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U.S. DEI-'I . GF L . ., .l RIOR
Potential for Industrial Development
in the Railhelt Reqion of Alaska Based
on the Availability and Cost of
Electric Power
December 19 8 2
Division of Policy Development and Planning
(907) 465-3577
Potential for Industrial Development
in the Railbelt Reqion of Alaska Based
on the Availability and Cost of
Electric Power
De c e mb e r 1 9 8 2
Prepared by: SRI International
333 Ravenwood Ave
Menlo Park, CA 94025
APR 4 1983
Prepared for:
State of Alaska
Office of the Governor
Division of Policy Development
and Planning
Juneau, AK 99811
Submitted by:
Ralph J. Richardson
Michael D. Kimball
Jeffrey H. Barber
Technology and Innovation Management Cent~r
SRI International
December 1982
333 Ravenswood Ave .• Menlo Park, CA 94025
(415) 859-6200 • TWX: 910-373-2046 • Telex: 334 486
The potential of new Alaskan hydroelectric and tidal power pro-
jects to provide large amounts of electrical power suggests that such
hydroelectric capacity might serve as a magnet for industrial develop-
ment and would help expand Alaska's economy. To assist the Office of
the Governor in evaluating the potential for industrial development in
Alaska based on inexpensive power, SRI International has reviewed
available information on the proposed hydroelectric and tidal power
projects and examined the issues related to an Alaskan location for a
group of identified electrically intensive industries.
In addition to addressing particular industrial segments, SRI has
examined other nonindustrial uses for low-cost electrical energy. These
include electrification of the Alaskan Railroad, the possibility of an
intertie to electrical grids in the lower 48 states, and expansion of
electric space heating.
To determine the scope and timing of the proposed facilities, SRI
used several studies on electric power development in the Railbelt .
region of Alaska. These include:
Preliminary Assessment of Cook Inlet Tidal Power (Acres
American/Governor's Office).
Susitna Feasibility Study (Acres American/Alaska Power
Authority) (Final Draft).
Railbelt Electric Power Alternatives Study (Battelle Northwest
Laboratories/Governor's Office) (Comment Draft).
Energy Intensive Industry for Alaska (Battelle Northwest
Laboratories/Division of Energy and Power Development).
Various feasibility, engineering, arid design studies on the
Railbelt region by the Alaska Power Authority.
Economic Development in Alaska--A Sectoral Analysis (Arthur D •
Little/Alaska Department of Revenue).
In reviewing these studies of the Susitna hydroelectric and Cook
Inlet tidal power projects, SRI collected data by project and in total
for the following factors:
(a) Project location, likely completion date, power output, and
other relevant system characteristics.
(b) Estimated project cost range.
(c) Forecast of service area demand.
(d) Estimated electric power price based on a, b, and c above.
(e) Nonutilized or surplus power availability through 2010,
including a definition of 11 surplus 11 power and analysis of the
impact of load growth on surplus power availability over time.
(f) Surplus or nonutilized power price ranges, including four
cases: 100% market financing, 50% market financing and 50%
state grants, 100% state loans with the rate of return equal
to the inflation rate, and 100% state grants. The effect of
potential wholesale and retail rate structures on surplus
power price ranges was considered.
In addition, to place the hydroelectric and tidal power projects in
perspective, SRI tabulated information about hydroelectric and other
electric power developments worldwide that affect Alaska's competitive
position compared to alternative industrial locations.
After reviewing the reports listed above, SRI concludes that for
many of the proposed financing methods and demand scenarios, the
projected capacities and price of power of electricity from the Susitna
and Eagle Bay projects will not be major incentives for electrically
intensive industries to locate in the Railbelt region.
Energy projects are usually phased to balance supply with expected
demand. Significant quantities of nonutilized power are unlikely to be
available as an inducement for industry to locate in Alaska unless the
state chooses to adopt a construction schedule and plant mix that result
in excess capacity.
More importantly, even though the annual operating costs of these
projects may be low relative to alternative power sources, the high
carrying costs associated with the initial construction of these pro-
jects, financed at prevailing interest rates, will offset such savings.
As a result, unless the state is able to obtain low interest rates or
provide the majority of capital costs at no or very low interest rates,
the cost of excess power, even if available, will not be sufficiently
low to attract industry.
Table 1 summarizes the pertinent data of the reviewed reports and
to indicate the likely completion dates. The actual completion dates
will depend on the demand for electric power and the potential for
financing the projects.
<! T~ble 1 CHARACTERISTICS OF HYDROELECTRIC ANI> TIDAL POWE.R PROJECTS Project Loc~tion Hydroelectric Susi~na,--W~t~n~ Subtot~l Susitn~--Devil Canyon Tot~l 'l'id~l Eagle B~y Directly us~ble power E~rliest completion Da.te, H.eclium Demand Forec.ast 1993 2002 2010 Av~il.~b.le j>Ower for retim~~g lnst~lled Cap~city (MW) 680 600 1,280 1,440 Energy (GI-ll) 6,790 4,000 1,600 2,400 lActu.al cos.ts 14ill inclu.de ~llY.. ~.ddition~l interest to fil)ance each project. 2noea not inclucle any cost'! for retimil)g or storage• Capital Costs (bill ion 1982 $) $3.647 $1.470 $5.H7 $3.8252 ,; '~ ' Projected Electricity Cost (mills/kWh) 58 48 121 79 · ... ,·. Forecasts for Nonutil ized Energy, 2000-2010 (GWh) Medium Demand Low Oem~nd 0 0 0 900-1,300 4,000 4,000 ·"' ;.r: .; .~~-----;~
To identify potential industries that might be attracted to Alaska
by the long-term availability of inexpensive electrical energy, SRI
compared U.S. Department of Commerce data on the value of purchased
electrical energy with the value of shipped product for over·960 4-digit
Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code industries.
The screening process identified nine industries that might benefit
from inexpensive power. Four are in Category I, for which electricity
costs exceed 10% of product value. Two are in Category II, for which
electricity costs are between 5% and 10% of product value; these were
combined with three in Category III, for which total energy costs are
greater than 10% of product value and electricity may be substituted for
thermal energy sources.
In addition to the Category I, II, and III industries retained for
further screening, four other potential large-scale electrical energy
uses were considered as specified in the statement of work. The list of
industries and "other industrial applications" evaluated are listed in
Table 2.
Of the nine potential candidate industries and four additional
application areas considered, only residential space heating and pro-
cessing of certain primary metals are likely to take advantage of the
low-cost power in the Railbelt region. Expanded space heating usage has
the best potential to utilize any excess power produced in the Railbelt.
Investment in an aluminum plant appears to be likely only if the con-
struction costs of the hydroelectric projects are subsidized by the
state, and then it is questionable that there will be sufficient excess
power available to serve a single "world-class" plant. Although the
tidal project might provide sufficient power, the power from this pro-
ject will not be low cost. Other metal processing plants are likely to
be considered only if feedstocks are found in Alaska. The construction
of an intertie with the Lower 48 does not appear to be cost-effective
without state grants to finance the power projects, but there is no
rationale for Alaska to subsidize power delivered to other states.
SRI's findings are predicated on 10% interest rates, continued high
Alaskan labor costs, and little real increase in petroleum prices during
the next 25 years.
The major findings of the study are:
• The cost of power from the Susitna project will not be
competitive without a very substantial state subsidy, in the
form of either grants or subsidized interest rate (until the
capital cost obligation is paid off in 2010).
• The Cook Inlet project will not produce power at compet~t~ve
rates because of the intermittent nature of tidal power.
Table 2
Category I
• The Aluminum Industry (SIC 3334, Primary Production Aluminum)
• The Chlor-Alkali Industry (SIC 2812, Alkalies and Chlorine)
• Industrial Gases (SIC 2813, Industrial Gases)
• Ferroalloy and Miscellaneous Metal Alloy Production (SIC 3313,
Electrometallurgical Products)
Categories II and III
• Pulp and Paper Industry (SIC 2661, Building Paper and Building
Board ·Mills; 2611, Pulpmills; and 2621, Papermills, Excluding
Building Paper) ·
• Cement Industry (SIC 3241, Hydraulic Cement)
• Chemical Industry (2719, Industrial Inorganic Chemicals, NEC)
• Primary Metals Industry (SIC 3339, Primary Smelting and Refining
of Nonferrous Metals, NEC; SIC 3333, Primary Zinc)
• The Fertilizer Industry (SIC 2873, Ammonia Production,
Nitrogenous Fertilizers; 2874, Phosphate Fertilizers)
Other Applications
• Agglomerations of Small Industrial Facilities
• Residential Space Heat
• Electrification of Alaskan Railroad Intertie with the Lower 48
e Intertie with the Lower 48 .•
• There is not likely to be excess power available from Susitna
alone unless the Alaskan economy stagnates or declines.
• There is unlikely to be sufficient excess power to serve a
single world-class aluminum plant.
• Other than aluml.num, electrically intensive indus tries .. are
unlikeiy to derive sufficient cost savings from subsidized power
to consider an Alaskan site on the basis of lo~rcost electricity
• The availability of low-cost power might improve the economics
of processing materials, provided the major feedstocks are
native to Alaska.
• Without a tiered rate structure to discourage use for
residential space heating, subsidized power is likely to
increase electric space heating use sufficiently to absorb any
excess power from the Susitna project.
• The relatively high s.tate corporate income tax is a barrier to
industrial development in the state.
• Although the SRI study is predicated on stable energy prices
through 2002, the findings of the study are not greatly affected
by an increase in fuel price.s of 50%, since transportation costs
will escalate commensurately.
Susitna Hydroelectric Development •••••••
Cook Inlet Tidal Power Development • • • • •
ENERGY REQUIREMENTS.· • • • • • • • • • •
Historical Electricity Demand Profiles
Demanq Forecasting ••
Susitna Project.
Cook Inlet Tidal Project •
. . .
. . . . . . .
Potential for Nonutilized Electric power
Fiscal Crisis Scena~io • • • • • • • • •
Sumrn~ry of Potential for Surplus Energy.
General ••••••••
Electrically Intensive Industries
Plant Location Factors • • • • • • . . . . . . .
RAILBELT REGION. • • • • • • • •
Labor Costs and.Supply.
Taxation • • • . • • • • • • • .
Construction Costs • •
• i
. . . . . .
CONTENTS (Concluded)
Transportation Costs and Infrastructure. • •
Land Status. • • • • • ••••
Climate. • • • • •••••
Environmental Considerations and Lan.d Use Plans.
Basic Services and.Secondary Industry •••••••••
Natural Resources ••• • • ·• •••••••••••••••
Existing Industry. • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Geographical Location and Proximity to Markets •
Sutn10ary. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
ELECTRICAL POWER • • • • • • • • • • •
The Aluminum Industry ••••••
The.Chlor-Alk~li Industry ••••••••••••• , •
The Industrial Gases Industry •• .• .
The Ferroalloy Industry •••••••
The Pulp and Paper Industry •••••••••••.• •
The Cement Industry •••••••
The Chemicals Industry ••••••••••••
The Primary Metals Industry (excludes Steel, Copper,
and Aluminum) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
The Fertilizer Indus try. • • • • • • • • • •
Electric Space Heat in the Residential/Commercial
Markets of the Railbelt ••••••••••••
Agglomerations of Small Industrial Facilities ••
Electrification of the Alaskan Railroad. •
Electric Intertie to the Lower 48
REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . .
I-1 Location of Proposed Projects. . . . . . .
IV-1 Energy Demand and Deliveries from Susitna ••
VI-1 Percent Change in Key Cost Factors, 1970-1980.
IX-1 Transmission Routes arid Distan~es ••••••••
. . . .
. . .
.. ·..._
I-1 Characteristics of Hydroelectric and Tidal Power
Projects • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
I-2 Forecasts of Susitna Financial Parameters
II-1 Peak Demand and Annual Energy Requirements for the Low,
Medium, and High Economic Growth Cases • • • •
III-1 Electric Power Price Ranges . . . . . . . . . .
III-2 Tidal Generation Energy Costs at Eagle Bay ••••
IV-1 Summary of Potential Surplus Energy • • • •
V-1 Hydroelectric Development Status . . . . . . . . .
V-2 International Development Status of Hydroelectric Power
Sites--Installed o~ Installable Capacity • • •
VI-1 General Site Selection Criteria • • •
VI-2 Site Location Factors Relating to Electric Energy
and Utilities •••••••••
VII-1 Number of Employees by Sector in the Railbelt
VII-2 Hourly Average Wage Rates in Construction for Anchorage
and 27 Metropolitan Areas ••••••••••••••
VIII-1 Category I: Electrically Intensive Industries
I • ;a • VIII-2 Category II: Electrically Intensive Industries.
VIII-3 Category III: Energy-Intensive Industries •
VIII-4 Industries and Other Industrial Applications Evaluated as
Potential Large Users of Railbelt Electrical Power • • 60
IX-1 Investors in the Aluminum Industry: Aluminum Refineries,
1979 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
IX-2 Investors.in the Aluminum Industry: Aluminum Smelters,
1979 . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6f+
TABLES (Continued)
IX-3 Bauxite and Aluminum Production in 1980
IX-4 1980 Aluminum Production Percentage
IX-5. Representative Inputs for 1 Metric Ton of Alumina
IX-6 Representative Inputs for 1 Metric Ton of Aluminum •
IX-7 1980 Average Hourly Manufacturing Wages for Primary
Metals and Manufacturing • • • • • • • • • • • • •
IOC-8 Annual Cost Differentials Associated with Alaskan
Smelter • • • • . • . . . . • • • . • • •
IX-9 Power Cost Sensitivity of Smelter Facility
. . .
IX-10 U.S. Chlorine Capacity and Production . . . . . . . .
IX-11 u.s. Sodium Hydroxide Capacity and Production
IX-12 The Top Five U.S. Chlorine Producers •
IX-13 World Production of Chlorine • • • • •
IX-14 u.s. Chlorine Production by Geographic Area
tX-15 u.s. Consumption of Chlorine . . . .
IX-16 u.s. Consumption of Sodium Hydroxide . . .
IX-17 Data for a Large Cl2 Plant Located in Alaska •
IX-18 Cost Savings and Penalties Associated with an Alaskan
Location for a Cl2 Plant • • • • • • • •
IX-19 1979 Value of U.S. Shipments of Industrial Gases •
IX-20 Oxygen and Nitrogen On-Site and Merchant Capacity
IX-21 SIC Code 3313 Electrometallurgical Products
IX-22 1980 u.s. Imports of Ferroalloys and Metals Used in
Ferroalloys • • • • • •••••••
IX-23 1980 Net Import Reliance for a Percentage of Apparent
Consumption • • . • . • . • . • . • • . • . . • •
i.:S ..
TABLES (Concluded)
IX-24 Producers of Ferroalloys in the United States in 1980 • • 97
IX-25 Data for Representative 1 ,600-Ton/Yr Ferroalloy Plant • • 99
IX-26 Annualized Differential Costs Associated with an
Alaskan Site for a Ferroalloy Facility •••••
IX-27 Paper and Board Production in the United States . . . . .
IX-28 U.S. Paper/Forest Products First-Quarter Results •
IX-29 Typical U.S. Mill Construction Costs ••
IX-30 Newsprint Transportation Costs
IX-31 Annual Cost Differential Associated with an Alaskan
Site for a Pulp and Paper Plant •
IX-32 Ranking of Selected U.S. Inorganic Chemicals on
Production Basis ••••••••••
IX-33 Energy Consumption in the Railbelt: Residential/
Commercial • • • • • • •
IX-34 Estimates of Potential Electric Demand Railbelt for
Residential End Use • • ••••••
IX-35 Estimate of Potential Demand for Railbelt Commercial
End Use • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
IX-36 Potential Electricity Use in the Residential and
Commercial Sectors Compared to Supply • • •
IX-37 Estimated Costs for Transmission of Electricity from
Railbelt to Lower 48 for 4,000 MW with 90% Load Factor
and 7% Losses • • • • • • • •
! • • •
The potential of new Alaskan hydroelectric and tidal power pro-
jects to provide large'amounts of electrical power suggests that such
hydroelectric capacity might serve as a magnet for industrial develop-
ment and would help expand Alaska's economy. To assist the Office of
the Governdr in evaluating the potential for industrial development in
Alaska based on inexpensive power, SRI International has reviewed
available information on the proposed hydroelectric and tidal power
projects and examined the issues related to an Alaskan location for a
group of identified electrically intensive industries.
In addition to addressing particular industrial segments, SRI has
examined other nonindustrial uses for low-cost electrical energy. These
include electrification of the Alaskan Railroad, the possibility bf an
intertie to electrical grids in the lower 48 states, and expansion of
~lectric space heating. ·
To determine the scope and timing of the proposed facilities, SRI
used several studies on electric power development in th~ Railbelt
region of Alaska. These include:
• Preliminary Assessment of Cook Inlet Tidal Power (Acres
American/Governor's Office)
• Susitna Feasibility Study (Acres American/Alaska Power
Authority) (Final Draft)
• Railbelt Electric Power Alternatives Study (Battelle Northwest
Laboratories/Governor's Office) (Comment Draft)
• Energy Intensive Industry for Alaska (Battelle Northwest
Laboratories/Division of Energy and Power Development)
• Various feasibility, engineering, and design sttidie~ on the
Railbelt region by the Alaska Power Authority
• Economic Development in Alaska-~A Sectorai Analysis (Arthur D.
Little/Alaska Department of Revenue).
In reviewing these studies of the Susitna hydroelectric and Cook
Inlet tidal power projects, SRI collected data by project and in total
for the following factors:
Project location, likely completion date, power output, and
other relevant system characteristics.
Estimated project cost range.
Forecast of service area demand.
(d) Estimated electric power price based on a, b, and c above.
(e) Nonutilized or surplus power availability through 2010,
including a definition of "surplus" power and analysis of the
impact of load growth on surplus power availability over time.
(f) Surplus or nonutilized power price ranges, including four
cases: 100% market financing, SO% market financing and 50%
state grants, 100% state loans with the rate of return equal
to the inflation rate, and 100% state grants. The effect of
potential wholesale and retail rate structures on surplus
power price ranges was considered.
In addition, to place the hydroelectric and tidal power projects in
perspective, SRI tabulated information about hydroelectric and other
electric power developments worldwide that affect Alaska's competitive
position compared to alternative industrial locations.
The economics of the proposed hydroelectric and tidal power plants
are highly dependent on future oil prices and lower interest rates.
Increasing oil prices will provide more state revenue, enabling the
Legislature to consider grants or low-interest loans. More importantly,
increased oil prices are more likely to force electric energy costs
higher and induce electric-energy-intensive industries to build new
facilities in regions with low-cost electric power. Industry is also
more likely to finance the construction of new plants if interest rates
are low.
. Aft~~ reviewing the reports listed above, SRI concludes that for
many of the proposed financing methods and demand scenarios, the
projected capacities and price of power of electricity from the Susitna
and Eagle Bay projects will not be major incentives for electrically
intensive industries to locate in the Railbelt region.
Energy projects are usually phased to balance supply with expected
demand. Significant quantities of nonutilized power are unlikely to be
available as an inducement for industry to locate in Alaska unless the
state chooses to adopt a construction schedule and plant mix that result
in excess capacity.
More importantly, even though the annual operating costs of these
projects may be low relative to alternative power sources, the high
carrying costs associated with the initial construction of these pro-
jects, financed at prevailing interest rates, will offset such savings.
As a result, unless the state is able to obtain low interest rates or
provide the majority of capital costs at no or very low interest rates,
the cost of excess power, even if available, will not be sufficiently
low to attract industry.
SRI International prepared Table I-1 to summarize the pertinent
data of the reviewed reports and to indicate the iikely completion
dates. The actual completion dates will depend on the demand for
electric power and the potential for financing the projects.
Susitna Hydroelectric Development
Project Location
The Susitna basin development plan recommended by Acr'es American,
Inc., indicates that the proposed 1,280 MW Watana-Devil Canyon dam
project is the optimum plan from an economic, environmental, and social
point of view. The proposed plan develops approximately 91% of the
total basin potential.
. The Susitna River system is the sixth largest in Alaska. The main
stream of the Susitna River originates about 90 miles south of Fairbanks,
where melting glaciers contribute much of its summer flow. For more
than 30 years, the vast hydroelectric potential of this river has been
recognized and studied. Strategically located in the heart of the sou'th
central Railbelt, the Susitria could be harnessed to produce more than
twice as much electrical energy per year as is now being consumed in the
Railbelt. Figure I-1 illustrates the location of the proposed Watarta
and Devil Canyon dams.
The main Watana dam is projected to be an earth/rockfill 'structure
constructed primarily with locally excavated materials. The maximum
height of the dam above the foundation will be approximately 880 feet,
and the crest elevation will be 2,225 feet. The overall vorume of the
dam is estimated at approximately 63 million cubic yards.
The main Devil Canyon dam is currently proposed as a thin cdncre'te
arch structure with an overall height of 650 feet and developed cres't
Length of 1,230 feet~ The crest width will be 20 feet, and the ba'se ..
width at the crown cantilever will be 90 feet. The geometry of the a'rch
corresponds to a two-center configuration compatible with the as:Ymmetric
transverse profile of the valley. The development at Devil Canyon will
be located at the upper end of the canyon at its narrowest point.
J Table I-1 CHARACTERISTICS OF HYDROELECTRIC AND TIDAL POWER PROJECTS Forecasts for Nonutilized Projected Energy, Earliest Electricity 2000-2010 (GWh) Completion Date, Installed Energy Capital Costs Cost Medium Low Project Location Medium Demand Forecast CaEacitx (HW) (GWh) (billion 1982 $) !Jnills/kWh) Demand Uemand Hydroelectric Susitna--Watana l«l93 680 Subtotal $3.647 0 0 Susitna--Devil Canyon 2002 600 $1.470 0 900-1,300 ~ Total 1,280 6, 790 $5.117 58 Tidal Eagle nay 2010 1,440 4,000 $3.8252 48 4,000 4,000 Directly usable pO\~er 1,6oo 121 Available power for retiming 2,400 79 lActual costs will include any additional. interest to finance each project. 2uoes not include any costs for retiminp, or storage. ~i )~'::~'~~-'
Dam Sites
y Proposed
Tidal Site
SOURCE: Acres American Incorporated, Susitna Hydroelectric Project, Task ·11: Economic, Marketing
and. Financial Evaluation, prepared for Alaska Power Authority (March 1982)
Completion Dates
The· \-latana rockfill dam is expected to take approximately 11 years
to complet~.from the start of the access road to the testing and com-
missioning of all generating units. The earliest date that power
production from the Watana dam could start is January 1993, based on
construction of the access road beginning in early 1985 as soon as the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) license is received. The
Devil Canyon thin arch dam will take approximately 9 years and will be
completed by 2000 at the earliest.
Power Output
The selected Susitna Basin development plan involves the construc-
tion of the Watana dam with a 680-MW powerhouse scheduled to commence
operation by 1993, the earliest that a project of this magnitude can be
brought on line. The final stage involves the construction of the Devil
Canyon dam with an installed capacity of 600 MW.
Should the load growth rate increase more slowly than the current
medium growth forecast, then Alaska would have to consider postponing
both the capacity expansion proposed at Watana and the construction of
the Devil Canyon dam to the year 2002 or later. If Watana were delayed
to the late 1990s, Devil c·anyon would be delayed to 2010. This slippage
corresponds to the low load forecast with an increased level of load
management and conservation. For actual load growth rates higher than
the medium load forecasts, construction of the Devil Canyon dam could be
advanced to 1998.
Although this development plan is economical for a wide range of
possible future energy growth rates, the actual scheduling for the
various stages should be continuously reassessed. In addition, the dam
heights and installed capacities should be considered representative at
this stage of project planning.
ProJect Cost Estima~es
i ' . ' ' . .
The total projected capitai cost (1982 dollars) for the selected
Susitna hydroelectric development project is $5.117 billion, with Watana
costing $3.647 billion and Devil Canyon an additional $1.470 billion.
The annual operating costs are projected to be $10 million for Watana
and $5.42 million for Devil Canyon--a total of $15.42 million per year.
Other forecast financial parameters are shown in Table I-2.
Cook Inlet Tidal Power Development
Tidal power was selected for consideration in Railbelt electric
energy plans because the substantial Cook Inlet tidal resource is among
the largest in the world and because of the renewable character of this
energy resource.
Tidal power plants typically consist of a tidal barrier extending
across a bay or inlet that has substantial tidal fluctuations. The
barrier contains sluice gates to admit water on the incoming tide and
turbine-generator units through which the outgoing tide passes to
generate power. Tidal power is intermittent, requiring a power system
with an equivalent amount of installed capacity capable of cycling its
output. Hydroelectric plants and/or energy storage facilities (pumped
hydro, compressed air, storage batteries) could be used to regulate the
power output of the tidal facility.
Project Location
The Acres American study, "Preliminary Assessment of Cook Inlet
Tidal Power" (September 1981), evaluated three tidal power plant alter-
natives, identifying Eagle Bay in Knik Arm northeast of Anchorage as the
most economically attractive site based on preliminary results of its
technical evaluation. SRI analyzed the price and availability of power
only at the Eagle Bay site because of its compatibility with Railbelt ,
load projections and avoidance of some environmental problems common tQ
sites farther down the Knik Arm in Cook Inlet. The other two sites,
Rainbow and Point Mackenzie-Point Woronzof, are not included in the SRI
comparative analysis.
Completion Date
The overall tidal project at Eagle Bay is estimated to require 10
years to complete once the FERC license application is received. A
license probably would not be awarded by FERC before late 1989 at the
earliest. The process could be accelerated by performing the detailed
design and engineering specifications (with a model of the test tur-
bines) during the federal license process. Although construction could
begin as early as 2000, the State of Alaska is unlikely to undertake the
tidal project until the Susitna project is nearing completion. The
phasing of economic cycles, in combination with the financial drain of
the large capital outlays required by both tidal and hydroelectric
projects, precludes them from being constructed concurrently. Iri light
of the periodic nature of tidal energy output, the hydroelectric pro-
jects at Susitna built before the development of the Cook Inlet tidal
basin could assist in leveling the output of a tidal gene~tion facility
by idling Susitna generators during tidal plant output periods. Alterna-
tively, thermal power plants could be disengaged while the tidal power
plant was generating. However, even with Susitna on line, not all tidal
power would be used. With the Devil Canyon dam being completed by 2000
at the earliest, the Eagle Bay project would be ready to start up by
. __ §__
Table I-2
Project completion date
Costs (1982 $)
Capital costs (billion $)
Operating costs
(million $/year)
Provision for capital
(million $/year)
Operating working capital
Reserve and contingency fund
Real rate of increase in
operating costs
1981 to 1987
1986 to 1992
1993 on
*0.3% of capital costs.
$ 3.647
$ 1.470
$ 5.42
$ 4.41
$ 5.117
15% of. operating costs plus
10% of revenue
100% of operating costs plus
100% of provision for capital
1.7% per annum
1.0% per annum
2.0% per annum
Power Output
The planned Eagle Bay tidal plant could have an installed capacity
of 1,440 MW and could produce about 4,000 GWh annually when the project
is in full operation. In the Railbelt system, the value of the installed
capacity of a tidal power plant operating strictly on tidal cycles cannot
be fully realized. The periodic nature of the tidal plant's generation
cycle and the very substantial output of energy in comparison to the
Railbelt demand provides a unique problem in fitting the supply to match
the pattern of demand.
Previous tidal power studies estimated that, in theory, the energy
output from a tidal plant must be less than 10% of the total system
requirements for it to be directly absorbed without "retiming" of
energy. The 4,000 GWh produced at Eagle Bay would be as much as 90% of
total system energy needs in the Railbelt projected by Battelle for the
year 2010. SRI is not aware of any major industrial users of electricity
that could utilize the intermittent power. Some type of retiming or
energy storage is necessary if the full tidal power plant output is to
be absorbed effectively.
If the energy usable in the system is defined as that portion of
the tidal power plant production that meets system demand, the usable
portion varies from about 30% of the total energy produced in summer
months, to about 35% in the spring and fall months, to more than 50% in
the winter months. Overall, about 1,600 GWh, or 40% of the Eagle Bay
plant total of 4,000 GWh, can be classified as directly usable in the
Because of the magnitude of the directly unusable energy--about
2,400 GWh--three options should be considered to increase utilization of
the tidal power: (1) installation of an energy storage system designed
to balance the tidal fluctuations, (2) providing a balancing power
supply source, or (3) attracting an industrial base to take advantage of
unretimed tidal output. The penalty for not using the full output of
tidal power is major. The cost of the usable energy goes up by a factor
of 2.5 at Eagle Bay if the unretimed and directly unusable energy is not
Project Cost Estimates
Cost estimates for the tidal project of Eagle Bay are taken from
the study prepared by Acres American. · The Eagle Bay project is expected
to have a capital cost or $3.825 billion (1982 dollars), which does not
reflect the additional costs for retiming or any other cbsts associated
with integration of the intermittent phased output pulses of tidal power.
Historical Electricity Demand Profiles
Between 1940 and 1978, electricity sales in the Railbelt grew at an
average annual rate of 15.2%, roughly twice the national average. How-
ever, the gap between national and Alaskan energy consumption has been
narrowing due to the maturing of the Alaskan economy. Growth in the
Railbelt has exceeded the national average for two reasons: the popula~
tion growth in the Railbelt has been higher than the national rate, and
the proportion of Alaskan households served by electric utilities was
initially lower than the u.s. average so that some growth. in the number
of customers occurred independently of population growth.
The 1980 annual energy requirement of the Railbelt utility system
was estimated to be 2,790 GWh and the peak demand 515 MW. Near-term
future demands can be satisfied by the existing generating system, the
committed expansion at Bradley Lake (hydroelectric), and the combined-'-
cycle (gas-fired) plant at Anchorage. These facilities are expected to
meet the demand until 1993, provided an Anchorage-Fairbanks intertie of
adequate capacity is constructed.
Demand Forecasting
The feasibility of a major hydroelectric project depends partly on
the extent to which the available capacity and energy are consistent with
the needs of the market to be served by the time the project comes on
line. Therefore, load forecasts are a most important factor in si'Hectirtg
the type and timing of generation units.
The Battelle Northwest study, "Railbelt Electric Power Alternatives
Study" (February 1982), produced forecasts of annual electric energy and
peak electric demand requirements for the Railhelt region ahd its three
principal load centers: the Anchorage-Cook Inlet area, the F.ilirbanks-
Tanana Valley area, and the Glennallen-Valdez area. These forecasts are .
designed as internally consistent estimates of power needs that bike into
account the following effects on the Railbelt region:
e Future economic and population growth.
• Future changes in the age, size, and energy-use characteristics
of households.
• Future growth in conunercial building stock.
e Future price and availability of fuel oil, natural gas, and woo'd.
• Cost of power from specific combinations of conservation artd
electrl.cal generation that could be used to meet power demands.
• Public policy actions directly affecting energy demand or the
cost of power.
• Possible new major uses of electric power, such as industrial
use in manufacturing.
Because groups of these factors may interact in complex ways to
produce a range of possible (but not equally plausible) forecasts, com-
puter models of the interaction process were developed to determine how
these factors individually and jointly affect demand estimates. The·
models, together with certain key assumptions concerning Alaska's econo-
my, Alaskan public policy, and world prices for fossil fuels, produced
contingent forecasts of electricity demand at 5-year intervals beginning
from 1980. The demand forecasts were used as the basis for power plant
planning in the Battelle study.
The forecasting process consisted of two·steps: (1) combining sets
of consistent economic and policy assumptions (scenarios) with economic
models from the University of Alaska Institute of Social and Economic
Research (ISER) to produce forecasts of future economic activity, popula-
tion, and households in the Railbelt region and its three load centers;
and (2) combining these forecasts with data on current end uses of elec-
tricity in the residential sector, data on the size of the Ra:llbelt com-
mercial building stock, data on the cost and performance of conservation,
assumptions concerning the future prices of electricity and other fuels,
and future new uses of electricity to produce demand forecasts.
Specifically, three basic scenarios for private economic act1v1ty
and state spending were combined to give three overall economic scen-
arios: (1) high private economic activity and high state spending (high
economic growth case); (2) medium private economic activity and medium
state spending (medium economic growth case); and (3) low private econom-
ic growth and low state spending (low economic growth case). Increased
industri~lization and unsustainable state spending were investigated by
Battelle but are not included in the three major growth scenarios. The
Battelle forecasting model, the Railbelt Electric Demand (RED) model, is
based on the linkage between economic growth scenarios and electricity
Peak demand and annual energy forecasts for the low, medium, and
high economic growth cases, as developed by Battelle, are presented in
Table II-1.* The medium growth scenario is established in the Battelle
*Note that the forecasts used by Acres American, Inc., in the Susitna
hydroelectric project were initial projections derived from December
1981 compute~ runs of the various scenarios. The final forecasts pro-
duced in February 1982 by Battelle are approximately 20% lower. The
result is that the Acres American low growth case corresponds to the
latest Battelle medium growth forecast.
study as the base-case. The projected annual growth rate in base-case
demand for electric energy is approximately 3.0% between 1980 and 2010,
for an increase in per capita use of approximately 0.9% per year.
Demand in the low economic growth case increases at 2.2% per year.
Demand in the high economic growth case shows an average increase of
4.3% per year. The corresponding Railbelt system peak load (expressed
in megawatts) corresponds basically to growth rates in annual energy
Table II-1
Low Economic Medium Economic High Economic
Growth Growth Growth
Peak Energy Peak. Energy Peak Energy
(MW) (Gwh) (MW) (Gwh) (MW) (Gwh)
520 2,550 520 2,550 520 2,550
620 3,030 640 3,140 670 3,240
800 3,850 880 4,260 1,060 5,414
840 4,060 990 4,880 1,180 6,060
820 3,990 1,020 5,030 1,230 6,380
870 4,280 1,090 5,420 1,440 7,430
1,000 4,940 1,260 6,260 1,760 9~010
*The peak demand and annual energy requirements in this table do not
assume a subsidy of the electric rate. The demand for electricity
would increase if rates were subsidized.
Susitna Project
Electricity cost estimates depend directly on the ability to
correctly forecast electricity demand. If electricity consumption drops
by one-third, the cost per kilowatt-hour more than doubles. As the unit
price of power increases (decreases), consumption rates tend to decrease
(increase). This elasticity of deman~ for electric power has proven to
be a major factor in the economic health of domestic utilities.
Clearly, to assure an economical match betw~en electricity production
and consumption, the timing of a major project like Susitna and the cost
of power are extremely critical. The issue of full utilizatio~ of ' 1·
Sus1tna capacity is complicated by the present system of decentralized
independent utilities which can be expected to bargain for rates no
higher than the cost of energy from the best thermal option available to
Unless Susitna is completely financed by the state, residual bond
financing will be required, at interest· rates determined by complex
political and economic forces. Acres American developed a financing
plan based on interest rates of 10% to 12% to arrive at estimat~s of
project financing characteristics. Analysis.of this plan indicates tha~
the costs of supporting the Susitna project on a 100% market-financed
basis are higher than its projected revenues during the early years of
the project. The.cost of 100% market financing would result in electr:i.c
rates which vary over time but are 9 to 15 times the level that WO\llcl
result from 100% state 'grants. These multiples result from high
debt-servicing costs associated with the 100% market-financed scenario.
Table III-1 illustrates overall power costs, and the fraction of
those costs attriqutable to operational costs and debt servicing for the
four basic scenarios under consideration for the year 1995 (2 years
after Watana's earliest power production), 2003 (2 years after Devil
Canyon's earliest power production), and 2010 (at which point Susitna
power costs should be relatively level). Price ranges were taken
directly from published Acres American financial data, except fpr the
100% state loan scenario. The power price for this scenario was
calculated from yearly plant expenses in the absence of capital cost
debt servicing as determined by the 100% state grant case, and from
debt-servicing data used in the 100% market-financed case.
With 100% state grants and a total capital cost of $5.1 billion (in
1982 dollars)~ the price for hydroelectric power of $.01 per kWh WO\llcl
be very competitive worldwide. This plan represents the simplest
financing option.
100% state grant
Table III-1
(Mill/kWh, Constant 1982 Dollars)
Amount of
Power Cost
Attributable to
Debt Servicing
1995 2003 2010
1995 2003 2010
N/A N/A N/A 8.24 8.84 8.35
100% state loan 78.47 49.05 26.72 8.24 8.84 8.35
SO% market financing 47.14 51.06 25.11 8.24 8.84 8.35
50% state grant
100% market
112.10 70.07 38.17 8.24 8.84 8.35
*Assumed constant for all scenarios; see Table II-1.
Source: Acres American Susitna Feasibil~ty Study
; )
Total Cost
1995 2003 2010
8.24 8.84 8.35
86.71 57.89 35.07
55.38 59.90 33.46
120.34 78.91 46.52
If Susitna is built with 100% state grants, the implication is that
only the relatively small annual costs necessary for successful opera-
tion would be charged as the cost of output. The energy developed by
Susitna would thus be supplied to utilities at a fraction of the cost of
power from alternative sources. It has been assumed that no financing
or marketing problems will exist for this case. The major problem may
be arriving at an equitable allocation of the low-cost power among the
consuming utilities whose normal demand may well exceed the supply of
heavily subsidized power. The 100% state grants case would result in
rates of about $.01/kWh (in 1982 dollars), which are comparable to but
slightl~ lower than the $.0125 industrial rates for Le Grande Complex in
Another possible scenario is for the state to provide 100% of the
capital costs in the form of a state loan to be repaid at an interest
rate based on inflation. Assuming repayment at an average interest rate
of 7%, this scenario would result in a rate of $.09/kWh in 1995, which .
decreases to $.035/kWh by 2010 (in 1982 dollars). If the state provides
about half ($2.3 billion) of the capital costs as a grant, with the
remaining portion being market financed, the electric rate would vary
from $.05/kWh in 1995 to $.06 in 2003 and then decrease to $.033/kWh by
2010, somewhat higher than the current industrial rates in the Pacific
Northwest. This rate is fractionally lower than the state loan case,
reflecting the effect of the $2.3 billion grant. If the Susitna hydro-
electric project is 100% market financed, then the rates would be· · ·
$.12/kWh in 1995, decreasing to $.08/kWh in 2003 and $.046/kWh by 2010.
Cook Inlet Tidal Project
As. illustrated in Table III-2, estimated production costs of. an
unretimed tidal power facility ($.048/kWh) would be competitive wit~
principal alternative sources of power, such as coal-fired power plants,
but this cost can be realized only if all the available power could be ·
used effectively by a specialized industry established to absorb the
predi~table but cyclic output of the plant. Alternatively, if it is
assumed that only the portion of the power output that could be absorb~d
by the Railbelt power systems could be classified as usable, the cost of
this energy ($.121/kWh) would be extremely high relative to other p~wer
producing options because only a fraction of the.raw energy
could be used. An additional alternative would be to construct a re-
timing facility, such as a pumped storage facility. Because of the
increased capital costs and power losses inherent in this option, busbar
power costs ($.079/kWh) would still be ~ubstantially greater than for
nontidal generating alternatives.
If the power production capability of the proposed 1,440-MW Eagle
Bay plant were halved, using 30 instead of 60 turbines, the energy costs,
when the excess energy cannot be used, are still relatively high.
*LeGrande Complex rates .for small power users vary between $.026/kWh
and $.045/kWh.
Table III-2
Production I UPll • Cost of -eel•
Unretimed .......
Energy No!.!JiU
.048 .lU
.058 .017
*Assumes a 3% real rate of return on the capital iwaa'ill'·.
.... Cc•u
.. ray .. ,,4
Source: Preliminary .Assessment of Cook Inlet Ti4el r411111J,· ..... 1
Report, Acres American, Incorporated, Se~ ........ , •
. ·· .. · .
.. ·:· .
.•...... ;.· .... ; ... • .. :~.· ... ·· .. ,
• •
:····"-.• 4> ..
' . .: ·: ·~ ' --
•': ,·-.·
18 · .•.. ·:
·.~ ,. \ ..
Nonutilized power can be the result of seasonal variations,
insufficient demand in the short term (3 to 5 years), or long-term low
energy demand. The actual demand for electricity in the Railbelt varies
seasonally. The capacity of new generation facilities is designed to
meet peak loads, even if some surplus capacity results during certain
time periods. Little can be done with short-term excess capacity when
the normal demand growth will consume it within a few years. Only long-
term surpluses of a generation system like the Susitna hydroelectric or
the Eagle Bay tidal project would have the potential for attracting
electrically intensive industry. These industries require reliable
energy sources at low cost for periods exceeding 10 to 15 years.
According to Table I-1, in their final configuration the proposed
Susitna hydro projects at Watana and Devil Canyon are expected to pro-
duce 6,790 GWh of energy annually. Under the Battelle-derived medium
demand electric energy forecast, all of this energy will be consumed
through normal load growth and displacements of existing generation
facilities. Nonutilized power would only become available if the low
growth forecast occurs. Should the low growth scenario prevail, approxi-
mately 1,200 to 1,800 GWh of nonutilized power, when Devil Canyon comes
on line in 2002, could then be consumed annually by electrically inten-
sive industries.
The mere availability of inexpensive electrical energy is not
sufficient to ensure that the managers of electrically intensive indus-
tries will elect to locate new facilities in Alaska. Companies are
reluctant to invest the required capital in a new plant to take advantage
of inexpensive electric energy if large quantities of electricity cannot
be guaranteed beyot1d 10 to 15 years. For example, the Acres American
report states that even under their medium demand scenario some Susitna
energy output (about 350 GWh) will not be used during the supuner in 2010
(medium demand, sunnner). This seasonal energy output could'be available
to industry in the sunnner months. However, since most manufacturing pro-
cesses require year-round operation, this power would not be attractive
to most industries and cannot really be classified as a "surplus." In
addition, the projected cost of the power from the unsubsidized facility
is high when compared to other large hydroelectric power facilities like
Le Grande Complex in Canada. If the state provides 100% of the capital
for the project and does not expect any return on capital, then the cost
of electricity will be very low, but this lower rate is likely 'to in-
crease domestic demand significantly, resulting in little power availa-
bility for industry.
If the proposed Eagle Bay tidal power facility is approved,
construction is expected to begin after 2000, when the Susitna project
is about ready to go on line. This schedule would most effectively use
Alaskan labor supply and is not likely to overtax the Alaskan economy.
The required 10 years of construction would bring the tidal-generated
power on line in 2010 or 2012. Even for the medium demand forecast,
very little if any Eagle Bay output is expected to be required in
2010-2012. All of the output of this facility could be available,
therefore, for additional industrial consumption. Because the genera-
tion of tidal power is intermittent, the energy produced will be in
excess of the demand at certain periods, resulting in power that is not
directly usable by the power grid without a large energy storage facility
for retiming. The additional costs for retiming would make the project
uneconomical. If only the directly usable power is included in the
overall project, the cost for Eagle Bay power is estimated at $0.12/kWh.
Optimum economic use of the Watana and Devil Canyon hydroelectric
plants requires that they be operated as close as possible to full
capacity. Large users of electric power could be offered blocks of
power at a reduced rate to encourage full utilization of the capacity of
the dam with maximum payback on the high capital costs and fixed
operation and maintenance.
Potential for Nonutilized Electric Power
By comparing the forecast of system demand for the Railbelt with
the energy deliveries from Susitna and Eagle Bay, the projected quantity
of nonutilized electric power can be derived. The medium forecast of
syste~ demand and capacity is used as the base case in most of the
studies that were compared. This comparison is shown in Figure· IV-1 for
both the medium and low case scenarios used by Acres. The wholesale
energy cost from the hydroelectric and tidal plants is assumed to be
less than the cost of the best thermal option and also less than the
avoided operating costs of electricity supplied by existing equipment s~
that existing facilities are displaced. These assumptions would result
in Railbelt utilities purchasing the majority of their power requirements
from the hydroelectric and tidal projects. If the wholesale energy cost
from the hydroelectric and tidal plants is not competitive with the cost
of the thermal options, then there is little justification to undertake
the large water projects. If the wholesale price is substantially less
than the thermal alternatives because of financing subsidies, then the
quantity of nonutilized power (excess capacity) would decrease as a
higher "normal" demand consumes the lower-cost energy.
Figure IV-1 compares energy demand projections from Acres and
projected deliveries from the Susitna hydroelectric projects. When
Watana comes on line in 1993, the total energy output would not exceed
the expected demand. No surplus is expected to be available for large-
scale industrial usage, at least until Devil Canyon comes on line in
I -... I
, ...
•••••••••••• ·······~"""'" .......
•••• •••• •••••
1--------....... ------+-------o.iil~-----
SOURCE: Acres American Incorporated, Susitna Hydroelectric Project, Task 11: Economic, Marketing
and Financial Evaluation, prepared for Alaska Power Authority (March 1982)
2000-2002. Under the medium growth forecast, little if any nonutilized
power would be available. However, the low range forecast projects that
1,200 to 1,800 GWh of energy would be available annually for at least 10
If the Eagle Bay tidal power plant comes on line in 2010, then the
complete output of the project would be available for industrial use 1.n
the near term, although only 1,600 kWh would be directly usable.
The State of Alaska and the Corps of Engineers are considering two
additional hydroelectric projects, Chackachamna and Bradley Lake.
Chackachamna would be completed no earlier than 1995; its installed
capacity of 330 MW would produce 1,500 GWh of energy annually. The
90-MW Bradley Lake project, which could be completed in 1988, would
produce 350 GWh of energy annually. This plant has a 90-MW base load
and 135-MW peak load capacity. By 1995 these plants would make an
additional 1,850 GWh available for industrial use.
Fiscal Crisis Scenario
The various scenarios that have been discussed assume that any non-
utilized or excess power capacity above normal reserve margins is the
general result of a conscious decision to build such capacity for attrac-
ting industry and that massive excess capacity will not occur uninten-
tionally. One additional scenario that SRI was asked to address concerns
a worst-case fiscal crisis situation in which dams are constructed and
even the low growth economic projection fails to materialize. This scen-
ario is similar to the situation in which the utilities that make up the
Washington Public Power Supply System found themselves when building
what turned out to be excess nuclear capacity. They were forced to
terminate at least two plants of five under construction, one of \-lhich
was more than 24% complete. Under the fiscal crisis scenario, the state
would have approximately 3,800 GWh available to attract industry.
In all financing scenarios except the 100% state grant, the ability
or nonability to repay financing debt has serious consequences. In
cases with fixed capital costs and falling demand, management is likely
to increase power prices to maintain revenue. In any event, this
scenario would result in an increase in the range of power available for
industrial development if capacity is built before the Alaskan economy
enters stagnation or downturn.
Summary of Potential for Surplus Energy
Table IV-1 summarizes the potential for surplus energy that might
develop in the Railbelt. The data in the table indicate that if all the
contemplated projects are built and if the Railbelt region experiences a
low growth rate (2.2% per year), up to 5,350 GWh of annual output could
be available by 2010 to attract electrically intensive industries. Even
if the Cook Inlet and Chackachamna facilities are not built, 2,000 GWh
of annual output could be available by 2000 if Devil Canyon is built and
th~fiscal crisis" scenario develops.
Table IV-1
Watana/Devil Canyonl
Watana/Devi1 Canyon and
Cook Inlet Tida1l
Watana a1one2
Watana/Devil Canyon2
2000 2010
1,300 GWh
1,300 GWh 5,300 GWh
2,500 GWh
3,800 GWh
*Without consideration of project financing.
lAssumes Acres low demand case.
2Assumes Battelle "Fiscal Crisis" case.
Roughly half of the world's hydropower potential (approximately
1,200 GW) is in developing countries. Only 10% of the potential
projects have been developed. Tables V-1 and V-2 show the status of
worldwide hydroelectric development. Given the large increases in oil
prices, many previously uneconomical hydroelectric sites have become
more attractive. Developing countries are funding hydropower surveys
and feasibility studies to explore these possibilities, but because of
the long lead time for such projects and high financing cost, very few
large projects will be completed during the present decade. Neverthe-
less, about 100 GW of hydroelectric capacity are expected to be com-
pleted over the next decade in some 60 developing countries. At fuel
oil prices of $20-$25 per barrel, hydropower costing $2,500 to $3,000
per kilowatt of installed capacity can be competitive with oil-fueled
steam units or large diesels. At this investment cost, assuming
financing at 10%, hydroelectricity would cost about $0.07/kWh. Several
sites, particularly in Canada and Brazil, have projected rates of about
$.015/kWh. With power costs of $.0125/kWh for large industrial users,
Le Grande Complex in Quebec will be a competitor of the Railbelt for
electrically intensive industries. Moreover, significant amounts of
power are expected to be available for industrial use fz:om this
Industry is a major user of commercial energy in the developing
world. In countries for which data are available, the industrial
sector accounts for one-fifth to two-thirds of total commercial energy
consumption, with an average at around 35%.
Those developing countries with relatively high levels of energy
consumption are also major producers of the more energy-intensive
industrial products, such as steel (Brazil, India, Republictof Korea,
Mexico, Romania, Turkey, Yugoslavia), cement (Brazil, Indi~, Republic
of Korea, Romani~, Turkey), ammonia (India, Indonesia, Republic of
Korea, Mexico, Romania), aluminum (Brazil, India, Yugoslavia), pulp
and paper (Brazil, Republic of Korea, Mexico, Romania), fertilizers
(India, Brazil, Romania, Turkey), and chemicals (Brazil, India,
Portugal, Romania). These countries are potential competitors of
Alaska as industrial sites.
ALASKA 'P'""'''UT""' . __ ,,;,,>u KCP,~ I,}"BRAR!f
Table V-1
Installed Under
Count !:I Ca:eacitl Construction
Australia (1981) 6,113
Argentina (1979) 3,900 3,872
Brazil (1979) 23,842 26,163
Chile (1979) 1,480 950
Venezuela (1979) 3,000 2,620
India (1979) 9,908 6,820
Indonesia (1979) 450
Nepal (1979) 37 90
Colombia (1979) 3,120 1,150
Iceland (1979) 3,069
Honduras (1979) 69 600
Nigeria (1979) 600 1,145
·:' i
huate~1a (t977) 121 600
Thailand (1977) 910 185
New Zealand (1978) 3,766
Other Probable
II ,,
ii i:
Table V-2
Asia and
New Zealand
Sri Lanka
Latin America
J!}, 038
247' 105
42' 520,
18 ~538
Source: Yearbook of World Energy Statistics, United Nations (1979).
Business 'location decisions depend on a variety of site-specific
factors, the objectives of the particular company involved, and the
changing business environment and health of the relevant industry.
Justification for specific facilities is an outgrowth of specific
corporate strategies. The compelling reasons behind the search fo~
new sites include:
• Expansion of existing production capacity
• New product manufacturing
• Cost reduction of production and distribution
• Expansion of market area
• Replacement of obsolete facilities.
Table VI-1 lists typical site selection criteria. Five broad
categories--labor costs, transportation costs, utility costs, con-
struction and other occupancy costs, and tax costs--represent about
90% of the total geographically Vftriable cost factors associated with
a typical plant location study. Usually treated as recurring expenses,
these costs are therefore annualized; their totals represent a major
input into locational decisions by most companies.
Usually a number of noncost, or subjective, factors are investi-
gated during the course of a facility location project. The list may
be as short as a half-dozen or as long as 100 or more. However, most
company lists include at least labor issues (unionism, attitudes,
availability), electric power and natural gas availability and
dependability, physical site suitability, community attitude toward
business development, and living conditions.
The specific measures used by an industry to determin~ each loca-
tion's degree of compliance with the general location criteria consist
of two types of screens: (1) thresholds or minimum requirements that
must be met by any location to be considered suitable for a plant,
such as those relating to environmental regulations or availability of
required utilities, transportation facilities, and land and buildings;
and (2) relative measures that provide a basis for comparing locations
that meet all minimum requirements, such as those relating to
production factors and quality of life issues.
Once the list of alternative locations is narrowed, specific cost
analyses of total facility costs attributed to labor, transport~tion,
amortization, utilities, taxes, and other costs are often conducted.
Table VI-1
Financial Considerations
• Overall cost of living
• Cost of transportation for feedstock and parts to plant and
for product to marketplace
• Cost of direct and indirect labor
• Utility costs
• Salary levels
• Taxes on industry
• Availability of industrial development assistance
• Availability of capital
• Overall operating costs
• Employee relocation costs
• Cost of land and buildings ·
• Construction costs, including expense of added time for permit
Locational Considerations
• Availability and reliability of utilities
• Proximity to transportation, including airports, rail lines,
trucking, shipping, and mass transit
• Proximity to like industries
• Proximity to materials, vendors, and services
• Start-up training and facilities
• Stability of regulatory and political climate
• Labor union presence
• Environmental sensitivities
• Recruitment potential and labor availability
• Legal status of land ownership
Quality of Life Considerations
• Quality of public schools
• Availability and cost of housing; potential neighbors
• Cultural activities
• Presence of major university--4-year, 2-year, vocational
• Recreational activities
• Climate
• Community attitudes
• Alternative employment potential
• Proximity to resource centers for professional development
Compromises are almost always necessary in locating a new facility. For
example, a company may have extensive requirements for electricity that
would cause it to select a second-best site; Many site selections re-
sult from arbitrary corporate decisions that contradict purely economic
analyses. This situation most often occurs when economic variations
between competing sites show few significant differences and personal
preferences by corporate management become the deciding factor. A list
of the site selection factors considered by industry in analyzing energy
issues is presented in Table VI-2.
Electrically Intensive Industries*
The cost of electric power, like the cost of any input to pro-
duction, will affect Alaska's attractiveness as a location for new
production facilities, but low-cost electri~ity by itself is insuf-
ficient to attract industry. For example, although a typical aluminum
plant incurs electrical energy costs from 14% to 18% of product value,
the extra construction costs (1.6 times U.S~ average) and other addi-
tional expenditures associated with an Alaskan locat~on ~~y outweigh the
benefit of reduced electricity costs. ·
Plant Location Factors
New forces are emerging that are shifting the weight of the rela-
tive measures for comparing locations. Cost factors are changing
significantly, making future cost projections difficult. Figure VI-1
shows that transportation, electric power, and occupancy costs have
increased much more dramatically during the past 10 years than the cost
of labor or local property taxes.
Changes in transportation costs during the past 10 years have been
closely linked to escalating fuel costs. As transportation costs
increase, t~e importance of strategic markets and raw material
availability increases for new plant sites.
Electric power costs have escalated rapidly during the past 10
years and can be expected to continue to increase over the next 10
years. Electricity rates for large industrial users rose by 18% between
1980 and 1981 alone, and recent increases in the Northwest have
dramatically shifted the economics of existing plants.
*Derived from A. R. Tussing in "Introduction to Electric Power Supply
Planning," Tussing and Associates, May 1980.
Table VI-2
Power Source
• Thermal--coal, natural gas, propane, fuel oil, lignite
• Hydroelectric
• Other--nuclear, geothermal, solar
Electric Power Supply
• Company or public agency serving area
• Interconnection with other systems
• Capacity--present and planned
• Recent record of shortages or interruptions
-Average number of interruptions per year
-Maximum duration
• Vulnerability to natural disasters
• Location of nearest electric substations and whether interlocking
• Voltage, phase, and cycle available
• Size of connection at proposed site
• Two-way feed
• Rates based on demand for services
Machine operation
Air conditioning
• Cost of extending service
• Typical residential rates
• Off-peak possibilities
• Fuel adjustment provisions
Potential for On-Site Independent Energy Source
• Gas well
• Coal mine
• Nuclear reactor
• Cogeneration
• Waste burning
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FACTORS, 1970-1980
As competition among the states for new facilities increases, more
and more states are seeking to improve their business climates to
attract new industries. Although median tax rates have increased from
about 2% to 4% of total investment during the past 10 years, more states
are granting full or partial exemption to various classes of property to
lure new facilities. Similarly, state levies on corporate income have
remained relatively stable. Only two states have increased corporate
income taxes during the pa_st 5 years.
Occupancy costs have risen faster than any other costs during the
1970s. Both of the key elements that make up this cost, construction
costs and interest rates, have doubled during the past 10 years. A $2
million building in 1970 cost $4,444,000 in 1980. A typical revenue
bond interest rate in 1970 of 7% nearly doubled to 13% by 1980. The
annual cost to amortize a 25-year loan jumped more than 250% between
1970 and 1980.
A review of site location studies written during the early
1970s reveals a concern with unionism, natural gas availability,
proximity to interstate highways, and proximity to various support
services. By 1980, additional factors such as state and community
attitude toward industry, environmental concerns, living conditions,
airline and truck service, and electric power availability and
reliability are equally important.
Companies are becoming more concerned, in making their siting
decisions, about living conditions, community attitudes, and political
stability. In addition to forecasting geographically variable costs,
corporations will become more adept at evaluating noncost or subjective
factors. These concerns could become significant when comparing an
Alaskan site to a site in a developing country with competing low-cost
hydroelectric power. The relative political stability offered by Alaska
represents a real asset when compared to the political uncertainty in
many developing countries, although this asset may be offset by the
economic uncertainty resulting from the expected decline in oil revenues
in the 1990s.
During the next 10 years, additional issues such as water
availability are expected to increase in importance. The availability
of grants, subsidies, and inducements will also be a major locational
criterion. The aggressive worldwide competition for new industry,
exemplified by Japanese aluminum smelters in Brazil and by U.S.
microelectronics industry in Scotland, are becoming increasingly
important as U.S. manufacturers look in both developed and developing
countries for sites which lower their production costs.
Characteristics of the Railbelt region critical to industry-specific
location decisions are:
• Labor costs and supply
• Taxation
• Construction costs
• Transportation cost and infrastructure
• Land status
• Climate
• Environmental considerations and land use plans
• Basic services and secondary industry
• Natural resources
• Existing industry
• Geographical location and proximity to markets
Alaska's principal economic attractions are its potential supply of
undeveloped raw materials and fuel and its power availability. These
attractive features must be weighed against those factors of the Alaskan
economy which will prevent certain types of development in the state for
the foreseeable future~
Labor Costs and Supply
As indicated in Table VII-1, the Rail belt has only limited supplies
of labor in the construction, mining, and manufacturing (industrial)
sectors. Any major developments in those sectors would require a signi-
ficant labor influx. The most recent, accuratedata concerning labor
supplies in the Railbelt region are the employment figures for the third
quarter of 1980. The data in Ta~le VII-1 represent the averages ~or that
year and are given by sector and by subregion (census division).
j Table VII-1 NUMBER OF EHPLOYEES BY SECTOR IN THE RAILBELT Subtotal South Fairbanks/ Cordova/ Total Percent Sector Anchorage Kenai 1-fat-Su Central SE Fairbanks Valdez !tail belt ~1 Government 20,356 1,169 1,281 22,806 7,460 1,100 31,366 26% Services 17,182 1,023 511 18,716 4,554 686 23,956 20 Retail trade 13,324 1,048 792 15,164 3,662 332 19,158 16 Transportation, cormnunication, utilities 8,318 671 306 9,295 2,882 608 12, iss 11 Construction 7,190 902 267 8,359 2,374 360 11,093 9 Finance, insurance, real estate 4,900 203 115 5,218 698 123 6,039 5 1-fanufacturing 2,532 2,022 27 4,581 502 532 5,615 5 w Wholesale trade 4,230 272 53 4,555 679 51 5,285 4 "' Oil & gas extraction 2,671 793 --3,464 6 --3,470 3 Other mining 244 --53 297 74 152 523 Other 804 82 36 922 103 --1,025 1 Total 81,751 8,185 3,441 93,337 22,994 3,944 120,315 100% P~rcent Total 68% 7% 3% 78% 19% 3% 100% Source: U.S. llureau of Labor Statistics ... ZO,.p!) • 4=~~-T"':';>.,....,,,_,_~,.~,,~·1~-"''..\"-.!'I~·: ,'··~-<', ' '•\l;.:·,-''':"'~''-•;;·•;>.'(d(<-~>,.;." ,·~·.; 1,•,\, .0 •·· :;•\:''' ·' •,,,,.,., •~-,"!•:;;.: ::-'-;-.:.·~::-·.~'-~3~{' \."-,>:;, '• ,• 1 < '
Alaskan wage rates for industrial occupations tend to be substan-
tially above U.S. averages. For example, in 1982 the average construc-
tion worker's weekly wage in Anchorage was approximately 1.52 times the
average of 27 other U.S. metropolitan areas (Table VII-2). Other
industries such as services and manufacturing are somewhat close~ to
national averages. Hourly manufacturing wage rates in Alaska in 1980
were about 1.37 times higher than those for the U.S. as a whole and are
expected to remain at least 1.3 times higher in most sectors throughout
the study horizon of 1982-2010. In the specific industry analyses,
which are contained in Section IX, labor data for the individual
industries are used where available.
Not only are prevailing wage rates in Alaska relatively high, but
Al~ska does not have a large pool of highly skilled workers. Many of
the recent unemployed are construction workers. Workers with specific
skills in the oil industry and other specialized skills are generally
recruited outside of the state.
In general, extractive and primary processing operations are less
labor intensive than final product manufacture. In addition, the
increased use of automation and robotics in manufacturing will decrease
the importance of labor in this sector. Nevertheless, labor costs,
especially for construction, will remain an inhibiting factor to any
industry that does not gain an offsetting economic advantage from an
Alaskan location (e.g., lower material or energy costs).
Recent changes in Alaskan taxation policies have made the state
more attractive to both individuals and corporations, although corporate
income taxes remain high.
Most states levy corpora~e income and/or corporate franchise taxes
as significant sources of state revenues. For 1982, the income tax rate
for large corporations was significantly reduced in Alaska, to 9.4% from
the previous maximum rate of 11%. This reduction makes Alaska more
competitive with states such as California (9.6%), but the rate remains
high relative to many Sunbelt states which have either no cqrporate
income tax (Nevada, Texas) or rates in the 5% to 6% range (Alabama,
Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, etc.). Alaska is also
high relative to Pacific Northwest states. Washington has a business
occupation tax of 1%, and Oregon has a 7.5% corporate tax rate.2
The retroactive repeal of personal income tax, in combination with
the absence of a general sales tax, is a significant attraction to
individuals and may eventually have a positive impact on Alaskan labor
. .
Table VII-2
($ 1982/hr)
Albuquerque 15.10 Indianapolis 17 0 78
Anchorage 27.28 Kansas City 18.13
Atlanta 13.89 Miami 15.74
Baltimore 15.49 Minneapolis 17.52
Birmingham 13.41 New Haven '17.70
Boston 18.31 New York 19.33
Buffalo 18.39 Philadelphia 17.33
Chicago 19.25 Phoenix 19.28
Cincinnati 19.05 Pittsburgh 17.88
Cleveland 19.24 Portland, OR 20.51
Dallas 16.21 St. Louis 17.63
Denver 16.19 San Diego 22.30
Detroit 19.71 San Francisco 22.96
Houston 17.73 Seattle 21.06
Source: Engineering News-Record, September 23,
Construction Costs
Location adjustment factors computed to account for added construc-
tion costs in Alaska typically range from 1.5 to 2.0. Location adjust-
ment factors increase as site locations move inland and northward. They
are also dependent on the extent to which prefabrication can be performed
in the lower 48 states.
Many estimates of Alaskan construction escalation factors were based
on pipeline construction experience and reflect the high rates of infla-
tion which occurred during that period. There is evidence that the
Alaskan labor rate differential is moderating. Cost of living indexes
for various Alaskan areas are not growing as rapidly as some other u.s.
regions.3 Nevertheless, 1982 hourly construction labor rates in
Anchorage are approximately 1.52 times those of 27 other U.S. metropoli-
tan areas (see Table VII-2).
Material costs also contribute to high construction costs in Alaska
because of the necessity to import many materials. Some materials, such
as sand and gravel, may be at or below national average prices because
of their availability in Alaska. However, cement prices are approxi-
mately 2 times higher in Anchorage than in Seattle due to transportation
charges. A general materials cost factor of 1.7 was assumed by SRI and
is reasonable for the Railbelt region during the time frame of the study.
Labor costs generally constitute about 1/3 of direct construction costs,
with materials and project management costs accounting for the remainder.
An overall construction factor of 1.5 can be derived for the Railbelt
region based on current rates~
This factor is consistent with recent estimates obtained by SRI for
specific plant construction cost factors in the Railbelt region. The
engineering firm C. F. Braun recently quoted 1.5 as the construction off-
set factor, and Chevron (a component of Standard Oil of California) sug-
gested 1.6 as a construction factor for a hypothetical ammonia/urea plant
constructed in the Railbelt. Wherever possible, construction cost fac-
tors for specific plants have been used in the SRI study. These location
factors would probably decrease over time, assuming that Alaska economic
development continues.
Transportation Costs and Infrastructure
The Railbelt region has the only comprehensive transportation system
in the state. All of the urban centers are connected by air, rail, and
highway links and have good access to ocean shipping. Specialized oil
ports exist in Valdez and Cook Inlet. A coal terminal is planned for
Seward, and grain terminals are being planned for Seward and Valdez. A
specialized coal terminal is also contemplated for the Beluga coal
fields.* Specific areas set aside for energy, industrial, and port
development activities include the Port of Anchorage, Point MacKenzie
(Mat-Su Borough), and the Port of Seward.
Transportation costs are high both within Alaska and between Alaska
and its markets and suppliers. Because the state's transportation
infrastructure is limited, low-cost intrastate transportation is
scarce. Many areas can only be reached by air, or by sea in ice-free
months. The costs of transportation to areas outside of the Railbelt
are high because of their remoteness and because of the small quantities
shipped and lack of backhaul. The cost of shipping equipment to or
product from a mine or plant off the established transportation routes
places the additional burden of road construction on any prospective
Until additions to this infrastructure are made, most development
will be limited to the coastal and immediate Railbelt areas. Only
projects with immense economic potential will be able to finance their
own transportation facilities (e.g., the oil/gas pipelines, coal
facilities) and those projects will.occur only as dictated by world
market and national policy considerations. Beyond the Anchorage/
Fairbanks corridor, little infrastructure is available to serve indus-
tries and their employees. Any mining or manufacturing activities
outside of the Anchorage/Fairbanks corridor will have to provide housing
and other population-serving infrastructure--either temporary camps or
permanent new towns--for workers.
Because of the lack of a major inland waterway transportation
infrastructure, locations in Alaska near coastal areas can be expected
to be favored for process plants. Pulp, chemicals, and primary metals
are all industries that typically require waterborne transport access.
Industries whose transportation costs are low relative to the value
of product have more flexibility in location decisions than those with
comparatively high transportation costs. Industries that produce high-
value, low-weight products may choose locations that minimize power,
labor, or other costs.
*The transportation network is described in detail in ISER, Alaska's
Unique Transportation System (June 1980), and Booz, Allen, Strategic
Marketing Plan for Port of Anchorage, Chapters II and III and
Appendix B (February 1981).
In summary, transportation costs will remain a major factor in
Alaska's future economic development because of the costs involved in
transporting natural resources and feedstocks to processing facilities
and the costs of transporting goods to international markets.
Land Status
A great deal of important land in the Railbelt is still under
federal ownership, a fact that will limit certain resource extraction
and industrial activities. Much. of the Anchorage coastline, for
example, is owned by the Alaska Railroad (a federal entity) and the
Department of Defense. The Fairbanks area also has large military
reservations and other federal holdings.
Land status is currently in flux because of the slow pace of
selection by, and conveyance to, the state and native corporations.
Site-specific information about particular land areas is available
from federal, state; and local authorities for areas under their
respective jurisdictions and from private holders, including native
Although land availability is a negative factor for firms seeking
to exploit mineral resources, most land that might be desired for
industrial development in the Railbelt region could be leased for the
economic life of the facility, which should be a satisfactory arrange-
ment to most firms.
Not only is the Railbelt region's climate severe, but Fairbanks
often has extensive ice smog created by air inversions trapping sedi-
ments and particles from burning fuels in the river valleys of the
area, and active volcanoes are located in the Cook Inlet reg.ion.
Permafrost is a unique subsurface characteristic of the Arctic that
poses special problems for construction.
Alaska's climate limits most construction and extraction activi-
ties to the summer months and curtails ·transportation to nqrthern
parts of the state in winter. The limitations imposed by the weather
raise the overall cost of doing business in the state (e.g., creating
a need for substantial summer overtime hours and premiums in
construction or for costly air freight transport in the winter).
Weather conditions in the Railbelt region are a severe inhibitor to
the location of manufacturing industries in Alaska, not only because
of construction and operating cost considerations but also because it
restricts freedom of movement for personnel and material during much
of the winter.
Environmental Considerations and Land Use Plans
Uncertainty over the state's future environmental policies,
especially for pristine wilderness areas, may inhibit new industry.
An example of such uncertainty is the state's mineral tax policy. The
question of whether royalties and severance taxes (similar to those on
oil and gas) should be imposed on hardrock minerals and the rates of
such taxes remain unsolved. In addition, opinions on what the state
should seek to gain through industrial development are contradictory
and unresolved.
The Anchorage and Matanuska-Susitna boroughs (Mat-Su) have
standards for energy facility siting. Anchorage has a formal coastal
management plan. Mat-Su, Kenai/Cook Inlet, and Valdez have written
plans which are curren~ly being reviewed and are in the approval
process. All permit--and encourage--industrial location in designated
areas. The state also has a natural resources plan for·.its lands.
Most intermediate product· manufacturers and bulk material producers
require large sites to accommodate plants and facilities.· The effect
of land use plans must be considered on a project-by-project basis
once the initial threshold requirements have been met.
Basic Services and Secondary Industry
Local representation of major infrastructure (e.g., insurance
firms, repair services, banking) and secondary industry firms (e.g.,
emergency resupply for mechanical or electrical failure) can be an
important factor in plant location decisions. The perceived lack of
secondary support facilities is likely to be a major inhibiting factor
for the location of new industries in Alaska.
Many aspects of developed industrial infrastructure, such as
specialized industrial supplies and services, apart from petroleum
extractors and transportation services, do not currently exist in
Alaska. Repair services, machine shops, parts depots, and other
complementary firms will have to be established concurrently with
industrial development, or such supplies and services will have to be
imported at high cost.
Natural Resources
The major natural resources of the Railbelt include coal,
minerals, and metal ores (although no bauxite reserves for aluminum
production), oil and natural gas, fish and shellfish, forests (soft
and hardwood), nonfuel minerals; and water (for hydroelectric genera-
tion and for consumption). Historically, economic development in any
region has usually begun with some type of resource extraction.
Mineral resources that have not yet been extensively developed can
become the basis for primary processing industries, including m1n1ng
and smelting. Timber and fishing resources have supported most of
Alaska's manufacturing activity to date, and it is likely that manu-
facturing based on these resources can be expanded.
A special category of natural resources includes hydrocarbons,
which can serve as raw materials as well as fuels for manufacturing
processes. Industries such as food processing, pulp and paper, petro-
chemicals, primary and fabricated metals, and electrometallurgical
processes require stable and/or low-cost supplies of oil, gas, or coal
as process fuels or as feedstocks as well as the appropriate
materials, minerals, and metals for processing. The potential of
Alaskan oil and gas as industrial feedstocks is widely recognized and
proposals for in-state processing of royalty oil have been
considered. If oil and natural gas (including LNG) become more
expensive and scarce, the availability of petroleum feedstocks will
become an increasingly attractive factor.
While oil and particularly natural gas have traditionally been
used as industrial process fuels, this use will become less widespread
as costs continue to increase and regulatory actions encourage use of
other fuels (primarily coal). In this regard, Alaska also has vast
quantities of low-sulfur steam coal available for industrial use. The
ready avail-ability of water in the south central region could be
particularly important for those industries that require significant
amounts of process-water (e.g., food products, particularly beverages,
pulp and paper, chemicals), particularly in view of the shortfalls in
water availability predicted for many regions of the u.s.
The presence of important natural resources is not sufficient to
guarantee development. For example, extensive high-grade strategic
metals and minerals are present in the Brooks Range, but development
of the transportation infrastructure for extraction is economically
Existing Industry
Government is the major employer in the Railbelt (see ~able
VII-1), and most of the employment in the region is associated with
services. Although relatively small, the petroleum industry has the
character of a true basic industry in that the Railbelt includes the
people and facilities for administration (primarily in Anchorage),
transportation (primarily in Valdez and Kenai), and processing (North
Pole refinery near Fairbanks and Tesoro and Chevron Oil refineries,
Phillips LNG plant, and Union Chemicals nitrogen fertilizer plant, all
located-at Nikiski, Kenai), as well as exploration and development.
Employment statistics for the petroleum industry are aggregated
by reporting agencies to avoid disclosure of individual business
reporting units. The labor force in the petroleum sectors is
estimated, however, to include about 3,650 to 4,900 persons.
Petroleum production capacities are as follows:
Tesoro oil refinery
Chevron oil refinery
Mapco North Pole refinery
Capacity (barrels/day)
Another major plant is the Union chemical fertilizer plant, which pro-
duces 1 million tons of liquid ammonia per year and 800,000 tons of
urea per year. The Phillips LNG plant produces 140 million cubic feet
of LNG per year for the Japanese market.
Other than those associated with the petroleum industry, there
are few industry groupings already 1n Alaska to naturally attract
similar firms or suppliers.
Geographical Location and Proximity to Markets
Alaska's remoteness and the requirement to use U.S. registered
ships for U.S.-bound goods results in high shipping costs between
Alaska and the rest of the United States. The state's vastness also
increases the likelihood of future developments being remote from the
state's population centers or from the principal resource base. If a
primary processing facility is located near a mine to minimize ore
handling and shipping, for example, provisions will have to be made to
provide housing and related facilities for workers. Alternatively, a
firm performing processing near the population centers will have to
transport bulk ores from the mine. Similarly, the. distance from
Anchorage, the commercial center, to the many outlying towns and
villages will make it very difficult for eveq an Anchorage-based
producer to supply the in-state market at reasonable prices. In
addition, Alaska's remoteness from the Lower 48 may discourage small
or medium-sized firms from even considering Alaska as a potential site.
Alaska's local market is quite small (approximately 400,000
people) and is further limited by the difficulties of distributing
products to the more remote areas. Furthermore, unlike other states
with relatively small markets, no neighboring states can absorb excess
production of local market-oriented goods. The most basic local market
industries do exist in Alaska--bakeries and newspapers, for example--
but the population is too small to support other consumer-product
makers. The need to ship excess production at possibly high cost will
inhibit development of locally oriented consumer or industrial sup-
pliers until local demand is sufficiently sustained to support such
Service industries, which are the fastest growing segment of the
U.S. economy, locate near the population centers or companies they
serve. Intermediate product industries, such as concrete producers,
metal forgers, commercial printers, and glass container makers, tend
to locate near industrial or commercial purchasers of their products.
In many of these industries, industrial development must occur sequen-
tially. For example, a plastics manufacturer may logically locate
near a petrochemical complex as long as product transportation costs
to the marketplace are relatively low. The sequencing or downstream
integration of production facilities depends on upstream materials
being available.
Alaska's geographic location on the Pacific Ocean is tantalizing.
As the international procurement of materials and the international
manufacturing of products increase, Alaska's location may be more
beneficial than previously assumed. The ports in the south central
region of the Railbelt are closer to Japan and Korea than the Lower 48
ports; unfortunately, this factor is currently largely offset by higher
construction, labor, and operating costs in the Railbelt region.
The major advantages of developing an Alaskan industrial site are
the state's vast supplies of natural resources and its fuel and feed-
stocks for extraction and initial processing industries. As natural
resources and fuel or power shortages develop, Alaska will become an
increasingly attractive site. Alaska is also favorable in comparison
to many developing·countries, which have the potential for political
Deterrents to an industry's siting its facilities in Alaska arise
from the state's economic environment, as well as industry-specific
resource development constraints. Inhibiting factors are generally
those that raise the costs of operating in Alaska, making Alaska-
' produced goods less competitive in U.S. and world markets, or that
contribute to an adverse business climate (e.g., highly publicized
environmental lawsuits and Teamsters Union activities have had a
detrimental effect on corporations contemplating expansion into ·
The principal inhibitors to development in Alaska are:
• High labor costs (1.3 to 1.5 times u.s. average) and lack of
skilled labor.
• Lack of transportation and other infrastructure.
• High con~truction costs (1.5 times U.S. average is typical).
• Remoteness from major markets (transportation costs--highly
dependent on product and destination).
• Limited local market.
• Institutional and regulatory issues:
Uncertain land status
Environmental constraints
Federal government influence.
• Climate.
• Relatively high corporate taxes.
The relative importance of inhibiting factors to economic develop-
ment and industry-specific location decisions varies, depending on the
proposed industrial facility, the economic health of the industry, and
world market trends. Most of the Railbelt characteristics that presently
inhibit industrial development increase the operating costs for
industry. The advantages of an Alaskan location, such as proximity to
specific resources and Pacific markets, are insufficient to offset these
additional operating costs for most industries. The special case of
electrically intensive industries will be examined in the next section.
To identify potential industries that might be attracted to Alaska
by the long-term availability of inexpensive electrical energy, SRI
compared U.S. Department of Commerce data on the value of purchased
electrical energy with the value of shipped product for over 960 4-digit
Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code industries. The four SIC
industries for which electrical energy costs exceed 10% of the value of
the shipped product are listed in Table VIII-1. Firms in these Category
I industries are considered the most likely to consider an Alaskan site
for new plant facilities if long term, low cost electrical power becomes
available in the Railbelt region.
Additional industries considered as secondary candidates are listed
in Table VIII-2. For these Category II industries, electrical power
costs range between 5% and 10% of the value of shipped product. The
lure of inexpensive energy will generally be less important for firms
participating in the industries listed in_ Table VIII-2 than those in
Category I.
Finally, the value of total (not just electrical) energy used was
compared with the value of shipped product for all 4-digit SIC code
industries to identify enez:gy-i:ntensive industries that might consider
substituting inexpensive electrical energy for other forms of energy.
These Category III industries identified during this process are listed
in Table VIII-3, which does not include industries already listed in
Table VIII-1 and Table VIII-2. Firms participating in Category III
industries are considered to be less likely candidates for a Railbelt
location than firms from the industries listed in Table VIII-1 and Table
VIII-2, because of the largely unexplored issues associated with energy
Based on this initial screening, all four Category I i~dustries
were further evaluated to determine the potential additional costs of a
Railbelt location for new plants in these industries. Of the Category
II industries, manufactured ice, hydraulic cement, iron foundries, and
reclaimed rubber were not considered likely candidates because of the
obvious trade~ff between low product value a~d high transportation costs
associated with these industries. An analysis of the. transportation
costs for cement is included in the study for comparison purposes and is
considered to be representative of these lo~value products. Malleable
iron foundries and reclaimed rubber both depend on close proximity to
associated industries (e.g., heavy machinery, automobile) and are un-
likely to consider any locations which lack these supporting industries.
.j:--00 I SIC Code 2812 2813 Table VIII-I CATEGORY I: ELECTRICALLY INTENSIVE INDUSTRIES (Electrical Energy Costs as Percentage of Product Value, 1980) Description AI.J<ALIES AND CIIWRINE (18.8) Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing alkalies and chlorine. Alkalies Carbonates, potassium and sodium Caustic potash Caustic soda Chlorine, compressed or liquefied Potassium carbonate INDUSTRIAL GASES (23.3) Potassium hydroxide Sal soda Soda ash Sodium bicarbonate Sodium carbonate {soda ash) Sodium hydroxide {caustic soda) Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing gases for sale in compressed, liquid, and solid forms. Establishments primarily l!ngaged in manufacturing fluorine and sulfur dioxide are classified in Industry 2819, household ammonia in Industry 2842, and other ammonia in Industry 2873, and chlorine in Industry 2812. Distributors of industrial gases and establishments primarily engaged in shipping liquid oxygen are classified in trade. Ammonia and chlorine production are considered separately. Fluorine, sulfur dioxide, and· liquid oxygen are expected to have production economics similar to the gases listed in SIC 2813. Acetylene Argon Carbon dioxide Dry ice (solid carbon dioxide) Gases, industrial: compressed, liquefied, or solid--mfpm Helium Hydrogen Neon Nitrogen Nitrous oxide Oxygen, compressed and liquefied
~ 1.0 SIC Corle 3313 Table VIII-1 (Concluded) Description ELECTROHETALLURGICAL PRODUCTS (14.1) Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing ferro and nonferrous additive alloys by electrometallurgical or metallothermic processes, including high-percentage ferroalloys and high-percentage nonferrous additive alloys. Additive alloys, except copper: not produced in blast furnaces Electrometallurgical products, except aluminum, magnesium, and copper Ferroalloys, not made in blast furnaces Ferrochromium Ferromanganese, not produced in blast furnaces Ferromolybrlenum Ferrophosphorus Ferrosilicon, not produced in blast furnaces Ferrotitanium Ferrotungsten Ferrovanadium High-percentage ferroalloys, not produced in blast furnaces Manganese metal, not produced in blast furnaces Molybdenum silicon, not produced in blast furnaces Nonferrous additive alloys, high percentage: except copper Steel, electrometallurgical 3334 PRIMARY PRODUCTION OF ALUMINUM (15.4) Establishments primarily engaged in producing aluminum from alumina, and in refining aluminum by any process. Establishments primarily engaged in rolling, drawing, or extruding aluminum are classified in Industries 3353, 3354, and 3355 and are not classified as electrically intensive. Aluminum ingots and primary produc-~-~ion shapes, from bauxite or alumina Extrusion ingot, aluminum: primary Source: U.S. Commerce Department Oata Pigs, aluminum Slabs, aluminum: primary
V1 0 J Table VIII-2 CATEGORY II: ELECTRICALLY INTENSIVE INDUSTRIES (Electrical Energy Costs as Percentage of Product Value, 1980) SIC Code Description 2097 2661 MANUFACTURED ICE (8.0) Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing ice for sale. Ice plants operated by public utility companies are included in this industry when separate reports are available. (Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing dry ice are classified in Industry 2813 ann have not been analyzed.) Block Ice Can ice Ice cubes BUILDING PAPER AND BUILDING BOARD tllLJ.S (5.6) Ice, manufactured or artifical: except dry ice Ice plants, operated by public utilities Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing building paper and building board from wood pulp and other fibrous materials. Pulp mills combined with building paper and building board mills, and not separately reported, are also included in this industry; where separately reported, they are classified in Industry 2611. Asbestos paper and asbestos-filled paper, mitse Asphalt board and sheathing, mitse Asphalt paper: laminated--mitse Board, building: composition, cellular fiber, and hard pressed--mitse Board, building; except gypsum--mitse Building board, mitse Building paper: sheathing, insulation, saturating, ancl dry felts--mi.tse Construction paper, mitse Dry felts, mitse Felts, building: unsaturate.d--mitse Fiber board, wood or other vegetable pulp: mitse Insulating siding, paper or board, mitse Insulation board, cellular fiber or hard pressed (without gypsum): mitse Kraft sheathing paper, mitse Lath, fiber: mitse Paper, building: mitse Paperboard, building (containing no gypsum): mitse Roofing board and felt stock, unsaturated: mitse Roofing, wood fiber: mitse Saturatecl felts, mitse Tar paper, building and roofing: mitse Wall tile, fiber board: mitse Wallboard, except gypsum: cellular fiber o~ hard presse<i--"Tlli tse
V1 ..... SIC Code 2819 Table VIII-2 (Continued) Description INDUSTRIAL INORGANIC CHEMICALS, NEC (8.7) Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing industrial inorganic chemicals, not elsewhere classified. Important products of this industry include inorganic salts of sodium (excluding refined sodium chloride), potassium, aluminum, calcium, chromium, magnesium, mercury, nickel, silver, tin; inorganic compounds such as alums, calcium carbide, hydrogen peroxide, sodium silicate, ammonia compounds (except fertilizers), rare earth metal salts and elemental bromine, fluorine, iodine, phosphorus, and alkali metals (sodium, potassium, lithium, etc.). Establishments primarily engaged in mining, milling, or otherwise preparing natural potassium, sodium, or boron compounds (other than common salt) are classified in Industry 1374; which is not electrically intensive. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing household bleaches are classified in Industry 2842, which is no"t electrically intensive; phosphoric acid in Industry 2874; and nitric acid, anhydrous ammonia, and other nitrogenous fertilizer materials in Industry 2873 are cliscussed separately. Activated carbon and charcoal Alkali metals Alumina Aluminum chloride Aluminum compounds Aluminum hydroxide (alumina trihydrate) Aluminum oxide Aluminum sulfate Alums Ammonia alum Ammonium chloride, hydroxicle, and molybdate Ammonium compounds, except for fertilizer Ammonium perchlorate Ammonium thiosulfate Barium compounds Bauxite,' refinecl Beryllium oxide Bleaching potider Borax (sodium tetraborate) Boric acid Bromine, elemental .Cesium metal Calcium carbide, chloride, and hypochlorite Calcium compounds, inorganic Calcium metal Calomel Carbide Catalysts, chemical Cerium salts Charcoal, activated Chlorosulfonic acid Chrmnates and bichromate& Chromic acid Chromium compounds, inorganic Chromium salts Cobalt chloride Cobalt 60 (radioactive) Cobalt sulfate Copper chloride Copper iodide and oxide Copper sulfate Cyanides
Ln N j 2819 Table VIII-2 (Continued) INDUSTRIAL INORGANIC CHEMICALS, NEC (8.7) (Continued) Boron compounds, not produced at mines Borosilicate Brine Fissionable material production Fluorine, elemental Fuel propellants, solid: inorganic Fuels, high energy: inorganic Glauber's salt Heavy water High purity grade chemicals, inor--ganic: refined from technical grades Hydrated alumina silicate powder Hydrochloric acid Hydrocyanic acid Hydrofluoric acid Hydrogen peroxide Hydrogen sulfide Hydrosulfites Hypophosphites Indium chloride Inorganic acids, except nitric or phosphoric Iodides Iodine, elemental Iodine, resublimed Iron sulphate Isotopes, radioactive Laboratory chemicals, inorganic Lead oxides, other than pigments Lead silicate J.ime h leaching compounds J.i th ium compounds Lithium metal Luminous compounds, radium Magnesium carbonate Magnesium chloride Magnesium compounds, inorganic Manganese dioxide powder, synthetic Mercury chlorides (calomel, corrosive, subliu•ate), except U.S.P. Mercury compounds, inorganic Hercury oxides Mercury, redistilled Metals, liquid Desiccants, activated: silica gel Dichromates Ferric chloride Ferrocyanides Potassium iodide Potassium metal Potassium nitrate and sulfate Potassium permanganate Propellants for missiles, solid: inorganic Radium chloride Radium luminous compounds Rare earth metal salts Reagent grade chemicals, inorganic; refined from technical grades Rubidium metal Salt cake (sodium sulfate) Salts of rare earth metals Scandium Silica, amorphous Silica gel Si lico fluorides Silver bromide, chloride, and nitrate Silver compounds, inorganic Soda alum Sodium aluminate Sodium aluminum sulfate Sodium antimoniate Sodium bichromate and chromate Sorlium borates Sodium borohydride Sodium bromide, not produced at mines Sodium chlorate Sodium compounds, inorganic Sodium cyanide Sodium hydrosulfite Sodium, metallic Sorlium molybdate Sodiwn perborate Sodium peroxide Sodium phosphate Sodium polyphosphate So•liwq R i l icate Sodium silicofluoride ~-'"~'-=~=-~--"~-~----~------------.,------------------------------------------------
V1 w Table VIII-2 (Continued) 2819 INDUSTRIAL INOilGANIC CHEMICALS, NEC (8.7) (Concluded) Mixed acid Muriate of potash, not produced at mines Nickel anunonium sulfate Nickel carbonate Nickel compounds, inorganic Nickel sulfate Nuclear cores, inorganic Nuclear fuel reactor cores, inorganic Nuclear fuel scrap reprocessing Oleum (fuming sulfuric acid) Oxidation catalyst made from por-celain Perchloric acid Peroxides, inorganic Phosphates, except defluorinated and anwnoniated Phosphorus and phosphorus oxychlo-ride Potash alum Potassium aluminum sulfate Potassium bichromate and chromate Potassium bromide Potassium chlorate Potassium chloride and cyanide Potassium compounds, inorganic: ex-cept potassium hydroxide and carbonate Potassium cyanide Potassium hypochlorate Sodium stannate Sodium sulfate--bulk or tablets Sodium tetraborate, not produced at mines Sodium thiosulfate Sodium tungstate Sodium uranate -Stannic and stannous chloride Strontium carbonate, precipi-tated, and oxide Strontium nitrate · Sublimate, corrosive Sulfate of potash and potash magnesia, not produced in mines Sulfides and sulfites Sulfocyanidea Sulfur chloride Sulfur dioxide Sulfur hexafluoride gas Sulfur, recovered or refined, including from sour natural gas Sulfuric acid Janning agents, synthetic inorganic Thiocyanates, inorganic Tin chloride Tin salta Uranium slug, radioactive Water glass Zinc chloride
Vl ~ / Table VIII-2 (Continued) SIC Code Description 3031 RECLAIMED RUBBER {6.9) Establishments primarily engaged in reclaiming rubber from scrap rubber tires, tubes, and miscellaneous waste rubber articles by processes which result in devulcanized, depolymerized, or regenerated replasticized products containing added ingredients. These products are sold for use as a raw material in the manu.facture of rubber goods with or without admixture with crude rubber or synthetic rubber. Establishments primarily engaged in the assembly and wholesale sale of scrap rubber are classlfied in trade industries. Reclaimed rubber (reworked by manufacturing processes) 3241 CEMENT, HYDRAULIC (7.4) Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing hydraulic cement, including portland, natural, masonry, and pozzolan cements. Cement, hydraulic: portland, natural masonry, pozzolan 3122 MALLEABLE IRON FOUNDRIES (5.6) Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing malleable iron castings. Castings, malleable iron Foundries, malleable iron Pearlitic castings, malleable iron
Ln Ln SIC Code 3339 Table VIII-2 (Concluded) Description PRIMARY SMELTING ANI> REFINING OF NONFERROUS METALS, NEC (5':-4) Establishments primarily engaged in smelting and refining nonferrous metals, not elsewhere classified. Establishments primarily engaged in rolling, drawing, and extruding these nonferrous primary metals are classified in Industry 3356, which is not electrically intensive, and the production of bullion at· the site of the mine is classified in the mining industries. Antimony refining, primary Beryllium metal Bismuth refining, primary Cadmium refining, primary Chromium refining, primary Cobalt refining, primary Columbium refining, primary Germanium refining, primary Gold refining, primary Ingots, magnesium Iridium refining, primary Magnesium refining, primary Nickel refining, primary Nonferrous refining, primary: except copper, lead, zinc, and aluminum Pigs, magnesium Platinum-group metals refining, primary Precious metal refining, primary Primary refining of nonferrous metal: except copper, lead, zinc, aluminum Primary smelting of nonferrous metal: except copper, lead, zinc, aluminum Refining of nonferrous metal, primary: except copper, lead, zinc, aluminum Rhenium refining, primary Selenium refining, primary Silicon, epitaxial (silicon alloy) Silicon, pure Silicon refining, primary (over 99% pure) Silver refining, primary Slabs, magnesium: primary Smelting of nonferrous metal, primary: except copper, lead, zinc, aluminum Tantalum refining Tellurium refining, primary Tin base alloys, primary Tin refining, primary Titanium metal, sponge and granules Zirconium metal, sponge and granules Source: Commerce Department Data
Table VIII-3 .
(Total Energy Costs as Percentage of Product Value, 1980)
Energy Costs
As Percent
SIC Code Description of Product Value
2046 Wet Corn Milling 8.7
2063 Beet Sugar 8.3
2083 Malt 6.7
2261 Finishing Plants, Cotton 7.4
2492 Particleboard 6.8
2611 Pulpmills 10.1
2621 Papermills, Excl. Building Paper 10.3
2631 Paperboard Mills 14.4
2816 Inorganic Pigments 8.8
2822 Synthetic Rubber 5.1
2823 Cellulosic Manmade Fibers 8.0
2824 Organic Fibers, Noncellulosic 5.2
2861 Gum and \vood Chemicals 7.1
2865 Cyclic Crudes & Intermediates 6.9
2869 Industrial Organic Chemicals, NEC 7.1
2873 Nitrogenous Fertilizers 18.2
2874 Phosphatic Fertilizers 6.0
2895 Carbon Black 10.7
Table VIII-3 (Continued)
Energy Costs
As Percent
SIC Code Description of Product Value
2951 Paving Mixtures and Blocks 6.4
3211 Flat Glass 9.8
3221 Glass Containers 10.3
3229 Pressed and Blown Glass 8.1
3251 Brick & Structural Clay Tile 20.1
3253 Ceramic Wall & Floor Tile 6.2
3255 Clay Refractories 8.0
3259 Structural Clay Products 17.3
3261 Vitreous Plumbing Fixtures 5.5
3263 Fine Earthenware Food Utensils 6.8
3269 Pottery Products, etc. 6.3
3274 Lime 31.3
3275 Gypsum Products 9.3
3295 Minerals, Ground or Treated 7.7
3296 Mineral Wool 9.1
3297 Nonclay Refractories 6.1
3312. Blast Furnaces & Steel Mills 9.7
3321 Gray Iron Foundries 7.5
Table VIII-3 (Concluded)
SIC Code Description
3325 Steel Foundries, NEC
3333 Primary Zinc
3398 Metal Heat Treating
3624 Carbon & Graphite Products
Energy Costs
As Percent
of Product Value
:. .. ~· '
The three rema1m.ng industries in Category II are building paper and
buildin: board mills; industrial inorganic chemicals, not elsewhere
classified; primary smelting and refining of nonferrous metals, not
elsewhere classified. These industries were considered further as
potential candidates because of possible Alaskan feedstocks.
Industries identified in the Category III screening that are
associated with food processing (e.g., wet corn milling, beet su:ar,
malt); textile finishing (e.g., cotton finishing plants, man-made
fibers); or heavy, low-value materials (e.g., paving mixtures, lime,
:lass containers, brick and structural clay tile and clay products)
are unlikely candidates because of the remoteness of.an Alaskan
location from both feedstocks and markets for these commodities.
Carbon black production is energy intensive only because petroleum-
based feedstocks are used in the manufacturing process and is
therefore precluded from further consideration. Although ammoni~
production is energy intensive for the same reason, electrically
driven compressors can be substituted for gas-fired turbines in the
production process. Furthermore, the major feedstock for ammonia
production, natural gas, is available in Alaska. For these two
reasons, ammonia production was selected for limited consideration.
The construction of new processing facilities of most primary metals
(e.:., copper, steel) is unlikely in the Railbelt region primarily
because these industries aredependent on nearby feedstocks and are
likely to remain depressed in the U.S. economy in the foreseeable
future. In addition, the consequences of energy conservation (e.g.,
automobile downsizing) have .caused the heavy manufacturin: industries
that are supplied by the primary metal industries to permanently
reduce their requirements for feedstock. Although selected primary
metals (e.g., zinc) mizht benefit from the combination of Alaskan
feedstocks and low-cost electrical energy for thermal processes, most
of these industries are unlikely candidates for expansion throughout
"the remainder of this century. The only industries in Category III
that were retained for further consideration were ammonia production,
nonferrous metals, and paperboard mills.
In addition to the Category I, II, and III industries retained
for further screening, four other potential large-scale electrical
energy uses were considered as specified in the statement ol work.
The list of industries and "other industrial applications" evaluated
in Section IX are listed in Table VIII~4.
Table VIII-4
Category I
• TI1e Aluminum Industry (SIC 3334, Primary Production Aluminum)
• The Chlor-Alkali Industry (SIC 2812, Alkalies and Chlorine)
• Industrial Gases (SIC 2813, Industrial Gases)
• Ferroalloy and Miscellaneous Metal Alloy Production (SIC 3313,
Electrometallurgical Products)
Categories II and III
• Pulp and Paper Industry (SIC 2661, Building Paper and Building
Board Mills; 2611, Pulpmills; and 2621, Papermills, Excluding
Building Paper)
• Cement Industry (SIC 3241, Hydraulic Cement)
• Chemical Industry (2719, Industrial Inorganic Chemicals, .NEC)
• Primary Metals Industry (SIC 3339, Primary Smelting and Refining
of Nonferrous Metals, NEC; SIC 3333, Primary Zinc)
• The Fertilizer Industry (SIC 2873, Ammonia Production,
Nitrogenous Fertilizers; 2874, Phosphate Fertilizers)
Other Applications
• Agglomerations of Small Industrial Facilities
• Residential Space Heat
• Electrification of Alaskan Railroad Intertie with the Lower 48
• Intertie with the Lower 48.
To evaluate the real potential of the candidate users of electrical
enercy, the likely characteristics of representative process plants in
the selected industries must be considered. Because of the increasing
importance of energy costs in recent years, much of the research and
development in the candidate industries is devoted toward reducing
process en~rgy costs. The effect of these efforts should be to increase
the likelihood of the construction of new process facilities in the
candidate industries, but to reduce the importance of a regional
location based on low cost C!lectrical energy. The industry averages
used to select candidate industries undoubtedly overesti~te the
importance of the costs of electrical energy for new facilities because
they include marginal facilities that might be replaced by more efficient
plants during a period of economic expansion. In the specific industry
analyses which follow, the most recent available data on plant efficiency
were used to evaluate the attractiveness of low-cost electrical energy.
In each case the reduced costs of an A-laskan location attributable to
inexpensive power must be balanced against the increased costs associated
with an Alaskan location.
A range of electric energy rates, including a most probable com-
peting energy rate (where possible), was assumed when comparing energy
savings with additional transport·ation, construction (e.g., capital) and
labor expenses associated with a Railbelt location. Because of industry
infrastructures and market locations, the competitiveness of given elec-
trical energy prices to attract new industry varies with the industry.
Aluminum smelters are typically sited in lower-cost energy locations
than chlor-alkali plants, which are more dependent on local resources.
Since the availability of the low-cost electric power is highly depen-
dent on the demand scenario associated with Alaskan population growth
and petroleum-derived state revenues, SRI assumed for the purposes of
·the study that sufficient capacity would be available for ~t least one
"world-class" plant in each category (e.g., 2,700 GWh annually for an
aluminum smelter).
In addition to energy requirements, a major consideration for
prospective Alaskan industries is the cost of transporting raw materials
to Alaska and the resultant products to user markets. Materiais and pro-
ducts which are subject to mass handling techniques and bulk shipment are
preferable because lower handling costs associated with such materials
reduce the overall cost of transportation. Transportation costs were
considered for a "typical" facility to determine the additional expense
of this factor associated with an Alaskan location. Related to
transportation· costs is the important consideration of the ability of
the candidate industries to utilize indigenous Alaskan raw materials.
Primary industries with relatively simple input requirements may be
most easily sited initially. As will be described in the industrial
analyses.which follow, however, synergistic relationships can form as an
industrial base develops and industries are able to utilize locally
produced materials. As an example, caustic soda from chlor-alkali
production is an important input to alumina production, or facilities
producing bulk commodities such as caustic soda might provide a partial
return cargo for Alaska-bound alumina carriers serving aluminum smelters
in the state.
Other important factors are the relatively high costs for labor and
construction in the state, the degree of labor intensiveness of candidate
industries, the relative proximity of markets, and the overall projected
demand for candidate industry products.
The Aluminum Industry
Of the industries which have been examined, aluminum has, at .154,
the third highest ratio of purchased electrical energy costs to value of
shipped product. In spite of the high energy costs associated with
aluminum production, the metal increasingly contributes to energy
efficiency in other products, particularly in the transportation sector.
As a result, projections for aluminum demand indicate annual growth of
4-6%4,5 over the next decade. As the aluminum industry continues to
expand, areas offering low-cost electricity will be considered as
locations for new plants.
Currently, the industry is dominated by six multinational
corporations which collectively account for over 66% of the world's
bauxite/alumina production and 54% of aluminum metal production.6 As
shown in Table IX-1 and Table IX'-2, these corporations are:
• The Aluminum Company of America (Alcoa, U.S.A.)
• Pechiney Ugine Kuhlmann (France)
• Swiss Aluminum (Alusuisse, Switzerland)
• Aluminum Company of Canada (Alcan, Canada)
• Reynolds Metals Company (U.S.A.)
• Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corporation (U.S.A.).
0\ w Table IX-1 INVE.STORS IN THE ALUMINUM INDUSTRY: ALUMINA REFINERIES, 1979 Six Major Transnadonal Cc>rpor11tions A lean Alcoa. Alusuisse Kaiser Pechiney Reynolds Total Other TNCs with Private. Investors in Developed· Market EconomyCQun-tdes Governments of Developed Market Economy Count!!!! Gove-rnments of Centr-ally Planned Countries Government·s of Developing Countries ~-. Private Investors in Developiilg Countries World Total (Thousands of Tons; Percentage) Capacity in Developed Countries 2,208 4,135 1,265 2,645 2,169 2,318 14.740 5, 772 1,569 5,208 --27,289 Capacity in Developing Countries 1,344 1,96fi 36 471 130 430 4,377 738 18 -1,590 355 7 ,0·78 Thousands of Tons 3,552 6,101 1,301 3,116 2,299 2, 749 19,118 6,510 1,587 5,208 1,590 355 34,368 Total Capacity As Percentage of Market Eco-nomy Countries' Capacity 12.2 20.9 4.5 10.7 7.9 9.4 65.6 e .-22. 3 5.4 ---5.5 1.2 100.0 As Percentage of World Capacity 10.3 17.8 3.8 9.1 6.7 8.0 55.7 18.9 4.6 15.2 4.6 1.0 100.0 Source: United Nations ·centre on Transnational Corporations, as published in Transnational ·Corl'_orations in-_t~ Rauxit_e/Alt!minum''~ndustry, United Nations, 1981, J>. 37.
J Six Major Transnational Corporations Table IX-2 INVESTORS IN Tlffi ALUMINUM INDUSTRY: ALUMINUM SMELTERS, 1979 (Thousands of Tons; Percentage) Capacity in Developed Countries Capacity in Developing Countries Thousands of Tons Total Capacity As Percentage of Market Eco-nomy Countries' Capacity As Percentage of World Capacity Alcan 1,355 154 1,509 11.2 8.6 Alcoa 1,673 131 1,804 13.4 10.3 Alusuisse 649 -649 4.8 3.7 Kaiser 884 227 2,222 8.2 6.3 Pechiney 973 71 1,044 7.7 6.0 Reynolds 1,043 82 1,125· 8.3 6.4 Total 6,577 665 7,242 53.6 41.3 ~ Other TNCs and Private Investors Europe 686 13 699 5.1 4.0 United States and Canada 1,218 32 1,251 9.3 7.1 Other 1,~52 26 1,678 12.4 9.6 Total 3,556 71 3,628 26.8 20.7 Governments of Developed Market Economy Countries 1,569 -1,569 11.6 9.0 Governments of Developed Centrally Planned Economies 3,732 -3,732 -21.2 Developing Country Governments -979 979 5. 2 5. 6 Developing Country Private Investors -378 378 2.8 2.2 Market Economy Countries, Total 11,703 1,821 13,522 100 l~orld, Total 15,434 2,093 17,528 100 Source: United llat ions Centre on Transnational Gorpor.at ions, as puh1 ished in Transnation/11 Corporations in the Bauxite/A1uminiml_'!<l_ll_stry, United Nations, 1981, p:-37: ..:;-~..:.=.:::-..._.:::_--=:::: . .::::::::....::..::7:.._ = __ .. ::-...:. _-=:..::_-_ _:___~_ ----··---• --
Collectively, these corporations have aluminum smelters in
virtually all developed countries. Historically, smelting facilities
have been located in developed countries, which have imported bauxite
(or alumina), the primary feedstock for aluminum production. As energy
prices have risen, smelters are being built with increasing freqQency in
countries with indigenous bauxite and lower-priced electric power.
The effect of high energy costs on aluminum production is particu-
larly evident in both Japan and the United States, as is the effect of
worldwide recession on the demand for aluminum. It is estimated that
Japan's internal smelting capacity will decrease 40% by mid decad~ from
the level of 1,204,000 metric tons of 1981, largely as a result of in-
creased electricity costs in Japan. In 1981, Japanese smelters were
facing electrical rates 2 to 23 times those available in the United
States and Canada. As production has decreased in Japan, Japanese com-
panies have increasingly participated in joint refinery projects over-
seas and are building smelters in Australia, Brazil, and Indonesia.7
In the United States, aluminum producers have also been faced with
escalating electrical energy costs at a time when plants are operating
at approximately 40-60% of capacity~ largely due to the current reces-
sion. In the Northwest, for example, the Bonneville Power Administra-
tion indicated that electric~! rates for aluminum smelters would in-
crease 49.7% to 25.9 mills/kWh, up from 17.3 mills, effective October 1,
1982. Initial industry reaction has been to indicate that such rate
increases will seriously affect plans for capital investment and plant
modernizatiot_t in the ~rea~ which currently accounts for. about 1/3 p~
u.s. product1on capac1ty.
. .
The most recently constructed U.S. aluminum smelter, the Alumex
plant at Mt. Holley, South Carolina, is reported to use 6.24 kWh/lb of
metal produced. A representative of Kaiser Aluminum indicated, during a
telephone interview, that major breakthroughs in electricity usage are
not expected and that 6.24 kWh/lb should be regarde<i as represf!ntative
for plants which will come on line in the early 1990s. .
In spite of the rising cost of energy in the developed nations,
some experts believe that a large-scale shifting of aluminum production
to developing countries will not occur. Indigenous electrical energy
needs of the developing countries will compete for availab\e pow~r and
may make other energy .sources in developed countries, such as U.S.
western coal reserves, economically attractive. There are also concerns
about political stability in some of the developing countries, the higher
costs associated with construction in remote areas, and the distance of
such facilities from aluminum markets.
As noted in a recen·t United Nations report on the aluminum industry,
"finance charges contribute about as much as do alumina and p0wer to the
cost of a ton of aluminum metal for a new smelter. Cheap power will not
make a smelter competitive."9 Since Alaska ~ffers the potential cpm-
bination.of political stability and low-cost·power, it remains to ~~amine
the importance or other costs which may be pivotal in decisions to site
aluminum pro<Iuction facilities in the state. ,
Foremost among these other costs is the cost of transporting both
raw materials to Alaska and aluminum ingot or finished products to
markets in the United States and the Pacific basin. Primary aluminum
production consists of two steps. The first is the mining and subse-
quent refining of ba~xite into alumina, which is followed by smelting
into primary aluminum ingots. The principal producers of bauxite are
Australia, Guinea, and Jamaica as shown in Table IX-3. These countries,
however, produce only a small fraction of the world's aluminum. Aluminum
production is dominated by the United States, the U.S.S.R., Japan, and
Canada (Table IX-4). Thus, the aluminum industry has historically trans-
ported-bauxite/alumina over long distances to smelting facilities.
Transportation Costs
Both bauxite and alumina can be shipped using bulk handling proce-
dures. Although alumina transportation costs are generally higher than
for bauxite, there are advantages to refining bauxite into alumina at
the mine since 2 to 2.5 tons of bauxite are required to produce 1 ton of
alumina. This process requires only small amounts of caustic soda and
other materials and consumes only 300 to 350 kWh of electrical energy
per ton of alumina, as compared to the refining of aluminum, which
requires 14 to 16 MWh (industry average) of electrical energy per ton of
aluminum produced (Table IX-5 and Table IX-6).
Many exporting countries are increasingly shipping alumina rather
than unrefined bauxite. Australia is an example of this trend. Approxi-
mately 74% of alumina imported by the United States is obtained from
Australia, but no bauxite has been imported from Australia in recent
years. It sho~ld also be noted that relative sizes of world-class
alumina plants and aluminum smelters are significant in determining the
structure of the industry which might develop in Alaska. Most new
alumina plants have capacities in excess of 500,000 tons/year, and at
least 10 have capacities in excess of 1,000,000 tons. Aluminum smelters
tend toward capacities above 100,000 tons, usually around 200,000 metric
tons. As a result, a single world-class alumina facility can support a
number of smelters. This fact, in combination with the distances which
bauxite would have to be transported, suggests that one or more aluminum
smelters, as opposed to alumina processing plants, would be the most
likely facilities located in Alaska, with alumina feedstocks coming from
Australia. ·
Although our analysis indicates that the Alaskan smelting site
might incur increased transportation charges compared to the Pacific
Northwest, Alaskan sites may not incur significantly higher charges than
most other u.s. smelting sites. Alaska is closer to Australia than east
coast smelters such as the newly completed Mount Holly plant in South
Carolina, which is importing alumina from Alcoa of Australia. In
addition, Alaska is less than 1,600 miles above smelters in the Pacific
~,. I .
Table IX-3
(Metric Tons x 1000)
Bauxite Aluminum
Australia 27,584 369
Guinea 14,000
Jamaica 12,261
USSR 4,600 2,167
u.s. 1,460 5,463
Japan 1,323
Canada 1,295
World Total 89,933 16,940
Source: i9SO MinertUs' Yearbook
Table IX-4
u.s. 30.3
Canada 6.9
Japan 7.1
Western Europe 23.3
Eastern Europe 16.2
Australia & New Zealand 3.0
Rest of World 13.2
Source: 1980 Minerals Yearbook
I ,.
' I
Table IX-5
Bauxite, dry
Caustic soda
Fuel oil (steam and calcinating)
Electric energy
Total-labor and supervision
2.0 t() 2.5 Fons
0.07 to 0.17 tons
0.28 to o.ja·ton~
300 to 350 kWh
2.5 to 5 hours
Source: United St~tes _Bureau of Mines, Mine~al Commodity
Profile, May 1978, as reported in transnational
Corporation's in the Bauxite/Aluniinwn Industry,
United ~ations, 1981;
Table IX-6
Calcined petroleum coke
Fluoride salts (with dry scrubbers)
Electric energy
Labor and supervision
1.92 -1.95 tons
.0.40 -0.45 tons
0.14 -0.16 tons
0.02 -0.03 tons
14 -16 MWh
10 -20 hours
Source: Transnational Corporations in the Bauxite/Aluminum
Industry, United Nations, 1981, p. 17.
Northwest. Transportation costs on a per mile basis tend to decrease
with distance, because the relatively fixed costs of time spent in
terminals and handling charges are spread over the larger distances.
Thus, the added expense as~ociated with this extra distance may not be
significant compared to the cost savings of inexpensive power.
Transportation charges for bauxite to the U.S. mainland averaged
$5.77 per metric ton in 1980, although charges from some countries were
in excess of $10.00 per ton. Alumina shipping charges averaged $16 per
ton; however, as a fraction of product value, bauxite transportation
charges averaged 18% as opposed to 9% for alumina, reflecting the added
value associated with alum1na.
An analysis of the additional transportation costs associated with
an Alaskan location is complex. A major consideration is the suitability
of harbor facilities in Alaska. Although 35,000-ton shipments are
common, bauxite vessels are projected to increase in size to
60,000-100,000 dwt because efficiencies increase for bulk materials as
vessel size increases and because of bauxite's low value per unit
weight. Alumina vessel capacities are expected to remain under 50,000
dwt. Harbor facilities at Kenai, for example, might accommodate such
tonnages, but it is not clear that access to these private harbor
facilities is possible. Use of the port of Anchorage would require the
smaller 35,000-ton vessels, while construction cost for a new port would
be on. the order of $28,000,000.10
Weather is another important factor. In the 1960s, Alcoa stock-
piled materials during the ice-free season on the St. Lawrence and
subsequently developed a large shipping business in Canada to effec-
tively utilize its shipping capacity during the off-season. Thus,
potential delays associated with use of the port of Anchorage or other
harbors due to dredging or i~e formation could affect overall transporta-
tion costs.ll
Other factors which influence· transportation cost calculations are
the degree to·which carriers are owned by the aluminum companies and
their accounting practices. ·Rates can also vary markedly depending on
the destination of the shipping run, independent of the distance
traveled. For example, lack of return cargos cari have a significant
effect on shipping costs.l2
Even more important than feedstock transportation costs are the
costs associ.ated with transporting aluminum metal. Approximately 90% of
aluminum is produced in the developed countries where it is consumed.
On a per weight basis it is estimated that aluminum transportation is
4 to 5 times more costly than bauxite or alumina because of added
handling.costs associated with the discrete ingots. Thus, the location
of smelting facilities geographically close to metal users in the devel-
oped countries may have helped to offset rising electrical energy costs.
As aluminum smelters are located near bauxite resources, overall
transportation charges cari increase.
Based on current U.S. averages for transportation costs in the
aluminum industry, SRI estimates that transportation costs are approxi-
mately 7% of the primary aluminum value.l3 While Alaska may be more
distant from U.S. aluminum users than other smelters in the U.S., it is
closer to Japanese and other Pacific basin markets. As such, Alaskan
transportation costs may not be higher than those of other U.S. smelters.
Some increase in transportation costs may result from the need for addi-
tional alumina storage and delays associated with weather. SRI estimates
that a transportation adjustment factor of 0% to 10% of tbe average u.s.
rate is appropriate for computing additional transportation costs asso-
ciated with an Alaskan site.
Capital Cost
An estimate of the capital ·costs for a smelter in Alaska can be
made by using a location adjustment factor and data on cost of construc-
tion for a similar facility operating in the Lower 48. As stated
previously, SRI estimates an adjustment factor of approximately 1.5 for
construction of plants in the Anchorage area relative to the Lower 48.
Only one new smelter facility has been constructed in the United States
since 1973. This is the Mt. Holly plant, built by Alumax, Inc., at Mt.
Holly, South Carolina, which went into operation in 1980. This plant
cost $350,000,000, of which $40 million was attributed to environmental
controls (that might be inadequate for an Alaskan location). The plant
occupies 300 acres, receives over 35,000 short tons of alumina from
Australia per month, and produces approximately 197,000 metric tons of
aluminum product annually. It has an alumina storage capacity of
approximately 40,000 tons and is located 14 miles from its port facility
in North Charleston. The plant employs approximately 700 persons.l4
Labor Costs
Since there are no nonferrous metal smelters in operation in
Alaska, the differential in labor cost to be expected., relative to other
U.S. sites, must be computed by comparison with other published industry
labor data. The method used compares the ratio of hourly wages for
primary metal production to general manufacturing, modified by specific
plant data published for the Mt. Holly facility. As shown in Table
IX-7, primary metal workers' hourly earnings are consistently higher
than general manufacturing w9rkers'. The variation is highest in the
southern states at about 40% but decreases in the Northwest to less than
20%. Total annual payroll reported for the Mt. Holly plant in 1980 was
$16,000,000 or an average hourly rate per employee of $10.98. This
average, unlike Table IX-7 data, includes salaried professions. Based
on an average 42% higher salary paid primary metal workers over general
manufacturing in the Southeast, the average hourly rate for the Mt. Holly
plant is estimated at $7.94 using the data in Table IX-7 on general manu-
facturing labor rate in South Carolina. The additional $3.04 ($10.98
minus $7.94) per employee in South Carolina accounts for the salaried
management component of the overall plant payroll.
Table IX-7
($ in Millions)
Manufacturing Primary Metds (Primary Metal~/Manufactur~ng)
u.s. Total 7.27 9.77 1.34
Alaska 10.22
South Carolina 5.59
Was~ington 9.4~ 10.74
Oregon 8.65 10.24
T~xa~ 7.15. 8.99
Kentuc~y 7.34 10.44
Ten0 essee 6.0~ 8.58
Wes~ Virgina 8.08 11.73
Source: U:~· Bl;lreau of L~b~r Statistic$ ~s rep~rt174 in tll.e
"Geo-E~!?nomic Ind~x," Site Sele~tion Jianc:lbook, ~y ~98f,
Coiiw~y Publication$, Inc. · ·· · · r
... • ·~. ::, ·~ ,' ':f .;· ·~. .. . · .... ' ' .
:· . ;~
Although average U.S. hourly rates are 42% higher than in the
Southeast, it is assumed that the Mt. Holly· plant is payi~g above the
prevailing wage in the region. Assuming that the U.S. rate is only
one-third greater than the Mt. Holly rate. It is estimated that a
hypothetical 1980 overall hourly rate in the .U.S. for Mt. Holly type
plants would hav~ been $14.64. Overall plant payroll in Alaska,
assuming a similar percentage of management personnel as at Mt• Holly
and a factor of 1.4 (ratio of Alaska to U.S. average labor ·rates in
Table IX-7), would thus be:
(1.4) x (700 employees) x ($14.64) x (1,920 hours) = $27.5 million.
Adjusted for inflation, this would amount to $30.3 million i~ 1982
dollars for an Alaskan smelter as opposed to $17.6 million in the Mt.
Holly facility. (A hypothetical u.s. average plant would have a $21.6
million payroll.) Thus, the additional labor cost for an Alaskan smelter
would be approximately $12.7 million annually. If a lower differential
of 1.3 is used for Alaska labor costs, the additional labor costs would
be only $10.5 million annually.
Construction Costs
If a Mt. Holly type plant were constructed today, it is estimated
that it would cost between $450 million and $500 million. In Alaska, a
simil~r plant would cost approximately $675 million to $750 million,
assuming a construction adjustment factor of 1.5. The cost differential
is between $225 million and $250 million.· Over 30 years, assuming a 10%
interest rate, this differential produces an additional annual cost of
approximately $25 million per year.
Electricity Rates
Average U.S. industrial electrical power costs have been escalating
rapidly since 1970. After many years of constant real costs, large
power user rates jumped from an average of about $0.015/kWh in 1970 to
an average of $0.046/kWh in 1980 and $0.054/kWh in 1981.15
Aluminum smelters are generally located in regions with industrial
electricity rates well below the average. Using the published electri-
city rates for aluminum smelters plus other published rate data, it is
estimated that Alaskan power must compete with average current rate's of
$0.026/kWh to $0.029/kWh (1982 dollars).
Alaskan Site Sensitivity Summary
In Table IX-8 are summarized some of the major additional-cost
differentials which are expected to be incurred in siting an aluminum
smelter in the Railbelt region near an existing port facility. Addi-
tional construction expenses associated with taxes, housing, or harbor
modification are not included.
Table IX-8
($ 1982)
$10.5 to $12.7 million
$25 million
$0-$2.2 million . .
$35.5-$39.9 million
Table IX-8 indicates that electrical power savings associat~d with
Susitna power must be in excess of $35-$40 million annually to offset
other higher costs associated with location in the state. Based on plant
usage of 6.24 k\.Jh per pound of product and 197,000 metric tons of output,
the plant requires 2,700 G\.Jh annually. Susitna power must therefore be
$.014/k\.Jh to $.016/k\.Jh cheaper than competing sites to reach "break-even"
against the added differential costs computed above. Table IX-9 shows
the maxintt.lm prices at which Susitna power can be sold to achieve "break-
even." Thus only the 100% state grant case could provide power at a
sufficiently low price to compete effectively (see Table III-~). It is
questionable that sufficient power (2, 700 G\.Jh) would be available fo.r a
single large aluminum facility at this rate since demand would increase
significantly from domestic users at this low rate.
Table IX-9
Competing site
power rates
Susitna power rates
at "break-even"
.035 .050
.021 .036
*Assumes $40 million must be saved to offset costs.
The Chlor-Alkali Industry
The ratio of purchased electricity to value of shipments for the
chlor-alkali industry in 1980 was 18.8%. The primary electrically
intensive products of the chlor-alkali industries are sodium hydroxide
(NaOH) and chlorine (Cl2)• Chlorine is produced commercially through
the electrolysis of brin~, with sodium hydroxide (also known as caus-
tic soda) as a byproduct~ Table IX-10 contains a comparison of U.S.
ch1orine capacity and prdduction. Sodium hydroxide production follows
a pattern similar to chlorine production, with some variation.l6
Sodium hydroxide capacity and production are compared in Table IX-11.
The top five producers, shown in Table IX-12, account for over
65% of u.s. capacity. Dow Chemical, the major producer of chlorine,
accounts for almost one-third of. U.S. production. In the world
production of chlorine, the U.S. share, second to Europe, is 36% (see
Table IX-12). Approximately 54% of total U.S. chlorine production is
liquefied for sale or in-plant transport; the remainder is used
captively by producers to make chlorinated products or transferred via
pipeline as a gas. Geographic distribution of chlorine production is
listed in Table IX-14.
~ i
Table IX-10
(Thousands of Metric Tons)
Year Caeacit~ Pro.duction (Percent:) ,,
1977 14,281 11,630 80.9
1978 15,243 12,157 79.8
1979 15,725 13,520 86.0
1980 15,815 12,563 79.4
1981 15,860 11,615 73.2
Source: Current industrial Reports,
u.s. Department: of Commerce
Table IX-11
(Thousands of Metric Tons)
Year Ca_2acit:t. Production (Percent)
1977 12,532 9,979 79.6
1978 13,082 10,275 78.5
1979 13,604 11,242 82.6
Source: Current Industrial Re_2orts,
U.S. Department of Commerce
Table IX-12
Dow Chemical U.S.A.
PPG Industries; Inc.
Diamond Shamrock Corp.
Occidental Petroleum Corp.
Olin Corp.
Source: SRI
! -
Table IX-13
Europe 47
United States 36
Asia 11
Canada 4
South America, Oceania,
and Africa 2
Total 100
Source: Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology
Table IX-14
.... Metric Tons
Geo&raehic Area (OOOs)
New England 656.2
Middle Atlantic 505.9
North Central 858 .. 3
South Atlantic 942.2
East South Central 1,531.1
West South Central 7,640.1
Mountain & Pacific 935.2
Source: The Chlorine Institute
7.2 ..... ··.
Chlorine is primariiy used for the manufacture of organic chemicals.
Other uses include pulp, paper, and textile bleaching,·the production of
inorganic chemicals, water and waste treatment, cleaning and sa~itation
·products, and metallurgical processing (see Table IX-15). Of the
12,563,000 metric tons of chlorine produced in 1980, 564,058 tons (4.5%)
was shipped as a gas. Out of the 7,774,565 tons produced as a liquid,
4,621,980 tons ,.,ere commercially shipped; of this, only 128,626 tons
were exported.l7 This low figure is primarily due to th·e risk of
chlorine transportation.
Though the pulp and paper industry has been a significant user of
chlorine, there is a trend to move away from chlorine dependence by way
of substitutions. Due to a tightening of c1 2 and NaOH supply~l8
prices have risen faster than inflation. The imbalance has became
worse as pulp and paper producers (who spend $600 million on bleaching
chemicals a year) substitute other bleaching agents for chlorine. For
example, the replacement of conventional c12 processes by oxygen-using
processes is one trend. Another trend is the substitution of chlorine
dioxide, which possesses 2.63 times the oxidizing equivalent of
chlorine. Mills using hardwood feeds are said to decrease chlorine
consumption by almost 30%. In addition, chlorine-base products also
face competition from hydrogen peroxide.,
According to the data in Table IX-16, chemical manufacturers
consume almost half of the sodium hydroxide used (in 1979 this amounted
to approximately 5 million metric tons). The production of alumina from
bauxite by the Bayer process is one of the major chemical uses of sodium
hydroxide. The volume of NaOH is approximately 9% of the alumina pro-
duced; in 1979, for example, 540,000 metric tons were consumed to produce
6 million tons of alumina. A large portion of sodium hydroxide exports
in liquid form has been to countries that are major manufacturers of
alumina (e.g., Australia, Jamaica, and Surinam). Destinations for most
caustic exports will continue to be tied to trends in alumina production.
Unfortunately, because it is more economical to produce alumina at the
site where it is mined, it is unlikely that this potential infrastruc-
tural synergism could develop between the two industries in Alaska.
The pulp and paper industry, however, may provide a potential
interaction. Because of the limited supplies and high prices, the pulp
and paper industry (which consumed over 2 million tons of caustic soda
in 197q) has turned to other sources. Several mills, for example, are
using sodium sulfate as a substitute. Now, however, partly due to
regional shifts to alternative chemicals such as sodium sulfate and soda
ash, caustic supplies·have become more plentiful and prices have fallen.
As a result, production rates have dropped from 80.2% in June 1981 to as
low as 65% in June of 1982.19 .
Table IX-15
Metric Tons Consumed
Organic Chemicals 7,834,000
Pulp & Paper Production 1,215,000
Inorganic Chemicals 648,000
Water Treatment 500,000
Other 830,000
Source: SRI International
. t
'· 71.1
Table IX-16
Metric Tons Consumed
Chemical· Manufacturing
Pulp & Paper Manufacturing
Cleaning Products
(Soaps, Bleaches, etc.)
Petroleum & Natural Gas
(Rayon, etc.)
Cotton Mercerizing
Source: SRI International
. '
:1 \~
Another contribution to the decrease in price has been the contri-
bution of energy-saving production technology. Previous chlor-alkali
production has been dependent on various designs based on the diaphragm
or mercury intermediate electrode. A new generation of electrolytic
cells is now being devel~ped which promises to cut energy consumption by
20% and more.20
PPG is converting the diaphragm chlor-alkali cells to the more
efficient (by 25%) bipolar electrolyzer technology that the company has
developed.21 (Other companies, such as Diamond Shamrock, Chemetics,
and Occidental Research, are also installing electricity-cutting
technologies involving new catalysts and separation membranes.) These
new methods can be expected to reduce the importance of the cost of
In the economics of the production process, investment costs for a
1-billion lb-per-year chlorine plant in the U.S. are approximately $260
million. Based on the typical escalation factor for construction in
Alaska, the investment in a Railbelt site would be expected to be
approximately $395 million in 1982 dollars. At 10% interest, the
annualized cost differential for an Alaskan location would be approxi-
mately $14 million. Electricity consumption using diaphragm cells is
approximately 1.28 kWh/lb of Clz produced. For each pound of Clz
produced, approximately 1.128 lb of NaQH is produced. For a typical
plant producing 1 billion lb of Cl2 annually, electricity consumption
is equal to 1,280 GWh annually. At the current average price of
$0.045/kWh, annual electricity costs are $57.6 million.
Labor operating costs for the facility will be approximately $7.5
million annually. For an Alaskan location, the operating labor cost
differential would be $2.25·million based on an adjustment factor of
1.3. Estimates of the costs associated with transporting the prodQct to
market were obtained from shipping firms. The cost of transporting the
c12 and NaOH from Anchorage to Seattle by container ship range fr.om ·
$0.042/lb to $0.059/lb for c1 2 and $0.031/lb to $0.043/lb for NaOH
(50% solution). If the additional cost of transporting salt fro~ Baja
to Anchorage and distributing the product from S~attle is ignored, th~
annual transportation penalty for an Alaskan location wou14 be approxi-
mately $92 million.
Table IX-17 summarizes the pertinent data for a large c1 2 plant.
Table IX-18 summarizes the cost differential for an Alaskan location.
The $108 million cost penal~y can only be offset if Alaskan eleci:ritity
is $0.084/kWh below the.prevailing rates in competing regions. The high
cost of transportation makes. the production of Clz an unlikely candi;..
date industry for an Alaskan location.
Table IX-17
Capital Cost
Electricity Usage
NaOH Product
Raw Material Costs
Direct Operating Costs
(including Labor)
Indirect Operating Costs
Electricity Costs
Other Utility Costs
Source: SRI International
1,280 GWh
1.13 X 109 lb
$. 75 million
$15.4 million
$41.9 million
$57.6 million
$16.7 million
Table IX-18
Construction Differential
Labor Differe-ntial
Transportation Differential
Source: SRI International
$ 14 million
$ 2.25 million
$ 92.0 million
$108.25 million
The Industrial Gases Industry
As a group, industrial gases had the highest ratio of electrical
energy purchases to product value, .233. Gases within this classifi-
cation include:
Carbon dioxide
Nitrous oxide
Based on the value of U.S. shipments, oxygen and nitrogen are the
most economically significant, as shown in Table IX-19.
Acetylene, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen are all made from hydro-
carbon refining processes. Carbon dioxide and hydrogen are both largely
produced by steam reforming of natural gas. Nitrogen, oxygen, and argon
are more energy intensive and are produced by the cryogenic separation
of air into its elemental constituents.
The primary producers of industrial gases are:
• Airco Industrial Gases Division of Airco Inc.
• Industrial Gases Division of Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.
• Linde Division of Union Carbide Corp.
Currently, Alaska has a 30-ton/day air separation plant owned by Liquid
Air Corporation. Acetylene is also produced in the state. Production of
the other hydrocarbon-derived gases in Alaska was not confirmed but is
certainly feasible with the abundant feedstocks available.
After World War II, large air separation plants were constructed in
the United States, primarily to supply oxygen to the steel industry.
Most large facilities are near their primary users and utilize pipelines
for product transportation. Until recently, the synfuels industry
seemed likely to emerge as a major oxygen consumer. Based on SRI energy
price projections, it now seems unlikely that the synfuel industry will
emerge as a major user of oxygen by the year 2000.
The co-product of air separation, nitrogen, is expected to show
continued strong growth for secondary oil recovery. At least one
company, Ingersoll~Rand Enhanced Recovery Company, builds cryogenic air
separation plants with compression capability at oil and gas field sites
substituting hydrocarbon-based energy for electricity. Table IX-20
shows a breakdown of market share for various oxygen and nitrogen
Table IX-19
(In Millions of Dollars)
Car~oii Dioxide
Source: u.s. Department of
Commerce, 1979 Industrial
G4ses Report issued Novembeto
J Table IX-20 OXYGEN AND NITROGEN ON-SITE AND MERCHANT CAPACITY (Tons per Day) Ox;t~en Gas % LinLox % Ox;t~en Gas _%_ LinLox % Linde 27,158 43.3 13,000 36.0 50,0008 34.6 26,700 35.6 Airco 8,935 14.3 6,100 17.0 20,5oob 13.8 13,000 17.3 Air Products 10,180 16.3 5,900 16.3 25,000C 17.3 14,000 17.7 Big Three 7,883 12.6 3,600 10.0 15,000 10.4 6,500 8.4 Liquid Air 4,000 6.3 3,600 10.0 7,000 4.8 8,000 10.7 Liquid Carbonic 0 o.o 1,400 3.9 3,000 2.1 2,500 3.3 Burdox 630 1.0 800 2.2 1,000 0.8 1,500 2.0 Burdett 400 0.6 1,200 3.3 1,500 1.0 2,000 2.7 Others 3,465 5.5 500 1.3 22,000 15.2 800 1.0 \0 Capacity (billion 397 263 ql6 520 0 cubic feet) Demand (billion 292 163 780 410 cubic feet) Operating Rate 73% 62% 85% 80% Note: Oxygen gas: on-site. LinLox (liquid nitrogen and oxygen): merchant. a6,000 tpd synfuel on-site. b6,000 tpd synfuel on-site. c8,000 tpd synfuel on-site. Source: Smith Barney Harris Upham & Co., aa quoted in Chemical Business, May 4, 1981. ===============--=--= _, __ ----------·-
In the last two decades, two trends have been in evidence in th~
industrial gas industry. The first is a shift toward bulk liquefied gas
transportation with a commepsurate decrease in the use of small gas
cylinders as a major transportation mode, and the second is an increase
in the number of small plan~s and on-site production fac~lities. Both
of these trends are brought,about by the high cost of transporting
compressed and liquefied gases. Currently, no industrial gas is shipped
from Alaska. Nationwide, the industry is operating below capacity,
particularly in the Pacific Northwest.
Since there are no bulk shipments of industrial gases from Alaska,
precise transportation charges are not available. Using current
classification rates for liquid nitrogen, however, transportation costs
relative to product value were examined.
All industrial gases are subject to widely varying prices depend~~&
on the quantity of gas required, location of the user, length of
contract, supplier competition, and availability of feedstocks. Prices
on the west coast for nitrogen are approximately $.40 ~er 100 ft3 of
gas based on a 3-year contract and usage of 700,000 ft per month.
This figure does not include vaporization charges or storage tank
leasing fees. Currently, rail barge service is available from Anchorage
to Seattle, and it is assumed that liquid nitrogen could be transported
by railcar. An average tank car weighs approximately 111,000 lb and has
a liquid nitro·gen capacity of 82,000 lb (or 840,000 ft3 of gas when
vaporized). Southbound transportation costs, Anchorage to Seattle, for
80,000 lb of nitrogen are qtioted, using class rates, at $4.60/100 i~.
Thus, for a typical rail car, the ratio of transportation costs to
product value would be 1.10~22
Given regular shipments, this class rate could be greatly reduced;
however, even if it were reduced by 50%, transportation costs alo11e
would outweigh the advantage of inexpensive electricity, even if it cost
as little as $0.005/kWh. Thus, while indigenous Alaskan gas producers
would certainly benefit from iower industrial power rates, even free
energy would not overcome the cost of transportation outside the statj!.
The Ferroalloy Industry
The production of ferro-and nonferrous additive alloys is elec-
trically intensive (electric energy/shipped product value rat:Lo of
.141). These alloys are primarily utilized in steel production to
remove ·undesired elements and to form alloys with improved strength and
corro~ign properties. These a,dditives also are used to form alloys with
improved temperature perform.ance and to neutralize undesirable cha~ac
tedstics of other elements within the metal. Alloys within this group
are listed in Table IX-21.
Table IX-21
Additive alloys, except copper:
not produced in blast furnaces
Electrometallurgical products,
aluminum, magnesium, and copper
Ferroalloys, not made in blast
Ferromanganese, .not produced in
blast furnaces
Ferrosilicon, not produced in
blast furnaces
Ferro tungsten
High percentage ferroalloys, not
produced in blast furnaces
Manganese metal, not produced in
blast furnacnes
Molybdenum silicon, not produced
in blast furnaces
Nonferrous additive alloys, high
percentage: except copper
Steel, electrometallurgical
The ferroalloy industry, like other metals industries in the
developed countries, is being adversely effected by high energy and
labor costs. Ferroalloys are not end products, but are in turn
dependent on the health of the steel industry they support. In recent
years, both the U.S. steel industry and the ferroalloy industry have
been under continual pressure from foreign imports and the economic
In 1980, ferroalloy imports into the United States were valued at
$644 million while u.s. exports were only $93 million, a 6 to 1 ratio of
imports to exports. The principal imported alloys are manganese alloys,
ferrosilicon, chromium alloys, and ferronickel alloys as shoWn iri Table
The availability of feedstock ores in Alaska will be a major factor
in any decision to locate a ferroalloy processing plant t~ere.
. : t
From 1917 to 1957 chromite was produced at three main sites: the
Star and Chrome Queen claims at Red mountain, and the Reef mine'at Claim
Point in Seldovia, all on the Kenai Peninsula.
There has been no domestic production of chromium since 1961, and
no production of manganese since 1973. The United States currently
imports chromium from the Republic of South Africa (44%), the
Philippines (16%), and the Soviet Union (18%).
Red Bluff Bay, in southeast Alaska, contains high-grade deposits
with a good chromiu~to-iron ratio. Reserves of 570 tons of more than
40% chromium and 29,000 tons of 18-35% chromium have been rioted. These
deposits could b"e valuable national reserves; however, they are not
major occurrences on the world scale.
Manganese is imported from Gabon (40%), Brazil (19%), Austraiia
(15%), and South Africa (14%).
Approximately 40% of mined tungsten is consumed by ferrous <alloys;
when added to iron or steel it improves high-temperature strength and
hardness. 38% of all tungsten produced is used as tungsten c-arbide in
many die and drilling applications. On Gilmore Dome, east of Fairbanks,
the Yellow Pup mine has produced tungsten concentrates at its small
gravity mill.
Molybdenum is a strategic metal used in the production of high-
strength alloy steels where minimum weight is required. Reserves of
molybdenum have been either proved or inferred at Bond Creek (500 Mt at
.03%), Stepovak Bay (100 Mt at .03%), and Nunatak (8.5 Mt at .125%).
The most widely know and important reserves, however, can be found in
Alaska at Quartz Hill, 45 miles east of Ketchikan. This deposit,
discovered in 1974 by U.S. Borax and Chemical Corp., contains an orebody
of 1.5 billion tons of ore and a gross value of $18 billion; it is
believed to be one of the largest molybdenum deposits in the world.
Quartz Hill will produce 40 million lb of molybdenum a year, and is
expected to come on stream in late 1987. U.S. Borax estimates that half
its output will be exported to markets in the Pacific Basin and Europe.
The United States is heavily dependent on external sources for many
of the vital elements listed in Table IX-21, as shown in Table IX-23.
There were 32 U.S. ferroalloy producers in 1980 (Table IX-24), many o.f
which are foreign owned. The pattern of plant locations in the .United
States is an indication that proximity to markets is a more important
factQr in this industry than electricity costs.
An estimated 15,000 to 20,000 kWh is needed to produce 1 ton of
ferroalloy. Based on industry averages, a "typical" ferroalloy plant
might produce 1,600 tons of product annually. Pertinent data for a
representative ferroalloy production facility are listed in Table IX-25.
The differential costs associated with an Alaskan facility are ·listed in
Table IX-26. Because of the varying points of origin of feedstocks,
average transportation costs will vary widely, but based on the
parameters estimated in Table IX-25, Railbelt electricity would have to
be $0.0625/kWh less expensive than competing sites before the region
would be considered on the basis of inexpensive electricity alone.
Transportation costs for input feedstocks and product would make an
Alaskan plant site less competitive than in the eastern U.S. Unless
Alaskan producers can identify and economically process local feedstock
resources, there is little potential for ferroalloy production in the
state based on inexpensive e~ectricity alone.
Even if plants are built, this industry is unlikely to utilize
significant quantities of electrical energy, based on the total average
annual electrical energy usage for individual plants (32 GWh) in this
industry. Such plants would be candidates for the agglomeration of
small facilities discussed later in this section.
~ .
Table IX-22
($ in Thousands)
Manganese alloys 240,833
Ferrosilicon 42,639
Chromium alloys 155,803
Ferronicke1 104,156
Ferromo1ybdenum 243
.Ferrophosphorus 10
Ferrotitanium and
Ferrosi1icon titanium 1,679
Ferrotungsten and
Ferrosi1icon tungsten 4,039
Ferrovanadium 3,477
Source: 1980 u.s. Minerals Yearbook.
Table IX-23
Data withheld by the Bureau
o~ Mines to avoid disclosing
company proprietary data
Source: ''Mineral Commodity Summaries 1982," U.S.
Department of Interior, Bureau of Mines
\0 ....... Tab.le IX-24 .PRODUCERS OF FERROALLOYS IN THE UNITED STATES .IN 1980 Producer ·FERROAJ.LOYS {EXCEPT .FERROPHOSPHORUS) Alabama -AtLlpy Co., Inc ••••••••••••• All111)inum to. of Ame·ric;~, No.rthwest Alloys, Inc. Autlan Manganese Corp •••••••••••••• AMAX: Inc., Cli1114x Molybdenum Co. · Div •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Cabo.t Corp., KRI Div. Penn Rare Metal Div. Chromasco Ltd. , Chromium Mining & Smelting.Corp. Div. Dm~ .Corning Corp ••••••••••••••••••• Engelhard Minerals & Chemicals Corp., Minerals and Chemicals Div. Foote Mineral Co., Ferroalloys Div. .Hanna Mining Co., Th!!: Hanna .Nickel Smelting Co ••••••••• Silicon Div •.•••••••••••••••••••• Interlake, Inc., Glol;)e Metallur-gical Div. International Minerals & Chemi~al Corp., Industry Group, TAC Alloys Div. Mac alloy Inc. · Metallurg, Inc., shieldalloy Corp. Ohio Ferro-Alloys Corp.~···•••••••• Plant Location Bessemer, AL A!Idy, WA Mobile, AI. I.angeloth, PA .Revere, PA Woodstock, TN o Springfield, OR Strasburg, VA Cambridge, Oil Graham, WV Keokuk, IA .Riddle, OR Wenatchee, WA Beverly, Oil Selma, AL Bridgeport, AL Kimball, TN Cha.rleston, sc N!!!~field, NJ Montgomery, AL Philo, Oil. Powhatan Point, mt Pennzoil Co., Duval Corp........... Sahuarita, A7. Pesses Co., The ••••••••••••••••••••• Ne"!ton Fallt~, Oil solon, 011 Pulaski, PA Fort llorth, TX Products FeSi Si, FeSi SiMn FeMo FeCb FeCr, FeSi Si FeV 1 FeSi, FeV, silvery pig iron, other2 FeNi, FeSi Si, FeSi FeCr, FeCrSi, Si FeSi, SiMn FeSi Do. FeCr, FeCrSi FeAl, FeB, FeCb, FeTi, .FeV, other2 FeB, FeMn, FeSi, Si, SiMn FeMo FeAl, FeB, FeCb Felfo, FeNi, FeTi, FeV, Fell, other2 Type of Furnace Electric Do. Do. Hetallothermic Do. Elect.ric Do. Metallo thermic Electric Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Hetallothermic Electric Metallothermic Electric, metallothermic
\0 00 J Producer FF.RROALLOYS (EXCEPT FERROPHOSPHORUS) Reactive Metals and Alloys Corp ••••• Reading Alloys, Inc •••••••••••••••• Reynolds Metals Co •••••••••••••••••• Satra Corp., Satralloy, Inc. Div •••• SEDEHA S.A., Chemetals Corp ••••••••• SKW Alloys, Inc ••••••••••••••••••••• South African Manganese &ncor, Ltd •• Roane Ltd. Teledyne, Inc., Teledyne Wah Chang, Albany Div Union Carbide Corp., Metals Div ••••• Union Oil Co. of California, Molycorp, Inc. FERROPHOSPHORIJS Electro-Phos Corp ••••••••••••••••• FMC Corp., Industrial Chemical Div Monsanto Co., Monsanto Industrial Chemicals Co. Occidental Petroleum Corp., Hooker Chemical Co., Industrial Chemicals Group Stauffer Chemical Co., Industrial Chemical Div. Table IX-24 (Concluded) Plant Location W. Pittsburgh, PA Robesonia, PA Sheffield, AL Steubenville, Oil Kingwood, WV Calvert City, KY •• Niagara Falla, NY. Rockwood, TN Albany, OR Alloy, WV Ashtabula, OH Marietta, OH Niagara Falls, NY Portland, OR Sheffield, AL Washington; PA Pierce, FL Pocatello, ID Columbia, TN Soda Springs, ID Columbia, TN Mt. Pleasant, TN Silver Bow, MT Tarpon Springs, FL Products FeTi, other2 FeCb, FeV Si FeCr, FeCrSi FeMn FeMn, FeSi, SiMn FeHn, SHin FeCb FeB, FeCr, FeCrSi FeHn, FeSi, FeV, FeW, Si, SiHn, other2 FeB, FeMo, FeW FeP Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. lFeAl, ferroaluminum; FeB, ferroboron; FeCb, ferrocolumbium; FeCr, ferrochromium; Type of Furnace Electric, Hetallothermic Electric Do. Fused-salt electrolytic Electric Do. Hetallothermic Electric Electric and metallothermic Electric Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. FeCrSi, ferrochromium-silicon; FeMn, ferromanganese; FeMo, ferromolybdenum; FeNi, ferronickel; FeP, ferrophosphorus·; FeSi, ferroailicon; FeTi, ferrotitanium; FeV, ferrovanadium; FeW, ferrotungsten; Si, silicon metal; SiMn, silicomanganese. 2Includes specialty silicon alloys, zirconium alloys, and miscellaneous ferroalloys. Source: u.s. Minerals Yearbook, 1980. -..~---_J __ _____;: ..... :.~::::::rr:~~i.~~'il"~
Table IX-25
!nvestment Costs for New
Plant Constructi~n
Labor Costs (200 employees)
Electricity c~sts ($0.045/kwh)
Source: SRI International
$10-$20 million
$4 million
h million
Table IX-26
Construction Costs $0.5 -$1.0 million
Labor $1.2 million
Transportation Costs $0.2 -$0.3 million
Total $1.9 -$2.5 million
Source: SRI International
The Pulp and Paper Industry
In 1979, paper mills (excluding building paper) ranked as the
fourth largest energy-consuming industry in the United States, using
592.2 trillion Btu costing $1.689 billion. Of this total, 32% ($536.7
million) was for electric power. For the building board and building
board mills, purchased electrical energy represented 5.6% of the value
of shipped product in 1980. Much of this industry produces a major
portion of its own electricity through cogener~tion. The United States
ranks first in the world in both production and consumption of paper,
board, and pulp. In 1981, the U.S. produced over 57 million met~l.c tons
of paper and hoard alone. A breakdown by grade of U.S. paper and board
production for 1970-1981 is given in Table IX-27. The increase in
annual demand expected by SRI through the 1980s, though far below growth
in the 1950s and 1960s, will he about 65 million tons, or an annual
increase of 3.3% per year. Growth of demand in developing countries is
expected to he greater than in the u.s. U.S. exports have been
increasing from 65,000 metric tons in 1979 to 159,000 in 1980 and
245,000 in 1981.23,24
The paper/forest prod~cts industry, like many other industries, is
currently depressed by the recession and high interest rates. Some of
the biggest companies, such as Boise Cascade, Champion International,
and Crown Zellerbach are having a difficult time meeting interest
payments.24 Although the industry is currently depressed (see Table
IX-28), it can he assumed that the economic recovery will lead to expan-
sion of the industry comparable to historic trends. In the timeframe of
interest (1990-2010), the industry can be expected to add capacity,
particularly if new markets are developed, such as the People's Republic
of China.
Because a newsprint faci'lity25 using thermomechanically processed
pulp (TMP) possesses the least ability to generate its own internal
sources of electricity, and because it is representative of the pre-
dominant paper coimnodities, this segment of the industry was selected by
SRI as an example of the most likely ()f the pulp and paper industry
segments to benefit from low-cost Alaskan electricity.
Industry estimates of plant energy costs vary from 12% to 30% of
shipment value. Canadian plants, Which produce the preponderance of
newsprint, report purchased energy costs at 12% of the value of
shipment. An Alaskan site would compete with the most efficient
alternative sites, so the Canadia11 data are the most pertinent for
comparison purposes. Based on industry averages, electricity costs
...... 0 N j Pa er News-Coated Publicat:2 Writing Year print Printing & Print. & Relat. 1970 1,345 3,279 2,646 2,937 l'l71 3, 321 3,251 2,758 2,996 1972 3,451 3,546 3,010 3,329 1973 3,459 3,814 3,116 3,817 1974 3,395 3,974 2,832 4,102 1975 3,476 3,318 2,400 3,244 1976 3,400 3,967 2,984 3,910 l'l77 3,525 4,215 3,316 4,170 1'l78 3,489 4,513 3,507 4,277 1079 3,778 4,580 2,048 4,596 19805 4,66() 4,751 2,127 4,793 19816 5,000 4,900 2,000 4,900 Table IX-27 PAPER AND BOARD PRODUCTION IN THE UNITED STATES (Thousands of Short Tons) Pa!!erboard Other All Bleached Corru-3 Sani-Paper Paper-gating Unblea~hed Coarse tary Total board Material Kraft 5,439 3,548 23,625 1,856 4,332 11,436 5,442 3,660 23,811 1,9:18 4,596 11,700 5, 713 3,796 25,435 1',964 4,992 13,030 5,694 3, 726 26,483 1,971 5,285 13,139 5,731 3,800 26,674 1,957 5,093 12,755 4,805 3,669 23,306 1,792 4,411 11,170 5,661 3,936 26,612 1,894 5,045 12,501 5,930 4,045 28,096 1,968 5,485 105,902 5, 778 4,036 28,506 1,634 5,792 N.A. 5,708 4,403 29,580 1,841 5,918 13,857 5,327 4,298 30,164 1,794 5,864 14.249 5,700 4,600 31,500 1,900 6,000 14,800 Construction 1 Wet Con-All Paper-Ma-struc-All Cons-board chine tion struction Total Board (Paper) Total 25,477 139 1,594 4,276 26,135 138 1,837 5,001 28,522 148 1,915 5,352 29,267 149 1,858 5,406 28,017 144 1,845 5,118 24,452 115 1,616 4,648 27,840 130 1, 771 5,316 29,006 N.A. 1,852 5,492 30,033 N.A. 1, 915 5,625 31,168 144 1,868 5,436 31,143 138 1,369 4,390 32,000 150 1,200 4,600 1paper ancl 1\oanl. 2prior to 1979 data are for book paper, uncoated. 1inerboard. 5Preliminary. 6Estimate. )Packaging & industrial converting paper. 4Prior to 1979 data are for Source: Bureau of the Census Total All Types 53,516 55,086 59,457 61,304 59,930 52,521 59,898 62,722 64,300 66,329 65,834 68,000 ------------............ ------------~ .. "·~'~·--"'" ,
Table IX-28
Change ~arnl Change
Paper Companies Sales 1982/81 1ngs· 1982/81
Chesapeake $ 59,600 -6.6% $ 1,900 -67.8%
Clevepak 31,079 5.9 949 0.1
Consolidated 135,816 -1.1 10,905 -29.7
Crown Zellerbach 725,000 -5.3 5,~00 -69.6
Diamond 264,979 -14.4 2,204 -73.1
Federal Paper 123,015 8.02 5,348 8.12
Fort Howard 120,295 8.4 21,803 10.2~
Glatfelter 68,696 29.3 5, 774 150.7
GN Nekoosa 367,900 0.5 22,000 3.~ I
Hamrilermill 325,916 5.7 7,080 -34-!i
Intl. Paper 1,002,700 -23.2 6o,ooo3 -59.3
James River (1/24)4 184,250 -1.6 4,391 -5.9
Kimberly-Clark 734,300 0.1 57,700 .,..4.2
Longview (1/31)4 92,912 11.0 (2,185) J:l.m.
Mead 689,866 2.6 p,803 -54.0
Mosinee 22,021 -6.1 1,022 -41.6
Pentair 67,865 17.0 2,223 -19.5
St. Regis 672,230 9.8 1~,430 .,..61.0
Scott 580,156 2.52 18,6,39 -27.92
Socono 122,953 -4.·22 6,667 -13.82
Sorg 19,932 -8.8 (98) n.m.
SW Forest 144,948 -27.6 (4,603) n.m.
Stone Container 105,442 2.3 2,556 -58 •. ~
Union Camp 372,433 -10 .• 6 32,241 -19.4
Wausau (2/18)4 . 44,833 -5.6 (864) n.m •
\olestvaco 342,644 -5~4 8,323 .,.57 • .4
Willamette 214 2 305 -12.2 (4 2 652) n·.m.
Total $7,906,086 ... 3.1% .$298,156 -42.3%
Table IX-28 (Continued)
Change 1 Change
Forest Products Sales 1982/81 Earninss 1982/81
Boise Cascade
Champion Int 1.
Popo & Talbot
U.S. Total
$ 713,960
1 2 057 2457
$ 4,333,841
-9.0% $ 5,560
-9.5 617
-11.1 15,000
-26.4 (11,750)
-4.0 857
-7.9 4,485
-3.7 56 2 952
-9.3% $ 81,721
-5.4 379,877
Abitibl C$414,618 0.9% C$22,019
B.C. Forest 198,300 -2.9 (4,700)
B.C. Resources 143,200 -35.9 (13,000)
Con-Bathurst 362,600 1.6 17,600
Don am 30,600 -1.0 (7,700)
Fraser 102,734 8.42 143
Great Lakes 132,275 -4.7 12,179
Mac/ Bloedel 505,000 -17.5 (10,400)
Scott 52,900 9.3 2,200
Weldwood 99,700 -23.2 (4 2047)
Total C$2,041, 927 -9.2% C$14,294
Note: n.m. = not meaningful
1. Income after taxes, from continuing operations, excluding most
significant nonrecurring items in both years.
2. 1981 figures restated by company.
3. 1982 results include after-tax gain of $17.2 million from sale of
tax benefits. 1981 results include after-tax gain of $57 million
from land transactions.
4. Period ended. Figures for James River are for third quarter,
Wausau for second quarter.
Source: Pulp and Paper, June 1982
-· I :
are approximately 32% of energy costs, and the cost per metric ton
(based on a production cost of $425.25/Mt) in Canada is equal to $16.33.
For marginal plants where electricity is 20% of the total operating co~ts
of an integrated facility, the costs might be as high as $85/ton. Alter-
natively, if electricity were substituted for all other energy uses,
costs might be as high as $~0/ton, even for a Canadian plant.
Average costs for construction of new forest products facilities
are given in Table IX-29. Construction of a typical larg~ newsprint
facility is estimated at $330 million with a capacity of approximately
200,000 metric tons per year. At 10% interest over 30 years, finance
charges on such a plant are·approximately $712 million, for a total cost
of $1,042 million. A similar plant in Alaska using a 1.5 location
adjustment factor is estimated to cost $1,564 million over 30 years, of
which $1,068 million is interest. These costs represent an annual cost
differential for an Alaskan location of $17.3 million (1982 dollars).
Although input feedstock transportation costs are expected to be
comparable to those for competing sites, output transportation cQsts
will be greater for an Alaskan location than for an average site in
Canada or the Pacific Northwest. At bulk shipment rates, annual costs
for shipment of 200,000 tons of newsprint from Anchorage to Oakland,
California, are expected to be $33.6 million (see Table IX-30). This
value represents an added expense of approximately $168/ton, compared to
average U.S. transportation charges of $64.50/ton. For a 200,000-ton
production plant, the annual transportation differential is approxi-
mately $20.6 million (1982 dollars). Although export to Asia might be
comparable for an Alaskan site and a U.S. west coast site, competing 1~
cost Asian labor rates make shipment of finished paper products to Asian
users unlikely for all U.S. sites. ·
The labor cost differential can be calculated using published pulp
and paper hourly rates for the Northwest and the United States as a
whole and using the assumption that Alaskan labor rates are approximately
1.2 times higher than in the Northwest, and approximately 1.68 times
higher than the U.S. average for the paper and pulp industry.25 This
results in an overall labor differential for an Alaskan plant of $13.5
As shown in Table IX-31, the overall annual cost differential for a
typical plant, which must be offset by energy rates, is $51.4 milliQn,
or $257/ton, which compares unfavorably with the $85/ton cost of
electricity for even marginal plants.
Using an average of $.02/kWh price for electricity in Canada, the
energy usage per pound of product can be estimated at approximate].y 1.28
kWh. Based on this estimate, Susitna power would have to be approxi-
mately $.09/kWh cheaper than competing sites in order to achieve a
break-even wi.th the annualized added cost of construction, labor, and
transportation associated with an Alaskan site. An analysis q.f other
Table IX-29
Capacity Costs
Grade (metric tons/d~~) (million
Newsprint 550 330
Linerboard 1,100 Less than
Kraftboard 550
Printing & Writing Paper 550
Tissue 550
Source: Composite taken from interviews with
industry officials.
Table IX-30
Newsprint from Anchorage to Seattle;
$116. 38/metric ton x 200,00.0 tons
Newsprint from Seattle to Oakland;
$51.70/metric ton x 200,000 tons
Solid wood from British Columbia to
Anchorage; $20/cubic meter x 483,000
cubic meters
Total Transportation Costs
Source: SRI Internati,onal
Annual Cost
Mode (million $)
Table IX-31
Total $/Ton
Construction $17.3 million 86.5
Labor 13.5 million 67.5
Transportation 20.6 million 103.0
Total $51.4 million 257.0
Source: SRI International
segments of the pulp and paper industry can be expected to produce
similar results, since newsprint production is characteristic of the
energy intensity of the pulp and paper industry processes, and this
segment of the industry is less able to take advantage of cogeneration.
The Cement Industry
Because of the low value-to-weight ratio of cement, transportation
charges are a major factor in its production. Most cement is used
within 150 miles of where it is produced. Overall, cement industry
capacity has not changed in recent years, but because·of extreme
competition within the industry, numerous older, obsolete plants have
been retired and new, more efficient plants constructed. In the period
1980 through 1981, 22 plants were closed while 9 million tons of
capacity were added in 1981.26
Four companies dominate the current cement industry.27 These are:
• Lone Star Industries
• Ideal Basic
• Kaiser Cement
• Texas Industries.
Overall, there are 48 companies and 159 plants producing cement in
39 states. Most energy (90%) associated with cement .production is used
in the drying of cement clinker, which is then ground into the final
product; There are two processes, wet and dry, which are used in the
industry, although most new plants employ the dry process. Dry process
plants typically are 20% lower in energy consumption than wet process
plants.2B,29 ·
Although the cement industry is a high user of electrical energy,
the preponderance of energy usage is from fossil fuels. In 1979, 76% of
kiln energy was fueled by coal, 16% was natural gas, and 8% was oil.
Since low-cost hydropower might be used to displace fossil 1 fuel in
thermal processes, the cement industry could be a candidate rot energy
substitution. 3D
Currently, there are no cement plants in Alaska. Product is
shipped at a cost of approximately $60/ton from plants in Seattle which
receive their raw materials from British Columbia.31 Because of these
added transportation costs, the cost of cement in Anchorage is twice the
cost relative to the average U.S. price. Fifty percent of U.S. cement
production currently comes from six states: Texas, California,
Pennsylvania, Michigan, Missouri, and Florida. In general, the high
cost of tran~portation from Alaska (approximately 100% of product value)
appears to overshadow any possible energy saving associated with Alaskan
cement production.
The Chemicals Industry
The industrial inorganic chemicals in SIC 2819 are a potpourri of
diverse products and dissimilar industries. Contained within this group
are a number of materials discussed in this report in conjunction with
other industrial processes, such as alumina and bauxite as feedstocks to
the aluminum industry. Of the remainder, the importance of energy costs
varies markedly. The classification of this group as electrically
intensive is somewhat misleading, since uranium production is included
in this classification group.
The U235 isotope occurs in small concentrations in uranium ore,
and the ore must be enriched in this isotope to produce nuclear fuel.
In the currently used diffusion process, uranium oxide (U303) is
converted into uranium hexafluoride (UF6). This gas is then passed
through diffusion tubes in an iterative process resulting in an increase
in the concentration of the fissionable isotope. The entire process is
extremely electrically intensive. Production of uranium fuel is
controlled by the federal government, and no new diffusion plants are
planned. Future isotope separation plants will utilize either centri-
fuge or laser separation techniques, both of which are less energy
Many of the other energy-intensive products are associated with
production of low volumes of elemental metals, propellants, and elemen-
tal gases, which do not require large facilities. This SIC code also
contains a number of high-volume, low-energy products. Eight chemicals
within this SIC code are among the top 50 chemical products in the
United States on a weight basis, as shown in Table IX-32. The produc-
tion of these chemicals is, however, not very electrically intensive.
Sulfuric acid production is an example of this class. Phosphate ferti-
lizer production accounts for about 2/3 of sulfuric acid production, but
other uses could be significant to Alaska. Its use in chloro-alkali
production has been discussed previously. About 1.8 million metric tons
is used annually in petroleum refining, and 1.7 million tons is used
annually in recovering copper from low-grade ores.
1n the production of sulfuric acid, sulfur dioxide reacts with
excess air in an exothermic reaction which requires cooling. The
resultant sulfur trioxide reacts with water to form sulfuric acid. The
energy produced in this exothermic reaction can be used in a cogenera-
tion steam process to produce electrical energy. Plants built in the
1980s will be able to generate 1.3 lb of steam per pound of acid.
Significantly, this will occur at higher pressures (900 psi as opposed
to 300 psi) and thus be more suitable for energy recovery than in older
plants. Addition of a turbo generator to recover this energy would add
$5,000,000 to the plant capital costs of $25,000,000 but would generate
15,000 kWh of energy.32
I .
i '
I .
Table IX-32
1980 Production
Rank (billions of eouilds)
Sulfuric acid 1 80.7
Sodium hydroxide 7 22.6
Sodium carbonate 12 16.6
Hydrochloric acid 26 .5.5
Sodium sulfate 35 2.5
Aluminum sulfate 37 2.4
Calcium chloride 40 2.0
Sodium tripoiyphosphate· 47 1.4
Source: Standard & Poor's Industrial Surv'eys;
"Chemicals," November 5, 1981
' .~:
Three general conclusions can be made concerning SIC 2819
industries. Energy usage is heavily skewed by radioactive material
production; many other high-volume chemicals are actually not energy
intensive; and finally, of those that remain, most represent small
markets and are secondary products associated with deyeloped industry
infrastructures and not primary industries, a factor which SRI regards
as important in identifying candidate industries for Alaska. SRI has
not identified any candidate industries within the group which appear to
be likely candidates to benefit from low-cost Alaskan power.
The Primary Metals Industry (Excludes Steel, Copper, and Aluminum)
Five metals (gold, silver, zinc, nickel, and tin) within these SIC
codes either are in production in Alaska, are the subject of exploration,
or are known to exist in potentially significant quantities. In the
case of precious metals, Alaska has approximately 13 principal producers
working placer gold deposits within the state. Overall, about 65,000
troy ounces of gold were recovered by over 200 operators in 1979.
Approximately 6,500 troy ounces of silver were also recovered alloyed
with the placer gold. At least 3 tin mining facilities are operating
within the state. Zinc and nickel are the subject of exploration by a
variety of multinational corporations, and various reserves have been
reported. Unfortunately, of 244 known major mineral areas catalogued by
Resource Associates of Alaska, over 80% are in closed lands. Of the 13
most economically viable deposits identified by RAA, 9 are closed to
exploitation by the Alaska National Lands Interest Conservation Act.
Some of the larger known deposits that contain economically
recoverable metals are:
• Lik-sulphides of Pd (8.5%), Zn (25.5%), Ag, Cd (0.25%)
• Cominco -very similar to Lik
• Artie -sulphides of Cu (4.0%), Zn (5.5%), Pg (1.0%), Ag
e Picnic Creek -similar to Artie
•. Lost River -tin, fluorite, tungsten, and beryllium
• Brady Glacier -Ni-Cu
• Bohemia Basin-Ni (0.4%), Cu (0.25%), Co (0.04%)
• Green's Creek-Pb (1.94%), Zn (7.71%), Cu (0.4%), Ag, Au
• Quartz Hill -molybdenite (0.15% MoS2).
! .. :,·/.
Zinc, copper, and silver ores are the most prevalent, but significant
deposits of strategically important cobalt, chromite, titanium,·
molybdenum, and tungsten ores are located throughout Alaska.
Nickel is used in the production of stainless steel and other
·corrosion-resistant alloys. The deposit at Brady Glacier, at Glacier
Bay National Park, is considered to be a major nickel reserve for the
U.S. Probable reserves are estimated to be between 100 million and
300 million tons of 0.5% Ni. On Yakobi Island, Inspiration Development
Co. has conducted drilling and geological detailing at its claims
covering the Bohemia Basin and Takanis deposits. These deposits,
together with the Flapjack deposit, contain in excess of 20.7 million
tons of 0.33-Q.51% Ni and up to 0.04% Co.
Tin concentrates are produced as a by-product of molybdenum mining
in Colorado and from placer deposits in Alaska. Only one tin sm~lter is
in operation in the u.s., at Texas City, Texas. Although the u.s. is
80% dependent on tin imports and Alaska contains the primary u.s~
reserves, the u.s. reserves are only 0.5% of the world total. Tin is,
however, available from a number of world suppliers, including Southeast
Asia, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Mainland China, and the USSR. Ove~
all, U.S. tin usage is expected to grow at less than 1% annually through
Zinc m1n1ng in the u.s. was a $306-million industry in 1981, with
25 mines producing 99% of total output. Tennessee, Missouri, New. York,
and Idaho accounted for 79% of total production. Although the United·
States is a net importer, its reserve base is approximately 20% of the
world total. Demand is expected to grow at about 1.1% annually through
·Energy costs for processing theseores as a percent of value ar~
generally less than 10% of the final product value. The unknown costs
of extraction in an Alaskan setting and transportation of finishe~
products are expected to be a significant fraction of the Hn.{l,l c()st for
these metals. Low-cost Alaskan electricity would enhance tbe econorqies
of extraction of these minerals but is not: likely to be an overriding
factor in the decision to exploit them. Detailed economic, analysi~ is
required for each site before the impact of low-cost electricity can be
determined, especially since many of these deposits are precluded from
exploitation in the foreseeable future.
It is not practical to examine the econoll)ies of processing at all
the sites for minerals in this category, but zinc smelting is repre-
sentative of the group and will be examined in some detail.
Connnercially valuable zinc-bearing ores occur predominantly in
sulfide form. Valuable impurities in zinc ores, from which the zinc is
extracted via specific metallurgical operations, include lead, iron,
copper, silver, gold, antimony, and occasionally tin.
The process of extracting zinc from the ore takes place in three
operational steps:
• Concentrating -where ores, after being mined, are separated
into· a concentrated mineral and a waste rock.
• Smelting -where the concentrate is reduced to the metal in a
metallurgical works.
• Refining -where the metal is further refined and alloyed to
connnercially usable form.
The concentration of zinc sulfide ores usually takes place adjacent
to the mine site. First, the ore must be crushed and ground in order to
free the mineral lattices from those of the waste rock (gangue). Next,
the finely divided ore is mixed into a slurry with water, and the
mineral and gangue particles are separated utilizing the effect of
gravity. This separation usually takes place by way of the froth
flotation process, where the gangue is discarded as waste (tailings).
During the last step in concentration (or beneficiation), the mineral
slurry is separated into solids and water via a filtration process. The
resulting zinc sulfide concentrates contain 50% to 64% zinc.
The preparation of the concentrate for smelting involves a process
(roasting, sintering, or pyroconcentration) in which the source material
is made into a crude zinc oxide form and specified particle size.
During roasting, the sulfide is heated and burned with oxygen to form
ZnO and gaseous SOz (which is generally converted to sulfuric acid).
Sinteringmay take place to further treat the ZnO to increase density
and particle size before feeding into the smelter. In pyroconcentra-
tion, the zinc-bearing material is mixed with coal, heated, and turned
into a vapor, which is carried via a gas stream to a baghouse (filter)
and condensed.
In the reduction step, the zinc is reduced from its oxide to its
elementary form. Several different thermal processes may be used:
horizontal retort, vertical retort, electrothermic furnace, and blast
furnace (all of which use carbon as a reducing agent). The electro-
lytic process uses the passage of electric current for reduction to
metal from a liquid bath. This hydrometallurgical (electrolytic)
process for zinc smelting, rather than using heat for the reduction,
relies on electrodeposition of the metal from a zinc sulfate solution
prepared from the crude zinc oxide and sulfuric acid. Virtually all
impurities remaining from the preparation step are eliminated in this
The quality of zinc produced by the various carbon reduction
processes mentioned is suitable for hot-dip galvanizing, continuous-
line galvanizing, and in some cases for brass manufacture and rolled
(wrought) zinc. For sizable usage in die-casting alloys, however,
output from this type of smelter must undergo a refining step. The
major method of upgrading the lower-purity zinc metal is fractional
distillation in reflux refin:ing columns, which is capable of producing
99.995% pure zinc.
Sulfuric acid, one .of the major byproducts of the zinc industry, is
used by the chemical and o~l industries (e.g., for chemical cleaning of
steel; in making phosphates for fertilizers).
. Identified world resources of zinc are estimated to be about 1.8
billion tons. (Metal Stati~tics, 1980, American Metal Market, Fairchild
Publications, New York, 1980). Canada, the largest producer of zinc, is
also the country with the largest known reserves. Other important pro-
ducers are Peru, Australia, the u.s., and Mexico. In 1980, Peru produced
· 72,000 Mt; Australia, 300;000 Mt; United States, 325,300 Mt; Mexico,
165,000 Mt; and Canada 550;000 Mt. Major u.s. companies producing zinc
• Amax, Inc. (Greenwich, Conn.).
• Asarco, Inc. (New York) •
• nu:nker Hill Co. (Kellogg, Idaho), a unit of Gulf Resources and
Chemical Corp.). ·
• National Zinc Co. (Bartlesvillle, Okla.; a unit of Engelhard
Minerals and Chemicals Gorp.).
• N~~ Jersey Co. (Na~hviile; a unit of Gulf and Western
Industries, Inc.).
• St. Joe Zinc Co. (Pittsburgh·; a. unit of St. JOe 'Mirier'als Corp.,
whl.ch closed its Monaca, Pa. ·, elec'troth.erinic "z1nc snie.lter at ·the
end of 1979).
A zinc smelter employing the ele.ctrolytic reduc~ion pro'cess can be
expected to use about 3,500 kWh per ton of finished product. Free
electricity might p'roduce a savings of $200 per ton, but this would be
o£fset by $60 per ton in additional capital costs ($180 million for an
A1'a13kan site) and $54 a ton for additional labor c·osts (300 workers)
associated with an Alaskan location. Transportation costs cannot be
evaluated without consideration of a specific site. In conclusion, the
availability of inexpensive electricity makes an Alaskan zinc ·smelter
more favorable but is clearly not a deciding factor.
The Fertilizer Industry
Although the chemical fertilizer industry is currently suffering
from overcapacity, SRI projects a growth rate of 2% to 3% over the next
20 years for this industry, and there is potential for expansion ·of the
industry in the 1990s. The industry has reduced the electric energy
"content" of its product in recent years and has generally converted
from mechanical compressors to the reforming process, which involves
combustion of natural gas at 1,800°F to produce H2 and steam for
turbines. Siting issues are primarily associated with the availability
and price of natural gas, which is used as feedstock for these plants.
A new ammonia plant produces a product with .an electric energy content
of only 25 kWh/ton, compared to 1,000 kWh/ton for a plant using
mechanical compressors. To determine the value of conversion back to
electricity, the cost of the displaced gas ($28/ton of product, assuming
$3.75 per million Btu) must be balanced against the electricity cost and
the other c6sts associated with an Alaskan location.
Electrical energy (compressors) would only be substituted for
natural gas (gas-fired turbines) if the electric energy content of the
product did not exceed $25 to $30 per ton. SRI estimates the investment
required to build a 1,500-metric-ton-per-day plant in Alaska at $259
million, based on an investment of $166 million for a similar facility
at a Gulf Coast site. Differential carrying costs associated with the
capital investment in an Alaskan site are therefore approximately $10
per ton. Differential transportation costs can be expected to add
another $35 to $45 per ton. Based on the increased construction costs
and transportation costs of an Alaskan site, inexpensive energy alone
will not attract investors to Alaska interested in siting a new ammonia
If, however, an Alaskan location is considered because of
economically priced natural gas, a decision between the gas-fired plant
and a mechanical plant will be made on the tradeoff between the cost of
displaced gas (7 billion Btu) and the electricity costs. Electricity
prices below $0.026/kWh would be required before the mechanical plant
would have lower operating costs than a gas-fired plant, assuming a gas
cost of $3.75 per million Btu. If operation of the reciprocating-
compressor ammonia plant proved economical, it would require
approximately 550 GWh annually.
Electric Space Heat in the Residential/Commercial Markets of the
In addition to major industrial development and activity,
commercial and residential space heat offer market opportunities for
utilizing low-cost electrical energy. Electric pricing policies and
marketing programs could pr~vide incentives to displace a portion of
fuel oil and gas space heat~rs in both existing and new units. If
electric rates were low enough relative to other space heating options,
there would be a shift from fossil fuel to electric-generated space
At present, electricity supplies approximately one-third of all
residential end-use energy in the Railbelt. Commercial use is also
large. The current and forecast use in both markets by fuel type
predicted by Applied Economics Associates, adjusted and amplified by SRI
as noted, are shown in Table IX-33.
Residential Electricity Demand
Total demand for residential energy (taken here as heat demand) is
shown as growing to 57.844 trillion Btu by 2010 (see Table IX-33, Table
IX-34). Likely conservation factors, estimated as reducing overall
demand by 10%, 20%, and 30% in 1990, 2000, and 2010, respectively, result
in a demand of approximately 40.5 trillion Btu in 2010 (see Table IX-34).
If it is assumed that all savings are in the fossil fuel comp·onent, the
fossil fuel usage after cori~ervation would be approximately 30 trillion
Btu (equivalent to approximately 18 trillion Btu of electricity). This
quantity must be added to the original forecast for electricity of 12.5
trillion Btu. Accounting for conservation, this gives a total potential
residential all-electric demand of approximately 30.5 trillion Btu.
Assuming a favorable price advantage for electricity, conversion of
existing facilities and the .total electrification of all new
construction in the Railbelt can b'e expected to approximate the
conversion from coal to natural gas for spa'ce heating that Occurred 1ri
the Midwest and Northeast d~ring the lat'e 1940s and 19,50'8. Because of
transmission and distribution limitations, market penetration c:>f
approximately 80% is assumed at equilibrium in the Railbelt. The
estimated potential residential electrical usage in 2010 rs therefore
approximately 24 trillion Btu (7 ,000 Gwb). For 1990 it w~s assumed that
the price differential between electricity and fossil fuels would be
smaller, leading to a smalle.r equilibrium market share; that the market
would be half way to equilibrium; and that only 90% of the potential
m~rket can be rea·ched because of geographical factors. These assump-
tions imply that 25% of residential demand would be met by elect:ricity.
Similar considerations lead to a 45% share in 2000.
Table IX-33
(109 Btu)
1979 1990 2000 2010
Residential 3,572 5,427 8,240 12,500
Conunercial 2,544 (4) 3,998 6,618 10,060
Residential 11+' 355 18,533 23,722
Conunercial 3,481 5,345 6,231
Natural gas (5) (5)
Residential 7,178 9,266 11,861
Conunercial Heat 3,221 4,810 (6) 5,608 (6)
.Total liquid fuels
Residential 45,300
Conunercial 17,800
Total energy
Residential 25,105 33,226 43,823 57,844
Conunercial 9,246 14,153 18,457 27,860
lBasic data from Department of Conunerce and Economic Development,
Division of Energy and Power Development, State of Alaska: Long-Term
Energy Plan, p. 30, Appendix p. C-66 (August 1981).
2coal excluded.
3Extrapolated by SRI International.
4Taken from energy balances, Long Term Plan, as 2,544 x 109 Btu.
Other figures in row extrapolated at rate indicated on P• c-66 (4.2%).
5Inferred by SRI from 1979 data as 50% of petroleum use.
6Inferred by SRI from 1979 data as 90% of petroleum use.
Table IX:-34
(lo9 Btu Unless Otherwise Noted) ·
19.79 1 1990 2000
Forecast usage
Electricity 3,573 5,427 8,240
Fossil 21,533 27,7993 35,5833
Total 25 J 106 33,226 43,823
Total with
conservation 25,106 2,9,903 35,058
Energy demand :j.f
all electric 16,493 20,113 24,331
Likely fraction of
c:lemand electric ·0.217 Q.25 0.45
Resulting electricity
:&tu ·3,573 5,028 10' 949.
GWh 1,047 1,474 3,209
2Extrapolated by SRI International.
3Natural gas taken as 50% of petroleum vah·es.
2010 2
Sourc_e: Department of Coll!lllerce and Economic Pevelop~ent, Division of
Energy and Power Development, State of Alaska: Lorig:-Term Energy
Plan, p. 30, Appendix p. C-66 (August 1981).
Commercial Electricity Demand
Similar considerations apply to commercial conversion to electri-
city and total potential electricity use. For the commercial sector it
is assumed that·some activities preclude the use of electricity, ·re-
sulting in an arbitrary limit of 70% maximum market penetration. If
the same market share approach* used in the residential estimates is
assumed, the fractional shares indicated in Table IX-35 can be calcu-
lated •. These values lead to the electricity demand forecasts presented
at the bottom of Table IX-35.
Supply and Demand
The forecast20 generation and generation capability are
contrasted with the potential residential and commercial electricity use
projected above in Table IX-36.
It is apparent that unless use for space heating is discouraged by
a tiered rate structure, increased residential and commercial use of
electricity could result in near saturation of the proposed Susitna-
based generation system without any increase in industrial demand above
the current 600 GWh per year. If long-term favorable·electric rates are
offered to residential and commercial consumers, a substantial substitu-
tion of electricity for fossil fuels will occur since electrical space
heating equipment is generally less expensive than fossil-fuel-fired
space heating equipment. The conversion will take place over a 20-year
period as old space heating equipment is replaced. Electrical heating
equipment will be specified in both the new construction and replacement
markets, if the prospect for long-term favorable electric rates is
widely perceived and accepted.
If the same analysis is performed for the fiscal cr1s1s scenario,
where the population is assumed to grow only by a factor of 1.25 by 2010
and conservation reduces per capita demand so that total usage is com-
parable to 1980 usage, the projected demand is reduced accordingly
(approximately 3,900 GWh). In this scenario, substantial excess
capacity is projected.
Agglomerations of Small Industrial Facilities
One alternative to attracting a single enterprise that utilizes
large quantities of electric power is to attract a group of small energy-
intensive businesses to an industrial park. The industrial park setting
has been widely adopted as a way to attract business development to a
region and to provide planned commercial development. As a job creation
mechanism, there are advantages to a strategy that attracts small
*with slightly different equilibrium share and penetration figures.
Table IX-35
(109 Btu Unless Otherwise
1979 1 1990
Forecast usage
Electricity 2,544 3,998
Fluid fuels 6,702 10,1553
Coal 825 na
Total 10,071 14,1534
Total after
conservation 12,738
Energy demand if
all electric 7,060 9,242
Fraction of demand
E!lectric 0.360 0.400
Electricity use
Btu 2,544 3,697
GWh 746 1,084
I Actual.
2Extrapolated by SRI.
3Nattiral gas i:akeri as 90% of petroleum.
4without coal.
2010 2
20,740 I
Source: Dep~rtment of Commerce and Economic Development, Division of
Energy arid Power Development, State of Alaska.: Long-Term Energy
Plan, p. 30, Appendix p. C-66 (August 1981).
Table IX-36
1990 2000
Residential 1,474 3,209
Commercial 1,084 1,487
Total projected
demandl 2,558 4,696
Projected demand2 2,440 3,100
Projected supply3 4,846 5,107
Projected supply4 5,578 9,473
14.2% annual growth.
2Fiscal crisis scenario.
3Battelle (4.2% annual growth in population).
4Arbitrary retention of all existing and projected fossil capacity
operating at previous maximun yearly rate.
Source: Department of cdmmerce and Economic Development, Division of
Energy and Power Development, State of Alaska: Long-Term Energy
Plan, p. 30, Appendix p. C-66 (August 1981).
122 .
II fi ii
il : i
: i
I' li
businesses rather than large process plants. Large capital-intensive
process plants tend to require fewer workers than small businesses per
dollar invested. Moreover, large businesses are less likely to expand
further in a single location than smaller businesses, which have a
better potential for growth. Finally, large plants based on a single
commodity are vulnerable to worldwide market changes, whereas a
diversified business base can more easily adjust to changing market
There are negative aspects of an agglomeration strategy. Large
process plants can be planned as independent entities with waste
treatment facilities, fire protection, and other services designed to
satisfy the needs of the plant. For planned industrial parks, these
services are often provided by the surrounding community. It will be
more difficult.for Alaska to provide the support facilities for a group
of small businesses in an economically timed development program since
the first tenant will require full services and it might take 20 years
to fill the development. The projected energy requirements for a
typical industrial park are not large, and it is difficult to envision
any strategy (short of extremely favorable industrial development bonds
for financing) that would enable Alaska to compete effectively with the
large number of regional industrial development programs and
commercially developed industrial parks in a way that would fill a large
number of industrial parks.
The successful development of industrial parks designed for energy-
intensive small businesses might be feasible if other aspects of an
\ . . . .
Alaskan location are exploited in addition to the potential availability
of inexpensive electrical.power. Materials processing, especially,of
Alaskan minerals, is the most likely type of business activity to be
attracted to an Alaskan industrial park setting. The secondaryprb-
cessing of scarce high-value minerals is usually feasible only on a
small scale. One approach for an integrated processing park would be to
target the processing of critical or strategic materials like cobalt,
chromium, molybdemum, manganese, zinc, nickel, tin, and,flu6rspar, ~rid
this possibility has been briefly discussed under "Ferroalloy
.. i
SRI has found no J;lleaningful way to quantitatively assess the
potential for the development of small business industrial parks based
on inexpensive electrical energy. SRI could find no examples of,such
parks that have been attracted to existing regions by the availability
of inexpensive hydroelectric power. since electrically intensive
potential candidates, large or small, are considered throughout Section
IX, potential candidates for the agglomeration strategy have been
considered during the study. Based on this screening process, the most
likely candidates appear to be associated with electrometallurgical
processing (SIC 3313) or the processing of inorganic chemicals (SIC
Electrification of the Alaskan Railroad
Electrification of the Alaskan Railroad might be an attractive
alternative to continued use of diesel-electric locomotives if low-cost
plentiful electrical power becomes available. Two questions must be
answered to determine the viability of electrification of the Alaskan
• What approximate quantity of electric power would be consumed
each year?
• What annual savings in the cost of energy would be available to
repay the capital cost of electrification plus a return on
Facilities and Equipment
The Alaskan Railroad has 654 miles of mainline, branch, yard, and
other track for which traction power must be supplied. At present, the
railroad owns 65 diesel-electric locomotives, including 21 classed as
switchers. Thirty-eight locomotives are in service, 9 are undergoing
heavy repair, 13 are stored in serviceable condition, and 1 is
If electrification were undertaken, some tracks such as yards and
some branch lines would not be converted. Also, the Portage-Seward main-
line has very low traffic density and would probably not be converted.
For present purposes we will assume that 450 miles of track would be
considered for electrification. This includes 419 miles of single track
mainline between Whittier and Fairbanks and unspecified branch lines.
Construction of overhead electric lines, substations, and power dis-
tribution lines account for most of the capital cost of electrification.
Electric locomotives would have to be purchased, but in the long run
electric and diesel-electric locomotive fleets have similar capital
Traffic on the Alaskan Railroad has varied greatly from year to
year. In FY 1980 the railroad carried 271 million revenue ton-miles.
In FY 1981 the traffic increased to 407 million revenue ton-miles,
mainly because of increases in shipments of sand and gravel.36
Electrification is usually regarded as an interesting possibility
only on lines that carry many trains each day and have high traffic
densities--e.g., 40 million gross tons per year. The mainlines of the
Alaskan Railroad have a low rate of utilization (Reference 3). In sum-
mer there are only 14 freight and passenger trains per week, each way,
between Anchorage and Fairbanks, and the most heavily traveled line--
between Anchorage and Matanuska--carries a total of only 37 round-trip
t~ns per week. Traffic densities for mainline links in FY 1981 were
as follows:
Fairbanks -Menana
Menana -Healy
Healy -Matanuska
Matanuska -Anchorage
Anchorage -Portage
Portage -Whittier
Portage -Seward
Energy Requirements
Million Gross Tons
Per Year
The Alaskan Railroad consumed 3,060,000 gallons of diesel fuel in
1981. In April 1981, at about midpoint in FY 1981, the avera'e price
paid for diesel fuel by u.s. railroads was $1.04 per gallon.3 If we
assume that the Alaskan Railroad paid $1.04 per gallon throughout FY
1981, its fuel cost was about $3.2 million.
In Reference 38, SRI developed factors for diesel fuel and electric
power which indicate that an electrified system would require about 10.4
kWh to do the work of 1 gallon of diesel fuel in a diesel-electric
system. Thus, in FY 1981, 100% conversion of the Alaskan Railroad would
have generated a demand for about 32 million kWh of electric power.
Actual demand would be somewhat less because some track would not be
converted. If electric power had been available for $0.01/kWh, the· cost
of electric power would have been less than $320,000, or about 1/10 the
cost of diesel fuel.
The difference between the costs of diesel fuel and electric power
is the principal economic advantage of electrification. According to
the foregoing estimates, the potential saving from 100% conversion would
be about $2.9 million per year for the volume of freight carried in 1981
and at the price of diesel fuel in 1981. Savings from conversion of 450
miles would be somewhat less, of ·course. In future years savings would
be higher if more freight were carried or if the difference in the prices
of electric power and diesel fuel were higher.
Economics of Electrification
SRI's assessment of railroad electrification38 indicates that the
average cost of electrifying single track mainline without automatic
signaling equipment was about $100,000 per mile at 1974 price levels.
Costs in Alaska would be-higher, and inflationary factors fro~ .1974 to
the 1990s would further increase costs• If these two factors are
included, it would cost, on average, approximately $250,000 per mile for
450 miles, for a total cost of $110 million for electrification. If it
is further assumed that the investment should be recovered in 40 years
at a return of 10% per yeqr, annualized capital costs will be ·approxi-
mately $11.2 million per year. This amount compares unfavorably with
the estimate of the potential savings from electrification, which are
estima,ted at less than $2.9 million per year.
It seems unlikely that the conclusions of the analysis will be
altered in the future by changing conditions. Savings in operating
costs would increase if the cost of diesel fuel increased or if the
volume of traffic increased. However, based on the rough estimates
presented above, the annualized capital cost of electrification would
barely be recovered if the average cost of diesel fuel increased to $4
per gallon (in 1980 dollars) or if the average volume of freight in-
creased to 1.6 billion revenue ton-miles. Neither event is considered
likely by SRI in the time frame of interest (i.e., 1990-2010). The price
of electricity has little influence. The merits of electrification
would not be changed greatly if the cost of electricity were $.02/kWh or
if it were free.
Electric Intertie to the Lower 48
Exporting. electric power from the proposed Alaska hydroelectric
and/or tidal power plants to the Lower 48 is one option in utilizing the
full production capacity of these plants. As shown in Figure IX-1, the
overland route would run from Fairbanks or Anchorage to Everett,
Washington, where it could tie into the Pacific Northwest power grid.
Since the electric power systems of the Pacific Northwest are now
interconnected with those of British Columbia, another option for
c~nsideration is to interconnect Alas~an, Canadian, and Pacific
Northwest power sources and markets through exchange and load
displacement. However, since additional transmission capacity through
British Columbia and the Pacific Northwest would be required, the costs
associated with an interconnection to British Columbia are expected to
be comparable with the costs associated with a direct intertie to the
Lower 48, if the ultimate destination of the power is the Lower 48.
Physical Factors
Routes considered for the intertie involve an impressive variety of
terrain, geology, and climate settings. Most route locations lie in
remote, sparsely settled areas.
A potential 1,810-mile route from Fairbanks to Everett, Washington,
involves only two elevations greater than 3,000 ft.
Canadian portions of the route are map locations for study purposes
only. Generally, use is made of protected mountain trenches and rela-
tively low inland plateaus, thus avoiding the rugged, wet coastal moun-
tains. Existing roads and railroads now use predominantly these terrain
Several studies have been made of road and rail routings through
No.x:thern British Columbia and the Yukon Territory.
...... N ...... \ ~\ ~ ~...-> A LASKA TRANSMISSION DiSTANCES Fairbanks, Alaska to Everett, Washington· (Dease Lake to Prince George Direct) •' .. ,.,, . . MILES 1,810 TRANSMISSION ROUTES AND DISTANCES "' u UJI' !Ur KAUOfiiiiLU ~-· -I.. ~ JS&~SHINGTON \ .~IVIMn FIGURE IX;;.l TRANSMISSION· ROUTES AND DISTANCES
Existing 138-kV transmission systems near Fairbanks and Whitehorse,
plus the extensive B.C. Hydro system extending as far North as the Peace
River Project, provide an invaluable experience base. The Healy-
Fairbanks 138-kV line experiences many of the environmental factors
expected for the intertie, including exposure and operation in -70°F
weather. and tower foundations in fragile, discontinuous permafrost.
From a design viewpoint, the southern portions of British Columbia may
have the most difficult combination of terrain, snow, and icing problems
encountered in the entire route.
Permafrost is known to exist as far south as the Yukon-British
Columbia border and is a factor in foundation and access road design.
Except for extremes of cold and duration of cold, the available climate
data indicate few unusual design problems. Winds, snow, icing, and
electrical storms all seem well within the range of climate conditions
routinely handled in transmission systems in the Lower 48.
The route areas appear unusually free of earthquake dangers, con-
sidering the proximity to active areas of the Pacific Rim. Of the
regions involved, the Puget Sound area has the most severe earthquake
Limited access presents problems for construction, operation, and
maintenance. Routing generally along existing and developing transpor-
tation corridors should meet these concerns.
In summary, the available data support a tentative conclusion that
no physical impediments exist which preclude construction of high voltage
electric transmission lines along the routes considered. Careful atten-
tion to foundations and full use of existing knowledge of Arctic condi-
tions appears to ensure physical feasibility.
A detailed. study would involve careful consideration of the actual
route selection, including soils and terrain, plus study of critical
points such as the divides and. mountain passes and full attention to the
unique operation and maintenance situations in the Arctic.
Significant advances in high voltage transmission capabilities have
been made in the last decade. Extensive alternating current transmis-
sion systems now exist at 500 kV, and some major Canadian and u.s. lines
are operational at 735 and 765 kV.
Parallel advances in high voltage direct current (HVDC) technology
include the 846-mile de circuit of the Pacific Northwest-Southwest
Intertie, which has a rated capacity of 1,440 MW. The Russian government
has under study 1,500-and 1,800-mile lines at 750 kV de for capacities
up to 6,000 MW.
Existing and assured near-future transmission technology is
adequate. This appears to be no technical barrier for the contempla~ed
Transmission towers would likely be of steel. Environment~!
effects of possible concern include esthetic impacts, direct effects of
construction, increased activities in presently remote areas, and poten-
tial health effects of high voltage transmission lines. Interception of
wildfowl by transmission lines has been experienced in some areas. ·
Transmission line clearing and weed control programs would be of
possible concern. Differences would be expected in vegetation patterns
and snow accumulation in cleared areas. Possible effects on wildlife,
such as availability of feed, would need to be anticipated in location
and clearing design.
It is assumed that any Canadian decisions on possible transmission
routes in Canada would reflect full consideration of environmellta_l
effects. At this time, no environmental aspects of the transmission
line preclude its development. · · ·
International Aspects
Transmission of the electric power would involve an interna~~on_al
element in the feasibility of exporting Alaskan surplus power to the.
Lower 48. We assume appropriate arrangements with Canada can be re_ached
if the u.s. and Canada determine there is a mutual interest. -It sh~~ld
be noted, however, that B.C. Hydro is presently undertaking studies con-
cerning exporting surplus electricity from British Columbia to potential
markets in the Pacific Northwest and California. The interest: by British
Columbia in selling its own hydroelectric-generated power may place it
in a competitive position with Alaska-generated electricity. -
Design and Cost Assumptions
Adapting the Department of Interior North Slope Tra;nsmission Study
Analysis,39 the costs of an intertie with the Lower 48 we~e scaled ·
according to the di'fferences in transmission distances betlieen the North
stope and the Railbelt (i.e.; 2,249 miles vs. 1,81<) miles)/ All
e.stimates ~re based on routes and distances shown in Figure IX-1.
The analysis was based on Pacific Northwest construction costs,
adjusted by a factor of 1.9 to reflect higher labor and transportation
costs for Alaskan and northern Canadian construction. The transmission
routes_ generally follow _existing and planned roads and railroads~ so no
·added ·costs· were assumed for. access roads or right-of-way. Costs were
included for a service road suitable for 4-wheel-drive vehicles along
those portions of the route where soil conditions permit. The service
road would be used for cons t_ruction and operation and maintenance.
For permafrost areas, such primitive service roads would be
suitable only where soil conditions are ideal. For frost-susceptible
soils and suspected high-ice-content permafrost, it is assumed that
overland access for bot~ construction and operation and maintenance
would be limited to winter transport on frozen soils. Helicopters would
be used extensively.
Tower foundations in permafrost areas require a departure from
normal practice. Estimates for this study assume free-standing
structural steel towers with foundations on timber grillage and gravel
pads for permafrost areas, based on successful Canadian experience with
this design.
Rough estimates of clearing costs were based on regional forest
cover types and required width of rights-of-way. The costs do not
include any allowance for right-of-way acquisition. System voltage and
conductor configurations were selected by rule-of-thumb methods, and
rough approximations were made of line capabilities, losses, and series
The estimates include substation (or terminal) costs to deliver
power to regional transmission systems. The costs do not include
subtransmission or distribution facilities within the regions. Unit
transmission costs reflect assumptions of 50-year life for transmission
lines and 30 years for terminals and substations, and an assumption of
public financing. The estimated costs for transmission of electricity
from the Railbelt region to the Lower 48 are expected to average
$0.022/kWh in 1981 dollars (Table IX-37).
Under the proposed bulk transmission of electric power to the
Pacific Northwest, the power must satisfy an unmet demand and be cost
competitive in the potential market areas.
The increased cost of transmission to the Lower 48 compares
unfavorably with current industrial market prices, which range from
$0.01/kWh to $0.025/kWh in the Pacific Northwest. Although the price of
subsidized Alaskan electricity transported to the Northwest ($0.035/kWh)
might compare favorably with the projected prices of electricity in the
Northwest and California in the 1990s, Alaska would have to assure power
availability throughout the lifetime of the transmission line, and there
seems to be little incentive for Alaska to subsidize power delivered to
the Northwest.
Established HV and EHV transmisson grids in the Pacific Northwest
interconnect the region's federal and investor utility generating plants
and load centers. A recent report on potential markets in the Pacific
Northwest and California for surplus electricity from British Columbia
in the late 1980s concluded that:
' ' '-"'
Table IX-37
(2.6 x 1010 kWh at market)
Construction cost (1981$~
J· ·,
Interest during construction (cost x 10% x 4 yrs)
Annualized cost (10%)
Operation and maintenance
Total cost
Energy cost for transmission
$4.7 X 109
$0.9 X 10 9
' .
. ~
$5.6 X 109
$0.56 X 109
$ .01 X 109
$0.57 X 109
Utility forecasts indicate that the Pacific Northwest states will
have a net SURPLUS of electrical energy under most foreseeable
circumstances through the mid-1990s •
••• the Pacific Northwest is NOT a promising market for surplus
British Columbia electricity, except under extremely infre~uent
(and certainly unpredictable) "critical" water conditions.
In the 1990-2010 time frame, power from Alaska would be a supple-
ment to the hydro-thermal program in lieu of nuclear installation near
the Pacific Northwest load centers. There are many uncertainties as to
probable future costs of new baseload electric energy in the Pacific
Northwest. Increasing construction costs, siting questions, and a range
of environmental considerations all point to higher cost of energy.from
future plants. Independent analyses by SRI of the supply and demand in
the Pacific Northwest confirm that supplies should be adequate in this
region through the 1990s. There is some potential to market Alaskan
electricity in California if it can be made available below prevailing
industrial rates.
The export to the Pacific Northwest of power generated with the
proposed hydroelectric or tidal facilities through a direct bulk power
delivery system is fully feasible from a physical and engineering
standpoint. However, it is unlikely at this time to have sufficiently
favorable financial feasibility to merit priority consideration in the
use of surplus hydroelectric power. More detailed investigations of
transmission systems to deliver energy generated by hydroelectric or
tidal power in the 1982-1995 time frame do not seem merited. Potential
delivery to California markets on a regular basis through the Pacific
Northwest grid may be feasible beyond 1995.
*A. R. Tussing, S. A. van Vactor, c. c. Barlow, "Potential Markets in
the Pacific Northwest and California for Surplus Electricity from
British Columbia." ARTA, Inc., Seattle, Washington, November 1981.
SRI has evaluated the potential of low-cost power in the Railbelt
region to attract energy-intensive industries. Of the nin~ potential'
candidate industries and four additional appli~ation areas consi4ered,
only residential space heating and processing of certain primary ~tals
are likely to take advantage of the low-cost power in the Railbelt
region. Expanded space heating usage has the best potenth.l ·to ptilize
any excess power produced in the Railbelt. Inves~ment in an aluminum
plant appears to be likely only if the construction costs of the hydro-
electric projects are subsidized by the state, and then it is question-
able that there will be sufficient excess power available to serv~ a
single "world-class" plant. Although the tidal-project might provide
sufficient power, the power from this project will not be low cost.
Other metal processing plants are likely to be considered only if
feedstocks are found in Alaska. The construction of an intertie with
the Lower 48 does not appear to be cost-effective without state grants
to finance the power projects, but there is no rationale for Alaska to
subsidize power delivered to other states.
SRI's findings are predicated on 10% interest rates, continued hig~ .
Alaskan labor costs, and little real increase in petroleum prices during
the next 25 years.
The major findings of the study are:
• The cost of power from the Susitna project will not be
competitive without a very substantial state subsidy, in the
form of either grants or subsidiz~d intere~t rate (until tqe
capital cost oblig~tion is paid off in 2010).
• The Cook Inlet project will not produce power at competitive
rates because of the intermittent nature of tidal pow~r.
' .,
' • There is not likely to be_ excess power available ~ro111 Susit11a
alone unless the Alaskan economy stagnates or decline~.
• There is unlikely to be sufficient excess power to serve a
siqgle wo~ld-class aluminum plant.
• Other than aluminum, electrically intensive iqdustries are
unlikely to derive sufficient cost savings from subsidized power
to consider an Alaskan site on the basis of low-cost electricity
• The availability of low-cost power might improve the economics
of processing materials, provided the major feedstocks are
native to Alaska.
• Without a tiered rate structure to discourage use for
residential space heating, subsidized power is likely to
increase electric space heating use sufficiently to absorb any
excess power from the Susitna project.
• The relatively high state corporate income tax is a barrier to
industrial development in the state.
• Although the SRI study is predicated on stable energy prices
through 2002, the findings of the study are not greatly affected
by an increase in fuel prices of 50%, since transportation costs
will escalate commensurately.
I p
II ; I
i I
'< !
1. State Government Tax Collections in 1980, U.S. Department of
Commerce, Bureau of Census, 1981.
2. 1981 State Tax Handbook, Commerce Clearing House, Inc.
3. University of Alaska, "Prices and Incomes;..-Alaska and the U.S.,
1967-1980," Alaska Review of Social and Economic Conditions, Vol.
XVIII, No. 2, June 1981.
4. Stewart R. Spector, "Price and Availability of Energy in the
Aluminum Industry," Jo"~.Jrnal of Metals, June 1981, p. 139.
5. Transnational Corporations in the Bauxite/Aluminum Industry, United
Nations, 1981, p. 19.
6. Ibid., P• 28.
7. Spector, P• 138.
8. Chemical Marketing Reporter, August 23, 1982, pp. 7, 27.
9. Transnational Corporations in ~he Bauxite/Aluminum Industry, p. 27.
10. Ibid., pp. 4-27.
11. Sterling Brubaker, Trends in the World Aluminum Ind~stry, Johns
Hopkins Press, 1967, pp. 155-162.
12. Ibid.
13. Average U.s. price of aluminum ingot in 1980 = 71.6,!/lb
= $1,575 $/metric ton
Average shipping cost for alumina = $16/ton
' 2 tons alumina/ton aluminum = $16 x 2 = $32/ton input
shipping charge
Export shipping of ingot = 4.5 x $16 = $72/ton
Total average shipping charge per ton aluminum = $72 + $32
= $104
Fraction of value attributable to shipping = $104/ton shipping
. $1,575/tons value
= 6.6%
14. "Alumax on Stream at Mt. Holly, South Carolina," Engineering and
Mining Journal, December 1980, pp. 84-85.
15. "Typical Electric Bills," January 1, 1981, U.S. Department of
Energy, Energy Information Agency, 1982.
16. Variations in operating rates are due to data including Cl2
producers not producing NaOH, as well as varying rates of
recovery and finishing of NaOH.
17. Current Industrial Reports, U.S. Department of Commerce.
18. Chemical Week, April 15, 1981.
19. Chemical Marketing Reporter, August 1982.
20. Chemical Week, June 10, 1981.
21. Chemical Marketing Reporter, March 16, 1981.
22. Telephone interview of personnel of Liquid Air Corporation, San
23. 1979 Annual Survey of Manufacturers.
24. Business Week, September 13, 1982.
25. Conversation with personnel from American Paper Institute.
26. Standard & Poor's Industry Surveys.
27. Ibid.
28. Mineral Commodity Summaries 1982, U.S. Department of Interior,
Bureau of Mines.
29. U.S. Minerals Yearbook.
30. Ibid.
31. Conversations with cement producers in Seattle.
32. "The Changing Sulfuric Acid Industry," Chemical Week, February
10, 1982, pp. 40-43.
33. Mineral Commodity Summaries, 1982, U.S. Department of Interior,
Bureau of Mines.
34. Ibid.
136 ' -i
35. The Alaska Railroad, FY 1981 Annual Report.
36. Ibid.
37. Association of American Railroads, Yearbook of Railroad Facts,
38. SRI International, Railroad Electrification in America's Future:
An Assessment of Prospects and Impacts, 1979.
39. "North Slope Transmission Study," u.s. Department of Interior,
Alaska Power Administration, July 1972, Update March 15, 1982.