HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA2418. ..~ Stikine River Moose Study Wildlife Evaluation of Stikine-Iskut Dams by F.Lance Craighead, E.L.Young, and Rodney D.Boertje Alaska Department of Fish and Game Division of Game Juneau,Alaska Final Report Funded by Alaska Legislative Appropriation (Printed April 1984) Section SUMMARY BACKGROUND OBJECTIVES STUDY AREA PROCEDURES TABLE OF CONTENTS . ... . . . ... . . . Page 1 1 2 2 3 Population Estimation and Composition . • . • • • .••4 Movements and Distribution of Radio-collared Moose • 4 Winter Habitat Use,Availability,and Preference • •••4 Winter Food Habits and Utilization • • • • . • • • • • • 5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 5 • Population Estimation,Composition,and Status • • •••5 Mortali ty . . . . . ....6 Density and Group Size • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••6 Movements and Distribution of Radio-collared Moose •••7 Winter Habitat Use,Availability,and Preference.•••7 Winter Food Habits and Utilization • • • •.••••8 PREDICTABLE EFFECTS OF HYDROELECTRIC DEVELOPMENTS Hydrological Changes • • • • • • • • • • • • Vegetation Changes • • • • • • . • • • • • • Moose Population and Distribution Changes ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS LITERATURE CITED FIGURES . TABLES APPENDIX A.Moose Horne Ranges 8 • • • •••8 • • • •••9 . • •10 • • •11 •12 • •14 . • • •17 • • • •30 APPENDIX B.Plant Observations and Checklist by J.Siddall.58 APPENDIX C.Scientific and Common Names of·Plants. i •72 .r •.... SUMMARY Twenty-four moose (Alces alces andersoni)were marked with numbered collars and fitted with radio transmitters in the Stikine River valley and were monitored between 14 March 1982 and 6 April 1983.Home range size of cows ranged from 446 ha to 4,936 ha ,Bull home range sizes varied from 1,593 ha to 4,688 ha. Vegetation surveys,use transects,and telemetry data indicated that Salix spp ,and Cornus stolonifera were the primary browse species,while other plants used were Vaccinium spp , ,Populus balsamifera trichocarpa,Ribes bracteosum,·Viburnum edule,and Malus fusca.Alnus-Salix ecotone was used more often than Picea, Populus,and Tsuga habitats in winter.Alnus-Salix habitat adjacent to or interspersed with Populus was used early in the winter and Picea ecotones were used later.Habitats in which Salix and/or Cornus comprised less than 25%cover received little use. Proposed dam construction on the Stikine and Iskut Rivers is ex- pected to eventually reduce the amount of moose browse and win- tering habitat in the Alaska portion of the river.After dam construction,moose numbers and harvest success are expected to increase temporarily,then decline over an extended period as early successional stages of vegetation are replaced by climax vegetation. BACKGROUND This study was initiated in 1982 to provide data on Alaska's Stikine moose population and its habitat requirements,and to help predict impacts that may result from changes in the hydro- logical regime.Moose are the major big game species along this section of the Stikine;this is the largest Alaskan moose herd south of Juneau,and there is considerable local interest and concern for Stikine moose. The British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (B.C.Hydro)has proposed construction of 5 hydroelectric dams on the Stikine and Iskut River drainages in British Columbia.Most of B.C.Hydro's environmental impact studies have been carried out in British Columbia (McCourt Management Limited 1982,B.C.Hydro 1982,and others),although some studies have been done in Alaska by Beak Consultants Ltd.(1982). Two of the 5 dams are proposed for the Grand Canyon of the Stikine;tre closest to Alaska is 230 kID (142.9 mil upstream from the U.S.border.The remaining 3 dams are proposed for the Iskut River,a tributary of the Stikine;the closest to Alaska is 78 km (48.8 mi)upstream from the U.S.border.Among the expected hydrological effects on the Alaska portions of the Stikine are 1 changes in mean water levels,sediment loads,flood magnitude and duration,mean water temperature,and stream morphology.Changes in these physical factors can result in changes in vegetative succession (Gill 1973,Teversham and Slaymaker 1976,Church and Rood 1982)potentially affecting moose habitat. We studied several aspects of the moose population,including moose population status and productivi ty,habitat availability and utilization,relativ3 use of vegetation successional stages, seasonal movements and distribution,winter food habits and preferences,winter range conditions,and winter habitat utili- zation and preferences. OBJECTIVES To assess condition,productivity,and status of the Stikine moose population. To determine seasonal habitat selection,movements,and distribu- tion of Stikine moose. " To describe winter food habits,food utilization,and winter range conditions. availability and To determine critical habitat types and areas during late winter and early spring. To predict,if possible,impacts of the proposed B.C.Hydro dams on moose populations and habitat along the Stikine River in Alaska. STUDY AREA The Alaska portion of the Stikine River flows through a steep valley 2-3 km wide.The study area encompassed the Stikine drainage and delta in Alaska and parts of adj acent drai~ages (F~g.1).The central study area consisted of about 142 km (55 mi )of moose range at latitude 56 0 41'N,longitude 132 0 W.The Stikine delta is the largeSf inter~idal wetland in southeast Alaska and consists of 200 kID (77 mi )of marsh and tidal flats. Important moose winter range consists of the following plant com- muni ties in successional order.Newly exposed riverbanks are colonized by Equisetum varie~atum,~arvense,and ~fluviatile with Salix alaxensis and S.1nterior as the predominant willows. ~sitchensis and ~barcrayi colonize older pioneer stands as do Alnus rubra and Populus balsamifera trichocarpa seedlings.As Alnus and Populus develop,S.alaxensis is less common although ~sitchensis and ~barclay~often remain in more open habitats. Mature Populus stands develop on elevated river terraces with Malus fusca occasionally invading these stands.In shrub stands 2 without an overstory and in Populus stands,major species include Rubus spectabilis,Cornus stolonifera,Echinopanax horridum, Sambucus racemosa,Viburnum edule,Ribes bracteosum,and picea sitchensis seedlings.In well-drained areas with favorable con- ditions,mature P.sitchensis stands develop with an understory of Rubus,Echinopanax,Viburnum,and some Cornus and Vaccinium sp.Mixed Picea/Populus stands occur in well-drained sites.At higher elevations along the valley wall,Picea is interspersed with Tsuga heterophylla with increasing amounts of Vaccinium in the understory.Numerous slide areas along the valley wall are dominated by stands of Alnus,Salix,and Cornus. Near the delta,annual precipitation is between 200 and 400 cm. The study area is at an interface between 2 weather systems:a maritime climate with saturated air masses,and drier air masses funneling down the Stikine valley from the Canadian interior. This movement of drier air creates winds up to 50 knots in the study area.In winter,when high pressure areas predominate along the coast,the wind blows downstream and warm coastal air encounters the colder interior air creating snow or rain.In summer,high pressure areas occur over the interior and wind direction is often upriver.The wind affects patterns of precip- itation and the drifting of silt loess and snow. During winter 1981-82,river ice did not break up until 28 April. Winter 1982-83 was milder and breakup occurred on 7 April.Bud break on Cornus and Salix on the lower sections of the river began in mid-May 1982 and mid-April 1983.The upper sections of the river (above Kakwan Point)were phenologically later than the lower portion by 1 week in both years.The river froze by 24 November 1982. PROCEDURES A sample of 20 moose (16 cows and 4 bulls)were immobilized and radio-collared on wintering areas from 11-13 March 1982.An additional 4 cows were radio-collared on 15 and 16 January 1983. Moose were located and darted from a Hughes 500 helicopter. Darts for adult moose contained 8 cc of 1 mg/cc etorphine hydro- chloride (M-99,D-M Pharmaceuticals,Rockville,MD)and 2 cc of 100 mg/cc xylazine hydrochloride (Rompun,Chemagro,Kansas City, MO)i this was reduced to about 7 cc total mixture for subadult moose.Darts were delivered with a Cap-Chur gun (Palmer Equip- ment Company,Douglasville,GA). When possible,blood and hair samples were collected,body mea- surements (total length,chest girth,and hind foot length)were taken,an incisor tooth was removed,and body condition was evaluated.Tests for hemoglobin content (Hb)and packed cell volume (PCV)were run within 30 hours of collection,and serum samples were frozen for blood chemistry analysis (Franzmann and LeResche 1978)and disease diagnosis.Moose were fitted with a radio-transmi tter (Telonics,Mesa,AZ)and a numbered visual collar (Denver Tent and Awning,Denver,CO).Numbered monel ear- tags were placed in each ear. 3 Population Estimation and Composition Population estimates were derived using the Lincoln-Peterson Index method.Counts were conducted on 3 occasions in key wintering areas using a Hughes 500 helicopter and 2 or 3 observers. Sex and age composition counts were made during flights on 11-13 March,4 November,and 4 December 1982.Males were sexed by presence of antlers or absence of white vulva patch. Movements and Distribution of Radio-collared Moose A total of 32 radio-location flights were made in fixed-wing air- craft at approximately 2-week intervals between 14 March 1982 and 6 April 1983 except during the hunting season (15 September to 15 October)•In addition,moose were occasionally radio-located from the ground.Locations were plotted on USGS 1:63,360 topo- graphic maps (Appendix A). Winter Habitat Use,Availability,and Preference Habitat use by radio-collared moose was estimated during aerial and ground surveys as the percent cover of overstory and percent cover of understory within an area about 50 m in radius around each moose.Overstory classifications were cottonwood (Populus), spruce (Picea),hemlock (Tsuga),or percent cover of each. Understory was classified as alder-willow (Alnus-Salix),open alder-willow,open,or muskeg. Documentation of habitat use in late winter was further refined by counting moose tracks and bedding sites along 17 winter tran- sects from 23 February to 13 March 1983.Three initial transects were situated from the river to the valley wall in 3 key winter- ing areas (Fig.2).The remaining 14 transects were established parallel to the first 3 at 0.4 km (0.25 mil intervals.Transect length varied from 180-3,220 m. Two observers walked transects: one pulled a 20 m cable and recorded snow depth at each station, while the other recorded habitat type and number of tracks and bedding sites in a plot 5 m on both sides of the 20 m transect (10 x 20 m).We used records of habitat type in these 10 x 20 m plots (n =1,453)to calculate habitat availability. We further documented relative habitat use in key wintering areas by counting pellet groups in 10,O.OOl-acre (0.0004-ha)plots along each of 40 late winter and early spring browse transects. For 6 successional stages,we weighted relative habitat use by dividing the number of pellet groups by the number of transects in each successional stage,and expressed the value on a percent basis. 4 We calculated indices to habitat preference by dividing percent use of habitat types by percent availability,and expressed indices on a percent basis.This resulted in indices of habitat preference based upon radio locations,tracks,bedding sites,and pellet groups. An additional survey of plant community composition was made during spring transects in May 1983 (Appendix B). Winter Food Habits and Utilization We established 17 browse transects in May and June 1982 repre- senting the major successional stages in key winter areas (Boertje and Young 1982).Replicate data from these transects were gathered in April and May 1983,and 6 additional transects were established. Transect design followed that described by Doerr et al.(1980), with transects 300 steps (100 stations)in length.We located the nearest shrub species and closest browse species in a 180 0 arc in front of each station.We recorded availability class, form class,utilization class,and number of twigs browsed out of 10 randomly selected twigs for the closest browse species (Boertje and Young 1982).At 10-station intervals along each transect,we established milacre (0.0004 hal plots to estimate percent cover of overstory and understory species. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Population Estimation,Composition,and Status The post-hunting season moose population estimate for the survey area (Fig.2)ranged from 160-301 using the Lincoln-Peterson Index (Table 1).Factors responsible for the variation in pop- ulation estimates included variable flying conditions,visi- bility,number of observers,areas surveyed (Fig.2),and pilot expertise.We feel the best estimate is 300 moose. Composition counts indicated a low post-season bull/cow ratio of 3 to 5 bulls/100 cows (Table 2),primarily due to the high har- vest of yearling bulls (Young 1981,Boertje and Young 1982). Rausch and Bratlie (1965)found a similar ratio of 5 bulls/100 cows in the Matanuska Valley with no deleterious effects on herd productivity.Composition counts indicated a winter calf/cow ratio of 23-38 calves/100 cows including 14-23 twins/100 cows (Table 2).Doerr (pers.corom.)found 50 calves/100 adults on the Stikine in March 1981. We feel the Stikine moose population is stable,or more likely, increasing slightly.This is substantiated by consistent harvest levels from 1952-82 (Boertje and Young 1982)and by increased moose sightings in adjacent drainages and on nearby islands in recent years indicating an expanding population (Young 1981). 5 We used a population estimate of 300 moose (Table 1)and December 1982 composition data (Table 2)to derive a conservative winter population model of 225 cows,63 calves,and 12 bulls.If the annual calf recruitment consists of about 31 bulls and 31 cows, then 43 legal bulls would be present prior to the hunting season (assuming no natural mortality).Since the herd sustained an annual harvest level of 32 to 33 bulls from 1980 to 1982,the minimum population must be at least 300 moose.While emigration and immigration undoubtedly occur,this study indicates that it is fairly low (Appendix A),and movement across the International Boundary was discounted in the population model. Mortality The neonatal calf population could not be accurately assessed, since dense understory precluded calf observations in late May through October.Of 16 marked cows with 9 calves in 1982,15 cows and at least 7 calves survived until March 1983.The oldest marked cow was 14.5 years old,while 2 cows were 2.5 years old (Table 3). We found 2 unmarked moose dead during winter 1981-82 from unknown causes,possibly wolf predation.During winter 1982-83,at least 2 cows died of unknown causes,1 with pink bone marrow indicating poor health.Wolves utilized the carcasses,but there was no evidence of wolf-caused mortality.We received unsubstantiated reports of 2 additional cow deaths during winter 1982-83.Cap- tured moose were found to be in healthy condition accoiding to blood parameters (Table 4).Serum samples were found to be free of indications of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis,bovine viral diarrhea,or parainfluenza III (R.Zarnke,pers.comm.).Two of 4 collared bulls were killed during the 1982 hunting season,and a third was shot illegally after the season.The remaining bull was taken by hunters in September 1983. Density and Group Size Total ¥ear-rou~d moose range in the study area consists 2of about 142 km (55 mi).We estimated density at 2.2 moose/trn.Doerr (1983)estimated a similar density (2.3 moose/km)f~the Stikine,while Peek et ale (1976)considered 1.96 moose/km as a high on a Minnesota study area and 2Gasaway et ale (1983)reported a peak population o~1.5 moos 2/km on an interior Alaska range. We considered 74 km (28.6 mi )to be winter moose habitat (see Winter Habitat Use,Availabilit and P eference)and calculated a winter habitat denslty of 4.0 moose kID During the period 4 November-22 March,we found mean group sizes of 2.2 (+0.2)for marked moose and 2.3 (+0.1)for unmarked moose.RoJley and Keith (1980)found winter aggregations in Alberta of 1.8 moose/group to be independent of population den- sity.Group sizes on the Stikine varied with season:winter, 6 2.7 moose/group (n =180);late winter,2.4 (n =176);spring, 1.6 (n =46);summer,1.4 (n =34);and fall,2.5 moose/group (n =80).Smaller group sizes during spring and summer may have resulted from poor sightability. Movements and Distribution of Radio-collared Moose We plotted year-round horne ranges for 20 radio-collared moose and winter ranges alone for 4 others (Appendix A).Six moose had separate summer and winter horne ranges (Table 3).Total hOJ~e range sizes of cows (n =16~varied from 466 hectares (1.8 mi ) to 4,936 hectares (l9.1 mi 2).Bull horne range ~zes (n =4) ranged from 1,593 ha (6.7 mi )to 4,688 ha (18.1 mi ). Moose were most often found at lower elevations.Maximum ele- vations used by moose ranged from less than 100 feet to 2,000 feet.Sixty percent of the cows were always located at 100 feet or less,while the remaining 40%were sometimes found above 500 feet but always below 2,000 feet (Table 3). Several moose left the Stikine from late April to early June, moving into tributary or adjacent drainages.One moose left the lower winter range (Fig.3)via Andrew Creek and summered in ad- jacent Horseshoe Basin in the Porterfield Creek drainage.Five animals moved via North Arm Creek to the Thunder Creek drainage of LeConte Bay.Moose wintering above the mouth of Ketili River did not have separate winter and summer horne ranges.Sergief Island and the adjacent portion of Farm Island are known"to have been used as wintering areas in past years,but very few moose were observed there during winters 1981-82 and 1982-83. Winter Habitat Use,Availability,and Preference Aerial observations of radio-collared moose indicated that they were more often associated with early successional stages and ecotones than with more advanced successional stages throughout the year (Table 5).Counts of tracks,bedding sites,and pellet groups (Table 6)provided a more refined assessment of habitat use.Our data show that alder-willow ecotones were used most frequently. Radio locations and pellet group surveys indicated a winter pre- ference for mixed Picea-Populus stands or pure Populus stands (Table 7).Late winter track and bed counts showed a declining use of Populus but increased use of Alnus-Salix-Picea ecotones. This late winter affinity for Picea is likely associated with increasing snow accumulation in Populus stands which provide little snow interception.Picea stands were much preferred as bedding areas.Stikine moose obviously thrive where there is a diverse mix of habitat types. 7 Winter track and bedding observations indicated that moose sought shel ter in mature spruce stands during rain,heavy snow,and strong winds.Peek et ale (1976),VanBallenberghe and Peek (1971),and others also reported moose use of conifers for shelter during heavy snowfall. In studies by Nasimovich (1955),Kelsall and Prescott (1971),and Coady (1974),snow depths greater than 76 cm were found to re- strict moose movements.Average snow depth on the Stikine study area was 161 cm during winter 1982-83 (Table 8).Since snow in the study area was generally wet and heavy,thick crusts often formed which could support moose.Even though snows exceeded 76 em (Table 8),moose track depth was usually less than 70 em, Spruce stands,with their associated shallower snow depths, showed increased moose use following heavy snowfall. Winter Food Habits and Utilization Analysis of data from 23 browse utilization transects in early to late successional stages on key wintering areas (Fig.3,Table 9) allowed the following generalizations: 1.Salix spp.and Cornus stolonifera were the primary browse species. 2.Habi tats in which Salix and/or Cornus comprised less than 25%cover received little use by moose (Table 9). 3.The majority (77-100%)of key browse plant species were in vigorous condition. 4.Percent utilization of available browse averaged only about 60%in the most highly utilized stands of young and mature alder-willow without overstory (Table 9), indicating a healthy range condition with an abundant food supply. 5.Secondary food plants constituted less than 10%of the observed use and included Vaccinium spp.,Populus balsamifera trichocarpa,Ribes bracteosum,Viburnum edule,and Malus fusca. PREDICTABLE EFFECTS OF HYDROELECTRIC DEVELOPMENTS Hydrological Changes Hydrologists (B.C.Hydro 1981)predict that during construction there will be little change in water level.As the reservoirs are filled (approximately 1 spring and summer for each darn), there will be reduced flows,although minimum flow amounts have not been decided.During operation,mean water levels will be 8 .. approximately 0.8 m lower during summer (a 25%reduction),and 0.8 m higher during winter (a 100%increase).The magnitude and duration of flood events will be affected more in spring than in fall.Water temperatures may be 1°C (about 2 OF)higher than normal during winter.Stikine winter water temperatures cur- rently range between 0°and 1°C (B.C.Hydro 1981). Because the mean water level during summer will be reduced 0.8 m, floods will be up to 0.8 m lower than usual at their peak.De- pending upon the volume of flood waters and the area flooded, peak flood events will be some fraction of 0.8 m lower than nor- mal after regulation.Water volumes above 120,000 cfs influence most side channels and sloughs (M.Horton,pers.comm.1983). At lesser flows,water is restricted primarily to the main chan- nel.Andrew Slough,for instance,dries up when river stage drops below 14.9 ft (4.5 m) (M.McCorison,unpubl.data). Vegetation Changes The lower water levels in spring will encourage colonizing of bare areas by Equisetum,Salix,Alnus,and Populus.Wind- dispersed seeds of Salix and Populus will quickly colonize open moist areas unless seedlings are inhibited by spring flooding which deposits silt (L.Walker,pers.comm.).Sediment surface is a controlling factor in establishment of plant communities as well (Church and Rood 1982,Teversham and Slaymaker 1976). Reduction of flood will encourage Picea encroachment on river terraces,where it is now inhibited by periodic flooding.Spruce now occur in areas that are seldom flooded.Flooding for 29 days or more in early summer has been found to kill most small white spruce (P.glauca)and black spruce (P.mariana)trees (Ahlgren and Hansen 1957).Lees (1964)found that flooding killed most older spruce seedlings and all younger ones.On the Peace River in British Columbia,Populus balsamifera trichocarpa forests with Cornus stolonifera were flooded an average of less than 6 days a year,conifer stands were rarely inundated,and unforested areas were generally flooded between 30 and 84 days per year (Teversham and Slaymaker 1976). Comparisons of 1948 and 1979 plant community maps (Beak Consul- tants 1982)show that Picea coverage increased in the study area, replacing cottonwood and shrubs,while Populus coverage also in- creased,replacing former shrub communities (Table 10).In the Barnes Lake and Dry Wash areas,successional trends have been reversed,probably attributable to a rising water table caused by increased glacier melting.The area lost to erosion on the river was offset by comparable gains in newly vegetated area (ca.250 hal.The Stikine Delta gained 522 ha during the 31-year inter- val. 9 In an extreme-case scenario,Picea stands will continue to expand (but at a much faster rate)as areas become better drained. Guerin Slough will probably be reduced to 1/4-1/3 its present width.Ketili River (Warm Springs Slough)and Andrew Slough will be invaded by xeric plant communities,and the upstream ends will eventually be blocked off.The islands between Limb Island and Kakwan will eventually be vegetated and consolidated into a single island.The area known as the Desert will be vegetated at a slower rate because of wind erosion.Elbow Slough will be invaded by Equisetum and Salix and will be blocked.The North Arm of the Stikine River will be reduced in size and may be closed off at the upper end. Moose Population and Distribution Changes Fifteen of 20 collared cows had home ranges which were within 3.2 km (2 mil of the waters of the Stikine River.Doerr (1983)found that only 2 of 246 telemetry locations were over 0.4 km (.25 mil from the floodplain of the Stikine or from the stream courses of Andrew,Thunder,or North Arm Creek.The importance of riparian wintering habitat cannot be overstated,since late winter and early spring are the critical periods for Alaskan moose (Gasaway and Coady 1974,Gasaway et ale 1983),especially following winters of heavy snowfall.Snow depths during both winters exceeded 2 m (6.6 ft)in some areas (Table 8). The replacement of alder-willow by cottonwood and eventually spruce will redistribute wintering habitat and eventually reduce it.Moose distribution will be altered,and as winter carrying capacity is reduced,the population will decline to an unknown extent.We cannot accurately predict the amount of spruce ecotone and alder-willow wintering habitat which will be suc- ceeded by xeric vegetation.Such predictions would necessitate detailed hydrological forecasts and topographic maps with contour intervals of 1 ft or less.Based on available hydrological data, it is possible that all of the existing alder-willow habitat will be replaced by cottonwood and/or conifer overstory.Areas which are more dependent on groundwater levels than river stage (Barnes Lake,North Arm Creek)may be less affected by regulation,al- though the effects of the project on groundwater levels have not been adequately addressed in available hydrology reports. Moose carrying capacity would likely increase over the first de- cade of regulation as newly dried areas are invaded by alder- willow communities and spruce ecotones which provide winter food and shelter.Over the long term,however,channelization of the river and shading of alder-willow by overstory species can be expected to reduce carrying capacity and populations.This re- duction is not quantifiable. 10 .. i The predicted lOC increase in water temperature will probably leave the lower river ice free during most winters.After darn construction and water regulation,the Peace River in British Columbia remained ice free in "normal"winters to a point 120 km (68.3 mi)below the darn.Similar effects have been noted in Russian hydroelectric projects where the temperature regimes are similar to those of the Stikine (B.C.Hydro 1981). Stikine moose use the river ice frequently as a movement corri- dor.Open water combined with shorefast ice could tend to limit winter moose movement.The effect of this factor on winter distribution cannot be predicted.Although recreational snow machine use would be reduced,boat traffic would increase,and winter disturbance of moose would continue to occur.Since boats are more widely used than snowrnachines,there could be an increase in winter disturbance of moose.Hunting in the study area is associated with preferred moose habitat and ease of access.Most hunters confine their activities to the riverbank and the banks of the larger sloughs and creeks.Moose carcasses are dragged or winched to canoes or skiffs for transport to town. Andrew Slough,Ketili River (often called Warm Springs Slough), Government Slough,and the North Arm of the Stikine are heavily hunted.After darn construction,it is likely that these areas and many others now hunted will not be accessible by boat during the fall moose season.Camping sites would then be restricted to the banks of the main river channel.Boat access to the Forest Service bathing facilities at Chie f Shakes Hot Springs may no longer be feasible.This facility is extremely popular with moose hunters,fishermen,and recreational boaters. Changes in access will be evident within a short time and will lower moose harvest levels.The expected decline in the moose population will occur gradually as carrying capacity declines with habitat degradation. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We wish to thank the many volunteers who assisted in various phases of the project.Robert Berceli assisted on winter browse transects,winter range surveys,and radio-location surveys. Jean Siddall and Sue Yamamoto assisted during spring with browse transects and plant community composition assessment and supplied Appendix B.Their energy and enthusiasm were greatly appre- ciated.Biologists of the U.S.Forest Service,including Larry Ethelbah,Mark Madrid,and Kurt Becker,provided assistance with aerial surveys and the loan of equipment.Joe Doerr and Lars Walker freely shared ideas and observations with us.Dr.Donald McKnight critically reviewed the manuscript and supported the project throughout.Bob Wood and Chuck Schwartz assisted with moose capture and data collection.Nate Johnson,Mike Thomas, Matt Kirchhoff,and Rod Flynn provided invaluable assistance with biometrics,computers,and study design.Finally,we wish to thank Bill and Peggy Byford of Wrangell for their support and assistance,and Jackie Tyson for typing the numerous manuscript revisions. 11 LITERATURE CITED Ahlgren,C.E.,and H.L.Hansen.1957. porary flooding on coniferous trees. Some effects of tem- J.For.55:647-650. B.C.Hydro.1981.Stikine-Iskut hydroelectric development feas- ibili ty study:hydrology,river regime and morphology. Hydroelectric Generation Projects Div.Report No.H 1110. Vancouver. B.C.Hydro.1982.Habitat utilization by ungulates and other wildlife in the proposed reservoir areas on the Stikine and Iskut Rivers.Unpubl.Vancouver. Beak Consultants Ltd.1982.Analyses of the potential impacts of hydroelectric development of the Stikine River system in Alaska.Unpubli shed report to B. C.Hydro and Power Authority,Vancouver,B.C. Boertje,R.D.,and E.L.Young.1982.Stikine River moose study;wildlife evaluation of Stikine-Iskut dams.Progress report,Vol.I,Alaska Dep't Fish and Game,Juneau. Church,M.,and K. M.Rood.1982.Peace River Surveys;1979 and 1981.Department of Geography,University of British Columbia.Unpublished manuscript. Coady,J.1974.Influence of snow on behavior of moose.Nat. Can.101:417-436. Doerr,J.G.1983.Home range size,movements and habitat use in two moose,Alces alces,populations in southeastern Alaska.Can.Field Nat.97(1):79-88. Doerr,J:G.,E.L.Young,and A.W.Franzmann.1980. Ecological and physiological aspects of a moose population in Thomas Bay,southeast Alaska.Proc.16th N.Am.Moose Conf.Workshop. Franzmann,A.W.,and R.E.LeResche.1978.Alaskan moose blood studies with emphasis on condition evaluation.J.Wildl. Manage.42:334-351. Gasaway,W.C.,and J.W.Coady.1974.Review of energy re- quirements and rumen fermentation in moose and other ruminants.Nat.Can.(Que.)101:227-262. 12 ... i Gasaway,W.C.,R. O.Stephenson,J.L.Davis,P.E.K.Shepherd, and O.E.Burris.1983.Interrelationships of wolves,prey and man in Interior Alaska.Wildl.Monogr.84.50 pp. Gill,D.1973.Floristics of a plant succession sequence in the MacKenz ie Delta,Northwest Territories.Polarforschung, 43 (1/2):55-65. Hulten,E.1968.Flora of Alaska and neighboring territories. Stanford Univ.Press,Stanford,Calif.1,008 pp. Kelsall,J.P.,and W.Prescott.1971.Moose and deer behavior in snow.Can.Wildl.Sere Rept.Series No.15.25 pp. Lees,J.C.1964.Tolerance of white spruce seedlings to flooding.For.Chron.40:221-225. McCourt Management Limited.1982.Studies on furbearing animals in the Stikine River Drainages.Unpublished report to B.C. Hydro. Nasimovich,A. A.1955.The role of the regime of snow cover in the life of ungulates in the USSR (Trans.from Russian). Moskua.Akad.Nauk USSR.403 pp. Peek,J.M.,D.L.Urich,and R.J.Mackie.1976.Moose habitat selection and relationships to forest management in north- eastern Minnesota.Wildl.Monogr.48.65 pp. Rausch,R.A.,and A.Bratlie.1965.Annual assessment of moose calf production and mortality in southcentral Alaska.Presen- tation at 45th annual conference of Western Association, State Fish and Game Commissioners,Anchorage,Alaska. Rolley,R.E.,and L.B.Keith.1980.Moose population dynamics and winter habitat use at Rochester,Alberta.1965-1969. Can.Field-Nat.94(1):9-18. Teversham,J.M.,and O.Slaymaker.1976.Vegetation composi- tion in relation to flood frequency in Lillooet River valley,British Columbia.Catena 3:191-201. VanBallenberghe,V.,and J.M.Peek.1971.Radiotelemetry studies of moose in northeastern Minnesota.J.Wildl. Manage.35(1):63-71. Young,E.L.1981.Moose survey-inventory progress report,Game Management Units 1B and 3 in Annual Report of Survey Inven- tory Activities.Part II~Moose.R. A.Hinman,Ed. Alaska Dep't Fish and Game.Juneau. 13 o This map taken from Petersburg quad and Bradfield quad 1:250,000. Figure 1 Study Area Itikine River British Columbia ------ Alaska N A Scale V2 1 mi. Itikine River British Columbia --- N•Scale Y2 1 mi. Alaska I I <',1 _--- 1------ ,, \;" .." Figure 2 Moose survey areas,post-hunting season census StikineRiver R 1982-83 and 1981-22 survey areas.r-additional area surveyed in 1981-82 ....----late winter browse utilization transects 1982-83 Wrangell o '"' Alaska N A Scale V2 1 mi. British Columbia Itikine River I \-----..---..-- Figure 3 Major Moose Wintering Areas, Stikine River 1981-82 1982-83 LOWER RIVER WINTER RANGE o Table 1.Moose population estimates using Lincoln-Peterson Index,Stikine River,1982. Total Moose Marked Observation Population Date Moose Observed/Moose Efficiency Estimate Observed Hour (no.marked) 3/22/82 88 23 11 (20).55 160 11/4/82 39 10 2 (15).13 293 12/4/82 113 40 6(16).38 301 17 Table 2.Moose composition counts,Stikine River,1982. Bulls per Date 100 Cows 3/11-14/82 5.0 11/04/82 3.0 12/04/82 5.0 Calves per 100 Cows 38 23 28 18 Twins per 100 Cows with Calves 14 33 Total Sample 56 39 113 Table 3.sex,age,borne range,elevation,and calf production of Stikine River radio-collared rroose.a 1983 . b No. No.Maxl.mum Appended Collar Age summer 2 Winter2 Elevation Calves Calves Map No.No.Sex (yr)Total Home Range (ha,mi )(ha,mi )(ft)1982 1983 Al 00 F 11.5 :3,400 ha (13.1 mi~)1,303(5.0)432 (1.7)100 0 2 A-2/A3 0 F 10.5 '4,155 ha(16.0 mi 2)267(1.0)3,888(15.0)1,400 a 1 A4/A5 1 F 2.5 4,936 ha(19.1 mi 2)1,600 (6.2)3,336(12.9)2,000 a 1 A6 22 F 7.5 2,137 ha (8.3 mi 2)1,400 1 2 A7 X F 5.5 2,380 ha (9.2 mi 2)100 a 1 A8 11 F 10.5 3,183 ha(12.3 mi 2)100 1 a A9 8 F 10.5 1,456 ha (5.6 mi 2)100 a a A10 9 F ?1,632 ha (6.3 mi 2)100 1 0 All 7 F 4.5 1,575 ha (6.1 mi 2)1,088(4.2)487 (1.9)1,200 1 0 A12 4 F 2.5 1,955 ha (7.6 mi 2)100 a 0 I-'A-13 6 F 7.5 1,256 ha (4.9 mi 2)600 1 0\0 A14 44 F 14.5 1,059 ha (4.1 mi 2)100 1 0 A15 33 F 6.5 901 ha (3.5 mi 2)100 a 1 A16 3 F 4.5 1,072 ha (4.1 mi 2)600 a 1 A17 5 F 5.5 466 ha (1.8 mi 2)383 (1.5)83 (0.3)1,100 a a A-18/A-19 2 F 6.5 1,803 ha (6.9 mi )109(0.4)1,694 (6.5)900 1 0 A20 82 F ?c 505 (2.0)100 a A21 000 F ?c 728 (2.8)100 0 A22 111 ?c 300 (1.2)100 1 1F A23 6B F ?c 334 (1.3)100 0. d (6.7 mi~)A24 66 M 3.5d 1,735 ha 400 A25 8B M l.5d 1,593 ha (6.2 mi ~100 A26 88 M 2.5 4,688 ha (18.1 m~)100 A27 77 M 2.5e 1,352 ha (5.2 mi )526(2.0)826 (3.2)900 a Individual home range maps are found in Appendix A.b Maximum observed elevation plotted on USGS topographic map to nearest 100 foot contour interval.c Collared in January 1983;summer range not monitored.d Age at death in 1982.e Age at death in 1983. Table 4.Characteristics of 24 Stikine River moose,March 1982 and January 1983. Body Measurements (em) Collar Collar With Age Body Blood Parameters Total Chest Hind Ft Frequency Number a Sex Calf (yr)Condition Hbb PCVC Length Girth Length 151.500 0 F No 9.8 6 14.0 44.0 285 193 151.510 1 F No 1.8 6 16.5 41.0 265 202 79 151.520 2 F Yes 5.8 6 12.8 35.5 287 204 79 151.530 3 F No 3.8 7 15.0 41.0 266 151.540 4 F No 1.8 5 12.0 30.5 267 174 98 151.550 5 F No 4.8 6 14.5 36.0 266 168 84 151.560 6 F Yes 6.8 7 14.2 41.5 268 193 151.570 7 F Yes 3.8 7 16.5 42.0 306 208 86 151.580 8 F No 9.8 6 15.0 42.0 292 202 83 151.590 X F No 4.8 7 17.0 46.0 312 240 80 151.610 00 F No 10.8 6 13.0 41.5 292 193 80 151.620 11 F Yes 9.8 6 17.0 46.0 316 185 90 151.630 22 F Yes 6.8 6 15.0 40.5 294 199 87 151.640 33 F No 5.8 5 16.5 55.0 284 206 IV 151.650 44 F No 13.8 4 12.0 37.5 279 218 79 0 151.660 8 M 0.8 5 14.5 36.0 217 164 71 151.680 9 F Yes Adult 5 14.0 32.0 292 204 83 151.690 66 M 2.8 5 15.0 38.0 279 178 86 151.710 77 M 0.8 6 16.0 39.5 228 160 76 151.720d 88 M 1.8 6 13.0 34.5 259 202 79 151.660d 000 F No 8 16.8 47.0 249 194 151.390d 111 F Yes 8 14.7 42.0 257 189 151.720d 82 F No 7 15.6 45.5 216 150 151.690 6B F No 9 16.6 46.0 255 194 Mean ex)6.2 14.84 40.58 272.1 192.2 82.5 Standard Deviation of the Mean (SO)1.1 1.55 5.42 26.8 20.0 6.6 Standard Error eSE).2 .32 1.11 5.5 4.2 1.6 a The 1st 15 collars listed are yellow with black numbers;the last 5 are blue with yellow numbers.b Hb =hemoglobin".c d PCV =Packed-cell volume. Collared on 15 and 16 January 1983;others collared 11-13 March 1982. Table 5.Percent use of successional stages by radio-collared moose by season,Stikine River,1982-83. Season #of Locations Percent Use by Successional Stage Winter 124 (1 Jan-14 Mar) Late Winter 106 (15 Mar-1 May) Spring 78 (2 May-15 June) Summer 100 (16 June-31 Aug) Fall,Early winter 64 (15 Oct-31 Dec) a Mid-climaxb ClimaxcEarly 47 30 23 53 18 29 49 29 22 43 33 24 47 19 34 a b c 0-30%overstory. 31-69%overstory. 70-100%overstory. 21 Table 6.Indices of winter (1 Jan-14 Mar)habitat use by moose,Stikine River,1982-83. Percent Occurrence Radio Track Pellet Locations Counts Beds Groups Habitat Types (n =472)(n =760)(n =57)(n =398) Open 1 7 5 Alnus-Salix 14 66 46 63 Populus 14 2.2 27 Picea-Populus 10 1 Picea 60 22 47 7 Picea-Tsuga 1 2 3 Totals 100 100 100 100 22 Table 7.Habitat availability and preference during winter, Stikine River,1982-83. Preference Indices Availabilitya Radio Pellet Habitat Type %Locations Tracks Beds Groups Open 10 1 17 13 Alnus-Salix 56 2 28 21 19 Populus 7 19 7 8 64 b Picea-Populus 2 48 12 a Picea 21 27 25 58 5 Picea-Tsuga 4 2 12 a 12 Totals 100 99 101 100 100 a b Measured in late winter. No distinction was made between pure Populus stands and mixed Picea-Popu1us stands in pellet group counts. 23 Table 8.Snow depth by habitat type on the Stikine River, winter 1982-83. Habitat Snow Depth Open habitat 168 em±2.1 (n Cottonwood overstory 166 cm ±4.9 (n Spruce-cottonwood overstory 156 cm ±4.7 (n Spruce overstory 146 em ±3.1 (n Hemlock-spruce overstory 165 cm ±7.5 (n Mature spruce 128 em ±4.6 (n 24 =787) 61) 14) =299) 38) =99) Table 9.Vegetative characteristics of spring moose browse transects,Stikine River, 26 April-20 May 1983. %No.Pellet Available %Groups Habitat 'l'ransect %Cover %Cover %Cover %Foods Browse Key Foods 0.004 hectare Type #OVerstory Salix Cornus in Diet Utilized Vigorous (0.01 acre) Young 1 0 80 0 100 Salix 89 Salix 99 17 alder- willow 2 0 81 0 95 Salix 21 Salix 100 11 5 Populus 15 Populus 20 Total N Mature 3 0 39 40 88 Salix 88 Salix 94 21 VI alder-10 Cornus 84 Cornus willow 2 Malus 23 Malus 83 Total 4 9 Alnus 46 54 66 Cornus 45 Salix 99 11 3 Picea 34 Salix 38 Cornus 40 Total 5 2 Picea 69 55 64 Salix 57 Salix 100 22 36 Cornus 42 Cornus 50 Total 6 9 Picea 36 39 81 Cornus 87 Cornus 96 34 7 7 Picea 55 21 58 Cornus 40 Cornus 98 20 42 Salix 34 Salix 37 Total Table 9.Continued. %No.Pellet Available %Groups Habitat Transect %Cover %Cover %Cover %Foods Browse Key Foods 0.004 hectare Type #Overstory Salix Cornus in Diet Utilized Vigorous (0·.01 acre) 8 1 Picea 30 9 83 Salix 90 Salix 94 16 15 Cornus 86 Cornus 2 Malus 14 Malus 84 Total Mature 9 2 Picea 55 43 71 Cornus 82 Salix 99 22 alder-22 Salix 68 Cornus willow 7 Ribes 33 Ribes 66 Total '"10 0 56 3 81 Salix 86 Salix 100 13 0'\16 Cornus 79 Cornus 3 Ribes 100 Ribes 81 Total 11 0 61 0 99 Salix 31 Salix 99 5 1 Sorbus 33 Sorbus 31 Total Young 12 25 Populus 1 19 96 Cornus 77 Cornus 93 8 cottonwood 1 Alnus 4 Salix 52 Salix 68 Total 13 56 Populus 0 58 100 Cornus 23 Cornus 100 0 Mature 14 21 Populus 39 39 91 Cornus 37 Cornus 93 2 cottonwood 9 Salix 70 Salix 39 Total 15 26 Populus 0 41 98 Cornus 69 Cornus 100 12 1 Ribes 50 Ribes 1 Sambucus 69 Total Table 9.Continued. %No.Pellet Available %Groups Habitat Transect %Cover %Cover %Cover %Foods Browse Key Foods 0.004 hectare Type #Overstory ~Cornus in Diet utilized Vigorous (0.01 acre) 16 33 Populus 14 38 89 Cornus 64 Cornus 100 13 6 Ribes 63 Salix 5 ~60 Ribes 64 Total Mature 17 21 Populus 0 10 100 Cornus 59 Cornus 98 5 cottonwood 23 Picea Mature 18 62 Pice a 0 2 97 Cornus 46 Cornus 97 0 9 Populus 3 Viburnum 6 Viburnum -spruce IV 39 Total -..J 19 33 Picea 8 11 86 Cornus 57 Cornus 96 9 1 Alnus 9 Salix 56 Salix 3 Ribes 27 Viburnum 2 Viburnum 26 Ribes 54 Total 20 56 Picea 2 1 89 Salix 74 Salix 95 2 9 Cornus 54 Cornus 2 Viburnum 5 Viburnum 57 Total 21 56 Picea 0 20 98 Cornus 39 Cornus 98 8 3 Tsuga 1 Viburnum 10 Ribes 1 Ribes 8 Viburnum 37 Total Table 9.Continued. Habitat Transect Type # %Cover Overstory %Cover Salix %Cover Cornus %Foods in Diet % Available Browse Utilized % Key Foods Vigorous No.Pellet Groups 0.004 hectare (0.01 acre) 68 Vaccinium 70 Cornus 100 1 13 Cornus 30 Ribes 10 Viburnum 18 Viburnum 9 Ribes 9 Vaccinium 23 Total Mature 22 61 Tsuga 0 17 spruce-9 Picea hemlock Vaccinium parvifolium 4 23 33 Tstlga 0 1 29 Picea Vaccinium ovalifolium t-.)38 00 93 Cornus 4 Viburnum 3 Alnus 28 Cornus 7 Viburnum 26 Total 98 2 Table 10.Hectares of Stikine River moose habitat,1948 and 1979a• Habitat 1948 1979 Change Bog 474 (1.83 .2)484 (1.87 mi2)+10 hamJ. Marsh 1,070 (4.13 mi 2)1,411 (5.44 mi 2)+341 ha Shrub 3,564 (13.75 mi2)2,355 (9.09 .2)1,209 hamJ. Spruce 565 (2.18 mi 2)1,317 (5.08 .2)+752 hamJ. Alder- (11.14 mi2)(10.09 mi 2)cottonwood 2,887 2,615 +272 ha a Adapted from Beak Consultants (1982). 29 Appendix A MOOSE HOME RANGES 30 Moose Number 00 home range total 3400 hectares (34 km2,13.13 mi 2) main winter range (downstream) 432 hectares (1.67 mi 2) main summer range (upstream) 1303 hectares (5.03 mi 2) some overlap between summer and winter range female 11 1/2 years in 1983 no calf in 1982 2 calves in 1983 Appendix A-2 Moose Number 0 summer range 267 hectares (2.67 km 2,1.03 mi 2) female 10 1/2 years in 1983 no calf in 1982 1 calf in 1983 32 w w Moose Number 0 winter range 3888 hectares (38.88 km 2,15.01 mi 2) female'10 1/2 years in 1983 Appendix A-4 34 Moose Number 1 summer range approx.1600 hecta 2es(16 km2,6.17 mi ) female 2 1/2 years in 1983 no calf in 1982 1 calf in 1983 w U1 Moo s e Number 1 win t er range female 2 1/2 years in 1983 Appendix A-6 Moose Number 22 home range 2137 hectares (21.37 km 2,8.25 mi 2) female 7 1/2 years in 1983 1 calf in 1982 2 calves in 1983 (one died) 36 Appendix A-7 Moose Number X home range female 5 1/2 years in 1983 no calf in 1982 1 calf in 1983 37 w 00 Moose Number 11 home range 3183 hectares (31.83 km 2,12.29 mi 2) female 10 1/2 years in 1983 1 calf in 1982,no calf in 1983 Appendix A-9 Mo os e Number 8 home rang e 1456 hectares (14.56 km 2,5.62 mi 2) female 10 1/2 years in 1983 no calf in 1982 no calf in 1983 39 Appendix A-IO Moose Number 9 home range 1632 hectares (16 32 2.km, adult female 1 (,one ca f #8)in 1982 no calf in 1983 40 summer range (north) 1088 hectares (10.2 km 2 ,4.2 mi 2 ) winter range 487 hectares (so u t h) (4.87 km 2 ,1.88 mi 2 ) Moose Number 7 home range 4 1(2 years in 1983 one calf (#77)in 1982 no calf in 1983 female 8 Appendix A-12 .---r,p..-- Moose Number 4 home range female 2 1/2 years when died about 8 Jan.1983 no calf in 1982 no calf in 1983 42 Appendix A-13 Moose Number 6 home range 1256 hectares (12.56 km 2,4.85 mi 2) female 7 1/2 years in 1983 1 calf in 1982 no calf in 1983 43 Appendix A-14 Moose Number 44 home range 1059 hectares (10.59 km 2,4.09 mi 2) female 14 1/2 years in 1983 no calf in 1982 no calf in 1983 44 .~ • d i A-ISAppenIX Number 33Mo o s e home range k 2 3.48(9.01 m,9 01 hectares in 198361/2 ye~rs1982femalea1fIn no c "19831calfIn 45 .2)ml Appendix A-16 Moose Number 3 home rang e female 4 1/2 years in 1983 no calf in 1982 1 calf in 1983 46 Appendix A-I? Moose Number 5 home range summer range (north)383 hectares (3.83 km2,1.48 mi 2) winter range (south)83 hectares (0.83 km2,0.32 mi 2) female 5 1/2 years in 1983,no calf in 1982 no calf in 1983 47 Appendix A-18 Moose Number 2 summer rang e 109 hectares (1.09 km 2,0.42 mi 2) female 6 1/2 years in 1983 1 calf in 1982 no calf in 1983 48 d i A-19AppenIX Moose Number 2 winter range 4 k 2 6.54(16.9 m,1694 hectares years in 1983female61/2 49 .2)mJ.. Appendix A-20 Moose Number 82 winter range adult female no calf in 1983 50 Appendix A-21 Moose Number 000 winter range adult female no calf in 1983 51 Appendix A-22 Moose Number III winter range 300 hectares 2km , adult female 1 calf in 1982 1 calf and 1 yearling in 1983 52 d i A-23AppenlX Number 6BMooserange winter .2) 2 1.29 m~(3.34 km ,h ec tares 83 C al f in 19no 334 l t femaleadu 53 Appendix A-24 Moo se Number 66 home range male 3 1/2 years when shot (X)16 Oct.1982 54 + :t> '"Cl "i:J tT1 U1 Z U1 t::I H :>< :t> I N on 64 c.n Moo s e Number 8E home range 1593+hectares (15.93 km 2,6.15 mi 2) male 1 1(2 years when shot on 5 Oct.1982 behind Petersburg cabin; about 5 1/2 mile downstream from nearest home range location. U1 en Moo s e Number 88 home range 4688 hectares (46.88 km 2,18.10 mi 2) male 2 1/2 years when shot (X)in November 1982 Appendix A-27 Moose Number 77 home range summer range (no r t h )526 hectares (5.26 km 2,2.03 mi 2) winter range (south)826 hectares (8.26 2 3.19 mi 2)km , male 2 1/2 years in 1983 57 Appendix B PLANT OBSERVATIONS AND CHECKLIST by Jean Siddall 58 Appendix B DRAFT HABITATS identified during the STIKINE RIVER MOOSE STUDY May 1983 Jean L.Siddall Coastal Carex meadows above high tide Knig Slough "tideflats" Riparian pioneer Salix interior-Equisetum varietagum communities colonizing sand and gravelbars. .Kckwcn Itgravelslt,dry sloughs on Andrew Is.,"cottonwood"beach mature cottonwood/willow spp./Equisetum Andrew Is. mature cottonwood/diverse shrub/herb communities on river levees and "islands"of higher ground. Kakwan "gravels",Limb Is.,#14-POTR bench Carex meadows in low areas behind river levees and along sloughs Twin lakes,Kakwan Itgravelslt,Guerin Slough,Small Slough meadow willow-alder community invading Carex meadows #15-E.of Twin lakes,#23-Dry Wash SASI Sphagnum bogs Kakwan "gravels"bog,Dry Wash Cr.bog Upland mature spruce/OPHO/Poly~tichumbraunii #17 &#19-Guerin PISI mature spruce!RIBR-MEFE-OPHO-MAFU/MADI-fern Kakwan cabin/pt. mature spruce/VAPA-RUSP/RUPE-COCA . Flemer cabin,#22-Dry Wash PISI mature spruce-western hemlock/ferns #1 ~Guerin TSHE, Banana Pt. dense wi IIow-alder thickets/sparse understory #20-Guerin,#21-Twin lakes,#16-Small Slough 59 PLANTS seen during STiKINE RIVER MOOSE STUDY May 8 to 20,1983 by Lance Craighead Jean L.Sidda II Sue Yamamoto TREES Appendix B Upper river-Flemer area Lower ri ver-Kakwan area Mitkof Is. X x x.... x x X X~ x lO.Xx x Chcmcecyporls nootkatensis (Ala:;ka yellow cedar) Picea sitchensis (Sitka spruce) Pinus contorta (shore pine) Tsuga heterophylla (western hemlock) Tsuga menziesii (mountain hemlock) PopuIus tri choca rpa (black cottonwood) SHRUBS x X x X ·X" 'X X ·X 'X X ·X ~ X 'X 'X X~·X X X X x X"X X X )(+X X··X 'X-'X'-X XX X X l:-X-- X··X-- .)(X X X X Alnus rubra (red alder) Alnus sinuata (Sitka alder) Alnus tenuifolia (thin-leaved alder) Comus stolonifera (red osier dogwood) Juniperus communis (creeping juniper) Malus fusca (Oregon crabapple) Menziesia ferruginia (fool's huckleberry) Oplopcnox horridus (devil's-c1ub) Ribes bracteosum (stink currant) Ribes lacustre (prickly currant) Ribes laxiflorum (trailing black currant) Rubus parviflorus (thimbleberry) Rubus spectabilis (soImonberry) 60 Appendix B ·X ·X ....·X ·X···X" X X <;X ·X x i'X ~X I>X .~ ·X" ·X X ·X ·X ·X ·X ·X X X'" Shrubs (continued) Stikine study plant list May 1983 Page 2 Salix alaxensis (felt-leaf wi "ow) Salix barclayi ·X ·X ·X.... (Barclay wiIlow) *Salix lnrerlor ,·X (sandbar willow) Salix monticola (park willow) Safix sitchensis ·X ·X+·X ·X ·X- (Sitka willow) Sambucus racemose X X X X X X- X vor ,arborescens (red elderberry) Sorbus aucuparia (European mountain-ash) Sorbus scopulina (western mountain-ash) Sorbus sitchensis (Sitka mountain-ash) Vaccinium alaskense (Alaska blueberry) Vaccinium caespitosum (dwarf huckleberry) Vaccinium ovalifolium 'X ·X·· (oval-leaved huckleberry) Vaccinium parvifolium X~+X ·X· (red huckleberry) Vaccinium ufiginosum (bog huckleberry) /Vaccinium vitis-idaea (I i ngonberry) Viburnum edule X X-X X X X-X+ (high-bush cranberry) HERBS Achillea millefolium ssp.borea lis (yarrow) Actaea rubra (baneberry) Andromeda polifolia (bog rosemary) **Angelica arguta ~ (sharp-toothed angelica) X ·X ·X X X ·X X X X x X 61 Appendix B X XL.....~X+-1-X .....·X-X-~X- X X X X aX L X bX X X ·XL·XL -x ·X X J,X -X ~ L·X- Stikine River Plant list May 1983 Page 3 Rerbs (continued) Angelica genuflexa (kneeling angelica) Angelica lucida (seacoast angelica) Aruncus sylvester (goat's-beard) Boschniakia rossica (ground-cone) Caltha palustris ssp.asarifolia (yellow marsh-marigold) ICaltha sp,[?biflora] (marsh marigold) Cardamine oligosperma vor ,kamtschatika 3 (Siberian bittercress) *Cardamine pratensis ssp.angustifolia If- (cuckoo flower) */cf.Cardamine purpurea s (purple bittercress) Carex ssp. (sedges) ICastilleja cf.hyetophila (Indian paintbrush) Circaea alpina (enchanter's-nightshade) Coptis asarifolia (fern-leaved gold-thread) Coptis trifolia (trifoliate gold-thread) Comus canadensis (bunchberry) Comus suecica (Swedish cornel) Icf.Dicentra Spa Dodecatheon jeffreyi (Jeffrey shooting-star) Dodecatheon pulchellum (pretty shooting-star) Drosero anglica (long-leaved sundew) Drosera rotundifolia (round-leaved sundew) x X 62 X x X X X X X X X X ·X ·X x X x X X x x x X x X -c ·0 C) Q,.... c.E C t!o Q)C _ o Q)co Q,. X X X X ..X ·X X X X x X X'"X" x X X X X X X X X x X X X Appendix B X X x X X- X X X X x X'"X X Stikine River Plant list May 1983 Page 4 Herbs (continued) fEmpetrum nigrum (crowberry) Epilobium angustifolium (fireweed) IEpi lobium cf .Iuteum (yellow wi IIow-herb) Equisetum fluviatile (swamp horsetai I) Equisetum pretense (meadow horsetai I) Equisetum variegatum vor ,alaskanum (variegated scouring-rush) Eriophorum russeolum vor ,albidum [E.chamissonisl (cotton-grass) IFauria crista-galli (deer cabbage) Friti IIaria camshatcensis (Kamshatka friti IIary) Galium triflorum (sweet-scented bedstraw) Geum calthifolium (caltha-leaved ovens) Geum macrophy Ilum (large-leaved ovens) Heracleum lanatum (cow parsnip) Hierochloe odorata (vanilla grass) Hippuris vu Igaris (morels-tail) Iris setosa ssp.setosa (wiId iris) Kalmia polifolia (ka Imia) ledum groenlandicum (laborador tea) ledum palustre ssp.decumbens (northern laborador tea) *flimnosella cquctlco , (mudwort) */listera convall ario ides 1 (broad-lipped twayblade) 63 ! Stikine River Plant List May 1983 Page 5 Herbs (continued) lupinus nootkatensis (Nootka lupine) lysichitum americanum (yellow skunk-cabbage) Maianthemum dilatatum (wiId Ii Iy-of-the-va IIey) Menyanthes trifoliata (buckbean) /Mimulus guttatus (yellow monkeyflower) Monesis uniflora (one-flowered pyrola) Montia sibirica [Claytonia s.] (Siberian miner's-Iettuce) Osmorhiza purpurea (sweet dcely) Oxycoccus mi crocarpus [Vaccinium 0xycOCCUS]i (bog cranberry) Plantago mccrocorpo e (Alaska plantain) Plantago major (broad-leaved plantai n) Potenti 110 egedii ssp.grandis [P.anserina vor .grandis] (silverweed) Potenti 110 pa lustris (marsh five-fingers) /Pyrola sp,(?asarifolia)/0 (pyrola,wintergreen) Pyrola secunda (one-sided wintergreen) Ranunculus bongardii [R.unci notus vcr ,parviflorus] (little buttercup) Ranuncu Ius repens (creeping buttercup) /Ranunculus sp. (buttercup) Rubus arcti cus ssp.stellaris (Nagoon berry) Rubus chamaemorus (c1oudberry) ·X ·X x X'" X X 64 X x X X X X ·X ·X ·X ·X ·X bX X X ·X x X X X X X X-- X ·X ..x x x X X ·X X X X ·X ·X Appendix B -X XXX X'+'~X X X X L - X L--X L-X X Xl. -X 'X -X -X ·X ·Xt·X ·X -X bX bX X X X X X X X ·X 'X X X X X X X -X -X -X -X -X ·X ..x -X -X -X ·X -X -£..c~..c w g g ~g>..c '"~.'"~ c..D Q)..c ..2 me..I-e,'" ._]..Dm"':;)e e e c"..D _0._.-.-.-Q)o -'-~~...r-> U ~01-.0 C '"Q)Q)Q)Q).-..~'"E e :;):;):;):;)0::: Q)0 e,-'".-C>C>C>C>::E l-t~1111Q):::"'to"O "ClOo-O ...._.0 E ....,~N ~LLU ",,,,""...... Stikine River Plant list May 1983 Page 6 Herbs (continued) Rubus pedatus (five-leaf bramble) **/cf.Sanicula crcsslceulls j, (snakeroot) ISanguisorba menziesii? (Menzies'burnet) ISanguisorba stipulata ? (Sitka burnet) Saxifraga mertensiana (Merten's saxifrage) Saxifraga punctate (brook saxifrage) Scirpus spp. (rushes) Sedum rosea ssp.integrifolia (rosy stonecrop) Streptopus amplexifolius (twisted stalk) Streptopus roseus vor,curvipes (rosy twisted sta Ik) Tellima grandiflora (fri ngecup) ITha Ii ctrum sp, (meadowrue) ITIarella unifoliata (foamflower,coolwort) Tiarella trifoliata (three-leaved coolwort) Tofieldia glutinosa ssp.brevistyla (tofieldia) Trientalis arctica (Arctic starflower) Urtica Iyallii rUe dioica] (stinging nettles) Veratrum viride ssp.eschscholtzii (green false hellebore) Viola epipsifa ssp.repens IV.palustris] (marsh vio let) Viola glabella (Johnny-jump-up) 65 Appendix B Stikine River Plant list May 1983 Page 7 FERNS Athyrium filix-femina (lady-fern) Cystopteris fragilis (fragile fern) Dryopteris austriaca [D.di latata) (spreading wood-fern) Gymnocarpium dryopteris (oak fern) *Polypodium hesperium t s: [P.vulgare vcr ,columbianum) (licorice fern) Polystichum brcunil 13 (Alaska shield-fern) Pteridium aqui linum (bracken) Thelypteris phegopteris (beech-fern) FERN ALLIES Lycopodium annotinum ssp.annotinum (stiff 'club-moss) Lycopodium annotinum ssp.pungens (stiff club-moss) Lycopodium clava tum (ground-pine) Lycopodium selago (fir club-moss) x X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X x X x X X X X X·X ·X MOSSES [only to indicate sphagnum areas) Sphagnum spp. (sphagnum moss) 66 X ...... Compiled by Jean L.Siddall Lake Oswego,Oregon May,1983 Appendix B Stikine River Plant list May 1983 page 8 NOTES AND COMMENTARY The flora used for plant identification include:Hulten,Flora of Alaska and neighboring territories; Welsh,Anderson's Flora of Alaska and adjacent parts of Canada;and Hitchcock,et al.,Vascular Plants of the Pacific Northwest. Nomenclature usually follows Anderson's Flora of Alaska,with synonyms given in [ ]where necessary. Symbols used: ++=codominant +=abundant - =uncommon --=scarce R =regenerating (trees) L =local Notes: =blooming on date seen =in bud =in fruit I =need flower for positive identification *=out of known range in Alaska,as given on Hulten's maps **=may be new state record;not in Hulten or Anderson • 1 -Salix interior - known range (Hulten)is Yukon north 2 ~Iica arguta -not in either Hulten or Anderson;known range is s, BC to Cal.{Hitchcock) 3 Cardamine oligosperma vcr ,kamtschatika - in Anderson but not Hulten 4 Cardamine pratensis ssp.angustifolia -known ra"nge is Juneau north (Hulten) 5 Cardamine purpurea - known range is Yukon north (Hulten) 6 Limnosella aquatica - known from disjunct sites in Alaska but none SE (Hulten) 7 Listera convallarioides - known in Alaska only from the Aleutian Islands (Hulten),but occurs as far south as Oregon (Siddall) 8 Oxycoccus microcarpus -on Oregon list of rare and endangered species as Vaccinium oxycoccus 9 Plantago macrocarpa - on Oregon list of rare and endangered species;probably now extinct in Oregon. 10 Pyrola ?asarifolium -based on known ranges,this should be Pyrola minor,but the leaves are much too large;known range for P .asarifolium is Juneau north. 11 Sanicula crassicaulis - known range is s, BC to Calif.(HitChcock) 12 Polypodium hesperium -livery rare in Alaska"{Anderson};not in Hulten. 13 Polystichum braunii -Hulten splits P.braunii into ssp.braunii and ssp.andersonii,with the key difference being that the upper basal pinnae are conspicuously longer than succeeding pinnae in P.andersonii.I (Siddall)collected many leaflets from the plants on t~nsect #17,which intergrade from "equal to"to "conspicuously longer than"within the same population. I have seen many P.andersonii in Oregon.The fronds do not over- winter under the sj:;ow,as these do,and characteristically they have a bulblet on the rachis (stem),which none of these have.I am therefore not recognizing the subspecies. 67 .J Appendix B Stikine River Plant list May 1983 Page 9 Site descriptions/dote of inventory: Flemer cobin,T60s R86e,5/11/83 -mature PISI/RUSP-VAPA/RUPE-COCA Most of the area was sti"under snow, so few herbaceous species were seen.Those thot were visible (bunchberry,5-leaf bramble and red huckleberry)are port of a plant community more like the Pacific Northwest than other areas of the Stikine. "Cottonwood beach~T60s R86e,5/9 &5/11/83 -POTR/ALSI-COST-RUSP-SARA-OPHO/EQPR A steep sand beach On the north side of the Stikine River opposite Flemer cobin.Salix interior is colonizing the sand in front of the cottonwood-Sitko older-shrub community.[Beaver and beaver cutti ngs.J '14-POTR bench,T60s R86e,5/9/83 -POTR/ALSI-COST/EQPR A very uniform cottonwood/Sitko older-dogwood stand with scattered viburnum,salmonberry and devil 's-c1ub on on old river terrace.Shrubs were just leafing out;some areas of the transect were still under snow. Plants of interest were lost years stalks of Boschniakia rossica. This area has been heavily browsed in the post,but not during the post several years. Small Slough meadow,T60s R86e,5/11/83 -Carex,with COST/ALSI/POTR/PISI edges This large sedge meadow at the end of transect '16 is surrounded by distinct zones of dogwood, then older and cottonwood,and finally spruce.There were snow patches persisting along the edges; herbs were not up yet. '16-Small Slough,T60s R86e,5/9 &5/11/83 - dense COST-RUSP-ALTE-SASI, with scattered PISI Area just out of snow; shrubs just leafing out;very few herbs up yet.Based on the height of the browse, this area is used mostly in winter when covered with deep snow.This must be on impenetrable brush thicket in summer. Guerin Slough,T60s R86e,5/11,5/12 &5/16/83 -PISI (TSHE)/ALSI-SASI-OPHO The open channel of the shallow slough and its muddy floodplain is lined with Alder and Sitko willow.The bonks above the slough are a mosaic of Sitko spruce-western hemlock stands,and willow-older or salmonberry-devil's-c1ub thickets.The stream flows through a Carex meadow at the up?er end.Moose use along the channel is heavy.This area would chonqe radically if the water table dropped three feet. '17-Guerin PISI,T60s R86e,5/11/83 -PISI/OPHO-ALSI/Polystichum braunii Mature spruce stands are interspersed with thickets of devil's-c1ub and older.In areas under devil's club where the snow has just gone out,Polystichum braunii is abundant.New fiddles are corning up through old leaves which over-wintered under the snow. In areas which thaw out sooner,the understory is oak fern • '18-Guerin TSHE,T60s R86e,5/12/83 - mature TSHE-PISI/OPHO-VAPA-RUSP/ferns A mature spruce-hemlock forest,with devil's-c1ub,red huckleberry and salmonberry understory. The ground cover was predominately ferns and club-moss,with few other species,on interesting plant community.[Block bear] 68 to Appendix B Stikine River Plant List May 1983 Page 10 #19-Guerin PISI,T60s R86e,5/16/83 -PISI (TSHE)/OPHO-(RUSP-COST-VIED)/Polystichum braunii Like #17,this is mature spruce/devil's-club/Polystichum braunii,but with more hemlock regenerating,less alder and no Sitka willow.There is also greater species diversity on this transect in both the shrub and herb layers. #20-Guerin SASI,T60s R86e,5/16/83 - dense SASI-SABA-ALTE-COST/Angelica -Equisetum A dense stand of willow-alder-dogwood adjacent to a muskeg,with Angelica genuflexa and ,~quisetum pratense in the understory,and very few other species present. Ketili River,T59s R85e,5/20/83 The focus of this survey was to determine if any unusual plants occurred in the area around the hot springs that had not been seen elsewhere.Most of the species were common to the Stikine but there were two new species - Mimulus guttatus,yellow monkeyflower,down stream from the hot springs,and Plantago major,a lawn weed,near the boardwalk.It is of interest that the latter is the only introduced species seen on the river in two weeks,and it probably come in on someone's boots.All other species were native,which shows how pristine the Stikine sti II is. Ory Wash Cr.bog,T59s R84e,5/19/83 - dwarf TSHE-TSME-PISI/Kalmia-Rubus/Sphagnum A sphagnum bog similar to the Petersburg muskeg in species composition,but the tree species here were "bonscl"western and mountain hemlock and spruce,rather than lodgepole pine. There are at least four species of sphagnum in this bog. #22-Dry Wash PISI,T59s R84e,5/19/83 -mature PISI/OPHO-VAOV/RUPE A wet site spruce/devil's-c1ub community with both red and oval-leaved huckleberry,5-leaf bramble,and bunchberry in the understory.If the Flemer cabin area were resurveyed after the snow goes out,it would probably have many of the same species as this site. #23-Dry Wash SASI,T59s R84e,5/19/83 -ALSI-SASI/Carex An O1most pure stand of Sitka willow and alder invading a carex meadow,with occasional micro- habitats of small spruce/oval-leaved huckleberry/bunchberry.This transect and the nearby bog were the only places mountain hemlock was seen alon3 the river.At the time of survey,the site was awash with 6"to 1.5'of water. Kakwan cobin/Pt.,T60s R84e,5/8 to 5/20/83 -PISI/diverse shrub and herb comrnunlfles A diverse mosaic of mature spruce,open brush areas,wet strea:nside habitat,and rock cliffs. Plants just coming up on May 8 were in full bloom by May 20.The Kakwan cliffs were the only site seen during the survey for Sedum rosea ssp.integrifolia,Dodecatheon pulchellum, Saxifraga mertensianaand Saxifraga punct~-.- ,Kakwan "gravels'"T60s R84e,5/8,5/10,5/20/83 There are many plant communities within a small area on the gravel bars west of Kakwan Point. These vary from pioneer Salix interior-Salix monticola-Equisetum variegatum communities colonizing often-flooded sand and gravels,to cottonwood-shrub habitat with well-established 69 .. Appendix B Stikine River Plant list May 1983 Page 11 Kakwan "gravels"(continued) understory on river levees and "islands"of higher ground.There are Carex meadows and sphagnum bogs behind the levees and along sloughs where the water table stays high,and Carex meadows being invaded by willow and alder (transect #15).Each is directly related to its elevation above the river,which fluctuates dramatically in this area.A microhabitat of Eriophorum-Equisetum was found in one small,then dry,slough.This was the only cottongrass seen on the river.Salix alaxensis (preferred ruffed grouse browse) was only seen in the Kakwan-Andrew Island area.Salix interior is apparently not known from SE Alaska. '15-E.of Twin lakes,T60s R84e,5/10/83 -SABA (SASI)/Carex-(herbs),with AlTE Dense to scattered willow with some alder invading a Carex meadow,which has high species diversity.This is one of two sites where red alder was found. Twin lakes (Figure Eight lake),T60s R83-84e,5/18/83 The lakes were nearly dry when surveyed.Vegetation on the mudflats around the lakes was sparse,but included Equisetum fluviati Ie and Hippuris vulgaris not seen elsewhere during the survey.There are Carex meadows at the east end of the lakes,which speci es found otherwise only in Dry Wash Cr.bog,Knig tideflats or Petersburg muskeg.Two species of Cardamine were only seen here.The lakes are surrounded by stands of willow and alder • '21-Twin lakes RUSP,T60s R83e,5/18/83 -RUSP-SASI/Urtica Iyallii A dense thicket of salmonberry-Sitka willow/nettles,with few other species. Andrew Island,T60s R84e,5/15/83 -POTR/SAAl-SABA-SASI-(SAIN-SAMO)/EQVA In the small area of the island surveyed,there were almost pure stands of cottonwood/Alaska Barclay and Sitka willow on sand,with sandbar and park willow establishing themselves with Equisetum variegatum,in more recently disturbed sloughs.All five wiIIows seen on the Stikine occur here together..(RuHed grouse drumming) limb Island,T60s R83e,5/13/83 -mature POTR/AlSI:-shtyb A mature cottonwood/diverse shrub-herb community on a sand beach above high water line. This stop was to listen for moose radio transmitters;only a small section of beach was seen. It is the only site for fragile fern found during the survey,however. Knig tideflats,T60s R82e,5/13/83 -coastal Carex meadow above high tide This is the only tidal area surveyed,and therefore many species seen here were not found elsewhere.These include,lupinus nootkatensis,Potenti 110 egedii,Angelica lucida,Iris setosa,etc.Of special interest was Plantago macrocarpa,which is on the list of rare and endangered plants in Oregon,and is now probably extinct on the Oregon coast. Banana Point,Mitkof Island,T61s R81e,5/13/83 -mature PISI/MEFE-OPHO-VAAL-VAOV/MADI The onIy area surveyed was in the immediate area of the boat ramp.Severa I species were seen only here:Monesis uniflora,Vaccinium alaskense and,Polypodium hesperium,which is apparently rare in Alaska.(bald eagles) 70 • • Appendix B Stikine River Plant list May 1983 Page 12 Petersburg,T58s R7ge,5/14,5/15/83 -dwarf PICO-JUCO/Kalmia-Andromeda/Sphagnum Other than Serbus aucuparia,all species listed were found in the "Petersburg muskeg, .. an extensive area of Sphagnum bog with open ponds,which extends from the town to the airport.It is of interest that lodgepole pine and dwarf juniper,usually thought to be dry-site species furt her south,are growing here in water,and that Alaska cedar,usually the bog species,occupies higher ground.Although similar in general species composition to the Dry Wash Cr.and Kakwan bogs,some species were only seen here:Andromeda, 'both Drosera,Empetrum, both ledum,Rubus chamaemorus,Tofieldia,and lycopodium annotinum ssp.pungens. Siddall Comments and Observations: This report is written not only to record what we found,but also to help future botanists following me up-river,as it apparently contains new information not previously reported.Salix interior, for instance,a key member of the plant community colonizing sandbars along the river,is not known from SE Alaska,according to the floras.In all,we found five species for which the Stikine River is a significant range extension within Alaska;and two others not known to be in Alaska at all.The presently known range is s.BC to Calif •. I am very impressed that in two weeks on the river,only one introduced plant was seen,and that was next to the boardwalk near the hot springs.All of the rest were native species.This may not be unusual in Alaska,but it certainly is in the south 48. Based on Hulten's maps,there is an interesting "vegetation breok"between Wrangell and Juneau. Species in the Wrangell/Stikine area go south,some such as Plantago mccroccrpo , and Friti IIaria camchatcensis (found in Oregon for the first time in 1982))reach their southern limit in Oregon. Species in the Juneau/Sitka area go west along the coast,or into the interior. 71 • Appendix C.Scientific and Common Names of Plants.a ,Alnus rubra Cornus stolonifera Equisetum variegatum E.arvense E.fluviatile 'Malus fusca Echinopanax horridum Picea <J"lauca P.marlana P.sitchensis Ribes bracteosum Rubus spectabilis Salix alaxensis S.interior S.sitchensis Sambucus racemosa Tsuga heterophylla Viburnum edulev.ovalifolium v.parvifolium red alder American dogwood variegated horsetail common horsetail,devil's-guts water horsetail Oregon crabapple devil's club white spruce black spruce Sitka spruce stink currant salmonberry Alaska willow,felt-leaf willow sandbar willow,interior willow Sitka willow redberry elder western hemlock high-bush cranberry over-leaved huckleberry red huckleberry a Nomenclature follows Rulten 1968. 72