HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA24031 :)' '!''~' ·' I' : "' "' ""' .. • . 'a l . . . ' . ~ . Files SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Susitna Joint Venture Document Number Please Return To DOCUMENTCONTROL . ----- \\JATANA DEVELOPMENT . F'IELD l\1ANUAL FOR GEOTECHNICAL E}{PLORATION OF THE FINS, FINGERBUSTER, POWERHOUSE AREAS APRiL 1984 IIARZA· fiASCO SUS/TNA JOIPI'T VENTURE -----ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY . t.··.· . i ~--~--~~"~-~---------------~---------~ i' • 't SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT , lMJ&OO~£ c ~®&®©© t· ..... .J · Susitna Joint Venture ! Document Number 1 t i ~912 Please Return To I DOCUMENTCtiNTROL [ ·. L-~ WATANA DEVELOPMENT .. 'l= • : t ~ I' ; f: £ . .. "'-"' r J ~ ' -L ... ._, __ . - . ' -· . FIELD MANUAL. FOR 1 GEOTECHl'HCAL EXPLORATION OF THE FINS, FINGERBUSTER, POWERHOUSE AREAS APR~L 1984 i1J.lf1.ltl,. EBtlS~O SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY I y; Section/Title SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT WATANA DEVELOPMENT GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION FIELD MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 EXPLORATION PROGRAM STAFFING 3.1 GENERAL FIELD STAFF RESPONSIBILITIES 4.1 GENERAL 4.2 RESIDENT ENGINEER 4.3 RESIDENT GEOLOGIST 4. 4 RIG GEOLOGIST 4.5 FIELD GEOLOGIST 4.6 GEOPHYSICIST BOREHOLE LOGGING TECHNIQUES AND PROCEDURES 5.1 GENERAL 5.2 LOG DESCRIPTIONS 5.3 BEDROCK CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION 5.3.1 Bedrock Characteristics 5.3.2 Bedrock Quality (RQD) 5.3.3 Bedrock Logging Terms 5.4 SOIL CLASSIFICATION 5.4.1 Overburden Sampling 5.4.2 Soil Logging Proc~dure GROUNDWATER SAMPLING 6.1 GENERAL HYDRAULIC PRESSURE 7.1 GENERAL 7.2 APPARATUS 7. 3 TEST PROCEDURE TESTS DRILL HOLE PERMEABILITY 8.1 GENERAL TESTING IN OVERBURDEN 8.2 FALLING HEAD TEST 8.3 RISING HEAD TEST OBSERVATION DEVICE INSTALLATION 9.1 GENERAL 9.2 STANDPIPE PIEZOMETER - . l Pa~ 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 6 9 9 13 14 14 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 18 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 Table of Contents (Cont'd) Section/Title __ ..., 9. 3 CLOSED SYSTEM PIEZOMETER 9.4 THERMAL PROBE IN SHALLOW BOREHOLES 9.5 THERMISTOR STRINGS IN DEEP INCLINED BOREHOLES 10.0 RECORDKEEPING PROCEDURES 10.1 GENERAL 10.2 FIET.D BOOK 10.3 RESIDENT ENGINEER'S REPORT 10.4 DAILY DRILLING ACTIVITIES 10.5 PROGRESS CHARTS 10.6 WEEKLY REPORT 10.7 CONTRACT RECORD OF PAY ITEMS 10. 8 SHIFT ROTATION AND R&R 10.9 DEBRIEFING MEMORANDUM 11.0 FIELD OPERATIONS 11.1 BASE CAMP 11.2 TRANSPORTATION 12.0 EQUIPMENT FOR FIELD PERSONNEL 13.0 COMMUNICATIONS 14.0 SAFETY 14.1 GENERAL 14.2 OPERATION OF ON-SITE VEHICLES 14.3 USE OF INTOXICANTS, STIMULANTS OR DEPRESSANTS 14.4 FIREARMS 14.5 DRILLING OPERATIONS 14.6 HELICOPTER 14.7 WEATHER-TEMPERATURE 14.8 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES & AIR OPERATIONS MANUAL 15.0 PERMIT CONDITIONS 15 .1 GENERAL 15.2 CONDUCT OF THE WORK ii Page 22 23 24 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 31 31 31 . r Number 1. 2. 3. 4. s. 6. 7. 8. LIST OF EXHIBITS Title Location Plan Damsite Area Exploration Plan Drilling Program Data Summary Program Milestones -Bar Graph Schedule Harza/Ebasco Organization Chart Example Logs -Harza/Ebasco (2 sheets) Borehole Log Abbreviations Descriptive Terminology for Discontinuity Spacing and Hardness of Rock 9. Descriptive Terminology for Weathering/Alteration 10. Descriptive Terminology for Roughness and Rock Strength 11. Unified Classification (Identification and Description) 12. Field Identification Procedures for Fined Grained Soils -Part I 13. Field Identification Procedures for Fined Grained Soils -Part II 14. Descriptive Terminology for Relative Density and Consistency 15. Descriptive Terminology for Moisturel Plasticity, and Soil Modifing Terms 16. Packer Type Pressure Test Apparatus 17. Guidelines for Hydraulic Pressure Tests 18. Hydraulic Pressure Test Form 19. Analysis of Permeability by Variable Head Tests 20. Computation of Permeability From Variable Head Tests 21. Double Installation -Remote Sensing and Standpipe Piezometer 22. Groundwater Measurement Form 23. Typical Single Installation for a Remote Sensing Piezometer 24. Typical Multiple Installation for Standpipe and Remote Sensing Piezometers 25. Daily Engineer's Report 26. Rig Geologist Shift Report 27. Equivalent Chill Temperature Chart ... ~~~ 0 - fl. ~ ~PI ' ' Q APPENDICES A -Drilling Methods B -Rock Core Storage and Photos C -Piezometer Devices D -Earth Manual -USBR E -Permafrost Field Description F -Field Description of Soils G -Lugeons Measure Hydraulic Pressure Testing H -Site Geology I -Helicopter Safety Manual iv 1~ .. . I I ·~ 0 c ' . f'l ~ r·· ~ 1.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE Field subsurface exploration programs are required in order to obtain detailed information on soil and rock conditions as a part of the Harza-Ebasco (H/E) effort to design the Susitna Hydroelectric Project (Exhibit 1) for the Alaska Power Authority. This manual supplements the drilling contract plans and specifications by outlining field techniques and procedures which have been developed through years of trial and error by many different organizations experienced in underground explorations. These procedures are intended as a guide for H/E personnel who will monitor and supervise the Watana field explorationse All participating H/E personnel will be furnished a copy of the manual and the specifications. All participants are required to be familiar with their contents. The objective of this manual is to outline the field exploratory techniques that are required to provide information for the design of the Watana Dam. In particular, the exploratory drilling program will provide inform.at ion for evaluating the "Fins", "Finger buster", and powerhouse areas. 2.0 EXPLORATION PROGRAM During the August 1983 site visit by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Engineers, concern was expressed over the potential erodibility and seepage potential of the "Fins" feature. This feature is a zone of shears, fractures, and alteration located on the rock bluff (north bank of the Susitna River) just upstream of the intake for the diversion tunnels. The FERC Engineers reviewed rock cores and expressed particular concern over the disintegrated rock in the (COE) drill hole, DR-20. Following their Anchorage visit, FERC formally expressed their concerns in regard to the "Fins 11 area· in a letter dated September 23, 1983. Potential impacts on licensing were also discussed and further geotechnical exploration programs were recommended. In a letter dated December 30, 1983 to FERC, the Power Authority outlined a Spring 1984 Geotechnical Exploration Program. This program is designed to provide feasibility level geotechnical information to support the license for the "Fins" area, as well as providing data in the area of the "Fingerbuster'' and the underground powerhouse. The program consists of overburden and rock drilling, sampling, pressure testing, down-hole geophysics, and instrument:e~tion installation in approximately 10 angle holes ranging in depth between 100 and 850 feet. The approximate location and depths for the boreholes are shown in Exhibit 2 and outlined on Exhibit 3. The exploration program is scheduled to commence on April 30, 1984 and conclude no later than June 15. A bar graph schedule outlining the pertinent program milestones is shown on Exhibit 4. Borings will generally be drilled to the indicated depths using three rigs, each working two 12...,hour shifts, daily. In certain instances, based on the information gained during development of the program, it may 50302 1 ;. be possible to drill shallower or deeper than the indicated depths, and such holes may be varied at tbe direction of the Resident Geologist. Every effort will be made to carry the holes to the desired depths. The drilling contractor will be equipped for both overburden and bedrock drilling in various sizes, along with suitable casing, core barrels, and a variety of bits. The contractor is responsible for advancing the hole by the method he feels will bring the best results o If, however, unsuitable recovery or progress is being made, the contractor will be directed to use alternative methods of drilling or testing in order to obtain the best information under the prevailing circumstance. 3.0 STAFFING 3.1 GENERAL During the implementation of the investigation program, an organization of personnel will function as indicated in Exhibit 5. This organiza- tion will monitor and guide the work, collect data) document the program activity and administer to the contract. 4.0 FIELD STAFF RESPONSIBILITIES 4.1 GENERAL The ICE field staff (Exhibit 5) will consist of a Resident Engineer and a Resident Geologist and up to ten support personnel including one geophysicist. The Resident Geologist directs and the technical aspects of the program. The Resident Engineer coordinates contractor field activities with other field operations, and maintains contact with the Anchorage office contract administrative personnel. The Field Geologist will assist the Resident Geologist by reviewing all core and logs for content, accuracy and consistency. The Rig Geologist guides the drill rig operation to optimize the collection of data, directs sampling testing and instrumentation installation and prepares borehole log and shift reports. 4.2 RESIDENT ENGINEER The following statements outline some general responsibilities and field procedures of the Resident Engineer: A. Responsible for all field contractual aspects of the Watana Geotechnical Explanation Program. Maintain coordination with Lead Geotechnical Engineer on contractual matters. 50302 B. Monitor and guide operatiot1al aspects of the field program. c. Coordinate with the contractor, government agencies and/or individuals to administer safety, permitting) and scheduling activities. Coordinate with the camp manager to ensur~ that logistical support between H/E Anchorage office and field personnel is provided and maintained. 2 I i --~_~--,-~··--·-····---. .......... ____ ......... -.•.. ~--... . ,. -··---~~-~._ .. ,..,,,_. ---~-~--~--""·"""~ -----~~-·---""' . :t - ' . ··--· ---~~ ~'-~~ ~-··---~~ f ' . ~.-~---.. -....-.,~-~.... ............... .............. ' ''\ ..... .. :;_ .:1 -~1 , I '._J . , .. . l iJ \c·· ' l ' -c· .. l : ' :r··-· . ' f I :~ 4.3 D. Utilize all available communication systems and provide reports to the H/E Anchorage office in order for t~\em to keep current with the field operations from a contract st~ndpoint. E. R~view and evaluate contractor time sheets and shift reports. F. G. H. I. J. Maintain a field office which will have complete up-to-date progress records readily available for reference. Maintain the drilling progress and costs. Supports the Resident Geologist. Will keep all personnel informed of any changes in the drilling contract as far as payment is concerned. Coordinate with Anchorage Geotechnical Engineer in regard to requirements for supplies, project memoranda and personnel mail. K. Coordinate the transfer of the rock core from the site Anchorage by the drilling contractor. to RESIDENT GEOLOGIST The following statements outline the general responsibilities of the Resident Geologist: A. B. c. D. E. F. 50302 Responsibile for all technical aspects of the field activities associated with the Watana Geotechnical Exploration Program~ Maintain technical coordination with the Lead Geotechnical Engineer • Supervise and coordinate the activities of the field geologist, rig geologists and the geophysicist to insure an efficient flow of information from all the involved technical elements., Approve all borehole locations; all drilling, sampling, and borehole testing procedures. Review and distribute logs and any other pertinent information necessary to keep the Anchorage design element up-to-date with the program. Work with Resident Engineer to insure that proper storage facilities are provided for samples and/or core. Visit the rigs in the field as frequently as necessary in order to become familiar with the project from the field standpoint as well as to provide assistance to the rig geologists. Prepare a factual report (as the work progresses) outlining results of the program. The report will contain sufficient drawings and "(~rite-up so that upon completion of the program, 3 . f ~ ·~ ~ • I . , ' tf.i ~ ... G. H. I .. the draft alcng with appropriate drawings can be quiskly finalized in tne Anchorage office • Construc:t and maintain field drawings and X-sections as the work progresses. Support the Resident Engineer in contractual matters. Available at any time for consultation with Rig Geologists concerning current progress of hole being drilled. 4.4 RIG GEOLOGIST The following statements outline the general responsibilities of the rig geologist: 50302 A. B. c. The primary responsibility of the Rig Geologist (drill inspector) is to attain the best possible samples or eore from tho encountered horizons and to maintain them in the best possible condition to allow the maximum amount of design data to be extracted. All geological data will be logged at the test hole site. The logs (~xample shown on Exhibit 6) should be complete, geeurate and legible with copies submitted to the Resident Geologist at the conclusion of each shift. Items also included are observation device installation details, daily groundwater measurements etc. Guide the drilling operations through cnn:rdin~tion with the driller. The driller's experience and knowledge will be a definite asset and should be considered when decisions are being made. Although such things as daily drilling supply needs, spare parts requirements, sampling equipment, etc., are the driller's responsibilities, it behooves the Rig Geologist to be familiar with these matters in order to accomplish the goals of the drilling operation~ It is 7 however, the responsibility of the Rig Geologist to bring any deficiencies to the attention of the driller as well as the Resident Engineer. Safety on a drill rig is the concern of all individuals assigned to the unit. However, the Rig Geologist is generally in the best position to observe the overall operation and therefore, should be instrumental in instituting safety procedures on the 1rill rig. Safety cannot be overemphasized wherever people and machines are wo-rking together. E. Cooperate. with the contractor. 1 s representative in moving and locating equipment that will result in minimum disturbance to the surrounding environment. 4 c c . C c c F. G. H. Maintain continual contact with the Resident Geologist in order to determine if the maximum amount a£ engineering and geological data are being obtained at each hole location. Any surface or subsurface features at or near the drill site which will contribute information toward a complete evaluation of the particular area or project should be noted on the log. Take daily including utilized. . notes 1n manpower, a field book of drilling equipment and drilling activities operations Thoroughly familiar with the drilling contract and pay items, as field notes in regard to the drilling activities will be the basis for determining payment of the contractor. 4.5 FIELD GEOLOGIST The following statements generally outline the responsibilities o£ the Field Geologist: A. B. c. Receive samples or core upon completion of shift and review all boring logs (Exhibit 6) for completeness and legibility. Using copies of the Rig Geologists boring logs, review recovered core for continuity and accuracy. Differences with the field log will be noted in red pencil and passed on to the Resident Geologist and the Rig Geologist • Compilation and interpretation of all geotechnical data to include prepartion of drill hole test data and geologic profiles. Summarize the program results as the work progresses. D. Photograph the core (with scale). E. Assist the Resident Geologist "Exploration Report". . l.n the preparation of the 4.6 GEOPHYSICIST Down-hole. geophysical techniques may be used to maximize subsurface information. Geophysical applications will be programmed by the Resident Geologist as the field work progresses. A. B. c. 50302 Direct and perform the geophysical logging of the drillholes. Assist in the preparation of the Exploration Report. Perform other geological duties as assigned by the Resident Geologist. 5 •.: ' ,, ' ., : 5.0 BOREHOLE LOGGING TECBRIQUES AND PROCEDURES 5.1 GENERAL The purpose of the borehole log is to enable the design engineer interpreting the log to visualize the core samples (as seen by the compiler of the log) and hence to draw inferences on the likel7 behavior of the actual foundation mass. Only those parameters which are significant to the rock mass or give a better understanding of the general geology of the site should be recorded. Whenever possible, classifications should be defined using simple field tests with equipment commonly carried by the core logger (knife, geological pick, etc.). Most of the boreholes start in soil or pass through soil strata. Descriptions of these soil horizons should be made from the disturbed but intact core samples to form on interga: part of the borehole log. The bedrock core description includes not only the description of the rock mass but great emphasis should be given to the discontinuity surfaces that occur through it and the fracture filling materials. It is recognized that while discontinuity surfaces and their filling are of great importance to rock mass behavior they are o.ften given a secondary role in the rock core description. A core desc~iption comprising four parts is therefore necessary: (1) The primary descripton is that of the parameters affecting the basic rqck mass properties. (2) To supplement the above a description of the discontinuity surface~ should be given. (3) A de~cription of any fracture filling should be indicated. (4) Drilling information; abrupt change in rate of penetration, loss of drilling fl\.dd, equipment reaction, etc. The log should be a factual description of the s~mples or core. Inter- pretation or assessments on the part of the core logger should be made on the log form in the remarks column only. It is recognized that assessments and interpretations are best made when actually looking at the samples or core in its fresh and least disturbed state. The logger is therefore often in a. very favorablE~ position to make such assessments and interpretations and to exclude these from the borehole log is to reduce the value of the information. Such interpreta"" tiona or assessments should be included in parentheses, in the remarks column of the log. 5.2 LOG DESCRIPTIONS A legible, concise, and complete record of all significamt information pertaining to the drilling and sampling operations within each borehole 50302 6 -~ .. ~ ~------~··-·-·•..-., -~-;<~ .. ~~ t ,;,· - I, I I t • I I '·' 1. ;.f .r:::~' I, . ~ "' ~ ", ~ 'L ' ~ '.~ \ t~1 > 1 ' ' ' i t l I t _j r ~~ ~~ ~ l: c c ·, ' ' _, c· . ' c [ ' c r~ ~·) i r '. ~ j must be maintained concurrent .:Jith the advancement of the hole by the Rig Geologist assigned to guide the operation. The record must cont-ain all information available to define the subsurface geulogy, groundwater, and thermal conditions. The log (E~hibit 4) sbouid be a complete record of the drilling and sampling operations. Among rhe information to be recorded is the following: A. B. c. D. Reference information comprising the proJect number, title~ and location; the borehole designation~ the ex~loraton location by coordinates, the inclination of the boring and, the bearing or azimuth of the hole; the reference elevation., that ie the elevation from which all depth measurements are l<iade; Personnel information including the name of the drilling con- tractor, the driller, and the rig geologist. Notes on the log should include dates hole started and date complete_, dep~h and date at shift change, etc. Equipment data consisting of the manufacturer's name and model designation for the drill rig, and pressure testing equipment; method of drilling, core diameter etc. Sampling and coring information consisting of the followiug: (1) (2) For all sampling or coring operations: the sample type and number; the depth at the start and at the completion of the coring 11 run11 ; the length of bedrock sample or core recovered; recovery is defined as the ratio, expressed in percent, of the length of rock sample or core recovered; to th~ length of the sampling drive or push or coring "run'~; and a complete visual descripton of each sample or core including color, type of material, density, or consistency of soil, hardness of rocks, stratification, rock structure, moisture conditions, etc. The description should be made immediately following the retrieval of the sample or core so that it represents the 11 a;;,o retrived" classification. This is particularly important when sampling materials which tend to break down on exposure. For soil or rock sampling, insure that the driller records average rotational speed and downward hydraulic pressure of the core barrel and the average rate of penetration (run length/time) should be noted. (3) Description of material penetrated but not sampled as determined from drilling or chopping action or changes in the color of the drill water or equipment reactions. (4) Insure that the driller records casing information cnnsisting of the size of the casing; the depth at which cas:i ng was added; the length of casing added; the final depth vf the bottom of the casing, etc. l i - I 1 • k ,~-·-,.-~---~.--... · .. ·-~ -~·-~-.. 5~-o.-.... ·3·-Mo·-·2 .. · .. ~-...., ....... _ .. _____ ....... -... ,. .......... f ' 7 I l l I j '!'' f5) Pressure test information compr1.s1.ng the depths at which tests were performed and the time required for each test. The actual test data is recorded on forms for that purpose. (Exhibit 15) (6) G1,"oundwater information consisting of the depth to the water surface in the hole, recorded daily, at the start and close of each shift. These readings should be continued after completion of the hole until the water level in the hole has stabilized. (7) Artesian pressure information including the depths at which artesian pressures were encountered during drilling, the measured heads, and the time at which each measurement was made. (8) Elevation of the top and bottom of the hole and the top of the bedrock. (9) Insure that the driller records date and time of operations and delays including, but not limited to, drilling, sampling, permeability and pressure testing, artesian pressure measurement, machine breakdown, injuries, etc. (10) Miscellaneous information which may aid in the interpretation of subsurface conditions. This would include the depth at which drill water is lost or regained, the amount and color of the return water, and the depth at which a change in drilling action occurs. The latter would include the depth at which rod vibration starts or stops, the depth at which the rate of penetration or ease of penetration changes, etc. (11) Any additional information which Geologist considers pertinent to subsurface conditions. E. Core Logging Sequence the driller, or Rig the interpretation of (1) Roughly piec,~ together the core while still in the liner and mark all mechanical breaks and the end of the run with a magic marker (the end of the run may not be evident until the next run is recovered). (2) When logging the bedrock core include lithologic and structural descriptions; determine recovery and RQD values for the run. (3) Remove core from liner and ~lace in core box. (4) Mark with a magic marker all hammer breaks in bedrock. 5v302 a {j ~ ' , LJ 1"1 ! \ .J ,, ~ ! ~ ' "f' : p j lJ '~\ {, I tJ f"l i.J F..,, 1,; tJ n LJ ! r1 I I LJ Jl ~ ' ;· i u f"1 ;\ !lJ (5) Place run, depth and core loss blocks where appropriate. (6) Mark core box identifying depth of core and box number. F. Miscellaneous A very complete description of any existing groundwater is imperative. A written des-cription inrt eating whethPr or ~1ol· it is a true or perched water table> how much water there is, anv artesian characteristics or any other useful groundwater information should be included. The presence or absence of water in soils is extremely important when evaluatin.g engineering data~ Such general statements regarding caving problems, drill penetration rate (drill easy, hard, very hard, etc), reason for no sample recovery, hydraulic pressure used for bit penetration into the ground, drill reaction (drills rough, drills smooth), bit usage, termination of hole for unusual circumstances or any other details pertinent to a complete evaluation of the test hole, should be written down. The design personnel who make the filial evaluation of any project have to rely upon clear, concise, accurate and complete written information. Memories of a geologist they may never see or talk to are of no value when the final decisions and recommendations are made. 5.3 BEDROCK CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION This section discusses the procedures for identifying rock type and describing rock characteristics. In general, the bedrock description should cover rock type, weathering, fracturing, hardness, co lor, grain size, and strength. 5.3.1 Bedrock Characteristics Based on previous geotechnical explorationd for the project, the geology at the site is comprised primarily of a diorite pluton and an andesite porphyry flow. These rocks have been intruded by relatively narrow felsic and occasionally mafic dikes. The rock is generally hard, strong, and fresh except within shear, fracture, or alteration zones (see Appendix H). A ~ Hardness Hardness, which is a function of lithology, is an estimation of the strength of intact rock. Generally, hardness is not as important as the discontinuities within the rock mass; however, radical variations in hardness from typical values can significantly affect the behavior of the rock. Descriptive terms (such as hard, soft, etc.), rather than numeric- al values, are used in the field to describe rock strength. A relative scale of hardness is shown in Exhibit 8. This scale is based on simple field tools: a knife blade and a geologist's hammer. 50302 9 i' i 1' ' 1 J.t:: ri ., ' B -Weathering and Alteration Weathering (Exhibit 9) is the process by which rocks are changed in character (color, texture, composition, hardness, and or form) through mechanical, and/or chemical action. Mechanical weathering results in the opening of discontinuities. Chemical weathering (generally the result of rainwater) leads to chemical changes or solutioning of the original minerals and often results in discoloration (for example, iron oxide staining) of the rock material. Alteration (Exhibit 9) is the process by which changes in the chemical or mineralogical composition of a rock are produced by weathering or hydrothermal solutions. Like chemical weathering, alteration may cause a discoloration of the rock mass. Kaolinization (altering of feldspar to clay) is a typical example of alteration. It is often difficult to distinguish and alteration. Both may affect spacings. As with rock hardness, weathering or alteration which should terms for identifying the degrees of is shown in Exhibit 7. C -Discontinuity Surfaces between the effects of weathering rock strength and discontinuity it is the relative degree of be noted. A list of descriptive relative weathering or alteration The c:.~·;ineering behavior of rock masses is often controlled by the discontinuity surfaces which occur within them.. Discontinuity surface frequency or spacing is often the most effective feature to convey the effect of the discontinuities on rock mass behavior. It is therefore selected for inclusion in the rock mass description. It is not necessarily the most significant feature controlling rock mass behavior of any particular type. The extent of joints and their separation may control seepage capability while orientation and fracture filling may be more significant to shear strength. The physical properties of the discontinuity is described in the core log &s follows: 1) Separation 2) Filling 3) Roughness 4) Orientation 5) Fracture Filling In view of the disturbance of fracture filling and core orientation in the drilling process and the limited extent of any discontinuity surface exposed in the core, the accuracy or validity of the discontinuity surface descriptions made from core is often dubious. The use of special drilling techniques (core orientation) or ex~loratory methods (down-the-hole periscope or cameras) may be war.:-anted. The primary description of the rock mass properties may be followed by a description of the fracture filling. Where individual discontinuity surfaces are recognizable as significant features, such as faults or 50302 10 - / J' n n L n u c I lc I n lJ fl u ID ' lu shear and fracture zones, they may be described singly. Where they are observed to fall into distinct groups, that is, joint sets, with distinctly different group properties, each group may be described sf=parately. The extent and complexity of the discontinuity surface description is att the discretion of the core logger. Sufficient detail should be included to enable a valid assessment of the rock mass behavior to be made for the specific engineering problem at hand~ but unnecessary and often costly detail should be avoided. It should be born in mind that the cost of logging is small by comparison with the cost of recovering the core and that the core log will probably be utilized as a reference by design engineers rather than the core. Discontinuity surfaces are any surfaces across which there is a discon- tinuity of physical properties. Only those surfaces which have occurred as a result of natural geological processes are described. Fractures resulting from the drilling process or subsequent to core removal from the borehole are not described, but are marked with a magic marker. Mark the break with a line connecting the two pieces after the core has been pieced together. The properties of a discontinuity surface (extent, separation, fillings, roughness, waviness and orientation) are often characteristic of its or~g~n. Recognition of surface type in terms of its origin can therefore be extremely useful. For example, bedding planes clearly have a much greater extent than cross joints in the same sedimentary rock. (1) Separation The separation between fracture surfaces controls the extent to which the opposing surfaces can interlock. In the absence of interlocking of the fracture walls, the fracture filling controls entirely the shear strength along the fracture. As the fracture separation decreases the rough edges of the fracture walls tend to become more interlocked and both the fill- ing and rock material contribute to the shear strength. The shear strength along the fracture is therefore dependant on the degree of separation, presence or absence of filling materials, nature of asperi- ties (roughness of the fracture walls) and the type of filling material. The effect of degree of separation and filling can be classified as follows: 50302 (a) Tight -With no separation (no filling) the sliding plane p~sses entirely through or along wall rock: the shear strength is entirely dependant on the properties of the wall rock. (b) Slight separation (filling appears as a stain): The filling or separation is considered only as modifying the friction angle. (tight) 11 _ ............... J i I (c) Part Open -Appreciable separation (filling of measureable thickness) but still appreciable interlocking of the wall asperities: The shear strength will be a complex combination of filling and wall rock material strengths. (d) Open -COtllplete separation with no interlock of wall asper~- ties: the filling material determines the fracture shear strength. (2) Fracture filling (Presence or Absence) All materials occurring between the fracture walls are referred to as fracture filling. The term includes in-situ weathered materials, fault gouge and breccia and foreign materials either deposited or intruded between the fracture surfaces. Only the presence or absence of fracture filling is noted in the discontinuity surface description. Where applicable a separate description of the fracture filling is given after the discontinuity surface description. (3) Roughness Rough edges which occur on fracture walls interlock, if the fractures are clean and closed, and inhibit shear movement along the mean fracture surface. This restraint on movement is of two types~ Small high angle asperities are sheared off during shear displacement and effectively increase the peak shear strength of the fracture (asperities are termed roughness). Large low angle asperities cannot be sheared off and reride" over one another during shear displacement, changing the initial direction of shear displacement. Such large order asperities are termed waviness and cannot be reliably measured in core. A classifica- tion of roughness is presented in Exhibit 10. Where slickensides are observed the direction of the slickensides should be recorded after the standard discontinuity surface description, (4) Orientation There are at present a number of specialized methods that can be used to obtain the dip and dip direction of discontinuity surfaces in drill core. One method is to remove an orientated core from the rock mass using a special core orienter barrel. Alternatively the discontinuity surface orientation can be measured in the wall of the borehole using an orientated borehole camera capable of photographing the borehole sides. Where a feature of known d.ip and dip direction, i.e. bedding, intersects the core at an angle, this may be used to orient the core. A further method requires the presence of at least on easily identificable marked band and the use of a minimum of three boreholes. This latter method enables three dimensional geometry, usually aided by sterographic projection, to be used to establish the attitude of the marker horizons. The above methods are costly and are only employed where the attitude of the discontinuity is critical to the solution of the problem. 50302 12 i· -·.,-~~·---··-··-· ·---~-. I .. ·-··-· ........... -··-·······---~·-"" ~-~~ .. --.c-· --·-. -- i - l • ~....1 f L L The dip direction is the compass bearing, from true north,. of the direction of maximum dip and is recorded in degrees (e.g. 045° and no NE) measured clockwise from north. A complete definition of the orientation of any one surface is given by recording the dip and dip direction, for example: 30° at 036° would indicate a surface dipping at 30° form the horizontal with the direction of maximum dip having a orientation of 36° measured clockwise from true north. Discontinuity surfaces usually occur in sets. It is the definition of a number of sets and their relationship to each other that is necessary for· design purposes. The definition of these sets and their orientation is simplified if all the field readings are plotted on a stereogram. The sterographic plot enables the distribution of individual discontinuity surfaces to be seen and permits the definition of discontinuity surface sets and their 0~icntation. Examn]P'= discontinuity surface descriptions are as follows: (a) Bedding joints are part opent fe oxide stained, slightly rough; dipoing 30° at 145°. (b) Set "A" cross joints are tight s..nd clean, rough, dipping 10° at 270°. C5) Description of the Fracture Filling The influence of fracture filling is two-fold. (a) D~~ending on the thickness, the fillirtg prevents the interlocking of the fracture asperities (see roughness Exhibit 10) (b) It possesses its own charact~ristic properties, that is, shear strength, seepa,ge character is tics and deformational characteristics. To determine the effect of the fracture filling on the rock mass the moisture content, color, consistency of hardness, ~ock type and origin of the infilling materials should be adequately described. It should be remembered that the drilling technique employed to recover rock cores may not be suited to the recovery of relati"';~ly thin bands of softer material within the rock mass. Recovery of fracture filling may therefore be only partial and recovered material may be disturbed. Where drilling muds or fluids are used, the filling materials may be contaminated and the moisture conditions could be altered. 5.3.2 Bedt~ck Quality (RQD) The Rock Quality Determination (Deere, Gt al., 1969) method of determin- ing rock quality is as follows: 50302 13 I~' ~. i .J \ I l ·] t ' ; ! I ' Sum up the tot a 1 length of core recovered in each run, but count only those pieces of core which are four inches ( 10 em) in length or longer and which are hard and sound. The sum is then represented as a percentage over the length of the run. If the core is broken by handling or by the drilling process, the fresh broken pieces are fitted together, marked with a magic marker, and counted as one piece provided that they form the requisite length of four inches (10 em). Relation of RQD and Rock Quality RQD (%) 0 -25 25 50 50 75 75 -90 90 -100 Description of Rock Quality Very Poor Poor Fair Good Excellent 5.3.3 Bedrock Logging Terms The order of rock descriptions should be the same throughout a log and follow the sequence presented in the example log in Exhibit 6. The description is comprised of two parts; the lithology and physical properties of the rock; and the structural properties of the rock. In describing bedrock, the footage interval of the rock unit is identified followed by the rock name which is capitalized. The description of the physical properties; should be presented in the following order: weathering/alternation, hardnesss, strength, texture, color, mineralogical composition (%), and alteration products. A blank space should be left between the lithologic and structural descriptions. The structural description will start with the degree of fracturing for the overall interval, and be followed by descriptions of the spacing of discontinuities, filling or stain, separation, roughness, angle of discontinuities to core axis (range), and maximum, minimum, and average size pieces. Common abbreviations used in logging are presented in Exhibit 7. In addition, shear and fracture zones within an interval will be "called out" on the log, using indented paragraphs. The description will identify the footage interval, type of discontinuity (capitalized), composition (gouge, breccia, slickensides, etc), weathering or altera- tion, fracture spacing; moisture density, and plasticity if applicable, and color. See Exhibit 8 and 9. General comments should include amount and type of ice present and any notes on the groundwater conditions if applicable .• 5.4 SOIL CLASSIFICATION A. Introduction Varying thicknes.g~s of overburrlen will be encountered in most of the proposed boreholes. Soil or soil like materials will be penetrated in the process of completing any or all of the boreholes. 50303 14 ',1-~-' ~· -~····---····"-"' r' ! \ ; I 'T I r ~ ) . j.~1 -, ' ·:' I IJ _•/ i I ' \ r·; :IJ .r '"' A .. / JJ:. IJ f ~~~~ ~r--·1 I ' ' ' . , I ' ' .. il i -, ! il ' ( ~ ; il ' l ' I il The identification and description of soils will be based on visual inspection of the retrieved samples using the Unified Soil Classifi- cation System. These procedures will be followed by the Rig Geologist and incorporated with any other pertinent field informa- tion such as amount of cobbles and boulders, zoning, layering, etc. The field logs (Exhibit 6) will be verified by laboratory tests as required, and corrections and additions will be made to the field logs by the Field Geologist prior to final preparation. All identifications and descriptions should be as comprehensive and as precise. as possible under field conditions. A correct overall impression of the soil should be conveyed without excessive emphasis on insignificant det~ils. B. Unified Soil Classification Syste~ The Unified Soil Classification System takes into account the engineering properties of soils; it is descriptive and easy to associate with actual soils; and it has the flexibility of being adaptable both to the field and to the laboratory. Probably its greatest advantage is that a soil can be classified readily by visual and manual examination without the necessity for laboratory testing. The Unified Soil Classification System is based on the size of the particles, the percentage of the various sizes, and the characteristics of the very fine grained material. The overall or average characteristics of soils, defined in terms of gradation and plasticity, are represented in the Unified Soil Classification System as shown in Exhibits 11 through 13. A very comprehensive coverage of this subject is contained in the USBR Earth Manual (Appendix D) The. first step in classification is to determine whether a soil is either predominantly coarse-grained or predominantly fine-grained • A coarse-grained soil will have greater than half of the material visible as individual grains to the unaided eye. A fine-grained soil will have greater than half of the material not visible as individual grains to the unaided eye. The No. 200 sieve size is about the smallest particle vissible to the unaided eye. For all classifications of soils, no particles larger than three inches in size are included. Once the soil is classified as coarse-grained or fine-grained, the classification proceeds as per Exhibit 11. For fine-grained soils, the toughness, dilatancy and dry strength are determined as shown in Exhibit 12. c. Soil Description The in-place condition of soil assumes primary importance in soil classification. The description must present a complete word picture of the soil as it exists in the foundation, in addition to assigning a name and proper group symbol. The soil is again divided as coarse-grained soils and fine-grained soils as required by the Unified Classification System. 50302 15 - -Coarse-GrainAd Soils _______ , Coarse-grained soils 11 when applicable. boring logs. -Fine-Grained Soils should be described using the items in Exhibit Th:i:.s information should be recorded on the Fine-grained soils should be described using the items in Exhibits 12 and 13 when applicable~ Tnis information should be recorded on the boring logs. The consistency of cohesive soils may be determined in accordance with the identification procedure given in Exhibit 11. 5.4.1 Overburden Sampling The existance of very dense soil, boulders, and fragmented rock antici- pated to exist in the overburden angle hole drilling precludes the use of normal soil sampling methods. Therefore double tube core barrel techniques will be used in the investigations for obtaining soil samples. Advancement of the cased holes through overburden will be accomplished by continuous sampling to bedrock prior to rock core drilling. If soil core samples are washed away by the drilling process, limited identification of soils can be made from wash cuttings. Fine materials in the cuttings may be lost by integration with the water for circulation an~ coarse materials will experience a considerable time lag before reaching the ground surface even when heavy mud is used as the drill fluid. Therefore the in-situ depth of such materials is always suspect. Nevertheless, information can be obtained by careful sampling of the return ~ash water and monitoring of the cutting action and rate of bit penetration. Every attempt will be made to optimize information from the overburden drilling operations. 5.4.2 Soil Logging Procedure All data related to drilling and sampling should be recorded on the drill log. (Exhibit 6) These forms are to be filled in completely, as indicated in the procedure below: Before drilling of a hole begins, all information at the top of the page should be completed, such as project, site, hole no, weather, rontractor, etc. Depths are to be marked in the appropriate column. The actual soil description is logged in the following order: first, the major soil type, i.e., sand, silt, clay, etc,. In coarse-grained soils, the particle size should be included, i.e., coarse sand, or fine to medium gravel. For coarse grained soil types> the lesser constituents should be added as a prefix for percentage of fines less than 12% and for coarse fractions greater than 25%. Once the soil components are identified, other descriptions such as relative density or consistency, moisture, color, structure, cementation, geological origin or loca 1 name (Exhibit 14 and 15). The Unified Soil 50303 16 ~ ; 1 .J. .• .J ~ " i LJ ~""'! '• tJ .,..., ~t LJ ., -~ i ! ,......, J LJ l « -~ ' r:t\ i L ~ ' ., 1 ·, r-1 ~ lJ ,-.., :)j r-~ ..... , L ,..~,.., ~ lJ •· ~ v t-'1 lJ <l j ! IJ ,' ' :~; ~ I i ' ' .I I Classification system Group Symbols are to be included as described previously, only when the visual classification has been verified by laboratory tests. Example: Lean Clay, v. dense, stiff, moist, Brown, 10% Gravel 6.0 GROUNDWATER SJ~LING 6 • 1 GE'NERAL Groundwater samples will be taken for chemical analyses for the purpose of ascertaining the distribution, moveme.nt, and overall groundwater conditions. Water quality testing of the samples will include conductivity, pH, total dissolved solids, and the concentrations of Na, Ca, Mg, K, C03, HC03, S04, Cl, N03 and B. Samples of the drill water shall be taken each time a groundwater sample is obtained. Water samples will be taken after completion of the hole and prior to hydraulic pressure testing. The drill holes shall be bailed or pumped with water to remove any drill fluids from the hole which may affect the permeability of the rock. The bailer should be flushed with distilled water prior to obtaining the sample. The samples shall be collected and transported to the laboratory in one quart polyethylene bottles. The bottles shall be cleaned with distilled water prior to use. All bottles should be completely filled to· minimize the amount of air in each bottle. When taking a sample, personnel shall wear disposable polyethylene gloves in order to minimize contamination. The samples will be transported to the camp by the first available means, and refrigerated until they are transported to a laboratory. 7.0 HYDRAULIC PRESSURE TESTS 7.1 GENERAL Tests in which water under pressure is forced into rock through the walls of boreholes provide a means of determining seepage characteristics of the bedrock mass. 7.2 APPARATUS The apparatus used for pressure tests in rock is illustrated schematically in Exhibit 16.. It comprises a water pump, a manually adjusted automatic pressure relief valve~ pressure gauges, a water meter, and a packer assembly. The pa.cke.rs, (Exhibit 16) which provide a means of sealing off a limited section of borehole for testing, should have a minimum length five times the diameter of the hole. They may be of the pneumatically or mechanically expandable type. The former are preferred since they adapt to an oversized hole whereas the latter may not. The piping of the packer assembly is designed to permit testing of either the port ion of the hole between the packers or the portion below the lower packer. The packers are normally set. 2, 5, or 10 feet apart and it is 50302 17 0 ' '· cs:: I I , I {r. 1 common to provide flexibility in testing by having assemblies with different packer spacings available, thereby permitting the testing of different lengths of the hole. The wider spacings are used for rock which is more uniform; the short spacing is used to test individual joints which may be the cause of high water loss in otherwise tight rock. 7.3 TEST PROCEDURE The t~st procedure used depends upon the condition of the rock. The packer spacing will be determined after review of th log and core. In rock which is not subject to cave-in, the following method is in general. use. After the borehole has been completed it is filled with clear water, surged, and washed out. The test apparatus is then inserted to the bottom of the hole and upon completion of the test, the apparatus is raised a distance equal to the test interval and the test is repeated. If the rock in which the hole is being drilled is subject to cave-in, the packer system should be lowered to the bottom of the hole through the drill rods. The drill rods should be extracted up to the maximum permissible unsupported length of hole on a distance equal to the test interval, whichever is less. When abnormal gain or loss of drill water is observed, or caving of the hole occurs during drilling, it may be required that drilling be discontinued and the hole be pressure tested. Back pressure should be determined on the basis of depth below the water table, sealing pressure and maximum injection presst1re (see example on Exhibit 17). Regardless o£ which procedure is used a m1n1mum of three pressures should be used for each sect ion tested. The magnitude of these pressures is commonly 15, 30, and 45 psi above the natural piezometric level. How- ever, in no case should the excess pressure above the natural piezometric level be greater than 1 psi per foot of soil and rock overburden above the upper packer. This limitation is imposed to insure against possible heaving and damage to the foU11dation. In general, each of the above pressures should be maintained for 10 minutes or until a uniform rate of flow is attained, whichever is longer. If a uniform rate of flow is not reached in a reasonable time, the geologist must use his discretion in terminating the test. The quantity of flow for each pressure should be recorded at 1, 2, and 5 minutes and for each 5-minute interval therafter. Upon completion of the tests at 15, 30, and 45 psi the pressure should be reduced to 30 and 15 psi, respectively, and the rate of flow and elapsed time should once more be recorded in a similar manner. Should leakage occure (poor seal of packers) the packer should be adjusted 1-2 ft to achieve a better seal. Observation of the water take with increasing and decreasing pressure permits evaluation of the nature of the opening in the rock. For example, a linear variation of flov; with pressure indicates an opening which neither increases or decreases in size~ If the curve of flow versus pressure is concave upward it indicates the openings are enlarging; if convex, the openings are becoming plugged. Additional data required for each test are as follows: (1) depth of hole at time of each test ; (2) depth to bottom of top packer; (3) depth to top of bottom packer, (4) depth to water level in borehole at frequent intervals; (5) 50302 18 ,..., LJ r:':~ I IJ 1"1 LJ ,.., Lj r-'""'t I i l.J i .. ,4 t~ I ~ lJ ('-1 Lt. IJ ,I f, ~ i ,:--1 lJ ~ r .,1 L ' \ ' L .. ) L ! ' l ' L elevation of piezometric level; (6) length of test section; (7) radius of hole; (8) length of packer; (9) height of pressure gauge above ground surface; (10) height of water swivel above ground surface; and (11) description of material tested. Test data in bedrock will be reported using Lugeon Units (see Appendix G) Hydraulic pressure test data should be summarized on forms as outlined in Exhibit 18. 8.0 DRILL BOLE PERMEABILITY TESTING IN OVERBURDEN 8.1 GENERAL There are two basic types of permeability tests which can be performed in boreholes in soil. The first type is the pumping-in type test; based on measuring the amount of water accepted by the ground through the open bottom of a pipe or uncased section of holeo Types of pureping-in tests commonly performed include falling head tests. The second basic type of permeability test is the pumping-out test; based on measuring the amount of water floTtling into the hole through the open bottom of a pipe or uncased section of the hole. The most common pumping-out test is the rising head permeability test. If drilling muds, fluids, or other additives have been used in advancing a hole to be tested, the hole will have to be flushed and thoroughly cleaned prior to the start of the field test. Clear water should always be used. The presence of even small amounts of silt and clay in the added water will result in plugging of the tested area and g1ve questionable results. 8.2 FALLING HEAD TEST The falling head permeability test is a pumping-in type test. This test may be performed in a casing sealed at the bottom of a hole or in an open hole. The flow of water into the hole, typically measured by the drop of water level in the casing or open hole, is monitored over a period of time. The permeability may then be readily calculated from the formulas in Exhibit 19 and 20 NAV-FAC DM7. In each case a hole is advanced through the soil to the desired depth. A casing may then be driven and seated into the soil at the bottom of the hole to prevent seepage along the casing. The inside of the casing should be carefully cleaned out to remove any cuttings. To perform the falling head test, the hole is filled with clean water typically to the top of ground or top of casing and is then monitored over a period of time. At the beginning of the test, when the rate of the water level drop is usually fastest, the level is measured at small time-intervals, usually 30 seconds or 1 minute. As the rate of the water level slows, the time interval between measurements is gradually increased until the water level has stablized. 50302 19 l :'t I i ., ! j J ~ , .. ,, ~ I ' ·~ ,.;·, f . ' .~ .•... ·,.~.; l~ ' I " ii' ,at, .« .J i ., 8.3 RISING HEAD TEST The rising head penneability test is a pumping-out type test. It is very similar to the falling head test in that it may be performed in a casing sealed at the bottom of the hole. or in an open hole. The difference is that the rising head permeability test must be performed below the ground water table. The testing procedure is as follows. After the hole is excavated and the casing, if any, is seated, the static ground water level is allowed to stablize in the hole. After the level has stablized, the initial depth to water i1 measured below some reference, usually the top of casing or the top of ground. The water level in the hole is then lowered by pumping or bailing to a level as low as can be reasonably achieved. The water level immediately after pumping or bailing is measured, and the rise of the water level in the hole is then continually monitored. In the beginning of the test, when the rate of water level rise is usually fastest, a close time-interval is used between readings. The faster the rate of rise, the closer the time intervals, usually from 10 seconds to 1 minute. As the water level rises and the rate of rise slows, the time interval between readings is increased until the water level reaches the initial level before pumping or bailing. 9.0 OBSERVATION DEVIDE INSTALLATION 9.1 GENERAL Two types of instrumentation are installed in the boreholes to monitor the hydrologic and thermal subsurface conditions of the soil and rockG Groundwater conditions may be monitored using either, a standpipe or remote sensing piezometer. The thermal conditions of the ground may be monitored by using thermal probes or thermistor strings. Decisions will be made in regard to type and placement of observation devices based on an appraisal of the drill hole data by Anchorage design engineers. For this program, groundwater will measured by a dual installation of a standpipe and remote sensing piezometers. 9.2 STANDPIPE PIEZOMETER The following operational procedures should be used in the installation of standpipe piezometers in open boreholes. Exhibit 19 indicates a typical installation for a standpipe or open tube piezometer~ When possible, only clear water should be used when drilling in the vicinity of the hole depth that will contain a piezometer. Care should be taken to avoid the introduction of oils, greases, or drilling muds as their presence can change the permeability of the in-situ soils. Generally, the riser pipe is supplied in 10-foot sections that are assembled as the string is lowered into the hole. The pipe joints ~''ill be screwed together by the use of metal couplings. Teflon tape will be used over the male pipe threads. Prior to and during assembly, the rods will be tied off to the rig to hang suspended above the bottom of the hole to avoid damage or contamination of the tip. 50302 ···-~·--··-l--··:.:·· ;·· l ,_ 20 . . _, ,,.. --~~-·~.-.~---.· -·---~~ ·~~~·-·····~-·~..-- r j c r:m' ' i t . : F l Lj t=l I l . f,_,,~, ·• ! r L. r-'. i L> r~~ L -(",.._ .... L r---. t Lt:, L I ~· r-·, l~ ' ·~ IIJ The next step in the installation is the tremie placement of a "sand pack" around the tip (area of perforations). This is done by adding the specified sand (usually No. 40 Ottawa sand) to the hole as the tremie pipe is raised allowing the sand to settle around the tip. This operation should be done very slowly so th.at Hbridging" of the sand in the tremie pipe does no~· occur. Adding water with the sand is oftentimes beneficial to facilitate a smooth flow of sand into the hole. After the sand has been placed, bentonite pellets should be very slowly added to the hole by a tremie pipe which is constantly raised above the place~ent elevation. Usually, a 2-foot-thick plug is satisfactory, but more can be used to insure a pressure-proof plug. Allow a reasonable length of time before grouting to let the bentonite pellets swell and seal the hole. Note that no tamping is done for either the sand or bentonite pellets. A 1:1 grout mix (cement to water) should be placed in the hole from the bottom up (tremied). A. Fittings Recommended fittings for the plastic standpipe piezometer pipe are made of brass or stainless steel. These fittings can be made up slightly more than hand tight and will be leakproof when joined to the plastic pipe with teflon tape. A surface casing and cap is installed at the surface to mark the hole and protect the instrumentation. B. Anti-Freeze Because of the cold air temperatures and the existance of permafrost at the site, antifreeze is needed in standpipe piezometers if groundwater levels are at or near the ground surface. This is one of the most trouble causing items in the open tube standpipe system. Kerosene when used as antifreeze in a standpipe system containing a pressure gage (artisian condition), produces, totally unreliable readings. This is due to absorption of the kerosene by the plastic pipe. A vacuum or a lower positive reading is produced in 'the system depending on the length of the pipe. In a standpipe system, without a pressure gage, kerosene is' suitable because it is open to atmospheric pressure and the amount absorbed by the pipe is not critical for a reasonable period of time. Kerosene has a specific gravity approximately eight-tenths that of water and the differential must be computed to accurately estimate the piezometric level. It is essential to know the amount of kerosene in the vertical system, otherwise readings will be invalid. Kerosene can be put in a standpipe piezometer by: A length of PVC plastic pipe is used to displace the water to a depth at least fifteen feet below the ground surface within the riser pipe. After it is inserted into the standpipe displacing the water, it is then withdrawn. An M-scope ohmeter is then used to determine the water level and the kerosene added. This gives the elevation of the water and kerosene line. 50302 21 ...... 'p A -i Methanol (wood alcohol) anti-freeze has also proved to be satisfactory. It shows no significant reaction with plastic pipe. Mixing about one- third methanol and two-thirds water gives a freezing point of -9°. With this mixture the specific gravity is close enough to water to be ignored. For lower freezing points the methanol and water can be mixed as desired. In using antifreeze, the following points should be remembered: 0 If the piezometers are allowed to overflow, the anti-freeze will be lost and freezing will occur. o Methanol is poisonous! Never use mouth suction. o Water level measurementa Groundwater measurements in standpipe piezometers should be made with an M-scope and recorded on a form as outlined in Exhibit 22. 9.3 CLCSED SYSTEM PIEZOMETER (Remote Sensing) Advancement of the hole will be accomplished by the same drilling methods outlined for the standpipe piezometer. Once the hole has been drilled to the desired depth without the use of drill mud or other contaminents, the closed system pressure cell (Exhibit 23) may be installed using the following procedure: 1. Tremie enough bentonite pellets to equal+ 2 feet at the location of the installation~ 2. Measure depth to top of pellets after waiting for them to settle. 3. With tremie pipe still in the hole lower pressure cell to a point 2 feet above bentoniteo 4. Measure enough Ottawa sand to fill about 3 feet of hole. Pour this sand while raising the tremie pipe and allow to settle around the pressure cell and above. 5. The upper seal is now made by using the tremie pipe to place approximately 2 feet of bentonite pellets. (These pellets will drop like marbles before expanding in the water to form a tight seal without tamping.) 6. The grout backfill can now be raised to the top of the hole or to a point where another pressure cell (Exhibit 23) is to be placed. 7. Note that no tamping is performed in any of the installation sequencies for a closed system piezometer. 8. .A surface casing with a cover is installed at the surface which will protect the instrumentation. 9. A typical multiple installati1)n for remote sensing piezometers is shown in Exhibit 24. 50302 22 ;i I, t ' I l l ~ ; : ;{ "' I .. r: l i LJ r- i L;; F ~ r--.. I l __ , , ....... LJ ! a.r. i Lj • ' 'I' I /. " ., I ' ~· L . , '· L: _; I L ' L L 9.4 THERMAL PROBE IN SHALLOW BOREHOLES Installation of Pipe Materials Required for Installation: 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sand backfill and glycol antifreeze Adequate length of 1 inch P.v.c. Pipe, in ten foot (10') sections, caps and couplings for the depth indicated Adequate #1 Solvent and #2 Cement for the Above Hacksaw Pliers One can of orange spray paint Assembly Instruction: 1. 2. 3 • 4 . 5. 6. 7. Clean one end of tubing with #1 Solvent, then liberally wet that end with 1F2 cement and place a cap over end with a twisting motion. (The joints must be kept warm) Follow instructions for joining P.V.C. pipe with couplings. Whenever joining sections of pipe into twenty foot (20) or longer sections, allow at least (5) five minutes undisturbed drying time for each coupling. (Joint must be kept warm while drying) Two (2), ten ( 10 1 ) foot sections of pipe can often be assembled before the pipe is installed in the hole. If the length of pipe will exceed twenty (20') feet, a l{ght nylon cord must be attached to the bottom of the first section by several turns of black electrical tape. This line is paid out as sections are added to facilitate the joining of additional sections and to reduce the ~tress on previously cemented couplings which may not have developed sufficient strength to sustain the weight of the pipe while it is being installed • Allow approximately three feet of one inch P. V. G pipe to extend above ground surface or within 6 inches of the top of the surface casing. Cut a notch in the top of the pipe which will allow a thermistor probe to be led out below the cap. 8. Fit an uncemented cap over the exposed end of the pipe. 9. Fill the annular space between the P.v.c. pipe and the drill hole evenly with a dry fine-grained (1110 screen) sand which is tremied into hole. 10. A surface casing with a cover is installed at the surface to protect the instrumentation and painted with orange point, this completes the installation. It is important that a good record be made of each installation including such items as location, test hole 50302 23 ··•••·•-•••••-""""-"'"-"-"-••-•-··•·•·••·1~-~"'•"''• .. ---.•••••-'""•·-·,.~•-·•••'"''""''""''-"'' ·-"'"'"'""""""""" \\"'"'-.:.."""-'"''"•-• _ _. I ~' - f I I _, ' ' I l,,.,J I ~ -l I t.J :~\ l ""' j 1 L: I ": " r-; I <.) I : " l l " •,· " '-j I I j. I '' I R 1 j ~ l l ~ J ' ' ' { : ' ~ i I, ' ~ ~ ' ., --~--....--- number, date, depth and stickup of the PVC pipe and any other data which may be helpful in interpreting the data from that particular installation. The borehole thermal profile can now be monitored using a thermistor probe which is lowered and read at 5. 0 foot intervals from the ground surface. 9.5 THERMISTOR STRINGS IN DEEP INCLINED BOREHOLES Tools Required: o Measuring tape (10-foot) o Hand Drill and twist bits 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hacksaw and blades Knife Pipe clamp for 3/4" O.D. PVC pipe 20-foot tripod to aid installation Pulley for top of tripod 60 feet 1/2 inch rope o Grout pump o Grout hoses and hose clamps o Grout m1x1ng tools (shovels clamps) o Grout tub to mix grout in Supplies: o Thermistor string o 3M electrical tape o 3/4 inch O.D. PVC pipe (threaded joints) o PVC cleaning solvent o PVC Cement o Portland cement if no permafrost is expected o Halliburton Permafrost Cement if permafrost expected o Water to mix with cement Assembly Instructions: 1. Clean and join the PVC pipe with the solvent and glue. Make pipe in sections (the joints must be kept warm). Tape the bottom of the thermistor string to the proper location on the PVC pipe (measure from the bottom of the PVC to be sure the string is located properly.) 2. If installed in bedrock, drill about 10 holes in the bottom two feet of the PVC to allow grout to get out of the PVC pipe. (Muck in the bottom of the hole could plug the pipe so the extra hole~ are necessary. 3. Lower the first section into the hole and clamp in place with a pipe clamp. Join the second section using the cleaner and glue. 4. 66002 Wait 15 minutes for the glue to cure before proceeding. (If low temperature exist, glue will not work and threaded pipe with metal couplings will have to be used) 24 rl 'I I I f "' I ..,..._"'""' .. -·------·~-~-·--·;-~--·--·-·-·-------·------.------"-·----·· '_ .. _ ... : .... , ..... ~---·"-··----·--·---.. ·· ' ··-··--··:------~,-,. I .,... ' 5. 6. 7. Lower second section, taping thermistor string on as you go. Continue as above until the bottom of the hole is reached. Measure the amount of stickup to find the exact locatioa of the thermistors downhole. If ins tal led in bedrock, mix: grout and pump it down the PVC to fi 11 the hole from the bottom. If open fractures occur down the hole, the grout may not fill the hole. In this case, finish filling the hole later from the surface. If installed in overburden, backfill the hole with soil, placing a bentonite seal at the ground surface. 8. A protective casing is installed on the surface to house the cable and fitting of the thermistor string. This completes the installation. It is important that a good record be made of each installation including such items as location, test hole number, date, depth of the top thermistor, thermister string number, and any other data which may be helpful in interpreting the data: from that particular installation. 10.0 RECORDKEEPIHG PROCEDURES 10.1 GENERAL Because of the number and variety of field activities underway during the investigation program, certain records must be kept in an up-to- date fashion by field personnel. These records will be used for data an?lysis, contract administration, progress and dissemination reporting purposes. It is the responsibility of field personnel to obtain and submit the records for which they are responsible. 10.2 FIELD BOOK Each geologist assigned to a rig will carry a waterproof field book at all times. This book will serve as a personal record of events on a daily basis. Information to be reco~ded in the field book includes field data, technical information, and memoranda. Information contained in the field books should include all drilling related activities which will be used in filling out the Daily Drilling Report; sufficient notes must be taken to adequately compile the overall data as it will be the bases for paying the drilling contractor. The field books are to be retained in the geotechn1~al files upon completion of the program. 10.3 RESIDENT ENGINEER'S REPORT The Residept Engineer will submit to the Engineering Operations Manager, on a daily basis, a report detailing the activities of the day for all phases of work. This report will be used as a basis for the progress report and to document contract administration. A sample of the form to be used is shown in Exhibit 25. Details to be .reported on this form include all activities of the day: specifically, down time, weather delays, drilling time, and any special activities. 50303 25 ......... wwss 10.4 DAILY DRILLING ACTIV!Tf!~ The geologist on each dri.lling rig will complete a shift report f()rm as s.hown on Exhibit 26 at the end of each shift. This form will list drilling activitiea undertaken during the course of the shift and the quantities of each& Upon completion of activities for the day, the completed form will be signed by the Harza-Ebasco geologist and the driller. One copy of the form will be given to the drilling contractor, one copy to the Resident Geologist, and one copy kept for the Resident Engineer's records. 10.5 PROGRESS CHARTS The Resident Engineer will develop and maintain charts indicating expendatures-to-date as well as charts indicating drilling progress. At the completion of each day, the Resident Engineer will mark the borehole progress by filling in the depth in red on the drilling progress wall chart and marking percent completion in the progress table. 10.6 WEEKLY REPORT The Resident Engineer will compile a weekly report at the end of each work week. This report will indicate the progress and activities of all field investigations including but not limited to the following: Drilling; Geophysics; Contractor Staffing; Fay Items; Expenses; Other Daily reports submitted by the rig geologists, records, will form the basis for the weekly report. will be distributed to the following: Resident Geologist Lead Geotechnical Engineer Engineeriug Operations Manager anchorage Contract Administration Field Posted Copy together with camp Copies of the report Copies of technical data obtained during the week will be furnished by the Resident Geologist and forwarded as attachments to the Weekly Reports. _1 0_. __ 7_C.;;..;ONT%9_!,_FillCORD OF PAY ITEMS A continuous record will be kept by the Resident Engineer for the purpose of contract administration. This record will indicate all contract pay items on a dally basis with extensions for weekly totals, 50302 26 ...,_ .. I I I . I I I .J .I ~I J monthly totals, and cumulative totals to date. These records •will be kept primarily for contract administration of the drilling contract and will be forwarded to the Anchorage Contract Administrative personnel as an attachment to the weekly report. The records will form the basis for payment under the drilling contract • The Resident Engineer will document on a daily basis all activities of the day concerning contractual performance. Copies of the rig geologist's Shift Reports, (Exhibit 26) and contractor Work Reports will be reviewed and evaluated relative to contractual requirements and results recorded in the residents daily report. Items such as special drilling procedures, hourly work, delays, downtime etc. will be discussed in detail. 10.8 SHIFT ROTATION AND R&R The Lead Geotechnical Engineer will develop, with the assistance of the Resident Geologist and Resident Engineer, a H/E shift rotation schedule including R&R and home visitation. A copy of the latest schedule will be posted. 10.9 DEBRIEFING MEMORANDID1 All field personnel are required to write a brief memo about the way in which future site explorations could be improved and any comments on the technical or interpretive aspects of the investigation. The memoran- dum should address but should not be limiterl to comments on the field manual, drilling contract, sampling on coring methods, camp facilities, etc~ The memorandum should be directed to the Lead Geotechnical Engineer who will insure that the information will be reviewed and placed in the Task 5 files in Anchorage. 11.0 FIELD OPERATIONS 11.1 BASE CAMP All field activities will be undertaken from the base cam.p located near the Watana damsite. Food and lodging, office space, and recreational facilities are provided at the camp. Bedding, linen, and towels are also provided, as are laundry facilities for personal clothing. Meals are served at regular times during the day. Instructions covering camp rules and procedures will be issued to all personnel at the camp. 11.2 TRANSPORTATION Transportation between Anchorage and the staging area at Talkeetna (Exhibit 1) is either by auto or by fixed-wing aircraft. Transporta- tion between Talkeetna and the camp is provided by helicopter service. Arrangements must be made in advance with the camp manager for transpor- tation between Talkeetna and the camp. Transportation between the camp and worksites is provided by helicopter aa req;uired. Arrangements must be made -i:.n advance with the cat!lp logistics manager for all transportation. Because of helicopter usage 50302 27 l~-... .,, .. ,_ ... .--.. -...... _ .... , .. ,._. 0 . demands and availability, time must be allocated based on existing priorities. Therefore, it is the responsibility of all field personnel to properly arrange both departure and pick-up time. Helicopter pilots will not wait for late arrivers. Helicopters are equipped for slinging operGJ,tions. In addition) a Bell 205 aircraft is available for larger slinging operations. Because of the nature of the terrain in the powerhouse -''Fingerbuster" area all large or heavy equipment must be slung in. Harza-Ebasco field personnel may be required to assist with radio guidance for slinging from time to time. All safety rules should be followed. (See Appendix I) Prior arrangements must be made for slinging operations. 12.0 EQUIPMENT FOR FIELD PERSONNEL A. Field Equipment All personnel working in the field shoula take the following work related equipment with them to the site: Pens, pencils (mechanical), rulers, protractors, and col-ored pencils (supplied through Anchorage); Clipboard -with a cover to protect the logs in the rain; Field book (supplied through Anchorage); Hand lens (lOx); Calculator with power pack and/or extra batteries The remainder of the office supplies and field equipment are available at the camp. B. Personal Requirements The following items should be taken in suitable quantities: Personal hygiene items·-bath soap, shaving cream, etc.; * Clothing for field work suitable for arctic temperatures; Field boots and Rain gear; Rubber boots; Any prescription medications * supplied 13.0 COMMUNICATIONS T~ro-way FM radios will be issued to the field staff for communication between the worksite, camp base, and helicopters. These radios are to be used for arranging transportation, log is tics work infomat ion, a:nd emergencies only. Use for casual conversation, etc., is not permitted. A telephone is provided at the base camp for outside communications and emergencies. The telephone numbers at the s.ite are 733-2450, 733-2295, and 733-2296. (2296 is reserved for emergency communications) 50303 28 ~-····~·-~----·---·--!:.-·--···---·-····-·-·-··r-· .. ,.!..~-... ,.-·-······~~ ... -·-· .................... _ ..... ----~·--· ·-----·-··--.-·-j· ... .. ' j I_ l I~ .. li ,I .I J ~I .J 1 "1 : ·---··--··-· -·~···---·-···--·--···~ ' ' ' " <: . 14.0 SAFETY 14.1 GENERAL Reference is made to the Project Safety Manual. This manua 1, available at the site, outlines practically all aspects of prudent safety practices. It is up to 0ach individual to promote safety at all times. Don't take chances with your safety or the safety of others! The following policies are intended. to assist you in this effort, they are not all-inclusive. Your suggestions concerning safety matters are solicited. Remember-safety is everybody's job! 14.2 OPERATION OF ON-SITE_~UIPMENT All vehicles will be operated in a safe, legal and courteous manner. No one will operate a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Misuse of vehicles or disregard for safety regulations will subject the employee responsible to disciplinary action or dismissal. 14.3 USE OF INTOXICANTS, STY1ULM~TS OR DEPRESSANTS Use o£ intoxicants, stimulants, or depressants on Harza-Ebasco contracted project work sites will not be allowed during working hours. All field personnel are expected to observe all base camp rules and regulations at living quarters in off duty hours. Safety requires that anyone under the influence of alcohol or drugs be removed from the work site immediately. 14.4 FIREARMS All Harza-Ebasco personnel will comply with base camp firearm policies in all cases. No personal firearms will be allowed on any job site without prior permission of the Logistics Director. The def .:ription, intent of use, and propriety of all circumstances involved shall dictate whether permission will or will not be granted. 14.5 DRILLING OPERATIONS Normal rules of safety will apply on all drilling operations compliance with OSHA requirements. 14.6 HELICOPTER Travel and logistic support for the field operations will be provided by helicopter or ground transportation as appropriate. All personnel new to the site will be briefed on he.licopter safety prior to entering the aircraft by a pilot. The following basic rules will be complied with when using helicopters: 50303 29 ... ··---·· ....... ---·---·"'-·"· .. -·· ---·-·······-·····. --... -~--~~------.·:-···-:--------------..,.-----,_r-·-·-·----::·J· -· .--· , i \~ J ,. ·, ,1· ' ' -. !,l ' ~:~~" . · .. .'· 1_. _____ ---:-·-.-···-·---· , ,.-<j ,. '· The Pilot is in command of the aircraft. He decides weather limits, flights, paths, allowable sling loads, etc. Seat belts will be worn at all times when riding in the aircraft; No passengers are allowed 1.n a helicopter carrying a sling load; Never approach or leave a helicopter from or towards the tail. Always allow yourself to be seen by the pilot. Never walk uphill away from a helicopter. The following rules apply especially to load-slinging operations: A clearance of 50 feet diameter must be provided for the helicopter rotors when landing; Only one person should give signals to the pilot when setting down a load. The signaling should be done at a safe distance from the pilot's side of the aircraft o No personnel will be required to unhook the load as there is a release mechanism in the aircraft; When hooking up a load to be moved, care must be taken to avoid grounding the aircraft through your body. This can be done by using rubber gloves, rubberized hooks, or deliberate grounding by the pilot prior to hookup. Techniques will vary with equip- ment and personnel. Specific instruct ions will be provided onsite. 14.7 WEATHER-TEMPERATURE Air temperature is an important factor in all drilling operations and it is frequently critical in the winter. While it is not unusual to find a person who is unaware of the importance of the wind in calculating the effective temperature, it is of value to be familiar with this chart with this chart relating speed and air temperature to the "equivalent chill temperature." 'rhe mean month temperature over the past three years during May ranged from 2.3°C to 7.6°C with a low of -8.0°Co Please study the chart (Exhibit 27) and refer to it frequently; it may help you avoid frost bite. 14.8 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES & AIR OPERATIONS MANUAL The subject manual authored by the Susitna Logistics Director will be made available to all participants in the Watana exploration programs. It will provide field personnel with a set of guidelines which will assist them in responding to our emergency situation~ As outlined in the manual "The frequent use of aircraft and boats, the nature of the terrain, the weather and the isolation of the site area all 50302 30 I~ f : i tend to require a constant sense of alertness and preparedness to prevent any accident from occuring." 15.0 PEiKIT COHDITIOMS 15.1 GENERAL The Watana public and agencies. field investigation takes place on to. native corporations or managed land belonging to the by state and Federal Before any field activities or programs commence on these lands, approved state and federal permits as applicable to the nature of the work, or the land on which work is to proceed are obtained and copies should be in the hands of the Harza-Ebasco Resident Engineer in the field. In addition it is vital that the contractor have a copy of the permit and also be aware of any and all provisions of the permit. A permit training seminar will be scheduled prior to start of work. The permits delineate what is to be done, to a certain extent how it is to be done, and often list special conditions, instructions, or restric- tions to be followed in implementing the program. The permit, in its final as-issued form, is not a "blank check" to perform a field program. Rather, the total permit package, the permit application plus any supporting attachments or agency supplements, may affect the field work at three levels: A. Supplying specific details as to how the work is to be conducted; and/or B. Establishing general criteria for how the work is to be conducted; and/or c.. Establishing the need for 'on-site authorization by an agency field representative for particular aspects of the work. l5o2 CONDUCT OF THE WORK Harza-Ebasco, to existing activities in its employees, contractors and subcontractors are subject state and federal regulations governing the particular question as well as specific permit conditions. Adherence to the following guidelines will ensure smooth progress of the work, and facilitate and expedite permission for future field activities. 0 0 0 50302 All field activities should be conducted so as to minimize any adverse impact on air, land, and water quality. Disturbance of ~xisting conditions should be kept to a minimum; and any disturbed work areas should be left as near a to the original condition as is practically possible. Disturbance of vegetation, including the organic mat, must be kept to a minimum consistent with accomplishing the work. 31 1 i {-""1·-l ~-'-·~. ,_. ~~--~.""'""'"'-·~"'"""~·----..>·"-·-~-'-"'"",_ -. _;; t l . 0 . 0 0 0 0 50302 Feeding animals: Since July 1, 1977, it is a misdemeanor to feed bears, foxed, wolves, and wolverine in Alaska. In addition to direct feeding, it is also illegal to leave food or garbage in a manner that attracts animals. This law is to protect both humans (from physical damage and disease, i.e., rabies) and the animals. Camp fires: Field personnel should be aware of local fire conditions and exercise due caution with hot equipment, open flames, and cigarettes while in the field o Personnel should promptly notify BLM Fire Control of all fires, and take measures necessary or appropriate for the prevention and suppression of fires. Check the permit for all fire restrictions. Debris and litter: All construction debris and litter is to be disposed of properly, and work sites are to be left in a clean and stable condition. Hunting and fishing: Spare time hunting and fishing is out of the scope of project activities. However, field personnel wishing to engage in these activities should be aware of the state and federal regulations in their area. Seasons, limits, and regulations vary by area and the applicable regulation booklets are available from Alaska Department of Fish and Game offices. 32 - I ~, I J I I 4 l I I I , I I I I 1 EXHIBITS ., I I I I i l ( I I I . l I ! I I I I I I ·I I I I I I I I· I I LOCATtON MAP ' . . . . IN Mlt..!S ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY LOCATION MAP Pro ram ::;;· I l \ l ~ c ' -.-. .,. ' -·· 12 " -// .. ~ ·~·'iii1ti~+•i!Mo.·,. . \( . . . ;· .. ·: ,---~~:t-~~: ,_,. ,•' '},. >•f::·r: .• :·:: ,t•U-:>'.-,•,··~ •. :)\.;;:.·F~:f/\,tk';.;.::.·:··:..;;;:.o·{· ~t+hi3,,2ij ~ .. ---·-· ' 1M '-rF•~nJ .; ... :· -........,.....---~~--.. ~--------.. ~--·------~----~------~----~-------~---·~w~'iiDW•ilili'li'fd~~-rtfi':!f'¥4id'm'rQ!!Niilt'i;~'"*~-t&~?,...... tltililll<8ft PREVIOUS EXPLORATION BOREHOLES AND TEST PITS 0 GR·/9 1978 CORPS OF ENGINEERS ROTARY DRILl. BORING ~ Orl· 1 fillS CORPS OF ENGINEERS INCLINED CORE HOLE €f BH·$ 1960•81 ACRES AMERICAII_INC:,INCI.INED CORE HOLE rillTPN.u 19BI ACRES AMERICAN, INC., BACKHOE TEST PIT 0 Al(·l'·UJ9BZ ACRES AMERICAN,INC.,AOTARY/CORE BORING i983 WINTER EXPLORATION PROGRAM 0 I'.Vi!~-1 1983 t1ARZ4•EBASCO, HAMMER BORING 0 HOB! •I 1903 HARZA·EBASCO,CORE HOLE fJJ INCLINED BORING WITH DIP ANGLE OF "15" GEOPHYSICAl. SURVEYS ,~-T OJ!·C SH'·I Sl.. 80-t SL ez-1 S.83-S e-€ RB~·I ~ SEISMIC REFRACTION SURVEY LINE 1975 DAMES a MOORE !978 SHAIII!OI'l a WILSON 1980·81 WOODY.~RO·CLYDE CONSULTANTS l9BZ WOOOWARD.CLY.DE CONSULTANTS 199 \ HAR4A·EBASCO/ HAPDIHG lAWSON AS SOC:. GROl>ND RADAR SURVEY LINE 1983 llARZA-EBASCO/HARDlNG LAWSON ASSOC. GRAVEL BARS MAPPED MAPPED BY ACRES .WERlCAI'4 INC. OCT· 1982 I I .L EXPLORATION' PROGRAM & • .. ... + / .~/ : / -vR-20 • ~ 0 ?"·" ~,AP-I 1101!_3·6./' (!} / ~ // / / I -r + 0 g c:i .. ,.. "' -1- t -~ t. BASE MAP fROfA 1978 CORPS OF ENGINEERS 1"•200' DAMSITE TOPOGRAPHY(SHEETS 8 AND 13 OF 26) Z. ALASKA STATE PLA~f: coor.OINATES IN FEET(ZONE 4) I BIT 2 ~--~ p.,..,,.,,._, • ...,. ,....,. ''-""·'"'',. •. •.I"Jili""iiA!K"'•· iWii ;;;:....,.....ii'l'lY,i #A 4J4i _,.,~,.;;.,Jii'1[1441iii2f1W\Ii#l'fit~i4J.W$1!!1!11,\I!i"'·JLLJ\4J?""W)iil!#!~~..,~ o>>J!>"iLJif'i'i'9ff-!l!i;'M!ift'li~."P!~~~p; !i"'''fl'lllll·"~'.~ ilfii"""~''~J·.~··••o.";;~'"'Ji~-~f'•'"'""· .•. ~~,,-· ,.~\ "'--<H,. '" ........ ,-"""1. .._.,.._,_~,r· ---·----·--c:c---· ... -....... . ! I I I I I I ll g . ~~~. I .• . ' WATAHA DAMSITE DRILLIBG PROGKAM DATA SUMMA.li.Y Drillholel Total Length, L.F. Inclination Approximate 1 2 Number Overburden Rock (from Vertical) Surface Elevation DH84-l 35 815 35o2 2125 DH84-2 25 875 30° 2025 DH84-3 15 135 30° 1550 DH84-4 35 815 3so2 2150 DH84-5 15 250 30° 1650 DH84-6 15 135 30° 1525 DH84-7 15 210 30° 1600 DH84-8 15 85 30° 1675 OPTIONAL 165 245 30° 335 3565 Drilling sequence is by drillhole number, but is subject to change at the discretion of the Resident Geologist. This is a general angle specification which can be increased to a maximum of 40° in the field by the Resident Geologist. 50303 EXHIBIT 3 - •:~•Ji!J!I""'~~ . I l •-~·1 ~ •·~J a._s .;;!{_) ~~s M& . ..:~ IIP:I Eul It a ~ r~s r. ~ !!II FM ~ L.~w. l..W · , t -1 ' -~ i I I II t I l ITEM PROGRAM PLANNING FIELD MANUAL PROGRAM MEMO DRILLING ... CONTRACT '~ P&.S FINS F.B. & P.H. REPORT I SCHEDULE . 3/2/84 . FINS, FINGERBUSTER, POWERHOUSE AREA EXPLORATION PROGRAM WATA~NA SITE JC1984) F M A M J J A I' _ ___} __ l___ L ~ I I _j_ ___ l__ L I I I I L _ _L__ _ _l_ __l__ I I __ L_! I I I I I I I I <{. a. I 0 <: I FIN LIZE w 0 1-0 0: U) w 1-I <{ z _J 0 ~ -a. 1-O:· COST (!) ~ 0: w <( w 0 LL. ESTIMATE MEMO CD 0 a. PREPARED w FINALI ED I-(.) w 0 wO (.) (!) 1-ow 1-o: <( z (!) 0: -w Ow 0: -z 1-1-Q <to 1-....1 -0: oo o:o ....1 _J 0 Zo: 1--z -....1 ZCD 0 0: -a. <{a. Oo 0 0 0: w· a.o 0 I 0: <{I-0 I I I .. REVIEW DRILLING ~I~ .. I I I I I I R 1 AFT I I I I I I I I I I I I I REVIEW REPORT PR"EPARED AS REP~ORT DRILLING PROGRESSES INALI~E GEOLOGIC I~ ,.. MAPPING (OFFICE) . . I AND 'PRJNT ~AT A fURNISHED AP 1 A. AND~ · · I INTERNAL REVIEW PANEL ·l_ l. J . 1 ' . I . ~-EXHIBIT 4 44t:..~;. JJ ,_ r {\ ,. ' '· ,/ '-"'\ ~; · , _ . ,u ~z~ ·. • I I ii-~~ ".t ~ > ' ~ . ~.,~ "I ! t I I l ,, ; l ! I I . I I I l i 1 i ~ l ,\' ! -I ··!l;-dll .• I iJ t&L,_, 1:-~ ~ ~ . _I b • • • ,;~ ~~ - _ __,__ --~ .. -.. -··"--~ ---~~--->~-~. -~-~~~-~--·---·~· ~-~---~-----·----~ ---------·--·-~----· ~ ~ lr5 ~ ·m~ ~ ~ r:= r. ·r~~ ~·~ ; . \ ' -; ~ -. . --•' : -,;;,J . ··~~ • . . ..~ ' . -~ . . •• WATANA SUMMER 1984 GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION PROGRAM ORGANIZATION CHART II ~ ~ ~ ENGR. OPRNS MANAGER ADMIN. & CONTROL .l (ANCHORAGE) ~------~-------r- it: II r- LEAD GEOTECHNICAL ____ lEAD GEOLOGIST I RESIDENT GEOLOGIST .7RIG GEOLOGIST~ FIELD GEOLOGIST ~EOPHYSICIST 3 RIG OPERATION 1 l ENGINEER !£NONRESIDENT) ------------·------------J ~----~-----1 I RESIDENT 'ENGINEER CONTRACTOR SURVEYS ~RAN SPORT AT ION ARCH. CLEAR. PERMITS J CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION f---·----- 0 ANCHORAGE I STAFF - l LOGISTICS CAMP MGR. STAFF ~ ANCHORAGE SUPPORT APPROVED ~~-----------------4:5/Y'rr~ PROCUREMENT DRAFTING CLERiCAL PROJECT DIRECTOR DATE EXHIBIT 5 • I~ I~ [\ G ' ' ' ' ~' : ' r. I i ' ' Mm·fi!UCt SOl L BORING LOG Sheet __ of--.- Date _____ _ SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No EXAMPLE Feature Angle (from Horizontal) _______ _ Coordinates: N ---------- Bearing ------------- Date Started----------- Date Completed ---------- Ground Elevation--------- Rocl< Elevation---------- Total Depth E _______ __, __ Ground-Water Elevation ______ _ Logged by _____ ...,.,.,... ____ _ c Om ~ .c~ () ~. Q)-Za. -ta --_c; c.~ m>-a. as w;:, EQ) -I-Q)> C)o a.'C C,! ns-·-(.) (I).E Ec w a: nsca -C/) 1 -.2 c . 'a ;:,: .cf! 0 Ll) -m 0· C)> 0 co ~-mu om -IQ) iii c. a: 12 u :EC) c.o Soil Description f!..J (!) SC Coar.se Gr.ainecl: Te~ture~ prefix for 25% coarse or > 12% fines~ dertsity ~ isture, particle shape~ particle istrioution, organics, geologic characteristic~, color GM Silty, sandy, GRAVEL, medium de~se, ist, subrounded-subangular, fine to coarse, with trace organics, light grey silt and clay clumps, olive grey CS Fine Grained:-Texture, plasticity, density, consistency, moisture, struc- ture~.organics, geologic characteristic , color, te~ture 26 101' CL 29 Si~ty CLAY~ loR.. plasticity s v! d~n§)e~­ stiff, moist, frozen, clay layers 6" thick, ice lenses, olive grey,<S% gravel,' occasional cobbles . .-.. .... -ftS -c Remarks -more than 50% . . isible or re- tained on II 200 sieve ' . ~---·+--··· .,.,,.,.~,,,:._,_,,., .. " . t Organic 4% -more than 50% not visible or passing If 200 si~rve LL31 PL20 Pill CL M/C 75% Boring No. ___ Sheet ___ of __ _ EXHIBIT 6 ·l U. ' l t ti ' . i"t ' . . ~ ' . li ' . . HBD·EUJ(J;I GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet __ of __ Date. _____ _ SUS/TNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No Feature EXAMPLE Angle (from Horizontal)________ Ground Elevation --------- Bearing Rock Elevation ---------- Coordinates: N ----------Date Started Overburden Thickness E ----------Date Complett~d Ground-Water Elevation _______ _ Core Sizes -----------Total Depth Logged by ----------- c Graphic Log -~~~~-~~ ~ .... 0 0 CD ;:: c .c:-2 --O.ftl CD> CCII Ui - ! e ~ :::J C) --0 u g ..... ::s .... .::: u. Classification and Physical Description (/) 3 6 9 12 . D_~P..tJ:h.ROC~ TYPE~ .. w~atheri.:p.g_falte~ati:. har.dness, strength, texture; color, miueralogical composition (%)j ~lter­ ation·pr6ducts Degree of.fracturing, sp~cing~ . fil-l-in-g o.r. stain-,. separation,., roughness, angle of fractures· to. core axis.~ size pf P..~e9.~-~ . . D~pth, DISCONTINUITY TYPE, composi- tioni weathering or alte~ation, · fractute spcrcingr ·moisture;· density· and plasticity if applicable, color .2-1 0.5 DIORITE, slightly weath., 1---+---··.f-.r.-... , ~t'rong, medium 'l{yln, grey; i-e. hbl Q:!25%· I--+--+-·-P'+f"'lr<~H~...:l··'1'··to·mo~; fract., aver. ~0.5'~1.0 stained, tight top . . open •. sl... rough,. 10° to 30°,. max 2 • 0 ' • min . 0 • 3 ' 18.2-27! 8 ~HEAJ!. fONE, goug~ .~ breccia 2.3', sl. alteration, fracturing close to very close, damp, stiff) sl. plasti c:t:ty-; ·wnttl!"" ·· ~ ··· c ,Q C1l E -0 c ::s CD a: z e -a: )( :I ... c.) 0 -al fJ) .5 Remarks .. .. ~ . ' Bft~<t'l' 6 Sheet ___ of __ _ . . --·~-·---.:·-·----............. ,,-·------------··----·--------···--,. """ • ~. -·--·---.-. ""~"""'""~-·---."""""'"'"""":,c--·---·----------~ ·- r I~ AND DIO plag bio qtz kspar hbl Fe Hg py kaolin chlor caco3 fre.ct frzn v dcrs prbly fr mech brkg ICOR HSA HAM CSR DDH M/C LL PL PI NP Gs K 50303 Type BOREHOLE LOG ABBREVIATIONS Geological Abbreviations Andesite Diorite Plagiocle~e Biotite Quartz Potassium Feldspar Hornblende Iron Magneaium Pyrite Kaolinite Chlorite Calcium Carbonate Fractured General Frozen Very Decreases Probably Fresh Mechanica1 Breaking Drilling weath unweath alter unstd hrd mass strg xyln . m~ns pseudo reheal jt coat F c Abb3r·evia tions lt drk mod ace pc sl max. min Abbreviations Weathered Unweathered Altered Unstained Hard Hassive Strong Crystalline Minerals Pseudomorphs Rehealed Joint coating Fine Grained Coarse Grained Light Dal'k Moderate Occasional Piece Slight Maximum l·1inimt1m ~mple Type Rock Coring Hollow Stem Auges Hammer Center Stem Rota~y Dowr. Hole Hammer ss Ts Db Pb Cb Cs Cd Engineering Abbreviations Moisture Gvntent Liquid Limit Plasti.c limit Plastic Index. Nonplastic Specific Gravity Permeability .;LJlit Spoon Shelby Tube Dennison B~rrel Pitcher Barrel Churn Drill Barrel Single Tube Core Barrel Double Tube Core Barrel EXH!BIT 7 ~ ' ! . '; ('i ~ Very Hard: Hard: DESCRI 0 TIVE TERMINOLOGY FOR HARDNESS Cannot be scratched with knife; metal powder left on sample. Scratched with knife with difficulty; trace of metal powder left on sample; scratch faintly visible. Moderately Hard: Read1ly scratched with knife; scratch leaves heavv trace of dust and is readilv visible. Low Hardness: Soft: Very Soft: . . Gouged or grooved to 1/16 inch by firm pressure on knife; scratches with penny. Gouged or grooved readily with knife; small thin pieces can be broken by finger prcssureo Carves with knife; scratched by fingernail~ DESCRIPTIVE TERMINOLOGY FOR DISCONTINUITY SPACING Discontinuity Spacing Joints Very Close Close Moderately Close Wide Very Wide ,I \: Bedding, Cleavage, Foliation Very Thin Thin Hedii.ITI Thick Very Thick English Less than 2 inches 2 inches to 1 foot 1 foot to 3 feet 3 feet to 10 feet Greater than 10 feet Metric h~:~Js than 5 em 5 em to JO em 30 011 to 1 m 1 m to 3 m Gr~ater than ~ m EXHIBIT ts ---~ .. --T,T--· ~:;,:.;.;.::····· .. ·.:--·-·-·--:·--·-·-----.,·~---------------------_.--~--.. --------........................ ,----.. -------.. ~·-~--. ' I t· -.. .......~ lfl .~ ~ . I ! ' ' r . Fresh: Slight: Moderate: Severe: Complete: DESCRIPTIVE TERMINOLOGY FOR WEATHERING/ALTERATION Rock fresh; crystals or gains bright; a few joints may show slight staining; crystalline rocks ring if struck wit:h a hammer. Rock generally fresh; joints stain~d and may show clay filling if open; staining may extend into rock fabric adjacent to weathered planes; if present, feldspars may be dull and discolored; crystalline rocks ring if struck with hammers Except for quartz, most of the rock mass shows discolor- ation and weathering; most feldspar is dull and discol- ored and kaolinitilation (alteration to clay minerals) is common; rock gives a dull sound if struck with ham- mer; rock shows overall loss of strength; portions may be "excavated" with a geologist's pick. All minerals, except quartz, discolored or stained; rock fabric still discernible; intergranular or intercrystal- line disassociation virtually complete; internal struc- ture essentially that of soil; fragments of strong rock may remain; may be called saprolite. Rock is decomposed to a soil; fabric not discernible or only rarely discernible; quartz may remain as dikes or stringers. Occasionally, weathering due to solution (in carbonate rocks) or alteration (in hydrothermally attacked rocks of any composition) may be encountered. The fol- lowing terms are used to describe any voids which result from such action: Solid: Pitted:. Vesicular: Cavernous: "~'"'·"'"'·""~·~~· .,.. ... ~--.. ~-~ <I -- Contains no voids. Small voids generally restricted to joint St.Jrfaces, bedding planes, or other surfaces which provide access for attacking fluids. Use restricted to solution voids in carbonate rocks and hydrothermally altered rocks; voids may be found throughout the rock mass; voids up to 4 inch average dia~~eter. Use restricted to voids in igneous (occasionally meta- morphic) rocks, void origin usually due to gas blbbles; voids up to 4 inch average diameter. Applicable to any rock; voids and channels greater than 4 inches in average diameter, voids large enough to cause serious leakage and/or structural problems. EXHIBIT 9 ----"' ---, -----;.;-----;:--· ~--···----~-~----··~--·-"---~---· ··-_______ .. ··7 .r-·-------------~-.--.. ~,--],1 ~ \-"' I <{_, / -. ,, ~ 11 lj Strong Moderately Strong Weak DESCRIPTIVE TERMINOLOGY FOR ROCK STRENGTH resists breakage from hammer blows, will yield dust and small chips withstand a few hammer blows but will yield large fragments withstands a few firm hammer blows crumbles with light hammer blows DESCRIPTIVE TERMINOLOGY FOR ROUGHNESS CLASSIFICATION Smooth Slightly Rough Medium Rough Rough Very Rough DESCRIPTION Appears smooth and is essentially smooth to the toucho May be slichensided. Asperities on the fracture surfaces are visible and can be distinctly felt Asperities are clearly visible and fracture surface feels abrasive Large angular can be seen. and high side evident. asperities Some ridge angle steps Near vertical steps and ridges occur on the fracture surface ~--------------~~-------------~------------~ ..... ·~ '-{; EXHIBIT 10 8 ... ~ Cl .a ~5 3-5 u ~ _: &.~!! ; ov• 2 J GW Unified Soli Classification (Including Identification ond Description) Weii•Jradcd 1ravrla, 1ravcl·aand naix· !ur"'• littlr or nn fine11. Fidd Identification Proccolurcs ( F.ac:ludinl( t•arlic:lcs lar.:cr than J inchn antll•ninl( h;u:liunll uu ulim;att'ol wci~thh) s Wide ranee in 1rain sizes anti auiJstantial amounts of llll illlt'rmrtliatc 1•o.rtidc si1u. lnl'urntalion Required for 0t'K"rihins Soila 6 For undisturbed loil• add information ~~~~~~~~---~--~~~~~~~~-~-~~~~~~~---~~~~~-~--~~ on stratification, dccr~c of comvacl· nuc, cementation, mobturc C111nolttiuus and ctraittaae r:hanclcri~tic:s. GP Poorlr·1radcd 1ravcls, sravcf.tand mix· turu, lillie or no finn. Predominantly one size or a ran11c of siac!l l*'ith sumc intermcthatc ai~~:cs mis)i111. .!! ... ~ .. J ~-;;.!! = ~.~~: ... ,; ~~1--------i------~~----------------~~~--------~~~~~--~------~--~------------~~--~ .. GH e; SiiiJ lrncls, 1ravel·aan(;·ailt miaturu. ~ u :;·-. ~ ~ .!!"' • -5go ~" • .. ~ere 'o ., tZ •; t "'" lo! g e t----t-----------~------+--------,<;---------------1 en~ ~ ~ e ,., -u.!: t e<C , Gin !rpic:al name; Indicate ·•PPfOlli· Nonrlastic finu or lines with low rlasticity. (fur identification t•rucc•luru ~oce M L hrlutt) .,.~ ,._; ., ::E-.!:.· • :z..: ,.... GC Clayey 1raveb, 1ravcl·!l&nd·clay mla· Plntic fines (for idcntilltatiun rruc:cdurcs nc male prrctnl;a~tcs of und and a ravel, ~ .... ·-1! ,.,0 .. < 0 luru. <.:L l~low). maa. 11iu; an~euhuity, surface cunuli· ,-"' • .111 ""z 0 -liun, and harolucn of the coahc :5: ~ ~---v ~---~-~-~~---~----~~~------~-~------------------~ ~~~~; l~al ·~ KC~~k name at~ =; ·i .. -" -5 ,S • Well·cr:ulcd .. nda, rravell:r sand a, little Wide ran1c in crain sins and auhslanlial othu putincnt duc:ri!•tivc iufurnla· t t -;J . ,li_· ~ ]_: -cil SW "' "" linn. amount• of all intrrmcdialc joarticlc ahu. liutt: 1ud ayn•hol in t•ucnthc,n. Uso o ~ ~------+-----------------------------------;------,----------------------------------~ ~ u .. = ~ i: c ='I: . ~ ::E o~; ~ ~ .;'::! g roorl)' 1r:ulcd aands, 1ravrll)' aand!\, Pn:domittantb one aize or a ranae of aiau ·; ..;::: E ~ : ~ u SF lilllt' ur no fine~. with aol'tle intermediate sins miuin~r. Eumplc: ~ 5~·~ •~t-----~-----~------------------------~---~-------~---------------------------~ Jilty sand,1ravrlly; a~ul 20~hard, 11 en c·~ • u: an1ular 1ravcl particlu ~·in • '; • -,ZJ .!! 5 .. Nun1•la•iic iinu or fines with low pluticily, · · d d d 1 • : !! • = -~ .D "'_ ,.. Si!!r =~nd=, ~::md·;i!t mia~uru. (I .,, t'fi 1• 1 •11 1 1 ) rna111mum atac; roun r: an su •· t:: "ii ~ 0 iii • ., !! C n Uf luC'II I U 1011 llfiiCCI urrs sre I" • ~ IIW III(IUiar sand a rain~ coaue to fiur; ! .. ~z ·~ ~H~c~-----+-----------------------+-------------------------~ ~~~~s~~~~~~~~6nuw~hl~ :~ .. iiz. ~ .. ~:: drr atrt1111h; wdl ~n11 mp.ac1 tr<i an 1 d r. c!! ,. < o SC Clayr:r unds, nnd·clay miaturea. Plutic: finn ·Hor idrnlificaliun proccduru nc moit• iu' 1•lac:r; a uvta um ; .... en ..., CL I.Jclow). (Sr.: :_ c .2 .. ] 'ii a,,+---------~-L--------+-------+-----~~~~----~--------~------+----·------~, .. ~c-.~ •• ~ifi~r:-:a~l~io-n~l~.-,oc--c~ .. ~~~-,-c,-----------t------------~-------------------1 8 " on Fraction Sm:allcr than No. -40 Si•vc Size M -5 • • ~ j c: • .s .~ c: .. .11: ... t a ,.. llithlr Or1anic Soils J.!L l'L OL Mil Cll OH Pt lnor1anic silll and nry fine aandt, ruck llour, tilly ur clayt'y fine sands ur r:Jay~y Mlb with sli1hl rhlsiicity. lnor,;anic: clay~ of luw to medium t•la•· ticety, cnvclly clays, santly c :a)':t, t.tlly clays. Iran claya. Or1a:t:c silh and or1anic 11ill:r clara o( low ttlulicit)'. lnar1anic tilta, micaceous or diatoma· ccous finr undt or •iltt soila, rlntic tilts. lnor11anic claya ol hi1h plasticity, fat clay I. o.,a.nic clays of medium lo hi«h plu· hc:tl)', or1a!'lic silts. Peat and other hi1hiY errank ioila. Do Strcnl(th (Crushinf! c:harutcri st u:!l) None to sliaht t.lcdium to hi~eh Sli1ht to medium Sli~Chl to ntcdium lli11h to vrry hi~th Medium to hiah Uil~l:ancy ( l1•·acliun to ~haS..inJt I Quick to lllow Nont' lo Vtr)' slow Slow Slow to none None None lo very a low Tou~thnc~• ( Con,illrucy . nur 1'1.) None Mrdiuna Sliaht Sli~~:hllo nardiunt llich Sli1ht to medium . Readilr Identified "' color, odor, aponay fed 1nd hcqucnlly lly fibrou1 tcature. Giv: l)'riul nlhne, indicate dr•rce anol character uf J•luticitr, amount anol m;u.imun> 1i1r uf con:t( ,IJains, culur iu wei con•litiun, odur if anr, luc:al nr a~ulu,ic naotc, 111111 other pcrllncut d!~curtin inform;ation; and t)'m!Jul in "' ·<,~sn. F.,r undi11turbcd soils and informa· lion on struc:lurr, alratification, consistency in untlisturhcol anti rc· moldrd slates, moi,huc and drain· a,;c conolilion,, Ea.mplc: Oaycy ailt, brown, aliahtlr plutlc, small ~rccnta1e of fine und, nunu:ruua vertical rool bolu, finn and dr7 in plac:r, loc-1\-(M 1.). II t flou11olur cla•t~ificntiont: ~oil• t>Ot<uuina chararlrri~tin of two cruus•• ar~ tluianatctl hr cunthenahutlt uf 1'011 1' t)nehul ... f.., fiiii!IJ•It UW·tH:, wrll,ara•lrrt cravtl aaucl 1t1laturc wilt. clay l•lmlu. Ut All alnc ahu ,, .. lhi• chart err U.S auaularol. EXHIBIT il ~ -~ .. .. 1 , c .. .. •• • • .. .§ ~ -.. .I: .. ... c ·~ --= c: i .!: .. > .. , u .. • ·; i: ·; .. ... = ~ ~ .... r-1 -' ~ ~ r--: )( w 0 z -)o ... -u -... Ill "( ~ Q,. Unlfled Soli Classification ... c: :; ..!i :li_8 1 , 1 Lahoralorr. Cl~l'l!ificalian C.:rtt~rla 'I (See note, br right) •• 2' E A-U .. ~U) R ~~--------------------------------------------~ :i :i 21 _ t---N_o_t_rn_t_r_li...,n ... a_a_l_l_•_n_cl_a_a_ia_n_n,.•_"'_ir~t-"_•n_l•._f_li_r _G_·w __ -t IIJU) c 3 .,., Attrrllrr• limila below "A" line or 1'1 lru than 4 ~cj .5-UU0::0 ~----------------i •• ~ X Above "A" lint with ra Mtwun 4 and 7 arc horderlin~ casu ~:a~ , UUI'II Allrr~rr limit. al10ve "A" line with 1'1 1rralcr than 7 o.. L-c~ .. -0 -Greater ln.~~n 6 .Ia rrqui;r;;;-;;,;;f dual armbob. (See note, far right) (Daa)l cl l C • 0 Dc:twun Gne an DceX •• Not mrclin1 all •radation requiremrnll for SW Allrrbcrr limit1 below "A" line or 1'1 Ins than 4 Allrrbfr~ limits ahowe "A" Jinr with l'l arulcr than 7 Limi II ploltinc in hatchrd 1onr with 1'1 bctwcru 4 ant! 7 arr borderline: casu rtquirin• ll't' of dual srn~hols. DD . ~mparinr Soil' at Equal l.ir1uid Limit Touthnn" and Ury Strc:111~th lucreue 50 wllh IIICITta,inl l'luticitr lur!~lll ~---H-·- 40 <"II . ~r. . ,~ ~-t-JO -~ .L 1-:~-t- 20 -r~ ·-011--+---t----t --!----~-I.,/----t-lz --+--1--------V"'---1--,..u --·---,.1.2 .--~-1 1o.._ L== -=.JL-· ~ -~rr::}ff;~ML= 1-1-t- 0 t----· -- • tO 20 JO 40 ~0 '0 70 1111 90 100 LIQUID LIMIT PLASTICITY CIIA.RT Fer Uhoratory cln•ification of finc·1ralrud soilt t_ .. S L .lft!l ~ ;.; .. -.. J ~~~~ ~ f'IEI.O IDENTIFICATION I'ROCEDURES FOR l<'li~F.·GRJ\INED !;OILS OR fRACTIONS Thuc prcoccrl~:;.::> ii:!! to he rcrformed on tbe rninUll No. 411 :~irvc size pan;:h:s, art&»ro~timatdy 1/64 in. l'or firltl da,!lificatiun l'~flll.l~U. scvc:cnin11 i~ not intcntlr•l. !'limr•ly r~move hy ~aurl the coarse particlts lhal intuf~rc with the tuts. Dilatancy (Ruction to aha"in1) After rc>muvin1 particlu larrcr than No. 40 sieve ~izr, tlrtJIUC' a pal of mui!lt soil wir;h .;~~ volurnc of allCtlll one-hall cubit; inch. J\dd enuu11h water: if ncce"<ary to ma"e the soel s~•ft but nut aticky. i'lace the pal in the oa1en palm of one hanJ, ami ahakc honumtally, 1tr ikinc vijlorltusly illtain,t the other hand snrral time!!. A po:~itive reaction con~i~b u( the aa•p.:uance of wattr ou the tor· lace of the pat which chau1u lo a livery run· sisttncy ancl bcc:on1u «lossy. ·when the sam1tle it sraurnrcJ between thr fiu~rrn, the watC'r and alriSJ di•aprl<!'ar from the llllrlac:r, the Jtat slit· tc:ns, anol final!)• il crack!i ur crumhln. The rar•irlia, of aJ•I•c:arancc of ·water Cfurinll ahakin11 and of il!l di'"l't•ruance durin1 IQUt"~trin« a:uist In idtntifyina the character of the finn in a 11oil. Very fine clran nndt aive the quiclce:~t ant) mosU dastittcl ruction whrreu a pl,.!'llic clay bu no ru~liun. lnors:anic: sill!!, Sitch as. a l)'l•ical rock ftour. show a miMitratrly rruick ruction. Dr1 Strena&h (Crushinc characteristics) Al.&u remowinc particles lar1c:r than No. 40 sine siu, molll a t•a& or soil lo the co.nsi~trnc)' o( r•utty, allolinl waltr if nc:cuno. J\llow the pal to dry completely by oven, Jun. or ai~ dryinc, anrl &hen tnl its drc:r.1\h by brc:akinll and crumltlin11 bt:twrtn the fincC"n. Thi, s!rrn111h i!'l a musure or the character and quautily of tht colluirlal fracliun conlainrd in the ~oil. The dry !\t{C"nJ&th incru,c:e with incrr::~sin11 s•l21s&icitr. Hi«h dry stren1lh is charac:teri!llic for cla)'J of the t.:ll JlfOUI'· A trr.ical inor11nic !lilt IIOUUSU onl( nr)' sli1ht 'ry 1trc:n1th. ~iltr fine nnds ana silts hawc about the same ,li•hl dry slrenath, hut can be dhlinfui:\htd by the fed whrn rowdcrin1 the dried apc:rimen. Fine s;md ftciJ 1tillr whereu a typical ailt hu the smooth lc.-rl of flour. Tou~rhnus (Con!'liatency ntar plastic limit) Alter removi111 particles lar1cr 'than the No. 40 !lieve 11i1e, a aprr:imtr, of JOil al10t1l onc.-•h:\U inch cubr in size ia moldc:cl Cii the ronsisteucy uf t•ully, I( too olry, wz,lcr must be a•lrietl and i( :~&icky, thc: :t~cimrn !'lhnuld t.e s&trracl out in a thin laytr and ~lluw~d to lla\t :aom~ mui~tur~ hy r•atlllration. Thrn &he J<(let"iimcn i!l rolled out lty han•l on a ~mouth' aurface ·ur between the p;alm!l into a thread about nne·ri«hth inch in cliamttc.-r. The tlur:ul j, then fnldcd ami rrmlltd rtprah:d· iy. llurin~ this manitllllatiun lht moi~hue c11n· ltnt is ~u.lu:~lly rt•lucc•l ami the !llt«imt'n sliiTrns, fiually lu!ln ib pluticaly, and crumhlu when the t•l:ulic linait is 'll"atht•l. AfiC'r dec thrn•l crn111bln, the t•itctlll should he luniJtC'<I tu1rthrr :md a ali1ht knudiua: action runllnurcl until thr luma• crumblu. Tht lnu11htr tht thrc::.d ncar the \'lutic limit and the stiiTrr the luma• whtrt it lina ly crumblu, thr nwre JtOtcttt il tht c:ollnirlotl clay h:action in the ,.oil. Wtotlmru of lhc thrud at the ftl:utic limit ami quick Inn of euhC"rtncc: of thr lump ltC'IIIW lht &•b!ltic limit indinlt either hwrlllllli<: clay of l11w t•lal'licity, or m:atrrlal• auch u lr"olin·IYJ't' rl:ar• aurl Uf~anic d&ra wihrh occur below lhc A·lint. Wr,nlr nr~ranic.-cl.-yll hnr a •rrr wrall and 111011111 trl at thr pla~tic limit, ,..., '-~~--~i;\ ~ ta:'~5 ~ Nore (lAbort~lory Claui{iu11i011) Cu = unifurmirr coefficient Cc = corllicit'nl of curv;uure I>.= grain diameter at CiOo/o passin1 n. = grain diameter at 30% passins D,a = grain diameter ar 10% passina The grain-size' distrihutiuns of well· ~ratled materials generally ploa as smnuth and regular cuncave curves with no sizes Jacking or no nctss of materi~l in any size unge. The uni· furmicy coetricitnt (Cu) of wcii- J!raded gravels is srnter than -4, and uf well-grader.l sands is grnln rhan 6. The ~oc:llicic:nt of curv:uure (Cc) insures that the grading curve will have a cuncavc curvature within rcla· lively narrow limiu for a given D ... and Dan combination. All j,!radalions nut meeting the fures:oing criteria are clu •er.l as poorly graded. EXHIBIT 12 A::=:Y [_,=j e_:=v !!(·' ---~ P!!". ~ ML . ~ MH ~§ OL oo ~~ OH CL ~0 . e ' CH REfERENCE: FIELD IDENTIFICATION PROCEDURES FOR FINE-GRAINED SOILS OR FRACI10NS Procedures Pc:rfonned on fraction passing No. 40 sieve; for tield classification: simply remove by hand coarser particles that interfere. "' '. .. . . . ... . .. . .. . TO UGliNESS (Consistency near plastic limit) Mold a tuinp of soil about l/2 in. in size to the consistency of putty. If too dry, add water. Jf too wet, spread out into a thin layer and allow it to lose some water by evaporation. Roll the lump by hand on a smooth surface or between the palms to a thread about l/8 in. in diameter. Fold the thread and reroll repeatedly until the thread crumbles at a diameter of about 1/8 in. when the plastic limit is reached. After the thread crumbles. the pieces should be lumped together and kneaded until the Jump crumbles. The tougher the thread near the plastic limit and the stiJTer the lump when it finally crumbles, the more active are the clay mineral$ in the soil. Weakness of the thread at the plastic limit and quick loss of cohcrance of the Jump below the plastic limit indicate plastic silts, .kaolin-type clays, or organic soils which occur below the A-line on the plasticity chart. None to weak Very weak to firm Very weak to weak Very weak to firm iirm to tough Firm to very tough DILATANCY. (Reacti~n to shaking) Mold a lump of soil about 1/2 in. in size w!th enough water, if necessary. to make the soil soft but not sticky. Smooth the soil pat in the palm of one hand and shake horizontally, striking the back of the hand vigorously against the other hand several times. A. positive reactior. consists of the appearance of .water on the surface of the pay which changes to a livery consistency and becomes glossy. When the pat is squeezed between the fingers. the water and gloss disappear, the pat stiffens, ~nd finally it cracks or crumbles. . The reaction is .. ddea if instantly produced by a single blow, fut if produced by less than 5 blows, llow if requiring more than 5 blows, and DODC if no change can be seen after many blows. Nonplastic sills give a sudden or fast reaction whereas clays which occur above the A-line show no reaction. Sudden to slow Slow to none siow Slow to none Slow to none None U.S. Department of the Interior, Earth Manual, Second Edition, 1974. DRY STRENGTII (Crushing chafacteristics) Mold a lump of soil about 112 in., in size to the consistency of putty, .adding water if necessary. Allow the lump to dry completely in the sun, air, or oven, and test its strength by crushing between the fingers. The crl;tsh~ng strength is as follows: . none or yery low if the Jump crumbles with: the mere pressure of handling. I . lew if the lump crumbles to powder with little I finger pressure. medium if considerable finger pressure is · required to powder the lump. but a 5mea1· of powder can be easily rubbed off a smooth surface of the lump. · high if the lump cannot be crushed to powder by finger pressure, even though it may be . broken, and it is not even possible to rub off a smear of powder from a smooth surface of the lump. Yery hi&h if lump cannot be broken between thumb and a ha~d surface. · None to low Low to medium Low to medium Medium to high 1 • Me~.lium to high lligh to very high F.XHTBTT 13 ~ ' 1 ~i ' ' 11 IJ ·~ iJ ~. ' . .~~ tJ L . .. u DESCRIPTIVE TERMINOLOGY FOR RELATIVE DENSITY Proposed Correlations of Penetration Resistance and Soil Properties Extn:me cautio~:~ should be exercised in usins any table of corre14tions outside the areas or for other conditions than those for which the correlations have been established; even then large devi~tiona Irom auch con·elationa have been reported, The penetration reaiatance depends not only on dimensions of the equipment and the consistency or rel&tive density of the •oil, but it may abo vary with the method of operation, depth below ground surface, and other factors not yet fully investigated, AUTHOR H. A. MOHR TERZAGHI AND PECK NEW YORK CITY CODE NEW ltNGLAND DIY., C.E. SAMPLER l-in. Extra Heavy Pipe Raymond -Fig. 17 8 Z..SO-in. OD 3.00-in. OD 1.315-in. OD, 0.957-in. ID Z.O-in. OD, 1.375-in. lD HAMMER 1•0 1b !, 30-in. :!: Fall 140 lb, 30-in. Fell 300 lb, 18-in. Fall 300 lb, 18-in. Fall Blows Blow11 Blows Blaws SOIL Designa~ion --· Designation --Designation --D:Jsiana tioll --Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. £ Very loose Leas • Very loose Leas 8 Loose Le&a 9 Looae 0-15 SAND • Loc;~se ~ -10 Loose 8-16 c and II Firm 9-13 Medium 10-30 Compact 16-50 Medium 16 -55 c SILT .. Hard 14-49 Dense 30-50 Compact 55 -110 -.; a: Hardpan Over 50 V'~ry dense Over 50 Very compact Over 50 Very compact Over 110 Very aoft Leas z Very soft 0-z Very soft Le5s 8 >. Soft Less 5 Soft z -• Soft 8-16 u c Soft 3-I 0 CLAY !l Medi~ 4-!I Medium stiff 16-55 • Medium 5-10 -Sliff 8 -15 Stiff to • c· Hard 11 -30 Very stiii 15 -30 Stif! \1 -30 55 -110 0 Medium hard 0 Hard Over 30 H~>rd Over 30 Very hArd Over 110 DESCRIPTIVE TERMINOLOGY FOR CONSISTENCY (Cohesive Soils) Consistency Very Soft Soft Medium Stiff Very Stiff Hard 50302 Field Identification Easily pentrated several inches by Easily pentrated several inches by Can be penett"ated several inches with moder~te effort fist thumb by thumb Readily indented by thumb but penetrated only with great effort Readily indented by thumbnail Indented with difficulty by thumbnail EXHIBIT 14 (] ll ..... u fj LJ [.., \ J IJ ~~; LJ DESCRIPTIVE TERMINOLOGY FOR MOISTURE Dry addition of moisture is necessary to compact the material close to the optimum moisture content; varying Moist degrees of wetness beyond the optimum moisture content; visible signs of Wet water Saturated voids are filled with water DESCRIPTIVE TERMINOLOGY FOR PLASTICITY De~ree of overall Identification Smallest diameter of p astlclty Pl (Burmlster system) rolled threads, mm Non plastic 0 SILT None Slight 1-5 Clayey Silt 6 Low 5-10 SILT and CLAY 3 Medium 10-20 CLAY and SILT 1.5 High 20-40 Silty CLAY 0.8 Very high >40 CLAY 0.4 "'After Burmister (1951a).33 Reprinted with permission from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 19, copyright, American Society for Testing and Materials. DESCRIPTIVE TERMINOLOGY FOR SOIL MODIFYING TERMS Trace Littl~~ Some And 50303 ~--;---;y---~----r~·---~·-·· -·-·•·••·"-"·'·w~~W«·~·· ,,.,,..,,,, . .. ~· ' 1-10% 10-20% 20-35% 35-50% EXHIBIT 15 ;t:M!Jo19.1ll!!~!{ Q {J J;.: ·---·~ I I ., .~: ! ! j I ., I ! l I l , I I I I U! ' ' l f . ' -. . . . · o , ·(o· . 2 4 o . C. .;. I -' ' I. '\ -£ ., I r-r- -, TEST SECTION.....,_ t ~ ~ L----~ -L. .. J PRESSURE GAUGE FLEXIBLE HOSE DRILL RODS INFLATABLE PACKERS ~ . e:~ __ j ~ '-·····---·'"' ~ c. .. J NOTE: ~ ~--·-::1 lL_3 SURGE TANK f~~3 1. SURGE TANK IF NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN STEADY FLOW .. -,; c=::::~:::l! !!!£IJ3J E:'iZJ!Jl R!!_, .... ~ ~;;:::;:::::;a WATER TANK NOT TO SCALE ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PACKER TYPE PRESSURE TEST APPARATUS ~~.;~!,~ .-.~ ___ I EXHIBIT o.ut I c;oomuct ~ 1 6 aJ<HOIJI!iAQI AlA .. A • \I ·E 1 >) I ~~ ... '.: IJ ~ IJ 1 .. ., l I ' I 1 ,J L u IJ I IJ u L L t~ lJ WATER PRESSURE GAUGE ·EXAMPLE: A= 105 FT. 8 -=150 FT. C = 45 FT. D =-120 FT. H = 2 FT. 1. INFLATION PRESSURE (I P) FOR PACKERS MUST BE SUFFICIENT TO WITHSTAND: a) HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE AT THE DEPTH OF LOWEST PACKER (D) b) PRESSURE OF THE WATER COLUMN IN THE TEST PIPE (C+H) c) INJECTION PRESSURE OF WATER BEING PUMPED INTO THE TEST INTERVAL (X) d) INCREMENT OF PRESSURE, USUALLY ==. 30 PSI. TO SEAL THE PACKERS I P= 0.43D+0.43(C+H)+X+30 = 0.43(120)+0.43(45+2 )+1 05+30 I P= 210 PSI H GROUNDWATER TABLE 8 ------- :J--o---Y c D PACKER TEST SECTION 2. MAXIMUM NET APPLIED W.(\.TER PRESSURE AT MIDPOINT OF INTERVAL. NOT TO EXCEED 1 PSI PER. FOOT OF DEPTH ABOVE WATER TABLE X=B-0.43A = 150-0.43( 1 05) = 105 PSI 3. MAXIMUM GAUGE PRESSURE Y=-X-0.43(C+H ) =1 05-0.43(45+2) = 85 PSI - ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT HYDRAULIC PRES3URE TESTS f ' ·I ' o: IJ IJ [ IJ lj I~ L L Harza Engineering Company Fc.1rm SG-Is Sheet of ---- Date ----- REPORT OF WATER PRESSUJi~E TESTING PROJECT --------------------- Hole No. -------~---------- Angle(from Vertical) ____ __ Ground Elevation ___________ _ Location ------------------Bearing ____________________ __ Rock Elevation --------------- Coordinates: N. ________ _ Date Started ----------------Water depth during test _______ , E. ________ _ Date Completed __________ __ Logged by __________________ __ ·-~ -Pressure Depth +.1 Meter U'l rd -14-1 ~ Q) U'l 0'11 . I --re c Rate· ~ >o 0 ~ Q) 0 U'l Q) •.-1 •N c Q)+.l ... '+-! ...1 ~ s of e c e ·.-1 Test .c""-• Q) U'l ·.-1 e 0 +.!~ ~+.!+.! ~-~ . u •.-1 ~...-f Q)'O' Eno Q) ll-l •o-f rtS O"U'l ......... -:::J -+J Net (])·.-1 No. From To t:T +.! Q) Start Q) Loss ~ . 0'\ + ~ I {.) p,...Q ~ Cc+J ~ ~ .. ~, e -0 -ft. Q) H U'l eLl •.-1 (gpm) (.!) I~, CJ ·.-1 (psi) ~ Q) 3' ul ~ -E-t -tl 1:":.1 m. E-t units .. - -I -- .. ~ Depth to g1:oundwate:---feet X 0.433= psi Gage + Column-Friction Loss=Net Pressure * Column pressure = (depth to middle of tested interval or depth to groundwater, whichever is smaller) X (0.433) Conversion factors: cu.ft.X 7.48=gallons kg/cm2 X 14.22=psi meters X 3.28=feet liters X 0.264=gallons l j EXHIBIT 18 IJ u [] [; J u IJ' I I , I I I "; J ----------~---------------------------------------------------------~ I O!SERYATIO. •ELL IM ISOTIOttC !OIL: OITAIN !HAP£ FACTO« FROM TAIL£ 41•3. FOR CA!£ ICH 111 G£1it.RAL: { F • SHAI'f FACTOR DF IIH A~£ 1'0 lilT • AaSTAIIDI'II'£ Mf£A K A i. /.&, K• M!AII I'ERIIEAIILIT'I' .• F(t -f. 'l neAl. Lit H ,)ll'l. .HID (t. .,. t, J ARE r 1-' ·~ OITA J Jt£C FltOI !'LOT OF OBSCRrATIOIIS. ~~,. OISCI'YA T ION r!t.L i'I.CZOM£1£/f Ill ISOT,.OI'IC !011.: RADIUS OF tllrA~£1,0/IIT llfl DIFF£~S FROM RADIUS OF STAIIDI-11'£ (r). l1rL F• In(~) A• ttr~ • A I '-&_) K F(t.1 -tJ .n lll,l K• .!:.!.111 11) (La. .N,fo, 7 2L Ill L t2-t, J I'I£ZDMET£1f T£!1 I~ AIII50TRO~IC SOIL: 7'D 't'MT7CN. £STI•A T£ RA TID gF HOIUZOIIY.U • .i !J£RM£A811.117 AIID DIYID£ HORIZONTAL 011£11$1011$ Of TH£ IIITA~£ I'OIIIf ar: m • VK,JKv TO 'D«I'UT£ tJEAII 1'£RNCAIILIT1 1:• {1<-~~-.-K;. , lOR CAS£ (C J., TAIL£ ~-3: F• .. 2.1fL· h(!!jfc} • f:! ~ (!!!fJ In Ht/Ht I( ~ L n R I {e., ·t.,) Analysis of Permeability by Vcuiable Head Tests REFERENCE: Department of. the Navy, NAVFAC DM-7, 1971. EXHIBIT 19 [ [ [ f [ 1.~ [ [ u I.J Q "" f-< ~ :;::)= ........ <a. (1)"-J zC -"' ~ .... w-t-! "--U. :IZ o- N&~.. !O g. :I &~:::I of-< ....1::1: ....If-~"' •u 1 z-oa. _o .... ~ <r->0 II:~ ll.l en = Q Shape Factors for ComputatiQn of Permeability From Variable Head Tests -· Shape Permeability, JC . Condition Diaaram factor, F by variable Applicability bead rest < (A) Uncased hole ••••• (for ~bservacion well of constant cross F ..• I • '' '· • I • • •.. .:. ... :. r :. :~·~r:.~ section) (8) Ca$ed hole, soil flush with bottcm. (C) Cased hole, un· eased or perforated e:uensiol'l of lenach •L•. (D) Cased hole, column of soil inside cas• lAs co heiahc wL •. (E) Cased hole, op~­ i.AJ flush with wpper boundary of aquifer of iaf.u:Uce clepda .. . . .. • • I • • ~ ". ··• I:.:J *' . ·i'P.:_t· k' , ... ·:¥. . ·L I •• ... -;' .. . . . . . . . ~ . . .... . . . .. . -~··· -~~ ~ -.... •.· ~ '• ...... ~· •.• a~• •1 •• + lJ· ,!l (J • • _, t·u r+ ... . . . ~~ ~ . ... · ... · • • ~ ...... 0 :....: ··~·I~~.:.. . . :--:--' ' . . . . .. cAsMG:.: o .I ':.;!1• • ~I ..... ~ ••• $' + .... . . .. . ' -··.. ..~ ·.' ··~1. ·.:-:..: L-t:..:.J. ...... ..... I o I . . . ~ · .. ;f.r· .. • • ,J • • .. • • ~ -:-:---:-. "-; ~.-:r:-.-:-. . .. ·: ~· ·~~. .... ~~~:..:_ T •' • 1' .. '• ... .. ~ .. .. . '~ • • :· ·: L • • • • :.:..J.. . . . . • ~ 4 ••• . . . ,.,_%D'~ • ...!!.... • (Nr•ll,) I( ,.().3 (t., •t,) RJII !!.. <. $0 " nr~~r (-"' /I If K • ii(c,-&,} 1" 7ii) , __ I 6·s.o~ &'>"" ,Oil R•zt.(~:t..) In(~)/~ • Z'ffL F• _...__ •(-IJ 'Oif ~ > 4 nt'R'b. /1' • ZTit P.IL. K• ~Jl'A+IIl. /" N, ll(c.·tf) 71i Simsrlest method for per· mcabilicy determinacion. Noc applicable in urac· ificd soils. For yalues of S, see Fiaure 4·3. Used for permeability 4eccrmination ac shal· lowr d~pchs b~ISlw the wacer table. May yield unreliable results in fallina head rest wirh slltin& of boa:om of bole. Used for permeability decenn.infltions u areacer depchs below water table. Principal use is for per•• aac:ability in vertical direction in waor.ropi.c soils. Used for permeability decerminatioa when surface impe"ious layer is telAtiTc:ly chia. May yield unreliable results ia fallins head ccsc with sildna of bo'ccom of hole. (F) Cased hole, ur i ~') Used for pcrmeabillry caa~d or 9Ctformred -r. 11'/f 1/, clete:rminations ac esrteaaioa ia~o IU/ /// f/ /.~ K• ij'i.·tJ ln(7,J depths arearer ch•.n a"wler of fuaic• ~~~~~~/.~ ,. '"•_. about 5 fr:. For nlu.es mic:kae••= W//'.1 ~ V /a~ 1------+---------~·;-,.... _o£_c_._,_•_e_F_i_aur_e_4_· 3_·~ CU + t. o. & o '"//"//~ I'!./ ~~'/7/~ (f) Used for penrur:abHity dltt" ta.l 0,.2. c ... " o. •• ~ ·: •,:: ·.::J l:: •l: . ; . . ,.,(./d.;.) cemiaadons ac att:l.lte.t' Gl \1 • ~. oo " :. •J • ~d' ~· !!f,f;J lf•a 1 Itt"~) In fii;J dep'thl! a ad for fiDe ""·~~·· · .,. Jr&iaed sc;ila usins N:~:~!:ce!~~~ ::1 :.::· ~ 1'0/f j• 1"~ p«ous iac:alcc paine ol r . .. .. • • piezomc:ccr. co source ac co a• • • • • • L1 SQachca~ I :j•l•:• ~ ..... ----------~~--------.......... --~ ..... --.......... ---------------~ •• I I '"" • ' I (J' I " II. • • ~""':..P.:...' .....a. " A.s-·-c Yalu .. • of ~0 z • • ·~· :;-, :· · · ! t '!iJ. i 'lrl'~) I ......... ... "' •:: • •' •• •·.· :. • · • · I'•-1 ~ . ,... il 200 f.c1t e:n.imace' Uft<" 1 0 • ,: ~ r~:.~: '" .. :'., :#•#, •:¥ '! /ftr,'.;;.&} If•/"(...:.) · . -----,· If l ,, ZLJt., •tJ ~r' less observations wells ate made co cieu:rmine I ac:naal 't&lue oi R 0 • ;.._,-..:.-----·-.. ; .. ---------------·---------,;._----------l REFERENCE: Department of the Navy, NAVFAC DM-7, 1971. . I f i - •J EXHIBIT 20 F r [ r . ···I .. '~ ,, (\ I I I I I I i[ IJ [ [ [ [ [ 1 ' j [ [ L ·[ L I' ' ~ .. C\1 ...... ,.. C\1 c:\1 DETA,fl _ .... ~"'~ 3/ 4e PVC PIPE DRILLED. HOLES 1 ·1/2. -3/ 4"" REDUCER REMOTE SENSING LEADS PRESSURE CELL PIEZOMETER 1/16• SLOTS 1 112• PVC HYDRO-TIP PIEZOMETER TIP BOTTOM OF HOLE METAL TELEPHONE BOX------J STEEL CASING.._ GROUND SURFACE OVERBURDEN BEDROCK7 ANGLE BOREHOL'E PLASTIC TAPE 3/4" PVC PIPE ~BENTONITE PELLETS REMOTE SENSING LEADS --PIEZOMETER TIP -PRESSURE CELL PIEZOMETER 1/16" SLOTS NOT TO SCALE ALASKA POYVER AUTHORITY . SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT I' , l I I ~ .:., ~. I ' I li [ . ~ ~~ ~ £ I' '' -i' ~~ .J lj' [ L; 'l L L., J aorino Number I ~ l-.,-· I -- I M~asurement of Ground JOB N~ill.:i]} E R OWNER LOCATION "iimc .. --~ ~-- -- --~~ J ! 1-- I . .. __ 3 .,. -- I Rehrra,tice Point - I - .. ··- f l Top o.f Ca11ino $ Ground Surface, etc., Elevation of Reference - . - I -' L . Water Levels DATE BY METHOD OF MEASUREMENT .... Depth to Wafer Water Elevation ,• ,. ..- Notes No_te CasinQ St1ck 1.1p, ciOQQing 1 etc. - EXHIBIT 22 1 I I ' . • ~ \ . ' I ' ' lj (j IJ (j u u L L L GROUND SURFACE· ANGLE BOREHOLE- BFNTONITE PELLETS PRESSURE CELL PIEZOMETER SAND ~------BOTTOM OF HOLE ·~:<~cr·" y~:t;l-.>~-. ,_,_,,o,.;.c~'"~"'"' ··~"""''~'~"'"" """''d·,.,.,..,,"", ~,., ,, METAL TELEPHONE BOX--- STEEL CASING BEDROCK7 .---PRESSURE CELL LEADS NOT TO SCALE ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT SINGLE JNST ALLATION REMOTE SENSING PIEZOMETER [ [ [ ~~ [ 1·: .:.:.1 u L) L L L L PRESSURE CELL LEADS TAPED TO OUTSIDE OF 3/4• PVC PIPE 3/4. PVC PIPE ;·~~.:.~:~, ~:-.;~:· PRESSURE CELL PIEZOMETER ~ BENTONITE PELLETS METAL TELEPHONE BOX STEEL CASING -- GROUND SURFACE ANGLE BOREHOLE PRESSURE CELL PIEZOMETER NOT TO ·SCALE ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT IAIU·IMICI EXHIBIT -BOTTOM OF HOLE 24 -~· ·' ·~·· ~ .... ,.·-~~·-. . ' ·:· ·,· ·· ·-.. ---~. ~-'-~----~: -----~--------'-: :··· \;r·---·---------· ---~-----~----~-.. ---,.----------------··----·tr------------------------.. -----~-----.. ~-,-~----~ " ·.~~1 ljl.~·. ' ,,..,..... I I I IJ I ~ u [ [ [ [ [ [1 L L~ l L L I I i ! . - DAILY ENGINEERS REPORT 1984 SUSITNA FIELD PROGRAM WATANA CAMP SHEET--OF-- DATE----------REPORT NO. ---------------- WE~HER CONDITIONS~~----------~----­ REPORT ACTIVITIES DELAYS REMARKS ENGINEER EXHIBIT 25 • r·1· ~UA·EUBCO ~-~17'!1A JOINT YENTI.JifE WATANA DEVELOPMENT RIG GEOLOGIST SHIFT-.. REPORT CO~~CTOR: ______________________________________________________________ __ fr DATE: HOLE Nos-------H/E RIG GEO. _______ _ SHIFT: ANGLE: _________ _ DRILLER: _________ _ RIG No. __...,..._ _____ _ HOLE SI(.E: _____ _ HELPER: __________ _ DEPTH OF HOLE: START OF SHIFT D.'D OF SHIFT s::n:-1 TOTALS ITEM ~-lORK STARTING TIME: A.M. P.Mo HOURS INo • DESCRIPTION ~ 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7FOOTAG:t S.T. -cr.~. 1 MOB. /DEMOB~ -2 SITE PREP. I a) 'P/4.DS I b) PLATFOlt.~ I . I l -· c) HELICOPTER I ! • T J.- 3 I I SOIL DRILLING I -• 4 ROCK CORING I I I ' a) '!H" SIZE I i I I I ~ I £:~:.7-'. ---I I b) "N" SIZE I c) CASING I I I 5 PRESSURE I TESTING . 6 OPERATING RATE-I a) INSTRmmJ ' i b) ENGR. DIR. -· r F .. . I AVAIL. RATE f a) ALI Gh"M!,lli'r I b) GEfJPHYSICS . I I I I c) STANDBY ~ -· 8 WATER SUPPLY .a) LAKE + i b) RIVER I l: c) CAMP Hw. i I 9 MOVE TIME -·~ -I 10 -' DOWN TIME 11 OTHER (EXPLAIN) . I ~ - MATERIAL DESCRIPTION QUANTITY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION QUANTITY !'.J' EX1-!IBIT 26 .... IJ [ [ [, . l I ~ WIND SP££0 All L£5 Pf~ HOUR CALM. 10 20 25 .30 3.5 40 WINDS ~BOV£ 40 H~VE LITTLE ADDITIONAL EFFECT. ·:·.r ..... · ';,\~--·· ··-··-v ··--····-·--· ····----· ... '. 1,, • ~ ~ . ' . COOf..ING POWER OF WIND EXPRE.SSED AS "EQUIVALeNT CHILL TEMPERATURE" TE MP£1-qATUR£ (OF) 40 3!i 30 2.5 zo ,, 10 EQUIVALENT CHILL TEMPERATURE 3-' 30 Z!5 20 1!5 ;o !0 20 15 10 !5 0 -10 -15 -20 -2.5 -3.5 -40 -45 -50-60 -6.5 -70 -:1.5 -80 -90 -9.5 ... :.:::·· • < -~···. ~ ·-·~·. ·• .•• -~·~7:·. -~' 2.5 1.5 10 0 -.5 -H> 1-20 -25 -30 -40 -4!5 -.50 -60 -6.5 -10 -80 -8.5 -90 -100-10!5!-110 •·.· ... ·"' ' .. zo 10 0 -ICJ -1!$ 1!5 10 0 _, -15 -20 -30 -3.5 ~.4.5 10 0 .. · .. . •.. .::.·. ·.-.. -·· 10 _, -to -20 -Jo -.3.5 -o40 -.50 -60 -65 ~7~ -so -.~o -1oo 10!5 -11!5 !ZO -1.30 -t~ -14.5 ·:.: .• · .... ~--· ,·.· : ..... · ' . 10 o _, -1.5-20-30 -~ _,..,_,,-so -To -7.5-8.5 -95 -t·oo--i'to -11!5 -tz.5-t.30-t40-J!50 LITTLE DANGER DAN{$£R OF FReEZING EXPOSED FLESH EXHIBIT 27 "l ·=-. I I I I I I I I l APPENPICES A -Drilling Methods B -Rock Core Storage and Photos C -Piezometer Devices D -Earth manual -USBR E -Permafzost Field Description F -Field Description of Soils G -Lugeon~ Measure Hydraulic Pressure Testing H -Site Geology I -Helicopter Safety Manual i ~~ .l l -~" ,1~-·;~.~. ~·· .J \ In ~· I I ! l i ! I l ! l i l I I ! I I I l I I l !' l l l f, I I I ! I I I \ : "'. -. . . . '/ " ~ ' -. . " . . .. 1 .... ·.· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _I .I I APPENDIX A DRILLING METHODS TABLE OF CONTENTS Section/Title 1.0 ROTARY DRILLING 2.0 1 .1 STRAIGHT ROTARY 1.2 REVERSE ROTARY 1.3 BASIC ELEMENTS 1.4 OVERBURDEN DRILL BITS -NO SAMPLING 1.5 ROCK BITS CORE 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2 .. 7 2.8 2.9 2.10 SAMPLES GENERAL DRILLING EQUIPMENT AND METHODS CORING BITS REAMING SHELLS CORE LIFTERS AND RETAINERS SINGLE TUBE CORE BARRELS DOUBLE TUBE CORE BARRELS LARGE DIAMETER CORE BARRELS WIRE LINE CORE BARRELS INTEGRAL CORING METHOD . ~ Page 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 7 7 7 8 10 10 11 .. :] I I ·I·· I I ,I I ~I il I I I I I I I '.,~ .... """' ,"-~. ~-,;-.; ;:-·" •'• 1.0 ROTARY DRILLING The design of engineering structures demands accurate knowledge of subsurface conditions and physical properties of the foundation materials~ The least disturbed core or samples are required to determine these properties, demanding extreme care in application of core and sampling methods. No single method will preclude satisfactory results in all types of bedrock. Different devices and techniques have been developed for drilling and sampling a wide variety of foundations. Proper coring and sampling is a combination of science and art; many procedures have been standardized, but alteration and adaptation of techniques are often dictated by specific investigation requirements. The highest quality samples or cure are obtained at the least cost by using a variety of equipment an"'J techniques applied with experience and sound judgment as dictated by t! ' subcurfac0 conditions. 1.1 Straight Rotar¥ The Watana boreholes will be advanced using the rotary drilling method, by rotating a drill string consisting of a series of hollow drill rods to the bottom of which is attached either a cutting bit or a core barrel with a coring bit. Cutting bits shear off chips of the material penetrated and thus are used primarily for penetrating overburden. Coring bits cut an annular hole around an intact core which enters the barrel and is retrieved. As the rods with the bit or barrel are rotated, a downward pressure is applied to the drill string (rods) to obtain penetration, and drilling fluid under pressure is introduced into the bottom of the hole through the hollow drill rods and passages in the bit and barrel. The drilling fluid serves the dual function of cooling the bit and removing the cuttings from the bottom of the hole as it returns to the surface in the annular space be tween the drill rods and the walls of the hole. In an uncased hole, it also serves to support the walls of the hole. Rotary drilling for putting down holes in soil may be used for borings 2.5 inches in diameter and larger. The rotary drilling method has several advantages over methods such as cable tool drilling as it is more rapid, 'in general, than the other methods and usually results in less disturbance to the material to be sampled. The primary disadvantage of this method is that it is not well adapted for use in materials containing a large percentage of particles of gravel size or larger since these particles will rotate beneath the drill bits and cannot be easily bl.'oken. Thus, a nest of gravel wi 11 coot inually remain at the base of the hole. 1.2 Reverse Rotar¥ The procedure described above ~s referred to as straight rotary drilling. A second method of rotary drilling commonly used is referred to as reverse rotary or reverse cirulation drilling. The difference in the two methods is primarily in the circulation of the drilling £1 uid to remove the cuttings and in the equipment used; the reverse rotary also is limited to use with noncoring bits. In the reverse rotary 50302/ A A-1 method, as the rods are rotated, the drilling fluid is introduced under gravity into the annular space between the drill rods and the walls of the hole. The fluid, laden with cuttings from the bottom of the hole, returns to the surface via the hollow drill rods. The return flow is accomplished by (a) application of a head at the top of the annulus relative to the discharge end of the drill rods; (b) application of ~uction on the drill rods; (c) introduction into the drill rods of a supply of air which mixes with the drill fluid and causes it to be removed by air lifts When compared to straight rotary drilling, this method has the dual advantage of (1) minimization of disturbance to the walls of the hole owing to the higher head in the hole and more outward seepage pressure on the hole walls; and (2) more rapid and efficient removal of cuttings from the hole since the area of the drill rods is less than the annulus thereby giving higher upward velocity. However, !t is best suited to holes 12 inches and larger in diameter. 1.3 Basic Elements The basic elements of rotary drilling consist Gi a rotary drive mechanism nnd a means of applying downward pressure to the drill rods as they are rotated. In the rotary drive mechanism, spiral bevel gears are used to tran~mit po-'wer from the motor to a driv·e quill which commonly has a hexagoaal or octagonal boreo The quill in turn drives a strong hollow steel spindle of similar cross section reiarred to as the drive head, which has a chuck attached to its lower end. Drill rods and flush steel casing are fed into the hole directly through t:he hollow spindl~ and are gripped by the chuck ~o that the rotary motion of the spindle is tr~nsferred to the rods or casing. These hydraulic cylinders are used to apply a downward pressure, through the yoke, to the drill rods as they are rotated. Some rotary rigs are e~'tipped with a screw-feed mechanism in lieu of the hydraulic feed vbit. . The characteristics of some of the more commor1 rotary rigs) including two portable rigs, are shown in table form on Exhibit Al~ 1.4 Overburden Drill Bits -No Sampling Several types of cutting bits are available for use in rotary dril:ing. Some of these are shown in Exhibit A2. In general, these bits :may be. divided into two broad categories, drag bits and rock bits. The type of bit used will be determined primarily by the characteristics 6'E the material to be penetrated. Drag bits rely on a shearing and scraping action to remove material and therefore are suit~ble primarily for use in overburden; some may also be used in soft rock. Included in this category are fishtail, bladed, replaceable blade, and carbide insert bits (Exhibit A2). The fishtail (a) is a bit resembling a straight chopping bit with a split cutting edge, each half of which has been turned slightly in the direction of rotation. The term bladed bit {b) is applied to bits having two, three, or four blades or wings which have been forged to a thin cutting edge and turned slightly in the direction of rotation. The tips of the cutting edges of both types of bit are made of tungsten carbide alloy for wear resistance. The carbide insert drag bits (c) are similar except that they do not have turned edges and the insert forms the cutting edge. These are commonly 50302/A A-2 -··--~-----:--~I-;:;;:-= -----·----·;.----c~----·--·-·-········~--···"-·-·····-····-··-···"'··-··--··············-·-·""7',......_··· --....til I I I I I I I I I .I I il"" . " I I . I I I available with three or four wings. The Hawthorne replaceable blade bit and similar bits commonly have three insert blade bits which are themselves individually replaceable. All of the drag bits have passages through which the drilling fluid may be pumped. These jets are directed at the blades for cleaning purposes. The fishtail bit and the two-bladed bit are used in sands, clay, and other soils. The three-and four-bladed bits of the fixed blade, carbide insert, and replaceable blade types are suitable for use in firmer soils and in somewhat harder materials than the fishtail. 1.5 Rock Bits The rock bits used in rotary drilling are classified as noncoring or coring bits depending upon whether the roc:k is broken into small fragments and washed out of the hole or is recovered in the form of au intact core. Noncoring bits are used to advance a hole when there is no need for intact samples to be taken. They are of three types, the cone bit, the roller bit, and the diamond plug bit. The cone and roller bits have teeth milled on the surfaces of cones and rollers which are so mounted that the teeth rotate as it is turned. The cone type bits are available with two or three C<)nes, the latter of which (Exhibit A2) is commonly referred to as a tricone bit (d). The roller bit has two rollers on inclined axes and two rollers on a horizontal axis which are mounted perpendicular to the: included rollers. The spacing and height of the teeth on both the cone and roller bits depend on the material to be penetrated. Long and widely spaced teeth are used for soft materials. Diamond plug bits are of three types, namely, concave, pilot, and taper. The concave bit (Exhibit A2) is used in relatively soft rock. The pilot bit which has a lead section of smaller diameter than the remainder of the bit is used in hard rock and in vertical holes in rock strata of differing hardness. The taper-type is particularly ~ell adapted for use in very hard rock. However, it is common practice to advance holes through rock or very dense overburden by taking continuous cores with core barrels. In such cases a coring bit is required which attaches to the bottom of the core barrel and cuts an annular hole rather than a hole covering the entire cross section of the boring. Four basic categories of coring bits are available, namely, diamond, carbide insert, sawtooth and calyx or shot bits. 2 .. 0 CORE SAMPLES 2.1 General Rock and overburden coring is the process in which a tube (core barrel) with a cutting bit at its lower end, cuts an annular hole in the foundation mass thereby creating a cylinder or core which is recovered in the cpre barrel or within a second or inner tube within the cor~ barrel • The primary purpose of core drilling is to obtain an intact sample truly representative of the in situ material. The behavior of a foundation mass is affected not so much by the type and hardness of the material composing the rock itself but more significantly by the nature 50302/A A-3 .,.._, c-·~, of fractures in the rock. The size and spacing of fractures, degree of weathering of fractures, and the presence of soil within the fractures are critical items. Generally the resistance of a rock mass to sliding depends on the strength of soil within fractures or shear zones. In some instances in better rock and witb the use of proper equipment and good drilling technique, close to 100 percent core recovery is achieved. 2.2 Drilling Technique Insofar as proper technique is concerned, the primary objective is to obtain the maximum percent core recovery and the maximum amount of information rather than to achieve the maximum rate of product ion. In all cases the drilling procedure to be followed is the one which brings about the highest percent recovery. The exact procedure must be determined in the field. Variations in the speed of rotation, the downward pressure on the core barrel, the pressure at which the drilling flt!id is introduced into the hole and the length of hole drilled (run length) prior to removal of the core are major items which must be controlled by the driller. In general, coring should be initiated with short runs both because the t•.pper portions of the rock mass are commonly highly fractured and also because the elevations of any core losses can be more accurately determined. The length of the runs may be increased to 5 or even 10 ieet when conditions indicate that this is permissible. However, under no circumstances ~hould coring be continued when it is obvious that the core barrel is blocked. This can only result in a grinding down and l~ss of core. In zones which are highly fractured or where the barr~l coatiually becomes blocked it is essential that short runs be used even though this means removal of the entire string of drilling tools every foot or even every few inches unless a wirelinc core barrel is being utilized. In general~ core barrels are operated at speeds from 50 to 1750 rpm. Es::>entially, the harder the rock the faster the permissible speed. However, the ultimate factor determining the speed i~' the amount of vibration encountered as the speed is increased. Operating speeds in good rock are indicated by Acker (1956) to be 800 to 1200 rpm for EX ~nd AX bits; up to 800 rpm for BX bits; and up to 600 rpm for NX bits. Downward pressure on the bit is determined on the basis of experience. Rod vibration or "chatter" generally indicates the need for a reduced bit pressure. Coring is soft rock also requires low bit pressure. The pressure under which the drilling fluid should be introduced into the hole is the minimum consistent with adequate removal of cuttings from the hole and proper cooling of the bit. 2.3 Drilling Equipment and Methods The wide variation in the characteristics of rock materials and the conditions under which they must be sample.d has led tv ::be development of a wide variety of core barrel assemblies and spec~a1 drilling methods in an effort to achieve high quality sampling and a high percent recovery. Efforts have been directed toward equipment 50302/A A-4 -p ij I, II I~ j IJ I; f .. [. ' . [. I l l I ' " ...... ,·· which is capable of coring, within a single sampling Gperation, materials ranging from extremely soft to extremely hard and equipment in which erosion of the core by the drilling fluid is minimized. Devices to improve core retetttion also have received attention. The core barrels currently in use are of three basic types, namely, the single tube, the rigid-type double tube, and the swivel-type double tube. A special type of single tube barrel, which is referred to as a shot core or calyx barrel, is also commonly used to obtain large-size cores. Core barrels are av~ilable in a variety of sizes ranging from those which produce cores having a nominal diameter of 13/16 of an inch to those producing 48-inch and larger cores o The Diamond Core Drill Manufactures Association (DCDMA) has established standards for the more commonly used sizes of diamond core drill equipment. These standards cover not only the core barrels and their component parts but also drill rods and casing. (Selected standards -Exhibit A3) Basically, core barrel assemblies comprise, from top to bottom, the following components which are threaded to one another: a head section; tubular sections variously referred to as outer tubes or core barrels and inner tubes or inner barrels; liners; reaming shells;. and core bits. Core retainers or lifters are devices located at the lower end of the barr0l and designed to hold the core in the barrel. The nature of the reaming shells, core retainers, and coring bits is similar for most barrels. It is the arrangement of the core retainer and both the nature and arrangement of the remaining items which distinguish one type of barrel from another. Therefore, in the discussion which follows, coring bits, reaming shells, and core retainers are described separately; the remaining elements are described as they are related to one another in each of the specific types of barrel designated at the start of this section. Also described are wirel ine core barrels which were developed to increase the speed of drilling; a sampling procedure and the Integral Coring Method • 2.4 Coring Bits The coring bit is the bottom most component of the core barrel assembly. It is the grinding action of this component which cuts the core from the rock mass. Three basic categories of bits are in use: diamond, carbide insert and sawtooth, described below. Diamond coring bits may be of the surface set or diamond-impregnated type. In the former (Exhibit A4) (a) and (B)), the diamonds are set in tha roetal matrix at the interior and exterior faces of the bit near its t'ottcm and also on the bottom or cutting face of the bit. The diamond-impregnated bit, on the other hand, has small pieces of diamond ~mbedded throughout the metal matrix of the bit. The diamonds used for b.:>th types of bit are commonly West African, procesrsed, or Congo bortz. Surface set bits of standard design, which will provide good performance under average conditions, are readily available from drill equipment manufactures. However, the wide variation in the hardness, abrasiveness, and degree of facturing encountered in rock has led to the design of bits to meet specific conditions known to exist or 50302/A A-5 l 1 encountered at given sites. Thus, wide variations in the quality, size, and spacing of diamonds; the composition of the metal matrix; the face contour; and the type and number of waterways are found in bits of this type. Similarly .. , the weight of diamonds and the composition of the metal matrix of impregnated bits also are varied to meet differing rock conditions. Diamond coring bits are the most versatile of all coring bits since they can prod'lCe high quality cores in rock materials ranging from soft to extremely hard. No other type of bit will produce a satisfactory core in extremely hard rock or in deposits comprising alternating layers of ha~d and soft rock. Compared to other types, diamond bits in general permit more rapid coring and, exert lower torsional stresses on the core. The latter permits the retrieval of longer cores and cores of small diameter. Compared to one another, the di~mond~impregnated type of bit is particularly well adapted for use in drilling extremely abrasive materials which can cause the dislodging of the diamonds in the surface set bit. In such materials the impregnated bit has the advantage that as the bit is worn, new diamonds are exposed to continue the cutting action. On the other hand, the surface set bit can be reset as the bit becomes worn, whereas the impregnated bit is used until it is worn out. The selection of the correct diamond size or type of crown is the key to fast and economical drilling. The type of drilling equipment and the technique used have some influence on the selection of diamond size, but primarily the correct diamond selection depends on the characteristics of the formations being drilled, not only the predominant rock· type, but also the alterations, inclusions and structure of the rock. The size of diamonds selected for use in a specific geological formation follows the general rule that a soft formation requires large stones and a hard formation smaller stones. Diamond sizes are always related to the number of stones in one carate weight of diamonds (1 carat = 0.2 gram). The hardness of the matrix in which the diamonds are set is also dependent on the hardness and abrasiveness of the formation, the machine RPM's and the bit pressure. To hard a matrix will cause the crown to become polished producing low penetration rates. To soft a matrix will produce loosened stones that will be either destroyed or washed out. Responsibility for the final choice and use of diamond crown type usually lies with the drilling contractor. The choice will greatly influence his penetration rates and drilling costs. Carbide insert bits are of several types. Two types, the standard and the pyramid, are shown in Exhibit A4 (c) and (d) respectively. These bits use tungsten carbide in lieu of diamonds to penetrate the material being cored. Bits of this type are used to core soft to medium-hard rCJck. They are less expensive than diamond bits. However, the rate of drilling is slower than with diamond bits. 50302/A A-6 .,...., -..• -f' ... I I I I --~~ .... · ~---------·-·-·------------·~---·-·--··-····---·---·-·-·~··'"''""'"'"~-~-........... -;-.. ,~ .. --....... , ... l ..... -.. ~--.. -........ ~-.:··"·-···-.. -·-··--···"'"''"'"--:-·-........... ,......_ ... _ .. ~ .... _,_ ...... -. ....,. ... _ .. _ .......... ,, ...... _ ... ~ .. --···--·~--~----·-···----·-----·~··· .. ~~--·-···--;c··. "'' 0 ' "" . . .. r ·.r • ~ --' J; 11 I •ll . J .[ : ,l [ II~ 'J [ I' . j l . ' . l • L .~ L In sawtooth bits, shown in Exhibit A4 (e), the cutting medium compris~~ a series of teeth which are counnonly cut into the bottom of the bit. The teeth are faced and tipped with a hard metal alloy such as tungsten carbide to provide wear resistance and thereby to increase the life of the bit. These bits have the advantage of being less expensive than diamond bits. However, they do not provide as high a rate of coring and do not have a salvage value. The sawtooth bit is used primarily to core overburden and very soft rock. An important feature of all bits which should be noted is the type of waterways provided in the bits for the passage of the drilling fluid. Bits are available with so-called "conventional" waterways, which are passages cut on the interior face of the bit (Exhibit A4), or with bottom discharge waterways, which are internal and discharge at the bottom face of the bit behind a metal skirt separating the core from the discharge fluid (Exhibit A4). Bottom discharge bits should be used when coring soft rock or rock having soil-filled joints. 2.5 Reaming Shells The reaming shell is a metal sleeve, threaded at both ends, which serves as a coupling between the core barrel and the bit. It is slightly larger in diameter than the core barrel and its surface is set with diamonds, has insert strips with diamonds or has carbide insert strips. These are set to a diameter slightly larger than that of the coring bit. The shell thus reams the hole and thereby serves to maintain the gauge of the hole and to reduce wear on the bit as the barrel is moved in and out of the hole. 2.6 Core Lifters and Retainers There are two devices commonly used to retain the core as the core barrel is removed from the borehole. These are the split-ring core lifter and the basket retainer. The split-ring 1 ifter is a tapered split ring of tempered steel which is fluted on either its interior or exterior surface. It is held in place by the tapered inner face of the coring bit or the core lifter case. As the core passes through the bit the core lifter spreads to permit the: core to enter the recovery tube. When the barrel is withdrawn from the hole and the core tends to slip down, the tapered shape of the core lifter causes the lifter to jam between the barrel and core and so grip the core. This type of lifter is used primarily to retain cores of sound rock. The basket retainer, comprises a base ring to the periphery of which are welded curved strips of fingers of spring steel. These fingers initially rise vertically and then curve toward the center of the ring. The steel used may be stiff or extremely flexible. Retainers with stiff fingers are used when soft rock and dense or hard soil are being cored; flexible fingers are used when extremely soft or fine-grained soils are cored. The basket retainer may be held in place by the tapered inner face of a bit or may be set in a recess at the upper end of the bit which holds it in place against: the bottom of the core recovery tube. In operation, the fingers of the basket retainer spread to permit the core to enter the recovery tube as the core barrel is 50302/A A-7 advanced. If the core tends to slip out as the sampler is removed from the hole, the fingers dig into the core and retain it. 2.7 Single Tube Co~e Barrels This is the most rudimentary, the least expensive and the most durable of the care barrels. The barrel from top to bottom consists of a core barrel head, a core barrel, a reaming shell, a core lifter, and a core bit. Each component, except ~he core lifter, is threaded to the piece innnediately above. The core lifter is held in place by the tapered inner surface of the coring bit and by the bottom of the reaming shell against which it bears when the core is passing through it. In operation, the single tube barrel (Exhibit AS -Fig. 137) is rotated as a downward force is applied and drilling fluid is introduced to the hole under pressure. The fluid flows through th•e drilling rods into the core barrel tube where it passes between the core and the walls of the core barrel to the bottom of the bit. From there it flows upward in the drill hole, between the barrel and the walls of the hole, carrying the cuttings to the surface. In some cases a piece of tube, called a sludge barrel or calyx is threaded to the top of the core barrel head. This serves to collect the larger particles of the cuttings which tend to drop from suspension as the drilling fluid flowing from the small annular space around the barrel enters the larger annular space around the drill rods above and has its velocity reduced. Single tube core barrels of this type are available in sizes ranging from EWX size (Exhibit A3) to 6 1/2 inches o.d. and in lengths of 2, S, and 10 feet. The smallest of the barrels is referred to as a starting barrel. This barrel is required when a hole is star ted directly in rock since the clearance between the chuck of the drilling rig and the ground surface normally is not adequate to accommodate a larger barrel. The main disadvantage of the single tube core barrel is that the entire core is subject to the erosive action of the drilling fluid as it passes through the core barrel. Because of this, the use of the single tube barrel 'should be restricted to hard rock which is unaffected by the flow of the fluid. 2.8 Double Tube Core Barrels The double tube core barrel was developed to minimize the erosive action of the drilling fluid on the core and thereby to improve core recovery. Double tube core barrels (Exhibit AS -Figs. 138 & 139) fall into two basic categories, the rigid type and the swivel type. A variation of the swivel type known as the Series "M" barrel is extensively used. The rigid type double tube barrel comprises a core barrel head, an outer barrel 7 an inner core recovery tube, a reaming shell, a core lifter, and a coring bit. In this barrel water passages in the head are so arranged that the drilling fluid reaches the coring bit via an 50302/A A-8 l ['.·. ' 1'1 ., I : j [ [ [ I; j [ I' . .J [ . . ' 11 l; I IL annular space between the inner and outer tubes, both of which are rigidly attached to the head. In operation, both the inner and outer tubes turn when the rotary force is applied. As the coring bit at the bottom of the outer tube cuts the core, the core passes through the core lifter and into the inner tube which protects it from erosion by the drilling fluid. Holes at the bottom of the inner tube provide for a small flow of drilling fluid between the core and the wall of the inner tube in order to minimize the possibility of accumulating cuttings which would cause friction between the core and the tube and thereby cause large torsional forces to be applied to the core. The rigid type double tube barrel is available in sizes from EWX to NWX with barrel lengths of 2, S, 10, lS, and 20 feet (Exhibit A3). The major advantages of this type of barrel are that, in general it provides for protection of the core against the erosive action of the drilling fluid and will prmiide a higher percent recovery than the single tube barrel. It is used primarily in medium to hard rock which is not highly fractured. The swivel type double tube barrel differs from the rigid type in that the inner tube remains stationary while the outer barrel is rotated. This minimizes the possibility of core disturbance through torsional forces and thereby improves recovery. Two forms of the swivel type barrel are available, the conventional and the Series "M" barrels. The upper portions of both barrels are similar and as illustrated (Exhibit AS) comprise an cuter rotating tube, an inner stationary tube, and outer and inner tube heads. As in the rigid type, water passages direct the flow of the drilling fluid into the annular space between the two tubes and vents provide for the exit of water from the barrel. The inner tube assembly is suspended from the outer tube head in such manner that a downward force can be applied to both tubes while only the outer tube is rotated. In the sampler illustrated this is accomplished by the use of ball bearings; roller bearings also may be used. The conventional and the Series "b!" barrels differ from each other in the arrangement of the lower portion of the barrel. The inn~r barrel terminates above the core lifter which has a S0 taper and operates within the level section of the bit. The configuration for the Series "M" barrel is as shown in Exhibit AS. Here, the core lifter, which has a 2 ~ S0 taper and is thinner than the conventiona 1 1 ifter, operates within a lifter case attached to the bottom of the inner tube. This case has a thin wall bottom which extends almost to the cutting face of the coring bit. The arrangement used in the Series "M" barrel makes this barrel superior to the conventional barrel in two respects. In the conventional barrel the lifter may tilt and block the entrance to the inner tube or the lifter may rotate with the bit and cause grinding of the core. In addition, the portion of the core from the bottom of the bit to the bottom of the inner tube is exposed to the erosive act ion of the drilling .fluid. In the Series 11 M11 barrel the core is in the inner tube and some~hat aligned before it encounters the lifter and the lifter remains oriented since the inner barrel moves little, if at all. Therefore, the possibility for blocking or grinding is minimized. The effective extension of the inner barrel to the cutting face of the 50302/A A-9 'W bit by the lifter case also minimizes the area of core exposed to th,e drilling fluid. Conventional and the Serie.s "M" barrels are available in from EWX and EWM t NWM, respectively (Exhibit A3). obtained in lengths of 2~ 5, 10, 15, and 20 feet. . . s1.zes rang1ng They may be The conventional barrels are used in coring fractured or broken formations which are of average hardness and which are not excessively susceptible to erosion. The Series "M" barrels are particularly adapted to achieving a high recovery in badly fractured or broken strata or in soft an friable formations which are easily eroded4 2.9 Large Diameter Core Barrels In addition to the double tube core barrels discussed above, there are available large-diameter barrels which are similar in construction and operation to the Series "M" barrels. The large barrels are available in the following nominal sizes: 2 3/4 11 i.d. X 3 7/8" o.d., 4" o.d. x 5 1/2" o.d., and 6" o.d. 7 3/4" o.d. Actual dimensions are given in Exhibit A3. The two largest of these are equipped with a sludge barrel attached to the outer barrel head in order to collect lar~e particles too heavy to be carried to the surface by the return flow of the drilling fluid. These particles tend to settle out of suspension and often cause ~arrels to be wedged in boreholes. In general, the larger the size of a core the better the recovery. Consequently, the large-diameter barrels frequently are used when highly erodible material such as soft or friable rock is to be cored. Conversion units are available to permit the use of these barrels to obtain undisturbed soil samples in liners. Therefore, they may be used when it is necessary to obtain cores of overburden containing large particles and when large-diameter samples are required for testing. 2.10 Wire Line Core Barrels The use of the core barrels described above requires the removal of the entire string of drill rods from a borehole whenever it is necessary to remove core from the barrel. In the drilling of deep holes, this is an extremely time-consuming operation which is partially eliminated by the use of the wire line core barrel (Exhibit A6). The wire line core barrel assembly consists of an inner barrel assembly which can be retrieved independently of the outer barrel assembly through the required special drill rod. The outer barrel assembly consists of a tube at whose lower end is a reaming shell that couples the tube to a diamond coring bit. The upper end of the tube is attached to the special large-diameter wire line drill rods. The retrievable inner barrel assembly consists of the core recovery tube with a core lifter at its lower end ancl a swivel type ball bearing head at its upper end. Attached to the top of the swivel head is c& locking head with a spearhead at its upper end to permit retrieval of the barrel by a device called an overshot. The overshot has at its upper end a socket attaching it to a wire line and at its lower end a lifting dog which grips the ~1pearhead during the retrieval operation. An optional 50302/A A-10 [ IJ [ [ L [j L L feature of the wire line barrel is a water shut-off valve which is~made a part of th~e inner barrel assembly. This valve is a rubber washer which, when a core block occurs, is squeezed out to fill the ~nnular space between the outer and inner barrels. This causes the pump pressure to rise, thereby alerting the driller to the core block and permitting unnecessary grinding of the core to be averted. In operation, the outer barrel, to which the inner barrel assembly is locked, is rotated to cut the core. ~Vhen the run has been completed or a block occurs the hole is flushed and the drill string is broken at the first joint above ground. The overshot is lowered on the wireline and the lifting dog grasps the spearhead at the top of the inner tube. When the wire line is pulled, the latches which couple the inner and outer barrel assemblies are disengaged and the inner barrel assembly maybe lifted to the ground surface. The inner tube assembly may be returned to the bottom of the hole in several ways. In a dry hole it must be lowered with the overshot. In holes filled with water the assembly may be dropped to the bottom. However, in deep holes and relatively flat inclined holes water circulation is used to pl.Dllp the assembly into place. The drill string and outer ba.rrel assembly are removed only when it is necessary to replace a bit. Wire line core barrels are available in sizes which produce cores 1 1/16, 1 7/16, 1 7/8, 2 1/2, and 3 11/32 inches in diameter. Core barrel assemblies are available in 5, 10, and 15 foot lengths. In addition to increasing the rate of progress, the wire line barrel has the following advantages: (1) informations which are prone to caving the danger is reduced since the drill string and outer barrel are not removed after each run and the opportunity for loosening of material in the walls of the hole is thereby decreased; (2) bit life is increased by reducing the number of times the bit must core through caved material on reentry into the hole; and (3) if the barrel has th' optional water shut-off valve, grinding of the core is decreased and recovery thereby increased. 2.11 Integral Coring Method This sampling technique was developed in response to the need for rock cores truly representative of in situ rock masses including their. discontinuities such as open, tight, or clay-filled joints, shear zones, and cavities. The method consists of taking a core at whose center is a steel rod previously inserted and bonded to the rock mass to hold the mass together during the coring operation. This technique, when properly used, produces 100 percent recove·:y and provides oriented cores. The method may be used to obtain cores throughout the entire length of a boring or a selected locations. The procedure used is as follows. A hole with a minimum diameter of 7.5 em is drilled to the depth at which integral coring is required. A second, :::mall-diameter hole is then drilled coaxially with the first hole and extending from the bottom of the first hole to a depth equal to the length of the required core. The diameter of the second hole must be large enough to accommodate a pipe of adequate stiffness to minimize deformation of the core during the coring but should be as small as feasible to increase 50302/A A-ll ! 1 ~ the thickness of the annular sample recovered. The major.ity of integral coring done to date has been·accomplished using boreholes 7.5 em in diameter with reinforcing pipe holes 2. 6 em in diameter. The length of the coring run must be as long as possible to minimize the cost but it must uot be so long as to result in difficulties due to hole deviation. 50302/A A-12 • """""""~ ... ] . '· :~1 l ) yf (~ I ,.. 1 . I . I I ! ! I -j '·l l ~ ~'! '! I II I j I l ! 1 1 ' f ~t t I ' ,_,\ ; I l I l r··-- ~ , . rr-~~ lL r-c-: ~ r--: c:-; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ll!'. _I~ L~ .. Y ~ L4JI [JJJ .. i ~tr-·- CHARACTERISTICS OF TYPICAL ROTARY DRILLING RIGS . CAPACITY ROTARY FEED RATED DEPTH CAPACITY(1) . HOI~T CHUCK(S) CABLE CABLE ENGINE(2) WEIGHT(6) MAKE AND MODEL ROO SIZE (DCDMA STOS.) CAPACITY SIZE POWER LENGTH(41 NO. OF RANGE SIZE OF RIG EW AW BW NW HW FT. IN. H.P. IN. SPEEDS RPM IN. LBS. Acker Packsack lOO(RWl ------10 -1 3600 -115 Smit Wtnkie 400 350 150 ----1(\ 2 1200.2800 225 Central Mine Equipment 45C -500 -----37(3) 68 4 75-475 1-7/8 3600 Sprague & Henw11od 37 700 600 500 400 -65 3/8 17 24 3 505·1400 1-15/16 1600 Longyear 24 890 675 ---65 5/16 12 24 9 224-2173 1-7/8 1000 Acker H•llbilly 1250 1000 750 650 -165 3/8 22.5 24 4 15S·1000 2-15/16 2100 Chicago Pneumatic 8 HD 1250 1000 750 650 -125 3/B 27.5 24 4 225-1050 2-3/4 2800 Sprague & Henwood 40C 1650 1475 1000 900 -175 3/B 33 24 4 235-1500 3 2900 Mob•le 8·5G -1400 -1000 ---97(3) 78 15 33·900 2-3/4 45f:') Acker Teredo 1800 1300 1250 1000 -150 1/2 36.8 24 4 141-900 2-15/16 2900 Fa1ling 1500S -1500 ---525 1/2 55 30 3 73·220 2-3/8 220001 7 1 Central Mine Equipment 55 ---1000 - - -124(3) 72 4 75-650 2·3/4 6000 Longyear 34 -1575 1275 1000 625 190 1/2 36 24 8 20-1000 3 3100 Ch•cago Pneumatic 15 2250 2000 1350 1150 -125 1/2 34 24 4 225·1050 2·3/4 3300 M:>bile 8·61 -2000 l500 --400 7/16 97(3) 68 4 65-850 4-3/4 8200 Joy Ram Rod II --1850 1500 -125 1/2 47,6 30 8 35-2000 2·3/4 3100 Sprague & Henwood 142C 2250 3500 3000 2400 -200 1/2 49.7 24 4 215·1250 3 4:.co Joy 22 -4000 3100 2500 -180 5/8 47.6 24 9 95·1200 3-5/8 4400 Longyear ttA -4000 3200 2500 1600 200 1/2 59 24 12 205-2200 3 4500 Acker Presidente -4500 3800 3000 -150 5/8 51 24 8 93·1 120 3 6100 ~ica~o__F'n~~matic 50~ ... -~ --6500 5000 -120 1 130 31 00 0·1250 3·9/16 15800 NOTES: Rated capacity Is greater If wlra line equipment Is used. (1) 121 IJl 14) 15} 16) (7} Horsepower ratings vary with RPM" Most models are offered with a choice of horae~war. A choice of gesollne, diesel, air, electric, LPG or power takenH Ia also available for many models. Supplies drive for ouger also. Other lengths ora available on 1\oma models. Other chuck 11Z:es and RPM ranges are available on soma models. Weight v11ries with the options requested. Includes weight of truck. EXHIBIT Al . r1iliiiiillf L-t ~ ,, F t' i I r l ' \ I ~ I \ I I; } I I I I i I I I •• I I I I l i ~ . Jl "I"""' ,. ' l I j ~ l LJ r I . LJ r I ' J '----' ,-... ,. I t LJ f ..... , (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Rotary bits: (a) fishtail bit; (b) Hawthorne replaceable blade drag bit; (c) carbide insert drag bit; (d} tricone bit; (el diamond plug bit. (Courtesy of Sprague & Henwood, Inc.) EXHIBIT A2 j 'JJ"""" 1 l J .. . . J r·~""' J r'-'"""} J J c 1 J [J ' J STANDARD SIZES OF DRILL TOOLS Drill Rods-Flush Coupled I "' 0.0. 1.0. WEIGHT COUPLING I.D. 0.0. I.U. WEIGH1' CCIUF'LING 1.0. SIZE '"· ln. Lbs./Ft. ln. mm mm Kg./Ft. mm ---Ell I 1·5/16 7/8 2.7 7/16 33.3 22·.2 12.0 11.1 A(l) 1·5/8 1· 1/8 3.-9/16 41.3 28.6 17.2 14.3 al11 1·7/8 1·1/4 5.0 5/8 47.6 31.7 21.1 15.9 N(ll 2·318 2 5.2 1 60.3 50.8 22.5 25.4 [Wm 1·318 15/16 3.1 7/16 34.9 23.8 14.1 11.1 Aw12l 1·314 1·1/4 4.2 5/8 44.4 31.8 19 5 15.9 8 wl21 2·1/8 1·314 4.3 314 54.0 44.5 20.0 19.0 Nwl21 2·5/8 2·1/4 5.5 1·318 66.7 57.1 25.2 34.9 L.----- (l l Origtnal diamon ~ core drill tool designations 12) Currant stanciards of tt.o Diamond Core Crill Manufacturers AnPclatlon (OCOMA) Casing -Flush Jointed -DCDMA Standards O.D. I.D. WEIGHT 0.0. 1.0. WEIGHT SIZE ln. ln. Lbs./F!. mm mm Kg./ Ft. EW 1·13/16 1·1/2 2.76 460 38.1 1.25 AW 2·1/4 1·29/32 3.80 57.2 48.4 1.73 BW 2-7/B 2·3/8 7.00 73.0 60.3 3.18 NW ~1/2 3 8.69 88.9 76.2 3.95 Casing -Flush Coupled -DCDMA Standards 0.0. 1.0. WEIGHT COUPLING 1.0. 0.0. 1.0. WEIGHT COUPLING I.D. SIZE ln. ln. Lbs/Ft. ln. mm mm KgJFt. mm EX 1-13116 1·5/8 1.80 H/2 46.0 41.3 0.82 38.1 AX 2-1/·1 2 2.90 1·29/J2 57.2 50.8 1.32 48.4 BX 2·7/S 2·9/16 5.90 2·318 73.0 65.1 2.68 60.3 NX ~1/2 ~3/16 7.80 3 88.9 81.0 3.54 76.2 Casing -Standard Drive Pipe NOMINAL COUPLING NOMINAL COUPLING SIZE O.D. 1.0. WE=IGHT O.D. SIZE O.D. 1.0. WEIGHT O.D. ln. ln. In, Lus./Ft. ln. I mm mm mm Kg./Ft. mm 2 2·3/8 2·1/6 5.5 2·7/8 50,8 60.3 52.4 2.49 73.0 2·112 2·7/8 2·15/32 9.0 3·3/8 63.5 73.0 62.7 4,08 85.7 3 3-1/2 ~1/16 11.5 4 76.2 88.9 77.8 5.22 101.6 ~1/2 4 3·9/16 15.5 4-5/8 88.9 101.6 90.5 7.03 117.3 4 4-1i2 4·1/32 18.0 5-3/16 101.6 114.3 102.4 8.17 131.8 Casing -Ex·tra Heavy Drive Pipe NOMINAL COUPLING NOMINAL I COUPLING SIZE o.o. 1.0. WEIGHT I. D. SIZE o.CJ. I. D. WEIGHT I. D. ln. In, ln. Lbs./Ft. ln. mm mm mm Kg./Ft. mm 2 2·3/8 1-15/16 5.0 2·7/32 50.8 60.3 4!l.2 2.27 56.4 2·1/2 2-7/8 2·21/64 7.7 2·5/8 63.5 73.0 59.1 3.50 66.7 3 3-1/2 2-29/32 10.2 ~1/4 76.2 88.9 73.8 4.63 82.5 ~1/2 4 3-23/64 12.5 3-3/4 88.9 101.6 85.3 5.68 95.3 4 4-1/2 3-53/64 15.0 4-1/4 101.6 114.3 97.2 6.81 107.9 Diamond Core Bits DCDMA STANDARDS WIRE LINE . CORE HOLE CORE HOLE HOL!! CORE HOLE CORE SIZE DIAMJ1l DIAM.121 DIAM,(1J DIAM.I2) SIZE DIAM.111 DIAMJ 21 DIAM.Il) DIAM,I21 ln. ln. mm mt·n ln. tn. mm mm ··- EWX & E'M,-1 0.845 1.Afi5 21.5 31.1 AO Wire Line 1·1/16 1·57/64 21.0 48.0 AWX&AWM 1.185 1.890 30.0 ~8.0 80 Wtre Ltne 1-7/16 2·23164 36,5 60.0 BV • ..: & BWM 1.655 2.360 42.0 59.9 NO W~re Lme 1-7/fl 2·63164 47.6 75.8 NWX &NWM I 2.155 2.980 54,7 75.7 HO W.re Lme 2·1/2 ~25/32 63.5 96.0 2·314'' ~ 3-7/8"· 2,6!)0 3 875 68.3 98 4 PQ W•re Line ~ 1 t/32 4-53164 85.0 122 6 4'' J( 5·1/2" 3.970 5 4ga 100.8 139.6 6" J( 7·3/4" 5 '170 7.7b!.i 151.6 196.8 -- I 1) 1. o. of Cora Bn Set. 12 1 0,0. of R .. nung Shall Saot, EXHIBIT A3 .... r·· ·-:--·-;;:---~ ·-----"·--------.. ·-----~·-~-------_ -·-------·-- !) '' it .... .I "' I .lf ;ll ,, I· [J l_._iJ I' ' I tl l I I (a) (c) (d) (e) Caring bits! (a) diamond with conventional waterways; (b) diamond with bottom discharge waterways; (c) carbide insert, blade type; (d) carbide insert, pyramid type; (e) sawtooth. (Courtesy of Sprague & Henwood, Inc. and Acker Drill Co., Inc,) T··--_=. RO\.~ HARDNESS ROCK TYPE DI.AMOND SIZE -- !oft Rock. Chalk 2-8 stones Calcrete Tuff per carat or Shale Sawtooth bits Hard Rock Limestone 8-16 stones Siltstone per carat or Sandstone Sawtooth bits Slate 16-30 stones Dolomite per carat Very Schist 30-60 stones Hard Rock Gneiss per carat Diorite •· --·· Extremely Gabbro Hard Rock Basalt Andesite 60-150 ~y:~mit;e stones . Granite per carat or Felsite Impregnated Quat'tzite Banded bits Ironstone CEI-l"ERAL R,gGGMMENDA.TIONS FQR BIT SELECTIONS EXHIBIT A4 1.: I ' ..! IJ (: I.; '- I I .. Core Barrel Head Core Liftf!r I C/re Barrel Reamin9 Shell"'-._ '\ Corin9 I """""" \..."-..... ~~ / / ' /// -r-- --r----------- ~"" """'"""~~"-)'-; ..,.... ~ / / ///////L/LLL 77: LL/LL " ~ v// Single tube core barreL (Courtesy of Sprague & Henwood, Inc •. } Core Lifter Core Barrel Head Inner Tube ·-· R;amin9 Shell Rigid type double tube core barrel, (Courresy of Sprague & Henwood, Inc.) Inner Tube Head Bit Ball Bearin9s Outer Tube Coring Bi\ Lifter Case -------· ---- I Core Lifter Inner Tube Swivel type double tube core barrul, series "M" with ball bearings. (Courtesy of Sprague & Henwood, Inc.) EXHIBIT AS 1- I~ I~ I~ I. I. I I I I I I Spearhead Latch Retracting Case-_,.. Overshot Assembly Lifting Dog Locking Heed ......_ ........ -Lockino Co!Jpling Latches Water Shut-Off Valve Outer Tuba Inner Tube 1M--Core Lifter Diamond Bit . , ' ~ Wire line core barrel and overshot assembly. (Courtesy of E. J. Longyear.) - EXHIBIT A6 I I I I I I I I I I I l f .. . APPENDIX B ROCK CO.RE STORAGE AND PHOTOS TABLE OF CONTENTS Section/Title 1.0 CORE STORAGE 2.0 LABELLING 3. 0 CORi~ PHOTOGRAPHS i - Page 1 1 1 ·····:1 \ ill .. q} I I 1 I I .'~1 i I I I . I I I I ·:;;~t.. ~~~\~::-~:~: c' ; .:. ~ ·. ~'· 1.0 CORE STORAGE Rock cores are stored in partitioned boxes (Exhibit B-1). The cores are. boxed in the same sequence in which they were taken from the dri 11 hole. Their arrangement in the boxes is as follows. With the core box opened Bo that the hinged cover is away from the viewer and the partitioned section is adjacent to him, the core is arranged in order of decreasing elevation starting at th~ left end of the partition nearest the hinges, proceeding to the right and continuing ~om left to right in succeeding partitioned areas. Core boxes are numbered in sequ1!nce with Box No. 1 containing the core of highest elevation. The core~ from each drilling run are separated from the core from adjacent runs by wooden blocks on which the depths of the beginning and end of the run are clearly and permanently marked. Blocks, also are used to indicate core loss. If the loss can be pinpointed, the block is placed at the depth of the loss; otherwise it is placed at the end of the run in which the loss occurred. Labelling of the box is discussed in a subsequent paragraph. It also is common practice to preserve some cores by sealing them in waxed paper or aluminum foil. This is done to preserve representative samples of the materials encountered, cores of material susceptible to slaking, and cores containing soil-filled fractures or fault zone gouge. The method used is merely to wrap the alluminum foil around the core and seal the ends or the entire core by dipping in microcrystalline wax~ Soil cores which are not required to be preserved in an undisturbed condition may be wrapped and sealed as described above and stored in the same type of box as rock cores. 2.0 LABELLING All samples must be clearly marked so as exact source. The information shown name; exploration identifying number such top elevation of the hole; depth of the description of the material; etc. to leave no doubt as to their should include the project as the boring; sample number; sample below ground surface; The project name and the box number should be stenciled on both ends of the core box as well as the cover. This makes identification more efficient when the boxes are stacked. 3.0 CORE PHOTOGRAPHS Color photographs of the cores in each box will be obtained as soon as practical. This provides an excellent record of the "as retrieved" condition of the cores, which is particularly important in the case of air slaking materials, and permits the design engineer to review the nature of the rock, as required, at subsequent times. Also, the photographs provide a record of the correct sequence of the core pieces in case the core box is spilled accidentally or cores are not returned to their proper place by persons examining them. The photographs 50302/B should be taken from directly above the box and should include the inside of the cover of the core box which contains the project name, boring number, box number and depth covered by the box. A maximum of two core boxes and preferably one box should be included in each photo- graph. If the cores have dried out prior to taking the photographs, the cores should be wet with a light water spray or a damp cloth to acentuate the color of the coreso 50302/B B..-2 . ·"·········--·········--········-···---------~---··--'"~-~---~---~-----··_;-----···--------···-·--·-------~-~-···11:\'"'"=-" . ! ............. - I 'I ) I I I I WATANA DAM -APA HOLE NO. DATE: BOX OF DEPTH FT · TO HOOK AND STAPLE PLATE -----"" TOP VIEW METAl. Hff+GES -.......... LABEL TO SHOW DEPTH OF CORE IN WATANA DAM -APA HOLE NO. _____ _ DATE: OF _____ ..._.~:: T......,. T 0 FT. FT. THIS BOX ~~§~~~;;~~~;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;~~r1 ~ TYPICA~LUN 4 ~_ 0 u SPACER ~----------------~~------------~---- VIEW WITH BOX OPEN NOTES: 1. THE CORE BOX SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF WOOO. 2. START PLACING CORE IN UPPER LEFT-HAND CORNER OF BOX AND FINISH RUNS IN LOWER RIGHT-t1ANO CORNER OF BOX AS SHOWN BY ARROWS. 3. BOXES TO BE MARKED AS SHOWN. A STENCIL SHALL BE USED ON THE OUTSIDE AND INSIDE OF COVER. 4. INSERT A 2•x2• CINCH) ORANGE CORE LOSS BLOCK WHEREVER t..OSS OCCURS. LENGTH TO CORRESPOND TO LENGTH OF LOST CORE. I . I WATANA DAM-APA , HOLE NO. BOX3of'3 DEPTH 45.6 to 86. I I WATANA DAM -APA ~ HOLE NO. BOX 2of~ DEPTH 22.3 to 45.6 Ill I WATANA DAM-APA ~ HOLE NO. BOX Jot 3 DEPTH 0.0 to 22.3 E~~D VIEW ~ HYDROELECTRIC ~CT . CORE BOX DETAILS EXHIBIT 8-1 , -. ~ , ,, L ,,, ' , ...,~_,__;,;....~-~,~· ,........_..._., ....... ~---;,....._..,,......,..._,""-..... :;. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r I t1 ~ APPENDIX C PIEZOMETER. DEVICES TABLE OF CONTENTS Section/Title 1.0 BASIC CONCEPT 1.1 GROUNDWATER LEVELS AND PORE PRESSURES 2.0 TYPES OF PIEZOMETERS 2.1 BASIC TYPES OF PIEZOMETERS 3. 0 MEASUREMENT OF PORE GAS AND PORE WATER PRESSURES 4.0 DESCRIPTION OF DEVICES 4.1 GENERAL 4.2 OPEN-SYSTEM PIEZOMETERS 4.3 HYDRAULIC (CLOSED-SYSTEM) PIEZOMETERS 4.4 REMOTE SENSING PIEZOMETERS . ~ - " .. 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . ~). -. . ·-. ---~-:.._._._.~~..,..~~-~--;t~-·---· :c~·---~-'-·"-··-·-·~"c~;_:,g l.O BASIC COIICEPTS 1.1 Groundwater Levels and Pore Pressures A Regular Conditions. The free groundwater level or table is defined as the elevation that the free water surface assumes in a hole extending a short dis.tance beloti the capillary zone, as illustrated in Exhibit Cl, where the water surface is at equilibrium with atmospheric pressure. The capillary zone is defined as the interval between the free water surface and the limiting height above which water cannot be drawn by capillarity. Groundwater conditions are described as 11 regular 11 when the pore water pressure increases hydrostatically with depth below the groundwater level. A condition of hydrostatic pressure is defined as that pore pressure equal to the product of the unit weight of water and the vertical distance from the observation point of the groundwater surface adjacent to the piezometer tube. The condition is illustrated in Exhibit C2 (a). B. Ir~gular Co6~itions. When the pore water pr~ssure does not increasf' hydrostatically with depth below the groundwater level, grc;undwater Gonditions are described as "irregular .. " These conditions may res~Jlt from perched water tables caused by relliitively impermeable strata above the main groundwater level. The presence of more pervious and better drained strata below the ground~Jater level may cause irregular groundwater conditions. Subsurface features that cause irregular groundwater condtions are illustrated in Exhibit Cl (b) Cf.nd (c). Co Variation in Groundwater Level~ and Pressures. Groundwater levels and pressures are rat'gly constant over an extended period of time. Natural forces suc..h as precipitation, evaporation, freezing, and seepage may cause wide variations in the groundwater level. Minor changes in groundwater level may also be caused by variations in atmospheric pressure.. TI1e pore water pressure is considered to be under positive excess pressure when the pore water pressure at a point is more than hydrostatic and to be under subhydrostatic pressure when the pore water pressure is less than hydrostatic. The two conditions are illustrated in Exhibit: C2 (b) and (c) respectively. (1) Artesian Pressure. Artesian pressure(:: are found in strata that are confined between impervious strata and are connected to a water source at a higher elevation. A well drilled to a stratum having a pore water pressure above the ground surface will flow without pumping and is called a free-flowing artesian well • (2) Induced Pore Water Pressure. Pore water temporarily changed from a hydrostatic condition stress changes. Stress changes may be caused by 50302/C c-1 pressure may be as a result of such .activities .{ i J j. I l as construction loading or unloading, by induced vibrations, or by natural forces such as erosion, depositions and earth tremors. Stress changes are accompanied by strains as the soil mass adjusts to the new stress. The stress-strain adjustment in the soil mass is accompanied by changes in the soil skeleton whereby pore spaces are either reduced or increased. When a reduction of void spaces occurs, the increased stress is transferred directly to the pore water, or to the gas-water combination in a partially saturated soil mass, resulting in an excess pore water pressure. This excess pressure is rapidly dissipated in pervious soils with free drainage outlet and is generally of little concern. In impervious soils or in pervious soils surrounded by impervious soils, the excess pressure may dissipate slowly and since the stress is being borne largely by the pore water, serious loss of soil shearing resistance may result. A tendancy toward increase in void spaces may reduce pore pressures to subhydrostatic levels. 2.0 TYPES OF PIEZOMETERS 2.1 Basic Types of Piezometers. Piezometers can be classified into three basic types, depending on the principles used to activate the device and transmit the data to the point of observation. A brief description of the basic types of piezometers follows. A. Open Standpipe (Open-System) Piezometers. This type consists of a vertical pipe or tube having a porous tip at the lower end. The water level is measured by lowering a probe on a tape or scaled line until it contacts the water surfaceo The probe may be electric or acoustic. There are several variations of the electric probe such as that shown in Exhibit C3 available commercially, but all are similar in priciple. The device consists of an ohmmeter connected by insulated wires to a weighted sounding probe not more than 1/4 in. in diameter. Additional weights may be added at intervals along the wire to facilitate lowering the probe. Approximately 1/4 in. of each conductor is stripped on the lower end of the probe. The probe tip should be inspected to ensure that the exposed conductors are not touching and are free of dirt or corrosion. Contact with the water surface in the piezometer closes the circuit and is registered on the ohmmeter. A simple sounding probe such as a short piece of pipe may be suitable for many shallow installations. An open- system piezometer can be converted to a closed-system type, as described in subparagraph B. B. Hydraulic (Closed-System) Piezometers. This type consists of one or two pipes or tubes filled with fluid and a porous tip; the piezometer is connected to a Bourdon gage or a manometE:;r at the observation point. In the two-tube type, the second tube or pipe serves as a means of flushing the device to remove accumulated gas or sediment. C. Remote Sensing Piezometers. The remote sensing piezometer is a cylindrical cell with an impermeable diaphragm protected from soil contact by a porous tip that allows access of pore water 50303/C C-2 I I I I I I I, I I I I I I I I I I IJ I t~. ~ and/or pore air pressure to the diaphragm. Remote sensing piezometers can be either pneumatic or electric, depending on the means provided for determining the pressure on the diaphragm. In pneumatic piezometers, two tubes leading from an observation station connect to two openings in the cell body. Pore pressure exerted on the cell causes the diaphragm to close or open, depending on the design. To measure the pore pressure, Nitrogen or co~ is introduced into one tupe until the pressures on both s1.des of the diaphragm are balanced, thus allo•wing the air to return to the observation station through the second tube. Gases or fluids may be used instead of air. Diaphragm deflection caused by pore pressure may be measured electrically by means of electric strain gages or a vibrating wire attached to the diaphragm and monitored by appropriate equipment at the observation station. Remote sensing piezometers have also been developed that use a combination of pneumatic and electric means for determining the pore pressure on the diaphragm. A gas is introduced into the cell through one tube until the pressures on both sides of the diaphragm are balanced as indicated by a broken or completed electrical circuit, depending on the design. 3. 0 HEASUUMENT OF PORE GAS ABD PORE WATER. PRESSURES a. Effect. of Pore Gas Pressures. It has been recognized in recent years that --failure to consider pore gas pressure as separate from pore water pressure in partially saturated soils can lead to significant errors in the determination of effective stresses, especially in the case of impermeable soils with a low degree of saturation. Pore gas pressures are higher than adjacent pore water pressures because of tension in the menisci surrounding a gas bubble. b. High and Low Air Entry Filters. The air entry value of a filter is defined as the difference in pounds per square inch (psi) between gas (usually air) pressure on one side of a saturated filter and water pressure on the other side when blow- through of air occurs as the air pressure is slowly increased. A low air entry filter has an air entry value in the order of 1 to 1-1/2 psi and a high air entry filter a value of 30 psi or more. If the air entry value of a filter in a closed-system hydraulic piezometer is low, gas from the soil enters the filter and water is drawn from it into the soil (especially during attempts to drain the system). The pressure measurgd by the piezometer in this case tendr3 to be pore air pressure. This appears to apply also to electrical type piezometers. In the high air entry filter, only pore pressure minus the pore water pressure in the soil exceeds the air entry value of the filter by about 30 psi or unless the pore water pressure in the system has a negative value large enough to cause cavitation; in this case, water in the filter is dra.wn into the surrounding soil and gas is then free to pass through the filter. Gas will diffuse through the high air entry filter over a long period of time, but use of this type of filter together with tubing that is impermeable to air has 50302/C C-3 f r I I ,. ' f·. ' .. • drastically reduced the amount' of de-airing formerly necessary to maintain an air-free system. Uepending on the intended use of the piezometric data, both pore gas and pore water pressures may be determined separately by installing two piezometers in proximity to each other, one with a high air entry filter and one with a low air entry filter. Early installations of hydraulic piezometers in embankments were equipped with low air entry filters that allowed passage of air into the filter. As the air pressure is greater than the water pressure due to the meniscus effect at the air- water interface, the piezometers tended to record abnormally high piezometric levels reflecting pore air pressures instead of pore water pressures. Frequent de-airing of the devices, with attendant adverse effects, was necessary. In many more recent installations, high air entry filters have been used that successfully excluded air from the measuring chambers of the devices for a long period of time. 4.0 DESCRIPTION OF DEVICES 4.1 General Brief descriptions, including schematic drawings, of various types of piezomete.rs are presented below. A list of some commonly used piezometers together with the manufacturer or U.S. supplier is given in Exhibit C4. Advantages and limitations of the various piezometers are listed in Exhibit CS. Foreign-made devices, if selected for use, should be procured in complete units} as threads and sizes of connecting components may not be com-patible with standard U.S. items. 4.2 Open-System Piezometers ( 1) Casagrande (Porous Tube). The Casagrande piezometer consists of a standpipe of an appropriate length of 3/8-in.-inside diameter (ID) saran tubing connected to a fine-grade Norton porous tube. A schematic of the tip is shown in Exhibit C6a. For ease of lowering the sounding probe into the tubing, 1/2-in.-ID saran tubing is sometimes used. However, this increases the time lag. The piezometer is usually installed vertically in a borehole and a sand filter is placed around the porous tipc The time lag of the Cassagrande piezometer is relatively short compared with other open standpipe piezometers installed in soils having coefficients of permeability k as low as lo-S centimeters per second ( c:m./ sec) • (2) Twin-tube Casagrande. In order to overcome the restrictions of piezometer location and the vulnerability of a vertical riser tube to damage during embankment construction, the Casagrande piezometer can be modified as shown in Exhibit C6b to permit offsetting the upper portion of the riser. Observations are made by slowly applying air pressure to the inner tube until the pressure becomes constant, indicating that air is escaping from the lower end into the outer tube; at this time, the applied air pressure is assumed to equal the pore water pressure. An 50303/C C-4 . . ..,. --· - • I ~I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11 li objection to this system, in addition to those listed in Exhibit CS, is that water in the inner tube must be forced either into the outer tube or into the soil surrounding the tip and an excessively high pore pressure will be measured unless sufficient time is allowed for pressure equalization. ( 3) Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (Geonor). The Geonor piezometer, shown in Exhibit C6c, is a drive-point type device with E-rod threads. The device is usually operated as an open- system piezometer but can be converted tQ a single-or twin-tube, closed-system piezometer by attaching a Bourdon gage to the tubing. Its disadvantages, in addition to those listed in Exhibit C5 for open-system piezometers~ ar.e (a) the soil is disturbed in the vicinity of the point by driving, which increases the stress adjustment time lag (installation time lag); (b) an effective seal between the porous point and the upper soil strata often is not obtained; and (c) a sand filter cannot be provided around the porous point so that the time lag for the piezometer, except in very pervious soils, may be much longer than for other open-type piezometers installed in boreholes. (4) Wellpoint. The wellpoint piezometer consists of a perforated tip connected to the lower end of a standpipe. The perforated tip may be a standard commercial well screen as shown in Exhibit C6d; a perforated section of the standpipe such as one fabricated by the Portland District as shown in Exhibit C6b; or a plastic polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe tip with sawed slots, drilled holes, or similar perforations that provide a screen tip. The standpipe may also be saran tubing or PVC (Schedule 80) pipe. PVC pipe is less susceptible to pinching off, verticality is easier to maintain, and the water level probe is more readily lowered into the pipe than into the flexible tubing. However, pipe connections must be made with extreme care as leaking standpipe joints usually go undetected. PVC pipe is preferable to metal pipe in areas having corrosive groundwater. When observations are not being made, the upper end of the standpipe is capped to prevent entry of foreign matter int:o the piezometer. The cap has a hole drilled in it to provide ventilation. The device may be installed in a borehole or driven into the ground to the desired elevation. Driven piezometers should be used only as an expedient means of obtaining groundwater information and may not be used in lieu of well-designed piezometer systems. In addition to the advantages and limitations listed in Exhibit C7 for open standpipe piezometers, the wellpoint piezometer is probably the least expensive, but it should not be used for measuring varying pore pressures in soils having permeabilities less than 10-4 em/sec. 4.3 Hydraulic (Closed-System) Piezometers (1) U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR). Two types of closed- system, hydraulic piezometers have been developed by USBR: one for use in foundations and one for use in embankments 50303/C c-s - (Exhibit C7). The foundation type has a single ceramic filter disc, either high or low air entry, mounted in the bottom of the plastic body and twin tubes entering through the top. The embankment type has two ceramic filter discs, either high or low air entry, mounted on the top and bottom of the plastic body with twin tubes entering opposite sides .. (2) Bishop (Imperial College). The Bishop piezometer, shown in Exhibit C8, is a twin-tube hydraulic type piezometer having a tapered ceramic filter. The piezometer may be used in either foundations or embankments. When used in embankments, the piezometer tip is placed in a shallow hole formed by a shaped steel mandrel to fit the tapered filter so that a better contact is obtained with the soil. 4o4 Remote Sensing Piezometers (1) Warlam. The Warlam cell, shown in Exhibit C9a, is a pneumatically operated diaphragm piezomete.r. Pore pressure measurements are made by introducing air under pressure through the air entry line at the observation station unitl the pore pressure acting on the opposite side of the diaphragm is slightly exceeded as indicated by escape of air through the vent line. The air pressure is then reduced until the escape of air ceases, at which time the air pressure in the entry line is assumed to be equal to the pore water pressureo (2) Hall. The Hall hydrostatic pressure cell, shown in Exhibit C9(b), consists of a stainless steel body housing a ceramic filter, a stainless steel membrane, and a stainless steel piston resting on the membrane. The steel piston has two gas passages from top to bottom. Twin nylon tubes, sealed in the upper end of the gas passages and encased in a protective tube, connect the cell to the observation station. The 0-rings mounted on the side of the piston prevent leakage of water into the upper cavity of the cell. Dry nitrogen gas under pressure is introduced into one tube until the diaphragm deflects sufficiently to allow the passage of gas from the inlet tube past the stainless steel diaphragm into the other tube. The minimum pressure required to maintain a constant rate as measured by a small flowmeter is assumed to be equal to the pore wate.r pressure. (3) Dames and Moore. The Dames and Moore piezometer, shown in Exhibit C9 (c), is pneumatically operated. One of the twin tubes is connected to a pressure gage, and the other is connected to a compressed air source. To measure the pore water pressure, air is introduced through one tube into the pressure chamber until the diaphragm is forced away from the piezometer body sufficiently to allow air to escape through the excess pressure bypass into the surrounding polyethylene vent and protective tubing. As the air escapes, the pressure indicated on the pressure gage becomes constant and is assumed to be equal to the pore water pressure. A biasing spring incorporated in the piezometer cap permits measurement of negative pore pressures. 50303/C C-6 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11 • 11 • ··:\,~, ,, (4) Terra Tee. The Terra Tee Company has developed a pneumatic diaphragm piezometer, the Thorpiezo, which is shown in Exhibit C9(d). The body of the Thorpiezo is constructed of polyethylene. The belofram is of Dacron and Buna N synthetic rubber. Springs are of silicone bronze with a baked Teflon coating. A neoprene O-ring is used as a checking seal. No exposed metal of any type is used underground, either in the instrument or in any of the external fittings. The connection between the instrument and the control station is of heavy-wall- nylon tubing jacketed in polyvinyl chloride. The Thorpiezo measures the air pressure required to close a hydra-pneumatic balance system within the unit o Air pressure from the control unit is applied through line. 2A. Lines 2 and 2A comprise the balance system during the pressure buildup wherein each line has the same pressure. When the supply pressure equals the pore pressure, the 0-ring check closes. Pore pressure is then measured on line 2 at the control unit. Since the 0-ring ch~ck is closed, the pressure on line 2A can continue to increase without affecting the pore pressure being monitored on line 2. In order for the O- ring check to close, a very small displacement of gas or liquid must occur. The maximum required displacement of 0. OS cubic centimeter (cc) is compensated for by a 1/16-in. line which is normally vented to atmosphere. However, even if the line were closed off, the displacement is so slight that it would not cause any appreciable time lag in developing the actual pore pressure reading. (5) Gloetzl. The Gloetzl cell, shown in Exhibit C10a, operates on the principle of a hydraulic relief valve. The pressure required to cause a liitle oil (about 1 cc/min) to pass the valve diaphragm and return to the observation station through the back flow line is considered to equal the pore water pressure acting on the soil side of the diaphragm. Monitoring equipment consists of a small oil reservoir, a constant volume pump, and a pressure gage. A mixture ·of 90 percent kerosene and 10 percent No. 10 weight nondetergent motor oil is recommended for the hydraulic fluid. ( 6) 'l'errametrics. The Terrametrics pore water pres sure cell, shown in Exhibit C10 (b), operates on the principle of a hydraulic relief valve with the added feature of an initial prepressure (or zero pressure) to offset the installed hydraulic head of the readout hydraulic fluid. Readout tubes with a vertical differential of up to 500 feet may be compensated for with a proper adjustment of the spring at the time of assembly for the initial prepressure. The pressure required in the inflow tube to cause a little oil (about 1 cc/min) to pass the valve diaphragm and return to the observation station through the back flow line is considered to equal the pore water pressure acting on the soil side of the diaphragm. Monitoring equipment consists of a small oil reservoir, a constant volume pump, and a pressure gage. A mixture of 90 percent kerosene and 10 percent No. 10 weight nondetergent motor oil is recommended for use as the hydraulic 50303/C C-7 t l I' I L • fluid. A nondetergent oil must be us~d because a detergent oil when mixed with kerosene will cause a sludge to form in the lines in a short time. The cell is stainless steel, except the Kapton diaphragm, and the nylon or steel tubing. (7) Carlson. The Carlson piezometer is shown in Exhibit Cll (a). Diaphragm deflection causes an increase or decrease in the tension of an elastic wire strain meter, one end of which is attached to the diaphragm and the other end to the cell body. The intensity of stress in the elastic wire at the time of observation is measu~ed as a change in resistance ratio of two coils from that determined by calibration of the cell prior to installation= Temperature changes in the cell are compensated for by measuring the series resistaace of the two coils and using a cell constant deter@ined during calibration of the cell. The space between the porous stone and diaphragm is filled with water prior to installation to decrease the time lag. (8) WES Transducer. The WES gage, shown in Exhibit Cllb, measures pore water by means of a Consolidated Ele•ctrodynamics Corporation (CEC) pressure transducer mounted in a brass housing. The diaphragm, which is part of the transducer unit, is protected by a porous stone filter. The CEC pressure transducer, shown in Exhibit Cl4, employs an unbonded wire strain gage for measuring deflection of the diaphragm. The piezometer is calibrated prior to installation to determine cell constants. The piezometer is very sensitive to changes in pore water pressure& (9) University of Alberta GSC Piezometer. A transducer piezometer, shown in Exhibit Cll (c), was designed by Bro.)ker and works in a manner similar to the WES cell. The piezometer is very sensitive and has been found to be particularly suitable for measurement of pore pressures in clay shales. (10) Slope Indicator. The pore pressure transducer developed by Slope Indicator Company is shown in Exhibit C12. In this device the pore water pressure acts upon a rolling, flexible diaphragm having negligible spring force. Small movement of the diaphragm due to water pressure causes a sensitive ball check valve to open., Air pr~HH?Ure is applied to the input fitting causing flow through the valve, the diaphragm chamber, and into the output lines which are connected to a suitable pressure gage. Flow through the valve increases pressure in the two lines until it equals the pore water pressure. When the forces on the diaphragm become equal, the diaphragm will move slightly in the other direction allowing the check valve to close. At this point, the pressure in the output line equals the pore water pressure. Pressure can be increased in the input line, but there will be no flow and therefore no change in the output pressure. ( 11) Maihak Cell" The 1-Iaihak piezometer, shown in Exhibit C13 (a), is manufactured by Maihak AG in Germany. The exposed side of the diaphragm is protected by a fine-grained porous stone filter that allows access of pore water pressure to the diaphragm. 50303ic C-8 - I I I I I I I I I I II I I 'I I 11 II As the diaphragm is stressed by pore pressure, tension in the pretensioned wire is reduced. To measure pore pressure, the wire is caused to vibrate by an electrical impulse to the electromagnet. The frequency of the ·wibrating wire, which is dependent on the a~0unt of tension, is measured at the observation station by means of ~ receiver equipped with a cathode ray tube; the frequency is cm1verted to pot'e pressure by use of a c~libration curve for the device. (12) Telemac. The Telemac cell, shown in Exhbit C13(b), developed by Telemac in France, measures the frequency of a vibrating wire under tension. The cell differs from the Maihak cell in two principle respects: the pretensioned wire is anchored inside a compressible steel sensing tube in contact with the diaphragm, and the measurement is made audible at the receiver where the pitch is matched with a sound from a calibrated source. Some difficulty may be experienced in matching the pitch because of background noise. (13) Geonor. The Geonor vibrating wire cell, shown in Exhibit Cl3(c), was developed by the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute. The frequency of the vibrating wire is measured by a counter. Any standard :trequency counter may be used in conjunction with a special attenuator available from the manufacturer. 50303/ c C-9 - I i I r l k ~ f i . ! i I I I I I I I I I .J <( a: >-"" ..J ... .J<( <:I -o t-w a:.,. << O.a: ..J < a: w ... < :1 0 w ... < a: ;::) ... < In .· a: 0 a: a: w "' ... ... < < ~ ~ 0 u z-;::) 1- 0 < a: 1.1.1 ~ a:: w:z: 1.1.1 0.. a: 1.1. a. REGUL.AR ---~--·-· --~.------ CL. SM ML. -CAPIL.L.ARY RISE NOTE THAT THE CL. PIEZOMETRIC PRES• SURE L.EVE L. IS AT GROUNDWATER L.EVEL. FOR AL.L DEPTHS. CL. GP CL. SM ~.,.._.........~ ... ~ ........................... . ~··~~~· --: ·;s 0 .·--~ .~.( .......... ·-.·..:..~ -·· ·.~·~.,, ..... ~~ •••••• ',.. •• ..._ •• 11 •• GP '•,'~~>, ;.• • :-. ·~· ,,_ iJ. • ', ', •, • ·, • •"', •. -CONFINED WATI!.R '1 ~ ' '' •• ' '•' ' ...... ' ' • • ' • • •• (A T A ) • • , • ... , , • ,o.. , , ,' • .:. • , ·.. , •' , • , , R 1!:51 H WA TI!.R 1 f ,. I,.,. f f.,. •• I f t f t • 1 f 1 ROCK~ b, IRREGUL.AR Groundwater conditions, after Hvor slev EXHIBIT Cl - I I I, I I I I I I I IJ ~ I "' ' GROUND SURFACE h I HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE REGULAR CONDITIONS APPLIED STRESS CAUSING DECREASE IN VOID RATIO EXCAVATION STRESS CAUSING INCREASE IN VOID RATIO GROUNDWATeR SURFACe ~-------£XC ESS HYDRO- STATIC PRESSUR£ LESS THAN ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE SUB HYDROSTATIC --t-_,._'\ PRESSURE REDUCTION IN HYDR0- 51:~ riC PRESSURE. HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE ~ ~ IRREGULAR COND:TIONS APPLIED TO SATURATED CLAYS Pore water pressure conditions ' ' I Courtesy of Soiltest, Inc. Electric probe i I EXHIBIT c3 I I I I I I I I I I Type Open-system Closed-system Diaphragm Pneumatic Hydraulic Electric strain gage • Elec tropneumatic Electrical acoustical Commonly Used Piezometera Name Man· ,facturer or U. S. Supplier( 1 ) Casagrande Geonor Well point Portland District USBR Bishop Warlam Hall Dames & Moore Terra Tee Thorpezio Terrametrics Hydrostatic Pore Pressure Cell Gloetzl Carlson . Wes Tran:::Jducer University of Alberta, GSC Pore Pressure Transducer Maihak Telemac Geonor Locally fabricated or several suppliers Soil and Rock Instrumentation, Inc. 3 7 7 Elliot St. Newton Upper Falls, Mass. 02.164 Local suppliers Locally fabricated Plasticrafts, Inc. 2800 North Speer Blvd. Denver, Colo. 80211 Soil Instruments, L: Townsend Lane l.ondon NW9, EnglaJ A. A. Warlam Box iZZ Saddle River, N. J. Geo-Testing, Inc. P. 0. Box 959 San Rafael, Calif, 94 Dames & Moore 2.333 West 3rd St. Los Angeles, Calif. i Terra Tee, Inc. 2.50 N. E. 49th St. Seattle, Washington S Terrametrics 1602.7 West 5th Ave. Golden, Colo. 80401 Terrametrics Terrametrics U.S. Army Engineer Vto. Experiment Station P. 0. Box 631 Vicksburg, Miss 391.80 Locally fabricaf ed Slope Indicator 3668 Albion Place North Seattle, Wash. 98103 Soil and R.ock Instrumentation, Inc. Soil and Rock Instrumentation, Inc. Soil and R.ock Instrumentation, Inc. (1 ) Piezometers may be available from manufacturer:; or suppliers other than those listed. Note: Many of these piezometers are proprietary items and must be procured from the designer or his authorized supplier. EXHIBIT C4 I I I I Basic Type I Open-system ! Closed-system I I Diaphragm i Comparison of Piezometers Types Advantages Simple; comparatively inexpensive; generally not subject to freezing; relatively long life; fairly easy to install; long history of effective operation. Small time lag in any soil; can measure negative pore pressures; can be used in areas subject to in- undation; comparatively little inter- ference with construction; can be read at central observation stations. Simple to operate; elevation of observation station is independent of elevation of piezometer tip; no protection against freezing re- quired; no de-airing required; very $)mall time la e. Pneumatic. Electrical source not required; tip and readout devices are less expensive than for elec- trical diaphragm types. Electrical. Negative pressures can be measured. Disadvantages Long time lag in impervious soils; cannot measure negative pore pressure; cannot be used in areas subject to inundation unless offset standpipe is used; must be guarded during constructi<:;n; no cen- tral observation station is possible; requtres sounding probe. Observation station must be protected against freezing; fairly difficult to install; fairly expen- sive compared to open systems; sometimes diffi- cult to maintain an air-free system; most types are fragile; some types have limited service be- havior records. Limited performance data, some unsatisfactory experience; some makes c>.r~ expensive and re- quire expensive readout devices; fragile and requires careful handling during installation. Often difficult to detect when escape of gas starts; negative pressures cannot be measured; condensation of moisture occurs in cell unless dry gas is used; requires careful application of gas pressure during observation to avoid dam- age to cell. Devices subject to full and partial short-circuits and repairs to conductors introduce errors; some makes require temperat1.tre compensation and have problems with zero drift of strain gagesr. resistance and stray cur:r·ents in long con- ductors are a problem in some makes. .EXHIBIT C5 I I I I I I I I I I I Jj li ~ 111 t;i a. CASAGRANDE POROUS TUBE. j ·IN 10 PLASTIC TUIJING {J-t~ 10 OR A TWO·TUSC SYST£41 CAN IJC USCD) /WPCIWit'US SC..tL~g • f·tN OIAAI PLASTIC PIP( POROUS PIC./fUP b. TWIN-TUBE CASAGRANDE ~ • Jf tit • lrOOO OOIKL I'LIIG 0 .. ' I ICI+--·GLANO NUT C·ROO THRC ADS SINTOICO IJRONZC I'lL TCRS t c:. GEONOR PIEZOMETER 0 0 ._,,f».-+--1~-lf·..__u-f(,'·otAIII HoLes SPAcco r cc 1§u•--:~t I ~----~--------------------JI• • HOTt; stCURt P'OL.Y-F'IL.Ttll X rAIIRIC WITH III•OIRtCTIONAL. GL.ASS•AtiNrORCtO TAI't AT tACH £NO ANO AL.ONG OUT SlOt L.AP 011' rAIIRIC DO NOT COVtR HOL.E:S WITH TAP£. I.lf SHf:ATH HQ.Tt' TURN I'L.UG INTO '-"'TAI'I'f:O CONDUIT ANO IIRAZE AL.L. AROUND •· PORTLAND DISTRICT OPEN-SYSTEM PIEZOMETER ~~ I; J•/N TO l•IN OIAW tl STCCL STAIJOPIPC ___....; • • l ~ ', r • 1 I I. l I I\. : .lA\ COUPLING OR RCOUCCR~~. l•IN TO J•IIJ DIAM, Z4T TO ~·f'T LOIIG STANDARD WCLLI'OINT SCRCCN f'ILTE'u SAND_...,. l· ~ l· .. ·. t . ·l IJOR(HOLC, AT !.CAST \:.:.' -~ /•IN ANNULAR SPACC ~ AROUND lt'Cl.!J'O/NT 0 • ..!I d. WELLPOINT Schematic diagrams of open-system piezometers EXHIBIT c6 •• , 9P •. - I I I I I I I I I} ~~-IN oo.t,1·1H r¥Al.L PLASTIC ~ TU!IING FROM T'ERIJINAL r¥£/.L LJ.I--I'DIA!tl---1 -,. ',.[( ..... ~ '1 ~,..,..,..-L- 0 ; ;:a • • • t • • .. -,--f--f-{OIA!tl--j ,fR 1j-1N X }-IN ~ j-IN THICK PLASTIC K££PER PLATt: I CERAMIC DISC DRILL liND TAPFOR j•IN NPT (TAPERED}, 1~·1N D£CP, 2 HOL £S R£QUIR£D DRILL 4 HOLES FOR NO 4 SELF· TAPPING, PANH£AO SCREWS PG~CELAIN D£BURR LEADING EDGE ON END PLATE DC BURR LEADING ~OC:£ ON END PLAT£ END PLATE STAINLESS STEEL LIST OF PARTS PART DE SCRIPT ION LENt,;TH MATERIAL NO .. IIEOD (b) I TUBING, 1~·lN 00 BY ;i-IN WALL -PLASTIC (PVNC) (c)Z KEEPER PLATE (SEE NOTE ON OWG) PLASTIC -(PP) {a)3 •o• FliNG, ~~-IN 00 BY t-IN I D -RUBBER (~ FILTER DISC, I·IN OIAI.t X i·tN THICK -PORCELAIN (g)!> SCREWS, PANHEAD, NO A SELF-TAPPING -}•IN STAINLESS STHL tl E:NO PLATE, NO I tl GAGE: {SEE: DWG)(OO!IO•IN) -STAINLCSS STEEL (c)7 TIP BODY, I~ ·IN ClAM -·-PLASTIC (PP) (d)tl COI.IPR CONN, 1.4, ,\·IN OD TU!I£ TO ~-IN PIPE -BRASS (•)9 INSCRT, BRASS, FOR TUBING, PART (D -Bi'lASS FROM USBR DRAWING NO <40·0-~&19 o GARLOCK SYNTH(TIC RUBBCR "0' RING 2o4tlo49-19 b PVNC, POLYVINYLIDIN( CHLORID£ (S.-.RAN) OR £QUAL c f'P, POLYPROPYL£1'1£ d COMPR CONN NO !l•fBUB-B, PARKER e PAR~£R INSERT NO ~-T23UI-!I f. rn.TtR DISC, COORS PORCEL.-.IN1 P•.l, I 3 TO Z 0 MICRON PORE ClAM ll STOVE·HEAD SC.R£WS MAY 8£ SUBSTITUTED FOR PANH£,._0 (BINDING) SCREWS, USBR hydraulic piezometer, foundation type EXHIBIT C7 NO REOb - I I I 4 I I 2 z g I I I I I I I I I I I I I JJJ IJ I E I I r I _, 1., ~ ~.' --.....,. -·'"'····~-~ 'C• ',.. __ • --·-···--·~ ' . .. •• "i;!'- ... .. . . .. .. ·: .. BRASS FINE FILTER 1·3/4" MEAN OIAM >C c• LONG >C 3/4• THICK Schematic diagram of Bishop hydraulic pi·ezometer ts.44SAO~ EXHIBIT C8 I I I I I I AIR !'..NTRY LINE-- DIAPHRAGM CHECK VAI,.VE PORE WATER PRES• SURE ON OIA.PHRAGM CLOSES vENT LINE MET AI.. SHELLS PLASTIC STAINLESS STEEL FILTER a. wARI.AM PIEZOMETER liS• <b TV BE TO lo4ETER 1/2." 0 VENT AHO PROTEC,.IOH TUBE ·.· EXCESS PR£5SV RE BY P "SS -+--..;.j...---"" I ,,__4---4-NOZZLE 01 .. PH RAG~o~-----4--,...;ji---low.!~--+-..... BII\SIHG SPRING ITO MEASURE NEGATIVE PORE PRESSURES! c. QAt.IES ANO MOORE 41R·OPER .. TI'O OIAPHR4GW PIEZ:>METER PRESSURE CH .. Io4BER PIEZ01o4ETER CAP --DIRECTION 01' NITROGEN FLOW A· FILTERSTONE 8 • CAP C • ST"IIILESS STEEL FILWI OR MEMBRANE 0 • PRESSURE CELL E • O·RING 3Et.:LS F ·HOUSING G • NYI..OH TUBING H• PROTECTIVE TUBING b. HAI.L HYOROST .. TIC PRESSUI!.t CE\,1,. MODE\, ~ EPOXY FILLER l NYLON TUBES JACKETED IN POLYVINYL CHI.ORIOE LINE ZA 1/16" LINE LINE Z SPRING O·RING SEAL DIAPHRAGM d TERRA !EC THQR;>IEZO Schematic diagrams of pneumatic diaphragm piezometers EXHIBIT C9 I I :1:. '- I I I I I I I I I I ·11 I £ I·; l ~ T • ~ ... I ... l .. . ~-+----:,... //4" OD SARAN TUBINt; WALL THICKN~SS O.OIS" OIL I VALVE OIAPHRAGAI ........ .__ -------______ .-- --l-3/8"-------·-~l a. GLOETZL PIEZOMETER OIL OIL I FILTER 2 PRESSURE PLATE B J SPRING ... PRESSURE PLATE A(PISTON) !> PRESSURE PAO & INLET SECTION 7 VALVE DIAPHRA(;M II BOOY SECTION ~ SCREWS 10 RtADOUT TUBtS II OIL-F'ILLED CHAMBE:R ~-ol·----l.fJ"------.. -11 b. TERRAMETRICS HYDROSTATIC PORE PRESSURE CELL Schematic diagrams of hydraulic diaphragm piezometers - EXHIBIT ClO m I I I I I '• I I I! I II ~ I d. CARLSON r-::---+-------2 "-----,.-. ---~1 • -----l TRAf/SOUCER L£AO .-(8£LO£N !401 SHI£LOED CA!Le) RU!!!R ~....--COMPRESSION pAt:Kif<IG DYNISCO APr 25 PRESSURE rRANSDUCEii ~ 1 l 1 , ~------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:J··~fNPT I I ~ I l I t 1-PIPe THReAD i HNPr roP£NING f'OR LEAK resn 0 HINfi SEAL POROUS rtP (NICKEL OR CERAMIC) b. WES GAGE USING PRESSURE TRANSDUCER IN WATERPROOF' HOUSING c:. U Or A GSC PIEZOMETER 7 Schematic diagrams of electric strain gage diaphragm piezometers - EXHIBIT Cll I f .! 1\' i l ! : I I SUPPLY PRESSURE SUPPLY PRESSURE COUPLING }.----~fiLTER CHECK~--.,.--~ VENT VALVE VALVE TRANSDUCER INPUT COUPLING TRANSDUCER OUTPUT COUPLING OUTPUT PRESSURE GAGE SUPPLY PRESSURE GAGE I I L __ _ ___ j PORTABL~ ·poRE PRESSURE INDICATOR £POX PVC SI..££V£ j" NYLON TUBING J-.----------·-----------IJ.00"·---·----------------4 PORE PRESSURE TRANSDU~ER Slope Indicator pore pressure transducer EXHIBIT Cl2 ~· '*'¥ ... * - • sues ' j ! ~ j. I j f I J J r.l t I I I I u: ·~-.I--OVER-VOLT AGE PROTECTION C!RCUIT MAGNEi ~~-V!&RAT lf•G WIRE ~ DIAPHRAGM r:/•='==''.--:::~\.-·Y, ATE A CHAMBER ---~-POROUS STONE FIL. TER ~ 42MM 1-- a. MAI!-tAK , " 268 MM 185 MM c. GEONOR SENSING TUBE POROUS STONE FIL. TER b. TELEMAC PRETENSIONED WIRE DIAPI-tRAGM VENTS Schematic diagrams of electroacoustical diaphragm piezometers , .~.··1· i i t l I ':. i I ; , 1' I \' 1'1 I ' J ~1 ' ' . ' APPENDIX D EARTH MANUAL U.S. BUREAU OF RECLAMATION VISUAL AND LABOllATORY METHODS FOK IDENTIFICATION AHD CLlSSIFICATIOR OF SOILS TABLE OF CONTENTS PART A -VISUAL METHOD Section/Title 1.0 Scope 2.0 General Procedure 3.0 Apparatus 4.0 Procedure 6e0 Division Between Coarse and Fine Grained Soils 7.0 Visual Procedure for Coarse Grained Soils 8.0 Descriptive Information for Coarse Grained Soils 9.0 Visual Procedure for Fine Grained Soils 10.0 Manual Identification Tests 11.0 Silty and Clayey Soils 12.0 Peat and Highly Organic Soils 13.0 Descriptive Information for Fine Grained Soils 14~0 Descriptive Information for Foundation Soils PART B -LABORATORY METHOD 15.0 Apparatus 16.0 Procedure 17.0 Laboratory Procedure for Fine Grained Soils 18.0 Gravelly and Sandy Soils 19.0 Laboratory Procedure for Fine Grained Soils 20.0 Subdivision of Fine Grained Soils PART C -GRAPHIC SYMBOLS FOR SOILS 21.0 Use of Symbols for Soils 50304/D D-1 Page 4 5 6 6 8 8 13 14 15 18 19 19 19 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 I I I I I I • • I I I I I I I I Figure Number 3-1 3-2 (sheet 1) 3-2 {sheet 2) 3-3 3-4 3-5 Table Number 3-1 3-2 3-3 50303/D LIST OF EXHIBITS Title Unified Soil Classification Chart Data Form For Visual Classification of Borrow Area Samples Data Form For Visual Classification of Foundation Samples Data Form for Visual Classification to be used in the Field Reaction of a Silty Soil to Sharing and Squeezing (Dialataney Test) Graphic Symbols For Soils Title Check List For Description of Coarse Grained Soils Check List For Description of Fine-Grained and Partly~Organic Soils Identification of Consisten~y of Fine Grained Soils D-2 .,..... , - }] ~-,, . I I -I I I 11 I I •• l ' ,., EARTH MANUAL A WATER RESOURCES . TECHNICAL PUBLICATION SECOND EDITION - U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR WATER AND POWER RESOURCES SERVICE D-3 - I. I Des. E-3 APPENDIX 387 ( 2) Listing and identification of the samples giving type of sam- ple, field sample number, hole number, elevation or depth. ( 3) Purposes for which the samples were obtained. ( 4) Log of exploration. VISUAL AND LABORATORY METHODS FOR IDENTIFICATION AND CLASSIFICATION OF SOILS Designation E-3 1. Scope.-This designation describes the methods and procedures for identifying. classifying. and describing soils in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System.1 The sys1em is not limited to a par- ticular use or geographic location. It does not conflict with other sys- tems; in fact. the use of geologic. pedologic, textural, or local terms is encouraged as a supplement to. but not as a substitute for, the defini- tions. terms.. and phrases established by the system and which are easy to a§sociate with actual soils. In this system .15 basic soil groups have been selected to define cer- tain distinctive and peculiar engineering properties. Depending upon its basic properties, a soil is catalogued according to these groups and nssigncd a name and symbol; thus a soil is classified. These groups are broad~ therefore. supplemental detailed word descriptions are required to point out peculiarities of a particular soil and differentiate it from other§ in the same group. This system does not provide quantitative data for design purposes. It does provide qualitative information. Logs of exploration holes con- taining adequate soil classifications and descriptions may be used ( 1 ) in making preliminary estimates, ( 2) in determini!lg the extent of addi- tional field investigations needed for detailed design, ( 3) in planning an economical field testing or sampling program for laboratory testing, and ( 4) in extending the resultr of tests to additional explorations. In con- nection with the above, use charts have been developed to indicate the general engineering properties and potential value of the various soils 1 This system based on the AC system by A. Casagrande was adopted jointly in 1952 by the Corps of Engineers and the Bureau of Reclamation. The procedure given here is adapted from a supplement to the Earth Manual published by the Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Colo., 1953, and is similar to Technical Memo· randum No. 3-3.57, and appendices A and B, prepared for the Office, Chief of Engineers, by Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Miss., in 1953. I D-4 - l l< l i l I i )'t -. II· J ; I ' I I I I I . . I' ' 1 4 . 1 .. 1· .. ' !I .li·:·,' • Jl i - . EARTH MANUAL Des. E-3 for engineering uses.2 For final detailed designs of important structures, the 'classification must be supplemented by laboratory tests or other quantitative data to determine the performance characteristics of the soil. such as permeability, shear strength, and compressibility under expected field conditions.. %. General Procedure.-Three steps are r~quired to classify a soil. (a) First Step.-The basic properties and characteristics of the soil components which influence the behavior of the soil as a foundation or construction material are identified. These include the sizes of particles, the amounts of the V{lrious sizes, and the influence of moisture on the characteristics of the \ery fine grains. Two methods are provided: ( 1) The visual or field method. so called because manual (hand) tests and visual observations are employed in lieu of pre- cise laboratory tests to define the basic soil properties. A knowl- edge of soil behavior and particularly an understanding of and experience in performing the gradation and soil consistency tests, upon which the hand tests and observations are based, are desirable prerequisites for competent visual classification. The visual method is used primarily in the field to classify and describe soils for log- ging exploration holes. This method is described in detail in Part A, Visual Method. (2) The laboratory method, as the name implies, requires lab- oratory tests. specifically gradation and moisture limits. to define the basic soil properties. This method is used only when precise delineation is required, when unusual soils or conditions are en- countered,..or. if the tests are required to supplement other labora- tory tests required for design of major structures. It is .also useful as an aid in teaching the visual classification method. This method is described in ·detail in Part B, Laboratory Method, (b) Second St~p.-The soil is placed into a classification group de- noted by a group symbol, assigned in accordance with the criteria estab- lished by the system for the visual or laboratory method of classification . (c) Third Step.-A written description of the soil is made. Regard- less of the method used to identify the basic properties and characteris- tics, descriptive information is necessary to differentiate between soils in the same group (see pars. 8 and 13 for coarse-and fine-grained soils, respectively). The descriptive information required also depends on the ·purpose for which a soil is being investigated. For construction materials, 21s borrow f.or embankment, base course, backfill, or other uses, para- graph 8 or 13 applies; and for foundations for structures, the require- 2 The basic principles of the system and use of the classification information are discussed in chapter I, .. D-5 I ....... __ r I ,~-·------,------·-'-·------~--------·-"·----····--:j-_______ _,J I t..' ' ~ - ''. ~ .')·, -:.... ~ ~ 389 Des. E-3 APPENDIX ments are given in paragraph 14. Examples of field cJassification and description are given on the classification chart, figure 3-l, and on the data forms, figure 3-2. Part A. Visual Method 3. Apparatus.-Special apparatus or equipment is not required. However, the following items will facilitate the work: ( 1 ) A rubber syrir3e or a small oil can having a capacity of approximately 1h pint. (2) A supply o(clean water. ( 3) Small bottle of dilute hydrochloric acid. ( 4) Classification chart, figure 3-1. 4. Procedure.~· The classification of a soil by this method is based on visual observations and estimates of its behavior in a remolded state. The procedure is. in effect. a process of elimination, beginning on the !eft side of the classification chart, figure 3-1 (see column beaded Field Jdentification Procedures), and working to the right until the proper group symbol is obtained. The group symbol must be supplemented by detailed word descriptions. incJuding a description of the inplace con- ditions for soils to be used in situ as foundations. • By recording, briefly, the observations made in the step by step pro- cedure given below. the information for classifying and describing the soil is obtained. The forms shown on figure 3-2 are recommended for use in the laboratory for trajning purposes as an aid to attaining profi~ ciency in classification and Jogging procedures. However. final field classification of sc.:Js should be recorded on the form shown on figure 3-3. The classification chart and a check list of descriptive items in para~ graphs 8. 13. and 14 are helpful in classifying soils in the field. (Note: Many natural soils will have properties not dearly associated with any one soil group. but which are common to two or more groups. Or they may be near the borderline between two groups, either in per~ centages of the various sizes or in plasticity charaetetistics. For this sub- stantial number of soils, borderline classifications are used; that is, an appropriate dual symbol is assigned. A dual symbol consists of the two group symbols most nearly indicating the proper soil description, con- nected by a hyphen as, for example GW-GC, SC-CL, ML-CL, and others.) ... S. Selection and Preparation of SampJe.-Select a representative sample of the soil and spread it on a flat surface or in the palm of the hand . D-6 ~"' ·-., • ._. -'~"''" M. •-.... , ....... ~. •>••-<••> ·-•• ·------·····~-----·-····-~---····-···--·-"'"""'~----·····-····· ----···'"" ............... , ............. , .. ,,,, ________ ~-----~~ \ - r;- l [ .. , [ [' ' <.' [ L t. 390 EARTH MANUAL FI[LO IDENTIFICATION l'lltOC~DUIItES FOIIt FINE·tUtAINED SOILS Oil! FlltACTIONS Tfo(:sii procedures art to ba ptdormed on the minus No 40 11tvt llli part'1cles, opprol1m12ttly ~ 111 For htld clautftcation purposes, scrttn1n9 11 not tnttnded, stmply rtmovt by t1and tht coorst r~orttcln that rnterhtrt wtth l-Ilt tests C4LATANCY (React•on to shaking) lifnr removtn; particles Ior;t~r than No. •o sitvt StZII, pttport o pat r:,f moi:;t sotl w1th a volume or about Oftt·half cubic tnch. Add ~'lou;h wat4'•· .f necessary to make th~ soil soft but not sttck y. ~act tht pot 11'1 tht open palm of Oi'lt hand and shaki! hortzontolly 1 ~trtktnQ vtqorously OIJOinst tht other hond stvtrol t1mts A posttivt reaction cot'!sists of tht a~toranet of water on th~ surface of tht pat whtc:'l c:han;Qs to a hvtry conststtlncy and becomes ;louy. W?ltn tht sam~tle is squttztd ~thwttr. tht ftn;trS 1 the water and oloss dtsapptar trot:~ ti\o &urfact 1 tn, pet st1 fftns, and fiMIIy 1t crocks or crumbles The rop1dity of DJ~~aronct of wattr durt~ shak1,Q and of 1ts diSappearance durtno squttZ•"9 asstst •n 1dtnt1fying the chcracttr of t ht fines tn a so•l. Vory tint elton sands QIYI thw quickest and most d1St1nci' rtact1on IIIMr'tas a plastiC clay has no reoct!C;'I. lnorQanic silts, such os a typ1cal rock flour, sho•s a modtrottly qu•ck rtot~10n Ollt'f S'flltENGTH ICr~htn; cnarG;:t,nstu:s) After rtmov•nq parttr:lts lar;tr !han No o&O SIIVI SIZt 1 mold a pat o' soli to the co"ttsh11ey of putty, odd:l'lt; •oter tf nc~cu~ary. Allor~;~ tht pat to dry complete I~ b~ ovtl\, sun, or atr drytl'lQ 1 ~1\d than tnt 1ts •trtn;th by brtak1n; and crumbhn; bt;wwton tht lir.gtn; !hts strength i:t a mtasurw rA tf'lt t:haracttr and quonhty of th• collat'.lol fraction contcurttd ;., tht so•l Tht dr'J strtn;th increases w1th mcrtl'JS1tl9 plost1ctty ~hgh dry stren9th tS c:haroettrlsttc for clays of the CH ;roup, A t)·~-eal tnor;onu: s1lt posseuts only vtry sl1ght dry ~trtngth Silty t1nt sands and stlh 1\avt about the same sltiJhl dry strtn;th, but con bt disttn;utShad by the feel •htn po~o~~~tr1n~ tht drttcJ sptctmen. Fmt sa'ld hels ;rn'ty •htrtcn a ?ypacal 11~t has tnt 'mQOth ful of flour TOUGHNE!aS (ConsiifMcy nt(lr plastu: hl'\tt) .. A:+er rtmov•n; partrclu lar;tr than ihe No 40 l\itvt sin, a sptc•mtt~ of sc.:~• about ont·halt 1ncl'l culM'" siu 1S molded to the consistency of putty. If tar.~~. water must be odcted and H sttcky, the spectr~tn should be sprto;j out 11'1 a thin loytt and allowed to ton somt matsfurt by evaporat1on Ttl&<; t~ spte•mon IS rolltd out lly hal'd on o s:mooth surface or bttw.ttn the ~:~alms 1nto a thread about a!"4·ti1Jhth •nth 1n dtamtttr. Tha thrtad 1s then folded and rtrolltd rtptotedly Ourtng this montpulat•on tht mo1sture content is ;r~dually rtducQd and tht specimen st•fftns, finally losu th ~:~losticity, and c;rumbl~s whtn tho olast•c; l!wut is rtc:chtd AHtr tht thread c:r11mb 1tli1 the 111tcts should be lumped togetf\tr and a v.ll;ht k'ltadf!lg ac~ton cootmutd unttl ~tt lumo crumblu ' Tht tougher the thrtod ntar '"-plosttc l1m1t and ttl•· stifftr tht luml) wht.n 1t hna,ty crumbles, tht rrore potent IS tht !:OIIotdal ~:ta~ fractson 1n the sotl. Wtokntss of the thrtod at the pi:Jsttc ltmtt oM qu•c k loss of coherence of ti'IQ lump btlow tht plastH: !tmit tnd;cott 11ther inorgan•c clay f.lf low ~:~losttcltl', or materials sut.:l'l as ICq!llt~~ type clays and orgonrc ctavs which occur btlo" tho il!."~lnt H•ghiy oroan1c cloys 11a~t a very wtok and s~:~ongy t111 at tnt plastic lu'i'lc~ D-7 Des. E-3 APPENDIX 391 (a) Estimate and record the maximum particle $ize in the sample. (b) Remove all particles larger than 3 inches from the sample. Estimate the percentage and distribuiion, by weight {volume is satisfac- tory), of cobbles (particles 3 to 12 inches in diameter) and boulders (particles over 12 inches in diameter) removed, and record as descrip- tive information (fig. 3-2), or in the proper columns on figure 3-3. Only that fraction of the sample smaller than 3 inches is classified. 6. Division Between Coarse-and Fine-Grained SoUs.-Classify the sample as coarse-grained or fine-grained by estimating the percent, b~1 weight, of particles which can be individually seen by the unaided eye. Soils containing more than 50 percent individually visible particles are coarse-grained soils. Soils containing less than 50 percent individually visible particles are fine-grained soils (see fig. 3-1). (Nore: For classification purposes, the No. 200 sieve size (0.074 mm.) is the particle-size division between fine-and coarse-grained particles. Particles of this size are about the smallest that can be seen individually by the unaided eye.) 7. Visual Procedure for Coarse-Grained Soils.-If it bas been de- termined that the soil is coarse-grained. the soil is further identified by estimating and recording the percentage of: ( 1) grav\!1-sized partic1es, size range 3 inches to the No. 4 sieve (about 1A inch); (2) sand-sized particles. size range No. 4 sieve to No. 200 sieve; and (3) silt-and cla)'-sized particles, size range smaller than No. 200 sieve. (Note: The fraction of a soil smaller than the No. 200 sieve size, the clay and silt fraction, is referred to as .. fines.'') (a) Gravelly Soils.-If the percentage of gravel is greater than the sand. the soil is a GRAVEL designated by the capital letter G. Gravel-sized particles are further divided as follows: Coarse gravel--3 inches to ~ inch Fine gravel-3A inch to No.4 (about lAinch) These divisions are used to describe the average size of the gravel if poorly graded. Gravels are further identified as being CLEAN (when containing less than 5 percent fines) or DIRTY (when containing more than 12 per* cent fines). However, the term "dirty .. is usually not used in a descrip- tion; instead, the properties of the fines that make the gravel "dirty'' have to be described. Gravel containing 5 to .12 percent fines are given borderline classifications, that is, dual symbols. If the soil is obviously dean, the classification will be either: ( 1 ) GW, well-graded, if there is good representation of all par- ticle sizes, or .. D-8 t.i I 1.0 ......... fll ................. VISUAL CLASSIFICATION OF SOIL SAMPlES TABLE NO, __ _ ~ECT ____ I_ae __ .,_l_• ______________ __ FEATURE--------------SHEH __ OF __ IDIMTIPICATIOM GIIIAI)UIOH tlnlt~ATIDI iii --~ ... • .... J ... ! !J • .. Iii=' f i i .... ; o: ..... -· ... .. .... o• ..... o,.. >:a 80• ... .. ;s; !} u.., ... ..i !. .,!!!. !!!. !!!. I ) 1-1!!!1!" __ --~.!1.. 1:• ]0 1!! 0 _f!!.•L t--+--t-•·:.:~"-=·~-=·-=~ ------·-·-.. --,--, • -=-1:1--~ .. I-.M -io -io r..t -t-=--t--=--+------Jt-9 _____ -=-l-~ ~------ t--t---t---·--t-------... .. --· ---·--_ ... t--· ----- t--~..1-t-_.l._.._ __ -~-: ~CL:. u_:o -fi . t9 lO IQ 1!'9'!1' ---~ 1---1----t-.. -. ·--.. ·-· . )I --··r---·-·--------.. J m, [-"£·-- -----. -~--•. 1. 1-----· -. 1-'·-·-. ! m m -..---"'"i ...L---·- --·-- -· --.i.. -j -f -·---I --.o--··-· _1._. __ ! ~ :----·- 1 ~--Ul . -- lanll'lf •raa a ... ·· n , Tan ~;o·.: JO.O ~·· lS as lr_own 0 • J,O '"1 ·- NOll Num•••• •" &-Dfltillltlil ••• ,.,,,., ''"'"'''"'' ul """''''• dJittll'r ,...,..,, DflCIIIII'TIOM AND lOll CLAUIPICATIOM 1. OIIUIPTIYI CL&lllriC.UIIItl J. I'UYICLI IIU, IHAPI, .t.HD GIUATIIIfiiUHirHMI.Y, WILL, POOUY Gl.t.DII, lTC, J. COHI!UIMCY, ILAU1Cif7, UC. L IIACtiOtl TD SHAIUHG lilT, DIY IUIIIGIH, lTC • .. s • ... ... L ::1 2 u Well·andecl CIAVIL;_clean 1 herd, a'!b•n&uler.I:CI!!.!! .. ~l~IIJ-C~ _c:on.elder!~~~-co•!•• eu~!'ourtde~_ .. nd e_l!.U~-.... -----__ "Cta]e1 ciiAV!i.( prwdo.inent"iy Ul".a'";' tiei4 1" iubraunlsd Dr.ivel c~ . eh••. ·-" e.ount of ·u ... -· .. n·:· c\ioy_~rt!on .ell{-~tij_' - ·-plutlc, --~eute rue~~~~ ~o IICI..t _ ·--· . • _. ---· ••. , -~~ll-ar~ded cu.vtii"t•lfl1 cl•~n. hard:.~P"auhr t;rn•l. ~ •••••• canelderable tend, clay portion .aderetelr _ pluttc. (epprod•\•h !' perce!'t ov•!~l~• l" tot", eetl .. t•• .. de ln field), .odarete r~!~~~~n to ~CL: •. Poarlr-areded IUD; hud. •ubenauhr, no •diu• •tnd ••••t .If _ ver)' few flnea (appro.~dMtaly 10 percen~ oven& .. l" t~ ~"i. en t .. tu ~d• ln field) 1 aodente r.!lec:t loW! ll! "CLt lllty SAIID; pndaelnentlr coau .. , uube';.&ui'er unj elre!l. contelne • fuv enaulacr arevel parttcl•l! and con~l~eubl!l nonpJut(c f!nu, • _ ltlty SAMDj fine to •diu•, poorlr·areded, ~~~d. ~!~~~·q~• ~- ellahtlr plaatlc Unu! .. _ _ ·-·. ···-··. __ ·--!IL_ l.~o=-a•nlc llLTj cllaht plantcttr, .con~~·'!• !o• fl!'l! ~e~~ Ill! no drr etrensth. .• • _ _ lnaracnlc CLAT; hlah pla•tlclty, htah dr7 atrenath, cantelnl 1 trace of fine eend, ... Cll eJto ut. 11' figure 3-2.-Data form for visual .classification of borrow area samples. (Shet!t 1 of 2.) 101-D-526. • t:1 I I-' 0 PROJECT ... ..... .... 5~ ""' 1H- • • • • ::> a • ... i IO!MTIFICATIOII lCKATIOIG 08 tlATIOII 1'1!1'1"· .... ........ 1---t--+-------··-···----+--+-------·-- 1---ll--f----------- VISUAL CLASSIFICATION OF FOUNDATiON SAMPU:S f,EATUR£ ------------ GIIAOATIOH OUCIIIP'TIOII • UPIDIUU.'IIIfl' STAT! llSTI•ATt:DI --·----,--iii ----_,.,.·-·---... I COMJIUfi<CY VfU IOPT JOPT. ,. ••• .. i •c ~ • i o ... Ha•D~ Vf.Y "UD. JTICIY. UITTLf, .... "-.,J.,. ,.IAtll. I~OI<C:Y • "'" .. -"'" o,_ J. S!RUCtU•f • \TRatl"tD u•YlD. , >-:> llO IE:> u., . .. ... SIMC:lf c;• AUt ftC ! ... ": ~! !. .. u~ • 1 CfOI(MU. !IOU &"D MOIUU•t • ! ! • GINUIAL GfOlDC:It DUCIII'fiOII " tkonlfton sa ... pl• TABLE NO.--- !JHEET __ OF-- SOIL CLASIIPICATIOM ·---------r-- I. Df\C.IPTIYf ClAUIOICall()tl .. ~ J. f'A8Titl! IIU. SHAri, IOIUOilTICMI IUM.,ORNl Y. •llL. I'OO•LY GQADfD • :; UC.I .. J. CDMJISJIMCT, tlAS11CI1Y. !lC :2 0 • "' o ; 9) D'~~k ·· StiALE~ 1101at, hard. ia.tiiau.s Fet _cur~· i.ts~ p1ut tcit.r. j:~: • --· srsy "•• Ill sray , .. brntonl tf' ....... -(aoupy (r~l)1 no r~actlon to. • __ • • . • Hcl. '"'ruvtoua.. . . 1---- ·.J-_-=-z-t--:t-~P--).,-t-&-.o·r·r-o_w __ .::: U:i=i4.2. ilo (I' Inn fnf111,8tlon) • • . _ • 12-lnch Cub• S•"'r'•• 0 'zo ftQ "rown I~FSS; 11ofr, ~lftt, cnntaln• nui!IPrnua rnnt • and root holt' I, ,....__ ---· llrol'8 D • fJ04 0 10 90 Tan ~i•r•t• rrartfon to HCI. CLAY; ho...asrnrouu, ••"'~~~ ··-·· 1.~~~ "cLAYj cj;atiij.:_: ~ -···. ~ •rr••r• to hr dlaturhrd, """• -· ·-· __ ·----· ··--·. __ htrly rnoiU '· rt',\\Cta vloi•ntly _. -··--·-----·--· ___ 1_ tn HI! I, f..,p,.rvlou~J. 1--+--+-----------· ---.. ---· ---(lfinhura ro..-tlon)~------··---------· --· -·- ~r.rr.~ su. 1_6~ 4~!-~~~ _ ~o ··o-·1o 1-j_o Rfu-;-5Ailo; tnp_i.'' •ot~. ynz::::~~::: ~~~i-1>::i~'!d!~--~~"l!i "'F- t--+--t------+--·--. -. -' ·--and-bluhh sny wtth llllnor fat pndc•lnant !y rtn~, 1-- t---t---t------+·-·----_ -·-__ t_an: .... ~iay_•irln~~trre! "j,nrnu;-_· == _d~gTipj_cla1ei .. ...::..-:==· _ t---t---t----·----·------· ·-·---· ...... !'~,n!cturP, prrvl!lu•.!_bo~!~~---------------_ ! ----+--·--·---·---__ -·· ·-·--··--_6 __ flrm, !N>Ist, t.•"·----------·-·-·- m ·-..-.:· ~--·-__ '"7::" -~--·--· J·lnch t:on sa ... rln ---------------,.---l--1 ~ 2._m!2,Sta~!:+OOI. __ 46:J:4.!.:.!' ___ 1.::_ JO .69. _10 llro>!ft.!. CP:HENTF.U 5~110; hnd. cltnl'•-Wt.H .. --Cr!!dacl SAifO;.. rou~fL SIL I .c~_n_tC:Jc.l.!'~ •. -----•. ___ .... -·--· .atutlflrd 1 ulcar.•ou••----• .Pirl•~lu..._auv.d\L...._ __ _ --··--. ·-1 _ • _ ··-____ • •pr••r• pPrvlou•1• -------·· --------------· 1_ o :q -~r ·s:-·-· . _ ·-· __ _ .(os•lhta formatl~n).!.. _____ . ---------;a_-::1-- "' ~~H:::. S!•.····t __ :.6:_~,!~ :: ~:. .•.•. ·-Brown Vf.IIY IIARO SILTSTOIIF.;_conta_ln• __ •Bt'rtrock_M nqt_ri~~aU1~t!I-- L_.t· .. 1 ~l'•n't'•"r-•1.!1 ."~.-. ··-· · ·-· • . •. --· -·· calcarrou• l'n•r•, l111pf'r.,loue 1 . !:~=· -~~~~r1 .1 Y""-···"''-1--L .. _--'----'·L...;:.~~;;.:..::..;..:.:.:.:."":.;;. _____ _._ _ _.__..___. __ _.._, _ _..-'(I.!I~~Io::,:n~t~•~zu~-~-=r~o~nna=Slon) gruup 11:r-uv • Figure 3-2.-Data form for visu31 classifica~ion of foundation samples. (Sheet 2 of 2.) 101-D-527. ,., , -u fY'I z 2 X ltJ \0 w .. LOG OF TEST PIT OR AUGER HOLE (Ofl 80IIIIIIIOW1A""O fOU,.OAttON UtvtSftOAliONS __ ,_ __ K•••ple ·-· _ .. """"'----· .. ............ check su .. .-aun '' ·--~~~~• . "tP-109 .__ Stilt I on U t 7+2S -· _;.,. 1111111-alall'l·duapl t • ..,. ......... 190. ~ • ._. .. ""''-lo a ~ feat ._ 11 -,..,.. *11ot reechad _ . . ..... 6·1 to 6-11. 19_ Iota.,., ----~~~~--------~~~ C&.A:~:~O~._'aC* OlPIH ._It ... lfP( C1.:&~$1f1GAIIO" ••u DISC.flllt"'fiO .. Of .. Ailt41AL. 111 ~t l .. 'Aiil Ul t.UMilfS AIIIIIO aout.PI•S Hr efllt. Of ltfl '""'"' •,,,•u•tiD SOil CL•Ittf•Cahutt~ ·.ot.,,.._t Of ;t,c.."' f,_ .... ~.;,.;.,... 9f .;.,.,.;, Uf 1'1...,.; ... .. &.I til• -~ ~~ l&•lfl liwl IIOLO .. C a..o ..... ,.&.HI CCIC.••tthOtll PQIII IOUIIiiGaHO• ... wUUtaUO•I' ~~ ,....,, I IU 'J ..... wUlt.~iltf Of ~~"·t"'<." -=~uwt Ool t----lf---'it----t-----f----------------.. --·-·--.. ,.---'!~ ·~!~ ~!.!.~ !.!!.' ~~:l-::;~2-[ ~~...:::. 0 1 •7 1 Well·ar•dad GIAV!L UITH COJIL!S AHD 80ULD!IS, 6.' 82 8./o 117 llo.l i ... .. • .. 0 -~ .. • • ... • ... .. • .. I .. 0 .... sc-cL , .. .. ... !J ... • .. .. S•ft4-j atone - - - - I ~-lb. aeck, ·l lnc:h I SO· lb. ••c:" ... , .. UO·lb. en!( ... , .. Cleen. llpproa, 10\ herd, aubroundad ~rawal, coer•• to ft.ne; upproa. lOt coane and -diu• •~nd; llriiY· Appro It cobblea and 141 houldera (by woluae) to )0-lnch .. xt.u• atae. Jnplace condition -tooaa, dry, nonatratlfled, allKhtly c•aenced, alluvial fan ..terl•l • 7 1 ·1/o' F•t CLAY. Appro• •. 90t hhh pl81tlcttv Unu, hish dry atr•nath, hlah touKhnaaa; approa. 101 .edlu• eand; ~rown; no reaction with HCL; .. al.ua alae, -diu• aancl, lnplaca condlt ton • ao(t, ~t, ho•aavwtoua • llo'-21' Clayay lAID. Approx. ~t hard, •ncular. coarae to ftne aand, all&hlly •lcacaoua; trace of ar•val, .. at.ua alae, 1/2-tnch; approx. ~01 .. dtu• plaattclty ftnea; yellow, •de .. ta reaction wtth HCL • lnplaca conclltlon • Plra, .alit, ho.o&anaoua • nonu rat! fled • 22' SA-DSTOM£, liard, hl11hly ca-nted, 0 0 0 0 1-0I(-.. -... --,-L-.L....--•------'-------------,-·---------·-· ------·--------...L..----..1--- Averaae a~ctflc J~•vlty of cobble& and boulder• • 2.Sl bv dlaptacemcnt. S••pl•• obtained froa aawpllna trench, ,.. 4 \1 &1\ ul f •' • ::.,;;.;-.;, 1hh IUvtl \Hl ,,, IJ'D•··· of fOil I .. , .. ICo~O•t •• ,. ut hfolt •a•J.Iilfl leet.Of4 bull 'Pf(·lo( ,,., •• ,1ft AtnuuH. \hlt•,.c.! hV• u•t~tAI4 l•tohrtd OflliUIIIIIftdl .. 011 'I ,~,Df~~ ...... lflt ltn4 ""'''J fttt 4111, •r .,,t;o ... .._ ..... ,. tllfiiOr•t ... ,.t(lf'4 v1tor .... , .,_,tee<,.., ••• "*•''" fhti..,, . ., *tie of UMtntd•,ck.anttotl'lltl"< .. ~"' 1n tl..,dtU •• .,.. ... 1111 .,.,, •• toHI• ,,,. ..-4 II fe.,,.4tt.e~~• •ht't! If I ,allftloll •~r• ll .. UIRtlfY(hon ·~tlf'llh Figure 3-3.-Data form for visual classification to be used In the field. 101·0-528. -----' Des. £-3 APPENDIX 395 (2) GP, poorly-graded, if there is either pre~ommant exce~s or absence of particle sizes within the grave] range. The letters W a.nd P can be used in classification symbols for the coarse-grained roils only when the percentage of fines is less than 12 percent. If the sci! obviously is dirty, the classification will be eiGJer: (3) GM if the fines have Jittle or no plasticity (silty), or ( 4) GC if the fines are of low to medium or high plasticity (clayey). (See paragraphs 9 and 19 for procedure for classifying the "fines".) (b) Sandy Soils.-If the percentage of sand is greater than gravel, the soil is a SAND designated by the capital Jetter S. Sand-sized particles are further divided ~ follows: Coarse sand-No. 4 (about ~ in'cb) to No. 10· (about 3/32 inch) Medium sand-No. 10 (about 3,132 inch) to No. 40 (about 1/64 inch) Fine sand-No. 40 (about 1/64 inch) to No. 200 sieve (about 3.d ,000 inch) These divisions are used to describe the average size of the sand if poorly-graded. The same procedure is applied as for gravels, except that the word SAND replaces GRAVEL and the symbol S replaces G. Thus~ the clean sands will be classified as either: ( 1) SW or (2) SP and the dirty sands will be classified as: ( 3) SM if the fines have little or no plasticity (silty), or ( 4) SC if the fines are of low to medium or high plasticity (clayey). (c) Borderline Classifications for Coarst-Grained Soils.-Borderline classifications can occur within the coarse-grained soil division, between soils within either the gravel grouping or the sand grouping, and between gravelly and sandy soils. The procedure is to assume the coarser soil, when there is a choice, and complete the classification and assign the appropriate group sym- bol; then, beginning where the ~oice was made, assume the finer soil and complete the classification, assigning the second group symbol. Borderline classifications within the separate gravel or sand groups can occur; symbols such as G\\'-GP, GM--GC, GW-GM, SW-SP, SM-SC, and S\\.'-SM are common. 4?4•122 0-74 • 28 D-12 r [. [ [ [ [ [ [ r • t r I t f, l t L I L, 396 EARTH MANUAL Des. E-~ BorderHne classifications can occur between the gravel and sand groups; symbols such as GW-SW, GP-SP, GM-SM, and GC-SC are common. In addition to the borderline classifications within the coarse-grained division, borderline classifications also occur within the fine-grained divi- sion (par. 11 (c)). Borderline classifications can also occur between coarse-and fine- grained soils; classifications such as SM-ML and SC-CL are common. 8. Descriptive Jgformation for Coar~aGr:ained Sofils.-The follow~ ing information is required for a complete description of coarse-grained soils and should be recorded in the appropriate columns on figures 3-2 or 3-3. All of these descriptive data are not always needed. Judgment should be used to inc'ude pertinent information, to avoid negative infor- mation. and to eliminate repetition. However, items (1 ), {2), (3), (8), and ( 11) should always ~e included. (I) T) pical name. (2) Maximum siz~. distribution, and approximate percentage of cobbles and boulders (particles larger than 3 inches) in the total material. (3) Approximate percentage of gravel, sand, and fines in the fraction of soil smaller than 3 inches. ( 4) For poorly-graded materials, statement of whether sand or gravel is coarse, medium, fine, or skip-graded. ( 5) Shape of the grains; rounded, subrounded, angular, sub- angular. ( 6) The surface coating, cementation, and hardness of the grains and possible breakdown when compacted. (7) The color and organic content. (8) Moisture conditions; dry, moist, wet, very wet (near satura- tion). (9) Plasticity of fines; none, slight, medium, high plasticity. ( l 0) Local or geologic name. (II) Group symbol. 9. Visual Procedrllre for Fine-Grained SoiJs.-If it has been deter- mined that the soU is fineegrained, the soil is further identified by esti- mating the percentages of gravel, sand, and fines (silt-and clay-sized particJes), and performing the manual identification tests for dry strength, dilatancy, and toughness. (See field identification procedures for fine- grained soils or fractions on fig. 3-1.) By comparing the results of these te$ts with the requirements given for the six. fine-grained soil groups, the appropriate group name and symbol is assigned. The same procedures are used to identify the fine·grained fraction of coarse-grained soils to determine whether they are silty or clayey. D-13 Des. E-3 APPENDIX 397 10. Manual Identification Tests.-The tests for identifying fine- grained soils are performed on that fraction of the soil finer than the No. 40 sieve size (about 1 '64 inch). The manual tests are considered to be performed on the ''fines." The soil finer than the No. 40 includes the .. fines'' (minus No. 200) and fine sand (minus No. 40 to No. 200). Select a small representative sample and remove by hand all particles larger than the No. 40 size and prepare two small specimens. each with a volume of about 1;2 cubic inch. by moistening until the specimem can easil\' be rolled into a ball. Perform the tests listed below, carefullY . . noting the behavior of the soil pat during each test. ( Norr: Operators with considerable experience find that it is no'! neces- sary in all cases to prepare two pats. For example. if the soil contains dry Jumps. the dry strength can be readily determined without preparing a p:lt for this particular purpose.) (a) Dilatancy (Reaction to Sha~ingJ.-Add enough water to nearly saturate one of the soil pats. Place the pat in the open palm of ont hand and shake horizontally. striking vigorous]) against the other hand several times. Squeeze the pat between the fingers. The appearance and dis::~p­ pe=trance of the water with shaking and squeezing is referred to as a reaction (fig. 3-4). This reaction is called ( 1) quick, if water appears and di!'appears rapidly. ( 2) slow, if water appears and disappears slowly. and ( 3) no reaction. if the water condition does not appear to change. Observe and record the type of reaction as descriptive information. (b) ~·ouglmess (Consistency Near Plastic Limit).-Dry the pat used in the dilatancy test. subparagraph (a) a boy e. by working and molding until it has. the consistency of putty. The time required to. dry the pat is an indication of its plasticity. Ro11 the pat on a smooth surface or between the palms into a thread about 1;8 inch in diameter. Fold and reroll the thread repeatedly to. Vs-inch diameter so that its water content is gradu- ally reduced until the 1/s -inch thread just crumbles; The water content at crumbling stage is called the plastic limi't. and the resistance to mold- ing at the plastic limit is called the toughness. After the thread crumbles, the pieces should be Jumped together and a slight kneading action continued until the lump crumbles. If the lump can still be molded slightly drier than the plastic limit and if high pres- . SJ,JI'e is required to ro]l th~o. l}Jf.!ad between the palms of the hands. the soil is described as possessin~ hi~ll toughness. Medium toughness is indicated by a medium tough tiu~~rl and a lump formed of the threads slightly be!ow the plastic limit will crumble~ while slight toughness is indicated by a weak thread that breaks easily and cannot be Jumped to~ether when drier than the plastic limit. This test also provide~ approxi- mate information on the plasticity index. PI (designation E-7). of the D-14 398 EARTH MANUAL Des. E-3 . . .,.. -•-__.-, ..... "-. REACTION TC SHAKING REACTION TO SQ.UEEZING Figure 3-4.-Reactions of a silty soil to shaking 1nd squeezina (dilatancy test). PX-D-16335. D-15 Des. E-3 i\PPENDIX 399 soil. The number of times the procedure can be repeated is an indication of the PI of the material. Highly organic clays have a very weak and spongy feel at 'the plastic limit. Nonplastic soils cannot be rolled into a thread of ~-inch diameter at any water content. Observe and record the toughness as descriptive information. (c) Dry Str~ngth (Crushing Rt?sistanc~).-Compietely dry one of the prepared specimens. Then measure its resistance to crumbling and pow- dering between the fingers. This res~stance, called dry strength, is a measure of the plastjcity of the soil and is influenced largely by the colloidal fraction contained. The dry strength is designated as slight if the dried pat can be easily powdered, medium if considerable finger pressure is required, ana high if it cannot be powdered at all. Observe and record the dry strer..gth as descriptive information. (Nor~: The presence of high-strength~ water-soluble cementing mate- rials, such as calcium carbonates or iron oxides, may cause high dry strengths. Nonplastic soils. such as caliche, coral, crushed limestone, or soils containing carbonaceous agents, may have high dry strengths, but this can be detected by the effervescence caused by the application of dilute hydrochloric acid (see acid test. subpar. (e) below).) {d) Organic Content and Color.-Fresh, wet, organic soils usually have a distinctive odor of decomposed organic matter. This odor can be made more noticeable by heating the wet sample. Another indication of the organic material is the distinctive dark color. Dry. inorganic clays develop an earthy odor upon moistening. which is distinctive from that of decomposed organic matter. (e) Orh~r Identification Tests.- ( 1) Acid rest.-The acid test usir.g dilute hydrochloric acid (HCI) is primarily a test for the presence of calcium carbonate. For soils with high dry strength. a strong reaction indicates that the strength may be due to calcium carbonate as cementing agent, rather than colloidal clay. The resu1ts of this test (no reaction to HCL should be reported) should be included in the soil description. (Note: Dilute solution ( l :3) of hydrochloric acid is one part of concentrated hydrochloric acid to three parts of distilled water. Handle with cau- tion. Rinse with tap water if it comes in contact with skin.) (2) Shin~.-This is a quick supplementary procedure for deter- mining the presence of clay. The test is performed by cutting r~ Jump of dry or slightly moist soil with a knife. A shiny surface imparted to the soil indicates highly plastic clay. while a dull surface indicates silt or clay of slight plasticity. (3) Miscellaneous--Other criteria undoubtedly can be developed b,v the individual as he gains experience in classifying soils. For D-16 [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ r L f t,. ,., f L r L r l 400 EARTH MANUAL Des. E-3 example, differentiation between some of the fine-grained soils de- pends largely upon the experience in the "feel" of the soils. Frequent checking by laboratory tests is necessary to gain this experience. 11. Silty and Clayey Soils.-Various combinations of results of the manual identification tests indicate which grouping is proper for the soil .in question. (a) The following three groups are soils possessing slight to medium plasticity (symbol L): ( 1) ML has little or no plasticity and may be recognized by slight dry strength, quick dilatancy, and slight toughness. ( 2) CL has slight to medium plasticity and may be recognized by medium to high dry strength, very slow dilatancy, and medium toughness. ( 3) OL is less plastic than the clay ( CL) and may be recognized by slight to medium dry strength, medium to slow dilatancy, and slight toughness. Organic matter must be present in sufficient amount to influence the soil properties in order for a soil to be placed in this group. (b) The following three groups are soils possessing slight plasticity to high plasticity (symbol H): ( 1) MH is generally very absorptive. It has slight to medium plas- ticity and may be recognized by low dry strength. slow dilatancy, and slight to medium toughness. Some inorganic soils (such as kaolin which is a clay from a mineralogical standpoint) possessing medium dry strength and toughness will fall in this group. ( 2) CH possesses high plasticity and may be recognized by high dry strength, no dilatancy, and usually high toughness. (3) OH is less plastic than the fat clay (CH) and may be recog- nized by medium to high dry strength, slow dilatancy, and slight to medium toughness. Organic matter must be present in sufficient amount to influence soil properties in order for a soil to be placed in this group. (c) Borderline Classifications for Fine-Grained Soils.-Borderline classifications can occur within the fine-grained soil division, between low and high liquid limit soils, and betw~~m silty and clayey soils. The proce- . dure is comparable to that given for coarse-grained soils in paragraph 7(c); that is, first assume a coarse soil, when there is a choice, and then a finer soil and assign dual group symbols. Borderline classifications which are common are as follows: ML-MH, CL-CH, OL-OH, CL-ML, ML-OL, CL-OL, MH-CH, MH-OH, and CH-OH . .. D-17 Des. E-3 APPENDIX 401 12. Peat or Very Highly Organic Soils (Symbol Pt).-These may be readily identified by color, odor, sponginess, or fibrous texture. 13. Descripth·e Information for 'Fine-Gnined Soils.-The following information is required for a complete description of fi.newgrained soils and should be recorded in the appropriate columns of the log forms shown on figures 3-2 or 3-3. All of these descriptive data are not always needed. Judgment should be used to include pertinent information, to avoid nega- tive information. and to eliminate repetition. However, items (1 ), (2), ( 6), ( 7), and ( 9) should always be included. ( 1 ) Typical name. (2) Maximum particle size. Distribution, and approximate per- centage of cobbles and boulders (particles larger than 3 inches) in the total material. (3) Approximate percentage of gravel, sand, and fines in the fraction of soil smaller than 3 inches. ( 4) Hardness of the coarse grains, possible breakdown into smaller sizes. ( 5) Color in moist condition and organic content. (6) Moisture and conditions: dry. moist, wet, very wet (near saturation). (7) Plasticity characteristics; none. slight. medium, high plasticity. ( 8) Local or geologic name. (9) Gmup symbol. 14. Descriptive Information for Foundation Soils.-The inplace con- dition of soils which are to be utilized as foundations for hydraulic or other structures assumes primary imponance in soil classification. Logs of foundation explorations and descriptions of undisturbed samples, there- fore, must emphasize the inp1ace conditions of the soil. It is necessary to present a corr1piete word picture describing the soil as it exists in the foundation, in addition to assigning a name and proper group symbol. Judgment should be used to include all pertinent information, to avoid negative information, and to eliminate repetition. (a) Coarse-Grained Soils.-Items in table 3-1 should always be included when applicable. The information requested for each item can be recorded on the preprinted log in the approximate sequence in table 3-1. The degree of compactness and structure usually cannot be ascer- tained when augering;. an exposed test pit or trench wall is essential for describing natura! subsoil conditions. An example of a field log is shown on figure 3-3. (b) Fine-Grained Soils.-Items listed in table 3-2 shouid always be included when applicable. The information requested for each item can be recorded on the preprinted log in the approximate sequrnce shown in • D-18 ·c;----~"'-·---~----·-·-···--·~------·T--~------·-· --~--·-------·····--~ . ··----~----~··---·w·-•--.•-••·----·~·-···~ =:J 1 ., ......,~*""•,.._.,,.""""':-"" '-"'0-.-,......,......., .. ,,,u~ ~ - n pt i L; r L r l r t ., ' ' [ r I L• r i i w r L. f L" 402 EARTH MANUAL Des. E-3 Table 3-1.--Cbec:k list for description of coarse-grained soils Items of dcscnpti.vc data Typical infoftl'lation desired for sand a11d &ra,cl Typical name-------------· GRAVEL; SAND; Clayey GRAVEL; Silty SAND WlTH COBBLES; (Add descriptive adjectives for minor constituent~xample: approximately IS percent slight plasticity fines~ medium tough- ness.) Gradation----------------Well-graded; poorly-graded (uniformly-graded or skip-graded); (Describe range of particle sizes, such as fine to medium sand or fine to coarse gravel, or the predominant size or sizes as coarse, medium, fine sand or gravel.) Siz~ distribution-----------· Approximate percent of gravel, sand, and fines in the fraction finer than 3 inches. Plasticity of fines----------· None; lc~: medium; high. Maximum particle size ______ , Note percent of boulders and cobbles (by volume) as well as maximum particle size. Min~:-alogy_______________ Rock. hardness for gravel and sand. '!'lote especially presence of mica flakes, shaly particles, organic matter, or friable particles. Grain shape---------------Angular; subangular; subrounded; rounded. C!Jlor--------------------· Use one basic color, if possible. Odor---------------------None; earthy: organic. Moisture condition---------Dry; moist: ~et: saturated. Degree of compactness------loose; dense. Structure------·-----------Stratified; lensed. nonstratified: heterogeneous. Cementation-··------------· Weak~ moderate: strong. Note reaction to HCl as: none; weak; moderate: or strong. Local or geologic name ____ _ Group symboL------------GP. GW, SP, SW. GM, GC, SM, SC, or the appro- priate dual symbol when applicable. Should be compatible with typical name used above. tal::Ae 3-2. The items of consistency, degree of compactness, and structure usually cannot be ascertained when augering; an exposed test pit or trench wall is essential for describ!ng natural subsoil conditions. If hard rock such as siltstone is encountered, it should not be given a soil group symbol such as ML but should be designated as siltstone on the log An ~xample of a field log is given on figure 3-3. The consistency of cohesive soils may be determined in place or on undisturbed samples in accordance ·with the identification procedure given in table 3-3. The structural characteristics of intact soils provide important clues to their performance as foundation materials. Whe.never undisturbed sampCs are available or when the soil profile may be inspected during sampling from a pit, the structural characteristics should be described. Stratified • D-19 - • Des. E-3 APPENDIX 403 l Table .!-%.--Check list for description of fine-it"ained and partly-organic soils ~ms~ I ~ de~eriptive data Typical information desired for silt and clay --------------------'----------------------------------- Typical name ____________ _j I Size distribution __________ _ Plasticity of fines __________ _ I Dry strength--~-----------Dilatancy ________________ _ Toughness near plastic limit __ · Maximum particle size _____ _ Color ___________________ _ Odor--------------------- Moisture condition--------- Consistency (see table 3-3 ) (for clay). Degree of compactness (for silt and fine sal'ld). Structure----··------------ Cementation_------.. ------ Local or geologic name ____ _ SILT: •Sandy SILT; CLAY; Lean or Fat Cl.A Y; •Sandy CLAY; Silty CLAY; Organic SILT; Organic CLAY. • 25 percent or more sand must be present. "Gravelly" can be substituted for "Sandy" where applic.able. Include cobbles and boulders in t;7pical name when applicat'lle. Approximate ~rcent of fines, sand, and gravel in fraction Jess than 3 inches in size. Must add to l 00 percent. None; low: medium: high. None: low: medium: high. Non~: ver) slow; slow: medium; quick. None: slight (lov.): medium; hie;h. ~ote percentage of col:tbles and tt,oulders (by vol· ume I a" well as maximum particle size. ll~e one basic color. if possible. Note presence of moulinp: or banding. !\one; earth): organic. Dry; moi~t: wet: saturated. Very soft: soft: firm: hard: very hard. Loose: dense. Stratified: laminated (\'arved); fissured~ slickensided; l:tlod~: len-.ed: homogeneous. (The thickness, dip, · and strike of layers should l:le included.) Wea)..: moderate: strong. Note reaction with HCl as: none; v. eak: moderate: or strong. Group symboL____________ CL. CH. ML. MH. OL, OH, Pt or the appropriate dual symbol when applicable. Should be compati· ble with typtcal name used above. materials consist of alternating layers of varying types (or color). If the ·layers are less than about one-fourth inch thick, it i"'lay be described as laminated (or varved, if mostly fine-grained). Fissured materials break along definite planes of fracture with little resistance to fracturing. If the fracture planes appear polished or g]ossy, they should be described as slickensided. If a cohesive soil can be easily broken into smal1 angular Jumps which resist further breakdown. the structure may be described as ' ·' '\ J ' I f [ D-20 r L I'' l ~- ,,w_...., _______ _....._,......,~..,....,._..,~~ .......... ~,. ,..........,.._,""" ,~!f.> ~-·~---·-·1·--,.H -~-ec----::--~----------;-------=--14 t~"'".] __ ~~J ~r , ·-, """',:: . . ,• : ' . - -0 404 EARTH MANUAL Des. E-3 Table 3-3.-ldentification of consistency of fine-grained soils Consls&eDt1 Identification pt'ocedure l Very soft ____________ . Easily penetrate soil several inches using high thumb pressure or less. Soft----------------F~netrate soil about 1 incb. using high thumb pressure. Firm---------------Soil indented less than 1,4 inch using high tllumb pressure. Hard---------------Soil not indented using high thumb pressure. Readily in- dented by using thumbnail. Very hard-----------· Not indented with thumbnail. blocky. A lensed structure is indicated by the inclusion of small pockets of different texture, such as small lenses of sand scattered through a mass of clay. The presence of special structural characteristics, such as root holes or porous openings, should also be noted. If no structural char- acteristics are apparent, the soil may be described as nonstratified or homogeneous. Part B. laboratory Method 15.-Apparatus.-Special apparatus is required as noted below: ( 1 ) Equipment fer performing the gradation test (see designa" tion E-6). ( 2) Equipment for performing the moisture limits tests (see designation E-7). ( 3) A small bottle of dilute hjdn~lChloric acid. ( 4) C{assification chart, figure 3-1. 16. Procedure.-The Unified Soil Classification System provides for precise d~lineation of the soil groups by using results of laboratory tests. For gradation and l:''.;isture limits, rathei than visual estimates, see right- hand column of the dassification chart, figure 3-1, entitled ·•Laboratory Classification Criteria:~ Classifying by these tests alone does not fulfill the requirements for complete classification as it does not provide an ~dequate description of the soil. Therefore, the descriptive information .required for the visual method (pars. 8, 13, and 14) should also be included in the laboratory classification. (a) Preparation of Sample.-Sf!reen out the plus 3-inch fra.:tion of the soil, noting the percentage. (b) Division between Fine-and Coarse-Grained Soils.-Obtain the grain-size distribution of the minus 3-inch fraction by performing the .. D-21 -~ .. ---~--.. ~,---·· ·--·~;,:p:;r·~---4 ¢ I' . -- .,,_, ______ ,_'V''"-~-,,........_ --·:=~·~.,._.....,.,.. . . .-~-· -'•, ' ,,. , iirP''"':-·' I ' ;; Oos. E-3 APPENDIX 405 laboratory gradation test. If the soil contains more than 50 percent by weight larger than the No. 200 sieve size, the soil is classified. as coarse· grained; if less than 50 percent, it is ~lassified as fine-grained. 17. Laboratory Procedure for Coarse-Grained ~oils.--Coarse-grained soils are subdivided into GRAVEL and SAJ':D (par. 7) by referring to the gradation curve instead of visually estimating the percentage of vari- ous sized particles present in the soil. !8. Gra,·elly or Sand~ Soils.-Gravels or sands are further identified as being CLEA'f'; or DIRTY by determining the amount of material finer than the l'o. 200 sieve. Ii less than 5 percent i!' finer than the No. 200 sieve. the soil will be classified as either: ( 1) \VELL-GH \DED (GW cr S\\') if the coefficient of uni- formity C. is greater than 4 for gravels and 6 for sands, and the coefficient of curvature C. is between 1 ~T'Jd 3; or (2 > POORLY-GRADED (GP or SP) if either one or both the Cu and C. criteria for ( 1 } above are not satisfied. The coefficient of uniformity C.. and coefficient of curvature C1 are ex- pres£ed as follows; C\ = (D,,,.) C = . (D.w l:.:_ ' ( D 111) r ( D 1 u ) X ( D 1~0) whert?· D, ... D;w· and D .... are the grain-size diameters corresponding respecthel) to 10. 30. and 60 percent passing on the cumula1h~ grain-size curve. 1f more than 12 percent of the total soil is finer than the No. 200 sieve size. the soil will be classified as either: (3) SlLTY (GM or SM) if the results of the moisture limits test~ show that the fines are silty-that is, the plot of liquid limit versus pl3.~1khy index falls below the "A'' line (see plasticity chart. fig. 3-1 )--or if the plasticity index is less than 4; or ( 4) CLAYEY (GC or SC) if the fines are clayey-that is, the plot of liquid limit versus plasticit) index falls above the ''A .. line and the plasticity ind~x is greater than 7. (a) Borderline Classifications for Coarse-Grained SoiJs,_,_Coa~se- grained soils containing between ~ and 12 percent of fines are classified ·as borderline cases between the clean and the dirty gra\ els or sands as, for example, G\V-GC or SP-SM. Similarly, borderline cases may occur in ditty gravels and dirty sands where the PI is between 4 and 7 as, for example, GM-GC or SM-SC. It is poss·ible. therefore. to have a border- line case of a borderline case. The rule for correct classification in this D-22 til 406 D .. - ·fARTH MANUAL Des. E-3 case is to fJvnr the nonplastic classification. Fo17 example, a gravel with 10 percent fines, a Cu of 20, a Cc af2.0, and~-PJ of 6 would be classified GW-GM rather than GW-GC. 19. Laboratory :?rocedure for 11ne·Grained Soils.-Soils contain· ing more than 50 percent fines ~ording to the grain-size curve are dassifit!d in~o one of the si~ fine-grained groups by the results of the moisture limits tests, as plotted on the pla~aicity chart, with attention being given to t~~~; organic· content Those with a liquid limit lc;ss than 50 are referred tt!: ">.s inorganic silts and clays of slight to medium plasticity, while those with a liquid limit greater than 50 are the elastic silts. and fat days of medium to high plasticity. Organic silts and days are usually distinguished from inorganic silts which have the same position on the plasticity chan by odor and color. However, when the organic content is doubtful, the material can be ovendried, remixed ~-rth water, and retested for liquid limit. The plasticity of fine-grairi~d organic ~oils is greatly reduced on ovendrying owing to irreversible changes in the propert1es of the organic material. Ovt"ndrying also affects the liquid limit of inorganic soils, but only to a small degree. A reduction in liquid limit after ovendrying to a value less than threc-fo~rths of the liquid limit before ovendrying is positive identification of organic soils. 20. Sobdh·ision ~( Fine-Grained Soils.-These soils are subdivided as follows: (a) LiquiJ Limit Less Than 50.- ( 1 ) ML has a !.iquid limit less than 50 and the plasticity index ranges from 0 to 22 (see area identified as ML or OL below the; · .. A'' line otl the. plasticity c'hart). (2) CL has a liquid limit less than 50 and a plasticity index greatet than 7 (see area identified as CL above the uA" line on the plasticit;• chart). ( 3) QL ·contains sufficient organic material to affect the soil properties. The OL soiJs have liquid limits less than 50 and their plasticity indices range from 0 to 22 (see area identified as ML or OL below the "A" line on the plasticity chart). (b) Liquid .Limit Greater Than 50.- • ( 1 ) MH .has a liquid limit greater than 50 and the plasticity index ranges from 0 to over 50 (see area identified as MH or OH below the "A" line un the planticity chan:), (2) CH has a liquid limit greater th8l1 50 and the plasticity index ranges from 22 to over 50 (see area 1:dentified as CH above the "A" Hne on the plasticity chart). D-23 • 408 EARTH MANUAL Des. E-4 ( 3) OH has a liquid limit greater than 50 and the plasticity index ranges from 0 to over 50 (see area identified as OH or MH below the "A .. line on the plasticity chart). (c) Borderline Classifications for Fine-Grained Soils.-Fine-grained soils whose plot of liquid limit versus plasticity index falls on, or practica11y on. ( 1) ··A" line or ( 2) the line LL =50 should be assigned the appropriate borderline classification. Soils which plot above the "A'' line. or practically on it, ?.rtd which have a plasticity index between 4 and 7 are classified ML-CL. Part C. Graphic Symbols for Soils 21. Use of Symbols for Soils.-For pictorial presentation of a soil profile or log of e~ploration hole, graphic symbols for soils are some- times advantageous and may be used. To avoid evaluation of a soil deposit on the basis of the graphic symbols. and for simplicity, graphic symbols are given only for the basic soil components: gravel, sand, silt, and clay (fig. 3-5 } . The graphic symbol for the noun in the group name assigned a soil should be used. For borderline soils the graphic symbols may bt: combined. -. D-24 - • ! r ·Des. E-3 I .. APPENDIX I J-___ .,. ---"'·~1 G w L. GROUND WATER LEVEL Auumtd ROC~< SURFACE MISCELLANEOUS SYMBOLS SAND ~c~··-:···.~·:~; .-·~·:=:· • ~·· • ~ •. •: ~· •;a·.· • .o. . . . . .. • ·: o. ···"··=··· o •o .• .•. •, ·.c..'". •0 • •• GRAVEL NOTE: ABOVE SYMBOLS MA.V BE COMBINED FOP. SOUNOARY SOILS SOD, HUMUS or TOPSOit. SOit. SYMBOLS Fi~ure 3-5.-Graphic syJ"'lbols for soils. 103-D-345 • D-25 - 407 11 ~--....," .:"'-"-'" .. , •• • ..., < -.._..;;:~. .... • .... -:-:...,.~~~·;... ~-- :t,-\ ... -' ........ • UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION INCLUDINI IDENTil'IC&TION AND DtSC"IP'TION 11tLD IOtNTif'ICATIDN "ft0t';EtlU .. EIO GAOU.. IN'()~t.lATION IIIECIUIAED P'CII LAIOfiATORY CLASSIFICATION ~ TY .. ICAL .aMtS lhtfydo~g I'Qflotln lorgtr.Jho~) ...chu ond boS•"Q lrocloons l>"ni.....,ttd wtigltt&l ·~ · DfSCRIIIING SOLI • CftiTEIItiA • J • 1: 2 f Wodt ro~tgt on ;r-oon ••n ttnG suftlerthoiii'IIQunh aW Well a•odtd gro .. ll, ;t'OWII•'" mil lures, r..t tnuc.~l fiOint' ~ ~i...atw C, • ~ Greater lhDII • • t~!! :; .__ dolloflltrmtdoO!tJ>Othtltao:U httlrornoltMI .,..n:.,.tog<:soiU>nd.,.fii"O .. I,,.,.,! ·0 ,._.~ "' • • '"' o • lilt on•ulorlfr "",..._. coowlif!Ofl t o '"" 0.. • IlK Brl•ttn -ond 3 • :. • .. • • • ' • ' • II;.. t----==~-----------------1 ~ "; a :;: .!: p,.-•--tl .... hardntU rJ fht taD'Ia lrDtN • u P . I " .. . --"""'"'non 1 Oftl I•Zf or 0 renl)f of IIIII "-'• erodrd oro••" ••llrtl-&eod mod•••• I I .... t • .. 0 .J: .l ~ • • .., ~ ••'~ 101'14 tnltrllltdoole auu .,uona Sf' ltlt'-I • ' loco or a-o og•t-o hor !:! z ' ~ . Jot of "'"""'oil gra~fiOft requort11>8nh lor 'W '"' "" w ,.. • r '" II' ftC lnll aorhftlnl lltJtr••lo .. tii!OrtrlllftOII· • £ " b~ p D U ~ ~ ' Z -• o L---------------------------r------------------1 g !: ' z ._ ~ ..a syn'll>ol •• Jortnft.Hes .£ _ _; .. E • .. : "' fi : ~ f Non·plo~tot fo~u !lor •tflnlotot~foO" prottdurn Solfy nrowth poorlr 1raded -owri·Uond· ~ .. o . -:.... &tltrhrg lu•ils Mlow 'rhM • -. ...e , - 1 ;,w " • •· D> • -.. u • ., • Ab -.· r t~ .J o .c-J • • !!! :... stt ML l>tlow .son ,.11 turu. ~ = • .., .., ., _ ., I' I ltu f!oe" 4 ow• •nt •• " 0 Z ~~ .... ~'tl .. f .... ·-2~"~ PJI>tf•un4and7 • i -~ :: ;::! u 'c---. -•) in., _.., WI l>ordtrf.,! C~UI D _ 1:!! E >'" ~ ~ Plost•c fonn !lor of~nloflcai•O" proctdurn CIOJIJ growth poorlr 1ralled 1 ,..,.,. sand· Far IOnd"l~ _""" OIJtl lfllormotiO'I 1' .~ ':. .: u;::: 0 Allrrbtrg lowlrts • ..,.,. 'll' lone requoring u&t of duol w ~ • J r • i : ~ HI! tl kloul liC tloJ 111oxtur~s. ~ str-ototocoloon, "~11 ol c.,.,..act· : t; J ': ~ : wth 1'1 f'ICitr than 7 srmboll ! ;" : S ·~,-lafOI,W.t<tlurt con:ltfiO'!I o: 1' £;: ~ ~ .. "' '-..-----;:---------'----------~ :. ..2 ~ !..., end dr-oonoc;ll chor~teroslou. a ! -r; r c.._ • ~ ~ ~ ; ~ : a W•~• rongt "' ;roor. S•ZRI ~ $1<Mionloal SW Wtll grodrd 1.ond1, grawtlly Sllftdl, Llllr or ~ : : J C.." 1'ic ;r.atrr lholt li w !i o: • - _ • o: amounh of o'l onte..,..rd•olt ,.,.,,,._ IIUI no ''"" u ~ ~ r 1Dtool 1 .,_. ...., 3 .... l -r.:·:~-; =~--; ... ·o..~·""'"D'·""""' : .! • ~ f.; Jr • • . -:: 0 '5 -1----=="'--------------·---""" 0 l ~ i • ;;: c -;:.!: Pre~nonll) ont sou g, o """91 o! liZU woth Poort1 grodtd sonds ll,rDVIIIJ •onds lotflt 0" [X.&W">J:·· • .,. lot u ... • • ! : ~ 3-some ontrrmtdoolt 51 zu """""' Sl' flO lontS i • ' Sittr IOnd growrll• .oc"t zc.., hard : ~ ~i( • NO: ll>ttflllQ en 17Ddoloon rtquirerntnls lor sw .. -• "'i -. .. ... ~ ,, ' ........ -_ :; : 0 j-;; DnQUiar Q'O ... I poriUS I""',_......., :!} i ~ g #! 11 ,. : =; j ~! ,. j Non·plollot lrnu !lor O:Jnlot.cotoDI' prottduru _ ~zt, rou'>lltd and lul..onll"lo• sond I :: ~ ~ ~ ~~II &tlt•!Hrg Jftols brio• 'If lont &bowl"&'~ .. with i :: z. .. ::: z: !: !!! ; $oH ML l>tlowl 5(1( Srl!r sond!, i)Oorly grcxtrd s.ood-solt m alurt!o yoons CGOrW tc font, obo.rt 15'1:. non-.; .. o : .:;! l! ~ l'l It tho 8 · 1 hf d 7 z. i £ !l 0 • •"' .a ,lr"lot Iones •ith loa ft'J slr1fl¢h · c • "---o Of " n I' ..-. •Hn & on -~ --::> -11: ... 0 '15 • " " r: • • -....... rio•• cows • -l ..=--~ U -~-· ---wei! compcc1td or.d trnoal1 U'l ,1oce, c E ~ • : L tl ort ~ ~ • o o-• c . 11 1 • ~ : • 0 "qu•r•n; LIU af dual :; £ : .. -z:"' .. ~ ~'-"" lo~s II<>' •d-tnlohcatoll'\ proeeduru o ••Ill 1ond ,ISMI ': _ t;;, -' ::11"' &tn·w•; lo,. 1 ts obo-oll "'If ltne ~ S-: '" : 5 K• CL klo,.) SC CIOJ!> sondl.,pooriJ ~d ~clo1 morfurn •· /!!,a t I tioofl 7 lf"lbol& 'Iii -,. ~ ;; .,, h Pl reo er ~----F • ---L-·~----------------~--------------1 : IOtNTtrtC&ltON "IIOCEDUI'ItS OH l'l'ACTIOI< SloLLU.[II l)U.t, Ho -o Stl:vt SIZE ~ .,; ~ 1)41T i Tlt[NUM D•LATAICtT TQU;MNtSS i : "; ~~~~~~~•tCSt :;r;;::~:GI IIE~~m~~~ITI -J-----------------------------------1 . ~ ~ : D -;;; :!! : Nonr 1o slogh! Quocl to slow Nont WL lnorgantt solh and werr ftnt sondi, roc~ '·'""", aot11 G~ ~1 ::~~:110,.., 1<'6.ti>J.i dtQrtl ond .!r' g :: ~ ,!: ~ or cJort; font aonds ••th sloghl •losf•cotr ctc:"octrr alploslottlr, amount and .... .., ;;; ., !. £ 111011""'m sin ol coo"'• yoins,color i £ • ~ :: .Z , "'etl c01td•l1011,04o' ole•r, !auf or :0 ao,--__ • • ;;; • ,., : cloys, aoncl; clors, &~IIJ clcrs, ~·· clo:lrs ~ ... 1• 1 .• _....., ·-aa I=:.!-"""., •"".., ,,,.....,. ,.,,.... _.._ . ..,. r:::::::: i -.. :::; J/1 ""'''"~"•! '"or rhO oon, •~ ,, .. _. o r---._,,.~ _.,.,....,. ~~~ ·-_.._.,.._ ~ rl ; ~ ...... ~ ~-.... so;,., ., -·~ ....... """'' ....... ~. •• • ... ~·~-~ ;; ~ _,. • c sr ,losfrctiJ. For wrw:tsturMd """ .&! onfor-ltllfl ·; z ~ :i ~ ~ ,,_.-DWlWIIthrre,strohfot<~tl(ln,consistenc:r ·~ : ao - .,. ~ • • . . in trM!osfwrbtd o"!l relllddtd statu, ~ ~ z " Sltght to~·-Slo-to nOIW Sloghl to med•um IIIH lnorpoc soils, mococtous or tktorno:rous ""' tMoslwrt end dro""'il" conditiou. : ;:: a= II: : o sandy or'"'' """, tlasttt .. tts :::. ; 10 -._, c._..., .J a 0: :f 1 lUMI'LI!• .. tel--i-a. r -: ! ~ i H;gt. ftl.,...J "'VVI Ill aRt High CH lnor;onoc clots a1 high r,loshei1J, let cloys Clorepitt, b:"t>OO!', Aoloff!tlr plastte:, · !~ ~ IlL • .! • .!"-; am:. I; "rt.tnloge ~ ,.,. sand, ~ "• ., ., .. ,. • • "' -t ~ .J t """"'OU1 werlocal root flole1, Ito 111 · LtDIHD Ltltll S ; WtdllllTI to loith ..,... to CI"J slooo Sl"iJht to rntd;.,. OH O<gonot clors oi rntdtt..., 70 t.oflll pfasticitr. ond ttrr 111 ploct, loru,_,Ll ,LASTICITY CHAitT 1 u ..,,., ,... ; -...... ., ...... u ............ ""' ... . HIIOHLT ~Nit. $OILS Jlloadolr iMnlrf•td ftr a>lor_.odo-,~ fill ond l't Peot ond athtr lliglllr l>f"QOIIIC soils ' f1'11qutnllr ltr ftlira..s ttrt.re ~ ··--........ ~ eo..'>dory dauoloeoloons • So•ll ~~,,... c:toorccfe•uloa. rl hoc ;rouM ort dt"f''O!tld ltJ COft\~11\0110'11 ~ gr011p SJ"'bols For atoflll)lt Ga·;t, .. n grorSed rovel·SCtlll au&lurt •ifh cfoJ bon!Mr • All ~~~·• suu Dll tltot. chorl era us tlonwll &DOPTLD IY • COII•i or [to;JIOI!£1S .&tiC aV~(&U or Rtt•LAII.& T FJiUI'"8 3-1.--tlnlfied soU c:la,;sffil;:ati::.fl dw1.. From ch~ 103-D-347. D-26 -~~-=-.:..:...::.:~::..:;;-_;_~-·----~ --. ~-==--:;t.~-~-"T"""\.---.. '. --..---... --·-!'...-....--a..··--------.... __ --¥~------.... --!'--·-~-.--~~ . ·-·--"';--.. -4:-:._":~-!~--.!'~ ~-·~· --~-----·-·r p tr fl ll tl APPENDIX E GUIDE TO FIELD DESCRIPTION OF PERMAFROST 1. What is Meant by Permafrost 2. Basis of the Descriptive System 3. Surface Characteri~tics 4. Subsurface Characteristics 5. Field Investigations and Records 1. Ice Descriptions 2o. Terminology 50303/E LIST OF TABLES E-1 #h ,WSW Q Page 2 2 2 2 3 ..... -... -~-1 ' -d l j r I L I J I I I I I j r r ' f-:1 •j 'i i I lfl I I I' ~:.· I . ' ! ' l . \) ~ { TABLE or CONTI:NTS Paqa WHAT IS MEANT BY "PER.\!.AFROS'I"' ...•.. lfASIS OF THE DESCRIPTIVE SYSTEM ..... . SURF ACE CR:L'!:tAcmusncs ...•.••....... V eq_etation Cover •.•.•.•.....••.....•..... Snow 'Coyer •••••.••... ~ ......•.......... Relief ud Dra.i.naQe ...................... . SUB SURF ACE CF...ARACTERISTICS .•••••••.•• Depth of Thaw, ....•.•..................• Suh.unace Material. .................... .. (lj Soil Ph aM ••••••••••••••••••••••••• , •• {2) Ice Phue ......•............•...•...•. (A) Ice Not VUi,hl,, ................... . (B) Visible Ice < 1 inch l'>k" .......•.. (C) ViAble Ice > 1 inch Thle;,~: .•....... tm.D INVESTIGATIONS AND RECORDS .... TABU: I-ICE PHASE DESCRIPTIVE SYS'!EM TABU: n-'I'ERMINOLOGY ••••••.••••••••.•• APPENDIX A-TYPICAL DATA SHEE"I'S ·~· •. 1. WHAT IS MEANT BY '"P,ERMArROST''- Permafrost is defined aa the thermal condition under which earth materials exi.t at ~ temperature below 32"F continuoU5ly !or· ,a number oi yeGrs. Thus, a~l earth :::nate~als inc:luding bedrock, qranl, aa:"d, ;Ut, peat or :xuxturea o~ these material. may ex1st m the perennially below 32"F condition. Permafrost it defined exclusively on the bam of temperatute, irrespective oi te~ure, deqree OS. in· duration, water content or litholoQic character. Th• term "perennially frozen", although cumber· IIOZXU!!, is generally used to describe specihc pe:r:en• nially frozen materl~ls, e.g. per~xmially frozen silt, perennially f.roun orgllnic materiaL The presence of ice is not a necessary requi.-itt~~ of permafrost but when ice is present it u of puticular J:ignificAD~e to enqineer.s. The term permafros! cu al.o· he wed to describe !he areal extent of the below 32"F condition. It haa been f~und conv~nient to divide the permaho.t re910D 1nto two ma)or zones-the continuous and the discontinuouJ. lA the continuoua· zone permab:OIIt it found enrywhere und•:; the 9Tound aurface to cozuiclerable depth; in the disccmtlnuoua &ODe permafrod il' not aa thio:Jr: and emb in combinatiotl with ueu of unhoZitn =~lerial., Z. BASIS Or ·THE DESCRIPTIVE SYSTJ:M ~though pennafz~st it defined on a temperature ba::su, tempere.ture 11 not a co:r.nenient or euily meuured pr~perty !or field descriptio~:~-purposes. A more conven1ent apprc.1ach to the fiii!ld description of pem1..Uost is to des(;ribe terrain features 1bat may illflue.nca the enstene!>= of perm4Irost. Obsanallona of turain and the ef!tlc:"'J of co.;stur.tion on per=a• frost in ll:~rthern Canad•• hn~ auggested the follow· iDQ .spec:i.f:ic featur~s of 'lena.in that ue of interest to encpneera: • (1) Surface charaderimCI Veoetation coYer Snow w•er Relief and drma;e E-2 (2) Suh.urlace characten.tiCI Depth o1 thaw SuPzu,rbce materialJ Soii phue Ioe phue OI::.ervationa on these topi~ represent a minimum ol field i.n.!orm.ation that must be collected to desc:nhe permafrost aci:eTJalely icr an enQinMri.nq appr&iMl oi a ate. J.. ltTIU'ACJ: CBA.RACTEIUSTICS 3.1 VeletatJ'on Cover The TeqetatiTe ma.nUe of trees, ah.ruhs, moaa, llchen and other pla.ntJ that conn much oi the North ac:tJ ae an insulator that protec:U and maintain• permafrost. Veqetatin cover u of additional inte~est m that it may indicate soU, qround water, 'llflnd Gd./or mow conditiona. The major combinations oi Yeqetation at a lite ahould btt delineated and d .. ICribed u.rinc; the ayrrtem outlined in the "Guide to a Field D.acriptio~ of Muakeq" ("l'echnic:al Meme> :.andum 44) puhlish•ci by the A..ociate Com.mitt .... ~Soil and Snow Mechanics. 3.2 Snow Cover Althouqh mow ia _basically a parl of th• c:li.mat~, COW OC""'ii~ la CjJenel'ali'J conmdered U & fllrT&lA fa. ttlr. The preaeuce of .mow l'!lduces the depth oi •&..-.anal han penetra'.ion durin~ the winter tUld con~eraely iuhibitJ th<!':rinq of froze<' materiAl in the apri.nq. Th~ type rJi meow, the depth oi mow conr an:i their .. ,aria.bility onr ~ site throuqhout the winter MUOn aJ&o,l'lhl therehlre be ob.ernd. 3.3 Relie.t ii.nd DraitJil~e Ter,-;1'!,\n relle[ l.nfluencea permafrost occurrence and .We·• it ia eho a liqnifi.cant factor in drainac;e it !a lll1 importAnt enqin":oeri.ng con.sideration. ReQional relief features ahou~d be deacri.bed in addition to theM obee.ned at r.peci~c locations under wnatiga· tion. Reqional de•,·::~ption• should 111clude .om• ill· dlcation of alti.hl :iea; whether the land.cape la mountaiuoU1.,, hill;-, undula!:i.nq or flat; po.ahle origin ot the land!or.n; u:.d the regional dra.i.naqe pattern. Ai specific .lites a:allacale or micro featur,.a of reliel and drainage should be noted. These ,. -. ~e.U«! featu:re1 IU• difficult to claali.fy fer d .. ct.J.o .. •v • p~ea but would include detaili o£ patterned (jJl'Ow:&d (aorted or UU!Or1ed circlet, net., polyqoua, at~pa and mipga), micro-d:ain~;e, alope a.nd expo- am• to 10l&r radiation. A photo91'.1phic r.cord of the Trriow rurlace ch.uaderilriica c~~IJ· ahowing typical veqetation and alOW conr, ud relief and drainage feahues) la mo.t valuaple. A complete d>ucription of site condi· ti~na can be usefully &umma.ri.:ed on a aketch map or au pbotcqraph Q;f the area under innstiqation. 4. SVDSURl'ACi; CHARACTERISTrCS 4.1 Depth of Thaw The eeuon&l depth of thaw and its nriability within a.n area and from ,.aaz to year ha.s lonq been reco~d u an important engineering con.aidera· tion in permafrost areu. Tbe depth of thaw rafen to that portion below the qround auriace at a apecific location that it thrwed at .o~o time during the cour .. of a Jummer. It increaser proqreainly durinq the tha"'finq Huon and therefore it is important to Dote the date on which a p11rticulu obse"atioD wu made. When tbe aeaiOn&l thaw hu reached it. muimum depth (usually in the late fill) it thu cor· respond. to the "active l•yer". Th• •• •etive l•yer' rafera to tlle zone in which Maaow thawinq and f::rHDnQ OQC'IUI. The deplh and rate oi thaw ue n.Heded by and claeely related to tenain futur••-· luly n.riatioxa in an ana are tau&lly the reaull of diHiilrences iu surface conditions auch u ?eQelaticD, relief, dra.i.naqe and now conr Gd may aJ..c ba related to chanc;•• in ~urfac:e ma feri&l11. ( I I I I In.H:wly, d.eplh of thaw ol::Ml"'f'atio~ ehould be made in aru.a baring diHerenl Nrlace ocTera and then eJ:iended to locationa within thea5 areaa that ban noticeable ebanqes iu relief, dr4lnage or rub- aurface materiala. Apprer:iable diHerence1 iu the cfept.h of thaw for an uu aa null u 5 feet aquue are poui.ble. It ia impcrtant therefore to make many ra.udcm obee"ationa at a aile and to record not only the average but alae the muimum· and mitUmu.m depth. of tha.w !or the areL The capth of thaw can be connniently meuuzed uing a probe that retain• ·a .ample of the thawed aubaurface materials for examination. Records of the d.aptb o£ thaw ahould also include notea on the date of obee"ation, •eqetation eonr, relief, dr&i.Dage, &lld a description of the auhsurfac:e materials i..u the •uioua ueu probed. Some a.a3ument of the moia· tu.re content, den.Jity a.nd ice Ngreqation in Ule froU!n aoil u.nderlyinq the thawed 10ne ar.-of p.uticu.lar intere.t. 4.1 Sub~urface Maten'ab The ma!eria.ll encountrared in the fro:.en .tato •ary, and can include badrock, granl, aand, lilt, clay and orqanie material (peat). These froU!n. material. or c:ombinationa of them frequently contain coiUider· able quantitieJ of ice. ll:lporlant enqineeri:lq impli•' catiotu ue invc:~lved when tbi. condition occura. It i.l U:r1porlant, therefore, to examine not only the ~eil but allo the ice encountered in the soil. For enQin .. r· inq purposea, i.t ia convenient to describe the eoU a.nd ice pha.ses independently. At time• a description of frozen bedrock may be required. It will be noted ir1 the following puagtapb..a that the io., description •r-t•m il based on tbe form of ice in fro..P.n materi.a.la tUld u therefore applicahle !or either eoila or bedrock. 4.:J .J Soil pM!JO 'I'he description of the soil phaae appliea to mate· rla.la found in both the thawed and frozen lriatea. ~rae-and fum-qrained 10il..a 1hould be ducri.bild according to tho "Guide to a Field Description of Soil..a" (Technica..\ Memorandum 37} pubwhed by th11 Asaociate Committee on Soil and Snow Mechanics. Partly orga.n.ic !loiJ.s, wb.ic:h are la.rqely mineral types, &re descrih~td u the predominant aoil modified by the word "ort;,~an.ic'', e.g. orqar:Ue lilt. SoilJ that are mosily organit~ (peat), howenr, ahould bt. d .. scribed accordinq to the aystem outlined in "Guide to a Field DescriptitiD of Mu1lc.eg" (T•chnical Memo- randum 414). 4.:1.'1 Ice phase The descriptin I'Yiiem for the ice phase is hued on the form of iel!l fotlnd ill frozen materials. It ia not intended tb..!lt this system be used to asseu hozen materiw accordinq to properties or performance. For deacriptive purposes frozen materials are dirided into three major qroups ~ which the ic:e is: not visible by eye, visible by eye with indiTidual ice layers leu than 1 inch in thickness, risible by eye with individual ice layera ~reater than 1 inch in thickness. The major ice phase descriptive groups and their subdivisions are rucmari.:ed in Table I. Letier aymbol.t that auggest key descriptive terms of the ice forms for each aubdivision have bi!!en included to help in-:the preparation of graphic loqs or records. Written-observations, however, ue the fWldamental feature of the descriptive aystem and the letter duiqnationa must be regarded only at a "•hort· hand" form. Guides for furlher descriptive detail• and illustration• of the basic types are included. It 11 not expected or intended that all of the detail abown in Table I should always be noted. In much eoqineer· i.ng work only the most fundamenial details need be recQrded. Some deiillitions to cl.ari!y Ierma uMd in the ice pha.ae descriptive aysfem are qiYeD in Tabl• II. E-3 E-4 (A) ice not Yis1ble When tce is not ch.scemible by eye IU e!:!ectin· ness Ai a cemenh.ng agent i.n boo.dulg the l'l:.!:1eral or orqantc portlon is used as a further sub::iinsion: (a) ice that bonds or cemenb the aubsurlace materiah into a weak or friable mass, (b) ice that bonds the subsurface material into a hard, ~olid mas.s. The preHnce of ice not qenerally d.iaceruibl.t by •r-may be rnealed withil::l the Toid.s of the material by cry1tal re£lectio~ or by a ah'Jien on fractured or trimmed rurlaces. The i.mpreu:ion to the unaided eye i.l that none of the £ro:z.en water occupien 1pace in escaa of the ori:;,"'inal Teich in the aoil. The oppoaite it true o£ ~i11 where tbe ice 1eqreqation il Tinble by eye. In 10me cuea, particularly in materials well bonded by ice, a luqe portion of the material may actually be ice, enn t.houqh it il not d.isceruible by eye. 'Wben Tilual method. ue inadequate, a a:imple field t .. t to aid eTaluation. of the •olume of exceu ice Q%1 be made by placinq .a chunk of the material iD a .mall far, allowiuq it to thaw, and obserrinQ the c:{U&.ntity of water aa a percentaqe of the total•olume. lf. & .. water ia notod ilia termed "exceu". (B) Vi~"ble1ce ae~r~.fatlon le53 than 1 inch thick When i.e• ia dacern.i.ble by eye and ia le• thu. 1 inch thick further aubdivmon u ba.Md on the form and orientation of the ice eoncentratioDJ: (a) indiridua.l ice cry.W. or i.nclWiionll, (b) lee coatinqa on partidet, (e) ra.ndom or irreqularly oriented ice fDrmation.a, (d) mati.fiad or dlstinctly oriented ic• £or:natiot:U. (C) Visible ioe aetre~ation ~reater than 1 inch thick For deiCriptiTG purpoaea, ice formation~ qreater than 1 inch thick may be eon.idered as ICE. Two typ.N of ice strata are recogu.iz.ed at preNnt: (a) ice with aoU inclusions, (b) ice without aoU illclu.sions. In aome catea the occ:unence of atratified or di.tinctly oriented ice formations in frozen eoil in· c:reaMI to 1neh a.n eztent that the fro:z.en material approaches \'ice with lilt leDHs". Although the a.l»ence or inclusion of aoil in ice i1a fi:rst subdi?Uion, the oYer-all form of the ice ma,. should &lao be included. Common f.orma of auch ''maai•e ic•" are: rll.lldom or irreqularly oriented layers, nrtical, wedqe-1haped 1heeill, atld n.riable chunks or block.a eometimes hundze~ of ~UU'e feet in area. L FIJ:l.D INVESTlCATIONS AND RECORDI The .cope of field inustiqations of permafrost and the amotW.t and type of information required will depend luQely upon the uae !or which it ia intended. A di.c::ont:i.nuity in the occurrence of perma.frolt (a..reaa &ee of perm&.frost or larQe variation• ill the depth to permafrost) bu many i.mplicatio:11 to con· .truetion. Accordinqly, a 1ufficient nu:cber o1 ob- M"ations must be made at a lite ao that the areal occunence of permalrolt ia 5dequately delilleated. Thia i1 particulz.rly important i:l the discontinuo\111 sone where perma.!rori occuu in .c:arterod patchea or "iala.nciJ" in combination with ueaa of thawed qro'IUld. All information coUecied aho·.Ud be recorded ozt data ahull. Typical 1beeta of recorded inlormation han been included. Molt of the ~~cific detaila uquired &rl noted; other perlinent i.n.foroation may be added. f. I r n ' ' t ·~,,'-,! ' I l -l l' [~ : '-1 I! £1 tl 1,:,· [1 ilj TABLE I ICE DF.SCR.1FI'IONS A. ICE NOT VISIBLE<•> Su.bCJT,\Up Group Field Identification 1 ___ s_r.mh ___ o_l ___ : ___ D_e_~_c_n_·p_n~~~n~_l:~bol :---------------------------------------! N Poorly bopded or friable , ________ ---·--- : Nbti No excess ice Well· bonded Excess ice l\1l 1--------· ! Nbe ' • Identify I:.J visual examination. To determine presence of excess ice, usa procedure under note<b> and hand magnifyinq lens aa necessary. F~r aoils not fully saturated, eStimate deqree of ice s.\turation: medium, low. Note presence of crystal.J or of ice coatinqa around larqer particles. <•I Frozen !toils in theN group may, on close exarninatlon, indic11te presence of ice within the void:. of the material by crystalline reflections or by a sheen on fractured or trirruned aur/acn. The impression received by th.e unaided eye, however, is that none of the frozen water occupies space l'n exce.ss of the odjinal voids in the soil. The oppo:ite is true of frozen soils in the V ~roup (seep. 14). Cbl When vz"sual methods may be inade.•quate, a slmple fzeld test to aid evaluation of volume a/ e:::c;"'.s~ ic:: can be made by placinfl .~orne frozen soil in a smaii jar, allowing it to melt, and observin~ the quantity of :.upernatant wator as • percenta~e of total volume. J I Nf POORLY BONDED ·I ill!..!!!?.: F'iG A. ICE NOT VIS !BLE . . . . . -. . . . •• .. . . . . . . . B .._____....,. Nbn WEU. BONDED- NO EXCESS ICE: . . . ·.,.~ . ·. : .... •. ·. ~ ;. . , :.., · ... : .: . .. c •• • • • • ' ·~. ·.·~?£!:.. .... : . ·:. ·\··:.:. . .. . . . . . "' ··:·. ·:· .. ·.;t-:. . -~·:.:·.··.· . . ··~\·· .... . ·~··=·· ~::.:.:..,-.;, ... r . ' .. ::: · .. ~: . :· ~ .' .. · .... ·. •" . . -...... . .. ::.: .·) .·. ; ;.· .. . . . . . ,-. Nbt WELL BONDED- EXCESS ICE 5011. -CJ ICE-. 1t s rl ~:-:"""':~-----:---~~·-~---.---~----- ' . . ' ·.' 1 ~· J I ., I I f; '' fi ' , fl J.'! ,,· j . , .n1 I I ! lr l· i 1 r ·-· j r="t j '~ ,.-. """' r \.,.-, ;.·"""< ,.J ·~ ,. I< '" • ~ Group Symbol . v TABU: I (c:cnr d) JC! f>ESClUPTIONS B. VlSIBU: IC1::-USS THAN 1 INCH nncxc.,1 - Subqrou;p Field Id•nfifieatiOZl -- De..criptiol:l Symbe,l l;udiv;idu&l ice For ice phue, :.cord ihe foll.;;winq whan crywtal or Vz appUc.a.bla: inchmona Loeatian Size Orient.&ti~ Slapt~ Ice coatinqa TlW;~ag' Pattern of 4.tl'anqemant on parlicl;;1 Vc: ~nqth .--Spacil:lQ Ra.ndom or Hardno;a) irnac;ulllrl y Vr St:ruc::ture per Group C (• .. p. 16) orie~ted ice Colour {ormation• Estimate -.olume of TWhle 1egreqated ice Sh'atilied or pre1ent u percent&qe of total sample volume. distinctly v. oriented ice fon:atic;na i ,, Cal FroKen !toils l·n. the N #lroup m11y, on c!ost/exlun.i~"Jation, indicate presence of ice within the velds of the m:~teril!J by cryst•lline reflection~ or by :~: aheen on fractured or trimmed sur/aces. The impre!Ssion received by the unaided eye, .how8ve.r, is that none of the frozen water occupies space in e:z:ceu of the ori#ll"naJ voids in ilra soil. Thi: ?pposite i!J tru~ of frozen :soils in the V ~roup. 0 . . • 2 ~ :: ... •. . ._., . .... ... _ ............. z. 3 .• e. ... -~ -•. ~ •. . ::, · . .;. .. :~ "..:.• .. 4 .. .: -": ~ -~ \o ·-'Ill· --~~~; . .: . . 5 ._, .. ·~ ' V1 INDIVIOUAL ICE INCLUSIONS FIG B. VISIBLE ~~£ tESS THAN ONE ~j~CH THICK . ·~·--~~ ~ ' .. .. ~- • • I • ~~ W··-~<jl .. Vc ICE COATINGS ON PARTICLES ill!!!!= SOIL -r.::J E-5 Vr RANOOW OR IRREGULARLY ORIENTED ICE fORNATIOHS ICE-- ~ ~-~~~~ """' :::::::: ~~- ~--. - ~·· __ /. vs STRATIFIED OR DISTINCTLY ORIENTED ICE FOR IllATIONS I I !. r· ' I r II I I I I I I I I l j l I 1 f I i I I I r I I I J F ~ -~ l J 6·, r I ) I [ r I I l ) j I i I i 1! . ; : .. t I l 'l t ·I ,j '"'~~ ·' J """"'"' ( J J f'~ '-··~.-1 1: ,.,.- f! J!'"'""-·~ r r- ~ L,._; ~. "'-.....,"' 1' • t.,-.....,1 tl p ,. 1 r l ,, . ·j ' ' 1.~~--Y l fl l ~~ I r1 •· J ;..,.,:,.:.:.J . ICIUp G s y-mbol . ICE TABLE I (coni' d) ICE DESCRIPTIONS C. VlSIBI.E ICE-GREATER THAN 1 INCH nnCK . Suhq-roup Field Identification Description Symbol lea with .soU ICE+ Designate w.aterialu lCE<•l and use descriptive inclusions .ail type terms as follows, usually one item from each q-roup, when applicable: Ice without ICE Hardnes!! Strudure<b> .aU inclusions HARD CLEAR SOIT CLOUDY (of mass, toot POROUS individual CANDLED crystals) GRANULAR STRATIFIED Colour Admi:rl'.1re1 (E:w::acples): COLOURLESS (Examples): CONTAINS GRAY FF..W miN BLUE SILT INCLUSIONS l•l W'nere speci•l lorm:s of ice such as hoarfrost can be distin/lui.shed, more explicit descrip- tioJ1 should be ~iven. lbl Observer should be c~treful to avoid beiri~ misled by :surface .scrafche:t or frost coatin~ on r·.he ice. 0 2 ... w % 3 .., ~ 4 ' ., FIG C. VISIBLE JC£ GREATER THAN ONE INCH THICK ICE a SOIL ICE WITH SOIL IHCLUSIONS SOIL-CJ ICE ICE WITHOUT SOO. INCLUSIONS ICE-. I [' I r~-L~--~,~--~-,~--"·---------~1--~-~-------~-···-.. -·-~·--· .. --·--·--·-~·~·----...---·~-·-~:=J-J I l I. 1 i {l r 1: li i ~ .r. · . .,.-·-·"·""""···-··-~·-·· .. : """ " ... : ~ c > : ~ j 0 TABLE li TEliMlNOLOGY Ice C011tin'• on P•rtlcles a.re discernible layers of ice found on or below the larger Joll p.arti~e• ill a fro:en Jd1 ma.sa. They are 1ometimes .usociated with hoarfrost crystall, which ban qrowu mto Yoiw produced by the fraezinq acbon. Ice Crydal!. a nry mnall individual ice particle 'risible in the !ac• of & 10ll masi. Crystal. may be preMnt alone or in combination with other ica formations. Clear Ice il tun.sp~rent and conta.im ollly 1\ moderate number of air bubbles. Cloudy Ice ia relatively opaque due to entrained air b~bbles or other reasons, but which il eSHntially 10und and non-pe!Tioua. Porous Ice contain• numeroiU Yoich, uJua.lly interconned·':ld and usuall,-tesultinq from melting at air bubbles or along ~stal interlaces £rom presence of ·.,tit or other materials in the water, or from the £reuinq of wt\\rated mow. Thouqh ;porous, th• m11.~ retAins ill lttuctuul u.uity. Candled I~ ia ice that ha• rotted ~r otherwiH formed into lonq colufil:llu cry.W,., nry I;')OMlJ bonded toqether. Granular lee b compoeed oi C'O&l'M, more or leu £:!{\lidimo~:~:~nal, ice ~ weakly bonded fDCjlether. Ice Lenses, are lenticula.r ice fonnatio~s in 10U occurrinq euent:Wly parallel to each other, qenerally normal to the direction of beat lo511 ud commonly· m reputed layera. · Ice Se~relation a the qrowth of be as distinct lenl8a, layera, nint, and massea in toUa commonly but not alway•, oriented nurmal to directio~ of heat lou. Well-bonded mgnifies that th• soil particlet are Jtronqly bald toqether by the ice and that the f:roz.n ooil PQiM.,._I relab-.·~ty hi9h rea:iatance to chippinq or brulcinr;. Poorfy-bondfld li911ifie• that the aoil particle• are weakly held together by t,\te ice and that the fro:en aoil couequenUy hat poor resistance to chippinq or breaiin9. Fri•ble denotu o:rtremely weak bond betwMn -=»il particles. Material b euily broka~ Ul). ' beeu Ice si9Uifi81 ice iD ezceaa of the fraction that would be retained u water in the 10il Yoid. upon thawing. , Fer ii ~ore complete lbt c! Ierma generally accepted and used in curnnt literature on Frost and Perma.frost aee Hennion, l. "iROST AND PERMAFROST DEFINITIONS" HiQhway Research Board, Bulletin 111_ 1955. ' E-7 - f I f I l . P' f .. r''"" I l ['' F . r f ' J • ~ f r t ' f t r I t r ~· r ~' . 1 • 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1 • APPENDIX F GUIDE TO FIELD DESCRIPTION OF Purpose What is Meant by "soil" Major Soil Divisions Description of Soils SOILS Field Identification Procedure Particular Soil Names and Conditions Other Factors in Soil Description Check List for Field Description of Soils LIST OF TABLES General BasiE for Field Description of Soils 50303/F F-1 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 I rt ' ' r1 ( ·' r: r~ I F I r. I [ I F. NA~IONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL CANADA ASSOCIATE COMMITTEE ON SOIL AND SNOW MECHANICS GUIDE to the FIELD DESCRIPTION of SOILS for Engineering Purposes Tec:hnic:al Memorandum }37 OTTBWA Guide to the Field Description of Soils for Engineering Purposes The purpose of this document is to enable field men to describe soils as they are en· countered and used for engineering purposes. It is not intended to be a soil clcrssification system. Wherever possible the terms conform with those of the Unified Soil Classificcrlion System (in use in the United States) and with the British Standard Code of Practice for Site Investigation. 2. WHAT IS MEANT BY ~'SOIL" The word soil, as used in an engineering sense, refers to that portion of 1he earth' 1 crust which is fragmentary, or such that some ind.i· vidual particles may be readily separated by the agitation m water of a dried sample. Soil has been derived from bed·rock or organic matter by natural processes of chemical de· composition and physical disintegration and may have been subsequently modified by atmospheric or biological agencies. Cobbles and Boulders.-pcrrticles larger than 3 inches in diameter: Cobbies 3 to 12. inches; boulders greater than} 2 inches; GraveL-particles smaller than 3 inches in diameter and larger than the No. 4 sieve Capprox. t inch); Sand.-particles smaller than the No. 4 sieve and larger them the No. 200 sieve (particles smaller than the No. 200 sieve are not visible to the naked eye). (b) Fine.qrained soHs are made up of particles not visible to the naked eye. Plasticity and particle size, therefore, cannot be judged acc:uraiely without the use of refined testing techniques. For field identification, fine-grained aoils may be classe-d as silt or clay by their behaviour in a few simple indicator tests de&· cribed later (under the field identification pro- ,cedures). (c) Organic: soils a:re placed in a separate group because of ~heir appreciable content of organic mC"ttler. Sells which are mostly organic may be described as organic material, a term which includes peat, muskeg and peat moss. Partly organic soils which are largely mberal type!. a:re described as the predominant soil modified by the word "organic" e.g .• organic silt. 4. DESCRIPTION OF SOILS (a) Coars~rained soils For adequate description of coarse-grained or cohesionless soils, reference should be made to the density, grading, and grai., shape of the soil. Density .-Density is described by the terms "dense'', "medium dense" and "loose"' and should refer only to the density in place (i.e. in the ground). It is difficult to drive a 2· by 2-inch wooden picket into dense aoil for more than a few inches. A 2· by 2·inch picket can be easily driven into loose soils. 11 the grains are "cemented" together, density cannot be estimated by this simple method. Grading.-Gradi.ng is the term applied to the particle-size distribution of the soil. A uni· form soil has a predominance of particles of one size, whereas a well-graded material has sizes assorted ovar a wide range, with no one size predominating. The word "uni· · form" is applied where it is obvious that one size is predominant, and "graded" if this is not the case. Grain shape.-The terms used to describe grain shape are "anqular", "£ubanqular" and "rounded". 3. MAJOR SOIL DIVISiCNS I Anq;\lar particles have sharp edges and r_.-.···. Soil may b~t grouped into three major relatively plane sides with unpolished sur· r .. divisions: coarse•grained, fine-grained, cmd face!!: subanqular particles are similar to organic. angular but have rounded edges: rounded I (a) Coaru.qrained soils may be described particles have smoothly curved sides and . ~ briefly as those coils made up largely ol no edges • . :.. particles visible tu the naked eye. Further Add.it'onal d · I'. otes -Note should be ···· bdi · · b 1 esc:np rve n . su • vtst~na may e made according to the made u the soil it strcrtifiec:l or contains any parhcle su:e a.t follows: · . u h '1 · -·-~·---·~··---·.~---·--~~-----...,.-~.,,, _____ ,~··--. --~-';---~=--~·_<?rq~~Qtl~-1_ o_ 101 CODIDUII some } 4WWWMW 0 .~··· .. ·· ·. ·. . I F-2 fine materiel. but not sufiicient to cause cohesion. this should also be noted. (b) fjne-grained .soils The descriptive terms for fine·qrcined or cohesive soils are obtained by reference to consistency in the undisturbed and remoulded atates, plasticity, .structure, colour, and odoW'. Conaistency.-Consistency varies mainly with water r.::mtcr.t and density and is described by the adjectives "hard", "stiff", 'f.i.ml", and'"soft". Occasionally, cohesive 'oils are "sensitive", i.e., they undergo a great loss of strength when disturbed or remoulded. It is necessary, when describing consis· tenc:y, to state whether it is consi!ltency in the undisturb~d or remoulded states. The proper adjectives for consistency J:Day be determined by attempting to pene!rate the soil with the thumb. It is difficult to indent hard clays or silts with the thumb-nail. Stiff soils me readily indented with the thumb. Firm soils can be penetrated by modercrle thumb pressure. Soft soils me penettated easily with the thumb, and can be re· moulded under light finger pressure. Plasticity.-Plastici-ty is the ability to change shape and to retain the impressed shape when the stress is removed. The degree of plasticity of soils is the range in moisture content through which the soil remains plastic or is capable of beirig moulded. An indication of plasticity can be gained by manipulating the soil with the fingers when it is near the plastic limit. The plastic limit of a soil is defined as the moisture content at which a thread of soil one-eighth inch in diameter will begin to crumble when rolled further. Near the plastic limit, highly plastic aoils will require considerable pressure to roll threads by hand, medium plastic soils a noticeable pressure, and soils weakly plastic can be rolled with little effort. The dry strength test is another indication of. plasticity. Highly plastic soils are very hard when dry and cannot be broken by finger pressure. Medium plastic soils have a medium dry strength and can be crumbled otJy with difficulty. Weakly plastic soilo have low dry strength and can be easily crumbled between thumb and forefinger. . Strueture.-S!ructure is the term applied to the nature of the soil mass. The following terms are commonly used in describing special soil structures: "stratified", "fi:.s· aured", "lensed'', and "friable" or "blocky". The-:s:zppearance of a fresh fracture may be u·sea as an indication of structure. Stratifi· cation is evident when the srJil has definite beddiJ~g planes and when these bedding planes are roughly parallel to one another. When there are definite stratifications, closely spaced, of alternating material the structure of the mass is described as "Tar· ved" or "laminated". Fissures are indicated when the soil breaks along definite planes of fradure, developing very Uttle strength -.. - in fracturing. Near the s'..lriace, fissures rncy be indicated by slight discoloration along the planes. When the &oil breaks along a fissure, the surface of the fracture will be very clean and glossy. A lensed structure is caused by the inclusion of sm.:!! z:~!:lc:etJ of foreign material. For· instance. a clr:y may have small lenses of sand scattered throughout. A friable or blocky structure is that found when a cohesive soil can be broken into small lumps easily with the lumps themselves more difficult to breaic. Colour.-Colour indicates the depth of weath· ering in a soil and may also be helpful in identifying similcn sci~ in the same region. Odour.-Odour of the soil will normally L~di· cate the presence of organic matter. (c) Orgcmk soils The c-escriptive terms used for inorganic soils can be used to C:escribe partly organic soils. For organic material, a separate classifi· cation system is ~ecessary, This will be des· cribed in a booklet sitr;ilar to this, based upon .~;tudies of Dr. N. W. Rad£orth. 5. FJELD IDENTIFICATION PROCEC·t:~E Most soils consist of mixtures of various particle sizes. Therefc.te the fir:at step is to decide which of the principal fractions or characteristic:; predominate, then to decide which of ~hese acts as a modifier. For example, a sand containing some silt would be ealled a silty sand. Table I lists the principal soil divisions with their characteristics which lead to identification. Boulders, cobbles, -gravel. and sand are identiHed by visual examination as all their particles are visible to the naked eye. Size is the crite:rion of identification. Fine-qyained soiJs can only he identified by more indirect means. The test~ listed below may be used to establish the identity of these aoils: I (a) Shaking test When a wet pat of soil is shaken vigorously in the ha:nd, the SW'face will become glossy t:md show free wster. If the pat of soil is then squeezed in the .fingers, the free water may disappear and the surface become dull, i.e. dilates. \Vith clay soils this phenomenon will not be noticeable but with silts and fine aands a rapid or good reaction will be exhib- ited: (b) Shirle Te$1 If a moist lump of soil is stroked with con· siderable pressure with the flat of a pen lcni£e blade or finger-nail, the type of surface im· parted is an indication of the soil: if a shiny surface results, the presence of clay is indi· cated; silt is indicated if a dull surface is produced; . (c) Dry Strength Test U a small piec:e of dry fine-qrained soU ia broken or crushed with the finqers. the break· inq sttenqth il em indication of the relatiTe f F-3 4, r; r rn f ' n I , t ~ ~; ~ I ~ I E amo:.mls of sill or ciay. Vert :::.w d.::y saeng:h is indicated when the soil powd~rs readily in the fingers, end may be taken as an indication of a sm1dy silt or lilt. Medium dry strength is shown by difficulty in powdering ~e soil by finger preuure, but the soU can be broken into amali pieces without qreat difficulty. Thi~ state indic7tes silty clCJIYS and clays "f medium plas· ticity. High dry strength is incUcated when the pa1 of dry soil cannot be broken with the fingers. A highly plastic clay i! iY''~1 ~·tted }rf this condition. lu addition to the tests mentioned above, clay slides to the fingeu when wet, and does not wash off readily, whereas sill wlll wa:sh away easily or brush off if dry. When a small amount of soil Ls placed between the teeth, the presence of grit wiJ.l indicato silt or sand, but if no grit is deteC'Ied a pure clay is present. Organic soils are very compressible and spongy. Purely organic soils a:re easily recoq· ni:ed by their matted or fibrous structure. Partly organic soils may behave as a silt or clay. but are very compressible and usually have a characteristic odom-. 6. PARTICULAR SOIL NAMES AND CONDITIONS .... Eqch sea has a definite origin, and many of its characteristics depend upon the environ· ment under which it was formed. In some cases, the geological origin can only be deter· mined after study by the specialist. In other cases, the nature of the soil u indicative of the origin. and the soil can be described most adequately by using a special name. {a) Topsoil Topsoil is the layer of soil on the surface which will support plant life. It is characteri:ui!d by the presence of organic material. Topsoil should be modified by reference to the pre· dominant inorganic soiL Cb) Fill Fill is a man-made deposit of natural soil$ or waste materials. It can usually be identified by the inclusion of grass, twigs, cinders, bricks;, glass, etc., and by a layer of topsoil or profile development under the fill. To describe fill, an adjective indicating the predominant soil should be used, i.e. sand and gravel !ill, clay fill, rubbish fill, or cinder iill. (c) l.ccaj names Frequently soils in one Ciea are given local names by the inhabitants. These names give a Vi\'id description of the soil, e.g. ''bull's liver.". _To promote unilormity ill soil terr.nln· ology, ..$uch local names should be omitted or used only to supplement the description of the soiL (d) Permalzost In northern parts of Canada, the soil r• mains perennially frozen. These areas are known as permafrost regions, In such regiona. the same soils exist al in other areas, but It is nectossary not only to identify the soil. hut to no!e the pf.esence of permafrost, and if . • t' • • f h .. pcssw:e ne cez:;tn o I e a;:::ve :::;ne , 1.e .. the depth to which the soil thews during the summer, and thi! thickness cf organic cover i1 any. 7. OTHER FACTORS IN SOIL DESCRIPT!ON If the venical section of a boring or test .Pit is ;,eing examined, such data as the date of observation, depth below surface, elevation of surface, level of groundwater, and location of the borinq or test pit must be recorded. A brief description of the method of samplinq i1 necessary to show whether the sample can~ regarded as undisturbed. 8. CHECK LIST FOR FIELD DESCRIPTION OF SOILS General The check list below may be used aa a guide in a ~oil description. It include!~ the terms necessary for an adequate description of the soil. A:rJ.y additional descriptive terms, which the usei may think nect•sscuy, should be included to• give a more complete descrip- tion. (a) Environmental Sample N'o, Site Detail~ Loc:ation Date Depth Below Surface Surface Ele-ration Boring Tesf Pit Ezc:tnation Other Remarb on Method of Sampling Groundwater Le,..l (b) Check list lor coarse-grained soils Soil Subdivision Boulders and Cobbles. Gravel. Sand Size of MaxJmum Parlic:Ie:s Grain Shape .Rnqular Grading Uniform Fine Subanqular Rounded Graded Density Structurv Colour Odour , Loose Stratified Or9an.ic: Material Preser.r:~ ol Fines Medium Medium Coarse Den:e NonstraHfied (c) Check list lor line-grained soils Soil Subdivi.rio.a Sa:ndy Silt Silt Clayey Silt Con.si.stenc:y Hard Stilf Silty Clay Firm Soft Clay Drt Strength None Low Med1um Hiqh Reaction to Shaxinq Te.st Rapid. Slow None Reaction to Shine Tei'f No day Rr:actjo.a lo Snt or 7'a~. rut sand present Toughni!U at Plastic: Ll.mil Weakly plasuc Strudure Strattied Odow Colour Friable or !locky Mottled Clay present No Silt or Semel Medium plastic ffiqhly plastic Fissured Lensed Nonstratahed • 1 F-4 I I I Major Divisions COARSE· GRAINED SOilS FINE- GRAINED SOILS TABLE 1 General Basis for Field Description of Soils . Subdivisions COBBLES AND BOULDERS GRAVEL SAND SILT Field Identification Larger than 3 inches diameter -cobbles 3 tol2.inches -boulders greater than 12. inches Smaller than 3 inches but la:rger than No. 4 sieve (approx. t inch) Smaller than No. 4 sieve but larger than No. 200 sieve. Particles smaller than No. 200 sieve are not visible to the naked· eye. Exhibits dilatancy (re::zcts to the shak- ing test). Powders easily ,.then dry only slight d;Y ~trength. Gritty to the \eeth. Dries rapidly. No shine imparted when moist and stroked with knife blade. Information fer Description Density Particle Shape Grading Density . Particle Shape Stratification Grading Density Particle Shape Stratification Organic Matter Consistency Undisturbed Remoulded Plasticity D:-y Strength Structure -------------~--------------------------------·------1-----~--------·---- CLAY Not dilatant. Possesses appreciable dry strength. Wben moist. sticks to fingers and does not wash off readily. Not qTitty to the t1~eth. When moist a shiny surface 111 imparted when stroked with knife ~lade. Consistency Undisturbed Remculded Plasticity Dry Strength Structure ----------------~-----------------~----------------------------------------1--------------·-·-·--- ORGANIC SOILS PARnY ORGANIC -o1•ganic clay Depending on amoun.\ of organic ma- terial. these soils u.suaily have some. of the characteristics of their inorganic counterparts: -organic silt etc. ORGANIC MATEPJAL u!ually highly compressible (spongy) . usually have characteristic odour Fibrous structure-usually brown or black when moist. Sponqy. Usually has characteristic odour. Cl I Consistency Undisturbed Remoulded Plasticity Dry Strength Structure Organic i\i!rrain including muskeg, peat ~d peat mc!:s ;.) NOTE: Please also see EXHIBIT for a more detailed chart showing the Unified Soil Classification System. _,_;~ T --· =. ---- 1' j] F-5 I ' ...__ __ , • 1 ..... -.J '----· r I I ::,. ..... -::,.,.,:--f~' I I I r j_ r' . , fT r , ~ <, r I! j' r r r 1 ' \ l, APPENDIX G LUGEONS TABLE OF CONTENTS Section/Title 1.0 LUGEONS MEASURE HYDRAULIC PRESSURE TESTING 2.0 ROUTINE INTERPRETATION OF THE LUGEON WATER TEST 2.1 DEVELOPMENT OF THE METHOD 2 .1 THE METHOD 2.3 EXPLANATION OF THE CALCULATION 3.0 GEOLOGICAL EFFECTS 4.0 EXAMPLES OF THE FLOW GROUPS 5.0 TES~ PRESSURES, REPORTING METHOD 6.0 CONCULSIONS 7 . 0 REFERE&CES i Pa~e 1 2 2 2 3 7 8 8 11 11 :~ I , I {11 F :' ~ ' r f' I L ( I - 1.0 LUGEONS ~~URE HYDRAULIC PRESSURE TESTING One of the most commonly used units for measuring the ability of water to pass through bedrock is the "Lugeon" criteron developed and much utilized in Europe since 1933. This relatively simple method yields numerical values acceptable for evaluating the resistance of rock foundations to the effects of groundwater flowing through open or partially open channels resulting from joints, bedding-plane partings, faults and other recurrent fractures or fissures. The Lugeon value is measure of permeability obtained by pumping water into a bedrock foundation. To go a step further and calculate Lugeons into "velocity" type permeability units such as feet/year or cm./sec. is not realistic. This is because bedrock fou11dations owe their ability to pass water to discontinuous openings in the rock mass. The nonuniformity of the aperture and spacing of these openings (fractures) in most rock foundat;_ons do not obey Darcey's Law. The presence of absence of a network of fis~es ~ at any particular location, will result in a profound difference in velocity-permeability magnitudes. The basic definition of the hydraulic pressure test, in terms of Lugeons, is a water take of 1 litre of hole per minute at 10 Lars (150 psi) pressure or in more customary units: 1820 x Rate of less in gal. per min. = Lugeon Value interval tested (ft.) X Net pressure (psi) To get a sense of proportion for the Lugeon unit it might be noted that: 1 Lugeon indicates virtually a tight bedrock foundation. 10 Lugeons usually warrents some remedial treatment. 100 Lugeons definitely requires corrective measures as heavily jointed or fractured bedrock with relative open joints or sparsely cracked rock with wide open joints, is indicated. As can be seen from the above examples, the Lugeon scale decreases in sensitivity as the values increase. The greatest sensitivity and importance are in the low values form 1 to 5. When values in the range of 50 are reached, an accuracy in the order of + 10 units is all that is warranted, and when 100 units are reached, +-30 units is all the accuracy needed. Although the scale has no upper limit, beyound 100 units the values become meaningless. 50302/G G-1 £'' t" 1; ! 1: l.\ .r:: \, r: ' ' t i f~ r r ,, [ ' lr I' f' } ' ' ' L I ROUTINE INTERPRETATION OF THE LUGEON WATER-TEST A. C. Houlsby Water Resources Commission, Box 952 Nonh Sydney, N.S.W. Ausrran1. SUMMARY A relati\-ely simple routine method of calculating and interpreting the ··rrlOdificd'' Lugeon water test is described. The method is used for assessing the ne--ed for foundation grouting at dam sites; it comprise'.; calculations of lugeon ,·alue; for ea.;h of th·e test runs at increasing and then decreasing pressures. followed by interpr~tatbn of t~e patt:rn of results, and hence selection of an appropriate represenrathc ~rmcability. The r~lativc ft1:quency of different b:ha' iour p:merns is indiclted by reference to 8 J I actual !ests. 1.1 Development of the method The method and interpretations presented here evohed as a result of various difficulties and complications. This evolution is f:\:lie,·ed to have been generaJ!y concurrent with the corresponding de\·elopment of similar m~thods by other people in this field, but because little of this can be found in the techr?ical press (an exception is Lancaster Jones 1975), it has been set down here. Others may be able to improve on it. ·The method, as described here, reached its pr~sent state of development in 1970, and has since been extensively used on a number of dam sites in investigation work preliminary to grouting design. 1. 2 The Method I. Five consecutive water (pump-in) tests are done, each of ten minutes duration; the 1st 10 minutes is at a low pr.:ssure-(pressure ·•a'") 2nd 1 minute-run is at a medium pressure--{pressure "b'') 3rd l minute run is at a peak pressure--{pressure ''c:'') 4th I minute: run is at a medium pressure--(pr~ssure "b'• again) Sth l minute-run is at a Jow pressure--{pressure .. a·· again) t I ., ' . I ' •• • .> .4. C. HOl'LSBY 2. A siilJie luJe"n \alue is then calculated for each one of these five tests, using the formula: I '· . (I' I I . ) JO (bars) luJeon va ue ~2 water ta~en ID test atres metre mm x b ) test pressure ( ars (l) 3. Havin1 calctJiated the five lu,eon values, they are inspected and compared and an appropriate decision can then be made as to which of the five values is accepted as the permeability reponed from the test. Table 1 sh:>ws the interpretations placed on the various patterns of the five values, and then the values that are used as the reported permeability, an elaboration of each of the patterns, folJO\\ed by the interpretations placed on each, foJiows. 1. 3 &planation of the Calculation .. Lugeon (1933) in his. standard test~ specified a pressure of 10 bars (ISO p.s.i.; !,000 kPa). The "modified"" test usually uses lo\\:er pressures than this because: (i) a range of pressures (rather than a single pressure) is desirable, as discussed in this paper. (ii) use of a pressure as high as 10 bars is not always advisable, particularly at shallow depths in the weaker rocks. (iii) satisfactory results can be readily obtained with lower pressures. When using the ··modified·· test, it is necessary to convert the results into values which would have been (supposedly) obtained if the ''definition" pressure (10 bars) had been used. Lugeon values then result from this conversion. . Formula (n carries out this conversion. However, it presumes direct proportion when relating the pressures: this presumption is only valid if flow through open jointing is laminar. Accordingly, when significantly different Jugeon values rt:sult from the calculation carried out for the fi\'e test runs, it becomes imme-diately apparent that the ftow is not laminar, or that some other factor is exerting an influence. 1. 3 .1 Group A-Laminar flaw Laminar flow is regarded as being indi.=ated when the lugeon values calculated for the five tests are all about the same. The reported permeability of the stage is taken as the average of the five values (to the nearest whole number). 1. 3. 2 Group I-Turbulent tlow When the lugeon ,·alue calculated for the peak pressure ("c'') is Jess thm those for the two medium pressurt tests, and also when those for the low pressure tests are approximately G-3 c1 ;) . -4 -z m "'t; -; -- c: ~ ·~ e. r1 \ r·-, ~ ' r-, [; ' t -, l' I I' r, I· f;. ' ~ r r . ~ r 1! r ,, f ~-~ TAftll , ·- : TlSt PIISSUIIS . I.UGEON IIATT£~t4 Till PAfTIU, l YALIIIII Ylll MfVal:1 II UU IIIIP • L~IIO'U CiLCULi 1!1. INTERPRETATION IMIIILD II 1111 88111111 ne• UIU 91 .JDI Utlt 11 lltlii!UTI lll\1 ' IP IT fll IIPIITII •11 1 ~:. 11 .. 1 , 11 •u•ut""' 1 f . ••·,.r,:tt •·~·' PUMlAIIlH'Y? •:;• ~~~~u.:u;. ta1111'1 1 '1 1 J II I Ltlllll:l 11 .IU,' llllll •t,l, •anohiU ''"' oa ' I • • . . ..... a GROUP 9 -TURBULENT FlO~ UT. TU IUIUTI lUI ~• :UWU T L U1i l Dll YALU ~ ~~~::-;-~;;,;:;-1 itCCUUIU If IIIIMUr. Ill Til &.IIIII 21D . ·-Jit . • •• 4TM ••• Ill •PUSIUII HENCE ULI! U~ Til ~ ... _:IT:U:I:I:UL~I~I=T=fl=O=Wif==-;· IIIIUT PIUIUII GROUP 0 -WASH-OUT,:E:r:e:=-· ruuus ••cuu•u F -!as TIST PIIDCUU 1111 fU IIIMIIT UT Tll MIIITE IUii • 8 • Ht1NCE TU TUT II UIEU UUI :::::::::::::~ .. ~;~CA~U~I~I~I~IC~N~A~-~~~~==IT=I~1 ~~~!L~~~~~~~~~:•s~ 21D · • IIIII FOUMD.U!QII . nun I'ICIIt ---------....... ., ....... JID ••• 4Tit ••• IT II GROUP E -VOID FILLIN·G--· UIIUI DICIIU$111 '" ,u .... .,n .... F· ~·e~~~ ::ten:~,., - ·UADUALLY FILLIIIII ·1 UD . . , iUTIIIS!YI U!QS 110 •Mt :zz::~------------~==~~~::::::~~~~~::~:::: 418 . "" TNII UILI ~IWIIIICIIIIIIIAIT il AUPTIII filii Yl Ul ITII ,.,,..,,,., ,, •hn• '' etsc•n•o• ,., , 1 t:TtCI Ill ALLy Ill Till IIUL LISIU VALli , II&L PATTII!II UlY. IU&U&IUI Utili ~~::::llll 1 , rs u•a ••u 'I' 1 .. l"IUIU UIIATIOIS MIT II A ........ ........... .. . :Ill c:: c: --4 -z f'l'l z -1 m :.: ., , r:'l -; > ! -; -C. z. Q "!'! ...j --~ r-c C! m c z ~ > •-1 m ~ I I -!' ~ "'' -! f I I I ::.. C. HOL'LSBY equJ in value~ tb~ flow is classed as .. turbulent"". The t\\O medium pressurQ' v1Jues are usually equal to each other, and are sli1htly less than the low pressW": values. Ouerra ~' cl. (1968), Arhippainen (1970). L~ncaster-Jones (1975) and others, have discussed the detection of turbulent ftow. They '.aave shown that for ftow ·which is solely turbulent test pressures have a square root relr,~ionship. compared \\ith the direct relation· ship of laminar flows. They hA<ve also gi\'efi instances of cases where the relationship was neither a sqliare root one, nor a direct one, but was intermediate. . Accepting that turbulent ftow is indicated by the square root relationship, and that mminar ftow follows a direct relationship, it follows that if the fh·e lugeon values calculated by formula (I) are not generally equal, hut instead. show a lowi;r \·afue for the peak pressure than for the medium ones, while the low pressure ones are equal, then the fiow is non- laminar. It is conveniently designated as ••turbulent .. ; this is~ however, not an accurate description, but suffices. Because a test stage usually cuts many open cracks of \'arious sizes, and because the finer ones are liable to exhibit laminar flow, and the wider ones will ha\'e turbulent flow, the overall effect is likely to be a mi:tture of both types of flow. Hence it is not surprising that the pure square root relationship is not solely experienced as tile only alternative to ~aminar flow. Thus '"turbulent"' is a convenient all-embracing designation for all flows apart from solely laminar flow. The reported permeability of a stage which exhibits such .. turbulent"' ftow is taken as that calculated for the peak pressure. It can be argued, with some justification, that if the flow is in the vicinity of genuine turbulent flow. the lugeon \'alue should be recalculated on a square root basis. This would produce a slightly lesser ,·atue. However, the proportion of solely turbulent ftow cannot be reliably assessed when the usual mixture of laminar and turbulent flow exists. There seems little realism therefore in recalculatinrr on a turbulent ... basis unless the result is quoted as a range, with the solei~· turbulent value at one extreme, and the solely laminar flow at the other. Rarely is thi) warranted. 1. 3. 3 Group (-Dilation When the Jugeon value for the peak pressure ('"c .. ) is greater than for the two low pressure tests, and when these two low pressures have produced approximately equal values, the occurrence of temporary dilatancy of the rock mass is inferred. This patt~m of values could be regarded as the reverse of that for Group B-turbulent flow. The high value for the peak pressure (it sometimes also occurs to a lesser extent on the medium pressures), is interpreted as the result of fissures op:ning (temporarily) or materials bein1 compressed by the test water. This temporary condition is distinguished from ptermanent movements of the same type by the return of lu,eons at the final Oow) pressure test to the value obtained at the initial (low) pressure tesL The dilatancy effect, because of its temporary nature, is usually disregarded, and accordingly the reported permeab~lity of the :nage is that obtained for the lowest pressures, or alternatively for the medium pressures if these are Jess than for the low pressures (indicating that "turbulent'' ftow was oc:curring prior to the dilation). G-5 I I I f I f : r .·. 1 I ROUTINE INTEJlPRETATIOS OF THE li:GEO~ WATER.•TEST 307 1. 3. 4 Group D-Wash-olit of joint filling materials et~ A progressive increase in the five lugeon values, without any ~tum to pre-peak pressure. 'a lues after the peak has been passed, is regarded as indicative of permanent washing-o'ut ,lf joint fiJiing materials, or permanent rock movements caused by the testing. Too much of this sort or thing is a warning that test pressures are too high! The reponed permeability is usually taken as that measured for the final run (a low rressure run); this presumes that the peak pressure bears some resemblance to eventual in-sen·ice pressures which would produce generaJJy similar washing-out or dilation. Group E-Yoid Jilling ·'· progressive decrease in the fiv~ Jugeon vai•Jes is regnrded as an indication that the test i..; gradually fiiiing empty voids, joints, etc., which are semi-blind (i.e. water cannot ea.sily c:~pe from them). A properly conducted test, where the foundation is fully saturated ~~fore test readings are commenced, avoids this problem, but is not always possible to .lrganize. Guerra ~~ a!. (1968) in discussion of this type of flow, suggest that it may be partly due to capilliary resistance to penetration in fine cracks. Th~ adopted permeability for reporting purposes is the value obtained for the final run. However, wher~ possible, an extended test is preferred, in which readings are not ~~.1mmenced until all voids are filled. 1. 3. s Applications of test results . The main usc for the permeability information thus obtained is for the assessm:nt of toundations to decid~~ whe.·n grouting is warranted. Figure 1 shows an outline of how this is Jone, in relation to various lugeon values. This figure also shows, incidentally, criteria for ~valuating (during the course of a· grouting operation) when sufficient grouting has been done; the water test used for this evaluation is not as elaborate as the investigatory one Jescribed in this paper. The need for grouting is not solely decided upon the permeability considerations 'hown in Fig. 1, geological and other local factors arc also considered, but these issues '!!e beyond the scope ot this present paper. They are dealt with in some detail in Houlsby (19'16). Rarely, in Australian dam sites, is clay or chemical grouting used for r~k grouting. ~eat cement grout is almost solely used. It is generally found that if cracks are too fine for ;:tf~tive penetration. of cement grout, then grouting is unnecessary. A partial dilference in purpose is therefore apparent betwe~n the author·s usage of the rermeability information, and the usage applied to essentially similar information by Guerra ~~ a/. (I 968). The difference might be summarized as follows: The magniwde of the reported Jugeon values is used, both by the author and Guc:rra ~~ a/, to decide whether grouting is nea:ssar)·, but, G-6 ·308 A. C. HOULSBY the t)~ of grout is decided by Guerra ~~ ol. from considerations of whether flow is laminar or turbulent (or occurs. in some combination or them), whereas the author has no need to make this decision because of th~ virtually exclusive use of cement grout. Instead, he uses these same considerations whether ~ow is Jaminar, turbulent, etc.) to assess testing conditions., a.nd hence to dec:i~e which test values to accept as the r~:poned pcrmeabilities. Laminar ftow is interpreted by Guerra t!t a/. as indicating the presence of granular material in rock joints, and hence a need, where Jrouting is required, fot some use of chemical grout. The author, however, for Australian sites, bas frequently experienced laminar ftow in fine cracks, quite free of granular materials, These cracks have, on occasions, been inspected by borehole periscopes and similar de,·ices, and are frequently groutabl~ at reasonable, non-dilating pressures, with cement grout. without recourse to finer grout~. It has been noticed that laminar How predominates ''here the take is 1,. 2 or 3 lug~onsp and that for 4 or more lugeons, '"turbulent"" flow is the commonest ty,Pc:. This behaviour is compatible with the relatively fine cracks usually encountered where the ... permeability is 1, 2 or 3 lugcons, and with the mixture of (generally wider) crack sizes experienced in sites where the permeability exceeds 4 Jugcons. , In accordance with the criteria of Fig. I, !fOUting of foundations with penneabilities of I to 3 Jugeons is commonly unnecessary; this being the range of solely laminar ftow. Grouting is commonest in the mixture of crack sizes h~ving greater permeability than 3 Iugeons, and having ftow design at~ as -turbulent••. Fracture Porosity Snow (1968) has presented a method for estimating ··fracture porosity"'. As noted by Houlsby (1969) the method appears of doubtful ,·alidity for prediction of cement grout takes in small areas. Snow (1969) has emphasized that this method is primarily relevant to chemical grouting. Therefore, for reasons which includ.e these, Snow·s method does not appear suited for permeability assessments related to cement grouting. 3. Geological effects Geological factors, such as the degree of roughness of crack walls~ crack .frequency, orien- tations, straightness, and so forth, obviously affect the hydraulic flow during the water testing. They also similarly affect subsequent groudng. though with modifications due to the differing rheology of the grout. These geological factors can usually be obser:ed during investigation operations, and some adjustment can, if desired, be made for them. This adjustment need be no more than a mental one, applied to the grouting criterion, but i5 rarely warranted because of the I • commonly :ncountered S~;atter of water test results ... This scatter is due to a variety of causes~ including geology, and is usually manifest by a considerabie scatter of lugeon values determined e\'en from neighbouring holes in fairly uniform areas. To make usc of G-7 ~-•~• • .;w . .-.~ -~ -~ 'i ..... 'l I l I I 1 I l l ! I l l ,J ~ I .. --1 I L 1 I leo I I l I ·I I ·! I I I ! ~ ,. -r . ·-·I ! I u__( . . . ~ "' • • I A • ' . ·• o • •o · . .-... -. ' . ......... ...._.__~"""·~+.; __ '-~··--' :.~.._.._, ____ ,. ----· ~·~ ~~,., -,...,-~~ ~·~ i WHEN WHEN ,. .... , .• ~ -,...··~ ~~ I -reo-~-~ ~·~··~ .J -w---~ ~....t -~_.,.., .. ....,.,.. ~ . ...._, .. _..,_. -I ~.,..~,. ~ ~·>.~ IS G R 0 uTI N G WAR RAN TED Ill L'UIIIIIIUI ., ...... """'" • , •• HJ..1S ENOUGH GROUTING BEEN DONE WH~N I'EIIMEA.ItiTIES AilE THOSE SHOWN •now."' 011 TIIIHTEII. "' '"' an• ""·••• r.o•,•••Ar~o• - IIOW \'Al-VA.ll 6. WAT~If tOST llr UAKAQI 1 I J .·~ I I'IIEt:lou• WOIITH THE COST OF OF IIITEI'ISitiE IIIIOUTIIIQ NEQLIGiaLE VALUE j I ., .. ,...,., . • , ·2or 3 .. "IIIMIA.IU1 t:lllriiiiA . .,., .. &uetot:s I ,I ..... 't-' . "-~ NO '""' i' DAM I fA liTH I IIOC""" tlOIICIIEJE GIIAVI1f, I WID I r I COlli IIAII~OW Cellt • U AtN(lc;;:ilPt OltAIIIAGI HtwiOI. AIICH. aUYliiE •• , .. .. I I I • . .. , ..... . ~tlllfAI. 5to7 ------· 3to5 ·3to5 -,., '"'"' •••• rl' •••u "" lOti' IWOIII I. IIII,Cilillr&i ~··" , •• ,,,,.,011. , ..... .,,. ,,.,, ,. """ ,,., ,,,. ,,,,, Cll.'liJ.S -7 to 10 lU·~IONS tto'OfO~S &UIIIOI:ll , ~ ----5 to 1 HH;EO~-- 5 to1 &UGfO.,I - ~ FJOUQ I IIIED 1'0 •• l'll•"'••r1o i> YES . 3 ou•to•• ---lliJff • IIIII II A Ofll.l GIIU'. •oll,lt:A,Da/1 ••• Ill IIICIIIAtn' ,, .u, ,,.,.,, • .,., ,,, • • ,., OHII OllfHifl•o o•u -,,, •• ,,, ... ,..,. ,. ,,,, .. c, IIIOIOifl • Af OIIIAFIII .l,flfl ,.,.,,. /!1~······""'' .... .. "'""'"'""' .,.,,," • ...,,,.. ,.,.,.,,.., .,..c.;:~ .WfOftP II'ACIO ,...,,. IIIHII Alii •• .,. ..... , •• c .. c .... 4 I -=·.,.,. .. .,.. -~---~-~ ·~~ l ,c; ·~ ·~' ; .. " ~k ~ .. , Jti":. t· ~ I f l f I I 1· I I L f, '! ,---, ( ./) i-../' r '-':: f }. ..,_.._,._ ,.,._,...,.......,...,_, "' ~ ""'' .. / ~ . . . ,-:~'0. tf' A. C. HO\:!.SIY audlteattm or results Cor the purpose of fiJ. I~ a repmet;tiarive \~a~ue is us.~ (rather (.han mathematical averaaina, which can be very· mislc~dins ·whc~ used wi~h Iuaeons,. for tte sianifiQnce or iatdividual tests depends on thei.r munedcai \'&?;~~), lf.ikina eoeni$1.nce off poloJic:al boundaries, and of the numerical values oflM Ju~~ns in\~ved. This asst~ment requires experience. Much of the~ difficul!y arises bec1use the lu1e~n scrJe does ·n,nt ha,;e linear siaaificance. In tbe Jowu values of the nmse (sa,y ~low 7lujtons) every ·rJn~! chanp is or relevance. As values aet hiaher, two-unit chanps (in ~he rans~ 7-1$ Jugeo~s, say) widen out to five (15-50 lugeon range) and then to ten (S0-100 range) for~~qual siP~ifiamcc. Beyond 100 luaeons, values become impossibly hilh to distin,Wsh and a~ me~~-Y Jrf:i~~d as 6 'areater than 100". Hence m~re mathem&tical &\·eragina or lugeons, without some weighting to suit the significance of individual values, should be a\·oided. The v~ri()us types or .rock in which testing has been carried out indicnte that the test method is generally applicable, \'irti!a!ly irmpecti\·e of rock type. However, ~utiolt is desirable at each fresh site in case there is some (·•cry unusual) geological facta · w~hich may be imponant. 4. Examples of the flow groups In order to give an appreciation of the reJath·e frequency of 2ctual occ-urences of the various ftow groups, Table 1 shows pca,rcentagcs cf l:Ctua.J cases. These are aroupcd in I, 2 or 3 lugeon cases 4 lugeons or greater cases. The percentages are taken from 811 different test stages at ~ dam sites. Table 2 gives a more detailed breakdown of the same f.gures: they arc generally representative of many other dam sites. As commented previously, laminar ftow is predominant in the I. 2 or 3 Jugeon cases, and turbulent ftow is commonest when the permeability exceeds .J. Dilation (Group C) ts of minor occurrence (certainly .Jess in these cases than Sabarfy (1968) and others have implied). · Wash-out (Group D) has occurred in a significant number of cases\\ hen the permeability exceeds 4. Void-filling (Group E) is of minor occurrence. In these figures, stages marked as "tight"" on Table .2 are those where tests showed nil take or takes as hi;h as u.S iugeons (because lugeons are rounded off to the nearest whole number O.S Jugeons b rtported as zero.) s. Test pressures, reporting me&ho~ The pressures used for the results quoted \'ary with the depth, an(1 are taken generally from the relationship: Low pressure "a·' (at surface) in p.s.i. = 0.4 X depth in ft (ma.x = SO p.s.i.) Medium pressure .. b" (at surface) in p.s.i. = 0.7 · depth in ft (max== 100 p.s.i.) n n - ' ~@r M;,Jot~i:AI,.rJr• ·r I '~ I 'l l I i I f ! l I i ; . I i ., ! u~--~ ~~·..-~ ~--~-~ ~·,..-~~ ~,.-,...~ ~'~"i:'1." '!(:;lh-~J;""<:t ,., ;j ~l TARLE 2 J ~ 'I --! JUaber ott aad Percent~e• ot test• coein• within th• Tcrlou• Gt~ap• Group • .. • • Croup • • • • lli!!! 1 1 2 or ~ Lu~eons A-Lrudnar Flow D-Turbulcnt Flow C-D!lation D-Wa•Ja-out:i etc. ~Void ru ins 'lo~!d• • or Mora Lus~qs I A-Loahtar Plow D-Turbulen' Flow e-Pilation D-Waah-outl etc. E-Yoid Pil ins 'lotal• . Onrall 'l'otal• SitE A 511'B B 51!! c Sltl D Erec'.l\ao Gzoe7-Granite. Shalea, Send-Jaaper, Silt-W&IC~o, Shtutona. Very toush., stono, Grits. ctone, Touch. Vccy hord,9ound. •assivc. Very weak to Hishl7 Fracturing Hoflig1ble vecy tougb. fractured Gild aoderate. jo ntine; or So•e beds brittle. . !rae turing. hishl7 fractured. Jo orr "owerAll Noon ~ overall No orr ~enroll ftc ott S onrall 1}} }0 '1 17 8 8 8 . . 22 • " J, ~ 150 78 ~' 111 05 52 12 166 11 6 60 16 31 16 7 9 7 5 c; 19 5 0 0 0 1 1 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 1 10 ' 3 2 1 1 1 0 ' 12 ' 1 10 3 7 ' 2 6 r· .5 (j 2' 6 2 20 5 / ·-192 100 130 100 26 100 10 100 ·- ~ , ; 1~ ~ 0 7 15 ' 2 2 3 8 65 5<) 14 23 49 1'~ 119 68 .6 4 21 11 12 9 2 5 10 2 5 7 $ ' 16 8 35 27 0 6 13 3 8 11 7 6 '1 16 15 12 5 6 .,, 3 0 11 7 ' 16 8 129 100 -r-ro-~'l 100 72 100 19 100 4_54 100 21ft ,--1[W; 100 ,., 100 00 I ·--I ~ --~-~-~< ·-------~.....,... ... ~,·' ··~-~ ~ctala for tbt tqgr illii lo otr "onrall 186 . 2.5 • 2'19 78 ~ •5 1' 5 5 1 1 8 2 1 21 6 ' '.58 100 ; ... 2 141 5.5 17 25 9 ' 55 21 I '2 12 267 10C 811 100 ·-~ . I J -~--~-~~------,41" :'f:iiellii!li!l;t~ .. 0 c: ... -2! ... -2! ... 11ft ,. .. ,. ... ... ~~ 1 .. .:·-11 • , I ... I ~ I ·'~"~ 0 "91 ... ::1: "' ,.. r. 0 "' 0 :.f. $. > ... "' ,. • -t ... ~ "' -1 w -- ') l:·~,.,. .. t''-;:'"·"··"··· • ~~ ·t, .1,, ' • . . ·- 312 A. C. HOULSB\" Peak pressure "c·' (at surface) in p.s.i. = 1.0 · depth in ft (max = ISO p.s.i.) or their metric: equivalents. Fiaure 2 is an example of a typical (metric) repon form; it shows a number of cases from various holes illustrating the various Groups, and shows the calculated Jugeon values and the representative values selected for each stage. Graphical plotting of Jugeon values is ito longer required. Omission of pressure corrections It is not the author's practise for the test pressures used for calculations by formula (1) to be corrected for head losses in testing equipment, nor. corrected for the position of the water table. Although Lugeon (1933) and o!hers ha\·e applied corrections for these, the MTI ITAGI "-·-...,.,.n JIROM lL£! YO ~ PI'OM 12<1 ~ TO ~6 '"'* 6.;..l.9 TO 1.1..1..0 Mall ~ TO ~ ''"* U:.2 TO J.C "~ ''"* .1.J!.P TO ~ REPORT FORM I CALCULATIONS TaTINGTIMU Q CLOC:IC TIMIS • _, !i C• ~~ a, • , .. \,)M TO c to /() "~20 O~JO 10 10 0~30 0~40 tO 10 06~0 06.5" tO 10 OMO o~oa 10 10 0~00 0!310 to 10 11.30 /210 tO 10 /2ol60 IZSO 10 '" IZ:f'C 1.300 tO '" 1~00 1~10 to 10 1310 1.320 to 10 O~S5 o~as tO 10 ()~05 O~IS tO /0 "~1.5 0~2.5 10 10 0~2.5 O!J3S tl 10 0~.3$ o~.-s ,. 10 13/S I.$Z.S tO 10 132.S 1..5.JS " 10 1.3~ I.!I.:S tO 10 /3 4.:5 ;..J.$S tl 10 I~S:S J40S 10 10 IJ.f.O 1/S'O 10 10 /ISO 1200 ,. 10 /zao !210 te 10 12.10 1220 tl 10 IZ20 IZ.JO ,. 10 I.SIZ ISZZ ,0 10 1.522 /.532 ,. s .'$32 /.$'6 ,. 10 I.S.$6 ISJ..e,. 11 10 J$.tl~ If':_!:" QAUQI ~TI~ , .. JI~J:1 1 .. 1'0..,0 I "'UIUIIII !._ii~I .. G ~1111'!1 11:1TAI. CII..:.IHnTv.I.UGION Y AI.UI lUI IIIIAQ ••c:>w WATIIII WITIIIII % .. 0 ~ .. z ... Ill .... .... ... !U IUQUIIIIIO Ac:ru.L. LIT .. II != f!r • Ll!' • z 6 2~ 2, 2. .50 so ~(, I 7b 76 ~I 2. 2 so ~0 5~ z z , 2 ~ ZS' I 2 b Z.b 120 7 ~ .s ~.s 1~0 b " 6 -6 ''6 s 5 if, ~ .,,s 17~ ~ 2 ~ Z/!J tSO ~ 07 07 10 s I 7 17 57 .. 2 7 1 7 . 122 6 I 7 I "7 ""' 1 07 07 zo s 5 2 0 20 "2 s 3." ~ .30 t/J --16 .,/!> I~/:. 7 3 0 3 0 JS3 • 2 0 20 II~ '" 10 2 ~ % !> /I~ .s ~,$ .tt.S tSI ~ ~~ 4io6 20~ ~ ""~ ~s ~~ .J , 2 /!J Z/!1 Z6 I ,. o• C6 Z"" S6 I• .tl I Z. ~.!2 ~() ~"" I 2 ~59 ~0 '0 ·~ -1 I 3. ~J2 61:> :"' ~ 06 Z?~ 56 •unu uuu "~' "'"'"' .·,;ul -T ; •• ,~, "o ~ I ' ' ~~,~'11.-( .... '··-·' ·-· ----'----·--------~--- i I ~ 1 ! I < 1 r· ·, ~,,, ' ' -I·.·. f •. ' - (r ROUTINE INTEilPilETATIOS OF THE LCGEOS WATEil•TEST 313 author, in common with Arhippainen (1970) has found that with ftow channels of reasonable size, head losses are not worth correcting for within the degree of realism actually needed, and the position of the water table can realisticaUy be presumed to be almost at the surfaa:. A Hries of water tests, together with drilling water, usually so charges low-permeability foundations with water, that if the water table were not at the surface prior to testina it is SO\ln raised to that position. 6. Conclusions The routine method described for the interpretation of the ··modified·· Jugeon water tests comprises: -testinB at five different pressures, with rising, then falling pressures ~aJculation of five. lugeon values by direct propo~tiun -inspection of the fi\·e values to detect the nature of the flow behaviour during the tests ' -selection of an appropriate lugeon \'alue to be the reported permeability for the stag~ under test. The information obtained from the tests is used to decide when grouting is required~ but is not used for determining the suitability of different t)'pe$ of grout. Results from using the method on 811 cases at differing dam sites suggest predominantly laminar flow in the fine crack openings commonly encountered ''hen the permeability is 1. 2 or 3 Jugeons; when the permeability exceeds this, ••turbulent"" flow appears to pre- dominate. This Jat~er designation is also used to denote various proportions of turbulent ftow and laminar ftow in one stage. There are an insignificant number of cases of temporary rock dilation or movement during testing. There is, howe\'er, a significant proportion of cases where the testing has caused permanent movement or washing-out of joint infill material. 1. References -\KHIPPAJS!S, E. 1910. Somt Note$ on the Design of Grouted Cunains on the Basis of Water Pn:ssu~ Tests. lllltrn. Co!W'· Lar:r D:~ms, /Otll Momrtolll. JJ7-l4.5. GcEU.-\, J. R., WMRWA~"'N, W. &:. MOTA, 0. S. 1968. Le carattere de Ia p:n:cuuion d"unc roche d•aprcs Ia observations preal&bles faites pour le proj«t de l'cc:ran d"etanc:heite. lltlf'rlf. Contr. La~r Da~ 9tlt IIUttJifiHII. I, 109-12. Hoo1.8Y, A. C. 1969. Discussion on Rock Fracture Spac:ings, Opcninp and Porosities. J/. Soil Mttdl. FDIIIIIb Dlr •• .Aifl, SM. ti~. Engrs, Paper 6J24, SMI. 416-7. -1976. Foundation Grouting for Dams (Investigation~ Dcsip and Construction). Bulletin of lhe AuStralian Narional Committee on l.arge Dams (In press.) L o\SC'ASTIIl·JOi''IS, P. F. F. !975. The Interpretation of the tuseon Water-Test. Q. II. Ltt"'· Gml. I, UJ4. l.rotos, M. 1933. Barrap et Geologie Dunod, Paris • .... \IIAitLY, F. 1961. t.a lnj«tions Cl les drainages de foundations de barrares. Gtllltthnfqw, I a l.."9-t9. ''ow, D. T. 1961. Rock fracture spacinp, op:nings, and porosities. Jl. Soil .\l«h. FouHds Di&., A~. Soc-. tlr. U{fTJ, Pap:r 5736, SM I 73-9 I. ·-1969, Closure to dbcus:do.n on Rock Fracture sp:~:in!s. opcninJS and porosities. Jl. SoillJnh. F&JIINIJ Dlr • .Aifl. Sot. r/~. EJwrs. Paper 6.Sl5, SM3. 88)..883. - I J l l l r . ' APPENDIX H SITE GEOLOGY TABLE OF CONTENTS Section/Title 1.0 LANDFORM CLASSIFICATION UNITS 2.0 OVERBURDEN 3.0 PLUTONIC ROCKS 4.0 ANDESITE PORPHYRY 5.0 DIKES 6.0 SHEARS, FRACTURE AND ALTERATION ZONES 6.1 SHEARS 6.2 FRACTURE ZONES 6.3 ALTERATION ZONES . l 1 _,w,.;,.,;.,..._ ;•, •J - Page 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 r :::;~:;.~~'jii}e. ':.~..&>Zc:, ' ... ·.· .. · .. !. ~~· ...... ..ifliil~-'""'*oi.iiJI. __ ........... .-&.&:... .. .-..... _ ............ ..,_ • ....-..~~._._..-.~..,.JjL_. - ' . { l ) ! t . t' l Bedrocko ,exposed at types of Wheathered, indica ted. 1.0 LANDFORM CLASSIFICATION UNITS In place rock that is overlain by overburden material or the surface. The following modifiers will be used for all bedrock whether igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic. highly fractured or poorly consolidated bedrock should be Unweathered, bedrock should also be indicated. Colluvial Deposits. Deposits of widely varying composition that have been moved downslope chiefly by gravity. Fluvial slopewash deposits are ususally intermixed with colluvial deposits. !alus. Deposits of angular rubble and rock fragments accumulated by gravity at the base of cliffs and steep slopes. Fluvial Deposits. Marterials deposited by running water, such as rivers and streams. Fl9odplain. Deposits laid dow by a riv~r or stream and flooded during periods of highest water in the pres en;.: ~tream regimen. Floc;,d1)lains are composed of two major types of alluvium: ( 1) Generally granular riverbed (lateral accrection) deposits laid down above the riverbed and deposits due to bank overflow (flood stages). Old Terrace. An old, elevated floodplain surface no longer flooded. Occurs as horizontal benches above present floodplains~ Glacial Deposits. Deposits formed in direct contact with glacial ice. These heterogeneous deposits are laid down by glacial ice and composed of materials varying from clay to boulders. Ablation Till. Material is transported upon or within the glasier and is deposited during the downwasting of the glacier. As a consequence the material is loose, non-compact generally washed the clasts are less abraded. Basal Till. Material deposited at the base of the glacier. is compact, non-sited, and the clasts are crushed and Generally deposited in sheets. Generally frozen with high ground ice content. The till abraded. silt and Glaciofluvial Deposits. Coarse, granular deposits laid down by streams flowing on, in or from glaciers. Outwash. glacier. Lacustrine. Relatively level flood plain framed a stream flowing frm a Fine grained lake deposits. ) l i I :I l i I l I I ....... 2. 0 OVERBU&DEB The overburden in the vicinity of the "Fins" consists of a sequence of surficial deposits which include ice disintegration, outwash, lacustrine, till, and alluvial materials. A summary of the overburden stratigraphy is presented in Table H-1. The overburden in the vicinity of th Fingerbuster -Powerhouse area has been found to consist of talus which is interlayed with alluvuim near the base of the valley slopes, adjacent to the river. 3.0 PLUTONIC ROCKS At the Watana site, the bedrock is nearly continuously exposed 1.n outcrops along the south bank between Elevations 1650 and 1900. On the north bank, outcrops are generally smaller and less frequent. The rock is primarily diorite and quartz diorite, with lesser amounts of monzonite and grandodiorite. Thses varied lithologies are probably the result of magnatic differentiation within the parent magma. A 20-foot- wide gradational contact between the diorite and quartz diorite is exposed at river level on the south bank approximately 1, 000 feet upstream from the dam centerline. Contacts are found in boreholes BH-6 and BH-8 ov~;. 0.3 feet at Elevation 1594 and 3.8 feet at Elevation 1708, respectively. The diorite is a crystalline igneous rock whic is predominatly medium gt'{lt:nish gray, but varies to lighl· gray and light to medium greenish gray in the granodiorite and quartz diorite phases, ~espectively. The texture is massive with no foliation. Grain size varies from fine (leG~ tham lrum) to medium (1-Smm) but is generally medium grained. The diorite is generally composed of 60 to 80 percent feldspar, 0 to 10 percent quartz, and 20 to 30 percent mafics. The feldspar consists primarily of medium grained) euhedral plagioclase wi.th minor amounts of fine grained anhedral orthoclase. Quartz, when present, is fine grained and intergrown between the feldspar crystals. Mafic minerals, consisting of ~iotite and hornblende, are generally fine grained. The hornblende is often partically chloritized. Trace amounts of sulphides and carbonate also occur within the diorite. Inclusions of argilli\ e have been obsei"ved in the. diorite in "the Fins" and the "Fingerbuster" area. The diorite is generally fresh and hard to very hard. The rock is slightly weathered along the joint surfaces ot depths of about 50 to 80 feet o There is generally a very hin (less than 2 inches) weathering rind on most outcrops. The pluton has been intruded by both mafic and felsic dikes which are discussed below. Zones of hydrothermal alteration occur within the diorite. The alteration has caused the chemical breakdown of the feldspars and mafic 50303/H H-2 • i ! I I I I ' J ' 1 <:. i 1 j 1 ~~-··r·-----------~·-,---·-------.--· ·-;w•~· . , . ·~ . . . . minerals. The feldspars have altered to kaolinite and the mafics have a 1 tered to chlorite. Hydrothermal alteration is discus sed in more detail in a later section. 4.0 ANDESITE PORPHYRY The name andesite porphyry is used for a varied group of apparently related extrusive rock types. The andesite porphyry occurs along the western side of the diorite pluton and is exposed in outcrops on both sides of the Susitna River. On the south bank, outcrops occur across from the "Fingerbuster 11 and at approximate Elevation 1750 immediately downstream from the dam centerline. andesite porphyry was drilled in boreholes BH-4, BH-8, and BH-2 to depths of 96.0, 43.0 and 103.0 feet, respectively. (see Exhibit 2) Borehole DH-28 bottomed at 125 feet in the porphyry Andesite porphyry dikes are also found intersprersed in the diorite. On the north bank, the andesite is exposed at river level in the "Fingerbuster" area and in scattered outcrops to about Elevation 2350. The andesite porphyry is a light to medium, dark greenish gray volcanic rock similar in composition to the diorite pluton. The color becomes lighter with increasing amounts of lithic inclusions. The groundmass is aphanitic (grains visible only with the aid of a microscope) with generally 10 to 30 percent of fine to medium grained plagioclase feldspar phenocrysts. Lithic inclusions are found thorughout the andesite porphyry but are most concentrated near the contract with the diorite. Concentrations of subrounded to subangular frangments, up to 6 inches in diameter, of quartz diorite, argillite and volcanic rocks were found above the diorite contact in BH-8. The andesite porphyry is fresh to slightly weathered and hard. Hydrothermal alteration is not common in the andesite porphyry. The andesite porphyry appears to contain layers or zones of dacite and 1 a t it e • The s e varied rock types appear to be i r reg u 1 a r and discontinuous in the site area and could not be mapped over large areas. The term andesite porphyry has been used as a general term for all of these volcanic units. 5.0 DIKES The diorite pluton has been intruded by both mafic and felsic dikes. No dikes were deleniated i the andesite porphyry. Their small size precludes their delineation as a mappable unit. Felesic dikes are found in outcrops and in boreholes. Felsic dikes are light gray and aphanitic to medium grained, but generally fine grained. The felsic dikes are composed primarily of feldspar (plagioclase and orthoclase) with up to 30 percent quartz and less than 10 percent mafics. Contacts with the diotite are tight and "welded" e The felsic dikes are hard~ fresh, and unfractured. Dike widths are up to 6 feet bu generally less than 0.5 feet. Felsic dikes have been found offset up to 16 inches by shears and healed shears in outcrop and in boreholes. 50303/H H-3 l j I ' j ----··-····----;--··--==J Mafic dikes are less common at the site than the felsic dikes. They are rarely seen in outcrop but were found locally in boreholes BH-1, BH-2, BH-8, and BH-12. The mafic dikes, consisting of andesite ()r diorite, are dark green to dark green gray. Grain size is aphanitic to very fine, with fine to medium grained plagioclase phenocrysts. Tht~ mafic dikes are bard and fresh with tight contacts. Dike widths are generally less than 1 foot, although in BH-2, an andesite dike was drille from 245.8 to 277.8 feet. Diorite inclusions were also found in this dike. 6. 0 SHEARS, FRACTUU, AlfD ALTERATION ZONES This section defines and discusses shears, fracture zones, and alteration zonese 6 .1 Shear Zones Shear are defined as a surface or zone of rock fracture along which there has been measurable displacement or is characterized by breccia, gouge, and/or slickensides indicating relative movement. The primary type of shear found at the site is common to all rock types and consists of unhealed breccia and/or gouge. The breccia consists of coarse to fine sand-size rock fragments in a silt or clay matrix. The gouge is prima~ily slightly to moderately plastic. Both the breccia and gouge are soft and friable. Thicknesses of these shears vary from less than 0.1 inch up to 10 feet, but are generally less than 1 foot. Carbonate and chlorite mineralization are commonly associated with these shears. Some shears are partially to completely filled with carbonate. slickensides are found in may shear and occur on both the carbonate and chlorite surfaces. The shears are often associated with alteration zones. Healed shears and breccias were found in virtually all boreholes. In all cases, these zones were found to be competent with high RQDs and high core recoveries. These features are interpreted to be emplacement type shears which formed during the last phases of plutonic activity. 6.2 Fracture Zones Fracture zones are areas of very closely to closely spaced (less than 1 foot) jointed erock with no apparent relative movement: Fracture zones in outcrop were found to range form 6 inches up to 30 feet in width but are generally less than 10 feet wide. In the boreholes, fracture zones were found to range from less than 1 foot up to ore than 100 feet wide as measured in BH-2. However, for the most part in boreholes and outcrop, th fracture zones are less than 5 feet wide. Where exposed, the fracture zones are easily eroded and form topographic lows or gullies, which have become filled with talus. The fracture surfaces are generally ironoxide stained. A coating of white carbonate is also commonly found on the fracture surface. 50303/H H-4 6.3 Alteration Zones Alteration zones are areas where hydrothermal solutions have caused the chemical breakdown of the .feldspars and mafic minerals. The common byproducts of alteration are kaolinite from feldspar, and chlorite from mafic minerals. These zones are found in both the diorite and andesite porphyry, but appear to be less common in the adesite porphyry. Most of the information regarding alteration zones is fo.rm the boreh:oles. The degree of alte.ration is highly variable ranging form slight~ where the feldspars show discoloration, to complete where the feldspars and mafics are completely altered to clay and chlorite. In slightly altered diorite, the rock is bleached to a yellowish-green or whitiliih-gray and is generally hard to moderately hard as seen in BH-3 from 933.2 to 948.9 fee~t~ The slightly altered zones have approximat·~~ly 10 to 25 percent of the feldspars stained or altered to clay. In (!Ompletely altered diorite, the rock is bleached to whit ish gray or ve~r::~ light yellowish gray. The rock fabric is preserved; however, the material is soft and friable. The completely altered zones are les~ common, and when encountered, are generally 1 to 2 feet wide. Most alteration zones found in the boreholes are slightly to moderately altered. These zones are moderately hard with some thin soft zone~. Widths of these alteration zones range up to 10 feet but are generally under 5 feet. an exception is in BH-12 on the south bank which drilled over 300 feet into an alteration zone GF B. Several shear/alteration zones are exposed in "The Fins" and range up to 10 feet wide. The carbonate, which is also associated with the alteration zones, occurs as veins or joint filing generally up to Oa5 inch thick. Occasionally, sulphide mh1eralizatin and iron oxide stainingare also found inthe~e zones. No inc.reas~ in joint frequencyis evident in associati.on withthese alteration zones. Numerous thin (less than 2 inches) shears are associated w·ith the alteration zones. RQDs are generally low, because only fresh t~ slightly altered rock i.e. competent rock, is considered in RQD measu~ements. Core recovery is generally more than 90 percent within the alte:t·ation ~ones. The transition from fresh to altered rock is gradational~ generally occuring over less than 1 foot. 50304/H H-5 • .. • -~·l•t·~~.~ f'!"' ill 4T t~ ~ _, _.,J TABLE H-1 WATANA RELICT CHANNEL STRATIGRAPHY -GENERALIZED DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTIES 1 ·: ·~ I l ' CLU'IIlC SYMIIOL D l&~n ·: .. ~-:,:.!'.,.;•: r-~~~.1 ·::~::~;~:.;:~: fi-----~ --------~~~~~~~~~ mD ~ W:~ ~~ --...... . f. .... -.···--;;· . . . . . . . ........ ....... !" ... :.-:~-...... E. :~~~~~··.J .. ~.·_:.!:~.: .. ~1):1., 1!'!1 ·ruoi [Wffl.--·-~=:::::;::::~:: ~ . . . UMIT .. ,. c M D D' £/Y c c• u l J' J I. TYP~t or D!I'U:at Surftclal Depoat~ lea Diaiotaarattoo laaal Till Alluviua Lacuatrioa Outwaah Lacuatrioe .and/or llaterlllln till laaal Till Alluviua Outvaah Lacuatrine and/or Stn.tlf ted Depolliu ll .. al 'tlll. .\lluviua 1 Modtfiad After Acre~ Aaarlcan, Inc., 1982 DESCill PT lOll Oraanlca, peat, a11t a11d boulder• raised by froat act too. Cray browe, aravelly aand to ailey aand with little to aoa. araval and cobblaa. Coaraa fraction aubaoaular to aubrounded. Gray to dark aray aUcy sand to clay wirh little aaaular to 8ubroundad &ravel and cobblea, occaalonal boulder. Very danae, hard. Poorly aonad. ClCay an·at1fied .. od, araval and cobblea. Very danae. Grey to dark areyiah brown, laaJnated clayey ailt to clayey ailty aand. Very deoaa, bard. Sortad to pertly aor~ad. Oliva· br<*D to arey br'*ll, eilty uod with lJttle arevel aad cobble• to a aUty .. ndy aravd with occaaional cobblce and bouldara. Coerae traction aubaaauler to eubrounded. Den•• to vary danae. Poorll' aonad. Quk arey to olivo aray, l .. toaud, aau.dy aUt to ailty clay, little or no araval, little co aoee aaod. Very danae. Poorl)' aortad. OUve arey to with tritCe to clayey .. nd. eubrouoded and bouldua. Very very dark arey. clayey silty aand little arsllel to aravelly a11ty or Coaree fraction aubanaular to include• occaaioael cobblea and denaa. Poorly aorted. Grey brovo to olive arey, eilty eand and aaud with little or DO sr•Y•l tO aandy aravel. Cuarae fraction eubanaular to rounded, ali&btly o•id1&ed. Very danae. Sorted to pertly aorted. Olive arey, ailty aand vith little aravel to aondy aravel with littl& f1nea. Coarae fraction aubaoaular to eubrounded trace rounded; aoae cobblae, partlclae o•ldho:d, Very denae. Poorly •nrted. Olive jrey tO olive brown, silty sand, trace aubaoaular aravel with aoae aandy gravel (7). Oxidized and weathered partlclea, ao.e cobble• and bouldera(l). Very danae. Sorted to partly aorted. Olive arey to dark arey, clay to clayey aand little to oo aubanaular to aubrounded oKid!&ed(t) aravel. Danae, very hard. Poorly aorted. Oliva arey, ailty aandy aravel to aandy aravel with co~blea and boulder• (t) Coarae fraction aubaoaulara to rounded, oxldi&ed. Very danae. Sorted • CEO LOG 1 CAL AM11 liiG IU!IIIIC I ~!HARkS 2 Oraanic aat vbicb includea .lucall&ad boulder fJelda and boaa. Withio the actiVe layar/aeaaonal froat penetration &ooa. u-cky, knob and kettle topoaraphy. Variable da11a!ty Pel'&froat detected 1n I out of 16 poaaiblc borioaa. No aroundwatar detected. Craval and cobble• are atrintcd. Liaitad in areal eatent to ncar the Sudtna IUver Valley. SiaUar to unit C', h h overconeoUdaled. Peraafron detected in 1 out of 4 po .. tble borinaa. llo arouodwater detected, Lucallzed fluvial event, rworkina of the unclerlyina outwaah, unit E/F, found in topoaraphic Iowa on top of outwaah. No peraafroat or aroundwater detected. Thin laainated depoait, lialted in areal extent. Peraafroet detected Jn I out of 4 poeaible borioaa. Mo aroundwatcr detected. In placea :he unit aeu coener wJth depth, hlaher eneray enviro~>~U~nt. Thick continuoua depoait. DenaJty ia looae to ~diua danae in active froat zone, up to 15 feet deep. Peraafroat detected in l out of 31 bodn&•· Groundwater detected in 4 out of 15 poadble borioaa. Thin clay, atlr end aaod 1ntarla~inationa. Oraenica c~d wood preaent. Overconaolidated, Paraafroat detected in 2 out of 17 poaalbla borin&l!· No aroundvater waa decocted. toaethar with unit G'. fora• <II proail!ito<lt aarlu:r bed. Gravele and cobble• are atriared ·and po).iRhed. Overconaoli~eted. Paraafro•t detecced in I out of 15 poaaible bortnaa. Groundwater waa detected in 1 out of 9 po .. lbla bortna•· for.a a ur,ker bed with Ullit C, Rounded particlea, aorted, relatively cleaa leneea or layera, poeelbly atratified. Localized fluvial event, rcworktna of the undarlytoa outwaah, found in topoaraphic love of unit l. Grouodvater detected in 4 out of 6 possible borina8. No peraafroat detected. G•idatlou on parttclea, tndicatlve of aae and weathertna. Oraanlca found in the upper horizon. trace atr1attone on aravaJ. Thick nearly continuoua depoalt. Groundwater detected io 3 out of 6 po .. tble borin&•· No peraafroat detected. Moderately oddhed and weathered, aeoerally aorted, po11atbly atratified. Overcooaolidated. Localhed .~epodt. llo penoafroat or around vater detected. Hud loa• of 50 aala/ft over 25 foot interval tn Dll-22. Gravels are etriated and poliahad. Ovarconaolidated. Probable lacuatr1ne or waterlain t1U at baaa of unit. No peraahoat or aroundwater detected. l'i.ounded particlae, aoruul, ralattvaly claan. round only alona tha aaio thalwaa to date. No peraafroat or arouodwater detected. Mud loee of 14 aal/ft over ao IS foot i•tarval to 01-22. { 2 IA&~rka on peraafroet are beaad on Acree Su.aer 1912 and Uarza-!ba•co Winter 1983 E•ploration. lleaark• on aroundwater are baaed on the l 3 UlllrlEO SOIL CLASIIlriCATlOIIl OL, n, liM SM, SC SM, SC, CL SM, SP, IC ML, CL, (SC, SM) SM, ctl, SC ML, CL, SM Sit, SC, (ML, CL, CC) Sit, SP, CW-ctl SH, CW-GH, SW, CH, (CL, ML) SH. SW, SC CL, Sit, SC Q(, GP, CW ·"·"'--·-~···· --... ~· ..... ·~-. ~-................ , •. -·-··r·'~&~!fi!Jl&f.il;2•[l "\ ,J j TIIIC:Ot:lll 4 IWIGI Ill PUT 8.6 -1.0 2.6 -38.0 14.6 -7i.O 1.6 -56.G 3.6 M 23.0 10.Q -131.1 1.3 -73.5 7.0 -231.0 2.0-41.0 6.0 -77.0 3.0 -51.1 6.0 -62.0 36.0 -161.0 M! I I r .. ~~ I I ! I I I ~ I 1 1981 Wtnter bplorat1on. l' Claeaification t• ba••d on ~h• priaary 110ila type• ln d'cr••-lna order of occurence. Thoae ln parentheaae ere key aecondary typea. U 4 . . ~~~ l Thlckaaaa r• .. •• ace ~aaed oa outcro~ eapoaurae ... drlll .. thic~•••••· LJ I /~/ ""~·~--i\ ·"':~- APPENDIX I BELIOCOPTEI. SAFETY MANUAL f, ·'' 50302/I I-1 .... ' I I t I l l l I f I I I I I ~''"" I ''--:--~~·,.,---·~~ ' Always wear a hat ~hen approaching or leaving a helicopter. If no chin strap is used hold on to the hat. Approach or leave on the doWnslope side ~ I (to avoid rotor). ____j Never walk up slope from helicopter. Do not touch bubble or any ~ving parts (tail rotor, exposed ,,inkage, etc.) •. l r. ; ' l I J I l j ; ' l } I . I I ! . { l . I, ! l ! j ~ I ! l I , ! I , I . -- SMOKING AT riLOT'S DISCRETION NO SMOKING IN THE CABIN ON TAKE OFF OR LANDING. SMOKING IN FLIGHT WITH PILOT'S PER- MISSION ONLY, ASH TRAYS ARE INSTALLED IN ALL HELI- COPTERS, USE THEM. NO Sf10KI NG IN THE LAND I NG AREA I L Fasten seat belt upon entering helicopter . and leave it buckled until pilot signal5 you to get out. · ..-----~ Remain in seats and position in helicopter .. 00 NOT SLAM THE HELICOPTER DOORS T ~~~..-.,---..... --~·-,..-•..,..¥,..~e.---. ; . . --,-,...,..~-·w-..".,.......~•-~-•-•------T· --;;:,----·--· ' . . ' - I I I I I i ' • t - if ·-- Never leave the helicopter while it is in a hover. Get out and off in one smooth, unhurried motion • .•.. ... .. .... . ,. . , . ============~v=:.:.:::-c .--~ \\I • ~~~ ~·~ . -11~ ~ -~~ .. :.~: • • ;Y ' ~ •.. • . ·. .. - \ DO NOT THROW ANYTHING---·~·~~~~--­ FROM THE HELICOPTER WHILE IN FLIGHT OR ON GROUND KEEP THOSE FINGERS OFF THE BUBBLE (! I , .• , ;;<;!''l!'li!~;~-.,.....~~-·-~.-.-~---~--~-~-.---'"-~-l---,.....,r-.. --~--,_..,.._-~. --·--·~-~-~----~-~-·-~·------~---·-··-...,...-. -J ~\ ,. r .. l --· . When directing landing, stand vith arms crossed in front of body and point do\ffi- va.rd vith back to vind. l------------------------------------------~ I All wire~, rope1, aerials should be well rnork~d and never erected near lend .. ing area or opptooches to ~he lending area. Keep cooking anct' heat.ing fires well clear of helispot. This area is unsafe when the helicopter is landing. xeep heliport clear of loose articles (water bags, empty can~, etc.). Keep ersonnel awav durin take-offs and landin s - . ·: ' ' l)' ~ -' .. __ · :·_. __ .:---:~-\:·:~:.:~:.x~:_~: HELICOPTER HAND SIGNALS THESE SIGNALS ARE ADVISORY AND THE PILOT IS UNDER NO OBLI- GATION TO OBEY THEM. CONDITIONS BEYOND THE CONTROL OF THE PILOT OR FACTORS UNKNOWN TO THE GROUND SIGNALMAN MAY MAKE IT NECESSARY OR ADVISABLE TO DISREGARD THE SIGNALS. WHEN THESE SIGNALS ARE USED IT IS IMPORTANT THAT THE SIGNALMAN POSITION HIMSELF BEYOND THE PATH OF THE MAIN ROTOi-< WHERE HE MAY BE READILY OBSERVED BY THE PILOT. ~ K VI ~~0 -o~ A A A CLEAR TO TAKEOFF HOLD-HOVER MOV£ UPWARD START ENGINE IIIIGHT HA.HO P'\..AC£ AR W S CMJt A"WS £XTDIOED I£HIHO BACX MEAD WITH ~WftfJIHO UfJ ' U"KAHD CLEHCHI!'.D ,ISTS P'CIINTING I.P ~~ A ~o~y AAA MOVE tt>OWNWARO •UU•! EXTENDED. ,'t.LUS DOWN, "·"US SW£UINO DOwN + A MOVE REARWARD HANDS AIOYE ARM, PALMS OUT USIN.; A IHOYIHI WOTIO,_ t.tOVE RIGHT MOVE lEFT M~VE LE1T .tAM RllZHT AAU FORWARD HOIUZONTAL HOitlZONTAL CDWIIHATION O' liGHT AIIIU SW!El'S U" AAW SWU~S ARU AND HA.ND I.PWAftD TO PtiSinON UI'WAIU) TO POSlTION I.IOVtloltNT IH A OYEJI HEAD OVDI HEAD C.OLLECTlHG RELEASE SLING LOAD L£" MW DOWN AW.\"t n.oM BODT. IIIIGHT AltM CUTS AC,.055 Lt" A-W IN A SLASW ... WOYEWENT FIIIQW MOYI A LAND .liiiMS CROSSED U. FRONT 0' lOOT AND ..OINT• •JNO DOWHWARO • WITH IACJC 1'1) WINO WOTIOH PUU.INI TOWARD IIOO't "' A SHUT OFF ENGINE ILAS~ ACROSS TMftOAT When directing pilot by rad!=, give no landing instructions that require acknow- ledgement as pilot will have both bands busy Approsch or leave in pilot's field of vision (to avoid the rotor). PILOTS NORMAL AREA OF VISION '------v---1 APPROACH OR DEPART THIS AREA ONLY Approach or leave machine in a crouching manner (for cleaxance from main rotor). Blode tips may come within S feet of level ground. - -- LOADING AND UNLOADING Cargo should be loaded carefully and not thrown, dropped or jammed in cabin. load and secure os the pilot i·n": structs. Unload next to helicopter. Never throw anything away from 'copter. Never corry •on)'thing on your shoul.der.or over your heed w~en near the helicopter. loaded firearms 'lre not allowed on board the helicopter. Weight down light equipment and loose articles, then leave lending area before toke-off. DO NOT SLAM THE HELICOPTER DOORS ALWAYS LOAD THE HEUCOPTER EVENLY Carry tools horizontally, below waist level (never upright or over shoulder). Loading personnel should al~ays wear eye prutectors. After hooking up cargo sling, move forvard and to the side to signal pilot.(to avoid entanglement and getting struck with loa~ ed sling). When moving l~~ger crews: (a) Brief them on safety as above. (b) Keep them together and well back at side of landing zone (this gives ~he pilot a chance in the event he has to land sudde~ ly during either takeoff or landing. (c) Have them face away from the machine during takeoff ann landing. (d) Have each man look after his own personal gear. (e) Have men organized for loading and ready to board on signal.