MARK V. STALMASTER, Huxley College of Environmental Studies, Western Washington University, Bellingham 982251
JAMES R. NEWMAN, Huxley College of Environmental Studies, Western Washington University, Bellingham 982252
Abstract: The effects of human activity on wintering bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) were studied
in Washington for 2 yr. Tolerance to disturbance was determined by analyzing eagle distribution in relation
to human activity and by measuring flight distances of eagles from simulated human disturbances. Human
activity was found to affect eagle distribution and behavior adversely. Distribution patterns were signif-
icantly (P < 0.001) changed, resulting in displacement of eagles to areas of lower human activity. Older
birds were more sensitive (P < 0.001) to disturbances. Flight distances were highest for simulated dis-
turbances in water and on gravel bars, intermediate on land, and shortest under a vegetation canopy.
Habituation to normal activities seemed to occur. Reduced human interferences, creation of vegetation
buffer zones, and establishment of activity restriction zones are recommended for wintering grounds.
J. WILDL. MANAGE. 42(3):506-613
Declines in bald eagle populations
have been attributed, in part, to direct
human disturbance (Sprunt 1969). Urban
sprawl, recreational developments, and
increasing outdoor activity in prime ea-
gle habitat have directly and adversely
affected the bald eagle (Sprunt and Ligas
1966). Evaluations of the effects of dis-
turbance on nesting eagles are difficult to
generalize. Mathisen (1968), Grier (1969),
Grier and Fyfe (in press), and Newman
et al. (1977) found no evidence of human
activity disrupting reproductive success.
Juenemann (1973) and Grubb (1976a),
however, have shown an indirect rela-
tionship between human activities and
nesting success. Concern over the sensi-
tivity of wintering populations to human
interferences has also been expressed
(Shea 1973, Servheen 1975, Steenhof
1976, Spencer 1976, Stalmaster 1976).
Quantitative information on the avoid-
ance responses of eagles to disturbance
is lacking. The purpose of this study was
to measure the effects of human disturb-
ance on the behavior of wintering bald
eagles in northwest Washington.
Support for this study was provided by
Huxley College of Environmental Stud-
ies and the Bureau for Faculty Research
at Western Washington University. The
U.S. Forest Service provided living quar-
ters for the senior author.
Bald eagles winter along the Nooksack
River in northwest Washington feeding
on spawned-out salmon (Oncorhynchus
spp.). The Nooksack River drains the
northwestern slopes of the North Cas-
cade Range, an area of approximately
1,671 km2. The primary study area was a
40-km segment of the river. The river
there was braided with numerous gravel
bars and anastomosing side-channels,
and provided optimal spawning habitat
for salmon, thereby supporting large
numbers of eagles.
Riparian vegetation in the study area
consisted primarily of red alder (Alnus
rubra), black cottonwood (Populus tri-
chocarpa), western red cedar (Thuja pli-
cata), Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis), and
bigleaf maple (Acer macrophyllum). Sur-
' Present address: Department of Biology, Utah
State University, Logan 84322.
2 Present address: Environmental Science and
Engineering, Inc., P. O. Box 13454, University Sta-
tion, Gainesville, Florida 32604.
506 J. Wildl. Manage. 42(3):1978
MARK V.STALMASTER,Huxley College of Environmental Studies,Western Washington University,Bellingham 98225 1
JAMES R.NEWMAN,Huxley College of Environmental Studies,Western Washington University,Bellingham 98225%
Abstract:The effects of human activity on wintering bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)were studied
in Washington for 2 yr.Tolerance to disturbance was determined by analyzing eagle distribution in relation
to human activity and by measuring flight distances of eagles from simulated human disturbances.Human
activity was found to affect eagle distribution and behavior adversely.Distribution patterns were signif-
icantly (P <0.001)changed,resulting in displacement of eagles to areas of lower human activity.Older
birds were more sensitive (P <0.001)to disturbances.Flight distances were highest for simulated dis-
turbances in water and on gravel bars,intermediate on land,and shortest under a vegetation canopy.
Habituation to normal activities seemed to occur.Reduced human interferences,creation of vegetation
buffer zones,and establishment of activity restriction zones are recommended for wintering grounds.
Declines in bald eagle populations
have been attributed,in part,to direct
human disturbance (Sprunt 1969).Urban
sprawl,recreational developments,and
increasing outdoor activity in prime ea-
gle habitat have directly and adversely
affected the bald eagle (Sprunt and Ligas
1966).Evaluations of the effects of dis-
turbance on nesting eagles are difficult to
generalize.Mathisen (1968),Grier (1969),
Grier and Fyfe (in press),and Newman
et al.(1977)found no evidence of human
activity disrupting reproductive success.
Juenemann (1973)and Grubb (19700),
however,have shown an indirect rela-
tionship between human activities and
nesting success.Concern over the sensi-
tivity of wintering populations to human
interferences has also been expressed
(Shea 1973,Servheen 1975,Steenhof
1976,Spencer 1976,Stalmaster 1976).
Quantitative information on the avoid-
ance responses of eagles to disturbance
is lacking.The purpose of this study was
to measure the effects of human disturb-
1 Present address:Department of Biology,Utah
State University,Logan 84322.
2 Present address:Environmental Science and
Engineering,Inc.,P.O.Box 13454,University Sta-
tion,Gainesville,Florida 32604.
ance on the behavior of wintering bald
eagles in northwest Washington.
Support for this study was provided by
Huxley College of Environmental Stud-
ies and the Bureau for Faculty Research
at Western Washington University.The
U.S.Forest Service provided living quar-
ters for the senior author.
Bald eagles winter along the Nooksack
River in northwest Washington feeding
on spawned-out salmon (Oncorhynchus
spp.).The Nooksack River drains the
northwestern slopes of the North Cas-
cade Range,an area of approximately
1,671 km2 •The primary study area was a
40-km segment of the river.The river
there was braided with numerous gravel
bars and anastomosing side-channels,
and provided optimal spawning habitat
for salmon,thereby supporting large
numbers of eagles.
Riparian vegetation in the study area
consisted primarily of red alder (Alnus
rubra),black cottonwood (Populus tri-
chocarpa),western red cedar (Thuja pli-
cata),Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis),and
bigleaf maple (Acermacrophyllum).Sur-
BALD EAGLE AVOIDANCE BEHAVIOR *Stalmaster and Newman 507
Table 1. Criteria used for classifying high, moderate, and low human activity types in the Nooksack River study area.
Activity types
High Moderate Low
Human activity frequently Human activity occasionally Human activity unlikely
within sight of eagles. within sight of eagles. within sight of eagles.
High recreational use; sport Moderate recreational use; Low recreational use; sport
fishing common. sport fishing occasional. fishing rare.
Heavily traversed roads Roads paralleling river with Roads not paralleling river
paralleling river; bridges; easy some vegetation buffer zone; and/or extensive vegetation
access to river, good access to river. buffer zone; poor access to
Habitat altered; numerous Habitat slightly altered; Habitat largely undisturbed;
human developments, occasional human human developments absent.
Activity almost always Activity occasionally Activity unlikely to encroach
encroaches on flight distance. encroaches on flight distance. on flight distance.
rounding forests were composed of
Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii),
western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla),
and western red cedar.
Human activities along the Nooksack
River have increased in intensity and fre-
quency in recent years. The major influ-
ences are logging, housing, mining, and
recreation. Primary and secondary roads
parallel most of the river. Recreational
use is common and numerous recreation-
al land developments are present. Sport
steelhead (Salmo gairdneri) fishing is
popular in the study area.
Data on eagle avoidance behavior were
collected during the autumns and win-
ters of 1974-75 and 1975-76. Analyses of
these responses were made by correlat-
ing the distribution of eagles in relation
to existing human activities and by mea-
suring the flight or flushing distances of
birds from simulated disturbances.
The 40-km study area was divided into
100 units of either high, moderate, or low
human activity types. The criteria for
classifying the extent of activity (Table 1)
was similar to that of Mathisen (1968).
Each unit consisted of 0.8 km of bank on
1 side of the river. Eagle distribution re-
corded during censuses was correlated
with each activity type.
Forty-four semiweekly censuses were
made during 1975-76 at predetermined
dates and at approximately the same time
each census day. Counts were conducted
by driving or walking to 30 observation
points along the river. We assumed that
a large percentage of birds were migra-
tory transients, thus reducing the fre-
quency of repeated observations of the
same birds; however, some repetition
was unavoidable.
Simulated human disturbances consist-
ed of approach toward a single eagle on
foot by a single investigator and obser-
vation of the avoidance behavior. Three
types were used: (1) Vegetation zone-
approaching an eagle under a heavy veg-
etation canopy where the observer was
partially and intermittently visible to the
bird; (2) Riverbank-approaching an ea-
gle in open meadows adjacent to the riv-
er's edge; and (3) River channel-ap-
proaching an eagle along gravel bars or
in the river (wading). Both Riverbank
J. Wildl. Manage. 42(3):1978
Table 1.Criteria used for classifying high,moderate,and low human activity types in the Nooksack River study area.
Activity types
Human activity frequently
within sight of eagles.
High recreational use;sport
fishing common.
Heavily traversed roads
paralleling river;bridges;easy
access to river.
Habitat altered;numerous
human developments.
Activity almost always
encroaches on flight distance.
Human activity occasionally
within sight of eagles.
Moderate recreational use;
sport fishing occasional.
Roads paralleling river with
some vegetation buffer zone;
good access to river.
Habitat slightly altered;
occasional human
Activity occasionally
encroaches on flight distance.
Human activity unlikely
within sight of eagles.
Low recreational use;sport
fi shing rare.
Roads not paralleling river
and/or extensive vegetation
buffer zone;poor access to
Habitat largely undisturbed;
human developments absent.
Activity unlikely to encroach
on flight distance.
rounding forests were composed of
Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga rnenziesii),
western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla),
and western red cedar.
Human activities along the Nooksack
River have increased in intensity and fre-
quency in recent years.The major influ-
ences are logging,housing,mining,and
recreation.Primary and secondary roads
parallel most of the river.Recreational
use is common and numerous recreation-
al land developments are present.Sport
steelhead (Salrno gairdneri)fishing is
popular in the study area.
Data on eagle avoidance behavior were
collected during the autumns and win-
ters of 1974-75 and 1975-76.Analyses of
these responses were made by correlat-
ing the distribution of eagles in relation
to existing human activities and by mea-
suring the flight or flushing distances of
birds from simulated disturbances.
The 40-km study area was divided into
100 units of either high,moderate,or low
human activity types.The criteria for
classifying the extent of activity (Table 1)
was similar to that of Mathisen (1968).
Each unit consisted of 0.8 km of bank on
1 side of the river.Eagle distribution re-
corded during censuses was correlated
with each activity type.
Forty-four semiweekly censuses were
made during 1975-76 at predetermined
dates and at approximately the same time
each census day.Counts were conducted
by driving or walking to 30 observation
points along the river.We assumed that
a large percentage of birds were migra-
tory transients,thus reducing the fre-
quency of repeated observations of the
same birds;however,some repetition
was unavoidable.
Simulated human disturbances consist-
ed of approach toward a single eagle on
foot by a single investigator and obser-
vation of the avoidance behavior.Three
types were used:(1)Vegetation zone-
approaching an eagle under a heavy veg-
etation canopy where the observer was
partially and intermittently visible to the
bird;(2)Riverbank-approaching an ea-
gle in open meadows adjacent to the riv-
er's edge;and (3)River channel-ap-
proaching an eagle along gravel bars or
in the river (wading).Both Riverbank
508 BALD EAGLE AVOIDANCE BEHAVIOR *Stalmaster and Newman
Table 2. Distribution of bald eagles in the 3 human activity types in the Nooksack River study area.
High Moderate Low
activity activity activity
No. % No. % No. %
Human activity units 23 23 41 41 36 36
Juveniles and subadultsb 42 9 269 60 135 30
Adultsb 60 7 447 55 311 38
Totala 102 8 716 57 446 35
a P < 0.001.
b Age-class difference significant (P < 0.025).
and River channel types were in open
areas where the disturbance was initially
visible to the bird between 400 and 600
m. Subjects of the Vegetation zone dis-
turbances were initially aware of the in-
vestigator between 75 and 100 m. All 360
simulated disturbances were conducted
during full daylight on birds perched on
trees along the river. Disturbance exper-
iments were made intermittently
throughout the 1974-75 and 1975-76
wintering seasons and on different
stretches of the river to allow sampling of
different birds. We suspect repetition to
be minor by this process. Some birds
were subjected to repeated disturbances,
but only responses to the first disturb-
ance were used in the analyses.
In addition, approaches were made to
groups of eagles where 2 or more differ-
ent age-classes were present.
Flight distances of eagles were record-
ed during all simulated disturbances and
used as a measure of the disturbance re-
action (Hediger 1968:40-41). Distances
over 500 m were not recorded due to the
likelihood of an unknown factor eliciting
the escape response. A Rangematic, Mark
V, optical range finder was used to mea-
sure distances.
Eagles were aged by plumage color-
ation as initially described by Southern
(1964, 1967) and further verified by
Servheen (1975). Aging is most reliably
done by combining as many plumage
characteristics as possible; however,
some birds are difficult or impossible to
age (Servheen 1975). Only birds positive-
ly aged by this method were used in the
disturbance experiments. Some individ-
ual variations were evident, but we feel
that our classification errors by this meth-
od were minor.
We have presented data grouping ea-
gles into 3 age-classes and also into 6 age-
classes; however, results of the statistical
analyses were similar for both methods.
Birds in their 1st year (1-year-olds) are
referred to as juveniles; whereas, 2-
through 5-year-olds are grouped as sub-
adults. Six-year-olds (Southern's plum-
age F) and older birds were recorded as
Statistical analyses were performed ac-
cording to Zar (1974). Differences in the
distribution patterns for totals and age-
class dissimilarities were tested with chi-
square goodness of fit tests and contin-
gency tables, respectively. Analyses of
covariance were used to compare regres-
sion line elevations and slopes among the
3 disturbance types. Where birds were
grouped as juveniles, subadults, and
adults, a 3 x 3 factorial design was used
to evaluate differences among the 3 dis-
turbance types and the 3 age-classes. The
Newman-Keuls multiple range test de-
termined if differences were significant
between 2 specific types. Mean life ex-
pectancy, longevity, and hence mean
J. Wildl. Manage. 42(3):1978
508 BALD EAGLE AVOIDANCE BEHAVIOR •Stalmaster and Newman
Table 2.Distribution of bald eagles in the 3 human activity types in the Nooksack River study area.
Human activity units
Juveniles and subadults b
Adults b
a P <0.001.
b Age-class difference significant (P <0.025).
Moderate Low
activity activity
41 41 36 36
269 60 135 30
447 55 311 38
716 57 446 35
and River channel types were in open
areas where the disturbance was initially
visible to the bird between 400 and.600
m.Subjects of the Vegetation zone dis-
turbances were initially aware of the in-
vestigator between 75 and 100 m.All 360
simulated disturbances were conducted
during full daylight on birds perched on
trees along the river.Disturbance exper-
iments were made intermittently
throughout the 1974-75 and 1975-76
wintering seasons and on different
stretches of the river to allow sampling of
different birds.We suspect repetition to
be minor by this process.Some birds
were subjected to repeated disturbances,
but only responses to the first disturb-
ance were used in the analyses.
In addition,approaches were made to
groups of eagles where 2 or more differ-
ent age-classes were present.
Flight distances of eagles were record-
ed during all simulated disturbances and
used as a measure of the disturbance re-
action (Hediger 1968:40-41).Distances
over 500 m were not recorded due to the
likelihood of an unknown factor eliciting
the escape response.A Rangematic,Mark
V,optical range finder was used to mea-
sure distances.
Eagles were aged by plumage color-
ation as initially described by Southern
(1964,1967)and further verified by
Servheen (1975).Aging is most reliably
done by combining as many plumage
characteristics as possible;however,
some birds are difficult or impossible to
age (Servheen 1975).Only birds positive-
ly aged by this method were used in the
disturbance experiments.Some individ-
ual variations were evident,but we feel
that our classification errors by this meth-
od were minor.
We have presented data grouping ea-
gles into 3 age-classes and also into 6 age-
classes;however,results of the statistical
analyses were similar for both methods.
Birds in their 1st year (I-year-olds)are
referred to as juveniles;whereas,2-
through 5-year-olds are grouped as sub-
adults.Six-year-olds (Southern's plum-
age F)and older birds were recorded as
Statistical analyses were performed ac-
cording to Zar (1974).Differences in the
distribution patterns for totals and age-
class dissimilarities were tested with chi-
square goodness of fit tests and contin-
gency tables,respectively.Analyses of
covariance were used to compare regres-
sion line elevations and slopes among the
3 disturbance types.Where birds were
grouped as juveniles,subadults,and
adults,a 3 x 3 factorial design was used
to evaluate differences among the 3 dis-
turbance types and the 3 age-classes.The
Newman-Keuls multiple range test de-
termined if differences were significant
between 2 specific types.Mean life ex-
pectancy,longevity,and hence mean
Table 3. Comparison of the distribution of bald eagles along riversides where the human activity types differed for
adjacent sides of the river.
Juveniles and
subadultsb Adultsb Totala
Distribution No. % No. % No. %
On high activity side 53 31 87 22 140 25
On low activity side 118 69 300 78 418 75
a P < 0.001.
b Age-class difference significant (P < 0.05).
adult age are unknown for bald eagles
(Brown and Cade 1972). To facilitate sta-
tistical analyses, adults were grouped as
Distribution in Relation to
Human Activity
The distribution of bald eagles on the
Nooksack River reflected the effect of hu-
man activity. There was a lower (P <
0.001) number of eagles in units of high
activity compared to the units of moder-
ate activity (Table 2). Distribution in the
low activity units was near the expected
level. Where the activity classification
differed for adjacent sides of the river, a
greater (P < 0.001) number of birds were
observed on the riverside with lower hu-
man disturbance (Table 3).
Disturbances in high activity units
were beyond the tolerance limits of most
wintering eagles. Moderate human activ-
ity seemed to be tolerated; however, the
shift in distribution resulted in a greater
number of birds displaced to marginal
habitat and confined the population to a
smaller area. Since the major feeding
grounds were disproportionately located
in high and moderate human activity
units, the number of birds in low activity
units was lower than expected. On the
Nooksack River, the shift in distribution
was evident only in high and moderate
units and prevented effective use of all
feeding sites. Many unsuccessful feeding
attempts were observed to occur in these
units due to the existing human activi-
Human activity had a significant influ-
ence on the feeding behavior of eagles.
Mathisen (1968) stated that human activ-
ity could interfere with food gathering
and possibly cause general unrest among
an eagle population. However, Steenhof
(1976) suggested that tolerance levels
were high on preferred feeding sites.
Feeding behavior on the Nooksack was
disrupted by the mere presence of hu-
mans. Disturbed birds did not return to
the same feeding area until several hours
after the disturbance occurred and only
when the disturbance no longer persist-
ed. Compared to other eagle activities,
feeding birds were most sensitive to hu-
man interferences.
A comparison of juvenile and subadult
to adult distribution indicated a signifi-
cant difference in tolerance to existing
human activities (Tables 2, 3). Adults
were more sensitive to disturbance than
younger birds and preferred units of low-
er activity. Proportions of adults were
lower in areas where activity was partic-
ularly prevalent.
Reaction to Simulated
General Effects.-Variations in the
flight distances of the entire population
were high, but distances were generally
J. Wildl. Manage. 42(3):1978
BALD EAGLE A VOIDANCE BEHAVIOR·Stalmaster and Newman 509
Table 3.Comparison of the distribution of bald eagles along riversides where the human activity types differed for
adjacent sides of the river.
On high activity side
On low activity side
a p <0.001.
b Age-class difference significant (P <0.05).
Juveniles and
Adults b
adult age are unknown for bald eagles
(Brown and Cade 1972).To facilitate sta-
tistical analyses,adults were grouped as
Distribution in Relation to
Human Activity
The distribution of bald eagles on the
Nooksack River reflected the effect ofhu-
man activity.There was a lower (P <
0.001)number of eagles in units of high
activity compared to the units of moder-
ate activity (Table 2).Distribution in the
low activity units was near the expected
level.Where the activity classification
differed for adjacent sides of the river,a
greater (P <0.001)number of birds were
observed on the riverside with lower hu-
man disturbance (Table 3).
Disturbances in high activity units
were beyond the tolerance limits of most
wintering eagles.Moderate human activ-
ity seemed to be tolerated;however,the
shift in distribution resulted in a greater
number of birds displaced to marginal
habitat and confined the population to a
smaller area.Since the major feeding
grounds were disproportionately located
in high and moderate human activity
units,the number of birds in low activity
units was lower than expected.On the
Nooksack River,the shift in distribution
was evident only in high and moderate
units and prevented effective use of all
feeding sites.Many unsuccessful feeding
attempts were observed to occur in these
units due to the existing human activi-
Human activity had a significant influ-
ence on the feeding behavior of eagles.
Mathisen (1968)stated that human activ-
ity could interfere with food gathering
and possibly cause general unrest among
an eagle population.However,Steenhof
(1976)suggested that tolerance levels
were high on preferred feeding sites.
Feeding behavior on the Nooksack was
disrupted by the mere presence of hu-
mans.Disturbed birds did not return to
the same feeding area until several hours
after the disturbance occurred and only
when the disturbance no longer persist-
ed.Compared to other eagle activities,
feeding birds were most sensitive to hu-
man interferences.
A comparison of juvenile and subadult
to adult distribution indicated a signifi-
cant difference in tolerance to existing
human activities (Tables 2,3).Adults
were more sensitive to disturbance than
younger birds and preferred units of low-
er activity.Proportions of adults were
lower in areas where activity was partic-
ularly prevalent.
Reaction to Simulated
General Effects.-Variations in the
flight distances of the entire population
were high,but distances were generally
510 BALD EAGLE AVOIDANCE BEHAVIOR* Stalmaster and Newman
350 500
W 250
w 1 200 z
o 150 I--
50- i(50)
(20) ( ) (20) (20) (80) (80)
8) (32)
Fig. 1. Comparison of the responses (flight distances) of
juvenile, subadult, and adult bald eagles to Vegetation
zone, Riverbank, and River channel simulated disturbance
types. Mean ? standard deviation, range, and sample sizes
(in parentheses) are presented.
between 25 and 300 m (Table 4). The
mean flight distance in open areas (Riv-
erbank and River channel combined) was
196 m for adults and 99 m for juveniles
and subadults. We suggest using flight
w Y = 24.793 + 4.201X
7 r = 0.7204
1'O0 - n = 60 w
(1) 50 5
(8) (20)
( )(8)
r 0 (8)
1 2 3 4 5 ADULT(IO)
Fig. 2. Relationship of the responses (flight distances) to
the 6 age-classes of bald eagles for the Vegetation zone
simulated disturbance type. Mean _ standard deviation,
range, and sample sizes (in parentheses) are presented.
distances to determine sensitivity to dis-
turbance and to establish boundaries for
activity restriction zones.
When disturbed, eagles flew avoidance
flights between 50 and 500 m and rarely
left the river system. Flight was usually
directly or quartering away from the dis-
turbance. Only 1 simulated disturbance
elicited apparent aggressive behavior. An
adult made 6 diving flights between 10
and 20 m at the observer and vocalized
extensively. Nesting eagles commonly
exhibit aggressive behavior (Grier 1969,
Table 4. Percentages of bald eagles responding at designated flight distances for the 3 simulated disturbance types.
Flight distances (m)
Age-class N 15-50 51-100 101-150 151-200 201-250 251-300 >300
Vegetation zone
Juveniles 8 88 12
Subadults 32 84 16
Adults 20 20 80
Total 60 63 37
Juveniles 20 65 30 5
Subadults 80 15 39 31 12 3
Adults 50 2 14 28 38 16 2
Total 150 17 30 27 19 6 1
River channel
Juveniles 20 45 35 10 10
Subadults 80 8 34 36 18 5
Adults 50 8 8 20 34 18 12
Total 150 10 26 23 17 14 6 4
J. Wildl. Manage. 42(3):1978
510 BALD EAGLE AVOIDANCE BEHAVIOR •Stalmaster and Newman
Fig.1.Comparison of the responses (flight distances)of
juvenile,subadult,and adult bald eagles to Vegetation
zone,Riverbank,and River channel simulated disturbance
types.Mean ±standard deviation,range,and sample sizes
(in parentheses)are presented.
between 25 and 300 m (Table 4).The
mean flight distance in open areas (Riv-
erbank and River channel combined)was
196 m for adults and 99 m for juveniles
and subadults.We suggest using flight
y=24.793 +4.201x
r =0.7204
n =60
~en 50o
5:2....J 0 L......L._...L.-----'-_...L----&-.L.--_
u..3 4 5 ADULT(fO)
Fig.2.Relationship of the responses (flight distances)to
the 6 age-classes of bald eagles for the Vegetation zone
simulated disturbance type.Mean ±standard deviation,
range,and sample sizes (in parentheses)are presented.
distances to determine sensitivity to dis-
turbance and to establish boundaries for
activity restriction zones.
When disturbed,eagles flew avoidance
flights between 50 and 500 m and rarely
left the river system.Flight was usually
directly or quartering away from the dis-
turbance.Only 1 simulated disturbance
elicited apparent aggressive behavior.An
adult made 6 diving flights between 10
and 20 m at the observer and vocalized
extensively.Nesting eagles commonly
exhibit aggressive behavior (Grier 1969,
at (50)r (50)
ill Jt (20)
25 150
::::i 100
Table 4.Percentages of bald eagles responding at designated flight distances for the 3 simulated disturbance types.
Flight distances (m)
Age-class N 15--50 51-100 101-150 151-200 201-250 251-300 >300
Vegetation zone
Juveniles 8 88 12
Subadults 32 84 16
Adults 20 20 80
Total 60 63 37
Juveniles 20 65 30 5
Subadults 80 15 39 31 12 3
Adults 50 2 14 28 38 16 2
Total 150 17 30 27 19 6 1
River channel
Juveniles 20 45 35 10 10
Subadults 80 8 34 36 18 5
Adults 50 8 8 20 34 18 12
Total 150 10 26 23 17 14 6 4
BALD EAGLE AVOIDANCE BEHAVIOR * Stalmaster and Newman 511
250 - = 56.353+10.986x
r = 0.6365
200 w 7- w
- -r
- 50-
SL (50)
(20) (20)
0 ' 1 I1 1 11
1 2 3 4 5 ADU LT(10)
Fig. 3. Relationship of the responses (flight distances) to
the 6 age-classes of bald eagles for the Riverbank simu-
lated disturbance type. Mean + standard deviation, range,
and sample sizes (in parentheses) are presented.
Grubb 1976b); however, no documenta-
tion of this type exists for wintering birds.
Repeated disturbances were made to
the same individual in several instances.
Responses were similar in both the flight
distance and the distance of the avoid-
ance flight.
Normally occurring auditory disturb-
ances were not unduly disruptive to ea-
gle behavior. Gunshots were the only
noises that elicited overt escape behav-
ior. Edwards (1969) found that gunshots
could be used effectively in flushing
birds from their roosts. Eagles were es-
pecially tolerant of auditory stimuli when
the sources were partially or totally con-
cealed from their view.
Age-Class Variation.-Sensitivity to
human disturbance increases with age.
Flight distances of older birds were
greater (P < 0.001) than younger birds for
all 3 simulated disturbance types (Fig. 1).
A gradual increase in distance was ap-
parent among the subadults, but a steep
rise occurred with adults (P < 0.001 for
all 3 disturbance types) (Figs. 2, 3, 4).
S= 57.872 + 16.828 x
r = 0.6971
300 n = 150
w 250
I.- w
w 200 0 z
3 150
(20) 50-
(20) (20) (20) )(20 ) (20)
1 2 3 4 5 ADULT(10)
Fig. 4. Relationship of the responses (flight distances) to
the 6 age-classes of bald eagles for the River channel sim-
ulated disturbance type. Mean + standard deviation, range,
and sample sizes (in parentheses) are presented.
This differential sensitivity was support-
ed by distribution patterns (Tables 2, 3)
and by the upper limit in the range of
flight distances exhibited by juveniles
and subadults (Table 4). The tolerance of
juveniles (1-year-olds) was relatively
high, whereas, adults were highly sensi-
tive to human approach.
The accuracy of our ground censuses
may have been affected by this differen-
tial response behavior. The more easily
displaced adults may have been dupli-
cated in our counts, whereas juveniles
and subadults were more easily missed
due to their sedentary behavior and less
conspicuous plumages.
When approaches were made to groups
of eagles, the oldest bird flushed first 81
percent of the time (P < 0.001). This fur-
ther confirmed the contention that older
birds were more sensitive to disturbance.
Young birds seemed to react to the flight
J. Wildl. Manage. 42(3):1978
Y =57.872 +16.828 x
r =0.6971
n =150300
ffi 250
~enCi 150
:J 100
o '--.L.-2-'----3L.--.-I.4--'-5------A-DU-L~T-(-,0)
r =0.6365
enffi 200
lLI 150
(!):J 50
2 345
Fig.3.Relationship of the responses (flight distances)to
the 6 age-classes of bald eagles for the Riverbank simu-
lated disturbance type.Mean ±standard deviation,range,
and sample sizes (in parentheses)are presented.
Grubb 1976b);however,no documenta-
tion of this type exists for wintering birds.
Repeated disturbances were made to
the same individual in several instances.
Responses were similar in both the flight
distance and the distance of the avoid-
ance flight.
Normally occurring auditory disturb-
ances were not unduly disruptive to ea-
gle behavior.Gunshots were the only
noises that elicited overt escape behav-
ior.Edwards (1969)found that gunshots
could be used effectively in flushing
birds from their roosts.Eagles were es-
pecially tolerant of auditory stimuli when
the sources were partially or totally con-
cealed from their view.
Age-Class Variation.-Sensitivity to
human disturbance increases with age.
Flight distances of older birds were
greater (P <0.001)than younger birds for
al13 simulated disturbance types (Fig.1).
A gradual increase in distance was ap-
parent among the subadults,but a steep
rise occurred with adults (P <0.001 for
all 3 disturbance types)(Figs.2,3,4).
Fig.4.Relationship of the responses (flight distances)to
the 6 age-classes of bald eagles for the River channel sim-
ulated disturbance type.Mean ±standard deviation,range,
and sample sizes (in parentheses)are presented.
This differential sensitivity was support-
ed by distribution patterns (Tables 2,3)
and by the upper limit in the range of
flight distances exhibited by juveniles
and subadults (Table 4).The tolerance of
juveniles (I-year-olds)was relatively
high,whereas,adults were highly sensi-
tive to human approach.
The accuracy of our ground censuses
may have been affected by this differen-
tial response behavior.The more easily
displaced adults may have been dupli-
cated in our counts,whereas juveniles
and subadults were more easily missed
due to their sedentary behavior and less
conspicuous plumages.
When approaches were made to groups
of eagles,the oldest bird flushed first 81
percent of the time (P <0.001).This fur-
ther confirmed the contention that older
birds were more sensitive to disturbance.
Young birds seemed to react to the flight
512 BALD EAGLE AVOIDANCE BEHAVIOR* Stalmaster and Newman
behavior of their older counterparts
when disturbed and not to the observer,
thus elevating their flight distances. Pos-
sibly, young eagles were sensitized to
human activity by the behavior of older
birds on the wintering grounds.
Vegetation Zone Effect.-Wintering
bald eagles were more tolerant when hu-
man disturbances were partially ob-
scured from their line of sight by buffers
of vegetation. When birds were ap-
proached through heavy riparian vegeta-
tion (Vegetation zone), flight distances
were significantly shorter than distances
recorded in open areas (compared to
Riverbank, Fig. 1, q = 12.51, P < 0.001
or Figs. 2, 3, q = 15.51, P < 0.001). In-
creasing sensitivity with age was also ev-
ident for Vegetation Zone (Fig. 2, r = 0.72,
P < 0.001). We expected juveniles and
subadults to respond at the same flight
distance as adults since the observer was
initially visible to the birds at between
75 and 100 m. At this distance in open
areas, flight had usually occurred, but
this was not observed in Vegetation zone.
This diminished response pattern in veg-
etation zones was probably related to the
eagles' reliance on visual identification of
the disturbance before flight.
Vegetation buffer zones on wintering
grounds can be effective in reducing the
disturbance caused by human activities.
Buffer zones are used to protect nesting
territories on lands administered by the
U.S. Forest Service (Juenemann 1973).
Strips of vegetation, which efficiently re-
duce line-of-sight contact, will allow a
closer presence of human activity and
also provide perching and roosting trees.
Based on flight distance information (Ta-
ble 4 and Fig. 2), we recommend zones
75 to 100 m in width to protect critical
wintering grounds where disturbances
are common.
Habituation to Activity.-Wintering
eagles can become habituated to routine
human activities. Birds on the Nooksack
were more easily disturbed by ap-
proaches that occurred on the river chan-
nel than from adjacent farm meadows
where activity was common. Flight dis-
tances were longer for the River channel
simulated disturbances than for the Riv-
erbank type (Fig. 1, q = 7.99, P < 0.001
or Figs. 3 and 4, q = 7.36, P < 0.001).
This aspect was particularly prevalent
with adults as evidenced by comparison
of the regression line slopes (q = 4.60, P
< 0.05) for these 2 types.
Habituation is the temporary or per-
manent waning of responsiveness by an-
imals to repetitious stimuli (Marler and
Hamilton 1966:642-644). In bald eagles,
habituation to human activity has been
suggested by Grier (1969) and Edwards
(1969). Grier contended that birds accus-
tomed to activity were less disturbed by
nest climbing. Edwards found that ap-
proaches could be made closer at roosts
which were closer to usual activity. Ea-
gles on the Nooksack were also easier to
approach when the approach was made
from areas regularly high in activity (Riv-
Tolerance to human activity is related
to the location of the disturbance. Our
data indicated that activities involved di-
rectly on the channel of the river, such as
boating and fishing, were most disturbing
if activities did not regularly occur there.
Normal daily activity patterns were
changed by human presence.
Activity restriction zones are suggested
for bald eagle wintering grounds. In open
regions where activities are common
(Riverbank), boundaries of 250 m would
be sufficient to protect 99 percent of the
population (Table 4). Similarly, bound-
aries on river channels of 250 m would
protect 90 percent of the birds. A com-
bination of both activity restriction zones
J. Wildl. Manage. 42(3):1978
behavior of their older counterparts
when disturbed and not to the observer,
thus elevating their flight distances.Pos-
sibly,young eagles were sensitized to
human activity by the behavior of older
birds on the wintering grounds.
Vegetation Zone Effect.-Wintering
bald eagles were more tolerant when hu-
man disturbances were partially ob-
scured from their line of sight by buffers
of vegetation.When birds were ap-
proached through heavy riparian vegeta-
tion (Vegetation zone),flight distances
were significantly shorter than distances
recorded in open areas (compared to
Riverbank,Fig."I,q =12.51,P <0.001
or Figs.2,3,q =15.51,P <0.001).In-
creasing sensitivity with age was also ev-
ident for Vegetation Zone (Fig.2,r =0.72,
P <0.001).We expected juveniles and
subadults to respond at the same flight
distance as adults since the observer was
initially visible to the birds at between
75 and 100 m.At this distance in open
areas,flight had usually occurred,but
this was not observed in Vegetation zone.
This diminished response pattern in veg-
etation zones was probably related to the
eagles'reliance on visual identification of
the disturbance before flight.
Vegetation buffer zones on wintering
grounds can be effective in reducing the
disturbance caused by human activities.
Buffer zones are used to protect nesting
territories·on lands administered by the
u.s.Forest Service (Juenemann 1973).
Strips of vegetation,which efficiently re!""
duce line-of-sight contact,will allow a
closer presence of human activity and
also provide perching and roosting trees.
Based on flight distance information (Ta-
ble 4 and Fig.2),we recommend zones
75 to 100 m in width to protect critical
wintering grounds where disturbances
are common.
Habituation to Activity.-Wintering
eagles can become habituated to routine
human activities.Birds on the Nooksack
were more easily disturbed by ap-
proaches that occurred on the river chan-
nel than from adjacent farm meadows
where activity was common.Flight dis-
tances were longer for the River channel
simulated disturbances than for the Riv-
erbank type (Fig.1,q =7.99,P <0.001
or Figs.3 and 4,q =7.36,P <0.001).
This aspect was particularly prevalent
with adults as evidenced by comparison
of the regression line slopes (q =4.60,P
<0.05)for these 2 types.
Habituation is the temporary or per-
manent waning of responsiveness by an-
imals to repetitious stimuli (Marler and
Hamilton 1966:642-644).In bald eagles,
habituation to human activity has been
suggested by Grier (1969)and Edwards
(1969).Grier contended that birds accus-
tomed to activity were less disturbed by
nest climbing.Edwards found that ap-
proaches could be made closer at roosts
which were closer to usual activity.Ea-
gles on the Nooksack were also easier to
approach when the approach was made
from areas regularly high in activity (Riv-
Tolerance to human activity is related
to the location of the disturbance.Our
data indicated that activities involved di-
rectly on the channel of the river,such as
b.oating and fishing,were most disturbing
if activities did not regularly occur there.
Normal daily activity patterns were
changed by human presence.
Activity restriction zones are suggested
for bald eagle wintering grounds.In open
regions where activities are common
(Riverbank),boundaries of 250 m would
be sufficient to protect 99 percent of the
population (Table 4).Similarly,bound-
aries on river channels of 250 m would
protect 90 percent of the birds.A com-
bination of both activity restriction zones
BALD EAGLE AVOIDANCE BEHAVIOR *Stalmaster and Newman 513
and vegetation buffer zones is desirable.
Establishment of sanctuaries with these
elements is encouraged. Variations of tol-
erance between populations is likely;
therefore, we suggest monitoring of adult
eagle behavior in developing manage-
ment recommendations since they are
most sensitive to human presence.
BROWN, L. H., AND T. J. CADE. 1972. Age classes
and population dynamics of the bateleur and
African fish eagle. Ostrich 43(1):1-16.
EDWARDS, C. C. 1969. Winter behavior and pop-
ulation dynamics of American eagles in west-
ern Utah. Ph.D. Thesis. Brigham Young Univ.,
Provo. 157pp.
GRIER, J. W. 1969. Bald eagle behavior and pro-
ductivity responses to climbing to nests. J.
Wildl. Manage. 33(4):961-966.
,AND R. FYFE. Assessing the impact of re-
search activities: Birds of prey. Can. Wildl.
Serv. Publ. In press.
GRUBB, T. G. 1976a. A survey and analysis of bald
eagle nesting in western Washington. M.S.
Thesis. Univ. of Washington, Seattle. 87pp.
. 1976b. Nesting bald eagles attack research-
er. Auk 93(4):842-843.
HEDIGER, H. 1968. The psychology and behavior
of animals in zoos and circuses. Dover Publ.,
Inc., New York. 166pp.
JUENEMANN, B. G. 1973. Habitat evaluations of se-
lected bald eagle nest sites on the Chippewa
National Forest. M.S. Thesis. Univ. of Minne-
sota, Minneapolis. 170pp.
Mechanisms of animal behavior. John Wiley
and Sons, Inc., New York. 771pp.
MATHISEN, J. E. 1968. Effects of human disturb-
ance on nesting of bald eagles. J. Wildl. Man-
age. 32(1):1-6.
SMITH. 1977. Twelve-year changes in nesting
patterns of bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucoce-
phalus) on San Juan Island, Washington. Mur-
relet 58(2):37-39.
SERVHEEN, C. W. 1975. Ecology of the wintering
bald eagles on the Skagit River, Washington.
M.S. Thesis. Univ. of Washington, Seattle.
SHEA, D. S. 1973. A management-oriented study
of bald eagle concentrations in Glacier National
Park. M.S. Thesis. Univ. of Montana, Missoula.
SOUTHERN, W. E. 1964. Additional observations
on winter bald eagle populations: Including re-
marks on biotelemetry techniques and imma-
ture plumages. Wilson Bull. 76(2):121-137.
. 1967. Further comments on subadult bald
eagle plumages. Jack-Pine Warbler 45(3):70-
SPENCER, D. A., ED. 1976. Wintering of the mi-
grant bald eagle in the lower 48 states. Nat. Agr.
Chem. Asso. Publ., Washington D.C. 170pp.
SPRUNT, A., IV. 1969. Population trends of the bald
eagle in North America. Pages 347-351 in J. J.
Hickey, ed. Peregrine falcon populations:
Their biology and decline. Univ. of Wisconsin
Press, Madison. 596pp.
- , AND F. J. LIGAS. 1966. Audubon bald eagle
studies, 1960-1966. Proc. 62nd Ann. Cony. Nat.
Aud. Soc., Sacramento, California. 6pp.
STALMASTER, M. V. 1976. Winter ecology and ef-
fects of human activity on bald eagles in the
Nooksack River valley, Washington. M.S. The-
sis. Western Washington Univ., Bellingham.
STEENHOF, K. 1976. The ecology of wintering bald
eagles in southeastern South Dakota. M.S. The-
sis. Univ. of Missouri, Columbia. 148pp.
ZAR, J. H. 1974. Biostatistical analysis. Prentice-
Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs. 620pp.
Received 13 May 1977.
Accepted 24 February 1978.
J. Wildl. Manage. 42(3):1978
BALD EAGLE A VOIDANCE BEHAVIOR·Stalmaster and Newman 513
and vegetation buffer zones is desirable.
Establishment of sanctuaries with these
elements is encouraged.Variations of tol-
erance between populations is likely;
therefore,we suggest monitoring of adult
eagle behavior in developing manage-
ment recommendations since they are
most sensitive to human presence.
BROWN,L.H.,AND T.J.CADE.1972.Age classes
and population dynamics of the bateleur and
African fish eagle.Ostrich 43(1):1-16.
EDWARDS,C. C.1969.Winter behavior and pop-
ulation dynamics of American eagles in west-
ern Utah.Ph.D.Thesis.Brigham Young Univ.,
GRIER,J.W.1969.Bald eagle behavior and pro-
ductivity responses to climbing to nests.J.
--,AND R.FYFE.Assessing the impact of re-
search activities:Birds of prey.Can.Wildl.
Servo Publ.In press.
GRUBB,T.G.19700.A survey and analysis of bald
eagle nesting in western Washington.M.S.
Thesis.Univ.of Washington,Seattle.87pp.
--.1976b.Nesting bald eagles attack research-
er.Auk 93(4):842-843.
HEDIGER,H.1968.The psychology and behavior
of animals in zoos and circuses.Dover Publ.,
Inc.,New York.166pp.
JUENEMANN,B.G.1973.Habitat evaluations of se-
lected bald eagle nest sites on the Chippewa
National Forest.M.S.Thesis.Univ.of Minne-
Mechanisms of animal behavior.John Wiley
and Sons,Inc.,New York.771pp.
MATHISEN,J.E.1968.Effects of human disturb-
ance on nesting of bald eagles.J.Wildl.Man-
SMITH.1977.Twelve-year changes in nesting
patterns of bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucoce-
phalus)on San Juan Island,Washington.Mur-
relet 58(2):37-39.
SERVHEEN,C.W.1975.Ecology of the wintering
bald eagles on the Skagit River,Washington.
M.S.Thesis.Univ.of Washington,Seattle.
SHEA,D.S.1973.A management-oriented study
of bald eagle concentrations in Glacier National
Park.M.S.Thesis.Univ.of Montana,Missoula.
SOUTHERN,W.E.1964.Additional observations
on winter bald eagle populations:Including re-
marks on biotelemetry techniques and imma-
ture plumages.Wilson Bull.76(2):121-137.
--.1967.Further comments on subadult bald
eagle plumages.Jack-Pine Warbler 45(3):70-
SPENCER,D.A.,ED.1976.Wintering of the mi-
grant bald eagle in the lower 48 states.Nat.Agr.
Chern.Asso.Pub!.,Washington D.C.170pp.
SPRUNT,A.,IV.1969.Population trends of the bald
eagle in North America.Pages 347-351 in J.J.
Hickey,ed.Peregrine falcon populations:
Their biology and decline.Univ.of Wisconsin
--,AND F.J.LIGAS.1966.Audubon bald eagle
studies,1960-1966.Proc.62nd Ann.Conv.Nat.
STALMASTER,M.V.1976.Winter ecology and ef-
fects of human activity on bald eagles in the
Nooksack River valley,Washington.M.S.The-
sis.Western Washington Univ.,Bellingham.
STEENHOF,K.1976.The ecology of wintering bald
eagles in southeastern South Dakota.M.S.The-
sis.Univ.of Missouri,Columbia.148pp.
ZAR,J.H.1974.Biostatistical analysis.Prentice-
Hall,Inc.,Englewood Cliffs.620pp.
Received 13 May 1977.
Accepted 24 February 1978.