HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA2372; .' INTRA-OFFICE MEMORANDUM LOCATION Denver/Anchorage DATE _--=:.Oc:::..t:::...:.......:l:.::2:..1,--=l~9.:.84-'--_ TO Bv)FROM E.J.Gemperline D.W.Beaver NUMBER SUBJECT Slough Discharge Regression Relations 8 In our continuing review of Susitna slough groundwater conditions,we have reexamined statistical relations between slough discharge and other hydraulic parameters (mainstem discharge,mainstem stage,and mainstem stage minus slough stage).In performing these revised calculations,we have used slough discharge data provided by R&M Consultants,mainstem discharge data provided by the U.S.Geological Survey,and stage-discharge relations at selected cross sections inferred from rating curves given in the Harza-Ebasco draft report entitled "Sus i tna Hydroelec tricProject,Lower Susi tna River,Water Surface Profiles and Discharge Rating Curves",dated October,1983. The derived relationships are summarized on Attachment 1 (slough discharge vs •. mainstem discharge),Attachment 2 (slough discharge vs.mainstem stage),and Attachment 3 (slough discharge vs.head difference).In general,these relationships differ but little from relationships previously presented.The· differences that do appear can be attributed to minor corrections in the data base,as well as the use of rating curves at different river cross sections. Some general co~nents can be made.Regression relations using all values generally have a higher coefficient o£determination (R2)than those which exclude dates when upstream berms were overtopped.This is to be expected, since the sloughs will behave essentially as side channels under overtopping conditions.However,in many instances the correlations are improved when both dates of overtopping and dates when slough discharge is relatively high are excluded,particularly at sloughs 8A and 9.This suggests that other sources,such as localized surface runoff,can be important contributors to slough discharge at some sloughs,such as 8A and 9.(Note that excluding dates when slough discharge is relatively high tends to dramatically increase R2,while resulting in relatively little change in the slope of the regression line.)Furthermore,these refined analyses confirm previous conclusions regarding the apparent uniqueness of each of the four sloughs studied in detail so far.It remains unlikely that any general 'relationships applicable to all sloughs can be developed. The relationships presented in the Attachments should be applied with caution.They are not necessarily accurate predictors of absolute slough discharge under all flow conditions.However,the slopes of the regression lines with higher R2 values may provide reasonably accurate order of magnitude estimates of changes in apparent groundwater upwelling over the ranges in flow considered.Thus,the indicated relationships may be accurate predictors of relative changes in groundwater upwelling with changes in other parameters,if not accurate predictors of absolute slough discharge. cc:B.H.Wang,Harza,Chicago S.D.Simmons,Ebasco,Seattle (,~0 o ATTACHMENT 1.LINEAR REGRESS ION EQUATIONS FOR SIDUGH DISCHARGE VS.MAINSTEH DISCHARGE <..J SLOUGH 8A 9 11 21 YEAR 1983 1983 1983 1982. 1982 REGRESSION EQUATION S =-3.83 +0.000526 G S =5.10 +0.0000377G 5 =0.15)+0.000117 G 5 =-0.627 +0.000128 G 5 =-149.7 +0.010008 G 5 =2.94 +0.000307 G 5 =1.97 +0.000351 G 5 =1.51 +0.000102G S =2.15 +0.000104 G 5 =-7.62 +0.00105 G 5 = -0.570 +0.000445 G S =-2.71 +0.000803 G R2 0.103 0.001 0.086 0.631 0.264 0.089. 0.805 0.766 0.504 0.543 0.405 0.916 COHMENTS All values Exc 1uding overtopping flows,G'>30,000 June 6 -Aug.7 only;excluding G730,000 June 6 -Aug.7 only;excluding G730,000,573 All values Excluding overtopping flows,G~16,000 Excluding G;7 16,000,S'7 8 All values All values All values Exc1ud ing overtopping flows,G "724,700 Sept.22 -Oct.22 on1Yi excluding G'724,700 Notes:5 =510ugh discharge,cfs;G =Hainstem discharge at Gold Creek,cfs ~,i o ATTACHMENT 2.LINEAR.REGRESSION EQUATIONS FOR SLOUGH DISCBAR.GE VS.HAINSTEM STAGE SLOUGH YEAR REGRESS ION EQUATION R2 COMMENTS 8A 1983 S •-2149.8 +3.698W l 0.065 All values S •-92.3 +0.1683WI 0.000 Excluding overtopping flows,G)30,000 S •-695.45 +1.1966Wl 0.091 June 6 -Aug.1 only;excluding G)30,OOO S '"-740.96 +1.2737Wl 0.626 June 6 -aug.7 only;excluding G)30,000,S>3 9 1983 S '"-32,801 +54.380W2 0.228 All values S ..-769.1 +1.2871W 2 0.085 Excluding overtopping flows,G>16,000 S •-877.21 +1.4658W2 0.755 Excluding G>16,000,S>8 11 1983 S '"-367.04 +0.54004W3 0.783 AI"values 1982 S ..-327.05 +0.48278W3 0.531 All values 21 1982 8 '"-4400.2 +5.8554W4 0.491 All values 8 ..-1810.6 +2.4130W4 0.391 Excluding overtopping flows,G>24,700 ,8 ..-3244.1 +4.3212W4 0.938 8ept.22 -Oct.22 only;excluding G>24,700 Notes:8"Slough discharge,cfs;G •Mainstem dischrage at Gold Creek,cfs WI.'Mainstem stage at RM 127.1,ft.;W2 •Mainstem stage at RM 129.3,ft.; W3 •Mainstem stage at RM 136.68,ft.;W4 •Mainstem stage at RM 142.2,ft. 421051/10 o L)o ATTACl~ENT 3.LINEAR REGRESSION EQUATIONS FOR SLOUGH DISCHARGE VS.HEAD DIFFERENCE \-.J SWUGH 8A 9 11 21 YEAR 1983 1983 1983 1982 1982 REGRESSION EQUATION S =-11.2 +1.25 AH S =26.1 -1.39 ~H S =-6.26 +0.603 ~H S =-17.3 +1.31 ~H S="-158 +19.8 AH S =-0.187 +0.670 AH S =-9.22 +1.53 AH S =-4.74 +0.550 AH S =-3.23 +0.483 l)H S =-35.9 +5.60 ~H S =-11.4 +2.19 ~H S =-30.5 +5.11 AH R2 0.007 0.027 0.021 0.564 0.011 0.021 0.720 0.771 0.519 0.296 0.270 0.910 COMMENTS All values Excluding overtopping flows,G730,OOO June 6 -Aug.7 onlYi excluding G~30,OOO June 6 -Aug.7 onlYi excluding G >30,000,S73 All values Excluding overtopping flows,G~16,OOO Excluding G:>16,000,S>8 All values All values All values Exc luding overtopping flows,G>24,700 Sept.22 -Oct.22 on1Yi excluding G,724,700 Notes:S =Slough discharge,cfs;G =Mainstem discharge at Gold Creek,cfs AH =Mainstem stage minus slough stage