HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA2204I Biological Services Program FWSIOBS-78/58 July 1978 Avian Mortality at -Man-made Structures: . . An Annotated Bibliography '8/58 1nd Wildlife Service U.S. Department of the Interior ·).' f. t ~ -~ ~ .. -; !Xl&!ru~& c ~00&~©@ Susitna Joint Venture Document Number ~~OL{ · Please Return To DOGUMENT CONTROL ~ L;.;.,, .. ;L~i~.':-~~- I I ..... J . . ~ -. ··-·~ . .-.;:··-. -~ .... _-,.-...... -. ..;.~;. •.:. < • The Biological Services Program was .established·within:the·U.S.' -Fish ·and Wildlife Seryke, to supply·scientific inforrnat·i'bn and·'meth-· odologies on key"'environmental issues which impact fish ahd w·ildlife resources and their supporting ecosystems. The mission of the Program is as follows: 1. To strengthen the Fish and Wildli.fe Service in its role as a primary sours;e .of information on national fish and wildlife resoilr<;'es;; ·'parj;.icuJ ar-ly in respect to environmenta 1 impact assessment. ' . . ·-2. To gather, analyze, and present information that \'Jill aid decision makers in the identification and resolution of problems associated with major land and water use changes. 3. To provide better ecological information and evaluation for Department of the Interior development programs, such as those relating to energy development. Information developed by the Biological Services Program is in- tended for use in the planning and decision making process to prevent or minimize the impact of development on fish and wildlife. Biological Services research activities and technical assistance services are based on an analysis of the issues, the decision makers involved and their information needs, and an evaluation of the state of the art to identify information gaps and determine priorities. This is a strategy to assure that the products produced and disseminated will be timely and useful. Biological Services projects have been initiated in the following areas: Coal extraction and conversion Power plants Geothermal, mineral~ and oil shale development Water resource analysis, including stream alterations and western water allocation Coastal ecosystems and Outer Continental Shelf development Systems and inventory, including National Wetlands Inventory, habitat classification and analysis, and information transfer The Program consists of the Office of Biological Services in Wash- ington, D.C., which is responsible for overall planning and management; National Teams which provide the Program's central scientific and tech- nical expertise and who arrange for contracting Biological Services studies with States, universities, consulting firms, and others; Regional staff who provide a link to problems at the operating level; and staff at certain Fish and Wildlife Service research facilities who conduct in- house research studies. _tl ·- .. ~f~rence 43-The citation should _read "Bird-Banding 49(2):182-184." ~~ference 121 -The author's n~~ should be •Brooke, M. de L.". ~ferenc~ 130 -!ns~rt the word nthe" between "on• and •autu1lln" in the tit is. ~~fe~nce 333-Srac~ets should enclose the phrase •;n Finnish, English s~~ry", followed ~ a period. ~~f~renc~ 455 -Add 0 FUS/OBS-78/48" to the citat1on. f~erence 425 ~ Delete ~utah State Un1v.~ Log:n.9 and insert •touisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge.• ~f~ren~~ 5&1 -The citation should read "tJHdf~l Trust Arm. Rep. lS:74-84.n Pefe-rnnce 753 -f.dc "P.~/OGS-78/48" tc the citation. ~e~ence 8£iG-The title ·should read "The migr~tions of bi~s.• ~ferencc 827 -In the title, .:wateriot<tl" should be "~ter fo-.11•. : SeptEmber. _1978 I f . I I -· .. ~; ,. ~- l --·· :::,----~-~ ... -' l 1. iiutll<or\s) ~ Hicha~i L. Avery, Paul F. Springer. ~-~. P'edon:;.in~ Crg:Aclzi;~iea lia~Ae ru1d J.cl~~sa. ~aticnal Pzy¢.er Plant Team u.s. Fish and Wildlife Service 1451 Gre:!n Road . -,._ .. -· ...•. · .. ~· .. -.. f~ancy S. Dailey . :. Pedurmin,; Ors~r.i:t•rion Repr. No. iO. !?rej.e~:t/7u!;/~ork Unit No, ·I ll. C~ct/Grant No. ~----~~n f~~-·~M~;!~4?~;1~0~5~·~------------------------------~~--~~--~~~--~ U. s,.,or..:;orine Orgs.niz;uio~ Nu:~ and Aclciress l3. Typt! of Repon et Perio:l Office of Biological Services Covered U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Washington. D.C. 20240 14. 15. Su~!llemf!ntary Notes Thi~ bibliography contains 853 s~~rized references pertaining to bird morta~ity due to collision and electrocution at man-made structures such as ~er transmission lines, radio and TV towers, lighthouses. cooling ~wers. l:miidings, and airp-:>rt cello.T.eters. Subject, taxonomic, and geographic indexes are included. · U. Key li'ords aDJ Docuaem llna!y~is. iia. [;~sc:riptors Birds Animal navigation Animal migrations Chimneys Power transmission tow2rs Cooling tc~ers Radio to~rs Power transmission lines Buildings Windows l7b. ldutlfiera/Opea-Eoded T-rma 11c.. C:C$A Tl Field "Group 1'i.A Mortality Biological Services Program FWS/OBS-78/58 July 1978 AVIAN MORTALITY AT MAN-MADE STRUCTURES: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY by Michael L. Avery National Power Plant Team U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1451 Green Road Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105 Paul f. Springer Wildlife Research Field Statton U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Humboldt State University Arcata, California 95521 Nancy s. Dailey Ecological Sciences Information Center Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 Fish and Wildlife Servic~ _, -·-~-- ... {:.· U'.s. Department'Of the Interior Few aate by the Superintendent of Documents·, U.s. Government Printing Office, Waahington, D.C. 20402 ' TABLE OF CONTENTS .INTRODUCTION ...................•...................... ~-;. . . . 1 .BIBLIOGRAPHY .. • .......... ~···~ ...... ,.... ................... ~ .... . . . . . . 7 SUBJECT INDEX • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 99 TAXONOMIC INDEX • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 04 GEOGRAPHIC INDEX • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 107 INTRODUCTION The adverse effects of man-made structures on birds in flight has long been recognized (e;g., Cooke 1888, Kumlien 1888); however, the pro- liferation in recent years of radio and TV towers, tall buildings, power .1 ines, cooling towers, and tall stacks constitutes an i.r:~creasing hazard to birds. Estiruates of the .. ~nnual UJ.Ortality in the United States due to avian collisions with radio and TV towers range from 1 to 1.25 million (Mayfield 1967, Banks 1978), and losses due to strikes at windows and glass corridors probably exceed 80 million each year (Klem 1978). The effects of such mortality on species and populations are undetermined, but the growing public awareness of the need to respect our environment demands that proposed projects be evaluated beforehand as to the poten- tial impacts on wildlife and their habit~ts and the means by which adverse impacts may be mitigated. To prepare a study, or to develop or assess an environmental impact statement, knowledge of related, previous work is essential. This bibliography will aid future investigators by providing a ready source of reference to past studies of bird mortality at man-made structures. This project was originally conceived in 1972 during a study of bird losses associated with a 1200-foot navigational tower (Avery et al. 1975) when it was found that numerous references pertaining to avian mortality at man-made structures existed, but for the most part were not readily available. Tl)us, a systematic search was begun to prepare a comprehensive, annotated bibliography on the subject. Then, in Sep- tember 1977, a further search was initiated by the Ecological Sciences Information Center at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory for the National Power Plant Team under an inter-agency agreement between the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Department of Energy~ The results of these two efforts have been combined in this publication. In addition, the Ecological Sciences Information Center maintains a computerized data base that includes this bibliography with extended abstracts. Specific fields available for searching include author, corporate author, sponsor, title, publication description, location (country, state, county, city, etc.), taxon, common name, family name or group (shorebirds, waterfowl, upland game birds, etc.), keywords, and subject category. This bibliography is restricted to articles directly concerned with bird losses at man-made structures. Because of the large volume of literature involved, no attempt was made to include articles on related topics such as bird navigation and orientation, avian migration patterns and behavior, flight density and altitudinal distribution, and the effects of weather on migration. Similarly, articles concerning bird collisions with aircraft and vehicles are excluded. All of these sub- jects merit attention, but they were beyond the scope of this, project. 1 The majority of the reports include the number of individuals and species killed, with some observations of weather conditions at the time of the incident, bird behavior near the structure, or comments on the attraction of birds to lights. Other reports use data derived from casualties to analyze migration routes and timing, examine the causes of death and injury, describe species morphometry and physiology, determine subspecific composition of migrant populations, and assess the impact of scavengers and predators on study rel iabi"l ity. Avian electrocution studies, which include both electric transmission structures and electric fences, report bird casualties, examine the circumstances causing death or injury, identify problem locations and lethal structural designs, and recommend design changes to reduce the hazard tobirds. This bibliography contains 853 entries, 721 of which are from journals or periodicals of the United States (607), Canada (43), the British Isles (28), and elsewhere (43). The remaining references are from book~ (29), proceedings of conferences (24), unpublished reports (20), various governmental and private publications (43), theses (10), and newspapers (6). The majority of the references were located by manually searching the literature, particularly in the library of the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, Maryland and in the Bird Division Library and the Josselyn Van Tyne Memorial Library, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Of the 79 American journals represented, Amer'ican Birds (formerly Audubon Field Notes) was the greatest source of citations (230). These were primarily regional reports of the numbers of individuals and species killed during spring and fall migrations, or migration records obtained from kill incidents, with few details. Other journals contributing numerous references were the Auk (34), Condor (23), Miyrant (49), and Wilson Bulletin (31). Wildlife Review (1952 to 1977 and Zoological Record (1921 to 1972) were searched to obtain some of the refe~ences, particularly foreign ones. The bibliographies of Buskirk (1967), Dailey (1978), Nisbet (1970), and Weir (1976b) provided additional citations. Foreign references were included when identified, but no attempt was made to conduct an ex- haustive search of foreign literature. Computerized searches of the 1 iterature were performed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNLL Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Data bases (or systems) searched include BIOSIS · (Biological Abstracts and Bioresearch Index), DOE Energy Data Base (Nuclear Science Abstracts), NTIS (Government Reports Announcements), Environmental Science Index, Water Resources Abstracts, and Enviroline. Additional information, most of it unpublished, was obtained through personal communications with interested parties. Unless otherwise stated, each article was read, then summarized. The citation, summary (if given), and its source are provided for unob- tained articles. Copies of all unpublished reports, and many of the published ones, are on file with the National Power Plant Team and/or the Ecological Sciences Information Center (ORNL). In the reference summaries, pertinent aspects of the articles are given, including the numbers of individuals and species killed, the principal species involved, 2 :late, location, weather conditions~ and behavior of the bircts. Included t#ithin some of the suiJJilartes are cross"-references to related articles. These references were.not necessarily cited by the author, but are pro- vided to fac11 itate access to artides pertaini:ng to the same or a related incident. No attempt was'made to include all possible cross- references. Unless otherwise stated, the year' of the collision incident _is the same as the year of publ icatton. .t ~j.:t-(, r ... .• In general, the Style Manual of the Council of Biol.ogy Editors, l972 edition, was followed throughout. _Abbreviations of journal titles were taken from the 1977 BIClSIS-L 1St of Seria 1s, and aLbreviations of states follow the Style Manual of the U.S. Governm~nt Printing Office, 1973 revised edition. · The citations are indexed,according.to supjects, kinds of birds, and locations. The subject categories are broad and include the types of structures involved and the major topics discussed ·in the articles. Birds mentioned in the abstracts are indexed according to their family (e_.g., Warblers} o~ general group (e.g., Shorebirds). The only individual species included in the index are those listed as threatened or endangered by the U.S. Department of the Interior {27 October1976, Federal Register 41(208) :47181-47198) ._ Co11111on names of birds mentioned 'in articles from the U.S. and Canada have been made consistent with the American Orni- thologists• Union Checklist of North American Birds, 1957 edition, and supp-1 ements. Common names of birds outside North America were not changed from the authors• original usage. Incidents within the United States are indexed according-to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service regional boundaries (see map) and incidents outside this country are entered under Africa, Asia, Australia and New Zealand, British Isles, Canada, Europe, Pacific Islands, and South America· and the West Indies. Despite the numerous publications dealing with collision mortality in birds, the coverage and reporting of losses has been uneven. The reported incidents ~re more likeli a function of the distribution of interested workers than of the occurrence of the incidents themselves. In North America, most of the reported incidents are from radio and TV towers andairport ceilometers. Documentation of such incidents is almost non-existent elsewhere (Table 1). Wire strikes and electrocutions have long been of concern. in Great Britain and Europe. In the U.S., telegraph wires were first reported as a cause of bird mortality over 100 years _ago (Coues 1876}, but only recently have power. transmission and distribution lines, a rapidly increasing hazard to birds, received much attention. The Workshop on the Impact of Transmission Lines on Birds in FHght sponsor_ed by the National Power Plant Team and Oak Ridge- Associated Universities duri_rtg 31 January-2 February 1978 i's an indication of the growing concern for this problem. _ The electrocution of e_agles and other raptors in the western U.S. led to an intenSive program to reme~y the situation thro_ugh engineering changes in wire and pole config- uratlons at problem areas (Miller et al. 1975). In thelate 1800's and early 1900's bird mortality at lighthouses was widely reported in both 3 / l"dTF.U !'OTATt::-> IIF.PARTMt:!'I.T Ut' THt; 1'\Tt:ftiHR REGIONAL BOUNDARIES "<: 1 ~ " . ~. CJ 0 ... " i o.c:aoo ... W...o• . .. --------------------,------------ " >. i ~----------.. _J- II A K, 1 &/. _________ _ r --~ L_._____ I \ I .. w ·' I ______ ..._ .. l · ... ---...,----i' "'-· I I ' ALII,' UEIIQUI + I N. .\f *"'""• i------------~ . i ! .. -.. , i j /:~ i + .'i •• -~ '·· i "-: ··,·---. .L.r-- i ""''"''1J"'o,...--"" .. :_ ____ ~ 2 '\. .. ~ \. ,-·-·, + .. ...._.) \ \ .. _._ GULF -> • t:O.'MPII.t:U l"i THt: Ul\1!'111" Of t:,ta,n:KI"il;-(rCJ12) RAsE B'l 1 .s.t:.s. W ASHI:'Iii;TO:"'i, D.c:. sc:.u.t: '' Mtu:s OF t'I~H 4' U • II.DLJn: ~.t:R\'IU: \ \ MEXICO -••ClONAL IOliNOAIUJI -- Table 1. Geographic distribution of references to bird mortality through collisi,ons with selected types of structures. Structure u.s. Canada British Isles Europe Elsewnere , Total Buildings 93 9 2 11 1 116 ' Ceilometers 65 .. /J;. 0 0 . 0 0 65 r'" Lighthouses 33 28 12 5 6 84 Power Lines 37 2 4 7 4 54 Radio, TV towers 308 38 0 1 4 351 Total 536 77 18 24 15 North America and Britain, and it continues to be a problem at some locations (Clark 1977). Mortality due to collisions at buildings and windows has been a recognized problem in Europe since the 1950's and has been given considerable attention recently in this country (Klem 1978). The massive cooling towers, stacks, and chimneys associated with power generating statio~s present additional hazards to migrating birds (e.g., Jackson et al. 1974, Weir 1972 et seq.). In the introduction to his bibliography Weir (1976b} provides a comprehensive review of the bird strike problem. A ldng-term, coo.rdinated, national or regional effort to monitor and report bird losses at man-made structures is long overdue. The 3- year study in Ontario by Baldwin (1962, 1963, 1965) and his associates was an effort toward this end. Until a thorough, comprehensive survey is made, it will be impossible to fully assess the impact of man-made structures on bird populations. 670 We appreciate the help of the following librarians in obtaining many of the references included in this bibilography: Nancy Ann Dorgan and Eileen Bartels of the Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center; Ell-Piret Multer of the Denver Wildlife Research Center; Carole Koehmstedt of N()rth Oakota State University; Lynda Garrett and Ceil Nolley of the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center; Kathy Denney of the National·Power Plant Team; and Opal Rus·sell of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). Betty Cornett of .ORNL assisted with the computer search and acquisition of documents. Susan Richardson of the Information Sciences and Operations Department (ORNL) carried out the computer production of the data base. We are grateful to the following persons and ~ompan1es for supplying unpublished manusG.ripts, reports, and other information: Richard c. Banks; Vivian Bell; Elwood G. Bizeau; Erwin L. Boeker; Arthur Clark; 5 Matthew H. Dick; Stephen V. Goddard; Wilifred I. Howard; Idaho Power Company; William B. Jackson; Jack M. Lee, Jr.; Calvin J. Lensif!k; Lynda Lyons; Michael McMinn; Richard R. Olendorff; Pacific Gas & Electric Company; Toledo Edison Company; William Tucker; and Sanford R. Wilbur. We appreciate the efforts of Sally Vreeland of the National Power Plant Team who typed the manuscript. Despite the work expended in compiling this bibliography, there are recognized deficiencies. It will be appreciated if any omissions or errors, as well as future references, are brought to the authors' attention. 6 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Able, K. P. 1963. Television tower mortality in the Niagara frontier during fall_, 1962. Kingbird 13(4):192-195. A summary of 682 losses (43 species) at a 1076.,.foot tower at Colden, N.Y. is given. It is speculated that, due to superior eyesight, rails and shorebirds do not suffer great losses at towers. Weather data are provided. ; .... 2. __ 1966. Ielevision towart~ortality'liear louisville. l<v. ~larbler 42(2):27-28. 3. 4. Five small kills totalling 25 birds of 16 species occurred at a 973-foot tower during fall 1965 in association with low pressure systems and frontal activity. 1972. The changing seasons. Am. Birds 26(1):25-30. In fall 1971, tower kills were reported from western New York and in the southeast U.S. No details are given. 1973. The changing seasons. Am. Birds 27(1):19-23. In fall 1972, single night kills exceeding 1000 birds occurred at TV towers in Tennessee and Florida, and twice at the floodlit chimneys of a Lennox, Ont. power plant. 5. Adams, D. A. 1962. Nocturnal migrant mortality in the Carolinas, September 1962. Chat 26(4):83-88. Mortality at four towers and two ceilometers during 6-8 September is discussed, and a list, by location, of 4189 birds of 61 species is given. Three species -Red-eyed Vireo, Ovenbird, American Redstart-comprised two-thirds of the total kill. 6. Aldrich, J. ~1., R. R. Graber, D. A. Munro, G. J. Wallace, G. C. West, and V. H. Cahalane. 1966. Report of committee on bird protection. Auk 83(3):465-467. This is a brief overview of bird mortality at towers and ceilometers and an appeal for more research into its causes and effects. In the last 10 years, about 300,000 casualties have been reported and the problem. may worsen as tall towers become more numerous. 7. Allen, J. A. 1880. Destruction of birds by lighthouses. Nuttall Ornithol. Club Bull. 5(3):131-138. Reports from 24 lighthouses in the U.S. are presented. Greatest losses occurred at lights in the Carolinas, Florida and Louisiana, and lesser mortality was reported from the northeast. Two lights in San Francisco Bay reported no losses. 8. • 1901. Review of Barrington's 'The migration of birds at Irish 1 ight stations'. ~uk 18(2):205-206. This a review of Barrington's (1900) book; 9. Alsop, F. J., III, and G. 0. Wallace. 1969. Spring tower-kill in Knox. County. Migrant 40(3}:57-58. Twenty casualties (10 species) were collected at the WTKV tower in Tennessee following the night of 7-8 May. A list of the losses is given with weight, length, wing, tail, bill, tarsus and gonadal measurements .. Weather data are also included. 10. Andersen-Harild, P., and D. Bloch. 1973. En forelobig undersogelse over fugle draebt mod elledninger. (Birds killed by overhead wires on some locations in Denmark) [in Danish, English summary]. Dan. Orn.ithol. Foren. Ti.dsskr. 67(1-2).:15-23. During 3-22 October 1971, bird losses were monitored along 13.1 km of power lines (60 kV and 150 kV and smaller overhead wires at four locations in Denmark. Most of the lines were in reed beds or shallow water areas. Checks for casualties were made daily at daybreak. Of the 105 casualties, 80% were found within 5 m of the wires. The configuration of the conductor system is an important factor in the extent of the mortality at a particular. site. The most lethal of the four sites studied had a "wall of wires" configuration 7 (12 wires at 8 different levels) and averaged nine dead birds recovered per 24 hours per 10 km of power line. About 60% of the total losses were of species resting iri'the area (herons, ducks, shorebirds, gulls) and 40% were night migrants (Moorhens, owls, thrushes, Starlings, songbirds). The number and type of birds killed at a site depends pn local factors such as the composition of the birds in the area. In this study, swans, gulls, and certain shorebirds were particularly vulnerable but ducks were killed in relatively low numbers. One species of bittern that was killed, Botaurus stellaris, is threa~ened by extermination in Denmark. The authors conclude that overhead wire systems should be regarded "as a part of the correlation of environmental factors which have a negative effect on bird populations ..•.. " (From English summary.) 11. Anderson, A. H. 1933. Electrocution of Purple Martins. Condor 35:204. In early June 1933, two martins were killed at a 2.3 kV power line near Tucson, Ariz. 12. Anderson, W. L. 1978. Waterfowl collisions with power lines at a coal-fired power plant. Wildl. Soc. Bull. In press. An estimated 400 birds per fall season (0.4% of the peak number present) were killed by colliding with overhead power lines at the Lake Sangchris-Kincaid, Ill. power plant during 1973-75. Blue-winged Teal were the most vulnerable and Mallards the least vulnerable to collisions. Factors believed to be responsible for losses here include: the number of birds present, the visibility of the lines, the occurrence of disturbances that startle birds into flight, the species present, and the degree of familiarity of the birds with the area. To reduce losses, it is recommended that lines not be built over water, that lines not cross places where waterfowl are known to congregate, that the visibility of lines be enhanced, and that waterfowl not be disturbed in the vicinity of overhead lines. 13. Andrle, R. F. 1971. The month. Prothonotary 37(9):117. On 29 and 31 August, 313 birds (26 species) were collected at five towers in the Buffalo, N.Y. area. 14. Anonymous. 1902. Birds that struck the city hall tower, 1902. Cassinia 6:49. Only five birds (three species) were killed in the spring, but 73 (23 species) died during fall migration at the Philadelphia city hall. Species lists and dates of kill are given. 15. ___ 1906. Abstracts of the Proceedings of the Delaware Valley Ornithological Club for 1906. Cassinia 10:58-64. Witmer Stone reported that several hundred birds died at the Philadelphia city hall on 28 August. A partial species list is given. 16. . 1930. The Cooper River bridge as a factor in the destruction of migrating birds. --Bird-Lore 32(1) :92-95. Lights are apparently the cause of bird mortality at this Charleston, S.C. bridge. 17. __ . 1953. Highlights of the early fall migration Aug.-Sept. Kingbird 3(3):67-68. On 21 September, large numbers of warblers, especially Bay-breasted, were killed·at the Empire State Building. 18. __ . 1955. Ceilometer fatalities solved? Feathers 17(12) :77. Ultraviolet filters are being installed on airport ceilometers to help reduce losses to nocturnally migrating birds. The filters, which permit no visible light to pass through, have been used with good results on ceilometers in Nashville and Knoxville, Tenn. (Velie 1963) 8 19. 1957. Migrating birds killed in flight on TV antenna. Baton Rouge Morning -----Advocate, 25 September 1957:1,6A. 20. An estimated 1000 birds were killed at the WBRZ-TV tower during an overcast night. 1961. Large bird kills at TV towers. Bluebird 28(1) :9. A brief summary of two kills in Missouri is given: 658 birds {4.1 species) and one red bat at Columbia, on 24 September 1960, and about 100 birds (at least 16 species) at Cape Gi rardeaux on 27 .-september 1960.:.~\.. ,.. .. 21. l962a. Report on birds being killed at Quebec Hydro's microwave tower at Hauterville, -----P.Q.-September 1962. Prov. of Quebec Dep. Game Fish. Unpubl. rep. 22. Birds are killed regularly at three short towers (460, 300, and 300 feet). No details are given, but a kill of "well over 300" birds is mentioned. 1962b. 28 die in U.S. fog. The Globe and Mail, 2 February:l. Birds caused minor electrical failures in the' Sacramento, Calif. area in· early February 1962. In thick fog, they crashed intci power lines and transmitting towers. 23. _____ 1966a. Towers deadly for birds. Detroit Free Press, 27 April :12C. A general discussion of the problem is presented with comments from R. R. Graber and C. A. Kemper on the attraction of birds to tower lights. 24. . l966b. News of the birds, summer and early fall, 1966. Nova Scotia Bird Soc. --8(3) il5-23. Included is a report of ll5 Blackpoll Warblers found dead at the Cape Sable lighthouse following the clear, cold, windy night of 17-18 October. 25. • l972a. Omega tower bird kill set at 941. Flickertales (N. Oak. Wildl. Fed.) --9(12):6. During fall 1971, an estimated 941 birds were killed at the 1200-foot Omega tower, LaMoure, N.Dak. A total of 152 birds (41 species), mostly warblers and vireos, was actually collected (Avery et al. 1975). 26. _____ 1972b. An examination of the bird impact problem at the Nanticoke plant of the Ontario Hydro Electric System, Phase II. LGL Limited. Unpubl. rep. 32 pp. This report, covering fall 1972, includes descriptions of nocturnal bird behavior at the two 656-foot stacks, kill data, and a date-by-date list of bird losses at each stack, with the lighting mode, weather, and moon phase. For the season, 1550 birds of 56 species were found dead; 70% of the losses were at stack 1 which was lit with floodlights. Fewer losses were recorded at this stack when red filters were used than when the floodlights were unfiltered. Stack 2, illuminated by a single white light atop the stack, accounted for only 30% of the kill. Large kills usually occurred on nights with little or no moonlight. In 1970, 2773 birds were killed When no filters were used compared to 754 in 1971 when red filters were in use. Early in the season, most losses occurred after midnight, but starting with 5 October, most losses were recorded early in the night. (See Johanse·n 1975 for subsequent results at this and other Ontario power stations.) · 27. . 1975. Youngstown member studies TV tower kill. Bull. Audubon Soc. West. Pa. --40(3):4. . In fall 1974, 268 birds (36 species) were killed at a 1085-foot tower at Youngstown, Ohio. Searches were made daily starting shortly after sunrise. The largest kill occurred during nights of unsettled weather, but some large kills occurred on clear nights as well. There was little evidence of predation. In spring 1975, 48 birds were found dead or injured, and in the fall more than 1050 birds were found dead, including over 300 Ovenbirds (Bartolo 1976). 9 , I I 28. _______ 1976a. Waterfowl power line collisions. Ill. Nat. Hist. Surv. Rep. No. 160:3-4. This is a less detailed account of Anderson's (1978) study. 29. __ 1976b. Scare tactics. Natl. Wildl. 14(2) :38. At the State University of New York at Oswego, hundreds of migrating birds have been killed at a double-decked, glass-enclosed bridge. Cutouts of Cooper's Hawks placed in the windows reduced bird losses by 75% to just over 100/year. 30. _______ . 1977. A waterfowl study of selected sites within the Klamath Basin and Warner Valley, Oregon. Beak Consultants, Inc., Pprtland, Oreg. 40 pp. The impact of a proposed 500 kV power line through the Warner Valley on area waterfowl was evaluated. More waterfowl were observed crossing the proposed route than crossing an existing 69 kV power line. The majority of the former were at elevations of 150-500 feet, whereas most birds crossed the 69 kV line at heights exceeding 500 feet. Twenty-nine dead birds that were collected under the 69 kV line probably struck the wires. Red-winged Black- birds and American Coots were the primary victims. The removal rate due to scavengers was zero during the four days it was tested. 31. Arbib, R. S., Jr. 1950. Migrating bird mortality at Mitchell Air Force Base, Long Island. Linnaean Newsl. 4(6):2-3. Following the overcast night of 20 September, 15 birds (6 species) were collected at this airport ceilometer. Death apparently resulted from-impact with the ground. A similar incident at the McQuire Air Force Base is mentioned briefly. 32. Arend, P. H. [1970]. The ecological impact of transmission lines on the wildlife of San Francisco Bay. Unpubl. rep. 24 pp. This study of some Pacific Gas and Electric steel tower transmission lines was conducted during June-August 1970. While observing that "A few ducks obviously did occasionally hit the power lines.", the author concludes " ... there can be no doubt that, qualitatively, the steel tower transmission line ecologically enhances rather than detracts from the wildlife environment." - 33. Arnold, J. R. 1960. Black Rail in San Joaqu.in Valley of California. Condor 62(5) :405. The bird was found dead on 26 August 1959 near Stockton, and had apparently str1.1ck a fence or an overhead wire. ~ 34. Arnold, W. W. 1918. A bird hospital. Bird-Lore 20(3):259-262. A Red-shafted (Conmon) Flicker broke its wing by flying into a telephone wire. 35. Aronoff, A. 1949. The September migration tragedy. Linnaean Newsl. 3(1) :[1-2]. Losses at the Empire State Building (over 200 birds, 30 species) on 10-11 September 1948 are discussed, and a species list is provided. Also discussed are kills at a Nashville, Tenn. airpor_t ceilometer involvin9 248 birds_ of 35 species (Spofford 1949a, b); a Philadelphia, Pa. building (at least 11 species}; and a 450-foot tower in Baltimore, Md. A list of casualties from the Nashville incident is included. - 36. Arthur, R. W. 1961. Birds killed at Bardsey light-1960. Bardsey Observatory Rep. 8:35-37. In 1960, 395 dead birds were collected at this Welsh light known for its numerous bird kills. (Citation and abstract from Wildl. Rev., December 1963.) 37. Avery, M., and T. Clement. 1972. Bird mortality at four towers in eastern North Dakota- fall 1972. Prairie Nat. 4(3 & 4):87-95. Throughout the season, 561 birds (88 species-) and 5 red bats-were collected at four towers, two of which exceed 2000 feet and are reportedly the tallest in the world. The species most frequently killed at the Omega tower, farther south and west than the other three towers, were characteristic of marsh and prairie grassland areas, whereas those from the other three towers were characteristic of forest.and forest edge habitats. Species lists of the casualties are given and scavenger activity at'the sites is discussed. 10 38. Avery, M. L., and P. F. Springer. 1973. Investigation of bird migration and mortality at the Omega Navigation Station,. Lat•loure, North Dakota, fall 1972 and spring 1973. Proc. 39. Bird Control Semin .. Bowling Green State Univ. 6:169-170. ~1ortality was estimated to be 1037 (66 species, mostly warblers) in fall 1972 and 1417 (51 species, mostly fringillids) in spring 1973. On overcast nights, more birds were observed near the tower (equipped with conventional red warning lig~ts) than 1000 feet to the northeast, while on clear nights the opposite was true. A commercial sound device (Av Alarm, f'1odel TA\1-60) was testeEI'"~s a possflile b"ird deterrent and dispersed birds within 100 feet of the speaker. Avery, f~. L., P. F. Springer, and J. F. Cassel. the Omega tower, southeastern North Dakota. 1~75. Progress report on bird losses at N. Dak. Acad. Sci. 27(2):40-49. This paper summarizes the findings of a study of bird mortality at the 1200-foot Omega tower during its first three seasons of operation. Using a stratified sampling plan to estimate total losses, it was found that mortality was about 1000 birds/season for fall 1971 and spring and fall 1972. Actual numbers of. dead birds collected for the three seasons were 152 (41 species), 255 (58 species) and 226 (66 species), respectively. Parulids dominated the fall kills while fringillids were.more abundant in the spring losses. On overcast nights, significantly more birds were seen near the tower than 305 m to the northeast, but on clear nights, the opposite was true. By checking for casualties daily, shortly after sunrise, removal of dead birds by predators and scavengers was kept to a minimum. Complete species lists for the three seasons' losses are given. 40. 1976. The effects of a tall tower on nocturnal bird migration-a portable ceilometer --study. Auk 93(2):281-291. 41. Using a portable ceilometer (searchlight), nocturnal bird behavior was stud1ed at the 366m Omega tower in southeastern North Dakota. During the fall 1972 and spring and fall 1973 migration seasons, significantly more birds ~Jere observed at the tm~er on overcast nights than 305 m to the northeast. On clear nights, the opposite was true, suggesting that migrants avoided the tower under clear skies. The behavior of birds milling about the tower on overcast nights is described. The signal emitted by the tower seemed to have no effect on the birds. It is concluded that on overcast nights migrants were not actually attracted to the lighted tower. Rather, moisture droplets in the air caused the light from the red warning beacons to be refracted, thereby increasing the illuminated space around the to~1er. t1igrants passing by were arrested within the 1 ighted area and for some reason were reluctant to leave. ~1ortality occurred as the migrants milled about and collided with guy wires or the tower itself. 1977; l~eather influences on nocturna 1 bird marta 1 ity at a North Dakota tower. --Wilson Bull. 89(2) :291-299. Mortality at the 356m Omega tower in 1972 and 1973 was examined relative to nightly cloud and wind conditions. Most fall losses occurred under overcast skies associated with ,the passages of cold fronts, as migrants mi.lled about the tower. However, 58% of the spring losses took place on non-overcast nights, mainly through collisions with outlying . guy wires. There exists some evidence that behavioral differences among taxa may be involved in migrant mortality at towers. In the spring, rails and fringillids were killed mostly on non-overcast nights, whi 1 e warb 1 er.s di·ed in greater numbers on overcast nights. Warblers tended to be killed much closer to the central, lighted structure than were . ofringillids. Non-passerines suffered substantially greater losses far from the tower than did passerines, especially on non-overcast nights. Behavioral differences have been noted by other investigators (Overing 1936, 1937; Stoddard and Norris 1967; Newman and Andrle 1961}. 11 42. ___ . 1978. The composition anc! seasonal variation of bird lqsses at a tall tower in southeastern North Dakota. Am. Birds. In press. Beginning in September 1971, bird losses were monitored at the 366m Omega tower for five migration seasons. Overall, 937 birds (102 species) were found dead or injured at the site. Based on a stratified, random sampling system, the average estimated seasonal mortality in 1972 and 1973 was 1075 birds. The composition of the losses varied seasonally- warblers and vireos dominated the fall kills and wrens, icterids and fringillids the spring kills. Species. displaying greater spring than fall losses were mainly those that breed abundantly in'southeastern North Dakota. A rank correlation analysis showed that the abundance in the field of vireos and warblers and of fringillids was positively correlafed with their occurrence in the tower ki 11 in both spring and fa 11. 43. Avery, !·1. L., and J. S. l~eske. 1978. The racial' composition and differential migration of tower-killed Savannah Sparrows in southeastern North Dakota. Bird-Banding. In press. Of 39 $avannah Sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis) killed at the Omega tower during 1971-73, 26 possessed character1stics of.both the P. s. nevadensis and P. s. Dblitus races, suggesting that the majority of migrant Savannah Sparrows passing through the area breed in the region where the ranges of nevadensis and oblitus meet. The possibility of differential migration ~y race and sex is discussed. 44. Axtell, H. H. 1970. The month. Prothonotary 36(10):122-128. September migration records obtained from tower kills in the 3uffalo, N.Y. area are noted. 45 .. Bagg, A. M. 1957. The changing seasons. Audubon Field Notes ll(4):312-325. 46. Spring tower ktJJs at Jacksonville (300 birds) and Leon County (46 birds, 14 species), Fla. are mentioned. ' 1958~ ::·:(urit·i tl ed). Rec. New England Birds 14(9):1. Three kiH~: are mentioned: (1) 200 birds (17 species) on 16-H September at the Portland, Me~ ceilometer (Packard 1958); (2) 300 birds (22 species) at two Boston, Mass. TV towers on 19~20 September; and (3) 300 casualties at a powerful searchlight in West Springfield, r1ass. 47. ___ 1965. The changing seasons. Audubon Field Notes 19(4) :438-446. 48. ~ On the night of 26-27 April, in thick fog, 150-175 birds landed on the deck of a tanker off the New Jersey coast. The only casualties mentioned were 23 Cape ~1ay Harblers that apparently struck the ship's superstructure. 1969. The changing seasons. Audubon Field Notes 23(1):4-12. During September and October 1968, kills were reported from towers in Manitoba·, Wisconsin, New York, Ohio, Tennessee (1800 Ovenbirds among the casualties at Nashville) and Florida (853 birds of 80 species at ~JCTV near Tallahassee}. 49. _____ 1970. The changing.seasons. Audubon.Field Notes 24(1):4-13. 50. On the night of 22-23 October 1969, 380 birds were killed at a Boston, Mass. skyscraper 1971. The changing seasons-the fall migration, 1970. Am. Birds 26(1) :16-23. Lists are given for 55 species killed during late September at the Empire State Building and eight towers in the eastern U.S. 12 51. Bagg, A. r~., and R. P. Emery. 1960a. Fall migration: northeastern maritime region. Audubon Field Notes 14(1):10-17. Included are fall 1959 reports of "few casualties" at Boston, Mass. TV towers as well as 77 dead birds (16 species) at the Dow Air Force Base ceilometer, Bangor, Me. (Ferren 1959) and about 20 birds killed aboard a lightship in Nantucket Sound. 52. . l960b. --365-370. Spring migration: northeastern maritime region. Augubon Field Notes 14(4): 53. .. ...•'t ,.... -~ This article contains an account of several species of warblers giving full songs while circling in the ceilometer beam at the Dow Air Force Base, Bangor, Me. (Taverner 1969). In addition, call notes of Green Herons, Spotted Sandpipers, Greater Yellowlegs and Black-bellied Plovers were heard. One Ovenbird was the only casualty. 1964a. Fall migration: northeastern maritime region. Audubon Field Notes 18(1):7-17. The casualties (over 488 birds, mostly warblers) and weather at a lighthouse in the Bay of Fundy during fall 1963 are discussed at len9th. 54. ___ 1964b. Spring migration: northeastern maritime region. Audubon Field Notes 18(4): 425-436. Observations of migrants and casualties at the Gannet Rock, New Brunswick lighthouse in r~ay are presented. 55. Baglien, J; W. 1975. Biology and habitat requirements of the nesting Golden Eagle in southwestern ~lantana. M.S. Thesis. r1ontana State Univ., Bozeman. 53 pp. During the study (1972-74), one Golden and one Bald Eagle were killed at power lines. 56. Bailey, A. ~1. 1929. Bird casualties. Wilson Bull. 41(2):106'-'107. Two female Woodcocks died from collisions, one against a building and the other with an overhead wire. A Black-footed Albatross on Laysan Island struck a wire and broke its wing. 57. Baily, W. L. 1899. t4igration data on city hall tower. Cassinia 3:15-19. 58. From 27 l\ugust 1897 through 31 October 1899, 529 birds (56 species) ~Jere collected at the 500-foot city hall tower, Philadelphia, Pa. A list of casualties is given. 1901. Birds that struck the city hall tower during the migrations of 1901. ---Cassinia 5:44. A list of 17 spring and 38 fall casualties (18 species total) is given. 59. Baird, ·J. 1962. The changing seasons. Audubon Field Notes 16(1 ):4-6. 60. Over 10,000 collisional casualties were reported from around the country during fall 1961. An. Eau Claire, !~is. tower accounted for 5097 of these (an estimated 10-20% of the total losses there) whereas two Boston, Mass. TV towers yielded very little despite frequent checks for dead birds. Reports of nrgative findings are urged. 1964. The changing seasons. Audubon Field Notes 18(1) :4-6. In the U.S. and Canada during fall 1963, 33,406 birds were reported killed at towers and 488 at lighthouses. Most losses resulted from a single cold front that passed through Minnesota and southern Ontario during 18-21 September. 61. ___ . 1970. Mortality of fall migrants at the Boylston televt5ion tower in 1970. Chickadee 40:17-21. At this newly constructed 1349-foot tower in Massach-usetts, l50 birds (29 species) were co-llected, 76% of which were warblers. Adults were twice as numerous as juveniles. ' 13 62. . 1971. Mortality of birds at the Boylston television tower in September of 1971. --Chickadee 41:20-24. Mortality at this Massachusetts towerwas less this fall (158 birds, 29 species) than last; 81% of the casualties were warblers, including 95 Blackpolls. 63. Baird, J., and R. Emery. 1959. Fall migration: northeastern maritime region. Audubon Field Notes 13(1):11-13. In Massachusetts, on the night of 19-20 September 1958, over 300 birds (mostly warblers and vireos) were killed at two Boston TV towers and over 200 (mostly warblers. and flycatchers) died at a Springfield searchlight. 64. Baldwin, D. H. 1962. Inquiry into the mass mortality of nocturnal migrants in Ontario- progress report 1. Bull. Fed. Ont. Nat. No. 97:23-27. 65. Reports of 53 instances of mortality at to~ers, lighthouses and buildings were obtained by mailing questionnaires (Baldwin and Wtmdford 1961). Total losses in fall 1961 numbered 1115 (57 species), most of them from the, CKVR-TV tower in Barrie. . 1963. ---report 2. Enquiry into the mass mortality of nocturnal migrants in Ontario -progress Ont. Nat. 1(2):7-15. Seven locations reported a total of 48 instances of collisional mortality resulting in excess of 3446 casualties (66 species) during fall 1962. Long Point lighthouse was the most destructive structure. A discussion of the attraction of birds to tall, 1 ighted objects is included. 66. 1965. Enquiry into the mass mortality of nocturnal migrants· in Ontario. Final --report. Ont. Nat. 3(1):3-ll. The 1963 results are presented and compared with those from 1961 and 1962. The 3-year total was 5789 birds (89 species), and species lists are provided. An account is included describing how mortality was reduced at a British lighthouse by replacing the old white, revolving beacon with an "ice-white" (bluish), flashing one. Floodlighting lighthouses also reduced losses in England, but the same practice increased the mortality at the Long Point lighthouse in Ontario. 67. . 1967. Review: Bird casualties at a Leon County, Florida TV tower: an eleven- --year study. Ont. Bird Banding 3( 4): 130-1~. 68. The 1967 report of Stoddard and Norris is ;eviewed. Baldwin, D. H., and J. ~Joodford. 1961. An enquiry into the mass mortality of nocturnal migrants in southern Ontario. Bull. Fed. Ont. Nat. tto. 92:18-19. The initiation of a campaign to record and publish information on bird losses at towers, lighthouses, etc. in this region is described. Questionnaires are to be circulated to obtain the desired data. · 69. Ball, R. E. 1973-74. Bird mortality at towers in Maryville, Missouri -fall 1972. Trans. Mo. Acad. Sci. 7-8:294. · Three small towers (250, 400, and 408 feet tall, respectively) were checked for dead birds from 5 September to 16 November. No large single-night kills were recorded, and altogether 71 birds of 33 species, mostly sparrows, were recovered. Most casualties . are believed to have collided with guy wires rather than the·towers themselves. {Abstr.) 70. Bamberg, J., B. R. Warriner, H. 0. Todd, and H. C. Monk. 1935. Nocturnal migration in stormy weather. Migrant 6(4):77-80. Birds heard and seen at an illuminated lOO~foot water tower while migrating through Tennessee in poor weather are discussed. About 50 birds (10 species) were found dead in this late October incident. 14 71. Banko, W. E. 1960. The Trumpeter S\~an-its history, habits and population in the United States. North Am. Fauna No. 63. 214 pp. f·1ost swan collisions with overhead cables and fences occur during winter fogs. Five instances from ~·1ontana are mentioned. 72. Banks, R. C. 1975. Human related mortality of birds in United States. Unpubl. rep. 36 pp. Approximately 10 bill ion bi'(_ds die al'\[lltally from all causes~ Human activity is respon- sible for an es?imated 196 milT'ion deaths annually, 61.5% of which are from hunting. Collisions account for about 31.6% of the annual losses, most (over 57 million) due to road kills. Deaths from window strikes and from collisions with towers and other tall structures are estimated at 3.5 and 1.25 million, respectively. 73. _______ 1976. Reflective plate glass - a hazard to migrating birds. BioScience 26(6):414. It is estimated that as many as 1.25 million birds are killed at tall buildings, towers, and lighthouses annually, and that 3.5 million may die from striking windows each year. Inter- mediate to these situations is the ever increasing use of large pieces of reflective plate g~ass in the construction of new buildings. ~1ention is made of mortality incidents in St. Louis, ~1o. ( i ncl ud ing five Bobwhite ki 11 ed on 29-30 November 1973) and l~ashi ngton, D.C. where no dead birds were found on sidewalks at buildings other than those with reflective plate glass. 74. Barbour, R. W. 1961. An unusual bird mortality at Lexington. Ky. Warbler 37(3):55. Following the stormy night of 7 r-1ay, 82 birds (21 .species) were collected at a 670- foot tower. 75. Barrington, R. H. 1 i ghtshi ps. 1900. The migration of birds as observed at Irish lighthouses and R. H. Porter, London and Edward Ponson~y. Dublin. 952 pp. This contains a detailed account of birds that were involved in collisions or that were caught or shot at 58 light stations during 1881-97. Observations of 30,000 individual bi.rds were made, and over 2000 specimens were submitted for analysis. The data are summarized by species for the period 1881-87 and for individual years thereafter. Some conclusions derived during the first period of study are: longer~winged birds arrive earlier in the spring than do shorter-winged species, less kill occurs on moonlit as opposed to moonless nights, more birds are killed in the fall than in the spring, fixed lights are more hazardous than revolving or intermittent ones, white lights are believed to be more destructive than red, the direction of migration was usually landward (although this may be biased by the fact that many lights are partly obscured on the landward side), and the force of wind rather than the direction influences the time of departure of migrants. No bats were killed by striking lights. 76. Bartlett, G. A. 1952. A wholesale attraction, but not destruction, of migrating birds by the Albany (N.Y.) airport ceilometer. Feathers 14(11):61-66. 77. On two nights of overcast and haze, hundreds of birds were observed fluttering in the beam of the ceilometer, but no casualties were found. The birds dispersed when the beam was turned off as evidenced by counts of call notes. 1956. Albany's ceilometer-killer of migrants. Feathers 18(11):57-60. On the night of 15-16 September 1956, 313 birds of at least 25 species were found dead or injured at the Albany, N.Y. airport ceilometer. The night was drizzly with a low ceiling. When the author arrived at the airport at 0230, most of the damage had been done. Up to 500 birds were seen in the ceilometer beam at once, and there was constant calling. A red fox scavenged on bird casualties for about an hour. By 0630, the ai-r was clear of birds. Eighteen species of warblers accounted for 86% of the losses, with Bay-breasted (41%) and r~agnolia (14%) the most numerous. A list of the casualties is given. 15 78. Bartolo, B. 1976. Bird kill at TV tower. Redstart 43(3):109. During 18-27 September 1975, 1057 dead birds (39 species) were collected at the WFMJ tower in Youngstown, Ohio. Warblers dominated the kill, with Ovenbirds alone accounting for 301~ of the losses. There was some evidence of predator· and scavenger activity, particularly by crows. Weather conditions included variable wind, rain and low clouds, and the kill period coincided with the passage of hurricane Eloise. A major kill at Buffalo, N.Y. is mentioned but no details are given {Clark 1975). 79. Bassett, A. S. 1924. A season~l lighthouse record. Bird-Lore 26(6):427. A brief account of the mortality (176 birds, 23 species) at a Georgia lighthouse on the nights of 23 and 24 September is presented. Ovenbirds were the principal victims and one Bachman's Warbler was among the casualties. 80. Bauer, E. 14. 1960. Vogeltod and Glaswanden. Aus der HeimcH 68:58-60. Bird losses at glass walls and preventive measures are discussed. 81. Baumann, G. 1973. The bird kill at three North Dakota TV-towers in spring of 1973. Zool. Dep., North Dakota State Univ., Fargo. Unpubl. rep. ll pp. Checks were made an average of two times weekly at three eastern North Dakota towers. A total of 61 birds of 22 species was collected, although many more were lost to scavengers . and predators. Included are lists of casualties by tower date, and maps showing the location of each carcass at each of the sites. 82. Baumgartner, F. M. 1955. The fall migration: southern Great Plains. Audubon Field Notes 9( l): 36-38. Fall 1954 migration records obtained from kills at a Topeka, Kan~. TV tower are noted. 83. . 1956. Fall migration: southern Great Plains region. Audubon Field Notes --10(1) :35-37. In fall 1955, a kill of 15 Mourning Harblers and 1 Connecticut Warbler was reported from a Topeka, Kans. TV tower. 84. · . 1959. Fall migration: southern Great Plains region. Audubon Field Notes --13{1) :43-45. . On 11 October 1958, "a large box of birds" including Long-and Short-billed ~1arsh \~rens was picked up at a Dallas TV tower. 85. . 1961. Fall migration: southern Great Plains region. Audubon Field Notes ------r5{1):54-56. On 22 October 1960, 11 Yellow Rails were found beneath a Dallas, Tex. TV tower; three were still alive. 86. . 1963. Fall migration: southern Great Plains region. Audubon Field Notes --17( 1) :45-46. A kill at an Oklahoma City, Okla. TV tower in September 1962 is noted. · 87. Beebe, ~J. 1935. Rediscovery of the Bermuda Cahow. Bull. N. Y). Zool. Soc. 38(6):187-190. A young bird of this species of shearwater, first described in 1906 and thought to be extinct, was killed at a lighthouse in Bermuda in 1935. 88. Beer, J. V., and M.A. Ogilvie. 1972. t-1ortality. Pages 125-142 in Peter Scott and the Wildfowl Trust, the Swans. Houghton ~-1iffl_in Co., Boston. - Swans are sometimes killed by striking overhead wires (Ogilvie 1967). 16 89. Jje I cher, t·1. 1962. First Yellow Ra i1 record for Regina. Blue Jay 20( 4): 153. A Yellow Rail found at the Regina, Sask. TV tower on 7 October (Lahrman 1962) is the first record for the city. This species is an infrequent tower kill casualty. 90. Belcher, 11., A. Binnie, and B. Binnie. 1966. The 1965 fall warbler migration at Regina. Blue Jay 24(1):10-15. Details of warbler mortality at two Regina, Sask. towers are presented. At CHRE-TV, 150 warblers (14 species) died~'and 281 (~9 sp~cies) were kille& at CKCK-TV. Tennessee Warblers were tfle most common"!;pecies. 91. Bennett, F. t~. 1909. A tragedy of migration. Bird-Lore 11 (3) :110-113. Bird mortality at lighthouses in the Florida Keys'during a violent April thunderstorm is discussed. Possibly tens of thousands of birds died, particularly at Dry Tortugas. A detailed account of bird behavior at the light is included. Summer Tanagers, Indigo Buntings, and Ovenbirds were the most prominent species. 92. Benning, 1~. E. 1978. Region 3 -Finger Lakes. ·Kingbird 28(1):42-44. During the cloudy, rainy period of 20-24 September 1977, a record 3862 birds were found dead at the Elmira, N.Y. TV tower. On the night of 19-20 September alone, 1817 birds of 39 species were collected. Of the 48 total species, 24 were warblers (Howard 1977). 93. Bent, A. C. 1953. Life histories of North American wood warblers. U.S. Nat. Mus. Bull. No. 203:404. Large scale mortality of nocturnal migrants, especially Blackpoll Warblers, is discussed. At the Fire Island light on Long Island, N.Y., 356 of 595 birds killed on 23 September 1887 were Blackpolls, and 199 of this species died at the Long Point, Ont. lighthouse during 24-29 September 1929. Kills at the Washington t·1onument are mentioned. 94. Benton, A. H. 1954. Relationships of birds to power and communication lines. Kingbird 4(3):65-66. While acknowledging some losses of birds due to striking overhead wires, the author states that "power and communication lines now represent a valuable asset to bird life" in the form of nest and perch sites. 95. Benton, A. H., and L. E. Dickinson. 1966. Wires, poles, and birds. Pages 390-395 in A. Stefferud, ed. ',Birds in our 1 ives. U.S. Dep. Inter., ~Jashington, D.C. - The authors discuss damage done by birds to utility poles and wires (Dickinson 1957) and the ways in which birds benefit by their presence (Benton 1954). Reference is made to the electrocution of eagles and other species. 96. Bernard, R. F. 1966. Fall migration: western Great Lakes region. Audubon Field Notes 20(1) :45-46, 50-53. On 6 September 1965, 7085 dead birds (55 species) were collected at an Eau Claire, Wis. tower. At least 500 birds died by striking lighted windows and a neon sign near Newberry, Mich. on 26 September. 97. Bierly, M. L. 1973. 1971 fall television tower casualties in Nashville. Migrant 44(1):5-6. In what was described as an "average season", 990 birds (52 species) died at the WSM tower and 135 (24 species) at WSIX. 98. Bijleveld, 1"1. F. I. J., and P. Goeldlin. 1976. Electrocution d'un couple de Buses Buteo buteo a Jongny (VD). Nos. Oi seaux 33( 6): 280-281. A pair of hawks was electrocuted at a 17 kV power line. in Switzerland. 17 / 99. Black, C. A. 1922. Some bird notes from central and western Nebraska. ~Jilson Bull. 34(1):43. Two Broad-tailed Hummingbirds struck a store window and died. 100. Blain, A. W. 1948. On the accidental death of wild birds. Jack-Pine l~arbler 26(2):58-60. Several reportsfrom Michigan of birds being killed by striking windows are related. Species involved included a Red-shouldered Hawk, Bobwhite, and Ring-necked Pheasant. 101. Blokpoel, H., and D. R. M. Hatch. 1976. Snow Geese, disturbed by aircraft, crash into power lines. Can. Field-Nat. 90(2):195. On 8 t1ay 1974, several thousand Snow and Blue Geese were feeding in a stubble field in Manitoba wher;~ a low-flying aircraft caused them to take wing. In the "chaotic" rush into the air, 25-75 birds were killed or injured by striking power lines that bordered one side of the field. It is not known whether death resulted from impact or from electrocution. 102. Boeker, E. L. 1972. Powerlines and bird electrocutions. U.S. Dep. Inter., Denver Wildl. 103. 104. 105. Res. Cent. Unpubl. rep. 8 pp. This report gives a brief overview of the problem of birds, especially eagles, being electrocuted at power lines. Several instances of eagle electrocutions are mentioned and recommendations for mitigating the hazard are presented.· Boeker, E. L., and P. R. Nickerson. 1975. Raptor electrocutions. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 3( 2): 79-81. During 1969-71, over 300 eagles died by electrocution in the western U.S. Documented losses of raptors in 1972 and 1973 throughout the country totalled 281, 250 of which. were Golden Eagles. Many victims were young birds and nearly all deaths occurred on the small distribution lines on which the conductors are only three to four feet apart. Particularly troublesome stretches of line were modified to alleviate the hazard. Bonhote, J. L. 1901. On a collection of birds made by Mr. T. R. Thompson at the Cay Lobos Lighthouse, Bahamas. Auk 18(2):145-149. Warblers were the most frequently killed group at the lighthouse. A kill list is given. 1903. Bird migration at some of the Bahama lighthouses. Auk 20(2):169-179. ·Included are lists of casualties, mostly warblers, from three lighthouses and obser- vations by a lightkeeper of bird behavior during a ~ill. According to the lightkeeper, "the. birds invariably come up to the light against the wind and strike on the lee side cif the lantern." -· . 106. Booth, H. B. 1940. Notes on the nesting of a pair of Mute Swans. Naturalist (London) 1940:204-206. A cygnet struck telegraph wires. 107. Borell, A. E. 1939. Telephone wires fatal to Sage Grouse. Condor 41(1):85-86. 108. In Utah, three birds were found dead under roadside telephone wires. Boso, B. 1965. Bird casualties at a southeastern Kansas TV tower. Trans.Kans. Acad. Sci. 68(1):131-136. The 1200-foot KOAM-TV tower was checked regularly in the fall of 1963 (75 birds, 35 species) and spring 1964 {50 birds, 14 species). A species list, weather on days of collection, and the distribution of casualties about the tower are. given. 109. Bourne, W. R. P. 1976. Petre~s and lights at night. Notornis 23(2):201-202. ThE! author feels that the simplest explanation for the attraction of birds to lights is that birds which become lost in a mist make for the nearest light hoping to find their way out (Imber 1975). 18 I 110. Boyd, H. 1961. Reported casualties to ringed ducks in the spring and summer. Wildfowl Trust Ann. Rep. 12:144-146. · Among ducks banded in Britain, Mallards are more frequently involved in wire strikes than are Teal. t1ale ducks seem more likely to be killed by wires than females. 111. Boyd, H., and M. Ogilvie. 1964. Losses of Mute Swans in England in .~he winter of 1962-63. Wildfowl Trust Ann. Rep. 15:37-39 . .:'{" ,.... . Losses due to collisions \~th overhead wires were abnormally low in January and February 1963, accounting for only 35 of the 264 reported deaths. 112. Boylan, B. T., Jf. 1956. Lake Andes birdl ife 40 years ago. S. Oak. Bird Notes 8(3):40-41, 43. A Whooping Crane was injured, probably by flying into a telephone wire. 113. Bradley, M. 1975. A study and analysis of man-made navigational hazards to birds in the vicinity of Richmond, In_diana. Earlham College, Richmond, Ind. Unpubl. rep. 14 pp. During spring migration, mortaltiy was monitored at two small towers and at windows of buildings on the Earlham College campus. Two tower casualties were found, and 51 were collected at windows, where reflection and transparency contributed to the collisions. Larger species were usually stunned after striking windows, while smaller birds were killed outright. 114. Bradstreet, 14. S. W., and P. S. Woodford. (undated). Nocturnal migration. Pages 19-23 in Long Point Bird Observatory Ten Year Report '60-'69. · During the 10 years, about 6800 birds (101 species) were collected at the Long Point, Ont. lighthouse. A complete lisp· of species killed for each year is given. Ovenbirds (1142) and Swainson's Thrushes (1004) were the most frequently killed species. 115. Brady, A. 1969. An electrocuted Great Horned Owl. Cassinia 51:57. Presumably, this occurred when the prey item held by the owl touched the wire below which the owl was perched and created a short circuit. 116. Breckenridge, W. J .. 1958. Fall migration: western Great Lakes region. Audubon Field Notes 12(1):32-33. Between 31 'August and 20 September 1957, three large kills were reported at a new 1000-foot tower in Eau Claire, Wis. The 2972 casua1;1es (42 species) on 19-20 September included 23 species of warblers (Kemper 1958a). ~ 117. 1959. Spring migration: western Great Lakes region. Audubon Field Notes 13(4·}: 371-373. On 17 May, 284 birds were killed at a Detroit TV tower. 118. Bretherton, B. J. 1902. The destruction of birds by lighthouses. Osprey 1(5}:76-78. A general discussion of the problem of birds being killed at lighthouses is presented. It is theorized that the lantern atop a lighthouse looks like a star to migrants, and on foggy nights they fly toward it because it is the only fixed point visible. Many of the birds crash into the light, but others flutter around it until they die of exhaustion. Other observations: "No birds are more persistent in their efforts at self destruction than the little Petrels ... ", new lighthouses are more destructive than ones that have existed for several years, and lighthouses with foghorns have only slight losses. 19 119. Bre1~er, R., and J. A. Ellis. 1958. An analysis of migrating birds killed at a television tower in east-central Illinois, September 1955-.May 1957. Auk 75(4):400-414. This is a comprehensive account of the mortality at the 983-foot HCIA tower near Champaign. Seven instances of mortality are considered in this analysis which includes species 1 ists (486 dead birds, 51 species), weather, data, comparisons with kills elsewhere, sex, age and fat content of birds collected, spatial distribution of the casualties at the tower site, and a discussion of the attraction of migrants to the tower. 120. Brewster, i4. 1886. Bird migration. ~1em. Nuttall Ornithol. Club 1:1-22. Included are observations of bird losses at the Pt. Lepreaux lighthouse in the Bay of Fundy, August and September 1885. Nightly accounts of losses and bird behavior at the light are given. The author concludes: (1) birds come to the light only on densely cloudy or foggy nights, {2) the greatest numbers come on nights when the first hour or two are clear, and (3) heavy flights are almost always preceded by clear, cool days. 121. Brooke, M. del. 1970. Some aspects of Mute Swan movement and mortality. Cambridge Bird Club 44:44-47. From 1960 to 1970, 56 banded s~1an were found dead. Of the nine for which cause of death was known, five died from collisions with wires. 122. Brooks, ~1. 1951. Fall migration: Appalachian region. Audubon Field Notes 5(1):14-16. 123. 124. At least 165 birds (23 species) ~1ere killed during the night of 17 September 1950 in dense fog at Bluff's Lodge on the crest of the Blue Ridge near Roanoke, Va. A partial species list is given. , 1952. Fall migration: Appalachian region. Audubon Field Notes 6(1):16-17. At the Knoxville, Tenn. airport ceil ometer, 1044 birds ( 46 species) were collected on the morning of 8 October 1951. A partial 1 ist of the species killed is given (Howell and Tanner 1951). 1955. Fall migration: Appalachian region. Audubon Field Notes 9 ( 1): 24-26. A total of 267 casualties, including 81 Ovenbirds, 1~as reported from the Knoxville, Tenn. airport ceilometer in fall 1954. 125. Brown, L., and D. /l,madon. 1968. Eagles, hawks and falcons of the world. ~1cGraw-Hill Book 126. Co., N. Y. Vol. 1. 450 pp. # Mortality factors discussed include electrocution, which chiefly affects large species of eagles and hawks. Browne, M. ~1., and\~. Post. 1972; Black rails hit a television tower at Raleigh, North Carolina. Wilson Bull. 84(4):491-492. The birds were found at the 1175-foot WRAL tower on 19 September 1969 and 27 September 1970. No other morta 1 ity is mentioned. 127. Brownstein, R. 1971. The month. Prothonotary 37(10):127-131. 128. Various September migration records from Buffalo, N.Y. area tower kills are mentioned. Bruijns, t-1. F. r1., and L. J. Stwerka. 1961. flet doodvliegen van vogels tegen ramen. Levende Nat. 64(ll) :253-258. Avian mortality at windows of about 500 buildings in Holland was surveyed during 1958-61. Total losses were 2000 birds (74 species), primarily of species breeding near houses, gardens, and parks. It is estimated that 200,000-300,000 Blackbirds, Turdus merula, are killed annually at windows. Preventive measures are discussed. (From translation supplied by Daniel Klem, Jr.) 20 .. 129. Brunetti, 0. A. 1965. Supplementarv report, cause of death of the Pinehurst condor. Calif. Dep. Fish Game. Unpubl. rep. An investigation into the cause of death of a California Condor led to the conclusion that the bird struck some object, possibly a power line, which stunned it so that it fell unimpeded to the road below and was killed. 130. Bub, H. 1955. Observations on autumn migration in the area between-the Sea of Azov and the Caspian. Ibis 97(1).:2~::·37. .~ 4 J~ ~ Losses of over 200. birds (28 species) due to collisions with telegraph wires in southern Russia are listed. Among the casualties were over 50 Quail and Partridge. 131. Bull, J. 1964. Birds of the New York area. Harper· and Row, rle\~ York. 540 pp. Included in this. book are reports of mortality at lighthouses (Dutcher 1884 and 1888}, the Empire State Building (212 birds of 30 species on 11 September 1948), and the Westhampton Air Force Base (596 birds of 47 species on 5 October 1954). · 132. 1974. Birds of New York State. Doubleday/Natural History Press, Garden City, N. Y. 655 pp. Various references to bird kills in the state are made in several of the species accounts. 133. Bullis, H. R., Jr. 1954. Trans-Gulf migration, spring 1952. Auk 71(3):298-305. Migrants struck a lighted ship in the Gulf of t~exico. Casualties included a Least Bittern, Sora, and Barn Swallow. 134. Burleigh, T. D. 1934. A critical study of the distribution and abundance of Dendroica castanea and Dendroica striata in the southeastern states during the spring and fall migrations. Wilson Bull. 46(3):142-147. ·Twenty-nine Bay-breasted Warblers (Dendroica castanea) were killed at a lighthouse near Pensacola, Fla. on 26-27 October 1925. 135. Burton, D. E., and J. Woodford. 1960. The spring migration: Ontario-western NE!\'J York region. Audub_on Field Notes 14(4):383-386. On the foggy, rainy night of 19-20 May, "hundreds of birds" were seen flying around the Long Point, Ont. lighthouse. There were 56 casualties, mostly warblers. 136. Bush, M. R. )967. A study of the non-predatory deaths of certain avian species at the HBAL-TV tower. Unpubl. rep~ In seven incidents during 1964-66, 3595 birds (74 species) were collected at this 1000-foot Baltimore, Md. tower. Ovenbirds (883), Black-and~white Warblers (467) and Magnolia l~arblers (393) dominated. All losses except 740 on 28 April 1966 occurred in September and October. 137. Buskirk, 1~. H. 1967. A preliminary bibliography on mortality of nocturnal migrants. Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge. Unpubl. rep. 91 pp. · In addition to 184 references, the author includes a summary of the cause (tower, ceilometer, etc.), location and date of kills; a table listing the species mentioned in each kill; and a tabulation of 83 complete lists of kills from the literature. Thi.s is a very useful reference. 138. Cadbury, C. J., R. E. Scott, and L. J. Roberts. 1971. Bird deaths from power lines at Dungeness, Kent. Ibis 113(3):415-416. This is an abstract of a paper presented at the annual conference of the British Ornithologists' Union in April 1971. Details of the study are given by Scott .et al. 1972. 21 139. Caldwell, L. D., and N. L. Cuthbert. 1963. Bird mortality at television towers near Cadillac, Michigan. Jack-Pine Warbler 41(2):80-89. From 26 September to 16 October 1961, 812 birds (42 species~ were collected at the 1295-foot W\HV tower. An index of similarity revealed the fall mortality to be most like the kills reported from Nashville, Tenn. and Eau Claire, ~Jis. In spring 1962, 74 birds (27 species) were found at H\~TV and 125 (36 species) were collected from a nearby 1130-foot tower. The species composition in the spring was markedly different from the fall. 140. Caldwell, L. D., E. P. Odum, and S. G. t~arshall. 1963. Comparison of fat levels in migrating birds killed at a central f·1ichigan and a Florida gulf coast television tower. Wilson Bull. 75(4):428-434. Mean fat levels in six tropical-wintering species killed in fall migration at WCTV (Tallahassee) were greater than in the same species killed at WWTV (Cadillac). The results support the hypothesis that long-range migrants begin their southward flight with low or ·moderate fat levels and increase their reserves as they move south, until maximum fat levels are reached at points near the gulf coast prior to the start of long, nonstop over- water flights. Spring fat levels in four species breeding in Michigan were not signif- icantly different between the two locations. 141. Caldwell, L. D., and G. J. Wallace. 1966. Collections of migrating birds at Michigan television towers. Jack-Pine Warbler 44(3):117-123. The spring and fall species composition of losses during 1959-64 at seven sites are analyzed. Data from the study of Cald1~ell and Cuthbert (1963) are included. Towers within 30 miles proximity had virtually the same composition whereas greater diversity occurred between more distant towers. Spring and fall species compositions were markedly different, possibly due to different migration routes for various species. \4arblers and thrushes were the most common casualties. 142. Carleton, G. 1965. Fall migration: Hudson-St. Lawrence region. Audubon Field Notes 19(1) :18-21. Approximately 500 birds, mostly warblers, died at the Empire State Building early on the morning of 14 September 1964. 143. Carmody, D. 1970. Confused birds die at Empire State. New York Times, 29 September . 144. 145. . Hundreds of birds (no accurate count was possible) were killed at the Empire State Building on the night of 27-28 September despite the fact that floodlights that normally illuminate the buildi'}9 had been turned off. t~a~y stunned or injured birds were collected by Audubon Society members and released later in the day. ; Carpenter, F., and H. B. Lovell. 1963. Bird casualties near f;,agnolia, Larue County September 25, 1962. Ky. l4arbler 39(2) :19-21. On a foggy night 270 birds (30 species) were killed at lighted 1~indows. Swainson's Thrushes, Bay-breasted Warblers, and Ovenbirds headed the kill 1 ist. [Carson, L. B.] 1954a. Destruction of birds at a television tower at TopeKa, Kansas. Topeka Audubon News 9(1) :1-2. The 1010-foot l~IB\~ tower killed at least 700 birds (48 species) from 7 September through 1 October. 146. [ .] l954b. Further destruction at a television tower at Topeka, Kansas. Topeka ----"AiJdubon News 9(2) :5-7. The entire fall kill at the WIBW tower exceeded 1000 birds (68 species) including no shorebirds, 10 Mourning Doves and one duck species. 22 147. . 1954c. New records for fall migrants in eastern Kansas. Kans. Ornithol. Soc. 148. 149. --Bull. 5(4):27-29. First, last and peak kill dates are given for 68 species (1023 birdsl ki1led at the WIBW tower in Topeka during September and October. Tordofr and Mengel (1956) analyzed the kill at this tower in detail. · [ ___ .] 1955a. The season--·~"{· Topeka A!:l.~ubOI) News 1 0( 1). .. .... . The first fall casualties at the WIBW tower at Topeka, Kansas were collected on 10 September and comprised nine birds of six species. Two red bats were killed on 22 September, and other casualties, including a Black Tern, are mentioned. Scav/enger/predator activity was observed. ! [ __ .] l955b. The season--. Topeka Audubon News 10(2). During fall 1955, 321 birds of 43 species died at the WIBW tower. A kill list, with dates of kill is given. 150. [ __ .] 1956a. The season--. Topeka Audubon News 11(1). Through mid-September, the only fall 1956 casualty at the WIBW tower was an Alder Flycatcher. 151. [ __ .] 1956b. The season--. Topeka Audubon News ll(2). The Topeka tower was not a migration hazard in fall 1956 because of mild weather. 152. [ __ .] 1967. History repeats itself--. Topeka Audubon News 22(2). On October 7 after two days of low ceil,ings and rain, over 800 birds (43 species) were collected at a new, taller Topeka tower. Included in the partial species list are 238 Nashville Warblers. Since 1954, the smaller WIBW tower has not been very lethal to migrants. 153. Carter, J. H., III, and J. F. Parnell. 1976. TV tower kills in eastern North Carolina. Chat 40(1) :1-9. A large kill occurred in October 1970 (1000+ birds, 39 species) at the 1994-foot WECT tower, and in fall 1971 and 1972 regular checks (after the passage of cold fronts and after most cloudy nights) were made at WECT and at the 1188-foot WWAY tower about 30 miles away. Losses in 1971 (2683 birds) were typically associated with the passage of cold fronts when low ceilings and north winds prevailed. In 1972, cold fronts passed quickly through the area and only 387 casualties were found. Many carcasses were no doubt overlooked in the vegetation at the tower sites and there was much evidence of predator/scavenger activity. A combined annotated species list in included. 154. Case, L. D., H. Cruickshank, A. E. Ellis, and W. F. ~Jhite. 1965. Weather causes heavy bird mortality. Fla. Nat. 38(1):29-30. In early October 1964, 4707 birds (37 species) were killed by striking brightly lit buildings, towers, cars and other obstacles. Reportedly, "clouds of birds" were .circling buildings as early as 2200. Weather consisted of a low ceiling, drizzle and northerly winds. Warblers accounted for 98.7% of the casualties. 155. Chamberlain, B. R. 1954. Diaster in migration. Chat 18(4):104-105. On 7 October, under overcast skies, a "rain" of migrants occurred at several locations in the southeastern U.S. Presented here are partial species lists from ceilometers and towers at Charleston, S.C. (100 birds, 24 species) and Winston-Salem, N.C. (190 birds, 21 species). Common Yellowthroats dominated the Charleston kill,. and 30% of the casualties at Winston-Salem were Ovenbirds. · 23 156. . l955a. Fall migration: southern Atlantic coast region. Audubon Field 157. --Notes 9(1) :17-18. Heavy mortality at beacons, towers, ceilometers, and lighted windows was reported from several southeastern cities in October 1954. Red-eyed Vireos and Ovenbirds were the most common species (Chamberlain 1954 and Johnston 1955). 1955b. More ceilometer data. Chat 19(1):26. An estimated 1.5-2.5 million birds were killed in the east and southeast in early October 1954 as a cold front passed through the regions. Most losses occurred at airport ceilometers. A ceilometer at Greenboro, N.C. that was off about 90% of the time killed only 30 birds during the fall. · 158. . 1956. Fall migration: southern Atlantic coast region. Audubon Field Notes --10(1):15-18. Kills of ll2 at the Charlotte, N.C. ceilometer and 500+ at Atlanta and ~1arietta, Ga. in late September 1955 were reported. Red-eyed Vireos, S~1ainson 's Thrushes and warblers were the most common victims. 159. . 1957a. Fall migration: southern Atlantic coast region. Audubon Field Notes --ll(l):l5-18. About 2500 birds, mostly warblers, were killed at the Chapel Hill, N.C. TV tower on 28-29 September 1956. 160. _______ . 1957b. Spring migration: southern Atlantic coast region. Audubon Field Notes 11 (4) :333-337. Light casualties were reported from a tower at Chapel Hill, N.C. 161. . 1958. Fall migration: southern Atlantic coast region. Audubon Field Notes 12(1 ): --19-21. During fall 1957, over 1100 birds (80 species) were killed at an Aiken S.C. tower. Smaller kills were reported from Raleigh and Charlotte, N.C. and Camp Cornelia and Atlanta, Ga. 162. _______ 1959. Roadblock, an experiment. Chat 23(1) :32-33. Pasting two large prints of owl eyes on a picture window helped reduce bird strikes at Matthews, N.C. # 163. 1960. Fall migration: southern At}antic coast region. Audubon Field Notes 14(1): --23-25. "There were no real cold fronts, and obstruction kills were extremely light" at Atlanta, Ga. and Charlotte, N.C. 164. _______ 196la. Fall migration: southern Atlantic coast region. Audubon Field Notes 15(1): 23-26. During 28 September-2 October 1960, the Charlotte, N.C. tower losses exceeded 340 birds. Smaller kills were reported during 8-17 October. '-------------- \ 24 165. 1961 b. Tower casualties at Columbia S.C. Chat 25(1): 18,-19. This article consists of a letter from 1·1rs. E. D. Smith (Smith and Tedards 1962) describing bird losses at the 1600-foot WIS tower. On 29 September 1960, hundreds of carcasses that had been piled up by station personnel were examined, and 12 species were identified. On 2 October, 18 additional species were found (no numbers given). According \ to station personnel, as many birds hit the tower on clear nights as .did in poor weather. Signs of m~ls, foxes, and wild cats indicated much predator activJty on the carcasses. It was estimated that 5QO birds died, J~ major causalties being vireos, thrushes Common Yellow- throats, 1•1agnolia l~arblers, and American Redstarts. (See Norwood 1960 for kills at Charlotte, N.C. on the same dates.) 166. . 1962. Fall migration: southern Atlantic coast region. Audubon Field Notes 16(1): --18-21. A migration record from an Aiken, S.C. tower kill is mentioned. 167. Clark, A. R. 1973. Avian mortality at three western New York television towers. M.A. Thesis. State University College, Buffalo, N·.Y. 129 pp. 168. 169. 170. 171. Nocturnal avian mortality was studied at three television towers in southern Erie County, N.Y. during the autumn migration seasons 1967-71. Altogether, '4094 birds of 82 species were collected. Mortality was analyzed with regard to type of tower, weather conditions, and species composition. Birds were killed by striking both towers and guy wires, but effects of differences among towers were not apparent. Kills were usually associated with the passage of cold fronts (northerly wind, overcast) although two kills exceeding 100 birds occurred under nonfrontal overcast. The difficulties in using migration and tower kill data for comparisons of species composition are discussed. Not all species were killed in pro- portion to their numbers migrating through area. This was particularly true among waterfowl, shorel:l~rds, and some fringill ids. But many species of tower-killed warblers, vireos, and thrushes did provide good samples of th~ migrant population (Avery et al. 1978, Weise 1971). An annotated species list and daily kill lists are provided. The five most commonly killed species were the Ovenbird. (462), Golden-crowned Kinglet (413), Swainson's Thrush (301), Blackpoll Warbler (270), and Red-eyed Vireo (248). 1974a. Tower kill record. Prothonotary 40(9):102-103. Lists are given of kills on 28 (41 birds, 11 species) and 30 (4 birds, 3 species) August at several towers in the Buffalo, N.Y. area. 1974b. (untitled). Prothonotary 40(10):112-115. Casualties, mostly warblers, at three Buffalo, N.Y. area towers are listed. The largest kills occurred on 21 September (383 birds, 37 species) and 30 September (268 birds, 28 species). 1975. Television tower bird kill-September 1975. Prothonotary 41(10):131-136. Lists of kills at three Buffalo area towers during 18-27 September are given. The largest kill occurred on the 24th: 1142 birds of 53 species. 1976. Erie County television tower casualties: 1976. Prothonotary 42(11):144-146. At three Buffalo area towers, a total of 487 birds (58 species) was found on 18 checks between 26 August and 25 October. Complete lists are given for the total kill, and each of six dates with a kill of at least 25 birds is 1 isted separately as well. In 10 years of monitoring the kill at these towers over 8300 birds have been collected (99 species). 25 172. ______ • 1977. Erie County television tower casualties: 1977. Prothonotary 43(12):198-200. In fall 1977, 1397 birds (50 species) were collected on 23 visits between 10 August and 11 November to three towers near Buffalo, N.Y. !This is the fourth highest seasonal total in the 11 years that kills have been monitored here. Bay-breasted Warblers (174), Ovenbirds (156), and Magnolia Warblers (116) were the most frequently killed species. The four nights from 20-21 to 23-24 September accounted for 95% of the total losses. Overcast and northerly wind prevailed during this period. Large kills were also reported from Elmira, N.Y. (Howard 1977) and the Long Point, Ont. lighthouse where 1411 birds (48 species) were killed during the season. Blackpoll (207), Bay-breasted (158), and Magnolia (133) Warblers, Common Yellow- throats (109), and Swainson's Thrushes (106) were the most common casualties at Long Point. A large kill at a lighthouse on Manitoulin Island, Ont. is mentioned but no details are provided. Complete kill lists from the Buffalo and Elmira towers are given. 173. Clarke, W. E. 1912. Studies in bird migration. Gurney and Jackson, London. 2 vols. Included are very detailed observations of birds attracted to iighthouses and light- ships in the British Isles. (The descriptions of the behavior of migrants at lights contained here and in the Kumlien (1888) article are the most complete and informative that we read.) 174. Cochran,. W. W., and R. R. Graber. 1958. Attraction of nocturnal migrants by lights on a television tower. Wilson Bull. 70(4):378-380~ · Counts of flight calls on two n'ights at a 984-fo~t tower near Champaign, Ill. indicated that migrants were concentrated in the vicinity of the structure. Turning off the red warning lights on the tower eliminated the aggregation. This article is the first to provide any experimental evidence that nocturnal migrants actually congregate around the red warning lights on towers. 175. Coffey, B. B., Jr. 1954. Ceilometer and other indications of nocturnal migration, Memphis, October 1953. Migrant 25(1):11-13. · Birds were observed fluttering in a ceilometer beam, and 10-20 deaths resulted. At times it was impossible to distinguish birds from insects. 176. ______ . 1964. Two bird kills at WMC-TV, Memphis. Migrant 35(2):53. On 7 and 8 May 1961, 19 warblers and vireos (1' species) were collected at the WMC-TV tower in Memphis, Tenn. A second incident involving 99 birds (21 species), including 57 Red-eyed Vireos, occurred on 11 May 1964. · 177. Cohen, D. A. 1896. California department. Osprey 1(1):14-15. On 15 May, 14 Red Phalaropes and one Ruddy Duck were found dead near a telegraph line. Autopsies indicated that the birds had died from.collisions with the overhead wire. 178. Cooke, W. W. 1888. Report on bird migration in the Mississippi Valley in the years 1884 and 1885. U.S. Dep. Agric., Div. Econ. Ornithol. Bull. No. 2. 313 pp. Hundreds of Soras were seen at a lighted tower at Winona, Minn. on the night of 21 May 1884 and suffered the highest losses of all species. Several Red-eyed Vireos were killed at a light at LaCrosse, Wis. on 19 May 1884. Reference is made to published losses of Bachman's and Kirtland's Warblers at lights. 179. ______ . 1915. Bird migration. U.S. Dep. Agric. Bull. No. 185. 47 pp. The Washington Monument killed 150 birds one night in spring 1902, and, while lighted, the Statue of Liberty caused the deaths of up to 700 birds a month. Many birds are killed at lighthouses, particularly in the fall. Two lighthouses at the southern end of Florida have killed far more birds than other lighthouses. Both are 100-140 feet high and have first magnitude lights. A fixed white light is the deadliest, while it is said a flashing light frightens birds away and a red light is avoided. 26 180. Coon, N. C., L. N. Locke, E. Cromartie, and W. L. Reichel. 1970. Causes of Bald Eagle mortality, 1960-1965. J. Wildl. Dis. 6:72-76. Of 76 dead eagles examined, 7 died from impact or collision. 181. Cornwell, .G. W. 1968. Needless duck deaths. Conserv. Catalyst 2(4):15-18. About half of 3000 non-hun.t.i ng deaths were due to stri ki ng~wi res. 4 J~ ~ . . . 182. Cornwell, G., and H. A. Hochbaum. 1971. Collisions with wires-a source of anatid mortality. ~Jilson Bull. 83(3) :305-306. Barbed wire fences and overhead wires commonly kill ducks, but such incidents are seldom reported. 183. Cottam, C. 1929. A shower of grebes. Condor 31(1):80-81. Hundreds of Eared Grebes died by striking wires, houses and trees after being forced to fly low in a snowstorm at Caliente, Nev. in December 1928. 184. Coues, E. 1876. The destruction of birds by telegraph wire. Am. Nat. 10(12) :734-736. In a 3-mile stretch between Cheyenne and Denver, Coues counted over 100 dead birds, mostly. Horned Larks, lying beneath the telegraph line. Three birds were actually seen striking the wires. 185. Crawford, R. L. 1971. Predation on birds killed at TV tower. Oriole 36(4):33-35. To test the effects of scavengers at the WCTV to~1er near Tallahassee, Fla., 157 marked dead birds were placed out over a period of five nights. The nightly loss of test birds to scavengers was between 64% and 100%; The author concludes that serious attention must be paid to the predator/scavenger problem at towers if•meaningful data are to be obtained. 186. _______ . 1974. Bird casualties at a Leon County, Florida TV tower: October 1966-September .. 1973. Tall Timbers Res. Sta. Bull. No. 18.· 27 pp. This is a continuation of the study by Stoddard and ~orris (1967). During the seven years covered in this report, over 5500 casualties and seven new species were collected at the WCTV to~1er, bringing the total losses to about 35,000 (177 species) in 18 years of continuous monitoring. Monthly species lists are given for the last seven years, and the total kill is presented by spring and fall months for each year 1955-73. ~1uch of this. report is devoted to the problem of scavengers removing tower casualties (Crawford 1971). An extensive literature review is included in the introduction. 187. _______ 1976a. Hillow and Alder Flycatcher records at a north Florida TV tower. Fla. Field Nat. 4(1):1-4. 188. Of 19 "Traill's Flycatchers", 9 were Empidonax traillii and 10 were L alnorum. (From supplement to Auk 94( 2) .) l976b. Some old records of TV tower kills from southwest Georgia. Oriole 41(4):45-51. This article presents previously unreported data, originally collected by H. L. Stoddard, Sr. and R. A. Norris, on bird losses at the l~ALB and WRBL-WTV~1 towers in south- western Georgia. On 28 visits to the I~ALB tower from 1959 to 1963, 613 birds (no total species count) were collected. Many of the carcasses were disturbed by scavengers and tall grass around the station grounds made it impossible to find birds over much of the area. Frontal activity and other weather conditions associated with kills on 12-13 September 1959, 7-8 September 1962, and 17-18 October 1962 are described. The species composition between kills at WALB and WCTV in Tallahassee, Fla. (about 80 km·sw) were significantly similar on the first t~10 nights, but not on the third. Species li.sts for the three dates at both towers are given. Two kills were recorded at the WRBL-WTVM tower: 18 birds on 23 April and 60 on 18 October 1962. 27 ~89. Crowell, J. B., Jr., and H. B. Nehls. 1972. The fall migration: northern Pacific coa. region. Am. Birds 26(1):107-111. A Leach's Petrel was killed at Brookings, Oreg. on 16 September 1971 when it struck < power pole. 190. Culver, D. E. 1915. ~1ortality among birds at Philadelphia, 1'1ay 21-22, 1915. Cassinia 19:33-37. Following a cold spell, on a foggy, rainy night, hundreds of birds were killed at the Philadelphia city hall tower. Common Yellowthroats dominated the list of casualties. Another kill occurred on the night of 17-18 October, and a list of these losses (29 birds, 12 species) is given. 191. Cunningham, R. L. l964a. Fall migration: Florida region. Audubon Field Notes 18(1):24-28. In September 1963, in Leon County, the largest kill ever (no data given) at the WFSU tower was reported, and 735 birds, including 80 Bobolinks, were killed at WCTV. 192. ___ l964b. Spring migration: Florida region. Audubon Field Notes 18(4):442-446. 193 .. In Leon County, on 2 t·1ay, 207 birds, including 150 thrushes, were found dead at the WCTV tower; the WFSU tower contributed little during the spring. 1965. Fall migration: Florida region. Audubon Field Notes 19(1):28-33. Following the drizzly, hazy night of 6 October 1964, 4707 birds (37 species) were found dead in the Indian River area, the result of low flying birds striking buildings, headlights and windshi-elds; 98% were warblers (1354 Common Yellowthroats and 322 Blackpolls). (See Case et a 1. 1965 for more details.) A 1 so, "moderate" tower kills were reported at Daytona Beach and St. Augustine, and 2000+ birds were killed during 6-8 October at two TV towers in Jacksonville; 95% were warblers (273 Blackpolls). 194. Dailey, N. S. 1978. Environmental aspects of transmission lines: a selected, annotated bib 1 iography. Oak Ridge Natl. Lab. ORNL/EIS-122. Included among the 663 entries are references to bird losses due to collisions and electrocutions at power transmission lines. The citations are indexed by author, location, taxon, and subject. 195. Danenhour, F. H. 1889. Birds killed by electri.-: lights at Girard College, Philadelphia. Am. Nat. 23:823-824. Mi~rants were frequently killed at the light towers on campus. killed (no numbers) is given. 196. Davis, W. B. 1940. Gas flares and birds. Condor 42(2):127. A partial list of species In May 1939, birds fluttered like moths near gas flares in a Texas oil field. 197. Dawson, G. A., and P. L. Dalby. 1973. A Goshawk-thermopane encounter. Jack-Pine Warbler 51 ( 3): 128. An immature male Goshawk struck a window and died on 25 October 1972 at Lansing, Mich. 198. de f'1iranda, F., and E. Osieck. 1971. Proposal with respect to goals and approa~h: h<M do we reduce the number of victims of high voltage lines? [in German]. VogelJaar 19(2):485-489. Methods are suggested for the counting of dead birds in the vicinity of power lines. Frequent counts are recommended to reduce the effects of scavengers. Data taken should include specific injuries of ·victims, weather conditions, terrain, and bird use of the area. 199. DeSante, D. F., and D. G. Ainley. 1978. The avifauna of the South Farallon Islands, Cali- fornia. Pacific Coast Avifauna. In press. In September 1971, a New Zealand Shearwater and several passerines were killed at the lighthouse on Faral1on Island. 28 200. Devitt, 0. E. 1967. The birds of Simcoe County, Ontario. Brereton Field Nat. Club, Barrie, Ont. 192 pp. On pages 18 and 19, kills at the CKVR-TV tower at Barrie during 1960-67 are discussed. Numbers killed seemed to vary directly with the prevalence of fog and low ceiling during migration. In the seven years covered, 2632 birds (63 species) were collected. Yearly kill totals and number of species are given for the years 1960-67. Casu~lties were comprised mainly of thrushes, warblers, f-l-ycatchers and sparrows. A comp~ete list of casualties is given in the a~endix. ..-• -· ,.... · 201. Devlin, J. M., and J. 11. Wykoff. 1957. Observations on nocturnal bird accidents. Turtox News 35(10):232-233. This is a brief discussion of the relationship between weather and kills at tall structures. Red bat mortality is mentioned. 202. Dexter, R. W. 1953. Electrocution of a Baltimore Oriole. Bird-Banding 24(3):109. The bird apparently touched t~o wires simultaneously. 203. Dick, M. H., and W. Donaldson. 1978. Fishing vessel endangered by Crested Auklet landings. Condor. In press. On the night of 16 January 1977, thousands of Crested Auklets, apparently attracted by lights, struck a fishing vessel in the Kupreonof Strait, Alaska. At one point, the boat was in danger of capsizing due to the accumulation of dead birds. Turning off some of the boat's lights decreased the number of bird strikes. Such occurrences with seabirds are not uncommon in Alaskan waters, and several similar instances, including one involving over 1100 Whiskered Auklets, are described. Lighted platforms and gas flares associated with oil and gas development in the region pose possible new threats to seabirds. 204. Dickinson, L. E. 1957. Utilities and birds. Audubon Mag. 59(2):54-55, 86-87. The author reviews the problem of bird strikes and electrocutions at power lines and cites examples of solutions to particular situations. 205. Diederich, J. 1977. Vogelverluste on Glasflachen des Athenaums in Luxemburg. Regulus 12(7} :137-139. Losses of 146 birds (34 species) at a plate glass window of a Luxemburg school are listed. 206. Dilger, W. C. 1954. Electrocution of parakeets at Agra, India. Condor 56(2):102-103. _ Rose-ringed Parakeets were frequently electrocuted on power lines at an Army base in the 1940's. 207. Dinesman, L. G. 1947. On the destruction of some birds in hitting telegraph wires [in Russian]. Zool. J. Moscow 26:171-176. This was not seen. (The citation is from Zool. Rec., Aves, 1947.) 208. Dixon, C. 1897. The migration of birds: an attempt to reduce avine [sic] season-flignt to law. Horace Cox, London. 2nd ed. 426 pp. In chapter eight, "The Perils of Migration", the author discusses bird mortality at lighthouses and lightships. Generally, lightships are more attractive to birds than are lighthouses, and fixed white lights are more deadly than revolving or colored ones. Fog horns have been used successfully to prevent birds from striking lights. Several reports of mortality and bird behavior at British light stations are included. Telegraph wires, while too low to generally be a hazard to migrants, have been known to cause losses. 209. D'Ombrain, A. F. 1945. Migratory birds and overhead wires. Emu 45(2):173-174. It is theorized that migratin§ shorebirds "become mystified by the bright city lights" -which cause them to fly lower than usual, resulting in strikes at overhead wires. Two instances of such mortality in Austrialia are-recounted. 29 210. Dorst, J. 1962. The migration of birds. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston. 476 pp. The problem of bird mortality due to collisions with man-made structures is mentioned in the introduction. 211. Drewien, R. C. 1973. Ecology of Rocky Mountain Greater Sandhill Cranes. Ph.D. Thesis. Univ. of Idaho, Moscow .. Collisions with power lines accounted for 37% of the observed mortality in the population that was studied. 212. Dunbar, R. J. 1949. Birds colliding with windows. f4igrant 20(1):12-15. 213. The problem of bird strikes at windows is discussed. 1·1ost of the birds that hit windows survive. 1954. Bird mortality-Oak Ridge. t4igrant 25(4):63-64. On the morning of 7 October, about 1000 birds (22 species) were found on a parking lot at Oak Ridge, Tenn. Losses were attributed to collisions with overhead power lines, light towers, cars, and pavement. f·1ost carcasses were found beneath the parking lot lights. 214. Dutcher, ~J. 1884. Bird notes from Long Island, N.Y. Auk 1(2):174-179. 215. This is an account of the birds collected at the Fire Island lighthouse in 1882 and 1883. ~leather conditions and species composition are noted. 1888. Bird notes from Long Island, N.Y. Auk 5(2):169-183. Various lighthouse kills are mentioned briefly. 216. Easterla, D. A., and R. E. Ball. 1973. The Rock \~ren in ~1issouri. Wilson Bull. 85(4): 478-479. The first t-1issouri record was found dead at a ~laryville tower. 217. Eaton, S. H. 1967. Recent tower kills in upstate New York. Kingbird 17(3):142-146. Tower mortality on the Alleghany Plateau is discussed. Several towers in the area are mentioned, and a list of 57 species (no numbers~ found dead during 1956-66 is given. The author estimates that 10,000 songbirds are killed annually at area towers. 218. Edeburn, R. M. 1973. Great Horned Owl impaled on b,arbed wire. Wilson Bull. 85(4}:478. It had become impaled at the base of its left wing. 219. Edscorn, J. B. 1974. The fall migration: Florida region. Am. Birds 28(1}:40-44. 220. 221. 222. The unusually low kill at the WCTV tower near Tallahassee in fall 1973 was attributed to very clear weather. 1975. The fall migration: Florida region. Am. Birds 29(1):44-48. Included among the fall 1974 casualties at the WCTV tower were 971 birds on the night of 17 October. 1976. The fall migration: ·Florida region. Am. Birds 30(1):54-58. Fall 1975 migration records from the HCTV tower are mentioned. 1977. The autumn migration: Florida region. Am. Birds 31(2):166-169. The fall 1976 kill at the WCTV tower near Tallahassee was much less than usual, the largest single kill being 66 birds on 18 October. At the WCKS tower at Cape Canaveral, 90 birds were found dead on 11 October. 30 223. Elder, W. H., and J. Hansen. 1967. Bird mortality at KOI·1U-TV tower, Columbia, ~1issouri, fall 1965 and 1966. Bluebird 34(1):3-6. ' A list of 851 birds (36 species) found in the two seasons is given, with age and sex data on seven species from 1966. Some·comparisons with data from other towers are made. ·224. Elliot, J. J. 1954. Region l.Q.-Long Island. Kingbird (4):11B-ll9. ot ,...•t. .--- This is a brief summary of October kills at Mitchell Field (230+), Westhampton Air Force Base (2000), and the Empire State Building (100). The Blackpoll Warbler was the most abundant species killed. 225. Eltringham, S. K. 1963. The British population of the Mute Swan in 1961. Bird study 1 0 ( 1 ) : 1 0-28 . Some mortality is due to collisions with wires. 226. Emerson, H. 0. 1904. Destruction of birds by ~1ires. Condor 6(2):37-38. The author cites mortality of shorebirds and a Black Rail in the San Francisco Bay area by flying into utility wires, particularly across salt marshes and evaporating ponds. He also mentions the death of a Great Horned Owl on a barbed wire fence. 227. Emery, R. P., and R .. E. ~loodruff. 1968. Spring migration: northeastern maritime region. Audubon Field Notes 22(3):505-507. Hundreds of birds, mostly White-throated Sparrows, were found dead at the Prudential Center Building, Boston, Mass. on 4 May. 228. English, A. 0. 1961. Destruction of birds in migration. Raven 32(5&6):66-67. At the Roanoke, Va. airport ceilometer, 92 birds (22 species) were killed on 1-2 October 1960. A species list is given. 229. Evans, G.· 1964. Birds at Bardsey Lighthouse-1964. Bardsey Bird Field Obs. Rep. 12:47-49. 230. 231. 232. Frem March to December, 1018 birds were reported killed. Blackbirds and Willow Warblers ~.ere the most common casualties. 1965. Lighthouse report, l9q.5,y1 : Bardsey Bird Field Obs. Rep. 13:46-49. For the year, 69 losses, including 19 Starlings, were reported. 1966. Lighthouse report 1966. Bardsey Bird Field Obs. Rep. 14:39-41. From March to October, 331 birds were reported killed. Redwings (Turdus iliacus) were prominent among the casualties. 1967. Lighthouse report. Bardsey Bird Field Obs. Rep. 15:41-42. This was not seen. The citation is from Zool. Rec., Aves, 1967. 233. Farnham, C. B., Jr. 1971. Snipe impaled on cable. Kingbird 21(1):10-11. In New York, a Common Snipe died when its lower mandible pierced the insulation of a telephone wire and the bird couldn't free itself. 234. Feehan, J. 1963. Destruction of birdlife in Minnesota-Sept. 1963. II. Birds killed at the Ostrander television tower. Flicker 35(4):111-112. A list of 1250 birds (28 species) killed on the cloudy night of 19 September is presented. 31 235. Ferren, R. 1959. t4ortality at the Dm~ Air Base ceilometer. Maine Field Nat. 15(4) :ll3-ll4. Two incidents at Bangor, r-1e. are repo_rted: 45 birds (16 species) on the night of 30-31 August and 32 (11 species) on 30 September-1 October. Thousands of birds were seen in the beam on the first occasion, but fewer were observed the second time when the beam was turned off at 0230 to prevent further mortality. The call notes of many species were noted, including Lesser Yellowlegs and Spotted Sandpiper. 236. Finch, D. W. 1970. The fall migration: northeastern maritime region. Audubon Field Notes 24(1):13-21. 237. On the night of 10 September 1969, ll2 birds were killed at the Gannet Rock, New Brunswick lighthouse. At the Prudential Center in Boston, Mass., kills occurred on 22 October (380 birds) and 14 November (179). 1971. The fall migration: northeastern maritime region. Am. Birds 2?(J):24-3J. A kill at the Prudential Center Building in Boston, Mas. on the night of 15-16 September 1970 is described as "very modest". 238. ___ 1973a. The fall migration: northeastern maritime region. Am. Birds 27(1):24-30. A casualty at the Cape Sable, Nova Scotia lighthouse is mentioned. 239. ___ . l973b. The spring migration: northeastern maritime region. Am. Birds 27(4):748-751. On the night of 2-3 May, 80 birds, mostly White-throated Sparrows, were killed at the Prudential Center Building in Boston, Mass. 240. Fink, L. C. 1970. Birds in downtown Atlanta-1969. Oriole 35(1):1-9. 241. Birds observed live or found dead at two buildings are listed. One building is 452 feet tall, dark and unlighted; the other is 374 feet tall, white and brightly lit. 1971. Birds in downtown Atlanta-spring, 1970. Oriole 36(1):2-6. Additional sight and kill records (primarily warblers and sparrows) from two skyscrapers are noted. :-# 242. Fink, L. C., and T. W. French. 1971. Birdsi:in downtown Atlanta-fall, 1970. Oriole 36(2&3):13-20. . At the white, lighted Trust 'Building, 29 birds were killed. At the darker, unlighted Equitable Building, 609 were collected, 461 following the nights of 28 and 29 September. Warblers and sparrows headed the kill list. 243. Fisher, H. I. 1966. Midway's deadly antennas. Audubon f~ag. 68(4):220-223. 244. The effects of the maze of antenna and guy cables on the island's colony of Laysan Albatrosses are discussed. At least 2901 were killed in a 7-month period. Damage to other species is also mentioned. 1970. The death of t4idway's antennas. Audubon Mag. 72(1):62-63. The antennas on Midway Island that were responsible for the deaths of more than - 3000 Laysan Arbatrosses in 1964-65 were demolished, and the hazard no longer exists. 245. Fitzner, R. E. 1975. Owl mortality on fences and utility lines. Raptor Res. 9(3&4):55-57. In l~ashington and Idaho during the winter of 1973-74, the author found one Great Horned Owl and one Short-eared Owl impaled on barbed wire fences and two Short-eared Owls hanging from overhead utility wires which they had struck. 32 246. Fjetland, C. 1974. Trumpeter Swan management at Lacreek National Wildlife Refuge. Proc. Pap. Trumpeter Swan Soc. Conf. 3:35-44. Telephone lines have been a definite source of mortality at this South Dakota refuge, accounting for five or six deaths since 1964. The telephone lines are now being buried and it is hoped that the same thing can be done to the electrical lines to reduce the hazard to swam;. 247. Fobes, C. B. 1956. Bird destruction at ceilometer light beam. r·laine Field Nat. 12(4}:93-95. About 60 Dfrds (seven spelfes) were l<illed at the Portland·, r~e. airport on an overcast night. The beam was turned off to prevent further deaths. 248. Fodor, T. 1967. Frequent appearance of swans in the transdanubian region [in Hungarian, English translation.] Aquila 73-74:175-176, 192. One swan hit an overhead cable. 249. Fog, J. 1970. Om andefugle contra elledninger [in Danish, English summary ]. Flora Fauna 76{4):141-144. Waterfowl are sometimes killed flying into 150 kV power lines (22 mm diameter, 30 m high). Birds flew under, over and between the wires and also rested and fed beneath. 250. Forbush, E. H. 1912. A history of the game birds, wild-fowl and shore birds of Massachusetts and adjacent states. Massachusetts State Board Agric. 700 pp. Lighthouses, electric light towers and wires, and telegraph wires kill thousands of birds each year, especially during nocturnal migration. Fortunately, most game birds are unaffected by such collisions, but rails and Woodcock which fly low in migration suffer severely. High wire fences kill many grouse ~1hich also collide frequently with houses set among trees. 251. Fox, N.C. 1977. N. Z. Falcons taking poultry. Notornis 24(2):140. Of two New Zealand Falcons examined, one appeared to have been injured on a barbed- wire fence and the other appeared to have struck telephone wires. The author also observed non-lethal collisions of a Grey Duck with a telephone wire and an Australasian Harrier with power lines. 252. French, T. W. 1972. Sharp-tailed Sparrow found dead in Atlanta. Oriole 37(2&3):14-15. This male was one of nine collected at a building on 17 r4ay. 253. --· 1973. Notes from Atlanta-1971 and 1972. Oriole 38(4):39-43. In these two years, almost daily checks at two building produced 1296 casualties (83 species). The author lists and discusses several of the more unusual records (Fink and French 1971). 254. Gander, F. F. 1930. A Black Rail leaves the salt marsh. Condor 32(4):211. On 30 August 1929, a Black Rail was found dead near the towers of the U.S. Naval Radio Station, east of San Diego, Calif. 255. Ganier, A. F. 1954a. Bird casualties at Smyrna airport. Migrant 25(1):11. 256. Eighteen birds (eight species) were killed on the night of 5 October 1953 at the ceilometer at the Army Air Base near Smyrna, Tenn. l954b. Bird mortality-Shelbyville. Migrant 25(4):61-62. On the chilly night of 6 October, about 300 birds died as a result of being attracted to street lights in Shelbyville, Tenn. Many probably died through collisions with obstructions while others may have died from exposure, having been unw'illing to leave the lighted area. (Mortality in other areas of Tennessee during early October 1954 is reported in the 1954 articles of Dunbar, Hernd9n, Laskey, Tanner, and West.) 33 257. 258. 259. 1962. Bird casualties at a Nashville T-V tower. t-ligrant 33(4):58-60. Three kills at the 1369-foot WSM-TV tower in September and October resulted in losses of 301 dead birds (39 species) and 2 red bats. Weather data are included. 1963. A Kentucky bird-fall in 1962. t~igrant 34(2):34-35. On a foggy September night, 270 birds (30 species) were killed by flying into windows (Carpenter and Lovell 1963). 1966. Some facts learned from nocturnal migration. Migrant 37(2):27-34. Twenty-six published lists of bird kills at towers and ceilometers are tabi,Jlated. Of the total of 16,118 casualties, Ovenbirds accounted for 15.5% (2513), Tennessee Warblers 12.1% (1933), Red-eyed Vireos 8.8% (1405), and Magnolia Warble~s 8.8% (1418). 260. Gastman, E. II. 1886. Birds killed by electric light towers at Decatur, Ill. Am. Nat. 20:981. Probably 1000 birds were killed by the light towers on 28-29 September; 10 species are listed. 261. Gauthreaux, S. A., Jr. 1972. The changing seasons. Am. Birds 26(4):731-736. 262. "Relatively fev1 reports of migration disasters were received this spring. 1973. The changing seasons. Am. Birds 27(4):743-748. The spring migration casualties at towers and other structures are mentioned and characterized as "few". 263. George, W. 1963. Columbia tower fatalities. Bluebird 30(4):5. On the nights of 20 and 21 September 1963, 941 birds ( 46 species) were killed at the K0~1U-TV tower, Columbia, f4o. A species list is given. 264. Gerstenberg, R. H. 1972. A stud." of shorebirds (Charadrii) in Humboldt Bay, California- 1968 to 1969. t1.S. Thesis. Humboldt State College, Arcata, Calif. 207 pp. More than 150 Northern Phalarooes were killed on 6 May 1969 by striking electric wires along the coast near Trinidad, Calif. Similar jncidents, involving fewer birds occurred on 6 May 1967 and 7 May 1971. 265. Giller, F. 1960. Eine moderne "Vogelfalle". flrnithol. Mitt. 12(8):152-153. Bird kills at large windows during summer and fall 1959 are reported. 266. Glue, D. E. 1971. Ringing recovery circumstances of small birds of prey. Bird Study 18( 3) :137-146. . Kestrels and Sparrowhawks were more prone to collisions with overhead wires, cables and buildings than were Barn, Tawny, and Little Owls. 267. Gochfeld, M. 1973. Confused nocturnal behavior of a flock of migrating Yellow Wagtails. Condor 75(2):252-253. Early in the overcast morningof 8 October 1967, at Tam Ky, VietNam, about 30 Yellow Wagtails repeatedly took off and landed on a fence around a brightly-lit compound. This behavior is discussed in the context of previous jeports of the attraction of birds to lighted objects. 34 268. Goddard, S. V. 1975. Special studies, number and composition of the birds killed by striking the transmission lines from the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant. Northern States Power Co. Ann. Rep. Vol. 2. From two spring and one fall search under 5 km of line, 105 birds (26 species) were recovered. The five most abundant species ~1ere the Starling (17}, Red-winged Blackbird (16), Mourning Dove (15), American Robin (8), and American Coot (7). A list of 1974 and 1975 casualties is given. 269. _______ . 1976. ~rairie Island ]Utlear Gen~ating Plant environmental monitoring and ecological studies program, 1976 annual report of ecological studies: . number and composition of birds killed by striking transmission lines from the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant. Northern States Power Co. Ann. Rep. Vol. 2. 17 pp. One fall and two spring checks for dead birds were made under 4.6 km of power line each year 1974-76. Yearly losses totalled 96, 25, and 85 birds, respectively. Starlings, Mourri1ng Doves, Red-winged Blackbirds, Common Grackles, and Brown-headed Cowbirds accounted for over 50% of the losses. A total kill list of the 45 species found dead is provided. 270. _______ 1977.. Number and composition of birds killed by striking transmission lines from the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant. Special studies, Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant environmental monitoring program. Northern States Power Co. Ann. Rep. During eight searches in spring and fall 1977, 89 birds of 24 species were collected. The 4-year total mortality at this site near Red Wing, Minn. was 385 birds (49 species), the most common casualties being Mourning Doves (62}, Red-winged Blackbirds (57), Common Grackles ( 31), Brovm-headed Cowbirds ( 23). and Ring-necked Pheasants ( 19). Largest numbers of losses were found in areas perpendicular to the migration corridor of the Mississippi River. Six of the eight most commonly killed species nest in the area. The recorded mortality was a minimum estimate due in part to insufficient searching and the actions of scavengers. 271. Goddard, S. V., and J. W. Richardson. environmental monitoring program. 1974. Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant, Northern States Power Co. Ann. Rep. pp. 841-1051. Among the impacts studied, was bird mortality at transmission lines north and west of this power plant near Red Wing, r'linn. 0n 21 April, 23 May and 13 September six to ten observers searched under a total of 5 km of line. Total spring losses were 75 birds (19 species) compared to 21 (10 species) in the fall. t-1ost commonly killed species were the ~1ourning Dove (10), Starling (9), Brown-headed Cowbird (9). Sora (8). Common Grackle (7}, Ring-necked Pheasant (5), and Wood Duck (3). The mortality is a minimum estimate in that scavengers may have removed other carcasses. A 1 is t of the losses for each search date is given. Losses were concentrated where the power lines were perpendicular to the major migration corridor up the ~1ississippi River Valley. 272. Gallop, r-1. A. 1965. Bird migration collision casualties at Saskatoon. Blue Jay 23(1):15-17. During 1961-64, at Saskatoon, Sask., 543 dead birds and one red bat were collected at several towers and 15 birds were found dead beneath power lines. Species lists are given. 273. Goodpasture, K. A. l963a. Age, sex, and \'ling length of tower casualties: fall migration, 1962. Bird-Banding 34(4):191-199. An analysis of 316 birds (24 species) killed at two tlashville, Tenn. towers is presented. In September, 16.5% of the warbler skulls were pneumatized, compared to over 50% in October. Tennessee Warblers displayed clear sexual dimorphism in wing length. 274. . l963b. Age and sex determination of tower casualties, Nashville, 1963. Migrant --34(4) :67-70. Age and sex data from fall kills at two Nashville towers are presented. 35 275. _______ . 1974a. Fall 1972 television tower casualties in Nashville. Migrant 45(2):29-31. At the WSM and WSIX towers, 556 dead birds {58 species) were collected during the season, the lowest fall total here since 1967. The kills were associated with low ceilings and the passage of cold fronts. On 18 October, 141 birds were found at the WSM tower, but none were recorded at WSIX on that date. Complete species lists are given. 276. _______ l974b. Fall 1973 television tower casualties in Nashville. Migrant 45(3):57-59. Near daily checks of the WSM and WSIX towers in September and October resulted in 165 casualties (42 species), the lowest seasonal total since regu1ar monitoring began. Weather was generally mild throughout the fall. Following a clear night, 49 dead birds were collected on 6 October. The WSM tower was recently painted with bright orange paint and the guy wires with aluminum paint, but it is doubtful if this had any effect on the kill. Lists of the losses are given. 277 • _______ 1975. Nashville television tower casualties, 1974. 14igrant 46(3) :49-51. A new low (123 birds, 34 species) in fall casualties was recorded at the WSM and WNGE (formerly WSIX) towers. As in fall 1973, the weather was "without notable nocturnal violence or stormy force." No clear explanation of the low kills in 1973 and 1974 was obvious, but increased scavenger activity may have been partially responsible. A kill of about 700 birds on 15 September was reported at a tower in Decatur, Ala., about 100 miles south of Nashville. Lists of the Nashville kills are given. 278 .. _______ 1976. Nashville television tower casualties, 1975. Migrant 47(1):8-10. Casualties numbered 513 (53 species) at the WSM and WNGE towers in fall 1975. The weather was generally mild, with fronts of low intensity. Warblers (22 species) accounted for two-thirds of the losses. Cats were noticeable scavengers. A complete kill list is given. 279. Goodwin, C. E. 1971. The fall migration: Ontario. Am. Birds 25(1) :49-54. 280. On the night of 13-14 September 1970, "extensive casualties" (mostly Ovenbirds and other warblers) were recorded at London, Ont. TV towers, and 136 birds were killed at the 1000-foot Toronto-Dominion Centre. 1973a. The fall migration: Ontario. Am. Birds 27{1):49-56. In 1972, the floodlit chimney of the Lennoxi!Jower plant, Kingston, Ont. killed 1145 birds on 12 September and 1531 (361 Common Yellowthroats) on 19 September. {See Weir 1972 for more details.) 281. _______ l973b. The spring migration: Ontario.' Am. Birds 27{4) :765-769. 282. 283. Over 1000 birds ~1ere killed at the Long Point 1 i ghthouse during 22-26 May, with 966. (42 spacies) on 23 May alone. On 28 May, 127 birds died at the Lennox smokestack even w1th the floodlights off. 1974. The fall migration: Ontario-western New York region. Am. Birds 28(1):44-48. A kill at the chimney of the Lennox, Ont. power plant on 9 August 1973 included a Bay- breasted and a·~1ourning Warbler. (See ~Jeir 1973b for more details.) 1975. The fall migration: Ontario region. Am. Birds 29(1):48-53. During fall 1974, kills at the Lennox power plant chi~ney and the Barrie and London TV towers totalled 7550 birds. Red-eyed Vireos (1129), Ovenb1rds (1038), and f.1agnol ia Warblers (920) were the species most commonly killed. 284. _______ 1977a. The autumn migration: Ontario region. Am. Birds 31(2):169-173. Brief mention is made of a kill at the Long Point lighthouse. 36 285. 1977b. Spring migration: Ontario region. Am. Birds 31(5):993~996. On 17-18 ~lay, 422 birds of 37 species were killed at the Long Point, Ont. lighthouse. Principal species killed were Ovenbirds, Swainson's Thrushes, Veeries, and Corimon Yellowthroats. 286. Graber, R. R. 1962. Fall migration: middlewestern prairie region. Audubon ·Field Notes 16(1):35-37, 41-43. Four tower kills were reported in fall 1961: 36 at Decatur, Ill. on 13-14 September; 233 ( 25 speci e!t) on 22-23 Sep.t;t!lnber and 'd1 on '23-24 September at Rockford, Ill.; and 77 (25 species) on 25-26 September at Columbia, Mo. 287. . 1968. Nocturnal migration in Illinois-different points of view. Wilsory Bull. --30(1) :36-71. 288. This is an extensive analysis of nocturnal migration by means of radar, aural recordings, field observations, and tower kills. The kills occurred near Champaign in late September 1957-62 and totalled 1500 birds (41 species). Complete lists of kills are given, and the nature of bird mortality at towers is discussed .. Graber, R. R., and J. W. Graber. 1962. Wei9ht characteristics of birds killed in nocturnal migration. Wilson Bull. 74(1):74-88. Differences in gross weights and weights of organs with sex and age were noted in 469 specimens (21 species) killed in September 1958-60 at a tower near Champaign, Ill. 289. . 1965. Variation in avian brain weights with special reference to age. Condor --67(4) :300-318. The authors discuss the technique of skulling and analyze brain weights with respect to age and sex for several species obtained in tower kills near Champaign and Springfield, Ill. on 24-25 September 1962. 290. Graff, G. S. 1954. Migration tragedy. Inland Birdbanding News 26(6) :39-40. On the cool, misty night of 5 October, 1887 birds (63 species) ~1ere killed at the 700-foot KOMU-TV tower near Columbia, r·lo. Common Yellowthroats (354) and Gray Catbirds (313) were the most commonly killed species. A complete list of the kill is given. 291. Graham, R. 1916. Carolina rail accidentally ki1led. Oologist 33(11):187. A Sora was found dead on 29 September in Ft. l4orth, Tex. evidently killed by striking a telephone wire. · 292. Gramlich, F. J. 1973. Bird mortality -microwave towers. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv. Unpubl. rep. 2 pp. On 14 August, two transmitting stations in !•Iaine were visited to collect information on possible bird mortality. The 1600-foot WGAN-TV tower at Raymond showed no signs of recent mortality, but hundreds of birds are sometimes killed during the spring and fall migrations. At the 1290-foot WCSH tower at Sebago, about 200 1~arblers, 100 thrushes, as well as sparrows and kinglets were killed on the night of 12-13 August amidst fog and light'rain. The author be 1 i eves the towers themselves are more important than guy wires in causing 1 asses, because very few casualties were found under guy wires. Physical features of the towers, their lighting schemes, and the surrounding topography are described .. 293. Green, J. C. 1962. Destruction of migrating birds at the Duluth ceilometer. Flicker 34(1) :3-6. This report of an estimated 1000 casualties (190 of 28 species actually listed) is the first from Duluth, t-1inn. Higher birds circled in the beam, and lower ones. flew erratically around and through it; Deaths were attributed to collisions with other birds .. · · 37 294. . 1963. Destruction of birdlife in Minnesota-Sept. 1963. III. Notes on kills at --Du 1 uth on September 18/19. Flicker 35 ( 4) : ll2-ll3. At the Duluth ceilometer, 92 birds of 17 species were killed. The light was turned off at 2100 to prevent further losses. Casualties totalled 35 (12 species) at the WDSM tower. 295. . 1964. Fall migration: western Great ·Lakes region. Audubon Field Notes 18(1): --33-34, 39-42. During 18-20 September 1963, extraordinary numbers of migrants passed through the Minnesota-Wisconsin area resulting in several large kills. At Eau Claire, Wis., over 10,000 birds of 45 species were collected at a tower (Kemper et al. 1964) where mortality was estimated to have exceeded 30,000. At Ostrander, Minn., mortality at a tower was estimated to be 1500 based on 250 birds actually collected (Feehan 1963). In Lewisville, r~inn., 924 birds of 47 species v1ere collected at a tower (Janssen 1963), and about 100 birds 1~ere killed at a ceilometer at Duluth, Minn. (Green 1963). A slow-moving cold front with overcast skies was associated with these incidents. 296 . 1965. Fall migration: western Great Lakes region. Audubon Field Notes 19(1): --37-41' 44. 297. In 1964, on an overcast night, hundreds of birds were seen in the beam of the Duluth, Minn. ceilometer, but no mortality resulted, perhaps because the light was turned off at midnight when the flight was heaviest. Green, J. C., and J. P. Perkins. 1964. warblers. Loon 36(4):127-129. · Some notes on the fall 1964 migration of vireos and On the drizzly, overcast night of 7-8 September, hundreds of migrants were attracted to the lights of an ore-carrying steamer on Lake Superior. The birds struck rigging and cabins, and according to the captain, "i3irds were being drawn into the ventilating fans and chopped birds we~re raining into the firehold and engine room." This major migratory movement coincided with the greatest daily mist-net\ totals of the season at Ely and Hibbing, Minn. (Perkins 1964). . 298. Gregory, H. 1975. Unusual fall tower kill. Bluebird 42(4):9-10. On the night of 14-15 October, over 98 birds of 20 species were killed at four towers in Missouri and Kansas. The Kcrm tower· in Kansas City, Mo. accounted for 67 casualties i ncl ud i ng 32 ~1ourni ng Doves. The incidents were unusua 1 because KCMO is free-standing (i.e. no guy wires), over half the casualties wer@ Mourning Doves, and the cloud ceiling was rather high (5000-10,000 feet). A list, by tower, of 86 casualties (20 species) is given. 299. Griepentrog, E. A. 1929. Hire mortalities. Oologist 46(2) :24. In Oregon, during 1926-28, the author noted several instances of bird collisions with telephone wires·and barbed-wire fences. Species that struck telephone wires included Common Snipe, Western Gull, and Mourning Dove, while a Gray Partridge and an American Robin struck barbed-wire fences. 300. Griffin, W. W. 1956. Unexpected birds killed at Atlanta area ceilometers. Oriole 21 (2) :21-22. Following the night of 26-27 September 1955, 556 birds of 36 species were collected at area ceilometers and TV towers. Several species unusual for that area are noted. 301. Grinnell, J., H. C. Bryant, and T. I. Storer. 1918. The game birds of California. Univ. of California Press, Berkeley. 642 pp. Two instances of Black Rail mortality are mentioned. One was found dead on a Santa Cruz, Calif. street in September 1903 after hitting an electric wire (Emerson 1904) and another was killed at the Point Lorna Light, near San Diego, on 4 August 1876. 38 .- 302. Griscom, L. 1955. The changing seasons. Audubon Field ~lotes 9(1) :4-7. The author notes that "severe marta 1 ity" occurred at to~1ers, bui 1 dings, and airport ceilometers in eastern and midwestern states during fall 1954. 303. Gross, W. A. 0. 1935. The life history cycle of Leach's Petrel (Oceanodroma leucorhoa leucorhoa) on outer sea islands of the Bay of Fundy. Auk 52(4):382-399. I I .. Many petrels died from flyt:tering ar;_P.und .a lighthouse beacon until they became exhausted and crashed to<~the ground. -'· · 304. Gunn, W. ~1. H. 1956. Spring season: Ontario-western New York region. Audubon Field N_o;tes 10{4) :329-331. "Several bushel baskets of birds", mostly warblers, were killed at a grain elevator in',. · Ontario on the night of 12 May. · ; · /;/ 305. Hall, G. A. 1965. Fall mi~rat~on: Appalachian region. Audubon Field Notes 19(1) :34-37.'/, ___ .--:::,.. 306. 307. 308. 309. 310. No deta i1 s are given concerning "1 arge numbers of birds ki 11 ed at a television tower near Knoxville, Tenn." in 1964. 1966. Fall migration: Appalachian region. Audubon Field Notes 20(1):41-45: Several incidents were reported in fall 1965: a TV tower near Charleston, ~J.V. _7 ~ "produced a steady number of dead birds"; on the foggy night of 24-25 September, many birds ("over a truckload") \~ere killed at a microwave relay tower and a gasoline compressor station atop a mountain near Buckhannon, W.V.; and on 1 October, over 1800 dead birds were found at a ski resort near Gatlinburg, Tenn. (Savage 1965). 1967. Fall migration: Appalachian region. Audubon Field Hates 21(1):33-36. A Charleston, S.C. tower kill is mentioned. 1968. Fall migration: Appalachian region. Audubon Field Notes 22(1):37-40. On 7 October 1967, 380 birds of 42 species were killed at a to~1er atop a ridge near St. Alban's, W.V. 1971. The fall migration: Appalachian region. Am. Birds 25{1):57-61. In 1970, near Beverly, Ohio, 68 birds, mostly warblers, were found dead at the foot of a tall smokestack. 1972. The fall migration: Appalachian region. Am. Birds 26(1):62-66. Frequent foggy weather in 1971 resulted in kills at the stacks of the Beverly, Ohio pow~r plant and at the 1 i ghted windows of a motel ( "severa 1 hundred birds") at Rockford Gap atop the Blue Ridge in Virginia. 311. _____ 1973. The fall migration: Appalachian region. Am. Birds 27(1):59-63. 312. On 30 September 1972, following the passage of a cold front, but under clear skies, 1801 birds of 44 species were killed at a tower complex on Holston Mt. ,. near Elizabeth; Tenn. (Herndon 1973). 1974. The fall migration: Appalachian region. Am. Birds 28(1):52-56. On the night of 29-30 September 1973, many birds were killed or stunned flying into motel windows at Rockford Gap atop the Blue Ridge in Virginia. About 2000 birds were killed at the ll03-foot unilluminated smokestack of a Cheshire, Ohio power plant on the rainy, foggy night of 30 September. 39 313. _______ . 1975. The fall migration: Appalachian region. Am. Birds 29(1):57-61. 314. 315. In fall 1974, tower kills were reported from Knoxville, Tenn. (no data) and Youngstown, Ohio (268 birds). (See Anon. 1975 for details of the Ohio incident.) 1976. The fall migration: Appalachian region. Am. Birds 30(1):67-71. In fall 1975, 1031 birds were collected at a Youngstown, Ohio TV tower (Bartolo 1976) and 364 were found at a Pittsburgh, Pa. tower. Near Morgantown, W.V., a small kill occurred at a mountaintop fire tower. There was partial correspondence between the tower kills and other migration indicators, such as banding results. 1977. The autumn migration: Appalachian region. Am. Birds 31(2):176-179. About 200 birds died at the Youngstown, Ohio tower in fall 1976, and a kill was reported (no data) at· a Morgantown, W. V. fire tower on 2-3 October. 316. Hannum, G., W. Anderson, and t1. Nelson. 1974. Power lines and birds of prey. Paper presented at Northwest Electric Light & Power Assoc. Eng. and Operating Conf. Yakima, Wash. 22 April. The Idaho Power Company's program to reduce power line electrocutions of birds of prey is presented (Nelson 1975, Nelson and Nelson 1976). Included are sketches of design changes of poles and conductors to make them safe. 317. · Hansen, L. 1954. Birds killed at lights in Denmark 1886-1939 [in English, Danish summary]. Vidensk. Medd. Dan. Naturhist. Foren. 116:269-368. In this paper the author presents a comprehensive summary of bird mortality at Danish lighthouses and lightvessels during the period 1886-1939. In the 54 years, about 55,800 birds were sent to the Zoological t4useum at the University of Copenhagen, and another 40,700 were reported killed but not collected. Topics discussed include: differential susceptibility among birds to be killed at lights, sex and age ratios, differences between spring and fall migrations, differential migration by age and sex, seasonal distribution of migrants, and variations in mortality among the lights. Twelve lightvessels accounted for 50% of the spring losses and 40% of the fall losses. Recently, many gas and kerosene lamps have been replaced by electric lights which have a smaller vertical illumination which may be why mortality has decreased considerably. Illuminating one of the lighthouses resulted in increased mortality. An annotated list of the 190 species killed and bar graphs showing the monthly kill for 94 species are provided. Also included are a list of the losses at each 1 ight station and maps showing t~ distributions of losses of some species at the most lethal lights. 318. Harrison, J. 1963. Heavy mortality of t1ute Swa,ns from electrocution. Wildfowl Trust Ann. Rep. 14:164-165. During a 2-month period in spring 1962, 30% (21 birds) of local swan flocks at Romney Marsh, Kent, England were killed along l/4 mile of power lines 30 feet high. No distinction is made between deaths by electrocution or collision. 319. Harvie-Brown, J. A., and J. Cordeaux. 1880. Report on the migration of birds in the autumn of 1879. Zoologist 4(41):161-204. Included are reports of strikes at lighthouses along the coasts of Scotland and England. Kills usually occurred on overcast nights, and birds left the vicinity of the lights when stars reappeared or when morning came. 320. Harwin, R. M. 1971. White Stork: longevity record. Ostrich 42(1):81. In Rhodesia, a White Stork struck a power line and died in November 1969, 17 years after it had been banded as a nestling. 40 321. Hatch, D. R. M. 1966. Fall migration: northern Great Plains region. Audubon Field Notes 20(1):61-64. Mention is made of "large kills" of ~1arblers, thrushes and sparr01·1s at l~innipeg, Manitoba TV towers in late September 1965. 322. 1967. Fall migration: northern Great Plains region. Audubon Field Notes 21(1): --47-51. ,. A tower kil"l at Saskatoonr-·!ask. on 10::.11 September 1966 is mentioned. 323. 1969. Fall migration: northern Great Plains region. Audubon Field Notes 23(1): --70-74. On the nights of 17 and 18 September 1968, 18 species of warblers were among the casualties at a Starbuck, 11anitoba tower. 324. Hatler, D. F., and·R. W. Campbell. 1975. Notes on spring migration, including sex segregation, of some western Savannah Sparrows. Syesis 8:401-402. Early on the mornings of 2 and 3 May 1972, during a period of heavy fog, 57 birds of five species were killed at the Cape Scott lighthouse, Vancouver Island, B.C. Among the casualties were 30 Savannah Sparrows (all males) and 19 Fox Sparro~1s. The sample of Savannah Sparrows reflects a segregated migration. 325. Hendrickson, J. R. 1949. A hummingbird casualty. Condor 51(2):103. During an aerial display, a male Allen's Hummingbird struck a telephone wire and was killed in California. 326. Herndon, L. R. 1954. Bird mortality-Johnson City. Migrant 25{4):65-67. About 1000 birds were killed at the WJHL-TV tower at Johnson City, Tenn. during the cloudy night of 6-7 October 1954. The tower is 632 feet tall and is atop a ridge 200 feet above the surrounding landscape. 327. ___ . 1957. Television tower casualties, Johnson City. f1igrant 28(4):56-57. 328. 329. On 29 September, 214 birds of 29 species were found dead at the WJHL-TV tower. A list of the casualties is given. 1962. A Texas bird-fall. Migrant 33(4):60-61. This is an account taken from the newsletter of the Texas Ornithological Society relating the deaths of about 6000 birds at the ceilometer of the Laughlin Air Base, San Angelo on 27 September. Among the unusual casualties were 4200 Mourning Doves, 1 Poor-will and 1 ~lhite-necked Raven. (See Webster 1963 for other detailS.) 1973. Bird kill on Holston ~1ountain. Migrant 44(1) :1-4. At two installations near Elizabethton, Tenn., 1801 birds of 44 species were killed by colliding with floodlit buildings and two small (125 and 85 feet) towers. The weather was foggy with northwesterly winds on 30 September and 1 October 1972 when the losses occurred. A kill list is given. 330. Herren, H. 1969. The status of the Peregrine Falcon in Switzerland. Pages 231-238 in J. J. Hickey, ed. Peregrine Falcon populations -their biology and decline. UnTV. of Wisconsin Press, 11adison. Of 14 dead Peregrine Falcons examined between 1952 and 1965, 5 had collided with wires. Overhead wires are the main cause of Eagle ~11 fatalities and have contributed to the extirpation of the species in much of its former range in Switzerland. 41 331. Heye, P. L. ·1963. Tower-fatalities. Bluebird 30(1}:7 . . 4 . Over 300 birds of 47 species are listed from the kill at the KFVS-TV tower in Cape Gi rard.ea!J.• Mo.-. during fa 11 1962. Hickey, M. B. 1960. Nigrants at airport ceilometers. Passenger Pigeon 22(1) :23-26. / IIi late t-1ay 1952, 'hundreds of birds were obs~rved milling near t~e base of the_cloud ceiling jn the beam of a ceilometer at Madison, W1s. Only 15 casual~1es of 10 ~pec1es were''collectei:f: Calls of Green Herons, Black Terns, Spotted and Sol1tary Sandp1pers and others were heard. In October 1959, 117 birds of 24 species were found dead at the same . site .following a cloudy night. ~..-.l~~r;~·;~--·.:-~: .. 333. Hiltunen, E. 1953. On electric and telephone wire accidents in birds Suomen Riista 8:70-76, 222-223. in Finnish, English ··> .,. . su11111ary Losses of gamebirds, mostly Capercaillie and Blackgame (Black Grouse), through wire. strikes occur primarily in the fall when fog and rain are frequent. Of 225 observed stnkes, 76.8% were fatal. Over 76% of the accidents occurred at twilight. 334. Holt, E. G. 1920. Bachman's ~tarbler breeding in Alabama .. 1\uk 37(1}:103-104. . Reference is made to a Bachman's \~arbler killed at the Sombrero Key, Fla. lighthouse (Merriam 1887) .. 335. Hordy, N. 1970. Fatal dinner. Thunder Bay Field Nat. Club News Letter 24(1) :ll. A Great Horned Owl perched on a utility pole insulator with a prey item. In trying to obtain better footing, the owl touched a 4160 volt conductor and was electrocuted. (Citation and summary from \~ild. Rev., June 1970, 138:73.) ~ 336. Hosford, H. V. 1962. t-1igrant bird casualties at TV towers. t1anitoba Nat. Hist. Soc., Ornithol. Sec. Newsl. 1:5-8. The author outlines the kinds of data that should be taken at tower kills and gives details of the losses (74 birds, 28 species) at a tower in Winnipeg on 23-24 September and 7-8 October. 337. Hoskin, J. 1974. Casualties at the CKVR TV tower! Blue Heron, November. 338. During fall 1974, 4900 casualties were recorded at the new 1000-foot Barrie, Ont. tower. This is greater than the total losses recofded during 1960-73 at the old, 700-foot tower. The first kill was on 11 August, and the largest single-day kill total, 1523 birds, came on 21 September. The seasonal losses included 1000 Bay-breasted Warblers and 900 Ovenbirds (Devitt 1967). 1975. Casualties at the CKVR TV to~ter, Barrie. Nat. Can. 4(2):39-40. ----' During August and September 1974, 4900 dead-birds were collected at the newly constructed, 1000-foot tower in Ontario. ·Large kills occurred in September on the lOth (409 birds), 13th (704), 14th (371), and 21st (1523). Among the casualties were 1000 Bay-breasted Warblers and 900 Ovenbirds. Other species with high losses were the Northern Parula Harbler, Northern Waterthrush, Cape May Warbler, Philadelphia Vireo, and Rose-breasted Grosbeak. 339. Houston, C. S. 1972a. The fall migration: northern Great Plains. Am. Birds 26(1):78-80. A "modest TV tower kill" at Regina, Sask. on 20 September 1971 is mentioned, but no details are given. ___.. 340. ___ 1972b. The spring migration: northern Great Plains. Am. Birds 26(4) :774-777. Kills at the Omega tower, LaMoure, IL Dak,.. are mentioned (Avery et al. 1975). 42 341. Houston, C. S., and M. I. Houston. 1975. The fall migration: northern Great Plains. Am. Birds-29{1):74-77. A tower kill at Regina, Sask. on ll-12 September 1974 included 65 birds of 13 species. 342. Howard, W. I. 1963. r1igration versus progress. Bull. Chemung Valley Audubon Soc 16(1):2. 343. ,. The new 843-foot WSYE-TV tower, three times taller than th& previous tower, was completed in Se.[iltember 1963 at..~-imira, rl.lf": From 29 September through 4 October, over 200 birds of 36 species, mostly warblers, and one bat were found dead at the tower. Casualties at the old tower were considerably less . . ] l966a. TV to~1er kill -1966. Bull . Chemung Valley Audubon Soc. 19 ( l): l. During fall 1966, about 260 birds of 33 species, including over 200 on the cloudy night of 19-20 September, were found dead at the WSYE-TV tower, Elmira, N.Y. Total losses of 430 and 125 were recorded in the fall season of 1964 and 1965, respectively. 344. [ .] l966b. T~1o weeks with a Parula l·Jarbler: Bull. Chemung Valley Audubon Soc. --l-9(1) :l-2. A Northern Parula Warbler injured at the HSYE:..Tv tower, Elmira, N.Y. was nursed back to health and released . 345. [ . ] 1967. Tower kill 1967. Bull. Chemung Valley Audubon Soc. 20( l): 2. Only 45 birds of at least 17 species were found dead during fall 1967 at the WSYE-TV tower, Elmira, N.Y. Predators no doubt removed other carcasses before they were collected. 346. [ ___ .] 1968. Tower kill 1968. Bull. Chemung Valley Audubon Soc. 21:2. About 260 birds of at least 30 species, mostly warblers, were found dead during fall 1968 at the WSYE-TV tower, Elmira, ~.Y. About 200 birds died on the night of 25-26 September. 347. [ ___ .] 1969. f'1igration casualties -1969. Bull. Chemung Valley Audubon Soc. 22:3. The fall 1969 casualties at the WSYE-TV tower, Elmira, N.Y. totalled over 300 birds of 44 species. 348. [ ___ .] 1970. 1970 tower kill. Bull. Chemung Valley Audubon Soc. 23:1. During fall 1970, 220 birds of 37 species were killed at the WSYE-TV tower, Elmira, N.Y. Sixty birds died on the late date of 14 October. 349. .] 1971. Tower kill-1971. Bull. Chemung Valley Audubon Soc. 24:1. 350. A record number of casualties -454 birds of 46 species, including 2 bats -was found at the WSYE-TV tower. Elmjra, N.Y. during fall 1971. Over 225 birds died on the night of 29-30 September. 1972. Tower kill -1972. Bull. Chemung Valley Audubon Soc. 25:1-2. Casualties at the ~ISYE-TV tm"ler, Elmira, fl.Y. totalled 138 birds of 30 species during fall 1972. · 351. [ ___ .] 1973. HSYE-TV casualties -1973. Bull. Chemung Valley Audubon Soc. 26. 352. A record total of 465 birds of 39 species, mostly v1arblers, was found dead at the WSYE-TV tower, Elmira, N.Y. during 27-29 September 1973. Prior to this date, fewer than 100 casualties had been rec-orded in the month. 1974. Tower casualties. 1974. Bull. Chemung Valley Audubon Soc. 27:4. The highest total ever -about 1200 birds of 45 species -was recovered at the WSYE-TV tower, Elmira, N.Y. during the fall. On the night of 21-22 September, approximately 844 birds, including 246 Bay-breasted Warblers, were found dead (Kibbe 1975). 43 353. 1977. Tower kill -1977. Bull. Chemung Valley Audubon Soc. 30:2-3. Overcast skies and northerly winds contributed to kills of 1817 (39 species}, 1358, 375, 132, and 180 birds on the nights of 19-20 through 23-24 Sept,ember, respectively, at the WSYE-TV tower in Elmira. N.Y. The total fall losses were 3874 birds (48 species) including 1227 Bay-breasted Warblers. Great Horned Owls and crows probably took numerous injured birds. · ' 354. Howell, A. H. 1932. Florida Bird Life. Fla. Dep. Game Fresh Water Fish and U.S. Bur. Biol. Surv. 479 pp. The following records of Bachman's \~arb 1 ers killed at the Sombrero Key, Fla. 1 i ghthouse ar~ included: several in t1arch and April 1887 (r1erriam 1887), 21 on 3 ~larch 1889, and five on 3 April 1889 . . 355. Howell, J. C. 1955. A comparison of ceilometer mortality at Knoxville and Nashville, Tennessee, in 1951 and 1954. Migrant 26(4):53-57. From a comparison of the 15 most abundant species killed in October at-these two lotatiOns, the author concludes that different migrant populations pass through the two areas. Field counts and kill totals were not in close agreement due to differences in conspicuousness among the species. (See Howell and Tanner 1951, Laskey 1951 and 1954, and Tanner 1954 for kill details.) 356." Howell, J. C., A. R. Laskey, and J. T. Tanner. 1954. Bird mortality at airport ceilometers. Wilson Bull, 66(3):207-215. ·This article summarizes 12 kills during 1948-52 and discusses causes of the phenomenon. Observations of bird behavior in ceilometer beams and the influences of weather on mortality are presented. · 357. Howell, J. C .• and J. T. Tanner. 1951. An accident to migratory birds at the Knoxville airport. f•1igrant 22(4):61-62. On the night of 7-8 October, 1044 birds of 46 species were killed at the Knoxville, Tenn .. airport ceilometer. The night was overcast with northerly wind. 358. Hunt, R. A. 1972. Some field and court case experiences with waterfowl and electrical powerlines. Proc. 34th Ann. Midwest Fish Wildl. Conf. 34:60. ~ More research is needed to assess the effects on waterfowl and other wildlife of power lines in and near wetlands. (Abstr.) 359. Hussell, D. J. T. 1965. Long Point Bird Observatory-1962 and 1963 reports. Ont. Bird Banding 1 ( 1): 1-44. 360. Annual kills at the Long Point lighthouse in 1962 (250D birds, 52 species) and 1963 (92l birds, 69 species) are mentioned. · 1969. Weight loss of birds during nocturnal migration. Auk 86(1):75-83. In this study, Veeries and Ovenbirds killed at the Long Point lighthouse in May 1965 and September 1966, respectively, are analyzed. 361. Hussell, D. J. T., D. H. Baldwin, W. A. ~1artin, R. D. Montgomerie, and P. S. Woodford. 1966. Long Point Observatory: 1964 report. Ont. Bird Banding 2(2):1-50. There was an absence of large kills: 159 birds of 32 species during spring and 113 of 34 species in the fall. A kill on 12-13 April was composed entirely of fringillids. 362. Hussell, D. J. T., W. A. Martin, R. W. Stamp, and P. S. Woodford. 1967. Long Point Bir.d Observatory: 1965 report. Ont. :Bird Banding 3(2):30-78. The spring kill was relatively light (174 birds, 42 species) and no large single kills occurred in the fall (326 total, losses). 44 .- 363. Idaho Wildlife Cooperative Research Unit. 1976. Semi-annual report. 29(2):27. One foster-parented Whooping Crane died by striking a barbed-wire fence in Colorado. 364. __ 1977. Semi-annual report. 30(2):12. The death in Colorado of one foster-parented Whooping Crane by colliding with a barbed- wire fence is reported. Death 'i>f. collisioJ_ app!'!ars to be a major cause of mortality among foster-parent r~red Whooping eranes. 365. Imber, M. J. 1975. Behavior of petrels in relation to the moon and artificial lights. Notornis 22(4):302-306. The author discusses the frequently reported phenomenon of recently fledged petrels being attracted to artifical lights. Adult birds reportedly do not exhibit this behavior. The. reactions of young birds to artificial light may be related to food preferences of petrels for bioluminescent organisms (Bourne 1976). 366. Imhoff, T. A. 1954. Bird mortality at Birmingham ceilometer. Ala. Bird-life 2(3&4):38-39. On 8 October, an estimated 1600 birds (36 species) were killed. A casualty list is giver 367. _______ 1968. Spring migration: central southern region. Audubon Field Notes 22(4): 533-535, 543-544. Tower kills at Huttig, Ark. (no details) and Birmingham, Ala. (36 birds compared to 60 casualties in fall 1967) are mentioned. 368. Jaago, M. 1970. Accident involving migrant birds at Marjamaa [in Estonian]. Eesti Loodus 1970:184. Ducks were killed by power lines. This article was not seen; the citation is from Zool. Rec., Aves, 1970. 369. Jackson, W. B., E. J. Rybak, and S. H. Vessey. 1974. Vertical barriers to bird migration. Pages 279-287 inS. A. Gauthreaux, Jr., ed. Proc. Conf. Biol. Aspects Bird/Aircraft Collision Problem. Clemson University. This paper contains essentially the same information as in Rybak et al. (1973). Kills were also reported at a cooling tower at the new nuclear generating plant at Monroe, Mich. The advent of massive cooling towers at such plants presents new hazards to migrating birds. 370. Jackson, W. B., M. Temme, and W. A. Peterman. 1977. Davis-Besse bird hazard monitoring contract. January:l-21. At this site near Port Clinton, Ohio, bird losses r,ecorded during 1 September -22 October 1976 totalled 207 birds (35 species), mostly warblers (57%), kinglets (26%) and finches (3%). As in previous seasons, the cooling tower accounted for most of the losses (88%). The analyses of synoptic weather patterns relative to migrant mortality yield the following generalizations. In the spring, high mortality most likely occurs with a cold front advancing from the west or northwest of Lake Erie •. frequentiy associated with thunder- showers and gusting wind. Moderate mortality is expected under overcast conditions accompanying warm fronts and post-frontal lows. In the fall, high mortality occurs almost exclusively with advancing high pressure systems; that is, the first and second evenings following a . cold front passage are the most likely for high losses .. The weather is usually clear with frequent strong winds. During the pre-operational period at this site, losses of carcasses to scavengers may have reduced the number of recovered mortalities by 50%. Less than one percent of the losses have been non-passerines. Resident birds are seldom involved. Relative to the total migrant volume, losses are minute at the site. Studies elsewhere suggest that diffuse red, orange or blue lights may decrease mortality at stacks and cooling towers. Losses are listed by species for fall 1976, and by family for falls 1975 and 1976. A summary by family and structure of losses during the migration seasons 1972-76 is also given. Weather data and the locations of carcasses at the site are included (Williams and Jackson 1974). 45 371. 1978. Davis-Besse bird hazard monitoring contract. Ann. Rep. January:l-21. r~ortal ity at the Davis-Besse nuclear power plant in 1977 totalled 48 (21 species) in the spring and 151 (25 species) plus three bats in the fall. Warblers (31%), vireos (18%), and finches (10%) comprised the bulk of the spring kill, and warblers (65%), kinglets (11%), and finches (5%) dominated in the fall. Greatest losses in both seasons were related to weather patterns previously identified as having high mortality potential (Jackson et al. 1977). Species kill lists for both seasons are given as are summaries by family for spring 1975-77 and fall 1976-77. Results of autopsies on casualties, weather data, and locations of recovered casualties are included. 372. James, D. 1966. Fall migration: central southern region. Audubon Field Notes 20(1):55-61. 373. Kills at towers at Nashville, Tenn. and Baton Rouge, La. in fall 1965 are mentioned. 1968. Fall migration: central southern region. Audubon Field Notes 22(1):50-54. The TV tower kill at Nashville, Tenn. during fall 1967 was the lowest in years (Laskey 1968). 374. James, D., and H. H. Shugart, Jr. 1967. Fall migration: central southern region. Audubon Field Notes 21(1):45-47. The comparatively low fall 1966 kill at the tlashville, Tenn. towers was attributed to mild weather (Laskey 1966). 375. James, P. 1956. Destruction of warblers on Padre Island, Texas in t1ay, 1951. \·Jilson Bull. 68(3):224-227. Following the rainy, stormy night of 6 May 1951, 2421 birds of 39 species (mostly warblers) were picked up beneath light poles on this coastal island. 376. Janssena R. B. 1963. Destruction of birdlife in Minnesota-Sept. 1963. I. Birds killed at the Lewisville television tower. Flicker 35(4) :llO-lll. On the nights of 18-19 September, 924 birds of 47 species were killed at the 1116- foot KEYC:-TV tower. The nights were cloudy with drizzle. A list of the casualties is given. 377. Jarvis, t•1. J. F. 1974. High tension power lines as a hazard to large birds. Ostrich 45:262. . ~ In South Africa, a European Stork struck a power line, and 30 Cape Vultures were electrocuted on a power line over a 10-year period. The vultures perched on pylons and were killed as they wiped their beaks on the wire. 378. Jennings, A. R. 1960. The major causes of death of wild birds in Great Britain. Pages 353-357 in Proc. 12th Int. Ornithol. Gong., Vol. 1. Trauma (collisions with obstacles and shooting) accounted for 29% of 800 bird deaths analyzed. This was the largest single cause of death. 379. __ 1961. An analysis of 1,000 deaths in wild birds. Bird Study 8(1) :25-31. Traumatic injury (shooting and collisions) accounted for 327 of the deaths. 380. Jewett, S. G., W. P. Taylor, W. T. Shaw, and J. W. Aldrich. 1953. Birds of Washington State. Univ. of \Jashington Press, Seattle. 767 pp. Severa 1 reports of shearwater and storm-petrel morta 1 ity at 1 i ghthouses are mentioned. At Destruction Island, 149 Beal Petrels (Leach's Storm-petrels) were killed at the light during 31 March - 3 August 1916 (Lien 1923). Lights are particularly hazardous during foggy weather. 46 381. Johansen, H., and A. Bjerring. 1955. The population of the Stork (Ciconia ciconia (L.)) in Denmark 1952-1954 Qn Danish, English summary]. Dan. Drnithol. Foren. Tidsskr. 49: 114-126. 382. Collisions with overhead wires accounted for 35% of the reported deaths of banded Storks. (From English summary) Johansen, K. 1975. Review and~nalysis of bird impingement and~stack illumination at Ontario Hysro generating ~~tions. !rep. 7'5073. 42 pp. This report compares the effects on bird losses of various lighting schemes and weather conditions at the Nanticoke and Lennox generating stations. The author concludes that there ~Jas no significant correlation between bird kills and weather conditions or between kills and stack illumination modes. Instead, it is felt that factors such as bird migration volume and general site illumination may be of more fundamental importance. At Nanticoke, the 1970-74 kill total was 491 in the spring and 27,207 in the fall. The Lennox plant was completed in fall 1972, and through 1974, the total spring kill was 336, compared to 7211 fall casualties. Also included are kill totals from three other, less destructive generating stations. 383. Johnson, R. E., and G. E. Hudson. 1976. Bird mortality at a glassed-in walkway in \Jashington State. ~!estern Birds 7(3) :99-107. During May 1968-June 1974, 266 birds of 41 species were collected at this 21.8 m long x 15.3 m high glassed-in walkway at Washington State University, Pullman, Wash. Many species, especially finches, not usually found in other kills were collected here, probably because this structure sampled diurnal migrants and local residents instead of nocturnal migrants. Fringillids accounted for 48.9% of the total kill. Silhouettes of raptors were pasted on the windows in 1970 and mortality was reduced to about one-third of the previous rate. 384. Johnston, D. W. 1955. r1ass bird mortality in Georgia, October, 1954. Oriole 20(2): 17-26. 385. 386. 387. 388. uetails of seven incidents in Georgia during 6-8 October 1954 are presented. The largest kill occurred at the Warner Robins Air Force.Base ceilometer near Macon, Ga. where an estimated 50,000 birds died. A widespread cold front was associated with these incidents. 1957. Bird mortality in Georgia, 1957. Oriole 22(4):33-39. Fall bird losses totalling 4189 (78 species) are listed from several towers, two ceilometers and one lighthouse in Georgia and South Carolina. Most of the losses occurred on the night of 4-5 O~tober when rain and cloudy weather prevailed. 1970. Age and sex distribution in Indigo Buntings. Bird-Banding 41(2):113-118. Data from tower and ceilometer kills are analyzed; males outnumbered females which corroborates findings of other investigators of this species. 1974. Decline of DDT residues in migrptory songbirds. Science 186(4166):841-842. Analyses of 10 species of migratory songbirds killed flying into towers in Florida showed a progressive decline in concentration of DDT ·and its metabolites for the period 1964-73. 1976. --4:22-24. Races of Palm Warblers killed at a Florida TV tower. Fla. Field flat. A tota 1 of 369 spring and fa 11 casualties were ex ami ned and it was confirmed that the western race of this species is the most common in Florida. 47 389. Johnston, D. W., and T. P. Haines. 1957. Analysis of mass bird mortality in October, 1954. Auk 74(4):447-458. During 5-8 October, coinciding with an advancing cold front, 25 instances of mortality totalling over 100,000 birds (~8 species) were reported from ceilometers, towers, and buildings in the eastern U.S. The most commonly killed species were the Ovenbird, Magnolia Warbler, Red-eyed Vireo, and Chestnut-sided Warbler. Sex and age composition, weight, fat content and subspecific composition are analyzed in 2552 birds killed on 7-8 October at a ceilometer near f1acon, Ga. where an estimated total of 50,000 birds (53 species) died. (See iJowell 1955, Johnston 1955, Laskey 1954, and Tanner 1954 for details of the incidents.) 390. Jones, B. 1974. Delta trumpeters. Proc. Pap. Trumpeter Swan Soc. Conf. 3:50-51. In 1972, one Trumpeter Swan at the Delta, Manitoba Waterfowl Research Station flew into a telephone line. 391. Jones, R. D., Jr. 1976. f·1onthl.Y activity report, Izembek National Wildlife Refuge. 4 November. Amidst a severe snow squall on 26 October, about 150 Brant and Emperor Geese wer~ killed when they flew into a cannery building and the rigging_of moored.fishi~g vessels at K1ng Cove, Alaska. The birds were apparently attracted to and bl1nded by l1ghts 1n the area. 392. Judd, P. L. 1910. News notes. Oologist 27(4):51. 393. 394. 395. 396. 397. 398. 399. Snipe were killed by flying into wires. Kale, H. W., II. 1970. The spring migration: Florida region. Audubon Field Notes L4{l~) :591-595. The only large kill of the season at the WCTV tower near Tallahassee occurred on April when 32 birds of 14 species were killed. l97la. The spring migration: Florida region. Am. Birds 25{4):723-725, 730-735. Kills, mostly of warblers, in late April and early Hay, are mentioned from five towers, a hotel, a shopping center, and the Merritt Island Vehicle Assembly Building on Cape Kennedy (2500 birds, 42 species). . l97lb. Report on bird kill at construction site of Florida Power and Light ---Company's Hutchinson Island nuclear energy ~ower plant, night of April 26-27, 1971. Unpubl. rep. 3 pp. Low clouds and bright floodlights resulted in the death of at least 282 birds of 20 species from collisions with a crane tower and its guy wires. A kill list is given with species sex· ratios. 1972. The spring migration: Florid~ region. Am. Birds 26(4):751-754. Only 35 warblers were killed at the \-lOBO-TV tower in Orlando, and just one bird, a Red-breasted Merganser, was found at the WCTV tower near Tallahassee. Fewer birds were killed at the Vehicle Hssembly Building at Cape Kennedy than during the previous spring. 1973. The spring migration: Florida region. Am. Birds 27(4):761-765. Thirty casualties were reported from WCTV on 26 April and about 300 birds died at the Vehicle Assembly Building at Cape Kennedy on 10-ll ~-1ay. 1975. The spring migration: Florida region. Am. Birds 29(4):839-843. l·~igration records from the WCTV tower are mentioned. 1976. The spring migration: Florida region. Am. ~irds 30(4):828-832. Migration records from the WCTV tower are mentioned. 48 400. 401. 402. 403. 1977. The spring migration: Florida region. Am. Birds 31(5):988-992. A migration record from the WCTV tower near Tallahassee is mentioned. Kale H.\>!., II, 1•1. H. Hundley, and J. A. Tucker. 1969. Tower-killed specimens and observations of migrant birds from Grand Bahama Island. Wilson Bull. 81 (3):?58-263. On the nigltt of 21-22 OctJ)~r 1966, "86 birds of 22 species were killed at two small towers (200 and 400 feet). About half of the kill consisted of Gray-cheeked Thrushes and Blackpoll Warblers. Weather conditions are discussed. Karlsson, J. 1977. Bird collisions with towers and other man-made constructions [in Swedish, English summary]. Anser 16:203-216. The article briefly revie~1s the problem of bird strikes at towers, lighthouse~, power lines, and other structures. Data on bird kills at Swedis~ towers were obta1ned through questionnaires. Results showed that birds were rarely d1stur~ed by to~ers less . than 250m in height, but some taller to~1ers reported frequen~ mortall~Y· A l1st of 23 spec1es from kills at eight towers is given. Regulus regulus and var10us spec1es of thrushes (Turdus sp.) appeared most frequently in the kill lists. (From English summary.) Keil, W. 1964. Der Glaserne Tod. Vogel-Kosmos 8:134-186. Pasting cut-out silhouettes of raptors helped reduce bird strikes at windows in Europe, where hundreds of thousands of birds die annually due to windovt strikes. 404. Kemper, C. A. l958a. Destruction at the TV tower. Passenger Pigeon 20(1) :3-9. 405. 406. 407. 408. In fall 1957, three large kills, including one of an estimated 20,000 birds (based on 1525 of 40 species actually collected), were reported from the 1000-foot Eau Claire, Wis. TV tower. Warblers dominated the kill lists. 1958b. Bird destructior1 at a TV tower. Audubon Mag. 60(6):270-271, 290-293. This is the same article as Kemper l958a. 1959. More TV tower destruction. Passenger Pigeon 21(4):135-142. The tower at Eau Claire, Wis. produced only light kills in 1958 and 300 deaths in spring 1959. Over 2500 birds of 65 species were killed in fall 1959. The author lists the 1959 kills and discusses weather conditions during the five major kills in 1957 and 1959. He also presents a theory explaining massive tower kills involving the birds' supposed ability to detect geomagnetic lines of force. 1964. A tower for TV, 30,000 dead birds. Audubon r·1ag. 66(2) :86-90. An estimated 30,000 birds were killed at the Eau Claire, Wis. tower on the nights of 18-19 and 19-20 September 1963. Lists of the 10,195 birds of 56 species actually collected there, and of 924 birds (47 species) killed on 20-21 September at Lewisville, Minn. (Janssen 1963) are given. To explain the mass mortality of birds at towers, a theory is !Ji·oposed in which migrants attempt to maintain a constant bearing with respect to the red tower lights (thinking them to be stars) and thereby spiral closer and closer to the structure, eventually striking guy wires. Kemper, C. A., D. G. Raveling, and D. W. Warner. 1966. A comparison of the species compo- sition of two TV tower killed samples from the same night of migration. Wilson Bull. 78(1):26-30. Kills at towers in Eau Claire, Wis. and Westport, Minn. during the night of 9-10 Sep- tember 1962 are compared. The l4isconsin kill was composed of typically woodland species, but the Ninnesot(! kill contained more prairie edge species and lacked many of the woodland species reported at kills farther east. (See Avery and Clement 1972 for similar findin~s in North Dakota.) 49 409. Kemper, C. A., S. D. Robbins, and A. C. Epple. 1964. The ornithological flood of September lH-20, 1963. Passenger Pigeon 26(4):159-172. This is a detailed account of a very heavy migration through t-linnesota and Hisconsin. Included are "chip" counts, daytime field counts, banding data, and tower kill results from <:au Claire, His. and Le~lisville, f"linn. (Kemper 1964). 410. Kibbe, D. P. 1975. The fall migration: \~estern New York and northwestern Pennsylvania. 411. 412. 413. Am. Birds 29(1):53-57. Throughout fall 1974, over 1200 birds of 44 species were killed at the Elmira, N.Y. TV tower including the largest kill ever (844 birds, 35 species) on the cloudy night of 21-22 September (Howard 1974). 1976. The fall migration: Niagara-Champlain region. Am. Birds 30(1):64-66. Over 800 birds of 40 species were collected at the Elmira, ii.Y. to~Jer on 19 September 1975 following a night of low overcast. Included \·Jere 198 Bay-breasted Warblers, llO ~1agnolia Harblers, and 78 Ovenbirds. A kill at an Erie County, N.Y. tower on 8 September included five Pine Warblers. Kiel, D. H., anrl J. F. Cassel. [1978.] Avian mortality study at Under~JOod, ~m. fall report Zool. Dep., North Dakota State Univ., Unpub. rep. 4 pp. From 13 September through 10 November 1977, 15 birds of 9 species were found dead beneath a Bureau of Reclamation power line in central North Dakota. Kingery, H. E. 1971. The spring migration: Great Basin-central Rock_y Mountain region. Am. Birds 25(4):774-780. In Hyomi ng and Colorado, over 78 Ba 1 d and Go 1 den Eagles ~Jere electrocuted at power 1 ines in spring 1971. 414. Kleen, V. M. 1974. The fall migration: middlewestern prairie region. Am. Birds 28( 1 ) : 58-63. "Only a few TV tower casualties ~Jere reported" in 1973. 415. _______ 1975. The fall migration: middlewestern prairie region. Am. Birds 29{1):64-68. 416. 417. # Over 1500 birds {about 50% Red-eyed Vireos) were killed at a tower near Des 11oines, Iowa on the nights of 11 and 12 September 1974. Lesser kills were reported from Cape Girardeau, Mo. and Springfield, Ill. 1978. Field notes, fall migration. Ill. Audubon Bull. 184:40-51. At the Olney, Ill. tower, 400 birds of 51 species ~Jere found dead from 29 August to 6 December 1977. Kleen, V. M., and L. Bush. 1973. The fall migration: middlewestern prairie region. Am. Birds 27(1):66-70. During the night of 1-2 September 1972, tower kills occurred at Springfield {735 birds, 35 species) and Charleston (137 birds), Ill. 418. Kleiber, (~lrs.) C. E. 1968. Tinklebells warn birds. Chat 32(1):9. In South Carolina, small wind bells hung above a glass door eliminated bird strikes. 50 419. Klem, D., Jr. 1978. The biology of collisions between birds and glass. Ph.D. Thesis. Sou"thern Illinois Univ., Carbondale. (Abstract supplied by author.) This study attempted to determine: {1) the species of birds that most often fly into windows in the U.S. and Canada, (2) the injuries incurred and the differential season, age, and sex mortality resulting from the phenomenon, (3) the prevailing weather conditions at the time of collisions, (4) the properties and types of glass and man-made structures at which collisions occur, (5) the ability of birds to distinguish real ''habitat seen through or reflected in glass, and (6) :ve facult~ive ways of reducing the frequencY of collisions. A survey of window-killed spec~mens and b1rd-glass collision accounts from the literature and from museums and other collections revealed 214 species belonging to 43 families. Data collected from southern Illinois during 1974-77 included 63 species in 24 families. Systematic monitor_ing of-two homes \Carbondale, Ill. and Purchase, N.Y.) registered 61 and 47 bird-window collisions in one year, respectively. The combined data indicate that finches, warblers, thrushes, woodpeckers, waxwings, and hummingbirds are most prone to collisions with windows. f•1ortality involves adults and juveniles, males and females, and occurs under almost all weather conditions at reflective and plate glass surfaces varying in size, height from ground, and type of structure. An estimated minimum of 80 million birds die annually in the U.S. from striking glass structures. Laboratory and field experiments indicate that birds are unable to detect or avoid glass. Alternative measures to prevent birds from colliding with glass are suggested and discussed as to their practical application. 420. Knauth, 0. 1972. Hundreds of birds die after hitting TV tower. Des Moines_Sunday Register, 24 September:l,3. On the night of 7-8 September, 726 birds, including 406 warblers of 22 species, were killed at a 2000-foot TV tower at Alleman, Iowa. The kill followed the passage of a cold front through the area. A kill of 226 birds (46 species) on 11-12 May is mentioned. 421. Kochert, M. N. 1972. Population status and chemical contamination in Golden Eagles in southwestern Idaho. M. S. Thesis. Univ. of Idaho, Moscow. 115 pp. Electrocution was the major cause of death among juvenile eagles. Over.all, impact injuries and electrocution accounted for 27% and 16% of the recorded deaths, respectively. ',422. Koford, C. B. 1953. The California Condor. Natl. Audubon Soc. Res. Rep. No. 4. 154 pp. A California Condor broke its humerus and died near Fillmore, Calif. in 1941 after apparently colliding with a slender vertical pipe that had been used as a surveying marker. 423. Konig, C. 1963. Glaswande als Gefahren fur die Vogelwelt. Inter. Rat fur Vogelschutz, Bericht 2:53-55. Birds are frequently killed at windows and glass corridors, especially on misty days or during migration. Making glass more visible helps reduce losses. This is done by using translucent or·sand-blasted glass, pasting silhouettes onto glass surfaces, planting bushes or trees in front of windows, or hanging draperies or curtains in the windows. (From trans- lation supplied by Daniel Klem, Jr.) 424. Kramer, Q. 1949. Bird tragedy in a fog. Cassinia 37:21-22. On the night ·of 10-11 September 1948, many migrants were killed at tall structures and ceilometers in Ne~1 York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Nashville. A list of 207 birds of 23 species from Philadelphia is given (Aronoff 1949 and Spofford 1949a, b). 425. Krapu, G. L. 1974. Avian mortality from collisions with overhead wires in North Dakota. Prairie Nat. 6(1):1-6. This is a review of the problem in North Dakota. Personal observations of the author and other experienced field researchers are related, and incidents from the literature are cited. The increased construction of power plants and associated transmission lines may pose a significant hazard to birdlife in the state. 51 426. Krause, H. 1960. Fall migration: northern Great Plains region. Audubon Field Notes 14(1) :47-50. On 22 September 1959, 33 birds of 13 species, mostly Yellow-rumped and Orange-crowned ~Jarblers, were killed at the ~loose Jaw, Sask. TV tower (Lahrman 1959). 427. Kretzschmar, H. 1969. Grosstrappen fliegen gegen Hochspannungsleitung. Falke 16:94-95. Several instances of Great Bustards, Otis tarda, striking po~1er lines are reported. 428. 1970. \~iederum: Grosstrappe gegen Starkstromleitung. Falke 17:283. Another Great Bustard was killed by striking a power line. 429. Kumlien, L. 1888. Observations on bird migration in t~ilwaukee. Auk 5(3):325-328. The author describes mortality and behavior of migrants at a building having a tower 200 feet above street level and illuminated by four floodlights nightly until 2300 or 2330. During 22-29 September 1887, many birds struck the building and nearby electric wires; "a market-basket full of birds" was collected on the night of 24-25 September. Differences in the reactions of various types of birds to the structure were noted. Several times shore· birds were heard near the tower and though some passed close to the lights, they did not stay long. Thrushes were seen often, "but never going verY close, nor flying directly at the lights as most of the \~a.rblers did." Rails and gallinules were heard flying past very lo~1. not attracted to the tm~er. ~light herons "did not seem attracted by the lights" and flew well above the tower. Almost all of the birds observed "had a peculiar dragging flight like a bird wounded through the intestines." This flight behavior was compared to that of the male Yellow-breasted Chat during displays in the breeding season: "1~ings raised high, tail dropped low and head raised, so that the body ... is at a considerable slope." The author concludes that in this way, "it is probable the birds are better able to sustain continued flight by flying in this manner with the ~lind." (This article and Clarke's 1912 are among the few that provide detailed descriptions of the behavior of birds at tall, lighted structures.) 430. Laband, K. A. 1951. An accident to birds at the ceilometer near Smyrna. r~igrant 22(4):63. An estimated 1000 birds of ll species died during the night of 7-8 October 1951 at the Stewart Air Force Base ceilometer in Tennessee. 431. Lahrman, F. H. 1959. TV to~1er casualty l ist_.f Blue Jay 17(4): 142-143. 432. A list is given of the casualties (33 birds, 13 species) during September at the 480- foot Moose Jaw, Sask. TV tower. 1962. Fall migration TV tower kills~ 1962. Blue Jay 20(4):152. TV towers in Regina, f1oose Jaw, and Caron, Sask. accounted for losses totalling 86 birds of 26 species. A kill list iS included. 433. ___ . 1965. Regina and Lumsden TV tower bird mortalities, 1964. Blue Jay 23(1):18-19. In Saskatchewan, six·visits to two Regina and one Lumsden tower during 20 August- 4 September resulted in the collection of over 500 dead birds of 34 species. Kill lists are given. 434. Langridge, H. P. 1960. Warbler. kill in the Palm Beaches. Fla. Nat. 33(4):226-227. During 9-14 Hay, 127 birds of 7 species, including 98 Common Yellowthroats, were found dead, presumably killed by striking store 11indows. 435. Lana, A. 1927. Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias) electrocuted. Auk 44(2):246. A male of this species was found dead beneath several high po~1er electric light wires in Arkansas on 30 October 1926. Burn marks indicated that it had struck the wires and been electrocuted. 52 436. Laskey, A. R. 1951. Another disaster to migrating birds at the Nashville airport. Migrant 22(4):57-60. On the night of 7-8 October, 476 birds of 40 species died at a ceilometer. The s~y was overcast with northerly winds. A kill list is given and the role of winds in the mass mortality is discussed. .. 4'37. ___ 1954. 11 Bird mortality.::,,fashville~_nd S[llyrna. Migrant 25(4):59-'-61. . In Tennessee, on the night of 6-7 October, kills occurred at ceilometers in Nashville (255 birds, 21 species) and Smyrna (600 birds). A cold front had passed through the area earlier in the day. On another occasion, birds circling in the ceilometer beam departed as the low cloud ceiling lifted. 438. . 1956a. Bird casualties at Smyrna and NaShville ceilometers, 1955. Migrant --27(1) :9-10. . 439. 440. Over 1400 birds of 51 species were killed or-injured on the night of 24-25 September, mostly at Smyrna, Tenn. A kill list is given. 1956b. Television towers and nocturnal bird migration. Migrant 27(4) :66-67. During 5-19 October, 68 birds of 27 species were found at Nashville towers. A kill list is provided. 1957. Television tower casualties, Nashville.· Migrant 28(4):54-56. Daily searches during 23 September -15 November at a lOOD-foot TV tower resulted in the collection of 704 dead birds of 67 species. Cold fronts with overcast and north winds accompanied the peak kill dates. A list of t~e casualties is given. A 878.:.foot· tower with fewer guy wires, and an unsupported TV tower produced only a few dead birds. 441. . 1960. Bird migration casualties and weather conditions, autumns 1958.:.1959-1960. --r4igrant 31(4) :61-65. At Nashville's WSIX tower (940 feet tall), kill totals for the three seasons were 223 (55 species), 562 (59), and 1553 (65), respectively.· The new 1369-foot WSM tower, seven miles NNW of WSIX, produced 2130 casualties (59 species) during fall 1960 (Ogden 1960). Descriptions of the towers, weather conditions, and kill lists are given. The ceilometer at the Nashville airport, equipped with a filter permitting only ultraviolet light to pass through, produced no known deaths. (See Terres l956a and Velie 1963 for more. on ceilometer filters.) 442. . 1962. Migration data from television tower casualties at Nashville. Migrant --33(1) :7-8. 443. Daily searches at the WSIX tower in fall 1961 ·resulted in 228 birds of 52 species recovered. One collection at WSM totalled 183 birds of 27 species. Kill lists are provided. 1963a. Casualties at WSIX TV tower in autumn 1962. Migrant 34(1):15. Daily searches during 6 September -11 November yielded 243 dead birds of 43 species at the tower. A species list is given. 444. . l963b. Mortality of night migrants"at Nashville TV towers, 1963. Migrant --34(4) :65-66. A total of 630 birds-of 62 species were found on daily visits to three towers in fall 1963. Two kills occurred on clear nights. 445. ___ . 1964. Data from the Nashville T.V. tower casualties, autu[lln 1964. Migrant 35(4):95-96. Kill totals at WSM and WSlX were 1275 (61 species) .and 665 (58 species), respectively. The higher total fromWSM may be due to its proximity to the city's bright lights and their attractive effect on migrants. Species lists of the kills are provided. 53 '"-- I_ 446. 1965. Autumn 1965 TV tower casualties at Nashville. Migrant 36(4):80-81. Spring casualties amounted to 24 total dead birds of 13 species. birds of 51 species were found at HSM and 176 of 41 species at \~SIX. In the fall, 681 Kill lists are given. 447. 1966. T.V. tower casualties at rJashville; spring and fall, 1966. Migrant 37(4): --61-62. The largest spring kill to date in Nashville, 37 birds of 12 species, occurred on 26 April at ~ISM. Only three birds were found at the WSIX tower during the season. Fall casualties totalled 681 (70 species) and 228 (45 species) at WSM and WSIX, respectively. Among the casualties were 9 Mourning Doves and 13 Brown Creepers. Species lists are given. 448. . 1967. Spring mortality of Blackpoll Harblers at a Nashville T.V. tower. Migrant --38(2) :43. 449. 450. 451. Of the 160 birds of 12 species killed at the HSt4 tower on 14-15 r4ay 1967, ll5 (72%) were Blackpoll Warblers, an unusually high number of casualties for this species. During the entire spring, 173 birds of 13 species were killed and a list of the casualties is given. 1968. Television tower casualties at Nashville, autumn 1967. Migrant 39(2):25-26. The fall kill was the lowest to date here: 251 birds of 40 species at ~ISM and 98 of 27 species at WSIX. Lists of the kills are given. _./~ l969a. T.V. tower casualties ·at Nashville in autumn 1968--,, t,ligrant 40(2):25-27. Daily coverage of \~SM from late August through 8 November Yielded 5537 birds of 73 species. Of these, 5408 were killed on the night of 25-'26 September; 81% were I'Jarblers. The \~SIX tower was not checked daily, and only 197 birds (39 species) were collected there. l969b. Autumn 1969 T.V. tower casualties at ~lashville. ~ligrant 40(4):79-80. Kill lists are given from WSM (1602 birds, 57 species) and WSIX (307 birds, 51 species). 452. . 1971. T.V. tower casualties at rlashville: spring and autumn, 1970. ~1igrant --42(1) :15-16. Ten birds of nine species were killed at ~~S~1 in the spring. Fall losses totalled 3683 birds of 66 species at WSM and 104 of 21 species at WSIX. On the drizzly night of 28 September, 3482 birds (54 species) died at l~SM and 78 were killed at WSIX. Harblers dominated the fall losses: 845 Tennessee Warbl~s, 631 Ovenbirds, 429 Black-and-white Warblers, and 420 Magnolia Warblers. 453. Lee, J. M., Jr. 1977. Transmission lines and their effects on wildlife: a status report ·-of research on the BPA system. Presented at the annual meeting of Oregon chapter of the Wi 1 dl . Soc., Kah-Nee-T~, 19-21 January 1977. Preliminary observations indicated that avian mortality due to collisions with the transmission lines studied was not significant. Other effP.cts to wildlife are discussed and it is concluded that to date few adverse effects have been found. In addition, the right- of-way " were found to produce increased habitat diversity for both terrestrial and avian species." 454. . 1978a. A summary of reports of bird collisions with power and communication lines. -------Bonneville Power Admin; Unpub. rep. Nineteen references are cited in a table giving type o~1ine, location, numbers and types of birds involved, and circumstances associated with the losses. - 54- 455. . 1978b. Effects of transmission lines on bird flights: studies of Bonneville ---Power Administration lines. Proc. ~lorkshop on Impacts of Transmission Lines on Birds in Flight. Oak Ridge, Tenn., 31 January-2 February 1978. This report describes studies currently in progress in Oregon concerning the impacts of high voltage transmission 1 ines on birds in flight. Between 29 January and 28 April 1977, 60 birds, including 29 gulls, were found dead at one site: Tbe total mortality may have been higher but an exact count was impossible due to scaveRgers removing carcasses, dead birds fallting into ~~ater..,l'find morta"o1-y injured birds leaving the area before dying. In good visibility, field observations on four dates revealed an average of one observed collision for every 3370 observed flights across the spans where the dead birds were found. Eighty-nine percent of the birds seen flew above 'the conductors; At other sites, 19 dead birds (7 species) were collected between 22 October and 21 December 1977. During this time, eight collisions were-observed, an average of 1 per 2233 observed flights. All collisions occurred in good visibility. Included is a table summarizing eight other studies of bird collisions with overhead conductors. 456. Lemmon, ~J. P. 1898. Virginia Rail killed by striking a telephone wire. Auk 15(1):51. This occurred at Englewood, N.J. on a clear night. 457. [Lewis, G.] 1970. Television is not for the birds. Topeka Audubon News 24(4). This is an unsigned, unpaged article by Lewis, theeditor, that reviews the tower kills that have occurred in the Topeka, Kansas area. The first reported kill occurred in fall 1954 at the WIBW tower (now KTWU) when over 1000 birds of 68 species died (Tordoff and Mengel 1956). Thereafter, little mortality was recorded until 1967 when, on 2 October, 800 birds of .43 species were killed at a newer, taller tower at f·1aple Hill (Carson 1967). The most recent kill occurred at the ~1aple Hill tower in mid- September 1970 when 270 birds of 36 species died on a misty, rainy night. A partial list. of casualties is given. · 458. Lewis, H. F. 1927. Destruction of birds by lighthouses in the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. Can. Fielcl Nat. 41(3):55-58, 41(4):75-77. The results of a questionnai-re survey of 135 lighthouse keepers (68 replies) on bird· mortality are presented. Flashing, white lights were the most destructive type (fixed beacons and red lights caused little problem) although considerable variation existed in the extent of mortality from light to light. No correlation was found between kill and the height of the light, its strength, or the flash rate. Several accounts of bird behavior at lights are given. 459. Lien, C. 1923. Birds killed by lighthouse. 1·1urrelet 4(2):8-10. Included is a. 1 ist, by date, of birds killed at the 149-foot Destruction Island lighthouse, 45 miles south of Cape Flattery, Hash., during 1916. Weather notes are given. 460. Lincoln, F. C. 1939. The migration of American birds. Doubleday, Doran and Co., Inc., New York. 189 pp. 46·1. Some aspects of the bird mortality at the Hashington t4onument during 1901-37 are discussed. Losses decreased as the illumination of the city was improved and the monument became more visible at night. However, floodlighting the structure in 1931 seemed to increase losses (Overing 1936). When the torch of the Statue of Liberty was kept lighted, it killed as many as 700 birds per month. 1950. Migration of birds. U.S. Fish ~ildl. Serv. Circ. 16. 102 pp. Included is a general discussion of hazards, particularly monuments, buildings·and lighthouses, to nocturnal migrants. 462. Lister, R. 1965. Fall migration: northern Great Plains region. Audubon Field Notes 19(1) :48-53. . Mortality and weather at three towers near Regina, Sask. in fall 1964 is discussed 1n detail (Lahrman 1965). 55 463. Lohrl, H. 1962. Vogelvernichtung durch moderne Glaswande. Kosmos 58:191-194. The problem of bird losses at glass corridors and windows fs discussed. The use of silhouettes pasted onto the glass surfaces helped reduce losses iri some instances. At one site, cats regularly patrolled the area and took the collision casualties. The location of a building largely determines which species are killed. To minimize losses, the author suggests that the potential impact on birds be considered in the planning of structures. Opaque or translucent glass may have less adverse effects than transparent glass. (From translation supplied by Daniel Klem, Jr.) 464. Lord, W. G. 1951. Bird fatalities at_ Bluff's Lodge on the Blue Ridge Parkway, Wilkes County, N.C. Chat 15(1):15-16. Over 200 birds of 23 species were killed on the foggy night of 17 September 1950. The birds probably were confused by floodlights and crashed into the lodge. A species list is given. 465. Lovell, H. 13. 1952. 28(1) :5-6. Catastrophe to birds at a Lo~isville airport. Ky. ~Jarbler I I Avout 100 birds of at least 13 species were kil,lled at the ceilometer of the Louisville, Ky. airport in early October 1951. A partial species list is given. 466. Lupient, M. 1961. Fall migration: western Great Lakes region. Audubon Field Notes 15(1):42-44. An estimated 12,000 birds died at towers in the,region on the night of 21-22 September 1960. Of these; 1225 (42 species) \~ere collected at'Chippewa Falls, Wis. Other kills in western Wisconsin occurred earlier in the month. 467. ___ 1962a. Fall migration: western Great Lakes region. Audubon Field Notes 16(1):34-3 From 2 September to 10 October 1961, 5097 birds were collected,at the Eau Claire, Wis. TV tower. These were estimated to be 10-20% of the actual total kill. ' 468. ___ . l962b. Spring migration: western Great Lake~ region. Audubon Field Notes 16(4): 441-413. ' 1·1ay casualties at a Chippewa Falls, \~is. TV tower totalled 217. 469. . 1963. Fall migration: western Grech lakes region. Audubon Field Notes 17(1): --34-36. On the night of 9-10 September 1962, 48 birds were killed at the Duluth, Minn. ceilometer. 470. t4acBriar, W. ~1., Jr. 1959. Bird fatalities at a "tower" in 1887. Passenger Pigeon 21 ( 3) :1 05-106. The article by Kumlien 1888 is summarized. 471. MacDonald, E. F. 1962. 'TV to~1ers and migratory birds. Bull. Oshawa Nat. Club 8(4):5-7. From 9 September to 6 October 1961, 213 birds of 38 species were found dead at the 900-foot CFTO tower in Agincourt, Ont. Daily searches for dead birds were made, and much predation and scavenging of carcasses by crows was noted. Large kills seemed to occur when fog was present. Reference is made to the kill at a Barrie, Ont. tower in 1960 (Westman 1960), and a newspaper report from the Sacramento, Calif. area of birds flying blindly in a fog, causing power outages through _collisions with transmission lines and poles, is briefly noted (Anon. l962b). - 472. MacFayden, C. 1970. TV tower bird kills. Blue Heron 15(2). Late migration dates of 10 species killed at the CKVR-TV tower at Barrie, Ont. are presented. 56 473. Macintyre, D. 1946. Damage to bird life. Field 187:19. Overhead wires cause bird losses. This article was not seen; the citation is from Zool. Rec., Aves, 1946. 474. r'lacKay, B. K. (undated). Bird kill statistics for Toronto Dominion Centre-Col11llerce Court complex 1973. Unpubl. rep. 5 pp. · This is a date-by-date li~ting of th~.casualaties during spring and fall 1973. Almost daily searches ttere made through t1ay and early June and from late August through early November. 475. ~1adsen, H., and K. Storgaard. 1955. Some remarks on birds fallen at a 1 ightvessel in the North Sea. Dan. Ornithol. Foren. Tidsskr. 49:201-205. Of 317 birds collected at a Danish lightship, 139 died of poor health or depleted fat, not from striking the light. 476. Mahon, B. 1974. Southwest Nebraska trumpeters. · Proc. :Pa·p. Trumpeter Swan Soc. Conf. 3:49. One Trumpeter Swan hit a telephone wire or fence and broke its neck in 1970. 477. ~1alcolm, J. M. 1974. Turnbull Refuge trumpeters. Proc. Pap. Trumpeter Swan Soc. Conf. 3:15-20. Of 13 known losses during 1963-72, fou~ swans collided with power lines which are considered to be a significant limiting factor to the population in ~lashington. 478. Manu11al, D. D. 1963. TV transmitter kills in South Bend, Indiana, fall 1962. Ind. Audubon Q. 41(3):49-53. Two towers (1074 and 650 feet tall) produced 289 casualties of 46 species during fall 1961 and spring and fall 1962. Species lists by tower and data of collection are given. 479. 1•1arkus, M. B. 1972. r~ortality of vultures caused by electrocution. Nature 238:228. High tension power lines in southwest Transvaal killed at least 148 ~ coprotheres from l January 1970 to 31 March 1972. 480. t-1arshall, H. H. 1940. An "eagle guard" developed in Idaho. Condor 42:166. A device to discourage eagles and other large raptors from landing on power lines was developed by the Idaho<Power Company. By using the guards, interruptions of service due to short circuits caused by birds have been practically eliminated. Short circuits caused by birds are localized problems, and trouble areas shift somewhat from year to year, perhaps corresponding to shifts in the abundance of prey items .. 481. Mayfield, H. 1949. Spring migration: middlewestern prairie region. Audubon Eield Notes 3{4) :210-211. ' ,_ .. Four birds were found dead at the base of the 300-foot Perry Monument on South Bass Island in Lake Erie. 482. 1951. Fall migration: middlewestern prairie region. Audubon. Field Notes 5(1): --18-22. During fall 1950, the species composition of the birds found dead at the Perry monument in Lake Erie was quite dissimilar to the composition of field-observed migrants. No details are given. 57 483. __ 1967. Shed few tears. Audubon Mag. 69(3):61-65. Bird mortality is discussed in statistical terms. Tower losses may account for mill ion deaths annually, about 0.016 of 1% of the total estimated yearly mortality. Habitat destruction is cited as the main cause for concern for bird populations. 484. McCarthy, T. 1973. Ocular impalement of a Great Horned Owl. Wilson Bull. 85(4):477-478. The bird had flown into the top strand of a barbed wire fence near St. Elizabeth, t~o. on 24 July 1972. 485. McCartney, R. B. 1963. The Fulvous Tree Duck in Louisiana. M.S. Thesis. Utah State Univ., Logan. 157 pp. The life history of the Fulvous Tree Duck (~Jhistling-Duck) was studied in southwestern Louisiana. Adult birds were frequently killed or crippled by striking power lines. Most of these incidents probably occurred at night. 486. McKenna, M. G., and G. E. Allard. 1976. Avian mortality from wire collisions. N. Dak. Outdoors 39(5):16-18. Between 31 Nay and 24 August, 244 dead birds were collected under high voltage power transmission lines beside two bodies of water in central North Dakota. Injall, 11 trips were made to the site, and the recorded mortality was probably an underestimate because unknown numbers of carcasses may have been removed by scavengers or may have fallen in inaccessible places. Crippled birds were probably able to swim away undetected. Casualties are listed by date of collection. The American Coot (88), Double-crested Cormorant (52), Pied-billed Grebe (29), and Eared Grebe (26) were the most commonly killed species. In addition, 18 ducks of 7 species were killed. To reduce impacts to birds, it is suggested that power lines be buried or masked by structures such as bridges where they cross natural flyways, and that corridors be established where all lines would be routed. 487. McLaury, E. 1974. Trumpeter Swans-reintroduction and success on the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. Proc. Pap. Trumpeter Swan Soc. Conf. 3:20-31. Five of the 60 known deaths during 1939-72 were due to power line collisions. Since 1958, shooting and power lines have been the principal causes of mortality. 488. McMinn, M. 1978. Power line kills of Eared !frebes. Unpubl. rep. In December 1977 and January 1978, 18 Eared Grebes were p.icked up at roadsides in the vicinity of Salton Sea National ~Jildlife Refuge, Niland, Calif. All were found on the side of the road opposite power lines, and except for two that may have been road kills, all seemed to have collided with the overhead wires. 489. t4edway, Lord, and I. C. T. Nisbet. 1968 .. Bird Report:l966. t1alayan Nat. J. 21(1):34-50. In fall 1966, 61 birds (14 species) were killed at two Malaysian lighthouses. Also,. a combined list of the birds found dead or netted, ringed and released at the telecoms tower atop Fraser's Hill, r~alaysia (4500 feet above sea level) is presented. 490. Medway, Lord, I.C.T. Nisbet, and D. R. Wells. 1968. Bird report:l967. Malayan Nat. J. 21(4) :185-200. A list of birds trapped and banded, or found dead at the Fraser's Hill tower is given with a list of birds killed at three Malaysian lighthouses (143 birds, 17 species) for the period August -December 1967. 491. t4edway, Lord, and D. R. Wells. 1970. Bird report:l968. ~1alayan Nat. J. 23(2) :47-77. Bird losses at three Malaysian lighthouses (82 birds, 17 species) and one tower (16 birds, 8 species) during 1968 are listed. 58 492. Mercer, B. 1905. A municipal bird trap. Am. Ornithology 5(3):53-55. About 2,000 birds have been killed at the floodlit statue of William Penn atop the Philadelphia, Pa. city building (549 feet high) since July 1897. ~1ost casualties are young birds, and although thousands of migrants pass close to the lights, relatively few strike them. No strikes occur on moonlit nights. A list of the 60 species killed to date is given. (Baily 1899, 1901.) " ~ 493. Meritt, J. K. lt960. An Albarwlfiirport cei'lometer disaster in 1956. Kingbird 10(4):170-171. On the rainy night of 15 September, 313 birds of 25 species died at the ceilometer and many others were seen perched on guard rails around the light. A species list is given. 494. Merriam, C. H. l885a. Preliminary report of the: committee on bird migration. Auk 2(1) :53-57. 495. 496. Forms were circulated to 6000 lighthouse keepers on the North American coasts asking for reports of bird kills. Similar circulars sent to 255 stations in South America, Central America, and the West Indies yielded results indicating that many birds were killed annually on both South American coasts and in the West Indies, particularly on the north coast of Cuba. l885b. Bird migration at Sombrero Key, Florida. Auk 2(1):60-63. Bird losses at the southernmost U.S. lighthouse are given for 29 April -25 September 1884. Weather notes and a kill 1 ist are provided. l885c. Bird migration at the Straits of r1ackinac. Auk 2(1) :64-65. Large numbers of birds strike this r~ichigan lighthouse on misty and rainy nights. Some species are listed. 497. _____ 1885d. Kirtland's Warbler from the Straits of Mackinac. Auk 2(4):376. A male Kirtland's Warbler was killed by striking the lighthouse on Spectacle Reef, f··1ichigan in the western part of Lake Huron near the Straits of Mackinac on the night of 21 May 1885. Other species found dea·d were ~Jood Thrush, Blackburnian Warbler, r~agi10lia ~Jarbler, Ovenbird, Savannah Sparrow, and Least Sandpiper. 498. . 1887. Another specimen of Bachman's Warbler (Helminthoph1la bachmani). Auk --4(3) :262. A Bachman's ~Jarbler was killed after striking the lighthouse at Sombrero Key off southern Florida on the night of 21 March 1887. 499. Miller, D., E. L. Boeker, R. S. Thorsell, and R. R. Olendorff. 1975. Suggested practices for raptor protection on powerlines. Edison Electric Inst. 21 pp. "The material in this report is an attempt to set forth the state-of-the-art as of June 1975." Included are 16 pages of diagrams showing how uti.l ity poles can be modified to reduce the hazard to raptors. In donducting this investigat1on, it was found that most eagle electrocutions occurred during the winter when the birds were more concentrated, and 98% of the recorded eagle deaths at power lines involved juvenile birds. The report may be obtained from Raptor Research Foundation, Inc., Dep. of Zool., Brigham Young Univ., Provo, Utah, 84601. · · 500. Miller, G. S., Jr. 1897. Winge on birds at Danish lighthouses. Auk 14(4):415-417. This a review of t1r. Winge's 14th annual report (for 1896), which includes reports of 1048 birds of 65 species killed at 35 lights. In the past 10 years, 134 species were recorded killed at the various locations. 501. Morgan, A., and R. P. Emery. 1955. Spring season: northeastern maritime region. Audubon Field Notes 9(4):317-318. A Green-tailed Towhee killed at a Cape Sable, Nova.Scotia light is ·noted. 59 502. Mosman, D. 1975. Bird casualties at Alleman, Ia. TV tower. Iowa Bird Life 45{3):88-90. 503. Casualties at this 2000-foot tower numbered 1641 {67 species) in fall 1973, 212 of 37 species in spring 1974, and 3521 of 57 species in fall 1974. The tower was usually checked following overcast nights because this is when most losses seemed to occur. How- ever, 496 birds were killed on the night of 13 September 1974 when visibility was excellent. The author estimates 10% of the kill was not found due to heavy ground cover. Very few dead birds were found beyond 200 feet from the tower. Complete kill lists for all three seasons are provided (Knauth 1972). 1976. TV tower help needed. Iowa Bird Life 46(4):121. This is an appeal for more people to get involved in the study of bird losses at TV towers in Iowa. 504. · Mudge, J. E., and R. \~. Firth. 1975. Evaluation of cooling tower ecological effects- an approach and case history. Proc. 21st Ann. Meeting Am. Nucl. Soc. 8 pp. Results of the study at the Three t1ile Island station in Pennsylvania are presented. Bird strikes during the period July 1973-May_ 1975 totalled 64 at the four cooling towers with five being the largest single-night kill recorded. Vireos, kinglets, and warblers comprised the majority of the casualties. No correlation was noted between weather conditions and bird strikes. 505.· Mumford, R. E. 1960. Fall migration: middlewestern prairie region. Audubon Field ~lotes 14( 1) :38-41. Two tower kills from fall 1959 are reported: 49 dead birds at South Bend, Ind. on~ 27 September and 88 at a 983-foot tower in Orion, Ill. on 6-7 October. The kill~e- dominated by Swainson's Thrushes and warblers. · _ ______- 506. . 1961. Fall migration: middlewestern prairie region. Audubon Field Notes --15( 1) :44-46. On the night of 19-20 September 1960, 281 birds of 25 species (mostly thrushes and warblers) died at a TV tower in Davenport, Iowa. About 300 birds were killed at the _Bunker Hill, Ind. airport ceilometer during September. 507. Munro, J. A. 1924. A preliminary report on the destruction of birds at lighthouses on the coast of British Columbia. Can. Fie)d-Nat. 38(8):141-145, 38(9):171-175. Of 45 1 i ghthouses surveyed .•. nine reported heavy 1 asses, ;and the overa 11 annual 1 os.ses were over 6000 birds. Fl as hi ng' and revo 1 vi ng .1 i ghts were more destructive than were fixed ones. SuJl1llaries for·each lighthouse are given. · 508. Murarka, I. P., A. J. Policastro, J. G. Ferrante, E. W. Daniels, and G. J. Marmer. 1976. 50~. An evaluation of environmental data relati_ng to selected nuclear power plant sites - a synthesis and summary with recommendations. D-iv. -Environ. Impact Stud., Argonne Natl. Lab., Argonne, Ill. Rep. No. ANL/EIS-8, 23 pp. -,.· Seven sites were studied in this one year investigation, with the emphasis on hydro- thermal, water quality and biocide, and aquatic ecological effects. No data are presented on bird losses due to collisions with cooling towers and transmission lines but losses are characterized as few and were regarded as "a minimal impact from the operation of the 'power plants." ~Pentecost and Murarka 1976), · Murie, 0. J. 1959. Fauna of the Aleutian Islands and Alaska Peninsula. North Am. · Fauna No. 61. 364 pp. Mostly Forked-tailed Petrels and a few Leach's Petrels are reported to be attracted by ship's lights at night in the Aleutian Islands. 510. Murray, J. J. 1929. A dead Clapper Rail found at Lexington, in the valley of Virginia. Auk 46(1):106-107. The bird was found entangled on a barbed wire fence in November 1928. 60 511. Murton, R. K. 1971. Man and birds. Collins, London. 364 pp. 512. Bird strikes at power and communication lines are mentioned and damage done by birds to utility wires and poles is discussed. Myers, L. H. 1977. Sage Grouse collisions on Ten Mile power line (230 kV). U.S. Dep. Inter., Bur. Land Manage. Unpubl. memorandum. 3 pp. During sp"i~gs 1975 and JW6, in MoQ.tana, four checks were~ m~de ~long 2 l/2 mil~s of power line and e1ght dead Sage Grouse were recovered. Severe mut1lat1on of necks, w1ngs, breasts and abdomen were noted. Sage Grouse fly at heights of 30-40 feet, making them susceptible to collisions with transmission lines. 513. Nelson, M. 1975. Power lines and birds of prey. Aware Mag. 52:9-12. In Idaho, studies were made to determine ways of reducing the electrocution hazard to eagles. Slow-motion photography was used to examine eagle take-off and landing behavior at utility poles. Simple design changes in the poles and positions of wires can greatly reduce the possibility of electrocutions. Because an e·stimated 2% of utility poles cause an estimated 95% of the accidents, changes to reduce electrocutions do not have to be extensive. Often just the addition of a wooden perch above the dangerous power line is the best solution (Miller et al. 1975). . , . 514. 1978. Preventing electrocution deaths and the use of nesting platforms on power -----poles. Idaho Power Co. Unpubl. rep. 6 pp. · The problem of electrocutlons on utility lines with voltages below 69 kV has been solved except for the lightning or pole ground wire. Some power companies have eliminated this hazard by cutting a four inch gap in the pole ground wire, but others haven't adopted this technique yet. The development of a safe, sturdy nesting platform for use on utility poles is described. 515. Nelson, t•l. W., and P. Nelson. 1976. Power lines and birds of prey. Idaho Wildl. Rev. March-April:l-5. This account describes the results of research begun 1972 to eliminate the electrocution hazard to large birds of prey, especially eagles. Nationally, it is estimated that 300 to 2,000 eagles are shot or electrocuted at power lines annually. The author used 16 mm movies of a trained eagle'to analyze take-off and landing behavior on utility poles. It was found that eagles selectively use certain poles as perches and that 98% of the eagles electrocuted were inexperienced birds. It was estimated that 95% of the electrocutions could be prevented by modifying just 2% of the poles. The best modification often involved only adding a wooden perch three feet above conductors. In addition, safe nesting platforms were developed in cooperation with the Idaho Power Company to be used on poles where eagles habitually builD nests. This represents a significant extension of nesting habitat in an area where natural nest sites are scarce (Nelson 1975). 516. _____ . 1977. Power lines and birds of prey. Pages 2.28-235 in Proc. Int. Counc. Bird Preserv., Vienna 1975. This is substantially the same as Nelson and Nelson 1976. 517: Nero, R. W. 1961. Regina TV tower bird morta 1 ities -1961. Blue Jay 19( 4): 160-164. At the 670-foot CKCK tower, 94 dead birds of 22 species were found on 3 September and 113 of 20 species were collected on 10 September. Kill lists and weather conditions are given. The possibility of substantial losses occurring in daylight hours is discussed. 518. . 1962a. Fall migration: northern Great Plains region. Audubon Field Notes --16(1) :47-50. The largest tower kill ever reported from th·is region occurred at Regina, Sask. in September 1961 (Nero 1961). 61 519. 1962b. Regina TV tower mortality, May 11-12, 1962. Blue Jay 20(4):151-152. A list of 59 birds of 6 species found dead at the CKCK tower in Regina, Sask. is given. Among the casualties were 48 thrushes. South to southeast winds and overcast prevailed. 520. 1963. Fall migration: northern Great Plains region. Audubon Field Notes 17 ( 1): --40-44. TV tower kills in fall 1962 at Regina, Sask. and in Manitoba are mentioned. 521. __ 1974. Great Gray Owl impaled on barbed wire. Blue Jay 32(3):178-179. In March, near Winnipeg, Manitoba, a Great Gray Owl became impaled by its wing on a barbed-wire fence and subsequently died. 522. Nesbitt, S. A., and D. T. Gilbert. 1976. Powerlines and fences hazards to birds. Fla. Nat. 49(2) :23. A Sandhill Crane was killed on a foggy February morning when it collided with a power line near Gainesville, Fla. Such collisions may be a major mortality factor for cranes and other birds such as herons, waterfowl and raptors. Careful siting of power lines is important to minimize their impact. 523. Newman, R. J. 1955a. Fall migration: central southern region. Audubon Field Notes 9(1) :31-34. Large ceilometer kills were reported from tlashville, Tenn. (255 killed on the night of 6-7 October 1954) and Birmingham, Ala. (1283 of 36 species on 7-8 October). Weather conditions and a kill list for the latter location are given. (See Laskey 1954 for details of the Nashville incident.) 524. l955b. Spring migration: central southern region. Audubon Field Notes 9(4): --335-338. During the spring, over 100 birds of 17 species were killed at a new 1001-foot TV tower in Baton Rouge, La. 525. ___ 1956a~ Fall migration: central southern regi~n. Audubon Field Notes 10(1) :29-32. During the night of 24-25 September 1955, 1348 birds of 51 species died at a ceilometer in Smyrna, Tenn. (Laskey 1956a). At the ceilometer in.Memphis, birds were observed beam on 12 October, but only one casualty was reported. 526. ___ l956b. Spring season: central southern r~gion. Audubon Field Notes 10(4) :338-341. In April, over 100 birds were killed at the Baton Rouge, La. TV tower. 527. ___ 1957. The changing seasons. Audubon Field Notes 11(1):4-6. t·1ention is made of a kill of 2500 birds at a Chapel Hill, N.C. TV tower. 528. ___ 1958a. The changing seasons. Audubon Field Notes 12(1):4-9. Included is a brief general discussion of the tower kill situation and an appeal for more systematic monitoring of towers and reporting of findings. 529. ___ l958b. Fall migration: central southern region. Audubon Field Notes 12(1):36-39. Several incidents of mortality were reported in fall 1957. The total kill at a Nashville, Tenn. tower was 704 birds of 67 species (Laskey 1957), and about 1000 birds of 36.species died on 23-24 September at a Baton Rouge, La. tower (Anon. 1957). At a ceilometer in Pensacola, Fla., 268 birds of 17 species were killed on 4-5 October and 14 were killed on 5-6 October. In the early morning of 24 September, many birds were reported flying wildly into buildings in downtown Gulfport, r.1iss. An estimated 1000 birds, mostly Common Yellow- throats, died in an area where the tallest building is four stories and most are just one story. 62 530. ___ 1959a. The changing seasons. Audubon Field Notes 13(1):4-10. Towers in Nashville, Tenn. and Leon Co., Fla. reported reduced losses durinq fall 1958. r-1any airports in the Hudson-St. Lawrence region reported losses, but no details are given. A boxful of dead birds was collected at a Dallas, Tex. tower, and over 500 -birds were killed at a Boston, Mass. tower on the night of 19-20 September 1958. 531. ___ 1959b,. Fa 11 migrati_prli centra 1---southern region. Aud~bon Field Notes 13 ( 1): 37-41. The Nashville tower killed 222 birds in fall 1958 (Laskey 1960). 532. 1960a. Fall migration: central southern region. Audubon Field Notes 14(1):41-47. Several migration records from tower kills in fall 1959 are given. 533. 196Gb. Spring migration central southern region. Audubon Field Notes 14(4): --392-397. At a Baton Rouge oil refinery, over 1000 migrants of 17 species were killed by a huge gas flame shooting at least 250 feet into the overcast sky. Most were burned beyond recogniti-on, but some Red-eyed Vireos and Indigo Buntings were identifiable.(Davis 1940). Only one dead bird was found at the nearby WBRZ-TV tower. 534. ______ 1961. Fall migration: central southern region. Audubon Field Notes 15(1):46-51. The total fall 1960 mortality at two Nashville, Tenn. towers was 3683 birds of 77 species (Laskey 1960, Ogden 1960). Only 14 dead birds were collected at the WBRZ tower in Baton Rouge, La. 535. Newman, R. J., and R. F. Andrle. 1961. The changing seasons. Audubon Field Notes 15(1):4-9, 78-79. Included is a thorough discussion of the fall 1960 tower mortality in North America and an appeal for more intensive coverage and complete publishing of kill lists, Shore- birds are of special interest because they seldom are killed at towers. Sparrows are killed more often than is commonly believed because they migrate later than other passerines and hence go unnoticed. Also, unlike warblers, vireos, etc., most sparrows are killed on clear nights. 536. Newman, R. J., and D. A. Lancaster. 1960. The changing seasons. Audubon Field Notes 14(1):4-9. In a genera 1 summary of the fa 11 1959 tower ki 11 s in North America, it is pointed out that 98% of the losses occurred with an overcast sky, a 2000 -3000 foot ceiling, and within 24 hours of the passage of a cold front or stationary front. At Friendship Airport in Baltimore, t~d., 2000 birds were collected at the ceilometer on the morning of 11 October. 537. Newman, R. J., and G. H. Lowery, Jr. 1959. The changing seasons. Audubon Field Notes 13( 4) :346-352. In spring 1959, tower kills were quite light, but bird losses at windows and power lines "attracted notice all over the nation". At Detroit, Mich., 234 birds were killed at a TV tower. 538. Newman, R. J., and S. L. Warter. 1959. Spring migration: central southern region. Aubudon Field Notes 13(4):376-380. In Baton Rouge, La., the lowest spring tower kill to date was recorded, with 18 birds (5 species) being the largest single day kill total. 539. Nichols, C. K. 1949. Fall migration: Hudson-St. Lawrence region. Audubon Field Notes 3(1) :6-8. At the Empire State Building in fall 1948, "many birds", including some Connecticut Warblers, were killed (Aronoff 1949). 63 540. ________ 1954. Fall migration: Hudson-St. Lawrence region. Audubon Field Notes 8(1):6-9. A kill at the Empire State Building occurred on the rainy night of 22~23 September 1953. Total mortality was unknown, but 277 birds, including 19 warbler species, were collected. 541. ________ 1955. Fall migration: iHudson-St. Lawrence region. Audubon Field Notes 9(1):10-14. On the night of 5-6 October 1954, over 2000 birds of 49 species were killed at the Westhampton, Long Island, N.Y. airport ceilometer, and 123 birds died at the Empire State Building. Blackpoll Warblers dominated the ceilometer kill (Elliot 1954). 542. . 1956. Fall migration: Hudson-St. Lawrence region .. ,')\udubon Field Notes --10(1) :8-12. ' On the foggy night of 19 October 1955, 156 birds of 17 species'were killed at the Empire State Building. Two-thirds of the casualties were Yellow-rumped Warblers. 543. . 1958. The fall migration: Hudson-St. Lawrence region. Audubon Field Notes --12(1) :13-17. On 16 November 1957, 30 Hermit Thrushes died by striking telephone wires at.a sea wall in North Seabright, N.J. 544. . 1959. The fall migration: Hudson-St. Lawrence region. Audubon Field Notes --13(1) :13-17. "Rather high" bird mortality was reported at airports in the region during fall 1958, but no details are given. 545. Niles, D. !~ .• S. A. Rohwer, J. A. Jackson, and J. D. Robins. 1969. An observation of midwinter nocturnal movement and tower mortality of Tree Sparrows. Bird-Banding 40(4):322-323. In late January; near Lawrence, Kans., 19 Tree Sparrows were killed at a 600-foot tower and two died at a 300-foot microwave tower. This is taken as evidence for occasional extensive mass midwinte~ movements by this species, probably in response to bad weather, such as snowstorms. 546. Nisbet, I. C. T. 1968. Weights of birds caught at night at a Malayan radio tower. Ibis ll0(3) :352-354. . Many birds are attracted to and some are killed at a floodlit tower atop Fraser's Hill (4450 feet above sea level) in Malaysia. This study deals with birds that were mist- netted and ringed in October 1965 and 1966 (MedW?Y et al. 1968, 1970). 547. 1970. Autumn migration of the Blackpoll Warbler: evidence for long flight --------provided by regional survey. Bird-Banding 41 (3) :207-240. Included are 155 citations dealing with nocturnal migrant mortality. 548. Noble, G. 1885. Destructive electric 1 ight towers. Forest and Stream 25:305. During a rainy October night, 105 birds were killed at a light tower in Savannah, Ga. House Wrens, Common Yellowthroats, and Indigo Buntings were the most abundant species. 549. Nolan, V., Jr. 1952. The spring migration: middlewestern prairie region. Audubon Field Notes 6(4):248-249. There was a possible correlation between species killed at the 350-foot Perry Monument in Lake Erie and species that "skulk". It is suggested that "skulking" species migrate at lower altitudes and are therefore more likely to strike the monument than are other species. 64 550. ___ 1954. Spring season: middlewestern prairie region. Audubon Field Notes 8(4) :314-316. About 100 birds of 18 species, including a female Kirtland's Warbler, were killed or injured at the Perry r1onument in Lake Erie amidst a squall. Before the lights illuminating the monument were turned off, up to 100 birds per minute were seen passing through the lighted area. 551. 1956. Spring season: middlewestern prairie region. Audubon Field Notes 10(4): --336-338. " On the night of 12 May, rdlbirds of t3 species died at the Perry Monument in Lake Erie. 552. Nolan, V., Jr., and R. E. r4umford. 1965. An analysis of Prairie Warblers killed in Florida during nocturnal migration. Condor 67(4):322-338. An examination of 448 Prairie Warblers obtained from the WCTV tower near Tallahassee (Stoddard and Norris 1967) revealed that males precede females in spring migration. In the fall, the first 18 casualties were immatures, but after mid-August, the proportion of the kill contributed by each sex/age class did not vary. Data on fat content, molt, plumage, parasites, and mensural characteristics are included. 553. Nooe, S. H. 1956. Charlotte ceilometer kill. Chat 20(1):20-21 . . A list of 114 birds of 24 species (primarily Red-eyed Vireos and Ovenbirds) killed during the night of 25 September is given. 554. Norman, J. L. 1975. Birds killed at a TV tower near Coweta, Oklahoma. Bull. Okla. Ornithol. Soc. 8(3):25-27. Among the 177 casualties (28 species) killed at the KTUL tower on 9 October 1974 were 64 Nashville Warblers. Smaller kills (24 birds, 12 species) were recorded in late September. All casualties are listed. 555. . 1976a. Birds killed at a TV tower near Coweta, Oklahoma. Bull. Okla. Ornithol. --Soc. 9(3) :20. During 12-15 September 1975, 99 birds of 27 species were collected at the KTUL tower. Casualties are listed by date. 556. . 1976b. Second and third specimens of Yellow Rail for Oklahoma. Bull. Okla. Ornithol. --Soc. 9(4) :33. The specimens found on 27 September and 3 October, were among the fall 1976 casualties at the KTUL TV tower, near Coweta (Norman 1977). 557. . 1977. Birds killed at a TV tower near Coweta, Oklahoma in the fall of 1976. Bull. --Okla. Ornithol. Soc. 10(1) :6-8. During September and October, 166 birds of 49 species were collected at the KTUL tower. A list, by date of collection, of the casualties is given. 558. Norris, R. A. 1963. Birds of the AEC Savannah River Plant area. Contrib. Charleston Mus. No. 14. 78 pp. Included in this annotated bird list are records of over 1100 migrants of 80 species killed at the 1300-foot TV tower in Aiken Co., S.C. from August to mid-November 1957. Dates of kill and fat content are given; other data are on file. 559. Norwood, J. R. 1960. TV tower casualties at a Charlotte station. Chat 24 (4): 103-104. In late September and early October 1960, 390 birds of 32 species were found dead at the 1000-foot WSOC TV tower in Charlotte, N.C .• A kill list is given. 65 560. Oberholser, H. C. 1939. The season: Washington (D.C.) region. Bird-Lore Suppl. 130:5-6. The following statement is included in the report: "It is evident that the Washington t•lonument has been taking its toll of birds during the migrations of August and September." (See the articles by Overing.) 561. Ogden, J. 1960. Observations at a T.V. tower during a bird fall. Migrant 31{4):65-67. During the night of 28-29 September, 321 birds of 30 species were killed at the ~ISM TV tower in Nashville, Tenn. No "chips" were heard early, when the sky was clear, but when it became overcast, the "chip" count increased and birds started falling. The "chip'' count decreased when the sky partially cleared, but birds continued to fall at a steady rate from 0030 to 0500. t4any injured and stunned birds were observed at the tower. 562. Ogilvie, M. A. 1967. Population changes and mortality of the Mute Swan in Britain. Wild- fowl Trust, 1965-1966. 18:64-73. Of 1051 birds whose cause of death was known, 44% died from collisions with wires. 563. ___ 1978. Wild geese. Buteo Books, Vermillion, S.D. 350 pp. Geese sometimes strike overhead wires, radio masts, and other obstacles, particularly in foggy weather and at night. 564. Olendorff, R. R. 1972. Eagles, sheep and power lines. Colo. Outdoors 21(1):3-ll. In the second half of this article, the author discusses the problem of Golden Eagles and other birds of prey being electrocuted in the Pawnee National Grassland, Colo. 565. Olsson, V. 1958. Diepersal, migration, longevity and death causes of Strix aluco, Buteo buteo, Ardea cinerea and Larus argentatus. Acta Vertebr. 1(2) :91-~ ---- Recoveries of birds ringed in Sweden, Norway and Finland showed that "found dead under power-line" was the cause of death given for 30 of 371 Tawny Owls, 11 of 473 Common Buzzards, 8 of 979 Common Herons, and 9 of 1251 Herring Gulls. In the latter three species, "shot" was the most common cause of death. 566. Overing, R. 1936. The 1935 fall migration at the Washington t•1onument. Hilson Bull. 48(3):222-224. Bird mortality at the structure increased in 1932 when floodlights were installed to illuminate the 555-foot shaft. In fall 1932~and 1933, 324 and 331 were killed there, respectively. In fall 1935, 246 birds of 33 species (mostly Red-eyed Vireos and warblers) were found dead, as well as three red and one 1 ittle brown bat. On one occasion, "hundreds of Field Sparrows" perched on benches while warblers and vireos were being confused by the lights and flying against the monument. Most birds struck the east face of the structure although the wind was usually westerly. A kill list is provided. 567. ___ 1937. The 1936 fall migration at the l~ashington Monument. Wilson Bull. 49(2) :ll8-ll9. The seasonal mortality was 277 birds of 30 species, 196 .of the losses occurring on 17 and 18 September. Red-eyed Vireos and warblers dominated the kill list. In addition, several bats were killed. 568. . l938a. The 1937 fall migration at the Washington Monument. Hilson Bull. 50(2): --146. 569. The highest seasonal yet, 945 birds of 43 species, was recorded. On 12 September, from 2230 to 2400, 576 birds were killed. As in the two previous falls, Red-eyed Vireos, Common Yellowthroats, and Magnolia Warblers comprised the majority of the casualties. 1938b. High mortality at the ~Jashington Monument. Auk 55{4):679. On the night of 12 September 1937, 576 birds of 24 species were killed. The day was clear but there was mist around the top of the shaft at night. A kill list is given. 66 .- ~70. Owen, M., and C. J. Cadbury. 1975. The ecology and mortality of swans at the Ouse Washes, England. Wildfowl 26:31-42. Of 128 instances where the cause of death was known, 49 (38%) were due to collisions with power lines. 571. Packard, C. t1. 1958. Bird mortality during a migration. Maine Field Nat. 14{4):83-85. During the night of 16-17 September, 198 birds of 28 species di~d at the Portland, Me. airport ceilometer. American R8Qstarts, Blatkpoll, and Bay-brea~ted l~arblers were the prin- cipal specie·s. <Over 30% of the-.Birds wereof species that breed only in northern coniferous forests. 572. Pangburn, C. 1945. Extraordinary fatality to a Blue-winged Teal. Auk 62(1):142. The bird struck two overhead wires with such force that they were driven into the skull. 573. Parmalee, P. W., and B. G. Parmalee. 1959. ~1ortality of birds at a television tower in centra 1 Illinois. Bull . Ill . Audubon Soc. lll : 1-4. During the foggy, cloudy night of 16-17 September 1958, at least 827 birds of 40 species were killed at the 1000-foot IHCS TV tower at Springfield, Ill. Ueather conditions and a kill list are given. 574. Parmalee, P. H., and M. D. Thompson. 1963. A second kill of birds at a television tower in central Illinois. Bull. Ill. Audubon Soc. 128:13-15. At the IHCS tower in Springfield, Ill., 219 birds of 31 species were killed during the night of 12-13 September. Weather is discussed in detail and comparisons with an earlier kill (see preceding article) are made. A kill list is included. 575. Parnell, J. F. 1965. Fall migration: southern Atlantic coast region. Audubon Field Notes 19(1) :25-28. General references are made to birds killed at the Cape Hatteras, N.C. lighthouse during fall 1964. 576. . 1970. The fall migration: southern Atlantic coast region. Audubon Field Notes --24(1) :31-33. A tower kill at Raleigh, N.C. in fall 1969 is mentioned. 577. Patterson, N. 1970. Sv1ainson's Harbler tower casualty. f·ligrant 41(4}:78-79. A young, female Swainson's l~arbler and eight other birds (four species) were found dead at a microwave tower in central Tennessee on 15 October 1969. 578. Paulson, D. R., and ll. M. Stevenson. 1962. Spring migration: Florida region. Audubon Field Notes 16(4):398-404. A kill of 249 birds, almost half of which were Red-eyed Vireos, at the WCTV tower near Tallahassee on 7 April is mentioned. 579. Pentecost, E. D., and I. P. Murarka. 1976. An evaluation of environmental data relating to selected nuclear power plant sites -the Three Mile Island nuclear station site. Div. of Environ. Impact Stud., Argonne llatl. Lab, Argonne, Ill. Rep. No. ANL/EIS-4. 8 pp. Bird losses due to collisions with plant's four 370-foot high cooling towers were monitored during 5-30 June and 1 September 30-November 1974. The only losses were seven birds found in October. A three to five year bird-kill monitoring program is recommended to insure adequate assessment of the stacks' impact on migratory birds under various weather conditions. 67 580. Perkins, J. P. 1964. 17 flyways over the Great Lakes-Part I. Audubon Mag. 65( 5): 294-299. In Lake. Superior, on the drizzly night of 20 August 1961, migrants by the dozen fluttered around lighfs of an ore-carrying steamer. ~1any were killed striking windows, but no count was taken. Red-eyed Vireos suffered heavy losses, but most of the migrants seen were identified as "small empidonax flycatchers". The migratory wave subsided at about 0300. Birds are regular visitors to the ship (Green and Perkins 1964). 581. Perrins, C. ~1., and C. ~1. Reynolds. 1967. A preliminary study of the 14ute Swan, Cygnus olor. Wildfowl Trust Ann. Rep. 18:G4-73. Swan mortality due to striking wires is discussed. 582. Peterman, ~J. A. 1974. II. Weather and bird mortality. Bird hazard mooitoring contract, Davis-Besse site. Semi-annual rep. June:l4-20. Heather patterns and bird mortality were examined during spring 1974 at the Davis- Besse power plant site, near Lake Erie in Ohio. High mortality seemed to be associated with cold fronts and storm activity. Durinq the seven days when mortality was highest, cold fronts were the dominant weather feature (Williams and Jackson 1974). 583. Petersen, P. C., Jr. 1959. TV tower mortality in western Illinois. Bull. Ill. Audubon Soc. ll2: 14-15. Following the foggy, overcast night of 6-7 October, 88 dead birds of 32 species were found dead at the 983-foot WHBF tower near Orion, Ill. 584. . 1963. The fall migration: middlewestern prairie region. Audubon Field Notes --17(1) :36-37. At ~1agnolia, Ky., 271 birds of 30 species were killed at a tower on 25 September 1962. 585. _______ . l964a. Fall migration: middlewestern prairie region. Audubon Field Notes 18(1) :42-44. Tower kills were reported on 26 August 1933 at Cedar Rapids, Iowa (mostly thrushes and warblers) and on 20-21 September at Columbia, Mo. (941 birds, mostly Red-eyed Vireos ) and Ovenbirds) (George 1963). 1 586. . 1964b. Spring migration: middlewestern prairie region. Audubon Field Notes --18(4) :454-456. ~ T01~er strikes at Columbia, Mo. on ll-12 May claimed 51 birds of 22 species. 587. . 1965. Fall migration: middlewestern·prairie region. Audubon Field Notes 19(1): ----zf4-46. ,. A kill of 300 birds occurred at a Cincinnati,· Ohio tower on the night of 27-28 September 1964. 588. _______ . l966a. Fall migration: middlewestern prairie region. Audubon Field Notes 20(1) :53-55. Tower kills were reported from Dayton, Ohio (86 birds) and Floyd Co., Ind. (25 birds) in fall 1965. 589. . l966b. Spring migration: middlewestern prairie region. Audubon Field Notes --20(4) :513-515. A kill of 35 birds was reported from the WHIO tower near Dayton, Ohio. 68 590. • 1967. Fall migration: middlewestern prairie region. Audubon Field Notes -----zl(l):44-45. At Columbia, t·1o. on 20 September 1966, 618 birds of 32 species were killed at the KO~lU tower (Elder and Hansen 1967). In Floyd Co., Ind., on 22-23 September, 123 birds died. And at a tower in Dayton, Ohio, 305 birds of 49 species, mostly Red-eyed Vireos, Golden- crowned Kinglets, and Ovenbirds, died during fall 1966. 591. . 1968. Fall migration: middlewestern prairie region • .Audubon Field Notes --22(1) :48-5.Q. ../f ,... The HHIO tower at Dayton, Ohio killed 348 birds of 45 species (mostly' Red-eyed Vireos and warblers) during 9 September-15 November 1967. At a tower in Floyd Knobs, Ind., over 78 birds (mostly thrushes and warblers) died on 6 and 7 October. · 592. . 1969. Fall migration: middlewestern prairie region. Audubon Field Notes --23(1) :64-65. . During 27 September-11 October 1968, 145 casualties were recorded at the WHIO tower · at Dayton. · · 593. . 1970. The fall migration: middlewestern prairie region. Audubon Field Notes ----z-4(1) :54-55. 594. On 6 October 1969, "a group of birds" stryck the John Hancock Building in Chicago. . ~ ' 1971. Fall migration: middlewester~ prairie region. Am. Birds 25(1) :64-66. ,' At a tower near Springfield, Ill., 212 bjrds of 28 species died on 22-23 September 1970, and 37 birds of 16 species were killed on 13-14 October. 595. Peterson, (Mrs.) A. W. 1963. Destruction of birdlife in Minnesota-Sept. 1963. IV. Birds killed at Park Rapids. Flicker 35(4)=ll3. I Following the densel.v foggy night of 15-.16 September, the main street of town "was littered with dead or dying birds" probably as a result of migrants being attracted to street lights and smashing into buildings. 596. Peterson, R. L., and B. P. Glass. 1946. Notes on bird marta 1 ity during nocturna 1 thunder- storms near College Station, Texas. Condor 48(2):95-96. In spring 1941, following severe storms with high winds, dead birds wer·e collected on at least five occasions, including 16 Snow and Blue Geese beneath electrical power lines on 4 April. 597. Pettingill, 0. S. 1970. Ornithology in laboratory and field. Burgess Publ. Co., ~li nneapol is. 4th ed. 524 pp. ·......_ In the section "~lortality in Migration", the author reviews the hazards posed by tall 1 ighted structures to migrating birds. Included are summaries of the work by Howell, Laskey and Tanner 1954 and Graber 1968. 598. Pierce, ~1. E. 1969. Tall television tower and bird migration. S. Oak. Bi.rd Notes 21 ( 1) ;tl-5. Two sizable kills occurred in 1965 at the'lll7-foot KSOO tower near Flandreau, S. Oak. During the night of 27-28 ~larch, 578 Horned Larks died in a freakish snowstorm, either by colliding with the \~indows of the transmitter building or with the tower. Early in the morning of 14 September, 102 birds of 32 species were killed, mainly by striking windOws on the building. A kill list is given. No other incidents involving more than a few birds occurred from July 1960 to t·1ay 1968. \. 69 :r 599. Polshek, P. 1977. Fox preys on nocturnal migrants. Kingbird 27(1):28. On 24 October 1976, at a Long Island, N.Y. beach, many migrants were seen flying around a lighted ~Jater tower or perched nearby. A red fox was jumping about trying to catch exhausted birds. The night was warm and overcast. 600. Post, S. 1976. Bird migration and window kills. Earlham College, Richmond, Ind. Unpubl. rep. ll pp. Bird casualties were collected at windows of various buildings at Earlham College during spring 1976. Checks were made three times daily on 40 days and 56 birds were . collected. ~1ost losses occurred during the afternoon at north-facing windows, perhaps because birds attempted to fly through the glass toward the brighter south.windows which received direct sunlight, 601. Post, 1-J., Jr. 1963. Tower casualties at Aiken, South Carolina. Chat 27(1):23. On the night of 6-7 September 1962, 400 birds of 32 species were killed at the 1292- foot ~JJBF TV to~1er following the passage of a cold front. In addition, many live birds were seen around the tower. Ali birds examined were fat. Of the casualties, 239 were Red-eyed Vireos. 602. Post, W., and M. M. Browne. 1971. Seaside Sparrow hits a TV t6wer near Raleigh, North Carolina. Wilson Bull. 83(1):102-103. This is the first direct evidence that this species is a nocturnal migrant. 603. Potter, J. K., and J. J. t1urray. 1949. Fall migration: middle Atlantic coast region. Audubon Field Notes 3(1):8-10. In a heavy fog, on the morning of ll September 1948, "hundreds and perhaps thousands" of birds, mostly 1~arblers, struck tall buildings and to~1ers in Philadelphia. At Cape ~1ay, N.J., 50 species were collected at telegraph wires and radio towers in September and October. Two Barn Owls were among the casualties. This is the earliest reference we have to bird kills at towers. 604. _______ . 1955. The fall migration: middle Atlantic coast region. Audubon Field Notes 9 ( l) : 15-17. On 6 October 1954, 210 birds of 38 species were collected at the Allentown, Pa. ceilometer. ~ 605. Pough, R. H. 1948. Out of the night sky. r,udubon r~ag. 50(6}:354-355. The influence of air masses on noctur'hal migrants is d.iscussed and related to bird strikes at tall structures. Southbound migrants are forced to fly at lower than normal altitudes when the cold air mass they are accompanying meets a northbound warm air mass. The cold front sinks below the warm air and the birds, staying with the favorable winds of the cold front, are forced to fly at heights that make them susceptible to collisions with tall structures such as the Empire· State Building. 606. Purrington, R. D. 1969. Fall migration: central southern region. Audubon Field Notes 23(1):65-70. At the HSM tow.er in Nashville, Tenn., 5408 birds (4857 warblers) died on the night of 25-26 September 1968. This figure is more than half of the total mortality from Nashville towers and ceilometers in the past 20 years (Laskey l969a). 607. 1970. The fall migration: central southern region. Audubon Field Notes 24(1): --55-61. On the night of 14-15 October 1969, about 500 casualties were recorded at an illuminated rest area atop Oak t-1t., Shelby Co., Ala. and additional losses were reported at the KAFB tower in B·aton Rouge, La. 70 608. 609. 6l0. 611. .- 1971. The fall migration: central southern region. Am. Birds 25(1):66-71. Kills at the Nashville, Tenn. towers during fall 1970 are mentioned. 1973. The fall migration: central southern region. Am. Birds 27(1):70-75. Fall 1972 migration records from Nashville, Tenn. towers are men,tioned. 1974. _rhe fall migra;,t"(n: centr~J southern region. An't. Birds 28(1):63-67. During fall 1973, the Nashville tower kill was the lowest ever-165 birds. The lack of major fronts in the area was probably the reason for the low total (Goodpasture 1974b). 1975. The fall migration: central southern region. Am. Birds 29(1):68-74. Only 122 birds were collected at two Nashville, Tenn. towers in fall 1974, a new all- time low at that location (Goodpasture 1975.) 612. Quortrup, E. R., and J. E. Shi.llinger. 1941. 3,000 wild bird autopsies on western lake areas. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. 99:382-387. Mechanical injury (gunshot, wire strikes, etc.) accounted for 556 (18.5%) of the deaths. 613. Raible, R. 1968. Vogelverluste an Glasflachen und Methoden zu ihrer Verhutung. Angenandte Ornithol. 3(2):75-79. ~,1ethods to reduce bird losses due to collisions with glass surfaces are discussed. Consideration given at the planning stages in the design and construction of buildings is important for effectively reducing losses. Techniques include the use of translucent or opaque glass, silhouettes, curtes, curtains, shrubs planted in front of glass surfaces, and extinguishing lights behind large glass surfaces at night. (From English summary.) 614. Rand, A. L. 1938. A modern bird fatality. Auk 55(3):547. In California, a r~ockingbird was electrocuted while perched on the antenna of a radio transmitter. In a note following this article, the editor reports of two instances of birds being electrocuted at power lines and poles. 615. Ranford, R. B., and J. E. Mason. 1969. Nocturnal migrant mortalities at the Toronto-Dominion Centre. Ont. Field Biol. 23:26-29. Losses at two buildings, 600 and 740 feet tall, totalled 470 birds of 64 species in autumns 1967-69. White-throated Sparrows and Common Yellowthroats were the species most frequently killed. Kill lists are given. Largest losses preceded a cold front through the area. Stunned or fatigued birds that were picked up and released often headed immediately for lighted windows. 616. Ransom, ~J. H. 1929. Menace of lighted towers to birds. Murre.let 10(2):39. A few ducks and geese were reported to have flown into the 600-foot fume stack of the Anaconda Copper Mining Co. at Great Falls, Mont. The lights are turned off during the fall to reduce losses. Also mentioned. is a report that Turtle Doves and other birds are attracted to electric signs on the Eiffel Tower. 617. Raveling, D. G. 1965. Geographic variation and measurements of Tennessee Warblers killed at a TV tower. Bird-Banding 36(2):89-101. Casualties from the Eau Claire, Wis. tower in fa-11 1961 and 1962 were analyzed. Various measurements were taken and compared with those from other areas. Bill length showed a significant geographical variation. 71 I 1 I 618. Raveling, D. G., and E. A. LeFebvre. 1967. Energy metabolism and theoretical flight range of birds. Bird-Banding 38(2):97-112. Tennessee Warblers from a kill at the Eau Claire, Wis. tower on 2-3 October 1962 were used in this study. 619. Raveling, D. G., and D. W. Warner. 1965. Plumages, molts, and morphometry of Tennessee Warblers. Bird-Banding 36(3):169-179. 620. Specimens from fall 1961 and 1962 kills at Eau Claire, Wis. and museum skins were used. Significant differenc~s between sex-age classes in bill, tarsus, wing, tail, and overall length were found in most cases. In males, wing length and plumage can be used to distinguish between sexes and between age classes. 1978. Geographic variation of Yellow Warblers killed at a TV tower. Auk 95(1):73-79. A~ examination of 74 Yellow Warblers killed on 9-10 September 1962 at Westport, Minn. (Kemper et al. 1966), and comparison with museum specimens, showed that birds of this species originating from as far apart as 3220 km were migrating southward together. 621. Reitz, R. 1954. Birds meet with disaster at the Brunswick Naval Air Station. Bull. Maine Audubon Soc. 10(4):61-62. During the foggy night of 8-9 September, 500-1000 birds of at least 13 species were _killed by smashing into hangar doors which may have been attractive 'because they were wet and reflected 1 ight. S~tai.nson's Thrushes 1~ere the most abundant of the species killed. 622. Rew, F. M. 1974. Bird kill-BOCES tower-town of Pomfret, Chautauqua County. Prothonotary 40(9) :103-104. Kills on 24, 29 and 30 August totalling 51 birds of 19 species are listed from this western New York site. 623. Ridgway, R. 1885. A new petrel for North America. Auk 2(4):386-387. A White-faced Stormy Petrel was taken in the north Atlantic Ocean late in the evening of 2 September 1885 after presumably being attracted to the light of the ship. 624. Riegel, M., and W. Winkel. 1971. On death causes of White Storks (C. ciconia) according to ringing recovery reports [in German, English summary]. Dje Vogelwarte 26(1) :128-135. In Germany, of 294 storks for which the cause of death was known, 226 (77%) died from collisions with telegraph wires. Inexperienced'birds are more prone to strike telegraph wires than are older birds. (From English summary.) , 625. Rintoul, L. J., and E. V. Baxter. 1914. Notes'on some passerine birds migrating in moult. Scott. Nat. 35:245-252. Casualties from lighthouses in Scotland were examined. 626. Rix, C. E. 1970. Birds of the Northern Territory. S. Aust. Ornithol. 25(6):147-190. In July 1967, near Darwin, five dead Jabiru (Black-necked Storks) were found beneath a power line at Fogg Dam. Fourteen live birds were also present. 627. Robbins, S. D. 1967. Fall migration: western Grea·t Lakes region. Audubon Field Notes 21(1):36-38, 42-44. On 14 September 1966, 2117 birds of 37 species were found dead at a tower in Eau Claire, Wis. Similarities were noted between the most abundant species in the kill and those recorded in the field. The difficulty in judging migration via just one method is discussed. 72 .- 628. . 1968. Fall migration: western Great Lakes region. Audubon Field Notes 22(1): -----.r0-44, 47-48. Moderate kills of 50-175 birds were recorded at the WEAU tower in Eau Claire, Wis. on 8, 14, and 27 September 1967. At two shorter towers in Madison, Wis., 25 birds died on the night of 16-17 September. · .• 629. 1969. c Fall mi grati OJ:ftr western >Great Lakes region. Audubon Field Notes 23( l): 55-56, --64. A kill of over 2ooo birds occurred at the WEAU tower in Eau Claire, Wis. on 19-20 September 1968, and 145 birds died there on 18-19 October, two weeks later than any previous kill at the site. The October kill was composed chiefly of kinglets and late migrant warblers. 630. Roberts, T. S. 1936. The birds of Minnesota. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis. Vol. 2. 850 pp. A Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow, other sparrows, and many warblers were killed by flying against an electric light at Dodge Center, !Hnn. on 26 11-lay 1927 (p. 396). 631. Robertson, W. B., Jr. 1968. Spring migration: Florida region. Audubon Field Notes 22(4): 516-520. 632. 633. Various spring migration records from kills at the WCTV tower near Tallahassee are noted. On 4-5 f·1ay, 137 Bobolinks were killed. 1970. The fall migration: Florida region. Audubon Field Notes 24(1) :33-38. Hundreds of migrants congregated around a lighthouse off Caibarien, Cuba on the rainy night of 14 October 1969. More than 30 birds were found dead the next day including Yellow- billed Cuckoos, thrushes and warblers. Tower kills were reported from Jacksonville, Tallahassee, and Orlando. 1971. The fall migration: Florida region. Am. Birds 25(1}:44-49. Five kills, primarily of warblers, were reported during 28 September-22 October 1970: 2790 birds (51 speci_es) at I~BDO in Orlando; 237 (53) at WCTV, Tallahassee; 300-400 at \~CIX, Homestead; 146 at Jacksonville; and 31 at Vero Beach. Weather conditions are discussed. (See Bagg 1971 for kill lists of the Orlando and Jacksonville incidents.) 634. ___ . 1972. The fall migration: Florida region. Am. Birds 26(1}:50-54. It was a "rather quiet fall" at towers due to "settled weather". Local conditions, not associated with frontal activity, led to a kill of 152 birds of 41 species at WCTV, Tallahassee on the night of 19-20 October 1971; total seasonal losses there were 409 birds. 635. Robertson, \LB., Jr., and J. C. Ogden. 1968. Fall migration: Florida region. Audubon Field Notes 22(1):25-31. Fall 1967 losses at WCTV, Tallahassee totalled 508. A few dozen birds died at the WCIX tower, Homestead, and 174, predominately Ovenbirds, were killed at two towers in Jacksonville on the night of 2-3 September. 1969. Fall migration: Florida region. Audubon Field-Notes 23(1):35-40. In fall 1968, 853 birds of 80 species were killed at the WCTV tower, Tallahassee. 6~7. Robertson, W. B., Jr:, and D. R. Paulson. 1961. Fall migration: Florida region. Audubon Field Notes 15(1):26-35. The fall 1960 kill of 1140 birds at WCTV, Tallahassee is discussed. Several species not considered to be nocturnal migrants were found among the casualties. The absence of shorebirds in kills is tentatively attributed to better night vision and/or higher flight altitudes (see Able 1963). Sparrows accounted for 60% of 348 November ·casualties. 73 638. Robertson, W. B., Jr., and H. M. Stevenson. 1957. Spring migration: Florida region. Audubon Field Notes ll ( 4): 337-342. At Jacksonville, 279 birds were killed on 10 May, and losses at WCTV, Tallahassee are mentioned. 639. Robson, J. E. 1969. Dipper flying into barbed-wire fence. Br. Birds 62(11):498. A juvenile Cinclus cinclus impaled itself on a fence in England. 640. Rogers, D. T. 1965. Fat levels and estimated flight ranges of some autumn migratory birds killed in Panama during a nocturnal rainstorm. Bird-Banding 36{2):115-116. The birds were killed by striking telephone poles and other obstacles during the storm. Swainson's Thrushes were the most abundant among the 17 specimens collected. 641. Rogers, T. 1958 .. Fall migration: Palouse-northern Rocky Mountain region. Audubon Field Notes 12(1):45-47. In fall 1957, many Western Tanagers were killed by striking windows in Bozeman, Mont. 642. _______ . 1959. Spring migration: northern Rocky Mountain-intermountain region. Audubon Field Notes 13(4):388-390. On the cloudy night of 29-30 April, migrating sparrows, mostly White-crowned, suffered large casualties by striking buildings in Baker, Ore. Many Lapland Longspurs were killed by flying into lights and buildings during a nighttime snowstorm on 5 May in Calgary, Alberta. 643. Rosche, R. C. 1966. Fall migration: western New York and northwestern Pennsylvania . . Audubon Field Notes 20(1):38-41. Sixty dead birds of 20 species were collected at the 1076-foot WKBW tower near Colden, N.Y. following two foggy nights in fall 1965. Kill lists are provided. 644. _______ . 1967. Fall migration: western New York and northwestern Pennsylvania. Audubon Field Notes 21(1):29-32. A 843-foot tower at Elmira, N.Y. accounted for 270 dead bird$ in fall 1966, 200 on 19-20 September alone. Twelve other towers were checked thjoughout the1season, yielding 97 additional casualties, compared to over 200 from four towers in 1965. Ovenbirds dominated the 1966 kills. (See the articles by W. I. Howard 1963-1974 for details of the Elmira tower kills.) 645. _______ . 1968. Fall migration: western New York and northwestern Pennsylvania. Audubon Field Notes 22(1):35-37. The 1967 fall kill at Elmira, N.Y. was 45, the lowest total yet. ·646. . 1969. Fall migration: western New York and northwestern Pennsylvania. Audubon --Field Notes 23(1) :46:-49. In fall 1968, one brown bat and 270 birds (34 species) were k111ed at the Elmira, N.Y. tower. 647. _______ . 1970. The fall migration: western New York and northwestern Pennsylvania. Audubon Field Notes 24(1) :43-47. Over 300 casualties from the Elmira, N.Y. tower in fall 1969 are summarized. Bay- breasted Warblers were the most common victims. 648. _______ 1971. The fall migration: western New York and northwestern Pennsylvania .. Am. Birds 25(1):54-57, Regular monitoring of three locations in fall 1970 yielded over 2100·casualties of 70 species. At the-Elmira, N.Y. tower, 220 dead birds of 40 species were recovered. 74 649. . 1972. The fall migration: western New York and northwestern Pennsylvania. Am. B1rds 26(1):60-62. In the western part of the region, 313 birds of 26 species were found dead at five towers during 29-31 August 1971. At Elmira, N.Y., 540 casualties of 55 species (mostly warblers), the highest fall total yet there, were collected. Of the losses, 225 occurred on 29-30 September and 78 (kinglets, juncos, sparrows) on 25 October. 650. . 1973. • The fall mi grit't1on: wesfern New York and northwestern Pennsylvania. Am. --Birds 27(1) :56-59. Throughout the region, "generally light kills" were reported during fall 1972. At Elmira, N.Y., 140 dead birds of 30 species were collected. 651 . 1974 .. The fall migration: western New York and northwestern Pennslyvania. Am. Birds 28(1):49-51. Several kills were reported during fall 1973. In Erie Co., N.Y., kills of 44 and 104 birds were found at two towers. A large migratory flight occurred during the night of 24 September, and eight dead and many exhausted birds were found around Xerox Square in Rochester, N.Y. A few casualties were found at a tower near Alfred, N.Y. on 25 September. In Buffalo, 15 birds, mostly Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers, were found d~ad at a tall building. At Elmira, N.Y., 465 birds of 40 species, the largest single kill ever, were found dead on 28 September; through 18 October, the seasona 1 tota 1 \~as 575. · 652. Ross, R. C. 1946. People in glass houses should draw their shades. Condor 48(3):142. The large number of Swainson's Thrushes killed by flying into windo~s is explained by their habit of flying along aisle~Jays in the understory toward 1 ighted openings. Unfortunately, some aisleways end at window panes (Snyder 1946 and Willet 1945). 653. Rural Electrification Administration. 1972. Powerline contacts by eagles and other large birds. U.S. Dep. Agric. REA Bull: 61-10. 6 pp. Inexpensive modifications to make electric power transmission poles safer for eagles and other large birds are discuss~d and diagrammed. 654. Rybak, E. J., LJ. B. Jackson, and S. H. Vessey. 1973. Impact of cooling towers on bird migration. Proc. Bird Control S1~inar, Bowling Green State Univ. 6:187-194. During fall 1973, 102 birds of 24 species (mostly kinglets and warblers) and 1 big brown bat were found dead at a 495-foot cooling tower and a 240-foot reactor building at the new nuclear power station near Port Clinton, Ohio. Tower kills including 16 additional species occurred in fall 1972 and spring 1973 during construction of the station. Studies suggested that half of the dead specimens were .removed by nocturnal mammal ian scavengers before searches by the investigators in the morning. Also mentioned is the reduction of bird losses from as high as hundreds a night to "minimal" following removal of nighttime floodlighting at the Perry ~1onument on nearby South Bass\Island in Lake Erie; 655. Sanger, G. A. 1973. New northern record for Xantus' Murre let. Condor 75(2) :253. A Xantus' Murrelet crashed into the bridge of a ship near Vancouver Island on the night of 25 October 1971. 656. Saunders, W. E. 1930a. The destruction of birds at Long Point Lighthouse, Ontario, on four nights in 1929. Auk 47(4):507-511. 657. Kill lists are given for 7 September (654 birds, 36 species), 9 September (169, 26), and 24-29 September (1237, 49). Of the 55 species represented, Common Yellowthroats (254) Blackpoll Warblers (236), Red-eyed Vireos (176), Swainson's Thrushes (168)·, Gray-cheeked Thrushes (153), and Ovenbirds (146) were the most numerous. Some casualties may have been taken by Sharp-shinned Hawks or skunks. 193Gb. Bats in migration. J. t1amrrial. 11 (2) :225. \ In addition to bird 1osses in excess of 2000 (see above), three red bats, one hoary bat, and one silver gray bat were killed at the Long Point, Ont. lighthouse in fall 1929. 75 658. Savage, T. 1963. Bird mortality near Gatlinburg, September 21-22, 1963. Migrant 34(3): 56-57. A brightly lit ski lift claimed 144 birds of 30 species. A list is given. 659. ___ 1965. Casualties at ski resort, Gatlinburg. t1igrant 36(4):81-82. Bright lights and fog caused birds to call ide with various structures at a Tennessee ski resort and condominium in late September and early October. A list of 1915 casualties (42 species) is given. Thrushes and Ovenbirds dominated. 660~ Sawyer, P. J. 196la. Bird mortality at the HENH-TV tower in Deerfield, New Hampshire. New Hampshire Audubon Q. 14(2):46-49. In 1959 and 1960, 267 birds of 45 species were found dead at·this 436-foot tower atop a 1100-foot mountain. Spring casualties (47 birds) were distributed more or less randomly around the tower whereas 90% of the 220 fall losses were southeast of the structure. Kill lists are. given. 661. • 1961 b. Report on the cause of marta 1 ity and the morphometry of seventy Ruby- -.--crowned Kinglets killed at the vJENH-TV tower in Deerfield, New Hampshire. Bird- Banding 32{3):162-168. Of 130 birds kil)ed at this 436-foot tower on 13-14 October 1959, 74 were Ruby-crowned Kinglets·. ~lei ghts and various measurements are presented and compared with respect to sex and age. \~eather conditions associated with the incident are described. 662~ Scheider, F .. 1959. Region 5-Oneida Lake basin. Kingbird 8{4):121-125. On 18-19 September, 45 birds, mostly thrushes, vireos and warblers, were collected at the WHEN-TV tower in Syracuse, N.Y. On 16 September, numerous dead birds were noted in downtown Syracuse, and on the 17th, hundreds of birds were seen and dozens were killed at the Rome, N.Y. Air Base searchlight. 663. __ 1960. Region 5-Oneida Lake basin. Kingbird 9(4):170-176. On 2 and 3 October 1959, about 110 birds, mostly warblers and vireos, were found dead at two towers in upstate New York. 664. Schmitz, J. P. 1969. Vogelverluste an Glas.,lachen des Athenaums in Luxemburg. Regulus 9:423-427. Bird mortality at glass windows is disc~ssed. A list of 408 casualties {34 species) is provided. 665. Scherger, A. W. 1952. Ducks killed during a storm at Hot Springs, South Dakota. Wilson B~ll. 64(zY:ll3-ll4. On the night of 25 October 1951, amidst rain, snow and fog, many ducks, mostly Redheads and Mallards, were killed by colliding with buildings, trees, telephone poles and wires, and other obstacies. 666. Schotzko, J. 1962. Interrupted migration. Flicker 34(2):61. On the night of 12 September 1961, hundreds of birds were seen fluttering around street and store lights and crashing into windows in Paynesville, Minn. About 4000 stunned and confused birds were observed in a 3-block area .. The mortality included over 200 warblers. 667. Schroeder, C. H. 1977; Geese hit power transmission line. N. Oak. Outdoors 40{2): inside front cover. ~Near Hankinson, N. Oak., 46 Snow Geese (15 white phase and 31 blue phase) were found dead near a power line on the morning of 22 April 1977. Apparently the birds struck the line early in the morning even though weather was clear, mild, and fogless. 76 .- 668. Schultz, Z. M. 1958. Fall migration: north Pacific coast region. Audubon Field Not~s 12(1):52-54. In Seattle, \Jash., during fall 1957, dozens of Cedar Waxwings died by striking windows. 669. Scott, F. R., and D. A. Cutler. 1965. Fall migration: middle Atlantic coast region. Audubon Field Notes 19(1):21-24. On the ni~ht of ll-12 S~mber .1964-; thousands of birds ~~re killed at a lOOO-foot tower in Baltimore, Md. Among the 1032 casualties examined (37 species) were over 300 Oven- birds. More than 100 birds of 23 species died at a Lynchburg, Va. ceilometer on the night of 4-5 October. 670. . 1967. Fall migration: middle Atlantic coast region. Audubo~ Field Notes 21(1): --15-19. Birds of 40 species, including over 400 warblers, were found dead at a Baltimore, Md. tower on 26 September 1966. No exact count of t.he losses is given (Bush 1967). 671. _______ 1971. The fall migration: middle Atlantic coast region. Am. Birds 25(1):36-40. 672. 673. On 28 September 1970, 1965 birds of 43 species died at the WBAL-TV tower in Baltimore, l~d. Ovenbirds (489) and Red-eyed Vireos (410) dominated the kill. (See Bagg 1971 for a complete species list.) Also, "bad kills" were reported from the Chesapeake Bay Bridge- Tunnel. 1972. The fall migration: middle Atlantic coast region. Am. Birds 26(1):41-45. A kill of 200 birds occurred at a Lynchburg, Va. TV tower on 24 September 1971. 1974. The fall migration: middle Atlantic coast region. Am. Birds.28(1):33-37. A kill of 180 birds, mostly warblers, occurred at a Baltimore, f~d. tower on 28-29 September 1973. 674. Scott, R·. E., L. J. Roberts, and C. J. Cadbury. 1972. Bird deaths from power lines at Dungeness. Br. Birds 65(7):273-286. Bird mortality was monitored from January 1964 to November 1970 along a section of power line in an area heavily used by migrants. Of the 1285 birds (74 species) collected, Starlings (489) and gulls (138) suffered the heaviest losses, followed by various nocturnal migrants (rails, Turtle Doves, thrushes, warblers). Few diurnal migrants were found. Many corpses were lost to scavengers, and the kill may actually have exceeded 6000. Attempts to makP the wires more visible, thus r~ducing mortill it.y, with luminous orange tape were inconclusive. A list of the casualties is given and the results of experiments to test the removal of dead birds by scavengers are presented. The kill at the power lines was similar in species composition to that at a lighthouse. The siting of power lines is a critical factor in the amount of mortality at a given location, and other factors such as height of migration and flock configuration are important in determining which species are killed. (This study is the most comprehensive we have seen dealing with bird losses at power lines.) 675. Seets, J. W., and H. D. Bohlen. 1977. Comparative mortality of birds at television towers in central Illinois. Wilson Bull. 89(3):422-433. ' From August to December 1972, seven towers ranging from 185 to 484 m tall were checked for dead birds on mornings following nights of fog or overcast. A total of 5465 birds of 79 species was collected, with 60% of the losses occurring on the night of 26-27 September. Most birds were killed on nights with cloud ceilings of 550 m or less. There was "no consistent relationship between tower height, terrain, or tower location and number of birds killed ... It is believed that the number of birds killed on a given night is dependent on local weather conditions and the number of birds aloft. 676. Serr, E. M. 1976. The spring migration: northern Great Plains. Am. Birds 30(4):855-858. r~ention is made of a "wire-killed" Peregrine Falcon in f~ontana. 77 677. Sharp, B. 1971. Heavy mortality of migrating birds at f>!adison's TV towers. Passenger Pigeon 33(4):203-204. On the night of 23-24 September 1968, 493 birds of 33 species were killed at four Madison, Wis. towers. Weather data and kill lists are given. Thrushes, warblers, and vireos comprised 98% of the losses. 678. Siegfried, W. R. 1972. Ruddy Ducks colliding with wires. Wilson Bull. 84(4):486-487. The following birds were found dead near overhead wires at Minnedosa, Manitoba: eight Ruddy Ducks, four American Coots, two Blue-winged Teal, one t~allard, and one Pintail. Male Ruddy Ducks seem particularly susceptible to such accidents because they fly low when moving from pond to pond and they normally fly only at dusk on the breeding grounds. 679. Simison, R. L. 1973. Some natural enemies join forces to curb electrocution of eagles. Wall Street Journal, 11 July, 89(7):1,12. The efforts of power companies, conservation groups, and government agencies to reduce the electrocution hazard to eagles are described. Research, including the use of a trained one-year old Golden Eagle, has resulted in design changes that have made formerly dangerous poles safe (Nelson 1975, Nelson and Nelson 1976). 680. Sincock, J. L., and G. E. Swedberg. 1969. Rediscovery of the nesting grounds of rlewell's r~anx Shearwater (Puffinus puffin us ne1~ell i), with initia 1 observations. Condor 71 ( 1) : 69-71 . In Hawaii, the Newell's Shearwater, or Ao, frequently is attracted to lighted high- ways, parks, football fields, and buildings. 681. Sinner, P. F., II. 1972. Window kill research project. Valley City State College, Valley City, N. Oak. Unpub. rep. 7 pp. Of 28 birds that died by flying into windows in Valley City between 25 t·1arch and 19 May, 16 were Slate-colored (Dark-eyed) Juncos. Most losses occurred at undraped, recently washed windows. 682. Sisson, J. 1975. Death trap. Natl. Wildl. 13(2) :18. In 15 years, 30 ~1ute S~1an died by striking power lines in a Michigan village. # 683. Small, A. 1958. Fall migration: southern Pacific coast region. Audubon Field Notes 12(1) :57-60. The author states: "As contrasted with the eastern portion of the continent 'collision' recoveries from lighted towers, power lines, airport ceilometers, etc. are virtually unknown and/or unreported in this Region." (Squires and Hanson 1918). 684. Smith, D. G., and J. R. f1urphy. 1972. Unusual cause!' of raptor mortality. Raptor Res. 6(2) :4-5. Several instances of eagles being electrocuted by power lines are discussed. 685. Smith, (Mrs.) E. D., and (r~rs.) R. C. Tedards. 1962. Tower casualties at Columbia, South Carol ina in 1961. Chat 26(2) :43-45. Favorable weather conditions during fall 1961 produced only light casualties at the WIS tower. From 20 September to 30 November, 76 birds of 30 species were fou!ld dead, 59 of those (mostly sparrows) on 7 November. A complete list of the casualties by date of collection is g·u~n. with weather data, weight, sex, age and fat condition of each bird. 686. Smith, L. B. 1966. Bird mortality at radio and TV towers near Winnipeg, September 1965. Blue Jay 24(4):172-176. Mortality at four towers on 23 September totalled 184 birds of 35 species. At the CJAY trwer, 91 birds of 22 species and 146 of 27 species were recovered on 29 September and 1 October, respectively. Weather conditions and kill lists are given. 78 F ·~·· .- 687. Snow, C. 1973a. Habitat management series for endangered species, report number 5: Southern Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus leucocephalus and Northern Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus alascanus. Bur. Land Manage. Tech. Note T-N-171. 58 pp. Causes of mortality among Bald Eagles include electrocutions, but insufficient data are available to determine the impact of electrocutions on Bald Eagle populations. It is a minor factor compared to shooting, but losses in some areas may b~ considerable. 688. ___ 1973bv Habitat mana!J,fi\lent seriE~S-for unique or endangered species, report number 7: Golden Eagle, Agui 1 a chrysaetos ~ Bur. Land ~1anage. Tech. Note T -N-239. 52 pp. Electrocutions and collisions with power lines appear to be fairly common, particularly among juveniles. Three phase, four carrier 1 ines with 1 ess than six feet between phase conductors have been particularly lethal. Electrocution is a major mortality factor in some areas (Boeker and Nickerson 1975). 689. Snyder, L. L. 1946. "Tunne 1 fliers" and window fa ta 1 i ties. Condor 48 ( 6) : 278. Ovenbirds, thrushes and other birds that "habitually make swift flights through restricted passages in heavy cover" are probably guided in their flights by a view of the light ahead of them. These species are among the most commonly killed by striking windows (Ross 1946 and ~Jillet 1945). 690. Somerset, H. 1972. Jabiru killed by power 1 i ne. S. Au st. Ornitho 1. 26( 3): 55. A Black-necked Stork was found dead beneath a power line near Darwin in November 1971. 691. Sowls, L. K. 1955. Prairie ducks - a study of their behavior, ecology and management. The Stackpole Co., Harrisburg, Pa. and the l4ildl. ~lanage. Inst., Washington, D.C. 193 pp. Inrthe Delta Marsh, t4anitoba, four of seven duck drakes and four American Coots found dead du.tring 1946-50 had apparently struck telephone ~1ires. ~" .. , 692. Spinney, H. L. 1902. Seguin Light Station, Me. J. Maine Ornithol. Soc. 4:43-45. The night of 5 October 1900 was foggy until 2000 when it cleared and many birds were seen "gyrating" around the light. In the morning, 275 birds were collected. 693. . 1903. Extracts from tiYe journal of Capt. Herbert L. Spinney, 1st keeper Seguin ---Island Light, 14aine. J. 1>1aine Ornithol. Soc. 5:52-58. These extracts deal with bird mortality at this light, "one of the most powerful ones in existence", during 1893-1902. Robins, an Osprey, and Leach's Petrels were among the many species observed at the light at night. On two occasions, the sky that had been cloudy cleared, and birds that had been at the light, left. 694. Spofford, W. R. 1949a. The accident to migrating birds at the Nashville airport. Migrant 20(1) :9-12. About 300 birds of 33 species were killed in the early morning of 10 September 1948 at the Nashville, Tenn. ceilometer. Included among the casualties were 95 Red-eyed Vireos. The cloud ceiling registered 4000 feet at the time of the accident. The birds probably were blinded by the bright beam of light and crashed into the ground. This is apparently the first reported kill at a ceilometer. 695. . 1949b. Mortality of birds at the ceilometer of the Nashville airport. Wilson -----sull. 61(2):86-90. -The same incident as that reported in Spofford 1949a is described. The author concludes that "the birds did not fly either into the light or into the ground, but were arrested high in the air, to fall to the ground with death by impact." 79 696. Sprunt, A., IV. 1972. The Bald Eagle. Pages 97-103 in Proc. Symp. on Rare and Endangered Wildl. of the Southwest United States. - Electrocution is a problem in the west, particularly at older transmission lines. Golden Eagles are more affected than Bald, but both species are involved in significant numbers. 697. Squires, W. A., and H. E. Hanson. 1918. The destruction of birds at the lighthouses on the coast of California. Condor 20(1):6-10. Lighthouses on the California coast reported very slight losses in general. The few kills that were reported involved shorebirds and waterfowl almost entirely. The lack of landbirds in kills was attributed to: (1) the migration of landbirds does not occur in waves as in the eastern U.S., (2) lighthouses are built lower in California than in other locales, and (3) the migration doesn't follow the coast line as it does on the Atlantic coast. Most losses occurred on dark, overcast nights. ·Larger birds such as ·ducks and grebes simply crashed into the structures, whereas the smaller landbirds bec~~confused by the lights and flew around until tftey dropped to the ground exhausted. 698. Stahlecker, D. ~1. 1975. Impacts of a 230 kV transmission line on Great Plains wildlife. M.S. Thesis. Colorado State Univ. Ft. Collins. 67 pp. Wildlife censuses were conducted between 10 September 1973 and 9 August 1975 along a 230 kV transmission line in southeastern Colorado before, during, and after its construction. Avian mortality due to collisions with the transmission line and ground wire was slight - one Mourning Dove and five Horned Larks. But because other birds may have fallen on parts of the right of way that weren't searched and the impact of scavengers was not assessed, losses may have been greater. 699. Steele, J. H. 1903. The city hall list for 1903. Cassinia 7:78. At the Philadelphia, Pa. city hall, 18 birds of 11 species were killed during fall 1903. 700. Stevenson, H. M. 1956a. Fall migration: Florida region. Audubon Field Notes 10(1): 18-22. Over 2000 birds were killed on 8-9 October 1955 at a new 660-foot tower near Tallahassee in Leon Co. This marked the beginning of the long term study of"bird losses at the WCTV tower by Stoddard (1962), Stoddard and tlorris (1967), ant! Crawford (1974). 701. ___ 1956b. Spring season: Florida region. Audubo~ Field Notes 10(4) :325-329. 702. 703. 704. Unusual migration records from the kill at the WCTV tower, Tallahassee are mentioned. 1957. Fall migration: Florida region. Audubon Field Notes 11(1):18-22. The October 1956 kill at the WCTV tower was less than in 1955. l958a. Fall migration: Florida region. Audubon Field Notes 12/1):21-26. On 4-5 October 1957;· 2000 birds were killed at the WCTV tower near Tallahassee, and 700-800 died at towers in Jacksonville. 1958b. Spring migration: Florida region. Audubon Field Notes 12(4):344-348. Kills were reported on 4 April (228 birds) and 11 April (220) at WCTV, Tallahassee, and on 21 April (297) at Jacksonville. The composition of the kills was· very dissimilar between locations. There was poor correspondence between the species composition of the kills and field observations of·migrants. 705. ___ 1959a. Fall migration: Florida region. Audubon Field Notes 13(1):21-25. In fall 1958, 1149 birds died at the WCTV tower, Tallahassee. 80 706. 707. 708. 709. 710. 711. 712. 713. 714. 715. 716. 717. 718. 719. .- l959b. The spring migration: Florida region. Audubon Field Notes 13(4):363-365. Relatively low seasonal kill totals of 307 and 61 were recorded for the WCTV and Jacksonville towers, respectively. l960a. Fall migration: Florida region. Audubon Field Notes 14(1):25-29. Fall 1959 mortality at the WCTV tower is mentioned. l960b.4 Spring migrart!n: Florid~ region. Audubon Field Notes 14(4) :379-383. Over 1800 birds were killed at the WCTV tower, Tallahassee during late April and early May. Jacksonville reported 300 Ovenbirds killed on a single night. There was no corres- pondence between the tower kills and field surveys of migrants in species composition. 1962. Fall migration: Florida region. Audubon Field Notes 16(1) :21-25. During fall 1961, 1212 birds were found dead at the WCTV tower near Tallahassee. On 17 September, 1100-1200 birds died at the Jacksonville towers. 1963a. Fall migration: Florida region. Audubon Field Notes 17(1):24-28. During fall 1962, the monthly kill totals at WCTV, Tallahassee were 1264 (September), 291 (October), and 288 (November). l963b. Spring migration: Florida region. Audubon Field Notes 17(4):397-399. A record 87 birds were killed in t4ay at the WCTV tower Tallahassee. 1964. Winter season: Florida region. Audubon Field Notes 18(3):346-351. TV tower mortality was generally not heavy, but 64 birds were killed at the WCTV tower, Tallahassee on t:~e early date of 15 t·1arch. 1965. Winter season: Florida region~ Audubon Field Notes 19(3):370-374. The highest ever March kill, 709 birds, was recorded at the WCTV tower in 1965. Of the losses, 335 were Yellow-rumped Harblers killed on 12 March. 1966. Fall migration: Florida region. Audubon Field Notes 20(1):30-35. The 1 argest November kill ever at ~/CTV, 770 birds, was recorded in 1965. November kills generally consist of wintering species. l967a. Fall migration: Florida region. Audubon Field Notes 21 (l) :22-25. November 1966 mortality at the HCTV tower near Tallahassee is mentioned briefly. l967b. Spring migration: Florida region. Audubon Field Notes 21 (4) :497-500. Migration records from kills at the WCTV tower are mentioned. 1973. The fall migration: Florida region. Am. Birds 27(1):45-49. In early October 1972, 193 birds of 39 species were killed at the HCTV tower, Tallahassee, and about 1000 birds died at Jacksonville. 1976. The winter season: Florida region. Am. Birds 30(3):708-711. In March 1976, 56 birds died at the WCTV tower. 1977. The winter season: Florida region. Am. Birds 31(1):322-325. Reference is made to a December 1976 casualty at the l-/CTV tower. 81 720. Stewart, (Mrs.) J. 1976. Bird kill at smoke stack. Redstart 43(2):73-74. On 30 September 1973, approximately 2000 birds (mostly warblers and vireos) were killed at a 1103-foot smoke stack of a power plant at Cheshire, Ohio. The stack was not floodlit. Weather was rainy and foggy. Also listed are smaller kills from 5, 6, and 7 October bringina the total species count to 33. 721. Stewart, P. A. 1973. Electrocution of birds by an electric fence. Wilson Bull. 85(4): 476-477. The death of a Screech Owl is reported at an electric fence that is estimated to electrocute up to 200 birds annually in North Carolina. 722. Stoddard, H. L., Sr. 1962. Bird casualties at a· Leon County, Florida TV tower, 1955-1961. 723. 724. 725. Tall Timbers Res. Sta. Bull. No. 1. 94 pp. This exemplary work documents almost daily, year-round collections of casualties at the WCTV towers. (A 673-foot tower built in 1955 was replaced in April 1960 with a 1010-foot tower.) About 17,000 birds (150 species) were collected, mostly in the fall months. In addition to a summary of the kill by species, weather conditions are discussed and the problems caused by scavengers/predators, particularly Great Horned Owls, are outlined. Stoddard, H. L., Sr., and R. A. Norris. 1967. Bird casualties at a Lebn County, Florida TV tower: an eleven-year study. Tall Timbers Res. Sta. Bull. No. 8. 104 pp. In this report, the study begun by Stoddard in 1955 is updated through 30 September 1966. In the 11 years, over 29,000 birds of 170 species were collected. Although most losses were in the fall, spring kills seemed to be composed of species that breed abundantly in that area. (Avery et al. 1978 found a similar trend in North Dakota tower losses.) Dangerous weather may cause differential mortality·among species, sexes, and age classes as each group peaks at a different time. (See Crawford 1974 for results of continued monitoring of the WCTV tower.) Stone, W. 1906. Some light on night migration. Auk 23(3):249-~ "· At a large lumber yard fire in Philadelphia, the author observed· the passage of spring migrants i 11 umi nated by the 1 i ght from the fire. The. birds did not seem· to change direction in response to the blaze, but may have been drawn down from higher altitudes ... About 30 birds, including juncos and Song Sparrows, were burned to death as they passed too close to the fire. Stout, I. J. 1967. The nature and pattern of nonhu~ting mortality in fledged North American waterfowl. M.S. Thesis. Virginia Polytechnic Inst., Blacksburg, Va. 329 pp. Collisional factors including towers and power iines were among the causes of mortality considered. A questionnaire survey, band returns, and a survey of published and unpublished reports were the sources of the data. It is observed that "the various utility wires ... do cause substantial waterfowl mortality", but towers aren't as great a hazard. Of mortality reported in the surveyed literature, 65% of the collisional losses were due to wire strikes and 4% to towers. Most losses to wires occurred during fall migration in inclement weather. 726. Stout, I. J., and G. W. Cornwell. 1976. Nonhunting mortality of fledged North American waterfowl. J. Wildl. Manage. 40(4):681-693. Over 2 million cases of reported nonhunting mortality during 1930-64 were analyzed. Collisional mortality, including towers and power lines, accounted for 0.1% of the deaths (3015 incidents), and was most common in the Central Flyway. 72.7. Street, T. E. 1954. The ceilometer hazard. Chat 18(2) :56-57. Birds were first observed around the Greensboro-High Point, N.C. ceilometer on 15 September 1948, but no losses were recorded until 17 September 1953 when 16 birds of four species were found dead. 82 I I i I i -I I .- 728. Strnad, F. 1962. Birds killed at the KROC-TV tower, Ostrander, Minnesota. Flicker 34(1} :7-9. Five kills during September and October 1961 totalled over 2000 birds of 66 species at this 1314-foot tower. On 3-4 September, 526 birds were collected out of an estimated 1500- 2000 killed. Overcast conditions prevailed during the incidents. 729. --1975. More bird kills at KROC-TV tower, Ostrander, Minnesota. ·' Loon 47(1):16-21. The author ~ummarizes pre~us mortal~ty at this tower (Strnad 1962 and Feehan 1963) and adds findings from the autumns of 1972 (185 birds, 32 species), 1973 {726, 59), and 1974 (801, 38). Complete kill lists from 1961, 1962 and the present study are given. Among the 3507 casualties (84 species) listed, Northern Waterthrushes (619) and Red-eyed Vireos (516) were the most common. A description of the 1300-foot tower, its lights and guy wires is given, and details of the method of search and the weather conditions on kill nights are also provided. 730. Stroncek, L. H. 1978. Fences take toll. Colo. Outdoors 27{2) :47. Photographs of a Great Blue Heron and a Cinnamon Teal killed on fences are included. 731. Stuart-Sutherland, R. 1922. Round the lamp. Emu 22(1):54-59. Mortality of petrels and other birds occurred regularly at the 180-foot lighthouse at Puysegur Point, New Zealand. ·The birds were "absolutely powerless to resist the attraction" of the light. f4ost birds suffered broken wings, legs or necks rather than head injuries. Observations of bird behavior at the light are presented, and an annotated list of species seen at the light from March 1919 to January 1922 is given. 732. Swales, M. K. 1965. The sea-birds of Gough Island. Ibis 107(1):17-42 and 107(2):215-229. On this south Atlantic island, thousands of albatrosses swarmed around 750-watt lights, especially on nights with low clouds or fog and little wind. One albatross crashed into a light. Storm-petrels were also attracted, but did not approach as close as the albatrosses. 733. Swenk, M. H. 1922. An unusual mortality among migratory Lapland Longspurs in northwestern Nebraska. \Hlson Bull. 34{2):ll8-ll9. A snowstorm resulted in large-scale mortality with many losses resulting from collisions with buildings, trees and lights. 734. Swirski, Z. 1965. Bird migrations. U.S. Dep. Commerce, Off. Tech. Serv., Washington, D.C. 104 pp. [Translated from "Wedrowki ptakow".] Bird losses at lighthouses are mentioned. Mortality was reduced when lighthouses were floodlit. 735. Szczepski, J. B. 1965. Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw again a locality of bird tragedy [in Polish, English summary]. Przegl. Zool. 9(2):178-184. 736. On 2 September 1957, at about 2200, hundreds of migrants struck the Palace of Culture and Science, the tallest building in Warsaw (231m). Low ·clouds obscured the top of the building and no doubt was responsible for the accident. Of 453 casualties collected, 435 (96%) were Pied Flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca). (From English summary.) Tanner, J. T. 1954. Bird mortality during night migration, October 1954. Migrant 25(4) :57-59. This is a general summary of the widespread morta.lity that occurred in the eastern U.S. on the nights of 6-7 and 7-8 October 1954. Special emphasis is placed on weather factors accompanying the losses. (See Chamberlain 1954, Johnston 1955, and Laskey 1954 for details of losses in the southeastern U.S.) 83 737. Tate, J., Jr. 1962. Meadowlark killed by electric fence. Wilson Bull. 74(2):184. One bird was killed in Illinois. 738. Taverner, J. H. 1969. Birds singing in lighthouse beams. Br. Birds 62:78-79. Birds of several species sang full songs as hundreds of migrants swirled in the beams of a lighthouse. Comments by the editors and G. H. Evans following the article corroborate the author's observations. 739. Taylor, W. K. 1972. Analysis of Ovenbirds killed in central Florida. Bird-Banding 43(1): 15-19. Age, sex, weight, and wing chord data from 740 Ovenbirds killed at the WDBO-TV tower in Orlando from fa 11 1969 through fa 11 1971 are presented. 740. . 1973. Black-throated Blue and Cape ~1ay Warblers killed in central Florida. Bird- --Banding 44(4) :258-266. 741. Age, sex, and weight data from 186 Black-throated Blue and 134 Cape May Warblers collected at the Orlando TV tower and at the Vehicle Assembly Building at Cape Kennedy are'analyzed and related to probable migration routes. Adults were predominate inland during fall migration in both species. 1974. A new hybrid bunting (Passerina cyanea x Passerina ciris). Auk 91 (3) :485-487. This specimen was-among 61 migrants of 17 species found dead on 22 April 1971 at the Vehicle Assembly Building, Cape Kennedy, Fla. 742. . 1976. Migration of the Common Yellowthroat with an emphasis on Florida. Bird-Banding --47(4) :319-332. Data from 3420 fall migrants ~illed at towers in Orlando and Leon Co., Fla. are used in conjunction with other mortality incidents to analyze the migration pattern of this species. 743. Taylor, W. K., and B. H. Anderson. 1973. Nocturnal migrants killed at a central Florida TV tower; autumns 1969-1971. Wilson Bull. 85(1):42-51. During the three fall seasons, 7782 birds of 82 species were killed at the 1481-foot WDBO tower near Orlando. The losses are listed by species in half-month intervals from August through December, and an annotated species list with sex and age information is given. One Florida yellow bat was also collected. Informati~n on weather and lighting is included. 744. . 1974. Nocturnal migrants killed at a central Florida TV tower, autumn 1972. --Fla. Fieold Nat. ~(2) :40-43. • During the fourth season of monitoring losses at the Orlando tower, 1347 birds of 49 species were collected, 89% of them warblers. The 4-year total losses were 9130 birds of 89 species. A kill list for fall 1972 is provided_by half-month periods. This tower collapsed in June 1973. · 84 .- 745. Temme, M., W. B. Jackson, and W. A. Peterman. 1975. Davis-Besse bird hazard contract. 746. Semi-annual rep. December:l-22. Throughout the fall 1975 season, 155 dead birds (35 species) were recovered at the Toledo Edison Davis-Besse site; over 80% of the casualties were from the cooling tower. As in previous fall seasons (Williams and Jackson 1974, Williams et al. 1975a), warblers comprised the greatest proportion (57%) of the kill; kinglets (21%) and finches (10%) were also well represented. Scavengers, particularly skunks and racoons, removed 20% of the tagged carcasses during the first night. Internal examinations of 4~2 carcasses collected over the past three years showed hematoma in the brain case to b~ the most common injury. Crushed skulls, J>roken bills, ,Afifi various ..bone fractures were a 1 so recorded. The three highest kill days were related to high pressure systems (northerly winds) west of Lake Erie. Conditions favorable for increased migration are those under which losses are likely to occur; high pressure and northerly winds are not sufficient of themselves for high mortality. These observations support the wave pattern of migration in which the bulk of the birds likely to strike a tall obstacle pass through the area during a short period of time. It is becoming possible to predict under what conditions high mortality is likely to occur. Strobe lights used for the first time on the cooling tower did not noticeably influence bird movements. A species kill list for fall 1975 and lists by family for the fall seasons 1972-75 are given. Weather data and the locations of carcasses at th~ site are also provided. 1976. Davis-Besse bird monitoring contract. Semi-annual rep. July:l-15. From 14 April to 6 June 1976, 62 birds (31 species) were found dead at the cooling tower (69%), meteorolo9ical tower (18%) and other structures (13%) of the Davis-Besse power plant site .. \~arblers (55%), finches (ll%), and kinglets (8%) comprised the majority of the losses. Among large birds examined, hematoma on 'the breast was prevalent, suggesting that for these birds impact usually occurs in that body area. Smaller birds suffered hematoma to the head as well as bill injuries and various bone fractures. From analyses·of weather conditions and mortality, it is concluded that: spring ,mortality is related to the relative strengths of the prevailing weather systems, mortality is higher in fall than in spring, high bird mortality occurs only during a brief period in the spring, conditions most favorable for mortality are those when cold fronts.are west or northwest of the site or when lows are over or just east of the site, and the greatest chance for spring losses is when a cold front lies through Lake Erie parallel to the north and south shores. A species kill list for spring 1976 and a list by family·for springs 1975 and 1976 are provided. Age composition of warblers, vireos and kinglets for the fall 1972-75 losses is presented as is a listing of all of the injuries noted during autopsies of 617 spring casualties. Weather data and the locations of carcasses at the site are included. 747. Terres, J. K. 1956a. Death in the night. Audubon Mag. 58(1):18-20. 748. A general summary of the widespread bird losses in the eastern U.S. during early October 1954 (Tanner 1954) is followed by a description of the author's efforts to reduce losses at airport ceilometers through the use of filters. At Nashville, Tenn., a filter that passes only utraviolet light was installed on the ceilometer in October 1955 and apparently eliminated losses there. (See Spofford l949a, b and Laskey 1951 and 1954 for reports of mortality before the installation of the filter.) Following the article, on pages 52 and 56, are letters relating to this problem and the use of filters to eliminate it. (See Velie 1963 for additional discussion.) 1956b. Migration records of the Red Bat, Lasiurus borealis. J. Mammal. 37(3):442. Among the casualties at the Empire State Building were two red bats on 18 October 1955 (156 birds, 18 species) and four on 5 October 1954 (;123 birds, 28 species). 749. Teulings, R. P. l97la. The fall migration: southern Atlantic coast region. Am. Birds 25(1) :40-44. In fall 1970, six kills, totalling nearly 2000 casualti.es, were reported from Raleigh, Chapel Hill, and Bladen Co., N.C. and Atlanta, Ga. (See Bagg 1971 for kill lists.) 85 750. . 197lb. The spring migration: southern Atlantic coast region. Am. Birds 25(4): -------,-19-7 23 . Over 200 casualties were collected during the spring at the Equitable Building, Atlanta, Ga. Eighteen of the 40 species represented were warblers. (See French 1973 for details.) 751. ___ . 1972a. The fall migration: southern Atlantic coast region. Am. Birds 26(1): 45-50. Two towers were checked regularly for casualties during fall 1971, The 1960-foot WECT tower at Bladen Co., N.C. totalled 1706 dead birds of 75 species, and the 1250-foot WWAY tower at Boiling Springs, N.C. accounted for 970, 958 on the night of 3-4 October. Partial kill lists and unusual records are given for the seven largest single-night kills. Harblers predominated overall. 752. ___ 1972b. The spring migration: southern Atlantic coast region. Am. Birds 26(4): 753. 754 .. 748-751. A kill at an Atlanta, Ga. building is mentioned. 1974. The fall migration: southern Atlantic coast region. Am. Birds 28{1):37-40. A major kill consisting of about 600 casualties 11as reported from the HECT tower in Bladen Co., N.C. on the night of 30 September-1 October 1973. 1975. The fall migration: southern Atlantic coast region. Am. Birds 29(1) :40-43. An estimated 4000 birds were killed on the night of 4-5 September 1974 at a Bladen Co., N.C. tower. 755. Thill, J. F. 1972. The month. Prothonotary 38(10):116. 756. 757. 758. 759. 760. In September 1972, "remarkably light" kills were reported from towers in the Buffalo, N.Y. area. 1973. The month. Prothonotary 39(10):117. On 6 September, 44 birds of 14 species were killed or injured at the WGR and WKBW TV towers near Buffalo, N.Y. On 28 September, 104 birds of 36 species were collected at the same two towers, and 15 birds, mostly Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers, were found dead at a building in downtown Buffalo. ~ 1974a. The month. Prothonotary 40(9):94-95. In August, there were frequent reports of ~ird kills at towers and "other electronic beacons". No details are given. l974b. (Untitled). Prothonotary 40(10) :106. In September, heavy bird mortality at Buffalo, N.Y. towers followed the passages of cold fronts on the 14th, 22-23rd, and 30th. No details are given. 1975. The month. Prothonotary 41(10):124-125. Jn September, major kills occurred at towers in elevated areas of southern Erie Co., N.Y. All kills took place on cloudy, overcast nights. No details are given. 1976. The month. Prothonotary 42(10):122. "Because of a happy combination of favorable winds and clear nights, television tower kills of migrating passerine species were remarkably light during September." 86 .- 761. Thomas, C. B. 1977. The mortality of Yorkshire Canada Geese. Wildfowl 28:35-47. Of the 587 ringed Canada Geese recovered since 1967 in Yorkshire, England, information on cause of death was available for 552; 4.3% of these hit overhead wires. 762. Thompson, L. S. 1977. Overhead transmission lines: impact on wildlife. Mont. Dep. Nat. Resourc. and Conserv., Energy Planning Div., Res. Rep. No. 2. "This report provides an overview of the potential impacts of transmission lines upon wildlife, and suggestions on how:{ impacts of new 1 ines may be prev·ented or mitigated." Among the topics addre~sed are bird lOsses due to" strikes and electrocutions at power lines. An extensive bibliography is included. 763. . 1978 .. Transmission line wire strikes: mitigation through engineering design and ---habitat modification. Proc. of the Workshop on Impacts of Transmission Lines on Birds in Flight. Oak Ridge, Tenn., 31 January-2 February 1978. · Discussed are means by which bird strikes may be reduced through design changes on utility poles and towers and through transmission line siting considerations. 764. Thomson, A. L. 1926. Problems of bird-migration. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston. 3~0 pp. Bird morta 1 i ty and behavior at 1 i ghthouses is mentioned briefly in Chapter 3. ·· 765. Ticehurst, C. B. 1916. Notes on migrants and moult, with special reference to the moults of some of our summer visitants. Scott. Nat. 50:29-38. The birds examined were obtained in part from kills at lighthouses on the Isle of \~ight and elsewhere. 766. Tomkins, I. R. 1963. Fall migration: southern Atlantic coast region. Audubon Field Notes 17(1) :22-24. At Aiken, S.C., 400 birds of 32 species (mostly Red-eyed Vireos) were found dead at a tower on 7 September 1962 (Post 1963) and 1602 birds were collected on 7 and 8 September at a tower in Charleston, S.C. where Red-eyed Vireos, Ovenbirds, and American Redstarts comprised 91% of the kill. 767. Tordoff, H. B., and R. 1·1. Mengel. 1956. Studies of birds killed in nocturnal migration. Univ. Kans. Publ. Mus. Nat. Hist. lO(i):l-44. This is an extensive analysis of 1090 birds of 61 species killed at the 950-foot WIBW TV tower in Topeka, Kansas during fall 1954. The losses are listed by date collected, and an annotated species list gives weights;-fa'!; GOnditions, and sex-age data.· The kill was "not at all random" with respect to the actual relativ-e abundance of species, since some birds (e.q., shorebirds) were common in the field, but uncoriii'iton-:in the kill. However. an estimate is made of the volume of migration through the area by asSi:imi-f:lg the tower took a random sample of the overall migrant population. Differential migration by sex and age is discussed in certain species as are differences in wing length, tail length, and weight. 768. Townsend, C. ~1. 1931. Tragedies among Yell ow-bi 11 ed Cuckoos. Auk 48( 4) :602. Five birds were killed by flying into windows in Massachusetts. 769. Trauger, D. L., A. Dzubin, and J. P. Ryder. 1971. White geese intermediate between Ross' Geese and Lesser Snow Geese. Auk 88(4):856-875. A mention is made of 131 Lesser Snow and Blue Geese that struck a power line n~ar Craig, Mo. in March l96L. No details are given. 770. Trembly, C. C. 1889. Northern Phalarope. Oologist 6(10) :236. Several Northern Phalaropes were found dead below a llO~foot electric light tower i.n Utit::a, N.Y. 87 771. Trimm, H. W. 1956. Birds and the cyclometer. N. Y. State Conserv. 11(3):36. On the rainy night of 17 September 1956, about 200 birds of .25 species were ki 11 ed at an Albany, N.Y. ceilometer. A kill list is given. This was also published in the Bulletin of the Audubon Society of Rhode Island 18(3}:37-38, which was our source for this citation. 772. Trott, J. 1957. TV tower fatalities at Chapel 'Hill. Chat 21(1):28. As estimated 2500 birds of 44 species were killed on 28 September and 3 October at a 788-foot tower in North Carolina. Low cloud ceilings accompanied the incidents. A kill list is given. 773. Tufts, R. W. 1928. A report concerning destruction of.bird life at lighthouses on the Atlantic coast. Can. Field-Nat. 42:167-172. In a survey of lighthouses in the maritime Canadian provinces and Newfoundland, 152 keepers reported no mortality and 45 reported some losses. Of the former group, 131 had fixed lights and 21 were flashing or revolving. The lights reporting some mortality were roughly half fixed and half flashing. One report stated that losses decreased 99% after the original fixed light was replaced with a revolving one. Generally, losses were reported to be associated with rainy or foggy nights, although one report of about 1000 casualties on a clear night was obtained. The accounts from all of the lights reporting losses are summarized, 774. Turner, .J. 1971. Eagles: vanishing Americans? Sierra Club Bull. 56(9) :14-19. Illegal shooting, poisoning, and power line electrocutions cause considerable eagle mortality ·in western states. Sixteen eagle deaths were attributed to power 1 ines near Worland, Wyo. in 1971. In the Escalente Desert, Utah, forty dead eagles (10 with "white heads") were found beneath a 12-mile stretch of power line. An additional 54 eagles were reported killed by power lines in Colorado's Pawnee National Grasslands and Moffat County. Eagles using utility wires and poles as perch sites are sometimes shot. 775. Ulrich, A. E. 1970. Report of the October llth, 1970 bird count. Prothonotary 36(11)...: 139-144. Included are tower kill lists for that date from three Buffalo, N.Y. area towers. A total of 524 birds was collected, and 20 of the 46 species represented were warblers. Yellow-rumped (105) and Black-throated Blue Warblers (63) were the most abundant species. 776. United States Department of the Interior. 1976. Conserving our fish and wildlife heritage. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv. Ann. Rep. FY 1976. ~21 pp. · . Electrocutions. of raptors at power lines in the \~estern U.S. are being reduced in a cooperative program involving utility companies .and. private and governmental wildlife conservation agencies (Boeker.and Nickerson 1975, Nelson 1975, Simison 1973). 777. Valum, B. 1968. Fugledod mot glassvegger [in Norwegian, English summary]. Sterna 8:15-20. Bird mortality due to striking large glass windows is becoming a serious problem in Europe, and reports of such incidents from Norway are urged: Making the glass visible in some way reduces or eliminates the hazard. (From English summary.) 778. Velie, E. D. 1963. Report of a survey of bird casualties at television towers, ceilometers, and other obstructions. Flicker .35(3):79-84. Reports of 51 incidents of bird mortality are tabulated, giving location, date, size of kill, and weather conditions. Included is a letter from the U.S. Weather Bureau stating that airport ceilometers are no longer a hazard to migrating birds because (l) most airports now use rotating-beam ceilometers and (2) the remaining fixed-beam ceilometers are bei.ng equipped with filters that eliminate visible wavelengths, permitting only ultraviolet to pass through. (See Terres 1956a for additional discussion.) 88 .- 779. Verheijen, F. J. 1958. The mechanisms of the trapping effect of artificial light sources upon animals. Arch. Neer. Zool. 13:1-107. A brief discussion of bird losses at lighthouses is included. 780. Vessey, S. H., and T. W. Scott. 1974. III. Loss of bird mortalities at the cooling tower. Bird hazard monitoring contract, Davis-Besse site. Semi-annual rep. June:21-23. Scavenger activity at the site of Toledo Edison's Davis-Besse pbwer plant near Port Clinton, Ohio was examined by "19nitoring t~e disappearance of ta'gged bird carcasses placed around the cooltling tower. Of--!fS carcasses put out, 8 (23%) ~1ere taken, indicating that the actual mortality (Williams and Jackson 1974) may have been higher than was recorded. 781. von Bleeker, J. C. 1927. Farallon cormorant killed by unusual accident. Auk 44(3):416. In San Diego, ~alif., a Double-crested Cormorant was picked up beneath a telephone wire following a severe storm. A mark on the bird's neck indicated that it had struck the wire. 782. Voronin, R. N. 1976. The mortality coefficient in populations of the Willow Grouse of the Bol 'shezemel 'skaya Tundra [in Russian]. Ekologiya 5:95-87. The mortality of the Willow Ptarmigan was studied in this Russian area during 1969-75. Many birds were killed each year during migration through collisions with telephone wires and by hunting. (Citation and summary from Biol. Abstr. 65(3):1370.) 783. Vosburgh, J. 1966. Deathtraps in the flyways. Pages 364-371 in A. Stefferud, ed. Birds· in our lives. U.S. Dep. Inter., Washington, D.C. 561 pp. -- Mortality of migrants at towers and tall buildings is reviewed. The work of Kemper, Stoddard, Velie and others is discussed. 784. Walker, A. 1916. Some raptores [sic] of Douglas County, South Dakota. Condor 18(3) :130. A Golden Eagle was killed by flying into a wire fence near Delmont, S. Dak. on 11 November 1911. 785. Walkinshaw, L. H. 1956. Sandhill Cranes killed .by flying into power line. Wilson Bull. 68(4):325-326. In Nebraska, along the North Platte River, five cranes were found dead beneath 30-foot high power 1 i nes on the morning of 22 r1arch 1954. Apparently, they had flown into the 1 i nes earlier in the morning, before it was light. 786. Wall, E. 1919. California Black Rail at San Bernadino, California. Condor 21(6):238. The bird, found dazed on 3 August, had probably struck an electric or telephone wire. It eventually died. 787. Wallace, G. J., and H. D. Mahan. 1975. An introduction to ornithology. Macmillian Publ; Co., New York. 3rd ed. 546 pp. A brief discussion of the problem of bird strikes at towers, windows, and ceilometers is included. 788. Warren, B. H. 1890. Report on the birds of Pennsylvania. E. K. Myers, Harrisburg, Pa. 534 pp. On pages 400 and 401, a list of birds that struck the Absecon lighthouse, Atlantic City, N.J. during the period 22 August -30 November 1889 is given. 789. Wayne, A. T. 1925. A late autumnal record for the Bachman's Warbler (Vermivora bachmani). Wilson Bull. 37(1):41. The bird struck the lighthouse on Tybee Is·land, Ga. on 23 September 1924. ) 89 790. Weaver, D .. K., and R. St. Ores. 1974. Trumpeter Swan mortality. Proc. Pap. Trumpeter Swan Soc. Conf. 3:86-89. Collis ions with fences and telephone and power 1 ines caused the deaths of 14 swan at four refuges and parks in the western and midwestern U.S. during 1958-73. This.was 19% of the total recorded mortality. 791. Webster, F. S., Jr. 1960. Spring migration: south Texas region. Audubon Field Notes 14{4): 401-407. Following the drizzly night of 1-2 May, many dead birds, mostly warblers, were found at an amusement park on southern Padre Island. Collisions with light poles or telephone wires probably was responsible for the deaths. {See James 1956 for more details.) At the University of Texas, Austin, birds are regularly seen milling around the illuminated Main Building, particularly on nights 1~ith low cloud ceiling. No deaths are mentioned. 792. ___ 1963. Fall migration: south Texas region. Audubon Field Notes 17(1):46-50. In the early morning of 27 September 1962, at the Laughlin Air Force Base ceilometer, Del Rio, over 6000 birds were killed, including about 4200 Mourning Doves, 1 White-necked Raven, Upland Sandpipers, and Chuck-wills-widows. Ultraviolet or infrared radiation may have been involved in the mortality. There were indications that many birds struck the ground on their backs or at a 45° angle {Herndon 1962). 793. ___ 1965. Spring migration: south Texas region. Audubon Field Notes 19(4):490-497. 794. Cold fronts in mid-April grounded many_migrants. Large numbers were killed by cars in Nueces, and numerous window kills were reported from the Corpus Christi area. 1973. The spring migration: south Texas region. Am. Birds 27(4):793-795. On the overcast, misty night of 5-6 May, "hundreds, probably thousands, of passerines of great variety" swirled around the lights of a parking lot on Padre Island. Many exhausted birds were seen resting on the pavement, but no casualties were found. 795. Weed, C. M., and N. Dearborn. 1924. Birds in their relations to man. J. P. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia. 3rd ed. 414 pp. Bird mortality due to striking lJghthouses and telegraph and telephone wires is mentioned. 796. Weier, R. W. 1972. A probable instance of so;'gbird collision mortality. Prairie Nat. 4{2):55-56. ·On 23 May 1971, 68 birds of 9 species were picked up in a churchyard in Stanley, N. ·oak. The mortality probably occurred during fog and' drizzle the night before. The church is 30 feet tall and has a 30-foot unlighted bell tower. 797. Weir, D. N. 1971. r·1ortality of ha1~ks and owls in Speyside. Bird Study 18(3):147-154. Of 74 dead or seriously injured birds examined during 1964-69 in this British study, 33 suffered injuries through collisions with man-made obstacles, including overhead wires, windows, moving vehicles and trains. 798. Weir, R. D. 1972. Autumn migration kills at the Lennox generating station. Blue Bill 19{4) :49-51. During 12-19 September 1972, 3062 birds were found dead at the newly constructed 650- foot chimney of this power plant near Bath, Ont. Floodlights that had illuminated the structure were turned off on 20 September, and only 28 birds were killed thereafter. Of the 1531 birds killed on 19 September, 1515 were identified and a species list is given. Principal among the 49 species were Common YeUowthroats {361), Magnolia Warblers {227), and Bay-breasted Warblers {138). Difficulties 'in identifying the carcasses are mentioned. 90 .- 799. • l973a. Bird kills at th£ Lennox plant of the Ontario hydro-electric system, spring ---"f973. BluE Bill 20(2) :23-24. . Throughout the season, 244 birds of 30 species were killed at the 650-foot chimney of the power plant near Bath, Ont.. Daily collections of casualties were made by plant personnel. Floodlights illuminating the structure were extinguished from late April to early June; a red obstruction 1 ight atop the chimney remained on as a warning to aircraft. Plans for fall 1973 call for the use of red filters on the floodl.ights and contj.nued daily collection of dead ·birds. A kJ 11 1 i st for ttw'tspring season is provided. 800. __ . 1973b. Bird kills at the Lennox generating plant, autumn 1973. Blue Bill 20(4): 55-57. . During the season, 697 birds of.43 species were collected at the 650-foot chimney of this Ontario power plant. Floodlights were turned off from 9 August to 10 October to help lessen the kill •. Two red foxes took unknown numbers of dead birds before the daily collections were made. One little brown and one red bat were killed on 29 August. Most (94%) of the losses were warblers and vireos, with f-lagnolia (28%)~ Bay"'breasted (ll%), and Blackburnian Warblers (10%) the most common. The loss of only.one Yellow-rumped Warbler was puzzling in that this species is by far the most common migrant warbler in the area. Large kills occurred in association with thunder.storms, fog, or haze.·· A list of casualties by date of collection and summaries of night fliqht call counts and weather conditions are given. 801. __ . 1974. Bird kills at the Lennox generating plant, spring and autumn 1974. Blue Bill 21(4) :61-62. Floodlights illuminating the 650-foot chimneys of the Ontario power plant were dimmed from 15 April to 8 June and from 9 August to 2 October, but kills still occurred, with 92 casu,alti"es in the spring and 1188 in the fall (35 species overall).. Since the first chimney was ·built in fall 1972, 5288 birds have been killed. rn 1974, 98% .of the, casualties were warble.rs and vireos, with Magnolia Warblers (33%) and Red-eyed Vireos (11%) the most common casualties. Large kills occurred on the clear nights of 13-14 (501 killed) and. 14-15 September (508' killed). On both nights, winds were strong and flight call counts indicated that birds · were flying lower than usual. Migrants were easily seen iri the glow of city lights. A kill --<>f'l524 birds at a new 1200-foot tower in Barrie, Ontario occurred on the weekend of 15 :,...~bet:...-(.reported in the Toronto Glolle and Mail on 10 October). Lists of casualties by -date of cojQection and a summary of flight call counts and weather conditions are given. 802. __ • 1975. Bird kills at the Lennox generating plant-spring and autumn 1975. Blue Bill 22(4}:47-48. . . . The spring and fall kill totals were 297 (36 species) and 324 (34 species), respectively. Warblers and vireos accounted for 86% of the 1975 total. The floodlights on the two· chimneys were turned off during the periods 8 April to 13 June and 4 August to 2 October. The absence of stalled cold fronts during the fall probably accounted. for.the lack of large single-night kills. A complete list of casualties is given. 803. . 1976a •. Bird kills at the Lennox generating plant-spring and autumn 1976. Blue Bill --23{4) :41-43, . . . . In 1976, 36 casualties of 8 species were collected in the spring. arid 327 of 37 species were recorded in the fall, including one red bat. As in previous years, floodlights on the chimneys .were turned off during the periods of peak migration. Included is a complete list of casualties for 1976 and a brief discussion of the overall problem of birds colliding with man-made structures. · Mention is made of the CN tower where kills continued despite the use of a new strobe light system designed to reduce bird strikes. 91. 804 · --the !i~~~·o/~~~t:;~da~~b!~~~~~~~;. ofc~~~dw~~J~~ ~!r~~~-0~~~ k~~~~c&~~~wa~ r~~i~;. of Included are 471 references, most of which· are briefly annotated .. The 28-page intro- ~uction summarizes what is known about bird migration and the effects of weather on migration and mortality, and reviews the literature on bird losses at lighthouses, ceilometers, flood- lit obstacles, towers, tall buildings, and telephone and power lines. Also included is a table givi_ng the number of TV towers of various heights throughout the U.S. The author con- cludes that, "Nocturnal bird kills are virtually certain wherever an obstacle extends into the air space where birds are flying in migration. The time of year, siting, height, lighting and cross sectional area of the obstacle and'weather conditions will determine the ·magnitude of the kill." 80 . 1976c. Bird kills at the.Lennox generating plant, spring and autumn 1975. Blue 5· --Heron 200):9-10. · The article by Weir 1975 is reprinted. 806. __ . 1977a. Summer season 1 June -l Sept., 1977. Blue Bill 24(3) :33~35. Ki"lls occurred at the Lennox, Ont. power plant on nine dates in August, with 906 birds dying on the night of 23-24 August alone. Principal species killed were Blackburnian 058), Magnolia (ll3), Canada (75), and Bay-breasted (73) Warblers. During thenight of the large kill, floodlights illuminating the chimneys were not turned off until 0117 807. __ . 1977b. Bird kills at the Lennox generating station, spring and autumn 1977. Blue Bill 24(4):40-42. For the sixth straight year, kills were reported at the chimneys of the Ontario Hydro plant at Bath, Ontario .. The total of 2699 (61 species) casualties, of which 2575 were fall migrants, was the largest since the first chimney was constructed in 1972. Due·to a change in the floodlighting procedures at the chimneys, the lights were inadvertently left on · during nights of heavy migration and several large kills resulted •. On 23 August, 908 birds were killed under overcast skies before the lights were extinguished at 0117. Similarly, 1172 birds died on the night of 19 September, during a driving rain. The lights weren't turned off until 0500. The sky was clear on the night of 12 September, but 259 birds were killed anyway before the lights were turned off at 0100 . After 19 September, .the floodlights were not used, partly in response·to the public reaction to the kills·that were reported in the Toronto Globe and Mail. The system of not using the floodlights at all during the spring and fall migration periods was in force prior to lrr/7 and will be resumed beginning spring 1978. A complete list of casualties is provided, and the 11,230 casualties recorded since fall 1972 are totalled by season. · 808. Weise, C. M. 1971. Relative abundance of small landbirds in southeastern Wisconsin. Passenger Pigeon 33(4):173-188. Three mist net samples are compared with each other and with two tower-killed "samples" from Milwaukee, 1965-70, and Eau Claire, 1957 and 1963. The tower kills consisted almost entirely of warblers and vireos, and with regard to these two-families, the mist net samples and the tower kills were in general agreement as to the relative abundance·of species. Complete lists are given for the kills and for the mist net samples. 809. Welty, ·J. c. 1972. The life of birds. Alfred A. Knopf, New York. 546 pp. The problem of bird losses at man-made structures is briefly mentioned. 810. West, A. H. 1954. Bird mortality-Chattanooga. Migrant 25(4}:62-63. On the night of 6-7 October 1954,. 681 birds were found dead at the Chatta.nooga ceilometer. Some birds were found as far as 1500 feet from the light. · 92 \ I \ .- 811. Westman, F. 1960. About casualties at the Barrie TV tower. Bull. Fed. Ont. Nat. 90:4-5. '812. 813. During the period 20-27 September, which was characterized by hazy, drizzly weather, 936 birds of 45 species were found dead at the 708-foot Barrie, Ont .. TV tower which sits atop a 250-foot hill. Most of the casualties '""'re concentrated beneath 9uy wires. A list of the casualties is provided. · Weston, F. M. 1939a. The season: Pensacola (Fla.) region. Bjrd-Lore 41(1}:54-55. • _:r ,... Over 40 birds of 12 species were found dead on the Pensacola Bay Bridge on 30 October 1938. 1939b. The season: Pensacola (Fla.) region. Bird-Lore 41 (suppl. 130):9-10. No details are given, but many fewer birds were found dead on the Pensacola Bay Bridge in fall 1939 than in 1938; 814. __ 1940. The season: Pensacola (Fla.) region. Bird-Lore 42 (suppl. 135) :574-575. _815. 816. 817. In fall 1940, 25 birds of 10 species were found dead on the Pensacola bridge. 1944a. The season: Pensacola (Fla.) region. Audubon Mag. 46 (suppl. 147}:6-7. During the period 5-30 September 1943, 87 dead birds of 19 species were collected on the Pensacola bridge. 1944b. The season: Pensacola (Fla.) region. Audubon Mag. 46 (suppl. 148}:70-71. In October and November 1943, 37 dead birds of 15 species were found on the Pensacola bridge. 1948. Fall migration: Pensacola (Fla.) region. Audubon Field Notes 2(1):9-11. No details are given, but the Pensacola bridge is said to have caused "many fall migration casualties" in recent years. 818. _______ . 1965. A survey of the birdlife in northwestern Florida. Tall Timbers Res. Sta. Bull. No. 5. 147 pp. l From 1938 to 1949, the author collected a total of 740 dead birds of 75 species at the Pensacola Bay. Bridge. Common Yellowthroat~· were the most numerous (136) among the casualties 819. . 1966. Bird casualties on the Pensacola Bay Bridge (1938-1949). Florida Nat. --39(2) :53-54. Irregular checks of the bridge produced 740 dead birds of 75 species during the 12-year period. Kills occurred only in the fall. Power cables above the roadway of the gridge apparently were the cause of the mortality. The cables were removed in 1949, and' a.new bridge with well-1 it struCtural parts proved no hazard to birds. 820. Wetmore, A. l926a. The migration of birds. Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge, Mass.· 217 pp. On pages 128-133, mortality at1 lighthouses is discussed; quotes from Brewster (1886) and Clarke· (1912) are included. ' · · . 821. _______ . 1926b. Observations of the birds of Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Chile. U.S. Nat. Mus. Bull. No. 133. 448 pp. On the night of 7 May 1921, the lights of a ship passing Lobos Afuera Island along the coast of Peru attracted Sooty Shearl-tat!;!rs, 40-50 of which landed on the vessel. 822. Wheeler, R. H. 1966. Sandhill Crane casualites in the blizzard of March 22, 1966. Nebr. Bird Rev. 34{4) :69-70. : Some birds were killed during the stormy weather when they collided with power-iines and trees. 93 823. Whelan, P. 1976. The bird killers. Ontario Nat. 16(4):14-16. Known sites of bird mortality· in Toronto are reviewed. These include 40 buildings and . two towers, inc 1 ud i ng the 1815-foot CN tower where 27 4 dead and injured birds were found on August and 92 were collected on 16 September. (This article was reprinted from the Toronto Globe and 14ail, 17 September 1976.) 824 .. White, C. !~. 1974. Current problems and techniques in raptor management and conservation. Trans. Thirty-ninth North Am. Wildl. Nat. Resourc. Conf. 39:30h312. Electrocution of large raptors, particularly eagles, is regarded as a rather frequent problem in the western U.S. In Idaho; 22 Golden Eagles were found dead along 26 miles of power line, and 46 were killed along one segment of power line in Utah. Solutions to this hazard are_ being developed (Nelson 1975 and Miller et al. 1975). 825. Wiese, J. H. 1976. A study of the reproductive biology of herons, egrets, and ibis nesting on Pea Patch Island, Delaware-May through September, 1975. Delmarva Power Light Co. Unpubl. rep. 130 pp. _Life history aspects of herons, egrets, and ibis nesting on Pea Patch Island were studied from May to September 1975 to evaluate man-related factors affecting their nesting success. Avian mortality on utility wires was assessed as was flight behavior of birds approaching existing power lines. Walking surveys under a 500 kV line failed to produce any evidence of wire-induced ardeid casualties. ~lhen birds approached power lines, they either elevated or lowered their flight height or ceased wing-flapping and glided through the wires. Under adverse flying conditions (high headwinds, heavy rains, or dense fog), waders either flew close to the water surface, or delayed their departure from the island until flying conditions improved. · 826. ________ 1977. A study of the reproductive biology of herons, egrets, and ibis nesting on ·pea Patch Island, Delaware; report for the period March through September 1976. Delmarva Power and Light Co. 179 pp. Aspects of the reproductive biology of herons, egrets, and ibis nesting on Pea Patch Island are presented. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the possible effects of a proposed 500 kV power line crossing the Delaware River approximately one mile north of the heronry. Major flight routes for each species were determined throughout the 1976 nesting period. Walking surveys failed to reveal wire-induced wader mortality under a nearby high- voltage power line. # 827. Willard, D. E., J. T. Harris, and M. J. Jaeger. 1977. The impact of a proposed 500 kV transmission route on waterfowl and other birds. Public Util. CollJll., Salem, Oreg. ,89 pp. From October 1976 to April 1977, a study was made to determine the potential impact of a proposed power line through a~eas used by waterfowl, pelicans, cranes, and other birds in ,,the Klamath Basin, Oreg. Data were collected on flight hetght, weather conditions, and move- ment patterns as well as mortality along existing lines. During spring 1977, five stretches of line were checked and 23 birds, including 14 American Coots, were recovered. Most of the birds were found under distribution lines. Daily checks were not made and the effect of scavenger removal was not adequately assessed. One transmission line and one distribution line were checked in fall 1976 on 12 dates, and 18 birds were found, 9 at each site. Ten of the casualties were Pintails. Records from the Klamath Basin National Wildlife Refuge quring 1962-76 listed 194 dead birds of 8 species, including 47 White_Pelicans and 116 Pintails,_ as having been killed by colliding with overhead wires. In Febryary" 1977, the Klamath Wilqlife Area reported 32 dead birds . in three weeks a 1 ong a 4-mil e stretch of 69 kV lines. In .!\_pri 1 · 1977, 27 dead birds were found alon9 1 1/4 mile of 69 kV ltne .checked on seven dates. 'The following conclusions are made: (1) large birds such as pel i(cans and swan are particul~ily vulnerable to collisions with overhead wires; (2) low-level movements under conditions of strong Wind and poor visibi 1 ity increase the possibility of strikes occurring, although birds run into wires regularly even in clear, calm, bright weather; {3) the impact on eastly 'found species is usually an overestimate; and (4) scavenging, though it occurs, is probably trivial. 94 .- 828. Willard, D. E., and B. J. Wi liard. (undated). The interaction between some human obstacles and birds. Environ. Awareness Center, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison. 30 pp. The first part of this report is devoted to a review of the bird collision situation with both fatal and nonfatal interactions considered. Next, the authors report on their methods to gather data on the flight patterns of birds, particularly waterfowl, in the vicinity of power lines. Obser,rations at_several locations under a variety of conditions are related. il"inally, bird-o15stacle interactions are discussed under three categories: (1) objects which are used by birds but do not appear to cause increased mortality, such as the use of utility poles as nest or perch sites; (2) objects that cause behavioral changes that are not of themselves harmful, but may become so when combined with other events, such as a power line that causes waterfowl to alter their flight path in the presence of hunters or under poor visibility conditions; and (3) obstacles that are directly lethal or crippling, such as towers and tall chimneys that kill many birds, especially when illuminated. 829. Willet, G. 1945. Does the Russet-backed Thrush have defective eyesight? Condor 47(5):216. The high number of this species (Swainson's Thrush) reported killed by striking windows prompted this query. (See Ross 1946 and Snyder 1946 for more on the same subject.) 830. Willey, C. H. 1968. The ecology, distribution, and abundance of the Mute Swan (Cygnus olor) in Rhode Island. M.S. Thesis. Univ. of Rhode Island, Kingston. 93 pp. Flying into objects, especially power lines, is the highest (26.7%) known cause of death among adult swans. 831. Williams, F. 1967. Fall migration: southern Great Plains region. Audubon Field Notes 21(1) :51-54. 832. 833. 834. On 15-16 September 1966, a Dallas Co., Tex. tower killed 200 birds of 27 species. 1973. The fall migration: southern Great Plains region. Am. Birds 27(1):78-82. On 19-20 October 1972, 65 birds of 17 species died at a Dallas, Tex. TV tower. 1975. The fall migration: southern Great Plains region. Am. Birds 29(1):77-82. In September 1974, over 110 birds of 23 species were collected beneath towers in the Dallas-Ft. Worth, Tex. area. On 9 October, 177 birds of 28 species were found at a Coweta, Okla. tower (Norman 1975). 1976. The fall migration: southern Great Plains region. Am. Birds 30(1):90-95. A kill involving over 25 species was reported at a Dallas, Tex. tower in early September 1975. · 835. . 1977. The autumn migration: southern Great Plains region. Am. Birds 31(2): --194-197' 245. A migration record from a Wagoner Co., Okla. tower is mentioned. 836. Williams, R. E., and W. B. Jackson. 1974. I. General observations. Bird hazard monitoring contract, Davis-Besse site. Semi-annual rep. June:l-13. The study of bird mortality due to collisions with various structures at the Port Clinton, Ohio site of Toledo Edison's Davis-Besse power plant was continued in spring 1974. Daily checks, made from 27 April to 1 June, resulted in the recovery of l76 dead birds of 45 species. Most of the casualties were found at the base of the cooling tower (117 carcasses) and around the 300-foot meterological tower (47). During the period 12-18 May, 79% of the total seasonal mortality was recorded. Warblers (69%) accounted for most of the losses with fringillids (8%), vireos (5%), and icterids (3%) killed in lesser numbers. Night observations indicated that mortality occurred more frequently in the early morning hours than before midnight. Mortality by family is given for each of the three previous migration seasons. The locations ·of the dead birds recovered are indicated on maps of the site. 95 837. Williams, R. E., W. B. Jackson, .and W. A. Peterman. 1975a. Bird hazard monitoring contract, Davis-Besse site. Semi-annual rep. January. 23 pp. Daily searches made shortly after sunrise from 29 August to 1 November resulted in the recovery of 342 dead birds (47 species), S2% of which were from the cooli.ng tower. Warblers (52%). and kinglets (27%) accounted for most of. the losses. The effects of we.ather on migrant mortality wa·s examined. There was a trend for losses to increase on nights with high potential for migration (northerly wind) and mortality (low ceiling, overcast, p·recipitation), but the relationship was not clear. However, high mortality was associated with the presence of high pressure systems north or west of Lake Erie. It seems that mortality is more dependent on actual migration volume than on unfavorable weather conditions. Losses to scavengers may have been great, as 76% of the tagged carcasses put out were taken. Daily kill tota 1 s are given, and mortality is summarized by family for each of the migration seasons since fall 1972. Maps showing the locations of the casualties at· the site are included. 838. ---· 1975b. Bird hazard monitoring contract, Davis-Besse site. Semi-annual rep. June. 14 pp. · From 16 April to 1 June, daily searches were made for dead and injured birds. Only 57 casualties (29 species) were recovered, less. than one-third the total for spring 1974 (l~illiams and Jackson 1974). The cooling tower accounted for 42% of the casualties., with the meteorological tower (30%) and other site structures (28%) accounting for the rest. Warblers (35%), kinglets (16%), and finches (16%) comprised most of the losses. Many of the losses at the meteorological tower. were loccil species associated with open areas, such as around the tower. A newer, free-standing tower had no losses, indicating that guy wires were ·a factor in the kill at the meteorological tower. The season was generallY mild and lacking in.inclement weather which kept losses lower than expected. Data support the argument that mortality depends both upon actual migration as well as unfavorable weather conditions. The·system of predicting mortality on the basis of synoptic weather patterns seems to be the most appropriate one available. Overall loss of casualties to scavengers was estimated to be 38% based on tagged carcasses placed around the site. Scavengers recorded at the site included raccoons, skunks, muskrats, red and gray foxes, mink, opossums, dogs, snakes, crows, gulls, and Great Horned Owls. Losses during the spring seasons 1973-75 are given by species and family. Maps showing. the locations of the losses at the site are included. 839. Wilmore, S. B. 1974. Swans of the.world. Taplinger Publ. Co., N.Y. 229 pp. Mention is made of mortality of Mute, Trumpeter, Whooper and Bewick's Swans through collisions with overhead cables and wires, fences, pylons, television aerials, bridges, buildings, and through electrocution. # 840. Wiseman, J. 1975. 1975 TV tower kills. Blue Heron 19(4):5. Only 175 casualties were recorded during fall 1975 at the CKVR TV tower at Barrie, Ont. This is in contrast to 5000 killed in 1974. Species most commonly killed were the Bay- breasted Warbler, Ovenbird, Red-eyed Vireo, and Chestnut-sided Warbler. 841. Wiseman, J., and J. Hoskin. 1974. Part one: Supplement to 0. E. Devitt's "Birds of Simcoe County" -casualties at the CKVR TV tower: Blue. Heron 19(1):17-18; . From 1960 to 1973, 4282 birds (75 species) were killed at the CKVR TV tower at Barrie, Ont. Most commonly killed species were the Ovenbird (668), Bay-breasted Warbler (437), Red-eyed Vireo (414), and Chestnut-sided \~arbler (313). A composite list of casualties during 1960-73, is given (Devitt 1967). 842. Witzler, S., M. Van Hoose, A. Hyder, S. Heywood, L. George, and J. Clark. ·1976. A five week study on window kills during spring migration at Earlham College, Richmond, Ind. Unpubl. rep. 12 pp. · · . Bird losses were analyzed at windows of buildings on the Earlham College campus in spring 1976. Checks were made at approximately 0700, 1300, and 1900 on 40 days, .and 54 birds were collected, mostly of migrating species. Transparency and reflection are important factors in the kill potential at windows. This was a continuation of Bradley's (1975) work. 96 .- 843. Woodford, J. l963a. Fall migration: Ontario-western New York region. Audubon Field Notes ?44. 17(1) :28-31. . . . Baldwin's 1962 results are mentioned (Baldwin 1963). Over 2000 birds were killed at the Long Point lighthouse in Ontario on 26-27September 1962, and 744 birds of 45 species died on four nig.hts at a tower in Colden, tLY. . l963b. Spring migration: Ontario-western New York region.• Audubon Field Notes --:-T7 ( 4) :399-:01. . ,jl .... -. .. Two kills were reported from the Long Point, Ont. lighthouse: 237 birds of 24 species on 17-18 May and 65 of 18 species on 19-20 May. Swainson's Thrushes and Veeries were the principal species. 845. . 1964. Fall migration: Ontario-western New York region. Audubon Field Notes --18(1) :28-30. . Mortality of Dickcissels at the Long Point, Ont. lighthouse is mentioned. 846. Woodford, J., and D. E. Burton. 1961. Fall migration: Ontario-western New York region. Audubon Field Notes 15(1):35-39. · Kills during fall 1960 totalled 936 birds (mostly warblers) of 45 species at the Barrie, Ont. TV tower (Westman 1960), and 532 birds of 45 species at the Long Point, Ont. lighthouse. Overcast skies accompanied both incidents. 847. Woodford, J., and J. Lunn. 1962. Fall migration: Ontario-western New York region. Audubon Field Notes 16(1):25-31. The results of Baldwin's 1961 survey are discussed (Baldwin 1962). The Barrie, Ont. TV tower accounted for the bulk of the 1115 casu a 1 ties (57 species). reported. 848. Wray, D. L. 1960. Parasitic Jaeger at Raleigh TV tower. Chat 24(4) :97-98. This unusual species was found dead on 26 August 1960. 849. ~Jylie, B. 1977. Bird kill at Chestnut Ridge. Redstart 44(2):65. On 20 October 1975, following a night of fog and rain, 73 birds of 21 species were found dead at the Sand Springs fire tower on Chestnut Ridge, Cooper's Rock State Forest, W.V. The tower is 100 feet tall and sits atop the 2600-foot ridge. It is not lighted and no lights exist anywhere in that part of the forest. · 850. Wylie, W. L' 1966. t4igration mishap. Redstart 33(4):102-103. Probably hundreds of birds died on the foggy night of 25 September 1965 at a f1oodl it compressor station atop a West Virginia mountain. At the site are several buildings and a microwave tower. Most of the casualties ("a truck load") were buried, but 87 dead birds of 26 species were collected. · 851. Zani, R. 1967. Recurrence of casualties at Gatlinburg ski resort. Eastern Bird Banding Assoc. News 30(6):243-244. On 10 October 1967, about 100 birds were killed at a Gatlinburg, Tenn. ski resort, and about 400 were found dead at a condominium near the ski resort on Mt. Harrison. Yellow- billed Cuckoos (80) were the most common among the 22 species identified. Losses hiwe occurred here previously (Savage 1963 and 1965}. · · 852. Ziegler, A. 1952. Three birds dead near an airport ceilometer in Illinois. Migrant 23(4):75. Only three fall casualties implies either little migration at the time or favorable weather conditions.· 97 853. Zimmerman, D. A. 1975. The changing seasons. Am. Birds 29(1) :23-28. In fall 1974, thousands of birds died at TV towers in nine states and two Canadian provinces, and 150 birds were killed on 18 September at a dark 600-foot smokestack at a New Mexico smelter. 98 SUBJECT INDEX Analyses of Kill Data Migrat.ional -43, 75, 134, 317, 324, 386, 545, 547, 552, 620, 740, 742, 767. Morphological 41 physiologil{al -9,_Jl9, 140, 273, 274, 288, 289, 360 386, 387, 389, 552, 617, 618, 619, 625, 640, 661, 739, 740, 765, 767. Taxonomic -43, 187, 388, 389, 741. Behavior at Obstacles -26, 30, 38, 39, 40, 52, 76, 77, 91, 105, 120, 173, 174, 175, 196, 208, 235, 249, 267, 293, 303, 319, 332, 356, 406, 407, 419, 429, 437, 455, 458, 561, 566, 615, 693, 697, 731, 738, 764, 825, 828. Beneficial Aspects of Structures -32, 94, 95, 453, 514, 515, 516. Bibliographies -137, 194, 259, 454, 547, 762, 779, 804. Bird Damage to Structures-22, 95, 511. Clear Weather Incidents-27, 165, 276, 311, 444, 502, 535, 773, 827. Collisional Mortality Buildings, windows -14, 15, 17, 29, 35, 49, 50, 56, 57, 58, 64, 72; 73, 80, 96, 99, 100, 113, 122, 128, 131, 142, 143, 144, 154, 156, 162, 183, 190, 193, 197, 205, 212, 224, 227, 236, 237, 239, 240, 241, 242, 250, 252, 253, 258, 265, 266, 279, 304, 306, 310, 312, 329, 383, 389, 391, 394, 396, 397, 403, 418, 419, 423, 429, 434, 461, 463, 464, 470, 474, 492, 529, 537, 539, 540, 541, 542, 593, 595, 598, 600, 603, 607, 613, 615, 621, 641, 642, 651, 652, 659, 664, 665, 666, 668, 680, 681, 689, 699, 733, 735, 748, 750, 752, 756, 768, 777, 783t 791, 793, 796, 797, 823, 829, 842, 850, 851. Ceilometers, searchlights-5, 31, 35, 46, 51, 52, 63, 76, 77~ 123, 124,131,155,156,157, 158,175,224,228,235,247,255,293, 294, 295, 296, 300, 328, 332, 355, 356, 357, 366, 384, 385, 386, 389, 424, 430, 436, 437, 438, 441, 465, 469, 493, 506, 523, 525, 529, 530, 536, 541, 544, 553, 571, 604, 662, 669, 694, 695, 727, 747, 771, 778, 792, 810, 852. Chimneys, stacks-4, 26, 280, 281, 282, 283, 309, 310, 312, 384, 616, 720, 798, 799, 800, 801, 802, 803, 805, 806, 807, 853. Cooling towers-369, 370, 371, 504, 508, 579, 582, 654, 745, 746, 780, 836, 837, 838. Fences -33, 71, 182, 218, 226, 245, .251, 299, 363, 364, 476, 484, 510, 521, 639, 730, 784, 790. Fires -196, 203, 533, 724. Lighted ships-47, 133, 203, 297, 509, 580, 623, 655, 821. 99 Lighthouses, lightvessels-7, 24, 36, 51, 53, 54, 60, 64, 65, 66, 75, 79, 87, 91, 93, 104, 105, 114, 118, 120, 131, 134, 135, 172, 173, 179, 199, 208, 214, 215, 229, 230, 231, 232, 236, 238, 250, 281, 284, 285, 301, 303, 317, 319, 324, 334, 354, 359, 360, 361, 363, 380, 385, 402, 458, 459, 461, 475, 489, 490, 491, 494, 495, 496, 497, 498, 500, 501, 507, 575, 625, 632, 656, 657, 692, 693, 697, 731, 734, 738, 764, 765, 773, 779, 788, 789, 820, 843, 844, 845, 846. Monuments-93, 179, 460, 461, 481, 482, 549, 550, 551, 560, 566, 567, 568, 569, 616~ 654. Overhead wires-33, 56, 71, 88, 110, 111, 121, 180, 181, 182, 183, 194, 209, 225, 248, 264~ 266, 301, 330, 333, 381, 392, 425, 429, 435, 473, 562, 563, 572, 581, 612, 676, 678, 761, 797. Power lines-10, 12, 28, 30, 32, 55, 101, 129, 138, 194, 198, 211, 213, 249, 251, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 318, 320, 358, 368, 402, 412, 427, 428,/453, 454, 455, 471, 477, 485, 486, 487, 488, 508, 511, 512, 522,/537, 565, 570, 596, 626, 667, 674, 682, 688, 690, 698, 725, 726, 762, 763, 769, 785, 790, 819, 822, 825, 826, 827, 830. . Telephone, telegraph lines -34, 106, 107, 112, 130, 177~ 184, 207, 208, 226, 233, 245, 246, 250, 251, 291, 299, 32~, 390, 454, 456, 476, 511, 543, 603, 624, 665, 691, 781, 782, 786, 790, 791. Towers, light-178, 195, 213, 250, 256, 260, 548, 630, 770, 791, 794. ' Towers, microwave-21, 292, 306, 545, 577, 850. Towers, navigational -25, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 340. Towers, ~adio and TV-1, 2, 4, 5, 9, 13, 19, 20, 27, 35, 37, 44, 45, 46, 48, 50, 51, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 69, 72~ 74, 78, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 89, 92, 96, 97, 108, 116, 117, 119, 126, 127, 136, 139, 140, 141' 145, 146, 147' 148, 149, 150, 151' 152, 153, 154, 155~ 156, 159, 160, 161, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172,174,176,185,186,187,188,191,192,193,200,216,217, 219, 220, 221, 222~ 223, 234, 254, 257, 263, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 283, 286, 2~. 288, 289, 290, 294, 295, 298, 300, 305, 306, 307, 308, 313, 314, 315, 321, 322, 323, 326, 327, 331, 336, 337, 338, 339, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353, 367, 372, 373, 374, 376, 385, 386, 387, 388, 389, 393, 394, 396, 397, 398, 399, 400, 402, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 410, 411, 41~, 416, 417, 420, 426, 431, 432, 433, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 444, 445, 446, 447, 448, 449, 450, 451, 452, 457, 462, 466, 467, 468, 471, 472, 478, 483, 489, 490, 491, 502, 503, 505, 506, 517, 518, 519, 520, 524, 526, 527, 529, 530i 531, 532, 533, 534, 537, 538, 545, 546, 552, 554, 555, 556, 557, 558, 559, 561, 573, 574, 576, 578, 583, 584, 585, 586, 587, 588, 589, 590, 591, 592, 594, 598, 601, 602, 603, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 617, 618, 619, 620, 622, 627, 628, 629, 631, 632, 633, 634, 635, 636, 637, 638, 643, 644, 645, 646, 647, 648, 649, 650, 651, 660, 661, 662, 663, 669, 670, 671, 672, 673, 675, 677, 685, 686, 700, 701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 706, 707, 708, 709, 710, 711, 712, 713, 714, 715, 716, 717, 718, 719, 722, 723, 725, 726, 728, 729~ 100 739, 740, 741, 742, 743, 744, 749, 751, 753, 754, 755, 756, 757, 758, 759, 760, 766, 767, 772, 775, 779, 783, 801, 808, 811, 823, 831, 832, 833, 834, 835, 840,841, 843, 846, 847, 848, 853. Towers, other -22, 70, 113, 243, 244, 311, 314, 315, 329, 401, 599, 746, 836~ 838, 849. . Other obstacles -16, 189, 375, 378, 379, 391, 395, '422, 640, 658, 732, 757,-812, 813, Jl,4, 815r-816, 817, 818, 819.. . Reviews and general discussions-6, 8, 23, 65, 67, 71, 72, 80, 88, 102, 118, 125, 173, 186, 198, 204, 208, 210, 212, 250, 259, 267, 287, 358, 402, 461, 483, 511, 528, 535, 563, 597, 605, 612, 652, 689, 762, 763, 764, 779, 783, 787, 795, 804, 809, 820, 828, 829, 839. . Comparisons between Mortality Incidents-37, 119, 139, 141, 188, 223, 355, 383, 408, 574, 674, 675, 704, 808. Differential Susceptibility to Collisions-l, 10, 41, 110, 317, 429, 535, 549, 566, 637, 678, 689, 723, 827. Electrocutions Fences-721, 737. Power lines-11, 22, 95. 98, 102, 103, 115, 125, 204, 206, 316, 318, 335, 377, 413, 421, 479, 480, 499, 513, 514, 515, 516, 564, 614, 653, 679, 684, 687, 688, 696, 762, 774, 776, 824. Other -202, 614. Field Observations Compared to Kill Composition-10, 37, 42, 167, 270, 287, 314, 355, 409, 482, 627, 704, 708, 723, 767, 800, 808. Guy Wires-40, 41, 69, 167, 243, 292, 811, 838. Lighting Methods-26, 66, 75, 179, 317, 382, 460, 743, 745, 773, 798, 799, 803, 807. Migration Records -44, 82, 89, 127, 132, 147, 166, 215, 216, 221, 238, 241, 284, 398, 399, 400, 501, 532, 609, 701, 716, 719, 752, 835. Mitigative Measures Ceilometers-18, 441, 747, 778. Lighthouses -66, 118, 208, 317, 734, 773. Power lines -12, 102, 103, 204, 246, 316, 480, 486, 499, 513, 514, 515, 516, 522, 653, 674, 679, 762, 763, 776, 824. Stacks-26, 370, 616, 798, 799, 801, 802, 803, 807. Towers -38, 823. Windows .... 29, 80, 128, 162, 383, 403, 418, 419, 423, 463, 613, 778. Moon Effects -26, 75, 365, 492. 101 Multi-season Mortality Reports-12, 26, 27, 38, ·39, 42, 55, 75, 108, 114, 119; 121, 136, 141, 153! 167, 171, 186, 188, 200, 214, 217, 253, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 287, 317, 359, 361, 362, 371, 382, 383, 441, 478, . . 481' 492, 500, 502, 504, 566, 615, 660, 674, '693, 698, 7-2.2, 723, 729, 743, 807, 818, 819, 841· National or Regional Surveys -3, 7, 48, 50, 51, 59, 60, 6Zl, 65, 66, 68, 72, 155, 156, 157, 198, 261, 262, 302, 356, 384, 385, 389, 402, 414, 419, 425, 458, 483, 494, 507, 508, 528, 530, 535, 536, 544, 683, 697, 725, 726, 736, 747, 773, 778, 790, 847, 853. Reactions of Birds to Lights -30, 40, 65, 109, 118, 119, 173, 174, 179, 208, 365, 458, 731, 732, 779. Scavenger/Predator Activity-27, 30, 37, 39, 77, 78, 81, 148, 153, 165, 185, 186, 188, 198, 270, 271, 277, 278, 345, 353, 370, 455, 463, 471, 599, 654, 656, 674, 698, 722, 745, 780, 800, 827, 837, 838. Seasonal Variation in Kill Composition-42, 139, 141, 317. Single-date Incidents-5, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 20, 24, 31, 35, 46, 47, 49, 63, 70, 74, 77' 79, 91' 92, 93, 96, 101' 117' 122, 123, 131' 134, 135, 142, 143, 144, 152, 159, 168, 188, 190, 192, 193, 213, 220, 222, 228, 234, 235, 236, 247, 255, 256, 260, 263, 264, 279, 280, 281, 282, 285, 286, 290, 292, 294, 295, 298, 300, 304, 308, 311, 312, 326, 327, 328, 329, 332, 341, 351, 357, 366, 375, 376, 393, 395, 397, 407, 411, 417' 420, 424, 426, 430, 436, 437' 438, 457' 464, 465, 466, 471' 493, 505, 506,· 517, 519, 523, 525, 529, 540, 541, 542. 551, 553, 554, 569, 571, 573, 574, 578, 583, 584, 585, 586, 587, 590, 594, 598, 601, 604, 607' 621' 627' 629, 632, 634, 638, 642, 656, 658, 661' 662, 669, 670, 671, 677, 692, 700, 703, 704, 712, 713, 720, 727, 735, 753, 754, 756, 766, 775, 791, 792, 794, 810, 831, 832, 843, 844, 849; 850, 851. Single-season Mortality Reports-1, 2, 10, 14, 25, 37, 45, 48, 50, 53, . 54, 57, 58, 61, 62, 69, 78, 81, 97, 113, 116, 124, 139, 145, 148, 149, 151, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 160,,161, 163, 164, 165, 169, 170, 171, 172, 191, 219, 224, 242, 257, 275, 276, 277, 278, 283, 309, 314, 315, 331, 337, 338, 342, 343, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 352, 353, 367, 371' 404, 405, 406, 409, 410, 416, 431·, 432, 433, 439, 440, 442, 443, 444, 445, 446, 447, 448, 449, 450, 451, 452, 455, 467, 468, 471, 474, 486, 489, 490, 491, 495, 524, 526, 534, 555, 557, 558, 559, 566, 567, 568, 579, 588, 591, 592, 600, 603, 610, 611, 628, 633, 635, 636, 637, 643, 644, 645, 646, 647, 648, 649, 650, 651, 656, 659, 675, 685, 686, 699, 702, 705, 706, 708, 709, 710, 711, 714, 717, 718, 728, 744, 745, 746, 751, 758, 759, 767, 798, 799, 800, 801, 802, 803, 805, 806, 807, 811, 812, 814, 815, 816, 827, 833, 836, 837, 838, 840, 842, 846, 847. 102 Spring Migration Incidents-27, 38, 39, 45, 47, 54, 58, 74, 81, 91, 135, 136, 160, 176, 178, 190, 192, 227, 239, 264, 281, 285, 304, 324, 332, 361, 362, 367, 393, 395, 397, 422, 434, 447, 448, 468, 519, 524, 526, 538, 578, 586, 631, 638, 667, 704, 708, 711, 712, 713, 718, 750, 796, 799, 801, 836, 838, 844. Weather Effects-2, 22, 26, 27, 40, 41, 53, 60, 70, 71; 75, 78, 90, 91, 120, 151, 1E2, 153, 1~1 163, t67, 183, 188, 190, 193, 201, 219, 275, 276, 277, 278, 295, 329, 333, 353, 356, 370, 371, 375, 380, 382, 384, 391, 406, 419, 436, 441, 462, 536, 550, 563, 574, 582, 596, 598, 605, 610, 634, 640, 641, 661, 665, 675~ 722, 725, 729, 733, 735, 736, 745, 746, 773, 793, 794, 800, 801, 802, 811, 822, 825, 827, 837, 838· 103 TAXONOMIC INDEX Non<asserines \ General -41, 370. \ Grebes ~ 181, 486, 488, 697. Petrels, Shearwaters, Albatross -56, 109, 118, 189, 199, 243, 244, 303, 365, 380, 509, 623, 680, 693, 731, 732, 821. Bermuda Cahow-87. Cormorants, Pel i·c.ans -486, 781, 827. Herons, Bitterns, Egrets -10, 52, 133, 332, 429, 435, 522, 565, 7JO, 825, 826. Storks, Ibis-320, 377, 381, 624, 626, 690, 825, 826. Waterfowl Swan-: 10, 71, 88, 106, 111, 121, 225, 246, 248, 318, 390, 476, 477, 487, 562, 570, 581, 682, 790; 830, 839. Ducks, geese -· 16, 12, 28, 30, 32, 101, 110, 146, 167, 177, 181, 182, 249, 251' 271' 358, 368, 391' 396, 485, 486, 522', 563, 572, 596, 616, 665, 667, 678, 691, 697, 725, 726, 730, 761, 769, 827. Raptors-98, 100, 125, 197, 251, 266, 316, 377, 479, 480, 499, 522, 565, 693, 797. California Condor-129, 422. Eagles-55, 95, 102, 103, 180, 413, 421, 480, 499, 513, 514, 515, 516, 564, 653, 679, 684, 687, 688, 696, 77~4, 776, 784, 824. Peregrine Falcon -330, 676. Owls -10, 115, 218, 226·, 245, 266, 330, 335, 484, 521, 565, 603, 721, 797. . ~ --~ ·:~: ,· UplaDdt~a~e·Birds-73, 100, 107, 130, 250, 270, 271, 299, 333, 512, 782, ~{ .. \. . · Cranes,.Bustards-211, 427, 448, 522, 785, 822, 827. Whqo~ing Crane ~ 112, 363, 364~ Rail$~ Coqts -1, 10, 30~ 33, 85, 89, 126, 133, 178, 250, 254, 268, 271, ~0291, 301, 429, 456, 486, 510, 556, 674, 678, 691, 786, 827 . . Shorebirds~. 1. 10, 52, 56, 146, 167, 177, 209, 226, 233, 235, 250, 264, ' \299; 332, 392~ 429, 497, 535, 637~ 697, 767, 770, 792. Gulls, Terns, Jaegers -10, 148, 299, 332, 455, 565, 674, 848. 104 .-.. Doves, Pigeons -146, 268, 269, 270~ 271, 298, 299, 328, 447, 616, 674, 698, 792. Cuckoos-632, 768, 851. Hummingbirds -99, 325, 419. Woodpeckers-34, 419, 651, 756 . .. .. /'- Others ~ 203, 206, 655. Passerines General -10, 41, 199, 217, 389, 697, 760. Flycatchers -63, 150, 187, 200, 580, 735. Wrens -42, 84, 216, 548. Thrushes-10, 114, 128, 141, 144, 158, 165, 167, 172, 192, 200, 229, 231, 268, 285~ 292, 299, 321, 360, 401, 402, 419, 429, 497, 505, 506, 519, 543, 585, 591, 621, 632, 640, 652, 656, 659, 662, 674, 689, 693, 829, 844. Kinglets -167; 292, 370, 371, 402, 504, 590, 629, 649, 654, 661, 745, 746, 837, 838. Starlings-10, 230, 268, 269, 271, 674. Vireos -5, 25, 42, 63, 156, 158, 165, 167, 176, 178, 259, 28l, 297, 338, 371, 389, 417, 504, 533, 535, 553, 566, 567, 568, 578, 580, 585, 590, 591' 601' 656, 662, 663, 671·, 694, 720, 729, 766, 800, 801, 802, 808, 836, 840, 841. . Warblers-5, 24, 25, 27, 38, 39, 41, 42, 47, 48, 52, 53, 61, 62, 63, 77, 78, 79, 83, 90, 91' 92, 93, 104, 105, 114, 116, ·124, 134, 135"~ 136, 141, 142, 144, 152, 154, 155, 158, 159, 165, 167, 169, 172, 176, 190, 193, 200, 224, 229 5 241, 242, 259, 273, 278, 279, 280, 282, 283, 285, 290, 292, 297, 304, 309, 321, 323, 337, 338, 342, 344, 346; 351, 352, 353, 360, 370, 371' 375, 388, 389, 394, 396, 401' 404, 405, 411' 419, 420, 426, 429, 434, 448, 450, 452, 497, 504, 505, 506, 5Z9, 535, 539, 540, 541, 542, 547, 548, "552, 553, 554, 566, 567' 568, 571' 577' 585, 590, 591, 603, 606, 615, 617, 618, 619, 620, 629, 630, 632, 633, 635, 644, 647, 649, 654, 656, 659, 662, 663, 666, 669, 670, 671, 673, 674, 689, 708, 713, 720, 729, 739, 740, 742, 744, 745, 746, 750, 751' 766, 775, 798, 800, 801, 802, 806, 808, 818, 836, 837, 838, 840~ 841. Bachman•s Warbler~ 79, 178, 334, 354, 498, 789. Kirtland•s Warbler-178, 497, 550. 105 Icterids-30, 42, 191, 202, 268, 269, 270, 271~ 631, 737, 836. Sparrows, Finches, Buntings-38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 91, 167, 200, 227, 239, 241, 242, 252, 292, 321, 324, 338, 361, 370, 371, 383, 386, 421, 497, 501, 533, 535, 545, 548, 566, 602, 615, 630, 637, 641, 649, 681, 685, 724, 733, 741, 745, 746, 836, ~38, 845. Others-11, 91, 133, 184, 267, 290, 419, 447, 598, 614, 639, 641, 668, 698. Bats-20, 37, 75, 148, 201, 257, 272, 342, 349, 371, 566, 567, 646, 657, 743, 748, 800, 803. 106 GEOGRAPHIC INDEX Africa -320, 377~ 480 .Asia-206, 267, 489, 490, 491, 546. • .if ,.... Australia and New Zealand -109, 209, 25·1, 365, 626, 690, 731. British Isles -36, 75, 88, 106, 110, 111, 121, 138, 173, 208, 225, 229, 230, 231, 232, 266, 318, 319, 378~ 379, 562, 570, 581, 625, 639, 674, 738, 761, 765, 797 . Canada-4, 21, 24, 26, 53, 54, 60, 64, 65, 66, 68, 89, 90, 93, 101, 114, 120, 135, 172, 200, 236, 238, 272, 279, 280, 281' 282, 283, 284, 285, 303, 304, 321, 322, 323, 324, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 341, 359, 360, 361, 362, 382, 390, 426, 431, 432, 433, 458, 462, 471, 472, 474, 501, 507, 517, 518, 519, 520, 521, 615, 642, 655, 656, 657, 678, 686, 691, 798, 799, 800, 801, 802, 803, 805, 806, 807, 811, 823, 840, 841, 843, 844, 845, 846, 847. Europe -10, 80, 98, 128, 130, 205, 207, 248, 249, 265, 317, 330, 333, 368, 381, 402, 403~ 423, 427, 428, 463~ 475, 500, 565, 613, 616, 624, 664, 734, 735, 777, 782. Pacific Islands -56, 243, 244. South America and West Indies-494, 632, 640, 732, 821. United States General -7, 72, 180, 483, 494, 535, 536, 537, 725, 726. Region 1 -22, 30, 32, 33, 129, 177, 183, 189, 199, 203, 211, 226, 245, 254, 264, 299, 301, 325, 380, 383, 391, 421, 422, 453, 455, 459, 461, 471, 477, 480, 487, 488, 509, 513, 514, 515, 516, 614, 642, 668, 680, 683, 697, 781, 786, 824, 827. Region 2-11, 196, 291, 328, 375, 554, 555, 556, 557, 596, 791, 792, 793, 794, 831, 832, 833, 834, 835~ 853. Region 3-12, 27, 28, 59, 60, 78, 96, 100, 113, 116, 117, 119, 139, 140, 141, 174, 178, 197, 234, 260, 268, 269, 270, 271, 286, 287, 288, 289, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 309, 310, 312, 313, 314, 315, 332, 369, 370, 371, 376, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 415, 416, 417, 419, 429, 466, 467, 46~, 469, 470, 478, 481, 482, 496, 497, 505, 506, 537, 549, 550, 551, 573, 574, 580, 582, 583, 587, 588, 589, 590, 591' 592, 593, 594, 595, 600, 617' 618, 619, 620, 627' 628, 629, 630, 654, 666, 675, 677, 682, 720, 728, 729, 737, 745. 746, 780, 808, 836, 837, 838, 842, 852 .. Region 4 ·-2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 16, 19, 35, 45, 48, 50, 70, 74, 79, 87, 91, 97' 1 04' 1 05' 123' 124' 126' 133' 134' 140' 144; 153' 154' 155' 156' 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 175, 176, 179, 185, 186, 187' 188, 191' 192, 193, 212, 213, 219, 220, 221' 222, 107 240, 241, 242~ 252, 253, 255, 256, 257, 258, 273, 274, 275, 276, 211, 278~~3od, 305, 306, 307, 311, 313, 326, 327, 329, 334, 354, 355, 357~ 366, 367, 372; 373, 374, 384, 385, 387, 388, 389, 393, 394, 395, 396~ 397, 398, 399, 400, 401, 418, 430, 434, 435, 436, 437, 438, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 444, 445, 446, 447, 448, 449, 450, 451, 452, 464, 465, 485, 495, 498, 522, 523, 524, 525, 526, 527, 529, 531, 532, 533, 534, 538, 548, 552, 553, 558, 559, 561, 575, 576, 577, 578, 584, 601, 602, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 631, 632, 633, 634, 635, 636, 637, 638, 658, 659, 685, 694, 695, 700, 701, 702,' 703, 704, 705, 706, 707, 708, 709, 710, 711, 712, 713, 714, 715, 716, 717, 718, 719, 721, 722, 723, 727, 736, 739, 740, 741, 742, 743, 744, 747, 749, 750, 751, 752, 753, 754, 766, 772, 789, 810, 812~ 813, 814, 815, 816, 817, 818, 819, 848, 851 Region 5-1, 3, 13, 14, 15, 17, 29, 31, 35, 44, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 57, 58, 59, 61, 62, 63, 73, 76, 77, 92, 93, 122, 127, 131, 132, 136, 142, 143, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 15L, 151, 152, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 179, 190, 195, 214, 215, 217, 224, 227, 228, 233, 235, 236, 237, 239, 247, 250, 292, 306, 308, 310, 312, 314, . 315, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353, 410, 411, 424, 456, 460, 492, 493~ 504, 510, 530, 536, 539, 540, . 54], 542, 543, 544, 560, 566, 567, 568, 569, 571, 579, 599, 603, 604, 621, 622, 623, 643, 644, 645, 646, 647, 648, 649, 650, 651, 660, 661, 662, 663, 669, 670, 671' 672, 673, 692, 693, 699, 724, -748, 755, 756, 757, 758, 759, 760, 768~ 770, 771, 775, 788, 825. 826, 830, 843, 849, 850 Region 6-20, 25, 37, 38, 39~ 40, 41, 42, 43, 55, 69, 71, 73, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 99, 103, 107, 108, 112, 184, 211' 216, 223, 246, 263, 286, 290, 298, 331, 340, 363, 412, 413, 414, 415, 420, 425, 457, 476, 486, 502, 503, 506, 512, 545,· 564, 585, 586, 590, 598, 616, 641, 665, 667, 676, 681, 698, 730, 733, 767, 769, 774, 784, 785, 796, 822 ~ 108 As the Nation's principal conservation ag.ency, the Department of the Interior has responsibility for most of our nationally owned public lands and natural resources. This includes fostering the wisest use of ou~ land and water resources, protecting our fish and wildlife, preserv- ing the environment and cultural value of ou~ national parks and histor1cal places, and providing for the enjoy- ment of 1 ife. through outdoor recreation. The Department assesses our energy and mineral resources and works to assure that their development i~ in the best interests of all nur -peo~le. Th~ Department also has a major responsi- bility for Al]lerican . .Indian r'eS€·rvation communities and for people who live in i~land t~rritories under U.S. admini- stratiQn . .,. UNITED STATES RTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Fish a nd Wildlife Service iological Services Progra m Washington , D .C. 20240 Postage a nd Fees Paid ~ U S """'",';;';'\ ;( < ho I"" rio< l ; l \ J Official Business Penalty for Private Use $300