HomeMy WebLinkAboutFinal Report willow subbasin land capability suitability analysis 1981i}l]fA\ffi1~&c~@IA\@@@ Susitna Joint Venture Document Number Please Return To · DOCUMENT CIC>NTROL SUSITNA RIVER BASIN -ALASKA AUTOMATED GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM NASA/USDA/ ADNR Final Report: Willow Subbasin LAND CAPABILITY /SUITABILITY ANALYSIS ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS RESEARCH INSTITUTE FINAL REPORT COMPUTERIZED GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM WILLm.J SUB BAS IN, SUS ITNA BAS IN, ALASKA February 1981 Prepared under Contract No. NAS2-10386 by ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS RESEARCH INSTITUTE (ESRI) 380 New York Street Redlands, California 92373 for AMES RESEARCH CENTER NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction I. Data Collection and Classification A. Introduction B. Methodology C. Data Structure and Classification Map No. 1 Integrated Terrain Units Map No. 2 Surface Hydrology Map No. 3 Points and Linear Features Map No. 4 Land Status II. Data Mapping A. Introduction B. Methodology C. Manuscript Mapping No. 1 Integrated Terrain Units No. 2 Surface Hydrology No. 3 Points and Linear Features No. 4 Land Status III. Data Automation A. Introduction B. Methodology C. Interpreted and Derived Data Interpretive Matrices Distance Searches IV. Computer Modeling A. Introduction B. Methodology C. Model Outlines Land Capability for Low Density Remote Residential Development Land Capability for Remote Subdivision Land Capability for Accessed Large Lot Residential Development Land Capability for Moderate/High Density Residential Development Land Capability for Commercial/Light Industrial Development Landscape Amenity Groundwater Availability Important Farmland Land Use Constraints Habitat I -Moose and Snowshoe Hare Habitat II -Willow Ptarmigan, Spruce Grouse, and Red Squirrel Important Grazing Lands (Potential) i I-1 I-2 I-5 I-:6 I-:6 I-:6 I-7.- Il-l II-3 Il-12 Il-12 Il-13 Il-13 II-14 III-1 III-3 III-7 III-8 III-9 IV-1 IV-3 IV-6 IV-9 IV-13 IV-17 IV-21 IV-25 IV-29 IV-35 IV-37 IV-39 IV-41 IV-43 IV-45 Oats and Barley Potential Wetlands Matrix Route Selection Erosion Potential V. Computer Mapping A. Introduction B. Methodology C. Maps, Legends, and Statistics Maps Topographic Map (Reference) Vegetation Watersheds Surface Hydrology Forest Resources Land Use Range Resources Soil Drainage Outlines -Limitations for Septic Tanks Essential Moose Habitat Capability for Low Density Remote Residential Capability for Accessed Large Lot Residential Development Capability for Commercial/Light Industrial Development Important Farmland Land Use Constraints Habitat Model Wetlands Route Selection Soil Erosion Potential Legends Land Capability for Low Density Remote Residential Development Land Capability for Remote Subdivision Land Capability for Accessed Large Lot Residential Development Land Capability for Moderate/High Density Residential Development Land Capability for Commercial/Light Industrial Development Landscape Amenity Groundwater Availability Important Farmland Land Use Constraints Habitat I -Moose and Snowshoe Hare Habitat II -Willow Ptarmigan, Spruce Grouse, and Red Squirrel Important Grazing Lands (Potential) Oats and Barley Potential Wetlands Map Route Selection Erosion Potential IV-47 IV-49 IV-53 IV-55 V-1 V-3 V-6 V-9 V-11 V-13 V-15 V-17 V-19 V-21 V-23 V-25 V-27 V-29 V-31 V-33 V-35 V-37 V'-39 V-41 V-43 V-45 V-47 V-48 V-49 V-50 V-51 V-52 V-53 V-54 V-55 V-56 V-57 V-58 V-59 V-60 V-62 V-63 Appendix A. Data Classification and Coding A-1-1 Appendix B. Data Code Descriptions B-1-1 Appendix c. Data Sources and Mapping Methodology C-1 Appendix D. Grid Multi-Variable File D-1 Appendix E. Interpretive Matrices E-1 INTRODUCTION Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) was contracted to develop an Automated Geographic Information System (GIS) and conduct a systematic land capability/suitability analysis for the Willow Subbasin in south central Alaska. The subbasin, situated within the Susitna River Basin, lies north of the Municipality of Anchorage. The ESRI effort was conducted as part of the South Central Demonstration Project, a program for environmental inventory and analysis employing remotely- sensed data. It was sponsored jointly by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Alaska State Department of Natural Resources (ADNR). The ESRI effort was carried out under Contract· NAS2-10386, a NASA contract administered through the Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California. Aerial imagery, topographic maps, and collateral data used in the effort were collected largely through the efforts of the Soil Conservation Service, the U. S. Forest Service, and the Alaska State. Department of Natural Resources. The automated data system which was developed for the Willow Subbasin, as well as those being developed for the remaining portions of the Susitna Basin, fits into the larger context of environmental resource inventory and analysis being developed to handle the information needs of both State and Federal agencies in Alaska. The Land Resource Inventory Diagram on the following page illustrates the scale and general context of inventory efforts being considered for a multi-scale inventory of State-owned lands in Alaska. This figure provides a sketch of the activities i 1-'• 1-'• I LANDSAT I I .. ( j F" I C .. I I I Land Resource Inventory Diagram 0 C £ A N I I I I I STATE LAND RESOURCE INVENTORY 1:250,000 SCALE • TRANSPORTATION I UTILITY CORRIDORS • INVESTIGATION FOR: -LAND BANK -WETLANDS -MINERALS POTENTIAL -AGRICULTURAL LANDS -CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS • PRIORITY FOR MANAGEMENT AREAS AREA INVENTORY 1:63,360 SCALE • LAND BANK SELECTION • CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS • AGRICULTURE TIMBER • GEOLOGICAL HAZARDS • WETLANDS • MINERALS IMPLEMENTATION INVENTORY I :31,680 SCALE (OR) LARGER • SOIL SURVEYS • SURFICIAL GEOLOGY • LAND MANAGEMENT • TIMBER SALES • AGRICULTURAL SALES • MINERALS • DISPOSALS • GRAVEL DEPOSITS I I I I I I l I conducted under the South Central Demonstration Project. The GIS developed for the Willow Subbasin fits into the central element of the diagram, the area inventories at a scale of 1:63,360. These inventories involve the interpretation and collection of environmental data appropriate for regional land planning and management functions. In many respects, the creation of the automated GIS for the Willow Subbasin represents the culmination of a resource inventory and analysis effort which commenced several years ago and which, among other things, involved the detailed mapping and field survey of soil and forest resources in the area. These and other data were rectified, cross-compared, and composited by ESRI in the pre-automation process.· Related areal phenomena such as geology, landform, slope, soils, and vegetation were cross-compared and composited in a single map overlay by a process termed, "Integrated Terrain Unit Mapping". This process imparted a higher level of spatial resolution, accuracy, and consistency to the mapped data than was generally inherent in the diverse source materials. The terrain unit map was composed of individual units, each of which encompassed a set of homogeneous characteristics. The numerous data planes represented on the map were segregated and mapped as independent phenomena after the process of automation was completed. It is important to note that the pre-automation compositing and integration process provides for a high level of technical and cost efficiency in the data automation effort. Once automated, all of the mapped data included in the system were put in an easily retrievable form for use by a wide range of agencies in long-term land inventory, planning, and management functions. In cooperation with State and Federal agency staff, ESRI subsequently employed the data base in a iii - systematic assessment of environmental opportunities and constraints in - the region and in a structured evaluation of the capability and suitability -of the land for select uses. The development and application of this data base, represents one aspect of a transfer of GIS technology from - ESRI to State and Federal agencies in Alaska. It provided an opportunity for professional and technical personnel from a number of - these agencies to participate in all phases of data base design, -implementation, and application. It also resulted in the creation of a data base which has been installed on a computer facility in Alaska - and which, in the future, can serve both as the superstructure for the efficient storage and retrieval of environmental data for the area - and as the context for its legible and systematic application to land -planning and management functions. The Willow Subbasin comprises an area of approximately 1,600 square - miles. Its boundaries are generally defined by the watershed of Willow Creek, the creek being a tributary of the Susitna River. The regional - map on the opposite page illustrates the general location and conformation -of the Susitna Basin as well as that of the Willow Subbaisn within it. The GIS developed by ESRI for the Willow Subbasin was designed to be systematically - expanded to include all of the other drainage subbasins in the region. Work is presently underway on the Talkeetna and Beluga Subbasins, as well - as the southern slopes of Mount McKinley. -In all of the lowland portion of the Susitna Basin, detailed soil, vegeta~ion, and land use investigations were conducted under a - coo?crative agrccncnt between State and Fcdcrnl A~cncics. In the case of both the soils and vegetation surveys, the units delineated - on aerial photographs were sampled and described through detailed field - iv - - - - 0 - - - - Boundary of Susitna Drainage Basin Willow Subbasin 100 Miles Mt . McKinley •. •· ... +··· .. ········ ... .· ..... . . . . ··· . . .· ~ .·· ..... .·· . .· . ·· . .. .. . . .. . t N .. .. ·· .. ·· ...... · .. .. ·· . ..···· ... ···· ... . .· .. ··· .. : .......... ·· . . . . ... Susitna Basin and Willow Subbasin, Alaska v :r: Gi :r: ::E l> < investigations. These data, as well as other more generalized data, were provided to ESRI for use in creating the GIS for the Willow Subbasin. The diverse collateral data which existed at scales ranging from 1:15,000 to 1:250,000 were te~scaled to a consistent scale, checked against aerial imagery, and rectified to a standard planimetric base as part of the process of GIS development. ESRI staff also used aerial imagery and topographic data to make original interpretations and delineations of other environmental phenomena, including stream and road networks, watershed boundaries, and average slope gradients. The first step in the develop~ent of the GIS was the creation of a set of stable base mylar basemaps of the region. These basemaps, corresponding to the map module structure shm-1n on the Willow Subbasin Index Map, were created at a scale of 1:63,360. Given that the data for some mapped phenomena were exceedingly dense, a second basemap set at 1:37,000 was created through photographic enlargement. Some data variables were scaled and rectified to the 1:63,360 basemap series, others to the 1:37,000 series. Approximately fifteen general types of data and thirty-five specific classes of data were mapped for automation. All data were mapped in a form providing optimal representation of their natural configuration. Areal phenomena, such as soil and vegetation units \vere mapped as polygons. Terrain unit polygons had a minimum resolution of 2 1/2 acres, areal units smaller in size not being captured as discrete units. Linear phenomena such as roads and streams were mapped as lines. Small scale phenomenasuch as excavation sites were mapped as points. Related data variables were composited on the same map sheet as re-scaled boundaries were being rectified and redrawn. Four manually drafted mylar sheets, termed map manuscripts, were dra\-1ll for each of the sixteen map modules comprising the Willow Subbasin. These manuscripts and the data types which they encompass are outlined belo~v: vi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TYONEK - - - ANCHORAGE Index to USGS 15' Topographic Maps I __ , ."- ,i ... -. rn· -, ~ "-<~" ...z-...4' r .... ,., 1•· ~ -~-- L---r------------ "':""· ....... -... -~+..: -·~ >. -. , I :"-', MOunt / r M a.8n•'•c~nt I, '·.1.·· 1:2 50 000 SHEETS Map Area " '' ,. SOLe Willow Subbasin, Susitna Basin, Alaska vii MANUSCRIPT #1 INTEGRATED TERRAIN UNIT MAP Slope Landform General Geology Economic Geology Geologic Hazards Soil Habitat Land Use Vegetation MANUSCRIPT #2 SURFACE HYDROLOGY MAP Stream Courses Watersheds MANUSCRIPT #3 POINTS AND LINEAR FEATURES MAP #3A Natural Lines #3B Cultural Points and Lines MANUSCRIPT #4 LAND STATUS MAP Congressional Townships Ownership Agency Interest All of the manuscripts, except the Integrated Terrain Unit Maps, were manually delineated and subsequently automated at a scale of 1:63,360. The Integrated Terrain Unit Maps were delineated and automated at a larger scale in order to provide optimal representation of the more detailed data variables composited on them. These manuscripts were created through a process which involved spatial integration, as well as compositing. In the preparation of these maps, interrelated data variables were cross-compared, as well as checked against the imagery and basemaps, and, where appropriate, boundary descrepancies were reconciled. In effect, the cartographic inaccuracies inherent in the collateral information because of varying scales, projections, spatial resolutions, and final graphic liberties were corrected and resolved in the process of comparison to the imagery, cross-comparison to related data variables, and rectification to the planimetrically accurate basemap series. These manuscripts, like the others, were comprised of a series of consecutively numbered units delineated on a mylar sheet registered to the basemap modules. They viii .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. were accompanied by code sheets which expressed the attributes of each unit by means of numeric code. The mapped data were automated by a process of x,y coordinate digitizing. The automation procedures provided for the accurate capture of the natural form of the mapped data. The computerized data files, composed of polygons, line segments, and points, were used to create a number of plotter drawn maps of the area, as well as to create a parallel set of data files in a grid format. A uniform ten acre grid was laid atop each of the original data files in the computer, and the data values were transferred into and recorded by individual grid cell. This grid cell data bank, ultimately formatted as a grid multi-variable file, was used to produce a grid map atlas of the region and to display the mapped results of the environmental analyses which were conducted. It is important to note that once map data existed in a computerized form, they could be accurately displayed at a variety of different scales. Most of the final products of the study were produced at a scale of 1:63,360 and 1:100,000. The following computer maps which illustrate some of the basic information coded into the GIS were produced: Basic Data }1aps Pen Plotter Maps by Map Module Vegetation Pen Plotter Maps of the Subbasin Stream System Road System Electrostatic Grid Maps of the Subbasin Forest Land Forest Resources Land Use Range Resources Soil Slope Soil Drainage Soil Limitations for Dwellings Soil Limitations for Septic Tanks Essential Moose Habitat Essential Black Bear Habitat Waterfowl and Caribou ix The computerized data bank was subsequently used to evaluate and assess·environmental conditions in the region in relation to certain potential uses. A series of theoretical models were constructed to assess natural opportunities and constraints in the region and to evaluate the capability and suitability of land for select uses. In a series of working sessions, ESRI staff worked with representatives from select State and Federal agencies in structuring the overall format for the analysis and in outlining the format and variables for each of the models. Sixteen conceptual models designed by the appropriate individuals and agencies were ultimately provided to ESRI. Participating agencies included Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, U. S. Soil Conservation Service, U. S. Forest Service, and U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The models, comprised of selected, prioritized and ranked factors, were programmed by ESRI staff. Their application to the computerized data resulted in the sequential overlay of each of the select variables and the automatic calculation of mathematical values for each segment of the study area. In general, each of the models underwent several iterations before being finalized. The map output from each model was evaluated by agency staff in the field. Hhere appropriate, the models were modified. It is important to note that the data base which was developed in the course of the effort has been installed on a computer facility in Alaska and that additional modeling and mapping applications by the appropriate agencies can be made. The following computer maps were produced; these illustrate the results of the models which were developed. These maps were produced in an electrostatic gray-tone format at scales of both 1:63,360 and 1:100,000. X - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Model Maps Electrostatic Grid Maps of the Subbasin Capability for Low Density Remote Residential Capability for Remote Subdivision Capability for Accessed Large Lot Residential Development Capability for Moderate/High Density Residential Development Capability for Commercial/Light Industrial Development Landscape Amenity Groundwater Availability Important Farmland Land Use Constraints Habitat I - Brown Bear and Snowshoe Hare Habitat II - Willow Ptarmigan, Red Squirrel, Spruce Grouse Important Grazing Lands (Potential) Oats and Barley Potential Wetlands Route Selection Erosion This report is designed to provide an overview of the methodology and results of the study. It is accompanied by a series of appendices which enumerate and document the data types, data sources, mapping methodology, and final computer data files. The report is illustrated with reproductions of some of the computer maps produced that delineate both basic and interpreted conditions in the region. It is divided into five chapters, one dealing with each major phase of the effort. Four Appendices are used to supplement and complement the basic volume. The first chapter, entitled Data Collection and Classification, describes the general procedures employed to collect the data, and structure a conceptual frameHork for interpretation, mapping, automation, and analysis. The essential focus of the chapter is an outline of the form in which related data variables are composited on the same map and xi the general way in which data are classified. The classification scheme is of essential importance with respect to all potential applications of the system. It sets both the upper and lower limits of the potential applications of the system. The second chapter, entitled Data Mapping, describes the general sources for the interpretation and mapping of data as well as the processes used to composite, and, in some cases, integrate data onto map manuscripts for automation. The third chapter, entitled Data Automation, deals with the processes used to accurately translate the spatial configuration and numeric codes of mapped data into a machine readable form. In addition, it includes outlines and descriptions of data interpretations and derivations which were made an integral part of the data bank and which, in effect, supplement and complement the data types and classes outlined in Chapter I. The fourth chapter, entitled Computer Modeling, deals with theoretical models which were developed to assess natural opportunities and constraints and to evaluate land capability and suitability in the region. An outline is provided for each of the models. The fifth chapter, entitled Computer Mapping, provides an outline and description of all of the computer maps which were developed for the study area. It is focused on a series of legend sheets which identify the data displayed on each of the maps comprising the ESRI atlas of the region. It stands somewhat in parallel with Chapter I, the former outlining the essential components of the incipient data bank, the latter the visible record of it and its application. xii - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Chapter I Data Collection and Classification Introduction Methodology Data Structure and Classification Hap No. 1 Integrated Terrain Units Map No. 2 Surface Hydrology Map No. 3 Points and Linear Features Map No. 4 Land Status I. DATA COLLECTION AND CLASSIFICATION A. Introduction At the outset of this study, the specific data necessary for the desired analyses were determined. The collection of data was structured by this determination. The first step in the process required a decision as to the general types of data needed. The analyses to be performed for the River Basin Planning Study and other projected efforts required information on such diverse environmental considerations as geology, landform, soils, vegetation, hydrology, land use, land ownership, roads, infrastructure,and administrative entities. Data were then collected for each of these general considerations. These data were in two forms: collateral data -previously mapped or delineated information which, with necessary rescaling and spatial rectification and adjustment, was utilized directly for mapping; and interpreted data -photo-interpreted from a variety of sources by the study team. The third major step in the data collection process was the development of a data classification sys tern which \vould provide for consistent interpretations and designations for the data. This system subdivided each of the general types of data into specific variables and in turn classified the information into specific levels or categories. For example, landforms were divided into eight general classes and forty-one specific types. Finally, a set of basemaps \vere created which were used for the rectification and mapping of all of the requisite data. I-1 B. Methodology The initial determination of data needs guided the data collection effort. Most of the data used in the study were obtained by ESRI directly from the U.S. Soil Conservation Service, Anchorage and the Alaska Depart- ment of Natural Resources. Two ESRI staff specialists spent ten days in Alaska assembling these data and conducting a field reconnaissance of the study area. The latter effort was conducted in order to familiarize the ESRI study team with the general environment of the area, to check the collateral data, and to identify and describe the representative patterns or signatures on the aerial imagery. The staff specialists acquired the topographic maps, color infra-red aerial imagery, detailed soil maps, detailed vegetation maps, land use and recreation maps, landform maps, and a variety of other topical maps and reports which were subsequently used in the interpretation and mapping effort. Once these materials were obtained, inventoried, and reviewed, necessary revisions were made to the original categorization of the data in order to most efficiently capture the data. Four manuscript maps were outlined for compositing and delineating the assembled data. A detailed classification scheme was then developed. It is described in the follow- ing section of this chapter. Explanations and descriptions of the collateral and interpreted information used to map each of the data variables are provided in the following chapter and iri Appendices A and B. Following the initial phases of data collection, a set of consistently scaled basemaps of the sub-basin were formatted on translucent mylar. Sixteen United States Geological Survey 15-minute quadrangle maps at a I-2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - scale of 1:63,360 were selected for the basemap modules. These were printed on frosted mylar, a stable-base material which does not stretch or shrink. A parallel set of basemaps were created by the photographic enlargement of these to a scale of 1:37,000. This basemap set was used for the registration of the detailed vegetation and soils data incorporated in the Integrated Terrain Unit Manuscript Map. In order to ensure accurate and consistent registration, four tic marks were placed on each basemap module. Thereafter, every overlay manuscript which was drafted was registered to these tic marks. The structure of the basernaps and the location and numbering of the tic marks areidentified on the following page. I-3 - 1 _2_ 1 4 5 33 34 35 36 37 + -D-1 D-8 D-7 Tl-6 (41) (48) (117) (46) 6 7 8 9 10 38 11 - C-2 C-1 C-8 C-7 C-6 (32) (31) (38) (37) (36) 12 13 14 15 16 17 - 27 28 B-2 B-1 B-8 B-7 (22) (21) (28) (27) - 18 19 20 21 22 29 30 31 34 - A-2 A-1 A-8 (12) (11) (18) 23 24 25 26 - -TIC LATITUDE, LONGITUDE, NORTHHC, EASTING, ZONE SPHEROID ID D M s D M s HETERS >!EcERS NO CODE 1 62 0 o.ooo 150 22 30.000 878576.0 323276.8 6 0 2 62 0 o.ooo 1 so 0 o.ooo 877611.0 342902.0 6 0 -3 62 0 o.ooo 149 37 30.000 876759.6 362531.0 6 0 4 62 0 o.ooo 149 15 o.ooo 876021.7 382163.3 6 0 5 62 0 o.ooo 148 52 30.000 875397 .t. 401798.5 6 0 6 61 45 o.ooo 150 45 o.ooo 851837.!, 302047.8 6 0 -7 61 45 o.ooo 150 22 30.000 850752.5 321829.7 6 0 8 61 45 o.ooo 150 0 o.ooo 849781.9 341615.8 6 0 9 61 45 o.ooo 149 37 30.000 848925.4 361405.6 6 0 10 61 45 o.ooo 149 15 o.ooo 848183.2 381198.7 6 0 11 61 45 o.ooo 148 52 30.000 847555.2 400994.6 6 0 -12 61 30 o.ooo 150 45 o.ooo 824020.8 300443.7 6 0 13 61 30 o.ooo 150 22 30.000 822929.7 320386.0 6 0 14 61 30 o.ooo 150 0 o.ooo 821953.4 340332.6 6 0 15 61 30 0.000 149 3 7 30.000 821092.1 360282.8 6 0 -16 61 30 o.ooo 149 15 o.ooo 820345.7 380236.4 6 0 17 61 30 o.ooo 148 52 30.000 819714.1 400192.7 6 0 18 61 15 o.ooo 150 45 o.ooo 796204.8 298843.3 6 0 19 61 15 o.ooo 150 22 30.000 795107.5 318945.8 6 0 -20 61 15 o.ooo 150 0 o.ooo 794125.8 339052.4 6 0 21 61 15 o.ooo 149 37 30.000 793259.6 359162.8 6 0 22 61 15 o.ooo 149 15 o.ooo 792509.0 3 792 76. 3 6 0 23 61 0 o.ooo 150 45 o.ooo 768389.3 297246.9 6 0 24 61 0 o.ooo 150 22 30.000 767286.0 317509.1 6 0 -25 61 0 o.ooo 150 0 o.ooo 766298.9 337775.4 6 0 26 61 0 o.ooo 149 3 7 30.000 765428.0 358045.4 6 0 27 61 25 o.ooo 149 37 30.000 811814.5 359909.2 6 0 28 61 25 o.ooo 149 15 o.ooo 811066.7 379916.1 6 0 -29 61 10 0.000 150 45 o.ooo 786932.9 298310.8 6 0 30 61 10 o.ooo 150 22 30.000 785833.6 318466.5 6 0 31 61 10 o.ooo 150 0 o.ooo 784850. 1 338626.4 6 0 32 61 10 o.ooo 149 3 7 30.000 783982.3 358790.0 6 0 33 61 55 o.ooo 150 22 30.000 869301.4 322794.0 6 0 -34 61 55 o.ooo 150 0 o.ooo 868334.6 342472.9 6 0 35 61 55 0.000 149 37 30.000 86 7481.5 362155.6 6 0 36 61 55 o.ooo 149 15 o.ooo 866742.1 381841.5 6 0 37 61 55 o.ooo 149 0 o.ooo 866312.4 394 96 7. 1 6 0 -38 61 45 o.ooo 149 0 o.ooo 847751.9 394395.7 6 "() -**Note -Six million meters has been subtracted from the northing coordinate I-4 - C. Data Structure and Classification As indicated, the definition of data classes for each of the variables in this study was guided by considerations similar to those which guided the selection of the variables themselves. That is, the data classification had to consider information critical to the required level of environmental evaluation, and it had to be broad enough to produce legible maps with sufficient detail to be useful. The data selected and classified for inclusion in the geographic information for the Willow Subbasin was structured for mapping on four manuscripts. In general, related data variables were identified for mapping on the same manuscript. For example, geology, landform, slope, soils and vegetation were identified for mapping on the same mylar sheet. The four manuscripts were designed as a means of efficiently compositing the broad range of data selected for incluqion in the automated system. It should be noted the data manuscripts were designed for application atop the sixteen module spatial structure of the GIS, that is, four manuscript maps were identified for overlay atop each of the sixteen map modules covering the study area. The four manuscript maps are identified as follows: Map Manuscript No. No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 Map Manuscript Name Integrated Terrain Units Surface Hydrology Points and Linear Features Land Status The following outline illustrates the essential nature of the data structure and classifications employed in the creation of the GIS for the Willow Sub-basin. A complete enumeration of the classification and codes is provided in Appendix A of this report. I-5 WILLOW SUBBASIN SUSITNA RIVER/BASIN ALASKA DATA STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION MANUSCRIPT #1 INTEGRATED TERRAIN UNIT MAP SLOPE (7 Classes) LANDFORM Physiographic Division (8 Classes) Landform Type (74 Classes) GENERAL GEOLOGY Surficial Geology (3 Classes) Bedrock Geology (9 Classes) ECONO~ITC GEOLOGY (5 Classes) GEOLOGIC HAZARDS Geologic Hazards I (10 Classes) Geologic Hazards II (4 Classes) SOIL (333 Classes) HABITAT Habitat I (18 Classes) Habitat II (5 Classes) Habitat III (6 Classes) Habitat IV (8 Classes) Habitat V (2 Classes) LAND USE (67 Classes) VEGETATION (41 Classes) MANUSCRIPT #2 SURFACE HYDROLOGY MAP STREAM Order (5 Classes) Periodicity (2 Classes) Origin (2 Classes) Discharge Profile (2 Classes) Situation (2 Classes) Condition (2 Classes) Special Recreational Uses (11 Classes) Anadromous Streams (6 Classes) WATERSHED Topologic Number (48 Classes) MANUSCRIPT #3 POINTS AND LINEAR FEATURES MAP #3A NATURAL LINES Elmendorf Glaciation (2 Classes) Escarpment (2 Classes) Fault Lines ( 4 ClasS(.!S) I-6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - #3B CULTURAL POINTS AND LINES Roads/Trails/Infrastructure Network (12 Classes) Special Linear Recreation Uses (22 Classes) Extractive Sites (7 Classes) MANUSCRIPT #4 LAND STATUS MAP CONGRESSIONAL TOWNSHIPS FOR THE U.S. SYSTEM OF RECTANGULAR SURVEYS OWNERSHIP (10 Classes) AGENCY INTEREST (28 Classes) 1-7 Chapter II Data Happing Introduction Hethodology Hanuscript Mapping No. 1 Integrated Terrain Units No. 2 Surface Hydrology No. 3 Points and Linear Features No. 4 Land Status II. DATA MAPPING A. Introduction As indicated, the mapping phase of this project involved the aggregation of the data provided by a number of State and Federal agencies, as well as that derived through the process of photo interpretation, on four separate manuscript maps. Each of these manuscripts represented a class or format of data that could conveniently and meaningfully be displayed on one map. Some of the information was areal, such as landform or geology, and was shown as spatial units called polygons. Other infor- mation was in the form of points or lines, such as resource sites and streams, respectively. All three formats of data, categorized according to the types of information conveyed, were mapped for the study. The manuscripts prepared and the format of the data shown are as follows: Manuscript No. No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 Name Integrated Terrain Unit Surface Hydrology Points & Linear Features Natural Lines Cultural Points & Lines Land Status Data Format Polygons Polygons & Lines Polygons, Points, & Lines Polygons The integrated terrain unit map utilized a mapping concept which resolved related environmental data to a single manuscript map. Its creation involved the manual overlay and integration of individually interpreted and mapped single-variable overlays onto a single map. A scale of 1:37,000 was chosen for this manuscript as a means of accurately capturing the detailed soil and vegetation information represented on the Il-l collateral overlays. Each overlay contributed lines which were drafted onto the manuscript. However, given that boundaries between natural phenomena were often coincident, the process often involved the delineation of a single line on the manuscript in place of several different but generally consistent lines which existed on individual overlay maps. Very small mapping units on the overlays, those smaller in size than approximately 2~ acres, were typically merged into larger surrounding or adjacent units. Thus, the data on this manuscript are considered to have a minimum polygon resolution of 2~ acres. The result of the process was the development of integrated terrain unit maps comprised of several thousand polygons, each representing areas of homogeneous natural characteristics. The other manuscripts were created by a process of rectification and composit- ing, with only limited integration occuring on the land status manuscripts to ensure accuracy and consistency bet\-leen shared township lines and land status boundaries. They were delineated at a scale of 1:63,360. Il-2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - B. Methodology The basic concept underlying the preparation of polygon maps such as Manuscript No. 1 >vas the Integrated Terrain Unit Mapping (ITUM) approach, used to integrate several kinds of variables into a single poly- gon map. There are four general principles dealing with the distribution of natural geographic attributes that relate to the ITUM approach. 1. The Principle of Graded Likenesses and Infinite Differences in Natural Areas No two geographic locations or areas are ever exactly alike, although similarities can be perceived between areas which permit classification of areas into like kinds. The degree of perceived dissimilarity increases directly as the closeness of scrutiny increases. Conversely, similarities become more obvious as observation is less detailed. 2. The Principle of Areal Transitions Changes in natural geographic characteristics from one area to another are usually gradational. The rate of change along such gradations may vary. Thus, the placement of a line drawn to show the separation of any two features is in part a subjective decision. This means that for two or more data variables, different lines can be resolved into a single line, representing the best fit for both features, which can be drafted onto the final ITUM manuscript. 3. The Principles of Continuous Alteration of Areal Characteristics With Time All the characteristics of any geographic area are changing continuously, although each feature changes at a rate which differs II-3 from the rate of change for other features. Since some features change more rapidly than others, the map has some data dealing with rapidly changing features and other data dealing with features which change quite slowly under most circumstances. 4. The Principle of the Functional Interrelatedness of Environmental Elements As the pattern of any environmental attribute changes, it will have recognizable effect on the patterns of other environmental attributes in the same area. This interrelatedness often means that the various features of an area will respond somewhat as a unit, v1hat might be called an "ecological response unit". The rate of environmental changes are determined by those factors described in Principle 3. The ITUM mapping process resolves some major obstacles to the computerized handling of spatially defined environmental information: the cost of automating multiple parametric data planes; the cost of doing polygon overlays in the computer; the problem of polygon "splinters11 created through the overlay process; and perhaps most importantly, the problem of mismatched data sets which are supposed to be related and consistent. In many respects, the latter point represents the ultimate argument for the integration process. Hhen complex land capability/ suitability modeling is done in a data base, such as Has done Hith that for the Willm.;r Subbasin, the mismatches among the data planes can cause major errors to surface across the mapped output. Differentiating be- tHeen the valid and invalid values Hhich are thus registered is difficult II-4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - and often impossible. Using computer logic to resolve the discrepancies once the data are automated represents a coarser and less sensitive means than careful decision-making on a case by case basis by an experienced resource specialist with photos, basemaps, and related maps at hand. Cost considerations relate to the considerable amount of staff-time and machine-time required to effectively automate and then overlay a number of maps in the computer. The cost of data base automation is a function of the number of maps to be automated and the complexity of the lines on those maps. If a number of lines are common to every map to be automated, a great saving can be realized by automating these common lines only once rather than for each map. The solution to this problem offered by the ITUM approach is that any line which is common to any two or more data maps is represented on the manuscript map for automation only once. In addition, the ITUM manuscripting process represents a pre-automation polygon overlay, wherein the polygons represented on the final manuscript represent the units created through the overlay of each of the separate data planes. The computer overlay process is both time-consunptive and expensive. It also results in the creation of "splinter" polygons. Numerous small "splinter" polygons are typically created when computer software is used to overlay individually automated data variable maps. The "splinters" are often due to the failure of what should be identically placed lines, lying on the individual maps, to precisely coincide with one another. For example, the boundary of a marsh may be shown in different locations on the vegetation map, the soils map, and landform map; or, even if shown in the same place, the boundary may be digitized somewhat differently each II-5 time. Even slight variations in the x,y coordinates of the points which define such lines, occurring from one map to the next, will cause splinter- ing to occur. The splinters will be visible in plotted overlay maps and will also evidence themselves in automated analyses of polygon character- istics. The splinters are confusing both to the cartographic display of the data and to their analysis and interpretation as well. Much of the data employed in the development of the GIS for the Willow Subbasin was in a format which required rescaling, adjustment to imagery, or both before it was in a form amenable to integration into a manuscript map. In the rescaling process a combination optical/manual procedure was followed. This method involved the use of an optical pantograph. A Kargl reflecting projector, with a rated distortion factor of less than 0.01%, was used. Collateral maps were placed on a platform and their images were optically projected upward onto a glass surface. Enlargement or reduction of the original collateral maps occurred as the map-to-lens ratio was changed. Fastening the mylar copy of the topographic basemap onto the projection glass allowed the collateral to be reformatted to the basemap scale of 1:63,360 or 1:37,000. In certain cases, the enlarging or reducing process was repeated twice in order to achieve the required scale. After the information was adjusted to the basemap scale, it was manually transferred onto the drafting film. Care was taken to ensure that all information was transferred accurately, and that no transposition of information codes occurred. An edit check of the hand drawn map compared it to the original data. The physical characteristics and interpretive values of the phenomena II-6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - mapped for this project were derived largely from the collateral maps and documents which were provided to the ESRI staff. Aerial imagery and basemaps were used to verify, rectify, and clarify the distribution and areal extent of the phenomena mapped from the collateral. Patterns were adjusted to match the imagery and the basemaps. The imagery and basemaps thus act as geographic "controls" for reformatting and for cartographic inconsistencies between the various data variables. Next, the polygons or line segments delineated on the data maps were assigned code numbers. These code numbers referred to the different values or characteristics which each such delineation represented. The code numbers were then either applied directly to the manuscript map itself or were referenced, in turn, to sequential numbers applied to the map. In either case, the numbers used were related to the polygons or line segments shown on the map by being placed within the polygons or immediately adjacent to the lines. Each module was then edgematched to its adjoining module. Edgematching is a process of comparing the shared borders of adjoining map modules. Edgematching was done to correct any problems occurring along the borders due to the adjoining maps having been created independently of one another. Where lines of any kind crossed from one module into the other, these were checked to be sure that they were properly located and that they matched. A check was also made to be sure that the code assignments along each side of the shared border were correct and were consistent with those across the border in other modules. As noted above, mapped phenomena can be represented by polygons, points, or lines. In creating polygon maps, the study area was divided into smaller, discrete areas, each bounded by a closed line, called a ll-7 polygon. Each polygon is homogeneous with respect to the variable or variables to which the particular polygon delineation refers. For purposes of identification and description, the individual polygons on a manuscript map were given sequential identification numbers. Each polygon's sequential identifier was then used to associate the polygon with an identically numbered set of attribute codes. Examples of a polygon map and its associated code listing are illustrated in the following Figures. The map, representing the Integrated Terrain Unit Manuscript Map for the Anchorage C-8 quadrangle, is comprised of some 6500 individually numbered polygons. As in this example, polygon numbering typically commenced with the number 1 in the upper left corner of the manuscript map and progressed sequentially toward the lower right corner. The code listing displays the numeric values for the sixteen characteristics for some of these. On the point and line manuscript maps, points were shown as n~o short line segments crossed at the location of the point feature and linear features were drawn as line segments. Coded values for lines and points were either applied directly to the manuscript map or they were referenced to the map by the use of sequential identification numbers, as with polygons. Locaters for the labels associated with points or lines were similar to the centroids associated with polygons in that they designated the lower left corner location of the first symbol of the label for a point or line. II-8 .. .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. r.=l n=~!Si=31::;-;ll==f ,===~=, ,=~:=);r:::\1 ===:__:_-_c__:=,"""""""'==, .. _=,=~=;-~;====--.~ :::::: ;=\ ====.,_,.=:'..o,=n=il" I - .., .., .... .... l ., POLY NO. ABCCCDEFGGHIIIJJKLMNOOOOPPQQRRSSTU 0001 1521020150014120000010160026000000 0002 1522020150014070000010160069410000 0003 1883139999999990000010160092000000 0004 1522020150014260000010160041690000 0005 1522020150014070000010160069000000 0006 1522020150014380000010160041000000 0007 1522020150014260000010160041696800 0008 1522020150014720000010160026606300 0009 1522020150014120000010160026410000 0010 1522020150014110000010160026000000 0011 1522020150014070000010160069680000 0012 1522020150014110000010160026606300 0013 1522020150014110000010160026410000 0014 1522020150014070000010160069680000 0015 1522020150014110000010160026606300 0016 1522020150014260000010160041320000 0017 1522020150014110000010160026606300 0018 1522020150014120000010160026606300 0019 1522020150014260000010160041320000 0020 1522020150014070000000160069680000 0021 1522020150014110000000160026000000 0022 1521020150014070000000160041320000 0023 1521020150014110000000160024000000 0024 1521020150014070000000160041000000 0025 1521020150014240000000160024000000 0026 1521020150014240000000160069684300 0027 1521020150014240000000160041000000 0028 1521020150014120000000160041000000 0029 1521020150014070000000160069684143 0030 2521020150014120000000160026606300 0031 1521020150014120000000160026606300 0032 1521020150014070000000160069682600 0033 1521020150014120000000160041320000 0034 1522020150014070000000160069680000 0035 1522020150014120000000160026606300 0036 1522020150014260000000160069680000 0037 1522020150014260000000160041320000 0038 1522020150014120000000160026506300 0039 1522020150014070000010160068000000 0040 1522020150014120000010160026606300 0041 1522020150014070000010160069410000 0042 1522020150014120000010160026606300 0043 1522020150014260000010160041000000 0044 1521020150014120000010160026606300 0045 1521020150014070000010160041690000 0046 1521020150014120000010160026420000 0047 1553120180114220000010160069630000 0048 1521020180014260000010160041000000 0049 4521020180014510000010160026420000 0050 1521020180014070000010160069000000 0051 1521020180014070000010160069000000 0052 1521020180014510000010160026420000 0053 1521020180014520900010160026000000 0054 1521020180014510000010160026000000 Example of Terrain Unit Code Listing (partial) II-11 COLUMN LEGEND A Slope B Physiographic Division C Landform Types D Surficial Geology E Bedrock Geology F Economic Geology G Geologic Hazards I H Geologic Hazards II I Soil J Habitat I K Habitat II L Habitat III M Habitat IV N Habitat v 0 Land Use P Primary Vegetation Q Secondary Vegetation R Tertiary Vegetation S Quaternary Vegetation T Soil Reliability U Vegetation Reliability C. Manuscript Maps The maps created for the Willow Subbasin are outlined in this section. Appendix C contains a detailed discussion of them~ encompassing the following: the reasons for incorporating each variable in the data base; the collateral information used to prepare each manuscript map; the implications of the source map's scale and resolution; the process used to transfer information from the source map to the stable base manuscript map; the interpretive decisions involved; and the reliability and quality of the information provided on each manuscript map. Manuscript No. 1 Manuscript No. 1 is a polygon map delineated at a scale of 1:37~000 comprising sixteen data variables. In virtually all instances, the classification used for a given data variable was consistent with that provided in the collateral information. For example, soil and vegetation were both mapped using the data classification provided in the original soil and vegetation surveys In provided by the Soil Conservation Service and Forest Service. some instances~ a classification was modified to account to a higher level of data resolution in the present study than in the original one. In the creation of the manuscript maps for each of the sixteen map modules, each data variable was manually cross- compared and then checked against the basemaps and imagery before being delineated on the manuscript. The data planes with the highest accuracy and reliability were drafted first. Those with the least were drafted last. ·The addition of each new data plane typically II-12 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - resulted in the drafting of additional lines on the manuscript; however, due to the integration process, proportionately more were added for the highly resolved data planes than for those with low resolution and reliability. As indicated earlier, some of the source data was derived from interpretations made at a scale of 1:250,000 or other general scales. In these cases, boundaries were adjusted to correspond with existing lines where appropriate. For example, landform boundaries were often changed to correspond with previously delineated soil, vegetation, and slope lines. The data variables encompassed on the manuscript and therr general order of integration are as follows: Soil, Vegetation, Land Use, Slope, Landform, General Geology, Geologic Hazards, Economic Geology, and Habitat. Manuscript No. 2 Surface Hydrology Manuscript No. 2 is a polygon and line map delineated at a scale of 1:63,360 comprising nine data variables in two categories. Polygons were used to represent watershed boundaries, lines to represent stream courses. Each stream course was delineated as a series of short, straight line segments. Data were composited on the manuscript, not integrated. All data were nonetheless checked against the basemaps and imagery to ensure accuracy and currency. Manuscript No. 3 Points and Linear Features Manuscript No. 3 is a polygon, line, and point map delineated at a scale of 1:63,360 comprising six data variables. Two separate II-13 sub-manuscripts were actually created to cover all of the data planes, one encompassing the cultural features, the other the natural ones. All data composited on the maps were checked against the imagery and basemaps. Linear features were represented by short straight line segments. The data planes and their formats are as follows: Polygons Elmendorf Glaciation Lines Escarpments Fault Lines Roads/Trails/Infrastructure Network Special Linear Recreation Uses Points Extractive Sites Manuscript No. 4 Land Status Manuscript No. 4 is a polygon map delineated at a scale of 1:63,360 comprising four different data variables. Data variables were cross compared before mapping in order to ensure line match where appropriate. For example, land status lines were drawn to match existing township boundaries where there was a clear relation- ship but not full correspondence. All data were checked against the basemaps. The order of delineation was as follows: Township, Ownership, and Agency Interest. II-14 .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Chapter III Data Automation Introduction Methodology Interpreted and Derived Data Interpretive Matrices Distance Searches I II • AUTOMATION A. Introduction The central feature of this study was the automation of all of the geographic data collected for the data bank and regional analyses. The information prepared for automation was in two basic formats: the manuscript maps and the codes for those maps. The maps were automated by a process called digitizing. Lines defining each of the polygons or line segments were stored in the computer as series of x,y coordinates connected by straight line segments. Points were represented by single x,y coordinates. Given that the polygon coordinates were closely spaced and the connecting straight lines very short, the automated polygons closely approximate the curved lines drawn on the original manuscripts. The codes, which describe the attributes of the environmental variables represented on the manuscripts, were keypunched directly into the computer. A series of programs were then run on both the map and code data to eliminate errors and inconsistencies and to prepare the infor- mation for analysis, modeling, and computer mapping. This procedure was followed for each of the four manuscripts for each of the sixteen map modules comprising the study area. Once completed, the polygon, line and point information was converted into a parallel grid format. This in effect involved overlaying a uniform rectilinear grid over the automated maps and assigning an appropriate value for each variable to each cell based on the predominant characteristics in that cell. The result of this and other processes was the creation of a grid multi- variable file (MVF) incorporating all the data on the four manuscripts III-1 into one code string for each grid cell in the entire Willow Subbasin. In addition to the maps and basic code information, matrices of interpreted data were automated for the soil data variable. These interpretations provide supplementary information for mapped soil phases and series. In effect, they added layers of descriptive and interpretive codes to the basic soil units which were originally mapped. An expanded code of this type represents an efficient form of recording, storing, and modifying information which is, by nature, subject to change. Derived data items were also added to the data base. These items are those which obtain from basic and/or interpreted data. They include distance searches, in which cells are identified in terms of their distance from such mapped phenomena as streams and roads. These derived data were included in the data base with the basic and interpreted data. The final automated data base contained data developed by three distinct processes. The spatial configuration and essential attributes of the mapped units were automated by a process of coordinate digitizing and code keypunching. These data were subsequently subjected to pro- cedures which created a parallel grid file. The actual information in the system, however, was expanded by the addition of select matrix descriptions and interpretations. These were keypunched into the system and structured as associative tables in the polygon files. The data stored in the grid files were further expanded by the process of evaluat- ing each grid cell relative to its distance from select geographic phenomena and the number of occurrences of select phenomena within a specified radius. III-2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - B. Methodology The technical process involved in transferring geographic data from the manuscript maps and associated codes to the automated data files can be divided into four major tasks. These can be described as ·follows: 1. Manuscript Map Preparation for Digitizing Before any manuscript map was automated, it was carefully checked for errors and prepared for actual digitizing. The checking included examination for missing polygons or codes, extraneous lines, or problems which might cause confusion during digitizing. Next, a unique number was assigned to each of the four manuscript maps for each of the sixteen modules to distinguish it from all of the other files. Certain of the manuscripts were further subdivided into variable files during processing, reflecting the different types of data included on these maps. The manuscript and variable file numbers used and their corresponding variables are as follows: Manu- script IJ Manuscript Map Name Variables Processed Type Variable of File /.t Data 1 2 3 Terrain Units Surface Hydrology Points, Linear, and Natural Features 4 Land Status Terrain Units Watersheds Course Lines Glaciation Escarpments/Faults Cultural Lines Extractive Sites Land Status 1 Polygons 22 Polygons 12 Lines 32 Polygons 52 Lines 42 Lines 02 Points 4 Polygons Note: Manuscripts #2 and #3 were combined for the Anchorage C-8 module. III-3 Next, each manuscript map was prepared for digitizing by geographic reference tic points on each map in sequence from north to south. Then, the origin point and centroid of each polygon were marked. 2. Digitizing Using a process termed "digitizing", all data recorded on the manuscript map was converted to machine readable form. A digitizer, a backlighted drafting table to which is attached a movable cursor, was used to make this conversion. As the cursor was moved horizontally and vertically over each manuscript map mounted on the digitizer table, electronic devices translated these movements into digital measurements in units of one thousandths of an inch. The numbered tic marks were digitized first. TI1e ·cursor was moved to each tic mark and, by pressing a key, a record was sent to a mini-computer for storage. After all tic marks were digitized, each polygon, point, and line on the map was similarly recorded and stored. The digitized record indicated the precise location in x,y coordinates of all mapped information with respect to the tic marks. The tic marks represented known points of latitude and longitude to which all of the mapped information was referenced. Data digitizing and all subsequent data automation processes utilize PIOS (Polygon Information Overlay System) and GRID software. These software sets have been developed by ESRI during the past ten years. The digitizing process involved systematically recording data according to a standard set of procedures. For polygon data, this III-4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - involved selecting and recording a string of x,y coordinates, termed "vertices", where a change in direction occurred along the border of each polygon. Curves were approximated by short straight line segments. All polygons were automated as closed units. They were digitized in a specific order and sequenced accordingly. When donut polygons occurred, the innermost polygons were digitized first. Digitizing then proceeded to the polygon which contained the donut polygon or polygons. PIOS software resolved the hierarchy. Lines were digitized like polygons except that the strings of x,y coordinates were not required to close. Point features were represented by single x,y coordinates. 3. Editing of Digitized Files After the manuscript map was digitized, the stored record was transferred from the digitizer's mini-computer to a large computer for further processing. The first step in the edit process was to shift and scale the coordinates of each file relative to tic marks which provided geographic reference. From this step, lists were generated which allowed tic identification numbers, tic coordinates, sequence numbers, donut level identifiers, and code numbers to be checked. Because of machine errors during digitizing, it was sometimes necessary to redigitize a polygon or a series of polygons. After these editing steps were completed, changes were made and the revised files were stored. At this stage, all information stored in the file was numerically accurate. After these machine edits, a plot of each manuscript map for each module was generated. These computer maps were used to visually check the accuracy of the digitized Ill-5 and machine edited x,y coordinates against the original manuscript maps. Following the visual edit of points, lines, and polygons, the numeric attribute codes which had been keypunched into the computer were associated with their appropriate spatial unit. Each of the data variables in the system was plotted out at the manuscript scale and compared against manually prepared overlays of the collateral data. These plots, termed "dropline plots", \vere used to ensure that each data variable was accurately delineated and coded in the computer data file. Most data errors discovered in this edit process were corrected using PIOS edit software. For cases where entire polygons were missing, the original manuscript map was remounted on the digitizer and entire polygons in error Here digitized. This redigitized information was merged into with the previous information set. 4. Final File Generation This process involved the creation of final point, line, and polygon files for the study area as well as the creation of a parallel grid cell file. Two preliminary steps were required for completion of the x,y coordinate files. The first step involved the conversion of the digitized tic coordinates, which were referenced in inches, to a geographic coordinate referencing system such as UTH. The next step involved the merging of the individual files created for each map module into a single file for the entire study area. At the completion of this step, the data files were in III-6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - their final x,y coordinate format. Following completion of the final polygon files, a grid cell format data file was created. Using a series of ESRI computer programs including GRIPS (Gridded Information from PolygonS), the polygon data files were converted to grid cell format data file. In effect, a uniform grid with a cell size of 10 acres was super- imposed over the point, line, and polygon data in each of the x,y coordinate files and each cell was assigned a code corresponding to the unit or the value of the unit in which it was located. This process resulted in the creation of a number of single variable grid files. These were subsequently merged together to create a multi-variable file of all of the grid data. The complete multi- variable grid file created for the ~villow Subbasin contains all of the data variables contained in the four manuscript maps and some of the interpretative data from the expansion matrices. Certain simple data items were packed into one position in the multi-variable file to save space. The format and contents of the multi-variable file are outlined in Appendix D of this report. C. Interpretive and Derived Data The basic data files created for the Willow study were expanded to include interpretive and derived data. The interpretive data were added by keypunching numeric codes outlined on expansion matrices associated with specific data variables and classes. The derived data were gener- ated through the manipulation of data which were already automated. This involved the execution of a number of simple and complex distance III-7 search procedures. The interpretive and derived data encompassed in the ~\lillow GIS are described in the following subsections. Expansion Matrices The soils which were mapped as part of this study were delineated and identified by series and phase names. Several code matrices which provided additional description and interpretation of the mapped units were developed by the Soil Conservation Service. These were automated by ESRI and associated with their respective soil types. The characteristics which were associated with the approximately three hundred and thirty mapped soil units are outlined below. It is important to note that once the matrixed interpretive values were associated with their respective soil types in the data bank, maps illustrating the distribution of the interpreted condition could be produced. The interpretive values were similarly positioned by direct use in the computer modeling efforts. Soil Expansion Matrix Factors Description Slope Phase K Factor T Factor Capability Rating Agricultural Capability Class Agricultural Productivity Rating Grains Hay, Silage and Pasture Potatoes Average Oats and Barley Potential Grazing Potential III-8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Limitations Septic Tank Absorption Fields Shallow Excavation Dwellings without Basements Dwellings with Basements Small Commercial Buildings Local Roads and Streets Roadfill Source Drainage Camp Areas Picnic Areas Playgrounds Paths and Trails The complete soil expansion matrix is included in Appendix E. Distance Searches Once all of the data for the study were in a grid format, additional manipulations of the data were performed. These involved the application of both simple and complex distance search programs to the automated data" Simple search programs were used to determine the distance of each cell from streams, water bodies, roads, and a number of other features. These features were originally encoded as basic data items in the form of polygons, points, and lines. For each feature, the computer determined the grid cells within a specified distance of that feature. Cells within that distance were coded consecutively from "O" for the feature itself, increasing outward as successive integers for each cell. Cells outside that distance were coded as 9999. Complex search programs were used to identify and record the number of different types or classes of phenomena lying within a specified radius of each cell. The number of different vegetation types lying within one half kilometer of each cell was determined by such a procedure. This served as a lll-9 measure of ecological edge conditions. A measure of relative relief was similarly determined. The following distance searches were conducted as part of the Hillow study: Low Density Remote Residential a. Vegetation Cover -Codes from Primary Vegetation b. 2 cells High (codes = 25, 28, 46) 2 cells Moderate (codes = 21, 24, 26, 27, 29, 32, 33, 34, 42, 45) 2 cells Low (codes = 22, 31, 35, 36, 43) 2 cells Very Low (codes = 41, 50, 51, 52, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69) Water Availability 16 cells Lake (code = 8 from Physiographic Division) 16 cells Large River (code = 97 from Primary Vegetation) 4 cells Non-Glacial Stream (code = 2 from Stream Origin) Remote Subdivisions a. Vegetation Cover -Codes from Primary Vegetation 2 cells High (codes = 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 42, 45) 2 cells Hoderate (codes=27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 46) 2 cells Low (codes = 35, 36, 41, 43, 50, 51, 52, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69) b. Water Availability Lake (code = 8 from Physiographic Division) Large River (code = 97 from Primary Vegetation) 8 cells Non-Glacial Streams = 2nd Order (codes = 2-6 from Stream Order and code = 2 from Stream Origin) III-10 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Moderate/High Density Residential Water Availability Non-Glacial Streams ~ 2nd Order (codes = 2-6 from Stream Order and code = 2 from Stream Origin) Commercial/Light Industrial Water Availability Non-Glacial Streams ~ 2nd Order (codes = 2-6 from Stream Order and code = 2 from Stream Origin) Intrinsic Landscape Amenity Relief -Codes from Specific Soil Slope 4 cells Slope 0 -3% (code 1) 4 cells Slope 3 -7% (code 2) 4 cells Slope 7 -12% (code = 3) 4 cells Slope 12 -20% and Variable Slopes (codes 4, 7) 4 cells Slope 20 -30% (code 5) 4 cells Slope 30 45% (code 6) 4 cells Slope > 45% (code = 7) 8 cells Selected Wetlands (codes 50, 51, 52, 68, 69 from Primary Vegetation) 8 cells Rocks, Snowfields, Glacier (codes = 81, 82, 83 from Primary Vegetation) TII-11 Chapter IV Computer Hodeling Introduction Methodology Model Outlines IV. COMPUTER MODELING A. Introduction The automated data base developed for the Willow Subbasin was used for purposes of regional land assessment and evaluation. Working under the direction of and in conjunction with State and Federal resource specialists and planners, ESRI processed sixteen conceptual models to assess both the natural opportunities and constraints in the region and the capability and suitability of the land for potential uses. At the outset of the study, ESRI staff met with representatives of State and Federal Agencies in the development of general criteria for modeling. Following the automation of the data base, ESRI staff began programming conceptual models provided by the appropriate agencies. As conducted during this study, modeling was both a developmental and iterative process. The mapped results of the first model iterations were reviewed in the field and revisions were made to the models and programs. Most of the models went through three iterations before being finalized. It is important to note that GIS applications represent a dynamic process which is systematic, flexible, and ongoing. Thus, the models and maps presented in this report represent a time slice across a line of evolutionary understandings and perspectives about the natural and cultural resources of the Willow Subbasin. As employed in this study, modeling represented a process by which the data mapped and automated for the study were manipulated in the computer to produce maps with evaluations of various environmental factors. Such evaluations were based on a set of assumptions regarding the positive or negative significance of particular features of the landscape to the IV-1 ---------------------~--- relevant factor. For example, the relative importance of geologic units to an evaluation of groundwater availability and of slope to the evaluation of land capability for certain types of development was assessed. Some of the models were based upon the assignment of numeric values to different data variables, others were based upon the assignment of ratings. In the settlement capability models, each variable within each factor was assigned a rating from high to low plus incapable. For example, in the evaluation of capability for large lot subdivisions, the landform type glacial moraine was ranked as high capability, active floodplain as incapable. Each of the settlement models contained a summation element which, in effect, determined the overall capability rating of each area. As used in this study, land capability was conceptualized as the inherent capacity of the land to sustain development, taking into account natural promoting and constraining factors. More specifically, it referred to the inherent capacity of the total complex of land-based environmental patterns and processes to sustain a specific type of use without bringing about unusual environmental degradation or exposing people or investment to hazards or unusual costs. IV-2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - B. Methodology Sixteen models were applied to the automated data base in order to analyze and evaluate natural constraints and opportunities in the study area and to assess land capability for specific uses. They were designed and evaluated by representatives of State and Federal Agencies including: Alaska Department of Natural Resources; Alaska Department of Fish and Game; U.S. Soil Conservation Service; U.S. Forest Service; and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. One of the models, Erosion Potential, was developed by a contractor working for the Department of Natural Resources. The models were structured to provide a useful output to the resource analysis and planning process. They were directed by and are consistent with established and accepted principles of resource evaluation, and they are sensitive to the particular environmental conditions and interrelations existing in the study area. The assumptions guiding model development are implicit in the factors selected and t11e weights assigned. · Several models require special mention. The route selection model called for the application of a dynamic overlay program in the determination of optimal paths between select points in the study area. Using soils and landform ratings as a numerical base, the program generated a numerical surface between each pair of points, the cells of least cost representing the optimal path. The program was run for each pair of points and the results aggregated for final display. The wetlands model did not require the application of a special program. It was, however, designed as a test of the potential for deriving wetland delineations from soil and vegetation surveys. The follmving models were developed as part of this study: IV-3 ----------------------------------------,------------------- Settlement Capability for Low Density Remote Residential Capability for Remote Subdivision Capability for Accessed Large Lot Residential Development Capability for Moderate/High Density Residential Development Capability for Commercial/Light Industrial Development Other Landscape Amenity Groundwater Availability Important Farmland Land Use Constraints Habitat I -Brown Bear and Snowshoe Hare Habitat II -Willow Ptarmigan, Red Squirrel, Spruce Grouse Important Grazing Lands (Potential) Oats and Barley Potential lvetlands Route Selection Erosion Once programmed, each model was run in the automated geographic data files for the study area. All models were run in the 10-acre grid multi-variable file developed from the original point, line, and polygon data. This file included the following: basic data encoded in the initial process of automation; interpretive data encoded in the expansion matrices; and derived data developed through the process of distance searching. Many of the models required the development of sub-modeling routines to evaluate such complex considerations as water and fuel avail- ability, ecological edge, and terrain diversity. The results of each of the sub-models were checked before they were channeled into the principal models. As indicated earlier, most of the models went through three iterations. The map outputs were first checked by ESRI professional staff to ensure that the model had been programmed accurately. The maps were then forwarded through the Soil Conservation Service for review and for IV-4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - model revision by the appropriate agencies. The finalized models were then programmed for the production of many of the final grid electrostatic maps identified and illustrated in the following chapter. IV-5 C. Model Outline Each of the models developed and programmed for evaluating the land resources of the Willow Subbasin is outlined on the following pages. The outlines were designed to legibly convey the essence and salient character- istics of each model to both readers and programmers. Four columns were used to indicate model logic, data base factors, and value assignment. The first column indicates the general concept under consideration. General considerations such as water availability and septic tank limitations tie in directly with the water supply and waste disposal requirements of certain kinds of developed land uses. The second column identifies the specific class of data in the grid cell data base which was being used to satisfy the analytical requirements of the general consideration. For example, subsurface water availability as expressed through well yield and surface water availability as expressed through the incidence of non-glacial streams were often employed in the determination of general water avail- ability. The third and fourth columns identify the values assigned to each of the specific factors and variables. The third column identifies value assigned when the specific feature or condition was incident in a cell, the fourth when it was proximate to a cell. Thus, an area might have received high vegetative resource value if it had a specific kind of forest cover or was close to an area which did. As evident, numeric values were assigned in some of the models, rank classification in others. In some models binary ratings were used, ON indicating that the analysis was passed to other steps in the model, OFF that the analysis was terminated. In several models, factors or variables were not rated (NR) when no IV-6 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... particular association or value could be determined. Care was taken in all of the models to ensure against double weighting and the possibility of an area with a clearly unsuitable condition receiving a high overall value and rating because of some other very positive conditions existing there. All modeled data were ultimately grouped into classes on the final maps produced in the study. IV-7 MODEL OUTLINE LAND CAPABILITY FOR LOW DENSITY RENOTE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT Consideration Landform Type Specific Data Class Glacial Moraine Till Drumlin Drumlin/Drumloid Value Value (Incidence) (Proximity) H H H Rock Drumlin NR Fluvioglacial Outwash H Abandoned Outwash Channel H Remnant Subglacial Stream Valley Kame Complex Esker Crevasse Filling Side Glacial Drainage Channel Flute Aeolian Dune Littoral Longshore Bar Beach Barrier Spit Delta Tidal Flat Coastal Plain Fluvial Active Channel River Bar Floodplain Active Abandoned Alluvial Plain Alluvial Fan/Cone Lacustrine Deposit Mass Wasting Colluvium Talus Landslide Deposit Rock Glacier Mine Tailings IV-9 H H H H H H L L L L L u NR u u u NR H H H u u u u u LAND CAPABILITY FOR LOW DENSITY REHOTE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT, contd. Consideration Specific Data Class Value Value (Incidence) (Proximity) Tee tonic Uplift Upland Valley Mountain Sideslope Mountain Ridgetop Waterbocly Ice and Snmv Slope Gradient Average Slope Gradient 0 - 3 % 3 - 7 % 7 -12 % 12 20 % 20 -30 % 30 -45 % GT45 % Specific Slope Phase 0 - 3 % 3 - 7 % 7 -12 % 12 -20 % 20 -30 % 30 -45 % GT45 % Geologic Hazard Primary Potential Flood Zone Secondary Potential Flood Zone Outburst Flood Zone Catastrophic Wave Zone Landslide Zone Varying Particle Size Unstable Ground Avalanche Track Soil Characteristics Limitations for Dwellings Without Basements Slight Moderate Severe Drainage Excessively Drained Somewhat Excessively Drained Well Drained Moderately Well Drained IV-10 H NR NR u u H H H H M L L H H H H M M u u NR u u u NR NR u H H M M H H H - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LAND CAPABILITY FOR LOW DENSITY REMOTE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT, contd. Consideration Specific Data Class Value Value Vegetation Cover (Incidence) (Proximity) SomeWhat Poorly Drained M Poorly Drained L Very Poorly Drained U Closed Forest Coniferous-White Spruce- Short Coniferous-White Spruce- M Tall H Coniferous-Black Spruce- Short U Coniferous-Black Spruce- Tall H Coniferous-Hemlock-Short M Coniferous-Hemlock-Tall H Deciduous/Hixed-Young M Deciduous/Mixed-Medium Age M Deciduous/Mixed-Old H Cottonwood-Young M Cottonwood-Medium Age H Cottonwood-Old M Open Forest Coniferous-l.fu i te Sprue e- Short L Coniferous-\Vhite Spruce- Tall M Coniferous-Black Spruce- Short L Deciduous/Mixed-l1edium Age M Deciduous/Mixed-Old M Cottonwood-Medium Age L Cottonwood-Old L Non-Forest Salt \\Tater Wetland U Tall Shrubs U Low Shrubs U Grassland U Tundra U Fresh Water \vetland U IV-11 M H u :;.[ H H H ~~ N H H H L L H H L L u u u u u u LAND CAPABILITY FOR LOW DENSITY REMOTE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT, contd. Consideration Specific Data Class Value Value (Incidence) (Proximity) Water Availability Culturally Disturbed Land If Agriculture, Vacant - Disturbed, or Extensive Recreation If Other Developed Land Use Barren Permanent Snow and Ice Water Lake, Large River, or Non-Glacial Stream LEl/4 Mile Distance GTl/4 -EQl/2 Hile Distance GTl/2 Hile Distance MODEL SUNHATION RULES L L u u u H H L Ratings are scanned within each general category encompassing more than one factor and the most severely constraining rating is used to provide the overall rating for the category. In effect, each general consideration -landform, soils, water availability, etc., -has a single rating when summation begins. The following summation procedures are used: High Capability Moderate Capability Low Capability Incapable GElH and Not EQ M L or U EQl or 211 and Not EQ L or U GTZH or EQl or 2L and Not EQ U GT2L or GElU IV-12 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MODEL OUTLINE LAND CAPABILITY FOR REMOTE SUBDIVISION Consideration Landform Type Specific Data Class Value Value (Incidence) (Proximity) Glacial Moraine H Till H Drumlin Drumlin/Drumloid H Rock Drumlin NR Fl uv iog lac i<=tl Outwash H Abandoned Outwash Channel H Remnant Subglacial Stream Valley H Kame Complex H Esker H Crevasse Filling H Side Glacial Drainage Channel H Flute H Aeolian Dune Littoral Longshore Bar Beach Barrier Spit Delta Tidal Flat Coastal Plain Fluvial Active Channel River Bar Floodplain Active Abandoned Alluvial Plain Alluvial Fan/Cone Lacustrine Deposit Mass Wasting Colluvium Talus Landslide Deposit Rock Glacier Mine Tailings IV-13 L L L L L u NR u u u NR H H H u u u u u LAND CAPABILITY FOR Rill10TE SUBDIVISIONS, contd. Consideration Slope Gradient Geologic Hazard Specific Data Class Tectonic Uplift Upland Valley Mountain Sideslope Mountain Ridgetop Waterbody Ice and Snow Average Slope Gradient 0 - 3 % 3 - 7 % 7 -12 % 12 -· 20 % 20 -30 % 30 -45 % GT45 % Specific Slope Phase 0 - 3 % 3 -7 % 7 -12 % 12 -20 % 20 -30 % 30 -45 % GT45 % Primary Potential Flood Zone Secondary Potential Flood Zone Outburst Flood Zone Catastrophic Have Zone Landslide Zone Varying Particle Size Unstable Ground Avalanche Track Soil Characteristics Septic Tank Limitations Slight Moderate Severe IV-14 Value Value (Incidence) (Proximity) H NR NR u u H H H M H L u H H H H M M u u tTR u u u NR NR u H H L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LAND CAPABILITY FOR REHOTE SUBDIVISIONS, contd. Consideration Vegetation Resources* Specific Data Class Value Value (Incidence) (Proximity) Limitations for Local Roads and Streets Slight H Moderate H Severe M Drainage Excessively Drained M Somewhat Excessively Drained H Well Drained H Moderately \\Tell Drained H Somewhat Poorly Drained L Poorly Drained U Very Poorly Drained U Closed Forest Coniferous-lfuite Spruce- Short Coniferous-White Spruce- H Tall H Coniferous-Black Spruce- Short L Coniferous-Black Spruce- Tall H Coniferous-Hemlock-Short H Coniferous-Hemlock-Tall H Deciduous/Mixed-Young H Deciduous/Mixed-Medium Age H Deciduous/Mixed-Old H Cottonwood-Young M Cottonwood-Medium Age M Cottonwood-Old M Open Forest Coniferous-White Spruce- Short M Coniferous-lfuite Spruce- Tall H Coniferous-Black Spruce- Short L Deciduous/Mixed-Medium Age M Deciduous/Hixed-Old M Cottonwood-Medium Age L Cottonwood-Old L IV-15 H H L :l. L ~f ~1 L L LAND CAPABILITY FOR REMOTE SUBDIVISIONS, contd. Consideration Specific Data Class Value Value (Incidence) (Proximity) Water Availability Non-Forest Salt Water Wetland Tall Shrub Low Shrub Grassland Tundra Fresh Water Wetland Culturally Disturbed Land If Agriculture, Vacant - Disturbed or Extensive L L L L L L Recreation L If Other Developed Land Use L Barren Permanent Snow and Ice Water Lake, Large River or u u u Non-Glacial Stream (GE 2nd Order) LE 1/4 Mile Distance If Potential Well Yield Area 1 If Potential Well Yield Area 2 or 3 GT 1/4 Mile Distance If Potential \.Jell Yield Area 1 If Potential Well Yield Area 2 or 3 MODEL Sill1MATION RULES L L L L L L M H L M Ratings are scanned within each general category encompassing more than one factor and the most severely constraining rating is used to provide the overall rating for the category. In effect, each general consideration-landform, soils, water availability, etc., -has a single rating when summation begins. The follmving summation procedures are used: High Capability Hoderate Capability Low Capability Incapable GE1H and Not EQ M L or U EQ1 or 2M and Not EQ L or U GT2M or EQl or 2L and Not EQ U GT2L orGElU IV-16 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MODEL OUTLINE LAND CAPABILITY FOR ACCESSED LARGE LOT RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPNENT Consideration Landform Type Specific Data Class Value Value (Incidence) (Proximity) Glacial Moraine H Till H Drumlin Drumlin/Drtnnloid H Rock Drtnnlin NR Fluvioglacial Outwash H Abandoned Outwash Channel H Remnant Subglacial Stream Valley H Kame Complex H Esker H Crevasse Filling H Side Glacial Drainage Channel H Flute H Aeolian Dune Littoral Longshore Bar Beach Barrier Spit Delta Tidal Flat Coastal Plain Fluvial Active Channel River Bar Floodplain Active Abandoned Alluvial Plain Alluvial Fan/Cone Lacustrine Deposit Mass Wasting Colluv itnn Talus Landslide Deposit Rock Glacier Hine Tailings IV-17 L L L L L u NR u u u NR H H H u u u u u LAND CAPABILITY FOR ACCESSED LARGE LOT RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT, contd. Consideration Slope Gradient Geologic Hazard Specific Data Class Tectonic Uplift Upland Valley Mountain Sideslope Mountain Ridgetop Waterbody Ice and Snow Average Slope Gradient 0 - 3 % 3 -7 % 7 -12 % 12 -20 % 20 -30 % 30 -45 % GT45 % Specific Slope Phase 0 - 3 % 3 -7 % 7 -12 % 12 -20 % 20 -30 % 30 -45 % GT45 % Primary Potential Flood Zone Secondary Potential Flood Zone Outburst Flood Zone Catastrophic Wave Zone Landslide Zone Varying Particle Size Unstable Ground Avalanche Track Soil Characteristics Septic Tank Limitations Slight Moderate Severe IV-18 Value Value (Incidence) (Proximity) H NR NR u u H H H M L L u H H H M M L u u NR u u u NR NR u H H L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LAND CAPABILITY FOR ACCESSED LARGE LOT RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPHEKT, contd. Consideration Water Availability Specific Data Class Value Value (Incidence) (Proxi:nity) Limitations for Dwellings With Basements Slight H Moderate M Severe M Limitations for Dwellings Without Basements Slight H Moderate M Severe L Limitations for Local Roads and Streets Slight H Moderate H Severe M Drainage Excessively Drained M Somewhat Excessively Drained H Well Drained H Moderately Well Drained M Somewhat Poorly Drained L Poorly Drained U Very Poorly Drained U Potential Hell Yield Area Area 1 Area 2 or 3 L H }iODEL SUMHATION RULES Ratings are scanned within each general category encompassing more than one factor and the most severely constraining rating is used to provide the overall rating for the category. In effect, each general consideration-landform, soils, water availability, etc., -has a single rating ,.men summation begins. The following summation procedures are used: High Capability Moderate Capability Low Capability Incapable GE1H and Not EQ M L or U EQl or 2M and Not EQ L or U GT2M or EQl or 2L and Not EQ U GT2L or GE lU IV-19 - - MODEL OUTLINE LAND CAPABILITY FOR MODERATE/HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT Consideration Landform Type Specific Data Class Value Value (Incidence) (Proximity) Glacial }1oraine H Till H Drumlin Drumlin/Drumloid H Rock Drumlin NR Fl uv iog lac ial Outwash H Abandoned Outwash Channel H Remnant Subglacial Stream Valley H Kame Complex H Esker H Crevasse Filling H Side Glacial Drainage Channel H Flute H Aeolian Dune Littoral Longshore Bar Beach Barrier Spit Delta Tidal Flat Coastal Plain Fluvial Active Channel River Bar Floodplain Active Abandoned Alluvial Plain Alluvial Fan/Cone Lacustrine Deposit Mass Hasting Colluvium Talus Landslide Deposit Rock Glacier Mine Tailings rv.:..21 L u u u L u NR u u u NR H H H u u u u u LAND CAPABILITY FOR MODERATE/HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPHENT, contd. Consideration Slope Gradient Geologic Hazard Specific Data Class Tectonic Uplift Upland Valley Mountain Sideslope Mountain Ridgetop Waterbody Ice and Snow Average Slope Gradient 0 - 3 % 3 - 7 % 7 -12 % 12 -20 % 20 -30 % 30 -45 % GT45 % Specific Slope Phase 0 - 3 % 3 - 7 % 7 -12 % 12 -20 % 20 -30 % 30 -45 % GT45 % Primary Potential Flood Zone Secondary Potential Flood Zone Outburst Flood Zone Catastrophic Have Zone Landslide Zone Varying Particle Size Unstable Ground Avalanche Track IV-22 Value Value (Incidence) (Proximity) H NR NR u u H H H M L u u H H H M L L u u NR u u u NR NR u - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LAND CAPABILITY FOR HODERATE/HIGH DE~1SITY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPHENT, contd. Consideration Specific Data Class Value Value (Incidence) (Proximity) Soil Characteristics Limitations for Dwellings Water Availability With Basements Slight H Moderate M Severe L Limitations for Dwellings Without Basements Slight H Moderate M Severe L Limitations for Local Roads and Streets Slight H Moderate H Severe }1 Drainage Excessively Drained H Somewhat Excessively Drained H Hell Drained H Moderately Hell Drained M Somewhat Poorly Drained L Poorly Drained U Very Poorly Drained U Non-Glacial Strean1 (GE 2nd Order) LEl Mile Distance GTl Hile Distance If Potential Well Yield Area 1 If Potential Well NR L Yield Area 2 or 3 NR IV-23 LAND CAPABILITY FOR MODERATE/HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT, contd. MODEL SU~lliATION RULES Ratings are scanned within each general category encompassing more than one factor and the most severely constraining rating is used to provide the overall rating for the category. In effect, each general consideration -landform, soils, water availability, etc., -has a single rating when summation begins. The following summation procedures are used: High Capability Hoderate Capability Low Capability Incapable GElH and Not EQ M L or U EQl or 2M and Not EQ L or U GT2M or EQl or 2L and Not EQ U GT2L or GElU IV-24 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MODEL OUTLINE LAND CAPABILITY FOR CO~lliERCIAL/LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT Consideration Landfonn Type Specific Data Class Value Value (Incidence) (Proximity) Glacial Moraine H Till H Drumlin Drumlin/Drumloid H Rock Drumlin NR Fluvioglacial Outwash H Abandoned Outwash Channel H Remnant Subglacial Stream Valley H Kame Complex H Esker H Crevasse Filling H Side Glacial Drainage Channel H Flute H Aeolian Dune Littoral Longshore Bar Beach Barrier Spit Delta Tidal Flat Coastal Plain Fluvial Active Channel River Bar Floodplain Active Abandoned Alluvial Plain Alluvial Fan/Cone Lacustrine Deposit Mass Wasting Colluvium Talus Landslide Deposit Rock Glacier Hine Tailings IV-25 L u u u L u NR u u u :NR H H H u u u u u LAND CAPABILITY FOR COMHERCIAL/LIGI-IT INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPHENT, contd. Consideration Slope Gradient Geologic Hazard Specific Data Class Tectonic Uplift Upland Valley Mountain Sideslope Mountain Ridgetop \Vaterbody Ice and Snow Average Slope 0 - 3 % 3 - 7 % 7 -12 % 12 -20 % 20 -30 % 30 -45 % GT45 % Gradient Specific Slope Phase 0 --3 % 3 - 7 % 7 -12 % 12 -20 % 20 -30 % 30 -45 % GT45 % Primary Potential Flood Zone Secondary Potential Flood Zone Outburst Flood Zone Catastrophic Wave Zone Landslide Zone Varying Particle Size Unstable Ground Avalanche Track Soil Characteristics Septic Tank Limitations Slight Hoderate Severe Limitations for Small Commercial Buildings Slight Hoderate Severe IV-26 Value Value (Incidence) (Proximity) H NR NR u u H H M M L u u H H H M L u u u NR u u u NR NR u H H L H M L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LAND CAPABILITY FOR COMMERCIAL/LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT, contd. Consideration S:Qecific Data Class Value Value (Incidence) (Proximity) Limitations for Local Roads and Streets Slight H Moderate H Severe M Drainage Excessively Drained H Somewhat Excessively Drained Well Drained H Moderately Well Drained M Somewhat Poorly Drained L Poorly Drained u Very Poorly Drained u Land Cover Culturally Disturbed Land NR Permanent Snow and Ice u Water u Water Availability Non-Glacial Stream (GE2nd Order) LEl Mile Distance GTl Mile Distance If Potential Hell NR Yield Area 1 L If Potential Hell Yield Area 2 or 3 NR MODEL Sill~·1ATION RULES Ratings are scanned within each general category encompassing more than one factor and the most severely constraining rating is used to provide the overall rating for the category. In effect, each general consideration -landform, soils, water availability, etc., -has a single rating \vhen summation begins. The follo\ving summation procedures are used: High Capability Moderate Capability Low Capability Incapable GElH and Not EQ H L or U EQl or 2H and Not EQ L or U GT2M or EQl or 21 and Not EQ U GT2L or GElU IV-27 LAND CAPABILITY FOR COMMERCIAL/LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT, contd. SUBMODEL II: LAND SUITABILITY Consideration Specific Data Class Value Value (Incidence) (Proximity) Primary Urban Node Proximity to Urban Nodes* LE 1 1/2 Miles Distance H GT 1 1/2 Miles Distance M Proximity to Roads Proximity to Transmission Line Proximity to Residential Development** Paved Road LE 1/2 Hile Distance GT 1/2 Mile Distance Existing Transmission Line LE 1/4 Mile Distance GT 1/4 Mile Distance Low or Moderate Density Residential LE 1/2 Mile Distance GT 1/2 Mile Distance SUBMODEL II SUMMATION RULES H H L H L H Primary Development Potential Secondary Development Potential Low Development Potential GE lH and Not EQ M or L GE 1M and Not EQ L GE lL *Urban nodes are designed by a process of gravity modeling. The number of urban cells within a specified radius from each cell are counted. Cells receiving a high number represent areas ~1ere urban phenomena are concentrated. For this model all of the following urban land use types are counted within a radius of l mile of each cell: Residential (Except Dispersed) Commercial Manufacturing Services }fixed Urban Built Up The resulting 12 or greater; Node = 4 to 7. values are aggregated as follows: Secondary Urban Node= 8 to 11; IV-28 Primary Urban Node = and Tertiary Urban - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MODEL OUTLINE LANDSCAPE AMENITY Consideration Proximity to Water Landfonn S2ecific Data Class Lake GE40 Acres LT1/8 Mile Distance 1/8 to 1/4 Hile Distance 1/4 to 3/8 Mile Distance Lake GE10 and LT40 Acres LE 1/8 Mile Distance GT1/8 Mile Distance River GT 165 Feet Wide LE1/8 Mile Distance 1/8 to 1/4 Hile Distance GT1/4 Mile Distance Stream (GE 3rd Order) LE1/3 Mile Distance 1/8 -1/4 Mile Distance GT1/4 Mile Distance Stream (EQ 3rd Order) LE1/4 Mile Distance GT 1/4 Mile Distance Stream (EQ 2nd Order) Glacial Moraine End Horaine Lateral Moraine Medial Moraine Morainal Ridge Regen Horaine Ground Moraine Till Drumlin Drumlin, Drumloid Rock Drumlin IV-29 Value Value (Incidence) (Proximity) 10 10 5 2 6 6 0 7 7 4 0 7 7 4 0 5 3 0 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 0 5 5 LANDSCAPE N1ENITY, contd. Consideration Specific Data Class Value Value (Incidence) (Proximity) Fl uv iog lac ial Outwash Abandoned Outwash Channel Remnant Subglacial Stream Valley Kame Complex Esker Crevasse Filling Side Glacial Drainage Channel Flute Aeolian Dune Littoral Longshore Bar Beach Barrier Spit Delta Tidal Flat Coastal Plain Fluvial Active Channel River Bar Floodplain Active Abandoned Alluvial Plain Alluvial Fan/Cone Lacustrine Deposit Mass Wasting Colluvium Talus Landslide Deposit Rock Glacier Mine Tailings Tectonic Uplift Upland Valley Mountain Sideslope Hountain Ridgetop Waterbody Ice and Snow IV-30 0 0 0 5 5 5 5 5 8 8 8 8 0 8 0 8 8 0 0 0 0 0 5 8 5 8 5 10 8 10 NR NR - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ·- LANDSCAPE AMENIT~ contd. Consideration Slope Local Relief* Vegetation Cover Specific Data Class Value Value (Incidence) (Proximity) Specific Slope Phase 0 - 3 % 3 - 7 % 3 6 7 -12 % 8 12 20 % 20 -30 % 30 -45 % GT45 % Variable Other Slope Group Within 1/2 Mile 0 - 7 % 7 -12 % 12 -20 % 20 -30 % 30 -45 % GT45 % Closed Forest Coniferous-lVhite Spruce- Short Coniferous-\fuite Spruce- 10 10 7 6 10 7 Tall 8 Coniferous-Black Spruce- Short 4 Coniferous-Black Spruce- Tall 5 Coniferous-Hemlock-Short 7 Coniferous-Hemlock-Tall 8 Deciduous/~lixed-Young 7 Deciduous/Hixed-Medium Age 8 Deciduous/Mixed-Old 8 Cottonwood-Young 7 Cottonwood-Medium Age 8 Cottonwood-Old 8 Open Forest Coniferous-White Spruce- Short Coniferous-White Spruce- 9 Tall 10 Coniferous-Black Spruce- Short 6 Deciduous/Mixed-liedium Age 10 Deciduous/Mixed-Old 10 Cottomvood-Medium Age 10 Cottonwood-Old 10 IV-31 0-6 0-5 0-4 0-4 0-5 0-6 LANDSCAPE MlENITY , contd. Consideration Specific Data Class Non-Forest Salt Water Wetlands Grassland Lo\" Shrub Tidal Harsh Tall Shrub Alder Alder -\-Jillow Low Shrub Willow -Resin Birch Grassland Grassland Tundra Sedge-Grass Herbaceous Shrub Mat and Cushion Freshwater Wetlands Sphagnum Bog Sphagnum Shrub Bog Cultural Features Cultural Influences Barren Mud Flats Rock Permanent Snow and Ice Sno\·lfield Glacier Water Lake GE10 Acre River GE165 Feet Wide IV-32 Value Value (Incidence) (Proximity) 2 1 1 3 3 3 10 5 10 9 5 2 2 0 1 10 10 10 0 0 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LANDSCAPE AHENITY, contd. MODEL SUNHATION RULES Maximum Value for Each Consideration is 10. Importance Ratios for Considerations: Proximity to Water 5 Landform 1 Slope 2 Local Relief 1 Vegetation 3 2 *Local Relief: Specific slope phases are aggregated into six slope groups. Each group is assigned value: 0-7% + 0; 7-12% + 2; 12-20% + 3; 20 -30% + 5; 30 -45% + 7; and GT45% + 10. The greatest value difference between different slope categories located within a radius of 1/2 mile are recorded. An area where 31% slope (+5) lies 1/2 mile of three other slope classes: 18% (+2), 53%(+ 6); and 5% (+0) would receive a value of +5. The following matrix is employed to generate values differences between contacts. 0-7% 7-12% 12-20% 20-30% 30-45% 45% 0-7% 0 1 2 4 5 6 7-12% 1 0 1 ') 4 5 L. 12-20% 2 1 0 1 2 4 20-30% 4 2 1 0 1 2 30-45% 5 4 2 1 0 1 GT 45% 6 5 4 2 1 0 IV-33 MODEL OUTLINE GROUNDWATER AVAILABILITY Consideration General Geology Physiographic Division Landform MODEL SUMHATION RULES H All 3, no 2 or 1 M One or More 2's, no 1 L One or More 1 SEecific Data Class No Surficial Deposits Surficial Deposits Waterbody Mountain Hill Slope Plateau Valley Coastal Lowland Glacier Waterbody Glacial Fluvioglacial Aeolean Littoral Fluvial Channel River Bar Floodplain Active Abandoned Alluvial Plain Alluvial Fan/Cone Lacustrine Deposits Mass Wasting Colluvium Talus Landslide Deposits Rock Glacier Mine Tailings Tectonic Uplift Upland Valley Mountain Sideslope Mountain Ridgetop Waterbody Ice and Snow IV-35 Value Value (incidence) (proximity) 2 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 3 1 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 MODEL OUTLINE IMPORTANT FAR1'1LAND Consideration Landform Soil Characteristics Specific Data Class Active Channel Water Soil Priority Point Value GE5.3 4.3 -5.2 3.3 -4.2 2.3 -3.2 1.3-2.2 o.o -1.2 MODEL SUMHATION RULES Capability Class A A Capability Class B B Capability Class c c Capability Class D D Capability Class E E Capability Class F F Water w IV-37 Value Value (Incidence) (Proximity) w w A B c D E F MODEL OUTLINE LAND USE CONSTRAINTS Consideration Land Designation Water Landform Hetland No Constraint Specific Data Class Special Designation New Capitol Site State Game Refuge Palmer Hay Flats Suisitna Goose Bay State Recreation Area Nancy Lake Anad romous Fish Stream Active Floodplain Wetland Potential Wetland IV-39 Value Value (Incidence) (Proximity) 1 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MODEL OUTLINE HABITAT I -MOOSE AND SNOWSHOE HARE Consideration Vegetation Specific Data Class Sedge-grass Herbaceous Shrub Mat and Cushion Tidal Marsh Sphagnum Bog Salt Grassland Upland Grass Low Shrub Willow Resin Birch Spahnum-Shrub Bog Alder Alder-Willow Cottonwood, Young Value (Incidence) 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 Stands, Closed Forest 6 Cottonwood, Nedium Stands, Closed Forest 6 Deciduous and Nixed, Old Stands, Closed 7 Black Spruce, Tall Stands, Closed Forest 7 Closed Forest Coniferous Forest, White Spruce, Short Stands 8 Deciduous Fares t, Mixed Forest, Young Stands 8 Deciduous Forest, Mixed Forest, Medium-Aged Stands 8 Coniferous Forest, White Spruce, Tall Stands 8 Cottonwood, Old Stands 8 Open Forest-Hoodland Coniferous Forest, White Spruce, Short Stands 8 Deciduous Forest, Nixed Forest, Medium-Aged Stands 8 Coniferous Forest, White Spruce, Tall Stands 8 Deciduous Forest, Nixed Forest, Old Stands 8 Cottonwood, Hedium-Aged Stands 8 Cottonwood, Old Stands 8 IV-41 Value (Proximity) MODEL OUTLINE HABITAT I -MOOSE AND SNOWSHOE HARE, contd. Consideration MODEL SUMMATION RULES Specific Data Class Value (Incidence) Closed Forest (Black Spruce Mountain Hemlock) Black Spruce, Short Stands 8 Mountain Hemlock, Short Stands Mountain Hemlock, Tall Stands Open Forest-Woodland (Black Spruce) Black Spruce, Short Cultural Influence Mud Flats Rock Snowfield Glacier Water 8 8 Stands 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 Tundra: Hoose F(S/S/F) 1 Grasslands: Moose F(S/S/F), C(S/S/F) 2 Low Shrubs: Moose ~vR, F(S/S/F) 3 Tall alder: Moose ~VR*, \JC, F(S/S/F)*, C(S/S/F); Hare F, C, R 4 Tall alder-willow: Moose WR, WC, F(S/S/F), C(S/S/F); Hare F, C, R 5 Closed cottonwoods: Moose WR*, WC"~, F(S/S/F), C(S/S/F); Hare F*, C*, R* 6 Closed mixed and spruce forests: Moose WR*, WC, F(S/S/F)*, C(S/S/F); Hare F*, C*, R* 7 All other deciduous, mixed, and coniferous forests: Hoose WR, WC, F(S/S/F), C(S/S/F); Hare F, C, R 8 Water, culturally disturbed, and nonvegetated 9 Abbreviations: WR = winter range we = winter cover F food C cover R reproduction (S/S/F) spring/summer/fall * habitats limited, rather than suitable, for these requisites IV-42 Value (Proximity) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MODEL OUTI..INE HABITAT II -WILLO\-l PTARMIGAN, SPRUCE GROUSE, AND RED SQUIRREL Consideration Vegetation Specific Data Class Value (Incidence) Shrub Sedge-Grass Herbaceous Mat and Cushion Salt Grassland Tidal Marsh Upland Grass Sphagnum bog Low Shrub Alder Alder-Willow (a) Willow Resin Birch (a) Sphagnum-Shrub Bog (a) Alder-Willow (b) Willow Resin Birch (b) Sphagnum-Shrub Bog (b) Closed Forest 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 Deciduous Forest, Mixed Forest. Medium-Aged Stands 5 Deciduous Forest, Mixed Forest, Old Stands 5 Cottonwood, Old Stands 5 Open Forest-Woodland Deciduous Forest, Mixed Forest, Medium-Aged Stands 5 Deciduous Forest, Mixed Forest, Old Stands 5 Cottonwood, Old Stands 5 Closed Forest (Black Spruce Mountain Hemlock) Black Spruce, Short Stands 5 :Hountain Hemlock, Short Stands 5 :Hountain Hemlock, Tall Stands 5 Open Forest-Woodland (Black Spruce) Black Spruce, Short Stands 5 (a) on all but somewhat poorly and moderately drained soils (b) = on somewhat poorly and madera tely drained soils IV-43 Value (Proximity) MODEL OUTLINE llABITAT II -WILLOW PTARMIGAN, SPRUCE GROUSE, AND RED SQUIRREL, contd. Consideration Specific Data Class Closed Forest Deciduous Forest, Mixed Value (Incidence) Forest, Young Stands 6 Cottonwood, Young Stands 6 Cottonwood, Medium-Aged Stands 6 Coniferous Forest, White Spruce, Short Stands 7 Coniferous Forest, White Spruce, Tall Stands 7 Open Forest-Woodland Coniferous Forest, White Spruce, Short Stands 7 Coniferous Forest, White Spruce, Tall Stands 7 Closed Forest (Black Spruce Mountain Hemlock) Black Spruce, Tall Stands 7 Cultural Influences 8 Mud Flats 8 Rock 8 Snowfield 8 Glacier 8 Water 8 HODEL SUMMATION RULES Shrub tundra: Ptarmigan F, C, WR, R Other tundra and grasslands: Not ulitized Shrublands: Ptarmigan F*, C*, WR, R Shrublands: Ptarmigan F, C, WR, R Mixed and black spruce forests: Grouse WR, C J F(S/S/F), R; Squirrel F, C, R Deciduous forests: Squirrel F*, C* Other coniferous forests: Ptarmigan F*, C''<; Grouse WR, C, F(S/S/F)*, R; Squirrel F, C, R Water, culturally disturbed, and nonvegetated Abbreviations: WR c F R (S/S/F) winter range cover food reproduction spring/summer/fall 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 * habitats limited, rather than suitable, for these requisites IV-1~4 Value (Proximity) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MODEL OUTLINE IMPORTANT GRAZING LANDS (POTENTIAL) Consideration Specific Data Class Soil Characteristics Important Grazing Lands MODEL SlJMMATION RULES. Excellent Good Fair Poor 1 2 3 4 (Potential) 1 2 3 4 IV-45 Value (Incidence) 1 2 3 4 Value (Proximity) MODEL OUTLINE OATS AND BARLEY POTENTIAL Consideration Specific Data Class Value (Incidence) Soil Characteristics Oats and Barley Potential MODEL SUMMATION RULES Suitable Unsuitable 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 IV-47 Value (Proximity) MODEL OUTLINE WETLANDS MATRIX Vegetation TyEe Soil Drainage Characteristics Landform Active Flood- plain, Active Channel or VP p SP MW \-1 SE EX River Bar Closed Forest (GE 50% Crown Cover) Coniferous-White Spruce- Short 1 9 0 0 0 0 0 1 Coniferous-White Spruce- Tall 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Coniferous-Black Spruce- Short 1 9 0 0 0 0 0 1 Coniferous-Black Spruce- Tall 1 9 0 0 0 0 0 1 Coniferous-Hemlock-Short 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Coniferous-Hemlock-Tall 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Dec id uous/Hixed-Young 3 9 0 0 0 0 0 3 Deciduous/Mixed-Hedium Age 3 9 0 0 0 0 0 3 Deciduous/Mixed-Old 3 9 0 0 0 0 0 3 Cottonwood-Young 2 9 0 0 0 0 0 2 Co ttonwood-Hedium Age 3 9 0 0 0 0 0 2 Cottonwood-Old 3 9 0 0 0 0 0 2 Open Forest (GE 10% to LT 50% Crown Cover) Coniferous-White Spruce- Short 1 9 0 0 0 0 0 1 Coniferous-White Spruce- Tall 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Coniferous-Black Spruce- Short 4 9 0 0 0 0 0 4 Deciduous/Mixed-Medium Age 3 9 0 0 0 0 0 3 Deciduous /Mixed-Old 3 9 0 0 0 0 0 3 Cottonwood-Medium Age 3 9 0 0 0 0 0 2 Cottonwood-Old 3 9 0 0 0 0 0 2 Non-Forest (LT 10% Crown Cover) Sal t~-rater Wetland Grassland 12 12 0 0 0 0 0 12 Low Shrub 11 11 0 0 0 0 0 11 Tidal Marsh 13 13 0 0 0 0 0 13 Tall Shrub Alder 5 9 0 0 0 0 0 5 Alder-Willow 5 9 0 0 0 0 0 5 Low Shrub IV-49 - - Willow-Resin Birch 5 9 0 0 0 0 0 5 Grassland Grassland 6 9 0 0 0 0 0 6 - Tundra Sedge-Grass 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 6 Herbaceous 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 6 -Shrub 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 6 Mat-Cushion 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 6 Freshwater -Sphagnum Bog 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 6 Sphagnum Shrub Bog 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 5 -Cultural Cultural Influence 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Barren -Mud Flats 14 14 0 0 0 0 0 14 Rock 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -Snow Snow Field 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Glacier 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - Water Lake GE 40 Acres 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 Lake GE 10 Acres and -LT 40 Acres 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 Stream or River GE 165 Feet and l,T 660 Feet Wide 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 -River GE 660 Feet Hide 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 Stream Course LT 165 Feet Wide 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 - - - - - - IV-50 - - WETLAND TYPE CODES 0 Non Wetland 1 - 9 Palustrine Wetland 1 Forested Needle Leaved Evergreen -Picea mariana (PF04) 2 Forested Broad Leaved Deciduous -Populus balsamifera (PF01) 3 Forested Needle Leaved Evergreen and Broad Leaved Deciduous (PF04 and PF01) 4 Scrub/Shrub Needle Leaved Evergreen -Picea mariana (PSS4) 5 Scrub/ Shrub Broad Leaved Deciduous (PSS 1) 6 Emergent Persistent -(Carex) (PEMS) 9 Potential Palustrian Wetland Inclusions 10-19 Estuarine Wetland 11 Intertidal Scrub/Shrub Broad Leaved Deciduous -Hyrica (E2SS 1) 12 Intertidal Emergent Persistent -Elymus (E2EM1) 13 Intertidal Emergent Persistent -Scirpus, Larex, Limbia, or Spargeniaum (E2EM1) 14 Intertidal Mud Flat (E2FL3) 19 Potential Estuarine Wetland Inclusions 20-21 Riverine 21 Upper Perennial Streambed Cobble/Gravel (R2SB1) 22 Lower Perennial Streambed/Unconsolidated Bottom (R2UB1) 30-32 Lacustrine 31 Limnetic Unconsolidated Bottom Cobble/Gravel (L1UB1) 32 Littoral and Limnetic Unconsolidated Bottom Cobble/Gravel (L1 and L2UB1) IV-51 MODEL OUTLINE ROUTE SELECTION Consideration Specific Data Class Soil Characteristics Slope Phase Rating n = 1 -150 Water Landform Floodplain MODEL SUMMATION RULES Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 (Optimal Route) IV-53 Value (Incidence) n 150 Value (Proximity) MODEL OUTLINE EROSION POTENTIAL Consideration Soil Characteristics Slope Gradient MODEL SUMMATION RULES SQecific K Factor Specific 0-3% 3-7% 7-12% 12-20% 20-30% 30-45% GT 45% Data Class Value Value (Incidence) (Proximity) N Slope Gradient .245 .746 1. 78 3.60 6.34 10.71 17.58 K Factor values are multiplied to value for average slope gradient to determine computed soil loss in tons per acre-year. IV-55 Chapter V Computer Mapping Introduction Methodology Maps, Legends and Statistics Maps Legends and Statistics ------------------------- COMPUTER MAPPING A. Introduction The automated data files for the Willow Subbasin were used to produce a variety of maps in several different formats and at several different scales. The two types of computer maps produced for this study were maps of basic data and maps of modeled outputs. Basic data maps portray information directly from the data entered into the computer in the form of manuscript maps, codes, and expansion matrices. Both the original mapped phenomena, such as soil type, and its matrixed attributes, such as soil drainage characteristics, are shown on these maps. They illustrate select physical components of the landscape as well as land use, administrative, and infrastructure considerations. Modeled outputs utilize information contained in the data base, but these data have been manipulated, re- structured, and weighted according to the models outlined in the previous section. As noted previously, some models also utilize classes of information generated by separate sub-models. The model maps illustrate environmental assessments and evaluations of the region expressed in terms of general opportunities· and constraints and specific land capability and suitability. Some of the maps identified in this section were produced in a pen plotter format with lines showing boundaries and numeric codes showing types or classes of data. Most of the maps were produced in shaded gray tone symbolism. These maps illustrate basic and modeled data which are in a grid format rather than the original line, point, and polygon format. They were produced on an electrostatic printer. Most maps were produced at scales of both 1:63,360 and 1:100,000. A few maps were produced at V-1 one or the other scale. All maps register to scaled basemaps. The pen plotter maps of vegetation type, plotted on mylar, overlay and register to the 16 module basemap set at 1:63,360. The pen plotter maps of streams and roads register to a 2 module basemap set at 1:100,000 and are also appropriate for overlay on the graytone grid maps for locational reference. V-2 .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... B. Methodology Three maps of basic data for the Willow Subbasin were created in a pen plotter format on mylar. They illustrate the point, line, and polygon configuration of the original mapped data. Data displayed at a scale of 1:100,000 were structured in two map modules. Data displayed at a scale of 1:63,360 were structured to fit the original sixteen map modules corresponding to the 15 minute quadrangles. Eleven maps illustrating basic environmental conditions in the Subbasin were produced in a shaded gray tone format. Representing gridded data, they were produced at a scale of 1:100,000. Some were also produced at a scale of 1:63,360. Mapped data were printed on paper panels which fitted together to form individual maps illustrating the entire study area. The computer maps which were produced to illustrate basic environmental conditions in the study area are as follows: Computer Maps Basic Environmental Conditions Pen Plotter Maps Stream System Road System Vegetation Electrostatic Haps Forest Land Forest Resources Land Use Range Resources Soil Slope Soil Drainage Soil Limitations for Dwellings Soil Limitations for Septic Tanks Essential Moose Habitat Essential Black Bear Habitat Waterfowl and Caribou V-3 Scale (1:100,000) X X X X X X X X X X X X Scale (1: 63, 360) X X X X X X X - - Sixteen computer maps illustrating the results of the application of theoretical models to the original data base were also produced. They - illustrate data transformed and analyzed in a grid cell configuration. All - are based on the conceptual models outlined in the previous chapter of this report. These models were programmed to manipulate the basic, matrixed, - and derived grid data in the automated system. This process resulted in -the creation of a data file for each model which stored accumulated values by cells. These values were subsequently grouped into classes and the computer - was used to generate grid maps of t~he ranked and clnssed data on an electrostatic printer. All of the modeled data were portrayed in an - electrostatic gray tone format at a scale of 1:100,000. Some were printed -at a scale of 1:63,360. All were printed on paper panels which fitted together to form individual maps illustrating the entire study area. The - computer maps which were produced to illustrate interpreted and evaluated environmental conditions in the study area are as follows: - Computer Maps Modeled Environmental Conditions - Settlement Scale Scale (1:100,000) (1:63,360) - Capability for Low Density Remote Residential X X Capability for Remote Subdivision X X -Capability for Accessed Large Lot Residential Development X X Capability for Moderate/High X Density Residential Development X - Capability for Commercial/Light Industrial Development X X - - V-4 - Other Landscape Amenity X X Groundwater Availability X X Important Farmland X X Land Use Constraints X X Habitat I - Brown Bear and Showshoe Hare X X Habitat II - Hillow Ptarmigan, Red Squirrel, Spruce Grouse X X Important Grazing Lands (Potential) X X Oats and Barley Potential X X Wetlands X Route Selection X Erosion X X V-5 C. Maps, Legends, and Statistics Each of the maps produced for the Willow Subbasin was accompanied by a legend and statistics sheet describing the map symbolism and the areal extent of the mapped phenomena. A typed sheet for each of the maps is included at the end of this chapter. Some of the maps produced for the study were photo reduced and reproduced for inclusion i.n this report. They are grouped together and precede the legends and statistics. As indicated earlier, most maps were produced in an electrostatic gray tone format. The gray tones and their corresponding alpha symbols are illustrated in the Figure on the following page. An alpha symbol was used on each of the legend and statistics sheets to express the map pattern for each class of data on a given gray tone map. Numeric symbolism is used on the pen plotter maps and their associated legend sheets. These numbers correspond to the computer codes for the different mapped phenomena. The vegetation map, for example, portrays the same numeric codes used on original Forest Service maps and in turn encoded in the automated data base. Jvlaps of this type, namely those directly employing either alpha or numeric symbolism on the map, hold the capability for portraying vast amounts of data. In the case of the vegetation maps produced for the study area, some thirty- five classes of vegetation were shown. The gray tone maps, by contrast, are limited in the amount of information which they can legibly convey. Those produced for the study area display data in twelve classes or less. When viewed from a distance, the data displayed on the gray tone maps appear to grade from white through shades of gray to black. Some of the maps portray qualitative data, othersquantitative data. In ·general, the basic V-6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DATA MAP GRID SYMBOLS c=J BLANK D SYMBOL A [] SYMBOL C []] SYMBOL D Rill SYMBOL F ~ SYMBOL K SYMBOL M SYMBOL 0 ~ SYMBOL P SYMBOL S • SYMBOL T m SYMBOL X SYMBOL Z V-7 data maps are qualitative in nature, focusing on type rather than rating. However, where appropriate, the gray tone hierarchy was used to give a visual impression of importance or severity. The modeled maps are generally quantitative in nature, typically involving the ranking of areas within the region for their capability for specific types of land use. On most of the maps, the gray tone symbolism was selected to protray the ranking. In general, the sequence of light to dark was used to represent the sequence from high to low capability. The maps illustrating settlement capability, for example, display ranked data in four classes from high to incapable. They also display water as a separate data class. Examples of line and polygon pen plotter maps for the Anchorage C-8 map module are shown on the follmving pages. The ce>mputcr plots are preeeeded by a reduced copy of the topographic map for the pertinent quadrangle. The vegetation !llap is part of a set of 16 maps plotted on mylar and registered to the sixteen map modules comprising the study area. The remaining computer maps portray data for the entire Willow Subbasin. They display gridded information. As noted earlier, the grid multi-variable file was created for the study area as a whole. Thus, the electrostatic grid maps, whether of basic data or of modeled outputs, represent the entire study area on one map. Examples of a number of the electrostatic maps generated, reduced from their original mapping scale of 1:100,000, are reproduced on the following pages. These mars are accompanied by legends explaining the information represented on the maps, and statistical summaries describing the areal extent of all mapped phenomena in access and as a percentage of the total study area. V-8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .I I' ;l I 'i'UV'it/<i l[6ttMU:t9N Y}(SYJY '(S<ll 30V!fOH:lNV !tlf'OOM..O---··----,--JO.JCilOIW tttol ·::r o 'NOU*IMSYM .0 'ilzot OOWO"IIXI 'WJ,.\NJO 'IOLM YVSV'lW' 'SlUWI¥1¥J Uo*.MM w.:M!)()lOJO s n "'' nws .OJ -.11[ .., ., - - - - l - ..., l ..., - .., - -\ -~ I • • l" ' ' 'I I ======: .. --l . ~~, .......... , 1·.• J'Yn.'W '1«1 1 •• "\S Nl,li!WtJOlA I - l .., - ..., - - - - --------------------~ f I - ..... - ,,.,. 1'101 SOKil!-.JI N1M llAII tiUIW ! I MOt .... - - ., ., ..., -0101 - - - - - ..., _........____ I ~00 ~~ I ..,, .. I ,_,..,, .. , ,.._, J'lii"U.bW ]Jtf..-.; "'-=1 I I ~,~i~,,J NJSW llAII ti(11Sfl5 lllll /.,. - ) - ~" ____;? - ..., - - .., .., - .., --<"\ "~ - l \ ' --;,... -$-- cc cc; S!S3t!O.:J-NON • OOOMNO!!OJ N3d0 • 000Mf..I0110:J 03SOl:J II 1S3ti0.:J 03X I W N3d0 U lSJtiO.:J 03X I W 0350l:J ~- 3:JmldS >I:H:IlB N3d0 ..::' JJn~dS >1:Jt:ll8 03SOlJ 3JntldS 31 I HM N]dQ J:JntJdS 311 HM 0350lJ NIS\;IBBnS MOlliM NIS\:;18 ~3nl~ \;!NliSnS d\;IW S3J~nOS3~ 1S3~Qj <;I - S91!~ - 0 .., - ..., - - - - - - ------------------------------------------~ - - - - - - - - - __ _..-i -,/ ... ;... - - '- - - ;... ;... / '•, ··' /'/' r c-- 0 ( .,/ / ,/ ~~~~-~ L"~ " E ~/; l"-0 ; ~ 0 ; ~ ' I 0 ~ ~ ' -~ ... -· . ~--~ \~ .~. , .. ./'-"'v"' j. "t;l ,. ·~ """" •• '· ·-• ~ ........ :o:-_i . . -' -"~~ " (''d ,,. ;1 ., Miles ···,1 /Ill RQ _,•1 . n ~n .... .. ... '}!c)~. ~·. r"J 'l:;] 0/'i, ·.' ~. ·. _,.."ll _ ~· I ···~.·~ ~ ... ~ ' ..... ll . • ., .. ,. "e·"''"' 0" <,.O:j • ~ .: " , ... ,,.l .. ··~ '11" '•cf ... ~ .. .lz . J> •• ~ .i!-" , 1l '<#~) ,,.-_, ,_. ..l . I" " "' cP\ " .. ~· ~ . -" ~, ... ~.~~ .. ~.., " ,:;L" 'tv~ ·~"" '' "'•' ' •'' ~-~ . •• ·..:. ·~." .I!, '""""' .~·'-.!...~! :·-• _r, -:;:: " R; ,_ ~ .,-,... ,.; ,. • ~ n ;: ',..,1 .. ./'"' • • • ..,i) ' : .. .q·, Ill )' !:.,P •• , •" ... • ,. ,V I ,' ' ~ • Jtu' 0 . • 0 ° 8 f • • -• 0 '\r' -I ! • • "'. ""'. ~ [], •, -' _. n ,f ~ ·· I • =~-' -~~ ~, ·.P -; ~ r:" ,...,,...., ,."~ "r .r-• _,,II· ' . .A :/!'• , .. ' '!c '1:' • ~-'--., ~-~~ e .... ~ .. (1 ·-~ •.. ., ~ -~ 7 LAND USE MAP SUSITNA RIV ER BAS I N WILLOW SUBBASIN • RES I DENT I AL .I URBAN • COMMERCIAL/ I NOUSTR I AL/SERU ICES • PUBLIC "FACILITIES • TRANSPORTAl I QN/UT I L I T I ES 51 AGR I CUL lURE r; RESOURCE E><TRACT I ON ; -VACAN T /Q I STURBED RE CREATION NAT URAL LANO,..I.JATER tt.ulg01'11'1(NTALSYST["5 Q(5(1'111CH II'ISTITUl( I:-(0L"'I40S CALirQII1'41A \,-~· -' -.-,---·-" 15 0 IN] :J:J :J:J <' --,._---------------------------------------- - - - ~ ._ ._ ..... ._ ~ 0 15 .... Miles - - RANGE RESOURCES MAP SUSITNA RIVER BASIN WILLOW SUB BA SIN 0 GRASSLAND 0 TUNDRA • SHRUB • SALT ~ATER '"'ETLANDS • FRESH '-lATER I-I[TLANOS • OPEN rORESTS • CLOSED FORESTS • NON-VEGETATED (~U IROI1ni:"TAL. STST[MS A£81:1mCH IHST I lUTE IKDLNtDS CALI,.~IIIII 0 1M ~:J :J:J cc cc; ~]li;M • OJN I ti~O A ll!fOOd A~l3() • OJN 11::1~0 All!fOOd • OJN I tll!fO 113M A l3H::I1!f300W tJ 03N H:H:IO 113M 03N II:H:W A l3t'll SSJ:::lXJ . NISI::IBBnS MOllJM NISI::IB ~3 n J ~ I::IN!J SnS di::IW 381::1NII::I~O liDS <;I 0 .., ..., - - - - - - - - cc Ct=; loll~tiOJI1\I:l ·soww~lll l1n.&.J1SWI HJII.]S]II SW]!SAS ,_1NJWt.IOIIII'\Nl NISt188nS MOllJM NIS\:18 ~3nl~ tiNlJSnS S~Ntll Jlld3S ~0~ SNOJltlliWil -S3NillnO 0 • 0 - 891!~ <;;I 0 ...., ___ -'-.. -..... : · .. -.. ___ --~ .. ~-...-. ,,-- ..::~: - \ \ __ C"t: - - - - - - - - - ----------------------------------------------------:~ ~--------------------------------------------------- r.... 1.... ..... - ..... - I.... ..... ..... ..... 0 15 -M il e s - ESSENTIAL MOOSE HABITAT SUSITNA RIVER BASIN WILLOW SUBBASIN 0 1.1 INTER RANGE FINO CALU I NG AREAS AND SPRING/SUMMER ANO/OR FALL RANGE 0 WINTER RANGE AND CALU I NG AREAS 0 I-ll NTER RANGE AND SPRING/SUMMER ANO /QR F"ALL RANGE 6l OLD FIRE GOOD MOOSE WINTER HABITAT OR WINTER RANGE • CALVING AND SPRING/SUMMER ANO /QR FALL RANGE • MOOSE CONCENTRATIONS • NOT ESSENTIAL HABITAT [l'tVIAOI'ti"'(I'ITAC. SYSTCI'IS Q[S£MCH I MSTITUT[ A[DLII'IfoiOS CALI~Dml llll 0 INI ~:J :J:J cc cc; "it/.·tll!l"' •h•"l·ll• 11 1 , I •'<I • o ''"' I'. 1.1 lo II'.~. • IH, 11 1111 '"'': • " I MQl ~d]l) • 11(\1 . ]1 Ud]I](IW ' H')l H NISt188nS MOlliM N!Stl8 ~3~1~ t!Nli SnS dt!W ltlllN301S3~ 3lOW3~ Al iSN30 MOl ~OJ All l18 tldt!J sa1!~ <;I 0 - - L - L... .... I... .... L 0 15 Miles CAPABILITY FOR ACCESSED LARGE LOT RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT MAP SUSITNA RIVER BASIN WILLOW SUBBA SIN HIGH M0[1ERAT E • LOW • II[!:"( LOW fll.looo·toto•o·,, t<;H.- 1•'•1 ''"''ll~-'t•:r. 0 IN] ~:J :J:J .... .... ~ '- .... .... .... ~ 0 Miles .... 15 CAPABILITY FOR COMMERCIAL/LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT MAP SUS ITNA RIUER BASIN WILLOW SUBBASIN HIGH L1 MODERATE • LOW • UER'T' LOW ~~~~ ~R~~(M~~t I~~~~ ~~S A£S£liACt< 1 N'il 1 I u 1£ 0 [M ~:J :J:J cc cc; A008tl3H;IM . J SSt:fl:J • 3 SSI::n:J . 0 SS I:::Il :J l:i :J sstn:J l J 8 SStl l :J I J " 55"13 [] NI S tiBBnS MOlllM NISt18 ~3~1~ tiNlJS n S dtiW ONtllW~tlj lNtll~Od WI <;I S81 !~ ...., 0 - - - .., ., ...., - - - - - - - - ..... - ..... - 0 ..... M il es ~ ..... 15 LAND USE CONSTRAINTS SUSITNA RIVER BASIN WILLOW SUBBASIN • NEL-.1 CA PITOL SITE • STATE GAME REFUGE • S T ATE RECREATION ARE PI • ANAOROMOUS FISH STREAM II ACT I UE FLOOD PLAIN 0 "ETLAND 0 POTENTIAL L..I(TLANO n NO CONSTRAINTS (I'IVIIK)f'lh(I'ITIIW.. SYSTCMS A(S[AACM II'ISTITUTC ActlliiM'IDS C~t rOI»>IIil 0 1M ~~ ~~ CLASS High Moderate Low. Very Low CAPABILITY FOR LOH DENSITY REMOTE RESIDENTIAL MAP SUSITNA RIVER BASIN WILLOW SUBBASIN SY1'1BOL c M s z V-47 TOTAL AREA (Acres) 4,210 110,980 29 3, 890 561,190 PERCE:t-.."'TAGE 0.43% 11.44% 30.29% 57.84% CLASS High Hoderate Lmv Very Low CAPABILITY FOR REHOTE SUBDIVISI0;\1 NAP SUSITNA RIVER BASIN ~HLLOH SUBBASIN SYMBOL TOTAL AREA (Acres) c 94,730 M 228,130 s 101,860 z SLIS ,550 V-48 - - - - - PERCENTAGE - - 9. 76% 23.51% - 10.50% -56.23% - - - - - - - - - - CAPABILITY FOR ACCESSED LARGE LOT RESIDENTIAL ·DEVELOPMENT MAP SUSITNA RIVER BASIN WILLOW SUBBASIN CLASS SYHBOL TOTAL AREA (Acres) PERCE.::-.7AGE High c 217,230 22. 39% Hoderate 15 7' 250 16.21% Low s 53,320 5.50% Very Lm.;r z 55.91% V-49 CLASS High CAPABILITY FOR MODERATE/HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT MAP SUSITNA RIVER BASIN WILLOW SUBBASIN SYMBOL TOTAL AREA PERCENTAGE (Acres) ----·--- c 221.' 880 22.87% Hoderate M 134' 840 13.90% Low s {16' 270 4. 77% Very Low z .567,280 58.47% V-50 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CLASS High Moderate Low Very Low CAPABILITY FOR COMMERCIAL/LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ~~p SUSITNA RIVER BASIN WILLOW SUBBASIN SYHBOL c M s z V-51 TOTAL AREA (Acres) 2,510 221,620 143,950 602,190 PERCENTAGE 0.26% 22.84% 14.84% 62.06% CLASS Class 1 (Highest) Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Class 6 Class 7 Class 8 Class 9 Class 10 (Lowest) Hountain Coastal Lowland LANDSCAPE AHENITY NAP SUSITNA RIVER BASIN WILLOW SUBBASIN SYHBOL A c D F K :t-1 p s X z V-52 - - - - - TOTAL AREA PERCENTAGE -(Acres) - 113,530 11.70% 79,440 8.19% - 105,350 10~86% -108,770 11.21% 95,460 9. 84% - 42,730 4.40% 53,640 5.53% - 22,950 2.37% -7,070 0. 7 3% 10,350 1.07% - 243,340 25.08% 87,640 9.03% - - - - - - CLASS Yield Area 1 (Lowest) Yield Area 2 Yield Area 3 (Highest) GROUNDWATER AVAILABILITY MAP SUSITNA RIVER BASIN WILLOW SUBBASIN SYHBOL TOTAL AREA (Acres) c 108,100 M s 178,010 V-53 PERCENTAGE 11.14% 70.5E 18.35% CLASS Class A Class B Class c Class D Class E Class F \Vaterbody I~WORTANT FARMLAND MAP SUSITNA RIVER BASIN WILLOW SUBBASIN SYI-ffiOL A D F H s X z V-54 TOTAL AREA (Acres) 52,830 37,680 25' 140 87,900 35,250 695,510 35,960 - - - - - PERCENTAGE - - 5 .!•4% 3.88% - 2.59% -9.06% 3.63% - 71.68% 3. 71% - - - - - - - - - CLASS New Capitol Site State Game Refuge State Recreation Area Anadromous Fish Stream Active Floodplain Wetland -Potential Wetland No Constraint LAND USE CONSTRAINTS ~~p SUSITNA RIVER BASIN WILLO'i..J SUBBASIN SYHBOL X s .p M K F D A V-55 TOTAL AREA (Acres) 64,270 147,690 24,120 98,000 11,600 128,490 30,870 465,230 PERCE~"'TAGE 6.62% 15.22% 2.49% 10.10% 1. 20% 13.24% 3.18% 47.95% HABITAT I MAP HOOSE AND SNOivSHOE HARE SUSITNA RIVER BASIN WILLOW SUBBASIN CLASS SYMBOL Tundra: Moose F(S/S/F) Grasslands: Moose F(S/S/F), C(S/S/F) Low Shrubs: Moose HR, F(S/S/F) Tall Alder: Moose HR*,IVC, F(S/S/F)*,C(S/S/F) Hare F ,C,R Tall Alder-IVillow: Moose WR, WC, F(S/S/F) ,M C(S/S/F) Hare F,C,R Closed Cottom.;roods: Moose WRi~, WCi<, F(S/S/F), C(S/S/F) Hare F*,C•'<,R* Closed }lixed and Spruce Forests Other Forests Water, Culturally Disturbed, and Nonvegetated A D F K M p s X z Abbreviations: WR = winter range we = winter cover F food C cover R reproduction (S/S/F) spring/summer/fall TOTAL AREA (Acres) 146,370 139,570 66,520 25' 860 23,810 3, 390 19,080 428,940 116,730 * habitats limited, rather than suitable, for these requisites PERCENTAGE 15.09% 14.33% 6.86% 2.67% 2.45% 0. 35% 1.97% 44.21% 12.03% See text for definitions of life requisites, habitat types, and suitable or limited criteria. V-56 - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HABITAT II HAP WILLOW PTARMIGAN, SPRUCE GROUSE, AND RED SQUIRREL SUSITNA RIVER BASIN WILLOW SUBBASIN CLASS SYMBOL Shrub Tundra: Ptarmigan F, C, WR, R Other Tundra and Grasslands: Not utilized Shrublands: Ptarmigan F*, C*, WR, R Mixed and Black Spruce Forests: Grouse WR, C, F (S/S/F), R; Squirrel F, C, R Deciduous Forests: Squirrel F*, c~: Other Coniferous Forests: Ptarmigan F*, C*; Grouse WR, C, F(S/S/F)*, R; Squirrel F, C, R Water, Culturally Disturbed and Non-Vegetated A D F M D s z Abbn~viations: WR = winter range we winter cover F c R (S/S/F) food cover reproduction spring/summer/fall TOTAL AREA (Acres) 1,220 284,720 57' 760 377,060 35,700 38,650 116,730 * habitats limited, rather than suitable, for these requisites PERCEJ:-..7AGE 0.13% 29.34% 5.95% 38.86% 3.68% 3.98% 12 .03~.: See text for definitions of life requisites, habitat types, and suitable or limted criteria. V-57 CLASS Excellent Good Fair Poor \\Tater IMPORTANT GRAZING LANDS (POTENTIAL) MAP SUSITNA.RIVER BASIN WILLOW SUBBASIN SYHBOL TOTAL AREA (Acres) c 113,550 F 123,040 N 82,370 s 615,320 z 35 '990 V-58 - - - - - PERCENTAGE - - 11.70% -12.68% s.4n - 6 3.!•2% 3. 71% - - - - - - - - - - CLASS Sui table Level I (Highest) Level II Level III Level IV Level v Level VI (Lowest) Unsuitable OATS AND BARLEY POTENTIAL SUSITNA RIVERBASIN WILLOW SUBBASIN SYHBOL A D F M s X z V-59 TOTAL AREA (Acres) 28,260 27,430 22,9 30 32,640 88,370 27,180 743,ll40 PERCENTAGE 2.91% 2. 83% 2. 37% 3. 36% 9.11% 2.80% 76.62% CLASS Non-~.Jetland Palustrine Wetland Forested Needle Leaved Evergreen -Pice~ mariana (PFOI+) Forested Needle Leaved Evergreen and Broad Leaved Deciduous - Picea mariana and --------Populu~ Valsamifer~ (PFOl+ and PFOl) Scrub/Shrub Needle Leaved Evergreen - Picea mariana (PSSI+) ----- Scrub/Shrub Broad Leaved Deciduous (PSSl) Emergent Persistent - Car ex (PE11:L) Potential Palustrine \vetland Inclusions Estuarine ~vetland Intertidal Scrub/Shrub Broad Leaved Deciduous Myrica (E255l) Intertidal Emergent Persistent -Elymus (E2EH1) HETLANDS SUSITNA RIVER BASIN WILL0\-1 SUBBASIN SYMBOL Blank c ]) F K M 0 p ~!-60 TOTAL AREA (Acres) 523,040 21,450 12,370 4 7,480 106,370 53,250 7,780 8' 300 - - - - PERCENTAGE - 53.91~~ - - 2. 21% - -- 1. 38% - - 4. 89% - 10.96% - 5.49% - -. 0.80% - 0. 86% - - - CLASS Intertidal Emergent Persistent -Scirpus, Larex, Limbia, or Sparganium (E2Dfl) Intertidal Mud Flat (E2FL3) Potential Estuarine Hetland Inclusions Riverine Upper Perennial Streambed Cobble/Gravel (R35Bl) Lacustrine Littoraland Limnetic Unconsolidated Bottom Cobble/Gravel (Ll, LlUBl, and L2UB1) \-lETLANDS SUSITNA RIVER BASIN WILLOH SUBBASIN (cont.) SYMBOL s T X z V-61 TOTAL AREA (Acres) 7' 290 10' 020 136' 980 34 '940 PERCEJ\TTAGE 0.75% 1.03% 14,12% 3.60% CLASS Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 (Optimal Route) ROUTE SELECTION HAP SUSITNA RIVER BASIN WILLOW SUBBASIN SYHBOL A c D F K M p s z V-62 TOTAL AREA (Acres) 2,310 222,350 345,690 178,350 89,120 57,870 29,810 25 '810 18,960 - - - - - PERCENTAGE - - o. 24% 22.9 2% - 35.6 3% -18.33% 9.19% - 5.96% 3.07% - 2.66% -1.95% - - - - - - - CLASS \,7 a ter 0-6 Tons/Acre/Year 7-13 Tons/Acre/Year 14-20 Tons/Acre/Year 21-27 Tons/Acre/Year 23-34 Tons/Acre/Year 35-111 Tons/Acre/Year 42-48 Tons/Acre/Year -1+9-55 Tons/Acre/Year 56-62 Tons/Acre/Year 63-69 Tons/Acre/Year Insufficient Data EROSION HAP SUSITNA RIVER BASIN \HLLOH SUBBASIN ----.-- SYMROL TOTAL AREA ____ i9-cres)_ Blank 35,990 A 656,110 c 53,680 D 25,600 F 21,010 M ·0 31+,510 p 340 ·S X 17) 880 z 3,530 K 121,620 V-63 PERCENTAGE 3. 7% 67.6% 5.5% 2. 6% 2.2% 3.6% <.1% 1.8% .4% 12.5% Appendix A Data Classification and Coding Integrated Terrain Unit Map Surface Hydrology Map Points and Linear Features Hap Land Status Map MANUSCRIPT //1 INTEGRATED TERRAIN UNIT MAP DATA CLASSIFICAITON AND CODING SLOPE Slope Gradient.,( Column 1) 1 = 0-3% 2 3-7% 3 = 7-12% 4 12-20% 5 = 20-30% 6 = 30-45% 7 = Greater than 45% LANDFORM Physiographic Division (:Column 2 ) 1 = Mountain 2 Hill 3 Slope 4 Plateau 5 = Valley 6 = Coastal Lowlands 7 Glacier 8 = Waterbody Landform Type (Column 3, 4 and 5) GLACIAL 110 Horaine 111 = End Moraine 112 Lateral Moraine 113 Nedial Moraine 114 Horainal Ridge 115 = Rogen Moraine 116 Ground Moraine 120 Till 121 Till, Undifferentiated 130 Drumlin 131 Drumlin, Drumloid 132 Rock Drumlin, Drumlinoid FLUVIOGLACIAL Outwash 210 220 = 230 240 = 250 260 270 280 Abandoned Outwash Channel Remnant Subglacial Stream Valley Kame Complex Esker Crevasse Filling Side Glacial Drainage Channels Flute A-1-1 AEOLIAN 310 = Dune 311 = Dune and Outwash Complex LITTORAL 410 = Longshore Bar 411 Longshore Bar Within Abandoned Coastline (Not Surveyed Flood Zone) 412 = Longshore Bar Within Abandoned Coastline (Surveyed Flood Zone) 420 = Beach 430 = Barrier Spit 440 = Delta 441 = Delta-Flood Plain Within Abandoned Coastline (Not Surveyed Flood Zone) 442 == Delta-Flood Plain Within Abandoned Coastl:i.ne (Surveyed Flood Zone) 443 == Delta-Flood Plain (Not Surveyed Flood Zone) 444 = Delta-Flood Plain (Surveyed Flood Zone) 445 = Delta and Ou t~vash Complex 450 = Tidal Flat 451 = Tidal Flat Hi thin Abandoned Coastline (Not Surveyed Flood Zone) 452 = Tidal Flat lhthin Abandoned Coastline (Surveyed Flood --460 = Coastal Plain FLUVIAL 510 Active Channel 511 = Active Channel (Not Surveyed Flood Zone 512 = Active Channel (Surveyed Flood Zone 520 = River Bar 521 = River Bar (Not Surveyed Flood Zone) 522 River Bar (Surveyed Flood Zone) 530 = Flood Plain 531 Active (Not Surveyed Flood Zone 532 Active (Surveyed Flood Zone) 533 Abandoned (Not Surveyed Flood Zone) 534 = Abandoned (Surveyed Flood Zone) 550 == Alluvial Plain 560 Alluvial Fan/Cone 570 = Lacustrine Deposits lvlASS WASTING 610 == Colluvium 620 Talus A-1-2 Zone) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 630 Landslide Deposits 640 Rock Glacier 650 Mine Tailings TECTONIC UPLIFT 710 = Upland Valley 720 ~ Mountain Sideslope 730 = Hountain Ridgetop WATER BODY 810 Sea Lagoon 820 821 822 = Lagoon Within Abandoned Coastline (Not Surveyed FLood Zone) Lagoon Within Abandoned Coastline (Surveyed Flood Zone) 830 Lake 831 Lake 832 833 Lake Lake Hithin Abandoned Coastline (Not Surveyed Flood Zone) Within Abandoned Coastline (Surveyed Flood Zone) 834 Lake in Active Flood Plain (Not Surveyed Flood Zone) 835 = Lake in Active Flood Plain (Surveyed Flood Zone) 840 841 = 842 River River (Not Surveyed Flood Zone) River (Surveyed. Flood Zone) ICE AND SNOW 910 Glacier 920 "" Permanent Snmvfield GENERAL GEOLOGY Surficial Geology (Column 6) 1 = No Surficial Deposits 2 = Surficial Deposits 3 = Water Body Bedrock Geology (Column 7) 1 Tertiary, Undifferentiated (Tu) 2 Tertiary Intrusive (Ti) 3 Tsadaka Formation (Tt) 4 = Arkose Ridge Formation (Tar) 5 = Chickaloon Formation (Tc) A-1-3 6 7 8 9 Tertiary/Cretaceous Plutonic (TKgd) Paleozoic/Jurassic/Cretaceous, Undifferentiated Sediments and Metasediments (PKJu) Mesozoic/Paleozoic Hetamorphozed Schist (MPs) Waterbody ECONOMIC GEOLOGY Economic Geology (Column 8) 1 = Surficial Deposits of Gravel, Gravel and Sand, or Sand 2 Potential Deposits of Gold, Silver, Copper, Tungsten or Holybdenum 3 = Potential Deposits of Copper, Gold, Silver or Nolybdenum 9 -Water 0 No Mineral Deposits GEOLOGIC HAZARDS Geologic Hazards I (Columns 9 :.and 10) 1 - 2 3 4 5 6 7 = 8 0 99 Primary Potential Flood Zone Secondary Potential Flood Zone Outburst Flooding Zone Catastrophic Wave Zone Landslide Zone Undulating Terrain-With Varying Particle Size Unstable Ground Avalanche Tracks No Geologic Hazards \.Jater Geologic Hazards II (Column 11) 1 = Liquification, Slumps, Fissures or Compaction 2 Known or High Potential for Landslides - - - - - - - - - - - 3 = Liquifaction, Slumps, Fissures or Compaction/Knmm 9 No Geologic Hazards (includes water) or High Potential for Landslides - SOILS - Soils (Columns 12, 13 and 14) -HATANUSKA VAJJLEY SOIL SURVEY 1 Anchorage sand, undulating to rolling (Ace) -2 Anchorage sand, hilly to steep (AcE) 3 = Anchorage silt loam, nearly level (AhA) 4 == Anchorage very finE: sandy loam, undulating (AnB) 5 = Anchorage very fine sanely loam, rolling (AnC) - 6 = Anchorage very fine sanely loam, hilly (AnD) 7 = Anchorage very fine sanely loam, moderately steep (AnE) 8 = Bodenburg silt loam, nearly level (BbA) -9 =.Bodenburg silt loam, undulating (BbB) 10 = Bodenburg silt loam, rolling (BbC) - A-1-4 - 11 = Bodenburg silt loam, hilly (BbD) 12 = Bodenburg very fine sandy loam, nearly level (BdA) 13 = Bodenburg very fine sandy loam, undulating (BdB) 14 Bodenburg very fine sandy loam, rolling (BdC) 15 Bodenburg very fine sandy loam, hilly (BdD) 16 = Bodenburg very fine sandy loam, moderately steep (BbE) 17 = Bodenburg and Knik silt loams, steep (BkF) 18 Clunie peat (Cl) 19 = Coal Creek silt loam (Co) 20 Coal Creek stony silt loam (Cs) 21 Chena silt loam (Ct) 22 = Doone silt loam 7 nearly level (DeA) 23 = Doone silt loam, undulating (DeB) 24 Doone silt loam, rolling (DeC) 25 Doone and Knik silt loams, hilly (DkD} 26 = Doone and Knik silt loam, moderately steep (DkE} 27 Doone and Knik silt loarns, steep (DkF} 28 = Flat Horn silt loam, nearly level (FhA) 29 Flat Horn silt loam, undulating (FhB) 30 Flat Horn silt loam, rolling (FhC} 31 Flat Horn silt loam, hilly to steep (FhE) 32 = Gravelly alluvial land (Ga) 33 = Gravel pits and Strip mines (Gp} 34 = Homestead silt loam, nearly level (HoA) 35 = Homestead silt loam, undulating (HoB) 36 = Homestead silt loam, rolling (HoC) 37 == Homestead silt loam, hilly (HoD) 38 = Homestead silt loam, moderately steep (HoE) 39 Homestead silt loam, steep (HoF) 40 = Homestead silt loam, very shallow, nearly level (UsA) 41 = Homestead silt loam, very shallow, undulating (HsB) 42 = Homestead silt loam, very shallmv, rolling (HsC) 43 = Homestead silt loam, very shallow, hilly (HsD) 44 = Homestead silt loam, very shallow, moderately steep (HsE) 45 Homestead silt loam, very shallow, steep (HsF) 46 =.Jacobsen very stony silt loam, nearly level (JaA} 47 = Jacobsen very stony silt loam, gently sloping (JaB) 48 = Jim and Bodenburg silt loams, hilly (JbD) 49 Jim and Bodenburg silt loams, steep (JbF) 50 = Kalifonsky silt loam, nearly level (KaA) 51 Kalifonsky silt loam, gently to moderately sloping (KaC) 52 = Kalifonsky silt loam, strongly sloping to steep (KaE) 53 = Kenai silt loam, undulating (KeB) 54 = Knik silt loam, nearly level (KnA) 55 == Knik silt loam, undulating (KnB) 56 == Knik silt loam, rolling (KnC) 57 == Knik silt loam, hilly (KnD) 58 Knik silt loam, moderately steep (KnE) 59 = Knik silt loam, steep (KnF) 60 Matanuska silt loam (Ma) 61 = Mixed alluvial land (Ml) 62 Moose River silt loam (Mr) 63 Nancy silt loam, nearly level (NaA) 64 = Nancy silt loam, undulating (NaB) 65 = Nancy silt loam, rolling (NaC) A-1-5 66 .,. 67 == 68 == 69 == ~70 = 71 = 72 73 = 74 == 75 = 76 77= 78 = 79 == 80 = 81 = 82 = 83 84 = 85 86 87 88 = 89 90 91 == 92 93 :=J 94 = 95 96 97 = 98 = 99 100 = 101 == 102 == Nancy silt loam, hilly (NaD) Nancy silt loam, moderately steep (NaE) Naptowne silt loam, nearly level (NpA) Naptowne silt loam, undulating (NpB) Naptowne silt loam, rolling (NpC) Naptowne silt loam, hilly (NpD) Naptowne silt loam, moderately steep (NpE) Naptowne silt loam, steep (NpF) Niklason silt loam (Ns) Niklason very fine sand (Nv) Reedy silt loam (Re) Rough mountainous land (Rm) Salamatof peat (Sa) Salamatof peat, ever frozen variant (Sf) Schrock silt loam, nearly level (ShA) Schrock silt loam, undulating ShB) Sea cliffs (Sl) Slikok mucky silt loam (Sm) Slikok stony mucky silt loam (Sn) Spenard silt loam, nearly level (SpA) Spenard silt loam, gently sloping (SpB) Susitna silt loam (Su) Susitna ve~y fine sand (Sv) Susitna and Niklason very fine sands, overflm.;r 0-3% slopes (SwA) Talkeetna silt loam, moderately steep to steep (TaE) Terrace escarpments (Te) Tidal Flats (Tf) Tidal Harsh (Tm) Torpedo Lake silt loam, nearly level (ToA) Torpedo Lake silt loam, gently sloping (ToB) Torpedo I"ake silt. loam, moderately sloping (ToC) Torpedo J"ake silt loam, strongly sloping (ToD) Torpedo Lake-Homestead silt loams, undulating (TpB) Torpedo Lake-Homestead silt loams, rolling (TpC) Torpedo Lake-Homestead silt loams, hilly (TpD) Torpedo Lake-Homestead silt loams, moderately steep (TpE) Wasilla silt loam (Wa) SUSITNA VALLEY SOIL SURVEY 115= 116 117 ll8 119= 120 = 121 = 122 = 123 124 Bernice sandy loam, steep (BeF) Caswell silt loam (Ca) Che.na fine sandy loam (Ch) Chulitna silt loam, nearly level. (ClA) Chulitna silt loam, undulating (ClB) Chulitna silt loam, rolling (ClC) Clunie peat (Cn) Coal Creek silt loam (Co) Delyndia silt loam, nearly level (DeA) Delyndia silt loam, undulating (DeB) A-1-6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 = Delyndia silt loam, rolling (DeC) = Delyndia silt loam, hilly (DeD) Delyndia-Salamatof complex (Dm) Dinglishna sandy loam (Dn) = Dinglishna-Moose River complex (Dr) Flat Horn silt loam, nearly level (FhA) Flat Horn silt loam, undulating (FhB) Gravelly alluvial land (Ga) = Gravel pits (Gv) = Homestead silt loams, nearly level (HoA) Homestead silt loams; undulating (HoB) Homestead silt loam, rolling (HoC) Homestead silt loam, hilly (HoD) = Homestead silt loam, moderately steep (HoE) = Jacobsen very stony silt loam (Ja) = Kalifonsky silt loam (Ka) = Kashwitna silt loam, nearly level (KsA) Kashwitna silt loam, undulating (KsB) 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 = 165 166 = Kashwitna silt loam, rolling (KsC) Kashwitna silt loam, hilly (KsD) = Kashwitna silt loam, moderately steep (KsE) Kashwitna silt loam, steep (KsF) = Killey-Hoose River complex (Kr) = Lucile silt loam (Lu) = Mixed alluvial land (Me) Noose River silt loam (Nr) = Nancy silt loam, nearly level (NaA) = Nancy silt loam, undulating (NaB) = Nancy silt loam, rolling (NaC) Nancy silt loam, hilly (NaD) O!>IIT Nancy silt loam, moderately steep (NaE) Nancy silt loam, steep (NaF) Nancy silt loam, sandy substratum, Nancy silt loam, sandy substratnm, Nancy silt loam, sandy substratum, Nancy silt loam, sandy substratum, Nancy silt loam, sandy substratum, Niklason fine sandy loam (Nk) nearly level (NcA) undulating (NcB) rolling (NcC) hilly (NeD) moderately steep (NeE) Rabideux silt loam, nearly level (RaA) Rabideux silt loam, undulating (RaB) Rabideux silt loam, rolling (RaG) Rabideux silt loam, hilly (RaD) 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 Rabideux silt loam, moderately steep (RaE) Rabideux silt loam, steep (RaF) Rabideux silt loam, shallow, nearly level (RbA) Rabideux silt loam, shallow, undulating (RbB) Rabideux silt loam, shallow, rolling (RbC) Rabideux silt loam, shallow, hilly (RbD) Rabideux silt loam, shallow, moderately steep (RbE) Rabideux silt loam, sandy substratum, nearly level (RdA) Rabideux silt loam, sandy substratum, undulating (RdB) = Rabideux silt loam, sandy substratum, rolling (RdC) Rabideux silt loam, sandy substratum, hilly (RdD) Rabideux silt loam, sandy substratum, moderately steep (RdE) Salamatof peat (Sa) Schrock silt loam, nearly level (ShA) = Slikok mucky silt loam (Sm) A-1-7 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 = Susitna fine sandy loam (Ss) Susitna and Niklason fine sandy loams, overflow (Sw) == Terrace escarpments (Te) = Tidal flats (Tf) = Tidal marsh (Tm) Hasilla silt loam (Ha) . 192 ·- 193 194 == \Thitsol silt loam, nearly level (\Vh.A) \Thitsol silt loam, undulating (HhB) \Vhitsol silt loam:. rolling (WhC) \Vhitsol silt loam:. hilly (\:lhD} l~hitsol silt loam, moderately steep (\VhE) Homestead silt loam, steep (HoF) NEW CAPITOL SITE SOIL SURVEY 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 Coal Creek silt loam (CO) == Doroshin peat, 0-3% slopes (DoA) == Doroshin peat, 3-7% slopes (DoB) = Grubstake silt loam, 7-12% slopes (GrC) = Grubstake silt loam, 12-20% slopes (GrD) = Homestead silt loam, 3-7% slopes (HoB) == Honestead silt loam, 7-12% slopes (HoC) Homestead silt loam, 12-20% slopes (HoD) Homestead silt loam, 20-30% slopes (HoE) Hom~stead silt loam, 30-45% slopes (HoF) = Homestead silt loam, very shallow, 3-7% slopes (HsB) Homestead silt loam, very shallow, 7-12% slopes (HsC) = Homestead silt loam, very shallow, 12-20% slopes (HsD) -Homestead silt loam, very shallow, 20-30% slopes (HsE) = Homestead silt loam, very shallmv, 30-45% slopes (HsF) = Jacobsen very stony silt_ loam, 0-3% slopes (JaA) = Jacobsen very stony silt loam, 3-7% slopes (JaB) = Kalifonsky silt loam (Ka) Killey-Moose River complex (Kr) = Kashwitna silt lo m (Ks) = Mutnala silt loam, 0-3% slopes (MuA) = Mutnala silt loam, 3-·7% slopes (MuB) = Mutnala silt loam, 7-12% slopes (MuC) = Mutnala silt loam, 12-20% slopes (HuD) = Mutnala silt loam, 20-30% slopes (NuE) == Mutnala silt loam, 30-45% slopes (HuF) = Nancy silt loam, 0-3% slopes (NaA) = Nancy silt loam, 3-7% slopes (NaB) = Nancy silt loam, 7-12% slopes (NaC) = Nancy silt loam, 12-20% slopes (NaD) Nancy silt loam, 20-30% slopes (NaE) Nancy silt loam, 30-45% slopes (NaF) Nancy silt loam, sandy substratum, 0-3% slopes (NcA) Nancy silt loam, sandy substratum, 3-7% slopes (NcB) Nancy silt loam, sandy substratum, 7-12% slopes (NcC) Furches silt loam, 0-3% slopes (PuA) Furches silt loam, 3-7% slopes (PuB) A-1-8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 . 248 = Furches silt loam, 7-12% slopes (PuC) = Purches silt loam, 12-20% slopes (PuD) Salamatof Peat (Sa) Slikok mucky silt loam (Sm) Spenard silt loam, 0-3% slopes (SpA) Spenard silt loam, 3-7% slopes (SpB) = Spenard silt loam, 7-12% slopes (SpC) Starichkof peat, 0-3% slopes (StA) = Starichkof peat, 3-7% slopes (StB) = Susitna silt loam (Su) = Talkeetna silt loam, 3-7% slopes (TaB) Talkeetna silt loam, 7-12% slopes (TaC) = Talkeetna silt loam, 12-20% slopes (TaD) = Talkeetna silt loam, 20-30% slopes (TaE) 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 = 256 = 257 = 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 = Talkeetna silt loam~ 30-45% slopes (TaF) = Talkeetna-Grubstate complex, 7-12% slopes (TbC) = Talkeetna-Grubstake complex, 12-20% slopes (TbD) Talkeetna-Torpedo Lake complex, 3-7% slopes (TeB) Talkeetna-Torpedo Lake complex, 7-12% slopes (TeC) Talkeetna-Torpedo Lake complex, 12-20% slopes (TeD) Talkeetna-Torpedo Lake complex, 20-30% slopes (TeE) Torpedo Lake silt loam, 0-3% slopes (ToA) Torpedo Lake silt loam, 3-7% slopes (ToB) Torpedo Lake silt loam, 7-12% slopes (ToC) Torpedo Lake silt loam, 12-20% slopes (ToD) = Torpedo Lake-Homestead complex, 3-7% slopes (TpB) Torpedo Lake-Homestead complex, 7-12% slopes ('fpC) Torpedo Lake-Homestead complex, 12-20% slopes (TpD) = Torpedo Lake-Hutnala complex, 3-7% slopes (TuB) = Torpedo Lake-Mutnala complex, 7-1?.% slopes (TuC) Torpedo Lake-Mutnala complex, 12-20% slopes (TuD) Homestead silt loam~ 0-3% slopes.(HoA) Homestead silt loam, very shallmv, 0-3% slopes (HsA) = Jacobsen very stony silt loam, 3-7% slope (JaC) ADVANCE COPY, TALKEETNA MOUNTAINS SOIL SURVEY 301 = Killey, Jacobsen, Inclusions-Mutnala, Nancy and Donoshim (1) 302 = Talkeetna, Torpedo Lake, Incl.-Homestead and Mutnala (2) 303 = Talkeetna, Inclusion-Torpedo Lake (3) 304 Talkeetna, Bedrock (6) 305 Rough Mountainous Land (5) 306 = Talkeetna, Starichkof, Inc. Torpedo Lake 309 = Mutnala, Starichkoff (9) 310 = Mutnala, Torpedo I,ake, Starichkoff, Doroshim (10) ADVANCE COPY, SUSITNA VALLEY (ANCHORAGE D-8) SOIL SURVEY 311 = Bernice sandy loam (13F) 312 = Hoose River silt loam (24) 313 Mutnala silt loam, undulating (30B) 314 = Mutnala silt loam. rolling (30C) A-1-9 . = Mutnala silt loam, hilly (30D) = Hutnala silt loam, moderately steep (30E) = Hutnala silt loam, steep (30F) = No Soil Name Given = Starichkof peat (33) = Doroshin peat (56) = Torpedo Lake silt loam, undulating (59B) Torpedo Lake silt loam, rolling (59C) = Torpedo Lake silt loam, hilly (59D) 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 = Torpedo Lake silt loam, moderately steep (59E) = Torpedo Lake silt loam, steep (59F) = Killey sandy loam, Hoose River silt loam (63-2l•) = Killey sandy loam, Hoose River silt loam (63-79) = Flat Horn silt loam, nearly level (83A) = Lucile silt loam, nearly level (85A) = Lucile silt loam, undulat:f.ng (8SB) Lucile silt loam, rolling (85C) = Clam gulch silt loam, undulating (86B) = Nancy silt loam, nearly level (87A) = Nancy silt loam, undulating (87B) = Nancy silt loam, rolling (87C) Nancy silt loam, hilly (87D) = Nancy silt loam, moderately steep (87E) Nancy silt loam, steep (87F) Spenard silt loam, nearly level (90A) = Spenard silt loam, undulating (90B) = Torpedo Lake silt loam, nearly level (91A) Torpedo Lake silt loam, undulating (91B) = Torpedo Lake silt loam, rolling (91C) =: Torpedo Lake silt loam, hilly (91D) = Torpedo Lake silt loam, NaptoNne silt loam = Torpedo Lake silt loam, Naptowne silt loam = Torpedo Lake silt loam, Naptowne silt loam Torpedo Lake silt loam, Naptowne s:llt loam = Torpedo Lake silt loam, Naptowne silt loam Torpedo Lake silt loam, Naptowne silt loam = Talkeetna silt loam, undulating (93B) = Talkeetna silt loam, rolling (93C) = Talkeetna silt loam, hilly (93D) Talkeetna silt loam, moderately steep (93E) Talkeetna silt loam, steep (93F) complex, complex, complex, complex, complex, complex, = Jacobsen very stony silt loam, nearly level (123A) Jacobsen very stony silt loam, undulating (123B) = Chulitna silt loam, rolling (126B) = Chulitna silt loam, rolling (126C) 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 = 366 367 368 369 = 370 = 371 = 372 = Chulitna silt loam, hilly (126D) Chulitna silt loam, moderately steep (126E) = Chulitna silt loam, steep (126F) = No Soil Name Given No Soil Name Given No Soil Name Given Naptowne silt loam, Naptowne silt loam, Naptowne silt loam, Naptowne silt loam, Naptowne silt loam, Naptowne silt loam, Chulitna silt loam, nearly level (131A) undulating (131B) rolling (131C) hilly ( 131D) moderately steep (131E) steep (131F) deep, undulating (526B) A-1-10 nearly level (91-131A) undulating (91-131B) rolling (91-131C) hilly (91-13lD) - - - - - - - - - - - moderately steep (91-131E) steep (91-131F) - - - - - - - - 373 :=:: 374 = 375 376 377 = 378 379 = 380 381 = Chulitna silt loam, deep, rolling (526C) Chulitna silt loam, deep, hilly (526D) Chulitna silt loam, deep, moderately steep (526E) Chulitna silt loam, deep, steep (526F) Nancy silt loam, deep, nearly level (687A) Nancy silt loam, deep, undulating (687B) Nancy silt loam, deep, rolling (687C) Nancy silt loam, deep, hilly (687D) Nancy silt loam, deep, moderately steep (687E) HABITATS Habitat I (Column 15 and 16 ) Source: Paul Arneson, Dan Timm 0. No Habitat 1. A6, B6, C(l,3,4) 2. A, C 3. A(1,6), B(1,6), C(1,2,3,4,6) 4. A(1,6), B(1,6), C(1,2,3,4,6) 5. A 6. A + Old Fire Good Moose \Hnter Habitat 7. Old Fire Good Hasse Hinter Habitat 8. A(l.6), B(l,6), C(l,2,3,4,6) Old Fire Good Noose Winter Habitat 9. A(1,6), B(l,6), C3 10. A1, C(1,2,3,6,7) 11. C Hoose Concentration 12. C Moose Concentration Al, C(l,2,3,7) 13. Al, C(1,2,3,7) 14. C3 15. A(l,6), C(l,4,6) 16. H(6,8), C4 17. A(1,6), C(3,4,6) N(6,8) Habitat II (Column 17 ) Source: Jack Didrickson, Dave Harkness 0. No Habitat 1. H8 2 •. H(6,7,8,9) 3. H(6,7,8,9) 4. H(6,7,8,9) Habitat III (Column 18 ) Source: Alaska Wildlife and Habitat, Vol. 2 0. No Habitat 1. Ki, Ti, Ni 2. Oi, Ni 3. O, Siii, Ni 4. Siii, 0 5. Ti, Ni A-1-11 Habitat IV (Column 19 ) Source: Alaska Wildlife and Habitat, Vol. 1,2 o. No Habitat 1. A1 2. D 3. D, Gi 4. Gii, Gi, D 5. Gii, D 6. Gi, D 7. Gii, D Habitat V (Column 20 ) Source: Seabird Catalog 1~~-tio_r.!:~ USFHS 0. No Habitat 1. Vi (6,8) HABITAT CODE DESCRIPTION Wildlife Resources A = Black Bear B = Grizzly Bear C = Hoose D = Caribou E = \-lolf F = Wolverine Gi.= Dall Sheep Gii = Mountain Goat H = Waterfowl Ii = Coyote Iii = Red fox J = Lynx Ki = Harten Kii = Nink Li = Short-tailed weasel Lii = Least Weasel M = Land Otter Ni = Beaver Nii = Muskrat Oi ~ Hoary Marmot Oii = Arctic Ground Squirrel Pi = Red Squirrel Pii = Northern Flying Squirrel Q = Porcupine R = Snowshoe Hare SJ. = Willm.,r Ptarmigan Sii = Rock Ptarmigan Siii = \Thite-tailed Ptarmigan Ti = Ruffed Grouse Tii = Sharp-tailed Grouse Tiii = Spruce Grouce U = Harbor Seal Vi = Gull spp. A-l-12 Habitat Usage 1 = Spring/Summer Range 2 = Fall 3 = 4 5 6 = 7 8 = 9 = 10= 11 = Winter Calving Denning Feeding Migration Nesting/Molting Staging Hauling-out Area Mineral Licks - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LAND USE Land Use (Column 21, 22, 23, 24) AGRICULTURE "' Pasture 110 120 130 140 == 150 Grain, Grass Vegetables Dairy Other RESIDENTIAL Dispersed Residential Low Density Medium Density High Density 210 220 == 230 240 == 250 == Commercial (Hotel, Motel or Lodge) COMHERCIAL Eating and Drinking Establishment == Food 310 320 330 = 340 350 360 370 380 == General Merchandise Apparel and Accessories Furniture or Home Furnishings and Equipment Building Haterials, Hardw-are or Farm Equipment Auto Dealers or Gasoline Service Stations Other KlillUFACTURING 410 420 430 == 440 == Food Lumber or Wood Products Gravel or Cement Products Other SERVICES 510 520 530 540 550 560 = Miscellaneous Business Services Personal Professional Finance, Construction or Real Estate Repair Other PUBLIC/QUASI-PUBLIC SERVICES 610 620 630 640 = 650 660 670 680 Hilitary Governmental Institution Educational Institution Health Institution Church or Community Center Cemetary Solid Waste Disposal Site Other A-1-13 COM}IDNICATION FACILITY 700 = Communication Facility, Undifferentiated TRANSPORTATION FACILITY 810 = Airport 811 = Public Access 812 = Private Access 820 = Marine, Port or Dock Facility UTILITY 900 = Utilities, Undifferentiated RESOURCE EXTRACTION 1020 1030 1040 Sand/Gravel Quarry and Borrow Pit = Surfaee Mi.ne Gas Oil Field 1041 = Inactive 1042 = Active 1050 = Oil Hell Field 1051 = Inactive 1052 = Ac.tive 1060 = Timber NIXED URBAN BUILT UP 1100 = Mixed Urban Built Up ~DER CONSTRUCTION 1200 = Under Construction VACANT DISTURBED 1300 = Vacant Disturbed OUTDOOR RECREATION (Source: DNR Land Use Maps, Imagery) 1410 Marine Boat Launching Sites 1420 Public Park, Campground, Refuge 1430 Private Resort, Park, Group Camp RECREATION (Source: DNR Recreation Nap) 1510 1520 1530 1540 1550 Bird Hatching Bird Watching/Hountaineering Hountaineering Lake Boating/Lake Canoeing Lake Boating/Lake Canoeing/Lake Fishing 1551 Lake Boating/Lake Canoeing and Intensive Fishing 1552 Lake Boating/Lake Canoeing and Hoclerate Fishing 1553 Lake Boating/Lake Canoeing and Light Fishing 1554 Lake Boating/Lake Canoeing and Very Light Fishing A-1-14 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1560 = Lake Fishing 1561 -- 1562 "" 1563 = 1564 NATURAL LANDS Intensive Fishing Moderate Fishing Light Fishing Very Light Fishing 1600 = Natural Lands, Undifferentiated (Including Water Bodies) VEGETATION Primary Vegetation (Columns 2S und 26) Secondary Vegetation (Columns %7 and 28) Tertiary Vegetation· (Columns 29 and 30) Quaternary Vegetation (Columns 31 and 32) FOREST At~D \.J'OODLAND Closed Forest 21 22 24 25 26 27 = = = Coniferous Forest, White Spruce, Short Stands Deciduous Forest, Mixed Forest, Young Stands Deciduous Forest, }fixed Forest, Heclium-Aged Stands Coniferous Forest, White Spruce, Tall Stands Deciduous Forest, Mixed Forest, Old Stands Cottonwood, Young Stands 28 Cottonwood, :t-fedium-Aged Stands 29 = Cot tom;ood, Old Stands Open Forest-\.J'oodland 31 = Coniferous Forest, \.fuite Spruce, Short Stands 32 = Deciduous Forest, Mixed Forest, Medium-Aged Stands 33 = Coniferous Forest, White Spruce, Tall Stands 34 Deciduous Forest, Nixed Forest, Old Stands 35 Cottonwood, Hedium-Aged Stands 36 Cottommod, Old Stands Closed Forest (Black Spruce Mountain Hemlock) 41 = 42 45 46 = Black Spruce, Short Stands Bl.ack Spruce, Tall Stands Mountain Hemlock, Short Stands Mountain Hemlock, Tall Stands Open Forest-Woodland (Black Spruce) 43 = Black Spruce, Short Stands A-1-15 NON FORESTED Salt \-later Wetlands 50 ~ Salt Grassland 51 ~ Low Shrub 52 ~ Tidal Harsh Tall Shrubs 60 Alder 61 Alder-Willow (streamside veg.) Low Shrub 62 ~ Willow Resin Birch Grassland 63 ~ Upland Grass Tundra 64 ~ Sedge-Grass 65 ~ Herbacious 66 Shrub 67 Mat and Cushion Freshwater Wetlands 68 69 ~ Sphagnum Bog Sphagnum-Shrub Bog Cultural Features 70 ~ Cultural Influences BarrP.n 80 Mud Flats 81 Rock Permanent Snow and Ice 82 83 Water Snowfield Glacier 91 92 96 97 Lakes greater than 40 ac. (census water) Lakes at least 10 ac., but less than 40 ac. Streams and Rivers at least 165 feet wide, but less than 600 feet wide R:Lvers greater than 1/8 mile (census \later) A-1-16 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - STREAM NETWORK Order Column 1 1 -5 Periodicity ( Column 2 ) 1 == I11termittent 2 Perennial Origin ( Column 3 ) 1 = Non Glacial 2 Glacial MANUSCRIPT 112 SURFACE HYDROLOGY ~~p DATA CLASSIFICATION AND CODING Discharge Profile ( Column 4) 1 = Lowland 2 Mountain Situation (Column 5) 1 = Not Within Waterbody 2 = Within Waterbody Condition (Column 6) 1 Non Braided 2 Braided Boating (Column 7 ) 1 No Boating 2 Boating Canoeing ( Column 8 ) 1 No Canoeing 2 Canoeing Rafting/Kayaking ( Column 9) 1 No Rafting/Kayaking 2 Rafting/Kayaking A-2-1 Fishing (Column 10 ) 1 2 = 3 ::: 4 5 = No Fishing Intense Fishing Moderate Fishing Light Fishing Very Light Fishing Anadromous Streams (Special Code Sheet) Columns 1 2 3 4 5 6 King Salmon --------~ Sockeye Salmoll----------- Coho Salmor~----------·------ r r 1. [ __ [ __ --_ I -=-%::!r~:~~~nStream ----...r:Pink Salmon Columns 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 1 Salmon Not Present 2 Salmon Present, but not Spawning 3 = Salmon Present, Discontinuous Spawning 4 Salmon Present, Knmm Spawning Area Column 6 1 = Not an Anadromous Stream 2 Anadromous Stream HATERS RED Topologic Number Column 1 Direct drainage _j into a higher, undetermined order watershed---- 2 3 4 5 c ~rd Order Streams 5th Order Stream,----------------4th Order Streams Undetermined Higher Order Basins 10000 = 20000 Susitna River Basin Cook Inlet Basin Fifth Order Basins 11000 = Willow Creek Fifth Order !1.-'2-2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fourth Order Basins A. Fourth Order Basins comprising Willow Creek 5th order Basin 1. 11100 2. 11200 Willow Creek 4th order Basin Deception Creek 4th order Basin B. Fourth order Basins which do not drain into higher order basins 1. 10100 = Little Willmv-Creek Basin 2. 20200 Little Susitna River Basin 3. 10300 Fish Creek Basin 4. 20400 Goose Creek Basin 5. 20500 Meadow Creek Basin 6. 20600 Wasilla Creek Basin Third Order Basins A. Third order Basins comprising \Villow Creek /1th order Basin 11101 11102 11103 11104 11105 == 11106 Unnamed basin Unnaned bas:i.n Canyon Creek Basin Peters Creek Basin Furches Creek Basin Hillow Creek Basin B. Third order Basins comprising Deception Creek 4th order Basin 11201 11202 11203 11204 Unnamed basin Unnaned basin East Deception Creek Basin Unnamed basin C. Third order Basins comprising the Little Hillow Creek 4th order Basin 10101 10102 10103 10104 Iron Creek Basin Unnamed basin Unnamed basin Little Willow Basin D. Third order Basins comprising the Little Susitna River 4th order Basin 20201 Maguire Creek Basin 20202 Unnamed basin 20203 Unnamed basin 20204 J,ake Creek Basin 20205 Unnamed basin 20206 Unnamed basin 20207 Unnamed basin 20208 Unnamed basin 20209 Government Creek Basin 20210 Unnamed basin 20211 Archangel Creek Basin 20212 Little Susitna River A-2-3 E. Third order Basins comprising the Fish Creek 4th order Basin 10301 :=: 10302 10303 10304 Unnamed Unnamed Unnamed Unnamed basin basin basin basin F. Third order Basins comprising the Goose Creek 4th order Basin Unnamed basin Goose Creek G. Third order Basins comprising the Meadow Creek Lfth order Basin 20501 20502 20503 20504 == Three Mile Creek Basin Lucile Creek Basin Unnamed basin Little Neadow Creek Basin H. Third order Basins comp~ising the Wasilia Creek 4th order Basin 20601 20602 Unnamed basin Unnamed basin - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MANUSCRIPT #3 POINTS AND LINEAR FEATURES }~P DATA CLASSIFICATION AND CODING NATURAL LINES, HANUSCRIPT f/3A Areal Extent of Emendorf Glaciation, Column 1 (Polygons) 1 == Not Glaciated by Elmendorf Glacier 2 Glaciated by Elemendorf Glacier Escarpments, Column 1 (Lines) 1 Not an Escarpment 2 == Escarpment Fault Lines, Column 2 (Lines) 1 Not a Fault Line 2 == Possible Fault (requires field verification) 3 Suspected or Inferred Fault 4 Known Fault CULTURAL LINEAR FEATURES, MANUSCRIPT #3~ Roads/Trails/Infrastructure Net\vork, Column 1 and 2 Roads 11 Non Paved Road 12 Paved Road 13 Non Paved Road and Existing Utility Corridor 14 Paved Road and Existing Utility Corridor 15 Non Paved Road and Proposed Utility Corridor 16 = Paved Road and Proposed Utility Corridor 17 Proposed Road-Point HcKenzie Highway Trails 21 = Existing Trail Seismic Survey Lines 31 = Existing Seismic Survey Line Railroads 41 = Existing Railroad Utility Corridors 51 Existing Utility Corridor 52 = Proposed Utility Corridor A-3-1 SPECIAL LINEAR RECREATION USES, column 3, Lf, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 Berry Picking, Column 3 1 No Berry Picking 2 = Berry Picking Dog Mushing, Column 4 1 = No Dog Hushing 2 = Dog Hushing Hunting, Column 5 2 1 No Hunting Hunting Hiking, Column 6 1 = No Hiking 2 Hiking Hang-Gliding, Column 7 1 = No Hang GHding 2 Hang Gliding Equestrian, Column 8 1 No Equestrian 2 = Equestrian Off-Road Vehicle, Column 9 1 2 No Off-Road Vehicle Off-Road Vehicle Cross Country Skiing, Column 10 1 = No Cross-Country Skiing 2 = Cross-Country Skiing Snow Vehicle, Columm 11 1 = No Snow Vehicle 2 Snow Vehicle Snow Shoeing, Column 12 1 = No Snm.; Shoeing 2 Snow Shoeing A-3-2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Camping, Column 13 1 No Camping 2 Camping CULTURAL POINTS Extractive Sites, Column 15, 16, 17 and 18 1020 Sand/Gravel Quarry and Borrow Pit 1030 = Subsurface Nine Entrance 1040 Gas Hell 10/fl = Inactive 1042 = Active 1050 = Oil Hell 1051 = Inactive 1052 = Active 1060 = Abandoned Gas or Oil Well A-3-3 MANUSCRIPT //4 LAND STATUS MAl' DATA CLASSIFICATION AND CODING TO\-.TNSHIP Tmmship, Column 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 Tmmship Number of Tmmship, Column 1 and 2 (i.e., 07 Township 7) North/South Designation, Column 3 1 = North 2 South Name of Baseline, Column 4 1 = Range Number of Range, Column 5 and 6 (i.e., 12 = Range 12) East/West Designation, Column 7 1 East 2 West Name of Heridian, Column 8 1 = Seward Heridio.n OHNERSHIP 0Hnership, Column 9 and 10 ·Federal 10 = Federal State 21 State Patented Land 22 = State Tentatively Approved 23 State University 24 Other State Land Campground 25 State Selected Land Borough Land 31 Borough Patented Land 32 Borough Tentatively Approved and Foreclosure Municipal 40 = Municipal Private 50 = Private AGENCY INTEREST Agency Interest, Column 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 Fish and Game, Column 11 1 Not Fish and Game 2 = Fish and Game Joint Fish and Game and Parks, Column 12 1 = Not Joint Fish and Game and Parks 2 Joint Fish and Game and Parks Parks, Column 13 1 Not Parks 2 Parks Timber, Column 14 1 2 No Timber Timber Highway Corridor, Column 15 1 No Highway Corridor · 2 High\vay Corridor Agriculture, Column 16 1 = No Agriculture 2 Agriculture Materials Site, Column 17 1 Not Materials Site 2 Materials Site Misc. Hatershed, Column 18 1 2 No Misc. Watershed Misc. Watershed Mineral Zone, Column 19 1 No Mineral Zone 2 ~ Mineral Zone A-4-2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FSLUPC Ecological Reserve, Column 20 1 = No FSLUPC Ecological Reserve 2 = FSLUPC Ecological Reserve New Capital Site, Column 21 1 Not New Capital Site 2 = New Capital Site New Capital Site Buffer, Column 22 1 = Not New Capital Site Buffer 2 = New Capital Site Buffer Hiscellaneous, Column 23 1 = Not Miscellaneous 2 = Miscellaneous Intensive Recreation Areas, Column 24 1 = Not Intensive Recreation Areas 2 Recreation Areas A-4-3 Appendix B Data Corle Descriptions Integrated Terrain Unit Map Surface Hydrology Map Points and Linear Features Map Land Status Map SLOPE MANUSCRIPT /Jl INTEGRATED TERRAIN UNIT HAP DATA CODE DESCRIPTIONS Slope is defined as the angle which any part of the earth's surface makes \vith a horizontal datum. For the. Willow Subbasin resource inventory, slope \vas mapped by percent slope class. The assigmxl value represents the average percent slope within the terrain unit polygort. Some variation will occur within each polygon bec:-1use of minor sur facP flue tua tions. The same slope classes were chosen to br> mapped on the terrain units that Here mapped as phase breaks in SCS soil surveys. 0 3% Nearly level 3 7% Undulating, gently sloping 7-12% Rolling 12-20% Hilly 20-30% Hoderately Steep 30-45% Steep 45% and greater = Extremely Steep Percent Slo~e Angle o£ Inclination Slope Ratio Gradient (feet 2er mile) 3 10 43' 33. 3: 1 158.4 7 40 7' 14.3:1 369.6 12 60 53' 8. 3: 1 633.6 20 1 ]0 28' 5: 1 1056 30 17° 11, 3. 3: 1 1584 45 25° 4 7' 2. 2: 1 2376 B-1-1 LANDFORMS Landforms are the distinctive configurations of the land sur face and are environmentally significant because they influence the place to Place variation in ecological factors such as water availability and exposure to radiant solor energy. PHYSIOGRAPHIC DIVISION Physiographic division is a type of 1 and form classifieation which divides the land surface into broad major categorir::s. 1 Mountain: A sloping msss of land eonsiderably higher than its surroundings. Its summit area is smaller than its base and has an elevation over 1500 feet. 2 Hill: An elevated portion of the earth's surLlce which has an undulating to moderately steep sloping surface. Hills are generally found along the foot of mountainous areas and have elevations less than 1500 ft. 3 Slope: A moderately steep to steep portion of the earth's surface g.:>nerally located betHeen valley and mountain or hill and mountain physiographic divisions. 4 =Plateau: An elevated tract of comparatively flat or level land. 5 Valley: A relatively flat depression in the earth's surface formed either by erosion or by structural proeesses. 6 Coastal Lowland: Regional features of low relief bounded seaward by the shore and landward by highland~~. 7 Giaciet: A extensive slov1ly flmv-ing body of ice formed on land by snmV' transformed into ice by pressure reerys talliza tion of the snow. 8 Wa terbody: Any accumulation of water which occurs on the earth's B-1-2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - surface. For the Hillow Sub-basin Resource Inventory, only waterbodies over 5 acres and rivers over 1/8 of a mile '"ide were mapped. LANDFORH TYPE A landfonn type is any element of the landscape characterized by a distinctive surface expression, internal structure, or both, and sufficiently conspicuous to be included in a physiographic description. Physiographic divisions are subdivided by the more detailed landform type classification. Glacial Glacial landforms are created or deposit(d hy a r,laeier. 110 Horaine: An accumulation of glacial till (glacial sediments ranging in size rom huge boulders to fine dust) deposited c:hiefly by direct glacial action. The resulting landfonas are nndnlating, poorly drained, and exhibit a topography which is indr'pE,ndent of control by the surface on which the moraine lies. 111 End }Ioraine: A moraine marking the terminal position of a valley glacier. 112 Lateral Horaine: A lo\v long ridge-like moraine deposited on or near the side margin of a mountain glacier. 113 Hedial Horaine: An enlongated moraine carried in or upon the middle of a vaJ ley glacier and parallel to its side, formed by the merging of adjacent lateral moraines below the junction of t\oJ'O coalescing valley glaciers. 114 Morainal Ridge: A pronounced mound or ridge of till within a moraine. 115 Rogen Moraine: A ridge--like moraine transverse to the direction of glacial movement formed beneath the glacier in zones of shearing ice B-1-3 sheets. 116 Ground Horaine: A fairly even thin layer of till deposited directly from a glacier and having an undulating surface. 120 Till: Unsorted, unstratified sediments carried and deposited by a glacier. It is composed of rock fragments of all sizes and types. 121 130 131 132 Till, Undifferentiated: A thick layer of till deposited directly from a glacier onto the earth's surface. Till often completely burys pre-existing topography giving rise to nearly flat level surfaces. The composition of the till, both rock type and frngment size, is unspecified. Drumlin: Till molded by glacial ice into lm-1, enlongated hills with the longer a'Cis parallel to the direction of th<' glacial movement. Druml in-Drumloid: This landform class is a combination of drumlin and druruloi.d. A d rurnlin is till molded by glac L:.ll ice into low, enlongated hills >vi th the longer axis parallel to the direction of the glacial movement. A drumloid is similar to a drumlin except that its shape is irregular. Rock Drumlin-Drumlinoid: This landform class is a combination of rock drumlin and drumlinoid. Rock drumlin is a smooth, steamlined hill that resembles a drumlin, but has a bedrock core usually veneered with a thin layer of till formed. by glacial erosion. A drumlinoid is an irregularly shaped rock drumlin. _Fluv iog l~c iF.J_l Fluvioglacial landforms are formed or deposited by glacial meltwater. 210 =Outwash: Stratified glacial debris, mainly sand and gr:'''el, deposited - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - by glacial mel t\va ter beyond the end moraine or the margin of an active glacier. 220 Abandoned Outwash Channel: Outwash deposited by a remnant stream channel which once emerged from a glacier, braided in form, now often covered by wetland and associated organic deposits. 230 Remnant Subglacial StreAm Valey: A stream valley formed by a stream \vhich flo\-led beneath the once overlying glacier. 240 Kame Complex: Mounds, hills, or hummocky areas composed of poorly sorted sands and gravels depositec.1 by glacial melt\1ater in depressions in the ice or fan deposits fomed against the e.dge of an ice sheet. As the glacier melts their form is modified by slumping and settling. 250 Esker: Lo\v, narrmv, sinuous ridges of poorly sorted sands and gravel deposited by streams that ran on, within, or beneath a glacier. 260 Crevasse Filling: Type of kame that is ridge-like. They are composed of poorly sorted sand and gravelf;, and are similar in appearance to eskers except that they are smaller and shorter and may extend in any direction to the flow of the glaeier (where eskers usually parallel the glacial flow) • 270 Side Glacial Drainage Channels: Drainage channels cut into the hillside along the margins of a glacier by stream. 280 Flute: Small, longitudinal, shallo\-7 channels between small parallel ridges, found on moraines. Aeolian ------ Aeolian landforms are shaped or formed by the i.Jind. 310 = Dune: A ridge of sand formed by and constantly changed by wind. B-1-5 311 = Dune and Outwash Complex: A dune which formed on outwash. Littoral Littoral landforms are situated on or near a coast. 410 Longshore Bar: A low, elongated sand ridge, built chiefly by wave action, occurring at some distance from and extending generally parallel with the shoreline. Abandoned Coastline: Mc:rks the locations of past ocean levels. They are forrned either by a reduction in the ocean level or an emergence of the coast. Survey Flood Zone: Areas \/h :ich have been surveyed by the Army Corps of Engineers • and estabJ ished to be flood prone. Not Surveyed Flood Zone: Areas established by Aerial Information System (AIS) to be flood prone by using the imagery, topographic maps, soil maps, and soil descriptions. 411 Longshore Bar Hi thin Abandoned Coastline, Not surveyed Flood Zone: ·n1is longshore bar is located on the seauard side of the abandoned coastline and has been established to be flood prone by AIS. 412 Longshore Bar Within Abandoned Coastline, Surveyed Flood Zone: A longsore bar located on the seaward side of the abandoned coastline which has been established to be flood prone by the Army Corps of Engineers. 1+20 Beach: The coastal zone extending from the low tide limit to a place where there is a definite change in material or physiographic form. It must at least partly consist of unconsolidated material like sand, cobble, or boulders. B-1-6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 430 Barrier Spit: A type of longshore bar connected at one end to the mainland. 440 Delta: A low, nealy flat accumulation of sediments deposited where rivers empty into lakes or ocean. 441 Delta-Flood Plain Within Abandoned Co as tl ine, Not Surveyed Flood Zone: A type of delta within the active flood plain of a river and located on the seaward side of the abandoned coastline. It has also been established to be flood prone by AIS. 442 Delta-Flood Plain \Vithin Abandoned coa~;tline, Surveyed Flood Zone: A type of delta within the active flood plain of a river and located on the seaward side of the abandoned coastline. lt han been established to be flood prone by the Army Corps of Engineers. 443 Delta-Flood Plain, Not Surveyed Flood Zone: A type of delta within the active flood plain of a river. It has been established to be flood prone by AIS. 444 Delta-Flood Plain, Surveyed Flood Zone: A type of delta \vithin the active flood plain of a river. It has been established to be flood prone by the Army Corps of Engineers. 445 Delta and Outwash Complex: This landform type is a mixture of delta and outwash landform types. It usually occurs on the interface be. tween the two landform types. 450 Tidal Flat: A nearly horizontal, marshy or barren tract of land that is alternately covered and uncovered by the rise and fall of the tide, and consists of unconsolidated sediments, mostly mud and sand. 451 Tidal Flat Hithin Abandoned Coastline, Not Surveyed Flood Zone: A type B-l-7 452 of tidal flat located on the semvard side of the abandoned coastline which has been established to be flood prone by AIS. Tidal l~lat Within Abandoned Coastline, Surveyed Flood Zone: A type of tidal flat located on the seaward side of the abandoned coastline which has been established to be flood prone by the Army Corps of Engineers. 460 Coastal Plain: A sediment··-covered area of continental shelf recently emerged above sea level. Fluvial Fluvial landforms are formed or shaped by flm,;lng vmt~~r. 510 Active Channel: A river plus all of its ephemer;ll sand bar deposits. 511 Active Channel, Not Surveyed Flood Zone: Active channels which have been established to be flood prone by Aerial Infonnation Systems. 512 Active Channel, Surveyed Flood Zone: Active chamwl \vrlich have been established to be flood prone be the Army Corps of Engineers. 520 River Bar: Ephemeral, alluvial deposits composed largely of silt, sand 521 or gravel. They are mostly unvegetated, but some might have grass and shrub cover. River Bar, Not Surveyed Flood Zone: River bar vJhich has been established to be a flood prone area by Aerial Information Systems. 522 River Bar, Surveyed Flood Zone: River bar which has been estab] :i.shed to be flood prone by the Army Corps of Engineer.-s. 530 Flood Plain: A flat strip of land bordering a river. It was construe ted or is in the process of being construe ted by the present river in its existing regime and is covered vlith \vater when the river overflows its bank at time of high water. B-1-8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Active Flood Plain: A flood plain >·7hich is subject to periodic, often yearly, flooding. Abandoned Flood Plain: A remnant flood plain, portions of which may be infrequently flooded. 531 Active Flood Plain, Not Surveyed Flood Zone: Active flood plain ,,rhich has been established to be flood prone by Aerial lnformtion Systems. 532 Active Flood Plain, Surveyed Flood Zone: Active flood plain \ID ich has been established to be flood prone by the Army Corps of Engineers. 533 Abandoned Flood Plain, Not Surveyed Flood Zone: Abandonc:;d flood pl2in \vhich has been established to be flood prone by Aerial Information Sys tern. 534 Abandoned Flood Plain, Surveyed Flood Zone: Abandoned flood plain "'h ich has been established to be flood prone by the Army Corps of Engineers. 5-'iO Alluvial Plain: An extensive, flat area resulting from the deposition of thick deposits of alluviwu. Portions of the alluvial plain may be subject to infrequent flooding. 560 Alluvial Fan/Cone: A body of stream deposits \vhose surface approximates a segment of a cone that radiates dmmslope from the point \vhere the stream leaves a mountainous area. Alluvial fans and cones have greatly diverse sizes, slopes, types of deposits and source area characteristics. 570 Lacustrine Deposits: Material deposited from lake \..rater. Hany nearly level fine grained soils have developed fro:n such deposits from lakes that have long since disappeared. B-1-9 Hass Wasting }lass \vasting is a variety of processes by which large masses of earth material are moved by gravity either slowly or quickly from one place to another. 610 = Colluvirnn: Unconsolidated debris, rock fragments and soil, carried by sheet wash from hillsides to the base of the slope. 620 Tal us: A collection of loose rock fragments that have accumulated in a sloping pile at the foot of a steep nlope. 630 Landslide Dep.:>sits: Materials associated \vith dcnvnslope transport by means of gravity of soil and rock debr:i s. 640 Rock Glacier: A mass of poorly sorted angular boulders or fine material cemented by interstitial ice, occurring in high mountains in a permafrost area, derived from a cirque \vall or other steep cliff by frost action. 650 lHne Tailings: Those po'!:'tions of washed ore (usually rock fragments) that are regarded as too poor to he treated further. They are artificially deposited usually near a mining operation. Tectonic Uplift Tectonic uplift is a process by 'vhich land surfaces are elevated due to deformation of the earth's crust. 710 =Upland Valley: Any hollmv or low lying area bounded by hills or mountain slopes. It is usually traversed by a stream or river which receives the drainage of the surrounding heights. An upland valley is one which is found \-lithin the mountain physiographic province class. 720 Mountain S:ideslope: The sloping portion of land found \vi thin the B-1-10 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - mountain physiographic province class. 730 Mountain Ridgetop: The gently sloping area found on the summit of a mountain. It is surrounded on at least two sides by steep mountain sideslopes. lvaterbody A waterbody is any accumulation of water which occurs on the earths surface. For the \lillow Subbasin Resource Inventory only \va terbodies over 5 acres and rivers over 1/8 of a mile wide have been mapped. 810 Sea: An ocean or a large body of salt Hater. 820 Lagoon: 1\n elongated body of water separated from the open sea by longshore bars, which has little connection with the sea. 821 Lagoon Within Abandoned Coastline, .Not Surveyvd Flood Zone: A lagoon 'Y7hich lies on the seaward side oJ thE~ abandoned c:oa:>tline and \vhich ~·i:lS determined to be flood prone by AIS. 822 Lagoon Within Abandoned Coastline, Surveyed Flood Zone: A lagoon vvhich lie on the seaward side of the abandoned coastline and vvhich was determined to be flood prone by the rtrmy Corps of Engineers. 830 Lake: A body of fresh water enclosed by land. Only lakes five acres and larger were mapped for the Hillow Subbasin Resource Inventory. 831 Lake 832 Lake Hi thin Abandoned Co as tl ine, Not Surveyed: A lake Hhich lies on the seaward side of the abandoned coastline and vvhich >Jas determined to be flood prone by AIS. 833 == Lake Within Abandoned Coastline, Surveyed Flood Zone: A lake vThich lies on the seaward side of the abandoned coastline and which was B-1-11 - - determined to be flood prone by the Army Corps of Engineers. - 834 Lake in Active Flood Plain, Not surveyed Flood Zone: A lake which is located in an active flood plain and which was determined to be flood - prone by AIS. -835 Lake in Active Flood Plain, Surveyed Flood Zone: A lake which is located in an active flood plain and which VJas determined to be flood - prone by the Army Corps of Engineers. 840 River: A natural stream of water, fed by eonve.rging tributories, - glaciers, or ground water. -841 River, Not Surveyed Flood Zone: A river which has been established as a flood prone area by Aerial Information systems. - 842 River, Surveyed Flood Zone: A river which has been established as <l flood prone area by the Anny Corps of Engineers. - -Non-vegetated areas covered with ice, (glaciers) or snow (permanent snmv-field) year round. - 910 =Glacier: An extensive sloHly flowing body of ice formed on land by snow transformed into ice by pressure recrystallization of the snow. - 920 l'ermanent Snowfield: Areas covered throughout the year by snow. -Permanent snowfield are found :Ln the higher elevations. GENERAL GEOLOGY ---·--------- General Geology is divided into the follO\ling subsections: Surficial Geology and Bedrock Geology. To assist in interpreting their descriptions, a - brief glossary of some important terms is provided at the end of this set of -code descriptions. - B-1-12 - SURFICIAL GEOLOGY Surficial Geology describes the material occurring on the earth's surface, consisting of unconsolidated residual, alluvial deposits, glacial deposits, or bedrock surfaces. 1 =No Surficial Deposits: Large areas within the upland and mountain areas of the study area were coded as having no significant surficial deposits. Hm.vever, much of the lower slopes within this area do have a thin veneer of glacial till and colluvium and within valley bottom, alluvium. 2 Surficial Deposits: Includes glacial till and out,vash, channel fill, alluvium, colluvium and loess deposits. The lmiland valley areas are covered by thick deposits of glacial drift and alluvial sediment that consists mainly of gravelly and sandy material, and deposits of silty windlaid sediments and volcanic ash. 3 = Waterbody: Only t.-mterbodies larger than 5 acres were mapped. BEDROCK GEOLOGY Bedrock Geology describes the rock formation, ages and types underlying those in surficial geology. 1 =Tertiary Undifferentiated: All the tertiary age formations not identified as a particular formation. 2 Tertiary Intensive: Hade up of dikes, sills, and stock; Felsic to mafic of tertiary age. 3 Tsodaka Formation: A formation of conglomerates, sandstone, and siltstone of tertiary age. 4 Chickaloon Formation: A forn1ation of claystone, sandstone, siltstone, coal and conglomerate of the tertiary period. B-1-13 5 6 7 8 Conglomerate (Tc): A mass of waterworn fragments of rocks or pebbles (monogenetic/polygenetic) cemented together by another mineral substance. Tertiary/Cretaceous Plutonic: A general grouping of a pluton mass, or body of igneous rock formed beneath the earth's surface, that has an origin sometime between the tertiary and Cretaceous periods. Paleozoic/Jurassic/Cretaceous: A general grouping of partially changed unidentifi.ed rock formations found with these periods. Mesoic/Paleozoic Metarnorphozed Schist (NPs): Forrnat:ion of a medium or coarse grained rock changed over time. 9 = \hterbody TERMS Dikes Tabular bodies of igneous rock that cut across the structure of adjacent rocks or cut massive rocks. Most dikes result from the intrusion of magma. Sills -An intrusive body of igneous rock which has been emplaced parallel to the bedding of the intruded rock. Stock -A body of plutonic rock that covers less than 40 square miles, has steep contacts (places where different rock types come together), and may or may not cut across the bedding of adjacent rocks. Felsic - A rock containing one or all of the following minerals: feldspathoids, and silica. Feldspar, Mnfic-Synonomous with "dark minerals", composed predominantly of the magnesium rock-forming silicates. Sandstone A cemented detrital sediment composed mostly of quartz grains. Siltstone - A very fine grained consolidated clastic rock composed mostly of B-1-14 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - particles of silt grade. Clastic -Consisting of fragments of rocks or of organic structures that have been moved individually from their places of origin. Claystone -An altered feldspathic igneous rock in which the groundmass or even the entire rock has been reduced to clay minerals. Polygenetic Originating in various <vays or from various sources; formed at different places or times or from different parts. Monogenetic -Originating in one way or from one source. Igneous -Formed by solidification from molten or partially molten state. Rocks formed in this manner below the surface are called plutonic rocks. ECONO:ac GEOLOGY Economic Geology deals <vith materials of practical utility and the application of geology to engineering and to mineral materials. l = Surficial Deposits of Gravel, Gravel and Sand, or Sand: Areas that have surface deposits of gravel, sand, or both. 2 = Potential Deposits of Gold, Silver, Copper, Tungsten or Molybdenum: Areas that have a high probability of possessing gold, silver, copper, tungsten or molybdenum deposits. 3 Potential Deposits of Copper, Gold, Silver or Molybdenum: Areas that have a high probability of possessing copper, gold, silver or molybdenum deposits. 9 Hater 0 = No Hineral Deposits: Areas that have no mineral deposits. B-1-15 RELATIVE GEOLOGIC TIME ERA PERIOD EPOCH ATOMIC TINE -,- ·--t------···----·--·-----+----------t----·---1 ~~---t~~~~---j· I Lat~ Holocene 11,000 --f-500 ,000 !Early_ Pleistocene 2 million ------~iocene 12 million Miocene 26 million r--£l.i_gocene 38 million Quaternary Early Late Cenozoic Tertiary ~ocene ~4 million Pal eoc_~ne __ --{i5 million f---;-----~----1-------·---···-----------'l-:a te Cretaceous --·---·-----------~.9--~~-------r--136 mi 11; on Late Jurassic Middle ·---·-----------Ear:_ly _____ r--·193 million 1------ Mesozoic Late ~1i ddl e Triassic Early ~-----------·-+------~----·-·-··-------··-·!----225 million Pa 1 eozoi c Permian Late -~E:..::.a:..:r _ _:..,l YJ----r--280 mi 11 ion -·-lPen:sy~a-ni an___ ~ml e C b · F s Ear.J_y __ _ ar om· erou __ -·---·-----Late ·----- Devonian Silurian j1 i s s ·i s s i p pi an Ear 1 y Late ~~; ddl e Early Late Middle 345 mi 11 ion -395 mi 11 ion 11 35 million Early 1-------------------4-~~-----r-<+ Ordovician Cambrian Late Middle Early Late Middle 00 mi 11 ion ---------------~--~----______ Earl_y_ ___ =t:70 mill1on Pre-Cambrian ---3,600+ million ·--------------·-·----------------~ Modified after Putnam (1971). B-1-16 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GEOLOGIC HAZARDS Geologic Hazards refer to the potential of natural phenomena affecting the present state of any or all earth structures. GEOLOGIC HAZARDS I: This class identifies geologic hazards detennined using collateral maps, drawn at a scale of 1:63,360, supplied by Kenneson G. Dean and J. Page Spencer of the Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska. 1 = Primary Potential Flood Zone: The active flood plain portion of a valley which is subject to periodic (often annual) flooding, standing surface water, and development of aufeis (sheets of ice formed by winter flooding caused by blockage of channel by freezing) • 2 Secondary Potential Flood Zone: An abandoned flood plain which is subject to occassional flooding and standing surface vmter~ 3 Outburst Flood Zone: An area subject to sudden (often annual) release of meltwater from a glacier, glacier clammed lakes, or ice and/or debris dammed streams, sometimes resulting in catastrophic floods. 4 Catastrophic Wave Zone: An area subject to large gravitational sea \vaves produced by a large scale, short duration disturbance by shallow, submarine earthquakes, submarine earth movement, subsidence, volcanic eruption, or any large scale displacement of water by mass movement of rock and soil material. 5 Landslide Zone: An area directly affected by the rapid downslope transport by means of gravitational stresses of soil and rock material in mass. 6 Undulating Terrain With Varying Particle Size: An area of very B-1-17 undulating terrain with particle size ranging from clay to boulders. This area is usually associated with glacial moraine deposits, which are characterized by poor slope stability and intermittent poor drainage. 7 Unstable Ground: Areas of general intense sheetwash, falling rocks, debris flows and associated deposits. These areas are mainly confined to the mountainous areas and shO\V' areas of poor slope stability. 8 Avalanche Track: The central channel-like corridor along which avalanche - - - - - - debris travels. - 0 =No Geologic Hazard: An area that has no potential of any geologic hazard listed in this Geologic Hazards I section. 99 = Water GEOLOGIC HAZARDS II This class identifies geologic hazards using collateral maps drawn at a scale of 1:250,000. There is a brief glossary of terms at the end of this section to aid in the understanding of some of the code descriptions. 1 =Liquefaction, Slumps, Fissures, or Compaction: Area that is mostly underlaying by layers of silty wind laid deposits, or loess, that contain large quanitities of volcanic ash. Most of the valley area in the Willmv Subbasin is subject to these hazards. The lower valley areas and coastal areas also have high water tables. \fuen there is an earthquake in the area, there is a danger that the saturated silt and volcanic ash layer will liquify, increasing the probability of landslides, earth flows and slumps. Fissures and compactions can result in the >V'et valley areas >·men the glacial sediment begins to dry and its volume decreases. This can result in ground fissure and compaction. B-1-18 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 Known or High Potential for Landslides: &1 area where landslides have or most likely will occur determined by landslide history and/or coinciding area information. 3 Liquefaction, Slumps, Fissures or Compaction/Knmv or High Potential for Landslides. k1 area that has the structure of code 1 & 2. 9 No Geologic Hazards: k1 area that has no potential of any geologic hazards listed in this Geologic Ha.zards II section. TERMS Liquefaction -The transformation of a granular material from a solid into a liquified form, under conditions of increased water flow through silt or volcanic ash, as a result of the earth's movement. Slump -Material that has slid down from high rock slopes. Fissures -An extensive crack, break, or fracture in soil or bedrock associated with compaction. Compaetion Decrease in volume of sediments due to compressive stress, usually resulting from continued deposition above but also froo. drying and other causes. Landslides -The perceptible downward sliding or falling of a relatively dry mass of earth, rock, or mixture of the two. SOILS Refer to Appendix A for code listings. Soils are mapped by series and phase. HABITATS Habit at is the region or environment \mere a plant or animal is normally B-1-19 found. The follo\.;ring is a list of coded animals divided into resourse types (See Appendix A for code structure). WILDLIFE RESOURCE TYPES Mammals Carnivores A B Grizzly Bear (Ursus arc!_os) E Wolf (Canis lupu~) F Wolverine (GuJ.:.Q_ lli_!lc~) Ii Coyote ( Cani~ .!_~t_r'-~ns) Iii Red Fox (Vulpus vulpus) J Lynx (Lyn~ canad e_ns is) Ki Kii Mink (Mustela visiol!.) Li Short Tailed Weasel (J1ustela ~~~in~~) Lii Least Weasel (Mustel~ rixosa) M Land Otter (Lutra ~anadE~~sis) u Harbor Seal (Phoca vitulina) Hoofed Mammals c Gi Dall Sheep (Ovis dal~) Gii }fountain Goat (Oreamnos am~sicanus) B-1-20 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Rodents Ni Beaver (Castor canadensis) Nii Huskrat (Ondatra zibethicus) Oi Hoary Marmot (Marmota _call.gata) Oii Arctic Ground Squirrel (Cit~1lus unduL~us) Pi Red Squirrel (Tarn:!Jl .. ~-~iu_I;_us_ hJ!.dSQ._f!._icu~) Pii Northern Flying Squirrel (~lau~<2_fl.1Y:'i. _§..<2J1J"i:~~~) Q Porcupine (Erethizon .s!_orf?at~.!!!) R Snowshoe Hare (Lepus _9:!!!_P::F_~c~nus) Birds Upland Gamebirds Si Willow Ptarmigan (Lagc~_!:?_ lagopus) Sii Rock Ptarmigan (Lagopus I_n2.1!::..~~~) Siii White-tailed Grouse (Pedio~~~~~ Qhasianellus) Ti Ruffed Grouse (Bonasa umbellus) Tii Sharp-tailed Grouse (Ped iocetes phasianellus) Tiii Spruce Grouse (Canachites canadensis) Water Fowl Seabirds Vi Gull spp. (Laurus spp.) B-1-21 WILDLIFE HABITAT USAGE: This section defines what habitat activities animals experienc:e and where and when they experience them. A. Season This defines areas where certain animals are found in a specific season. 1. Spring & Summer 2. Fall 3. Winter B. Use Activity LAND USE This section defines what animal activities occur and where. 4. Calving -vlhere the births of the specific coded animals occur. 5. Denning -Where the coded mammals make their dens for living and hibernation. 6. Feeding -Where the animals feetl. 7. Higration -Where each animal migrates. 8. Nesting/Molting -Where species of fo~vl make their nests and molt. 9. Stagging -Where specific animals are known to breed. 10. Hauling-out Area -\Vnich area along the coastline the seals and walruses come out of the sea and onto the shore. 11. Hineral Licks -Specific places animals go to lick salts. Land use refers to the human activities occurring on the land. ~iFulture Consists of any nonurban area \vhich exhibits a ground cover that has been altered in a regular or orderly pattern suggestive of forming. This includes both field and structure patterns typical of farm operations. 110 = Pasture: All areas which exhibit signs of grazing (sparse or improved B-1-22 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vegetation cover) with fence lines, evidence of cultivation and animal paths. It does not include open range or dairy and horse farming facilities with evidence of intensive use such as ramadas, waste water ponds, race tracks or milking barns. 120 Grain, Grass: All areas used for the production of field crops excluding vegetables. Fallow fields are included here although no knowledge of length of fallm.;r time is available. 130 Vegetables: Land used for the production of ve~~etables. 140 Dairy: All areas used for the intensive raising of dairy cattle. Characteristic features inc:lud e ramadas, waste water ponds, hays tacks, milk barns, and holding lots. 150 Other Agriculture: Equipment storage facilities, >.;rater retention facilities where farm oriented, and other special use facilities; Residential Consists of transient and nontransient home and family living space. This classification includes structures, lawn area, driveways, swimming pools, and street patterns typical of residential development. 210 =Dispersed Residential: One dwelling per 5 acres and larger. This class includes permanent and recreational residences on tracts of land over 5 acres. 1he classification is mainly used for identifying isolated cabins. 220 Low Density: One d,.;relling per 2 1/2 to 5 acre lots. This class includes rural residential development on lots of 2 1/2 to 5 acres. It also includes residential housing "clusters" where houses front roads at intervals of at least one house per 2 1/2 to 5 acres. B-1-23 - - 230 =Medium Density: One dwelling per 1/2 to 2 1/2 acres. This class - includes rural and suburban residential development on lots of 1/2 to 2 1/2 acres. - 240 High Density: One dwelling on less than 1/2 acre. This includes -typical urban housing patterns and multi-family facilities. Multi-family is taken to mean there is more than one unit of a - residential nature within the design of the structure. 250 Commercial (Hotel, Motel or Lodge): All commercial residential - structures, including parking lots, driveways, svimming pools • and lawn -areas. Commercial ------ This includes activities \·lhich provide goods of all types to the consumer or which function to redistribute goods, but Hhich do not alter them - in handling except to repackage or complete their assemblage. -310 = Eating and Drinking Establishment: Commercial establishments such as restaurants and bars, which provide prepared food and beverages for - immediate consumption. 320 =Food: Grocery stores and their associated parking facilities. - 330 General Merchandise: Commercial establishments which sell general -merchandise, such as department stores, and their parking facilities. 340 Apparel and Accessories: Commercial establishments which sell apparel - and accessories and their parking facilities. 350 Furniture or Home Furnishings and Equipment: Commercial establishment - which sell furniture, home furnishings, and equipment and their parking -facilities. - B-1-24 - 360 Building Materials, Hard\·Jare, or Farm Equipment: Commercial establishments which sell building materials, hardware, or farm equipment and their parking facilities. 370 Auto Dealers or Gasoline Service Stations: Auto dealers, gasoline service stations, and auto repair businesses and their parking facilities. 380 Other: All other types of commercial establis~nents not covered in the previous commercial descriptions. Manufacturing Consists of all industrial and processing fae ili.t ies. An activity must perform some change in the nature or form of materials to be included in this class. Manufaetur ing parks include associated \varehonsen, storage yards, research laboratories, and parking facilities. 410 Food: Manufacturing facilities \·Jh ich process food products. 420 Lumber or Hood Products: Facilities which manufacture lumber or wood products. 430 Gravel or Cement Products: Hanufacturing facilities which produce gravel or cement products. 440 Other: All other types of light and heavy industry and processing facilities. Services ----- Consists of commercial areas (building and parking facilities) used predominantly for the sale of services. 510 = Hiscellaneous Business Services: Establishments engaged in the purchase or sale of commodities or in related financial transactions. B-1-25 520 Personal: Businesses which provide some personal service, such as beauty shops, dance studios. 530 == Professional: Businesses \.fuich provide professional services, such as lawyers, accountants, etc. 540 Finance, Construction or Real Estate: Finance, construction, and real estate businesses. 550 Repair: Businesses that offer repair services, such as appliance repair, clock repair, etc. 560 Other: All other types of services not covered in the previous service descriptions. Public/Quasi -Public Services Consist of government buildings, hospitals, schools, churches, fairgrounds and other public group facilities. 610 = Hilitary: All developed lands controlled by a branch of the United States Armed Forces. 620 Governmental Institution: All civil offices, jails, post offices, city halls, county administrative facilities, courts and libraries. 630 =Educational Institutions: All public and private schools and school administration buildings. 640 Health Institution: Public and private hospitals, clinics, psychiatric facli ties and sanitariums that give both custodial and short term care. 650 Church or Community Center: Churchs, mosques, temples, tabernacles and other places of \vorship or religious pursuit. Religious retreats, monasteries, convents, etc. are included. Not included are educational facilities which offer other than reli3ious training, i.e., church B-1-26 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - owned colleges and universitys. Within this class is also community centers. 660 Cemetary: Public and private cemeteries, memorial parks, and mausoleums. This class also includes all facilities associated with the cemetery, such as chapel or gardens. 670 Solid Waste Disposal Site: Abandoned, currently active, and proposed dumps and sanitary landfill operations. 680 =Other: Amphitheaters and other public facilities not included above. Communication Facility 700 = Communication Facility, Undifferentiated: Radio, television, and telephone communication facilities, including broadcast towers and associated buildings. Tr<!!l__§_Q__~r tat io~~ Facilities Consists of airports and marine facilities. 810 Airport: An airport is a tract of lanct or water that is maintained for the landing and takeoff of airplanes and for the receiving and discharging of passengers and cargo. It also includes facilities for the shelter, supply, and repair of aircraft. 811 Public Access: Airport open for public use. 812 Private Access: Airport restricted to private access. 820 Marine, Port or Dock Facility: All port, dock, and storage facilities for the commercial and pleasure boats. Also included are ship repair facilities and dredger operations. Utility Consists of telephone, electric and domestic water facilities. B-1-27 900 Utilities, Undifferentiated: Areas which are mvned or operated by a major utility, such as utility equipment repair yards and storage areas. Resource Extraction Consists of extraction area for mining of sand and gravel, minerals, gas, and oil. It also includes logging areas. 1020 1030 1040 1041 1042 1050 1051 1052 1060 Sand/Gravel Quarry and Borro'v Pit: Excavated areas ..mere sand and gravel has been extracted for use as fill and as a building material. Surface Mining: Strip mining operations and quarries. Gas Well Fields: Areas used for the extraction of gas. This class includes gas storage tanks and any associated structures. Inactive: Gas fields not currently in production. Active: Gas fields currently in production. Oil Well Fields: Areas used for the extraction of oil. This class also includes oil storage tanks and any associated structures. Inactive: Oil fields not currently in production. Active: Oil fields currently in production. Timber: Areas used for intensive logging. Hixed Urban Build-:-_t_l_£ 1100 = Hixed Urban Build Up: Consists of those areas ;vhere individual urban uses cannot be separated at the mapping scale. The category typically includes developments along transportation routes and in cities and towns where residential, commercial services, and manufacturing cannot be mapped individually because their areas are less than the minimum mapping resolution. B-1-28 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Under Construction 1200 =Under Construction: Areas in which the basic infrastructure exists but no structures are present. Vacant Disturbed 1300 =Vacant Disturbed: Rural areas which have had their natural vegetation , cover removed but are not currently being used. Outdoor Recreation 1410 = Harine Board Launching Sites 1420 Public Park, Campground, Refuge 1430 Private Resort, Park, Group Camp Recreation 1510 Bird Watching 1520 Bird Watching/Mountaineering 1530 Mountaineering 1540 Lake Boating/Lake Canoeing 1550 Lake Boating/Lake Canoeing/Lake Fishing 1551 = Lake Boating/Lake Canoeing and Intensive Fishing 1552 Lake Boating/Lake Canoeing and Moderate Fishing 1553 Lake Boating/Lake Canoeing and Light Fishing 1554 Lake Boating/Lake Canoeing and Very Light Fishing 1560 Lake Fishing 1561 Intensive Fishing 1562 Moderate Fishing 1563 Light Fishing 1564 Very Light Fishing B-1-29 - - Natural Lands, Undifferentiated - 1600 == Natural Lands, Undifferentiated: Consists of all natural areas which have no land use. Natural lands also include all waterbodies. - VEGETATION -Primary Vegetation Secondary Vegetation - Tertiary Vegetation Quaternary Vegetation - Wherever possible, pure strands o.E any vegetation type were delineated -as polygons and given the appropriate primAry vegetation code. However, many vegetation types can occur in stands of less than five acres, the minimum - mapping resolution, and are therefore too small to he mapped as discrete polygons. If only the primary vegetation type \vas mappPd, polygons less than - S aces \vould be ignored. This vegetation classification deals with these -small vegetation stands by identifying not just a polygon's primary vegetation, but also the secondary, tertiary, and quaternary vegetation. The - dominant vegetation type is coded as the primary vegetation, and any additional vegetation types which occur within the polygon are coded - secondary, tertiary or quarternary vegetation. -Forest -Woodland -------------- Forest: Forest land is land with more than SO% of the area having tree - crown cover or formerly having SO% cover. 21 ==Coniferous Forest, \fuite Spruce, Short Stands, Closed Fore\i't: Main - canopy usually less than 30 ft. in height, usually found at higher -elevations as isolated pockets in area dominated by alder, grassland, or - B-l-30 - open mixed stands. 22 Deciduous Forest, Nixed Forest, Young Stands, Closed Forest: Canopy is usually very finely textured as seen from above, openings in stand are very rare. Composed mostly of birch and/or aspen. This type very rarely mixed with other types except '~hen found as a remnant condition in burned areas. Spruce is not usually evident as a component of the overs tory in these young stands. 0-40 years old. 24 Deciduous Forest, Nixed Forest, Hed iwrr-Aged Stands, Closed ,Forest: Canopy is usually fine textured as seen from above, openings may be fairly common but they are usually small. Elements of this type include birch, spruce and aspen. Birch is usually found as a main component of this type but percent composition may vary greatly depending on a number of factors, e.g., as the type increases in age, the percent.qge of-whit~ spruce as a crmvn component usually increases along with the amount of understory and number of stand openings. 40-100 years age. 25 Coniferous Forest, White Spruee, Tall Stands, Closed Forest: Hain canopy usually greater than 30 ft. in height, usually found at lower elevations on better sites, almost always found mixed with old and decadent deciduous trees (very rarely found as a pure type in Susitna Valley) • 26 Deciduous Fore.st, Mixed Forest, Old Stands, Closed Forest: Canopy is usually somewhat coarse textured as seen from above, openings are usually common and may cover close to half of the stand area. Canopy may also appear smooth, but openings appear as definite holes in the crown. Deciduous trees in these old stands are usually decadent. B-1-31 Spruce is usually becoming the dominant species. The understory component of the stand is usually visible from above and includes Calamagrostics and Alnus as its most common species. These stands are always greater than 100 years old. 27 Cottonwood, Young Stands, Closed Forest: Host commonly found on new islands, downstream ends of old islands, and point bars of rivers. Cottonwood or poplar is usually found mixed with large alder and/or willow .:.. (understory is sparse to nonexistent). !~0 years old. 28 Cottonwood, Medium-Aged Stands, Closed Forest: Most commonly found in a riverine situation or -.;.7ithin at least one mile of a river (alluvial soils) • Stands are usually pure cottonwood or poplar, spac:ing is even and crown closure approaches 100%. Understory in the Susitna Valley is dominated by alder and devil's club. t,0-100 years old. 29 Cottonwood, Old Stands, Closed Forest: Most commonly found in riverine influence (alluvial soils). Stands may be mixed with young white spruce. Cottonwood are extremely large (30-40 inches in diameter) and decadent (larger trees may be only shells). Stand appears, some>vhat clumpy due to openings appearing in stand. Understory includes large quantities of alder, devil's club and \'lillow. Greater than 100 years old. Open Fares t Hood land 31 A forest or woodland area with 10% -50% crown cover. Coniferous Forest, White Spruce, Short Stands, Hoodland: Usually found at higher elevations as a transition type between closed forest and high elevation nonforest areas. Usually found mixed with elements of the B-1-32 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - higher elevation type, i.e., if the higher elevation type is a mixture of alder and grass then the open white spruce transition type will normally be forming a complex type with alder and grass. 30 feet tall. 32 =Deciduous Forest, Mixed Forest, Medium-Aged Stands, Woodland: Although birch/aspen stands are not usually found as a transition type between forest and high elevation nonforest areas, they are often found just below areas of type 31. 40 years old. 33 Coniferous Forest, White Spruce, Tall Stands, \.food land: Same as type 31 except normally found at lower elevations or on better sites. Commonly found in creek bottoms mixed ,.,rith alderhvillow and grnss. 30 E t. tall. 34 Deciduous Forest, Hixed Forest, Old Stands, Hoodland: Found in sam<~ general location as type 33. Found in association '":i.t.h grass and aldf:~r. Birch, in this type, is usually found growing in very small, tight clwnps. Spruce are usually found to have an open grown form and are normally much younger than the hardwood component of the type. 35 Cottonwood, Hedium-Aged Stands, ~~oodland: Usually found at treeline just above elevational limit of open ,.,hite spruce. Found in pockets among low shrubs. 36 Cottonwood, Old Stands, Woodland: Two elevational phases of this type seem to occur. The high elevation phase, consisting of balsam poplar, may be found mixed with streamside alderh.,rillow along flm.,ring water on high elevation flats. The low elevation phase, consisting of cottonwood, may be found on major river flood plains grm.,ring Hith a confusing mixture of other types including open spruce, open birch, alder, grass, etc. B-1-33 Closed Forest (Black Spruce Mountain Hemlock) A forest area having a greater than or equal to 50% crown cover composed of black spruce or mountain hemlock. 41 Black Spruce, Short Stands, Closed Forest: Main canopy usually less than 30ft. in height, generally found on wet and/or cold (poor) sites, may be found mixed with birch of poor quality but usually found as a pure type forming islands and stringers in bog areas or transition zones between bog area and forest areas. Unders l:ory i~> usually a thick moss and/or sedge mat. 42 Black Spruce, Tall Stands, Closed Forest: Nain canopy usually greater than 30 ft. in ht. Can usually be identified as a fire formed stand, on relatively good sites, stands are remarkably pure and the stocking density is usually quite high. Hay be found mixed with very scattered birch. 45 Mountain Hemlock, Short Stands, Closed Forest: Hain canopy less than 30 ft. Geographically limited in Susitna Valley to higher ground west of Tyonek, found as stringers mixed with other local types. 46 = Mountain Hemlock, Tall Stands, Closed Forest: Hain canopy greater than 30 ft. Geographically limited in Susitna Valley to low ground west of Tyonek, found as stringer stands mixed with other local types. Open Forest -Hoodland (Black Spruce) 43 Includes black spruce stands with 10% to 50% crown cover. Black Spruce, Short Stands, Open Forest-Hoodland: Found in association with bog types. Black spruce are usually of very poor form. Site is either wet or cold or both-trees usually less than 15 ft. in height. B-l-34 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Non Forested Non forested land is land with less than 10% of the area having tree crown cover. Salt Water Wetlands Salt water wetlands are areas with moist soil and high saline levels. 50 Salt Grassland: Elymus_ dominated grassland in areas of tidal influence. Usually found at edge of normal high Hater in sandy soil. Normally this type is found in areas ~1ere the shoreline gradient is relatively steep, usually found as a belt of grass along the shore. 51 Low shrub: Myrica dominated shrub land located on tidal flats. Hater level is usually fluctuating seasonally. In areas that are more continuously wet, sedge replaces _!:1yricl:'!_. 52 Tidal Marsh: Usually found in areas \'lith many shallo\'l lakes and little topographic relief (within tidal influence). Vegetation is dominated by various sedges. ~.foody plants may occur on the drier sedge and peat ridges that are common to this type. Tall Shrubs Taller stands of a several stemmed woody plant composed of the following vegetation types: 60 =Alder: This type is dominated by tall (10-15 ft.) alder growing in dense thickets with grasses, ferns, and a great variety of forbs grmving in the understory. Devil's club can be found as a dominant understory to the alder on wetter and st(~eper sites. Devil' s club will normally exclude other understory vegetation. The type is found at or above treeline. At treeline it is often found mixed with open \vhite spruce and cottonwood types. 61 Alder-Willow: This type is dominated by a mixture of very large alder and willow. This type is normally found on frequently flooded ground such as new islands, point bars, etc. Understory is sparse but may include Equisetum and CalaJ!logr_Q!~ _ _!:is. This type is often found mixed with young open cottonwood (in younger stands the cottonwood is almost indistinguisable from the willo\v and alder). Low Shrub A low, several stemmed woody plant composed of the following vegetation types: 62 = Hillow Resin Birch: T'nis type is clowinated by either willow or resin birch or a combination thereof. The type is often found in sheltered situations at high elevations, e.g., draws inmountainous·terrain; This type is found at and above the transition between tall shrub land and tundra. Grassland 63 Land in which grasses are the predominant vegetation. Upland Grass: This type is dominated by Calamagrostics 1 to 2 meters tall. Fireweed and various ferns are sometimes common. This type is most often found as an understory in the more open forest types and woodland areas where it is commonly associated with alder patches. This type can also be found unassociated with other types along small streams. Tundra An area where the mean monthly temperature is belmv freezing. In the B-1-36 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -----~-------- summer, only mosses, lichens and some flowering plants appear, while the cold of winter make normal tree growth impossible, allowing only stunted willows, birches, etc. 64 = Sedge-Grass: This type is found above treeline on relatively flat, wet areas. Vegetation consists almost entirely of various wet sedges. 65 Herbaceous: This type is found above treeline and is almost always found mixed with and above shrub tundra. The v.:n~iety of species found in this type is immense, consisting mainly of various grasses and forbs. Soil varies in depth and may be intermixed with 1~ock outcrop pings. Vegetation may not be continuous. 66 Shrub: This type is dominated by dwarf arctic birch and other shrubs along with various short grasses and a large number cE forbs. This type is almost always found mixed vTith and below herbaciou~> tundra. Density of the shrubs found in this type varies considerably and mRy often appear quite patchy. 67 Hat and Cushion: This type is dominated by such plants as dryas, crowberry, bearberry, sedge, grass, lichen and other rooted forbs. Climatic conditions are extreme at the elevation where this type is found. Vegetation cover may be complete (closed mat cushion) or relatively sparse (scattered mat cushion) with a large percentage of the vegetation being lichen. This type is often mixed with rock. Freshwater Wetlands An area of moist soil saturated with fresh\vater and containing the following vegetation: · 68 = Sphagnum Bog: Cover is dominated by varying amounts of sedge, B-l-37 69 equisetum, and moss (especially sphagnum). This type is usually found as a floating mat over several feet of water or as a thick mat directly over saturated or frozen soil. Shrubs and stunted trees (if present) may be found on drier peat ridges. This type is similar to tidal marsh except that shallm.;r lakes are less common, the peat ridges form a more continuous and regular patterns and the type is found inland beyond t:i.dal reach. Usually found as a pure type. Sphagnum-Shrub Bog: Vegetation of this type l. ,, ;::, dominated by a thick moss mat (sphagnum) and/ or se<ig_~_!;USl?O~JS~.· Grass • ericaceous shrubs, salix, blueberry and cranberry may also be present. Ground water level usually varies seasonally but this type is generally not as wet as sphagnum bog. This type is usually mix(~d with open stands of short black spruce. Many other types may also be found in close association with sphagnum shrub bog. The associated types are typically found on glacial moraines and eskers ~vithin the bog area. Cultural Fe"'lture~?_ Han related features associated with the following: 70 Cultural Influences: Hay be broadly defined as land that has been obviously affected by human activity. Includes agricultural land, urban areas, and land developed to support or provide services to agricultural and urban land. This "type" may indeed be vegetated but vegetation that is present may not be natural in either composition or spacing. Barren Largely unvegetated tracts of land. 80 Hud Flats: Confined to tidal areas (Cook Inlet) and the mouths of major B-1-38 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - rivers (Susitna, Knik). This "type" may appear vegetated on c.r.R. and color photography or from the air; ho\vever, the "vegetation" is usually algal blooms and/or other sea plants. Hud flats are usually well patterned with ripple marks or water drainage patterns. Tney are normally submersed during high tide. They may be used as resting and feeding areas by waterfowl. 81 Rock: Exposed bedrock and scree commonly found along with mat cushion tundra at high elevations. This "type" is also used to describe large landslide areas, some morainal features, and other natural barren areas. Permanent Snow and Ice An area where snmv and ice is present throughout the year. 82 = Snovf ield: High elevation snow accumulation areas.. Appears to be a permanent or nearly year round part of the landsc:ape. Hay be found as small pockets on slopes protected from the sun, on lee slopes or in gulleys. Usually found over bare ground. Uay also be found as large snow accumulation areas at very high elevations. Often mixed v7ith mat--cushion tundra and rock. 83 Glacier: Includes both icefields and glaciers. Usually found covering several square miles. Considered a permanent part of landscape. To differentiate 83 from 82 note 83 covers much larger areas; crevasses, moraines and other glacial features are usually present. ~-later Areas consisting of the follm-ling water bodies: 91 Lakes greater than 40 ac. (census \vater) 92 Lakes at least 10 ac., but less than 40 ac. B-l-39 - - 96 = Streams and rivers at least 165 feet wide, but less than 600 feet Hide - 97 Rivers greater than 1/8 mile (census water) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MANUSCRIPT 1!2 INTEGRATED TERRAIN UNIT HAP DATA CODE DE:;CRIPfiONS STREAl1 A general tenn for water flmving in one direction such as a rill, rivulet, brook, creek, and river. Order ---- Stream order is the delineation of streams according to their hierarchical position \vithin a drainage netwock. The smallest streams y,t\ich have no tributaries are called first order streams. A second order stream is formed by the joining of two first order streams. '\•lhen t\~u second order streams flow together a third order stream is created and so on. A lower order tributary flowing into a higher ordered stream does not change the order of the larger stream. Periodicity All streams ;.;ri thin the study areas \vere perennial, meaning they flmv throughout the year. 1 = Intermittent: Stream which flmv discontinuously throughout the year. These stream usually exhibit seasonal flows or flow after it rains. 2 = Perennial: Streams \vhich flow continuously year round. The origin of a stream identifies ~1ether or not that stream originates directly from glacial meltwater. 1 = Non-glacial: Non-glacial streams are formed as a result of surface run off and sub sur face seepage. 2 Glacial: Streams vlhich originate directly from glacial mel tvJa ter are B-2-1 glacial streams. Discharge Profile Discharge profile distinguishes streams which form in the mountains from streams >mich form in the valleys or lowland areas. 1 =Lowland Streams: The headwater of a lowland stream originates below 1500 feet, the approximate timberline. 2 = Mountain Streams: A mountain stream's heachm ters o t:ig inate above 1500 feet, the approximate timberline. Situation Situation indicates which line segments are drawn through polygon'" coded as '"'aterbody on the ITUM, and \.fuich are not. (Ennbles water polygons and water line information to be plotted on the same map properly.) l =Not within \Vaterbody: Indicates stt:eam segments vhi.ch are not contained in ITUH wa terbody polygons. 2 Within Haterbody: Indicates stream segments which are contained in ITUH waterbody polygons. Cond_!tior:!_ Streams which are fed by glacial melt\vater must transport excess:i.?e amounts of glacial sediment. The resulting braid channel is the most efficient form for transporting large amounts of sediment. Braided streams are made up of shifting, intertwining, shallmv channels \.fuich are separated by sand and gravel deposits. 1 Non Braided: A stream \mic:h does not exhibit a braided channel. 2 Braided: A stream •vrlich has a braided channel configuration. B-2-2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Special Recreation~~ U~~ The special recreational uses were obtained from maps supplied by DNR. These maps represent the current situation and do not represent potential recreational uses. SPECIAL RECREATION USES Boating 1 = No Boating 2 = Boating Canoeing 1 = No canoeing 2 = Canoeing Rafting/Kayaking 1 = No Rafting/Kayaking 2 = Rafting/Kayaking Fishing 1 = No Fishing 2 = Intense Fishing 3 = Moderate Fishing 4 Light Fishing 5 Very Light Fishing Anadromous Streams Streams which contain fish that migrate from the sea to freshwater to breed. B-2-3 1 2 3 4 5 6 King Salmon ______ _ Anadromous Stream , ____ ......: Sockeye Salmon Chum Salmon ·---·------ Coho Salmon '------Pink Salmon -------~----------·-- I. Colwnns 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 1 = Salmon Not Present 2 Salmon Present, but not Spawning 3 Salmon Present, Discontinuous Spawning 4 Salmon Present, Known Spawning Area II. Colwnn 6 1 Not an Anad romous Stream 2 Anadromous Stream HATERSHED The total area of land above a given point on a waterway that contributes run-off water to the flow at that point. A hierarchical system of numbering the various stream orders in a stream system. The follmfing list defines coded c;tream basins by order. Colwnn Direct drainage into a hizher, undetermined order watershed ----~- 5th Order Stream ---· 1 2 !+ 5 ---- 3rd Order Streams ________ 4th Order Streams B-2-4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I. Undetermined Higher Order Basins 10000 20000 Susitna River Basin Cook Inlet Basin II. Fifth Order Basins 11000 = Willow Creek 5th order III. Fourth Order Basins A. Fourth Order Basins comprising Willow Creek 5th order Basin 1. 11100 2. 11200 Willow Creek 4th order Basin Deception Creek l+th order Basin B. Fourth order Basins Hhic:h do not drain into higher order basins 1. 10100 Little Willow Creek Basin 2. 20200 Little Sunitna River Basin 3. 10300 Fish Creek Basin {+ • 20400 Goose Creek Basin 5. 20500 Heado~tT Creek B::1 sin 6. 20600 Wasilla Creek Basin IV. Third Order Basins A. Third order Basins comprising Willow Creek 4th order Basin 11101 11102 11103 11104 11105 11106 Unnamed basin Unnamed basin Canyon Creek Basin Peters Creek Basin Purches Creek Basin Willow Creek Basin B. Third order Basins comprising Deception Creek l1th order Basin 11201 11202 11203 11204 Unnamed basin Unnamed basin East Deception Creek Basin Unnamed basin C. Third order Basins comprising the Little Hillmv creek 4th order Basin. 10101 10102 10103 10104 Iron Creek Basin Unnamed basin Unnamed basin Little Willow Basin B-2-5 D. Third order Basins comprising the Little Susitna River 4th order Basin. 20201 Maguire Creek Basin 20202 Unnamed basin 20203 Unnamed basin 20204 == Lake Creek Basin 20205 Unnamed basin 20206 Unnamed basin 20207 Unnamed basin 20208 Unnamed basin 20209 Government Creek Basin 20210 Unnamed basin 20211 Archangel Creek Basin 20212 Little Susitna River E. Third order Basins comprising the Fish cn~ek lfth order Basin. 10301 Unnamed baBin 10302 Unnamed basin 10303 Unnamed basin 1030/f Unnamed basin F. Third order Basins comprising the Goose Creek 4th order Basin. G. H. Third 20501 20502 20503 20504 Third 20601 20602 Unnamed basin Goose Creek order Basins comprising Three Mile Creek Basin Lucile Creek Basin Unnamed basin the Little Heado\v Creek Basin order Basins comprising the Unnamed basin Unnamed basin B-2-6 Headm·J Creek 4th order Basin Wasilla Creek lfth order Basin. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .... MANUSCRIPT /13 POINTS AND LINEAR FEATURES MAP DATA CODE DESCRIPTIONS NATillL~L LINES (3A) A map of lines illustrating the following natural features: Areal Extent of Elmendorf Glaciation ~------------- Which areas were glaciated by the Elmendorf glacier:. 1 Not glaciated by the Elmendorf GlAcier: Area not covered by the Elmendorf Glacier. Ho>vever, most of this area has been repeatedly glaciated during other glacial episodes. 2 Glaciated by the Elmendorf Glacier: All of tht:-, area which once ~vas covered by the Elmendorf Glacier and the resulting morainal deposits • A cliff or steep rock face of great length formed by erosion or poss~ly by faulting. The following describes the escarpment in the area. 1 Not an Escarpment: Line segments on the natural line manuscript which are not escarpments. 2 Escarpment: Line segments on the natural line manuscript \vhich are escarpments. A fault line is a fracture or fracture zone in soil or in rock mass Hhere relative displacement has occurred. 1 = No Fault: No faults have been id<~nt ifi ed in the area. Only major faults are identified by this very general survey. Where the public health and safety is concerned detailed studies are needed to verify the existence and extent of known faults and to detect any additional faults. B--3-1 - - 2 Possible Fault: Conditions suggest the possible existence of a fault. - Often there is little topographic expression. Hany times faults \vill be covered by thick deposits of glacial sediments, making identification - very difficult. Detailed field verification is required to establish the -existence of a fault. 3 Suspected or Inferred Fault: Possible fault which has limited - topographic expression and can cnly be tentatively identified using aerial photography. Field verification is necessary to establish the - existence of this type of fault. -4 Known Fault: Fault is one \vhose existence has been verified using aerial photography and field work. - A map of points and lines illustrating the following cultural - features: -ROADS/TRAILS/INFRASTRUCTURE NETWORK Roads ---- All major roads were mapped. Secondary and feeder roads were not mapped. - 11 Non-Paved road: Dirt or gravel covered road. -12 Paved Road: All weather, hard or unpaved sur face road. 13 Non-Paved road and Existing Utility Corridor: Non-paved road with a - utility corridor along its route. 14 Paved Road and Existing Utility Corridor: Paved road \vith a utility - corridor along its route. -15 Non-Paved Road and Proposed Utility Corridor: Non-paved road with a new - B-3-2 - utility corridor proposed along its route. 16 Paved Road and Proposed Utility Corridor: Paved road with a new utility corridor proposed along its route. 17 Proposed Road -Point McKenzie Highway: The proposed Point McKenzie Highway. Trails ---- Trails are marked paths used for the following functions: Dog mushing; hunting; hiking; equestrian; of£ road vehicle; cross country skiing; snm• vehicles; and snow shoeing. 21 = Existing Trails: Existing trail system '"as obtained from maps supplied by DNR. Seismic survey lines are straight narrov cleared paths, often many miles long, used to study the underlaying geology and seismic conditions. Railroads All existing rail roads currently being used ,.,ere mapped. 41 = Existing Railroad Utility Corridors Utility corridors are the rights-of-way of transmission lines. Only major utility corridors were mapped. 51 Existing Utility Corridor: Hajor existing utility corridors. 52 Proposed Utility Corridor: Hajor proposed utility corridors. SPECIAL LINEAR RECREATION USES Berry Pic king Roads and trails on \vhich a significant amount of berry picking B-3-3 currently exists. 1 No Berry Picking 2 Berry Picking Dog Mushing Roads and trails on which a significant an10unt of dog mushing currently exists. 1 No Dog Mushing 2 = Dog Mushing Hunting Roads and trails on \vhich a significant amount of hunting currently exists. 1 No Hiking 2 Hiking H~ G~J_Qing-,_ Roads and trails from which significant amounts of hang gliding currently originates. 1 No Hang Gliding 2 Hang Gliding Equestrian Roads and trails on which a significant amount of horseback riding currently exists. 1 No Equestrian 2 = Equestrian Of_L R~"ld Veh_icl~!?_ Roads and trails on which a significant number of off road vehicles are B-3-4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - currently being used. 1 No Off Road Vehicles 2 Off Road Vehicles Roads and trails on which a significant amount of cross country skiing currently exists. 1 No Cross Country Skiing 2 Cross Country Skiing Snow Vehicles Roads and trails on which a significant number of snmv-vehicles are currently being used. 1 No Snow Vehicles 2 = Snow Vehicles Roads and trails on •mich a significant amount of snmv-shoeing currently exists. 1 No snow Shoeing 2 Snow Shoeing Roads or trails on which a significant amount of camping currently exists. 1 No Camping 2 Camping CULTURAL POINTS Consists of all of the extractive site -areas containing minerals that B-3-5 can be P~tracted for use. 1020 =Sand/Gravel Quarry and Borrow Pit: Surface minerals where rock is removed to produce building materials or fill. Subsurface Hine Entrance: Surface entrances of underground mines Gas Well Inactive: Operational gas wells not currently being used. Active: Gas wells currently being used. - - - - - - 1030 1040 1041 1042 1050 1051 Oil Well - Inactive: Operational oil w·ells not currently being used. -1052 Active: Oil wells currently being used. 1060 Abandoned Gas or Oil Well - - - - - - - - - - B-3-6 - MANUSCRIPT //4 LAND STATUS MAP DATA CODE DESCRIPTIONS CONGRESSIONAL TOHNSHIP (For the U. s. system of rectangular surveys) Under this system the land is divided into townships 6 miles square with boundaries running due north-south, east-west. Principal meridians and baselines were established as a reference system for the township surveys. The location of each township in a survey region is givc->n Hith respect to the point at which the principal meridian and the baseline Lrttersect. The coordinates that specify a particular towrrship are read off as the number of townships north or south of the baseline.; the number of to\vnships east or ~.;rest of the principal meridian is called the range. Ho~.;r many townships the particular tovnshi.p liPs from the baseline. n = Number of Township This indicates if the tom1ship falls north or south of the baseline. l North 2 = South Name of Baseline The baseline used for the Hillow Subbasin study area is unnamed. How many tO\vnships the particular toT,mship lies from the meridian. n = ~l'umber of Range. This indicates if the tom1ship falls east or ~.;rest of the meridian. B-4-1 - - 1 East - 2 Hest Name of Her:id ian - 1 = Seward Meridian: The principle meridian used for the Willow Subbasin -study area is the Seward Meridian. - Describes who owns the land • and is divided into the following classification: - Federal --------10 = Federal State -21 State Patented Land 22 State Tentatively Approved - 23 State University -24 Other State Land Campground and Foreclosure 25 Stat2 Selected Land - Borough Land 31 Borough Patented Land - 32 Borough Tentatively Approved -Municipal 40 = Hunicipal - Private 50 = Private - AGENCY INTEREST Describes \m ich agency( s) has an inU~rest in a particular location. - - - Fish and Game 1 Not Fish and Game 2 Fish and Game Joint Fish and GCJ.me and Parks 1 Not Joint Fish and Game and Parks 2 Joint Fish and Game and Parks Park.•=; l = Not Parks 2 = Parks Timber ----- 1 = Not Timber 2 = Timber Highway Corridor 1 = Not High,.vay Corridor 2 = Higln..ray Corridor 1 Not Agriculture 2 Agriculture 1 Not Haterials Site 2 Materials Site Hiscellaneous Ha tershecl ---·------------------- 1 Not Hiscellaneous ~;Jatershed 2 Hiscellaneous Watershed B-4-3 - - Mineral Zone - 1 = Not Mineral Zone 2 = Mineral Zone - -1 = Not FSLUPC Ecological Reserve 2 = FSLUPC Ecological Reserve - 1 =Not New Capital Site - 2 = New Capital Site -New Capital Site Buffer 1 = Not New Capital Site Buffer -2 = New Capital Site Buffer Miscellaneous ------__ M __ _ 1 = Not Miscellaneous -2 = Niscellaneous Intensive Recreation Areas ----·--·----1 = Not Intensive Recreation Areas 2 = Recreation Areas - - - - - - B-4-4 - Appendix C Data Sources and Mapping Methodology Integrated Terrain Unit Nap Surface Hydrology Map Points and Linear Features Map Land Status Map The follo\ving manuscripts compose the Willow Subbasin Resource Inventory: Integrated Terrain Unit Map, Surface Hydrology Hap, Points and Linear Features Hap (Natu-ral Lines Hap and Cultural Points and Lines Nap) and the Land Status Hap. A. INTEGRATED TERRAIN UNIT MAP (ITUH) l~_:'?_l_?~ Gr_a_c!~~::t_t_ Slopes were interpreted from topographic sheeU; which give the g,~n-- eral gradient of the region. lligh reliability of the collateral material was ensured by using U.S.G.S. topographic: sheets which are regarded as the "standard" for regional mapping. Polygons Hith slopes greater or lesBer than the coded slope value but below 5 acres in resolution were not mapped. Thus, slope code values give a more getteralized representation of slope gradient for each polygon. Slope was interpreted from 1:37,000 scale topo-- graphic sheets having 50--and 100-foot contour intervals rather than from soil phase maps that exhibited detailed slopes. The soil phase maps often delineated embankment and hummocky morainal deposits as having steep slopes \vhile these same features are not shown as slope units on the topographic map. To distinguish general slope of the land as well as the slope of micro-relief features, the interpreted slope map can be compared to the soil phase map. The slope classes used were 0-3%, 3-7%, 7-12%, 12-20%, 20-30%, 30-45% and 45% of greater. To interprete the slope, a scale having different line densities corresponding to contour line density at the specified slope classes was used to compare the contour lines on the topographic map. A mylar slope overlay was prepared by drawing polygons around areas of homo- geneous line density. Numeric code values 1-7 \vere \vritten in the result- ing polygons and each map was edited for lines that did not connect or had C-1 missing code values. The maps were finally edgematched to adjoining sheets and discrepancies were corrected by comparing them with the topo- graphic maps. 2. Landforms The landform overlay was obtained from 1:63,360 scale blueprint land- form maps (Kennerson, G. Dean/Spencer, J. Page, Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska, 1978). The blueprint lines and codes were trans- ferred onto the stable base overlay registered to the attached topo sheet. Extra care was taken to ensure proper registration to the basemaps because the blueprint is susceptible to shrinking and stretching. Landforms are the distinctive configuration of the Lmd surface and are environmentally significant because they influence the variation in ecological factors such as water availability and exposure to solar radia- tion. The two distinct maps developed for landforms \vere physiographic division and landform types. These factors are explained in subsections below. The landform mapped is of a detailed regional scope and provides descriptions of subregional sites and an overview of morphodynamics. a. Physiographic Division Physiographic division is a type of landform classification dividing the land surface into broad major categories. The categories are defined in Appendix 2. The same collateral maps used for the landform map Here used to create the physiographic division overlays. The detailed soil phase map \vas also a good source for checking a features steepness and exact areal configuration. The physiographic division overlay was then compared to the imagery. Quality revie>v was made to ensure that polygons Here coded and lines closed as Hell as for shape and position being accurately depicted. When the 1:63,360 scale overlay \vas completed, the map \vas optically/manually enlarged to a scale of 1:37,000 and transferred to the ITUM. C-2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - b. Landform Types A landform type is any element of the landscape characterized by a distinctive surface expression, internal structure and sufficiently con- spicuous to be classified. The flood prone areas were obtained from the Army Corps of Engineers Flood Survey Maps. Since these maps only re- flected conditions of major rivers, mapping other flood prone areas relied on photo interpretation an<.l basemaps. The soil survey map was used to verify landform. Soil's parent material Has used to resolve issues such as \vhelher an area was outwash or till. The soils parent material was revie1:vetl to determine if the drift material was deposited by water or from a glacier. Soil phase was used to check moraines because the 1:63,360 scale topo sheet with its 50-and 100-foot contour interval was often too general to identi- fy the moraines. \vhen the data were recorded, the overlay was compared to the imagery, All polygons Here edited to ensure proper coding an<.l closing of lines. Imagery and basemaps were carefully studied to preclude omission of landform polygons. The 1:63,360 scale landform type overlay was otpically/manually enlarged to 1:37,000 scale and transferred to the ITUM. 3. General Geology The geology map was constructed by using a hand drawn geology collateral map at a scale of 1:250,000. The collateral map was overlain on a topographic map of the same scale and optically/manually rescaled after registering the 1:63,000 scale basemap and geology overlay to the 1:250,000 scale topographic sheet. The rescaled geology overlay was compared to the imagery and basemaps to validate the lines, positions, and code values. Fe'\v changes were made to the bedrock geology because there \vas minimal topo- graphic expression of the underlying geology type. C-3 a. Surficial Geology The surficial geology map identifying areas \vith or without surficial deposits was refined to match the visible pattern on the imagery and slope breaks of the topo map and soil phase. Once the 1:63,360 scale overlay con- taining the surficial and bedrock geology information \vas completed and edit- ed to check line configuration and code values, the map was optically/man- ually enlarged to a scale of 1:37,000 and transferred to the ITilll. The data compiled from the collateral map are suitable for semi-detailed analysis and display. The surfic:ial deposit information map is very re- liable since it was matched against identifiable patterns on the phase and basemap. b. Bedrock Geology High reliance \vas placed on the collateral map and felv line adjust- ments were. made while compiling the bedrock geology overlays. Most of the Willow Subbasin area has been recently glaciated, making photo identification of bedrock units almost impossible. 4. Ec;onomic Geology The economic geology overlay tvas prepared using a hand drawn collateral map at a scale of 1:250,000. The collateral map Has overlain on a topographic sheet of the same scale and optically/manually rescaled, registering the 1:63,360 scale basemap and economic geology overlay to the 1:250,000 scale topographic sheet. Most economic geology units concided to a specific landform. For in- stance, sand dunes, moraines and flood plains lvere often shown as being sources of sand and gravel. The economic geology units had to be refined to the landform units they represented. The other economic geology units, potential mineral deposits, were transferred directly to the overlay. A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - final edit was preformed to ensure map accuracy and the overlay Has optically/ - narmally rescaled to 1:37,000 and transferred to the ITill1. c-!1 - The reliability of sand and gravel source areas is very good since they were drawn using the landform polygons. llm.,rever, the potential nineral deposits polygons are generalized and do not inply that deposits exist throughout the polygon. Detailed field investigations \vill be necessary to establish the presence of the mineral deposits. ~.Geologic_ Haz~_r::ds The geologic hazards mapped were on a polygon by polygon basis compared to the aerial photographs. The unit descriptions were t~ken from the collat~ eral documents. Hhere the unit boundaries ;.;rere not icc~ably inconsistent with collateral materials, slight adjustments 1.:en· made by the i.ntE~rpreter. The interpretation was based on stereoscopically view~d :tir photos. The data compiled from the collateral naterial is suitable fc•r semi-detailed analysis and display. Hmvever, due to the inherent va Liability within geologic units, this data must not be substituter! for detailed site mappin~ where public health or safety may be :invnlved in the preparation of en~in­ eering plans. a. Geologic Hazard I The geologic hazard I overlays were compiled using 1:63,360 scale blue- print copies of geologic hazard collateral maps. The hazard lines and codes were transferred from the blueprint copies onto the mylar overlay attached to the topo. Extra care was taken to ensure proper registration to the basemap because the original was a blueprint. The rescaled overlay was compared to the landform nap and the hazard lines were refined to landform lines. For example, primary and secondary flood zones on the geologic hazard maps were identical to active and abandoned flood plains on the landform maps, and undulating terrain \vith varying particle size on the geologic hazard I map corresponded to moraines on landform maps. C-5 Geologic hazards in corresponding to a landform type were refined using the visible patterns on the photo. Additional hazard areas not on the geologic hazard collateral \vere delineated using the photo and basemap. A final edit \vas made to ensure map accuracy and the overlay w·as optically I manually rescaled to 1:37,000 and transferred to the ITUH. The reliability of the geologic hazard I map is very good for a regional perspective since all polygons w~re compared with the photo to ensure proper codes and line configuration. However, hazard an:o.s smaller than the mininmm resolution were not mapped. b. Geologic Hazard II The geologic hazard II overlay \\las prepa:red liEd ng a hand drawn collat- eral map at a scale of 1:250,000. The collater;Jl map was overlain onto a topographic map of the same scale aml optically/manuaLly rescaled, register- ing the 1:63,360 scale basemaps and geologic hazard II overlay to the 1:250,000 topographic map. The overlay Has thfm compared w:i th the photo and topographic. sheets. The lines were adjusted to match terrain features. Often areas that had high potential for land slides corresponded \vith moraines on the landform overlay. So, when possible, the geologic hazard II lines were ad- justed to the landform's polygon configuration. The geologic hazard II overlays were carefully checked for proper line configuration and code values, and were then rescaled optically/manually to 1:37,000 and transferred to the ITUM. The geologic hazard II map identifies large areas \vhich could - - - - - - - - - - - - - - have a potential geologic hazard. Detailed site mapping is necessary to ident-- ify a particular site for a geologic hazard. The general reliability of the data is good. The original collateral at a scale of 1:250,000 identified large, general areas as having hazards. These general lines were then fit to the terrain using the imagery. C-6 - - - - 6. Soil This data item \vas derived from U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service Soil Surveys. The majority of the study was covered by 1:63,360 scale mosaicked blacklines from the Matauuska, Susitna and the NeH Capitol Site soil surveys. These soil maps were photographically rescaled to 1:37,000. Photo copies interim soil survey maps were supplied by the Soil Conser- vation Service for the area ,.;rh:ich lies north of the published Matanuska Valley Soil Survey. Two different interim soil surveys were received. One survey covered most of the Anchorage D-8 topo sheet. The other interi;a re- port covered the mountainous area to the east of Anchorage D-8. These sur- veys were optically/manually enlarged to a scalP of 1:37,000. Dynamic features such as flood plain, soils and tidal flats \.Jere updated to match current conditions found on the imagery. The photo copies soil survey info·cmation 1vas more general than the pubLished survey and was dra\vrl on a photo basis t.bat cou] c.l not be clearly dupU<'atEcl. This made registration and reformatting difficult. Tlte finished soil over- lays \vere carefully checked against the imagery and vegetation collateral to confirm that the soil pattern had been properly registered, reflected visible patterns on the imagery and \vas consistent \vith the vegetation map. The general interim survey soil lines Here adjusted to match the more detailed vegetation lines. All of the soil maps used photos as their base. The soils overlay \.Jas prepared by registering the 1:37000 scale basemap and soil overlay to the photographically enlarged 1:37,000 scale soil surveys. This '\vas accomplish- ed by overlaying the topo and soil overlay on the soil collateral. Kno\,~ linear and point features were aligned on the soil map with their correspond- ing features on the basemap before drafting the pattern. C-7 Soil polygons under 2 acres -.;.;rere dropped or absorbed into an adjacent similar soil unit. The maps were edited against the original soil collateral for transposed codes and missing lines. Boundary lines -.;.;rere drawn on the soils overlay bet1veen adjoining soil surveys, because the soil surveys were made at different times and with different degrees of generalization. No two soil surveys edgematched. Of- ten along the interface between surveys, the lines matched fairly 1vell, but the assigned code values were often different. A straight line boundary -.;.;ras not drawn bet1.;reen the Matanuska and Ne\v Capitol ~)ite because the New Capitol Site soil survey is an extension of the Hatcumska and used the same soil symbols. The boundary betHeen the two surveys Has drawn to the IJ.earest polyg,m on the ITUH. Several sections on map sheet Anchorage C-8 \Jere unsurveyed for soils. By reading the soil descriptions and checking the surrounding soil patterns against the image the soil lines -.;.;rere interpolated into the unsurveyed area. Special attention was given to vegetation and slope differences. Soil data was mapped at the soil phase level representing the most detailed level for taxanomic classification of soils. Value variations within soil units from the typical pedon are an operational part defining soils. The soils data will vary in reliability from one interpretation to the next depending upon the precision with -.;.;rhich the pertinent values were assessed during the original collection of the soils data. Differences in soils data interpretation will cause variations of reliability. By using soil phases on the mapping unit, the descriptions can be improved as ne-.;v information becomes available from the Soil Conservation Service. This data is used in detailed subregional analysis and display and the descriptive in- formation of every soil phase meets the needs of the site selection process. C-8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7. Habitat The habitat overlay was compiled using the follmv-ing map sources: Alaska's Wildlife and Habitat, .Yolum~_lL~ The Sea Bird Catalog_, habitat maps prepared by Jack Dickerson, David Harkness, and by Paul Arreson and Dan Timm. The collateral maps \vere drawn on mylar overlays registered to 1:63,360 scale U.S.G.S. paper topographic maps. The lines were transferred directly to the 1:63,360 scale habitat over- lay, carefully registering the mylar topo map and h<1bitat: overlay to the paper topo and collateral overlays. The polygons \ITere given code numbers which represented animal type and habitat usage. Polygons containing ident- ical animal types and habitat usage were assigned the se1me code value. The habitat maps prepared by Jack Dickerson, Paul Harkness, Paul Arneso11 and Dan Ti.mm had many polygon boundaries ending .Ln sl:rai ght lines along map borders. These maps are general field obset~vat:ion maps and are not: intended to represent the exact spatial extent of t:he variou:,; habitats. The habitat maps \ITere compared against. the imagery and basemap and some lines were adjusted to match obvious vegetation and terrain features. By and large, the lines reflect the configuration of the original collateral. Corrections and adjustments were made, but most lines were delineated on the habitat overlay as they appeared on the collateral. The completed overlay was then optically/manually rescaled to 1:37,000 and transferred to the ITL-:1. The reliability of this item is good for use at the regional level. The habitat maps, which are mainly compiled from field observation, delineate large areas as various habitat areas. Most of these habitat polygons contain a wide divergence of natural, and sometimes cultural features. Therefore, within any area there could be sections of heavy occurrence grad- ing down to no occurrence at all. Detailed studies of the natural and cultural features with field studies are necessary to verify the existence of a habitat. C-9 - a. Habitat I -The habitat I overlay was compiled using a 1:63,360 scale habitat collateral map prepared by Paul Arneson and Dan Timm. - b. Habitat II The habitat II overlay \vas compiled using 1:63,360 habitat collatera 1. - maps prepared by Jack Didrickson and Dave Harkness. -c. Habitat III the habitat III overlay was compiled using 1:63,360 scale habitat - d. Habitat IV - The habitat IV overlay was compiled using 1:63,360 habitat collateral - e. Habitat V - The habitat V overlay was compiled using 1:63, -~60 habitat collateral - 8. Land Use -The land use map was compiled using the vegetation overlay, the topo · sheet, the imagery and the 1:63,360 scale land use map supplied by the Depart-- ment of Natural Resources. The Department of Natural Resources land use map was compiled using older photos and field reconnaissance studies. - Many of these maps did not take into account recent development. Some -polygons were not in the proper locations. Also, the map didn't fit the topo sheet. Therefore, when it was used continual adjustments had to be - made to attain the proper registration with the mylar basemap. The land use overlay was prepared by transferring all the distrubed area "70" - (cultural influence) from the vegetation overlay to the land use overlay. -These areas were then given land use codes by placing the topo sheet, with the attached mylar land use overlay, on the image and interpreting the - actual land use \vithin the disturhed areas. hThen the interpreter \vas unsure -C-10 about a polygons' land use the information \vas checked using the DNR land use maps. A final check against the image was performed to identify remote residential, which was seldom delineated on the vegetation map, and to check for any other land use polygons that were overlooked. The recreational uses coded 1500, were obtained using the DNR recrea- tion overlay. These lines were transferred directly onto the land use over- lay. The collateral map did not fit the topo sheet, therefore, it necessi- tated continual adjustment to obtain the best possible registration. The minimum land use polygon mapping resolution \vas 2. 5 acres. Hmv- ever, the land use classification has a very detailed urban breakdown. Hany of the land use classes, such as eating and drink.ing establishments, occur in units of 2.5 acres or smaller. Consequently, it Has often necessary to aggregate these small urban units into the general cl2.ssi.fication "mixed urban build up.11 The general reliability of the land use map is very good. The class- ification uses a hierarchical classification system and may be used for de tailed analysis and display as well as for general regional applications. This data must be supported by more detailed inventories for those regula- tory procedures which require an accurate count of occupied dwellings or other specific site information. 9. Vege ta tioJ?: This data item was prepared from 1:63,360 scale clear acetate vegeta- tion maps supplied by the U.S. Forest Service. These vegetation maps were interpreted from the same imagery that the current study uses. Each photo has a corresponding vegetation map overlay. With the collateral vegetation map attached to the proper photo, the vegetation polygons were transferred onto the manuscript vegetation map, \vhich \vas attached to the topo basemap. The topo and manuscript basemaps were adjusted to attain registration to features on the photo. c-11 As the lines were being transferred from the vegetation collateral, the inter- preter checked the position of the line work to ensure code and signature consistency. A final edit was performed to identify missing lines and uncoded polygons. The vegetation collateral map was of excellent quality and only a few areas. on the imagery disagreed with the vegetation collateral. Since it was interpreted from recent photos, dynamic phenomena such as stream course configuration and land use are accurately portrayed. The overall reliability of this data is excellent, but any planning decision requiring specific site vegetation information would require further refinement of the vegetation polygons. B. SURFACE HYDROLOGY MAP These maps consist of sequentially m1mbered lines and polygons and corresponding sequentially numbered code lists. The maps consist of stream courses and watershed boun.darier;. The maps were drawn at a scale 0f 1:63,360 and each map comprising the surfaee hydrology map is described in subsections that follow. 1. Stream The stream map, scaled at 1:63,360, was made by transferring the stream courses from the topo sheets to the hydrology manuscript as a series of straight line segments. This straight line technique makes the digitiz- ing of manuscripts easier and this method does not significantly change the stream network configuration. The soil surveys which delineate stream courses along \vith the imagery were used to identify additional streams and record them on the overlay. The imagery Has used to correct stream courses that had changed as a result of stream piracy or by natural imigration across a flood plain. These corrections aided in eliminating edgematching discrepancies. C-12 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The general reliability of stream course configuration \vas made excellent by basemap and soil survey updating to match the imagery. A copy of the hydrology manuscript \vas made for each hydrology data variable: Order, periodicity, origin, discharge profile, situation and condition, recreation uses and anadromous streams. The completed overlays were then integrated and coded. a. Order The streams from the original manuscript copy \vere transferred onto the stream orckr overlay. The stream netvmrk VJ.w <Issigued order va.l ues in the following manner. All unbranched tributarie~> are first order strearas; when two ehannel segments of order N join they fonn r~ clwnnel of order N+1. Hhen streams of different orders join, the higher order stream code value is retained. The hydrology manuscript: was overlain on t.be onler 111ap and each line se.grnl~nt 1 s value was reeonled on a code sheet:. b. Period:ici ty The completed hydrology manuscript maps were compared to the topographic map and imagery. It \vas determined that all of the streams in the study area were perennial. c. Origin (Glacial/Nonglacial) The streams from the original manuscript copy were transferred onto the overlay. All streams were then compared to the imagery and basemaps. Streams with head,..rater or tributaries originating from a glacier were coded glacial and all others nonglacial. Tlte hydrology manuscript map was over- lain on the origin overlay aud each line segment code was recorded. d. Discharge Pro file (Mountain/Lmvland) All streams from the hydrology manuscript were transferred onto the discharge profile overlay. The overlay \vas then compared to the imagery and basemap. Streams \\lith headwater or tributaries \vhich flmv above 1500 C-13 feet or above the timber line were coded mountainous. All others \vere coded lowland. The hydrology manuscript map was overlain on the discharge profile map and each line segment's value was recorded on a code sheet. e. Situation All the streams reflected on the hydrology manuscript were transferred onto the situation overlay. By using the topographic map and imagery stream courses segments contained \vi thin water bodies were identified. This made it possible to produce a computer plot of stt:emu courses and water bodies from the ITUM and drop the line segments within the waterbodies. f. Condition A review of the imagery and basemap established that there \vere no braided stream courses within the study arc~a. g. Special Recreation Uses The recreation uses for the stream courses \ven~ obtc1ined from recrea- tion ovc~rlays (1: 63,360 scale) supplied by the Department of Natural Re- sources. All of the streams shmvn on the hydrology mJnuscript were trans- ferred onto the special recreation uses overlay. Segments of streams that had recreational uses were assigned code values on the recreation overlay. Some trails crossed or paralleled a stream and were coded as having a recreational use of fishing. Some streams coded as having some recreation- al use did not delineate the linear extent of the use. In these cases, imagery and basemaps were used to delineate the extent by using natural and cultural features. For example, some streams were coded as having in- tensive fishing near an urban area without drmving the limits of the intense fishing. By using the photo and basemaps the boundary was drafted by look- ing at urban densities, roads adjacent to the river, etc. The general reliability of this data is poor because the collateral maps were very general and often incomplete. C-14 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - h. Anadromous Streams The anadromous stream overlay \vas compiled using a small scaled ana- dromous stream collateral map supplied by the client. The maps were re- formatted to 1:63,360 and all streams on the final manuscript \vere coded accordingly. The general realiability of this mapped item is good for the major rivers. Hmvever, because the original colL1teral \·laS at a small scale, it didn't show many of the smaller streams. They were, therefore, coded as not an anadromous stream. 2. Hater sheds The completed stream course m::1.ps \vere mosaicked together and poly~~ons \vere drawn around every 3rd order or higher basin. The general watershed boundaries \vere then adjusted to the topography using the basemap an.cl imagery. a. Topologic Num~1er The resulting watershed system Has coded hiera.rchically, making it possible to identify which basins flmv into \vhich bas Ln. The general reliability of the watershed map is very good. Ho\vever, field studies would be required to determine or verify the precise break in drainage bet\veen t\vO watersheds. C. POINTS AND LINEAR FEATURES HAP The points and linear features map \vas composed of t\vO parts: Natural lines and cultural points and lines. Each part \vas drawn as a seperate manuscript map to reduce manuscript map complexity. l. Natural Lines Natural ljnes was composed of three variables: Elemendorf glaciation escarpments, ~nd fault lines. An overlay was completed for each variable, and all 1 ines Here carefully checked against the imagery to as~mre proper lGcation and code value. Finally the manuscripts vere compiled, edgematched, sequentially numbere~ and coded. C-15 a. A:r::~aJ. Extent of Elemendorf Glaciation The line \vhich represents the areal extent of the elemendorf glaciation was transferred from the landform collateral to the natural points and lines overlay. The overlay was then compared to the image and basemap to verify that the line correctly represented the elemendorf glaciers. The terminal and lateral moraine system marks the glaciers areal extent. The general reliability of this item is excellent because the glaciation line was drawn using the elemendorf moraine system as a guide. In some areas the moraine can be a mile wide, therefore, the line graphically represents a wide zone and is not intended to depict the exact extent of glaciation. b. Escarpment Escarpments were obtained from the blueprint geologic hazards map at a scale of 1:63,350. The line representing the escarpment was transferred from the geologic hazards ma.p onto the natural line. overlay which was attached to the basemap. The overlay Has compared to the photo and basemap to verify the position of the major escarpments. The general reliability of this item is excellent. Smaller escarpments below the minimum mapping resolution were not mapped. c. Fault Lines Faults were mapped from the blueprint copy of the geology hazards map at a scale of 1:63,360. The faults were transferred from the goelogic hazard map onto the natural lines overlay. The overlay \vas compared to the image adjusting the lines to perceptible linements. The general reliability of this item is good, but detailed field survey is needed \vhere public health and safety are involved. 2. Cultural Points and Lines The cultural points and lines map was composed of three parts: Roads/ Trails/Infrastructure, Special Linear Recreation Uses, Extractive Sites. The roads/trails/infrastructure net\vork \·las interpreted using the banemap and imagery. Special recreational uses were mapped from collateral maps C-16 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - supplied by clients while cultural points were mapped using the basemaps, imagery and land use maps supplied by the client. Each of the variables were carefully checked against the imagery to assure proper location and code value. Finally, the manuscripts were com- piled, edgematched, numbered and coded. a. Roads/Trails/Infrastructure The methods used for mapping roads involved identifying the type of road and its configuration on the imagery and then using the basemap to assure proper registration onto the infrastructure overlay. Since the road config- uration on the topo sheet was often found to be incorrect, roads were mapped primarily using the imagery. Only major roads alhl highways \vere mapped and feeder roads and residential street patterns were not. Trails were mapped from recreation collateral supplied by the Alaska Department of Natural ResourceG. An attempt uas mad(~ to photo check each trail, but \ve were unable to because of their narr01,mes:; and the dense forest cover. Railroads were obtained directly from the topo sheet and compared to the imagery to assure that the topo sheet patterns were correct. Major seismic survey lines Here identified on the image and transferred to the infrastructure overlay using the basemap to assure proper registration. b. Special Linear Recreation Uses Special linear recreation uses \vere obtained from recreation maps supplied by the Alaska Dept. of Natural Resources. The infrastructure over- lay was produced by assigning recreation codes to the roads, trails and seismic survey lines. The recreation collateral tended to be very general and incomplete. For example, berry picking Has assigned to only a feH roads. Also, the maps tended to show the existing recreation areas and not the potentials for recreational uses. c. Extractive Sites C-17 The topo sheet and imagery were used to identify sand and gravel quarries and burrow pits. The topo sheet tended to depict the larger quarries and pits, while the imagery reflected more recent and smaller ones. Mines and wells were mapped using a combination of the topo sheet, imagery and land use collateral. D. LAND STATUS NAP The land status map Has compiled using the 1:63,360 scale basE~maps and the 1:63,360 scale Agency Interest and Land o~mershi.p map:; obtained from the Alaska Department of Natural Resources. The manuscript map included overlays on township and range, ownership, and agency interest. The township and range was transferred directly from the basemap. The owm~rship and agency interests were compiled using the Dc~partment of Nnt:ural Resource land status map. To compile the manuscript the township and range linPs were transfec:··.·cl from the basemap onto the land status manuscript map. 0\•1Ll2rE>hip and A ,,;ncy Interest overlays were made by registering the blueprint land status collateral maps to the basemap and transferring the lines onto the overlays. The reformatted overlays were then transferred to the manuscript copy. There \vas little integration needed since each data overlay line \vork follmved township and ran;;e lines. The manuscript and polygons '"'ere sequentially numbered and each polygon was assigned code values using the basemap and data overlays. The code values were recorded on code sheets. 1. Congressi_onal Townships ~~r the U.s. System c_f_j\_~c~_angular Sun~~_ys Township and range was interpreted directly from the topographic map. The township and range overlay was fastened to the topographic sheet and the lines drafted. The township and range lines were not surveyed in the study area, therefore, lines from adjoining sheets frequently did not edge- match. C-18 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The general reliability of this data item is good. When the lines ar surveyed, the change in position of the surveyed line will probably be insignificant considering the minimum 2.5 acre resolution. 2. Owne r~Jli p Ownership Has obtained from blueprinted ownership and agency interest maps supplied by the Alaska Department of Natural Resources. The mvnership lines and codes had been overlain on a copy of the 1:63,360 scale topographic map and blueprinted. Often the mvnership overlay shifted on the topo ~:;heet, resulting in an improper registration on the fini::;hecl bluF~print. Because the ownership was done on a blueprint, the rnap stretched considerably. The ownership overlay ~tms produced hy regi::;ter:i.ng the mylar topo sheet ~vith the mvnership overlay attached to the blueprinted mv-nership lines, The The blueprinted topo lines were ignored. Since mn1ership in the area had been designed using the tm.rnship and range system, special care was taken to register the tmmship and range lines on the topo to the ownership Jin"s on the blueprints by using a template. The template divided a typical section into 8 smaller sections, and adjusted the ownership lines to their proper positions. The general reliability of the o-v:nership overlay is good, because the mmership lines were adjusted to fit the tmvnship and range survey. No additional polygons were created or code values changed . .l~~_g~~ Interes~. The agency interest overlay was produced using information obtained from the ownership and agency interest maps supplied by the Department of ~~a tura l Resources. The collater<1.l map received >vas a 1:63,360 scale blue- print copy of a clear acetate land use map and a clear acetate agency interest map overlain on a paper topo sheet. During the blueprint process the over- lays shifted on the basemap and the collateral stretched causing improper registration to the paper topo map. C-19 The agency interest overlay was produced by registering it and the mylar topographic sheet to the agency interest lines on the blueprint copy, ignoring the blueprinted topographic map. The collateral agency interest lines were carefully registered to the tmvnship and range lines on the mylar basemap. The lines were transferred to the agency interest overlays. A template, showing eight smaller sections, was use~d during this process to insure proper placement of lines. Special care to ensure that the agency interest information was properly registered to the basemap enchanc.<::cd the reliability of the finished overlay. No additional polygons were created or code values chang~l. C-20 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - arJ=J -cq:qur.:rPJ\.·-rnnw PT.I~ a xnmvddy SUSITNA RIVER BASIN Hillow Subbasin GRID NULTIVARIABLE FILE (* indicates the position has been packed for storage efficiency) Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Row Column Hap Hodule Number Unique Terrain Unit Number Unique Land Status Number Unique Stream Course NumhE~r Unique Cultural Line Nunilier Terrain Unit Polygon Number Average Slope Physiographic Div ision/L::mclform* Geology* Geologic Hazards* ~~oi.l s Habitat I,Il,III* Habitat IV,V* Land Use Vegetation I,II* Vegetation III,IV* Land Status Polygon Number Township R::mge Land Ownership Agency Interest I* Agency Interest II* Agency Interest III* Recreation Areas and Game Refuges Stream Segment Number Str:e;:un I* Stream II* Special Recreation* Cultural Line Sequence ~~mber Roads and Trails Linear Recreation I* Linear Recreation II* Linear Recreation III* Extractive Sites 1-Jatersheds Glaciation NAtural Lines* Soil Expansion I* 11 -I - - 41 Soil Expansion II* 42 Soil Expansion III* -43 SoH Capability Class 44 Soil Priority Group* 45 Soil Average Point Value/Specific Slope* -46 Soil T&K Values 47 Slope Phase Rating/Important Gril<~ing Lands Potential* 48 Oats and Barley Potential - - - - - - - - - - - - - - D--2 - DESCRIPTION OF PACKED VARIABLES <..;::ot":_: Digits are packf~d from right to left. Rightmost position is If one.) Terrain Units 10 11 12 14 15 17 18 Land Status 23 TOTAL I! OF DIGITS 4 3 3 4 2 4 4 5 RANGE 3-3 2-2 1-1 2-3 1-l 3-1+ 2-2 1-1 2-2 1-1 3-4 1-2 3·-4 1-2 5-5 4-4 3-3 2-2 1-1 5-5 4-4 3-3 2-2 1-1 DESCRIVl' ION -·--------- Physiographic Division Landform Surficial Geology Bedrock Geology Economic Geology Geologic Hazards I Geolo,c;-;ic Hazards II Habitat I Habit~lt II Habitat III Habitat IV Habitat V Primary Vegetation Secondary Vegetation Ter t-Lary Vegetation Quaternary Vegetation Fish and Game Fish, Game and Parks Parks Timber Highway Corridor Agriculture Hater ials Site. ltisc. Watershed Hineral Zone FSLUPC Ecological Reserve 25 Streams 28 29 Cultural Lines 33 34 35 Natural L:i.nes 39 4 2 4 l} 4 3 2 4-4 3-3 2-2 1-1 2-2 1-1 Lf·-4 3-3 2-2 1-1 4-4 3-3 2-2 1-1 /+-4 3-3 2-2 1-1 3-3 2-2 1-1 2-2 1-1 New Capitol Site New Capitol Site Buffer Miscellaneous Intrinsic Recreation Areas Stream Order Stream Periodicity Stream Origin Strea;'l Prof.Ue Rafting/Kayaking Fishing Berry Picking Dog Hushing Hunting Hiking Hang Gliding Equestc-ian Off--Road Vehicles Cross Country Skiing Snow Vehicle Sno-vJ Shoeing Camping Escarpments Fault Lines D-4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -· - - - Soil Limitations 40 4 /+-4 Septic Tank Absorption Fields 3-3 Shallow Excavation 2-2 Dwellings without Basements 1-1 Dwellings with Basements 41 4 4-t· Small Commercial Buildings 3-3 Local Hoads and Streets 2-2 Roadfill Source 1-1 Drainage 42 4 4--!· Camping Area.s 3-3 Picnic Areas 2-2 Playgrounds l-1 Paths and Tr<:tils Soil Expansions 44 3 3-3 Grains 2-2 Hay, SHage a.nd Pasture 1-1 Potatoes 45 3 2-3 Averar>e • ~ :> • Point Value 1-l Specific Slope 47 4 2-Lf Slope Phase Rating (Tr anspo rta tion Hodel) 1-1 Important Grazing Lands Potential ll·-5 sa~1~~ew aA~~a~rl~alUI 3 xJpuaddv SOIL EXPANSION CODES Description Slope phase rating for route selection K values Specific slope Capability Ratin& Soil capability class Priority Groups Grains Hay, silage, pasture Potato(~S Average Oats and barley I>Otcntial Important grazing lands potential Limitations Septic tank absorption fields Shallow excavation Dwellings without basements Dwellings with basements Sr:tall commercial buildings Local roads nnd streets Roadfill source Drainage Camping areas Picnic areas Playgrounds Paths and trails 1--l Hatrix Column 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 p l3 l If 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1 2 3 4 5 5 5 6 5 7 [', 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 8 8 8 8 - EXPANSION LEGENDS - 1. 001 -150 2. .00 .49 (implied decimal point in computer file) - 3. 1 -Nearly level 0 -3% A 2 -Undulating 3 -7% B -3 -Rolling 7 -12% c 4 -Hilly 12 -20% D 5 -Mod. Steep 20 -30% F. -6 ·-Steep 30 -lfS% F 7 -Very Steep >l1S% G 8 -Variable 0 -Hater - 4. 00 -Hater 21 -lie -22 -Ilw 24 -Tic 30 -III 31 IIIe -- 32 -IIhv 33 -Ills 41 -IVe -42 -IVw 43 -IVs 61 -VIe -62 -VIw 63 -VIs 71 -VIle 72 VIIw -- 73 -VIIs 83 -VIlis 90 -Gravel pits - 5. 6 -Suitable 5 -4 3 2 1 - 0 -Unsuitable (includes water) 6. 0.0-6.0 -(implied decimal puint between digits in computer file) 7. l -Excellent (Ex) -2 -Good (Gd) 3 -Fair (Fa) 4 -Poor (T'r) 5 -Hater - - E-2 - 8. l -Slight (St) 2 -Hoderate (H) 3 -Severe (Sr) 0 -Hater 9. l -Excessively Drained (E) 2 -Somewhat Excessively Drained (SE) 3 -Hell Drained (W) 4 -Noderately Hell Drained (H) 5 -Somewhat Poorly Drained (SP) 6 -Poorly Drained (P) 7 -Very Poorly Drained (VP) 8 -Variable Drainage (VAR) 0 -· Hater 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 0040 00!~1 0042 0043 0044 001+5 0046 0047 0048 0049 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 008 10 3 43 0 035 10 5 73 0 001 t,g 1 43 0 002 t,9 2 43 0 008 49 3 43 0 020 49 I+ 63 0 035 49 5 73 0 001 3 7 1 24 5 002 3 7 2 21 4 008 37 3 31 3 020 37 4 41 1 001 37 1 24 5 002 3 7 2 21 4 008 3 7 3 31 3 020 37 l. ld 1 035 3 7 5 61 0 050 3 7 6 71 0 004 05 1 72 0 002 3 7 1 42 0 002 3 7 1 72 0 001 32 1 63 0 001 37 1 24 5 002 3 7 2 21 4 008 3 7 3 31 3 020 37 4 41 0 035 3 7 5 61 0 050 3 7 6 71 0 001 43 1 24 6 002 43 2 21 4 008 43 3 31 3 035 L+} 5 61 0 001 05 1 82 0 035 05 5 90 0 001 3 7 1 33 2 002 37 2 31 2 008 3 7 3 31 1 020 3 7 4 41 0 035 3 7 5 61 0 050 3 7 6 71 0 001 3 7 1 43 0 002 37 2 43 0 008 3 7 3 43 0 020 37 4 63 0 035 3 7 5 63 0 050 3 7 6 73 0 004 24 1 72 0 005 24 2 72 0 040 3 7 L1 41 1 0 70 3 7 6 71 0 003 43 1 32 0 011 43 3 32 0 038 43 5 72 0 002 3 7 2 43 0 001 3 7 1 33 3 0 0 00 0 4 0 0 00 0 4 1 1 07 0 3 1 1 07 0 3 0 0 00 0 4 0 0 00 0 t. 0 0 00 0 4 6 6 57 6 1 6 6 53 5 1 5 L1 40 3 1 3 0 13 1 2 6 6 57 6 1 6 6 53 5 1 s 1+ t.o 3 1 3 0 13 1 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