorination, 385
Clarification, 385
Demineralization, 385
Filtration, 385
Ion exchange, 385
Raw water, 385
Softening, 385
Water quality, 384
Indicators, 384, 385
Water quality requirements
Low turbidity, 384
W atet; use, 384
Chemical and allied product industry
Process water intake, 384
Chemical-environmental interaction, 239
Chemical industry
Process water characteristics, 384
Chemical treatment procedure
Virus removal, 92
Chesapeake Bay, 19
Dredging effects, 279
Eurasian milfoil, 27
Ferric hydroxide content, 249
Nitrogen content effects, 281
Phosphates contents effects, 281
Spoil biomass, 279
Water salinity intake, 308
Aquatic animal introduction, 28
Dermatological manifestations, 56
Fishery management, 441
Seaweed culture, 223
Chinook salmon
Ammonia concentrations, 242
Cadmium-zinc effects, 246
Chlorine lethal threshold, 246
Chromium toxicity, 180
Gas bubble disease, 138, 139
Gill hyperplasia-ammonia relationship,
Chironomus plumosus, 435
Chiarella pyrenoidosa, 245
Chiarella Spp, 438
Foliar absorption, 328
Fruit crops sensitivity, 328
Irrigation water, 328
Public water supply, 61
Chlorinated hydrocarbons
Insecticides, 318
Human intake, 77
Water solubility, 318
Pesticides, 197
Bacteria resistence, 277
Virus resistence, 277
Aquatic organisms tolerance, 247
Hydraulic systems, 246
Paper mill treatment, 189
Potable water treatments, 189
Power plant treatment, 189
Sewage effluents treatment, 189
Subject lndex/567
Textile mill treatment, 189
Toxicity, 246
Water solubility, 246
Chlorine disinfectant
Public water supply, 50
Chlorine-pH relationship, 246
Chlorine pollutants
Aquatic organism toxicity, 247
Chlorophenoxy herbicides
Public water supply, 78, 79
Recommended safe levels, 79
Toxicity, 79
Chlorophyll a, 21
Chlorosis, 329
Drinking water
Ruminants use, 311
Freshwater organisms sensitivity, 247
Human toxicity, 62
Lake waters, 311
Oyster mortality, 247
Public water supply, 62
River waters, 311
Valence forms, 62
Chrysaora quinquecirrha
Chesapeake Bay, 19
Cladophora, 20, 124
Disease vectors, 36
Clarias batrachus, 28
Clarification, 372
Chemical additives, 372
Clear Lake, California
Trophic accumulation, 183
Clear Lake, Texas
Brown shrimp production, 279
White shrimp production, 279
Agriculture waters, 333
Humid-arid regional differences, 336
Irrigation waters, 333
Climate conditions
Evapotranspiration, 336
Clostridium, 321
Clostridium botulinum, 196
Clostridium hemolytium, 321
Clostridium perfrigens, 321
Clostridium tetanic, 321
Coagulation process
Public water supply, 50
Coastal contaminants, 264
Coastal engineering projects
Sedimentation, 279
Suspended loads, 279
Coastal environment
Contaminants, 217
DDT compound pollutants, 226
Coastal marine environment
Toxic wastes, 224
Coastal marine waters
Recreational activities, 219
Shell fish yields, 219
Coastal plain estuaries
Oxygen depletion, 270
568/Water Quality Criteria, 1972
Coastal regions
Pollutant retention time, 230
Coastal waters
Cadmium content, 245
Dissolved oxygen distribution, 270
Eutrophy, 19
Marine fish production, 217
Marine life-oil contamination effects, 261
Particulate materials content, 281
Persistent pollutants, 225
Pollutant retention time, 230
Pollution effects, 222
Waste disposal sites, 221
Waste disposals, 228
Zones of passage, 115
Coastal zone management
Experiments, 282
Drinking water
Farm animals use, 311
Surface waters, 311
Vitamin B12, 311
Phosphorus tolerance, 254
Coelosphaerium K uetzingianum, 317
Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), 27
Aroclor® toxicity, 176
Barium chloride effects, 244
Carbon dioxide concentrations, 139
Chlorine lethal threshold, 246
DDT contamination, 237
Dissolved oxygen requirements, 139
Oxygen requirements, 132
Potassium chromate lethality, 247
Coho salmon fry
Cadmium sensitivity, 180
Coke production
Water use, 388
Coldwater fish
Dissolved oxygen criteria, 132
Coliform bacteria
Public water supply
Sanitary quality, 57
Coliform index
Pathogenic microorganisms, 58
Public water supply, 63
Colorado reservoir
Fish mortality-selenium effects, 255
Colorado River, 14, 40
Nematode content, 348
Columbia Basin, Washington
Irrigation waters, 348
Columbia River
Atomic energy installations, 273
Gas bubble disease, 135
Salmon spawning, 273
Commercial fisheries
Water temperature, 151
Committee on Bathing Beach Contami-
nation, 29
Committee on Bathing Places, 29
Committee on The Biologic Effects of Atmos-
phere Pollutants, 343
Committee on Exotic Fishes and Other
Aquatic Organisms, 28
Common egret
Dieldrin accumulation effects, 227
·common tern
Heavy metals pollution, 226
Fish fauna, 27
Osprey shell thinning, 227
Contaminated waters, 322
Continental shelf
Solid waste disposal, 280
Water quality-suspended solids relation-
ship, 222
Continental weathering, 251
Conversion tables, 524-527
Cooling ponds, 377
Power plant discharge, 403
Cooling systems
Recirculating, 377, 378
Cooling tower makeup
Organic matter removal, 378
Cooling towers
Operating difficulties, 378
Cooling water, 377, 378
Centrifugal separators, 379
Noncorrosive, 379
Nonfouling, 379
Nonscaling, 379
Recirculated, 376
Recirculating rate, 378
Requirements, 377
Source composition quality, 379
Stream filters, 379
Treatment processes, 379
Cooling water entrainment, 168
Cooling water systems
Cooling towers, 377, 378
Chlorine exposure, 246
Crude oil effects, 261
Diesel oil effects, 261
Algae controls, 24 7
Difficiency in humans, 64
Drinking water
Poultry, 311
Ground water, 64
Human metabolism, 64
Human toxicity, 312
Lake waters, 311
Nutritional anemia, 64
Public water supply, 64
River waters, 311
Surface water, 64
Swine, 312
Trace element, 311
Copper uses, 248
Corbicula manilensis, 27
Coregonus, 141
Coregonus artedii, 164, 184
Coregonus clupeaformis, 164
Coregonus hoyi, 184
Coregonus kiyi, 184
Corps of Engineers, 9
Cotton bleaching, 380
Arsenic toxicity, 243
Chromium toxicity, 247
Copper effect, 248
pH sensitivity, 241
Crappies, 128
Crassius auratus, 245, 252
Crassostrea gigus
Copper toxicity, 248
Crassostrea virginica, 246, 248, 250, 253, 255,
Crater Lake, Oregon, 16, 40
Aroclor® toxicity, 17 6
Manganese tolerance, 250
Mercury content, 173
Cricotopus bicinctus, 18
Crop contamination
Polluted irrigation waters, 348
Raw sewage, 352
Crop pathogens
Fungi, 348
Herbicide residues, 347
Herbicide tolerances, 346
Insecticides residues, 346
Manganese toxicity, 344
Crude oil
Aquatic life toxicity, 261
Crude oil production, 257
Ctenopharyngodon idella, 27
Culexfatigans, 17
Cultus Lake, British Columbia
Mercury levels, 252
Currituck Sound, North Carolina
Silt deposits, 195
Chlorination, 65
Human toxicity, 65
Industrial waste concentrations, 189
Oral toxicity, 65
Public water supply, 65
Temperature-toxicity effects, 190
Cyanide toxicity, 189
Cyclops, 322
Cyclotella meneghiniana, 22
Cyprinus carpio, 27, 141, 147, 149, 187, 243
Carcinogenic effects, 76
Human exposure, 76
Milk contamination, 320
DNC (Dinitroorthocresol), 319
Dairy sanitation, 302
Daphnia, 122, 141, 173, 243, 250
Chromium chronic effects, 180
Nickel chloride threshold, 253
Selenium threshold, 255
Uranium effects, 256
Daphnia magna, 435, 438
Bromine mortality, 245
Cadmium sensitivity, 180
Copper tolerance, 180
Ferric chloride effects, 249
Lead toxicity, 181
Nickel sensitivity, 181
' \ ~
PCB-reproduction effects, 177
Phthalate ester toxicity, 17 5
Reproduction-zone effects, 182
Daphnia pulex, 438
Daphnia sp., 256
Gas bubble disease, 138
Daphnids, 435
Deep sea
Manganese nodules, 250
Organic waste disposal, 277
Permanent thermocline, 217
Solid wastes disposal, 280
Deep sea dumping, 277
Deep water decomposition, 275
Deep water-photosynthesis relationship, 275
Recommended concentration, 186
Cation exchange, 375
Dermatological manifestations
Chile, 56
Phosphates, 191
Toxicity, 190
Detroit River
Duck refuge, 195
Sedimented oil, 145
Cyanide toxicity, 190
Cyclotella meneghiniana, 22
Gomphonema parvulum, 22
Melosira varians, 22
Navicula cryptocephala, 22
Nit;:;chia palea, 22
Diesel oil spill
Shell fish fatality, 258
Dilution water
Toxicants testing, 120
Diquat (1, 1'-ethylene-2,2'-dipyridylium di-
. bromide), 79
Discharge canals
Blue-green algae, 171
Discharge temperature, 378
Dissolved gases
Cavitation, 136
Partial pressures, 135
Dissolved gas-pressure criteria, 138
Dissolved oxygen
Anaerobic reduction prevention, 65
Lakes, 65
Reservoirs, 65
Public water supply, 65
Dissolved solids
Public water supply, 90
Thermal evaporation, 375
Water condensation, 375
Distilled water
Ferrous iron concentrate, 69
Zinc taste threshold, 93
Ditch water
Sewage contaminates, 351
Ditchbank treatment, 346
Domestic wastes
Phosphorus content, 22
Dorosoma cepedianum, 139
Double-crested Cormorants
Shell thinning-DDE relationship, 227
Dracunculus, 322
pH effects, 141
Drainage-soil erosion effects, 126
Drainage waters
Arid regions, 334
Cadmium content, 245
Drinking water
CCE, 75
Arsenic content effects, 56
Hmp.ans, 309
Mice, 309
Rats, 309
Barium content tolerance, 59
Cadmium content, 60, 310
Animals use, 31 0
Carbamate insecticides, 78
Chemical content, 481, 482
Chromium content, 62
Copper content
Farm animals use, 311
Poultry, 311
Cyanide content, 65
Fluoride content, 66
Insecticide contamination, 76
Insecticides content, 76
Lead content
Livestock, 313
Ruminants, 313
Nitrates content, 315
Nitrilotriacetate content, 7 4
Nitrite content, 315
Nitrite toxicity, 73
Organoleptic properties, 80
Organophosphorus insecticide, .78
Pesticides content
Livestock, 319
Radionuclide content, 85, 318
Salinity, 195
Selenium content, 86
Farm animals, 316
Rats, 316
Sodium chloride content
Cattle, 307
Day-old poults, 308
Laying hens, 307
Sheep, 307
Swine, 307
Sodium content, 88
Sodium sulfate content, 307
Sulfate ions content, 89
TDS concentration, 90
Vanadium content, 316
Zinc content, 93
Drinking water quality, 31
Drinking water standards, 50, 51, 57, 59, 70,
90, 91, 301-303, 310, 332
EC (electrical conductivity), 325
ECe (electrical conductivity of saturation ex-
tract), 325
ElF AC (European Inland Fisheries Advisory
Commiss~on), 127
EQU (environmental quality units), 400
Subject Index/569
ESP (exchangeable sodium percentage), 330,
0 335
ESP values
Soils, 331
E. histolytical, 29
Ecological impact analysis
Environmental characteristics
Climate, 400
Hydrology, 400
Scenery, 400
Users, 400
Water quality, 400
Streams, 399
Ecological problems
Simulation techniques, 117
Ecology, 400
Biota, 219
Hydrographic patterns, 219
Eggshell thinning-DDT relationship, 198
Eel grass
Boron effects, 245
Arsenic toxicity, 243
Manganese tolerance, 250
Eichhornia crassipes, 27
Electrical semiconductors
Arsenic content, 243
Anionic membrane, 375
Cationic membrane, 375
Ion exchange, 375
Electroplating industry
Ground water
Waste contamination, 310
Elodea, 24
Cooling waters, 171
Plant growth, 23
Emulsified Oils, 144
Emulsified oils toxicity, 145
Endothal (disodium 3, 6-endoxohexa-hydro-
phlhalate), 79
Bathing waters, 29
Salt water beaches, 31
Manganese radio nuclide uptake, 251
Entamoeba coli, 351
Entamoeba histolytica, 351
Enteric viral contamination
Sewage effluents, 91
Enterobacter (aerobacter) aerogenes, 57
Enterobacter cloacae, 57
Physical manipulation, 124
Environmental conditions
Laboratory experiments, 282
Environmental management
Waste stream constituents, 116
Environmental pollution, 400
Pesticide Regulation Division, 434
Ephemera, 141
Ephemera simulans, 133
Epidemiological studies
570/Water Quality Criteria, 1972
Argentina, 56
Tiawan, 56
Erysipelas, 321
Erysyselothrix rhusiopathiae, 321
Escherica coli, 57
Nickel concentrations, 253
Uranium effects, 256
Escherichia-Enterobacter-Klebscilla, 321
Esox lucius, 172, 193
Cadmium pollution, 246
Commercial fishing, 221
Dissolved oxygen distribution, 270
Eutrophy, 19
Fertilization by man
Algae growth, 20
Slime organisms growth, 20
Water weeds growth, 20
Fertilizing pollutants, 276
Fish breeding grounds, 217
Fisheries support, 221
Marine fish production, 216
Migratory fishes, 217
Motile benthos, 281
Nonthermal discharges distribution
Matheii).atical model, 403
Nutrient enrichment, 277
Organic pollutants, 264
Overenrichment, 20
Particulate transport, 16
Plant growth, 23
Pollutant distribution, 230
Pollutant retention time, 228, 230
Power plant discharge, 403
River wastes, 221
Sanitary quality, 276
Sewage pollution, 275
Shad spawning, 221
Sport fishing, 221
Sublethal pollutants, 239
Tidal cycle, 216
Tidal flow, 220
Urban population, 219
Waste disposal, 228
Zones of passage, 115
Estuarine birds
PCB Contamination, 264
Estuarine ecology, 277
Estuarine ecosystems
Dredging effects, 279
Pesticide toxicity, 264
Estuarine environment
Oil pollution, 261
Estuarine fish
PCB concentrations, 177
Estuarine organisms
Oxygen needs, 270
Estuarine pollution
Pesticides, 37
Production reduction, 221
Waste products, 277
Estuarine turbidity
Clam eggs tolerance, 281
Oyster tolerance, 281
Estuarine waters
Cadmium content, 245
Pesticide contamination, 37
Estuary Protection Act, 10
Estuary sediments, 127
:fulachon, 164
Eurasian milfoil
(Myriophyllum spicatum), 27
Estuarine birds
PCB Contamination, 264
Marine aquaculture
Oyster, 73
Well waters
Nitrates content, 73
European Atlantic coasts
Temperature effects, 238
European Inland Fisheries Advisory Com-
mission, 140
Eurytemona affinis, 247
Chlorine exposure time, 247
Eutrophic lakes
Green Lake, Oregon, 20
Supersaturation, 136
Evaporation, 328, 329
Evapotranspiration, 324
Humidity, 323
Solar radiation, 323
Temperature effects, 323, 325
Wind effects, 323, 325
Evapotranspiration by plants
Irrigation waters, 323
The Everglades, 40
Exaphtalmus, 137
External radiation, 271
Sources, 194
FAO (see also Food and Agriculture Organi-
zation), 131, 252
FDA (see also Food and Drug Administra-
tion), 72
FRC (see also U.S. Federal Radiation Coun-
cil), 273
FDF (fast-death factor), 317
FWPCA (Federal Water Pollution Control
Administration), 55
Falco pereginus, 197, 227
Falco sparverius, 197, 226
Farm Animals
Brain mercury content, 313
Drinking water copper content, 311
Kidney mercury content, 313
Liver mercury content, 313
Methemoglobinemia, 51, 315
Selenium needs, 316
Toxic water
Arsenic, 309
Vanadium toxicity, 316
Zinc toxicity, 316
Farm ponds
Pesticide contamination, 318
Farm water supply
Pesticide content, 320
Farmstead water
Ground water, 302
Federal quarantine regulations, 302
Fasicola hepatica, 350
Fathead minnows, 128, 435, 438
Antimony effects, 243
Aroclor® exposure, 177
Beryllium chloride toxicity, 244
Cadmium lethality, 179
Chlorine toxicity, 189
Chromium chronic effects, 180
Copper-reproduction effects, 180
Detergent toxicity, 191
Hard water
LC50 values, 181
Nickei-LC50 values, 181
Zinc toxicity, 182
Hydrogen sulfide bioassays, 193
Hydrogen sulfide toxicity, 193
Malathion exposure effects, 185
Methylmercury mortality, 173
Nickel concentration
Reproduction limitations, 181
Nickel effects, 253
Nickel lethality, 253
Oil refinery effiuents effects, 144
Oxygen requirements, 132
PCB-reproduction effects, 177
Phthalate ester toxicity, 175
Soft water
LCSO values, 181
Zinc toxicity, 182
Nickei-LC50 values, 181
Uranium exposure effects, 256
Fauna introduction
Aquatic plant control, 28
Commercial fishing, 28
Forage, 28
Insect control, 28
Official agencies, 28
Pond culture, 28
Predation, 28
Sport fishing, 28
Federal Drinking Water Standards, 318
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenti-
cide Act, 4.34
Federal Power Commission, 10
Federal quarantine regulations
Farmsteads, 302
Federal Water Pollution Control Act (1948),
Federal Water Project Recreation Act, 10
Filter-feeding organisms
Oil ingestion, 262
Filtration, 3 73
Backwashing, 373
Primary treatment, 373
Fingernail clams, 22
Mercury contamination, 252
Acute ammonia toxicity, 187
Aluminum effects, 179
Antimony content, 243
Cadmium effects, 246
Carbon dioxide concentrations, 139
Chromium toxicity, 180
Commercial value, 240
Contamination, 240
Cyanide toxicity, 190
Dissolved oxygen-pH tolerances, 241
Dissolved oxygen requirements, 131, )34
Ferricyanide toxicity, 190
Free oil effects, 144
Gas bubble disease, 135, 137
Hydrogen sulfide toxicity, 193
Iron lethality threshold, 249
Manganese toxicity, 250
Accumulation, 252
Concentration, 72
Content, 1·98
Fatality dosage, 181
Intake, 173
Metal toxicity, 177
Muscular dystrophy, 250
Nickel toxicity effects, 253
Oil effects, 162, 261
Oil emulsions effects, 344
Pesticide levels
Toxic monitors, 321
Polychlorinated byphenyls
Content, 175
Dietary exposure, 176
Exposure, 176
Residue, 175, 176
pH changes tolerance, 241
pH--chlorine relationship, 189
Pesticide residues, 183
Pesticide-survival relationship, 184
Phenolics-taste relationship, 191
Phosphorus experimentation, 254
Phosphorus poisoning, 254
Phosphorus sensitivity, 240
Rad dosage, 272
Reduced oxygen concentrations
Level of protection, 133
Safe environmental level, 194
Sulfide toxicity, 255
Supersaturation, effects, 137
Supersaturation tolerance, 138
Suspended solids tolerance, 128
Temperature acclimation, 161
Thallium exposure, 256
Thermal requirements, 151
Turbidity effects, 128
Water temperature exposure, 160
Zero net growth, 154
Fish development
Light sensitivity, 162
Salinity sensitivity, 162
Thermal sensitivity, 162
Fish-eating birds
PCB accumulation, 226
Fish eggs
Fluoride effects, 249
Hydrogen sulfide toxicity, 191
Iron hydroxides effects, 249
Fish farm ponds
Growth factors, 128
Fish fauna, 27
Fish fry
Hydrogen sulfide toxicity, 191
Fish food
Aquatic macrophytes, 25
Fish food organisms
Arsenic concentrations, 243
Fish growth rates
Water temperature, 157
Fish hatcheries
Aquaculture, 151
Fish kills
Water temperature, 171
Fish life processes
Biochemical-physiological deficiencies, 239
Fish reproduction
Thermal sensitivity, 162
Fish tainting
Phenolated compounds, 147
Fish tast<;:
Phenolics, 191
Economics-human health relationship, 240
Mercury contamination effects, 237
Pollutant effects, 221
Fisheries pond culture
Phytoplankton, 24
Fishery management, 441
Aquatic vascular plants, 27
Application, 442
Methods, 441
Need, 441
Posttreatment assessment, 442
Pretreatment assessments, 442
Toxicant selection, 442
Rotenone, 441
Toxaphene, 441
Fishing license
Water recreation, 8
Fission products, 191, 271
Oxygen depletion, 270
Pollutant retention time, 230
Manganese content, 250
Flavobacter, 438
Floating oils, 144
Flood irrigation, 350
Growing seasons, 336
Lakes, 27
Soils--copper toxicity, 342
Walking catfish introduction, 28
Water hyacinth, 27
Florida elodea (Hydrilla verticilla), 26
Florida oil barge
Fuel oil spill, 258, 260
Florida State Board of Health, 18
Flounder spawn
Crude oil effects, 261
Flowing water
Organisms pollution, 18
Miracidia, 322
Dental fluorosis, 66
Public water supply, 66
.Water pollution control, 66
Fluoride poisoning
Livestock, 312
Fluoride uses, 248
Subject lndex/571
Animal intake, 312
Well water, 312
Fluorine occurrances, 248
Foaming agents
Ground water, 67
Public water supplies, 67
Surface water, 67
Synthetic anionic surfactants, 67
Synthetic detergents, 67
Food and Agriculture Organization (see also
FAO), 441
Food canning industry
Chlorination processes, 390
Description, 389
Food cleaning, 390
Fruits, 392
Gross water intake, 391
High-pressure water sprays, 390
Process water, 391
Coagulation, 391
Disinfection, 391
Filtration, 391
Sedimentation, 391
Recirculation processes, 390
Steam generation, 390
Total water use, 391
Vegetables, 392
Water-demand variation, 390
Water processes, 390
Water quality indicators, 391
Water quality requirements
Point of use, 392
Water quantity, 390
Water sources, 391
Water supplies
Chemical content, 391
Water treatment processes, 391
Water use, 389, 390, 391
Food canning processes
Water quality, 390
Food and Drug Administration (see also FDA)
Mercury concentration standards, 72
Food and Drug Directorate
Canada, 251
Food poisoning
Clostridium botulinum, 196
Food quality
Chemicals content, 481, 482
Inorganic chemical concentrations, 481,
Forest Service, 39
Fouling organisms
Chlorination lethality, 247
Frasier River, British Columbia
Sockeye salmon production, 164
Fresh water
Aluminum toxicity, 242
PCB mortality, 176
Boron effects, 244
Chemical characteristics
Alkalinity, 111
Hardness, 111
Nutrients, 111
572/Water Quality Criteria, 1972
Pollutant concentrations, 264
Fathead minnow
Bioassay tests, 253
Fish-pH requirements, 241
Gas bubble formation, 136
Indicator communities, 22
Biological effects, 249
Mercury concentrations, 173
Mercury content, 72
Mixing zones
Definition, 112
Water quality characteristics, 112
Molybdenum-phytoplankton growth ef-
fects, 252
Nickel toxicity, 253
pH extremes, 241
pH values, 140
Phosphate content, 253
Sorption process, 228
Fresh water aquaculture
Pollution effects, 223
Fresh water aquatic organisms
Environmental relationship, 109
Fresh water fish
Biologically magnified mercury, 173
Dissolved solids
Osmotic stress, 142
Lead concentrations, 250
Manganese lethality, 251
Oxygen needs, 270
pH effects, 141
un-ionized ammonia toxicity, 187
Fresh water fisheries
Chemically inert suspended solids, 128
Fresh water lakes
Malaria vectors, 25
Fresh water macrophytes
Biologically magnified mercury, 173
Fresh water organisms
Ammonia toxicity, 242
Chromium toxicity, 24 7
Cyanides toxicity, 248
Oxygen requirements, 132
Uranyl salts toxicity, 256
Fresh water phytoplankton
Biologically magnified mercury, 173
Fresh water systems
Agriculture runoff nutrients, 27 4
Fresh water receiving systems
Biological characteristics, 111
Chemical characteristics, 111
Physical characteristics, 111
Waste discharges, 111
Fresh water stream pollution
Pathogen occurrence, 57
Salmonella detection, 57
Fundulus, 251, 253
Fundulus heteroclitus, 244, 246, 247, 255, 261
Fundulus sp., 173
Recommended concentration, 186
Furrow irrigation, 350, 351
GBD (gas bubble disease), 135
GLC (gas-liquid chromatography), 439
GLC-MS (gas-liquid chromatography-mass
spectrograph), 439
Lead ingestion effects, 228
Galveston Bay
Background concentrations-wind action,
Suspended material concentrations, 281
Gam busia affinis, 191 , 24 5
Gammarus, 141, 173, 176
Gammarus Jasciatus, 176
Gammarus pseudolimnaeus, 189, 191, 435
PCB-reproduction effects, 177
Gammarus sp., 256
Gas bubble disease, 138
Gas analysis methods
Gas-liquid chromatography, 138
Instrumentation, 138
Gas bubble disease, 135, 137
Etiology, 135
Exopthalmus, 137
Hydrostatic pressure, 135
Sublethal effects, 138
Gas bubble formation
Aquatic life interface, 137
Hydrostatic-dissolved gas-pressure re-
lationship, 136
Gas nuclei
Bubble formation, 136
Gasterosteus aculeatus, 242, 255
Generation plants
Thermal power, 378
Genetic studies
Aquatic pollutants, 237
German lakes
Tainting, 147
Mercury content in water, 72
Grizzard shad
Carbon dioxide sensitivity, 139
Glass shrimp, 435
Aroclor® toxicity, 176
Global oil pollution of seas, 257
Gloeotrichia echinulata, 317
Glossary of terms, 519-523
Ammonia tolerance, 187
Barium concentration, 244
Bromine mortality, 245
Hydrogen sulfide bioassays, 193
Mercuric chloride effects, 252
Nickel chloride lethality, 253
Nickelous chloride effects, 253
pH effects, 141
Sodium selenite tolerance, 254
Softwater lead content, 181
Gomphonema parvulum, 22
Gonyaulax, 38
Toxic dinoflagellates, 38
Gonyaulax contenella, 38
Gonyaulax tamarensis, 38
Grand Canyon, Colorado, 14
Grand Canyon National Park, 40
Grass carp (Ctenopharynegodon idella), 27
Great Blue Herons
Shell thinning-DDE relationship, 227
Great-crested Grebe
Mercury contamination, 252
Great Lakes
E. botulism outbreaks, 196
Fish contamination, 240
Pollutant retention time, 230
Predatory aquatic birds, 197
Sea lamprey, 27
Thermocline changes, 161
Green algae
Antimony effects, 243
Great South Bay, New York
Nitrogen-phosphorus ratios, 276
Green Lake, Washington, 20
Blue-green algal, 20
Reclamation, 20
Greenland snow
Lead content, 249
Ground waters
Ammonia content, 55
Artesian, 52
Boron content, 310
Cadmium content, 60, 310
Contamination, 352
Contamination by deep-well injection, 52
Contamination by leaching, 52
Copper content, 64
Dissolved inorganic salts, 301
Farmstead use, 302
Fluorine concentrations, 248
Foaming agents, 67
Iron content, 69, 249
Manganese content, 71, 250
Minerals, 301
Nutrient concentration, 22
Public water supply, 50
Quality, 52
Radioactivity, 84
Radionuclides content, 317
Salinity, 330
Sodium concentration, 88
Soluble salts content
Farmsteads, 302
Sulfate concentration, 89
Sulfonates, 67
Temperature variation, 89
Waste contamination, 310
Waste mixing, 52
Ground water degrading, 52
Ground water quality
Public water supply, 52
Growing season
Florida, 336
Michigan, 336
New York, 336
Guinea worm, 322
Gulf coast
Channelization, 279
Dredging, 279
Estuaries, 279
Filling effects, 279
Spoils dumping, 279
Waste dumping, 278
Gulf of Mexico
Lake sediments, 145
Gulf Stream, 32
Lead-growth effects, 181
Nickel chloride lethality, 253
Gyraulus, 19
Haliaetus albicilla, 252
Haliaetus leucocephalus, 227
Hallett Station, Antarctica
Camium in water ford, 246
Water treatment, 301
Hamburg, Germany, 351
Harbor channels
Wastes buildup, 278
Harbor oil spillage, 263
Hard water
Antimony salts, 243
Boron toxicity, 245
Beryllium chloride toxicity, 244
Cadmium content, 180
Chromium concentration, 180
Copper concentrations, 180
Lead solubility, 181
Nickel content, 253
Zinc-fecundity effects, 182
Hard water lakes, 25
Public water supply, 68
Heat exchangers
Quality requirements, 377
Heat rejection, 377
2,4-D, 79, 346
Embryo toxicity, 79
Tetratogenic effects, 79
Terata toxicity, 79
2,4,5-TP, 79
Amitrole, 347
Canals, 347
Chlorophenoxy, 76
Dalapon, 346
Human ingestion, 79
Recommended concentration, 186
Silvex, 346
TCA, 346
2, 3, 7, 8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, 79
Toxicity, 26
Phosphorus poisoning, 254
Herring Gulls
Shell thinning-DDE relationship, 227
Heterodera schachtii, 348
Historical background
Agriculture, 2
Baseline data, 4
Commercial, 2
Disease, 1
Environmental quality, 1
Environmental Protection Agency, 2
Purification by filtration, 1
Recreation, 2
Water quality criteria, 2, 4
Water quality guidelines, 1, 2
Water standards, 4
Water uses, 2, 4
Homarus americanus, 242, 280
Molybdenum tolerance, 314
Horsehair worms, 322
Hudson Canyon
Solid wastes dumping, 280
Human health
Radiation restrictions, 273
Chronic lead poisoning, 250
Methemoglobinemia, 315
Rad dosage, 272
Rem.dosage, 272
Humid region
Climatic factors, 336
Deep horizons, 336
Evapotranspiration, 336
Humid area irrigation
Saline waters, 337
Humid regions
Irrigation water quality, 336
Rainfall predictions, 336
SAR values, 338
Soil acidity, 338
Soil characteristics, 336
Temperature ranges, 336
Trace elements, 338
Hydrilla verticillata, 26
Degradation, 261
Marine microorganism degradation, 260
Raw produce, 302
Temperature changes, 152
Hydroelectric power
Thermal fluctuations, 162
Hydrogen Sulfide
Water solubility, 193
Hydrogen sulfide-pH relationships, 192
Hydrosoils, 183
Hydrostatic pressure, 135, 136
Hypothetical power plant
Temperature change
Water cooling, 169
ICRP (International Commission on Radio-
logical Protection), 273
IDOE (International Decade of Ocean Ex-
ploration), 226
Ictaluridae, 141
lctalurus punctatus, 128, 149, 435
Ictalurus serracanthus, 171
Grass carp introduction, 28
Illinois River
Sedimented oils, 145
Power plants discharge, 403
Incipient lethal temperature, 161
Calculations, 161
Marine aquaculture, 223
Industrial effluents, 370
Detergent content, 190
Industrial raw water
Intake systems
Asian clam pest, 27
Industrial wastes
Cyanide content, 189
Subject lndex/573
Lake Sebasticook, Maine, 20
Organic toxicants, 264
Sea disposal, 278, 280
Food canning
Water use, 389
Heat-exchange equipment, 377
Petroleum refining water use, 385
Steam generation, 376
Textile mill products, 379
Water cooling, 376
Infectious hepatitus
Polluted shellfish, 277
Inorganic chemicals production
United States, 483
Pollutants-life cycle effects, 240
Inorganics-bacteria interaction, 239
Aldrin, 77
Cattle feed, 320
Chlordane, 77
Chlorinated hydrocarbons, 76, 318
DDT, 77
Dieldrin, 77
Drinking water, 76
Endrin, 77
Heptachlor, 77
Heptachlor epoxide, 77
Human absorption, 76
Human ingestion, 78
Lindane, 77
Methoxychlor, 77
Methylcarbamates, 318
Organophosphates, 318
Toxaphene, 77
Toxicity, 76, 78
Intensive aquaculture
Carrying capacity, 224
Cultivated organisms, 224
Waste accumulation sensitivity, 224
Pollution sensitivity, 224
Internal radiation, 271
Sources, 194
International Commission on Radiological
Protection, 85
Intertidal organisms--oil spill effects, 258
Copper toxicity, 247
Gas bubble disease, 138
Ion exchange
Regeneration techniques, 375
Total demineralization, 375
Waste, 375
Ionizing radiation
Animal absorption, 272
Biological effects, 195, 272
Genetic effects, 272
Plant absorption, 272
Irish Sea, Windscale, England
Atomic energy installation, 273
574/Water Quality Criteria, 1972
Farm animals
Toxicity, 312
Ground waters, 69
Industrial uses, 249
Insects tolerance, 249
Public water supply, 65, 69
Surface waters, 69
Iron bacteria
pH effects, 141
Irrigation, 300
Canals, 346
Plant growth, 23
Duration, 334
Suspended solids, 332
Frequency, 334
Management, 326
Sprinklers, 324
Thermal fluctuations, 162
Irrigation waters
Absorption, 324
Acrolein content, 346
Adsorption, 324
Animal pathogens, 350
Arid regions
Climate, 333
Ascaris ova, 350, 351
Bacterial plant pathogens, 349
Beryllium toxicity, 341
BOD values, 330
Bacillary hemoglobinuria, 322
Boron content, 341
Brackish, 336
Calcium carbonate precipitation, 334, 335
Chemical composition
Calcium-magnesium, carbonate-bicar-
bonate, 333
Calcium-magnesium, sulfate-chloride,
Sodium-potassium, sulfate-chloride, 333
Chlorides content, 328
Citrus fungus, 348, 349
Climate, 336
Climate effects, 333
Coliform content, 351
Copper sulfate content, 346
Crop yields, 324
Crops, 323
Diseases, 350
Ditch effluent, 334
Drainage, 334
Drainage from rainfall, 334
Enteric viruses, 350
Evaporation, 323
Evapotranspiration by plants, 323
Flukes, 322
Fruit crops
Salt tolerance, 328
Herbicide content, 346
Application to crops, 348
Herbicide dissipation, 346
Herbicide levels, 34 7
Herbicide residues levels, 348
Human pathogens, 350
Irrigation waters (cont.)
Humid-arid region differences, 336
Humid regions, 336
Infective nematodes
Heterodera schachtii, 348
" Pratylenchus sp., 348
Meloedogyne hapla, 348
Tylenchorhynchus sp., 348
Inorganic sediments, 336
Iron content, 343
Leaching rains, 338
Leaching rates
Climate, 334
Infiltration, 334
Leaching requirements, 334
Crop indicator, 334
Aluminum solubility control, 340
Lithium toxicity, 344
Microorganisms, 350
Nematode vector, 349
Longidorus, 349
Trichodorus, 349
Xiphinema, 349
Nitrates, 329
Organic matter content, 336
pH values, 330
Parathion, 346
Pathogens, 351
Percolation, 334
Permeability hazard, 335
Pesticides controls
Xylene, 347
Pesticide residues, 346
Pesticides, 345
Phenoxy herbicides, 347
Physicochemical properties of soil, 323
Phytoloxic constituents, 324
Phytoloxic trace elements, 338
Plant disease control, 349
Plant growth, 323, 324
Plant nematodes distribution, 348
Plant pathogens, 348
Introduction, 349
Nematodes, 349
Precipitation distribution, 333
Radioactive contamination, 332
Radium-226 concentration
Fresh produce, 332
Runoff reuse, 348 ~
SAR values, 331
Sago pondweed content, 25
Saline content, 324
Salinity, 337
Guidelines, 335
Hazards, 335
Measurements, 325
Salinity-nutrition effect, 326
Salinity tolerance of plants, 325
Salt tolerance of crops, 334
Salts-soil permeability effects, 335
Saturation percentage, 324
Semiarid regions
Climate, 333
Sodium, 329
Sodium adsorption, 330
Soil hazard to animals, 332
Soil hazard to humans, 332
Soil salinity
Sodium content, 329
pH values, 333
Steady-state leaching
Iron uptake, 334
Moisture distribution, 334
Precipitation, 334
Residual soil moisture, 334
Salt concentration, 334
Uniform mixing, 334
Strontium-90 concentration
Fresh produce, 332
Surface horizon, 333
Suspended solids, 335
TDS content, 335
Temperature, 328
Trace elements, 337, 339
Trace elements toxicity, 338
Tubercle bacilli, 351
Waste water, 351
Water quality, 323, 324, 333
Water quality criteria, 337
Xylene content, 346
Irrigation water-crop relationships, 337
Israel rearing ponds
Tainting, 147
Itai-itai disease, 60, 24
Fish-management lethality effects, 251
Itai-itai disease, 60
Seaweed culture, 223
Japanese fishing
Mercury contamination, 252
Japanese quail
Shell thinning-DDE relationship, 226
Jellyfish, 19
Boron effects, 245
Chlorine effects, 247
Chromium effects, 247
Copper-photosynthesis relationships, 248
Lead tolerance, 250
Mercuric chloride effects, 252
Kelp resurgence
Pollution effects, 237
Silver lethality, 255
Recreational water, 39
Klamath Lake Wildlife Refuges, 346
LAS (linear alkyl benzene sulfonate), 67, 190
LBVV (Lettuce Big Vein Virus), 349
LC50 (median lethal concentration), 118
LOT (load on top), 262
Laboratory control conditions
Biological effects, 239
Labrador current, 32
Lagondon rhomboides, 177
Mosquito infestations, 18
Classification, 19
Enrichment, 20
Hypothetical integrated time-exposure
data, 403
Lake Erie
Arsenic content, 243
Biotic shifts, 23
Dophnia magna-manganese effects, 250
Nickel chloride effects, 253
Suspended matter, 126
Watershed, 23
White fish population, 164
Lake fish
Reproduction-temperature relationships,
Lake herring
Reproduction temperatures, 164
Lake Huron
Antimony content, 243
Lake hypolimnia, 157
Lake Michigan, 11
Chubs contamination, 184
Coho Salmon contamination, 184
DDT contamination, 237
Lake herring contamination, 184
Pesticide residue
Coho Salmon fry mortality, 184
Lake trout contamination, 184
Temperature, 164
Lake Poinsett, South Dakota
Trophic accumulation, 183
Lake productivity
Plankton, 82
Lake St. Clair
Mercury content, 198
Lake Sammamish, Oregon, 20
Lake Sebasticook, Maine, 20
Lake sediments
Gulf of Mexico, 145
Minnesota, 145
Lake stratification
Turbidity effects; 127
Lake Superior
Pollutant retention time, 230
Lake Tahoe, California, 16, 40
Lake thermoclines, 157
Lake trout
Reproduction temperatures, 164
Lake trout fry
DDT-DDD residue, 184
Lake Washington
Chlorophyll a content, 21
Eutrophy from sewage, 20
Oligatrophic-mesotrophic lake, 20
Oscillatoria rubescens content, 20
Phosphate content, 22
Lake waters
Carbon content, 23
Chromium content, 311
Copper content, 311
Lead content, 312
Lake water cooling
Hypothetical power plant, 166
Lake Winnisquam, New Hampshire, 20
Biomass, 22
Blue-green algae, 22
Carbon-algae relationship, 23
Deep layers, 132
Dissolved oxygen, 65
Dissolved oxygen regime, 133
Dinamic characteristics, 21
Eutrophy, 19
Fish crops, 20
Florida, 27
Hypolimnion, 132
Ice for'mation, 161
Industrial discharge-temperature relation-
ship, 195
Mosquito infestation, 18
Nonthermal discharge distribution
Mathematical model, 403
Nutrient concentrations, 22
Nutrient effects, 20
Organic mercury content, 172
Overenrichment, 20
Oxygen concentration, 132
Particulate transport, 16
Pesticides content, 183
Phosphorus content, 81
Plankton content, 20
Pollutant retention time, 230
Pollution distribution, 230
Power plant discharge, 403
Sedimentation, 17
Soluble oxygen depletion, 111
Trophic states, 21
Waste water inflow
Nutrient concentration, 22
Surface water temperatures, 164
Water density-surface water temperature
relationship, 164
Wind waves, 17
Zones of passage, 115
Land and Water Conservation Fund, 10
Land-water relationships, 126
Largemouth bass, 437, 438
Antimony effects, 243
Carbon dioxide sensitivity, 139
Dissolved oxygen requirements, 134
Gas bubble disease, 138
Mortality-water temperature relationships,
Oxygen requirements, 132
Plume entrainment effects, 170
Largemouth black bass, 128
Larus argentatus, 227
Laying hens
Drinking water
Sodium chloride content, 307
Chronic toxicity, 181
Hard water solubility, 181
Human intake by food, 70
Industrial exposure, 70
Intoxication in children, 70
. Lake waters, 312
Public water supply, 70
Excessive levels, 70
River waters, 312
Subject Index/575
Soft water solubility, 181
Surface waters, 70
Toxicity, 70
Water hardness, 181
Toxicity in animals, 313
Waterfowl ingestion, 196
Lead in fish
Safe-to-lethal ratio, 181
Lead-multiple sclerosis relationship, 250
Lead-muscular dystrophy relationships, 250
Lead poisoning
Cattle, 313
Children, 70
Livestock, 313
Symptoms in man, 250
Zoo animals
New York City, 249
Leander squill a, 24 7
Lebistes, 181
Leeches, 22
Leiostomus ;:.anthurus, 177
Lentic water
Gas bubble disease, 135
Lepomis gibbosus, 141
Lepomis macrochirus, 128, 141, 149, 177, 180,
182, 184, 191, 193, 243, 254, 435
Lepomis microlophus, 128
Leptospirosis, 29
Agricultural waters, 321
Lesser scaup
Winter food requirements, 195
Lime softening, 372, 373
Clarification, 373
Filtration, 373
Flocculent chemicals, 373
Silica removal, 373
Sodium cation exchange, 373
Listeria monocytogenes, 321
Listeriosis, 321
Agricultural water toxicity, 319
Anthrax, 322
Body water loss
Diuretic effects, 304
Evaporation, 304
Chronic fluoride poisoning, 312
Drinking water
Lead content, 313
Pesticides content, 319
Fluoride poisoning, 312
Insecticide poisoning, 319
2,4-D intake, 319
Lead poisoning, 313
MCPA intake, 319
Mercury absorption, 313
Mercury intake, 314
Methyl mercury, 313
Parasitic protozoa, 322
Livestock water
Pesticides in water, 318
Pesticides poisoning, 319
Phenoxyacetic acid derivatives, 319
Water consumption, 304
Water intake
576/Water Quality Criteria, 1972
Iron content, 312
Mercury content, 314
Molybdenum intake, 314
Nitrates effects on reproduction, 315
Nitrates poisoning, 314
Nitrites poisoning, 314
Radionuclides toxicity, 317
Selenium poisoning, 316
Toxic algae, 317
Water salinity effects, 307
Zinc in diet, 317
Livestock water
Pesticide content, 318
Acaricides, 319
Fungicides, 319
Herbicides, 319
Insecticides, 319
Molluscides, 319
Rodenticides, 319
Aluminum concentration, 242
Lead tolerance, 250
Long Island, New York
Great South Bay, 276
Marine waters, 37
Osprey shell thinning, 227
Long Island Sound, 31
Cadmium in water fowl, 246
Mercury concentration, 252
PCB in fish, 226
Longidorus, 349
Lota lota, 141
Water hyacinth, 27
Louisiana marshes
Background values, 281
Lower Yakima Valley, Washington
Irrigation water
Plant-parasitic nematodes, 348
Lumber and wood industry
Description, 381
Processes using water, 381
River use, 381
Lumber industry (See also Lumber and wood
Solution treatment, 382
Water quality characteristics; 382
Water quality indicators, 382
Water turbidity, 382
Lymnaea, 19
Lumnaea emarginata, 19
MBAS (methylene blue active substances),
67, 190
Livestock intake, 319
MPC (maximum permissible concentration),
MPN (most probable number), 36
MS (matric suction), 324
Macrocystis, 245
Macrocystis pyrifera, 247, 248, 250, 252
Macroinvertibrate population
Suspended solids effects, 128
Oily water effects, 196
Makeup water
Municipal sewage treatment, 378
Mallard Ducks
PCB-shell thinning relationship, 226
Lead ingestion effects, 228
Shell thinning-DDE relationship, 226
Man-made radioisotopes, 271
Distribution systems deposits, 71
Ground water, 71
Industrial use, 250
Natural water
Trace element, 313
Public water supply, 65, 71
Seawater phytoplankton growth, 250
Surface waters, 71
Manganese toxicity, 250
Manganese zeolite, 375
Marine alga
Mercury sensitivity, 173
Marine animals
Manganese concentration, 251
Nickel content, 253
PCB mortality, 176
Marine aqua culture
Disease sensitivity, 224
Economic factors, 223
Europe, 223
Extensive culture, 222
Southeast Asia, 223
Floating cage culture, 223
Intensive culture, 222, 223
Species harvest, 222
United States, 223
Water exchange effects, 223
Water quality, 223, 224
World food production, 222
Marine aquatic life
Boron toxicity, 245
Water quality criteria, 219
Marine biotoxins, 37
Marine birds
Oil pollution effects, 258
Marine communities
Aluminum hydroxide effects, 242
Marine contaminants, 264
Marine ecosystems
Halogenated hydrocarbons, 264
Intertidal zones, 220
Pollutant concentration, 225
Pollution effects, 216, 220
PCB contamination, 264
Sewage treatment products, 27 4
Shell thinning-DDT relationship, 227
Toxic pollutants, 220
Water quality, 216
Marine embayments
Fertilization by man
Algae growth, 20
Slime organisms growth, 20
Water weeds growth, 2
Marine environment
Acute toxicities
Bioassays, 233
Animal nutrition, 240
Animal protein production, 216
Antagonism, 240
Aquatic organisms
Bioanalysis, 233
Assessment methods
Bioassay design, 235
Base metal contamination, 239
Beryllium photosynthesis, 244
Biological production, 220
Biological species, 217
Bioresponse testing, 234
Chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides, 230
DDT compound pollutants, 226
Energy flow, 220
Exchanges, 219
Fecal coliform index, 276
Fishery production indicators, 222
Food chain bioaccumulation, 240
Hazard assessment, 234
Incipient LC50-acute toxicity relation-
ship, 234
Toxicity, 234, 235
Inorganic chemicals pollution, 238, 239
Materials cycling, 220
Mercury levels, 252
Metals accumulation, 240
Mixing zones, 231
Modelling, 235
Modification effects, 219
Nutrient elements additives, 275
Oil contamination, 257
Oil pollution
Gas chromatography identification, 258
Oil pollution control, 257, 262
Ore processing releases, 239
Organic material production, 275
Organic pollutants, 264
pH fluctuation, 241
Persistent pollutants
Atmospheric fallout, 264
River runoffs, 264
Ship dumping, 264
Pesticide content, 37
Petroleum hydrocarbon losses, 257
Plant nutrition, 240
Sublethal effects, 236
Pollutant bioanalysis, 233
Pollutant categories, 238
Pollutant distribution, 228, 229
Pollutant toxicity, 233
Pollution effects, 218
Radioactive discharges, 273
Species diversity, 220
Synergism, 240
Temperature pollution, 238
Variable conditions, 217
Marine fish production
Estuaries, 216
Marine fisheries
Coastal waters crops, 221
Estuarine crops, 221
Ocean crops, 221
Marine life
Pesticide toxicity, 264
M;arine organisms
Cadmium concentration<;, 246
Contaminant accumulation, 217
Copper accumulation, 248
Crude oil toxicity, 258
DDT contamination, 264
Environment modification tolerance, 224
Hydrocarbon ingestion, 260
Mercury content, 251
Oil ingestion, 237
Marine organisms mortality
Oil spills effects, 258
Marine organisms
Oil toxicity, 261
Oil toxicity studies, 261
Organics toxicity, 264
Oxygen loss, 270
Oxygen needs, 270
Pollutants effects, 221
Pollutant uptake, 228
Thermal limits, 238
Uranyl salts toxicity, 256
Vanadium concentration, 257
Marine phytoplankton
Ethyl mercury phosphate lethality, 173,
Organic material production, 275
Marine plants
Cadmium content, 245
Fertilizing elements, 275.
Manganese concentration, 251
Nickel content, 253
Marine system organic chemicals
Fungicides, 265
Halogenated hydrocarbons, 268
Herbicides, 265
Insecticides, 266
Pesticides, 265
Plasticizers, 268
Surface-active agents, 268
Tar, 268
Toxicity, 265
Marine vegetation
Boron effects, 245
Marine waters
Ecosystems, 219
Fish residue concentrations, 225
Human uses, 219
Mutagen pollutants, 225
Persistent pollutants, 225
Phosphate input control, 254
Pollutant accumulation rates, 225
Pollutant-physiological function relation-
ship, 225
Sludge disposal, 277
Teratogen pollutants, 225
Marine wildlife
Aldrin toxic effects, 227
Birds, 224
Dieldrin effects, 227
Eggshell thinning, 225
Embryos mortality-PCB relationship, 226
Endrin effects, 227
Fish, 224
Food webs, 224
Heavy metals pollution, 226
Heptachlor effects, 227
Invertebrates, 224
Lead ingestion, 228
Mammals, 224
Organochlorine insecticides, 227
PCB accumulation, 226
Plankton as food, 224
Pollutant concentrations in fish, 225
Radionuclides accumulations, 226
Reproductive capacity, 225
Reptiles, 224
Shell thinning-DDE relationship, 226
Alkalinity-salinity relationship, 196
Malaria vectors, 25
Plant growth, 23
Iron effects, 249
pH effect, 141
Oxygen requirements, 133
Marine aquaculture, 223
Meloidogyne hapla, 348
Meloidogyne incognita, 348
M.javanica, 348
Mendota Lake, Wisconsin, 20
Melosira varians, 22
Menistee River, 14
Acute poisoning, 72
Agricultural use, 72
Alkyl compounds, 72
Animal organs, 313
Beer, 72
Bird mortality, 198
Chronic exposure, 72
Chronic poisoning, 72
Fish tolerance, 72, 181, 198
Global production, 251
Human ingestion, 72
Human intake in food, 72
Industrial exposure, 72
Industrial uses, 251
Livestock, 314
Maximum dietary intake, 72
Natural waters, 313
Ocean contaminants, 251
Poultry, 313
Public water supply, 72
Rain water, 72
Sea water, 72
Springs, 72
Surface waters, 313
Swordfish contamination, 237
Tap water, 72
Toxicity, 72
Tuna fish contamination, 237
United States
Rivers, 72
Streams, 72
Mercury apsorbtion
Livestock, 313
Mercury in fish
Human poisoning, 172
Trophic level in food chain, 172
· Mercury in water
Germany, 72
Mercury pollution, 72
Mercury toxicity, 251
Metals toxicity
Fish, 177
Subject Index/577
Metals toxicity-pH relationship, 241
Humans, 315
Drinking water, 73
Farm animals, 315
Heredity defects, 73
Water analysis, 73
Insecticides, 318
Methyl mercury
Livestock, 313
Methylene blue
Foaming agents measurement, 67
Methymercury in environment, 172
Drinking water
Arsenic content, 309
Michigan, 14
Au Sable River, 14
Growing seasons, 336
Manistee River, 14
Pere Marquette River, 14
Pine River, 14
Michigan Department of Natural Resources,
Microbial oil decomposition
Oxygen requirement, 261
Microbial species
Particulate substratum, 127
Microbiological degradation
Oil in sea, 263
Microbiological index
Estuarine sanitary quality, 276
M icrocystis aeruginosa, 317
Micropterus salmoids, 128, 132, 134, 138, 139,
149, 243
Micropterus salmonides, 437
Microregma, 256
Nickel concentrations, 253
Midge larvae, 435
Midges, 22
Milk contaminants
DDT, 320
Dieldrin, 320
Minamata disease, 172
Minamata, Japan
Mercury contamination of fish, 172
Minamata Bay, Japan
Mercury discharge, 251
Mercury lethal levels, 251
Mineralized water, 90
Sorptive capacity, 127
Mining and cement industry (See also Mining
industry and Cement industry)
Description, 394
Mining industry
Formation water composition, 395
Freshwater makeup, 394
Copper sulfide concentration, 394
578/Water Quality Criteria, 1972
Froth flotation operations, 394
Leach solution analysis, 394
Leaching processes, 394
Oil recovery
Released gases, 395
Water composition, 394
Water flooding, 394
Water injection, 395
Process water
Chemical composition, 394
Copper sulfide concentration, 394
Recycled water, 394
Sea water composition, 395
Secondary oil recovery, 394
Water flooding
Anaerobic bacteria, 395
Quantity, 395
Water processes, 394
Water quality requirements, 394
Water quantity, 394
Water reuse, 394
Water use
Formation, 395
Impurity levels, 394
Sea water, 395
Surface waters, 395
Lake sediments, 145
Boric acid lethality, 245
Ferric hydroxide effects, 249
Manganous chloride lethality, 251
pH effects, 141
Phenol toxicity, 191
Sodium arsenate
Lethal threshold, 243
Miracidia, 322
Grass carp introduction, 28
Water hyacinth, 27
Mississippi River, 372
Detergent concentration, 191
Pesticide content, 319
Cadmium in springs, 245
Mine. waters
Cadmium content, 310
Missouri River, 11
Coliform densities, 57
Tainting, 147
Water plant intake, 57
Water quality
Bacterial content, 57
Mixed bed exchange
Complete demineralization, 375
Mixed water body, 171
Mixing zone
Aquatic species
Pollution exposure time effect, 231
Bioassay methodology applicability, 114
Biological considerations, 113
Configuration, 114
Discharges, 112
Hypothetical field situations, 403
Mathematical models, 112, 403
Nonmobile benthic organisms, 113
Organisms exposure, 113
Overlapping effects, 114
Physical considerations, 112
Plankton protection, 113
Plume configuration, 114
Receiving systems, 112, 114
Receiving waters, 231
Short-time exposure
Thermal effects, 114
Short-term exposure
Toxicity effects, 114
Strong swimmers, 113
Water quality, 403
Time exposure calculations, 113, 114
Water quality characteristics, 231
Weak swimmers, 113
Cadmium concentration, 246
Chromium toxicity, 247
Copper toxicity, 180
Gas bubble disease, 135
Pesticide content, 37
Toxic planktonic algae, 38
Mollusks (See Molluscs)
Alga growth factor, 253
Cattle, 314
Industrial use, 253
Livestock, 314
Toxicity to animals, 344
Molybdenum tolerance
Farm animals, 314
Horses, 314
Sheep, 314
Swine, 314
Molybdenum toxicity
Rats, 314
Monona Lake, Wisconsin, 20
Moriches Bay, New York
Nitrogen-phosphorus ratios, 276
Morone americana, 249
Morone saxatilis, 27, 279
Moses Lake, Oregon, 21
Mosquito fish
Boron effects, 245
Phenol toxicity, 191
Mosquitos, 17, 18
Mud-water interface
Hydrogen sulfide content, 191
Muddy waters, 127
Chromium toxicity, 247
Oil toxicity, 262
Municipal raw water
Intake systems
Asian clam pest, 27
Municipal sewage discharge, 274
Municipal treatment systems
Wastewaters, 351
Municipal wastewater
Pathogens, 351
Municipal waters
Chlorinated disinfectant, 80
Myriophyllum, 24
Myriophyllum spicatum, 26, 27
Mytilus edulis, 37
NCRP (National Council on Radiation Pro-
tection and Measurements), 273
NSSP (National Shellfish Sanitation Pro-
gram), 36
NTA (nitrilotriacetate), 74, 191, 276
Affinity for elements, 7 4
Affinity for toxic metals, 74
Biodegradation, 74
Naegleria gruberi, 29
Nannochloris atomus, 276
National Council on Radiation Protection, 85
National Park Service, 9, 10, 14
National Recreation and Parks Association,
National Shellfish Sanitation Program, 36
Natural radiations
Oceans, 271
Natural state of waters, 21
Natural streams
Water quality, 39
Natural surface waters
Ferric content, 249
Fluorine content, 248
Total dissolved solids
Carbonates, 142
Chlorides, 142
Nitrates, 142
Phosphates, 142
Sulfates, 142
Natural water temperature
Evaporation, 32
Solar radiation, 32
Wind movement, 32
Natural waters
Acidity, 140
Acute toxicity studies, 234
Alkalinity, 140
Calcium carbonate, 54
Hydrolyzable coagulates, 54
Aluminum ionization, 179
Ammonia content, 55
Aquatic life, 35
Beryllium content, 244
Boron, 310
Cadmium conte\}t, 3~0
Carbon dioxide, 140
Carbonate system, 140
Chemical system
Carbonate equilibria, 54
Chromium occurrence, 62
Galena content, 312
Manganese content, 313
Mercury content, 313
Nitrates concentrations, 314
Nitrite concentration, 314
Oxygen concentration, 131
pH change, 140
pH--cyanide levels, 189
pH fluctuations, 140
pH values, 80, 140
Phosphates content, 253
Pollution, 39
Recreational resources
Carrying capacity, 13
Salmonella organisms, 31
Sodium concentrations, 88
Sorption process, 228
Sunlight absorption, 126
Sunlight penetration, 16
Suspended solids, 16
Temperature, 32
Viruses, 322
Water quality
Alkalinity, 54
Zinc content, 316, 317
Natural weathering-lead effects, 249
Navicula, 147
Navicula cryptocephala, 22
Nereis diversicolor, 248
Nereis vir ens, 24 7, 248, 261
New England
Coastal waters
Nitrogen compounds, 276
New Jersey coast
Solid waste disposal, 280
New York
Ground water contaminants, 310
Growing seasons, 336
New York Bight
Acid-iron wastes disposal, 280
Fish fin rot, 280
Spoil deposit slope, 282
New York City
Zoo animals
Lead poisoning, 249
New York Harbor
Benthic community alterations, 279
Sewage sludge dump, 279
Fish survey, 254
Newfoundland coast
Phosphorus poisoning, 254
Beef heifers
Saline waters effects, 307
Daphnia magna sensitivity, 181
Fish sensitivity, 181
Industrial uses, 253
Ion toxicity, 253
Nickel lethal concentrations, 253
Niigata, Japan
Mercury poisoning, 251
Nitrate in milk, 314
Nitrate-nitrite concentration
Toxicity, 73
Ruminants, 314
Water quality, 302
Nitrate poisoning
Infant methemoglobinemia, 73
Nitrate tolerance
Poultry, 315
Irrigation water, 329
Plant growth, 329
Nitrates intake
Farm animals, 315
Livestock, 314
Nitrates-reproduction effects
Livestock, 315
Drinking water, 74
Nitrite tolerance
Poultry, 315
Methemoglobinemia, 73
Public water supply, 73
Nitrites poisoning
Livestock, 314
Nitzschia dr licatissum, 173
Nitzschia palea, 22
Nodularia spumigena, 317
North America
Cl. hemolyticum in water, 321
Estuarine birds
PCB contamination, 264
Marine waters
DDT compounds pollutants, 226
Osprey shell thinning, 227
Well waters
Nitrates content, 73
North American birds
Eggshell thinning, 197
North Atlantic Ocean
Marine organisms
PCB contamination, 264
North Dakota State Department of Health,
Northeast Pacific
Barium in fish, 244
Northern pike
Mercury assimilation, 172
Mercury sensitivity, 173
Northern pike eggs
Hydrogen sulfide concentrations, 256
Hydrogen sulfide toxicity, 193
Northern pike fry
Hydrogen sulfide toxicity, 193
Nuphar, 24
Nutrient-rich water
Diatoms content, 22
Nymphaea odorata, 25
Ocean outfalls
Power plant discharge, 403
Ocean sediments
Mercury concentrations, 172
Oceanites oceanicus, 246
Oceanodroama homochroa, 246, 252
Lead input, 249
Natural radiation, 190, 271
Nonthermal discharge distribution
Mathematical model, 403
Oil contamination, 257
Oil persistence, 260
Particulate material discharge, 278
Pollutants, 216 ·
Uranium content, 256
Waste dumping, 278
World War II oil spills, 261
Ocl!romonas, 256
Odonata, 141
Water contaminant indicator, 74
Subject lndex/579
Odoriferous actinomyces
Water flavor impairment, 148
Ohio River, 31
Channel catfish contamination, 149
Oil and grease
Public water supply, 74
Oil detection
Remote sensor characteristicS, 259
Oil industry (See also Petroleum industry)
Rock formation
Permeability, 395
Water flooding technique, 394
Oil pollution
Control procedures, 262, 263
Description, 258
Sea birds, 261
Oil pollution sources, 257
Oil refinery effiuents
Bioassays, 144
Fish toxicants, 144
Oxidation ponds, 144
Tainted fish, 147
Fathead minnows, 144
Waste water, 144
Oil slicks, 257
Oil spills
Biological analyses, 258
Chemical analyses, 258
Ecological effects, 258, Z60
Oil toxicity
Bioassay, 261
Oil-water experiments, 261
Okanagan Valley, British Columbia, 349
Water salinity effects, 307, 308
Old Faithful, 40
Olor columbianus, 228
0. Gorbuscho, 252
Once-through cooling
Brackish water, 378
Chlorination, 376
Equipment failure, 376
Screening, 376
Sea water, 378
Water quantities, 378
Withdrawal rate, 378
Once-through cooling waters, 378
Oncorhynchus kisutch, 27, 132, 139, 176, 180,
184, 244, 246, 247
Oncorhynchus nerka, 139, 153, 160, 164, 173,
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, 138, 139, 153, 180,
187, 242, 246
Open channels
Nonthermal discharges distribution
Mathematical model, 403
Open ocean
Fish production, 217
Organic chemicals toxicity
Marine system, 265
Organic compounds
Toxicity data, 484-509
Organic matter-infaunal feeding habits re-
lationships, 279
580/Water Qualiry Criteria, 1972
Organic toxicants
Biological wastes, 264
Industrial waStes, 264
Pesticides, 264
Sewage, 264
Organic-carbon adsorbable public water
supply, 75
Organochlorine pesticides
Recommended concentrations, 186
Organophosphate insecticides
Recommended concentrations, 186
Insecticides, 318
Mammalian toxicity, 78
Organophosphorus insecticide
Public water supply, 78
Oriental oyster drill (Tritonaliajaponica), 27
Organic water pollution
Oxygen reduction, 133
Oscillatoria, 147
Oscillatoria agardhi, 147
Oscillatoria princeps, 147
Oscillatoria rubescens, 20
Mercury contamination, 252
Ottawa River, Ohio
Sedimented oil, 145
Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Com-
mission, 9
Oviparous zebrafish, 435
Ovoviviparous guppy, 435
Oxidation ponds
Algal blooms, 144
Phytoplankton, 144
Primary productivity, 144
Surface oils, 144
Fish requirements, 131
Oxygen content of water, 261
Oxygen depletion, 27 4
Oyster beds
Sewage contamination, 277
Oyster culture, 223
DDT residue, 37
Aluminum concentration, 242
Arsenic content, 243
Cadmium content, 245
Chlorine sensitivity, 246
Chromium tolerance, 247
Copper toxicity, 248
Disease vectors, 95
Gill discoloration, 147
Hydrogen sulfide lethality, 255
Lead tolerance, 250
Nickel concentrations, 253
Silver concentration, 255
Toxic plankton intake, 38
Water treatment, 301
PCB (polychlorinated biphenyls), 83, 175,
Chlorinated dibenzofurans, 17 6
Salmon eggs, 177
Toxicity, 175, 198
PVC (polyvinyl chloride), 174, 175
Acidity indicator, 140
Alkalinity indicators, 140
Fluctuation, 194
Hydrogen ion activity, 140
Public water supply, 80
pH in soils, 339
pH-metals relationships, 179
pH-reedhead grass .relationship, 194
PI (precipitation index), 335
PI-SAR equation, 335
Barium concentration, 244
Pacific Coast
Gonyaulax contenella, 38
Temperature effects, 238
Waste dumping, 278
Pacific Northwest
Precipitation, 333
Pacific Ocean, 32
Pacific salmon
Chlorine tolerance, 246
Gas bubble disease, 137
-Hydrogen sulfide bioassay, 255
Hydrogen sulfide toxicity, 256
Thermal tolerance, 137
Pacific testing grounds
Manganese isotope concentrations, 251
Arsenic content, 243
Palaemonetes kadiakensis, 435
Paleomonetes, 176
Panaeus deorarum, 176
Pandion haliaetus, 227, 252
Paper and allied products
Industry description, 382
Manufacturing processes
Acid sulfite pulping, 383
Building products, 383
De-inking pulp, 383
Groundwood pulp, 383
Kraft· and Soda pulping, 383
Kraft bleaching, 383
Neutral sulfite semichemical, 383
Paper making, 383
Prehydrolysis, 383
Sulfite pulp bleaching, 383
Waste paperboard, 383
Wood preparation, 383
Water processes, 383
Water quality indicators
Alkalinity, 383
Color, 383
Hardness, 383
pH control, 383
Iron, 383
Turbidity, 383
Water treatment processes
Aeration, 383
Coagulation, 383
Errosion control, 383
Filtration, 383
Ion exchange, 383
pH adjustment, 383
Plant location, 383
Settling, 383
Softening, 383
Paper and pulp industry
Water supply, 382
Surface water use, 383
Water intake, 382
Water supply, 383
Water use, 382
Paper products consumption, 382
Silver nitrate concentrations, 255
Paracentrotus lividis, 252
Parasitic organisms
Flukes, 322
Particulate material
Detritus origin, 281
Particulate material suspension
Estuarine organisms responses, 281
Marine organisms responses, 281
Paseo del Rio, Texas, 40
Pastuerella tularensis, 321
Pathogen source
Fecal contamination, 58
Pathogenic microorganisms, 27f,
Pathogens in sea, 280
Pecten novazetlandicae, 246
Pelagodroma nivea, 246, 252
Pelecanus erythrorhynchos, 227 1
Pelecanus occidentalis, 197, 226
Penaeus aztecus, 279
Penaeus setiferus, 279
Perea, 141
Perea jlaverscens, 149, 164
Perea jlaviatilis, 256
pH effects, 141
Thallium nitrate content, 256
Pere Marquette River, 14
DDE residue accumulation, 227
Dieldrin accumulation effects, 227
Shell thinning-DDE relationship, 227
Peregrine falcon
Reproductive failures, 197
Pertomvzon merinus, 243
Pesticide chemicals
Dietary intake, 78
Pesticide-pH relationship, 183
Pesticide persistence, 183, 184
Pesticide tables
Botanicals, 433
Carbamates, 428
Defoliants, 429-432
Fungicides, 429-433
Herbicides, 429-432
Organochlorine insecticides, 420-422
Organophosphate insecticides, 423-427
Acute toxic interaction, 185
Acute toxicity values, 185
Aquatic contamination, 182
Aquatic life, 434
Aquatic life toxicity, 184
Arsenic content, 243
Cadmium content, 245
Carbamate, 76
Cattle feed, 320
Chlorinated hydrocarbons, 76
Chemical characteristics, 76
Environment accumulation, 182
Environmental effects, 182
Environmental monitoring, 440
Estuarine pollution, 37
Farm animal feed, 320
Fat soluble, 320
Fish tolerance levels, 184
Livestock water, 318
Malathion, 183
Metabolic degradation, 183
Methoxychlor, 183
Nonmetabolic degradation, 183
Organic toxicants, 264
Organochlorine compounds, 183
Organophosphate toxicity, 184
Organophosphorus, 76
PCB analysis, 175
Phthalate esters content, 17 4
Public water supply, 76
Recommended concentrations, 186
Research framework, 434
Research guidelines, 434
Residue in fish, 183
Stream transport, 183
Toxicity, 76, 182, 320
Toxicological research, 434
Water entry, 318
Water for livestock, 304
Water solubility, 183, 318
Pesticides in fish
Physiological effects, 434
Toxicological effects, 434
Pesticides in water
Concentrations, 319
Properties, 319
Sources, 182
Pesticides poisoning
Livestock, 319
Pesticides research
Acute toxicity, 434, 435
Aquatic organisms
Bioconcentration, 438
Degradation, 438
Achromobacter, 438
Aerobacter, 438
Aeromonas Spp., 438
Bacillus, 438
Daphnia magna, 438
Daphne pulex, 438
Flavobacter, 438
Microcrustacea, 438
Bioassays, 435, 437
Biochemistry, 438
Blue gill, 438
Chemical analysis, 434
Chemical degradation, 439
Chemical methods, 437
Chronic effects, 437
Clinical studies, 438
Deactivation index, 435
Degradation in water, 438
Environmental fate, 439
Fathead minnow, 438
Residue degradation, 439
Residue uptake, 439
Food-chain accumulation, 438
Green algae
Ankistrodesmus, 438
Chlorella spp., 438
Scenedesmus, 438
Gro"!th of fish, 435
Largemouth bass, 438
Lethal threshold concentration, 435
Microorganisms, 439
Pathology, 438
Persistence, 438
Photodegradation, 439
Physicochemical interactions, 439
Physiology, 438
Pond ecosystem studies, 437
Rainbow trout, 438
Reproauction of fish, 435
Residue analyses, 437
Biological half-life, 438
Stream ecosystem studies, 437
Test animals
Chemical analyses, 438
Radiometric analyses, 438
Pesticide tolerance
Aquatic organisms
Agriculture waters, 321
Petroleum hydrocarbons
Biological effects, 258
Petroleum industry
Refining operation-water use, 385
Petroleum refineries
Process water use, 386
Water intake, 386
Petroleum refining
Description of industry, 385
Discharge, 385
Process water properties
Ammonia from catalytic cracking, 386
Carbon dioxide from catalytic cracking,
Caustic solution purification, 386
Chemical reactions, 386
Heat transfer, 386
Inorganic salts, 386
Kinetic energy, 386
Plant cleaning, 386
Process water treatments, 387
Water distribution, 387
Water quality characteristics
Surface waters, 386
Water supply sources, 385
Petroleum-species toxicity ranges, 145
Petromyzon marinus, 27
pH changes
Benthic invertebrates sensitivity, 241
· Fish sensitivity, 241
Plankton sensitivity, 241
Phalacrocorax auritus, 227
Subject lndex/581
Mercury concentrations, 252
Phenol toxicity, 191
Phenolic compounds
Chemical oxidation of organophosphorus
pesticides, 80
Hydrolysis of organophosphorus pesticides,
Hydroxy derivatives, 80
Phenoxyalkyl acid herbicides
Microbial degradation, 80
Photochemical oxidation of carbamate
pesticides, 80
Public water supply, 80
Phenolic compounds sources
Domestic sewage, 80
Fungicides, 80
Industrial waste water discharges, 80
Pesticides, 80
Marine aquaculture, 223
Algal nutrient, 253
Public water supply, 81
Phosphates-eutrophication relationship, 253
Laboratory studies, 254
Phthalate esters
Chronic toxicity, 80, 175
Human growth retardation, 82
Human health, 82
Plastics plasticizers, 82
Public water supply, 82
Phthalate ester residues
Aquatic organisms, 174
Physa, 19
Physa snails, 22
Physical treatment procedures
Virus removal, 92
Phytophthora cactorum, 349
Phytophthora citrophthora, 349
Phytophthora parasitica, 349
Phytophthora sp., 348, 349
Aluminum tolerance, 242
Crude oil effects, 261
Phytoplankton growth, 275
Phytoplankton-nitrogen relationship, 276
Mercury concentration, 173
pH effects, 141
Pike perch
Arsenic toxicity, 243
Pimephales promelas, 128, 132, 141, 144, 173,
177, 180-182, 185, 189, 191, 193, 243,
244, 253, 435
Pine River, 14
Pink shrimp
Aroclor® toxicity, 176
Pin tails
Lead ingestion effects, 228
Placentia Bay
Fish mortalities, 254
Phosphorus in cod, 254
Barium content, 244
l-________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ..
582/Water Quality Criteria, 1972
Diatom population, 82
Growth stimulation
Artificial lake heating, 165
Mercury sensitivity, 173
Public water supply, 82
Plant communities
Salinity effects, 19 5
Plant growth
Aluminum concentrations effects, 340
Arsenic levels, 340
BOD, 330
Boron, 341
Cadmium, 342
Canals, 23
Chromium, 342
Cobalt, .342
Copper concentration, 342
Embayments, 23
Estuaries, 23
Fluoride, 343
Irrigation ditches, 23
Lead toxicity, 343
Lithium, 343
Manganese, 344
Marshes, 23
Molybdenum, 344
Nickel, 344
Ponds, 23
Public water supply sources, 23
Rivers, 23
Shallow lakes, 23
Vanadium, 345
Plant life
Nickel toxicity, 253
Plant organisms
Aluminum adsorption, 242
Plant-parasitic nematodes, 348
Plant-pathogenic virus, 349
Boron tolerance, 341
Boron toxicity, 341
Evapotranspiration, 323
Molybdenum accumulation, 344
Nickel toxicity, 344
Nitrate accumulation, 329, 352
Nutrient requirements, 22
Radionuclides absorption, 332
Soil salinity tolerance, 325
Tin content, 345
Titantium content, 345
Toxic elements, 352
Tungsten content, 345
Zinc toxicity, 345
Plecoptera, 141
Water tainting, 149
Pluchea sericea, 348
Thermal exposure, 170
Plume entrainment, 170
Largemouth bass mortality, 170
Plume water
Bottom organisms, 170
Pocideps cristatus, 252
Poecilia reticulata, 435
Pollutant-carcinogenic effects, 240
Pollutant exposure time calculations, 232
Pollutant-mutagenic effects, 240
Pollutant-teratogenic effects, 240
Pollutant toxicity-pH relationship, 241
Biological effe~ts, 233
Genetic effects, 237
Polluted dredge spoils, 279
Polluted shellfish
Acute gastroenteritis, 277
Infectious hepatitis, 277
Polluted water
Algae, 23
Carbon dioxide content, 139
Coliform data interpretation, 57
Shellfish, 36
Polycelis nigra, 250
Chromium toxicity, 247
Copper effects, 248
Copper uptake, 248
Polychlorinated biphenyls
Accumulation in humans, 83
Chlorinated dibenzofurans contamination,
83, 225
Epidemiological studies, 83
Estuarine birds, 264
Human exposure effects, 83
Human ingestion, 83
Industrial uses, 264
Industrial uses, 83
Public water supply, 83
Rainwater, 83
'Sewage effluents, 83
Solubility, 83
Toxicity, 83
r usho disease, 83
Poly.myxa gramizis, 349
Porrtoxis, 128
]Vfalaria vectors, 25
Plant growth, 23
"Pop-eye" (See Exophtalmus and Gas bubble
Potable waters
CCE, 75
Algae control
Copper sulfate, 347
Phosphorus concentration, 81
Potamogeton, 21 ,
Potamogeton pectinatus, 24, 194
Potamogeton perjoliatus, 194
Potomac River Basin
Watershed alteration, 125
Mercury toxicity, 313
Nitrate tolerance, 315
Nitrite tolerance, 315
Water requirements, 305
Zinc in diet, 317
Poultry feed
Arsenic-selenium relationship, 240
Power boats
Water turbulence effects, 14
Power plants
Cooling systems
Water temperature effects, 161
Discharge water temperature, 162
Power plants discharge
Algae growth, 165
Cooling ponds, 403
Estuaries, 403
Impoundments, 403
Lakes, 403
Ocean outfalls, 403
Rivers, 403
Pratylenchus sp. 348
Chromium toxicity, 247
Pacific Northwest, 333
United States, 333
Primary metals
Description of industry, 388
Primary metals industry
Coke production
Water use, 388
Demineralized water use, 389
Iron production
Water use, 388
Plant locations, 388
Process water use
Aluminum, 388
Copper, 388
Iron foundries, 388
Steel foundries, 388
Steel production
Water use, 388
Water intake, 389
Water quality indicators, 389
Water quality requirements, 389
Water recycling, 389
Water treatment processes
Clarification, 389
Plant water supply, 389
Water use, 388
Primary productivity
Photosynthetic rate, 21
Primordial radioisotopes, 190
Daughters, 271
Decay products, 271
Private water supply
Methemoglobinemia, 72
Virus disease, 91
Providence Harbor
Dredge spoils dumping, 278
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 31
Psychrophilic bacteria
Milk storage, 302
Public Health Laboratory Service, England,
Public water management, 441
Public water supply
Alkalinity, 54
Ammonia as pollutant, 55
Ammonia nitrogen content, 55
Anionic surfactants concentrations, 67
Hyperkertosis-skin cancer correlation,
Arsenic content, 56
Bacteria, 57
Public water supply (cont.)
Bacterial indicators
Fecal coliform, 57
Bacteriological characteristics, 50
Barium content, 59
Boron, 59
Cadmium, 60
Concentrations, 60
Contamination, 60
Carbamate insecticide, 78
Chelates toxicity, 74
Chloride, 61
Concentration, 61
Taste, 61
Chlorinated hydrocarbons
Poison to humans, 76
Chlorination effects on turbidity, 90
Chlorophenoxy herbicides, 79
Chlorine disinfectant, 50
Chlorine use, 246
Chromium, 62
Chromium concentrations, 62
Chronic alkyl mercury poisoning, 72
Coagulation, 63
Coliform bacteria, 57
Collection apparatus
High-flow samples, 75
Low-flow samples, 75
Mini-sampler, 75
Colloidal ferric oxide, 69
Color, 63
Color removal, 63
Contaminants, 51
Copper, 64
Cyanide, 65
Dissolved oxygen, 65
Excreted waste, 91
Filterable residue, 90
Fluoride, 66
Fluoride content, 66
Foaming agents, 67
Ground water, 50
Bacteria-aquifer reaction, 52
Characteristics, 52
Chemical-aquifer reaction, 52
Hydrologic characteristics, 52
Pollutant decomposition, 52
Quality, 52
Growth-producing organisms, 89
Growth promoting factors, 81
Hardness, 68
Human health, 51
Industrial consumers, 68
Iodine-131 content, 84
Distribution systems deposits, 69
Taste, 69
Iron content, 69
Irrigation uses, 59
Itai-itai disease, 60
Lead toxicity, 70
Lead-210 content, 85
Low-energy radionuclides, 84
Concentration, 71
Taste effect, 71
Manganese content, 71
Public water supply (cont.)
Mercury, 72
Metal ions, 68
Methylene blue reactions, 67
Microbial hazard measurements, 57
Mineral salts concentrations, 90
Monitoring programs, 51
Nitrate-nitrite concentration, 73
Nitrates content, 73
Nitrites content, 73
Odor, 74
Oil and grease, 74
Human health hazard, 74
Od~r-producing problems, 74
Taste problems, 74
Organics-carbon adsorbable, 75
Organophosphorus insecticide, 78
pH, 63, 80
Anticorrosion procedures, 80
Pesticides, 7 6
Phenolic compounds, 80
Phosphate concentration
Noxious plant growth, 81
Phosphates, 81
Eutrophication, 81
Controllable nutrient, 81
Phthalate esters, 82
Odor problems, 82
Taste problems, 82
Plankton, 82
Plankton counts, 82
Plankton-pH relationship, 82
Platinum cobalt standards, 63
Polychlorinated biphenyls, 83
Productivity-respiration relationship, 82
Quality recommendations, 50, 51
Radioactivity, 84
Radiochemical analysis, 85
Radioiodine isotopes, 85
Radionuclide concentrations, 85
Radiophysical analysis, 85
Radium-226 concentration, 85
Radium-228 content, 85
Raw water analytical analysis, 52
Reservoirs, 79
Rural areas, 52
Chronological, 51
Spatial, 51
Sanitary quality indicators
Coliform bacteria, 57
Selenium, 86
Selenium toxicity, 86
Silver, 87
Silver concentration, 87
Silver solubility, 87
Sodium, 88
Soluble colored substances, 63
Strontium-89 content, 84
Strontium-90 content, 84
Sulfite concentration, 88
Surface water classification, 53
Temperature, 89
Total dissolved solids (TDS), 90
Toxic content, 50
Subject Index/583
Treatment processes, 51
Nitrates-nitrites, 73
Tritium, 84
Turbidity, 90
Turbidity-coagulation relationship, 90
United States, 61
Unmixed bodies of water
Oxygen depletion, 65
Uranyl ion, 91
Viruses, 91
Water hardness
Detergents, 68
Soaps, 68
Water management, 52
Water quality
Chronic hazard, 51
Periodic hazard, 51
Water sources exchange, 52
Water transmition of virus, 91
Water treatment processes, 50
Well water distinctions, 52
Zinc content, 93
Public water supply sources
Plant growth, 23
Puget Sound
Oriental oyster drill, 27
Puerto Rico, 18
Pulp and paper industry
Categories, 382
Manufacturing process, 382
pH effects, 141
Rad (Radiation absorbed dose), 196, 272
Radiation absorption calculators, 196
Radiation calculations, 272
Radiation detection, 190, 270
Radiation sources
Decay products, 271
External, 271
Internal, 271
Primordial radioisotopes, 271
Radioactive materials
Aquatic environment, 270
Cycling, 271
Surface waters, 271
Tritium, 192
Radioactive materials cycling, 191
Radioactive wastes, 191, 193, 271
Aquatic environment, 190
Aq1.1atic organisms, 270
Characteristics, 190
Exposure pathways, 194
Graded scale of action, 84, 86
Gross alpha concentration, 85
Gross beta concentration, 85
Ground water, 84
Human tolerance, 84
Marine environment, 190
Nuclear facilities, 84
Public water supply, 84
Gross alpha concentrations, 85
Gross beta concentrations, 85
Sources, 190
Surface waters, 84
584/Water Quality Criteria, 1972
Transient rates, 84
Tritiated water, 85
Radioactivity characteristics, 27
Radioactivity-genetic changes relationship,
Daughters, 190
Food web interaction, 271
Man-made, 191, 271
Tracers, 271
Tritium tracers, 271
Radioisotopes as tracers, 192
Radioisotopes-food web relationship, 193
Radionuclide intake
Iodine-131, 84
Radium-226, 84
Strontium-89, 84
Strontium-90, 84
P 32, 38
Zn65, 38
Drinking water, 318
Ground waters, 317
Human intake, 84
Irrigation water, 332
Livestock, 317
Shellfish, 38
Surface waters, 317
Water for livestock, 304
Fresh produce, 332
Rainbow trout, 435, 437, 438
Ammonia excretion, 187
Ammonia sensitivity, 242
Ammonia toxicity, 187
Antimony tolerance, 243
Cadmium lethality, 179
Chlorine residue, 189
Chromium chroni<. effects, 180
Chromium toxicity, 180
Copper concentrations, 180
Ethylmercury content, 173
Fluoride lethality, 249
Iron sensitivity, 249
Gas bubble disease, 138
Hypothetical lake study, 403
Metal concentrations lethality, 178
Methylmercury assimilation
pH effects, 141
Pesticide synergisis, 184
Phthalate ester toxicity, 175
LC50 values, 181
Thallium nitrate effects, 256
Water quality
Mortality probability, 403
Zinc-swimming speed relationship, 182
Rainfall-soil erosion effects, 126
Pesticide content
Alpha-BHC, 318
DDD, 318
DDE, 318
DDT, 318
Dieldrin, 318
Gamma-BHC, 318
PCB, 83
Rapid sand filtration
Public water supply, 50
Rappia maritima, 194
Rappia occidentalis, 194
Drinking water
Arsenic content, 309
Selenium, 316
Molybdenum toxicity, 314
Rattail maggots (Eristalis lenox), 22
Raw milk storage, 302
Raw milk supplies
Sanitation standard, 302
Raw produce
Hydrocooling, 302
Washing, 302
Raw shellfish
Human consumption, 36
Raw surface water
Disinfection processes, 58
Dissolved oxygen, 65
Process treatment, 58
Quality, 50
Raw water
Ammonia chlorin~ demand, 55
Ammonia-chlorine reaction, 55
Analytical analysis, 52
Bacteriological quality, 57
Color, 63
Dissolved oxygen, 65
Quality, 50
Sources, 50
Raw water
Fluoride concentrations, 66
Fluoride fluctuations, 66
Monitors, 76
Raw water quality
Uranium content, 91
Raw water source
Radionuclide concentrations, 85
Raw water supply
Ammonia, 65
Bacteria species, 302
Iron, 65
Manganese, 65
Microbial contaminants, 301
Raw water sources
Nitrite concentrations, 73
Raw water supply
Odor-producing microorganisms, 7 4
pH, 80
Receiving waters
Circulation effects, 230
Mercury content, 172
Metallic ion leaching, 239
Mixing zones, 231
Persistant pollutants, 230
Pollution concentration, 230
Sewage load, 275
Sorption process, 228
Waste disposal, 228
Waste disposal toxicity, 228
Recharge wells, 3 77
Recirculating cooling water systems, 378
Park planning, 8
Water quality, 8
Water quality loss, 10
Water resources, 8
Recreation-aesthetic relationship, 8
Recreation water
Aesthetic value factors, 13
Algal biomass measurement, 21
Contamination from outboard motor ex-
haust, 148
Objectionable aesthetic quality, 12
Primary productivity, 21
Reservoirs on rivers, 13
Turbidity, 13
Water resource relationships, 15
Recreation water quality
Excessive nutrients, 12
Excessive temperature, 12
Recreation water values
Biological factors, 13
Physical factors, 13
Recreational resources
Water carrying capacity, 13, 14
Recreational water
Adsorption of materials, 16
Aesthetic values, 35
Aesthetics, 30
Agriculture runoff effects, 37
Appearance, 16
Aquatic life, 35
Aquatic macrophytes, 26
Aquatic organisms
Species introduction, 27
Aquatic vectors, 17
Beach maintenance, 17
Beach zone effects, 16
Bioaccumulation, 230
Blackfly larvae, 22
Boating, 34
Boating safety, 35
BOD, 34
Carp introduction, 27
Chemical concentrations, 30
Chlorophyll a, 21
Chromium pollution
Cricotopus bicinctus, 18
Colorado River, 40
Naegleria group, 29
Crater Lake, 40
Cultural encroachment effects, 35
Diseases, 17
Eutrophication rate-relationship, 21
Everglades, 40
Fingernail clams, 22
Fish, 35
Free-living amoeba, 29
Grand Canyon National Park, 40
Great Lakes
Coho salmon transplant, 27
Hypolimnetic oxygen, 21
Jellyfish, 19
Kentucky watersheds, 39
Lake eutrophication, 19, 20
Lake Tahoe, 40
Leeches, 22
Light penetration, 16
Calcium, 22
Carbon, 22
Carbonates, 22
Magnesium, 22
Nitrogen, 22
Phosphorus, 22
Potassium, 22
Sodium, 22
Sulfur, 22
Malaria vectors
Anopheles freeborni, 25
Anopheles quadrimaculatus, 25
Marshes macrophytes, 26
Microbacteriological indicators, 31
Microbiological content, 31
Boron, 22
Cobalt, 22
Copper, 22
Manganese, 22
Molybdenum, 22
Silica, 22
Titanium, 22
Vanadium, 22
Zinc, 22
Midges content, 22
Nutrient content, 22
Nutrient enrichment measurement, 23
Old Faithful, 40
Organic nutrients
B 12, 22
Biotin, 22
Glycylglycine, 22
Thiamine, 22
Oxygen deficit, 21
Pacific Coast
Striped bass transplant, 27
Brown trout introduction, 27
Pathogenic bacteria content, 31
Pathogenic microorganisms, 30
Pestiferous mosquitoes, 25
pH characteristics, 33
Photosynthesis, 24
Physa snails, 22
Plant growth
Nuisance factor, 25
Quality, 30
Lead content, 34
Requirements, 30
Regulations, 14
Shoreline-surface area ratio, 14
Southeast Michigan
Boating, 14
Suspended solids (SS), 34
Temperature, 16
Toxic wastes, 18
Unites States, 34
Urban areas, 35, 39
Vector mosquitoes, 25
Water fowl, 35
Water quality, 29, 34, 35
Recreational water quality
Bacteriological analysis
Bathing places, 29
Chemical analysis
Bathing places, 29
Engine exhaust, 34
Environmental characteristics, 400
Pollution sources
Bathing places, 29
Waste discharges, 35
Waste disposal systems, 34
Water-dependent wildlife, 35
Red Riv.er, 352
Redear sunfish, 128
Redfish Bay, Texas
Dredging effects, 279
Lead ingestion effects, 228
Winter food requirements, 19 5
Rem (roentgen equivalent man), 196, 272
Reservoir productivity
Plankton, 82
Reservoir sediments, 18
Reservoir water
Geosmin, 147
Algae-manganese relationship, 250
Dissolved oxygen, 65
Eutrophy, 19
Food storage, 13
Hydroelectric power, 13
Mosquito control, 13
Mosquito infestation, 18
Nonthermal discharge distribution
Mathematical model, 403
Soluble oxygen depletion, 111
Zones of passage, 115
Reverse osmosis, 375
High pressure water, 375
Rhode Island Sound
Dredge dumping, 278
Ring Doves
PCB---shell thinning relationship, 226
Shell thinning-DDE relationship, 226
Ringnecked ducks
Lead ingestion effects, 228
River crabs
Nickel toxicity, 253
River flow
Regulatory waters, 333
tail water, 334
Underground drainage, 334
River Havel
Manganese content, 250
Uranium effects on protozoa, 256
River surveys
Bioassays, 117
River temperature effects, 160
River transport, 219
River waters
Chromium content, 311
Copper content, 311
Dissolved constituents, 142
Estuary mixing, 16
Lead content, 312
Organisms transport, 115
Pesticide content, 318
Subject lndex/585
Poliutant retention time, 230
Sewage contaminates, 351
Rivers, 39
Aquatic macrophytes, 24
Arid areas, 333
Ditritus from particulate material, 281
Eutrophy, 19
Fertilization by man
Algae growth, 20
Slime organisms growth, 20
Water weeds growth, 20
Ice formations, 161
Irrigation flow, 333
Nonthermal discharge distribution
Mathematical model, 403
Particulate concentrations, 126
Particulate transport, 16
Plant growth, 23
Power plant discharge, 403
Sediment-aquatic plant relationship, 17
Sediment loads, 281
Semiarid areas, 333
Thermal effects, 160
Zones of passage, 115
Thallium nitrate effects, 256
Rocky Mountains
Lake fish, 20
Rough screens, 372
Roundworms, 322
Boron effects, 245
Cadmium absorption, 310
Chromium intake, 311
Drinking water lead content, 313
Nitrate nitrogen, 314
Rutilus rutilis, 256
SAR (sodium adsorption ratio), 329, 330, 335
SAR values
Irrigation water, 331
SDF (slow-death factor), 317
SIC (standard industrial classification), 370
(see also Suspended solids)
Sago pondweed (Potamogeton pectinatus), 24
Waterfowl food plant, 194
St. Andrew's, New Brunswick
Zinc in salmon, 240
Saline lands reclamation, 329
Saline irrigation waters
Field crops, 325
Forage crops, 325
Fruit crops, 325
Vegetable crops, 325
Saline water
Crop tolerance, 324
Irrigation, 324
Livestock use, 308
Plant growth, 324
Poultry use, 308
Salvelinus fontinalis, 437
Salmo gairdneir, 138, 141, 172, 173, 179-182,
184, 187, 189, 242, 243, 249, 256, 435
Salmo salar, 181, 240
Salmo trutta, 24, 141
586/Water Quality Criteria, 1972
Flavor impairing phenols
Industrial wastes, 149
Tainted water, 148
Salmon eggs
PCB residues-mortality relationships, 177
Mercury effects, 252
Salmonella, 31, 321, 351
Salmonella sp., 31
Salmonella typhimurium, 313
Salmonid spawning
Oxygen requirements, 133
pH effects, 141
Salt water beaches
England, 31
United States, 31
Salvelinus fontinalis, 131, 134, 141, 162, 180-
Salvelinus namaycush, 164, 184
San Antonio River, 40
San Antonio, Texas, 40
San Diego Bay, 399
San Francisco Bay-Delta system
sediment flow, 127
San Joaquin Estuary
Simulati!Jn modeling
Phytoplankton prediction, 277
San Joaquin Valley, California
Soils ESP values, 330
Sand worm
Oil toxicity, 261, 262
Santa Barbara
Oil well blowout, 258, 260
Santa Barbara spill
Animal communities fatality, 258
Plant communities fatality, 258
Sea bird deaths, 258
Sargassum, 242
Spawning temperature, 171
Scenedesmus, 147, 253, 256, 438
Nickel concentrations, 253
Scordinius erythrophthalmus, 245
Schistosoma eggs, 18
Scud, 435
Sea biota
Oil effects, 262
Sea birds
Oil ingestion, 262
Oil lethal dosage, 262
Oil pollution mortality, 258, 261
Sea bottom sediments
Iron contaminants, 249
Sea disposal operations
Dredge spoils, 278
Sea food
Chlorine combinations-taste effects, 246
Sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus), 27
Antimony tolerance, 243
Sea nettles (see Jelly fish)
Sea oil contamination, 257
Underwater reservoir seepage, 257
Sea oil spills
Sea birds fatality, 258
Sea-run trout
Hydrogen sulfide bioassay, 256
Hydrogen sulfide toxicity, 256
Sea surface
Atmospheric oil precipitates, 257
Sea surface oil
Marine birds fatalities, 258
Remote sensing, 258
Sea water
Alkalinity, 241
Aluminum salts precipitate, 241
Ammonia toxicity, 242
Arsenic concentration, 243
Barium precipitate, 243
Beryllium content, 244
Bismuth concentration, 244
Boron concentration, 244
Bromine content, 245
padmium content, 245
Alkalinity, 241
Chlorine pollutants, 247
Chromium concentrations, 247
Copper concentration, 248
Dissolved oxygen, 275
Euphotic zone, 241
Fluoride content, 248
Ion exchange process, 228
Manganese content, 250
Mercury content, 72, 252
Nickel content, 253
Oil dispersal methods, 262, 263
pH extremes, 241
pH variations, 241
Photosynthesis, 241
Potassium chromate effects, 247
Redfish-aluminum chloride toxicity, 242
Sorption process, 228
Sulfate content, 255
Uranium content, 256
Uranium toxicity, 256
Sea water-antagonism relationship, 240
Sea water-fresh water differences, 241
Sea water-synergism relationship, 240
Sea food
Cadmium mutagenic effects, 246
Cadmium teratogenic effects, 246
Sublethal pollutants-food value effects, 237
Seattle, Washington
Green lake, 20
Seaweed culture, 223
Sedimentation, 372
Sedimentation process
Public water supply, 50
Seepage areas
Malaria vectors, 25
Human toxicity, 86
Industrial uses, 254
Insclubility, 86
Livestock, 316
Physical characteristics, 254
Public water supply, 86
Toxicity, 254
Selenium poisoning
Alkali disease, 316
Livestock, 316
Selenium toxicity
Livestock, 316
Semiarid areas
Irrigation water quality, 333
Climate, 333
Seston (See also Particulate materials), 281
Beneficial use, 277
Nickel salts-biochemical exidation effects,
Organic pollution, 275
Organic toxicants, 264
PCB, 83
Sewage effluents
Detergent content, 190
Mercury concentration, 172
Sewage emissions
Municipal areas, 27 4
Sewage fungus (Sphaerotilus), 22
Sewage sludge
Ecological effects, 279
Heavy metals concentrations, 279
Sewage treatment
Ammonia, 55
Economic factors, 277
Sewage treatment plants
Effluents, 378
Organic material removal, 275
Sewage treatment processes
Viruses, 91
Sewage wastes
Degradable organic materials, 274
Sewage water
Trace elements concentration, 352
Virus survival, 92
Shallow lakes
Nutrients, 22
Plant growth, 23
Power boats, 14
Drinking water
Sodium chloride content, 307
Molybdenum tolerance, 314
Bacteria content, 36
Bacteriological quality, 36
Clams, 36
Commercial value, 36
Contamination, 36
DDD content, 37
DDE content, 37
DDT contamination, 37
DDT content, 37
Arsenic content, 243
Dieldrin content, 37
Dinoflagellates, 38
Estuarine waters
Pesticide contamination, 37
Gonyaulax content, 37
Gonyaulax tamarensis, 38
Marine biotoxins, 36
Mussels, 36
Oil ingestion, 327
Paralytic poisoning from ingestion, 37
Pesticide effects, 36
Pesticide levels, 3 7
Pesticide toxicity, 37
Polluted water, 36
Public health-pollution effects, 277
Radionuclides, 36
Radionuclides content, 38
Toxic trace metals content, 38
Toxicity, 37
Trace metals, 36
Oysters, 36
Virus vectors,· 36
W!lter quality, 36
Arsenious trioxide control, 243
Lead ingestion effects, 228
Argyria, 87
Argyrosis, 87
Commercial uses, 254
Cosmetic effects in humans, 87
Industrial uses, 255
Public water supply, 87
Water treatment, 301
Similkamen Valley, British Columbia, 349
Simuliidae, 141
Sludge deposits
Crab shells necrosis, 280
Hydrogen sulfide content, 193
Lobster necrosis, 280
Sludgeworms (Tubificidae), 21
Barium chloride lethality, 244
Snake River
Gas bubble disease, 135
Snow petrel
Cadmium level, 246
Mercury content, 252
Sockeye salmon
Gas bubble disease, 139
Pyridyl mercuric acetate tolerance, 173
Water temperature, 160
Ground waters, 88
Human diet, 88
Irrigation water, 329
Public water supply, 88
Soils, 329
Solubility, 88
Surface waters, 88
Sodium cation
Ion exchange, 375
Sodium hypochlorite
Water treatment, 301
Sodium intake
Human health, 88
Sodium selenite toxicity, 254
Goldfish tolerance, 254
Soft drink industry (See Bottled and canned
soft drinks)
Soft water
Antimony salts, 243
Beryllium chloride toxicity, 244
Cadmium content, 180
Chromium concentration, 180
Copper concentration, 180
Copper toxicity, 240
Lead solubility, 181
Nickel content, 253
pH effects, 140
Sodium selenite, 254
Acidity, 330
Aeration, 330
Alkalinity, 330
Alkalinity calculations, 335
Bacteria removable, 352
Wheat Mosaic Virus, 349
Management, 339, 340
Pathogenic virus vectors, 349
Salinity, 337
Sodium, 329
Soil Conservation Service, 10
Soil tolerance to chemicals, 339
Soil water and electrical conductivity, 334
Arid, 333
Arsenic toxicity, 340
Boron accumulation, 341
Cadmium content, 342
Chromium accumulation, 342
ESP values, 331
Fluoride content, 343
Humid region, 336
Irrigation, 333
Lead toxicity, 343
Mineralogical composition, 336
Molybdenum concentrations, 344
pH content, 337
pH values, 330, 339, 344
Selenium content, 345
Sodium content, 329
Soluble aluminum, 339
Suspended solids, 332
Zinc toxicity, 345
Solid wastes
Biological effects, 279
Sea dumping, 280
Solid wastes disposal, 278
Solid wastes--sport fishing relationships, 280
Soluble colored substances
Polymeric hydroxy carboxylic acids, 63
South Africa
W afra spill, 262
South America
Cl. hemolyticum in water, 321
Fishery management, 441
South Bay
Oyster shell layers, 279
South Carolina Intracoastal Canal
Dredging effects, 279
South Dakota
Fowl drinking water, 308
Southeast Asia
Marine aquaculture, 223
Southeast Michigan
Recreational water and boating, 14
Southern California
.Marine ecosystems-DDT residues relation-
ship, 227
PCB in fish, 226
Subject lndex/587
Soviet studies
Marine radioactivity, 244
Spatula clypeata, 228
Sphaerotilus, 21
Spinner perch
Manganese toxicity, 251
Sporocysts, 322
Sport fisheries
Water temperature, 151
Spotted bullhead
Spawning temperature, 171
Spring water
Dissolved gases, 136
Zinc content, 93
Sprinkler irrigation, 332, 350
Iron content, 343
Raw sewage, 351
Suspended solids, 338
Trace elements, 338
Condensate recycling, 378
Steam electric plants
Boiler makeup requirements, 377
Tennessee Valley Authority, 378
Steam generation, 377
Boilers, 3 7 6
Boiler feed, 377
Discharge, 378
Economics, 379
External water treatment equipment, 378
Industry, 376
Source water composition, 379
Water consumption, 378
Water quality requirements, 378
Water·treatment processes, 379
Total water intake, 378
Steel head trout
Pyridyl mercuric acetate tolerance, 173
Sterna hirundo, 226, 246, 252
Sterna vittata, 246, 252
Aluminum nitrate lethal threshold, 242
Lead--sublethal effects
Manganese tolerance, 250
Nickel effects, 253
Nickel lethal limits, 253
Silver nitrate content, 255
Stizostedion canadense, 171
Stizostedion vitreum, 243
Stizostedion vitreum vitreum, 128, 193
Iron effects, 249
pH effects, 141
STORET (Systems for technical data), 306
Stratified lakes
Thermal patterns, 165
Stream channelization, 124
Stream waters
Benthic fauna, 22
Blood worms, 22
Blue-green algae, 22
Rattail maggots, 21
Sewage fungus, 22
Sludgeworms, 21
Water quality, 400
588/Water Quality Criteria, 1972
Blackfly larvae, 18
DDT contamination, 184
Diluting capacity, 230
Dissolved oxygen requirements, 133
Flow turbulence, 115
Industrial discharge-temperature relation-
ship, 195
Nutrient enrichment, 22
Organic mercury content, 172
Over enrichment, 20
Oxygen concentration, 132
Pesticides content, 183
Pollution, 230
Coliform measurement of contaminants,
Fecal contamination, 57
Oil slick, 147
Silt-fish population effect, 128
Site uniqueness measurement
Biological factors, 400
Human use, 400
Interest factors, 400
Physical factors, 400
Water quality factors, 400
Toxic waters concentrations
Application factors, 123
Transport, 126
Streptopelia risoria, 226
Striped bass (M or one saxatilis ), 27
Eggs hatching conditions, 279
Strongyloides, 322
Fresh produce, 332
Oxygen requirements, 132
Subirrigation, 350
Suisun Marsh, California
Water salinity, 195
Ground water, 89
Laxative effects, 89
Public water supply, 89
Sulfide toxicity, 191, 193
By-products, 255
Toxicity, 255
Water solubility, 191
Sunken oil
Bottom fauna mortality, 262
Water quality, 135
Supplemental irrigation, 337
Surface horizon, 333
Surface irrigation
Suspended solids, 332
Surface irrigation water
Cercariae, 350
Helminth infections, 352
Surface sea water
Lead content, 249
Surface waters
Aesthetic quality, 11
Aluminum content, 309
Ammonia content, 55
Arsenic content, 56
Barium concentration, 59
Beryllium content, 310
Chromium concentration, 62
Classification, 53
Cobalt content, 311
Contamination, 50
Copper, 64
Copper concentration, 64
Dissolved inorganic salts, 301
Dissolved solids, 142
Enteric viral contamination, 91
Fluorine content, 312
Foaming agents, 67
Gas nuclei, 135
Hardness, 142
Hardness factors, 142
Hydrated ferric oxide, 69
Hydrated manganese oxides, 71
Industrial wastes
Chromium content, 311
lodine-131 content, 84
Iron content, 69
Lead content, 70
Manganese content, 71, 250
Mercury content, 313
Minerals, 301
Mosquito productivity, 25
Natural color, 130
Natural temperatures, 151
Nutrient concentration, 22
Nutrient content analyses, 306
Nymphaea odorata, 25
Pesticide contamination, 318
Pesticide content, 318
Pesticide entry, 318
Phosphorus content, 81
Quality characteristics, 370, 371
Surface water use
Quality characteristics
Food canning industry, 391
Surface waters
Radioactive materials, 192, 271
Radioactivity, 84, 190, 270
Radionuclides content, 317
Sodium concentrations, 88
Strontium-89 content, 84
Strontium-90 content, 84
Sulfonates, 67
Supplies, 50
Suspended particles, 16
Suspended particulate concentrations, 126
Suspended sediment content, 50
Suspended solids, 335
Temperatures, 16
Temperature variation, 89
Vanadium, 316
Water color-aquatic life effects, 130
Watershed, 22
Surf ace water-photosynthesis relationship,
Surface waters saturation
Oxygen loss, 270
Surface water supply
Deleterious agents, 51
Toxic agents, 51
Virus, 91
Suspended particulates
Biological effects, 281
Suspended sediments
Physical-chemical aspects, 281
Suspended solids
Soils, 332
Malaria vectors, 25
Oxygen content, 132
Environmental mercury residues, 252
Environmental methylmercury, 172
Industrial mercury use, 252
Mercury in fish, 172, 251, 252
Supersaturation, 135
Swimming water
Chemical quality, 33
Clarity, 33
Sewage contamination, 31
Temperature ranges, 32
Turbidity, 33
Water quality requirements, 30
Drinking water
Sodium chloride content, 307
Copper intake, 312
Molybdenum tolerance, 314
Mercury content, 237
TAPPI (Technical Association of the Pulp
and Paper Industry), 383
TAPPI manufacture specifications
Process water
Chemical Composition, 384
TDS (Total dissolved solids), 90, 335
Specific conductance measurements, 90
TL50 (Median tolerance limit), 118
TLm (Median tolerance limit), 118
TNV (Tobacco necrosis virus), 349
TMV (Tobacco mosaic virus), 349
TSS (Total soil suction), 324
TV A (see Tennessee Valley Authority)
Epidemiological studies, 56
Tampico Bay, Calif.
Pollution-kelp resurgence relationship, 237
Tampico Maru
Diesel fuel spill, 258, 260
Tanning Industry
Description, 393
Quality requirements
Point of use, 393
Water process, 393
Water quality
Microbiological content, 394
Water quality indicator, 394
Water treatment processes, 394
Water use
Chemical composition, 393
Tap water
Aluminum nitrate
Lethal threshold, 242
Manganese-sticklebacks lethality effects,
Tritium content, 85
Tar balls, 257
Neuston net collection, 257
Lead ingestion effects, 228
Temperate lakes
Thermal stratification, 111
Coolant waters, 89
Oxygen transfer in water, 16
Plant growth, 328
Public water supply, 89
Recreational water, 16
Surface waters, 16
Temperature exposures, 170
Tennessee Valley Authority, 9, 378
Tennessee Valley streams
Fish population, 162
Teredo, 243
Mercury concentrations, 252
Tern eggs
Cadmium levels, 246
Caddo Lake, 26
Ponds, 24
Textile industry
Census of Manufacturers, 1967, 381
Deionized water, 380 ·
Potable water, 381
Surface water intake, 380
Water color, 380
Water hardness, 380
Water intake sources, 380
Water quality, 380
Water quality requirements, 380, 381
Water treatment processes, 381
Water turbidity, 380
Water use, 380
Zeolite-softened water, 380
Textile mills
Locations, 380
Raw water quality, 380
Textile mill products
Cotton, 379
Industry description, 379
Noncellulosic synthetic fibers, 379
Rayon, 379
Wool, 379
Textile processes
Scouring operations, 380
Water use, 380
Silk dyeing damage, 380
Wool dyeing damage, 380
Thalasseus sandvicensis, 196
Thaleichthys pacijicus, 164
Industrial use, 256
Neuro-poison, 256
Rat poison, 256
Thermal criteria
Hypothetical power plant, 166
Thermal electrical power
Thermal fluctuations, 162
Thermal exposures
Developing fish eggs sensitivity, 170
Thermal fluctuations
Navigation, 162
Thermal plume stratification, 170
Thermal Tables
Time-temperature relationships
Fish, 410-419
Opossum shrimp, 413, 414
Thiobacillus-Ferrobacillus, 141
Tidal cycles
Seston values, 281
Tidal environment, 168
Tidal oscillations, 219
Tidal water •
Organism transport, 115
Top minnow
Mercury toxicity, 173
Nickel toxicity, 253
Torrey Canyon spill, 262
Oil--detergent toxicity, 261
Oil spill effects, 258, 260
Total dissolved gases
Water quality, 135
Toxic algae
Livestock, 317
Toxic organics, 264
Hazards, 264
Biosphere, 264
Toxic water
Concentration calculations, 123
Ammonia, 186
Fishery management, 441
Insecticides, 441
Toxicity in water
Livestock, 309
Radioiaotopes, 271
Tritium, 271
Trapa hatans; 27
Trichobilhazia, 18
Trichodorus, 349
Trichoptera, 141
Tritonalia japonica, 27
Tropical waters
Biological activity, 441
Boron effects, 245
Dissolved oxygen requirements, 134
Flavor-imparing chemicals
n-butylmercaptan, 148
a-cresol, 148
2, 4-dichlorophenol, 148
pyridine, 148
Lakes, 20
Odoriferous actinomyces, 148
Phenol toxicity, 191
Zinc toxicity, 182
Tularemia, 321
Tule Lake, 346
Tuna fish
Mercury content, 237
Coagulation, 90
Filtration, 90
Subject lndex/589
Public water supply, 90
Sedimentation, 90
Turkey Point, Fla.
Power plant-temperature changes, 238
Tylenchorhynchus sp., 348
Tylenchulus semipenetrans, 348
Typha, 141
Ultrafiltration, 375
Ultraviolet sterilization
Water treatment, 301
Ulva, 21
Underground aquifers, 377
United States
Agricultural nitrogen use, 27 4
Agricultural waters
Leptospirosis, 321
Aquatic vascular plants, 25
Arid areas
Water quality characteristics, 333
Coastal waters
Temperature variations effects, 238
Inland waters
Biota, 142
Irrigation water, 351
Lake waters
Chromium content, 311
Copper content, 311
Iron content, 312
Lakes, 21
Malaria vectors, 25
Marine aquaculture
Oyster, 223
Marine environment
Radioactivity content, 190
Mercury consumption, 251
Northeastern coast, 32
Pesticides use, 434, 441
Polychlorinated byphenols in freshwater
fish, 177
Precipitation, 333
Public water supplies, 61, 62
Radioactivity in water, 85, 270
Recreation waters, 34
River waters
Composition, 333
Copper content, 311
Lead content, 312
Chromium content, 311
Mercury content, 72
Salt water beaches, 31
Semiarid areas
Water quality characteristics, 333
Mercury content, 72
Surface waters
Mercury content, 313
Pesticides content, 319
Synthetic organic chemicals
Production, 264
Water quality, 129
Water temperatures, 151
United States Atlantic coasts
Temperature effects, 238
590/Water Quality Criteria, 1972
United States Bureau of Commercial Fish-
eries, 37
United States Census, 1970, 9
United States Department of Agriculture, 10,
United States Department of Defense, 9
United States Department of Housing and
Urban Development, 10
United States Federal Radiation Council,
84, 85, 318
United States Salinity Laboratory, 324, 325,
328, 330, 334
Upper Chesapeake Bay
Biota seasonal patterns, 282
Fish nursery, 281
Physical hydrography, 282
Upper water layers
Oxygen content, 276
Industrial uses, 256
Water solubility, 256
Uranium-sea water interaction, 256
Uranyl ion
Public water supplies, 9~
Urban streams
Baltimore, Md., 40
Flow variability, 40
Washington, D.C., 40
Urban waters, 39
Urban water quality, 40
Urban waterways contamination, 40
Urechis eggs
Uranium effects, 256
Fish fauna, 27
Vallisneria americana, 194
Commercial processes, 257
Drinking water, 316
Industrial uses, 25 7
Surface waters, 316
Vanadium toxicity
Farm animals, 316
Vashon glacier, 20
Virgin Islands coast
Solid waste disposal, 280
Virology techniques, 92
Classification, 322
Infections, 322
Public water supply, 91
WHO (World Health Organization), 251
WRE (Water Resources Engineers, Inc.), 399
W afra spill, 262
Bathing waters, 29
Walking catfish (Clarias batrachus}, 28
Hydrogen sulfide toxicity, 193
Walleye eggs
Hydrogen sulfide toxicity, 193
Walleye fingerlings, 128
W armwater fish
Dissolved oxygen criteria, 132
Warm water temperatures
Fish kills, 171
Vi ashington
Irrigation water
Plant nematode distribution, 348
Washington, D.C.
Urban streams, 40
Water chestnut introduction, 27
Waste material disposal recommendations,
Waste treatment
Benefit-cost analysis, 399, 400
Evaluation techniques, 399
Waste water
Animal waste disposal systems, 353
Chlorine disinfection, 276
Fish tainting, 147
Food processing plants, 353
Nitrogen removal, 352
Organic content, 353
Waste water effluents
Pollutant concentrations, 264
Waste water injection, 115
Waste water potential
Blowdown, 379
Boiler waters, 279
Evaporative systems, 379
External water treatment processes, 379
Recirculated cooling water, 379
Waste water reclamation
Recreational benefits, 399
Waste water treatment
Copper concentrations, 7 4
Lead concentrations, 74
Waste water treatment plants
Discharges, 147
Waste water treatment processes
Recreation, 13
Carbon dioxide content, 139
Manganese stability, 251
pH values, 140
Pesticides content, 346
Water adsorption
Clay minerals, 16
Microorganisms, 16
Toxic materials, 127
Water alkalinity, 54
Carbonate-bicarbonate interaction, 140
Water analyses
Metals-biota relationship, 179
Water birds
Surface oil hazards, 196
Water chemistry-plants interrelationships, 24
Water chestnut (Trapa natans), 27
Water circulation
Pollutant mixing, 217
Water color
Compensation depth, 130
Compensation point, 130
Inorganic sources
Metals, 130
Organic sources
Aq{.atic plants, 130
Humic materials, 130
Peat, 130
Plankton, 130
Tannins, 130
Origin, 130
Water color-industrial discharge effects, 130
Water color measurements
Platinum-cobalt method, 130
Water components
Metallocyanide complex
Toxicity, 140
Water composition, 306, 371
Air scrubbing, 377
Evaporation, 377
Water contaminant indicator
Odor, 74
Taste, 74
Water contamination
Nitrates, 314
Farm ponds, 318
Water density
Lakes, 164
Water-dependent wildlife, 34
Water development projects, 10
Water disinfectant
Ammonia-chlorine reactions, 55
Water distribution systems
Ammonia, 55
Water entry of pesticides
Direct application, 318
Drift, 318
Faulty waste disposal, 318
Rainfall, 318
Soil runoff, 318
Spills, 318
Water flavor impairment, 148
Water flea
Thallium nitrate effects, 256
Water hardness
Biological productivity, 142
Definition, 142
Lead toxicity, 181
Metal toxicity level, 177
Scale deposits, 68
Utility facilities, 68
Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes}, 27
Water level control
Shell fish harvest, 399
Water management techniques, 50
Water nitrate concentrations, 73
Water oxygen
Salinity effects, 276
Temperature effects, 276
Water oxygen depletion
Duckweed, 24
Water hyacinth, 24
Water lettuce, 24
Water plume
Configuration effects, 170
Water pollutants
Oxygen level reduction, 133
Toxicity, 133, 140
Waterfowl mortalities, 195
Water polluting agents
Enteric microorganisms, 321
Water pollution
Crude oil toxicity, 144
Oils, 144
Water pollution control, 11
Water pressure tension, 135
Water processes
Mining industry, 394
Paper and allied products, 383
Tanning industry, 393
Water productivity,. 140
Water quality
Threshold odor concentration, 80
Threshold odor concentration, 80
Threshold odor concentration, 80
Acid conditions
Adverse effects, 140
Aethetics, 8, 399
Agarsphenamine, 87
Agricultural importance, 300
Algae content
Farmsteads, 301
Alkaline conditions
Adverse effects, 140
Alkalinity, 140
Analysis, 352
Animal use
Daily calcium requirements, 306
Daily salt requirements, 306
Aquatic vascular plants, 23
Benefit-cost analysis, 399
Biomonitoring receiving systems, 109
Biomphalaria glabrata, 18
Boating, 28
Body burdens of toxicants, 116
Carbonate buffering capacity, 140
Chemical and allied products, 384
Chemical compound concentrations,
Fish tainting, 148
Oyster changes, 14 7, 148
Coastal region nutrient, 270
Commercial fin fishing, 28
Commercial shell fishing, 28
Composition, 371
Outboard motor oil, 148
Cotton bleaching processes, 380
Deterioration, 10, 321
Dietary nutrient content, 305
Dilution water
Toxicant testing, 120
Dissolved oxygen concentrations, 134
Dissolved oxygen criteria, 133, 134
Element content
Cobalt, 306
Iodine, 306
. Magnesium, 306
Sulfur, 306
Estuaries, 222
Estuary nutrients, 270
Eutrophy, 21
Evaluation techniques, 399
Farm animals use, 321
Water quality (cont.)
Nonpathogenic bacterial contaminants,
Fish production requirements, 195
Flavor impairment, 148
Food canning processes, 390
Harbors, 35
Equivalent calcium carbonate, 68
Polyvalent cations, 68
Hydrogen ion concentration, 140
Industrial discharge
Color effc:cts, 130
Industrial effluents, 370
Inorganic chemicals concentration, 481, 482
Insecticides content, 195
Irrigation waters, 323, 324, 333, 336, 337
Isotope content, 307
Kraft pulp mills, 147
Livestock use
Biologically produced toxins, 304
Excessive salinity, 304
Mineral content, 304
Parasitic organisms, 304
Pathogenic organisms, 304
Pesticide residues, 304
Radionuclides, 304
Toxic elements, 304
Marine ecosystems, 216
Marketing costs, 371
Mercury pollution, 172
Mesotrophy, 21
Midge production, 18
Minerals, 88
Mortality probability, 404
Municipal sewage, 274
Nitrate-nitrogen level, 302
Nutrients, 19
Odor-producting bacteria
Farmsteads, 302
Oil loss effects, 144
Oil refinery effluents effects, 144
Oil spills effects, 144
Oligotrophy, 21
Organic mercury toxicity, 173
Outboard motor exhaust, 148
pH, 140
Paper and allied products, 383
Aquatic life, 16
Biological productivity, 16
Pathogens from fecal contamination, 58
Threshold odor concentrations, 80
Phenols, 80
Phosphorus concentrations, 81
Physical factors, 13
Plankton density, 82
Pollutant bioassays, 118
Polychlorinated byphenals content, 83
Preserving aesthetic values, 11
Radioactive materials restrictions, 273
Receiving systems-biota interaction, 109
Recreation, 8, 29, 399
Requirements, 370, 371
Point of intake, 371
Point of use, 371
Sanitary indicators, 57
Shell fish, 36
Subject lndex/591
Significant indicators, 378
Sodium content, 88
Soil-plant growth effects, 324
Soils, 323
Sport fin fishing, 28
Sport shell fishing, 28
Suspended solids effects, 222
Supersaturation, 135
Swimming, 28
Tainting, 147, 149
Textile dyeing processes, 380
Textile industry
Point of use, 380, 381
Thermal criteria, 152
Thermal regimes, 152
Total dissolved gases, 135
Toxic wastes, 18
Toxicants, 404, 407
Toxicity curves calculations, 407
Trace metals
pH effects, 140
Treatment equipment, 371
Virus-disease relationship, 91
Waste material Application factors, 121
Zinc content-taste relationship, 93
Zone of passage, 115
Water Quality Act (1965), 2
Water quality calculation
Lethal threshold concentration, 407
Threshold effective time, 407
Water quality characteristics
Aesthetics, 400
Drifting organisms, 113
Ecology, 400
Environmental pollution, 400
Human interest, 400
Migrating fish protection, 113
Mixing zones, 231
Multiproduct chemical plant, 385
Water quality criteria, 10, 91
Acute pollutants, 118
Chronic pollutants, 118
Crop responses, 300
Cumulative pollutants, 118
Inorganic chemical protection, 239
Least-cost analysis, 400
Lethal pollutants, 118
Marine aquatic life, 219
Marine environment
Methods of assessment, 233
Selenium toxicity, 345
Subacute pollutants, 118
Sublethal pollutants, 118
Wildlife, 194
Water quality deterioration
Wisconsin Lakes, 20
Water quality effects
Suspended particulates, 16
Water quality evaluations
Monetary benefit, 399
Site ·determination, 399
Nonmonetary 'benefit, 399
Waste treatment techniques, 399
592/Water Quality Criteria, 7972
Water quality indicators
Chemical and allied product industry, 384
Tanning industry, 394
Water quality management, 400
Aquatic organisms, 109
Water quality-plant growth interrelation-
ships, 24
Water quality projects
Economic objectives, 400
Water quality recommendations,
Ground water, 52
Public water supply, SO
Water management, 52
Water quality requirements
Agriculture, 300
Farmstead use, 301
Human farm population, 301
Long-term biological effects, 114
Water quality standards, 52
Artificial ground water recharge, 53
Mixed water body, 171
Water quality variation, 18
Water receiving systems
Nonthermal discharge distribution
Mathematical model, 403
Water recreation
Boating, 9
Camping, 9
Commercial, 9
Corps of Engineers, 9
Fishing, 9
Fishing licenses, 8
Legislation, 9
Management, 11
Participants, 9
Picnicking, 9
Point discharges, 12
Private, 9
Programs, 9
Public, 9
Regulations, 9
Sightseeing, 9
Sportsmen, 8
Subsurface drainage, 12
Surface flows, 12
Swimming, 9
Waterfowl hunters, 9
Water skiing, 9
Water recreation facilities costs, 9
Water requirements
Beef cattle, 305
Cattle, 305
Dairy cattle, 305
Horses, 305
Water balance trials, 305
Water loss, 304
Water needs, 304
Poultry, 305
Sheep, 305
Swine, 305
Water resources
Project recreation evaluation
Intangible benefits, 399
Nonmonetary expression of benefits, 399
Recreation, 8
Water resource use
Evaluation problems, 400
Water-related diseases
Bacillary hemoglobinuria, 321
Water safety
Fish indicators, 320, 321
Water salinity
Duckling mortality, 195
Livestock consumption, 307
Toxicity in dairy cattle, 307
Water salinity ions
Bicarbonates, 309
Calcium, 309
Chloride, 309
Magnesium, 309
Osmotic effects, 307
Sodium, 309
Sulfates, 309
Water solubility
DDT, 197
Water supply
Quantity for livestock, 304
Raw water quality, 50
Reservoirs, 13
Suspended solids
Clay, 301
Sand, 301
Silt, 301
Thermoduric microorganisms
Farmsteads, 302
Water supply management
Agriculture, 300
Water supply sources
Ammonia content
Cold temperature, 55
Aquatic vegetation control, 79
Water surface
Turbidity-absorption effects, 127
Water surface tension, 136
Water tainting, 149
Bioassays, 149
Biological causes, 147
Chemicals, 14 7
Water tainting tests, 149, 150
Bluegill, 149
Channel catfish, 149
Exposure, 149
Fish, 149
Flatfishes, 149
Largemouth bass, 149
Organoleptic evaluation, 149
Salmon, 149
Trout, 149
Yellow perch, 149
Water temperature, 152
Acclimation, 153
Aquatic ecosystems, 151
Aquatic life
Analysis, 168
Migration, 164
Spawning, 164
Aquatic sensitivity, 168
Artificial temperature elevations, 160
Channel catfish, 154
Commercial fisheries, 151
Community structure, 165
Zero net growth, 154
Fish exposure, 160
Fish growth rates, 157
Fish spawning conditions, 163
Food organisms production, 164
Growth comparisons, 158
Lethal threshold, 152
Life expectancy, 32
Nuisance organisms growth, 165
Ocean currents effects, 32
Power plant discharge, 166
Safety factor
, Aquatic life, 161
Seasonal changes, 154
Short-term exposure, calculations, 168-170
Sockeye salmon, 154, 160
Spawning period, 162
Sport fisheries, 151
Spring fall, 164
Spring rise, 164
Suspended particulates-sunlight penetra-
tion effects, 127
Warming rates, 127
Thermal springs effects, 32
Winter maxima, 160
Water temperature acclimation, 153
Water temperature-botulism poisoning re-
lationship, 197
Water temperature calculations, 154, 157
Water temperature criteria, 152, 154, 166
Hypothetical power plant, 167
Prolonged exposure, 153
Seasonal prolonged exposure, 154
Water temperature resistence
Chinook salmon, 153
Water temperature tolerance
Salmon, 153
Water temperature variation
Aquatic life development, 162
Water transmissions of virus, 91
Water transport
Particulate matter, 16
Siltation, 16
Water treatment
Halogens, 301
Sodium hypochlorite, 301
Economics, 377
Health hazards, 57
Heat, 301
Ozone, 301
Raw water at farmsteads, 301
Silver, 301
Ultraviolet sterilization, 301
Water treatment facilities
Agriculture, 300
Water treatment processes, 372, 379
PCB, 83
pH effects, 80
Adsorption, 373
Aeroation, 373
Alkalinity reduction, 272
Alkalinity removal, 375
Anion exchange, 375
Boiler makeup, 379
Cation exchange, 375
Chemical and allied products, 385, 386
Chlorination, 92
Clarification, 372
Coagulation, 50
Colloid removal, 379
Color stabilizing effect, 63
Cooling, 379
Corrosion control, 375
Demineralization, 375
Dissolved gases removal, 379
Dissolved solids removal, 379
Dissolved solids modification
Softening, 379
Distillation, 37 5
Electrodialysis, 375
External, 372, 374
Contaminants, 372
Raw water analysis, 373
Waste products, 372, 373
Filtration, 373
Foaming agents, 67
Food canning industry, 391
Hardness precipitation, 375
Internal, 372, 375
Ion exchange, 375
Iron sequestration, 375
Lime softening, 372, 373
Lumber industry, 382
Manganese sequestration, 375
Manganese zeolite, 375
Mixed bed exchange, 375
Nitrates-nitrites, 73
Oil and grease, 7 4
Oxygen scavenging, 375
pH control, 375
Paper and allied products, 383
Petroleum refining, 385
Phenolic compounds, 80
Plankton counts, 82
Rapid sand filtration, 50
Reverse osmosis, 375
Rough screens, 372
Scale control, 375
Sedimentation, 50, 372
Sediment dispersal, 375
Silica removal, 375
Sodium, 88
Sodium cation, 375
Sodium removal, 88
Suspended solids removal, 379
Temperature effects, 89
Textile industry, 381
Turbidity, 90
Ultrafiltration, 3 7 5
Water treatment technology, 370
Water use
Chemical and allied products, 384
Chemical manufacture, 384
Coolant, 89
Drinking water, 301
Farm household, 301
Farmsteads, 300
Drinking, 302
Household, 302
Food canning industry, 391
Potable water, 390
Industrial plant sites, 369
Industr-ial requirements, 378
Industry, 369
Boiler-feed, 369
Bottled/canned soft drinks, 370
Chemical and allied products, 384
Chemical products, 370
Condensing-cooling, 369
Food canning, 370, 389
Lumber and wood, 370
Manufacturing plants, 369
Mining/cement, 370
Once-through cooling, 376, 378
Petroleum refining, 370, 385
Plant intake, 369
Primary metals, 370
Pulp and paper, 370
Steam generation, 370, 376
Sources, 370
Tanning, 370
Textile mills, 370
Treatment facilities, 371
Treatment processes, 372
Treatment technology, 370, 371
Industry intake
Brackish water, 369
Freshwater, 369
Ground water, 369
Surface water, 369
Irrigation, 89
Livestock, 304
Lumber and wood industry, 381
Lumber and wood processing, 381
Milk for marketing, 301
Mining industry, 395
Objectionable odors, 301
Paper and allied products, 382
Paper and pulp industry, 382
Manufacturing purposes, 382
Surface supply, 383
Paper and pulp process, 382
Primary metals industry, 388
Coke products, 388
Hot strip mill, 388
Pig iron products, 388
Steel-making processes, 388
Tin plate, 388
Produce preparation, 301
Recycling, 369
Textile industry, 380
Milk-handling equipment, 302
Raw farm products, 302
Waste carrier, 89
Water use processes
Bottled and canned soft drinks, 392
Steam generation, 377
Water virus survival, 276
Waterborne disease, 91, 351
Lead poisoning, 228
Lead toxicity, 228
Winter patterns, 195
Waterfowl food plants
Subject lndex/593
Alkalinity-growth relationship, 194
. Reedhead grass, 194
Waterfowl foods
Salinity, 195
Waterfront preservation, 10
Watershed alterations
Channelization, 124
Clearing of vegetation, 124
Diking, 124
Dredging, 124
Filling, 124
Impounding streams, 124
Rip-rapping, 124
Sand and gravel removal, 124
Shoreline modification, 124
Watersheds, 39
Waubesa Lake, Wise., 20
Well water
Contamination from farming, 73
Fertilization contamination, 73
Fluorine content, 312
Nitrate content, 73
West Falmouth, Mass.
Oil spill, 258
Whales, 217
Whistling swans
Lead ingestion effects, 228
White amur (see grass carp)
pH effects, 141
White Oak Creek, Oak Ridge
Atomic energy installations, 273
White Oak Lake, Oak Ridge
Atomic energy installations, 273
White pelicans
Shell thinning-DDE relationship, 227
White perch
Ferric hydroxide effects, 249
White suckers
Hydrogen sulfide toxicity, 193
Whitetailed sea eagle
Mercury contamination, 252
Waterfowl food, 194
Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, 10, 39
Wild celery
Waterfowl food, 194
Food protection, 194
Light penetration-plant growth relation-
ship, 195
PCB content, 175
Shelter, 194
Survival, 194
Wildlife embryos
2, 4, 5, T herbicide contaminant, 225
Chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins toxicity,
Chlorinated phenols, 225
Pentachlorophenol fungicide contaminant,
Wildlife species
Pollutants-life cycle relationship, 225
Wilson's petrel
Cadmium effects, 246
594/Water Quality Criteria, 1972
Windscale, England
Radiation outfall, 273
Wisconsin lakes, 20
l!lorganic nitrogen content, 22
Inorganic phosphorus content, 22
Wood preservatives
Arsenic content, 243
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
Oil spill studies, 258
World oceans
River sediment loads, 281
Xiphinema, 347
Xiphinema index, 349
Yellow perch
Spawning conditions, 164
Yuma, Arizona
Irrigation water pesticides content, 346
r usho disease
PCB, 83
Bioaccumulation, 257
Dietary requirement
Livestock, 317
Poultry, 317
Human metabolism need, 93
Natural waters, 316, 317
Public water supply, 93
Water hardness-toxicity effects, 182
Zinc solubility
Alkalinity, 93
pH value, 93
Zinc toxicity, 257
Farm animals, 316
Zone of passage
Coastal waters, 115
Estuaries, 115
Lakes, 115
~eservoirs, 115
Rivers, 115
Water quality, 115
Gas bubble disease, 138
Aluminum tolerance, 242
Asphyxiation, 137
Zostera marinus, 245