HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA2393;·:_ ·f·"·~~. :_ .. _.::· ~·1 :·· .. •J•""'' ~~ "~~~ (,', u i) t, .• ~~ -,; '<' ':.~t • • (M]£lffi~& 0 §@&@@@ SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE INTRA-OFFICE MEMORANDUM LOCATION Anchorage DATE --~N~o~vL9~emwb~e~r~64,~1~9~8~4~----- TO ~.JUMBER 40.17 I 5 FROM (A..rrrtD W.M. Dyok Page 1 of 2 Susitna Hydroelectric Project SUBJECT A 1 a ska Pub 1i c Uti 1 i ties Cnmmi s si on Ruling on Economic Life of Combustion Turbines The Power Authority, in its comments on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Draft Environmental Impact Statement of May 1984, states that the economic life of combustion turbines used in, the Power Authority's economic analysis is 20 years (page 8-3 or Volume 3 Appendix I-Fuels Pricing and Economics). The economic life is revised from that used by the Power Authority for the economic studies conducted in the License Application. "The reduced lifetime for combustion turbines ref, t:>Cts a current Alaska Public Utilities Commission ruling." (Alaska Power J~uthority, 1984). Based on the above statement, on October 24, 1984, FERC requeoted a copy of the Alaska Public Utilities Commission (APUC) ruling requiring a 20 year life for combustion turbines. The basis for the Power Authority's statement in the Appendix on Fuels Pricing and Economics is the Battelle report on Existing Generating Facilities and Planned Additions for the. Railbelt Region of Alaska (Battelle, 1982). The following quote is from Page A.2 of the report: "The following lifetimes have been assumed for the various types of generating units. These lifetimes are the same as those assumed by Acres American Inc. (1981), with the exception of the lifetime for natural-gas-fired gas turbines. Acres uses a 30-year lifetime, while a 20-year lifetime l'lill be assumed in this analysis. This reduced life time was selected to more accurately reflect the current Alaska Pub lie Utilities Commission ruling that the useful depreciated life of a simple-cycle gas turbine is 16 2/3rds y~ars .. " To obtain a copy of this ruling, I contacted Mr. Michael Tavella, utilities engineer for the Alaska Public Utilities Commission. He informed me that the commission has not made a formal ruling on. the useful life of a simple-cycle gas turbine. He did say that in Alaska the lJ.seful life of a simple-cycle gas turbine is about 16-20 years. Th~ reason for this is that gas turbines are base loaded in Alaska, whereas in the lower 48 states they are generally used for peaking. This reduces the useful life of a gas turbine from about 30 years to 20 years. Mr. Tavella thought a 30 year life would be too high for Alaskan conditions. However, Chugach Electric Association depreciates simple cycle gas turbines over 30 years if the Rural Electr1fication 420221/11 \ . I li I ~J 1 !'__..""""'""". ,....,..,,..._,~_.: ___ ., __ ~'ui.-·•....,•·----~• w ~-r~_.~-~;;._,~-· · _ _j _________ :::-=' __ _:.. ·----- • • li0&00{g& 0 ~00&®@@ SUSJTNA JOT NT VENTURE INTRA-OFFICE MEMORANDUM Anchorage November 6, 1984 LOCATION DATE --------------- File 40.17.5 TO NUMBER --------------- FROM W.M. Dyok Susi tna Hydroelectric Project Page 2 of 2 SUBJECT Alaska Public Utilities Canmj.ssion Ruling on Economic Lire of Combustion Iuro1nes AChninistration loans for the gas turbines are based on 30 years. According to Mr. Tavella, other utili ties such as Anchorage Municipal Light and PCY.Yer use a useful life or 20 years for simple cycle gas turbines. The APUC accepts 20 years as the useful decpreciated life of~ simple-~cle gas turbine. References 1 • Alaska Power Authority, Coounent s on the Federal Energy Regula tory Commission Draft Environmental Impact Statement of May 1984, Volume 3 Appendix I -Fuels Pricing and Economics, August 1984. 2. Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories, Existing Facilities and Planned Additions for the Railbelt Region Volume VI, Prepared for the Office of the Governor, State September 1982. . 420221/11 ,----· '~ -... ;1 Generating of Alaska, of Alaska, - I