HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA2369rro~oo~~ c §riD&®©@ Susitna Joint Venture: Document .Number S ted;:-. J Tc.~:J ' ~ . ' ._, ' : . . ', Step 1 .. epot:t .rreparat:Lor: '"'~'" , ', ,. < ~ ,1"' ~ ' -· eeG: ~ o.r .!:'over c t ue:y r!e ~ iscus sed t~re ;;e11era]. approt:ch to j_)£ei=·t!rl.:n~ tr,e 'te7HJ.~.ct for the 1 • ., ~ -' 1'\ ()' "' - ' • • , ' • . Step·..., ;;:ort: uu;::;-1.TigJ4'tiDc.:ry .:.~'-:-.:d. 411tl nave ;.:::c:.ue a start :Ll"L ::eport preparat~~n. Decari~e .a£ the short time sche~ule~ it i$ ~ececsary t~at U ,..._ ---::~ ---,, ~ .~ , , ~ _, .... ·:.r, .. , 1...: ' ('~ -. .--.-· ,_, "T'"''' ,..., --... _j_, ,_ ' '..:: 1. . ., 1 • 0 .... ... • Q~.I' ~;:0..:..!-c.1!.C: 1-•.LOCUCL \~I·--ue c.;.,~.c? . .:..,E;-:.. ·L01.fa.!.O '!...l,.t,e ~-Tic-_ C · CU.7:e,TI.Ll::.L~OTI. V!'"\u···,···_.-· -.-~.T.i.o·rr " ..... ,...c.:,-,-;-~· ..... i·orr· e.-::.-::o-""~ ·~-ill ._,p -in ~.·.,_,,.. .t:a1"Lo··inc • ... ::'_:1 .• _ ...... ner.· . -----1:'~.,_;:-e-c.L._. ·.:...L ;;.·L .. ;:,. ,;7 ·_.. .· '"'-..__. -1·-.L -· ;·---o .'-· ,., ~ n•i ll· ' 1u· ·e· .. --.· l . 2 . . 3 •. '. . ' . ' , .a s n e c e: s s C!.:: y \-72 t n of F· -i .,... -..... · .... L .o .-::. ., r : 1 : i-, :::~· .... e· the· ~ !:' -.~. ~. 11 e· 1 . ·::-.. · n .. c~. co·.,-, e --h a ... .: -r1' e .. , ... ..,.,·-' e··, ._ -.~.a..,;:tL-' ,J-,c..;..-~, .~'-~L. ~'--. -£.. ~ .Ju \.l;a-L '~t-4'-.! ,l:.r-t::~~o\.! l .. ,t; e££or.ts o£ (1) p.o1-:rer narl:et f.orectrst and (2) project optir:;izc.tion a·nd ji.:st..ifi;cation, ve 1rill assune tva sep . .:;rate r.eports .ltill be J.n:e;·:ered. · f,.;.tt~c.b.~:~ent 1 s:)cr:;.;s the sur.:r:.ary Table of Contents of the Step 1. r.euort s • ... 1.~ t t c:. .c h !7< e n t 2 s h o \·: s. the S.tep. In T.,euo;;-t. E CL is t: e c;. ues t e.d to cor.rplete E~hibits fo~. ~he first 4rilf of l~orl: on. r~ e.;~. t: , \·'1 e:e k •. t:h.e .. ?.epo.:t Outline, .Tables·, ?ir;u~es, S. +-e-T t. Pe~o· _ ... -s·· "' -F-i·r··· . .,. .... """'..-·i .o,~·l.· .... ,T· ; .. c. ~ ;._,c;..' -·+, H l.'"" <:J.. c;o. ' ...... ;:,L. J:'~.-. -· L.J,. a cq~plet:e list of tc.bles,' 'fi&:U:tes .I through. III dE t.he Ste.p ·~· ... e."'· · ·I· · n · ,.. ; ,·. 1' .. ·· ~o·· e .,... .;· ·.n· · ~ '""' tJ L H . --,, ---' ' !, .,!., ... t., •• • •• ',!··~'-"'~ ·• "\ .. far Po~er Study Tem1 Chert. 11/iT~: Step for Susitnc;, the general to t-,_,e·· ···e~'o•t. -,...., .-'. !... - ' for S1:eT'. '1 "'10"'"';-a·,,,~ ... ;nn: .T,:;,.,..,.,;a-:r·.~ ?0 ~31 ::-.-_.! ... ;.,;-;,,e i''nde ~· st::-.-t -_,n .=eno:tt · -, ~ ..... , '" ' .1_ ·~ ~ ---b -"-l ... -' -.I -.., --y ... J. -' ' ... -' .~ -.. ...... prep~ratiop .. Bec,<::use of the ~hor,t ti•:te ac11edule, it is r .. ecess2ry that our \to:d~ and. P'r:oclu.ct will be [;eai'ed. to1-:arci. the fi~n.:::.l C:octn:.entatiort. ·•our l,'eyort TITeparation efforts ;;;ill be in the follc:r::;in& i.""..8iTr~er: The: a. b QV e \·:r i 1 I study. be 1 .. ..... , 1 ' ~ . .!.2D.e OI Cut line. Lists of: 7ables, 3. 4. ~enort L , 1 ' :1: .,. • . ., Geve .opec. anc rev2.sea :First; to f;=.cilitate tke parallel a.nd SOi:i~vha:t independent ef_f=o:.ts o:: (1). DO•··er'71.,.,.1·et fo,-eC""t anri (?) u.:::.• OJ·e.~ct .... on_t...tiT.~'l.i~ation.t and ~ ,~ -._ \'I, .,,.., C.::.;,... ,., -..t... ~· 0 .:,._, '-' -, L-.. ..-- ~ustifl.~Cation. \Je vill' "~'SU....;;e . ..:.•·•Q c-n.,.~·ate· -·:::.no~".._S ;-r71 ".t be· -•:··cT~·.;._e· .. Q~· ..J ., ~ -:·. -c.-ij . t..-.. '-" . .;J c r q. -. .L ~ r .l., L: , ... -: ~ , . . !A-:· P u. ~ • Attticb::-;1ent l reports. shclts .sho':; s of the· Step IE 2~port . the su r:n:: ;:n.-y Tab 1 e Report Cutli;J.G 0.!: . J... of Step·l. .EOL i.s .requested to comi:J'lete the I:epo~t Outline, TGhles, Figures, E::::hibits fer the first. half of Step IA fteport as a r:irst priority .. 1;rK i.s requt::steC.. to· develop ~ ,.'!...:b' .. :t· ,'~ 1 ~ ,-... -., -n -··· fo-ar-~1...< e.,.'!;.J.. .!.. s, .ai:ln G\:h .• ,.:; .:.e1:-or-c ·'""' .._ 1~ Report a.s a first. priority~ ' ,' .• " ' ; .·. . a c o. n n_~. .1 e t e 1 i s t. o f t a b 1 e s • f i c.;-~.11:: e s ' . • c. Chapters I through II! of the Step . ne:~t. tV.throu6h VII . ' ' '-' .. .'\. ,, . in Crd..cago .reports • 1 •· . ·• • .. , •T ~-1 -,· ' ., .::::. p p -~ c a t x o p. a n a :L a, t t e 1 ~ e !.; o ~ t n u e s t ' . v o 1. u i:l e -r , "" , , . -, • ~erer to tnese ttto uocu~ents Ln . ,... ' . ' , , . ~ I a u y b .::. s i. c d c t a . or -:: e :;':' e r en c e fr on these I;"epoxt s • :!:u ....... --e ..:_ L .L;. ""' . G. I e to reports . T! e: \: ~ r1 t t o ·7here:E.ore, '-1;c. -"''l·t'e··i ... 1 L ~ ... c:-, ""''~ .J.. _c ~~-~ .. -~~--~~-~ --The:·-~t\1-HTeS:'-ii:l' Sfen ·r ~:fi1 be ~efincd Ci:1d :::cv-isec, anc t~.e Step 1 : ·.. , . . .:.;, . , ,. ., ~ .-. " n ' ~ , •, " " . . :repOTt '\lJ.-11 be el.ab-Or<.!tecr tO ce,,re.Lc.p t;l.C .::lt!;.p L. COi:.p~Ci1€I:S l..Ve :!:E:pOrt due June 3 0 , 1 9 3 3 • T .'he l a t t e ~~ · :::~-:! y {; e co as i 6 e ~ e C. 2. r ev1. s ion to !:~:~1ibits Bend D of the I.icense .l:..pplic~.tion. ::c QiscusseG the ' • •' '1 .' • ' ., / ' ; , • ' . • •. ..... .... -"' poss1.v_:e negc t.o cor.1.!:i:.Lete ~nu suon.1.t cert&J.n · e:ocu:."-:ents to .!:'J::.~:v soan .. 2 f t e I ? e b r u c: r y 2 f: , . 19 8 3 ( s c 1': e G u 1 e d n t c o f t h e. L i c e n s e i. p p 1 i c: ;::, t i on) • t'or .l,.,' .. r' i ~ ',-e· co· n .1..·1 ~ c·~,. r·,,, ',A-. ,._ 1-~:::. ,:-:i,r--·c.....,r;)..:1 ; ... " {= . ..,--!1-J.., +l-~t ,..: -L.--.--~..,· 1 , ....... 1e .,.iL,ep e report. Sf!Ot:._c. ~:-C..t.:o:>l...,.l--.. -,-11 c. -0-o .. r~L L. . .,,d ' ;~ould best 1;esei::ble: F~!..G E:.::hihits B .::nd D. .He ... plan on. Sten ... l.report to be ~n indape~lent tioc~nent: tTitl1out r1..eec1 o£ reference .to other reuorts. ~7f:e:re:v·e~ ~-;;e use ·c.· '::!aD, &.....• ~ 1 ' ' ' -·. ,.. . ~ - . ' ,. '-. ' ,, . . '1 ' ....., ., ' ·-· . -, \_, c.. u e: ., or I 1. g u x e :c r ctw t l: e L l c e. n s e 1~p p 1 ~ c a t !, on a TI a t ke .c .:::: t t e 1 .t e as :.. ' • ~ .-.. 1 . ~ . ~ • """. • ' •. ua s J. c c & t a r or o u I s t l1 c: y , _ e t u s r e ;:~ .r o ct.:. c e 1. t I or :_ n c 1. ~ s l o ::1: 1. n our Step 1 report •. CreG.it ·should, o£ co~r~e, be given~ This could .a.dc1 to ""'t.·"ne h.-1-_i1~ ·o-_;. a· u:~_., ... --/::l""'Q';··t :-U·-'t· .,. ... ; "'11 rAQU-i re 1-i tt1 e .-.:f=o-~ ..,u -• . -L-~!.; .-· ' U .· t1'--~·-"' --.--· ·;.-. t::::::-.,1. . ..L L..• Ue \;ill stancl.a.rd:iEe the for~~t for te::t, t.abulati.on, 2nd references. For the tine being, "";·:re \:rill use Harza report st~nC:ard. ? <1 u1 Lap bert, ·ui 11 1 et us ?:nou ·the dJ:a·wing sizes and title block! 1·Je ~ill bring a copy of ~2rzats Uord P~ocessing Guide for report =-e-~~r-,.:....: on 1;-:"·!.. ::-·t;;.~.at...L 1 .... 'Fl"'.,., I c 1.-'=" ___ \.i,p.~o l~.t ta chm en t s cc: 1L. Lc:Rus so I! .. '"Jt"' ' ., flear;ner c u. S i:;:trJ on s. '. _;. -='~--= 2'.1 2 . .2 2.3 1 "l.~ 2.5 ~:tevie1:t ·• an(.. f~evie~'l Do c.ur.:en ts Identify Adciitional Data/Iofor~ation Sources. li -. • ~' ',. _,. ' ., 1 .. .... ... .,_ "": ., . l;.na l. v s J. s o I :La(~ e. s 2.na :1e L..I:o as ·-. ' ., " ' . Electric. :.r_,o<:.cl c:nC: i:n~r.gy P~ojection ~lethods ~ -. .. . -._..., . . ,, .... .rrOJ€C~lOTI 0~ LCODODJ.C ~ODGl~J.OITS Ch<:!rncterization 6K Electric .. Utility Systen 'III~ TIIE SETTil~G ITT ' -' .. 3.2 3.3 3.4 .· k 1 .... • ~-. '''lt. 2 .. 'I ~ ' !J.. .,... ... ;.) ·4.4 R~ilbelt Zlectric Utility System Role of· }:laska Po·uer Authority . I11 s ti tuti 04-a 1 Involvement · & El\ERGY D:t:H.Al,7D .AUD SUPPLY SlTUATIO.U Tot2.l Et!erg.y ... : Eistoric~l a;nd Current Electric Energy-Eistorical.anrl Current Loaci Characteristics S t r u c. t u r e an d. ·· De s i gn ':-'c.,., c::: er"r ~ t-1 ·o·n· · p.:.. o p-·r ..,.,..., s· '-'-\ta.:-.. tr' c ... ...__ . ..t.. u.., 9-J~~ ' Tiei4ograpbic/Soci~l In.cot~e/ E1:111 1 oyr:!en t . 'T ;-, G'· u s· · -L· "I" i a 1 .· Se c to~ s ~7" .. ' ' ' -""-14 : .L ,In.fra structure Fac.tO:;;s Role . a£ Public~ Sector· . . of \~7or1cL and H.ationai. "Bconowic .. of I:.esults Forecasts ' ' Susjtrra Project -Initi~l ' -. 1 . anc .!JV~_uatlon II -DescriPtion ~£ Altern2tive Uatan~ . . -. . ', ,. . ·. Projects c:.nd. L'heir Cost E s tina tes CEAP'L'ER II I and Devil 1 • 1 1 · 1 · .a... · -~, 1 C a· s t· o· £:. '"Rue ·1 L"' .. ;v a .:L ·a o 2: _l ~.. y C,.-•.a . !. .... . . CEAPTER V 0?tini~ati6n and Justifination (,. .1~ . ) · J;.o l. o:;r:Lng t.ext . Devil C . .:.nyon Projects OU?LI!tE ', ~C..;us,;Ltno[; ~;?:roje;cJ ~"In l.tiar i:e\1 i e1·; an Ci ·-r:-,; c:: lt!.a t i 'on' D' • , G • • , 'o :1." J.: OJ e ct. , ~r;t ~:n~z c.t2 on 1., ~J;\ ' .;: ; 1 ~ ,.:j ,.,_ ,j._ J.l,.._ -~ ~ERC Licenae Application~ proceeds with fbr ~&rly constructia~. Harza-Ebasco engaged to perforn design engineeri~& 2rtd to an~ist in license proc$Ssing~ As an initi~l r ,i-· .o ; .. n. ....._ ., p· , .... , ,· P . . • . . -.· 4 ,· , .; ..~.-,·· , ~ ? A r " .:... d.. ...~ . ~ ·....., .. ~ . C a· .._ 0 . .::.L-,TI ...... "' ~.-n-, _,c._,..ns~ng c:.c;:L,...:V..!.;L_e$• ,L::.-.,.:. _eque,SLe, n.arz;=-1:.Dc!S, , L ', pe:cfqrr.1 a re•."'iet·7 and initial analysl;s of the p;~,~oposed project relat,ing to ·.the Yeed for PO\·ler issue .• \ ' ' ' r'"~vie-.;·:r is·, timely beca.use ,,9f the, changing econonic conditiol."ls in Ala s k a r e s ~1 tin g f'r art the i e c u c e d p r i c e 1 eve 1 , o £ , o i 1 and s t; a t e revcrntes_, affecting £ti~ure, elecf::cic pcn:e~ den2nd, . .and ,resultin~ in tne. rtee,d ·:for the St1s itncr Proj e c. t .• · Review and. evaluation .:i,.rt tvo areas a.ffectin.g Reed :f.or Pouer: ·1) ... P'm;e:r marl:et foreca,st., <iocu1~ented in a· sepa,I:ate report. and .. 2 ) pro j ec ·t. opt in i z at ion ',a !l c1 jus t if i ca. t ion p r e s e. n t e d her e in • Re~ev~luate the prope~ size"of the i~itial stage of.the Susitna Froj ect .. For this purpo.se st:U.dy a suall.er nat.ana .Project: 1·1ibh reservoir . . 2100 .;:.nd 200.0 ~ .Also study t_he Devil Canyon Project. as ci. first sta~e.. The studies are 'c.~:>raparative in nature and. ~re not in ten cl e d to cove :t;' a 11 the . d e t a i 1 s \·T h Lc h , u.. o n ot h f £ e c :t p r oj e c t pet f 6 r man .c e and co st.. · n a sic c'!. e sign concepts .for the · Ha tana and Devil' Canyon Froj ect s, · ~nd .the. cost ~ st ina t e s of the: pi:o.:jects are ta1:.etT fro111 the draft L.icense J!.pplication (Hoy, &2). ::11~ study -wiT1 determine if ·the proposed ~:7atc.na/I>ev:il Car.ty.on is still' the OJ;>tiw.UT:l_, (leriving the g~ecite<S.t ·benefit. ; .... :·. . ' ana .cost ~~~lil. ~-a~ ~,-.e-~<•e ·en--~y ~-o'·c·~J..·on· ~ ...... -G~ h ·. '""' :'.:. "" D. ,' c .... : 'b ' . P· .;_, G:·'C '-. . .· •. '. ~c·.~l·e~u·I~. o= ~l·t.·e-n~t~~o~ (Cha~te-V) Dc::velop cor:'stxu:ction·· -I.. u' ' ' > .!..t ~· . . :L j ~·· -~' ~ ,, ' -• ' ~ ' • ~stioate ~vnilnbility and cdst of fuel resouxce~ r a · "l • • · • ~ __ . .,_. ·---.£ .. i-e~l.cr .. s ·-,.· ~· ·urrertt~·c: o~a±~=~Ir·~ . ~-e·s,I~;:~=~ _ u.se oy prlce, and co •. t...J, ac-es. .~•l!L Lil Slope sas. '• 11::p ert potentia 1 a.s I..::G) Oil Coal ·~ :r n a:~.n' .... Lll. ·e. ~ o~~ e· c o,···u· e;..; :i ...... ;e !"" ~ ~ , ,. -! ~.. h.L , . ..r... L ~ L .v. a 1 t e r .r .. a t i v e s cost, ati~ schedule)~ . . ·· Si1.rp le Cycle . GTs Location Ccrw~ined Cycle T,ocation · Goa.l ,~ired, S·t.eam Loca. ti·o~· ' ' ' ' \ ' :, ' . A~a lyze al texn.a't:i·\re systeT:l e:o:pan .. sion ·tH-:og~.ans. Criteri~ for e~pansion~ U . ;-' ' . ' , 1 .se OI ·computer I:iOG e .• . ' ' P~~esent :(torth (life cycle analysis) :Srea:l~e:ve.n; a.na:ly $is and inter;:Jr..1 rate ,8.PA "J /.· ~-,., • • ....... ..::. .., .:.., : .~-... • ... .a;:, :t:nJ. s L.J., ... L . .!.. on ISEV., '1, ' . '6 . .c ... cr~s Batf:elle D. 1leau1:1e· ., . of retu,rn Susitna .Feas:£,bility ~ep.a:rt Battelle Pa:·cific Rarth1:rest Reports ( ?.er £ o~t:lD;nc e, C 0 -..,.., -., ... t c · · o J: .i. ·r:· e · li 1~ o·-e· n e . .,.. a·· '~"' .._ s· J.,!~., C ·•· · ~ L .' L l •-U \T .;,. 1~ . :...., L . 198:3 Energy Fla.ti by Sel(::.cte·,t1 References, ' . ' :AL'l:ERN~iTIVE 1-;tATANA A,UD DEVIL .CAUYOJ:J l?R:OJ.:3CTS COST.S. an. exhibit). Dep~.nc.1in6 on d.eveltip::tent concept and t.lte:I;"t!<!ti.ve concept, there c::.:-e tnree 1'Jajor elm.:entEJ :, . 1) \:atcna,. 2) D e '\."~ i 1 C a n y o. n , a n d 3 ) c o :t~ ::1 or! f a c i 1 i t i e s a s cl e s c 2: i b e cl in s u, c c e e din g s e c t i on s'. . E c: en o £ t h e t h r e e e 1, e:;:H~ n t s ::1 d. y · d i £ f e r depen~ing on the dcvelopoent concept~ The basi~ ~lternativ~s~-2185, 2100, 2000 ?r o.j t;3 .c t · s t r u c. t u r e s , gene r 2-l arran:;; e :1:1 en t , ·d c. r:J, ci i vi s ion , ene:rgency release. facilit:ies, outlet facilities,· nain spi1lu3.y, energe"f'.:CY spill;;ay,po 1.-!.er int2ke .(initial and u.ltin::.te}, p e:ns t~ c.ks ( i 11 it ia 1 and u.l tiT.~ at e) , po~n~~ b oe:s e, tail , access ' , < • ,.., • 1' . . , ., ~ 'l ~oacS, s1te ~ac~ ~t~es, rell~t cnanne a ~ ":"" , J?roj ect . structures for t.be alta±rra tiv e reservoir eleva ti ov. s. ,' ' ' ~.eservoir operating fuels (three l~vels). Turoir~es and generators (three levels). levels) . .Appur,tenar:.~ neq.hnnical a,ne elect::ric eqci·p~tE:ilt (three levels).· I ' ' ' 'construction schedl.~le (three.' levels)·~ .. Estinate.d cons~ruttio~. costs (tl!ree lev·els) •. --.,-.--~-----~ -- ?roject stru~t~res for the propos~d ~reject ~n the Lip~ns~­ .Application.s (samE! as Uatana) • . Proje.ct. s~ructu;e·. if, bu,ilt .be£o.re· Hatar~,a--s~fllva·J", diversion~ 2--15011\t. and/ or 4:...150EH •. ~lte~n~tives--1455~1405; Propo~~d in License Application~ A'lter:t"lc tiv.es S t-· ... .,.1 .. ,, '-L... """'~" • . Conversion of i-ct ere or:ne c ti,9111-i !Le froli:" 13:G:t·:?\z -.-,•--='---=--. =-..o:~ =--~---=-~ ---;-- S-u·it c.;hirtg anC: sub_~--- u ,~~ i "'r ""r',S i t" •r . ;:: S .._L e..,..J..,, _.~,_,,"" --.;' -~ Sold C-::. e 1-J.. '-' --) Hill O\],. -· .. _, .L~ll ~ t; Transnission lines...,,... Gold·' Creek to i'Jillo:u, HiliQ\,~. to .:::nil:: Atb, ' ' ,.~ '. -• I • .,. ... ' ·., I' ., -.;... and: hnJ...r~ Arm t.o !!UJ..yersJ...LY. ' ' Connection to utilities. ? "' .... ~;~···a ~·e .;1 ..-..J u,L -t..-.. , t... , y C.._,,.. ... ;,..,.0~ ~ L c;x o·-.~,; o w ·• .cost$ and disbui:-ser:·:ent schedules for alternative Costs Access. Roads .· (cescription, costs) Permanent To\'lri (desc:ciptiol;l,, 21 tern:E.tive costs) Su~ ,,...,,--,.; e ·s·, ·o·y . • ...,.1.11'. c.. .J.. _,_ unc!er e;::ch ;:;.lt~rnc.tive. 'General B(3) O. per at i o :h W i ll be nut or:~ a t i t ~ .Con t r .o 1 . '>1 i 11 be fro l":"i Geu:ti~r. at Viilciw(?). T;;i;>le sho,.s annua 1 ei:J ergy .pro due ti on . Plant faotor fqr each alternatives includin·~ no~nil-uatch ~epa city·, ma :{ an.d m~n . generating c.a Pa,hi lity.; a11d teri er:a ti rt g .<nrnability in the :PE:!ak load ·mont'j:! (D~ceJJber) •. . ~.. , • 1 ·•. . ' .: • 1-' 1 , ; ; ,, ~ , -wee ho,.; .load ~oriths: 'an.d D.escriut ion ·. "' . . w a t e r ~. b o.n th s: • I .r:: 1 ·o~ l r e c o-a.· c ·u' ~ e ..l ;!.. ' \'· ~---', l. "' -~ for illustratiqn/cliscussi.an ' • ~ i • < ; ' ' • ' ' .' : ., ' ' I ' ' D.e.scriution of iJu:::-Dose of oueration £or neai~i~b' soinnin!!' re:serv~,. uteeti1).~ a-portion ~£ the pea1~ de:;;-;;nnd, fox: fir;:: eno:c[;; .,...x o cl~' c ti on,-:1nd/ 01" _;.ep'·].2 c e:,e' n t of ._f_o s s il. en er ~Y 0 e-e"'~,;) ._ ~ on !"'-~ --' "-t . ' ~ ' .---.-. b. tJ. J.. c L;--I 1 .• -_ -c= :=' ,---~--· -. ~ -----_,_.-, •• - D . . ' ~ ,, . 1 . ' . . . /' ·escr:t.pt.J...Qn of c-,DJ..._lty. of systen to. ut2l2.ze c.2.pacJ.ty and or e -e·r·~y in ~rl·l·~i~I/1-~e·r-~e--s . • •'-· 15 _.._,. -L._G , . -d L.. . }, <-....., • s 1.1 p J> 1 y fr om L i c en s e 1:. p p 1 i c at i on 30('?) :;-ears o£ flo-..:-: ;::_ec.ords at G.o1ci Cree1: and Cant\;<ell were used to· de.rive natural fld~ data at Watana a~d Devil Can'.!OTI .• ' .I Giv·e r~.iniT.lu~, tle.an, znd h1~:xinun 'recorced/cor.J.putecl. flo-ps. Give c:::itical flow sequencefs)~ .Give evaporatio3.1 data (Table E60). r.eservoir .o~erat; on--CExhibit: :C(4)ii) Give rfile curve (if any) data;.(Tc:ble 1}53, Case C?). of. operation. Give mininem release Give a,1::ea.~capac.ity cuxves. Give. plant perf.orr.tc:.nce C.,ata-..:.flo-:;;r) efficiency (kw vs~: cfs vs. head) and gen.e:rato:t output. · Give tailuater ra.ting curve.. Giv.e p6uerplant capability ~ersus tang~ of Qprcting heeds~ t .. 1--r"""-;a_, ' - -.z-• ,;.... ~ !::) s , a~. --?!--er . .:.,c:.L~I1 6 cury __ .• Giv·e results,--monthly computer printouts are exhibits and s'un;naries are: tables in text. Suinnc.ries silduld sho!~ fi1"'r.1 energy and. d.ependahle ca.paqity for cash case. ' -.· '• _---.:;;;...____;__.:..__c;;;~....;;..,.___,-,~._.;;;,..,...,_B,.:..~v.,.,_i-,....,s..:..t~· ~::=-:-=,m~-( 4n sw e;; 's the J;1 a 1;' t of E:::hi bit B( 5) Illustrate :plant· qperatiou on an hourly .basis and dispatcbe.d ern an in t e g 1i a t e d 1 o a d · c u r v e (.A.n c.~ a r a g e a n d P a i r h a n 1~ s ) u: n d e r ·dif'feren.t cases of 1!ata11a./.Susitna cle'\telo::-.tents fo:J: key months.· (sa;)r July a~.d Decec:;ber. of 1994 OJ:' 5?). . . . ' ..